HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-06 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot- .. t • • a1 1· 0 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 T.HURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2003 _Wheels stiJl ·Spinning On Club· Vegas City staff is taking too long to approve specific plans. for nightcl ub a t 1901 Newport, planning commissioner argues. Lolita Harpe r · Oaily Pilot COSTA MESA -The nightclub named after sin city is finding that the devil is in the details. Oub Vegas. the upscale dance club that was expected by most to be shot down at the gates, but won a surprising approval from the Planning C.Om.mis- sion in November, ls having trouble get- ting specific building plans approved by city staffers, who have historically been against the project. Recent meetings between nightclub owner James Raven and C.Osta Mesa Fire Marshal Tom MacDuff have hit a stalemate, Planning C.Ommissioner Bill Perkins said. The two men disagree on proposed plans. and it is MacDuff who must sign off on the project before it can begin. Oub Vegas, owned by nightlife guru Raven, was scheduled to begin con- struction last month in the basement level of 1901 Newport fonnerly QUESTION Is the Vegu nightclub the right flt for 1901 Nwtport? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642~ or send e-mail to ·1 • dailypilot@lstimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification porposes only. known as Pacific Savings Plaza. The up- scale club, which would be about 11.000 square feet, is designed to entertam about 800 persons from 5 p.m. to l a.m. Monday through Friday and from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Jt will cater to an older crowd, between 25 and 40, and will not play hip hop music. Raven Wa.!. not ava1Jahll' For c:om- ment Wednesday. MacDuff said the b1ggc<.1 problem ts that the basemen• level Wil!> built to house offices and c;1orage. not a manuu bar, wine bar. dame floor .and lounges. Because of the vas1 difTerenc.e in pro posed use. then.· t'> an inadequate num· ber of exits for a mgt11club, he said. Oub Vegas i.s de!>1gnt'd to hold m ex- cess of 600 people. MacDuff said. and any use with a capacity of more than 500 requires three exll\; more 1han 1.000 requires four. POOTOS BY DON liACH I OM.Y Plt..O T DanieUa Marquez receives ash from the hand of the Rev. Joseph Robillard while herJOOther, Jisela, looks on dunng special Lent mass at St Joachim Church. Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. is a time for some Christians to reflect on their lives. Cause for reflection Ash Wednesday kicks off Le nt, which takes on greater significance with the nation nearing war, Newport-Me~a Catholic lead ers say. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot The ashes lo Ash Wednesday this year took on deeper slgnifi- cance with a potential war In lraq looming, Newpon·Mesa Catholic leaders said Wedne.day. On the day Olrlstians searched their souls and repented for t}leir Marion Harn attends l ent services at St. Joachim Church. She srts s.. REFlf C110ft, he• M alone with her prayers before mass. THE BELL CURVE Fear is still the thing to fear JOSEPH N. BE~ \.\1th 1ht n•t:enl 111gh1 duh -.1ampedt!'> 111 Clucago and Hhodt lc;land. m whit h 21 dlld Y7 peorle wert' lcilled, rt''>Jlt.'l tively, Mal I >uO ,., not raklng the t-v.u u auon l'>MJt• hghtly "Wt! are wry careful with thal typt· 11f U'>l.' wht·n tlwn· .m· 1hat many pt•oplt· ' MacDuff -..ml l'erlcm... argut>' ·th!! c onflil 1 " It·" abou1 ....Ut IV 1han a negauw a1111uclt· IO\.'.odfd night c tub'> 111 genc:ral < luh Vega'> hd' hl.'l'll apJlro't'<l m tht· .tJlpro pna1e go\t•rnmg hod}. and Perk.in., '><ml he I\ fni'>tr,1tl'd lh,11 Ut\ \taffrr'> <Ht' throwing up '>ll< h rodd bl<)ck.c, See VEGAS. Pa&e A4 ENVIRONMENT Council to hear river park plug Plan for wetland a-n d trails along the Santa Ana River could get boost from Assembly bill. June Casaerande Daily Pilot '1F\\1>()HI Iii • .\( II If \OU can ,,..,11 alv..e a I ,OCX> arre pMl .. hapt'd hkt· lht Joli} (,rt•t-n (11anl, Wllh ( O'>lJ \il-'it' Fairvtev. P.ark d'> lh head, -.ou ma\ ht• dreaming. but VNJ n• not tTa7\ n1e '>Upt'f amblllOU!> plan lor olfl Orange C oa.o,t lllwr Part... ha' lx•u1mt• even more n-aJ1<,lJ( a., promott!r.., roll out their vi.,1011 10 l<xal government .... md ,,., an A.\\c•mbly bill ollt•r., hope• for .,nmt· fundc, Repre<.t•n1a1Jvt.'' of .. everal t•m iron menial grour., plan 10 giw a rn·.,c·111.1 tjon to the "'t'"~port Beach Lii) < ourn ti on Tut"><.lay .iboul tht' parl the'\ hopt• will !>Orne da} '>pr.iwl ac.mc,.., 1hrec• Ulll..., with p~rvetl welland'>. pondc; tu natu rally treat urban runoff before tt got·.., into the ot.ean and an elaborate '>Y'>lt•m of tra.ils and rf.'"\tured hablla~ Rough eo, timates of tht' JlroJft't\ C:O\I '>tan at an opnrni\ti<. SI 0 mtlhon and could exceed $20 million, depmding on how much of the land for 1he rark mw.r h<' pur chased "We're not '>ll~e-.tmg tha1 owne,.... give us tht' land or that nut"> tax them selves lO pa) for lhe JlllrChru.t> • 'Ml.Id Newpon rt>'>ldent "'anC) <;ardner ont> of a coa11uon of toe al enVJronmentaJ1~1., promotmg the park concept 10 local agenof'\. "We're look.mg for fundin~ through a numher of source~ mdud111K grant....:'. . . The Ofange Coa'>t River Part was con ce1ved in 1he late 1990s by the county wide 1-riends of the Harbors. Bt>ac~ and Parks.. The group has completed it concept plan for the park. The plans were developed in part by funding from locaJ governments, rn· dud.mg SS.000 each from the cities of Newpon Beach. Costa Mesa and Hun- tington Beach. $10,000 from Orange C.Ounty and S 15.000 from the California SM PARK. Pace A.7 Daily Pilot AT A-GLANCE ONllEWEB: www.dllMJlotcan WEATHER . fvnd.ftller Nlpl ..... ~ ....,, High ..... . ... ,.Al IPOltTS Cofone ..... ....,. ..... ...................... ... ,... .. ... I I t I I. I l kl. ltu'sdly, Mitch 6, 2003 POLITICS •• -~ • , THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE .._ Not quite. political talk . .. Paul Cllnton and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Orange County Supervisor Tom Wt.Ison wilf wrap his tongue around DA Seuss' rhymes this morning as he-reads to a second-grade class at Newport Coast Elementary School. Wllson will read one oflbeodor "Seuss" Geisel's ch.a.ldren's books as part of the Read Across America program. He read at another school in his district, in San Juan Capistrano, on Wednesday. He said he enjoys the experience as a respite from the day· to-day grind of politics. "It:> a wonderful break from the political scene," Wilson said "The kids are alwuys so delightful." Wtlson is scheduled to read the book·· to Colleen Kelly's second-grade class at the school, which ,is at 6655 Ridge Park Road. Wilson 'will read from 8:30 to 9 a.m. Aft~r the story. Wilson said he will inscribe the book and give it to the class to place in their classroom library. Wt.Ison said the program is a great way to highlight the importance of reading for children. ln his own reading life, Wilson -said he has just finished. David McCullough's "John Ada.ms." Even after redistricting in 2001", Wilson retained Newport Coast _in his district. The supervisor held the so-called "Fabulous Fifth· district, which at one time included Co~ta Mesa and Newport Beach. Supervisor Jim Silva now representS'those cities. Keeping taxes off the Internet Assemblyman John Campbell's Internet Tax Freedom bill took an important step toward law Monday when it passed the Assembly's revenue and tax subcommittee on a 6·0 vote. Campbell's proposed law, Assembly Bill 128, would extend a moratorium on taxes on Internet access until Dec. 31, 2007. Right now, the state Legislature could have begun ta.x:ing lntemet service providers and others who provide a llnkage to the Web on Jan. l. Campbell, who represents Newport Beach, said the state's budget-crisis environment has made the extension a tougher-HU with Democrats, including the subcommittee's chairman, Ed Oiavez CD·La Puente). "For California to tax the lntemet would be like Kansas taxing wheat," Garnpbell said. "This is our industry.· Playing in the mayor league With spring training underway in the major league~. Costa Mesa Councilman Duis Steel took the opportunjty to throw out the first pitch at the city's Little League opener on Saturday. A grinning Steel, wearing a red league cap. tossed a pitch to Mayor IC.a.ren Robinson. Marie Harris, a member of Lhe city's parks and recreation commission, was the catcher. Steel's pitch sailed pa5t Robinson , who swung and missed at the ball. "I wanted to keep lobbing them up there until she hit the thing. but they only limited me to once pitch,· Steel said. "That was a lot of fun." Steel said he al~ showed up to throw out the first pitch at the city's American Little League opener, at the fields near Costa Mesa High School, but the game was rained out. , .. The opener includ~d the Majors division. with 11 ·and 12-year-old children, and the Farm division, with 5· and 6-year-old chUdnm. The opening ceremony was held at TeWlllkle Middle School. SEAN HILLER I DAll.Y PILOT Chris Steel, Costa Mesa City Councilman gets ready to throw the first pitch at opening day for Costa Mesa 'National Little League at TeWinkle School. Giving children 1,000 reasons at 245 Fischer Ave. in Costa Mesa. to hope The more papers the better? The 1,000 Points of Light committee lf you can't get enough news about of the Republican Party of Orange Costa Mesa, your ea.rs mu.st have County is holding Its annual Easter Toy pricked up during Monday night's Drive for the Oilldre~ Hospital of Costa Mesa City Council meeting. Orange County. It was then that resident John Feeney, The comnt.itt~ is seeking unwrapped disappointed with some of the Daily eledronlc pl!les. crayons, coloring Pilot's editorials, suggested to the books, stickers and other toys. The council during the public comment items will be distributed to toddlers session that it -the council -bring ages 9 to 14. another dally newspaper to town. The The donations should be dropped off ne~peaker, Robert Graham, chuckled by April 11 to the party's headquarters, in dlSbeUef at Feeney's comments. Daily A Pilot • Corel Wlleon New. 1uistant, (949) 674-4298 cor.l.wf'->ntllatlmn.com PHOTOGRAPttEAS Sun Hiiier; Don L.eed\, ~Tteptow Box 1560, Coate M ... , CA 92tl28. Copyright No newt etories, Illustrations, ecfltor1al matter or advertiMmenta herein can be reptOduced Without wriu.n perm.itsfon of CC>f;IVright owner. VOL t7, NO. 65 ..... Edfeon Gina Mexandef, Lori Andlnon. Paul Saitowitr. Oanief Stewns NEWSSTAff o.....-..... Crime and oouna report.er, (949157~ dMJ».bliMsthelatlmaoom JuMC111 ... Mle' N9wport Beed\ 1'11P0119t, (949) 57-M232 Ju~•llltim#.com ..... ClneDI\ READERS HOruNE (Ml) 842-«>86 Record your comments about the . 0.itv Pilot or news tli- AddNee . Our edd,_.11 330 W Bay St, eo .. ~. CA 92tl27. Offt0e houre ere Mond8y • ~. 8 JO a.m. • 5 p.m ConecticNtl It le tN Piton policv to promptly ooc:rect all erron of eub9tanc.. ,,..... C»ll (949) 7&M32-. . m HOW TO REAat US ~ The Tl!MI 0111nge County (800) 252--91•'1 Adverdell19 Cl• ...... (949) 842-M78 Dilpley(9'9)642~1 > Edttoflel ..... (!MS) 842·!5el0 lpcwU (tQ)S7'"422l ,....,..,,..,..,..,70 ~Fu (Nil 81CH)170 E-fhll: dllll'fpilof·~ com MeMOtllee ,...._ Ollae CMI 842-4321 POLITICS ASIDE Take the money {l _nt;l run.· . . . .. L ate last )UT. this column pointed out that no n~rboodsin ~rt Beach were among the most giving, politically and monetarlly speaking. Washington, D.C and partS of New blk and Los Angeles are where the big political donors are. You can't accuse S.J. CAHN Irvine Co. chairman Don Brm of not doing his best to change that. Anal nwnbers for the 2002 cycle. according to the Center for Responsive Politics, show that Bren gave $167,450, including $125,000-In two separate donations -to the Republican National Committee. He aa:ounted for 17 of the 85 donations gj\'en from the 92658 ZIP Code (he bad one donation listed In the 92660'11P Code}, whk:h also included the Q>eaill, who ga~ $7.CXX>; Rep. Olrll Cm. who personally plopped down S3,000 In donadom; Mr. and Mrs. Dem Koontr. who gave St,000 collecdvdy to the Republican ~ Committ~ tbe l.fOOI ol William 4'oos Homes, who gave $4.3.000 (second to Bren in th.is neighborhood); ~Ocha of the Fieldstone Co.., who ga~ $20,000 to the RepGblican Nadonal Senatorial Committee; and J. 1bomM 'Dllbot of the Tulbot Co.., who gave $15,000 to the Republican National Committee. Second to Bren in NeWport Beach was Robert F..k:henberg. of Ellison F.dUC'ation Equipment, who gave $134-.000 (from the 92662 ZIP Coode. by far the largl!St from that neighborhood). The 92660 ZIP Code bad the most donations, about l,200, with few to the Individual levels of their neighbors above. • Thoee that rise faidy high included Donald lral of the KDll Co., at $71,000; Dmoe and Jr.dly .... bf P.ntrepreneurla Corp. Group, with $65,250; David a.ma of Hanna c:apital Management. $47,000; and sports agent Uf8b Sb!nbag $22,CXX>. Comelllllc Vaid&-. in ZIP Code 92663, pve-$20,000. Other ZIP Codes did not haw a signlficant donor of th1s level. In Gosta Mesa. the one serious pJa~r Is Spanish Ambassador Georgie Argyros. whose donations have been well report~ In the 2002 cycle. he gave $260,000, including two separate $125,CXX> donations to the Republlcan National Committee. That Bren and Argyros give so much is not particularly surprising. What is more eye-opening Is where what little money Henry StpsibWD donated ended up. In the last election cycle. he gave just $3,000 -$2.000 of it 10 Democratic.~ Loretta Sanchez. NG ANOTHER THftG lWo last Items of note. Among the members of the Homeland Security Commlttee appointed by tu chairman, Rep. Outs Cm. is another California Republican, David Drier. Drier ts one of the other handful of names mentioned as a poalble Senate candidate next year. Ooser to home. Orange Coupty's sole Democrat. Loret1a ~ Is also on the committee. And Rep. Oma RohNbacber'I Web site is being updated and · changed See it at wwwhou..govlrohrr:lbadier. • s.J. CAHN is the managing editor. He can be reached at (949) 57~233 or bv e-mail at ... : s.j.cahn 81admes.com POLITICAL CALENDAR MARCH 13; Format installation ceremony of Newport 8each'I Glenda s.nc:ters as a judge of the Orange County Superior Court at 4 p.m. in Department C1 of the Central Justice Center In Santa Ana. 13: The Hollywood Congress of Republicans will preeent 61\ inside look 8t Hollywood's anti-war mo\l8ment at the Orange County Young Republicans' monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the Westin South Coest Plaza Hotel. 686 Anton Blvd., Co.ta Mesa. lnfonn8tion: (949) 476-6669 <K www.ocyr.atp. 17-. The Republican PIN1Y of Orange County Central Committee wiR )lOkf. general meeting .. 7 p.m. at the South C08lt Aeza Westin Hotel at 886 Anton Blvd.. Co.ta Mesa. Admiaiol 1 • tr.. and .. Repub6cens.,. welcome. (714) 66&8666. 21: Rep. o.n. Rohnbectw win hold. St.~ Dey funckeieer. feeturing the fenlans Irish Band and Irish o.ncer.. from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn In Costa Mesa. $100 per person. RSVP. {714) ~7457 APRIL 1a: The Orange County Young . : • Republicans will hold a general meeting at 6:30 p.m. at El Torlto on : Anton Boulevard In Com Mesa. lnfonnatlon: (949) 476-5669 "' www.oc:yr.atp. 21: The Republican Party of Orange • County Central Committee wW hold. general meeting It 7 p.m. It • the South Coest Plaza w.tin Hotel 8t 688 Anton Blvd, Com Meu.. Admission .. free, and .. Republicans .... W8lcome. (714) 56&8666. MAY 19: Rapubbn Party of~ CoU'1ty Central Committee'Wlll ••• hold.~ meedlig. 7 p.m. It : • the South Coast "81.11 Wedn Hoell ' •• 8t 886 Anton BMi, Com Meu.. • Admleaion .. he, .-ld all Rep lblicena .... W9b>me. (714) 65&«i66. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST VNll enJov yet another beautiful day -well. maybe vou won't enjoy It. but that'• what you'll get. Hight wm be,,..~ 10 in Newport-Mela. l.owl wtn howrneer60. Friday won't be mud't dltr.i«it, though the morning will_, wtth eome def1le fog. The~end'·~ almlleir. .............. WWW.IM9.noN.fPll change thla evening out there, eithet. SURF . ·' . Poli1ic:e and erwtronment reponer, l!M9) 7&M330 ptHJ/.dinto11•1M.,,,,_QOn'I .............. ·eo1umt1lst. culture repoMr, '9411 11.wm lollta.ll.,,_."1tllrw.com .,.........,... TMNewJM>rt ~ M.- 0.lly Piiot (US~t444IOO) • publllhed dlllly In ~rt 8Mc:t1 Ind eo...a Meta, M.lbecftptiont .,.. lutil._ Fu (Ml) G"712t r· -BOATING FORECAST eo. Mele~. (9o18)5741221 ~~n•IMimfllloom Cl•lli*•C-... . fduOMlon ,...,,,.., .~ ..... Clirrilo.,...,..«im • 9Y•ll•bte only by eu~lblng to The Tlmet Orange CoUntt 18001 2fi2 8141 In ~ out.Ilda of Nii;wpof\ 8e4ld1 end Cotti M .... eublcriptlone to the Delly Pttot ere 9Yallable only try firtt ct ... maU for 930 P« moflth, IPrlcee lnctude •II eppllclble ..... .nd tOcal tall&) rotTMASTU• Send eddr9lll ..... tolh9~ IMdVCoela Meea o.ly l'llOI. PQ. PUbffeMd by Tl.,.. CommUnlty NeWt •• dlvlelon of the Loe~ Tlmet. Cl003 Tif'I* CN All rtOf* ~ ' n. 4'52e.m. 10:41e.m. 4'4tp.m. tt:Olp.mj. ...,. t 01feittow ....... hlitt G.M .... low 4.MWNgl\ WA'tu TEMPEM11111 •dlgrw f , . IT" Thutsd;;y, March 6. 2003 A3 . Helping hands for a longtime friend City advances on buying Coast Highway stretch Friends, co-workers and family rally to raise funds for recovering Newport · Harbor High teacher Jerry Tagami. • -Christine c!arrlllo Daily Pilot Jerry Tagami loved the oyster bar at the O\lcken Ct>op. . He loved the "Oleers" -llke • ambience. ' Over the years. it bad be- come o ne of his favorite e ater- ies and even a major character in the courting of his wife, Dl· a ne. Now, the restawant is playing yet another major role in 1be Newport I !arbor 1-Jigb School teache r's life -his recovery. . Groups of bis friends, col- leagues and students headed to the coop to show their suppo rt and raise money for Tagami and rus family a t a benefit held Wednesday in his honor. During the benefit. guests had the option of ordering from a special menu that included a SS donation per platter for the Tagami family, bidding in a si· lent aucti on or a<f.ding money to the collection basket. "I le has given so much to this community pretty unselfishly for so many years, and now it's time for the community to give back and get involved,~ longtime friend and fellow Newport Harbor High teacher loe Robinson, who joined Taga· m1 for a daily cup of coffee dur· ing breaks at the school. I le now continues that trad l· tion -albeit alone -In Taga- rni's honor. • The huge suppo rt is Mbecause of him and t.fle-iiiiique person rie is. who has sincerely oedl- cated his life to this career. He's a genume man and it evokes genume feelings: Robinson said. Tagami, who has taught at Newpo_rt Harbor· for 3 1 years, suffered an aneurysm on Feb. 3 that left him in a com a for weeks. Although he has since awa.lc- ent'd, his recovery is expected to be a long and uylng one. WhiJe signs of improvement Negotiations continue between Newport and Caltrans on 3 miles of highway in Corona d el Mai:... June CHa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPOR1 BEACH -A deal with CaJtrans that would let the city take over a portion of Coast Highway Ul C.Orona del Mar is one step closer. but i.ull months away from being fom1ally inked. n~ with WI on what they would be willing to do, . but there'i. still some addi- llOna.l wofk that needs to be done )() thOtie numbers might change .• BJudau said "fhe transponation agency and the city will also take a closer look at laws that govern &uch transfers of ownership. Proponents of Corona deJ Mar's Vision 2004 revital.Wt· tion plan baY that city ownership of Coast High- way is crucial to the11 plan because it would remove formidable bamer. to ob- taming work permit!> Bus10~ unprovement distnct representatives who were hopeful that Wednes- day'& talks would 'H!cure a solid offer will now have to wan a lca'>t a month for CaJ. trani. and the t11y to revisll t11e matter SEAN HILLER I OAA.Y PILOT Diane Tagami gets a hug from friend Susan Rinek at a benefit dinner at the Chicken Coop in Newport Beach to raise money to help wrth the medical expenses for her husband, Jerry Tagami. The Newport Harbor teacher of 31 years ts in rehabi1itabon after suff~ring an aneurysm. · City and Call rans official.'> met Wedne!>da'y to nego- tiate the price the trani.por· lation agency i.hould pay Newport Be'.tch to cover costs of maJntaimng a· roughly three·mLle '>lretlh of Coa.o,t I hghway bet\4.-een Jamboree Road and l\e"' port Loa.'>t l>nve City Manager 1 lomer Blu· dau i.a.td that Wedne'>day\ meeting ha'> adv-.tnled the city's hopei. of taking over the highway, but nothing·., definite unuJ further nego- tiauon'> .take place. In that t1nw. < orona del M ilt hu'>tne<.'> communny rcpre'>t'lllattvcs might look tor WCJY'> to 'A.'t:ure !>tale money or other W.tl1l!> to help wwr the C.O'>L'> to the ttty ror taking over the tugh- way In .iddttum lCJ rt-pa,nng and land'>taJW mamte- na.ntt', legal hah1htv could aJi.o be cO'>th for the city "He has given so much to this community pretty unselfishly for so many years, and now it's time for the commuoity to give back and get involved:' Joe Robinson Caltrani. offictals Sdid on Wednesday that they needed about a month to con!>tder financial effects of relinquishing the <,tretch of htgh\\.-ay and to come up with a counter offer. Be- cau-.t• negouatton'> are on- going, Bludau dcchned to give ">pec1fici. on dollar amount'> di.,cu~ed thl'> far Ome lit) '>taff and Ceil· tran'> agree on a figure, the matter will ha\.t' to ~> be· fore the ( II) Counul lor fi. nal approval longtime fnend of Jerry Tagamt and fenow Newport Harbor High teacher have given those closest to him renewed hope, they understand that he has a long road ahead. "He's improving with little baby steps and starting 10 be a little more aware of his '>Ur roundings every day and defi- nJtely recognizing people around him.· Diane Tagami said. "He's been takJng very positive steps.· To help his family cover the long-term m edical expen-.es, Kate Yates, Brock Okura and a handful of other close friend!> organized the benefit. including a silent auction, 10 collect money for h.is family. NWe don't do this for a living, so it's.been a lot of work. But tt's exciting," Yates said. "We really reel like we're d oing something for Diane and Jerry.· All the support has made a difference. "It's overwhelming and I feel i-.o appreciative." Diane -.aid "It's been hard fro m day to day and sometimes you feel a little isola ted, but °'ey have, with all their efforts. rnade us reel like we're not alone.· Donations may at..o be sent to Mr. Tagami, Lio Newport I !arbor High School, 600 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach ~2663. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or bye mail at christme.cam/lo" lat1mes com. "Tht·y lrCJded '>Olllt' nt'\\.- •JUNE CASAGRANDE cover~ Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. Sht> may be reached at 1949) 574 4232 or by e mail at 1une CdSd!Jr.mdc "IJllmes.com ------- MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949-645 ·7626 Redevelopment is funded with an increased percentage of property tax revenue from properties included in the redevelopme nt territory. The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) currently carries over 4 1 m illion dollars-of principle and interest debt. The RDA is now proposing to add 434 acres of the West Side of Costa Mesa to its redevelopment territory. The agency's proposal includes reinstatement of its power of eminent domain for the existing and added territories. The proposal states e minent domain will be used to acquire groups of properties into what are de cribed as larger more produc ti ve land bays.· For pr6perty owners this means loss of your property to an ,agency that thinks they can put your property to a better u e than you can. For residents out ide of the redevelopment territory it means millions of dollars of additional debt. The debt and expenses for the existing and proposed added territory will be paid for with property tax reve nue. Funds that would otherwise be used for critical state services police, fire, education, etc. will be diverted to the RDA. The only way the loss of property tax revenue for critical services can be made-up i tax increases. We will ask each agency member. before they vote on this proposal, to publicly state what tax increase they would propo e to make up for the property tax fund diverted for redevelopment . • As a property owner in the existing territory or propo ed added territory, you must become involved with the hundreds of propcny owners who have attended the previou meeting and prot ted the agency• attempt to add territory and reestablish eminent domain. The ne~t meeting will be Monday, March l 0, 2003 at 6:30pm at the Costa Me a Community Center, J 845 Par Ave. Your property rat and mi.Ilion of <lollars of <J;ivert~ property tax are at take. I , .. I ... POLITICS -· .. . • • . :, .. r THE POLITICAL · LANDSCAPE . . . . Not ql;lite pQliti¢al ~aik . .. . . Paul Clinton and Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Orange County Supervisor-Tom Wtlson will wrap bis tongue around Dr. Seuss' rhymes this morning as he-reads to a second-grade class at Newport Coast Elementary School Wilson will read one olTheodor "Seuss" Geisel's children's books as part of the Read Across America program: He read at another school in his district, in San Juan C-apistrano, on Wednesday. He said he enjoys the experience as a respite from the day-to-day grind of politics. "It's a wonderful break from th~ political scene," Wilson said. "Tue kids are always so delightful" Wilson is scheduled to read the book to Colleen Kelly's second-grade class at the school, which is at 6655 Ridge Parle Road. Wilson will read from 8:30 to 9 a.m. After the story, Wilson said he will inscribe tJle book and give It to the class to place in their classroo~ library. Wilson said the program is a great way to highlight the importance of reading for children. ln his own reading life. Wilson said he has just finished David McCullough's #John Adams." Even after redistricting in 2001 , Wilson retained Newport Coast in his district. lbe supervisor held the so-called "Fabulous Fifth" district, which at one time included Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Supervisor Jim Silva now represents those cities. Keeping ta'Xes off the Internet Assemblyman John Campbell's Internet Tax Freedom bill took an important step toward law Monday when it passed the Assembly's revenue and tax subcomminee on a 6-0 vote. Campbell's proposed law, Assembly Bill i28, would.extend a moratorium OI) Laxes on Internet access until Dec. 3 1, 2007. Right now, the state Legislature could have begun taxing Internet service providers and others who provide a linbge to the Web on Jan. J. Campbell, who represents Newport Beach. said the state's budget-crisis environment has made the extension a tougher sell with Democrats, including the subcommittee's chairman, Ed Olavez CD-La Puente). "For California to tax the Internet would be like Kansas trucing wheat," Campbell sald. "This is o ur industry." Playing in the mayor league With spring training underway in the major leagues, Costa Mesa Councilman Ouis Steel took the opportunity to throw out the first pitch at the city's Little League opener on Saturday. A grinning Steel, wearing a red league cap, tossed a pitch to Mayor Karen Robinson. Mark Harris, a member of the city's parks and recreation commission, was the catcher. Steel's pitch sailed past Robinson, who swung and missed al the ball. ·1 wanted to keep lobbing them up there until she hit the thing, but they only limited me lo once pitch, .. Steel said. "That was a lot of fun ... SE.AH HLLER I OM.'f PILOT Chris Steel, Cq_sta Mesa City Councilman gets ready to throw the first pitch at opening day for'Costa Mesa "National Little League at T~WinkJe School .. Giving children 1,()()() reasons at 245 Fischer Ave. in Costa Mesa.. to hope The more papers the better? Steel said be also showed up to throw out the first pitch at the city's American Little League opener, at the fields near Costa Mesa High School, but the game was rained out. The 1,000 Points of Light committee If you can't get eno~ news about of the Republican Party of Orange Costa Mesa, your ears must have County ts holding its annual Easter Tuy pricked up during Monday night'• Drive for the Children's Hospital of Costa Mesa City Council meeting, Orange County. It was then that resident John Feeney, The opener included the Majors division, with 11 -and 12-yeac-old children, and the Farm division, with S- and 6-year-old children. The committee is seeking unwrapped dlsappolnted with some of the Dally electronic games, crayons, coloring Pilot's editorials, suggested to the books, sdckers and other toys. The council dur\ng the public comment items will be distributed to toddlers se ion that it -the council -bring The opening ceremony was held at TeWmkle Middle School. ages 9 to 14. another daily newspaper to town. The The donations should be dropped off next speaker, Robert Graham, chuckled by April 11 to the party's headquarters. in disbeUef at Feeney's comments. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 65 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publish« TONY DOO£AC> Editor JVl1V OETTING Adv1ttl1lng Director LANA JOHNSON Promotlone Oi'9Cte>r NewsEdleon GI,,. AllMnder, Lori Andlrlon, P.ul Saitowitz. Oenlel Stewne NEWSSTAff DMpe lher8lh Crime and oowte reporter, (949)57~ t#epa.~•1at1,.,,.._oom JuneC1rr9rwldl Newport a.di f'11PO!Ur, CIM81 57'""232 }llM.~·lllt/mea.t:om .. '-'CIMDtt Polltic:I end erMronment ~. (IM81 '*"330 p.ul.dlntonel«fm#.oom ............ 'Cofumnflt, culture l'tPOttlr, CMll 17~ lollta ,..,.,,.,.l«J,.,....c6m O...Newmen eo.t. MIN ""'°""'' tMl I" -4221. .....,MMNlfl.,.,.,_.oom Olll•11C... E~reporw.11411~ ~·~ ConlWhon News .,.istant, (949) 574-'298 corel.wil.on latfrNS.oom PHOTOGRAJIHERS SNn Hiil«, Don l.eedl, Kent Treptow READ£RS HOTUNE (949) 642-«>86 Record your comment.a 1bout the Daily Jllilot or new. tips. ~ Our 1ddr ... 1t 330 W. Bey St., Coit• Mela, CA 921527. Office hours ere Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m eon.ctlcM• It It the P11ot'1 policy IO promptly co~ all error• of 11.11»ta~. PlelM cell (9491764-4324. . m The N9wport ~ M ... Deify Piiot tUSPS-14MOQ) le pubhehed dally. In Ntlwpon 8eed\ Ind Cott.I MeM. eublcrtptiOnl ,,. ..,_Uable 0nty by IUb«riblng to Thf nm. Orange C<wnty 18001 252-9141. In.,.... outaidl Of H9wPoft a-. •lld Cotti MeN. ~to the Diiiy f'ilot .,. llY.,._. only bV flrtt cl ... rNll for '30 per Mol'llt'I IPrk»I tncNde ell ~-Ind local!..,.., POSTMASTtlt send eddrell cNf'lee to The fWwpoft ~ Meee OitllY MM. P.O. Bo1t 1560, Colt.I Meu, CA 92828. Copyright No ne'wt l'lorlee, ilfultf'ltione, editorial meu. or ldVertilemenll herein oen be reprodue.d without wriUen perm1 .. 1on of c:opvright owner. HOW TO REACH US arcua.tiofl The Tlmee Orenv-County (800) 252·9141 AdWf1Wnt C1atllfled (949) 642-50'78 Dtepley (949) &112""321 ldHofW New. (IM91842·5e80 lpof'8 (948) 574--4.223 New9 ,._ ('49) ...... ,70 lpofta ,._(NI) 8&0-0170 E-mel: dailypil«•l#tl~ Mefln Ollee -... , .. Ollee CIMI) 141-4321 ._._,.. IMll 831-7129 Nbllthld bY Timee CommUrllty H9ws, • dlvtelon of the Loi ~ llm-.. . Cl2003 Timee CN, M rW* l'tMfY9d ' .. I POLmcs ASIDE .. . .. , Take the mo.ney·.-and run . ' L ate last~ thJs column pointed out that no neighborhoods In . NewJ>ort Beach were among the most giving, politically and monetarily speaking. Washington. nc and parts of New Yodc and Los Angeles a.re where the big political donors are. You can't accwe S.J . CAHN Irvine Co. chairman Doo Brm or not doing his best to change that Fmal numbers for the 2002 cyde. according to the Center for Responsive Politics, show that Bren gave $167,450, lnduding $125,000 -In two separate donations -to the Republican National Committee. He accounted foe 17 of the 85 dOnations given from the 926.58 ZlP Code (he had one donation H,,ted In the 92660 llP Code). which also included the Qaill. who gave $7,000; Rep. am. Cm. who personally plopped down $3,000 in donadoos; Mr. and Mrs. Dem ICoontr. who gave $1,000 collecdvely to the Republican National Conunittee; the (fom of William 4'om Homes, who gave $43,000 (second to Bren in this neighborhood); ,._..Ocha o( the Fieldstone C.O.. who gave S20,000 to the Reptlblican National . Senatorial Committee; and J. 1bomm 'n.lbot of the TuJbot Co., who gave $15,000 to the Republican National Committee. Second to Bren in Newport Beach was Robert l!khmberg. of Ellison Education Equipment. who gave $134,000 (from-the 9'l662 llP Ccode. by rar the largest from that neighborhood). The 92660 ZlP Code bad the most donations. about 1.200. with few to the individual leYeJs of their nefghbors above. Those that riae fairly high induded DoDlld lroll of the Koll Co., 81 $71,000; Dmne and~ ...... of F.ntmprmeurial Corp. Group, wltb $65.250; DIMd lllana of Hanna c:apital Management. $47,000; and sports agent Lefgb St.tnberg, $22,000. Cornellmc ...... In llP c.ode 92663, pve-$20,000. Other llP Codes did not have a significant donor of this level Jn Costa Mesa, the one serious player Is SpenJsh Ambassador Gem-. Argyroe. whose donations haVe been well reported. In the 2002 cyde, he gave $260,000, Including two separate $125,CXXl donations to the Republlcan National CommJttee. That Bren and Argyros gM! so much is not particulady • surprising. What is more eye-opening Is where what littJe money Henry Stpibwww donated ended up. lrl the last election cyde, be gave just S3,000 -$2,000 o( it to Demoaadc (.ongraswomatl Loretta Sanchez. AND AN01lER 1MNG 1Wo last Items of note. Among the members of the Homeland Security Committee appointed by Its chairman. Rep. Chris Cm. Is another California Republican, DPtd Drier. Drier Is one of the other handful or names mentioned as a possible Senate candidate next year. Ooser to home. Orange Coupty'ttofe Democrat. Loretta~. is also on the committee. And Rep. Daa Robntbecben Web site Is being updated and changed. See It at wwwhoW&.goulrohrobacher. • s.J. CAHN le the managing editi><. He can be ruc:hed at 1949) 574-C.233 or b"f Mneil at • - s.j.cahn l.Vma.com. POLITICAL CALENDAR MARCH 13: fonnal Installation ceremony of Newport Beach's Glenda Sanders 8S. judge of the Orange County Superior Court et 4 p.m. in Department C1 of the Central Justice Center In Santa Ana. 13: The Hollywood Congress of Republicans wlH preMl'1t an Inside look et Hoflywood'a anti-war movement at the Orange County Young Republicana' monthly meeting et 7 p.m. at the Westin South eo.t Plaza Hotel, 686 Anton BMi. Com Mesa. Information: (949) 47S-6669 or www.ocyr:atp. 17: The Rep abUcan Perty .of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. et the South Coast Plaza Westin Hot8' et 686 Anton Btvd., Com Mesa. Admialon la he, and al RepubOcens 8nl W81come. (71.4 ) 66&8666. 2.3: Rep. Dena ~'8badler will hold • St. Pnict's Dey funckaiael, featuring the f.eniar.a Irish Band and lri9h D.lc:era, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Halp Im In Costa Mesa. $100 per penon. RSVP. (714) ~7457 APRIL 13: The Orange County Young Republ.icans wtll hold a general meeting at 6:30 p.m. at El Torito on Anton Boulevard In Com Meaa. Information: (949) 475-5669 or www.ocyr:atg. 21: The Republicen Party of Orange County Central Commfaee will t'dd • general meeting at 7 p.m.. at • the South Coest Plam w..tin Hotel et 686 Anton Blvd., Cocta Meaa. Admiaion la he, 8nd .. Republicans an1 W8lcome. (714) 56M666. MAY ' 11: Republic:en Party of Orange County c.ntr8l Committee will t'dd. generW tn-*tg at 7 pm. 8t the South COllt Plam w..tin Hollll et 686 Anton Blvd.. Cocta Meu. Admiallon le he, aind .. Republcent.,.. ~ (714) 56&8566. ·~ •"I .. ·1 :· r-~~~:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---.··· SURF AND SUN WEATHER )PRECAST Wa'll 9fljo1 yet enother beautiful day -well, maybe you won't enjoy It. but 1hat'a whM you'll get. Hight will be near 70 In N.wport-Meea, Lowa will howrnur60. -Fridey won't be much diffWent, thoUgh the morning wffl Nt't with eome dense fog. The WMlcend'a looklng t6mttar. · ••••••tlon; www.nwa.no..flO'tl BOATING FORECAST Thewfndl. blOw 10 ~ Of eo on the In'* WMera toc19Y, with 2-foot W9"91 end I welt M.tl of 3 to 4'""' Not mUd\ wt1 ~ iNa ewoJng, thOueh tog wtll deY.q, late. Out'-'*· the ncd\¥4I•1"1r wtndt Wiit beoW •• ,....._ ..... 2.fOot ........ ,..., t:WMllof ....... Not ..... f change this evening out there, either. SURF TIDES Time 4:621.m. 10-.481.m. 4:49p.m. 11:08p.m. lldelw ........ un-.tow 4.0I ""' hlgtt O.MfMtloW .. .... high f . =. ... ..- ----. I' • • ~ • • --r r • ,, l• . . rhtlscs.y. M¥cri 6. 2003 Al • , Helping hands for a longtime frieild City advances on buying Co~t Highway stretch Friends, co-workers a nd family rally to raise funds fo r recovering Newport Harbor High teacher Jerry Tag~. Christine Carrlllo Daily Pilot Jerry Tagami loved the oyster bar 'llt the Otlcken Coop. He ·loved the -ateers" -lib ambience. • Over the years, it bad be- com e one of his favorite eater- ies and even a major character in the courting of his wife. Di- ane. . Now, the restaurant is playing yet another iyajor role in the Newport J:Utfbor High School teacher's life -his recovery. . Groups of his friends, col- leagues and students headed to the coop to show their support and raise money for Tagami and his family at a benefit held Wednesday in his honor. During the benefit, guests had the option of ordering from a special menu that included a SS donation per plattl!r for the Tagami family, bidding in a si· lent auction or adding money to the coUeclion basket. ·I le has given so much to this community pretty unselfishly for so many years, and now it's ti me for the community to give back and get involved,• said longtjtne friend and feUow Newport Harbor High teacher Joe Robinson. who joined Taga- mi for a daily cup of coffee dur- ing breaks at the school. I le now continues that tradi- tion -albeit alone -in Taga- mfs honor. • The huge support is "because of him and the uni_que person ne is. who has sincerely dedi- cated his life to this career. He's a genuine man and it evokes genuine feelings." Robinson said. Tagamj. who has taught at Newport Harbor for 31 years. suffered an aneurysm on Feb. 3 that left hlm in a coma for weeks. Although he has since awak- ene'd, his recovery is expected to be a Jong and trying one. While signs of improvement I Negotiations , continue between Newport and Caltrans on 3 miles of highway in Corona del Mar. June Caa•1rande · Daily Pilot , NEwPoRT BF..ACH -A ijeaJ with CaJtrans that would let the a ty take over a ponion of Coast Highway in Corona def Mar is one step closer, but still months away fTom bemg formally inked. numben with us on what they would be willing to do, • but thei:e' sd.11 IOfDe .addi- tlonal work that needs to be done so those numbers migtlt change •• .Bludau said. The transportation agency and the city will also take a clOiier look at laws chat govern such transfers of ownership. Proponents of Corona del Ma.r's Vision 2004 r.evttaliza.. lion plan say· that city ownerstup of Coast High- way is cruciaJ to thet.r plan because 11 would remove formidable bamer.. to ob· tauung work penmL'>. Busin~ unprovement distnct repr~ntatives who were hopeful tha1 Wednes- day'i. talh would secure a M>lid offer will now have to wait a lea.'>l a month for CaJ- Lrans and the c11y to revistt the mauer SEAN HILLER/DAILY PILOT Diane Tagami gets a hug from friend Susan Rinek ata benefit dinner at the Chicken.Coop in Newport Beach to raise money to help with the medical expenses for her husband, Jerry Tagami. The Newport Harbor teacher of 31 years is in rehabilitation after suffering an aneurysm . City and Caltram officials met Wedn~day to nego- tiate the price the trdflsp<>r· tation agency should pay Newpon Beach to cover costs of mamlalJUng a roughly three-mile '>lrelt h of Coast I hghway be~t:t'.n Jamboree Road and Nt'\<\ port Coa'>t Dnve. City Manager Homer Blu· dau said that Wednesday\ meeting ha:. adv-dflced the city's hopes of talong over the highway, but nothing'!> definite until fu rther nego· tiations take place In thdt tmw. Corona del MM bu.,tne-.'> t0mmunity repre'>t'Oldll\il"> might look: lor wav., to -.erure '>tale monc) or other grants to help i:over the co'>ts to the city for taking over the high· way. In dddition to repaving and land'>Cape mamte- nante, .legal liability could al'>O b<' l·oc;lly for the city. "He has given so much to this community pretty unselfishly for ~o many y ears, and now it's time for the CC?mrnunity to give back and get involved:' Joe Robinson Caltraru offic1ah ~d on Wednesday that the)- needed about a month to consider financial effects or relinquishing the '>tretch of highway and to come up with a counter offer. Be· caui;e negoualions are on- goin~ Bludau declined lo give specifics on dollar amounts d1'>CU5:>ed thii. far. Once t lly '>taff and CaJ. trdfl'> agree on a figure. the maner 'h11l have 10 go be- fore the C.1ty LounctJ for fi. nal approval longtime fnend of Jerry Tagami and feUow Newport Harbor High teacher have given those closest to him renewed hope. they understand that he has a long road ahead. •He's improving with little baby steps and starting to be a little more aware of his sur- roundings every day and defi- nitely recognizing people around him.• Diane Tagami said. "He's been taking very positive steps.· To help his family cover the long-term medical expenses. Kate Yates, Brock Okura and a handful of other close friends organized the benefit, including a silent auction, to collect money for his family. "We don't do this for a Jiving. so it's been a lot of work. But it's exciting,~ Yates said. ·we really feel like we're doing something for Diane and Jerry." All the support has made a difference. "It's overwhelming and I feel so appreciative," Diane ~aid . *It's been hard from day to day and sometimes you feel a· li11le isolated, but they have, with all their efforts, made us feel hke we're not alone.· Do nations may also be i.ent to Mr. Tagami. c/o Newport I larbor I ligh School, 600 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach 92663. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or bye mail at christine.camllo a la11mes com . ··1ney traded some new •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers NewPon Beach c1nd John Wayne A1rpon She may~ reached at (9491574 4232 or by e-mail at MEXICAN RESTAURANT MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949·645 ·7626 Redevelopme nt is funded with a n increased percentage of property tax revenue from properties included in the redevelopment territory. The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) currently carries over 41 million dollar of principle and interest debt. The RDA i now propos ing to add 434 acres of the West Side of Costa Mesa to its redevelopment territory. The agency's proposaJ includes reinstatement of its power of eminent domain for the existing and added territories. The proposal states eminent domain wiH be. used ro acquire groups of properties into what are described as larger more productive land bays. For property owners rhi s means loss of your property to an agency that\ thinks they can put your property to a better use than you can. For residents outside of the redevelopment territory it mean millions of dollars of additional debt. The debt and expenses for the existing and proposed added territory will be paid for wjth property tax revenue. Fund . that would otherwise be u ed for critical state services police. fire, education, etc. will be diverted to the RDA. The only way the lo of property tax revenue for critical services can be made-up is tax increases. We will ask each agency member. before they vote on this proposal, to publicly state what tax increase they would propose to make up for the property tax funds diverted for redevelopment. r A a property owner in the existing territory or proposed adde;d territory, you mu t become involved with the hundred of property owners who have attended the previou meetin s and prot tcd the agency's attempt to add territory and reestablish eminent domain. 1be next meeting '¥ill be Monday. March 10, 2003-at 6:30pm t the Costa Me a Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. Your ~ny rac and mi_llion of dollars of diverted property tax arc at a.kc. - John T. Hawley Westside Industrial Pl-Gpei ty Owotr ···~~O!:I ; M ltUsday, Marth 6, 2003 BELL Continued from Al terrorists might more Likely achieve their goals through the protections we put up against them. r asked Utwack if most physicians shared this view, and -if so-why it hasn't been passed along strongly to the pµblic? He said that anyone educa~ in mec;l.icine would understand these reservations and that a good many doctors have appeared on panel talk shows to say so. The problem, he ~d. is that these voices are drowned our by the pany line -centered in government health agencie!'> - that smallpox shots are an unponant weapon against terrorists rather than an expensive and counterproductive in~urance policy against an exceedingly remote danger. What about the other so-caJJed "biological weapons of mass destruction?" Do they need to be better understood by the lay public? I re said there are six possible biological weapons. In addition to smallpox, he named anthrax. botulism, plague, viral hemorrhagic fever and tularemia. "It would take great expertise ta weaponize any of these substances." he said, "and they would be extremely difficult to deliver. They would also be detected quickly if they ever were delivered. The system is in place for a quick response if an unusual case appears, and we would have plenty of tim" to immunize the victims. "Smallpox is in a class ap3ft," he continued. "because there is no immunization for these other threatened substances. Nor is there an immunization for fear. 'Biological weapons fOT mass destruction' are buzz words that strike fear. We should respond to fear with accurate information." Franklin Roosevelt, when he told America the only thing it had lo fear was fear itself, made the same point He was right Roosevelt assuaged our fears and dealt to our strengths. The present leaders of this country· feed our fears and deal to our vulnerabilities. Bio-terrorism clearly isn't the only threat to our homeland. OlemicaJ weapons - particularly nerv~gas and nuclear devices -·aJso threaten us. But they also need to be dealt with intelligently and not with emotional bta.Z words. Their availability, accuracy, method of delivery, pattern and degree of destruction , and modes of defense need to be understood -as much as Possible free of bias -as far as the infonnation is accessible. A good place to start is the Web site of the Centers for Disease Control at www.btcdc.gov. It has become clear that our own government is not going to provide infonnadon that doesn't suppon immediate policy needs. So we have to dig it out ourselves. Fear has become a' potent player on the war team. lnfonnation is an 4"1tidote for fear with a great deal more effectiveness than smallpox shots. Ken Litwack is an ex:pen in a field where disseminating accurate informadon is a considerable public service. To deal with the chaos in which we all find ourselves these days, we · need to listen to cool and unbiased expertise wherever we can find It to provide the balance we need to keep our own heads straight We're lucky he's in our neighborhood to beJp. • JOSEPH N. BEU is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appean1 Thursdays. . ...-• ••• .. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET •• I' ••• .. ••• ., ••• .. ••• .. ••• .. ,. ... Fo r Only $19 You Can Help ... Are you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pet photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pet who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a pan of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shehers and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. Foriust $19, you can add your own special · thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your"own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Namc:----------------'---------- Addrcss: __________ --=----------- City: Scace: Zip: __________ _ C~itCard#_· ___ ....:.._ _________ ...&..Ap-·----- Stgnarurc:.~-------'------~~~-------Phone (optional): . .......;;.. ________________ _ For check, make payable t0: Daily Pilot Text to appear in space below photo, 20 characters or less. Choo1e One: PUBLIC SAFETY /. . . PoLICE FILES COITAmlA • Mlla1111l ""1:-= Pc 11111fon of martjuw ... nipol1lld In the 1900 blodc llt 5:46 p.m. Mondey. .,.._ o1--.Art1: A veNde burglary WU reported In the 3400 bk>dt et 3:29 p.rrr. Monday. • Ee.t...., "'9et: An auto theft WM repofted In the 200 blodc 9t 12:17 p.m. Monday. .• Herbor 8oulNwd! Vandallem wea reported In ~ 2900 blodt at 6:12 p.m. Monday. ' •Las.le Awn&le: Graffttl was reported In the 2800 blodt et 8:01 p.m. Mondly. •NMi••rtlouCF1>WltGrend lhet .. repoll9d In the 1800 bled at 11:A2 a.m. Mondev. • f'11uU I ,._ .. A home ~ w repoll9d fn the 2200 blodl .. 7:08 p.m. Mondly. • w.t 1tlh ~ GtMd d,.ft from a wNde w reponed in the 600 blodt at 1~ p.m. Monday. fEWPORT BEACH • 88y9lde omr. Ntty theft waa report9d In the 1000 blodc at 9:30 a.m. Tuetday. • Cempus DIM: A vehtcle burglary wa~ reported Jn the· 4600 blodl 9t 12:33 a.m . Tuead9y. • Cll Dltwe: A OOfMW'dal burglaly w reported In the 2000 blodl 9t 1<t04 a.m. T~. . •_...._DIM: Grwnd tf'9ft WM reported In the 100 bk><* 8t 6:37 p.m. Tuetday. ............ a1'Wd: Petty tf'9ft was reported in the 3200 btoct at 12:06 p.m. Tuetday. • Rlwol: A(lnoylng phone calla were reported In the 3000t>loct et6:23 p.m. T~. •211t ..... and~~ ; fTont: 8a1lef'V WU reported et T2:16 a .m. Tunday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Woman arrested after freeway hit-and-run California Highway Patrol of· 6cers arrested a 37-year-old woman Wednesday afternoon on suspicion of a hit-and-run after she rear-ended a vehicle and caused a three-vehicle chain reaction crash on the San Diego Freeway and tried to leave the scene, officials said. The woman, whose name was not released, was the only one who suffered minor inju- ries in the accident that hap- pened near the connector to the Corona del Mar Freeway at about 3:28 p.m., Highway Patrol Officer David Ferrer said. She was taken to Hoag Hos· pita! and determined to have been driving under heavy ROLLOVER medicadon, he said She was released from the hospital and taken to Orange County jail, Ferrer said No one else was injured In the crash that ded up twQ lanes, backing up traffic for about 30 minu tes. A SigAlert was Issued for about half an hour, between 3:30 and 4 p.m., Ferrer said. -Deepa Bhara1h SEAN HUER /OAJ..Y Pl.OT Newport Beach firefighters work on the driver of a Pacific Bell van that rolled after being struck by a pickup truck at Balboa Boulevard and Coast Highway. 1Wo men escaped with minor injuries Wednesday after the vehicles they were driving collided at the intersection of Coast Highway and Superior Avenue, Newpon Beach Police officials said . The accident occurred at about 9 a.m .. when both vehicles entered the intersection at · the same time, Traffic Sgt. Dale Johnson said. One of the vehicles, a Olevy Express van. rolled over after the collision. The incident is still under investigation. he said. Johnson said the drivers suffered curs and complained of pain . VEGAS Continued from Al "Show me where clubs are outlawed in the city codes-, .. he said . The planning depanrnent op· posed two design concepts for a club at the comer of 19th Street and Newpon Boulevard because of a lack of parldng and probable noise at all hours of the night for the neighboring homes, citing numerous resident complaints about the other popular bars In the city. Planning CommissJoners lg· nored planners' recommenda· lion in a 4-1 vote -with former Commissioner Eleanor Egan dis· senting -saying the noise and parldng problems were allayed in the revised proposal. Planning Commission Chairwoman Katri- na Foley called the club a viable addition to what officials hope to cultivate as a "downtown enter· tainment district.· Councilman Gary Monahan shares the Planning Commis- sion's zeal for additional night life downtown and said he shares Perlins's frustration that prog- ress on Oub Vegas has been stalled. "Look. the Planning Commis- . REFLECTION try saJd she came to fortify her bond with other Ouistians. Continued from Al "We often pray alone, hope{uDy daily," Petry said. lbe.re's a sense of who1enea and coming to- sim, the ashes that marked gether of the IOYe and the praise their introspection reOected the that we want to give God, and the destruction that could rain relationship we have with each down on lraq, aa.ld Monsignor other Is hopefully 5trengthened by BlU Mclaugb.lin or Our Lady our presence here.· Queen of. Angels Olurch ln Lent ls also usually a time of Newport Beach. aacri8ce. 'H l were in Iraq today, aabes Andrea SavopoJos, a 16--year- would be (whatf me, my neigh-old junior at Corona del Mar bon and the cltiee would be ln HJgh School decided to give up a short time. and that wouldn't chocolate. Andrea &a.Id ahe be a .delightful thought,· lava chocolate and that acrl- Mclaugb.lln aald. • M a Ovf.1-ficlng It will mean more to ber tian, I pray for peace in the and be more eft'ect.ive this year world." • because of the uncertaJnry of Ash Wednesday maib the the times. beginning o f Lent -the 40 Mi.rlann Dwyer, who teacbea d ays. exdudlna Sund~y.. that an litformaJ Bible study ~ lead up to P.aster -anct ls sup-said abe would tell her tudenta pc>Md ·to be a day of ruttnio· to read the Bible more durtn.a Mclaughlin urged the conp· Le.ot. _ • ___ • sion approved the use, and thed have been severat design alter· natives put fonh to the building department and fire safety,~ Monahan said. "I can't imagine why some sort of alternative can't work." MacDuff said the issue co~ - easily be resolved. .. Mother exit can be provided, but I'd say that's where it stands right now,· MacOuff said. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns on Mondav-, Wedn.-tav-•nd Fridlr(s Mld covers culture and the arts. She may be reeched st (949) 57~75 or bv e-mail n- lolita.har.,,.,•1.i;,.,,.._c:om. changed ror the better .• • DE1RDRE NEWMAN cove,.. Coste Mesa •nd mey b9 reecn.d at (949} 574-4221 or bv e-mail at deirdre.n•wman latim.•.com. 0 In loving memory of, __________________ __. gadon to fut ror the rlplt ~-•1t just gtvea en couragemen t • . aona. li.ffir matlon and a sense of optJ- "Di>n't go on a d•ec for l.en t. ml.m (or the day,• Dwyer said. 0 Sponsored br----------------- Mail this form with your check or credit ~rd info rmation to: Save A Life, lft, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Daily~Pilot , That'• v&ingloriout nonMnte," Petry Mid she conaJden Lent Mcl.-uahJln ..Sd. "F9at for goOd In It.a more hJatorlc veralo.o as a thJnP to happm In our world. tlmo of tlplflcant change, o r !Ma eo the poor cen oa1. so the n11rtanola. bUnd can aee. Don't mate IC for "It'•• change from within," ComM!Clcs. • Petry n id. •0on•1 glve up Adu1u, hlsh IChool ttudenta Mmetb1n1 ao aupefllclal, but and t.mlllM ~ 10 OUr 111ab • chan1e that'• 1ood ~ Queeli Of~ co join In Ud leldn" ao once you do It tb4i aomber ..me.. Lorian Pe· for 40 4*ya, hopefully you'11 ' f • ...J Thursday, March 6, 2003 A5 FORUM I • ~~= ~ i~lo"!I' llHED -LMllln: Malt to Editoriel Page Edhor S.J. Cahn et the O.Hy Pftot. 330 W. Bay St.: Costa Meu, CA 92627 • AHden' ~ CaJI (949) &42-6086 Nie Send to (949) 846-4170 , . o • ,.,.,,, t<::lfl.time..com •All~ must lndude full name, hometown end phone number (for verification purpoM9). The Pilot ......-v. tt)8 right to edit ell tubmi..-on1 for darity end length. EDITORIAL • Bowling for -dollars I f Kona lanes goes the way of the Ice • Capades, the Fish Fry Parade and other Costa Mesa landmarks and traditions that have p~ed into memory, we too will lament irs loss. Bowling is a piece of Americana. It is a family pastime of old that leaves many of us with nostalgic memories. But nostalgia doesn't pay the bills. And just like the . drive-in movie screens before it, bowling alleys are fading from the landscape, mainJy because hard ly anyone goes there anymore. Kona Lanes is no exception. It is a piece of the past trying to ro ll a hook into the furure, but nght now, we're seeing nothing but gutter balls. C.J. Segerstrom and Sons. the owners of the Mesa Ve rde Cenrer on whose edge Kona Lanes sits, has decided to move forward with plans for the refurbishment of that prpp erty. Those plans call for the (.lemolition of Kona Lanes and the nearby vacant Ice Capades. ln place will be built a ne'W Kohl's department store, a Midwest transplant that has ta.ken off like wildfire. We will withhold judgment .on whether or not Kohl's is good or bad for the community. lt's way too early to tell. But what we do know is that reside nts who are na turally upset over the loss of Kona Lanes need to be realistic. They·need to understand that if a b usiness can't succeed, then something else takes its place. The Segerstrom owners know this evolutionary law of the marketplace aU too well. "Independent of the merits or demerits of Kohl's. an y discussion of the . bowling ally should be understanding of the marketplace for bowling, and it ain't that good,'' Segerstrom executive PauJ Freeman said. "That's just the way it is." He's right. Jt m ay not be the whar everyone wants to hear, it may not be what we want to hear, but saving the Kona Lanes from the wrecking ball will be like nailing a 7-l 0 split. LEITER TO THE ED1ITOR Smarter ways to I save Kona Lanes What a mistake our dty leaders will be making ' lf they allow the '8CDOYtll of the Mesa Verde Centet, one or Southern California's original entertairunent ceq&ers. lt Is. or I should la.>' was. the retail mix that ls navi duplk:ated on a much larger scale by companies such as the Mills Company (Block of Orange, Ontario Mills) and the lrvine Co. with their lrvtnt Spectrum project. The Mesa Velde Center can be renowted and kept as a jewel for Camilles to enjoy for another couple or generadom. It's 10 ~ if we wue:n't abN1lys looking for .the easy and most profitable way out On Kon.a Lanes. why not give them a long·term lease IO that ~can a1fotd to~ old ~t and renovate the building1 Or lease it to another bawting operator if the prae:nt one doem't haw the ftnandal llatrmcnl .neceaaryt Wh&t a '°'8 this will be to our oomrounJty. . Have~ CWI' ne mere for ~What.tun. ' Why can we noc ~our own 11tt.1e Scuc:key Bawt lib on NBO 't&t'1 ~ On the Ice Chalet. ba¥e dief ~ Qied to get \\nl or • timlla1 t*Jl!Or to do a lkate pal'k hetl:l ~Dey ever' reelty tried to ~ ...... rink wih ~ opalOrt Where do bi lea bOc:by-.m IOd Ice...., ftlif Whae do ... 6lmllN., to tii ... "°*' ""' ..... .-t~ ... ..,.._a.._ wnnaewtdl the tbe detwC!pltf ............. chil lblft .... ~ ..... , 2 , ... m-:~am\ it\";;:=11 situation and walked away from a lot of locations. I belieYe this was one of them. They don't aJJ ha~ to be stadium-seated theatefs. I feel. sony for the new homeowners that were sold nice homes next to these uses. How could any of them think a XohJ~ will be better for their property values aod quality of life than an upgraded entertainment ceoler'l Has anyone ew:r driven east on Adams in the moming1 It's like a paddng lot with traffic crawling t9 Harbor BouleYard. Kohl's opem early to >Ye'd be adding to that morning tra.Ok:. R\oet\ the Home Ranch project was apprtJved with very little traffic improvement& Imagine wtaat tt wm be like when an or thole HWldogton Beach ofDce womn are beaded to their ofBc:es tn Home Ranch. Wltbout Gisler Awnue and 19th Strf!et bridges. Adams just gets worae and worse. 1be Segentroms wm te11 )'OU thil would be "lea lmpadful .. compared to what plans on the W>b would allow a.· Let'a aee. where baYe W'e baud that belotel Tbdr Home Ranch ~tJIM)i>ef Jbe fads Ire that the Stguatroml baYe done 1 lot ol ... thlnp fcir ea.a Mee& and mo« of w lib their~ a lot. t do oot llU lhe fact 1hiil -wll lale dne .. llinlly ena.._11 deft.,..-or•IDd replia II wtlh ono bll bcm. a.mc......-.cJ'llll& Why clddt ""' pul J.Ohl"t IQ ti'* Home Rmd.~ ........ bilcqf HaW" lbailll a l'* oae ~l'D'lf • ..... aloptd . .......... ..... ~ Ltft--~ ; .... llllLL ... MAILBAG SEAN Hltl£P I DAILY P!lOl Former Corona Del Mar football coach Dick Nichols 1s a Newport Beach C!lY Councilman Nichols right to not be Ironically, when I hear both sides of prel>idenl She presented many sound ed b 11 polttical ~ues, I become les.<. of a argumenu. for a con~rvauve poml of COW Y CO eagues . knee-1erk liber.U. I heard David Gergen view, and it helped me to understand Your Sunday edi1orial chastismg speak at I.his seri~ last year. and Wal> all my tnencb and neighbor. m Newpon Beach Councilman Dick overwhelmed by lhls moderdle Newpon Beach a bu more. Nkhols for questioning lhe nature of Republican conservatJve. He was I will never be a!> much c1 of knee-Jerk what you refer to as the library's brilliant, fair-minded and funny as he hbec.aJ ~I oot..e ~ I am wre the vast ·Distinguished~ Lecture Series· _9escribed his work as an advisor in the conservc1tive ma1001y m our area will raises more qt.lestions than it aru.wer; ("A cabinetS of Presidents Nixon, ford. not be tainted by hearing a few "liberal" reminder about freedom of speech ·1. Reagan and Ointon. Gergen distilled speaker;. (And since I haven t heard That's because you also find out lhat lhe essence of good leadership trail!> them. I am hopmg that thl·y l~e city funds do not s upport the series, from all four. Gergen. will be even nunded.J which implies that our city-owned I was raised in a liberal Democrat I have the deepest rei.pt."t t for library does no1 have any official household, where we were taught to Ridgeway and l:Sromberg. They dt:t nl!<i connection to it. WeU then. who does' vote Democtal fif'il, no maner whal. 1n the ranungs of a cardboard ln Nichols' favor, shouJdn't the people a Tamany Hall-type procedure. '¥\-'hen conservaove: Nichole; remark!. wi:re of Newport Beach as well as their feminism emerged in the 1970s, my shallow and punitive I re'>pt>Ct council members be informed of how defauJt voting became: Democrat fir..t. conservatives and liberals who h.iw things are run in our city and who tf no Democrat!. on the ballot, then given thought to both sid~ of is"ue<> fl does the running? women first. and if no women. lhen am not'><> sure ~1dent Bu.J1 doe-. uw. Nichols' act and politically naive teachers over busmessmen. as weU as some of tus predec.e!»Ors 1 questioning seem fresh and right on Reagan and NtXOn, as weU as any If Nichols attend'> this fine spec1ker~ target, and we hope he never sertles Republican presldenl, were painted by c.erie!>, I suspect he ~,11 gain depth. 1f down into an intimidated silence and my parenl.'i ~ babblmg, nonintellectual by no other reason than remindmg ~pathy. Frankly, I don't feel threatened warmongers. Yer, I was so impressed by himself of why he disagrees. as • by the politics or philosophy of these Gergen that I bought his book. Americans have done for .!00 year!> speakers, except the possible threat of WE'yewitness 10 Power.· and ha~ been SUE CLARK boredom fr-om speakers who really reading it cover to cover for the last Newport Beach can't find that many forums of people year. It is simply but intelligently willing to sit still and pay all that wntten and gives lhe strength and Another potential gold mine money. On e speaker sticks out of my weaknesses of these three Republicans in Costa Mesa mind o;Qth the dryness of )Us lecture and one Democrat. on randomness to show lhat there is While it is easy to see '>Orne of Thanh. Mayor Karen Robinson. for no God and that all we perceive in life Ointon's weaknes.5e5. for example. trying, but if the Costa Mesa Planning and death was created through simple Gergen also details his intellectual Cornmic;sion's decision succeeds and randomness and was not the result of strengths and global populanty. While I Kona Lanes is desLroyed. it would feel any lntelllgent force at work. w bad been taught that Reagan was an Hke the movie ·Poltergeist. Nonce 10 I marvel at such dreary waste of time. arch-conservative fool. I found to my Kohl -we wouldn't shop at a place ftEBA WILLIAMS amazement that this man w~ a great that was infamow. for killing old Newpon Beach leader. (My mother wouJd tum over an memories all for the alrmghty dollar. Di stinguished speakers challenge left and right Couna1man OlcX Nichob L5 concemed about the '1eft-wing-~ PIP of speakers fe81ured at the~ Spe.akfts l...eaure Serles al the Newport Beach Public Lbar)t Coundlman Tud ~and Mayoc ~Bromberg were comd in squashng Nichols' aDel1lpl to control and "oonservatize" this elegant and eloquent group of speabn • her left-leaning grave.) Philanthropy will offic1aJly be declared I have become very interested in deceased in Costa Mesa Lets all JUSt politics again because of my encounter '>top t.tus moaning and groan mg and with Gergen. I understand concepts work on making money -rsn't lhal such as why be left Ointon's office and the bonom hne tn hfe anyway? why he so admires Reagan. I've got a new pro1ect for you -the Uke Joe Bell, I love ·Tue West Wing" little choo choo trams the k.l<h love · television show. or course I am m next to the Co ta Mesa Golf C.Ours~ I harmony with many or the bet there is'money to be made there. protagonists' beliefs. However I was and it wouldn't lake long to rear tho'it'· happier when the character A.lnsley tracks up Haynes was on the show, as a conservative attorney hired by the Costa Mesa READER RESPONDS Con~ervatives in Orange County should be proud AT ISSUE: The Bell Curve column OD Repub~icans in the area as portrayed OD the 1V show .crhe West Wing." A I I proud. llfeJong conaervattve RepubUcan and matM Oran8a Coundan. I toOk more dllP my UIUAl IUDOUDt al umbntet with the -~ whlninp. of the Plot .. ulcn lbnl Q)hamnl# )oeW, l antwd ID '*-da Jn 19'2. 11,.,. pdor.., W\.nhlll in l9el.My~ AepubMran,..... .m.s la 1m whln....; pr* lihn C>nilille ~In tbe ......... ltlltownol.........,.e*b -the~Ola .............. And .... ................ ........... ._,, --... .._ ..... ~ ---~ .. JWOllll ..... _.. •nut cases.· too. tr so. I proudly plead guilty to being a certified, ooo.servative Orange County Republican "nut cue" -just lib the foundina fa.then. rt wasn't until the fim cenuted liberal preMdcnt of the 20th c:enb.l1y took in 1914 that President Wi)sQn helped finagle . phony consd.wlional amendment to allow the ~totu a man' ina>me. WUsob. any eood Ubcnl Dlmoc:ra1 ~met that the tu~ •newt be more chin ••on tbt top '' ol the IDcaime ........ tn -~Of mu191. GGCe..., p the .-c.aeh ..... cbii cmc.·Chll-•lhl--. Sound .. w "' ...... ,. dOO'~-leC ~ow..._,hllf pr~= ID PrilUft: ,_...,. dae ~tMbell Wlft=IO,_W. JM ., ...... _.,. .............. -. ... ••I 1 61 .... a ·= ...... .... =t::::· - ---~-----------~----------~~-------~-·---. -. ------~--~------------ M nutdly, Mlrdl 6. 2003 ... . Stildents learn lessons in statehood u • Delegation of 80 Newport-Mesa youths take part in California program that gives them a look at how ~overnment works. •aul Clinton JaityPilot NEWPORT-MESA -:--ValkYrle Yuill doesn't buy into the cyni; ci.itD about ~nt. Espe- cially since the 18-year-old sen- ior at ~ewi>ort Harbor Hlgb School spend an intensive week learning about the process as part of a young government pro- gram. Yuill spent three separate ses~ sions. iricluding a week in Sacra- mento in mid-February, learning bow state government works. It was a real-life l~n she said she would always cherish. "I really like government," Yuill sa!d ~So many people are passive-aggressive and whine about an issue. I like being one of those people who takes a stance." Yuill served as the president of the delegation of 80 students from Newpott·Mesa's four IUgb schools that partidpat~ in the California YMCA Model legisla- ture & Court every year, local students participating in the pro· gram' head to Sacramento and take part in a game of role play- ing. . · The students take on the rbles of lawmakers. attomeys.· lobby- ists and other ,gOYef!UDent offi- cials as a way to glve them a real- life. lessort about bow 80'('em- metttM'Orb. · · In addition, each delegation drafts and proposes bills that are discussed and voted on in a mock legislative session. The local contingent proposed three such bills, one of which was signed by the student gover- nor, Celinda Sandoval. 18, a senior at Costa Mesa High School, helped draft that bill, which pro- posed recognizing civil, includ- ing same-sex. pairings. Bills that would have amended state law to allow darker tinting of auto and truck windows and ral.sJ.n.g the age children can m: ter kindergarten to five ~ , various stages of the proc;ess. . 1be dlstrict offeJI the stUdent.s school aedJt for participating In tbe ProgJ8111. "It's valuable because· democ- racy bas to be learned &y each generation." Newport-Mesa Uni· fied School 'Ihastee Judy Franco said "'They get an understanding that is far greater as to bow gov- ernment actually works." Steve~er. a mathemat· ics teacher at Corona del Mar HJgJ;l SchQOl, Is the lead stUdent advisor on 'the program. Unda' Munoz, a program director at the Qmtral Orange Coast ' YMCA. also participates as an advisor. 1Wo stud~ts who attend Co- rona de) Mar, senior Mari Pub, 17, and junior Owle Carpenter, 16, said they also ~ued their~­ periences in the program. Paib served as a state Supreme Court judge and got to wear a blaclc robe. She said the bills are a good proxy for voting. "This is our voice," Parts said "~is what we view as impor- tant" County cuts don't·worry Newport Board of SupeIVisors slashed $100 million, $1 million of which affects water quality. county's commitment to re- ducing beach closures when some county land is part of June Casagrande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Lo- cal leaders are disappointed that $1 million in county matching-funds for tirbah- ·runoff programs have been slashed. but the cutbacks aren't expected to cripple any of the city's plans or pro- grams. More than $100 million in budget cuts announced this week by the Orange County Board of Supervisors in- cluded about $I million a year for the Urban Runoff Matching Grant Program. The program was used by cities countywide to help re- move contaminants from . ,the problem." storm water runoff, said The city had not planned Monica Mazur of the Orange to apply for any of the county County Health Care Agency. grants in the coming months. The county funds are avail-Kilf said. The cutbacks may able to cities to help pay for not be felt locally because programs to clean up urban other sources of funding. runoff. In Newport Beach, the such as the states' Oean program has helped pay for Beaches Initiative, can be the Newport Dunes stonn used for water quality pro- water diversion system and grams. for filter-screen devices in-The city has gotten about stalled in storm drains in $500,000 from the initiative West Newport to remove de-for water quality projects and bris and pollutants. has applied for $380,000 "We've probably gotten more. aboUt $80,0()0 over the past three years from that pro- gram, an" ifs been .a good program, so we'll miss it." As· sistant City Manager Dave Kill' said. 'Tm sad to see it go. because it showed the •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactied at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. , . KEHTTRfPTOW/DAILYPtl.OT Area high school students and advisors ha~e returned from Sacramento, YJ!lere they participat~d in a mock legislative session. Four of the participating students are, from left in th~ front row, Celtnda Sandoval, 18, Valkyrie Yuill, 18, Mari Parks, 17, and Cassie Carpenter, 16. ~ehandthem are advisors Laura Munoz, the YMCA youth development director, and lead advisor Steve Messenger from Corona del Mar High School. .. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Qiamber public affairs director taking new job Doug Stuckey, a ~ face at the Newport Beach <llamber of Commerce, has announced his resignation to pursue a career at Wells Fargo Bank. Stuckey, the chamber's public affairs director, will begin work as a regional marketing consult- ant in Wells Fargo's Irvine office on March 17. The 27-year-old Stuckey, who graduated from Newport Harbor High School in 1993, said he has enjoyed his more than four years working for the city's lead pro- moter and advocate for local business. "h was a great situation to work in and promote a city you grew up in," Stuckey said. "It has been a great experience here. ft Oiamber President Richard Luehrs hired Stuckey in 1998. when be was the comm~­ tions director for then-Assem- blywoman Marilyn Brewer. Luehrs credited him with rais- ing the chamber's profile with city leaders and state representa· The grant marks the first time tlves. , -that the .National · Institutes "We wish him all the success have funded a center's research in the world, ft Luehrs said. "He based on key findings, and only has meant a lot to the chamber." Lhe second time in the country Stuckey was a kicker on New· that a center has been awarded port Harbofs football that lost to a grant for it. Irvine High SChool in the CIF By taJdng that step. the Na· championship game. tional Institutes have moved Stuckey studied communica-toward a new initiative that will tions and political science at Or·. help propel brealcing research egon State University. where he as it first becomes available. played as the Beavers' starting The grant it will not only punter and kicker. He graduated push the Reeve-Irvine Center's with a degree in speech and laboratory research in the re- communications. generation of injured nerves Stuckey lives. in Costa Mesa and the enhancing of genes "'1th wifer MoUy, whom he mar-that promote nerve ceU growth ried in January. · or block other genes that code -Paul Oi111011 for growth-inhibiting mol- UCI gets $2.6 million for spinal cord research The National Institutes of Health awarded a five -year, $2.6-million grant to the Reeve- lrvine Research Center at UC Lr- vine to confirm new findings in spinal cord injury research. ecules, it wilt also allow them to develop new methods to track the use of experimental spinal cord injury treatments in ani- mals. Researchers in the center, es- tablished in 1996. study the ef- fects of spinal cord injury and spinal diseases to find their cures. -Otrisrine CA"illo Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live .and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fmancing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of n~eds and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and superjumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-on! y loans • .. ., t£VVP0RT BEACH PLANNING CONMSSIONPREVIEW ON THE AGEND~ PlarinJn1 commissioners wilJ ~ torugnt whether a · n Statement" prepared by s:nemt>ers of the citizen General Pla.n.Mvisory Commlttee should be adopted into the official aeneraJ plan Updale documents. Members of the .aabcomrnittee that created the document have (ought to have It oftidally adopted. Sqme have . 181d they were under the . lmpreaslon all along that they were creating the statement for of6dal adoption by the city. Oty staff members have countered that they never Intended to have the City Council or Plannlng Commission vote to officially adopt the statement They worry that the adoption process could PARK Continued from A 1 CocutaJ Conserv.mcy. Friends of the Harbors. Beaches and Parb h3$ been showing off the concept plans to local governments in hopes of winning their bleMing. The lands tha1 would make up the park are now owned by the cities of Costa Mesa and Huh· tington Beach. the county of Orange. the federal government and private companies. A por· lion of the county land LS slated to be annexed eventually 10 Newport Reach. bul is not pro- jected 10 be annexed anytime soon. A bill being considered by the state Legis lature could help cre- ate an umbrella organization to manage development and ownership of the park. Asscmbty Rill 496, introduced last month by Assemblyman Lou Correa (D·Sanla Ana). would create a conservancy to manage and protect 96 miles of the Santa Ana River. The agency would be similar 10 the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and could help lap state money 10 '11U Lm/Je.st, r uust, J"ricuUUst fJ!eautySupp(y & !Full Seroia Salon l n Orange County FYI WHAT: Newport Beach Planning Cotnmlulon meeting WHEN: 6:30 p.m . today WHERE: City Councll Chamben et City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports' an/ available at ww'N.newport-beach.ca.ur, for Information by phone, call (949) 644-3200 .. cause the document to be diluted and changed ln ways . that dfcUteJS ne.ver intended. WHAT TO EXPECT Planning Department staff have suggested two options for planning commissioners: They can either "adopt" the Vision Statement, or they can #endorse" it Either way, it will likely go before the City Council. -C.Ompikd by June Casagra~ purchase the park)ands. The bill has the support of A"· semblymen Ken Maddox (R· Costa Mesa) and Tom Harman (R-Huntington Beach). Both are co-authors. "nus would aUow us to be in a position get more state bond money, to come forward for what's needed," said Jean Wan, a member of the group working Jo make the parlc happen. -And if it passes. that more or less estab- lishes the woddng arrangemen1 and the governance fo~e patt.• The proposed park stret from Fairview Park toward the ocean, en corn pas.sing the county-owned North and South raJbert Parle. and has two ·1eg:s· that extend across Coast High· way. One leg is largety m Hunting· ton Beach's jurisdiction. the other is in the privately owned Banning Ranch propertY, which lhe county has labeled as within the city of Newport Beach's "sphei;e of influence." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beam and John Wayne Airport. She may be reamed at (949) 574 4232 or by e mail at 1une.cassgrsnde a latimes.com Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection • nttco Splendore USA,INC aow TO KEEP MORE OF WHAT YOU EARN. bi cg, l.j> more ti~ )IC!" earn ~ ~ irMSt;, frcddin C<~omio btfl9t h:iome Md. And )QI don't hcM. to be~ ordc. to nii•1.,, to d. ocMJ*"9 ti~ W 1bis ~ ~ ~ b.w. lor nat irMStn in am flderal · • taK brocW or h9w; &lfoY h ... cf. Doe.6h .............. Msaa•,..,..•aw• ... 1nv9m:_,...._....,1'1 t I, CoU today fot o ... brochvre, ...... 1ecu ..... OcNid 8. Davia Of John l. Bennis (714) 560-9656 • AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mes.a. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) 57~ Include the time. date end locatJon of the event. as well ~phone nomber. A ~ng Is available at ~.dallypilot..oom. TODAY "'l"he Rom... FCMUmf>n>iect An Exploration of the American PolltJcal Spectacte• offers a critique of American issues. Perlorma00¥ are sdled~ed1or 8 p.m. today through Saturday, and March.12 through 15, with a pollt-performance discussion at UC lrvi~. Admisslon Is free, but spece Is limited. For reservations, call (949) 824-6206. SATURDAY The NP &po. Inc. comput8r fair will be at the Orange Coonty Fair and Exposition Center today and Sunday, March 8 and 9, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in boilding 10. Admission is $5 for adults, and children under 10 get in free. For more information. call (800) 800-5600 or log onto www.lacomputerfair.com. "O.ndng fn>m the Outside-In· is a free lecture-demonstration focusing on the effect of dance movement on heahh and the body. h will begin a' 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. A cub acout rummage sale win be held from 7 a .m. to noon in the north parking lot at Kaiser Elementary School. 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Proceeds support the local scouting program. To donate items or for more information. call (949) 646-8835 A frM W1tlking tour of the a.di Bay will leave every 15 minutes between 9 and 10:15 a.m. Tours begin at the corner of East Bluff Drive and Bade Bay Road. For more 1nformat1on. call (949) 786-8878. TM Great American W~n. sponsored by Women for Orange County, will feature representatives from local and national edvocacy groupe, urging people to appeal to leglsleture on important Issues. The event will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. mt the UnlV9fS!ty Club at UC Irvine. Free. For more information, call (949) 681·3938. SUNDAY The Spirit Run Race, the~ children's race in Orange County, is a joirrt community venture benefiting local elementary education. The race Is scheduled for 7 a.m. alo~ Newport Center Drive at Fashion Island, Newport Beach. To enroll or for more infon:nation, call (949) 4514848. ·o..p "-lint Through Sound andSbllness" is an evening ol restorative yoga offered by Full Spectrum Yoga. 2018 Quail St.. Newport~. The COS1 is $26 Pf8paid or S30 at the door. For more information, call (949) 955-1965. Rabbi Joseph T.tulhkin will discuss the relationship of Herzl in the modem wor1d to Moses at the Memorial Auditorium at Chapman College. Doors open at 6:30 p.m .• and the lecture starts at 7 p.m. Tichts are $20 at the door, or $24 for the balance of the series. For more information regarding subscription to the series. call the forum at (714) 997-1032. MONDAY A Great Decisions discussion of "Europe: State of the Union" is the seveoth in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led ·by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church. 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more information, call (9491 760-1691. A free educational program, "Multid1SC1phnary Treatment of Colon Cancer;" will take place from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Radiation Oncology Library, Hoag Cancer Center, One Hoag Dnve, Newport Beach Free To register. ..... -'c:up....,<tur• WorL,. • I ' I • 1 \ It II I ~ H " ~ I 1 • \111 ,, I, \I 111 ' <J 1'1-!"d I 111 •1 ~"~ Three Friends 1pper1I .... ...,.,,, .. ht ..... ···-~ (;::/) u .. ~ ... t ~~ Wtttellff Plue -•ewp•tf l111lt • 949.S41.9Ht "" A ll'fl• . ••n i. si..-h 1S% OFF All MERCllAllDISE s ••• , ... ,. ..,.. ··~ fHt.,lt9: Lee•r 0111•, Aetl• OtutH, Kerzi, 8df1l1 JHu YvkUda 114.691.ff67 hatl• Rmli 114.S44.9Jl4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • fMROWOOO • LAAIU1ES • CNffT •CERAMIC 1IE • Mrm. R.OORllO ••••!!!J! f.i,,,fo·t:iM SOlA.,AH -.. '6Mj~~ ""'IOU> eon: ~-, HARDWOOD STAINllAl~TE ... s441 ~ '1" fron1 ~· 1111111111 ~· T!Mh 18" x 18" ............ -... -...... ~-m·-.. \II"' Ctrllric lie .... "" ........... _. __ , ......... _""'_ ....... u "' Llili1lll ~.....--...... ..:.. ....... -... -., .................. u .• call (949) 7-cANCER. A "Low b a ur.t1tne• worbhop, on how to call love forth in your lrfe, will be heAj from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111. Costa Mesa. The cost Js S25 or $30 at the door. For ITlOf'e Information, call 1n.c> 764-7399. TUESOA't A he Nmta.r Qfled •A Netural Approach to Vision andliearing Treatment" will be held from 6:30 to 7;.30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 226 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. A •fW•dhg your Businea" wortahop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives. will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is S25;S20 if preregistered for more information. call (714) 550-7369 WEDNESDAY A frM book signing and seminar called "The Mood Cure· by author Julia Ross will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p m . at Mother·s Market. 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. A open reading and live music will be held at 8 p.m. at the Alta Coffee House. 506 31 sl St .. Newport Beam. Sign ~begin at 7:30 p .m . for tbe open reading For more information. call (949) 675-0233. The Califomia Retired Teachers Assoc1at1on, Harbor D1v1s1on No. 77 will hold a meeting for their members and lhe1r guests wrth a Home Depol representa11ve to talk about home repe1rs •~ what's new 1n tools The """""" ia at 1 p.m mt the Costa Mesa Neighbof'hood Community Center, 1145 ParttAve., eo.ta . Mesa All retired educ:Mor9 &re welcome. for more 1nform.uon. call (949) 551-5082. ' The U.ng c..M:er 64.tppoft Group Wiii hold "A Caregivet'a ~ fr(>m 6:.30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center. Conference Room "A: Newport Beech. Free. For mote Informs.ti~· can (949) 780-6642. The S:.lboa Bay Republan Women will have a luncheon at 11 :30 a,m. at the Bahia Corinthian, 1601 Bayside Drive, Cbrona det . Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-9630 . "The Roman Forum f>n>lect: An Exploration of the American Pohtecal Spectacle." offers a cnt1que of American ls.sues Performances are scheduled for 8 p m. today through Saturday, with a post-performance discussion at UC Irvine Admission 1s free, but space 1s limited For reservanons, call (949) 824-6206 Weetcly story time at Toy Boat toy store offers S1on es songs, finger plays and crafts Newborns to 5-year-olds are invited from 10:30 to 11 30 am a.t 21111 Newport Coast Drive. For more mforma11on1 call 1949) 759-8697 MARCH 13 "Does tt Take Rod<et Science to Create a Good Reader?# 1s the topic of a lecture to be given by UC Irvine Pro fessor V1rgm1a Mann at 6 p m in the university club, library room at UC Irvine The cost 1s $30, and reservations are required For more mlormauon, call (949) 824 2511 "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5.9 PM CORONA DEL MAR C'RY'STAL CCNI WlllADI 1&; I E ~ '"'IY'/vt.• .}:) £ iJI... ·GMA• 949.675_4100 949 715 1117 FAX 149.675.2216 FAX 141715 1111 -------------• $30FF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY ANY r.11f OIUM I-II/,/ A & I I . -GET A SMt.• Al.l·D 0 1· I YOU~ H [ • '"'lE' .. I State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon WltB UY MIJOR TUNE UP Same Ownn Since 1965. 38 Yt-ars m Co1r,1 Me_r.i TBI CARBRl i OR SHOP llC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bri ,rol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carbparts@thecarbshop.com I LOAF OF IRISH . SODA BREAD ' Offtr Good thra M2l'Ch 17, 1003 Mm /'Of"~• nt't{ ~ . U.11"~ f .' -f I ' I I ~I! I • ! I' j • ' I I • • • 1 ' I '\ ,.. DA.TEBOOK • THE CROWD . Social competition propels ·Sound of Music .Guild .. .. ... . D 0 you undentand the power of IOdaJ competldoof .• Plnt.1PUP the concept; Sod.al competition II the relationship between people of aimllar puq>OCte and mind-set competing for, or slmpfy woDing towanl. ~n goals wbOe eeeking to elevate ~or their purpose whbiD the context of "the '"'1P. • "the community" or "the fam.llJ." . .--------.. I suppose . that the negative terminology of"social climbing" is one result of • the "social . competition• model.On the positive Scott Hart and TirtrMarshall at the ~und of Music Guild Party .• 8. W. COOK side, the ' " money cal.sed for charitable PwPoses is often fueled by social maneuvering and engineering. Last week at Pelican Hill, a mid-week dinner thrown for petrons of the Sound of Music Guild in support of the Orange County Performing Arts C.enter proved to be a shining example of the positive results of the social competition model Some 100 Newport-Mesa gjJestB raised more than $115.000 to_upderwrite the upcoming Sound of Music gala to be held Saturday evening at The Four Sea.sons Hotel, Newport As a result of the 'tDlderwriting success,The Orange County Performing Arts :E1~r will be the recipient of a ~donation from the The party, being called -P&Mpon to Havana," promises tO be one of the "big nights" on the town this sea.son. Thank you wry much to social competition. • The Sound of Music Guild has always taken a •high profile· ri>ute. The members are prominent. business savvy, mostly 30-somethlng and upwardly mobile. They dress for success, and they are competitive. The competitive spirit ups the bidding at society auctions, and it also creates momentum for donatiOJli. "We were a bit worried this year, given the economy and the threat of war," said n.cy Martin, a beautiful blond Newport resident and active guild patroness. "But guess what? The funding has been coming in, even without major solicitation. We received another $5,000 check in the mail today ... And the event is sold out So much for a rough economy. So why does the guild enjoy such success in tougher times? Credit goes to underwriting chairs Kelly Hague. Stacy VOn Berg and Carollne Jone.. The Sound of Music chapter Olairs Patsy ManhaD and Carol Dalton have worked relentlessly to bring in the money, the members and send the message that an association with the Center is vital to the community and a worthwhile social · involvement for local couples interested in getting ·involved.· Jerry Mandel. presjdent and chief operating officer of the C.enter, was on hand for the evening with his charming bride, Whitney. Mandel was pleased with the financial success of the guild and shared his plans for the future. "The C.enter is committed to education,• Mandel said. "We plan to have 500,00Q Orange County school children attend C.enter performances each year. For many, it will be their only association with the performing arts experience.• The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ I 1 O VER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA - • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MAR.KEO DOWN 30o/ooff Applause filled the elegant Pelican Hill dining room as Four Seasons staff served a Cuban-themed dinner of spicy Mojo Puerco Asado troast~d pork tenderloin}, accompanied by warm mango-avocado salsa and Moroy y Ouistianos (beans and rice). For dessert, a Cuban "drunlc" pound cake called Cake Embirraohado, topped with a rum glaze, made the crowd truly experience "the Cuban beat.• The big event this Saturday is being produced by IClmberley Feinberg and Beth Hart. with the grand auction duties in the hands of Danni Good, Pamela Lowery and Cyndie Ungerfelter. From the auction description list, the only thing missing ls an all-expense-paid trip to the moon. Caroline Jones of c.artier, . South Coast Plaza. is a major underwriter, furnishing patrons with lavish gifts. Alfred DunhUJ will provide a cigar testing bar as guests arriVe in Cuban-theme attire that will no doubt include everything from mobsters to movie stars to revolutionaries. Locals providing major support fo( the evening include Pelican Point's handsome couple Sally and Randy Crocbtt, 1Celly and John 11.agne, and Center board OWnnan Paul Folino and his wife, Dan.one. •THE aw:>wD runs Thursday and Saturday. Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642 -8400 DESIGN CENTER I ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOUTERY • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers · • Patio Furniture • DraP,eries, Shades, & Bedspreads · , ' Carol Dalton and Patsy Marshall at the Sound of Music Guild Party at Pelican HiU. Athletics March 7 \ Men's Volleyball. UC! vs. UCLA. 7 p.m., Crawford Hall. $3-$5 M arch 9 W omen's Tennis. UCI vs. Hawaii. l l a.m., Tennis Stadium. Frtt Arts March 6-15 Beall Center for Art and Technology. The Roman Forum Project: An Exploration of th~ .American Political Sptctdek. 8 p.m. Tbursday- Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday, Beall Centa. Also 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 12. Pree :..r . March 7, 8 '1•' . Whitney and Jerry Mandel atthe Pelican Hill event. UO Opera. Dido and Ameas. Fully-staged rendition of Henry Purcdl'a 17th-antury masterpiece. .. 8 p.m., Wmifred 6mith Hall. $8-$12 er~sentati on s M arch 6 .. Sodal Sciences lntematlonal ~tudles Forum. Jobs 1md Joining: Who Lost Out When China Joined the WTO. With Dorothy Solinger, professor of political lcicnce. 3:30-S p.m., Social Sciences Plaza A, Room l roo. Frtt ._ March 11 00 HMhh. Prevatting Colormal Canar. With Dr. Michad Stamo , professor of clinical 1Urgcry. 10 LJJL, UniftnityOub. Prtt Marctl 12 Unlventty Oub Forum. The Music and Bwinw of Opera. With Martin Hubbard. eucutiw dirKtor of Opda Pacific. 11:30 Lm., Univcnity aub. $7.SO r. . -. , r -"· j DATEBOOK llu'ldly, March 6, 2003 ,,. THEATER REVIEW Shakespeare's 'Two Gentle~en' Woo in the 1950s at SCR By Tom Titus T o fuDy ar)predate a Shakespearean comedy, one must buy into two assumptions-that treachery amoog aWet, no matter bow guileful. may ultima.tely be forgfven, and that a young woman may render henelf unrecognizable to her beloved simply by altering her hail5tyle. Accept these premises, and you should enjoy "1Wo Gendemen of Verona." South Coast Repertory's latest production, in Which the "Verona" of the title ls situated somewhere in middle America of the 1950s. Thar's established at the outset, as the actors perfonn against the backdrop of a gigantic ~~g millc "from Verona~ ~ "1Wo Gentlemen· may not be among Shakespeare's greatest hits, but under the creative direction of Mark Ruder -who revisua.Llud "The Turning of the Shrew" and "Much Ado About Nothing" for SCR audJences - it's a rich chunk of eye candy. Energy and imagination may paper over innumerable structural flaws. and these elements are present at SCR in abWldance. Of the gentlemen m the Litle, only one actually fitS that description -the other is a cad who turns his back on his own sweetheart to secure the hean of his buddy's. This is no easy task. since her nobleman father prefers a lhiro suitor and carries a lot or weight in the swinging metropolis of Milan. Scott Soren excels as the ungentlemanly gent. Plpteus.. FYI WHAT: "Two Gentlemen of Verona• WHERE: South Coa st Repertory Segerstrom Stage, 865 Town Center Drive, Co.sta "1ea WHEN; fl p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays; 2:30 and 8 p.m.. - Saturdays; 2:30 and 100 J>.m: Sundays until M•rch 30 COST: $27 to $64 INFORMATION: (71 4) 7Q8..5565 whose bonds with best pal Valentine (Gregory Crane) dissolve when he spies Valentine's sweetie Silvia (NealyGlenn). Nevermind that his own hometown squeeze (Jennifer Elise ~ Is something of a fox in her own right Rather than dump the rascal, as most ladies ln the '50s -or, probably, Shakespeare's time as · weU -would do. Cox dutifully takes matters into her own hands by posing as a man (the hairdo change) and discovering Protew' duplicity for hersel!-But not until after the plot takes several circuitous turns. including the appearance of a Hells Angels type or desert outlaw band that enllve.ns the proceedings .tmmearurabty. There31J!, of course. the • numsk:UIT servants -Daniel T. Pa.rXer and lravis Vaden -whose contributions could well be trimmed .in the interest of brevity (it being the soul of wit). Paib!r plays an overweight. enthusiastic dullard while Vaden brings along his docile dog to bade up his Gomer Pyfe-esque performance. One of the strongesl figures on~tage is Preston Maybank as £fiOUJ~ku ...... • ~ .~lne 0'fyles for all Y.9fiapes & ,@J\'zes of BEAlfllFUL WOMEN FLAX S't•H•M lE S-\.."67eR French Dressing Jeanswear Gifa d-~CUSorW 369E.17thSt121, Costa Mesa (949) 642-5459 the duke orMIJan. SiMQ <M!rprotecdve daddy. For reasons of his own. he prefers the ungain!yThurio (GuilfQC'd Adams) as a future son-in-law. Adams joins Matt Oemerritt and Phillip C Vaden as.strolling musician; who bade lijJ a few nwnbers in which Shakes~an dialogue become: lyrical. Most of SCR's founding artists have a field day as the desert outlaws -Don Took. John-David Keller, Martha Mcfarland and Hal Landon Jr. joln Maybank and Rachel Dara Wolfe ln the grungy troupe that reau.its the banlshed Valentine as their new leader. Scenic d~gner Darcy Scanlin has created two strikingly dissimilar locations in the provinci.al Verona and the swinging Milan. Joyce Kim Lee offers some provocative costumes. esj>ecially among the desert outlaws, while Geoff Korfs lighting and Aram Arslanian's sound design complete the rowing background effects. ·1\Yo Gentlemen of Verona.· being one of Shakespeare's early comedies. lacks the wit and polish of his later worb. bi.rt Ruclcers production guarantee. a full evening's entenainment • TOM TIT\JS reviews local theater for the Deily Pilot. Hi6 reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. [!]~Dunn -Well e~oy S'avt':!!J; otf t 5% ~o 5 0 $ otftf ------- New Merchandise Arrives Daily Hurry in for Best Selection! -wen Dtsiptd FurnituTt for WtO E>mgneJ Homes" FOR FEET'S SAKE ... Stylish, Comfortable Shoes True Custom Orthotics l " AFTER HOURS •Submit AfTiR ~Items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 926V; by fax to (9'9) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4268. A complete list la avajfable at www.dallypifot.et?m. SPECIAL SEXIEST KILT COMPETIT10H Muldoon'• Dublin pub in Newport Bead\ will hold its first •Sexiest Kiit Competl1ion .. at 2;30 p.m. Sunday, Mardl 16. A panel of female judges, including ~·· model and former Miss lrefand Olivia Tracey, will determine the competitlon. Chria Pierce, drum.rnerlor the Orange County rodt band the Fenians, ntnowne<i for hit zebra pattemed kilt, will , hoSt. Muldoon'• it at 202 Newport Center Drive. Information: (949) 640-4110. MUSIC PROKOFIEV, MOZART ANO TCHAIKOVSKY Orange Coast College's Symphony Orchestra will offer the (tlird concert of its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, featuring wor1ts by Prokofiev, Mozart and Tchaikovsky at the-- Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tidtets . are $8 and $10 and can be purchased at the door. Information: (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. PHILHARMONIC STARS OF TCl't10RROW Thefhilharmomc Society of Orange County will present •stars of Tomo"ow· at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine. showcasing nine perlonnera from Or•nge County from 9 to 18 yura old. Tickets.,. $10 in advance and ~15 et the door. lnforma1ion or tid:eta: (949) ~. . BEETHOVEN.NC> DQjJSSY The Philharmonic Sod1ty presents the lHo Fonteney performing the music of Beethoven and Oebuqy on at 8 p.m. Monday at the Irvine Bafday Theatre. Tidcett are $29, $25 and $23, and can ~purchased by catting (949)~ or online et www.tMbarday.org. The Irvine Barclay Theatre it at 4242 Campus Drive in Irvine. ~~Ml.RK O'CONHER Grammy Award-winning fiddler Merit O'Conner will make his jatz club debut at Founders Hall at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday, Mardl 14, and Saturday, March 15. His performances will spotlight his new CO. •1n full Swing;" a tnbute to his mentor, late French jazz violinist Stephanie Grappelli. Tidtets are $49 to $40, available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calhng (71 4) 740-7878. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. TCHAIKOVSKY'S PtANO CONCERTO NO. 1 The Pacific Symphony Orchestra will welcome Stanislav Loudenitch to perform Tchaikovsky's Piano Conceno No 1 in B·flat minor at 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday March 13, at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall. Tidtets are $19 to $59,and available at the Center Box Office, online at www.ocpac.org or by calling (714) 740-7878. The Center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve. Costa r-------------------------, 1 NELSON & ASSOCIATF.S 1 I Let our fo rmer IRS revenue agent with a MasttJS in I I Taxation prepare your income tax return. If we: l (?repare your rax return b_y f~bru~ 28, 2003 our 1 ~~~ill~Jedu~d0%.~JJ1-6J4-738~~ M.a. THE PRAlNC QUMTET One of d'9 d...af music wottcra leeding •m.m.tionai <ftMlber entemblee wiU perfotm llt];31J p.m. Mwdl 13. The QUatt9l will perform Beethoven'• String Chlartet No. 1, J~ Siring Chlartet No. 1 and more. The Prazek Ouettet will pefform at ~County PettooTilng Ms Centers Founder!s Hall. Tkbts are $43, avaltebte at the Cent., Bo>C Of'fice, onllne at www.oq>ac.Otg or by catting (J1114l 740-7878. The Cemef'l• ait 600 T<>Wn Center Drive, Costa .Mesa. SHIRLEY JONES MD FRIENDS Broadway, motlon pic:tuni end TV star Shirley Jones, will Jotn comedian Shelly Berman and the Nelson Riddle Orcne.tn in concert &1 8 p.m. Satur;day, March 15, at Orange Coast College at 2701 Fairview Road, Coste Meaa. nctets for $37 to $43 can be purchased at the college or by calling (714) 432·5880. AMERICAN COMPOSERS COMPETTTlON To conclude the 2003 American Composers Festival, Carl St Clair See AFTER. Pace Al2 -------------------------------~------ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE UBaur Sleep Through Science. • .--~-.,.r- Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT .. ~ ......... ' ' 1 .... -T""----ir---------------~------I AlO ~. March 6, 2003 DATE BOOK REELCRmcs .. . ~David Gale' predictable; 'Pianist' excel~. . . . . .. , 'The Life of Illvid Gale' sells itself short. ·By Richard Brunette Convicted of the rape and mwder o~ his former colleague Coo.stance . ~~~~~-Hanaway (Laura. tinney), David Gale O(evin • spacey) is on death row· and just four days shy of ..__-=.-.;'--"--~ lethal injection in RICHARD · "The uce of BRUNETTE David Gale. .. Ina last-ditch effort to clear his name -if not save his life -he provides tough investigative reporter Bitsy Bloom (Kate Wmslet) an exclusive interview to explain the paradox he finds himself in. The irony of the situation is not lost on the former Austin University philosophy professor and leading death-penalty abolitionist. Through flashbacks during the interviews, Gale tells his story. ~ meet the characters from Im life . on the outside and watch as that life unravels. Oues to the mystery unfold as the past collides with the present during Bitsy's investigations. Will we learn who actually killed Constance? Did Gale do it, or will he be saved and the real 1ciller revealed? The lltalces rise and the tension mounts as tbeJ:Dinutes tick by and the remaining ho~ of Gale's life slip ..... away. I like Spacey. l wilf see just aboManything be does. From "The Ref' ~o "Swimming wi,th the Sharks" to "The Usual Suspects." I've always found his best characters, with their wry; ace.rbiC wit and smart dialogue, to be among my favorites. Uke Jekyll and Hyde, even within his most disagreeable characters, often there lies a sensitive, caring human being. juxtaposed against the scornful, caustic side. "The life of David Gale" is tai.lpr made for btm. a.Je is intelligent. san::astic, telf-ISIUl'ed. but too cocky. all eumplifted In a clever Cr098 • Fire-style debate on the death penalty with the ficttonal· goyemor of 'Ima. I also like Unney. though I tend to ~joy her smaller, independent films. I libd the end.re cast. With tlwrexception of Wmslet It's not her performance .that I tee1 was ~r, I~ found her un<'iovindng as a hard-as·ilails tabloid reporter. She's fine as Gale's confidant., particularly as she begins to show empathy for hb:n and to believe he's Innocent. She was just miscast and out of place in a role as a tough-reporter chick. waD, It'a .. beauf.lful mm. weU • H worth seeing; even thoujh horrtfyingattitnb8.Poi.naky's concern la with the indMdual • •• -the plant.st, who la, to the di.rector-, symbolic of tbe Warsaw Jews -and how be · managed to persevere and survive in a world gone mad. Szpllman survived, retumed to' {Jdlo u a brilUant and popularptanist, wrote the. stocy · of those dreadful years and · died ·1o 2000. . . \ ..,; . Worth mentionJng among the cast is Wladyslaw's father and mother -veteran movie supporting actors Frank Finley and Maureen Upman. '. My other disappointment with ,... this film was that I figured out the ' ending long before it was over. The entire cast is good, and ~duction team.. outstanding. They include cinematographer Power Edelman and editor Herve De Luge. Though it's mostly a Director Alan Parker tells a good tale, but any avid filmgoer knows that every scene and piece of dialogue sets up and provides clues to a 010Vie's ending. If provided sulttly, they should all come together in an · epiphany ~ an "Ah. I get it now" . -at the end. l>a.rlcer provides too many unmistakable hints as to where the film is tak;pg us, and in doing so gives away the "surprise" ending. Rated R for disturbing scenes, violent images. nudity and language, on my rating scale of "Pay Full Price/' "Bargain Matinee," ''Video Rental" or "Walt for Cable," I give it a Bargain Matinee. After all, it's a decent film, but I'd have much ~er watched "The Usual Suspects" again instead of "Davi<;! Gale." I know the endin§ to both, but "Suspects was so much more intriguing. and the •Ah ha" far more surprising. • RICHARD BRUNETTE is a recreation supervisor for the city of Costa Mesa and a Costa Mesa resident. Polansky conducts mastelpiece with 'Pianist' "The Pianist" is another COURTESY Of COLUMBIA PICruRES Paul Francis, Johnny Messner, Nick Chinlund, Bruce Willis, Cole Hauser and Eamonn Walker star in the action adventure "Tears of the Sun,• which will open in theaters Friday. superb editing job, there were a . few brief times when De h.age could have tightened a scene or sequence by a few frames here and a: few frames there. By the end, however, the pacing was back to being excellent. · Roman Polanslcy masterpiece. lt commands your empathy, absorbs your attention and enlarges your humanitarianism. You'll also enjoy it and be glad you went to see it. Adrian Brody, as the hero, pianist .-----::::::----. Wladyslaw Szpilrnan, gives a sust~ned, deliberate, tightly controlled and ultimately fascinating performance ELEANORE of this Jewish HUMPHREY teSident of Warsaw at the time when the Nazis ran roughshod over Poland and· decimated t.be ghettos. Wladyslaw is a member of a well-to-do Jewish family; be is already widely known and a ppreciated as a talented artist with his own radio show. Undoubtedly, he is headed for bigger things, but the Nazis arrive. As depicted by Polansky - who co-wrote the script with Ronald Harwood (and a fine job they did) based on the pianist's autobiography -part of the horror for the viewer is the casualness of the German barbarity. Almost all had suspended their humanity and didn't even seem to realize it. There were some notable exceptions. One man, a German guard who knows of the pianist and respects hlm and his talent. separates hlm from his family as all of them were being l~ded on a train like cattle for the trip to the detention (death) camps. and turned away as Wladyslaw headed back to the now deSerted ghetto. And in a beautiful sequence in the latter part of the film, SS CapL Wilm Hosenfeld (Thomas Kretsmann, in a fine bit; look for him in the future) who finds the pianist in his hideaway and induced him to play (gorgeously), conveys his emotional bonding eloquently but soundlessly, then quietly leaves after giving his overcoat to the pianist. It is obvious thaf his passion for and dedication to music is what keeps him going and inspires others to help tum. -such as a young Caucasian couple and another young woman, also Caucasian. He also benefits by help from the underground. Potanslcy very wisely ltept his focus on Warsaw's ghetto, using this minimum loci to make anli-Nazi charges -by showing, not telling-as strong as other classic World War II films have done in other The film ends as Wladyslaw plays a ipagnificent concerto to its final phrase. By design, it also plays, with fine visuals, over the end credits. To my 'f' regret in their behalt many patrons left. Don't do it. The music at the close is almost worth the price of admission on its own. Polanski has been nominated as Best Director for an Academy Award and has already garnered honors from American and foreign critics, film festivals and similar major ·organizations. He was a nomiriee for the director's honor by the Director's Guild of America, but did not win this particular kudo. Whether he is accorded the Academy Award over some powerful, talented colleagues, he has made an artistically and cinematically classic movie. - •ELEANORE HUMPHREY lives in Costa Mesa and is a political junkie involved with several city committeet. Whistle while you work. • You'd be whistling too if you won a major championship and more than a million bucks in your rookie year. Fuzzy Zoeller smiles , he jokes, he chats with the gallery. But know this : He is the only guy who's full throttle when he's laid back . March 17-23, 2003 Newport Beach Country Club Advance-purchase ticke\s ar Call 949/660-ioo1 or viSit 8~~~ Title Sponsor TOSHIBA Compuair Syawn1 Group 111ic:11 ... c.c. .. ,., _ ... c..,.., ...... ..... ._... ...... ....... • I Platinum Sponsors @==· DelOltta Ir Touch• ... .. • • • . .. . . .DAT~BOOK DINING REVIEW ·Turner New Zealand Worth a whirl and more ., By tt.phen· S1nt1croce \Wre an t'amilJar wtth restaunlnt5 featuring ruisines rrom countries and subregions around the wodd. Freleh restaurants are the granddaddy of all gounnet dining. and toda~ Italian otferlngs are bro.ken into regional variations hJghlighting northern Italy, southern Italy, Tuscany. etc. Here in Orange c.ounry. we can .find restaurants that allow us to sample the cul.sines of Peru. Vietnam. Algentina and Sweden, to name a few. One thing alJ of these restaurants have in common is that their specialty is more in the '~tion than in the ingredients themsdves. 'what if a restaurant opened that featured the food products of a certain rountty rather than a coolcing styie? That question \s answered in part by a recent U:i6ta Mesa. newcomer, Turner New Zealand. 1\Jrper is the brainchi.ld of Noel Turner, a New Zealander who foWl<led the Turner New 7..ealand company in 1985 to bring quallry food products to the United - Slates. New Zealand is known for the quality or its meats and fishes. and Turner-brand productb, such as mussels and lamb. show up on the menus of many of the area's finer restaurants. Noel Turner grew up on a fann in New Zealand and also worked as an independent fishennan before starting his company. M an extension of his pride in ~e products his company offered. he started Turner New Zealand restaurant to offer a menu that only serves Turner products, evmtually to diners all over the United States. 1\.tme(s first restaurant IS on Anton Boulevard in Cost.a Mesa. walking distance from the Performing Arts Center, in a site that formerly housed n Fomaio and most recently Lugano. The stately restaurant is long and narrow. with an interior more reminiscent of a respected bank headquarters than a rest.awarit Dramatic archways and mahogany accents punctuate the JO-foot higfl ~ that loom CM!" the stately tile floors. O\l3J akhes stijJ spon the Italian pottery of the former tenant Turner promises to replace them soon with mura.llt of the New 1.ealand countryside. Tables ~ with crisp white linens line up~ the long, window-lined front wall, while an exbil>ition kitchen and small bar provide the restawanr's backdrop. Noel Turner is enth~c about the restaurant and can be found dining there often. He1J eagerly tell you about his humble beginnings as a farmer and a C \I I Yot ·1~ I (t( \I R\BBll l(ENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT From left, Turner New Zealand restaurant manager Cam Luong sits wrth managing partner Lou Mora and owner Noel Turner at the restaurant. Two of their featured dishes are the Turner lamb rack, left, with pan-oveMoasted free-range lamb, and ttle Turner King salmon. fisherman, a picture that is hard to fathom as he glides effqrtJesmy from table to table in expensive tailored swts polling diners on their experience. At a recent business tunch, Noel questioned all of us as to our choice. He started with my friend Rory. who 1old him she was • having the salmon salad Jbe Turner Salmon Salad." Turner quiddy corrected. This is a man who taJces pride in his product. All of the sections of the menu are labeJed smillarty: Turner beef. Turner venison. Turner fish. etc., I counted the Turner name 27 times on the first page of the dinner menu. Of coun.e. a Por.;che without a drive(s license is just a pretty piece of metal Similarly, it takes an experienced chef to coax the best rrom fine ingredients. For that. Turner bas turned to self-taught Pranru.co C.arbaJ.lo. a Mexico native who has crafted a menu that wisely lets the quality of Turner's product speak for Itself. An excellent way to stan off at Turner is with some oysters on the half shen (Sl2 per half dozen). Six prump oysters are simply served over a bed of ice with a red wine vinaigrette for dipping, as weU as a more traditional cockl.ai.I sauce. Any oyster aficionado knows that (jualiry is the key. and the mild. tender oysters at Turner are some of the best I've had. M~ are, of counie, a New Zealand specialty, and another starter is Turner mussels ($12) steamed in a unique lemongrass and coconut broth. The Thai-influenced broth has a slightly sweet flavor to it. which is punctuated by the sharp notes of fresh cilanao and a judicious sprinkle of jalapeno peppers. lbere are a lot of d.itrerent 6avors here, but not too many to hide the mussels themselves. Fried calamari ($9) is another winner on the appetizer menu. Th.in ringlets of squid {yes. it comes from New Zealand and is Turner brand), are lightly dusred with Oour and qu.ickly fried. They're :;erved with a roasted tomato dipping sauce that has an undertymg smolciness provided by some ancho chile pep~ creating more depth of flavor than the more traditional, Come see lhe new Shnper1es· blinds from Hunter Douglas The sof1 -nowmg curves and 1ex1ured hnen-hke finish capture che look of the soft-fabric folds on a Roman shad_§. And Shapenes will not warp. crack. peel or fade Even in humid areas or direcc sunlight Come in and see these beauuru1 blinds roday lllnllG1uat.a ..... ,,....,_ .... ,, •......... ,,,.,,, ,,,,,. .,.., .. , ... &ALDEN'S Fl.DOI Q"UJNCNlD QmQM WtNtlO'I' Qr.~ 1663 Placentia, Cotta Mea "' 64,.4331 marinara sauce. The entree selecuons are organiz.ed by four meat caJegOries (beet lamb, venison and veal), fish and shellfish. General Manager Lou Mora (whom Turner wise!y hired from Pinot Provence) pointed out to me thar you won't find chicken or other poultty on the menu -they're not New Zealand products. Venison has made something of a comeb<lck on menus, with <;CVeraJ restaurants offenng loin medallions as an entree. Turner offers not one, but three cuts - the tenderloin, a strip loin (similar to a New York steak> and a rib chop. Forgoing the tenderlom. l decided to try the nb chop (S32J on a recent visit Venison is a lean meat and has a tendency lo get tough if overcooked. Rib cuts cypicaDy have more fat (and consequently more flavor) than the loin, but still. with venison, is about as lean as bt!ef filet mignon. 'The ch.ops are double cut. which make them easier to cook. Mine was tender and full of flavor. dressed lightly With a Grand Marnler butter sauce. Curried YOUR DENTAL HF.ALTII Nobody does it ~ette~ ... better than ... WILL YOU BE ONE OF 1HE 70!/:1? JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE Alter• 65. you ~men ttwi a 7°' d.nclt cl~ anc ldndof lcq-lml\ o.tt: 1b an how cu ~Term On~~ hdp ~ ..... the COlll al mended catt, J&lSl talk co your nclahboi'hood ~cue Farm•' Agtnc l&Sltd below. WE LIVE \\'HEit \' u Ll\'E." Senn IUU, Aaat • Uc • oc.tle >• btt n1• It 'kll~ lll C.-Mee.c.A ........ ~) L0cE A GOOD M!IGHBOR, STATE FAR)( IS THI&£ ........ FYI · WHAJ! Turner NewZ .. laod WHERE; 650 Anton Blvd.. Costa Mesa · WHEN: Lunch 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday; Dmner 6 to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thur9day; and 6 to 11 p.m. Friday through Saturday HOW MUCH: Expenstve PHONE; (714) 668..()880 potatot!S and steamed aspa.r.lilJS finished the dish. New Zealand, of course. u; as famous for its lamb as it is for its Wling. and Turner lamb is offered m four cu~ I've tried several of the dishes, mdudmg a wonderful rack of lamb ($30) served with a rosemary demi-glaze and oven-dried 1omatoes, and 1he lamb tenderloin salad <S 11.95) off the lunch menu. You won't find any munony flavor or stringy texrure here. The lamb is young and tender. with a delicate bur disonctive taste I do have a complaint with the lamb ~ The vmaigrette was 100 tan, and l really couldn' taste the black truffle e.sence that supposedly 1nfu'>ed the dish. Quality is evident in all of the offenng\ ~ Turner, mdudmg the veal and prime, aged beef and chef C..arballo WL<,eiy kee~ the sauccc; 10 sunple reductions for the most pd.rt, allowmg the fine meal and seafood 10 \lar. The King salmon (S26J m1gh1 be one of the few excepuon_.,, !he fish i'> moi.'>I and dean ta.sung. but the accompanying otrus .<xmce 15 too '>Wet'L Orange rough} 1$25) as back. on track.. the delicate white INDEPENDENT Beautiful -· ( fish Ls prepared with a iaty-roasted tomato. onion and oltve ragout in a dassk: Mediterranean otrering. Not surprisingfy. the wtne list at Turner fearurai a strong otrering of New l.ealand wines. The principal wine-growing~ o( New 7.eala.nd are simUar in climate and aQ.D IO 8wgundy. France. and ~~ting whw are sl.milar in style: dean chardonnays with a hint of minerals and none or the over-soaked Oavor of many American offerings and subtle pinot noir&. Sauvignon Blanc ~ well known ru. a grape that exc.eb 10 the Nt'W 7..ealand climate, and Tu.mer offers a healthy r.anipling to try OUL For the le&S adventurous.. there's also a respectable if modest ~lection of Californian and French.wtne.. Corlca{,<e IS $15, if you'd like to bring ~ng from home. fumer New Zealand L'> the ~ of "'-1lal Noel Turner ho~ will be a chain of upscale restaurants. Judging by the early ~., of Im fin.t offenng. I thmk. the fucure of the cham look.\ pmrru.\ing. Mord orchestrates !>ervtce on par with any of the are-d's finer re,tauranl!.. and chef' Carballo has crea1ed a menu that shOW!> off Turners products. I've taken several fnend.<. to tr) out the,restauran1, and all of us are eager for our next relUJ'TI VL'>tl • STEPHEN SANTACROCE'S restaurant reviews appear every other Thursday Send him yOllr comments at sds.anta a oc..<Jming.com # ... Wateifront .. , .. " .. Banquet Rooms .. ... ' 15-125 Guests ' --~ Business Dinners Birthdays c!r An'niversa7"Us Wt:JJing Recq>tions & Rehearsal Dinners Villa Nova 9491642-7880 3131 West Co~ Highw9 ' I I -" ... :~ :.r ... --=· - ' AU rtvm. Mltd'I 6, 2003 AFTER Continued from A9 •nd the Plc:ific: Symphony will preeeotthe American~ Competition It 8 p.m. Wedneldey and Thursday, M81dt 13,(at part of the 2002·2003 Hal and .,._nette Segetstrom Family eta..ics 'r. Series) and March 15 at 3 p.m. (as part of the a ... 1ca1 Con~n Series) at ttte Orange County FWformlng Atta Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Coste Mesa. .. <P - • • .. .. .. ... .. u' n£ CANADIAN BRASS Take five virtuoso mualciens, dress them in formfl attire and tenf\ls ahOes, provide them with • musk: from the cfaalcel, Jazz, pop. • • and contempof'aly music worid, and pert them on a atage. TM result is the canadian Brass. a 8eriousty fun and entertainin~ ensemble that comes to • Segerstrom Hall on Friday and S.turday, March 14and15, as part of the Pacific Svmphony Pops series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center.Drive, Costa Mesa. The conce~ begin each evening at 8 p.m. Tdets are available for • $80,$63, $50, $36, and $26. For • more information, call the Pacific Symf>hony Orchestra Tidcet Office at (714) 755-5799. , MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Be~. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. · JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummer.a, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Keny Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. S.turdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday-and from 2 to 6 p.m. ... ' I .... t • .. I I • ' Sunmy. The.......,,.,,. .. tt 2736 w. COHt Highwty, Newport e..cti. ~. (949) 842~1. WEEKEND mllC Anthonv'• RiWft)oat Restaurant Jn N.wport 8etd'I prwna Jeae on the sax oh Fridaly and 5.iurday ewnil"IQ8 and SUnday for brunch. The program features ell your favorit" on the aaxophone. Anthony'• is at 161 E. Cotst Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK~ FLAMENCO Tete 6, t fuM. red and Motown eet. P.,,onna 8t 9 p.m. Saturdiys at Carmelo's Ristonlnte, 3620 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar: Solo guitarist Ken S.nders perfQrms aa•lcal flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Ree. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&8 Ger8'd Ishibashi end the Stone Bridge Band play roe* end R&B at 9 p.m. S.turdays at Sutton ~ce Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE VIETNAMESE CUUURE NIGHT Viitnam.-e music, folk songs, folk and modem dance and fashions will be showcased at 6 p.m. S.turday at Orange Coast College. Tidtets are $10 In advance and $15 at the door. For information, call (714) 721-5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. TM> GENTLEMEN Of VERONA' William Shakespeare's *Two Gent1emen of Verona• will be perfonned at the South Coast Repertory on the Segerstrom Stage through March 30. Preview tidcets start at $19. For tidcets, (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.0111. 'LARAMIE PROJECT Orange Coast College is staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie Project" March 19 through 23 in the Orama U\b Theatre. Tldtets are $12 and $8 and are sold at the door and by calling (714) 432-5880. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. 'fOOTlOOSF •Foottoose, the Broadway Musical• will open Friday, March 14, and run through March 22. It will be performed by the Newport Beach Theater Company. Tidcets begin at $10 and can be purchased online at www.nbtco.om or by phone at (949) 759-1046. The shows are at 7:30 p.m . Friday an<fS.turday and at3 p .. m. Sunday at Lincoffl School, 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. •DON QUIXOTE• SPRING BALLET Orange County's Festival Ballet Theatre will offer its lavish prodllction of "Don Quixote" at Orange Coast College April 4 through 6, with curtain time 8 DATEBOOK . BEST BET through 30, wtth lh<1ws at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 3 p.m. Call (M&f 864 4646 or go onllne to www.tltebarclty.org. THE 1W1'Y IRISH DANCE COlllWfY The Trinity In.ti Dence Compeny will u.-lriah dance as an Instrument and a metaphor. The ell-wo""'n lriah·Amerlcen dance company dazzles audiences wltJ1 hard-driving pefQ.lalve power, aerial g_race, llghtnlng fast agllfty tnd astounding preclalon. The show will be performed at 8 p.m. March 16 and 16, with 1 Sunday mat1nee at 3 p.m. Tldtew ere $40 and $35. Call (949) ~. SWING l..esaor)a are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.n1. at the Aveht Garde Ballroom In Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages ere welcome, and no partners are needed. For more Information, visit ocswing.com or call (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered frolJI 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Danacene Studio, 2980 McClintode Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. •savaria and the Black Forest" is the seventh presentation in Orange Coast College's 2002-03 travelogue film series, "Armchair Adventures.• tt will screen at 7 p.m. Friday in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. For ticket information, call (714) 432-5880. PRO GRAMS MOTIER-DAUGHTER BOOK CLUB The Newport Beach Central Library will present Karen Cushman's "The Ballad of Lucy Whipple" and will launch a discussion about growth and change at the next meeting of the Mother-Daughter Book Club, at 7 p.m . Thursday, March 13, at the Newport Beach Central Library. p.m. Friday and s.tlJrday night and 2 p.m. Sunday. TICketi range from $20 to $24 and can be purchased by calling (888) 622-6376. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ART 'ZINE SCENE' "ljne Scene; an exhibit of zjnes organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of M s ~tellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. ljnes are publications -like magazines - Cf'eated by individuals or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday ttlrough Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6;30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DOUBLE HORIZONTAL Dewey Ambrosino's exhibit "Double. Horizontal" will feature "Brown Note Loungei an installation of two molded plywood sub-woofer loveseats that play an original bass composition, and whose frequencies are tuned specifically to the building's architecture. The exhibit will also include a vi~ projection of Oskar Sdllemmer's 192~ "Triadic Ballet.• The exhibit will run through March 22 at the Shed, 3000 Newport Blvd . . Information: (949) 723-3406. •IN THE EYE Of THE BEHOLDER' An exhibit of works by Michael Perez and Klraten Prosser will be on display at Bayside Gallery Restaurant, 900 Baysltte Drive, Newport Beach, through Saturday. (949) 851-918, www.studiogallery.net DANCE THE STUTTGART BALl£T The Stuttgart Ballet, said to offer some of the best dancing In the world today, will perform repertory highlights from "The Seventh Blue," "Cindy's Gift," "Sundlty Symphony.• and a full length "Romeo and Juliet.• Performances will be March 18 through March 23 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center at i THE ALPHA COURSE Alpha is for anyone who: • Wants 10 aplott the Chrisuan f.iith • Has scriow qucnions about the meaning oflife • Wants 10 llnd a warm and loving communicy Alpha begins March 12 a1 6:30 P.M. Res: (949) 675-0210 no charge Saine .James Church . . 600 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are from $20 to S75 and can be purchased at the box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS. MOMIX: OPUS CACTUS Hum'an bodies metamorphose into a single serpentine figure, and dancers shape-shift into exotic birds, flowers and cactus and other forms with visual splendor and theatrical magic. Exquisite costumes and illusionary visuals, sublime modern movement and Olympian gymnastics combine into this transforming event of beauty, humor and spell-binding power. Tidcets are $40 and $33. The show will ba given at the Barclay Theatre March 27 HAPPY 300Tlt, PIANO Classical music aficionados are invited to enjoy "Three Centuries of Piano Music; at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 16, at the Newport Beach Central Library. Pianist Michael Sellers will present the free program, which w;JI include works by Mozart, Chopin, Poulenc, Debussy and Samuel Barber. The Newport Beach • Central Library Is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816 or visit www.nttwp0rtbeachlibrary.0111. Orchid Sale Orchids $5""to$2SOO ~M: .E -&J,;o,, &..11"'9 ~a-.1- Mt""~SMy •KOCE MARCH 1, 8, 15 & 29 • OPEN To THE PUBLIC • EVERY SATURDAY 9-4 P.M. 1,000'S IN STOCK Newport Beach's only Orchid Nursery WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY ..._.. ... M ...... "'". -........... FW.SERVICE 011 tTOP llOP c..t.rT.,. • Aew.rs • c.,...1e • 8t111tte • W~ Wu Refl1I .. • C'-111 ~ & U~ry • Paliff111-lmrt., & Eitatier ~ , I ne (9'11) 818-0141 17777 M•ln 11r ..._...._ . ......... llTll 1=*'9 t&.Ollt ...... I •Ollt.wt' AMHllllHIT QUo,TE OF 1IE MY "For me, this was a good day. Now, I want to do like Vtri.ton, and make progress J!Vtryday. '' •Sumner, CdM track and field coach MMdl lOhonoree J•WARREN . "°"' ~ ~.c.tson • (9491574-4223 • Sporta FU! (9491650-0170 l'tvsday, Ma-Ch 6, 2003 Bl . " JC WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Pirates bounce. Ceriitos from the regional~ Carrillo scores 19 points and has five rebounds to lead Coast's 55-47 win. c.osTA MESA -Freshman forward Alisa Carrillo led all scorers with 19 points and added five rebounds to lead fowtb-seeded Orange Coast Col- lege to a 55-47 victory over 13th· seeded Cerritos ln the second round of the Southern Califomla Regional Play- offs at OCC Wednesday. The Pirates will host No. 5 Compton Saturday night at 7, with the winner gaining a spot at the State lburnament March 14-16 at the University of San · Diego. •Defensively I thought we pla~ well the whole game.• said OCC Coach Mike Thornton. •Both of our games against them last year were almost ex- actly like this, part of It because we know each other so well but also because they Cemtos 47 do a really good OCC 55 job pres.ruring defensively.· The game was dominated by tough defense as the teams combined to force 47 turnovers and each squad converted on just 17 field goal attempts. ':: lu they have so often this season, · the Bucs jumped out to an early ad- vantage. scoring the first elght points and assuming a 12-3 lead. It didn) Ja.st. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH DAIL 'r Pll T Corona del Mar High 'freshman Anne St. Gemme leads the pack on the third lap of the girls 1,600 meters m Wednesday's nooleague trHneet. She was second Cerritos led at halftime, 25-23, and ,,,.. bad a 46-465 lead with 2:52 left after a ~ 10-1 run. -"I was worried (at 46-"5) bec&use .. the biggest problem we have had all year long was 6¢shin8 teams off when we had an opportunity to put them away," said Thornton. 'We challenged our team during a dmeout and I felt like we wanted the game and we came down and made some tough shots.· Nancy Halsushi and Uz Mendou each scored 16 points and accounted for ID sewn three-pointers by the Bucs. Each had sU rebounds. Mendou bit a pair of free th.rows to give the Pirates a 47-45 lead and then .the defense took over. The defense kept the Falcons oft" the acoreboard for the 6na1 2:43 as they missed lbe1r .wt five shot& Mendoza canned a dwe rlgbt in front of the Coast bench to break the deadlock and spark the Buc:s to an 8-0 nm to claim the victory. ·0ne of our unwritten goals all year long bas been to get to the state finals a.Aer coming so close last year,• said Thornton. "We got the opportwlity to play at home tonight and we get to play at home oo Saturday and 1' don't thJnk our sophomores wanted to let s..occ.~ ... 12 Sea Kings Coach Bill Sumner is quite pleased with his squad's start after tri-meet Wednesday. Steve Vlrsen Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -The intricate development process began for the C.0- rona del Mar H1gb track and field teams Wednelday. And. Crom the loob of It. the Sea 1'inp made huge strides in tenm o( progress right rtom the get-go. That. ac- oording to longtime CdM Coach BID Sumner. who was Impressed with what his boys and glds teems did out of the starting blocb In a tri-meet that in- cluded the St. John Bosco boys and the St. Joseph (Lat.ewood) girls. Both Sea 'King aquads did not win. yet CdM individuals and relay teams dis- COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lions. st~ playoff · run against BiOia . The Eagles nearly upset Vanguard a month ago at Biola. ..... Vlfs•• OaityPilot OOSTA MESA -~ Vanguard tJm. wnltf. women'• ~ t..un won the Golden State Adlledc Confennce ....... ...an title, mainly becalM the 1Jont bne IO muJY weapona. Ranked ninth 111 the NAlA. they wUl ... Chetr bilanced la.ck ........... Mm.,..,_. wt.e.,.... at.._. m or more polnla per ...-. tonWtt II 7:30. whlil dwj blJlll ... In lhe ... rouad of.the GSM:: ~ The Uoi1I (23-e, 1 .. 2 In Iba GSAQ are led bJ S..fooc·7 eOpbomore ...... . .. W9COI. wbo ............ poinll per .... S..7 --..... Robbin Oil-.... (10.Z .... 1be two .med Al- OW: boiDGlt .W.-. ...... ~ Mel' •• , tu), ' ... ets a • played the promise which excited perfonnance could motivate the Sumner. The Fountain Valley other runners to follow it& lead. boys and girls won, while the Ring'strom, who competed in CdM girls finished second and four ~ts Wednesday, an- the Sea King boys third. chored th.e relay and completed •For me. this was a good day.· bis 400 meters in 5 1.0. Sumner said. "Now, I want to do ~trom won the 400 in SJ.7, like Verlmn, (its ad slogan), and make finished second in the 200 (2:32) and progiess everyday. I want us to ask. also anchored the victorious 400 relay 'When we're this good now, how good ·team that finished in 44.8 despite a can we be six weeks Crom now?' " shaky exchange that came from DiWoll The CdM boys 1,600 relay team of sen-to Ringstrom. The two were teanuµates lor Blake Dillion and juniors Kevin ~ on the CdM boys soccer team that Brandon Boa:ornan and O\ris Ring-~ the Pacific Coast Lague title this strom.. pnMded a prtme eumple of the season. Sea IQogs' potential ttm season. The C.0-·1 fdt slow at the beginning.~ said rona quartet finished in 3:30.9, five sec-~ who scored the game-win- onds fa5ter than the times posted last ning goal apinst Northwood that helped ~n. lead the CdM boys soccer team to a "I'm really exdted about that four·by-share of the PCL champion.ship. •1 reel four team... Sumner said. ':'lb start off like I should be faster. But this is a differ- .like that. and with a rime ril,; th.at, is a ent type of running style. I'm not run- big deal" ning from people or reaDy chasing peo- Sumner also added the relay team's pie. like in soccer.· Sumner srud Rmgwom showed eager· ness to contribute to the track and fieJd team. as soon ru. the soccer season ended. •Not onty d~ that (eagerness) sa7 a lot about h.trn. bu1 it shows bow hard he wotb. • Sumner said "He jUSI scud Tm ready to wort .' So we ha"~ to tell him to do It right and bring him along slowty • The CdM girls track and field team was moving quickly Sophomore Melissa Swigert (JOO and 200), junjor 5.1ra <laster (400), freshman Annie St. Geme (8001 and sophomore Kate Heeschen (}ugh jump) coUected victories for the Sea Kings. . St. Gene aha completed an impres sive performance in the 1..600. She "Wnt stride-for-stnde with Founwn valley senior Bethany N~ one of the bet ter disalnce runners in Orange County. St. Gene ftnished in 5:24.8. just six- S.. COM, P• 82 ., DAILY PILOT HIGH· SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Devin Denman Veteran's place in defensive foundation has helped put Mustangs on the verge of CIF title. Bany Faulkner DaifyPitot .. .... 112 TIUidly, Mitch 6. 2003 YOUTH BASKETBALL Hornets advance . . . fo title matchup Magic stung, 61~59; Jazz advances Division~ championship game with win over Tustin. · :tbe Newport-Mesa Homem ierDained untw.ten (12--0) as~ ' dere.tiid che oano ~ ~ &l-59, ln NadoDal JunJor-Basbtball ~ef8hdl-.D bo)'t.champltjn@hlp 9erlea aCdQn; • GUI ... led the Hocneca with.16 JK*J1!J add bJr reboundi fD8owed . ~O..Pir •((Qtli~fiwe~fhe-~ad­ lllllk (17 pomts, two rebomdi. fi>Ur atlilca). Also providing stroQg otreMve support Ml'e,,.,..... DWrw (eight points Oft 2 of3 three-point abots. two assl8CI, two steels), 'Dmodly Repn (two points. one rlbound), J.P. GClnnly Csew:n ~ ootrebound> and Aultlat Ap ...... Andy Rovar' C&-e points, one a.Wst), with help from ~ Rlllk (rwo points) and Erik Rask. ably bandied the oft'eme. The Hornets advance to the championship game of the Reebok I ~ Sunday at a site to be determined. Ab teams In the brackl!t- were undefeated during the regular season. Newport Beach Jazz rolls into title game the Newport Beach Jazz advanced to the championship game in the National Junior Basketball Division 2 championship series ¥.4th a 41-23 victory over the Tustin 'lrailblaurs. <hue Predenaberg led all scorers with 12 points followed by Ryan Rolfes (nine), Cameron Cll.ae and Zak Mamw-Erlcbon (eight each). Maurer-Erickson tallied 13 rebounds and Domlnlque Palmer grabbed a career-high 12 boards. Matt Fisher and Jonathan Pls:arelll each recorded seven assists with <hrls Parten and Justin Wllson supporting off the bench. The Jazz present a pressing defense behind Coach Domtnlc Plcarelll and assistants Darren Palmer, Randy Ertcbon and 01.lp Flaher. ~, Newport-Mesa All-Star team announced The Newport-Mesa girls fourth-grade National Junior Basketball team was announced. Otelaea Barth Kelsey Carrldo, El1ka Pated, Lama Muttnez, Allie Moskovtts, \Diie Nadal, Saylor Scbrolf,.Dunn Sharp, K.usle Stratton and Kelsey Woo all made the team that will be coached by Lonnie NaclaJ and Mike Sharp. Newport-Mesa wraps up Blue Division The Newport-Mesa All-Net boys seventh-grade basketball team clinched the Blue Division championship outright with a 52-49 vic;tory over second-place Diamond Bar. , Newport erased a 10-point third-quarter deficit and Robbie Boyer made three free throws in the finaJ eight seconds to seal the victory. ICyle Caldwell led the Newport offense with 14 points, nine rebounds and two steals. Boyer notched 13 points, two assists and two steals and Jamie McGee provided clutch baskets and key passing with 12 points and three assists. Jonathan HOWie collected seven points and nine rebounds to . go with scoring from Joe Bberhaid and WW Kelly. · Newport improves to 11 ·I with a three-game lead with two to play. 1n 6th-grade action: •Red Raiden 41, San Oemente 31 The Newport Red Raiders won their 11th in a row. J.D. Abbott led all scorers with 10 points followed by Trevor MIJes with eight and CoDln Krahe (seven) and Nell O'Hara (six). Fletcher Della Grotta led rebounders with six followed by Anchew Roth's five and Austin Rios' three. Parker Stone dished out slx assists lo go with four each from Randall Nebon and Dillon Qunpbell. · • ln girls eighth-grade play: •Newport 47, Vista 35 Newport scored 34 poipts in the second haJf to put away the Wildcats. · Brittany Deyan paved the way with 14 points and seven rebounds with Tlylor Holden (I 0 rebounds) and Ivy Melo each adding 10 points. AllJe Duernberger and CJielsa McCrea added slx points each with Aahley Kirby adding one. Kirby grabbed eight rebounds with six steals. Newport led, 13-10, at halftime, and now readies for the ~tionaJ Tournament March 15-16. COLLEGE HONORS Lopez named Lion of~Week . CX>STA MESA -Junior transfer Kaleo Lopez a Kapa'a. Hawail native, has earned his first Uon of ~Week honor at Vanguard UsWversil)' A starting pitcher for ... occ Continued from B 1 ~ go. That was a key factor for us. J thin.It the fact that we were a liUJe more modvaled helped us out." Lauren Murray led the Buel wit.h nine rebounds, helping them overcome a 29-16 deficit on.the boards at halftime to fin. l$IT down just 41-36 overall. "laVonne Amete led the Fe.1-coos (20-12) wL,tb 15 points to akln8 with nine boards. 11ffany Ab>ete added 10 poirlts. the Vanguard baseball team, be Is 5-0 after a 5-2 win~ Biola, sttikingout five In a complete- game victory and lowering his ERA to l.441n31~~ So.Calf ......... Second Round OCCll,C.....~ -Rodriguez O, t An'8ta 10, L 15, Wong 7. McCerttiy o. Olidln O, i.entaen 5, Flynn 2. Box 15, ~3. 3-pt. goel,t-L Amete 2, Ytbng 1, Box 1. Foui.d out-none. Tedlnlcale -none. 0... eo.t-Mendola 16, Carrillo 19, Mu1Tay 2, H11t11uahl 18, Galaao 0, Marshell 0, Oulroi 2, Sh.w o. Von TungelnO. ~ goell-Hatlulhl" Mendou 3. Fouled out -none. Tectuall -none. Hlllftlme -Ctnitol, 26-23. 11-:rhe Art: Of Making Plzzm• WE nruvrn N'GHTL v 5 9 PM , • TODAY 2A -JatOll Deete N91NPO't H8fb<>t • Wl"Mdlng, '88, 1m 24 -Rigo Pinon Newport Harbor Wrest.Nng, '88, '97 22 -Eric Wl«l'lom Corona def Mar, OCC Batebell, ·se. '99, ·oo GIRLS SOCCER , MARl<C.~/DAt.YPl.OT Title game set Costa Mesa High soccer standout Devin Denman is the Daily Pilot High School Athlete of the Week. ws AI..AMrros-co ta Mesa High's second-seeded girls soc· cer team (22-1-2) will meet No. 4-seeded Walnut (19-4-4) Satur· .day at 5 p.rn. at CaJ State Fuller- tonfor the CIF Southern Section Division m title. DENMAN Continued from Bl anticipating them," Johnston ·said "(Denman} sees the patterm on the field pretty well and she keeps our defense organ.lz.ed .. Yean of experience at the position -Den.man said she bas spent the last six cltjb seasons playing-sweeper, though she played other roles her first two years at Mesa. before 6lling the void left by former Mustang sweeper Katie Roche -have also allowed her to negotiate the fine line between aggiesQveness and · caution. It is this balance that separates strong and decisive defense, from a more hesitant approach that can tsealate opponents' scoring chances. "Some people are scared to play sweeper, because they don't want to be the last man, besides the goalie." said Denman. who earned Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week recognition for helping the Mustangs defeat Senta Monica. 3-0, in the second round Feb. 25, and c.entennial of Corona. 4· 1, in Thursday's quarterfinals. "You definitely have to keep that in mind. You have to be really smart about your decision to dive into any play. You have to I .. know when to go for the ball." Denman said making those decisions, as well as anticipating the Dow of op~ team's runs, is part of what she loves about playing sweeper. "I watch the other team and I love to pie.It up trends, like the way one girl always passes to one spot." she said. "I've played the position for so long. (recognition) comes natwally to me. And. when it comes time to make those (split -second) decisions, I just react without thinking. It's BRIEFLY like instJnct to me, now." Johnston said the Mustangs have grown accustomed to Denman having their c:ollecdve back. •Sbe'a qUld, very ste-footed. and she plays w\th her held up." Johnston sai<L "I tbouaht she had an awe&0me game apinst Santa Monica. ... Johnston also believes she is a big part of the transition game that bas belped the Mustangs C22· 1 ·2) outscore opponenta. 105-15, this season. "When she dears the ball out. she doesn't just bang it,· Johnston said. "She usuil1y gets it to ooe of her tammates, whether that means kicking a Jons ball. or just touching it out.side to start arun." A co-c:apta.in with All-<JF standout Sharon Day. the only The Mustan~. on a 17-game winning streak and unbeaten in their last 22 games. advanced to the finaJ with a 2· 1 semifinal vie· tory over · Bonita Walnut ad· vanced with a 2· l victory over . Orange Lutheran. If the game is tied after regula- tion, there will be no overtime. Both teams will be named co- champions. YOUTH SOCCER Newcastle · other pl.a)'er to play on aJJ four of crowned the progranf s CIF playoff leaIJ.lS . (Mesa had not played in the postseason before the duo's. ==~==:~ -chaillps . gifts. "She's hilarious," Johnston said. "Sb.e has really been a joy to Newcastle, a boys-under 10 be around the last four years. soccer team from AYSO Region And, both she and Sharon have 97, went 2-1 to win the Section been a key part of all our ' 11 championship last weekeod. success." Newcaslte now advances to the Tri-Sectional Tuumament March 22 in Temecula. Newcastle defeated Oiula VISta, 5-0, in the opening game as Colton Gyulay scored four .Pirates upended by GWC in four- goals and SteYen MlDer secured the victory by netting the fifth goal. Ivan BeceTra, Bike Manning and Connor M.y led the stingy Newcasde defense with Ryan o.vts and Ian Baugh splitting time in goaJ to record the shut· out. Adam Sorenson recorded a match·best 20 kills to lead . visiting GlSlden West College to a 36-34, 21-30, 30-26. 30-23 win over host Orange Coast Wednesday in the Orange Em· pire Conference opener for both teams. The Pirates tasted defeat in conference play for the first time since March 21. 2001, and fell to a team in the OEC for the first time since a four-game de· feat to the Rustlers back on April 14, 2000. The Pirates ran the table last season before fall- ing in the state championship game to LA Pierce, as well as suffering their only loss of the 2001 season. Mer splitting the first two games. the Pi.rates were never in it They were able to cut an 18·10 deficit to two on several occasions in the final game. but Sorenson recorded bis final three lcills of the match and threw in a block to seal the vic- tory. ICyle Martin led OCC with 15 lcills. Orange Coast fell to 9-2, 6-1 · in the OEC. Sailors lead Diablos - GOLf: The N~rt Harbor High boys golf team took a 194· 198 lead after ofue holes of an 18-hole match with Mission Vi· ejo Wednesday. Sailors junior Michael Ben- venutti (37) shared the Jow round with two Mission Viejo competitors at the Santa Ana Country Club. Other Newport Harbor scor- ers were Brandon Sowers (38), Rhett Palmer (38), Davis hm- stein (40) and Garrett Whitfield (41). Flsewhere ... UC Irvine's women's golf team finished seventh al the Spartan Invitational in Sali- nas. freshman Anpla Won finlsbed third wlth a 2-under 71-72-72 -214' .... UC Irvine's women's tennis team swept visiting Cal State FuUerton ln Mountain Paci.6c Sports Fed· eration play. 11ftaay a.a..., ~ Bowman, Oullde Jlomer, Al.Dy TnnckiM, ftuJ Leow and ~ }loee all rolled for the Anteaters (6-6, 3· 1) ... Orange Coast College's Jake Allanacb and David ICend.alJ shot par· 72, but It wasn't enough. to prevent a 364-372 Orange Empire Con· ference men's golf loss'to host Palomar at 1Win Lakes Golf Co~ in Mira Costa Wednes· day. Kelly Wk:b (74), Jared Bruce (76) and Brad <llam- plon (79) also scored for the Pirates (4-3, 1-3 In confer· ence) ... The Costa Mest High boys voUeyball team nearly rallied for a win, but ended up being swept by visiting Cal· vary Olapel (Santa Ana), which won, 15-6, 15-4, 17-15, in the sea.son opener for both teams. Mesa freshman Ryan Bagwell had three kills, while freshman Tony Krikorian collected Io digs ... Vanguard UnJverslry's men's and women's tennis teams Jost at Cal PoJy Pomona. The men feU, 7-2, to fall to 4-3 .•. The women fell. S-4, to fall to 4·2 ... UC Irvine's men's volley- ball team swept host UC San Diego to Improve to 15·5 overall. (CdMl. 2:03.A; 3. LOI* (SJB), 2:05.3. 200-1. Swigert (CdMI, 28.7; 2. River. 1,800-1. Brolltl1uMr1 (FV), 4:32.3; 2. (SJ), 27.8; 3. Kramer (CdM), 27.8.. Matdner (SJ8). ~33.'; 3. o.mth (FV), 400-1. 0..W (CdM). 1:01.8;2. ·~..2. "-NlkMl'llml {FV), ll03.4; 3 . ...,_ 3.200-1. DeMh (FV), 10:03.3;Y. (CdM). 1:03.I. SliUWi9 (&JI), 10#1.7; 3. G'*-lk.ar 800-1. St. a.me (CdM), 2:.30 1: 2. (FV), 1C>.11. Cuyler (CdMI, 2:35.8: 3. DewtJna (SJ), 110 HH -1. °'9gorv (fV), 1U; 2. 0.ng. 2:37.& (f'V). 11..'7; S...111111(CdM),17.6. 1iec>0-1 Nk*lell (FV), 6:2U; 2. St. 300 IH-t CJfl90'Y (FV), 40.6; 2. Geme (CdM), 6;24.lt 3 Reed (FV), U.V.,.. (SJI). "-I: 3. Jatll1 (CdM), 5:3U. 41.2. UOO-1. Nie*'-(FV), 11;JI;2. AMd 400 ~-1. CdM (LI Perie. Momt. (FV), 11:53; 3. Cummlne tCdM), 12:20. Diiion, Alno*Ofn), '4J}: 2. SJB, .t&.e: 10GIH • 1. Tolman (FV), 18 8; 2. 3. FV, ..... Debnev (FV), 18.t; 3. Sooa (FV), 19..3. 1 .eoo ~ -1 CdM tArtl. Dillion, JOO HH -1. Totmen CFV>. 524 2. Scott llorcOmen. A6noltrom). 8:30.t: 2. SJB. (FV). 52.1; 3. McComb9 (FV), u 1. • • >'.AOl J.. FV, 1:37.t. • 400 ,.,.., ... 1. FV, n t.: 2. CdM CTOrino, KJ-1. .,_. (FV), e.z: a. Sw.n ~ Dorlln. Kram.), n. t., 1. SJ, ISJ8), M J.. ~ (FVI, M . n t. • u -t ChaofY IFVI. 1t-6: 2. o.t.rd 1,eoo teiey • t CdM ta..w. httee, lNL ,.:.1: t. *"9 tCdMl.19-2~ \V!tdnef, Swtoert), ~1U; 2. IJ. t.1-1. Ofll9ory tfV), ~ 2....., 4:.21.7; '·FY, 4;29, .,.90Mc$;00no¥9n(f'V),-.O. HJ-: 1.11111N11(CdM),W ,2. ~-11. ....... (SJll, 12 ... 2...., freMenlCdMl.4-e;3 Flehef(CdM), tcdlG. 1M: .... (CdM .. n:& .... •-.t Dali cMl (M, 42.0 ~I. 8l¥il U-1. w..on (FV), 1-M; 2. "'1;1ulndo ~), 41·tn: 9oloinue IUL ISJ). 11-10; s. C..>-tCdMI. D9br'lllt ..._ CFV).1M. TJ .. 1. "'9u'ndo .t!;!'~ 2' w.y ... I • ..... (CclMl,21-10;3. CM.30~ In 1111 ~ lt1'. C...,., IL l'Y • 1. Qwlllll1l1 (FV), 'M; 2 • ....._a . "'-• • illln tM. H; 3. HfM'en IM 100-t. ...... IC*e. 12.t;2. H. ICIMw,ICACJ, 1U:8' ,._.llM W-1. ..... r&n.:12·1, 2. Ml*a Cl'Y), tu. CftA ... a.,.._ laA,,... • ... Becena Miller and Gyulay played saong in the champion· ship game agahm Fountain \l.J]· ley. Becerra, Manning and Moy controlled the game derensively for Newcastle and Miller saved a goal by SMJeping the ball out of the goal box late in the game. MJd6elders Bndley Bemu- clette. Ryan Look, Skylar-Gnry, Derek ~ and Je.e 1bJTel all soUdi.fied the victory with .Kula and Beaudette neatly scoring goals in the game. Gyulay scored all three goals to secure the vic- tory and Davis and Baugh played staunchly ln the net Oyulay scored both goals in a 2-2 tie with Carson·Wll.mlngton. Carson Jumped to a 1 ~ lead before Gyulay scored on a pen· alty kkk and Newcastle led. 2·1, before Canon tied it Phil Miller coaches Newcastle. GOLF Beach shines for Costa Mesa COSTA MF.SA -Junior Brian Beach was the top Costa Mell. lllgb acorer In the Mustangs' 214·232 nonJea&Ue. bojs golf ao.. .. to visit.lng Palnnont ~naday at the <Asta Mesa Goll., Coun. ' tryOub. Beach WU the medalist Callo~ 7·owr·par 42) In the Muiltangl' 236-239 nonle1gt1e win avtt ka· tdla Tuelday, abo at the CMG&tCC. In llddidon, he helped the Mustangl defeat Guden GroVe, 217·227, in I aonlague nJne· bole match to open the ~· ' 1 SPORrs lhursday, M'Mc.h 6, 2003 BJ YOUTH BASEBALL SCHEDULE ·Reds pOwer nets extra-inning win Nine runs in the top of che aeventh in-Din~ ning broke a 2-2 de and gave the Reds ln Majon action Monday. against the 0 -back.s. In another Major~ game TOQllY , .... Cornnu\ilv calliga-RNarllde • • ~eo-,2p.m. •t ...... Coleg9 women -UC IMne at Long Beed\ State. 73> p.m 9Wli1••*'9 • an 11-2 victory over the Diamondbacks • Martmn a, A,..a. 5 ln the opeQing game of the Newport The Mariners loaded the bases in the Beach Uttle league Majors ditlsion Sat-ninth inning and defeated the Angels. A.J, Phcher went 5 _for 5 with three runs scored .and Jeff Carlyie, Robert SulUYUI, ICayla Hayes and ~n Bed each had four hits. • Glanu 7, Yankees 5: Jack Gnce, Erle )toUand and Jacob McCann shrued pllchJng duties for thke Giants. Jake CaughJP scored the Giants' n r111 run of the sea,ion. Solid offensive work continued and well-placed hits wert' 8etiovered by Mark CA.ncadden, James Cunningham, 8rk Olet>U, -lake Daw- aon and Sean Mangano. High .d-.ool boys rd girta-~ • Corona dal Mar, 3 p.m. • 'Mlfrt.I High IC.tiool boys -&tanaa at Orange Lutheran. 3'15 P-"' .... urday. John Ddertns pve the Marinerw five Joey Booth started the scoring wilh an strong innings with three from Nk:k RBl single with ,the bases loaded and Pteeman, and Patrtdl Werl1ne closed ICevln Wang, l>ylan Davis.and WlD Mor-out tbe game. WUllam Ham caught all Sullivan recorded an unas!.lsted dou- ble play while playing first ba~. row all tuld RBis during the rally. nitle ln(Ungs. . Joe Prey p~rved the victory, holding J.D. AbboU. lee Cowan. Chdl ~ the D·ba:cb scoreless ln the bottom of man. ~ Hay, OMd Mor.btto, the seventh. a.. N\lgent and CllMe Roel all tallied Ye.lz.on Ramirez played in btS first or· ganized baseball game, and singled in his first three at bats. He also made a solid defensive ptay at third. ln the Mustang Division: •The Angels too\ an 8-0 lead and held off the Astros to win, 10-5, in tht' opening game in the Mui.tang Division of the Newport I !arbor Baseball A'>w uation Sunday Coaege men -Vanguatd lJnnltnity ~ Hope lnterr\ational, noon. College women -Vanguard UnMnlty at Hope lntemadonal. 10 a.m The ().bacic3 received steady Slarting . hlts and displayed some strong defense. pitching from Aetdm-Dl6a Gmall. who Vasquez ignites Sox The Newport Harbor BasebaJI A.,~o­ ciation's season got a jump start on the second pitch of the Major!. game Saturday when Red Sox slugger Artu- ro Vaquez homered deep over the right-Centerfield fence J le later doubled and singled and scored IWlce as the Red Sox defeated the Yankee'> in the featured game of Opening Day ar Mariners Park. Community college men -FulMOn at Orange CoMt. 2 p.m. 'Commumy college women -OranOe Coast at fUtefton. 2 p.m Htgtl school boys -Beverty Hi at Co<ona del Mar. 3 p.m., E&ianoa at Century, 3 p.m., l.Bguna Hills at Sage Hill. 3:15 p.m. held the Reds scoreless OYer" three iMi.ngs. as he fiteed on1y 10 batters. He aOowed no Pederson paces Dodgers bits while suiJcing out five and walking Nick Pedenon pitched the Dodgers none. to a 6-5 victory over the Diamondbacks The Reds too~ a 2-0 led in the fourth to open up Majors play in Costa Mesa when Timmy W1nnlng lined a fastball National Uttle League action Saturday. _ down the left-field line for an RBI triple.' Pederson 1>trud out 11 baners. Winning stole home on a passed ball After giving up three runs in the first later in the Inning. lnning. the Dodgers' defense, led by re- Nelson Simons had lhrec inning!. of no hit ba.sebaJI and .t].,o tallied two hw. wilh one double. V...polo CoHege v.iomen UC lrwie at San Otego Sta1e, 3 p.m .• UC Irvine vs UC San Diego, at La Jolla, 7 p.m Gott Sean Tolruyama and Frey pitched well turning catcher Mikey Morley, held the for the Reds. D -back.s to two runs the rest oft.he way The D·back.s came bad in the sixth C.ody Green led the offense with two inning. as M.k:haeJ F.ptrteln scored the hits along wtth Miltt Telles, Bryan first · run on a sacrifice Oy by Steven Ma~r and Colemen Brown. Manning. Tommy Colton larer stole The Giants defeated the Padres, 8-7, home to score the tying run. in nine innings in the other Majors Red Sox starter Danny Moskovtts struc._ out eight of the 10 batter. he faced m three innings of work. Mosko vitz doubled and scored a run. AJex Rios closed out the game with two in nings of scoreless pitching, caught for four innings and had a single. The Ai.tro., were led by Austin Metz.g- er. who had one double and al\o pitched two '>Corele.,., inning!.. I he A' tro'> had the ba~c'> loaded in the la'>I in nmg. but the Angel'> made the final out In the Pinto D1vis1on •The Blue Jays ol 1he Newport II.tr bor Baseball As!>ociation opened play Saturday at Newport lle1~ht!. School Each Blue lay got a b~e hit • Remington Weiss lidded v.ell and Shaun Vell'ovec slammed a home run during ht~ la'>l at fiat Ou1s DlnataJe abo hit well. High 9dlool boys Pacifica at Casto I Mesa 2 p "'-· Ahso Niguel vs Corona del Mar. Bl Newport Beach CC, ~ p.m ., Palm Springs vs Newport Harbor at ffig Canyon CC. 2:.30 p.m., Sage Hill vs. Mater Del. at Santa Ana CC. 3 15 p.m . '1iw:ic Ind fWd The Reds and D-~ck.s faced each game Saturday. other in last season's championship ln Farm Divisio.n action: game, won by the 0 -backs in extra in-•The Dodgen opened solidly Josh Bowman and Max JoUffe each chipped in with hits. and Andrew Tay- lor and Adam Lagor each scored rum. COiiege men and \'I/Omen - Vanguard Unt\l'ef'Slty at NA!A lndoof Naoonal O\amplonshfPS at East Tennessee State CITYOf COSTUl6A OWIGl can, CAlfOlllA ieona IM'lllG 1eS NCttlC( IS H( RC BY Gl'vl N thal lht Crty ol r:nsta Me\1, ac.hn11 by •nd llu ou1h its Gov umn& Soard. h1-1e1n11ler referred to ., the City. will 1ece1n up lo but nul lale• lh•n 10 00 A M "' lh~ day ol Ma<ch 17 7UOJ ~aled b•ds '°' the •ward or a contract for ltHAllUlATION IMrlOVlMllUS fCMI SIVEUl USIOIJfTW SlHOS CJTY raOJICl NO.OJ~S raOJICl •1• All bid\ sh•ll br m•de vu a bid ICM m fu1"'shed by II><! City 81eb w•ll bit rece1nd at th• City of eo~11 Mna al 1114 Off1c~ of lht City Clf!fk P 0 801 I ZOO, 17 r.,, Onve. Co\I• Meu, Co11llforn1a 9'2628. <1t or bef0<e th1 llm.. and dale 'lated above •I •luch lune the~ will be publtcly opened •nd r ud •IOud 1n the CcKincil Ctiamben al sotd 1ddr •H Sealed proposal' \hall bear lhe ltlle of Ille wo1k and n•rne of the blddel but no other dK1tn1111sl11n1 INlrt.' Any bid rec:erved afl&r the scheduled c10,u1& lime for the reu1pl of b1d1 shall be r1lu1ned l o b1ddl!r unopened n ~•II bl t!M '°i. r690ns•b1My o1 the h•ddef to 5ff tti.I his bid 1' received 1n pr~r lun~ A '•t of 81<1 ()oc;u menls may be obtarnl!d •I Ute Of11ct of the City cnc1-. 11 r 1w °''"'· Ce$ll Mesa. c.!1forn11 upon ••.r•f11•"•~•• ~ .. $50.00.,.. ..,.,..._ ...... $20.00 m111t be In- cluded 1f N!ndled by marl 81d OocvmenlS and other contract doc:w menh may also be 1um1ned 11 lhe Office of the Ctly Cllfk of the City of Cotta Mna 81d OoculMllb wilt not be malled unflu the lldd4 llOnal S20.00 ch..,11 1s included •llh P•rment Eech bid wll be made on Ille Propoul form. ~IS P"I lhr°"&fl P t proviOed In the contuct d<>curnent1, end sllaD be Kcornpallted by • t.- hlled or cash1«'s chick or a bid bond for note IHS thin 10'5 of the atr>OUnt of their bid, made paythM to the City of<Ant•Meu Ho bid shill be con sldend unllt.i It Ill made 01\ e bl1nk prOJ>OUf form furn Wd by the Cltr of Cotta ..._., and IS nuide In ICCOfNflCI with the pro'ltslons of th• Proposal require inents. Eich btddlf mutt b¥9 • Cius "A" Conh.ctor'a llttuts. (C.Ml'al Enci- -lnl) PWt»lnt t ,.ublic CoflUKl CC>ff S.CllOll "°° "' •"8 pr• qu1llfild H r•qulftd by l•w Tiit flltCNsful blcldtf must melntaln IN Ncenu tlw4Hl(llOUt tht dllf•llon tf W• conllect A t.nl(KtOt 14inl I u •U Of c~flcalk>fl not sht1w11 on 1111 C"'9fa1 l'rev11h111 W•&fl O.terlniftiwm ""'Y .. , ..... to pay tM ..... rat• of tnet craft or clu•lflutloll most closaty r1l11l•d te It n lllOWfl Ill lht Gffltt•I 0.tttmln•llOM tftettl•• at tN t-et IN ul ...... '111 Colll19tl0f .ital C4lf!IPIY wrttl tM pro'it -of S.Cl!Ofl 1710 to J /IO, ll!CltDIV•, of tile r .. for11• l6bof eooe. tlle pr•.,•lfi!lc ••t. •"41 Kale al Wllft HI.* ..... ., tlla Clt' •• eo.u Me • wtttc11 •• 1111 file wttii !tit City Clarll ot tlle City of Costa llkU, aiMt iMI ='-ft .. .,.. ,,. kflMt • hW Mii ...... c... tMattc..tM• Cit, of Cotto lllltM ,...,._... -,,ft!IM .. rllfltt ""' ...,_ . .... Depotty City o..t., 2003 CltyofC .. teM... Published N!!wporl Dcrt.,,, Buth Costii Mesa 0•1ly ,_.,,._., 11, fOOS Pilot Mar ch 6. I J Published Ne wport 2003. Th236 Bu'h Costa Mesa D•1ly Pilot febfuary 27 Mitch IS( 121117 6. ZOOJ Tti211 llOTIQOf PmnOllTO anOfCOSTAISA ADlmmlUTA1tOf: OIAll&l COCIITT, Ulll I.I& TYDOel CMIOIU WUO. A2177ff JIOTICI To all ~o benelt INITWG9S u•rie~. creditors con t•ncenc ued1tors and NOltCE IS HlRE8Y per\00\ who m•y olh GIVEN lh•I s~alld pro e1w1se bl! .nte1esled in posals tor furn1sh•nt all th• will or' estiile or labor mate11als equip both, ul KAR(l LUIS( tl"t'nl transp«lal1<1n and JYOON w1.h other l•c1hhes n A P( TlllON FOR PRO m.1r be ••Cl'il< td for BA ff hi\ bttn filed by CONSTlUCltON OJ KAHA IONl l£N1 tn the IC ff (HUM • l 11 0 l T Super'°' Court of Call r AalC, 2150 MAf'U tor m•. County ol OR Slllfl -CITY f'110JfCT ANCC HO. Ol-06, will be Hi£ PETITION roR rece.wed by lhe City of PR08A TC requuh th1I C'o\11 Mitu •I the Olhce KARA ION£ llNT bt1 of thl City Clerk 1 I I•" 1ppa1nled n person•! Orrve Cosl• Mesa, repr.sentaltvt to •d Cahf0tn1t, unltl the hou1 m1ntste1 the n l•lt of of tO:OO • .-., •--the decedent TO All IN f[RlSTlO PERSONS I Pehhoner NAlHANlll 8£1TlCR ltled " p•l1t1on with lh1~ court for • decree ch1n11ln11 namn .,. follows NATHANIEL CRECORY OICKMAN (AS ON BllHH CERTl(ICAT() HAV( Al WAYS COii£ 8Y NATHANIEl BEITLER WANT 10 CARRY REAL 8l000 NAME t u NA I HANlt I VON bl llllR 2 lHI COURI ORO(RS that •II pe"ons •nit• uted '" th" malte< Viall appear b11lo1~ lh1s court al lhl! hut 111& md1c•led below lo 'how cauu ti i.ny why thi! 1>4!lltt0n lur chanae ol name •huuld oot be er •"led NOTICC Of HE ARINC Dalt 4 1 OJ Ttn1e 2 PM l>e9t l73 The addrt~\ ul the rou1I 1s ~me H noted above J A copy ol this O<dtr to SllO• 1. •use shall be pubhsh11d at least onu each weei. for four $UCCt!S\IVI! weeks p11or to th• dalt sel 101 hearm& on the pellllon on I~ lollOWlnlt news papllf of 1ene< al cw tu laflon, printed Ill tl11s 1.ounty Newport Beach/ Costa Meu 011ly Pilot 330 W Say. Cost• Meu CA 9262 / (949) &12 4321 DA1l1 fll ti 200l JUDGI •t<HAlD O. fltAJH, sa., IUDGl Of lHl SUf'llH>tt couaT Publlshtd Ne•po1t Buc.h Costa Meu 0111ly Pilot F 1tl>!uary 20 27 March b 13. 2003 Th204 llley, M•o 24, JOOS, THC PETITION requuh et which l1m1 lh•r will eulhorlly to adm•n•ster be opened pubhclr and the estate undltf Ille rud aloud 1n the Council Independent Adm1n1s Cllamb«s SHlld pro tration of (stales Ac:t pouh shall bn• the (.T~ Authority •tll •llow lttle Of the work Ind the penonal repreun n•me of the bidder but tlll,.• 10 tah m•nr no ol"9f d1shilJuish•n1 1Cl1ons w1thoul 01>t11n millks Any bid rece.vl!CI 1n1 ,ourt approval after lht scheduled Bet0te t.1kin& cerl11n tlosrn1 time 101 the vuy important •<hons. 111teipl of b•ds sh•ll be 11owtv4!1, lht person.I 1et urnl!d to bidder repiesenlallve will be unopened It shall be Ille 1equt1ed to 11ve nohce sOI• t"90"S1bihly of Ille to inlorested 111rsc.ns bl!SdH to :r.ee that his unleu th1y have we1ved bid os rec.,ved in proper nolte• or conunl•d to llmt tlltl propoud llh<>n ) A set of 81d Oocu lhe Independent •d ActN. ..... menh may be obtained mlnisltatron aulhot1ly ie-se...t al lhe Olhu of lht City w1H be eunt .. d unl<Ks En11neer 77 r 111 Ouve, an inter es led penon The lollowinc persons Cosl• Mona, Ca.l1ton11a. files en objedion to th• ate do1n1 IKtstneu u upon ••.,.•fwe4.W. ... trtlOfl eftd s.howa _.... a ) The l•• Offices of ef $20 00. Aoo ,_ "~ Morton end RasmuSMil, ~ -ctWW why tti. court b) Morton and Ru ............ ..... .t should not cunt th• c Ill 2 $5.00 must be Included HUlol'lty muuen onau n1. If ti.Adi.cl by melt Bid A HEARING on tti. S1t1 Aml>foskl, Rancho Doc:lll!llflls end otller peblion w1U be held on Sent• Mer1•11t•. CA conltact documet1b m.tJ fllWICH 27 2003 at 1.30 92688 at'O k namlnld et the p. m 1 n o 1 Pt l 7 J Rob«t MortOll, 2 San Othc• of fhe City Clefll locet-4 et 341 The Crty Ambroilo. Rancho Sa11ta of the City of Costa Orm Sowth, Ot•na•. CA M¥Pflll. CA 92688 Mau 81d Oocum.nls 92861. Stephen Rasmuuan. will not IN m.ailoed unlns tf' YOU 08~CT to the 17\ "cttt Heron ln · t111 •ddUlonal $5 00 pantHll of 1be Pit•'-AIQO v .. lo. CA 92646 chart• rs H!cluded with you should IPlll8f at the Titls b~' ~ con payment hurtni end slate rour ducted by ii aenenl Each bod shall tie mede objlchons °' flll wt1tlen p¥tnerfihrp ' on the Proposal f0t"', ob)ectlona with t"1l court Hew• you ~tarted doln11 sheets P·l ltltouah P·t. bet0t• lhe hMl'lnl Your bullneu yet? Ho ptowtded Ill the contrecl _,.,.,,.rte• may b1 In Robert Motton lloc11-b, otld Ill .. be person or by yo11r 11~ wi~::•;:-n~~~ accompmiod by • C¥ ett0tner tilled °' c""11r'a clledl If YOO AA£ A CftlOI Clertl ol Ounce County Of • bid bof\d lot not TOR or cont in11nt on02/2IV03 flu lll•n to~ of th• creditor of 1111 decus.d. too~••ssao1 ernount of tlltw bid. you m111I fill yo11r tlatm Oalfy Pilot Mar. 6. 13, mede ,,.,_. lo the City With ""' COUl't and maff 20, 17, 2003 lh24!t ol Coste Men No • c•r to the __ , ~-:;::•• ~ ~::;:: ~7:c:::r.:"i= • · ,., ... .. panlff by such culllet's monlf\s from the d•I• ol fldlllm .... ... chick, coh, or b1dd11'5 the flnt lsau1nt1 ol The fofloWlflf pit.rlon bond. lelttn " proo;lded In IUS •b•mson.d the UM Ho bid U\.all be con· Protl•t• Code ..ct~ of u.. ficb~ 81.tsl Slderld Uflies• It Is made 9100 Thi tiTrle for fllifll 1190 N•-.. ) Tust111 Oii • •tanll propoul claims •ill not ••D<t• Awtomollve Limo Set form furn!Shtd by t11e before four month' ftom T'-• .. Cit" of Co•t• u~-and 1.._ ... ...t 1 d wrc.1 b) -.l111 .. uto , -,,. r ... at1ftt -• "° tc• motnte Ce()ttr. 18l0 S I• '"* 111 eccordanc• 1bo11• Sant• r1 18, Santa An•. with the provlalotlt ol YOO MAY UAMINC the CA 927«1 the Prot>ONI reqvlfe tllo •.,t bt thl cowt tt The flCtiflcMn ~· menb you .. 1 ~ lfl· t _.. ........ -E«11 ......., 111u11 " t1111ted In ttie oat.at•. na-,. "'-"' ..,.,.,, h•we • Clatt "A" Clftefal yov "''1 fill ••lh Ille ""'111 filed lft Ot•nle (a.11\eerlfll tktnH, and C"'"ll a lt-ueil fOf Cotit!llf Oft 12/(>7/00, ... ..,u -.. f,ll.£ HO 2.0006141716 etr.o be prequ111tied 1:t Sptelllf Nollet (form DC· Roy t<och. 3050 E r1q111te4 by l•llf \~) of flit filll'll of an .......,0111 Rt • Ot A ConlTectOf vslnc • ln\flntory •nd ~.,.., ,,.. .. ..,..7 c:reft « daudreaUlfl of ertat• MMts Of 9' 91:· --;.,--It tofl llOt altOWft on tit• Illy p.btlOll .. acc-t cNclM .,,. Oil IMl•Wu•I C-.1 Prev111 111 Wap n provided lfl Probate lto'1 K«lt 0.tllflnln•~ may k Co4a -.tlOll l2SO A .... t f-·tr·• •· .... , , ..... w-11 t f ., 1 '" • • 1tement was • ..,... -w,.... ... _. "'"'' or .p1cl1 ,...... ..... ,... ,,... t rato of lll•t tuft Of No~ fottn 11 •••Ila-~ W•m ,.. .,.uft Y clu•~flulloo mOJt frHI 1111 c•tclwll Clef• of Ofe11111 Covn1y cio-.1, rmtd to it •• ~-·••nm Ot102/1~J .. lflown .. Ula C...1f '-'*wL ~..... ~-n 0.tlff'lllnlt!OM tfl t.tvt A.._...., ""'" .. 0.llY , .... r.-. 10, 27. ti tlM 11me.ef tfM caa --. P.O. Ioli 7414. --.a. U, lOOJ Th20J '°' bktl. Ot-u ,,~ ----~ ,.,. Cofllt~tilt ~JI ,....... -i::9.:' t....,,, •itlt tfMI ,,.... '"""•ll•d ..... ,.,, ........ ........._.__ __..._ Mllnt of S.CtlOll 1710 te t.Kh ~t• 1111eu Dalt)' •-._.._ .,.__,_ nto. tndwt1111, ot ti. rw r•• p •oh wo ._ llulillld• •• c.tif•llil l9'of C... r h A•tflca l.ohuu ttle Pfnllfflna r•t• o;f $,l,10Dl W?IO CllelnMr ef C-c:a. lkellt Of Wiltl ntlb ._.,. ftor1lt MwKt, t• S.11 hMf ttr lM City et U ~ l!!.::i_ Co<-dol Com ....... whiCll .,. • ,.._,CA~ °" .. with .... Uy *'·-,....... ''"" '"' .......... c.., .. ···~i,;.... --,..,, c:o.u ...... .. ..... 1400 s.......... Dt., ·~· .. , ,... •• lift .... Ml11, CA. COf9"1 .... .... u. H"hd lhetolll f•I'" .... lll:ll2$ lllMll ...... fl<t •f 1114 ,,. ....... '9 OM• c... -·--.... '-_....., ._.., ..... n. r;1ity ~ ot.. ._. ..... ,.. ........ COr •f C•ttl . Mote .-- -......... fltf f-. It ,,__ 1111 ,._.. ,. - -am ,.,., -..,_ .. ·-·-l--• ,. ...... .,_ -·--· fate.r•11tlo1t Olflu, ...... ~ M6cllnl P reHll, ..... _ ... --QMr ... ;Cllli......... """ ........ . Aetrif: '*••.A l.J•••t111l!L I ..... 0 ~===~~ Cleft. of Oran"t County on 02/0/'01 200l6U2720 D•rly Pilot r eb lJ 20. 21, M<tr 6. 2003 THl72 FidlliM lllilm ... s...... The lolloil.1nt p~1 son> ctlt dorni: bu•mrss a' P<1rl11n11 Nt lwurk Sulu Iron• JOO I R•dlull Av,; Suite !. 701. l ost1 Mrn CA9l6?6 Carrd Anelc1'on )0()1 Red Hill AvP Su1le C 20J Co~I• Mtu CA 926'6 V~rn And""'" JOCJI Red Hill Av• Suite G ?OJ Costa ~w CA 97626 C•uy Andtnon 3001 Red Hill A•o $utlt C 2'0J. Co\IA M~•• CA 9?616 1 his bu"""~\ 1., <On dut led by • i"ner .ol par lnel\htp Have you ">l••tM du•n& bu~tne\) yrl >Nu G~rrel Andt1t.11n I his sl•l•mtnl wu hll'CI with lbt County Cieri. ol Ot •nte County on 02/21 OJ 200H9~l10 O•llr Pilot r eb 21 M•• 6, 13.20.2003-lh212 Rdltilll ..... ... s...... Ille foltow1na ~non• •re do1ne busmn> u Peauus Studios J07!i S Har1>9r Sant• Ana. CA 9210C Holly•ood M1nte Inc (CA) 6!>22 E C•m•no V"la An•ht1m CA 9?806 Supermau1n 'Indus tdes. Inc , (CAJ. 9427 Harcou11 Cotle Hun l1n11ton Buch CA 92646 Ame<oc•n lnl1trnal10nal A.t-fosP•ce Inc lCA) 2031 E V11 Burton If. Allallltttn, CA 92806 Thrs buStn•~• " con ducted by • cenerel plftnership Hn• you started do•na bus1neu yet' No Holltwood Musoc Int Sieve 8attul<1ne Pum dent flus statement wes flied with !ht County Cflflr. of Oun11 County onOl/28/03 tOOHU t 411 Oatly Pilot f eb 20 27 Mat 6, 13, 2003 Th206 ~ ..... ... s..... The follc>Wtn& persons aft dc>1n11 bu'"'"' as ,.AClflC IHOtJSTRIAL CONC(P TS, 1176 Main SI Ste 100. Irvine. CA 92fJ14 Oonald l B1nci.tt1, TruslH of The. O&O Rewoc.1ble Trust Oatod reb. 23. 1994. 523 lme111d Ba1. Laauna auch,CAms1 8endetU A•lOClltU, Inc . (CA). 1176 Mem St. SI• 100, ltw111e. CA 926\4 Thn buslMu ii con- duc;t1d by • hm1ted petlMflhlp Hav. _.ou tlMIH OO!lla Mdiflhl yell YM, 1975 Poclfl' lnd11strfal eonc..its. OM> 8t11d\ttti fl•woctb" Ttu1t, Oon1lcl I Bendetti, Trust" Thi• stato1Mnt •• hied •ltll Iha Covnty Cieri!. of °''" Coun'l't Oii 02/2811>1 IONMS4t41 Dally "'°' M•. 6, 13 20121,lOOJ r~ ......... ......... legal Notices 2640 j t.eoat N~ces 2640 I Legal N~ ~2640 I L•I NOtices ~I Legal~ ~ tn•nl.,, 12!>1'> Nmlh SI Ur.tn~t ( A97t!6~ S•nl• An.; l A<Jl/O/ .ru 1•·1 b• h•1•b•ncl •ncl fiditieusa..tu Rudy A M•ttrn•n sun ~1·, Cumb••l•ncl nudo 716/?Brnokf1uf\I H•v•vnu\ldrl .. oJ. .. 11~ .._s....t G1td~n C1ove CA 9l8'1l Ou~lon Rnb••l l',.l,.• 1 Rober I l• .. on l ar .. 11• lru\l~ .. h" Rudy M•1t Rll ll1.rt11.•· CA 9/116~ •C Hun1t11vtv11 B<"• h b"'"'•" y•I' y,.. Z I lli•· l"lluwm& I>•'"'"' m•n lru'I d~l"d 05 10 M•I""' l ynn &...... C/I. 9/64/; Oi ••r d111n1> b""""'" A 89. J4t Bays1d" Or •3 9JS Cumbetl•lld RJ I Thi~ bu''"""' " ion hi ltmm••in.t• l..<•y\t.,n• llpal!n1•nlf. ~ew11vrt e ••. It CA Or""" CA 9286'> <ludtd b1 • .;:•ne•.al Th ... , •••• n •• ,,. ....\ /I iO lhu•11• "'·· I'"'• 9it.60 -Th•\ bus•"""" ·~ '"" I 1••rtn .. 1\tn11 ltl•<l "''" tt•r Cuuf\I) M.-. (.II! 9?fii'J '"'~ bu\tne\\ I\ < 1n I duc.ted Dy~ 1 ~"'""'''' Hrh'~ you '\t4ut~d d1•1n-. '""'"° 1f U1111;.:.t l Junl1 Rut.I t A M •11fuau ducl,.d by a bu'""'"' 1.t1\n•·,h1p bu\onPn v~t>flla •·n07 0/ Ul f•u I•• 1.,r llud\ M•r ltu\l H ..... y1111 \lat led 1Jv111~ Arlhur 1.u1ll,.n R1vff• 200369l274S """ ltu\l cl•l•d ~ !ft lld.-yuu ,I••'• rt rJorna bu>ll1t''' yt!'I' Y•> f <L II [1;1ly Prlol • .1, Ii 'XI k'< l4 I B•Y>•d• (Jr • 1 bu'""''" v• I' YP\ h i \l!J(li lh1\ 'l•l,.m•nl ,.. .'7 M.t• b llJOi THIS'> ,...,..,,. rl B••• h "A '> 96 Ou sh• H l'el•• ~"" l11ed with tilt Cuunl y ~ ·bf.O Rud., Marun.tn friJ\f fht\ ,1.te-m~f'\l 111114 Cler), r_.if Of•n1~ Count-, ''"~ 0U'tl~1.'\ (U k ud y A M ,.11r11-tn f1le1t ;,1th tf•r: ~Ouoty vnO? 780~ ActtM.s~ Clb ttd ti,. ,., t"''"~s lru\l•t 1.1.,.~ •I U• 0111 • • •unly 200)693S26l ..__c.........___. II \I lhl\ \l~t~n•tifll "''' · 1on0? II 0.1 Ud1ly 1'1lul M~r f> I l -,_ 11,.. • "' <.t.orl~cl 11von, lrlt'd w11t1 lilt l'••Uflly 20036934330 20 n 200J Thl40 I he f•1ll<JWflf~ """"' hn .... , ··' fr• II l.ltHk vi or.nt• t; .. u11ty o.11y f'1lul hb ll M.r .,,~.....___ ... do•••r b""""" • " ot1077llOJ b I)"() 7003 lh/·1 n<n,_,_. ·r.an1 l'• 1,.n 'II • n, M•r•m•• f1u•• 20036935'26' -.,.....,_~ I MmaS,._., All•nt• s1 .~_,4 liu " o, ·' M~ -,,. 0~1ly f'•hll Mu b 11 ~.,-~ T~. lolluwon• P'"'"n ltnito" bt',..h (A~ ",Ao I•• IQ l1 l\JUJ 111/41 "'--s~ • Q.T,;.om illOlllAI \I llu Ltl•IT.., d .,.. Flc1itiwlaua...s lhe lollo1111n1t Pt"""' Amti11L .. , fu•I Morlii.a&t •t.33 Hunw1~1.,,, l1•JW 1 fer• ,f ()r~nii• , '""'' - -I •1" d'""' bu''"~"'' ° CCA> 9111 All•nl• SI 111~<1 •""' '"" .,11.,11 .,__ <~. , ~rr dllllli 6u\1nr\\ ·'' 1943 lrv1nt' Blv<I •\'>() tA 9764b " 0 o;i 1 ~ --frt .. dnm l1d•hly 21t?01 Ir.in(' f.A9}601 ?.&()() Th" bu.,.11n·•· I\ 1. • '20036915265 C•bol Rd Jql lluvi lh• 8•Y<t' C.irr~ll du led b• I nHl•J I M•• f I I nr lnllow1n11 per \On, df • doin~ bu,,lnf'...... •~ Rou.u11.t P••tner.,,, 103 Sh•dY Wood l•v1ne CA 97bl0 lfon 6ngdanuv1<11 I Ol Shady Wnod Irvin• ~A 926?0 Ktlly 8llllhlu11I 168S'> 8•v•iew Sun"'' Bu<h CA 90741 I h" bus1ne's " tnn due ltd by 1 ~~ntr al par Iner \h1p Ho• vou s111t•d do1n11 busm•" yet' Nv Ron 81t&danov1<h I h" s tatem,nl W•s ltleo with lhf' County Clerk nf Ot an11e County on O? 11 03 20036tl3040 0•1lr P1h>I f tb I J 20 21 Mar 6 2003 lH 191 FldttiM ..... NmaS...... f he lcill11•1n11 per,.nns .,~ d<ltnt bustne\<> •• Trariporle' lnltrnJ cionaln Ort11 (TI 0 ). 8JO C.nler St Su1t1 ll. Co'U Mesa. Cahfornrt 92627 Oavtd O<h1 8JO Center St Suite 11 , Costa Meu C•hlu1n1191627 T h11 bul1neu " ton du<led by an md1v1duel Have you sUrt~d do1n11 busmt\\ yet' y,, 111 01/02 On1dOr1t.1 "Thti it411trntnl wu hied ••lh lhe Cuunty Cler .. of o. •na• County on 02/2!>/03 200HUU74 Oa1ty Pilot f eb 2 / M~r 6, tJ,20,2003 Th227 At-......_ ... s...... lhA follow1n1 person• •• e dolnl bUMtt•U U a) Un1tl!CI Compul• & ftlflcommun10IM>n. Inc • b) IJCT. fnc , 18902 Ba<dHn Awe lr•1ne, CA 92612 Un1tod Computer & Te11Comm1.tnicat10n Inc (0£ ), 18901 8ardeen AVI , lfwtM CA 92612 ThtS bllllM$$ is con ducted by· 1 co.-poratlOfl tt.ve you s.tartlld clolna bu1m1u yet' Y". May 2.3.1~ United Compuftt & Tellcomn111ncabon. Inc . Kirn Youns Joo Shin, ~retary ltlts lt•ltmont was tll d with the Count~ Ci.rll ol °'"'I• CO\lnty on 02/?&l'OJ 1MMHU0t o.ur Not MM. '· 13. 20, t1. ?003 Th~ ........... ........ Tiie foatwifll '""'"~ 1111 ...,_. n · fttlflOU HS. 2100 Wlftill'Wwd , ............. ludl, CA l'60 ••• , •• Ill 1011114111 ~..,etl loath (CA). Z1DO Wlftd#wt L n•. :.gort luch, CA 1 .. <Oft f\K.t" '1 I COff*M-Htw r-v •'-rt.I ... ...,...,..., ... ledtoOllt lhlillH ....,.,, I h, We r..._,,,...._ lllh ........... " .... .. doe Coull', CW• of ~ C.OllMJ •d:PJDJJ'Q ..... .. , .. u ....... u 20 ' ·-llttll l •iuno N1j:utl CA 'J'lbl/ Co11>ur1I"'" 'CA I J94 I l ••b•hly Co /I .'(i(H h24. frt't'dvm f1d1:hlt llC lrv•n, Blvd •I')() h vint fl•~t ynu \U!lfd •l<>•n~ 1 NV J, l8l02 C.•bul Rd CA 9i'Wl 1400 buwif\\ y~tl Nu 31 d floor, I •11u11• lhl\ bu"flf\S 1\ on IMnom .()i~tldl II c N11tu<1I CA9'/6// duct~d by a uupo1a11on [).,rev M.tyt'r r ,,,,. •. ,.,,"' fh,\ bu\mf~\ '' LUO H•vfl you '\.tarted do•n" Tt1i-, \t ~t,.mt."nt •d~ tb-lt.111 ·-"•Of lJ•·'' >It\ dutltd bv l ml1ed bu!.m4!~~yrt"N ,,, .. 0 with thf' t;.ount, ••• 1 '' •">'\ ''), l1t11bthh lo Th:,. 8t)' e f.,4Jtrt"tt , lt"'"' ot Oriol;• ourit,. <11 • .,f': frfll.e AtMttn, .. .,,. ...... yuu \lat led a.11na Cu•pur llt<lfl e ... n I "" 0? 78 01 119'J ( nllt'i• ""' t:. a .. bc"•M>s y•I' Ye:. 01 Pead.,~h~ t Prts•dtnl 200ltl•lSlO• ~'"' U\ 976?7 04 Oi ClO Daily P1l/ll M•r b IJ Rud, A "'""""" frfellurn f•d~hly lll fh" stat•..,Pnl "'~' :>O 27 ;>00.! lh748 1 '""'" 1.,. Rudy M•I• lenrirl.r M B1ll1n2 Gull• ltled w1lh the Cu unit I ,. • • u· I ?~l~d £1.> lti1 M•n•~tt (l"rk ul 011nge Count, 114 J.41 Ba•s•dt Or 13 Tilts •l•trmel'll w.s unOZ 040J RctMe.sa...u l'lt,.porr 80 n C~ hied with th< Count, 200l•932S69 ·~ ·t.ao Cler~ ••I O••net luvnly Oa•lt Pilot ftb 13 ?0 ._,s-.t on O? ?R OJ '27 Mar 6 lOOJ TMl6/ 200l6US 261 Rctltl. .... Oa1ly f'1lol ~r 6 I l ?O .'/ lOOl lh~ --~ Adi'-...... The lollu•1n11 ~rsons ,._ t~ •re do1nr bus•ness <1S - -•I Mike\ C11pets 1998 lht tullowint pe"1111\ .,,. do1n1 bustne~1 ~'"" Mon•I Mt'dteal Sltrw•l ts 8 7!>1 Ot•ev Ottvt Cardtn C1ove C;iltt0<n1.i 92Mt \161 ACP Auoc11tlos Inc (CAJ 8/SI Oewey 011ve. C•• den Cr ove Cahforn1a 92Mi lt61 Th" business 1,, "on duct~d by • corpor,lron H••e yuu star led do'"C bu'4nr.~ yet' 't'e\ 01/ 02n<Xn ACP A~\Oet•le• Inc Cllry f n edman 1/lcr P1es10ent Thi• •l•lement wu hied with the County Cletk of 011n1e County on 02 '24 1>3 200J6tS45tl 011ly Polo! Feb 21 MM 6 13 20, 2003 Th226 At-.. ..... ----1 h~ tollowma panon~ all do1n1 bU$1MU .. •>~•com Kt~ booUtor• JCteoot ttw boo""l'll'• KllW .. boollmre ~ Aorn flJI Har-A.,. C(W-de4 """. CA ~ B1njlm•11 ln1mlre 607 N.ttctuut A¥9 Corona del Milf. CA 92625 This t>vMneu a COii ducted by IMI llldl\fidoal ttav1 you •lartlel dollll bus.na.s ~t? Yes 07 I Ot/2001 Ben,.min '"'""'' Th11 1t1tenwnt wH fittd .. th tM County O.• ol Or •nee C°""'' Oft O'l/07 IOJ IOOJHH726 Dltlv f'tlot Foll. l3, 20. 27, llW. I , 2DOl fHl7' ......... ........ Harbo• Blvd C.ush Mtu CA 9'1671 Vtr gtnt• lntellOI\ Int 1C.ahl I 1998 H"'bor Bl•d Cusla Mes.a CA 92627 Tt11$ business Is con ducted by ii torporalton Hav~ you •tarted dOHll t1uS1rnru yl't' Yes. t..n 11 1999 Vire1n11 lnl•M><• Inc . llnda 0111 Secrel•rv ThlS ,1atemenl wn hied Wtlh the County Clerk of 0. an11e County on02 OM>l 200Uts2721 0•1l7 ,.•lot r eb 13. 20. 27. Mir 6 :.!003 THl14 ~ ..... ie-s..... The tollo ... nc '""'°"s .. e doln1 b!BWMSS .. Human ,.otenhal 1101 W Coast H1ctiway f.lt 310. Nawp0r1 8uch CA 92663 Herd• l Kwnzlt 3101 W Coast 1-ficllwey Ste 310 , ,..wport Be~h. CA 9266.~ • lhn bu,tnl!U n ton ducted by 1n md1V1d111I Havt you sfarlAld do•Ojl bU!itnnt Y•l7 Yes. l/l/ OJ H8tll Kufldl Tim at•temenl •H f-.S •1lh the Count't Clerk of Oranc• Couflty oil 02/07/03 100MH21U O•ut l'llot fell ll, 20. 21. Mii 6. 200J llH 7!1 .......... ......... Tiie lollowlna pttMWlt 1110 dolnl IHI tn41 I t'. Caltfeflllra V' .......... t -"" ... ... St • c.t.te ....... CA mn ..... matd. • .... tlf\it Ut (CA) . ..a MiettM SI _ C..te ...... CA m11 l)la.. Ill, .. ••r.t•• ,, li•ll•4 l ,.,c. .... ,... ... ., ....... ~ ... ,,.. ...... ' ..... t .. L.lC , f .. I $.Odfttilll C.6 0 T I hf lnllow111a pef\on• U«! doina bu'\tnt!''\\ .n Hun1tn11ton F •"•"' •>11 5'-r.,c.e' IOI S llr•emd Blvd Suite l 1 I Pl• <enha CA 9711/0 Hunt1n11ton I '""n< 1a1 G1u11p lnl (!;Ar 101 S Kraem@r fllvd Suit. 111 Pl•unl1" (A 'll870 ltu• bu5o.m~S'.\ 1~ < u•t du<.led by • < 'pvr't"in kne you 'l.M l .cl Oo<n& business. 111 ' .,..,, I CJ8.I March 17 Hunl1n1ton f 1n1nc••I Croup Inc O•.,d l Runnion f'rn.Oenl Tiits ,1et1trn~nl wo hied with thf County Clerk of Or a nae County on 02/21/0J 200UtSUt4 Oarly Pilot r eb 27 M•r b lJ 20 lOOJ Thll• 1\1" th_r\IOf'~' t\ c .,, t1lH tt"d l•1 d tUJ\•Ol~\ ltu\I ~~.Vf YOU \l•rtnt f1Jifl11; bl•'-•l"l•ii' """ Yr• 10 I~ •<L•dy M~nm~n lru•' Run y Iii M1111"1• n JtU\t~t lh1\ \t~len1t1ul ..,,, l1l~d w•lh lh~ l.ounly I~•~ f Oran&• Cuvf\h on 02' '8 03 :t00S .. JS2M 0 •1ly Piiot Ma• 6 I ' 70 2 7 2003 Th244 ........ Jl30JIOAM 1999 Ch<y•l~r JOO Wj 2CM6fGX>V4666l•J LKHl!>t' None W1H be ~"Id •I B~l Tow•n& 147'} WM""' Aw• Hun1'"fl0to ~ .... h CA 714-841 OrJO Pubt~d N•·wSMI llucll Cost• ,,,.... Da•I~ Piiot MM ch 6. 200J Tl\2!JS I ( 14 Dpsd!y. Mafch f2003 .......... ........... ........... ......... fht followi111 pet uni •r• doinc ltuSl!ltll u Sllv•ti Coin tr uctlu, 914) ~ ... °''"'· llunlin(tOll 8Mdl, CA 9l'M& fl11et Onelo,ment <CA), 9841 Ck .. ouest O.W.. H\t11tl~lo11 Bue.II, CA 926441 ' Thi• bvskl•n I& con t1ucl d by· • ll!lllttd r•rllMnhlp IWvt you slartttl ckll/I& husll>tSS yeU No Edwerd 8. S1twer1 , Cen•r•I P8'tntr fo1 '11pt Otvtloctmtflt flits st•tetnenl was ftled with tM Counly CJerll of 0.-.n .. County onOZ/11/0l 200MtU070 01ily Piiot f eb 13, 20, 17,Maf.6,2003 THl88 ~ .... ·--~ Th• lollow1111 ptr.oM «• dol111 business H Profile .Sy.stems. 17070 San Bruno, Suite 1-6, F ollntam V•ll•y, <:A 92708 Ooualas Rusnll Dischner, 17070 Sin Bruno. Suite I 6, Foun Uon Valley. CA 92708 Th,. businus rs con dueled by: 1n 111d1vldual Hawe you stal'led dolna bus111ess yet? Ho Doualas Russell U1schner Thu; sl.iltement was ftled with lhe County l'lerll of Oran11e County on 02/28103 200l6USJOI 0111ly Pilot Mai .f,, 13. 70. 27,2003 Th244 fie-.. .... "-S...... The lollowm11 persons "e do11111 busmen as. fl I Apartmenl Supply, Inc • 18120 Mt Wash 11111ton SI . f oonteln Valley, CA 92708 A I Apartment Supply, Inc, 181 20 Mt Wash 1n11ton SI . F ounta1n Valley, CA 92708 Thts business 1s con ducted by. " corpo,.hon Have you sUrted do1n11 busmes.s yet1 No A·l Apartment Sup11ly. Inc , Chuck Grommrtt. 'iecrelary f h1s statement W'lllS tiled with the County Cle1k ol Or•nee County on02/07/03 20036932732 O"IY P~ot Feb 13 20. '1. Mar. 6, 2003 fHl77 Rctlll. luslness. ... s .... The follow1n11 per~ons ire doon11 busmes5 as I 11Summ1t rmanc111I, ~.,90 MacArthur Blvd ';te 500. Newpor t l<·a~h CA 92660 Raymond A D1c1u• 12 White Cliff. L 1cun1 N111uel, CA 92677 felfl G. Millson, It' Whit• Ch ff, La2una N1euel, CA 92677 This busmess Is i;un ,fueled by husband and wile Hive you started~ t.us1ness yel1 Yes 11 'l 02 Raymond A D1c1us Tem G. Millson Th11 statem•nl wa• hied with the Cuunty 1 lerk of Oran1e County "" 02/21/03 200J6934JOI lla1ly Pilot Feb 27 Mai h 13, 20, 2003 Th218 ,.._...., "-S....... lhe follow1n11 per •on• •re dot01 busmen ,., Ur an11e County 8u1ld1n1. lll'paw and Malnt , 419 MB1n St. 1274. Hun l1n11ton BHch, CA 92648 M1lchell B Hendren ~ 19 Mam St •214. liuntrnilon Beach, CA '17648 Ibis, busmn\ n ego BmRTMlllT CMldlraf &II* 1811 ---ClfCllNll'f All , .. , «t•I• adv•· lr•ln• tn this ne~ •• subject to the ft4eftf '•• HcMlslnc Act of 1968 u emended which llllllH 1t ille11I lo edverttw "any Pf•'-· •net, llmltetlon or dlterlmln1tlon b1MMI on r1tu. colOr. ttll,1011, .. ~. h1nd1Cep. flmlll•t 1l1tu nr n1Uon•I °'""'' or an 1nt1ntt0ft to l'ltte 1111 such "' t.fence, limlt•· t1011or1h•tt~t111n • Tb ~,irlll not W.rncly ecupt "' '""'""''""*'' tOf ' I attlll w II Ii Ill VIOlatk>ft tf the lew. 01ff , .... " .,. h!th lnlotmed that ell dw•lf• lnl' ad'iftlfttM4' In thb ltt'Wtpt,._ ... f R*9 .... -..f ll#OfllllJ!t¥ ~. lo c:~ IH 4' ..... call ttUO IOI! "" I eDO '2 .. ego duel~ by• 111 1ndh1ldutl Hne you •twttd dOlna bu1tnu, yell Yt1, V2001 M1ttb_n '· H l>df•n 1 hll 1tattmenl w• filfld w1t11 tht County Clolfk of Ot~ t Collnly on~ 200hftSlt7 D•1ly ~lot Mw. 6, 1'1 20,27,2003 ThZ49 ~ .... ......... lll• follc1wln1 l>'fMlllJ an do1!1( bu"llHI H : Elller1ency Rnpo11u CPR TJ1lntn1. 1021 W1bo11 St IO, Costa Mese. CA 9i627 Kimberly l(e~ Ber ll•n4', 1028 Wilson St. ~ Cqd• MtH , CA 9Q1127 Chrl!llopher Wiiiiam B6rlrand, 1028 Wllson St fD. CO$tl Meaa, CA 92627 This bustneSS Is con· ducted by. husband and wrfe Have you sterted do1n1 busmess yel7 Ho llrmberly llertrend This sletemant wu Med wll.h the County Cieri. of Or1n11e County CHI 02/11/03 2003693.SOIS D11ly Pilot Feb. 13. 20. 27. Mar 6. 2003 TH190 Rc-.m ..... ... s...... The lol1Qwi1111 p11sons •r• do11111 business es WPO (hwoopo') Bu11nts.s Solutions. 204:! Westclllf Drive, NewpOfl Beach. CA92660 WP08 lndustnes, Inc., (CA), 2043 Weslchff Dr1ve, NewpOft BHch. CA92660 This bus"'ess is con duded by: a corpor1hon Hive you stMted doina busmen yet' Yes, June 2001 WPOB lnduslriu, Pet O'Brien, President This sl1temenl w,s filed wrth lhe County Clerk ol Or1nee Gounty on 02/25/03 200J69S47S6 D11ly P1lol Feb 27, Mar 6, 13,20,2003 Th234 RditlM ..... "-S..... The fo!IG.w1ne persons are do1n11 business •• r 1ctory Black, 201 los Mollnos. San Clemente. CA 92672 Black Quad11nt. (CA) 485 last l 71h St Cost• Mrsa CA 92627 Thi~ bus111ns h con duded bf a corpo11hon ~lave you stalled dom& bu•,iness y&t, YH. 1/02/ 03 Black Quatlrant. lawn Rod11aur1 V1<.e Pres• dent This slatemrnl was hied with the County Clerk of Oriln&e County on 02 07/03 20036932751 D•11ly Pilot f eb 13. 20, 27, Mar 6. 2003 111184 fidl1ieus luslMss .... s..... The lullnW'11n1 pe1 SUM •n dome busmen u Accrss Offices 3020 Old Ran'h Parkway 1300 SHI Brach. CA 90740 Summer Su1t,s. 3020 Old Ranch Parkway #300 S~al Aedch, CA 90740 lh1s busmu\ 1~ con ducted by 8 corpor ahnn Hav~ you st1rted d<>1n1 bu\lntss yel' Y's 01 OJ Summet Su1tn Orb or ah W1lk111son, Pru fh1s slatrment was f1l'd w•th th~ County Clerk nl Or ane' Cuunly on 02/14/01 20036933S3t Daily 1>1101 feb 20 'l7 Mar ·b. 13 200i rH199 ~ S'Yle finwMe PIANOS i CollKdbMa . ....,.. . .......__ ·-·-·Olloo-.. CMH MID .. ____ ,_ WE 8UV DTATU • ~flolotdy~ ,..,.... • . .. .. .... .. ........ .......... ... ..... TM t01lowln1 1>41'toj1J Ira 4foifl& llu•inHI a • W.S Aute, :J2? W. Wt11011 •Jot, Co1t1 MtM.CA92629 Wesley Scott ftotlttt. ao11, 327 W. W1faon llOI, to.ti ...... CA 92621 Tllll buJlnau is con ducted by• .,, lndivldutt Have _you 1tMted dolt11 b111ln1u Y•lf Yu, 2/03 Wlllley Scott Robert· IOll Tll s statement wts flied with lflt Colint1 Clerll of Ortnaa Couetlf onO~ 200MH47S9 D•lly l'ilol feb. 21. Mar. 6, 13, 21J, 2003 Th232 .......... ......... ft.. lollowlna per~ons ... dolnC buSUIHS as Rtehard M. K•pl(o & A.ssoci1tes. 1700 Adams Ave. •102, Cost• Mesa, CA92626 Victory £11t11prisu. Inc , (CA), 1700 Adams Avenue 1102, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This business Is c:on ducted by: • corporehon Have you sllN'led dolna business yelt Yes. 7 /1/ 1986 V1clory Enterprises, Inc.. Richard K1pko, President This statement wlts filed with the County Clerk of 011n11e County on 02/28/03 200J69SSSOS Daily Pilot M•r 6, 13, 20,27,2003 Th247 Ac-. ...... ......... The followln1 persons are doina business 11; Hammond Homes RHI Est•t•. 10221 Sliter Avenue •103. Fount1ln Valley, CA 92702 Waller leeolen H•m· mond. 10049 San Juan Ct., fount11n Valley, CA tr'/08 This t>us.ness Is con duc:ted by: •n 1nd1v1dwil Have you slatted doina business yet? Yes, 2 1 • 02 W1lter loeolen Him mond nus st1lement WH hied with the County Clerk of Or1n11e County on 02/07/'QJ 200S69J27S. Dari)' Ptlot fab 13, 20. 27, Mar. 6, 2003 TH181 Fldltlm ..... -s....... The feUowlna persons are doln& bus111es.s as AnyDATA CORPORATION, 18902 Bardeen Ave • Irvine, CA 92612 AnyDATA CORPORA TION (Dl ). 18902 Bardeen Ave . Irvine CA 92612 This busmess 1s con ducted by a corpor1Uon Heve you startfld do11111 business yet? Yes. Dec OJ. 2001 AnyDA TA CORPORA TION. Kim Youns Joo Shin. Secretary This sl•tement wn fried with the County Clerk of Or1nee County on 02/28/03 200l6935300 Daily Pilot Mar 6, 13, 20. 27. 2003 Th250 Rcffm ..... "-S...... The follow1na persons are dome bus111ess H IHe•llh Cornmunicaltons, 367 Newport Glen Ct., Ne wport Be1ch, CA 92660 Sleven Jollnson, 367 Newpo rt Glen Ct , Ne wpor t Beac:h, CA 92660 This busmen 11 con ducted by· en 1nd1v1du1I Have you sta1ted dotfl& bu~ness yet? Vas, 2 V 03 Antique bdrm wt, 8 ft custom made sofa. d111ttte set, frla. Call ens 80 9'9-574 9732 c...._ ..... ,, ,_. ..... I I ,er sf loUIM --• ., .... ,. -~Jlt.Jtl Steve11 Jollnson Thie •t•ttmtftl WIS flied wllh IM County Clerk of Oren1• County °"~ 100'6tll'IH D.Ur_ l'llot Mat I, 13, 20. u. 2003 1'2$3 .......... .......... The followln1 l>lf110n1 11• dokll bullflHJ ~ •) Elechonlc R•l•ll Sonwere , b) w•w.eretallsoft.com, 20101 Bird! Stt .. t 1150 f, IMwpotl Seectl. CA 92"0 New Er• Cont11IUnc. Inc:., (CA)J_ 20101 81.-ch Street •Iou-T. Newport \luch, CA 92680 This bus!llUS Is COii· ducted b)': • cotpol'ltlo!I H4tv• )'ou stert•d dotnc b11Slness ¥•t1 v ... 107 02 • ' New Era Consultlna. Inc., Mo. Roshenn't. Prnlderlt This statement WH hied with the County Clerk of Onn1• County on 02./07/03 200J6tJ2712 D•ilY Pilot feb. 13, 20, 27. Mar. 6, 2003 THl69 fic8'9 ..... ... s..... The lotlowln1 persons an dotne buslnns 11· Opt_1mal Movement. 20351 It-ville Ave. Suite C2, Sant• An• Helctits. CA 92707 Sc:ott Cb11les t..•mc>· man, 20351 lrvlne Ave. Suite C2, Senta Ana Heiallts, CA 92707 This business Is con· ducted by: 1n Individual Hive you .a tarted doinc business yet7 Ya. 2· 10- 03 Scott C. Lamc>m•n Tb1s statement wu lil•d with the County Clerk of Orana• County on 02/21/03 2oo.HtJ4Ut Dilly Pilot Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13. 20. 2003 Th229 •fie-.. ..... "-S...... Th• followln1 penons .,, doina business as The Wood Arttsans. 609 22nd Street, Huntmaton Beach, CA 92648 Jason D1i1le, 609 22nd Street, Huntln1ton Buch. CA 92648 Eltzabflh Wood, 609 22nd Street, Huntlncton Beach. CA 92648 Thrs business 1s con ducted by. husb•nd end wife Have you slartetl do<na busrness yet? Yes, 2 -6 03 Elizabeth Wood This statement was hied with the Counly Clerk of Or anae Counly on 02./07 /03 200J6H27S4 D11ly P1lol Feb 13. 20. 27. Mer. 6, 2003 TH180 Rcllam ..... "-S.--The lolloilllina persons are <1011111 business u . N1ture's He11ty hHn· h1ls of Cahforn11, 1400 Quarl S heet 1260, Newport Buc:h. C1h fornia 92660-27.30 MlwyM.• lo W1tu1 II M•1 Ctftetft1: TM Nlfnt(s) of tti. ~111t(1) la/ are: CLAIM JllMf'Clt ASSOCIATU lTO l~ """' Htt lll>Plic.nti lt\ttd above "' 1pply1n1 to Iha D~artment of Alc:obollc lltvtr•I• Control to Mfl •leoholic btVtreCH at. J333 BlttSTOI. S1. STt 20'11, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 Type of llctnH(•) Applted for: 47 Of'f· SALE CENiR.M. EATING Pl.ACE Published ltewport 811<:h·Coita Md• D1ll1 Piiot Metch 5, 12, 19, 2003 , Th255 . .......... ... s..... TM f0Howln1 persons ,,. dolna buslntsa as. Elrta Cenns, 660 W 17th St. 137, Cost• Mal,CA92627 M11tia C. Oc:on. 2241 An1helm Ave., Cost• Mes•. CA 92627 Th11 business Is con· ducted by: •n individual Hive you stwted doln& business yet7 Ho MMlaG.Ocon This stalemtnt was filed with the County Clerll of Oran1• County on 02/21/03 200MU4JJ1 Dilly Pilot Feb. 27, Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th220 .......... ......... The followln1 persons .,.. c1otn1 business e&: Holl,wooct Music Stu· dlos, 6522 E. Camino Vlsh 12, Anaheim. Celifornit 92807 Steve Bartolone, Ill, 6522 E. Camino Viste 12. An•herm. Cellfo1 nla 92807 Thrs busmtss 1s con- ducted by an lnd1vldual Have you started dolna business yet? No Steve BartolOM This atatement wes filed with the County Clerk of Or an11e County on 01122/03 · 200J6U0560 Dilly Pilot Feb. 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 2003 Th207 ......... ... s...... The lollow1n1 ptrM>llS are do1n11 business es· lllmb4!fly BradfOfd Event Plann11111 & Desian, 651 Saint Vincent. Irvine, CA 92618 ll1mberly Ann All>f yc:ht , 651 Seint \11nc:ent, Irvine, CA92618 Th,. busrness IS con ducted by en lndtvldual Hive you sl1rted doln1 busmess yet? Ho ll1mberly A Albrycht This stalemenl wu filed with lhe County Clerk. of Oren1e County on 02/07/03 200l6tS2740 D11ly Ptlol Feb IJ. 20 . 27, M•r. 6, 2003 Thl82 The Anderson 0.4an1 iatton (CA), 1.00 Qu1rl Street 1260, Newport The follow1n1 peraons Beach, Cehfornl• 92660 •re doin& buMness 11: 2730 Mondra1ot1 L1ndsop11111. Thrs business " con 763 W. 19th St Apt 13, ducted by a corporation Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Have you started dotna lpoltto Mon dr •eon bu11rieu yet? Yes, 02/ Lan, 763 W 19th St 01/2003 Apt •3 Costa Mesi. CA The Anderson 0.1.ani· 92627 t alion W11t11m c This bus;neu 11 con Ancle• son. Pres Iden I ducted by en 111d1vidual Thl'l statement was Have you slMled dolna hied with lhe Counly buslneu yet7 Yu, 08/ Cler!o. of Or1n11e County 02 on 02/19/03 lpolrto Mondr8'on Lire 200S69S40SS lil!Js... statement wu Daily Pilot Feb 27. Mar f11er~1th the County 6 13 20 2003 Th209 Clttk of Or1nae County ' ' · on OZ/\4/03 SEU '200S6UHH D11ly Pilot Feb Mar. 6, 13, 2003 .. lilll ..... ............ 2.Wl.1111 ..... ............. -= .......... ........ The followlfl1 fl"'°"' .,. dolfte butilltu u. ~ Style, 3172 9., bado1 ""'· Coet1 MMa,CAtM.1' '•al• "· Nl•blla11I, 3112 8•Ndo• P'JKe, Costa Mue, CA 92$21 Tlllt t141alntu It COft· chlclall by. '" lncllviclfff Have.you stwt.ld c1olnc l>IW~ yttl Yff, 11/ 02 Ptula ft fMl!ltenl Tbls statement wu trltd w1t11 UM County Cl«li of Ortf!P ~nty Oft 02/01 /03 200J6tl2747 DeHy Pilot Feb. 11. 20, 27,tht .•• 2003 l ttlll ... .... ........... TH Jollowkl1 perso -do1\ia J>llslnas es: P•form•~ £••· 1701 8edford Ln. Untt 15, Newport 8hcb. CA 92660 Steve IY«Mln, 1701 Bedford ln. Unit IS, Newport Bnc:h , CA 92660 This business Is c:on- duc:ted by: an lndMdu1I Kave you started dolnc busffins 1•t7 No Steve11 M. lvtfson This stetement WIS tiled with tllt County Clerk ol O"n1e County on02/07/03 IOOUH274t Oelly Piiot feb 13. 20, 21. Mtr. 6, 2003 TH187 RcllM ..... ... s...... The followln1 persons ere dolna business as: Soulhcoast Mobile So· luU<>fts. 950 W. 17th St ID, Costa MttU, CA 92627 Klmb«ly M. Schaffer, 950 w. 17th St., Cost• Meu, CA 92627 This buslness Is con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started doifll busl11tss yet? Yes, feb. 3,2003 Klmbef'ly M. Sch1ff1r This "atement wts filed with the County Cl«ll of Oun1e County on02/25/03 20036tJ47S7 Daily Pilot Feb. 27, Mir 6. 13,20,2003 Th233 flcllm ..... .......... The followin1 persons •re do1n1 bus;nns es· Slty 111111 ¥ Ptlolo, 1975 B Or1n1e Ave • Cost• Mesa, CA 92627 R. Gre1ory rru1er, 1975 8 Oranae. Avenue. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 flits busineu Is con ducted by· an 1ndh11dual Have you started dotn& busmen y et1 No R Gre1ory frauer This statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 02/21/03 200SHJ4J42 Daily Piiot f eb 27. Mar. 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th224 ,.... ...... , ... s...... The follow111c persons are do1na bus1neu u •) Brian Product10ns b) MCH, 17211 BHc h Blvd .. Huntinrton Beach, CA 92647 Brl•n Nokes, 17218 Beach Blvd .. Hunhnrton Buch. CA 92647 This business is con ducted by ao 1ndrv1du1I Hawe you started do1n1 business yet? Yes 01 01-03 Brian Hotlas This s tatement wu hied with th• County Clefk of Or1n11• County on 02/21/03 200J6U4JS2 D11ly Ptlot f eb 27. M11 6,13,20,2003 Th219 SW NOSTH lMMMA Tropecal be8dl "°'* 2llr I 5ba. wllll to betdl fl'otll .,. °'*' ._. wlUI tin wtllt loud! :st:z ID>«!!> 1537 ....... ........... ........... .......... Jhe folowlna ""'°"' .,, dolllt ~buW•• ... H8 Wlrtllua, HOS H••on Avenue, Hun• tlfllltn hMh. CA 92646 SIM T. lillu.tWft, 1125 V-1Ct0tli St llO, Coale Meu,CAl2MS 1'1119 1>1111nus i. con du~ttcfb~. •n lndMdutl Have you 1t•tld dlMnc buslneu yett No Btnb T N1uye11 . Tlllt sttl111Mnt was fli,d wlUI tbt County Cletll of Ot•na• Cou11ty Ofl02/14/03 ttOMtH4t1 D1Uy Pilot f tb. 20, 21, Mat,6,13,2'00J TH198 fldM9lii ...... ......... The followtna per ao11s are dokll business H > OM8 Pro,ertl!' S.rvkes, 1133 Hlcbland DL, :.ort Buch, CA Oeborrah Mer1uet .... 1133, Hl&ftland Or • Newport Buch. CA 92660 Thn buslnau Is con· duc:ted by: 1n lndjvlduel Have ybu slNted doill& business yet? l'fo Debotr•h M. Lu10 This statement wu filed with tht Counly Clerk of 011n1• County on 02/21/03 200J69J4Hf Daily Pilot Feb. 27. Mer 6, 13, 20. 2003 Th222 ,.... ..... ......... The lollowln1 per sons llrt cloln1 buslneu u . OdysMy Charms, 858 W. 18th St. Bl, Costa Mesa, CA92627 John James Ciahl. 108 Tot>u. Selbo• lslend, CA 92662 This business IS con· ducted by: •n 111dlvldu1I Have you started dolna buslnNs yet? No John JatMs Grahl This statement was filed with the County CWll of Or•nl' County on02/21/03 200J6tMJ11 D•ll~ Poot Feb 27. ~ ... 6, 13,20,2003 Th216 ,.... ..... ... s.....,. The followln1 persons are doln1 buslneu as· ASTROCUT. 1070 Park Newport , Hawporl Beach, CA 92660 Robert Sheil. 1070 P11k Newport, Hewporl Beach. CA 92660 This business l'l c:on· ducted by; en lnd1vldu11 Hive you started dolna bu11ness yet' No Robert Shetl This stalement was filed wtth the Counly Clerk of Oranae Counly on 031<Ml'03 200J69SS707 011ly Piiot Mar 6, 13, 20.27.2003 Th238 ........... "-*'-' The follow1n1 persons '" doina businus 11 Mob ile Photo 1713 Al1bema SlrHI IB. Hunhnrton Ba11eh, CA 92648 ll•lhleen A Zehnder. 1713 Alabam• Street •8. Hunt1n1ton Bee<:h, CA 92648 Thb business ts con ducted by an 111d1vldu1I Hne you started do1n11 business yet? Ho llathleen A Zehnder This sl1temenl was hied With the County Clerk of 011n1e County on02/14/03 IOOJ6tJJSJ4 Dally Pilol f eb 20, 27, Mar . 6, 13, 2003 TH20 I .......... -----The lollow1n1 perions alt dolnl bllslMSS IJ Verllc:al, 34161 la Strtn• Suite C Q101 'olflt, CA t2t2t Mlchtel f.rln fhOftlC>· ""' 3'161 I.• Serena Sult. C, Oe111 Point, CA 92629 ThJt butlflftt i. tOft dllctt4 ltr; 111 lndiYldual ....... '°" started ... butlnett ,.u No Mkh•I Tllompaool Thia ttalfllMnt _, fi141d wltlt t... Coullty Ci.ti. of Ora11p County on02/28/03 IO!OJ6tU,.. Dally 'llol ,._,, 6, l:J, 20, 'D' 2003 Th2.46 .......... .......... Tbt follow1111 peuons we doln1 buslntsa es: Splfltus, 1430 Lincoln ln •• Newpoft B .. i:h, CA 92660 , Joseph 01 Stanlsl10, 1430 Lincoln l.n., Hew· potl auth.CA 92660 Thb. buslnn• Is coit- dlicted by: an lnd1wldual Have yOll stMtad doln1 bllJllMSS yet? Yes, ftb 1, 2003 Joseph Of St1nisllo This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 02/21/03 200SHS4SU Deily Pilot feb 27, Mar 6, 13,20,2003 Th215 ........... -~ Tht lollow1n1 persons er• doin1 buslntss 11: OullSltt, 3348 City Li&hts Dt .• Aliso Viejo, CA92656 DHllSite Music llC (CA). 3348 City U1hts Dr .. Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Th11 twslneu Is con· dueled by limited Liability Co Have you started dc»l\1 business yet? Ho OesllSite MusJc lLC, Rlchtrd C1ll•m/M•n•1er This sl1tam1nt was fded with the County Clerk of Or1n11• County on 02/07/03 200J6H272J D11ly Pilot feb 13, 20, 27, M11 6, 2003 TH168 .......... ......... The follow1n1 persons •re doina business as: Mort1111e Banklna Ser· vices, 302 Vlc tor11 IC102. Cosle Mesa, CA 92627 Chrtshn• loleo. 302 Victor11 IC 102, Cost• Mes., CA 92627 This bus1neu 11 con ducted by •n tncltvidual HiWa you started dotnc business yell Yu, 1/02/ OJ Christin• Zoleo This statement was of1led wrth the County Clerk of Oranae Counly on 02/14/03 200~6HU27 D11ly Piiot ftb 20. 27. Mar 6, 13. 2003 TH197 ficMM ..... ... s...... The followinr persons a1e do1n11 bus1neu H C·Fab. 928 W 17th Sl . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 S teven Victor De Groole, 928 w 17th SI . Costa MttU, CA 92627 flus busin.n Is con ducted by an tndlvldual Have yCMl started doll\1 business yel? Yes 1984 Steven DeCroote Thi' statement was filed wllh the County Clerk of Onn11t Counly 0002/2~ 200 Dally 6. 13, 20, 2003 Th212 flcllm ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 per sons are doln1 business as Pnv1te Brokt1s, 19300 Ille Jones Rd 12. Santa Ana, CA 92707 Mi chael ll1n1slay StneH . 25 Marble S1nds , Hewpo1 t Bueti.CA 92660 Ibis buUnlU IJ, CAO Miff by 111 11141-14ual Have you it.ltd **'« buslneal yet? Yu, 1/25/ 03 •• 1<111pi.y Stnens This su ltmtnl WIS filed Wlltl the COllOIJ Cltrll Of Ote.nae C04i11tr •02/11!03 .......... D.Vy Pilot Fib. 13, 20, 27, ,..,, 6, 2003 THl89 ~ ..... .......... Tiit foltowl111 peno11s are dolfll buW!eu 1-.; D&S Aulo Air, 1661 Superior Ave.. Costa Mn.. CA 92127 Steven Glenn Plum Mef, 17717 San Clem •nte st.. fou11taln Vlltey,CA9i708 T1ljs kJ!neh ls COii• 41icled by: en lndMduel Hevt you started doill1 llq,sinos yet? Yea. 1977 Steven G. Plvmtnir Tiiis statement wn ftltd with lhe County Ct.rll of Oran1• County OC102/2l/03 200J6tS4JU 0.ily Pilot J eb 27, Mat. 6. 13. 20, 2003 Th2l0 ........... -----Th• followlna persons ere doin1 business u · Aussie Eyewear, 2285 Newport Blvd., Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 Susan H1ndel. 351 W. Bey St, 113, Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 Thrs binlneu 1.s con· duct8ll by. •n 1nd1vlclu1I Have you sl¥t•d doina business yet? Ho Su .. n Handel nus statement WH filed wiUI Ille County CMtll of Of1n1t County on02/07/03 20036Hl7J6 Qaily Pilot feb 13. 20. 27. Mar 6, 2003 Tlll79 ,.... ..... "-*'-' Tht followln1 persons are doln1 business as· SL LEASING, 5104 Hep-. tune Ave • Newport Beach, CA 92663 Scott R Tharlault, 5104 l'faptune Ave • Newport Beech, CA 92663 This business Is con· ducted by: an lndrvldu1I H•v• you started doma business yet7 No Scolt R. Tlletl1ult l"bls sl•lement was hied with the County Clefk or Orenae County on 01./28/03 200S6USH4 D11ly Pilot Mtr 6. 13. 20. 27.2003 Th251 Re-.. ...... ... s...... The lollow1111 persons are d0tn1 busine ss H - C168. 1601 Dove SI 11 15, Newport Buch CA92660 Robe< I• M Lowe 400 Vrsta Suett•. ,._wport Beach, CA 92660 This business is con ducted by an. tndMdual Hive you started do11111 busmen yen Yu, I I OJ Rob111ta M Lowa Tiu$ st1tement was hied With Ille County Cieri. of Oun1e County on 02/21/03 200MtJ4J4S Dally Pilot Feb 27. Mar 6. 13,20,2003 Th223 ........... ... s..... The lollow1n1 persons are dotn1 bu11nen es BW SAL.CS I REGATIA CEAR, 207 Ed1ew1ter Ave Suite A, Hewpo.t Beed!. CA 92661 Lawrence C Waller, 207 Cd1ewater Ave Suite A. Newport Beach, CA 92661 Thts bu1111tu os con- ducted by an ond1vidu1I Have you slilrled doln1 bu.stnen ye 11 Mo l•wrenc:e G W11tei Of' ... iAt-SUN 1-5 ss.,.- filed wttll IN Couflt1 ci.11 ot Ofanp Coullty on 02/?1/0J !OeMtMMI I Dally Piiot hb 27, Mii'._ , 6. JJ. 20, 2003 TbUI .......... .............. The follo•iAC ll'lfSOllS • • •• •Inc l>ualMss ... • Att'a ,Pl.Ice, 20N Pl.I· ce11U. Avt , Costa Mltu, ' C•llfOfnle 926Z7 Aftllf'O lberre. 1030 W. MK.At-tltllf 8tvd • Apt. 147. Senti All•, C•li· lornletr'/07 Thill bwlness is con· ducted by •n lncl1Wldu.I Have you P9'tt4 4'oinl buslneas yet t Ho .ArtllfO llllHI TlliJ slat•ln4tllt was flied illlilli tn. Ceuely Cllltl! of Ounc• C011nty on 02/05/03 · 200MtH4M Daily Piiot f'eb. 13. 20, 27, MM 6, 2003 TH166 flcllm ..... ... s...... The followl•c persons •re doin1 business as. An1el's fHI, 2S40 fist :~n St .. Anaheim, CA Preet, Inc. (~ada), 3700 Soulh Garden Odv•. Ln 'lepl. nd• 8912"4 This bus1Mss Is con· ducted by a corpoution Have you st1rted dotnt buMMss yet7 No PrHI, Inc , Suret Sin&h, Manaaer This sl1tement wai filed with lht County • Clefk ol Or•111• County - on02/l&I03 20U69JJ722 Daily Piiot rab. 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 2003 Th202 fkllm .... ......... Th• tollow1n1 perso111 are doln1 business u : Comput111 s.tvlces. 1927 Harbof Blvd 1395, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Peler Hof1aard, 2103 f eder 11 Ave • Cos I• Mesa. CA 92627 This bus1nns IS con ducted by. an 1ncltv1dual Have you started doi111 bustnass yel7 Yn. 9·.30- 97 Peler Nor1alfd This statement illlH ftl•d with lhe County Clerk of Or1n1e County on02/21/03 200J6tS431S D•tlr Pilot r eb 27. Mar 6. 13, 20, 2003 Th213 Rclllm ..... ... ....... The followln& persons are do1n1 buslneu as: Balboa B11ds. S07 E. B1lbo1 Blvd • Newport Beach CA 92661 Sutanne Sclloeler . 17451 VIII ... Or • Tust1n. CA92780 Thts bu11n1n 1s con ducted by 1n 111dmdu1t Hawe you itarted dolnc busmen yet? No Su11f\n• I ~hoef41f This •lalement wn hied with the County Cieri. ol bf 1n1e County on 02/14/03 200JHHS3J D11ly Prlol Feb 20, 27 .. ar 6 13, 2003 TH200 Re-.. ..... ......... The lollow1n1 peuons ire dolna business u Sunland Homa. 275 E 16th St Cost• Mew. CA 92627 Maria S De Leon 2434 flora St Santa An•. CA 92627 This bustnes.s Is con due led by an 1ndivtdl;al Have you stalled doin& business yet' No Marni S 0. Leon This stal•~nl wu filed with the County Clet11 of 011n1e County on 02/2l/OJ 200S69J4SS7 Dally Pilot feb 27 MM 6, 13. 20, 2003 Th231 • . .. 1 level home. 2br, + den. Gatett comm sas1 .ooo RlnlllToSlml a At-ti ef tMty 4W ~ 2JJr 2bt. W tap ~-!IN, Strad1 home uni. '*"""'I plilce, - S 1,7 2t AOO c:'J wt pi1t1o, 2 1t11s to lt•h•n style Sbt Sb•, * l900rn •903-o9S5 pros 11.000 to 19,000.f •• Sii.a ,....,.._.. $1,495.-00 •IWUSTNM Stunnlllc awerd wklniftl Br~n.ld hornt, built In, 2000 3tw + 'Dffkt. ,. prox 3700sf Sl,719,000 P\A...UM PltOPUNS Stefllfli9 """'" 149 71S.3l!iS "'· 2JI•. Oii coif~-. comm pool/apa/ltnnla $1000/mo 949·132 8311 RESllXNTIAL. RENTALS ORANGE 7• COlllTY . . ·: .. . . D!lrPilOt Stvllllo , very sm•ll, clean. no park1n1, I 28' p•tlo, Fp, 1 pr + block to l>ellfh •sent le spc, SIS75n)o 1•. 1-<: $550/mo. 949-673-7800 1'JC Sll.S()no 2 att. t11 11r'• from S87S/mo Be Cor 8dl 98-'8).9020 •/1• In kwety pted CoronadlllW 2 8' He C-49. fr11. W/O fp. le patoo, view, 2 car 1•r w/s tOt .. e. pet oil $19~ ~71S-4825 28', Ja., Apt Recently rehabbed w/l CM 1ar, I block to beKh, no pets, $2200/mo 949 8S4 1680 II ""''-4rl.51192 my, dlanb ,.w .. _, Wlf1 ~ loot -.1.o--. '*"" ..i yad1t twbor .,..,.... cNnnll. SUI ~,,,.,.,,,., March fur 11/unfurn S9.!l4'cbo ~zm ColllMm "NO 0 M.I""'""" Celifornla law re· quns tt>at conbec· Ion 111111111 joh that totel ~or-• ( IMlor • materials) be ._,_, ~ the Contrectora Stet• License 8-d State lew '•lso requires t!Mt contracto1a Include tMlt lkense lllllftMf Gfl el Mv9'Ulilc. You CM1 cMck the atlbn of rour hcensed eontractor el -w.ulb u to" or IOO 321 CSLI. Unll ctn1ad contrac:lots hkln1 Joh l llal tot•I le lMll ISOO mnt •tat• 111 ttM• ldVWUM-llh tMt ,.,.,. ... "°' ll<'91Md br tN C-tu cton Slate uo..e ... d . M•1ai A1m1f1!' comm ,_ Tri-Squ.e. lndp, Indy IK.My Kia.I Mr.i an~ •9200 ...... tlr, new c•rpet & paint. cv1 d carport 277 16th Place •3. SI 100/mo no pets 949 720 9422 a..... 2lt y.d, ·-· pr w/d. .,t loc ,. 171h SI Sll!i()n l63 Rodmtw ~ rml. ~84.J) ll>f 2.5t.. ...-r unit. c0tner loc1hon, 2 car tandem 1•r wd hll~. •11 S2200 949-613 7800 ....... 2.5ba 2~ condo. 1W1b ••· II '"* wa. l)llbo, 2c pr, w/d. S2!mno 9&79&-mS ... ................ ~ ....._ LA. Jllr 2.!iBa. din, Ul .... ----.. llGD ... 2IC ... a.-. s.. .......... ~ -... ge.28JalD6 11111-llldl· 91150 3lr 1 v.a. ~ • .-. 8*d. l'd. pello, .....,, ... -_, ... 0.-986CZ·21'11 SIVE 35% 011 100 s,.,.. to a.y, Sunny Studio pvt entr ls Ila, hrclwd firs ~. petio S800m 9&673 77DI C..... & Masonry lt'ldt .._.. s._ , ... Concrda. PatlO Orrveway F••· 88Q Rers 25Yrs hp Terry 71• ~7 7!19i4 ,_. -Cementwork, Brick. Tile I Mole Reliable Ho lob t.o U'lall 949-s..I 6146 0 Y~HOMl UINO'llMDn P'IC)Jlm C.ft a plumbtr ,• p .. nter. ll1nd)m•n, Of .. ,, ., the ., .. t ..-111c>u lktld llff•.,. our -vtc:e Mectoryl M Sl lOCA&. SVC rtOf'lE CM H(lf' Y'OU100AYI o • .-•••• WEST •KJ07l QU ..I) J IJ •Q J J2 SOUTH •Void rbU!t. WCJit lcJ the eight pf dUtmondl. 8csldei lhe pouifilhty of' I b\l!np pronMJIJon I ( declattr baJ IO llte t.plde ruffs IO gt' back IO hind, dlen were llttec loUna club& to be ~ catt of' (one of thea wwld 10 un the ace of~) 8lld SolMh had to OOJIC with the Jancer that ~ &Id a <1111- glc1on diamond. AAC J 1017 ~AK South found 1 way 001 ot lbe Wt dikmm1. At Irick one, he ~ thc 1.r11 or d•amo.ids rmm the table' Wbeo l3til did noc COVCf, 11 WIS rea- SONlbfy WC ro LUUmc thlll We&I hdd the jock. The band -over in quick •A~ 106 4 time. . 1l1': blddini: SOVTH WEST -l'l01111J u .... 2• South WOO lhe'first tnck With the kin& of d1llmonds and CISbcd lbc llCC, 'I/ca followina wilh the dmc A club was -ru1rec1 low in dummy. the .i:e of ~ waa ca.med ''*-~club discm'd and lht queen Of itiamonch WIS played When ~ ID this trick, declarer diScarded the remain-111g low club. c:a.shc:d lht queen of hean' ~nd claimed when both dcfCodcl' followed lO th!.\ tmk Tilie clo!.ed hand oould be cnt.cred wilh a lugb ruff lO draw lht remauung trumps. )O ,_ 3• . .. ·-5c::> 11'!} ,_ ,_ Opening lead: Eight of c. When you're looking at a freak hand, be careful lbal JUJts don' 1 break terribly BritauJ'i. Tony. forrcMCr found a clever way to det.cnninc whether he h.s 1 yfc way to pmL'CCd on dtis deal from a major inlm\ll.loo- al lleam event. Two dub! was wi anific1al 1i:ime rorce and the ~I o( the !l"'-000 Wa.> natural. N~h. John Anm1rong. Judged well to take a jump prcfcrcncc ., ra~ beans widl • dot&oo queen.. lllld lht pand ilam in hearts II> ti the Given the lead and can:rul cwd reading. only a 5..() trump break cooJd have bcultn the slam. but West. would have to have all the miss1111 hearts and be able to ovcnuff when declarer atlanplCd 10 get ofT the dummy af~ dcming the queen of heart.\ IAYntONT OH LIDO PEN'INSULA NIW2'r2a. COTIAGH Pnvete Beach, Pool and Spa W•lll lo Ouan, Shops and Resl•urants Lease 6/mo 1 yr+. Boat Slip Available 710 UOO rAAJt DL 949 673 6030 'or 949 723 5830 * YIAltlY * lUUS 81LL GRUNDY REAL TORS Ut-675-6161 ....... 2" lbll house, 2 cp. ~ 111 & t.c:k ,,. d Pnce ct1Jlll)ed '"· 1.11 000 ~ all 9&31'>3516 lbr SI 19S & lbr Sl39S on the water Nv ev- .,.,,., ... La yd, sm boat ok 949 673 13S3 after 6 V ... Pelort C_. lbr lb• Ip. wd. paho, car. assoc pool pm. lilted SIS7S/mo 949 67S 251• ._..... BeyfTont io- 18r IS.. ta patro. st. p / lndry rm, mu"st ue, SI 975m llil 949-7'J5.«l38 SEU your unwanted •lams ttvoulh claulf,.d ~CJIATMlU ht.lllltion. 11111& CISlmlC. ,.,... .tone ..... 1975 lAil21*.,,, 7l4-612-91161 LIMY ....,_ed ~outtn lo lrntallllbon Tl.£ DCAH 96 673-8065 '8M.125 71"8).21111 ..... Pollahln1 l raver lln• All Floor Types We 'll Alto ffe1roul lo Seal Your k1l c ll1n Counten, Showua lo Floors Make It looll hlie lllW 118111 ~a-..~ • 1477·1H-1261 F1 11.-.. llvff1 ,..,._, lse 3br I br on hv area, new c•rpet, new p11nl nr shops, schools $1995 -.. lb1*le 96Gl2QIB iMdl fr-1 neM 8albo• Poer 2br. 2ba, w/pallo, $?100/mo yearly low 949-7 86-0U5 leyvlew Terrac:o Gated detached house 2br 2ba, 2 c all e•r. A/C. no pets 12400/mo 949-760 1219 .. ta.. .,..., -erfn. hue• deck I bit. to b<.h pi.1. liiund. nu remod. S2400/mo 949-57• 08U o-i... .._,_, ......... ,., a. ..... ....,. newly remodeled. white f)ldlat Ina! yd, stone F p, pool ~ lo pr w/d. S2475 mo 9'&-646~ ........., ........ la :b 2.Sbe wfrseal on ......, conwn. w/pool. ~ pvt y;wd SDlllmo ~ Pwtick Tenore. 9&856-97IJi u.,.11.,,.L1. 14~11 bayfront v-. 4br lba. 2. c .... clock nail SA900 t4'-J71 -USO f.tNpoft Coast 29r 2Se Tuscany ~lyle ~ondo. fp, 2c pr. lmmed Oca..-:Y. S2fiSllno 949. 640-ael, 949-306-2!>26 CHSTAl COVE llASl/NlW, 2 STmY bl)ill't!IVe 5br 5be • dl!r1. pll! O-dlld ,,..,, aAlfn teattns l!Yu- oul Oecomor tuuche!.. lllborate land5lc now _. "'711 ,,,,_ 4-ISQl ~ ....... 96QS.ZJll Prtvate Tutoring 7990 nun USSONS [•p'd leacher has new open .,,~ in Cosbl Mesa Jludlo L•W Slack 949 57• 0517 Domallc Employment MOO a...c........ • rT Mon-f n M'S my homt! trl&I ..... eneJnh .. <*'Ne I~ lo respon llutift. Rafs.. 9566-291i a ll.LD"S NIJtOWOOOS ~ 25 Yrs. Llfebme warrentr L1763144 71• 501 •m IWeDYMM NoluUoo I o .... HaMlltOll M9 n .. H t EmplaymM 8500 '2dt ?J>A/ M 0-,. C-.. ...... required. Well est co , ncellent condrt1ons & opt for team pleyer MS Ofl"•· Peachtree a plus• Costa Mesa. Email resume to· 1111 ... @ ....... ~ or In · 7&4-850-. IOOKll_,11 n up'd for NPB membenh1p 011 Or1an11ed depend. detail oriented Quick book5 a must Wtll train for custom software Benehh C•ll M f 9am· !>pm .i..n ~9 722 2300 CPA Fl"" hes openine for o... l1ttry and aeceptfoel•t. ldt'•I I« ~ moUw Mon-nu. 9am lprn. Sls,.1lr Contad Carol ~9 6SO 9580 D-Mtl<HefpW..telll Housekeeper-Cdlll Sr. Couple ueh hHkPf, c11etaker Live in pref'd. Nice separate qtr1 Mint be 1ood A/Mr cook Ho pets. smol11n1 liquor Must be clun neat & cood drrver Our car Mr hylor dill' !M9 64.4-4910 eve 949-675·7%7 G--' Offlte .»-~ hours/Wttll Reuptoon, ords pr~ IM att1&. Must know Qud.book. WORD & [•ail lnqun lo l1tUra at !M9 476-61578 or submit resume & salary requ11menls to ~ Wort..,_..._ $!JOO. SI !Dmo PT 3-S hr /Wk. S25C»S8mno ~ hr ""41 free 8rod-ue 11118-&-14C9 ... /11MI ...., MAN- AGR L1 stor ace baldy. Sonday .. Monday+ Office itnd lite ~. [lp. a !*Al 714-341· .. nna OfflCl/IOOUUf'tMG for Newport Busmas Oqudbooh & ••P req Chris @ 949 566 !M63 , .. t .. w 11•1t. HwMI SJSK plus soen up bonus. Call Mon Fri Tam 7pm 1 800 A64 8991 Eat OS .\di your Car in C:lauifiH ! c..... &¥s C.penlty • P1Umbtn1 Orpal • Shlcco "•IMlL T• & more ~Yun Ciperience! •714-fft-5716 Q .... lty &llfilflMI 20 Veers E•perr.nc. I'm Your Handy~n .... 949 650 9525 Al-HUH.AU FOR HOHEYOO'S r-lloM1 -t. frem Elect to the ~ti 9&59-9351 THI MA•DY Emer~llY Sentce 0111 ~~c.-. Dtlors tic. 949·24'.8191S ....... ... : . . ~ . .. ' •, t ' ,,. ',.. t • ' - f 1 UN .. ..... aflil Mlts4, hes ,,,., 11111111 lllcl A/C. Crttt for 8.-0. P•llft/l~t•nd 8ouaht new Z 1rs -.o for 11•.000. will aautflce lo bftt offw O'IW ~......,$-SSJt ...... 5491 iieCtl/ 1r1y lt hr, lmmac, $25,995 vc60691 wcwPO.cam 9f.Ml4S.782'2 ••w •t1 am c-. s1lor /ll•Y lthr. 7811. 1mrnac, $19,995 vt98272 ~~711Z2 i•W 'ta iHt C-. whltt/Hh ttht, lmmec, Sspd, 119,996 "215487 --CXIM ~7822 .. ,.'-.,. Wlula/Tan, euto, 8Jk 1111, SlS,000 310-375-2S22 IMW 'ff 740l6ft _,, 3yr w1rr evail, sliver I arey llhr, CO, like · new cood, v5792•1 $23,995 hr m frn\ tin av.i, llir t4t-SH -1aH --•cpol.c-••w '" as ,...., blUl/er•y. Ssi>d. spot· les.s, SZl,995 vc43271 wcwwto com 9"9-6'6-71122 Cadliloc-'96 DHlll• Errw1*! 9'11/tan .,.. • ...,., cletn, $689!>, YJ0552J wcwaW> com 9"9-6'6-71122 ( ... Ille< S."-D1Vllh 'U SS.. m1, eood con d1llon 1n & oul SJ.750 ~9 646 762•. 642 9750 c4tfhtlec •• I s..111. blue, auto. ll ... m1. nice $895 v699270 WCWAllD.awn ~7822 CHM 1 /2 TON 't6, I SOO short bed, •II power custom wheels. bed top, •m Im t •n. $7000 760 28S-5812 ·a;y;i;; '96 w;.,. LXI Conv V6. S4ll m1 l yr w10fl na;I sp•t.erUIC blll In lthr CD MJPefb lllle new cond v2S9721 $6995 hn • .,aii Bllr 949 5 8 6 l 8 8. 8 _.,..._ fef'jl '00 b cvnl-Xl T VIO. 2911 m1, s1l11er/ar•1 lthr, CO, runmne bo11ds. lully loaded, hlle new, v812S81 S23.49S f1 nanc1n1 IYilllable 8111 94'-S&6-taaa -.ecpa1o1.,_ fOaD .. 011 LS 't O Runs •Int. 6 cyl, auto . ac, cass. sunr ool pw, ps, 1111 wheels. ne .. hres & caps.. Blue boo1< S3225 sell S2l!OO Puvate pMty 714-SS4-7'°8 for;! 'ti WloHk,_ Gl 7 pass.inc••. 6911 mi. clean, $6.995 vd80981 ~oom~7822 HOHDA ACCORD LX ''9 Champacne Only 20I< m1 clean perlect shape I owner Must See Sll 500 949 SIS 9031 "........ c•v ·oo IUIO trans. ac:. lull power cc. low miles SIS.900 Pp ~9 S74 4244 " Default °" Banllruptll} Oii TH Liens Ok Good Cr edit Also • Oii Privet• Money Rth & Purc"as• ___ ,.._... eoo ™>-1sa OllH t021liB ~ ..... S1arllt IJST MOVOS Sst{Mr sor•lnl e.11 c•tles Insured tut, cowteous. cattful Tl6314t I00-2--2371 .. • is.: ... ........... J...-'ff XJa VaMefl PIH :Mk ,.,4, 9'l•klint llMan lthr, CO. clwm t., fuM I.ct WtU, llt.o new S21,41~ flrll v14211• f1r1andn& nail 81!1 949!'86 IM8 -- .............. ....,., LE SQ mi, wh1te/lMI lthr. dulll mnrh. CO. brush caurd, like ne•, v726641 Sl4,99S 11 n•ncrn1 & warr 111a1I 8~1 t4t-SM-I ... -~.c:- ...... '00 U>OO .ttv-/ 11•1 lllv, na• s1stem, 1mmac. S22.996 v0CM9S9 ~.aim 9'5Q6.782'2 UtKN '0 2 N..,1,.._ JOii m1, full Ject Warr sllv., nnd/tan lth1 CO stacller, c:h1ome whls. e•lra SHI ~672Sl8 $29.995 hn & w111 evell BA.r 9 49 S86 1888 -........... ,_ ........_._,..cno Emenld 1rn/tan llh1. eor&WOUS. Sl2.89S 1161 7317 wcwaJID.aim ~ 71122 ......... "ID., R Greman l•nll blue auto Sl995 v0199S3 wcwauto com ~7822 .............. aosa. ~ Ill'. 'iOll/lwd, -<;l4llf du\ $10,!H; .,QJ;IJ3 wc.-to com 949~ 7822 ...,...,., l••a 'It S60Sl Crey both top·~ 149.800 m1. mo~t sell lu•1ng country, S9 995 Pvt Party 714 S.l 4941 Merced.a ~ •a 2 soo m ~. wht/blul. w1 rum ~ S2996 10007193 wcwaAooom ~'1821. Men ellles '9t U 20 3111 m1 whlle/er•Y lthr mnrl chrome whh be.tut hke new cond •572241 $27.995 fin avail Blu !l&!i8S-11188 WWW+'',_ Merc.4e1 't t SJ 20 l we S211 m1 3 yr warr ~•ail silver bl~ llhr buut or11 cond v87!>24 I S27.995 lonanc•ni oall 81\r 949 S86 1888 -.oc;..i.i.,_ Me«..._ 'U H O Sl white/tan 1mmac ~ 11n iJU ,_ d q,, dnrres. SIUD 7141';1 2'16& .......... 0-.-. lS '00 5UnfOOf. lelltw ~ e•tr•s ,....e new. 01111 -· norVsrrWw, $14..91.l> ~pp714~ ..,v.,...... ... ....... 4 cyl jK. pb .... aood cond neiem WCl'll. you wnoe S!Bl 714 56-S 1!6 Poruhe 't9 l eater Conv 2lk m1 Sspd, wh1le/erey Ith• full tact ... ,, e•• ~&ed non smk1 . hke n~w vl2669S S2'6.995 8kr 949 586 1888 -.ecpe6H.c- f'eru loe 't7 l oater silver blk llM, S 111. CO. Cor~ S21.!l00 "6ZZ2lM wcw.IUlo oom 966t2 7822. Nh ••• 't6 Qv11t while, S9k m1, clean. S 799S v21S895 ~.aim~7822 ........ PUBLIC NOTICE The Cal1I Pubhc UhhhH commtssion reqvwes thtl all uwcl houuhold 1oods l'llOV•n prtnt lhe11 r U C Cll T number: hmos and chauffeun pflnt th111 T C r n11mber tn all adver l--.its If you have eny ques1ions al>out lh• le1allty of • mover , limo of chauft.w. cea PU8· LIC UTUTIES COM· .. ISSION 714-SSI •151 "9&1.ftMTO •eaWS.- S...."97 ltar16~V8 LowMolnl (111536) S2•., , ......... k4m1'9J Sh111ey Slack/t!Ack l•.ctilr. C.tif .... c11ma1> m.• •-·•s• , ... ·oo •Speed YcUow· 1211 m•IH~ Hurtrl <• 19005 > nuea. NI•-J SOJ fredi c-...'OJ Chrome S.h•tr Nn· 311 miles OMV peKI <•t9213C) S38.980 At.weltSI C....'•• Bl.ell °" a1..c:11 leath ., 5 "'l>l•d lade in <•191111) ""9IO ••w uoo c...,.. .,, Sh1ntry 81Kll w/lmmac Grey f/lthf 1rnt rPcords <•19180CJ $14.980 IMW J2al So"'-'00 while w 'creme rth• al l/m111n lo bumper to bumper warr ty (•19193) S28 980 IMW UOCJ C...,.'0 1 Steel cny lthr Spt Pt.e 1111 milt•' Full BMW W~rrly' (t19?14CJ SJO 980 0..vyCenette c-,..·oo Stuney Slat k on pHI 81Kk lth1 b miles' CO pl~y•t p1em wbl~ ( fl9181!' I SJO 980 GMC Denoll Sport Utll''9 Bl.ark w ldn llhr d11omed BIG whls• one own,., tr •df' 1n <•190!.'11 S:i.'3 980 Mll SU00'99 Bleck w/hn llhr starn1•rll wa11nly Low m1 Prem whls (#18977) SA:?.980 Mil SSOO ~·" 3711 m1 Ont owner lmm.c wh1I• Sedan w/chromtd wheels (119102) 128 980 Mil 500SL '90 J5lt m1 Both tops Prem wheeh b~cll on bi.ell IHlht!• 1•18913) SU 980 949.574.7777 r HIW r s AUTO ph!Ulp-..t•.~om Nh-'9a S-1re GU l ike new loadtod •ulto moonrool ahoy\ ~ ... 741. m1, SS900 7 U 1~ I ?464 ot l u -,4~s blue auto CO clean $24•5 v02S 771 w<:w"'*> com 9'9-6Q 7i!fl2 ronche '96 Carrere mini cond black black Loupe, b1 and new whls best ~ Poo'W>e ., .... $41 IDl 9119 72.3 1091 vw -.. , ..... w-. ta. a.s B "' tu. MD. ....... CD. S12.B w!H8IM ~com 95646-7822 s,,11 your Car In Clanifu-d ! a...'• ,_..... 'zrtr.. .... Cfufl"rical G.-antee4 W«ti r r• est l •375602 714-Sll I~ 1 390 2945 llFS CUSTOM PliriiiG Ptofl, clan, cp.11hty _,. lntef IOI' /H 1 and docU l'70346I g,eg 631...t610 UIN90 (9Q.l &YfT ,....., ........ ......,,.. Qullllty !Obi r '" .a.natt L"569897 71 • 6J6..IS8ll Plllll ffll. Simo .................... lttrsWcco. R-. Addlruotl, Petcl11n, Renoneblel 114 !Ill· 647 81M-OtWep NEW2003 MINI COOPER MOONROOF, AIR COND, CO, & POWER GROUP! WJl~ htl!apnce OC4ll99) . - Others at Similar Savlngsl ...... LIT'5 IOTOl1 fMRll ............. !XI fll!WAY @ £11aR SANTA W. AUTO MIU (881) 82?-9808 AIJTOMOBUS. MJSCEUMEOUS WIM!id M ~ Opw-.1 ~ (>m 40 ~ e1rJ ... p.y It -y f>N ,,..., lor yo.a urr V1n Of Ir \di paid lor or me t:MI Dd< Rt!y @ r OfT1il AoAo s..ie,.. 7 Jl 4.17 1931 r11 114 12&32'18 CASH FOil CMS WeNe..iY-c- Pelcl for -... ,. rt.ID!f>s ..,._ Aslt fwM ..... ••t-574-7777 AUTOMOTM PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES A£casorles l'lOO SllJ6 TOP llOOXllAW, TOYOTA TllKl.PA1$IOO SIUSSO 714-17._.m MOTORCYa.ES Motortytles 9400 Chry•l•r '97 SelH-ln<J f.rmv lX.l6 4?k rm 111k mrt.1111• blu~ I' ry Ith• b•.tul 1.i..e n~w >nd vl<ll'>21 18499 lln•o~ ll & .. ~11•nly ava •I 8k1 949-516-1111 ·-·:el.<- BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 ................... <Ip 14' It> <NI bL..t< w I!>~ i--.1 <;mah...,., ... ~ . .; ""' • ..., lo ll'ilt tv"4 lor Mat.II, """ & ~ ~Hmt.r 14> lo fnt..,.,~ .. MM7~7 • I I TOLL: FREE 2.4· HOURS A DAY • Bad Credit? • No Credit? l . I • Divorce? . • BGnkruptcy1 • Tumed Down Somewhere Else?·· Call Us Nowl 1 ••••••• 7• 2003 SEDONA . ~