HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-05 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' ' . I .. • • ai. Serving the Newport:. Mesa. community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2003 SEAN HILLER/DAILYPILOT Firefighters chetk an underground vault where an el(plosiori rocked Triangle Square shutting down power in the surrounding neighborhood. An hour without power About 2,000 Costa Mesa residents lose electricity after underground transformer explodes outside Triangle Square. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -An under- ground transformer burst Tues- , day afternoon, paralyzing down- town businesses and triggering widespread power outages in the area. officials said. ·we hope that situation will be resolved by [this! morning," Con- roy said. " The affected restaurants and businesses in Tuangle Square th.at had to shut down for the rest of the day will get power back when they arrive at work today. he said. The expfosion in the 1800 block of Newport Boulevard did not generate an active fire, but sent quite a bit of smoke swirling up. Costa Mesa Fire Banalfon Otief Gregg Steward said. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Eric Amos describes the sound of an explosion he heard whRe working at Humphrey Yogart at Triangle Square. No one was hurt when the underground vault outside Tri- angle Square exploded at about 3:20 p.m., Costa Mesa Fire De- partment . officials said. About 2,0<10 customers lost power, but service was restored to all but 22 customers as of Tuesday evening, said Steven Controy. spokesman for Southern California Edison. -We don't know what caused thIB." he said. "But the force of the explosion caused the concrete See POWER, Pa1e M , Newport Harbor loses 'hpiece of its history Longtime Corona del Mar resident John Blaich, who kept track of the area's shipwrecks and history, dies. Dnpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -lf the . barl:>or and bay could articulate their feelings, they would speak endlessly about how much they would miss their longtime buddy -John Blai¢b. passion, an obsession and a sub· crew. It was a six-month voyage ject wonhy of serious study and that traversed several countries research. Blaich grew up in Whit-and islands, including Panama. tier, but spent most summers on F.cuador, the Galapagos Islands, the Balboa Peninsula. where his Costa Rica, Cocos ISiand, Guate- fa.ther owned a cottage. mala. Nicaragua and Mexico. "He was intense tn thinss that The crew collected wild animals he wanted to do," said friend for the San Diego Zoo. Among WlDard Courtney. "He had a the animals they brought back tpea.t love for Newport Beach. for were several sea turtles and a.Ui- tbe ~ and sailing." , gators. .Courtney said a turning point Courtney said Blaich was a d.lf- in Blaich's life was in 1935, when ferent man after the voyage. He 16-year~old Blaich was one of t!_le _ pecame proficient in operating IDc:al Sea Scouts selected to go small boats. ... One ··more step to clear v·ision Corona del Mar leaders hope a meeting today will cross the final ~urdle -money-for city to take control of East Coast Highway. June Casa1rande Daily Piiot CORONA DEL MAR -Members of the business community have their fing~rs crossed that a meeting today between city staff and Cal- trans officials will be the final step in three years of negotiatjons to ta.Ice over East Coast Highway . from Jamboree Road to Newport Coast Drive. "We're hoping thIB will be the final meeting,• said Don Glasgow, a meu.ber of the Corona del Mar Business lmprovementDistdct. The district initi3ted 1he push to ta.lc.e over the stretch of Coast. Highway as part of the Vision 2004 revitalization plan. Glasgow said it's unperative that Caltrans telinquisb See V1SlON, Pap M BUSINESS Sterling BMW near deal f@r Auto Bistro Car dealership would replace failed fast food drive-through with more service area and an expanded used-car lot. Piul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Sterling BMW is close to a deal to buy the one-acre former Auto Bistro. which closed more than three years ago. and re- place the restawant with an expanded used-car lot Sterling BMW and Theodore ·aob· Robins. Jr .. who owns the property, expect to close es- crow on the sale of the parcel in the coming week. both said Tuesday. "Our business has increased such th.at ~ See DEAL. Pace M Blaich, a longtime Corona del Mar resident, sailing instructor and boating historian, died Sun- day ot cancer. He was 84. Blaich got his first boat when he was only 8 years old -a time when other lids his age probably couldn't th.Ink beyond the pa~ and toy boats they played with. The JAB. as be called It, was actu· ally a rowboat. but the resource- ful boy converted her to sail by using bamboo poles for a mast. boom and gaft and an old pa.(ot drip cloth for a sail. Boating was no game mt Blaich. bis friends say. lt was a lboatd Capt Fred E.. Lewis' 230-A 'sailor was bom ljgt motor ship. the Stranget. as a member of the professional fl.£ PHOTO I DALY Pl.OT se. tlSTORY, Paa• M John Blaich was wel known as a Newport Harbor historian. AJ:AGLANCE ONntEWEB: www.~ccm WEATHER THINKING ALLOWED The highs and lows iJflife as a journalist .. • , A2 ~. March 5, 2003 • . ... PB· • I . LOCALS ONLY~ . I I ' I ·--' ., . ., . " NEIGHBORS ,,lledda Marod's 10th birthday , ow:et>. 2 was very diffemlt than her $14,000 party 30 years ago tha,t made the headlines of the Feb. 3, 1973, 'edidon of the Da}lY Pilot ~Have you ever'beard of a birthday pany that made the front page of the paper?" Maros1 uked. She was as shocked by the article as the party itself and none of It was planned. Her husband bad intended to throw a nice, small party for her •and this fellow that did the party went aazy." MarosJ said In describing the event that resulted in a lawsUit Marost said the man who tb,ew the party was a dell owner and that he, without giviQg any notice or asking for approval, took all the fumjcure out of the house, had a huge cake floating in the pool and champagne frozen In ice, and then presented Marosi with a bill that stated the cost of several items and $12,000 for incidentals. The Marosis won the lawsuit without much argument and ended up paying only a portion of th~ bill This year, she celebrated her birthday at Bayside Restaurant in Newport Beach. She enjoyed a meaJ with her family and close friends, a party just the way she likes it ... Chief Master Sgt of the Air Force DouglM Zloµner of Costa Mesa is retiring dtter a military ~r that spans three decades. 1.immer enlisted in the Air Force in June 1972, and was stationed.at Elmendorf Air Force Base in A1¥Jca for nearly five years as a radio communications analyst. After his enlistment, 1lrnmer punued a career with MuruaJ of New York in Anchorage as a fieJd ~erwriter, and also joined the Aii'NationaJ Guard as a telecommunications operator. After moving to Southern California with wife, Cllerie, and son, Marcus, he joined the California Air National Guard. ln 1986, he began an active tour of duty with the California guard as the communications manager for the 222nd Combat Communication8 Squadron in Hedda Marosi. with a Feb. 3, 1973, edition of the Daily Pilot, at her 70th birthday party. Costa Mesa. During bis tour of duty. he reached the rank of Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, the highest enlisted military grade. Zimmer earned an associate's degree In information technology in April 2002 through the Community College o[ the Air Force and continue<rhls education with nigbtdassesatVanguard University, earning a bachelor's degree in business. Currently. he is finishing a teacher's credential ~rogram and plans to be an elementary school teacher in Orange County ... Jeuka De Vlamlng of Newport Beach completed 30 hours of state mandated training for the Court Appointed Special Advocates program or CASA. The program provides quality intervention and advocacy services to ~bused children. De Vlarn1ng was sworn in by Judge Corey Cramin and can be an advocate for the interest of abused and neglected children in court • NEJGteORS spotlights achieveme"!ts in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Corel Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilson@latimes.com. PET OF THE WEEK <;Qtton "°non is an 8-year-old spayed Lilac Toti Point Himalayan. Bottle-fed and hand-raised in her early ye.ars. the personal attention disappeared when her owner became too b~. said OiAnna P!aff-Martin, founder of the Newport Bea.ch-based Community AnimaJ Network. P!aJJ-Martin said that Cotton's owner had worked many hours a day, often late into the evening, leaving Cotton home aJone. eventually, she refused to use her litter box. infuriating her owner, who took Cotton to a ~terinarian \0 be put to sleep. However. Cotton was saved and ls temporarily with a foster family full of children and other eats to play with her. But Cotton neqa ' permanent home. thie with an owner that has plenty of love and extra time to gtYe. Mapy an1maJs express their unhappiness with unpleasant behavtor, such u wfnadng inllde the boule, &be aid. Jt II not unUllUal for owners to react wttb anger toward their pet. "When we find the d.gbt home for an animal. those nasty behaviors may just go away," Pfaff-Martin said. See other animals that ate • avallable for adopdon at www.anlmalndwororior Ruslo'a pet store at Fuhlon laland between noon and 4 p.m. OD weebnda. Information: (949) 759-3646 or C.Ommwllty AOlmal Network. P.O. Bax 8862, Nt!Wport Beech. CA 92658. Daily~PilOt FOR A GQOD CAUSE I I • I I . I I .· ., Iren·e J eanson Y ou C:an tell by Irene Jeanson's fashion palette that she enjoys bringing color to other people's lives. Jeanson, 89, has a penchant for pink -pink lipstick, pink jackets and colorful blouses that feature pink prominently. For the past 20 years, Jean.son has been brightening the lives of other seniors through numerous volunteer activities, among them helping out with the Costa Mesa Senior Center since It opened In 1992. "We nominated her this yeac for the Volunteer Recognition at Disneyland because of all the years she's been here," Aviva Goelman, the center's director, said. ·she's here everyday, always with a smile. She's a wonderful • Taking time to be involved person. We wish we had a hundred like her." . Jeanson said she ~ inspired to volunteer after spending a lot of time at home with her ailing husband, who passed away in 1980. Instead of just devoting herself to one activity, Jeanson dove into vohmteering and now helps out with a slew of activities. "I don't.stop to think about all I do," Jeanson said modestly. "I just enjoy being with people." Every morning. her bright face is at the Senior Center by 8 a.m. to help servtthe bread for breakfast In the mornings, she also heJps put the DUI ARRESTS • Senior Center newsletter together to be mailed. Tuesday nights. in between kicking up her heels, Jeanson graciously serves coffee and lemonade during the intennission of the ballroom dances. She also helps prepare the food for the center's Monte Carlo nights and the annual art show. Jean.son doesn't limit herself to the Costa Mesa Senior Center. though. She aJso lends her cheery attitude and help to the Oasis Senior Center in Newport Beach. "I just like to be needed," Jean.son said. "I think everybody likes that" -Story by Dftrdre Newman, Photo by Sk!Jit McOank n.. '*""-htMJ,,..,, CoetaMeM JoM Guldllupe ~ 23, John EdMrd Kic:helibi.nd. ,,,,....,19Cendyon~ Anehony BrMdon Hardy, 2', s.n-.Ane •• Coltll Me.a oldrMng cincW,,,. influence Garden GrCMi of M lnloldcant. Th..-,,..... Shannon Ann ThomJ)llOn, 23, ,,...... . ...... OtrlybMI ~on Orange Jenel Geil Hehr. 2S, COltt o.vtd JeriWl WDod. 31, •llllP'don of. crlmtl •nd, -Me. N9uopofte.d\ ...... ..,,.a...,. ~ Nencv lVde ScoC. ez Robert eon... •. Corone 001wic»l9d lnnoc»nt until Certot M•~ 34, eo.ta Anehelm .... c.nte JNn ledmw .... 34. Li p;'OWti guilty. MeM Scoel Calvin ...... Ulla ...... RM Rodriguez-P9rra, 60, FOf9llt CostaMela Rldwlid Mer.. S*ln, ...... Mllr ~IEM tiugo Enrique C11udio-VHl1, MorglnJoMt ....... 23,Anaheim CnicM Nast1Dlllllilctl ..... ~John~21. MldwllPMHcn-.dUlri( Newpcwt IMdt fl9dro Nabor, 34, Costa Mell ,,... 30.""'*••n~ ' aw.,,,._,.,.~ Mldwel scaa JOei9ph, a. c.toe_... lbfto, eo. ..... ~hrt ThoUUndOlb CDlllMlle .... ~~.21, Tltnoehv Mc:Geogh, 32, Nl\W'OllTIUCH ConN C...MMll Jrf~~.19. Hiit.toe.de~. 34, ....... Hun11f 19D1 a..ctt ConllWleon New. ...i.t.nt. (IM9) 57<M298 oor.t.wlblone llti,.,..c;om PHOTOGfWIHERS s..i Hiiier, Don lMch. Box 1580, Coet.e Mell, CA 92826. Copyriiht: No newt ttoriel. lllustntk>na, editorial mattlf or ldwr1ltementa herein C8n be reptodUced wtthout wrillen penn!Mlon of copvrlght owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Kent Tl'eplDW MADERS HOTUNE UMl)M2~ Record your c:ommenta 1bout the Diiiy Pilot or new. tlpe. AM-. Our ldd,.... 11 330 W. Bey St., Costa Meel, CA 92e27. Otrloe houre ,,. Mondey • Fridey, 8:30 1.m. · 5 p.m. Cof'N llltOM It le the Pllot't poflcy to prompdy CIOft;!d all errort of wi.t.noe. ...._.cell Ml 194-4324. HOW TO REACH UI ~ The TirMI Or1nge County (800) 252-9141 ~" Cl1111fted(9491M2-6878 bllipfrliy (941) 842-4321 EdltofW Hewe (Ml) 142-aelO We'll dry up today, wtth .motttv tunny ttcJes Ind hfgha In the lower 80a. Overnight Iowa wtll be In the lower j;Oe. Thurtdey wtn .aeo be tunny, but •llghtty warmer, wtth hlghe In the~ Fridey •nd the weekend took even wanner. Wom...-.: www.nwa.no.u.oav The northW9lt ewell wtll continue to be<* down tod9y along WMt..ftd~ betd-.. Wt'll ... ~ .. rty waa.t-hfghe .. roughout ... abmoon. The next 1W911 M aniwie Thur9dey won't be mUc:h, but lhould pnMde IOfM Milt· dlelt-Nghe.1hougt1 ... ....,..,..Cln~ IOfM~ •• , .. ~ .. . ..... (949) &7~223 Hewe,.. (949) 94M170 ....... ,.. (1481 e&0-0170 l.fMI: dMlypi1ot•t.t1,,,...«Hn ... ()Moe IYllR-CMftlle (149) '42-4321 ........ ,_ (949183"712t BOATING FORECASl The wtndl wtll blow llght In the Inner Wllf9rl toelly, whh 2..foot W9Y99 end. W9lt .... of• to a f9tt. The IWlll wlfl Sofar,theu .. lhiA looldr'8 preay IM. J . .... ~ WWW~.otg Publl1hed by TirnM Communtty New..• dM9'on of the Lot Anot* Tlmee. C)2003 T1mee CN. An 1'19ht1 ~ bid down. foot thf• Wwlnlng. Outftrther,the not1h\!J-.rty --wit blow 6 to ~5 kncMI Nfty, tMA ... =:n~==::. 2.:foOC ,.., whh ........ • ofleotfMt. TIDEI TllM ._111.m. 10:M Lm. '=IDp.m. 10l48p.m. .. .. .... .-.... . Oaity Piiot ( . .. Getting the spirit heaithy Pre-Spirit Run clinics •· . help young racers · ready themselyes for Sunday's race. Christine Carrlllo ' Daily Pilot T eying to avoid a buff puffin', side ~cbj.n', muscle pullln' Spirit Run, a group of young runners with a wealth of childhood adrenalin on their side prepared for the annual race Tuesday with stretches, sprints and aerobics. During a clinic at Harbor View School in Newport Beach, those students not deterred by the gloomy weather gathered on the field for a little help getting off on the right foot for the annual S)>irit Run Race on Sunday. Through aerobjcs, relay races, sprints, 'I've learned that you I should start off slow because if you start off fast you won't be able to finish.' laps and stretching, students at Hamor View looking for an edge over the cbmpetition have worked over the past four weeks at improving their running skills. MThe clinics have been an ongoing part of spirit run for Paulina Zubatov many years," said 8-year-Old Spirit Run Rita Goldberg. a racer spokeswoman for the race. They Mbelp these children become mentally vested in the whole race day process ... But learning the mechanics of running isn't the only thing these • ' · students picked up. Thanks to former Spirit Run Race director Cyndie Borcoman, they also learned conditioning techniques, cool down ' methods, bow to pace themselves and even tips on nutrition and hydration. , ""' -MARK C DUSTIN /DAILY P1LOT Ml think. that it's a good lesson in life that if you have a goal ... if you really practice and have discipline you can do it," said Borcoman, who also had the students follow a daily training log that required them to do a minimum of l O minutes of running per day. Cyndie Borcomap leads a group of children in a warmup exercise before running. The purpose of the clinic is to help prepare the youngsters for Sunday's Spirit Run. The run includes l OIC and SK runs for adults and older children and shorter courses for children 3 to 12. With a balanced training behind them, the young racers can't wait to put everything they've learned into action. ·rve learned that you should start off slow because if you start off fast you won't be able to finish. .. said 8-yea.r·old Paulina Zubat~ who has run the race for the past t.tiree years. Now motivated by her training: • Paulina expects to get nothing less than first place, she said. For some of her classmates. the race. now in its 20th year, doesn't spark as much of a competitive drive. I like "that you can run with some~dy and you can talk with them when you're running. .. said 9-year-old Gracie Rick.er. who has also participated in the race for the past three years. The race. the largest children's race m COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING WRAP-UP Orange County. is a joint community even t that benefits local elementary education. ·Another component !of the race I is the fund·raising ... these children a.re raising money for their schools," Goldberg said. "They're helping their school provid~ a better education for themselves and their (riends and that's a wonderful lesson for these children - that's a very powerful thing." Last year the race raised about $120,000 for Newport· Mesa schools. For more information about the race, call (949) 451-4848. FULL BAR COCKTAILS INSIDE CITY HALL NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa M"8 City Council meeting MEXICAN RESTAURANT • WHEN: 6:30 p.m., March 17 • WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5223 NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED Here are some of the decisions from Monday's Qty Council meeting; • OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO APPEAL OF MINOR DESIGN REVIEW On Jan. 16, the roning adm.lni.strator approved a permit for John Crowe for outdoor storage of vehicles in the 800 block of West 18th Street. QnmcUman Allan Ma.moor appealed the dec::talon because he wants to aee landscaping added to the general industrial property to improve the appearance of tbe location with a 10-foot landscape setback. The Planning Commlllion upheld the mning admln1strator'a approval without requldng the additional landacaplng. ao Man1o9r appealed agala. WHAT HAPPENED Crowe requested a cionttnuance, wbJcb the coundJ Unanlmousty granted. COMMISSION ~INTMENT rROCESS ' 1be couocB approved the 6'dlvldual appolu1ment ~ 'Uled to Mlect cominilllooen. Wtt.rtW'PENED ~.=::be an applk:ltlon ~for ~and that epp11c:M11 IWYe to come from ha pool. '.lhty allo • ...... ~decided that . ~ 'Jr'gw*'bawtobe Pit 1zw IDd "'*"al Colt.a Mila 11111 If .... °'** ~-~wUI btNIDCMd. ii 2000 •NEML PLAN of the plan and progress in the general plan's implementation, including whether the city is meeting its share of regional housing needs. WHAT HAPPENED The council unanimously received the plan. WHAT 11EY SAID "\Wie making good progress. .. said Don Lamm. deputy dty a,wiager. -OJmpil«l by Deirr:lrt Newman Come see me new Shapertes .. blinds from Humer Douglas. TM soft·flowtng curve1 and teXNted lfnen.tlke finish c.apcure the IOok of: the soft·~C rolds on a "°""" snide. Md~WUJnoc ~· crack. peel or r. Even rn hUrilJd areas or CltieCl ~· came 1n lr'ld ree thae belWfUI bMnds "*Y· 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA· 949·64S·7626 luXURY ... WedneSday, Match 5. 2003 A3 Mini-storage business finds no home in Costa Mesa City Council denies a request to build ·the business next to a residential area. the building's density by 800 square feet, .neighbors convinced the council that the mini..."Storage was not harmonious and com· · panble with the area 'Ibey aJao complained of a glut of min.I· storap businesses in the dty. Deirdre NewmH Daily Pilot .. Costa Mesa should be called the 'Oty of Public Storage' in- stead of the 'City of the Arts.'" c.osTA MESA -The city's said resident Beth Refakus. quest for harmony and compat-Disappointed, but r.iot di$pir- , ibility has claimed another vie· ited, EJowe said he empathlz.ed tim. :!il with the neiJ?tbors and. would be This ti.me, · .mini-storage back. for a tliird try with an apart- building in a mmercial area ment.proposal (Qr the ~perty. · next to · property was "I don't begrudge the neigh- fatally felled. by charges that it bors, they have tQ live with it.. did not fit into the neighbor· too." Elowe said. ·we're.going to hood take the City CoWlcil up on their On Monday, the city council ' pronuse to look into rezoning it voted 4 to I to uphold the Plan· They're being as helpful as they ning Commission's denial of a can be considering the awbYard- pe~il for the 6,400-square-foot ness of the process." building in 'the 1600 block. of Councilwoman Libby Cowan Tustin Avenue. diS!>ented, citing her opinion that Councilman Gary Monahan since the property is in a com- had appealed lhe decjsion be-mercial zone, the owner should cause be wanted the option to be able to establish a commer- explore rezonil}g the property to cial busm~ residential. Many resident1> agreed that the property, whilh is between a commercial build· mg to the north and two resi- dences to the south, was bener suited for housing. HEMPHILL'S --RUGS & CA RPLT~ ~we have spot zoning where something from the past caught up lo us," said resident Martin Millard. "The applicant would be willing to put homes on th.is area if it were rezoned. That's the way 230 Eost 17th St. •Costa Me50 to go." , (949) 722-7224 www ru!ij.andcorpen com M:in-Fn 10-<>. Sar l 0-5 THE ALPHA COURSE Alpha 11 for .invonc who On Jan. 27, the Planning Com· mission denied Ed Elowe's appli- cation to constnJct a two·story mini·storage building with a manager's unit. EJowe had re· quested exceptions from city re· quirements for a setback from lhe residences nearby and for one less parking space. • Wanu to aplorc ihc Chmuv1 faith • Ha.. ~criou.o. qunuuru <tbuut the meaning nf life • Wwu w find ~ w;um a.nd IOVJng commu111n Alpha beg1ru M.m.h 12 .u (dO P.M. Despite Elowe's offer to reduce ~: (94'/) 6~5-0210 no c.hvgc ~<tint J.uncs Church 20 Via Lido N n &a MATH Help At TuTORING CLUB Offerln~ Individualized Instruction • Basic Math • Algebra • Geometr:t • Trigonometr:t •Calculus CALL TODAY 949-645-7900 488. E. 17"' STREET • COSTA MESA (comer of lrvfne A ve.) ~-. -' ~ Beautiful -· .. ~ , ·' ·.: ,_ .. .. , ·-' .. ' -~ -.... Waterfront Banquet Rooms .. , ' ' .... _. -·--, -15-125 Guests Business Dinners Birthddys & Anniversaries Wedding Receptions & Rehearsal Dinners Villa Nova 9491642-7880 3131 West Coast Highway '. J • 1 .. M Wt'()iesday, Marcil 5, 2003 BRIEFLY IN TIE POWEM4 Continued from Al 1lt sounded like how it would wrlen two cars collide. It was loud -loud enough that It resonated in your body! Sqwue atood on I.he ten9ce and obtelVed the actJon below but wtre quickly dl.sm11aed by po· Uce and fire oftldtlt. Watching auch eveot8 can be exttmlely hazardous, said Cost• Mesa Po· lice Sgt. Bob Durham. grill on the vault tQ come apart." RobertV.-. DEAL Continued from Al The grill was barely recogniz- able. Bits of concrete lay strewn , Callfo~a Highway Patrol ls· on the sidewalk and ,st(eet. A aued a t.ra.ffic alert as can lay43' of dust and debris rested backed up for an flour on the on two vehicles p~ close to southbound Costa Mesa Free- the curb near ~t:nuufonner. way. An iron I.adder originally Those shopping or just enjoy- went into the ult had been Ing an afternoon out at nt.aogle bJown out and lay mangled, on Square said they were shaken the sidewalk. up by the blast. Harold Bishop. who was try-"It was so loud, it seemed as if ing lo so to the movies with wife the whole building jumped up Jean, said he saw the concrete and down," said D~el Walllms, grill go up•86 the explosion oc-who was painting with his sister, curred. . Undy, at Colo.r Me Mine. "We were stopped at th~ light "I thought 1t was a bomb for on Newport trying to tum left slhe," Undy Wallims said. on 19thStreet,"hesaid. "Allofa· Robert Valle was at the ATM sudden, we heard this blast and machine by the basement pa.d- i saw a block of concrete Dy up in§ lot. he said. ' in the air and land back down." It sounded like how it would The explosion also caused when two cars collide," Valle After the eatery closed, locals t.raffic jams as Costa Mesa Police said, describing °'1e moment "It complained about its garish officials ·shut Harbor Boulevard was loud -loud, enough that it multi-colored exterior, which at I !lth Street Newport Boule-resonated in your body." didn't gibe with Mariner's Mile's vard aJso grew busy and the . Following the explosion was a grinding' noise, much like a mo· tor, he .said. /4 tpllt 1eCOnd be- fore the blackout, the ATM ma· chine spit out Valle'• ca.rd. "But l'm i&ald my money's· stuck i"'1de," Valle said as be hurried away to call bis bank. Restaurants and stores were plunged into dattness and foroed to shut their doors for the remainder-of the day. Btgger res- taurants powered their ~rs with generators, but smaller ones feared their. wares would perish.. ' • Eric AmoS. manager of Hum· phrey Yogart. said he feared for the 100 gallons of yogurt in the store's freezers. He said be was cleaning the rrldge when he heard a blast and •everything went pitch black." "We just got a fresh ship- ment." Amos said. Several visitors to Triangle ~Whenever there is an ex:plo- alon, we recommend people get . away from chere," be safd. "They should m.181,!'le away, nQt gravi-· :. tate. toward." But for 7-year-oJd observer Olivia Thddeo, 'it was an event worthy of a journal entry. 'Ole little girl jolted down the num- ber of tlre engines that came on N~rt Boulevard with blaring · strena. The book only baa three' entries so far. "My first one was 1 about a bJrthday. party I went to," she .. sadd. "The second one was about a· movie I watched with my mom last night. This is the third one." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at . deepa.bharath@latimes.com. • need to expand." said John Be- langer, Sterling's general man- ager. "We are very fortunate to have this property next door. It makes it easy to expand" nautical theme. ·--------------------------------------------- Belanger said the dealer plans to demolish the former gourmet fast-food drive-through. ln its place, Sterling plans to add a new building that would allow the dealer to expand its used-car sales unit, as well as provide more service to customers ,out of • dJl expanded garage. It could take up to 18 months to complete work and cost about $4 million. Belanger said. Sterling and Robins entered EOSCrow on the purchase in April and secured approval from New- port Beach to subdivide the property in the summer. Belanger and Robins both de- clined to discuss derails of the sale untlJ they seaJ the deaJ. Once that happens, it would mean the end for the Auto Bistro, w1 ambitious attempt to sell high-end sandwiches on focac- cia bread to the area's ritzy clien- tele. The food was lowered down to customers via a minj elevator as they headed through the cir- cular raceway-themed building. , . VISION Continued from Al ownership and responsibility for the roadway because Caltrans' process for issuing permits makes it much more difficult to make changes called for in Vision 2004. For example, the pe- destrian-oriented revitalization plan' calls for landscaped medi- ans complete with irrigation, electricity and some added trees and shrubbery. Under current rules, the business improvement district must first go to Newport Beach for permits to perform this work. then it has to apply to c.al- trans, which in the past has taken about three years to approve such requests. ~Their rules date baclc to a time when Pacific C.oast Highway was the main road. not part of a vil- lage like it is today," Glasgow said. City ownerihip of the road would also make it easier for businesses to put planters in front of their shops and to put standard-size banners on light posts. The city has been woddng for "It is an unusual building that exists there now ... certainly in- compatible with the surrounding envirorunent." said Richard Luehrs, the executive dir~or of the Newport Beach Olamber of C.ommerce. An expanded BMW deaJership Mswe beats a vacant restaurant that doesn't work any- more." Newport-Mesas only BMW dealer last moved from a location on Jamboree Road, in 1996. At the tfrne, the deaJer moved from a 48,000-square-foot building to the current 140,000-square-foot building on three acres. The new property would cover the Auto Bistro's one-acre prop- erty, fronted by East Coast High- way. and include improvements to Avon Street, behind the for- mer restaurant. The project would signifi- cantly expand Sterling's service area, adding as many as 12 addi- tional service bays to the existing 22. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reactied at 1949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. HISTORY Continued from Al Once he returned from the trip. be started Newport Harbor's first sailing school. Using his snowbird, he offered 10. one- hour lessons for·$12. ln 1941, the Newport Harbor Yacht Ol.lb hired him as i\S first full-time sailing instructor. Blaich was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. NavaJ Re- serve in 1943, based partly oo his sailing and boating experience. During World War 0, he served aboard the u~ Baltimore in the Western Pacific for more than three years. Blaich earned nine battle stars and became a quali- fied underway watch and divi- sion officer for both deck and engineering. He retired from the Naval Reserve with full benefits as a commander in 1969. ALLOWED Continued from Al exited at Baker Street because several years to take over the we saw nothmg but break lights road. The last sticking point. not ahead of us. surprisingly, is money. Caltrans I saw a c.altrans truck and the city both agree that the blocking the entrance lo the transportation agency should pay . C.osta Mesa Freeway the city to cover costs of main-northbound. (You can get right taining the road and also tbe cost back on, after you've gotten off of legal liability. Once the road is at Baker.) I told Sean to drive up. in Newport's hands. legal liability and see if would let us through. is on Newport's shoulders. I jumped out of the car and But the two government agen-asked the man to move some cies disagree on how much Cal-cones. trans should pay Newport Beach. The seemingly helpful worker "I wouldn't say it's an impasse. proceeded to call for · It's just part of how negotiations permission and talked for more are done," said City Manager than five minutes while Homer Bludau, who will act as ignoring me standing in front of chief negotiator for the city. him. As I was walking back to Bludau on Tuesday declined to talk to Sean. who was anxious state how mum the city wants or to get on that freeway. I heard how much Caltrans has offered, the man tell Ws colleague. "I but the final number will become don't want the press getting in public when and if the two par-your way." ties reach an agreement. When I knew he was stalling us, so the negotiations are done. the Sean parked the car on the dirt City C.ouncil will make the final and we walked in up the vote on whether to take over the onramp -even though we still highway. weren't sure exactly where to go. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Weyne . Airport. She may be readled at 19491 574-4232 or by e-mail at jun~.casagrande@latlmes.com. The surly c.altrans man called after us but we lgnored him and maintained our brisk pace. Along the way, Sean was struggling to hold two large camera lenses and a battery Blaich was famous locally for his extensive knowledge about boats and their history. In 2000, he published a coffee table book titled "The Large Yachts of New- port Harbor before World War fi." Stan Cochran, who worked with him on the book. said Blaich "was an authority on Newport Beach boating history." MHe has spent a lot or time in the harbor and knew the boats coming and going." he said Blaich also wrote stories monthly in the Daily Pilot about the area's shipwrecks over the years. Marty Kasules, the former har· bormaster. said 'he often sought Blaich's expertise on the area's history. "John's been great at being the historian· of Newport Harbor. He is our historian," Kasules said UWho will step in to fill that void? It's a great loss to Newport Har· bor to lose him." pack. while preparing his camera for the event we were hoping to stumble upon al any moment. · As we got closer to the intersection between the onramp and the Baker Street connector to the San Diego Freeway, we saw, in the distance, what we thought was a man on the overpass. We hurried our step and wallced on the shoulder of the Baker Street connector (which was still open to traffic) while cars passed. A man in a white car stopped and his female passenger asked if we wanted a ride. We ran to the car, jumped in the back seat · and thanked them repeatedly. After maybe two minutes in the car. we saw on our left the man clinging to the overpass, his · arms and legs hugged around the railing: "Let us out right here. please," Sean said and we jumped out of the car. (We never did find out their names but they made all the difference. Thank you again, if you are re~ding this.) We were on the edge of a dirt embankment that overlooked the eerily empty San Diego Freeway. We knew we were in the right place when we saw the two C.osta MesaJire engines and about a dozen emergency personnel standing there. Sean and I literally ran down the muddy hill, avoiding rocks and holes, and ended up on in the middle of the San Diego Freeway. We split up. Sean went to find the perfect angle for his photograph. I went over to ta11t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Qf"'lity Fumuhinp &Acc•1sork1 For Your Home Dre.el Heritage Coffee Table ........................ $200" Pine/White Table w/4 Cbaln.-..................... $250- Pair or Bronze Cherubs Statues ................... $2509' . Black 4 Drawer Dr-esser ...................................... $35r Ivory .Mather Sofa ................................................ $475• PaJr ol Designer Leather Chair ......... -...... $550- Desiptli Buffet (6ft. IOOR) ................. ;... ........ $795" 369 B. 17th Street #10, Gosra Me~ Loc:l9ed behind ,,..., P9lio Phone (949)·7~1746 • ! Mm-Iii ...... ,. S. IO:Gllll-~S,. I~-- 314• 90ll> EXOTIC ~ HARDWOOD STAINMASTE *441 !!!!.Et 9141 from eql -~· TIM1int 18* x 18* .......................................................... 3 -it ~ "r-ll•••t••••••••t•t•••t~t••tt .. tt ... •ttttUtttt•ttttttUttt.....,.,, 9'l t.n9 Ytt)()(j, ••••••• .,. .............................. ~ ••••••• ~trwn u eql . ... . Cochran said he ·not only sailed. but raced in bis 29-foot sloop. the lee BreakeL He had been a member of the Balboa Yacht Oub for 16 years. He served on various committees and had been the club's protocol chairman for four years. e5tab- lishing flag etiquette and various yachting procedwes including a burial-at-sea procedure that is now wid~ used by the ~Ung community in Newport Beaidi. The llags that morrrlhe tar at the Balboa Yacht Oub are also Blaich's legacy. C.ourtney said "He collected them from yach1 dubs from all over the world," he· said. "It was remarkable." Family members recall Blaich as a warm and airing man who had a way with people. won as recent as a year ago. his wife Betty said "We have a few trophies in our home," she said with a laugh. Betty spent dose to 50 years enjoying several sailing trips with her husband "Every year on Labor D~y. we'd sail to Oierry Cove and s~y there for IO days, .. she said. •J!le just .. !QY~-the ocean. I don't know Why. He just loved being out there." Bla1Ch is survived by his wife; nephews Ouistopber and Jona-· than Lane; niec.e Marjorie Fran - cis; and cousins Robert Smith and Jean· Duberg. A private fu- neral will be held A memorial service will be held at the Balboa Yacht Oub next week. "He was the-life-of-a-party • DEEPA'BHARATM covers public kind of guy,• said BJaich's safety and courts. She may be nephew Jonathan Lane. "lie ~ r~ed at (9491 5744226 or by a devoted lifelong sailor." ~ ~>e-mail at Blaich competed in races and-"'"Cfeepa.bharath@latimes.com. to the police ofBcers, who were about 100 feet from ilit! clinging man. I was desertedi:Jy C.osta · Mesa's finest when the man let go of the railing but was caught by the Highway Patrol officers on the interchange 50 feet above. They ran over to the site, while I inched away. Slowly putting one foot behind the other, I lried to scribble the details unfolding before me. I wrote the colors of the man's clothes. the actions of the officers and the looks on their [aces as they strained to · save a man who fought so hard to rue. It was sllJ"ttal. fl waS exhilarating. It was frightful. It was awful. It was intense. Contradicting emotions swirled through my bead as l stood there for what seemed like foreveL As a journalist, I was extremely proud of the quiclc reaction time Sean and 1 had, our willingness and persistence to get on the scene and get details of the event no one else ~uld have. I was also horrified to watch this man 6.gbt so bard to end his life. I wondered what could be so horrible that be would try so hard to kill himself. And It turned my stomach to see him try and slice his own throat. 1 was awestruclc by the determination of the patrol officers who strained to bold the man. I saw their muscles bulge and faces twist with a combination of emotion, frustration and fatigue. They fought relentlessly to do their job, even though the person ( / they were trying to save was working again.st them. A8 the man pulled h.lm.telf out of the grasp of the oftlcen, I watched ln honor aa h• fell to what I presumed would be his death. It sounds weitd but after alJ seeing these mavlcs where falls are ctnematically &lowed down to cap~ the drama uid · facial expressions, I was shocked ilt how quic.ldy he hit the ground. I screamed when be fell but dldn't turn my head In liine to miss it ' Before be dropped, time seemed to move in alow motion. But once he hJt the ground, time sped back. up as emergency crewa rushed to h1I aide. He la adll in crtdcaJ condition u Western Medical Center ln Santa Ana. When I mapped back to rollty, I m.lfud I WU tbaklng. I a1ao rea1fud I WU atill moving backwaM. wblJo •llll ICribbllna ln my notebook. I reread my chJck~n-teratcb and aaw I l:iad re~ted the •despendon of the~ ...... and.,~ to hold on• about eve cfilrereni ways. In rt'alf ty, we Wert! only out l.tien 9bout five iniriata before the llMlll dropped. A ltftes of j>11C·eeoonddecWona,~ _. • guesses and the kindness of passersby made it possible for us to be the only news media on the scene of a breaking news event. 1 was proud, shaken, tired and excited. I was a journalist coming down from the adrenaline high of getting a remark.able story. I will never forget what I saw. did and wrote about Saturday afternoon. That one event perfectly captured the best and worst parts of this job. -.. , And it ls the unpredictable •• roller coaster of the news ~ business that makes it easy lo ~ get out of bed every morning. ·: despite nightmares from the • '• ni~tbefo~ ,, • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture~ the arts. She may be reamed at 1949) 5744275 or by e-mail at lolita.h11rper@/1Jtimes.com. . . " ·. . ., ., .. ' - - . ' ' • Daily Pilot . . ~sday, March 5, 2003 M HOW 10 GET PU8tJSHED -i...u.n: Mail to Editorial Page EditOr S.J. Cahn at the Oail'f'Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RMdera Hodne: Calf!949l 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 e.m.B:Send to dailypilot@latim0$.com •All correspondence must Include.full neme, hometown and phone number (for \leriflcation purp0ses). The Pilot r9SefVH lhe right to edit ell subm1ss1on1 for clarity 1:111d length I• ... -- MAILBAG all these decision's being appalled at the decision of shoved down our throats Clty Council to remove both . by the current City Council Walt Davenport and Eleanor Worries about the and Planning CommJssion. Egan from the Costa Mesa future of Costa Mesa I do pot believe Planning Pla:nnlng Commission. Co~mission Otairwoman Davenport had proV:ldett As a longtime resident, Katrtna'Foley bas any· outstanding leadei:ship to reader of the Daily Pilot,· sense of the esse11ce of the commission for neatly and follower of the Costa Mesa when she 23 years and didn't deserve adventures of the Costa makes a statement that we to be dumped so Mesa City Co uncil and certa)nly wouldn't want unceremoniously. Egan had Planning Commissiop, I farmhouse vernacular next been on the commission for am concerned about Lhe to Spanish revival if we less than 2 years, and was future of Costa Mesa as we were planning not even given a chance to know it. A couple of weeks neighborhoods today. get her feet wet. With her ago, I was pleased to hear Well, take a look: TbJs is intellectual background as a that Kona Lanes would what makes the·EastBide so now-retired attorney, she survive, onJy to open last charming. It's not house obviously had much to Wednesday's paper and after house exactly alike, contribute. fiod out it probably won't. but it seems that is what We strongly object to the I don't know whose fault it the council and Planning new City Council policy of is, but w'hat is up? Commission seem to want. individual appointments to The value of Costa Mesa At least, there used to be the commission, and feel history is being fo rsaken. I some checks and balances that a majority vote by the started to get interested between the two bodies, council avoids favoritism when the Mesa Theatre but now the Planning and is more democratic. was replaced with the Commission serves at the The people of this city monstrosity known as whLm of the council As elected the council Borders. I don't view it as things go in Costa Mesa, members. We will an Improvement to the the Planning Commission remember this unfortunate community. In fact, I have is.-becoming more and decision, that affects the never been there, in spite more important, both whole c~t election time. ofthe fact that I live two politically and BEN JUDY HUBBARD ~ks away. I enjoyed economically, if you Costa Mesa ng the Mesa. even consider that the ugh or rather because it redevelopment agency Pnough fun already was a relic of an earlier may start to drive business promised at Ikea time. I would like to see out of the Westside. Costa Mesa develop a Maybe the Planning Who is .going to take sense of its history and Commissio.n should be · advantage of a brand new preserve its historical elected so that it would be department store in Mesa buildings. We do have a list more representative of all Verde when the entire town of buildings of historical the citizens of Costa Mesa. will be across the freeway significance,.and Kona Ao old-time Costa Mesa loading up at Ikea? No need politician coined a sa~g: Lanes is on Lhat lis t, but it for entertainment and doesn't seem to help ·This is no ordinary suburb, this is t osta recreational activities at the much. Mesa Verde Center; Ikea will On top of this, we are Mesa.· Can we please keep contain an ~improved play now going to decide how it that way and not follow area.· Didn't Segerstrom certain neighborhoods can the lead of South County? spokesman Paul Freeman or can't develop their NANCY PERKINS and Ikea assure Costa property. I don't ltve in the Cos1a Mesa Mesans that all the family proposed overlay zone, but Commission choices fun they needed would be I do have alley access. so I right there in the former bean fields? guess you could say I am in smack of ill to come the future overlay zone. I MAUREEN DIDOMENICO am getting pretty tired of We were ~ddened and Costa Mesa SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pet phoco on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday; March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship ~ill secure a space for a photo of a pct .who is available for adoptton and needs a good home. Thls special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of faving a Life and fcc1 great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters · and Newpon Beach Animal Control Services. ~or just $1 9, you can add. your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pee, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own' cherished furry friends: SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Namc~·-----------------------Addrcss: _____________ --:--:::--:--- Cicy: Seate: Credic Card#;_: -----------Exp-· ----Signature: _____________ ___; ______ _ Phonc(oprion~):_:_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-y­ For check, f'akc payable to: Daily Pilot: T~r to appear in 'Pace below phoco, 20 cl\aracnrs or IC$$. ChooseOnec a Jo loving memory 01----------~---:--:------ a Sponsored by • _ Mail dill form with your check or cn:dit ca.rd information ro: Save A. Life. % OaiJy Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Goica Meaa, CA 92627 Daily JI Pilot . LEITER TO THE EDITOR Other ways· to improve . . . · Westside schools I am writing in response to Thursday's editori al concerning low API scores and Westside schools c·1mprovement needs to start at the schools"). In the editorial. the paper challenged people who call themselves improvers to step up and place some energy into improving academ ics, instead of simply playing the blaming game when addressing social ills. It is common lhought lhat there are no absolute causes as to why some student!> succeed while others lag behind; however, there are some commonalities among students who achieve that are often not found in students who do not. While the P.aper gave some possible reasons for the discrepancy among Newport·Mesa API scores, it is my belief that it left out some crucial factors. One factor I see among . many successful students (successful being defined as reaching or surpassing ability) is the active involvement of parents. Parents who involve themselves in their children's education most oft en enjoy positive results. This includes reviewing ho mework, establishing a consisten t study routine, setting a good example, maintaining contact with teachers and carrying through with discipline at home. Leeving.edu<.cttion solely up to Lhe school, being inconsistent with homework expectations, booming radios or all owing too much television time all interfere with learning. Another factor that is common with successful students is the relationr.hip with Lhe n ative la nguage (in our case, English). l work .11 ' school similar to that ul Whittier Elementary. Studenl'> who are English Language Learners, even those born in th e United States, often comt' to school for the first time with little or no English / exposure. ln fact, eve11 allc1 e nrolling in school. a large amoum of English languag1: exp_osure outside the classroom oft.en comes from television or popular musi<.. I strongly advocate knowing two languages; howewr. parents must understa nd that learning English will bf:! key to the early success of their children. By acquiring Engh!>h themselves, immigrant parents will be setting themselves up as good role models fo r their children and will be more equipped to help them with school work. After-s<.:houl readi~g programs are important, especially if we will continue Lo pay our service-sector workers poverty wage1>. thus often requiring both paren t~ to work outside 1 he home: however, tht:''t' pro~·r.111" .ir• often the \...i111 .;11t1·r11111 '"1!.1111 ')Orne ground lo'>I 111 deteriorc111on<, 111 our •.111 Jt-t\ While I v.uuld llJ\t' 111 <,1·1· 1111' day when t'\ery mu1h1 1 l1<1d J rec1l choire to 'ta\ 11111111 .1111.I l'are for her l hlld11•11 , I k11m\ that day i ... l"11g p.t .. 1. 1w1 h.q•" neH·r IO n·1ur11 1•111 111·h I It• tw ... 1 thl''>t Jl<lfl 11i-1 11 II 1p1· for v.ould be t11 t11d··-.,I~ p11 ... h t'd ucatiu11 cm tlit•lf • 11 ld1t•11 dnd .,acrtf11·1· l11r lht 111 '" th.11 thl'} will t') 1wr1t IJt 1 uppurlur11111.., 1111h· dr1 .11nl'd ,1 bou1 001' I hn 11111 .. 1 11·,d11• that govt'r1 11 1•111111 •ii 1h1·lt lannot _!fpl.il t· 11 .. '' leadt·r ... 1t1p .111d g111 l.1111 ,. l\fter .,tlio11I p10~1 1111 prtn ldt: ll'Jrll 1 'I-' upport4111t1t·'>. p.,.i~t·nh ll•'L·tl .lo provide lec1cle1,h1p 111 fu.,1 erin~ n· ... p1111.,1b1 Ii I y .1111J the drive to ll'Mll Schon!... drt' rt·.,1mn.,.111t-to profe.,.,innJll} It'd• h .,t.ilt '>landard .... 111 1d1h 1tH11culu11. to fit 1,.ir1(}u., 11•·rd .. anJ to - pro1-tdl' .I ,,lft' pl.ll •· (f.l,ll'<Hll A~ paren t'> 1m1 1.,ifl .11 d I includedJ .. v.-1· 111ade 1111 t hoiLe tn haH· 1 h1ltlrt·11 .111d art' till' ult1rn<1t•· 1•11.ircl1o111 ... 111 I heir eduu111on 11 , ... 1• 1 \\ 1111 hJve 1he h1g~1·-..1 111'1'" 1 111 1ho..,e dl1-pu1,1·1 ftil \JI , ,., .... JOEL FARIS ( ""' '' \ 11 •EDITOR'S NOTE J ••I 1 1ros I 1 month """d!> dlJC..10.ni.· I j ''"'a Mes<J Planning C " ''"" . ""' Big West Conference Men's & Women's Basketball Tournament March 12-15, 2003 Anaheim Convention Center Arena Single-Session tickets are on :,ale now. Call the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 765-8980 Visit the Big West Conference website a t www.bimest.on:. All-Session tickets are also available f or only $60. The Bouse of Bloes® and the ESPN Zone® at the Downtown Disney® District Official Headquarters for the Big West Tournament Fan F e.\f Thursday March 13 AD Day c --·~ AIUDI WcdoesdaY. March 12 Session II Women 's Quarterfinals (Game$ I &2 · starting at 12:00 pml Session 12 Women 's Quarterfinals (Games 3&4 -starting at 6:00 pm) DgrwlaJ. Man;h 13 Boogie Ni~hts will perform live at House of Blues at 9 pm $10 Session 13 · Men's Quarterfinals $20. $15 (Games S&6 • srartiog at 12:00 pm) Session 14 Men's Quarterfinals S20, SI .S (Games 7&8 -.starting at 6:00 pm) fridp. Mjrdg 14 Session IS Womm'1 san.ifinals SIS ( GllDC$ 9.t 10 -SWting at 12:00 pm) Session 16 Men's SeinifUlals . SlS • .SU (Games 11.tll-ILlftiaa at 6:00 pm) SIS $25,$15 .. GNIEOE.11EDlr "It's what Mesa has been waltingfor for a long time. We never wanted something . so much." ~ $pllltl1, Costa Mesa sophomore M Wednesday, March 5. 2003 PREPS Sea Kirigs collect all ' the marbles Visual aid helped keep Cd.M on course to second straight CIF girls water polo championship. T he Corona del Mar High girls water polo team's quest for a second straight CIF Southern Section championship came to fruition Saturday with a 10-5 Division n title-game triumph over Villa Park at Belmont Plaza. But. in spite of all the talent, experience and determination of the senior-dominated Sea Kings, Coach Aaron Otaney believes collecting the crown may not have been possible without the help of three jars, 45 marbles and the inspiration of Olaney's former ~~""""'7!'~ high school coach, colleague, rival and mentor, Ken Smith. Smith, coach for the last 29 years at Punahou High in Hawaii, has been a constant sounding board for Cllaney, who said the two talk by phone three BARRY or four times every OaiyPlot "' '· "' .. FAULKNER week. Olaney said he bas, over the years. borrowed many triclcs of the coaching trade from Smith, from whom he first beard tbe. lde@. of using marbles to count down his team's progress toward another CIF title. PHOTOS BY KEHT TREPTOW I DALY Pl.QT From left, Costa Mesa players Jenny Sparks, Jasmin Day and Sharon Day celebrate Jasmin's goal as Bonita's Brooke Sens walks away in disbelief in CIF Playoffs • game Tuesday. "Jt was Jari. 17 and we had just beaten Santa Margarita, but we won by only one goal," recalled Olaney, who guided the Sea Kings to the CIF Division IV crown in 2002. ·1 felt we weren't practicing well and that we were coming to a little lull in our season. I remembered this thing (Smith) had done with the marbles and I.decided to give it a try." Olaney figured there were 45 practices and games remaining in the season, including the Division II championship game, so he began with a jar filled with 45 marbles. After every practice or game, Olan~ summoned a different player to take a marble from the jar, then lead a discussion among the players to evaluate the team's collective effort. focus and ability to reach that day's goals. If, by. majority vote, the feeling about that day's work was positive, the marble would go into a separate jar labeled "March 1" (the date of the fltle game): If the players did not feel they accomplished their goals for the day, the marble would go into a third jar labeled •opponent.a.• algnifying future opponents earned the upper hand on them for that day. "At the beginning, the girls were supercritical and there were some Long discU5Sions," said Cllaney, who never had any input on the dally verdlct. "I think the girls really liked it. because it allowed them to evaluate themselves. They came to see It u a tangible representation of their effort throughout the season, u they saw the marbles go from one jar to another.• ' Costa Mesa's Sharon Day (right) takes a pass downfield as Bonita's Katie Prather (20) pursues. .. '• .. Mustangs take advantage of defensive mistakes to down Bonita:~ 2-1, in CIF Division III semifinal. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot " OOSTA MF.SA -In a DJ88ical season. Costa Mesa Higb's girls IOCCel' team finds Ltaelf on a magic catpet dde that wtB continue into Setu.rda~ _ The Mustangs (22-1-2), a team that just last seaao• woo Its first. and only. playoff game. are now just one win away from ultimate glory. a OF Southern Secdon championship. after they defeated vts.iting Boni- ta. 2-1, 1\.aelday ln a Otvisloo m semiftnal. The Mustanp will play No. 4- aeeded Walnut (19-4-4) OD Sarur- dAy. Walnut defeated Orange Lu- theran Tuesday, 2-1. The title game will be at either Cal State Fullerton or La Mirada High. at a timea> be determined. 1 2 "It's what Mesa has been waiting for for a loot time," Mesa aopobomore standout Jenny Spub l&id. "We DfM!f wanted IOmetbJng IO much... , "it's the greatest feel1ng lo the world," l8k1 j\mlof' defender ~ JCrlki:)rim. "Im ~ wttb bapplnesa... , . Mesa. the .ecood seed. penevered through the Jit· ten that come with a game of tb1a magnitude. an6 outscored the No. 3-aeeded Bearcatl (19-3-4} in the fl. nal two quarters after a scoreless flrat half. !• •• • Olaney saJd the final count included t2 marbles in the.March 1 jar and only three in the opponents ju. •And two of those were games we lost in the Santa Baibara tournament,• be saJd. •So, there WU only one practice that the girls felt they failed to accomplish thelr goals." SM IMGIC, hp/J, · . . ~ • ••• The marbles exercise wu one of many ways Clwley tried to inject elemenu of fun into the aeuon, ln Ueplng with hls goal to leave every ~yer on·the team with the dealre to remain= in the aport. Owier d be formulated thla pbU yin Hawaii, when, while coaching at Iolani, the arch rival of. SmJth'• Puoahou teaim. bJa teams woo only three lntencholutlc League of HawUl champlonahlpa (the equJvaleot of a ClF Cl'OWD) fa 19 MUOn.t. •5m1th h84 won 26 lUf lid.ea in 29 )'WU'I. 10 competlng ~him, I ae.rnect lhere bad to be mote to the ~for 1111 pla,.n than Jutt wtainfn1. I t.U....,.... and tbett ,.. ..... Wan flWlf1 MMOD that II ID IM ienlon can say th9J want to play ...., polo la co_Qeae, then J'U haw .... my Job,~ Ml wtn. ~or not.• OlaMy Mid. ' .............. .. ' Mesa fights through pain ' Mustang players . overcome nagging injuries to help produce CIF semifinal triumph. larry Faulkner Dally Pilot ---- ---- ----------- -- • t ' ' I ~- f • SPORTS ~. MMdl 5, 2003 A7 JC WOMEN'S BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Otange Co3.st rested and ready ' Pirates begin playoff drive topight at home after Itday layoff. 'ryce Alderton 9ailyPilot COSTA MESA ....:. A 12-day break couldn't have come at a better'time Cor1he orange Coast College women's basketball team according to their leader. Reeling from cwo consecutive losses to close out the season. tlead coach Mike Thornton said the days off have helped reju- venate and heal a team hosting a $eCond round playoff game 10- nlght at 7 iii the Southern Cali- fornia Regional Playoffs. : ~we lost the game but played ft.th intensity against Saddle-~ and we were Oat against " /t , MAGIC 4ormnued from A6 .. ,. ~ Bonita. the Miramonte League fwnpion, had allowed just one lt()aJ during the playoffs coming Ito Tuesday's game, as had fesa. But the hosts managed to ~t two balls by sophomore goal- lieeper Brittany Mas.sro, who r;bade 10 weU-eamed saves, often 4iding to scoop up wayward P.BSse5 or shots. ~Mesa freshman Jasmin Day, recovering from a sprained ankle that caused her to miss the sec- Ond -round lriumph over Santa Monica, wru, in the right place at the right time for the game's first goal. ln the 56th minute, Massro kicked the ball ouL. but at hit off of Bonita defender Brooke Sens, and Day was right there to take control and roU the shot off the left post and into the net. ~1 wasn't expecting it, but if it came, I was waiting.~ said Day about the rebound that went to her. Sister Sharon, the reigning OF State high jump champion and team leader in goals. picked up her 63rd career score 11 minutes later on a penalty kick she sent Oying into the right side of the net to make iL. 2-0. Mesa sophomore Vera Gale tracked down a bouncing ball and dribbled about five yards be- fore Bonita det'enders Kristi Dow and Nicole Mosher ran lnto her, sending Gale to the turf. Bonita ~ch Bob Phillippe didn't th.Ink Gale was anempting 11> shoot. . *It was a tough call that was unlucky for us and good for lbem, • Phillippe said. "I feel we Fullerton that Friday," said Thornton. refening to Coast'i losses to the Gauchos (64-55) and Hornets (52-19) to close out the regular season. "We needed .the practice time to recuperate mentally and physically and I tb1nlt we'll .be In good sbltpe." Freshman ~ Carrillo. who finished tecond on the team ln scoring at 12.5 polnts per game to Uz Mendoza's team-leading 13.5, missed the final cwo games with an ankJe Injury, but should be healthy for tonight's game. c.oast. which finished the sea- son 25-7 and ranked No. 8 ln the final state coaches poll, is seeded fourth, and will host Cerritos (20· 11). the 13th seed. Cerritos beat OCC 64-44, in November, but Coast was with- out the services of starting point guard NanQJ HatsushJ, who earned All-Southern Cali· fomia Region honon last season and first-team all- conference recognition for the second consecu- tive year in the most re- cent campaign. She led the conference ln three~point field goaJ shooting (43.2%) and asslsta (156) while aVeraging 9.7 points. "We have come a long way stnce that lime," Thornton said ~ haven't even talked about that game." Cerritos sophomore forward TI.ffany Ametc provides stability inside. Thornton said, but the talent doesn't stop there. "Cerritos is I 0 or 11 players deep," Thornton said. "They shoot the ball really well and have sound fundamentaJ de· fense." The falcons a.re com- ing off a 20-polnt win last week against Santa Monica. OCC has a defensive praence of its own in sophomore forward Lau- ren MWTay. who has. tallied a team-high 25 blocb with 3'1 steala and averages 8.5 ·points. She also leads the team in re- bounding per game (6.8). Mendoza also leads the team in steals with 59 in addition to averaging 5.6 rebounds and 3.1 assists. Sophomore Undsey Ge.- lasso has made 52 steals to go with 6.4 ppg. Mendoza and Ga- lasso, along with Hatsushi, all made first-team all-conference "Galasso Is our best defensive player and Uz has stepped up or late," Thornton said Other Coast players providing ..._...... valuable minutes include IClrsten Von Tungdn (4.9 ppg, 6.0 rpg), Amy Shaw (4.4 J>P8. 14 Sleali) and Candice Quiroz (3.4 ppg. 3.3 rpg. 26 steals). Jessica Estrada (2.5 ppg. 14 steals). Leigh Mar· shall (three steals. 1.1 assists per game). Celeste Haueter (12 steals, 1.0 ppg. 1.2 rpgJ and Laura Garnica (four steals) have given Thornton added options off rhe bench this sea.son. One or the team's goals enter lng the sea.son, Thornton said, was to be seeded in the top 4 to earn a home game for the play- offs; mission accomplished. Last season. OCC fell to host LA Valley, 69-68, in the Southern California finru and fin. Wied 25-9. LA Valley's Markia Darby, who led all scorers with 24 points, hit a game-winning. five- KENl.fREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Nilani Duarte (18), right, heads the ball away from Bonita's Randie Massro (12) during Tuesday's CIF semifinal game. were the bener team today. but the score doesn't show 1t We didn't play the pla~ we should have and made some defensive mistakes.. Bonjta had five comers to Mesa's one in 'the first half and had its best sconng chance in the 39t.h mmute. Mesa seruor defender Devin Denman. who aJong with Krikor- ian, knocked severaJ balls upfield . to stifle Bea.rcat anacks. headed a ball off a 25-yard free kick that bounced to senior sweeper and captain Katie Prather. Mesa sophomore goalkeeper Kindra Bailey baned the shot that re- bounded to Kellie McGrath - Bonita's leading scorer and a sec- ond-team All-OF pick a year ago -whose shot hit the top of the crossbar and iNent over the net McGrath couldn't take advantage foot bank·shot with three sec· onds ldt to 5P0il ~t's bid for the state tournament Hatsuslu sc.ored a team-tugh 20 polnts, including a 6-o(-9 clip (67%) from three-point range ln that game as OCC hit 12 of 20 shots from beyond the arc (60%). Mendoza scored 17 points off the bench with three treys. -All players feJt like we shouJd have won th.tit game.· Thornton ~d "We were diSappomted. • Coast lost to Cerritos, 84-80. in the lOOO regionaJ final, the last urne the two teams met tn po!.t ~a.son .• "We could come out and lay an egg or we could play weU. • rnornton !>aid. ·we seem to have developed a !ieru.e of urgent)' One or two bad possessmn'> could make the difference and we reaJ17..e that m practJce • of Bailey being out of pos1oon "They outplayed us m the fmt half, lhey are a greal team that worts together." said Mer.a coach Dan Johnston, in hts 11th year at Mesa. ·we were ·nervous In the i.econd half, we got our p~mg game going and had d lot of good scoring opportu• nllH.''> • Me<>a outshot the Bea.real'>. 8-6. in tht: !>t'<:ond half, gettmg cmp pa..se.. upfield from the dt:· fen.se and m1dfielders that tn· eluded Denman. Kara Jenkin'> Rachel I lughes. Sara 8,-yant. VaJene t.ome1 and Nila.ni . Duane. ">parlc.... who ha<i <;cored 27 goah with 14 assists Lhi.!. M>a son, along with the Day s.isters. were the reop1ems of many of tho'>t: ~· al> were c:.aJe. Ra · · chel Ronquillo. Kn<tten Bagwell and To!.hsa Bryant ~ -11·~ aw~rne." ~aSparu when asked about pla>mg along "'de the Day tandem. "You al war; know Y.taere to be for the pasb. It's fun worlong wtth them • Romta 1umor defender Randie ~assm kept m a ball off a goal kick by Badey, and passed tOW'Md the !.ldelme, where McGrath tcx>k the ball m stnde. McCsrdth centered to freshman forward Kellyanne Kirby for a goal tn the 74th nunute Randie Ma.ssro dnbbled around a defender in the comer and booted a ball from mne yards out that also flew over the goal 1ust mmutes into the <,t>eond half. "After that we '1ad a letdown." saad Phillippe of Randie Mas.sro'o; shot. There was no letdown on the Mesa Mde en route to a I 5th slralght victory and 22nd !>traJght without a lo!>!.. Jumor goalkeeper Kindra Bailey made seven sa\.-es MESA JC WOMEN'S SWIMMING PREVIEW Pirates on the cutting edge SCHEDULE ____,, COLLEGES Continued from A6 the bench. The less-than-healthy quartet seemed to typify the d~ermina­ tion of an entire program. that has risen from perennial door- mat to increasing leveis of sue- ~ including four straight trips to the ClF Playoffs. Their willingness to play ¢uolljh pain helped the No. 2- S«ded Musr.ngs (22-1-2) extend their unbeaten streak to 22 games and up their winning streak lo 15. It also impressed John.son. Orange Coast is off to a strong start with bounti~freshm en complementing the sophomores. Bry .. Alderton Daily Pilot •t wasn't expecting Kara to COSTA MF.SA -Dave SaJo play at all today.· Johnston said. and Don Watson had a ·meeting ·But lbe was chomping at the bit of the minds" so to speak head· the whole first half to get ln log into the swim·season. there, eo I started her in the sec· The longtime OCC coaches and half. Her experience helped got together and focused on re· • us." auiting. and~. It has paid Johnston grinoed when recaD-dMdends, especially for the lng Spmb' reaction to ~ women'a team. Salo and WallOn taken out after her leg injwy. oo-coach both the men's and •She wu mad at me for taJdng women's swim teams at Coast. her out and mad at the tJalner The OCC: women blitud all for pointing out that she wu competition at the m:ent Ml timP.lng. • Johnston aald. s.n Antonio lnvttational, posting : sparb, whose '1:1 goela are tee-693 points to runner-up IUver- Ood molt on the team this aea-sJde\ 524.5. · fan. wu'allo leveled by a Bear-Coast freshman Shmy '1)aJ cat near m.ldfleld In the teCOnd swam to meet recotda tn tht so. half. At\erwatd, baMMw. lhe all yard bac:bm>te (26:38). 100 lndl- The Pirates ShenyTaal . Fr. Ashley Lowden So. Jenny Nelson So. Stephanie Wood Sr. Kimberly Frith Fr. Sara Natalizio Fr. Sarah for. Vanessa Lara Fr. Heather Murphy Fr. Nikki Stevena Fr. Erica Nlcholton Fr. Kim Ool1 Fr. Shannon Maxfieid Fr. Amber EdofT Fr. Rebecca Robb Fr. Amber Brirwtey for. ~ 0..... Salo and Don Wst80n ~· refuled to a any ~ medley. (58.29) and 100 fDk1e Injury, atadng aim tbit buttafty (57.4'> u well par-• iho wu bM>Md to a lslon. ddpa.ttng In three meet reciotd or talent and an outatandlna Spalb WU more fortbcomlnl awiml wftb the Jelly tel""-0CC wofk ethic.• WatJon llJd. ~ addteellng c.o.a Me9a'a bad reconl·Mttbll relay llllml in Salo and Watton are ankted rumaround after balftDne. the 200 and 400 he. I :40.24 and l:Jt' Mlb C'Jillei. the bald womem , -w. ~ needed to want lt 3:39.17, ~ U>Qa with watttpOloCQICh ..... • lbi laid. "(1be Beucal.t) poltlQg a ti>l.74 tn the 400 med-nai. a memt>er otlfoal ~ wuc.d It more tblD we did In ley ~ nadoaal am. c:ame. to· itw U.S. aha ant hilt bUt we Ft into our •tn· the ~ we heel • ~ to cntn With tbi dub lellll IPd pme in the eecond halt• . l'OUP ol iopbomorm that wOuld Mnted lO p> to ICbool ID ... omy, who. Hb ~ NlUnl .ell )'fillr and h9d been pnwe her P.r1ltilh and ..., .. CieMct a pcmpmt ~to IP' down thlt road before.. Mid pDenil ech.adoft ~ OJu to her ail&OI Joint. aaJd the W.tlOn; Who co.thed et Col.It "'Wi! .. l\x;ty ndp'8nCI al ;;:.t. II oo· JorP an lllOe. And llotn 1981 ·98 befbn lie rmhed heit. • W&llOri itUd. hir pl9y ~ dMll up. ttm ~ ~-P'I on lab-Jotnlr'I nm .. ~ I !'bl s*Y 25 eocxtl'pmel and bldc:m. ~· ~ LOwdlft. .... ... ~ 1D be ......... • COllt ... WOil 12 --tkMt "'Jway -~ and ...... JQt-.mt 8'11ourlllitlere lbe,..llJWL ~-~d"1llb .. ..,.... .......... n..A.... ~·,_.OM Ind I cam· -~ 111111~ son competing ln the 50 and l 00 fty and the 100 IM. Wood quali- fied in the 50 and I 00 breast· stroke. The freshman cl.w includes Kimberly Frith (Capistrano Val· ley High), Sara Natalizio (lrvine) and Sarah Mitchell (MJs&on Vi· ,ljo). Frith won three evmts at Mt. Sac including the 100 free (54.19), 200 free (1:57.67) and 500 free (5:15.09), while participating on the three record setting relay teams. NatalizJo won the 50 fty (27 .55J and Mltcbell wmt 1:02.68 to win the 100 beet. Vane55a Lan. Heathel' Mur- phy. Nikki Stevena. Brtca Nicbol- IOD. IJm Doll Shannon Max- field. Amber &loft Rd>ecca Robb and Amber Brawley. an freabmeo. sfYe Salo and Watton edded mqth in c.out'a queac for Us 8rst tide liDce 1997. 1>Wllo ~ who won the dwn~ last .-.on. aboold pnMde Coan ~ c:omplddocJ dik -.n. 8CCIJid.. .......... ...,116d ..... iWt .. be *'dnl in the Onnfe T~ wttb Oiablo ~ wlD be one of the eo tolmt ~ to the CllleSta lttvtta1ioOll Mmdl 13-15 al a-Cole9t in Lula ~lhlr.OCCwtlmPW­ ..... lnaddll._.~ ....................... ......,...._ear ... ~ ................ Wit. -.o1a.liiildS11r1t ... caed• "'1111 f '• o1 .... cblJlllllm•lbettCM....a .. _.._..,... ..... .., _ ............. ..... .............. = ............. tht 111Q1111 (II a owq ddw • ....... •,. tdl a....., -I.a •• ID .. •• md .. ...,. ~ ~=-------.-..:~a~111~ ... ~·~·~~t~ .... ~~·=·~11111~~...,.~-!~·~t111~111t~~~·~11~w~~~::.!~!!! .. TODAY I 2 llJelt Communfty college women - Southern Cellfomia Regionals, MCOnd round: Cerritos 8t Orange Coat, 7p.m. ...... 8ndfWd High 8Ctlool boys and gir1s - Fountain Valley, Dana Hills at Corona def Mar. 2:30 p.m. ~ ..... High lldlool boys and gir1s - Foufltaln Valley et Costa Mesa. 3 p.m.: Estancia Pentathlon. 3 p.m ~ Community college men - Gotden w..t at Orenge Coast. 7 p.m. High edlOOI boys-Catvary Chapel et ea.ta Me.a. 3 p .. ....... Cof)ege men -Cal Poly Pomona et Vanguard University, 2 p.m. , Collegit women-c.t State Fvhfton et UC kvlne, 1;30 p.m.; cal Pbty PomoM et Vanguard UnMnlty 1 p.m. Gol Conege men-~ eo. vs. P9lomar et Eagle Crest cc. 11 Lm. High~ boys-F.irmont et Coa9~Zp.m. Big West Honors Pajer Bnan Pajer. the first-year coach or the uc 1.rv1ne swimnung and divtng programs. was voted il5 the women's swimming and drving Big ~ Conference Co...c..oach of the Year. P'ajer led the Anteater women to a third-place finish at the Big West Ownpionships. He sham:l the honoc with Danny May. the firSl-year coach at 1.Jnivenlty ol the Pacific. Pajer was a 8jg West champton for UC Irvine in the 100 and 200 breaststrokr an four )9IS of his coDegiate can!leC In the ~ 1980&. and qualified for both ewrtts at the NCAA Otvlsion I champtomhtpl eadt of bis ymn.. He was named to the NCM All· Amerlcan learn In 1989 and 1990. ' . ... .. . . •• Al ~. M#cl'l 5, 2003 SPORTS PREPS BRIEFLY Continued from NJ , Of the eight CdM •enlor • tive plan to contlnu e»llegiateJy. including Chriadna Hewko (Stanford), 8rlltn ey Bowlus (UCL.A), "Danielle CUlson (either Cal or Princeton), Daniela DiGlacomo (tentatively set for Cal), and Jessica Harkins (Princeton). -eorona del Mar. open$ with bang ••• Chaney said his posrgame eroolion~ Saturday were tom:' since he had e~rfence wtth. · eeveral Villa Park players. "Before t was hi~ at Corona del Mar, J was the coach at Villa Park for five months," Chaney said. "I was h1md at Villa Park In June of 2001 and I coached them all the way up to the beginning of November. But. about two weeks before the i.eason started, I got a call fro m CdM, which got a late start on its hiring process after John .Vargas left to coach at Stanford. Jt was tough to leave the girls at Villa Park, but I thought CdM was a better situallon for a num ber of reasons." Chaney said he was proud of both teams Saturday. "'I thought their coaches and players did an awesome job," Otaney said. "I'll be the first one to nominate their coach (Joey Pacelli) for CIF Division II Coach of the Year. "In the handshake line, their girls were very grac1om in congratulating me," Clianey said. "I got a lot of bugs." ••• Chaney said the !tat1sfart1on from winning another 'lect1on crown won't fuJly sinl in until the team begins pracurin~ again in about a month Chaney's ofTsea'>on. bowwer, will mdude'mon· than coaching, a<, he ha., been selected a., the lont.> Unlled States official to work the World Oiampionships in Ban:elona, Spain, luly 14·2H legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices -'-------- Sea Kings dominate visiting Brentwood in battle of CIF boys tennis powerhouses. Ryan Mathes had a solo homer for Orange Coast and the Pirates closed the gap to 9-5 with three .in the slxth inning. but Santa Aba came back wfth 6ve more in 1he last three Innings. • TENNJS: The Corona del Mar High Coast falls to 8-7•1, 0·3 in the OEC boys tennis team opened it.s season with a The Bucs host three-time defending strong statemenl Tuesday, dominating-' stare champion RJverslde Thursday . visiting Brentwood, 16-2, In a nonleague match at CdM. . "Wffve been thinking about t.bis lineup for two months and it worked,~ said wt· eran CdM Coach T'un Mang, who de· ployed standouts Garrett Snyder and Car· s1en Ball with separate doubles partners. ·we knew they'd stack their doubles and they did. But we plit up our best two doubles players (Snyder and Ball), be· cause we knew they couldn't beat us with chis lineup," said Mang. who noted he was surprised by the lop ided margin, even with the absence of Brentwood's No. I in· gles player, who injured bJs back in a re· cent roumamem. ·n1e victory avenged a I 0-8 semifinal loss to the Eagles in Lhe CJF Division V Playoffs last spring. ~1 thought (CdM and Brentwood) would be the top two teams in cur said Mang, who~ Sea Kings return to the Division I ranks this season. Mang said Brentwood is set to compete in Division U. Sophomore Spencer Reitz won all 18 games at No. 3 singles, joining singles Sanu An• 14, occ a . Seo-. by lnnlna• Santa Ana HO 400 · 1o3 -141 15 3 ace · 020 oos 100 -• • 3 Arizmendi, Ty.on (8),Tundl1 (7), Arnold (9) and Zereg1, Capon (7); Treece, Han (4), Boyd (7) and Grant, Hldca (9). W -Arizmendi, 3-1. L - Treece. 2·3. 2B -~trepo (SA), Aowert (SA), Zereg1 (SA), Holton ISA), Jadtaon (OCC), Grant (OCC). HR -Harris (SA), Mathes (OCC). ~ Sailors swinging GOLP: Wchael Benvenutti shot 3- over-par 39 to capture medalist honors and lead Newport Harbor High to a 209- 225 nonleague nine-bole lead over visit- ing Canyon at Big Canyon Country Oub Tuesday. Davis Pemsteln (41), Rhett Palmer (41), Brandon Sowers (43} and Jeff L'Cr- ner (45) rounded out the scorers for the Sailors, who host Mission Viejo today at 3 p.m. a1 Santa Ana Country Oub. e.weeps by teammates lssei Saida and UCI f;--"s, ?-O W~ley Miller. 4ll Snyder, ·a senior, teamed with junior Brennan Roberts to win 18 of 21 doubles games, while Ball, a sophomore, paired with senior Bryan Warsaw to do the same. NorMcue CdM 16, Bntntwood 2 Si"iJlel -Sa1da ICdMI def. Et10n, 6-2, def. Bowman, 6-4, def. Goldfarb, 6-2; Miller (CdM), won 6-1, 6-1, 6-2; R~11tz (CdM) won, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0. Doubles -Snyder-Roberts (CdM) def. Ryan-Freeman, 6-1 def. Karsh-Normington, 6-0, def Patak-Riordan, 6-2; Batt-Warsaw (CdM) won. 6-3, 6-0. 6-0. Nguyen-Gingold ICdMl lost. O 6, AH>, won, 7-6 Pirates fall, 14-6 • BASEBALL: Sama Ana College hanged out 15 hits and scored nine runs 111 lhe flr'>t four innings en route to a 14-6 <>range Empire Conference baseball vic- tory at Orange Coast Tuesday. 2640 Legal Notices 2640 llgal ~ca • TENNIS: UC Irvine's men's tennis team dropped a 7-0 nonconference deci- sion to Virginia Tuesday on the UCI campus. Freshman Eric Yandoc was the lone Anteater to cake a singles match lnto the third set. Nonconfef lllCe Vlrvtnl• 7, UCI o SlnOI• -Stewan (V) def. End~t. f>.3, f>.1; Duquette (V) def. Monon. 6-3, 6-2; Rizza (VI def. Biorkman, 8-3, 6-2; Gonyer (VI def. Surapol, 6-1, 6-2; Nolen (V) def. Vandoc, 0-S, 6-1, 6--4; Rozek (V) def. Bormand. 6-2. 6-0. OoublM -Si.wart-Duquette (V) def. Endrlkat·Biorltman, 8-5; Gonyer-Rizza (VI def. Hekm1t-Surapol, 8-3; Wllliams·Yandoc IUCl def. Cohen-Nolen, 98-7. Vanguard splits • SOFl'BAU.: Vanguard University's softball team split a doubleheader with host Azusa Paclllc Tue.day In Gotdeq State AthJetlc Conference play, teking the nightcap, 9-2, after dropping a 6·2 verdict ln the opener. Ashley Mauro and Usa Jacbon each went 2 for 4 with a dpubJe, and Jackson, Celina carnarwo and Rachcl0Rolle each bad two RBis. Jill Jeranlco also went 2 for 4 In the. ll·hJt attack lo back up Krystal Keltner's six-hitter. Keltner is now 5-0. Also, with triples were Rolle and Jeran- ko. Mauro and Jill Jessen each doubled in the opener, but that was half of Van- euant's offensive output. Vanguard is now 10-4, 2-3 ln the GSAC. Trio of 40s help Eagles • GOLF: Three F.stancia High golfers carded 40s on the par-36 EJ Dora~o Park Golf Course Tuesday to lead F.standa to a four-stroke lead over host Long Beach Millikan. Jason Cassidy, Marcus Sostak and Bryan Brown all shot 40 for the Eagles,. who won, 207-211. Jason Les (43) and Greg Les (44) also scored for the Eagles in both team's first match of the season. Austin Serr carded a 46 for F.stancia. Anteaters felled, again • VOll.EYBA.LL: Long Beach State's seventh·ranked 111en'9 volleyball team dealt No. 4 UC Irvine a 30-27, 30-22, 28· 30, 30·23 Mountain Pacific Sports Fed· eration defeat Tuesday night in the Pyra- mid, dropping UCI to 14-5, 7.5 ln the MPSF. UCI avoided a sweep in the third game behind the play of Jimmy Pelzel, who had nine of his 15 lcills. CdM tied after nine • GOLP: Corona def Mar High's boys golf team and Foothill are tied, 186-186, after nine holes on the par-35 front nine at Newport Beach Country Oub Tues- day. . FoolhlU's Ryan Citralla was Tuesday's medalist with a 34. CdM was led by Nick Sherman (36). Tirn Frohling and Brad Chamberlin (both with 37s) and 38s by Rob Ury and Ben Tilsen. Sherman birdied the par-4, 430-yard fifth along with the par-4, 350- yard seventh and had 13 putts. flclll.~ ._s..._. Tiie lollow1111 per,on' a<e do1111i bus11•H~ ., CO RON AOO HOM! LOANS & Rf Al TY 7808 Drake Ave , Co.,.11 tkw Calol0<n1• 92626 Tht follow111~ I"''"'"' arr doone buson••s ~' lldhlln Sl~lhnn~ Bou l1qur I' 0 Bn• 81!>1 Newpo1I B~•<h c .. 1o lor no• ~1b60 NOOO Of TIUSTlf'S SAil YOU ARE IN 0£FAUL T UNO(R A OHO or lRUSI OAflO OCCf.M BER 05. !991 UNlfSS YOU lAKf ACrtON TO PROTfCI YOUR PROP ERlY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA NATION Of THE NAlUR[ Of IHC PROCHOING AG Al NS I YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Records of Oranee County. C1hfornl1 ind pur&u1nt to that cert11n Nolie• of Default and Elechon to Sell Undel Deed of Trust recorded Seolember 12 2002 u Instrument l'Cumbtr 20020779-412 Ill lhe Oll1c11I Ruor ds ol u1d County. wlll under •nd pursu1nt to said l>ffcl of Trust wll al publlt. 1uction !Of cuh. I.awful money of the Unned States ol Amer oce. a cesh11r's check payabl• lo ~od Tru,tee drawn on • 'tale or national b•nk a check dr 1wn by a stile 01 leder al credit unoon, or a theck dr1wn by 1 state or federal s.vonas and loin auo c1ahon. or savonp bank 'Pf!Clhed on Section !>t02 of tile r 1n1n"11 Code and authorl1ed to do bu"nn' In this s tale, al the North front 1nt11nct lo the Or1n111 County, Ca lolornla Courthouse, 700 C1vle Center Or eve Wn t, S1nla Ana. C1hlorn1.t •ff lh1t roahl . title and enteust conveyt4 to .and now held by him under seed O..d of Trust on th• Pf'operty 11tu1led 1n said County •nd Stile and more parllcularly IN· setobed '" said D"d of Trust and purpofted to be 2561 Point Del Mar, (lor one 0.1 Mir. Cali· torn11 Assess«'s Parcel Numb« -458 6-43·09 The unders11ned Trustee dlscl1tmfo any onc:or · rectness of the street •ddress and other common desocnatoon rt 1ny shown hereon llle property heretolort des.cnbed 1s beln1 sold •as IS• S.aod ult! well bj! m•d•. but without covenant or warranty, eapteswd or 1mplotd. re11rdone Utle. poues· sion, or encumbrances, lo pay 11)11><1nc1pal sum ol the note secured by said Deed of lru,I, with 1ntere't t hereon. u proYlded In se1d note, ednrw:es, II any. unde< the terms of the Deed of Tr ust. estimated fett, charaes and npenses ol the Trusln ind the trusb crt1ted by se1d Deed of lrust to wit '59.392.45 (E1t1mated) Accrued Interest and addition.al •dn nc:es. 11 any. W111 Increase this fl&un PflO< to ui. The Beneftei1ry may elect to bid i.ss than Ille full Cl'edit btd. mmlstw the nt1te of the decedent 111( Pf. THIOH requests 1uth0<1ty to 1dmlne!oler the n tate und«r the Independent Adm1n1s· !ration of Estates Act (Thrs Authority Wltt allow t~ penon.al represen talon to lai.t many Khons wtlhoul obtain one cour I tppr OYll Before le~m1 c.er l11n very important actio"s however. the personal rec><estnbtove will be requtred to cove not1Ct to interested petsont unle:u they hive waived noloce or consented to the p1opoffCI echon ) The independent ed m1n1slral1on authoroly will be ar 1nled unkss .an enleruted per\on Illes 1n ob1ecteon to the pelltt0n •nd shows 1ood cause why the court should "ol 1r1nt the authority credllM of the dectaMd you must hi. your claim with the court and mall a coe>y to the penonal rec><esentat.va ttp901nled by llM court w1th1n loor months frorn the date ot the hut issuance of lttltts H PfOv!Md 111 Probate C~ section 9100 The time for htmc clalrm will not t•prre belore lour months from the hear1n1 d1te 'IOIKed above Jose Ramon Co1on.ado 2808 Drat.e A~e Co'I• Mesa Cal1forn11 9?616 Tllrs bu"n~s K '"" dueled by 1n 1nd1v1du.il H<tve you ~I•• ttd doone bus.intu yet' Ye~ 0 11 03)03 Jose Ramon Cor onad11 ltus statement wa, !tied wtlh fhe County Cle.k of Or•11~r· l 11uuly on 02/20/0J 200H9J417S • Daily Polot Mao ., I 'l 19. 26 2003 W094 I •roq Ouw''" 1 lll!O P••k Nl'WllOll -io1 Nf wpn1t R•,Hh CA 9?MO Tio" b'"'"....,' '' ron dut II d by •n ond1w1du•I H••" 1nu \Url~d do1n11 bu\ont~• yet 1 No I ar l<I D.u Wl~h Tht< \t.l•m•nl wa-. hlfd with lh• County Cl•rh ul Or•uii~ r.uunly onOl 2101 20036931267 D~oly f'olnr f •b ?6 Mar 'i I? 19 ?003 W089 ADvtrnSUU11T fOl IJJS On Friday Mar ch 28 2003 •I IOcOD am Ed111 E Scheck, hq Subsll toled 1 rustee of that ct'ft•on Deed ol Tru~t Ol!\.ute·d by Wendy Vu aka Wendy Vu Asano and recorded on De c ember 11.>, 1991 n ln~truml'nl Numbef 91 6103!>0, 1n the Off1c1al Subject to cund1t1ons presc11bed by lht under\111ned sealed bid~ for a Lull'lj> Sum CuOlr<tc.I a•e 1nv1ted tor the lo'!lowon& Work H,Ala & aErLACl MlCHANICA.l SYSTEMS, HUMANITIES HAU ,aOJlCl NO. 991&.St UNIVDISJTY Of CAUFOaNtA. taVINf taVINl, CAllfOllNIA 926'7 ,.OJlCl OfSCalPTION:. Work includes. but 1\ not hm1ted In th• fo11owm1 Remove and replace twu • ~1stona •Ir h•ndl•nK unol~ '" lht Humanities HJ.II basement mech;anoc•I 1unm Int ludont.: rev1~1ons to ind connection to. utslinC ductwork. chtlled water Pll>'"I"~ huton11 hot wat.r ptp1n1. and oth« uhhttH and \•rvoce. Provide ntw pres~urt 1n1f~ndent. ,,.,11ble 111t 11oturn1, mllln& hou\ on pl•• t of "'''""I pan~ of moamc dampers ThlS onclu~ repte u•lf'"I nt th~rm<Ktah •nd ~onnerllor'I to lb• umpus Slemef11 tne<CY m•"•1em~n1 \yslem cCMS> Som• relon1n1 ol arus lndudonc revtSH>n\ 111 duclw•>1~ lempeulurP umtrots. etc.. w1I be required Provide new HVAC control> Rew..rk ol 111~ bu1ld1111 retu1n atr and exhaust 1tlr rt ms will be r~u11i.d MOTL lwU41 .. HVAC •r•'•"' llYoJleMe •twl1"9 ,_. 14, 200!. Aa -rli _., ... c-,l•tecl .. lot•r ti.-S.,t.,...., 14, 2003. lSTIMA1lD CONSHUCTION COST: $HO 000.00 Nohs Prf-11.U-. .... 4e _, ... ,fl,; ,.....Ufl'9tl-• kl tlM Cet1tr9Ct Oec:--'• """f '"' ... el'911.le f., -•4. Bhlcllna Oocumelth w~r bt 1va1table lo Bidders on WEDNESDAY, roau.AIY "· t DO! •nd Wiii b~ onued al rec•hb9' Mane11me11t. Unover\111 of C11hforn1~ Irvin~ ?01 tnl1mm OfftC4' Bulld•na (mtthnc Mdren). 19112 l•mbou e 801ti.ord (phy~"dl 11ddr•,s), ll'YIM, CA 9269/ !>444, (949) 117-4 1404 aieclta 10< • --f'•f-'ftle fee will be r~quored en th• amount •11S2!> 00 per set ot Biddma OC)C'Umenh C"-ckt are lo be m11d~ pay11blt lo • lhe Re1Mh ol th11 tln1v••~1ty ol Cekfoonta • S.eled Bids wlll not ~ ar~111ted titer 2:00 l'M Qu fUISOAY, MAllCH 11, toO• Bid Seeuroly In the •mount ol 10" ol lhe I ump Sum Bue Bid, exckidlna eltern•tes, 1hall accompany Helo Bid The Surely ossuma lhe Bod Bond "''" bt, 011 11\fi Bid Oeadlln•. an 1dm1tled aurely '"'urer (•'! defined In he C.lefCHni• Code 11f Covil Prnc;edure Sedlnn 9'Y.> llO) A 1T1•nd1l0<"( l're Old Cont.,1111<.e and Pft Bid Job W•lk will be c:onducted ort MC*OAY, M.UCH 10, 200! • I belln!IUll ptomptly 11 I01JO AMf'11rt1cev•nl\ ~n.ill 1111tul "' University of Clif•lflloa, lrv•M. Admlnl\hatlofl 8111ld1nt Rnnm 107 1Bu1ld1111 • J 11 on c-.us ~p) lrt11n • Cellf111n11 'l?697 5444 m•...a AT THI "' ... (ONFlHMCl AND ,.,_,.., Joe WM.I IS ... AfQflY fCMt AU ,alMl CONTUCTOH. THI MUTING WIU ClOSI AT IOISS Ml ANY (ONTUCTOIS A.UMMG Anll TMtS TUH MOT 81 W0.U TO ,AA'fKWA11 IN THI ltO NOCISS AS A I <CMeTUCTOL ()ttty ltlddet• who part1r1p1tt In both the ,,. Bid Conl.,ente and tilt -W•• 111 tllllr ent.,.11 wl" bl •llowtd tu bid 1>11 tilt f'tojflc;t " prHM Cllfttr•dars for t~ll• lnf11tntabon. e<>ntact fecitlUM Man1119~t CeftlfKt& Dt.-rtmtnl, Attn Brenda II Hodi•r>h11U at (949) 8'4-1 ~ TIM ~~ fl.II 8id0. 111d llt Subc.onlrecfC>t\ .. ill bf r"l'Jtfff to follow tM 110l'4iKrllnS..1li(ln reqo1reme11h wt f0tlll In tloe 014dll\& Ooc:uinenu fM .. ,,., Jr•••iiinc w e re 1 •I the loutiOll ol the WOfll Th• wee lul 81ddef will N 11ctulft>4 to 11011 the lollowlna State ol C..,1Hni1 Col'llrK IOf • I nH c11rrtnl •t lh• tJme of 111bfn;ulon of lllt w UCCNH COOis A II C?O - OlncUons to the above prop«ty may be Ob· l•Uted by request1na same tn wrrt1n1 ff"om t~ Beneficiary w1thtfl ten d•ys lrom the tent publtc1llon of thos Notoce. Dated March OJ. 2003 COGAR E· SCHlCK ESQ. as Tru<sle« FOR TRUSTH'S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL (714~ 289 9782 Published Newpo1 t Buch·Coste Mesa Dady Pilot M11ch !i, 12. 19. 2003 W092 To all heirs, bene l1 Clar 11$, cred1t0<s. con· ton1ent creditors, end persons who may olh· erwtse bt 1ntHesled ln the wlM or e:st1te, ot botfl. ol KAREL LUIS[ TYDOl'C A PETITION fOR P110 BATE baa bffn f...O by KARA IOHE LENT 1n the Superio< Court of Cth f0<nia. County ol OR ANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATI requests tllat KARA IOHE U NT be 8PPO'llled es personal repreuntahve to ad• • A HEARIN() on the petition will be held on MARCH '17 2003 11 t JO p m on Dept L73 located at 341 Th• City Drive South. Orance. CA 92868 IF YOO OBJECT to the 1ranlln1 of the petition you should 1ppe• at the "°'""' ind state YOIH ob11c0ons or ffl4 wrflun ObflCbO<IS wtlh the cowl bef«e the hHrln1 Your eppe.ar a nee ma1 be In person 01 by 1our 1tt0<ney IF YOU AR( A CREDI· TOR or cont1n11nt YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the cour I 0 you .are • penon m lernted on Ille e't1te you m•y hie with th• court • Request for Speco•I Nohu (form Of 1!>4) of the f1hnc of an 111ventory and appr ••~I ol nlale asseh or of any 1Nltllon or account IS Pf'OV1ded In Probate Code section I~ A Request for Special Nottce lorm ts avellable Iron• the cour l clerk Att-r.ter '•""-' ~-St .... ,(~ A•lnw•'"'· H•r•• & MM-.. P.O .... 7414, Oret1991 CA ttlU • , ... Pubh,hed Newpor I Beach Coste Mesa Oa1ly Piiot f ebrul'y '17. March S 6 2003 ThW2t0 SELL your stuff through classified! Sage Hill falls, 12-6 • T:BNNIS: Sage Hill School's boys ter\-,, ms team dropped a nooleague match to. visiting Laguna Beach Tuesday, l2"'6. • • Greg SOlobko swept his 'three single". matches at No. 2 doubles while Anthony· Milovantsev won two of three. Ughtning.. Coach A.G. Longoria said Solobko couta move up to No. l slnglet 11oon. • .. Laa. Bead) 12. Sqe Hill I : SlnglM -Mll'Ovantsev (SH), Iott to Sc:tlmitz, 6-4; def. Contrera1, 7-5; def. Codlni, 6-2; Soloblto (SH) w on, 6-1, 7·6, NS; Cordier (SHI lost. 6-4, e-2, 6-0. Ooubl• -Oem1rjan·R0eter (SHI lo1t to Ferguson-Tran. 6-2; def. Paxton-KDucceu1c, 7-S; lost to Bemard·Harrlt, e-1; • Montakab-Kuran (SH), lost, 6-1, 6-1, 8-2, Livingston-Baskin (SHI Iott, 6-1 , 6-3, 8-1 UCI women victorious • TRACK AND PIEID: The UC lrvirt women's track and tleld team won m, All -Cal Otallenge Cup at UC RivenJde Saturday, while the Anteater men's team plaqed second. : The women compiled 199 points '!' winning 11 events, well ahead of runne. up UC Santa Barbara (159.5) and lhln(- place UC IUverslde (155). UC San Diegp coU~ted t42.5 points. • Sophomore Hrin Curtis was a triple winner for the Anteaters, topping the women's field in the I 00 meters ( 12.27), the 200 (24.86) and the pole vault (11-7). Sophomore Suzanne Purmort won the 400 (57.88) and the 400 hurdles (1:03.44). Her hurdles time-was the nlnth-rastest In UC! history. Senior Wendy Olan win the 800 (2: 15.28) and the 1.500 (4:41 .86), whlJe junior Anmarie Turpin was first ln the high jump (5·6) and the long jump (18-2'1.i). Junior Jenny Liou won the 3,000 steeplechase Cl 1:20.79) and UCI won the 1,600 relay 111 3:55.48: UCI men's winners we re: Darrel To7Jer in the 800 (1:53); free.hman Rlclcy Barnes in the 1,500 (3:56.38); sophomore Kenny Vinh in the 11 0 high hurdles (14.78}; sophomorf,' Scoll J~rvib in the 400 hur- dles (54.51); sophomore Patrick Grogan in the triple jump (45-6tn); and junior. Jon Stewart in the javelin (1 85·6). I I· -Pilot l.1111.... -....., ..... , ........ 4'SS7.U ....... &nrc..-r, I01Dl0 C8fOIS ••sau ICC Sec. '10Sl NOTicC fS-HEREBY CIVCN t11•t 1 lulll Sele la ebotlt to IMt mlCM Tti. n•me(•>t buslnesa Id· •eu<es1 ol ~ S.it .,(•) ere. Pyremld FetK• Coepeny, Inc .. 1 C'11fotnle eotpontton 17'1 W 16th St , Cost. ...... CA92626 Ooln1 buslnen es l"fttAMIO FENCf. COM ~.INC., ~II other bu11nu1 n e me(s ) e nd ~d •-.(11) UMd by the S.ff«(I) Wnt\11'1 the -PHI thrff YHf~. •s stated by the S.ller(s) ~/an: NOHE TM location in C.N· fornl• of the chief HKlllive office of the SeUer Is· SAME The n•me(s) and acldr"4 of the Buyer(s) 19/are: CAMAAOA llC. a C11iforn11 hm1ted habtlrty Comc>eny db• PYTamlCI Fence Compeny. 71!; 12th St • Huntlnrton 81Kh, CA 92648 The •u.ts belne sold •r• 1enar11ty described aa· f'iwn1tw1, f'lduru ,....,_ ~. etonc with Ille I C1111lpmnt, l redt Publl1h14I New,ort Identity of the ou;119&nt Nemes I Service Mens e..cti<Cosu Miu o.., r111t1na tM ~ are ., Goodwill, Inventory: Pilot Merci! 5, 2003 follows: l t111hold Rl1hta, I 507)59 W093 SPACE NO. OCCUPANT 0.orecleble AIMtl •nd ,.......,ll'TY OESCR"' .,. lou ted ti. 776 W IO'lllOf..UCWI TION".,.,... ,.. ~~t., Coste M.se, cA The mini stor111 A·032 Scott Kunin. l he Bu lk 5111 1, facility, eccordl111 to Ute b o • 11, furr1ltur 1. provlslona of Olvlslon I clothes, neon •!ail· Intended to be con· of tlle Bvslneu end A~059 Wo t Co.ast r.urnmatt4 •t u,. office Pro h n Ion 1 c 0d1 , Communlcetlona. fur nl of· The H«lt11• tlcrow Ch•ptl'f 10, Sectio n lllft, plctut• boxes, fll• eom.,.n,, 4010 Bwnnc:. 21707 (1), hif'My l lVH ulllrtel, l11nps, 1011 Perllwey, S11it1 120, NOTICE Of , PUBLIC chlb1 lnUM, CA 92604 tn4 the SAl.1. A 333 Julie Sh u di, 1ntlcip1t1d salt d1t1 Is EXTRA st:._f' STO'IACE bolts, dothn, futon, ...,ch 21, 2003 wlll conduct • pvbllc vecuum cltenar. l ht Bulll Sele 11 sale of the contentl of 8 205 Lorette fr•olls. s ubject lo Cellfornl• lhe alorea• •P•n(s) boau , furniture, ml Uniform Commerclef. n•mtd below. with the crowave, cloth11. CodeS.CUon6106 2. contents btln1 sold to C·024 Tim Schwer. The neme and eddrus lh• hl&Mst bldO.,, for furniture, bo11cu. relrl1 of lhe PlflOn with whom lawful JTiontJ of lh• eretor, DVD, m•ttress, cl•lms mey b• hied ls: United Stet11 of Amerlc• T.V. lht Herlt•a• Escrow (cu h). C·216 llobirt & Oorb Come>tny, 4010 8MT1111C1 The u lt Is beil\I held Ourlna, furniture, bOJt P•rkwe y, Suitt 120. to utlsfy 1 lanJllorcl's a , refrlaw •tor, lamps, Irvine, CA 92604, Attn.; lltn end will be held et· file c•blneL , Gloria Cltrrioll end lht 17692 Sampson h '"', E-008 P•trli;•• Q'Nell, nist date for lilina clllms Huntinaton Beach, CA bou• hie cab-t . by •ny creditor ~•II be 92647 on M•rch ti .. E 274 Dustin BHbe M.,ch 20. 2003, which 2003. •I 12 pm , Aue furn1twe. couch. boos 11 the business dt y tion-·s Name. Oeftnla E 294 JcKhu• E. k1n1. before the ult dale A v 1 n • e 0 n d 1 l•mp, boHs, picture specified above. 146637301335, Ph I newsp•Ptf 1tcll. O•ted 2/27/03 (626) 79Hi261 Pdbllshed Newport BUYER SIGNATURES The public 1s invited to Buch Costa MeH 0•1ly CAMAROA llC, I C.11· •ltend. Terms an cesh Pilot ftbru.,y 26, M•rch fornla llm1t1d l11blllty only. Owner reserves the 5, 2003 wo&3 Company, rleht to bid. I'/_••• <••el A aeneral description / / G 1111" t a· of the property bl1n1 Poli cy ... COUl'IOf ~ (OllfTT Of OUllfil S4tntan.w P.O. tol 14110, OWlf. CA. t241J.IS7l . 0.- PmTIOI Of: .... T."" fCJI CIWIG( Of Ull .a TO SllOW <.MISI Rll OWIGIOfMllWl ' 1111118: A2 I 7U7 TO All INTERESTED PCRSOftS 1 Ptt1tionet Brett T Porr hied 1 pellhOfl with thts court for a de"H ch•nelna ne mu •s follows B1elt T. Po1r lo Br•lt T Slclhtno 1 2 THE cou11r ORD£RS thel all per sons lnt1< Hl•d In th1' m•tter shall •weer btlore this coutt •I lht he..r1na 1nd1uted below lo show t•u•e 1f any, why the pthlton lor chance of n•me ·.ho11ld not bt 11 •nltd NOTICE Of HE.ARING 01tt 4 I 01 Time 2 00 pm Oept l 13 fhe 1ddreH ol the court os ••me a\ noted above 3 A copy "' this Order to Show r ause ,hill be published al lea,1 once ••~ •"'" IOI tout IUCCtMlwt wMlia fll'iof to tM 4'•tl Ml fot hAlat1'1c on tM pet1bo11 1n the follow"1C news paper of 1111«111 clfcu talion, prlnt.G In this courtty. D11ty Piiot • DATL RI tO IOH JUOGl llCHAH ·0 . IUZ~!.!.~_IUOOI Of TfftS~CCMNtT Publl1htd Newport Buch-Costa Mtse Delly Pilot f't llfu111 19, ~ Mwch 5. 12, 2003 WOii UlmCOUITOf TII snnOf W.UfGI Tll COllllT Of OUIGf .... ...,., .uuw u. Sll KAYDBI, o.c-4. C..M..62171'6 ll011CI TO CllllTOIS Notlet Is hereby 1iven to the credttou end contl(!eent crtd1lor s 'of the •bove·nemed dtu dent th•I ell peoons h.v1nc cl••m• •1••nst the decedent •t• re quited lo tole lhtm with the SuperlO< Cnurl, II 3-41 The City Ortve, Probate 01~1sioo, City of Ounee. Calolorn1a 92668 Jnd m11I • c.opy to Kif!\ Mcintosh, hq l•w Ofilce ol Ktrk Mcintosh, f!ttomty for JAM(S 0 Ilow to Place A • I Wednesday, Mardi 5, 2003 At -llpllalcll -Llpllallcll -LlplNolcll -CRITtS, Tr~ltt of tile JAMCS lfSl.IE HAYOCN OEClMA JION Of TRUST datAlcl ""'1t•INMf 4, 1917. wherelll tlle decedtlll ... • s.wor. et 621 w 19th St., Co1bo Miu, CA 92627, within the l•tw of lout monlhl aftw ( tlM date of Ille ftnt publiutlo11 of nolic:e to cttMblors) 0<, d noltce It mtiled or penon.ily det1vw .cf to you. lO d.tys •lter the data llll$ 11ollce 11 m elted or personally dellY«td lo you A cl•lm form mey be obtatned flom Iha court clerlo. for your protection. you are encouree•d lo hit )'Out cl•lm by cw11fted mall with retur n receipt requested. {,S/ k trtt MdatHlt, ...... LAW omcu Of .. k MdWTOSM, 6 21 W. 1 9~ St., Ce1t• Mese,CA92627 Publlshe d Newpor I Bu~h Cost• Miu Daily Pilot Merch 3 5. 7. 2003 ' M651 Tho follow1na person' 11 e do1n11 6us.iness as Globsoft Resowcu, 912 Azalee Or , Cosu Mesa Caltf0<nia 92626 Uma Knsbo1mur1by '12 Al.Ille• Or ,~ ~ ...... .... liltllA .CA92121 ·-1~ ... ~ Thi9 """-• '°" -duct•d b)' en lndlvldu.i The fellow1na ptraoit, • Hive 1o..i'Cllf'tH do1111 lft cloirtl l>uJineu ea b~1lne•• 1•l1 No A) A POftTIA CHIOU MO, Um1Ktllhn1111W1tt~ B) PAClflC COAST llllt 11.-t-t was Pt..ASTIC SURGERY, C) filed w1lh the Count1 Pl.ASTIC AHO RESON Cl.tk of 0.•nt• Coumy STllUCTIVC SURGUY, on 01/24/03 720 Na<th Tust.J" A•• !OOJ6ta 1 e20 nue, Sult• 202. Sent• D•ll1 f'llot Feb 19, 26, An•. C.1tforn1192705 Mer 5, 12. 2003 wan 4111••• Port•• Chio.i. duc.t-4 •,: en ~-­Hawe P4' .t.nM ...,,. .llMIWSS y.tf No YoonS.l'.1111 Thi& 'IJtlMN«lt •H !tied With the Count1 Clerk of Oran&• CWnly on 02/l4/03 IOOH 9H SOS Daily Piiot Feb lt, 26, Mw 5. 12. 2:003 W071 ~ ..... ... --.. 720 Nonh Tusttn Ave .......... ""'· •202. S11Yt1 A ... , TIM totlow1n1 fMWMfl\ ... b....1..-...... C•lrf0<n1e 92705 111 dotllC ~ " -Tht\ bu,,1nt\\ ts ~°" I.vine '•.n1Jn1 lo Coat The follow1n1 persons ducted by •n ~ividual '"I' 5405 Alton p.,11 are do•n1 buSH\KI .s ...... you \t.ttd do•nr ••Y •ll6. lrV1n• t ell Nater the Inflater 10163 busmen '(•t7 Yn. Oii lorn1• 92604 Ascol C.1rcle. Hunhncton Ol/2003 St••• MtehMI Fenton, Buch. t;A 92646 A.ncel• Porl•• ~u 24168 .-1ch11an l •li• Ha\h1n Ray C1ne11, MO F oret.t C1l1lorn1a 90648 10163 Ascot C1rde, . Th" ~••lemenl wa. This business ~ con Hu11ltnato11 Buch. Cll hied wrth the County ducted by an lndlvl®al 92646 Clerk ol Oran1e County ' Htv• you atarttd dotflC This business ts con on 01/29/03 buslnu" yell No ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual 200S6 9S 164 1 Slev~ Fenlon Heve -you. \tttted dotnt O••IY_ Ptlo. 1 t •b 26 .Mar •1 ""· sufement ., .. bu"ness yet' Yu 12 I 5. J2 l9 2003 W088 tiled w•th the County O? ---Lier~ JI Oun1e Counly N1lh1n Rey Ga11ell Rdlli.I..... on 07 14 Ol This sl•ltmt ot w•~ "-S...... 20036t3JS26 Med with th• C.uunly O••ly Polo! Feb 19 /6 Cieri. of Oun1t C1Junty Th~ fallow1n1 person~ MM !> 12 2003 W080 on 01 24/0J •rt dou11 bu•lneu h - 20016911049 Po•I 8<" Ne#P<J<I l857 ~ Oa1ly Pilot •tb 19 ?f> Bon.h St. Ntwport M•r S 12 200J WOl'J 18•nh C.A 9/l.60 ............. C.:.O.:.....,,_ -'l'oon Suo~ Kom 6 ~ . .,..., ... ,. I wrute• loud lr v111e CA 92614 ~bu~1ne~ ------Dradlines --- Rate~ and deadlines arc ~Ub.JCCt to ' c hange wrlhout notice. The pubh!Jler reserves lhe nght to cenc;or, reclassify, revise or re1ect any cl~1fied CLAS S I FIE AD -'v1on<l..i~ ................ .-=nda.> 5·00pm fue,<la~. ............. ~1onda) 5.00pm ' advertisement Pie~ report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no habihty for any error tn an Bv Fax (949.) 631 -6594 f Pk.&M' IJldU<j )OUI JIAlll<'. an.I phc""' nu~r and .. , ll <•II \OU halo. "'llh .t po<.< 4U•ll< I By Phone (949) 642-5678 I lours Bv '.\1a il/1 n P~r~on : :no We,1 Bay S1n:l·t C'o~ta Me'>J. CA Q26n .\1 Ne.,..port Bhd & Bay St WeJne,<lJ}. . ......... 1 u~.,<la} 5:00pm TilUr-.tlJ) ...... Wcdnc,day 5:00pm f·nda) ................... Thur,day 5:00pm Satur<lJ}. . ............. Fnda) 3:00pm · advertisement for which ii may be responsible except for the coM of lhc space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir..1 in.-.e ruon. Telephone !UOam 'i OOpm Monday-fndJ~ \l.Jl~·ln X 10a.m-'i ()()pm \1ondJ) l·nda) Sunda) ...................... 1-nda) 5·00pm \ ANNOUNCEM005 & MISC. GARAGE Slll BUSINESS & FINANCW 2305-2490 1505 ..... .... Colla Maa/ Htwpart -Ol'I 2l2S Lab Ml• redchh brown white chest llbbJ 9&631·7UIS FIWICWJ PRORSSIOtW. SERVm l ESTATI R SAU OFACE RJRNJTUREJ BUSINESS EQUIPMOO All ELECTRIC WHEEL CHAIRS New · Ho cost to you If ell&lble Medicare •cc epttd WhMlchat" end Pow erehaws (scooter style) -We tru t you rlCMI" Cell J010-S940 soos-saso 4740 ARIZONA BEST BARGAIN, 36 ecru $24,900 Bord••~ Stele Lend Bte ullful ranch 1n W1lll1ms/fl•1stalf •••a. Pf!ffect 6,1()()' climate. Spect•cul•r mountain 9lews Allordebl• fl· n1ncm1 AllR I "77 ·7.82 5263 (CAL"SCAN) 1310 ...... Lllnl - 7 Days (800)835·3IS5 20 ACRC RANCHCS (CAL "SCAN) $9.995 Neer boom1n1 El Clll 3610 Paso. Tun. $95 down/ • IGUla. OPPOllmrY All ,... htllt• •dY•. tldna In this ,......,..,., 1s .. uli1Kt to the r.-.1 F* Houllt11 Acl of 1961 •' emended which llllllH It 1111111 to ectwwlbt "ent prefer· 1..ct , llmltetlon or 4'ilabnlnetlon bued on rate, coklr, r tllslon. ••. 11.lnCl!up, lelftlllel $ .. lus lt.Mtlonal oriCln, Of en lmttltloft to meh eny 1udl prt t.tnu, limit.· ti. or dbolmlnetion.· Tltts MWSj)ep« 'Ifill 110t llnowlnety eccept HS IMIYwthemtnt f« r• ntat.t Wlllch is In vi.!1Uon of the ltw. Ow rndtn ere hertl>J lntorlMCI that ell dwt ll• lnts IHNer\IMd In this ,......,._llM' ere 1velleblt on •ft t1111•1 oPt>Oft.unlty tJa&la. Jo~" ot di•· crininaban, c.I HUD toll• =IOCM2A·&YO ·* • --.. 11. • ,1~w~n ll _ =-~~ .................... ............. me.~ .. CMllMID .. --·--.. 8UY...,ATD ................... SENIOR HOMEOWNERS! Supc>ltmenl Income wrtll R•Vtnt Mort&eps. Yov mell.t no P•r.m•nlll Government nsured s .. ttle Mort&•I' Com· peny C•DRCIOl151456 Ace 62+ C.fl for • frH broc hure 1 900·419· 099I (CAL •SCAN) --------$99 monthly (1°'/216 months) Roads sur veyed f'rM m•ps/ptc· lure s. No qu1hfy1n1 100°' money beck a ua r a nhe. Sunset ... •AY far mamr. '*I R•nchts l-800·343'9444 8111 11111W11 ..... ~ (CAL •SCAN) 9&s;n.()41 J I I Kittens Found tn Blllhn nMd bottltft"'9rs Help SI•• """·All upensea paid Anlmll Ntt-11 949-533-041 HOMES FURSAi.E lA COUNTY· 5200 LONGBfACHI vam ~~l.0"9 11llt:ll. Natl l.O'lQ a.:n. SqWHI , -~..!.\~~ ---------MA-....,C'""OMP~""UTE="=R,.......,.,WOR=~K bbM 111 bMdl. $725 .. HOME MOlllTCAOE SSOO·PT/125,000 f'l/ Mxr1S2...\17·1Ul0 LOANS. Lowat Int.rut month! f'rN l.nfo. ret... All credit types. J • I a a . g 3 5 l S O I No pre peyment panel· ,.~04/NrUwlt tin S..t MrVlce In Ute www.--.' (Oil-DH) stete. C11ifornl1 OftE. AYON. Enhtpreneur [l!IPYJN ll fllfl4flnc Ce• w.nt.4. Musi IHI w1111-now I00-7~ JlJOl. • .. (CAl.-scAN) to wor1ol wtieneww to" .... Pl J'O I ta 1 I Wl flt. be )'04'r O'lfft boss, e nd enJor 11nll111tted OCiAiiiiiOin' MTIQUES ur11ln(I. l et:S lelk. •IW ....... (lll)t42 · 4053 S61t ..... ......... .. (CAI. •SCAif) •• ,. H9-7214tn TANMNG BEDS Monteco .. ...._ ttM ~ & l•r Wolff en41 HIP C-... ...,.. ......... "1' Pwfof111S11C1 UWC for --<0---11-90-_.-.,..., - wkltll, O¥ell. .,... & com-clel/Ml'lle 11111. c , 1 •-IOOI .... lmlneeulRI UDOOt' StMtllfl •loll lnlOfflUI • ¢ -- .... ~ tlorl Mo •v•ll••le. I· 116&JIU._.. ....... Mii ....... 0-~R•t (. ........... .. ---J- to0·921·C020. £111111: '"'.-0 &., .. .... ~ ....... ._: .... , WVlllllllllOWTI 11.1....-&I,.. .... =~=~ cww-" ..... -. ..... 1 ....., .... ,,, MtoUITI ....... .,......,.._..... ..-HniMl lout.._ 4---~­f tn tU r uiilu u ICOlaM .. ....... frH1 11.200 P/f t• •. -.-.,ff, .. ,.. ........ , ... ~ ................. ,. "' 1·1M IOt 0 ' .. ....,., ....... c.... =-·-} $1 Ind rx llAl.ESTATI lllnAlS 7402·7466 91.oYMOO GffOllllllTIES toOo-9750 .......... ._ -1_,, I BUY WHOLCSALE OIR(Cl •J!lnl'.,_ 4& 4 58a 3 Wholesale broker' of lewts, l dild>.s W'ocewt. Quality Manfactu1td ctl'f end a.a. C.., V11WS. Homes Save up to HlaaN .t&S ..0 Hady $40.000 1ua11nt~ed a.tww •l<il llO<J76·ml Learn the secrtl' dul ~MAI.TY ers don't want you to ... u,.e.n 2& I '/bit witlin ..... cl5Ur1ce lo h ti.:h. loeatad on h Soullall al PCH $41!1.!ro Mchlel Bmlmen. Comtlr'9 RMlly 949-7'5&-0tn I J4 M-• Viet• lbr 2 Sba OIT ACHIO ''"' lem home H1 c11r~. crown moldonc. shutters Bo'f sound system al OUCID TO $49t, 999 Me1y fewtf Rt/MU 949 646 9670 ..nf LMMMA TroPcll belch "°'* 2br 1.5be. -II\ IO bttch from II* open home with Ill .... lllYch 'Ii· 900-«JS.1'531 Lldalltt ......... know I 800 242 0060 <CAL"SCAN) WAT9ROMT RICllC8d lo lla<XXl ~ horN. !Mt loc. IJWI second l'lotN. no rent n c:reese for Iha ,.xt Z3 ~ 8uu truSI -2br 2bt. ,, ..... c:nm~~ Owrv''et 9&673-5al> IOMITA CANYON onN SAT-SUN l·S 10 W~ 38R. 2.58A home Sep er ate ottic:e 11uest suite By Owner $1,175,000 949·644 82811 M~MQGHTS OUPUX cozy. Comr•ct. quiet resldent11 . ne1pbor· hood (1031 eachen11• OK) $599,950 By Owner 949 275 4073 OP9t SAT 1-4. 38 ~ w.t.r1font 8taay 3llr 2Be w/bveiy Bay ..... GPlll floorplln. tots d ~ mo.axv ~~!tl6 ACTFAS'Tt t .:; • .!12. $He.GOO c ....... ......._,saas,ooe "'4..~'T Under the: Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 OPUI SAT-SUN l·S JS.,W- 1 level home. 2br • den Gtt•d comm SIS 1,000 Atevdseflttofy41M- 2 Sba. Str •d• home S l ,729,000 lhhtn style Sbr Sba ap PIO• 18,000 lo 19.000,f $3,4tS,OOO NEWUSTING Stunnma •wllfd w1nnina BroOllfield home bu1ll 1n 2000 3br • off"" Ap pro• 3700sf $1,719,000 RESORT/ VAr.ATION PROPERTY R>RSAJ...E Mountain Property RESIDENTIAL. Rl'ITAlS I OCL\111 y II ORANGE 7400 = ":..:. ~ COUNTY n _, Wll'1 Only lid BalboaPenltm1I• I at~~ J2J ,.,_.")door\ trom Muth furn unturn 5965 I bay' lower unit le p.ebo, $9.95(),lollo 2br lb•. o11 \I 111iu. i ~zn1 llG llAlt Wooded ' I $Jti00,lm yr~ 949 !>CS 70 [queS119'1 lot:i. ~ @ ......... 'l'/61 ~ Costa Mesi '68.!ro Custom "°'""" I nu PMll 2< pr • '1 llkrc ~ @ $289,900 1111-d ,. Stwclle, very ~m•ll . Ba PU.d 714--03-7.JXl ;;:· ':ts. ~,.,~~ In n no par-t"I I Only SO Lob R:nwwJ S2450mo yn., ~73-4'.IJI bloc~ to beach acent ,__D __ AJ_(lll $550 mo 949 673 7800 """"',_., .. _ ' la.die lrom Balbo~ 1 I r's hom S875 mo Propll1y 5970 Pen1n Wtdlt bu cll' ,,, pr "' lowly pt:ad PU TIMUM N OP la nu Stef•noe Meurer I.Ml TAHOC 28r 38a lua 949 715·3156 condo \lttps _..,,, l 4 or 1n ....... $2915,<XX> I* Cherm1n1 21>< I I 4b• tomm near Tn ~·- 2 c I". sine ~tory s•nc ~· Indy ._...., l(laln t•moly home Pet upon ....., ](M.a;.t9 ..- ""9f Oval 'l'rly $2750 mo Mrct "'' .,...,., 96-nl lll99&a>~ U., llr. new C•pet lo M O 'l'lcwe ,..._, Ct-9 custom estate with an.,.,., lo ocun --. Offwed at $6.~oo.ooo c-••lf•• • .....,.949-7S~177 SEll your stuff through classified! 1/4 Cel ~3.Qlll MISCBJ.MEOUS RENTALS ,._de1.._. pe1nt cvrd carport 277 \IVllUI.. -16th Ptau •3 $l100 mo no pets 949 720 9422 21r P•llo, fp. I p • le sex:. SJ575mo 1•. 1-c spc Sll50rro l ~ ID Rlntal To Sharl 6030 Blil ea Bctt 9& ~~ a-... • )W'\l r•. p . •Id. st loe nr 17th St $l:Jbn. 361 ~ 966'2-'Sl~ ... u.-............ .. 38r. 28t. on aolt co .. w . coinm pooVsp•/t•nnts $1000/mo 949-632~318 SELL your stuff through classified! 1•.2 ................... 2 c 0.t.c:hecl • ., . bltl cony, new/cwpeVpe•llt/ eopls, $1S95/mo 30.23 L•"CSS.y71~ZZSZ • 2.Ae .... UfWt, corn.r loctl!O". 2 car u.,..,..~ ~- ect. S2200 ~7l·1t00 rttiqu~s Qlnl thl.es Tbe Newport Bacb/COICa MaaledM. Balboa Dally PUoc ptGIGlla ·you wtth a srea1 oppoc:tU1Cy ro promote dqaet A~ Perfect ror lhoJJ9, dcalen, allCdooa. booUdlen, decorar.ora; ~art pDenea,-ckv~ JOU! btMfnne wtda _, A Special Publication -Just for YOUI . PUblishes: Space &. Copy Deadline! Mudl 30. JOCll -&pa Release Deadline: Mardi 21, ~ ... Nooll • • Alt . Wtdnesdav. Mirth S, 2003 I CROssW8:~·~uzzu · I=~ ~-~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~:!J. Md TAHNNt HtRSCH ffw1tington Beach * YfAalY • UASIS BILL CRUNO'f REAL TORS 949-67 S-6161 10 17 13 llvfh twnhM, I~ 3bt lbr on ltv a1e1, new c;arpet new p11nt nr shop,, i.chools $l995 Agl 949 632 6439 TOO MUCH TALK V\ilocnble. Soudl ~ NORTH •pades t. u rctumCd to t.bC eu. 0cclater Nlf'ed a llJ(lde IQ band but. wbea d)e i1 railed '° btelk •~nly, the ~ South C(J(lkJ Jo WU rulf llDOdler cl~· oome to flllld with 1 •A14J2 "9'43 0 8753 • Yo6d WEST • K 106 "7' OOH • 1'119 5 SOt1TB •05 ~ J{Q 105 J 0 .K •AQ763 ruff llld ~ ICC of ~ lutJ. lllJd anocb- er -down~. The auc:tioft ia the odia room WU lilnoM ~ uoqit th& West coo.e to mlk.e • latCOUl dWble rl 000 bear\. With unly aloe poi.ots ill biih c.rds ·e. pol$lble bo1dlnJ In the ot' • aui1, dlls decisloo was aUIOl.ls. hpeclally dDCle. II this vulnerabiUty, Wtse WU uot llx*.inl(fOC' a ~ble saaifioe. Heit. (i)o, the ddendcn. Started The bidding: __ soum . WP.ST NOR11:I F.ASJ" with two roundf ot lnlmps. However, the~ double warned Soulh that sl*)es 'WU'C ~y .to break. IO d'eclarer' looked for an allemlllve l O ,_ •r;> ...._ ,_ .... line. A dub was rµffodin dwruny llld I low d1amond WI$ led. £aSI rising Some bndge players like the liOUnd of their own vOteeS. That can be an expensive habit. as this deal from • team match demons~. The IUCllOll ~ quick. Nonh had no idcl wtl3l the possibilitie~ of the hand Y>CR: after panncc's one bean opcninc wa.~ pa.~ bu1 a prcM!p-rive nuse to four hearts ciertainly seems nJlht at 11\Js vulnenibility. wilh the ace to drop the ldna. The diemond return was NfTed, another club was t.rumpcd on the table and a second cliamorid NIT removed Wes1 '$ la.,. cerd in lbal suiL West Wti now down to rlOlh~'n but black ~ Dectater 1impty ayed ICC of clubs llJd anothtt, Wcsl w~ foraxl to lical1 away from the king of species i!'-'l)l~arer·s.com­ binect ace.quceo imacc:. Declarer lw only one trick in tNmps, clubs a.QI! diamonds. West found the excdlent lead bf a trump. l.iast won with the ace aod returned a wmp, severely Umiliog dummy's ruffing power. Declarer woo in bADd, Nffed a club oo the t:lble and then led a low spade to the queen and ijna. The qucesi of dJa. moods Wll) o~n with che acc. felling the k.ing. Wld the jack of Suppose Eas1 ~ returned the jack of spades instcOd of a diamond, With best defense, oo eodplay Is po55ible. so declaru must 110 down one. Perhaps the double WI) llOC 80 blld after all.. siDcc ii ou~I have led fO East finding the winning defense! PltYltl Tutoring 7990 FlUU USSOHS Eap'd teacher hes new open· 1nas In Cot.ta Mesa studio LIS4 Slxk 1M9·57• 0517. ~-• dlli is /Ma.. otlaa ....... required. Well est. co., excellent conditions & opt for tHm player MS Office, Peachtree a plus! Costa Mes• Email resume le: __ @>...._.'-"<_ or fu: 714...aSO-lUI. IOO•UIPU " up'd for ~ NPB membership ore. Ora1nlzed, depend, detail oriented Quick books • must. wn1 tr1in for custom softw1re. Beneftts C1ll M F 9am· Spm ~" 949 122·2300 CPA nn.. has ~nine for Dete l•try and lece,t'-ht. Ideal for wortlq "'°'*' "'°"°nu. 91fn. lpm. SI 5,llw Contact SAUS Sa ... M--..n -On• of the hlchest paid jobs In Amer~•. H11hly s ucceuful n•tlonal company Will train. We provide 1ppolntments Call Don 1·800-322·4103 llJlll!Ca@'<llllCIOiifi-p.com (Clil~) Vim/ml PAllll& FT & PT pos avatl fn resume 949 223·8716 94f..22U710 llSU!il 2br I 112N poom 4 pie•. ptl!d. yd pilbo, laudy, pr .._ MY'; ttq. 0wner ~ zm Newport Beach * YlAJllY * ll.ASIS VIiia Point Con4e I br Iba Ip, wd. paho. aar, 1..,<h tr-• nur Balboa assoc pool om. aated Pier. 2br. 2t>•, w/palto, Sl5751mo 949 675 2514 $2100/mo yearly lea~. 949-786..0t7S Carol 949 650·9580. CLASS A COl 10 1ust 2 1/2 weeks Tu1hon paid. Hirine e •perienced drive" No credit checks no felons lmmed18le medical ben· eftls 1 800 781·2778. wcreen@cr st com (CAL•SCAR) BILL CRUNO'f REALTORS IAY1UDGI e;aled comm 949-6 7S-616 I 2br lb;a le MU.. w/d. St!// your Car in Cla.sll(/1t!d ! refr11 mdd no smile/pets, $1850.'mo 9t9 ?91 YJn BAYFRONT Community layvlew Terrace Cited det;ached house 2bf 2t>a, 2 c au ca• A.IC. no pets $2400/mo 949 760 1219 .......... .....,, ~ :b 2.5bl wfra-..i n IJllBd conwn, w.llJoo', ~ ~ -JOBS QCE:Enltn yar-d SDXl/mo Ill Paildl 1 rruu::u Tenore. 98856-911!;. • •Domedc-------• U" lte 11 eva It I e 14 5ft EmplcJylned 8400 bayfronl view, 4br 3ba, 2 c pile. dock •va•I $4900 ..... ,, ... ,.so 2lr De TllJCMY styte condo, fp, 2c pr, lrrmed ~.$265()no.96- 640-8841. 949 ~2526 I St!ll y°our Car in Clastiflt!f I ~ Office 30-.tO hours/week Reception. ordef ptoctSS«ll. 111.e acct&. Must know Quidlbooll, \W8> & ucell tnqise 111 l8ur• Ill 9&416.fi878 or abnt ,...,,. & sallry r equlrments to d!!@! ......... l.Clllll UMM TO UM SS,000 Wll.ll y FIOM HOM1. HOT MUl. %4 .. UC. &66-SIS-2102 Offfce/llMli..,.... for Newport Business Oqutekbooks & up raq ChrtS @ 949 566·9463 HoME, HEALTH /NJ ~ ...... SeMce Olrldory "NOTICE TO RS Caftfornla law re quw-n that contr.c:· tors blunt jObs that total S500 or more (labor or matwl1ts) ti. hcensed by the Conlr•cton State LIUllH 8o11 d St•I• law lllso requwH that cont11cton Include their llc~t.e numo. onal~aYoa cen ch«tt the st.tut of your llunsed contr1ctor 1t www.cslb c1 1011 or 800·321 CSLB Unll censtd contrectors takln1 tobs th•I tot1I ltts than SSOO must st1t• in their 1dnrt1Mmenb th•t they ire not licensed by the Con tr •ctora Sbte LK•OM 8o•d. ----· Alrlaflilg A TO I MAllOYMM 1Mte•. reta.:e obint11 -·~~ ...... lbs 7104&"-19 ....., .... • w.aUtMn • C~tom Built ins, Crowh Mold1np, Base 8oafCls L'5n982 !N9 709 5642 Clr,.a Replr1'11a • (......,.« •..-fn • Soflwere UP1r1des, T11torin1. Tral11ln1 eonyuts ~ 949-929-3111J3 SAVE 35%01 Carpet•,...... ... o. .... ............. flfflmMAJI UYIAISW. IHWTHl f.'\ (AiH'fl '.fkV1(f H 0 0 ) '1 q 7 1 8 1 Concnte' Maonry l#kll lledi St-Tile eona• l".UO. Dl--y fnplc, B8Q Refit 2S'frs Exp Twry 114·557 7594 "9c-••-Cementwor11. 8riek. Tiie & Mort. Relttble No loll too sm11t 949--541 6746 YCMMHOMI IMPIOVfMINl PlOllCn Call • plumber, paint.,., hancfyrnan, or 1ny of the areat -vkes hsttd hete ill OUf S«YIU diuclOfyl THESE LOCAL SVC f'£0f'l[ CNC HELP YOU TOOAYI 11d1'• o~ ....... . ~ aid f,.,.. ' .. ~ca..n~ Ll!71102149 !SIO 652' Drywl .... Bldl1cal Servlca MM!IJ.a.1..--.1 Duncan [IKtril: zov,, Exp LocaVQuldl A..-. Ser~ Lt275870 ~70C2 UClNSID CCNfTUCTO« No ,. IOo ltn. ,, .w:mt Repa11, 1emodel, fans, ,,., MW IYt 9&645-3666 floort"IVTlle QJSTO. CMATM TU ~.a--. ""'*· atone ..... 1975 Ull6l2DM ""' 71"1281 LIMY ...... ~ R-.oubn & IMtatlaUon nu OE.AH 949 673-8065 '604325 71..._alJl =.~.~e*i:1 All Floor Typo We'll Also Reirout & Sul Your Kitchen Counters, Showers & floor• Melle It looll hken1w111111. ........a....s.w. 1..e11-22s-IHI Aocltnt'flle MIUU'l HAJIDWOOOS ~ 25 Yrs. Lifttlme warr•nty lf76314' 714-501 4933 ~~ zo v ... bper ienc.• rm Y01WHlllt41m1111 Merl M961»te2S ltM•t Cwt • ..,.H ttals 4. has enr rthln& incl A./C Creal for 81lboa Ptnn/lsfand Bouafll new 2 yrs 1110 for $14,000, will sac:nftCll lo bat off• over $5000 Mt~1s..JSM . . '' . . ' . . -.... --,.. , ........ .,, ... • r1 '"' O@yrtpt -Amt.... iii •MW't&f ... .._./ l"'t lthr. lmm•c..t U!S,996 vc6019• ~---1Cl2 ... 'i7 IHI C-. sllwer/11•Y llllr, 1a., 1m111ac, llt.995 ..,._72 ---C11111~1Cl2 ......... <-. wM1/lth lthr. ln\mtc, Sspd, '1"995 v216'87 wcw.uto CIDl'll ~71122 ... c.,. W!lfte/TM, lute, 8J1i ml, ll!S,000 ~no 37H5n ••w "' 740! •91l ... ]lrr walr IYlll, sllvet I cr•Y 11111" co. Ilk• new cond, ~7tZ41 123,995 firm ltn\ fin eYlll, ..- t4t-5 .. -1 &H www.•cp•l.c•• , IMW '9t Ml <-biu./ply. ~d. apot· last, 126.995 ve432n wcwaito'eom 9e'646-7822 Ce4lllec 't6 Onllle Enwald ~ ........ clNn, S6895. vl05523 wcwatlo aJll1 9".Mi46-78Z2 c;;olLIC Se4-O.Vllte '&I 5511 ml. &ood con· di lion In & out S3, 750. 949 646·7624. S..2-9750 Ce41111c '11 Sevlll• blue, eulo. U411 mi, ntet $895 v699270 wewauto.com ~7822 CMIVY I /2 TOft '9', 1500 short bed, all powlf. custom wheels, bad lop, •m·fm CHS, $7000 760·28S·5812 • Ownlw iiMtrtl' GEM 2001 r•re f1ctory doors, low ml, Nt'IWporl C.r. $3100 949-1187-3266 'QiryoMr ... ~ uu ton.. Y6. 5411 ml. 3 yr wwr nu. ~llelina blll/lll lthr. a>. supetb lllle new c8ltd vmn1 $6995 1111 •vatl Bkr !M9- 5 8 6 • I 8 8 8 _,..,...._. De4t• 't7 lntr•''' Sporl 3 5 V6, 47k ml, wh1te/crey ml, e•r•ced, n/s, hke new i699S hnanc1ne & wan ;av1tl Silt 949 586· 1888 -.eqoea.t.<- Fw4 '00 lacwnl-JUT VIO, 29k m1, s1lver/1re1 llhr, CO, runnln& boards. fully lo•ded. hke new. v872581 123,495 f1 n1ncin& n1ll1ble Bkr t4t-SH-1HI -~.c-FOllO non lS 'to Runs dot. 6 cyl, •uto ac, ens, stinroof, pw, ps. ltll wheels. new ltres & c91>s. Blue book S3225 sell $260CPl'11,,ate party. 714-534-760.I FwCf 'ti W"""t• Gl 7 pasMtn11er, 69k m1. clean, $6,995 vd80981 ~~78Z2 HbMDA ACCOllD U '" Ch111191ene. Doty 20tl "''· clean. perfect !Jlape I owner M11st See $13,500949 515 9031 "-49 CltV •oo auto Iran~. ac. tull power. cc. low mile~ 115.900 Pp 949.574 4244 .._., 't4 ,,....,._ lS.. 4x4 ....,.IY .. aAlo ...... dmn. llHll> &HM M.Wallo.-n ~7822 J..,_ '"Xia V&nden PIH 3411 mt. 198rklm1 blll/tan llhr CD, chrm whla, full lact w•ri. hh new $28.49!> firm 11842614 financ1na •••II Bkr ~586·l888 -.ecpe1o1.~- Jeper 'ff XU C.... ~ml. lull fKlory wan, sparkltn1 blacll/oatmul II.hf. CO, chfome whts, like new v677295 $34,995 fin1nc1111 .val! Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ecpe1o1.c- CR~YIER -. . NEW2003 MINI COOPER' LEATHER, AIR CONO, CO, & POWER GROUP! iis,22~ · htthisprD. (Tc.40494) , ··~······•-··~ .... Othenat Shnllar Savlf19Sl ................. lmlOTOlt IT'SM ••••••••••••• 55FmWAY@ BmR SAHlUNA AUTO Ml (8U) 123-9808 .... '9S c;;..,. Qlll'lii;9 a..tdD 4a4. 6 cyl, white, $5775 v5 4 7571 WCWltlto.oom ~7822 .......... ,~ St:7 ID OW. did ~ ltlw, clal min, ,.. jlll!'4) -a ,. .... co. 1141111> OfC cond ~ Sl.2.995 ~&~IMll.• ... ~ .... WWW If,,_ ........... ....._., LE 56k ml, whlle/'bn lttw, du•I ml'Wfs. CO, bfu~ a•wd, WI• new, 11726641 $14,'995 ft· nanc:me & w•n ava~ Bkr t4t-SM-I ... -.ecrM-<-Le .... '00 UJOO ...... I cr•Y lthr, nav syslem, 1mm11c, S22,996 v0049S9 wcwaitoc:om ~7822 Ull<;ll; '02 Hovi ...... 30ll ml, lull l•cl warr, silver und/tan lthr, CO st•cker. chrome whts. ulu sut, v672518 $29,995 hn & w.,r •v•ll Bk1 949 586 1888 -. ..,.w.c- ..... ._ ... a.JO Emerald crn/tan lthr, car..-. Sl2,8915 "617317 wcwautooom ~7822 .... ... •210 ~ Creman tank, blue, auto Sl995 v019953 wcw..uto oom ~7822 ....... 280Sl ....,..,, -· '°""'"1 .. "qlS dlmrl. $10.B 4lillJ wcwalllo awn 949-64&7822 Merce~•• I ••• '19 560SL Orey. bot() tops, 149,800 ml. mint sell tea••h& country, $9,995 P..,, Party 714'!;41·4941 Mwc94" 9-a '12 300 TO w~. ~. Vl'f. runs p>Od, $2996 v0071'D --*>.com ~7822 Mercedes 9Hl 380SL '82 Good con4. hd top/sott top, Taupe w/blll 1nler, $!>300/obo 949 854 8208 Mene4H 'ft-UZD 3lk mt. whlt•/11ey lt6', mnt f, chrome whl~. l>e1ul hke 11tw cond, "572241 1>7.995 '"' _. 8llr 9&511S-Ul!IS WWW If'- MerceJH 'tt SJ~D LWB 5211 ml 3 yr w.,r nlll \llVtl /blk lthr, beaut 111 cond, 111175241 $27 ,995 ftnanc1ni n•il Bkr 949 S86 1888 -. ..,......- ~ ... ,.. .... Newport """' ....... •1>1• for cook1n1, ~ ....... "°'*"' ..... ., ..... att .... OrHI lout ~-1'3Mlll& AC-MS)f Tw .. ·oo Ss-d Yellow ·l21( inUMfliwr~I <•111005) $S9,980 Ml•-JSDZ T'9di C..,..'OS Chrome S1lvlf·Nav· 311 mites OMV_ paid. <•J.9213C) $38,980. A&w1MIX C....'t4 BIKll on l!IKll lealh er, 5 5')ffd, tt•ct.·111 (1191 Ul) $34,980. IMWUOO c_,..•97 Shin.yBl•ck w/lmmae Grey f/lthr erHl records ('19180C) $34,980. IMW J211 s.4-'00 wh1t1 w/crtme lthr at I/main & bumper to bumper w.,' ty (•19193) $28,980. IMWSSOO c...,.·01 Steel 1uy tthr·Spt !'ti& 3111 mites! fun BMWWamyl (119214C) $30,980 a...yc.n .... c '00 Sh1neyeck on pef Blacll lthf, J5k mtlul CO playlr·Pf•m whls (t119181C) $30,980. OMCD.....ils,_. Utfl'tt Black 'IW/tan llhr, ·c1tr~C whls' 'one ownerotr•de in (1190S3) $23.980 Mil SLSOO '99 Bl.ck w/Tan lthr s1Jt1m11k ••irnty low m1 Prem whfs (•18977) $42,980 MIZSSOO S.4-'9' 37~ m1 One owner lmmac white Sediln w/chromed whf'tis <•19102) $28,99) Mil SOOSl '90 3!111 mt, Both tops Ptem wheels black on blatk le1the1 <•18923) $77 980 t•t -57•-7777 PHWWSAUTO plollip..,.•.c- M"•-'•• 'II S40 Sl wh1tertan 1mmac flkaA. IU1lo .,. ,_ !di q,, ctrmw.. S14.!D> m 751 21164 Mltr' I II o..-111 lS '00 IUflroof lu4tw .. eatrn ,.., rww. oric -nanlvr*1 $14.!l!l> ......:n. pp 714-97'.Mi.D5 ,.,.,... '97 ..... , sliver /blll lt/v. 5 sp. a>. Gar1MJIAl $21.!lXl v61.2'.2M ~~-7112% 'end!• '" c.rrer• mint cond, blaclr./bliKk coupe. br1nd new whh. ti.t 1ooM1e Pondle 111 ... $41,800 949-723-'()!17 vw ''' , ..... as -. bbl as a "" ca.. am. ..-. Q), $12!Hi .sa:aM ~.ccm~1822 AUTOMOU.ES, MISCEl.lNIEOUS Wntd IMS ~'1=-=~ • W1Y fiW pnce for yeta cs VIII or Well IJllll b or nol t..e po Rey @ T °"'*> Alllo S-.. 7A- 4.1M93l or 714-321U?28 <ASH H>I <AAS w ... ...,,_,_ • Pa14 '" .. Net. PhlKi,. Aute A . .i1twMekM 949-574-7117 AUTOMQUVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES Accmot1a 9200 SlllGTOP TIOOlllACM, TOYOTA TIUCl,PAISIOO SB.l sso 714-314-1791 MOTORCYCLES ~la 9400 Clwy.ler 't7 Se~l"9 Conv l XJb 411. mr drk rnd1lht lllue C'"Y flhr t>uul I.ti• M w cund v797571 SM'J'J finantinll & w•u anly 0 <111 B~r 949-S .. l&U ___ ......,.., .. _ SELL your stuff through classified! Everyday ~ a ~t day in Cl~ified! Be a pan of it, place your ad toda~ (94i)) ~2-5678 ...Cl .....