HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 THURSDAY,FEBRUARY27,2003 Marina park will goto public vote Balboa Peninsula oppos iti on doesn't dissuade City Council from letting public decide on resort in Novembe r 2004 . June Casagrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT .BFACH -Voters will decide in No- vember 2004 whether developer Stephen ulhcr· land should be allowed Lo build a I 10-roorn luJCury resort al Marinapark. Council members voled 6 lo I on Tuesday 10 put the matter on the ballo1 and to require an environ· mental study of the project. Opponents of the beachfronL resort on the peninsula gave council members an. earful on why they believe the project should be ~topped. "The people o f thi!> city do not want a hotel at Las Arena.l> P.Mk." said Tom I lyans, pre~idem of the Cemral Newport Reach Community ~n. and an See MARINAPARK, Page A3 A SOLDIER'S STORY REDEVELOPMENT Homes the bigger blight in Steel's eye 'f1 IP'' ')v JF. AS~ ';)Pf N ' Sgt. Cass Spence. front right, stands alongside his platoon commander and machmegun section and squad leaders in Kuwait. Businesses sho uld be left out of red evelo pme nt zone fo r now, age ncy chair says. In fainiliar territory Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Councilman Olris Steel, who chair~ the city'l> Redevelopment Agency. said West- side honw~ -not businesses - should be in- cluded an expanded redevelopment area because they are more of a blight to the city. Industrial property owners adamantly opposed to their inclusion in a proposed 434-acre redevel- opment w ne were heartened IO hear Steel's See STEEL, Page M EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first e-mail from Sgt. Charles ·cass" A Spence of Costa Mesa since he arrived in Kuwait earlier this month in preparation for the likely conflict with neighboring Iraq. The Daily Pilot, which profiled Cass and his family in a couple of stories, will update readers on Spence's tour of duty as they come in. If you want to send Spence any thoughts, please send them to DailyPilot@latimes.com and we'll relay them to him. Sgt. Ozarles 'Cass' Spen ce of Costa Me sa returns to Kuwait an d relays some of his initial tlzoughts By Sgt. Char les "Cass" A. Spence T he photo is of my platoon commander and machine gun ~ection/~quad leaders. - We were walking our furthest post. 11·~ about 200 meters from 1 lighway HO (also known as the Highway of Death). The tower behind U!> 1s what's leti over from lhe old ha~t' here Ill Ku"dll. rn.~ WiL' Whl'ft:' Iraq bt>gan 1h 1m·a ... 1on of KuwJJI. rhe base. now c.ilJC'd Lamp LommJndo. re~1de ... here. lhe h"tOI) on Lamp Commando 1' a d"turbing one In the earh I Y90'>. 11 hOU'>t'd Kuwait\ ehlt: commando forct·~. hut once overrun. it became a See TERRITORY. Page A4 Activist urges exploring burial site KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Newport activist Jan Vander$1oot stands by the Bayview Landing archaeological sites near Jamboree Road and Coast Highway. Ja n Vandersloot of Newport Beach says site for senior housing could have Native American archeo logicaJ significance. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A 150- unit senior housing complex the Newport Beach City Council ap- proved Tuesday raises concerns about what should be consid- ered sacred Native American sites. The project attracted Httle controversy Tuesday. though a local activist said the city wasn't doing enough 10 determine whet.her the 16.1-acre Bayview Landing site contains important artifacts docume nting the his- tory of prehistoric lndian civili- zations. Jan Vandersloot. who sup- ported the project, urged city of- ficials to perform more research to discover what's at the site near the comer of Jamboree Road and Coast Highway. Whether the Bayview site is significant is stiU w1known. but HnJe archeological investigation has taken place. oflkiab ac knowledge. The site'~ significance "i!> stiU unknown,·· Vandersloot i.aid. "Otherwise, their solution is. 'Let's have a momtor along when we start up the bulldozer.· On Tuesday. the council adopted a handful of measures that city leaders say will ensure the safety of any artifacts that may be uncovered during con- struction. The couneil hired an architect to analyze the site. the third such analysis since 1992. That archi- INSIDE For more on the City Council's approval of the senior housing project, see Page AJ tect will take •test hole" sam- plings at the rwo sues, which have both been cataloged with the state's lndian hentage office. .. We are extremely sensitive to all issues. including the archeo- logical issue.· said Mayor Steve Bromberg. whose district in· dudes the project. "With respect to the safeguards we have in SM BURIAL, Pa1e M THE BELL CURVE Schools see $38 million more in cuts Dail y Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.dalt;piXcom More than a hint of reality in 'West Win g' plot line Christin• Carrlllo Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Gov. Gray Davis wal- loped California's community colleges with a $38-mlllion blow ~esday, announcing yet another cut to the schools' budgets. The blow, which f'rustnted district and college ofBcials tlvougbout the state, was announced even though the state l..egislature baa yet t~ agree on an esact amount of midyear cuts for the 8ecal 2002-03 year. The latest cut. resulting from under-- estimating the state's property tu l'W· ... ICHOOU ...... M WEATHER ~ We may'" more rain. S.Plll•A2 . RIVER AGENCY Three aaeemblymen team to crMt••~to OY9ftoot the s.nt. AN River. S.PlpA3 DATEBOOK SPORTS COfON dlt Mer High'I g6ria W9ler polo tNfn wtl vie for the Of DMelon I~ $etufdey. .. ,....1 ·- A2 Thursday, February 27, 2003 Daily Pilot POLITICS THE POLmCAL LANDSCAPE Fil£ PHOTO/DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa Planning Commission Chairwoman Katrina Foley is surrounded by her friends' kids at lions Park. Money for next to nothing Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Asl.emblyman John Campbell wasn't even aslcing for money. but 125 people"and companies sent him $32.000 in checks. Campbell, a Republican who represents Newport Beach, had simply sent out a letter in January announcing his candidacy for Ross Johnson's 35th state Senate seat. Johnson will be termed out in 2004. "I am humbled that so many men and women saw fit to support m y campaign, even though I was jus t letting them know I was running," Campbell sajd . "We purposely did not aslc for money in the letter." Campbell's cruef opponent. Assemblyman Ken Maddox (R-Costa Me<;a). said he wasn't impressed. "'Jliis race shouldn't be about the money." Maddox said. "It should be about the ideas." Maddox said he has, so far, raised about $150,000 for the race. But those were finds Maddox rolled over from hb current war chest. CampbelJ said he ha1> rolled over $110.000 o far. with another SI 00.000 still available. Maddox said he has accepted the state's $600.000 expenditure timjt, 1mpo~ed by Proposition 34, wruch was passt>d by voters last year. Campbell ~ay<> he won't accept that limit. "If you're going to tell people abo ut you, you have 10 have money to do that," Campbell said. "That's the only way to do it." ROHRABACHER GOES TO WM, KIND OF Rep. Dana RohrabKher has been · making regular appearances as a pundit on the political tallc show circuit. This weelc, he made his debut in movies. Rohrabacher. who rep resents Costa Mesa. appeared in a scene of the Civil War epic "Gods and Gen erals" and sparred with talk show host BW Maher on the premier episode of h1s new HOO show. ln the movie. which hit theaters Friday, Rohrabacher played a Umon general on the staff of CoL Joshua Chamberlain. Rohrabacher said the role was another reminder of why he supports military force to remove Saddam Hussein from power in lraq. "Today. our nation slands on the brink of ... a war that will also bring suffering. Like all wars, but will, lilce our Civil War, have noble ends," Rohrabacher said. "Liberation and the des1ruction of evil are indeed noble ends." Rohrabacher made the comments on the House floor on Wednesday. Also on Friday, f\ohrabacher appeared on "Real Tune with Bill Maher." On the show, which aired al 8:30 p.m. on the West Coast, Rohrabacher debated the comedian and pundit about Iraq. Maher's show is structured similarly .to his "PoliticaJJy Incorrect," wh.ich was taken off the air by ABC shortly after Maher made a controversial comment about the Sept. ll lerrorist anacks. COMMISSIONER GETS CHANCE TO CHECK THE MONEY Board members with the Coast Commuruty College District have appointed Costa Mesa Planning Commission Chairwoman Katrina FoJey to a panel that will oversee the expenditure of $370 million in bond funding. The board on Feb. 19 named Foley to a panel that is expected to include at least eight other members. The citizen's comminee has no1 held a meeting yet. Foley. who was defeated in her City CouncU bid on Nov. 5, said she is looking forward to the job. "It's a new and dill'erent kind of commuruty involvement for me in many ways." Foley said. "I'm one who over analyLeS everything at the Planrung Commission. I'm perfect for this job." The cornrrtlnee is overseeing bond money rrused by Measure C wruch voters approved Nov. 5. The bond funw ng. which comes from a tax levy. will be used to upgrade the college district's facilities, including iis gyms. libraries and other builwngs. Foley is an employment and busines.o; law attorney at Newpon Bea ch-based firm Lents & Foley. POLITICAL CALENDAR 17: The Republicen Party of o,.,. County Centrlt Commibe wil hokf. gener8I m•tiug et 7 p.m. M the Soulh CmM ..... ~Hoell 9' •Anton Blvd., Calta ...... Adm._.onlefree, end .. 1'9public8N ... •#llixame. (7Mt&11•15. APRIL ,MARCH 1Z: Orange County Young RepubNcens wftl hokf • garwaf meeting et 1 p.m. et the El Torito on Anton Boulevard In Costa"-. The guest ..,...., wffl be v.ron ~ execudYe dlfer:IDr of the""" Rend ........ lnfonnetion: f .. ) 47Mll9 Of www.ocyr:OID- Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 58 THOMAS H. JOttNSOH Newsfdltlors Publtstter Gina Aleunder, Lori Anderson, TONY DOOE1'0 Paul Saitowitz, Daniel Stevens Editor NEWSITAFF JUDY OETTING Ac:Jvertls~ Director o..--.... LANA NSON Crime and courts reporter, Promotions Director (949) 574--4226 dHpa. bharathtlllltlmes.com EDfT1NG STAFF JuneC•11 •Nie l .J. Cefln Newport 8elctl reporter, Managing Editor. (949) 574-4232 (9'9) 574-4233 ju,,..Cllafl,•f><»tll1tirM1.oom 1.j.cahn• /1t/me1..com '-"Clmcn JemeeM.-Polhicl end environment reporter, City Edlto<. (9'91 ~ (9'9) 764-4324 jlrrw.'"4Hr latifrw,com ,,.ul.ciintonel«Jm#.oom "°91f'C.-.. ........... Sc>ot1t Editor. Columnltt. cotlunt teCIOMf, (148) (M)51'-<W3 SH-427& roger . .,.,,,."1tlm&com /olh.l.,..,,_..l«l,,,..oom .-..1.1..eoe .,....MMft Art DitedOr I Newa 0.. Chi.f, Cotta M.-"9portier, (Mii 571M221 IMl 17'-4224 dfllrdre.llllWINtl•IMlrfw.oom }t»l,..,,..,.,,,,,_,oom ..... MIC' .. Clw ...... c..-. "'*~· E~ tepOftlf, (Ml 17oM289 .... ~ ....,,..."°"' ...,._.-....com Cof91Wlhon News assistant, (949) 574-4298 cor11/.wilaon@latlma.com PHO'TOORAPHERS Sean Hiiier, Don Leadl, Kent Treptew READERS HOTLINE (9'9) 542-eoe6 Record your comments 1bout the Delly Pilot or news tipe. Addrwe tJ: The Or-. County Young Replblcer19 wll hold. ver-11 meldl•. uo p.m.. a TOfttoon AnlDf'I ~ inC:O..Mme.~: (Ml) 411-1111 or www.ocyr:OfV. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No news 11oriet, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner HOW TO REACH US ~ The Tlmee Or1nge County (800) 252-91'1 AdwitWi .. Our eddreu is 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Cl1111fted (949) 642·5678 Men. CA 92627. Off tee houra ere DillMY UM9) 542-021 Monday -Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. EcltoMI Conectlo111 Newt h is the Pilot's policy to promptly (9'9) 8'2·5880 correct ell erron of subetance. 8potta (949) 57~23 PleMe call 19491 7'&'"4324. Newt ..... (948) ~170 ..,.,.. ,.. (t48) e&o-0170 FYI E.fMlt t»1typ;lofe 1«1me&oom The Newport Beach'Coeta Meea MelltOllle 0.lly Piiot (USf>S.144-«IO) le ....... Ollee (Me) 842-021 publflhed dally. In ~rt 8Md'I • ..... ,.. (9481831-7126 end CoN Mele, subectlptlone ,,. ~only by eubec:riblng to The I.• Tlmee Orange County (800) 212 .. 14l In .,... outskte of H9wpoft IMct't .,., Coeta Meal, eubecripdof11 to the Delly Ptlot .,.. evelleble only by ftte1 ctaM meil for Publlthed ~mee Community .,., per month. (f'ricee lnc:.'fud9 ell Newt, • div n of the Lot Angelel epptlceble .... end local tu•;) Tlmee. POSTMASTER:~ eddr-. ~.,The N9wpolt ~ Meee D9ily P'lloc. fl!O • "2002 Tlmee CN. All ri9Mt ...... '119d. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hell, n Felr Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 754-5223 ~ Karen Robinson ~Libby Cowan, Allen Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CfTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 ~ Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Olde Nic:tiols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUHfTY COUEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (714) 432-5898 Chancellor. William M. Vega Bo.rd: President Paul Berger; Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jeny Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNtflED SCtt<>Ol DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St .• Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (714) 424-5000 Superint•od9nt Robert Barbot Boerd: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade, Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa. CA 92627. (949) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson, · Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohlig~Hall, Fred Bodcmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200. Costa Mesa. CA 92628-1200. (714) 754-5043 Boerd: President Arlene Sdlafer, Jim Fenyman, Art Peny, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza. Santa Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (714) 634-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast). (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAJR Board: President Ruben A Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haidl, James Baric:ti, Deborah Carona, Leslie A Ray and Frank Barbaro STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (A), 36th Oilttlct, 18562 MacAtthur Blvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92716, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Preas Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEIBY John Campbell (R), 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: di61rict70@auembly.CB.gov Ken Maddox (R), 68th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1603 South Coast Drive. Suite 206, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; Fax: (714) 668-2104 E-mail: district68@sSStJmbly.ca.9ov STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA94105. (415) 904-5200; regional office in long Beacti, (310)590-5071 GOVERNOR Gray Davis (0 ), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES •Chris Cox (R), 47th District, 1 Newport Place, Suite 420, Newport Beacti. CA 92660. (949) 756-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-5611; fax (949) 261-9309 (represents most of Newport Beac:ti) E·mail: , christopher.cox@msil.house.gov • Dana Rohrabadler (R), 45th District. 101 Main St, Suite 3C. Huntington Beadl, CA 92648. (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Rayburn Building, Washington. D.C. 2051 5, (202) 225-2415; fax: (714) 960-7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newport) E-mail: dana@msil.house.gov U.S. SENATE • Barbara Boxer (0 ), 112 Hart Senate Building. Suite 112, Washington. D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 2250 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 545, El Segundo, CA 90245, (213) 894-5000 E-mail: senator@boxer.senate.gov • Dianne Feinstein (0), 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Santa Monica Btvd .. Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: senator@feinstein.senate.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .• Washington, O.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Dide Cheney (R). Capitol Building. Suite 212, Washington, D.C. 20500 E-mail: vioe.president@whitehou..e.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 POLITICS ASIDE S.J. Cahn ls on IMlgnment. His column, Pofitict Aside, will retum next week. He is the managing editor. He can be reeched at (949) 674-4233 or by e-mail at 1.j.cal'rntll.titnft.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF We W9f'8 surprised The latest nofthwMt swell Wednetday morning, and amve. today, bringing us ' there may be yet enother some~-to~. r.tJbtt putted from Mother though we'll ltart Meing Nature's het. It's looking like the clouds overtlNda once the IMlt ~onfridey. above us will drop IOme rein By Friday evening, the swell this morning. By afternoon, wfll beet down -a trend thet Newport-Meea should dry up, will continue until the next wtth hlghe neer 80 end lows In tW9lt antw. Mond.y. them~ It'll be ""'"'-come Friday, Seturdey Wiii be nMf ~. wt'6le Sund8Y but not wermer. More lhowert drope Into the wMll· to "'8Y •rriw by Seturdey. cfteet-Ngh ,.... lnfomMltlon: ... = ...,.,..,,..,noM.(1'111 www.eu .org BOATING FORECAST TIDES ""-The ti I ltWty .... will ..... blow 101D 11 llrtOlll In UM .,._ 8:33a.m. &.•tllthlflh ..... todly, wfth 2.foot 1:47p.m . ·1.CMtlltlow W9Wll end. Wiil 1W911of5 to 1:23p,m. ,. .... high , ..... 1:181.m. U2tlltlow Oulfetther,the w111111y .. wll blow 11to20 llnoll. WATER TUPUATURE --.2-tD~~lnd• Wlll_..of7tDI .... •d••- Daily P1101 lhur\Ody f Pbluory n 20()3 Al Newport welcomes affordable housing BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS City Co unci l a pproves 150-unit senior housin g apartments for city off Jambo ree Road and Coast Highway. June Casa&rande Dally Pilot Nf.Wl'Oll I Ill.AU I A JSO- unit '>cnim .1llord.1hle hou .. ing complc~ planrwd at thr intt·r- :.ection 11f Jamhort'l' Hoad and Coai.1 I lighway took it'> bi~cst step forward l'Lwr-.day night when coundl 11w rnht•r., voted u nanimou.,ly ''' approw pla,,., and a pl'rmit for the projt>CI. HCMde111 .. Of till' Villa 1'0111 1 neighborhood that ovcrlook.c, thl• <,ill' 'aid 1h1·y had -.unit.' prnhle11h wllh till' pm)l:'t t, Lhotrgh fl'W 0.11 Olli oppO'>l'tl I he development. "I don't expect you to do everything we '>ay. I just want yo u 10 meet our requci>ls a little less Lhan half way," said Kahn I.cc. a Villa Point resident. Lee asked council member' to con:.1cler lowering tlw building height about 2 feet and 10 revi .. c the plans so that the buildings don't dominate as much of their view., a!> lhc plani. pmpo'>c 111 do. Others said parking wa., .1 problem. The 150 111111 rnmplex " .. 1r11ed to haw I HO parking '>p,1t·e., A repre'>l'lltative of de veloper Related Companie., ~aid lhe parking I'> adequate for the project. Ill part becauo,e or lhe inrome requiremeri1c; that will apply to tenant!>. Sl'n1oro, wiU qualify for the apartment-. only 1f their household income is be- neath a level !>1111 to be deter- rnmcd. ·1 hat will rnca11 lhat a large pcrccntagl:' of the unit'> will be otrupicd by '>ingh' people with ju'>l om• car. A few r<>!>idenh th'>agreed. "Parking i!:> lotally inad- equate," resident Harry Allen said. I he projl;'ct will includt· a public view park -an amenity w1:.•lcomed hy cnvironmemalbt'> '>ULh d'> Jan Va nderc,loot l'he apartm<'nt curnplt:x 1:. pl.innt•tl 10 lwlp the city ml'et 'We are woefully deficient in this city of affordable housi ng, and there is huge demand .... This is a good project.' Councilman Tod Ridgeway Ma te requirements Im Jlford able housing. fh1· prowu ""111 bt· paid for with ft.'t., till' 111y charges developer .. 10 t n•.ill· t1f fordabh.• housing. "We are WOt>fully dl'li111•111 111 thh city of affonJ.Jblt• llou-.111g, and there i., a hugt· dt•111J11d," Louncilman lod Htd~l'\'·•\ .... 11d. " I hi., j., a good pm11·1 1 Former co lumnist hegin~ new compan y Byron dt.' Ardkal. a former l>aily Ptl ut colum111st, ..aid Wednt:'>dav Lhat ht> will step down a.<, thl' lrvrne Lo.\ :.en- 1or dircttor of c-ummunll} c ommur11ra1111n<, io form h1:. own Co'>ta Ml''><l '11mmu111 tJl1on'> group. By1on de Arakal Lorrnntr· niration'> < .ioup Im will <>pe- dalizc in pmfc,-.ionJJ wnting I ~:·rvil e!>, nwdtC:l rt!laliorn •• i'>· L e.'> mamigement and mar MARINAPARK Continued from Al keung u1mmu111t c1ll01h ht· ~Id Dt' Aro.ikal J ( 0'>1.i "'-lt·-.J P.drk<; and flt'< rt•c111on' C or11 mh~lunt'r ... aid ht' will ht: Lht- woup\ '>t'lllOf Wnlt'r drld tOlllll)Unlt .i tUll\' '>lralt•gt'>I Bdort' J0111111g tht' lrv1nt ( 0, IW '>l'f'\'t•d •l'> l"At'l llll\l 1·d1101 of ( )r.111g1· ( ,o,i..1 II Htga/llW, \ ll l ' prt•,1dt•11t 111 puhht rela111111-. 1111 Kt>\ Jl Ii Markt'ting JrHI '>pt·111 I.! w.11 .. rnn'>ull ing and wr11111g for govt>rrH11t'n1 agt·rirw ... puhl11 relauo11 . .ind .id .1ge111 "'" Hwmlwrl( .,,ud I h.11' ,, l-(1111ll th111g I t t1111 11i1.1g1111 \.\h\ Jll\ om· "'uuld11 1 \'\,lfll th1 ... 111 ~·· 111 .1 \Utt• Ill lhl• Jll'lljllt• 0Ul'>J>1Jk1·1111ppone111 ol the hotel Assembly bil l urges Santa Ana River agency llw l OUrtul chJmber "a!> 1w.ir I~ lull IJtt-11110 the 111gh1 w11h a mix of opp•mt•ntc, Jlld -.uppon plJy ,., nut u p.irll'Jll "'m·," er'>gdthernl 111'>f>t.'ul..11n tl11: pmJ Maddox '>aid ·· 1 ht J..1<1 ... 111 t:ll ( UUlll tlr 11,111 I )ll ~ ~ldlol, I ,1 I till' dt'>'>Cllllllg \.11!1·, '><l\lllg ltt ""' 1 unu:rn' 1h .. 1 1h1 pr11i1·< 1 1, r 1111 JpproprtJtl' 1111 lltt .trl'd Sa nta Ana Democrat suggests creating conservan cy to protect land alo ng 96 miles of ri ve r. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Nl.\Vl'CIH I ~II SA J\ pro po'>al 10 l rl•,11c• ,1 wild l,mdc, run-.l•n.inry to man,1g1• land alnng'>idt• thl' ..,a111J An.1 1<1vn ha'> h1·1·11 t•111hran•tl h)• local l!t•p11hl1t .Ill'-"' ,t p1111·n11.il ""V 111 llH rca'>e p.1r~l .. 111t1.. and tlpt•n ,p.111• lor rt''>1tlt·11i.. ol 'urro11nd111g t 1111• ... A.,..1•mhlyrnJ11 I 1111 ( orrea (I) San1<1 1\nt1 I. tlH: hill\ ,1u1hor. ha'> propo,t·d a n um hrdl.i Jgenry '1mi1Jr 10 lilt' ..,ant,1 l\101111:a t\1m1ntJlll'> < on .,l'f\,UH y th<ll l'OU)tl lap '>(illl' bnnd mom·~ 111 huy land for p.irJ.. ... I hl· CorreJ pr opo.,al. known a'> A,.,ernbly Hill ·IYn. would l''- tal>li.,h tht• '>tdll' ,1g1·11ry 10 nm nag<· anti prolet t th!' •111 mile., of rhe r 110111 San IWmar dim> Count~ w it~ nwuth .11 lhi? I lun1ington Hc·ach -Nt•w pun Beach burdn. II "otrld not. however. ha'l' .111\ 1·11 forrerneni mu'>rll' \ portion of l o'tJ l\h·'•t. at l·a1n 1ew PJrJ... ltl'' ad1an·111 111 the lnnne11· \\,11t•rwu\ I he goal ol the hill. I om•.i '>did, I" tot rl'dte .i lt'.td .1gt·111 \ that could create a c 0Jlit1011 9Jou,~~~ .i:Ain .~mi nine _y?fyles ror all 0Jfiapes & "'?fzes ol BEAITTIFUL WOMEN FLAX S 'l:PH•Ni E S•W'c!>TeR French Dressing Jeanswear Gifts & Acussori~s 369 E. 17th SI #21, Co la Mesa 19491642-5459 -- First ~- Signature Store to Open in Southern California • out of tlw var1td Cllll''>. waler Jgt'nllt''> .. inti other group:. thdt hJ\ c '>Omt· Jllrl'>dit uon over tht• riwr lhc agcm·y would <.il'>O bt• digihle lur '>tale bond n'Vl'll trl' with which 11 could purcha'>l' land lor a park. "11 \ go111g 10 prl'wrve .. oml' of till' grl'at 01wn land area." C:o rrl'il 'iilid 'lue,cJ.iy Imm hi' <;arramento office. "It \ gomg ru pre-.t·rvr ii lor rt·1 rl'ational purpo'>l''>." C.orrea introdun·tl ht'> hill on I t•h. 14 and ha' 'ecurt·tl the ... uppon of A'>'>l'mhlyrnt•n Ken li1ddox (ll-( O'>t.1 ~lt•,aJ and I om l larrn.in I H I lun1 llll(lon lfr,1rl11 '"co Jllllrnr'> 'C.1\1ng t hildren J pl.ite tu r~ V ~ n tico ~J Splendore l\\ '" T t\111 Pili El'ROPL\:\ ARr Bringing the splcndorc of antiques to life ... unagmc ... • MU.BAO Clan Mirrors, Lamps and An • Majolica • Fumitun • O.anddicn • Vl«ou Stooc Gatdcn An • Hue! Caned Wood Min-on Lo'>ta Me'>a de.,t·nt· .1 r1\t•1 \""\' "Im u1m111tt•d thdt ..,tl:'pht:n 1h.11 they can re1 n·.111· .ir11und ·· ..,u1lwrl.111d ltht· pruJt'l I' de\'l'I l lurman. a fornwr I l11111111g opt·rl ".1 h'l111d lll'lghhor nuv. .. 1nd 1011 councilman. 'Jtd 1h1· l>1ll lw will hl' J g111Jd 11t>1ghh11r dht>r v,,ould ;:il'in ur\1ty gr1111p' Ill 1u1 1111., p1011·t 1 "hwh, · rt')1dent kif pruvl' tlw river\ g1·111·r.ill~ ponr U,1\'I\ .... 11J watl'r quality. <.ou111 ti me111ber' .... 11d that ··11 i:.o imp<irtJrll Imm J lu1· ... dav· ... J1t11m \'\il'> rhe only dean-water p o1111 of \'It'\\ tw w.1v 111 ••"urc· th,11 Vntl'r"• dendl' c;:iu<,e ii would rw do111i1 lwlp the. rn.illl'r .u1d that illl environ 10 dean up till' "an1.i J\nt1 nw111.il '>tUd\ ol thl' pwJell lw l<1H·r." I Jarman 'Jill I l11n dorw ll11d1•r lUrrl'nt rnle'>. 11 .i tington Ht>ach I'> tlw dr,1111 plug dt·\dop1·r JHJh a pm)l'tl on a bc.il of thi'> water,twd " Int through J ballot 1111Uallw. ht· fhe Si erra <.luh .11111 111lwr i.. 1101 r1·q111red 10 product: em1 l'll\ irnnrnen1al gruu1i... h.1\l' m111m·r1t.tl '>tlldlt'' Jl'o thnl\\ n I lll'll 'llJIJllll I tw I hi' " fll'>I IO put lhh 1<1 d hint.1 thl' hill. \lllt' ol rlll' pl;'opll'. \l,1\or ..,tt'\l' I )(:wlup~·r ..,llllit·rla.11d lall.i I lo,p1tc.illl) "·" ..c•l!'< tt'1l h\ th1 ul\ m d1·H·l11p 1111' rn 1"11 rlr11111 pm1~·r1} 1hJI ruM ho''' till' \IJ nJlitpdr1. 1110htl1 h11111t p.irk .111.t 1 lw I j,' \n·n..... l'.ir~ ,md lt·11111 u1un., ..,ulhl'rl,11111lir...1111tmd1111~l ,1 1-,0 rr10111 n--.11n. 1>111 ..,. .1lt·d h.11 J.. tilt' fllOll'l I 111 I Ill rt1w11-. I•• \'\Ill I •lllllll\llllt\ '"Pl><>n Ht•-.idl•ni-. 11ppo"11g tht• 1u111 eel It'll h\ I I\ .111' al.,11 a I ,n·1·11 ligh1 I 111111111111·1· nwmlwr h.1•• '><ltd tlldl lht ll''>Ofl \.\OUld l h.11 1~1 lhl' I JiJr,11 l•'I 11f t)ll' J>t'llll 1'111.1 "4lnlt htJit•\t 1(1,11 lht' lit\ •IL\llt'd la11d ,J,1111ld 1·11lwr rt.>ma111 1 111•1 hilt· hnnw Jhll ~ 1r ht• 111,1111 1111 puhli1 1m11w1t\ II tlw r1·.,m1 '' hu1lt th• ll1•o11 1 hch1ml t '"111111 .. 1111lw1whltl "The Art of Making Pizzau WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5-SPM CRYSTAi. COl/'E llQOMEMADE fi is Heart Hi-~I~ !Y1t111"d on: E FaJluon £111.-rgmry. Durrn'"7 CINim~I - .\1.1Jre °''" !>lory 111ul KOCF Salon Spa Mml1DnrhuM mtA &a;,.,a I 090 discount On a l.m r tvl • 949.6#.6Gll 949,6#.fi672 200 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA ..... ..,.....,.... ____ . TO 5T.i\RT IN\ 1-\TIN I FOR COLLEGE. Before you know it. colle(!e will be here. St311 planmn(! for it w1lh the help of M>meOOe who'~ al~ay~ been there for )'OU See me about the pocential uu benefit,~ of a Coverdell Education Savings Account. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE~" .,1 :<--' • t • • • • ...... '"11'11"'--' \ht-t f \blp\ftt(JI' Staie Fann Mutual Funds ~ not iMUnnee proclQaJ nl ~ oOCl'l'd by prospt"CtUS ~g'h SlllC Firm VP Managemenc Corp., OM Scace FM111 Plaza. B~. IL61 710.0001. l.aoo..447 .... 930. Read lhe ~ ~ COflUint mott ~ rionnetkin, ~fully befcw nvutin Comuh you «u. lepl or m~ ldvitor '°' tpeCific llMQe. I head ~~11~blood~ CN1 ~a Heart Attack, am I at r1* fur ~? , .. ..... ..... . \ ... . ., ,• I • t l("rt -=, t,.. 1 '"t 1 r r' J o. 4r ~ I,\(" t t' It t 4 " 1~· [ m~ ~with ~oowldg,et .\ • .. ,,. . " i ~ . 'h. . ,,. Roh1n -\ L :·lert ~1 ("') \ •• .... ' .tl'--4,, • -.,.. ... ,..i.,._1 -:~ '\.."\.'' \'\'\\'\\ "">.,,11. t.A"1':...J!' ..... • '.I • l \I I .tr,..,u..:,• .... 1\i.1 ''' • t'1' ''"""" • ,..,_..r. .i """""·'...:(. \ri .. \._ et '• r l 1 ,. ~""-.... n...ir, Designer Oudet MARCH Calendar al Sales ·--7---Fri t, ~·I I ~ ... . .. I . • ( ; ,.. .j .... ,.. . I . .. I • I ,._, t ··~ I l.oc.kt~I r,~. v;~ Off ,. )v;h ,. ••. ~ 1c.o,~tai\ ab\H Off -"Uf'"'f In !l ,....,,....., ~It c.-IN\ ~· ........ hrtf! 16 ········~ . """~ . ,..... . •• II IJ u •• DH~ v;~ Off • M Thursday, February 27, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Arrest made in robberie Costa Me!kl Police arrested two men and a woman from Santa Ana on Tuc!>day in connection with two armed robberies committeJ over tJlt:.' weekend. officiah o;aid. Ouistopher Shannun Mar- tinez. 36, Adam Avical Le· Blanc, 30, and Hobbyn Mae ltickard. 33, Miatched pursei. fro m two victims in the South Coast Plaza parking lot in the 3300 block of Bri!>tol Str eet on Saturday and Sun- day. Costa Mesa Polire Lt. Dale Birney !><lid. The first rubbery on:urrt•d al about 6:40 p.m. Saturday, when a woman idcnulied a ... Rickard Jcco~1cd another woman walking toward lwr car in the Sear~ park.tng 101, forcibly cook her purse and kJ1ocked ht·r down, Birney .... Lid. vThe vicum and a witnes.., SCHOOLS Continued from A 1 enue. ,1nick Ull di.,trict:. tor no less thait $6.!,000 each. The Coa-.t Commun11y College District had the fourth highc<,1 amount cu1. II i'> l'xpec1ed to lu'>c about $1..1 million, in addition IO lhe SS to 9 111illiun already ex- pected by 1lw end of tht> fi'>cal year. wh1th 01 t ur<. Ju11l' :4u "'J'he hrn.nl pKllm· "'· 11u1 budgel!> ;in• Jl"l gcllHll-! ''a'hl·d di!.propor1io11,11cl)•.'' ..... id I rin Cohn. the dlr('l IOf ol puhhc al fain. for thl• di-.tm1 "We'rl' gmng to do wtwtt·wr ~<· can Ill not let that happl'n. but 1hc comm11ni1v college'> an~ being ·l'ketl to hear a much 1.1rger buruc·n lhJn 1he \IC s and Cal '1a1e .... " While th<' ... 1:11c expl-'ll" the Coa.!>t Llii.1rk1 to rur alioul I O"i, of its fUJ1ding 1 Im Yl'Hr, Orange Coast College orliriah anlicipatl' that they'll have 10 add yet an· other $1 million ICJ $2.H m1ll1on in cuts cx:pecled at thr college. "We tlunk that with tJ1c cuts that we've made and wuh 1hc rP- serve that our di'itrkr doe-. carry Lhat we will be able to accommu- dale thel>e cues." ..aJd Jim Larneu. mn afl~r (the womanJ, • Bir· ney~d- But the woman jumped into a car driven by a man ic.lentified as L.eBJanc and pulled out a handgun, whlch caused the victim and a wit- ness 10 back olJ, he said. They also saw two other men 1>it1ing in 1.he back seal of tJ1a1 car, Birney said. I he second incide111 hap- pened outside Nordstrom·~ at about 6:50 p.m. Sunday, onJy thb time ii was a man idenli· lied as Martinez who de· mane.led lhc purse, he said. "He did not poinl a gun. but showed the victim a handgun 1uclu:d in his waist- band.~ Birney said. The man then ran and got into a vehi· cle that drove away. Birney ... aid the same vehicle and driver were involved in bo th incident!>. AU three 1>USpect~ arc be- ing held in Orange Coumy Jail in lieu of a $50,000 bail. dtrecto1 of community relauonl> for the college. "II really affoctl> ui. .1s a district. II really does, and we're aJI rl'ally counting on lhe 1'1lher being as efficienl as we cai1 he." Having inrnrporated the pos- ~ib1lity that cuts would exceed their estimatt!d $2.1:1-million goal. O< C wnn'1 e>..i>eriencl' any im nwll1J1e repercus:.i,on!>, sa1d GenC' rarrell. the coUege:S interim presi- dt>nl. And the d1'.tr1ct St:.'em!> lo ll,1\l' fullo>wd a '\1m1lar path. "111 •J11t1upalion ol lhol>e cut!>, \\r· h.iH' been looking for aJJ l..111<l'> ol way~ we Lan "<JW money. bt.· fru~.tl and nol 'l(X'nd." Cohn \illd. ''\\'ere doing everything we can lo lr) lo minimize the impact on '-ludcm' .. but there\ only~ much we can do." LoUege and diMntl official' fear even ... 1eepcr cut ... in the year ahead. "Sti111111g in January. we had re- durrd '>t:ctioni.. \loppL'<.I pun.:ha.-.- ing and implcmmled a hiring free1e," farrl'll said. "We'~ gotng 10 be OK this year .... I jll!-l think thal there will be more to come ... • CHRISTINE CARRIU.O covers education and may be readied al (9491 5744268 or by e-mail al chrtstine.corriflo a /a11mes com r-------------------------, I N ELSON & ASSOC IATES 1 I Let our former IR · revenue agenr with a Ma ters in I I Taxation prepare yo ur income tax return. If we I I prepare your tax recurn bJ:' February 28, 200 3 our l ~~~ill~~reduced~%.~~lJ11-6J4-738~~ • ~~ B f"s laur a nt -----establlsneo 1n 1962 -----~ Presents Frank Sinatr .from 6-9pm on Monday Nights STEEL Continued from Al thoughts about not going after business ~l. -Anything ~ of the Re- development Agency, I am I 009(, for." said John Hawley. owner of Railmakers. At la.st week's City Council meet· Ing. Steel said targeting blighted businesses should be put on the "backbumer. ~ On Wednesday, he expanded on that notion, saying the sean::h fur business bllght should be shelved for "at least six months to a year." "1here's no sense bothering businesses chat are in compli· ance," Steel said, adding that businesses are too valuable to the city. "They can improve their.aes- thetics, but we can wort with the business community on that I BURIAL Continued from Al place. I am very comfortable with the project.· The site is one of m ore than 30 in the city and in neighboring Co:.ta Mesa that could offer in- sight into the people wt10 lived in the area before Europeans set fool here in the mid-18th century. An:heologists and some Indian groups are renewing the call to protect lhesc sites from what they say is desecration by devel- opers. l\vo surveys. in 1992 and 200 I, idenulil'd 36 sites in Newpon. Beach that could be significant in TERRITORY Continued from Al prison and a place of torture. Today. artifacts from those 1roubled times continue 10 tum up -a wnure bed was found a few weeks ago. A torture bed is basically Lhe remains of a bed 'Priu g box \)'ith tractor or car baUeries auached 10 them. !Joust• your victim with water and you can only imagine what would happen neX1. don't think they need to be tar- geted or singled out or concerned about their righr.s and their prop- ~ · Narucally, son~ or the ~ property owners. who started their own deanup effort to evade being deemed ~led. said lhey would like to see businesses removed from the redevelopment mk:ro- scope altogether. "As far as one issue being tar· geted before the other. really. that's irrelevant, n Hawley said "We don~ think we should be taJ&eted fal all)." On Jan 27, the Planning Com· mission unanimously approved initial boundaries for a 434-acrc Westside area roughly bordered by 15th Street. Whittier Avenue and West 19th Street If the Costa Mesa Redevelop- ment Agency app~ the boundaries on March 10, consult- ants. will begin an in-depth. parcel- som eway. In 1995, Irvine Co. workers dis· covered a m ass grave near Lhe Back Bay as they began con- structing the Harbor Cove devel- opment Workers removed re- mains of an estinutted 600 humans. reburying them Lil a nearby trench. The move riled up thl· local Native American communiry at the lime. The site wa.... 11amed ORA-64 because ii was tht! G4th site in Orange County on a na- tional list of arch eological find .... Lipper Newpon Ray L'i coni:.id· ered, in many wa~. the art.-'a'i. cradle of life since prehistoric In dian cribes, uch a.<> rhe Gahrid1 nos, Dieguenos ..ind Juanenol>. tended 10 estabU'>h thl'ir village-. CURVE Continued from Al principled -but not b1:yond taking an occasional '>hon.cut. which he somctirnel> rt•grcl'> - has close friends who are not 111 the fortune 500 and read., a little more deeply than voter pulls. Much of the Pilot new\ ... wry was devoted to speculation about why Newport Beach wai. selected as a sill' for tJ1is narrative line. I wouJd ~uggcst In what now is one of many storage rooms aboard Camp Commando wru; a temporary holding cell for many unfomrna1e Kuwaiti teachers. doctors. civil authorities, military personnel and their families. . that, for starten.. the "few viewers" and ulefosh <;how" references offer a strong clut•. I had managed 10 put these old memories away for years. but al :.! a m., as I waUc the many different poc;ts where my Marines stand guard. I can't help but remember what atrocities the Iraqi Anny and Saddam I lu~in were and still art' responsible for. Once again, a fire deep inside ii. begin11ing to emerge. and this time it will '>WY unlit the man responsible is o fficially d ealt with . This i!. the ideaJ mind-o,er the West Wing writers were welting as a backdrop for a story about the pro1ege of a Democratic president rurming for Congre..,.., in a deeply conservative d1 ... tnc 1 That a show '>howcrl'd hv awards and altrartmg a '>tro11~ and devoted audience in the rt'\l of the country would be rewc1ed here on poliucaJ ground' " probably an accu rate assumption of how Omn~e County is seen by the re-,1 of lhl' country. And 10 de~nbe 1hi... program as "leftish" is 10 put our center somewhere 10 the right of Herben t loover or I lenry Ford. FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949 ·645·7626 Hove you ever Seen your w indow Sm ile? LUM I NETTE t t I W A t ., t. H f f t J• lum1net1e Pm1ocy Slieen I.Ile< l19h11h10UfJh iolt fob11c \IOOOS hdckf1 umong the folth ol c:lou1c sheets See lltt>m ol yc>111 local doolPr ~ALDEN'S FLOOR C0Vf.RJNC AND CUSJ'OM WINDOW CoVF.RINGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mea 949-646-4838 I ' I I I •• •••••• ••••1••• ............... i.., .. "fir lllAT UUS 11111 . 011119 °"tlllf lllei. ................ a...• ' ~parcel assessmenc of lhe 6V properties in the zone to deter· mine what's blighted and whac eL<;e should be included to ensure a contiguous redevelopment ~ Steel did make some exrepoons. asserting lhe only businesses thal should be targeted are chose that blacantly violate envirorunental standards and attract illegal immi- ~~enns of resident:ia1 blight. Steel echoed comments he has made in the Jlal>'1 -that it's im- pemtive 10 rid the city of nonprof- its such as Share Our Selves and the Job Center that he believes cause the blJght "We've got vending trucks - which are bothering people - shopping carts, loud. noisy.· daJ 1- gerous. !>moky fireworks -which are very illegal and dangerous - and a bunch of other medical. so- cial. culrural and educational con- dition.'> that we don't need more near streams and other water- wJys. Irvine archeologi~1 P'Jl Maro '>uproned Vanden.lool's asser- Lion Lhal 1.he ':tilct. need further i.1udy. "·111e l'!>tua.ry near the bay would have provided a good source of food," Maru. !>aid. ··111e village~ would lend to be clu<, teretl around th~ areas .... II\. a pari of our heritage, a part of ouI history." ( :o1>1a ML>i.a has at lrasl one ... ice already known to have archeo- logical significance. lne Ml-called Fairview ~ite, known as ORA-58. was a prehil>toric Gabrielino vil - lage known as Genga from 1500 B.C. co 500 A.ll. state record1> \how. ·n1e ~ice was placed on tht.> will( h may aho he accuralt.-'. fhc,e pl·rccpuon.., dre 1101 Ill''" and hdve not been modified .ipprcqJbly, despite -.om" ratht·r Llra'>lll' '>r>nal l·haJ1gei. over lhl' yt·ar .... When I amvl•d 111 l':ewpon Beach in 1959. Orange U>w11y had a rcputallon .IS a political nut houSl' 1hat Wd~ well de ... erved. A lawyer named Jame' U11. fur exam ple, who rcprel>cn1ed U!> in Congl'C$, once m1roduceLI a cons1itution:il amenumcn1 w outlaw the incoml' t.LX. charged 1ha1 lhe ~JVll't1> were behind '\ex education in the United Stale' and wanted w withdraw our member.hip in lhc United Nations. M)' a'>-.emblyman once introduced a hill to outJaw the tl·achrng of Darwin'~ theory uf rvolu11on 111 our publil ~hoot .... A few yl'af'\ down the road. v.e 'tent a .,tall' ...enatur to \acramen10 who wa .. d proud .md 1101 .. y member of the John li1rch Soc1e1y and would la1er 1oin George Wallace in h1'> run for the prcs1dcnry In lhe fir.1 month I lived here, m y 'on brou){ht home a fonn from Newpon I !arbor I ligh School requesting permi~ion for him to allend i>omething called 1hc Christian Anli·Communio;I Cru!><lde. an hysterical amaJgam of· Alice in Wonderland" witl1 uvenune., of Ka.J\a. I attended with him. A few weeks lacer. six louring Yugoo;lav mayors who wanted to m onitor a Newpon Beach City Council meeting were turned away by threats from a committee of locals organized to run these visiting communists oul of town. I wrote about tha1 in a national magazine, \vhose edilors mercifuJly disguised the name of the city involved. For many years after that, the political and social excesses of Orange County provided me rich material for major articles in the Saturday P.vening Post, Look and a number of o tJ1er national magazines. I suppose all of this co ntribuced to the perceptions of Orange County in other parts of the country, but -as Dave Barry likes to say -1 didn't make It up. On the surface, the local ph ilosophical environment began to change when UC Irvine was established here in the mid-1960s. The influx of frequently startled faculty from othe r partS of the country brought new perspectives. So dld the cul rural additions of the Perfomling Arts Center and South Coast Repertory. Thi new breadth and sophlsdcacion never seemed to carry over to policies o r social strata. Along with being the most beautiful place ln the nation to IJve, Newport Beach co ntinued to be Callf omla'11 Least Diverse Oty-and one of Its richest and most conservative. which probably goes along wtth being the least dtwne. And tho8e. I strongly suspea, are the reatont "The West Wing" choee thi8 location. You ha\'e to step out of 0ranp County fO gee a peiepecdve on how we an teen. etped-Dy our poUtb. In a county thll once .... IUChpl~ RlpublcaDI. u..s. Sen. 1bm Daily P~ot FYI The Redevelopment Agency will meet at 6:30 p.m. March 10 at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1846 Par1t Ave. than any other city in the cuwuy because of the number of magnet., we have." Steel said 1lle residential blight can best' be handled outside the Redevelop· ment Agency by the city's I~ de- panment. Police Department and code enforcement, along with City Council ordinances, Steel said. ·n1e Community Redevelo1~ m ent Action Committee al90 needs to stay together and reconi· mend wdys 10 alleviate the n .... i dential blif)1t, he said • DEIRDRE NEWMAN oovtlfs Costa Mesa and may be readled at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at de1rdre.newman 4/atimes.com NationaJ Ht.-gis1er of I li.-.1oril Places in 1972. after Cal S1att· Lo ng Beach anthropology profo<t- sor Keith Dixon ... ubmined an ap plication. The third major '>ile, known ~ the Cogg~conc site, i'> 0 11 the Roba 011ca M~ in 1 luntington 13eddl. CataJogt!d ~ OHA-83, the ~ice i'> 8.500 yeaJ11 old. Manz !>aid, and could be lht• earUe->1 re· torded civilii'.alion in the area. Mure than 500 'itone sculpture~ wen· found al the "ile wlll'n 11 wa'> excav-.itcd. f • PAUL CLINTON covers 1he environment. t>Ys1ness and pol1t1cs Hf! mav be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail al (. paul c/1nron n /a11mes dom ~uchcl .ind A.\~mblym,m Hrm e '.:>umner. thl-' m•xu<, of the par tr ha~ stt:adily swung fun.her "' thl.' n.;11 A group of weJlthy lkpublira11 he<wy-h11ter., aldmied al this tn:nd, tm>tl 111 elbow their way 11110 local dirN.:UOll o f the party a Loupll' ot year., ago and got nowhere. The rnunty t'> slill lirmJ} anchored 111 the I 8th cemury. which makt'l> It 1dl:'al for lhc Wl•s1 Wing Wnll'r<.. A major !>lory line indude ... a dcbatt• on whether Prt-..1den1 Joc;iah Banh.•t 1.hould c.lelay a11 a11nouncement of a propo'>cd I% tax innea.'>e on the riche't one percent of our citizens on Che ground'> that, if 11 I!> mad~ 111 Orange County. ·11 will k.Jll Sam Although delay mighr be damJgmg lO Bartlet, he deuJe ... 10 pul Sam\ need., lir,1. Sam. 1n turn. decrde<1 thJt pro1ec1111~ Im preMdent "' more 1mpon.ant than I.he n...k of aJiena11ng u' Orclllge Lou1111am and announces the pre<.1dent'~ pla11 himself. I'll I><' warrhing on Wednesday mght to find our ii r;uch liberal 1>0ft·hcadedne.,, doe ... mdecd, kill Sam''> chanlt·'> I have a ~peciaJ 'itake in Chi., bcrau!>e I've been nun.unng a fantasy in whi<:h Sam Seaborn knocks uff Chris Cox and rc1 um~ 1-:I Toro co U'> from the developerr. ox like ... 10 call tht• "pnvate wctor." Meanwhile. if the Demoeral' have any imagination or visum -which is dubiou!> -they will run Rartlet against Rush in 2004 instead of plucking a candida11· from among that passel made up mostJy of wafflers now hemg paraded in Iowa Oh. yes. and they will also takl· a ha rd look al 1ha1 I% tax increase. which hits me as a 1emfic idea. • JOSEPH N. BELL is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thursdays. Daily Pilot Thur'>ddy I l'!Jludfy 'I ?C)()) A5 :. FORUM -------------------------------------- ~ &,mail:Se~~~ ~~i~~:,~~~:0~0c;m ~tters: Mail to Editorial Pag~ Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .• Costa Mesa. CA 92627 •Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646 4170 1 · All correspondence must incfude full name. hometown and phone number (for venftcauon purPoses). The Pilot reserves the reght to edn all submissions for cldnty and ltmgth •I EDITORIAL Improvement needs to start ~t the schools W e have ohcn pondrrl'd wh.11 lhe Wt">hldt• of Co::.ta Me ... a would look like in t11l' futu rl' - vi brant shopp111g H'rHer.... !>lteets wi th median ... and trl'es. well-kept honw ... Jnd dean parks with tlw .,oumJ, 111 1.hildren lau~hing 'And we 1..no\\ th.ti tho ... t· who call thcm...i:lvt•.., 11np1 1J\t·1-. h.we a 4'imiJar \1.,1on But what cannot tw kit 11111 of lhat equation a., till' "improved" \\'£',l'1dl' ot 1111· fu ture emerge ... art• "< ho111, that regularly pcrfo1 111 111 1111· wp percl•nt of lht• "'·'''" \Vhich brmg., 11-. l>.tt I.. 111 1li1· lr~rl' and now. l.ast week. the .,t,1H' 1t•l1"1'''" its API tc:.tin g re.,ult.,, •111d once ag;iin. f'.e\ .. pon \lt·,.1 Unified 'lchool Dl\t11t 1 h.1tl hlllerSWC'l'I rl' ... ult .. On the ..,Wl'l'I .,,tit·. I H .. rliool" po-.tcd ranl..111g.., 1h.11 w<:re llw .. amt· ·" lw lon· .. 111d fo ur !>chool ... Collt•gt• l'.11 I.. Paularino ,md \\ioodl.111d rll:!ment<1ry amJ C >r;111ge 1 0.1,1 ~l tddlc ( allege I lrgh ...,< hool ... aw lh(•rr ranking' 1111pro\1· over last year. And seVl'11 of 1ho-.1· 18 .,choob tha1 remc111wd till' l>a me, stayed at a I 0 1 <111l..1ng. the highest 111 the 'tatt• "As for the h1ttt•r. "<'H·f\ 'l hool'i expertt'Ol l'd .1 drop 111 t<t nldng:., with low 111 tilt' heart of t11e We'1"d1· \\ ll'On. Wh1ll1t•r l'omon.1 t'll'mentarv .ind 1. ... 1.111t 1<' I ltgl1 \thoQI -at or nt·.ir thl' huuom of the· .. 1.111•\\lcl1· ranl..ing., Newport I larhor I ltgh ,tl,o droppt•d, a~ did •\da1rn, and (AJifomi.1 We aclmuy,1edge 1h.11 thl'rl' have been .,criou~ l'florh tu improve the rank111g' .it 1h1•-.t· "l hools. NotablC' Mr read 111g program., and 1ht• effort'> of .. uch people a'i Shttron Bl.11..l'I\. th,.. rrincipal al Whillicr I kmt·ntar~. who ha'> Hl\llt u t cd read 1ng program!> fur immigran1. non -Engli~h '>pr.11..mg childrc•n and their pan•nl\. .\11d tht· \\'t•.,f\1de ~choob fill I' a d;1unt111g ('hallenge. A IJrg1· portion of 1 he .,chool popuf,1110111 on...i'ot'> of '>p.1111 ... h -.pe.1J..111g c h1ldren \\h11 h.iw littll' ur no litNac-v. \1,111\ haH· p.irt:nh who Ike n11111ad1c hH·..,, traveling from 101> lo 1oh. rny 10 city. giving tlw rhildren lt1tll· 1 t1.1nn· to g.1111 ,111\ acad1·rnw 11111111t•rH um \till. \H' ca111 help but pim· 1111 tht• fu1u11· \\'l' long for a t11111· \\h1•n ( "''J \le..,a\ "h1111I' '' 111 hl' 011 par\\ 1th 'l 11.,01 ... hh· ,\11dt·r,en, l "''ldutr. I 1nniln. Harbor \ 11·\, \l,tnm·"· '\ewport < ·"" '' .111d <.oion.1 dl'I ,\tar l I 1gll. \\ l11rh all hold thl' top ''·•It 1illll..111g '>c 1 \\ 1· I.I\ Ull\\ 11 .1 c h.1lkngc· 111 1ltc"t' \\ho h.l\t' t a ... 1 1ht•111,1·lvt'" 111 tlw role-. of 1111111ov1·r' ol < u ... 1.1 ~ll' .. a. wt· ,,,, l.tkt• tilt' h.1111<-to tht• '< houl grour111, 1n,11·o1t.I of 'Pl'IH.ling c·m·im tr. 1ng to d1"1' do\\11 tJw Joh C 1·111t•r .and hn .11 t hantll''>. we urg1· 11111,t· 1111p1overs to fot u<. on tht· c la, ... room ancl fu1d ,1 \\ii\ 111101pr0\ l' the acadt·mir<, .11 \ \ , • ..,, ..,.dt· <.t ho oh. P1•1 h.1p' tu '><'t tilt' t•xampl e. l 11um ll11wn < 1111, ...,tl't'I .ind \ll,111 \I illl\OCH ( CHiid \ oh1111t·t·r Im 1he 'un t:.,,ful Hc .. 1d111g hv Cf progr;im. f llh1•r \\,I\. till' \\P.,t<,IJl' ,ind 1lw,1• memt'wr ... of "' 1m pro\ 1·mer11 mm rment hJ\'l' J11111· 11111< h tu call a11en11on to 1h1•1r plight \nd for that they \\ 1ll 11HJ<,I 111..l'I\ rl'JP thl' lwrwlil.., of .1 twtll'r 1·11111mu1111 v \\1· 111'1 '~a111 to mal..e -.ure tlw 't 110111.., don l gel ldt ht>h1ml LEITER TO THE EDITO R &l,rprise~, and a sad exit, from City Hall I was very surpn<.t•d to 'ct• J few of lhe chmcc., that our Costa Mesa City Counnl made for our Planning .ind P::ub and Recreation comm1ss1on~ New Planning Commi~1orwr Dennis DeM afo? I thought I h 'pt 4f> on local politics, but I've r~er heard of him. lie might he a: great guy, but has anyone ever seen him at council meetings or on any committeel>? Is he an architect or developer, where he rbight have some background on P,lanning issues? • Whats his ex:periencl'? Then, I was shocked that ro:>body on the counciJ elected K;m Pederson to rerum as a ~ commissloner. The. man h,.'ls more knowledge and ewerience than anyone I know f4r that position. ' I I gm, .. I.he l11<·t that he \pent rnu111k-.s hour. with our C.mta Me'>a rt.ocreation pmgram'i, co.irhing and organi71ng our local ha<,(.•Wll and football leagul':'). repamng the field' on his own tinw .mtl l'XJ:>Cll.'lt' and his being unhia"4.'<.l to all n.'CreationaJ progmms doe-;n't maner. In my nme ye-cm, coaching youth sportS. I have never seen a man more dedicated. Even I.hough we had disagreed on some of I.he Fairview Park issues. his loyahy, qualifications and dedic.11ion to Costa Mesa recreatio n is unparalleled. I le de~rves better, and I.he city owes him a great debt of gratitude for his many years of hard work. TIM CROMWELL Costa Mesa MAILBAG The future of Costa Mesa's Westside is 1n limbo Is the Commun1tv Redr JE'loprient Action Committee t~•e answf'r Putting the cart hcforc redeve lopment I tJn t ,,,111 all\ longl'r to 10111 1111' dl'l)Jtl' rq;ardrng tlw l'Xp.111'>1011111 <.11,t,1 ~lt•,a\ UOV.11111\\11 rl'dt•\t•lopmt•nt olrt'LI \t fir,t. I wa.'> in ... 11ppo11111111.1.k111g tht· rnlt•\elopnwnt are.1 .1-. lJrgt· .i" J""'1hlP 111 1111 ludt• .all hhght 111 th« ttt\ hrn\l'\l'r. "·"l'tl on n·n·nt f'\'t•rll\, I .1 ne re·1·\,1h1,11111g Jn\' 111111al Jlll\111011 \-, tht: pl·n1111·1t·r ... ol tht• t'XJ>.111\l'lll .trl'J grt'\\ t lo,t•r tu bt·111g tormJlitt•d . tlll'rt• wru. a grm,1ng puhhl outuy b~ prupt·ny u\\!ll'r' on tht• \\'t•,t<,uk I ht' l>Jrly Pilot l''>lrmalt'd thol J no\\d of .11 lt•.1-.t .!'lO pN,on-. '"'l''t'd up ,11 tht• l<t-dt:H"lopnwnt Ag1mcv rnL'l'llng 111 I 1·hru.1ry I ht• lllt't>lln~ h,1d 111 lw re-.lhedulrd to Jtcnmmnddtt· 1h1· lll1prt•ced e11tt•d turn OUI for Jn clgl'lll"\ llll'l'l l!lg. 1 lw whole hJ11dh11g of the 1•)(pJn<.1u11 Jfl'.I l"Ut' hnng' tu the fort'frnnt lhhJI hJ-. lwi.>n a n·rwatetll} lr11,1ra1111~ t'\Pl'rll'nre for me·" .1 nwmht•r ol Co,t..1 Mt•,a\ Community Hedl·vrlnpnwnt \t11un < 11mm111t•e rlw < 1[\· < <11111nl 1., t n 11-.1ar11I~ pl.1nng 111·ni... on 1h Jg<"ndJ Jilli .1pprov1ng 1h1·m . ""UC'> that tlin·ctly ,1ffl·t t tlw n•d1·wlopnw111 of th1· \V(•<,l'o1de. bdore the' i...1011 fur tht· rl'"1t.1h1~11wn Jnd n·1.kH'lop11wnt of 1ht• \\e'>hldt· h.a' hf'1•11 dl'tl·rm111t·d h\o thl· t 111nn11ttt•t· 1 lu ... ad hoc deu,1rn1-11i.tking \.\1lho11t .in m<·r.JI pl.111 rn pl.1tt•" fngh1t·11111g tnr aflc•t tt·d propt'rt) 0\\ m·r-. \\hal 11 th<· areal' expJlltl<'d .• ind lht•rcalll'r, pour derhw11~ Jrl' matk lnr II ' redt.>\-dop11w1111 Perhap'> th£·,r complain mg properl) owner~ would agree 10 an expan<,1un ot till' rc•devclnpmt•nt area it they k.new ex.rc tly hm .. thl' redevC'lopment area would he rc·fac;h1oned If J coht'"l\'l'. prat•tft al. t•conomical. problem <,oh1ng and popular vhio11 can be t'\tahh ... ht•d. and 1f that v1.,ion lhrn 'uppon'> an t''<p.tnded redevelopmC'lll area. tht·n cl!ld only then y,ill the agency he ahlt• 10 ohtain the popular !>uppon of an expanded redevelopment a rea anti amid h11~at1on by Westside propeny OWIH'r' aga11l'>l the d ty. ~110 can blame thr property ownl'r~ fur nhjecting at lhis point? After a.II. the C.11y < ouncil that would oversee thl' redevclopmr nt of the Westside, ru1d which would wield I.he power of e m inent domain are the same individual" (wilh the exception of one new council member) who brought U!>. the Hu~crofl House. the City Hall re rroflt. m ishandled the cily anomey suspen.. .. ions. continued to disagree and delay our schools' ab1Jity to use the $2 million Segerstrom donation and bickered among themselves au year during council meetings. Before I.here can be public support of l''ll.Hldlflg lht• 1•"'1111~ lf't I\' "IJOlt'lll .trt·,1. tlw .1g1·m' 11 ,,,1 '"Pl'h ., p11p11l.11 \'l~ICJll tor ll\t' \\1•'l'11lt ll111lcl lllt jlllbl11' • 1111fid1·11< t' 111 1li1 .1g1 11• \ ' 1t11l1t\ 10 c .1rn lllJI th< \1"1111 ,111d lht ll •l'I k 1111' '11pp111 I of 1lw 1·111•1 tf'd rm1p1·rl\ 11\\1)1'1' I .1111 u1l.l\11r111 'lil'l\111g .1 \1111 0111 l'\pJnd111~ tin· r1·d .. \1•l<1!lllll'flf tn'J 1111111 .1pl.in "111 pl.1• t 111.11 \\.err.1111-. 111 1'\p.111.,11111.111h1 ,, d1·\l'l11p111•·111 1rt·.1 I lw fir-.1 ... tt·p -.l\1111111 111 111 .elJu,, tltl' t lllllllllllt'I Ill (111"lt II' \\Ill~ Hut. JI.I'. till' t r1u11ul 1., lnr1'\l'I pu111r1~ tlw 1 .irt lwl1111 1 h1 1111"1 TERRI BREER ( Cl'IJ \Jto-.a High hotel fre..., ''ill "'"'ep puhlic out ol M annapar" \\l· Jrt• tot.111\ .1g.1111'f l1111ld111g •• 111111'1 1111 tlw ~1.mlldfMJ ~ 111ohrl1· h111111· '"'' \\t• 1h111k loin li1l11ng' 111 h1' l1•t1l'r ot 1.111 .!'i .. I lotl'l 1d1•<1 Im 1wn111'ul,1 l.11 i.., pc Ht·nt1.1l tor 'lH < t'" • t'\THt'"t·d our 1 om t'rll' l omplt·1..i.,, I ht· H.tlho.:1 B.1\ 1 luh ha' \l.'r\ 1•111•1 11wh l..t'pl •lilt 1lw puhln fl\' I h.1rg1ng llUtr IJ.:l'Cllh fl'l'' ror llll' lJ'I• Of tlH' huilding 1hc1t "'" 10 rt·m.1111 np1•11 lor puhht , 1 ll'ii and 1 ti.1111,ihlt· 11rg.11111.11wn., lit-11111 1lt1 rt 11111dd 111ir nonprnltt < h.1nt\ 111Id11' 111111111~' 1twn· tor tht• 1 ""1111 .!"l lune lw' \\h11 h 1h1 11wmht•1, p.11d I h1 1 1luh 111,1\ tw 11p1•11 111 lht• p11hl11 .and .11"' ,111 r"1lilc t11 11onpruhh. h111 0111\ 11 I ht'\ 1 .111 I •J\ 1lw1r lt'l''>. \\hit h l'llt·ll1\l h l..n p rlw puhl11 out I ra11'1 1mag11H· 1111 dl1111 11 \\otrld tJl..t• to tr\> 10 u'e tlw bt•Jt h ...,o, \\l' hope th.it our t II\ < 111111t 1l .i11tl the pcopl1· of :'-.e\\ port He.:1l h "111 11111 tk rciw tlwmwlvt•' into 1h 1nl..111g that ,1 hotel at thJt ~1tt• would ht• ,l\,11lahll' fur the pub ht. l hdJ 1 tahlc or 11\ 11 11rgJ1111a11011 .... \\lthout th<'nt 1 h.ug111g exorb11a111 fee•-; that \\oult.l l'fkt II\ t•h kl't'fl th1• hntel lor 1h JM\ ing gut·'" l'led't' do not ht• t.fl'luded .tgJtll I he pt•n111,ul.i need' publit p.irk l,ind. It need' open -.pate It nt•t•d, .111mher Jrea 'uch d' tht• pa rk and c1p(•11 'PJC't• .11 the Ba.lhoJ Pier Plt'.l"t' du not Jf)Pr<>H' J hotel for that ... ite Ont• 1:-. c-nough. EARL AND MARY ALLYN DEXTER :'l:t \\-)1Url Bt'dl'h Senior ·hould not be part of affordable housing debate I am ln agreement wilh the Jffordahlt! hou~tng he111g com1dcred at the corner of F..a.'lt Coast Highway and l.1111horee Road. However. I would like to suggei.t the word senior be removed from the wording. This would allow anyone who qualific the opportunity 10 hve 111 Newport Beach. We have chool teacher ... who edurat<' our children. employcf'c; who 111a1111a111 COMMUNITY COMMENTARY • 11 1 II\ 'l r\ 1< ,., 1nd I'' 11t. 111\ repc r 11·1 \\Il la 11111 lrn J.l 111•\\'fl·•fl•'I .tll \.\ho l111t1 It t'\lf1·11wl\ cJ1ll11 1111 .11 111t1 •• , , pn•. t'' 1 .. II\,. 111 '\t•\\ p11n lk.11 h DICK DICKSON '•'\\ JH1I I 1!1 tll t Ont' 1.'.ll\. onl'. h>unJauon fur -.d100J-.. lllClllt'\ lt1 1,111• '111111 "' 111" d.t\ \11· \Clll '.i11,lwd \\llh 1111 f\\•1 I lo111 11 l!.111t le f 11u111 l.1111 '""' I Ill It ~l111ttl.J hl •Ill' 111 111d,J111111 1111 till'" hr111l,, 11111 1h1 '"" ".1ppr11\l·d h\ thrt•t• I Ollhl'>t'd lllt'lllh1•!'> 111 lhl' ( I\ < c1t11111I c 11\1·11rlw1111111•\I t•I ( "''·' \It ..,,, l\\IJ lou11d.t11n11' '' 111 lwlp tlt\ 1111 tl11-. I It\ lll'•tl".i.J til u fltt1 II b • In .1dtllt1•111 11!1•" -..111w 1h11 t' t11nft1,1·J 1reun11l 111t·11 I •'t' '"'I• \\fc 111.! ICI tr\ Ill ltnd \\,I\' .1r111111d 1111 1!11t\\rl At~ 1 lw rl"' "''"'n u11 1111· d.1i-,1,1111d1 tl lllllll' hi.I' ·I I 111,plrdl \ 111 lllld ,1 \\11\ (11 hrt«.tk I I \ .111d not gt ( I .1111.;tll th.Ill •• \\,I\ tn d !ht p1·11pft'' 1111,1111,, I lt1· prl'.trllhh· In 1hr Hlll\\ll \cl 1,111·<, .. l 1uhl11 I 111111111,,11111' h11,srd' I 111!1 I' ,flltf 11llt1•r It ~1,11 \I h1 tflt'' 111 I 1 I gll\l'rllflll'fll ol~1·J11 II' I \l'f (IJ .!Id Ill th1 l Olldlll I ciJ ttll' p1•11pf1·' b11"nt'~' I lit• rwnpll" d11 11111 \II Id 1h1 II "I\ ( rt'l)..1\1\ t• tlw h11J1t·' th.11 -..•rH tht n I ht' rwopl1 111'-l'I 1111rt111.1111111~ 1111011111 d In r• 1.111 111111r11I fl\l"I' itw lt-g1,l.111\l· l11•d1I'' 1h1•\ h.1\ c· 1 rt•.ttt·d i...1uf11, to \IJ\11r i....trt'll ll11li111"•!l .int.I c m11111lin.1n ·\ll,111 \l,111,11111 1, r \\,1n1111g to uphold tht• right of tilt' p1 •q1h tu not 11111\ l..nnv. \.d1at go\.t'rnm1•1 1 "d 11ng hut 111 p.ir11c1fl.llt 111 rt"1l 11J • \\Ith lhhat 11 1' tlnang I lopl'fllll\ Hoh111-.1111 .111d 1'.lan .... HH wnn't ht• nan1cd 111 .1m ld\\<,Ufl, lhat ni.1\ tt'\lllt fr• 111111 dt<.j..'ll'ting JrtlOll" of l nun In ··miler' Chrh 'itt·l'I. l1,lf\ \111nJh,111 1111! I 1hh\ MARTIN MILL.ARO I "l,1 \te<>a Fornct Kohl'!') store and ka\e .... Kona Lane:.. aJon~ I h,1\1· rt>ad v.1th grt•at 1lt,.1pp111111 1111•n1 that 1'.ona I ;uw ... ma\ lw rq1l.i1 1·d \'\llh d department '">n' that wt• 'llft' do 1w1 need rn our 11t•1ghhorho11d It 1-. '" ,.td that till the old landmark' l..t>ep );(t'lllll~ taken awn\'. and l(ona I .ant'" " 'iUl h ,1 nrre pl_..n:and great for people of ,tll ag<"s to have MlllH.' good . .,afe h111 Why taJce that away' I -.ay keep Kona l.<rnes tht.' way 11" Thev have a.lready t.U..en awav our mov1t• l.heatN'i. ace !)katll\~ nnk.. Rtlbo B.tmn., There are plenty of vacant stores 111 "'"P maU'l up and down Harbor as it is, why not lf'ave a 'lurcessful bu iness aJone? MERLEGrTUH Costa Mec;a Act now before a charter boat accident happens T he Daily Pilot article about charter boats ("Oaarter boat overcrowding a 6re hazard.· Saturday) was a timely piece in light of two recent incidents ln clubs that killed more than 100 people In the last week. berthed or cruising the twbor. commwion should also review the fire safety or each and every charter boat as to exits and life boat.!1, fire extinguisher's locations. the training of crew members In emergency idtuatlons, and the OammabUlty ot the vessel and Its fumt~ I beUeve that aU CAtertn ahould be requittd tO know at leu.t wbeR the ftte extingullbm are located and The Harbor Commission Ahould .also look at the ha1bor'1 caplldty to accommodate the eDM!ng number of chaner boa Ale tbae too many now and have we 'already reached O\'tt'Capedtyf Or are w.! at a well balanced pl.act-as to tht' During lhe Pa.rad~ ofUght' l Ouirunas. with thr f"41t1onaJ rharter boat plyln.g the harbor, It ls cas to the po bility of ovm.a:se and O\~ty. The com.ml Ion nttds to tlUdy wbtt the capacity or Newport JWbor and how to ~te and malll8'f the cblner boat tncb.*1y now and lo the future. ' Dbuten like the dub fire may have been prewnted II exilting laws were enforced. Thelt clwter boats ... nothlnl nlOl9 than hdnl dubl will the .... potendlll for Ir nr whether I am not up on what the specific laws and codes are regarding fire safety on charter boa&s. or 1M dock owners. but according to the Daily Pilot article, the laws that do exist ...,, not being adhered to by the butlneeeea chat own the docb. Or u the PUot putt It, there it rampent nol'KlOmptiance. 1be dty't Harbor CornmiMloft pllm to l'9¥iew lhe problem that ...... the docb. lut the ' maybe be tamMlat wtth ""' pn>cl9durel on the c:Mrter boet. .. number and t~ s:a of the charitt boa: 1 1 don't belWw. boMW:r. that~ need ...... cl\aner boata In lh9 hiirboi' 1¥1D II ct..; dO .tct to lhe ... oiAli ol lbe d()t . ...................... ''" ~ Nllldirlt. .. • • AB Thursday, February 27, 2003 SOC I ETY Daily Pilot . '~ THE CROWD • Georgio Armani provides an elegant lunch I t was the mos1 elegant luncheon of the 2003 spring social calendar. Georgio Armani of South Coast Plaza invited patrons of the Orange Cowuy Musewn of Art to a midweek in-store luncheon thal was deserving of a major spread in W magazine. About 46 guests supporting "Art of Dining," the annual museum benefit, converged upon Armanj, transformed it into a private salon for a few fleeting hours on a busy afternoon. Armani representative B.W. COOK Katherine Snodgrass and a very creative staff placed round tables in a corridor of the bou tique creating a contemporary pallet of cream on cream as the linens, the china and even the roses blended with the travertine walls and floors of the architectural space. Folding chairs were draped in quilted cream satin covers. The stems of more than four dozen roses were trimmed to 6 ioches and placed in round clear glass bowls surrounded by perfectl y cut bamboo-like grass rods. The stunning centerpieces delighted the crowd by lheir beauty and simplk ity. Twyla Martin, major museum patron, stunrung in her black Armani suit. had b'ltests draw table numbers frQm a gla:iS bowl as they arrived at the Armani front door. A fascinating approach IO avoid the politically treacherou!> iask of seating nearly 50 powerful women at lhe "right tables." The approach worked brilliantly, and everyone enjoyed the democratic draw. Befort• lunch, lhe crowd meandered through the boutique sharing a mid-day glass of champagne and conver~Lion. The Annani Spring Collection was on di,splay and showcased by exquisite models. The 2003 Spring Collection is an artistic masterpiece. each ~nt a unique creation designed to showcase a woman's assets Th.is Armani line is much more than the classic urban-edged ultra-tailored look that has made the designer wodd famous. Armani has pushed the envelope, uslng sensuous fabrics and a wider color range for the season. Guests were impressed. And to make it even more significant, the store agreed to donate a percentage of the proceeds from all sales to the Orange County Museum of..Art. As luncheon was served, Martin addressed the crowd, incroducing plans for thls year's "Art of Dining" extravaganza. Artist Nathan Oliveira will be the 2003 honoree at Art of Dining XVl, set to take place June 6 at Pelican Hill Resort in Newport Coast The Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach will cater the dinner und~r the supervision of executive chef MJchel Pieron. The art patron honoree joining arost Oliveira will tie announced shortly, Martin said. In years past, David Rockefeller, Eu Broad, Stanley Marcus, Joan Irvine Smith and Henry Segentrom have been feted at the annual museum fund-raiser. ln the auqience at the Armani luncheon was Henry Segerstrom's wife, Elizabeth, joining Barbara Bowie, Peggy Sprague, RebecCa McLarand, OIJvia Cllam.I, the very chic Ronnie • Allwhbaugh, Zee Allred, Barbara Glabman, Donna Phelps an d glamorous art patroness Marsha Anderson, who with husband Darrell maintains residences in Newport Beach and Paris, France, filled with their own evolving art collection. Also in the power crowd w~re Joan Riacb, Irene Mathews with her frie nd Mary Hart in from the East Coast, Catherine Thyen. pretty blond Cynthia Nolel, and gal about town Cerise Feeley showing off a very soft and sexy new hairdo. •THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays. The Long Beach Coin d Collectihlu Expo F ehruary 2 7 -March 2, 2003 LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER 100 So. Puu 1foe., &mg &ach, Cali/ (E11tra11a d P11rlai1g 011 P1iu A11c'.) Shm1•.<1ie ph111u(562) -IJ6-J6J6 • www.longbeochexpo.com I IOURS: '11IUHS-SAT 10am-6:30pm, SUN l~ldm·.'ipm U.S. Md World' Coins • Suunps • Collecul.I ... ~ •Jewelry • U.S. Bl Foreign Coin Auc11on Come see one of the world's most valuable coins: The Multi-Million Dollar 1885 U.S. Trade Dollar! and LOBEX I (stamp section) and the ''Year of the Ram " stamp. The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery * ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads Above, from left, Katherine Snodgrass, Twyla Martin and Marsha. · Anderson gather at Georgio Armani in ~ South Coast Plaza. At left, from left, · Cynthia Nolet, Cerise Feeley and Zee Allred gather at Georgio Armani in ' · South Coast Plaza. No rrldner whdt you re dtnnq, your hometown n~pciper ., -· . • . • • . • • Nobody does it better ... better than ... ~:::. Daily Pilot CALL Ycn·R LOCAL RABHl'I • JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles BGWERS MUSEUM ~"' ~.fl""' 0,,.1 Friday. February 28th. 10a-2p THE BOWERS MUSEUM 2002 N. MAIN STREET, SANTA ANA FREE ADMISSION TO ANYONE AGE 60+ & FREE TO ALL VETERANS PRESENTING 1WO SPECTACULAR EXHIBITS Symbols of Power -MASTERPIECtS FROM nfE NANJING MUSEUM IN CHINA Come explore the bcaury and richneu of one of history's mon powerful cultures through 260 duing back 5.000 yc:irs. Many of these obj«U 112ve never been seen before even in China. lndudcd arc fine porcelain. painring.t. ancient cumncy, jewelry, bronu items and so much more. Gems -THt ART & NATUU OF PUCIOUS SToNU On display arc more than 300 rare gems. including the world's largest cut gemstone 21 500.000 carau. a 400 cant golden sapphfrc, a ncddacc featuring the iwo largest known sapphjres, the world's largest tanunicc sec in with 1,000 diamonch. For motc i.nlo.m1acio1a WI -(213) 427.72(,0 • GREATER NEWPORr PHYslClANS A.,,..,,~-~"""""" Rabbitt Insurance AgenQ' A m •HOMEOWNERS • ~lf..Alnt. ''"'"'"~ ""'' I 'J~ - ~ td ~S r"JJ r , 949-631-7740 44 1 Old~ Bhd. • ~ 8adl (Nar Hoag Hospital} Crevier MINI ~nu An.I Auto Mall· 55 frwy '' Edlnge< (888) 823-9808 crt"Vielm1n1.tom • ~~--------~--~-. ~ .:-~-:--7"""'----"'T''""!"""--._"!'D""'l4J"S'='!if'~OC .. e~4""'0D".""W~¥ ..... P _ _._,FJl":'l"i'~£r""'!r3i""i41'!"""SAflUll¢1"ii111¥"'9Z"SIPl9' ...... ~ ... OailY Pilot DATE BO O K Th!Ksday I et><uary 2 7 2003 A7 • REEL CRITICS Acting helps 'Dark Blue;' 'Old School' flunks ~Illrk Blue' is cliche, but reality and acting save it ~n ark Blu~" is a gnu~ ~rime t!1riller that , , covers a lot of familiar tt:rritory. But , ' the strong story by Jame1t Ellroy. who \'<IJ!te the screenplay. for "LA. Confidential," lifts ~ th11t film a cut above the "good cop/bad cop" genre. Some excelJcnt acting and casting bring depth to the character studies. Kurt Rw,.,cll I:. down and diny as Eldon Perry. the veteran detective who sees his corrupt methods a'> a vmue in the battle again'>I the VIOient criminals he faceo; evt'ry day. Sco11 ~peedman " the ROB fre1th-fared youn~ rnp who OROZCO learn, the ropc'> a<, Perry\ • apprenllu~. hut.., morally the disturbing events on screen. The depiction of the riots that foUowed the Rodney King verdict are a chilling reminder of how close we are to anarchy at any moment ln the worst neighborhoods of our big cities. The random violence of the rioter• briefly seems to justify the methods employed by Perry over the years, even as he begins to realize how wTOng and how evil he has been. Perry's final public confession of the mJsdeeds perpetrated by his outfit is clich~ filled, rambling and long overdue. "Dark Blue" definitely follows the well-worn formula for this type of picture. But some fine acting and the reaJity check of the background events give it a measure of redeeming social value. •JOHN DEPKO 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investtgator for the Orange County pubhc defender's office. ~enfticted by all he ,., a'>~cd 10 du Vang Rhames iU powerful pre ence a'> thl' J'>'>l'>tant chief of 'Old School' fail s where •Animal (h6Los Angeles Police l>eparlment. the htghesr Hou e' succeeded f<Mlking hon est cop \eek.111~ to fl·rrct ou1 the corruption he know'> t·x1~1 ... 111 Pcrry·!>~ectaL --""""' o Id School" vainly wonders aloud what Investigations Unit. would have happened to Otter, ·That unit is clearly nll'a111 111 rl'IHt.'\t•nt lh<' 0 -0ay. Bluto, Flounder, Pinto. Hoover Rampart Divis ion of 1.Al'I >. who\t· rnenl and Babs Jansen had they returned to Faber scandals shocked thl' na11011 . 1'11c 111lamo11~ College after they had graduated. planting of phony evidence. llllJU'>llfit-d Unfortunately. in the m ovie by Todd Phillips shQotings and perjured 1t· ... 11mony hv n•Jl police ("fload Trip"). the jokes are old. PhUlips and his officers at Rampart give' rn·dL'llll' to the .. ame co-screenwriters. Scott Armstrong and Curt terrible acts we w1tm''!> 1111lm film Crandall. should take everaJ lessons in comedy The action is •w1 on rlw 11H·urtt''' '>lfl't't" of and scree nwriting from any of the National South Central l.O'> Angt·lt·'o .11 the 111m· of the Lampoon aJumni. Rodney King Lnal. g1vt1tl( d further air ol reality to Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn and Jeremy Piven (an the Dean Wormer role) head the cast. The movie begin~ with Wilson's Mitch coming home to discover his fianc~e (Juliette Lewis) engal(ed in an orgy. Disillusioned by what adulthood has wrought. Wilson moves back to an ~.:.m::z.::::;.:~M o ff-campus hou .. e near his alma m ater. JOHN DEPKO Con1nhuting 10 Wil~on's mid-30 cmb i'> the wedding, and 1mmcd1ate .. eparatiQn, of his colJege friend, Frank (Ferrell) Acting a'> a Greek chorus is Vaughn'1t Aeam e, who i'> married with children. own~ a .!>ert e'i of "Speaker C111es" and coaches his k.Jd 's -;occer team. The high jink.s en'>ue upon tht.' chn'>1en111g of Mitch's house, to which the entire campus 1s apparentJy invited . Frank, w rekindle whatever energy he had before ht., marriage. binge drinks and heads a one-man '>treclk fec;t through the town. Beanie tries to rende1vou., with college coedc;, and M1tth actually '>lt't'p., with a coed, who a f<,o happens to be hi!> ho.,.,· daughter. Of course. no in!>ipid comedy would ht' complete without the ohligaiory appcdrance of a singing guest star. in th1-. l a!>c c;noop Dog Their party. of cour\e, draw'> till' wrath of Dean Wormer's spawn. l'ntcha rd !PivenJ, who rezones the house to rnllege \tudent'> only. Beanie and the gang ~ub!>cquently c;1art a fraternity of young and old alike who ei ther want to experience the fra1crni1y lift• or long for the days when they were part of 11. Instead of u.!>ing 1h1' dC'velopment to look at the mental well-being o f 30-.,omethtng malei. and females who c rave the dayi. of beer bonK"· possible promiscuiry and o ther v1tes. the creative team simply wasles the cons iderable talents of the leads to focus on KY jelly parties. Despite the generally Wa.5ted performantes. "Old School" does have its momenti.. 1 he gn~a1 Andy Dick is an lnspired choice a~ a mdntal aid coun1telor Sean William Scoll as a ltidd" farm proprietor with a muJlet that would make anyone cringe is involved in one of the few IJugh out loud moments with Ferrell And the <,chool sptnt competition with Vaughn leadmg a synchronized routine i1t truly bnlhant "Old School" desperately want<, 10 be "NauonaJ Lampoon's An.imaJ llOU!>t'," hu1 tht-v don't understand that wnting 1<, what m..idl· "Animal I louse" so memorable Lik.e MAnimal House." 1he mo\1e tcnaef'> •ill college hfe. But the m1 sad ventu1l'-. ul the "AnamaJ House" Delta fratern1t) .rnd 1lw conflict that eventually lead-, to a 4ud'>I revolution in the street!>.., mere!\ relegdll·d to a blackmail scheme in thi' p1t1u., thc11 dppec1r' to be tacked on And unJike "AnimaJ I lou\e." 1n wh1th 1ht' women were ju'>t ru, involved 1n lht' lnvollli'-. the women in this m ovie are pt'nphNal 10 tht' action. In the end, if you really wanr dll "An1111dl I lou'>e" -rype comedy. savl' youf'>c•lf '>Orne money and rent 1he real deaJ. •ROB OROZCO 1s an attorney with Morris. Poltch & Purdy He ltves in Newpon Beach w11h t11s wife ar J two cats Now Serving Sandwiches! COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Se rvice'> Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • In jection 'ervi ct: ~ .... 71U LaizJe.st I 'fine.st I '.f ri.e ntfliRst '13eautySuppfy & '.Full Service 5al011 In Orange County NEW AluuvALS OF Smt<hllhk Pmo11aliud BractktJ r---------, !20%! I OFF . ..'.:. I I tochicle\ tony , r ..... SebtltlMI. ~ I f<lf'tmf • Skin C.vt P!oducu, Not good I with ..,r o0>t< ott ... °' ~ n.m. I I ,.,.,.,1111 ...... ~ .... ._..c... I .... _ .. , -I "-" 7 0ay. I L -.,.! ~'*.!. '::. 2.:,! :! :_ _ ~ E. 17111 St •• :Jest Prices • Best Service • •· Best Selection , J. . .. ----. It's Time for Our Annual Sidewalk Sale! ..... t ................... ..., ..... ...... WES TC LIFF I i'TH STREET AT llVINE AVENUE .. • 'IMIWCDFl#f _.,....~"- • Custom MaJe • Fresh SunFlour Bread • Boar's Head Meat & Cheese Buy One Whole .mdw1ch md Rcaive ~ S«.ond S.md\,\·ich FREE Offer Good thru \.{arch ., . ZOOJ .\fkll prrJr1111-dMpq'l ..1111""' ,/ pMr hu 1.J,,,11 / frt <'ILW•ll" Carbureror Rebuilding • Gross Polluter Repairs Ac0e1co Motorcran ame Ow11er Si11a 1965 38 Years In Costa Mesa Bendix TIE CllBDETOI llOP llC. 1~-1 1-11 1 ...,11:11 I ('"'\\Ii'\ 'lt'Ji(Hh-1 ttO \I I "" '"" •' -'"' ,ou • 1 111..,lll\I 'II\\' 2945 Randolph Ave IBrmol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbpans@rhecarbshop.com Directory of Stores GROCERY, DRUG & HARDWARE lalpln Frts!i Fore ..... 646-1411 Sov-on clr1191 ......... 642-7211 Ctown Ace Hordwore ... 642-1133 APPAREL ai.,.. .......... 645-6731 Draper's & Demon's .. 646-SS21 Koyllcs Surf Shop ..... 631 ·2'96 TM11 Fritftds . . . . . . . 541· 91H SPECIALTY GIFTS & HOME DECOR , C-*Ofnio Style . . ... S41·1199 l,,.s HtA.n ..... 631 ·1818 Mot1htw · lcytof's ..... 642-7311 FOOD ai-. ... e frM<h W1ty Caf6 ......... 64'--0S20 tw. Gnict Oloc°""5 ... 631 -1700 Paste Imo ......... 541·3406 Pick Up Still ......... 650.7149 lalplts Fresll Fort ..... 646-1411 S~s Coff11 ...... 650.0369 HEALTH & BEAUTY ""'Mllllllo ......... 646·5746 ..,, '.,.. w. .... 646·7197 SERVICES w.ri g. ...... .541-4053 ... " Alltric1 ..... .7 64-2600 Rlfit c.. ......... 574-7450 Mn.S, E1c. ••.•••. '31-S400 ..,, & 11,W w. .... 646-7197 SW Oil ........... '45-5961 ........ o.m ... 646-tm This Week@UCI Athletics Feb. 27 Women's Basketball. UC! ''s. Cal Poly \J 0 7 p.m .• Hren 1-vcnl<; Center. $3 $~ Feb. 28-March 2 Baseball. l ( I vs Ray/or. t:> p.m. h1dav clnd Saturdav. I p.m. Sunday, Anteater Ballpark. S4-S7 Arts Feb. 27-March 1 Orama at UO Stage 2. King uar. Bv Wilham hakespeare. 8 p.m. Thursday and Fndav. 2 p.m . & 8 p.m. Saturday, Claire Trevor Theatre. S8-S 10 March 2 Chamber Series. Music fo r Strings. With Haroutune lkdelian, violin; John Scanlon, vtola; and Margaret Parkins, cello. 8 p.m .. \\!tnifred Smith HaJI. S8-S 11 Presentations Feb. 28 Chancellor's Distinguished Fellows Series. Saentific Ideali.z.atiori and Scientific Reality. With Lawrence Sklar, Carl G. Hempel and Wilham K. Franhna Distinguished University Proft"SSOr of Philosophy, Uniwrsity of M ichigan. 7:30 p.m., Social Science Lecture Hall 100. Frtt March 3 Meet the Author. Michael Chaban. The Pulitzer Prtte-winning UCI alumnus talks about the craft of writing, characterit.ation and the unique gifts fantasy and childhood bestow o n cre-.nive torytelling. 8 p.m., Irvine Barclay Theatn. S29-S35 March 5 Unfwnity Oub FONm. musioru of Mmwry. With Elizabdh Loftm, Oistinguisbed Prokslor of Social Ecology. l 1:30 a.m., UniVttail)' O ub. $7.SO • .. Al Thursd:iy, February 27, 2003 AFETR HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674--4268. A complete list is available at www.dsilypilot.com. M USI C GRAMMY WINNER MARK O'CONNOR Grammy Award-winning fiddler Marie O'Connor will make his jazz club debut at Founders Hall at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday, March 14, and Saturday, March 15. His performances will spotlight his new CO, "In Full Swing," a tribure to his mentor, late French jazz violinist Stephanie Grappelli. Tidcets are $49 to $46, available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. GRAMMY-NOMINATED JAZZ. TRUMPETER Grammy-nominated jazz trumpeter Terence Blanchard will be in concert at Orange County Performi.ng Arts Center's Founders Hall on Friday and Saturday with performances at 7:30 and 9:30 pm. T1dcets are $52 for the early shows. $48 for the 9:30 p.m. performances and are available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. WESLA wttmELD Wesla Whitfield will perform at Founders Hall at 7:30 p.m. through Saturday. Tidcets are $49. The Orange County Performing Arts Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 556-2122. RICHARD STRAUSS' 'SALOME' Opera Pacific will unveil a new production of Richard Strauss' "Salome." The opera embodies sensuality, sexuality and willful indulgence. The opera will take place Tuesday and Friday through Sunday, with evening performances at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday performance at 2 p.m. Tidcets are $25 to $120. It will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tidcets are available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. TCHAIKOVSKY'S PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1 The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanislav Loudenitch to perform Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 m B-flat minor at 8 p.m. March 12 and 13. Tidcets are $19 to $59 DAT E BOOK and will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tldcets are available at the Center Box Office, onllne at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. lhe Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. THE PRAZAK QUARm One of the classical music world's leading international chamber ensembles will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 13. The quartet will perform Beethoven's String Quartet No. 1, Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 and more. The Prazak Quartet will perform at Orange County P9rforming Arts Center's Founder's Hall. Tictets are $43, available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpsc.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. SHIRLEY JONES ANO FRIENDS Broadway, motion picture and TV star Shirley Jones will join comedian Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orchestra In concert at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Tidcets for $37 to $43 can be purchased at the college or by calling (714) 432-5880. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Friday• at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beech. $10 cover. (949) 766-0121. JAZl.TRIO Gutfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presenta a jazz trio Sunday through Wednelday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through • Wednelday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to ,, p.m . every week. "Wanted" musician1 lnclude guitar players, bass players, lingers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. 19491675-n60. MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rodc. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Par1c Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC A'f-THE PELICA.N The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, fro m 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents The Balboa Blues on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. The program features jazz and classic rode tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. ------ ---- -- ------- MATTRESS OUTLET STORE POP-ROCK AND A.AMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Flee. (9491675-1922. "Beller Sleep Through Science. " Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Mom ma John we bewng to tht world's largest flooring retail~ -m-op. we arr b~'!::' .fo>orint tka i11divia1111/Jy qwned and operated. 4,000STORE BUYING POWER NOBODY a~ can !Hat our sekaiim ~"" JJ!'Ying too ,,,w17 if J'!'liT ,,., b#yingfto"' a Jennifer ~ ~ .i ~ Gus Lifetime ~ Warranty Ceramic ~ ~ Ufetime Warranty Wood ~99 SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Plaoe Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 1WO GENTLEMEN Of VERONA' William Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona-will be performed at the South Coast Repertory on the Segerstrom Stage through March 30. Preview tidcets start at $19. For tidcets, (714) 708-55~5 or visit Brenda Miles 100% FREE · . No . ' Qu=ns .AS 60 ., ...... If,.. .. ., Iii# ii, "" """ ... ii Ame RIL SERVICE 011 IYOP llOP Couflter Topt • Shwert • C.r1•io • Gr11ite • W.!1 Wu Refinish• CIM11l119 C.rpet & Upholstery• Pahttl119-l11terier & Exttrier o a esa (949) 650-717& 124 E. 17th ........ ._. SAfURDAfl I tUHAYI I0-4 rvne (841) 858-0141 17Tl7 M•ln 118" TIU-MT._f WHIUJAY UMTIL l :OOPM CLOIH tUltAYS I MOlltAfl APPOllTMHT Dally Pilot l THEATER REVIEW Rampant change propels 'King Lear' at UC/ By Tom Titus ' 'c hange has accelerated its rhythm to an all but uncontrollable pace," observes Roberto Prestlglacomo, director of UC Irvine's abbreviated production o f Shakespeare's "King Lear," which opens tonight. "While it took more than 5,000 years to go from the discovery offirc to Lhe irwent1on of the ·steam engine, it has been a me re century 10 get from the steam engine to cyberspace.· Similarly. Pre'>tigiacomo pointi. out. "In a single mo m em of a nger in 'King Lear.' a monolithic kingdom is divided, and · from that moment. aJI that was recognizable become-, unknown." "King I.ear." among the more disrint,•ubhed play., in the Shakespearean canon, il> only on stage for fhree day!> at UCI. tonight through Saturday in the Oaire Trevor I heater. llie reason is. the play i'> a Stage 2 production - these are geared more to the experimental ......:. 1hat would normall y be plan:c.J in a smaller facility for two weekend!>. Because of the increac,cd o,ea11ng capacity at the Trevor theater, the tragedy will be 'La~ed for one weekend onlythe university ha!> said. Thu:-., if you plan 10 l'atch 11. you'd better get cracking. "The problem of 'King I.ear.' as well ru. w11h contemporary society. " the accelerating speed ar which change occurs.a rate '>O rapid we are unable 10 adju'>t," the director ~aid. "We are always a 'ilcp bt'hind. alway'> tryi11g 10 catch up. "The acTelera11nn of change create:-. a gap be1wecn nature and 1echnology, a gap that•~ ripping humanity apart," he said. ·our role changes. bu1 we do not have enough t1 me·to ~ellle into a new one -but life goes on, and in order to survive, we must disguise ourselves. pretending to be what we no longer are." In "King Lear." Shakespeare's charat tef\ assume new identities - Kent 10 keep hi':> role as the king·~ pro1ector, F.dgar to stay alive, Edmund to gain ultimate power. Lear tries to fi ll the gap between his structured role as king and his El~ Dunn-Well 1820 MomMI Ave • COlta Mela. CA '¥l6'l1 c.i-a•~ Alwe&Owul~ Robert~ Per Oc1ot',..,,.,,,.. !Yalllr~ o,.io Tel: .... .Na.9373 CMJ)lll,__, 114 .... 3•9'4 _, ............. ... n aturaJ role as father by merging those ro les. "In the royaJ paJace, the father requ ests a declaration oflove from ·~ his daughters,· :: Prestigiacomo n otes. "But ' it is to his role as King that :: Gon eril antl Regan speak, •. while it il> to the father ~ that Cordelia makes her • ' suit. The failure to merge : : th ese roles changes Lear·~ reality, taking over his ... . worlt1 and spinning ii beyond his control. .. : . "And !>O he lo'lCb all - kingdom, daughteri. and ,, • dual identities." :; Prestigiacomo ">ay~ •For •: the rest of the play, l.edr • : will rry to discover what • hi1i new role is, or if, :: indeed, he even has o ne." :: Shakespeare's play. the ~ director said. i' a warning: .:: : "We are on a path toward •. • • • 'iCIC destruction. ~ · I lumanity hac; been iakcn !": over by its creation-.. We • • 'iJIC'nd our time tryi11g 10 catch up, forget11ng thl' :.onal being' that we are. 1nhJbiting a world tha1 i-. lo-.ing 11i. meaning and humanity." Delivering 1h14' me<>,age at llCI will be drama profe~'or Keith Fuwler 111 thl· 111le role, with Jeanne . . I a!>ala. Shannon Jarell and ~ I ma long as h1-; tlHl'C :: daughters. Other maJ<H : role., arc raken by Dylan C .1b\on. William I rev11111, Mit hal'l lked. I ylcr \tamer'>, Winilell Middlebrook.-.. Martin ~wuverland, !>lt'phen I\ ey. • Phil I homp-,on d11d Amanda Handal!. ·King I.ear· will he • • · performed at 8 p.m today through Saturday. with a 1: ~aturday matinee at 2 p.m. in 1hc Cfaire Trevor Theall•r on campu-;. •. I 11 kel\ co.-.t $8 to $I 0 and , • may be ordered a1 th(' \j CI box office. 1949) 824 -2787 ' . ... Orange Coast LollcKe drarna -.tuden1i. will be o n , their own 1hjs weekend when the OCC Hepertory prei.ent'i "Solo Vo1ce'i." a rei.t1val of monolo1,rue'>. I he s1udent·directcd one·person plays will be prei.cnted at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 and 7 r>.m. Sunday in the college's Studio Theater. f1 cketi. are $6, S7 at lhe door, and may bt' reserved hy calling 1714} 432-5640. exl. I. • TOM TITUS writes about and reviews local theater for tho Daily Pilot • I• ,... QmlE CIFllE Dir "The thing~ (Vamie Dennis) c.an bade up his commmtt He c.an say whatever ~ wana to say w1lil we can prove ""11 . we can play a1 flu! level M's a1." Pll Dcw,..w , 00 men's basketbal coach M;rr n j rir "' ~· KELLY CAMPBELL Daily Pilot Sports Editor Roger Canson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 Bl HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO PLAYOFFS Sailors fail to find the end of the rainbow Six goaJs from Figge power Santa Ma rgarita into CI F Di vhion I final\ at Belmont Plaza. Newport falls in semi for second c;tra ight \ t:.ir. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DP.I. MAH -It\ over.· . SCOREOOAAD pumpmg hl'r li-.1 111 Iii• .111 .!111·1 1h1 goal Simt.i Margc1r11.1 I I , Ir.id t. "' tliree llllll''> 10 "-1•1,p1111 !111 ... ,.,,..,,111 pnor to Wl·d1w-,d,11 \\II' "()( l UUf'l' l~t \\<1111 • 111 lu ·.il (:-.:ewportJ Inn 1\1· 1u...i 1 ,, 111·1111.111·d on playin.: our g.11111 ~.11<1 111,1 11·.i1 r.aglt·' <.o.i1 It • 1·1111 111 • '1111 "111 The Newport Harbor I ligh girb water polo team's run toward the UF Southern Section Division I final!> c-dme 10 a screech· ing halt Wednesday afternoon, thanks 10 large part to six goal<, from use hound r.rika Figge in an 8-6 ~lta Margama VIC tory in the semifinals at Lorona del Mar S M11rgar•ld 8 )eac.1 hr-. ll'<llll \.11uril 1 1 ,,, Ht·I lligh. . Newport farn. '>tomped 1heir feet to pro "'"""l""n 6 mont l'la1<1 .1g.1111..., l•·I 1 dr t." I II I 11 VblUll I dlJlllPl<Jll , ,,., " jp• 1111d 1• feate<.I :\o I -.1·1·d duce a LhunderOU!. rdttle throughout the '>lan<.J, 111 the fourth quarter a-. the Sailor, (23·6) trt(·d 10 climb back. It worked, .,om1:whC11, ill> !>Cntor A11111e Wight took paSse!> from Jenna Murphy lont• goalJ, and Raclyn Ritchie, to tally two of her team lea<.! ing three goals to pull Newport 10 Wllhin, 7 fi, with 3:02 remaining. '\\c played w11h ttWatt·rn , .111d •' I ,. h.all 111 tlw open player," Ille 1._., 'did ~1nt.1 Marganta p.i-.wd 1111 ti.di ' .arid 1lir JH' nmctrr on .. everal otlt·n'>l\t· ,1" 11 ... 1 •JO ..i1h1•r 141' 11ng tJw baJJ in tu two 11w11·" 111 11 11~~ lrum 0111 'ltlt' "\'\e didn't ha1.t• Ver\ Wllld tll't1·1 I Ii\, ....... '>Jid 1'.:C\.\l)Ort ( "·" It 11111 B fir'>I quarter I felt \\t' \'\l'r• pl.1\ 11,• 1 t1Kgrl''> ... l\cly " lfll <,i). 111 It'll "' 11!1 • 10 hi"'' llt I NewPort Harbor's Annie Wight (7) backhands a shot to score under guard of Santa Margarita H1gh's Sarah Hamilton (2) m Wednesday's CIF Division I semifinal. Santa Margarita won the duel. 8-6. Any thought of a Newport \'lClory was '>llemt•d when Figge. wading about IO meters out. too~ c1 p~ from Kacy Kunkel mere :.econd~ after 'w1" port went back to full .,trength after dl1 eJellcon The Santa Marganta senior. a member of the U " national learn, o;hot upper·righ1 tor her ..,ixth go.ti llw Lagle ... bhvt:d tu .1 1 11 11· "' '· See SAILORS, Page 82 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS WATER POLO PLAYOFFS GOLF Toshiba Classic . warn11ng UJJ CdM in CIF title game, again CdM senior Brittney Bowlus scores five goaJs to he lp put away the upset-minde d Comanches, 11 -4. • AU CIF D1vic,mn IV and AIJ. PCL honoree la'>l year, who in· jured her leg while ~lipping on a balancing board at a team dinner 'lue..,day ntght. CdM Coach Aaron tltaney said she might be able to play Sarurday. DiGiacomo '>aid doctors told her the injury might be a frac· ture if the pam c:o nunues the next three ddy-.. She limped Steve Vlr&•n Oa~Pilot C.,nyon CdM NEWPORT BEACH -Never undere5· timate the heart of a champion. I lous· ion Rockets Coach Rudy Tomjanovich said that after his team endured a trying season to win an NM title. That state· ment could also be reserved for the Co· rona del Mar High girls water polo team. The Sea Kings. the Pacific Coast League champions, last year's CIF Southern Section Division rv champion and this year's Division II No. I seed, appear as if they are headed 10 their second straight ClF titJe in girls water polo. The evidence came when CdM displayed Its depth whk h led to an 11 ·4 victory over Canyon (Anaheim} in a CIF Division II semifinal at Newport Harbor Wednesday. The top-seeded Sea Kings will bartJe for the CIF Division 11 title against Villa Park (21 -9), whic.h won 8-6 over Laguna Beach , Saturday night at 5:30 at Bel· mont Plaza. Corona del Mar dueled Villa Park earlier In the season .• winning, II · 7, at Villa Park. On Wednesday. CdM was without •ror Daniela DiGiacomo, a first-team 4 11 toward lhe UJM bench before the game, • .uru<.I cheer; from CdM supporter ... The Sea Kings (25·5) al~o had to play the majoriry of the fir<.t half without senior OuistJna I lewko. last year's PCL and Clf D1vi:.1on rv Player of the Year who picked up her .. econd e1ection with five minutes lef1 in the first quarter. However, CdM ha<.I another bullet in the chamber: Bnnncy Howlus. The CdM senior, bound for UCLA, scored three of her Gve goals tn the firl>t half. when lhe Sea Kings worked their way to dominance thanks aho in pan to a solid defense. "We have a lot of depth and we never give up... said Bowlu.,, who scored CdM's first three goal~. "We overcome adversity. We had to adapt in Lhis game and we won. That says a lot on how we can adapt." The CdM defen!>e shut ou1 the Co· manches (22·9) 111 the first half and for four minutes of the third quarter. Can· yon went 0 for 5 on player-advantage situations in lhe fiNL half. and it fin · ished 0 for 7. The Comanches. who reached a CIF semifi nal for the first Sff COM, Pase 83 •i COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL :war of words in air ost of the attack comes Vamie Dennis, where Poly awaits tonight RADIO: KUCI 88.9 FM thought the Anteaters didn't thinlt too b.igb)y of the Mustangs' frontcourt. •13very player has read his com- ments.· UCI Coach Pat Douglass said •The thing Is, he can baclc up his com- ments. He can say whatever he wants to say until we can prove that we can play at the level he's at: Dennis offered more words for UCl's blg men. and to Adam Parada. in par· ticu1ar. •smce I was a freshman I've always had words for Parada.• Dennis said Wednesday. ·1 want to get him juiced up. I lib to go out there and play the best. I think Adam can be the best big man in the Big West tr he plays -ares· aiYe and ~tly he has been doing that recently. I want hls belt." Parada, the Anteaters' 7-foot junior center, has scored ln double ftgures in stx of the put eeveri pmM. including a 15-potnt e«ort that went wtth 13 ~ boundl in UCl '1 78· 73 OYenime win CMr Unlwnky of the Pld8c ~ •1 penonally tab lbat .. I~" .....a. .-t bi rw.1ioD to DenNa Peb. I IMUCl,'-11 DON LEACH/ DAILY PILOT CdM's Brittney Bowlus (8) scores desprte solid pre ssure from Canyon defender. for 2003 run Champion" ·1 our \l<>p In Newport Beach. 'Abie.. h will be the centerpiece o t a national P 'A. \\ ouldn 't b e the \ame \\ ithout the weather factor. For J. 11n11h11! 11J1,1~111,1111111 11111 11111\ llt't'l1' ii (lllJI lllllJllcl :'\t'\.\jlOrt H1•,1t h I c•lHllf\ < lllh for th t• upt 11111111g 10 ... 1 iii.a St•mor u.i ... ,ll "llllll' ot lhl' g1.i111 while ll'lll' .ir1· proppt·d up .1J1J \'l'>lhle from \\t''' Coa.,t HtghwJ\ <1111J supenn1t·11dent Ron Benedttt 1, beaming .ibout tlw conc.1111011 uf 1h1· golf COUN' It COnJUrt''> up llll.1)(t'' of I Jal<, I I"\'. 111 whadunK d 4 mm to \.\llhtn four il-l'I, Lee Tre\ mo pl.i\ lllK \.\ith the large galleC) or 011 lJ11 Rodngu1:1 do111g hi' swore.I <.l,ince RI CHARD DUNN The l'(,A Ol.impmn., I 1t. ' 111ir golf at 11-. be,t. wilt 'top 11 '•'" p11n Beach Marth I I .n. \\Hh \!.in 11 2 I ·23 re'>erved fur th<" prok" '" .1l 54-hole conipt•t111un. < on,11u11111n" welt underway 1111 1h1· I i th gr•·l•n .ind See GOLF, Page 83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WE EK Adam Donovan Responding to opponents, as well as his own drive to succeed, Costa Mesa wrestler excels. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot champioruhjP6 -he did not begin to approach his potenlial until his ~-son.g campaign. Due. in large pan. to ~ arrival of Coech Bretl ~ DoooYan quickly • became ooovtnced he coukt comprtc with the belt olhls 152-pound rivals. The miuks i.ve t:.cRct up this aaspidon. He WO., IWO tournaments. finished aecond at fbur others .mi finished fUl'lllSlo.UJ> at ~ ftnaJs. -.the~ maid\ lO a mat from~ • •llllUI s.. Ana. Alta'~ twice"°_, tbt OF Souma:n 'OMliorl ~-.. be loll'° lhe "'*"* .. ~ ............ •• ' 12 Ttusday, Fet>ruaty 27, 2003 . COLLEGE ROUNDUP Bjargardottir claims The Big West crown in 200 individual medley UCI men and women in third place after one da.y at Big West Championships. • SWIMMING: UC lrvine fresh- man Lara Bjargardottir swept the field in the women·~ 200-yard in- dividual medley on the first of the three-day Big Wes! Omference Ownpionships Wednesday at Belmont Plaza The Anteaters' standout clocked a 2:03.38 to edge the Uni· versity of the Pacific duo of Kris Willey (2:0J.95) and Heidi Schmidt (2:03.97). , . Cunahan spms shutout • Vanguard University's Joe Carnahan threw a four-hitter for a complete-game 1-0 · Golden State Athletic Confer- ence victory over visiting Cal Baptist Wednesday. allowing just four singles. striking o ut four and walking two. The Vanguard southpaw ran his record to 2-1 an Vanguard improved to 10-6, 4-2 in the GSAC. Vanguard was funited to just two hits by Cal Baptist pitcher Tony Orozco, but the Lions made the most of what they h ad. stranding just three. ...... -----------··-~--. ---.... . .._., _ ___. ............... ~ ...... . .. -...... -... r ; S POR TS AJong with the efforts of Semah 7..avan:h in the 500 free, Megan M er in the 200 individual med- ley, Kun Do in I.he 50 free and the 200 free relay and 400 medley re- lay ll'illTl:., I.be UO women are in lhirtl place with 147 point~ uor and uc Santa Barbaro are running 12-2 with 241 and 217 poinu.. Justin. Millward and Carna- han singled back-to-back to open the fourth inning and were moved over on a sacrifice by Jason Searle. First baseman Scott Martin delivered a sacri- fice fly to cente r to score Mill· ward from third base for the game's only run. SEAN HILLER I DAil Y I'll C T Newporf s Raetyn Ritchie (white cap) reache s in to block Santa Margarita's Erika Figge (11) in CIF Playoff game at Corona del Mar. 7..avarch was fifth in the 500 free with a 4:59.1 I clocking. Baker w-ct:. seventh m I.he individual medley (2:07.19) and Do was ixth in I.he 50 free 124.57). In men\ competition. which finds uu third (behind uor anti UCSBI with 135 points, the relay teams were I.he mainstays. Pirate · sweep foe • JC VOLI.EYBALL: Fresh- man OUl'>1de hitter Poyer J>o1a posted a team-b1gh 10 kills to go aJong with eight digs 10 lead Ora nge Coast College to a J0- 24. 30-26. 30-19 men's volley- ball victory over visiting Santa Monica Wednesday afternoon in inten.:onferen ce play. Kyle Martin added nine kill~. posting fi ve of those putaways in the first game. The Pirates raced to a 17-8 lead early on be- hind Manin ~ the Corsairs came out tight and nervow.. Martin aJso added a pajr of blocks in the game to stake the Bucs to a 1-0 lead. The Pirates were chaJlenged eriously for the only time in the match during Game 2. Lad- ing, 23-14. after a Martin i.erv- ice ace, the Corsairs went on a I 0-1 run to tie it at 24. The teams split the next two points, but the Bucs posted three straight after that with Setiam Allah recording a pair of k.ills to take control. Game 3 was even early, but the Pirates had no trouble putting the Corsairs away for good after splitting the first 20 points. The Bucs 1-cored 11 of the next 13 points to take a 21- 12 advantage. David Ooxey pro- viding a trio of service aces dur- ing the streak. Doug Lewi' and Mau Skolnik each added a pair of kill!> as the P1ratei> continued to pull away. Vanguard's defense turned two double plays and did not allow a runner past second base in a game which had no extra base hits. The Lions are back in action today at Han Park in Orange with a 3 p.m . nonconference matchup against 01apman., SAILORS Continued from Bl Figge and one by senior Aimee Stachowsld, who captured three'" steals along with Mary Cousi- neau (goaJ and three assists). be- Golden Stat• Athletic Conf. fore the Sailors claw~d back with Vanguard 1. Cal Baptist o single goals from Wight and Score by Innings sophomore Anne Belden to Cal Bap. ooo ooo 000 • o • 1 _... • • Vanguard ooo 100 OO• 1 2 o m.u...e at, 3-2. Orozco and Crouch; Carnahan and "We had lapsel> here and Bower W -Carnahan, 2 1 L -there,· said Mvrphy, an All-CIF Orozco. 1-4. firsHeam selection a year ago Hall Lion of Week •HONORS: Sarah Hall. an NAIA Indoor Track. and Field National quaJifier. has been named Vanguard University's Uon of the Week. Hall excelled a t the Carl Ross.i Relays at Oare- mont McKenna College this past Saturday to gain an indi- vidual berth in the 3,000 meter run. The senior team captain finished fourth in a field o f 42, stopping the clock at 10:19.55. Her time was well under the au tomatic qualifying mark of I 0:33.50 and makes her the eighth seed at the NAIA Indoor meet. which is March 6·8 at East Tennessee Sta te University. VU men fall, 71-6 J • MSKETBALL: Vanguard University's m en's basketball team dropped a 71-6 1 Golden State Athletic Conference deci· ion at 01ristian Heritage in El Cajon Tuesday •. falling to 7 -20. 3-13. GSACIMll who is headed to UCLA next fall. as sh e wiped away tears. "Essen- tially, we couldn't put the ball in the goal.· Santa Margarita enjoyed its biggest lead, 7-J, with 6:40 left in the third period, on a goal by Figge at two meters. The Sailors answered 32 seconds later on the six-on-five. as senior Ashley Pa- role found the net from 10 me· ters on a kicJc out. Newport. which has now lost in the CIF Division I semifinals the past two seasons after win- ning the crown in 2000 and 2001, converted 50% (2 for 4) with a· player-advantage, while the F.agles scored two goals on nine six-on-five chances. al ong with a four-meter penalcy shot by Figge with 21 seconds left in the half. Murphy, constantly double- teamed at two meters. had trou- ble getting the ball at times with· Santa Margarita's aggressive de- fense. ·(Santa) Margarita came out really hard and prepared.· Wight said. WThey played a great team game. We had to play from be- hind and there w~ a weight PttOTOS 9V S£AN HLL£R /DAILY PlOT Newport Harbor's Jenna Murphy (6) and Santa Marganta's Kacy Kunkel ( 12) battle in CIF semrfinal knowing you are down. Fvery once in awhile we would come back but it wasn't enough.· Belden (four steals) and Ball sparked Newport counterattacks with steals in the third quarter. but Kunkel took the baU out or one Sailors' hands before a shot, and two bad p~ ended scor- ing chances. , Wight mentioned UC Berkeley. USC and UCLA .t:. possible ROWING chcm·e..., for her 10 play collegi atdy next '>t'a50n. Murphy, W1gh1. R.HchJe lone .,teal, rwo CU.\1St'>}. Paige 1.an~IIlg Cone s teal). Peggy Beebe. K. T. Ad nofT. Jennifer Schatfe and nffany Mandenno all. 'illlled up for the final time as Sailor-.. "We've played on team" for <;1x or .. even yem." Wight '><lid. "We're more like family." CFDMliolll Semifin.a s ~8.Nr.Npo416 Sc:ote by Ouat1ers Newpon ~ 1 I 2 S Marg 3 l 1 1 Newport Hatbof -Wight J, Belden 1 Murphy, 1, Parole I Saves -Cottam. 0 Senta Mervent. -E Ftgge 6, Cousineau 1, Stachowski 1 Saves O'Connor. 7 0 • Martin chipped in with nine kills while Skolnik led the de- fense Wlth 10 d igs. Doxey wPnt th e distance as the Coast -.eue r. dishing out 40 assists for the afternoon. Luster posted a team-high four block\, three of tho e in the final game. · Chr. Heritage 71, Vanguard 11 Vanguard -Hartman 17. Pierson 10, Adamczak 10, Rosborough 13. Burnene 5, Moreau 4, Seekins 0, Coner 0, Enns 2. Egkan O 3·pt goals -Rosborough 3, Pierson 3, Hartman 2. Fouled out -none Technicals -none NAC junior rowers sparkle HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series Orange Coast (8· I, 5-01 WTaps up interconference play Friday. hosting Santa Barbara at 7 p.m. UCI Christian Heritage -Griffin 15, Robinson 12, Krause 6, Salscheider 22. Crain 4, Rogers 12, Fellows 0, Johnson 0. 3-pl. goals -Salscheider 4, Rogers 4, Griffin 1 Fouled out -none. Technicals -none Halh1me -Chnsttan Hem age. 32-24 Continued from B 1 UCt comments. "That's ~~851 something to look for-Cal Poly ward to for next time Idaho that was a bold statement I w L thought it was a ~ : bold state ment. As 10 5 a coach you have to 8 I like your players. I 7 a reaJJy like my front The Parada-Oe·mi'> Pecff1c e a line. too." matchup figures to be one of many sub-plots 111 a game between two Fullerton 6 8 Bromley said he Northridge · 5 9 also respected Jeff R111ers1de 5 9 Gloger. UCl's fresh- imilar teams. Cal Poly Long lkh St. 4 11 man point guard (12-11. 8-6), the confer- ence's darthorse. is on a three-game winning streak. which includes a 66-63 victory over UC Santa Barbara In addi- tion to their soUd frontcourt. which is strengthened by junior Shane Schilling ()4.0 points per game), the Mustanp alc;o feature a fonnJdable badccourt led by seniors Jason Allen (l 2.0 ppg) and Steve Geary (8.6 ppg). For UCJ. senior forward Jordan Harris. Who scored a 9ea50n high 23 ~·Saturday. teams up wfth jwluor forwuds Stanislav 7..uzak and Man Okoro, as wdJ as 50phomore center Greg Ething- ton and Parada to Corm. perhaps rhe deepest fiontcowts in the ~ are a hard tewn to cowr. • Cal Poly Collch ~ Bromley taJd of lbe A.nteettn. "Pat mllde a ~t at a pre- ~ Souchern c.ulon"8 luncheon. tMt he bll the bell 1DCtem 0 UfaHe -'d • who is known for his hustle. Gloger, who is also a rebounding threat, needs one more steal to become the school's single-season record holder in steals. He now has 66, which is tied with fonner UCl standout Scott Brooks and leads the Big West UCl's bacJccourt Is also led by senjor Mike Hood (10.1 ppg). who has helped make the Ant· eaters the No. I scoring offense in Big West play (67.7 ppg). Cal Poly i second In the conference in field-goal percentage defense and No. I in rebounding. "We're just going to focus o n defeme.· Dennis said. ·1 think we'~ scouted them pretty ~ We remember the eecond half of the last game. If we continue to pLly defensive. lib we can. we're ~ to be No. l (in ftelcl·goal pen:eoc-.oe <iefenle) after tbia ~ "ua-Cll Poty eetlet ls ded. 10-10. . Victory at California Cup Regatta. TECOL.011: SHORES -The Newport Aquatic Center's junior crew teams tasted victory in San Diego on Sunday at the first Cali- fornia Cup regatta of the year. The NAC entry made an im- pres.sive showing. including 11 first-place wins and five second- place finishes over the 1, 700-me- ter course. The presdgious Cal Cup is an annual series of regatta held throughout the spring rowing season at venues along the Cali- fornia coast The men's team won four races and had three second- place finishes in the six-team 6eld. Men's varsity single sculler Jon Berg powered into a strong lead and captured the gold with a time of7:23. Also taking home gold were the men's varsity quad (Brandon Dillman. Morgan Roussel. Mike Matthews and Graham Brant· Zawad.sb1 in 6:09; the men's N quad (Greg Somen, Greg Schneider. Matt Siemonsma and Keo Ito) in 6:07; and the men's lightweight eight (F.rik Oatman. Aaron Cohen, Clark Brooks, Rousset. Som.en, Robtn Thodey, Blake Foster, SiemoOlma and couwa.in 7.ack Huk.ell) ln 5:34. Second-place bonon went to the varsity eight (Brant-z.w.d- ski. Broob. Jell Soukup, Mopn S9bo. ~ Song, Mike Dabney. Dillman. foster and coawatn HJ- liolt '11\acbr) ln 51 l: the noW:e eight Wea Powell. Cohen. Zeeb <:ooper, JelM e.cbe.nroder, Zick Buttolph. Joehua Venn. Oatman. Thodey and coa tU9ln Ertb I Newport AQuatic Center Varsity rower Jon Berg after his win in Sunday's Cal Cup race in San Diego. Gambill> in 5:37; and the novice quad (Brandon Arico, Matt Mo - rihiro, Cole Baratto, Tuny Trevino and coxswain David Donald) in 6:07. The women's varsity eight (~ ther Lofgren, Sara Wales, JessJca Fritz. Anne Kircher, JUI Austin, Erica Van Steenls, Meredith ~. Jean Geddes and coxswain Lau- ren Lorman) won the gold. as did ~ vusJty four and varsity quad. The vanity four. consisting of Lo{grm. Wales. Fritz. Geddes and couwain Lonnan), won In 6:07. The varmty quad. wttb a time of 6:21, WU Friet,, l.o(grm. ltby and Gedda). The women'• Junior varsity won both ew:nts. In the JV four lhfll c:cnllted or Klnten C.OOd· no. o.n. 'Hurn. Nita Grubb and Gaby Assayag. coxed by Jennifer Guess. The N eight. winning In 6:19. was Hunt, Contino, As- sayag. Grubb, Nancy Bah. MJlly Vale, Krista Red.man, OaUe McKay and Guess. The jv quad of Hunt, Assayag. Grubb and McKay was second. The women's novice elght (Marjon Bahremand, Shelby McKeona, Anna Oatman, Izabel- la El.k1s, Marlo Sciarra, Lauren Doyle, Marcy Beumont. Cllristina c.ampbell and cxmwain Carty Dobson) was a winner ln 6:47. The novice four (Misdo, Van Stttnis, Mia Ito, Bait) and ooi- swaln Annika <Mfby) won in 7:08, Another NAC nowke debt boat CAl*1n. Van Steenis. Ito. Bah, Vale. 'llffany t.ucM. Grubb. Redman and coxawain <Mtby) Mleemnd. TODAY 19 -Tony Melum Newport Harbor Basketball. '01, '02 SCHEDULE TODAY BMkMbei College men -UC Irvine ., C.I Poly San Luis Obispo, 7:05 p.m. College women -C.I Poly Sen Luis Obispo at UC Irvine, 7 p.m. I ubel Coflege -vanguard University vs. Chapman at Han Park, Orange 3 p.m. Community college -Saddleb8dl 8t Orange Coast. 2 p.m. Soccer High school gir1s -CIF Oua11erflnal1: Division II -Canyon (Canyon Country) at Corona del Mar, 3 p.m.; Division Ill -Centennla (Corona) at Costa Meta, 3 p.m . ... Co"9ge women -UC Irvine .. UC • Rivenlde, 2 p.m .; Vanguan:t : Unlvenfty et Point Loma HR~ 2p.m. : Community college WOf'Mf'I-5-n• Ana at Orange Cont, 2 p.m . ! ...... . Cohge-VMQUard Uniwntty _. • Chapmen, s p.m. I 'llale,W Communky COiiege men -AJumnl M UC IMM, Cr9Wford Hell, 7 p.m.. •.•.. , .. Coleee men and women -UC : ' IMne •Ila Wiii ~ • lelmont fttua. 10'.JO am.,.,, .. , •• ..., e : : GM;..""*' : • ~°'::c~~ ... c--; lnA ............ .: . . Oc11ly Pilot CDM X)ontinued from B 1 • ,Une in their history, M:ored jus1 ~er a power-play opponunity ended wuh three i.cconds re- )naining In the game. ~ "When they had tlle exlra player, we kind of kept t.hem on ~e defensive." Olaney !><lid. "It "WaS like we were the ones who 1'rere auacking. I was very happy ~th (the five-on-six defense). !fhat's something we ncedrd 10 .wort on.·· : Bowlus srnrcl.I with 4:0H left in ;the opening pcnod after i.he fin- ~shed a rebou11d off 'cnior Dan· lcUe Carlson's shc)f that hit the :crossbar. Then. with I :40 re- 1naining 1n the fir!tt quarter. :Sowlu:. ~cored in '>t'I after taking )he feed from Carl1,on : "We have confidence in our- <1>elve'> 1h.11 we can w111," Bowlus :said. • Ru1 wc'rl' nm ovcrconfi-·den1." S PORT S : In 1he 'cconl.I quarter, Bowlus received J pa-..1, from '>entOr JC'>· >tea I lark.111~ and Bowlus made ,:ood wi1h a backh anded Oiclc- .... ho1 inlo tht• net with 5:50 left an ihe half. Onr manlltl' later. fre,h· man < ..tm ilk 1 lewko. Chri1,1ina's ~ounger 1,i,wr. wa., chJrged w11h 'her -.ecnnd ejection. llut CdM maintained 111, cornpmure. Ci JN I l ALH vA• 1 P Corona del Mar's Camille Hew~n !right) tJloc~s d shot attempt to the surprise of Canyon shooter On C.anyon\ .. ub,t·quent power play chaJ1l"t'. <.arl<,011 rc- conkd J '>teal t1nd .,l'I her'>clf up for a hrt'akaw<1y. Slw Wl'lll one- m 1-one w11h thl· go•tl1<', fakc·d lt:ft ;ind shot right to gwe CdM J 4 O iead w11h !:OH ldt 111 tht' half. : • Brittany hillt·n h 1x "1Vl'''· a' . . GOLF Continued from B 1 m a in l'ntranlC' and ll look' hl..1· ~pnngt1m1: Jrow1d tlw goll k'o.ur<;e wi th tht' lmght n1lor., ~rnd hl•althy fa1ma)'> .u1d i green,, not to 1111•11111111 thl' th1rk TOUWl. \Vhll h I \\Ollld11"1 want any part ol hut '-IH'lll rno'>t of my tame during,, n-n•111 ro1111d tfaere. : : "rhe ra111':-. Krt'11 t for tht· lc111g Jetm," lit'ncdtt'I '>aid Wedne1'day, after '>teudy rain 111 lhe mo rning, "but f can't groom : .. hut th<' f\.ltn\ good It dt'Jll' ell the du'>t off th1• ll'aW'> <1nd tnakes everything ~ham•.·· : When 11 rnmt•<. tu ht•111g d plicltler for dt•t.uh .. Bent•d1ll 1, «1J1ong them on 1h1., golf cmir.,t'. \.thk h no douht plt·,1'>l''> • pro<l11Cl'r'-ol thl' tour\ c owragt• 1111 Ll'IA< a11d 1lw <1olf ()1,annel. I ht' Wl'<tlht'r? It lld' .il\,,1~' ht.·en a fJ< tor lur tourn.mwnt orga1111t'r,, hut H•t h111t.ilh tht' lt1'>h1h,1 \t'lllUI <JJ"ll h,1, .alway'> ht•t•11 i>f<l) t•d 111 lht' \\ 111\l'f nil' final round th1' }'l'·•r "'111 bi· plJ) l'll Ill tht· '>pnng for lhl' fir-.1 t1mt· gt'tllll~ pu,ht•d lmt I.. on lht• ralt•ndar a \Wt·I... thanb to ... on11· lobby111g hv tournament din•t tor kif l'ur"'r, who'>t' ht''I ln('ntl 111 ~Ian h r an ht' till' wt•athtrnMn. Pur.,t.•r, who 1111,llt''> in and out of hi~ ll'mporary offit l' on '''t: a t Newport lk.a1 h < ou1111 \ well '" 1w1ior Kat ya I utl111glo11 1u11ior Vivian l.1.10, < .111 ... 1111 (three <,lt«lhl Jnd I t.1rl..J11.,, l 011 tributed on dl'fc:1hl' .111d .,111!11 ii Canyo11·., ...ix-011 -liv1• 11pp ort111111 \ Wllh 2:.!0 left Ill th\' llN lt.111 Oiri,rina t ll'w~o n une Ila< k 111 the <,cC"nntl half a11cl 1mn11·ct1a11·h mm.le h~"ipre..,e11ct known I lw l\tanfortt'-hnuntl 'l'llmr 'corc•tl IWil l' Ill one m111Ull' ('<Jf l\' Ill 1111 third quarter . ( luh. •tllllfJlllll l'd to .1 group ol '>JWll,or., IJ't month to ht•\'-clfC' of I hur'>tl•tv'> 11 ha ... r<11111•cl 01 I hllr'>da\ during t1111rn.1nw111 Wl'el.. thrl'e '1r<11gh1 }'l'Jf<., \t,1\hl' the 1l11rd llllll'' .11h11111 \\h1l1· tht' linal n11111cl ul 1!11• 2110(1 lo-.h1h.1 \1•11111r ( l•""l rt·nia&n' tht' 11111\ ri1L111d (11,1 het.111-.e of 11H lc:111t·111 "' .11llC'r 11 re<1lly v.uuldn 1 hr till' lu ... h1lt.1 l.it>111or I Ja,.,ll if 1h1·r1· \\,c,111 <.,Of11l' '"n of thrc·.11 ol r.1111 111 rhtll} \\llHI or , ... 1-.11lwr "'·111 II I hot\ pJJ• of 1h1· lt111 ... I Ind~ ~lemon.all lo,p11.il l'n.•,hvt1·n;111, tlw lt-.1111 h.1nt\ 11 tht· fm,l11b,1 "''lll<H I J,1,.,11 . '' .ihout to take lht• 1i.1111111JI ,1,11;1 l ht· Newport lk.11 h hchp1t.al \\Ill he ft'alurrd 111 J \IJ 'l"tond puhltc '>l'f\1Cl' dllllOUIH t'lll\'111 that will run prom11w1111\ during nJllm1.&l tel1·v1 ... u111 progr.1mm111g. 1111 l11d111g I'<,\ lour .ind P<;A < }1amp11111 lm11 ll'lt'ld''" llw .. p o t \\ 111 h1· filnwd ,11 I tii.1g I lci...pitJJ d11ri11g 10 ... h11l.1 tournatnl'llt \\ t'l'k ( 1oH) \k< onl \\ h11 \\ 011 tlH· 1•\ 1·11· 111 )'&<Jlf .111d grc•\\ 11p 111 < >r.111~1 ( 011111\', \\Ill''"' Ill 1111· , • .., \ II \\111 htghlJght thl' I h,llll•lhfi a11omph..,hmcni..111 1h1• lo<oh1lm ~l'ntor C Ja.,.,11, \\1th part1t11l.1r focu., 11n tlw 111·\\ I foag \\om en\ l';n1hrn1 , \\h11 Ii h.1~ llC'rH'llll•d grt>atl\ fr11111 tc11111i.111w11t pro1·c·1·d, .u1tl t nm" he•11g built 0 11 1111· SLAMMERS FC -----Newport Be-0ch Caiiio1rna Home of rt1e Girls Jnde1 14 ~ioltonu (horn For West Req1011nl Chn111p1ons ond l1ie 2007 Bnv5 •, ~' Chnmpmns The Slammers Futbol Club tryouts for the 2003/2004 soccer season ore here ... loys u.ler 9 /l>M 10 /IW« 11 February 14tti ond February 28th 4:30 PM -6:30 PM Lincoln Athletic Center Contact. Jose Duo~ 714-343-4821 Gils IWer 9 /IWer 10 /""-11 February 21st ond February 28th 4:30 PM -6:30 PM February 22nd 8:30 NA -10:30 NA Estoocio High School GilslWer 12 February 19th ond Februofy 20th 5 PM -7 PM Februofy 22nd 11 NA -1 PM Esfondo High School fOf odlitiond infonnation contact wmd Kh<My (71 ~37-1924),91d ~.org Of visit the Sbnms FC websitt at m .sblwr!fS.org. • \I II' ·I f 111·d IHI .1 I llllllll'rilltack 1l1i·1 .111 .H' 111,111· l1·.1d flJ" Imm I 11111•11 I J1r1,l111,1 I lt'\\l..11 .abu 11111111·1 to·d 1111an11u1,1dt· 'hot c1! 11•1 .1 q11u ~ P·""ng 'l'CflH'l1t 1· 111.11 .,1.ir1t·d 1111111 I ullt•n \\t'lll 111 .11 l"111.i11d tlll'11 t11 I lt•\\k11, \\ho 11111~1 ... d" tl1 lour goat.... · I ",,, ro ·.ill\ rn,1d ,lf mv,t'fl." 1 11•\\~ll ,,ll(f or lwr 1~11 quuk ~11 ~1 111i-I \\," .di 1n1111pt·d up 11111111\l1t I \\J' "100 il~fl'.,.,l\l' •111• 11 t d', .1111p11' • I Ill' l't. \ 111111 h.111dp11 ~··tJ ,1 \\ I h,tt 11 ll''i 111.&1 111 "' !t'fllt''l'lll 11· pl11l 11 1l1111p1• 1•llorh 0L tlll' • 111 111,llllo.1 "c·1111ir I J,1.,.,11 11 c J 111 111 111 I f.111~ \dlt•r ,,11<1 I• ,,, I I •t 1'1.11 '\1•\\ptirt • 1• h ''iii· ltr•I pr 111· 1111·\ \t' lr11 ·111 •• ld11111111h1· I J1 ,lllllll llJI l fl llf I ltt' t'\l'll'llfl' 111, ''' ·•1·1 , 11· f111 1111,1r 11 ''I'll 1 ind ,.,..1.111.1 '' .. ··pit•11 ... 1 f ,,,. ln.hil1.i 1 J."'tl ., 1h1· h 0 r11.d 1h• ll,1g lw.111·r 1111 tlw ( J1.111tJH111h 111111 In tl11· P"''' fh1· ,1·.ip, 1111 11111r11.11111•111 h.i., .i 1 .. 1•tl lltllli' th.111 .... , 7 11111111111 ttoj 11\l'I 1 ' d1llt•f('llf l fl.irllll''• 1111• 111 "' 1111 '"'' ( 11.1111p1011 ... I 11ll I lw !11,IJ1h.1 1·\1•nt \\.t' 1h1• f1hl c J1.1m1111111 ... l1111r 'IUP to 1.1"•' .;,1 11111111111 frn 1 h,cnt\ 111 d '11wlt \ '"'' ..!Ollf1 •• 111d l.11,1 Yl'.U 111•1,11111·11!1• llr...1 111 r,11;..1• SI • II lilt Ill 111 11111 t 11 111'1'• ••ll\t• ' ""' ' I Ito h•.11l 1 l1o111I \ .1:111 t'\l0111 • 1;: 111111 •r 111 1111· I• ,f11h.i "1•1111.ir I (,1"'' I' I ln.1g I lo,p11.1l \1lrJ llllfl,d I fl,1rttll'' lh,11 \\Ill I I 1'111 !r11111 tlll' ,!CHll ,, 11 •1.11111•111 1•1t huh· tilt' (11,l11hJ •I 111\11 ( J,,, ... ,, "' f111i,1t,hl)l I 1111d \\ II• l•,..111·1l1, .111111111 11 :I 1 ' I 1 ,, ,,, 1• t I 11• \l 'I'" 111 \i1· .... 1 ... 1l11111I IJ1,tr&ll 1111 'I I. 1111111011 I" 111 pl;.i\<, ti 1.t !11 111 I 111lt"··.i1111.cl pl.1\1'" : , 111 111,.1 J1.11np11111' lour I "I 111, 111 111 ~1·1, 'I I l1 l1hll 11>01 11• I ·~1 111 111 ' f /11\//1/•11'• lllurl /i/\'11 /11111 I w,1, really anXJOU'> to gt·t h.il k in there·· CIF OMSIOll II Sem ifinals CdM 11 , Canyon 4 S~re by Quarters Cdnyon IJ o CdM l 4 Canyon Mathewson i. Rooqr:r' I Ardlary;, 1 Saves l(u11harc1 Ii CdM 8CJwlus 5. Clo Hf•wko 4 C .. rlson 2 Saves Futhm 6 BASEBALL , ,, Ope ning Ddy Saturday for Little Le ague rs \dtunJ.1\ mdfl., the ht'g11111111~ 11! Llw I Jlll1· L1. .. 1g\W h.L'>l.'l>.tll '>l.'•' 'on tor \:t'\\ port· \le-.;1, .md both < 0-.t.1 \1t"><1 :\..iuon.tl •• 111d Anwn l an dl\·1,1011' v. ill 111: holchng g,um.., and .p.m1d1·., I l,.,t1vitil'' for <.1"1.1 \ ll.._.1 \11wnrnn ,,.11 bt"gin at IUO a.rn I Ill I ht• ~ ta1or r1l'ld at ( "''j Mt .... I I hi.:h Wllh a parJdl' of tl'Jffi<, fol 111\\t'tl 11) .1 pmwam that andudt..., t11i• · .... n~ng ol thl· '\;allotM.l An thl'm. '>fX't"laJ h'llt"t' from thl' l 11v ol C ..o<.tJ ~lt"v1 1111dud111g Mc1vor li:.tren Hoh111-.<m .ind 1 hl· 1ww1v <l)l)lOlntl'tl t'::ui,., and Ht'tTl'dllOn comm1\..,111nt'f'l and ..1 bll"-'>lllg b\ \INt "''"l'>lant Pnnnpal and ( 11<,l<1 \11".J Ament.in I Jttl1· I J•agtu· p.L'>t Pn ... 1clc·nt "'-•It R.111t•r tllt'l'>tt'r A lull tlJ\ ol g,1fTl1" "-111 lxwn 1111nw!h,11t•f) .tftl'r 1h1• H'n·mml\ \pnng 'ot'·L"111 lOnllnUt'' through June 11 I or tlw < ""''1 \II'"' \:tttmnill. thl' da\ ht.~111' \\llh gc1me-. <II k\V1111...ll' M1ddlt• ""'-h1101 ... ta.rung JI H m followed h) .1 pcU-JUl' at no1111 llwrt' """II bt< a harht't"lh' .uid ,, ml'mht•r of tht· ( O'>t.1 ~1<''><1 C It\ l omwil will ht' on h.and for .1 fi f't fllll h l l'fl'ITICJll\ Tryouts will be held for the 2003 · 2004 season on the following dates at Wolfpack field. Saturday, March 1st GUI I 10:00 to 11:30 (newtemns) GU12 12:00 to 1:30 (brorau) Saturday, March 2nd BUI 1 10:00 to 11:30 (new) BU12 12:00 to 1:30 ( silHr, '""') Saturday, March 8th GU13 10:00 to 11:30 {to/J) GU14 12:00 to 1:30 (lilwr Jiu, "'"-J Sunday, March 9th BU13 10:00 to 11:30 (rtftll) BU14 12:00 to li30 (nlwr, 61 •w) (If you m for aample; BUl 1 this yw, coine to BU12 tr}'Oflts.) Please arri~ 20 minutes early to cheek-in. Oub membcn will be on bancf to answu your questions. Any additional questions, cont2ct Head Tniner, Glenn Strachan at (714) 378-0859 or e-mail pbMk@aol.com Thursday f eb<~ t l. 2003 83 YOUTH SPORTS · All-STARS SOCCER CHAMPIONS: The Newport boys 1 ().and-under Gold team finished the All-Star season wrtti a record of 11 wms m 11 starts to finish first m Area Q compet1t1on, covermg Yorba Lmda, Placentia, Tustin, North lrvme. South lrvme , Costa Mesa , Corona del Mar and Newport Beach In March the boys advance to the regional playoffs m Section 11 Back row. from left· Team mom Kay Ridgeway, 5ean Regan, Scott Ridgeway, Logan Newett. Drew Diller. John Barton and Coach Phil Miller Front row . from left. Christian Ochoa. SteV1e Miller. Colton Gyulay, Timmy Root. Taylor Wildman and Ivan Becerra Not pictured· Misha Pakvasa. No stoppin·g the Hornets Quic k '>ta rt seals Blue Devils' fate in 63-37 NJ 8 competitio n . 1 lw I l11mth built .in 111,urm111111t,1hll' 11 po111t lead 10 bq.,'ltl th1 >(Jlllt' .111d l ru1~d to <1 h I 1-\IC fllf\ O\l'r till' I \ pn-.., llh•t' I k\ 11., 111 '\;1t 11J11..tl J11n111r B."k1·1 h.1ll ho\' 't•v1·111h and l'l~llh grad1· ""'~l'th.111 c1ct1on OlaM! Pinesett, Tunothy Hegan, J.P. Gomlty. Erik Rask c111d Kevin Rask lt·d L.h<: I lomet' 111 tht' liN qu,1rtt•r followt•d hv ... ohd l'fton., from Gus fJlls. AustJn Apramian. Thomas UiaJynas, Andy Rovzar .md Erik Rask. ..1, '\.l'\Apon h111lt a l..!. pomt IPad.111 the '>t'cond p1·nod 1'1m·-.t'tt dlld I 111' t~11rolk'<l the lll'>ldt· "'h1le I n k Ha.,lc tool.. 0\ 1·r .it point ~ruard. IJ1aln1a" JJld I nl.. t'Jch m<tde t\\o thn-e pmntt'r' lnr '\t>\'l."flOrt II 0 1 lw lkdlok f)1\1,mn I 111dudt>' ..ill te.tm' '"1th Io II rl'C'ord-. lroim H1wNdt> I J<,t, l<1H·r.1de \\'e.,t, < Hlrl'"· '\t ~"port \ k "•· < h11111 \ .11l1•\ 1 ullt·non. \ 11!.1 P.1r~ .ind Yorli.i I J11d.1 In olht•r '\.JB pla\ •Celtic. 41, Capo Valley 35 Connor Gaal ll'd :'\n,p<•rt' t t'ltu., wllh 2h po111r-. Ill the Vil tcif\ Jg.111i..1 lhl' I ro1an,, "hill' Jo nathan Metcalfe, Aaron l lawtdns. Drew 1 loffenberg, Connor Maloney .md Alex Yelich <ill pl.I\ l'cl 'ohtl ddt't1,t• I ht> l l'llll .,, of l>t\1,ll>n 1 firn-.h Mth I hl' tw ... t renird m ll'J~ll'. <! I Newpon-Me\a "izzles • llOOP I \:l'f\ >,•ul '>rnreJ for lhl' '\e,.,port-~k,,1 ~1ghth l:(rade ~trl., All :'\et l'ld'>~ethall team 111 1t<. large'it prnnt produl11on ol the sea.,on .• 1 5:l-.l6 victory over the n roro <.,1aar1 Tayto r Holden led the v.ay with Ii po111t~ a11d -,even rebound~ followed hy AlUe Duernberge r's 12 pc)ini.. and eight assists. Ashley KJrby led the team w ith ei~ht rebound-; while adding eight point~ and Otelsea McCrea tallied fi ve point:. and fi ve boards. Otrtstlne DaJchendt grabbed six rebounds and scored four points as did Brittany Oeyan. Ivy Melo played strong defenc;e with nine s1eals. six rebounds and three points. for Newport {9·'4). In fif\h gradt> boys play: • Hed Ralder. 56. Huntington Keach Rookie\ :i2 I hP fh'<I l«lllli·r<. won l\'1.11 g<1ml·' to 1mpr111.I:' to I 0 II I ht'\ hl'.tt 'c1 1111d plJ1 l' I rabw 11 'li ! I 1 Jrl11·r 111 tht' "'-t't'l..Pntl Dillon < ampbell tdllll'd I 1 p01111' 10 (('oH.J '\.l'\,\,flOrl In tilt' f lu11t1n):t1J11 Ht•J< h garnt' foll• )\\l'd h\ I.! f rnm Trevor \1ile:. .rnd 11 Ii\ '\.t'sl (rt lc1rJ Austin Rio'> grahh1•d .. ax rdiound' follo\\t'cl bv PJrl..t•r ',111n1:' lour ~tilt·' led :'\ewport w11h 14 rr)IJ11., Ill tht· I r.ihuc 0 gan11· "hll1· < .amplwll <tddt·d 10 <1nd RandaJI Nel~on p1< lwd up l'lght to go Y.tth Collln Krahe's w vl:'n Fletcher Della Grotta lt.•d \'1.11~ '>t•ven hoard., follOY.l'd h) J.0. Abbo11 and And rew Roth l:'dLh \,1th fot• rt·hound., En ~ign ad ' ancc.., to lacrov ... e final~ • CLUB l.ACRO~'>E ~ 11'1g11 lntt'rnwd1Jtt·' tluh fa< rc"'l' tl'.tnl •h111 11u1 wp ranl..t'd I lt'Wt'' ..! I 0 l.t<,t \'.l'C'kl'ntl lt'dlll lJJH•11n Trevor Kelly .il1111g \\ 11h Kip Arm'itrong Erik Dobson ,111 Carnes Arnold, .ill 'tort•d g11,1h 1111 rn ... 1gn, \'.hll pla\'l'd •• .,lit II Ill h dl:'fl'll'" t' g.rnw c .11alll· Salvadore Torre!> mJl.11 't'\ t•r;.il ,,1vt·~ 111 go.d for tlw 1t·.1m 1 o.tdH·d h\ Jim Crotwell Ozz.le Diaz .and Vu Tran. l n111h111t'tl t•ffon' h\ Jl.lfl'lll'>. pfJ}l'&., Jnd r0J r h1•-, lwlp form th(• te.1rn 1u.,1 month' .1~0 that 10111pt•w, 1111he \l11.ldl1 \<.hool '\orth l>I\ 1'111n of tht• ( lrange C nuntv Youth I.aim"' I t>ague I n ... 1gn Jdvanu·• 111 the finaJs ag.un't Ranfho C\.tnt.i '1.u~anta Jt ( 1ll'n Yt·rmu \ch1111l 111 \ll.,.,aon \'tt'IO th1<, ~"·,•kt·nd Newpon "'heel-.. pa~t Mater Dei. 8-4 • CLUB ROLLER HOCKEY With a n 8-4 win over MatN Dea Sunday. the Newport I larhor fro.;h -c;o ph club roller hcKl..t'y team wi ll fa n· 1-,dison tlm weekend for first place an lhc final game of the "ea'!On. Newporl ( 12-1-0) enterl'd the third period tied, 3·3. hul lht>n outscored Maler Oei. 5 I, for the remainder. Otrls WUlard (two goals, three assistl>l. Grant Cueerty (two goals. two assl ts). Rory Campbell (two goals) along with Jesu• Sotelo nnd Zeck Boston (one goal each). carried the off~n ave load. "The Art af M8klng Plzzm• Wf DEL I~[~ NIG~rn '.> 9 Pf..' aLAllMCM L ~--i· .. -3"23\M llX> 3001 E CXl&ST ~y 7-e E <DIST ~ ... m..om ... 17'1.419 ... .,.,,,, ...... ,..., Mil.....,..,. ..... ,.,..,, .. -----------s3ef~ ~llraa•1 • a.JV /liNY MEDI.JM PQZA • GET A SMAlJ.; 8ALAD Cl' I YOUR O<JICE ,.._I 84 Thursday, February ii, 200J S POR TS Dady Pilot KENT TREPTOW t DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa wrestling standout Adam Donovan 1s the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. ADAM Continued from BI him w "\\/fl''>llt• tmtk" lo n:111ain in c.:nntenucm 111 tlll' doublt··ehn 1inJt1011 touma111en1. t11e Daily Pilot Athlelt' of the Week worked hL' way tu tht• tlunJ-plan: match, befort: falling for Uw '>l:t0nd time in the toumarnent to a riv-d.l lrnm 1'.orth Vll'W I ligh 111 Covina. I k• \\d.'i 5 2 .11 the mrt·t. By fini>.l11ng fourth, lw became tlw lone Ne\-\IJ)Ort·~k-..i qu.1hfit:r lot tlw Cll ~la'>ll'r' \ll'el, a 1fJ(h1.-nng Of aU di\ l'illln quaJificr. fro m the Sout11t•m 'iccllun. \\ho \\1ll vie for om· ol f'1!41t '>pol<. 111 1he Clf State 0 1Jmpion'>l11p-.. I he Ma<.ter. meet bt.1~llh r nuJy and concludt.., 'i.11urday at I ountam VaJley I ligh. Donov-J.n •.aid h1i. rourth plJU' finhh l<L'>I \\t'ck crcatt'tl mt\l'd emotion'>. "I was d1-.:1ppo mtt-<l, bt·rnu..e I didn't really wrc..'>tll! well u.11 weekend," l)ornJVall '><!Id "Hut I wre<.1lcd well rnough 11111 lfl lo-.t· ru1d I'm happy I 4ualifit•d tor Masten.." Donov-dll ha., had Ill tit· 10 hl' dhappointt'd about Ult'> 't.'a.'>on. according to Shainfeld. "I le ha.., ~lied wtll all }car and worked hard on unprnving his basic tt-cl11uque-.," ~hainfeld said. "l le '" pmhahly 011c of lhc harde-.t worlt•r-tn tJw 1 pr.u:un·J ADAM DONOVAN 8orn: June 16, 1985 Height: 6-foot· 1 Weight 152 Sport: Wre~ling Weight: 152 Coactt: Brett S.hainfeld Favorite food: Baby back ribs Favorite movie: ·Happy Giimore• a.st athletic ~ ·winning the consolation semiflnats at CIF (Southern Sectio n Championships Saturday, to eam a spot In the third-pla<e match), wtltd'I meant I qualified for wre f<>< the M~ters Meet.• AthJete of the W--'i IX: He wer t S·i,to finish fourth .1t the CIF Ch!mpionships, earning a qualifying spot in his we19ht class for the CIF Masters Meel beginning Friday He 1s now 39-11 l>aily ~ Collector spora <Ard~~ OJ·S room. I tllmk lw realved h t• h.1d .c 101 o f na1ural ability and lw lllJ) hJ\'l' '>hCJrtt'<.l him-.t·ll lw, lir'I three years.·· D11nova11, who playt'tl '>On el tor t:igh1 yt'an. bt'furt· conwn111g lo wtl''>llmg ht'> frt·-.hrn an yt'rH. -..ud some dbappomting lo''l" 111-. 1w1ior sea.'>on prompwd though ll> a ho u1 rt'tuming to .,mn:r. ln:-.tead, he n:rorn11n1t1•cf 1 o wn·,tling and ha.'> hJd no re)..'Tel<,. fhl' hc'>t th mg about \\ re,tJu)g L'> that ti°'> nu1 a team <,port " ..:11J Donovan, who t<, '" compt'tllt\l', hl' '><>mcume-. imwte'> 111-. 1ean1mate. in pml·t1ce ... II you lo-.c a m atch, you have no one 10 hlJml' hut your.elf. I lilce that and I hk.e th<.' challenge ilit- ~pun wve~ ml'." When it corm~ 10 clklllenging opp<>nt'nt<;. Uunova.11, d1~rihed by ht' u iarh •L'> J rnunterpwtc.:her. prt'fer. not to m a kl' the fir-t mcM·. ''I'll he aggrt>-...,iw. hut 11111 overly J~'Ct~ive, .. Uunovari '>itid. "I Lhink i:at11i11u' I'> a good word to dl''>Hiht.· 11 I w.1nt to wall for v11m·11111• to mal..t' a m 1-.1,1kt'. 1hen tJke ,1d\·,m1Jgt• ·· \hamfeld '-<lid I ll111m<u1\ h luot I lrJlllt'. 1.111 lor tw .. \\l'IWJl eta. ....... allo~,., tum IO 11t1h1<• tu' lt'ng-th .uuJ long l1·g-. to h1-. .1t.IV<111l.1g1· I ll''> d1ffi1 ult to \HC'>lk bet illl'4.' Ill' doi .. -.11·1 '>llh'4.riht• 10 1h1· -.i;111dard 11wth11d 111 ,tllat k. ·· .,h,1111fc•ld -..ud "I ft'' good Ill '* r.cmhh· '1lUJ1Ju11-. and Ill'\ rnrnlollJblt· \\1th h'"Y' ,f11Jt1llllg In llll hull I le\ <.II ftf:).,'), ht• 1,111 \'\fr.1p h1' lt'g'> .tround J. gtl) .md g.un control. .. Donov..111 .... ud ht· t·o11l11Jf<, l11., OWll ahilll}' 10 ,flfltl'Vl' hi'> prt''l'J.'>1111 goal: to rC'arh tht• 'lalC· llll't'I ·-rm r1.·.1lly proud 111 1h1c., o,ca.,on. twrn1N' I lt•c•I h.._t. I '1l'ppt.·d up; lw '>lml. · I don·l thcnk I had 50 rn<ttdll'' t umhim·d my fiN 1hree war. .end < 0.11 h !'>hainfdd wa' a 111.IJor l.tctor in Ill\ '>tllTt">..,. If I ,,n...,tk t11 rnv ab1l11y. I ft."<.'I hkt• I h.1w t1 rc~tl goo<l thJ.11n• 10 qualify tor 'tJtt·. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER PLAYOFFS CdM face s another Canyon B1rry Faulkner Daily Pilot OORONA DEL MAR -While every girts soccer team still com· peting aims to encounter more hills than vaUeys, Corona del Mar High. for the second straight post· season game, will try to traverse a Canyon. No. 3-seeded Canyon of Can- yon Cow1try (2 I -1-0) provides the latest obstacle for the Sea Kings. who host today's ClF Division fl quarterfinal at 3 p.m. It was Canyon of Anaheim that CdM dispatched, 3-0, in "l\Jesday's second round. improving the Sea Kings' record to 12·5·2. II Wd.'> the Sea Kingi.' 10th shutouL CdM made it to the CU: Divi· sion IV semifinal!> each of the last three seru.ons and. under the guidance of fu-.,1 -year coach BryJn Middleton, wiU be a11cmpling ll> venture to l\.1~ay\ Divi'>ion II o;emi.finals, wi th a ~111 owr the Cowboys. TI1e champion~ uf rile i-:oothill League have not oocn ::.curt'tl upon in the playoff., lncy lmod .. e<l off Thou . .,;u1d ()"Jk.'>. 3·0, m the firi.t round, then po~ted a 4-0 win T\JeMlay OVl'r Quan/ I lilJ. ·nw Quart'l I lilt dw .. h wa.., ~con· lt:l>..s at hd.lflime. befol'l' tllt' Ow. boyi. produced goab by 01mtin Olapman, Shanon < )mahcn (two) and SarJ.h'CJwen-;. Coalil· I ynd-.ay Taylor went the dt-.1J11re l\1C"i<lJy, after .,h,umg u1m· m thl' liN SCAN Hill [ll /DAIL 'f f'rlt' Lauren Loe of Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa's Jenny Sparks (4) are two of the key figures for their teams in ,today's CIF quarters. round '>hutout. CdM, a 2-1 fir-.1 -mund winner over Mumeta Valley. h a.'> rece1w tl it' five playoff goah from three player'>. w1tJ1 'ernor forward., Jenny Lung anti Ali\/la MarorJ eath collecting cwu and ~niur 1:11- 'ha Morgan. a three-Lime AU -C.JI· honorel·, adding tJw other. MYu- ra lead., tht tram with 11 goalt. .mt.I I".! a..,.,..,l.,, ..aJJ Middleton. '*111ur w.t•eper t~Jtgl' Janee; an chur-a defon~ that al!.o ft>atun:...., jumor fullback Kin;•je Kmmer ant.I ... ophomore ~oaJ1t• H;Jd1el Water' Watt-r,, who nw...<.,(,'(J the cntm· ll'aguf' '>('a.'><>n wnh J bn11'>l 'll knee, eanit'll a '>hutuul wiLl1 fin· '><IVl~ lut.~ay Ill her fir..t pOM\Cil· '>on !>lart. .,he \\11l '>tart toda}. Middleton s;ud loday\ Winner will adv-.ull"t' 10 m t.•t•t l'illll'r .... ,HIK\1'> I I 7 7 :!) w \ \ t'\tlalt.• If 8·0 I ) Mustangs host Centennial Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot LOS IA Ml .'v\ llw 1110'1 '>lit n~,ful C o-.ta Me..,.1 I h~h ~rt., -.ix cer <,ea.'><m 1n h1-.tory roll-. 1111 1u- day when Ult' Mu'>IJJIK' ho ... 1 C.A'nten111.d of C oruna 111 • .1 Lil Soul11cm ~wm Divi. .. 1011 Ill quancrtinal al .I 11.111. No. <!-..ei:dt>d cw.ta ~lt-'><1 (20 1-21 ha.' won 14 'tr.11¢11 and c.:onw-. in wil11 a :!O·ga mc ur1 tx-.11en '>trl•ak. ind uding a p.ur of rn11vinc.:111g playr>ff wm.... r\ftl'r lround ng John Glenn, 8 0, 111 l·n day\ fin.t round. the l roldt•n Wt>.,I l.i:agul' champion' handled '\anta l\ lomca. J-0. m Llw '><.-'t'cmd round IUt-<;ciay lhe M1....i.an~.... who fXJ'>ted the progr.un\ fir.I po-.l<,t>a -.tlll \\111 li.L'-I '><.'d.'><lll. one yc..u after rn,tkmg their pldyotT debut. haw rtlll'<'Ort'tl opp011l'lll., lili' '<'d.'1111, I o•J I.I C .t•n1enmal 11 l ; .!), the Llurd· plal·t· ll·am from L11t· Mount..tlll Vit•w I .cJh'lll'. ha.-. lll'\'C>r gone bt·· vuntl tht' c .Ir 411.uterfinab. Junior lorw-.ird Ha11d1 Leyva ..cored in the 7Hth min11ft• to break a "><.orclt...,., ti1'. only 10 -.t't' Yura.1 pa ..curl' unr 111i1111te lalt·r 10 fo rct' own1111e. I .t.]'\"J, \\-ho ha.' lilrt'<' playoff goal,, put the I fu,fr.1e<, u1 front 111 tJw ftf'>I O\'C•ntmc and < .athlt•t.•n HodngUl'/ t wwcrtt-'<l a penal1y f.Jrk tor an ut ... ur.ull{' goal. l\lt......_,·., prolific oflm-.e h.c. bt.'t.'ll IL'C.I hy -.enmr '>haron Day J.nd "><iphumore Jenny '>path. Day. J four· year \tandou1. hd.'> li\'t• play 110 goJ.1, to up lwr '>lW•Oll tut.cl 111 .!!J \Ill' 1.tl'>ll hd.., t\\O a''>''"· gl\ 111g ht·r .\5 for Lht· yt·..tr I or h1:r tC1fl'l'r, I >"J}. thl' rt:'tg11mg "alt' high 1urnp 1 h,unp1Cm. Ira.' tt:I go,11., and i'.!. ,1., ....... t., '>pa.rb. who '('Ort-<l l\\t<t· Jg.un't Sant.1 l\ 1on1t. a, rollt•ctt'tl IWU a. ....... L'>h in tht' fir.I mund Wiil 'lht• fki.., 21 goai... anti I l .t'>M'" Ul I'> '><.'i.L'>Oll. l\ k"-1 '> tlcft·n-.t· • ., lt'<.l by w111or ... w r q x·r I K'\1111 I )enman, 11mi11r.. !-.tat)' Knk11mu1 Jnd Valerie ( ,o 11\l'I, J'> \'Wll t:L' tht• <:omhtlll'll go.We tandem of Kindra Be.oil'\ .111d Mitlrn c;<'11tlt11g I oday ·, ~1nnl'r will llll't'I t•tthc ·r 1\o. :l·-.t."l-'dL'Ci Hun11J I 18·.! '1 J or I J !\.hrdcla llO 1 11 111 a "><'rn1ful<tl I ut....d.1\ Lega I Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices """, '.' ..... t.-d ''" "' t 11• Olf 01 et• 1•! r•· II U.t.1'llHlli lh1 t •'•ti rout ,,., ,, .... 1 .. ,,,.. "" (If"'" ol fJf.iJ1.~.-. '"OJ 01 Ct~ lh• 1.11°1-..111, prl\• '" 20036932721 u, jo•lll t.u ,.,,,. \ .,. hA1l-wi f'tltJ1 f • t ' ..... r .. wthr·bt• ••-l1A et >tu j 'I M4r r, 1011 t ,,.wfh, t,.,,.. "'''"'"' ~.trrw 11 (II I Ct /•1 -------1.~l•lnrr•t , 9?(.~f fictitlws ~ !. I,! I t'l () 111 .. ., A If .. " r' r lr11• fHJ0 •flf""a\ 11. I n l,nr '• Xl ~ • ;.., •. i1~ t•rt "-t Stat"""' h1• Ir d t ' hu\n HHS •n~ ltrit• f~11nlm,•t '" k1 ~' h lh• f, t w1t1• '" t".•11t 'ft'•f1 t 1llfplflfot •t,'t1'1ft .o .. r1·'lltl' tu 1"r ·• t-i.•..-1 yuu l.u lt·d Ii"'• 1111 ''" .11 ... ' I\ "" A I Ap tr t••1,..nl up51I'( t111 fltr•• t'"'t Nu tf11 I• 11 h t , rM1,., ,1 tq, lkl '' Ml W 1'\li Ktmh .. •h t' .. ttr """ , 1 • 1 t t I• ~ 1f I h .-t' , ,. tlJ< l•utA' ltlft -"' H W Utt 1111Ct11t hip •lli?foH 1 fuu11l,111 l tu f,tlf'ft•f'•tl ,.,,, rl~nt fh1 t 1t .. m .. nl "'1 ltJ,.,, Wltl\ th,. ( fJl1r fl' (.t .. fk .,. (Jfdflp· r.1 ,, .... vn 01 JI 01 20036931876 ().uly l'tlol I •b (t I I () '/ 1001 lhj>\( It''' \'l•t •I HI• 11h 111' h 1° UH•.• Y"'' N (.. 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M." f A 'JJ1u•, lh ... fqll,iWll\) ~ ... , I I , ~.,.,, 111 ft111 tJ 1~ ''' /11C11 lh//J Ht:nadmtrt ln)'tlltrt• '.,IJ/ •1"' tJuma: tm·im t1111111 \ '(•t'N /\)/\p.utu1t1t'u'ii1t 11,.rt..11llht".:• (1 ,HJlr f'.•otf1t (,odh hu l)"I 'IJ Ml W •$.I~ 1111 (>,> 11 Uj ' ,,,.,, t "''"'' '"' ft tvt t •I t tlh j 1 Ill) 'ti I •• , .. , N1 llt ll'f''fl fi•t ,,~If I lltf I•.• f 11!.ul""' p,, . ..,, 1h r I 1111 t h•1t ""fh flu I ~ .t th ,,,,.,.. uusit" I I< I 20036931411 I 1oly I I Id• /0 '// ~A" t I t /Ill)! '"· "' , Naru•,,u• A•~ '·"'""•' lltlfn.tn 1"''"''1·'' 11111 111,. I''' ""·111 w 1-. '"~·'"" \I 1 .. 111111"1 2003693309S •h•I Md• LA 'l/ht'> W I 1• 1\1 ll11•11w 1; 'I• f1h" Allli lh' t;ou111,. v •ll•v I A 'fl/OM U111ly f'1l11I rt,, ti .'H ff,.,i., •. t 'hw~'' 1111mtv f Hu l•u uw ·• 1 •••11 I 'I Mtt f, /OOi fftl'M1 •JU Ul 114 0• thti ''cl 1;,. ,• t 1Ht .. HAf .,t\ 1 2003693226 3 "·'" '"" '"''"' ,, .. ,.,,. 0 11ly ~·,1, t • t-11 h 1 t l1u 111t·~ y1·1 Nu iO l l /llUi ftt1•·d A l A111ttn1••ot '.1111ply ,,.., r,,, .. ., '·'"""'"" lilt\ t.ui-.uw "' 11, 1 utt H O N 1 iNtwr l ti• .u t• I A •ni,1, j 'h" i .. a H '" 1''111••·10·•1 tti•1th l K1111.-1. 11111 I I • f1 11, 11.11q• JH f 1111 HA'f• """ • t,u h cl ftqlflV v., f ._ ti~ .t ,.,, t•ll'-ln t1u fl1f'' ,,., I '(,. (I/ ,I!,... • ''..:''"" 1 t ' t I ff , .,,. , i••' .'!•Jf1 f)J >()fll I ilO Nt•w1wrl H.-·.•· h 1 fl. 'l)hf1 t '/Jo 1.,,,,,,tJ l ,,1, '41""'H1rl fi••h1.•n11r11u~·o111to fh ~. ,., ". • • fkfitiouslvsintss \tc t• t.u,. ~~•;I 1 Ii f '1•1• 1 llr" .t .1f1·1w of .,.,,,. I 1 " 1' lt•1 t 1t1·111• HI "1 I • 11 • n J 111, p11 f1l1 1! ¥ftlh ttu l1111t1I~ rhu h·rj It~ tit •flili-..J IH.tl N... Stat..... Ith d INtlh ttu t 111olw ,' It 1 • tr • L I tt~v• v1•u "ll11t It 11 lt 1111~ "''WI 01 • I • • g I',,.., .. ,. •H.afl ... , r llltflly > I I I 1tu t •• 11 •• w ,n. P"''·Olf\ { llft>. 111 Ot "'~·· I ""'" :1100 Wm1t1t.tft.1 I ifft on (J) Of UI ::·r lllf \\ "I• t Yt \ ,tff LI u11r.: llll'.Hll , ... d\ rm (J/ (JI (Jj Nr"I ' I•• It If. 20036932126 I It It I i111ql1111t "' I 1111111 ,,, I 20036¥32732 '1/1,1,tf ltaolv 1'11111 I •b I l ?ti rtdt 1 ""'' '""" .,· 1111 \ "•••ntrt 0.Jtly 1'1lot I tb It /U ltll I l• "" .. •. .... n M.u f, "'(,WH Ill I /I! ""' I........... WA\ lli•cl s..... 111 f'l 1 >I M" f, 'OCH 1111 // rlm1t1•1t1 I 1put.tl11111 -,.. -. l1l1 d Ntlf1 4hf f.tut11lfjrf'nl1• l A i ?k/IJ •• .. II t I I I fldffiovs~s rtri~ .. 1 0 rdn1.-1 •u"lil fictffilMlvsiless h 't lllli \ ••' t I I tttfl~ tt1111l1n.-t1•tl t ttl frl\ 1.tl . hu•.ll"'•'Y~•·~.. it..s.at..t 2·~~6°~3{~~25 ''""I In• tl A1 llJI i.-s ..... U•·i1rnom Knu•-.111~ lht fulh•'lllfln" Vt' flO l)._uly r11n1 I f"h Ii /(J .,,,,,.m.., hl.,,d ~utf• rtu tnltuwtnr IJU\ •f" N•·wp 't Ht! u. ti Ju lit _..,.. 1nmp bu•.tnf'\t '' I Mott b 10() i f It)/', 111 I I tt .-011.~ l A J/ijlO .1',. dl'ltn,;. t-il'\tn., " \ I idtf• Pr• '..uh"' ti Km, ,,,,.,,._,.,, hi lh t1u\ml'• 1'\ 11tn l11~11Mfflll f '""'' 1 qi '''' l1hu11•1•t "''• M•th•f• Kmtt Ma'"'"'' 11 RctifiM~s 11ul lr011y t •t1rp1 1itt1c111 4'l90 MdtAtlhm tifvd rttr t11flnwm.: PM "If\ .tr' •l111h11• t•u\m,. W~ lJ , hvw11v$J•• > Uu "" ' •' ll1t1un• ;>(\4 t W.-t htf IJr ,..,.. N"wpot I H~.h h r A 'l?filAl WPOH lnclu\t11r. I"' ICll o 104! w.,1.1111 Or"'' N• .. ,~ ~r• ~,,.. h I A'f'ht,O tt... hu 10~\\. ,., •1111 t .. rt hy 1 ' vr "'''Ah· n lt•vr 1uo ''·"''"'1 i11u11v hu,mt '' v.-t ' Yt-• iwtt /!X}l I 1 •I) IUIJI 11,n 2003693 1959 f,,.......w ~S I O••ly P1lut r •II '· I I I ,.,.,_. =======,,,..-'--------=== tll 17 2ll()J lftlH Nanle S!a1tlllMI 1.tid ,,_,.,,,. "·' '•·on t., Mmlllt fl'.tfl•' d) f(,o. tti-s........ lf.hrf 'fHU 'i.t.ttt•tJJu1Ut st .. sno NffWIJUfl h·tJ. •• fff 1 ~r f ""''' t I ••HIH~ • ~tit( l ttllJtJI .l tiu,..n,. ••• yt t v .. 'I 1984 Ot .. t h r.A. 'J/bb(J WPUB l11du\I"'' I 41 IJ tt11•n 1•,. .. 1d•nt ' ltld OlhBr common cies.-Sla1tlMlll of I rt• c 11 .. """ 1 " " lgJ'1lllion. I lr?y. of Che real l L_J_ HI f ""I llU"lll ·.• .t•. prOper1y delabd ltxMI IWWw.-nlofllstof I "ivh ll• ~••I .11m ,'//'.fl, t. p1•i:xnicuo be. 2960 fi<titiou1 141liMss Ncne • , "c , M., ~ '" c .• "~ .,. Gt'8C8 t..., Cos1I Mesa, 1111 l11C111w11w !>• '""' •IM t.111\ '"" y., I" t A CA llle LWldenigrllld ,,. Ahdlld""''" ti•• II •• '•lfl'll T~ cilcllirns rry ,,f• Ille fn ltttou\ BU'·• Al1 • Wnd1 '" '1 I/ lillbilily for eny lncorred· ""'' lfanw d 1 ftl\flll Nl w11001 I I tr • 111 ,_ ol ltw street 8CICWesl Aul11111ultv• I 111111 S•1 N• w1•111 I 110"" It 1 A ltld OlhBr oommort des-.,,. b) '"''"' ""'" 971:.60 lgnlltion, If #fl/, shown mnf1v• l•nler II! Iii :. I Ill' l1u\111~"' ,., '"" herein. Said .. ~ be ~anl• re •B Sdltld All.. r1110 1•<1 hv Ml 111<11v11lu~I meda, blJ withoUt ~ (A !;12/0~ H•v~ Yllll '"" '1,tl lllHUV IW1I Of ~ U · 1h~ r1cl1C11111\ 811\111~·., ""''"~' .. y~• 1 y, .. , I •t JI'-' OI lmplled, ,.. n4mr ••l~ff~cl l u .lb•tvr 01 giwdng 11111, pcll ... llon, Wd' hlPcl ut 111 dllK~ Alt• i Wotdl ht". OI encurnlnnml, 90 P9Y t.nunty ,,,1 l//01/00 1111, "'·•••ntent .,.,., h Nmllr*lg pr1ne1pa1 1111 NO /OfJU684Hltfi f1l1·d w11h th• r 1111111v tun d h "'*(1) • Roy K111 l1 j(JSO l l"l••k "' 01.rn~~ I ll11ntv CU'9d IJV lllld DMd al Mt·alluw11r11v1· Rd 01 "" 01101 IH Trull. wlfl 11-.a an2,. tA!ll!S&7 20036932719 1hwlon, • prcMd9d In lhl\ liuw1•,., f\ I"" n.11tf f'1lul f •b I I 10 lllld ,.,..~ ..... if dudtd hy 11• 11111tv11l11 ,, II Mm ft i'OO I lltl /I eny. l.rdlr lht lllmW d Roy Kn• to fkthiM ~s lht o.t d Trull. ~ 1111~ •.t.11·11 .. ·111 w.1 "'---S .... ~ ~ ..... ~ lfld !tied wtlh 1111 I 111111ly ,_ ...,_ ...,._ d lht T~ Cl•r~ 111 01a11~1 1·1rnnly f hp. tullowu1r: p .. r •.uft~ tut duina hu•.1n~._, '' kf',UUll ... r .u l11t-t' IOi '•h•dv Wrwd llVllll CA CJ/(>('fl .,., al lht ~ ~ 011 02, 18/0J b¥ lllld o.d d Tiult, II:> 20036933729 wit 11(1,91& 111 ~ lla1ly f'1lo1 I th ?O 11 mmd) Accrwd lnllnll Ma• b. I J ?OOl fh/0.1 Ind ldclllorwl ..... f'lditiM ~' • eny. "" ira-Ha "'-... s .......... ~ pitor _, ... n. - Bli llflc:ill 't ""1 .. '° bid ... fWI lht Ml Cid Th• loUuwm.-. p~r~ttn'5. "~ do1na bu\tnt \ •· A m""'• I t1b1nt 'r f"h~mh,., ot Comm"'• North """'"'-• 1400 SAil M111url 01 Corona drl Mat, CA 926:..>!i l*1 Thi t.nlllcWY"""' lllld o.t al Tr\aM ~ b't~-~ nd 90 lht LWGi..,lld a ....,, Dldlrllorl d Dlfa.lll Ind OMwld tar •... ~ .... al~-~'° Ill Thi UIGi..,lld ca-' lllld Holka d DllUl -Elldart ., .. ., be ..-did In lht ciounlY ..... lht ,.... ~ .. flDc.o Ind inai9 ...... ,.,,. ........ Mii MO ... ,.._~ .,,.. ...... aom.. ... • ~ 8y. ,_Ill llRU*. Ire.. • --. ......... ........ ,.,,o.. CA_CM>_.., L.-.....,, ~ llltC..Dlllr nWI ,., aa.m.CDOt. ..., leb1non fradr Jnd lntormahon Ofto<.t (C.A) 1400 Sdn M1aue1 01 • Coron• del Mac. C:A 926:..>~ Ttus b11 \m1J'\' ,,. t mt duu~d t1y • corpo111t1on Htvt you 1l411lp-d ooma bu .. l'IP\' v•I' YH , I? I'> 07 I ,.1)11nu11 11 ~d• •nd lnlorm1t1on Offlc t M11 '""' P F1r&h Cha11m•n n,,. st1 h11T1t'lll wu lt1'td with tllt County l'IM~ of Onnal! Co11111y nn 01 /01 /03 t OOhUt1M O•t11 1'110t reb tJ, Xl. 21 MM I, 2003 THI 72 ........... 1?11n Huad•thlYI• h I Oj 'ih.idy Wo11d l1V1n1 CA 9?6?0 Krlly 111,ch101t1 1611'>'> flar•••w ~un~rl Br"' h I A 9014? Tht\ bU~IM\\ I\ t ''" dut lt•d by • 11enrr al flMln"t .hip tt .. •• you \I~• l~d do1r111 IHI"""" y~t) Nn Hon Boad•110v•< h fh" \t1l~mt'nl •h~ hied w1lh lhe C'uunly r.1~1~ nt Ortnlft tn1111tv on 02/11/03 200HtUOIO 0111ty P1te1t r eh t 3, :..>O 27. Mat 6. 2003 THl91 ActlllM...-.U ... ,....... 1 he to llow1na Pfl\on• 11 • do1n1 bu•loen 11 Ttan,por lu Inter n1 t•onalf• 0. hr ( I I 0 >. 830 Ceut•r St Soll• 11 Ccnta llln• Cahfot1111 916'1 Oevld Or ht 810 C.ntl'f SI Suite 11 Co,ta MeMI, Cahlorn11 tl627 fll•• bu"n•n I (M1 ""II.' Ill IJl 01 It I'• jll """' Bl•d lhe t11lluwrn11 ~·• "''" M"" 11 11 R•ymottrl A II• "' 11 2003693274 3 Nrw1-1u< I B• "' h f A ·•It ·l<Hnt bu\lnt~\ ,. lfonlin1•lnn I t11•1111AI Wh1I~ I lilt I .1,-1111.1 llt•ly hl .. t I •Ii I i 711 WWI f.,11tfu1111d Vl\110" Nee (.rciuJ• Int fl•vtrl l Nieuel I A 'I/lo/I 11 M.11 b lO(IJ Thl8j V,1ht l'olad1an 11'>11 wnrk II 4 41! M.1gn .. 111 Hunn1"n l'r"''d~nl ltrlf r; M1ll\ru1 II 1hP lr1llqwmg 1>rr•,"no., ,.,ti u1,1nv bu\int·'' .~·. l'dt·t ... n·, y .t<hl w ... 11 'lJ!> r uml;t•t IMul Rrl Ile ,1n~1· Cl\ 9211b~ ll11\l111 Rnb•tl l'•t~r '"" 9l'J (umbrrld1ld llc1 Ur.rnge, LA 9~86'> M..Ct\\4 I tnn B•k•I 'H'l Cun1berlancl Rtl Ut MIRP CA 9281i5 1h1•. tH1\1nt•.• •~ t u11 •h11 ffd by d R•11r1 ~1 pttrt11~1,h1p ll~vr vou \l"trc1 dtllnR b11'-'""'' yet> Ye\ hb 1,1 lOOJ 011\hn R Pel"""" lhl\ \IA!t•nu•nl Wll\ ftll'tf Wtlh Ill" rnunly Cler~ ol Ordner (1>unty on OJ Zl'tl.J 20034934330 O"ly Pilot ( eb 27 Mat 6 11 70 }()OJ Th?:..>I fidltlM llN!Ks ._s......., Thtr followrnc ptr~on-. .,,,. ilo1n11 bU\tne'>s ., Monel Med1ul Services 11151 Dewtty OrcH Garden Grove. Cal1lorn11t 97841 1161 AGP Auoc11l10•, Inc . (Cl\ I 8 751 Oewey 011v11, Garden C1o ve, C•llla1nia 97841 1161 lht\ hu•m•" It con ducted by a c:o1 po11tion Ho-you started dojna bu1lntu yell Yn, 01/ 02/2003 AOP A.uoclates, Inc .. O••Y rr1et1Ma11, Vic" P1u ld1nt !hi' \fAltrMf'l11 WllA lttl!d with Ille County Ci.1~ of Ot•nc11 Counly on 02/24/0l tOOJttJ45'S Oa111 Pllol r tb 21 Mat 6, 1J ?O. 7003 111126 Wtndla" """" ltun St l.u\I" Mr\• 'A lh" ·.Cat•m•nl w•' Whtll' t 1111 I a~""" \lnglun 8•d1 h CA 921>46 976'}/ t1lrd "'"' lhr Cuunl1 N11:u~I I A 'Ul,7 7 lhl\ lm\tn•\S t\ ton Mrrniditl\ & Mdtttni\ I INk vi CJ1angp f:ounly lht\ bu\111"'' " '"" 1t11ctcd by .,. tndtv1du•I llL (rA> "~8 M•~nc.ih• un 02 ll OJ dud~d by hu\li•11d .111d 11av' you •l•rlrd dn1ny SI (,u\ld Mt\a ('A 2003693 4314 w1t~ hu\1M~\ yrt? Y•• I ~94 9767 I Daily f'1i11t I ,:h 7 ( MM 11••• ynu ,fdlfttl clt1tnM VahP Pnla:d1nn 'ht\ tw't11\lt\•, '' lnn b 1.3 IO ?001 Th/14 bu«i;inP\~ y,.p YM\ 11 rt1" ''•l•mMtl Wd• du(IP<I hy l 1r11ct •d 7707 filed wllh the rouuly l ••blllly 1 0 Flditi.slvsinfts R.1ymond A 0 111u' Clc1 k ot 01•n11c County 11••~ voo \larled "'""" N...S.......__. Tc•rnC Mtll\un un 01 07 OJ bu\meu y•J? No ,..,_ This \hlemtinl W d\ 20036932719 Merin•t1h & M•tltr11s lhc lollowmg persons h ied with the c01111cy Dally Pilot J eh 11 70, l l r . l»rt Sodet11ng, •re duinti bus1nes\ a\ Cle•k of UoanR" County 71 M•r b, 200J lltl 10 C I 0 'tlwn~r S1lvc11 Con~t1 utt1on. on 07 71/0J Adlliws •·-'--· r111s •l~l•m•nt WI\ 9841 Oceantte\I 011ve , 20036934309 "'---S=-.:. hied wtlh th~ f.t1L1nly tiunltnRIOn Beath CA Oiuly Pilot f eb l7 M;1r --l.le•k ot 0,.1111~ t.ou11ty 97646 6. 13. 20 2003 lh:..>18 011 02 ·2s10.! IM g•I Drvelopment The lollow1na pet\on\ "'',. dmng hu,1nt\~ "' AITW'rlfa• I 1r\I M01 ta•ee 3943 Irvine Blvd •150 Irvine, CA 9160/ 2400 1 he 81 Y< e C<1n ~It tmporallun <CAI ;)<}4 1 lrvrne Blvd •150 Irvin• CA 9260? ?400 Th" bu\tnf\S '' ton duclfd by a torpnrdhon Hav• you \I•• led doina hus1ness yet 1 No f he 81 Yte C•rr •II Corpm at1nn Brian I Pftader&ll&\I P1n1denl cro lh1s st1temen1 wh filed w1lh the County Clerk o l O•anae County on 02/04/03 20036U2'6t 0•1ly Ptlol I eb 13. 20. '17. Mer 6. 2003 1Hl67 ~ ...... ......... I"" followtna pe1 ~on• ••• dOltlA boslnn, u d) Mille'• Cai1~h, 1998 H1rbo1 Blvd., Coate Mtn, CA 92627 Vlr&1nl111 lnletltn, Inc (C111f ), 1998 H1rb0t Blvd Co,t• Mna CA 92'21 This butlnt\\ " con ducttd by • tOIPOflfton H.tve 1IMI I I .i tfd do1f1C b11s111eu yet' Yn, Ian II, 1999 Vttllftlll lnt•flon, IM , I lllda Dill S•~rtllfy om 1tata111t11t •» 2003604754 (CA> 9841 Ouancrest RctifMslllileu Daily P1lul f eb 'l7 Mar 0flvt . HunltneJon Beach ._ s..e...t 6 I J ?O ?0()1 lh?l'> CA 91646 Ac-...t..iMB lhl\ bu~tnr">\ " ~on durled by a l1rn1ted "-s....t P·" tner<J11p lhe f11llnw1nt petson\ At r doma b11S1nen ~' I Oes111ns ..I004B Royal Palm Or Co,I• Me\~ C.A 92626 ( r1r /1mm•tm•n 30048 Royal P•lm 01 r.11,I• Meu. CA 92626 .kl l1mmf'1m11n JO<MB Roy•I P•lm 0 1 Cosl~ Me'~ CA 926?6 !hi\ b11\1n"'' " ton ducted by hu,bMd and wit~ ll•v~ you ''••led docna bu•lneH yet? YH . 2/1/ 01 Jll ltmme1m11n This •letement wn tried with the County Ci.rh of Or ence County on 02/07 /OJ 200Htst74S 0 111y Piiot r eb 13. 20. 'l7. Ma• 6. 2003 n118'> ........... .......... lht followma person' art tloilll bUillltU at Oi 11111 Count r Slldm1 Door. 81112 lllnlfl\het Duve. HunUnston 11.ach Caltf0t 1111 92'4' P•ul Thttl'lll Oe Cutllt, llt2 11'1\tf!llltt Dun. Hyntlncttnlwh Havr you 'IMlfd dnma bu~tnl'\\ ytl1 No E dw~1 d B S1lve11 Ct net •I P•• t n~r 101 larget Orv~lnpment I hi\ \t.it•mr nl wa\ !tied w1lh th~ rnnnty Clttk of 01•n11e Co11nly on O:UI 1103 200J6t33070 D••ly Pilot r eb 13. 20. 'll M•r 6 2003 Hll88 ,........_ ._,....... Th• folluwir11 person\ •ff do1ne bu\lne5' n Cl611, lft01 Oov11 St •I I!>, No11port B••ch CA9?660 Roberta M I owe 400 Vt\111 Su~t le. Nt wPOf I Buch, CA 92660 Thi• bu\ine" 11 con du~ltd by 1n 1odMdu1I ll11ve 1ou sl•rt.cl OO•na bu\lneu yet? Yu, I I OJ R<lffrll M Lowa 1 hi\ , ... ,,.'Miii ... 11 .. tl with tht Cou11ty Cler• of Ot 1n1• Cw11ty Oii 01/21/1)3 ... ,..,.,., D11ty "''°' hb V , Met e. I J.. ZO. ZOOJ lh.22.J 1 he lollow1n1t pe1 \On\ Mf dome bu,.nen .l\ Cayle., Stinature Spa 1107 l•m boiee Su1le l Ne wpnr I 8e.teh CA 9?660 C;oylee Skin C.",. & Cn\mett<\ Inc (CA) 19282 S1eu.i Cadu Rd 11 vine. CA 92612 fh1s bus1ne"' 1\ con ducted by • LO!POUhlfn llave you ''••led d<>ont bus1nen yet7 No Cayle« Stun c.,e & Cosme\it.s. Inc Ooualu L Heck le Secrela•y 1 hi$ s t1ten1enl was tiled with the County Clerk ol Of •nae County on 01/31/0J 20036Uta67 O•ily Pilot Feb 6, 13i 20,27.2003 lh14J n.-..... ...s....... lh• lollow1111 penon.1 111 tlo4n1 bu.1tneu •• l Mtrt•nc y Rnponae CPR T11l111n1, 10?8 Wiison S t IO, Cotta .,.'I, CA 111627 lllmbulJ 1111 811 tttnd, 1028 WtfiOfl SI ~ Co•l• ~u. CA 9'1t>'11 Chrlstophtt W1lltem hftrlt\d!> 10'9 Wtbol'I SL fO d"' "nf CA lh1.., \l•tfl'mf'nl wa' ltl•t1 "'''h lht t .. unty rlr1k •it Otlln~• t.1o1111ly "" 02. /~ OJ 20036934756 D111ly P1Cul r Pb 'l7 Mdt ft I l 70 ?00) I hr 'l4 Fk1lliM hsliltss •S......· I It• followm& Pl'•'''"' .tr~ doin& bustnfl'~' 11\ Jaltory 61~~h .?01 l u' Molino~ San Clemenlr C/\9?6/? Bl•ch Q"ad1 anl, (CA) 485 E.•~t I 71h St . Costa Mew , CA 926"7 l h1' bu\uun 1 ,., ron ducted by • co1pou1ton ll•v• you ''"tied do1n1 bu\lne'' yft> Yes 110? OJ 81&rh Quadt Anl lnon Rod11tut1, V1u p,,.,, dent • lh" 'IAlemrnl wn filed w1lh lhll Cnunly Clu~ ol 01an11t County on 02/07103 200Ht327SI D••ly Ptlo l f eb IJ 20. n ,,,.., 6 1003 1111114 Ac-. ..... ... s....... I ht lollowtn1 pe,.on1 •11 dome buslness as Acceu Otftcu, 3020 Old Mtnch Parkw1y 000, SHI 8•ach, CA 907.0 Summtt Suites, 3020 Old Ranch Parkway ,300, Seti Beach. CA 901•0 lhl\ butcnus ts ron ducted by • t OfPOUIMNI Have )'Ou s!Mted do•nl buslnen yet? Y11, 01/ 03 Summtt Sult11, Deb Orth Wtlh'ltoll, l'tt lh11 slaltment Wll hied wllll flit Countr Cltrll of Oren1e Co11nt1 on02/14/0l HelttUUI Dally f'tlol f n 20, 'lL_ Met t IJ, 2003 !Hin . -. , .. ' . . Oady Pilot __ l.lll'~llallcll ___ 2MO_ llplModces l . t1 t Of11U'1fllt-c) ht I • •' ltftf'fd ''' l '""•"'' ~ d\rt.k "' ·' h•d t~1·fld 1.._., 111.1 .. '•" ""'" 10 ,, ti. 4n ''"' t thP•f I d lfld1Jt "', .• bl" ltJ th ... "'' t , I t t•'\td \1~..,~ Nit lm1 ~hAlt lit ,, \ldt•~d uni~'' 1t '" m-t·Jt- on J bfdn" '-''""' ~ ti f,,,,,. fur ni\hPd by "" 1 •tv 11r Co,t.t M,. .i .u 1 ·~ nu1dr tn tu ••ft)'"'' wtOI th" V'u¥1\1Hll, 1il lhr f->,uµw,"l '""''""'. m .. nh f 1l h btt!d"I HIU'-1 h 1Vt' t C Id''-A C 11nltd(I .r •, lu .-11\~ < t.1t"f1t>r t i F n~ 1 flt'l'f fnl J IJUf \UcHtt I ' t1uhlu.. ( urihctt I f 1dr S,., hnn J JOO 4'11•1 dh • ~Ut" Q,Mlftt'°d •\ rt>~Ufff" J t1y ... 'tilt Jh.-\JI l.f'\•,f111 htdc:J,., mu\I n -Jtf'll 1111 lhr lu t'fl~,.. thr 1 .. tt •• 11 1 thr dut .tl•••n 1 t tf ''"'''·'I A I ••Offdl fl)f u .. rt.:' ci y ~It or t ld\\iltc. Al•· in 11ul \h1• <1<1 n un tt,,. t;111 .. r tl f'r,,.11.11lmt1 W(U't' 1,.tt1"rotttldt1un ... "'•'f hF "''tuurd tu vay lh,. w.1>.,.,. 411(r 111 lttdl \.f ~It ur ld\0.1111Jf t1'n moc.t I 111 .... f t:_1lc,t tt 1t t f t~ he ..WF\ lfl fhP l,,.t"flr'f 1f ,,., .. , tmo.tt.-in•. efte, t ~f et lhf lm1~ t 1'1f'" dll ( onh u t t • h 1H CJTY Of COSTA IESA OIMGECCUnY, WfOllM llOOO IMTlt& llJS NOiier IS tl[R(l!Y GIVl N lh81 \f'uled p10 JJOt.df\ lot hi• 111\hlll~ di! labor ma1,11al\, equip menf, hitn\po1t11ton and '01 h othe• leCJlolte\ I \ may be r equ11ed tni THI CONSTRUCTIOH Of Sill IMP910VlMINlS AT THI HAMIUON SHUT COMMUNITY GAIOIN, S2J HAMllTON STRUT • CITY ,.OJfCT NO. OS-04, will b• received by the City ol Cost.t Me\• et th• Olhtt of lht City Cle•k. 11 r a11 Drove. Costa Mesa. C1hlorn1a. unhl the ho01 ot 10:00 ...... •-· 4-y, Mertl1 10 , 200S, al whorh lime they woll be ope111!td publicly llnd 1ud eloud rn tit• Council Chambers Seeled p10 IXIHI~ sh•ll bea• the tllle of the w0<k and n1n1e ot lhe bldde• but no olhf'r d1stonrursh1n1 m11l11 Any bid 1e<e1ved 1fte1 the st hedul1d closlnt ltmt fo1 the receipt of bods shall b• •tturntd to b1dd11 unociened II shall be the \Olt r ttj)()nsobrltty of thl btddtf to Ht thet hi\ brd rs rtetived In ptoptr time A set ol Bid Oo.:u 11>'-nh m1y be obtained et the Ofllc.e of Ille City CnslnMt, 77 h1t Drive. CMtt Mest. Ctlll0<11i1, upon •••ref••"•"'• ,.,..... ........ .. ~t ~i:-111.-! ~"'h°::~ llJ NII lld ~...-•tt llfld otllef '°""eel '9c:Wfl•"ts '"'' ........ ,MllM4 ...... Office of tM City C..11 of tM Ctty of Cotto Meu .... Ooc ....... b ......... MllM ... . A u\, I J.pJlt' '"' t ' H11111... .ht' ''ii VJtl• 1 '•' ,, •. ~ H .. ,,, tt, ... ,. I I 1,,a, 01.J 1-tlll } I• Ill 'l·o• "' t Aki Ill 1M. 10 I tH l l<ll' '. l 11,11•1 A 'i A'I A Ull 1 .. .,.., t <11011 • H11nA •J Anlh ,, t ,,, nu11 .n •, ,, I VUll I hh t t 11'' .-.t 1tlro11 r e~, ,,n ;-•t 1111, • ""' A I• n .. r OI i1h<1n1• l ··" °"Ill mit '""'"'' l 'j IH y t H f f61.,.lf ltft,.11 I. l ,. I! II' I f1I HI P' ., ... , h·,1.tl t.,, .. , d 'f'Oil ftlli,Ull lttt I fllUf f!I tlf''1f ' . I' d fl• t t ~• Yl.lt1t ,,., ,. " l11t1t """ "t( I ,, • ,.. ,Jll\1 >fl,,, #II ,,.. ,, .. , '( t 1 ' f I & , rt f ti I f l t I I~,. 1rt'l111' , , ,, "., "'.,, .. i ,, Hf ,.,. ", or h tJt I I tt, l Uflrt llJmttd.l h·f,.111111, t Ho It- n fr f"• ,.t.l t1ff1lf"f l.i\111 4lU , .. \l]Uft,IJ •. t,1r1t I m"t~lllrtd I If' Hf' qo.- l umplu tun IA•, '''' •Hdl ld.tdt"\ l,.~,4ltii\ .1pn10M dA' \I U\lt'd IJl) ... ft (1U'" ltt (Hf lft .-\1 Ut ht' '" tit\O S.1 U\l1td nu prt!\l'nl.t \u r , .. puf''t" ,. hflmpo I pu,.dr pPrdt·r t-1 , ,,.. 'f IP pul"d .. n 11u•••• 'u \.dlctr to '\II ctin~tu y otr.t\ cu\ .. \dl" -.u 1•• np1rdad ''" ctYl\U -td1\ 1un..tl J)f'H JJdf(P Jp IA""'" l 't l\frn otru' rf'•fUl\I lo'> ltaalf'' """IJ" qtut u'l~d quof'r .r 11amar .r un abO&ftdn 1n noed1dl4 mt"nlf' S1 no LOllOl~ a un abna1c:to pued~ ltantdf d un \"voe 10 dt re lei tnt•A de dbO&•dn\ u a un• ohc111• de ayud.a lee•' ( •U "' dl"CtOI' 10 teletonttn) CASI NUMllRt {Mu,..•r•""'•H) 02 cc 07410 lht 111me and Addie~' of the COUtl I~ (fl nombte y du etuon de I• cot le es) Oun1e County Supettor Court Central lu•ltce Dlstttcl. 700 Covot Center Drlvft Wn t. Santa Ana, CA 92701 lhe n-rn•. address, and teltphone numb• of platnt1fl'~ 1110.ney, or pl11n111f without en 1llotn1y rs (Cl nombre. la duecc1on y el nutrnuo de telefono del •bol•do del <Hmendante o del de mand1nle que no Ilene •bol•do ei) Timothy J Gibbs. lhe Gibb• I •w rrrm. Bar No I J 7867 . 110 l 11t A.venlda f'alluda. Suite 201, San Clemente, CA. (9'9) 492 33!>0 DATl1 (Fedie) NOV U 2002 ALAM SlA Tl•, Clerk ~ .. ). ~ UHA S. CU.I, D-..tY ca•••••••> Pu\llih1d Newport lktch-COat1 Mes. 01_il7 '"°' r tlNIMtJ 6. IJ, 20, 27, 2003 Til ISi Thursday, February 27, 2003 IS on 01/31/03 200S .. S1 .. 0 0.111 1'1101 r eb 10.27.2003 6, IJ, Thl46 S treet Hunt1n1t on Bat ch. CA 92648 th11be th Wood 609 22nd Slteel. Hunt1n1t on BHch CA 92648 Th11 bu\men 1~ ton duded by husband and wife Have vuu 1l•rt1d dome bu.,nh\ yet1 Vu, 2 6 03 Elot•beth Wood !Ito\ i t•temenl wa\ fllod w1lh the County Clerk nl 01,on11e C.ounly un 02 01 Ol 1 00SH32734 Oaoly P1tnt I eb I J 10 21 Mar 6 ?OOJ lHl80 fktlllM ..... ... s...... The lollowona pe"u11\ •re do1n1 l.ou&1n1n H f'erl0<m1n'• Lda• 1101 Bedford L11 Unit I~. Newpnrl Bo• h t'A !12660 Steve lvttr "''"· I IOI Bedford l 11 Unit l!i Newport !hath I.A 9?660 Thu; bu~onen 1\ <On ducted by ~n 111d1v1du•I H•ve yciu ,,.r led UvlllK bu\lne" yr!' N• Ste.1Jen M '""'\Ort rh1\. .... tatPm,.nt Wt/I., filed with tltr <:uunly Cler k <JI IJ•dllK~ tu1Jnly un 0?/07/0J 2003'931749 RdleiMMltu .... s....... I ho lolluwon& pcf\On\ 111 do•na bu\•nen u Sri•~• fu• • Song 71 811tla~pml Rd . Nt'wpurt (;l)A\l, CA 926~7 Ma11~n ll•ruel~ I 101\ II B11dae11u• I Rd Nt wµon Co~"' CA 92657 Hu\ bu~m•~~ 1\ LOO dulled by an 11101V1du•I tint yOJu \l•r led du1n11 bu\on•\\ yC!I, Nu M.-• 1.tr1 U11tml':t~ f into f ht \ 1..t.(~ft1~0f NA lilr I wilt. lhr-C ti1j11l t C.lf'd1o of 0,dflff!-f.01111ty unOI 0 0 1 2001691 1878 U••IV l'•lnt r •b I, I I iO II JfJOI fhl4 1 lhe lcill•Jwlltf! per~o"' !he lulluw1ne tJtHOn\ '"' dum11 busmen •\ 11 ~ dotrti buionnu o OH~St tt JH8 Coty Auu1t [je"'""' 22~ l oKhl IJ1 Ah•u V1010 Newp1Jtl Blvd CQ\IA CA 'Ub'.b Me\I, CA 9?67 I OokSttt• Mu\1t lLC Suurt •11nd'I .l'il W 11..AI. H48 Coty lt(lhh S.y St •I 1 Cini• Dr Alo\u V1~1u CA 91656 Mt\• CA 9?611 Hw. bu•. mt-\\ 1s. con I ht"i bu\nl•'~ ... too du< tc-d IJ y l 1m1l •d dut lod by •11 111d1v1tlu•I I •ilbohlj tu H.tve j UU \I" t1:d rlm11~ H•vf (llU ~l411rl~d d11tnf bu'lfl~\' y,.t., No IHJ'\Hlf".., ft I "i Su'"" H.-r1df' (J,. • •• t,. Mu l l I rt11' ·.t.-tr rtlf nt "'" ku. h Hd l11ll4m M dticttf"f 1 f1•ed w1tt Uu f IJ1,ut1 1111 'i,fllt .. m.,nf WJ rl~l'lil v t I} tU11" f tn111t 'f lol•l.f "''" lh• unit "" O? OJ U I un 07 01 II f O~lly P11.,1 I .i. I I 1003•931713 71 Mdr (, 7W t fld /'1 lhe lollowong pPr\vfl\ "'ft c1c11n..e bo~H1t:\~ as l'fotur e \ Hedlly [ \'~" 11•1\ ol t~l1l11ro11.; 1400 IJu•ol St r'l•I •760 N•wµOJrl H•d<h. Colo torrto • 9/WJ n JO 0.111 Pdul I el.I J I /0 27. Mao 6 100! IHll!l FldltiM IWnKs N.e Stttlllltllt Fictitiovs hsiness Hcllt Stat....m 1 ht f11ll1,w10¥ ~"' r1n• ~·.. d11111,. hu·~1nt-•.· " IJMH h ,, .. n t ~ ... , "' .-• I I l i IC •• "'"" 1 f 11 1 l•r~ ul tJ••"•" c .. untv 110036932736 I llaoly l'ol"l I •IJ I I .'0 'II ,.,., "/~)1 1t•lbl! I Fktit!Ml11JineS> A<fitiollJ IWMss Name SttttlMtlt Mc.tie StottlllMI '"• 1 .. 11 ...... I I Ill' t., 1 tf 16 ,, n-thr , 1' • 1 ... .At10<n•y for Petitione r: Sondra l. Sreele, hq A1hworlh, Hoy•• & Moron, P.O. 8ox 74 14, Oron9•, CA 91861 7414 P1tt1h '" 11 "i, hl"'' t f'C•·ttk I ,. , , M1 t I .,.1, l'tl I • I c • ···~'; 'I M tfl h '1 fJ ·rtu~ 1 w "lll SU'9IOl COUil Of WJOltllA. COUMTY Of OWIGI 341 Tiie Qfy °' ., P.O. lo1 14171, 0r.,., CA. 92863-ISTI lamor.i1 Jusli<e Ctnttr PfTIT10fl Of NA THAHll IUTUR Foa CJWIG( Of WI( O«DEI TO SHOW CAUSE f-OC CKAHGl Of Wll illl llJllEI: A217741 • 111 I I hf' Aru1t"• \On Or .:dm 1dloro11 1rA1 141.IO QuJ•I Str~r I •lhl) NewlJ'" t 8Pdl h r 1lol .. 1tlld ~/bb() 'U 10 fh•'\ bu'"''"'\ 1• l on dw ft-cl bi .J l'11p<1tdt1on ll•v• you 'IMt•d do1ni: bu•.on..-•. yrl 1 Y~\ O? 01 ?001 lhe tolluwon~ "''""" d' c duina bu\rnt"··' ... ~uuth«ia• l M11li•lt-~·• lut1111" <i'>!J W I /tit \t •0 Cv\t. M""' I A '11627 K1mbnt~ M C,. lt•ff• r 'l'>O W I 1111 ',t t ""'·' Mesa CA '1~(,tl fh;\ bo-11_, • .-.'\ 1'\ to11 d11< t•d by "" 1nd1v1du•I tlav• you ''"' l•d Ou on~ Luwoe\•, Y"' I v.· r l"b rtH! Anet .. ,''''" Ur ~dtll J lfJ03 Nr ""V•••' n .. _. h t A '111AJIJ (h·I "t1h I II\ • 11 j I N• "' ,, M"'• .. t t H t•hl.t '1 fll' k•. ' (,, ) ""'' fh1 r,1, u .. • tu• 11 •J I ; .)f 11L111t J U.11• 'tH _,ld•tHt 11 tJll ll I•, yPt' N1 lh·l1 ,,,11t1 M 1 u.i f k1 • lr41t-rflt•11t 1ttt 1'''' W1ll1 ,1m C Andt'.1,.,,, f'rt•\1d1•nt K1rnbedv M '-d11tff1•r t.1 .... 1 ~1th ,,,.. Jlt1' •ddlHltt>fll wtt• (hi\ \f,tlt'fl\t-llt i.;,,, t f 1 ... r ~ ' t '''·111•1, fil .. d with ttle Liwnty filed wHh th .. t•1111t1 110111 I J1 LIPrk ,f IJr,w~ .. County <:ler~ 111 1Jr.m1•r 1 """'• 1003691 4319 ( ... 0 on 07 7~ u j fl I 11 I I f .t I I~ II ,, "n JI I 100l69347S7 11 ••1 1001693405 5 O•lly Polo• r. ,, I I M •• n~·•t P1h1I r •b 11 MM b D lO 11") Ito. 11 fl 1 1 10 ;icJO 1 r11?crJ 1 ___ ,. 1 FictitiM~J ... s ......... fhe toflowmp .... , '" rrH f11llnwtr1~ IJt'f\Hrt lk't ... Hll( Air f·t1 t I I ;r, I df t'" dhlO\! li11,U1• t ,,, ,.. 1111111,.• t """t'\\ ·'' p. Or ~n~.. A",. ' , 1 1 I 1111 I oll•••, 1;60 W "1<. 1 t...A 'Jib// l/!11 ',t •II r.w lo l R Crt ·•Y ft•"" M"'" I A 'Uh' 1 197'> 8 ot.,,~~ A••'"'' M,11 I• • I, 11• 1111 1141 C".osta Me\a (A Y/li.' I Ao th .. 1m Awt' C.u\f t n u,. liU'>ltl"" ~ ;•. I llf M•··' l A 9/f,.'/ I c1m.lt'd IJy .th 111 J111•lu tf ltw f>u• •m·~t. ''--L >n Hd\'r yvu -.t,.r t,..ct Outt t Jm lt·1J t,, .u nd1111dudt ou~tnt"\' yet / N , t4 11 .. 111•1 tdlt.-d t1010~ R Gregury f, 111r1 tiu\mt-' ,, .. , N Jt11.,, r,tdlttrnt·nl "'• M tr• t f, II•"" l1lf'd '#1th ttt ... tuu111., Jt 1Jff"m .. nl -NC .. ,, • ,, "'''~· Ht~ ' 1U1tl' I 1,..r"-,f Ch '"'" ( '""', •II'' JJ Oi I 10036934 Jll ll u11 f 1.1,d f • t t7 M.ir 1 1 l I II ''"Ii lh I 'fl 1t>f ... 1 •11 "'•" •n 0/ II t 70016934 34 1 "'.ttfy Pd 11 t • I, 11 /IJ I• • 1Htl1 '1 M '' d ,. ,.. 111 t' f ~ I r-f I 11 •t ( (fl f'f11" ~',~ -.,\ IX•t• I t J r., .1.1 ~~. A • I I J f J111•• •• ,, I,. , ti f til'l.• I l1rnl f\ ., ... 11 1111 11u• 1• 111 lflttt. 11 1• f 1u IHI• 1 ,., I'< .. ,, ., I 20036934311 ~1 ·.• ' I '" I 1 !u t 111 ,-.11, , .. I,,.~, I l h,. lt1ll''""'"'• , ... , •,11w .l1tr11w11I t•h 1 ""''" tf. i1 1 '°' . I Or tll• ... Ill 1003691I812 ~ t • I t f.-t •• l ll 1111' ~tm1 nt /0 ')IJ II u111n -/1\l 1 •. ,hfn1 l 1t llU \\ I\. • 111 11 1n111 .. 1••v.1I H• .. • w 111 • l.uh·1I I 1ht· 1•·t t ~II '•1••i• h ut•1lurw liu I th 11 ... 1it ,.,1 W If lf!t' I ' ,.,.,.., t th,, .... <I UI 'I"' 2003'9 lOS60 I 11ly I' I· r I •I II" I. I I •l j ,.,. 1n•~ 'I h/IJ/ ., , i\v... , • ,., I M, • I f1 'i/b'/7 ,, f l'>tf•f"''it 111 Ju 1. ' t ; ..,., 1t1<1•v••Judl l'o· II I 1 l•rn~nl '' 1• t.ttt-m••nt """ fd1 f N1th th• (, U!lf!, 'o , ·1f lH.in • .-1 •unh 111H f.t4 Oi 2003Hl1107 ' •i•· ' .• t ft t h 'i 1 'Ui'll 'I l '>4 I. I . . . ,, .,. 1t ! " II I f I 111 .t I• ,.. ,,,.,, t•f rf tll ff I f ti• fr II+ "''-'( tft'l\1111 tr,.. cto101 hu•,ot,..v ~• ~ 101t1 .. J11 Mt.11H1trd f ~~ut l'IM11t1RI' & U•"yn I)'> I ,.,,,., V1tt1 t<l1t If Vlflto 'A 4.'frlM .-.1mh .. rlf Arm Alhry1l1t 1>'11 ),J!hl V11u.r•fll hv111;- 1 A •1/f1ll\ lht l111• 1nt-1 II I lJu ft-c1 Ly HI md1v1llu.tl t4"'•" l'"U t u t .. d 1t1un~ fl1r1n•'\'\ ,..,, N• ~ .rf!tu 11. A Alt.1 t , f P11 t tl'"rn~ttt ,,, t . t ,,,f N IU ! Utt c .,.,,,.,. l lrrla I llf 111.,.1 ,,,.. hllnt! ''"''",. .1 lt/lJ f ',,, .... 14)} i 1'ftl• 1 tr,.,.f N• "'I rt •J• 11 h I AY/~,f,1 ...... ;,Iii;~ A 'I. t,,t-' /UI 111 ,, ~'I I 'tu r .._.,, • If 1 .. 1 t.' It HJv,.. 'f"U f •''• ~I ,, .. • • I,._ f ' ' • ti\.u H,.""'' •1• lh1 '1• •1l..-t1 w1U1 lf1• '1 ... ,~ ol "' ''"•:• "' ll( ii II I 20036911868 fl••l1 hi I I I II '/1 'IJ(J I " ( • IJ d ~ I U•!ly ' I' It I ~4 f It,. tr II It 11 ,rt 11~ ., t H8 Wu,..,,• t~ tfr It 1t1 Aw•• ,,_ '1n_.t tt t •, I /Ji. t '• dt-, r I If oA 700 3693186(> lit, t ,, ,,, . , ., . Rmh I ~,11.,•n 11 ' \I( 1 t' It t I f 1 Jt,l'1 I Mt-•.t A f't .\1 t,t,1 1111 H11 ttu, 1~J l , 111 11uh't'1du,1t ~·tfVft , Ill. t H lt-tJ to1n•• hu•.111t. \' 1• I ~4,, 8111h I N~ u-vt-11 Thi• 't ,,,.,, .. ,1, "'t t1lt-tJ h ol 1 t I , ... , .. 1f (If Hl1' ., 0? 4 • 200l69Jl497 a I, t I• t I t M.11 ti • 111 4 I 'If Th ... tn •An, s "' •11 It 11 1 / I t ,1rfru11h11llt I 1 • t I f t ~ lt\,1,, ,,. (• ~ ... tt1l1J1 f lt.1 t •lt-m.-nt ,,.. 1 th ,,. 'f ti\... V' h I ti H ,.• t ,l 1 700lt.933S34 .. ,.~ , .. I I I .. u '· NI tt· l)• r• I •Ht I Htt1 h ,,, .. .,1,. r_;l N1 ..... '-'(.,, Ht '1· ti I A 11•,t,11 Cl I I~ I 10016931740 (Lui.,, f'dul t .. t '/ Mir t. ' ~J1 I /0 1 u• ,, •111~ h1a•.tn.. 1 111(ij/ I H,.11 ,, Nth• w, l.t11I Ull ,., ''" I •' 1plf ft • 11 ti l 111 I tJ ~. Nll .,. H".t1 t1 •,1t,t1ll ~' ~ J 1 J I r1 ul1111,-! '"' ce A• /1)101 Bu• h If 1 t, .. p,(I r f\41 W!J 11 I h•··" I I A q/t:.hO •II ,Ju rt 1 I \ t fl t \1 1111 fi1t f I A ,,... jJt-t 1m\ 16fJ l Hhr1l11 Avt1 An.tht'Hll r A ·~1~111 ~RfK , •• ,, IHtfl 160 W 1,,,\ •I ·'" 1ht11m t A, ~,')S,(•1 '•I t I'\ U~ ,,,., .,, \.I t 11 t1 ·I t ift, 11' tf• ti1 t • -.ir11 • J\ 111 w 1\ , ... t• l• JO M rt•h tj l•tt '' tµ1n.,t tut Jl1. i5111l101 l? ltd W l'Ur t A.I •i H•it• 1 ' IH'• t tnn; 0 Al I N 11111 Ir 1 N•" I O\•ollo"~ 1 o\t• M•\.1 t A I 'f,/1 l•u":,·, ,,1 1 0 11 f'l ff\O~' , u Pl • k. h 111'1 • I~ 1111 , M 11'1t ·~on I P,.t.IMn>< ~AlttANll l 1 ,, 1,111 1,.,, I• I Vi l'~th ._r W•hn • •to11 .. tot I 111 Rf IU f k lilrt' I ''' t ftt1n lh1 tif .. 1•1l'lif ""' Apl • t I «.ta MtH .. t CA I fh, t lit !rift tit t\ t lltf t I '" "' i Jf '• ,,,.I With tl11 .,, ... 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I I I I ' " '• '• •II •.,,<II I ti ... ., ,, .. ,.11 .... ., ,. 20016933111 I' '~ 11 •' to Tell Us About YOUR GARAGf SAlf ! 1. .. w,u. ttH t I Ill t ,,,, • 1,1 .. ,t 1i1l•1 .. ,... twly ·•"'1•1)/ '''t''1 ,,, It 111nty (lp ' It" I I t 1 .. ,.._ 1 t tl1 tll, 1u111y t '"~ .t 11 in,'• I ml, 1.,~ ,f ti• 11 ,., 1 l t"t' 'tctn~•t r f1 nu .. 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ARHV fH Al ...._.VI fh" • t.t lo not'nl w~~ 13 LOOD NAMI l o .f.M•-doftk.of 111, .. 1 ..,1th lh• 1,.unty NA I HANIC I VON HI f'~ II...!..-. .. ..__ 1 I• r k , 1 Uo .1nt.." ! unty Ill CR ~n,_,~-vn 01 14 fli ? ltlE t UUHl lll!Cll H\ lhr lullow1111i 11e1\on 10036913529 lh3t 111 "'"' '''"' 1nlt-r hA~ .1banJon~d the t1\1 u_.11,. f'•lj t t t tJ lO 27 "'r~d on lhl\ m»llPI \l1<1ll 111 th,. f orhtoou· Ru" Mdr f, I J /tJOj 111198 t.tp~ar h~tur,. ttu-. ,nurt nr ii\ N.lm" lilt 1111 .. ~I th~ hu11n2 1nd1" •l•d t horuµr ;u toe lOIO fldl bPlow lu \ho• 1 .tU f 1f bur R.iulttl/dtd "'"" 8 Any, why lhl' pt'l!h11n 1111 ''"'• M•· .,, l A 'l/h/f, t han~e of 1Mm• ·.hould fht f 1t t1t1f1U .. Hu\lm·'' f!Of b,. gr8nled name tPl~rr~d to ~to•·~,. NOllC[ 01 Ill ARIN<> W•• lol,.u "' 111.11., • .- 0ale 4 I 01 f1mt ? f'M fountv on JO• I j IY'l8 ()Ppt l7 j Ill f NO 1!198b17l71)1 lhe .tddres\ otl lh~ •llllr t 811.rn IA me' St;inl.,n IS Umf' d~ noted 4b0YP f) f /?16 f';tllfll lJrovr 3 A copy ol lh1s Ord'' {.;uotrnd del MM <A to Show <9use \hall bt 9lbJ'.> published al lu't orttf' lh" bu\IOU\ t\ ~un e11ch week fno lour ducted by an ondovodual i.utCU'IVe weeks p11nr 8roan I Stanton 0 C to the dalP u l IOt lh1s Slaltment Wd\ heanna on the pehtoon hied with the C'ountv in the lollowrn1 ntw\ Cler ~ ol llrante Cuunly paper ol aeneral Ctr Cu on 01 31103 latoon punt~d 1n this 20036t31161 county. Newpor I Burh 0•1ly Prlol r eb 6 I l Co,ta Mes. Dally Piiot 20. 21 200J Th 14!'> 330 W Bay. Cost .. Mn a RdltlM-...U CA 92617 (949) 642 4321 ... s...... OATI: fll II 200S JUDGE RICHARD O. fUZH, SR., JUOGI Of THI SUPEalOll COURT Pubh~hed Newpo1 I Be&ch Cost• Mn • Dally Pilot f ebtuary 20. 'l1 Marcil 6. 13. 2003 lh204 ~ ..... ... s....... The tollow1n1 person• •ft do1n1 btnln9U u Llfellne Chtroprectlc. 2975 f1lnl•" Ro1d, co,ta meu, CA. 92626 S tanton Cl'tlt opractic, Inc (CA, 297!'> f llfYieW Ro1d, Co11t1 Mtu, CA. 92'626 this business is con dueled h • ~or11e1Ht1on H.t~ JOU 1ttrte4 OOlnc 'b1nlnes1 r•t1 Yu, Jtn l, 2003 Staflllfl CllltW.tetk li.c. Dr It• SIMtOfl, 0 C., CEO Tllh stllMMf'll WM f!IM .. .... eo.M, ci.11 .t Ot!tll! eo.itr I h' follow1n1 per son\ •• e dome bus1neu as Opt imal Movem•n l ?03~ I I• vine Ave Su1lf' C2. Sant• Ana Htt1hts. CA 92707 S<.oll Qiatles l•mp m.111. 20351 lrvtn~ A¥t Surte C2. Senta Ana H11&flh CA 92707 Thlll busoons is con ducted b1 11n 1ndrvMlu1I Have you started dotna bu•tn•n yet? Yes. 2 10 03 Scott C l•mpman Th" st1tement wts ftltcl with lhl County Cl4'1ll of Oun1• County on02/2l/Ol "°' .. "'" 011ly Pilot Feb 27. Mlt •. ll. 20, 2003 l h229 .......... ........... Tllt followlllll*-...-. .,_ ........ " Tl• Woo4 ~ IOt 2211• s""'· .......,..... '-ctl.CA .... ~QtWt.MU!!f lh~ '"""'"'"It P• 1\Ull' di t (11u11r hu'\tn'-'" a\ H"vi• lnlPrllH\ 1107 l AW •I l'IJo ~, Nr""'POI I 8~4• h l'A 'l766J luh• ( tf11vn.1nrn11 2107 t •ur rl Pl•• e Newpor I llP~<.h l..A 92663 I h1\ bu"ntf~\ '' con du• lf'd by an rndovodual lt"vt ynu '' lllf'd dO!tlR bu\111•" v•·t> N1. Juhe C lft:'•n•n1<1n fho~ •hlemenl was lolf'd with lht County Cler• of o,,11111e County °" 01/J l/OJ 200S6UIU2 Dail~ Pilot Feb 6. I J. 20.27.2003 Thi~ I he fnllowon1 penons ••t dorne buS1nus as Stlvf'r Style II 11 B•r b1do• Pl1ce. Cost• Meu CA92626 P•ul• R N1sh1lln1, JI 12 8erb1dos Pit« Cost• Mn~. CA 92626 1111, bu,lntu l'l con clucttd by •" •ndr•ldual Have you 1t1rted ooenc bu"nn~ 11111 YI\, I I/ o~ P1ul• R N1Sh1t1ni nut 1tAttment wu filtcl with lht County Cleflt ol Otanp County °" 02/07 IOJ 2"S .. Jl747 Dt.llY Piiot hll 13. 201 77, Met I . 2003 THll6 STARTING ANEW B USINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • • The legal Department ar rhe Dni(y J>t!IJI is pl.ta.sed ro 1mm11mce a new service now available to new businesses. We will now SF.ARCH 1he mzn1t' for you 111 110 extra charge. and Jilt'<' you the lime and the trip Jo 1ht Court House m Sama Ana. Then , of rourst . after the search is rompl.tttd wt wiU fil.t your .fiftirious business namt' statrmenr u111h rhe County Cl.trlt. publish onct a wrrlt for four wreks as rrquirrd by l.a.w and rhm fik your proof of publiration with tit Counry C"krlt. Pkasr stop by to fil.t your firtrt1ou.s husinffl staJmimt at rhr Daily PikJJ, 330 W. &y St, Coslll Meill.. If you cannor stop by. pl.tau call us 111 (949) 642-4321 and Wt will make arra,,gnnmt:J for you to him~ !his prorrdurt by mail If you should haw any farther questions, puasr call us and wt wiU br m0rt 1h1tn glA.d to assisJ you. Good lurlt in JO'" n~w businm! Daily.41PilOt +z --... , - PoliCl' . -.......... ~ . ,--·-· ........ ~------........ ____ .... , .. -... ~-------. .., .................... ~~~~~.:: ---..:,··~_.._.. ~~..,, How to Place A __ Deadlines----. Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publi sher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise · or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in yo·ur classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no Liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for Lhe first insertion. = • CLASSIFIEAD -[ii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 1Ptc11.<c include your oamc and pl'°°" number and "c·u call you hock "'"h a pncc quot~ I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Ma il/In Pe rso n: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 A l Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tucsda y 5 :OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS N J & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~ 1489 [lj 2305-2490 L ESTATE fOR SALE Poclflc View co...,......_ crypt. Lagun1ta Court Senle ~ ptt petual care fur 2 low1I ~ 949-eil-Ol61 _Estate_Sa_l_es __ 1486_ MISCELLANEOUS btote Sole SO Yeon MERCHANDISE of aoodsl Fri & Sat 7:30 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOP $$ 4 RfCottDS OC .Im. cam.;. Uc. 50s & Q'.1s .Bl Allee. $pi\t. tU>e an1)5 Mike 949 ·645· 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 noon. Ant1qu~. lt.nb.n. hsettl. 2 ~ ldT. ct)'f ell::. 111l!I wanrd. GC @ Ga'dM r.rove ~ Garage/ Yant.Sales 1489 41 fo.,.lly R""'nt09e Sole proceeds to benefit Sunshine Co·op Pre· school rri. Fet> 28 & Sat. March l. 7a-2p lrt Pres· bytenan Church of the Covenant 2850 F awview @ Adams Costa Mesa. APT SAU Thur-Fri 1-12 324 Victoria #A201 Everyth1ne must eo Ant1qwes. collettfbles. micro. rel nit. bedr m set w/desk. Clothes. /\II real estate adver - tlsine in this newspaper IS SUbjeCI to the Federal F a11 Housme Act of 1968 Lost 1505 as amended which ------- makes 1t 1lleeal to LOST BLACK LAB CHOW adverllse "any prefer MIX, 6 yrs old. male. ence. limitation or last seen 40TH in discrimination bued on Newport Beach. Reward race. color. relle1on, sei. 714-773·4943 hand1eap. fam1hal,status cell 714-lZO· 7765 or national or11m. or an intention to make any such preference. l1m1ta· t ion or discrimination." lost D"t Costa Mesa/ Newpor1 area on 2/l5 lab M1• reddish brown white chest Libby 949-631·7105 Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 WANT ED JAPANESE SWORDS AND RELATE D ITEMS 9 49-494-17 31 oCM/..,...•. 13•1l»•f, 1 SOO Wod< of Nowpcwt llvd. 949-67 3-1943 Cloan ...d Aw•-Loe. CclM office Spo<e. Quiet. furnr..hed offoces to shate with CPA Centrally located on C-0ast Hwy. $300/mo. 949-700-9033 HOMES FOR SALE LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY lnc:Wes lllkew<JOl1 LCY.g 8e&cl1 No11r L ono Bea<.• 5tgnal Hi~ ..... load. lg studio, ful krtchen wall n ~. 2 btod<s to beach. S725 44 Alx>rit 562-437. 7fE:IJ This newspaper will not knowmely accept any adverllsement for real estate which 1s in v1olat1on of the law. Our readers are he1eby informed that all dwell ongs advertised in this newspaper are available on .tn equal opportunity APPLIANCES 3050 HOMESFOASAlE ORANGE 5400 basis. Mo'f109 W osh.r /Dryer COUNTY Almond color eas dryer, 7 year old. $400/bol h. 949-440-0194 HOME FURNISHINGS Corona del Mar So of PCH-773 AVO<Odo To complain of dis cnmmallon, call HUD toll· free at I ·800·424·8590. 1483 Furniture Auctions 3435 Blocks to the Ocean $417,000 2Br 2ba. 2c gar One Level/elevator /pool agt Monica 949-64£..8659 Costa Mesa ;;;:::::::::::::::; SlHPER SOFA Queen Beauty Resl Like New $195 NB 949·645-1809 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Fumitllrt PIANOS & Collectibles . ...,.._ ... ~ *~K •41Jta.•~f""""•""ll" $$ CASH PAID $$ ON O..U a-' ..,.,,.. ""°'1M WE BUY ESTATES ;~ SOUTH C8AST AUCTI N 22t29a. .. k .._AM,CAt2707 ~·~t.J.•l&il 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-•t Coln Nood• Old Coons! Gold. s ilver . jewelry. watches. antiq~ collectibles 949-642 9448 cats 3610 Dop/IClft* _..... www .arllMlnl!tworlLorg Pe~ 11 Public wkends r as11m l5land 949-644-'lZ19 K•ttens Found m Bushn need bottleteeders Help Save hvn All expenus paid Animal Network 949-53Hl4l I OPEN SUN 1-4 134 Monte Vista lbr 2.5ba DUACHCD ~ma tam home H1 ce1l's. crown moldma. shutters Bose 'ound system Recfvced to SSOl ,900 Mary Fewel Re/Mu 949·646 9670 lmhldo R-2, 36r+2.58a, 2&+1Ba Move·Nl ~ondl· hon. Jill <Axta Mesa Sl $749.000 aet.. 949-933 6786 PANORAMIC VllW 2-H DROOM RtTRIAT $299,900 AGT.949 -723-8 120 Stvdlo, pnvale patio & entrance Re fr•&. incl ut1I & cable I 9th & Harbor S700/mo 949 310·3258 ~ 3010-3940 rm soos-saso Laguna Beach OPEN HOUSE SAT-SUN 1-4 962 SUMMIT WAY Outsland1n2 ocean views• 4br 2 5ba 3 decks. 2 car attach ea1 $1.395.000 John Farrow ReMax 949·322·0932 NOllTM LAGUNA Tropocal beach hollS'l 2br I. !Iba, walk to beach from tlus open home with an artist touch. llJI.. ll)().6()5. 7537 Lido Isle e UD81Slf e Best Value Lowest Prteed (home/lot) lStt lol RMlOd. 11 OOsf cottaee 2br aia 2 c If"'· r.reat 2nd home RIDUCED to $849.000 0,-. Saf..S... 1-4 117 V.. .. ~ 949-759-<mi 714-~7-4214 WAtaRIONT REllUC(D S24k ON nt: BAY S2fi6,ClXl Mobile home. best lex., no rent •vease for the nut 23 vrs Beau must see. 2br 2ba. &ranrte ciTsm marble Ip. baltr'JTI$ much more OwJV~ 9$07).5&;6 IONITA CANYON OPIN SAT-SUN 1-S IOWlnritrop 3BR. 2 511/\ home Sep er ate oflKe/guesl suite. Ry Owner SI, 175,000 949 644·8288 ACT fASTI °"Po• 3/2. S891,000 • ...,..._. (....do-Dock AvolW>lo, $38S,OOO ogt.,P-'L..,.._ 949-290-1 I21 ............ Newport Crest Condo. UPllJ ilded throug.ht ~nd unrt Zbr 2.5ba, Pereo ftoo<~. dl1 2~ gar $449.000 al[I, Raq1~I Barnes 714 389-4989 Of 714. 334 11490 NEWPOltT HEIGHTS DUPUX Co1v. Compact. quiet. res1denl1al. neighbor hood $599.950 By Owner 949 922·3714 P .. Ml lSTATES PATRICK TINORI NATIONWIDE USA 949 -156 -9 705 www.patrlcktenore.com SOO E ...._ mlled used deveklpment sit~. Plans In proce">s. 5200sf lot Asl11ne U95.000 al[I. 714 658.8980 29r n.+ dfln, Harbor View Knoll. patio on wMnbell. 1reat locabon. s:l«X>/mo. Av'IM "'1meclat!y. aet.. Slmon 949-J<b. m I OCIANFaONT UNDH 2 MIWON l fTTlR HU .. YI AGT. 949-72S-1 120 Ind ex NIU STUDIO I bloclo. to buch, w/d, k1tchene1te. n/•mkr. $795/mo. utls lllLIUded 949.650.0943 VINTAGE COTTAGI HOMl , PLUS INCOMI. GREAT AREA AGT.949-723-1 120 RESIDENTIAL REN r ALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula llUFfS SPACIOUS E-~ to ._., -2llr PLAN 3Br. fR, master on lBa. d/W. w/d. fp. 14>- maon level, priced to sell graded SlllSOm yr!y Wl(".ld:. S599.000 949 219-2414 lltt!.. (\/pet!.. 9"9-37f>5413 Newport Coast OPEN SAT-SUN 1-S 3 Supremo I level home. 2br, • den, Gated comm. SIS I ,000 A touch of ltc.ty 4br 2.5b.t. Strada home S l ,729,000 Italian 5tyle 5br 5ba, 0tp- pn>a 18.000 to 19,000st $l ,49S,OOO Nl WUSTING Stunmne award wonnme Brookfield home. bu1l t 1n 2000 lbr + ofl1ce. /\p pro• 370<kf S l,7 19,000 Pl.A TINUM PaOf'IRTllS Stefanie Meurer Q49·715 3156 ,..IMl ESTATES PATRICI( TINotlE NATIONWIDE USA 949-156-970$ www.patr 1eklenore com RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Other ResorWacation Property 5970 I.Ml TAHOE ZBr J8a lua condo sleef>', eight. 1/4 Of I /2 interest. $295.000 per 1/4 Call 949 673~0181 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 <.-. HooM pvt bl/pvt ba. clo!.e lo Balboa Is. Iv yd. g111 prkng, lot of stOI' aee \II. S1250in 949-759-0715 NI Shore New er 31r house p11vate room/bAlh $550/mo • I /3 utils. fem prel 949·887 1472. 4 lloclto from Balboa Penlfl Wede~ beach' Charmine 2br 1 I /4ba 'l c ear. ~1ne story. sine ldrnlly home. Pet upon approval Yr ly $2750/mo 9$nl-ll39 949-2:»9)77 Corona del Mar 21r pal•o. F p. I gar. I carport. $1575/mo. tlr, SJ 150/mu. 2 Blocks to B1ii Corona 949 7Ei0·9020 21R 1U APT Over I ca1 ea•. wdh~up~. no pets Sl750/mo call wlo.days 949·863 1390 2br 2bo •-do, frig, wd, Ip, te patio w/vu 2 ca• gar No sm~. sm pet ok $1975/rnu 949 735 4825 OCIAH Y VllWSlll New home 4IY J.5ba 2 slay. deco-ittor ~ 11 ~ Wirf Orly foot steps to or1.A1 ,,_. ~ M>d yadlt hdlbor entnn.e chanlll'f. Sun iourV!/tl'nau. Av111l rrcl March furn/unfurn SI 0.9!Alooo 949-6h-2J I I Costa Mesa 1 .. cl.t .......... I rt11 to beadl. vi!AJ ceih. 'ltolle. tr., ortl flWl. more SR!nno 133 [. 16th St /19< f(ll ~· 949-548-2421 Nope\!. '(", lbr Iba. Near T~ SQuM• lotaly r~. S8Xl/mo ~ at 2033 An.ahem Ave 714-fill-45Q> I I r'• from S875/mo w/eM on lovely eated comm. ne111 T" Square. lrldfle. Indy fac~rty. Kleon Mnet. 877·704.8649 x9200 1.¥9 llr, new ~a1 pet & paint, cvrd c11port 277 16th Place •3. $1100/mo no pets 949· 720 9422 Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 -- Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 21r, 2 fuM bott., upper. lonUde C.....,. 3&12Ba 2 c detached aa1 . bal w/yafd 7 prkfli & I e• ~ony. new/carpel1p~int/ new ever yth111e" llU! appls, $1595/mfJ 1073 Mo~te Vl$ta Ava nl<d lane' Bay 71 4 865 ?'1~7 Marcil szt<nn !MS 31':> 12116 s .. u your< ·a, -s,.fJ your Car - i 1r, 210 "-• o-;; 81h fdHWdY Santa Ana Cuuntr y Club S2 .200 noo 949-93S-6S 19 c .. °'**" ,c;c;ay-1'1'91 ... , !1671 ....... -.._ ...... s; ~ amah I n Er 2..58.i. drfl. IN rm. ~ll UUlfff 11~ l'Jl.lllll tat>. 2'. ear ~ s.nb 11m .n11 1rv1ne sam nl(J aet 'M9 283-02a) in Classifii'd ! in Clasfijif!'!_!__ Run your ad in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot D YES, SEU MY CAR I Ory .and the I oo Huntington Beach 1 Independent to 1 ,...~=oie;:...._ _________ ~ re ach over I OecilCa'ds o MC o ~ o AMx 100,000 homes. . Fax us t his form CldCM!tum Ein !>ale with your credit card# or mail with a check today! Run for a wee k! If your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREE! All for j ust $20 '. L Plaase Check Pennn Box~ '1'!9--~-Model---- Oec-o-Ow.-0 •• o--0 -<a. Pnce ----1 a-•-o--o--O•-o--.io..-.-., 0 1-o-1o1-o.,...-o .. eo.-Oc,,,.ea-o .... -a~-oc.-. Oc.-r-OF.JJJ-a_,,_ a~-..__ Daily A Pilot ti ' •• ' .. INDE PENDENT ' -- ., Call (949) 642-5678 GETT E p 0 I NT? Daily Pilo t ( 1:1-,..,i ffrd :id-, \\ ork for ·' Oil ~ 1 . -"'-- • • \ ------~-~---....._ ...................................... ..._ .................... __ ................................................. ...... ' IAY .. ONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NIW21r He COTYAGU Private Buch. Pool arid Sp• Walk lo Ocean. Shops end Restaurants Lu'e · 6/mo·2 yr .. Boat Slip Av11t1ble 710UOO,U• D•. 949 673-6030 01 949-723 S830 •YUMY * LlASU Bill GRUNDY' RCAL !ORS t4t-67S-4161 lbr Sl195 & lbr Sll95 on the w1ter N., ev- ervtMtoti L& yd, sm bo•t 01-.·949.ii]3.7353 •lier 6 v ,..., c-46. lbr lb• Ip. wd. patoo e•• nsoc PoOI um e•ted SlS7S/mo 949 675 2514 am 2llr llM on perwwQ trt ~. Ip, wd. l ' p cbse to ~ aei sum .,,. !M!M>7> 11IXl IAYmGI &•It'd 1.omm. 2bt Iba, le dKk w/d refrt& 1ndd. no smll&/peh $1850/mo 949 29 l "¥J72 WIST NIWPOIT Sp.tut"" JBr 2Ba 2 Li de1.i-, P'li" + catpotl lbt lo beKtl S2CDn 9f){,M ~ Geie<i Sf09I s1ry ?er ma, det Ilse, 2 t ill &•• A/C, enr:*-J P*>. rtm."li. l\lpm. SMX>r1 96 }9) l1l!I l ........... ~, bidly•d wflii( uA de "" QUiii ~·MOd ... ,_ $32lll, mo-'l« Av-' ll~ 949 W> l'in 41>< Jbd c>en tnf01 L.00 ltlnlY"' "'~"'• t~. 'l22 Vr• P•*'<n•• $3200/mo 949 6/~ 1 lbll le •-t lee let apt b<1nd new. '"' Y••d w/paho, sm dod •v•1I S700/mo • u..a. ....... l4Sfl bayf1onl v1n1 4br Jba, 2 ' pile. do< 1o. ••~• S4900t4t-J71 3450 ...,..Coat 29r 29e T ll'!IUfl't \I yll! tondo. F p, 21. p lml'r-.d 0ca4>ancY. ~ ')49 Got() 11M1. 949 n ?Vt> Al OVl LIASIJl9W, 2 STOft (qJMIM ~ SW • dill\ ... e-did t.\iny Ql!lbT1 ~ tlwu cM. O.Olll<lt ~ lllbanle liwldst now inW Wirf AWllA 4 l OJ ~··· 9&67!>/Jll RND RS Cehfor n1a law 111 quires that con Ir" tors tallon1 jObs lhal tot.II SSOO or more (llbor or m•l4!f1als) be licensed by the Contractor s Stale lrcense Board State law also r equu es lh11I contra ctors Include thff license number on all adve< hMn& You can checl-. the ~talus of your lttenud con t r a ctor al ..... cslb c• rov or 800·321 CSLB Unit censed cont11clors liking 1obs th11 tot1I leSI than S500 must s tate In their edvertrsemtnll lh•l tlte1 ere not licensed br the Contrectors Stele Uceme Bowd • •••ml ........ , ATOZMMIDYMM Jnst••. ref1c1 cebltlels ~ ~ Dole n4.54&.7258 ............ Centom Built·IM, Crown •Moldinp, 81.se 801rds \'577912 949 837-~2 ...., ...... , • ,', \: /, If fl 8500 aoOi(i(iffi• n . 11"" '"Ill\ '" cumpultr hi\ .tt~ tio~n l M Jtto~ f •• •m!;t 949-541 no1 Dome1tlc Help W°"tad H1•u,~•t•pt1 C oM Sr Criu1Jlt v•~\ h\~•pr 4 ·H l"trtkt'f l 1¥f' 01 l)tt!f d N1<• \epM•IP 1tr\ Mu'I bt" jtuod An•t'-r t. oflk No peh '.muk1t1•' hflUm Mu't l>r ,1 ..... 11 11r11t & P.llOd dfl"'"' Uut 1 .u Mt l41lur d•t 'J.1'j 1,44 4'Jl0 t'Y• <;.$';j I I'> I I'll G°";rol Office •1 40 h11ur._. ~.,..,.., k,., fll•1iuf Oft),~ ............. "tt .-1ft! I M1rf ..,n,,,. U11.,.'-'t,. .... NEW2003 MINI COOPER LEATHER , AIR COND. CD, & POWER GROUP! ~I~,~~ I at IMiwice 1 IC404941 • Otfters at Similar Savings! • Ul'SIOTCla! ll1RJI ............. )) fRUWAY @ EDNGlR ~ & 1 .... 1 k•1u11 t< SAfflAAMAUlO MALL l<1l•d •• '>OblM ,,.. .. ,.,,,. & (888) 823 9808 \.tldfy ft"(4UUftlPlll' to - ·~~··>-~• IMW '99 1401 "9k "''· Mil' HIM CDUIC'llOtl gr .. 1 llhr r.o l1•e new I i1r warr .1va1I ~1tv~r rnnd .~1914 1 SJJ m ~ & ...., limo lum f•m i.1 ¥V4' 8111 Sol•• '01ltlen1 949-516-1111 Nt-wv•I ~h ....i www.oc,al.co"' ~S• Vrri • •41),f'~. Chry~I•• Elocttlc GEM ,,_JPv •11>1..,,1 2001 rar-. l•t lory door~ fill Lln1ln " #\fo low rni Nrwport Car ~I P<li ')fHbl'IDI Sl!OO 949 887 3266 dDl1 ~ F\,wy '() ~ ~ 918<RllJl(l> P'AaT-TIMI D•tV~ MONAU 1-5 ,,. $9/HOU• 949-4 15·22'7 .. , ... ~ ....... Busy offol ~ yt\ r •P Pl It SHRS) NPB "'•'•" y wnmens11 llt> w t •P I•• 1~ t4M7S-21V SEU yt>ur un••nltd rlems lhr ou1h <l•\\1lrrd • <--.vt•• • .,,... ... Software 1Jp1r •du lulorrna lrarnon& eoeyut: Or !M9-929 J983 Concnte & Macny l rld1 lledi st-Tiie Concrete. Patio Orrvtftllay r uplc. BBQ Ref\ Z!JVrs (1p lerry 714 557 1~ T c-••-Cementworll. Broclt., Tole & ,,_ore Rehable No JOb too small 949 548 6746 SAVE 35%01 ear,., • fumllun ... a .. •• s ,. ......... . FllfmMWI 23YIAISW. BROTHERS CARPET SfRVl<f 800-SS9·7181 ford '00 hcvt1I.,. XlT VIO ?'.* m1 Mlvtt &re1 llhr CO 1unn1ne board\ lully l<iadtd hhe new '<'1172~81 S73 49~ 11 nano mg av••lable Bhr 949-516-1111 -w.ecpet.l.c- Wyw ...... item .. ..,..,, .... . ~-*"ti 4 '42-S671 1111' YOUll NOMI IM,•OVlMINT l"tlOJICTI Call 1 plumber. parnler, h1ndyman. or 1ny of the 1re1t Htvices fisted here In our s-rvlce drreclot yl 1H£SE l OCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAY! l ldr'• o-... , ..... ~D:n F-&11 Hiro-..~~ l•578102 949·51()..6529 Drywll ..... WITTNOln HYWAU All ptgses sftl/lr I jobs. QUiil 20yrs, t1il, frff at. l«DXI> 714-65 LW Ct •.caa•a IMW S40t s.--.1 R.trt 6 ~ed·V8 lowMrlnl <•18536) S24,980 J..-Ul k4..'H Shin•y Bh1cll/Bleck Luther. Corlllred (•188581) $29,980. A<weN5X T ... ·oo Speed Yellow 111< miles! Hurt yl (119005) S59.980 Niu-JSOZ Tted1 c_,..-o, Chrome Silver Nav 3k mites OMV paid. (f l92L3C) S38.980 AcweNSX ( '94 Black O~ltk lealh er. !i speed, trade·m (t l9l l ll) S34 980 I MWl40<1 • ,.,...,, Shoney Bl•Ck w/lmmac Grey f/lthr IJHI recor di (#l9180C) S34.980 IMW J211 So4-'00 w1111e w/creme llhr •I l/marn & bumper lo bumper warr ty (•19193) $28,980 IMW UO<t c-,..·01 Steel gray llhr Spt Pka 311-. miles! full BMWWarrlyl C•l9214CJ SJ0.980 CJtovy Corvena c · ·oo Shrne;Bfa~ ... on per I Black llhr. 35k mrles• CO player·prem whl'!. C•l918lCJ SJ0.980 GMC D°"eU St"rt Utll'tt Black w/lan llhr, chromed BIG whlsl one owner Ir ade on 1•1~31 S23.980 Mil SlSOO '99 Blacl• wfl 111 llhr starm•rk warrnly low mr Prem whls (#18977) S42.980 Mil SSOO Seden '96 3711. mo 011~ uwn~r lmmac white s~d~n w chromed wht'rh C•l910?1 Sl8 9ll0 Mil SOOSl '90 351r. mr e .. th lt'llJ\ Pr em wh•~I\ bid• k on bla1 k lealllrr (•189"31 S27 980 949-$74-1771 P'HllUP'S AUTO ,1i1111,.-, •. , .... IOH P'•OH LS'to Runs • lnl b 1 yl .tulo ac can \Unrllul pw ps 1111 wh•el\ new ,.,,. & t •ps Blue buo~ SJ72"> .ell $2600 Provale p.t1 ly 714-534-7601 H-'a CIV-;-00 ;uto lr•nS ac lull puwer lt low moles SI'> 900 Pp 949 !>14 4244 Hyun4al '91 s.;;;;i; 4dr aull> At \le•eo eood cond I JOI. m1 S91') oOO 949 631 l8!>2 s....,..1.a.r.partt Duncan ( lectr IC :i'O't'ls ( ~ p l ocaVQuock RMc>OOSt Se-vice;R~ Lf 275870 94~ 7042 UCENSlD CONT-.CTott f'to jilt> too sm M Rf'VICtS1 Re(uur. remodel, f•n~ spa: ,_ SVC 9&6C!).J&l6 ~· OISTOM a.ATM TU lmtallmon, sate. csemoc. mlfblle, stone ..... 1 t7S U 6l.2044 Jeff 714.612 9961 llMY ~eel Rqrout.n & lnslallahon nu OCA1f 949 673 806!> '9)(3 714.a::l-2031 -....&er.. Pohshrna Trnertrne All Floor T1pes We 'll Als o Reeroul & Sul Y o u r Kll then Counters. S howers & Floors Mi ke ti look like n ew 1111n ~0......s-tce 1-a11-22S-1261 Thursday, February ll zoo_, 11 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF I and TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Ncilher vul~nible l-,.a.'I <J.!ab NOR1'11 •43 J 86 2 A IO S 3 •AK6 AC ROSS I bourlo ~ Pubt" "-" J 10 RUfT' 11»•90 Clilttt '"""""""'""'"' 11.!f lllkruut. nul po:rusll) llf"!Jclkd ts Scnpeo llO<Wl Nunh South 1n10 " P'""""'~h ••1 rt. r ,V(..,.1 h •rump game .,,,.,1 Wc,1 k'<l J lov. 'pll(k. llll<l Jcclilfer 11 Gaooy '1)'1 t.:1.tJ'IUll!<l f :.a,t '\ ll'll w11h till• qlXl:lt 18 Owry pre>clv<.1 I '~ll '"· ~oulh Could uni> <ntrnl ''~ 10 '"''"'"' • I •1 2(1 ~UC! J'I "'lllllt.:M> " "llC" 1111prci1 nl 7,> 1 ii••rlll !llJ~ "lllll'"' lul "'hen tk'C l.ul'r pl;" J ull ?4 .., ill&•y 8'klr 63 Swedes ~~I ~ :;i;:,.n • molher lir> Orinoco ~ iow· ~ 81 Nov .,.,.,,,i 68 G05e'PY 69 ..... (.,. "'°'" DOWN I l'tet;wiytl•I, '}~., WEST •AK98 S2 Q 10 t .. AST •Ill 9 75 3 K J 9 1C Ille' J<.t' .i.nd kml' "' ~ .. n.,. Jr11rr1111 25 a.g aen nuf'IO·• the tjU<'ell iond -.!lllOf Uf! th<-l nJ\< .1' :If; llec•i.... .. J ~orr11111>e • fl"""'°' .. 0 li .... 64 •Q42 SOUTH • Q J 7 6 , A K4 • J 8 7 5 •• '<='<'nth 111.:k. .. uni I!"' <''-n heller ~ = •h<>JI v.hcn decl.arer led J duh 111 !lit: km~ '.l:> ft1•m "'""""• unJ t• '""' J1.1mood 111v. JIU th<' qu1·«n 17 Siion ''" wh1l·h rr<'lllUt'tXl lhc l'll!hlh m, l ulter ~ea~Ms .. Ca lrbAlt\(I C*'5e$ 15 Ho080ut 9ian1 I Solly FWd rcilt! Nor me t l ~A l I [. N POC c; ..... ~-· Q7 2 •llllJ J I "'1 111~11eJ the l't)!lll Ja r aoio111ttt Al lhl\ 1.,1111 1(1 11f Wc,t', ,41J, °W 111,ng A "'"('( ln<•.,.n -'" -p.1Jc, ,,,, th<' 4-0 ~,,:U~~ 6 Btien<ve 111111, 'l AUi .tJk'9t 1111'1 I llj :,pooo, ?Ii TYIJ" ,< g·•U.r' 30 M.ti.ot' ?I .... 6DO.y "'"' ', N'd'eo pr~mpl1•c 1urnp "'<'l<.111 '"'" u1 4, >'•1!1'1 .,...,,._.., I l<N" I~ • •'iC'".ldv"~t ll ,,,.,,. "'"'" 1<!C-t¥ '4 L ,,_. \ WWl>-" • .., o.r,•tt'~ WlS f '0RTII 2• l>hl r-J"l l ,._ h..·.an' .m<I ..,.., e .... t, 111 tut>-.'""' J1J >tl '"'"su~e nw11.J, Til< hand hl·cJll1<. Jn ''fl<'." 4'.> C ~') 110o ... 1 ho>l ... tt.:n JedJfer Ju<l<'\l ; J1J 4F ~ . ..-·' ... ~•>IT' Ce..ao.r. 12 C7.IO" IJM I J >V81oh• ... A He-a ............ \3 a... .it.><:v ')f)W•H1 , ...... ,~ ...... t-t,,.,~ tc ... fT•..t mood 111 L.i,1', r11n' .inJ t '"' 48 Le!is 'Tlat..i·e 5() At'f'I ... r1:1urnc:d the J"'-l l<01d111111 J '11,,.1, 5, N-i,.. ... t 1111,. d1\ltlrd trom v.,.,, . · s2 cnwn Pil'!'Nlrrt 2 Zoo a'>-mal :>1 Socce< .,.,.,,,. -"'48~1 41' l ytor..a 41 Card*Ni '• ,...,,. t ~• E~enlUa 1y ~ 7 lt..vnot',,. ~ • "...k h Mt' ';(Jl't ~··I( rtt1 ,, <>-Opening loo Ei11-h1 uf • lkdarcr .,. un ·-..1th tht ''" 111 I 'ii) J'c""1w.ri """n..l durnm). '"'h<·d 1h<· .11.<' 11r, luh' .111 l 'VJ f'.lr. 'fftf ~ f 1ssure (~ Mor~1 .... Endpld)\ arc u'uully dt:"!!'l<.:d 111 trap a panrrnl:u f!la)t'r Onn· 111 J while. ho"'c:'t" )'Ou dt>n't can.• ...-h1.:h opponcnr 1\ \Oared n Pon·eu·P·"~" Siie 4!> l1'11Q8l 118d"' Al lugat tne~w •9 weoaoo< ,,~•'-'Vito; <\m•d "''Lh .1 l'luh. r•~ <Jiii!>' J "'"'' 5 in~·e-... mnq 28 0t yO'e v. hi< h JdcnJ..·111 •JI.. lh<' tm k II \\ ,. . With 12 fll'><nh ... 1m.,_1 h.111 ••I wtul'h 4ft an ~·cJOJ.in honor'. .rnJ flat d1)lllhu1111n. noc C\l!')UO.: "'t>uld elc:o.:I tu open v. 11.h till' ~ulh h.mJ Thereaner. We,1\ "'t'M jump o•~r caU anJ Nunh\ rk'gJti~c: double "'''°• tht: flll\l-.J \p.tJc.· rtlUllh "' OU ,J l'\CnlUdlh ,.,., Uf' 11..-.. IJll'r ' ,.i. l I• the mnlh 111d, II 11 .,. ,,, '·"' 111 .. Jdcrr<l<r <uuld t.ak.: .rn11ll.<'r duh .or•l J J1.a111t1nd. hut then "'"'''" h.J\e I•• kJJ J ht-.U1 ....... , lr11nr rhc 'I ~ 1111 .. du111111) \ J K len.; .. e I MOTORCY~LES 9004 AUTOMOBK.ES, ,-.....,--, -.9-9-x-,1-v-.. -nd-~-n MtSCELLANEOUS Plas ~k m1 spa••lrnlJ blk/lan llhr co t hrm Wanted 9045 Motorcycles whls full tact warr lrke -------- 9400 n t w sis 495 lorm v8426l4 lrnan<.rng •varl Bkr 949 586 1888 www.0<,abl.com ~~~ e>m 40 '(e8' e•P' d p.iy a very IA• pr•.t> f0< v<•• t.at Von Of tJurJ. i.a.:M<l f,,, Of ool Cal o.tJ. Hry (a'J fomalo Auln S....-. 714 437 19]1 "' 114 178 v.~ Land._ '91 Dkcav.;y SC.7 60. mt dar\\ ilJtul'l.ari lllY dual mnr1 '~.ii "'1'1 ~ts rtat ,.. (;I) \l.Vfb ~SH fOll CARS 0<ie cond .. "'in<.11 SI l~ We NHd Your Cor hnanc.tni & w..,r dold4 8kr 'olcl f0< 0< Nol . 949-516-I 111 Phllllp• Auto _........,._.. -I A•k for Mol<olm Land ....... '91 Dhc--v 949.574.7117 LE S6ll m1 whrleltdn I llhr. dual innr ,, cu AUTOMOTIVE brush 11auro Irk• new PAR. 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P Al' saoo SW S 100 114-374-8793 MOTOR HOMES Motor Homes - Rent 9355 Chry•l•t '91 Sebring r,onv I X jl, II• mr I.Ir> metrtlht bhu· ~'t't Ho tJ'!dUt lt~t" tlt''i'lt I 1•'1'i •797'>21 Sk4'1'f '"""'•I'>' & Wdfr rJril 1 o.Hoiil p., 949 586 1881 www.ocpobl com SELL your ~stuff through cla ss 1f111d! ·I! ,, warr 1.ar •1,td non 'mkr h>e ntw vl/b69S $26 99'; a.r 'M9 ')86 1888 lt'V/WINH(IAGO .. lt£NT, ~ ( a... •• X1nt Cond. CAu. fOlt DfTALS. 949-448-111-4 ··f ;mployn'. www.o<pabl.com SELL your stuff through cl asstfted! TtH Service, Yard Cleanup Maontenan~e Sp<onhlet Rep.,. Hauhne {t49J uo-e111 Glm.tlmn QMAtyC•.tt.- 2'0 Yurs E •1>11rence rm Your Handyman Merii 949·650 9525 •ENTAl-HUSIAND FOR HONEYOO'S your hOne1 won't from [lecl lo Ille lltlchen sdl 949 548 9351 THI HANDYMAN Emernn Service 0 11! ~ Ellmcltl, Gar• Doon etc . 949 •J9 7554 • Raidmill * Ccmtmtill 0 Job 1bo 5'""" DawR•etltee M9-J2WJ92 w.,.. ...tM l1':ls hMS'fWl'fl "-··~· Wiyl ,., '42-S671 Halling JUNK TO THI DUM"ll 714 968 1882 AVAIL ABlf IClOAV r 949 67J !>Sbb T-'• lur99•on HouH Cloimr'c li:U "'~ OMl IQCl ,. ..:n roit bV -... f~ 9'3-471 70! { --=~ ee~, Home~ SELL your stuff ttw~ classified! ··Em 111 nulu. ·•;t rlJPi I nPh nwr. ••f,'11111/o \ <'. 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