HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-07 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... Servin8 the Newp ort-M esa commun ity since 1907 FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2003 '} ·Pot t . Theat re -sOld,.Upgrade~ plann.ed Renovation of the Corona del Mar movie house now dep ends on city ordinance to allow major changes. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -A wealthy arts patron plans to . mount a wholesale renovation of the Port Theatre, but only after the city approves a landmark thea- ter ordinance that would allow a re- structuring of the o·oor plan, C.Ouncil- man Tod Ridgeway said. The patron, C.Orona del Mar resident Rick Aversano, would cut a majority of Talks on skate park roll on . Plan for park at Davis Elementary gets mixed reviews from two sides of long-running debate. ChrlstJne C1rrlllo Daily Pilot the seating. add a restaurant, bar and coffee shop, and mount a full-scale res- toration of the Art Deco movie palace. "The message on the Port Theatre is that the ultimate goal is creating a land- mark theater that will become the focal point for community events in C.Orona del Mar.~ Ridgeway said. ~Money is not the object. It will be done right H Scott Burnham, who grew' up in the area, said he quietly sold the theater 18 months ago to Aversano, a patron of the COSTA MESA -No design has been made. No plans approved. But talk of.a possible skate park at Davis Elementary School was all the city needed to spa.rt debate, which was exactly what the Qty C.Oundl wanted. Using public forums to· quell concerns Laguna Beach art scene. Bumhan1: who owned it for two decades, said he wanted to sell his childhood movie pal- ace to someone who would keep it alive as such, ipstead of turning it over to a developer for a mini-mall "I sold it probably 18 months ago," Burnham said. wl still have a passion to see the theater rehabilitated and re- stored." 6 On Thursday, City Manager Homer Bludau postponed a hearing on the theater ordinance that was set for Tues- day. last month, the City C.Ouncil also ba.lk.ed on a decision about whether to grant the theater. along with three other historic buildings. land.mark status. The new city law, if passed, would al· low owners of four historic properties -the Port, the Lido Cinema. the Bal- boa Theater and the Balboa Pavilion - more Oexibility to bring in other uses, as Long as they preserve the original use. The ordinance would allow the new owner of the Port to lower the seating capacit}l'rrom 900 to 300, as weU as add- ing the eateries and bar. The Port. which opened in I 950, has been closed for almost five years. It was once home to the Newport Beach Film Festival, which has, in recent years. made the Edwards Big Newport its mar- QUESTION wtuit renowdol1I should .,. ~ 10 the Port lhNtr9? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642~'0r send e-mail to dailypilot@latimBS.com. ? • Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. quee location. For its first four decades, the Port Theatre operated as a first-run movie house, showing the latest Hollywood See PORT, Pase A4 r among opponents of the proposed park. the Oty Council asked ~ and re-.. - .; See SKATE, P11e A4 RELIGION U.S., pope create local tug of war Newport-Mesa Catholics conflicted over support for war against Iraq since pope urges peace. l ollt1 Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Pope John Paul U publidy opposed the United States' push Tor war against Iraq this week. creating a unique quandary for area c.athollcs who feel allegiances to God and country. lk>th are wodd leaders. Both gamer alle- giance from many in Newport-Mesa. And each are pushing for contradi~ goals. SM POPE, P-ae M KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PtLOT Steve Andelin, a commercial pilot and former National Areobatics Champion, has been selected for this year's U.S. aerobatics team. Truly loopy June C1111r1nd• Daily Pilot F rom his earliest experiences riding in airplanes, upside down has always seemed to make as much sense to Steve Andelin as right side up or sideways. · Newport Beach resident, one of the nation's top aerobatic pilots, will compete this summer in an international competition. "lb" wry first airplane rides I took were With my father in his Aronca Ownp," Andelin said. "He used to take us out to the hills and do loops and rolls. and that's ~t I thought flying was. I didn't think of it as straight and level" With that kind of introduction to frying, it's' no surprise that Andelin became an aerobatics pilot - a Oyer trained to perform difficult'in-air maneuvers that are an airplane's equivalent of acrobatics. The 44-year-old Newport Beach resident is now ranked the No. 3 aerobatics pilot in the nation. In 2001. he was No. 1. This ranking has earned Andelln a spot on the U.S. Aerobatics Team, which will compete against 14 other countries in Lakeland, Ra.. June 25 to July4. The 33-year-old competition. put on once every two years by the International Aerobatics Oub, starts with a qualifying round in which each pilot froln each country takes turns flying maneuvers predetermined by the club. Then. the pilots get to Oy maneuvers that they 72 HOURS A quick guide to the weekend SWING DMC£ AMERICA 1 G«. Up and Boogie it a ~Of the IWlng dance c:rsa. ~are•t 7 p.m. fridaiv and 8t 1t e.m. end 1 p.m. Slturdr( 8t the Onlngi County ~"9 Ml c.nw. Foundetl .wt, eoo Town C....... om.. COila MMe. Tlcbel ooet •• For more lnfonNdon,-" (714) e&e-2787. choreographed for themselves in advance. Then comes the bard part - the routines pilots don't know about until the judges give them a sheet of paper describing the routine the night before. ·No one gets a chance to 0y it in advance.. Andelin said. •Everyone's time with that routine is their first dme." Judges watch from the ground. where a "box" 1,000 meters by l ,000 meters is marbd in white. It corresponds to the area in the air within which pilots must perform SM LOOPY, Pqe M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTMEWEB: www.~can WEATHER Mor9 ~more fun. SeiPljtA2 OCC PMSIDENT a.-,...."" .. tDCllll 1la n~June200I. ...... Al SPOln'I • ..... AZ f,._, ~ 7, 2003 ·ON THE· PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AMERICAN CETACEM SOCIETY A blue whale takes a cfive off Newport Coast during one of the American Cetacean Society's whale watching trips. Keeping a lookout Deep• Bh•rath Daily Pilot W ha.le. watching season is drawing to a close. Local businesses that charter whale watching tours off the coast of Newport Beach say it's been one of the best Years for sightin~ -so good that Davey's Locker at the Balboa Pun Zone is looking forward to sending its b1g charter boat to c.atalina on March 9 for a whole day of whale watching. The trip Is part of an annual fund-raiser for the Orange County . Chapter of the American Cetacean Society, which Is based in Irvine. but runs most of its marine tours duougb Davey'l Loc:ker, Assistant Manager Dave Myers said The American Cetacean Society is a whale conservation group that aims to WHAT'S AFLOAT •WHATS AR.OAT Is publlShed periodicalty. "you .,. planning • nautical event. submit the lntonn.tlon to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. 8tiy St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by ..mail to dallypllot•tatim#.com. SMMG CLASSES ~eoe.t C.-...• ..... MW cr9dtt and noncridtt ~cl..-. !hie • ll)ring. MOit de.. .. ftw we.Ila in ~.and ho.a nlng9fromUdO14 clnghieato lwgeoceen,..,.., ~ ~eruwng..n....,..., ~ falUOht. Thit occ Slillng c.ne.i'. .t 1801 w. Plldftc Coast High~. • Newport Bwtt.' (949) 846-1412 or Yiah OO"H/Mng.com. Whale watching has been great this year, watchers say, and a special trip will provide a whole whale of a day protects cetaceans by educating the public about whales. dolphins and porpoises and the problems these aeatures face in their increasingly threatened habitats. Founded in 1967, the nonprofit volunteer membership organix.ation has regional chapters in the United States and members in 22 cowttries. This season didn't bring giant blue whales washing ashore like last year, but the sighting.9 were ·phenomenal.· Myers said "We started the season with lciller 0..-.. COUnty ............. '""'-" ' their emploveee out to Newport BNd1 on tt:e 1l:IMVt to enfoy • dey<1f .. iling coutt-v Of Or8nge Cont Cottege. The Sc:hOOI of Wing end SNmen.hlp now a«..• cNince for~ to wort with the ~nftnstNCtor on different l8ilfng ~while they get advice on hoW to p8rfori'n well In business. No uillng experifnce neoeuary. One-day ..... COit horn $100 to $125. (949) Mi-9412. l(MT RENTALS Wlllt ....... ·~ ... B9lboa fun zone. you can enjoy nautbl e>eperteno. from mild to wtld. Take • eetf;1julded tour of the bey In your choice of power end ... wwtera.tt. jump the ~Mella in. See doo jetbo9t. put you apoft..ftlhing .._to the-.. in • fUlly 9Cll lipped lolitof't whaler, or aoer lbcwe II .. one perMell flight along the NailpOft coeet. ComPlimentery ice end .......... .,. iDc:lllded wttl't ... electric bo91tW1t'81t. whale<;," he said "We saw gray whales, finback.5. pretty much a whole variety of whales." Tilh season was far better than last year in terms of sightings. Myers said "'We never know why one year is better than the other," he said ·Some say currents, others say other~ But there is no factual evidence for any of those theories. I guess it's just luck." The all-day whale watching trip begins • at 9 a.m. from Davey's Locker in the Balboa Pavilion at 400 Main St. Reservations will be held only until 8:30 a.m. The boat, which accommodates 350 to 400 passengers. will return at 6 p.m. There is a snack bar on boatd that o;e~ snacks and drlnks only. ~..ers suggest~ bring their own lunch box. The trip is $50 for adults and $30 for childreo. For more mformation, caD Davey's Locker at (949) 675-9881. water in manv ways: with linule ..s double kayeb, electric bom, M-hoktel" aai'lt:loats, pedal boats end NNbouls tOt offshore use or cruiang 1he t.j. Bllboe Boat Rent-. atao holds twO.flour scavenger hunts aboerd 1he eMdrtc blv boats, pnMding group ecdYitv tor corporations, birthdeyl, notipoftl organizations end group OUllnga. The hunt. p8dr.ages include boeta, trM8 quellllonl, maps, Polaroid earner. .-1d •ippiee The cost of a hunt begi..-. at S225 per bollt ..S catering ie 8\lllilable 8t an ecdlcJii ..r .-. Forhunr~ c.ii ~873-7200. P9del boats, elec1ltc bola. body ...... kayaks, inflatable refta. ~ beech fumtture and~ ere rnilabfe for rent et R.eott WallM' Spotts at N~ Dune&. (M9) 729-:1150. Gondola~310tW. Coeat Highway, offers one-end MO-hour gondola cruiaes. A one-hour tour wllh champagne la $70. A two-hour tour,... dinner and chempegne is $180.,...... II available at waterfn>nt ........._ _, 67M984. DailyAPilot Wilton N9WI e .. lttant. 19491674-4298 coral. wit.on fllatimn.com PHOroGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don lAectl, l<Mlt Treptow Box 1560, Costa Mela, CA 92926. Copyright No newt stories, illuatratJone, tdlton.I meuer or adv•rt!Mments ~ reproduced without ~ permi~ of copyright . ' VOL 97, NO. 8e New9&Mof9 Glrwa AleQnder, lori Andwlon. PltUI Se1towttr. Oenlel Sc.wn. NlWSST'Aff .Deepe ...... Crime end oouna report«, (948)67....w6 ~•t.ti,,,.com .MMC t 8 a dt ~Beed\ reporter, (948) 674-4232 June~••tJ,,_ com ,..,, Clnlott Polltioe end environmeot repol'W, l.N9)7&M330 1»Ul.dlnt01t•1M.111w&oom Uille .... Columnitt. culture reporter, (.,. 674-4275 lol#ta. ,,,rp;.,.,,,....cmn .,.... .......... eo... ..... repotter, (Ml) 174-4221, dtMrtk-.~•""'"*·"°"' O.lsllwC... E~ NPOtter. (941117'"4211 ~•~oom AfADfM HCJTUNE 1949) 842 .eoee AeoOrd your oomrMnta •bout the Dally Pilot or news tipe. AMeee Our edd,... 11 330 W Bey St., Costa Meu, CA 92m. Office houri ani Monday Friday, 1·30 • m. • 5 p.m. Cott'lctlMS It II the P1lot'I policy to promptty oorrect all errort of aut.t.nce. "-call (949) 784~. FYI The NewPoft ~ta Meta Delly Piiot (US~ 14'-800) II publlthed delly. In Newpon 8-d\ Md Co«a Mesa, 11.1bacriptiona are r1~ only by 1ubtoribing to Tlle Tlmee Orange County (IM>OI 2'2 1141. In.,... outtlde of N9Wpoft ~end Cotta M ... , ~to the Delly Pilot.,. ~only by ft'9t elate mall tor llO ptt "'°""' (Pt!OH include ell ~--and local taxe..) l'OITMASTtA: Send ldckeu ..,._to Thi N.wpon II I ctiCoN ,__ O.Uy PilOL PO • HOW TO ftEACH US an:ua.tlon The nm. Or9ng9 County (800) 252-9141 Adwt ..... ar ulfled (949) 842-5e78 Dllpley (IM9) 842""321 EdklMW ,.... (949) 842-MIO .,....(9'18)67~ New9 Fu CMI &4M170 .,_.. ... (IM9) e&o-0170 • l-fMI: dMtyp11ot•1at1"*-oom .... Otllee luli,_ O... (Mii M2""321 ...... ,.. (IM9) 431-712t Publlahed by Time. Communky NMe,. dlvttton of the Lot~ Time. C2003 Tlmea CH. All riehte ~ ., .. .. ? . . THE HARBO'R COEUMN ' LearnmOre thr~ughan . . authors' forum A hoy. San Diego to aid a vessel in distress, and that vessel was not equipped with a radio. As a special guest, California's director of Boating and Waterways Ray Tsuneyoshl wiJJ come down from Sacramento to our Everyone is welcome to attend this month's very exciting Newport Beach Marine .Networtcing and Speaker Forum featuring three nautical book authors and the state's Department ofBoating and Waterways director. MIKE harbor. Ray wiU WHITEHEAD discuss the Wallop-Breaux Trust "You will have a rare opportunity to hear exciting and interesting stories from three of America's foremost nautical authors." said Doug Stuckey. the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce's public affairs director. "Plus, the authors will personally sign your book that may be purchased that evening." Author Ron Arias will begin the evening with his book •five Against The Sea -A True Story of COurage and Swyival." The story is about the vessel Cairo lffs unintended, fateful voyage and the crew's relentless struggle to survive. · · Ron will recap· the voyage and the many hours he spent individually recording the fresh 'J'Q!emories of the five crewmen · al\d others to write this book. Ron is nationally recognized as a staff writer for People m'-gazine and this is one of his many books. '.fhe next speaker will be John Guest. with tiis book "Scuttlebutt -Seafaring History and Lore," in which you"U find the origins of seaborne words diat have come ashore, stories of famous and infamous ships and people. His book will fulfill the common interest in little-known seafaring facts that we all have in our lives, and finally answer the question, "I wonder where that started?" John began his career immediately after high school in the Merchant Marines. At 27, he became a lice0$ed master mariner running a tanker between Japan and the Persian Gulf. After that he joined the Coast Guard and retired as a captain. After retirement, however, he became executive director of the Marine Exchange of Los Angeles/ Long Beach Harbors. Then, you will get to hear from me with my newly nationally published edition of "VHP Marine Radio Handbook." from my, years ~ a professional captain and licensed by the FCC as a marine radio operator, I pPlain in my book bow to properly use your VHF marine radio. Now, you will finally learn the proper etiquette and protocols to follow when using the marine radio aboard your boat At the event, I will tell you about a recent incident in Mexican waters in which J bad to contact Coast Guard Activities Fund situation. Most of you probably do not know that the Wallop-Breaux Trust Fund is a major funding source for boating infrastructure, projects and education, to name a few, that is paid by the boaters through the fuel tax. The Marine Committee of Newport Beach Olamber of Commerce is hosting this event. Cosponsoring is the Log newspaper (www.thelog.com) .....: California's boating newspaper. . So mark your calendar now for Wedr'lesday, March 19 The eveot begins with the reception from 5 to 7 p.m. It's at the Newport Harbor NauticaJ Museum, 151 E. Coa'it I lighway, Newport Beach. For more information, contact the Newport Beach Oiamber at (949) 729-4400 (www.Newport8eacl1.com) or surf to Bristol Fashion Publication's Web site at www. bf pboolcs.comlau tho rs. htm. TIP OF THE WEEK Attend the two marine-related Newport Beach meetings next week. First, the city's I larbor • Commis ion will meet at 6 p.m. : Wednesday in Chy Council chambers. The commissioner'> • are discussing important issueSc for Newport Harbor. Also. the Coastal/Bay Water • Quality Citizens Advisory Committee will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday. The meeting will be held at the Orange County Health Care Agency's water quality lab at 700 Shellrna.ker Road (SheUmaker Island}. The meetings are normally held in the City Hall's Fire Conference Room. The city has a meeting calendar online .. for you to see all the meetings with meeting information at www.city.newport-beacl1.ca.tu, then click on "New /Events" then cllck on "Monthly Meet.ing Calendar." Now you can easily stay up to date on when, where and what city meetings are happening so you can attend to • help guide the present and • future of Newport Harbor. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD 11 the Pilot's boating end herbor columnist Send him your herbor end marine-related thought• end ltOTY • sugge1tion1 by e-mail to Mike@Boatf1ouHT\l.com or visit Boathou•• T\l.com. SURF AN D SUN WEATHER FORECAST· Morning tou wtn greet 119, though w.'H encounter vet another mo.tty sunny day, with highs In the mld-eOl end Iowa In the mkMOa. On Slturdey, it'n be similar, bUt wetmtr, wtth higha near 70. Sunday wtll pnMde another l"epMt. w. mev ... doudl begitwling Mondey. ............: www.nws.no.t.(JOll BOATING FORECAST Thi wtnde will blow 10 --In the""*' ...... wtlh 2~ W9VW ~.Milt .... of 2to 'fMt.; FOg wit be found tNt morning,~ more wtll roll In ·~ , -CM fll1Mr, the~ wtll blow 5 to 10 kncMa. with 2·foot w.we end• Wlllt IW8N of 2 to I Mt. Not mud\ wlll ~ .. .,.,11ng, t SURF The latelt swell becb down todey, '°we won't ... much more then dleat.f\lghs. Mostly, we should expect tome walst.f\lgha. The weelttnd'a lootlng......., small«, so It's probably belt to tall• to the hlgh ground. Expect knee-to Wlllst.fllgha. Thi ntict SW9tt will arrive Mohdey, but we won't ... muctl fnOf'8 then wallt·hlgh turf. ...... ~ www..urfricl«'.org TIDES ,..... 6.:34 a.m. 11:Ma.m. 6:0Sp.m. 11;35p.m, Height 1.10fMtk>w 3A7te.thlgh 1 . .UfMtkJW 448fMthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE . . • • • . • • .. p • . • . • .. .. • • • .. • ' . • . • • • • .. STEVE McCIW*(/OAILY PILOT Gene Farrell is no longer OCC's interim president. He is now the school's official president. "··f OCC finds some permanency in presidency Coast Community College District board makes Gene Farrell's interim stint permanent through June 2005. Christine Carrillo have actually been wonder- Oaily Pilot fut," Farrell said "I'm nol even thinking aboul retiring NEWPORT-MESA -Noth· now.~ ing could stop Gene Farrell. Having worked as an in- Neither his retirement nor slructor and an administrator the dismal financial future for for· the district for 31 years, California community col· Farrell understands what leges could block hls move makes the Coast community from a temporary seat as in· --colleges tick. With a strong terim president for Orange knowledge of business and fi .. Coast CoUege to a permanent nancial matters, district offi- one. ciaJs say they believe he will Extending hls temporary serve as an asset to the col- retum to the district after lege as it faces massive nearly three years of retire· budget cuts. ment, the Coast Community "Gene is the right person at College District Board of the right time." said John Trustees approved the search Henley. district vice chancel- cornminee's proposal for Fat· tor of human resources. "lie rell's presidency at the board is, in my opinion, probably meeting on Wednesday night. the best individual for the Farrell's contract extends presidency of Orange Coast through June 30, 2005. CoUege at this time ,jn our After working as the dis-history." trict's vice chancellor of OCC has been without a business affairs for 12 years, permanent president since 65-year-old Farrell jumped July 2002, when six-year back into a familiar realm president Margaret A. Grat· with very different chal-ton retired. As a result. the lenges. search committee launched "I'm acruaUy having a great two . separate nationwide time, and the people here searches for a replacement, to no avail. "Gene provides a stability and confidence level that)we need,~ Henley said, adding that the search committee's unanimous 12·0 vote favor- ing FarreU confirmed that. "Gen~ has that charisma and knowledge and experi- ence to handle these kinds of questions," he said. After FarreU became so deeply involved with address· ing OCCs budget problems, the significance of his pres· ence took on a life of its own. I le became a pan of the school and a part of its solu· tion, Renley_said. "We had to give it a little thought, but this is some· thing we need to do,~ Farrell said. "We started this process of getting better . . . getting our fiscal house In order, and now it's time to finish it." Having discarded the ~­ tenm· president mentality when he walked in the door Thursday morning. FarreU stepped into a new world. And with that, he begins to look to the college's future. • l think we've still got some work here to do," he said "Because we're making so many cuts, it's l,jj(e we're working from a baseline.'" WITNESS HISTORY IN THE MAKING WATSON TREVINO RODRIGUEZ CRENSHAW McCORD & ZOELLER Are coming to Newport Beach , March 17-23, 2003 for the rToshiba Senior Classic Be a part of this very special section of the Daily Pilot on rFrtday, March 14, 2003 Just hat your phone Uke that two .. foot putt ... PICK IT UP. And call: 949.642.4321 TOSHIBA Pilot Friday, M.vch 7, 2003 A3 BEST BUYS Check out these Friends and their clothes Three Mmdl, a .new women's A SALE WORTH Hand-aafted items from AlTENDftG Thailand are the lale6t additioos boutique, is celebrating its grand opening at Ykstcliff Plaz.a Saturday with a Also, at the Atrium at m-•ntm Ltd. )ewden. New Court. Ol8t is having a itenu indude .lacquered ~ 40% off sale.on the ____..bawis. weaving loom. cam::d entire store through animals and wooden buffalo bells. 1,5% off sale. Thursday. Cheri carries ~ Via Oporto in Newport This is the fourth Orange County location of the Yorba Unda-based shop. Owners~ Allred and Stephanie Ragone started the business In 1995, and mostly vintage-inspired Beach. Open from 9-.30 a.m. to home accessories, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. furniture. mirrors, (949) 673-9334. ,GREER ~==:'~ WYLDER are excluded trom the sale. Main level, Atrium last year it was voted No. l boUnque by die Orange County Register. Court at Fashion Island in · Newport Beach: (949) 721-Sm. Casual contemporary LEARN CULINARY ARTS sportswear is available in siz.es 2 Learn bow to make chocolate to l4:Popular lines include: Lucky baskets and tweed~ on Brand, Buffalo Jeans, Kenzie. Hard . strawberries through Newport Tail and novelty blouses from Harbor High SchooJ's Culinary l.Anguage. Ans Academy in Janet Duke's "We pride ourselves on Culinary Arts Class. The students customer service. and offer can teach you. fashion at great·prices for all Gasses are at 6:30 p.m. Match women," Allred said. 11. 13, 18 and 20. The"cost ~ S20 Seasonal trends. accessories, per person. Reservations are classic cotton tees and high rise necessary. You can send ca.\11 or a pants are staples. Open from 10 check payable to NJ !HS Culmary a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Ans Academy, Ann. 'Hennie Wednesday; from 10 a.m to 7 Sondel, 610 Kings Road, Newport p.m. Thursday; from 10 a.m. to 6 Beach. CA 'l2fi63. (949) 548-4044. p.m. Friday to Saturday; and from jlicJunan.5Co-ooLcom 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. 1130 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. !949) WHO NEEDS MEMBERSHIP? 548-9881. SHIPPING IS WITHIN REACH Design Within Reach is offering free shipping on pun::ha.ses of Sl,000 or more through March 17. It's Orange Councy's fir5t srudio that sells hard-to-find international designer furniture, lighting and home accessories. Oas.sic designs available are by Nonmembers can shop too at t.he fai.hion forward pro shop at the Newport Beach Country Oub. The Newport Beadt Golf Shop also accommodates non-golfers. Spon hoes indude Fairway and Greene, Fidra. Polo, Tommy Bahama. 3 Dot and Helen Kaminski. Open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 1600 f .. Coast Highwcty. Newport Beach. (949) 644·9680. NEW ADDmONS AT BLACKMAN GET INTO THE HALF SALE · Today and Saturday. cbe Amp1can Cllncer DlilccMsy Shop of Corona de! Mar is having its semiannual sale. Everything is reduced by 50%. Bedroom furniture. artwoiX. designer dothing, aystaJ and kitchenware are available. Also, the Corona deJ Mar Ownber of Commerce will hold a netwodcing mixer here from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday. Refreshments. emertairunent and some great silent auctions. Members and guest!> are invited to anend 2600 E. Coast HighWdY, Coron.a del Mar. (949J 640-4m. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwy_lder a: yahoo.com. at 330 W Bay SL, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, or by fax at (949) 646-4170 _.)-~HA l_ COURSE Alph" 15 for anyone who; • Wanu to c:xplon-the Chma . .m ta11h • Has ><'.nou~ qucmom abou1 the mc:anmg of life: • WanL' m find a warm and loving communm A!ph" b<:g1m M.uch 12 .n 6:31J P.M Re' 1•)4')1(,~'\-0210 no <..h.u~c: \;uni l~mc:s Church HI)<) \'1a Lido NtwD<ln Bca .. h . Ray and Oiarles Eames. Mies van der Rohe. Afvat Aalto, George Nelson, Marcel Breuer and many others. .Also featu.retl are young designers iPhillipe Starck. Ron Arad, Jorge Pensi, l:nrico Fraro.oUni. Rodolfo Dordoni and West Coast-based Michael Goldin. Expert interior design plarining and decorating i.s available. and there are lectures by designers and product reviews. Open from MEXICAN RESTAURANT I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday; and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Lower level, Aoium Coun at Fashion Island. Newpon Beach. (949) 721 ·0031. www.DesignWithinRetlCh.rom . MO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949 ·645·7626 Le Quai Waterfront Dining Cannery Village 2816 Lafayette Ave Newport Beach 949 673-9463 Walk-in & Reservations Welcome Dinner: Thurs, Fri, & Sat I Lunch: Fri, Sat, & Sun DINNER RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED Overstreet's Wine Merchant & Bar 3400 Via Lido • Newport Beach fyituring Wednesdays & Saturdays 7:00 -11:00 pm 25 Wines by the Glass & Bar Cuisine 949 566-9463 for ReservatiOns MF~. Mitch 7, 200 LOOPY ContnJed from Al • tbei.r moves or loee point&. The lllOYa thftmelwa map thil bK IO dJftlcUh.. The maneuwn lri any routine could include mops in which pOots muat fty in a perfeCt dn:le In the air. There are "outside loopt," in which the top of the plane forms the outsJde of the circle, and "lnskle loops," In which the belly of the plane Corms the circle's ouWde ed~e. Th'n. there are roJJs," ~th " . sJ)edftcally d~ed for aerobadca. AnMlin ownt his own VlvtO F.dge 540, whJcb he w1lJ Oy in the compeddon. The RUssian-made SUkhol SU-26 and the French Cap-232 are the other types of planes .een to 1 the competilion. "I think we have I good chance of winning tb1I year, we have a good team,• Andelln said. . The U.S. men's team bas won three times in the contest's history, as has the U.S. women's tealll. · "It's not the adrenaline. It's BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS . Business-sUffers $40,000 fire damag~ A two-alarm fire gutted a Q>s1a Mesa business early Thunday morning. causing about $40,000 In damages. fire omdals said. PUBLIC SAFETY Former choir coach must stand trial . An O.W. County Superior Court ruled Wednetday that • 27-year-<>ld former wicie coach for the AD-Amedcan Boys Ololr accused of repeat- edly molestin& a student must stand trial POLICE FILES COITA MESA • Adlllw-.....: Alay theft WU repon.cl fti the 1300 bloc* et 8:28 a.m. w.dneeday. • Anehelrn Alfenue: A commerd•I burglary WM reported In the 1800 blodt It 9:34 1.m. Wednelday. · •the planes rolling aide-over-side like a dog rolling over. If that's not acary enough; there are tail slides. Picture J plane shooting straJgbt up in a perfect line toward the heavens then f,he .sk:01 of knowing you can • make a pJ4ne do exactly what #I YQU want tO do that's so addicting. f t's not like No one wu injured, in the 1:07 a.m. ftre at a slogle-story strip mall In the 800 block of West 19th St, Battalion Olief Gregg Steward said. • The judge made the decl· sJon after hearing teatl.mony from the 1,ad lnveatlgatot about now Roge,r A. Gleae assaulted a . 17-year-old Buena Park boy ~er a four- year period at his 'Irvine home while gi\ing private voice lessons. . • ,_.. ftNd: P9ttyM wU reported le> the 3000 blodtat 1:28a.m.' ~ .. quickly stopping all acceleration. The plane slows to a complete stop before beginning to fall, tail first, toward the ground. In a momentary, precision maneuver, pilots must tum the plane so that Its nose aims straight down. "It's challenging." Andelin said. •vou have to work aUt all the time to stay oriented, to know where the airplane is going to end up." There are only a handful of plane designs allowed in the international competition, all of them tiny prop planes sky-dMng. That's an adrenaUne rush." When be wants to, Andelln can easily straighten up and Oy rlgb\: His job depends on il The father of twin 1-year-old boys is a-pilot for American Airlines. And while you still may think Andelio is crazy, he's certainly not stupid. ~My wife Sheila and I have an unaerstandiog. I can Oy aerobatics competitions. but no air shows. Now that's dangerous." • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or bye-mall at june.casagrande@latimes.com. "New Hope For Uupal Tunnel Symptoms!" Newport lkad1, CA -PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. lf you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and ~ urcd of !Alang pills and ~eanng wrut splints then call the carpal runnel syndrome hothne and discover the shock.mg truth about carpal tunnel \)'ndro~ )our doctor may not be aware or. Call 1-800-541-9211 (Toll-Free, 24 hr. recorded ~..age) @_~ Floral & Gifts New shipments of Accessories for your Home Including Lamps and Shades With custom options allailablt Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street 113, ~Mesa• (949) ~45 (Across from Ralphs) Yes, for some people eating sugars and simple carbohydrates like White bread and rice calces can elevate ltielr triglycerides and lower their ·gooo· cholesterol {"HDL") People Who have elevated triglycerides and low HDL have a condition called Dysllpfdemla. If these people. also have an enlarged waistline or abdominal obesity, or high blood pressure -they may have a condition called ·Metabolic Syndrome-X" Both of these conditions greatly looease the risks of heart disease and possibly diabetes. II you haYe elevated Triglycerides, your body may be having difficulty utillzing carbohydrates and using the hOlmone Insulin In this case you should learn about the "Glycemic Index" (www diabetesnet com). and choose to eat only complex carbohydrates with a low glycemie index value of 55 or less And make an effort to increase your exercise ~ to loose weight Empower yourself with knowtedge1 Worl( closely with your phys1c1an to guide and educa you oo appropriate nutnt1on and hfe-slyle choices was brought to u · 2011 Westclitf Dr., Suite 3, Newport ~h (949) 725-0000 www.Doctor8oblo.com NEXT WEEI(; can sugars and cart>ohydra1JS Increase my r1sk of heart disease? What IS Metabolic S ome-X? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A • IWIJWOOO • 1AAMA1ES •CARPET • CERAAIC TIE• WM. R.OORJNG 3/C-IOU> EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE t4•1 !!!!..!!!. $141 from lq -111• T~ 1a· x 1a· .............................................. ~ ........... U .. l ~~ .......... : ............................................ tilillllcfM U "' L-.. ~•tt•••·················••"4•••••················ ~""" u IQ,l . A second alarm was caDed because of the fire's potential to spread to other units in the strip mall. be said The ft.re was put out in min- utes, but it caused extensive fire and smoke damage to the one u.nlt, Steward said No other units were affected. Giese was arrested in Sep- tember and has since left the choir, headquartered at the Orange County Fairgrounds in CostaMesa • a,..., Arinue: Sele of nan:otic:a wea reported in the 1600blodtat12:14 a.m. Wedneaday. • Helbor Bout.wrd: Grand theft was reported in the 2300blodtat11:05 a.m. Wednesday. •Maple~: An auto theft was reported In the 1900 blodt at 10:06 a.m. Wednesday. Steward said a cause for the fire has not been determined yet, nor has the origin. Clloir administrators have said none of the alleged inci- dents took place in any of their facilities. Giese ls scheduied to be ar- raigned on four counts of lewd acts upon a child and other related tharges on March 17. • Minion Dltw: A robbery was reported In the 1000 blodt at 5:38 a.m. Wednesday. •~Place: An auto theft was reported in the 2700 blodc at 7:45 a.m. About 38 firefighters from Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Huntington Beach re- sponded. The fire is still under investi- gation. -Deepa Bhamth POPE Continued from Al c.atholic leaders in Newpon- Mesa agreed it is a Christian principle to promote peace, but various Catholics have difl'ering opinions on how far that gbes in practical application. Some say they feel peace ls always an ideal to soive for, but concede that it is not always an option. Others challenge the quick rush to war, claiming the evidence suppon- ing it is not strong enough to compromise a ideal of peace. Regardless of their stance, reli- gious leaders in the area realize the pope's message must be pre- sented in the context of the largely conservative stronghold of Orange County. w How we preach to bring about that message of peace must not itself be a non-peaceful confrontation,· said William Mclaughlin. senior pastor at Our Lady Queen of Angels. FU PHOTO I DAl.V Pit.OT Pedestrians stroll past posters on the ofd Port Theatre. C.Osta Mesa Councilman Gary Monahan. who has large C.eltic crosses decorating bis Newport Boulevard lrlsh pub and attends SL Joachim's on Orange Avenue, agrees. He said he feels no need to choose between the pope's message of peace and the presi- dent's push for war. Monah.an. a registered Repub- lican. said Bush and the pope are addressing the Issue of war from different perspectives. Cootinued from Al fare. From 1989 to 1998, Land- marlc Theatres operated It as an art house. In 1996, Burnham obtained City Council approval to conven the theater into a triplex. Tu return the Pon, with Its nautical-themed fa~de, from the ranks of the dying breed of single-screen cinemas would re- quire at least $3 million in up- grades. business leaders said. The theater would reqUlre a new~lectrlcal system. the addi- tion of an air conditioning sys- tem, considerable roof and other sttuctural repairs and the removal of mold and mildew that bas gathered inside the building. Other obstacles exist. SKATE Continued from Al creatJon commissioners to get rerponse1 from resident& And they did. Ourtng a meedng Wednesday night that about 35 people at- tended, thole for and again.st the kfea got the dw!ce to air their dUlermca "I lh.ink lt WU good because it deftnJtely allowed us to hear what their concems were,• aald Jim ~ thcJta.der of the mu.- board coalition. ·n·a a!Ways eUler to put on a praentadon when you're looking at real data." Since the proposal la in auch a ~ SC., attendees bsld It dUOcult to tab a 1t.ance ekhlr' Wiiy.. "In f!tl mind. u • tchool bGmnt folk. th•• tut•~ to llllly IMCt to yet, .. tcbool trulCtl 1bm e.n llAd. •tt milh• be • 8DOd ~but of coune. .... a.vi II In dw deCao., and I didn't --moulh•l#d." 1hl pr11w, ... of the--- -bowlwwt "" eo bear mm- i City leaders wouid need to de- velop a parking plan th.at couid go along with any reuse. Also, Corona del Mar's councilman, Dick Nichols, bas derided the theater as a relic that shouid be tom down. Nichols blasted the new owner's approach. "Why is everything being done in secrecy?" Nichols asked. "Everything ls being done in stealth .... It Is not a historical monument It is an eyesore." Bill Sinclair, president of the Corona del Mar Cllamber of Commerce, lauded the plan. even though be bas said the lo- cal business community has ex- pressed frustration over the lack of action in the past two years. "1bat will bring more people to the village and put more shoes in the shops," Sinclair said. 'Tm pleased to bear that and I hope It becomes a reallty." The president's role is to make decisions for the best of the American people, Monahan said, while the pope Is serving as a re- ligious figure and peacekeepec. Monahan said he supports both men. •There is no contradiction or quandary,• Monahan said. ·1 re- spect where both leaders are coming from.· Msgr. Daniel Murray. of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in New- port Beach, said there l.s a dis- tinction between peace and the means to peace, which is where the disagreement lies. Murray said he believes the pope's call for peace was riot a political opposition to Bush's call for war, but an ongoing aflirma- tion or the Ouistian way. "The pope Is always asldng for peace, whether during World Was I, World War U or the thou- sands of intema6onal conflicts going on," Mwray said. munity concerns that could help Residents assume elected the city move forward with akate leade11 blow more than they do board park plans. and are making the best ded- "The dJ.rectjon, at this point lo alons possible, he sakL Munay time, ls to explore the feasibility does not think the pope is asking at this time,• said Dave Alkema. for a political response, but Just Costa Mesa parb project man-asking that people continue to ager. •Basically, ~re just kind of pray tor peace. rncblng out to the community "Some people will say that two at this polntlf we do move along people anned to the teeth but wtth the proc:eu. there will be an not ftghdng each other are at llvdeptb lnwsdpdon -this ls peace. but that ls not really extremely preliminary.. peace," Mumy Mid. "The ~ While no decis on wu mad l ua to love OW' enemies. but and the prospect of a akate boa.rd .. that does not change the fact park ai Oa"Vis remalN f'at away, lhat they a.re stilJ our enemies.• the wealtft ~community Input On the other aide of the argu· frOm both es proved protlt· mc:nt. aome Catholk:a argue that able. F.gan aaJ peace lhould be pUl"IUed more '1 was atruck by an lntenaity of ~ and reel the pope's reetinp on both ldei," Egiin recent l>O'ldon It atronger than tlid. "The emodont came the usual quest for the Ideal fhi'ou8h, and In that cue. It WU Cot1* Mesi resident Jan For· a~ town hill mttdns-" bMh. ,who attendi 9L John the AIMlna Will aubrnft a report to Bti>dit Otuich on 8Per Screet. CftY COundl on concemt Mid ihe Is "OYUjoYlld that therl nAMd 9t the mffdn& tot ihlllr' re-ch\lri;.h and the perton Of our vtew. The coundl wtl then deter· Hoij ALdler are iUfna th1t mine wbn tb., from thin. •t.ara. .. . FM.lth, .. , the loundet o( 11a1.-oet Share our ~ ..w her~ U.Wttb the pope ..... c.11 lof peece. She llilcl lihe Ml liucMed lheo- .. Wed~. NEWPORT BEACH ' •w.t.._ICM.l'Md:A Ylhlde burgtary WM reported In the 1700 blodt at 9'.38 1.m. Wtdneed8y. •CM DtM: A commennl burglary waa f9PO"led In the 2000 blodc at 1 :30 p .m. Wedneaday. • Welt Coelt tttghwey; Bettery Wll reported In the 45QO bfod( at 1 :.47 p.m. ) Wednetday. . ~. • Ooeen loUJIWMI: A.W. . burglarywn reportedltrthe 1600blodcat10:24 a.m. Wednesday. • RNoli: A hit-and-run was reported in the 3000 blodt at 8:05 a.m. Wednesday. • SupMior Awnue: Grand theft WU reported In the 1500 blodc at 5:43 p .m. Wednesday. • 'tbrtctown: A home burglary was reported In, the 100 blodc at 1:04 a.m. Wednesday. • 38th StrMt: A home burglary was reported in tt\e 600 blodc at 8:23 p.m. Wednesday. logical theory and the •just war" concept extensively and does not feel the president's call to anns meets the criteria Many scholars have come to the conclusion that, with the technological ad- vances in massive weapons of destruction. no war . could be considered just. she said. ·it is very heanening to me to have my church take a hard stance and be very open wiili it,· Forbath said. "I just hope that message gets listened to.· Others still take a middle-of- the-road response, arguing strongly against war while con- ceding government officials have more expertise on the subject. Mclaughlin said his congr-ega- don is ·all for the pope: but must also take into consideration the community's mixed emo- tions on the matter. He said he cannot take a universal stance to completely oppose war because be does not have access to top secret information. The case the president has made for war, though. has not won his support. •They may know something I don't. but from what I blow. it does not seem like the American thing to do,· McLaughlin said. Teachings of the Catholic Oiurch are absolutely clear that •just wars" are the only pennls- sible wars, he said. He agrees with Forbath that It would be hard to make a caJe for any just war with the use or weapons of mass destruction. Mclaughlin said be was very much at the forefront of "peace- making" in the 19608, when he was a "young man." Now he has mellowed and settles for praying for peace and political guidance. while providing bis congregation with strong examples of the Otrlstlan way. Preaching in the heart or con- servative stronghold of Orange County, Mclaughlin under- stands he must toe the line be- tween preaching general Chris- tian beliefs and political messages. He chooses to present the subject of peace in a gmeral context and a context in which bis congregation w1lJ take to heart. "F.ach official knows their community and how (O aeD the story of peace and the nece::~ of relaying it." Mcl..aughlin •The subject matter ls not up to the lndlvtdual, but be or she must give thought ln the way lt is presented." Our Lady Queen of Angels des-• ignates cettaln times to pray for soldlers, sailom ana all military penonnel, as well as thrrnadon'• leaders, he 8&id And "° certain 1 times of bravery. the members also pray for Iraqis, on the other ude of the conmct 1bis Is doM out or CAlhollc belJef. "I will always be OD the side o(. peace, u lha1 la my nature anc1: my caD1ng,. Mclauchlin u.ld. • While there la diMgreemenC • among Yllious leaden and · pe•' rishlonen, all CM ....... that peace la lhe Ideal. "It certalnlywould be woodef.. tul it everyone could trUty nevw Mid M19pOna, umlel or fe&r tor their safety -that would =.:. wonderful thJn&. Mu.MY : "We pray for peace -n\eanbi we ~ that ln the end lid ol ~ • come to live tn harmony Whit' relpiKtina our dillesalQll, .. Mur, ray 18.ld. ' ...... J f . -. . \ GEmNG INVOLVED • OET11NG INYOUIED runt periodiailly In the Deity Pilot on a rotating bula. For Information on edding your orgeniution to this • n.c. cell (949) 67<M298.. perfonnance and eeff-eateem while developing po.iti" peer end adutt retationshlpe. C714) 64&-~ ext. 35. MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHES1ltA KAISER PERMANENTE H0SPtC£ SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errand• for them or their caregivers In communltlet Mer volunteer•' homes. (682) 622·3806. • Orange ~nty'a only nonproftt resident chamber on:n.stra needs volunteers for tidteting, ushering, phones, mailing and help with reception•. Nominees are also being eought for the boerd of directors. (949) 830-2950. LAGUNA GREEN8ELT INC. Vo(unteera ere neeqed to aaaJat LagunJ Coaat Wlldemen Par1c: ata1f al'\d James Diiiey Preaerve naff and docents with hiker reglatretion and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that wor1c:a with persona with HIV or AIDS, la aeeklng caring volunteers to aulat with running ttte front offtce, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies auch ea mauage. • acupuncture and chiropractic care. Use Toghla, ~) 494-1446. LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS Mentally Ill adulta rely on the Newport Beach center for resldential housing. It needs profeuional fund-raisers to support and maintain this resource. LUV·A-PET CENTER Volunteers who love to wort with cata and kittens are needed at the Luv·a·Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 451·3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organiZation needs volunteers for computer input, ti<:teting, filing and handlir1g phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. · Student& 10to18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school ALLOWED Continued from A 1 tips for the saucy season. With their guidance through this demanding month, hoste8ses across Newport·Mesa Ca.n avoid the embarrassment of serving Unguini with a broth -based sauce. (Gasp.) Paolo Lafata. seruor chef of the Italian restaurant chain. tells us that delicate past.as such as angeJ hair are best served with a light sauce such as tomato pomodoro, marinara or pesto. It is with lhese thinner noodles that you can also introduce those rich broth-based sauces. he says. As your noodles increase in gjrth, your sauce can get a littJe heftieL Spaghetti. linguini or tubular pastas -such as penne or ziti-a.re best paired with sauces that include chunks of sausage, meats. veggies or seafood. Lafata advises. Lafata suggests that Oat. thick aood.les be combined with heavier meat or cream-based sauces. r>uch as Alfredo or Bolognese. (I thought there was some rule a.bout no white sauce after labor Day, but perhaps I am being old-fashioned.) Now that we have got the food portion ironed out. we wouldn't want to spoil this culinary brilliance with the wrong wine. ·NEW DIRECTIONS · FOR WOMEN INC. Th.• recovery'Center for women with alcohol or other chen)lcal dependencies aeeka volunteers. (949) 648-9927 between 10 a.m. end 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 648-8754. NEWPORT BAY NATIJRAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteer• to aaslst with naturalist-tad toors and programs. special event.a and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 Univ~raity Drive, Newport Beach. (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE ANO VISfTORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 722· 1611. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training wortshops the Central Library. (949) 717-3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beadl Premiere Cinema Guild, whjch supports the Newport Beach Fijm festival, 1s looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help fui:ther an artistic and cultural heritage in t,b..e community and shoutd ~~ e love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film ln case you are not in the know, Olive Garden has aJso given us a cheat sheetonwhat sauce to serve with your sauce. For pesto, the garden suggests pinot grigio. (Just think of the letter ·p. ·) Sauvignon blanc also works in this case. lf you are serving marinara sauce. it is best to opt for chardonnay. Sangiovese or pinot noir. I know that three wines in one factoid can be a littJe daunting, so I took: it upon myself to concoct this helpful mnemonic device: My Oever Sister Pines for Nectar (marinara. chardonnay. Sangiovese, pinot noir). Alfredo calls for chardonnay or pinol grigio, (white with white). and Barolo and Amarone are where the beef is. finally. for those fishy feasts, be sure to pour pinot grigio or chardonnay. When in doubt, serve chardonnay. According to this list. you've got a three in five chance of getting it right. Although Lafata's list was cenainly helpful. lam a little confused about some sauces I find ln my k,itchen regularly that did not make the list. For example, what kind of noodle goes best with Velvee!a? l usually serve it on macaroni. ts that OK? Also, I know that chardonnay is supposed to go wen with cream sauces. which prompts two questions. One: is processed cheese considered a cream? And two: CIMn, Comfortable, Uncrowded . Morw Pereon•I Attention to Our..,,,,,.,.. festival. (949) 263-2880. NEWPORT 8EACff PUBLIC L8RARY FOUNDATION The library foundstlon nMds ext,. hands to perform clerical duties, euc:h .. filing, organizing and atumng envek>pet, at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. (949) 7'7-3890. NEWPORT BEACH RECfTAL SERIES Tha Frien~• of The Newport Beech Recital Seriet Guild needs voluntHra to a11l1t In fostering mualc aPf>reolltlon 10 claujcaf music w111 endure. (949) 644-4208. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE CONPNfY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing, make-up application. set construction. tedmical help, publicity, stage management and bacbtage aupervision. (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUT1CAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nautical Muaeum offers a number of volunteer opportunities in the gift shop, as docents or receptionists, with clerical wort and with fund-raising events. Training is provided. (949) 675-2355. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs a variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation is looking for volun199rs to help with fund-raising eff~s. speaking opportunities, public events and occasional office work. (9491 6314143. . NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A vanety.of 1obs need to be tac:kled, including set construction, ushering, mailings and assorted ted'ln1cal duties Sdleduling is flexible, with a two- to 20-hour commitment per month. The Newport Theatre Arts Center is at 2501 Cliff Drive. (949) 631-0288. Can I ">till serve my usual Boones? My son puts ketchup on everything. Is it considered a sau ce or a p~te? Also, does the flavor packet and water m1Xture m Top Ramen count as broth-based? And 1f so. does Coor's Light go with that? Finally, can someone at the Olive Garden shed some light on the timeless debate: Which came first? Very hot or d el scorcho? lf I could get the answers to these questions. I think I might finally be considered for the upper echelon of cuJinary society. lf Alfredo and pesto are not saucy enough for you this March. you can also celebrate: American Red Cross Month, National Craft Month. National Feminine Empowerment Month, National Frozen Food Month Oargely celebrated in my home), National Nutrition Month. National Peanut Month and {couldn't have sauce month without ill NauonaJ Noodle month. ' - Now. who says there are no major holidays in March. Season's greetings! • lDUTA HARPER wntes oolumns Mondays, Wednesdays and fodays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mail et lolit•.harpercltlatimes.com. ' ' . .. ... :; ... Friday, March 1. 2003 A5 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only·$19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? H ere's a great way co express it. Sponsor a pet phoco on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on T hursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pet who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of ~avi ng a life and feel great about doing 1t. This page is presenced in conjunction with locaJ an imal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Concrol Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will djsplay your name as chc sponsor of this pet, or you may include a loving m emory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LI Ff SPONSOR FORM Name: ________________________ _ Address: _ Ciry: ~tJce: -----_,L~lp: ______ ---- C redir Card#: _____________ Exp: Signacure: Phone (optional)· For check, makt: pa>able to: Daily Piloc Text co appear 1n spa1..t: bdov. phoco. 2().._characcers or le.-. ... C home One: 0 In loving memory of U Spo nsored by Mail chi <i form wirh your check or credit card informauon co: Save A Life,'/., Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cosca Mesa, CA 92627 7M ~ouwl of Mu~tc Cky;ter o{?M Gutfr!> o/ 7M Ora~e Cou1to/ 'Pbr/orffli"':! ~rt> Ce>iter Proudly Presents: '"Pti~~tort to Cu.Pa,, . ;/)~~ttW-toh .:/-lavaMt"· AtL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENnR Saturda,, March 8, 2003 The . Four .seasons Hotel Newport Beach WE PROUDIY THANK , OUR MOST GENER)>US SPO SORS Canter . Neiman MarcMs The fOtcT Smton.t Hotel DoWd~ We.sr Coa.U CMt1111s Eli·rla~ Social--., ~A··-Emldex 1C.DGrd .. · °"'10 And me numerow m1t'CMm-.--... " given ID•••• . ' M Friday, March 7, 2003 ; .F©RLJM . . . I ·, HOW 10 GET PlBJ8tB -L9111r9: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92827 • R11 clers Hodn« Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu Send to (949) 84&-4170 . E.....a:s.nd tO'dllilypilot,tllatirne&com •All comtap<>ndenoe must Include full neme,'hometown afl(f phone number (for veriflcetion purposes). The Piiot reaervee the right to edit all l\lbmtuion• for clartty ~length. MAILBAG celebrate the Fourth in Newport Beach, gQ to jail In response to Lolita Harper's Monday column suggesting 8L\ altematiW to the City o!N~rt's • apparent War on Fourth of July partying, I rejoice ('"Thke their money before driving them away"). She wrote exactly what _I have been thinking for the 6~years I have been living on the Newport Peninsula Why do the city leaders think that the b'est way to manage the large Fourth of July gatherings in West Newport is to simply throw police at the problem? Why not take advantage of the sjtuation and close some or all of the parldng lot by Newport Pier, give one-day patio licenses to all the bars and restaurants and even have a stage on the beach by the pier? That way, you can shift some or most of the crowd into an area that is not only easier to control, but has what the West Newp<)rt "War ZA>ne" area doesn't sales-tax<,revenue outlets. We could call it "Newport Days." Maybe we can even get our Newport Beach Police Department brethren to take off their sunglasses and smile once in a while. But J know better. My experience is that the powers that be have not the creativity, open mindedness or will to make lemonade out of lemons. Instead, they will try to cut down the lemon tree (just like some other trees around here.) The City Council and its.hired guns are going to let our visitors know that we are as friendly as sandpaper to a sunburn. We will not tolerate drinking on a closed street, squirt guns. loud. mJSic, loitering or, heaven forbid, boisterous laughter. (It's in the city code, really.) And so the stage is set for the Battle of Newport. J think I'll make up some T-shlrts: "Welcome to Newport. Go Directly to Jail!" KEITH F. EBERL Newport Beach Costa Mesa is no 'fun for the young anymore Haven't the Segerstroms had FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT A Highway Patrol officer writes a citation for an open container violation during Fourth of July 2002 in West Newport. en ough? First, South Coast Plaza. Now, the mortar at Ikea isn't even dry, and they're talking Kohl? ls Cos ta Mesa no fun? Ha! Cracks me up! Sure, Mesa-land is oodles of fun ... for the MGeritol generation." We have one of the finest shopping malls in the U.S. We have the Performing Arts Center. We have the South Coast Repertory (the new look, by the way, is boring). We're getting an even sexier theater-concert hall soon. We have Broadway, opera, symphonies, theater. Those are fun. But, do we have rock concerts anymore? No. Do we have Cirque du Soleil anymore? No. Seniors saw to • that. Now, Segerstrom wants to shove another Store down our throats. Ugh, gag me with a spoon. What with the state budget crunch, our schools are implementing m ajor cuts. As a teacher, I dread the prospect of a bare-bones sports program. Major loss. Some districts are contemplating cutting the extra-curricular progi-ams completely. Yikes. How about building a sports or recreational facility instead of Kohl? A refurbished bowtin·g alley, an Olympic-sized, indoor swimming complex, a gym, an ice-skating or roller-skating arena, a gymnastics center, a pool hall? Please, give our kids more than just another store. FLO MARTIN Costa Mesa Kona Lanes provided good, affordable fun When we lived in Walnut Creek, we saw professional bowling broadcast on 1V at Kona Lanes. When we came down hent to buy a house, we were very surprised. to see Kona Lanes as we drove down Harbor Boulevard. My husband, my son and I were bowlers at Kona Lanes for many, many years. We saw it go from a class A-1 bowling alley to what it is now, but a lot of that is because of tile economy. ICona Lanes used to be a great bowling alley. Bowling sort of .,. became very expensive, with prize .. money and .Pe cpst of bowling. I would bate very much to see Kana Lanes abolished. As we l>owled at Kooa ~es, ':Ne · always heanhbal tli~ Segerstroms wanted that area to be a recreational area for the residents of Costa Mesa, so I hope that the City Council will see to it to not abolish Kona Lanes and the Ice Cllalet. I wish that the Segerstroms would do &omething for the people who cannot afford all of this glamour stuff that they build and all because it is out of the reach of most people's pocket book in Costa Mesa. The recreational center was a good family place to go and enjoy and be together. NADINE ANDREEN Costa Me&a Tough to make a decision at 3 a.m., even for City Council I don't lcnow that anyone Is really capable of making reasonable decisions at 2 and 3 In the morning,· and it was even mentioned that there were credibility problems with the environmental analysis [for the Kohl's project). but the Costa Mesa City CouncU went ahead and approved II anyway. And there are some misconceptions. There will be 1,800 more trips per day with Kohl than if the tl}eater and the Ice Cllalet were reoccupied and, along with the bowling alley, all operating at fuU capacity. So, putting Kohl in there would generate 1.800 more car trips per day. It seems to me we have a bad si"fuatioa with the traffic, which is getting worse. Why we are . deliberately building more traffic onto our local intersections is a question. Also, there is not a park that is being proposed along the Mesa Verde side. It is a landscape b,uffer, a greenbelt, that's all it is. It is not a park -that is a misconception. CINDY BRENNEMAN Mesa Verde . • N E W P 0 RT B E. 4 C H F I. L M F E S T I VA L . A PR I L 3 -11 i:NowportBeacbFilmF01t.com Daily~ Pilot ~__._-~----'~----'---~~------------ AROUND TOWN • Send AAOtJNO TOWN Item• to the Delly Piiot. 330 W. Bay Sr., Costa M .... CA 92627; by fax to (9'9) ~170; or by c.lllng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date end locatJon of the event. u well u • contec:t phone number. A complete lilting 11 avalJable at www.dallypllot.com. SATURDAY The NP Expos Inc. computer fair will be at the Orange eo,.mty Fair and Expo1ltlon Center from 10 11.m. to 5 p.m. today and Sunday In bulldlng 10. Admlaalon is $5 for odultl. ahd children under 10 get in free. For more lnfprmatlon, call (800) 80()-5600 or log onto www.l«:0mputemlr.com. •DMdng From the Out.tide-In• Is 11 free lec:ture4emonatnrtlon focusing on .the Impact of dance movement on heelth and the body. It will begin at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beech Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave. For more Information. call (949) 717-3870. A cub ec:out Nmmage NJe wtH be held from 7 e.m . to noon In the north parting lot et Kaiser Elementary School, 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Proceeds support the local scouting progrem. To donate Items or for more Information, call (949) 646-8835. A frM welklng tour of the Back Bay will leave every 15 minutes between 9 and 10:15 a.m. Tours begin at the corner of East Bluff Drive and Bad< Bay Road. For more information, call (949) 786-8878. The Great Amertc.n Writ•ln, sponsored by Women for Orange County, will feature representatives'from local and national advocacy groups, urging people to appeal to legislature on important Issues. The event will take place from 9:30 a.m . to 1 p.m at the University Club at UC Irvine. Free. For more information, call (949) 581-3938. SUNDAY The Spirit Run Race. the largest children's race in Orange County, is a 1oint community venture benefiting local elementary education. The race 1s scheduled for 7 a.m . along Newpo rt Center Drive at Fashion Island, Newport Beach. To enroll or for more information, call (949) 451-4848. •o..p H .. llng Through Sound and Stillness· is an evening of restorative yoga offered by Full Spectrum Yoga, 2018 Quail St., Newport Beach. The cost is S25 prepaid or S30 at the door. For more Information, call (9491 955-1965. Rabbi Joseph Tefuahkln will discuss the relationship of Herzl in the modem wor1d to Moses at the Memonal Auditonum at Chapman College. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the lecture starts at 7 p.m. Tid<ets are $20 at the door, or S24 for the balance of the series. For m ore information regarding 11.1blcriptlon to~ Mrlea, call the forum et (714) 997·1032. MONOAY A GrNt Dedl&oftt dlaCI -'on of •Europe: State of the Un1on· 11 the MWnth in an eight~ aeries on U.S. foreign policy topice. The ditc:u .. lon wfll be Jed by Ted Gielow from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at St. Mark Pretbyterian Church, 2100 MarVllta, Newport ~ch. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. A tr.. educatJonal program, •Multidisciplinary Treatment of Colon Cance<wllftake place from 6:30Jo 9 p.m. at the Radiation Oncology library. Hoag Cancer Center, One Hoag Drive, Newp°Ort Beach. Free. To register, call (949) 7-CANCER. A •Love fpr a Uf9time• workshop, on how to call love forth In your life. will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111. Costa Mesa. The cost is $25 or $30 at the door. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. TUESDAY A free Mmlnar cahd •A Natural Approach to Vision and Hearing Treatment" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A "Finandng yoor Buslneu· worttshop. sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harper Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is S25, $20 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. WEDNESDAY A free book slgning and seminar called "The Mood Cure" by author Julia Ross will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Martcet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. -A open reading and live musk will be tfeld at 8 p.m. at the Aha Coffee House. 506 31st St. Newport Beach. Sign ups begin at 7:3o p.m. for the open reading. For more information. call (949) 675-0233. The CatifomiAI R.dr9d Teechen Assn., Harbor Division No. n will hold a meeting for their members and their guests with a Home Depot representative to talk about home repairs and what's new in tools. The meeting is at 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave •• Costa Mesa. All retired educators are weloome. For more Information, call (949) 551-5082. The Lung Cancer Support Group will hold "A Caregiver's Journey~ from 6:30 to 8 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room "A:; Newport Beach. Free. For more information, call (949) 760·5542. Come see rhe new Shapcr1es· blinds from Hunter Douglas The sort·Oowing curves 1nd ce.xcured hn ~hke nnlsh capture the look or fht sort-fabric folds on a P.Dman shade. And Shaperlcs will not warp. criCX. peel or fade Even In humid areas or direct sunllgtu Come In and see these beautiful blinds today. ,lk b ..... ............. ... Wllfff f.f•fl •tt•• ''' -• The .... ley ... ...,, Women wtlt Nrve a luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. at the Bahia Cotlnthtan. 1801 8ayllde Drive, Corona ct.I Mar. For more lnfommion, c:afl (9491 844-9630 ' "'The Romen '°""" ~ ~ Expforltlon of the American Political Spectacle:' of1er1 a critique of American !Muee. Performances are ldleduled for 8 p.m . today through Saturday, with a post-performance dlecuaslon at UC Irvine. Adml .. lon la free, but space Is limited. For rtaervatlona, call (949) 824-6206. WMlcJy 8fOt"Y time 8t Toy Boat toy store offers stories, aong1, flnger pla.v• and&rafta. Newborns to 5-year-olds are Invited ftom 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. at 21111 Newport Coast Drive. For more Information. call (949) 75~7 .• TiiURSDAY •0oee tt Take Rocket~ to Create 11 Good Reader?" is the topic of a lecture to be given by UC Irvine Professor Virginia Mann at 6 p.m. in the university club, library room et UC Irvine. The cost is $30, and reservations are required. For more information, call (949) 824-2511. KalWI CUahman'a 9The Ballad of Lucy Whipple'" will launch a dlscuaaion about growth and change at the Mother-Daughter Book Club, at 7:00 P.M. at the · Newport Beach Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. For more information, call 949-717-3816. MARCH 14 Tai.m.ct c:hlldran 89M 6 through 18 will perform at the annual "Search for Talent" competition presented by the Exchange Club of Newport Harbor. The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. For information and entry blanks, call (949) 673-8701. MARCH 15 A "Aow to Start Your Own Bu1ine11" seminar. sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 8:30 e.m. to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is S40, S35 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. Oninge County Artists I~ In exhibiting artworit in the Spring 2003 Orange County Artist Juried Exhibition can bring work In for judging to the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona Del Mar between 9 and 10 a.m. For more Information, call (949) 717-3870. "Divorce: A N.w Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, Is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. Colt la S40. For more Information, call 644 6435. ·euiJcftng a e.tt... Future: held by the Newport Harbor NrAgetort, wtn benefit Newport Htlt:lor High Sdloof. The~ wfll be held at the Grand Newport Pia.a In the Turnip Rose Baftroom, 1901 Newport Btvd., Coeta Mesa.~-cost $100. for intonnatJon and en Invitation, call (9'9) 515-6366. MARCH lS a .... ce1 ~ 8"donedoe.,. invited to enjoy 9Three Centuries of Piano Music:' at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Ubrary. Pianlsi Michael Seller• wfll "present the free program, which will Include worb by Mozart, Chopin, Pouleric, Debuuy and Samuel Barber. The N"ewport Beach Central Ubrery Is at 1000 Avocado Avenue. For more • information, call (949) 717-3818 or visit www.n6W()Ortbuchlibracy.org. "What .. M..nCHV Lou· and "Creating a Partne,..hip with yoor Physician" are free worbhops sponsored by the Alzelmer'a Assn. The first worbhop will be held from 11 :30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m .. and the second from 12:30 to 2 p.m., at the Presbyterian Church of the Convent, 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. To make reservatiOflS, call (714) 545-3727. Concet1 artist. singer and guitarist Steve Walters is known as the ·singing Buddha.· He combines deep spiritual insight, humor and his voice at 7 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Tid<ets cost S10. For more information. call (714)754-7399. MARCH 17 A Grut Decisions diKuulon of •The Global Struggle for Women's Rights" is the last in an eight-week series on U.S. foreign policy topics. The discussion will be led by Karen Speros from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at St Marie Presbyterian Church. 2100 Mar Vista, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 760-1691. Steven CojocaN reads from and signs "Red Carpet Diaries.· Cojocaru, fashion correspondent for the "Today Show· and People Magazine's style editor, reveals the dirt beneath the red carpet of today's celebrities. Event starts at 6 p.m . at Book Soup South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol St., Suite 2400. Costa Mesa. For more inf ormation, call (714) 689-2665. MARCH 18 The Newport Harbor Orchid Society is hosting an orchid plant auction from 7 to 10:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave .• Costa Mesa. Free. For more information, call (949) 642-4148. A free eemlnar called •The Role of Supplements In Fighting Cancer" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (8001 .. 595-MOMS. ., Spa Gregorie's :-.•.. ~~-~ .. . ~ . . . : -,' . .. . " --·._..-•• * SELF-RENEWAL CElfBRATION Turouc;. 3/'31m E~ Microderm+ Enzyme Pael -$155, fe9 $175 Ao.i·F~!Jfl Chinese natural tacehft · Senes ol 6 • $550, reg S612 0£TCX Hvtll(i8A'" Oii O£T ,, Sf.AIMED WP.AP -10% off Spa Gre.~orie s Hours Monday 1 larr 9pm TuP.sda1 S•Jr·ja~ ::l~I" ~om 200 Newprq Cerw Or1H: Su t~ 10 l\lewport Beach .a '~rn13 ':17&60 WWW.SPAGREGORIES COM !94916446672 colorful life! w')' o c.a5~ c., 011 1 Missy .ludy •terrng 112 O~F HIGHLIGHTS This 1s your chance to expenence highlights from a top colonst "-' ss, JJO, has extenS1ve experience and training with Vida Sassoon (Los.· Ange-es Toni & Guy (Dallas) Pau1 M1tche 1San 0 ego L Orear New Yon< ius· tc name a few Her tedlmques are gentie and a'Ways lea~e your hair st•cng healthy and full of shme Take advantage of oecom ng one o' M SS"V Jue. s first clients 1n the Newport Beach atea Va1ueo up to S ... 5 VC Spac-0 s 1m !eo Missy Judy IS ucluswety at Salon Gregones Newpon Beach 949.295.2546 QUOTE OF THE DAY , ·"I think 101M ofi_my better coaching jobs were when we were 0-10 in lea~e." D• ~.Costa Mesa 1ir1s soccer coach .. Al Friday, Ma-ch 7, 2003 ..,_..EdllDr lqefcattson • (949)574-4223 • Sport1 Fex:(9.49)650-0170 . . ' HIGH SCHOOl BASEBALL .PREVIEW . St~.a ·K1ngs l~a~erl .fo~ PC~ ru11 . ... . . ,: ' .. . Intrasquad competition for playing time could prime Corona del Mar for a very successful season. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot OORQNA DEL MAR -Every day is tryout day for the C.Orona de1 Mar HJgb baseball team, a unit C.Oach John Emme calls by far the deepest be bas bad in six seasons at the Sea Kings' helm. Elks Tournament "Job$ are going to be won and lost during games." Emme said Four decorated returners are unllkely to find much time on the bench, but Fmme said any- thing is possible in the competi- • Del. • · Presson. who bit .344 (31 for 90) with 16 RBis, 17 runs and five steals. brlnp a strong arm and rare athleticism to catcher, said Emme. who also believes junior tive environment created by personnel parity. Senior Nick~. a first-team AD-Pa- cific C.Oast League and All-Newport- Mesa performer a year ago, bas yielded his catching job to former outfielder Wess Presson, a sophomore who be- came only the second freshman to earn All-Newport-Mesa recognition last spring, Ryan Kelly, a varsity newcomer. can provide inninp behind the plate. When Kelly catches. Presson will retwn to the outfield. . "J'Osh baa con tinued to imp.rove bis hitting and he bas really been cru.sblng the ball • Emme said: Rhodes. a two-time All-N~rt­ Mesa Dream '!tam honoree who was Ont-team all-league in bis second var- &lty season last spring. ls nursing a sore elbow that bas kept him from pltching the last month. Rmme said. He ls ex- pected to be ready at some polnt. but just where be fits in, remains to be de- termined. particularly lf other pltcben step up and seize apots in the rotation. He was 5-7 with a 3.87 BRA and one save a year ago. He was 5-2 with a 3.18 . BRA and two saves as a sophomore. Juniors Blake C.Ontant and Todd Macklin, as well as Bradbury and sen- iors Beau Stockstill, Griffin Dunzer and .. HIGH SCHOOL ·SWIMMING "We're two-deep at tNery position and we have a stable full of pitchers who, at this polnt, are running pretty even," said Emme, just days before today's sea- son opener against visiting Rancho Ala- mitos In the first round of the Newpott ~ who figures to be the desig- nated hiner, hit .355 (32 for 90) with one homer and a team-leading 30 RBis as a junior, after transferring from Mater Junior Josh Bradbury and senior left- handed pitcher Nick Rhodes round out the most notable returners. Bradbury bis .324 with 11 RBis and 15 runs and also earned two pitching victories in 25~ innin~ en route to All-Newport- Mesa and second-team All-PCL laurel& Emme sa.ld Bradbury's work ethic ls the be!U on· the team and he'll be counted upon to pitch when he's not playing third base. SH COM, Pa•• AlO CdM's Kim McK~ Sl>ee<Js to victory in • the 20().yard indMdual ~· GOLF Toshiba dra wing top30 Aoki the lone holdout among last year's top-31 money leaders on tour; it could be third year in a row with 30 of top 31 in field. T he reasons are numerous why the Toshiba Senior OMSic is so attractive to players on the PGA Olampions Tour, but a sense of timing might top the list Tuning as in time of year. lt3 early in the season for the players. their spirits are renewed and competitive juices are flowing freely, like a smooth fairway shot with a 3-iron RICHARD DUNN and a breeze behind you. No maner where they finished on the tour money list in 2002,·all is forgiven and fdrgotten. Following the February F1ortda swing. the tour comes West, beginning in Mexico this weeJc,, then to Southern c.alifornia for the SBC Cassie at Valencia and the Toshiba Classic March 17-23 at Newport Beach C.Ountry Oub. The early player commitment list for this year's Tushiba Oasslc, once again star-studded, includes 30 of the top 31 from last year's money list. Isao Aoki. No. 31 on last year's money list. has not commined to play. That means for three straight years, the event bas drawn 30 of the top 31 players from the prior year's money list. a feat that even some major championships were unable to accomplish. (There'• still time for Aoki to commit and give the Tusbiba e¥mt a ')>enect record with tofr3l · players.) Even during years when the Tushiba Classic was the only event on the West Goast, It sdll attracted a strong field - no doubt also becaUJe of the hefty J>W'8e (this year It'• $1.55 mWlonJ and senior-friendly golf course at Newport Beach (6,584 yards). "The Thlh.lba Senior Oasslc has always enjoyed enormous support from the Champions Thur playel"I, • 'Ibumameot Director Jeff Pwaef aaJd. "It'• very rewartllng to us that the ~loris Tour atan tum out to our event lri fUCh peat numbers. They are the reason this emit Is IO higb)y antldpated. • The 1blhJba event bu,placed No. 1 among non·malor champtonah.lps on the tour in tmm of atrengtb of 8eld In • ltUdy conducted by the PGA Thur. The event. wblch bas drawn the top of the c1ul no matter where it bu 8t on the caJen.dal, WW even host Bruce Llttzke for the ftrtt dme this year. Ueuke, Who hu neY8J' competed in the Totblba Senior a.le. bU always paayed a llrillted tchedU1e and perfomVd well In bla career. He WU tbe f!l"'Y of d)f PG\ Tuw', newr com~ In moft than 20 ewnta over .. die coune of the you, but aJWayi . flrdlhilnl high enou;h to ,... hll Prd With an ex.empt atatu&. ()( lhe top ~ money WliVMlri HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER ~TREPTOW I OM.Y Pl.OT Jemy Spar1<s (4) is one of Costa Mesa's prtnary offensive weapons as the Mustangs prepare for the title showdown. Laughing all the way Coach's emphasis on fun has helped Costa Mesa relish its run to the CIF Division III ~tie game against Walnut. Barry Faulkner OailyPHot F or the last 11 ~ Coedl Dan Johns- ton, .. ~ IOlemn and pur- poedul ... winter lllelf. -guided the eo.ta Mesa ffWl pit eoccer umn. Por IDOll of bJs tint eeYa1 --. the ~ Pla1ed PaclfSc Coat f..elFe doocmal beas than Ibey did most ot mar oppooentit or 9Yell thepme. Owing these yean ol~ M ~on 1he Yeqe-of Saturday\ aP Southern Secdon OM- lioo W~~-5p.m. .... Walnut at Cal Slaae Fullerton -Jobnllon blanteC!d bk pllyal Wflh .. p.ilmc:ill b laughter. ~ w6ll wtd1 the ... IOft. llow, modulated .,_:ll J1111mn that II now fa .. mlHar ti> veteran lpOI'* ftll)Olten Uill! ro fleld .. tog his Inc m11 mdy up.a phone reportl ol ~ teanD resu11a. ~ Mii. Joha11C01a c1ry wtr terYeCJ to imnutlled .. ~ ..... mounting defeat.,,. unw••-to let ao. Inc dampen .......... ~ Wldi lhe ROAD TO .THEFINALS 'c:o. ... (22·1·2) • 'Mllb1ill .... 0 • 1 Sed~ 0 .. I f~ 0 I S..UMI! 0 hue snaps record Freshman destroys 20-year-old record in CdM's win over Edison. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Not bad for her first high school swim meet. \ C.Orona del Mar High freshman Alex- andra (Ali) Shue made a good first im- pression for Coach Doug Voiding, breaking a school record In the SOO- yard freestyle that stood for 20 yea.rs. in helping host CdM beat Edison, 116-54, in a nonleague dual meet Thursday. Shue raced to a 5:10.69 in the 500 free. breaking MJa.eUe Bird's 5:17.00 clip set in 1983. Shue also clocked a 1:58.03 in the 200 free. "I'm excited," said Shue, who swims for the Aquazots, a club swim team, af- ter the 500 free. "It wasn't my best time, but I'm just pumped for the season. I bad a good feel for the water.· CdM had 10 times (six Individual) that gained consideration for entry into the CIF Southern Section Division II 6· nals. Among those to gain CIF consid. eradon were: Shue's marks in the 200 and· 500 free, junior VMan uao in the SO free (25.66), junior lClm McKay In the 100 butterfly (1:04.72), senior Ouistina Hewko in the 100 bacbttoke (1:06.27) and freshman Tumuaialil (Tumua) Anae in the 100 breaststroke (1:11.08). • Kathryn Bilder, Anae. Mc]41y and Uao anchored the 200 medley relay (.2:00.55) to OF consideration along with the 200 free relay teams or Ouis· tina and her mter, Camille, Uao and Jordan Anae (1 :46.07) along with the team or senior DanJelle Cart.on, junior Katya 6-dington. sophomore Brittany f\.lllen and sophomore Ann Winnen (1 :46.42). In the 400 free relay, the team of McJCay, Shue, Uao and Jordan Anae finished in 3:48.09, also gaining CIF consideration. "This ls the belt •tart we've bad,• aaid Uao after she exited the pool following the 400 free relay. "Having at least two relay teams qualify Is a 8nt. We"ve added new freshmen to boost the team." McJCay won the 200 lndMdual med·. ley ln 2:20.18 with Tu.mu& Ame right behind her at 2:22.83, while fnllhl'nee. Ashley Clwld.ler and Bilder took s.econ<l to the l 00 free and 500 free. 'reapeo- tfve?y. ' Voiding apob bJ&bly of Shue and Bil • der. •1 di<h\.'t ~ to be this hot right otf the bat,• VoJding said. "What Qll }'OU .. say about (Shue)? Her attitude 11 sn.-t and I can teD the la goq to be a .-C team penon; I loYe CB&lcler'al attitude. She ls apldt-orierited. • • Many of the IWlmmen jult com- pleted their water polo aeuon Sa~ • when CdM beat Villa Put for the OF,. Olvlalon 0 dtle. Uao l&ld that the timet wU1 go down when twlmmera pt ICdl- mated to the ltrObe of~ op- poeed to water polo. •'Jbe etrobl In water polo an a lot choW'er. • Uao Mid. "We )Utt ~ to lwttC:h the techniques.. On the boyt aide, F.d68on (DtVWOn o, I 'ranked No. J In ~ County rono.. Ina 1aM ltUOD, beat CdM, 130-40 . ........... ,. SP 0 R T ·S Friday, .Wch 7. 2003 At \ BOYS SWIMMING PREVIEW .. Sea ~ngs in for a . change • PHOTOS BY OON LEACH I DAILY Ptl 0 T Corona def Mar's Vrvian Liao anchors the 200yard medley relay. The Sea Kjngs swept to a winning time of 2:00.55 in the season opener. SWIM : " Con~nued from N3 CdM had two second-place finishes to go with four third- place marks in events Thursday. Senior Kevin Amendt took second in the 500 free (5:27.91). while the 400 free relay team of seniors James Strack. Artie Dorr. Ryan Moore and Spencer Harris touched the wall in 3:42.50. Strack took third in both the 50 and JOO free. 23.90 and 53.05. respectively. Junior Robert Fries raced to third in the JOO breast- stroke ( J: I 0.99) while the 200 free relay team of Harris, senior Ali Kanan. Strack and Moore fin. ished in J:40.84. "J could have done bener. but l'm not too disappointed,· said Strack after the 50 free. "(Wmner Scott Fleming) was fast.· Aeming won the 50 free in 22.61 and the 100 free (50.12). Three other Edison swimmers each won two individual events, giving fifth-year coach Cory Thgue promise. ·It's only our second meet of " the year so we are still trying to 6nd out where guys wiU be.· said Thgue. whose brother, Cody. took first tn the 200 free (1:49.42) and JOO backstroke (0:57.47) First-year CdM Coach Tim Salvino echoed Tugue's lhougbts. ·we are still trying to get the bugs worl:ed out, some guys aren't even racing their best events.· Salvino said. ·And Edi- son is really good.· During the meet. CdM girls congregated around senior teammate Daniela DIGiacomo, who did not race Thuriday. Di- OONLEACH/OAllYPtLOT Corona del Mar's Kim McKay rl>s through the water winning the 200yard mdividual medley 1n 2:20.18. Giacomo said she received a phone caU from a coach at UC Berkeley saying she bad been accepted. • ~ "It's where I've wanted to go for a long time,· DIGiacomo said. Nonlugueglm CdM 114, Ediaon 54 200 medley retay-l CdM (Bilder, T. Anae, K. McKay, V. Ltao), 21Xl.S5 200 free -1. Shue (C), 1 58.03; 2 J Anae (Cl, 2:09 43; 3. Thomas (El. 2:14.13. 200 IM -1 McKay (Cl. 2:20.18, 2. T Anae (Cl. 2:22.83; 3. Torres (~I. 2:29.67. 50 free -1. V Liao {C), 25.66; 2. Carlson (Cl. 26 29; 3. Morelli (El. 26.96. 100 fly-1. McKay (Cl. 1:04.72; 2 Yamamoto (E), 1:11.71; 3. Zudler (C). Jones (E), 1 51.18. 3 B1ll1ng1on (E). 1:12.37 2 01.48 100 free -t Ct\. Hewto (Cl, 57.95; 2 200 IM - 1 Etnyre IEI. 2:09 25, 2 Chandler (Cl. 58.34; 3. Morelli (El. Arnold !El. 2 15. 13; 3 Ryan !El. 59.32. -~16.76. ~ffee-1.S-.(C), 5:10.68; 2. '&oiree -1. Fleming (El. 22.61, 2 Bilder (C), 5."56.49; 3. N9wman (E), BuOnidt (El. 23.09; 3. Sired: CCI, 23.90 &:10.81. 100 fly-1 Bernard (El. S5 65 2 200 free relay-1. CdM (Ch. H~o. Amotd (E), 58.82; 3 Kmghl (El, Ca. !Wwt.o, u.o. J. Anae), 1 :46.07. 1:00.39. 100 bed!-1 Ch. Hewtto (Cl. 100 free-1 Aemmg IEI. 50 12; 2 1"06.27; 2. H•rtlnt (Cl. 1:07.86: 3 Budoidt (EJ. 50.97, 3 Stradl IC),~ 05 Amokt (fl, 1:08 19. 500 free -1 Etnyre IEI. 5 15.97. 2 100 breast -1. T. Anae (C), 1. 11.08; Amendt (Cl. 5 2791; 3 Ryan (El, 2 Jorgeneen (El. 1:17'9; 3 Torres (El, 5:28.21. 1·17.61. 200 free relay -1. Edison (Bernard. ~free relay-1 CdM (Mci<ay, Budmdl. Sama, Fleming), 1 .32.~ Shue, Liao, J. Anael, 3:48.09. 100 badt-1. Tague (El. 5747; 2 NontNgue boys Ediaon 1)0, CdM 40 200 medley relay -1. Edison (Jonn, Doennng, Tague, Fleming). 1.44.58. 200 free -1 Tague (El, 1·49.42; 2 Jones !El. 59 16; 3. Billington !El. 1:03.40. 100 breast-1. Bernard (El, 10527, 2 Duetiring !El. 1·08.93. 3 Fnes (Cl, 1:10.99. 400 free relay -1 Edison (Tague, Budnick. Jones. Bernard). 3 22 92 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PREVIEW Green and red and eager all o~er \ New coach hopes to spark turnaround for Estancia baseball. Barry Faulkner Dady Pilot COSTA MESA -Flrst·year Fs- tancia Hlgh baseball coach Jon Green didn't look Car for the in- ~don be hopes will tum around an Eagle program that bas not been to the OF Playoffs f{ncie 1994. · Green. a 24-year-old walk-on wfth th~ yean experience as a Wi'li.ty tant at Laguna Hills and Newport Harbor after play· ~ u a p~p at Dana Hills, aa.ld one need onJy look at the world Champion Anaheim Angels to arasp the 1a>pe of pc>MibWty for tmmedlate lln~ • Green even credits the Angels' RIJd <>ctobet wlth helping gener- . ate player turnout at f.Alnda. ~ juat 19 players comptfted me eodre ~ JUt tprtng. •Bueball la up ln tble ara." Mid Green, who bU a 14·&>1&F \rantty rotter and nciarly two ~ competing on the junior ~ "1'beR wef9 • ~ of kklt ~Anpl beta In September Mel thlt~ • FOO thJns ror ~ CoUnfy bMebiiJ.• Mlle' are ln need ~ ~ Foci to happen. Ciamlns' or. ~ 18 camdal&n . that lndUded a !M2 reconfln the .,.: pie CoMt ,,....,._ In ...... 1D GNla, whq hill 1riwn .... tam ~ 'lblD ...... ,.1111 .. ....... ...... .,to ...... ... ...... Oalllla ... League should help the Eagles' C.rom. a linebaclcer on the aspirations ror success. The Ea les football team. should do mos• of "We're going to be able &o the catching, said Green. who re- compete with everyone we play auited him to fill a void betund against." said Green, who was a the plate. "We bad no naturaJ part of back-to-back Sea View catchers. but I like Men's hard- 1..eague championshi(>.' at la· nosed approach and leadership guna Hills the last two year&. abilides." "Green'5 emphasis on funda· Youbg and Jauregui will play mentals, a talent pool that bas first base. wb1Je Hauser at short impl"l!SSed him thus far, as well aod junior P.ric Scbea.fer at sec- as his players' guns-ho attitude, Cullen Crom Jr. ond give the F.agles a veteran all fuel bis boundles.. optimism. Ryan GleUon So. double-play combination. "The players have been veiy ~Guillen Sr. Hughes is in the mix at third eager and receptive." he aald Jel9mY Hauur Jr. base, while junior.Jvan Paz could "The attitude and the wort ethic Tvter Hoffman Jr. aJ&o provide help in the infield. Is there. When I applied for tbls ~=: = So. In the outfield, junior Matt job. I beard a lot of neptive Joie Juaregul Sr. Ronquillo bas the nod In center, things abo'::_ thH ~-ool an~ .. ~ Mike Mc:Oan..._ t : wtpolith H!c~eo Gleasotim n thand lp-program uum U.101: coa....._. tven Pu J to TJ~'6 r e at e cor- grapevt.oe. But~ lftfltbe ~~ Matt RonquiUo J~: nen. but positM!s, uum --. to Eric~ Jr. McDanieJs can a.bo help out at the ~ to the admfniltra. Rylln Whan Sr. first and in the oudield. tiori." Br.d Young Jr. Gften akl the home run Will A deep pitching ltiJf wOI at-Coellft: Jon Green oot be a major part of his of. tempt to suppol't the f.acte' ft' I bs& Adefn Gf'W'I, fmse., bUt be beUewls the F.aglaa ~If hOpa, 11 Green llid ni.rie C.K. ~ can Kon! runs by hitting the btJI plaieri~ftahdnla~ ~and~qstriMou Brad ~ung. a junior trmlfer ~ strength ol our team £rom F0unWO y.aey who bu ii· whDe 18\k>I :J'bny lppolito and Ol'I the mound." Green said. "J ready lhowll olf hit am by junior Joee Jautegu1 are .ddl· thiot the ara we need to Im· · throwing IOr 910 yards .. the donal llDDI at Gn!en't ~ prvwe it O\D' appt'09Ch at the ~· ~ IMt fall. le Mam c-.n.. Joo'• ~~ to be more • among thole Qpeeted to COO• whO pllrywd eo0etW9'y 8l Pur· ~ lind cOnflden " trtbute on the bWnp. due. wll ~ ...i. the pkdlet. Senkln ~ GWllen and Mti McDanWle. & ftwbman CK. Cfter\ a bmer Banda ~Wu.oft wll be looUd ~ left·handif, jUniof 1)ter Hoft· itandout Who took °""' • ..-.. to idd depth.. man. the~ al inf'rid SU COldi wMn Ooul 0.11 re-~ whkb miwd out on ~ Plidres dGeer,......,, Hof· ~ .. dine ......... kl ... 1sriitittt .~ dUe mm Ind ronner mator .'-lue IPrb'li. .. beet .. .. ........... to • ~ conl6ct. °'*"' lnlelder GleN> Ho«rmn; aopbo-sQ. .......... didlkJN • be ... tWOlt lOdly ..... ~ mont Ryan Glusan end Junior IMdlt,,q.ng~ •~lndlelntraundollhe Nrilily ..._.. .,. d ~· "Wiiia our i*CWs, wt"le try• Newpon Bil ~ h IMbwtin. ... • •ript 11'11 .......a..,,_ -•3. Qalen ere.. a )UTnlGr. ·lad -IM • 4 ltl r , • Joa ., _. our ....,_ch IO be Gi91._..__:·-...... Glm ..... "'Wlt ............ .,......,. lj ........... ---ilf4!I ..... ~ 11Mr-...:· Olll·toooul.·Olilim..W. • Salvino wants to The Sea Kin s make the workouts interesting, while still maintaining a strong familiarity with his prized athletes. Bryce Alderton Darty Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -The thrill or competition. That's what Corona del Mar High boys swim coach Tun Salvi- no wanted when he was a senior at UC Irvine and finished out tus colleguite career with a year's stint with lhe swim team. Salvi· no, the CdM boys water polo coach, loves the thrill or compe- tition and WdJ1ts 10 spread simi· lar sentime.nt.!> to htS swimmers, ..ome of whom wiU compete for the final time ao; preps. "If you·re not enjoying lhe procesi., you're missing a lot of what it's au about .• said Salvino, who talces over for Todd Larsen. who r~1gned last summer after one seawn at lhe helm of the ~a King~ The last two CdM bo}"> coache-. have eacb lasted one year. so Salvino wants to bnng MJme stability to the pro- gram N. with many tea.rm., he inher- its a group Htteretl wtlh water polo playe~. that he hopes, make lhe traruiaon into swim season a smoolh one. ·Most have been around !.wtmming. but JUSt haven't com- rnllted 10 it year-round, Salvino <.aid. "So I don't have to l>tart from scra1ch." Sophomore Bryan Buhagiar and i.enior James Strack. bolh club swimmers, do swim year round, and are two of Sa.Jvino's potent weapons in lhe water. Strack is one of lhe faster free· <>tylers on the team, Salvino said. Seniors Ryan Moore. John Money, David DiRocco, Tyter Brundage. Kevin Amendt, Artie Dorr and junior Roben Fries, gJve CdM explosiveness in sev- eral strokes. according to Salvi· no. Moore will be solid as a mid- dle distance specialist with Di Rocco doing many freestyle sprints. Brundage bas the best backstroke on the team, Salvino said, and Amendt and Dorr will give CdM depth in the longer· distance races. Fries. Money and senior Spencer Hams all swim the bunerfty well Swimmers under Sa.Jvino's watchful eye shouldn't get too comfortable with any one stroke or technique. "I ~t to try as many differ- ent things as possible,· Salvino said. "It's a lot easier to deaJ with aU the demands if the workouts are enjoyable. Variety means ftm. I hope the kids try things they haven't done before." Qualifying as many swimmers Ja.,._ Strac:t Sr Bryan 8uhag1ar So. Ryan Moore Sr John Mml8V Sr David O.Rocoo Sr Tytet Brundage Sr Kevin Amend! Sr Artl8 Ootr Sr Robeft foes Jr Speooer ~ms Sr Bf1!tt Br-Sr Jason Di Rocco Sr Al• Katt.a Sr John Mann Sr Gntfin Gentry Jr Nadeem Halom Jr Travis Ht>rsh Jr Daniel Noehenke Jr Oanullh Rafl88h Jr Tyler Sdloenberg Jr Hunter Sheetz Jr Sco,i Street Jr ChandlM Anthony So James Bladcford So Christopher Crawfa<d So Chad Marctl So Gregory Meyer So Thomas Pearson So Spencer Plrdy So Walker Rus$611 So Beniamm Sanders So Gaston Sanford So Enc Cox Fr Pt11ll1p O.G1acomo Fr Sctlu)'W H11ms Fr Kyle Hersh Fr Justin Hupp Fr Matthew Jo<l8li Fr Tyler Kent Fr James KJ1rie Fr Thomas Money Fr Jacob Murphy Fr Adnan Ntehenke Fr Boan Powers Fr Scott Sanf01'd Fr Timotnv Sdloenberg Fr Enc Seagondollar Fr Marshall Tunon Fr. Co.cti Tim Salvmo as early a.!> po'>sible for the <..II· Division II prehminarie'i and 6 nals is the mam goal for Salvmo. in addition to the above men· tioned, the seruor class mclud~ Bren Brewer, Ja.!>On Di Rocco. Ah Kanan and John Mann Gnffin Gentry, Nadeem Habm. Travis Hersh. Daniel N1ehenke. Danush Rafieah, Tyler Schoenberg. Hunter Sheet7 and Scon Streer headline the Junior class Ill addl· tion to the aforementioned swunmers. The sophomore cla.!>S features Chandler Anthony. James Black- ford. Omstopher C.rawford. Chad March. Gregory ~ Thomas Pearson. Spencer Waller RusseU, Benjamin ers and Gaston Sanford. Salvino has 16 freshman to choose from that indude Eric Cox. Phillip DIGiacomo, Schuyler HarriS, Kyle Hersh. Justin Hupp. Manhew Jones. Tyler Kent. James ICline, Thomas Money. Ja· cob Murphy. Adrian Niehen.ke, Brian Powers, Scott Sanford. Tunothy Schoenberg, Enc Sea- gondoUar and Marshall Tutton. LAGUNA BFACH SOCCER CLUB 2003 -2004 SEASON TRYOUTS BOYS AND GIRLS 7 -15 at Moukon Muulow1 Co«hi111 tlmct«J"' ANDY AND MIKE THOMAS LA J1liw Codi el dM Y., aFche•r••• bl!OM• FA c-c+ies licH HI • a.b philoeoplay nu.k~---..... ,,.,..,.. ..__ ... ... nll ......... • QU (9'9) 415-0991 '* --iaM 161 .. ~ Alo ftldly, Mirth 1. 2003 1 Blake COntant •Jr. 2 Nidl Palchlkoff-Jr. 3NidcKarp6 Sr. 4 Jerrit Thayer Jr. 6 Danny Mari,..Rnn Jr. 6 Ryan Rhoda Sr. 7 Keith Long Sr. 8 Nidc Rhodes Sr. 9 Joth Bradbury Jr, 10 Grimn Ounzar Sr. 12.Cory Azzalrno Jr. , 13Ryan~ty Jr. 1S Todd Maddin Jr. 16 'fy1er Lents Jr. • 17 Perteet Ferguton Jr. 22 Tyler Lance So. 23 Barrett Sprowl Jr. 25 Brandon Kurtz Sr. 34 Beau Stodcstlll Sr. 44 Weu PJrson So. 47 Mike Manning Sr. eo.ch: John Emme Aalstants: Steve Foreman, Jon Piraino COM Continued from /18 Ryan Rhodes, are among those working to get opposing hitters out. Contant won 3 of 5 d eci- sions, while Stockstill split his four decisions last spring. Maddin, who started in center field last year (13 RBis), has picked' up considerable beat on his fastball and. at around 86 mph. has the best velocity of any CdM hurler. Emme said. ·Senior shorstop Keith Long. back for his fourth varsity sea- son, has made strides offensivety and defensively and is ready. Emme believes. for a breakout season. He had 15 RBis as a jun- ior, though he hit just .222. MKeith has shortened his swing and he's getting on top of the ball fll£ PtiOTO I DAILY PILOT Keith Long (left) and Nick Rhodes (right) congratulate Jeritt Thayer on a scoring play last year. now," Elmme said. "I anticipate some big offensive numbers from him. He'll probably join Karpe and Bradbury in the Nos. 3, 4 and 5 spots in the order. Emme said Long has also begun to receive some recruiting inter- est from schools including Long Beach State. Barren Sprowl, a junior up from the junior varsity, is dueling Cootant. a lefty, for time at first base. These cwo, aJong with Karpe, Bradbury. Presson, Long and Macklin, Emme believes, will help CdM improve upon its meager home run total or a year ago (seven, four of which were belted by then-senior Billy F.agle. who had commined to continue his career at UCLA. only lo see a tom elbow ligament prompt his retirement from the sport). Ryan Rhodes, juniors Nick Pal- chilcolf, Packer Ferguson and Danny Marin-Finn, as well as Presson, give Emme severaJ swift outfielders who can cover a lot of ground. Emme said Palchilcotf, a left· handed hitter with speed, might lead off and play left field. fyler Lents. a junior transfer from the Anny Navy Academy, could also contribute iJ1 the out- field if and when his is deemed eligjble after satisfying transfer requirements. He was the MVP of CdM's freshman team in 2001. Junior Jerrlt Thayer, who won the second base job last spring, will add sparlding defense up the middle, Emme said. "fyter Lance. a sophomore who has already earned a varsity let- ter in football. may get a chance to do the same this spring. But, if he remains gridlocked behind older players, he will spend the season gaining experience on the junior varsity. Seniors Brandon Kurtz and Mike Manning, as well as junior Cory Azzalino. add' further depth. Eaime, whose teams won league titles in 1999 (aJso the CIF Southern Section Division IV champions) and 2001, said his team could make a run for the PCL prize ttUs season. The Sea ICl:ngs. who won a three-way tie- breaker to "earn the league's third guaranteed playoff berth last season. have been to the playoffs the last five seasons. They lost in the first round 1.ast year. "Our goaJ is to win league and we think that's very realistic," Emme said. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PREVIEW Steady progress the goal Second-year Newport Harbor coach has promise of youth on his side. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Uke a major league team waiting Lo move into a brand spanking state-of-the-art ballpark. New- port Harbor High and second- year coach Joel Desguin ru:e sell- ing the future this spring. With five sophomores up from last year's solid freshman team and so many candidates for this yea.r's freshman team, Desguin and his lower-level staff cut eight aspirants, things may be improv- ing for a program that has not made the CJF Southern Section Playoffs the last 12 seasons. But with a returning cast that bit a collective .196 in 2002, with more strikeouts (73) than bits (51). And, with the prospect of competing in an even more rug- ged Sea View League. bolstered by the addition of Foothill, an immediate upswing is difficult to predict. Newport Harbor finished 4-20, 0-16 in league last year, but wasted little time beginning their preparation for 2003, Desguin said. "The first day after the season ended last year, we had guys,ln the weight room." said Desguln. who cites a notable lmprove- ment in strength u a tangible sign of tho program's progress. "We're definitely stronger and lt'a obvious when we hit the ball," he &aid. "We're hitdng one- and two-boppers instead of lazy thil!e-and four-hoppers and, in- at.-d of lazy Oy balla, we're dnv· Ing more bath Into the gap.· Delgu1n beJJeves offense Is the major point of concern. but a better crop of tlth!elea, whom, he aJd, are much more versatile than last year' tquad, lhould at leUt gtve him alternatives, iillould oertaln pJaycn struggle at • Che plate. "I haW !our or ftve guys who can p.y any or the lnfi Id posi· Hons and ftw or a1x 8llY!l who e11n ~y an)'wbero in, the out- 6eld, DelSWn aaJd. ·So (ftUtns OUt a linNp) going to come dOWn to who rwfn&int th bat; \llhJle mU1l'lg c:ontaa end ~ ~ t>Mt tn ptay. lbat kind al competition cmatoa wortr; tilh6c: wtih ewa ,one;• .~ • *> .. fom:astloJ the ~McUll. alDc al~· aJd Di ..... _.,'WM hlutumf co STM MCCRANK I DALY Pl.OT Ryan Rowe is being counted on as one of Newport Harbo(s stoppers as the season begins today. The Sailors 2 FW.Muller 3 Tayfor Young 4NidcSacco 5 Mike Mclean 8GregMiner 8 Patric* Keehan 9 Dave Ericbon 10 Ryan Torrey 11 Karo Maberjlan 14 Joe C.ntar$11a 15 Matt Erkbon 17 Ryan Heenan 22RyanRowe 27 J.n Sanchez 33 Denni• Heenan 44 Andre Pln..ett Sr. So. Sr. Jr. So. So. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. So. Sr. Sr. So. Fr. Jr. Coec:ta: Jo9I Oetgt.tln ANktant: Evan Chalmera Seniors Ryan Turrey and Ryan Rowe, junior Joe Cantarella, Heenan have the most experi-Heenan. Matt Ericlc.son, Keehan ence of the 16 players on the ros-and Young are additional pltch- Ler. ing prospecU. Heenan, who played second Sanchez and Cantarella are ex· base last spring, but could shift pected to handle catching to third or first this year, shared chores. while keehan could take the team lead with 18 hits last over second. freeing up Heenan sea.son. He also drove ln Cour to move to a comer. runs. He could land ln the lead-Young. whose basketball sea- off spot son was extended one week Turrey, whose 1-9 pitching re-when he was called up to the cord does not reflect the quality varsity from the junior vanity for inninp he oft'ered on the the playoffs. is a candidate at mound. Oesguln said, could, fust base. once again, anchor the staff. Senior NJck Sacco Is also ln the He'll play center fteld when he's mix. not pitching. Assistant coach evan Cllal· Junior Mike Mclean could He . men returns to ttdp Desguin time in the tnfieJd or outfidd. wfth the varsity, while Man while junior Andre Pinetett C · Bums. lib Ola1mcn a member pecttd to help the caute u IOOfl of Coach Jeff BMklcy'a vanity he ~rs .from a prained football ~ wW ft ad up the 1cnec IUft'ered ln butetball Doi-freshman propam. whh help guin d Plnceett could be out from uailt.ant and (ormer Sallor another two or three Weeks. bMebaU llandoul Joe Utban. senlor Dave CdcbOn, who ~· Bill Brown, ~ Jongdnie out thft football seuon with a rootbd coach. la alto belpfng back probkm. could provide of· out, while Arturo Belmonte and fen tvo punch and will likdy play DIDUan Cl!eotdo wdJ gutde the provtd many aptdfia without on tho lt'ft 1Jde of ~ tnftdd, junJor van.try. evah,u•tlllg h.li players uDdcr J")oe&uin l&Jd. The Sailon open their \llllAty game condidons. • nlor R.J. Mulk'r and Junjor eeaeon today. hotdnl Centutj In Jeff ~1*. ~ho aaw limittd Karo MdJlesjiaJl are newoomen the Int tourid ·Of the Newpoi1 Wi!lty time, Mau P.ric:bori, C'Jtt:I with potmt11.l. whfkt fCjln Rowe Elb 'lbumlmeftt.; at a p.m. ~ Miner, Patrick Kt:ehan and 'laylor la a Junior Who MW hll vUllfy then wQl loGt co ldd Ulllml ... ~ al ,..,....n1 lhe Ow o( .-.on Q.lt lhon IMt ,_,by In· IOiq wllh • s.ilunllY .,..... ~on..,_ y.r't l'Olf«. jury beeder ....... vllldris hdlc:a. , HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS PREVIEW ' Ready to cbnquer· . Lightnirig has plenty coming back from last year's squad. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORl' COAST -When poMlbility thinking. Sage Hill School boys tenni.9 coadl A.G. Longoda 5eef his P{08r81ll as a virtual paradise with prlvate- school amenities ln the hub of a tennis hotbed. "We had 50 ldds out for the ten- nis programs in boys and girls this year, and I told the athletic direc- tor and head master that a third of the school either plays varsity or junior va,Gity tennis," Longosia said. "It's a very small school This i,, only our third year (with a varsity team), but I'm very pleased with what we~ doing. lt's a great school I kwe it there and hope to be there a long time. It's a great place to go lf you're a tennis player. Newport Beach. and Orange County, is sort of the ten- nis capital of the world with every- thing going on (within the myriad dubs). Sage Hill couldn't be in a better place with great academics and the ability to draw from good tennis people. .. Longoria's girls team was ranked in lhe top five last fall in CIF Southern Section DiWiion V. finishing third in the Academy League and reaching the quarter- finals in the playoffs. Longoria is SOCCER cootinued from ~ Anthony Mllovantaev OrewRoMer Erik Burton Jimmy Baratta Faryar Borhanl Sean Saffari TyterRou Coec:h: A.G. Longoria hoping for the Msame type of growth" from this spring's boys team. - ~·re still very young," Longo- ria said. "but wdre getting a lot tennis players with tournament experience and players who take lessons and that's what you need Lobesu~.· Sage Hill, which opens the sea- son today against l.aguna Beach in a nonleague match. ended sec- ond in the Academy League last year to Fairmont Prep. then the Lightning I~ to top-seeded C.0- rona del Mac in the first round of the CIF Division IV Playoffs. The Lightning didn't lose any players to graduate. but a couple See UGH™ING, Pac• Al 1 Newport-Mesa supremacy. it cre- ated a strong foundation of confi- dence that dominating inferior league foes couJd not MOur girls were really fired up winner of the team "spazz" award for that CdM game,• Johnston -a Johnston brainchild meant to said ~ had beaten Aliso Niguel. reward the teams most bwnorous which was something we never player -adcnowledges tha1 ilid before. in its stadium. But It Johnston has made her prep soc-wasn't until we beat CdM that I cer experience memorable. really sensed a quiet confidence "My '"1shman year, we made from this team." the playoffs for the first time ever Several Mesa players have ac- and I thought. \'kw! This Is the knowledged the victory aver CdM best year of soccer there is ever as a watershed moment, that going to be!' " Denman said. "But. helped pave the way to their post- even when the seniors graduate season success. every year, some of the coolest Johnston. however, said their girls. the next year comes and it's four-~ run lo the final would even more fun." not have been pos.sible without Though Jdhnseon believes a the unwavering work ethic the winning record does not neces-team maintained throughout its sarily a succe$ful season make. commanding roll to the program's he admits the 57-20-20 windfall first league title. the last .four years has been spe-·0ur girls knew we weren't go- dal ing to lose in league.· Johnstoo "It was hard,• Johnston. who said. "So. after the CdM game. the took OYer nw years after his wife. challenge became to begin polish- Margy. aim~ single-handedly ing our game for OE At the begin- prodded the program into emt-ning of the year, our dream was to mce. so daughter Anne (Class of make the best run we could in the 1992) would not have to pJay on playoffs and however far that took the boys team, recalled last year of us, we'd be happy. But. a.s the sea- his first seasons. ·Every f)d in son wem on. that goaJ aystalized Costa Mesa who wanted to play more and more into us believing soccer. went to Fbtanda." we had as good a shot as anyone The last Pacific O>ast League to win the whole thing. I told the school and one of the last in girls they needed to keep working Orange C.Ounty to field a girls and improving. I knew we couldn't team (it's first season was 1990-afford to get lazy or sloppy, evet 91), Mesa failed to make the play-when we were winning easily in offs Its first nine seasons. But. with league. And the ldds took it to Day and Denman joining forces heart. It wm thoroughly fun to with then-junioc ~ Katie watch them go out every day in Roche. the defemive-minded practice and wolk hani. When the Mustangs earned an at-large berth jwlior varsity would go in. we~ be to the 2000 OF OMsion IV Play-out there for another 45 minutes." offs. Their first-round loss to e'\'ell-Said Denman. 'We goof off tual runner-up Bishop Montgom-sometimes in practice and we ery finalized their record al 8-4-8. have a lot of fun. But we know our The ne:xl )UC. the ~ priorities.. were second In the PO... retumed In addidon to its wodt ethic, to the Cl.F DtvWon IV Playolfs. but Johmton &aid he has thoroughly lost in the finlt round. 5-0, to Dia-enjbyed the chemistry thb team mond Ranch and finished 14-5-6. ha,, deYeloped. The 14 wins topped the prognun's ~a real team Is something pft!Vious single-season best by you strive for, but rarely achieve," four and Mesa outacored oppo-Johnston sak1. ·But thele pts• nenta a combined 58-22. personalities mesh better than Last year's Mesa team battled any team I've seen. They play to- C.orona del Mar for the .. PQ. .. ·gedler' better thin anybody we've crown. before Onishing second. had. They're obYiously talented. then posted the programs first but we may have bad more tal- postaeason win. a 3-l first-round ented teams. h1 t.cnns of teem DM.*>o IV trtwnph OYer Pacifica. woG. though. this group Ott to- A 2-1 loes to Lou!sviDe ~ gether lib hand and ~ For leaving the ~ with a re-me. tt has been very pleasant to ootd of 13-6-4. They out90Dred walCb. foes, 75-31. . "I think evaybody out tbse This aeuoo. which blcllO!d a bu contributed aomething to dlk DXM! Into the GokJer:l West leUOll,. Johnston added. '1t'a i.a.gue. began witb two eady redy cool the way It has WOlbd wins. before a 2-0 letb8ck to ~ out. What~ allo ne111 about It Is Beach Wlllon in the Ocean View that d the girts rec:qplir.ci ooe an· 'JbumUDent.; odw'a oonb1budon1.'0 The emutrc 4-1 wtn O't'et' Denman saiii the teem hll9 <Ante • Lutb«an UW=ed the out bJ9ether at up co two Ullm rumnt 22·pme uribeaten .reu. dlnoen a~ and that dom1ie9 wtUdi includes ~ tiea manlfl!ICI lllelf on the 8eld. aplnlt IMne. 2-2. Md ~ Bui~ ii al. nm -.ted In I· I. • • the~ fJOm which he bas The MulCar9 opened Golden COMtled ~ 8ID8 after rup· Weet ......, p9y Wkh ., 8-0 curtnlhii~.tendon •• pnic. ~ o1 OranF. lbe e.. o1 dcie. me ..., weet or~ .... chm 17 9b'#1l ~ hmdb. IOn pntdce. llJohillcoo; ~to Into SiftNIYa tin*. beside. or lllghdy behind ~ Wllh two ._.. wine Under ~ bench. Johmton orda- Chelr bell. • DOliltlliul cWi Wh --frequel1c • M>diidonl. bm.r PO. rMI c.dM. wt1'ch hid ma ~ DI· let lhlt ••Mlll•Un NIMpoft·Mllm -.d• and ac11ii!lb.., _. ~ eocx.' .... ·-loamed ......... n...lhla.wof • • ea........ .. .... ., ' 4• 111111 a-t.. DI!:,!!:# 2·1 ~ not I.ti bll ....,.... be -ID be CllilJ P*--•d the pniplll ID •~lhlJlmeofbi8• SPORTS friday, M~ 7, 2003 Al I COl.lEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL YOUTH ROLLER A~teaters fall to Glory HOCKEY Long Beach State senior scores career-high 30 points. LONG BEACH -The UC Irvine women's basketball team stayed wtth Long Beach State in the first hall. But the 49ers outscored the Anteaters1 54-271 ·in the seoond half, as Long Beacb senior Glory ;•Johnson scored a career-high 30 ' points to lead her team to a 97-65 vii;tory Thurs;day nigh" It is the most points allowed by the Anteaters this season and is also the largest margin of defeat this year. Long Beach State (131 -4, 10·6 in the Big West) secured third place in the Big West Conference. UCJ ended Its regular season at 16-ll, 9-7 in the Big West for fourth place. The Anteaters will faee Idaho, the fifth seed, kl the Big West Tournament, Wednes- day night at 8:30 at the Anaheim Convention C.enter. The 'F.aters were the seventh seed at last year's conference tournament Johnson recorded her confer- ence-leadlng 10th double-double of the season wtth IO rebounds. ua was led by fIMhman l.Jlu- ren Yadon's second career dou- ble-double with 15 points and a career-high 13 reboWlds. Kristen Green tallied 16 points and nine boards, while Olristlna Callaway added 14 points. The Anteaters, who a\rerage jll'lt 14.2 turnovers per game, had 20 turnovers 1n the game and shot just 21.2% (7 of 33) in the second half. Bl&Wett~ l.onQ a..c:ti St. 97, ua 86 UCI -Gabbe 3, Callaway 14, Yadon 15, Faulkner 7, Green 16, Biggins 0, Sturgeon 0, N!rguson 8, Usher 2 3 pt. goals -Green 2, Gabbo 1, Faulkner 1. Fouled out -none Tectmicals -none. Long Beech StArte -Johnson 30. Baker 13, Rush 2, Wilson 6, Oossc:halk 16, M&ck 6, Quan 7. Bull 15, Hagen 2 3-pt goals -Gossc:halk 2, Bull 2. Johnson 1, Baker 1, Quan 1 Fouled out -none. Tedlnicals -none Halftime - Long Beach St 43 38 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS PREVIEW Mustangs anxious Costa Mesa returns most of its players with optimism high entering Golden West League. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Whtie some on-campus peer pressure from the girls might ignite the Costa Mesa 1 ligh boys tennis team this <,prlng, don't expect any miracles from Coach Rill I larader's Mus tangs. "The coverage we got with the girls (in the fall) was really great They won the first league tennis championship in the school's 42· ,.ear ht.story.· said Harader. an assistant coach for the guts un- der Joe Havens. Harader, in his second year as the boys head coach, added: "I don't think we can match that. We're too young and inexperi enced. But down the road, who knows?" The pnmary reason for opL1· m1sm is centered around the fact that the Mustangs no longer play m the supremely compeuuve Pd· etfic Coast League with CJF Southern Section powerhou'ie'i Corona del Mar, Uniwrsity. I.a · guna Beach and Northwood. In the new Golden West League, the Mustangs wlU i.how . up to the matches knowing they "at least have got a chant.-e to wm." Harader said. "We had no .chance against Corona del Mar and wme of the likes. Those '5Chools are too much of a power· house· Costa Mesa won only two matches last year, both against Estancia in the PCL as the Mus- , tangs claimed fifth place ahead of their city rival. Further, the Mustanp didn't field a junior varsity team last year, which hurts the program, Harader sald, 4because players miss out on , wluable playing experience. Harader, a retired school teacher and member at Palisades "Tennis Oub in Newport Beach. itJd he •expects the kids to con- ' nnne to un prove. I'm really pu- 1Jionnte about tennis. I've been playing all my life. I've always • wanted to coach. I taught el- ,emenuuy school and I dJdn't think I could do that and coach.• • Wlth a team or three juniors ,.and the rest sophomores, Ha.rad- ... tr will point to sophomores Da- vid Lee and Brian Nguyen and • junJor newwmet Huy Pham to .. play ngles. The Mustanp play ,..Ocean View in the Goldm W t The Mustan2s David Lee So Bnan Nguyen So Huy Pham. Jr. Garrett Sneen So. Albert Nguyen Jr Andrew Nguyen So. Brenden McNulty So. Daniel Gomez So. CanhMei So. Francisco Vahena So Thai Vo So John Dang So Coec:tt: Bill Harader League lid-lifter March 11 "The guys are working real hard in the pre eason ... I larader said. "Wee the girls, our boy.. wdl be competing at a level m league which is more (competitively equal than the Pct.) . our guy.. were going up agamsl kids with J lot or experience, player\ who started when they were very young.· Costa Mesa lost pencer ~lo mon {now playing at Orange Coast C.OUegeJ. Cuong Nguyen and Billy Halverson to gradu· ation, but I larader beli~ves that Le and Brian Nguyen. both of whom played doubles last "lpring. can fill the team's top two singles spots this season. Pham is not a tournament player, but has taken lessons at Los Caballe- ros Sports \rtIJage. ·All three of my singles player., are very competitive. They're all on about the same level,-Harad- er said. Harader is still tinkering with doubles combinations, but ex· pect sophomore Garrett Sneen and junior Albert Nguyen to play No. 1 doubles Sophomores Andrew Nguyen. Brenden McNuJty, OanJel Gomez and Canh Mei couJd round out the Mustangs' second and third doubles teams, whUe sopho- mores Francisco Vahena. Thal Vo and John Dang will vie for play- lng time. Everyone except Phrun and Vahena are returning letter- men. -vtt've got all kinds of wpho- mores, • Harader said. •Most of thftll are coming back from last year. so they have one-~ ex- perience .. . we're building thJ year, but we're going to have a lot of tun.• Chase . goes for four. Corona del Mar bumps off Mission Viejo team, 5-3. Amtln Chase scored four un- answered goals to l,ead Corona del Mar to;t 5-3 victory over Mis· s1on Viejo at the Gretzky Center in Irvine in club roller hockey ac- tion. 0.ase assisted 10 Matt Benw- nud for CdM's firsr goal. Mission Viejo's Brandon Howard c;kated do~ lhe slot to put the puck mto the net to tie 11, I I Cluis Breecber and Mute Bol- ton earned assists on C.hdse·s last goal or lhe opening period. Goal- keeper Erle Mlrowltz stopped 24 of 27 shots, while Mission's Danny Darter turned away 20 of 25 shot'\. Alex Podruskl und Wayne Glad.man scored ~oah for Mis- sion. Newport clinche~ division championship Newport llarhor\ fro,h-so ph roller·hoclcey team secured a first-place title Sunday n1~h1 wtth a 7-3 victory over kdison. l:dison entered thl' game a haJf po int behmd Newport, bul the victo ry mcre.ise<, the the league lead to 2 point' w11h just one game left Newport wo n wi th a ..irong derense. led by leeper Jake Merozlan, who only allowed three goals.on l7 'll6ll'> Grant Casserly led the scoring with three goab and two assists followed by Rory Campbell and Otrls Willard (one goaJ and two a.,~ists each ) Kyle Prelffer and Jesus Sotelo each chipped m '>Ingle goaJc.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celetxatxig the Dalt Pilot's Athlete of the Weel< series TOOAY 25 -James Comfort Costa Mesa Swimming, '96. 97 SCHEDULE Buketba1I College men -Cal Baptist at Vanguard University, 7.30 p.m. Baseball College -UC lrvme at San Diego State, 6 p.m ; Keio, Japan at Vanguard, 2 p.m (exhibition). High school -Newport Elks Tournament, first round: Loa Amigos at Costa Mesa, 3 p.m.; Magnolia at Estancia, 3 p.m.; Randlo Alamitos at Corona del Mat, 3 p.m.; Century at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m. SWimming Community college men and women -Orange Coast at Fullerton, 2 p.m. High IChool boys and glr11 - Loant at Estancia, 3 p.m.; San Clemente at Newport H1rbor, 3 p.m.; Costa Mesa, Fullerton e1 Tustin, 3 p.m. 1hdl end field College men ind women - Vanguard University 1t NA.IA Indoor National Championships at East ~nnessee State. High school boys and girls - Newport Harbor e1 Santa Margel'ita, 2 p.m. ,..... High ad\ool boya-El T0ti> at eo.ta M..a. 3 p.m .; Santa Mtrgarlta at Sage Hiii, 3·16 p.m.; Ea11ncla It El Modena, 3 p.m. VolltWI Cofa.ge m.n -UCt.A vs. UC Irvine et Cmvford .._II, 7 p.m. High tdM>OI gh1t-CllVaty Chepel ~et El Modena, 3 pm • ........ High~ -ConnetlV It s.g. Hilt, 3:16 p.m.; Coront dtl Mar •t LI Oallnla. ~,16 p.m. DEEP SEA COLLEGES " Tough road ahead One game remains in the regular season and then it's on to the wild, wild Big West Tournament for the Anteaters. H ere's an example of the unpredictable na1we . -in the Big West Conference, and this shouJd serve as an example for the UC Irvine men's basketball team or any ocher Big WeM squad. Utah State had the table set for at least a second-straight share of the Big W~t regular-season title. TI1e Aggies STEVE VIRGEN were in a three-way ue with UCI and UC.. Santa Barham aftc.-r defcaung Ca l State Fullerton, 62 41. Feh. 20. Up next for Utah Slate. was a game at UC Hivers1de. Jnd then three home game<i to close out the season (Idaho, Cal State North.ridge and Univer.11y of 1he Pacific). The Aggie., choked llley lost to R1ver.,1dt• and then foUowed that up wi1h a lo"' 10 Idaho. Now, Utah State ic, dinging to the third place 1n tJw Big Wei.t. "We are 19·8. it \ not hkl· Wl' have fow win.,," Utah 'ila te < .oach Stew Momll !>aJd Monda\ Ill a pre~ confer<.•ntc "We .ire m third place. There arc '>l'Ven teams below U'>. \\care nor going to WU1 the league e\ t'r) year, and the .. ooncr peuplt· realize that the" \'wilt p robahl} be less disappo intt•d · And. so the rhc he makei. sense in the Htg \Vt•.,1 Jakl' 111w game at a time "It ~em'> hke a.JI~ time J tc.u11 has the table \el. that\ ~hen UCI locks up No. 2 seed 'Ille UC Irvine men's basketball team, whJch hosts Long Beat h Slate Saturday night at 7, will be the No. 2 seed in next week's Big West Tournament The 'Eaters realJud their sfed because UC Santa Barbara defeated Cal State hillcrton Thursday, to lock' up the tourney's No I i.eed. TI1e Gaut ho~ have also clinched at W L lea'it a .,hare of the Big We5t regular- sea.,on 111le If they lose Saturday, and lJU defeats l.ong Beach State, the l:.ate,... will become Big West co· champ11m\, marking the Lturd UCSB ua IJtah St Cat~ Idaho NortMdge 13 4 12 5 11 6 10 7 9 8 7 10 \traight '>('a<,on UCI has shared or won tht· conference regular-~ason title Pec1flc Millerton 7 10 1 to 5 11 4 13 UU will faLc the conference's No. 7 R1vera1de l>eed in the fir'>t round of the Big Wei.t Long Bc:h St lournam1·111. lllur'>day at 6 p.m. at rhe A11alt l·1111 < 011vcn1ion Center. The An1ea1n .. 1 I H H I l·S in the Big West) wiU most llkely face I lrnwr'>ll\ of 1ht> Pdetfic UCI defeated the Tigers. 66-62, al I'm 1h• f.11111.ir'\ ..! J and , 78· 73. m overtime. Feb. 22 at the Hn·n I \ 1 nh l.t·11tt·r th ey '>lllh 1lwtr 1111:', I)( I Loach Pat I lt111Kl•1'' .,,ml rt'l t•rttly. "l\11ylmdv 1 .111 lwat .rnybody." lJt.1h 'it.111· 'hould haw noth11w 11) worn .1l 111ut TI1e Rig \\'e<,t rt·g11J.1r '>t'cl'>Ull I'> hardJy rt1t•t111111glul 11, till' Htg W~t fo11rnamt·111 th.11 1111 .. ·ans the m1>'1 T lw H1g \\l·'I will have one n •prt'\l'tll.tll\t' 1r1 tlw \;L\A 1111111M1m·111 11111 lht: only team .1llm\l cJ to go 111 llw Dance wdl lw lht· t•H1rn.111w11t l hampt0n. • 1 lwrt· \\ 111 lw no gi mm1e \\Ill., IH'\I \\l't'l II 'Wl'lll'> ULI. tht· !\u .! 't·c·tl, will have the 10ugl11 'I r11.1cJ 10 1t·at h tht' H1g \\e,t l1111111o111w111 t h,11np10n '>h1 p ~·lllll', \\htt h I\ l\l.1rt h I 'i JI~ I' 111 1111 I \I'\. 1111 \ntl'atl'r~ \\tll nw,1 h~t·h ht·g111 wllh l'aul1c \\ h1ch 11111lc l H I to tht· \\lrt' in both llll't'l111i.;,, 1n1 l111hn~ an O\t'rllllll' J..: lllll' 1h,t1 thl' 'I c!tCP• \\tlf\ II l H I ~~t '' pa'>l 1lw [ 1gt'rs. ll 11111lcl \c·n 1.1.l'll 1111•1·1 up \.,,1th IJt.111 ..,I.ti• •• 111d tht \\l11ne r of thal 111.111 hup I' 11,u,111\ d ecided 1111 tht' l.1,1 ,11111or 111 the la'>t mmutt· Santa Barbara will have rullenon for starters and then, mo!it likely, an intriguing matchup with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The games get started Thur..day at noon at the Anaheim Convention Center. • Most observers say UO ~ruor MU:e Hood is t:he X-fall• or the difference-maker if you wlU, when it comes to UCl's utl• hope-.. I beg to differ. The play• who will make the difference fut the Anteaters is redshirt freshman point guard Jeff Gloger I le has been the differem:e. thus rar. Of the top three teams m tht. Bi~ \\est Conference, Gloger l'i the onl)' fr~hman point guard Mo'>t teams will choose to sag off C...loger and challenge htm 1 knock down the outside shot JU.St a.<, UC Santa Barbara did • Hood, who h as been lTVlnl! to overcome a d1'ilocated fulgN injury, and Jordan Harri.c; will play in thetr final home game Saturday agam<,t Long Beach late UC IRVINE MEN'S BASKETBALL EXTRAVAGANZA UCI vs. Long Beach State Saturday, March 8 at 7 p.m. 'Ille Bren lvallS Caller ua 11oep 1111rt1 ••••rM ~the ua ..._. c..-, ( ...... ) BEAT LA! #5 UCI Men's Volleyball vs.#7 UCLA Tonight at 7 p.m. crawford 111111 ~ ........... ,.., ua Men's Baseball vs. Tony Gwynn's Aztecs of San Diego State .. ,., ................ .. ..,,_ Clill ('49) ua •• ., ....................... ... •, ' • A12 fridlfv, ~ 1, 2003 Mdef sen Elementary'$ fifth: and sixthcrade girts, the Mustanl$ c0ft1)etina in Division 8 of the Newport Beach Recreation ~sue!~ to the chlmpionship and wil be continuing at the Regionals March 28 in Rancho• . Cucamonga. Front row, from Jett: Grace Haeri, EmilY Monis, Adinct Zepfel, Qutnn Kawata, Emily Spindler and Bridget ' Beauchamp. Back row, from left Coach Melissa Scharte, Elise Molnar, Margot Money, Faith Greiner, Kelsey Larson and Jenna Engstrom. SPQRTS BASKETBALLCHAM~ONS COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lions break through for 72-62 . win l ~tev• Vlraen 'Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A simple re- minder provided Vanguard Uni- versity with enough motivation to fight for a 72.62 victory over visiting Biola in the first round of the Golden State Athletic Conference Thursday night. Russ Davis, the coach of the Vanguard women's basketball team, told his squad to, "do the little things that make the dif- ference," and apparently the U- ons followed their coach's lead. Vanguard. trailing 54-49 with 6:29 left, went on a 11-0 run over the next 2:06 to grab con- trol of the game. Down the stretch, the Llons answered two. Blola baskets and then made 9 of 1 O free throws in the final minute to seal the deal When Vanguard trailed mid- way th.rough the second' half, Davis kept reminding his play- ers what got them their No. 1 seed in the tournament. •1 just said, 'remember why we're GSAC champs.' " said Da- vis, whose team bas the No. l seed in the tourney because of Its GSAC title. "We started to do the little things, the rebounding, passing and getting after loose balls. All of a sudden we came back. That's what you have to do in big games like these." The Llons will host a GSAC semifinal Saturday night at 7:30 at The Pit. against Westmont, the No. 4 seed. Davis said Biota provided the Uons (24-8) with, "a nice wake- up call." Vanguard, led by senior Rob- bin Dinenbir (15 points), built a 30·21 lead with just under three minutes left in the first half. But, Biola (18-11) closed out the half with a 8-1 run and trailed, 31- 29. Vanguard sophomore Jennifer Wtlcox took over in the second half, scoring 16 of her team- high 18 points, including 10 points in· the final seven min- utes. She nailed a three-pointer with 15:32 left to give Vanguard a 43-37 lead, which prompted a Biota timeout. · The F.agles. led by Sarah Baird (20 points) and Elizabeth Mat- thews (20), responded with a 10-0 run for a 47-43 lead and maintained their edge until Vanguard senior forward Debo- rah Candelaria started the U- ons' aforementioned 11 -0 scor- ing spurt with a three-point play with 6: 12 left. "Our chemistry is amazing,• Oittenbir said. "We've overcome a lot of adversity early in the season. That forced us to come together." GSAC Tournlf'(*ll Ant round Vanguard 72. Blole 82 Blola -'Luce 4, Baird 20. Klaeey 3, Matthews 20. Box 11. Pooley 2, Hill 2. 3-pt. goals -Baird 3, Matthews 3, Box 3. Fooled out -Klasey. Tedlnicals -none. ~ -Mills 9, Lee 6. Wilcox 18, Candelarbi 8, Oittenblr 15, Joeefaon 6, Seamen 6, McKinney 4. J.pt. goal1 -Mills 2, lee 2, Josefuon 2, Seeman 2, Dittenbir 1, Wilcox 1. Fouled out -none. Te<tinicals -none. . Halftlme -Vanguard, 31·29. Vanguard's Davis named GSAC Coach ofthe ,Year Dittenbir and Wilcox earn All-GSAC honors. COSTA MESA -Russ Da- vis, in his seventh season as head coach of the Vanguard University women's basket- ball team, was named the Golden State Alhletic Confer- ence Coach of the Year after guiding his squad to the championship this season. Senior guard Robbin Dinen- blr and sophomore Jennifer Wilcox were also honored by the conference by being named to the All-GSAC team. which carries 14 players. Dittenbir. a 5-foot-8 guard from Dinuba. earned her first All-GSAC award as the fow- year senior guard finished strong. The team captain led the Uons in rebounds with 8. 7 per game, was second on ' the team 1n scoring with 10.2 points per game, and also had a team-high 10 double- double games. Dittenblr had had a career year in nearly every stadsticaJ category and finished the regular season with 802 points and 717 re- bounds in her career as a Llon. She was in the running for GSAC Player of the Year and will be nominated as an NAlA All-American at the end of the season. Oittenblr was a freshman the last time the Lions won the GSAC championship in 2000. Wilcox has made a big im- pression in her season as a Lion. The sophomore trans- fer also gained her first All- GSAC laurel as the team's leading scorer with 11.2 points per game. and the second-leading rebounder with 7.0 per game. The 5-7 guard was second only to Dittenbir with six double- double games for the Uons. and scored 347 points while being the only player to start all 31 games this season. Davis, a former coach at Estancia High. was named the GSAC Coach of the Year for the second time in his ca- reer. The first came with Van- guard's first title in 1998 when the Uons went 12-0 during the regular confer- ence season. This season, the Uons, whom were picked to finish ninth in the GSAC coaches' preseason poll. ac- aunulated the most GSAC wins in the history of the conference with an 18-2 re- cord, surpassing the 17 wins set by Azwa Pacific In 2001 . HIGH SCHOOL HONORS Lightning trio All-Academy choices Fitzhugh, Joyce named first-team All-Academy League by coaches. Sophomore guard Matt Loper is a second· team selection. He averaged 3.8 points for the Ugbtning. St Margaret's senior Jeff Schaffer, who led St. Margaret's to an undefeated regular sea- son, is the league's MVP. laurels for the Ughtnlng, which lost a third- place playoff, then won a CIF Division JV-A playoff game, before falling in the second round to finish 14-8. • BOYS MSICETBAU.: Sage Hill School senior Michael Fitzhugh and junior Kevin Joyce. who helped lead the Ughtning to a third-pJace 6nish and Its first CIF Southern Section playoff berth in the program's two- aeuon var5ity history, have been named ftrst-team All-Academy League by the cir- cuit\ coaches. Sage Hill freshman guard Debbie Yoder- lee received honorable mention. Wright a first-team choice Veronica Wol, a senior from Whitney High. is the Most Valuable Player. Werblin, Gordon first-team Fltzhuab. a versatile 6-3 performer who played all five positions Cor Coach Steve Keith, averaged 22.3 points and 10.1 re- bounds to earn repeat all-league laurels. • GIRLS &UJCETBALL: Sage Hill School freshman Haywood Wright, who led the Llgbtnlng to a CIF Southern Section Divi- sion JV-A at-large playoff benh, tops three Sage girls basketball players named All- Academy League by coaches. Wright, a 6-foot-l forward who averaged a team-high 12.5 points, la a first-team honoree. • GIRLS SOCCmt Sage Hill School sophomores Amy Werblin and Laura Gor- don have been recognlud by Academy League coaches as first-team all-league performers in girls soccer. Junior Megan Cuny a.rid freshman Sara Becker represent the Ughtning on the sec· ond team. The coaches ael~ted Barbara Connalis, a junJor at the Oxford Academy, u the league's Moat Valuable Player. Joyce. a 6~3 junior, averaged 15.1 points and 4.7 rebounds and netted a team-high elhree-pointers to help the Ugbtning fip- 11-14. Senior guard Carrie <lark (8.8 points per game) and 6-2 sophomore center Katie Puisbys (10.5 ppg) earned second-team ~ral golf fans will be lnside endrded by akyboxes and a the ropes during the Sundsy Q'OWd, all get one ahot at cbamplonsbip rounds of the the bole. The first to make 1 lbshiba Claasic. and eome will boJe-ln-one wW wtn a new GOLF Continued from AB even be IWinglng clubs. CAdWac Eacalade. The lbsbiba Oasalc will host a If nobody wins the car, a $500 new Honorary ~r contett comolldon prize wW be In conjunction with two awarded to the golfer who 11 tpOOIOl'S. c:IOleSt to the pin. Wlnnen wm be allowed to Each p&nidp.nt will tee off walk lmlde' the ropes wtth a from a temporary tee eet up at ~pairing ol Ownpiont the 18ch fa1rwly ~te:ty 'lbW"playera. 180 Judi from tM hole (Dot the There will be twO wtnn.cn for oftlda1 18th 1111 tbat'I 510 yanl. ~di)' of c.bampionahlp play P1rf from the .,eeo>. l!ach (Mari:.h 21-23), a tow ot 111 pUtldpant recdYea two tkketa wlnnen. Each winner Cllll a1ao to SUAday't ftiW round. bring one guac Inside the ropes. "We esped dUI 10 t>. a ThoM. wmnen wm jotn ~ popular promodon: Puner tald. others In the C*tillac ~ never bid lam tnllde the Hole-In-One~ 00 thi Iopa,.. 18 ho&el, ~ llorM 18th hole" NrWport 8eilch aboodrlC ror thew Jleh pin CoUnuyOub ~ ... flnal . thatj\* Ch~ the ptOlt.. .. rouDd al p61r, 1be puddpanc-. Fat deail8 on lbt COilMlt or who wll be ...... ..., ddleta for .... "9nt CN9) ••• 660-1001 or log on to """™ 1bshlbaStml.otOa.sslc.com. ••• 1Wo JocaU>ros. Eric Woods ol Newpon Beach and Bryan Sa1naa of Coif.a Maaa. are playtng again on the c:anadJan Thur. Mer two ne.nte. Saltut la '2nd on the money Ult at $1,760, while Woods;. two-time Order or Ment cbampton on m. tour (1993 and '9'), came bOme without • psychett 1Mt Week. ••• -·---.--~·--.. -·----- .. o.JPlot , BRIEFS CdMnets 2~0 victory • TBNNIS: The Corona del ..,..._ -B,..unsdorf (El fff, Sotc. Mar ,u1nh ......_ Lennis team 8-4, fff. C.stlllo. u. def. Ell••· e-1; •""6"• ..,.,,. Bf9d•haw(EI loet4-e, won 1-1, lost swept ln alngles and each of its NI; Mumw (El lo.t s-e, .-.e. w . • doubles teams collected one win ~ -caaho-Nlev• (El def. · as the Sea lCingl defeated visitin8 v.fMQuez-~. M, <IM •• Beverly Hilla, 12-6 in nooleague lopez·lbarr1, e-1, loat to ...... _ ....... -A-. ' • Sala..COCO, 5-7; •• acuun a.uu.."!'"""1· • , • si.ph~ Thompeon IEI wone-3, Senior Gamm Snyder, sOpbo-e-2, 8-2; Raymond-Do (El won e-1, more Carsten Ball and sopbo-M, u . more Wesley Miller awept their sets tn singles play. The CdM No. 2 doubles team of sophomores Nick Gfngold and Alex Nguyen nearly defeated 8evedy Hilla No. 1 doubles team, but lost, 7-5. The. Sea Kings improved to 2-0, while dealing BeVerly Hills Cl·l) Its first loss of the young season. Nott .... Cctt.1 12, a.v.ty .... Singlea-Snydef ICdMI def. German, 6-1. def. Cha, 6-1, def. Br1en, 6-0; Ball (CdMI won, 6-1, 6-0, &-0; Miller (CdM) won, 6-4. 6-0, 6-0. DcMab1ae -We~berta (CdMI def. Houfman-Himelee, 6-4, lost to Burgman.Un, 3-6, IOlt to Eldlem11n-Ru1poll, 5-7; -Glngold-Nguyen (CdM) loet, 5-7. won, 7-6, loet, 1-6; Saide-Reitz ICdMI !oat. 1-6, won. 6-3, lost, 1-6. Pirates fall, 6-4 • MSB.MLL: Robby Hudson hit a one-out solo home run to score what proved to be the winning run ·ln a two-run ninth inning as visiting RJverside knocked off Orange Coast Col- lege. 6-4, .Thursday in Orange Empire Conference baseball. The host Pirates (8-8-1, 0-4 in the OEQ watched a four-run lead slip away when the Tigers (16-4, 2·2) scored three in the fifth and once in the sixth to tie it Ryan Mathes wielded the big stick for Coast, -going 3 for 4 with a three-run homer in the first inning and scored a run. Tyler Shaffer picked up an RBI with.a single ln the fourth in - ning. Kyle Blumenthal kept River- side in the hunt, going 3 for 5 with two doubles, a stolen base, two RBis and a run scored. 0rwt1e Empire Contwetice Rtvenlde I, OCC 4 ScOfW bv lnnlnal " Riverside ooo · b31 001 · -1 t 2 OCC 300 100 000 -' I 2 Chavez end Giordano; Allen, Mardy (91. -Fariae 191 end Hl<:U. W -Chavez, 4-2. L -Mardy, 1-2. 28 -Blumenthal IRCCI. 2. HR -Hudson (RCCI. Math .. IOCCI. Eagles sweep Lancers • VOILBYMU.: The Estancia High boys volleyball team earned Its second straight sweep of the young season, trollncing host Orange Lu· tberan, 15-3. 15-5, 15-3. Thurs- day. Josh Kornegay paced the win- ners (2-0) with six kills and six digs, while Kris Hartwell (four lcills) and freshman Dallas Kopp {three kills and two blocks) also stood out for the Eagles. F.stancia is off until March 19, when it opens its inaugural Golden West League campaign against visiting Westminster. Orange Lutheran fell to 1-1. Estancia tops Millikan GOLF: The Estancia HJgh boys golf team got the best of visitlng Ml1llkan In the second half or an 18-hole ootlleague match Thunday, to collect a combined 416-425 victory. · l!stancia senior Ryan Brown shot 3-over-par 39 to earn med- allst honora Thunday at Mesa Verde Country Oub. Jason CuaJdy (41), Jason Les (42), Gres Les (43), and Austin Serr (44) helped the Eagles Cl-0) post a 209-214 advantage over Thursday'• nine holes. Estancia hoat1 lta own tour- nament Monday, featuring 38 two-man teams representin.g 14 schoolt, at Mesa Verde CC. Eagles whip C.Cntwy • 1'8NNIS: Freahman Scott Bra\liudorf ~' at No. 1 ain- glo. and F.ltancta Hlah'a Noa. 2 and 3 doubi.t team a1ao won three ICU Thunday U the £agles 4...ef'eated bott Century. 12-6, In~ nonleque boy'I ten- nll match. Gl.rTett Stephenson and Shafte lbompeoo ~t at NO. 2 doublel for the ee O·l), Wbde °i!:o and DI· vkt 00 dto onty OM Mt in wtnnJ.. three aett at No. 3 doiabtel.. 8ltanda Is at El Mo· defta today for a oonleque llUdCh at 3: 15 p.m. 1111 q Newport earns first win • GOLF: The Newport Har- bor High boya golf team, led by Rhett Palmer and Garrett Whit- field, defeated Pahh Springs, 211 -221, at Big Canyon Country Cub on a par-36 course Thurs- day. Palmer and Whitfield shot five-over. while Palm Springs David Lelbennan set the pace with 39. David Motschenbacbez (42), David Pemstein (43). and Brandon Sowers (44) also con- tiibuted to Newport's first vic- tory of the season. Mustangs drop opener • TENNIS: The Costa Mesa High boys tennis team opened Its season Thursday, but lost to host El Toro, 16-Z. in a non- league match. David Le and Brian Nguyen won singles, mat~hes for Costa Mesa. which travels to Ocean View Tuesday. Nonleape El TOfO 11, Com Mesa 2 Sing ... -Le (CMI loet to Brown. HI. lost to Curro, 2-6, def. Shoemaker, NI 151; B. Nguyen ICM) lost 1-6, 1-6. • def. Culp, 1-2; Pham (CM) lost HI, 3-6, 1-tl. Double9-SnMn-Gomez (CMI loet to King-Paul, G-6, lost to Kelle,.Nordti.rg, G-6, lost to Capiblnncu· Tran. G-6; Al. Nguven-McNulty ICMI loet G-6, 1-6, 3-6; Dang-An. Nguyen ICM) lo1t 1-6, 3-6. 1-6. UCl falls, twice • WATER POW: Host San Diego State swept to 12-4 vic- tory over UC Irvine Thursday in nonconference women's water polo play. Meghan O'Donnell scored twice in the founb quar- ter to pace the Anteaters. In the evening. the Anteaters lost again as UC San Diego pre- vailed, 8-4. O'Donnell had three goals for UCI (9-9). OCC women win, 7-2 • TENNIS: Orange Coast was a 7-2 winner at Fullerton In Orange Empie Conference women's tennis Thursday, Im- proving to 5-0, 4-0 in the OEC. Onna• Empire Conf• enc• occ 7, Fullerton 2 Sfnt ... -Savin (Fl def. Becker, 6-3, 6-4; Nelson (OCCI "ef. Borieova, 8-1. 6-1; Mantegra (Fl def. Tanamal, 7-5. 4-6, 6-1; Seuum (OCC) def. lee, 6-1, 6-0. Moriyama (OCCI def. Guerreero, 8-1, 6-2; W'emlti IOCC I def. Tuckef, 6-3, 6-1 DoubM -hcter-Tana mat (OCCI def. Savin-Borieova by default. Neleon.-Seuum IOCC) def. Mantegna-Lee. &-0; Moriyam1t-Wen11tl (OCCI def. Guerrero-McDonald, 6-1, 6-1. Sage Hill falls, 12-6 • TENNIS: Laguna Hills HJgh was a 12..S winner at Sage Hill School Thursday in nooleagut boys tennis, the Lightning's sec- ond lo In as many starts against heavy duty comped· don. Laguna Hills improves \0 2-1. Sage Hill hosta Santa Marga· rita today at 3. NcNlllll»t &Aguna Hiits 12. Sage Hit f ..--Burton (SHI lost to. Sul, 5-7; def. W.1•, 8-0; lo.I to Laraen, U: Chin (SH) k*. s-e. 1-e, won, 8-3: AoeMr (SHI !Ott.'-'· 1_., 8-7. ~ -Mltovam.....Sok>dlco (SHI dof. Ainsworth~. 8-3; lo« to Panaoon-Tabl,... 5-7; def. Klm-Tabtnot0, •2; Uvlngeto~ran (SH) Iott. 4-e, 1-4S, won, e-1: a..kln-Moncaub (SH} 1o.i. 2-e. o.e. s-e. Pirates lose, 5-4 • Ml!N'S TllNNl · Orange Coat College dropped a S-f Oranp Empire Con.femlct m~'• tennla dldaton at FUiier· ton ThW'lday, falllng Lo 4· l. 3 · l In theOEC. J, • , .' \ DllJ Piiot l.1111..... .. ---............. ........ ............. .-cm•• ..._..._ RAI•• I• ._S.... ....... ......... Ti.t ~-&Olis WI "°"" liMISillft• ta. A.) M 6 It W1iul!N1 •• Soll VlolM 9'I09. Ille., I ) WMwer Vloiln IMll. Inc.. C.) w.ls· •'*' Vlolln $t;loc>, 1763 Ot1n11 Au.. Co•t• MIM CA92'17. M t It Wf!Ululw •11<1 '°" veo11n. SM9, "". (CA), 11&3 Or~ Av1 .. C..t• Mina. CA 92617 Tlli9 IKaslnns is con duct.cl by· I COfpofabon Hev. YOll •tart.eel clolft& b"sifMu J•t1 Yes, June lt~ M & R We uhaar and Son ViOlin Shop, Inc. Mitl• Weluhaat, PrHl- d111t This, 1t1te1111nt wu flied with Iha Count)' C~ of Or•111e Co1.1nt)' on O 1/3\/Q.3 ......... ,. Dllity P'itot feb 6, 13, 20, 27. 2003 am1nded publocalion Match 7, 2003 F202 IS( 12111 ll011CI Of PmlDI TO AlllZIMlSTAJIOf: MISSAIAYUKBl WI IO. AJl7741 To an helfS, benele· cl•rou, creditor&. con· tirtaent creditors, and penons who may oth· el"Wou be llllernted 1n the will °' estate. or both, of ALISSA MAYA BECEll A PETITION FOR PRO BATE has been' hied by WllllAM BECELL on the Sllperoc>f Co1.1r t o I Ca h ftwnla, County of OR ANGE THE PETITION F"OR PROBATE. requests th•I WILL IAM BECELL be 1P901nltd· u personal ttpreaenlat1ve lo ad m1r11ster the estate of th•*•dent THC PETITION request\ the decedent's Woll and codicils. 1f any be adm1tled to prob1te The W111 and 1ny codocols ate 1vat11ble fCN uam1na· hon 1n the lole hept by Ille COUfl THE P£TITION requnu eulhotlty lo adm1n1ster the Kl1te undet the IMlependent Adm1n1s tretron of Estates Act (Thts Authority will allow the personal represen· tahve to lake many action\ without obla11n 1n11 cour I •pprov11 Before tak1n1 certain VU)' important action\. however. the person•I re9f-nlallve w1H be requwC!d to rive notice lo interested persons unleu t,,.y have warved nolK• or consented to the pt opowd achon > The independent ~d m1n1str•lton autho11ty will be ennted unlen an 1nteru lt>d person filM •n ob,ect1on to the petition and \hows cood ceuse why the court sho1.1ld nol 11r ant the •ulh0f1t1 A HE ARING on the petition wlll be held on MARCH 17. 2003 at I .lO p m 1n Dept l 73 looted at J.41 The Coty Orove South, O.anee CA 92868 If" YOO OBJ£CT to the 111"•111111& oi the pelthon. )'Ol.I sl>ol.lld ajl9ear al llM hea11ne ind stale rour ot>iecllons or hie w111ten ObjCICllOn~ with the court before the h1111111c Your •ppear •nee may be on person o r br rour altotney If YOU ARE A CREt>I f DR or contonaent uedrl0< of the deceased, you must tole your claim With tlM court and ma~ • copy tu the personal f9'1Jtwnl.ahve appointed lly tit• court w1th1n fovr months ITom the dale of the flfsl IHlll~I! Of letteu H provided 1n Probate Code section 9100 The tune lor fltlnll cl•lms wlll not eaplfe bef0<• IOI.II months from the hHr ina date noticed above YOU MAY E AAMIHC the hie kepi by the tourl II yOll are a person 111 tetnled in llM utate. you may ftle with the court 1 Request for St>eci.I Notice (f«m 0£ IS4) of the h11ne of an 1nventCNy and app1a1sat of estate assets or of any pel1hon 0< account as pr ovtded 1n Probate Codi HCloon 1250 A Request for Spec11I Nolke form k av11lable from th• court <letk Anw-y fer Pfltt'-1 ...... J. GOllOt, Owl·-··--.... ,_..Gae« W.tl & sa..,.r.. ! u 1 .... .. ... S'-'. S... 1 IOO, .............. <Af0067 l"ulltrslled Newport 8Hch Costa Mesa Daily l't*ot M111ch 3. 7. 10, 2003 "646 •• 1111Kl COllY Of 111Sl<D9tmM mm •nuun Of ... , ..... a.TY Of llZlllCI WAYH£ L NEACl and P(NHY l •N[AC(, 111••· blltld end wife, ,,_.~, v. TRIP'Oflfl CAPffM. COA~TIOH. • '°'"* C•llfOl't'41 corpcwatoo11, ROSSlAllC fUflllDINO, Ifft., • lo"n• Htnft COf,IUtlOll, llld Ill OIMr pelt.on\ OI plltl.tes 11~now.,, dallnint enr r..,tit, lit", astate, lien or i,,t•rt•t In tfl• fotWwln& , ... properl)' toe.ltd In Ht1 P•c• Covntr. ldef!O The fllloltfl • f11I of lot u . Sieck U , l(WlSfON ()«CHARD$ TAACT NO 7, ac"ut1n1 •• tlle ff(Of-4 ,. •• IMfeof, rec•• 91 fiMl '"" C.u11tr, ldaflo, .,11111re111t11ls ••In& ft-. .... CM\erllne of .... , ... t .,, .. ,, '"' alllyt.,~b c.. ... cvu.eelM ....... 10 1""°'"' CN'CTAl C~f10llt.••­C.ttf•nla Hfl'ffaliOll, IMaleltllWfNll'WMfllf .. ., .... vn••11wn. ~......_...,,...,. ...... , ................... "' ....... ,,,..,.,,., .......... -.c.. 'i'..c. ,_ MVI -"--L ___ ,_, ~--.. :: ...,..,<o.T. .,_,..MZIUKI COWTY, ~1 CASI llO.~ ... Tiit nature of th• cl1l111 •&•Inst JOI.I It to quiet tlU. to cattaln rnl ~Oj)ef"ty known H 3722 11th str.,t, In the City ot l1wi1ton, Nez Pttce County, ldllto 1110 more partlcul11tr ducrllled above MJ ll-lf\tf 20 h)'I follow na the last !Klb llCJltlOll of this Wiii• ll'OllJ, lfll COl.ltt may entw e Jlidlment IPlMt yen., without further notrce. 1.1nJess poot to lh1t tome you h1v1 filed • written rnponM 111 the P'DI* fCM'm, lnclud1n1 the Case No .. and p111d any requlfed flhna fee to tloe CS.rlt of tlte Court at lhe Nez Peru County Co111tho1.1se, P O. 801 896. lewiston, ld•ho 83501. and ..,v• •cop)' of your responw on Pla>ntlfh' ettCNne)' David E Dokken, CreHon. Moore & Oollken. PllC. 12 19 Idaho Street, Lewiston, ld1ho ~l Phone (208) 7'3 1516 A COflJ of the Com- pl11nt to Quiet ltlle •nd Sommons can be ob telned by cont1ct1n11 either the clerk ol the Court or the 1tlorn1y for Pl~1nhffs. II you wish lea•I essistance. you s hould 1mmedtalely rel••n 1n alto• ney to advise you on 11115 malttr DAllD Thlt Std 4.-, .t ,._.,, 200S. CUU Of THI DtSTtKT couar ''' naau Hll.DUTH, o......,a..11 P·ubftshed Newpor I Beach Cost• Mesa Dail)' Piiot f"ebfuary 14, 21. 28, March 7, 2003 Fl44 Public hu11n11s will be held by lht Cosla Mesa Planning Comm1ss1011 •I cr11 H111, 11 f"aot 011ve, Costa Mesa, Cellfornra. al 6 lO p m . or n won n Pon!Ole lhtf Hfter on M-dioy, Mordt 2•, 200J, re11rdma lhe follow1n1 apploealrons I Pl1nn1nc Apphcation PA 03 06 for leon11d Boemeytt. auth0<11ed il&enl fo1 Rod Robb1ni, lor • vsr11nce to illlow a 11tr aae ea ltMion lo encrouh onto the re qu11 -.d front selbtcll (20' requ11ed. 16' proposed) '" con1unct1on with a m1no1 des11n rflvoew lo •llow 1 second ~tor y .1dd1hon to 1 \m&~ l•mtly festdenu, located at 1968 Korn•I Ortve 1n an RI 1one Cnv11on mental delermon•hon uen>pt 2 Ouian Review PA 02 56/ Tentalove fta'I M•P r 16A76 10< Nock Z•mwakelbv'PllA lrusl, for 9 new. two slot)', s1111le lam1ty homes '" con1unctlon wtlh a tract m•p tu create 9 lots with one common lot for a •md lot. 'male l•m•ly common interest devel 091Denl. located 111 2553 Santa Ana Avenl.18 1n an R1 MO 1~ (n¥iron menl•I delermonahon eurnpl 3 lent•llve Tract Mep 1 16479 for J P Kepp aulho111td acent 101 Bretl Sh1vH. lo subd1 vtde property onto 9 lots, with one common lot to &ccommod1te a prevt ously approved 9 unit, sm1ll lot, slnele famtly, common interest devel opmenl. located at 2!>71 ind 257S Senta Ana Avenl.18 1n en R2·MD 1one Cnv1ronmenlll deterrn1nalt0n £ aempt • Vestmc Tent1trv• Tract Map Vl 16382 for One £ 1d111Rultet Oe velopmenl authorued •cent for Kennedy/ Rutter Oevelopmenl, to subdtvkM property onto seven numberf'd loh and three lettered loh to •ccommod1te • pro pMed 161 unll rtllSlden lt•I condom1n1um de nlopmenl •I 1901 Newpo1t Boulevlfd 1n • POC tone Envwonment1I detttm1n1tt011 f 11111 EIR flllo 1050 II any of the pteced<ne actions .,, chakn&ed 11'1 c011rt Ille ch1llenae may be hm•led to only those 1SS1.1ti SOJIMOM ,..Ml at the publ°' hear 1n1 desc11bed on this nolic• or on written con• spondenct delivered lo the Plannm1 Comm1nlon at, or prior to, th• Pl.lblic 11..,1n1. fOf further inform• lion on the ebove •ppllcallons. lelepflone (714) 7S4 52~. °' vislt the olfou of the Pl111 "'"I 01v1"°"• Room 200, 77 f •• Orrve Costa Mesa. C•hfotnta Pubhshed Newper I Beach Cost• Mesa Daily Prlot Mttch 7, 2003 fl9l PmKIOlla ....... ..., ... ,.......,... ... ii ICheduW ... rn-bt ttt. PlenniAt 0..WtlMnt of UM Cll)' of "9trport lucfl • w ..._,....,,_. 11, 2ee1. Wrltte11 commtnta of ln~t releted to lfll Pf'O t 1flqu:l4 Ille sua1111tt1 to lite l'laMlfte O.,•tm.nt lly Moed•11 -· 11, 1MJ, kl order to bl couldeted In tM Plt11- nl111 OWICtoft dtclJlon ft lfle>fOVed at tl\I lime of rnlllw, tlM ._.... perk>cf of 1' qy. will bell" frOlll thtlt det1. durlnc whlch tHne en1 inlwated pwl)' or tltelr eulhorl:iad •rent •1· crleved of that dldalon may flit a notice of eppeal to the f'tann1n1 Commission with • flrn1 '" of 1875.00 to defray the cost of tile. •PP"I prOC*ll.l(e. The appltGal.lon and dnelopment pl1ns of 1111 Pf"oposed proiect we nellable for public review a11d Inspection 11 the Plannl11e Depart ment. City of l'ffwport Buch. 3300 Newpotl Bouleward, Newport Beach, CalrlCNnMI, 92659 1768 F 01 furthef Infor- m• lion contac t the Newp<>f"I Beach Pl1nnln1 =•ment at (949) 644 NOTf, The npense of this notice 11 p1k! fr om a fllhna fee collecl•d from the appltunt Published Newport Beach·Costa Mfsa Dally Pilot March 7. 2003 f 189 The Costa MeM Zontna Adm1n1Slrator woll rendet a deast0n on "'"'"4ey, Mot'dt 20," 200J, 01 as soon IS posstbi. tiler e 1fter. on the followm1 items: I Mtnor Oes11n Review ZA·03·06 for Michael and Oe111se McKay, tor • second story •dd11ton lo a slnale·famtly res• dence, localed al 246 Flower Street 1n •n RI 1one En•11onmenl•I determination eaempt 2 Mmor Cond11tonal Use Permot I.A OJ 08 tor Shaheen Sade&hi. to •1low a v.rtely of outdo« special evenb 1n the ·LIYln& Room· ol The lab, touted al 2930 Bnstol Street 1n a C2 1one [nvoronmenl•I determ1nal1on u.ernpt 3 Minor ~Sl&n Review ZA·03 09 lot za,hary Sham, •ulhorozed aaenl lor Mike and Peaay Johnson, to construct • new two \tory sonal• family res.dence. local•d at ?88 Vuern•• Place on •n RI lone E nv11on mental dele1 m1n•l1on e•emc>t 4 Minot ~s11n Review lA 03 10 for Daniel Conzalez, aut'1or oad 11ent 10< Robut ind Kr rs tine Ser•en IOI • ucond·story addolton to • 11111ale·famlly re\ldence louted at 3091 Mu11ay lane 1n an RI tone Cnvwonment1I delum1 natl<in exempt 5 Minor Condolronal Use Per m•t l.A 03 II lor SheHy l@Onlfd aulho rued acenl for Boll Keele< to •llow wrv1nc of akoholrc be•.., •aes •tier II p m (I 30 • m requested) lo re-est11>- lrth a bar (fCNmetlr Irma's) and to lkv••I• from shued park1n1 requ11ements due lo off set hours of ~ra hon, located at 820 W 19th Street on a Cl tone lnvtronmenlal delerm1 nation e .. mpt If enr of the p<eced1nc acltons are challenpd in coutt. the ch.Jlenae m1y be hmrted to only those IUl.l8S 1n wrttlen COffj! 'pon~nce deltv.red lo 1114 Zon1n1 Admw11stral0< pr10t to. the above dale for further lnlormalton on the 1bove appllCa hons. telephone ( 714) 754·5245. or VIMt the offrce of the Plennmc Orvmon. Room 200. 71 f llf Drive Costa Mne, Cahlorn1a Published Newport Beach Costa Mna Daily Piiot March 7, 2003 fl 90 ... amTOf cu--. aunYOfOIAll5l OIAl&ICMTY__,. com, PDATI courr Of11Aml$. u1 man D1V1. POST Off1CI IOX 14171,0IMCtCAtt61S. 157', PmTlll Of .... FCllC.-Of- .. TOSIOWCAISIFOI OIAl&IOf- Wl ... A217MO TO All INTERCSTED PE.RSONS l Petlttoner OMIO B AMIRI filed • ~tltiOn with thh court f()( • deer•• ch•nclni Mm•a as follows; OMIO 8 ,A200MS1) ' AMIRI to KAMAAN OMIO AMIRI Nolle• " hlfllty ··-tll•t 111 appl1c•lk>11 ll•t llHn 11.1bmltted by ~lr ..... 11(, to ut~lt • f• t-1904. Hlln& 1nd drln.i"I ftcillt, wottlln ._, lllllft ComrMrclel Sll°'plna c.ntw. fhl ,_ ._ piftl tllltlt It cwrefltl., uncler tOfl,truttion et tN corner of MacArtlMK lo11ltvatd ud 91aon AVlllW ""-Cll.l•lt plfll· 1111 for the r~t111r1nt Is ~anrMd Thi .. "t•btltll ment wllt occupr 4.111 sciu•rt IHI o f the 10,fQ4 ..... ,. feet. pnvoolllly e110lor!Ult by UP2001•020 kM tut t90d rftllllf anl "" n.. f.cllit-...., ..... tK•"'* .,. ••tdolf d#llllc ... or 714 • •411uare fNt ~'--•tale • ..,wk, it RM"'•· ,..... et dlit time 1lw ,,,.,.,ts: =--"' tfMN ,,_, ... ,_,,. c .. ,_ "-4 (I I lal!t) OidlCl ,,....,., ....... .. , ............. . IMI "•"t llft ..... ,......... ........ ....................... ~="= =-== .. .. Clllfif• [fM. fl MAW Qlillltf "" ... Clrilll ' (I• ... , ...... , ............ , 2 ™£ COURT ~RS that all PlfllOll' illter Mt.cf Ill ,,. -tt• afld e9PRf bltOf • tllit tOllrt •• tbl hutllll lndlcatH below to af\Ow c•l.IM If 911)'. wfl)' tlle petillon fat m...,. of -l.houtd not blr•nted. "OTIC Of H£AlllNC Octte 4·1 03 T1m1: 2 PM Oep\. 173 The •ddt"na •f Ille COi.if I Is •-as noted ebove. J A COlt1 Of thla Or.- to snow c•u•• lflaN ti. p1tl>ll1he4 It feHt 011<.t .. ell wttll. tor f1111 \:IKUaJvl ...... Pflllf to Ille O.te Mt few "'*'• ... h petition '" the folio .... I'll .. '""' tf "'*., clrcu· l•tlOll. pflntM In this u 1111t• C••1a Mu• o.lfy,, t Nftl l/U/9t ' , .......... o. ~'=b°' 1'11llt1all14 N• •g•r t '-"" Coate ..... all.1 Piiot F.-, .. .,, 11, 21, •di 7, I•, 100.) ,. .. yow stuff ~ clnSifitd! • •cm1t•-........... lf. .......... c.•w• ...... .-OUca it '*~ 1!1f•n to tllt trlditonl and ~tlllpnt CfedttofS Of the lbov .. nalNd Mee· dent that 111 per-harinL=' ,..1n,t tlM t ate , •• ~ed ~o hie tfle4n with the $1.1Plfl0t Couft. at 341 The Cit)' Orlve, Prob•l• ()jvlslon, City of Ounce. C.hfornl• 92668. and mail a copy to !<it'll MctntHh. Esq. Lew Offlu of Kirk Mcintosh, Attorney for .lllMES 0, CRITES. Trustff of the JAMES LESLI£ HAY0£N OE ct.NIAT!Off Of' TltUST dated Hovembef" 4. 19117. wtl#eln l,he cle<;9dent WIS I S.ttlot, et 628 W 19th St, Cost.a MHa. CA 92627. w1th1n the later of IOI.It months 1fter (the date of the Int publlcat'on of noltc.e to creditors) or. of notice Is mailed or perwnally dehvertd to you, 30 deys after the d1te lhos notice is m11led or personally delivered lo you A claim form may be obl•tned fr om the court clerk f" °' your protect1on, you are encouraeed to hie your cl11m by certified mail with return receipt reque~led /S/ IUrii Mclntesli, l~ .• lAW omcu OF k.. Md lfTOSH, 621 W. l•ttl St., Cesto Me .. ,CA.2627 Pubhshed Newport Beach Costa Mesa Dally Pilot M11ch 3, 5. 7, 2003 M65l aTYOf llWPOIT IUOt IOOO IMTll& leS SNled bids may be received 11 the offKe of the Coty Clerk 3300 Newpor I Boulevard, Newport B~Hh CA 92663 unhl 11 00 AM on Ille 10th day di April 2003 at whoeh time such bids shall be opened •nd read f0t · JAMIOlH llOAD I I · HAlklTATION P'lOJIO flOM llSON AV1NUI TO UNtvllSITY DllfVI, SJPl-SlSt-017 c-~llC'f Ne. JS2S EA,1--'• , ... -.. S•l0,000 ""' ..... ..., /S/St ...... G • ...._, P'oiWl<W•bDk- OBl Goal for this P<O .. cl 1s 8 83 percent Prospeclt¥e bidders may obllm one set ol bid documents al a co~I of $60 00 at the office of lht Pubhc Worhs Department, 3300 New port Boulevard, N~wp0<I Be!&Cb CA 92663 Contractor License Ctan1ficat1on( •) re quortd f0t thi. prniect "A" f Of IU<ther 1nl0t ma loon. call fone he. Pro1ect Man•ce• 11 (949) 6oU 3340 Pubhshtd Ne wp ort Beach Co\la M<tsa 011ly Pilot March 7 .2003 Fl88 .......... ... s....... !he follow1n1 pe,,ons are dome bu,inus as Vil.LA ANCONA. 1001 Hortfl flower Street, Sant• Ana. CA 92703 1376 COGIM Hd 1 Cahlor n11 l1m1ted P11tnersh1p 1609 NOflh Bush Str-.1 '6. Sanl• Ana CA 92701 7420 Th" busines s is con du,led by • hmrted p11lnel\ll1P HIV• you started do<nc busonns ytt1 Yes., 08 MAY 1998 COGIM ltd. • Cahtor nta L 1m1ted Partner shop by PROf'TIMAX Inc , th Gener ti P.,1ner. by Jean Jacques VOLLEN. th President This statement was hied with the Coi.tnty Clefll of Ounp County 011 02/10/00 200UtJ217t Dilly Pilot r eb 21. Z8. M•r 7. 16. 2003 Fl66 A191m ..... ... s..... Thi loltow1nc persons .,. do1n1 bu:llnus as •) Tlmbethne Investment Group, Inc.. b) Mason fin1nc .. 1 Croup, Inc., c) Sentinel PJoperty Man •c•ment Gro1.1p, Inc , :MOO Ave of the Arts. •U OJ, Cent.a Mas., CA 9262' Prorreu1ve Alliance. llK , (NV), 3400 Ave of the Arts 1£303. Co$ta Mua. CA 9262'6 Tiiis business IS con· ducted b ,.. a corporation Heft you slitted do"'I bUSl!Mh ret7 Ho PJ01renl111 Alll1nct Inc , Rich111d Mwedtth, CFO Tltla statement was flied with lllt Count)' Clttk or Orana• C1111nty onOJM/03 ... ,..,,,.. DllilJ Piiot M«. 7, 14, 21.21,ZOOJ f200 _,. ,._GIMU an•cosu& OflOfNANCC O.J·2 Is KhidulM '8 bl in flll force and efftct 30 ._,, f(Oftl llt "°' -~ Merell I. 2003, and was adoptmd •1 tltt ~ fOll call wo• Ml8UU1 AYIS1 <••••· .......... . ....... MOUi .... ...... SIML MSlllT1 ..... ~ QJ2,.. &etas to C.tr c..d AHieintMftl .. c-, ~ ....... .... e-.tt .... THl ruu TtxT •' u. .,.,._._yMrMlll ..... aty o.tl'• Offa.. 11 ,.., o.t ... c.-e.a .... _ .. .. .... cm. ,.:,i .. '::l~iiii.' ...... ~ ..... ..... .._., 11Uf1 Tiii follow1n1 PltSOM lfe 4kMflt bl.III-H RtoAl. CARf'f.l CARI & UPHOLS ft.RY, \~071 Cltffl0n1 Circle. 1Tv1ne, CA92604 Geor1• W11119m Q P'11111M, 15071 Clemon• Clrc•. Irvine, CA 92904 U111a PIWlirlO, 15071 Cle4nont C1tde, lfvl&e, CA 9'ltiOo6 Thia bvslMu la coll· dl.lcted by: husband and •••• Heve 1® 1twted doln& bvslnHs yen YH, 01/ 01119911 c-1•P11.1Mno This 1tatement wn lolecl1 w1ttl the County Ciera of °''"I• County on 01/15/03 -to0Ht2tts1 Dally Pilot Feb 14. 21. 28, M., 7. 2003 FI•9 S.......tl et # • ., .. ., Mlm ........ The followlne person has ab•ndoned the 1.1se ol the F 1Clrtrous Busi neu Na1ne Avenues Bolllard, 19092 Btach Blvd Ste J K l M, Huntonaton Beach. CA 92648 The f 1ct1tious Buslness nime rele11ed to above was fried 1n Orance Count)' on 10 29 02, f"ILE NO 20026922057 Khoo Vu, 18934 Clip· ense SI . fountain Valley, CA 92708 This bu\lne'I is con d1.1cted by lln 1nd1v1dual Kho1Vu lhos statement was filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 01/29/03 200J6HIS .. D11ly Pilot Feb 28. Mar 7, 14, 21. 2003 rl77 Rdltlma.i.u ... s...... The follow1n1 persons are do•na bus10ess <is The BuHato Hills Echo. 1701 Pott ~bbey Place, Ne wpor I Beach. CA 92660 Nancy Seua Greene 1701 Port Abbrey Place. Newport Beach CA 92660 lhos busmen 1s con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dui1I Hive you sl11ted doone business yef1 Ye~. 01/ 20/2003 Nancy S Greene This \lalemf'nl wa\ filed with the County Clerk of 011nce County on 02/11/03 200J6tJ3065 Daily Pilot Feb 14 21 28 Mar 7 2003 fl56 Rdl"-t-...U "-S...... !he lollowonc persons ••t do1n1 bu~no• n Oo11an Man•aemf'nt and Consult1n11 2'>0 Newp1>tl Cen1e1 Orrn. Suit' M 106, Newport Beath CA 92660 Mark 0 Dorton, 250 Newport Center Drive Suite M 106 Newport Beath. CA 92660 Thi\ buStnns is con dut led by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you 'la•ted dome bUilllU• yet• No M.,k 0 Oor11n This 'lalemenl wn !tied with ti.. County Clerk of Oranae County on 02/11/03 2003HJ.J077 Daily Pilot feb 14, 21. 28. Mar 7. 2003 fl51 RdlltM ...... ... s....... fht follow1n11 persons •re doma business •s fo•IU!l4' f1nanc1al 'ii I N Broollhun t Sir"'' Suite l'l 4 An.1he1m. Calil0<n11 92801 le ln•eslmtnls l l C (CA) !>I I N Brookhursl Strttl Suite 214 An• heom Cal1forn11 92801 fhos bu.,ne•s rs con dueled by l1m1ltd l1abll1ty Co Have you s11rted dome busonen yet? Yu,02!03/Xl03 le lnvntments. l l C, l u11nt ThuH1en le, Member Thos statement wn hied with Ille County Clerk ol Oran11e County on02/~1)l 2003604752 Daily Pilot f tb 28 M~r 7. 14 21 2003 fl8S flctll. ..... ... s....... !he loltow•na persons •rt do1n1 busmess H Coven•nt Ch11st1an School, 185!> N Ol'•nee Ollve Rd . Ounce. CA 92865 •340 Coven1nl Prtsbytenan Chwch (CA) 1855 N 011n1• Oltn lload. Onna•. CA 92865 4340 ThtS bu\lness IS con· IWctecl b)' a c0<poratoon Hit•• you 'lttlecl dolnl buiincu yet• Yn 9 1985 Covenant Prubyt•lan Church. D1v1d Run11lo11, President ' Th11 st1te1111nt wu hied with the County Clerk of Otanee County on02125/0J toeJHM7SO Olllty f'1lot Feb 21. M111 7, l•,21.1003 F1&3 ~ ..... ......... AH ........... -'---.. ""' ..... .. ""' .... .. PiMCIMt Cwde. Httn· tillltM leacfl, CA m-49 fhlt bilfJMls It Con• doe~ ~, • """ .. t>•l1MJ&lli, Hive yOl.I .tatted dolll& llllSlnut yet7 Yn, l/ll 02 Pablo kllf"lo This statement wn filtd wltll ,,,. <:ounty Clert. of Of•n&• Co1.1nt1 on02/lliOS MOJffHH• Daily Pilot Mlf 7, 14. 21. 21. 2003 f 192 .......... ......... Thi tollowina P8' sons are doln& bVlllMSS al Rnt Ass1.1red Secw1t1 Set-vice, 909 N B1)'"fronl •c. B•lboa Island. CA 92662 Grea cny Merk Oon1h11e, 909 N Bey front IC, Balboa Island, CA92662 ThlS business '' con ducted by· an 1nd111,ldual Have YOll st.J,ted do<na bllstnHS yet• Yes 06 21 1999 Crecory M Donahue Thts statemenl wn filed with the County Clerk of OJ1n1e County on 02/25/03 200S6t3'761 Daily Pilot reb 28, Mar 7. 14. 21. 2003 r 182 Rt-.. .... ... s....... The follow1n1 personl are do•ne bu~tnftu as Phoenu Mana1emenl, 5 11 N 81ookf\11rs1 Street. Suite 214 Ana hetm. California 92801 le Investments. LLC {CA), 511 N Brookhurll Street, Suite 214. Ana heom, C•hfor noa 92801 This buson"s 1s con ducted by Limited L1ab1hty Co Have you started dome business yet• Yes, 02/ 03/2003 Le Investment\ L LC Leanne lhuHren le Member ThtS statement wn ftled with the County Cler~ of Oranae County on02/25/03 200JH347SJ Daily Pilot Feb 28 Mat 7, 14,21 2003 f 186 Flt1illl.a ..... ... s...... The fnllow1na persons a1e do1n1 bustnn' u SoCalWed. 780 Ca1ney l .ine •20!> Newpor I Beach. Calo for n1a 92663 Sar ah Ann C•vend1sh Boullo11 280 CA&ney lane •20~ Newpor I Buch C•hl0tn11 9266l Seao Mdrli. Cavendish Boulton 280 Caener lane •205 Ne•por I Beach Cahlorn1a 92663 I his busonen " can duded by h1.1sband •nd ... ,~ Have you sl••1ed doon1 bu•.ono' yet' No Sar ah Ann Cavendl\h Boulton Tho~ statement wa~ filed .. 1th the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 02125/03 200JHJ•l27 Daily Pilot Feb 28. M•r 1 14, 21. 2003 fill Re-.. ..... ... s....... The follow1nc pe1~ns are do1n1 bus1neu n KetU~y Media Croup. 20271 SW Bwt h 1200, Newport Beach CA 92660 Richard M Keltley, 20271 SW Brrch 1200, Newpor I Beach. CA 92660 fhos busoneu 1s con llucled by an 1nd1Vtdu1f Have you ~tarted dome busmess yet7 Yes 01 01 1998 R1thard M Kellley This statement WH !tied with the County Cltrh of Ouna• Countr on 0?/ll/03 200J6tUOH 0 11ly Pilot f"eb 14, 21, 28 Mar 7. 2003 r157 ~...-. ... s....... The lollowlne per sons are doona b1.1s1ness n Outers Only 1480 Harbor Blvd Cosu Mesa CA 92626 f 11nchise Dealer Ser ¥KU Inc , (CA) 2680 Harbor 81vd Costa Mn1.CA92626 r111s businen rs con ducted by· a co• Potahon Have YoU st .. ted dolflC bustnus yet? Yes 6/01 f" flnChtSe Deaa.r Ser vices, Inc . Jim Dillon, President This llalemenl wes filed with the County Clerk of Dnna• County on 02/11/03 200S6tUOH Daily Pilot feb. 21 28. Mar 7. 14. 2003 r164 ~ ..... ......... Tiie Jonow1na Pit sons ., e dolf11 buslnffs .. CS f fectronoes. 17500 Otllette Aff., Irvine. CA 92614 cs srstem•, inc • (CA). 7500 Olllette Ave .. hiM, CA 92614 TllJt b11t1Mu IS con ductff by 1 eotpotahon "'" ~ •l•ted ~. bu\meos1 yetf Ya cs Sy-sterns, Ille., Cllth Sd'IWllttl • Pt Midltnl lllfs IUUmeftl waa filed ••th lfll COufll)' Clefll Of Or •net Covnt1 on02/llt03 HO.Mt a.MU o..i1 f'ti.t r.-14, 21. 28. MM 1, 2003 '1'8 ......... ......... The followttte penons .. dollll llilaMnt H.! WOl lMAH AUOQATU. lO H•a•nton II, tMM, c.ontt lnril It ......... 10 ...... ..... AWa. lrwN, CASllU n.iol~ .. -.................. .....,.,....._. ... ..,..,.rwt, ... l .... t(. ...... lM .......... -............. ClllRtt Clllf• •• OrWt c..tf ~ .. GlllfNlot , ..... 1'1 .H.11.Jm , ...... .... ......... Tiit fOlkJwtn1 Plf IOttl .. doll\, bl.tslnet• aa A.I W Inane.Ill Con tultlne. 1300 Ma:1111 Ave S111te ·14(, Costa Mesa, CA. 9t62S Nlello'H Penoe. 1300 ~ Ave SI.lite l4E, c .... Mesa, CA. 92626 ..... '""'-" (Oft· ducted 11r a• illdtvtdua.1 Have )'Ol.I it.at tad dolA& b1.1S1nes1 ret7 No Nrc::hofnP- Th1$ •latement wu hied with tfle Count 1 Cllfk of Ounce County on 02/25/00 200Mt3'76! o,.1r Pilot feb 28, Mar 7, 14, 21, 2003 fl78 .......... ... s...... The followlna per1on1 11e doonc bl.ls1nus as. Mellrn1 Macazine. 17150 H•whope S 1 303, f ounta1n Valley, CA 92708 Quinn Bui. 11346 CCN H!flder Avt , F ounta1n Veller. CA 91708 This businns 1s con dueled by an 1nd1v1du1I H•vr you started doine business yet? No Quinn But This 1tatemenl wn hied with lilt County Cle1k of Oran1e County o" 03/04/03 200J69JS727 Daily Pilot Mar 7. 14. 21.28, 2003 Fl94 Re-.. .... ... s....... The follow1n1 pe<sons are dorna business as C.1le China. 17631 17th St • fusion, CA 92780 Jon , X1u Yan1. 9019 01rtmouth Way. Buena Park. CA 90620 !his business 1s con ducted by. an tnd1v1dual Have you started doona business yet? No Jon X1u Yan& This statement was hied with the CO<Jnly Clerk ol Oun1e County on02/07/03 200J69S211 I Oaolr Pilot Mar 7 14 ?l. 28. 2003 1193 fkftMlatu ... s...... The follow1n1 per sonio are doina busrnPS\ d l• Municipal 20 20 L11a De fulbol, 1744 S Main, Santa Ana. CA 92707 Rodolfo H Munot 2210 N Cotler S t Sant• Ana, CA !l2706 !his business rs <on ducted by an 1nd1V1duai Have you sl•rled dOlrlR bus1nPSs yet• Ho Rodolfo H Muno1 lhl\ •lalement was loied wtlh the Countr C~rk of Oranae County on OJ.11>4103 200JHSS722 Daily Pilot Mar 7 14 ?1,28.2003 fl97 RdltlMltlsllea ... s...... lhe foflowtniJ. persons •re doona busmen a-. New World £nlerpuse~. 1610 Common•ullh Ave f" ullerton Calllor n1a 91833 c,ecory Bl•ke H1mrod 9491 Sean Way. Wut minster CakfCNn<a 92683 This bus'"ess IS con due ted by an 111d1v1duel H•"• you st>rtf<I dome bU$1ness yet• No Greaory Blake Htmrod lhll sl<ltemenl was toled with the County Clerk of Oran&" County on 01/23/03 200UHOUJ D111y P1tot r eb 21 28 feb 4, 11 . 2003 fl69 .......... ... s...... The followtnc pet '9nS ., e dolne blHllleu as Splash Auto O..t.1111 101 Pearl. Laauna N11tuel CA 9'1677 hhha Sludmou , 101 Purl. Lacuna N11uel CA 92677 This bu\lness 1s con du,ted by an 111d1v1dual Htve you \tarted doma busrn4'ss yet> No llhha S.1dmore This statement was fried with the County Clefll of O.•np Coonty on 03/04/03 200MHS725 011tly 1'1lot Mat 7 14 21. 28 2003 Fl~ ......... ... s...... fhe follow1n1 p«sons are doinc business as Arnel f inancial, 949 South Cont O.lve. Stule 600. Cost• Mesa. Calo lornoa 92626 C'l0tae L Aroros. 949 South Coast Ortve, SI.lite 600 Costa Mfll Celt· lorn1am26 Tbg, buMDW IJ CQA M"tect11r '"~ Kew '°" stMted dowtl IJ~r•llY• "-•• l . Not• Tilts state-11t wes ltled with lllt Col.Inly Clefk o1 Or1t11• C0t.onty on 02/05/0l 2MM9Hcwt Oally Pilot f tll 21, 28, Mar. 1, 14, 200J FU15 ........ ......... The f ollowlfll petMlllt .,. doln& 111.1...... as MiMll c.nsu11.,. c. oup • 09 Ham11to11 A20l . Costa Miu, CA 92627 TtlomH K111I Mite\ 439 Harr111ton A201 . Costa Mull. CA 92621 lhl• business IS con ducted by an lnd1 v1du•• HaY• you llllted doll!& buiinen )'•11 Yn, July 1.2002 Thomes K11tl Misek This st•lement was fMd with the Cbunty Cieri. ol O.anc• County onOV06/03 200UU2SU 011ly Pilot feb 14. 11 28 Mat 7. 2003 f 147 Rt-.. ..... ... s...... The lollowma p8fsons are dome bu"neu .. WH I Coast Dost11bul1on, 'l071 Wallace Ave 13, Costa Mesa. C11tforn1a 92627 Brandon Kr u11.e1 Pow ., . 2077 Wallau A~t •3. Cost~ Meu l:•h lornoa 92627 !his bus1nru '' con dueled by •n 1ndmdu•I HIV• you •l••led dom11 bu~1nes• yet> No B irndon K1u1et !'o.,er Th•s sl1temtnl wn fti.d with the County Clerh ol Otl1nct County on 02126103 200369'4990 Oaoly Pilot I ~b 28 Mar 7, 14. 21. 2003 I 17S Acltl6M .,._ ... s....... l he lollow11111 per sons •re do1na bu\1n""" •s VetroM•r~ 675 North M•1n ~""'' Or•nae CA 92868 us M•r~ ll r !CA I 675 Nnr th M•on St Oun&• CA 9?868 lh1s busonen 1s ton ducted b, l1m1 led l1~b1hty Cn Ha•• you star led do•n~ bus1nt\S ytl' Ho l JS Ma1 k, I LC Jell Ja~obs. CFO Tht\ sl•lemenl ••s ftled with the County Cler~ of Oran&• County on 02/11 03 'lOOJ693J07S Daily Pilot Feb 14 11 18 M•r 7 ?003 f 152 ~--­... s....... fht lpllow1n11. pe1 sons 11 e dn1ne bu\lness as 011Ceure ln•oe>lmenh, 9377 Somerut lane Cyprus CA 906.lO (rot DeCeure, 9377 Somerset Lan•. Cypre<.s CA 906"-IO Thi\ bu"Jtnt\'\ ,,.. ror1 dut led by an mdMdual Have you st•rttd d1>on1 bu~1ness yef7 YtK I Ian OJ E 11c O.C es••• lh1s s tatement ... , ltiiid with lhf' Cuunly Clerk ol Ot an1e County on 0212!> '03 200MU•7SI D•llY Pilot f" eb 28 Mar 1 14 21 2003 r iso RcH.. ..... Mmes....... The follow1n1 pusons are do1na bu"nus as 1) HP 0£ RM b) SPA Al NEWPORT 1101 North Main Stteel S•nl• An• CA92706 Hone Lien I Pham 1701 North Main Strttl S.nt• Ana CA 92706 Thtl bus1nen '' con dacled by an rnd1vldu•I H.t•e you started doon11 bus mos yet> Ho Hons l 11n T Ph•m !hi\ stalemenl was ftlt!d with the County Cluk of 0. •nee Cnunty on 02.'27/03 200UHS06• OallietPtlot '°""' 7 14. 21 ~. 2003 F 193 ~ ..... ... s...... The follow1nc persons ~•P dorn1 hu~1nf'u u Community Commerce Assoc11tes ?245 Vrsta Hut< It Newp<>f"I Beach CA92660 Jilmel W McCah•n 224!> V1sl.1 Huerta, :;:gorl Beach CA This bus;ne~' 1' con dUcl•d by an 1ndlv1dual Hin you star ltd dofflc business rel? No James W McGahan This stetemenl was ht!11 •1th lbs County . ~of 0r ..... C-ty Gfl OZ/Z5.1>3 MO>MM7M Ody '"°' '" 21. ..... 1. 14,21.2003 Flll .......... ... s...... The follow1n1 pvao11s •• dolf1I ~" El•;J•lll ..... 8oullqut, 410 12"d 'SttMt. Hew , port lndl, CA !m63 My Al Kfla, 549 Hay · wCNd Pl hcondldo CA 92027 Th,. bl.Ill~• 11o con d1.1tted br an 1nd••du•I Ha•• you st .. led doona buwiess yet' Yu 02/ 01/2003 My AJ Kha This slillemenl wu filed with the County Clerk of Drane• County Oft 02/11/03 200UtH066 0•1ly Pilot f eb 14 :11 28, Mar 7, 2003 f 165 ~ ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 pe•sons are doint1 bu~•ness n Cont Aquatics 9111 Re1at1a Or , Hun1tn1ton Buch CA 92646 H•11y C dw•r d C•yn<lt 9111 Reaal!• Oo Hun Longton Beath. CA 926A6 I hl5 busono\ " tan dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Han you star led dnrn11 business yet 7 No Han y G•ynor fh1s statement w•s loll!d with th• County Cieri. ol OUrtie County an 02 11/03 2003 .. 33012 D•oly Polo I f •b 14 21 28 M<lr 7 2003 r ,..,.. ..... .... ... ...... n.,. folowlfll ,.,.on ate '°'"' ..,_ ... (~•ta lnterjW .... 1420 Cal.torn!• St 12. Hl111 llncton Buc;b, CA ~ \lero"lu ~mendr. 1420 C1hf0tnlli St 12. Hunhn&totl fMc;ft. CA 92141 '111111 '"''""-It (AWi 4ucled 111 t11 MldtlfodWI Hne ,ov stlt'tacf doir1& IKISllllU yet' No Vet04llU l. KQt-'4r This stat.unent ••~ flied with U!e County Clerk of Or ani.• County <In 03/04/tl3 • 20H6tH720 0111r Piiot M•r 7 14 21, 28.2003 fl98' .......... ......... fhe lollow1n1 f)ef'SOns If e d<ltll& bUJtl>el$ H Sep• s Attorn.r Setv1tr 14181 Yorba St •100 lushn C1hl0<1ua 92680 Sepukh Majdedm 6"l Shurwalet Pl NewPCNI Buch C•lof0t n•• 92660 fht5 busi~s 1s con due I ed by •n 1nd1v1dual Hive you starll'd dolflt llu~1nus yet7 Yes 12 20noo2 Septdeh Ma1ded1n !hos statement .,_. toled with the Lounly Cler~ ol O••nee County on 02 10/03 200J6t3H7S O~tly Polo I f eb 28 M•r 7 14 21 2003 rt 7l lhe lollow1n1 ~som •re do1n2 b<r>rneu ., Mumcopal 20/20 SO<.Cf't l eacue. 1744 S MA1n Sant• An• CA 92707 !he lollow1na p~1s11n~ Edwin M A•l•&a 1~1 are dome busme\\ n Cht!\apeake l n , Hun AdvanLed Cl111oprarl1t tonrton Beach CA 92646 ;md Health Syslrn" lh1s busonen 1s m o 18003 Sli.yp••k C11<1r Sle J lrvonr CA 9:16 14 rturl~d by ~n 1nd1v1dudl Jero aH: lostph R• Hav• you 'ta<led d!J•nr rucha 180fi6 Cunnl\on buson~s yet' No £ dwtn M Ar tie• Court lagun~ N12uel (.A !hos \tatemenf w.-92677 Thrs busones• " <On f1lf'd wtlh IM Ct)Unty d t d b d d I r l•rk of Ounee County uc e v an in ••• U4 "" 03 04 03 Have yc.u \IMtl'd d"one lOOJ••35723 business yet' Ha 0 .. 1, Pilot Mir 7 14 Jeromr Jokph Rl!f u..h• 121 28 2003 r 196 fhos sl~lemenl .. IS hied with lht' Cuunly Cleik ol Or .. n2e Caunty 1 flctl. ...... on Ot'/11 03 ... S...... 200JHUOU Daily Polol l et> 14 ?I 28 Mar 7 X>Ol I 1 ~ j RdltiM a.ims ... s..... I he follow1n1 Pf'''"''' are doing bu\•n•~s as Btr.i~ l ont lljCJ9:0 Buch Blvd !>uole l II l M Hunton~t°" Bu ch CA 921>'8 Kho• Vu 189.J4 f..;p .. nse SI f wnloin V~lley, CA 977()11 1 his. bu~'""'" 1-. lOn ducted by an 1nd1v1dual I-lave you ''•rl•d do111v b1n1ntt· yet> Yo. 10 I ?002 llho1 Vu Hus slalemenl w1-. hied wolh the l'.01111ly Clerk of O• an1• <:11unly on 01 29/0J 20036UIS74 Daily Pilot f rb 2t! Mar 1 14 21 200J r116 Re-.. ... ...s....... The lollowrna 1>4"r .. ons are doma busont " '' M1llen n111m Salon 'iv\ lems. 6 Wm<lsone Couo I Newpo r I Bea< h c;A 9266.3 Ronald A l eak 6 W1ndson1t (our I Htw "°''~Ith '·" 9X>6J This bus•Ms\ '' t t>n ducted b, an rnd1v1dual Hne you •I•• led O..me bu51nus yet> No Ronald A l eak Th~ slalemf'nl '"'' flied •olh lh• County Clerk ol 011nit County on 02 ll 0) 200utuon Dail)' Ptlol r rb 14 ?I 28, Mat 7 Xl03 r I !iO Rctlilm ...... ... s..... The followtnR ~l\On' ••e do•nc bus'"''' H Keller Communtt.•lh>n, 715 Patolot• Ort••. CGton• del Mar CA 9'16~ Annett• l\Plht1 71 !i Patol11ta Ot 1vt Cn<on• ~I Mar CA 926r.i Thi\ bus1ntn " con ducted by •n 1nd1vtdu1I Havt you ''"'eel ck»nc buSJneu yet' No Annette Kelle• Thi\ ~l•lement wu hied with the County Clerk of Oran&• County on 02/25/03 200UH47SJ 011ly Prtot f eb 28 M11 1. 14 21 2003 r 179 I hf' lolluw•n& per sons J I f d"lni: bUSlneS\ ... N1ghluwl Netwr.r k1n1 7016 C..lvert Av•nur (o~I• Ml!$.t C•hlo:irn1a 'l?f,,li,· 1, .iv1\. R f 1 .jO\On 7016 Cal•erl Avenue r.'"'~ Meu Ca1thwn11 92676 Jtu~ bu'\mr'\S ·~ ct>n due led by ' 1nd1•1rJual Hav• v u slarted dnmr bu\ln•s~ yel No rr•vt\ t ranwn lh1'\ ~tate-m~nt ••• foled w1tll the Cuun1y Cler~ of Or.,ng• Lnuntv r,n 02 26,03 20036tJSO'lO D••lf Ptlol f ~t> ll\ M•• 1 14 71 ;/()()] F 114 I h~ follow•ni ""''"" ""',. 6o1n1t bu!>m~-'\'. .t\ Milrdy ~ Wood & furn• tu•• Re-stn<att0n 141'• 111<1 lido •2•3. l'fnrPQtl Bu th (.A ':12&63 M~rdy ( Pu<I I.,,.. Ro'"' °' run.,. tun I A 978.] I Tht\ bU\tn"~· ., ""'' dll• l~d by an md1v1du•I HavP yriu 'tdrled do1n~ buson~'s nt No M41dy £ Posl I h1$ •1.Jlemtnl w•• hied w•l" the Counh Cl•rh of Ouna~ r.ounty on 03 04 OJ 200J6US7 H Odoly Pilot M~! n 18 200J 7 I' 1199 ClWIOUT YOllHOUSE WITHA GWGIWI! Wl (949) 642-5671 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • • t .. • Rates and deadlines ~ subject to change wilhout notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any clas$ified advertisemem. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily PiJot aocepts no"" liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost ·of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE How to Place A . CLASSIFIEijlD. .. 1 • -iii By Fax (949) 63 l-6S94 (Pleele ledUdt 'f'M' nap Ind phooo nwnbs Ind we'll call you beet with • ptlCIC quoce.) . -· ' . ' Telephone 8:30am-S:OOpm Monday-Friday By Phone (949) 642.-5618 Hours Index - ' 'r ~ ~ I By Mail/In Person: )30 we·st Bay Sireet ~ Costa Mcaa, CA 92627· At.Newport Blvd. &. Bay St. Walk-In 8:30am-S:OOpm Monday-Friday I .. IOIWSIO Monday ...................... Priday S:OOpm Tuesday ··-··············· Monday S:OOpm Wedncsday ............. 11\Jesday S:OOpm Thursday ............. Wednesday s·:OOpm Friday .................... Thursday S:OOpm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 230S-2490 ESTAn SALE SOOS-SISO .• -- I tMH7SO Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Cottectibla/ Memcnbllla 1160 TOP $S 4 llCOIOS ITC .Im, Clllic, De. 50s .. 87s .Ill AllK, !iPlt. bbe M"5 Mike 949·64S 7S05 fQUAl ltOllm& OPPOIMITY All rHI estate adver hs1n1 on ttus newspapw 1s subiect to the Federal Fair Hou$1n1 Act of 1968 as amended which m•kn II ill•a•I to adveftose •any pref .. ence, l1mltat1on or dl<crtmlnalton bnad on race, color, rellcion. st•. h•ndlc•p. famlli•I status or nattonel orl1in, or •n intention to mike any such preference, limit• !Ion or dlscnmln•llon.• This newspaper wlll not knowlnaly accept any advertisement tor real estate which Is In v1oletion of the l•w. Our readers are hereby informed that ell dwell· mes advertlMd In this newS984)er are evaileble on en equal opportunity basis To complain of dis· v1mlnabon, calf HUD toll· fr" at 1-800 424 8590 ""° RS. C•llfOfnl• l•w re qulrH ltlat contr llC · ton !Mllnt lobs th•t toUf $500 Of' m«• (htb« rw matwlals) be •-ns.ci by the Contn c:tors Stitt License Bowd. State law also r equlrn ltlat c:ontractors lnclud4t tlMlr lc:ense numll« on all advtrtll#IC. You un c:'*=tl the mtus of your licensed c:ontr•ctor at www.nlb.c..1ow or IOC).321-CSLB. Unll unsed contractors hllln1 Jobs th1t total less lh•n 1500 must st•t• In th•lr adv.rtlsements that tllty ere not llctnaed by the Contractors St1t1 llcMIM loerd.w U.•A A1•1f1l11 ~Alldlans~====:====:1413=; ~ 1489 ANTIQUES JEWELRY/ -c..11-1-.-... -,-_-.,-1..,-, AdlqlabSall 3010 DIAMONDS/ ti~-s..~,: s ..... 1950 ~ & PRECIOUSMETAl.S Newpwt leect. FrH rent lor seeretariel svc business. Wiii ucnanae P•Y•nc rent b IW1t ofllce duties. Grat offlca, Alps to water 949-723·8485. C>lc*-Sty19 Fvmltln PIANOS ii Collectiblea ·-·-•Sc....•A.-.•<>Maif: ......... $$ CASH PAID $$ .... ,.,..., .... ~ ~649-49229 SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N 2202S.. ... k ..... AM, CA 12707 ~Al..-.-CA,.ol hold, clothin1. queen M....ttt 600 Seriee, ¥T C-t Cellt MM4s sleeper sofa, &lass ~ Width, own, brofilr &. Old Coins! Cold, sliver, e.nt.ood rodler .. titlA(J pill. lll'WnaCUlat• S2000/ lew*Y. wetct... ~ ........... ,..._. obo. 949-673-0944 collec:tlbles 94~642·9448 Office " .-.. 3 Oft1Ce Household items .. '"°''· am/ cm 3610 suites, prime Newport 8lO Geneva HuntJncton IV1 I, Sch loc Ii, ,,. ~ utl Buch. X Streets Buch PAltfflNGS 3060 Ind USC:Vino 966ei5-78113. & lndianapo41S 7am Sat.. OA P1mMM I01T8G only No urly birds! Seen ~ Hlsteric Aid &. C.-•Thty H••tl•tt•a leeclt leU.ee fr•m•d 1984 Want Your Lcwe•Or4)' dewm•-. SAT 1-2, •144 of 200 S2500 obo. ~ Cal MM51·2025 419 10th St., crou str S10-45'-0l20 P~n. household furn. c:loth1n1. l•mp~. etc. eNPI MOVIMG SALie s.t·Sl.rt 8-Z 524 Reclands Ave. F 1.11'\ lVs, kill:hen- ---. trash~. .,._,.., semNr ..,., bol15 nwic1m General Amoancemenls 1610 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture Antique bdrm r.et, 8 ft custom made sofa, dinttte set. frl&, C•ll eves. BO 949.574.9732 Dep,,..... ..... -·*'•tetwarll..or& P-.lnf'ldc~ F8.'liDI *Kl 949-644-2279 Im •AY for momma cM/ -.. ""'9115 .... homg 9&533-0411 Kittens Found in Bushes need bottlelHders Help Save Hves. All upenses paid Anlm•I Network HOt.ES FOA SALE LA COUNTY-5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY lrdJdes; l.al<.!Mood. L~ Beactt. Norfl~ Beed1 &gretil HOtJES FOR SALE ORANGE "' 5400 ........, 2' ....... to 2 lar(ltey redhten, km weW'ft, U.. lost 28 be11• w1n1b•ck, sreat Estltl Sales 1486 lbs In 8 ....ia. ~ cond1llon $65/ea or two -------......-..S. l~!Ull for S120949·646·S923. 949-533-041 Olmstra.-6tO COUNTY .... u.lh. Custom Built Ins, Crown Moldmp. Base Bo•ds L'5n912 949 109-5642 car,. Repair/Salts 1:rCADIT-O<Aa'ITv Repairs. l'atchln1. lnsl•tl Covrteous 1ny 5111 jobs. Whc>Mulel 949 492 020S CompaWServtca SELL your stuff through classified! Concntl&llllacly Srlck la.di s.... TI&. Concnla, ,.. Orlwny r replc, BBQ. Aers. 2SYrs Exp. Terry 714-557-7594 TIN<-'•-c.ment-11. Bric*. Tiie &. Mon. Reliable. No lob too SIMJI 949"s.c8-6746 ~ MIU> MOlll IOOM? AOOl110NS .. AEMCllEl.ftC l"577982 949-709·5642 • c.-p.tw aep*a • 0.-. Pallllllllng Softw•re Up1redn, Tutorln1, Trelnln1. eoo,,..,0r ~ OOMl'VTEI SOl.UTIONS U1'flRICks. l«r»irs. Cuuom l'Cs 11u111. Nt:fwo<klns, Int~ ~p M>tf Sharing. MCSl FUE C'Ol'IJU/t;Jtlon. CAu Jm 949-516-4130 U1 OllGUI TOUIHOMI IMPIOVIMINT noJ1cn Call 1 plumber, p1lnter, handyman, or 1ny of the ll'Ht Mrvius llsted here In our Sll'Ylce difec:toryl THE:SHOCAl. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI SELL your stuff through classified! EJectrtcal s.mces _...Jell liqt>ertl Duncan ElldJIC '/ll'(rs EAP ~ RtlC)OOSe ~ l.'275870 geg..(i60. J042 uctlltSID cotnUCTOll "° jib too Im. ,. mwml Rtpllir, r~, '-· ,.,-l>IC ~ RoortrlWTlle CUSTOM OIATM TU lnmlllloo, ... -. ,,.,... .......... 75 Ul613M4"" 71Ul2·9!161 iiiiY ..... ltlper9lf A'tJoutln & lnstellabon TILE DEAH 949 67W065 ll8IM32S 7l4a3-2D31 ...... & .... ~ Potlshln1 Travertine lo All Floor Typea. We'll Alao Re1rout & Sul Ypur K i t c hen Counters, Shower& & Floors. Mtlll It looll 11111 new •11ln. ~cs..-.,... 1.an-ns.lu1 c.m. .... 400...aoo.t sublease Sl per at, loc•tlld near 405 &. SS tr"w•ys 94!M;32-6318 O(IAJmlOtn NIWUllOOEl $679,000 •CM/..,.._ lblM, AGT. $949-72S-all0 lSOOw.dilf~ lhr4. lct-67 S-l hS a-.... _a-.. MIU.R'S HAaOWOOOS ~ 25 Yn. lifetime wwnnty lt763144 714-501--4933 Tr" '-Ice, Y•rd Clunup, Mtlnten1nc1, Sprlnllllr Reci•lr, H111llnc {!49) 6SCM71 I lllttAl .. -ttiiSiAJID fOR HONEYOO'S yOIK honey won'l F ro111 Elect to the IUtdlln ** ~541-93151 TNI HA•DTMAM Emernn S1nlce 0111 ~ Dldricll, c.., Doers etc ... 94~244-8195 Hlllklg .IUWITOTMIDUU'lll 714·961-1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI M!M73·SM6 CCMUfG sootett C ;I ht4s,.rt..e200S 516&516.S ........ $"5,000 & $749,000 & 414&414.S .... ~ $ l, ltS,000 & $7",000 Co.unM ltlAln Ht-7S9-01n .... 16,ooo.f t.t, on on of the 11or1est '" Hmrbor Vilw Hilb. Oc:lan VteWS 8bound Build • wonderful ,_ resance or remodel the u iStln( Offwe4 elf $1.A9S,OOO COASTUlfl ltUl n 949-759-0177 A<•••••• (...,. ~stroll to B11 Corona and loollout pOlnt 48r 4 58• custom home. o:::z•· .... 2001 "'$2,tS0,000 COASTUMI awn 949-75'..0 l 77 ............ ,_, utN's. 4& 4sBa, 3 ._ 3 ~ w/,._1. aty end Bid GtAly -._..,. a llri and Hidy ow.. d08 31~31&-1111 SH&mWOOOMALn ~~ 2llt l '/'18 ...,., ...... dlmnm '° lhl i.dl. l.ocMld on .. Soulhsdt al POI. $8,900. Md>llll ~ eo.tir'8 Ami)' 9&7'5941 n Oefeutt Ok Banllruptcy Oii Tu Ltens Oii Good Cf edit Abo Ok l'rivate Money Ref1 & Purdulse 1-'rf.._.. IOO~ISl4 OllH: G2ll2lll l!ldllr Mowing I Sblgt HST aovus SH/"' ..,vine 111 cities lnwred fast, court_,s, careful. Tl63144 80().246 2371 -- • ,', I ; • '•: ,, •• " ..... 1 '~•Ewe••• ..... ~ TclW.,., -....... .. ,...-.... .,, SAVE 35%0N ....... o.a •••• flflfmMAn 23 RAIS l1CP. 8ROJHfRS CARPET Sf~VI(( 800 SSQ-7181 lklt's ._ hut ... , :::.. 0-mn.. •• l.S71102=1~ .,,,.. ...... W'ITTMODT INl'TWA&l All jltlHls Ml/Ir I job. Q.IMt ~. f11t, fr11 -lAml> 71.w.».lt4? c ....... -w nm 9eCl'UCM ,..,,_, .......... J, 0 llUA 12-4 507l/2Pei..-ttte 3tw 2111 --3 blls '° bch~-~ CostaMm IS.CM-•Vhte 3br 2 Sbe DlTACHID sins lam home Ht ce1rs, crown moldlna. shutters Bou sound system anHKIO TO $4tt,99t Maryfew1I Re/Mu 949 646 9670 MISAVlllDI OPEN SUN 12·4 1577 Belter St 3br 1 J.141>e hse, remod pl IUt.c • bllyd. oanw loc. $499,(XX) ~ Marlys 9&~7064 ........ 2. 38r+2.588, lBf'+IBa. ~ COfd. bon IS> Costa Mesa Sl $749,<XX> act.. 9&9J3. 6786 MCMlTH lAGUMA Tropc:M badl holne 2br l .Sba. w.. to beach lf"om ltils open home With .,, .iist touch ast . ~7S'Il MM19&Slaragl PUBLIC NOTICE The C•llt. l'ubllc Utillttea commiuion requires tllat all used houuhold 10041• "'overs prtnt thelf I' U.C. Cal T nvmber: limos and chauffeurs print their T.C.I' number In all ~· tlsements If you h•vt any tauestlons •lloUt the l11allty of • mover , llmo of chauffeur, call. l'U8· llC UTIUTIES COM· MISSION 714·SSI· 4)SI ~ .. , Lit Newport mom .., ... able for cookl.nJ . ~.NII" "°' ......... .,..,., etc.... Gr11t loc:el ,...,_ •'1'.lD«n5 Udolde eweeKYe MIN HOUSI SUM l-4 HOCAGMIY~lO Vl&UIAUOA FltONT aow HAUOll & CKIAlll vuws ,.,.,,._,_....... DOUIU MH SUITIS .... ~-white Dacar Quiet location. Ho tr8fflc Sellswtl ..... ~ from $475,IXI) '° 1531.876 ~ .. -:::: ~ r;....,. "-It)' Sl7 Vie au. s-4, Built by Joe E Brown In 1931 only rem•inm1 3 + 4 tower est•te on entl,. lsl•nd. 4bf, 4ba, thrH stortes • to-l car 1111, pvt dodl for 2 boats It Is I rKOl/llZ able l•ndmark. $3 3 milhon 949-497· 8471 760 742-4200 Wyes....t.ilflm tf11uay..,l "-u OedW~t*yi (t49)M2-S671 ,.....,lllcco ,........ .. /lilt Rlmodal. 30 + y_. hp. Ru sontbl•, D1pend•bl• lt349020 714·138·1114 .,.._,am Rat:uc:co, ~ Adlltton. P•tchtn1. Rtasontblel 714-92H647 I04-0otlJ7Pf IWffS TOWMMOMIS 3br upended uparaded townhome on l"eenbelt. I 900sqft SS49.900 MlMSUM 1-5 Vtll• on the 1olf course lbr new., are1 $349,900 Nor•IM P•ulson Realty 949 632 6489 A s.,.,.. M•w,ert ......... residel1C8 4br (5th 8'/pme room/oltice downstss) 5 5ba loc:atad on • Q&Mt corns lot Cus tom le•tures ttw OUlf>oul SI .649.CXO COA.STIM ltlMn t4t-7ff..OlT7 WATWRONT R.a.-IDS2m,axl lltltJlt homl, bmt loc, .... _..., hDn'I. no rent .,. ~b .. nut23)" 8-1 nut -2!ir 2bti, .... m-vn ..... lp O#nlfW. !M!Mi7).5filli IONfTA CAMYOM Of'IN SAT-SUM l -S lOWllrttwep JBR, 2.SBA home. S.., erete offtee/1111St w1te By Ownar Sl ,l 7!1,000 949 6441281 PUOSIP'WMlueG Repelrs &. RemocW1n1 FRll ESTIMAlt l'617391714-959-1090 ~ Dwer --..._..Ill( --... e. .. 1}4 acr• tot, poql, 59•· Sl..139.5Cn 0,.. S.. t~ 1515 ~ ..... ~ 9&721.ti(M9 NWIHTATIS PAQKITIMOU NATIONwtOE USA t4t-H6•t705 WWW P•ITlclltenor• com c..1er.,.,.. ..... ' ................ v ... <-..,........,,_ y.,,,,.....~ 111ar....c-,. ''TM HUGffTS" SNAWIMG 1-STOllY JUSTUSTlD AGT. t4t-7U_. t 20 O<IAN & HY VIEWS llMOOWD UMDH $7$0,000 AGT. t4t-723 .. 120 ....-~21ris. Illa -hside & out w/2 c pr. 1649.!KXl. l'lllrdi renore 9&856-~ :s!- Ni.,.tCoat OPlN UT-SUM 1-5 1s..,.r- I level home 21M-. + den. C•t~dcomm $851,000 A t..do •f lt.ty 4'-r ')!Iba. Slr•O. home $1,729,000 lt•han style 5bf st.1, •P pt'Ol 18,000 to 19,000sf $1,4t5,000 MIWUSTING Stunnm1 award w1nn1n1 Broot.f,.ld home. burlt m 2000 3br + ofhce AfJ PfOl J700sf $1,7'9,000 l"LATINUM l"IOPDT'ln Stefanie Meuret 94971S3156 ... , ....... "- cmtom ISbta wlltl Qr1YOf1 & ocun -. otlwed at S6,SOO,OOO <•nfll•• ....,. ...... ,~,77 RESORT/ VM'ATION PROPERTY FORSALf MISCB..lM£0US RBfTALS RlnlaJTo Shn a CAIM/"'1af. 2llt 2be. It !qi •Ind beautllul pl;ica, -PHllL.!!.!. petlo. 2 ~ "> bdl ~ 9&903-0955 CMillUw-2Br 2BI ...... cordll, 11\h Uldldls. w/d. at* 16 Ind:!. IVSr*. Sl3XVmo • 9&6«). 7512 Ml ~-· "'~··· ..... l8f. 281, on (off course, co"'"' pool/sp•/lennis 11000/mo 949 632 6318 .....,_, .... lllr lBa Mnl'f dbl ''"' Le '*-&M ba~~-Wwy' ~ '21111 9&4l3'IB'l a.r... , ... .aJltJl8ll, ,., hilba. wrd. Gp91 '-" MYRCMIT OH LIDO PEMNSOtA NIW~2 .. <OTIA81S Pnv.ta Buell, Pool endSpa W•• to ~un, Shop$ •nd Rest.ur•ntS. lease 6/mo-2 yr +. Bo1t Shp Avallabla 710UDOPAnDL 949-673·6030 °' 949·723-5830 mil, lw"dwd fh, fp, w/d, .. _____ _. fl' 9'1Mi42·56!17, 42l«J§ * YlAllY * 21r petlo. f p, l pt + UASIS le 14)C. Sl575mo 1•, 1-c Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS ipc Sll!iOmo 2 8lc*s to t4t-67S-6161 Be Cor 8dl 96-78).'.IXZO ....... 2br u. Illa-. 2 2lr lie ... ....,, fp, pr, c .,., ........... frt ' '** w/d .. up&. -"' yard, pvt p-d. Pnce ~ ., 1/2 bdl. rt'~ Sl6rl0mo 000 N ok 9&376-1>16 Mllill9"9~9019 l br $1195. & lbr Sl39S 0c-s14e 2k 21oe, on the water "" ev- div'bnl 1m. Id., Wld *Cl .ryn. .... La yd. sm boat 2 • ~ ~ .,. oll 949 &73 7353 after 6 ID~ $191'5 ~ 673-ZDi VIiie P9'ftt C-49 I br 21r 21• ( ...... fna. Iba Ip, wd, paho, ear, W/O, fp. I& patio. view, as~oc pool eym, eated 2 car aar w/stOf•r•. pet Sl57S/mo. 949-675·2!>14 al Sl97Smo 9&735-4825 ._....,, Bayfront to.. Hr, Jle, A{Jt Recently 18r l&. II pabo. shr flll/ reti.bbed w/l cw pt, 1 lndry rm, must see, blocll to buch, no pets, Sl97'Sm. IC(. 9&~ $2200/mo M9 8S·H6IO la..th ........, lse Jbr lbr on ~v ·aru, new OCIM Y It earpet, new paint nr New llofM 4ttr l.Sbe 2 shops, schools. Sl99S stary, ditoanb prilct Act NontlBe 9&6ll-6C89 n _., wr/ Only toot l..dt fr-nur 8albo• = !ii OC::. = p...,, 2br. 2ba. w/patio. .. WlCB c:hiirnll. Sul $2100/mo yearly leue ~-,..,_. nwd t4t-786-ot7S Much furn/unlurn •eyvl•w T..-.-• Cited ~obo detached hou~ 2br 2ba. 94&61!>-23 1 2·c •ti 1u. A/C. no peh $2400/mo 949-760 1219 11r ........ 11111 _, ~ .... Clllll. ..... .... C9i bn. more. ~ 133 ( 1611 SL M tor ~ ~2C21 Cal<».. Stw4t•, wery srnatl, clean no patkln1. I blocll to beech a&•nt $550/mo 949 613 7800 llr'a from S87S/mo W/llf In lowly pied comm. .-Tri Square, ~. Indy lditv. ~ Mrct m ?IM-8St9 a9200 lrt 19', new carpet lo pamt cvtd catport 277 16th Pl.ct •3 SI 100/mo no pets 949 120 9422 a-... .. yrd. flch, ., , w/d.. 91 loc nr li'lh Sl. Sll5Qn. :J;J Roch$w 98642 'B1l !M!M22 ~ r.w. c...,... JBrn.s. W/'lf'd. 2 ~ ' 1 ... ,_ ~·C'I l!B MDI* Vista. Mil 9'I dll, W/d ~ S2100/mo 9'19 375 2816 Jk 2.5" ~· unit, c0tner loc•hon. 2 car undem 11r. wd hllup,, •at $2200 949 613 7800 ..... .. Z.5ba. 2-«y anlo tWtb ..... "° .-. Plllm. 2c ... •Id.. mnno 9&79!>Cll 11t ......... .._.Sit- ... Ut. 3llr 2.!Ba, din LR. ... CllUl9r .. lllQml lib, 7.t ,,. a..-i SlrD -int ...,.,. S2lln' mo. .,. 9&2.l!B-O:IDS HllllllnglDn lactl 3lw %be ..... -.rlrt. huae ded• 1 bit. to bdl pll1. laund, nu remod. S2400/mo 949-S74--0844 o......~ lfellMa -..a. ............. newly remodeled. wt.t. pO.a lncd yd w..e f p poof accesa & 'P. W/d. $2C7Slmo 9'9 64S-4!D) U•'•"•••''• 14Sfl bayfront view 4br Jb•. 2 c i*c. 11oc11 av111 $4900 t49-378-3650 -.itrAllit M11ST , /T tor ~abve art buwint ~ 11- how _, pm!! & draw floe .................... ,$11/hr to st.n ~ase send pholm & resume llr Off The Pl.ette p 0 Bo~ S409 &lboa lsUncl. Ca 92662 90a(kDI • n exp'd tor NPB membership ora ()"pved, ~. deW onwled Qulckbooks a must WI lrlWl tor Q.ISlom ..oltware Benefits. Cal Aln 95 Tl2 z:m or e mai res pn@~cxim CPA firm has 09emna for Dete l•t~ and l.c91ttleftfS"t. Ideal for ~ moths Mon-Thul 9itm lpm, $1~ Contact Carol 949 650 9S80. W..tL ._ ...... fin. $15mno PT JS tw,...,. szm.samno ;n. 1w ""' free Broe.Ive 888-&-1409 e I" /TIMI ll8JEF MAN- MMa La 'toraae tacihty Sur>O.y .. Monday • Offic.e and Ille m.l~ Eap c,c' 7l'841 4466 Irma ....... '"tor ••ab!W.-1~~ be '** & "*" In .. Mll:nlMlft ..... S12ftlr to 'lbr1. ~sm OfflCl/IOOUUl"IMG l0t N41wport Busi~ Oqu1doboob lo up req Cllr~@ 949-S66 9463 a L# tf"*1 Busy Reil E.stltl! office S... ,.-s e IP PT (4 ~) lf8 Siilsy ~W{etp fa. r.une ,.._.7S-2t27 .. c.-.i & w.. Sd Outdoor N'S restannt [~d&re~ 9&5B&!M63 or 2!1>-.l:Hi •U!lO 2br 1 l/2ba ~ 4 ......... ~ pllliD, .....,, ,,,, -_,, .,. 0.. !MH42-Z121 l.*1111 Everyday ~ a great day in~ed! Be a part of b, place your ad toda~ (9'9) 6'2-5678 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR StWUF and TANNAH HIRSCH f\IORTH •05 fUJ JU2 •Xl7 WJ'SI' •J976J Q ltS 8 •QJ4l EAST • K 10 2 187 K 7 6 S • lttS SOU1 II • A84 AK2 • AQlt3 •A63 The cxpencnccd pt.yci-hates to have IO n:ly no a fiflC\se to make the contrac1 bcClu..c thal •~ somclbing over wh1d1 there j, oo cootrol. But when the need an~. even an expen must do what.evu IS neccsSME . 1be a&K.'tioo Wti rouliix. Despite the 11oeakncs~ oC the hear1 suit. the A&ltomoblles 9000 ,,_.,G c-t •v11I s.als 4, hn 1veryth1n1 incl AiC Great l0t 8albo• Penn 1st•nd Bouaht n<ew 2 yrs •10 lor $14,000. Wiii U <.rlfl<.e to bnl otter over ssooo t4t-67S-"36 IMW '91 S401 llod1/ erey lthr 1mm•t $25 995 H 6 0 69 8 wcwauto avn 949 &4b '1822 IMW '97 J 211 Comt. S1hltr '&rty lth1 78k, 1mm.at Sl9 99!> vl98272 W\.Wlllllo ... nm CM') 646 MZ2 IMW 'ti 3211 c-v . wtule/•'h llhr 1mm.1c Sspd Sl9 99S v2ls.487 wcwaaAo com W.HiiW> '1822 llWmlC-16 Wh1te/l 1n •uto 83k mt SIS 000 310 37S 2521 ••w '" 740f •tie••. Jyr warr avluf, s1lwer/ 1rey llhr CO, loll• new cond. v!>7924 I S2J.99S hr m hr m, tin aVllil. Slit '49-516 , ••• www.ecpal.c•• IMW 'tt MJ c_,, blue 'l'•Y. S~pd. 1901 leu S26.99S vc43211 wcwallD CXlrTl 9&64&-7822. C•4111-'t• Deylfle Enw.-i flrv'bn ....... clun $689S. w30!i623 ~com ~7822. <-4ilec s..-. o.v .. 'U SSll m1. &<>04 con d1hon 1n & out SJ.750 949 6'6 76?4 642 9750 Ce4111ec 'I 1 SH llle blue. •uto. I 14k mi. noce S895 v699 2 70 wcwaAtil com ~7822 CNCVY I /2 TOM 't•, I 500 shor I bed all power 1 uslnm w!Mels. ~d top •m Im uu. '1000 160 78S S812 D• ... • 't 7 ""upt4 Spol't J !> V6 471. m1 •htlt/pty int. prapd. n/s. like M W $6995 fmancm1 & Nrr eoll Bkr 949 S86 1888 -·~- ~.~S4k~ 'ff -r ava~. sparkellfll bWln Ith<. co. ~b •e new concl v259721 $6995 fin ..,.. 8lu 94g. 586 -1 888 __ ...,..,_ for4 '00 bcunloft XlT VJO, 2911 m1, s1lve1/11rey lthr, CO, runnina bo•rds, fully loaded, hlle new, v872581 S23,49S 11 nanc1na available Blor 94t-5H-taH -~···-for4 •ts Tew.a CL sho~oom cond white fully loaded pwr \Hts S.3150 71' 7SI 2464 '•' ·•1 r.,._ u 7811 m1. WMe/pey cloth load~d. books & rte0tds non smoker. $4000 obo lohn 714 377 1 IS4 BMW '00740i CD, nav, lo miles . fad warr, beau1Jful black! #N75816 Wwb .... I www.tiocars.com Fw4 'H WloMhtw Gl 7 ~. 691o m1, clun. $6.995 vd80981 wcwaito.mm 9"8616-182'2 MONDA ACCOID lX ... Cll•mc>acne, Onty 20t< ml, clean. perfect shape 1 o•ner Must SH $13,500 9"9·S1S 9031 ......_ CIV '00 auto trans, K lull po•er. cc, low miles SIS,900 Pp 949-574-42'4 The Newport Beach/COsta Mesa/CdM, Balboa Dally PUot presents you with a great opportunity to promote antiques & collectibles. Perfect for shops, dealers, auctJons, bookselWS, decorators. reflnJshers, art galleries -develop your bus'1w with usr • , A Sp~cial Publication -Just for YOUf Publishes: Space &. COpy Deadline: March 26, 2003 March 20, 2003-5pm Release Deadline: Marth 21, 2003 ... Noon can today! Ann Wiley at 949 s1~ or fax your aid to 9t9 631--6594 • a f r!d!y, lbtdl 7, 2003 AIS TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE P*19'SAUTO 1aWS40t s.4-'t7 Rare 6·Spud·V8 low Miles! (#18536) $24.980 ,.,...... XJR s.c1on ·•• Sh1ney Black/Black leather Cerllf1ed (1188581 ) S29.980 Aa.Ye NSX , • ..,·oo Speed Y tllow 121< miles! Hurry' <•1900S) SS9.980 NI•-3SOZ Trod< C 'OS Chrom~ver Rav 3k miles OMV paid IMl9213C) S38980 Acvre MSX ( '94 Black o~ack leath er. S ~peed. trade· in <•191111) $34,980 IMWl400 c...;..·•1 Shtney Black w/lmmac C1ey l/lthr .1rul rttords {•19 180C) SJ4 980 IMWl211 s..-·oo wh1l4' w/creme lthr al I "'"'" & bumper lo bumpe1 warrty (09193) $28,980 IMW330CI ( .... '01 Steel aray llhr Spt Pk& 31k miles' rull BMWWarrty• <•19214C) SJ0.980 a....,c ....... ne c '00 Shmey":T';:_ on pert 8tac1' llhr 3!ik miles' CD player Pfem whls (IJ9181C) $30,980 GMCD ...... S,.-.. Utd 't9 Black w/lan lth1 chromed BIG whls• one owner·tr ade in (119053) $23,980 MIZSl.SOO't9 81Kll wffan lthr ~l•mwk warrnty Low mt Prem whls (118977) $42.980 anssoo Se"-'t• 31K ml One owner lmmec: white s.dan w/chrorne<I wheels (119102) $28,980 alZ SOOSl 'to 35tl mi. Both tops. Prem wheels, black on blaclt lhthet (' 18923) S27 9'0. t4t-574-7777 l"...U...SAUTO ,...,.. __ <e8 tMn:w •94 TrMpW LS h 4 ~ .... .., .... dim\ -'i9:1IXIM ----.. 96646-7812 J...-'ff lU8 Vanden Pies 3411 n'll, sparllllnl blll/tan lthr. CO. cllrlll whl,, lull fact warr, like new S28,49S f11m v842614 hruinc1111 avail Bllr 949-586 1888 -.ec;pmW.- NEW2003 MINI COOPER MOONROOF, AIR COND, CD, & POWER GROUP! ~11 ,11J ht lhtspnce <IC'3199> . . Othenat Slmllcr Savtngsl • tmlOTOll rrsu .......••.... 55 f'RlIWAY @ El»aR SMTA MA AllTO MNl. {IU) 123-9IOI J...-'ff DIC-34i m1 luU f.clory ...,. . sparkhn1 bl.cll/oatrnul lthf CO chrome wllts. 11111 new v67729S SJ4.99S hnancinc anti Blu 949 S86 1888 --~-J.-."95 .... a.... lad 4a4 6 cyl, white, $5775 wS47571 ~~7822. ......... -w......., '£] .,. "' dirt. fl..vbn ....... nwf ·-~ ....... -<D. IUPStl arc cond ..sm1 '12.995 ....-., ...... _._. t4f.SM>-I .. WWW 1''-...... ...__ .... ........, l[ 5Q IN. wlvtl/Un ltftf. dull mnrts. CO, btusll purd, Hile new, v726641 $1'.995 fl· nanc1111 & wwr ava~ Btu t4t-H6-11N -~ PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. ....... '94 $(400 c.,.. Colc:I. 1 -· dwm whb. showroom cond, new ta-es. su11'ool. 1arace<1 Sl2.2SO 949 120 0507 u-.-'0 2 ........... JOii m1, luQ I.ct warr s1lve1 sand/tan llhr CO slac1'e1 ctw-whls utra snt. v672518 $29.99S hn & warr IM1I B~r 949 ss6•1na -......... -......_._ ... CUD £1Mrald arn/t•n lthf ppous Sl2.895 ¥617317 WCW.-0.c:om 96M6 '1822 .......... 'ID:. SB. Gieman hink, blue. auto Sl99S v0199S3 wc-*>.com ~78Z2 ............. :aosl IUYtlln ..... '°"""11. kc:6. S4J9' ct.I. $10.!H> .aElD --*>.awn ~78Z2 ................. 560SL Grey both lop$ 149 lllO "'' must sell luv1na counlty S9 ~ Pvt Party 114 6AI 4941 .......... ._ .. 2 JOO TD WIF"o ""11/tJM. vwf. runs aooo. $2995 ll007193 wcwaJlo com ~ 7822. ........... ,, (210 beautiful black/crHm fully loaded. showroom tVmA. $ll!i(. 714-751 2464 12 l"endM '96 Cenw• mint cond. bladt/bteck coup.s, b<and new whls best • look-. Porsdtll · "' • u S4 I .IO> 9't9-72J. I 097 vw ''9 ,......, CilS .. tU QS :II< m. th. aa>, rm&. <D. Sl2.!R> &!Bl wc:waM.mm ~'1822 AUTOM081.fS, MISC8.lMEOUS CASH fott CAaS W•.....,Y-<• ...... , __ ... ,_ ~ ..... ....... ~ '49-574-7777 AllTOMOTM PARTSI ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES ••"•'.. .,, 1120 ·.__---~.-----UD--J111 IN, wtute/cr~Y lthf --mnrl, chrome whl$ ti.eut hlle new cond "572241 117.995 hn .- lllr ~18 WWW 9 ,,~ •ore..._ •tt SJ20 LWB S2k m1, 3 yr warr nail. silver /blk llhr. buut ~c cond, v87S241 $27,995 fonancinc avllil Blor 949-586 11188 -ecr .. •-Mere ....... S60 Sl •hlte/\an. omrnec: ~ _,,._dlql dlolw, SM.!11 71'-151~ Mt 6 ''1 .__. U .. s.noaf, ......... eatres ..._ -on1 -"°"'....., Sl4.98S .....npp714-~ ....... ,. o •••• wt11te, 59k ml clean, S199S wZIU95 ~•cam ~'Tf/ZJ Mh-... s-.. 8U t•e new. loaded, auto. moonroof alloys. low 74" m1, $5900714 7Sl 2464 «' 'd ..... WiM s blue. •uto. CO. clHn. $2 445 . v02 S17 I ---98-&Cl 7822. ..,v.,.... ... .._ ' cyl ,.. sill .. ltod mnd, .... ""°"' ,.,., --l!!Sl. n4-5&Sl!5 , ... ;a;. .,, ••••• , Conv 21' "''· ~ wtiitte/vey ltlw. 1111 f11ot.t warr. p1•1ed, rtott/ ~r. lille new vl21695 S26,991S • ,. .... -~·- sm&TOP T1•111ACM.10TOTA ..,,.. SIUSS0114-V4-am MOTDRCYa.B awy.-'97 ~ Conv U36. 42l m1, dr~ rMtallrc talue/ &r ey lttw be•ut t•e new cond w<'92521 $8499 ftnan<.mc & warranty av•lf Bkr •4t-S..-1 ... --., .. 1- BOATS MAICl#G ltOO• 'Olt #.W 1#'1.#TOllY AllllltlA.U 2002Ddy18 a..i.c •Dda:u Edition• Daao Model · LOADED l41W HoUn -HVC.E IDttftcM. MUST sm W..SJl.99S'-1\is ~Only· ~ 19'6 Pft.-Owaed Daffy 21 ask -r..aory :w.tit .. -· NeW~ Y'..a.w •• a..-, Nl"WMomi It ..... ona. ""'" .• hml $19.m 1"J~iw,a1 a Nile WW. tt.IWNEYC-Siill!lf 1iip sm.r.-.~ ........... °"" SlUf5. • • ,..., ... t _,_, .. ~ .. ¥ ... • • ·-.. 0 ... ..,....._ __ _ USED CARS 92 TOYOTA CEUCA 3XG4064 5-S •a••• 95 MECURY COUGAR (3KOP143) •• ••o 95 FORD T·BIRD LX (3NEP445} 57K Miies, Sharp, One Owner, Leather, MoOnroof, VS •• ••o 97 FORD EXPLORER XLT 2WD 869532 54K Miies, Moonroof, CD, Sha , Must See •to••• 00 LINCOLN LS (863171} S rt Pkg, Moonroof, CD •t• •••. 00 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL (4KYL991} Certified, S~rp One Owner, 6n5 Warranty •t• ••• 00 LINCOLN LS (4JDE632} VS, Sport Pkg, Moonroof, Loaded, Certified, 6175 Warran •t• 780 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 (3XL4010} Sharp One Owner, CD, Chromes · " •t• ••• 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC (4VJK895} Affordable Luxu •at••• 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIG (4VED7S7} Leather, CD, Alpine, Showroom Fresh •••••• 01 LINCOLN CARTIER TOWN CAR (4PPW360} Low Miies, Peart White with Moonroof, CD, Lo8ded •••••• 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (44KY295} Certified 02 t.INCotNi.s (640073) Top of The Une V8, Sport Pkg, llOoriroof, Chrome•