HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-01 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·:. •' • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY,MARCHl,2003 .- .·1\1.etnofies , seared: in a cominu·nity A year ago, two fires hit the Monticello Town Homes Complex within days of-each other. Community is closer now, some say. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The last year has felt longec ~l it should have for Julie May. mother. wl've learned to let it all go." May said. "Losing all that is not like losing a person." · paral\oid for .a while. said Julia Cross. a board member of the Monticello Homeowners Assn. A year later, people are pulling their lives back together, she said "I'm exated to see people's livt:!i getting back on track," Grn~ said. "'There're still some rattled nerv~. but we've been able to gee pru.1 repaJr.., insur an cc and le~al i&sues." \he sald board members sym pathued with those whose live!> wNe turned up'>ide down by the inc1denL'>. FYI Several Monticell o residents will gather at the Vanguard Fire Station at 5 p.m. today'in memory of the fires and to thank the Fire Department for their services during and after the incidents. They will also present Chief Jim Ellis with the two photographs of the explosion and fire taken by McDowell. \ it"., the truth about insurance, paperworl and la...,yer<>. Thl' t c>r- porate• 'hht!el turn'> very '>lowly, and that\ fruslraring." CAUSES ANO CONCERNS. I •. A year ago, on March 2. 2002, her lownhome burst into flames as she was lounging by ·the swimming nool with her family. May lost six pets and everything she had collected since she was a littJe girl -dolls, 6gurin~. ~. crystal, beanie babies and memories -aJong with pictur~ and heirlooms bequealhed to her by her recently deceased May's home in the MonuceUo rown J tomes Complex. off rau- view Road and Vanguard Way, burned down less than 48 hours after another explosive early morning fire in the same com- plex killed a 68-year-old man and jolted n~ighbors out of their beds. That fire also c;hattered windows and caused <,lrncturaJ damage to neighboring horm-s. "It was extremely difficult be- cau-.e rebuilding was a very slow prolCSS." cro ...... said. ") think we have a coupll' of wmdows that are !rllll boarded up. If we learned ~mething from this experience, Fire inve!>tagator'> concludl'd Fr E PHOTO /DAU Pt..OT that Lill' fire 111 May'!> home wa., The two fires lrfl the <;mall community dv.ed. confused and A Costa Mesa firefighter lays down a hne as Inspectors See MEMORIES, Paee A4 investigate the scene a year ago at the Monticello Town Homes. PHOTOS SY DON LEACH I OM. Y Pl.OT French exchange student Axelle Herlemont. middle, 1s sad to leave after a two-week stay en Newport Beach, as her host friends Maggie Nelson , left, and Samantha Price comfort her at Corona del Mar High. Below, French student Lucie Vidal, nght, hugs host friend Samantha Price. Bon voyage Six French students bid their hosts goodbye Friday, bu~ they'll be reunited come April 5 Chrt1tJnt Carrillo Daily Ptlot A aornber au revoir was said at ~ Corona del Mar High Sc.hoot Pnday afternoon when six exchange students from Antibes. France headed back to their homeland. After brins£ng a bit o( Prance to Newport Beach and getting a taste of Atneric:a to takr beck with them. the hardest thing chey had to do was leave thetr new friends bdi.ind Unable to push back the tears. the six students from ~ Auruberti. a high school in Antibes. Md their ix high school ho6ts embraced and assured one another that they'd be reunited Yet)' soon - April s. to be exact. As part of the Newport Beach Sister Oties Assn., .six Newport Beach students. all of whom Just FAMILY TIME happened to be girls. got to participate in the orgaruzaoons student e:xchange program. Although Antibes has been Newport's sister city ror about 20 ~the student exchange program, whJch is for fm.hmen and sophomores only, wasn't established undl2000. "It' ~ great, and its amazing the bonding th.at has developed here." said Sidney Stokes. president of the association. And the bonding will continue when the six Corona deJ Mar students head to Anti.bes on April 5 for a two-week crash course on life in f\"ance. • • 1 think I learned I could speak a • lot more French than l thought I could," 16--year-old Maggie Nelson said: •rm ~ emted to go and I'm See VOYAGE, Pa1t M ELECTION Campaign complaints filed by both sides f._:hargcc; of misconduct, finance vio lations are grbt for council's study session. June Casaerande Dally Pilot Nf:WPORT BEA( If -A debate OvC'r the nty'!> rnmpaign rult•' I'> boiling over inlll an all out battle, wilh alll'g<ltion .. being lobbed from both '>tdes {,reenh~ht leadt'r' havl' filt'd a .-.ll'W of l omplaini-. again'>t • learn Nl•wport • and1 dare-; C ouncilml'n Gart \dam' Tod Rldgewa\-.md Don \o\ebb and bu.-.int."-,man rkmie Sval .. tad -and thetr hared cono;u~ant Dave Elh-; In tum. l"lh'> ha'> '>llbmmed IO ulv offitld.I ... rnmplamh allegmg tlldt c.reenlt¢lt ha' brolen campaign finanll' nil~ Though tt'c; the City clerk., )Ob to wade through the allegaoon., as the} pt>nam to nty rul~. the allegauom will get the moc;t play m ( at) l.ounc1l chambe~ a!> councilmen wade through a bog of balk and fonh accu<;a~n., during a campaign finance <.tudy c.,ess1on City Any Bob Burnham and I are gomg to get down to busmec,,., to make th•~ study .-.et">- "2n happen." Counnlman John Heffemcfn '>aid The '>tudy <,es.ston . ongmally requested by I lefJeman, has been postpo~ wtule oty of- final'i work out thl' details of what the city might wunt to con<;1der as 11 looks at ~p­ ang 1s campaign rull'" In addition to the complaints agamst "Team Newport," Gn.-enllght leader Phil Arsl has accused the Newport Beach Police As.'in. Voter Awareness Commintt, the Newport Beach Firefighters. Assn. and the Newport· , Beach Public Safety Assn. of vio'l,luing cam- paign rules In the city charter. Greenlight's charges against bOme parties include allegations that Team Newpon sup- porters who sent out absentee ballot appli· cations • pubUc service to mJdents used Information plMred &om tbe_m for the par· ti.san purpose or compiling a database of ad· dtesses to promote the ca.ndidates.. Green- light alleges that thJS i$ a violation of city S.. CAaFAIGN. hie M .. Friends show up in the strangest p!aces. Daily Pilot I m.,me going away on v.catlon to a p!Ace tba&. WhlJe It ., not esaCtly the moon. lt also not exactly the ~ youa apec1 to nm Into ~ )'Ol1 know'. But than What happened to the Smllb• lut Week. Oft" In the anowy SlenU. we were en)oylng ~day of Mllntc •t Yoet! .......... Pal. If mer, Ml't a bundnd people on the llOI* Oil• IO!lllOU' dly, .1. Would be lhO(t:.ed. so "'*11 .... .., ....... u.c:b. 1 ..... _.1111acbdco same tJme we d!d. That's when we saw th· Cay and I l"Cinaf'Ud on bow Mooi.gua. • on the quJr~ WJt bad made tt to ~ ' After we talked for a minute, at the ttl ~Ile "9Qey. ctespito having lfMn d. ·1've been meanifia lcJdRe. hit tratllc in twO plilcel. One or to call yt>IJ • When I hear that Kntn, hls the reaeons for the qU,k:k trip tence from people, It uSually wire wu that we had gfvet\ 'the WS IJM!l&OI dial oil I owe mooey. or St~e. Oiamandne before drivin& the . b) they have an Id fi r • their. kkl mountain ro.da. column · _ __,.......,...___, ancl aome Their atomlChi thua In Ketln' tt was pµrdy famlly remained In neutral Ind did • ~~ STEVE SMITM frtenda hid not ha to op to quell any •1 want to ~ •donation all come up • qu~ to the eo.ta .._ Natfonll • on the Mme We antftd Mond8y. elr.1ed Uttle I et•• • ~-had.Tbeyhltlben*1 .~nMaci~ hmCoMa Mflll lltlaat lhe ............... ~ ··~ ..... _..., ............ "' .... --... . AT A GLANCE ONTtEWEB: www.~Clln WEATHER .. ~~ .. ofCOUM. ...... ~ wiofd. ~ .... endd0Ud8. ......... AZ DAlDOOK >' • '· 1 -...--------.,,.....---------------~~- ~· .r. • . a s.ucs.y, Mareti 1. 2003 \ ... ·FAITH \ ' .. ... .• .. ''tHEMORAL OF THE STORY A musical expression-of worship ~mbracing all .cre{;itions "He 1110/k )OU so )OU could sham In hJ.s crealion. could love and ""'8fl tm4.b1ow Him." -TED GRIFFEN Every day, I am amazed at bow remadcable God's aealion Is and how many different ways he showers the world with his magn!ficeoce. Each mom.ing this week. I woke t~ new day of dlanglng weather. and each afternoon I enjoyed a changing sky before ~settled in for thenighi:. · Last~ I greeted each morning by looking out a different window at a beautiful world of snow. I went skiing with family, and~I faced. Helt that I was looking ·at one creative masterpiece after another. We left early in the morning to fly to our CINDY tRANE.. · CHRISTESON ski destirultion. I was tired. l¥Jt I so enjoyed the people I was ~ttiog next to on the plane, as well as the_ ever-charigihg views. At first, I_ coald see the-ocean out the window, and before long I saw desert lands. ·Finally we Came to a. Jan~ blanketed. in snow. The first morning there, we i-ode a chair lift that.took us te almost 12,000 feet. It was a i:1ear day, and it seemed like I could see foreve~ In every direction, lsawsomething spectacular, beautiful aiid. in many cases, .breath-taking. The aisp colors of the piercing blue s1cies, pure white clouds and dark green trees~ so vivid. I thoughf it was because of the lenses in my goggles. When I took them off. it was no l~ dramatic. but I bad to put them back on quiddy because of the intensity of the light One morning before going out to ski, I read a Psalm that.includes the words, "Your 1mfai1ing IO'Je, 0 Lord. is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteQusness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths. You ca.re.Jor people and animals alike, 0 Loni How precious is your unfailing love, 0 God!" I thought about the Psalm throughout the day becaiJse it seemed to fit what I was ~=tivity in nan't-e is certainly something to marvel at, but so is his artistry in the Wiiqueness of every boy arid girl, y every man and woman. I enjoyed talking with j>eople of all ages on the chair lifts and aroµnd the ski village. Whether they were childreit, ski iristructors or~ I foWld that the people were as enjoyable and diverse as the scenery. . I had ftm learning about different hobbies and SJX>lts from people who lived in New York, Rodda. Montana. Mis&ssippi and Michigan. I also learned about the political and geographical climates of Argentina and New Zealand by students who were worlcing there. There was never a dull moment or a person I didn't enjoying learning from and about. Each one was as unique as the snow6aJces that gently fell OD US. It was a special tteat to watch children's excitement in being aod in playing in the ~ and I laughed right along with many of them in their sheer glee at being alive. God's aeadon, like his love. is never-ending. And you can quote me on that • CJllUf TRANE CHRISTESON hi a Newport Beadl resident. She may be reamed bv tHTlall • at cindyllonth6Qrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6~No. 505, Newport Beecti, CA 92668. ~ ~ . ~ ' Tim Getz is the minister of music: at Saint Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church. It's really introspective and .. meditative, and the service is ~ntially a lot of these piecies .put together for an hour. " 8¥ Suite Harrl1on Daily Pilot T be fifth concert in the 2002-03 Friends ofMusic."Fitst Sundays at Five" Series at · ~~.Michael &All~els Episcopal Ou.u'Cb will be held Surlday. Qilled "A Winter's Night." it will feature the calming and deeply spiritual music ofTh.lze: Tun Getz the church's•minister of music said that it's less of a concert and qiore of a musical expression of Worship. "Tuize is named for a monastery in France," Getz said "It's known for FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS DIVOftCE RECQVERY WORKSHOP The seminar is for any divon:ed or separated person and will include six consecutive Thursdays, March 6 through April 10, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The R~: Bill Aanagan leads the wortcshop. During the past 22 years. more than 13,500 people have benefited from this wortshop in their recovery from the pain of divorce. The cost is $30. St. Andrews Presbyterian Church ls at 600 St. Andrews Road in Newport Beach. lnform11tion: (949) 574-2214. TEMPLE.BAT YAHM CELEBRATION Temple Bat Yat:im will showcase ~ent·refated bustnesse.s ~Its ninth annualfiimc:ha ~nd Celebration~-· Expo from 5 to 8 p.m-. W~nes;day. For information, eall (949) 644-1999 or go to www.tby.0111. WHY BOYCOTT TACO BEU.? The Rev. Noelle Damico will give a presentation on why people should boycott Taco Bell at St. Mart Presbyterian Churdl, 2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach. The presentation will be on Sunday at noon. For reservations, call Suaan Eaton at (714) 39i4-8()81 or send e-mail to eaton727@earthlinlc.net TOT SHABBAT SERVICES University Synagogue will present Tot Shabbat services to be led by Rabbi Arnold Rachlis and Cantor Ruti Braier at 5:30 p.m. Friday, March 7. At 6 ~-Ill· there. will be a Shabbat pizza dinner. Dinner reservations can be . made by calling Christine Goldhammer at (714) 573-9951. At 7 p.m., there ~II be family services for all ages Wtth Rachlis and Braier. At 8 p.m., after services for adults, Rabbi Sheila Weinberg will speak on "Encountering Buddhism and Judaism: Paths to Spiritual Renewal." Child e<1re will be provided during medftation-Ouougb music and sllen~ and as a p~age.site fot people from all over the world who ,. want to come to pray with others." He said it's an extraordinary retreat center because people come from all over die world for the music and meditation, which c;an be learned easfty and has evolved futo what people call a Tuize chant "Tuize chant is ·rea11y short little pieces of music, almost like · ·mantras." Getz said. "All have really easy .melodies and are short. about one sentence. It's basically repeated over and over. We might do the same fragm~nt of music 15 or 20 times.· .. "During evening services, the · church present;S a WJt~ty of different forms of expression wotsh.ip1 .. Getz said. "Each o.rie,ls an effort to show how we can worship in a variety of ways." Getz started the series last year. . , "lbe idea came because people were asking for a regUJar eVt!ning event," Getz said. "I thought of doing this and exposing people to a variety of worship with music. I hoped to reach out to the whole community and not just our church, .. Five hundred to 100 people on average come for the event, with more infonnation or for a parallels the four Gospels to present complimentary subscription to the . the story of Christ. The church is at synag'ogue's newsletter, please oall ~1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. 1949> 553-3535. • I Free. (9491 760-5444. -AIDS HOME-BASED CARE DREAM ON St.'Mart Presbyterian Churdl of The Adult Faith Formation at Our NewPo.rt Beach will be collecting lady Queen of Angels Church in suppli~ for a home-based care Newport Beach holds a dream program for people witti HIV/AIDS in analysis group fTom 1 to 4 p.m. the sub-Saharan region of Africa. The Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, program will train local churdl Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408:. volunteers In Africa in the specifics of caring.for AIDS/HIV patients. Each trained volunteer will then Instruct and guide 10 AIDSJHIV patients and their caregivers in optimum care. The Program will be launched Sunday and run for several weeks. HARMONICA~ PlAYERS The Hannonica Baroque Players will perform Sunday and Wednesday at 4 . p.m. at the NewJ>Ort Harbor Lutheran Church ,at.798 Dover St., Newport Beach. r.ctets . .,t $12 al'ld $10. For Information, call f714) 97~546. MEDITATION LESSONS A free •1ectio divine" meditation group meeting is held af7:10 a .m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. tectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each morlth itt the center. The format indudes two-periods of meditation with.some instruction on how to meditate. a talk and a discussion. NOT£D JEWiSH SCHol.AR ... ~ (~) .219-1408. Prof. Shalom Paul, noted scholar and ·, .. Biblical expert is coming from WEEKLY. EVENTS Jerusalem to serve as Orange Count'{s second annual one-month Jewish Scholar in Residence under the auspices of the Orange County Jewish Community Scholar Program at the Jewish Federation Campus In Costa Mesa. (949) 789-6122. WORKSHOPS BAHAI FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public dlswaiona on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks Include brunch or dinner. Aleo, lnterfafttt devotional meetings will be held the last ~turday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 76().5360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. SUPPORT FOR OLDER~ The Jewish Family Service offers.Jt support group for women Qlder than - 60 to address issues at.lch as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Cost.a Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Weinberg's presentation. University ZEN 101 Synagogue is at 4915 Alton Parkway. Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement s upport group that meet.a et 10 a.m. Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m . Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea In Laguna Hilla, 24512 Moulton Partway. The service la also forming a ~renting support group to meet fhe first and third Mondays of eat:tl month at 10 a.m. a1 the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St., Suhe G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The public is cordially invited to The Zen Center of Orange County attend at any time. For more offers an Introduction to Zen lnfonnatlon or for a complimentary Worbhop from 3 to 6 p.m. on the first subscription to the synagogue's Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th newsletter, please call (949) 553-3535. • St., Costa Mesa.$50. (949) 722-7818. JEWS DOWN UNDER During Shabbat services at 8 p.m. Friday, March 14, Rabbi Arnold Rachlis will speak on •Jews Down Under: Travels in Australia and New Zealand;' reporting on the recent cong~onal visit to Sydney, Melbourne and the Great Barrier Reef lo Au~alia and Christchurch, Queenstown, the fiords of Miiford Sqund and Auddand In New Zealand. University Synagogue Is at 4916 : Alton Partway. The public Is cordially lnvit~ to attend at any time. For , .. MASTERMIND New Thought Community Church presents Master Mind, .a group for those who want to • macifest good• In their dail"V lives, at 7 p.m. Fridays and at 1 p.m. Saturdays at 1929 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-3199. . A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-leaon study on the life of Jesus Christ titted "Joumey to the Cross" la taught at !MS a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible Ctaaa at Liberty Baptist Church. The atudy GAY /lESBIAH SUPPORT GROUP The Jewiah Family Service of Orange County plan• to present a discussion group for parenu of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. -(714) 445-4950 .. MYSTICAL ANO SPfRmlAL The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a .m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual heating eervlc:fJ starts at 9:30 a.m . (949) 681-2290. RE-MEMBERtNG GROUP Our lady Queen of Angels holds a around 150 for the more popular ones. "It seems to be vel)l successful.• Getz said. "People ~ve l'eally · enjoyed Lt, those who have coine: 1n November, we had a Gc>spel Choir d:iat drew in 150 peopte. Thell'. seeiris to be a lot of groupies Of that choir." -&lint Michael and All Angels EplscopaJ OlUrch is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Margoerite Awnue in Corona del Mar. For information about the ~ries or upcoming events. call the church at (949) 644-0436. • SuZJE HARRISON is a repo.rter for the Dally Pilot. She may be reached at 494-4321 or suzie.hamson@latimBS.com. re-membering group at 6:16 p.m . every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center Is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 648-3844 .. BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP St. Michael and All Angela EpiBCOpal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, ·third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wedneedaya in Dierenfleld HaJI, 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. All men of the church and community are welcome to attend. $2.60 at the door. (949) 631-2880. • SEPARATION SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County holds a women's divorce and separation support group at 7 p.m. Wednesdeya·at the Jewish F-ederatlon Campus, 250 E. Balter St., Suite G, Coat.a Meu. For dates and fees, call (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GRouP Jewish Faqill~!Vk:e of Orange County ofter. a au'pport group for younger women dealing with Issues such as life paasalifs and changes, body images, family, relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m .. Tuesdays at the agency office, 260 E. Baker ~t., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Prereg1stration required. (714) 445-49~. ext. 114. · HELPING THE HELPERS Jewish Family Sarvices is sponaoring a discussion group focosfng on the issues and ooncema faced by adult children taking care of their elderly parents. The group will be offered Tuesday. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistratlon is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. INTERFArTH COUPLES GROtF Jewish Family Service la forming a discussion group for Interfaith couples where one partner 11 Jewish to speak about laauea effecting an interfaith relationship. Call for tlm81 and date.. Jewiah Family Service la at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Coat.a Mesa. Preregistration Is required. (714) 445-4950. • Is your church or place of worship planning a apecial event? If ao, send the typed Information at least two weeka before the event to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meaa, CA 92627, attention: Paul Saltowitz, religion editor.; fax to (949) 646-4170 or send e-mail to dallypilot•t•tlmu.c:om. DailyAPilot Cof1ll Wleon Box 1560, Costa MeN, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News anlstant, (949) 674-4298 Copyright: No news ttoriel, coral.wllsonOltttlma.com Illustrations, editoriat matter ot PHC7IOGRAPHERS advertltements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hiiier, Don laectt. reproduced without Wfttt.n Keltt TreplOW perm,..loo of copyright owner. Though there's tl'le •lightest VOL 97, NO. 80 The twell ~ins to bid READERS HOTUHE HOW TO REACH US chance of ,.in today, It'll ~ down today, bOt wt'll ltill ... ~H.JOHNION New. Edltor9 (949)642~ Clrculltlon than likely be dry, wfth clouda some dlest· to head-hlgha. The Publisher Gina~. Lotf Andenon, Record your comments about the The T1rMa Orange County earty and more tun thba better IPOtl w111 ... aome TONYDOOERO Plul Saltowitz, O.nlel S.en• Delly Piiot or new. tlpe. (8001262-9141 eftemoon. Highs will still top overheeds. Edltot Addr9m ·~ JAJl1t OETI1NO NlWI STAW Our eddresa 19 330 W.' Bay St., Coat.a Ct••lfted (9'9) 842-5678 out at around 60 while low. SUndayWlll drop~ ~~ o.p.-.-M..a, CA 92627. Office hou,. are Dleplty (IM91842-4321 wUI dfop to the lower 4o.. more, IO don't expect~ Crime end ooun. reportet, Mondey-kl~, 8:30 a.m, -S p.m. £dttoMI Sund.Y• looltlng warmer. btaer than Wll&t· to Promotlone Director IMl57oM226 .Comlcdofll News Monday Wiii be cloudier, but <Mtt-hfgha. ...,._,,,,.rtlftl.llltlnw.oom It le the Pllort polley to promptly (IM9) 1542-5680 mrrtNQ 8TAff ..... =,·· Wllf1ner near 70. The next nof1hwMt IW9lt corrwct •ll errora of NbcW'°9. lpott.(948)57""4223 u.~ lnfonMtbc thould•c, MoncMy, 1hcMJgh ~ reportof, Plelao call 1949) ~. News,.. (9'9) ~170 Mtnaglf'llil Editor, IM) 174-4232 ~Fu (lMI) fS&C>.0170 www.nws.rJO#.fJOV enotti. ta on ttM w.y. • (141157'""233 "'""·=''O"Wndt•JM(lf'*.C()m m ~ IMl/ypllot•l«lm#.oom wtff. Keep yourfingetW •J.a:_~ .... c..... "TM Newport 8"ciVCOlla MeN MelftOM.. I BOATING FORECAST cro.ed •. 0ty£dlof, Pl:llltlce end erMIOf\ment report9f, Oeltv Piiot (USPS-144400) la ..... otnc. (148) 8'2-«J21 '" w... «fllllty: ... ~ (94.tJ 7&Ml:IO pubHlhtd dalfV• In Newport a..d1 ...._ '--.CMll 131-7128 The wtnda w1n t>tow 11gtwt tMNw..url'rldw.oro ..,.,,,,...~ paul.dinton•latilrW.oom '4tnd Cott. ...... eu~ .,, earty In the Inner wnn. with ...... c..-. IAlll9 ... *"•"~ ontv by eublcffbfng to The ~ 2..foot W9V99 and • W9lt Mell TI.DES 5t:JOl'll &lloi. Cofumnltt. cullUN f9POl'W, (lM&I ,,,,. 0ntnoe Countv (800) ot 4 '° e-.. l..Nf, tt't IM) S74'422l • ~ 2SWt41. ln.,... ~of ~wtoda wlltblow5 TllM ....... ~Alflott·~ .,,,,.~ Newpon ~.,.. CoMa Meee, -.J '° 18 knota. 8~a.m. UIMhlgh ........ ._ \ ~-...... 911becfipdonle., the Detty PMot .,.. OUt farther, the~ • 2:63 p.11\, .Q.98 .... loW Oil"9CtOf, ..... o.k Ct!W. tM>S74-4234 Coill8 ..._,..,.,,CM) 1574-<Wt tvell..,._ only by flniit *-rMU for P\lblltMd by f"lmee Communtey wtnd8wHfblow10 '° 20 ~. 9:.15P,.m. ut•hlgtl ....,..,. ...... ciom.: ...... ,.....,., • .,,_com ao '* '"°""'· <P11ces Jndude ... ,._,a dM91onof U. Loti ~ w4ttt 1· to 3-fool WWW .... e 2!32&.m;. U3fMllow ~--.end IO<:oill ...-.J ~=· QI'. c..-. Tlmee. W811Milloftto7feet. n.. . PC>STMASTP: a.Id._... ,.., EduMlori f11PMW, ,..., ~ =.to nw Ntrtuport Cl2DOi 11,,_. CN. Alt rf9t* -. ..... ..,,a~.,_ WATER TlllPERATUllE ~ ......... 2 ... ~ancl .,,..,~ •~O..VFIMoc.~O N88f\19d, ........ ortto7fillt. . ...,... . ' • 1 " - ' ' • SaUKd.ly, MarcJI l , 2003 A! . . F~olll city's IIlouth to ·people's e"rs Costa Mesa fire chief is recruiting residents for a Citizens Corps Council to disseminate emergency information. e\lerything we have, join hand,, with the community and create an environment where we are all prepared ror a potential dj. saster," Ellia said. 0Hpa Bharath Daily Pilot a:>STA MESA -Fire Chief Jim Ellis is set to i.ound a clarion call to the community .. He and other city, officials want to fof'(ll a Otizens C:Orps C:Ow\cil -11. groupi)t c:onunu- nity leaders he believes will help distribute information about the dtys programs that aim to prepare i-esidenu for emer- gency si!Uations.. If the city puts th.is program together, it will only be ·the founh in the county to do. so, behind Placentia. Laguna Ni- guel and the Orange C:Ounty Sheriffs Depanment. Ellis baid. Mll\is is something we have been crying to get off the ground since right after Sept 11 , 2001: he said. The city already has the Mlcey component'> in place." Ellis said C.OSta Mesa Police Olief Dave Already In place are Neigh· Snowden said lhe Idea is "bril· bOrhood Watch, the Citizens liant • Emergedcy Respc)nse Team "It's great to be able to a-eate and Volunteers in Policing, a team that trains people and Ellis has set up a Medical makes them more aware," he Corps Database whereby local sakl. "This prepares them for hospitills will be able to net·. ~ters and tells them what work and belp in tbe•time of a Jhe loChl government is doing disaster: . , ta keep them safe.· . "We need a group of com-Snowden added ·that he munity members to oversee ali ho~ the reach of Jhe Otiz.ens of these components." Ellis C:Orps will be longer and said "We need individuals who broader than the Citizens Acad· will attend informational meet· emy organized several times a ings and take the information year by the Police Depanment to theinphere of in.ftuence and ~idenLS will be anxious to dissen}inale it• see how OU.,. cone.et>( evolves. For example, homeowners said Cindy Brenneman, presi· associations' leaders can take dent of the Mesa Verde Home· information to homeowners in owners Assn. their respective neigh~rhoods. "I'm sure it'U help people feel Pastors or school board mem-bener about services our city bers can take it to their can provide," i.he said. "Its churches and schools. great that the Police and Fire "The whole idea is to take depanmcnLS are collaborating Mai1 Older 1~800) 9JS' Mtfl7 . ~) N~l\RADE ~~ YOU SAVI ur TO $4 001 99 f& .... 1.H . t1L . dlfAtlmr J FYI The community la Invited to an open house and Informational aeulon at>out the Citliens Corps at 7 p.m. March 27 at the . Neighborhood Community Center at 845 Park Ave. to protect the .city as a whole.~ It's very imponant for resi· dents to know how to protect them.cielves and be prepared for narural or man-made emer- gencies, Breonetnan said • Mayor Karen Robinson said she believes that a Citil.ens Corps is "a gr:eat idea for our community." "Since ~t ll, we've all been asking ourselves how we can hefp oµr police o~rs and firefighters.· she said, The Qtizens C:Orps will likely be a step in that direction, Robinson said. "It's a good way to deal not only with terrorism but also di· sasters, crime and other issues that come up in any commu- nity,M she said. H . . ~ ·Bi-ead ":~':~~! RI G ON I Award Winning ~~~ '::~1.• 96!! Costa Mesa Ftre Chtef Jim Elhs has starteq a Citizens Corps program in response to terror warnings. Under the program, to be introduced M~irch 27, community leaders will attend meetings and then disseminate 1nf ormation about city. emergency services to people in their communities. K£NT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT ._Organic .. ~ • Whole • 2% LowFat . • 1%1..owFat • Fat Free REG. "2.99 I ·I ·~-~---------------.,------------------·.,...---~-,.....,.- M s.turd.ly. Marth 1, 2003 FAMILY Continued from Al day of iM Uttle League sea,,on. l don' understand I.he tl.ml.ng or the Uttle League season and It aeems more and.more illogical My eyes Ugh.led up;" and I said each year1 panidpate. When I "thank yO\J" before realiz:lng jJJst was a kid, we played tWeball in how serious he .. be stlmmer. Winter and pring ~ ·Here." he said, "Lrt me write . were the seasons we played ~u a check right oow. • And out b&skt!tball or football -not or all the usual mountain o'8k1 baseball. Now, it's not even and snow-related items. he J spring. and we're hitting the pulled out his checkbook and diamond. wrote me a nice check. The conft.icts arise when lcids I was thinking about Uttle can't make it to practice because League donations on the way they have remaining home. Around Fresno, I checked commitmel'\ts on the basketball my messages and was pJeased court or soccer field, because to pick up tWo from more they have $clence camp or people who want~ to donate to · because they are .going .out or this all-volunteer league. I town during the week in s!).ould go away more oftef\. February that schools have off The timing could not have these days, • ~ 1 • been better, for today is opening Theo, there bas been all this J ~ Orchid Sale Orchids $SOO to $2SOO MARCH 1, 8, 15 & 29 • OPEN To THE PUBLIC • EVERY SATURDAY 9-4 P .M. 1,000'S I~ STOCK ·N ewport Beach's only Orchid Nursery WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY "'I 20362 BllCH STREET e NEWPORT BtACH Designer Outlet ·MARCH Calendar of Sales ----rrt aat I l.oatail TablM v;" Off ..,._. "-· ~ l.ot.kta1l , ....... "'"' at>le-t v;~ Off -tturr1 In !! .. II u IJ •• IS C.-4 W.....• ..... .., N\ """ DH~• v;~ Off 16 • 17 II ., a-..& TocU'f Onl-f TocU'f O""f TocU'f °""f ~ ..._ U,.el• ~o• ~ fU ..,w. 2J;7' Off 2J;7' Off 2-57' Off 14 ?$ :n flnl!..T•nl ~i. Ou.at. Iona\ ab\H v;~ Off JI DINING ROOM • LMNG ROOM • BEDS ••••••••• t ~""" t t ~ t t 501 Off t t t '''''''" .• @/UJllll1PA1ulJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Acc•11oms For Your Home Oval Cofree Table ........ , ......•••••••...•..•..•••........•.. $95• Lex~ngton Wicker Glass End Thble .....••..•.... $100" Leather Iron Bar Stoo1-...... m••••••• ...... _ ••••••• $US- t;e ington Wicker Glass Coffee 18ble .......... $165" , ......................................... _._ ... -..................... $225" Pine Burret ................... ~ ............................... $3.50" - rain. While I'm thankfUl fur the the school board -he aJwaya water and snow lt4t bringing. It did h r homewo~ ls making a joke oua of anyone I'm hOping that maybe Leece trying to o~ baseball will be out I.here today. If ahe practices. I plan to introduce her to Klril All or these c.ba.Ueoge$ wou.J~ Pederson to Jet h1m tell l..eece a be overcome if we started hi thing or tly'O .. abouc the state of May Instead ofMa.rch, but since basetsall'Cl.lamonds In this city. I have no hope or the schedul:e " Kim, you see, has been c:.Qpg ch;lnging in my lifetime, I have fo( the fields on hb own dme~or to ltve wfth the havoc lt creates. a long lime. He knows tNery And since we're on the subject root, every weed and every bad of hawc, what on Earth is all hop possibility o~ the flelds. ~ th.ls negative reaction to Wendy Fortunately, they are kept In Leece's appointment to the playable condition thanks to Costa Mesa Parks and Kim and a few other dedicated Recreation Commission? parents. Judging from the mall, you'd But one day, JCim will decide th1nk she was named school to move on, and the ' supertntenden.t. landscaping torch may not get Leece _is qulte qualified fo • passed on. If Pederson does serve on the board, and I anr · decide to take a break, I'm golng certain sne will do a good job. to recommend a trip to Leece has government Yosemite -it can be very experience, is'heavily involved profitable. in AYSO through the success of her daughter Emily and she •STEVE SMITH is a Costa Mesa does her homework. lbat last bit is one thing even . her worst detractors could not claim about Leece's tenure on CAMPAIGN Continued from Al campaign ruJes. Greenlig.ht also charged that a group called Team Newport doled out financial assistance to candidates in a way inconsistent with ttie rules and that there was an Inappropriate relationship between the candidates and groups that are supposed to be independent of the candidates' con~rol. ' • "We think that it's clear that they violated campaign law," Arst said. GreenJig.ht has abo alleged that an expenditure for phone bank services on Gary Adams' campaign finance statement suggesLS that Adams knew that EUis created a phony campaign phone message to benefit Ad- . ams. Adams ha!> denied knowmg anything about the phony mes- sage and has said that the ex- penditure was for legitimate campaign telephone services. City Oerk Lavonne I larldess was out of the office Friday. ln tum, Ellis ha5 alleged that MEMORIES Continued from Al resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (9491642-6086. the Greenligbt Comminee broke the rules in how it collected and distributed money to its candi· dates in the 2002 election: Coun- cilman Dick Nichols. Allan Beek, Madelene Arakelian and Rick Taylor. "Greeolight mailed numerous fliers and posted signs clearly in- dicating a s late of four candi- dates. Greenlight did not ftJe as a slate committee, in possible vio- lation or the starute," Ellis wrote to Mayor Steve Bromberg. His letter lisLS numerous po· tential violations by Greenlight in how the group coUected money and distributed cash and nonmonetary benefiLS to irs can- didates. Specifically, Ellis wrote that some distributions to candi- dates violated the SSOO cam- paign contribuuon hnut. "Greenlig.ht drove a truck lh.rough the city's campaign t:C>nlribuuon ordinance,· Ellis wrote. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacn and John Wayne Airport. She may be reacned at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande a•/atimes.com fot most residents. PUBLIC SAFETY Fire damages golf club building A single-alarm fire C8Uled $.51000 in damages Friday afternoon to a .&ingle:story maintenance buDdlog at the Pelican Hill Golf Qub, New- port Beach Fae officials said. Flreftghters responded to the call at abour 2:06 p.m. and found thick black SD)Oke com- ing out of the one-story build- ing. which• stores golf c8rts, .. . -POL1C.E FILES · ' COSTA MESA • Mfngton Driv9: A. . commercial burglary wes reported in the 1000 bloc* at 7:13 a.m. Thursday. • Donnybrook une: Grand .. theft was reported in the 3000 blodt at 6:07 a.m. Thursday. • Hart. Avenue and Mesa v.rde Drive: A hit·and-run was reported at 8:20 a.m. Thursday. • lowai Street A vehicle burglary wa$ reported in the 1600 bloc* at 7:35 a.m. Thursday. • Santa An9 Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 2200 blodt at 11:16 a.m. Thursday. • East 17th Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 200 block at 3:52 a.m. Thursday. • w..t 19th Street and Newport 8oulevltrd: An. - assault was reported at 11 :16 a.m. Thursday. • East 20th StrNt: Vandalism e.qillpment. tooh and suppllel. said Donna Boston. pre.I,' In· fommtion ofticer £or the NeW- port Beach Plre Orpertment Flreftsh.ters made sure all em- ployees ~re safely out of the building and then rapkily put OUl the fire, she said. Boston said the Ore was 'confined to one buDdlnQ wfth little 6tn.a<:tu.ra1 ~ No one was Injured. The cause or the fire Is still under lnwsdga· tion. was reported In the 400 bl~ at&.21 a.m. Thursday .. NEWPORT BEACH • Aeate Awnu9: ~ hit·a~run was reported in the 200 blodt ·at 2:46 p.m. Thureday. •,w..t Balboa Boulevard: A garage burglary was reported in the 1200 bloc* at 11:01 p.m. Thursday. • Baywood Dtfve: Vandalism was reported irl the, 400 bloc* • at 1:36p.m. Thursday. • Cfiff Oriw: Petty theft was reported in the 2300 blodl a.t 1:32 p.m. Thursday. • West CoHt Hlghwey: Vandalism was rep0rted In the 2700 bl<><* at 10:31 p.m. Thursday. • Hoag Drive: Battery was reported In the 100 blodt at 6:54 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: Petty theft wa~rted in the 2600 blOCk a t 1Q:01 p.m. Thursday. • S..sho,. Drive: A vehicle burglary ~as reported in ttwl 4800 blodc at 4:55 p.m. Thursday. · OBITUARY Vuginia Marsh Brice Virginia Marsh J)rice, a former Newport Beach ~!dent, died Feb. 2') or natural causes. She was 90. Ms. Brice is sur-- vtved by daughters Sarah Ma:rjo.de Brice Moccos and Caro· line Jeu Brice Scbillin~ £out grandchildren; and five great- grandchUdren. Private family services will be held. •The Dally Piiot welcomes obituaries for residents or former reeldents of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. If yoGW.nt to llave en obituary printed in the Pilot. esk your mortuary to fax u• the Information et 1949) 646-4170 or cali the newsroom at UM9) 764-4324. sparked by too many appliances being hooked to one outJeL "Everyone's pulled together," said Sam McDowPU, who anived on scene before fircfighteri. did and actually managed to snap a & The explosion in the Feb. 28 fire was set off when paint fumes were ignited by an unknown source, they say. They believe that the man who died in the fire. Rohen Jamison Marshall, stored several cans or paint and fuel throughout his house. The fire broke out in the garage and burned through the house, chac- ring everything in 1cs fiery path. That scene is etched in John Leighton's memory. Leighton's town home was across the way from Man.hall's. Like many of his neighbors, he bolted out as soon as he heard the explosion. He saw Man.hall come out of hii. burning home. "He~ on ft.re," Leighton re- called. •tte was walking around and he was on fire." So Leighton tried to put out the fire on Marshall with an extin- guisher. But to his utter shock and dismay, Marshall ran back into his house, on.ly to be brought out in a body bag hours later. Leighton said the entire epi- sode. for him. has been •terribly disruptive." ·My windows were blown out. and there was a lot of other dam- age," he said. ·rm still negotiat· Ing with insurance agencies to fix some of the damage. Most of it has been taken care of, but I've had to pay for a lot of the stuff myself." ~ilience has &een the mantra AROUND TOWN • Send AAOUND TOWN iterm to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Colla M .... CA 92627; by fax to (949) 64&-4170; or by calling (949) 574-t298. fndude the time, date end loc:adqn of the ewnt, u weU .. e ~phone.number. A oo~ lilting Is evailabfe .a www.dailypf"1t.c:om. TODAY The MellaU Cllt Club .. aponeoring • c:a1 ahow from 11 a.m . to 6 p.m. today and from I e.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at the Orange CoUnty Falrurounda, Extllbition Building 10, 88 Fair Dnve, coeu Meile. Admfflion la $5 for eduh.e end S4 fof chlkfren and ..nlc>i'I. Fol" more lnfonnauo._, cafl (909) 372"8079. C~UPle shots or th&-0.x.plosivc fire vov AGE with the cemera she always kept I I'\ ready and loaded on her mantel. Continued from Al A CHANGE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD McDowell said neighbors have gotten doser since the badt-to- back fires shook the Meepy little community by its roots. "People are stopping and wav- ing these days," she said. •1t seems as if we care more about each other. I think we reel free to approach one another." Costa Mesa Fire Otief Jim Ellis ·Wc.ened the incidenLS to a micro- cosmic version of SepL I I. "It was a tenible. devastating couple of situations within a shon sPa.n of time,~ he said. ·But we learned from IL It reinforced a sense of community. We had town hall meedn~ we talked about it We reached out and comforted one another." It's that comfort and suppon that helped May get back on her feet. she said May returned to her refurbished home in August. "The first night I spent after I got bac.t. the ~ al.arm went off,· she said with a laugh. •rt was bi- z.acre. but it helped me look at it with a sense of humor ... • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by &-mail at deepa.bharathfilatlmes.com. A Mardi Gras Celebntlon held at Marriott Suites at 12015 Harbor Blvd. in A{laheim to ben9ftt Share Our Selves,• eo.ta Meu volunteer organizltion dedicated to providing ...vicee to thoee In need Mt be held on et 6 p.m. Saturday. c.ost Is S76 per pereon. F«~. can Karen Hlnington rt (949) &G-3461, send e-ma11 to tMmngton• ahllreoul'Hhw.org. Visit the Web site et www.dtareou,.elvn.offl toleammo,.. looking forward to meel.lng the people.. It's just such an unbelievable opportunity.· And her fellow Corona del Mac tudents agreed. They seem co be more excited abovt meeting the French boys. which their new friends as.~ them they would arrange. Aside from getting to know differerit people, the students got to know just how different their two countries are. "lt provides a better understanding of people and other countries," said Marie Atld.ns. director of the Antibes Com.mJnee. For the students from France, the biggest diJierehces they noticed about the two cities and even the two countnes were the sire of the vehicles and the ho'urs of school It seem.r; Americans have bigger cars and''ihorter school days -something the American student.s were glad to hear. •1t•s just been such an expenence.· 15-year·old Samantha Pnce said. ·r ve learned a 101." And those words art> very pleasmg for-the asM>d.ltion and school 10 hear, smce learning is the entire purpose of the program. •1t all went very well." said Olga Stepanovic, an English teacher at Lycee Audiberti who traveled with her students.. "It's great bec.ause they got to lcnow young people from another country." ,-, .... ~ t "' ... . .. '' : . ' f . • • SIU'day, March 1, 2003 A5 -Takitig a We~k to MATTRESS OUTLET STORE : . • · · •JJntn Skep Through Scimce. • ~-.~~~ ..... :.talk. a~oµt the tabo~. @5 -- . Talk by mother of a suicide was an affecting part of Corona del Mar High's first Suicide Aw_areness Week, whkh ended Friday. . Chrtltitt• Carrlllo Daily Pilot CX>RONA DPJ. MAR -"1t1 couldn't~ lt Mi tf you tried.· 1be Peer AlsiStance league. Co- 'rona del Mar HiJb SchoOt ~.let that happen. . ltB me:mben made Ile that f!V· f!I:'/ time )'OU turned your head. you<l see 'yd)ow ribbons. They made sure that ~ motntog you'd bear a myth and fact about it. They made ~ that evet)'Ofle knew it was SUk:lde Awareoese Week. and they made swe ~­ one was affected. "It's so~ that really needs to be talb!d about at the high . school leYel." Wei Bvan Hinch. a junior member of P~ a student organization. "And no matter whether you were thinking about lt or you never thought about .It ... you were touched by It" Insptred by a wotbhop the at· tended at Concordia Unlverstty ln Jhe hf8lMlng of the ~ jtmlor Anwlda Rubenstein. another PAL member, worked with fellow GEmNG INVOLVED • GETT1NO INVOlYED nJnt ~lty In the Dally Piiot on a roe.ting beele. For Information on edding your organization to thle flat. call (949) 574-4298. membes'' Elizabeth Dwyer. to es- tabUsll the ftrst-ever Ye.llow 'Rib- bon WeS. wbk:b ~ Prlday. at the high tchool. . "'1be Idea ~ to pound it in and ~it to each and everyone of the students,~ Rubienstein said. •Ifs a meeeage that we really wanted to hit borne . . . and (spreed) the idea that the same studentB . . . that are competing with you are there fur you.· In dealing with such a taboo topic, the mganizers ot the event bad to mak.e sure they ~ stu· dents a well•rotmded undentand· Ing about suicide. . "I think 80.ide'>bi IOmetimes get information they don't know what to do with.. Corona de! Mar H.lsb Prindpal Sharon Pry said. adding that she was proud of how well the wtiek went The (Q.elDbers of PAL wanted to make sure that students weren't left wlth ~ They made sure that they not 'only SIM stu· deRts lnformad.on about suicide, but that they also-told them how to address the issue and. more im· poi1andy, howto help. bullneu mentors, both wortcing end retired, who counsel buel~ from nearty 400 officee throughout the countJ'I(. C.11 (714) 560-7369, end ask for membership. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNCIL Volunteer tutors are needed to meet e greater demand for SALVATION ARMY ' lltereey and English as a second Of ORANGE COUNTY language clauee. Students are Group or family voluntMre ere t.ugh1 English reeding, writing needed to adopt a family, and epeeking skills et their own sponsor an angel tree, hold e level In small groups or one on canned.food or toy drive, or make one. There are centers all over a special gift or donation directly Orange County. Once trained, to the S.lvatlon Army. (714) tutors may c:ttoose the center at 832-7100. which they want to teac:tt. Mary Fitzgerald, (949) 458..a664. SERVICE CORPS Of lt£TIRED EXECUTIVES SPEAK UP NEWPORT Join other busl'MU profealonals A nonprofit organlzetlon that to hetp llT\811 bullneuee euoceed promotn the social wetfare by by leedlng eemlnare end educ.ting the pubtic and coec:hlng entrepc'ef ieure onllne. improving local government in The c:orpe It e nonproftt Newport Beach holds monthly c::Ntitable orgenimion meeting• the eec::c>Qd compONd of 11,500 YOlunteer Wednesd~ of each month at the -Did You Knowl -That we are a full se1Vire nursery with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and landscape cJesiprs. We can meet all of your gardening needs. Come in today to ~.W,/, Nurseries and let us show you how." llUUDISS, lllC. __ _ Newport Beed\ Tennie Club. A receptjon begins at 5:30 p.m., and meetings begin et 6 p.m. free. Annual membership dues are $20. Send c:ttedt to •Speak Up N9WP0rt," P.O. Box 2594, Newpon Beed\, 92663. (949) 673-1191. STITCHES FROM ntE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love to knit and crochet, the nonprofit corporation le looking for volunteer• to knit and croc:ttet hate, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies In need. The Items ere donated to hospitals acro11 the country. Patteme are available, and donated yam le appreciated. Kathy Siiverton, (310) 4n-6903. SWEET ADEUNES Of ORANGE COUNTY The singing group Invites women who like to sing to join them Tuesday nights for four-pert hermony, or Berberahop-ttyle singing. (949) 496--5685. .COSTA MESA SANTA ~ 2700 Bristol St. 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 754-6661 (714) 633-9200 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PRO MMlger AIMenWe Nunery -Calta Mela Master Nursery Professional <X>MPUTE lANOSCAPINC • •s \'EAIS mallHCE uaN5E ti JllSS3 Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETIC.ALLY IMPERFECT w Excelimcein Phorvgmphy Since 1947 240 Nftfpe>rt <:ceut DIM, Suite l lO, He.port Bach 949.644.6933 www.6ggatudio.com .· .. -FORUM .. '· . HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -Lea1n: Mail to ~~I Page Editor.S.J. £thn 8t ~Deity~ 330 W. Bay &_: Cocta ~,CA 92627 •At•_.. Hodnr. Call ~9'9) 842-eOee Fu s.nd to (9.s) ~170 Eio4Nll:Send to dllilypilot latimes.oom •All corrmpondeAce must include full name, hometoWn end phone number (for~ purposes). The Pilot 1'9M1Ves the right to edit all aubmluk>n• for clartty and length. READERS RESPOND , . ~R-arin_gtO vote on .Mai;in-~park . . AT ISSUE: Newport Beach plans to put a hotel on the site of a Balboa Periinsula mobile home .park. I applaud Steven Sllthedand bringing the proposed resort project before the voters and the City Council's agreement to support the ballot process.... • need to have some room. some elbow room. some beach room -and that is the reSidents. . . Newport Beach should be al.lowed to voice their concerns and maintain their definition al what a quality of life is. It certaiDly is not a large hotel 1n the middle of a residential sedion. LYNN GREEN Newport .Beach I agree that we should have an election and that the hotel should be put on the ~in regards to , I am for this hotel that wants to go up and I hope that the dty fathers have the bad:bone to push ahead and replace all the motor homes with a nice hotel Goodn5 sakes aLiYe. I don't understand what kind of people can't undetStand that a hotel would be better looking than alt those trailer • things. SUZANNE SARACINO Balboa Peh.insula The proposed site of the Slltherland resort is designated tideland, owned by the city and the state. It seems so simple. H the proposed project me is on city land, shouldn't residents have a voice to accept or reject based"on It should be left public space. maybe with some housing for lower-income seniors qr visiting teens. or It should be made more pubUt no matter what ~haw some boat laimch.ing or small boat facilities. . Marinapark. . ALVIN -.h-BARTlETT I think that the question ot We will never be sony that we've left It open space. look at our bay. There are a handful of small puhtic beaches and that is all We need more than that Newport Beach Marinapark should be put on the citywide ballot ' environmental study facts? Controversy and cohfusiQn shall be laid to rest. ' - PAT GREENBAUM Newport Beach I think Marinapark should be put to a cuywkle vote. . JANE ENGi.AR Newport Beach I thinJc it should go to the voters. I think we already have too many hotels. VVe've got the Bay Oub now. It is going to be a huge hotel. and I think it aeates more problems ihan they need out there. JANERYGEL Corona del Mar As to the question, should • vtc. inaparX be put to a citywide vote. I " • ves. · BOBPERRY, Newport Beach I am pro the prop0saJ at Maririapark LEONARD A.:ORES . Newport Coast At the least, Marinaparlc should be µut to a YQte. lt is just not the right place for a five-star location. I don't thinl it will be successful and I also think it will exclude the people who SUSAN DOW Newport Beach As a 13-year resident living between 18th and 19th streets on West Bay Avenue. I have .some concerns about the concept of placing a large hotel in the middle of an already crowded. traffic-dogged residential area Regarding Stephen Sutherland's article on Feb. 19 ("Marinapadt facts are largely unknownj, I.certainly agree. especially when he maintains that traffic will not be inaeased because the hotel guests will be shuttled in by water taxi and workers will have a paddng lot area Is Mr. Sutherland aware that we dq not have waterways lo Disneyland, Fashion Island and South <:oast Plaza? We have some waterways to Laguna Beach. but it would be a long journey by water ia.xi. ln almost all political rhetoric for ~rt City Q:>unc:ij, quality of life wa.5 a campaign theme. I would ask how noise, traffic congestion and no paddng are going to improve anyone's quality of life? Does Sllthedand or Mdevelopment anywhere" supporters think we just feD off the turnip ,truclc? Yes. I d~ thi.nk the residents of The dty should keep every inch of land for the benefit of the residents, not for private eot!fprise. FRANK EtSENORATH I Newport Beach I am just calling«> say, yes, Marinapark should be put to citywide vote. SHIRLEY VERGE Newport Beach I am calling for my husba,fld i-jaJ and me. Yes. I think the proposed Ma.rin.apark hotel shouJd be put to a citywide vole. NORA LEHMAN Newpon .Beach .I want to express my ahsQJutely negative reaction to the Marinapark project tha1 has been submitted to the Oty Council We ~ enough traffic Ul the area We don't need anymore. Don't forget that any h6tel will reqUire a tremendous number of workers - daily, permanent and occasional ones such as plwnbing services, electricians. stonemasons and so Joi'th. lbis will create an intolerable jam on the . peninsula. especially in the summertime. MICHAEL HIRSH Corona del Mar . . Yo lightning-quick green ankle-high tough and, oh -\~ a gallery watching your ~ry Think you've got the ga · ROGER DUNN . Visit c._w.-. S to find out how to win a round with Fuzzy Zoeller at the Toshiba ~ TOSHIBA C".Jt.'o~ TOUR . . -- JOHN MCDANIEL Newport Beach I have and contmue to be strongfy opposed to the proposed reson plan for Marinapark. I am also msulted by the last article in the Pilot that states that M~ple do not even realize that Marinap8rk is nol a park.~ While f agree that the mobtle home park there should be replaced, the settlement plan Is not I.he Wily tu go. As · stated by me before, do we need another Balboa Bay Oub 011 Lhis side of the harbo({ For those who dkl not read Cynthia Brtatore's letter in the ~ 25 Daily Pilot •Mailbag.~ I urge you to do so, as she very at'(;Urdtely describes what L'i planned by the Sutherland group, I agree wnh her totally. Thal kind of thing on this ~de of the harbor on I.he perun'>ula IS nol the besl for those that live here or for those out of the area Another liaJboa Bay Oub on thil. side of I.he harbor? I don·t think so. DORIS HOPE RaJboa Perunsula I am very much in tavor of the reson at Marinaparl( being put lo a catywtde VOte. NANCY ALSTON Newport Beach CITY Of CQITA.. · co.ta ..... Oty ..... 77 hlro.iw! ~ Mesa, CA 92828, (714) 1M-l223 Mll¥or: Karen Roblnton ~ U~1:ciwen,Alan MMIOor, Gary Monahan end awle St9e1 C11Y Of NEWPORT BEACH . Newport 8eadt City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport BNd'I, CA 92983. (M) 644 3309 .· Mi1¥or: Steve Brom~ Councl; Gary Adams, John~ Oidt Nidtolt, Gary Proctor, Tod Aldg..-y and~Webb . COAST~ COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1 'nO AdMle Aile., C9IU Mesa CA 92626, (714) 432-5a Chaneielor: William M. Vege Boarct President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jeny Patterson and Watter G. Howeld; student trustee Derek Sheftv NEwPoftT-MESA UftF1EO SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2986-A Bear St., Costa MMe; CA 928261 (714) 424l.;oc)o ...... --6usi••""*Mierlt Robert Barbot . . ~-Woarct. Presfdent Martha Auor, Vice 1 Pl'96ident Dena Blac*. Cleft SerW Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egen, Jud'( Franco and Undl Sneen MESA CONSOt.l>ATED WATER DISl1tlCT 1965 Placentia Ave., Costa Mea, CA 92627, (~) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohl~al, Fred Bo<*mill• andfaul E. Shoenbelger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRtCT P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 9262fl.1200, (714) 7~ BAnt. .President Arlene Schafer, Jlm f11rrtman, Att.Peny, Greg Woodside end Oan Worthlng'ton • • ----.. ... - • -I • Lee and Liz Newman of Corona del Mar visrted Australia and New Zealand on a Christmas cruise. Here they are on a Great Barner Reef Island. ~ , c • ----· --I . ' . ' -.. 'I ' " .... . . . . --. . ... www.cll•mplaa4atarubd.cam . (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucks! 1l02 8.E. Bttsto1 Street, Sam. AM Hta., CA 92707 . . . I.net . , ON VA C ATION The Hamiltons and Nockolds of Newport Coast traveled to the Soutn Pacific on a "Back to the P.acific • World War II Historical Cruise," · visiting batUe sites from World War ti. They visited Midway Island, the Marshall" Islands, Guadalcanal, Guam and Saipan and headed to Japan to visit lwo .Jima, Okinawa, ar1d the cities of Hiroshima and Osaka on the . island of Honshu. Pictured from left to . right: Bill Hamilton, Helen Hamilton, Sally Nockold and Lou Nock old. Lido Isle residents Bruce and Pamela Nestande with daughters Gabrielle and Francesa, at the ambassador's residence in Madrid, Spain. They visited Ambassador George Argyros over the · Th"anksgiving weekend. FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT • NO. PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949-64S·7626 ~day, Ma-ch I. 2003 A7 COMPLETE AUT9 REPAIR Imports & Domestic • 30k-60k-90k Services . Trans Flush-Coolant Flush • Injeccion"Service Carburetor Rcbuilqing • GrQss Polluter Repai rs Same 0wner s;nu 1965 Bendil 38 *"rs In Costa Me;a ...._ TBI cl•BDITDI llOP ••c. ~~ 2945 Randolph Ave (Bnstpl & 0 Bakcr) 949.642.8286 • 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbpans@thecarbshop.com -Nobody does it better ... better than ... . JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE ince 18 79 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.blo~sercarpe ton e.co rn Also in Long Beach-wul-1:.os Angel£s :VOll emerr- !11Jterio1:5 since 1920 NIVF:RSAl(Y S S~e Ends SUnday DON'T Miss . - Tlus CHANCE TO SAVE UP To 50°A> OFF .ALL HOME F'uRNISIUNGS 8t ACCESSORi.Es! (ha 8tock aad Special Olden) eo.ta lie .. 8bow1oom 111811 Jlfewport m.a. (M9) 842-2080 4at.: ....... : 1.a.-00 ..... SAVE 40°/o OFF . SELECTED BAKER AND MILLING ROAD F'URNITURE .-. ( 1 ' M Salurdey, Mttdl l, 2003 • ON VACATION .. RosEYs AulriBODY tyou have the right to choose your repair fadllty Insist on the Be~t LIFETIME WARRANTY · ! Cwtom Mlllk ~ Fmh SunFlour 1'Yim1 -. •Boar~ HelUI Mut ,;, Cheese Buy Ooe Whole Sandwic:b and Rtceivc a Second Sandwich FREE . Offer Good duu Mardi 71 2003 MllSI /'°"" C'fllJI" "tbl!t ef ,_,- Lmtil I /tf"""""' 1.' . I i ''I \I,, I I ( ' ' \ \I 1 •) 1'1 (' ,, I ' 111 '1 I (111 ! 1,1' • 1• I '! I • I I I' I • St. John The Divine Episcopal Church 183 E. Bay St. Costa Mesa 949-548-2237 Comer of Bay & Orange Ave. Sunday Service•: 8:00 am and 1 O:OQ am Sunday School 9 :45 · Holy Eucharist at 7:00 am on Wednesday The Rev. Dr. Berber1I ~ F*tor WWW Saint Mimad & }JI¥ Pacific View at Marguerite Corona dd Mar • 644-0463 A. U"f""ltllton of thl Allg{jcan CommlUl/#11 llt"ft.DING OUR FAITH: WVING OIRIST AND SUVING OUR <XJMMUN/TY I he Rcv'd p,m D ~yncs. 'IUNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am • Holy Eudwm 9 vn ~ay School/Adulr Bibk S<udr I 0 am -Chon! f.uclwut " Vl'RSE.RYCAREAVAILAJJI.£ SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'AC......,°""""'"~-' ..... ,,,., Grist. t.19'...,... The Rev. Pl"OY9el'I 6unyon, Rector 3209 VICI IJdo =~ 7:30 om Traditional 9om(.on~ 9am Chun:h School 11 am Choriwnotic ond Wednesday Noon Pre#nls: A SU·Wlll amsl • U.-10 lfAD .......... , ........ ,..... ly U. IWC MDl5Tlle, ... .. ~ . .., ........... . .. ltAOM MDllW. , ..................... .., ...... MIT lUISIAY llQlfT Al 7:JO NL RI. 4,, 11, 11,. ~ llAIOU, 11. ........... f'"I~ l4tl~ ..... ..,.. ..... c.e:sa.a•• .... - 420 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa (949) 548-7727" ev. Michael Bankhead, Pastor We'tt excited, our new chwc.b is open and we'd lo~ to have you visit St. Matthew's Church & Pracbool a paruh of the Anglican Catholic Church Traditional F.f>*'°pel \unc:br ~rv~ 7·'4S. 9:00 & 11:00 am \unday \chool 9·00 am ..._.runa~ 2300 Ford Road, Newpon Beach (comn Boruca Canyon & Prairie Rd) The Rrv. Scepheo C Scatlm, R.mor Newpon Cata United ~ethC)flist Church Rev. Cathleen Coot.s, Pastor 160 l Marguerite Ave. comer of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 &zm Q!lin Worship Snvic~ J011m Wonhip 11Ni Chi/Jrmi Su"""' School l'Oulh mLnint ~~lt!J Newport H•rbor Luthenan Church 'l"C•) TM Doww Dr ..... po.it 9Wtt Tndltlonal L ........ n PMtor o.Vld Mof'8e Wonhlp a.rwtoe wtth ~Communion 8'ancley 9118 llm OMLDCAM ....... Sunday Service 10am Bonita Qeek Paik Cata, Wonhip and heat cha pnctiall. OuitH:ftrttcd, biblical -... Uniwnity ud 1.aV"Jda St., NPB Rev. Gail Miller Albert and • •WHEN GOD SAYS,'STOPI'• Riv. S«pbcn L Alben MiNatn email pilmillc~nct (949) 640-7343 Parmtt and CJilldrea :We>nh.ip Goel Top.bu. Childtm intmla d- : 14rti.tip11U in"" smnee '•. A+ •AGocf~==~j;j=:tdieWonlt:IGod Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vnta Drive N~n BcaCI\, California 92660 · "(949)~~200 FU (9"9) 644-1349 Rri. Moosipor W"JlWn P. McLqhlin r-or UTURGIF.S: Saturday, S p.m. (Cwor), Sunday, 1.00 <QWa>. 8:30 CConw.mponry) 10:00 (Oou), 11:30 a.m. (Cantor) and S:OO p.m. (C-ontcmpotary) ' ' f .. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303 \/ti Udo Newport Beadl 673-1340 a 67~150 0:11.1teh 10 am• 6 pn. ~ Sct'OOl 10 en ••t!!I ,~,_, .. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1101 Biiker, c .M. Wor8hlP"& Church 8choot 8:30 Md 10:00 a.m. (714)~ Dr Ric:llll'd George R1¥ S"Phll* Toon Senlof MlnllW Youth Mlnls1er <luUt Charch By che Sea Uniced MModdt • 1-400 W. Balboa Blvd., NrNpe>n Bcacb ..... ~ ...... Adak.., Sdiool IJO" 10 UL. ~~~...., Sdlad Tiie .Rn. Dr. Geot.,. R CNp, PMcor ('49)67J.3IOS HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dllclpln of Qtlst) %401 lnl•An. llnllMl...et,CA (Mt) ..... 5711 -.....:Dr .... .... ST. Mill PusBYTERIAN ClluRCH Worship 9:30 ' Brownie Troop672, second- ~~ VwrNSchool in Corona delMar, went to Sea World in San Diego with the Daily Pilot Back raw, from lelt MacKenzie,: Emily, Annika, Shayna, '· Tiffany, Madison and Samantha. Front row from lelt Summer, . Madison, Isabella and Alexa. WESTCLIFF· PLAZA HOSTS WINTER SIDEWALK SALE Westcliff Pina will host its Annual Wmter Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, Marcl1 1 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with savings ~ for the whole family, as well as entertainment, crafts and face painting for the kids. Shoppers will also have the opportunity to win 9ne of three $200 gift certificates to the Wntcliff Plau store of their cfloice. · tions will apply and while supplJes last; and Flight Cnrtrr will offer $25 off per person on tours, cnuses or international airfare booked on the day of the Sidewalk Sale. ln addihon, Pkk Up StU: will offer samples from i~j menu, hand out coupons and baJloons, and have drawings for hee lunches. · ,, •. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.., there MIJ8ic:JllM entenainino W.sdff PJau IMnter 5"*"'alk sai. lrlSitot1s. Various tores at Wntcliff will be free foce painting and Plu.a will participate in the kids can decorate spring sale including Kayab, Bliu flower pots, while supplies Mambo, Robttt & Taylor 4nd last. The Main.street Dixieland M•tthew-T11ylo1'•· Crown band will also entertain shop- Bardw11n will offer discounts pers from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on bari>eque merchandise and Customers can complete enter• select seu0nal Items; to-win forms inside any store. ClillfomUI Style will offer 20 Westdlff Plaza ia located pe.realt off one item; I.mate• at Irvine Ave. and Seventeeth HlallmMk will offer up to SO St. m Newport Beach. The percent off paper products center is anchored by including atationery; Ralph'• Ralph• •nd Sao-on Dn111, Fresh Faire will have drawings with 20 shops, aervic:a for giveaways; Mallboxu Etc. and casuaJ dining rest.urantl. will offer• free cellular phone For more Wonnation., viatt and free TV with every the C'.ente.r'~ website it T·MobU new activation of www.ShopThelrvineCompany.com 39.99 or higher, t0me restrlc-or call (949) '190-9713. l i • 1 COMMUNITY &·CLUBS Its f?usiness-is the communitj . W. hile many companies are retreating In this toUgb economy, one company is reaching out and g'l!'tting involved in the communities Its serves ~ a ~strategy. Formed in Juty UXYl by fonner partners of Arthur Anderson Private Client Services.'~· and Tux Advisory Services Inc. is a member of the JiSBC Private Oient Services Group. said ICatba1ne SI.an. managing. . ~or of the Newport Beach office, which opened Dec. 7. "We opened our Newport Beach office with 18 employees, now have 21 empl~ aJ')d we are wodcing with the employees lo identify organil.adons they want to participate in.• Szem said "Our artitude I.'.. we are part or the cornmurtiry we serve and we need to.be involved," she added. With $7.em 's encouragement. manager H. Lan Nguyen joined the Rotary Oub of ~rt-Balboa. a dinner dub. While manager Ou1ldna Homdlly J>i.ned the Rotary Oub of ~eWport Beach Sunrise. a breakfast dub. Swm had been a iiember of the Rotary Oub of lJonoluJu, a luncheon club. before fie moved to Southern Califonua !J 2000 and found it a good way ~meet people and become Mlvolved in commurury <;t>rvic:e. : "I found Rotasy to be a good way to meet people of differenl '"1dcground.'> and to meet people lhvolved i.n communiry service," Slid Nguyen. who has an ~mentary school teacher J;iusband anti IWU daughten. .. "lbe company helps me with Die dues. but it's my ume I am '1vestlng, • she added S7.em is involved with t)ie t>range County Museum of Art. lnd other employees are involved JlOlive~t • • J !SBC h& two rnaJOr donaoon ~rograms. one that supports Jducation and the other that l\Jpports the enVU'Onment. and 1lf!Y wftl match employee grvin~ • - Szemsald. 'MOR£THAN COOKIES TheGirl ScoulSof CostaMesa gratefully received a donadonof JIM ~~the DE BOOM .Sanitary District. The money came from the dlstrict's newsletter, Oassle Ol8tter. The ninth annual Tushiba Senior Cassie ls March l 7 to 23 at Newport Beach C.Ountry Oub. Bghty-one profes.sional players from the PC"'111Ownpions1bur attend the $1.5.5-million ew:11r. The ewnt is operated by Hoag Hospital Foundati<>n. which also serves as the tournament's lead ben~. llckets start at SIS. For Worlq,ation,, call (949) 660-1001 or visit · TbshJbaSmlor<Jassic.rom. sale of some Model A car tires REMEMBERING RON GEORGE that had been brought In to the Members of the Newport dJstrict's tire recycling event The Beach-C.Orona del Mar IOw.lnis funds will be used to support · Oub are mourning the death of communltywide scouting IQngtime member Ron George. A activities. such ~ the annual memorial service will be held at community camping eYenl 11 ant. March 15 at the C.Orona The c.ost.a Mesa Girl Scouts del Mar Communiry Omrch serve more than 400 girls i.n the Congregation. The family suggests community. On hand wacc.ept !hat, in lieu offtowers. the donation were c:osta Mesa contributions be made to the Girl Scout Assn. Chair Carol Oub Foundation; P.O. Box 294, HamDton. Junior Girl Scout 'Doop Corona del Mar. CA 92625. My • 1148, Marpm Rudedgie, troop condolences to his widow. leader, and scouts Marton ' Barbara. and his family and RutledBe. Cara Hob:me. V"" friends. Jamnyne Oy. JMmlne and ~ K.avmade, Beth u.m. and Shanice Douglal. For more information on Glrl Scouts, call 1 lamllton at (949) 646-5687 WORTH REPEATING: From "Thought for the Day" provided by Greg KeDey of the Newpon Mesa Irvine lnLerlaith Council: STIU TIME TO VOLUNTEER ·The daJtest moment.s of our 1lle Toshiba Senior OasMc, · 1ives are not to be buried and Orcillge County's onty official PGA, forgonen. Rather. they_are a four-sanctioned event(as run by a memory to be called upon for crew of more than 000 volunteer... inl>piration 10 remind us of the "We can always use a few e:iura unrelenting human ~pirit ru1d our hands at the Toshiba Senior capaciry to overcome the Oassic," tournament mtolcrahle." co-chairman J8ke Rohrer said -I ance ~tmng Volunteers are asked to work al least two days. There •~ a S72 fee 10 ofT~t the cost of the volunteer package. which lncludei. one golf shirt, one jacket and one hat. aU with Toshiba Senior Uas.<>1c logos: preferred parlting during ~hifts; me-a.b; a grounds badge; rackets for gu~ts. an mvuauon to the volunteer appreciation pa.(ty; and a subscription to the tournament's SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS MONDAY 6:30 p.m.: Harbor M~ IJOll\ will meet al the (,D!,ta MCl>a Cmmtry Oub. A ·~nng Ra.\kl·t " demon.\trauon wiU be given 11) IJom. member Karen Lamas TUESDAY 7:30 a.m.: ·1ne 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at five Crowns for a progrwn by Lt. <d1!g lb.-ell on Newport Harl>or activioes. 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Mesa Newport Hart>or !Jons Oub will meet at stosh Monahan's for a di.oner meeting. WEDNESDAY 7~1 5 a.m.: The 20 member South Coa.<.1 Metro Rotary Qub will meet at the Center Oub (www.soutJu::oasrmerro ror.aryorgi; and the Newpon Harbor IGwarili. Oub will meet al the UnNersily . Athletic Oub. Noon: "flle 40 member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coru.t will meet al lhc Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club for a business meeting,. 6 p.m.: The fiO member Rmary Oub of Newpor1-BaJboa meets at the Bahia 01rinthian Yacht Uub for a craft talk hy Dan Hoffmann. THURSDAY 7 am.: Ille LO plu'> member Costa Mesa C >r.mge Costa Breakfast I J6110., Club meet!> at Mimii.. Noon: 1lw ~J member W'>la Mesa Kiwc1.111' Club will meet at the I loliday 11111, rhe 50 member Newport Head1 C A.mma del Mar Kiwanis Uub will meer at the Bahia Connth1m1 Yacht CJub for a program by I m \ngel~ Time-. columrus1 Dana Parsons. ( tw•w.kluwiu.of17clubl rostat/U."UtJ; tA<.• llO-member l:.XChange Ouh ol Newpor1 f larbor will ml'C'l al the Newport I !arbor Nauli<.<ll Museum for .1 b~ine<.."> m t-eung; and the 100-memhu Nt•wpc>rt-lrvlm Rotary Ouh wdl ml't'l at 1he Atnum I loll'I (wwuwimuuyn~ • COMMUNITY & ClUBS IS published Saturdays in the Daily P1l<11• St>nd your wrvice clubs meetmg informat1on by fax 10 949 660-0t>07 P. ma•l to 1<J1•tx1on1 aol com or by ma1l 10 2182 SE Bristol. Suite 201, Newpon Beacr ....A 92660 1740 • Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service••• • .. Nil d Entertainment••· Come sec chi:' ne\\ Shapt·nt., blind' from llur111·r I Jougltt~ 1111: ~ul l flow112!{ 1 un c.:5 ;ind 11·\nired hrwr\ likL f1rno;h C.iplu' l 1lt: f<>Ok l '~ lht 'iOf1 11'Ll lulc!s or, .1 K,11'1.t:I -J .i It· \:ld 'Sh.1p• r ' .., '' 11 :1 •t \\t1•1> cr.1Lk I •·r•l r1r l.idl' I •l'•• 111 t1urn1d ,111 ,..., tr <1ir<'cl -;unli~lit t .. i1,.111 1•NI -, .. 1 !lll")t: h1·,11ot1I 1111111 h 1ntt.i\ . ~. ' .... "~ .... ,~ .. .. t~day, Match I, 200J At Presents Frank Sinatr from 6-9pm on Monday Nights - r------------------------~, I NELSON & AsSOCIATES I I Let our former IRS revenue agent with a Masters in I I Taxation prepare your income tax return. If we I I prepare your tax return bl'.'. Febt\J~ 28, 2003 our I ~~will~~reduced~o/~~~1JJ1-6J4-738~~ ~ALDEN'S ..... . . ' ~ 1663 Plu~nti;a, ( osta Mt>'Ml q49-04b-4838 . .. Meet the Wells Fa.rgo · Private Mo.rtgage Banking Teaffi . Place your home financing needs in the hands of Priyate Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers liv.e and work in your commu~ity ·and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparajleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed ervice ensures the cornplete satisfaction you expect and ·deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,QQO • Primary, second homes and investment properties .. ~•Interest-only loans Lisa Hayes 949-251-4409 David Kravitz 949-251-4902 Jay · Kunkle 949-253"'4~54 Denni Lance 94~251-4467 Mary Ann Magee 949'-2Sl-44S3 I Kim Sanderson· Porter-Donath 949-2Sl:.44S2 . ,~9-2534236 ' . • •. ·--~----......... -----------r---- - --- AlO ~.Mardi 1, 2003 /" .. . --- ~l~Ilgin ·' ;.hiS :blµes .acr,qss . th~-·c9u.ntry . ' Judah Bauer, of the Jon Spencer Blues ·Explosion, is touring the country with liis blues side project,_ 20 Miles. · Lolita Harper Daily Pilot H is voice is slow and melodic. His attirude laid back. But his fingers on the guitar tell a dUferent story a,, they jam out a ~rgetic mix of •root$)' blues" and roclc 'n' roll. project at Detroit between an LA. show and a gig in Austin, Texas. Wrtb him comes a pack of talent, "like a little review all crammed into one van," be said The owner of Detrolt is a friend of Bauer's and used to the wotk with the Jon Spencer mues Explosion. The explosion played at the..Westside..clob last year. maybe i(s because I am from FYI- New Yori ahd I am used to ~ --.. playing for the home team." '' · WHAT: 20 Miles Bauer describes 20 Mlles' WHERE: Detroit Ber, 843. W 19th St. sound as a comblnadon of"that EN s d WH : 8:30 p.m. un ay Stones-y vain of rock blues with maybe a little m ore pJJ.Dk," 'lbe sounds are Inftuenced by rock" by cridc and former traditional blues music, be said non-fan Andria Usle. "People say it sounds like Lou Others say the album, which Reed if he were in a garage band. was recorded in Bauer's East or Tom Petty." Bauer said "I Village studio, bas "an don't know. I'm probat>ly not intoxicatingty woozy pedal-steel selling myaelf very~" tone." Bauer doesn't have to take on • The intrigue of blues and its Judah Bauer. cdator of the band 2.0 Miles, will bring his soothing voice, busy fingers and Ne\v York attitude to Costa Mesa The 31-year-old WlSCOnsin native, who bas adopted New York as his hometown, said LA. aoo.vds are usually a little •balder" to play to. that task. however, as music almost criminal aspect drew critics across the ~ have Bauer to the music scene, as did · ..,,, Sunday at the Detroit Bar on 19th Street Bauer, one of the guitarists for the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, will sandwich his bluesy side - "'Il)ey are a little more standoffish than what I am used to in t'lew Yo*'" Bauer said "But given rave reviews to 20 Miles' autobiographical tal~ from his third album, "Keep it Coming." trumpet-and The al~wn. put out by Fat harmonica-playing father. Possum, was touted as the "My father tried to get me to "perfect comblnation of play the sax. but it's too much hill-country blues an big city work.". be said. A dance for all typ·es - 'From Bel}thoven to The Naughty Ones' features an eclectic ·· mix of four dances that explore different relations.hips Deirdre Newman-'f Daily Pilot . . ...... A Dl9Jl and a woman betrothed since birth participate ln an ancient tribal wedding ritual and are left.alone for the first time on their wedding day. They express a whirlwind of emotions, from shyness to lust, as they do a sensual pas de deux with some body contortions that are reminiscent of Cirque du Soleil. This is the setting for "Unknown Territory," a ballet choreographed by internationally renowned Oloo-San r;oh, which will be performed by Ballet.. "acifica in March. lilll••liiliiilil•••••~ The contemporary ballet series From Beethoven to The Naughty Jnes" features an eclectic mix of four dances that all explore perscmal or group relationships. "Part of our mission is to keep the art form alive and progressing, means. doing a lot or different works," said Molly Lynch, artistic director. "Unknown Territory" is directed by Janek Schergen, who worked with Goh on the origirial st.aging of the ballet for the Washington Ballet O>mpany ln ~Washington, D.C The costumes for the ballet include bodysuits with brtgbt spWhes of color for the women. trunb and ribbons of color around their chest for the men, face paint and colorful headpieces. Just as the wedding ritual Itself is a blend of various Mian cultures, the tribal music is also a melange of eastern sounds. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH/DAILY Pt.OT Lead dancers Tye Gillespie and Hit0mi Yamada perform the as de deux (dance of two) during rehearsal. One of the challenges or directing the piece is getting the dancers to convey the raw emotion or the tribal ritual, Schergen said, as evidenced by a rehearsal Wednesday. M the dancers practiced the beginning of the ritual, Scbergen gently reminded them of the atmos~ they were trying to recreate "Remember, the whole thing is tribal, not suburban," Schergen said. To help them undetStand the richness of a ritual that ia ttone pcedsely ~e same way century after centwy. Sch~n tells his dancers stories, •ao that they have a diafogue in their head" to work with. uner, working with the m'en. he demonstrated a mow 1n which the dancers throw their bodies toward the ground and powid the Ooor. •Please don't take th.is the wrong way. because you're acton at this moment, but there should be a lot more testosterone.• the d.llector sakl. 1be ballet la unJque becau9e the FYI WHAT: •From Beethoven to the Naughty Ones• WHAT: March 7-8 at Irvine WHERE: Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine INFO: For information call, (949) 854-4646 women ue eh pointe, a departUre ..,Jrom rnost~c dances, which . feature ~feet. This is to accentuate the female_ dancers' femininity, Schergen said, as Goh wanted to htgbligbt the difference between the • · sexes. • Hltomi Yamada. 28, the pedte dancer who performs the bride's role, acknowledged the cballense of playing a character who has no choice over her marriage. :1 don't know about th.is lady, but lf It ~me. I don't know if I'd be happy to get marded," Yamada said •[As the S.. DANCE, P ... A14 KenWallar holds Gina McFadden in his arm as they rehearse a move for the upcoming Ballet Pacifica productiOn:- .. Judah Bauer and20 Miles will playlfle 'Detroit Bar . on Sunday. COURTESY Of FAT POSSUM RECORDS THEATER:· Strong,. full-bodied 'Fiddler' at Vanguard The musical's n1n at the Costa Mesa coll ege is short, but sweet. By Tom Titus ·. w hen Vanguard University elected to stage the musical "Fiddler-on the Roof.. artistic directors were faced with two choices -·downsize FYI the show to fit the limJted dimensions of the~ Theater stage or "upsiz.e" the stage. Thankfully, they picked the latter option, and Vanguard's ·Fiddler" has emerged as a powerful. full-bodied production that impresses in its musical and . WHAT: •Addler on the Roof" WHERE.: Venguard University Lyteum Theater, 55 Felr Drive, Costa Mesa WHEN: Closing perfonnencet today at 2 and 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. COST: $7 to $16 CALL: (714) 668-e146 dramatic areas. The · , stage still Isn't really lalge enough to hold. it. but in a show this wonderfully rea.l.ized. a limited enviloornent doesn't realty matter all that much. Director C.arey Curtis Smith, who has reproduced the qrigjnal choreogJaPhy from the Tony-winning 1964 Broadway production. simply makes it fit, and scenic designer Tun Mueller meets the loglstical chalienge head on. The circular exodus or the villagers at the close of the show appears to be the only visual 'casualty. Smith bas elicited some superb interpretations from his mostly student cast, beginning with Tun I.anon'• richly robust portrayal of Tevye, tb.e downtrodden dairyman father or five daughters-three of whom leave the nest in maibdly contrasting styles during the show. Larson embeWShes bis one-on-one relationship with the almigbl>' and rages convincingty as his parental authority . gradually ebbs. Ronnie Hamilton is a splendid Golde, his long-sutfeting wife who koowa when to exert her influence and when to effect a. strategic withdrawal. She and I.anon overcome the problems of pby&lcal youth to render bawdluDy satisfying pert'ormancea. ... THEATER, hpA14 . . ,· SOC I ETY Sltwday. Marcil 1. 200? Al 1 THE CROWD . . . A Navigators head to Turnip Rose S~y-S~n ~-tl)ecemnony,UO Oeriiee Swinney of • . gUeMI attended • tec:epdon -~ ae..ch and Qet •• dw Mamon Hotd and $c>lffflol~rc Beach • Re.ott. • • ' S odety spy Debbie Newmeyer reports that Newport Hatbor High School parent! are planning a Navfgators benefit for Mardi 15 at the Turnip Rose Grand NeWport Plaza The Navigators.are a dedicated support group for the ··· ~LSO IN THE C~OWD extbanged weddhi« vows at • 11te coµple ii al home "1 the . · . Newport Beach after a · Marriott weddiJ18 tril' to LU v~ blgb~ ..--~~~---. 1begroup will gather for its 10th annual benefit. caDed "BuildJngA Better Future.· "'The p.irty is planned as a tribute to the massive B.W. construc:Qon COOK . pro;ec:t that Harbor High School is about to take," Newmeyer said. The evening at Turnip Rose will cost ~100 per person. which roveni dinner and dancing. A tempting silent and live auction is also planned for lhe.evenmg to raise additional funds. "Proceeds from the evening will support tutorial programs. after-school prngrdmS, technology upgrades and the six . academic academies." Newmeyer said . To reserve tickets, please call Diana long at (949) 515-6365. CHILDHELP DINNER Hotel and - ' Resort in ~rt ·Beach on ~31 , 2002 •. nie , . bride.. • ., daughter 1---' .. lml!I ofR.ichard · · • · an<t JodY Dentse SWinney Swinney anctChet Spr~ of · Newport Beach, wore a white satin sleeveless ,gown with' beading ~D the bust and ai train. Her maid of honor wu Michelle Swinney, and her brlde$makh were Sa,sha Brau~ Carrie Goode; Julla(ine Harrison, Emily· Uttle. Alison Schneider, Sbz.anne Scllneider and Tara Stimbert. • .Jhe btidegroom Is the soo . ~. of Greg and Jeannette del Mar Spreen or Newport 8eacb.. . High and Brian Hogan and Vanessa Gobdey His best ma.Q. was Jell the , Spreen. and his groomsmen Ur\.iversity of San Diego. were Shareef Bahador, Mark An April 5 wedding iS Gaoo. Mark Jobn~ton. Man planned at the Westin Notbitis. Treoton Rhodes. Mission Hills Resort fu .Kevin Swinney, 'Il"evor Ranctlo Mirage. SWin.ney and Dave ' - Thomsen. • Wec:tdl"'o1• and engagements The bride is a paduate run Saturdays. For e fonn, · student, and the groom is a please call Christine Carrillo st general manager at Spreen 1949) 574-4298. · •. Nancy Whitlock. local' president of the much·loved ChildHelp USA. joins fellow · OilldHelp volunteer Jana Shuler in inviting the community to a Man:h 8 dinner at the Hyatt Regency. lrvine. The dinner is being held to support the children~ charity. which~ dedicated to the treatment and prevention of ctuJd abuse. 11le evening of dining. dancing and gaming will be called "Roll The Dice Por Olild.Help USA". Ola.ired by Cleo Bluth and Gbela Donlgu.lan. the party promises to be a wonderful night of fun on the California Riviera for a very worthwhile caw.e. fur reservations and ucket Charles ·and Twyta Martin. prominent benefactors of the Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach, welcomed new museum director Dennis Szakacs and his wrfe, Mana, at a dinner party thrown at their coastal estate. Szakacs 1s relocating to Newport Beach from New Yof1(, where he served as the deputy director of the Avant-garde New Museum of Contemporary Art. Pictured'from left are Denni~and Mana Szakacs, and Twyla and Charles Martin. ' TARYN Ro'SE Featur..-d "" talk ~hr.>,..)'· nationwide lithr.>p•.:d c. · urgeor 1 Tor,r. P.o~ ~ mfonnation, plro...e (·all Rluth at (949) 499 7611 CHARITY FASHION SHOW The t 7th annual mother/daughter fashion show produced by the Newport Chapter of the Nation.11 (harity League Juniors will walk down the runway on March 22nd at the Four Seaso~ eaJm Garden. The fa.,tuon show and lund1eon will have a very chic French theme. ·Belle De Jour." said TunJ Hilton. pubhc relations representative for tit·~ MIKE'I ~~~°cARPE1$ O VER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA M ESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Pl_.sh Flooring Featuring ALLOC N o G lue Installa tion ~arpet f~o *2" . a q ft Installed wood Berber Carpet Flooring Refinishing & New ~~otl-s1 es Installed Sq ft the organv..ation. ll1e Saturday event IS expt.•cted 10 attrct(.1 more than S<Xl mothen, and daughters. The fashion show is ..et for ICt.30 am. and the lundwon at 12:30 p.m .. Wlth ume in betWttn to bid on the .. i1en1 auction 1kkct!> are priced at S90 for adulL'> an~ ~ for children. and Ceramic f~o~s1 so • sq ft Vlnyl -- Flooring ot1-•1 H ~~ aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 fURNITURE REUPBOLSltRY • Custo,n-Made furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture l)raperies. Shades. & bedspreads I de~19n!> t>><Jut1ful lo r ... .:,o· ..,~,ng onf.. 'h" lirie~1 mo•,,~10 s . br lu,(ury w .j · mlon Ju:: funds rru-.ed will <;uppon the High Hopes I lead ln1ury Program. the Pediatric Omcer. Research Foundation and the Harry and Grace Steele Olildrens C:Cnter. For more infonnaoon. please call Hilton at (949) 642-4496. '1e SIPP ]fl l , U hlf t~ the d1He1enc1 i~J.~J.~.~~~ • llfE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays 949~4-5939 Corona del Mar Pmo 136 AYOCDdo AvtrM, Nn,or1 leodi Near lmtol Farms . ..,. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 Yo u Can Help ... Are you an animal lover? Herc's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. . Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo o~ a pct .wh<;> as available for adoption and needs a good home. This spccaal page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like y~u! Be a pan of $aving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented ·in conjunction with local animal shelters . and Ncwpon Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can ~d your own special · thoughts un4cr the pet's photo. It ~ display your nitne as the sponsor of this pct. or you may include a loving memory of one o~ your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Nam~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ Address~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ciry: Stare: Credit Cardl: ______________ Exp~------, Signature~·--------~~--~~~~~~~~~·~~~~--~ Phonc{option~)-·--~~~---~-,..-----~-~ FOr check, ma.kc payable tO: Daily Pi.lot 0 Tat to appear in pao: below photo, 20 dwacttn or Choose One: .. . . CJ In loving memory o . ..__......._--..--------...-........_..._'"!"'<-:_=-----~ OSpoosomiby-----~-----------............... ._...~......._...._~~- Mail this form with ~r check or cicdit cud information t0: vc A Lif~ c-,() Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. c.ost.a Maa, CA 92627 . \ . ~ . 1 ~~~--------~---.---~--.-------- AlO Sauday, March l, 2003 -. _,. -. ~ ·s1angiri '' his".blues across .. fQ..e·.· couiitry . \'.. )ud~ Bauer; of the Jon. Sji'enc~r. Blues . ------Explosion, is to\iring the country With hfs FYI . • . 1 blues side project, 20 Miles·. maybe it's b&au.5e I am from New York and I am used to plQying for the home team." Bauer describes 20 Miles' sound as a combination of "that WHAT: 20 Miles WHERE: Detroit Bar, 843. W 19th St. . I • Lolita Harper Daily PAot H is voice is~ow and melodic. Hts attitude laid back. But his fingers on the guitar tell a di1ferent story as they jam out alivnergetic mix of "rootsy blues" and rock 'n' roll. -Judah Bauer, creator of the band 20 Miles, will bring his soothing voice, busy fingers and New York attitude to Costa Mesa Sunday at the Detroit Ba{ on · 19th Street. Bauer, one of the guitarists for the Jon Spencer Blues ~losion, will sandwich his bluesy side project at Oetrbi.t t>e~dan LA show and a gig in Austin, Texas. With him comes a patk. l!lf talent, "like a little review all cram.med into one van," he said. The owner of Detroit is a friend of Bauer's and used to the work with the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. The explosion played · at the Westside club last year. The 31-year-old Wisconsin native, who has adop~ New York as his hometoWn, said LA · crowds are usually a little "harder" to play to. "They are a little more standoffish than what I am used to in New York." Bauer said. "But · Stones-y vain of rock blues with maybe a little more punk." The sounds are inJluenced by traditional blues music, he said. "People say it sounds like Lou Reed if he were in a garage Qand or Tom Petty," Bauer said. "I • don't know. I'm probably-not· · · selling my&elf very well." Bauer doesn'thave to take on that task, however, as music ciitics across the board have · given rave reviews to 20 Miles' third album. "Keep it Coming." The album, put out by Fat Possum, was touted as the "perfect combination of hill-country blues an big city , WKEN: 8:30 p.m. Su nday rock" by critic and Conner non· fan Andria Usle. Others say the album, whipl was recorded in Bauer's East Village studio, has "an intelicatingly woozy pedal-steel tone." The inrrigue of blues and its almost criminal aspect drew Bauer to the music scene, as did autobiograplµcal tales from his trumpet-and harmonica-playing father. · "My father tried to get me to play the sax, but it's too much work." he said. A danc.e for all types . . 'From Beethoven to The Naughty On(!s' f eatures an eclectic · Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot mtx of four dances-that explore different.rela tionships A man and a woman - betrothed since birth participate in an ancient · tribal wedding ritual and are left alone for the first titne on their wedding day. They t!XRress a whirlwind of emotions, from shyness to lust, as they do a sensual pas de deux with some body contortions that are . reminiscent of Cirque du Soleil. This is the setting for "Unknown Thrritory," a ballet choreographed by internationally renowned Oloo·San Goh, which will be performed by Ballet 'acifica in March. The conte'mporary ballet series ~ Frqm Beethoven to The Naughty .Jrtes" features an eclectic mix of four dances that all explore pel"SQil.al or group relation.ships. "Part of our mission is to~ the art form alive and progressing, means doing a Jot of different works," .said Molly 4'nch, artistic director. •Unknown Territory" is directed by Janek Schergen, who worked with Goh on the original staging of the ballet for the Washington Ballet Company in Washington, D.C. The costumes for the ballet include _bpdysuits with bright splashes of color for the women, trunks and ribbons of color around their chest for the men. face paint and colorful bea,dpieces. Just PHOTOS BY OON LEACH I DAILY PILOT :n1!~~~=r:!~ ~!f: Lead dancers Tye Gille'.spie and Hitom.i Yamada perform the as~de deux (dance of two) during rehearsal. is also a melange of eastern sounds. One of the challenges of directing FYI the piece is getting the dancers to • convey the r.aw emotion of the tribal • WHAT: From Beethoven to the Naughty Ones" ritual, Schergen said, as evidenced by a WHAT: March NJ at Irvine rehearsal Wednesday. WHERE: B'arclay Theatre, 4242 As the.dancers practiced the Campus D[lve, Irvine beginning of the ritual, Schergen INFO: For information call, (949) gently reminded them of the 854-4646 atmosphere they were trying to recreate "Remember, the whole thing is tribal, not suburban," Schergen said. Th help them understand the richness of a ritual that is done predsely the same way century after century, Scherpn tells his dancers stories, "so that1hey have a dialogue in their head" to work with. Later, working with the men, he demonstrated a move in which the dancers throw their bodies toward the ground and pound the Ooor. "Please don't take th.ls the wrong • way, because you're actors at this moment. but there should be a lot more testosterone," the director said. ~ ballet is unique because the women are en pointe, a departure from most ritualistic dances, whim feature .bare feet This is to accentuate the female dancers' femininity, Schei:gen said, as Goh wanted to highlight the difference between the .sexes. . Hitomi Yamada. 28, the petite dancer who performs the bride's role. ~owtedged the challenge ol pJaying a cbaracter who has no choice over her marriage. r "I don't know about this lady, but if it Were me, I don't know l.(J'd be happy to get married," Yamada said "(As tfle SM DANCE, Paae A14 ----~ ·KenWallar holds Gina McFadden in his arm as · they reHearse a move for the upcoming Banet Pacifica production. . . Judah Bauer - and 20 Miles will ' play the Detroit Bar on Sunday. COURTESY OF FAT POSSUM RECORDS r THEATlR Stn;>ng, full-bodied 'Fiddler.' at --.. ,.,.. ".~, ...... Vanguard The m usical's run at the Costa Mesa college is short, but sweet. By Tom Titus W hen Vanguard University elected to stage the musical "Fiddler on the Roof," artistic directors were faced with two choices -downsize FYI · the show to fit the limited di.D'lensions of the Lyceum . Theater stage or "upsize~ the stage. Thankfully, they picked the latter option, and Vanguard's "Fiddler" has emerged as a powerful, full-bodied production that impresses in its musical and \iramatic areas. The . WHAT;" Rddler on the Roof" WHERE: Vanguard University Lyceum Theater, 55 Fair Drive, Cost.a Mesa WHEN: Closing performances today at 2 and 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. COST: $1 to $15 CALL: (714) 668~14!f stage still isn't really large enough to hold it, but in a show this wonderfully realiud, a limited enviro0!1lent doesn't really matter all that much. Director Carey 01rtis Smith, who has reproduced the original choreography ftom the Tony-winning 1964 Broadway production, simply makes it fit. and scenic designer Tun Mueller meets th? logistical -· challenge head on. The d.rculai exodus of . the.villagmiifihe close oftbe show appears to be the onty Visual casualty. Smith has elidted some superb interpretations from his mostly student cast, beginning with nm Larson's richly robust portraya). of 'Thvye, the downtrodden dairyman father of five daughters,-three of whom leave the nest in markedly contrasting styles during the show. . Larson embellishes his one·on-one relationship with the almighty, and rages convincingly as his parental authority gradually ebbs. · Ronnie Hamilton is a spleodld Gokk, his long-suffering wife who knows when to eitert her inftuence and when to effect a strategic withdrawal She and Larson overcome the problems of physical youth to render beautifully satisfyipg . performances. J-SH THEATER. PaceA14 'T " .... .... .. . ,; -__ .,, Daily Pilot SO C IE'fY THE CROWD Navigators· h.ead to ·rurnip -ROse ' . S ociety spy Debbie NewlDe')'a' repom that Newport Harl:>or High School parents are plannJng a· Navigators benefit for March 15 at the Turnip Rose Grand Newport Plaza. The Navigators are a dedltated support group for the high school ,--...,.---,....--, The group will gather for its 10th annual benefit,~ ~Building A Better Future.· 8.W. COOK "The party is planned as a tnbu1e to the massive construction project that Harlx>r High School is about Jo take,· Newmeyer said. The evening at Turnip Rose will cost SIOO per person, which covers dinner and dancing. A tempting silent and live auction is .also planned for the evening to raise additional funds. MProceeds from the evemng will support tutorial programs, after-school programs, technology upgrades and the six academic academies.· Newmeyer said To reserve ti ckets, please call Diana Long at (949) 515-6.165. CHILDHELP DINNER Nancy WhJtlock.. local president <1f the much-loved Childl lelp 1,JSA. joins fellow· ALSO IN THE-CROWD Satwday' March 1, 2003 Al 1 WEDDINGS~ ENGAGEMENTS • ~ Swill1¥Y.~preell . Denile Swinney of Newport 8-eh ind Oliet Spr~nOf~ Beach exchangied ~ YOWi at Mu the cemnony, 240 guetts attended a receptiQn at the Matrlott Hotd and Rele>tt. the Marriott . Hotel and Rnonlo NeWport The couple is at tloll)e Jn Newport 8eadl after a Weddlngtrlp (O Lu Vegu. Beach on Gobdey·Hogan Dec. 31, Mi and >,{rs. Dexter . 2002. Gobdey of cOrona del Mai 1'be announce the en~t bnde. Of their daughter, Vaneiea.. daughter . Elizabeth Gobdey of Corona. • -of Richard. · -· det Mar to Brian Jam.es and Jody Denise SWinney Hogan of Balboa Islatid. Swinney and Chet Sprffll The brlde-eJect graduated of from Newport Harbor~ : Newport Beach, wore a and the UC Santa Barbara: white satin sleeve.less _gown The future biidepoom. · with beading on the bust son·of Mr. and a train. Her maid or and Mrs. , honor wu Michelle James SWinney, and her Hogan of bridesmaids were Sa.sha Balboa Brauer, Carrie Goode, Island and Jullanne Harrison, Emily Olromo, Utt.le, Alison Schneider, Colo.. Suzanne Schneider and Tara graduated Stlmberl from The bridegroom is the son Corona of Greg and Jeannette · del Mar Spreen of Newport Beach. High and His best man was Jeff the 8rianHogan and Vanessa Gobdey Spreen, and his groomsmen University of San Diego. . were Shareef Bahador, Malk An April 5 wedding ls Gaoo, Mark Johnston, Matt planned at the Westin Norkaitis, Trenton Rhodes, Mission Hills Re&'t>rt ln Kevin SWfuney, Trevor Rancho Mirage. Swinney and Dave Thomsen. The bride is a graduate student, and the groom is a general manager at Spreen •Weddings end engagements run Saturdey9. For• fonn, please-call Christine c.mJlo et (949) 574-4298. -OuldJ lelp volunteer Jana Shuler in mvinng the community to a March 8 diimer at the Hyau Regem .. ')'. Lrvine. The dinner is being held 10 support the children'& chanty, which il> dedk:a1ed to the treatmenl and prevention or chLl<f abuse. lllt' evening of <tining, dancing and •' , garrung will be called -Roll Ille Dice fur ChildJ lelp USA·. Chau'ed by Cleo Bluth and Gbela Donlgulan. 1he party promises lo be a wonderful n1gh1 of fun on Charles and Twyla Marbn, prominent benefactors of the Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach, welcomed new museum director Dennis Szakacs and his wife, Mana, at a dinner party thrown at their· coastal estate. Szakacs is relocating to Newport Beach from New York, where he served as the depll~irector of the Avant-garde New Museum of Contemporary Art. Pictured from left are Dennis and Mana Szakacs, and Twyla and TARYN ROSE Feotur• ~ ')r to'~· tu·.;.. not '"w•<le orif r:r"J <.. "' '1 ;;; • r surg~· '-'' IOf',r !><:" . des1qn~ tPO ~tilu I .x.~ ...... ~· J~1nq onl, •t-. ... f1r1''' mo'"'' rJI~ Charles Martin. • the California Riviera for a very wonhwhile cau'>t'. fur re<.ervalioris and uckel mformauon. pled.'>e call Bluth al (949) 499-7611 CHARfTY FASHION SliOW The I 7th~ual mother/daugh1er fashion show produced by the Newpon Olapler of the National Olari1y l.cagul' Junior. will walk down the runwdy on March 22nd at the four Seaso~ Palm Garden. Tut• fao;h1on !Jlow and lunch~n will have a very' chit French tfieme. MBelJe De Jour." said Toni Hiiton. pubhc relations representauve for 0~\~~~ MIKE'I ~"e CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • No~ Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plush lfloorlng Featuring ALLOC No Glue Installation ~arpet ~\\-0 •2m1.q ft ..---Installed Wood Berber Carpet Flooring Refinishing & New f\\-0~ s1 ee Installed Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics• Wood• Laminates the org;mv..ation ll1e Saturday evcn1 is e>.pee1ed to aurm.1 more than 500 mother. and daughters. ·m e fashion 'ihow •~ <it'I for Ht..30 a.m. and the lundwon at 12:JO p m .. Wlth ume m bt>1wren to bid on the <,1len1 auction lic~t .. are pric<.>d al $90 fo r aduJL, and $60 for cluldren, and Ceramic f~o~s1 so sq ft Vlnyl Floorl_ng 0~•1° f~ 9q ft CALL .NOW 642-8400 . ·s11ee4a ~ESIGN CENTER ~~For All Your Decorating. Needs!'' fURNllURI REUPBQLSIERY • Custom-Made Furniture •Slip Covers • Patio Furniture · Dl'~~ries. Shades. & Bedspreads ' , 1 1, t \ ' r \ ,\ > l ' ' \ \ : ' I 'I I \ • I ' i • () -12 -i )-l ( )( ) fund!> r.u'>l..>d will suppon the I Ugh Hopes I lead Injury Program. the Pediatric c.ancer Research ,Foundalion and the Hany and Grace S..eele Ouldren'i. Center' For more mformauon, please call I hllon al (949) 642 4496. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. foi lu"IJry or ~ rr.1011 Ju~· re i.J• p tJ' J ., '" I.,...., the d11!erenc,.' SAVE A .LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help ... Are you an animal lover? qlere's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pct photo 'n our special "Save a Lifen page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship ~U secur.e a space for a photo o~ a pet _who is .available for adopuon and needs a gO<?<l home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives aJl over the state, thanks co people like you! ~ a pan of ~ving ~ life ~d f~I great a~ut doing it. This page ts presented m con1unct1on with local anunal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughr.s under the pet's photo. le w~ display your name as the sponsor of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Namc~·~------~----~~~~~~~~~---Addrcss:;__ __________________________________ ~. _ Ciry: State· CreditCardl·:__ ___________ __._p·~------- Signarurc~· -------~--~--,-~-~-~~--- Phone (optional);...· ---------"---------"- For c:hcck. make payable to: Daily Pilot Text to appear in 'Pace below photo, 2Q ch&racten or I Choose One: Q ln loving memory O·a..;....;..___._ ________ ~---- Q Sponsored by __ ...._ ________ _.._ _ _..._ ___ , Mail this form with you.r the& or credit Card information to: Save A~.~ Daily Pilot, P.O. Box ·1560, Costa M CA."92627 • Al2 Satur~. March 1, 200l OATEBOOK . . ~ FOa froni SCR Will the.ater awards Theater critic Rob Stevens includes three actors and a director from three O.C. productions in his annual Robby Awards. I and they j\llt paform thel.r heads off." Stevens obviously admired SCR'a •MajO.r Barbara." wbiCh won for Best CDmedy Produaion Lolita Harper Dady Pilot . . It is the best awards sbow in town. Well, not this town, but the larger use of the word town that · can apply to any llP c.ode, lndUStry insiders say. •1 tttlnk it ~'just dandy,"· ~teran actress and South Coast Repertory star Nan Mard.o 'Said of the 26th Annual Robby AWanis. The Robby Awards, hosted and named after longtime cridc Rob Stevens, were held Monday is the historic Blossom Room of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel And Sourh Coast Repertory shined in llnseltown, as the t:o6ta Mesa at the awanls banquet Director theater took home five Robby Martin Benson and acto.r Dakin awards. Matthews won accolades for Martin. who bu won five their work.in the comedy. Robby awards and·used to host Sopporting actress Michelle the time-bonoled affair. attended · Hurd joined SCR colleagues in the L.A. gala. which she called the winners' circle for tier s:ole in strangely Unique and dazzlJngly the dnuna "The Violet Hour." entertaining. Martin. who won the Uvlng "Rob goes to more than 200 LegeQd Robby last~ said· shows a year, so h~.knows all the people take the solo aecolade best actors end best directo.rs," very ,eriously. St~ vast ~d Martin, who received her knowledge of the theater gives latest award for her supporting a-ed.lbilhy to the award, and only actress role in the comedy ' the top talents walk away with "Getting Frankie Manied and· honors. · Afterwards." "He gets the best "It's a~ thing. a one~man signers in Southern California. aw.mi show, but it seems to FYI" These people won Robby Awards for their wort In SCR proc:tuc;tiona in 2002; Martin leMon; bHt director In e comedy; •Major Barbara" DUln Ma~: best actor In e comedy: "Major Barb•ra" · Nan Mwtln:"best supporting actreu in a comedy: "Getting Frankie Married end Afterwards~ MJch• Hurd: best 1uppor1fJ!Q actress In a drama: "The Violet Hour" wotk." she said. Hwe are always bllppy to win," SCR spokeswoman Madeline Po'rter said. "We are very proud of these pr:oductions and happy they were called out to be worthy of awards." · Momma John Jennifer ·Gus Brenda Miles Wt be/Qng UJ tht C!.IC!.JC!Jr!.m [!I Cl..If!1C!.m ·100% ~ Ufetime ~ ~ Ufetime world} 'largest flooring Warranty Warranty "tail ~"fe -ro-op. 'Wtaret e~tst ~ Carpet ~ Ceramic FREE. fool'ing de. rs · $}99 ~ $}99, indi11iduaU.y OW1ltd ~ 11nd operated. ~ ~ No Q~fe~ns 4,000STORE B~INGPOWER NOBODY anywhere .· ;,..u,.,,~ '"" 1Ha1 our 1~kaion ,l'Ou;r !J'Ji"t '°" 1W .;JI "Jlta it "'""' if :Jl!ll"n "°' F buyi"l'ffe"' fU. RJU. SERVICE 011 ITOP llOP Co.Ater T ept • ShoWers • Ctri•ie •• On•llte • Wee.I Wai Reflelth • CIM11i"9 ctrptt & Upholtttry • Pelllfhlt-littrlw & Exteritr . . • ---·--~...-.-..... • D111Y Pilot I . . AFTER HOURS ::':C:: • Submh AFTER HOURS ft8m8 to the Deily Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Com Meu, CA 92827; by fax to (9'9) ~170; or hycelllng (949) 674-4288..A complete list ra .vallable It Gr8mmv Award.winning ftddter Mtlrt O'Conner wtll make hla jazz ctub debut It f-ounden Hall et 7:30 end 9'.30 p.m. Friday, Mard\ 14, end Slturdey, Merd\ 16. HI• perfonnencea wtd apotllght hla new CO, "In Full• Swtng;' a tribute to hla mentor, www,dallypilotcom. SPECIAL • late Frend'l J8Z2 vfollnlat Stephenie Grappelll. T1dceb are ~to $46, IMtUable at the Center Box Oftlce, onllne at • Mf Nfl) SOUL EVENT fUNO.RAIWt ,Oranqe County femlllea and celebritlet wlll hold their first Art and Sotal event to beneflt autism research. Honorary dlelra Bradley Whitford ("l)le Wett Wing"), and Ja!'e . Kaczmarek (•M,alcolm In the Mlddte•), witt) Nlc:ole Robinson ("The West Wing") end Cure Autism Now co-founders Jonathan Shestadt and Portia tveraen Join hundreds of . famillea to raiM money for autism retearch. The event is at the Four SeelOf\I Hotel ~ Beactt ei 690 Newport Center Ortve from 8 to 11 :30 p.m. Slturday. lnfonnation: (323) 202-1054. SEXIEST Kil' COIFETTTION Muldoon'• Dublln Pub In Newport Beach wtll hOtd.lts flret "Sexiest Kilt Competition" at 2:30 p.m: Sunday, Marctl 16. A panel of female judges. Including act.rest, model and former Mias Ireland Olrvia Ttac,y, will determine the competition. Chris Pierce. drummer for the Orange .,. County rodt band the Fenians. renown for his zebra-pattern kllt, wlll host. Muldoon'• ia at 202 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 640-4110. MUSIC WORKS BY PROKOFEV, MOZART AHO TCHAIKOVSKY Orange Coast College's Symphony Orchestra will offer tho third concert of its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 9. featuring works by Prokofiev, Mozart and Tchaikovsky at the Robflrt B. Moore Theatre. Ticket~ are $8 and $10 and can be purchased at the door. Information: (714) 432-5880, Orange Coast College it at 2701 Fairview Road in Coate Mesa. · ' PHILHARMONIC STARS OF TOMORROW . . The Phllhannonlc Society of Orange County will present "Stars of Tomorrow" on . Sund•y, March 9 at 3 p.m. st the Barclay Theatre In Irvine and will ahowcale nine performers from Orange County from 9 to 18 veers old. Tick• are $10 rn advance and $16 at the door. lnfonnatlon or ddcata: (949) 659-6440 .. THE MUSIC OF BEETHOVEM AND DEBUSSY The Philharmonic Society · preaenta Trio Fontihay perfonnlng the music of Beethoven and o9buuy at 8 p.m. March 10 It the lrvlne Barcley Theatre. Tldceta are $29, $26 and $23, and can be purchased by calling (949) 854-4646 or onllne at www.thebarclay,orp. The Irvine Barclay Theatre la at 4242 Campus Drive In Irvine. www.ocp«.otp or bv celllhg (714) 740-7878. The Center la at 600 Town c.nter Drtve, Cotta M818. . RtCHARD STRAUSS' 'SALOME' Opera Paclftc will unvelt a new production of Richard Strauss' •Salome." Tho opo'ra ombodlM· seneuatlty, eoxuallty and willful induigonoe. Tho opera will take pace Tueeday, Friday end Saturday and Sunday, with evening porformenoea at 7:30 p.m. and a Sunday perlonnance st2p.m. TldcetsareS26toS120. It wiff be performed at the Orange County P8rfonning Arts . Center'tSegoratrom Hall. rtdcets are 1M1llabfe at the Center Box Office, online at wWw.ocpac.otp or by calling (714) 740-7878. The· Center Is at 600 Town Center Dr:ive, Costa Mesa.' l'CtWKOVSKY'S PIANO CONCERTO NO. 1 The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome St.anlsJav1.oudenitch to'perform Tchaikovsky's Plano Concerto No. 1 in 8-flat minor at 8 p.m. March 12 and 13. Tickets are $19 to $59 and will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segeratrom Hall. rtdcets are available at the Center Box Office. online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town.Center Drive. Costa Mesa .. THE PRAZAK QUARTET 'One of the classical music world's leading international chamber ensembles will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 13. Tho quartet will perform , Beethoven's String Quartet No. . 1, Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 and mo,,s. The Prazak Quartet will perform at Orange County Performing Arts Center's Founder's Hall. Tickets are $43, avallable ft tho Ce(ltor Box Office, onllne at www.ocpac.org · or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Cotta Mesa. SHIRLEY JONES AND FRIENDS Broadway, motion picture and TV star Shirley Jones, will join comedian Shelly f)ennan and the Nelton Rlddle Ordleatra In concert at I) p.m. Saturday, Mard\ 15, at Orange Coast College It 2701 Fairview Road. COata M .... Tldcata for $37 to S43 can be pun::ha.aed at the college or by calling (714) 432-6880. AMERICAN COMPOSERS COMP£T1T10N To conclude the 2003 American Compoters Featfval, Car1 St. Clalr and the Peclflc Symphony pre141nt the American Composers Competition March 12 and 13 at 8 p.m. (as part of the 2002-03 Hal and Jeanette SM HOURS, P•a• A13 ~ tlN Co"""ailJ for J() ,_,, ~· MARINATED CHICKEN HALvEs SillJtt.f MJril n /,,,,_,, ~ ]ataa Sly/I ttr lnute G.ulic s5221b . s229 lb . GREEK Sm.£ MEATl..oAF MwNATEo Mix Bo~LAMBLEG BEEF PORK 8c VP.AL BBQ -25 •bu1ta trr &J. I: 15 ,,W.. 111 °350' s322 .. lb. CNsdtuli mm.°"" IHli ~I FAMOUS HANDMADE IT.AUAN CltABCAKPS SUB SANDWICH $6oa. of2 ___________ ...._._......._......_ ________ ...... _______ __. ______________ ~~--~--c...-.~~----~------. -------------- ·~--·--~ .. -·# DATEBOOK HOURS Continued from Al 2 SeQerstrom Famfly Cleaaics . Seriee) •net Mercti 15 et 3 p.m. (• pertoftheCl....ictl ~. S.rfel) et tile Orenge CoUnty ~ng Alta Center In Coste MMe. THE CANADIAN BRASS Taite five vlrtuoeo mu11ci1n1, ct..... them In formal ettlre end tennll lhoes, ~them wtth mu* from the daa1cel, jazz, pop end contemp0rary music wor1d, end put them on 1 stage. The reeult It the Canadlen er .... a Nriooaly fun and entertaining enMmble that cornea to SlgerstrQm Hall on Friday end SeturdaY, Merch 14 and 16, ea part of the Peclflc Symphony Popt aefies at the Orange County Petforming Alts Center in Costa Mesa. The concerts begin e&ch evening at 8 p.m. Tidcets are avalleble for $80,$63, $50, $36, and $26. For more informetion, call the Pacific Symphony Orchestra raet Office at (714) 766-5799. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Oavidaofl Trio, with Ron Eachet«t on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee ROGm, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZ2TIUO . Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presentS a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday .. reswlar entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday.'(949) 718-0188. • WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 1 to 11 p.m. every Week. "Wanted~ musicians inctude guitar players, bass players, slngera, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 675-7760. STAGE VE1"NMESE CuuuR£ NIGHT Vletnltn"4l culture, feeturfng m"*, folt eonga, totk end modem dance end fMNona, will be lhowcaed et e p.m. Saturdrf, March 8, at Orange Coast College. Tldtep e'N $101>4'tore and $16 at the dOot. For informedon, call ('114) 721-6608. The coflege .. et 2702 Fairview Roed, Costa Meta. 'TWO GEN1UMEN OF VERONA' Willl1m Shakespe1re'1 "Two Gentlemen of Verone• will be performed at the South Coast Repertory 6'n the ~rttrom Stage through March 30. Preview tlcbta start at $19. For tidceta, (714) 708-5655 or vi alt WWW.6Cr.OfV. 'F1t>olER ON THE ROOF' Venguard University will present its third mein stage production ·of "Addler on the Roof.• The play will run through Sunday. It will play at the school's Lyceum Theater, 65 Fair Drive in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 668-6145. 'LARAMIE PROJECT Orange Coast College is staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Project" March 19 through 23 in the Drama Lab Theatre. Tidcet1 are $12 end S8 an,d are sold at the door and by calling (714) 432·5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701-t=airview Road. Costa Mesa. ST\JDEHT-OIRECTEO ONE-PERSON ~vs "Solo Voices;" a featival of student-<,tirected one-person plays, will be ateged Saturday and Sunday, at 8 p.m. Saturday and at 2 and 7 p.m . on Sunday . Tichts are S6 end $7 end can be purchased at the door or by calling (714) 432-5725. Orange Coast College et 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. · DUBUN'S TRADmONAl. IRJSH CABARET Dublin's Traditional lrisf:l _ Cabaret, featuring 15 Irish MUSIC AT THE GRJU performers, presents a lively The Bluewater Grill ot'fers live blend of traditional Irish dance, music Friday and Saturday nights. ballads, songs and humor. The Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper and Kelly performance is at 8 p.m. ~ (lfnol»n 81 MPG~ perform Saturday at the Robert B. M oore dassic ~ R&.B ~ swmg at 8:30 · Theatre at Orange Coast p.m. Fridays. MaMn Gregory and C 11 2701 F . . A d MPG will perform ciassic l"OCk. o ege, . a1rv1ew oa , swing ariO R&.B at 8:30 p.m. Costa Mesa. T1dcets for $33 to Saturdays.. The restaurant ia 81 630 $37 can be purchased at the Udo Park Drive, Newpof1 Bead\. college or by calling (714) me. (949) 675-3474. 432-5880. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednelday through Sunday. The band perfOfTTI• from 1 to 10 p.m. Wednaday end Thursday, from 8:30p.m.to12:30 e.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. WEEKEND BLUES ~ RMMt>oat F*taurant in Newport Beech pieeents The . Balboa 8'ues oo Friday and Seturday evenings and Sunday • llft8moona. The program futurea jazz and daasic roc:t tunes for dining and dancing. Anthony's ia at 161 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP~ ANO Fl.MENCO Tete 6, a funk, rode and Motown act. perform• at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo'• Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coast HighwaV, CoroM del Mar. Solo guttarist Ken Sanders performs claasical ftamenco tunes et 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundfiys. kee. (949) 676-1922. SAlURDAY NIGHT RU 'FOOTLOOSE' •Footloose, the Broedway Musical" will open Friday, Merch 14, and run through March 22. It will be performed by the Newport Beech Theater Cfmpeny. Tictceta begin at $10 and can be purcti1aed onllne et www.nbtco.org or by phone at (949) 759-1~. The shows are at 7:30 p.m . Friday end Saturday and et 3 p.m . Sunday at Lincoln Sd\ool, 3101 Paclflc View Drive, Cqron1 del Mer. 'DON QtlXOTF BAU.ET Or1nge County'• Fe11lvel BeNet 'l1U. LiltJJt.St, rrtU.St, rrietulBest 'Beauty Supp(y & ruff Strlliu Salon In Orangt. County NEW ARRIVALS OF ~ Pmtnuliut/ Brttttlm Theatre will offer Ill lavish produc:don of "Don Quixote• at Orange Coest College April 4 through e. with curtain tJme 8 p.m . Fndlv and S.turd1y night end 2 p.m . Sunday. Tldurtl,C09t $20 to $24 and ca~ be pun:haled by celll"g (888) 622-6378. Orange Coast College 11 at 2701 Fairview Road, Coate Mesa. ART· "ZINE SCENE' "Zlne Scene;" an exhibi1 of zines orgenlzed by the Cranbrool Art Museum, will be on di1ptay through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art'1 Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St,, Co~ Mesa. Zina are publications -like ma11azine1 - created by indlvlduels or small groups. Museum hours a(e 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m . to 1 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DOUBLE HORIZONTAL Dewey Ambrosino'• exhibit "Double Horizontel" will feeture "Brown Note Lounqe;" an · in91alletion of two molded plywood sub-woofer loveseats that play en original bass composition, and whose frequencies are tuned "specifically to the building'• architecture. The exhibit will also include a vide9 projectlon of Oskar Schlemmer's 1925-46 "Triedic Ballet:" The exhibit will run through March 22 at the Shed, 3000 Newport Blvd. lnformetlon: (949) 723-3406. 1N THE EYE OF THE ~f works by Mictiael Perez end Kirsten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, through today. (949) 851-918, www.studiogallery.net. • MARJE11CA PORTC An installation by Slovenian artist Marjetica Porte will be on display through Sunday at the Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Porte's w ork deals w ith issue's of shelter. poverty and displacement. Muse(Jm hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and free for members and children younger than 16. (949) 759-1122. DANCE THE· Sl\ITTGART BALLET The Stuttgart Ballet, said to offer some of the best dancing in the worid today, will perform repertory highlights from "The Seventh Blue;" "Cindy's Gift;" "Sunday Symphony• and a full length "Romeo and Juliet.• Performances will be March 18 through March 23 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center at 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. ;rldceta are from $20 See HOURS, Pqe Al4 Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band pt-v rode and R&.8 at. 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Pl.oe Hotef'a Trienon Lounge, 4600 MacAtthur Blvd., Newport Beacn. free. (949) 476-2001. Best Prices -. Best Service - Best Selection PRAZAK QUARTET The Prazak Quartet, one of the classical music world's leading international chamber ensembles. will make rts Orange County Perf ormmg Arts Center debut m the 2002-03 Concert Sene s at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13, in Founders Hall. The Prazak Quartet will perform Beethoven's Stnng Quartet m F, Op. 18, No. 1 and •Kreutzer" Sonata, Janacek's String Quartet No. 1 and Borodin's String Quartet No. 2 1n D. There will be ·a preview talk by Herbert Glass one hour before ttie performance Tickets for the Prazak Quartet are $43 and. may be purehased at the Center box ottrce. For information, call (714) 556-2746. ·MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES ( h•cr 451) St /es! C11/i ornins Lar est --·---- ,\frphistn /Je,tfcr • 1727 Westcliff Drive, Newport Beach • 949-642-FEET Avoid the ordinary~ come to Tile Italia." WR.EAO\ TO INSTAU" GRANITE COUNTER TOPS . Al,.,.., c-.... • l>-<-•• .... \ ....... . ····"""·~ • l.....W. lluli.-•Aa-• %·.u. ..• $695 fiM poruW• ud ftatllral 1101\C >OM and uuta.lkd at <ONp<'O~ pnus. "A <•""-'"ITT 11.J I{ Hl' Ull ... rUU!ll' I\ M> lONClR " Ul'Xl RY .•. IT'~ " "'t< ........ rm" P~caJJ .W r · 1°" rs· , S2 9-... " r.l\nllnt n \ , , ) • .' .•• Tile Italia The Stone Activists Z¥Z1 Fourth Annual MARCH YARDAGE SALE! 25°/o OFF Entire Stock of French Fabrics Sale Ends March 31, 2003 ---=-----~5 /ttd'~le.5 110 Marine.Ave. Balboa Island (949) 6 73-0719 Open 7Days 10:30 am-6:00pm www.lesalptllcs provencc.com 1)-IE TOP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL ROGER'S GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YouR LANDSCAPE --' ~day. Match 1, 2003 AU •BACK PAIN ? •NECK PAIN ? • HEADACHES ., f,..,. Con .. u lt.tl1un (IH>hJ llR HEWKO 111 -& t ~~ ',,t, I KENNY , .. PRINTER 1-1 E l\ l I > l 111 . l .' S Rl'(,\ &. l \H l>I I'- 230 fop St • Caw Mesa .(949) 722-7224 www rug)Ondc;o com Mon--frl I . I C:\llYOl 'H LOC::\l R ,\BBI I Rabbirt Insuran ce Agency ALTO• H0Mf.,()'11VNER5 • KEALTH \ub1/1tp ~N( /'J~~ ~ G' ~Sr)_,. ,. , 949-631-77 40 441 Old Newport Bhd.. • Newport Badi (Nat H~ H.mpiul) ~IEAUTY sauu·11ar h 1 20% ~· .... OFF with tltl• coupon Not tf•lld wltlt -Y otlNr • otr-. Exe,.,...• _.In c.-re products. "'• 41CCept .,, competitors coc.ipon .. E•pire• 03131/03 ~ • FULL SERVICE SALON • SEE US FOR ALL YOUR COLOR QUESTIONS • SENIOR CfTlZEN otSCOUNT ON SUNDAYS .~~ ~~;?, RE&AL BEAUTY S.•••••ntra 269 E. 171h St., Costa Mesa Mon . Sot 9:30"' 7:00, Sun. 12·5 (949) 642-4482 ejf EwtnR & l ylun Ewme WREN IT'S Yot·R NVESTME~I When )OU o~ n an IO\estme nt property your goal '' to get the hi ghest monthly rental ~Ith the lowe r vacan9 rate and to keep qua!tt)' tenanb. How can you pull it aU togrther? It pays ro keep your property in good cond1bon. not onl y while you are t:rymg 10 mu 1t out, but after the tenants move in. You obviow ly want the property to lool. it best while 1t 1s being bown. but 1f you wort ~t keeping tt in top condition when tenant are living there. they arc likely LO stay around for a while. When something needs LO be ~red. be sure they know whom IO call to get the job done. Amnge for penodic inspections of the propcny to check for leaking roofs or pipe • dcf ectlve wuing or maJ~uom appliances. If you are an ab tu l.aodlord. II mak to ~ ~ ionlls to leep a clo e eye on yoar in fory Lylcen ud Jeff ba\c 31 COft. tivo ye&n of real estate experience 1n ew~rt Beach. • ,.. 11' .......... ..... .. ,..,... ..... .... al tM , ....... c.... Nt""".iCelnll ..... .. ""'37M. < lhll ~ 1-e Olllllil NII t1• ~et_...,_. \ ... ·. • HAROWOOO • LAMINAJ'E'S • CARPET· · • ' . 6 . •CERAMIC TIE• WM. R.OORING . -. •t'!f1!!!e!. l ·f.li@M\.J SOLARW~; ~6LAa2lf 'J/4• SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER -$441 from, aqft ••• Sj_~aq' Travertne 1s· x 1s· ................................ : ........ : ................. *4.29 111a. • Ceramic Tde-:-.......................... y ........................ 'llslallctm.'4.tl 1111. Laminate 'Nood ................................................ ~ fJom '4.99 1111t. ·~nmunMri-67Saiet WILL YOU BE QNE O F Itif ~reZ~i · some kind oC long-1cnn nlf\:~ To learn hOw QUr Long-Tenn Care ~r.mcc 1..ctn help i·ou handle lhe costs of cxtenc.kd care, just ta lk t o your ndghborhood Stale Farm•' Agent listed below. \\'l I l\'E WllER E YOU LI VE. Scc:vn flill, AJienl I }'I\\ I ••I 171h '"l'<'I .. Ull< 211 Co••~ '"'•· 1 \ '1'4<> Mn·U)\I} LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM JS THERE: n an •••• A lltslflANC\ 'S'"'" ,.rm .llu1U<1I Aurnmubiw ln•uNtH" Cu"'ll<llt) ·I I"""' Ujf""' 8/oominS1rrn. Ill•'*• """'..:.,,. .. VI\._,,.,...,,~, ...... ,~..., "' '~ "'• t ....... ,....,..~ t.t~I. •w: 1 ••• ,.i,.. .,,""' Jt,.ot ..... "-·~""'·"' ,..,...,,,,,,,.,.,-u.Jt•-· ...... ~ .... ., ...,.,.._,_ '""',.. IJ \ft>,._.,"'-""' \f.-1' '-• ._.,.,... J.w Jif.ulc f'l!t I~, f ... \ Miltfitf ..... .J ,,.,...-oNLft U C12002-<.l7 <fJ1t{J1• "'m' l'O'.M:?l l'-llll4! lt'sTime for Our Annual Sidewalk Sale! WES TC LIFF I· I /, ,' /\ 11TH STREET AT IRVINE AVENU E • m&IMNICDl'WH'f =-"'°' '!!!!8 . , r DATEB,OO K THEATER ~=~MiracleofMlracles" Continued from AlO ~~!1:t:S!': ~tty The three eldest da.Ughters 7 . . fnge1s as the aging butcher . . Sarah Grandpre, 1arnmy Joelle ·~ Tu\lye'~ oldest daugpter Cof:lln and Uw.ra Manchester -lh rnatrbnony contribute blossom wond~ ey spleddldly teallzed character , · savor the first ~ts of perlonnarrces, as does Mike romance. Q>ftin partl~ Is BoWers as the doddering (abbL heart-wrenchlngiy effecttve as Jack Oark's commanding, but she leaves her family, perhaps cadng constable anchors the forever, to be with her . "outside forces," which '- Imprisoned lover, singing the eventually p.rev8ll. • poignant solo •Far From the Ensemble numbers are nicely Heme I Love." adapted for the L¥cewn's limited Their sldtors-Paul Han~. dlmensioM The spirited •To Steve Umones and ~att , ... Jlfe" £_eleb.radon gains · . · Grandpre -are equally momennun from its intimacy elfectlve, though Umones hits and $t}lith's imaginam, his radical stride a bit·too early ·choreography. The daborate for complete believability. dream sequence d1akes only one Grandpre delivers the most conc~ion -the spectral accomplished portrayal. and is Fruma Sarah appears as a rear one 'of the few_988t members tol p~ection ratber than a gigantic attempt a credible Russian · on.stage visitor. accent. · Mueller's ultimately Hanegan and Sarah Grandpre detachable setting is rich in share one of the show's most atmosPh~re. $trildngly well tendertnoments when, after lighted,by Dan Volente. Ua • . • COURTESY Of V~ \N.VERSO'Y Tevye'CTtm Larson; right) confronts his eldest daught~r: (Sarah · . Grandpre) in front of her 'Sisters (from left, Corissa Converse, Kar11 Berkompas, Laura Manchester and Tammy Joelle Coffin). orchestra condu~ by Joshua Wong is a superb •' mood-establishing force. production. One piece of advice: Arrive early, since ~Miracle of Miracles" also describes the chance of finding a decent parking space on campus. _ _gaining Tevye's blessing for their Hansen's ~t costumes l~nd . .marriage, they exult in the authenticity, and the live "FiddJec on the Roof' is among the treasUre8 of the Am erican musical theater, and Vanguard University delivers a rousing, beautifully realized •TOM trrus· reviews run Thursdays and Sawrdays . . HOURS Continued from Al 3 to $75 and can be purchased at the box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS. MOIWX: OPUS CACTUS Human bodies metamorphose into a single serpentine figure, and daricers shppe·shift into exotic,birds, flowers and cactus and other forms with visual splendor and theatrical magic. 1. -.. Exquisite costumes end all-women Irish-American dance illusionary visuals, sublime company dazzles audiences with modem movement and hard-driving percussive power, Olympian gymnastics combine aerial grace, lightning fa~ agility into this transforming eV~nt of .... '·~d astounding P.recision. The beauty, humor a!'!d spell-binding show will be performed at 8 p.m. power. Ti~s are $40 and $33. March 15 and 16, with a Sunday · The show will be given at the matinee at 3 p.m. Tickets are $40 ----------------------Barclay Theatre March 27 and $35. Call (949) 854-4646. VlrEEKEND SALES EVENTI · Tuesd ays p!:.~1~~~~!1~t $11.95 ~!~~~~~~.~~ .. ~.~-~~~ ................................ . GROCERY, DRUG & HARDWARE Ralphs Fresh Fore ..... 646-1411 Sov-on drugs .......... 642-2211 Crown A<e Hardware •.. 642-1133 . APPAREL Champagne .......... 645-6731 Draper's & Damon's .... 646·5521 Kayaks Surf Shop ..... 631-2996 ThrH Friends ........ S48·9U1 .... ~ Chef P,10/0~ r ' , . ~' ,.. ,.,,.., ., "·fl through 30, with shows at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Call (949) 8544646 or go onJine to www.thebarclay.org. t'HE'TRINITY IRISH . DANCE COMPANY The Trinity Iris~ Dance Company will use Irish dance as an Instrument and a metaphor. The DANCE Continued from Al 0 character!. I'm excited. but scared." The' other ballets featured are "Wake, Yet Wake". a glimpse into the struggle of obtaining trust, loyalty and love: "The Naughty Ones," a light, jazzy balle\ featuring four couples shaking and shimmying through songs from the Texas blues band of the same name: and "Im Print." SWING Lessons are given fN8ry Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beactt by the Orange County Swing Dance Cub. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information. visit ocswing.com or call (909) 656-6119. choreographed by Shawn Hounsell during the company's Choreographic Project last summer. TI1~ project serves as an incubator for choreographers to develop their work. MThere's not very many· projects like that, where you allow a choreographer to do a piece of their own choosing," Lynch said The series is dedicated to Lila Zall, founder of Ballet Pacifica. who passed away earlier this year. SPECIALTY GIFTS & HOME DECOR California Style ....... 548-1899 • I~ Hallmotk ...... 631 ·1188 !Rjstorante Afamma (jina Presents , · . Matthew · Taylor's ..... 642-731 1 FOOD Champagne Frend! Baklf'f (oij ......... 646·0520 Helen Grace <hocolotes •.. 6 31 -1700 'osta lrava ......... 541-3406 Pidt Up Stix ......... 650-7149 Ralphs Freshfare ..... 646-1411 Starbucks CoffM ... .' .. 650.0369 HEALTH & BEAUTY ltue Mombo •.•...... 646-5746 Ro&.t' Taytor Salon .... 646-7197 SERVICES Antt.fs st-, ~ ... .541-4053 aoM of AlnefKCI ..... .764-2600 f1itM Unte ......... 574·7450 I • Mailboxes, Ek. . ...... 631-5400 IC!hf1 & Taytor W. .... 6-46-7197 Shel Od ........... 645-5961 ... ...,. a.a-s .. .646-2392 UVE MUSIC *HTIY. in our Venetian Lounge HAPPY HOUR With The Romantjc Sounds of Julien,s Guic:u From 6-7pm . COMPLIMENTARY . ITALIAN BUFFET! From 5-7pm . r . SENSATIONAL POWER MARTINI'S $5.00 for Premium Marti.n.i,s {Goose, Vox, Belvedere, ~tel, etc.) Plus some of the best entertainers in California playing in the same place Walter · & David or Paco Swtingat7:30 pa.a nightly . Co'IM f oin the .Fun/ . (~9) 673-9500· 2'1 f.-t C.0-Hlpwa7 • Ncwpon 8e.da Aa.ia ,.._o..ft~ ...._m t..a, •, ;1 ·~ .. . ,. 'I ' " .. r -~-----·Lo.-.... -~ . ...--------..-... ft --......... .-