HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-23 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Sensing a draft ? Thats irrelevant I 1 may he im:IL•varll, bu1 ii surr b lun. lrreleva111 Wc·ek. th;i1 '"· b II thal Jjme alrt:ady? No, it i'> not. lrrelt·v.ti11 Wel•k ,., 111 June. l11b i., nOI June. llm ,., h~bruary. But l~Jul Salata, a.k.a. "Slut'>. .. .i.k.a. MMr. Irrelevant Wt•ek." h<L' rook'cd up a new 1wht for thl\ ye.ir\ edition Lhat " pur(• !\alata. PETER BUFFA I 'llPflO'>t' tt\ JlO'>\lhlt• tha1 '>Omt'<lllC around ht:re rn1.:J11 not know who Paul ~Jia "· but I can't unah'llll' ho\\ A verybnd hio: 11w 1hmg' that rna1ter 111 P.1111 ~ata\ hie MC iL'> loll ow'>: lw, f,urnly. U~. I rreievan1 Wee~ Jnd lwlplng pt•opll• -all '>on., ol pt'orlt· 111 ,ill -.un' ol waY" I le i' < Jra11gt• < .ounty\ official ma,1t·r of rcrcmonil''i a11d ... ufkr.. from a chru111c mm ....... rnlled Jdv.irn.:t'<l k..rnt'><!yno ')'!ldrome. which .,tnkt"' wheneVl'r a 1..h<Lrll) tall., htm l"J11l wa' ,1 gm.Itron \tar JI IJ!)(. ... honly after thl' I l1'llai11.1 \\J'> ... unk and WC'nl on IC! play 111 1hc :'\I I with llll' \an I rJru t'>t o 49l'r'> Whl•n I met l'aul. rn.111y -.e.1-..m'> ago. I wld lum 11\ alway' " plea. .. url' met•tu1g .i fl'llow hahdn Paul ..atd 1ha1 wa ..... wea•. exn·p1 tu~ fanuty ,., from the pan ol lt,1ly callt'd "La .. '>ll'rn h1mpc." I liked him ... 1r.i1ghtaw.1y. 1orr w 1he po1111. Paul \aJa1a ,., thl' foumkr, gwd111g light. proud flJpU, whalt.'VCr, of lrrl'lcv.i111 Week. ll1i-. y<'ar will mark lilt' lttlh '>uch n~ll'l.m111on of irrelevance. P·.iul ... um ... up Irrelevant Wct•k in c1gl11 word'>: "Doing :.omciliing nin' for \omconc for no rt•a<,011." Ont> • 'iomeon(•" are tht• charities that benefit from lrrl'lcV"dllt Wt•ck. l·.al h yl•ar.., proceed-. go to 11ul">ta11dmg o~ar1v,ation~ '>llCh a-. ( h1ldrcn\ I lo!>pital of Orange County. ilie Orange Coun1y Youth \pon<. Foundauon. Save Our Youth and N 1-l. Cllari ti es. lne oilier "someone" ,., the player who !>nags the dubiouc; honor of being ilie last pick in that year's NFL draft. which U. how ilie top collegiate players make the transition from college "big man on campus" 10 NFL "boltom of food chain.· The NR. draft is simple. assurnjng you're an astrophysicist See COMMENTS, Pa1e A7 WSl>E TIEPl..OT LFE&. LEISURE 80-year-old founder of Avila's El Renchito restaurant gears up for the Loa Angelet Marathon. S..PegeAI ~ · FORUM • Readers reepond to former tchool boa~ trustee WfK'fdy Leece'1 llPPOif 1tment to the Cotta MeN Plfb end RecrMtion CornmMk>n. ......... ---------::"""----------.......... -._----------------.. ---.............. 9111_ S UN DAY EDITION • 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 FEBRUARY 23, 2003 • SUNDAY STORY • Olll • Carlos Ortiz. left, and Eduardo Becerra, both 7. reach for a rebound during a game of hoops ma road-blocked perimeter set up by the Costa Mesa's Mobile Recreation Van on Joanne Street. mo 1 e ltzel Garcia. 7. shows off her hula hoop skills within a road-blocked section of Valencia Street set up by the crty of Costa Mesa's mobile recreation team who ride around m a van providing local children with a safe after-school program of games and sports 1ust steps from their homes .. Costa Mesa's moving playground low 111rollll' .tre.J.\. Around th.it llml'. the nty gill a Ill'"' ~ \\,,\ I. va11 , rnak.1ng the old or11· J\Jtl.iblt· gives kids who don 't li ve near parks a ch a nce to have some open-air fun. Alll·r rl'">l'arrhm~ ho~ othL·r cue, prov1dL•d mohilc recrL·a11on. tht· ''"ff jumpt•d on the rh.lllll' to ll'>L' 1!1e Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot 0 n Wednc-,day afternoon. ~ the overca!>I c;ky threatened ram. 9·year old laVler Muno1 and 13-ycar-old l·.ddie l.ope-1. huddled over a fnendly game of chess on Center S1ree1 1n Costa Me!>a.. Undeterred by the ominOU!> clouds. ilie pair carried on a:. oilier kids on ilic block. played basketball and tcilierball and rode scoote,..,, creating a carefree Norman Rockwell tableau of ~uburbia. !> \\.A I v.in, McPher<,un ..aid I ht' ~mack in ilie middle of ilie !>treet fir.I ta'~ "'J' n·mo\1ng .tll iliL' cttood a giant colorful van with antllery and pohn· eqwpnwnl ,md games and an!> and crafts ma1enah uutfining 11 \.\llh t r<t\111i-. mar~er., !>tored inside. ~ gamt''> and hulJ hoop' With lhls "Mobile Recreauon I ht• nly'> onl} rl'qu1rt·me111 \\J'> Van," ilie city of Co ta Mesa thJI thl' htn "><'l"H' "ihahm.ir \lrl'f't, provides fun afler·M:hool activllics to pri"1dc reueatton.il dl'll\'lllt" for to children who don'1 have access to hahmar l£amu1g (enter . ..lllc.J them othel'WlSe. eiilier because iliey JoAnn Street. hetau'>t' 11 ~ n111 don't live near a park or recreatJonaJ near .iny rarb. ~l Pherwn <M.ud facility or ilieir parents work during The van now al'<> cn11<;e-. 1<> tlle day. said Lisa McPherson, ilie Valencia Stn.'<.'t on Thur.day' and city's recreation coordinator. added Center Strce1 on Wedrw\dav.... "This program brings it to iliem." thi.., fall. The van also vi<,i~ McPherson said. "Anythjng we can neighborhood parks on ilie fiN and do to keep kids away froth bad iliird Friday of every month. iliings in tlle world." The children were not playing at a neighborhood park. but in the middle of tJ\C streel. which had been blocked from traffic. And The Mobile Recreation Program started in 1999 as recreation staff members were wrestling wiili ilie challenge of serving youili in MOSTl.V FUN AND GAMES Owss i!t just one of the gnme!> See MOBILE, Pa1e A4 Jun Gandia. a staff member of the city's Mobile Recreation Program. hands out equipment from ttie tailgate of a converted S.W..A.T. van Anteeter1 putl It out in OT with 78-73 win over Peciflc to gain_,.. po•111ion of h place in the 86g Weet. ......... , TOP STORY Review of city's tree policy nears Council action uncertain, but city staff has recommended streamlining after upset over removal of peninsula ficuses last year. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -If a 6c:us tree falls on che Bll>oe Peninsula in ~. does lt l'Dllce a IOUnd in aiy Coundl chunben ln FtbnJaryf lt'I hlnly the tad· acratcher ol che ~ philo- aophiall queedorl. The llWMf la ~,. A&r lhe dly chopped down 23 ea. nm on Mlill sa.. ._Ill. lhe ... AdJGr ~ wl*tl Md bap ID.,. ... ._, .. manded u a conc::ell6km that the city CONider reviewing and ~ lng Its polidet on city-owned trea Arbor IOdeCy members betieYe that cbe llCtiof\ can avert ftucc» • the eerty ~ chainMw acme ttwt lew!led II bUt rwo ol the nes Wn nor '°'*" memben Md Mii wtped cbe mp OUI ol mBr e,e& Obn woader wbedw the ... poky review la ....., I all'* 'IJMt to ... ... ol ....... .., .. ........... Either way. M~r SUM~ Brom- berg said. it' not a bad idea to take a k>ok at the city': standan1s ror dealing wtth trees.. ~ agreed to k>Ot at it and so w.!'re going to look at it,· Brom- berg aid. SCaff' members betiew that the sin.don can be ~ Qty ~Hom« 8ludau has rec- ur1antnded that the oooocil con- .,._ 10me ol the NIN P · _,.. nes Into a more coa~ n C01upehen· llJle~IMboWsaud .. ., mmfrl9 llljbody't .... S..-hM Wd OUI far aud a cUiberol ........ .... -., .. , us ShDuld ... day .......... po1cy ..... How do )'O'J ~ wtuch trees are ·spedaJ· and when the spe- cial tJ1B might be rm><Mdf When the dty rm'KMS problem trees. should b rep.ce them with new~ d a more adtable 1pe- ciesl And bow ttnJld the dry bllara ~ b'ft!I and pro- tecdog dW vlewsl Oty oflk:ilM Mid that the flll-. ~ roou ot che Mlin SDat llall bW tt.t were n!l'.NM!d In Septm .. Mn ca..q ... IO tMrwch, ....-llra ..S e¥ll) bi ............. .... ....,.,.... ........... ... -----=-... _....., ........ _ --...... -.... .... ......... A2 Sonday, February 23, 2003 EEKINREVIE NEWPORT BEACH Mayor outlines city's accomplishments, goals The annual Speak Up Newport Mayors Dinner was che event to be at la.<>t Week. As usual, the dinner attendees were a whos who of Newport Beach. And as usual, the event's speakers didn't.disappoint Always entenaining Daily Pilot columnist and former <Asta Mesa Mayor Peter Buffa was emcee. Orange County Sheriff Mike c.arona. the keynote speaker. gave an informative talk on the state of terrorism preparedness · before Mayor Steve Bromberg delivered his state-of-the-city speech. Bromberg started by listing some of the city's recent accomplishments - from securing an extended John Wayne Settlement Agreement to signing a SO-year lease with the American Legion. Shifting to the irrunediate future, Bromberg said that the general plan update process is the most important busines.s facing the city. He also ~ued a challenge to residents who have alleged that the general plan process is skewed in favor of development. Parties concerned about the process should sit down with city leaders so that, in the end, everyone can rest aMUred that the general plan will get updated to everyone's benefit, he said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Former Newport Harbor student's ·remains identified The skeletal remains found in Humboldt County on Feb. 8 belong to former Newport Harbor High School student Matt Large. officials said Wednesday. Large, a Huntington Beach resident and former champion wrestler at Newport Harbor High. disappeared on Dec. 6, 2001, days before he was scheduled to debut in an ~ultimate fighting" match. Humboldt County officials used dental records to positively identify him, police said About three wee.ks after Large disappeared, investigators found his pickup truck. in HumboJdt County. On Feb. 8 of this year, they found his remains close to where they had found the truclc. police said. Police are now looking for 53-year-old Tommy McQ.tire in connection with Large's murder. DetectiVes say Large was a friend of McGuire's son Travis. Police said Large was last seen at McGuire's apartment and that the man had connections in Hwnboldt County and even lived there for a while. • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by a-mall at deepa.bharatfl@latimes.com. ENVIRONMENT State commission approves Crystal Cove plan The state's bid to tum over the historic cottages at Crystal Cove. now more than two decades in the maldng. took a big step Friday, when the state's parlc and recreation commission unanimously approved a plan crafted over the past two years. As part of the plan. the state wiJI spend $12.9 million to renovate 40 of the 46 cottages in a lmtoric district that was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. The state bought the cottages and property that year for $32.9 million. Aft.er repairing what are now dilapidating cottages. the state will offer 29 for rent for about $100 per night to the public. PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'PRE-FAB CABIN IN THE SKY' It's not ever day you see a house swinging from a crane and placed lilc:e a puzzle piece on a empty lot. When I got the caJJ to cover this, part of me thought this was just a lot of hype. SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT couple of feet off the ground made me think how dangerous this was. I thought of the Wicked Witch squashed under Dorothy's house. Within minutes, they had the house sh ifting through the air above 32n d Street. 1 was wrong. All the worker bees ran around removing tires from the trailer like a pit crew at the Indy 500. I found myself, like everyone else, a spec tator just watching in amazement. To see guys crawling underneath the home as it sat just a EDUCATION UCI students host 'Top Ramen Cook-Off' The Associated Students of UC Irvine held a "Top Ramen Cook-Otf' to give students a taste of one of the few dishes they'U be able to afford thanks to tuition hikes. Tuition will increase $135 for the spring term 2003 -and may significantly increase again - Students have already begun to see cutbacks in of some of their services and o utreach programs. The Associated Studen ts at UCI -Sean Hiller held the event on Thursday to raise awareness among students, protest the increase in tuition and get the attention of the UC Regents. UC Irvine's Henry Samueli School of Engineering celebrated National Engineers Week, better known as E-Week, for its 30th year. E-Week consisted of more than 20 competitions, such as an egg drop from a I 0-story tower and paper airplane competitions. E-Week is sponsored by UCJ's Engineering Student Council DON LEACH I DAllY PllOt Professor John Stupar hurls a paper airplane he designed himself to the delight of several of his students as he competes in the 30th annual paper airplane competition atUCI for National Engineering Week . The Academic Performance Index for alJ schools within the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, released Thursday, showed that most schools maintained their The Friday meeting was held al the Radisson Hotel Newpo;i Beach. Pa.rlcs commis..'iioners. including actor Oint Eastwood, said they were happy to help provide more public acces.s to what heiress and activist Joan Irvine Smith has ca1Jed "an island in time." • fWJl aJNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be readled at (949) 7644330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. ranking despite higher requirements. The new base API included results from the California Standards Tests for mathematics, English -Language Arts. social science and California High School Exit Exams al each of the high schools. WhiJe 18 schools maintained their rankings, four schools -CoUege Park. PauJarino and Woodland elementary and Orange Coast Middle College Hi gh COSTA MESA City Council chooses new Planning, Parks commissions There will be some new faces on the Planning Commission in March. The council used their new individual appointment proces.s to cho<>e commissioners Tuesday. Among the newcomers are Joel Paris. Jim FISier, Wendy Leece and Byron de Arakal. lWenty-two-year Planning Commissioner schools -improved their stutewidr ranking. Seven schools -Adam~. California, Whittier. Wibon elementary schools and Costa Mesa. E<>tancia and Newport I !arbor high schools -slipped 111 the rankings. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or by e-mail at christme.carrillo a./at1mes com Wah Davenport was not reappointed. 'llie City Council again decided on two foundations to distribute the $2-million Home Ranch educational grant. again deciding that they don't have to abide by the strict open meeting laws. Mayor Karen Robinson had argued that the Brown Act requires open meetingll for these lcinds of foundations. • DEIRDAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at delrdre.newman~/Btimes.com. NOTABLE QUO TABLES "/l's a ~r of law. not a mattsr of rrusr.." -Karen Roblmon, Costa Mesa's mayor, while explaining on Tuesday why two Home Ranch senJement agreement foundations should have to comply with the Brown Act, the state's open meeting law. The final decision did not include the Brown Act ~rm disappoinleCL. I think it's sowing tlie seeds of corruption for the future. I'd like the commissioners to focus 0 11 their area of expertise as opposed to politics. '' -Sandra Genia. fonner Costa Mesa mayor, on the new process the City Council uses to choose Planning-and Parks and Recreation commissioners "J'ue lived in Newport Betuh my whole life and J've never seen anything like this. I just had to pull Ollf'r and watch ... -Stew Rkhley, a Newport Beach resident on hl~ way to worlc Thtm.day when he all of ~udden came across part of a house suspehded by a crane owr 32nd Street ·'We just wane to get our UC students heard. lnrine is dRfinitely an apatlietir c.ampu.s ...• We're just trying to gPt ow thPre wirll our voice." -o\ristina Gagnier. executive vice president of the A.~ociated Students al UC lrvine, on a Top Ramen cook-off students held Thursday to '>how other students what they'U be eating once tuition hike<; kick in /his is the ultimate sclunooze event for NeWf>0rt Beach." -Stew Bromberg. Newport Beach's mayor. on the annual Speak Up Newport Mayor's Dinner held l\Jesday night "A carousel is quire timeless. It bridges all kinds of culqJres. It's an old form of interaction. .. -Rlm Lowe. the Irvine Co. 's senior vice president of operations, on the old-fashioned carousel the company plans to add to Fashion Island in Newport Beach Daily A Pilot ConlWllson News assistant, (949) 574-4298 corsl. wilson@latimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Costs Mesa. CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, Illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN ... VOL 97, NO. 54 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publishef' TONYDOOERO Editor JUf1't OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director News Edttors Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson. Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF 0...,. 8herath Crime and courts reporter, (949) 574-4226 deepa.bharath@latimes.com June CeugrMde Newport Beach reporter, (949)~232 juno.casagrande@l11tl1TH1S.com PllUI ClntDfl Polit~ and environment reporter, 1949) 764"4330 paul.cllnton@latfmes.com .... ....,_ Columnl1t. culture ,..:>orter, 1949) 574-4275 lolfU.fl•fP'Jl'Ollltlnw.com .,..,.... Newmlft Costa M.., rtpo1Mr, l!M9) 574-4221 deirdnt~n•'-lm#.4'0m ~c... Educ9flon reponef, (M) 574-4288 dtff-'ne.CM'rlHo•~ Sean Hiller, Don Laacti, Kent Treptow READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your oomments about the Dally Pilot or news tips. AddntU Our address is 330 W. Bey St., Costa Meu, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Conecdot11 It is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all error• of sub9tance. Please call (949) 764-4324. FY1 The Newport BeadltCotta Mesa D1ily Pilot IUSPS-1..,._800) is published dally. In Newpart S..dl and Cotta Mesa. sublct'tptione are 1r11ailebkt only by subecrlblng to Tf'le Time. Orange County (8001 252·9141. In.,... out8lde of Newport Beedl end Ca.ta Mesa, tub9crlptlons to the O.ity Piiot .,. fY•llebtt only by first cl ... JNll for S30 per month. CPrlcet Include 111 eppfic*e ..... end toc.i taJCel.) POf"MAST!A: Send~ ~to The N9wpoft ~Mell o.tly "tot P.O. HOW TO REACH US Cin:ulatlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Advertising Cta..m.c:t (9491 642·5678 Olspley (9491642-4321 Edttorial News (949) 642-5680 8pofts(949)574-4223 News F11x (9491646-4170 SpcNtS F11x (949) 650-0170 E-mMI: dailypllot@/11tf,,,.s.com Miiin~ .... ,.... ~ (949) 642-4321 ....,,..F11. 1949) 631-7126 Publlsh9d bV Tlmet Community Newt, 1 division of the Los Ang9lee Tlme9. e2003 Tlmee CN, All rights ~. WEATHER FORECAST It'll be partty clOUdy, day and night. Pa1Chy fog in the morning will make visibility less than one-quarter of a mile at times. Highs will be in the so., end lows will be In the mi<MOs to lower50s. Monday morning brings a chance of rain. ""°""8tion: www.nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST Wind on the Inner and out9r W8tett WHI be Vlriebte et 10 knou nearty throughout the day. Onty on the Inner--.. . will the wind~ et ell. becoming IC>Utherty It night. Neer the thore, tt-. wtll be ..._.of fog In the rnomtng OV9r the contittent 1 ·foot W8V9S end 3-to 4-foot WMt IMll. Farther out. where the ~wtllbtet21-.~. west swell of 5 to 9 feet, there will be patctty fog in the morning. SURF The northwest swell peaks today, offering chest-to head-highs until Monday afternoon. A day lltet, and thlt peak would heve run right Into the rain. The next swell arrive. Tuesday, end It loob llkt tt will be met by ~n. Hang ten now. or hang dog later . -.....-,: www . .um1det .. 0t; TIDES nm. 1:531.m. 9:39a.m. 4:19p.m. 7:57p.m. ........ 5.0lfMthtgh 0.48tMtlow 2.72fMthlgh 2.33 .... low WATER TEMPERATURE .,..,_ .. Daily Pilot Al LOOKING BACK 'Goof offers .' did what came naturally By Gay Wassail-Kelly ' 'G oof' is a .. 1ang word for stupid or silly person. Well, there were no Mupid people in the group or men that was fonned by Dick llichard at his llkhard's Udo Markel in Udo Village in 1956. In 1948, Richard opened his ·market, an unusually plush '>Upcrmarket for those days. Most pred1cted 'it woulc.J fail within !Kl day:.. Instead. 1ht' market (Pavilions today) gro'>M!d $I nuJlion in lh.e fir<.t year of operalJon!>. In 1956. ll1charc..I dcc1dec..l tha1 the Oower '>hop (1nr.idc hi'> market) wouJd serve the commu111ty belier a., a coffee '>hop. I le abo noticed thot while' all the women were '>hopping i11 hi., markl't, their hu.,hand), wt•rc: 111 the car. waillni,:. - "Tho'>e h'lJY'> arl' lonl'ly and lll'l'tl M>nw place to go i11 the rnurn111~." HtLh.mJ ... ud "I.et\ h<1vt• them nwt·t dt our toffel' 'hop " Htthdrt.I wan1etl it to bt• vel)' tnforrnal .. nw d ub had 110 dul' ... , 110 rule,, no purpose, Mriwd to aru1111ph~h 11othing, thlh '( ;onfoller ....... '>aid Don l>onJkl\011. a rt•tlred boat hu1ltler fro111 Ncvvpon Be<1rh. lmaJ dt•nlf~t Irving l..tby Jnc..I IMn~ prt·,1tlcnt l\t•t.111111 heat.let.I up thl' llt'\\ ly formed C .oofoffl·r' \\t:'IJ. Lherl:' \\a' one rt•4u1rcmen1 Nct.11 ltll v.1111hJ HEMPHILL'S --Rl l(;S & CARPETS 230 fast 17th St • Costa Mesa (949) 722-7224 --. ·~MJr>dco•J*~ .O<T'· fllo>-fn I 0-<. . Sol ':. .S LOCAL MOl1UAllES PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BROADWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremation • 11 O Broadway. Costa Mesa 642-9150 This 1s part of the Goofoffer group that meets every Monday mornmg from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Lido Diner: from left, George Grupe, Lou Von Dyle, Don Donaldson, Les Jones, Bob Shanks, Gib Walker, and Reg Thatcher. Grupe, Donaldson and Thatcher are original members of the group, which formed m 1956. hold a mirror under each p olenttal member\ no'>e ... ~1d Wally i'J~ar o l Corona del ~ldr "fl }OU foAAt:d up 1hc 1rnrror. )OU Wl'rl' .1 rncmbn." (,e11rge {.nipc of Nl'wport Hl'dt h remember'> Lhe fir..t day that thl' "old men·~ duh" rnel. "I w.ilkcd in with about fiw other men where coffee W<L' only 10 cent'> lwi th frl't' rcfill.,1 all ddy for u' guy ... " he "did. " I herl' \\t.'rt' rm women ·1 he thing grt•w "' f.c.1 we had to g('I 1he ~tug Shop tn Corona del Mar to make cup., for u .... I .dch mug had our name on it. with a pu:ture of J man sitting at a de'k v.11h hi., feet up "thinkmg" about making money lgooling ofll .. i'.1glar recallt'd, "You would begin every day in 1111, .. mall town atmu-.pherc, cxchangt• 1okc!'t and talk politic'>. Oh. 1lw chef was al.-,o a big dmw. Wt' only knt·w him 3'> ~tew. anc..I could he l'Vl'r crea1t' d} n.imlte '>t°ramblell e~' with t ht•e'e and W~tlHr rllfn7tlllfllf~ Ullf·~J l#U If f.lltJtl W nll"}llf~ " "wUr.d f..tlau J) /or yovritlj. )Qll 11111 1011111 ~" )Ollr 11t11,h~. '-"!.""" BnsaJ !:ipa H111/ fw f.rt-"11 h01p11alt1) 111 a <hart111111 utll•f, • ComplamcnlllJ'}' • Espresso Bar br~kJ.&.S1 • Frtt parking • Pool 6c ~pa r,., ..,,, ,,.,,,.,,,,,,~ti/Ur,.,_,, '"'h 1111h rrfr1r;rr11r,,,. 11"'1 "" 1lt111x 111-fOllW u/,,r/f'WI ir.u for tu 8EST WESTEAH ~~~ \,~G~~~~o ·~~/5As W~•I ""II' (.HI'( Mi.-U)(lll\J lit-,,~ h ( \ 4!11~ l H1.""'"atiun' Hlll\-l9l>-(1tH \ \\V."A l.ll(llllilhn:-.1' 1.~l'lll The Duffy Annual Pass ls Back! Get yours now, limited supply! These p~s pay for themselves ln no time. Hurry! They will sea out. Reserve your pass by calling (949) 645-6812, Ext.110 2001 West Coast HJahway, Newport 8eKh • No Insurance Costs •No Maintenance Costs •No Slip Fees, No Hassles • Great for business, family, friends a,1d soul cruising. • Huge fleet of exdlf 11g, all-new models • Convenie11t Newport Harbor location, fantastic amenities n. tW""" RIW!ll llt fklrlc..,, .'illttY 19 o· Duffy fh1ric bl~ www.duffybolD.mm sausage. Plu~. Ul('rt' wa ... a fre'ih bakery in the markt•t "t'1v1ng fresh rolls and muffin, " Art Gron'llcy 10111cd ju'>I before the market clo'>t't.I. "bt·l <1U'>e I \.vas so bu~)' Wlth rn y li .. lung boat~ at An\ I.anding." he ... 111.J "John Wayne wa., a .:ooll customer of muw," < .rnn~k:y said. "I told him lw ought 10 come and goof off. W1· had J c11p made for hun. I It• ranw two or Lhrel' time,, hut the 1.i .. 1 tune. h1' cup had het·n 'ICllC'n Hl• got mad and nl'ver l.1tnt> h;u k Over tht' yt·<1r,, \llllll' -..1~ U1erl' v.ere mCHl' 1h.i11 I 1100 111t·11 " who''i who\ 111 'l'\'j>•lrl kt·.11 h, indudin~ l'rt·\ld1•11t ll1d1o.ml Nixon, I lll'otlon· Hol11n,. I >a' 1d HO'>t'. HtU \V11111.Jrull I J.11)\ l'il111 Roa11ng l:tl11ur Almon I 1H k..ilw\. I larry Huhh1t. Ami} I Jt•\ 1111\ Al •• hirgil, ( .. 1 ( 11tllt.ll'l '>llll, ( •l'llf)4l' I luag II and D1 t k I ,uw When H1d1Jrd\ n1,11 kt•l tfo,t·d in tht' la11· I '170' tlw < 11J11f111f1·r-. mmet.l 111 1111• ( .1111wn Im 1 while lv.11IJdlt"'11111lt'd cht·rn hut '><II at wp.iro111· 1,11111•, "' (,1111fo ll1•rl'llt"• 1111 g111up goc -.mallN "'1th ri.1111rt1I a11rt111111 \IJtnl' \'\il'rl:' 'did (II hJ\ l l>t•< II met•t111g .11 thl' < lnwh·1 1'.11 lc11 111 < 11'>t.1 M t''" 11111 I >ud,1 of lht• IJdu Du1er LOlltatll'cl C1l'<Jrg~ C .rupc tn 200l di tht' reqttt''>l or the owner... Ro~er \t<111geland <111d l-nt:.- 1 >uda. ofh·nng tht' timer ford < .uofoff.,r rl'111111m \\'l'll. on Junt' :.!cl, the lrat.l11co11 ol ·c .uoton m~" '1t1rtl:'d aKa•n. w11lt < .n1pe, IJo11..iJd~on, C .rnn,ky, 1'1gJar, I m1 \On f>yl. J .e., )11111·'· Hob "ih.mh · < ,1h Walkt·r 1 .111 on1-,1111.1J rrwrnlwr). Heg I li.11dwr, litfl t...l'll)' .111d <,onw g.1h tht· C .11ofoffl,.l'lll...,1 I ht-11' an· plt•tlly o f \\llflll'll 111 th" .gr1111p .• mtl 1h1·} don t "' ac " '''J>.1r;1tt• l,11Jlt· I wr} Moiul<1y rn11rn111g lr11111 7 to tJ J 111 ... 1hu111 :w wur~111g 111 n·urtd people lllt't'I. ,(mw \o\Jth tlw1r ungi11al l up' Joh·' Jilt.I p11ht11., .irt· .. 1111 <1t the top 111 1lw I Ull\l'f'>..ltt11r1 lt-.1 b11I '\t'\o\Jllll t Ht•J( h fl'tlllllhl lllg I"""'' t lcl\t" lwh1ml •LOOKING BACK r1Jn'> Sunn"'" [), you know of a p~r-.or• pl<1r ... ''' avent 1hc11 cll!'>el'Y"'>., t""'''' •l 111 I O<Jk 9,,r;-> l Pl U'> h ow C1111td I Jdme!> M~1f'r tiv fa• di ~4 :_. 64& 4 170 lly f• nlijll di /dm f'#!> rrtt-'11:1 n lcJt1nu·~ ort1 r , tJi,; m ail at •~c 0d1ly P1I • l'J' :. b.~ • St Costd Mt·Srl (..!. '1?• "1 7 ~~ I{ t • :--.. I H U 1· U I I I Est.ao11sneo 1n 1962 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • .. Qu....liry crvicc·· • • ... Ni htly l.n1cnainmcn1··· h :Jtral Con,111111:1 J->111ll'd11in hc1 ' c11nlt1 llll'd lhl' .i1.1.ura1.;. 1rf 1h1.·,._· lu1.·I '"\ 111; ... l.11111 Device may increase gas mileage by 22 o/c RO<.>TO:'-. "'-.1111111..il l·uel-.1\t'r Corv h.t, Jt·H·l11reJ J 111\\ 1..1 ,,1 autom11t1\l' .11..1.l'''(1r~ l dkd thl' Pl.1ttnum Ci.I' .. \J\l'I "!111..h 1' gu.1r.1n11.•t·J t• • 1111. rl'.I l' !.!.•' m1kagl' h) 22'; \\h1k mel'IHIL' all em1,,11111 '1.11H.lJrJ, With .1 ,11npk l1111neu11m lo j \JCUUlll ltnl'. lht• (i J .. ~.l\1.r .it.kh n11u11,1:npt1. qu.1nt1t 11.'' of plat1nu1.1 11• tht• .ur lu.:I m1,1urc entering thl' l'ng1nc S11k."l' plJllnum h~' tlk umqui: ah1ltt'Y tu llwkl '" 111 bum111!.! lud bum." thl' l•·L' \,1\l:r 'pl.1t~num incrl'a'>C' tilt· 1x·1ccnt.1gc uf tuel humtn!! 111 the ..:ng1nc trom 08<;; ol c.1d1 ~.tll11n l11 90' c til CJlh gallun .. 1 ~2', 1n1.re.i.'c S11k.c unburnt lud k.i' 111g .in L.'ll;!l fll' I' po' llhlll tilt' 22' I u t l'.11. h :.11!1 •n 111 •rn1.1ll ~ hurn' .... bl'n II r1:-.1L hl'' 1111. r 1Jt111U lll oil thl' 1..1'.11\11 ...... O\l'n l'r l '11fnn u11;111.:I\ thl-l • 111~~rti.:r ' plJ1t11urn hurn' th1' tud 111 the t,1 I r1pt' \.l.ht'tt tht' ht:.1t ,rnd c111.1 :.:: p1 nduu:d f n •m th1' l ul'l l Jnn11t Ix· h,11 nl'-.-l'll t11 Jrt\l' )llUr \t.:h tde Ht.I \\ hl:n the C •·l' ~.1,cr ,1JJ, P•JllrtUIP '" 1111. ,lff Ille.I ml\tUrl', 2::'', f11•1£1. 1•1 ~..11.h _:!allun hum ' tr1'1Jc thl' l'n~tnl' ,L1 th.11 22' r le\\ er ..:allun' .uc reyutrt>J tu tlrt\C the 'Jml' t.11 .. t.tnn! After J ltH' ~l'.tr ">luJ_:.. the gu\crnmcnl 1..onduJl'l..I 'lndl·pcntknt ll',llfl~ ,1111\'' ~rc..11cr l ucl 'J' tn.!,'' \\1th Lhl ''"' \.i, r •1111 1h1.· ~- dJ11111.d "' •111.: 1.h.·\dl•l'l' In addHll•TI tht r ,,1\ Ill!:' lltt• ( '·' '1,1\l'r fl'1..t'l\1.·d p.IT~ll'· tor 11'.11 11ul .... 1rh1111 .trtd r .1 -.111;,! 111. , m.1!..111J.! ll t h1.·1 ~r.1de..., 111 11 1.. unn~Ll'''J'' 1111 n "l 'l'h I· J,~I f{,>~111'"" Hll' dt.'\el 'I "· tttnl1Wnll'd \\.: \.i..1\C °'' 1 I h.111 nttll11n ( 1.:' \..t\l'r' , 1ur 'urrri ... L' .. , 111~ J"l" p h1.' tli1.· ( \ 1 ·r tx· .... 1u'c c\it:ntb 1.·n~ 1111. .ilt: 1 t>: 1. lt.:J..:11 _ t•ll l the ,1hr;.t-.1\e .... 1rh1•t ....... tiu~ It IP lfllfl'..l't:' C.1' rlllk'.t~• u r r.t h l' ""' t •• n ... · h1r lull her 1nl1•rn1.1t1• 111 .1'1 I -XOO -Li'.~..,.(; \" 1-K00 -5J7-7..i2 7 ( • M Sunday, February 23, 2003 ~UBLIC SAF.ETY ' POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Beer 8'rMt: A traffic accident Involving injuries was reported in the 3300 blodt at 8: 10 p.m. Wednesday. •FM view Roect: A commercial burgtary was reported In the 2600 blodc at 3:53 p.m . Wednesday • • HMbor~. Petty theft was reported in the 2700 blodc at 9:12 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Soul9vMf. A assault was reported In the 2000 blodc at 5:08 p.m. Wednesday. • PwlwNn "-c:e: All assault was reported in the 200 blodc at 8:27 p.m. Wednesday. • w... Wll9on StrMt: Possession of drugs was reported In the 700 blodc at 10:08 p.m. 'Nednesday. NEWPORT BEACH Jeremy Valdes, a staff member of the mobile recreation vehicle, shares a laugh with Carlos Ortiz, 7, during a game of checkers outside the Mobile Recreation Van on Joanne Street. MOBILE Continued from Al provided by Mobile Recreation. Coordinators set up oth er board games. plus basketball, tetherball and arts and crafts. "I like all the games and stuff," Eddie said. "I don't really have a fa vo rite." her daughter Carla, 5, color and play with the other lcids on Valen cia StreeL wit's good for the lcids to play together because then they h<1ve more friends," Ramirez said. Jennifer Webster, whose two son s p anicipate in Mobile Recreation on Center Street, said the program is a boon for the parents on he r block. . . . .. . . . ~ ""' -·-..... • Celene> Court: Loud music was reported in the 100 blodt at 8:19 p.m. Thursday. • ClllY StrMt: A robbery was reported in the 1600 blodc at 12:13 a.m. Friday. On VaJencia Street one l11Ursday, 6-year-old Dalia Rodriguez was diligentJy drawing a picture to give to her m om. "I get to color flowers here and give them to my mo m, and it makes her happy." Dalia said. MA lot of the parents or the e kids are worlcing full-time." Webster said. "This is great guided-recreatio n time suited for all different ages. They can do homework. different athletic activities, crafts. and the counselors are wonderful and ltheyJ make sure they're sensitive to the residents on the street.· PHOTOS BY SE.AN HALLER I DAILY Pll r ' Rodrigo Cervantes. left, and Eric Paniagua, both 7, rush to help set up a road block for the temporary playground on a stretch of Valencia Street on a Thursday. • Newport Cenelr' D.tw East Gr'and theft was reported in the 100 blodt at 6:54 p.m. Thursday. •Via otam.ntt: Battery was reported in the 100 blodc at 7:31 p.m. Thursday. • 28th Street: A home burglary was reported in the 100 blodc at 7:55 a.m. Friday. Student!> can also wo rk on their homework. MOBILE CONVENIENCE Parents love the convenien ce of Mobile Recreation. They know their kids are close to home and lhey can even hang out with Lhem while they play. Nora Ramirez enjoys watching • Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dpi Xerox Digital Output • Quality Color Copies .39t • B&W Copies Small and Large Volume • Lamlnadng • Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps • BLUEPWNTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. Bond Coples E-mail your plot files to us at lagunaprlnt@earthlink.net Picl< up & Delivery • Fast Quality Service Proudly Serving You Since 1984 tit;.~""" '/,.~ 1/,;efdi;,,p .h,l'/YnhiVIJ .~,./ Now Open Sa1urdays LagunaPrint .. l l-, ' < ""'1 11"' I ·••11111.1 B • .,,. h (949) 497-6016 lc1!fllll1t pru11 '' , •• ,,\ '0111 M UNICIPAL B ONDS ONE OF • california's leading underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC Dain Rauscher Tb Set an Appointment. Please call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Newpon Cencer Dn've. Suite 900 Newport &ach. CA 92660 (949) 72D-890 I lantz.beO@rbcdaln.com SUNMIS T 5 0% OFF l st Session CREATING CAMARADERIE lne bond between lhe kids an d the cou nselors and among the lcids themselves is apparent. · Jun Gandia. 20. a student at Orange Coast College. enjoys teaching the kid~ cool basketball moves. such as spinning the ball - o n his fingers~ ~e Harlem Globetrollers. Gandia u\ed to coach an eighth-grade team at Costa Mesa I ligh Schoo l, but wanted to be involved with kids year-round. Ml Like working with kid~ and purting a mile on kid~' face'>," Gandia said. FUIJl lS HI NGS • ARTWORK • GLASS • RUGS • CLOCKS We are paying t op d ollar f or qua lity me rchandise to s upply oa r 30,110 sq. ft. retail ant ique ceater. Complete estates or single pieces purcbated. For a confidential coosultatioo call Mark C hris tensen at 714-665 -5994 or to ll free: 877-224-8626 -ORANGE COUNTY If ..JI PERFORMIN G ART C ENTER SlGfRH ROM H~ll I (714) 7S5 0236 GROUP SALES (714) 556·2787 INFORM l<TION (71AI 556 2746 TIY • OCPAC ORG I (714) 740-7878 ---aox OFFICE lOAM 6PM UP CLOSE WITH Ju lie ~nd rews Spend the eve ning with the one-and-only Julie Andrews as she re minisces about her fascinating life and career. MAR 24 Monday ot 8 OOpm $59-$29 .. ASl~ • HARDM>OD • LAMINATES • CARPET •CERAMIC 1lE • wtm R.OORING •!:.'!!!!!!!_ 1.f..MU.:;:.t SOLARIAN ~ALA~ 314" SOLi> EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTEA s441 from lqft -'14_,~ Travertine 1a· x 1a· .......................................................... U 111l Ceramic r• ...................................................... """"'1 fnlnl '4.ll 111 t l.aninate Ytbod ................................................ llltalllld tom '4.ll 11111. oft.-.• • to.IAlll The older kid'> \'</ho partici pate act as a role model to the younger kid~. hke 14-ycar old Morgan Webs1er. Morgan. who enjoys playmg basketball and teLherbaJJ. 'Mttd he cn10~ helping the younger kjd., improve their ath le1ic ab1ht1e'>. ~lit'" cool! to hang oul with my younger hro1her and ht' friends.· Morgan '><ltd. And Mobtll• Heaealion allow.. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(9491 646-4170; or by callfng (949) 574-4268 A complete list rs available at www.da1/yp1/ot com MUSIC GRAMMY WINNER MARK O'CONNOR Grammy Award-winning fiddler Marte O'Conner will make his 1azz club debut at Founders Hall at 7 30 and 9:30 p.m. Fnday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15. His performances will spotlight his new CO, ·1n Full Swing; a tnbute to his mentor. late French jazz violinist Stephanie Grappelli. Tidcets are S49 to $46, available at the Center Box Office, onlme at www.ocpac.org or by calling (7 14) 740-7878 The Center 1s at 600 Town.Center Onve. Costa Mesa. GRAMMY-NOMINATED JAZZ. TRUMPETER Grammy-nominated 1au trumpeter Terence Blanchard will be in concert at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founders Hall o n Feb. 28 and March 1 with performances at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets are S52 for the early shows. $48 for the 9:30 p.m. performances and are available at the Center B.ox Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. WESLA WHfTflELO Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall at 7:30 p.m . through Saturday. Tidcets are $49. The Orange County Performing Arts Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 556-2122. RICHARD STRAUSS' 'SALOME' Opera Pacific will unveil a new production of Richard Strauss' ·salome ." The opera embodies sensuality, sexuality and willful indulgence. The opera will take place Tuesday Friday and March 1 and 2. with evening performances at 7:30 p.m. and a Sundey perlormance at 2 p.m. Tdets are $25 to $120. tt will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tdets are available at the Center Box Office, ontine at www.ocpac.orp or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. TCHAIKOVSKY'S PW«> CONCERTO NO. 1 The P9clftc Symphony On:Nltra witl welcome . StanWev Loudenitch to perform TdleMtowty'a Piano Concerto No. 1 In B·flat minor at 8 p.m. March 12 and 13. Tlcb'-are 119to169 and wtll be perfonned at the <>r.nge County Perlonnlng Ans uie kids to get to know the ir neighbors outside or the c:1ca1kmic selling of M:hool. "II\ 1wod because cveryom· know.., everyone. and if there\ J p.1ny. we can invite everyone." I dd1e Lopez -.rud • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mtisa and may be read'ted at (9491 5 74 4221 or by e·ma1I at deirdre newman a lat1mes com Center's Segerstrom Hall T1dcets are available at the Center Box Office, online at www ocpac.orf} or by calling 0 14) 740-7878 The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. THE PRAZAK QUARTET One of the classical music world's leading international chamber ensembles will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 13 The quartet will perform Beethoven's Stnng Quartet No I, Janacek's Stnng Quartet No. l and more. The Praiak Quartet will perfo rm at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founder's Hall T1dcets are $43, available at 1he Center Box Office, online at www ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878 The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Onve. Costa Mesa. VIENNESE DELIGHT Cafe Ludwig's host pianist. Chnstopher O'R1ley, will take the audience on a musical tour of the cobblestone streets of Vienna. The show will take place Feb. 23 at 2 p m rn Founders Hall at 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets are $45, (714) 556-2122 . SHIRLEY JONES AND FRIENDS Broadway, motion ptcture and TV star Shirley J ones, will join comedian Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra m concert at 8 p.m. Saturday. March 15, at Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tidcets for S37 to S43 can be purchased at the college or by calling (714) 432-5880. MUSIC AT lliE TEE ROOM The Marit Davidson Trio, with Ron Esdlete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room , 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756--0121. .JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beacti prnents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday ae regular entertainment at 860 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hou,.. are 6 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (9'9) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studk> C.f6 preeentt Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "w.nt.d. musicians include gubr players, ba" players, alngeta, drummers, k..,boerd61ca Md other• at 100 ~n St., Newport Beech. me. (Ml> 67!>-7780. MUSIC AT THE GM.I. The Blueweter Grill off9r'8 live musk: FricMy and s.tufdev nights, Greg Motgen. Mdt Peper and Kelty Gordien (known aa MPG> perform cleask: rodt, MB and IWklQ at 8:30 p.m . Frtd9ya. ~.Mn Gf'990f'Y and MPG wll '• perlotm c:twlc roe*. awing end RU et 1:30 p.m. Setutdeya. The.......,,. .. at Q) Udo,.,_~. Ntwpott a.ct.. me. (149> f7w.tl4. ' . . . CHECK IT OUT Score with .books on sports heroes C an'1 pas~. punt. throw or pitch? You can ::.1111 ,l·ore with book... about '>port~ heroes of today ant.I ye!>leryear. New on Newport Rl'ach Public Ubrary shelves i., "Jaclde Roblruon and the Integration of Baseball" by renown et.I broadra .. 1er Scull ~1mon "l11c baseball diamond 1~ nor .. 11npl~ d playing field in hi'> '>tory ... ~11111m Wrlll''> of the fif\I Afnt:an i\11wm .111 ma1or lt•Jgue hallpl.1wr It ''J' the ground o n \\h1d1 ht· ,,,1, vulncrnhlc to taunt<.,, 1hrl'·ll' and 'harptmcd sp1k1·'>." A.<. a '>pon~ lcg1·nd \ b111grJph) and a dirunicle of ... c·grt•gJtt'd Amenta, th1\ 1-; a 1hom11gh Jilt.I acCC'\~1ble JClOUnl. Lo~ Angele' Dodgt·r., rd1t'I pitcher Jim Morm rl'vt'.il' how ht· lwt .1nw anotlwr luml ·-·--· -of m.i111r lr.ig111· rndf\ t'I 1n "The Oldest Rookie." f·or anvom• who thlnl.. ... II' IOU l.111· 10 lulfill a l hilt.lhoml Urtl'flfA nNlrAI~ dn•,1111 thl\ lrlll' 1.11t• Jhlllll tradin1i: a tt.>ac:hing 1 .irc·1·r tor professional ha.,ehall .11 Jgt· Vi provide., ample rnom .i111111 Mom,· 1utirnt')' tro111 classroom IU ball fit'ld '' Jho dcpu:tl·d m WaJ1 D1...r1cv\ G-ratt•d "The Rook.J e," ,1\.til..ihll' on D\'I> Before '>Utcumhing 111 c .1m t.>r in 19~. l'oH. gn•at \\,1h1·r Pa} toll lt'amc·d up ~11h 1ournJll'1 1>011 Yaegt·r lo lf'll lu., .. 1ory 1n "Never Ole Easy." In .1 tapc•.tr\ ol fir,t ~ per,1111 recollt.•t tmm. of grm' mg up poor h111 h.1ppy 111 \h""''PP'· J ponra1t of .1 man ~'ho hwcl ..ind died with grace eme~t'., Grace on I.he son er field is whal Mia ltamm displayt'd ''11 the u.~ wom en\ team,wlm·h won the World Cup in 1991 and Olympit. i.:old 111 '%. The fi ve-tum.• :'l:auon.il Pl.1\ er of the Year break,., the RJllH' dov.n into essen11al sk.tll' 111 "Go For the Goal." Along v. 1th rn,1t. hing advice. '>he Jddre'\'c" phy ... 1cal and mental a. .. pect'> of 'oner in a combina1ion pep 1,1lk and game instructional. From a mother's per<ipct.·11ve, the story of an Olympic gymnast Is told in "Shannon Miller." Along with what it ta.lees to go fro m a ju ngle , gym-climbing toddler to a U.S SH CHECK. P•1• A7 Surl(Jd, I 1·[;f1Jd , • .. ezsure Long may he run Avil a's El Ranchito resta urant founder Sa lvador Avila is 80 years old and in training for the Los Angeles Marathon. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot H '' '>mall fmmc can he !>een on any given day. trotting along the picturc'>que '>lreet<, of Spy Clas' I lill. From a di,1a11ct.', he is perfeuly rnndnioned, moving forward JI .1 .,1t .. 1dy pace. with toned calves c1nd runrwr\ body. t Jo,t.• up. one derail about Salvador Av1lJ 'trike), an ob'lervcr like a ~ledge hammt.•r. fhe man "an HO-year-old grandfa thl'r. llw patnarth of rhc 'lllt.e'>'>ful A\ 1la\ El Ranch11 0 re ... raur,1nh "no \!ranger to unbelievable• lc·ui... l'ht' Mexican immigrant nu-.t•d '>IX children with hi'> loving \.\'lfc 111 I lu11ting10n P·.irk wh1I<.· gl\'lng birth to om· of the· are.1\ mo't -.ucce ..... tul .1utlwnt1l ~lc"<it-.rn rt•.,1a11ranr'>. wh1l h qu1eUy ru ml'd 111to J 1.:ham al1111g tht· (Jr<1ngt' <.o unly tua\I. l.iving l omfort.ihly 1r1 .i ... 1rik111g t.oronil dl'I "-1ar homl'. w11h plt·nry nl room for hio, l h1l dre11 Jml 1h .. 1r own d11lllr<'n. A\ 1la will rt•turn to hio, 1 o'> Angc·lt'' root'> IO 1.tl kJc·) c•1 another unhelil.•vablt• leat. I ht· HO yt'ar old \\ tll run thl' I u' Angele'> MJr<11hon. .. or .!fl 1 mile-.. Av1l<1 will huff and pull dlung .... dc• '>Olllt.' runm·r'> one-1 h1rcl h1 ... ag~ I nr :.!b.4 rmlt''· 1\v1la will n Hw111n· h1' aging mu,dt•o, they .tr(•"' ... ming a ... lhl'y were 50 v1·.ir-• .igo. Ami for l6 4 long mileo,. Avila\\ 111 prm e thJt life goe., on during tlw (,olden h ·.ir ... I le tw ... umdiLioncd h1' lung,, bom·' Jnd n111,dt''> to endure lo11g dl\t.intn of pawnwnt pounding by religiou ... ly running rlw windy 11111., of h1' n>mmumtv Neighbor. 111 ~P" <.la-., I lill Jrl' Jtcu ... 1omed to \t•t·ing tlw patnart h running down their <,trt't'l' and often honk and wavt·. J'> lht) t.lnvc by. Inc 'ooth111g ocean hrel:':re Imm 1h1· Salvador Avila. 80. holds his number from the first time he ran in the Los Angele., Mar ,,.~ 1'.tofit ju ... 1 bt•low .rnd 1lw cle.ir hlul' ... ~ll'' prm 1d1•\ llll perlt·t t h.ttkdmp Ill \\hrch lo low vour,t·lf 111 \OIH 1h1111gh1' and run. 111· .... Hd \\1111l· '' rt'l'I'-1n d ow11lm' 11 I u' i\ngelt•, \\Ill not olll'r 1hc· ,,1nw ,1 l'11t·r.. the thrill of llw l'\e111w1ll 111ort· 111.111 t m11pe11• .. 1tt• IJt'dlt'al1•d t.l.iugh1t·1 .ulll ( "''J \It""' .Kll\i'<I ~t.m.1 I lt·ri.1 \\II 1,.i1d ... tu.- ne\cr re.ill) 1h11u~ht 111 h1•r l.itlwr\ nmr1111g ;1' ... 111 It .1 11111111plt 1111111 othl'r'> hl'g.111111 t.tll 11i.·1111111110 11. t>adt.lv " ....... tw ... 11111 .i11 ... 111111 hJd ah,,I\., h1•1•n .111,,,1d nm111·r J11d 'he nwrl'I} l'M l'fllt'd 11 .1 ... 11m 111 lu ... l111hb1e' "\\'lwn you ''°P and 1h111~ .ihout ll. ,1 BO·vcar old 111.111 1h.11 l .111 n111 Zfi 1111lt•' 111 Ii\ e h1111r' " r1.,1lh 1n,1>1r<lllonal. 111 ... d,1'f!<h11:r .... ud ~p,11w.h f\ ... 1.llt1111 lelt•m111iclo 1, fultm .. 111g lhl' 1111m1gra111hu-.1111·"111.111 dunng 111'1 fi11,tl Wl't'k\ of tr.Hilt II~ ,lJll! .11n11g hi<, reg1111t·11 for .i \\t't·k. 1h1· t.111111\ .... ml \\li1lc> oth1·r ... llld\ he -.hoc ~1·tl II\ 111, y1111thlul dett•rm111.i111m dltrr 1·1gh1 dnJdc>• .. Avila dot•,11'1 fint.111 11111 111 1111 ordinary il l all. 111· \hrug' 111'> ,11gl111\ hum hed ... hrnildn ... .ii tht• 11111io11 1h.11 '"hc1t ht·'' doing I'-ou1 of 1ht• 111<.1111.tr\ I ha\\:" run fur •• long t111w ht· .... ud Ill ~p.1111,h. "I rl'Jll\ l'lllO\ II I le <1ppl1e ... till' .... 1nw u11h1·ndr111: work 1·1 hie 111 t'Vt'r} a ... pell 111 h1' 1111· ,111d trcd11 ... 1he ... 11rce .. ., 1111lw 1;111111\ NO PLACE LIKE HOME ',11\\ th ti ft1 I 11 h•J1.1 tl.i\-. I J11fo11~ pr• 1h111 d11\\f11t1\\l1I11" Hll.!• 11 I• 111• ' ~tit lw1 11 'lll'JI 1·t rt,• \\ I It ,1,1111.1111 Ito 11111111'1 I • 1 I 1' , Ill' r 11 I 111;.: \\1· I 11111 .tll 11~ 1t Th· HO \•',II 'Id •1111 .. 1. I I I ''•Ill\ l1\l'lt11i .,, r111 "iu11u.1\ 1r11,,J,11lll1 ti .... }!l.111tl1 h1ht11·11 ht ... 1111 A room painter S prime r D et:1d1ng on a pdml rnlor i-. 'lrl''>Sful. l j~1. dark. bold. 'oothtntf. Someun1l.., II\ harJ 10 fit all of my mbods into one can of color. I believe tn 1es1er qu.in-. a.nd foam bru.,he., lnerc arc tune'> when room' in my hou'>e have looked hke patchwork quiJts. It''> imponant to <,l'e how tht' color ad1ust~ to morning hgh1, evening light and ar.ificlal li~ht. After you have made the difficult color decision. you breathe a sigh of relief and head off to the pamt store - only to be hit with a new 'icnes of questiono;. Latex or enamel? Flat. velvet. eggshell. 1.emi-gloss, high-gloss. marine glo~? Many of these choices come down to personal preference. n1ere are shelves full of products that have been added over the years to meet the need-; of dJfferent applications, a pain1 for every occasion. f lere's a heads-up before you head off 10 the paint store. l.atex vs.. enamel: Latex is KAREN WIGHT wa1t·r·'<nl11blt• A lllllt· d1 ... h \Oa p and water .1rt· ,111 vou need for dl•;u1up aftt'r yo ur p.iint proJt'l'I. I *11ex pa mt' arr good on "urfan•' 1hc1t do n't get a 101 of wear and I ear w.111, <1.nd ce1hng., Ml' good l'Xamplt•.,, Or mayhe no11 If you ha\e a flock of nigrat,, late•' m.iy not hl' durabll:' l'llough. You need 'cruhablc'. Any enamel paint 1-. thicker anti mun• dural>IC'. I or hil{h mm~lurt• area-;, l'namel \ldnds alone. l:namel pain1s. especially gloss vaneues. arc· ROlnR to wick moisture helter 1ha11 water bru.ed counterpans. Pretend to paint a couple room:-. in your house. Start with a ba1hroom. In a bathroom , it'<; enamel all the way. I name! dol"in't mean that the enure hathroom ha'I to be shiny. That's where the different finishes come tnto play. If TRAVEL TALES you '' ..1111 Oat. \ ou t .111 hJH' 11 \\ 11 It t·n.inwf In .i balhroorn. wll'rl ..1 'l'h 1·1 111 !'i.:J.:'>hcll fiin-.h I he't' firw.ht· .... in· 11111 ~fo.,-.y, but tht•y're no1 !lat lllt'\ ~l\l' vou a 'iU rfat.:t' that\ ec1..w 10 v.1pl' dm .. 11. which every hathmom m·ed' 111 .1-.111d mm'>ture streJl ., I he v.ood\,nrl 111 vnur bathroom I'>"' hat geh p1rr11 ... lwd I ll>(h-use area-. .u e aJ.,o h11{h-mois1ure arl•ai.. I ook a1 \'Our bathroom cabirwi.... I'll bel 1h.11 tlwr1· Mt' cenain drJ\\t'r"'< Chke thl' tooihp.1'11· drawcn that look m ure "lowd-th.111 others. Mayhe thl' cabinet undl'mt•Jlh the .,ink 1s your welJ-wom an>.1. An\ place that water drip' or ha' Wl'I ha1Hh u inK it needo; enamel paint Using a -.emi-glos<; or h1W1 gin ...... product will help repel the wawr 1h.i1 comes with the bathroom. Mannl' prunt is more expen .. 1ve, hut ht>\, rl they use 11 on boJts. your bathroom or kitchen cabinets will wcalher till' 'tonn rucely. too. Now. paint the walls. Con!>1drr your audience. If you are pamting a child' room. you want walls that can b<' '''II' ti 1111 I\ 1•1 !111111~1 illlt • 11 t\ ll• I f,1 \..1 f,l\lllh It lftt \\llll" It I h\..•·111lnt>tl 111 II•' f11tl1• fl,11 'I'll' "I• l11i.:l1 l g_~'''''" \tl\1111111•11· r•· 111011• .... nrl>.1hlt 1h.111 11.11 \:o\\ d11111 !.!l'I tlw 111tp11 ,., •fl 1h,11 ll 11 fl lllll" I ti.id ).,'ll\ 11 .. 11•1 \I tll\ d1· .... grwr ... rt .111\ 111\t' •• n.11 I I I ~ \ Ion\. II \llll h,1\1' .... 1i.1bl1\ I Ith II 1 I Ill \11111 h1llltt \l>IJ \\ollll l IJ,111. • ,j lllll\.. p.11111 lr.11Hl ol lin1 ... 1i :-.;,J 'ht" 11 ""' I 11l11r (lilt' of 111\ f,1\tt1lll 11111111 •I ,., Ill I u... \n}!l'l1·, " llw "111. Ir ult 1 I 1111p.111\ lh ... ilk.-. glm' 11111 r , ;i.1 nt ......... lldt .1 .. Ot1t ~l" '\ ll l' Jll \l·H" ,,,, 11111. h111 not lor 1h1· h.11'1\' 11111.,1 n 1'1.11 IMllll IS .tl\O .1 g1111d I ht111 I 1111 .1 1 • 1hng th.it ha' 1mpu1er1111n .. II \ 1111r c 1 rl111g ... hm" tap1· marl' lrom prn11 di\ \\JlhnJ.i). "h¢1th hul~ri11~ 11.111-. 111 '>llhtlt• l rack. ... dcfintll'h ~o fur .1 !l.11 1i11 .... h \t'm1-glo.._., or glo,., pa1111 \\Ill 1u ... 1 ni.tJ~rnf\ 1he 1mp<'rlt.'1 ttnn' You \l' ptrl..ed vour pdtnt 1 nl11r .111d '1111 \l' dt•utl1•t.l r 111 a p.uni fim,h \•I' See HOME. Paee A7 Finding Tonga, where life is beautiful By Biii M1ncl•rk ' 'W here's Tunga7~ o many of our friends asked when we told them we were golng to go bareboat sailing there In December. (Bareboat means no captaJn or crew - we sail the boat) Tonp ls 1 tropicaJ paradise tn lhe South Plclfic, • group of ll1andl aouth or Som•. north of New Zealand and oear Fiji. I can only Imagine how ..._... HlwaU was 100 years ._ b1fore all of the touriaU. ~.-.It mUlt be what 'lbnp looks like today. One o( the most wonderful things about these beautiful Islands is the people. It seems rare to go anywhere ln the world where you really feel welcome. ln Tonga. they not only like us and welcome us, but you almo t feel their love for us. There is no envy, no jealousy, they are totally happy with themletves and pleued we can come villt them. The majority of people are Otrladan. and or\ Sundays the din roadl and paths are a'OWded wtth people heeding to church. We a11ended church a couple of time on our two-week vacation -when these people Ing, they sing with their heart a t the top of lhelr vcices, and it is ab olutely beautlM. I'm sure God miles when he Ustens to them. I could pend 400 won:ls talking about these people. but 1 llttJe about our sailing, Thf' winds are 1teady and strong. There are hundreds or uninhabited laland8 Where we anchored and went looking for sbeUs and whale bon On our ftrat day out. we lied up to two whales and a baby whale. The baby had calved late, and they were fattening up for thel1 return to Antarctica. The whale allow you to swim with them -It is quite a lhriU. We have been scuba diving and norlceling in many places in lhe past. but the reef ln Tunga are prt tine. All the coral is alive and healthy with la~rs of all kind of tropical Osb.. turtles. sharks and octop I feel that, wherner I dlve apin in the wottd, the rtt~ wtll loot dead compared to our M Sunday, February 23, 2003 Harvey (949) 219-2517 & MARIANNE Nahin (714) 269-7851 BUYING OR SELLING A H OME? W ANT A SMOOTH T RANSACTION WITH NO DRAMA? L OOK No FURTHER! THE VALUE OF TWO PROFESSIONALS Work With the Best Specializing in Closing Deals Ask us about the HARVEY /NAIUN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Call for information. ~ Prudential California Realty 23 (;orporate Plaza, Ste. 190, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Dayna Pettit for your "News around the neighborhood." "Covering Balboa Peninsula & Newport Beach" Bus. (949) 673-3899 Cell/Pgr. (949) 433-0998 Fax. (949)673-6805 COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL FRANK J. GRUVER Julia Bland Selling ... "Castles ro Condo's " Integrity, Knowledge, Commitmcni CELL (949) 632-7210 • Prudential c.t--Reelty 1\ I I I '.'\ I H ) '.'\ I) I ~I H I I < )\ I I~\ As a professional Realtor in the California Desert, I would love co help you find your recirement home or a get-away property at a much lower cost than property in your area. I have bttn @arthlink.net ' licensed for 28 years & working in che Dcsen for che past 12 yrs. covering Palm Spruw. CachedraJ City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells & La Quinta. Broker Real Estate College Degree 949-760-6097 Diane Coltrane, Broker (949} 836-3730 cell (949} 760-0376 bus. line Kathleen Dennis, Assistant dcoltraneOadelphia.~t Prudential California Re~lty 8J Lora Vance R~~~r ""..:" Specializ ing in: • Sales & Rentals througho ut N ewport H arbo r Cekbrating 26 Yt-an Lora Vance Marlys Vasterling (949)673-4062 (949) 55 1-6789 Fax(949)6 73 -4062 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Ca. 92662 CARRIE ALLEN Presidents Club (949) 718·2378 BUSINESS (714) 423-1652 CELL 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY, SUITE 180 CORONA DEL MAR, 92625 ....-i!'91!W~• 11Mmf'' IDllBlnAI.~ oUi C K EY ~LLIOTT ~L1)wru.13ANKLR N 1 Wl\ .. !RI BI J\t 11 ~l ~U ll . &£01 ~H F-I RI • Undisputed 1tU1rltet 1h11n u.J.n. in Newport Coast 2002 • So/J owr $1.5 Billion in Newport Beach, 2002 • So/J75o/o of all million--dollar-plw homes in California. • Ranked I o/o of 45,000 agents nationwide • Llcensed Real &tate Broker • 15 ye.an aperience "Whm you tkcw to b11y or stU 11 home, pkast t.ake tht time to sit tk>wn witb mt. I would !Ovt to sharr my~ and my outstAnding company with you. "lt'1 lnuiMu to lnut. HH iuJ at.u ""'rltn. Profit fro.,,, it!" olfic K YCl)LLIOTI Jlf!J BB~lf 316 rrd/JJhr midrcpdlidUd~kfldm Pam Ward is a Broker Assocltte wirh Back Bay Realty. She specializes in residential horn<' sales, leases, and renlah in Com Mesa & Ntwport Beach. Her clienu apprC'ci<1tC' bn exallent cu.stoma SC'rviCC' and business SCOSC'. "Pam found a grcar locauon fo r our business and negotiarrd our lea$( on 1hC' Balboa PC'ninsula" says Dauy Le. owner o( Narur.il Nails: 949-675-9498. "Pam 1s rurrC'nrly in thr procC'Ss o( SC'ruring our S«ond businC'ss kase as wdl ;is a home in the "'ca. I would recommend hrr as rou r Realtor.® PAM WARD C20 be reached ~1. 949-235-2226 ...... Daily Piiot I MARY Lou KIEBLER B•W KEI( Lido Park Realty "Lido Park Specialist" 60 I Lido Park Dr .. Suite 2-E Newport Beach, (.'A 92663 (949) 675-2700 "w".lidoparkrealt).com Desiree M. Berry , lr'l'lll fY' 1111/h II JIJllh R&'M8C REAL ESTATE SERVICES (949) 720-7315 (949) 378-0513 desiree@desireeberry.com JACOBS REALTY John & Carol Jacobs, GRI Brokers 29 Years in Newport Bus: 949-642-4400 John's Cell-632-4430 Carol's CeU-632-4460 Mink Realty MAXINE MINK C RS. SRES Lisa Rivera 949~57 4.4252 Annie Willey . ' II 4 4424 .. . "' -. TRAVEL Continued from A5 e~pem·nce in fonga. The water 1s cry'>t.il dear. wilh vii.ibiliry o\ier 100 feel licautiful. •After bt·inK and10red for a l ntght. Wt' woke up one morning IO a ra)(tng hurricanl'. We were beini; hluw11 toward a reef, '>O we pullt'd 1he Jnchor and heudl'tl for the lea !>ldl' of '>O rn e island-.. W<· wcatlwn,d the wcir-.t of lbe '>l<mn 1 ht· re. but it wa' no plat l' to 'pe1uJ the night. h1rt1111atl'ly, we had rented a m-foot catamaran, which is far inon· '>tuble in h<.'avy wind1>, !>O w hauled anchor again and -,aill'd 111 50 plu' knot winch tt\rough 1read1crnu' reef, until w founJ J protected bay and \pell! llll' 111ght Mv dau~htl·r I h·athcr ii. an 1·xcdh·111 ,,11l1H. by the way. ~he WU\ lhl' lar..1 Wllll1Jll .. 1c.1pper JI II\( .1111J 11111' or tlw ta-.U:<.,t \~11111·n und<•r '>all on the We\t < .o,l\l dad' braAAlllK \II t·111kd wl'll. .ind thl' next tl1'\ 11 \\,I'> .1h,11h11l'lv ht-aut1ful. CHECK Continued fr om A5 \\1111w11-. ~\ 11111.1'>111 tt'iHll lt·ade~. I l.i11d1o1 \ltllt·r 11ll1·r' 1n\lgh1 111to 1111" 01w 1 t11ld\ 111urnph-. t<111 .ttft•c I 111111 •1 I flrldn•11 Ill tht' 1.111 111\ I rir ~:1111 f.1m. I >avid Owt·11 1·\,11111111• ... h11w I 1g1·r \Vot11.J, 1·,1·111plit11 1111· lw,1 till'rt' ,., 111 1·\1 1' .1,p1·11 11t 1lw g.um: Ill "'1 lw < Jmwn One." I rorn l'arly tr.1111111~ 111 '"" 1pl1111· on lhl' HOME :ontmuPd from A5 '""doll• I d11111 1l11nL. "" If \OU " llll IH 1.1~1 \llllr p.1111t to 111111111·1 11·\1·1 • 1111,tdl'r '>pt•u,1lly 11111~111 '·'"'II '' glJ1111g anJ I f ,11 ~It• t ,l.111111• \llllf ,,,ui.. '' .1 gomJ 1\.1\ t111'1\t .1 r11t1111 .111 t·xtns IJyer 111 cfq 11 h \\'lwtlwr vou w ,1n1 an 'Jld 11111~ m l'"l \\,1111 thl' 111 11111'"11f 11111i11plt· l.tVl'r' or • 111111 gl.11 111~ llw \'\all' 1' .1 h1'o1llt1 hrl ''"'to 11111-.h ,1.,pl'UJI 11111111 II \1111 .111 ~!111 11g tor 111,t.tnt ild "" ,, ).!f.111· lhJt h,1, .t rit\.'\> 1111 rho r 11r I 110\'\ 11 1111d1•nnrtl0 l'r• ""''ti gl.11111g 111111puu11d-. .111 l\.11l.1hlt .11 h.1rdv.art· \tort:' h~·· < .. 111 1ltl I 11111h1·r )nu t .111 t1111 CONSIDER THE LITILE THINGS fly D11vr Wong \ d11·nt told ..i 'tnr) nf dn"1ng tu th•' ir1·J 111 luu~ JI home,. JJll. 111 · "'11h hi\ "'1te 1dh abou t th1· lr 11l1 u111m ponJnl • 1h1ng~ th JI 1hn · .J 111. .. 111 11nd in their '"''"' h111111· I h1 1 ltl·nt 'dhl lhJt v. h1le ''"'"~' 111 our ufftle tur .i bncf time: Jller lunlh. hav ing l'\p<m·111rd J morning of hou\t!- hun1 1ng lhJt rrall~ hadn 't rung 1he1r hell' )el, J llycr for a hc>me all hu1 fell into his wife's hands ll' ''"' leJfrd 1hrouf!h 1hc papers hc:tnrc hrr ·1 he O\cr wa' for .i house that rail} didn 't 111 the de~rnp11ons the,1: client' had given their real t•,rntc: prote'"onal. It dido 't have d' m.in't' bedrooms as they thought ihey nt..-cded, nor was 11 loullcJ 10 11 ne1t?hborhood they'd wn\ld(rcd Rut wmeth1ng clicked and the) loo~rd at the home. It rnoL. 1hcm a while to reahz.c th1~. hut the home had almost all the "unimponant'" things they'd 1nll.c1t ahout on the way to 1he1r real emle profci. 1onal' s office. !'hey tell 10 love with tbe place JJl<l. 1n the process. ruliud they hadn 't quite been describing exactly ,,.,h:at 1hcy wanted ... but hadn't ~ Sim how to describe it. For one thing they'd di!KlOUnled 1hc importance of the ~unimponant" fl'aturt . Moral of the story? Bven if It ~eem :i sm1ll matter. give your real cstulc advisor the benefit of ALL you need and you wish for in your new bome. In many casea. the ttsults ctn be magl(aJ! J'UJI call me 11 949·S33-1200 or visit my web i1es 1.1 davewona4.com Dr onefordrold.com. .. 0.w Wo"f /NU btm 1t/Ji"f ).,,,.n ;,, N~ BN"'11i111N 1~9·,,J;, """' c..i ~ ~BaMr. ~ • Heather Manctark, left, and her mother, Darby, on a Tonga beach. It -.eems hard lo improve on perfect weather. but the Wt'ather did ju!>t that. If you are thinking of going to longa. go soon. Thii. paradii:.e i~ aJmo~t too good to last. • BILL MANCLARK IS a Balboa Island resident. TRAVEL TALES ru ns on Sundays. fairway-;, rl'ad how Wood<; ht•t:trn11: a brcak1hrougl"1 athlete rn d <.,port especially resistant to hrt'alc.through athletes. /\thlc1e' can dt'fine era'> as well as <.,port'>. and there arc few who've had ru. great an effect on American r ulture a<o Michael lord an. In "Playing for Keeps," Puh11cr Pri1e-winning JU thur D.tv1d llalberstam focusc' on tlw celebrated huop,u.•r and the < hKago Bulli:." 1ourney to '>IX ~'orld thdmpion.,h1p-.. With \our own glatl' or huy a prC'·t1n1ed produu If you'n: gomg for "old." U'>t' a brown gl.ut' U\er any p;unt color you hJ\(' AdJ111g dn l'Jttra layer of 1ra11..,parent color mten.,tfie., the ··look~ of your room. You can t1dd any lay.er of rnlor to your p.11nt. Addmg a green gja7e to a blue room ~Vl"> a Bahama Mama fet'lmg. Add111g a light glaz.t: over a dark color give' a room more dPpth. l'he color combinatiom are entlle!'>S. If yo~'re not happy with your original color. glaze it. If you have woodwork. that needs a twisl. a craclc.Je linbh will add character. U cng a thin rnJt nf water-~oluble glue over Have you, or someone you know. gone on an interesting vacation recently? :{tit us about your adventures in about 400 words. accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not hAve the Daily Pilot tn them. and send them to Travel Tales, 330 W Bay St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or e mail coral.w1lson a,/at1mes com, or fax to (949) 646 4170 trademark. depth, the ll'gcndary iournali'>l fill ers race, s<Jc1ety and history into thf' '>tory of an athlete and the country in the Jordan erri. • CHECK IT OUT 1s written by the staff of the Newpon eeacn Public Library This "Yeek's fotumn 1s by Melissa Adams in coltabora11on with Sara Barnicle All ttttes may be reserved from home or office computer~ by accessing the catalog 111 www newporrbeachl1brary orq the ba'l' coal of p;.11nt and adding a water·'>olubh· pa1111 on top dduevec; tht: l"rdckle effect. Ilic r rackle efTel t happen' nght before vour t•ye'> You can watrh the fi"'ure' form. You can do hght over dark. or dark over light. Both effect<, are dramatic. A cmlk.Je fint.,h require\ a coat of ,eaJl'r, ltke a lacquer or varnish. Hunk rnult1-dimcn~iunal: rnlor, fimsh, effoct and l.eakr. Or bt' -.hallow. and go fo r a cool color thal you le.now will be chanw·d 111 a couple of yearl.. rhat\ tht• beauty of paint. 1 lert' o ne day. ~one the next. Or not? • KAREN WKJKT is a Newpon Beach resident Her column runs Sundays ,. •SA FULL BAR 1"~-...-=\ __ '-"'~~~~•::::~~c~o;clCT=~:•L::Js MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED . OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO ~ 196 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·64S·7626 COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Se rvi ces Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injection Servi ce Carburetor Rebuilding • G ross Polluter Repairs ACOelco Motorcran LUMINITTE ,.,,,.,, t "•···· lum1netle PtNOCy Shefofs l1bei llQN d"uugh sob lobuc 110nos hiddori among the fold1 ul cb~~ sheers See !hem at youc local dealer ~ALDEN'S FLOOR CovEIUNC AND C\JsToM WINOOW CovERJNGS 1663 Placentia, Cosu Mesa 949+464138 . •••••••••••••• .............. c .. "'"' uur 11HJ 11111. o ..... c-...-.• ...... .._.•...,c-...• COMMENTS Continued from A 1 who's wod.ing on thl· relationshjp betWCl'n sub-atomic pankll..., and black hole5. Tht:rc are '>t!Vl:'n roundl> ofMp1clc.!." over thl' course of rwo day"> in Apnl. during which the Jl NI-"! teams Lake tum~ p1cktnK the best or the ~· of rnll~c foo'tball. ·n1e tl'ar11 with lht• worst record in the prt'VIOu-. season gets to pick lir.t f'hl' team wi th the beM rccorJ this year. the Tampa Hay Buccanee~ -pick.!. la't · The young man who " picked dead l;c,t. having watched '>Orne 220 playcr.. being selected bdon: tum. " the true top do~ 111 lhe NH draft. ru. far d.'> \alata and company are r o11ccmcd, Jnd earn' the coveted tllll' rif "\.tr Irrelevant." lo Irrelevant \~h·I. t.111', tltl· onJy rt-~on tht' "iupl'r Bov. I " played L'> lo deudt' w l11d1 team will pll"lc. Mr lrrl"lt·v.1.111 J fe, mon~ latcr It\ interesting how tht· otlwr I 'i billion watclung tht· "iu1wr Bowl don't real11..c.· thdt 111 June. Mr. lrrclevJnt and ht ' family -.pend a wt-1.'k tlwv .... 111 never forget in J pl.in· lallt·d N~wpon Bt'<ll h. t1ll t"<JWll\l'' , paid, except for p1"1< arc!, .111d mouM: ear'>. And le'it vou 111111~ Lmlcvant Wc·ck ''· ,wfl irrl'levan t. u111'11tk·r th•' I lw NF! dm.ft " ,1 111t11m lt'.1g1w big dt-dl -,;., 111 n.i11111 t.11 I\ bi~ a'> in "'>unt\flf ~I\ hrK. a.sin ··n1e l~n hd11n•11t: hrg OK 111d)1w 1101 th.11 h1g Hut 11\ big In rl'cent H '.!r\. lrr..t1•\,1nt Week hJ' gnrw fro111 .1 qutrk} chant) l'Vt'lll Ill '\1•\\ po n Keach tu a bonJ fidl· •''Kin the wheel of the " I dr.1Jt \\!hen thc JrJfl I\ .di but Jorw. Crevier MINI S..nu ~ A.uto ~•It · S\ lf"W1> 41 ld•"K"' (888) 823-9808 as ca . •. . . • . a a 4 a 4. a q ; ;q q • q;c . J J J Jnd aJJ the pick!. have been picked save one, who du you thmk ')teps up to the nucrophone and announc~ Ult' very last pick in the NFL draft, 1 e., that year's "Mr lrreleva.n1?" If your answer wru; anyone uLhcr Lhan "P.duJ "lalata." you ha Vt' embarra..<»ed yollr'.>t!lf badly Come April, watch for yourself, and you wW see our Vt:ry own Paul S announce the ~t d.rah pick in front a nauonal IV audit.•nte, (,od and everyone. But enough of the pai.t. Here i..'> the new wrinkle for thi" year. At the Irrelevant Weck black·ll~ banqut•t. that yedt\ Mr. Irrelevant recc1vK Lht· "Low,man Trophy." tJ1e perfl;'C't counll•rpomt 10 the l ll:'i<.mann rrophy. wllcge foorball'<> highec.t honor • llw I le1'>mann frophy. provided ~ Ne\' 'mrk\ Downtown Athleuc CJub, •~a ~Inking bro111e of c1 runner Ill a '>tnugh1-ann po'>e, with the ball wcurety tutked .tway rhe I .ow.man I rophy. providt:d by Nt·wpon lk·dt h\ Unrver..ity <Jub. "JU'l m. -.in king. except the ptayt•r ha.' a 'h1K"k.ed look. on ht'> fat.e and ha' )U't fumhlt:d tJ1t bait awtlV l1ll\ } t:dr, '>J.lata I' trying to fiJ.,'Urt:• nut ..i111w W<.l}' 10 en'>urt.· th.ti ( ..t.Nlll r"dl1t1t'r, IJ~(', 1\11 /\nwnt dn, All-World. •\II I wrythmg I Vl·rywhl'n' I lt-1!-.m:1n I rophy w1nrnng quanerback. " tlw last pick 111 thl' NI I draft. \\'1th Palmer hl·111g onr ol lhe gn·au .... 1 lulh·gia1e tuotb.t.11 playt'r.. 111 h1WH). that ha.., about •l'> mudi t hail LL" of happt'ntng a' I r<u1ce hemg grdtetul But ll Paul 1 dll pull thl\ off. C ....irvin Palmt'r Whether You Bur or Lease ... would ht-thto fir~t player tn h~tory to wm a I ll'tSnian Trophy and a l.ow-.lll.dll I rophy! A1J nght. maybe 11°') not a t!Mmed hdby, but ha... anyone ~n a DNA tt."'it from the R.clelian~ yet" I rt">t my ta!>e. rhis 1~ bigger Much tngger Paul h~ put Utl' word out tu alJ ru~ bud,, which are legion, bul now he\ go111g nauonaJ Anyone can '>Ubm11 a pl.ctn to make Car.on Palmer tJ1e lru.t NH . dmft p1rk. and thu., the fir'>t -ever I lei~man l.ow.,man Trophy wmrwr, ,111d that 1ncludt:. you 111" .-.n't Jll'>l for 1n'UJ')t t:eldmt y dnd your wry own 15 nunuu.•' of fame. I rr111~ht add P.dul ',alata I'> pt'r.<Jllally putung up a ca'>h prvt' nf Sf.<111 in Amem an dolldf'> tor the winrung plan 11lt: only rnit· that ha~ tome over Lhe 1ran,orn '>Cl tar " from Pacmma. ,md 1mol\t:' l.idndpp111g < .d.f'4Jll P·.Unit'r and tt'lhng the pn..,, he' ht·t.-n c.1.h<lut tee.I hv ;tl1t'n' Ju't hdort' the la'>l round. t'-\o guy-. 111 alien '>UJh will pu'h hm1 through lhe dmJr' of tht-dml1 headqUd.rter> wilh a notl.' thdt rt'ad,, -~my. our m.-.tak1· I It: l.lot:'>n't know cl.Jtything hut pa'>' play-. :'1.t't'cllt'" tu '><l\'. the r,oc) buck.\ I'> ... ult up for gral"i, If you cumt: up \'Ith ;1 pl.m . )llU lane-mail 11 tn nw and I \'\Ill pa'>" ii on to I rrelt'\ ;111t \ \t•1•l ,QobaJ h~acl4uanl·r' ( of'I huw I hi\ ,, 1111pond.Ilt I go11.1 w1 • PETER BUFFA '"' a former Coste1 Mf'l>i:I maym Ho!> cc.ilumn runs Sundays H• mdy tit' reached by " on,111 a1 PrrfJ.J w> t:om You 'll Find In credible Values on Your Fa orite Lexus! "The Art of Making Pizza11 WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 ·9 PM CCADliA DEL MM CRmAI. aM ~ .i-:2~ /II. .a. ~-E ~· t't.:.· ·~5 ..z:.s· ~AY IQ.723.0707 Ml 175.4100 ~ M9 715 1117 FAX Ml.723~5'47 FAX M9.'75 U15 ~FAX tu 715 1111 -------------• $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • 8 ,J°" t.•. • r.• 01ur.~ PIZZA & I I • -F ' :. •.1 •• ~ s:.kt•D or I f \ r. H I £ I Pr€ I • "',,...,_ , .A._ ;,. • ..,. ~·. SA fl' T' 14'::.5 I ~.. ',..4 .. .: .. t .,. ..... •t.• :...~ •.,."I •• ,. • ..-, ... ~ ·.. ~ .. If' ·---.... ~·.;;;; ,;,;;·.--...:. ---. T ARYN RO'E • r ••• .., ' j r ' ) • t ••. ,,. r · ... t )'" . :..· '~ ' A.. 'A<t."iilJ' 1?1 lu• '• J' 1 m• •1 o~t 1n.., .>IE:'C ·y :1 . 1. I I,_ .• e d.h.~r,>n ~~!~l~ 949-644-5939 Cotono del Mor "°1o 136 Avocado Avenue, Mewpot1 leoch Near lristol Farms ROME TREATER VATIONS . INNO • AUD ION I DEO SYSTEMS D INSTALLATION SALES AN Major Brand · •Pia. ma TVs • In-wall/In-ceiling s pea.leers multi room • Wire concealment, . • Outside peakers, including rock speakers • Univer al programmable remote (1 Remote!!!) • CU •tom Built Entertainment Centers available Jim Knight 949-~57·79&8 Sunday, February 23, 2003 .. ·---.. . . . FOR HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -Leu.rs: Mail to Editorial Page Editor s.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 •Rea den Hodne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Se~d to (949) 646-4170 h rE-mail:Send to dailypifot@fstimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification pur'poses). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and lengt · EDITORIALS ·rrhere's a place to feed the hungry; ~t' s not the park L ions Park i~ just Lhat - a park. Its a pl ace for children to play on swings and lides. a place for families to have picnic~ or for couple~ to take leisurely $Lrolb through the grt'cncry. So the idea that it had become a new plac(' to feed the hom eless on weekend~ naturaJJy touched a nl'rve \.\ilh -.ome We-.t~ide «.><;idem:,. who alreadv have their h ir sharl' of charitable relief organi1.<111ons ac; neighbors. And Wl' have to ay. we agree with thoc,l' Westside~ who complmm-d that the homeless were dl'ft·rating and leaving tra-,h and dru~ paraphernalia in I.he· park. It'~ not 1hm we don't commend Beny Abbott and.Jerry J.ace for the worl-. they did to fix~d th~ 1~., fortunate. We do. They insist that they cleanro up after their gathering!., and we beli1·ve them. And we al!>o don't want to pretend that the homeless don't belong in a park. Of course. they have every righ1 to be there like anyone ebe. '. But the promotion of a food giveaway will bring a much larger ~umber. and we just believe a public park i~ U1e wrong place for that worthy cause. City official!. agreed and clamped down on the members of the singles ministry for feeding homeless in the park without a permit. Luckily, though, Pastor Dale Fitch of the Lighthouse Omrch came to the rescue. c.au it divine inspiration, bu1 Fitch just happened to be looking for a way to help the cornmunjty when he was approached by Abbott, who told him of her plight at Lions Parle and the need for a new home for I.he ministry. The church leader quickly agreed to allow the homeless to congregate at his church for the free meals. and now everyone is happy -including us. We don't mean to ul>e this as a b ully puJpit, but let th.is be a lesson to those eager to help the needy that their desire to do that can't interfere with the basic rights of the public to enjoy simple pleasures such as going to the park. ihe Westside is deep in the throes of change. Clarities and organizations that feed che homeless have come under fire by Westside activists. who believe they are magnet!> for vagrants and illegal inunigrants. There's no need to fuel that fire by urging homeless to congregate in city parks or any other place where the public gathers at large. Cox keeps Newport in dredging projects R cp. Chris Cox may have helped sink plan'> fo r an airpon at the former El 1oro Marim• Corps Air Station -though. to he fair. he did help ink the John Wayne Airport Sclllt•ment Agreement extension -but he\ made <;Ure that Newport Beach boater~ ~ave no problem~ navigating the tity\ waterways. I leck, call him Mr. Dredging. Cox. like in past year•,, continues 'o find fede ral funding for .iredging project<; in Newpon Beach. The latest. roughly $2 million, will dredge waterway~ in Newport Harbor and dredge to twlp restore the ecology of 1hc ~ack Bay. Cox also secured another SI million toward a cover for the Big Canyon Heservoir. Cox's dredging effort~ have been noticed -so noticed that ~ader of Ncwpon lkach. ac; well as of the county, toasted the 14-year congressman last month against a Back Bay backdrop. It wa_., there that he aid. "1 his t .... in fall, a t•elebration of the t return of a significant portion of our tax doll ars back hom e. We have been more successful in the pa5t year obtaining federal fu nding for Newpon Beach than in all my years in Congress." And that has been Cox's 'ltrength in Congress: helping return Newport Beach taxes to Newport fo r mostJy dredging projects. · In October 2000. the congressman helped ferry legislation through the House that wiJI give the city $21 million over the next two decades to consiMently remove sediment from the bay. What \...ox's efforts do is alleviate at least one wony from the minds of city officials. Instead of searching for money for dredging projects, Cox constantly sends through legislation with a million here iind a million there. · Cox has become the go-to guy when it comes to water-related projects in Newport Beach and, for that, he should constantly be applauded. THE LAST WORD OCC expands its borders Imagine the possibilities. The students can create thelr own tribes, perform survival of the fittest tests and vote weaker tribe members off the island. Or they can perform nuclear tests. Ince they wouJdn't harm the Unjted States. Or they can create a prison for the most d angerous criminals and mastermlnds. Or they can prove that college is just one long vacation. Jllfl watch out for that numbskull Gillipn -~ Tom Hanks' silent voUeyball friend Oh. and bring a ceU phone and ~me food and water BOLTON COMMUNITY COMMENTARY It's everybody's fault but mine By Paul James Baldwin I 'm fat. And it's no1 my fault. It's not my fault I eat a big old juicy steak and a baked potato with all the trimmings or go to McDonald's and eat Loo much. h's not my fault I drink wine with all those empty calories. Or a fattening dessert from time to time-I'm f'at. and it's not rny fault It's the fault of my parents. each and every restaurant, and the federal government So I'm going to gel a good lawyer and sue everybody. I don't care if my parents are no longer around, I'm going to sue Lhem. 1bere used to be a Tu.stee Freeze near McFaddens Wharf, and I'm going to find out who the owner was and I'm going to sue him because I used to eat burgers there. Who invented Prencb fries'? I don't know, but a good attorney can find out and we can sue them. How about the co·coo.splrators. like the suppliers? And the people who served me alJ that food that made me f'at7 Sue them all. The police department that is here Paul James Baldwln to serve and protect us we didn't protect me from those fast food places that deceived and coerced me to overeat. I'll sue them Loo. The federal government mouldbave forced restaurants towam customers that overeating could cause obesity. This ls a good basis for a class action suit Time to sue. I'm going to sue all the supennarkets, too. They sell aU these food products that are fattening. even unhealthy. I'm fat, and it's not my fault It's theirs. I'm fat. and its not my fault. But if you call me fat.111 sue you, too, for defamation ol character. Isn't there a law against oot being politically correct? l see no reason why I should be manipulated into accepting responsibility for myself or any or my actions. I should have been warned about J}le life-lbreatening effects of too many calories. the death that can come to those who eat fried and fany foods. Those warning.., should have been printed on every menu, and without those warnings. I was unaware and uninformed. I have been deceived by a great conspiracy · that forc-ed me to eat too mu b and not to eat healthy enough. ll's not my fault It's your fault I'm fat. and I'm going to sue you. You didn't speak up when you were sitting next to me when I was eating lobsier with drawn buttl"r and you were eating thal salad. You weren't there when I went to that fa.<>t food place to warn me that I shouldn't eat the hamburger. fish or chicJcen sandwiches. You d.Jdn't stop me from eating the F.-ench fries or trying the cam>t cake. It's your fault. · and I'm going to sue you. If you don't agree with me or like what I say, don~ talk to me. Tallt to my attorney. • PAUl .JAM£S IAlDWWN is a Newport Beach reaiden READERS RESPOND The losers get appointed to a commission AT ISSUE: The appointment of former Newport-Mesa Unified School District Trustee Wendy Leece to the Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation Commission . The prime residents of Costa Mesa have aJready spoken, and in no uncertain terms. they sajd they do not want Wendy Leece representing them in any way shape or form. But the City Council members found it in their best interest to appoint her to the park's recreation commission. What is this the good old boring neiwork? GEORGE LAMPINEN Newport Beach Don't we have enough problems here without appoinLing Wendy Leece to our Parks and Recreation Commission? People in Newport must be jumping up and down 10 get rid of her. It 's a bad apple and we already have enough in Costa Me'la witholll her LYNNNERLES Costa Ml''>cJ The voters of Costa Mesa did not wa nt Wendy l.eece on the board ol education. Why ~ould we want her on the Parks and Recreation Commis..'iion? The decisions like this only show very poor leader: hjp On the part or Ollr leaders. LLEWELYN SMI~ Costa Me~ HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv OF COSTA MESA Cotta Mesa City Hall. n Fair Drive, , Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 Meyor: Karen Robinson Coundl: Libby Cowan, AJlan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newpon Beech City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 844-3309 Meyor: SteY4 Bromberg Counolt: Gary Adama, John Heffernan. Dldt NfmOlt, Gery Proctor, Tod Ridgewey and Don Webb ' COAST~ COLLEGE DllJltiCT Olltrict e>mc:.: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa M ... , CA 92628, (714) 432·5898 ChanceHor: William M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNFlED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2986-A BMr St., Costa Meta, CA 9282e. (714) 424-5000 W.n ... Mlent: Rober1 Barbot Boenl; President Marthe Fluor, VI~ Pretldent Dena Bf~ Cleric Serene Stokea, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Frenco and Und• Snfff'I IESA CONSOUDATED WATD DISTRICT 1916 Pltotntie Ave., Costa M .... CA 92e27, (Ml) 93M200 Board; President Jlm Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey. Trudy Ohllg-Hall, Fred Boc:kmiller and Paul E.' Shoenberger ORANGE COUNTY 80ARO OF EDUcAllON 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Meu, CA 9262&-90601 (714) ~00 Elizabeth D. Ptrtcer, member, Trustee A,.1 5. Costa MHa, Newport Belch OMNGE COUNTY IOMD OF U'£IMIORS Htll of Admlnhlt'9don, 10 CMc Cen .. r Pleu, Stnte Ana, CA 12701 • • JlmSltiie, 2nd Dietrict (Coete M .... , 1 Newport letch), (714) aiw220 • l'homea WMeon. leh DIMrfc:t (N...,_ Cnttt), (714) ~ ---r-r-~---~ ....... --.~~._. ............. _.. ........................................... 9!1 ....................... ~ ................ 1191 ...... 1191 ...... . ()ally Pilot BIO Age:73 Residence: Corona del Mar for 30 years Position: Second term as president of the Newport Beactl Sister C111es Assn .. involved with group for six years Occupa1ion: Retired ctl1ef financial officer for sdlool districts Ectuc.tion: Bactlelor's from UC Ber'Keley 1n psyctlology and education. maste r's 1n business administration from Pepperdine University, advanced master's and doctorate in education from USC; most recently, an assoc1ate's in an from Coastline College F9mity: Wife of 51 years, Serene -a Newport-Mesa Unified Sctlool D1stnC1 board member, three daugh1ers, two who teactl in Newpon Beach. and eight granddlildren ages 4 to 16 Hc>bt>Ms: Travel. including e>Ctens1ve visi ts to sdlools. an. including photography, picture framing and carpentry HIGH HOPES You know, /President/ Eisenho wer wanted this to be a people-to-p eople con cep t, and so. jus t this year.fo r exan1ple, we have had six Okazaki city councilm en visit, two of the Okaz akl p rincesses, their studen ts visiting us, o ur students visiting th em . fO R U M Sonday, FebfU<1ry 23 2003 At Mutual acquaintances Sidney Stokes w elcomes Japanese and French visitors as part of Neivport Beach 's sister cities program V ii;itor ... from Okazaki. Japan. and Anutw-.. l·rance. ~rn· hanging out 1hb wl•f"k in Nl'wpo rt Beach a!-. part of the cities' si~t er c ilie-. pmgram. Tht' Japane!-.e v1 it ors arriwd friday and are leaving ~londay. while rhe I rench high .,chool ~tudcntc; arrived last week and will depan next week. Corona dcl Mar resident Sidney Stokes '>erw as the president of the Newpon Beach Sister Cities A'isn. and ha'> vi'iited or will visit ,,;th both groups thh weekend. )toke~. a reti red chief financial officer with -.cvcraJ school d1'>tricts. is married to ~t>wport-Me~1 Unified School District Trustee ~rene t0kes. On Friday. Cicy Editor James Meier vis i1ed ~id to~ec; a t hi-, hornP of 14 years to d iscu'><. the association ~m<l thi., wt·rk'c; Vl'>llOr'\. How did the Newport Beach Sister Cilies Assn. come about? Aboul 2 1 year. ago, a group frnm our local Rotary Oub e•.rablished a relacion hip with the Rotary Ouh in Oka7.aki. Japan . rhey first s1aned off haVlng us do an exchange It wa<. a 1ypical Rotary kind of acuviry. TWo years later -that as, 19 years ago -a sister cilies assoClation wa"' established here, and the Ow,ala International Assn. was established lhere. And since then, ii' been a constant Dow. It's almost a classical relationship. You know, (Presiden t! fjsenhower wanted this to be a people-to-people concept. and so, just this year, for example, we have had six Okazaki dry cow1cilmen visit, two of the Oka7Aki princesses, their students visiting us, our students visiting them. In April. we had six members of our organization visiting in Ok.aznk.i and \"t' h.iJ '\t'H'rl firemen vi:-.itm.: m Oka.7,aki 11 is a reaJly finl'·tuned rela11on-.l11p a11J the rea .. on we're waiting for 1he-.<' Vl'>llOr. today,., ~Ir. f~la'iaol K;:ito, \.\oho wa.'> one of thl' founder!> on 1hc Japane'>e end of the Hoiary < Jub. ,., corning for our dedication of lht• park benches in honor of Ldward "Wendell" fl~h <tnd !Boben "\loe · I famall. who are our pdtriJri:h<,. or our founder..., here When there wac, <1 funeral for 1-=i-.h . Kato got on a plane and came hen: \o we have a do!>e. m1erperson.tl rdatJoo<.htp over an extendeJ pennd Wt' have t'nough lod'i who have bet·n there and then kid'> \\ho Qa\·e come here .ind lived an the home<. of our people It's the d~1c .mangement. lhere-. no handouts. i'wobody want'> an)thmg from ui.. lt'c; a relataon,hip of people. That' one of thP dangerc; we\e run into in tlw. wholr thmg with nc•\-. ""tl'r l'llll'"· A lot of people \\nuld hl..c to h.1ve U'> a' a <.aster ci1y, but 11" ha.,acaJly tht• touri"'t peoplr who art.• u11t ll)1ng thh or peupl<' who wanl · <,omcthing lake fire engine .. c111d pfllilt· rar .... But Oka;ak1 '" the da.,.,1t The group has a busy weekend In s tore for II. TeU me about some of those happenings. Today lt-rida} I. 1r. Kato ha!. reque.,tcd thal he ge1 a tour of one of the bu..,me~'> of one of our member .... '>0 that'._ \\here we're going 10 mt•et I le's an the patkaging busml''i" I k'<i vice prc!>1dent offopperwarl' Japan. and one of the gals here runs a pack.aging and d istnbulion busmt~'> Al 5:30 p.m .. we're going to have a little cocktail party with hors d 'oeuvres u p in the Marriott. where they're staying. Tomorrow !Saturday). they rc~rwd some time to do -;omc shopping and sightseeing. ln the evenjng. we have dinner in one of our members' homes. Sw1day ltodayl. we have a boat nde scheduled for 9 a.m. We have the pa rk FRO.M THE NEWSROOM lwnd1 Llt·d1L.t1111n c11 I pm .. dlltl lhey'll haw tlannl'r .ti th1· tharthouse ah er lhJl In lhl· mL-.11Hirnl" tht kHb from IAn11ht·-.1. I ramt• are ht'rt' lfor two wt·t·k'I anJ lht·) haw a luU gamut of acll\'lllt'' with their ho!>l'>. llw two 1h111g ... Im ~oang IO he involved an with 1lwm • ., ~undd} 111ght. rm leavLng the Ok..v.1k.1 group and ioanmg a pol luck for thl I n•m h h1W"t school '>ludeots c1nd 1lw '"'"' high '>< hool srudents. On I Ul'"dJ\. we're presenting the V1"tl0r ... au lhe 'chonl board and then the\ 11 lw an l lrh'> w11h our kid<; for the re<,1 ol the \'eek Tell me a U1tJe about the French students. :\n11be'> ts ne>.t to Cannes on the Frenrh R1V1ern I here are six girl" and tht•ar l haperorw.., their l-.ngl1sh 1eadwr flow did you get Involved with Lhe si'lter cities association? \\'lwn I rt·11r('J, ')ercne .md I both d1·d1t .11t·d our rt·tiremt'nt 10 malu.ng a p11<.,111\e d11ft•rt•nct' 111 people'c; live!>. A. ... I lonked .around for al 11V111e 10 ge1 111\'0ht•d an. 't<.ler c111e'> lookl'd pretty Jll rarl 1H• 10 me Have you visited both Prance and Japan? I per'>onall'r hJ\-t' JU~t been to Japan. h111 lhrt•t· yc<1r-. a~o. we had a group go 111 \1111he,. P1w~1hly. depending on the \\Oriti .,1tu.111on. wc probably are gomg to bt• d11111~ -.0111ethmg this summer or nex1 <,ummcr TeU me more about the bench dedlcarlon on Sunday. n1e dedication is JOintJy ponsored by dw Rotary Oub South and the , ewpon Beach Sister Cities A-;sn. It will be presided over by RoRer MrConegal, the prt'Mden1 of the Rotary O uh. We'll have a few speakers, n1duding me. Georgiana McOoud will speak. '>he<. been 1m11lwd with HotJJ)' for 20 years And thl· 111J\llr ~tt'H' Bromberg! "'1U <ipeak Af1er the dedu:auon ot the 1"'0 pdTk benche ... an that lictll· rorner in lrvme Terrace Parle tha1 ha-. lamp<, and Japanese pmtt .... we re gomg w pu1 an the benche .. 1here Onc will he an honor on Wendell h,h, the 01her an honor of Moe I ldmall Hoth of UH.''>t' men were \t'ry acU\'l' Hmana"" <S.nd an our organ1.1.a11on After that. 1here will hi' .i rt'C t.•puon at the Bahia ( onnth1an 'rat ht < luh Any ftnaJ thoughts? Just thal "'e dre here an the commumtv. are pan of 1h1., communny. "'e repre.,cnt \e\o\-'J)llrt Beach in vanous pl.ice<> in the "'Orld We are all voluntcer., \'\e do 1h" out J feeling for people reldt10n,h1p., \\l' are look.Ing at other oppor1un111l'' to bring forth our phalo.,oph\ I believe thcJI wht•n vou l'.,tabh'h J. relauonsh1p \\ Hh ,, nt.'\' .,.,.,,t'r lll). you have to get w k11ov. 1ht· ma1or ansutution., of th.it e ll\ and thl' people that run them and tha1 you ~o forward slowly. \\le curren1J~ hcJ\f' an explo ratory comrmnee lool..111g di Ensenada. Mexico We h.ivl' .11luv.t.•d oursel~ two year ... to look .11 1ha1 before we formalize any lund ot relationship becau-.e "'e wan1 to m.tle sure it's a relauonshap ba ... t•J on mutual advantage. mutu.il aniert><.,1' We had. for example, a h1 .. tonc meenng where the supenn1endt'nt or schools m Lnsenada and Im ,,aff of 13 came up here and we met \\1th Dr (Roberti Barbot INewpon \fe<-.1 Unified School Distnct superintendent! and hr" .,1,tll 111 explore "What can I do for \ou .ind what can you do for me " And 11 \\as a great meeting. I think that will be something Whether we establish a rela11on.,h1p as a sister ciry or no t, that relataon,lup will go forward because we ha,t', fnr example. technology. and they h.iw Hispanic culfure to bnn~ back. and fonh berween us. Sometimes, some of the news isn 't fit to print A s some of you may know, I teach a journalism course at Orange Coul CoUege. This week. the clus discussion concerned the pubUcatJon or certain facts and bow newspapers have rules on what should and shouldn't get into print. This may surprise some or you. but we do. u part or the editing process, ftlter out lnformatJon that may not be pertinent to the readerl. Reporters will often bring b9ck.,.... and.,... or notebook material. And out of thoee Pl'P'< probably half o( that or leu wW adUllly make It Into print. 1"herfl to much that we leun and mow that len'I flt . ,.......~ TONY DODE RO Gruesome details on crimes and gossipy rumors that spread throuahouta town but are unaubstan- tlatect are some examples. We hear It, we note It down, we lnvntlgate It. but we don't neceuarily print It. We alto leave out inlonnldoo purpoeely, lib oamet of crime vlctlms. Here's a UUle acerpt horn our huidbaok: ·1n IDOlt 1-ancet. then .. no reason for us to name crime victims .... The thought is that, as responsible commuruty journallllts, we're not ln the business of bringing hame, hun and the possibllity of relributJon to the tittle old lady whose purse was snatched. That just doesn't make se08e. * we also keep out the names of rape victims and names of minon arrested for crimes unless they are to be charged as an adulL The latter was the subject of tome newll'OC>m debate lu t week. W. were foOowfnl a atory In wbkb I 17 •yev~old meJe bad caljec:bd an auto and taken police 08 I chMe. M lbe dlMI IDded Ind lbl .. teen was being arrested. our photographer Don Leach wa'> on the scene snapping away. Later, as we were deciding where to place the story in the paper, dty editor,.._ Meler brought some photos Into my office. One photo was o ( the car a.sit aat after the chase, the other WU of the teen being handcuffed and taken away by police offic.ers. *How old is he?· I a led. •Seventeen,• Meier said. "Then we can't run that photo.· J said. Thus began a debate betwttn me and the photo cSep.nment lbout the thot. It WM Cbe besc of t,he bunch they ~·and 1.,-eed. but ~ct.. an the tough ' - decisions we ha~ to make. Decisions that sometimes pit the best Journalism against our principles and values. Our prtndples and values were the winneB that day, and the readers didn't get to see the best photo. That wu the leM<>n I was teaching my clue and that I found we atW are leamlng ln th e newsroom. We ha~ a ~pon.libWty as joumallsts to gjve the l'Hden all the tnlonnadon they need to know, but kffP out lnfonnadoJt that can be harmful or offentJw to them or other&. lt'a.U put oltbedebetewe undertab eecb cMy. a debate I ~COUl'lfl you ........ .. plt1 bl, .. wel. And ... ...... TEU rT TO THE EDm>I' Tony Oodero ii the editor. He w 1toom. Vo"' oommei It. on news~. photogrtphy Of od'9t ~-.....If you hew a m•1age or a .... to the editof, cetl Ne dif'9Ct tine ..... DMal ortt'9"uPura...._llt -~ wnd Jt byHNit '° .... ... • ......... "'Of ...................... °' eend" by meil '° 330 w. a.y St.. C<*I Mela.. CA, 12121 . . MNr'f EWH & BOB WEGlARZ" Mt.199.3761 COMEGYS & PETlRSON 949.717.4750 MARILYN READ 949.711.2733 615 vi. Udo Nord • Open Swtd111 1-4 CHRISVAW 949.759.1711 Extraordinary eslate In a premier harbor location. Dock to accomodate two 85 foot yachts. Bayfront Tuscany Villa. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths. Boat slip. Situated in a gated community. Situated on prest191ous lido Isle. Fabulous cor· ner lot location with bay views. Eloquent 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath home. Bonus room and den. 3 car garage. Gated community. llefncd1t.d,...,. -.Y, l bedroom, l ~ home In p!'9f9rNd ~on• .... lot. A COLDWELL IAN~I. Nl.T COMPAHY. 949. 922. 7232 MARLYN BAD 949.711.2733 1CM tt.vr.e Open s...day 1-4 KJMBERLYllBB 949.711.2747 Ld'l-..llDI a MUCUlt 949.719.1751 a~• 0pen Sundl!Y 1-4 .. ...... • One of the most preferred stre.ets In Corona clel Mar One of the first "Sea Captain" dwellings. 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home situated on premier Lido Isle with a street to street locatton Custom home built new on 1998 Beach and bay are JUst steps away. Gorgeous 4 bedroom plus den. Situated on a pool sized lot. Landsc.pe by Rogers Gal-dens. -·---... ... ••--"··· ............. • 'I I ) . • I I • J • • 1 ,, : I " It .. -. --• • QUOTE OF TIE DAY "It was a real gully effort.'' Pat Ooulla11, UCI men's basketball coach HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO SEAN HILLER I DAii. Y PILOT Newport Harbor senior Jenna Murphy raises her arm m victory at Saturday's CIF match with Montebello as the clock ran out 1n a 20-8 runaway. Sailors dominate foe , 20-8 Newport rolls on to Division I semis against Santa M a rgarita. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPOR1 Rl .t\C.11 -!Jkc a weU- oiled machine. LJ1c Nt>WpOn Harbor I ugh ~ water polo team mn on the high~t of octane fuel, leaving vi it:ing MontebelJo al the Mclftmg line and nan- nmg on fwn~ The Sailors d1.,rnantled vis1ung MontebeUo. 20·8. tn the qu(U"terfmals of the CU· Southern ()ection Division I Playoff'> Saturday. ga1n1ng momentum • • 20 for a dnve that, for them. will end in a championship Sat· urday at Belmont Phu.a in Long Reach. ~we're getting pumped up, ready for the finals,·· said Newpon defender Raelyn Ritchie, who scored once and had two steals in two quarteB of action before Coach Bill Bamen emp- tied the bench for mo t of the second half. Sophomore A..,hJing Taylor gave her team a lift with four <;eeond-half goals (all three of Newports in the final quar· ter), and became the only player to score in a fmsh-soph, junior varsiry and varsiry game this season. ·She'll be competing for a varsil\ pot next year.· Bam ett said. ·she dM a reat job today.· That could be sa.ld about many N, v- port players. Jenna Murphy, bound 11•r UCLA next season, also had four goal .. all in the first half. I fer initial score, , .. four-meter penalty shot 18 seconds into the game, was quickly foUowed by two eoaJs from Paige Lansing and slngje taJ- Hes from RJtchJe and junior J~lca Ball Ball positioned herself mere feet away from the right side of the goal to receive a pass from senior Annie Wight. and shot the baJJ olf the right post and into the left side or the net 'Olat was Ball's second goal and gave the hosts a 7-2 lead early ln the second quarter. Sophomore Anne Belden was busy in the second quarter. dishing two as.s1sts and scoring two or her three goals, u she often led Newport's counterattack ~ counter hM been very strong.· Barnett said. .. As long u we keep that going. we11 be all right.• Camtyn C.Onway and AMlJey Parole each scored twice in a ah-goal third pe- riod for Newport. ranked second to un- deMted FoothW In DMston l. Parole --~ on C.Onway'a (defender draped around her) eecond pl. Alllltl Jn the ttUrcf were allo made by ~ P.rtcbon. Petgy &ebe, AB An· denon and K. T. Mno«. Jenmter Schufe added UJ ..... and junior t.cblp.,... keeper Kim ffouaeP'ln reUeved nrtn c.onam '° rub rwo .-In lbe lrwl cs GS a a a a rew.-y24 honoree MELISSA SCHUTZ Sports Editor Roger Canson • 1949) 5 74-4223 • Spot1s Fax: (949) 650-0170 Sunday, February 23. 2003 81 COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL 'Eaters win in ·ar, 7·8-73 # UCI take sole possession of the wild, wild Big West Steve Vlr1en Daily P.ilot BREN EVENTS CENTER -The es- sence of 2003 Big West Conference men's basketball came to the Bren Events Center Saturday night. It fig- ures. The Big West aura was aU over the West Coast, anyway. 1 In this gut-wrenching matchup be- tween UC lrvine and University of the Pacific, it was the Anteaters who ume out on top, 78· 73, in a wild, wild overtime game before 2,33 1. Pacific junior Miah Davis nailed a PactflC 73 Anteaters 78 three-pointer near the top of the key with Jeff Gloger's hand in his face. as time expired in regu- lation. making it. 69-69. Then, the Anteaters out- scored UOP. 9-4, in the overtime period. UCI senior forward Jordan Harris, fighting off an illness. scored a season-h1gh 23 points, while 7-foot junior center Adam Parada added 15 points and 13 rebounds. and junior Man Okoro came off the bench 10 contribute 12 point!> and a key blocic la re in regulation. The Anteater.. moved into first place in the Big West, for the time be· ing, a half-game ahead over idle UC Santa Barbara Utah State, whjch was in first. was upset al UC Riverside, 72- 65. ·11 was a real gully effort," UCI Coach Pal Douglass said of his squad. "You never can take anything for granted in this league. It's been that way this whole season.· Douglass said h e's not seen this much pariry, or craziness. an his six years in the Big West. Most coache5 in the conference say the madness results in. "the fine line," whkh mearis that there is no room fo r error because of the com petitive balance. UCl-Pactfic wasn't the only over- time game in the Big West. Cal late Fullerton won in overtime, 62-59, over Idaho. "This was a great college basketball game." said Pacific Coach Bob Thomason. in his 15th season with the Tigers. "This year, (the Big Wesl) is more competitive. ll's just a wild race. The teams are aU good. but there is no one who is dominating. ln the first round (of the Big West Tour- nament) STEVE Mc CRANK I DAILY PILOT UC Irvine's Jordan Harns ( 13) draws a foul from Pacific's Miguel Flores (22) m the first half of Saturday's contest. there's going to be some teams that figure to win, but that won't be the case. We're going 10 cause somebody some problems.· UOP. which began the Big West season 3-0, caused some problems for UCI midway through the first half. UCI (17-7, 11 -4 in the Big West}, the two-time defending Big West regu.lar- season champion, opened with a 12-0 lead in a little over the first five minutes. But, Pacific proceeded with a 27-2 run that featured three-straight three-pointers, and five treys in the scoring spurt. The Tigers' run was in a span of 6:15, as UCI ndured a five- minute scoring drought UCJ also went with 8:31 without a field goal. Pacific senior guard Demetrius Jackson. who has been battling pain in his tailbon e, nailed three three- pointers in the first half, and often followed his shots with a defiant stare or offered choice words to the crowd and the UCI bench. Harris broke the field-goal drought with a 18-foot pull-up jwnper thal brought UC! lo within, 32·19 with 6: 15 lefi before halftime. That started a 12 · 7 that closed out the ha.If and Pa· cific led, 39-3 1. The Tigers hit 8 of 15 three-pointers in the first half. Harris toot over in the second half. scoring 13 points and hustling after loose balls. "When a guy starts woofm' at your bench. ii just pisses you off." Harris said. "That got us riled up. That put a fire under us. It just made us feel bener 10 get the victory. es- pecially over (Man) Kemper.· ua UCSB Utah St. Cal Poly ldetlo on defense and the junior guard called a timeout W L Bask.auskas missed a ~ : 15-foot jumper. but Oko· 10 5 ro grabbed his final of five Kemper. a 6·9 ophomore for Pacific. is a cransfer from Irvine Valley CoUege. last year, he was sharing a room with Aras Baskauskas. the UCI junior guard. Fvllertoo ~ Northndge RtY9f'lide Long Sch St. 8 6 offensjve rebound.s and 7 8 W3!> fo uled with 2~ '>l'C· 6 a onds left. He made both 6 8 free-throws. 5 9 Paetfic juruor guard 5 9 Myree Bowden drCM.' the ' 11 lane with just under 15 Baskauskas nailed a key basket, a jump-shot just inside of the three-point line with 3:03 left in the overtime, that gave UCI a 72-69 lead. Pacific answered back when nm Johnson scored down low. Later, with one minute remaining, Okoro deflected a pass to Baslcauskas seconds left. It appeared he was look.mg for con- tact, but the defender. Mike Hood. moved 10 the sid e and Bowden took an extrd step for a traveling violaoon Harris and Hood made two free throws each down the stretch to close See 'EATIRS, Pest 83 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL E agles crum}?le under pressure, 72-55 Estancia sees its season end in myriad fouls and misst•d opportunities as Harvard-Westlake rolls. COmpoliUl'e. "Thar's one of the s~ games I've ever-seen." said Harvard· Westlake Coach Me- lissa Heartihy. "You don't usually see two playen pick up their fifth fouls. both on tedlnk.als.. Eagle •taning point guard nisha Wue OunJor) fouled out with three minutes. 13 tee0nds remaining in the ftnt half .after receMng pk:k- lng up her foul1h penonal foul and • subeequent tecbnicaL Wiie lead the ~ to a l7 • 7 cuthloo 1t the end ot one qum18. The Co-MVP ol the hdlc ec..a i....-• ,..., • ~ the Biiie ...... tndlng ~ the de· res.. for a couple ol undemlnd 1COOP ~-..-..outlw ....... whle .-,, t,. lftelt polnca. .......... and IWO Nbounda. ......... '*"*' .... JOU~ do ~ ................... .. 72 56 conr:rot• said Rappa. who also griped about the discrep- ancy ln fouJ shooting. The~made 31 of 45 free.throw attempts {67.3'5.), while the ~ at- tempt~ Just 10 and made six. ., can't blame the mefteS. but I dldn'l lib them.. aid eenJor Xochitl 8y8etd. &can· da'I lMdlnc tcOlft (18 polms on 7-ol-l 7 lhoodng), who allo grabbed three rebomds and had • bk>cted ehot "We lhould haw blown (Hanud) out. We let the rm"' tow a wie cml\ c1o m.. • The~wedwof7-0end 11.() to dole out die ... hll. ....... ZWJ, aftilr lbe ..... " ...... ~ outoflba...... . . Mino ... 8'11111 ~for 10 of lhe,..,... .. 12 = . ...,.bull• ~~~ •at .. °' ~lbiiUld ................ 222 s; ' 12 Sooday, Febtulry 23, 2003 S POR TS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER CdM knocked out of ·playoffs El Dorado scores one early goal and rallies behind its injured player for a 2-0 victory over Sea Kings. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot home. When play resumed Harris re· rumed to the game five minutes later. Harris said rhe top of his head knocked against the fore- head of Mullinax. ' After Mullinax left the game, it appeared the Golden Hawks in- tensified their play. They pro· tected their on~goal lead even though the Sea Kings (16-6-2) re- cbRONA DEL MAR -A sirn· lendessly attac.lted their net. CdM pie explanation to Corona deJ outshot El Dorado, 8-3, fr001 Mar High's loss would be that its when Mullinax left until halftime. boys soccer team did not finish The Golden Hawks (14-6-2) any of its many scoring chances. had scored in the third minute. Yet, something more dramatic when senior Ouis Cardinale took place at the Sea Kinp' field, scored on a rebound, after the where an emotionally driven FJ CdM goalie slapp&i at rhe previ- Dorado squad defeated CdM, 2-0, ous shot. However, the Sea ~ • El Dorado CdM 2 0 in the first aeated more scoring chances round of rhe than the Golden Hawks after- CIF ward, yet PJ Dorado rumed them Southern back: section Di-WI thought the big difference VISIOn fl was when (Mullinax) went down playoffs Sat-and the guys rallied around him.~ urday. El Dorado C.oacb Marc Smith With the said wlt was interesting because Sea Kings we haven't had that much inten- trailing. I -0, si ty all year." in the 13th CdM junior Julien Cerutti fired minute, a off four shots in the finaJ 18 min· loud gasp utes of the first half. None of his came over a crowd of about 350 shots were stopped because they when El Dorado senior Bren Mul-went just wide and one rut the linax and CdM senior nistan top of the neL Meanwhile, the Hanis collided and their heads Golden Hawks had two viable ·crashed against each other, while scoring chances before haJftirne, the two went for a 50-50 ball. but CdM senior goalie Phil Stem - Then a hush came. Mullinax lay ler made diving saves to stop. on the ground holding his fore-them. Stemler recorded 12 saves. head. which bled profusely. El Dorado senior goalie Brad Harris rose to his feet and Drake also played a sensational walked to his sideline, while game. He came up with 13 saves trainers and coaches tended to and drove CdM bac.lt with his Mullinax. After 20 minutes went long punts. Drake, who served as by. during which paramedics the punter for the FJ Dorado foot- came and wrapped the boy's ball team, also left the net at op· head, Mullinax was able to walk portwle moments to stop CdM. to the trainer's golf cart and sat MHes one of our key players, Every El Dorado player came and and for him to go down that shook· his hand before he was brougbt us together," Drake said driven out Harris also shook his or Mullinax. "We wanted to step it hand. up mainly for him. It was hard to STEVE McCRANK /OAllYPILOT Corona del Mar's Shane Collins (right) and El Dorado's Chris Cardinale (5) duel in the CIF Playoffs. "We were dominating the gam e. We had all the energy and all the play. That kind of took the momentum from us. ·That's t he way I see it, more so than them being inspired:' Pat Callaghan, Cd M coach 20· minute break of the action took away Cd.M's momentum. "I clidn't not.ice (El Dorado's in- pired play), w Callaghan said. Coast League, appeared to o ut- play the Golden I lawk!., offen- sively, in the second half. CdM, again. created more scoring chances. but EJ Dorado wouJd not budge. through .the Golden Hawks· de· fense. In another OF Division IJ lir;t-. round game: •Santa Monk:a 3, Newport Harbor I The Newpon I !arbor '1 hgh boy<> wccer team came up '>hon ru. the Vikings earned a 3· I Vil' IOry Saturday on Lhe Santa Monica campw.. loo;c Surp3), scored the SaiJor;' o nJy goal in the 10th rrnnute. Newpon I larbor firw,hed '>ecoud in the Sea View l.eaj.,'lle Lhi-. yt•ar with a 6-1 ·2 mark.. Bay I.eague runner·up Santa Mo111ra improved 10 17-8-0 over all. A representative at Hoag Hos-see him go, but that's why we · pitaJ said thar there wasn~ a con-changed our game.M "From the time they scored their goal (third minute) and when (Mullinax was) injured, we were dominating the game. We had all the energy and all the play. That kind of took the momentum from us. That's the way I see it. more so than them being in- spired." ln the 55th minute, E.1 Dorado junior V'mce Case scored on a free kiddrom about 25 yanh out The Golden Hawks received the free lcic.k after a hand-ball viola· tion, and then Case caught the right the right com er of the net. That's all they would need, as CdM simply could not break "We JUSI couldn't deal with the baJI in 1he box." Newpon I !arbor Coach Martyn I lam.ford '>aid. ·11·., very dasappoinlu'lg - . Ct&ion and that Mullinax re-. CdM Coach Pat Callaghan ceived 30 stitches and was sent thought otherwise. He l>Cl.id the Nevenheless, the Sea King-.. co-champions of the Pacific . 'SAILORS Continued from B 1 quarter. Cottam made five saves. "We came out strong and stayed strong the whole game," Conway said "We tried to slow things down because sometimes we can get a UnJe ahead of our- selves.• Ahead on the CIF trail lies a match With Santa Margarita (13-5, ranked No. 3 in Division 0 Wednesday at a site to be deter- mined Conway looks forward to Wednesday's game. MTeamwork and o ur passing has gotten a lot better," Conway sad. Ml don't lcnow how close it will be, but I know it wiJJ be a good game." CFDMliotll Qua~ NNeeo1wMrpott~; 20, Mon...,_., I Score by Ouarten Montebello 2 2 1 3 -a Newport & 5 6 3 -20 ~ -Carrilo 5, Vir11mott1Z 1, Diaz 1, Ramirez 1 Saves -Lugo, 4. Newport Herbof -Murphy 4, Taylor 4, Belden 3. Ball 2, Lansing 2, Conway 2, Parole 2. Ritchie 1. Saves - Cottam, 5; Housepian, 2. EAGLES Continued from B 1 in the final quarter, alongside junior starter Nancy Castro, who tallied nine po ints with seven re- bounds. Gray had seven boards. Nicolle WiJson Cone steaJ, one block), along with lmelda Pena (two rebounds and an assist), gave the P.agles help off the bencb, bul Harvard-Westlake proved too much. Byfield. along with Gray, played their last game in an P.agle uniform SE!turday. Byfield said she plans on attending Orange Coast College. occ women's coach Mike Thornton wu in attendance Saturday, watcblng By(leld. "lt'a sad because I've played wttb (Mino) and {Wilson) my whole life," Byfield said, ·1 will mlallhem." • °' ........... ...... round ....... n. ..... . =::::°' .. . 1221121 n ~ ,, • 82:1 -lit ..._.. r, -s.ncw.o.si.to 12. a.rt 1t......,,, 11, Gluc:tcam.n 2, .,.,, M. A. Nuar8do a. O'Mettev "· ~~ ...... J. £. Nv-.do 3. ~ •-A.~t ~--none. . ...... 11r' -none. ----~ M, C.... I , Mino 7. ~ t& wme t fbwO. <M~il o. ... &:"'.;):.ii' .. o. )ill. -,,...,1,W... \. = ........ .... 0 _ ..... , .... \. . --~~~--~ SEAN HILLER/DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor goalie Terin Cottam reaches out to block a shot in the Sailors' 20-8 CIF victory over Montebello Saturday afternoon. HIGH SCHOO.L GIRLS WATER POLO CdM belts El Segundo, 13-7 CdM runs up 12-goal edge b efore easing up. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot MANHATrAN BEACH -All roads lead to the ClP Playoffs ror a program M steeped in wa· ter polo tradition ~ Corona del Mar High. Gaining every advantage pos.Wle, CdM Coach Aaron Olaney ~ foresight. and his preparedness paid off ln a 13-7 Sea King victory over host PJ Se- gundo in the quanerfinals of the OF Southern Secdon Divi- sion n IP.rt8 water polo Playoffs Saturday at Mira Costa Hlgh. The win puts the Sea Kln3' (.24~5) against Omyon. the Cen- twy league's No. 2 repre5el Lta• tfw, in Wednesday's semifinals at a site to be determined. O.ney purpoeety ICheduled a pme IMl week at Montebello to gtw tua teem experience with • bus ride. playtng away from the friendly confines of CdM I ligh and getting used to Los Angeles County referees. The strategy paid off ru1 CdM blitzed to a 7-0 lead after one quarter, getting four goals from senior Danielle Carlson, who led all scorers • sion n. while the Eagles (23· 7) was ranked eighth com· ing in. ~ey are defl- nltely the best team we've ever faced, N said El Segundo Co· Coach Scott Garin· ger. "We gave our all and had nothing to CdM El Segundo 13 7 with six. UClA· bound Brittany Bowlus found the net three times and Ouis- tina Hcwlco. the CIF Division JV Player or the Year last season when CdM inhabUed tbal league, scored twice and added one a.Wst ror the victors agfinst an ovmnatched FJ Segundo team that finished No. 2 in the Bayleague. ~Getting used 10 not being at our pool helped, .. HeWko said. "L.A. County referees don't call a. much. We wanted to put (EJ Segundo) away from the begili· ning and show people we de· 8e1'Ye to be No. I. M CdM is ranbd No. I ln OM- f lose." Referees called nine ejections ~ both teams. letting &he players de- cide the fate of the comest. PJU'ly on, It was eMy to see CdM taking full advantase or Its counterattack. much to Ola· ney's pleasure. Carlson scored her fourth goal with 14 seconds left after receMng a lob pass from goal· keeper Brittany Fullen. who made 8CM!f\ U\'eS in three quartm before Owley In· 8t'rted raerves In the 6na1 quarter. Qllney credited his defen8e for ..,.rblg CdM acoring chances. MThey would take eight·tu· nine-meter lob shots right al (FuUen)," Otaney said. "Ow de- fense made II easy for her." Kel · sey McCormick ·relieved Fullen in the final period and made two saves. Carlson made two iiteals as did freshman CamilJe Hewko, Christina's sister, .md Amy Strack had two ~isl'>. Vivian Liao and Jordan Anal' each scored once and Katya Ea- dington swanned opponents during her time ln the tank. The Sea Kings scored five times ln the third to build the lead to, I 3-1, bef'ore fJ Segundo equaled that goal total ln the O· nal period a... ...... .. CM 11. 8 ., ... 1 ........ °BllNf'I CdM . ., 1 II 0 13 El Segundo o 1 1 g -1 CM -C.rieon 8, Bowtut 3, Ch • HMto 2. ANe 1, LI*> 1. 5-Yw - FulWi, 7. Mc:<:onnk* 2. a 11...,..-Vototin s. ~ 2, l(emp 1, L.ewtor ,_ Sew. - au..,&. Dail'/ Pilot PREP HOOPS Sage Hill girls fall in 49-37 decision CaJvary Chapel boys falJ in four overtimes to Yeshiva quintet. NEWPORT • COAST -The Sage Hill School girls basketball team. which made an im· pressive rum- around in one season , ran out of magic Saturday as visiting CaJ. vary O\apel of Downey defeated the Lightning. 49-37, ln the sec· ond round of,the C1F Southern Section Division JV-A Playoffs. wl'm proud of them: Sage HUI Coach Shanna Renken said of her players. "The fact that we made it this far is huge. We're onJy a second-year varsity pro- gram with one senior, one junior and the rest sophomores and freshmen. We went from 5-13 lru.1 year 1 o 14 • 7 this year.· Calvary Olapel o f Downey ( 15 13) held a slim :15·3.1 edge foUow ing 1.hret' quarter.., but dom1 nate<l the fourth quarter and pulled away. nw Ughtning wilted in the final period agaiJN Calvary Cl1apel'i. haJf-court pre...., and Sagl' I fill center Katie Puish ys ">pent haJf of Lhc fourth quar· ter on the bench with foul Lrou ble ~ the c;ro:Jfa."> uu~ored thl' hO">l.S, 14 ·4. Stt•phanie Ande~on and Juy Buder each scored 19 poinL'> for the GrinJie!>. while 6·foo1 ·I fr~hrnan I laywood Wright lc<l Sage I hll with 18 rebounds, e1gh1 points and seven blocked shot'>. Vicky (;u1ierrez and Puishy<> abo scored t•ight point-. apiece for tht• ljghm1ng. Caml' Clark.. Sagt' I Lill\ onJy ..enior, finished with ">ewn points, !>ix a'>'>l'ib and four steali.. -They poundecl us in Lht! po">t." Henken "><Ud of the Crv 1Ji~. -The mmute !WnghtJ would get the ball, they would pound her with two o r three players. They had an aggre'>-'ilVl' team down there m the paint· Sage I fill, wtuch Ix-at Con nelly m the fir.I round of the playoff'>. earned an a t-large henh in the Academy Leagul', while Calv-dry Oiapel of Downey wao; the third- place team from the Olympic Lea~e. •In thl' boys' 76 74 four·uver time lo'>!., Kevin Joyre had ~ point\ and Michac•I Fil7hugh 29 point~ C.1ty 49, Saa• .. " CIF Division f'l·A Second round Scotoe by QU8f1erS Calvary 9 t• 11 1• Sage Hill 10 11 17 • Cafv9rt Ctypel Downey Miller 2, Anderson 19. Islander 3, Butler 19. Chanom6 J.pt. goals -Anderson 3. Chattom 2, Butler 1 Fouled out -none. S.. Hill -Yodef·Lee 6, Clar1it 7. Gutierrez 8, P\Jishys 8. Wright 8, Manlero 0. Kahsk1 0, Schaffer O. Gonzalez o J.pt goals -Clark 1 Fouled out -none. Tec:tm1cal1 -none WRESTLING Mas ter 's berth for Donovan Mesa wrestler fifth at CIF. WESTMINSTER Costa Mesa High wrestler Adam Donovan finished founh at 152 pounds at the C1F lndMduaJ cham- pionships Salwday and gained a berth at the up· coming Masters Meet at Fountain Valley. He'll en- ter with a 37·12 record. f.atanda's Victor Car- mona finished slxth at 125 polUlds, and Newport Harbor's Nathan Geer {29-8) WU lbth at 135 pound& The top ftve qua.lifted tor Matten. Alao wtth strong e«ona from Newpon were JClm Um (112). who went l -2, and ·~t Phil Gerard, wbo WM l •2. I ., ..... •"' AU a; ••••• ,, 04 3 S PORT S Sunday. February 23, 2003 S3 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Vanguard women clinch piece of title Nationa ls await, for fifth time in six years. reer three-pointer with two treys as Vanguard ran a lead up to as many as 30 points before settling for the final verdict. The Lions improved to 2 1-8, 16-2 in the GSAC Golden St.te Athletic Cont. V.nguard 68, Hope 50 COLLEGE BRIEFS Vanguard splits • BASBMU.: Vanguard Unl- verslry split a baseball double - header at The Master's College m Santa Oarita Sarurday. taking the opener. 5-2. behind Joe Carna- han (3 for 4 with a double). then dropping a 7-3 decision as The Master's struck for four runs in the '>ixlh inning. • INDOOR TRACK: UC lrvme .. oµhomore l:nn Cum~ wab fourth in the pole vault .. 1 12 -8 at the Mountain P-ac16c Spon!> Fed - erauon Indoor (hamp1oru.tups in Hoi..e, Idaho COS rA M l!SA -Vanguard Univer!>ity'!> women·l> basketball te1un clinched no worse than a share of the Colden State Ath- letic Conference championship and. unofficially, a berth in the "1AIA National Tournament Sat- urday 111Kht by vinue of a 68-50 victory over visiting I lope lnter- nallonal. Hope -Singleton 8, Toorop 2,. Dyctie 11 , Moreno 8. O'Hare 6, Fowlkes 0. Ngo 4, Gilcrease 2, Dil- worth 2. Patten S, Doohnle 2. 3-pt. goals -Singleton 2. Dyctie 1. SHVE McCRANll DAllY PH ljf Pacific's Demetrius Jackson (right) keeps in touch with UC Irvine's Jeff Gloger as he drives downcourt m the first half Saturday night Kel'>o Lopez got the win in C;amc I, <,pac111g Olli eight hit!> OVl'r !)t:•ven inningi.. Man c.:a...ion ~01 the 'ave with two ~orcJc.,., inn mi.:~. Viu1g\JarcJ r-. now 9 5, ·nu: \t.1-. tl·r\ 1-. 7 4 I !.•wren Adam.,, (lo~-.1ca Stal- ford, Curti'> and Suzanne Pur- rnon1 Wt'ltl 'l:"i I .kO 111 the 4 x 400 reldy, a11d i\111.u1d<1 Arrn'>ln>n~. h111 11111. ( .1lh) l'1l l)iJ i111d Wendy < h.m l 1111 ~1·d ,, l .!. IJ.1 Ok in thi.· t1r ... ta111 1• 11wcllt'\ rd.i\ •JC Tf.NNI\ ( )rallgt' ( 11J't C.oLIE>Kl' ha ... thft'l' pl<.1\ot·r.., 111 1111 fi n.ti" of tlw \l111lh"-l.''1t'111 10111 n.mwnl 111<1.1\ 111 c )1ul.1 \ l'l.i l-r1''>h m.1n \111 lwl11 \\1 11,lJ 111111 pete1n -.11 1glt·, .11 11 .i 111 dlld th1 d ouhl1•, 11·;1111 111 \.,t.lt·\ ',1 1 ... 111 ancJ,l!J1 ltd ~·"11111 \ w ,11 •1 .1 111 h wi U be the fifth trip to the l\J,111onal Champ1on!>hips in the 1.~t '>lX yt'ars for Huss Davi!> and h1'>Uoni.. One more victory in the next l~o !>tan" would giw Vanguard the outnWit crown. I he Uon!>' Jenrufor Wilcox and < ounney McKinney l>hared srnr- 1111-: honon. with 13 poinL~ apiece. Lc.·nlia Ju-.efwrn added 10. I ..iur.i I t·t.· m·11ed her 200th ca- Ngo 1. Fouled out -Toorop. Dyctie. Technicals -Dyche. V.nguard -J. Lenderman 9, Lee 9, Wilcox 13, McKinney 13, 01ttenbir 8, Josefsson 10. M ills O. C. Lender- man 3, Seaman 0, Candelaria 3, Griffo O 3-pt. goals -Candelaria 3, Lee 2. Wilcox 2, Josefsson 2. J. Lender- man 1, C Lenderman t. Fouled out -Oinenb1r. Technicals -none. Halftime -Vanguard, 38-23 Anteaters slowed down at ·UOP, 57-53 """._IO'\ ll<. Irvine\ rhe deci.;iort5 leave<, both team-; 8-5 in the 81~ Wel>I. \JU I'> I 5-9 overall. Pacific il> 11 I .l 'EATERS Conbnued from B 1 out the win. nie Tigers C 11 -12. 6-8) were without Jackson in th~ overtime. I le fouled out. and Rowden and Kemper fouled out 111 overtime. 'l11e 'Eaters looked as if they would win in regulaLion. a'> Parada naiJed a 17-foot fade- away shot along the ba-.ehne with :15 '>CCond~ lt•ft to give UCI u G6·64 lead. Moments later, Okuro went up am.I blocked Jack..,on driving layup attempt rhoma-.on 'iaid he 1ho11gh1 it ~I'> goahc11ding. With 15 sec- omh left in rci,•tila11on, 13a'ikau!.- ka!> hi! lwo frt·t: throw'l fur a Gti - 64 lt!ad, bu1 Bowden ... cored wiLh '><'\en \econd'> and the 1 iger!> 4uit'kly fouled (auger C.logcr mac.le nrw ot r'"o free throw'>. <1llowing lht· !ltotk!On· based Tiger'> the Lhttncc.· lu 11e the game. Gloger recorded three '>teal'> to tie Scott Brooks' -.chool record of 66 in one se~on. The Anteater!> rNum lO action Thursday at 7:05 p.m at <..al Poly San Luis Obispo. Big Wes1 Coflferenca UCI 78. Pacific 73 Pacific -Codie 4 K.imP"r 3 Johnson 9, Davis 10 Rose O Kora1k1t 10, Jacl<.son 19, MarJker 3 Bowncn 15 Flores 0. 3-pt. goats -Jaclcsori 3. KorC11k1c 2. Bowden 2. Davis 2. KJmPtJr 1. Maraker 1. Fouled out -Karnl'f" Jack!.Ott Ted1nicals none UCI -Zuzak 2. Ham~ 23. P1Jr<1da 15. Gloger 7, Hood 7. Sctira&r1!.lr O. Baskauskas 6, Efevberha 6 Okoro 12, Ethington 2 3-pt. goals -Efevbe•ha 2 Hams 1 Gloger 1 Fouled out non!.l Technicals • none Halftime -Pac1f1t. 39 31 Regulation -69 69 v.,cuard 5. The Mntet's 2 Vanguard 100 110 200 ~ , Master s oo• ooo •oo 4 Lopez Caston and Bower McElroy and WagnPr W lope.I' 4-0 L - McElroy 1 1 Sv Caston 111 28 - Carnahan VIJ Brunt:n VU1 WaqnH (MJ J1>mf''> M The Mast~s 7, Vanguard 3 V11119uard ~ '>,. a J ~ ~ MdSlf'r\ '" <14 11 4 Ham~ and Nf'ster1f'lel. Spene.er .. ncJ Wagner W Spencer 3 1 L Hi!ms ') 2 28 Clohon IM 1 Miranelil 1M1 HR Jaon11· rM •WAll:.H POl.O IH ln111t'' \l\Clll1t'll' ~,.11t·r p11l11 H .till \JP" 1 \t11 l11g.111 rl • "'11 ucl.1\ ""' 1111 .1 '''"Im" d.n l11r rh• •\1111·.111·1' 111 I li"I to \rt/1111.1 ... t.111• • d1·l1• lll'd ( • .i ... t.Jlf' ".urthr11h~1 • _ .mtl 111'1 111 "Jn )O\t• '-\I tit.•, -, SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College -UC Irvine at Un1vers1ty of San D1eyo 1 r rn Tennis ~ Collegew'or'nen -UC Santa Barbara at UC IMnr: 1 "jO pm \\f I II II' hot\~t'tb.111 (('d01 fell hd1111d 111 the fir,1 h..tlf ..ind Ol'\ ('I lull} (l'CllVl'rt'd <I\ hml Ur\tver'>llY of the l'..tcilll re- corded a "i7 53 Big Wl''l Con· ferenl'e victory at <,panos Cen tl·r. Big West Conference Pacific 57, UCt 53 UCI -Yadon 15. Callaway 9 Faulkner 2, Gabbe 7. Green 8, Big gins 0, Ferguson 12, Usher 0 COLLEGE MEN'S TENNIS "The Art of Making Pizza'' Lauren Yadon (15) and Courtney Ferguson ( 12) were the only Anteater-; in d ouble figurel> "'" UCI ne11ed 1us1 33.3% from the field ( 18 for 54). and loi,1 the board game. too. 36-30. 3·pt. goals -Ferguson 2. Yadon 1, Callaway 1, Gabbe 1 Green 1 Fouled out -none. Technicals -Gabbe 1 Anteaters fall, 4-3 WE DELIVER NIGHTl. Y 5-SPM l.1c;a Faulkner had 9 points and 7 as'lists for the An waters. Center Gillian d 'Ho ndt, hit- lln~ 7 of IO. led 1he Tigers with 20 points. Pacific -Wong 6, Nederostek 2, d'Hondt 20. Johnson 8, Dinges 5, Feely 0. Tarsi,,uk 2, Ewing S, Clark 3, Dupont 6, Smith 0, Gibbard 0. 3-pt. goals -Dinges 1. Fouled out -none Technicals -none. Halftime -Pacific, 28-22 ANl l:ATI fl I LN:\I~ SlA· Vanguard men roll OIUM -Hnan Monon and Pe- ter Surapol were victurioui. in Nol>. 3 and 5 singles, but com- h111ed with a c;weep in doubles, it was not enough as visiting University of San Diego claimed a 4-J nonconferen cc me n's ten· ni-; victory Saturday, dropping UCI to 7-4. 2-0. Nonconfentnce Hartman scores 31 point to lead Lions to 89-76 victory. t.OS l"A Ml·.5A -Jamel> llan- m.m ~ored 31 points to lead Vanguard Uruver!>1ty to an 89-76 victory over I lope lntemationaJ at the Pit on the winner's cam- pu . ., Saturday night in Golden ~tale thletic Conference men's bJ,kt•thall action. 1 ldnman\ 3 I points was a sea- ... on-high for the sophomo re 1ran!>fer. who wa5 hacked up by lht' \COnng of nm Bumene (13). Jo'>h l'it'r..on ( 12) and Ryan M o- rt'au 10). llw IJom unproved to 7-20, 3· 13 in the GSAC Hope lnlema- uonal, still seeking ils first win in 28 starts, feU to 0-16 in the GSAC Jon Stoa led Hope's game with 31 points. Gokten StMB Athletic Coo•ailC8 V.nvu•rd 89, ffope 76 Hope lntemation•I -Ridtard 7. Goble 3, Ellis 8, Stoa 31, Evans 11, Hemans 14, Muranovic 0, Hernandez 2, Raitz 0. 3-p1. goals -Stoa S, Rickard 2, Ev- ans 1. Fouled out -Goble Vanguard -Hartman 31, Pierson 12, Adamczak 8, Rosborough 8, Bur nette 13, Moreau 10, Cotter 6, Enns 0, Egkan 1. 3-pt. goals -Hartman 2, Pierson 2, Rosborough 2, Cotter 2. Fouled out -Adamczak. Halftime -Vanguard, 36-28. COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters stir, 8-4 SAN OIF-.GO -rlle UC Ir· vine baseball team snapped a !>ix-game losing losing streak with an 8-4 win Brown's 28 paces OCC over the University of San Diego Saturday. Torero starter Kyte Wilson ran into trouble in the top of the fourth. aUowing four consecutive singles. including a rwo-run hit by Mall Fisher to start the Ant· eater M:Uring. After giving up an RBI single to Gary Oudrey. Wilson gave way to reliever Justin Blaine. who st.ruck out Marie Wagner to end the· inning. Pirates in men's win over Hornets, 76-73. 1-UU .fHTON -Orange Coast College's men's baslce1ball team, behind the 28-point scoring of Lamer Brown. improve to 20-12. 8-6 in the Orange Empire Co n- ference with a 76-73 victory over the I lo mets Friday nlghL Brown nailed I 0 of 19 from the field, including 3 of 5 from three· point country, and hit 6 of 10 at the Line. The Bucs hll J 1 of 20 three-point attempts. Aaron Bobik and Slephon Seales added 17 and 12 points, re pectively In a game which saw the lead change hands I lilnes and the score tJed nine times in 1h second half. 1 he Pirates look the lead for good at 67·65 with 4:02 left on Bobik:'s layup. Fullerton's Donyare Mayfield had a shot at the buzzer, but the three-point anempt missed. Fullerton drops to 18-14, 5-9. Onnge Empire eo. ..... tce occ 71, Fvllerton 73 Onnge Cont -Hatch 2, Seales 12, Brown 28, A. Bobik 17. B. Bobik 5, James 2, Peppers 2, Alexender 2, Vikili 6, Sheheim 0. 3-pt. goals -Brown 6, A. Bobik 3, Vikili 2. Fouled out -Hatdl, B. Bobik, Al- exander. Technicals -none. Fulee1ion -Dowd 20, Roberta 9, Mayfield 8, P\imell 4, Bufford 5, Hieb 5, Frazier 4, Allen 8, Dlezi 7. Ricb3. 3-pt. goals -Mayfield 2. Fouled out -none. Tec:hnicala -none. Halftime -Fullerton, 35-32. The score was knoned in the top of the seventh when UO gambled on a shallow Oy to right and took a 4-3 lead. UCl's Gregg Wallis, who was on second base. tried to beat the relay and was called safe when catcher Zach Dobek falJed to hold onto the ball at hom e. Fisher was credited with his third RBI. UCJ reliever Paul French en- tered the game in the bortom of the seventh and had help from UCl s defense. Fisher gave a great defensive effort. diving to his left and robbing leadoff hitter Perez of a single. French st:ruck out four ln rwo innings and allowed a nm OCC women fall, 52-49 The Anteaters exiended their lead in the eighth. Oestgnated hitter Andy Amara '1ole second and came around to score when Wallis beat out a slow grounder to Quinto. ua· Jordan S7.abo hit a 3· 1 offering up the middle to hring Ln Wa.111' who had stolen second. , ccond-ha]f blues KO the Pirates. RJUE.RTON -Orange Coast College's women's buketb&ll team Jumped .to Ir.tell of 13-t and 24~ 12, and Wiii holding.~ 29 leed with ll :09 Wt. but It all leU ape.rt Friday nWtt at FUler· Collete when a. holt Har· r911ed fOf I 52 .. Olw'I' ON*'ence....,_ 1 ttllMN bl 7 al 10 .... 11111. .. al s ... ~ ~ .............. .. . txX:. The~ al ... ..... I Wlfttl3fDr4l. Nlelton took tea .,.. ._. on ...... G9lardo ...... ,.._ Gs' +..-12,...•m ............ j U.~hlltwDllill .. throws with 0: 17 left to give f\il. Jerton llJ three-point edge. OCC falls to 25-7, UH tn the OEC. Fullerton ls 21 ·JO.8-6. Orenge Empire Conference Wl\gJler had a two-run double Fut .. rton ~ OCC 49 In the ninth to round out the Orenge Cont -Canttlo 10, Mur• 8COrtng for the AntNletS. ,., e. HMlutht 18. Gatneo 3, M9n-Starter Bmt SmJth earned his doa I. Ouirol 2, Shew 3, Von Tlln-.econd wtn of the teUOn (2'· 1) af. geln 2. 3iJl. go.--Het9u9hl 4. Menctoza rer golng 11.x lnnillp and ~ '· lhM l . out five wb.llt aDowtng three runs Feulld out -none. on aeveri bh& MWI 11 -none. ,_....._,., ... , ..... 2.IHt .... 0. Goe I I 11. Gall • '2. Dult'°Y 2.-···~2.¥1'1 g;: 2. ...... 0. I, Kim a, I. . W 0. It. °"'* t. ,._I0*-01t do2.Jllw*9 \ ,.... ... _ ...... .... ..... _ .... '... •-OCC. »Z2. San Diego 4, UCI 3 Singles -Ysern ISDI def Korac. 6-4, 6-2: Pongsr1kul (SOI def. Endr1- kat, 6-4. 64. M orton IUCI) def Beuque. 6-3. 64, Blair (SDI def Biorkman, 6-0. 6 J, Surapol (UCI) def. Kortistov1c, 6 3, 6-0; Caldwell (SD) def. Williams, 6-1, 6-2. Doubles -Endrikat-Morton (UCI) def. Beuque-Pongsrikul, 9-8; Biork- mank·Korac IUCI) def. Blair- Ysern.8·5: Surapol-W1lliam s IUCI) def Caldwell-Koristovic, 8-0 ,ti ... • : ... ---er · · r~ ... ..J •• , 949 &7S 4100 ~ ~ 715.1117 FAX 949 675 2216 lliPFAX Ml 715 1119 -------------• $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • Bu"' t.~J~ /IF D11....M ~~Zlt• &. I I . -GET &. SMALL St.LA .F I vnuP c:. H01r:.E. "'PE t; I couµi__,.. f'>JC:). JA.,. ~ .1v·-,.... ,,...... ·~Ei=1 ::11" ....... ' t. I... • if i;; I ':JI'.;_• .,,-... ,.JE-_ C#""'•.rt~":I' l~ ~A...EC •A.I'. V.Ar-AP'l\..• ',/'..__ -'"E~ ..,,. J..> "'•:or•,.,, ~ 6-Q-~ • :;o_,PQr, E"DoGES •EBO>;. ....... &'a o.<x:::> • ----..----------- WITNESS HISTORY IN THE MAKING .. WATSON TREVINO RODRIGUEZ CRENSHAW MCCORD & ZOELLER Are coming to Newport Beach . March 17-23, 2003 for the [Toshiba Senior Classic Be a part of this very special section of the Daily. Pilot on [Friday, March 14, 2003 Just tttat your phone Uk~ that two·foot putt ... PICK IT UP. 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'. 1 .; .. ...... -7412 .. 7466 3010-3940 ... --v~ - Monday ...................... Friday 5 :()()pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thur. day 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm GARAGE SALE 't91 ..... .).. . I 4' l :lldl'r t li L· Sen ice D irecto r~ lk11111e r BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Ewnts 1310 lOUAl llOtl5lt& . lorrorTillTY All real estate adver 1ts1n11 1n this ne•spaper ·~ \ubiect lo the Feder al ra1r Housma Act of 1968 a~ amended which makes 11 1llea•I to adverltse ·any pteler ~nee, ltm1tal1on or a1scrtm1na11on based on race, color. reltaion, se•, handicap, lamlltal status or naltonal orteln, or an lfl!enl1on lo make any •uch prefertnce, hm•I• t ouro or doscttmmahon • Hu.. newspaper wlll 11vt kno•1nelv accept .onv .tdverlt-Mment tor 1 ~•I t 'll lt •htCh IS 10 ••ul .. 11on .if !he law Our 1 t •dPr •, u e hereby nlorn1ed 1114! all dwell Oil\ adver lt\Pd tn this oewspaper art available un •n equal vppor tun1ty ba\•\ lo compla in .,, do\ ttm1~1too. c.att HUO toil lree at I 800 424 8S90 1'83 ~649--SOUTHC8A T AUCTI N 2202S..1Walt. S... AM. CA 1?707 • \ .> •.. 1489 2305-2490 14&9 41 ,_.ly •-.. Sele proceed~ to beneftt SuMh1ne Co op Pre· sdlool ro r et> 28 ' Sat Mairch I, 7a·21> •t Pre..· bytwian Church ol the Co~• 28!lCl r airv- @ Aditna Costa Mesa Set & s-9•·2 4527 o..-t... Dt-. CdM Ett>aQ ~ boys ~m set S5li0. QIMf1 slMper sofa $350, Lucite & ~ Off set S8X> .• teali she!vlllfl, (2) ulmon llOlor sofM ~. Danell waM ~· I,.. den furn 9&366-5848 s.rt-S-1.-.. Wrooellt ron tbl sets, bw stoats. JEWEi.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C-tCef•N-'- soos-saso SHA.I( srACI w 'RN tn co,te Mes,a, suitable for medical aesthetic~ S475/mo 949 646 7673 Old Cotnsr Gold, s1lvet, HOMES rQA SAU. J8wdy, w•lchft. •nt.Qun on•~E ICJM colltctrbles 949-042-9448 rwtU "'""' 3610 COUNTY Doop/Diie. _...... Corona del Mar WWW~,Ot'f Pets ., PlAl6c ~ COMING SOONll r a5tw>n lsilnd ~Zl/9 C .......... stwiRt 200S "'8 SPAY few momma cat/ i!ll a1 IUttera areat hcoov:!>. 949-533-0411 ll11tens Found Ir• Bushn need bolllefeeders H~!p Save lovei;. All upenses paid Animal Network 949-533-041 516 & 51•.5 .-...... $"5,000 & $749,000 & 414 & 414 • .S .... ckk_ s 1, 195,000 & $7".000 COASTUNI IUAUY '49-759~177 cNndeliei . i»rrts. ofc desk M'~l'D 1 HlfQUS & plef'tty more! M!At 5dl ~ ...... 1•,ooo.f .... °" on of the 1ar1es t "1 Hwbor v.,..,w Hills Ocun Yte ws abound BUiid a wondo!<ful ll4tW rnrdence ot remodei the U~!Jn& 9:J> W Coast H:y N8 MERCHANDISE _lolt ____ 1_515_ Miscellaneous LOST .... CAT Btad1 ..__.;... whole tummy & pa•s & __ 1111._ lace, 12 months old, no coll•r COM. ON C•rna· hon. nut to lhe Bun ctow IHI u.n Sun Feb. 16th 949-338-9058 LEGAL SERVM:ES HOME FURNISHINGS Fu.miture .,..._ wtl1t' leathef sof.t ..el < h~• love-.e•l. w fa SllW an 1 tr'Y\lal ~ $100 I anhque vanrty, SA~ 'M9 M6-7673 3855 WAMTIO JAPAIUSI SWO.OS AMO lllATIO nlMS '49-4'4-1731 Bainess Opportunities BllillSllS and f l'lnCNses $$AT&T PAYPt()N. RWTtS $$ ~ LOCAL Sl1I.S CREA 1 R£lUlN SX)..9'&2100 2"!S AAA VUtlJUtG IOUTI 76 Se6"C lJrWtL l'IYTle lo- caban5.. Sllm Invest ~ dOWn -lm-J!JS.!011 .. bl.me 4540 eCM/_,.,..a. U alhf, 'soo w.da ef ... ..,.,., llvd., 949-•7 J-194S 0.-..iA-Lec. Newpen •-do Fru rent fOf secretar 111 ivc buslnen Will eachanae payinr rent few lilf'rl office dut-. Great offlU!. ~ lo water 949~ 723·8485. Newpet1 leedt Offke lo Ulare rUfnl5hed, full H<VICe Dover 0.. S500 SIOOO/mo 949 689-0857 ttrl OffKI SPACI 833 ~ Or 114 Ground •. 62Dd an expw>d to m.1 SJ ,8);I n:I uli & ---~541!1 ott..d • S 1,4H,OOO COASn. 111.MTY 949-759-0177 A Comm ft I C-- ~.sboll to B• ~ONI and !ooilout point. 48r 4.58a cu~lom home c .......... 200, Offw ... .t $2,H0,000 COASTUM llAl.TY 949-759-0177 .__, .. 48r 4~~ levds. 3 dlldu w/oc.n, City Ind e.o ~ -~ /, llf> Ind Hedy am-st~ 31~376-8871 SHmlWOOD IUlTY TRll NOUSI SIClUDlO llTUAT AMllfftG ....Cl AGT. 949-7U-l I 20 2br 2ba condo, fria. wd. fp, I& patio •/vu 2 car 11., No smk, sm pet ok Sl975/mo 949 735 4825 ColtlMm rANC>aAMK V1lW 2~11DltOOM llTl.IAT $2H ,900 AGT. 949-72J-1120 I sml II 4tw h 2200!1 OJWI • "'*"' ~ ~ SM I .. , 318 Edw St S7!>4K ~ ~7«J) STARTING ANEW BUS/NESS ff. • • • • • • • • • • --.. ....,; _..,...,. ' I .... • 'I 0.-Set & Svft I -t tkCfffeM .. aSt. R 2. £'Side. 2 hOU5ts f149.ax> T ~9D-678; Udolsle ••WHJNKI ON UOO ISLAND Of'IN SAT-S41N 1-4 HACH CO"AGI 117 VIA HOU ?ttr P/•1•2-c~, l>dl&t-.... JS .... ............ s ... ,ooo Ast '49-759-0SOS er 714-J07-4214 IASTllUfF llAUTY OPEN. SUN 1-4 7100 VISTA LAR[OO 4BR JBA. remod kite. & b1 Plant ~hullers, [ • pans••• ...... of creen· bell I urnkey $614,900 Aa't Harriet Katz *562·9570 ~lfS ..... ,,, __ A Se,erl> New,ert ......._ r~ 4br (Slh Br/aame room/otflU downst.tn) S.~ localed on a quoet --loL Cus tom fe •tu••~ tllrOUdlOUt-$1,649.tm. COASl\M lllAl.TY 949-7ff-0177 IONfTA CMYON Of'IN UT-SUM 1-5 10W1..tlwep 38R, 2 SBA home Sep· era1e ofltce/1uut su•IJI. By Owner $1,175,000 949-644-8288 ,.._llSJAHS rt.TIKI TINottl NATIOWWIOI USA 949-IS.-9705 ••w.patric~tenore com SOO I ...._ rru•ed us.ed development site P••ns 1n proceu. 520l>..I lot Aslltrc S795,000. art. 714 658 8980 • ,.... dlri, Harbor View Knoll, pittto on ar...,._ pea« 1oca1.on. $2«Xlfmo. AvM ~. act.. ~ 9e9-J95.V71 VltlTACU llACH NOUSI ott THI WATll.CAUNOW AST. '49-72S_.120 ~ ..... 6+6.S CUslom Esbtlle. '01 &oil S634sf !M9-2!'il ~ 20201 ()'cHd St -)ww.ly.orc WOWT LASTI "6r home Wrttl/poot. 1756 Sky!eB L-. $11159,tm. Cd act.. S.verly 949-718-2742 Thr legal Department at the Daily Piiot iJ pkased to announce a new urvict now availabk to new bwinesses. ~ wiU now SEARCH the Mme for you ar no extra charge, and save you the liTN and the trip to the Court House in Sant.a Ana. Thm, of ctJurst, a.fin' the st11rch is compkud wt wiU fik your fictitious bu.si~n Mme st.almttnt with the Cnnty Ckrk, publish onu a weelt for fo ur wttlts as required by law and then fik your proof of publication with the County Ckrlt. Pk111e stop by to fik your fictitious business statnntnt at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. &y St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, pkllle caU us at (949) 642-4321 and wt will ww/u 11mtntmtmts for you to handk this proutiurt by mail If Jn ""1u/.J have any farther 'luestions, pk11St call us and wt wiU bt mort than tlM • llSSlst !"."-Good luclt in your MW business.' · DaityAPilot ' IOOs-1510 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ' 900H75' For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 OPIN SAT l ·S 3 s.-1 level home 21><. + den Gated comm. S• 5 t ,000 A tevdi ef ttely 41w 2 .5ba, Sir •d• home s 1,729,000 Italian style 5br 5ba, IP pro>. 18.000 to 19,()()(kf SS,.A9S,OOO NlWUSTING Stunnma awa1d w1nnma Brookfield home, built 1n 2000 )br + offrce Ap pro• 3700sf $1,119,000 rl.ATINUM f'IOrllTllS Stefanie Meurer 949-715-3156 NJMI l STATIS rARKI TlNOll NATtONW10l USA '49-I S.-9705 www.p1tr1cktenore com ......... ,.._Cr ... custom est1lla "°"" can~ & ocean vews Offer e<I at S6,500,000. c-stll-., ...... 7ff.-0177 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE °'* ResortNICltlon 2'or 1i... new Llfl)el, patlO, h1a. •/d, fM, SlrMt front fiOI'/ P~ttJa @ lrd st $187'.imo no peb 949464 1019ot '>00 21!>4 ·-e<e-¥teW 2br Iba 1outmel kilt I& deck. qutet i.tre•t Avail 4 1 St960 949 no 0180 Mer911Mlte l l r /21e lu1ury telurb home, SJ250m Mooe liWlllf r-2Br I Ba. new cwpet & PM11 SllIDn ~7151'>13 ~ llBrre 0-. ~ V-, Pool. 1..-... D . 2Be. till\ ~ rm. .., "" ,_ .... P* cnn. at ~ "l/d. fl 2< ~. $!)~ "'" '"' 11e. ~ n4-8l1 9146 at OClAN/IAY v1rws111 New home 4br 3.~ba 2 slory, decor•tor peilnt tn enr y way Only loot ~l•P' lo ocu n ~1ew1n1 blulls and ya,ht harbor entr•nc.e channel Sun loune•/terr ace Av11I mid ,_m ~n Sll.(XXll obo ;t ~2311 ColllMm 1 I r"• lrom S875/mo w/1• in lovely 1•1.ed comm nea Tro~e. fJldtt, Indy lacolrty Klwt Mncf.. fJn ~1!6ot9 A 9200 Property 5970 lit llr, new carpe-1 & lAltl TAHOI 28r 38a lu• paint, cvrd CltfpcKt '£17 condo slMps l!illl. 1/4 Of 16th Place •3 SI 100/mo 1/2 rnwm, $295,IXX> pi!j' no peh 949 720 9CZ2 1/4. Ca• 949-673--0181 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS Rentll To Shafi 6030 ca.. ..... pvt br/pvt ba, dose to a.a-~ Ir yd, pt ~ lot of storaee 5'1. s l250rn 949-159-0715 (4M Shere .-., 21r Apt. w1lk to beach, S850/ mo utils inc l, avail Ma1ch Isl 949-673·3706 LUTSlOI llr, lie, 'm•ll krt/l R , pvt enb ~, w/d, ultls Incl. fem ptel S7'7S+dep 949-548·0871 NI sa..re ••-Jlr hou!oe private room/bath $550/mo • 1/3 ull~. fem pref 949·81'17·1472. l'fP on 1111 1-y, stip. llo bch, shop&. ,... • 8oM slpr.. "8yllls. tN4 ba. ptq. ~ $1'95 968-7123 . Roomltar ...... r .... a. Twmm.. pvt r~ 'MY dlln. f1ll' w/4. n/pets/smlla, fem pref'd, Avail 3/1/2003 mm+'hutts~ ............. •/llrl¥Ma beth, Baell Bty ¥illw. 167S/mo utik .,.Id, ."'" r" d. • vs.sa. RESIDENTIAL RENT Al...S ORANGE 7411 COUlfTY 21r, 2 ........... Uj)l)ef. 2 c detached aar. bal· cony, ne•/carpet/paint/ appls, $1750/rno 3023 Lan~ Bay 714 86!"22!>2 l"SWoa .... Et 2~. fR, r p, rtmOdeled, twdwd l\'1o, b4& yrd. l*xt. to YMCA $2195/mo ~·9939 MlaionVll~ IAY .. ONl Ol'f llOO PEl'ftl'fSUlA NIW21f 2h COOA&IS Private Beach, Pool end Spe Walll to Ocean, Shop$ and Rest.euranli. l ene 6/mo·2 yr+ Boat Sitt> Avatlabte 710 UDO rAH Oil. 949 673-6030 Of 949.723.5830 •YIMlY• LIA.SH Bill GRUNOY R[Al TORS ,.,_.,,_ ... , ~ 21r n., new p1lnt, n.w tile. 1ar. w/d htlup,, J l,200/mo 4101 H1lllf la tO S62 430-3275 am 211r1i.on ...... !rt IJll'D, Ip, Ml 1 c: .,, ' cbe '° ~ ... $10 ,.... 980-JU> .... ""'· 2bf lbl holne, 2 c ,.,, WtiUf>S.1A'!" & back 'Pfd. S21~-· Peta oti. Mg-37fi.·J516 hte4 s..-Stry 29r' 28•. det Ilse, 2·c ett pr A/C • .,..... ..... llnnlc. Ma ramn ••mt CaYSTAl COVI UASl/NI W, 2 STOIY upansrve !ibt !Iba + den, 1at1 1u11 ded Many cu~lom featurn thru· out O.coutor touc:hes, elaborate land~ now undtt •ay Avm 4-1-03 S7'BVmo 'SI 96e>231 I Prim Tlllofing 7990 fWll USSONS Eap"d tucher h.s new open 1nrs 1n Costa Mesa studio llH Stacll 949·~74-0517. •' ,, .... , ....... 1chedul1 nationwide lflPU fot mol>l1e nol•y closl11t RE loaM. Mu~t heve dllla entry, c>11t· 1u n61nc phone u ills, •nc .. lnt t>«sonetrty, be a protllefn ioW, Nlwport 8di loc, uwllent ~ COf1d. r n rwima & '*'Y history to M9-673·Sl86. 81111Ul0m<I Clerlcel P/T. 20·30/Hrs. FAXR£SUMC 714 .. 35·0191 _.._QM+ •• ,....._ ......... s .... , ....... . ....,.,.. 8-:tl "111 Mimlar'I~~ ... lnpnon B>t .iinur. 116 ~ 8dl 98&811 31112,.,...~., .... .,_., .. ~ W..to "-..._MN Oulet11nte-rn.I 81A+neu Sl500fl{XX) PT n rr.,. Booklet 888 86) 1241 www doaarWlmOloon oom ~•tftvt• help needed lot me dtea l ofl tte Morn1n1 work tor all scJloot hol1d•1' and summer vacation Al~ Thurs.say PM This oi. •n on call po~hon ••th no 1uetantu of con\lant employmt nt but •llh • ponoblt future pos•hon 9'9 760 6086 o>r la• ruum1: lo 949 640 6691 c-. •. p7'1t ,- Busy N"•potl Be.och office ~~ tut! ,,,... . hl&fl enern. Of1anu1d ind delatled p•rson •Ith excellent phone sl.llts and wa1 m penonatrty Com puter '1.llllls req tnd Microsoft Office & QulckBoolu Pro r •• resume w/ulMy r1K1Uo ments lo 949 574-072!>, OPERATOf!/GRAVEYARO in Newport Buch, nr altPort Full/Part time Will Train 949 833 9790 rAllUNGlOT A"INOAllT /CASHlrl Retlitble, Hlf 'l•rler, honesl person to cnhlef and •llend lot Rel11Ms & slueltnh welcome r T and Pl weell t nd and week·day houn •••rl able loc•led tn l •11unll Buch. 949·723 7100 •213, Suun ' i 1 t ,,...._ I *I Busy c6:it !>+ ion •qi PT (4·SHRS) l'fPB Satar; ~w/e~ ru ,_Mt-41S.21V RESTAURANT WH kend ev1nin1• The Dally Grlll at F .,h ion lsl•nd in NtWl>Of I Buch hes any ucep· tional opportunity fOf an elperlenced, tn•r11tic 811tender al our hi&h volume, fut ptced r e s teurant. Call (949)644 2223 to schedule en Interview. EOE. DMY&lll ARNnolNles - AMlomotJve -o.-y ...,....... c..6t '91 new pMtf new lire. O'lfl"Wll ow-SA.!IO:Voeo ~68').!680 <~ llectrl< GUI 2001 raore lad0<y ooon. low mt. Newport C11 13100 949 887 3266 Owy"-.,. w...,. w Conv V6 !>411 m1 ) yr w•r •viii '4>.trllrilflll b'-' In llhf CO, i.upe1b hb new < ond v?!>912 I $6995 f"1 .... a.., 949 W-1888 -··••c:-o ... ,. '97 ..... , ... Sport l 5 V6, 47k nu. wh1lw1crey int a•r .. •d, n/$, llkt ntw S699S l1nanc1ne & """ •nil tfltr 949 ~ 1888 -.......... ,_ ferd '00 l uw•'-XlT VIO, ?91. m1, s1lvar/1rtr llhr. CO. runruni boardl, lully loaded, ltke new, v872581 Sll.99!1 11 n1nc1na 1Vallable Btu '49-SH-IHI -...... I.<:- .,..lS10 Runs 1lnt. 6 c~. MO. JC, cm, SIMW oof, pw, ps.. tit .._,new tr es & aps. Bu book S3l25 sel S2'B Prpq!i ~ 714-S3'-7 .. fOH P1t011 U '90 Run• •Int, 6 c;yl, •uto, ac. cau, $Untool. pw. pi., tilt wflHlll, Dt• bra & C41p\ 81U. boo!\ $322!> sell S2600. Privtl• party 114-SS4-7 ... fOIO IAJMll XlT 'ff htra Cab, Auto, CO, 691( mi., V6, bedhnet. Private PMty. $760() 949-641-SUO ••c ·oo • ._.. •w4.. 3911 ml, sllur 2 tone arey llht, prem aound, CO, chrome whl1, superb llh new con<I, vl56721 124,995 fin & wett avail Bllr 949-586-1888--....... - "_. CllV '00 auto lr ana, ec, f11H po-, cc. low mllu. 115,900. Pp. 949 574 4244 Nr-4e4 '9 1 l-... 4dr, auto, AC, atereo, cood tond, lJOli 1t1i, $975 oOo !M9-631-Jl5Z. IODAV 'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS :i)ailv Pilot ...... -~ ·~~~~~~~~ !~ 'ff IJI V•ndtn Pin S4tl ml. sper~hna blWlen 1t1v, CO, c.hrm 9004 Bridge '"•urs AUTO •'*· 11111 feel weu. "'" ,ntw S28,995 luni YM2'1• f1nenc1n1 avail e•r 9'9-§86 1888 __ .....,_,_ ,..,., 'ff IH c-,, 34i ml, full lect0t y .. ,.,, • •5pefldinc bl11ck/oatmu1 llhr, CO, dwomc whls Ith new, v617295 .$34.995 hnan"nl .... ,1 Bkr !M9 586 1888 __ .....,,,_ ,~.._ .. ,~ '!I:! D mi. dlr1' 11JeerV\dr1 'lltw, cUll ITWW'f, Ital fUll'I' SoUt& ,_ • ro. 'Uf•b or• cood 11157291 SIJ.9'b INllCine ' .............. 8lu Mt-SM-I ... _...,..._ Mercect.s BHl 380Sl 1:1? Good cond. hd top/"'" top, l•upe w/blk 1nh:1 S5300/obo 9'9 8!>4 8208 Merce4•• '96 C280 beautiful black/~•"•"' lully loact.d, showroom lf\/Cllll.. SJ I SK. 714 l'SI 24ti4 Merce4H 't9 U20 J lk m1. wh1te/11•~1 Ith• mnrf. chrome #hi\ buut hilt "'"' 'l •ind v572241 S28.9% 1111 JVM Blu 9& 'a.> 1 IBI WWW ' t '«Wft Merce4e• '99 Sl20 L we 521< m•. J ,, ... ,, auol, 'llver/blk lth1 buut °''11 cono vH7')?41 S28 995 hmtnccna ... ,, Bkr 9'9 ~ I BAA IMW S40I S.4wt•t1 Ratt 6 '>1>etd V8 Low Moln• 1118~161 S74 980 Mil SSOO s • .i ... ·oo 81~l~ wlpa•lhmMI 1 ... thei r ... t Wdlr '-''t:tthum whftl\ C1 1914JJ S'>l 980 J09Vor XJI s..i ... '98, !>l11n~y lil.u k "" Iii•< k l~•lhf1 rrrlil,.d" 1 • I 118S!j I I SI~ 'JlW hrrarl 348 Spl<ler Conv. '94 krdw ''"''"•I ldll lttu gr ... 1t '''lUt(l\I C •I 910tlf· I Wl.'JJ!O Aturo NSX Tar90 '00 'iµ• .. d y•ll•1w I /I\ m11 .. 1,t Hur 1 v' I# I ':IOO'> J \'1'1 '11!1) M.,cede• 8•n1 SlSOO '96 IU.,41 ~ hlldl N lo rt• J tth1 IUll JJuw,, l"f' llHU01 Wllf't I• I• 111114'11 \ I 'PIO 8 MW 1SOll Spt. Se don 'O I { 11 .n1v1\ M.u II ~ 11n J h• 1.,,. I• 1ft111 lull WdHI# lllJ 1 ', 1•1<11111 \'·4 '11'1 8MW 840(1 Coup• '97 lmmttultl• f-h·.rnty I # j <JXl)l I l 1 ( <jkJ) M•rc•d•• Sl20 '99 '"'''"'"''•''"'"' w \.tttdl•· M1ot t mr1 t•~l)()/111 ,,., ll!lJ By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH \H .... 1 • 10.- 'I S 2 MIRTH •1\()115 A J 1011 .l QH .. 2 t-. \SI \oid •K()JKti S.i .l • J .\ 2 1<()764 AVH6 .. Ill SOl Tit •A'# 7 11 \old KJIO !'J2 a \ '17 11~ 1-.. 1i111w \\hi "'OkTll t "l \UI Ill ,. '"'" ""'" ~ ..... " " , ... ..._,, .... ,, ... \., --~··­ Morc•M• 'ti 560 SL whole/Ian 1mm•1 •~11(. nns IJ'8l ,_ ,di ~ ,, dfOTW.. $lA.!fil 714 l i I ~A .... t i II oi..-1 LS Pont he 911 Carrero '99 Cabrlo C...11~ .. , w l:il.u It. f111 trm1'6 M11•~t .t '''" ·------- 1 1 AUTOMOTIVE BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVIGES PUT A FEW WORDS TO WORK FOR '00 wnrool. le~t1111 •• ~•lrH, 11111 rww ""K owner. nonhntllt Sid lf.fJ ~w 714 '17'J1>11. ~IER .~ l(WmJ MN COCff~ LfAS[FOR $199 I• I 'II/>'. I ,.,, !XO 8MW XS '02 Wh1l1 f.,.J ,,., I"'"""' u• .i.lu '"I· .. IX'I 1 \~ jljl1 8MW ll 'Conv '96 JI,. 1 A IH11t t• 11 jlr J.14 ).. ''''' &.. I·•• t I • I' ,, s I)\(• lord l.pedill°" '99 I ...... I # t H1 • ., 949 S14 1111 PHILLIPS AUTO hllll •-lo.tom ,...,. ...... '" .•. '"''"* 1"11 ... Iii•~ l.t.ti ti. ti ,.,,,' \'/II PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accmories BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ 9200 LAUNCHING/ I STORAGE 9680 -----SllUG TOP TIOO XTU W , TOYOTA TtUCl. p All $800 Stu sso 71 4-374-3793 nuacoru fer TIOOmAW, TOYOTA TllKI, P All SIOO SW S 100 714-374-UU MOTOR HOMES I -SLIPS AVAllA8ll ~·"""~"·rt H.trb•.1• h ... •uhl•1I •• m..tn1 ,., .. " "' ~ l1vr I ol "o1· ')49 61'1 4Xil/ YOU! (949) 642-5678 Per Mool!t + la1 I at ltle5t term< Oft~CR£00 Motor Homes • 1 'o•u"• ·99 8ox••• Rent 9355 .14't4 ' 1'H 114•1. M\1 PLUG IN I 1llt1 J(lti I '1·' ;1 "'"'' , '"• ill• full 1 .. I RV/WINNRAGO • "".,, , 11 '•''it """ for-RI.HT. JOft C Clo·n. SJ685; down Jh '''''"'h .m"' hJr11 111 "" ., t t,f/I', I Xh Cond.. CAU fO« cl~d end 1., .. _. "" • S,'f1 'If, H>o 44'1 r,H, I~ D£TAll.S. 949-448 1 llM curoty dtpo\11 J() IW~I b I m~7~ r:; :::;, .. ~t' A~;(;,'if ~:•om BOAT PARTS & nc•221111 MISCELLAHEOUS l ACCESSORIES °"'1flSW. ~I I Wanted 9045 I Boat Pa~ & llT1 IOTOI! ,_., o;........, ~ Accessories 9600 IT~ n.. i IM• MJ ~·JI• ~·v wl IJ<'t "'°"'"' If' •• ··~· 1..,11 1""' t ilt9 f fM llf '-~ t Ill w••a •rtf•a•J } 1N1.-. ta~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. v 141 " t11, tt. ~ .... 1 ,, • ,,, .• ,_ .... r.-w ... S41'> 55 FREEWAY @ UX'«'l p ' ,. ,, I • '" • """ "' .. ,..,., ..... "" I>"' l••lll t'llllTA .... ""O Ulll I,,, .. , .. Ao·• ..... /14 .... $1 ""• 114 '4 <({.J _,, "'"""'' --'-I 4 IJ 1•111 • 114 t'X t'A' (181) 823-9808 CASH IOR UIS NI•.-'ti S-tr• Gll l oke M w lo•Oul •t1lu rnoonroot """'\ low /4~ m1 S5900 714 1'11141" W• Neecl Yovr (or Pold '°'••Not , .. llllp• Awto A•k for Melcolm 949 574 7177 FIND ~ Pluq into the Pilot • l l<1'>'>1f 1f'd '>C'Ct1on to find ,('rv1ce"' from Plectron1c'> and plurnbers. to landscaper., and painter., • J. Daily Pilot Class1f1Pd Community Marketplare Sunday, February 23, 2003 IS p TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Charley~ 6 Pyromaniac s deed 11 Playwnght -Simon 15 Funous 20 Pram pushef 21 Turn IOOM (2 wds ) 22 Jockey -C01dero 24 A90end 25 Elegant conures 26 Shares rides 27 Medel airplane WOod 28 Comio<5tnp watlo 29 Blaci<-tooled cntter 3~ Go sloWly 33 Tree g owlh 34 Pizarro toes 35 Wor1Cs on contract 37 Sanaw1cn oooltle 39 Bnng action 41 Dnving hazard 42 S1gml6ld Of Anna 43CookOU1 «Be appreheosMI 48 Winter wear 50 Asphalt 51 Orthodoobst's concern 52 OO'Mnpoor 53 Be!ud<Sed ~7 Tumt>ler 59Budd1es 60 Sea swallows '> 1 Petrudllo s tnlende<l 62 Frurt 1u1ce 63 Convenl <Nwellers 6A Fibbing 65Spnng mo 66Change 67 Cabdriver 68 Makes a profit 69 Mag1aan s WOfd 72 Ot5n made from taro 73 Faucet nookup 7 4 Chess pieces 75 Cl<>CK pa 11 76 Ana so on (2 was) ?O 66 12 It; •37 >4 • 79 1Wll1ed 80 Common tlOf'IOl>trd 84 Nol theirs 8!> COnnery end Penn 88 Stahl ltStt 87 Flamenco dat"ICll:W s shout 88 Doot11oke~ 9 1 Show the 111'.Sy 92 RIV'ef in Asta 93Craze 95 Plea 01 sea 96 'Oendstand host 97 S~ver of wood 98 Supermarlcet empjoyee 99 Bun 5q01her 101 Goat loature 102 Twirled 103 Tell 104 Palntll( Magune 105 8lytr1 ano Lancers 106 ldahO ne1gnoo. 107 C row s sound 106 Acquues 100 Leaves ou1 111 Greek war ooo 112 The r Ir\ I-stop 114 Bedou n attJrP 117 --m fldsll I 1 18 She 1r Se·1111e 1 t& Top priLe 2 wds 124 Railroad term '1al 126 Sn.ins sen I 28 Bogs OOW'l 130 Come tonr 131 ul'lf>U•t.ab& 132 Della or Pee WPP 134 Urban cruisers 136 Varnty 137 Goose-bumpy 138 Algytes 13& M Klstonti 140 Ran l\'3 COl.H'Sf' 141 Make a sovnd 11\2 'O<l lhe Oouble" 143 Not \.dy 144 Adolescents DOWN 1 Doose a candle 20nl0nskln 3 AQessi of \lennos 4 Sleeper's :acket 5 YOUfS truly 6 High mountain 7 Keep hawentfl1 8 Packed away 9 Leers 10Snrtt 11 Collar 12Gtossy paint 13 Dome home 14 Minus 15 More lr11ty 16 lmportanl minera l l 7 Leonardo da -is Pnys1cist -NeW10n 19 Lilte pea-soup tog 23Rodeoskill 30 Horde member 32 Sonnet Wf'rters 36 Sh1pslltlpe 38 Funny Cnanotte - 40 Cotfee mallers 43 Wire measures 44 Aierts 45Ctlener 46 AppetlZ.er 47 Spatted wtldcal 48 POiar bear l\ablta' 49 lalQe purse 5 I IAass of co<>uOS 5<' HarnP.Ss ::>ans ~ Houstoo a'ld Pec•onpah 55Coopa - 56 Flying prefix 58 Lounge 59 BrOWl"llSh-purple 60 Fastel'll'lQ a stlOe 63 Shuttle d15')8tdlers S4 Grassy places 67 -d oevvres 68Very1h1n 69 Houseno10 'T1emce•s 70 B'eacl'leni cry 71 Memoi able 1ltne 73 Wofd on a tow. 74 PYactical JC*e l~Sllore ft)'l!!f nrrme penod 78.Jertl 79Spooky 80 Lownt hq1 tide 8 1 Wagon snail 62 CustOmef 83Card wrt 85 Goes sl<y nign 86 Ler><ecnaun·s land 88 ~lute rulel 89 Aperture 90 'HeiP --tne wa'{ 9 1 Sctiemes 92 Slangy 110 (nypt ) 93 Big ourge< 94 Tlvl116d 96 Mytfllail be89\S 97 1RS emoioyees 98Watct oul 100 Fair·ll r1ng leners 101 M1'lnowt e O 102 Wate• vapor 103 Rev me~ "e 106 11taff8! a<ldr 107 4.ur'' klO' I llJ Afte r 1 I 1 Th!; 49''1 stale 11~ '3Pro~ 113 .;OC• d1rqer 11'1 ;..dl9•E'I I IS ~Mr 8'0•1" S P.IJ~ 11t. ..e;;e·a1e I 18 ::>kJ 11~ "il"?IC I :.1J .)WISS capital 121 'l~Nlywl:Kl 1 n wr .,... l'lta9h 1.!"J v~e "'an warns 125 Vd~fty Kid 1 n rNp biggli>-; 1~ '..>'1S!> ::> bdbll 133 Go cil)(j: ,.enng 1 ;s ":Wiile ~r~ure HOME, HEALTH AND BUslNESS Accllllllnl 'NOTICE TO RlADI RS Calllornl• law re QUlf" that ~on11 .. 1 ton t1km1 iobs lh•I total S500 0t "'°' e (lllbor 0t mall'f•al•I be lteeowd by t~ Contracto" Stat ~ license Board SUie law abo reQUllt\ lh•I contractors 1ntlude thew IKenw number Ofl Ill edve<t~ln~ You can cllec.k the sldtus o f your l1cl'n•ed con tra c t or .t i www cslb ca.co• 01 800·321 CSLB Unh cenud con tr aclo1 \ teldnc jobs lhil lotel ten th•n S500 must stile 1n their 1dverlisem1nh lh•l lh•W ere not licensed bw 1111 Conhactors Stal• License Board • -······ A1m1•1llll ........ ..s ~ / 81111 / AftnocW ... ,.... .. , ... ..,os.a:m .sis.,..~ ca, '' ........ Carpet Repalr~les CAIPfl CAR,ll Rti••"' f'•I• h•ng ln•l•ll rou• t•ou' •ny ,,,. 1Vb' Wholr"ll'1 '149 497 020'> • c_,..,., 1.,.1,. • Snl I wart U11v• ~d•• lut1111n1 lr•1n1n11 Cozf"t,.. DI 9e'J 91'9 JJil ConaW & Masonry ............ si .... Tile Conu•te P•l•• O.rwway f lfei>k. BBQ Rrl ' ~y,.,, ~~4!1577594 ri..c-.. 1•-CementwOI~. Breck Irle & Mo•e Relo~ble No 1ob too small 949 548 6746 SAVE 35%0N Carpet • Fumitun lug Cleaning BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800 SS9 7181 ConstrudrVConlr I Electrical SeMces HUD MOil ROOM? UClNSfO CONTRACTOR Gardtnlncv Landscaplng NOl\JNS & Rf,,.ll.lll INI, "*•pol• 1(11) vn M """..,.,... l-T•nHl-duopo w.8ily fl'--.1 lire tnmq & Ul\f•li•f•>n l5 Tl'\ PAil l 1 1n\Uf Pd 949 S48 436) I •'>179819•'.l 8J7 '>64l Rr1>•ll 1trnD<Ml l~n• Desttop Publishing TIMl TO llGIN YOURHOMl IM,ROVlMlNT ,ROJlCT? r all .. plumber p.;1nlrr hdndym•n or .my ul lhr KfUI \er vtCt\ ll'tPd ht!• Ill our \#'rv1c~ du'r<.tor y• llflSl LOCAi SVC PEOPt( CAN Hfl P YOU TOOAY' Drywall Semca WITTHOlfT OaYWAll All ph•Hs sm/1111 tob• Cl lANI 20yrs. laor . tree esl. l 4Wm 714 639 1447 Eledt1ca1Semces S ...... 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Raidatcal. ~ No Job Too S""'8 DaYeRuallt .. 949-321-1292 AlNTAl-HUSIANO FOR HOH( YOO S your honey won'I from Elect to the ~1tchen sri 941).548 9..Yi I THl HANDYMAN [memo Srr.ict Olo.1 ~lk.110.a1 r .... Onrn etc 949 4.19 75~ Hauling JUNK TO THl DUM,111 114 968 1882 AVAILABl f TOOAY1 949 673 5566 House Cleaning •-·• lw....-"-•• ClDw-e. '~ INll OWi 8"l ,.. wen ctinr by C7#W t.w '*" ~ 7434 Cr Oelaull Oto. Bantu uptcy Oii Tu l1eM Oii Good Credit Also Oto. Private Money Reh & Pure h•\t "-'Y"-·'"' 800 7SO 1514 CAR Q2l:all &tM McMl'll&Sbage HST MOVERS $59/Hr ~er Wini all c1he<1 Insured Int. cour leOU\ t arelul T 163844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calo! Publ" Utrhlles comrn1n 1on r equores that •II used h ouHholO coods move1 s print lheor P U C C•I l number hmoi and 'h1ulleurs print their 1 C P number 1n <1111 adver llsements II you have •ny QUe\hon• about the l•a•lil y of • mover . l1rno ol chaulleur. u tt PUB LIC UTIUrtes COM MISSION 714 SS8 .4151 Do yov ""d IMlp l0t yo111 ekte<ly Mameon« 12 yeeu up .W toal "'1 •~n'-151.CXO ~ca1,111l t Newport mom .._ •Ille lor cook•na. comp1rnonst1111 l~t houselleeprnc, en anch, etc G1tat local """~ 96 72S8l'fi HOUSE REPAINflNG 8' WOOD FINlSHCNG ~5 't>'"~- 7Tt '"' 1~ ~111 949-645-9957 •OMMOf' o• .. '")lie_. PIP£ LOCATING HECTRONIC SLM LEAK OCTCCTIOH Fr ier>dly Serv1<. e 949 -61 5 910 4 -~awn L • 7'249" • .,. ~u,-fl(S OMl!ll tlWl:I " :.· CLIMNI~ TWEEDY~ 949-64$.2352 -.. ._.,......,.R•rc10"'18 & R991or ~~t..i ('.(mm Sn.A I rJ l 114r>1931 ~ "841 '~31 ll IOU USSOllS tfOl 1 IPIClll ~ ... THC STanUll Sclec1•h11n1 '" W•lll>.t!M Rtrnoval l •51'18241 949 Jli() 1211 ,.Us ... 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