HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-24 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. • .. ~ ..... • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2003 \ IN BUSINESS Hoping to jump start a revitalization Developers of 1901 Newport in Costa Mesa will ask city planners tonight to approve a condominium project that may help struggling Triangle Square . P.ul Clinton · that.· Daily Pilot Other pieces of the puzzle •.. have begun to fall into place in COSTX'' • MESA LocaJ one of the oldest sections of the l:>usiness and city leaders have city. incJuding several new high hopes for a new condomin-businesses between Harbor and ium and office project they say the San Diego Freeway. shouJd revitaliz.e sections of the Runer Development Corpora- city near Harbor !l<>ulevard and tion's 161 -unit condorn.i.niwn 19th Street. -complex is one component in provaJ tonight. ln the year since Runer bought a basically mothballed propeny, executives at the company have been readying their .plans and aggressively working to lease out the I 45,000 square feet of empty space in the building, About 60% of the space is spoken for, Runer e.xecutives said. The three-level project will house a blend of office space and retail shops and a nightclub in the basement. The project would also serve as a "shot in the arm" for the struggling Triangle Square, Runer Chief Executive Dave F.adle said. INSIDE For more on the 1901 Newport development and tonight's Planning Commisson meeting, see Page e-3 . " close to re1ail shops, close to a place of worship," Eadie said. "There will be less emphasis on the automobile." "It certainly looks like it's going the revamping of the historic re- to be a nice project." Council-tail center at 1901 Newport Blvd. man Allan Mansoor said. "But it's The company will ask the city's going to take a lot more than jusl Planning Commission for ap- Mlf you really want to have a revitalization of an area. you should allow a development The two-bedroom condos, which range in size between I ,450 and I, 700 square feet, will slan at $300,000. They are ex- pected to be bought by young couples, so-called Mempty nest- ers" -older couples whose chil- dren have left the house -and $£AN HILLER I OM ( f·1 Framed by arches at 1901 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa rs ttie See SPIN, Pa1e M location proposed for a 161 ·unit condom1n1um complex. PHOTOS BY KENT fREPTOW I DAil Y Pll T BaYtor Boring, 3, contemplates a flower while sitting on a bench dedicated in memory of her great-grandfather Moe Hamill. Benchinark of outreac-h Rotary Club, Sister Cities Assn. honor anmpries of two members who brought Newport Beach and Okazaki, Japan together. "' I n a little comer of Irvine Terrace Park in Corona del Mar, two stone lanterns and Japanese black pine trees· are testimony to a spedaJ relationship and years of friendship between the cities or Newport Beach and Okazaki, Japan. On Sunday, two new benches were added to the tranquil setting. allowing for. rest ~.i; .. contemplation for oJd fri~ and ~r-bys. Placed side by~· they overlook. the lantema, we city and the ocean~ .;; In a Newport eal>oa ~ Oub/Sister Cities +sn. joint event, the benches-were dedicated in honor and in SM OUTREACH, ha• M A CLOSER LOOK Masao Kato. president of the Okazaki International Assn., speaks about his friends Moe Hamill and WendeH Fish. searcl~ continues for a new Costa Mesa police chief With Pqlice Chief Dave Snowden's final day set for June 13, the city has less than four months to find a successor from among.at least 32 applicants. ' .,..,. .......... pailyPlot. I : CXlS'D\ MESA -1be COb1e11 tor one bf Che -lmpamnt,..,. In Che dty .. jllllll ' ........... ] ... .. ' FltdliJ -................. VJ· ... • .. CoD Me.a a.I olfalce. /ta pl 3:30 .............. -baur Uld. ~.., .............. 12 ..... cadonl. Dae Snowden. who hll led the • ~ .. 16,.,.., wlll retire June 13. 1be new cbllf w'8 llbly be on boMI • ... two .... before that ct.le to ~ an a llDOOlb llmllldofi. Qcy Manlp' Alm ..... .... "Wm ..... to -and lnteniew c:m+1 2 I bJ die ..... pmlt ol M.n:b," ........................... test and interview the candidates. though he declined to go into • .... "We hope to l\IUTOW the lleld down to two or ---........ ~ ..... md., 6om ......... ..a.s. · THINKING ALLOW ED Life's not fair outside of Newport S onw (II \OU lllJV <1h-.olu1t•lv 'hmldt'r at 1lw 1hough1 thal I \.\'1'> <1<.kt'd to 'l'll'.lk IO J hurH h (It hlo,o.,()ftllllg youth la'' \.\l'l'k hut d11n'1 worn. ti y.,1..,nt in vour ntv. I o.,poh· lliuro.,da\ at l ~1n•t·1 Day for Muo,t.itel M1dJJt• )choul m Ho'>emead. a ntv t'J'-1 111 Loo.. A.n~elt·-.. lll'>t Wl''-t 11f Fl M•mtt· .mu mi\P<. dY.••s frn111 LOLITA HARPER 'ewpon Mt·•-.1 ., Oddly rnough. 11 l\J'- tht' .tnon\tll!lU' \lJllt' ol a 11nt ..., >· h.1pf1\ I >arly Ptlor rl'<1dt•1 from Nt•wpon llhtt h 1J1a1 kept pla~111g 111 my ht"td "' I talkt•d 111 tJw,,· k.11.h '->ht• hacJ left mt• ,1 volt l' mail 011 \\'edrwc;da\ Jho111 rm · wh11w" Jffordablt• h1n1 ... mg column c111d ba~teally tnld tnt' to o.,uck it up .\n unwed mother 'rm pl\ 1 .mnut afford I• 1 hw 111 Newpon fkad1. '>ht' pointed out "lltal\ hft'. w.t•etil'," the n1.1t11rc· femak \Oln' told llll' \\'luh· I don't nl'c.:e-.o..ar1ly agrt'l' with her. 'ht• n·mrnd1·d mt• of ..,oml'thrng I alrf'ady knl'w -hit' '" not fair I )..'lit''-'-while Irving in lht' 1111·t ca of ~ntthern t .aliturn1a, where n.tr\ a care tl. wa-.1ed on ... urh things ai. putt mg food on the table. I began to hehew 1ha1 I too was . enmll'<l to all the luxuries of nn neighbor'>. Reality remind" me that I Wa5 mised by a ... mgle mother. dn not come from money and don't plan to marry money. '\O I can't ex:pl'<..t that oc t>anfront home anyt ime soon. I have to play the hand life ha'i dealt me, a nd lhat ts what I wanted to relate to those Rosemead 'itude nt.<i. My best friend. I leather, the <;ame broke teacher I wrote about last week. who will also never own a home in Soulhem California. invited me to career dav at her school. Although I had had a child out of wedlock (which some people try to convince me is an evil thing) and chose a career lhat pays less than what ii cost for a year of coUege, he still thought I would make a good speak.er. SM AU.OWED, P11e M Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ON THE WEB: www.~ccm ~ The word for the rllin . ....... A2 .. ,. UCl'llluW ....... .,. .... .. ..... .. A2 Monday, February 24, 2003 • YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT ~ ..uR I DAO Pl.OT Ziggy Modntck has operated Ziggy's Optical on Via Lido in Newport Beach since leaving Kaiser Hospitals 22 years ago. S.eeing clearly Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Z iggy Mod.nick has been selling glasses out of his cozy Vita Udo shop for more than 20 years. Mod.nick can recall families that have bought frame-and-lens after frame-and-Jens and then brought their children in for glasses. "It's been such a joy to me,· Madnick said. "I've watched these lcids grow up.· In 1981, Ziggy took a chance. After 27 years with Kaiser Hospitals, he quit and bought a small opticaJ shop in Newport Beach, the Optical Fashion Center Newport. at 3417 Via Udo, and changed the name. It has been Ziggy's Optical ever since. Word of mouth for his business is so good. he sajd, that 95% of his business is repeat customers and referrals. BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Utah health products company opens Costa Mesa branch Tahitian Noni lntemational, based in Utah, opened a Costa Mesa branch near South Coast P\aza on Friday. The privately held company, fonnerty known as Morinda Inc., sells cosmetic and beauty products. Tahitian Noni held a grand opening cer- emony on Friday at the store's Metro Point Center location, at 535 Anton Blvd. The branch will serve all of Southern California The company is also getting ready to launch a production plant in Tahiti. The For 22 years, Ziggy Madnick has helped whole families find just the right frames The simple fonnula of good prices and good quality, he said, has been the key to his success. He also insists on employees that know their trade. As an eyewear salesman, Mod.nick is an optician, not an ophthalmologist, an eye doctor with an M.D. or an optometrist, who performs eye tests and sets prescriptions. Selling fashionable frames is the bread and butter of Mod.nick's business. but he also does some ~finishing" and tinting on the lenses themselves. By using an in-house grindlng machine, company harvests the juke of the Tahitian Noni fruit and uses it as the base ingredient in its myriad products. Last year. Inc. Magazine named the com- pany one of the top 500 fastest growing businesses in the country. Tatitian Noni logged more than S 1 billio n in global sales for 2001. · Newport Beach-based Irvine Co. hires new top legal eagle The Irvine Co., based · in Newpon Beach, has hlred Patricia Frobea as their top attorney, a spokeswoman said Friday. The company hired Frobes to take over as its senior vice president of legaJ affairs, gen eral counsel and corporate secretary. Frobes has been working out of the Newport Beach office of nadonwide law Madnick can add scrntch-resistant surfaces. fit the lens to the particular frame or add uJtra-violet coating. They don't sell any contact lenses. He carries a long list of fashionable models. including Calvin Klein, Armaru, Valentino. Mildi, Caz.al and &cada. ColorfuJ tinting. Modnick said, has become a popular new trend, especially in fashion-conscious Newport Beach. "Colors are really in,· Madnick ~d. "Optical is now like clothing. The first thing people see is your eyewear. • Madnick has two employees worlcing for him. a lab technician and an eyewear dispenser. Ziggy has lived in Newpon Beach since 1981, when he moved into a condominium near the Blue Water Grill after leaving his LA. home. The n -year-old Modnick lives there with his wife. firm O'Melveny & Myers. As chair of the firm's reaJ estate division, Frobes man·· aged 65 lawyers in five offices across the country. Frobes will begin at the lrvme C..o. on March JO. Frobes replaces Dan Hedigan. who has taken a job as the company's senior vice president of land sales and management. He will oversee all of the company's devel· opment and operation of its housing communities. Hedigan replaces Otlch Willette, who is retiring June 30 after 26 years with the company. Wlllette will remaJn on as a consultant. to another addition, Mary Westbrook will join Frobes in the expanded generaJ counsel's office, where she wiU serve as vice presid ent of legal affairs. DaiiyAPilot Conll Wllloft News aniltlnt. (949) 674-4298 coral. wi'-onfllatimn.com PffOTOQRNIHERS Sean Hiller, Don Leach, l<er1t T repcow Box 1560, Ca.ta Mesa, CA 92626. Copvright No MM 110ri91, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduoed without written permission of copyright owner VOL 97, NO. 55 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor JOr/'t OETl1NO ~~r Promotlone Director NewslidlDs Gina Alexander, Lori Andenon, Paul Sait.owiU, Daniel Stevent NEWISTAFf 0....-llwMtt Crim. end courta reporter. (949) 674-4226 dtleptl.bharetti • 1«1,.,..com JuMC•nP*• Newport Beed\ reporter. (948J 57iM232 /uM.~n<#•t.t1,.,..com .... Clntoft Potltlca end environment reporter, (M8)7&M330 pttU#.dinfon•l«JrNa.com ............ Column!M. culture '9pOfW, (M9) 574-4275 lolita.,.,.,,.,.""1,,,...oom .,.... ... bUSSlelt com M.-rwpoftler, (Ml 114-4221 t#lfdr&•'""'*'•.,._com C1Rkltit 1C..-. Eduoadon ,.,._,, ( .. ) J74.42tl ""*""-'.,,., • ....,_,oom AEADER8 HOTUNE (949) 842.eo&6 Record your comments about the Daily Pil01 or newt tips. ~ Our addrea It 330 W. Bay St., Cotta M..a. CA 82627. Offtee hours are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. eon.-. It i. the Piiot'• policy to promptly oo!TeCl all tlfTOrt of substance. pt_.. call (9491 764-4324. FYI The Newport BMchlC04IUI Meta Dally Piiot (USPS-144-800) 11 publi.hed dally. In Newpoft Beach and Ca.ta Meta, tu~ a,. Mleble onfy by 1Ubecriblng IO The Tlmel ~County (IOO) 2&2·1141. In ...... outllde of Newport leedl end eo... Meea, ~·to tM Deify Plot.,. .wit ... ontv by flnt .. mel fof ao,. mond\. tfllbe lnclkldt ... 1N'a11l'e .... lftd !OC191 W .) l'Ol'TMASTEJt..,,., .... ..... to The~ ~ ~ o.ev"°" '-0· HOW TO REACH US ~ The Times Orange County 18001252-9141 AdWitlMI .. a.llMed (949) 642-li678 Dt*"'9Y 1949) 642-4321 EdltofW News 1949) 642-5680 Spot1al949)57 .... 223 ..... Fu 1949) 646-4170 lpcNb Faa (948) 860-0170 E-mel: dallypl1ot•i.ttme1.com Melfi Olloe ... , ..... Olloe (IMt) 642·4321 ........ fu (IMIJ 631-7126 Pubhhed by TlmM Community ~a dlvftlon of the Loe~ T1ma . ='~ CN. All rlohtl i I BEST BUYS A bit of couture here at home N aartn Ansari, a .------:-----i A ROOMFUL Of local couture CHOICES designer, is having a pre-spring/summer sale on European designer fabrics, with prices reduced 40% to 75%. through March 10. Ansari buys Lhe same couture fabrics that Olristian Lacroix. c..hriscian Dior. GREER WYLDER Italiano Home Sto~ specializ.es in regional . handmade objects and exclusive fumJture vendors from Italy. Ceramic pieces, papier-mAcM clocks, stone pieces, Murano glass clocks, Venetian glass wine tops, Plexiglas trciys with compressed leaves, Valentino and Ungaro use in their collections. Designers shop for fabrics here, and Ansari designs custom evening, daytime and bridal apparel. Attention to detail is her specialty. Ansari uses three to four layers of silk chiffon for lining. and she does beading. embroidery and applique work. Regular clients want specialty apparel that they can't find anywhere else, and some have copies of designs made. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through i:riday; from I 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sarurday; and by appoin tment on SWlday. 3363 Via Udo. Newpon Beach. (949) 675-6614. BEYOND A BASIC BATH Luxury bath.rooms designs are Waterworb' specialty. Since 1978, the Connecticut-based company has offered a whole range of classic and modem designs of furniture, textiles, lighting. plumbihg. tile and stone. The c;tore is a great resource for design ideas. and stuckb the best in bathroom accessories: towels, soaps, scales. mirrors. apothecary items. and lutchen and bar fixtures. Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 am. to 6 p.m. Saturday: and from noon LO 5 p.m. Sunday. 984 Avocado Ave. Corona del Mar Plaza. (949) 717-6525. www uKJterworks.com SHOE GURU BRANCHES OUT In 1914, Salvatore Ferragamo opened a sh op in Hollywood designing shoes for movie stars. In 1927, he returned to Italy, settling in Florence, where he perfected his shoes and soon became recognired throughout Europe. Today, family·owned Pemlpmo is still known for quality, craftsmanship and style. and it now offers head-to-toe fashions. People of all ages shop for shoes. handbags. ready-to-wear for men and women. and leather goods he re. The new athletic shoe line. Freedom. is especially hot Ferragamo customers can build wardrobes from every collection. Each season, a print on a silk scarf is also available on twin sets, and even a Ms. Teddy Bear -handbags and shoes coordinate, as well. A Mr. Teddy Bear is always done in men's silk tie prints. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from I 1 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level l\vo, at South Coast Plaz.a. (7 14) 979-7654. spices and candy are some of their items. Select discontinued Door pieces are at reduced prices. Simple and traditionally designed sofas, sectionals, iron beds. dining tables and more. Open from 9 am. to 7 p.m. Monday through Sacurday; and from 11 a m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. (949) 640-2458. A MASTERY Of' CLOTHING OPTIONS Rornano'I is a master tatlor. tuxedo sales and rental, and fine apparel shop for men and women. Owner Romano Palma carries mostly Italian designers. For men, there are Roam jeans. Bruno Magli shoes, suits and sportswear tom Zanella. Stefano Penmi. Jhane Barnes. OOSS Hugo Boss. Aurelio Mattucci and Collezioni t:uomo. For women. there is La Perla. Cerrud 1881, Zanella and FendJ and Nicole Miller shoes. Prices on select designer men's suits are reduced 50%. 928 Avocado Ave. Corona del Mar Plaza. (949) 640-9900. A FINE m FOR THE FEET New a.lance Newport Bach is Orange CoWlty's only New Balance store. New Balance shoes come in bard·to·fit a~ Crom narrow to extra wide. Committed to cutting-edge technology, not expensive celebrity endorsements. New Balance spends a substantial amount o f its budge1 on cushioning research and development It's also known for its Procare line of shoes.. for clinJcal foot problems. Professional fittings are another specialty bere. A Brannick device is u.sed for measuring feet accuratety. ·Eighty pen:ent of people are not wearing the right &i7.e shoe,· manager HaJ Hollister said. "When you leave the store, we want you to have the right fit ." There's a great retum policy. Problems shoes can be returned within 30 days. Sports shoes for men. women and children and a line of hilting boots and ~ from a I 00-year-old company from Vennont are now available. Spons apparel. too. Open from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Monday th.rough Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m Sunday. 932 Avocado AVf!:., Newport Beach. (949) 71J}. I 602. ' newbalancehh@aoLcom. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send Information to • Greer Wylder at greerwylder yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meta, CA 92627; or by fa>e at (949) 646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The rain should start by the afternoon, if it hasn't already. This could be the big one. Elizabeth. It's been • drop here, • drop there. but once these showers start, they should continue through Tueeday. Along the WflV, Newport-Men will get IOUth wlnd9 at 15 to 25 mph end thunderstorrna efter midnight. maybe, eo sweet dreems, kiddies. Expect hlgha In the mld-60t to mld-609 and lows In the lower SO..· '"'°""9tloft: www.nwa.noaa.flO'll BOATING FORECAST west swetl of 3 to 6 feel At night. the wind comes out of the west, and the swell growe by a couple of feel Farther out. the W8W9 will grow by• fool The w..t IWetl starts at 7 to 9 fMt end grows to 10 to 12 feet. SURF Toct.y'a afternoon 8Uff Is looking better then In Mfiler tor.ce.ts, meening more relleble wellt· end ~-Nghe. but there's ht r91n lglin. W....-lty: WWW.llUtfrld#.0'9 TIDES TllM S:Ole.m. 11:101.m. 8t22p.m. t:'7p.m. WATtR TEMPIUT\ltl -----..... .,. __ • -.... ' ' . . \ Commission to decide if condos can do Proposal for 16 1 upscale h omes at 1901 Newport Blvd. would add residents to large ly comme rcial area in Costa Mesa. FYI COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot . COSTA Ml~SA -Imagine liv rng downtown and being ahle tu waJk to re..,tuuroull~. the gym and thC' n10V1t''>, µlu!> havi11g a Vega.'>· 'tyll' nightclub right 111 your back yard. That\ tht' '>U:nario en vbiuned hy developer David Ead ie. who wants IO build 161 up!>cale con- do!> at 1901 Newport Blvd. The houi.ing would he in lhc north· cm portion of the property lhat coniaini. thl' Spanish mi~ion· 'tyle Newport Plaza building. "We believe it'!> a good com - plemerllilry ll!>t' in this particular area." Eadie !>aid. "You've got a downtown type of feel to cwry- thing, and a housing component u1 that area make!> a lot of ..,ense. While city plannl'r.., arc rccom- m ending approvul of the proje1:1. lhey would like to sec one of the proposed building~ lowered in heigh I. Eadie sa.id thi!> poi.1•' a pruh· lem. l'he project ii. de..,igned with a11 t'levator that woulcJ !>lop at thl· fourth floor to provide flt..:l'I'"" lO lhc upper-level townhorm·'· but lt\c fourth floor would haw to be removed from the plan.., to lower the height. The four buiJdings tiou'>ing tht' two-Mory condos would retlt'l'l lhc Spani~h-style ard1itecture of the commercial aml office part uf the propl'rty. rlll' projt•ct wouJd abo include two k·wb uf u11derground parking and a fiH·· li:'vcl parking <.lrut·turt' that would serve tht• <.tore,, ollit L'' and re ... idcnh. Tht· condo., an· C\Pl'< lt·tl 111 'ell for abnu1 $.I00,000. Ht•t au'>t' the propl'rly 1' 111 the dow111m'11 • WHAT~Custa M esa Planning Commission m eeting • WHEN: 6:30 p m tonight • WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Dnve •INFORMATION: (714) 754·5245 rl•dl'vl'l11p1111·r111om-.'l-.atlw.., fl' qum·cJ to pnw1d1· 14 llllll'> •JI .it tordablr h1Ju,i11g. hut thev don't liaVl' tu be on ... i1e I .id1e '>:tld he ha!.11'1 decidl'd yet wlll'n· thl'y will go. City pl:tllrll'r.., .tre 1t·L·o111· mending that tht• 1>111ldrng .11 tht:' ON THE AGENDA I l t'n· arc a lt-w items Lhat will b t-dbcu ...... 1·d at 1oni"'hl0'> Plan111ng C .01111111.,..,ilJll mee1i11g: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ANO DESIGN REVIEW PROCEDURES 111Jrthwe'>l i:ornt•1 ol 1 IJrbor '-,taff nwrnber~ haw ht·P11 lloulL'Vard a11tl llt-rnanJ ht-'>horl-reviewing the C'lly\ ,l,11~d.11d' t•ned Imm tour 111 tlirt:e '>lt)rie.., and dei,ig11 n·vit'\\ lo neate a Ol'lll'I v"u.tJ trnn..,i-procedure~ to makP tlw111 11011 "'ilh ncarll\ one and two-morC' clear and 1 wi-.1,IL'lll '111ry build111g' in the vidnity and tak.e the ... ubjeni\11y out ;ind 111 e111pha'>1tL' 1hi ... 111rrwr J' I 111 the pron'"· I ht' revtl'w an e111rvway 111 tltc develop-c <!.!!ll'' a year ;u1t..I a lrnU alln 1111·111 ~andclfd' were ,1d11plt•tl thr11 Lu111 rni....,iont·r Wall I >aVl'll n·q11irt• ewry ..,e1·c11HJ.-,1on port ..,Jld he wa.., learnng lowartl .id<lition to pu...., lllll\lt·• on .1pprt1\111g rhl' prown lwcau'L' ll'> l'ornpiltihil11y and Ill' 111..t•., lhl' pro..,pell of adding harmony with rhe rt·,tdt'llh lo 1111' llll\ UCll\tll\l\\ll. llL'1ghh11rh11od, l'\'l'll ti 11 lllt'Ph all 111 Lill' '>l.111<1.Hd'>. C .111111t drr1.i11 (,c.1n BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS \ l on,d 1.m Ila' '11).tgl"•I nl r Ill!\ n·qt11r111g JlrlJJt'l h 111 gtt through 1lt1· d1·-.1g11 fl'\ It'~' II 1h1·v don't 1011r111111111 tlw Grey whale spotted off Balboa Peninsula A C:ahfurnia gray whale 'Pt'rtl the aftt>rnou11 off Halboa Penin· ..,ula ill Wl'..,t Balboa BouJevard Jnd (, Street on Sunday. I he whale wa), fin.I "Potted at .1hout :i p.rn. By nightfall. the whall' wa., <.ull atlra<.:ttng ..,pct:ta· tor\, mo.,tly local'> in 'mall crowd' of liw to I 0 pl'opll', IJft'· hruard Jn'h Van eg111011d '>aid GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this hst, call (949) 574-4298. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. Of ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time pro1ects or ongoing programs. Training sessrons are available. (800) 660-1~93. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Regron of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to dnve cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment 1s a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a valid drrver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer SOciety vans. !949) 261 -9446 or scomer@cancer.org. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. is looking for volunteers to perform various general office duties in the main office and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN RED CROSS. ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (714) In m1 hwry to lt•a\1. lht' '-'ht1h- appeart'd lo lw rdax111g anti hot\ 111g fun, lw '-lid \Vh ;tlC!> l'111 \li1\ irt tllH' plctl 1• for two tn thrt't' ci,I\''>. '" p1·opl1· may ... 1JI lw ahle 111 "µ111 11 1n 1!11· morn111g, lw ''ud. \·\ll11lt· V,111l'g111u11d wa... 0111\ abll· lo '>POI the \>\h,11(· 1hr1111gh b1norular' Imm hi' l1111~1itt1 point t\.\<o and ;~ hr.ill milt•'-;I\\ :t\, collt•ai..'l1l'' \\.ho""~' tilt' 1\h.1h· 11p tlo't' h'l1t'''t•d th1· \\h;tl1· 10 ht• .r 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bonle·leedPr or ta~(· 111 pregnant cats at your home M any shelters kill pregnant tdts upon arrival. Dogs and cats r1re also available for adoption 19491 759-3646 or www.animalnetwork org ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varymg levels of involvement are needed to help the orgarnzat1on with its goal of helping children tn the community. (9491 645-6929 AS SN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa M esa group sponsors and supports outreach community service program~ such as the homeless sanctuary Volunteers are needed (714) 540-5803. BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organ1;a11on 1s looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide compa111onsh1p fo r adults with developmental d1sab1ltt1es As a uCitizen Buddy;' volunteers w ill v1stt with a buddy twice a month and call or e-mail them once a w eek. The o rganization also has an e-Budd1es program that forms friendships entirely over the Internet. Volunteers for that program m u st be at least 12 years old. (714) 546-1826 o r www.bestbudd1es.org. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter is looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived 111 Orange County for at least six months and have been on the job for at least three months to serve as big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes. (714) 544-7773. 111.tl1· hn .111,1· ol 1h l.11g1· "Ill', lw ,,111 I Ir \'•"' \\itl1111 .ir111-. 1ltrt1\\ uf tlt1• l11•.1t h in :1h11ut 'i 10 fj ftt't 111 1\,lll'r. Varll'gmond ..,,11d Whether You Buy or Lease ... You'll Find Incredibl e ... 1.tnd.1nJ... I ht· 11J11111g dt•ptlrtlltt'lll l"I c1h11 "lll~e.,1111g 111ort• '<pt·ultt amJ Val ues on Your Favorite Lex us ~ '*UBS PaineWebberw The Eichenauer Group Marshall G. Eichenauer, Jr. Denise M. Mogiello F1n1 V1ce-Pres1den1-lnvestmenrs F1nancwl Ad111sor "For a Free Complimentary Portfolio Review, Please Call" 949-467-6034 800·854 1222 ,.. • ··f .,. 1888 San Clemente. Newport Be.ich,(l\ n660 www ubspw com1tPam e1chgroup . " ' ~ ..... ' ..... .. ~ ·h .. " ever see n , ~ALDEN'S F1 ()()RC\ l\'l:Rl'IG A~o Cl.:<iTOM W1:\DO\t' Con R1:-..1.~ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ~as ...... , ...... . ••w hunterdouglo1 1om .~ WHFl l GIEAI I OO MS llGlll Clean, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Personal Attention to Our Members • Semi-Private for Men & Women • Lots of EquipmenVFree Weights • Pilates Studio & Mat Classes • SPINNING Theater-Ucensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Care Sam-noon M -F • Ample & Convenient Part(ing • Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretch ciasses • Step, Power Pump, Cardio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Skin Care • Shape-Up Phystcal Therapy Center • Permanent Make-Up • Shape-Up Hair Care • Aoupunoture1Acupf'98Sure Wellness Clinic ..,lrtllgt'Jll ... 1J11tl.11tl-. Ill 111<1!.: del' .... IOll'> lllllll' llhjt •II\ t WHAT TO EXPECT ~tafl 1.., rl« on1nw11tl1111-: u1111i11u111g 1111, 1 ... ..,,H' 11111d ~1ar 10 111 prr1\1d1• 11ld111011.1l 111111• llJ d1'\t'l11p 1)11· ~111tldtllt'' TRINITY CHRISTIAN CENTER PERMIT FOR OUTDOOR ACTIV~TY 1 lw t l111rd1 h.1'> .i '>IWt 1.11 l'\t'lll Jlt:'fllllt 111 t lflHllH I outdoor ;.11 ti\ it\ 011t1·11.1111 ()ll ,1 .. 1on .... lllll \d li'lf llt'.tll>\ n•-.id1·nt.., < 11mpl.11111·d Iii.ii tilt' 01J1door .tl tr\ rl\ \>\,t'- on 111n11g 011 .1 r1·g11l.11 h,"1' lltt• pl.111111 r'1g ,1;111 :111\ '"<'d ln111t\ ot tlw ll•"•·d 111 obt.1111 ,1pprnhtl 111" 111111111 LClllOllHJ11,d 11w jlt'llllll l ypl!'alh 1lt1 11111111)..'. ,1d1111111 ... 1r,11111 " 11·\\" ""'"' ptrrn1r.., 11111 d11• '" 1111 <1llltllllll 111•111 111 u '"• ,,, .. 111 l.ott·tl \\Ill It II I\' opt·r.1111111 1I11 " 111" t ,, :' liH'-'·ll•I< d 1•11111' l'l 11 11111~ ( !1111111"''°'' WHAT TO EXPECT '>I.di llH'flil11 1 If• r1•t'ilfllfllt lldt11~ t)'j•I "d "' tilt' per11111 \J\.1lli uc-n .. 111 1 011c.htmn,, u11 luding th;1I n111d11or c.11 11v11y ,.., ( t111d111 u•d 11 i:I w, ~ thc11 <11lm" tor quwt l'lllllVnl 'Ill ol !ht• '>llrrnu d111g 11t·1gltlmrlt11ocl IEW OF TRINITY RISTIAN CENTER 'S CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS .\'\I.ill \\•i' 111\l''fl~dlfllg outtl11111 u ... 1· 1111111 1 • 1111•1 .i r1-.,1dt•11r • 11111pl;11rwd .ol>.,111 othl'r h'>Ut'"· 'lit f, '"•tu· parking 11f bu"'" \11 111 Ja11uar". the u11111111-."111 ft'tjlll'<,l1·d lit.ti 1111' I t)IHl1t11111,tl ll"' p1·11111I~ pn•\1tlll'f\ 1pp1mPd tr11 I r1tlll\' lw ft'\ lt'\"·d .11t •II• \\tth lilt' t 11rr1 r t :•"I 11 r I •1u1do11r <lUIVll\ WHAT TO EXPECT ..,t,tllrttffr 1111'11d-. ·•PPlil\.tl I' 1! 1 ;11•11111 \\lilt I 1·11.1111 I .. ri •• 11 .... 111• hid II~ I I 1,11 I I 11 ' 11lf / r I I ,jl 111 I',,,, 11\ ,,,i11 ... 11. p ... ,.•I ,,,11. 'lh'i' l•liil 1h1tlfl)' 1111 p JI~ Ill>! ••I,, 1)'111 I.,, 1111" ( 111•1111/1•.t /11 ,, 1/11 \1•1,•1111111 ~~ I ~ •. ..., I i t I I ,. : I I I I Steaks • S€afood • Cocktails ' .. Qu.i.lit\ \.,n t«· • .. "'Ni hth i 111<:r1.ii11nu·ri1 · .. HO PASSPORT IS MEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA· 949·6,5·7616 PERFORMA NCE FOOTWEAR WITH All THE LATEST STYLES ~ . ; MULTIPLE WIDTHS AVAI LABLE NEW SPRING APPAR EL WITH PRO ORY TECHNOLOGY Tho Bu~l To Ewrrise~ t lou fan Still llav, A ii IS liUlr a.~ ~WeeU! Sin~ S6S on our Fiil Tummy Get Acquaintrd Pn:-ik.'W. Call cocby and make your rtsa vatioos, 9'9.64o.4469 WtdotbtworL You Fl 1bc Body. f M Monday, f~ 24, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •tt.bor~;A woman was arrested on suspicion of violation of probation in the 2000 block at 3:.20 p.m. Friday. • Hatbor Boulevwd: A man was arrested on suspicion of petty theft in the 2300 blodt at 2:45 p.m. Saturday. • Hatbor Bou6.vant: A man was arrested on suspicion of grand theft exceeding $400 in the 16300 bl~at 10:45 a.m. Thursday. • Mk'9r Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substanoe in the 2200 blodt at 12:32 a.m . Friday. 33322 22 0 0 . .... . --..... - • Not1h State CoUege: A man was arrested on suspicion of threat with the intent to terrorize in the 1400 blodt at 3:25 a.m . Friday. l<ENT TREPTOW I DAil. Y PILOT Members of Moe Hamill's family listen to Newport Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg speak at the bench dedication ceremony at Irvine Terrace Park m Corona del Mar on Sunday. •West 19th Street and Maple Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of violation of parole at 7:10 p.m. Saturday. •West 19th Street end Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public at 9:43 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • &st Bay Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 300 blodt at 9:04 a.m. Sunday. • East Coast Highw.y and Moming Canyon Ro.d: A water/sewer problem was reported at 9:37 a.m. Sunday. • Harbor lsi.nct: Trespassing was reported in the 100 blodt at 3:56 a.m. Sunday. • Pllrti Crest: An adult was reported missing in the 100 blodt at 2 a.m. Sunday. • Pir918 Roed: Larceny wasreportedinthe lOO blade at 6:25 p .m . Saturday. • vi. Lido: A red zone violation was reponed in the 3300 blodt at 9:05 a.m. Sunday. Re Painting? If you're looking to paint or repa int, rebuild 1t, replace it or restore 1t, look in the Pilot Class1f1eds to find the service best fining your needs. Daily Pilot I 1\\ t • tj ( ' ' '' ~/. 1•• 1 'p I • OUTREACH Continued from Al memory of Wendell Fish and Moe Hamill. The two men, who were leaders of both organizations, passed away last year, only five m onths apart. Through !heir hard work and belief in the importance of international friendships, lhey con~eptualized the Newport Beach Sis ter Cities Assn. and made it a realiry. In 1982, the Rotary Oubs of Newport-Balboa and Okazaki South became sister clubs. joining !heir effons to develop cultural. educational and community relations between the two cities. One of the first projects was the Junior High School F.xchange Program, in which four students from each city stay with hos1 families for 10 days, often developing lifelong friendships as a result. • 1 cannot thi.nlc of a better way to bridge the distance between nations than to allow their youngsters to visit one another an~live with their families. This w lhe .vision shared by Moe, We dell and their counterpart.lo in Okazaki in 1982.w Rorary Oub President Roger McGonegaJ sald in his s peech on Sunday. The concept originated Wlth President Eisenhower's people-io-people concept, thar individual friendships betweep countries will lead to greater peace and understanding. The Feb. 23 dedication marked the 98th anruvcrsary of SPIN Continued from A 1 people looldng to buy a starter home. F.adie said. . By establishing a housing proj- ect that offers homes for sale in· stead of apartmen ts for rent, Rutter said , !hey are trying to build pride-of-ownership in the area. "Owning a home Is certainly pan of the American dream," Mansoor said ·People who are buying tend to put more time and e ffort into their commu- nity." In addition to the Hutter proj· ect, several other businesses along Harbor and on 19th Street are expanding. A handful of new • HAROWOOO • LAMIHAJ!S •CARPET· • CERAAIC TIE• WM. R.OORING ·~'!!!ff!!. t .f,ffo!:,i,\,j SOLAIUAN ~~ EXOTIC IUONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE t• 41 !!!!.!!i.. * 1 '' from .. tqft -tql •• w x 1r ...... -.................................................... u 111a. Calnlic ....................................................... ~-111l ~ N:Jcxt ................................................. i'*"IM ._, 'The fun part is, once the students make the exchange, they stay friends forever. It is a magic thing that happens.' Scott Paulson chairman of the Okazaki committee of tile Sister Crty Assn. the foundmg of l!utary International. It wa., de!.ignareJ as ·world Under...tanding Day" by the Rotary dub Four civic leader., came from Japan for three day-. 10 take part in the ceremony. Pre.-.1dent of the Oka7.akl lntemationaJ A'isn. Ma.sao Kato pre<>ented gifts to the two men's familie'> and expres.sed hi'> fondnec,.-, for the two men who had become clo<.e friend& over the year-. Af1er giving Dorothy I lam ill. wif(' of the late Moe I Jamill, a k.is-. on the cheek. it wa~ obv10u<, Kato had been 1nnuenccd by hi' American friend-.. "Usually. JapaJ1e:--.e d1.1 nut k.J<,'\ in public.'. KalO 'hyly admit1ed In the audien(t:, '\ara Luca'> recogmzed Kato 1111med1ately from her vi~11 10 Japan in I 'l85 ac, one of the fiN exchange !>luden t'l In lhc rrogram. Minute!> after lwr urriv-.:tl in Japan. a homh W<L' di.,covcn·d in the airpun, and tl1 c 'tudl'llh were locked in.,1dc• fur huurc,. 'hi· recalled. ll1at did nut damp<·n the expenenc.c '\he re1uml·d two year\ lalt'r to v1'11 twr 111"1 lilmily. tht• I fayak<1wa., "We got the rl-d rarpt·I ueaunent all the way." Lucru. ..aid. She wit!> impressed b~· the hn~pitality o f the Japanese, but the relatiom.l1Jps built over a short time were the point of the whole experience. she said. Scott Paulson, chairman of lhe Oka7.alci commillee of the Sbter City Assn., said that after his many visits. friends in Japan now malce up one-third of hir. Olri!>Lmas card list. " fhe fun part i~. once the studen1s ma.kc the exchange. they stay friends forever." Paul on 1'<tld. "II ls a magic rhing that happen ... " Friend'> and c.olleagues rememberc·d Wendell Fio;h and Moe I Jamill with admiration of their Vl'>lon and expressed deternunauon to carry the work that tht·y '>tarted far into the future b <,h, who pa<,sed away in hi.,~ ... arid Moe I lamill, in hi'> 80'>, wt•rc activl'ly involved right up until the t.>nd. "Nothing wac, work 10 him. , I wrything wa., a pleac;ure." r>urothy I lam1ll '><Ud of her hu,barid ~ltf' alre-Jdy har.. two picni<.' lunchc.~ plannt.od with frien~ at the bencht">. ">he r..aid her hu.Jximl would have been lhrilletl and honored hy the d.edicauon and 1he outcome of IW. efforts. Carol McMullen. daughter of Wendell H~h . .,aid hi-. work wa'> \t•ry importa111 10 him. A' for tilt' ht·m h, ... tw 'iaid , "\1v d,1d wuuh.J've .. aid 11 wa' 11111 111ud1 • • CORAL WILSON 1s the news ass1s1a111 ancJ may be readied al (9491574 4298 or bye mc'l•I at ,·oral w1/son "lat1mes com SCAN HILLER I DAILY Pll OT Businesses and city leaders are pushing for a condo complex at this site, seen from a third-floor window of 1901 Newport Blvd. businesses are moviug in, as weU. Theodore Robins Ford, al the comer of Harbor and Ray Street, is close to capping a deal to buy a 44,000-square-foot lot across the street to store excess in ven- tory and seU used cars. Up the street. Norm's Rcstau· rant. at 2250 I !arbor Blvd., is wrapping up a $200,000 fa~de upgrade. In 2001, lhe popular El Olina· co restaurant, whk h serves a blend of Mexican and fJ Salva· AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Cost.• Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by celflng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and toe.lion of the event, 89 well "•contact phoM number. A complete listing It evallabte at ·www.dMlypllot.com.. TODAY AO..CD1d16oe• llln nlonof •tntllfNltionet Food Wara: Growing Cont~· led by John a.nn..-11 the ftfth In en tlght-wMk Mffea on U.S. foreign potky topfct. Th9 dtlcuMion will dor.in food, moved to 560 W. 19th St. Al Cmta Mesa Square, a new Henry's Market will open its doors on Friday Across the street, the new Bay- crest Shopping Center will open with a ban.le:. a Subway sandwich eatery and a nail salon. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may bo reactied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clmtonl,.,/atimes com. be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St Mark Presbyterian Church, 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beadl. For more inforrriation, call (949) 760-1691. TUESDAY Women Helping Women wll ho9t ita annual open hot.IM from 4 to 8 p.m. The nonprofit Of'g.nildc>n ..,..,.. ov.r zooo wom.n ennuellv bv pnMclng dofq to women In trwllitklf1n..-Jng .,,~ ............. wllbe .wet. The**' la .c 7t1 Welt 17th St, CO.C. Mela. For more lntormadon. ml C1481.m.oo67. .............. -n. Connection IM'wMn ALLOWED Continued from Al ·You are a Latina and you graduated from college regardless of the roadblocks." Heat.her listed as the reasons fo r my invitation. (She must have forgonen to mention that I am a fabulous pubUc speaker.) I speni the m orning talking to large groups of public school_ children -some of whom could not understand all the words !hat came out of my mouth - about the possibilities life holds · for them if they educate themselves. stay rrue to themselves and work hard. I felt like a walldng after-school special, but I m eant every word I said. J didn't lie to these children, or blow smoke up their blue plaid uniforms. I could not stand in fronl of these kids -who rnu'>t work after-chool jobs 10 support the family. o r who!>e parents are drug addicts or g-.mg member<> or ex-cons -and reU them life would be peachy ~ long a... they did all their homework and ate their vegetables. TI1e problem with these kid'> 1s they don't beBeve they have even a chan ce to level the playing field. Many of the<>e kid!> said they have no control over their future. and for many of them. their tea~ers were the only college graduates they knew. Owing our bnefing before career day began. the school principal told us. "We 1m1 want our kid'> to realize that coU~e " a possibility for 1hcm: It wa'i a \trange reaJinurun for me to even think a cQUege education was not an option. becauo;e ever since J can remember. I knev. I was going tu' college. Even in the eighth grade, my math 1eacher told U'> the mO!>t prestigious uruver~Hie<. looked as far back as middle ~c.:hool v.11en evaluating applicauon~. In my pre-algebra cla.,., di l.akt~ide Middle School m Irvine, 1hat was aU we needed IO hear to malce U!'. pay attenuon ·n1ere Wct.'>n·1 one of U'> who didn't hope to malce tht' Ivy l~ague c:u t. Ju!>l a-; I adopted the .11111ude of succe~' being bred at my 'chool. many o f the<,e !odor, hdve heen t0nvinced they too ought to have the qualny of liJe that surround'> 1hem. They are WfOllJ::. Yt''>, tht•y will have to work harder 1han a < orona del Mar :.ludc nt 111 get mto collegt' Not because they aren't as sman. but bt.>eause their property taxl'\ don't bnng in enough money to finance extr.i faculty to teac.h adv-.mted placemen! cla~-.e.-. And their parenr.. don't maJce CHIEF Continued from Al The proc~ will be conlidenudl, and no details will be rt'Vealed until the new per'iCm i-. '>t'll'Ctt'tl QUALIFICATIONS Roeder !><ljd he has been '>olic· lting suggestions from Cily Council members and Snowden to gauge what kind of qualitie~ lhe new chief should have. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan said she believes it i~ "very im · portant to do a broad search" and keep an open mind. "If an in-house candidate meets our needs, we should have no problem hiring from inside,· she said. "But if we have some- one from out.side who is a good candidate, we should be open to that. as well.· Cowan said lhe ideal candi· date will be a good communica- tor who goes beyond the tradi- tional approach to policing. ·1 lhink the new person houJd have an interest in look- ing at the broadest spectrum of opportunities to provide a safe community," she said. Snowden, whUe echoing Co· wan's opinions, said the new chief must possess good ad.min- lnftammation and Chronic DiMaMS. wlll be hefd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. et Mo~• Martiet, 225 Ent 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservetions, call (800) 695-MOMS. A WOlbhop on "Meiltwdi• end Ptomodon. wtll be held from 9 1.m. to noon et Natlof* Un:wr.lty, 3380 Hat'bor Blvd .. COiia Mele. The $2& •Inductee ~For more lnfonNdon, cal (714) 5'i0-7-. ......................... 11 ... I.ct by locel voice ..... P9lridl Shena wtll be held IC I p.m. M Me Coffee, IOI 31fl St.. Newpo'1 ~.Formore~.cell enough money to hire private iutors. nor can their parents call up an old coUege buddy to put in a good J'fl(;Ommendatlon with 1he Yale review board. Yes. the Muscatel kid will have to ftnd a WdY to juggle an after-school job, baby-sitting younger siblings and studying lf they want 10 get good grades. And yes. these kids will go 1raight to jail if they get caught wllh even the smallest amount of drug'> because their pare n lb don't have the money to hfre a high-priced lawy~r to get. them off with community ervice. b It neces..sarily fall"? No, but neither is life. No point in whlning about it. A.' much as I think it 1s iniportanl for the Rosem ead children to lean !award presumptions of success thar arc w common in Newport-Mesa, J 1hink 11 1r. important for us to at h~ai.t understand the challenge~ of those around us. lkgardless of UH' hand they were dealt in life, there ~ alway' tu opportunity 10 adv-dllce. And whtn they do, they will be the peer' of Newpor1 Harbor, t-~1anc1a. Corona del Mar and (.o~ta M~ high !>Choo! waduate.. . V.'hile 11 1s more convemen1, and frankly. less depre~ing to May bolateb in paradise, it ib 1mpnrtan1 to understand where uur future coUeagues, in-law<,, partner~ or medical profe,.,ional'I have gone throu~h 111 gt't where they are. And no. the less fortunate don't dr.,erve an extra pat on the ba<.k or a faner pay check becau\C they have tackled more obstacle~. P·d.Ienl'> v.<ho have been able IO provide their l htldr('n With lwcuries thac co mt• along wit.h living in. . Nev.pon-Mt"Sa sho~ld be congratulatt'd. Thef have ">Unecded in the ultimate goal of parenung. to make a good life for their children. t l't-rhaps '>Orne Rosemead pdrent'> were not able to afford a hoU'>t' in Newport Beach and M~rt' 1hercfore not able to send 1hC'1r children to the best public .-.rhool'>. Too many Rosemead d uldrt•n have aJready witnes.<,ed more tragedy in theu 12 year' 1han I, 1hanldully, will see m my life Bur 1f parentJ. and educator'> ront1nu(' to instill in them hope fnr a hetter tire, perhap~ th~ could go real ~late shopping along the Paulic. fhey too needed to undt•r<.tand lhar they wen• not de<.uncd to the lifestyle around them . .,o I ~hared with them the words of a wise Newport fkoach rcc,ident. " J11at\ lift: " • LOLITA HARPER w rit85 columns Mondays Wednesdays and Fudays and covers culture and the arts She mav be reached at (949) 574--4275 or Live rrui1I at lohta '1<1rper o la11mes com 1'1r.111ve ab1l11Jes while remairnnK ,1 1 ompa.,'>ionate human be111K "I al'io believe that a polite <.h ref .. hould give staff autononn to malu.• their own dca.s1oru. and not rmcromanage, • he ~d COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Rot'der l>.11d he doesn'1 see the <.ummunity directly getung m volved wuh the -;election proc· e ....... "!here would he n o account· ah1liry that wdy. • he said Bur Roeder ~d he welcome!. wrillen ~uggestion from com· · mum1y members about what qualme<. they would like to see in thcu new chief. The city is not using an execu· • tive search firm. bu1 Roeder said he expects several qualified peo· pie to apply. ·nw w-c1y thlngs are right now. I don't think we will get too many applicants," he said He added. however, that there will be an ad· equate field of qualified candJ· dates to choose from. ·All I really need,· Roeder said, ·~one outstanding. exceptional person.· • DEEM 8"ARATH cover• public safety and courts. She may be ' '' I readled at (949) 574-4226 or by ••, .. I e-mallat deepa.bharathtlfatimn.oom.. ; • 1-\ \ ! ~". ~-. (949) 723-4473. ~ . ~. WEDNESDAY A"-...... wlbooll ..... r • called •AntHging for Bebv ,, • l.., Boomer. end Beyond ..... be j ~.jl held from 8;30 to '7~30 t:: .. ~ ·•L..., MottMr'-Matbt.225 11th n .. •I; St., COiia ~For N11N811af-. i l11tl catl (IOO) -..MOMS. : It..,~ l1'eC-. M.9 a... ... ,., M •I ( .,,J Commtroe wll hole 1 ·• .. ,... 'I ,..., Hour~ from .. ID 7:30 p.m ... IN KM.,._ '\ "j Bf'9W9fy ........... '°' 8oulh 11 t1l Co.t Drtw. Frw tor member'I I •ul'\ end COM le $10b potllllllll 1: •~·I ~~1i memt>era. For...-.~ CMlll(714J_.., .. - . ' -·. . ' . •I ., I 'I .... . .... J .... ! J" ... QUOTE OF THE DAY "Volleyball, in the end , m ade m e money." 1111111 Schutz, Daily Pilot Han of Farner Daily Poot Sports Ecltor Roger Canson • 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 CIF SOUTHERN SECTION PLAYOFFS And then there were four Local girls survivors play on in water polo, soccer. No such luck for Sage Hill boys basketball. While girls water polo teams from Corona del Mar High (Division II) and Newport Harbor (Di- VlSion I) learned Sunday where they will be play· mg their respective CIF Southern Section semi· final contests Wednesday, the finaJ Newport-Mesa team to be eliminated from the boys basketbaJJ playoffs was mulling over what might have been. Sage Hill School fell in four overtimes Satur· day night to host Yeshiva a t the Westside Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles in a Division lV·A second-round game the estimated 200 spectators who witnessed , as weU as the players a nd coaches who took part. won't soon forget. "There were too many turning points to re· co unt.· Sage Hill Coach Steve Keith S.Ud of the 76· 72 setback that left both teams spent after 48 minutes of action. "I don't think the teams were ever separated by more than five points and there must have been about a dozen lead changes. II was aU you'd ever want in a game." Sage Hill, which finished its second varsity season with a 11 ·l4 record, 'including the pro· gram's first postseason victory (a 57-47 first· round road triumph over Hamilton) was led by junior Kevin Joyce. who scored a career-high 30 points. He carried the Lightning in overtime. af· ter senior star Michael Fitzhugh (28 points) fouled out in the finaJ m inute of regulation. "Kevin just took over: Keith said. "He had a turnaround jumper in the lane with 2.2 seconds le ft in the third overtime that went deep into the basket, but just crawled out. Everyone thought that shot was in and it would have been the game-winner.· Instead, Yeshiva, led by Michael Pollack's 3 1 points. doubled the Lightning's four points in the fourth four-minute overtime to advance to Tuesday's quarterfinaJs. "Even the four-point difference was mislead · ing, because we were down by two with 13 sec· onds left and missed a three-pointer to go ahead. before fouling them with rwo seconds left," Keith said. "They hit a couple free throws and it was over. "I give o ur kids a lot of credit. because. just m entally. seeing Fitzhugh waJk to the bench and know he was d one in the fourth quarter. was tough. They showed a lot to keep battling through the overtim es." Top-seeded CdM and No. 2-seeded Newport Harbor will continue their pursuit of CIF girls water polo titles. as will the girls soccer squads from Costa Mesa, the No. 2 eed in Division Ill. and CdM, unseeded in Division II. The girls soc· cer quarterfinals are scheduled ruesday at 3 p.m . The CdM girls water polo team (24 ·SI will hol>I Canyon of Anaheim (22-8). 111 a semifinal Wednesday at Newport Harbor I ltgh canyon. the Century League runner-up. upset No 4 · seeded University. 9· 7, 1n Saturday's quar11:r - finals. Newport Harbo r (24·5) gets its first road play· off date when 1t meets Santa Margarita (20·8) Wednesday at a neutral s ite of the Eagles' ch<>OS· ing. Both water polo matches are tenta t1v1:ly scheduled for 3: 15 p.m . Coach Bill Barneu'i. !:>ail · ors have defeated Santa Margarita m three pre · vious meetings this season, by scorrs of 10 8, 7-4 and 5-4. ln soccer action. Costa Me'ia (I~ I ·2) Vl\llS Santa Monica ( 13·5·2). while <..urona del Mar (1 1 ·5 ·2) hosts Canyon of Anaheim 111 b 41 Tuesday. Costa Mesa. which d efeated firs t·round vi'>llor John Glenn, 8·0. Saturday. has won 14 straight and is unbeaten in its last 19. The Mustang . champions of the Golden West League. have now outscored opponent . I 06· 13, this season Santa Monica earned a 2· I first-round win at Cypress. CdM was a 2· I winner at Murrieta VaJley in Saturday's first ro und, while Canyon posted a 7-0 fir t-round triumph over visitmg RiaJto . CATCHING UP WITH Wayne Stanfield Costa Mesa High, OCC grad retiring after 20 years of racing vi ntage cars, bu t still involved as ever. schedule hotel stays for the racers and spectators along the route. position the 60 volunteers and detineate pit stops and lunches each race day. More than 40 cities host the race, with free public access that lndudes festivals. parades. car shows and coloring contest.a ror ch.Odren. "Rltdng always comes back to the people,. Mid Slmlleld. who attended Coeta Mea HJgh and Orange Cout College before trlnllerrins to Northern Arizona l.Jnhten61y. "lbu don't hi..-. to s-r S50 to Wilch tt Ind there are no "8nt uytng 'Do noc touch.' People haw thele wonderful can they brine in for •M yrooe to.ee.. Some °'the noecawc wbldel lltto ... ondle.-......rd* lllllMIW ladude I 1117 ....... Indy CS. I 1949 \\JAJ I I EYE OPENER Daily~Pilot Sports 1 luJI of f IUl)t> Mdnt1 J hoootee KELLY CAMPBELL Monday, febfuory 24. 2003 A5 The Costa Mesa girls water polo team earned a tturd of the Golden West League title this season . In the front row, at the edge of the pool, from left .. are: Jessica Steenhard,Lynnsee Pedersen, Annie Le. Christine Twohig. Sarah Bowman. Allyson Hams and Alltson Gravis. In the rear, from left. are Jessica Bunnell, Patricia Sc.huppert, Quyen Nguyen. Chandra Malap1ra and Kaue Thorsness ~I '1 If< • /. A 'J l COLLEGE BASEBALL UCI explode s 'iAN 1>11 < ,O --llw I H Ir'\ Ill\' ha<,(•h,111 tc>am e'tplodt'Cl for .111 t·11~.ht rn11 't'\c•11th mmng \unday en ro1111· In .1 IO t 11111111111 ference w111 a l the IJ111wr.,11y of \.m Dll'gu lhe Anlt.',llf'P• (I ii. who hah1·d d .,,, game lo .. ing ... trrak wt th an H I ''' 11i') \.11 urday ovt•r tht.' loreru ... rnJtdw<l '>Jtur day'<; output with 11 1111.-.. 1 lw l.! hll!> ,.., th1• most in hac.k 111 l)j1 k g.1111t''-tlm '>t.'a..im for the An1ea1n ... whu hJtl '>1111nl l\'>o nuh or fewf'r in \I>. of 1ht·1r ltr-.1 11111<' game.,, 111 eluding a 7 ·I lo"-<i 11 1 I mJ.1y., '-<'rtl''> opt•1wr Junior '-Ctond IM'-l'rnan Moll 1'1-.llt'r went 3 for 5 y,ith J home ru11 ,rnd J tlou· ble. fimshmg with fhr RBI\ Im tht' \o'olll ners. Senmr <hns ._,Jt•111111 w.t., .! for 4 "'''" rwo RBI.,, while frl•.,hrnan Murk W;igm•r had two Int'> and an HHI for lJ< .I \'>htch <,cored .,111gle nm-. 111 thr M·t 1111d J11J ltlrh. the lallt•r era.c;ing a.!. I defiut \ophomore nght h.1111k r hi 11111\ . \btot (I 11 earned the Vll tory out of tlw h11Upe11. working 4'' scorele<,s mrung<-. afln rl'11t•v mg starter Michat'I Kochler Ln tht tilrh I le surrendered just three hit<; and f.1111wd four without issuing a w-.tlk. The 10 run.; were a season high for the Anteater;. whose o;ingle-gamt' be<i1 "' I J hits (Feh. fl 11Rainst Santa <Jara) UCI vmi.. lJS< Tuesday at b p 111 ,. A6 Mo.nday, February 24, 2003 . -.. • • -.-• • • I . . . S P O RT S YOUTH SOCCER Corona del Mar's Area 5 7 boys under-12 All-Stars are headed for the Southern California Sectionals March 8-9 at Arbor Park Field in Seal Beach after claiming the Area Q championship. Back row, from left: Coach Rick Nicholson, team mom Lisa Alder, Bunk Hooper, Connor Bannan. Hunter Alder, Mat Cohen. Tommy Bangert, Kendall Pick, assistant coaches Tom Bangert and Russell Hooper. Front, row, from left: Ori Tabak, Wes Baker. John Doering, Mike McKenna, Camden Nicholson, Cory Donavan and James Cunningham. Shadow lands l..ooking back. 5 years ago this week: Ncwpon Harbor 1 ligh's girls water polo team upsets No. 4-:.eedcd Loe; Alarnito'i. 4-3, 1u adv-.mce 10 the semifinals of the Ctr Sou1hem Section Division I Playoffl> agams1 undefeated Long Beach \Vtlson. l11e Tars burst to a 2-0 lead on a pair of lob sho1i, by JoceJyn Manderino and Kyndra Cox before l.oc, Al tie!> it, 2-2. C.ox wouJd score again an Alden Moore add.:, a goal for the victor.-.. F.stancia I ligh ~pei>. barely. A last-second c,hn t by San Oimao;' Josh Smith caroml> off the rim , giving the l:.aglcs a 47-46 victory to reach 1he boy-; bai,kethall 5 semifinals in CIF Division 111-A A rcliewd Sam Nelson up., the: ball toward midcoun following the mi~\t·d o;ho1 to run out uw clock.. 1ne Saintl> mh1akenJy foul wid1 34 -.ccond!> left. even though the shot clock wouJd have reset, giving tht•m anothl'r shol San Dimas ha'> only five team foulc;, hut lei'> ~4 -.econd'> lick away before sending the faglelo (19-9) to 1he line. l·stancia taib to pad the lead as the wayward rou) !.hot is tipped OUl Of hound-, by an Eagle. setting up the Saints' final offensive possession. The Eagles rebound from a 35-25 third-quarter defic11. Nelw n '>< nreo; 12 or his team-high 14 points in the final nmc minute<. and :iu seconds. while Peter Andersen po5ts ~vcn of hi" 12 point' 111 the fit'it half. James Dawkins has 10 poin~ and"" 1eho11nd ... while Ryan Simpson collects n ine point!. and 11 huard'>. As sunlight fades away, E.o;tancia's Noe Estrada '>rnre" on a header from Jose Quintana's comer kick three m1111111· ... ~~ seconds into the second of two 10-mmuic '>Udden-tlcath ovenJme periods to give the vi'litors a :1-2 victory over lu"1 Mayfair. The win puts the Eagl~ in the quarterfinal'> or tlw ( Ir Oivi<;ion JV OO)'l> M>CCer playoff'>. whert' they e\cntuaJI\ ITil'l'I Laguna Beach (16-4-2). The Eag1es come back. frnni a ·2-0 dpfici1 when Quintana taJlie'> a goal olT or an Irving Islas a.,_,1.,1 in till' 3 1st minute. lhe Eagles' defen<;e of Ramo n Garcia. John Aldrete, Luis Avalos and Estrada, along with goalll'qX'r Brad Wayman (nine l><l~. six in the ~cnnd half), hold Mayfair .u bay. Junfor midfielder Mario Miranda '>l'tlrl"> tu_., fir..t Roill ol tht· season to even II, 2-2, in the 72nd mimlll•. Till' I . .aglt'<. pile CHI Miranda following his goal. Garria twice ... 1np~ 1lw hall Imm Mayfair forward~ on breakaway-. in the nr ... t IJVl'l11111C STANFIELD Conbnued from AS convertible, a 1934 Ford Indy car, a 1953 Oievrolet Corvette and a 1925 Rickenbacker. "We add another year for each race." Stanfield said. "So n ext year you can bring something from 1960." This year racers could enter any car 1959 and earlier. All spots are full, Stanfield said. Competitors m ust pay for lodging, fueJ and food. Approximate cost for a driver and navigator is about $2,750. No mattt·r thi: 111.ike ur 11111Jl'I, racing hm; been 111 ~lanfil'ld\ blood since childhood. "I began racing quarter midgets when I wic. 7 (and continued) to about 11. then I got into go-cart~ hefore they were big," Stanfield recalled or his racing ht!ritage. "My dad was always inlo cars." Stanfield aJc;o r.tCt'd motorcyclt.~ for 15 yean. Ix.fore getting involved with The c.real Race. I le has never c;ufferec.J any broken bones as a resuJt of racing. Looking back. IO year-. ago thh week: C",osta Me<WI I ligh'!. girb basketball team advanccc; to the M!rniflnaJ<; of the (.IF Division Ill-A Playoffs with a 62-·18 Victory over ho'>t Lompoc of the North ern IA'aguc. Ole Mw.tangs erase a 16·9 '>econd·quarter deficit with a spun by Olivia OiCam.UU (14 second-quarter poinl<; and 28 O"t.'mll). The Mustanw-win their 201h ma nJ\\ to improve 10 24-4 as tht.'y next face Culver Ci ty. Lompoc never gets cloo;c-r than ... ix after Vool Kim and Heat.her Robinson add a ldyup and a frl't: throw, rc·.,r>ect1vely. to pad the lead 111 the ..econd quarter. Mt.'sa's April VanSweden h'llard' I ompoc' '>landout Kimberly Wuest. h olding her to 2 of 8 Imm lh<· field 111 tht• lir<.t hair. Robmwn fim'>hes with 20 poml" \'\hilt> V<111Swedm addc; nint! and Kirn and Jeiislca Lunnann l'ach I.Lily eight. 11·~ on to lhe ft11ah of the U F Oiv1 ... 1un IV-AA hoy-; ba!.k.elbdll playolT<; for Corond def Mar after up~tting M'Cond-!>eeded Han111ng. 71-l:il. CdM's Kyle Thompson hks a basclif)e thrct•·point shot with 3:12 ll!ft in the cont~t to put the· Sea King'> up. 5R·5 I, helping to ~•agt• a 12-4 run for tJw designated home lt-..1m. < .tlM \hoo1., JO of :l9 from the fwe-throw line. mdud.ing 15 of I fi in tht· final quarter. Four Sea >•..Jn~ ~ore in double figtJl'L~ .md Otrl'i Quinn add~ mu~lc inc.ide with I 0 of hi!> 14 rebounili. ronuog 111 1lw fourth period. C:entl'r Preston Smead '>Cores 'I-Ven 01111., tt'.tlll high 1 ·1 point' in the i.eco11d quarter as tht• .._. ... King ... rnll 111 d Jl-25 halftime CU'>h1on. Quinn, Todd Merriman cllld Eli Wendell each tally 12 prnntJ> for the victor.. lkh1nd :m pui111-. from four-yt·ar varsity .,t,mdout Michaela Hoss, 1lw '\Jcwport I larhur wrh ba .. '>ketball tcam roll' 10 iu. ftfth .,1r.11gl11 \\.111, a h7 4-1 victory over Ba~..eu. 10 earn d 'POI in the I II· D1V1 ... 11111 Jll-M ..emifinal .... ·nw Sailor!> 120-6) jump to lead., of lfl-fi and 3 1-14. with llu~sinking 5 of 6 fi~1-4uar1er field-goal .111empl'> <,he lalt'r rn1~ nearly nine minut<:., with fouJ trouble. ~l·wpor1 wi11~ tlw rebounding battll', 47·2~. and force~ 22 tum11ver.. 1t1 clinch the fir.-i 20-win -.ea.son in the program\ lu<,tory. Genevieve Evarts adds 11 point'> and ..even rebound'.> while Gina Heads ldlliC\ \IX poinb, '>t'Ven hoarili.. five <L'>sio;tl> and thrct• '1t·al~. -compUed by Bryce Alderton I fl, part·nts still hvc in Costa Mc!>a and no longer operate the plumbinl( businec;s. A member of the Great Race I .cgend'> I lall of Fame. he has heen married to wife Terri for 35 ycan. and has two daughters and 1hree granddaughters. One of <\tanfield's goals is to 111crea'e the ··national prominence" or the race. "We"rc working 10ward tclevi~iun coverage and differen t mean~ to bring (the race) to people,· Stanfield said. "We've crossed the U.S. 20 times the last 20 years, so you go through some of the same cities.· The course changes each year and has finjshed in Costa Mesa, I luntington Beach and Disneyland. "We try to finiJ>h with a venue that typifies Main Stree t U.SA." Stanfield said. "A lot of cities use the race as a prelude to July 4 celebrations." No beer or akohol L<i served a l the stop'!, adding to the "family-style atmosphere.· lhe Great Race has a finn hold on Stanfield's heart and he remains as pas.sionate as when he first became involved 20 years ago. "The Great Race is one of those thing.s that crune alo ng and became a passion," • DailyAPilot n SJ)OIU Hall of Fame Ce lebrating the n1iUennium MELISSA SCHUTZ Newport Harbor A pillar of strength in volleyball , she starred in .basketball, swimming too. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot athletic memories as beating Corona del Mar in volleyball and later winning the 1994 I n an era considered one state title; capturing the '95 of the finest for female Sea View League 50-y-cl.fd athletes in freestyle championship in a Newpon-Mesa District meet-record 24.12, upsetting history. Melissa Schutz or heavily favored Wendy Newpon Hart>or High was in O'Brien or Irvine in the a class by herself. process; and playing hoops at Schutz. who earru..>d what Ls the Arrowhead Pond her believed to be an junior year. when Jakosky's unprecedented 12 varsity Sailors ..et a school record letters for the Sailors as a with 24 wins and reached the ~spon star from 1991 CIF Divi.Mon lll·AA and through ·95, followed the Division 111 Southern footsteps of her fomlt!r high Calif omia Regional school mentor, Maureen championship games Oosing Mel .aren (Oa:.s or '92), who to Brea Olinda both times). was a senior competing in Schutz. who didn't start volleyball, basketball and playing volleyball until the swinuning when seventh grade, Schutz was an wac; nudged into in1pressionable the game by a freshman. neighbor who ·1 figured was a volleybal! (Mcl.arenJ L!. coad1. ·At that doinK this l>tuff, point, I was into M> I should try it. nding horses.· too,· said Schutz. Schutz said. "I who also excelled never wanted to in volleyball. stop doing that basketball and but voUeyball swirnminJt and kind of go1 in the landed a way of hor..es. I volleybaJJ had a hor;e for scholarship to the Melissa Schutz about a year. My University of Colorado. where dad was very glad I gave that she fell in love with BouJder up. b<'cau.se (horses) CO!>t Loo and the surrounding area but much muney. Volleyball, in misst.-d her family and the the end, made me money." beach and returned to At Colorado. Schut7. was Newport Beach after reurnted with longtime club graduatin~ from Colorado in volleyball teammate KeUy 1999. Camphell, who played for the A &-foot middle blocker rival Sea Kin~ in hiWi school and a three-time AIJ·CIF Schut7_ who recovered Southcm Set.lion choice. nicely from a knee injury, Schul7 helped Coach Dan helped Colorado reach the Glenn's Sailor.. win (.IF and NCAA 1bwnamenfs Sweet 16 . tau.• Dimion I W-rls lltllleyball in 1997, her junior year. titles in the fall of '94, as well "She was a great middle a.<; a mythical national blocker at Colorado.· champion<;hip. 11uu <;eason, Ut.mpbell said of Schut7. "She Schutz collC'Cted a team-high had a knee injury, but worked I 0 I block..s, while adding 3 17 real hard to get it to heal and killc;, 130 di~ and 20 service !.he came baclc from that ace.... then she continued to Schutz. the Sea View improve ... tha1 kind of middle League and Daily Pilot ~ blocker. with that kind of Oic;trict Female Athlete of the work ethlc, L~ what a setter Year, was part of Newpon wants." Harbor's star-studded ln ba\k.etball. Schutz was a graduating Oass of '95 with three-year staner at center fellow standout athletes Misty and averaged R.2 points per May. Tina Bowman, Cara game her senior year as the Heads and Mandy Clayton -Sailors finished 22-8. She was aU Daily Pilot Sports 1 lall of a second-team aU·league Fam ers. selection. "It was always volleyball," ln swimming, she was a Schutz said of her three-sport four· ume OF qualifier as a preference. "I really liked the freestyle sprinter, but no program and the people who event was more exciting than were involved in it It was the '95 league finals. in which kind of a relief from club she edged O'Brien. lllat was volleyball because dub totally one of the best feelings volleyball is so intense. of my life.· said Schutt. the (Competing In basketball and latest honoree in the Daily swimming as well) was a nice Pilot Spons Hall of Fame. way to branch out and that's An English major. Schutz. how it started. ll came natural 26, taugilt at Newpon Hart>or in swim.ming, and basketball last year and is currently was just fun, especially enrolled in a six-year poUtical playing for (former coach) science ~ters and Ph.D. Shannon Jakosky. and with program at UClA Her goal is Genevieve Evarts and the to be a college prolessor. Heads sisters (Gina and Cara) Schutz no longer plays and the Oaytons. All those volleyball, but stays in shape were great groups of people." by training for and running In Schutz lists her £avorite marathons. I l A highlight for Stanfield was getting to drive a 1934 lndy car last year. When he is not on the road, which is rare, the former co-owner of Stanfield Plumbing in Costa Mesa (along with parents, Wayne and Barbara) works out of his home in Tustin o r from his office in Costa Mesa. Stanfield is even seeking a reporter to ride along for the two-week duration olthis year's race. Stanfield said. "It's one of tho~ events where you do it once an you are hoolted." :-----------------------_J ' ,, : --- ' _, • ... 'l , S POR TS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING PREVIEW Sailors have a tough act to follow Newport Harbor lost Olympian Peirsol, but a talented lineµp. returns for reigni ng CIF Southern Section Div. I cham pion. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NhWPORT Bf.ACI I -En- core 'llllyone? That mighl be easier said than done for the Newport Harbor High boys swim team, according to second·year coach Jason Lynch, as the Sailors prepare to defend their CIF Southern Secti on Division I title beginning with a March 3 meet at San Oe· mente. "What we'd like to do is win (the Sea View League). which we weren't able to do last year.~ Lynch !>aid. Irvine won the league litl e la:.t year. But Newport saved its best for last, winning its first CU: championship in boy-; i.wun - ming by two points over Mis- sion Vi ejo, which was dis- qualified in the 200-yard freestyle relay. Newport herd lo win the 400 free relay to laJce the champi- onship and it did, breaking a school record with a lime of 3:07.11 . on the shoulders of now-departed Aaron Pe trsol and Ryan Lean, along with seniors Andrew Cole and Na- than Weiner. Weiner swam a personal -be'>! 48. 73 in his I 00 split in the relay. "We had some kid!> come through. besides the big three (Peirsol, Lean and Cole) to (win the CU· Div1s1on I title): Lynch said. Lynch will rely on those same swimmers 10 replace Peirsol and Lean, who are swimming collegiately at the University of Texas and UC Berkeley. respect ively. Peirsol, a three-time world- record holder and Olympic silver medalist, became No. I in the na tion in the 200-~eter backstroke last month, an event in which he holds the world record. after clocking a I :41.34 for the Longhorns. Helping fill the big void left by Peirsol and Lean figures to be Cole, who wen! unde- feated in 1he I 00-yard free and won the CIF 1itle in 46.15. ·He could repeal 1ha1. • Lynch !.aid. Cole, a senior, also wen! undefeated in the 200 free las! season and won a CIF title by 1wo-hundredths of a second. Cole also gives Newport stability in the back- stroke Weiner, aJso a senior, was on the 400 relay team last season and also teamed with Cole on the 200 free relay. Junior Michael Bury won the league ti tle in the 100 butterfly last season and con- tributed to the Sailors' 200 free relay victory (I :26.18) a1 CIF finals. Senior Ross Sinclair is a dis· tance specialist, according to Lynch and a CIF quali6er in THE SAILORS • Brent Armstrong S11 Bryan Auer Jr Andrew Belden Jr Michael Bury Jr Andrew Cole Sr Clay Jonh Fr Morgan Laidlaw J1 Sean McGh1e J1 Ross S1ncla1r S1 Jay Thompson Sr Nathan Weiner Sr Coech: Jason lynch "It's a lot of fun to see kids work hard and improve at the end of the year. If a team does well, that is icing on the cake:' Jason Lynch SailOfs swim coach the 500 free laM year lie could move into a relay pos•· li on as rhe year progresses, Lynch said. Senior Brent Arm!.lrong sprinrs and swam some med- ley relays lasr :.eason. Senior Jay Thompson spec1ali1.es in the breasmrok.e and 200 indi- vidual medley and narrowly missed the CIF finaJs a year ago. Juniors Andrew Belden and Bryan Auer solidify the Sailors at disrance and sprint free- 'ilyle. respec1lvely, wi th added help expected from freshman Oay Jonh and junior free- siyler Sean McGhie, who could aJso add deplh in the relays. Also. versaril e junior Morgan Laidlaw gjves Lynch depth in many areas. "The warer polo guys now have lo replace spo1s lefr by CPeirsol and Lean).· Lynch aid. "The que tion marks are the two freestyle relays (200 and 400)." Harbor won both in 1he'CIF finaJs last year and Lynch will use the early part of the sea- son to devise his relay ar- senal. The season is fast ap · proaching. with San Oe- mente looming. "San Qemente and Mission Viejo are the two top teams in CIF (Division I) right now,· Lynch said. The second-year coach is ready for the challenge the season will bring. ·1!'s a 101 of fun to see kids work hard and improve at the end of the year,· Lynch said. "If a team does well, tha1 is ic- ing on the cake." Andrew Cole (above) the defending CIF Southern Section 0Ms1on I champion in the l 00 and 200-yard free style. negotiates a breaststroke leg m the 200 ind1v1dual medley m action last year. Surrounding Cole this season for Coach Jason Lynch's Sailors are such standout returners as Nathan Weiner (below). Michael Bury (right), Jay Thompson (right , below) and at bottom, from left: Bryan Auer and Andrew Belden The Sailors won the program's first Southern Section crown last spring, upsetting Mission Viejo in the D1v1s1on I finals at Belmont Plaza . This season begins March 3 at San Clemente Mooed~ ~eb1ua<y 74 200J A7 " . . I. ....... -. ---....... . Al Monday, f ebruary 24, 2003 LegalNatica How to Place A The followine person~ are do111& busmen u . Black Pearl [•enls. 20 Ovation lane. Aliso Vieto. California 92656 Mia J. Mt Namdra. 20 Ovation Lane, Aliso V1e10. Calllorn1a 92656 Salhe McDonald 61? Bryce Canyon Way Brea. Cal1Jo1n1a 92821 lhos busines' 1s con dul led by d 11eneral par Iner shop Have you started doing business yet' No Sathe McOon~ld lh1s statement wn Med with the County Clerk of Oran2~ Cuullly on 011?9/03 20036U1S70 Oatly Pilot r eb 3, 10 17. 24. 2003 Mf>28 fidiliM ltlsiltu "-S....... !he followme per son~ are doing businns as a) Orange Conr Ap pr ~•sat Group b ) Or aniie Co•sl Rully Group. t > Orance Co•s l Re~I £state Servile\, 188 [ 17th Street. Costa Meu Cal1lor n1a 92627 3763 Bruce C Mar~hall 6t t •mberland Ahso \11e10 ("ahfornia 92656 fh1s bU\tfHlS\ IS <1111 ducted by an 111d1v1dual . . . . .. . . . . . -..... . # • H•v• you st~rted doln11 buslnen yet? Yes. 02/ 05/1998 Bruce C M11'111ll lhi$ statement wu toled with the County Clerk ol Or a nae CDunty on 02/05/03 20036UUts Dilly Pilot reb 10. 17. 24 M1trrh 3 2003 M637 AdlllM ..... "-S....... 1 he followme persons are doine business as Slltchcr 11ft tnte11ors Inc .. 7409 Slater Ave.. Hun tlnaton Beach, California 92647 Slltclluall lntenor• Inc • (CA) 7409 Slater llvt .. Huntmaton Beach, Cahforn1a ~£1647 This bus men I\ con dueled by • '0<po<ahon Have you sl11ted doin11: busoneu yet 1 No Sl1tchcr all lnte11on, Inc , Steve Reevu President lhos slattmenl w~\ Jtted with th" Co1111t1 Clerk of Or~nae County on0~!)6/03 200 °932676 Daily 10 17 24 March J. 2003 M6JCJ FidiliM -...SS "-S....... lhe lollow1ne peo\ons •r~ do1n1, bu~1nes~ d~ Solutions Advisors. 160 I West MacArthuo Blvd I IQ. South Cont Mdru t:A92704 • l<WAH, Inc (CA> It.OJ West M..cAr lhuo Etl•d I IQ. South t;n,.st Metro CA 9?704 (Ma1hng Addre's 2973 Har bo• Blvd 1799 Costa Me'>• CA 92626) I his bus1nn~ 1s con dut led by a cor11u1 alo1111 lldv11 you s tar lrd doinv b11\111eu yet 1 Nu l(WAH lt1< Alt•dlldtr N HdW kon \ Jr l'r~s•denl lh1s \l•lfment w•' lilted with th~ County Clerk nt Or an at C:m1111y on 01/05 Ol 2003H324 t 1 [)a1ly Polol J nb I/ /4 MAI l. 10 700J M640 ........... .... s....... The follow ma per wn' ••• duin& bu11neu ., Century Cothslon Cenl•t, 1011 W. B11kley Ave . Or an&~. CA 921168 Cen tury Coll1slon Center. Inc., (CA), 1011 W Barki.y Ave . 0..tn&e. CA92868 This business 1s con dueled by A ~or por allon lfne you ttar led dom11 busontos~ y•t? Yes. I/II 2003 Century Colll\10n Center , Inc • Ceau1 Alvarei/C 0 0 Tllis 't1tem,nt wa\ hied w1lh the County Clerk of Or<1n~e County on Oi?/13/0J 20036933210 Daily Pilot r eb. 24 M•r 3 10 17.2001 M645 ActfftM llllilm ... s ...... lhe Jullowmc per\Onl ~• e do1n11 business .. , Newporl Not.iry 240 Otean Vo"w Ave • New V"' t Be ado C.ol1Jr11 n•A 92663 470? Wendy 6 Sdomodl ?40 Otean View Av~ Nt w port Bealh I •l1Jm111.t 9?tl6J 4707 !hos bu\ln~\~ •~ ltl11 dueled by an 111d1v1du<1I liave you \lorled doona bu\lne\\ yet, No Wendy 8 Sthm1dt lh1s \IJle111~111 w~\ filed w•th Jlw <.11unly t:lerk ol 01•111te Cou111y Ull 01/JO/()j 2003693 I 736 l)a1ly P11ol I ob 1 10. I/ 74. 2003 M629 Daily PhOf I AcllllM .... '• . "-S...... .. Hit lollow1n1 per"-"'"" are clome bu,111.s\ .,,,.. •• C h•rot. M<111a111>mtttl • 1555 Mn•• v~rcle l>C:\i #178, t;o,13 M••~. n.a 97626 ·r.....-Jo•nn• H11chun I 'l'f'l Mesa Vero. 01 C •rtrl, Co~ta ~H. <'fl 92(,7(, • fhi~ blll 108\\ I\ ~ C!Utl~d by 1111 UldlVI Have yuu st.ii trd ~ busmen yel1 Vt'. fS, 03 ~~ Joanne lhth1 •n ~ ""\, th1$ ~t•temcnt ,.~ liled with th" C11••~~ Cler II of Or anc~ Co0011I"" 0(101/"9/0l • :: 2003693 ISS~ • ~ 0d1ly P1lul I ~IJ HI ">J~: 74, M~rth J. 7003 ~. ----z-•"'· ..... FldltiM ..-0 ..... ., .. "-S......· .. •· lhe to1llow111w 11.,,~,.~· ar" d11111~ bu~me,~· t:tub Store I 1nll 4 . ..: I/th S1re~1 r .. ,, .. CA92627 •..,• Anthony Jnhn !>wo~,.:i..: 543 Ah~o Avt-. N1•w..,.,,I; Uta th CA 'lJf'.6 t , •"' tho\ blJ\111"\ I\ ~: dltl tf"d lty • )(• t~ t~ p.u t ""' \tup .... Havt: you \l•r lt1c,J 1,1111 ~ bu·.oneH y1,f1 Y~ ilf• £15'700J lo\a Sw1e\ rtwc -ldh t11.-nt .,.,.. l1lrd w1lh lh• I ,,,,,., Clt!r~ nt Or M1J'•' t 11uirt,. onOI 714 UI 2003H313U U•Hly P11 .. 1 I o•t. II. ?4 llMll I I.I. .._. ...•. Everyday~ a grear d~·y in ClassUied! Be a part of it, place your ad todayL · (949) 642-5678 --------Policy ----- .., .. •tWWJIS CLASS IFrniAD R ate\ a nd deadline' arc \UhJ<'ll 10 ~h.111gc "1thou1 111111H· I h,· pPblJ\her rc:,erve\ the rig.ht to \:cu~or, rt;d·""r). rn 1'C 111 r1•i1· 1 t1n y cla"1f1ed ad"cn"cmcnt Pl<'.t-< rcpon .111) ennr 1h.11 m .r\ he tn your clas"lted ad tmmcJ1Jtd; Ill<' 1>.11 1~ l'1lu 1 an:l.'Jll" no ltahil1t) for a.rt) crnir 111 .in .11hcni,l'nkrH lur \o.lmh It m t\ be n:,pon"blc e \1:ep1 tor the lll\I nf th< \p .11.e .u..tualh ex, up11 .. f' hy lhe error Credit can only ti..· .ilk1\o.cd for 1he fiN ll)-en111n B\.' Fax H~· Phorw By Mail/In Pt•rson: t'~c11 fl\ J h'llJ 1'1.l•11 N~ '117 IUSINlSS & fllWKIAl r,;,.- •maw& 0 -· SERVJCE DIRECTORY F .t VII .-il' .aal)hnn•~J h·l .... ~.al\ "'a._'•~• HI) ~c,1 81\ \1rrt1 Ccl\1.1 Mc...i. CA ~211~7 Al \cwpon fll\d & fi~\ ~I Hours: ,.------Dea dlinrs -----1 ~y . -For All Your Home and Business Needs - l'11dt•11ht ~t·111u· D11u t111~ Ba1111t·1 ENTERTAINMENT C31endarof Evenll 1310 l•HOCISllG ~ 1111 1u ~•lal• Jdv~r lt",ttt~• •'l hi Ut!W'U·lflf"I ,., .... ,..rJ II II•• I •d~ral r "" H1M1111m: A< t eot l'lf.11 a\ Mfl4tll<ied wh"h ma~•• 1l 1J1~11o1I lo •d•ofloe anv 111 •f., .-n, • hmtt3t•,,n 111 rl1• .. r•m1n1t1on bA\ed on 1 •• • colo', rehg1on ,,. • h-.n•ltcap tam1h,,I '\l.tlu~ m 1almn1t ong1n ttr tn mlr·nhon to m•kr ,.,.y \u• t• 1u ,.,,., ence luTut., t1,1n ,., d1f.(.f1m1ri«tlt1•11 1111• lll'W\PdlJH Wiii ,,.,, kr..,wmely "• ~1>1 1•11 .. dverl1s.eme1.1 fr11 , .. ,.1 ,.,f-lte which '' in v111IAltor' of the law Our ndd•" a1e h er .. by 011lurm~d lhal -11 dwell "' ·• .•dver h5ed m I hos •1"11111•.pJper a1 e 111vA1l-tbl~ "" •n •uu~I opp111 lun1ty tM.t\. f •I I l)mpl•tn 11J di\ • r m1ritOon. call liUO loll t1u •I I 800 424 8590 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Styt. Fumltvr•. PIANOS i Col~bln ........... ~ ., .............. (Mi..~ ... .....,. WE BUY ESTAns .,"',,.,....._ ... ~~· Alla" ~S!~.N~~~.T~ I , .•. , •. .... I ' ' ' . ' -I General Announcemenu 1610 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE •00ANNOUNCfMI Nf• •• NOW Hnonc tnr ?007' 7()(1 i Po>'.l~I JOb' $1 J 7) S~ll I b h11111 f 1111 bene 111• '""' 1r.om1n11, 1111 tali Ill'< •\\MY Art q >l1rtl( tall' I d•y~ !866)1144 4 9 I!> e • 1 I JI <CAL•SCl\N) ANANCIAU PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Perionalloans 2490 IMMI 01Al£ <'ASH"' US ,.,,n•.urn f unc11n5! µAy\ ' •'" now 1111 8 1~dr\ ol fotH lut\arr pen\tOn jlayno•nl\ r.11 1!1.J(J '>86 IJZC, tor • I RI I no nbl11.i1oon ~·.1tm1te WWW 11'~.AlllfurlllortllP>'O (CAI.~( LEGAL SERVICES Adoption& Foster care SeMca 2650 v-..i..n...-. ..,,,_µ..c •• fhn •ire 0¥8 JOO.al> chlll)cen 11 the US w-.. lot • hume .. ~'*fry brllllwn & g:;lt'f \ t<J11!11wr Tr anri& & r nanoi11 st.'1P'*1 '"'°' mcelq fD 25 6il> 7 ~ 50 s Anilhem 8lvcl '741. Anatwwt1 714.517 l!m88S~ HOME FURNISHINGS Kotltrl\ f ound In 8uiM • ne11tt bottt1fe11dtf\ HtlP Sn• '"'" All upenses ptid Aftlt111f Htlwc>t~ 'M9 !l3J 041 SEU your stuff through classified! Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 1 l<H ;• kOOM DtRI l'IV ">v,1~111 w 111st.•lt.l11on1 I mhnlh., Fin HRCI & C.1n1·111.11 ($6 ••lue1 ll11l11111lf'd Ac 1 ,,,., 17'> • dodrllH'ISI 011•1IJI (IUAhlV 1w tur,. <>nond PA1 k•l?f'' l JI 99 mo J 1m1trr! I 80() !60 4 0 l'l !CAI •s<.AN) WANTlO JAPAHlSl SWORDS AND UlATlD IHMS 949-494-1731 Business Opportunities Businesses and franchises 3905 AC<lPllNG CAUS 7 DAYS •• P ost31 pos1tton s/feder a hore Sl4 80•ht/P0 toaintn&f benef1l\ 800 878 5485 A n n o u n ' e '1' e n I •CA9?0 (CA.l "SCAN) $1 00 SlORES Complete turnkey lrom $45.900 I 800 8 29 ?9 15 D•lllMSloreServoce\ Com New \lore m G•rrfena o ptn1111i 'onn ttAl •SCAN ) e8.AY RC S[l IC RS NI lOLOI Wt! 'llPPIY prnc1uch up to 80"- btluw 1e1a1J Nu 1nve11 tory No ew r~q·d Call to day for more mlo l ROO $68 1809 ell 2331 <CAL "SCAN ) 11111(99 lllC.Ollrl .. WMY,AY•OM? Ski~\ 110111 $19.900 Ooublu. s21.m lrtplH fron't S0.995 plus de ltv•ry a \ti fop Quality Homes et Cu11t tnlt•d Lowol Pto • C11I I 800 241 0060 (CAL •SCAN? Newporl leoch f <•• rent tor ~etrl'ldn•I Vl bu\fn~··' Woll .,,.,,~111e ~MYUIK r .. .,. l11f krf11 utftt t! lliJll!"· (,rr•I ult• P -.1~ tu w 1lt•1 1:14'1 17 I 1148') Newport a ... ch Office t" \h<ll • r UflllShf'<J full ~··• v1< • Dover Or $'>00 11000/mo 949 689 085/ IC.NtSFOA SA< l ORAHGE COUNTY 5400 Corona del Mar COMING SOOHll Completed Siwint 2003 516 & 516.5 Jcnmifte S99S,OOO & 5749,000 & 414 & 414.S Ncwddn"' $ l,19S,OOO & $799,000 COASTUHl •WTY 949-759-0177 ...... 16,000.f lot, on on of tile lar 110,I '" HAoloor V"'w 141lls Ocean v• '"" •b<1tmd Build • ~fulrt-•~e or remodel the ea11ol•lll Off.,..., a1 SI ,495,000 COASlUNI alAlTY 949-759-0177 Ac ........... (......, L.ccrti-... stroll to Boe Cor orni •nd loolloot porn! 48r 4 58a custom home c-.i.11-2003 OffKecl crt $2,9S0,000 COASTUNI ltUlTY 949-7S9-0177 TaUHOUSl St ClUDED •ETHAT AMAZING PaKE AGT. 949-723-1120 ColtlMesa PANGaAMK VllW 2 HHOOM •naUT S2H,900 AGT. 949-7234120 I SIDI • .4br h 2200sf opl!Ol • pm. f4Vlldl'sl ~ Sal 1-4 378 Eslhllr SI fr.i« own ~ 7"1J O.-Set&S-1-4 1toc .... •-s•. R Z E'side. ? holN!5 S74'Jffi> st 9$91W86 U.01111 .. w ....... USTaUfftlAUn Of'lH SUH I 4 2100vtSTAL.MllOO 48R JBA. 11MOCI krtt a. bl ,.lllttt slwtttf,, c •. pan1I" view of tyHn bell lornby 1614,IOO A.at Httr"I Kell ~tW•mM• WW I 11 - A Superb Newport H•igfYh r l!'ltdf'm • 4b< 1 'llh a. l(<llllt' ""'"' ntt ..... duwn•.t,or'' ~ '>btl Ww..at~ on .1 qu-rt 1 •1'ntf tot C ''•,t om I ttA 1 ur e~ lhH•lt~lOUI $1,&4\l,()(XJ COASTUNI RWTY 949·759-0177 ------PRIM( fSTATlS PATalCIC TlNO•l NA TIONWIDl USA 949-IS6-970S www palrocktenvre 'om SOO I ,..._ m1>ed 11\•11 d;>v~lopment \ti• 1•1.,,., m ll"K."\' '>?00\1 Int l\•.llmg 179'.>.IXXl aet 714 b'>ll 8980 ----21r a... !kl !Wbor Votw l\noll pdl10 on (llC'f-nllet1, """t lol.dl:lon. $:>400/mn Aw'4 mr..dl<otly ""' Suo.oo 949 ~zm VINTAGE HACH l dq>honc 8• 30am ~ OOpm \foncfa) FhJJ) \fond.I) Tu, ... d11) Wo:J.nt-'4.IJ\ ThuNl.t\ l•r11IJ) 'fll~•m I nd•\ nou,...•IJ\ ~ u ~1111 I 11.l,I\ 1 I ~ tt•l11 I 1111.1~ .. I ... ,,,, "'1••11•1a' '\ IM~m1 'u11ml.I\ \\411. In K lOam ~Wpm \fond.J~ rnd.11 r oc ... i.., ~ tlt~>r11 \un1IJ\ "•·cho~-..1." <, tltlpm Rental To Share 6030 Con>na del Mar CostaMesa NI Sho,.. N•wer 31r hou\e p11vMe room bath J'>SO mo • I 1 ullls lem pref 949 887 1472 tf'no llll'tMv ~w hth. ~ reo.t.u lloiol ~ kolyai.s. pv1 bit ~ c.rted S795 ~ 7123 Rooms for Rent 6040 .. ~ --· w p1 ov~te balh 8a..i. Bay vM!w S675tnl0 u!Jh pate! f1:rn r d'd. 949 m 5DI REStDENTiAI. AfNlAl.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula a,.. Sat 1~12 .... ..,.., illJP'O• 15(X)\;f """ M 2b 2tlil 7l p ~r•. •ocb'.,I lrd'"y n•JSI ....., 37ll l"-: Ave 714 342 C84/ I Ir'• h orn S87'> mo .. CM lfl ko•t'iy e-•~d lUCTWU IW'.W Ill Squ.11• Ir~ 1lld\' '"'*ty Ki..Ho Mnt!I 8/7 7()1 tw'>49 •9?00 i..,,. s...,... w tun we i.,1 -..;:-;, ... --;-:;-p,.t & ~1JC:~ & blllh ll'fl l'lllt Pd tnl I Yid l .Hl!IJrl /71 and b~ll pal111 '><in! Pch 16th l'l•l• •I $1100 mo $900/mo 'M\I '>U 531!> nn pel•, '149 /?O 9477 le-oce-view ?ho Iba eourm~l kill lie df'C~ qu1el •I• e•I Av41I 4 I S1950 9'9 720 0780 M or9uerlt• 3 1r /21• luxur y relutb homf' $3Zbn AM. LY&'I' reAr 28r 18'1 MW CMl)e'I & PiWll Slla)n 9611!>-.JSIJ 21r. 2 f ..tt both. UPPt'I 'l l del•thed ti•• b~I • o ny new <~•P~l p•1n1, dppl~ $1 /'iJ me• J02J 1 •ne~ Bay 714 86!> ??'>? l'SWe HM D i S& fR rp ,~ lw(!wd fir\ bli& yrd. bh:I> to YMCA S2J~mo 949-642 'HFJ a... ~ O'fBI Cam "-· Ptd. 1""". ». & N Beach ch\ <*i nn IY m1. ~ ~ ---+-----* YlAalY * llASU HP HI;;, /ho I ll• h1111w ) I ,ao N~h~~~\ hi & b ... ~ y.ud S71'>t>n"' r~t-. o~ 9'9 171) 3!>11> Go l•d s..,i StrYJBr 7R• drl lo~r I' ~II RM A ( eid•F~ p.oCl.t. ITllU n, ~ st'4»n rm }fJ) 111'1 Her~ \/l.w H•-lbr /b.J l.an1 10<>111 P•t pool 'l)A, cardtRl'I Intl lf'A\I' ~114S13~8kr lido ..... 41>1 lh,1 """ f'"tllOY I l(to ltft '\t'yl,,• 1••(•1-C: t...,nrc. 171 \lu f•I"'"' s 111)) ,. •• 'l49 1.r. "'"' .• lcryfrOftf lach•lor •1 t bf .trtcJ tit-IN 'ff1 V t(•i w Vdlff1 .m .lit "' ~" 1i1 i 1011 m• • u,.1>.01 .... (11 14'>11 IJ 1ylwnl VI""' 11t1 tbA /I l'hl iJ o(~ •r .. 1 S4900 949 S78 J6SO • BAYFRONT Community Huge t BR t BA w/Harbor View $2000 • Gorgeous 2BR 2bA w/Harbor Yklw$l HOUSI OH THI 21 r 210, ocu nv1ew P*' ~Ill~ w,d, 11 le p 35!.0)n. ITW'I I~ M. ~ n4&191E af OClAN/IAY VlfWSlll New home 4hr ) ~bn 1 stnry dt<ou to1 pt;rlecl in e~er y way Only fool ''~"' lo ocun v1ew"1• blull\ ~nd yacht harbor Bill GRUNDY RCAUOR\ 949-675·6161 WATE•. CAll NOW "'"I.om loWef dpj• patlO. CUTI 2br Iba oo 11o:'r..,...tli! lrt pato Ill w.i I t ii.• l.ltw! to 'idlOOb 111!1 S l!ill .. 94%73 7tm AGT. 949-723-1120 w/d. d/w 1191\ 43rd $11Wm yrly !M9 64? 0068 Steal lhh ~5 !> ~ ( -.Ml" ()I Bull S534sf ~ ?5 t 9444 20201 ()chd SI wwwHllRe.vty.org WON'T l.ASTI .eer home wothlpoot 1756 Sl.yflltll l .tn.t. $859 <XX> Cal ail Bevtw ly 949 718· 27 4? Newpoft Cont OPEN SAT 1-S Js..,.- 1 level home 2br. • den Gated comm SIS 1,000 A •-ch ef ltoly 4~ ? 5ba. Sir ad• home $1,729,000 lt3h~n style !ibr !Iba, ap j)IOA 18,()()() lo 19,()()()i f $J,49S,000 NIW LISTING 6tunn1n111werd w1nnon11 Brookloeld home. built 1n 'lOOO Jbr • olf1c•. All proJ 3700if $1,719,000 Pl.ATIMUM PaOPIUlfS Slel11n1e Meurer 949-715 3 156 PalME HTATIS PAfltKll TINOlt1 NATIONWMK USA 94•4H~970S w .. w ratriclttenore com RESORT/ VACATION PROPEHIY FORIALE --~ """" 971 IMI TAHOI 2l!t Jlhi Illa c:ondo IMepi.\ •1. v• or Vl "'"' t, s.195.000 pet 1(4. Cll 9"-673 0181 MCBIMIDUI lllTU ~ 2h 22lil f4llJtt I blo. to bell w/118i:t., Illy !Vib. w/d. fr~ flit s:llll)n 9't9 6n mo. 949 '64 am enlr ance t ha"nel Sun loune~/terr acf' Avail mid MMch U ri/lltNn $11.Lml obo 1'flJ 9e!Mi7'S Zll I UYltlOGf llilll'd cumm, 2br Iba, f& deck, wld, retr11 tnekl. no vnl<llfpeh Sl85() mo 949 291 "J>n STARTING ANEW BUSINESS??i • • • • • • • • • • Tht legal Department at tht Daily Pilot is pkastd to announr· a new service now availabk to new busintssts. ~ will now SEARCH the n.amt far you at no extra chargr, and save you 1ht • .. -• • , . time and tht' trip to tht Court Houst in Sllnta Ana. Then, of courst, after ,ht starch is rompkttd we will fik your fictitious business fllllN sl4Jnnm1 with the County Clnlt, publi.sh on<e a wetlt for faU!' wet/ts as rrquirttl by latu and then file : : your proof of publication with tht County Ckrlt. . . ,• . Pkast stop by to fik your fictitious burinm 114tnnmt a1 the !Mily Pikn, 330 W. Ray St, Cosl4 Mtut. If JO" c11nnot slQp by. pl.t4R caU us 111 (949) 642-432 J '"'"we .' wi/l m4.ltt 11.rrangemmn for JO" IQ "'1nJk this procttiurt by m4.iL :· ' If you shou/J haw any farthtT '(WS'ions, pktm cllii MS 11JUi we wiU be .m11rr thttn t'4d ll> assist you. Good /#cit in 1""' new businns.' DailyJIPilot .r ,. Oa!x Pilot CJrnTMCOVI UASl/lllW, I SfCMlY •JJNMM 5IW 5ba • den, 1•t• 1u•ded. Meny cu•t-fHturu thru· oul Dec0ttl0< touchts, 1~ate land.K now ui*r •rt. Alllll 4-1-0l £!t'= "' 9'M15-Zlll ,.. Tlllrlll ,. fWTI UHCMtS C.p'd tudlar hH new open· illP .. Cost.I Mesa 'bodlo LIM SMca Mt-574-0517 schedule n1t1onw1de 1ppu fOf mobile notary clo&inc Al loan\_ Mu1t !\lift elate entry, ou1 1t•ndtn1 phone ~•II•. enc•c•n1 pe<Sonahty, be •problem~. l'tewpon 8dt loc, excellent WOl"lltre COi.ci f u resume &. s.allry hU.tOf'Y lo 949 673 5186 ORIVC RS/SI UO£ N I S NHOCO 1mmed111tly COL tr 11n1ne thr nu ah USlOS tn Rialto, CA f101nc1n1. llan\l>Ofll hon, hou11n1. and tu11ton reimburument n11lblo C1U Ruu II I 866 466 35•6 for d e t11I\ (CAl •SCAN) ..... fy.-..... M.' Order/Internet B~1neu $1500-S?aX> PT n r ,. Bootilet 888 863 1241 --~1'M>Obon c.om ..... CDllCll:lf ,....... ........ ..... '••ltl••• ~8-:tlrcl ~ ~ IDaltllrft '1f1Pt11pingn .lflll~fl6 ~ 8dl 98a;3c;rll Bl2 ...... A!wyt0 lillDI ~ 964BZ-Ol<l> ~ltelp needf'd tor m1d1c1I oll"~ Motnlnc w0<i. for •II u hool hohd1y1 1nd wmmer v.catt0n Al\o !'hunday PM Tht\ " 1n on call po111ton with no cua11ntn ol con.tu•t employment but with • po~!.lble fu!Ufe po11t1on 949 760 6086 or lu riHume to 949 640 6691 -.-..pf' ff I Bu\f Newpor t 9uc h olfu ~ lull hme hl(tl -a 0<au>1nd <1nd del11led per •on with ••ceAeftt onor-...... ..,., -m '*"""'llty Com Piller ~.11, req, 111< I M1tro1olt Olltc• ' Qurc,Booh Pro r a• r~ w/...i.y reQ&>tr~ l'l1tn'U lo <)e9 574-0725 0 RCAOCRS Calttorn11 law re QIWU that GOfllU< t0<s. lalun1 jObs. th1t total S!iOO 0< ,,_ e (labor Of mater1als) be hc:ansed by the Contrec tors Shi• Ucensa Board State law abo requvas that e<>ntract0<s 1ncluct. their lic:Alnsa num- on all advertfSlnC. YOU can check the s.tllu$ of 'Your lic ensed co.ntra c t o r al •'11w.cilb.ca.1ov or 808-321 ·CSlB Unit· cansad contrac ton lak ln1 jobs tha t tefal l•n than SSOO 111ust slate In their 8il .. rtlsamenb that thJ are not llcenud 1W the Contrac tors .... llceMe Board.- ••••• Rp1~1l14 --....... ~ , ~-----::...------------- Monday, February 2,, 2003 OPCRAT()ft/GRAV(YARO In HawPOft Buch, "' •NPO<t f"ulVPart time. Wrll Train 949 83J.9790 =AllDIMI=-:--"--•-..... _..,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiii Bridge CREYIER TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE 'AUhtOlOT A TIINOANT /W .. la Ralieble, uff starter honul Pt< 10n to cash1ei and attend lot Rtlk•ts & st..denb ... 1c:ome. n Ind PT week and and weell d1y hour& avail able. l outed in laauna Buch 949 723-7100 12131 Suun t ,, :Iii,..._ • :l&I Busy ofb ~ I'"' tap P1 <•·SHRS) NPB Saluy ClOITWl'lert&I• W/11.fJ, faa r_..._.7S-21V Sel .. /Oellery, Balboa llllnd ~ ~ .... ~ ~~"""'­ -~ '"" say •Qlfml.~ Uf'RCSS WAY PAYS TH( Most lor eap1111n<e 32 to !'>() cpm, noo s1en on bonu1. home weellely 1 western, d1d1c1ted la nes. 800 83!1 9-4 71 llatbeck). (CAL 0 SCAN) Automobiles -o...y~, .... , ,.,.., paint ntw twes ur 11irnal uwntt S4 'lOl/ObO 949 689 '>'>Ill Chrysler lle<1rlc GEM ?001 r ar • I or I or 1 doot\ lo• m• N• .. f11J< I Cat SJIOO 949 118/ 1166 .. ~ ·, ___, ~ . --< • • '\ . Pt1 Month+ Tu I at lhest let ms ON APPl!O't{D amT • $3685 down. 36 month cloHd end lease, no H lUrtfy deposit. 10,()()() mtln per yea<, 20c pe, mile for u cus miles (TC-422 18) 0'9n11SW. SM:pl • UT1IOTOll IT"SRll ............. 55 FRUWAY @ EDINC£R S>XT A AM AUTO MALL (8a8) 823-9808 fMO li.NGllt Ill 'tt C ~h• C•b. Auto, CO. 69K mt , V6, bedhner. Priult P•rty S7500 949-642-SUO GMC • '00 D I 4w4, 3'JI. m1, ~•lwer ? lone cr•y llh1. pr em \ound, CO lh•omt whh wperb hkt new cond, vl')6121 $24.995 Im & warr avail Bkr 949 S86 1888 --~1.c- " ...... UV ·oo -;;;t.; Iran,, ac. lull pow". cc. low milts $1~ 900 Pp 949 !174·4244 Hy-4~ s..,,,, 4dt oulo AC 'tereo. aood cond I IOI. m1. $91~ ubo 949 6J I J8!>2 Jo,.._ '99 XJI V•nden Pia~ 34k m1, w •rkhn& blk l•n lthr CO t hrm whl> lull lac t "''". ltke "'" S28 99~ f orm •842614 ltnarH •ni 1.a1I likr 949 !>& 1888 OwyWer '96 s.t..-Mt UI www.ocpeltl.c- tonv, V6. ~-""· ] yr J..,_.-·tt lkl (;;; wMr ava.t 'P•rll.•hnti blll l41. m1 lull I•• !ory "'", tn ltht CO \IJIK'rb llkc ,,,.,u,ne black oatmr•I new cond v'l'>'J171 S699'> llltr tO chrumt #his lwn •wa1t 8i.1 94'J!>861888 l1 k t now v&7/195 --~ • .._ S JA 'M ltn•"''"ll 1varl De41• -:-, 7 lfttrePtd 8"r 949 S8b 1888 'N&W'S AifTO IMWS4CN S"'-'97 Rwe 6 ~-V1 low Mllul (•11536) UOIO MllSSOO Sl4.'00 Blitck w/parchmenl luthar fact wan, pr1mrum WIM1ls (•191~) $51,980 J...,_UI s.--· .. Sh1ney black on blactl luthar carUlledll <•188581) $29,980 femw1 JU S.14w <-.··· Red w/parl~t Ian lthr. a111t records! (~19104C) $65.980 A.-reNSX , ... ·oo Speed yellow 12'1 miles' Hurryl (•19005) $59,980 .. ,. ......... . suoo · .. Black opal w/&JtY lthr lull power pn m1um wheel1 (•188491 S27.980 IMW 7SOll Spt.S ...... '01 co,mo• bla_F.11 w/~<1nd be11e leather lull Wlrtly 1111 )~ (•1902/) $5'4 980 IMWl40CI . c_,.. •97 lmmuulate Buut~ <• 1980C) S3l 980 ......... $320 ••• Smoke Stiver W/'4ddle Min t Cond 1•400101 S29.980 Penc:IM911 c.,....re '99Ce6wle Silver w/Bl•c-. Tip It on1t Mu$! See'" (•191781 $!i7.980 IMWXS '02 Whit~ factory premium wh.,el~ 1•18920) $41 980 IMWZJ'C.,.v't6 Red w1lmm1cul1tt blac~ lthr !> spe.d <•18770> $12.980 ''"' .. , ........ •99 lo•ded ntce family SUV, white low mile' (•187941 Sl8.980 t49-S74-7777 PHIUJf'S AUTO .. _, .... _ Spod 3 '> VI> 4/k m1 www.~l.•- whlle cr~y '"' i•••i!ed L..4..;;,, 't7 ~ Mn"-'•• 'I• S•O Sl n ' Ith nr.. $699'> <;(;1 £o()I mt. ~ 1'~ white l•n •mm1< r\t&.4. ""•"•'"" & ,..,, •v••I lltr ~ .....,, rut ,...,, nn. irtwl ,_ d ~ Bi..r •wi ~ 1888 1 ~•ts ,.,., ,... ro ·-b dTcrn!I. st~ n•,is1 ~ www.e~l.c-, .. \! cond ~Tt'll 41JCJ:6 ~------hr..,ll."111 & w"" avilMI, l:!kt f.,4 '00 lacw11-Xll 949-~I... .,.__... LS VIO ~ m• "1 .. , iirey -I +1-'UO "'"'ool ~ al lthr CO runn1~1 bo.,d• -utJ.-. hlle new IJtij! tully lo•d•d 1 k• ne.. Merud•• BHl l80Sl 82 -not\~ $14 giz, vl!l?'>SI S/~ 9'l'> 1, Good 'ond ~d top sot1 1 ... ,,.llf4> 714 91':1C.U, !Oil I eupe w'blll inter nanc1nc 1.a•l•ble Bll.r S!i300/obo 949 ~4 8208 --- t4t-Sl•· 1118 --Niu-'98 Sentro GU -·•<,..1.c-Mereo401 '96 C210 l 1!.t new loaded eutu buut1tul bl•<~ u u m moootonl alloy• low 74~ fully IO•d•d 'howroom, mi S5'l00 71 4 JSI ?&64 r\IM. Sll 5'\. 714 1">1 2464 fOID P'IOI( lS '90 RunsJWit6cf it.tu: ms. SIJllrOOf. pw. ps Wt ~new lrts & Ul>S Blue boci t3Zl> ~ ~. Prrvilt party 714-SJ4.. 7 Mii fOtlO P•Oll LS 'tO Pun~ •Int 6 tyl •ulo, •l. c •~\. \urtr vot µw. p, hit whttl• ,, ... '"" I <•P• 8 1ue b<Hll. Sl21'> ~II S2600 Prrolt p•rly 714-SJ•-7.0I Pw...t. ........ Con ....... T~ lrOtllt. Blaclv bl.K.k. 411 o tu~ S77 ,950 ~ ntJ 714-Qil 7'2() Merce4~'tt U20 11 11. mt, wh1 lt illY llhr. mnrt ,ru omt w hh, bu ut l1l1t ntw c ond •'>l'l1.~ 1 $28 99'> Im ..-.. Blu 9t9 <it& 1888 -' 'I -, ,.,..... •99 ••• ,., Mere•-'•• •tt SJ20 Conv 71 k m1. !),.pd l WI! '>l k m1, J yr warr wh1I• ~rry llh'. lull l~c~ av11I \llvrrtblk Ith• ""~" 111 ~eed, non bu ut or 12 tond v8/'>14 I 'mkr lil.t n•• 11 l ?669'.i $78 99S l1n.a1><10& o.t•I $1li 'HJ 8111 9'~~ 1888 Bkr 9'49 !1116 ll!8>! www.e~l.c- ..--.~.c.-_ NllO MO..l •OOMl o c.Aatll o CAllnT o AOOrOOHS & REMOOCl.Ni Repan Patch1ne. lnst•ll l •577982 9'49·837 5642 UCINSIO CONTUCTM Ho pt> too wn M-' Repair, ••model, fans, 5f': ,_ SYC 9'&6«).Jlll6 Cou1t1ou• •ny "" tob• n-M.. Publi.w-Wholeule' 949 492 0205 __...., _ .. ,. • c_,_,.., •• ,...,., • Softwar e Up1radu, luto11ne. l11ln1ne Cor:J:Jt• ()' CWJ.929-3983 Canaltl & Maanry lrtdtl'-dS-fh Concrete. Patio, ()'tveWay F11~. 880. Rers 25y,., E ap Terry 71• 5!>7 7594 <--•-Cementwork Brick, Tile &. Mou Rehabl. No IOI> loo sm1ll 949 ~ 67"6 SAVE 35%01 c:.,., • fumilun .. a.••• S 'fufe._ J 11 fl&mMWf 23YIAISID. BROTHI RS (ARPH SERVI(£ 800-5"19 7181 ITOI YOU.NOMI IMf'ttOVIMINT f'ttOJICTl Call a plumber. p•inle1, handyman 0< 1n1 ot lht out HrVICH llsltd hen In o"' santet d11ect0<yl IHCS£ LOCAL SVC PCOPLC CAN HCLP YOU TOOAY! G· n. • • C .,, • ' ' F1oaftnWT11t CUSTOM OIATM lU ~ si.tw.. csamc. .,._...,stone.. ..... 197S Ll6l2044 Jeff 714-612 Bl UMY RllPl'fld R1pout1n &. lnst·allatlOll TILE. OCAH 949-()73 ~ ~ 714-SJ.2001 ...... Polllhonc Tra,,.rttne All rtoor Types. Wt"ll Also Rearout & Sul Y ou• K i t c hen Count Ifs. Showers & Floors Ma.._ 11 looll !Ille new •l•ln a......a-...~ ·~77-ns-lffl .......... ~ Oulan. Plent, Pot, Prop11allon, Prunln1. uClllllll rfth 9651~ Fun..,.. l1 I··-~°"""' ,,.,.ltuwn .... , •• Ill-. AAlot.,.,... --..... By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEF.KJ.Y BRIDGE() LZ Q I • A' !M'IJth. 'ulnc:rublc:. '!'Oil hold . "J J 4JICl •KQ8S A · llf1h·, -.eti~ri..·c pNflllK'~ .. fivc--.anl ,u11 Ulld " 1nv1w11ooaJ With a nl.4A11nurn dJld the queen m pan:ncr·, lunf \1111. v.hM:h Viould bl' upgratk\J .i l'Jlnl )OU h.t' c .i.mplc l!l .a:.:cpc. "' 11 l'C'\.ome' a tjueslJOn or whu:h g.u1ll' It• btd With }our Ila! hand an<l doilbk 'topper. in ,;II unh1d 'u'~'· lhrt'.c ou 1rump rdh .• , IV Ix-the tx-11,•r 'on1r ... 1 BrJ 11' 0 2 • '-~rlhc:r 'ulrt<:r.ibl.-J' 'i.1t.1lh \CJO holJ The hnJJ1n~ h.l' pn,.·ecdo.·o.I 'ORTH • 'T SOl 'HI I!'<,. .._ 24 l l'IL'i& ~ \.\h.11 Ju \<IU btJ nov.' A .. S••rlh '1v.1Hl1.im.>nJ rt''f"'""-' o.lcmc' .i lour •"1o.l ITldJor NI ...i~' nudun~ .1~iu1 ~ mmur·\1111 h•Jk.1- mg' '111t1r ht•ll\ir. rn th<·"''"'"" v.11 Iii nr.cl) '"Ith p.ltUler \ hllnJ ..noJ ~Xlld 11flt1 pla)' rur 11um c 'lflf'l"'lll.' even J n11n1mu111 of I~ pumh Bod lhrtt nu !rump Q J · \ulnc:r.alllc. '""' holJ • 9 ti 10 'I s l 4()71>2 •92 Q 4 • Both vulncnablc:, )OU huld KIOl Pattnr:r open\ the bidding "' 1th 1.Nlc! hcan. What do )'00 fl:.\pond I A • Yoo luivc the va.IUC'' (Uf JU'I one free rl'~J>O'™'. If ~oo v.crl' to lfiponcl one •p.M:k. v,. twl v. l)tl lo.I "°" do \hou.Jd paruier's nc~1 btd be "). tv.o clu~' T""<! he:lrb v.oold be .1 mere ~fc:rcncc, ~ oo 11 Jw- blctoo, and three hcam·j, a hull" 01ctbld 81d a.n t'nuiur.aging t"o hc.'an, nov. .iJ'.ld J\Old thJt pr11Mcm Q S • l'<c1thcr 'Uln<rabk ~ou hvlo.1 • i\ lo: Q Iii • J IO fl S J 8 7 f> ... l'~r open' ~ bidding "uh nnt ht.ut V.'ha1 tk• ) •IU rc'rono.J ' A • If )'OU pLi) lh..1 " iump 111 lou1 duh-" a 'Phnt~r h1o.I, ~ ..... ,n~ J ''°llklClfl In Ulc \Uil, h) d.11 lllc:llll> ma!..~ th.ii bH.I II 01.11 btd rnw ,p;Kk nov. then JUmp '" game m ~""' .it \ot1r nc~I 1um In 'uppon nl l~.ut' )ll\Jr h.lnd I\ .,.,>fth '"mt' 11 I~ ' p.>1n1' (.)ft ·"' \outh 'Uhk'rJhk. )'"' h<1lo.I • " 10 8 7 8 AUTOMOBlllS, MISCEUANEOUS MOTOR HOMES BOAT PARTS& ACCESSORIES AUTOMOTM PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES -~ fl> W\l. ~ Wit. outtxwd. I -trdor 5tn \ff. ~ ,_ Pf> 547!>. .. htnt al!ro sm 00. hind :a Stl5 71"'964·.DB BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVEES DOWN ,~. 2 Sr• .,.. M0<9ro 3 T ab1e111nO 4 Aorr>*l 5 Tso °' 1111P 6 ~elllr' 1 8o.-.g rnal:hM 8,....... -Elc.<tibed< II Sold..,,"' <1•~ 10 40cls • •"" l '~dS ctoe 12 I. rale<I I J COOlong 0.lflcet Iii!-<~~ ? , St• •IA6 ol )&Ill'• 2~ Thr<Mtlenli ?& a.. •'""'9 'n Vfl"! *'II" "enzy 28R~or MlD$$e 29 Wrt'.e< -llra:./1 .JfJ Tr&1I be""'° ) ' F---.g e "'°" l2 Ghoslt•• 33 T~e~'llO 35 Lay '°'" 311 was 101ron1 40 W ... PH fl>r90 • 2 Sw>ooll "' 44 Goloot' R~ tOl(ltO 46 .Jffl'5 •1~ •9 S.u -c..i.i 50 Phoenoc.w' 'l 9200 SlllGTOP T 100 X1U CAI, TOYOTA TlllCI, ,. SIOO BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ SJORAGE "Employee. .. Empleado. NOllAMR HOW YOU SAY n, ClASSlflED CAii Fiii n. SIU S SO 714-JT 4-1793 TIKICOVll lw TlOO X1U CAI, TOYOTA 1IUCI, ,. SIOO SIU S 100 714-.J74-U9J = Lew,.., .. i.-4«.,. w..>t ....... Ir• trwmq I 1nslellalt0n 25 Yr s u p lic/tnwred 949 543-436.J Trff s.,,,tca, Yard Cle .. "'IP· Matntenance, Sprrnlller Rapa11, H1ul1n1 {t4t)H0.-711 G~ ~W..&S.W. ~---.. ~ 9-/llb n1 ~ Docn,Sa...~ "".,_' ......... R£STOR I •REPAIR & RIMODHING l 9680 SUPSAVALUU Newpon H..,bof bu ut1lu1 loc many sun No hve l boilfds 949 6 75 484 7 SINTAl-NUSIAND rol! HOH£ YOO S your honey won•t rrom [lect to the kitchen,..,. 949"548 9351 THI HANOYMAM Cmernl)' Service Ok• P\Jfrbrc. [i.drai, c..,. Ooln etc 949"09 755-t Hatlllng JUNI TO THI OUMPlll 71-4-968 1882 AVAILABLC TOOAYI 949-673 5!>66 .. A rbeit neh mer .. ··Employe. I Cr Oelaull Ok Banllruptcy Oii Tu liens Oii Good Cr edrl Also Oii Private Money Ref• I Purchase l-4¥f""-<lel 800-fS0.151• CAR: Q21J:.Jll ~ llST MOVUS SH/Hr serv1n1 ell cities. lnsUfad last, colifteous. careful Tl 63844 800 246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Ca lif Public Utlllt1u comm1uoon require~ th1t ell uud houiehold c oods m1vui prjnt their PU C Ca l T number, limos •nd chautftufl print theu TCP numbaf 1n 111 adv•· tlsemlnts If yo" ha,,. •nr quut1011• aboilt th• l11allty of • mover , llmo of chauffeur-, call· PUB· UC UTillTICS COM· MISSION 71 •·!>58· 4151 .......... .._...,_~--­Mewport mom .,,.,. able 101 cook•na compent0nV.111. h&ht ~M!Pln&. Kranch. tic Gr eat local ,.....,_ ~728-833& 0-.,'• ........ um. up Great Prrce• Gu•anlffcl WOflo. free <Kl l •375602 714 5J8 1534 7 390-29'45 m-s CVSTCNI ,UfTWeG Pror1. clean. CIU.•hty wO<ll lntep0< /t •I i nd doclls l•703"68 9'9-631-4610 U.IOW c.11 MMfl Pa1nttt11 ~•t. tb-1-.. QueHty jobl f rff esbmalt l 11569897 71 '4 636· 8888 • °'"'''"'°" ttf \llll J 111n11...i PIP( LOCATING llCCTRONtC SLAB l CAK oc rrc TION r !lt ndly S11 VICt t4t -•7S -tl04 ~ P1umb1na repe1n over ~yn u p AJI won, I'* .......,_ se.-114.56-82911 MONIST & IUWllA• I PLUM8CR l ~ r ... btlSm r~ OCTFCU One 714.2i>-9150 f'ttlCtSI '1.UMI ... Rtparn &. Remodahnc fRCC CSllMATE L 11687 398 714 969 I 090 1"9~-)ffteioefl ,...,,..,, OMlll I ... :,,-;;:: Q.IAl9IG ..:w.sT TWUDY l'Wlbl9IG 949~2352 -.. ""'"' WC8STO .. ,. YOI 642-5671 .. • I ~ . \ ALL AROUND THE HOUSE • ' . .. -~---- (. I~ I <. /\ "' . : p-To achertl8e In the ~ •• -,. Jaa. 21, 2883 ... of ., -~. Ab.~TBEllOOSE ll • Lorraine O'DomaeD ~949-5;+!~ , - . IPICWJZING IN: • ,,, ......... & ..... _ _,..,.... ...... ,... ..... ....... •A ...... ,.._., I '& o&' I O a •••••• 8812 ••• .._.4 ~ .. \-:-... ~ ... .. ··"'·"-•. ·~ •. , .. _, ...... " ... . ' ~ I~ I ·-· . Look for these experts dally in the service Directory ... Ii. u!~& H r-. -AIR CONDmONING .:: ,. PU'r A Nnt TUB \iR • P hw OV91t YOU.. OLD OM INSTALLATION • SERVlCE •REPAIR SERVING ORANG£ Coui-rrv SINCE 19';2 Uo:." 810481 4'>- ~'~~ ' -~ ,..._,,,__~ -••' ,,,. , -, "T/~~· ~ -,. ~~ .-.;:." ~J .• ~. I l~I II 11Uiii nrur ~ -1.ltlll 11111111111111111111 ·~ ~I U IU Jl l I - -n:~L..WI ... .,. .. ,.., , ··f4"' -- • --... _.._IL..._ LENE HAI" CUTTINO • HAlft CO'-Oft • MaH/WOMeN IN HOME OR OFF1CE SERVICES .. SALQN MON-WED • 149-&M-750 , , 1. <;iEh~ sp~e-.~.,~-2l?23 • • 41 • './'~ I ,...,_,........_~.I ~ ~JI\ I I I ......,.,, ...... - I •• ~"E?I ~ ...... ~ ~ .. ..... ... . ....... • . ' Skylights Unlimited, Inc. ,,.,,.,_' c.......,.,.. ,....,.., I R""''lllM CWWWDTQft Uc._..7 l°. ·-·-·-- ,I •a•• •u•••= , ~ • rfo,o/: 'If~«~~,) lurnitun: Oepmr. Qefioilh. ~ Wtek¢r • ~ am. • Upbo&lt.ery 949.6,0.,947 ;· • ' ~~ii ."' i ! ' . \ ' . I ,, (l '! . ~ . ; i ~ l ; : ~1 \:c ·~ 1\ 4 t i~ ... ( ~r v.-1t • ' ~ ,, !C t l 1 t ~ > -0 ~ 2 c.. ~ .., "O I ~ 8-w - 'i ,.,. c l b .l • • ' • ' ti ~ ti ~ t' f l ,. :r ' ~ • •