HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-18 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• Newport developers set sights on El Toro Several companies, including Koll Co., plan to bid on som e of the closed base's 3,400 acres-. P.ul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -A local developer has joined a shon list of firms expected to bid for a portion of more than 3,400 acres at the former FJ Toro Marine Corps Air Station during an on- line auction in the fall. Members of the KoU Co., a development com- pany founded by Don Koll in Newport Beach in 1962. said they are eyeing the fourth 204-acre parcel being offered by the Navy and the city of Irvine. "We'd be very interested in a portion of the project,· Koll partner Alan Airth said. "It'!> an ab- !>Olutely unbelievable property. It's incredibly lo- cated ." KoU hopes •o build a I .6-milJ1on-~uare-foot busine!>S park on 121 acres of the parcel. The re- maming 93 acres would be set aside for public use and an expansion of the Irvine Auto Center. The Navy has split the former bru.e into Tour parcels, which lrvine is moving to annex. To build the Great Park. ac; promic;ed in Measure W, Irvine has crafted specific planning require- menLc; for each of the parcels. See EL TORO, Pa1e M CITY HALL Group home rehearing denied Having prontised evidence that wrong legal standard was applied, Dove Cottage attorney does not appear befo re dais. Deirdre Newman · Dally Pilot ·COSTA MFSA -lnsufficient evidence doomed any chance for a reheanng requested by the owner of a sober-living group home to expand the number of clients she serves. Eleanor Manion. who owns "Dove Cottage" in lhe 3100 block of Cork Lane, asked the City C.ouncil to rehear her request co increase he.r cli- ents from six to eight Her lawyer, f.ric Katz, sug- gested the council was applying the wrong legal standard in denying the increase and failing to comply with the law. On Monday, the council voted 4 to 0, with Gary Monahan absent. co deny the hearing ~ o n acting City Atty. Tom Wood's analysis &hat there was no oew evidence to support it and that the City Council dJd comply with the law. The city is embroiled in a lawsult against Ma- nion for already exceeding the number of clJ- Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONlHEWEB: .w.~c:on WEATHER SM HOME, Pace M tt'H be bMutfful end IUnf'IV, • but~ wfndy. HlghS In tN mlcMIOlln N~-Mw ... PlleA2. GOLF The TolNbl Senior a...ic ......,.., I prcHfTI ~ ._,.A5 • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community.since 1907 TUESDAY,MARCHlB,2003 .. MARK DUS' llj Valene Hunt gets a performance from the "Green Elvis," Dan Roth. wtule celebrating Roth's birthday at Malarky's Irish Pub. Working all day at the pub Lolita Harper Daily Pilot I rish eyes were smiling extra-wide Monday ~ hundreds of people dirched work. school and other responsibili ties for one of the mo~t imponant holidays of the year. St. Patrick's Day may not be an official day off, but many find ways to spend it away from the office, drinking Margaret Leyden The group. alread}-m merry '>Plnl'> by !. p.m.. said the}' had been at the bar since abou1 noon "I came for a month hotida) m January and I've been here ever c,ince, • Dalton -..ud 111 her lnsh accent. Popular Irish pubs such as Shamrodc.'s in Newport Beach\ Miracle Mile. the Harp in Costa Mesa. MuJdoon's in Fashion Island and Malarkey's on the Peninsula were already filled with Kelly-dad merrymakers before the workday was over. ·lbe hard-core St. Patrick.'~ Day fans said they started at day break., but had to waic for the ban. ro open at around I 0 a.m. ·1 woke up at 8 a.m .. Cr.tlked a beer and called my bos.'i and told him I was feeling a tittJe c,1ck today," said Kilby Rodell of Huntington Beach, who w.i., drinking Guinness at Shamrock's. ·1 t.hi.nk we got down here ac abou1 10:30 a.m • Bue RodeU and his friend!> were not partying irresponsibly Rodell pulled out an all day Orange County Transportation Authority bus pass. "We took the bus down hen•. and ll goe' <;tra1ght frnm here to the Harp.· he '><.lid .. lalk about perfect .. "We aJI do haw tar.. though: cluo1ed m Thom.i.' Martin. friend and feUow pubhl transportauon cnthus1a.'t "Really mce one<. \\e JU'>l \~ant to get home m om• p1e<"e • Nauve lnc,h~om.111 I hl'.aht>rh DaJton and ht>r t Ian wt•rp aho al Shamrock·s celebraung thl' holiday, her 81 '>I h1rthd.1y and the 25th wedchn~ .inniwr.cirv of close family friPmh I 1111 .11.)d .. She found out we have better bars here." fnend Ray ff Malley said. The 1.eyton'i, who also <,peak with thick brogue<;, ..aJd tht>}- chose to gee mamed on St. Patrick's Day because m Ireland no one drank dunng Lent - except on March 17 .. II only made l>en!>t'. • Margare1 I .eyton c,a1d See PUB, Pase M Bush ultimatum draws mixed local response Newport-Mesa leaders stick to party lines in supporting or opposing war against Iraq. 0Hp• Bh•r•th Daily Pilot NEWPORT MF.SA -President ~a~ to the nation Monday 'night asking Saddam Hussein to leave lnlq within 48 hours or face war got mixed reactions from the community. Some aupported the president while others expressed concern and even fear or consequences or a war without provocation may bring to American soil. ln bis 15-minute speech. Bush said the ·1raqi regime hM used dj- plomacy as a ploy co gain time" against disarmament "Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime have failed again and again,. he said. Bush issued an ultimatum that Hussein and bJs sons leave the country within 48 hours or prepare to face American troops. •Every measure has been taken to avoid war and every measure has been taken to win 11, • he said. ·we're a peaceful people . but we won't be intimidated by thug., or lciUers. • Bush reiterated that the "security or the nation and the world depends on disarming Saddam H~ now." Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said he believed the pn!">ident •c;poke to the people of the United States. the world and the people of Iraq." ·The president delivered a dear message of our Intent,~ he said. Rohrabacher said it is time for those who have been attaddng the president to •quiet down, at least for THE VERDICT . a few days." -ey the way. -he added. "if our soldie~ end up being hailed as lib- erator.. tht> left wing of the Demo- crabc Party has much co apologize for · But locaJ Dmloc:R6 Wllft weal in thrir opposition of Bu:sh. tough stand on the issue. ·1 was not at all impressed by the presadent's peec:4.." said Carl Mariz. member or the Newport Bay Area Democratic Oub. ·He mentioned that there are risks. but never men- tioned what these rtsb were.• An easy end to confrontation ..... _...., ., .. l••=r, .. .,.. ..... A2 Toesdly, March 18, 2003 . KIDS TALK BACK Talking about.the ' greeh day. The Daily Pilot asked third-graders· at Sonora EJementary School, 'What do most people do on St. Patrick's Day?' "St. Patrick died like a thousand years ago .... People like to go to parades to celebrate." • JACK BUNKER,8 Costa Mesa "People celebrate by sometimes having parades and parties and sometimes ~· IVY,9 Costa Mesa "People . celebrate St Patrick's Day by wearing green and doing parades and special dances." CINDY MEJIA. 8 Costa Mesa "Some people celebrate St Patrick's Day and put shamrocks on their cheeks and on their heads." CLARISSA HUIPE,8 Costa Mesa "People celebrate St Patrick's Day by going to New York and celebrate with a parade and they march and wear ~sco AGUILAR,8 C.OSta Mesa -lnter'IMws and photos compil«J by Oaristine Carrillo ON CAMPUS --- IN THE CLASSROOM . STEVE McCRANK /DAILYPllOT Dr. Arthur Lander, a gourmet chef and professor at UC Irvine, tea ches a class on the biology and chemistry of food and cooking. Adding chemical ingredients Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot E nter Arthur lander's classn:~om in the biological sciences building at UC Irvine on a Tuesday afternoon and you may find yourself slightly ~dered. A UCI science class focuses on the biology and chemistry of food to show how sci~nce applies to everyday life I've learned an insight into foods.· As lander lectures on the science of cooking, an assistant helps him with the chopping, water boils in a beaker heated by a Bunsen burner, and students pass around food samples while they talce notes. Everything serves a purpose. Granted, you're sure to find the traditional science·related lcnicldcnacksone wowd expect tosee on a laboratory table in the front of the room, but instead of finding the professor standing behind it dressed in a white lab coat. you'll find lander -a professor and chair of developmental and ceJ1 biology - wearing a white apron and chef's hat The various cooking essentials. which could be anything from cutlery to soy sauce, may throw you for another loop. Even when he first offered the Biology and Olemistry of Food and Cooking class three years ago, his students cowdn't make sense of it. Now, sitting through a three· hour lecture on foods of the world and extreme fermentation doesn't seem so baarre. "I think it's the best class," said Ann Pham, a fourth-year chemistry studenL "It's neat lo see how chemistry exists in something we do everyday." By focusing on molecular and cellwar analysis of cooking. such as protein sttucture, b rowning reactions. colloids, emulsions. carbohydrate metabolism and develop ment of Oavor and texture through WEDNESDAY biochemical transformations. the class introduces fundamental principles of chemistry. biology and physics. "For me, Ule main goal is that students should have an Wlderslallding of what science really is and shed the notion that it's a distant, difficult, esoteric subject that really has no impact on their lives," said lander. a self-proclaimed gourmet cilef. "One can think like a scientist in one's dealings with the everydfly world." In this case, their dealings in the kitchen. "I love cooking." Pham said "I've learned there's so much more to food. "Some of the reasons I like 10 cook is in a way because it's like a scientific exploration,· lander said "I thinlc people appreciate knowing what's really going on rather than having (their food bel a mystery." While that explains U1e dassroom activities, what about the hat? "That's all pan of getting people in the mood." • IN THE a..ASSAOOM is a weekly featur&'in wtiidl Daily Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo visits a campus in the Newport-M esa area and writes about her experience. carrots with ranch dip, fruit turnover, choice of milk SCHOOL. LUNCH MENU Mund\eble Luncti Salad or turby fryz. baby canots v.;th renctt dip, Cheetos, pine8pple tidbits, choice of milk The Munchable Lunch Salad contains tossed gt'99nl, • d)Qny tomatoes, cradcers and protein toUrCeS Mdl as cheese, sunflower aeeds, fruit yogurt and honey-roasted peanuts. (•Peanut butter on Mleded The Newport-Meta Unified School District offers menu choices each day at elementary sc:hoota. Students may choose a vegetarian entree if desired. The selection varies and may be either a salad, sandwich or hot entree. Schoof lunches are $2 each. Here's what'• being served this week: TODAY Munchable Lunch Salad with yogurt, two mini cheese burger• or macaroni and cheese, lettuce and pickles, c:hoice of fruit, choice of milk TIIJRSOAY Munchable Lunch Salad or chldcen tostada, lettuce, satse and cheese, raisins, cookie, c:hoica of milk FRIDAY Munchable Lunch Salad or hot dog on a bun, potato wedges, sliced pears, choice of milk MONDAY Munchable Lunch Salad or cheese quesadil&e, baby di1ys) No dlild i• d~mlnllted .,,., becau.. of,_., ux, color, national orlQln, •or ~Nbi/;ly. If h le be/Hived a child ha been dltlcriminated _,,.JtWt, """" lmmeditt,t.ely to tM ~taryof AQ~ Wnhington, DC 20260. If' I ·Daily A Pilot eo..tWlbon Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News assistant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright No news stories. C0/'81.wilsontllstlmn.com illustrations. editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be SURF Seen Hiller, Don l..eed'l, reproduced wftho(Jt written KM\t Treptow permission of copyright owner. • • . I • • • • • Much like Monday The latest northwest swell VOL. 97, NO. n READERS HO'TUNE HOW TO AEACH\JS afternoon, It'll be mottly sunny arrives today and should bring : and windy, with highs In the the west·facing brealct tOmf/ ~ ntOMAS H. JOHNSON N9ws Ectitc>n 1949) 642-6086 Clrcui.tlon Publisher Gins Alexander, Lori Anderson, Record your comments about the The Times Orange County ml~. The northwesterly V.ry large surf In the form of lONYDOOERO Danlef Hunt, Paul Saitowltz, Dally Pilot or new1 tipa. (800) 252·9141 Yllnda will blow up to 25 mph overtleads end occu1onal Editor Denlel Stevens Adck9M Advertising this momlng end eftemoon. • double oVerheadl. . JOUf OETTING Our e<ldreu hi 330 W. 0.y St., Costa Clualfled 1949) 642·5678 ~~ NEWS STAR= MMB, CA 92627. Office houra ere Oftpley (949) 642-4321 tt'O be warmer Wedne.dey. But the water may still be · ~--th C(ime a courta ~rter, Mondey -Friday, 8:30 e.m. • 5 p.m. EdltoNI lnlolmlrtlon: • unhealthy. Promotlol'\9 Director (949) 674-4n Comdions Newt www.nws.noaa.gov The swell wlll begin to b9dc B>l11NQ 8-nu:f dHpa.bharathe l•tifTlt#S.COm It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly (8491 642"'5680 down Wedneedey, though a.J.Celvt ...... =·· correct ell errors of aubltance. Spotts(949)67 .... 223 BOATING FORECAST we'll still encounter counttMI ~ng£dltor, Pleate call (949) 764-4324. Newt Fu (8491 &4&-4170 overheeds. Newport reporter, Sports Fax (948) 850-0170 . (94$) 674-<e.233 (949) 574--4232 FYI E-man: d•llypllot•t.t1,,,...com The notthwesterty winds Wiii A~ swelt •nfyef •J.cMin• 11111,.,,...com Junt1.DM1tgrent»tll11ti,,,...oom The Newport BeedVCoste MeM M.&n()Wtoe blow 16 to 25 knots MffV lri the ThUqdey. .MmeeMlief P-'ClntDtt Dally Piiot (U.Sf>S.144-800) 11 luslnele <>Moe (M9) 642--4321 Inner wetets, h:>ugh thWlt w....-,: City Editor, Politlc9 end environment reporter, publllhed dally, "' Newpol1 Beectl ~Fu (IM8) 831-7126 bUild 20 to 30 bM1t iNI WWW • .Urli'lder.Ol{I f9'18) 7&M324 (948) 7&M330 end Coate MeN, 1ubec:ripti<>ol ere eft9moon, wfth 3-to Moot /llma,..,.Jatlirl#t:om pt1Ul.d lnto11 •l#tlmn.com evellable onfy bV aubeetlblng to The W9Yee •Oda Wiit .... of 6 to TIDES "°"" C..t.on $poftlt £"'°', Lolta ..... Tlme. Orenge Count'( (800) . 81"t. nm. """" IM81514-4223 Columniat. cuhure rtp0~. 252·9141 lo al'MI out•lde of Out farther, the ~_...,·~~ (149)574--4275 Newj)()tt Bead't end~ ~. north\ .... ,rtv wlnde wtH blow 8:56e.m. 6.87fMthAgh JDMJ ..... lolitl.hMt»r latlm.t.oom . aubecriptions to the Daily Piiot ere 20 to 30 flnota Nfty, but will 3:20p.m. .o .• -.1ow M OINctor I Newt Desk Chl9f, Deerdr9 Newtnen eva•leble only by firtt cl ... mtil foi Publl1hecl by Tlmee Communl'Y JIM:fl ... to 2S to 35 knoel .. 9:34p.m. • 6.21 ... Ngtt (941) 574-4224 }IJH.aM'tfW•IM~.com eo. Meee reporter, (949) 574 4221 $3() pet month. (Pricee Include all Newt. e divllion of ct-Lo.~ 9ftiemoon, wtd\ combined .... 3:36•.m. .0..G2fMtlow ..... ~ ~MWl"f'IMI I.rim# com epptlcllbte .... end toe.I tex.e.) Tim ... of 13 to 16 ..... The wlndl w* • atatlltnwt C..elo POSTMASn": s.,ld ~ ""°'°~'· --.n to 20 to 30 ~ lhll ~ ... EducMion ~. UM8) 17~ ~to The HwlPOft C'2002 Tlmea CN. All r\Qlnl .I' IC'itt.pltolo• llillnw» oom ~.<»m#o•lat1m..corn IMcNCoMe MeM De1tv Piiot. P.O. ~. ...... wtlt\ Moot W9We ltld ........ of11tot3fillt. .... ---------______ __._..._ ....... ._., _____ ~...,......,~u ROUGH AND .TUMBLE . DONLEACH /OAILYPILOT Strong westerly winds kept boats and surfers out of the water and chopped out the sea, but were not strong enough to keep a couple of beachgoers from checking the cold water near 28th Street in Newport Beach. 'Music' to the Center's ears Actress Julie Andrews pops into the Center as part of its Up Close a t th e Center speaker series. Lolita Harper Da1lyP1lot C.OSTA MF.SA -The Orange County Per- forming Arts Center will be alive with the sounds of Academy Award winner Julie An- drews when she takes part in an upcoming series of celebrity talks. This seru;on'c; Up Close at ilie Center series starts at 6 p.m. Monday at Seger'>lrom HaJJ with the three-time Tony Award nominee. While ilie series has yet to pick up the steam expected by many Center officials from years past, spokeswoman Angela Dick- son wd. efforts have not been weakened to gamer big-name speakers, such as ilie leg- endary Andre~. "We had Carl Reiner. who was great, Arnold Schwaoenegger. who canceled, so a not-so- huge track record yet." Dickson said. "But that said. Julie Andrews will be wonderful." Andrews, a o;tar of the stage. television, mouon Juhe Andrews pictures and recordings. is noted for her el- egance. integrity and artio;try, Dickson c,aid. She will be a welcome addillon to the .. e ries and an entertaining and in'>ightful one at that. She is coming 10 c;harc a few of hc.>r favor- ite thingc,, and no <,poonful of sugar will bt• needed to help her medicine gu down. In addition to Broadway and film roles such a<, "The Sound of Music.· • l"orn Cur- tain,· "Thoroughly Modem MtU.c" illld Di'>- FY1 • WHAT: Up Close at the Center Sen es, with Julie Andrews • WHEN: 8 p.m. Monday •WHERE: Segerstrom Hall, Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa • COST: Ticket prices vary from $29 to $59 • INFORM.ATION: (71 4) 556-2122, ext. 240 ney's "Mary Poppins." Andrews recentJy toured wiili Ouistopher Plummer and Oiarlotte Oturch in "A Royal Chnstmas." She also just finished ilie voice work on "Shrek 2" -she plays the prince1><,' mom - and is ~et to co-star in the '"Prince-.i; Diarie'> 2." Andrews has aJso tackled writing chil dren's book!. with her daughter. l'mma Wal - ton. Her autobiography i!> scheduled to be released in a few month.,, Dick.son ..aid The celebrity series i'> co-'>ponsorcd hy Oear Olannel Entertainment. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Public Policy. will join the UC Ir· vine facuJty in July. 1'..allon theory and behaVJor. sta- bility and change tn orgaruza- tion'>. decision-making and mformauon processing. Feld- man hru. been on M1ch1gan·s fac- ulty for 20 year... Feldman has wrttten four books and published more ilian two dozen joumaJ arocles. She earned her master's and doctor.- ate in politicaJ -.ciencc from Stanford Urtivers1ty. UCI welcomes Michigan professor Martha Feldman. a profe.sor of political science and pubhc policy at the University of Michj- gan's Gerald R. Ford School of Feldman will assume the Roger W. and Janice M. Johnson Otair in Civic Governance and Public Management in ilie School of Social Ecology Feldman now serves ru; ilie as soctale dean of the Ford School of Public Policy. where she teaches public management. I !er research focuses on (lrgan1 State's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon l!@ilt)l:t;\&;f1j'i·1il;IJ,fjit1!&;!11 Wlf& DY llUDB TOlll UP Same Owner Since 1965, 38 >'ears in Costa Mesa ,... c•••UUTG• IBDP me. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol ac Mer> 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 E-mail: carb arts@thecarbsho .com • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC Tit£ • VINYL R..OORJNG • tllft•IGDI i •fwt,i:.:.!•i SOLARIAN :;-'\I. ~r.IJ.t.. MV:l•A11 • ~ -••• .• • ••• ., ."'....._ 314• SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !!!!..!:!i.. $149 from si• -si• Travertine 18" x 18" .. .. . ............. ......... .......... ...... ... .. .. .. '4.29 tci a Ceramic Tiie ...................................................... llltlllld tocm '4.99 IQ tt Laminate Vtlood...... .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. f1Slllld *tJm '4.99 IQ l WHAT IS ... o9tvda <ff~ 97~? 1 'M Ymt iJ in tM flavorful broth made fro"' scrtlkh- jrtjh tacl• morning. Gtnnow chunlu of diidt.m lnrasl and rict in our diliriow lm>th. C"1n1iilultl uril/t diawl avotado and cila"tro, Ji11Wwd fliilJa a Sf'IM6 'fftaA Ii• . . Tuesday. March 18, 2003 AJ New shipments of Acce8sories for your Home Including Lamps and Shades With cwlom oplloru available -·-Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 1()..4 369 E. 17th Street #13. Costa Mesa• (949) ""-'745 I Across from Ralphs) Because There's No Such Thing. fhdt s why v.1.: credtt>d 9 ve your child p<d<t1ce 1n all baso< 1angu69e skills 1nctud1ng phon•o vO<dbulary compre Rx Reading. 1t s d proven progrdm guaranteed to rd1se your rh1ld's level on(' 1u11 grade in R··r.,eading Just 32 hours Ji9'1 Utll111ng ei<clusovt> • --· -• -· - hf'ns1on dnd applied skills such as reading. rate csnd rt>call Tu1orA1d test1n9, wt> analyze the gaps 1n a student's rebd1ng ability dnd create a bdlanced progrdrn to If your cMd 1s fall1"9 behind 1n school, now Is me time to call and find out more (949) 645-7900 488 East i7th Strttt • Costa Mesa {Corner of rv1nt' A ;Fn~) • Tutoring(lub.com "Over 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • Va.lances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads ComplimnttAry Cons.duztio11 ;,, Yo11r Howu DESIGN CENTER Factory &: Showroom l "98 Harlx1r Blvd., Co-.ta Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 ;.;::-;:::-...::. . Sn-rtmi t1N u,,,,,,.,,;IJ for JO J'tlll"I lnrw1t/ -<itulK M6riNarJ Now is a Great Tune to 1 2 CHICKEN •r stock up ""Ul &eeurl ~~' ,-1/2 CHICKEN ~oat oa.r 30fb. $222 Swh=?=-a.,, I b . CJH<ltm Bmul • G,..,.J 8ttf" 25 ,,.;,.. .,. wuJ.iv1lf p.;o It's a GREAT DFAU &Mku PORK l..olN ROAST I M Tuesday, M3rch 18, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY . BRIEFLY IN TH.E NEWS Police arrest child . molestation suspect N('WJ>Ort Beach Police on Friday amsted a 1 g, year-old San Bema.rd.hio man on SUS· picion of committing lewd acts on a child under 14 years of age, o~ ~~J om<:ers stoppeu Albert Joshua~·at theci>mer of 43rd Street and Balboa Boulev4J(l.~pecting a vehi· de code violation. lL John Klein said. "They found a 14-year-old girl in the car and got swpi- dous after questioning the suspect and the girl," he said. Officers learned the girl did not have pennission from her parents to be with Barragan and that Barragan had "com- mitted lewd acts on the r>rf" during their trip from San Bernardino to Newport Beach. Klein said He is being held in Orange POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •a... S1rMC: A recreational vehicle not registered to a Costa Mesa owner was reported in the 800 blodc at 2:68 p.m, Sunday. •&It 11th StrMt A "mental person" was TepOrted roaming the 100 blodc at 9:54 p.m. Sunday. • Gibnlbr Awnue: TteSpaSSing was reported in the 3000 blodc at 9:03 a.m. Sunday. ·~StreKTwo 30-yeal'Old men were arrested on suspicion offightlng, being drunk In public and vandalism in the 500blodtat11:05 Sunday. • tWbor Bouleuenl: A robbery was reported in the 3000 blodc at 2:58 p.m. Sunday. • N9wpoft BoullMlrd: A 26-"(eal'Old man was anuted CoWlty jail in lieu of a $50,000 · bail. The girl was released to her pli\l'ents. Klein said High-surf ·advisory in effect in Newport A hlgb-surf advisory bas been issued for the Orange County coast for all of to· day, said Noel Isla, a me- teorologist for the National Weather Service lo Sap Di- ego: . "Waves are expected to reach 6 to 9 feet. and there may even be. occasional 11 • foot sets," he said. The advisory went into ef- fect on Monday. Winds are also expected to gust at 25 mph. but no wind advisory has been· issued for the area, Isla said. The Orange County Sher- iff's Harbor PatroJ issued a gale warning Monday after winds gusts reached 35 mph, officials said. A small- craft advisory is also in ef- fect. -Deepa Bharat/J on suspicion of being drunk in public, possessing a switch blade and possessing less than an ounce of marijuana at 2:14 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • MacAlthur Boulevard: A robbery was reported in the 4100 blodc at 8:10 p.m. Sunday. • Pelican Crest Annoying and obscene phone calls were reported in the 100 blod< at 9:50 a.m. Monday. • Santa B8lbMa Drive: . Vandalism of city property was reported in the 800 blodc at 12:49 a.m. Monday. •Vista Entnlda: A burglary was reported in the 2100 blodc at 8:19 a.m. Monday. • 32nd StNet: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 5:55 a.m . Monday. • 33rd StNet: A di.sturbing party was reported in the 200 blodc at 11 :07 p.m. Sunday. / window coverings that will always fit perfectly in yoUT home. From Roller Shades to Woods to Shutters, the The Classics Never Go Out Of Style lbllllDoQIRS • window fashions &ALDEN'S FLOOR Covu!NG ANO CUrn:>M WtNOOW CoVF.RJNGS 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 EL TORO ~rs and ocher& 1n the real Ftnt of an. the lMd bas been ' estate community at a 1bunday contaml.oaled from the decadet Continued from Al informational meeting in which of ltl use u a Marine base. The clty and Navy oft'ldals dJa· base closed ln the mJd-19908. gmmed the diabursement of the Also, the bidding ls expected AU p~ceeds from the sale El Thro land. Which II Mid to be to be feverlab. The c0mpany Chat would go to the Department or worth $800 million. Other com-prevails Is expected to pay a high Dctfense, which owns the land. panles with Newport Beach price. 1bree parcels -measuring branches or beadquarten ln-"It will be a pretty adting 610, J.<>'l9 and l,600 a~ -will eluded CB Richard BWa. Davis process to watch, and I eq>eet it accommodate 3,400 homes and Partners, Grubb 8t Ell.II, Insignia! to be very competitive," aa&d Bob. 2.9 million square feet of com-ESGi Mabe Properties and PM Davis, a senior vice pl'eSident at mercial and industrial space. · Realty Gfoup. Grubb & lUlia' Newpon Beach The land will also be used for a The companies say the land-office. "Any or the major devel- central park. a habitat preserve, Sele, which will be handled open would be interested be· a sports park. a museum and through an EBay-style onlitie cause of the sJz.e of pa.reels being other educational uses. Irvine auction, ·wUJ amount to a bo·, offered." leaden; have said. · nanza in the real estate ~dust:ty. The· Irvine Co, arguably Airth joined a handful of other There ~ obstacles to any de-Orange County's biggest devel· deveJo~rs, brobts, property velopment there, how~L , oper, ~o't m~ a play for the PUB Continued from Al Sham.roclc's was just the first stop on the group's "pub crawl" They planned to travel up the coast to Sunset Beach. Businessman Bill Sparks said it was the official day of bis monthlong retirement party. After 41 years in the whiskey business, Sparks said he was calling it quits. He wasn't going out quietly. Shamrock's was his fifth location of the day. He and his compadres, dressed in formal corporate wear despite the informal environment, started the day at Hennessey's, then went to Cabanas in Laguna Beach, Muldoons and the Harp. At 2 p.m.. they had settled at the Shamroclc. "This place has a certain magic about it," Sparks said about the quaint oceanfront bar, HOME Continued from Al en ts she is allowed to have. The decision means that Ma- nion has exhausted all reoourse with the city and must now de- crease die number of clients she serves or face the city in court in June. Katz was not presen t to argue for the rehearing. Mayor Karen Robinson, a lawyer, expressed dis· appointment that Katz had not shown up. RESPONSE Continued from Al Mariz labeled Monday "a black day in the history of our country." "The president hears what he wants to hear and does not tis· ten to good advice," he said. "We're attacking som eone with- out provocation." War is not the solution to any problem, said Jean Forbath, Coslll Mesa resident and foun· der of local nonprofit Share Our Selves. VERDICT Continued from Al obvious that the war was being fought in such far off places as Guadrucanal,Tarawa,Saipan and Okinawa. California kept itself in a state of military preparedness -and our city did its share. lt is commonly believed that the only military establishments in·Orange County at that time were the Marine Corps Station in m Toro, the Lighter Than Air Base ln Tustin, the Los Alamitos where the screens show rugby games and a live band plays authentic Irish music. "It ls one of the few places where there are real people." After a few more shots of whiskey, including one from a bottle from 1962, the year Sparks started.Jn the business, they would head over to Malar:key's for some more Celtic revelry. • "I am going to party until I feel like I am done," Sparks said. His attitude was contagious. AU those interviewed said their revelry would last until they could no longer stand. "We are not on a curfew," said Sharon O'Keefe of Anaheim. Al Malarkey's, a line had already Conned by 3 p.m., and about 15 people were patiently waiting for some Blarney booze. The crowd was a little younger. with fewer business suits and more tank tops anti flip Oops. "We are all about St. Paddy's Day," said Jamie, who refused to give her last name. "Unfortunately, Katz is not here to explain which legal standard was applied incocrecdy," Robin- son said Qn..feb. 10, the Planning Com- m.iSsion"denied· Mlml06%"expaii-· sion request. citing problems caused by the cwrent number of clients -induding numerous po- lice and code enforcement com- plaints -and the lack of salient infonnation provided by Katz, who said he was hamstrung In di- vulging infonnation because of the lawsuit On March 3, the O ty Council rejected Manioo's appeal The city limit for residents of "T'm disappointed that it bas come to this terrible impasse," she said "If we do go to war. I'd support our troops. But the fact is, we are going to embark. on something that is going to take away from the peace of our coun- try and the peace of the world· Forbath said she doesn't doubt the president's sincerity. "I'm sure he believes it's the right path to take," she said. "But this kind of preemptive strike is definitely not a good decision.· · Newpon Beach Mayor Steve Bromberg said he believed Bush's speech was "very direct and very predictable." Navy Air Station in Los AlamJtos and the Seal Beach Ammunition Station in Seal Beach. Not so. Newport Beach had its own military establishment, a U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Station located -where? On Balboa Island. More specifically, on Collins Island, in the castle built by Mr. Collins for his wife, Apolena. . Long Beach, San Pedro and San Diego were the logjcal places Cor our naval forces. But what better place for patrolling the coast than halfway between Long Beach and San Diego? Also, Newport's fishing Oeet had to continue fishing to feed the populace. and they had to be checked coming and going for the possibility that one of those fishing boats nlightrneetaJapanese submarine and acquire a . saboteur to land and play havoc with our military installations. To prevent this, a ba.rse was stationed in the channel Outside, waiting patiently In a green-collar shirt, was 31-year-old Bill Romero. "I am supposed to be at wort. but I cut out early." Romero said. "It's St Patrick's Day. They have to understand." Certainly understanding was nm Mitchell, who celebrated with his two daughters over a traditional Irish breakfast and a little mJdday carousing at the local eateries. His youngest daughter, Devon, had the day off from school for a teacher's planning. and "somehow," bis older daughter convinced him to let her stay home also, he said. "It's a holiday," he said. Devon wore her green Bailey's foam hat over her lovely locks and donned a fashionable pair of bright green, large-rimmed ~ "I think It is great because I am Irish." 8-year-old Devon said. "I get most of my Irishness from my dad." group homes in residential areas is six. Manion insists that adding two more people is necessary for peer support to allow two resi- ~~.W. ~ live in each of the bed- rooms other modest home. In the api>Uc8ti0n for the re- hearing. Katz stated that ~on would produce evidence suppon- ing Ibis claim Robinson ques- tioned why it had not been di- vulged before. Manions home bas 6ve bed- roo~ She said she is averse to turning her extra bedrooms into living or recreation rooms be- cause she already has both. "I do suppon the president: he said "But I also believe the watchword here is~·prepared­ ness." John Wayne Airport will take a step in that direction after the high. or orange alert was issued after Bush's speech.' The airport will close two direct access roads into the airport -Michelson Drive to MacArthur Boulevard and the San Diego Freeway off- ramp that leads into the airport. spokeswoman Ann McCarley said. Commuters and passengers may use Campus Drive and the Costa Mesa Freeway offramp to mouth. There. the Coast Guard checked all craft comilg and going out of the harbor. There was some talk of a submarine net across the channel, but wiser heads prevailed. It would have to be a mighty small submarine to get into the channel mouth and, once in, what would it torpedo -the Balboa Island ferry'? Meanwhile, the Navy was in the process of acquiring yachts up and down the coast. bringing them into one of our brand new shipyards, painting them gray and sending them out to patrol the Catalina channel. And so it was that Navy Enslgn Black came steaming into Newport Ha.rl>or on a small yacht the Navy had acquJred In San Diego. As he came alongside the barge, Coast Guard EnsJgn White ordered him to stop for inspection. No way, Enslgn Black said. He was an officer of the United States Na~ and 'o two-bit Coast Guard officer wu going to - land. With a Nl'Plua of hi own land to dewlop, the company ts monitoring the proc• u ao In· terested party,, but not a buyer, a spobUnan for I.be Newport 8elch-baaed company said. "Wt have no plant and no.fn- twest in being a ~per or pu.rchaing any land at m Thro, .. company fpob8man John ~ said. "Wtve got a lot of land.. ~re pleased with what we have o.n our plate." . • MUI. CLINTON cover• the environment. bualnesa and polltlca. He may be re~ed tit (9491 764-4330 or~ Hnall lrl pa'l.lf.cf/ntontltatl~.com. Although be is a true Iriah man, nm Mitchell ch08e • • Newport Brewing O>. as his midday celebration destination instead of the eateries with Irish· • names. Brewing company owner Jerry Kolbly said it doesn't hurt his business to not have an Irish 'name on his sign. "It's a beer-drinking holiday - and the brewery has beer," _ Kolbty said "By 6 p.m., you won't even recogniz.e this place." Even Costa Mesa Qty , Councilman Gary Monahan~ ditching Monday's council meeting to host ~ busiest night of the year ~t his pub - Slrosh Monahan's. "It's St. Patrick's Day," he said.·· plainly. • • lDlJTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mall at lolita.hsrper@latimes.com. At the March 3 Oty Council hearing. Katz argued that it's the city's responsibility to provide Mreasonable acc.ommodalion" un- der the federal Fair Housing Al.;t. which bans dOOiinina~' against the handicapped. recovering from or ' addiction are co~ - capped under the act. Robinson rejected Katz's argu· ment. • •DERR NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 5744221 or by e-maU at deirdre.newrnan@latimes.com. get into the airport, she said . These closures will be effective· beginning .:itt about 4 a.~ Wedo~ McCartey said "We Will also have securltY checkpoints al the a.irport'~entry points," she said. "We're worldn~: with the Thansportation Security Administration and the Orange' Counry Sheriff to provide a safe·; and secure facility for our pas'- sengers." • MUl CUNTON covers the environment. bualnesa and politics: He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by &-mall at paul.clinton@latimes.com. ·~. stop him as be carried out his duties. He steamed grandly past' · the barge. ' Thunderstruck at this breach - ' of security. Ensign White leape~f . into his patrol boat, came • alongside and ordered Ensign .• Black to heave to or whatever · salty language a Coast Guard ·, · officer uses to tell a boat to stop. · Ensign Black would have no · · part of this. In the great tradition of the Navy, "Damn the torpedoes." -or In this case. damn the Coast Guard - "full speed ahead.· "Prepare to board!" Ensign White ordered. "Prepare to repel boarders!• Enaign Black ordered. At that dine, one of tbe crewmen was glggl1ng so bard . he fell overboard. and that was· the end of the controobltion. ff only all confroni.dont could end ao slmply. • ROBERT GARDNER l9 •Corona del Mer resident and • former Judge. Hit column Nna lUMdaya. AROUND TOWN Cancer'" will t>. held from 8:30 to wttet qvalltv for Newport~ 7i31J p.m. et~·· Matbl. 225 find the httbof. •Send AROUND 'TOWN hlml to the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by f.x to (949) .... 170; or by celling (949) S7U298. Include the tJme, datll Ind IQCatlon of the event. u welJ •• 1 contact phone number. A c:omptet1 fitting la walllble et www.dallypllot.com. TODAY The N9uerport Herboro..Nd SOciety le ho9Ung., Otd\ld..,. 9Udfon from 7 to 1C>:30 p.m. 8t ttW ~COnvnunlty Cenhlr, 1M5 Pert.,,.,, Coeta MeN. Fret. For more lnfonNdon.ClllfM)M2~148. ................... ...._ !" SuppWr\el• In r:weio Eni 17th St., c.o.te MtM. fOf ttiMf'Vadons, call (800) 595-MOMS. -----· • . . , I ' . - ~' ._ .. _ ...... _,, .A_ " \. "' Tuesday, March 18, 2003 AS J Daily Pilot Special Section ,. TOSHIBA CO UNTO.OWN TO ·THE CLASSIC GOLF Cruising along with the players Serving on transportation committee at Toshiba Senior Cla~ic is a good way to get to know golfers off the course. 0 h. sure, there are other ways to get ~ to the players on the PGA Champions Tour without getting arrested. but volunteers in the transportation committee of the Tushiba Senior Cl.as&c appear to have it wired As you stroll through the main parking lot at ~~~~~ Newport Beach Country Qub, there are rows of Fsc:alade , FSVs, c.adillac's fancy schmancy sports ulility vehicle. RICHARD Cadillac bas DUNN been a sponsor of the tour for years. and players are afforded the use of one at each stop. Some fans follow their favorite golfers on the course, while at . times trying to look over crowds in the gallery three or four people deep. )'ou can try to approach a player after he has left the putting gre.eri or driving range.. but good hK:k getting more than an ~band simple hello. ~s an excellent chance he's on his way to a pro--am round or trying to .keep a tight scbedule. Aft.er all. this is where they come towod. But for those vohmt.eers serving in transportation, a committee heeded by Mary B<7Jle, it's a auise wen worth the trip. "You get to pick them up and taI.k to them." said tramportation volwueer Dave Sill. who~ bmy tearing off a window emblem on the passenger's side of Gibby Gilbert's Fscatade from last weekend's SBC Ownpioo.Wp at Valenda Country Oub and replacing It with a Tushiba Senior Oa.ssic insignia. "We also get to met their families. and you ~ to interact with the players on a more personal basis than at the golf coU.rse.• Sill. working on the high-end c.ad.iJlac StNs with fellow ttansportation volunteer Uoyd S..GOLF,PqeM RmlE SPIRITUAL AID Tom RandaU providM golfers on the Champk>ns Tour religious aaaistlnce. S..pegeM I WHAT'S NEW? A MIN feature It thl• year'• tournament e11owa tena ~ 8CCl998 to the proe. ........ ,. THE DAVIN f.!cnlRES Softle mdd .,.,,.. ... from ..... .-.. ...... AJ .. TOSHIBA SENlOR CLASSIC PHOTOS BY DON LEACH /DAILY Pl.OT Amateur Tim Snee hits from trap on eighth hole as playing partner Hal Brown and pro Larry Ziegler, with hat. watch him hit. Eaks to return to Ne:wport Monday open qualifier , has strong ties to Newport Beach Country Club, where he won twice in former mini-tour event. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Fuzzy 1.oeller might have been the biggest name to play in the Toshiba Senior Oassic Monday Pro-Am, but it was R. W. Eab, a longtime friend of Newport Beach Country Oub, making the biggest nll'Ws about 45 miles inland F.ab, the back-to-back champion of the former Newport Classic Pro-Am in 1995-96, shot 67 and tied for sec- ond in the Toshiba Senior Oassic Monday open qualifier at Goose Oeek GoH aub in Mim Loma Tbe top three finishers qualified for· the 54-bole PGA Champions Thur event Friday through Sunday at Newport Beach Country Oub. Rafael Navano of West Palm Beach. Fla., shot 65 to earn medalist honors Monday, while Turpmy Thomas of Lynbrook. N.Y. and Eaks, of Scotts- dale. Am.., each carded 67. Last year, as a rookie on the senior tour (for goHers SQ and over), Bab lhattered the driving distance record when he averaged 295.1 yards ,per drive in 2002. John Jacobs held the Kent Berg of Newport Beach listens to golf ti>s from Fuzzy Zoeler after wirilg the honor to play with Zoeler in the Hoag Hospital f\lld.raiser a few weeks ago. previous record, at 290.7 yards in was held from 1975 to '97 at Newport 1997. Beach Country Oub and called the The former Newport Classic, which Crosby South.em Pro·Am for the first VOLUNTEERS The Classic' s backbone ~ut 950 vohuiteeTS make Toshiba's annual event ~le, doing everything from selling dcketJ to controlllng the crowd . .... ., ... DllrPllat kt ......... k ..... only law ~ ............. red 11 years. served as a unique two-day mini-tour event for 23 years and played host to several future PGA Tour stars. Only (]ad Dennis (1992-93) and EaJts (1995-96) won baclc-to-baclc Newport ClaMic titles. Volunteers and organizers of the event transferred their efforts, under the auspices of Hoag Hospital, to the Tushiba Senior Oassic six years ago. It will be the first time Eab has played in the Toshiba Senior Classic and mark his first Newport Beach ap- pearance since 1997, the final year of the Newpon Classic Pro-Am. ••• Kent Berg of Newpon Beach won the Fuzzy 1.oeller Lottery through a tournament promotion and Roger Dunn Golf Shops and played nine boles with the Ownpions Tour's Mr. Personality in the Monday Pro-Am. Berg also played nine boles with Larry 1.iegle.r. Each ticket in the lottery was S 1 o. and no more than 2,000 tickets were sold. One Monday Pro-Am spot i.s·val- ued at $2,750. All proceeds of the raf- fte benefit the toumamen(s lead charity, Hoag Hospital. "When ta tournament official) c@.ed me on Friday to tell me I'd won. I thought they were kidding." Berg said Monday. after playing nine with 1.oeDe.r and then switching pros. -nm is something wry special. I've been going here evay year to tb1a touma- S.. REYURN. p._. M ~---..-..-.. - .. M Tuesdey. M¥ch 18. 2003 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC GOLF TIPS Champions Tour players offer some insigh t to im proving your game "Many of my pro-am partners miss by short putts d'4.ring their rounds because their eyu are moving during IM nr-oke. A.ta re.suit, their heads are not .tttady. What I try to do from 4 fttt and closer is to focus on the baU and then listen for It to go in the lwk. 1)y thil tip, and you 'II be amar.td 'at how many pUI# you 'II make it. If you I tam to use the ears during your putting stroke, you 'II become 11 better short puue':" Brue• FlelsMr Bruce Aei$her has woo 15 times on the Champions Tour and was the ,.our's 19W Player of the Year/Rookie of the Year: In fow seasons"'oA the Champions :four, he has never finished htgher than seventh in Puttita Average, earning top honors in 1999 . • TJl~ CJjamp~ons' ·Spiritual caGdy Fans get Toshibit tastes this year DelrdN Newman Daily Pilot During the oompetition, the golfers at the Toshiba Senior Classic may pray for a birdie. But if they need spiritual guid- ance, they'll rum ~o Tom Ran- dall. Randall ls the chaplain for the PGA Cllampiooa Tour, which swegl..jpr. ~rt Beach oo Moci6J' Randall will lead a nonde- no~tional Ouistian fellow- ship on Prtday evening for the players and their families. He is 8lsO awilable during the week I · for private sessions to help the players deal with the emotions competition evoke, like anger, and to encourage patience and self-control "I think it's good for them to have somebody they can trust and go to if there's a question about their faith · or spiritual questions, and there's a 101 of them.• RandaJJ said. "Some- tioles. guys like to talk to some- body about eomethtng going on lo their private life that they don't want people or the news- paper to know about" RandaJJ knows more about lay-ups and three-point shots .UC Irvine BASEBALL than be does about nine·irons and b\lllker shots. He played basketball owrseas for 20 years, logging about 2,000 games. He was lnvited to come out for the tour by Larry Nelson four years ago When other religious leaders were not available. During the fellowship, Randall will ask the golfers how they're doing spiritually and ff anyone has anything special they want the rest of the group to pray for. Then he will deliver an inspira- tional message on a sports-re- lated topic. For some, it's a chance to do something they never get to do on Sundays. ~They always play on Sunday, so many (golfers) haven't gone to church for 3o ~" Randall said. "It's eomething we try to Three-game series vs. University of Washington Friday, Mar. 11, 6 p.m. Saturday, Mar. n , 6 p.m. 5unday, Mar. a, 1 p .m. SMurclay night's , .... Is UC lnhlc ......... T-chht NltM - tM tint IOO fens In llttcftdMca wlH rudvc a ht Hhlrt, HOJ UC Irvine 5pol11 Glnks and Camps sign-ups arc available nowt ....... 1 .. '°" tircd ... l'UIMlowlt. • .and looldll1 for a vacation •• .-., frolll yow l&Ws? make convenient for them. and they're getting fed spiritually.• In the time that .Randall baa been accompanying players on the tour, he ~ oveneen five weddings of players or their rela- tives. He also gets invited to speak at a lot of the players' home churches and Bible study groups. Nelson said he's grateful to have a spiritual caddy of a sort to help him and the othet play- ers explore their relationship with Quist and wodt through any issues that could be a dis- traction from the competition. "He's helped a lot of people with their peace of mind and an- swering spiritual questlom and relationship questions and, I think in that regard, he's done a great job," Nelson ea1d. VOLUNTEERS Continued from AS "They're seniors, teenqers, buf scouts, presidents of com- panies, nunes, teachers, you name it," Purser saJd The tournament doesn't have a problem usembling volunteers every year, be said. They come through the 50 toumamept committees, so- licitations in local media and through the Web site, Purser said. Monday was Newport Beach resident Richard Macklln's first day on the job at the ticket counters. "I sold three tic~ets in two hours,• he remarked with a laugh. "But it's all only starting and, hopefully, it'll get busier." Macklin said to him it was all about taldngln the fresh air . New features allow the fans more access to some of their favorite golfers. June Caaa1rand• Daily Pilot round. Another feature that got a test-drive last year is the question-and-answer ses- sions with some leading players tnvnediately after play on Friday and Satur- day. These sessions will give fans a chance to get up close and personal with tournament stars. NEWPORT . BEACH Similar to, but slightly Some might say dMending more subservient than the champion golfer Hale Irwin VIP fan promotion will be is the atar of the Toshiba the "Caddie for a Day" pro- Senlor Claaak:. Others might gram, which gives fans I.he point to more in-your-face humbling honor of serving personalities such as OU up dubs to some world-fa- QD Rodriguez. mous golfers. · But the real stars. as And for those who aspire some event organizers will to someday swing in the big tell you, are the fans. leagues, there's also the 'That's why the annual •Game-IJnprovemenl P1at- golf tournament this year is form with On-Site Teaching roWngout "Fan Features," a Oinics." slate of acdvities and spe-Of CQurse. keeping the clal events to keep the fans fans happy and coming out happy and coming back. in droves carries the side "While the oore of the benefit of creating an even event ls professional com-· larger audjence for spon- petidon, there are some sors, whose support helpe things that make it a little fund more than $1 million more exciting and a little in charitable dooads>ns. dJIIerent, • Tuumament Di-"I think that the success ~r Jeff Purser said "You that we've had in attracdng gotta keep It fresh.• large galleries and support One added feature sure comes because it's a com· to generate a lot of interest munity event, a good enter- was rolled out as a test last talnment product," Purser yeai: the "VIP Fan of .the saJd. "It's a great setting. It's Day" promotion, which hl-a fun social event that has lows contest winn~ to go taken root in the commu- insJde the .ropes with their nity and it's become the favorite players for one full place to be in March." and breathtaking views of col-GOLF orful canopies and rolling in droves." added Jim Dale, vice presiden1 of Major Gifts for the foundation. ~~~· being outdoors, the Continued from f>,5 green greens, the open space," be raved. "Whether I'm playing the game or driv- ing a golf cart, It's reaJly a lot of fun." B•t this year, It was a pretty simple decision lor Macklin, a real estate developer, to volun- teer about four to five hours a day for the whole week. '"It was either this or a day in the office doing a whole lot of accounting and laxes," he said. "Really, it was a pretty simple choice.• But volunteering Is more than a break from work for people like Wtlliams, who've bad an ongoing relationship with the tournament Williams says be prefers the senior tow because the players "are more friendly than the pros:" "I love Oli 011 Rodriguez," be said "There was this one Ikerd of Newport Beach. is in ~ seventh year as a volunteer. For · Ikerd. a member ol the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce C.Ommodores Oub. it's his second year. "It's a fun deal." Ikerd said. Boyle and her staff' of about six made the trek up to Valencia twice to pick up the StNs on Sunday and another trip Monday. They all drove up In a van and caravaned back down to Newport Beach (O get the vehicles ready for toumaJna'lt week. "Somebody gaw Chi OU Rodriguez a ride to his hotel.· Sill -said •It's a big convmience for the players.. Vohmteers ln the transportation committee not only pick up players at the ailport and hotel. but members of the players' family. a.. well time when I wu on the eighth • • • hole when au Otl came driv-Ron Guztalc. executive dittctor Ing a golf cart slnging some of the Hoag HOspttal Foundation. Puerto Rican song. Theo he said he anddpates excellent got off the cart, did a 30-foot · weather this weekend. and. if the put and' the sword dance. He cond.itloos are anything like was so cool about it, you Monday's, Hoag could be In for wouldn't think be had a care In another banner year In tmns of the world or played golf for a money raised through the living... tournament It's moments like that that •"'Ibis weekend. oonsiderlng all longtime volunreera Uve for, that'I gofng on In the world. I Williams said. th.tok people are really going to "Why did I start volunteer-come out to the tournament,· Ing?" he asked. "Because it's Guziak said. "They can be clpse the only gtving back to coif I to home and ldll get away.• do." "Peope are goirlg to come out Hoag. the Toshiba Senior Oassic's managing operator, is the tour's philanthropic leader in charitable~ and will take the national stage when the Newport Beach ho6pital will be featured in a JO.second public service announcement that will run prominently during national lV programming, induding PGA Tour and PGA Ownpions Tour l~ts. The spot will be filmed at Hoag this week with Gery McCord. who won the event in 1999 and grew up in Orange C.Ounty, as the star. It will highlight the charitable accomplishments of the Tushiba OaWc. with particular focus on the new Hoag \\bmens Pavilion. which has benefited gmttly from tournament proceeds and is now being built on the hospital's campus. The Tushlba Senior Oassic has been the charitable Oag bearer on the Ownpions lbur. ln the past five year&, the tourrwnent has raised more than $4. 7 million for more than 25 charities, the ID05t on the Ownpions 1bur. 1be Tulhb Senior Classic was the first Champions lbw ewJlt to nme $1 miDion fur charily in a single year (2(XXJ), and last year became the tbst to raise $1 tnillion In three ooneecutNe )'e8r& In 1998, after running its first senior tot¥ event. Hoeg was awarded the toun inaugural Clwtty of the Year awan:I after raising more than $700,000 through the 1biil:D a..ic. "' .. -' ' . . TOSHIBA S E NIOR C LA S SI C Tuesday, March 18, 2003 A7 I A .· ~indy day on the green The weather didn't stop the Toshiba Senior _Classic from kicking off Monday with a pro-am PHOTOS BY 00N LEACH I DM..Y Pl.OT LIKE A SAIL: Joe Salituro tries to get control of plastic sheet for the roof of a display tent as high winds blow across Newport Beach Country Club during the Monday pro-am. IN SAND: Senior pro Bit Kratzert ttits from a bunker on the 17th hole after coming up short of the green. He shot par on the hole. !. DCMB.E DUTY: Caddie Roosevelt Richardson carries two l)ags 11 the Fuzzy Zoeler grQtC> durilg the pr<>am. Al Tuesday, Ma-ch 18, 2003 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS IC DlilyPiot J \ . 2003 TOSHIBA ·· SENIOR.CLASSIC T • I ~~ RETURN Continued from A5 ment and now I get lo play In it. and with Putzy and I.any Zlegler, it's like winning the lottery twice." Berg, who owns a 24 handi- cap, was one of '·two winners who received the full compJe- ment of amenities from the Monday Pro-Am: full hospitality during the day, breakfast and an awards ceremony, 18 holes of golf, a custom executive golf gift package, two weeklong club- house badges and 10 tourna- ment tickets. Berg, Craig McCallister (the other lottery winner), John Phipps and Steve Carfagno, Roger Dunn Golf Shop Santa Ana store manager:. played with Zoeller and Ziegler. ••• The winds were so strong on the golf course Monday at New- port Beach C.Ountry Oub that of- ficials were forced to remove the pant Tusbiba banner on the lop of the tide sponsor's skybox on the 18th green. Mlt's like a sail up there," one crew member said. Mffhe ban- ner) was starting to push the tent backward." ••• Newport Beach C.Ountry Oub head pro Paul Hahn, '9, will be eligible for (and is expected to rece1\te) a sponsor's exemption into next year's Toshiba Senior Classic. "fm nervous already." said Hahn, who will tum 50 on Feb. 11, 2004. Next year ls also the 50th anniversary. of Newport Beach CountryOuh ••• The Toshiba Senior Cassie Happy Hour lineup has been confirmed_ Gary MCC.Ord and Ja- cobs will appear Friday in a live interactive, Q&A session after the first round, starting at approxi- mately 5 p.m., while Oll OU Ro- s A LEGEND .• ~AJRWAY • GREEN II WATER .. TREES • GRANDSTANDS • CONCESSIONS II RESTROOMS a FIRST AJD • 17th GREEN • SEVENTH GREEN • 15th GREEN 0 HOLES • .A l I ... • -· .. •. ' -~ .. • .. .. ~ ... ... •' ONLY PILOT STAFF driguez and Zoeller will return and I'm sure everybody in at-Classic. In 1999, Crenshaw cap-' tabled the U.S. Ryder Cup team to the greatest comeback in event histoi::y. He is also one of golf's noted historians. for the Saturday stint. tendance will understand wh}t" The lively format will featu,re · - questions from the audience. It will be hosted on a stage adja- cent to the clubhouse, in front of the practice putting green. "We were the first ewnt on the PGA Cbampions Thur to teat out these-Q&A sessions last year. and they were tremendously succesmiJ (with Zoeller and Ro- driguez)," Toshiba Seriior.Oassic Tournament Director Jeff Purser said. "This year's lineup is per- fect. We didn't choose Gary McCord, John Jacobs, Chi Oll Rodriguez and Fwzy Zoeller by accident These are some of the best personalities on the tour, • •• There have been some classic speakers in past years. 5UCh as Gary Player, Tum Watson and McCord. but "Gentle Ben" could be the best ever. 'IWo-tlme Mastera champion Ben Crenshaw will be this morn- ing's keynote speaker at the Toshiba Senior Oasslc C.Ommu- nity Breakfast at the Newport Beach Marriott at 7:30 a.m. Tick- ets are S l 00 per person. Crenshaw, who won 19 limes on the PGA Tour. including the 1984 and 1995 Masters, will also compete in the Tushiba Senior • •• Players in the Monday Pro-Am could not use golf carts beca~ , of last weekend'• rainstorm and , were forced to walk. Those in to- day's practice round. as well as those playing in today's special media pro-am (only two groups). will also be without golf carts. Golf carts will reportedly be allowed back on the course Wednesday in the Toshiba Sen- ior Classic Pro-Am. FULL BAR COCKTAILS ~~ MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASS'°RT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE ATRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST COSTA MESA · 949-645-7616 THE WORLD S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND .· COMES. HOME ... I , Pilot Jues<Lv M.lrr:h lR FORUM HOW 10 ~ET PU8USHED -....... : Mail to Edltof'fal Page Editor S.J . Cahn at the Daily Pilot. ~ W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RH-. Hodine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 e.m.l:Send to dallypllottllatimtn.com •All C0'!98P0ndence must lndude full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot resetVes Che right to edit all submission• for clarity and length. DEAR JOE Readers chime in ·on Bell rebuttal AT ISSUE: Columnist questioned hiStorical accuracy of letter on income tax in latest column. J oe Bell shouJd violate his cardinal rules more often (The BeU Curve, "Revisionist history that needs revisiting.· Thursday). 1 lis response to Tom Williams' letter is a timely reminder of the power of reason over rant. The same theme was visiced by Norah Vincent in Thursday's Los Angeles 11mes.. Under the headline "The yeUing drowns out the ideas,· Vincent writes: ·we are polarized in the extreme and desperate for cenainty. even if it's only the kind of turgid, substanceless conviqion that comes of shouting louder and quipping meaner than the other guy.· Williams' March 6 letter is a case in point, but only the most recent ex.ample (Readers Respond, "Conservatives in Orange County shouJd be proud"). In December 1999, h e exploded over an earlier Bell Curve, which the Pilot printed as a "Rebuttar rJoe Bell shouJd stick to locaJ issues." Dec. 16, 1999). The paper didn't take a position on what Williams said, but clearly defended his right to say iL Voltaire wouJd have approved. whereas Williams apparently denies that right where "liberal" columnists are concerned. WiJliarns began his 1999 rebuttal by faulting Bell for toppling Geraldo Rivera as the "all-time, world champion Bill Olnton 'behind-ldsser.'" Then he offered this advice: Bell shouJd limit himself to (among other pursuits) "kissing Ointon's behind.· A curious contradiction. that. Williams must have been too preoccupied with his fulminations to notice. A final snippet: Williams advised BelJ "to stick to something he knows about.· Likewise. Likewise. DICK LEWIS Balboa Peninsula While our founding fathers were against a petsonal income tax, they allowed slavery to OQi.arish for 100 years. That doesn't make them "n)Jt cases: but I don't thlnJc it's something writer Williams wants included when he identifies with the founding fathers and claims pride as one of tht ·conservatJve Republican Orange c.oun tians.. l>erhaps another civil war in 2014 will end the personaJ income tax (2014 will be the hundred-year marlt for the personaJ Income tax inJdgated by ·uberal· President WtJson, according to Williams). In the meantime. we've had several vociferously "conservative" presidents -Herbert Hoover. Richard Nixon, RonaJd Reagan, George H.y.'. Bush and George W. Bush -and none or them have tried to end the ptt50nal income tax. Slavery was outlawed. Why not the personaJ ine)>me taX7 Where ls Williams' anger at these men? If he is so against the personal income tax. why does be proudly remain a "conse~tive Ree>ublican" when his party, by bis standards, is continuing to beuay the founding fathers? Newt Gingrich had a majority in Congress and didn't repeal it This Bush has a majority in Congress and hasn't even brought i1 up. Now that I lb1nk about it, let's get together and call Reps. Otfis Cox and Dana Rohrabacher and glve ·em hedc for not reviving James Utt's legislation to repeal the personal income tax. They are against it, aren't they? Not incidentally. I consider Abraham Uncoin a liberal presidenc for taking a stand against slavery. and I consider Joe Bell -a guy who Dew co)nbatbomber missions in World War II -a p~otic American who survived, and will now survive an attack by Williams. Last, •Grayed" Davis isn't a liberal. He's a back pQJiddan who wasn't smart enough co reverse the absurd deregulation or electricity Sitpled into law by Republican Gov. Pete Wilson. There wasn't a $Ingle vote, Republican or Democrat, again.sf da-eguladon. For history's sake, some or our ~atest, prosperous yean. when education and &uslnea Oourtshed. were when Pat Brown wu gMmor, electricity was regulated and the UQJvenlty of California was •till fre.e. I don't know lf Jrown Oew any bombifl& missions, but be sure was liberal. Uberal. liberty. Bell. Hu a nice ring co It. dQeSn't It? MARK DAVIDSON C.O.ta Mesa ~. bow nasty the rapoose of fonner ~rt-Mesa Unifted School Di.strict 'INttee Tum WtllWm ("Conaervatfva ln CM.nge County lhOuld bt> proud.· March 6) to lhe mUllnp of columnfst Joe Bell on plot d~lopmenta of ·The ~·wtng.· ft 't partic:u1arty noteworthy that Wllllamt II ao tbln-lkinned about S.11'• lie refttence to J9&& ~ Countt! national reputadon u a ·~lk:al nut hou.ee. WUIJa.ms worb hi.mielf ltlto a Veritable fwy, repeatedly tpltt out th •etm •nut cue• he likem hit penonal-Jtews 00 tuadon lo thole of OUf founding fathers. • IWaher UUU1 con'Y1ridng the .reilder. lhtt .ound mid fury mabl ytM.I r~ like~ for cover. ~II fC!'Ulh, or coune, more eo for M>m lbin for othen. ~-~· ,. ioichtactwtle WllHanW IO}cOunt to 10 before~ IUdl •1a11-cme-toundanl· wnom U1MMI lhe ~ UIUIVMTI ~Beech MAILBAG FILE PHuTr DAil y Pll 01 Roger MacGregor 1s the owner of Macgregor Yachts, one of the businesses that may be included 1n the downtown redevelopment zone . Using CRAC standard~. blight is in eye of the beholder During the March 10 meeung held a1 the Neighborhood Community Center. the '>ubiect of eminent do main wa<; pushed forward ru. a necessary and desirable tool for deaJing with a comrnunitywide. rather than site-'ipec1fic, project. llte large gathenng in the mee1ing hall was made aware that once the approval for '>Uth was made. aJJ property an the communuywide project wouJd have utJe limits applied that would stick there for 30 years. Whoa. Eric Bever, in his letter on Saturday (Reader'> Respond, "Eminent domain leaves divide") wrote: ·Without redevelopment, and eminent domain, we all better get used to things the way they are and worse.· Basically, I argue the Commuruty Redevelopment Advi'!Ory Comrrunee has fruled to find any physical or econonuc blight defined by state law and ins tead w.ed the Plannin~ Commission's -lool>er, and therefore impermissible -defmition of urban bhght Its a reasonable requirement Without ~tale law guidelines. redevelopment agenc1e'i could cite a broken wmdow here. a cracked !>ldl'Walk there, overcrowding around the block and broken toileu half a mile away. Add them all up and presto: Suddenly a whole neighborhood's blighted -on paper, anyway. I ask for the address of ooe building found to be blighted according to state law. What do I mean? I mean a building that's unsafe or unhealthy fo r the people living or working there. That., what state law says. AD I need is one. Why'? If such a build.it)g can be pointed out, I will personally report suclt to the city of Costa Mesa Code Enforcement for action. If the reader '>t'e!> \\hat he/!>he bebeves to~ phy!>1caJ or economic blight, repon such to the code enforcement per'ion a.s.'>lgne<l to that geographic area TOM SCHWORER Costa Me<.a Irvine should not control closed E Toro Marine base Ille m1'><:h.levous plan by l.rvlne to take over the c.kxed 1:-J Toro Marine Corp!> Au Station through wm exauon couJd backfire on opponent.'> of the El foro international airpon that voted for Measure W and now favor annexation. Should Irvine get 1.onang control over that base. it could 1mmed1atrly m,one the property for an international a.upon. tum on the IJghLS and stan the llighL'>. and the rest of the counry, mostly South County. could go pound 'Wld It ha<, alway-. been a mystery to me why Irvine. the uty that stands to ~'a.u1 the most from the airpon, has claimed to be agamst the airpon. The airplane'> do not even pa'>'> over Irvine. and no om·. anywhere. is in 1he no1~e zone of that airport unlike John Wayne Airport, which has v1ct1m' and shouJd be closed N. an airport. th<' "lavy wilJ get top dolJar for the property. and private enterprise will build college'>. termma.ls and hotels. Irvine '>hould not be allowed to annex that base uni<'" 1t comes up with an ironclad re'>triction that even Irvine cannot rescind. in order to prevent double-crossmg its friends. I. myself. elm in favor of Lhe planned Fl Toro internauonaJ airport, but I believe 11 should be concroUed by a higher authority and not by the city of Irvine. DONALDNYRE Newport Beach Newport library lecture ~ries should balance antiwar peech When Newport R«.>ach Councilman 01ck Nichols was verbally beat up becau-,e ht> wan1 ed more balanced view; repre'>emed when people speak through the Newport Beach Public Library lecture ~ene'> 1·c ounul colJeagues chide Nichole,." Feb 2R l. the argumen1 was made that the program Will> privately funded, but that the city doe' fanhtate it. If the ("ll) facilitates 11, then Cit) money must be l>pent on staff time Lo man<lge the program. therefore public funds are being ~pent and the argument for balance has merit. In Wednesday\ Pilot 1·c...o1onel who knoW!> war 10 speak tonight-. we find out that Col David Hackworth .., going to be speaking about the war. Had.worth 1s no doubt a very qualified and d1s11ngu1shed speaker. J le" also very antiwar. Now this leuer I'> not 10 express an opinion for or against war II .., interesting. however. that they ctid not pick a <,peaker that 1s pro-war. Will there he .,uch a speaker to baJance the deball· • '>urely. one could bt> found that is quahfil'd I would thinJc that tht"V would want to voluntarily present balanced views. It is also intereslJng that the paper mentioned that •the '>t''i-">ion in Newpon I !arbor High will be open only to students and teachers." What about parents? I would think that would be 1mportan1 C.O'ita Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE. Allan Mansoor 1s a Costa Mesa city councilman COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Marinapark public facilities not in dang~r By Stephen Sutherland I would like to respond to Jenny Bioche's letter on Friday (Readers Respond, "A ballot before a Marinapadt botel1. Over the pa.st four years, I haw been meeting wtth the directors of the Community Services Department for the dty o! Newport Be.ach. It has always been a priority of mine to not Just retaJn the cumnt programs the city offer& to om ti.ck. but to improve lhae great ~ specil,k;aUy ment!Oned lhe .Salllng and Tennis Camp.. 1lUI:; lib all CWTCDl ~ wtJ1 continue to be oll'end from the lite. The only cbaDp ii that the tennia count will be ncwty built. They wU1 mDain fully open to the public for our~ Clndud "8 my own young daudi > and d1 ln addJtion, a new Girl Scout House and community center will be built at Las Arenas Parle thaL will be modem and safe. wtth increased on-ite parting. and will oft'er many p~ for kids and all residents alike. Contrary to Bioche's concern that the Regent Resort would end these programs. the director or community services said the number of programs and the partl.dpetlon of our ~idents in tbcu programs wUl Increase. I ooncur and fully support iocnased use of these fadlitie3 by llD Blodle's littter abo led that hotel donl pay t.ua. Thls, ebeOlutely wrong. As• put of the dty't gmenJ · W1 update. an economlc anaJyrJs bHa ~led comparing l.M •net w nM'tlue• the ty of Newpoc't 8eldl from land u.ses. Public open space. retail, residential and hotel land uses we~ among those srudJed. Residents will be surprised to learn that the highest •net tax revenue· from any land use In Newport Beach is from our seven or eight hotels and resorts. Net taxes from our seven or to hotels are higher than the net revenue Crom all propeny tu comblned. ln fact. If you l8U the •net tax revenue· from every retail store to this dry. lnduding the big deputmetU sto and add that to the •nee tu rnmue• from every restawanl Ul 1h.&1 dty, the bmed toual Is lM "aet tu rnem.ae• the cuy reciclfts from these teYen or so hot Li>ok at w toW tnlDc gvnenied ~~ toreand tin~ dty. Compa.tt &hat lO h llttlo ~bf (i -Oni'e the •nrt tu revenue· benefit tom is higher from our rew hotels. residents will start Mking why the Regent Newport Beach Resort is not already open. ln dosing, I am c:erWn that many Balboa Pminsula and \\Ut Newport re5idm will wa¥ up on a sunny morning and ~ 9Yi today we will walk down lO the Repnt R rt and haw our morning roff'ee or brelkfalt whil@ tnjoyh1g the \W ol the bay &om the baut.ilWly aan~ resort riOU • Bioche and a8 ralckaitl wW bt wdcomed. I respect conc:ema eod commm . WOI try IO "'PiY •many com.men &om raiitJents .. pm&bllC. •St U HIN fl IUn Bl.Ne 1e a ..... -~hwtandtella~ end has IMld Nlwpgn 8-d\ for.., ,..,.. HOW TO CONTACT YC:>UR REPRESENTATIVES cm OF ,..cm llM:H Nsi poft ..,_City ..... BO NRl1!0'11Mt.. fll111 'Part ...... CA.-,.,.., ... _,. -.,.r. 8'e¥t .... . C1 ••• a.;y ~ JoM , .... ,.,., DICl N&t-.Glfy ....... TOd "* ..,~DonWM QUOTE OF THE DAY "We're so close to being so much better titan we are." One Sorrell, Costa Mesa boys volleyball coach AIO Tuesday, ~h-18, 2003 Spotts Edllot Roeet Cattson • (949) 5744223 ·• Spotts Fu: 19491650-0170 • s HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL EYE OPENER • ~tyAJPiklt • Spm1I Hal otfame ,~ ....... - March 2• llonorff TOM PESTOLESI .~ustangs -still behind on the learning curve Despite loss to Santiago, Costa Mesa coach sees some better days ahead. B•rry Faulkner Daily Pilot GARDEN GROVE -Coach Dave Sorrells looks a r rhe caterpillar that is his inexperienced Costa Mesa High boys volleyball team and sees a butterfly. But, he acknowledged after Monday's 15-5, 15-9, 15-13 nonleague loss at Santiago, it will take a while for this group to earn its wings. "We're so close to being so much better than we are,· said Sorrells, whose Mustangi:. open their first Golden West League season Wednesday at Ocean View. be good enough to win." And though ch aracteristically up- beat, Sorrells is not immune to the frustration that came with Monday's defeat. . NWhen it's all said and done, we don't have a single person who is s tepping up to pass the serve, let ·alone two or three guys," he said. "Our service receive was a big factor last year in us being so competitive, despite not having much size." Sorrells was also critical of his hit- ters' lack of aggr-essiveness. On the positive side, 6-foot-2 sophomore middle blocker Garret Walthers had a team-leading eight kills and also managed the Mustangs' only two stuff blocks. Gabriel Gonza- lez, a 6 -3 sophomore mid- dJe blocker, added seven kills. while freshman Ryan Bagwell chipped ln six kills. Bagwell's serving was also a plus for the visitors. He fin- ished with one ace and two service winners. . And while the Mustangs (1 -3), with virtually no players with varsity experi- ence from last year's I 0-11 campajgn that ended in the CIF Southern Section Play- offs, are learning, the les- sons , a t times, can be over- whelming. Senior setter John Santos had 25 assists for the Mus- tangs. 0 3 Mesa Santiago Senior Danny Krilcorian, a late addition from the basketball team, had two kills ofT the bench in his season de- but, while senior Rocky Nguyen (three kills) added a spark off the bench in the third game. "The hardest thing to learn is how to play hard in a competitive situa- tion,• Sorrells said. "But when you've got so many inexperienced guys, the challenge can be staying focused on what it takes to play hard." Against 1he Cavaliers (3-1), one could almost hear the gears grinding from the Mesa side of the net, as players balanced the Oow of the match with their fledgling grasp of individual fundamentals. But Sorrells believes the kind of work ethic his players showed at practice Thursday and Friday will eventually allow them to react, in- stead of thinlc, on the court. KENT TRE:PTOW /DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High outside hitter Gabriel Gonzalez (22) fires a kill attempt over Santiago blocker Quoc Dang Monday. "Kids want instant gratification, so they want to win now," Sorrells said. "They might not see that by getting better tomorrow, they will eventually HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Estancia errors costly, 9-4 Mesa falls in semis Rancho AJamitos scores seven unearned runs to win tournament contest. GARDEN GROVE -The field re- covered weD enough from the weekend downpour to make up a Newport Elks Tournament consolation game Monday, but the F.stancia High defense was a lit- tle soggy in a 9-4 baseball loss at Ran- cho Alam.ltos. The Eagles committed three of their five enors in the fifth inning, all con- ~. to yield four of the seven un-earnecl nms scored by the Vaqueros. Jeremy Hauser, Cullen Crom and Eric Scheafer each had two ruts for the ~.who fell to J-3. Hauser was 2 for 4 with two RBis, Crom was 2 for 3 with an RBI and Schealer was 2 for 3 and scored twice. Hauler also pitched effectively in relief for Estancia, which will complete tour- nament play against an opponent to be Savanna rallies with three The Mustangs will p~ the loser of determined on a date that is also forth-. . Wednesday's Saddlebaclc-Newport Har- coming. unearned nms to prevail m • bor semifinal at a date to be deter- Rancho rallied with two in the first Costa Mesa Tournament. mined. to overcome a 1-0 deficit and led, 5-1, Senior Jade Mo went 2 for 2 with before F.stancia scored once in the COSfA MESA -The Costa JiAesa two stolen bases and junior Michelle fifth to cut into be lead. After F.stan-High softball team toolc a 2-1 lead into Miller was 2 for 2 with two RBls and a cia's defensive lapses opened the door the fifth inning, but committed two wa1lc for Mesa. for which Ann Marie in the fifth, the Eagles scored twice In costly ecrors to allow visiting Savanna to Tupps had a rut, was hJt by a pitch and the seventh, but could not extend the po$t three unearned runs and rally for a scored a run. rally. 4-3 victory in a championship semifinal The game was called after the fifth in- Newport Elka T~ Comoletton Rancho Alamitos I , &tanda 4 Estancia ~by~2 • 1 a Rancho Al. 211 140 • a a 4 Gleason, McOaniela (3), Hauser (6) and Crom; Cummings. Shawver 171 and Mendoza. W - Cumming. L-Gleason, 0-1. 28 -Giii (RA) 2, Wilson (RA). of the Costa Mesa Tournament at Te-ning, due to tournament rules limiting Wtnkle Parle. games to 90 minut~ It was the third straight semifinal loss in its own tournament for Mesa (3-1), which experienced a setback before Monday's contest even began. Sched- uled starting pitcher, sophomore Jaclcie Butler, was hJt in the mouth with a throw while wanning up on the sJde and had to be replaced after leaving to have beT loose teeth examined. Com Meu'TCUMr!Wlt Ch11mpk>MhJp Mmlflrull s~ .. L~Mesa3 • Scon uy lnnlng8 Sav1nna 001 03 -4 1 1 CosU Meea 002 OI -3 7 3 Rivere Ind Torstvet; Gellerdo Ind Miller. w - River., 3-0. L -G81l1rdo, 0-1. 28 -Tomvet (S) . COMMUNITY COLLEGE SWIMMING Tsai, OCC Q.ominate Cuesta swim event Freshman continues to pace Pirates' women. • In the state, according to OCC assl t- ant Mike GUes, and 1he wu also vic- torious in the-200 JM (2:08.-45). Other Winnen for the Pirates In- cluded 10phomore Jenny Ncl!IC>n (27.11 tn the SO buttetfJ)') and Frith (5:12.07 In the 500 free) . Orange CoaSt College freshman Sherry Taal led a dominant perform- ance by the Pirare women'• team Saturday at the Cuesta Swim Jnvtta- dorial in Sail Lui• Obl11po. Tsai also contributed to OCC vic- tories iri the 800 free relay, 400 free relay, 200 free relay and the fOO medley relay. Jolnlng Tsai on all four relay wfn· nett were {re hmen Sara Natallzlo and Kimbf!rty Frith. SOphomore Ashley Lowden wu on all but the 800 free relay, In which freshman Erica Nlchoson rounded out the qU&.rt t. The competJtJon included swim· mera from 35 schools, though many of the 700 competitors did not com· pete, leaving before the severe weather condJtlons pve way to bright sunshine by 10 1.m. Saturday, GUesaaid. GUes said no official team ACO'" were avBilable, but he beUeves OCC dominated the women'• meet. Which, bt"sidel the •tate champion· ahlp fea&uret ttftl m0tt comp•hen • al c:ompetttJon from tchoola lhrouftbo\Jt the tcate. In the men's meet, fre1hman diver Zak 'nlytor finished second on the one· meter board. He la the Oiat diver OCC hu had In flve years, GU.. said. The 200 free relay quartet of 'fylOn Reemer. RUJj Jolly. BOly Swant0n and Paul Franken~rger posted a wtnnln1 lime 'of 1:28.43, WhU ~ -won the 50 free m • 21.79. 1Ml won the 1,6SO·yard ,...,..tyle .In 17:34.68. lapping her cloteat com• petltor at the 1,300·yatd mart. She Ille> won the 100 lndMdual medley (58.2.3), by rar t¥ beit lime , ______ _.....;.. The Mustangs erased a 4-0 third- garne deficit by scoring six straight points and led, 13-8, before Santiago rallied to close out the match. The Cavaliers, who finJshed third In the. Garden Grove League last year, were led by a pair of seniors. Anthony Casillas, a 6-3 middle blocker, had a match-high 20 kills and added two stuff blocks. Heiu Pham, a high flying 5 -7 hiuer, pitched in 12 lcills. two stuff blocks and two aces. Santiago scored the first four points and led throughout the first game. then erased Mesa leads of 2-0 and 3·2 to take control In the second game. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratng the Dail'; Pilot's Athlete oflhe Week series ii I i I I TODAY 21 -Julie Kroening Cost1M .... OCC Trec:k and field, '99, '02 24 -Juon Rogers Corona del Mar Cross countJy, '96, '97 11-Eli Soli1 CostaMeN Soccef, '02 TODAY ....... SCHEDULE Community college-Orange Coast et Seddlebedl. 2 p.m. High 9Chool -Corona d.i Mer w. eo.ta Meu, et TeWinkle Park, 7 p.m.; ~Valley• • Christian et Sege Hill. 3:15 p.m. Softtlel ColleVe-V.ngu1rd Unlwrsity et OOehome City, doubWleedef, 2 p.m. Hlg.h IChool -E.i.~ et Corona cW Mar. 3'.30 p.m.; N.wpot1 Hatbor et UnlWrliey, 3.30 p.m. ....... Coltege men -Betc. Unlvenlty et V.ngueid Unlwr9fty, 2 p.m. College women-Beler University et Venguerd Uni~. 2 pm. Community ciOfteOe men• Rlwnlde • Or1nge CoMt. 2 p .m Community college women-~ CoMt et Rlveriide, 2 p.m. High IChool bovt -Orenge et eo.ta Mele, 3 p.m.: Estancia 8t Senta Ana, 3 p.m. ~.-- High ldtOOI boVt -Pnedene Poly 9t a.git Hlll,4:30pm GOI H~ldtOOI boys.-w..tem Y9 C-. MM.; 8l Me.e GllCC, 2 p.m: tor.... dit MM vs. Alleo Nlgulil, • r1 Ntvuef cc, a p.m.; t.oe AlemflQIV'I ~ ...... "'~ CC.3pm:Edleonw ~-~~ CC. 2:30 p.m ; ~-IO Vth¥ °'""'*' Y9 s.g. Hll M 8'r9WbMy ,.,,_ 1:11 pm. .. •• u .... High id.oot boy!I .. ~ tterbOr, .... ... 1tCff ..... .....,maet~ ...... tp.1t1 I SPO R TS BRIEFLY CdM· handles Warriors Sea Kings eain fifth 'Victory without loss. GIRLS WATER POLO • TENNIS: Corona del Mar HJgh's boys tennis team contin- ued its unbeaten ways with a 12-6 nonleague victory over hlghJy regarded Woodbridge Monda)4 paced by he singles ~ps of Garrett Snyder and c.&tlten BaJJ. Five Mustangs all-Ie·ague Thorsness, Steenhard, Bowman first-team All-Golden West honorees. ··Corona deJ Mar· imprqveCI to 5-0 with the victory while the Woodbridge Warriors suffered their first setback ih five starts. The Costa Mesa High girls water polo team, which earned a third of the Golden West league cham- pionship in its first season in the league. had five play- ers recognized all-league. as voted upon by the circuit's coaches. Thorsness, 8b well as junior Jessica Steenhard and sophomore Sarah Bowman. are first-team choices, while senior AlliM>n Graves and sophomore Allyson I larris are second-team honorees c.dM hosts Peninsula at 2 p.m. on Wednesday. NonlMpe CdM 1z. Woodbridcl9 e ~ -Snydef (CdMI dersuzuko, ~ 1,-&-0, def Loney, 6-0, def. Mrtton, ..6-2. a.II (CdM) won, 6-3, 6-1, 6 o. Mustang senior Katie Nicole Moojen, a semor goalie from Westmins ter. is the league MVP. Reitz (CdM) lost. 1-6, won, 6-0. 6-0 Doubtea -Warsaw-Robert9 lCdMI lost to Brenner Goldberg, 3 6, def Fattahf.Mawrev. 6-4, def ·Calderon-Oh, 6--1. Sa1da Gingold (CdMI lost, 2-6. CH>, won, 6 3, Pham -Nguyen (CdMI lost, 6-7, 2-6. won 6-2 7-7. 2-4. The Pirates return to the dia - mond Wednesday with an OEO venture at Fullerton. Onn&• Empr. Conference Cypntn 10. occ 1 $Core by Innings learn won three o r its fo ur ma tch es Saturday to finish third in the consolation divi- sion of the San Diego Tourna- ment of Olarnpions at Francis Parker I ligh. 'Pagles triumph, J 6-2 'fbe Sailors defeated Santa Barbara, 15-8, 15· 11 , then topped Laguna Beach . 15-10, 15·4. They lost to Santiago of Corona, 15-7, 15-8. before fin- ishing with a 15-13, 15-6 tri- umph over Village Ou-islian from Sun Valley. occ 001 00 -183 Cyp ress 102 7x 10 e o Mathes a nd Sharum ; Klabacha and Yolcoyoma . W -Klabacha, 13-2. L - Mathes, 5-5 28 -Alvarez (Cyp), Valenzuela (OCCI. 36 -Fonseca (Cypl . • TENNIS: Estancia Hlgh's boys tennis team dealt visiting Century a 16-2 spank.Ing. paced by sweeps from singles s tand- outs Scott Braunsdorf, Lewis ~radshaw a nd Garrett Stephen- son. Estancia improves to 3-4 •overaJJ with the victory. The Eagles are at Santa Ana today in a Golden West League match . NonlNpe Simonoff in top fonn • WRESTUNG: Costa Mesa High ~enior Mike Simonoff went 4-0 to capture the 152- pound division title in the Lakewood Wrestling Invita - tional at Lakewood High Satur- day. Senior Mike Toole compiled the most kills in the m arathon day that began at 8 a.m . and did not end until around 9 p.m .. due ro delays with leaks in the gym. Erulnd• 18, Century 2 Singles -Braun1dor1 (El def Lopez, 6 O. def Salas. 6 2. def Arroyo, 6 0: Bradshaw (El won, 6-3, 6--0, 6 2, Stephenson (El won. 6-1. 6-1. 6 1 Paul Toman, Nick Glassic, Adam SchJes1nger, Nedim Pa - jevic and Nick Kelly also played well for the Sailor-.. • Ooubtes -Raymond Do (El lost 10 Sok Castillo. 3 6. Costa Mesa Coach Brett Shainfield said the tourname nt is in preparation for the free- Myle state tournament at Golden West College, which ad· vances the top three in ea ch di- vision to a national tourna- ment. Lion(s) of the Week Thompso n Mc Kendry (El lost to Ehas Ca1a. 2 6. Raymon d Do (El d ef Velasque.r Perez. 6 3; Cacho Valdes (El won. 6 J, 6 3, 6 1, • HONORS: The Vanguard University women's basketball team was predicted 10 finish ninth in the I I ·team . Golden Sta te Conference by the circuit's coaches before the season staned. It did not truce long to see the Uonl> were not only underrated, bur inspired by the notion or i.uch a low expecta· tion level set for them by op- posing coachei;. Mumtaz Nieves (El 1011. 2 6, w on. 6-4, 6-4 . Cypress routs Pirates Simonoff was perfect in the Lakewood invitational I le re- corded a technical fall and two pin.s. and then defeated a wre!t· tier from Northwood, 6 -0, in the title match. • SOP'TM.U.: Orange Coru.1 College's softbaU ream dropped a 10-1 Orange Empire Confer- . ence mercy rule decision In five .i.nningi; Monday ~ host Cy· press punched out seve n runi; ,.;n the fourth inning lo break it .open. , Coast'!. Andnna Valenzuela had a double and scored the P1- Shalnfield a lso sa id Costa Mesa senio r Adam Donovan finished with a 1 ·2 record al the CIF Sta te Olampionships last week at University of the Pa- cific. Vanguard finis h ed 18-2 in the GSAC.... the most wms recorded in the conference in GSAC htS- tory. It was the Lions fourth GSAC champio nship. .. rates' only run off an RBI single from Sintrell Ryder. Sailors top three foes For their accomplishments, the squad was honored with the Lio n of the Week award. given by the Vanguard AthJetic De- partment. Cypress improved to 19-3, 5-1 in the OF.C Orange Coast fell to • VOIJ..EYRUJ.: The Newpon Harbor High boys volleyball IS( 12146 llOTICI Of Pl111lll TO .u•m11mane1: SUlOI W. lllZ tb SUIOlftSOllllllb -lllZ WI llO. l211'1t lo all IHI•'· ~nef1 , u arlo1. credtloo. con , llnKOnl cred1l0t,, 1nd persons who may olh erw1se be ont•esled tn th• will or u t•t• or both of SHARON W MCRZ ••• SHARON WILSON MCRZ eke St!ARON MERZ A f'ETillON F~ PRO BA lE hH bftn fifed by SlACY M RISSROUGH tn I the SUC*t0r Ce>urt of Calofornoa. County of OAANGf. TH[ PETITION roR f'R06ATE reqltflh that ' STACY M RIS8ROUGH , ti. appointed .n penonal rtpresenlahwe to ed lfltnt.ster llHI e-..late of thedKeclent THC PETfTIOH requeats the decedent'• Woll end 1 ~odlcils, It any, ba edrnttted to probete The WIH •nd any codlclh er• a .. llable fOf uamin• tlon 1n the lllo llept bJ the court. THC PUITION re(IUflts 1uthorlty lo adMlnltler the H t••• und« the l11depend1nt Admhlls· tr1tlon of latalH Act (Th•• Authority wl• 11ow Ula pettonel ,_,e..,, l•llv• to take melly act.loft• without ollt11n- ln1 court •tttrowaf lkfor• tn1n1 ctr .. ln v.,-y lmCMl(t1nt ectlon1. ht• ... ,. .... l*'M>flol ••aenl.lto•• wilt "' requited to (Ive noton <I' le lnltrnted peu.ons Utltl• tti.y Nwe wllwa4 1 noUc.e or con-lM It "" pf·-actlOfl ) TIM 1ntlepe116ent •d lll\ln11lrthoe HttoorilJ wMI i.. oantef 11111et1 111 1rtt11uteCI f"f'_.. ,..._ eto Ml9Ct-lo tM ,.bl ... 4lfll4I ""°*' teo4 c•-"' UM cwt ~ llOI •141t I"'° ..,_I,, A *AltlNO 041 the ~--ntt.ldOft ~ 10. 2C)Ol It l :.JO I'·"'· In Dept l.7J 1ooMH et Ml The C"r DrlM S.11tll, Ortlife, CA .... If YOU ou:cr •• 1he E""s of ttl• ~. ............... "" ......... .... rti.itl• "'"'"'-....... cew • • .......... YMI --"'" ...., "' lfl ,., .. ,. ., ,, , ... , r~ .. A •Clll.Dt ,Jo• ., ••• 11111••• .................. ,.._. ........ • copy lo lhe per~n•I bnls fOf OCSO lo reiect ffdlllm ..... rorp<escnletoYe eppomled ind nol •ccepl ii bid --~~ by llM courl wolhon four •ubmollal Appfoval to - month$ from the dale of not attend will only be 1 IM tollow1n1 !)4lnons th• for1l oss..-nce o1 v ented bas.d on n .,. dolftl bus•MU u letters u provided on traOfdone<y hardship OICITAl S(RVIC( COM Prob•tt Code 1e<llon Sealed b'4b must bjt PAIN, 1041 Wot 18th 9100 fhe tome t« t11tna submitted on UM form Strut, Suite A 105, claim~ will not upir• suppl~d by the Dostrlcl Coste Meu CallfOfnta IHtfore fOUJ monlhs from on eccorct.nc• woth ell 92617 the hurona date nottc:ed provlsiOns of the SP41'i Carl lM Chrothansen ebove lk:altoos Sc>Klficehons. 27SS!i Bello19nte. Mr~ YOll MAY CllAMIHC the bod ble,.s and f11<lhet sion VlejO. California hie llept by the court If ontormatoon mey be 92691 you are a peTson In obtained at the above Ivy Lon Ctor1sU.nsan twested on the a lale. addreu. telephone (714) 27555 Beltocente, Mis yov may fole with the S93 7583. soon Viejo, Caltforno• courl • Request f0t Published Newpo rt 92691 Special Notte• (form DE· Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Thn buMneu n con 1!14) of the f1lon1 of an Pol o t Mar ell II, ductedby co pe<lnets inventory and appraisal 2003 T073 Have you s!Mted doint of nt•I• assets or ot '~IOllCI business yet? Y11. O'V a11y petotoon or .c:counl -0 1/03 as provided In Protlo1te IOJICIOfMISMJ Carll Chrllloanwn Code section 12!JO A Thn statement wu Requnl for Spec ial Of,._Pa'llTJ filed wolh UM County Noli<• form 1s available Ho~ n llwny 11-nn Clef'll of Otanae County from the covrt cletk lllat UM u~ will on 02/03/03 AttwMy fw ,......_,.. seU at ~ a uction, 200MH2IS1 Haan L WHTOVU. purwent to Section Dally Piiot Feb 1S. Mat ISO.. WeatHer & 21700 of the Busoness 4 11. II. 2003 T~ w •• , .. .,, UI, tOI and Protnslonal Code. ..... ..... ~ Ot-. Ste. 120, tlM followtftl descrlOed Me~r1 leedt, CA fltoC*'tY to wit OAHIEl ... sw..f t16t0 HENDREN f 13 Fu, TM foffowlna persons ,ubll•h•d Newpor I billn, rua htflollfd, .,. dolnt buSKIHS H Bvcll Costa MtH Daily 1uitar, amp • bou s , T + C1rpel Clunln1. f'olo l Mllrt h 12, 11. 19, MISc. DANA Cl.ARI( 8 13 263119 Via Roble, Mrs 2003 W'T099 Ref., bib pattt, lawn sion Vt•to. Cahfornl• mower. pool llHter. 92691 ll01IQ .. 19S toys, atareo eq!Hp, Misc. Alejandre Y aniel The Oren1t County FREORICI( HCIOELBERO DoralllH. 26386 Vii Sanitation Olstrlct of C·J7 8il•, TV. awfboefd, A61ite, Mlulon Viejo. Oranae Countr. C1hfor· chair· Misc., JERRY dilllfOfnl• 92'91 nla . will receive suled DUNGEY G-71 8ike, Thi. 1>111"'4iu la COft· Bids untll Ar1' 1 S, coftlpulw •quip, suit· ducted by: •n indlvldv•I 200J, 2.00 ,.._ lids CH•, JV, ~. ~. HeH you started ~ must be rec:.,vtcl •• Sate will be Illy com· bnlneu ,.11 Yea, Oil/ OCSO'• Admlnhltr•llon f)elltlwe blddwla (wr1ttet1 31/02 ~· llutldtftt Of Putcll•slflc sultd bids m•J be Alejilftdr1 0-lfttH, Dfv loft Offic:w. 1111 tlM sllbmltttd In adllence) Tbls slllem41nt wu oat• Incl time '*"" .,, the 2nd 1111 °1 Acwll filed •Ith. t.tie Covlltr al>ovt Ht tortll, •t 2003 •t 11)0 'M et Ille Cl«ll of Orenc• C.Vnty wMctl l•IM they w• be trtmlses when nHI .,. 02/03/03 °'*'"Incl eH'""'41d •I troperlJ flu ...... aeeHtH1 ... OCSD hlrctlaMfll Office, tlOfM ttod ~II ii 0.ity ' t Mirr 4, ll, tOl44 (Ill• Ann11e, 11ou1.J,~,.!l 10AYM1 .. SE~ II. 2'. 2003 tol7 founl•ln \lalley. c.to ..,.._ & .... -......... f°'n•etnoe 1011 ~~··c':n~u.~· llPAaOf 41-9KM lead&erd _.. .. the ... ...... ~ ,_..to'"" •t tM ..... Tiie ... ~- '"°'9CAnoet '"'chaa ,_t ... _. ~~fftll 'I ,_:: llO.J."91·12"9 ., <Hh Ind p.W I« at 170W. l7UI Str .. t. te:I, A MAMlt•r .Ii* w.. l ... 1-of pdtCl\IM All ,.. I.I ..._.. CMf«lllla fin tie.ft tell•••"" f0t 111•cfla--4 a"4h are mv --· A,aril I. ZOOJ •t too ...... Is Ind _, M IMCM ... ltwtM • f!I •t Or"'ft C:O-tr ,_..,. .i •-., ..._ ranb IM , llO ~t hnlttllH Dlttrltt, :.:!:..!to:~'/::!..:.~ 11th Stt-'. IOI. C..tt tttU lr•••••ut of -~t .. ,_ Meu,C.W.niiim27 ltnet, Me•tle1tee Tfw ....,._ II CM I••••· <•llferel• ......_, •"4 oWP*I Mi.411,, 1 '°"*•'*' ...... ,..... .... , ill ~~ .. OJlll/03 ...... YIMl IWM ... :~.~~ .~'i _. OllZt,.1>J A«l-· ..... _.., .,., OJI lree•••r•t ltreet. e•r: WHfl ftoftOft, ~---.. UM ~~2·.. .. ......... ,, 400 1114 ,.,., lfle.;, Wlmaflll • ""46. Al A,.• W Stfu.. Waln Pt~ .,,.._t.,,....., '"• "=~=i:.~g"' Ttltt 1L11-1 ... , ........ ..._. ""' a.ea..c.te ..... ..., ....,. ... .. CouM, .._...,. _... w-. .. ~ Mwcll It J!t Cid ef o._,. COU!Oty ..... .... --.... ..., ·-TIJ111 •01J2t,I01 --~...... ...... .... . c..~ .... .u.: fi.1s. ':, ..... ~ ........... ..... ,............. Sil .... , .. , .. ... .., *' ......... L.1!!1!!!!.JI ,.._ ...... ~w ,.,._ __ !!!!!!!!!~ fktMM .... ... s...... The fol1ow1n1 persons are do1n1 busmess n lKCYWORD, 1700 Ad•ms Avo. 1204, Co\ta Meu. C1lolotn1~ 92626 OC M l atra l LC (Nevad•), it!>44 Grand sput Streel las Vean. Nevada, 891itl This bintness os con dlJCled by a ltmoled loab1lot1 Co Htn you ,t.,ted dolflC bui1nou yet? No 0£M (atra U C Rod Tolenttno. Membef Thos st•lement •as hlod wolh the County Cler• of Ot•n1e County on 02/2f>/03 200SHSS027 Deily Pilot MM 4. II. 19. h , 200J T066 .......... ... s...... The foflow1r11 per sons •r• do1nt buMtocu as. Catch 21, 2900 N. Mein SI Santa Ana. CA tZ705 Yovn Ho Hyun, 7M8 ( M1r1..-et Cl , An,· hetm. CA 92808 Min Jlofll Hyun, 7848 E M•111tet Ct • An• he•m. CA 82IOI l his bu\lness is con· ducted by: husband end wife Kave you atarltd dolna busln•s yet? Ho Min Jeona Hyun Thts aleteinent wes filed with the County C•k of 0t111 .. County 0to 02/IM>l nos.tU77S DiMI, ,llot Mar. 11. l!t, .111. t , 2003 T07t IOWllOflfMA•• •MC•llEUC ... ........ t 1 Ci HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL Estancia'sWase named Co-MVP Eagles' junior guard among six locals selected all-league by circuit's coaches. P.atanda Jwlior Nancy Cuuo and Costa Mesa senior Rickeil Reeves are third-team plck.s. Wue, who Wred Player of I.he Year laurels in the Pacific ~t League as a sophomore, when she helped the Eagles win a co· championship, averaged 12,3 polnts this season to help the Eagles reach the second round of the CIP Southern Section Divi- sion lll·A Playoffs and finish P ·9. After a first -round i:Jve, they were elimin ated by Harvard- Westla.ke. J 8.5 polnta to help the Muscanp finish thJrd in ~ and po8t a 15-12 overall record. They lost ln I.he first round 10 La Canada. Estancia Hlgh junior Trisha Wase, who helped lead the Eagles to an unbeaten Golden West League season. has been named Co-Mosr Valuable Player by the league's girts basketball coaches. Naff, Byfield and Gray were first-team all-league pldcs a year ago. while Byfield and Gray ~re second-team All-PCl performers as sophomores. Castro. a S.-10 forward, aver- aged 6.3 points for the P..agSet.. while Reeves. a 5-8 forward. av- eraged 6.3 points and led the Mustangs in reboundmg. In addition to Wase, a s -root-4 point guard. Estancia seniors Xo- chid Byfield and 1isha Gray are first-team all-league selections, as is Costa Mesa senior Rhond1 Naff. Byfield. a 5 8 wing. averaged a team-leading 13.4 polllts, wjille Gray, a 5-9 po'>t, ch ipped in 11 .6 ppg. Biava Arganda, a W~tminster High senior who will represent the league m the Orange County All -'itar Game, April 5 at Orange Coast CoDege. tS the other Co MVP. Naff. a 6-0 guard. averaged .____ __ ._....,Ja ..... k~e~T ........ h~e.----. --- levant Challenge Carson Palmer, winner of the Downtown Athletic Club Heisman I TrophY, isafso effgi61e for. the coveted OniversitY' Athletic cru6 ~ • Hef6's the protiem ••• Caf'500 may not be availabe.at the~ ~k because~ draft handicappers1 includ!!!.S Mel Kiper, expect him to be drafted ear1ier than 250! · ~~~~~~~~~~f-~- The Challenge is This; . ~~~~- Submit a ·Game Plan· that would have Palmer available to be dratted last (by'rampa Bay) arid ffius become Ml. lrreTevam aoo the Cilit C¥Cr H~A-i..ow5maR ~ wiRner -lhe wiRMf will feEtWe $500111 I EMAes fRY5t ee Fee~~~ ~, ~ QG, eitMr fftai•~ei lffeleYant Week, 3723 Birch Stre~ Suitt 11, Newport ~ach, CA 92660; or fax to (94°9} 263=1141; cl e-maU to: PtSalita@aol.com 1 -- & Mose 125 lame~ Tr•PP f 1\h ona cur & Mo'K landlord reser"8\ the rocllt to b•d at \ale c.nh only S•le I\ \ubiec I to cancellaloon on th& event of ..etllement between landlord and 1>bh1ated party Sta<vonc Scholars Mino St0t•lt Published Newport Beach Co•t• Meu Deily Polol March 18 2S. 2003 • 1077 Rc-.11 ...... ... s...... The follow1n1 penons .,. dome bUS1ness n Charleston f'rcwent • 17390 Ent r71t1 Street Suite £ r us1t11 CA 91180 Rebecca Pelleltef (dl>a Cbtcleston Prpnnc1> 10866 Coronel Road. S•nla Ana, CA 9270!> fhl\ boson~~ Is ('(In duclPd by •n 1nd1v1dual !lave you sh1rlf!d doonc busonos yet? Nn Rebecca Pelleher lh•\ statement wu hl11d wllll lhe County Cler h of Orana• County on O? 11/03 200JHUOt7 Oaoly Pilot Mar 11 18. 15 Aprof I 2003 f069 Acm. ..... •*'-' Tho tollow1n1 per sons •• • do.n1 business •• Lola s Wholcula rlowt:rs ' Suppltes. 1185 S Casi St •B", Anaheim, CA 9211()'j Jo\8 Ruben ""'•r•. 25SJ C lwrau SI -o·. Ao1Mun, CA 92IQ6 Thos buMnns is ~on dueled by an ondivtdu•I Have you startrd ck11n1 business yet' No Jou A1u1rre r11., •l•l•mtnl was filed with the County Clerk ot Oran11e County on 02/03/03 200SHS20JJ Daolt Pilot Mar 4, 11, 18 ?!> 2003 T068 Rctllm ..... ... s...... The lollowon1 perwros are c1otn1 bui1neu as Certrfted Tree Servocn , 3347 Wttt Castor Strttt Santa A11a, Cahlot noa 927!M Chfrsll)9her A Curr 4 Mahotany Run. Coto de Cera Cahfornoa 92619 Thts bus1ne9S ts con dvstd by tn mdm!luaf Have you \t¥1ed dc>onc bus•n"'' yet' Y•, 03 13198 Cllr1stophe1 A Curr This s tatement wn hied woth It.. County Clerk of Or •nl'l County on 03/0711>3 200J .. S'206 Dally Polol Mar 11. 18 ?S ....... ilofllli HHi' a.llSPORllTT NOTICE IS Hl Rl BY GMN TttA I IHE UN OCRSIGHED Will NOi Bl R£SPONSl8ll FOR ANY OEBTS OR l lABll.I TICS COfCTRACT£D BY FRANCES M f'RIC( oi. OR Afl[R THIS DAil AS OF fHIS ll DAY or MAY2001 MAME LAWRENCE L eB!CE AQOM:SS 16111 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • • Pilot Ii I' . SPRINCCJAl C T API 11 1':1 HUNllNC TON er ACH r A ~?649 Puhlo\had N~wp or I e.-arh ( '"la Me\a 011ly Polul Ma1<h Ill l'I ?!> ?001 101'3 • • ...........,_. .. -.... -~--..... 4J ...... \#-...... -..... ' . 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Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fridcly Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL [IJ 2305-2490 Collediblef/ Memorabllla 1160 ANTIQUES DepJ'Clnl-....... -~& Pets In l'ldc YIMrm TOP$$ 4 ltlCOllDS ETC Im. Clllw::, Elc. !Us & 8'.1s .Ill Albie, Sc*t. ttbe illT1IS Mike 949-645· 7505 EMTERTAINMENT eaienctarof ' Events 1310 EOIW. HOUSING OPPOl11ll'JY All real utate adver· tisme in this newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housin& Act of 1968 as amended which makes ti Illegal to advertise ·any prefer· ence, ltmttltion or discrimination based on race, color, reli&ion, sei, handicap, familial status or n~tional orlain, or an intention to make any such preference, llm1ta· tion or discrimination • Ar*qll8I b Sale :.10 Stove 1950 O'lleefe & "efritt 600 Se ries 40" width oven, broiler, & &rill. Immaculate $2000 obo 949-673-0944. F anon Island 9&644-'lZ/9 11111& WAY for momna catJ &'Ill al klt1l!ns ... homes. 949-53.l-041 l APPLIANCES DO MISCEUJNEOUS GI hoflle slcle/sl4e MERCHANDISE frig w/lcemkr, indoor Mi.......ti.......-water/ice desp & sep _. ... _ pull down &lass door for MeRhandlse beveraees, white S4!i0. Sears l<enmore di&ital washer & dryer $300. 2 V'in~ cement pden man S125ea 9t& 78).1610 HOME FURNiSHINGS Fumlture 3855 FR£E 2·ROOM OIREClY System w/ installation! 3 months Free HBO & C1nemu ($6 value) Unltmlted. Access 225+ channels! 01eltal·quality pic:ture/sound. Packaees $31.99/mo. limited. I· 800 -360 -40 39. (CAL•SCAN) AU snn IUllDINGS 24a30 was S7 ,900. sel 3010-3940 ~~~:: fil.il SOOS·SISO Real Estate Loans 4240 Index r .. : I I J . ·~-. . .. ' -r-· ' -' ' '1 I LOTS/ACREAGE Laes/-. Wanted 4740 ARIZONA BEST BARGAIN, 36 acres • $2.C,900. Borders State Land. Beautiful r anch in Williams/flaesteH aru, perfect 6,100' climate. Spectacular mountain views. Affordeble fi· nancin&. AZLR 1·877-282· 5263. (CAL•SCAN) NEW MEXICO MOUN· .TAINS -140 AC · Only $49,900. Gorgeous .IOOHSJO tOOCH1SO .1 HOMES FOR SALE LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINllY lrOJdes l..lll<ewood. Long Beach. Nor1h lmg Beach Sq-.allil erasslands, mature tree -------cover, 6300 ft. elevation. Mpuntam Views, year· round roads, and elec · trlc, Perfect for horse lovers. Adjacent to n•tlonal forest. Excellent financine. Call today! This won't fastl SW properties of NM, Inc. I· 888 ·292 -97 1 1. (CAL•SCAN) L'.nder the Service Dirl'l'lory Ba nner Reach.80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4we~k minim.um) c• Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ,.IMEISTATlS PATtKK TlNOlti NATIONWJDE USA 949 ... 56-9705 www.patr1c:lltenore.com "THI HEIGHTS" SnAWING 1-STOIY JUSTUSTID AGT.949-72S-8120 .......... 20201 OnNil St.6+&" 5.58a, 5634 sf, Sl.25 Mil BrOker 949-251· 9444 www.HIRulty.Arl OCIAN & IAY VIEWS •EMODIUD UNDllt $750,000 AGT. 949'-72S ... 120 Oller RelortNaclfton RESIDENTIAL RENTALS Propefff 5970 ORANGE 7400 lAltl TAHOE 28r 38a lull condo sleeps ectit. 1/4 or 1/2 int•est. $295,000 per 1/4. Call 9&673-0181 MISCB.lMEOUS RENTALS ReralToShare 6030 Newp«t Sh.ff• 3Br, 28a, beech house. Ge· ra&e, C.J>O'I. comm pool & tenn, fem n/smllr pre'f $900/mo 714;336·9136 Rooms for Rent 6040 te/""' -*• IR e. /pvt ba, walk·ln-dst. t.m pre(d, n/pets/smka, $500mo. Reduced rent for lil'lf dl"-5. 949-723-8485. COUNTY Corona del Mar . 1..... 1411* & lows' unit W/bllt. utls Ina!, le sp l'I pr. lw.A Now! n/pe\$/slflh&. Sl350 & I~ 9'9-222-5775 .:J57 CoslaMesa 11r's from S87!i/mo. w/1111 '" lovely e•ted comm. near Tn-~e. frld&e, lrldy ~· Klein Mlict. 877 · 704-86oC9 x9'l00 &1'9 11r, new carpet & p11nt, cvrd carport. 277 16th Place '3. SllOO/mo no pets. 949-.120-9422 F ... a., t I t I 2br lba + vanty. blllcony. pmibo. No pets. ps ' wllllr I* S13»no 9t1&-fi).J13'j ................. pvt3br 2.58a, FR. Fp, l'l'dwd th. oo kit. pr w~ & cnft rm. $2..YJOmo. 9&-m&t50 ......... ,. ..... Sir ua. .... den." 1298 la "'-Ya Ho. ~nu ,,,,. 411. o-M ..... c..w...I ..... M9-7U..074 ...... ....., lovely E'slde 3br 2.5ba. FR. din, F p, Sfll,....,, &ranite c:oi.rlhn. 2lc pr, bedo.y•d. mnno. Avail ~ 949-l!i&-3726 Hdlgb!Beacb a-y • 3.Sba Sf'll, hdwd th, rooftq) did., l&wld '*'c>. 2 c p wtsb. If! um 91&673-711Xl Newport Beach * YEAal.Y * llASIS Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-4161 ,:.. ,:.-1.a studio rm, patio, no kitchen, $795/mo + SlOOO dep. Oen side ol PCH. 949-574-7701 a 112 NP Nh I& qu!.t studio w/unall loft, kitchenette, -. - This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertt~ment for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwell- ings advertised in this newspaper are av11lable on •n equal opportumty bHIS. 1lt long Coudt White, brocade upholstery, lint c:ond, $200. 949-854- 8208 $3,900 29x50 was $13,900, sel $5,911> 49x90 -$26,900, set $12,900 lst Come lst Serve! Walt (Im) 392·78l3 HOMEOWNERS! Rates low as 5.99'1. (APR 6.341 S). All credit types. BK's and defaults OK. Oebt consolidation, home improvements. Call for free credit report . CAO · REt01 3 08305 . (CAL•SCAN) SO. COlottADO wild west ranch. 87 acres • $44,900. Prices slashed to move inventory! Nu t to 6,000 acru rec. area. Rollin& fields with fantastic Roclt.y Min. views County road w/ulilities, owner financlna. Call Red <Aeek Ranch toll 1-866-696· 5263. (CAL •scAN) 21r lie C.-. S1275mo E"slde, Fp, pvt yard, pool, JM-y faclilty. 141 Mtlody l-. 949-675-5714. act shared Jeundr y A1t • To complain of dis· crimlnation. call HUO toll· free at 1·800·424·8590. Auctions 1'83 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Cols.ctibles ··~·~ ~-·-·()l!;c,.­~ CASH PAID$$ ON pliec9' or 9"11~ tone WE IJUY ESTATES .............. frw.dy- ... PAY lllOflE fASTER" ~649-4922-SOUTB COAST AUCTION 2202So .... 9L .._AM.CAl270l "'"'9tdil_CA,,_. 1505 LOST white &old and diamond braclet. Newport Beach REWARD 949>673·1002 RIWICW.J PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ,..., Loans 2490 l{OM E MORTGAGE LOAHS. Lowest Jntere&I r•t• All credit typu. P«> Pf .. P•Ymttnt pen•I· tfits. Bui wrvice 111 the st.le. Callfornla OftE. ~ mpyrean fundina, Call fl9W 800-720-8969 itlOl, CAt •SCAN) JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS MBALS c-st Colt• N .. 4s Old Coins! Gold, silver, Jewelry, watches, antiques collechb~ 949•642·9448 Of ACE FURNrTUREJ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Medical/Dental Equipme .. 3565 All ELECTRIC WHEEL· CHAIRS • New No cost to you If elleible. Medicar e accepted. Wheelchairs and Pow· erchairs (scooter-style) "We beat you ri&trt:J• Call 7 Oays. (800)835·3155. (CAL•SCAN) 3610 OA Pas&AN ICm'ENS Red & Crum•They Want YWI love•<>nly $400. c.11 'WMS1·21l25 SttU your Car lnClaa•(fild l Business Oppoctunlties BusJneaes and fnnchlaes 3905 Amrmo N: MOTHERS & OTHERS. Wor~ from any location. Earn up to $1500+ per mo. wor1un11 PIT $5,000. per mo work in& n . Free boolllet/ full tralnln& 1·877 ·888 -2252 www.forAGoodl1fe.com (CAL •SCAN) AAA VENDING ltOUTl 76 ~ Units. Mne b- eabons. $89:J'.l Invest 3:1!. down wac. ID>-396-9311 AISOlUTl GOLDMINE! 60 vendin& machines with excellent locations .a b SIQ,995 fD>.z:M.8l82 SSS BIG s NOW sn . Earn S10k·S30k per month now! Minimum 21< capitol required. Call 508·596·8088 1~78 (CAL -scAN) INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE 4400 LANO BANKING! Buy, hold. Profit! Pnme zoned acre•&•· Inland Empire. Fastest erow1n& are• tn USA. Sttll affordable. Hurry! Easy Qualtfy1na. low payments. Free prospectus. 888-543· 2103 Agent. (CAL •SCAN) Oftc:es b Lease 4540 ........., '-"' 62Qd and Dlsl (c::onOne or Siii>). Great loc, cpef1 & sy, new It Av.M now 949QS.S47S 20 ACRE RANCHES $9,995. Near boomin& El Puo, Tens. S95 down/ $99 monthly (lOS/216 months). Roads sur- veyed. Free mllJ)$/ple· lures. No qualllylna. IOOS money buk 11uarantee Sunset Ranches 1 ·800·343-9444. (CAL •SCAN) SELL your stuff through classified! Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 The Newport Beacb/COsta Mesa/CdM, Balboa Dally PUot presents you wtth a great opportunity to promote antJques & collectibles. Pedect for shops, dealers, aucdons, booksellers, decorators, rd'ln.ishers, art galleries -develop your bustnea with usf A Special Publication ... Just for YOU! Publishes: Space & Copy Deadline: M.aich 261 2003 March 20, 2003 -Spm Release Deadline: March 21, 2000 .... Noon call today! Ann Willey at 949-574-4249 or fax your ad to ~1-6594 _ .. Daily.41Pi l, f"SW. 1W JBr 2.5Ba, FR, fp, remoclded, l'l'dWd ~ be yrd. block to YMCA f)99!i/mo. 9&6Q.9699 SllOO 949-673 7800 u. ,_ aA9 2br 2J» twriwn. Uc*>. f)llllo. 2 c ., wd '*'c>. 4 aimm poc* act SlfB> 9'&673-711Xl SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET . For Only $19 You Can Help e e e Are you an animal lover? H ere's a great way to c:cr.rcss it. Sponsor a pet photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on T hursday, M arch 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pct who is .:available for adoption and needs a good home. Thls special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a pan of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shcltery and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. \ For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Name_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ci c:y: State· CrcditCard#·~-------------"'-P-·-----"- Signature-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~-- Phonc (optional)_· ------------------- For check, make payable to: Daily Pilot Text to appear jn $paoe below phoco. 20 characters or less. ChooteOne: Q In loving memory o._ ________ _....---_........__.....;.;.._-'--------- Q S~nsorcd by-...__,.-.,-__._,..-.....,..... ........... '-"~---...,.,....----....... ...,.,....~- Mail th.is form widi your check or credit ca.rd information to: §ave A I..:ifc. 5(, Daily Pilot, P.O. 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Want to rent lor Mo of July 949 640 2581 0£MONSTRA TORS PT erocer y ~'"' tt on your area, weekend' tar n~' 9"l9-642 4 283 ORIVERS/S Tl.JOl NI S NEE OED 1mmPdl<11t ly C01 turn1na ava1labl<' throuah USTOS 1n R1.tllo CA f rnanc1n1 Ir•"" po<~hon housin1 •nl.I tuition rr1mbu••~m~nl .. a1lble CaU Ru'' ~t I 866 466 3546 lor O•U1I\ (CAI. •SCAro GUUltAl OHICl Cleocal P[T 20 JO, Hf\ rAX RESUME 714 435·0191 COVERNMCNl JOBS W11dhfe and PMtal 48X • per yur r ull bfnef1h P.t1d tra1n1n1 No P•PI' lll'llCe n~e•,•ry f "' apphcatton ano e>Am call toll tree I 888 778 4?66 •85-0 <CAL •SCAN) INTHIOI DUIGNllr lduc11honal ba,keround & r•pi;11rnce \Omf tomc>ulet ~•II• To "pPly rall 949 720 '1963 • , /T1Ml ltB8 Mi.If. AGO Le stor ~ f•• •ty Suc$y ' Mon>Uy. Oft • ., .Jnd ~ ..... ,.,t.e<wnc.e r •I' I e-.~1 7J4 841 4466 lir"' C....._M.. ......... hon h.t tme ~ ... ''" r • p. d Ad.,.h1l•tr•tlve ...._.. S*y TBCl ,.,, •nulTll' 949 MS 1145 llCll'TIONIST P•1 I time for Newpo<I Bu< h llo11d Cu\lomer wr~•te up raq 949 675 2?91 • M>TICE TO REAi.if JI' C•hl11rr11a law r• qu•u that «>nt,. t.,, t•~'"' rob• lh11 total S!iOO QI mn4' • (llbor "' m1h•r11I•) be locen~d by th• Con tr •t lo r s 'ital• License Bn•rd Stele law••~ requires that contnrtors 1nctud• tti.• licen\41 nu mbl'1 on all adwn"'"I You CINI c!MO. ll>fo ,1.,1us ot your l lC ""'' d cont1ac t o1 al WWW cslb Cl 1ov "' 800 321 CSLB Unh cen,ed contractors Olr.1111 fobs that total less than SSOO mu't 't•I• tn ll!ett edvertlsemtnh that t!Mty are not ltcwnsad by Iha Contrattors Stat• License Boerd • JMMNO IU.-S ~/Satll /~ ~~ ~ V".,i.M: 9ll&61Je C.,.1 ,, JOIN OUR TE.AM .tnd m~e a d1fferance lrt th~ CahfOfnia Almy NalM>nal Guard ·you '-•n 1et money for collrat ind CJllf~ lra1n1"1 C•lt I 800 CO CUARO (CAt •SCAN) ~ vn IEClPTIONIST with eape11anle Buly phones board1n1 &. app lomtmenh, lprn 6 .lOpm & every other Salurd1y · Back Bay Veler111fly HO'Pllal 949 756 0554 Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 IMW '95 S2S 81.rk, tan inleron1 eatellf!11t tond low m1l"s SI 1.000 obo 714 41 2 .,579 "' 94<).6e5. 5lJf. di lur Huly IMW 'H 5401 llodt/ arry llhr , 1mmAC S 25 995 v l60698 wcwa<J1D com 949 64b /f'[Q IMW '97 '281 c-v. \llVl'I &rey llht, 78k 1mrnec SJ9 99!> vl9827? wt. waula aim 949 fi46 ri10? IMW '91 3211 c_,,_ while ·~ Ith• 1mmac '>-.pd S 19 99!> v2 I 5487 wor.iuto <otn 949~ Ml2 Cotllll•c '96 Deville I "'" 41111 pnltlln Ill's "4* fk-M 16895 vJ0!>'>2J M.'WilOJbJ QllTI 9'1'l 646 7ifl2 Codlhac '11 s.;;Jf. hlue, auto I 14k m1 n1<.e S89'; v699210 wt'WMn com 949~ l'frl2 Chevy ~ ·•1 "' ,. p.oinl. rww I•,... ,_oplM OW<W!f $1900 obo 94968'J ~ c orv•tt• ·oo v I Wh.ij;"" tan auto. h~ndel11111 Pill Iii< m1!r.. Stl 500 New pot I Ml'..3 949 M4 <n)4 IJ1J 2.0 OO:ll cd DODGE NEON '2000 ">Ok· m1 IOOI< laL wu1 '> \P blue l;lf!Y ml•11ot '"' fm cd bfal nr., cond $!59.'lJ fin 1"11/i Blv Vfl4<Jl'Tl 949-516-lUI - • w.nu .. 11. • Custom Bu1ll ins, Crown Muld1nrs Bn• Bo••d• I ,.577982 949 709 <;642 Carpet Repalf~la ---- I h' I I I I 'I I I ' ' % will de\•tn )'OUr ~ or c1101i-ny \\rt...llC Md l"IJI ~011 ,.,line y,,. p.iy util)' u~ i 71'"6Jl.2'7U TUH<by, Match 18. ~3 AU • .. --.. __ ., ___ .... Bridge TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Tll...0'5 EURDPl!AN AUTDHAUB Owr l!IO c.r. In lkom 1-800-598-9754 Wmb lllce1 www.tilocars.com DODGE STlAlTH ES 'ts Blue 1ulo llht CO loaded• 30 Ion& mpt Smoued $5200 Moved PP 714-721-6994 '"" '00 (a...,..si.. XlT VIO 29k m1 silver Ctey lthr, CO 1unn1n11 bo.,ds. lull)'-loaded hh new v87?581 S2l 995. Ii nanc1n1 avallabte B~r 949-516-1818 ---~ I.e .... ferd '95 T_,... GL •howroom cond wh1lr fully lo1ded PWT \Hh $J7'j() 714 751 2464 ferd '98 Wln4st., Gl 1 passeneer, 6~ m1 cle•n 56,995 vd80981 wcwauto com ~646 7822 HONDA ACCOID lX '99 rhampaene Only ?01< '"' clean. prrfecl sh•pt I ownrr Mu\I 'ite Sil r;oo949 515 9011 Heftdo CIV ·oo •utn hill\ ~c lull p<lWPI ti low miles S I'> 900 Pp 949 57• 42« H-.to Pro!..d• 5,;;d, red. snrf, mull! d1~' f.() blark/Krey •nl •llny whls, superb o••i body &. m~t h•n•tal tond S-4m obo v797212 Bkr 9&'11>1.1111 -a:pD.am ,....,. '99 XJI Vantkn Pl•• 3411 m1 'P•rhhna bll< Ian llhr CO thrm whl' lull fact w•rr hi<~ new S28 4 9!> l1rm v842bl• fmar1t1ne n••I Bhr 949 586 1888 _..-pobl.c- ...._._ ...... (230 (mer aid crn lil11 Ith• pa.--, $12..119!> "'617317 wcwauto aim ~71122 Place your ad today I (949) 642-6678 lldt'• .._ ....... . ~CllufrwtW&ll ....... QllDn flllldws l'571102949 510·6529 °""" Slrvlca wtnHOln HYWAU All !)fines sm/lfa tobs CUAIU 20yre, lew, tr" at. LAlmJO 714 6Jt. l ... 7 eaa1snc. UCDISU CCNll'U<TOa ND--lllo~M ...... ltlC)H'. '--*'· •• .,., ... -~---.. 1Pttll.W1 AUTO wt.hy04S s..Mll'f7 l'e•t w/s.dd&. Ltlv-1/ pwr·only !ia mlln (119234) &16.910 H-Ht'OJ Whit• w/WMat Lllattler lilooNOOf C•192JJC) '51.980 ltl•-H01T,..ti C 'OS Ctwo~1:~w·Hlv• cation OMV paid (11921lC) S37 .980 IMW140CI c • ., Sh1n:y1:aci. with lmmac Cray llht Creal rec0f6' (119180C) &29.980 tMWUll S ... '00 Whitew/CrHm teether iulo tr ans (119193) $28 980 IMWSSOCI c...,.•0 1 Steel Crey w/Crey lthr 'IPI pkc l 1 ~ miles full BMW warr (#19214C) S-10.980 J...-XJI Se4on'91 This a one near per le<.1 Shtney Blick w per·chara,fd udan ('188581) $?9.980 Mil SlSOO 'H Blick w T.rn l lhr Siar marl< warr anly' ( 118977 I $42,980 Mil SOOSl '90 Both lops Premium wheels w/Blacl< lth1 (118923) $27 980 Pendo. •tt6C4 , ... ·01 Sul Grey w Ciey lltlr, lols of e•lru (119206C) $71,980 ................. S4SOS..t-·01 Silver w/lf•Y lthr. Navaaalion Below whole~ille ('19207} ~ 980 ............ 11 ClS5 AMG 'OO Silver w/Cha1co.tl lthr, only 7006 miles• FactOf'y wa11anly lanes aood (OAC) (119248C) SINQUIRE1 M«ce4-S4 SO S.'-'00 Sliver /Charcoal r K lor y warr anly New body slylr (#19146) S.48.980 Jo.,cw.li••'H While w/Crey Int 6 cyl 511 mo •II a cle1n (119157> St? 980 949-$74-7777 PHIU.IPS AUTO ~llJr-•e.c- ........... 'IO -S£.l. Greman t•nk blue dulo Sl99'> v019953 wcwauto com 9$64& T8Zl .......... ..,., S£.l. Creman lank. blur •ulo Sl995 •019953 wcw.uto com 94964f..7822 By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH TRUMP PRO\t0110N Bodi 11ulnenblc We~ deals.. WF.ST • Q 106 /7) JS4 •QJ8l NORTH • J 75 10 9 lj 6 2 Q • A97 6 SOlfTH EAST • AKl2 • VoW A91762 • 1052 • 94) AK054 . KIO} • K4 The bu.Seling WFST NOR'rn ,._ .... F.AST SOUT1t I I .... J Paa .... .._ Opemng lead Four of The -.'tloo d(a t0nta1n one pm11 uf I~ Nonh's Jllmp 1'111-.c IA• thtet hearui WU, in the portnt't\hip r.tyle. precmplh'e. and 11 ended Ult llUCllOfl Three hearu was • Jl'Oll'l Wr wn-U'llC1 Al moa 1ab1ei WN led J d1.11· mood lO f.a.sl 'It 11CC f..41 ~lf'led IAI the luna of spades. and Wnc "JNlcd w1lh the I 0 EaM conl1l1Uc:d with the &e: ol ~~ and anotha. mJ th.it put 1111 enJ to the l.leferuc. :-kirth Soolh l'lle.kcJ up pill.) 140 1llC wmnmg defen'IC '' difficult td find To sc~ a fifth deferL\IYe tnck. Ea>! obviously playt:d pannc:r fOI J \llrC l1'Wl1p tncL Then: •> 1 far lxtlef chance -an)' one of the top four trump hono" 1n the West hand cnuld be enough' l::vcry once in u while. you come llCl'1>'~ a result in tntcrrull.loOal lOm- pet11100 that WTlll/c' you Here L\ une. fmm !ht! WoriJ M1•cJ Pail'\ <.ompell· I IOfl >Oil~ ) ear. d&O When W~ &igoakd \I.1th the l<n ul ~~ ... tnd; 1 ... 0 •• re ... b t.'b too unuo.J w11h a low 'p.>Je w We<>1 ' queen. "'on !ht! ~padc n-1um \I.1th I.ht ucc and contrnued wuh 111<: I Ith ~ Whelher declarer ruflc-'1 hr11h or low, WQl'~ JllCI. uf he.ill\ he\..unc the 'dllng 1nd1. Surely nol loo t11Ugh a defense lO unearth al lhJl kH"I nl compttJ 1100' 9004 BOATS NEW2003 BMWZ4 2.5 Conv"nence Pq., heated seats, log ~ts & more --. $394 ,. .... +ta I at ttiese terms Oii APl'IOVDI CllDfT • Ille $3285 due '' s11mn11 lntludu s.450 r elundable secu11I y de pos.t IOI! mile. per YP•• uc•u mil~• @ 20c per mile ILR6'8841 ... °""" Sim~ 1-. lover '9t 4.0 SI 3911, full fact wa11, wtute/ tan int, beaut oua cond $26.995 v•892396 "" avail 81lr 949 586 1888 _ __,...,_ ..... ll-t lev ... 'tt 4.0SE metallic blue/oatmeal lthr brush cuard' lull '"'' wan S29 995 v 792<112 fin avail Bkr 949-586-lUI -·=···-AUTOMOBl.ES, MISC8J.NIEOUS CASH JOI CAIS WeNeedv-c- 1'.tdfwwN•t. , .... ,,. Awte AMtf ... Mak.I"' 949-574-77 77 .... i....' Fimce .. n..•wn AUTOMOTlVE ••••••••••••• PARTS/ 55fRUWAY@ f1laR AN'tt'(IORIES/ SMTAW.AllTOMAU ~ (888} 823-9808 SERVICES Niu-'00 Pfcln1p eat tab, 1lnl cond auto trans. A/C, •m Im bed hner 521< fwy mi $9500 obo ~8S9 0329 Mary Accmona BCOVll TlOOXTUCAI, TOYOTA TIUCI, PAI SIOO Sill sso 714-l74-17tl Power Boats 200S D11ffy G11phic pka, r~n1C1tr spotl1&ht ell!l 1 •11,h•11 CO 5lr•eo '"hong r h•" swim ladd~r i. "'' ~v·• I cvr leu tha11 4tn ..,.,,. ,_ $45.<XXl 9ot<J'61'> U£. PUTAFEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 lc-=-+~-i tn,.,.._ .. OrWldo ~ Ill Ft-,.1 10 Oooliooe • -71 On.pol on.. 72 Al1;.-.i DOWN 1 T ruc11 llontt 2 Hun 3 Flb.Gerllel I po94 .. ea..--hyph ) ~ ..,,,. "10iJr'ta Wl 11,.......,.._ 7 H.-1 a r>na 8 '*-~ Sf)fMd' g F.lr·-leedlno Mill* •o U.-11•• 11 J8i 12 SnJoe °' unn IJ TUl>OI 21~~ 23Wid~ ~ Aulhorttn 2f; ~ lhXl4 .27 Spot15 ce<1le< )8 lilly hoiofofB i'9 -'U':•l'n •11<1 o<r 31 Egyp1an OOy-«tng 32 Admirer~ 'l3 Flll\/Onl''ll n peS!IO> 34~ Mi W••~• 41) Al90-<nr ~·PU! "" ,....,.r.,• ft '"'""' .;1..4 3'1.Jef»~ , .. '§.,: WI C..o i5 Joe;I~ 11 S'V.M" "°""f '>?A• tt"<.mbS ~ r..-0r.r1aoo ~io ·-"1 55 Sunmnce Kld'I 111'1 se t'IO....,.. IJOet«IJ :.7t ...... -ii !JI A ' _.,.. "'Ill .,_,-~a..r.-· 6•1.A:- 04 P-Qtll f.!) 01\lt Nl11•" '96 Qwest while 59" m1 clun M .... c1 .. ·•• c2ao s 7995 • 2 1589 5 b~•ul1ful black crum wcwwtoaim ~7822 fully lo•ded \howroom MOTORCYa..ES ""Employee. ··Empleado. n out. SI I !I< 714-7!>1 2464 Merced .. 'II 560 Sl while/tan. 1mm•t ·~ Ill& IJ'llll. ,_ d qi, dmres. SlUD M151..,_ ........ ~LS '00 ~~. IMttw Ill e1tras ... ,,..,., ore -. "°"' snw Sil 99e> ~pp714--ffl.6m • "'•.., ·•1 s_.,. uu Loh new, lo•ded, auto. HONDA 2000 SHADOW, moomoof alloy,, low 741< nan:. b6;0, ~ 50:> mt '5900 71' 751 7t64 min Wiit! •lrllSI mn POltSCHE9'6'H Trp low m•ln, loaded C11enne Ofdeted must sell' $52 900 080 PP 94'-244-527S n.0tffw_.1o._ 8-llill a. ~ aw Wm are. .. u-.. dfs91 .. .-rt prep 9651~4 """* Party 71484&-9449 . SEU 1our unwa11led items lh1oufti cln srhed c.-... , .... C..pMlry • P1umf>tnc Orywal • Stlil~O Pamhnc Tt6t ., mnre 20+ Y"n E•~el • 714-tH-5776 iOfTAl-HUSUNO FOR HONE YOO'S ro111 honey won't. 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"81-• RestUC<.o Rconm Ad<l-1~~1 P•llh•nr Ru on.obi•' 71• 921 1641~0497f>§1 ••~ -...t_r,.,. M8TJa..r'HJp.-f PIP{ l OC A TING HECTRONIC SI All LEAK Of H C'llON F rit'ndly SN v1u t4t 67S 9304 -~cam l•7~4"7i. ....., Plumb1n1 raparr'\ n•• 251rs ••p A• w<>tll ..-~ S..... n4~ ~ & llUSCMll.......U PllJMBE R l 1506586 r,... Est• Sm ,,._,. OCTfClJ DIK 714--m.91~ l"UCfSl f'WMllNG R8P11U' R9tn0df!ll"I f REE £ST1MA Tl L116117398 114 969 11*1 ' "" ,_. .... ~ [] e I ---___ ... _ -·~ QT •8111C-.• ..................... ~ ...... a.r.....•!11119 .... ,..,.Gllll .... Gllll ... ,,..., ............. ,... ~ a a..•C.... ...... CANG7 aw t tiect:qt t cc .. --· - •$ ,, -=-· ... ; .... , .......... --. , .......... r t · a, a 119 e · etee•• Ilia ALL AROUND THE HOUSE Look for these experts dally In the service Directory ... ABC IIFATING& AIR CoNDmoNING )NSTALL\TION •SERVICE •REPAJR Sl!aVING ORANCI! CouNTY SrNCP 1952 Uc.11 a10481 4q_ LENE MAM CUTTINO • HAl9l ~ • ~ ... HOME OR OFAa! 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