HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·• Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MARCH 3, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK / A religious battle brewing Trinity Broadcast Network's neighbors argue that religious organization is violating city rules by broadcasting outdoors. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -When God said ·Let there be light,· was he referring to outdoor lighting for religious broadcasting? tapings. mi~ion proh1b1ted the network from broadcasting outside umll 1t could review the center ~ ongi nal permit. The controver.y ilJu~Lrate'> tht' difficulty of interpreting federal religious land U!>t' law., and calJi. into question the remer's av.er tion that broadca..,u ng outside ,., a religious right. headquarters, with an indoor broadcasting facility, was built in <.oi,ta Mesa me disputed outdoor 1V tap- ing was not included as part of the original permit. Such shows require a special event permit 1.>very time. SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT From the upper level of their Costa Mesa home, Vance Ito and son Jason, 1, can see Trinity Broadcasting Network. That's one of the questions Trinity Broadcast Network and its neighbors are wrestling with over the nerwort's outdoor 1V Problems between the net· wort and nearby r~idenls camt> to a head on 1-eb. 24 when neigh bors accused the Olrisuan cen ter of Ooutmg the city permit pfo~ and causing a pubhc nu~ce with its lights and mu sic. Responding to neighbor'>· complai~ts, the Planning Lorn TV TAPINGS EVERYONE CAN SEE The Triniry Broadcasting Net work s1arted in 1973 1n Sama Ana. In 1996. thl• intcmationc.t.I \till. soon after moving in. the rn:twork started broadcasting outdoon> and clid so annually about 25 to 30 umes a year. said John Casoria, general counsel for the center. See BATil.E. Pace M Detox home • expansion. denial appealed Costa Mesa recovery facility is also in the middle of a lawsuit with city over how many residents it can have. Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot <X>S'L\ MESA -The owner of a sober living group home in the Hall t>f Fame neighborhood Is taking her quest to ex- pand the number of clients she can INSIDE For a preview of tonight's City Council meeting, see ·Page ..t3 serve to the city's top leaders. Eleanor Manjon. represented by attar· ney Eric Katz, hru. ap· pealed to the City Council the Planning Commission's unani- mous denial or ex- panding the number or clients from six to eight at ·0ove Cot· l!,ge" in the 3100 block of Cort Lane. · The council will consider the issue to· night 1be city is embroiled in a lawsuit against Manion for already exceeding the number of clients she is allowed to have, and neighbors have made numer· ous complaints about the trash and other unpleasant items strewn on their lawns. allegedly from clients or the home. The commission denied the request on Feh 10, citins negative effects from the current number of clients. numer· ous police and code enforcemen1 com· plaints and the lack or salient informa· lion provided by Katz. who said he was hamsinmg in dlvulging information be-cause of the lawsuit. In corttspondence with dty officials. however. Katz dalms that allowing two e)tla clients ln the home would benefit the clients and the communJty at large ~ •providing additional opportunities --JOr persons to p~ their recovery ln a. iupportive environmmt which en· twices their ability to maintain sobri- e~.· : l(atz Ibo asserts that lt'.s the city's re- sponsibility to provide ·reasonable 11 -,,... ' commodadon" under the federal Fair Housing Act. which bans discrlmlnation . _ against the ha.ndkapped. People re-- IN BUSINESS SEAN HILLER I DAILY Pl.OT Theodore "Bob" Robins Jr. gets behind the wheel of the 1914 Model T Ford he drove to Newport Harbor High School his senior year, 111 194 7. Behind thew.he.el Paul Clinton Dally Pilot T heodore Robins sold his first Ford, in 1923. A "D. Whitney" - according to the fragment of a ~ gtven on Robim' first sales contract -walked away wtt:h a shiny new Model T coupe for only $637.10. C.., and oil were tncluded in the purchase, and there was an unidentified trade· in._ Eighty years later. Theodore .Bob .. Robins Jr., the rounder's now 75-year-old 1<>n, Is still sellirtg can and trucks from the country's most storied automabr at his c.osta Mesa dealerahlp. The RobiM family ls beginning M>ro'ooum.sv~ M.OOOM ~s Theodore Robins Sr. shows off Ytitat was then his new line of Fords in See AUTO, , ... M his 1920s Newport Beach ,dealership. THINKING Al.LOWED . Take their money before driving them ln~1ay Daily Pilot ... AT A GLANCE . 0"11HEWE8: ~=-~ ~~~ .... ...., . ... PlleA2 ~· I . " " h YOUR . . The Daily Pilors weekly report on local businesses BUSINESS SPOJLIGHT .. - SCAN HILLE~ I DAil Y PILOT Melissa Chang, 21, relaxes in a high-tech body wrap using infrared waves at James Albert Salon in Newport Beach. Lighter With light CHHdy JeremlH Daily Pilot_ ' 'I have a trip to Mexico planned and I came ir\ to get tightened up," Melissa Olang said as she . · relaxed on her baclc absorbing radiant heat from an infrared body wrap. The high-tech body wrap system, featured at New{>ort Beach-based CDMT Inc., uses infrared waves to penetrate deep into tissue to 7.ap fat in targeted areas, Chief Executive Jaclc Giangiulio said. The process can bum up.to 1,200 calories per 56¥rfiinute session by activating the metabolism, be sald. The energy rejuvenates slcln, gives toning and cardiovascular etfects._This technology is oot your traditional little body wrap. he said . ·This is a totally differen~ ballgame," he said. ·with lotions and saran wraps, you A high-tech body wrap at CDMT Inc. in Newport Beach burns calories in 50-minute sessions. are wrapped up like a mummy. That doesn't sound comfortable to me. This is technology. 'This is hJgh tech." The fledgling business, less than a month old, is housed in a tiny lavender-scented room in the baclc of the James.Albert Salon. A patient lies dressed in sweats, booked up to pads wrapped around target areas -mainly hips. thighs, arms and waisL It Is said to feel like a wann electric blanlcet while It work& -You will get water loss because of sweat. but you will also see fat loss because of the metabolic action," he said. And you sweat. liRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Wherehouse closes a music were under-performing." · Co M The updated dosure list was ftled in . ~tore ID sta esa Delaware on Feb. 21. The store was noti- Wherebouse Entertainment Inc. is clos-fied Jan_ 31, Hill sald It's set to close in late lng one of its Costa Mesa stores as pan or April a broader restructuring after filing for Between six and l O employees at the bankruptcy in January, a company store are expectetl to be laid off. Uqulda- spok.eswoman said. toi Great American Group is selling off the The Turrance-based company is closing merchandise at each of the store locations 89 stores in the state and 190 across the at greatly reduced prices. country. A second Costa Mesa tore, at 2320 Har- On Feb. 14, Wherehouse secured per-bor Blvd., will remain open. Hill saJd. rJ'l!Mion from a bankruptcy court in Dela- ware. where the company is incorporated. American Vanguard Corp. =ud~ts store at 401E.17th St. on the purchases pesticide company "That store Will be closing," Where-· A subsidiary of Newport Beach-based house spokeswoman Anita-Marte Hill American Variguard Corp. announced said. "The mLSC>o ror closing h ii they on Wednesday that it had purchased a -You sweat like you've Just had a really good wodtoµt." said Olang. a 21-year-old UC Irvine student The technology bas been used such ailments as psoriasis, aches. pains and arthritis. The use of It for weight loss Is relatively new here, Giangiulio said As for results, be said. some people see a loss of up to a couple inches per session. but It differs from person to person. "We had one woman call in, she was on the other end or the phone crytng. saying 'I can wear shorts now-my ceDullte ls gone:~ he said Giangiulio. a chiropractor by trade, dreams of one day opening a full-service salon witb his 6'Qcee. Lisa Nelson, who administers the wraps. He hopes to maJtet to bridal shops and to people like Olang, who just want to- tighlen up a bit before that special occasion. company that seUs a line of snail-control products. American Vanguard's AMVAC Oieml- cal Corp. purchased the product line from Pace International. Pace's ·pre-har- vest crop protection" business Is ex- pected to add between $4 million and $5 million In additional annual sales. AMVAC currently markets and sells Durham and Trails End slug and snail control products. Pace sells Hivol « ls used to protect citrus trees. AMVAC also acquired Hinder, a deer and rabbit repel- lent. and Supreme 415 OU, which is used to control insects in fruit and nut treea. Publlc1y OW'hed American Vanguard trades on the American Stock Exchange under the symbol AVD. It closed Friday at $22.08, down 0.54CJli. nailyAPilot ConlWllo.\ Box 1580, eo.t. Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No MWI '10riee, Illustrations, editorial matt.er or advertl.Mmentl herein cen be rttpl'oduoed without writtef) pennl•lon of CC>P'(right owner. VOL 97, NO. S2 Nlwtt Jdlton Gina Alexender, l..ofl Andert0n, Paul Seltowlti, O.nlol Stevena NEWS8TAFf Deepe lhMlth Crime and COUfU rip0ft.8r, 1941) 57<Mm ~bhllrath•i.tfnw&com June C1111rw• Newport 8Ndl '11\)0fW, (949)17 ..... 232 ju,...~n<»•~r-,,,.._""" ,.,.CIMon Pofitic. Ind enllfronment repot1ar, (M9) 794-4330 ,,.u1,c11mon•'-'',.,,,,..com LolU ...... Column cuhure ...,_,, (M91 6744115 lolitA.hMf*•IMl,,..oom DeltMNa.....,. C:O.tll ~ llPOl1fll', (Ml) 5U-4221 t#lrdre.~•iail,,..c:om ~c.6t Educedol\ f'tPO'W, ~I~ ~ Newt ...i.t.nt. (949) 574-4298 cora/.wlhlon•lat/mt#.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiller, Don Leedi, Kefll Treptow R!ADERS HO'TUNE 19'91 M2.f088 Recofd your commenta about the Delly Piiot or newt tipa. Addrwee Our add,_. II 330 W. Bay St.. Costa MeM, CA 92927. Office hour9 are ~ Fridey, 8 30 a.m • 5 p.m. COl..uon. • It fl 1M Pilot'1 Policy to promptly correct 111 ertor1 of autiet.nct. pt._. call (IMS) ?M-432A. FYI Tht Newport~ Mau Daltv Piiot (USf"S 144-800) 18 publi.hed ct.Uy, In "Ntwpolt 8Mdl Ind Cotta MIN, eubecrlpcione are f\fellablt 9ntv bV tui.cttblng to The Tlmea Orange CoUnty (IOO) 252·9141. In ...._ oot9'de of N«wpoft IMd'i enc1 eo.. ~ eublcriptjonij to .,_ 0attv Pilot .,.. ev11lable only bv ftrtt cNiM ,,,... for S30 .. month. (Pric:illl lnelude efl applic:eblt stN Ind local tfJC419.) POSTMASTER: Send addf-. cNngeelo The~ ~Mee. OeWy fl'liot. 11!0. HOW TO "EACH US ~ The Tlmea Oteno• CcKinty (800) 252 9141 ~ a1 nww t1M&> M2·1Wr7• °""*' (1491842""321 .:...... News (Mil "2 5e80 "°"' (IM9) 574-4223 ,.... ,.. (9'91 Me-4'70 ......... ,.. (149) 860-0170 E....t: t»llypilof.latifNtl com Mmine>Mot .... A_ Olloie (Ml) "2"""321 ......... ,.. (949) tl31-712t Pubt .. htd by Tlmte Col'Ml'f'!tv' . Nftra, I d1vi1ion of the LOI AneeMe TJmee. ' Monday, March 3, 2003 A2 .. BEST BUYS Convenience key to two new stores N ewport Co.at SbopplDg Center has two new stores that otter convenient services for loCals. Flore ls • Oorist set in an open·alr market. and Dopna often everything for dogloYers.· elements of cultura, blact and white flat spaces from the Orient. and photography ftum the west." Al this alternative ml.We lhon. Nunn showcasea · ., Flore specializes in one-of-a-kind Bryan's roc.k and ro0 portraits i.nd his late8t dn:ular paiotingl - mostly famous logos: GREER the Gerber baby. a arrangements and WYLDER smiley r~ the peace symbol and an Indian head nickel. The most requested -portraits are Marilyn. Monroe. Madonna. Jimmy Hen~ and the Doors. Special orders are accepted. You can request to see Bryan's 100 famous faces u children. Girls are in blue~ white; boys are brown an8 beige. Oler. Anastasia. Madonna. 11ger Woods, Alexander Graham Bell and even liitler are among the innocent close-ups. Other aeries of painti~ are roclc stars. Native Americans and bull fighters. high-quality fresh Oorals. Fiore can custom order any flower and olfers delivery of gifts attached to flower ,arrangements. Popular gifts to send with arrangements include ·mommy and me" bracelets for new mothers and their babies. Fiore supports local schools with its ·Education in Bloom" program. Fiore donates 10% of all sales during the first week of every month to a local school that customers design.ate. Also, Fiore olfers a vase exchange program. Customers can bring in old vases and receive credit toward a future purchase. The used vases are filled and donated to local shelters and ether charities to brighten facilities. Pree delivery within five .miles. Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. -21161 Newport c.oa.st Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-6393. ~ Jerry Carter, owner of B!>gma. says there are nearly as many dop as people in Orange County, and Dogma caters to dog owners who prefer quality products oft'ered along with friendly, personalized customer service. Superior brands of dog food. toys, bones. dog treats, custom and standard.collars and bedding, grooming products, travel accessories, training aJds, appam for dop and their owners. as weU as gifts, are carTied. Dogma also offers a delivery service within five miles. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Sanuday; and from 10 am. to 5 p.m. Sunday. 2lll3 Newport Coast Drive. (949) 640-6072. www.4dogma.oom. EAST MEETS WEST IN ART "Paul Bryan Jr. is a lciDer artist," says 31-year-old Vmcent Nunn, owner of Pier Recordl in Newport Beach. "HJs black and white portraits really make a statement in a home. They're modem and dean." Nunn Is one of many fans of Bryan's. David Lee Roth put Bryan's painting inside the cover of his greatest hits album. His exact repnsentatlonal paintingt are painted on any surface: canvas, wood, surtboa.rds, and walls - even lunch pails. Bryan says a garage door ls the perfect canvas. The bigger the better. lnOuenced by Asian art. Bryan stamps all of his paintings with a red &Uper-ellipse or aquare drde. "P.ast meets West," Bryan says. "I like to combine the best 230 I W. Balboa Btvd. in Newport Beach. (949) 675-3271. BOUT1QOE BRINGS ACCESSORIES a.OSE TO HOME • Dooney• Bourke is a Connecticut-based hanchgs and accessories company whose collections were origin.aJJy only available at better departtnent stores. This Dooney & Bourke boutique opened aJ South Coast Plaza in August. Dooney\ signature and tassel bags are the most popular. Handbap are made of high-quality leathers In a variety of colors including tan. black and red. There are allo jackets. coats, casbmer-e sweaters. shoes. briefcase1 and small leather goods. Open from lo am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a:~ 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level near Saks Fifth Avenue. (714) 641-5622. www.doonqandbourb.oom. BABY YOUR ctlLD wmt HARO-TO-FN> rTmS Baby Unique specializes In children's furniture and bedroom accessories. Themes are popular here. There are hard-to-find sailboat bed and safari fumiture. Oloose from catalogs for special looks. Custom furniture and bedding can be made up to king sl7.es. lmporta and pieces made locally are available. There's a smaD section of clothing and accessories, and a gift registry, too. Open from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Monday through Satwday; and from 11 Lm. to~ SUnda)t 908 Avocado Ave. Cmona del Mar P!am. {949) 759-1222. •BEST MJV8 IPPMrt Mondaya end Fridays. Send lnform-'on to GrMt Wytderat flf'fHll'W'(lder•r-t>oo.oom: at 330 w. Bay St., Costa Meu, CA 92827; or bv fax at (949) ~170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST In • buildup to rein tha1 mey come eatlJer than expected, toct.y will be pertly doudy With hJght In the mkMOt to low 70.. The night will be mo.tty doudy, with 90WI in the m~ to low 60t. The c:Nnc:e of rain i.t. tOfli8ht wffl be 40%. ............ ,; WWW.fM9.no9e.fPV llOATING FORECAST tt will d be'*"' for molt of the~ on 1he kw.W911af'C vaHable wtnd et 10 ~or · ....,WllYM2fWtor ........ end a weft lwe4t of 4 to 7 fMt. At night.. WM( wtnd blOW8 .. 10 to 15 knoCI, end"" ..... edUllly dropl bed!: by • foot. AfttJf midnight. ....... ~ofrlln. FttthW out. oondldooa won't --~~ ......... ,. to 20 linotl beoomt -... ......... 10to20 . ...... J'.':1D3-tootww... SURF · The nonhw..ai_.. ~ today towlfd 1 pelt Tu.-y. WMt·fecinO brMb ~ g.e aome~bymill­'° .... morning. Others ...... c:Net-Ngh ....... AldtWli not1t'lwlllt ...... not .... *«>ng;lldue~. .... ...-.,: ~.MMdw.Ol'fl TIDES ,...... a.i>8un. aoea.m. 3:48p.m. 10:01 p.m. WATER TEMPERA,_ • ·-- .. I-• .. Dait Pilot (' , PHOTOS BY MICHAEL BUCKNER I DALY PILOT Walter Hutzler. a judge for the Championship Cat Show, inspects an oriental shorthair. .Show cats bred to win Competition at Fairgrounds is part of the yearlong process of clawing to No. l. Cor1I Wiison Daily Pilot B utton noses. laige eyes and soft fur are winning qualities that don't always happen by acddenL The almost 300 cats that came to !he Orange County Fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday were bred 10 win the hearts of judges. No matter bow cute and innocent in appearance, every cat and its owner had one clear motive -to win. i The Cat Fanciers' Assn. cat show sponsored by the Malibu Cal Oub'is considered one of the top in the nation, and brought in cats from ~ the country. including 14 national Winners, show committee member Marti •Semans said. The cats compete in three categories: . , kittens. champions (adults) •• ~ premiership (spayed or neutered cats). Cat Fanciers' Assn. shows wch as this one occur throughout t}le year around the world, allowing cats to compete and move up the ranks, Semans said. In the end. 25 top cats are chQliefl, winning the title of MGrdJld Otampion National Winner Breed Wmner. • Owners compete for notoriety, not for money. "The biggest reward ii. knowing you produced a top show cat." Semans said. "Like an artist would feel about doing a beautiful painting, or a sculpture.· Semans just loves breeding, nurturing her cats and finding homes for them. They are like children to her, she said "Its a bit of an ego thing,· cat breeder Lany Rhoades said Ml can breed a better cat, my cat is bettertban yours.· Pointing out desired features on bis exotic cat, such a,, a Oat face. round eyes. solid shape and shon lega, be said that every breed has distincdYe features. Disqualifying qualities might GEmNG INVOLVED t • G£TTINO l'tNOlYED runs perlodally In the Delly Pilot on • rotating bu1a. For lnfonn9tion on ~ yourorgenlution to thla list, cacl (949) 574-4298. COSTA IEIA SENOR CENTtR The muftlpuf'POM eenlor ....vtcee feclllty .idle comer of 19th Strtet end Pomone Avenue..- vofunteers who can gl"Mt • members end dle pubUc. the hntdlllt end~ for the '===-= .' """°' ........ (Ml) MS-2368. include lcin.ks in the tail, bwnps on the head and a wrong coat length. Rhoades said he disagrees to a certain extent that oae cat is"beiter than another, adding that sometimes breeding can cause health problems for the cal While a small nose may win hearts. if it is too small it can restrict the cat's tear ducts and cause problems in breathing. Sometimes it Is necessary to compromise, he said "It ls a friendly competition, but sometimes 11 can get bitter 11.ke any · competition,· he said. The onJy cat.s at the show that weren't in competition were the ones that came with Kitten Rescue. a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding hoines for cats and lcinens in distress. Horrified by the nwnber of cats killed In L.A. shelters. president Sue Romaine started Kitten Rescue after she had filled her home with needy cats. She decided she had better find others to help out. The group. which adopted out more than 1,000 cats las1 year, collected donations and found additional homes among cat-lovers at tbe show. They have a long-term goal of starting their own "no-k:ill shelters.~ "Money is the limiting factor on how much rescue we can do," Romaine said. Vendors filled the showroom with various cat paraphernalia sud\ as cat toys, clothing, jewelry and grooming supplies. Getting a little frisky, a Siamese kitten, which won second place at the . Championship Cat Show, attacks a rag . Cal photographer. Richard Kat.ris, was busy capturing prire-winning cats on film a.s proud owners brought theiJ cats by for stunning portrai!S. Teasing exotic cat ·11o1.1t-a-zot" for a winning shot, Katris said he has shot more than half a million cal photographs. He flies all over the world and goes to 25 to 40 cat shows ~ry year, he said. Using all kinds of toys to catch the attention of his feisty subj~ he said the trick is 10 make the cats happy. But as one cat darted across the showroom. spooked by the Oash, Kanis said all cats are in.dividuals and it Is important to respect thaL Some cats see the lem as a giant eyeball. he said. A top pedigree cat photographer, he said his SU~ is~ because Amencans are willing to spend so much money on ca!S. "No one is crazy enough to support cats as much as Americans.· he said. Walter Hutzler of New Yoric. who has been judging for 33 years. said that cat shows are like top athletic competitions. As important as physical appearance is the attitude of the cal And like athletes. cats must be conditioned. groomed and exercised, he said "Judging Is an awesome responsibility,· he said, his eyes wide and his arms outstretched. "Like the scales of justlce, you must weigtl every factor to determine which cat is better than the next.., TfM•• 1r x 1r _ ......... M: ..... "M•HU"''"M'ftO•o••· .. -··-u "' ~ ....................... 1 .................................... .,,.,,,.. llll 1.mt1lll ~ ............. _._ ... -...................... .,,,.,,,.. .., Monday, Match 3, 2003 Al ~ COSTA· MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE A<}ENDA Here are a few Items the Ct'ty Council Will be considering tonight. -APPEAL OF PLAN.HING APPLICATION On Jan. 27, the Planning Commission denied a permJt to Jennifer Simonian to • construct a two-story, 6,400-square-foot mini-storage building on a commercial property~ the 1600 block of Tustin Avenue with an exception from the normal building setback: from residential property. On Feb. 3, Councilman Gary Monahan appealed the decision. WHAT TO EXPECT "I think it'U give an opportunity for the council 10 look at a few different options, Including rezoning the residential," Monahan said. Mlf it had not been appealed and just Oat-out denied, we would not have options for thjs particular property." BRIEFLY IN THE· NEWS 'Lucy Whipple' next subject of book club Girls in the fifth through sev- enth grades are invited to par- ticipate in a discussion of Karen Cushman's MThe BalJad of Lucy Whipple" at the next meeting of the Mother-Daughter Book Oub at the Newpon Beach Ceattal Li- brary at 7 p.m. on Th,ursday, March 13. Register to participate at the Central library Oilldren's Desk. or call (949) 717-3800 and choose option No. 5. Senior center offering events for women The OASIS Senior Center in Corona Del Mar iB hosting "La- dies' Day Out," including mini· massages, lunch, a fashion show and presentations about issues affecting senjors. Adnussion is $10. The event and begins at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 23. For more information, call (949) 718- 1822. APPEAL OF MINOR DESIGN R~VIEW On Jan. 16, the zoning administrator approved a permlt for John Crowe for . outdoor storage of vehicles in the 800 block of West J 8th Street. Councilman-Allan Mansoor appealed the decision because he would like 10 see laodscapi.Qg added to tht> general industrial property 10 lmprove the appearance of the location with a I 0-fuot landscape setback. The Plannin~ Commission· upheld '11e ZQning adm1nistrator's approval without re-quiring the additional landscaping. ~o Mansoor a ppealed again WHAT TO EXPECT ·weU, I just want 10 soften or break up the impact that l(ehicle storage is going to have," Mansoor sa.id. "ll'!i. import.ant to the Westside We talk about improvmg and making the appearance of the Westside nicer. and f think this is a good place to start." FYI: ~ ' •WHAT: ea.ta Mou City Council meeting • WHEN: 6:30 Monday night • WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Onve • INIO: (714) 7~223 2000 GENERAL PLAN · C..overnment codt requirt., that an annual repo<t be madt• to the City Council on the statui> of the plan and progrn..., in its implementauon. including wh~ther ii'> mtttmg its ~hale of regional houi.mg needs WHATTOEXPECT "(,onsidering the unurru.tances, l lhmk !the t it)' 1s doing il'> s hare!." Monahan said. "We've added i.ome units wtth Standard Pacific With 190 I Newport, we've added more there. ai. well. '>O we're doing what we can • -uunpiled ,, ... Deirdre New11um ..'• •s~ FULL BAR !"~""'~AILS :&ai MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARt A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help ... Aie you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" ' page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space fur a photo of a pct who is available for adoption and needs-a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the st.ate, thanks to people . like you! Be a pan of saving a life and feel great about domg it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For iust $19, you call add your own special -·------··ffiougnts under the per's photo. It will display your name as r:he sponsor of this pct, or you may indude a loving memory of one of your own chcrish~d furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONs'OR FORM Name·--~~~~~~~..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- Addrcs~~~~--------------~------ City: Seate Zip-· ---------- Cttdit Oud~ P-· ~~~~ Signauu-..._~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~- Phone (opcional)._· ~------------------ for c:hedc. make payable to: Daily Pilot • Text to ~pear in~ bdow phoco. 20 c:haractcra or ~One: Cl ·In &cM,. memory""'------------------ ~by _____ ---.. _____ ........_. ______ _ Mail WI form with JDUf dxck or cttdit card infurmari n co: Sa A life, <;(:, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Com Mcsa..CA 92627 .- ·----._.. 411 PUBLIC SAFETY BATTLE I NEJCl•ORS COME ~ 'This Is not Hollywood. Their activities are not conducive to the harmonious environment of the neighbOrhood.' • hood as far as the services were concerned." POLICE FILES COSTA MESA -• Del ... .,...-.Ml ~~A man was an'elted on .uapldon bf f9Ceivlng stolen propef1'f at 4:24 "m. Sunday. ·~ lloul.wtd:A manwea~on IUspk:ion of robbery in the 2000 bb::t at 6:20 p.m. Friday. • H..t>or Boulevwd: A man was arrested on suspk:lon of pc11e11ing forged notes in the 2100 bb::t at 4:30 p.m. Thursday. • ~ BouJevant: A man was a'1'98ted on suapldon of petty theft In the 2300 blodt at 1 :20 p.m. Saturday. • Mor.rovt. ~:A man was alTeSted on suspk:ion of assault and battery In the 1,800 blodc at 11 :30 p.m. Saturday. • Vlctloria Street: A man wes alTeSted on suspicion of presenting a false 10 to a peace ofticer In the 600 blodc at 6:55 p.m. Saturday. • East 17th Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of having an open container in a public partc in the 200 blodt at 2:58 a.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Birch Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 4800 blodc at 10:09 a.m. Sunday. • Canyon ltlMd Drive arid Ford Road: Vandalism was reported at 9:23 a.m. Sunday. .. Nswpotw Wwy: A suspicious person or people Wen, spotted and reported in the 1400 blodc at 10:39 a.m. Sunday. A• Posada: Terrorist threats were reported in the 1400 bb::t at 2:25 a.m Sunday. • s..tlego DwM: A vehicfe burglary was r9p0rted In the 2400 blodt atit50 a .. m. Sunday. • S1st .Street: A hit-end-Nil invoMng a . paitced vehicle was reported In the 200 bb::t at 10:43 p.m. Saturday. AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Piiot. 330 W. 'Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) ~ 170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, ~ and location of the event. 88 well as a com.ct phone number. A complete llsQng is available at www.dallypi~oom. TODAY A Gr.t Dedaioi'le cleo 11lan of ':China 1n Transhion:.~ Real ~ Change lmminent7" la the 9ixth in an eight-week Mriea on U.S. foreign policy topics. The dlscuulon will be led by John Austin from 7 to 8'.30 p.m. at St Matt ~.nan O\un:h, 2100 Mar Vma, Newport Beach. For mot9 lnfonnatlon, call (949) 760-1691. ~ wll be Mid for the Orange Coast CoUege spring musical at 6:30 p.m. and TUffday at 8 p.m. In the Orama Lab theater. For mOt"e information, call (714) 432-5640. .,Continued ... Casoria. who began re- presenting the center two yeara . qo, aald be believed the network had, a spe.dal event pennlt fur a specific ~od of th:ne, but ac- knowledged he wasn't totally sure. , Broadcasting outJlde generally involves tour cameras, a small video monitor, five Ugbt stands that a.re 6 to 8 feet tall, and fo~ taller penn:anent Iigh.t stands some 20 feet 1n height. On-cam· era guests and peJformers use microphones. Loudspeakers and public address systems are not used. The network said it broadcasts outside in the even'lngs during the Christmas season to capture the festivity of !lie holiday. which includes its display of 1 million lights, and during the daylight hours and dusk to capitalize on the gorgeous California weather. replete' with stunnlog sunsets. The network's international audience responds favorably to images of sunny-California. c.a- soria said "The response is the same that the Rose Parade gets on New Year's Day," Casoria said. And it only has to use lighting durlng the winter months be- cause there is enough natural light , for the outdoor services dwing the rest of the year, Caso- ria added. AUTO Continued from Al its 80tb year selling Fords. Robins' ~er sold his first car almost two decades after Heruy Ford formed the Ford Motor Co . and began selling the experimental Model A. Only foUl' other Ford dealerships in the country have been in the &ame family longer. "We've been sell1ng therµ almost as long as they've been buDding them. .. Robins said from the office of a· dealership now essentially run by sons Jim and Dave. The Robins dealership. which has also been run out of two Newport Beach locadons in its history, is th~ only licensed Ford dealer in the area and routinely places among the acea's top five in sales volume. Fletcher Jones Motorcars ls the acknowledged No. I Newport-Mesa dealer. Robins Jr. can recount an oral history ofhis family's dealership. The elder Robins, who died in 1976, opened his Bay Avenue Garage on Balboa Peninsula in 1921. ln earlyfebruary 1923, two men walked into the repair shop with an offer to purchase it, saying a Ford dealership bad opened up. On Feb. 7, Robins bopped Into a Model T .and beaded up to Uis ALLOWED Continued from Al ~-deserved reputation. embrace it invest tn it and reap the benefits.. A fun-loving spirit and careme attitude are the life's blood of Newport Beach. Just listen to some of the wild tales Judge Gardner has to tell. Spend some time with bis dan, the Balboa Island Sculling and Punting Soqety, and they will tell yOll stories tha'-make Rod.man's late-ttlgtu rompe look like romper room. 'Dllk to the C.Ommodore of Come see me new Shaperies. bltnds from Hunter Oouglu The IOft·tlOwtng curves •nd rextured lmen·bk.e finish capcure the took of the sOft-fabnc rOlds on a Aaman O\ade. And SNperiu wtJI llOf warp. crack. peel or fade. Even f n humid areas or ~ diteCI sunlW'f. Comt In and see these beautlfut bllndJ IOdly. I AltMst u sooo u the network bePil b~ outside, n~ra -who Uve as close as 10 to 15 reet·from the ~­ began complal.ning. aa:ordlng to testimony from the Feb. 24 flan., fling Comm.lssion.m~cm& ...,.,... ~Costa Mesa resident Bue some nefgbbon .:off at the notion that broadcasting outdoors la Im~ to the oenttt'a religious freedom. Diane Dorrien. who moved Into a home on Encore Court with her husband In 1996, Is one neighbor who is fed up, acQ.lSing Trinity of egregiously aceed1ng its odgi6aJ indoor broadcasting p'ennil • "If it had stated on their appli- cation to do business that their plans were to display 1 mlllion Ught8, .with outdoor muSical driving tours, tour buses, out- door broadcasting, errat1c late bows and the use or noisy heavy lifts late into the night. we would have never considered purchas- ing-our retirement home (ln the areal,• Dorrien said. Other neighbors listed com- plaints with the music, including Vance Ito, wbo lives on Thra with bis wife and twin boys. / "Activities lib (outdoor broad- casting) often wake up my wife and twins, especially vibrations form the music," Ito said. Ito was one of many neighbors to ask the network for a compre· heosive plan of how it will com- ply with city permits before it is allowed to broadcast outside again. . ntE CrTY RESPONDS Despite a slew of complaints, day pfndals did . not becolllfl aware of a problem undl January 1999, said Mel Lee. UIOCiate planner. At that paint, I.be dty fired oil a letter to the network explaining that they needed an- other permit lf they were oon- ductlng outdoor btoadCasting on a frequent basis. • The netwo~ responded, claim1ng that since they were a church. they did not have to comply. Lee sa,ld, so the city re- ite.r'ated tile need for a pennlt. The center waited until late 2002 to apply for the pennit, tb the chagrin of its neighbors.. The delay caused some resi- dents to question why the dty did not cradt down on the net- work sooner. "Who in the department is re- sponsible for making sure the [or:lglnall perrnlt is complied With?" resident Mariann Chap- pell asked. "They get one thing, and nobody makes them stick to it. Whoever it is Is not doing their job." Sandy Benson, the city's chief code enforcement . otlicer, said the problem was not brought to her aneotion until a few months ago. After the netWodt applied for the new perm.it. planning com• missioners. staff and some PHOTO eotm'ESY Of Tl£000RE ~S Before he began selling cars, Theodore Robins ran this Balboa Peninsula service garage, beginning in 1921 . Angeles. where be promptly signed an ex.elusive deal with Ford. II was a golden opportunity that Robins knew he couldn't pass up. It was also the Model T that the younger Robins drove to Newport Harbor High School during his senior year. in 19"7. Several years earlier, Robins began working in his father's dealership, ferrying parts to garages all over town. He even eecured a d.ma"s license at a ripe 14 years old so he could get behind the wheel of the parts delivery trudt. PART Of A CAR CUlJ\JRE As a boy, Robins said he fell in low with the car culture Ford helped to bring about among greasy-haired teens in 1950s America. ' Robins himself remembers taking his J 932 two-door sedan out to the Orange County Airport, now John Wayne Airport. to sanctioned quarter-mile drag racing every Sunday. "This wasn't the stuff where they paid big money," Robins the now-defunct Crystal Cove Instead of combating my f~ Yacht Oub Ueafly just a pile of generation of fun seeker$ - drift wood), wheft resklents locals or touri.9ts -employ those would meet for martinis and enterprising skills that made you beadWde bonfires. 1be tmtory suoc:essful enough to live in of the dty seesns to be one or Newport Beadi in the first place. llgtuhearted revelry, with just the Tuke a long ha.rd look at the rtght touch of ent~rprising problem and find a way to make responsibility. it work to your favor. Tum it into Now, this little~ is close a money-maker. to being built out. Pro~ taxes Heres a good example: are up. And the laid back. 8eYedy Gianna. vice president anything goes attitude is about as of communlcadoos for the New easy to find as affordable • Orleans <:onvention and Visitors housing. Except in West Newport. Bureau, said she can't imagine Yes.~ Newpon bas many why any dty would want to rentals. Many homes are vacadon d~ the bigb spirits of its rentals, attracting tourist R!SJdents and guests. revenues~ am.as.Mg a measly "If something gets out or band, $ UIOO per week for property you don't do away wtth It. you fix owners. By &UggeSting a decrease lt md Qllke It won for you.,. ln the number of rentals just to · GWma llJd. combat Fourth of Juty problems, 1be day of New Odeans you are threatening~ valuable ~ Dearly $1 bOUbn a )ft!" lOw:ist dollars that come ln the froin the Mmdi Gas Industry, other 364 days of the yea ~from city ... and hotel Those without the IUD block. tu memaee to ~of local fanny pacb, mape and cameras bulineilm that ~to the are young professlomls (or just rnutfve celebnldoO. 1be paty is spoiled adults who are sdll always a .ace-~ the ·~red" by their~) leaden emtnee the ewnt and who are not ready to buy, but wotk to mab ll run more wan1 to Uve near the beam. amoothl)( I blow111 teat a dozen "What wie do here rcta:elSfUI Newpon Harbor and Conloa dd beau.lie ~dll what we Mar high school graduates woo are. haw"C)tw and how we live on w peninsula or Weill celebale." lhe 8lld. Newport bec:at.11e they don' wane • Of mun.. iba11J p. a titde out to~ and lhey mab ~ ~hllid; bUc dMin wherw loal1 • thlt eDaw them to Jf"9 on an llw·~ Slept tn. New oceanfront propmy. Yei. theJ ua ~~mate a run. ~Ind JS, they illfoy che ..lHlc•• .. ·~ lOr lbdr oocuional c.oc:baJJ. hnd yet, theJ'. ~ &UfJIU lmteld ot •re hmlttng Fourth of My paid-. ~ tblinl Ute the enctn}' "1bele &etMdes c.an be done netgbbon1 attended two outdoor Inside." 01N>pe0 said. ·Otber- broadcuts. Staff found that the wile, 1tw about two.Ing our broadcast speakers~ not neighborhood Into a aide show. al.ldibM more tlwl 50 ~ way. Th.It bl not HoUywood. Their ac- tMdel are not conducive to the WH"1' ARE THE S hannonloua environment of the RIGHTS1 . neighborhood." When the Rdigious Land Use and lnsdtutional.lud Persons A.ct WU p&4sed by the federal gov- ernment in .2000, the netwod: bepn Ullng that u its founda- doo for iellgiout freedom. The bill states that goveming bodies can' impose land-use regula- tions that impose a 'siglilfJcant burden on the religious exercise of a person, a group or an or- gahization unless there is a com- pelling government interest and any limits are the "least restric- tive means." . The network contends that broadcasting outdoors ls pan of its religious rights under this act. "We believe that we haw the right to conduct our services in the way we choose to conduct them as long as it doesn't nega- tively impact In a substantial way the neighborhood," Caso· ria said. "It's clear from the'flod· lngs of the staff report and of all the commissionen that were tht:re and observed it them- selves, that there was little, if any, impact on the neighbor: TRHTY'S RESPONSE 'J\inJty ls interested In co· operating with ~ city, Ca.sorta aid, and ·bu· suspended out- door broadca.ating und.l the .Planning Com.mlas1011 eonsld- ers both ttnequest for a permit to tape outdoors frequently llOd Its orlginaJ permit on March24. Casoria said the network aJ- ready has a building manage- ment plan and has already re- sponded to some of the neighbors' complaints. "It's our reeling that a lot of the concerns are ancient history that people continue to raise and they're really not issues right now." But he added that the net- work is reviewing that plan to see If there's anything else it can do to assuage their concerns. • OEIROR£ NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and mav be reedled at 1949) 574-4221 or bv e-mail It deirdre.TH1Wmantlfatim..com. said. "You did it for the fun and -late 1970s. the New:pon-Md:a getting a trophy." Unified School District named 1brougb the years, the their auditorium Robins HaD. dealership has expanded several . Robins attributes the ti.mes. moving from its original dealership's longevity to Its Bay Avenue location. In 1928, reliance on the fundamentals: the elder Robins moved it to a new cars, used cars. effective building at 22nd Street and customer service and a wide Central Avenue, which is now array or pa.(ts. Balboa Boulevard. And be bas evolved with the The dealership was across the times. The dealership, for ~ from a Bank of America. example, has implemented an which has since been replaced e-mail service that allows by the Crab Cooker restaurant customers to check the p~ lo 1955,,Robins moved again. of their cars online, while they this time to Coast Highway and are In the shop. the property now occupied by Robins said he sells an average the defunct Auto Bistro. In 1966. of 75 used vehicles and 250 new Robins was ready to expand vehicles per mood). Right now, again; he pulled up stakes and he has about 750 vehicles on the headed to bis current location, at lot Harbor Boulevard and Bay Screet. Ford's F-150 truck has "He's an institution here in consistendy been his No. 1 seller, town," said Ed Fawcett, but he also sells a lot of p~dent oftbe Costa Mesa Mustangs. F.xplorers and Clwnber of Conunerce. Expeditions. he said ""They've been an anchor over Despite his success. Robins there forever." remains bumble. Robins ls rea~to expand "The mere fact that we've again. He ls in escrow to been here a long time doesn't purchase a 44,000-square-foot mean we feel like we're entided parcel of land across the street to to anything," Robins said. "We're add to his 9.5-acre lot. here. We provide a service. We SUPPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY Tiuoughout the years. the Robins family has been active in the community. For many years. the Robins family generously ·supported the Fa.sh Fry. In the -- Guests are more Hkdy to modify their wild behavior wiDingty when there is not an adversarial attitude, she saJd. New Orleam promotes their famous Mardi Gras celebration on the home page or their Web site and they make money d'olng ll How 'bout It Newport? We could call lt the Newport Beach Freedom Festival or the West Coast Liberty Gala How about the Annual Get-Drunk-Here- and-Leave-Us-AU-Your-Money Gras. Oty oftkials could dose down BaJboa Boulevard and charge a smaD entmnce fee!. It coukl be camJval Newport Beach style, and the dry could promote wrlstbend pad:ages of varying levels. from basic entrance to the feldvidel ($25) to a deluxe ~that lndtJdes a free ehuttle ride to a puUdpating bot8 for tbrlr discounted nJgbt'a Illy ({or about $150). AD pr1i r would be boobd alw.d of dme. and eldl pertidJmJt woWd recef\4e • llMD pamphlet outllnlng1he jpene!al Niel of cooduct. SdfJ ftoet would be 1med on thole who brob the Nies. Ind the ofeodeb would be made eamples of whit not to do. Onct '° Newport Beld\, they ... bolmd to open dieil' wdeU.. Dy keep1Dj people cenad7.ed. )'O'I wOuld" keiei> them out of 6ont yank md off the ttreetl. FOlb wOOldn't dttYe. they WOUid Jt.iat. wander almleaaly and~ UXe to give back to the community." • MUL CUNTON covers the environment. business end politics. He may be reached at 1949) 7~ or bv •mail at PllUf.cllnton latimes.com down the street -spending money along the way. Police could be concentrated in that one area t.o ~ thinp under control (Those strapping Newport Beach police ofticers can certainly handle it. They are among the best In the nation. right?) The city could host a spectacular firewotb show fur their guests, with an exiravagant finale dooe with the flare and style that Newpon Beach is famous for. Instead of negatiw media coverage, 1V stadoos would Ooc:k to cover the latest celebration hot spot. and the • mayor tould get IOund bites on all the major cbanneb. Mardi Gras ia the best promodonaJ item the dty of New Orleans bas.~ aa1d. •it ls a deftnlte, definlte ecooomlc tieneflt.'" lhe aid. .. Hotel occupanc:y, tourlsm •.. just look at the exposure that your dty get.a. from NBC to tbe nawt <hannel Ind .a the domadc majot oecwocb.1t ii expolU1'e no money can~,. Do you hear that. Mayol Bromberg and Mmlra. IUdpway. Proc.tot', Adunl, YCb, Hdfeman and Nk:bolsl It the fnortte llOUlld o!Newpon Belldi resident.I: Ola·~ • l.Ollm ........ ""*9 eolumne Mondavl, ~and FricMyl • • ~ ~ cufbn ancf"the.,. She tn1V be rNCtltdtt !Mt)~ or bv•m.Rtt ~~ hood. At the Pl&nn:lnl Commlll$on ~ 14 peopa. ........ oppot!don to the rwquat and only one ~D JPOke IUppoft· lntlt. ·--· I• .. QUOTE OF TifE DAY . . ' "I'm feeling them our and they're feeling me out." Dous Dem, Costa Mesa High basebal coach HIGH.SCHOOL SOFTBALL PREVIEW Buonarlgo believes best still to come Costa Mesa returns star-studded lineup, including senior All-CIF shortstop Topps. Bryce Alderton · Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Rick Buonarigo admits he has high expectations for the Costa Mesa High softball team. And with the lineup re- turning, bis expectations may be fusli- 6ed. Losing just one starter (Tess Undsay) from last season's team that reached the CIF Southern Section Division IV Play- otf.s for the third straight year before bowing out to Western lD the first round, Costa Mesa boast.s a lineup thal Buon.arlgo belieVes will shine offen- sively. "We had 12 home runs last year," Buooarigo said ."We've got a lot of power. The girls put the ball in play." Retumlng senior abortatop Anp Marie 'Tupps, a first-team All-OF selection last year after making the second team In 2001,· bit .444 and set Newport-Mesa highs In tilts (36), honie runs (11.x), RBis (28) and runs (21) to go with eight dou- blel and two triples. Tupps will continue her toftball career for the Univa'sity or .Oregon next seuon. 1 But the lineup doesn' live and dJe wlth TuPJ!ll. She will be IW'l'OWlded by mumiog • lelliora Jade Moss (center Seid), Jennifer Jordon {ou~. Katy Rmilh {thlrd bue) and ~ t.IMdo {pltdM!r) alol'8 ~ junlon .... E • ~to (leCOnd hue/ ~). Uyen Mal (aecood bue/out- G aeJd>, . both .eec:ond·~·~ AD-~ Co.It 1.-gUe ae1ectiOm a Je:U' ..,. MJ-a... 'Miiier (a&cher) and ~ tau t"*J). Yamllnoto btt .310 (22 i>r 73) wttb ~ home NOi. 15 RBb. 10 IUDI and ... ..,. billel In 12 titel. MdMI iale 1 on rT of 211-1.ttempca end ICOred 18 nma; She belted .290 CUI tor 62). Meu eoleta.d 103 .... .,... ... ...,., Ind BUonarW> apecll tpeed to play a ...... . ~ l.OPhomoree Lauren peMelo ((111£bef),. b ·r.m Al-PO. Pkt.•• rr.hman. .. n ~ '.lbppe lint bMelOll.......,, who ....... boNMM _... .... , ........ ' Sports tclCot Ro&er Cartson • (9491574-4223 • Spons Fu; (949) 650-0170 . " .. • DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH "'° SEAN HUER I OAl.Y Pl.OT Christina ~~ le84s the UCI Irvine women's basketball team in scoring and reboundiog this season. Ch·ristiria ·Callaway The UCI junior forward's relentless effort has typified the Anteaters' improved play this season in Big West Conference. SteweVlr1en Daily Pilot Last season, Callaway shot less than ~ from the field. but. this year, th~ ~foot junior forward, who uses qwcmess to beat her defender to the basket. ls shooting~ from the field. •1 ha~ a lot more confidence in myself than" I did last year.• Callaway said •Against William ai Mary. that's when t saw myself playing harder and playing betts. l'w done to much better than1ast yeu. That baned me around and made me better.. When asked if she WU au-prised by bet im~t ~the o8i e UC1f1, lhe o«ued the ttutb. "lbu lbould haw aeen me Jut ~.· CaDawllJ Aid. raemna to the loW ilmount of conMenee lhe . p&l,ed with. ·1 am a tittle bit UpiWd ~ ... ,...... Nsw:illll llm, c ·n~ ca ... a a. led her to a IRD I MWJ M men thlin .., ... ~-......... M-lll'Mlll banon. In lhe ~ ..... ....,....,.~ ....... ~ ... .,,.,....,.. 1te1Md cm" .... dlie Wlblt whom hlw ....,_,cum .uund •-bMMrllilD1m.......... .ucn...an. _ .............. _ • ., 2 ltil c.u111 a. • EYEOPENER Oii~Pib Spana Hal al P , .... , ........ t~li Marth I 0 horioree JIM WARREN Mondity, M<vch 3. 2003 A5 . .. Estancia H1gh's girts basketball team, coached by Tami Rappa, rolled through I the Golden West ·• League wrt:h an unbeaten record on the way to the program's first outnght league crown since 1991 . Standing, from left· Tisha Gray, Nancy Castro, Xochitl Byfield, Jazmmo ·; Flores, Imelda Pena, Ohv1a Maldonado and Tnsha Wase. Kneehng, from left· Reyna Garc1a,,_N1colle Wiison. Krystar Mrno and Arabel Becerra. DON lEACH DAIL~ P lOT HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PREVIEW . Deats begins second era at Costa Mesa Mustangs still getting to know coach, who is back for second term at the helm of his alma mater. Barry Faulkner Dally Pilot OOSTA MESA -With former player. Man Broesamle and Cllils DeSandro among his as- SlStant coaches. there ,., a familiar ring to the second tour of duty as Costa Mesa H1gn base- ball coach for Mustang<, alumnus Doug Deats. But enougn time has elapsed be- tween his previous stint at the ~ (1994-97) and this spnng. that Deats will be forced to reintroduce h1s coach- ing philosophies to the current crop of players. · ·rm feeling them out and they're feel- ing me out.· said Deats. who takes ~r for Kirt Bauermeister, who resigned af- ter a five-season term to become .<as- sist.ant principal at the adlool. Deats. who coached C"OliStown rival &tanda for two-plus seasons. ls happy to be back in Mesa green and is confi- dent the Mustangs can compete for a CIB Soutbem Section postaeuoo berth as they enter their tnaugural season in the Golden West League. Bui with only one decorated returner -senior catcher Nate Hunter was en All· Newpon-Mesa Dream Team perfocmer last teaSOn -a serious laCk of offe.nstw power and a corps of rcw.mJna pttcben wbo went 3-8 for last ,.n 13-15 team that missed the playofts. it remeim to be seen ll that COn6dence is jultifled. Hunter. who bit .313 (25 -80) ... aeuon with 16 RBls ind nine *>kn baa. co route to dnt-team AD-Aid& <:oast ~ .a:ollda. will anchor .!ho ddente behind the plate and bi.I an either thli-d or deenup. ·He'& our top lefUor guy and he's tolld diefmaf~. 0.tl taid. he FIS becwNn the UO.. be compete1 ¥e1Jwel .. Adam Joc'jenlon ........... ..olher reamer ol not A ..... --.0 - Pkd*9 -.-... DlliD ...... a.M beutra 1 t10='1i...._....., ........ dt---...... a•••••• Cllmll Bdllon. "1 M*bt') ............... Dllll MW :qf ... t£5? I b illnit llrjll al (11 .. •• I) ........... 2 ---... • \ I M Mondly. ,._h 3, 2003 BRIEFS Baylor s.weeps 'Eaters No. 8-ranked Bears rally for 12-9 win to extend UCI losing streak to four. • B\SEa\11.: A sewn-nm sixth inning helped visiting Baylor rally for a 12-9 nooc.onference basebaD victory OYe£ UC Irvine Sunday, gtv- lng the eighth-ranked Bears a three-game sweep or the Ant- eaters. Second' baseman Matt Fisher's three-run double helped put the Anteateis (4--11) up. 4-1, in the first inning. After Baylor (12-3) rallied to tie the game at 4-4 in the third. ua scored again and upped its advan- tage to 6-4 heading into the fateful sixth. The Bears winning rally include 11 hitters, including David Mur- phy who clouted a grand slam otf reliever OW Nicoll. uas Gregg Wallis drove in John Horwitz in the sixth and a two-nm homer by Ollis Klemm, his first of the season. puDed the Anteaters to within 12-9 in the eighth. Klemm was 3 for 4 with two RBis and four runs to pace the hosts' 12-hit attack. Baylor poUnded out 18 hits. ua begins a three-game home- and-home series with San Diego State Friday by visiting the Azt~ Nonc:ahi•"'* Bayb12, 009 Baylor 5c:c: by~ 12 18 2 UCl .-al 011 020 9 12 I McCormd. Walker (4), Wooay (7). Car118fl (8) and Ford; Koehleml, Nicoll (3). Kri9e (6), Alstot (7), Tnpoli (7), Frendl (8) and Wagnef. W -Walker. 2 1 l -Nicoll, (}.2. Sv. Carlsen. 2B ·Ford (8) Griffin tel. Webb 181, Reynolds (Bl. Horwitz (UCll. Fisher (UOI. 38 - Fortenbeny (Bl. Wallis (UCI). HR - Murphy (Bl. Ford (Bl. Klemm (UO). Uci wins pair •WATER POW: The UC Ir- vine women's water polo team bounced back from a 9-5 loss to CaJ to post nooconference vie· tories over Pomona-Pitzer and CaJ Baptist in a busy Sunday at the Anteater Aquatics Complex. CaJ, ranked No. 5; earned a 5-1 halftime lead to take care of the No. 16-ranked Anteaters. UCI, down at halftime to Po- monll-Pit.zer, 3-2, scored all of the game's seven second-half goals to post a 9-3 triumph, then pulled away from Cal Bap- tist for a 7-5 win. Erica Hoffman scored a game- high three goals in the win over Pomona-Pitzer, while Meghan O'Donnell led the 'Eaters with two goals against Cal Baptist. UCI ls now 9-8. SCHEDULE TODAY SwimnW'9 High school boys and girts - Newport Harbor at San Clemente, 3p.m. Yon9yball r High school boys -Century at Estancia, 3:15 p.m. · T4lnnll College men -Villanova at Vanguard University, 12:30 p.m. College women -Villanova et Vanguard University, 12:30 p.m. Golf College men -UC lrVine et Spa1rt.n Invitational, at Conol de Tlerr8CC. Community college men - Cemtoa •t Orange Coast, noon. High IChool boys-&pentnza vs. Corona del Mar, ... Newport 8eed1 cc, 2:30 p.m.; Cenvon vs. N8wpot1 Harbor, at Big Canron CC. 3 p.m; CoctB Mell! st G.-den Grow. 2:30 p.m.; Oxford vs. 5'99 HUI at Snwberrv Fenns GC. lt15 p.m. ..,,. ·-... ·- ,._ • CALLAWAY Continued troni A5 • The Anteaters finished a-20. 5-11 in the $Ig west last year. • This season. ua Is in second place ln the Big Wesl at 9..S, with an ownill record or 16-9. , "1b1s year. we're more or a team: Callaway said. "We're a;iore like a family. "We understand the plays. Last year. we. liked each other, but we weren't a family. Once we started losing It was down- hOl from there. "This year, we love playing basketball and we Jove going to pl1lCdce. .We know we're go- ing to be good.·We just bave to play as a team.• In February. Callaway, the • Daily Pilot College Athlete of the instincts. And, we've told her to Month. led the Anteaten to a S-2 do that Sbe Is very productive. record She scored 89 points (13 Sjle bas certain)y stepped up.• per game) and grabbed 43 re-Adams sakt hard wock" Is the bounds (7.6 per game). She bas primary reason Gallaway bas im- started in every game this sea-proved. He said she has always son. been a tireless worker and an ag- "lt's a little bit of a su.rpriSe gressive basketball player. that· she has improved:• UCI There have been' times when it Coach Mart Arutms saJd. •Last appeared Calloway would faint year she wasn't playing with as from exhaustion, but she cootin- much .confidence as she A,now. . ued to pla~ Adams said. Now, She is a kid who has to play on she appli~ that effort to her BASEBALL Continued from A5 Jorgenson was also 2-2 with two saves, compiling a 2.19 ERA and 23 strikeouts in 22Y. fnnihgs on the mound, but Oeats expects his arm trouble to rule out pitching this season. Daniel Cooper. a junior who pitched 38~ innings last sea- son, figures to be the No. I starter in a rotation that should also include senior returner George Vargas. Vargas. 1-3 with a 6.35 ERA in 28Y, innings last season, is penciled in as the No. 3 starter, behind junJor Justin Peterson. Deats said Hunter and junior Gary GonzaJez could also ~ee time on the bump a1'd Deats beUeves all Mesa pitchers will benefit from the tutelage of Broesamle, a former Newport- Mesa Player of the Year, who went on to star al Concordia University. Senior Dan Bitler, who com- mitted only one error in 148 chances lac;t season , Is slated to start at first base. The left-han· der had six RBis, six stolen bases and seven hits last sea- son. Senior Robert Rodriguez, SOFIBALL Continued from A5 last season. as well as Paulina Rodriguez (utility) and pitcher Jaclcie Butler, round out Mesa's lineup. DeMello hit .356 (26 for 73) with one home run, 10 RBis and f2 runs. She hit two doubles and stole eight bases ln nine at- tempts. Butler will fill the void vacated by Undsay. Mesa's Female Alh- lete of the Year for her 17-9 showing last sea.son. Undsay posted a 1.13 ERA last eeason. Including an 0.79 mart in the PCL. where she went, 7-3 and gained first-team all-league lau- rels. She now plays for Santa Ana College. •(Butler) has four good pitches and is developing speed.· Buo- narigo said. "She's mentally tough.· Butler, along with several other Mes;a players, participated on summer travel ball tearm to· gether. Buonarlgo expects play- ers' familiarity with one another to prove dMdends. "The girls get used to each other in regard to their abWdes and they lalOW others' limita- dons and what they excel at.· Buonarigo said. "If one person ls not doing it, others have to pldc 1111 Justin Peterson 3 Adam JorgeNOn 4 Dylan Hunter 5 Gary Goni.alez 6Dan Bitler 8 Robert R9<1riguez 9 Daniel COoper 12/20 Steve Doerr 13 Tyler Waldron 15 Alex Pisarski 17 Nate Hunter 21 Georg~ Vargas 23 Derek Garcia 25 Adam Beltran 30 Char1ie Ec!(1)8n Jr. Jr. So. Jr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. So. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr:· Co.c:te: Doug Deats • -Alaistanta: Jeff Cook, Matt Broesamle, Chris DeSandro,PaulGrady who had two RBis in just four at-bats as a junior, is the front- runner at third base. while Alex Pisarski, a sophomore, figw'es to assume the shortstop duties from Jorgenson. Deats said sophomore Dylan Hunter, Nate's younger brother, is the projected starter at sec- ond base. THE MUSTANGS Jedde Butler Lauren O.Mello Alejandra Gali.rdo Jennifw Jof'd9n Teresa-tau UvenMai M'.me&le Miller JadeMoel Katy Renlsh Paulina Rodriguez Ann Marie Toppe Kelly Topps Jane-€ Yamamoto So. So. Sr. Sr. Jr. So. Jr. Sr. Sr. So. Sr. So. Jr. Coec:lh: Ride Buonarigo ~ loul•Vnquez her up.• This season brings a change in leagues for Mesa, from the PO. to the Golden West League. Mesa has played Golden West League teams regularty in the past. so Buonarigo saJd not much will change with two league games against each school The major change will be one Jess game against loog-staodlng rival, Corpna dd Mar, Buonarigo said. "The r1va1ry has heated up In ""',,.. ,,.,....,,,k,, ., . ...,.. .... ~...,,. ' ( . mentality. ·sne hU been a lot ttronacr mentally,• Adima •VI •She bas good bUketbal1 lnldncfl. She'• a faldy complete plaY.er. She bas been pretty consistent out there. She deserves all- coo!ereoc:e tteognltion. tbar't for awe.• Along wfth Callaway's conft- dmce bas come a high levd ol mal\J.rlty. She has been able to become one or the leaders on the squad, and not just With statistics. "Her maturity Is on a differ- ent level ~ last year,• Ad· ams said. "She has changed her mentality a JoL A Jot or kids haw, done the _ $81J\e thing.. Usa ltulkner, Kristen · Green and Wencty Gebbe. it• has all rubbed off on all of them." With their lmpmvanent this season, the Anteaters are confi- dent more J>e9ple will come to realize the pleasant brand or baSketball• the tealJ)ol bas been playing. "I don't '1Hnk \ve've gotten that mudr exposure.• Callaway said. •A lot or people don't (eal17.e how good ow team~ ls.• Until this season. Callaway n~r realized l¥JW great she could be. ".He's our top, senior guy ~nd he's v~ry solid defensively. W~eQ he gets between the lines, he competes very well." Dou&l>Nb;Costa Mesa High baseball coach about Nate ..urter '. Sepior.Adam Beltran, whose .302 ba'tting average (16 for 53) tops all retur.ners, is slated to open in center field. He had eight RBis and three steals a yearago. · Senior Derek Garcia (.227 with one RBl and one steal in 2} at~.ts last s pring) and Gon- zalez are 'battling for the job in left field, while Peterson and senior Steve Doerr (three var- sity hits last season) ace doing battle for the starting nod in light. l'yter Waldron, who joined the team last week after spend- ing the winter with the sq&.cer team, could also provide depth in the outfield. Senior Charlie Edman is a backup third baseman. The Mustangs open the New- port Elks Tournament Friday against Los Amigos. ~ ' "The girls get used to each other in regard to their abilities and they know others' limitations and what they excel at. If one person is not doing it, others have to pick her up." Rick Buofwtlo, Costa Mesa ligh softbal coach the last two yars, • Buonarigo said. -ibey have pracUcaDy their whole team returning except for a couple of players. At l.t!ut we have one game with them." Assistant Louis Vasquez re- turns for his sixth eeason with Mesa and Buonarigo readies for his third season in bls second stint at the school Buonarigo coached at Mesa from 1990-95 before coacb1ng for ~ sea- sons at Orange Coast College. the Wt in 2000. Defe~ Buonartgo be- lleyes his unit .ls stronger than la.st season, which fuels opti- mism •uc the seuon opener Friday ln the Coata Meu Invita- tional "I'm exdted to' tee bow far we've come IJong," Buonadgo aaJd. -. 1111 Daily~Pilot Ill . ~Hallo Celebrating the nullermiu.m KELLY 1 .. _, , -. ... .·~ . C.AMPBEUL j ·... . ... ' ·Corona del Mar All -American career at Colorado preceded national team berth, pros. ' ' ~ Rlch•rd Dunn ·Daily Pilot H er ball of energy has. been a famDy topic since Kelly Campbell could wallc. From where..oh. where dJd this little girl come, her parents must have thoughL With an overflowing spirit on the volleyball cowt and overall z.est for life. Qunpbe1I inspired teammates for years as a 6-foot setter with unbelievable toudl and endless emotions. <Ampbell, of Corona deJ Mar High and the University of Colorado, was such a fine athlete that during his freshman she competed in track and field -the only time in her prep career -and wound op finishing Se<JOnd in the OF State Ownpionships in the girls 3,200 meters. There was talk or the long-legged Campbell having Olympic potential in distance players to scramble, some of whom left for the European leagues. But Campbell bad already moved,.o~ Her one-year stint wortlng out at the Olympic lkaining Center in Colorado Springs, Colo .. wiJh the national team and subsequent six-month term with the · Quest, was enough. "l·just felt my time was up with (volleyball)," said Campbell, a two-dme All-CCF Southern Section Division I selection for Corona del Mar (1994 and '95) and a member of CdM's back-to-bid national championship teams in 1992 and '93. •it's not that I was burned out, or disliked volleyball. There were just· so many other • things in life. I loved lh1lt season of voUeyball (in SL Loµis) and what I learned ariCl. bow I grew. Bqt . .. there are so many other things out there that 1 wanted to ge1 into.~ CampbeU, who knew driving out to St. Louis that the end ofa .. I " . ,. .. ~but the following Kelly Campbe_ll..._.,_,..._. long line of ........__ assists was near, • spring, she was competing on Corona del Mar's frosh-soph swimming team. Campbell. you see, might have been a natural in running with her effortless style, but volleyball captured her heart and eventually paid the bills. A member of the St. Louis Quest last year in the United States Profesmo~ Vo~ league, Campbell is now In the Christian F.d~\ion JNlSter's program ar AZusa P;u:ilic University and gearing up for an exciting summer at the Yosemite Sierra -~wnmer Camp. where she will be the director for the first time. Campbell grew up attmdlng ~ camps there and last year fulfilled • lifelong post-volleyball dream of retumlng to Yosemite as a counselor. •niat really confirmed to me last year that I want to be involved with the kids and the program and mentoring them,• said Campbell. who lives in San Oemente, where the camp has an offseuon office. While Campbell. 25, is enj<J)ling her first year away from volleyball. the former U.S. nadooal team member and two-time Ne.AA AD-American at Colorado Is thrUled abe decided to retite, because the USPV pulled the plug on the 2003 campaign. leaving many .... 9 ........ ..... .a.n.., ... ~ ... •.-ir·CIJ.. ,,;.;..:..--=----- is crazy about kids and one of those gla.....,· is-aJways-haH-fuD types. She'U find the good in something •even if It takes me all night; she said. During her amateur career. Campbell sparked CdM and Colorado, as well as the Orange County Volleyball Oub team. "Kelly Campbell was amazing,· said club and collegiate teammate Melissa Schutz (Newport Harbor). "She had an amazing spark. She had such great energy on the court. She's always upbeat and running all over the place. She was great· Campbell. the latest honoree in the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame, said her highlights include the relationships and friendships formed while playing volleyball. "Th~ people who l met along the _ way, that's the greatest part " ~ when I look back on my career ln volleyball," she said. A broadcast jownalism major at C.Olorado (Class of 2000), Campbell enjoyed a ~t Internship with the Fellowsb.lp or Ou:istian Athletes and, after moving back to the Southland from SL Louis. she tempol'&rily .. lived with heT sislll', ICristin, ' also a former standout setter at CdM who became one of the top playens In the blstory or Dub w0men'9 volleybell. / 1· 1·. • IWyPtlot . ~=;;:;; .... ~=-~> _Llpl;;......_ .... __ 2141_ .......... -""" .... tCJIUtOCMlM:NlfJf• ... uttM quflira lla!Nf • 11n IW(Mf guw.~ alloJAlclO l111111lllah• ~-... -mtnte. SI no eonoca a ....... ,.,..., H TICE TO Dl EN un elloaado, pu•d• utl8~QMtu.-OANT. (Awl.cl ' Ac:u.. 11•"1¥ • un HrYtc;lo M ....... -. .... do) J£f'fRCY SCOTT ttf9flfteta dt abopdot 1 • -~ ...._ IUJRllATZKY an4 OOU o 1 11n. alldn.• di ayl!U ....... ti J!.!,llllla HS, IC!Cluslvl htpl (v .. tt dirtctorlo . =U.Alf.--#11-::!::,'';AMfl YOU ARE BCll'tC SUED tflafonko). ..... , ,_.,, ~ BY f>l,.AIHTiff. CASI MUMlla. Mllf\~-(A Ud .. Hll 41em•lld• CM--• .. C-) •Dltw ..._ • CX*f •ndo) CONSTANTINO O'C<U21• C1lilMN VENEGAS CASTOMNA JUOM'IJIVIM nu II -..._ ..... w You ha~• lO CAl.EN tat. Q7 ~ ..... ..!!_.. ..... DAR DAYS efter thit Th4t n•mt end ecldteu .... -"!' ..... $1111\tnOM IS SlfVld on of tn. COlll1 IS: (El _. llr ....... Illa you to file • typewritten nombra y dlrecclon dtl ICllf response •I this cO<Hl la corle u) ORANGE 1111 .._. h C:::.... d.. A l1tt11 or phoo. call COUNTY SUPERIOR OW,..,.C...,..... wdl not p.otecl you, COURT, 700 Cmc Centlf •SME JOur typewritten re bnve West. P 0. Boa : 1111 = ..._ 1pon11 must be In 1994, S.nta An•. CA , ..!., !!' llllaQll• Pfop« i.111 form If you 92702·1994 ::::;: '=-,,.::. ,,,. w•nl the .court lo hHr The n1m1, address, _. ~ ...., your case end 11 .. phone number ·ol p-· :.:J _ • If you do not file your plaintrtrs attorney. or --r•ll><>ftse on time. yov plalntllf without en ...... 11 ~-"1 may las. the i:n-. and •ttorMy Is (El nQfllbrl, llaX ._._ ')OUI' waaes. money and ta dw•«t0n y el numero lll.IRBf, . propetty may 1111 ta hen dtl telefono del •boaado ·eDCIN.L without further w1tnl111 del dem1ndant1. o del ~WNDI~ omth1cou1t, d1m1nd1nt1 .que no Thlfe era other lqal l11n1 abo11do. es) 9'111 • --.r • 8D E requKements. Y0<.1 may jeffrey R Seiber&, [sq =~ tM_. CXla. Ill want to call en attorne,y S8N 216521. law Offocet rlctot 1way If you do ncft ol lee A Wood a. 1111 • 11 llWllllll ID• know en 1ttorney, you Associates, PC =-= • .... d : may nll an attorney 2603 Majn Street, Suite ~tC.. M referral nrvlce or • 1000. Irvine, Cahlornl1 == «RM. ~ ':; leaal ••d ottoce (hsted 1n 92614 the phone boo!\) (949) 794 S90( T n .. ....., • • 11 0.spues de qu• le (949) 794 5931 f ..... 1111 II* • II __ ID entreauen esta t1lac1on DATL (fed.) AUG 12, Q9llta ta'Dll ~ 1udlc11I usted Ilene un 2002 Qald!lllG.t.· plazo de 30 DIAS CAL· Al.AN SU.TH, Clerk 1lll ,_. n .._ d .. ENDARIOS p.ra p1esen· (Actvw .. ). 111111111.-.-~_, ... tar un• rnpuesl• ., ~y A. DANG, D.,.vty lld k ;r.w--r. IC, crita • maqutna en esta (h .... ) - ~f!!!!!!!'. M:., CC>fle STAflMlNT ~~~= Una carll o una OfDAMAGIS- Ml .... lflrllrllVdltl9br llam•d• telelon"• no le (P~ "'fwy• ., -.... MM I( olreu1a proteCCIOll, SU w .. _. ... DMtli) • llft:flll .. ~dlf respunla esc11ta a CASl--.UMIHt ............. • • maqu1n~ ltene que 02CCIJ21• ....... cumphr ton las formal To JEHREY SCOTT a..tRlkZll odacles iecaln ap1091a KURBATZKY • P#I( 11fJ 'IOO ~ du ii usted quoere que Plamhlf CONSTAHTINO ..... la Cl>rle escuche su vtNECiAS CASTORENA .c'l'S. · Ull8l9 ~ ca,o. seeks dama1n 1n ""' IEJO«:QlllfA ~ CN.Y So usted no prnenta •bove enl1tled-action, n N.Drlm su 1espuesta a hempo. lollows AND .:;t::- pu.de perder ... CHO y I .~ ......... le pueden quol•• \U Pain. sufleronc. and salaroo, ~ doneio y ohas 1nvonven11nce $100.000 cousde su propted1d 2. Sp.Klol '--9-a son av1so 1dw:1onal por Medical ••penses (lo parte de la corle !late). $7,500 E us ten otros requ1s1 Lon of ear nones (to tos k••kt• Pyr;dt pyt Policy ll1t1), Sl,000 rroperb dime,., Sl.000 01te: JMuery 9, 200! /SI .Mfffev R Siiber" [sq • ~ P11blletuf Newport a..cti~t• Mesa OaiJ rlfot -fbrt.h 3, I 0, 17, 24, 2003 M652 ISC 12111 .nlCI Cl Pf1nm '° ll ill LlatnAllOfi USA IAYUHll WllO.Uln41 To 111 hev1, benefl. cierles, credotmos, con· hncent crtd1ton, and persons who may oth- anuse be ontarnled 111 the wlll or estate, or both,· of: ALISSA MAYA BECELl A PETIT~ FOR PRO· BA TE has bMn toled tty WILLIAM BEGEll 1n tha Super~ Court of Cali: lomla. County of OR· ANOE. THE PC TITION FOR PROBATE 1equHh that WILLIAM BECEll be •PPC>lnted as penonat represenl1hv1 to ad· mon1stei the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION 1equHls the decedent's Wiii and cod1c1ts of any, be admitted to probate The Wilt aod any codicils 111 av11l1ble lor eumona- Uon on the Me kept by the court THE PETITION requests euthonty lo 1dmm1ster th• Ht.le under the Independent Admlnos tratlon of E st1tu Act {This Authority will allow Ille penonal rePfesen- tatove to take many achons without obtain 1na court approval 8elore tak1n1 certain very omporllnl 1chons, however. the personal reptesentat1ve win be required to 11ve notice lo interested per sons unlns they have wa1Yed nohce or tonsented to the proposed 1clt0n.) The independent ad mlnlstratoon <1ulhorily will be IU•nted unless ID IQlCttllCd QllJOD 2141 ............ 2141 Uptlllcll 11* an -..Cl.ion ta u.. pelllloll and allows cood cause Wiiy the cowl ahovlcl not I' ant the IUtlloflty. A HEARING on the fNlllJon will be hlMI on MMC" 'Z7. Z003 et UO pm In Dept. l73 loceled •t 341 Thi Cit1t Oriv• South. Or•nc•. CA 92861 IF YOO 081EC1 to the IT 1ntln1 of UM petition, you lhould IPPl-af at Ille harinc end stat• ~' objections or ltle written objections with the court before the hearinc Your •ppear enc• may be In per son or lly your attorney • IF YOU ARC A CREOI· TOR or contincent creditor ot the Olc:eased, yov must ftl• 1roiir cllim w1tll the court and mall • ~Y lo the personal rep.esentatrve tpp0onted by 1he court wjthon lour months from the date of the first issuance of letters u PfOV!ded on Probate Code section 9100 'l'ha tome lor l11tnc cl11ms will nol eapire belQ\e four monlM from the hearonc dale noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the tole hpl by the court If you 11 e a per son on· terested on the estate. you mlly hit wjlh the court a Request for Speclll Notice (form 0£. t 54) of the fihna of an inventory and appra~I ol estate H$41h or of any petition or account as PfOVoded on Probate Code HCt1on 1250 A Request for Spec11I NotH;e form rs avaofable Ir om the COUI I clerk A'::iAir f.., Petitt-. M J. GOUlaT, Clwfat-Ml"-' ,. ... Jec.i.s Gluo( Woll. & Slieopir•, 212 f Ave. ef tlio Sten, Ste. 1900. l" ~.CA 900U Published Ne wpo1 I Beach Costa Mesa 011ly Pilot March 3, 7. 10, 2003 M646 sun•~• llla.rfCIGUl&I ........... u. .... e..t C. .. &!171M .nlatO<mnOIS ,.otlt• 1s heflby 1inn to the creditors and contlnl'nl r.re4ttort of the ff<>'<l•·nam.d -. dent that all petsortS havonc claims ap1ntl UM dKedent are 11 q111t1d to hie .them with Ute Super lor Court, 11 341 The City Ori .. Probate OIYlioon, City of Oran&e. CIJrlornta 92fi68 ind mail a c09y lo Kw k Mcintosh. Esq I 1w OfflCI of K11~ Mcll1tosh. Attorney for JAMES 0 CRITES. T r.ustee of the JAMES lESllC ttAYOEN DECLARATION Of TRUSf date4 November 4, 1987 wher11n the dttedent was 1 S.ttlor. al 628 W 19th SI , Costa Mesa CA 92627. w1lh1n the l.ittr ol lour month~ afle1 (the d•I• ol the lint pubhcatoon of nohce to creditors) 01. of nohn is mailed or penonally dellveied to you 30 day1 1ft11 the d~le th•~ notice os mailed 01 personally delivered to you A cl11m form may be obl•oned lrom lhe court cle1 k f 01 yuur protection, you ••~ encour •aed lo hie your claim by cerlotoed m••I w1lh return r~ceopl reqvested /S/ Klo'k MdntHli, htt-. LAW OfFICIS OF KIU i.ctNTOSH, '21 W. lttli St., CHt• •-.CA92'27 Publlshed Newpo1 I Beach Costa Mesa Daily P1lol Ma"h 3. !> 7 2003 M6')1 Rclll. llllilltss ... s...... The lollowoni persons are do1n1 busine:r.s u Bottle Rocket. 221 En• 20th SI Unit B Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Pallock ~mes How to-Place A 221 hat 20th St Unit I , Costa Ma., CA 92627 Denise Ko,. Gerry. 221 ta1t lOtll St Unit I , Costa Mau, CA 92627 ThlS 1111-.. It '4>n dllCtfd by husband and wrfe "IYI yQll Started do<ft& bu.ines' yet? No Pat C11ry This S:tateme11I WH hied with the County Cler .. of Orance County on 02/14/Ql 200U9H417 Oaoly Pilot feb 17. 24. IMt 3, 10, 2003 M6U Mlm ..... ........ The lollow1n1 persons <at• e1o1nc bu~1nen n OlBBLC MINOS. 8211 E T1mbeiland, Oraoae. CA 92869 SA11><1el S Wu. 8711 E Timberland. 01•na• "CA 92869 Gene Cuhtri el 4877 Hackett Ave Ro\eme~d. CA91110 fh1s bu\me\~ 1\ con dueled ·by • ~ene1 .. 1 ""'Iner \ho~ H•ve you •l.orlr.d <1u1n1t bu"nn• yet' No Gene Culle11 ~' lh1\ •l•lom•nl w4\ toled with the Cuunly Cle<lo. ol Or•n&~ Counly e>n02/20 01 20036934120 Daily Pilot Mar 3 10 17. 24 <'003 ~649 Rdltlo. lusiltss ........ fhe lollowon11 per•on. die doon1 busmns ., •) Or •ngt Cu.ul Ap prao•al G11111p b) 01 .. nge Coast Rtdlly Croup < 1 Otan&o Cu•\I fh,.I lstale Serv1te> 188 [ 17th Street Cusla Mn.t C1i1hforn1a 92627 3763 Brute C Ma"hall. 66 Timberland Ahso V1~10 Cal1forno• 916')6 1 This bu\IM'' os ton ducle~ by an 1nd1v•du•I Have you 'I ar led do1n;. business Y"I' Ytt 07 05/1998 s.-.e "l~~ -·. r.t11s sl•lement was loled w1lh the County The follow1.n1 PlflOnt are doln1 b111lnots n . Alm11hty Window Wnhlfll ind Pl.nth 181 Cecil Place Unit 8 Cost. Me.a C•hflM n11 92627 David Hernandez l07 I Platte Drove, Costa Men, C.hlornl• 112626 Tiits bu11nns IS con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual HIYI ~OU slMled doNll bu'°neu yet' Yn 011 15/2003 O•vod Hern,nd.e1 1hll Slllem4!1ll WH lolad with tri.. <;ounty Clerk of Or•nce County on02/26/03 200369350)7 Daily Polo! M,ar J 10. 11. 24. 2003 M648 ,... ..... ........ Th• fo11o..,1na pe,.ons ue doon1 busonn\ .. s SlllchuAft lnleflOI\ In~ 1409 Slate1 Av• Hun hnaton Baa~h (;•hlorma 92647 Stolchcrall lnte110" Inc (CA) 7409 •Sl•ler Avr Hunton1lon Beach Cahlo1 n1a 92647 I hos bus one" is t.un dulled by a <e>lpor •hon Hove you \l.,lrd dn"'a but.1ne\,s 1et' N11 Sltlchcrafl lnlp11or\ lllC , StevP Rr•v•\ Prn1denl This $lalem~nl w•S lolrd with th,. Ct1u11ly Cleo~ ot 011n~~ 1: .. unt t un 02/{)6 03 20034932676 Daily Pilot f eb I 0 17 }4 March 3. 2003 M639 RdttiM lllSilieu-... ..... The lollowona ptrsnns .,. do.na bu~oneu n Soluh~ Adv"°'' 1601 Wl'SI MilcAolhur .Blvd ~!~~&<>th Coon! Metro CA 92704 KWN1 Inc <CAI 1601 Monday, Mardi 3, 2003 2M Upelllc8I A1 ... Wott M.KA.rthw Slvd 110. South Cont Mello, CA92704 (Melh• ,/.ddtHt 197J Harbor llvd 12911 Cost• Mfla. CA 92S26) TM b~& " COfl duded by 1 '°''"" •boft Hoe yov Marted doorll bUSlneU yet' No K\WAH Inc • Aleunde1 N Hawt11n~, Jr • I PrKlde.nt fhtt •tatement was hied With the County Clefll of Ot..n1• County on 02/0rl/03 100J69'24 I I D•oly Pilot Feb 17 24. Mer 3 10 2003 M640 Rcllla ..... ... s..... fhe tollowona persons are do1n1 busoneu H Century ColhSM>n Cent.r IOt I W B•kley Ave l:>r •nae CA 92868 Crnlury Collhoon Cenl•• Inc , (CA) IOI I W B•rkl~y Ave CH an11e I.A '17868 Thi\ bu\1nru is L<>n ductt d by • 'O'I><'' a hon Ha.• yr.u s1 ... 1 .. e1 d0onc bu\1nen yet> Yu I I lOOl t: .. ntu1 y Coll1\1on C~nler Int Crauo AIVMtl C 0 0 Th" sl.atemcnl W4\ Med wolh the County Cl.,1k of Orange Counly 1)1'1 0?/13/03 2003HU280 [J,11ly Pilot reb i4. Mar l 10 I 1 2003 M64S P'llUC IOT1Q IOOOOfWI Nvtite I\ he< eby 1t•vtn 1iur ...... n1 to""' lion~ l071 11nd '¥:112 of it.. C.v~ CodP ut ~ SW~ of Cal<for°" lllP "''°"' "tJ'4:d HAA80R llJWIH(j wol sell •I publot .our 1111,. .ti 1022 ( Ul£STNIJI SAHIA A/CA r..AI. 9?7C1l ,,1 9 00 •m on MMe h 18 2al3 1tw- folk,,•U1R ~•lbeO !>II.IP f'Oly tn ..rt Var 1998 ~~ VIN• I MCZS8S!>WC 186~ Satd sale IS lor tllfl pu< poo.e of \alKlyofti hen or the un<ler"fUl"d for towon& tnd .. 101•u ~ "'"' COllb of ~ Md CA,_,_ "' .... OatM tM ?hi day of Feo 2D03 /SI ..,. No.II.Mr Publt1ohell M•wparl 8-ctl ~ ..... De;, Hot rua. l 2003 Mr6J ~ ..... --~·. The 1o1o ... 1n1 P«IOM "' do•nc ~· • Advanced ~allnp. 1m Harbor 81Yd . Cost• Mesa CA91677 James Vin Vied> 2175 P.ac1f1L Ave Cusl• Mau c.A 92617 This lw\IMU IS ~C>n ducted bf •n 1nd1w1dual Haw~ ,ou started do'"lC busonev. yet' Mo Jamrs Yan Vitek This sl1teltl<lnt """ hied with the Couflly Cletk ol Or1111e County on 02126/03 10036935029 Daily Pilot Mar J 10 11 24 200J M6!>0 ..... ..... --~ rh., lollow1na per\110\ art tluma bus•nf'~' '" Charis Man•ctm~n• 1555 M•~• Verfe Or I •178 Cotl• Mna CA 92626 Jo•nnr k tr hr ~n ) ~~~ Mesa v., cl<' 01 l • I lfl CO)!a Mn.i CA 92626 Tht\ bu\Hte'\5. 1c.. """ duclf'd by •n 1ndmd11•I H•vf" yt•U ... IAth~-d domi bu\on~;\ y•I' 1•s. I I OJ k>•nnr ij<1tlw an lh1• l•ltm~rit '"" hl•d wolh the r, ..... ,. CIPrk ol O••nl'f' Counly on 01 2'9 Ol 2003H31SSO D•oly Pilot r f'b IU '11 24 M.a1ch J ?003 Mf>l8 SELL your stuff through classified! ....---Deadlines __ _ Rates and deadlines arc subJCCt to change without notice. The publisher rcscrves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified adverusement. Pleru.e repon any error that may be in your cl~ified ad immediately. The Dady Pilot accepts no liability for any error 10 an advcttJsement for which II may be responsible e1Ccept for the cost .of the bpace actutllly occupied by I.he error. Credit can only be allowed for the fin.I insertion. CLA~SIFIEAD • ii Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tue .. da) ................... MO'°nday 5 ·OOpm ANNOUIKEMDITS & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FllWICW. 2305-2490 By Fax (9491631-6594 I Pica.~ mtluok )'"'1t rwnc 11"•1 plkl!lr numlxt Md,., II cllll )OU t.ao.l "''lh" ~ qu<u I By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By l\lail/ln Pt•rson: HO Wc~t Bay Slrttt Co'>ta Mc-.a. CA q26:.?7 Al i'cv.port Bhd &. BJ)' St Wedne<;day .............. Tue-.da} 5:00pm Thur~day ........... Wedne.,day 5:00pm Fnday .................... Thur..da) 5:00pm Sarurday ..................... Fnday J:OOpm Telephone 8:30:im-S·~ Monday-Fnda) • Wal~ In K \Oam ~HIC>pm Monday-Fnda)' Sunda) ...................... Fnda} 5:00pm •••JMO SOOS-SISO Index -~ ,. l : • -... • --- ------... _......... - f!l!l!t lili.L H02·7466 MOWSlO Under the Service D irl'ctor~ Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $3~ per week (4week minimum) Ccill lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 1413 Garal ~51'c:=:. ·~·~ ....... ._.oe.. ........ .. CMMIMJD .. .... ,.... ............. W8 auY ISTA1T.S ·~~­~ . . OrJSIGtJr.mas 1-800-CHNllTY• Donate your nhlCle dwtctly to the orl11t\1I. nellonan~ acclaimed Chat ity Cers. 100~ charity •I" e used car deater/f11nd· r-I llOO CHARITY (I 900 2'2 7•19) www.800cit1tltyun ora (CAl•SCAN) ..,....W ..... /Drt-AlmOttd color cas drJ«. 7 Ylf' old $400/botl! ........ .Ott4 All CASH CANOY Route. 0o 'OU Utn S800 1n I day Yow own local undy route Includes lO ~ and c•ndy All lor $9.995 l 800-998- VENO. (CAl. •SCAN) SI 00 STORES. Complete tuu••1 fyom $45,900 1 800·129 29'15 OotWStorl&wvkes.Com New slor• kl G•clell• open inc soon . {CAL.•SCM) Of'1M MOUSI UT-SUM 1-4 962 su••rr W.AY Outst1ndin1 OCHn views! 4br 2.Sl!,1 3 decks. 2 car attech car Sl,J9S.OOO Jofln Farrow R1M111 949-322--0932 llUffS SPAOOUS I· fltAN lBr FR, mHI• on main lenl. pr iced to sell $599,000 949 219 2414 ~u•n. n., pied home close to Fash 111. school\ & =mr1 !149-640 5399 RESORT/ VACATION PDERTY FORUl.E l.wwll S...... w/lul Sile kotchen a. b.tlh. pY'I tnll and bact. INhO. So of Pch $900/mo 949. 5.13 5315 2H II.A Af'T Ov11 I ca1 &If, wdhkups. no pets $1 750/mo c•ll wkclalfS 9ot9 11&.l 1390 2iW 2'e ;;;;&;, Inc. wd Ip. lg p8llCI w/,.u 2 car aar No smt., ~m pet at. Sl975/mo 949 73S-4825 .. ... homa 4br l.5be 1 sUy. dlocar9Dr Plftid ft _., _, ~ lolt ._.,_-. bWb and yM1ll lwW ..... dwwlll. SUn ~-..nw.1 Mar~h f111n/t111h1rn .... . ~znt COltlMm ..... ,...... ....,. ---,.,., ............. illplllC-.. ...... LIM sa.o Mt-11• 11 flf lfll '1 -10 ... , ·-~· -.--- "E •t " mp oyee. "E mp le ado.·" "A rbeitnehmer. ,, "Employe. " "HO 0 RS: California law re· quires that contrac· tors takina Jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be ljccmsed by the Contract ors Stal• QMe Board. State law also requires that contr1clor s include tJlelr license number on aU advortlsln1-Y °" can check UM sb1tus of ~our licensed contrac t o r a t www.ctlb.ca .s.ov or 800·32l-CSL8., Unft· censed contractor• takln1 Jobs that to1al leu 1t111n S500 must state in their advartlsemenb that llley ar• not licansed by the Contractors St.t. Llunse 8oerd. • M••I . RllMJtA:c Carpentry • WeNU..lh • Custom Butft·ins, Crown Moldinp, Base Boards 'L 1577982 949-837 56-C2 Ca"9t Repair/Siles ~CAltl'lY~CAIJ'lY~ Repalis. Patch1na. Install Courteous. any size 11>bs ==0205 • c_,,.,. ... lepotn • Software Uper•des, Tutorlne. fraln1n1. Co::gAg Dr. 949-929-3983 ClrpelClanq SAVE 35%01 ear.-e fumituN luga...ing s-.1a-.e..11•ud ml ISl'IMAJI 23 RAISUI'. BROTHER S CARPET SCRVICE 800-559·7181 <1110-58 Par! Of I cWde • 57 Like eprne COnlrOltl 58 Hvntet'I noecl 60 Butll °' laughter 62 ·--noldear 63 Edible IOOI 64 Ff. holy wooian 66DA'e~ 67 Cefl~ info Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAA SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ' . ,-.... AN8WRR8 TO WEEKLY 8RIDGE QUIZ 0 I • As South. vul1ltr11ble, yoo hold: •AJ5 (l ~Q83 o QJ7 •K U The l>lddiaa has orocccdod: • .. ,,... SOt.n'U Wf.S'I' NOR11J -· INT ,_ l• Pa9 l t;> .._ 3~ .... f What action do you lllk(l7 A • The answer I~ the $lll1lC whether your n<Hrump range is 16-18 Of IS- 17. If the f ()mlel. YOU ha~'e II dead miolmum no-uump ope~ so }'OU mu~ reject North's lovitm.ion. If tbe J.1141c;r. whicre you 11fC In the middle of your .range. ii beoomes a judgmeot • call. Willi a n11. hand and substanl.ial secondary vallb, po.~s is the f)l'Wdcnt choice. Q 2 • Bodi vulnerable, you hold. • AQ6S4 \1 \W o KJ9J •AKJ2 Partner opens the bidding with one licun.. Whal do you respond'/ A • Yoo certainly have the ~ hand Ut the table, bol where are ¥OU going to play? Yoo might occd 1111 the room you can muster to find the right spot Your band does noe meet cilhcr of lhc rcqulrcmcms for 11 jump shili: a long, self-sufficicnc §Ult or a good suit with 11 lit for partner. Respond one~. •965 'K Q6 83 •A,.1 7 62 The bidding ha.~ proceeded:. SOUTH WFST NORTH £AST PMs i>iL'lll I .._ Whal do you bid now'! A • First. do noc even comider two clubs -since you are a p;ssscd h:ind. partner 1~ allowed 10 pass. Thill lcav~ u choice between u raii>e co 1wo beans und an invi1a1ional jump 10 three h<'l111.\. With only three trum~ and ITW'!linal high-card val- ues. we would be contcnc with rwo hearu.. prepared 10 act <.trongly next l>hooltl panncr make a m<,.e. Q 4 • As Soulh, vulnerable, yuu hold; • ' •A <;> t 4 o KI 7 6 3 l • K Q 10 2 The biddlnJt hAs ~: NOllTB· · 1tAS1" SOUTH WF.b'1' lo I• T What cJo you bid now? ' A • You have a hand wh.ioh coold p~ ilam even ~te the riJdit dead minimum. 'The way co get thTs across io pertner Is to ilas1 Y(lth a • cue4lf d Of !WO spides,. lhcJI bid ~troogly l.hcreafler. probably by repi:ating lhc spade Cloe-bid to show fu'St·round c:Ontrol Yoor fui;t cuo-bid was simply 11 strcngth-lihowin'g move and did not promlse 11 control. Q 5 • Vulnemble, you hold: •J9 ~ Q )7'2 o AJ6 •981 Partner opcnY the bidding with one club. Wbar do you rcspood? A • ll i~ tempting 10 b,itl your rour- card map, bur lhcrc as no reason why you should want 10 declare I.he band. We like 11 re~poose of one dia· mood. Thar will 'till pennit your side to locll1e a 4-4 heart fir and will avoid playing a heaJt conrr.ict oo a 4- J fi1 and an anemic su11. Q 6 • Both vulnerable. a' Soolh you hold: • 6 · K 10 7 6 2 " 9 • Q 8 6 5 4 l The bidding ha.o. orocecdcd: NORTH EAST' SOUTH WESI' la 2 ? W°!W' occion do yoo rake'? A • While ii is tempting to double. you will be in an uncomfortable J!Ol>ilion should I.he opponents rescue themselves into some diamond con· lral.."t 11nd partner doubles. Pass. Take the ~ acuon if you play negative double' and, should partner double. which is for t.akeoo1. removal to your siA-canl club suil ~ probably the wisest action. YAUT/SBJ PAllllG IMW '9t 740l 69k •I, Jyr warr avail, silver I &rey lthr. CO, like new cond, v579241 $23.995 firm firm. fin avell, 8kr FT & PT pos avail fax resume 949·223·8716 Mt-22U710 949-516-1188 l[WWW .ocpol.celft Ceclllloc Seel-OeVI .. '18 5511 m1, aood con· tlltlon m & out. $3.750. 949-646-7624. 642·9750 aw.,.ler li.ctri< GEM 2001 rere factory <loots, low mi, Newport Car $3100949·887·3266 fOf'cl '00 bcunl-Xl T VlO. 29k m1. silver /grey llhr, CO. runn1n2 boards, fully loaded, ltke new. v87258l $23,495 11 nancmg available Bkr 949-586-lut -.ocpolol.c.om NO MATTER Fa.D PROIHS '90 Runs Jint, 6 cyl, auto, ac. cass. sunroof. pw, ps, ltlt wheels. new tires & caps. Blue book $3225 sell $2600. Prov al~ party 714-534-7608 HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. Concnte&Masonry l rlck llodt. St-TB.- Concrete, Patio, Driveway Ftreplc, BBQ Refs. 2SYrs Exp Terry 714-557·7594 TiMc-tMan Cemantwork, Brick, Tiie & More. Reli•ble No job too amall 949-548-6746 ~ NHD MotlUOOM? ADOITIONS & ~ U577982 949·837-5642 DalltGp Plbll1h1119 YIMllOHGfft YouttHOMI IM,.OVIMINY ,.OJICTt Calf a plumber, p11nter, handym1n, or •ny ol lhe &fHI MfVica listed hete 111 our s-erv1Ce directory I THESE LOCAi. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUlOOAY! Bedrtcal Silvlces >Mdll J6" llqAITI Duncan Electric 20Yrs Exp local/Quick Respome Sernca/Remocleb l1275870 949-650-7042 UCENSIO CONTRACTOI No Job too sm. Al _, Repair, remodel, tans. ifl81 MW SVC 9!f9.645.lfi!i6 Aoorf"IV'lle CIJSTOM CM'ATM TU lnstllllatlon, $111& annw:, marble, stone. &talt 197S U6121* jeff 714-612 9961 iiiiY 5ll9WW; Repwecl Reeroutin & Installation TILE DEAN 949-673·8065 ~ 714&J.2031 &er.... Pollshlna Travirllne All Floor Types. We'll Also Rearout & Seal Ybur K itc h en Counters, Showers & Floors. Make it look like new •a•ln. A-GeoclO....~ l-477·t25-l261 MIUll'S HAIDWOOOS ~ 2S Yrs., lifetime WIHanty L1763144 714-501-4933 lldt'• o .. r ........ , ,,..._~,~ .. HlrOllln, CUiiom c--n-a.. U578102 ~9-510·65 nn~ WITTMOln HYWAU All ph1sa 1m/lf1 jobs. CUAlllt 1C)y11._f!!J lrM ~ L«QXJ) n-.:111-1447 ~ G· r•1 1,1 ·~ 11 f 1 1j •rJr Alltomobiles -N-clo CRV '00 auto trans, ac, full power. cc, low miles. $15,900. Pp 949.574.4244 IMWl?IC.W'ff l!luau '94 ,,..,.... LS Wh1te{Tan, auto, 83k mi. 4•4 bb:/1rey lttr'. ~ $15,000 310 375 2522 VW'f. dlran. SQHi ll92lll84 ~.com~78Z2 GanlenlltW Llndscaplng rlMD•w-••.,_ e.AltA & Hq.dt, °' """' an. ... luW& dilsv1 & llVW'lt prep 949-Sl!>-8824 TrM SHVlce, Yard Cleanup, Malnle11ance, Spr Inkier Rrpalf. H1ullna {Ht}H0-8711 GENEIAL IEftll AllAINTFJlAN(E ·~·~ o Job 1bo Small .,..... Bamlltoa 94'-322-1292 '~ Carpentry • Pk.omblna l>fywaH • Stucco Pamhne. Tiie & more 2G+-Years Eapetienc.el JI 714-H9-S776 HANDYMAN Home Remodeltna file, P1111t. No job too srm•ll,. Great rates! 714-206-llOS OiHtilty CNft-20 Years Etperlence f'm Your H.ndyman ' ... 949--650-9525 IENTAl.-HUSI D FOR HONEYOO'S your honey won't. From Eitel to the lutchen sl,. 949--548-9351 YHI HANDYii(AN Emornu Servlca Oki PUntq. Eleclricll. Car• 0oon •tc.c 949-439-7554 Hllffng JUNIC TO THI DUMPlll 714-968-1882 AVAILABlE TOOAYI 94!Mi73·5566 f' I ]()Pi • Id f' fl I r1 "· 11 f r.·. I '[) f I , , j, -- rttAun AUTO IMWS40I h4-'t7 Rare «i·S~td·V8 lowMlluf (118536) • $24,980-. ~XJI ~· .. ShlMy 81Hk/Black ltalhtf Certified (1'188581) S29.9IO. Acuno NSl( , ... ·oo Speed Yellow·12K miles! Hurryl (119005) $S9,980. , NI••• JSOZ Tred. ~·oi Chrom11 Silvfr·"av· ' h mlles. OMV paid. ( ·~9213C) $38.980. •llcut"O NSlC • C....'94 Black on !!leek lnlh· er. 5 speed, lrade·tn. (fl9llll) $34,980. IMw 140CI Coupe '97 Sh1ney Blacl1 w/lmmac Grey f/lthr areal records (ll9180C) $34,980. IMWS281 Sedan '00 while w/creme lthr at. I/main & bumper lo bumper warrty (119193) $28,980. IMWUOCI Coupe '01 Steel Cf•Y lthr-Spt Pk&-3lk miles! f'ull BMWWerrlyl ('19214C) $30.980. ChevyCMVeffe c '00 Shiney0Bra~ on pert Blacll lthr, 3511 miles! CO player-pr em whls . (tl9181C) $30,980. GMC Denali Spon Utll '99 Black w/tan llhr, chromed BIG whls! · one owner-trade tn (#19053) $23,980. MIZSlSOO 'H Black w/T an lthr- swmark werrnty Low mi. Prem whls. (118977) $42.980. MIZ SSOO s.4-'96 37K mt. One owner. lmmac white Sedan w/chromed wheals (119102) $28,980. MIZ SOOSl '90 '35tl mi, Both tops Prem wheels, black on black leather (118923) $27.980. 949.574.7777 PHIWl"SAUYO phlNlps-to.com JOfJUOr '99 XJS v .. nden Plas 341< m1, sparkltnit blk/lan lthr, CO. chrm whls lull lacl warr like new $28 .495 i11 111 v842614 hnanung avail Bkr 949 !>86· 1888 -.oqtobl.c•"' t....cl Rover "98 ot.-y LE· 5611 m1. wlllle/lan lthr, dual mnrfs. CO, brush gaurd, hlle new, v726641 $14.995 11 nanc1na & warr avatl 8kr 949~5a6-IH8 -.ocpat.1 ...... Uncot.. '02 Navl911for JOI\ mi. full l.icl warr silver sand/Ian llhr. CD st .. cker. chrome whl~. extra seat. v672518 $29 m hn & wart avail B k1 949-586 1888 -.0<p0bl.c- I re lt· Oef11utt · 04I Benllruptcy ·Ok Tu liens Ok Good Credit Also · Ok Private Money Refi & Purchase ·-cly ,._, .. 800-fSo..1514 rJCK~Brdw Cont Ucl 239261 1 ·888-946-3257 TOUFRE! a a _..._ -.;,;;;;;;;;;,;;~....;..~~~~ CREVIER ~-------r .. ·.--· NEW2003 MINI COOPER LEATHER, AIR COND, CO, ~ POWER GROUP! i1~,l2J . . Utlmspra . (TCA-0494) ·····-···•·········· 01henat ' Similar $avlngsl ..................... l£T'S IOTOll rT'SRM .............. 55 FRE£WAY @ ml«lR SANTA AAA AUTO MAU. (888) 823-9808 Melcadet BNZ llOSL ·sz Good cond, hd top/soft top, Taupa w/blll Inter, ~300/obo 949-854 8208 ~ ... 560 Sl wtlite/tan, ammec MM. NS .. llMd• dr~MJ51·31i4 .... ~u w QW'OC)f, ........ al 11tr1S. '*• Mw, ori( -· ~. 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Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from- electronics and plum.bers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot I Classified Community M arketplace Matfng. Stllrlge HSJ Monas SS97"' .servm1 all cities l(lsured fast, courteous, careful T16J84.4 800-246-2378 . PUBLIC NOTICE The C11if Pubtlc Ulitllin comm1uion requires lhat all used household 1oods movers rrint their P.U.C Ca T number; ltmo' and chauffeurs print their T C.P. number In all edver • tlsements. If you have •ny questions about the le1ahty o f • mover, limo of chauffeur, call: Pu'il· LIC UTIUTl£S COM· MISSION 714-558· 4151 RAINIOW a.al MAINY Pfanttna-tnVext. Houlll/~ Quahlyjob! free es~te ll569897 714~8888 Plllllrtng • Slllcco •s.-.a-. ...... Reswcco, Room Addtlon. P1tchin1. 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