HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-11 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. . . . •• Serv~ng the Ne_wport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, MARCtj 11, 2003 · . ' ·· Jtedevelopmtnt .. zOne vote held up; Before anything else, concerns to the Redevelopment Agency QUESTION 7 Monday. ate all the angst that's being crectted. • But agency member Gary Monahan Cowan said. R d l OD Monday. e eve Opm~nt Agency AB of press time, the agency had not ShcM.lld eo.t. M.a try to evold ...... eminent gives platform to taken a vote to accept the preliminary • boundaries for an addition of 434 acres Westside property owners to the downtown redevelopment wne domllin1 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 • or send e-mail to dalfypilot@latlmn.com. Please spell your name and Include your hometown and phone number, ft>r verification said he would lib to see some action · Cowan's comments drew resounding taken on his proposal -to extend the cheers from among the more than 300 redevelopment area only down the people in the audience. (acing zone's expansion. that the Planning Commission ap- 19th Street commercial corridor and a From the heckling of the consultants residential area one block south. who presented the redevelopment plan, Deirdre Newm.n Daily Pilot proved Jan. 27. "I have no desire to go forward with it was obvious that a large portion of The agency-Qty Coundl members acting under a different dtle -couldn't decide before the public comment ses- sion whether they would even take a vote. Councllpian Allan Mansoor ab· stained from the discussion because he lives too close to the area. which Ls roughly bordered by 15th Street, Whit- purposes only. · the 434 acres,• Monahan said. the audience was against the proposal Agency member Ubby Cowan .µso "I am concerned that the Oty Coun· COSTA MPS\ -Westside industrial property owners, who have been stew- ing for the past few months over the prospect of their ·property being deemed bllgbted, finally got to air their tier Avenue, West 19th Street and Po· mona Avenue. Since more than 90 people were set to speak. agency Chairman Cluis Steel predicted that no action would be taken expressed reservations about absorbing cil will override the will of the people.· the entire 434 aaes, which encom-said Pat Conlon, who has owned a passes 627 properties, into the redevel-business on West 19th Street for 17 o~ment wne. years. "I think the Westside has enough ON THE AIR "I don't blow if the information we have at this time is appropriate to ere- KENT TAEPTC1N I OAILY Pl.OT Alexander Herzog, 11, flies kites with his father, Ottmar, at Fairview Park on Monday. Alexander, an accomplished flier who has competed in national competitions, was waiting to be if!terviewed by KOCE television for his kit~ftying prowess. Newport woman seeks GOP nod for Assembly race Marianne Zippi, who ran unsuccessfully for City Council in the fall, is among the first to announce of people," lJppi Said "I was encour- aged to go for this seat, as long as pampbell runs for Senate. One thing I her intention to run for John Campbell's seat. did learn in the City CowtcO race ts. · do~t go up against an incumbenL" June Ca1a1rand• OaifyPilot · NBWPORT BPACH -Marianne 1Jppl, who unsuccessfully challenged incumbent Mayor Tod Ridgeway for his Diltrict l seat on the City Council in November, ls seeking the Republi- can nominadon to run for Assea!bly. · l.ippi will vie 'tor t&e1&ti. OOUfcf' ~ ld~:that race, Ridgeway rec;eived Assembly seat that John Campbell Jj,541 votes, or SSA; Greenlight- wtll vacaq, so he can run for the state supported candidate Madelene Ara- Sen&te in 2004. 1be .BalbQa Peoin.su1a kellan got 8,090, or 33.34'lt; and lJppl businesswoman said that her run for t.allled 2,649, or 10.~. Newport Beach Qty Council con-Zlppl. 58,. said her main goal is to viruled her to run for higher office. support the Republican agenda in the 'After the election, I got a lot of si.te Legislature. Tupping her list of positive feedback from a lot of groups ~ ls.sues are fiscal solvency at the ' ' . THE VERDICT state level, fostering a business envi- ronment that attracts investment and creates jobs and a range of issues af- fecting families. ·As a woman who's been In business, raised children and pand- cbildren. issues aff ecdng families a.re paramount at the Legjslature. • lJppJ said. Zippi is a former marketing execu- tive who now worb awneeing famOy assets, including real estate holdings SM ASSB•LY, Pip M Island'sfounding barely above board, or aboye water . . S.. ZONE, Pace M Court case could mean ' more local school cuts Newport-Mesa, college districts could lose more than $25 million if county's appeal fails in property tax case. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPOIIT-MESA -lt's just too big to fathom. It's impossible to prepare foL It's yet another threat to the already strained poctetbooks of tbe Newport- Mesa Unified School Di.strict and the Coast Community College District. A pending court case against Orange County. charging that its practice of property value assessment has been in- consistent with Proposition 13. could cost Newport-Mesa about $16.7 million and the college district about $8.7 mil- lion S..CUTS,hpM CHURCH AND STATE ~day free parking ruled consti~tional June Cau1rande Oaity Pitot NEWPORT BF.AOi -The dly is not vloladng the esutilislu•aent dame al the Coosdhrtinn by aDowing free metered parting near four c::bt.ftbes OD ~ a:nomin& a dillrict aut )'adge bM ruled. ICl'iking down a tawUt by a loC8l mm who charpd that chun:Ma .... -. special IJ"etlh11mt. John w. Nellon, the Newport ee..ti ... PMKMG.P..-M Daily Pilot: AT A GLANCE ON THE Wiit www.dltSlbcom WEATHEll ~ ..... ..., .... .._ ....... w111M1a S.PlllAI IPOITI ~~ .......... ..... ..... ..... ... Qil .... ... t 0 ... • ..... A7 • • . - A2 Tuesdly, Mlrch 11, 2003 • . . Kl>S tALK BAa( ~~gb rollers The Daily Pilot went to Harbor View Elementary School in Newport Beach to ask first-graders, 'I/you had $100, what would you buy?' 9'lbyl and a pwnpkin.IO my toys can ~ VALDES, 7 Coronadel Mar ·1 would use it fortbe IChool •.. like help it get more materials.• MMLYN CHAN,7 Costa Mesa •Buy stuff for theachool because I think they're running out of money.• IEGAN DUNHOLTER, • Coronadel Mar •1wouldbuy boob that I can~· MfSl£Y HEJaRSON. I Coronadel Mar •euyabiger boule ... a wayblt!Ber bollle.. ~ COCKEREU., 7 Coronadel Mar , J ... . Dliti Piiot • .. . ON CAMPUS . . IN THE CLASSROOM DON L£AQi I DAILY PLOT First-graders roll the dice and add up the numbers in a money math game called Race for a Dollar in Wendy Jawor's first-grade class at Harbor View. Nickel and dimed Christ.In• C•rrlllo Daily Pilot So you've got a quarter, a dime, two nickels and six pennies -bow much money do you have? No using a calculator -the first-graders in Wendy .Jawor's class at 1-lart>or View FJementary School in Newport Beach didn't get to. Although some of them debated whether 100 peonies is actually the equiva1eot of a doUat and others ca)o alated the worth of their change on their fingers. each student wodced at understanding the bas1ca of finance. • They did 10 by working in independent groups. whkh. even at ages 6 and 7, taught them a ~th of lessons. "We can help each other and, most of all we get to don't be alone, .. said The Hell 1J011 M111 Unified SdlOOf Olllrtc:t o89r'1.-., dMJlcee Nett dly ........ y..,..~may .. First-graders at Harbor View Elementary tackle the basics of finances 7-year·old Briton Valdez, who was the captain of bis group. Dmded into four groups of about four students each. the first-graders used their knowledge of math and money in a variety of games. "These are so fun.· said 6-year-old Christine ~who played Spin to Win. • game in wb1cb the students q>in a pointer and try to win as much money u pouible. ·1.leamed bow to ootmt money because before, I d.Jdn't know bow to cowit money.• ~they learned how to CO\Ult it. . they then needed to learn bow to spend lt -a lesson many adults wish they'd never learned. ·1 can set lunch in our cafeteria." said 6-year-old Brad Hostetler, who won $2.43 during the same Spin to Win game. •it's only $2 .... I've got tax.. While the different money games helped the students learn and understand the worth of mathematics. a pet food drive the class completed earlier in the month helped them understand the social e«ect it can have as well. Having collected 258 pet food cans. which they donated to the Pet Food Bank for an1mals ln shelters. the students counted their way toward aua:ess u each dooadoo made its way into their dassroom. "They were really excited to have helped and to know they were helping animals," said Jawor, who LUNCH MENU dressing, mixed frul1, choice of milk WEDMSMY initiated the pet food drive, which turned into a school-wide project. "This (was) such an easy project to do and it totally gives bac.k to the communi~· Not to mention, it also teaches the students bow quiddy numbers can add up. "They learn better when they're doing." Jawor said. ·using the hands-on method in the form of a game. they often don't know they're 1eam1ng.· They often don't know they're soMng problems, either. Speaking of which. just ln cue you're wondering. you've got 51 cents. •IN 11tE a USROOM la• weeldy feeture In which Deity Pilot educ8tlon writer O,rlstlne Carrillo vleka e c:empue In the Newport-M ....... and writee ebout her el(J>erience. . moc.. WQltlMn ..... The No echool, conference dlWI( MONDAY tometoe9, ~Ind protein 80UtCe9 alCft • c:MiiiM. 9'>nflower .....frult~8ftd honev,... PMnUla. c•'9ieftut butler Oft 11l1ct9d .. , r 1' clon rrwy be• ..e.d, undwk.t\ or hat ...... &MOl lunc!Me.,. S2 Mdl. .............. bllnOlllWdthis wNlc: TOMY MurMNble t:und'I S.lld with fruit yogurt or1.tveld bMf dlppjn ind rtce. Cfllp gr.en ulld ~ r~ lHURSOA~ Mund\ebht Lunc::h S.lld or dMeM pizza. broccoli ftcnts With rlnCh dlP. .. Iced J)NChM. dtoice of milt FRIDAY •Munchlble Lunc:ft s.lld Of turby ... ~Lunch Selld orcHc:ten P.ltlV undwkh on• bun.~ belna, jppleuuce tube, ... of mffll • • No dllld .. dllcf'"'*'ll•d-- beCM• cf,...-. oal9r, MlllcN.e °"'"'" .............. blllt\iild •chltd .......... lmtft ... d ........ write Inn I ...... • ... 111 t•, ii AQriaulluN. w.1u11...,.., DC 202ID.. . ' • ·naily.APilot eor.t Wlllon Box 1560, Coste ~. CA 92628. ·--SURF AND SUN ~ • N.wa nalstant. (9491 574-<U98 Copyright No news ltOriee. oor•l.wlltlon•llltlm..oom llluatretioN, edftoNI ~or ~ ~menta her91n cen be WEATHER FORECAST wawe wtll be 3 to 6 fMt on • Seen Hiller, Don LAech, f9Pl'Oduced without wriften ~ swetl of 8 fMt. The wtnda Kent T,..,eow pennialon of copvt1gh1 own.r. A nk:e tunny morning wtll wtll stay atrong until dole to MADEM HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US give way to pertly doudv elclel midnight ..... EdlllDf'8 (M91842-a>ell ~ In the 9brrlOon Ind~~· Glne ~. Lort Andereon, A9cofd your com"*1t8 •bout the The Timee Orange County Tempemu,.. will 1t1rt off 11t SURF '-"' Saltowftr. Oet*1f St9Y9ne 0.ily Piiot Of MWS tlPL (800) 252-9141 •round 50 deglw end dimb .. -.WSSTAff ~ Mr ....... to .,.., 70 In the eertv • A bll of 1 bump frOm aome Our eddreea 11 330 w. Bey St., eo... Q I m.d(Ml)e.42-6878 o...---~.CA 12el7. Oflloe hourt.,. Dllipllly (949) &42-432, eflemoon. Al9" ltOUnd the MW twel todly, but d not Crime end courts~. Mondey • Frldey, 830 a.m • 5 p.m. Yeoltel Wlltltt' wiN be cooler. Wlride wtN mudt to geit MCl'9d llbout. (IMI) 57<M228 eo...-... ..... pldt up In the dlmoon. E>CS*t O<Ullotlel ...,._bhM«h•l«ltM&com It .. the Piiot's pollcy to prompdy (948)142.-.0 ,.,.,.,. ........ "-'-high WWII. There .. .,.,....,., ...... =··· .... ~ conct elf en'Ol't °' ~ ..... , ... 1574-4123 ~wtldtopquldcly eome IOUdM9IC M9I out MiNtlfl8 Edftot. H9wpott reportw, ,...... atll (Ml) ?M-4324 ..... ,., .. , ~170 !nm the low. end.., Into ..... whid'l wll llt .... kelp -·~ ......... ( ... 1~70 MIDMDS June.~•ld,,,.. com FYI lotfNI: dflilypllor • ......_oom thelOI.. tHf'9I more COii....._,. then of t./.Wrn• .,,,_,oom · ...... c::..... The Newport~ M9ee MelltOMM .......... Re ..... ............ floUtiCI end arMrcMM'Nllt 1'9POfW, Deity !'Mot (USPS-1~1 19 ......... Ollte ( .. 142-4321 www.,.....~ . .... ...-: Cley&IW, ( .. 114-CD4 (.., 'JM..4330 pubtWMld deity. In NeWpOf1 IMdt ....... ,..c.._.,.,.1121 ~...,,..,.,,°" ~,,..,._""'" ptWl.dlnfott•,.,,.__oom end co.w Meu, eubecripdone .... BOATING FORECAST TIDES -..c..... LA!la9 ..... ~ of'fv bV eubeeriblng to TM lpofll ldlor, CofuftWllt, ouMuN ,.....,, , .. , T1mee Ore,.. County (IOO) Ught wlndll on the lnnlt ,.... ......... .. IM-4m PMZ7I 212-1141. ,,.. .... out9lde of ..... todly, Wit\ ........ ,.., ....... ~ lollf&,_,,., •l«ltM&oom ~ IMdt end~ Mttil, Wl"9I end I Mii all to 4 flM ,, ••. m. 0.11 .... loW ..... " .... .,...Nu._ ~to the Delly Piiot .. frOm the MIL '""'9~ bl l:Mp.m. I.II ........ Alt Dlfwllor, ..... °"' ChW. co..,...""°""' ... PM221 Mlflllbee ofttv bV flrtt .. melt for Pu~Tlmee CC>mmuntty ~'°:===-Uta.m. Ul .... a ... IM-GM .., per monltl. ,,.,._ lnOludt ... NMe,. of Loe~ l:IOun. .4.J1 ...... Jo# JWC....,,, ivm ...,..,........,,.,,,,,,,,_oom ..... MIC I Q I I I Cllllll9 ..,a-. ... end locetw.> T1ma ........... ...:ee:. ldwa1•1n.....,,C....,...._ P'OfTMAl'TlA: lend~ ......... .._ ...... ...... IO The NeWPort ................ .,,, 111 ltliC:O... ,... ~ "'°" "°· ... fTIOOI .... i:.... Ml'ftqell .• ...... NldMwltll Wind v NEWPORT BEACH CITY -COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA CAMPAIGN REFORM ·Of tl)e lsaues that will come before the eowtcll tonight, none are likely to be more oontentfous than a study aession on campaign reform in the city. Amid a bitter· l>attle between two facdollS ln the city, the ~uncil wilJ discuSs whether changes to city campaign rules can lead to cleaner elections. WHAT TO EXPECT · ; Once the discussion is.done, the council piay ~de not to make any chaQges. Ii so, that will be the end of the matter. If the council decides the matter i.s 'WO.rtb some formal action, they may CU!k to have the mattertome up at a i'egu.lar session of a council meeting, perhaps with proposed Changes to the campaign ortlinance that they could vote on. LANDMARK THEATERS pOSTPONEO : City leaders have once again postponed ~onsideratlon of a landmark theaters ordinance. The matter has been bumped to the March 25 agenda, when the coµnctl is expected to vote on loosening rules for three city theaters and the Balboa Pavilion. though the oniine agenda for the council FYI WHAT: Newport Be1ch City Council meetlng WHEN: 7 p.m. today; study .... 1C)fi b4tglns at4 p.m. ... WHERE: City Council Chambers at.City Hall, 3SOO Newport Blvd. INFORMATION: Complete agendas and staff reporta are available at www.clty.newport-beach.ca.us; for Information by phone, call (949) 844-3000. meeting showed that the matter would be heard today, the city clerk's office confirrµed Monday that the item had been postponed. ANNEXATION A much:awaited vote tpnight eould set In motion the city's annexatton of West Santa Ana Heights, the Santa·Ana Country Oub and an unincorporated area south of Mesa Drive. The c-0uncil will vote whether to send a Jetter to the Local Agency Formation Commission that the cityylans to apply to annex the areas. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff have already provided detailed analyses to the council on the possible effects of annexation. They project that, while it won't bring in much tax revenue, armeitation won't cost the city any money, either. Considering the very vocal support for the plan residents and the country club, the council may vote yes. TREE POLICY . The city's poUcies on trees couJd get updated. The issue 'stems from a lawsuit la.st tall m~ against the dty by the Balboa Arbor Society. Arbor aodety mem.ben agreed to release their legal stranglehold on 23 tree stumps and two ttees in Balboa Village If the city agreed to teview Its tree policies.. WHAT TO EXPECT Slaft' haYe ljl..,.,,,, that the CCllldl ooilddate d1y p:ee tUe$. eo dll!!ft5 a pxt chance aome dllll'98 ~ bnnade. &t~ CXlllDdl filflTlhn dedde to make 90Dle far1ho'-~ ~ ranahl 10 ht seen. . . MARINAPARK HOTEL: Ir past meetings are any guide, tonight's discussion on a proposed resort at Marinapark will be contentious, even though the maner before the council is fairly routine. The council will vote whether to accept changes to the Marinapadc plans, formalizing developer Sutherland Talla's modifications that, among other things, reduced the number of rooms to 110. WHAT TO EXPECT Too many wildcards to call this vote. -Compiled by June Casagrande • NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD PREVIEW ON Tl1E AGENDA NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH POOL FY1 What: School board meeting Whan: 7 p.m. today. Whara: 2985-A Baar St., Costa Mesa , For more information: (714) 424-5000 authorization to make direct appeals to all groups that use the pool to contribute to the cost of repairing and maintaining it. WHAT TO EXPECT recommended. Once the superintendent had selected the lowest responsive and responsible bid, the board would have to ratify the contract. APIAWARD EXPENDITURE PLANS the Govempr's Performance Award, which is based on their Academic Performance Index growth target achievement. Thefundsarecomprisedof the 2001 ·2002-cany over and the first and second installments or the 2002-2003 funding. WHAT TO EXPECT The board is expected to approve the the plans. -Compiled by Oirisrine Carrillo Tuesday, Mar.en 11, t'OO~ A3 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS O>sta Mesa wins medal at academic decathJon C.OSta Mesa High School won a first-place team medal and an overall second place ranking in an academic decathlon last month. The school, which com- peted with 80 tecu;ns re- presenting Orange County's public and private high schools, had three teams com- pete. The competitions consisted of 10 categories -art, music. economics, ·social science. math, literature, essay. speech. interview and a "super quiz." Costa Mesa High received a second-place team ranking in its division for all l 0 catego- ries. The $Chool won its first place team medal in tht: "su · per quiz" category. ,during which students were required to answer a series of quesuons about the ocean in only 30 seconds. Many of lhe team members who competed also came home with individual awards. C.ox· to oversee larger Policy Committee Rep. Ouis Cox will preside over a 5.llghtly .lalger I louse Policy Committee in the new. session of Congress. ·oue to a record amount of interest, we have added two new member positions to the Policy Commiuee." said Co:x. a Republican who represents Newpon Beach. "These 47 outstanding members of the House will help our leadership define Republican policy flt the House." The Policy Comm.iuee, which will have 48 members, acts a forum fo r Republican members of the House to dis- cuss proposed legislation. As its chairman, Cqx is among the leaders or the Republican Party in the House. Among the notable mem· berr. are Speaker or the House Dennis Hasten, (R-ill.), fom Delay fR-TexasJ and Cabfor· ma Republicans John Doolit · tJe. David Oner, Darrell I~ and Bill Thomas. ~~ Restaurant Est:abllshed In 1962--- •••Quality Scrncc ... •••Ni t1 Eotcrt.ainmcnt• • • The swimming pool at Newport Harbor High School has posed health and safety concerns because of its det~riorating condition and, as a resuft, must be either repaired immediately or shut down. Since repairs to the pool fall under priority six of Measure A. and Measure A construction at the school sites is only expected to go through the priority four level, the school is seeking other methods of funding. The two-phase project will require about $1 million. The school is seeking authorization from the board to conduct Phase J, wruch would Costa $450,000, to put the pool back in working condition. The board is expected to approve the proposal as Eight schools have submitted expenditure plans to the board for approval. Those plans. developed by their respective school sites, are reliant upon the funds they received from the program commonly known as GLOBAL Ll~K FINANCIAL SERVICES Strangled by Debt? luXURY In Need of a loan? IS YOURS TODAY! Ma.Ire The Most ~CALL: 8-877-725-8823 .(TOLL FREE) of Every Moment! · Since the p6ol isn't used only by the students at Newport Harbor. but also by the city of Newport Beach for about 23% of t}le time. by the City of Costa Mesa for about 33% of the time and by a few other community organizations. the school is seeking funding for the project from other sowces. VOLUME SELECTION • OUT ST ANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED Instant Approval! Good or Bad Credit The proposal seeb for board ~ FOR THE' RECORD A "Lett.er to the Editor· in Saturday's Daily Pilot contained incorrect Information about which events in this year's Newport 8Nc:h Public Library's Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series still have seating available. Space Is available for "Prescription for Life: The FDA • and You• with Or. David Kessler · on Friday, April 25. David • Halberstam's programs on Friday, March 21, and Saturday. March 22, as well as Kessler's program on Saturday, April 26 are sold out. These dates were listed Incorrectly. Space is also available for "On the Border. Are We Still a Melting Pot?" with Ray Sual'9Z on Friday, May 16. and Saturday, May 17. A Mallblg item on Friday Incorrectly stated that 'he Costa Mesa City Council had voted on replacing the Meaa Verde Center with a Kohl't department store ("Tough to make a decision at 3 a.m .. even for City Council"). The Planning Commission made that vote. TUSTIN AUTO CENTER • (714) 544-4800 • tustinlexus.com ...... All Types of W10dow Treatments • VaJanccs & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bed.s preads Compli111n111ry CoJUUlt•ti.011 in Yo,.r Home 20(~/~, i I il111r ,'\ '> 1.,rct! I ilHr,, c-:>1 :1: ,. I•'!, \11:1111, ~·~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa · ~~.::: (949)642-8400 Cl-n, Comfortable, Uncrowded More Pereonel AU.ntfon to Ou,...,..,. Anaheim.CA Hey'EaterFans, It's th8t litn• of IM year ••• It's March Madnasl Clled& ......... Mel ............ .. teer •t1MlltWatC.•fcrw•T .. 11n•MIMlllc •••1tr c1 .. •ll•Cc••·---1•1s. Ml111haM1•fW ... 1l& mHtwlllda ... ,.. .... ~ _, .. ,......, ........ , '-••ti•••tM.,. Inn., _,..._. .... _.,..._,,I !11_. ........................... ··-••111••••1t1m7 ___ _ ..,,,s_., ............ sn ....... .... M TuescSIV, Marth 11, 2003 ASSEMBLY Continued from Al and securities. She earned a bachelor's in English from CaJ State University Los Angeles. The count) Registrar.of Voten. will accept candidates filing pa- pers in t.l1L lail, dl which l!me the full sl.it1 ,f aspirants likely co b(. u \Jt:d with hope· fuls -for th 70th Assembly seat will b~ :nown. Anaheim busint?~w,.,-ulfl and Republi· Ccill pan} fund·raiserCristi Cm tich and former lrvine Commu nlty Services Commission Olairman Oiuck Devore have also. announced that they will compete for the Republican nomination in the primary. which will be held in Mru1..h 2004 • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande@latimes.com. ZONE Continued from Al vlabWty to bold its own." The Downtow&l RJ<ievelop- menl Project was established ln t 973, and new territory hai been added thiee times -the last dme in 1980. Before the vote, It locludtd about 200 acres. · In October 2001, the city be· gan a &CUdy on adding more land to the area to spur economic de· velopmenL The study provided sufticient evidence tlla.i. other parts of the cJty qyalify for re- development. according to ·Staff reports. The itldependent consul~ts did a preliminary study of blight . to eliminate propertJes that would not qualify and an1ved at the proposed boundaries. If the agency accepts those bounda· ries, properties in the area will be. subject to a more rigorous analysis. • The analysis would use. 66 blight indicators, which include physical deficiencies such as electrical hazards and indus- trial odors, and ~conomic ones such as depreciated or stagnant property values and "abnor- mally high~ business vacancy rates. A section of the area could also be designated blighted based on deficiencies in the infrastructure, such as problems with the street and the sewer system. Properties that were not found to be ~ghted couJd also CUTS Continued from Al Right now, those numbers are too much to digest, officials said. "It will have implications for the entire state of California," said PauJ Reed, assistant super- intendent for business services a1 Newport-Mesa Unified. Mil's not wmething that any individ ual entity om fix. There's nothing you can do. You don't prepare for it by hiding under the desk.." While now in the appeab p~. the case, which origi· nated in Seal Beach, seeks pay back from the co~ty for the re MATH Help· At Offering lndfvfduallzed ln6tructlon • Ba~ic M ath • Alqebra • Geometry •Trigonometry • Calculu~ CALL T ODAY 949-645-7900 488 E. 17"' ST_REET • COSTA MESA (comer of lrvtne Ave.) Gmu~r .. 1 ~&MiaJ ":...J~~---0, &fU-111 lEGOPIAMB Also LAMB SHANKS l • WESTSIDE ADDITION The to.ta Meu Pfenning Comm!Mlon "u llpPf'OVed Pf'•llmJn•rv boundari• for the downtown redevelopment ~ • Recommended ed<MdatN ofWfftllde CoeuMen. • be tagged for redevelopment to ensure contiguity. Since the consultants are still in the early stages of studying the area. the boundaries may be modified, even after approval by the Redevelopment Agency, said John Huffman of Urban Futures. Industrial property owners not only fear the Joss of their property, but are critlcal or the city's redevelopment efforts be- cause there is no plan for the fu. ture of the Westside. They also believe that the property tax the agency would get from their properties if they were taken through eminent do- adjusanents in property tax assessments by 5% or 10% in a single year rather than the 2% limit established by the proposi· lion. A Superior Court has ruJed in favor of the Seal Beach plain- tiff. "Th.is case is huge and a lot more than we can handle,• said C.M. Brahmbhart, vice chancel· lor for fiscal affairs at college dis· trict. -In addition to the initial re- funds required from each dis- trict. taxpayers would see annual reductions of $6.6 million for Newport-Mesa and $3.4 million for Coast. Since the effect the court deci- sion could have on each district is nearly impossible to assess at this time, college and Newport· Mesa school officials, already grappling with the effects of a state budget crisis. have left their fate in the hands of the state. roain would be used to pay off the agency's staggering $4l·mil· lion debt. Agency manager Mike Robin- son has said that's not the intent at this time. If any changes are made to the preliminary boundaries ap- proved by the Planning Com- mission, the proposal must go back to the commission for re- approval. • DEJRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be re&died at 1949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latime11.com. "We don't lcnow exactly bow the state is going to react.· Brahmbhart said. "In a K through 12 !school system], there is a state provision ... that if there are any property tax losses. that !the state) will pro· vide more support for those schools. For the community col- leges, that is not the case.· An appeal of the case couJd take years. officials said. With the involvement of the state inevi· table, district officials agree chat there's nothing to do now but wait. In Newport Beach, the ruling could mean the city would have pay back $5.7 million in property taxes and would collect $2.3 mil· lion less each year. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO oover8 education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo@latimes.com. Stat e's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon I! ;ilf J t:M\9;f 1j'itil) ilff;f JJ I I! 9:idl Wit& UY ... OB TU•I DP Same Owner SinceJ(M ~an in Costa Mesa Tiii CllB I IBOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 E-mail: carb ans@thccarbsho .com N~ shipments of Accessories for your Home Including Lamps and Shades With custom opt/0111 available ·Mon-Fri 1~ • Sat 10-S •Sun IM 369 E.. 17th Street 113, CoA.a Mesa• (9'9) ~'5 (Across from Ralphs) EV9tWOOO' ~.To look• thmi YoU'd ~ chc,'rc ml wOod lut me.i MindJ won't~ ,,., or mck ... C¥Cl'I in che kiethcn otbelhoom A.4-..wooo a. ... • a· ........... ..a_. mW......._ ... hlnf IDWIM lhc;.wt0~ Sccdlelft ... . ftooa~IMJ01'1'aM...,.OJWl..:ll •11a1 llUr IH•I 11811. 1MJ ft 1 t t.11 Mimi Mt••a• POLICE FILES POLICE FILES COSTA MESA . • ,_DIM: A 27"YNrold woman end a ~..old man were arrested on auipk:k>n of cnldit cerd theft In the 400 bl<><* at 8:46 p.m. Seturday. The worNn was aleo booked on suspicion of poaealng drug peraphernaJla and of . poue .. lng hypodennlc needa.. • Hafnlton 8trNt: A 53-yeal'-<llld man and a 68'-year-old man were ammed on auspidon of camping In an area of the 600 bled where camping is prohibited, at 6:46 a.m. Sunday. • Herbor Boulevard: A ~yea..old man was arrested on suspicion of possessing drugs with the intention of selling them In the 2200 bled at 10:15 p.m. Sunday. -.South Coast o.tve: A 46-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of burglary In the 900 blodt at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. • Wll9of1 Street: A 24-yea~ld man was arrested on suspicion of ntS!stlng a pollce ofncer In the 700bledat11:18 p.m. Sunct8v. NEWPORTIEACH ..._.. ..... ,wctA • gerege bw'glefy WM report*9 In the 100 blodt at 12:.42 p.m. Monday. • Belboe loul l'1ltllld: Another garage burglary WU reported In the 100 blodt at 8 a.m. Monday. ·~,...and ~cadel ""'° suspldous peopfe were aneat~for un~ ' , • renona near the , intertectlon at 1:47 a.m. Monday. • MecAlthur~end San Jo9qWn ... Roed: ' Reddea driving waa ·reported at the lnteraection at 8:62 a.m. Monday. • Oc:een fTof1t w.t: Loud music was reported aa a disturbance In the 2100 blodt at 4:08 a.m. Monday. • San .Joequln Hila Roed: An stolen carwu reported in the 2600 blodc at 9:47 p.m. Sunday. • Via Udo Notd: A garage burglary was reported in the 400 bled at 9:47 p.m . Sunday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Costa Mesa man held will men decide whether to on suspicion of rape charge the man. A 24-year·old Costa Mesa Ctr accident sends man was arrested Monday ti h 'tal on suspicion of trying to our to OS[ll S rape a prostitute after she An afternoon collision in refused to have sex with him downtown Costa Mesa sent a second lime, police said four people to local hospi· Beto RamJrez-Castellon tals on Monday. allegedly held the uniden-The crash occurred at 1: 19 tified victim against her will, p.m. in the intersection of tried to force her to engage 19th Street and Newport in sexual activities she says Boulevard when a Tuyota he did not pay for and van and a Jeep collided.. 1be ripped a phone out of the passenger in the van, who wall when she tried to call was the most seriously in· the police. Costa Mesa po-jured. was taken to Western lice U. Dale Birney said. Medical Center in serious Birney said Ramire-L· condition. lWo of the other Castellon tells a different victims were also taken to story of the night's activities, Western, in stable condition. but remhlns in custody, The fourth was talc.en to though the earlier sexual ~~~ Hospital with minor acts were consensual. tnJunes. ·We obviously can't dis· . Officials aren't sure miss it on the totality of the which directions the vehi· situation.." Birney said, re· cles were traveling in or ferring to the fact the who hJt whom. said Cpl. woman ls a prostitute. "We Randy CroU of the Costa have to take what she says Mesa Fire Department. seriously." It was also uncertain It is a matter of he said, whether the severely in· she saJd, at this point. Bir-jured passenger was wear· ney added. ing his seat belt, Croll said. Ramirez-Castellon will re-Mlt appeared he was main in custody while in· launched forward and ap- vestigators corroborate evi-~to suffer a spinal cord dence and interview the Injury." Croll said. "Cer1ain)y. vlctim and the suspect a that type of injury can be couple of times more to avoided by using a seat belt." ma1ce sure each of their sto· Traffic in the northbound ries stays consistent. Birney and southbound directions said. on Newport Boulevard and If there appears to be the Costa Mesa Freeway enough probable cause, po· was congested for about an lice will forward the case to hour after the accident. the district attorney, who Croll said. PARK1NG Continued from Al • .... WJl .... GGIWSI Ne 'I fl 111111\ end.ICIM--Mpml; .. ,,_be ......... .............. JIM• ........ r ... ~-. '· ., . .. ....... ·" .. .. . \ ' ' _ ... .... ·~ . ' .. Dady Pilot AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN Items to tht! Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bev St .. Cotta Mesa, CA.92827; by fa>C to (949) 846-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, d•te end location of the event, •• well et• contact phone number. A complete l~ing It available at www.dal/ypllotcom. TOOAY A f1'M seminar called •A Natutal Approactt to Vision and Hearing Treatmeht .. will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. qt Mother's Martef, · 225 East '17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. A •Rnandng your But1neu• workshop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. The cost is.$25, $20 if preregi.stered. For more irformation. call (71 4) 550-7369. WEDNESDAY Nationally f'9nowned conservative economist and ·political commentator Stephen Moore will appear at the evening cocktail reception sponsored by the Young Executives of America at 6:30 p.m. at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach. Admission is $16 for ll)embers, $25 for nonmembers. Call Brian Reddoch at(949)721-8686formore information. A free book signing and seminar called •Tue Mood Cure~ by author Julia Ross will be held from 6:30 to. 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St .• Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. A open reading and live music VERDICT Continued from Al '>treet ends and an almo~t useless bulkhead, which merely kept water out long enough to sell lots. He promised a fme concrete bridge to the mainland. an eight-car feny and a ISO-room hotel. Of those, a bridge was built, but it was a ramshackle wooden one. As the world knows, Balboa Island. like Caesar's Gaul. is will be preter1ted It 8 p.m . at the Alta Coffee HouM, ~31st St., Newport Beactt. Sign ups begin It 7:30 p.m. for the open reeding. For mo,.. lnfonnatlon, call (949) 675-0233. The Cdtomia ~ TNc:hers Aun., Harbor Division No. n wilt hold• meeting for their members and their gueltl with a Home Depot repreeentative to talk about ho!fle repairs and what's new fn tools. The meeting Is at 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Part Ave .• Costa Mesa. All retired educators are welcome. F.or more information, call (9.49) 551-f!082. The~ ~ncer Support Group will hold "A Caregivers Journey." from 6;30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, Conference Room •Jtt. Newport Beactt. Free. For more Information. call (949) 760-5542. The Balboa Bay Republican Women will have a luncheon at 11 :30 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian, 1601 Bayside Drive, Corona del Mar. For more information. call • (949) 644-9530. ·The Roman Fotum Project: An Exploration of the American Political Spectacle," offers a critique of American issues. Performances are scheduled for 8 p.m . today through Saturday, with a post--performance discussion at UC Irvine. Admission is free, but space is limited. For reservations, call (949) 824-6206. Weekly s10ry time at Toy Boat toy store offers stQries, songs. finger plays and crafts. Newboms to 5-year-olds are Invited from 10:30 to 11 :·30 a.m. at 21111 Newport Coast-Drive. For more information, call (949) 759-8697. divided into three parts. There is the main island. To the east. there is the Lirtle Island separaled from the main island by the so-called Grand. Canal, which is neither grand nor much of a canal, particularly at low tide. On the western tip, there is a small island thal he modestly named Collins Island. There. he built a castle for his fourth Wife. Apolena. Like most promoters, C.Ollins had his ups and downs. and by 1915, he had lost all his holdings MARCH THUUOAY ·0o.-h 'r. Aodlllt 9dence to Create e Good Reade;?" It the topic of a ledura to be given by UC Irvine Profeuor Virginia Menn at 6 p.m. In the unlve,.ity c.tub, library room It UC Irvine. The cost Is $30, and reservations are reQulred. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 824-2511. The Model Untt.d Nataon. Club of Orange Coast College will host ita second annual fund-raising dinner and silent auction from 5:30 to 9 p.m. In the college's Student Center. The club is designed to educate students in areas of lntQrnatlonal 'relations and diplomacy. To buy ti<*et.s tn advance for $10, call (714) , 432-0202, ext. 26. rldcets are $12 at the door. KaNn Cushman'• •111e Ballad.of Lucy Whipp&" ...,;u laurdl a <iscussion about growth and dlange at the MothefOaughter Book Oub, at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave:. Newport Beadl. For more information, call 949-717-3816. FRIDAY Talented children ages 6 through 18 will perform at the annual "Searm for Talent" competition presented by the Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor. The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. For information and entry blanks, call (949) 673-8701. SATURDAY A •How to Start Your Own Business" seminar, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired . Executives. will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The cost is $40, $35 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369. · Orange County Milt.I interested in exhibiting artwork in the on Balboa Island except At>olena's castle. Lots that he had originally offered for a.c; much as $760 were now going for as little as $25. Shortly thereafter. William S. CoUins and, I presume, Apolena. left for parts unknown. Rumor has it that he went into the High Sierras, where he subdivided and sold mountain meadows and didn't have to wony about high and low tides, but my suspicion is that he gravitated to Florida. wruch had a land boom in the l920s. Selling underwater Spring 2003 Orange County Artist Juried Exhibition can bring work In for judging to the Oatis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona Del Mar between 9 and 10 a.m. For more lnfonnation, call (949) 717-3870. •Dtvotce: A New Beolnnlng,• a workthop for men and WQJnen divorced Of getting d ivorced. la held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p,m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. ·eulldlng a Better Future,• held by the Newport Harbor , Navigators, will benefit Newport Harbor High School. The benefit will be, held at the G ranc,1 Newport Plaza in the Turnip Rose Ballroom, 1901 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tickets cost $100. For information and an invitation, call (949) 515-6365. SUNDAY Classical music aficionados are invited to enjoy #Three Centuries of Piano Music," at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. Pianist Michael Seller/will present the free program, which will iru:lude works by.Mozart. Chopin. Poulenc. Debussy and Samuel Barber. The Newport Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Avenue. For more info rmation, call (949) 717·3816 or visit www.newportbeachlibrary.org. *What is Memory loss• and "Creating a Partnership with your Physician" are free wprkshops sponsored by the Alzeimer's Assn. The first workshop will be held from 11 :30 a.m . to 12:30 p.m .• and the second from 12:30 to 2 p.m .. at the Presbyterian Churdl of the Convent, 2850 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (714) 545-3727. lots became an an form. CoUins woulJ have fell right at home. Wherever he ended up. he left his mark here: Collins Island, ColJins Avenue and Apolena Street. I low many other!> in the history of thb town have left an island and a street named after themselves, plus a street named after his wife. particularly his fourth wife? • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former judge His column runs Tuesdays. "City of tk ;tns" Concert~...,..., end guitarist Steve Walt.era 11 known aa the "Slngfng Buddha." He comblnH deep spiritual insight. ·humor end hi• voice et 7 p.m. at the Center fof Spiritual Discovery •. 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Sulte.111, Cotta Mesa. 'Tldceta coat $10. For more information, call (714)754-7399. MOHOAV A Greet Dedtiom discuaion of ""The .Global Struggle for Women's Rights• is the last in an eight·week aeries on U.S. foreign policy toptca. The discussion will ~ led by Karen Speros frorri 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Mark Presbyterian Church;2100 Mar Vista. Newport Beach. For more information, call (949t 76()..1691. Steven Cojocaru reads from end signs ·Red Carpet Diaries:' Cojocaru, fashion correspondent for the "Today Show~ and People Magazine's style editor, reveals the dirt beneath the red carpet of today's celebrities. Event starts at 6 p.m . at Book Soup South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St.. Suite 2400, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 689-2665. Tuesday, Mardi 11, 2003 M ·oreb a,....., 1n~· .. par1 of en lsreef~ Pl.lrlm celebration courtetv of the Chabad Jewish Cen1er In N.wpoft 8eadl at 6:30 p.m. ft will be held In Cf\e Rad!aao(\ Hotel M 4M6 Mac.Arthur Blvd .. The coet la S15 per adult. $10 per mild. For reservations, call (949) 721•980(). MARCH 18 The Newport Hatbof On:htd Society Is hosting an orcttid plant auction from 7 tO" 10:30 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Par1' Ave .. Costa Mesa. Free. For more· information, call (949) 642-4148. A free sen:ilnar called •The Role of Supplements in F1gh1ing canoer• will be hekt fiom 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For re5ervatlons. call (800) 595-MOMS. A "Malting the Right Anancial Decisions" wo rtu;hop, sponsored by the Service Corps of Retired Executives. will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. The cost is $40. $35 if preregistered. For more information, call (714) 550-7369 •HARDWOOD •LAMINATES• CARPET . • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING ·~!!~ *·'mbw:,:.1 !>OLARIAN ; ff?~ 3/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER s449 from IQ~ -$1 4so~ Travertine 18" x 18" .................................................... '4.29 IQ• Ceramic Tiie ................................................... ~1rom '4.99 tQll Laminate Wood....... . ...... ...... .... . ..... . ........ ~ 1rorn '4.99 !IQ n • t..JnY!f ·'11'W1111' "'~ r; '8e! - 2003 1 700 Adams Ave .. Ste. 101, Costa M esa, CA~g626 • (_714) ~85-9090 • fax (_7141885-9094 • www.cost amesachamber.-"'-c..::;o..;..m:..:.--- JANUARY NEW MEMBERS MJ'• Craib & Unlquf! Glib Jim Parker 1777 Hummingbird Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/435-8258 voice Nf!wporl Beach Land & Sea Jim Wildey 183 Monte Vista, # A Costa Mesa, CA 92627 714/546-7 446 voice A Touch of Romance Wendy Hooper 3715 S. Bristol St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 71 4/546-7446 voice 71 4/546-7 448 fax Julc~lt Up/ Piush R. Bhagat 2701 Harbor Blvd., #D-2 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 71 4/7544273 voice 714/754-4274 fax Ma•on ln•urance Patty Mason 3500 S. Bristol St., #204 Santa Ana, CA 92704 714/540-8222 voice 714/540-8228 fax Peter Taylor Interior Dulgn Peter Taylor 2915 Redhill Ave., #f106 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/549-6770 voice 714/549-6776 fax '11lW System• Federal Credit Union Alisa Zendejas Metro Town Square 3 751 S. Plaza Drive Santa Ana, ~ 92704 310/536-5390 voice 310/536-5059 fax JANUARY R ENEW/\LS !U yeors/1111 J.C. Humphries Enterprfses SJ~nllll Holiday Inn Costa Mesa llyccrsll Country Inn and Suites IJyeonll Carey Ward, Realtor IZyeanll Mesa Verde Plau l,,.arsl ORR Properties Beacon Bay Enteripises KL MFG., Inc. Global Expressions 5,.arsl -... w~ldorf School Orange County Jra~tion 4'8nl Care Ambul~nce services Nick's Rlstorante Pizzeria National Cat ~on Society Jyears/ Sign master BOdy Awareness Phvsiaf Theripy Kline School ~~,.. Cf0.2;(;0 °""" <:ountv c.nne COml*tY Bil 90-Mlnute Breakfast Boost Breakfast Raffle Prize Donations A Second look Borders Music, Books & Cafe RichMar Shirts & Signs Transportation Corridors Wyndham Garden Hotel Connell C+ievrolet Speaker, Susan Fiskin (left) joins Breakfast sponsors Dick & Lynn Seaholm of Rich-Mar Shirts & Signs Januarr Mixer Slloab Monahan•• Restaurant & Pub From left: Board Members Dave Elliott of Vanguard University and Lisa Tatman of Financial Management Network share a moment with Diana Hinton of Vanguard and JNnM Taruevitt of CF0-2-GO. Mixer Raffle Prize Donations t<asler Ventures, Ambiance Florals, Jaz.n Hair Salon, l..l Sal.sa• 1 7th Street, J&S Autom<>tive, Sl<osh Mooah~n's, Costume Conne<:tion1 French's Cupcake Bakery, S.lloon~ Unlimited and Trans~tien Corridors CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 1 Monday. March 3 Tuesday, March 4 Monday, March 10 Tuesday, March 1 f 1 T.uesday, March 11 Education Committee -DARK legislative Committee Noon -Chamber office Finance Committee Ex1cutiv1 CoanittM . 7:30 a.m. -Chamber office Amb1nadors CommittM Noon -Chamber office Thursday, March 13 Boant luncheon-DARK Thursday, March 20 90-Minute Breakfast Booa 7 -8:45 a,m .. Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Drive Wednesday, March 26 Com Miu ChmMr IA4 Thuridey, April 3 Britilll Mertcaa BaiMa eo.cu Abt Moun Mixer Turnip Rose Banquet Facility located in the 11>1 Newport Blvd. Bulldin~ 5'3> • 7:30 ~ April PreVlew c.... ......... ,.. .... 11:30 1.m. -.... COltl Meii Costa Mesa ' . . . . . .. M Tueedly, Mlith 11, 2003 , FORUM 9 I '• tt0W lO GET"•·--L.1i1111n: Mall to Edltoriet ~ Editor S.J. Cahn 8tihe Deity P8ot, 330 W. Bay St., Co8ta Mw, CA 92627 •Ru llwl HodM: Ce41 (IM8) 84.2.eoe6 Fa: Send to (M) ~17Q E"fNll:s.nd to dallypllot•~oom •Alt COft'9'PO' ldence must lndude futl name, hometown •nd phOM number (for Y9l1bdon purpoeee). The Piiot r.wvee the right to edit .it eubmltak>M for d•rttv end length. • . I LEI IER TO ntE EDITOR . I'm mad about (insert issue here) I've been pretending to be interested in the debate between Kona Lanes and Kohl& Since this type of debate comes up often, l offer to the editors of the Dally PUot a form letter that can. when hint of this type of debate is seen on the horizon. be Included in the Editorial page. Dear Daily Pilot, I have lived in c.osta Mesa since: a) l!MO b} Last week. C) Rome ruled the earth. I am (was} conoemed about proposed construction of a) Home Depot b) 'Dlrget Greadand c) Kohl's department store. ' I adamantly protest change in my nefFbodlood lvqiuur a) Wdr9.~anolher Irvine. b) I like dflapldated properties near my home and am hopeful the aime rate will aoon rue. c) In a weak economy, the dty doem't really need new Jobs. I know tb!a property W11 commerdal when I bOught my home and moYed here anyway because: a) An empty shopping center is a quiet shopping center. b} The price WU light. c} I thought I could supplement my income by persuading the property owner to hh me as a oonsultanl.....,,..... .. tell them how to make~ I may change my mind If the owners of the property: a) Build a parlc in the now empty lot between my brand new house and· the construction b) Build a 20-foot wall between me and the property (and give me air conditioning). c) Buy me a llfetime supply of Prozac. Sincerely, Joe (or Jane) Otizen ~ lt comes down to hedom of cbo~ folks. The community choee to not finandally support the theaters, the ioe rink and lCona Lane& Now the owner chooses to upgrade the property, and evieryooe wants to tell them bow it should be done. Residents affected by the upgrades to their neighborhood should tab a deep, appredadvt! breath and be thankful the owners care enough to keep the propeny from becoming a blighted eyeeore. MEQTWEEDY ColtaMea .Fire chief is not to blame · .. : for club's slow birth . I read with disgust the Daily Pilot article on code luues over the approvals for Cub Vegas nightclub ("Wheels sdll aplnnlng on Oub Vegas," Tbunday}. I can only 1ay that it sounds as · , though the club owner and Bill Perkins 11would have the Idiots rwJllfng the aaytuml" Ju it did during similar code violations at the Piecemaker's warehouse a couple of years ago, the Daily Pilot baa chosen to paint Fire Marshal Tum MacDuff as the bad guy In this wue. Not since the days of the Roman Empire have we chosen to kill the messenger who bears the bad news. ~acDuff did not write the code. The .fire code wu written by intelligent people with years of lifesaving experientf who set out to write a code that's designed to prevent the types of tragedies like those In Ollcago and Rhode Island MacDuff is charged with the weighty burden of enforcing our codes. If your son or daughter gets hQIDe safe on any given day, be it from the supermarket, the nail salon or a r- nightclub, you may owe the · experience to hard-working Individuals like MacDuff. For an examp~of what happens ts> fire marsh and inspectors who don't uphold e codes, please stay tuned to the lawsuits that are popping up in Otlcago and Rhode Island Exitin.g requirements are at the very core of life safety iasues. They must not~ overlooked, or swept under the carpet In. any way, just so • .a group of people can listen to some musk and down a martini. You won't read about lt In the paper if 200 people get home safe tonight, but you will if they ail die a needless ftery death because they couldn't get out of a blazing inferno. l haven't met Perklna, but I feel as though l oow know all I need to about him. The same can be said of James Raven and Gary Monahan. I am Inclined to suggest to these people the old adage: It is better to keep your mouth shut and avoid being suspected an Id.Jot, than to open it and remove ail doubt. Pl\lRICK AYRES Costa Mesa No trouble balancing Catholicism, patriotism I must admit I have been rather surprised with all the rhetoric about the alleged schism among Catholicism, the pope and Iraq. There are no inconsistencies here: Ju an Irish Catholic, I recognize the pope as the spiritual bead of the Catholic Church. He ls the religious leader for the world's Catholics. I also recogn.tze that President Bush is the commander in chief of the nation's armed forces and the leader of the United States. He is directJy mponsible for the safety and well being of this nadons dtluns. Who, in this post-9/11 world, could dispute the legitimacy of the president's deci.alona to root out STEVE MGCRANK /OM.Y PILOT James Raven holds a floor plan in the basement of 1901 Newport Btvd.·, where his Club Vegas would be built. The Costa Mesa Planning Commission has approved the project, but fire marshals have held it up, saying another fire exit Is needed. Raven claims his plans meet all of the state's requirements for fire safety. terrorism and threats to our actually bowled there twice in the Commission has made a very bad security by any means neceasary7 last year O was the one drinJclng beer decision. l recently had a birthday Who can seriously and credibly and cwaing a bit too loudly for the and l invited 40 to 50 people at dispute that Saddam Hussein 15 not kids In the lane next to ours -Kona Lanes, and we absolutely a military/terrorist threat, to both remember, bowling is good for kids). had a blast. lt Is one of the great world peace and U.S. interests at Actually the few kids I saw there family entertainment venues in home and abroad? were In the arcade, not on the lanes. Costa Mesa and It definitely needs Generalizations about one's If it's the arcade that ls so renovation, but I don't think political, religious and social important, that could easily be another chain department store is affiliations are meaningJess and taken care of In a storefront that what anybody needs. trite when dealing with such core talcet one-tenth of the space that Look how many places we have tenets as love of and defense of Kona talces. to shop. You've got Fashion Island. one's country. And regarding the complaint South Coast Plaza. All over the As a Democrat, I did not vote for about parking getting bad with a place, wherever you look, there are President Bush, but support and new Kohl's store, I sure hope so. mini-malls, and It Is just too stand behind him l~ as my That means it's successful and much, and l think that once again, leader and commander in chief. As generating taxes for your city. Taxes bottom line, money wins out. a former Army reseivist and that pay for thin.gs like police and Family entertainment Is hard to .serviceman, I reoognize bl.a pub. -come by, especially something like authority and respect bis courage to I enjoy Kona Lanes and will miss bowling, and It Is in a central act In our best interests; aa a it, but even without the Kohl's, Jt ls location and It Is used by Catholic I pray that he be given destined to fail soon. The city numerous families, they've got the divine guidance to lead and protect should take advantage of this bumper thlngs so kids can bowl, this nation at this critical time. opportunity now, Instead of having end they have a karaoke, which Is A time far too crucial for simple another building sit vacant for years a blast, and the arcade in there. general.lZations. to come. I think renovation Is the key and RICHARD TAYLOR Here's an Idea: Maybe a bowling I'd say take a poll and see what Newport Beach alley would fit into the former kind of responses you get and see Kona Lanes could have Ralph's/Whole Foods LocatJon the percentage of people that say underground at Triangle Square. they should renovate the ice been saved already There may be some used (very skating rink, too, and keep the used) bowling equipment available bowilng alley. Than.It you Chris Kerins for being soon. The rent baa to be cheap, But as l said, the all-mighty the lone voice of reason in the since nothing bas survived de>Wn dollar talces precedence In our battle of Kohl's versus ICona Lanes there. It would have the companion society, unfortunately. and once (Readers Respond on Tuesday). of a movie theater above it. or you again it looks like that's going to Some of the letters I read could go for dinner or a beer within happen, so unfortunately, that's regarding this wue are frustrating walking d.Jstance ofTrlangie Square the way things seem to work. to me by their lack of simple logic. If after bowling. It Is a shame and a pity, and I Kona Lanes, Ice Chalet and Edwards Ah. but then there's the people hope I can get In a few more were successful, there wouldn't be who can't figure their way into or rounds at the old ICona Lanes this argument. Instead, they sit out of the parldng there. Never before It all comes tumbling down. vacant (or nearly vacant, in Kona'a mind. And as far as I am concerned, case}. creating an eyesore and not CRAIGDIXON the commission -after three r.rodudng any revenue for the Balboa strikes in bowling Is called a turkey andowners or the city. Commission bowls a -well, I think they are alJ bunch If Kona Lan.et la so important for of turkeys for making this big kids, why aren't they there now? wru turkey with this decision mistake. · things change if Kona staya7 This ta KEVIN "MEL• THOMAN coming from someone who bu I think the Costa Mesa Planning Corona del Mar COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Times have changed, Mes(], Verde Center must, too ................ ._co.. ..... . .. . ~ t•• • : . ... . ' •· .. l .. .. .. • _,# 14 ' , ' . , r. • u l· •I " ,, . .. • . .. ,; ... , ~' ! ... '•• .,, . .,, .... ~. ~, .·· • h. '•• """ ·~· . '• '1 '·· "· .. w, •t u "I II .. tr .c A! ·' • ,, ,'\ I ~ ... •• .... 1 I J , .... FJ .. < n 'l rl '"· J' "' •J ,.,,.,.-•' .. ·1 • 1t•, ... , ,, ....a.~~~----~---_...._ _______________________ ....._ ___________ ...... ___ ..._..__...1.i ... ~-----MaJ--...-.a..1-.... _~ ........... --~ .... ~·~ QUOTE OF 11tE DAY "What Danny (Krikorian) brings a.r a player and a leader, ls Jqmething we didn't have." .,.. '°""'· Costa Mesa boots ~coach EYEOPENER DaiJy~ru:.. 8pottl .... flF-. , ............ ........ ... c;h 17 hooDrM • JOHff KATOVSICH SportaEdlllor RogerCattson • (949)5744223 • lportaFax:'(949)650-0170 Tue~, March 11, 2003 A7 BOYS VOLLEYBALL : PREVIEW .. ·~ustangs ]ifted by addition I hiipact of Krikorian could be hµge, Mesa coach believes. I 81ny Faulkner OailyPitot OOSTA MF.sA -Officially. ~ c.osta Mesa High boys ~a!:: galne nonJeague ~ at ~ Ch8pel But the dawn o( what Coach Dave sOmns promises to be an ex-cit-lr'i campaign came Monday, when sen- ior Danny Krikorian joined the team. Sorrells expects Krikorian. a first-team AJl-GoJden \\at league basketball pla).'er wbo played four varsity seasons for Coach Bob Serven. to make ari immedi- ~ and profound impact on the Mus- ~ despite no< having played volley-bel since Im freshman year. ;what Danny~ as a player and a ~ Is something we '1idn'l have," said ~ after witnessing Kriknrian's first pr8ctice Monday. "Within a balf' hour. he was hitting the ball better than ~ne ~had here since B.J. Ughtvoet (a for- mer AD-OF kill cruncher who graduated In 1999). •(The 6-fi:>ot Krikorian) is still going to ampete in track and field. but he was 8* to dear up hJs sc:hedule enough to jokl our team." SorreUs said. "We just got a whole Jot better. This is huge." lbe ~ who also pid.ed up Ziad ~ a S-10 teDior who played twterbaD. needed all the help they oould get after losing aD the top players &om a 2®2 squad that earned an at-large berth in the aF Southern Section Division IV ~ its first postsealon since 1999. Som!i1s saXI be will need time to evaluate • hcfN Pepe can CX>Otribute !>est. freshman Ryan Bagwdl's three kills were a team-h.igb against Calvary Chapel and the Mustangs dropped 3 o( 4 one- gaine toul'Dament matches Saturday. But ICdkodan glves the team a go-to hitter, whole athleridSlll will also pay off in ocher area, SomDs bdieYes. "He'll play outside hitter and he'll be in eYefy pasdng rotation. .. Sondb said Hoping to proYide a little support wiD ~ a group that indudes five seniors up from the junior varsity. John Santos Is a S-9 senior setter, bat:ked up by senior Elias Cmnpns. who wtb help out in the back row, Sorrells said. Damn Wue is a S-9 senior outside hlt- te( who ha impnMd gmdly. Sorrells aa'1 and 5-ll 9elUor Rocky Nguym is an-other OUllide hma &lam Nili is a S-11 lellior outside hitter ar*1 S-10 junior Mitch Mandel is another wteran member o( the program. ~ 6-0 Bagwdl sbOws promise and ~wind up 9f!U1ng eome. SoueDs said. Gemtt Wallhen is a 6-2 IOpbomore wltt'l promise and &-3 IOpbomore Qabriel Gqozalez adds m.e at the net. 'lboy ICrilcodan. a 5--8 hlbman who sp«!IJt the ba9ketball leUOtl with his older brbcber on the ~ wm be oount2d upon to hdp with ball control. Prmbman Andrew Mdcer. a S-2 badt· rowpla)w. 8 among thoee wm:ing bard tD improYe Soaelll mt Sopbomom Mib Huang, a 6-2 middle blocker. " ezpect2d tD join the lineup IObie time ln the leOOIXl round of !ague. HOOPS HONORS CdM threesome •• on second team Senior Brett MatHn and junJor tetnlmates Pancho Seaborn and Jay No~ repraent Corona del Mar H'8ll u leCOod·teun All-Pactnc Cout Leque hononlfM ln boyl babtball. s.bom. a '1-2 parit. averqied a tam-'""'"I 12.2 points to help the Sea Kinp 02·18> adftnce to the CIP SoUtlMin Sec:don DM.ion m-A "'1· .... MalMft. a 5· 11 . ,i.ard. atetlftcl 9.2 potme, while NOt1brtdp, a 5-t JUD:ior poblt paid, Chipped In 8.1 polnta per ...... . NeltbwOod NnlOr Drew niny " the ....-YMl&ble Aa,.r .,, me MODftd ltlllllbt llMOD. after tMd'ftl tbi 1'111- tilliifol .. to ........ ~ .. ...... plcwNp left, Estancia High's Ja~ Cassidy Imes.up a putt on the 14th hole of the Mesa.Verde Two-Man Invitational, hosted Monday by Estancia at Mesa Verde Country Club. Bottom left, Estancia's Ryan Brown use~ a bit of body language to help a long par putt tnto the hole. Bottom rtlht. Estancia's Marcus Sostak hits an approach shot on first hole. Cassidy, a semor,·and Sostak, a freshman, rombmed to finish second, two shots behind the Brea Olinda duo of Chris Heintz and Chris Moores. Cassidy shot 2-over-par 73 and Sostak carded a 79, allowing them to edge the third-place team from Huntington Beach by a single stroke. Brown, a senior ce>captain, shot 88, wtule other Estancia scorers included freshman Greg Les (83) and iunior Jason Les (84). Pl 10TOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY Pit.OT COLLEGE BASKETBALL HONORS UCl's Harris earns first-team laurels Four men, five women represent Anteaters on All-Big West selections. UC Irvine senior men's basketball standout Jordan Harrts bas been named first-team All·Btg West Confer· ence by the drcult's coaches. The 6-foot-5 forward averages a team-h.igb 12.8 points per game, as well u 4.4 rebound$. /l starter in 26 of 27 games th.is season. he awraged 19.8 points and 5.8 rebounda the past four games. Junior 7-0 center Adam ..... Parada earned second-team All-Big West honors. He is averaglng 12.3 points and a team-leading 6.1 rebounds. He ls shooting 56911 from the field, which leads the conference. UCI senior Mike Hood re- ceived honorable mention. Hood, a 6·4 guard, is avtraging I 0 points and leads UCI with 46 three-pointers this season. He tops the conference ln free-throw percentage (.91n and he ranks second In three-point Oeld-goal percentage for Big West games at .432. Jeff Gloger, the 'Eaters' starting red· shirt freshman point guard, was named OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK • to the Big West All-Freshman team. The 6-4 GJoger has 72 steals, a UCJ single-season re- cord, and also leads the Ant- eaters with 75 assists. He is aver- aging 8.3 points. Coach Pat DougiaM' Anteaters (19-8). finished second In the regular- season conference race. With a 13·5 mark. UCJ races seventh-seeded Cal State Northrldge (14-14, 8-10 in the Big West) in a Big West Tbumament quarterfinal ThW'Sday at 6 p.m. at the Anaheim Con~ntion C.enter. The starting f:iW! for the ua women's t~ received recognition, topped by junior Otristina Galloway and senior Wendy Gabbe. who both earned sec- ond-team laurels. Junior Kristen Green and sophomore Usa Faulkner were afforded honorable mention, while Lauren Yadon was ee- lected to the all-freshman team. Callaway. a 6--0 forward. averages a team-high 13.5 points and 8.1 re-- bounds and her eight double-doubles are second mo t In the Big West. Gabbe. a 5· II forward. avenges 12. 7 points and leads the team with 54 three-pointers. S..UCl.PIPM HIGH SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL Pajevic, Fitzhugh All-Stars • =-~!!"::-· .. Al Tuesdly, Mirth 11, 2003 SPORTS ~ WATERPOL<l~ BRIEFLY • HONORS ~;, ~=~~:~e~~:!:~w~~~.~~ ~~~~~=~~~~~~Hewko ·~ ~ tandom wendy Gebbe, M well indtvldual leader board with a two-doubleti. place ln the Gaucho lnvltatJonal at QC as Anteater mm'I golf stalwart Mike avery, round total or 143, I-under par. UCI's UGI Cell to 7-7, 2-2 in conference. . Santa Barbara. w1Il be honored at the 16th annual Big West Angela Won, Stella Lee and Shelly Ra· The Anteaters led, 4-2, entering the Confemice Scholar-Athlete recognition worth are all tied for fifth at 150. k fourth quarter, but scored five goals ln breakfast Thursday at the C.oast Anaheim The tournament concludes today with occ a two-stro e winner the ftnal period to put the Agiea away. Hotel. 18 bole1. •GOLF: The Orange Coast College Junior Erica Horman ecored four goals Gebbe, the team captain. bas twice been men's golf team edged host Mt. San Ja-for UCl (11-12, 1-5 i.n conference). Blg\"kstPlayeroftheWeek.ihisseasonand clnto Monday, (09-411, ln a nonconfer-The 16-team tournament i.ncluded bas also been named to .the Big v.ut Con-Lions bow out with loss ehce match at Oak Valley Golf Oub in the top l} teams ln the CQUDtl'}'-and 14 fenmce All-Academic~ twice in her ca-· •BAS~ The Yangua'rd Uni-'·aeaumont of the top 20. reer. This seioon, she has been honored verslty men's basketball team ended Its OCC sophomore Jake Allanach earned Barber Saturday at the touni~ent. with Verizon ~-Academic honors and'was season Monday wi\h an 80-65 Golden medalist honors wtth a 2-over-par 13. UCI Ctn to UC San Dlego, 7-6, i.n ovef· a finalist for· the Oeamland Dairies State Athletic Conference loss to vlslti(lg Brad Champion (78), Jared Bruce (83), time. <- ~ Buketball Student-Athlete of the Biola. David Kendall (86) and Ke1Jy Wlcb Horman scored three goals to pace Yeat She is an English maJor. Vanguard trailed by only three at half-rounded. out the scorers for the Pirates, the Anteatera, who received two goals Lavery, an all-conference pe!former the time, but went cold after tnfermlsslon, . who Improved to 5·3. from Rebecca Wedemeyer against last two years for the two-dme Big West maldng just 10 or 30 field-goal tries. UCSD. champion Anteaters, was named to the James Hartman scored a game-high 23 Sail trail Viilla p k 2002 PING All-Pacific Region team. He Is a points for the Lions, who finish a tumul· Ors ar Sea Kings victorious in opener social ed>logy major. tuous season 7-24, 3-17 in conference. • GOLP: The Newport Harbor High Tun male and 10 female recipients, re-Biola is now 21-10, 11-9. boys golf team face~ a 197-210 deficit af-• VOLLBYMU.: The Corona del Mar High boys volleyball team opened it.s seuon with a 15-12, 15-8, 13-15, 15-8 win at Capistrano Valley Saturday night. a match originally scheduled for March 28, but shifted to avoid a facility conOlct. presenting 12 &ports, were dlosen by their ter the first nine holes of an 18-hole schools for outstanding achievement in nonieague match that began Monday at athletic compedtion. athletics and commu-UOP Tigers top Anteaters Green River Golf Qub in Corona. nity lnvolvemenL •TENNIS: The UC Irvine men's tennis Sailor sophomore Davis Pemstein · team dropped a 5-2 Big West Confer-paced the visitors Monday with a 3- Anteaters one shot behind •GOLF: UC Irvine is second by on& stroke to Texas Tech after the first day of the Antearter Invitational Monday at Coto de Caza Golf and Racquet Oub. Texas Tech (614) is followed J:>y UCI, Michigan (616), Cai State Northridge (619) and the University of Denver (622). ence decision to University of the Pacific over-par 39, two strokes behind the co- Monday at the Anteater Tennis Stadium. medalists from Villa Park. The Anteaters won 2 or 3 doubles David Motschenbacher (40), Michael matches to claim the doubles point, but Benvenuti (42), Rhett Palmer (44) and received their lone singles victory from Jeff Lerner (45) also scored for the Tars. Greg Biorkman, who rallied to defeat Ni- clas One, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3. uc1 's Jonathan E!ndrikat and Brian 'Eaters 11th at tournament Morton as well as the tandem of Peter •WATER POLO: UC Irvine defeated Sophomore Kevin Welch paced the Sea IG.np with 16 kills, followed by sen- ior Bart Welcli (12), Tom Welch (seven) and Miles Younnan (six). Greg Gabriel added 28 assists for the winners, who return to action Friday ln the first of two days at the Francis Parker Tournament ~ San Diego. OCC ATHLETE S OF THE WEEK SCHEDULE UCI Continued from A7 TODAY BueblU College-UNLV at UC Irvine. 6 p.m.; Vanguard M Whittler, 2:30 p.m. Community college -Orenge eoUt at Cyprea. 2 p.m. High IChOol -Newport Elks Tournament (Coeul Mau bredtet querterflnala): Peclflca at Newport Harbor 3 p.m.; Garden Grove at Corona del Mar, 3 p.m. Consolation quanerfinel: Costa Meu et Estancia, 3 p.m. Vollewbel High tehool boys -Santa Ana Valley at Cott.a Mesa, 3:15 p.m. SoftbelC High ldlool -Corona del Mar at Coste Meea, 3:30 p.m.; Santiago at Newport Hart>or, 3:30 p.m.; Sage Hlll 81 Tarbut V'Tonth, 3:15 p.m.; University at Estancla, 3:15 p.m. SWimmlng High IChOol boys and girts -Newport Hart>or at Cofone del Mar,3p.m. Tennis College rr'len -Montana State at UC Irvine, 1 p.m. High tehool boys-Corona del Mar at Newport Hart>or. 3 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Ocean View, 3 p.m.; Westminster at Emncla, 3 p.m. Goff High IChOol boys -Cott.a Mau at Fairmont. 3 p.m.; Woodbridge at Corona del Mar (at NBCCI. 2:30 p.m.; Sunny Hilla at Estancia (MVCC), 2:30 p.m. SwtnvnStg High tehool boys and glr1a ·Newport Hart>or at Corona del Mar,3p.m. Green, a 5-8 guard, averages 11.1 points and 5.9 boards, while Faulkner, a 5-5 guard, averages a conference-leading 6.7 assists, which also ranb 13th nation· ally. She scores 8.4 per game. Yadon, a 6-3 forward, aver· ages 10 polnts and 5.7 rebounds for Coach Mark Adams' squad, which opens the Big West Tour- nament Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. with a quarterfinal clash against Idaho at the Anaheim Conven- tion C.enter. UC Santa Barbara junior Brandulln FuDove la the nien's ~ig West Player of the Year. while Gauchos head man Bob Williams is awarded Coach of the Year. UC Riverside's Nate Cartf was recognized as Fresh- man of the Year. gets toP-: hongr -.~: . .<I' . :,. .. CdM senior among ... , I eight Sea Kings ::~ ! named All-PCL. : I Q>rona deJ Mar High aenlOr: Christina Hewko, who led theS.-! Kings to the ClF Southern~: DMsion n championship. Jw· been rwned Pacillc c.oa.st I..eagi1e' Most Valuable Player for the aec- ond straight season. Hewko 1s among eight CAM I ~es. ~·"bt~I honorees Danielle c.arllon. Britt-I ney Bowlus, Daniela DtGl.acomo l and Camille Hewko. : CdM is represented on the sec-1 ond team by Brittany Pullen. Viv-: lan Uao and Jes.sic.a H.a.rk1ns. : Ouisdna Hewko, the ClF DM-1 sion 1V Player of the Year as a jun-: lor, when she led the Sea Kings to I their 6rst Southern Section dde, llCX>red 54 gqa1s this season. Bound for Stanford. she was a first-team AD-PCI. choice an four, seasons as a prep. , Carlson, a senior still deciding' between Princeton and t;f C Berkeley for her colleglalte ~ scored a team-high 8.5 goals tfii!s'. seasnn. She also earned first -tmmr all-league recognition all four years. - DiGiacomo. a senior who :1If: tends to play at Cal. Is a repeat· first-team choice after ~ second-team recognition a\."' ~· sophomore. Bowtus, a U~-bound senior, scored 48 goals this season en route to her second conseaufve first-team designation. Ounille Hewko, a freshman. •is part of the program's future. as are Pullen. a sophomore goalie. and ~ajunior. , Harkins. a senior, is bound fuc Princeton. CdM defeated Villa Park. l 0-,5. in the OF title game to finish 26-5. Rdllmlllillm 11-.s......, The lollow1n1 persons are cto1n1 businl'ss as Liia s Wholesale FlowetS & Supplies. 88!> s r dSI St. "B". Aoahe•m. CA 92805 BdliMlmtss ... s..... The foHowlnc •persons are dome business as Charleston Provence. 17390 East 17th Street, S111te E, Tustin, CA 92780 CJTYCOUIKI. AGBIDA SUllAIY (JTYOf tlWPOIT IUOf C011K1 awuas-"°° llWPOIT llVD. ,....,,lri11,2003 ..... _. COUNTRY CLUB ANO SOUTH Of MESA) UTTER TO ORANG[ COUNTY LOCAL AGCNCY rORMAllON COMMIS SION (LAfCO), FISCAL IMPACT ANO AELATtO ANALYSES (contd hom 2/25/03) ll011CI Of IB WI ((<he~§~J NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEN that COSTA MESA MOBILE ESTATES UC dba COSTA MESA MO BILE ESTATES claims e llen •l•insl lh1I cerbln 1986 90002 Sll.yhne Hm Inc Palm Cove Mobile home Otc:al Numb1r LAJ8350, Set11I Numbers 38 720350AV and 38720350BV localed 1t Cost• MIU Mobile Est.ates 327 W Wilson Slreet, Space No 54. Costa Men. Cahlornl• 92627 FROM THE AFORESAID PREMIS£S BY HO LATER THArt AS SPECIFIED ABOVE, IT SHALL BE SOLD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THtS NOTICE SAIO SALE SHALL BE FOR REMOVAL AND RELO· CATION ONLY ANO SHALL BE SUBJCCT TO THE POSSESSORY RIGHTS, IF ANY, Of ANY OCCUPANTS Of THE M081l.EHOME THE MO· BILEHOME MAY NOT RE MAIN UPOrt THE PREMISES AND THE BUYER THCRCOF SHALL HAVE NO RICHT TO APPLY FOR TENANCY Of THE SPACE. SUCH RIGHTS Of POSSESSION AS OUST HAVING IARE VOCASL Y REVERTEO TO THE LIENHOlOER Rttl. .... ... s..... The tollowin1 perwns are do1n1 busme» as.: Catahn• Fish Kitchen, 670 W. 17th Street, •CS, Costa Mesa, C1hlornl1 92627 ducted by 1 hm1ted habiltt)'Co Have you started doma buslneu yet? No OEM Extra LLC. Rod Tolentino, •ml>« the Deputment 0 01 Alcoholic Be we ra1e Control to sell elcono!.c be .. 111n 11 2831 BRISTOi. ST A, COSTA MESA. CA 92626 Call, C.hforn11 92679 This business IS ceo· ducted by an 1ndtvldu&I Have you aurtld doln& business y1t1 Yes. 03;' 13/98 Jow Ruben A1u11re 2553 E Terrau St "D". An1he1m, CA 92806 This bu"ness 1s con duct"d by <1n ond1•1dual Have you started doona bu'iine«' ye!? No Jo'e Agu11r e This slAlem~nl was ftled with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 02/03/03 200369S20U Daily Pilot Mar 4. 11. 18. 25. 2003 T068 Rebecca PeUtll41f (dba Charleston Provence> 10866 Coronel Roild Santa Ana CA 92705 Th•s bu•on•n Is con ducted by an 1nd1•1du1I Havl' you started do1n1 business yet? No Rebecu Pellehl'I This statem•nt wes hied with lhe County Clerk of Oran&e County on 02/11/03 20036933097 D11ly P1lol Mai 11 18. 25. Apnl I 2003 T069 ...... 1:00,... SlmY SUSQ-4:00,... CONTINUED BUSINl SS POTENTIAL REVISIONS TO CITY Tilt[ ORDI NANCES ANO POLICES (contd. from 2/2S/03) 7 15 p.m. ANNEXATION or AREA 7 (WEST SANTA ANA HEIGHTS, SAHTA AHA ..asrTY Of CAllOllM,IMI <AIM RH ILLING OT VA CANCIES ON THE CEN ERAL PLAN ADVISOftY COMMITTH (GPAC) Publt,htd Newport Beach Cosl• Meu 011ly Pilot Marc h 11 :?003 T071 SEU your unwanted items throuch clnsthtd # ll011CI IMTll&: CBllAl comACTOI PllQUALIKAllll QW110eMAE rol cOltSTIUC'OOI Of ua lf.DKAl cena muaan llOSPITAl Me MJlllG 1A 80VA110lt -IT Rll IN 18.0CATIOM PIOJ<T llO. ff4SOO hfnsy 2003 NOTICE IS H(RCBY Gii/EN that General Contract°' Prequakllcahon Quntt0nna11es will be recetwld by the Umvers1t1 of C1hlorn1a lrvtnt C1mpus. for qualtflcatlon lo bid on UO MIOICAl CINTll 111'1.ACUUNT HOSPITAL AMO IUllOOIG IA UNOVATION -JIT fUU UNI UlOCATION, PIOJICl NO.t94SOO All Gen.r1I Contlactor' who are 1nle1esttd 1n prequ•hly1n1 fC)( th!i Proie<t and wish lo oblam the Prequaltlic:1l1<1n Quttshonn•lft P•cllet m•y call either (949) 824 80lA Of the Hot L1n1 al 1949) 824 8117 Prequahlfed Cenefll Contractors woll bt required to have the lollowm& Cal1lorn1a conlractor's license al the tune of lhtt Bid Deadline· •a• OlNlll.Al INGINIHING OlSOIPTION Of THI PROJECT· Work mclude~ lhe rtlocahon of an 8' diameter U.S Ntvy 1el fuel tine wh"h wilt include the construction of new plpthM and the removal of 01Stln1 p1pehne with all 1pp1op11atr appurtenances '°' valvn, bends, b1cll.f1ll, c•thodic protection 1lc Construction Cost h llm1la: $200,000.00 HtQUAUrKATtON SCHlDUU 0.. TMM!.y, M.-dt A, 2003, Pr ..... lfte11t1 .. 0-•t~ .. wlll be issued to 1ntere,ted ContractOfs al ~1an I. Construction Senic:es Unrvtrslty ol C1llforn1a, lrW1nt. 5201 C1l1lornr1 Avenue, Suite ?50. lrw1n1, CA 92697 2.450, (Corntr of 811on Avenue and C1hlorn1a Avenue), For 1nform11t1on calltht holhnt (949) 82.4·8117 or (949) 824-7009 On W••-4toy, •-dt 12, 200S, • M-4crtwy ~ <-••.m.r ,,.....,1ftcett .. <-*-• w1H b• conducted be1lnnln1 promptly al t 100 A.M. Only General Contrectors who parllclc11tt In the Conference In its entirety wlll be allowed lo submit Pr1qu1hllcallon Questlonnelrea. Peraon1 11rlV1n1 atter t 10S 4.M. will not b1 allowed to submit Prequallllcabon Questlonnalras. Participants all•ll m ... t •I Dul111 & Consttuchon Sttvlces, Unlwtrsll)' of C.hfornla, Irvine, 5201 C1ll#ornla venue. Sult. 250, Sulhwan & W11lfll Conl•lflt• Rooms, ln1ine, CA 92697 2450, (Cotnet of Bison A .. n11t and C•hf.wnJ. Awenu.). For ftlfthet Information. conlllct Lynn JavMlf at (949) 814 7009 Tiie 4M4IW .. r~e ~, ... ,,......,fic.tt.. a-ti•• elre• will be w ... ,...,, Mwdl It, 200S, .. StOO ,.M. 11 Dest&n I Conslrvc:tlon SetvM: ... Altenhon Lynn Jav..r Unlwerait) of C•ltfornta, Irvine, 5201 Ca1tforn11 A111nue Suitt 250, Irvine, CA 92697 2.450 General Contra"t°' Preqv•hfoeahon Qunllonnaves, incllld1n1 any requtttd atlachmtnh, lhall be IUbtnllt d ln ,. .... d enwel"flflS 1111rlltd w1lh lh• not•llOn Oii lht OUllldt. •cHNIUl COMTUCTCMt Pl(QUAUJKATION QUHTIONNAlllE fw UCI MOK.AL ClNHI lllrLACIMlNT MOIMM AND IUllDtNG 1A llNOVATION • JIT fllll UNI l.llO<ATION, rtlOJICT MO. tt4JOO'" and adbresud to_.,. Olfl(f dttsl1n1ttd above. Gener1I Contractor• shall unme full rupon11blhly for tlmtly dttl1v•1 ,II the loC1t10n o..11naltcl f•r rece.-of P1equ•hf1ettt0fl Qvntioflnllfft Orel, 1-lepbonlc, t1c:aifnll4t. °' teltsfaphlc f'leqvahllutiofl Q -nllfft rt Invalid and ""''' not bl KCtpla4. No precau.hficatlOn d<IWl'!leflla wlll be IC\.etiltd al r S 00 P II• Wldnhdty, M-.t:h 19 2003 Howt.W, lht UntVeolly rMtr¥n tht rlpl 11 reqvMt, r1<.tivt, llft4 ev•lv•t• 1tptli9mental lnformatlOll after lht abowt ttme 111d dat It Its solt o.t .. ll'llfll110f1 COtlflACTCMt fllQUAUf'KATtOff NOCDUUSt llM •••'u•t~ 11 °"'' tor lht '61rpou of MtMm1nlf'& wllKh IMWcrs "' deelMd qvallhtd f(lt ,,.,.-uaiful C*f«manu of the ttpt of W«ll 11\(f\ldtd In this Projolet wtlh•n lh CMhecl Time Tiit Un+wtuily shall dtlt•mlill the low blcldtf from the PoOI of p. C1ll•l1fltd bldd41fa who aublftlt l>hb 11 ttwl ba\1& of tM lump Sum 9au Bkl, plvt thl •m0\l111t of any Kc.,,ta4 11tlfn1tn. lhe Un1V11n111 r-•H lht tl&flt lo re)kt 1n1 Of 111 Quutlonn•w••· to w•nlt any Informality In ui. QI;"'''°"' If •nd fo 1n111te thi>M pr~uttltft!!d t.ontractora to~ mlt lllft for tile ''oi.<t lid l«ur1ly In the 1n1011nt -9 IOS ttf lhl lu.m, S41m 11.. llcl, .-t11H11n1 lttrftatft, &Ila.II .tetorncia11, lffl\ Jtd Th« Surety 1nu•111 bonff for Ute l'ro,.ct th•ll k . on the lld Oudltne, 111 ldrnltl,., wrety 1111urw n •fined 1n lflll ~lifYfnil ~of CMf Proc.acltlrt SetllCNI "5 120 Alt blt11r1nc.a ~ ,,.. .. to W et.teintd llr tM INldw 11 b.i •iitl~t to 4IPllfOVll IJy U!IN• l't for fOfm an4 l4tb1t.aac_e Al po!Cln ''" CHllNfc1.t f ou11 Geiwal Liabillty I"( lu A.lltomoblle U1blkly '-•nc• ''"" h ~d br compan!ft w1t11 a But r111111 ol A· or kt&et, ilMt • fttlllftC I clntlflc:ttioll of VII • kttlf (• an eQWhMnt rtlilfl 11)' St1n4•lll & ,ecw 0t ~•> All "' lu r1Q11lrad for W111~•1' C°"'"n1'1t0n Md f111plo1'f•' llabllltr 1111u11n,. lh1H M t~Mt ..., co pllnie (I) tll1t haw. • lest nt1111 of 8• 01 blllltt. incl 1 rman(1al clani11C.11tklll of YUi Of ball• (or lrl tQUIWllent retma by Standlfd & Pont (If Moolllf•) or (II) thll .,. •t~•l•blt to tM UnlYWl•IY Tht C•l1fk.1~ of l11•1H II t illttll bt IPU!N INI tlMi Untv•tMlft torrn f'rMpetlrn 1>1dtl«1 1nt1ndlt11 to bt pc1qv1hl*' •I• lnf.,lllM "'•' they wilt tie wbjc>(t lo and iwvit f11n1 tompfr wtth .it If tbt blddl!W q ndltlvrrs 1nc1114m& l•t• l'f••allinc ..,., .. , 100' P•wlMllt and lOOS ptWfllfmance Miid. Ml4I ....,_ requitMll!lftlt All inftt1111llon *""" IM tor llf-.O•hf1e1t10n 1111'4!1tlt>n w w c:o11lidlft111 ollttltl 1nfOf-ltOt1 :;r,:• "'confkWftct, ,itlld IM Ufli'ltnltr wll -lnb111 ih confidefltlalitr to ~ 11Wit "'''iltt91f J1tl ll(C(.N"TSOf'1THlUMVOl'SITTOf'CAUfOltMA atW POO) "' tlffdl<CMtaMaul>,. l'loU .. 111• 1110ftJ lllll The v1lue of slor 11• of the mob1lehome from Novembe• I. 2002 on el udes SlORA CE CHARGES (lhrousll 2/03/ 03) Sl .563 03 GAS (throu1h 1/16/03) $86 02, EUCTRICITY (throu1h 1/16/03) $119 ll. WA TER (throuah 1/16/03) $63.90. TRASH (throuah 2/03) $57 20, S£WER (throvsti 2/03) S20 00. SECURITY PATROL (ttwoucti 2/03) S24 32. HCD ANNUAL PERMIT FEE S2 00 HCO Till( SEARCH $25 00 The d•"Y slo111e rite of $16.29 btctnnlna rebruery ... 2003. plys actual ut1llhn consumed and oth8f cheraes up to ind lnc:lud1n1 lhe d1te of 11\e sale, plus alt°' neys' f1u l!nd c~ts onc:urred will b4l 1dded to S 1,960 60 lnc:ldental. other proce111na or transportation char1e1, lncludlna. wothoul hm•· tatlon. altOfneys' lffs and costs of publlcallon will also be cherpd lo lh•s hen amount 1t the tune of Mle. OEMANO IS HEREBY MADE FOR PAYMCHT Of THE SUM Of Sl.910 60, PLUS AOOITKlNAL DAil Y STORAGE CHARGES AC CRUED, UTlllTIES CON SUMED. lrtCIDENTAl OTHER PtlOC(SSINO Oft TRANSPORTA110N CHARGES Af TtR THC A80V£. OUIONAHO DATES. ANO ATTOR· NEYS' FEES TO THE UNOERSICNtO, WHO IS AUTHORIZED TO RCCCM THE SAMC, WITHIN TfN (10) DAYS Of f!CCf9'T OF THIS NOTICE OR f'C8ftUAltY JI, 2oo:t, WHICHlVUt 'I LATilt. lF THE LICH 1$ HOJ PM> WITHIN THE Sf'CClrfCO flMf, THC MOllLLHOllE WIU ac AOVUtTISl.O F Olt SAl t AlftO Wll L If $0l.O AT 10.DO AM ON MARCH a, ZOOl, AT COST A w.SA 1i1108U UTAlU, Sll'ACC NUM• It I' ~. 111 W WUOH STft[[ T, COSTA JllllJA. CAI lf'OftNIA IN1 UfUH THE N OM.· IMO SUM INCl UOING ACr.ltulO bMY SlOlt AO£ CHMOl.S. un.mcs ~O MD MY OYH[ It •lAIO .. Alll INCIOCNTAl OYtftl CHMGf I IS PM) IMO TllC MOii.i.._ M ( . t DATED February l . 2003 LAW OFFIClS OF l<EN- NITH L PCTUSON By /S/ Maurt1n A. Hatchell Lev1119, Esq .. Authodzed Acents for COSTA MESA MOBILE ESTAT£S lLC db• COSTA MESA MOBILE ESTATES Published Newport Beach Costa Meu Dally Pilot March 11. IS. 2003 CNS5081AO T070 ~ ...... ... s..... The follo~lllC peraons •rt clolna business •> OICIT Al S£RVICl CO,.._ PAHY, 1041 WM! ISUI Street, Suite A·l05. Costa MIN. Callfornll 92627 Cati L .. Cllrlsllanse11, 27SSS B111o11ntt1, Mis 1lon Viejo, Callfornl• 92691 Ivy lifl Ctvl1U1ns.n, 275S5 81Jfoati1lt, Mtt· sion v,.Jo, C~Utornia 92692 llus b1111MU 11 cOft 4'11ct•4 by co pertnen Ht" 104! Sltf'4Mt dph1& bviiness yatf Y•, '11./ Ot/OJ C.tl l ChrlsllanMD This atalt-1 WU flltd with tti. Cou11ly Clafll of Or•nc• County Oft 02/03/03 200~tlltlt 0111r '"°t ••b is. Mw. 4, t , 1 .. ZOQJ T05t Buchcomber Reslllu-rants Inc:., 670 West 17th Street. •cs. Cosi. Mfta, Cakfor n11 92627 This bu~ness b con· ducle4 by a corpoubon Ha•t you sterled do1n1 business yen Yes, OJ/ 20191 • Beachcomber Restau rants Inc.. W11t11m B Willuns. President This statement was ftltd wolh the County Clttll of 011n1e County on02/28/03 200MtSSsta Dally Pilot Mar 4, 11. 18, 25, 2003 T065 Aclll9 ..... ... s..... Th• followln1 penons are dom1 busla.ss as· IKEYWORO. 1700 Adams Awt •ZIM Costa Meu. Cahforn11 92626 OE M Ealre LlC (Htnda). 45.44 Grand- spur Street. Lu V11as. Nevada, 89147 This busf!1cn 1s con· Tiiis 1l1l1m1nt wn fllff with tht County 'Cltrll of Orana• County on 02/26/03 2003'tJS027 Dally PllOI "''r 4, 11. 18. 25. Z00J T066 IOTKI Of APPUCA1111 TO Sil ALCOtlOUC l(VllAQS Muffllt .... d1a ,._, %1, 200S fo Whom It May Concern The Hame(s) of the Aflc>ltcanl(s) 11/ are KAVEH INC The 1911hc1nts fisted abovt ,,, PfflY!n& to Type of llcenH(5/ Applled for 47 ON SAU GENERAL EATING PLACE Published Newport Buch Cosl1 Mffa D11I)' Pilot Mar ch A, II, 18. 2003 T064 Rttl. ..... ... s..... The followlna perwns are dolna business as Ce<trfied Tr11 SerwM:H, "42 West CastOf Street. Santa An1 Cahforn11 92704 Chrbtopflcr A Cun. 4 M!fmanr Run, Coto d! Christopher A Curr Th11 sl1temenl 1Ps- flled with the Coull!¥ ' Cleflo of O<anae Covqty . on 03/07/0l -• 200)69)6206 • I Daily Pitot "'-' 11 ic : 2S, ~ l 2003 TO~ ' -·• .... Everyday is a ,great da! in Classified! · --: · Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 STARTING BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • .. Policy • III How to Place A Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, rec lassil'y, tevisc or reject any clasmlicd advert!sement Please report any error that .may · be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be .'t1sJ1on5iblc except for the cost of the •lf>8CC actually occupied by the error. CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm. By .Fax (949) 631-6594 (Please U'ICludc ~OW' l\lltlle llld phone number llld ~·11 call you beet With a~ QUOO!:) . . By Phone (949) 64-2-5678 Hours By-Mail/In Per~on: 330 West Bay S1ree1 Costa Mesa. CA 92"27 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St WedneM!ay, ............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ..... :~ ..... WedncMiay 5:00pm Friday .................... Thur!>day 5:00pm Saturday .................... J-riday 3:00pm Credit can only be allowed for the first 'ihScrtioo. Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm . Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Index .J ,. •" . 'r .. ~. ANNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. ,.GAUGE .. SALE •,. ' .. .. -BUSINESS & · .. ¥FINANOA1 ™ .. anbllll 1160 TM$$ 4 llCCHtDS nc •. a.-:. Ek 50s & fDs A' Alllic, Sc*I'. tla ...,.. Milla 949·645·7505 QftBITAINMENT ~of ..... 1310 IQUM llOU5llG . , OftlOll1lllY IJI real estate adver· trsma in Uus new.spaper 1s subiect to tti. Feder al F• Hous.na Ad of 1968 as amended which m'~kes It 1lle1a1 to adyertise "eny prefer ence. llm1lat io11 or dtSCTimlnatlon based on race, colo<, relicion. sex. handicap. famltial status or_natlonal Ofi&ln. or an 1ntefltron to make any ~ preference, hm1ta· hon Of drscrim1natron. - Th~ newsp1per will not know1n1ly eccepl any advertiwment for IHI nt•t• Which IS In v~Jton of the law Our 11.U.rs are hereby lnfOfWtd that all dwell· 1np• advertosed 1n thtS n•'"98P« we ava1labi. on ·l11 equal opportunity bl!Sb. . To• compl1in of dll· crim1natlon, c.aD HUO toll· free at 1-800-424-8590. Older Styte Fumltln PIANOS i Collecdbtea ,.....,.,,.,_._ ·""-·-·OS..-... CASH PAID$$ .. -..... ·---llUY ESTATES ........ lriofdr_ .. - Under the Service Directory Banner . . .. IOOS-ISIO ESTATE R SALE soos-saso - I ' &~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) CaU Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 2305-2490 I I I FINANCIAL/ OFACE HOMES FOR SAL£ LA COUNTY· 5200 PROFESSIONAL FURNITURE/ SERVICES BUSINESS LONG BEACH& VICINJTY -Persona--l loans--2.-90-I EQUIPMENT irdJdes ~. LDig Beach, Nc71t1 l..o'1g Beecti Si{,Till till HOME MORTGAGE LOANS. Lowest Interest rates. All credit types MedlcaWeral &lulpment No p1e·paymenl penal All ELECTRIC WHEEL· lies Best servtee on the CHAIRS New • Ho cost state Cahforma ORE to you of el11t•ble Empyrean Fund1n1 Call Med1car t accepted now 800 7'l.0 8969 1101 Wheelchairs and Pow· HOMES FOR SAL£ •(C•A·L ·.s.c AN•)•••• ercha11s (scooter style) • "We treat you riaJlll" Call ORANGE 5400 ANTIQUES 7 Days (800)&35 3155. (CAL•SCAN) COUNTY lmWs T~ .... W &W..-T'Y Sliew&W. Saturday, March 15th. 10 30am·59m Sun March 16th. 10.m·lpm OC f alt around 88 F ai.r Or Bid&. 14 Costa Mua 200+ Din 760-434-74" Alff/ PAltfTIHGS 3060 5-n 1-4y Hl .. teric 1.n... f,.med 1984 tl44 of 200 12500 obo. . '10-456~820 HOME RJRNISHINGS OA PBtSIAN IOTTtNS Red & Cteam• They Want YOAll love• Only $400. Cal W-451. 21125 Deft/Qli. ...... -···•11twort1.or1 Peb 11 PIA* wt.ends F ~ Island 9&644-'019 ,_SPAY w~al/ 81!* .. llittens .... homn. 9&533-0411 K11tenl Found on Bushes need boltleletders Help Save hvtt. All upenses paid Animal Network 949.533.041 MISCEU.MEOUS MERCHANDISE Balboa Peninsula OCEANFRONT NIWHMODll $679,.000 4248 AGT. $949-723-t 120 -HO_M_E_O_W_N_E_R_S_t -R-a-te-s Corona def Ma' low as 5.99... (APR A C1 ...... Com« 6 341'1\) All c redit ·~troll to B111 typa. BK's and defaults Corona and lookout powrt OK Debt consolidation. 48r 4 58a ciatom home. home Improvements ( .......... 2003 Call for free credit ~•$2,950.000 r a p o r t . C A D · COASTUNI ltWTY A E t 0 I 3 0 8 3 0 5 . 949-759..0177 (CAL •SCAN) , flew...,, •-h Free rent for secretarial svc business. Will exch•na• pay1n1 rent for lilif1t office duties.. Great office, steps to w•ter 949~723 8485 ui-.11-~ ...._, 62D5' Md Best V,.,. Lowest Pnced ftllllln 3435 -·IGI-rJ)J/ (ClOrl'tlft Of 9'>) ~) 3511 lol Rernod, 7ft '-t C-dt White. Mln:handlle 3155 Cr8llt loc. ~ & iry, ,_ llDld oottloillL air 2ba brocade upholstery, xlnt FREE 2·ROOM DIRECTV ~ ltnl now~ 2 ~en:;::.;;;:- cond. 1200. 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COLOIADO wild .west ranch. 87 acres $44,900. Prices slashed tc. move Inventory! Neat to 6,000 KTH rec •rea. Roll1n1 fields with fantastic Rocky Mtn. views County road w/utilitin. o- financina. C.11 Rtd CtHll R1nch tott 1-866-696-5263.. (CAL •SCAN) Sl7 V&. U .. s-d, OPEN SUN U--4 Built by Joe E Brown 1n 1931 only rema1mna 3 + 4 tower estate on entire Island 4br. 4ba. three stooes • tower 3 car aar. pvl dock for 2 boats II 1s a 1eco1noz· able landmark U .3 million 949-497-8471 760-7 42 .420() A S"p•rl• N•wpert ......... r~ 4br (5th Br/pme room/office downstan) 6 5ba located on a quiet corns lot. Custom features ttvoup>ul. $1,649,000. COASlUNI lllAl.TY 94~759-0177 The Newport Bacb/COlla MaaJC4M. Balboa Dally Pilot praents you wUb. a great opportuJty to prcaote andqlla a ClODecdblea. Pafec:t for sbopl, ~ aucdou, booUellm. decorators. ~ .,i pDaia-develop yoar ...._with ul A Special Publication -Just for vour Publishes: s~ &. copy oeadllne: March 26. 2003 Miida 20, 2003 .. 5fm Release Deadline: llll'Cb 21, Jim -Nooe can todayt Ann Willey at Mt 574-4249 or 111'1 yoar al to M9 Ul-6594 ,..9750 ........ va.w .......... 48r 48a "°'"" ~ re·burld on greenbelt, aameroom. pool, spa, wetb<ll' ..,,,. °*" li7'l2:sl I/RM $1.9 $2.199.816 aet Shan~...001 29r 2119 newer condo Back B•y close, on 1ireenbelt, upper unit w/bf!rtlw, cath eels. 2c gar I/RM $J!lj.IXX).$424.8'16 aet Shan 96fil7-4091 PatMllSTATlS PATltlCK TENORE NATIONWIDE USA 949-856-9705 www patricktenOfe com <Glf«•F.-......... MGl'bt~V.i.. <•-....'->• v-~....,....._. In 0-..-(-'Y. "THl HEIGHTS" SPRAWING 1 ·STORY JUSTUSTID AGT.949-72S-tl20 ........ N9w-2020l Ont.Id St.6+&' 5.58a. 5534 ~ SI 25 Mil 6roi<er 949-251 9444 www~.ora OClAN & HY VIEWS HM ODIL ED UNDllS7S0,000 AGT. 949-123-8120 Heights o..p.._ 2 IH"m, lil.e new made & wt wfl c p . 1649.9'.ll Patndl Tenore !W.Hl56-97a> ::gt Newport Coast PRIME ESTATES PATRICK UNOH NATIONWIDE USA 949-856-9705 www patrocktenOfe cnm M..,....._P..._Ct_ custom ~late wM c.myon & oc;eai1 views. Offered al S6,500 000 Cootlll,.. R::tty.949-759..0177 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERlY FOR SALE OtherResorWacation I RoomstorRe~ 6040 3br 2. Sbo upper un1I c11rru··; l•1catt'll } t ,., ('tide CM T woihm<-pvl I and~m ~·r l"d llku~ ~ , m 'ba '"'°'" 11.w w d arr l7~CJO ~9 67 l lRQfl Property 5970 I.Al(( TAHOC Ibo 38d lu• Lortdt> ~ eight I 4 o< I 7 1ntetttl. $295,<XX> I* I 4 Call '}119 673--0181 Time Shares 5975 GOT A TIMESHAJtl 0< • ~mparouod member '"'P' We II lake 11' n ·pei· .,,,*& '•111 poef'd Newport Beach Sl<nn• JUtr. 1149-046 «>!> • YEAJtlY. 01f ')10Hn1Al ..,.UllA..:> LU.SCS ORANGE 7400 I B1L• c.PUNOY REAL 111R . 949-67S 6161 COUNTY A111•1 •ca s la• ~est clea1 Corona del Mar 1nehuus,. Selltn& • I NP Hf's, llir It.. ~ I I gill Nfti<14". ftt & b.o.Jo y .. d Prtt ct ipped ri I -. oau PP! • ~ 111>-l'ilf ~uv•n& • R•nl1n& Call 28r P•l1<• f p I ~di World Wide lla..ahons at , ~ SIS7Smo 11,, I 1 -I 800·4~3 5967 Voul ·~>c Sll50mn 2 Blo'J., In Beoch front n~•• fi•lb • ~ gtHl!m (Cltt.·s:AN) £l\l C.u Bdl ~JtiO.'U/fJ I Poer 2br 7Ld w '°'"" •llll•••lillililllllli PIOO m• t•arly i., • Mlsca.LANEOUS Costa Mesa 949.1u-091S REHTALS llr'• lrom $87'> "' I Jbr 2bo ,:-01 ~o1erfrt. w ea• 1n lovely >l1'"'1 .Jg• dr< • 1 bl~ 1 1,. ~ RenlllToShare 6030 !::;' .,:"', ~~s.ioa.. 1 ~g '""'d '" ·"·m ' DeseftProperty 5960 ..._ .._./W..e la 2llf lba apt. pr w/d. fem pref d f7(Dn+J '' uth. 98 5b6 ll 35 no vnl\/ /peb Moat 877 ~()4 ~9 I~~ S /iOll "''' <j4 'i '> / 4 ~4 lrg I Br• new car ~·~t & •Lorge lbr 2bo CA TI4B>Ul OTY $2ll>.CXX> 10 l'fWI to PS Al'pcrt 2'315 sf attach Casrb 'onrl Ila< k hOu5e 4br h °"' ¥T1I'. ~ arante ch. ~ tmO,, rock shower ..,.-tut. Lqrad' ~ ~·15.. lanck. RV /boat llkone. 8locll wall ~.J1xm~~ Aet COM ..lwa w ~ p1of b 2bl """ """° pvt ba m~lr br nrw remod ~9$71>8101 pamt Lvrd carpo1 I 177 "''"' duplF>• i·t>w IJ ,,,,i 16th Pl.ice •3 SllOO "'" <d'"'"1 Ip wd WP• • no pPI> 949 720 94?2 I I bl~ tr• 'anr1 11400 ------_ mr -d~p 714 74~ l1ll! f-nlde JB< '2B• w ydfd I --- -l prkng & I ~ar new Boyview T .,race C.dlt..! evi.i yth•ng'' 188 M<onte de~htd hou\o .'b• 2b• VL'itt wall fl ~ w d ~ :' di! ga1 /\ C no pPI• S2000 mo 949.375 2816 S24QO mo 949 7flJ 1ZI9 SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? Herc's a great way m express it. Sponsor a pet photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pet who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the stace, thanks to people lilCe you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelter~ and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under chc pees photo. lt will display your name as t~c sponsor of this pc.c, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own chen,hcd fWTY friends. SAVE A LJFE SPONSOR F RM Jii.lamc·~~~~~~~------~~--~..-~~~~~~~~~­ AddttSs:~~~ .......... ~..,.-~~~~---~~~~~~~_,;_ Exp_· ----- t TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Newport Beach ~........., ......... »29o .......... newly remodeled, withe pid<et lncd yd, stone F p, pool access & p , w/d. $2475/mo. ~ Newport ShM•• llr, A-Frame $2500/mo, corner lot, double 1ara1• Blu 949-493-0761. "NOTICE lO R!AOERS: C1tlfornia law re· quires that contrac- tors ta«ina jobs that total $500 or mo<e (Lib« Of materials) be l1C1nsed by tile Contr1ctors Stile l.lcense 8oard. Stal• law also requires that contractors lf1Cluck their llunse number on all adWlr'tlslfll. You can check tfle status of your licensed contr1ct or at www.cslb,ca.1ov or 800·321·CSL8. Unit· cen11d contractors hkln& jobs that total leu thin 1500 must state In their 1dY1r tlstmenls th1t th1y are not licensed by lhe Contf•ctors Stale lkAnse Board," .._,.., ...... le 3br 2.Sba w/rehel In f,illllCI c;onwn, wlpoal. spe+ ~ ya-d. unvmo. aat Prick Tenore,~~ W"9dlff family home 4Br 3B•. Ira bae«yerd, $3150mo. yearly. .... Dsvid Prince 714-812·5668 COl~ToclOy (9#)~·5671 .w ............ Custom Bullt•lns, Crown Motdlncs. Base Bowels U577982 949-709-5642 Car1* Repair/Sala ti-<AalT'tf C4UIT .a Rep1irs, Patchin&. Install Courteous. any size jobs, Whotualel 949-492·0205 Computers.vices •<....,._.....,.. Software Up1rades, Tutorln1, Yralnln1, eone D-. 9&929-3983 ConaltllMllonry lricll 91.dl s .... , ... Concrtt:e, P•tlo, Orrveway flrlf)lc:, 88Q. Ref's. 25Yra ,Exp, Terry 7\,4-557·759C itMc-t•-Cementwe>rll, Brick, Tl!. & More. Reliable. NII Job too small 949-548-6146 Gener~! Contractor 8400 ~ MllD MOit.l ltOOMT ADOOD'G & REMl)llElH; Lffl7982 949-709·5642 Dalltap Nllislllng no YOUllMOMI IMNOVIMUIT raoJl<n Call a plumber. painter, handyman, or any of the .,. .. t services hsted Mr• In our SlfVICI directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAH HELP YOUTOOAYI ) Br.ldge Bv CHARU8 OOAEH With OMAR SHAAIF end TANNAH HIRSCH TAL'K ISN'T ALWAYS CHEAP • Afic1 Nonh paMed and E!t't QPeAOIJ one c~1 the Prench SOUlh del:tcd so~ With oae di.Woild. facina • p.....I '*11*· chil bid bad Uu.Jo lOil'1K fur 11. Nunh·Soodl were W\likely '° buy the IWMI. wld lbm was oo PRCmPO\te value lo the il'VCf· call. tu dowo~ WM sa11a,iely dls· played wl'lt:n ~t. af\cr pa•l,111, elecled to 1.'0l'lvcrt ~·, reopen· lna double to·penalues. • West led the ace of clubs and east CIOO!ribut«l lht deuce. a suit-prcfe.r· aiCe siaJ:ial for heart ., 1Tiutln1 pen· ACt lmplicldy, Weft IUldcrled lhc ace Qf ~. piutncr's k!Da winnlq. Eut condmled with the jock of ~ which Wlf allowed to hold. Ah. the lmperuosily of youth. While the OYeTa!J 5tlndant of the brid~ in the McdiltmDWI Junior Cbainpionshlp WU high. it WU not always easy tO restrain the enthusi- asm of the players. lbls deal Is from the Francc-lsnicl maleh. &Ji led uie ten.of.~ ~ suit prefmDCe cant, ·tills time fot spades, and Wa t ruft'cd. Afrv cash-ing the ace of hearts, 1 1pede to the ace was the enCty for another club ruJf. West l)OW exited with a spade, won In dummy-with the queen as South dumped the quceo Of beans from baod. but 00 • diamond lead ftom the table East woo with the ace, llOd another club promoted West's jack of tNmps-down three, for 800 points Emptorment 8500 IOOIUCHPINO Prof N'S Ol'I FT/VT, ""'°" pas fer busy ucounts dept, C).tid>oaks .. ~ bedcaround, • self·stlrt« dlpen, WI train b a.csloln eaftwsa. Jin 9&722.zD) CPA flnw has openln1 for Deto l1ttry .end 'teceptt-Jst •. Ideal for WOl1lq mothlr. Mon-llu. 9wn-lpm. SlSftw. Contact Care>I 949-650·9580. DRIVERS/STUDENTS NEEDED lmmedlately. COL ' tralnlna throuah USTOS In Rialto, CA. flnancln&, transport.· tlon, housln1, and tuition relmblll'sement evellble. can Russ at 1•866·466· 3546 for details (CAL•SCAN) DRMRS: NIJmi Anwica Van U. Im~ In Lq:istlcs. Hou9'hold Goods •nd Flatbed divisions . Mlnmlm d 6 months oNr , Udllr tnlcr llqll- rilnc» ~ ~ on ftlllt. Tradllr PRllJWfl _..._ ~-2147 HDOW. IMPlOYMIMT Now hirln1 Entry·pro· fesslon•I lev1ls $19· S721l+ benefits/paid tralnln1. Apply nowt For info on av11lablt posl· lions 1 ·S00.585·9024 GOVERNMENT JOBS • Wlldlll1 end Postal. 48K+ per year. Full benefits, Paid tralnln1, No expe· r·ience necessary, For appllc1tlon ind eum call toll free 1-888-ns. 4266 ll8SO. (CAL •SCAH) eP/TIMI .... MM-MMlt le stor.,. fadrty. Sunday & ~-Offlce aod lite rnlWllnlnca. Eap. • plus! 71"41~ lrml ACCEPTING CALLS 7 DAYS Postal Positions. S14.50 • $$36.00+ HR, Entry level/Pd. Tr11n&/ Green Card OK, 800-878- 5485. Announcement 1106CAAC(CAL•SCAN) e alCIPTIOMIST P /r RMI Estate Offic4 ~ 1.2-.Jl}S:XJ Mondly·Frlday 949-72G-7302 or 720-7343 CUSTOM OIATM 1U lnstlWlun, SlltL cs-c, nwt*.s11or1t.._...,.,s L'612044 Jeff 714-612-9961 UMY 51;;; RIJJSecl R..,..outln & lnsbtlat.lon T1lE D€AN 949-673-8065 fl6M325 714-883-2031 ..... & .... a..; Pollshln1 TranF"tlne ~ All Floor Types. Wa'll Also R11rout I S11I Your Kitche n Counters, Showers & Floors. Make It looll Ith new 11aln. ~a......~ 1477~ns.lttl iiiiirs HiiDWOOOS ~ 25 Yrs, Lllttlme l'f•ncnty &•763144 714-501-4933 O.,...Doln Automobiles - AutomaClvl -laWmiC.'ff White/Tan, auto. 8311 inl, 115,000 310·375-2522 IMW 'ff 7 401 ttk •I, 3yr warr avail, s.1tver / 1rey lthr, CO. !Ille new cond, v579241 S23,995 firm trm, !kl avll, 8llr 949.sat-11n www.eqtel.ee• c.dllec Se4-DeVlle •aa 5511 m1, aood cond In & out. Must see! $3,250 949-646-7624 a.y.ter '96 w..... oa Conv, V6, 5411 ml, 3 yr wan ava~. splfttlln& blll/ tn lthr, CO, superb Hiie new colld v2S9721 $6995 fln 1vail BY 949-581>-1888 -·· .. _ = Tiie Dtffw-...... a.AM & excPlllt, tww WmC.W.hta.*w.~ & IYtlit ~ 9&5ls.8824 Tr" 5-ke, Ywd Cleanup, Malnttnanlle, Sprlnkl« Repair, Haulin1 (Ht) 650471 I ......,~ 20 Yeers £1\perlenee I'm Your HandymMJ ... 949·6SG-9525 RESTORF • Pff'A1f• 8. REMOO~llrl'· ' . BMW '958320~ Bil<, blk, CO, tttv, moon, areal beautiful car. 1241~1 $18, POtlOM '99 Bo Convertible Nav, CD. 29k miles $60, Porsche -e1 911 Cab.black/black, 11ptronic, must see 1461771 $27 TIL.C'S •UROPEAN AUTOHAU8 0-ISOCweln ..... 1-8CD-596-9754 w. ..... www.Dlocars.com llMT~aiMD fOR HONEVOO'S your llonay won't. from Elect to the ltltdwi sil* 949-5693151 fMI HANDYMAN Emern11 Service Oltl ~ EJldbil. a.. DDcts etc,_ 949'2~ JUMll TO fHI l>UMPUI 714-968-1882 AVAILABLE TODAY! 949-673>5566 All1m1lx • t dnri 1-• r, I a ,_,. "' r-·c1. tlhowroom cond, whit•. fully l04ded pwr s4tlb, S3750 7l4·751·2464 f..-4't7T-Ll 7811 ml, White/If•~ clolll loacltcl, tiooll• & recorda; non smoker, $4000 obo Jotin 71~·37],} 154 ...... (ltY '80, •UIP trans, llC, full power. cc, low mites. $l5,900. fp, 949-514-4244 ....,_,,...._SIM, reel, &nrf, multi disc to, bltck/•r•y Int, •lloy whls, auperb otl1 body & 1111ch1nlcel cond "995 obo v197212 8kr -----~ l1n11 '94 tr.eper LS 4•4 ~ lh, eullD ll'l'f, demll,--~ WCWUD.A:IDm ~7822 J..,_ '99 XIS Yenden Plas 3411 ml, ap1rklln1 blk/t1n lthr, CO, chrm whls, full feet w1rr, like new 128,495 firm v842614 fln1ncln1 avail Bkr 949-586·1888 -.eqMIM.N9 )._.., 'tt Xia<-~ ml, lull factqry warr sp1tllll111 bl1cll/01tm411i lthr. CO, chrome whb, Ilk• new, v677295 S34.995 flnenclna avell Bkr 94&-586-1888 -.-.cpe611.-_,."95 .... a.... Lni*> 4x4, 6 cyl1 white, S 5775 v547571 WCWllllo.cOm ~78'22 a-1 .... .,.~ LE SQ ml, white/tall lthr. dual mnrfs, CO, bru,111 1aurd, liM new, v726641 $13,995 fl· nanclna & wan evaU Bkr 949_5.._, ... _...,.. __ ...... '94 SC400 c_,. ~1-,<ttm.,.._ showroom cond, ne w tinls, MnWoo4, pnced $12.250 949·720·0507 ~ '02 Nwlptw 30k ml, full fact w•r, sliver sand/Un llhr. CO at.ck•, cllrome wills, utre seat, v672518 $28,995 fin lo warr avail Bkr 949·586·1888 --~·--............ ,_ ~}tr.~-­.. *"' $lo,995 ~ wcwalt.cu:om 949-646-7822 Mene4M 8-:a '12 300 TI> Wll&OI\ wtM*a. snrf, runs aood. $2995 .ml 19.1 ~~7&'2 Miwce.t.. '96 <t ao be1ut1ful black/cream ......... 1, .... <...-'N Chrome Silver·N•v•· f atle>n. OMV JI.aid (f 9213C) $38,980. .IMWt40CI c..,.,., Sl11ney Black with lmmec Grey Lttlr· Gr11t reCIOl'da. (f\91~) ,'34.980. UIWHIJ S.._'80 White w/Cr1am le•thar·autQ trens. <•191113) $28,980. IMWSioCI c-..·01 Steel Grey w/Gley lthr·spt pll1·3lk miles, full BMW warr (119214C) $30,980. JoperXJa S"-'ta This a one near ,,.r. feet Shlney Bltcll SU· per·cherpd Md•n. ~1188581) $29,980 MaISUOO'tt 'Blacll w/T•n Ltht· Sbrmark warr1ntyl (118911) $42,980. MIISSOO ......... Only 3711 ml. One Owner. Immaculate Whlta Sect.n (1191402) 128,980, Mil SOOSl '90 Both Tops, Premium wheels. Black w/Bl1ck luther. (118923) $27,980 Pendce9t6C4 c•.'OI · Seel Grey w/Gny le1ther·lots ohxtras (•19206C) $73,980, ,...,...XJs ( .... '19 Rere V12. Whit• w/perfect Tan le1ther Interior (118472) ST,980, Merce4Hl- UJOS.._'01 Silver w/Ctty le1th· er, N1n1atlon 6elow wholesale (119207) S54.980. Merce.tea '99 SJtO LWB 5211 mi, 3 yr warr avail, sliver /blk lthr, beaut°'" cond, "875241 $27, 995 lmancif1e evail Bkr 949-5116· l 888 www.ocpel.C.- ... ,, .......... lS '00 SUTOOf, ...... .. extrn, Ille new, oril -· noiVsn*. S14.!m. ,MmlDiPP n~ fully lo1ded, r.howroom, 1t1 .... '9a s-tre GU Wcut. Sll.5K. 714-751·2464 Like new, loaded, auto. Merce.te1 '99 U20 moonroof alloys. low 7411 3lk ml, white/RJ•Y lthr, ml, $5900 714 751·2464 mnrf, chrome whls, beaut like new cond, v572241127,995 fin.,.._, 8kr .. , .. _[, .,_ Cr It. Oef1ult • Oii Bankruptcy -Oii Taa Liens· Oii Cood Credit Als.o ·Ok Private Money Reil & Purdin• ·~·i.-c:w 80().fS0-1514 acR Q2L1IB1 8'd9' Molll'lllDIOI 11n aoYlu Sst/Hr a.111111 au dtles. lnJt.ired test. cou.-~u.a. careful. T163844 800-2A6·2J78 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Publlll Utlllti.a eommjuion rlQlllrH that •II ustd ho useholll 111oda mov•ra rrlnt thal, P,U,C. C• T number: limos •nd cheuffaurs print their T•C,P. numb« In alt adv•· tlwlMnts If you h•n 11111 quntlbna •b<lut the l11allty of • moo; er. tlmo o f ctleurttur, ctll: PUB· llC UTILITl:S COM· MISSION 714 558 41 1 OU. ................ $ blue, auto, CO, clean, $2445, v025771 -*>.aim !MIM«Z-782'2 ...... ' I 1 Newport mom eval· able for cooflln1, compamo~ liclrt houseketPnl. #?--. etc, .. Cre1t lout ......... 721>&36 CR~VIER . NEW2003 . MINI COOPER MOONROOF, AIR COND, CO, & POWER GROUP! W,1.15 l 1t lhis'prk:e (TC4311l9) ··········•-·····-· Othenat, Slmllar Savlngtl ..........• ·······-· U'MIOTOI IMAll • •••••••••••• SS FREEWAY @ EmR SAHTA NCAAUTO MAU (Ill) 823-9808 ~v.,.._..,,.._ 4 cyl, ~ pb, at, pd cond, needs ~ you .,,... ~ 714-6&5\55 Peru•• '99 lexter Conv. 2111 ml, 5spd, whlte/tt•Y lthr, full f~ w1rr, 1ar111d, non/ smkr, llke new vl26695 126.9915 Bkr 949-586-1888 -...-..(9 .. Perache '97 l•JLt•r sllver /blk ltbr, 5 IP• a>, Gorpcql 121,900 ~ WCWIUID.com !M!Mi42· 782'2 a.,. a-er 'f9 4.0SI 39k, full feet warr, whit9/ tan Int, beaut orls cond, 126,995 v'8.92396 fin avall · Bkr 949-586·1888 -...... -• .... a-w '99 4.0SI metallic blue/oatmeal lthr, brush cuuds, lull fa ct werr, 129,995 11792412 fin avail, Bllr ·949-J ....... _ _.,..., __ vw •tt , ..... as .., tu <l..S lllll\ ... ..,, mi-=. CD, S1zgrJ5 ~ ~---7822 .. ....... . ... n• X1ll aa, TO'flOfA ..,,.. ma sso 11u1Ulff MOTORCYCLES ......... <hry ..... '97 ,.... Conv LlC36, 42" ml, dri metalllc blue/sr•Y lthr, buut 11111 new con6, v292521 17995 fln•nctnc & warranty avall, Stir, 949-116-laaa -·=·= . BOATS BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORllGS/ LAUNCHIHG/ STORAGE-9680 4 If" Sltps 1v1llebtl fOf bo1ts up to 60ft. ld11I for private/boat broller111949-723·3143. PLUG IN Pfug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers-, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Ptmrtng I Imo .......... /bt Aemodll, 30 + "'~ bp, Ree-M1n1bl1, Dependable L'349020 714·638·8114 *""--am Ratucco. Room A6clltbl. P1tchln1. R11sonabl1I 714-921-1647 804-04!17!T Plilln-