HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAy,MARCH19,2003 Greenlight liOpes ·tO put ·reform on .ballot Newport council's proposed changes to campaign rules are regarded as jinconsequential' by Greenlighters .. June Casa1rand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -In what couJd be the most significant po- litical move since Measure S changed the way the city ap- proves large developments, the Greenlight Committee will try to put campaign reform on a ballot The announcement deepens the divide between Greenlight and the mainstream dty leader- ship. who each accuse the other of abuse of power. At a study session last week. council members said they would be willing Lo consider at a later meeting two proposed changes to city campaign rules. One wouJd require that candi- dates, poUtical groups and their treasurers attend training on how to me campaign finance statements. The other weuJd re- quire that scripLc; of telephone campaign messages and other campaign communicatioru. be filed with the City aerie's office. They discarded five other cam- paign restrictions. these changes ~inconseque tial" and are pushing for adopu ., of some campaign reforms hat council members shot down during the study session. "We think there are conflicb of interest that are not L .. ·mp dil.- closed and appcaranct"· , con- llicts of interest that n .:d to be better addressed," Sdld Green- light spokesman Phil Atst. who explained that the ballot initia- tive would only apply to munici- pal ordinancc.-s and gi• dehnes. As pan of 1~ proposed ballot 1ru11auve, which is subject to change after legal review. Green- light 1s pw.hing for tighter rules on "granting money or awarding ron1ractl> to per!>ons who have a clo'>l' rclationi.hip with a coun- cilman. '>uch ~ major campaign contributor.. or consuJtants. bu'>ine.s panners, client!> or cus 1omers. Disclosure of even the appearance of conflicts of inter- QUEST10N Should campaign rwfonn be put on a t>.Uot7 Call oor Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or ? • send e-mail to dsilyp1lot1a>/stimes.com. Please spell your name and include yoor hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only GreenJjgtlt leaders have called See BALLOT. Pace A4 , OONLEACH/DM.YPILOT Corona def Mar resident Cristi Cristich, 41, is running for the 70th Assembly District. She has been a GOP fund-raiser. Cristich is confident Moderate candidate says she believes her views will allow her to fill a seat in the state Assembly for Newport Beach. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot As a mOderate, Cristf Cristich likes her chances to win the Republican nomination next March to represent Newport Beach in the 70th Assembly District. Tile Corona del Mar resident has even secured the endorsement of Marilyn Brewer, who held the almost idendcal seat from 1994 to 2000. "With the cunent environment. there's never been more opportimlty in the party,· Cristicb said. "There's room for all types of Republlcaos." Qistich joins an ever-expanding fteld of candidates seeJc1ng the seat. The winner would replace John Campbell. who bu held the seat since 2000. Campbdl is vying · wtth Aslemblyman Km Maddox (R-Cocsta Mesa) for a state Senate seaL Newport Beach City Council candidate Marianne Zlppi, who THINKING ALLOWED Imagine teaming up with some journalists lost to Councilman Tod Ridgeway in November, is the only other local candidate in a primary set for a year from now. lrvine Oty Council candidate Oluclc DeVore and Irvine businessman Don Wagner are also in the race. Cristich, 41, is positioning herself as a Brewer-type candidate. She's pro-business, pro-choice and in favor of no new taxes. Crlstich has been an active GOP fund-raiser for the past few years, most recently raising local funds to help elect Bonnie Garcia to the Assembly in the Palm Desert an!8. The Corona del Mar resident started her own business, at ase Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONllEWEB: www.~com WEATHER lt'U be yet enott.er nice end fAJNflf one witt'I h&ghl ......, 70. bpec:t • ~Mel9 • ... ,_A2. GOLF PGA .-e.nc. • .._ cleoi 1111 ................ ... Tolhlbe ..... a..lc ......... 1\MldlY~ .. ... ,...A7 'With the current environment, there's never been more opportunity in the party. There's room for all types of Republicans.' Crtstt Crtstk:h 23. In the mid-1980s. Using a $20,000 loan from a friend. Cristlch began Cristek lgterconnects Inc., a supplier of l\lgh-tech electronic devices used in missiles, heart monitors end SM CRISTICH, P .. • M SPORTS COfON del Ms High\ b 111 INI IMm oeplUf'ta w n«1l11gue vbofy OllW clllricl rivll Cotta ..... In a nlQfW 9M'9 • T.wlnlde ..... ...... All Agencies prepare for possible threats Newport-Mesa public safery officials say they're ready for anything that might result because of Iraq conflict. Deepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot NEWPOR'l·Ml-.SA Local publlc ..afety officials said they are prepared for any ck.a\ ter.. or emergency situauoni. that war ma} bnng. Officials said secunty wa.i. already height ened m Newport I !arbor when the Home land Security Department issued a high orange alert on Monday foUowmg President Bush's addre.s to the nation. aslung Saddam .Hussein to leave Iraq or face war. WAt orange alen. we're at full staffing;· said Harbor Patrol l.1. Greg RusseU. *We're also watching the harbor entrance more closely." ~ RusseU said his department receives con stanl alerts from various agencies, mcludmg the Customs Depanment and the FBI. ~They tell us to watch for cenain typeS of vessels or about kinds of weaponry that ma} be used in an attack." he said. If the aJen level escalates to red. which 1s the highe5t level, Russell said the depart- ment will call on reserve officers and add more boats to increase patrol strength. "We've also been cross-training with New- See PREPARE, Pqe M SCHOOLS UCieyes OCC for courses University asks the Costa Mesa~ coinmunity college to host summer classes that OCC students may attend. Cllrlltlne Carrillo OailyPik>t I' I I - -- AZ Wednesday, March 19, 2003 LO .. CALS. ONLY ·~· . .. , . . • ,,..,,. _ _.:,.. ____ .:..........; _______ _;_ ______ ~-~-_:__;_~-...:._---'----'-"-:.,;_;;....__'--____ ~...:;;_--=--..,.-~~...,..--..,.-:--~---~_..,c:-.;._---:----:-~'~ ..... ~ NEIGHBORS GeneJ. Purellwas named Orange Coast College's new president onMarch5. Farren ser;\'ed · • the past. nine ·months as the Gene J. Farrelt college's interim presideot and was given a contract through J\Ule 30, 2005. Previously dean of the college, Farrell also served as vice chancellor of business affairs for the Coast Community College District and retired three years ago. He will come out of retirement to accept this new position. Farrell r---..,.----. will replace Sharon Callaway Daniel Margaret A Gratton and will be the eighth president in Orange Coast College's 55-year history ... Sharon Callaway Danlel of Costa Mesa has been named Orange Coast College's ~Faculty Member of the Year." Daniel is a professor of biological ~---~ sciences and Adelheid Stevens hasbeena faculty member of the college for 30 years. Seven . professors were nominated and the finaJ decision was made through letters of recommendation and staff votes ... Melheld "Pony" SteYens, program assistant in Orange , Coast College's Allied Health Department, has been named the college~ "Classified Statf Member of the Year." Stevens has been a member of the staff for 27 year& Faculty and staff selected ~e winner du.dog an election held OQ campus ... Malk Andenon was presented with.the "Engin~r of the Year, Land Development'! award by The Orange County Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Anderson Is a senior vice president in RBF ConsuJting's land development department ... Ablpll Swaim was presented with the "Young Engineer" award by1be Orange County Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Orange County ED.gineertng Council Swaim is a design engineer in RBF Consulting's land development department ... AcupWlcturist Roee Lanen, of Newport Beach, was elected as a member of the lntemationaJ Oriental Medical Research Institute at the UC Irvine College of Medicine. Larsen is the recipient of many awards for her work in the field of traditional OJ.inese medicine ... K,at.hryn Glasamyer was named director of community relations at South Coast Plv.a. She previously held the position of director of special events for the Orange County Performing Arts Center ... Foreign Immigration Attorney Andrea Elllot of Newport Beach has been appointed to the boo.rd of directors of the Protocol Foundation of Orange County, a nonprofit, private-sector organization that sµpports international business. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send &-mall to coral.wilson@latimn.com. .,.......,.~..,,,:*'--'-- l ., ..... d,...Gn twplclon ofcMvlng ~ the.,.... of.,, ·~"' They,,..,,. only ,_,,, an•d on WlfPldon of• cnm. .... wiflr., .,.,,.., .. ""'~ /r.itooel'lt uni/I prfMld ~ COITAmSA . Daily A Pilot VOL. 17, NO. 78 Newll .... Glne Alennder, Lort Ande'90n, Denlel Hunt. hul Sehowhz, Denlel Stevtne NIWSITAllF Crf,,,. °:er ~n.r. CM)87+4221 ~.bha~e/Mf,,..oom June=,.. --)17~· /11,,.CMllQf.,,.•lllflnw.oom ,....._ .-olltloe tnd etWltonmtrJt rtPOf't*', ( .... ,...... pwt.dlnfon•,.,,,,,_oom LOllll..., ' Columnltl, OU ...... t'IPOf'W, , .. , ""4371 lollt&,_,,., • ...,,,.,oom ......... ,_ Co9'a M-. tepOfllf, Ml PMZ21 diiidfa,..,.,.,.,,...,, Cllll1Cll6 !cMllliift ,.......,.., .,..... ........,., . ..,...,,, • • ~----~...:.___:.~~~~~~~...-:.....-'-___:"""-"~_.;.,_;_.~~~~.,.....,.-~~~~~....,.--~~-:--~~--1.yi FOR A GOOD CAUSE Dawn and John Word J ohn and Dawn Word of Newport Beach have donated •time and money over the past 28 years to helping people. The two were recently honored with the 2003 "Spirit of Volunteerlsm" award from the Volunteer Center 01ange County in Santa Ana. Helping others' dreams come true The center was started 37 years ago by Margaret Anne Inman in a room at the Oilldren's Hospital of Orange County, or CHOC. I think the ability to communicate is one of the most important things,. he said. John said be likes to make a difference. He said the area is a great place to live and a great place to raise kids, but that we can't forget those less fortunate. "She is 4-foot 10, terrific and full of energy. She started from scratch with a need,,. John said. ·she still comes to the meetings." John said be will volunteer more as he gets older. He wants to give back to the community that has done well for him. They are dedicated to helping the Orange-based Providence Speech aQd Hearing Center, which works with identification, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of speech and bearing disorders. · John Word's teasoru for involvement go back to hls college years. "We certainly have our areas of needy folb," be said. "The government can't and shouldn't do everything for everybody.• ·1 came out from Louisiana, Missouri and didn't have a lot. I came out with a degree and a dream. I like helping people and getting them off to a good start, especially kids. I fell in love with this organization and the mission statement," be sald. The Words have chafred fund-ra.islng benefits for the center, most recently the 2003 Co'litume Ball. "I had roomed in college with a man who couldn't hear. He was able to communicate with guttural noises, but couldn't hear. "Dawn was instrumental in getting that done," John s.ald. "She co-chaired the annual event. We ral~d a netted $300,000 for the organization. She worked tirelessly staying up until midnight." "It is the epitome of what I believe in." "I started to realize bow difficuJt it would be for me if I didn't have that abiltty. I rely on that for sny business. PETS OF THE WEEK The Newport Beach-based Community Animal Network has been desperately involved in reaculng 35 Siamese and Himalayan mix cats from the pound The network has taken custody of 18 cats so far, but there are not enough homes to support them. the Newport Beach Dover Shore area and volunteers are looking for her . A Dalmatian dog Is available for adoption and dog foster homes are also needed. The network Is asking for old towels for bedding and cat toys, in addition to monetary donations. "Dog lovers need to come forward to help, too," Pfaff-Martin said. "We are a community-supported organization and need help." "We need more volunteers to come forward and open their homes to get the rest of these an1mala from an overcrowded home by April 7, or animal control will tab action," founder DtAnna Pfaff-Martin said See other animals available for adoption at www.anlmalMtwork.org or R.uaso'a pet store at Fashion Wand between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (9'9) 759-3646 or Community Animal Netwol'k. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA 92658. Four pregnant cats and a nuraing mother are among those looking for foster homes. Newly-rescued cat Mayla escaped during the storm In Corel Wlllolt Newt ... i.t.nt. (948) &74-4298 oor.l.wfl.an•t.tl,.,,...com PHOT'OOM"4EM Seen Hiiier, Don Leed\, K.-nt~ MAO•HOn.M l .. )M24Dl8 "9oord your oommenta about th• DeilV l'lfot Of MM tlpa. ~ Ow...,_ le DI W. 8ey St., Coina Mell, CA t2827. OMce houra .,. ~ • ffrkttv, l:IO •.m. ·a p.m . c...1111• Box 1580, Co.u MMe, CA 82929. Copyright No newt 1tor1 .. , lllustratlons, edltorfal matter or adwrtiMrMntl herein can be reproduced without written ptrmlMlon of OOPVff9ht ownet. HOW TO MACff UI Ckeuledon The TlrNe Orange County (800) 2152·91'1 =1948) 842·5e78 Dllt*Y1Mll842..:S21 ....... New9 , ... , 842.aeeo lpcM'8CM)17~23 ,....,.., ... , 8*4170 ..... ,.. (948) 8&0-0170 ~lypllotet.tfnw.com ..... OllM (141) "42-4321 ....,_,.. ( ... ) 831-7128 llubtleMd by Timee Corrimt1n1tv N9we, • dl-Aelori of the Loe Ane91• Tl,,,_, 43002T1rNICN.All11Qhtl ,.... .. -Story by Cassady Jenmtas. Photo by Kent Treptow SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be breezy egeln on 1hl1 vtry aunny d1y, though wtnda ire only expected to 6low 15 to 26 mph. Htgha wtll neat 70 whlle IOWI drop to 1bout !O. Th.,P 1 alight d\ance of r1ln on Thurtday, but more ttuin llktfv It'll jult be cloudy 1nddt1aty. '"'°""9tlon: WWW.IM'9.ftOH.fl(IV BOATING FORECAST The w11tif1Y wlndl Witt blow 10 to 11 knoll, with 2..foOt ww.. end• weas awe11 Of 1 to • fMt. The twell Wiil bullet tD • to. fMt ... 9Y9nfng • OUt flnhet, 1hl ~•""iv Wlndt wllt ~ ti to 21 tinae., with " tio 4'0ot \WWI end. ~tweN of Ito 10fwt. 1bnight. thl wlndl Wiii blow ... ..., It 20 tD 21 llnOll. .. 4'..fooiWllWI llnd. ftOfttttliMI .... ,, ........ SURF The northw9et swell contfnu• to bldt down todl'f, though we'll ltlll ... aome hud-hlghe 1nd the occaalonal overheld. The next northwest awetl 1mvee Thurtdey lftemoon, 1ho4.lgh we'll atty In the Mid-high ..... \\Wll tnt9r the overhMd ~on FridtY end Seturdty. ~~ftngera croeteO thM1t doeen't l"lln on Thurldly. . Wllir...-V: ~Div TIDll ...... 1'~11.m. 9:12p.m. 1o:o81.m. 4:241.m. . ..... ~ IUD .!\~. 'tt<' .. lb+' ,, .J, -'' ... '"I ' !r,,1• jf~· lj)I' •II~ II . ,;;.J· .tW '·· "II I ., .. 1 -·· ... ..,,. ,.,,, ... . I '· . _. ......... - • COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the lssues the City C.otmcll considered on Monday: APPEAL OF MINOR DESIGN REVIEW On Jan. 16, the zoning administralor gave a permit to John Grey to store vehicles outside Paclfic Coast .Auto in the 800 block. of West 18th Street CounallmanAIJan Mansoor· appealed the decision because he wanted Grey to Improve the appearanoe of die location with a 10-foot landscape setback. The Planning Commission upheld the roning administrator's approval without requiring the additional landscaping, so Mansoor appealed again. The Clty Council continued the item, upon Grey's request, on March 3. WHAT HAPPENED The council reversed the Planning Commission's decision with a 3-1 vote. with Ouis Steel dissenting and Gary Monahan absent, and required Grey to add the JO-foot landscape setback within a year's time. WHAT IT MEANS As a condition of receiving the permit, Grey must add the landscaping within a year. WHAT WAS SAID Grey claimed he couldn't afford any more landscaping after he had already invested S40,000 m the property he leases from John Crowe. But Mayor Karen Robinson encouraged Grey to see the landscaping addition as a quid pro quo for getting the permit • lf we're giving you somethmg, then you should give something back.· Robinson said. ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDS about if and when the city would be reUnbwsed by the state and pointed out that there are other areas ln the city that need funding, WHAT HAPPENED The counci1 voted 4-0. with Gary Monahan absent, to continue the item to Its April 7 meeting to give Mansoor a chance to view the video used in the program. WHAT IT MEANS Tile ooundl will reconsider accepting the funds at its April 7 meeting. WHAT WAS SAID "The state received that money from the [federal government),· Mansoor said N'Illey give ii to the state, then (the state) gives it to ~ with st~ attached, and they wan! us 10 spend our money ~t. I WclS simply pointing 10 the circus atmosphere of how our government does business. not that it's not a worthwhile program. I just wanted some questions answered and I was happy with how thin~ turned out last night~ APPOINTMENT OF CQMMITTEE MEMBERS On May 21, 200 I, the City Council formed the Downtown and Eas~ide Transpon atton Ad 1 loc Comminee. Its purpose is to help city staff develop transportation improvemen1 recommendations for Newpon Boulevard, F.ast 171.h Stree1 and I .astside neighborhoods. rwo vacancies existed on the committee. Staff received appllcat:ions from Marie Reader. repre.enting Newpon Boulevard husines.ses. and Anne I log-dll·Shereshevsky, repret.enting Eastl.ide re-.idenlwl neighborhoods. NEXT MEETING • WHAT: Coata Me•e City Council meeting •WHEN:&.~ p.m., AJ)riJ 7 •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive ··~~: (714) 754-5223 WHAT HAPPENED The council appointed Hogan-Shereshevslcy and Reader. TRAFFIC REPORT The East.side BiJ;nniaJ Traffic Moruroring Repon identifies changes in traffic conditions, such as cut-through traffic from more arterial congestion. The purposes of the repon are 10 track traffic conditions so immediate responses to any significant changes can be made, 10 identify ways to ease traffic problems and to ensure tJiat eai.ing problems in one area does nor transfer problerrll> to another area. From all streets where new data was coDectL'<i, only ~en residential screet segments indicated an increase in traffic that met I.he threshold. Staff detemuned that the increases did not correlare to any specific panem and therefore don't presen1 any signjficant change in area traffic. Staff said it believes the existing traffic volwnes and condition~ do not reqwre any major traffic control measures at this time WHAT.HAPPENED The counctl received the repon and dU"ected staff to continue monitoring trJffic conditions within the t-.asL<>1de area and provide updated reports every rwo yean.. with the next general repon occurring m July 2004. l>t•1rrlfl' Newman A consent calendar item Cll>ked the council to spend no more than $5,000 to conduct tl1e "Pvcry 15 Minutes Program.• an anti-drunk driving program for high school students. The city iJ.. supposed to be reimbursed for the funds. Consent calendar items are usually approved all together. without discus.sion. Councilman Allan Mansoor pulled this one off for discus,sion MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEALS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO Mansoor expressed concerns 296 E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 • Semi·Privote for Men & Women • Lots of Equipment/Fr" We19hts • Private Pilotes Studio • SPINNING Theater licenMd • 16 full Time Personal Troif\eu • Child Core Som· noon M • F • Ample & Convenient Porkine •Yago, Toi Chi, Stnttch clon• • Step, Power Pump, Cord10 • Showeo, Steam & Towels • Shope·Up Skin Core • Shope·Up Hair Care • Shope·Up Acupuncture/MoMOet 949760•5054 www.shope--up.com • ""'11'f1.htni1111CXlftC•ll8 2101 Eost Pacific Coost Hwy, Con:ina °" Where You Can Get "Saqced" And Still Dri"8 Home! .... Wednesday, MMh 19. 2003 Al City's group home battle unresol ved City Council rejected Monday's request from 'Dove Cottage,' but a city lawsuit continues. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot OOSTA MESA -Those op- posing an increase in clients for a sober-living group home let a little air out of their 1ense shoulders Monday. but can't breathl! a full -Oedged sigh of re-· Lief quue yet. they say. lhat's because the city 1s still embroiled in a civil lawsuit against Deanor Mamon, owner of "Dove Couage" tn lhe 3100 block of Coric Lane. for exceed- ing the number of clients she is allowed to !>erve tn a r~idential area, which is six. Manion wants to host eight. Monday. the City Council vo1ed 4-0 to deny Manion'.s re- quest for a rehearing. Counctl· man Gary Monahan wa'> ab· sent. Manion asked the council to reconsider i1s March 3 dec1~1on against I.he increase bru.ed on charges pr~enJed by her anor· ney, Eric Katz, that lhe council applied I.he wrong legal stand· ards and failed to wmply with the law. Opponent~ m the 11ght·kn1t community say tht•y expl·ct till' lega,I jostling 10 rnntinue in coun. "We know !the reque-.t for a rehearing] wru. po!>tunng and we'll lei it play out in the couru. and, hopefully. the outcome will be favorable... '>8Ul Kelly Smilh, who ha.. been leading lhe charge against the incrca-.e. The council denied the rehear· ing ~ on Acting City Atty. Tpm Wood's ana)yt.is that there was no new evidence to 1.uppon it and that the Oty Council did comply w1lh the law in rejecung Manion's appeal Kaa was not present to argue for the reheanng. I le dechned to comment on lhe outcome. as did Manion. Throughout her at1emp1 to in· crease her clientele, Manion has insisted that adding two more people to her home 1s necessary WhelherYau Buv or Lease- for pe~r !>Upport t<> allow two resldents to live In {our out of the live bedrooms But many of the opponents re- main con<:t-med tha1 an increase in chents will pose more of a W'ety risk lo the neighborhood •When there'b such a tum· around lamong d.ientsJ. you don't know who'i. coming in.· said Henry Guaerrez. who lives a few doon. down from Dove Cot· tage. ·it's dlfficull to trust them untd you know lhem as neigh· bors." • HARDWOOD • LAMINA TES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYl Fl.OORING I!~~!~ *·'·wv,./1 ,~,~,(I ... , ~ iITi D " -- 'J/4,. SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER s449 !!!!..!:!l:.. s 149 from sc~ -SQ- TravertITTe 18" x 18" Ceramic Tile Laminate Wood ... 1374 logan Ave.~Suite.F COSTA MESA (888) c..u. 777 6372) m MON.-FRI. 10AM to 5 PM • • SAT. 10 AM to 2 PM <1111111111111\ CLOSED SUNDAY 1fiM1t ... . . ... '4.29 IQ~ lllS~ frrr '4.99 '°. ~Irr '4.99 ,,. • Read all about it. .. our semi-annual event where we OPEN our trade-only showrooms TO THE PUBLIC and pass on amazing savings -direct to buyer -come browse through our tent and enjoy tremendous valu~s! I March 20th-23rd 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. I Furniture & Premium Fabrics nlarked down to a fraction of their original.value Dining Rooms • Living Rooms • .Sofas • laqJ8 Mirrors and a huge selection«.~ Fabrics . lOOO's of Home Accessories • • - M Weamdly, Mltth 19. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Teleoiarketing scam lands man in prison A 35-year-old Newpon Beach man wu sentenced Tuesday to three years and five months in 6'deraJ prison for having been part ot a telemaded:ng scam tbat prosecutors say de- frauded more than 12.000 people out of$4.4 million. Daniel Eugene Qur was also ordered to pay SI. 7 million ln fines. 1Wo other men were also sentenced Tuesday for being part of the scheme that solicited victirm through newspaper advertisements, enticing them to make money work- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Ceft c~A commercial burglary was reported in the 3500 blodt at 8:07 a.m. Monday. • Calhmla StrMt: A commercial burglal)' was reported In the 3200 blodt at 7:13 a.m. Monday. • FalMew Rolld Md Paiulmtno Awnue: A traffic accident lnvoMng injuries was niported at 9:24 a.m . "Monday. • H.-bor Boulewlrd: A commercial burglary was reported In the 2100 ~at 7~49 a.m. Monday. • H.-bor 8nd MacArthur boulevards: A traffic accident Involving injuries was reported at 6:18 a.m. Monday. • N9wport Boua.v.nt An auto theft was reported In the 2500 blodt at 7:28 p.m. Monday. • Ramona Place: Petty theft was reported In the 300 blodt at 6:08 a.m. Monday. • ~rblic Awenue: Annoying phone calls were lng~bome. All rhree were found guilty of fraud in a Santa Ana,coun In October. The vicUms were to wom at borne by proceafn.g medk:aJ claims OD their computer. The vlcd.ms would be told to buy hun- dreds of dollars worth or software, i:mtrucdon, tech- nical support. as well as a list, from the men, of doc- tors supposed)y interested ' in hiring a person to proc- ess medical bill.$ "electroni- cally. But the victims soon found out that none of the doctors on the list had heard of this company and did not need help with bill- ing. The men operated this scheme between July 1998 and October 1999. reported in the 2200 blodt at 8:38 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Galaxy Drive: Grand theft was reported in the 1300 blodt at 1 :.21 p.m. Monday. • Marcus Avenue and 39th StrMt: Vandalism was reported at 12:34 p.m. Monday. • McFedden Place and West Ocean Front: A traffic accident invotving injuries was reported at 4:34 p.m. Monday. • N9wport c.ntar Orfw East Grand theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 12:22 p.m. Monday. • Superior Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1400 blodt at 10:50 a.m. Monday. • VISUI Entrada: A borglary was reported in the 2100 blodt at 8:19 a.m. Monday. •Vista Suene: A home was reported burgled in the 400 blodt at 11:53 a.m. Monday • 32nd S1J'Nt: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodt at 5:56 a.m . Monday. Because There's No Such Thing. That's why~ crt-ate.d 9tvt' your chlld prKtKt' tn all Rx Reading, It's a provt'O basic language skills, Including program 9uarantttd to ral~ ptionlcs, vocabulary, compre- your chlld's I~ ht'oslon, and OM full gra<k In n•eadinn appllt'd skills such just )2 hours. :t as rt'ad1n9, ratt', Utlllzlng Qdusl~ ..__.__._ ... _ and recall. TutorAld testing, ~ aNllyzt the gaps In • student's reld1ng ability and aute • bllancfd program to tf your d\lld Is falling behind In school, now Is die Ume to call ~ ftnd out more. (949) ~-7900 488 East 17th Stm!t • Costa ~sa (Comer ol lrvlnt Avenut) The Classics Never • Come in today and see window coverings that will always fit perfectly in your home. From Roller Shades to Woods to Shutten, the Cusic Collection from Hunb!r Douglu Go Out of Style. ":.!J!!IP BALLOT Conthled from Al estwtDbe~" Tb1s idea WU fim prompted by CQundlman Jobn Hdl'emao after Airport \\brldng Group COD· aultant Dave Bil.ls was paid about $438,000 OUI of a grant the dty gave the wodd.ng group for air- port education. 1bougtl tbJs is le- gal. aitics say that because P.tlis bad wotked as a campaign con- sultant for some of the cowidl members who later apprcMd the grant. it should not be,legal "For nbw, any dec:dw dlange to our camj>aign ordinances is dead, which is my Wgeat ~­ sooal disappointment dw1ng r0y dme in office,• Heffernan wrote or the coundJ's failure to consider PREPARE Continued from Al port Beach Police and the U.S. Coast Guard,· he said. Police and fire department of- ficials in both cities said they will watch events carefully. re- vise their respective emergency plans and monitor potential threats to the area "We're very much on top of what's going on and.how it's go- ing to affect our city,· said Costa Mesa Police Olief Dave Snow- den. "But at this point, I don't know of any direct threat to our city .• Newport Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulman echoed Snow- den's beliefs and said he does not believe there is an immi- nent threat to the city. ·we have increased deploy- ment right now with orange alert,• he said. "But if it esca- lates to red, we may take several steps. including closing public buildings such as City Hall, no- tifying target areas, informing occ Contmued from Al we can with our budget and there's going to be some stu- dents who can't afford it ... but we're going to be able to offer more classes to students who can take advantage or it. • The classes will cost about S85 per quarter unit -four quarter units equates to three semester units -not including registration fees, and will count as UCI credit only. Those OCC students looking to take those courses will have to register with a UCI representative, who will be on OCCs campus. and will have to submit an aca- demic petition If they want OCC credit. Just as housing a UCI exten- sion summer program will ben- efit onJy a select number of ALLOWED Continued from Al track. The teamwork ts amazing and, despite the heartbreaking topic, the air is filled with optimism. Last year was the first time the event was held In Newpon Beach and the city posted record-breaking revenues. Th.ls year ts going to be even better lf the paper ends up entering its own team. Johnson saJd he was thinking or Inviting our readers to join along in the all-night festivities. f\.f!l .lmagl.ne, 24 hours with a tent 1UlJ or joumalJsts. Please contain your e:xcitemenL You only know us from our bytines and occasional appearances at meetinp, lunchet, speeches, etc., but we Ml a pretty fwl bunch. Many of you tb.lnk we have pretty wfid I.magi.nations anyway, eo imagloe bow enterta.lnlng we could be II deprived of some aertoua aleep. tr I do get the chance to head up the team, I prom.l.se not to let you folb down. A& eome of you know, I teach f'ow boxing cluNt a week. play aoccer on Sundays and am wllllng to participate In any outdoor •port. ati...tonc:e. f IO\le being actfve and would Wlllr. '8 houri 11 gtven lbe chance. famallooo~to lll·nJsbt events u r tpent row yan at USC and h8w ~ beeo throuah the nn. m 'For now, any effective change to our campaign ordinances is dead, whidl is my largest personal disappointment during my time in office.' ' CGUnClrw Jotm ......... a ~o on such ma.t:Soo- ahipt. Though Heffernan Is ooi:Wd- ered a ~ coundhnan becatase be was eodorwed by the group in his 2000 coundl cam- paign. be aid be Is not lnwMd in the propoeed initiatiYe. Green- Ught Committee manben drafted the proposed Initiative without input or communication with~ "FoT the same reason I dkln\ take money lo the last election, I feel I should stay away from th.is.. Hefiemah said. "It's their deal" The ballot initiative would also the public through the local me· dia and woddng with the (Orange County! Sheriff's Anti- Terrorism Tusk Force to get up- to-date information and intelli- gence." John Wayne Airport is also prepared with a full comple- ment or deputies and bomb- sniffing dogs, said spokes- woman Ann McCarley. There will be oo cbeclcpoiots outside the airports, but depu- ties will continue to check vehi- cles going Into the parking lots, she said. Officials announced on Mon· day that two of the access roads into the airpon would c1ose this morning. but said Tuesday that all access roads will remain open until funber notice. "There are some measures that are visible to the public and other more sensitive issues are not,• she said. · •DEEM BHARATlf covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at · deepa.bharath@latimes.com. OCC students. it will benefit onJy a few OCC facuJry mem- bers as weU. Those faculty members looking to teach a UCI course during the s ummer session will have to apply for the position. UCI officials wiU select which OCC facuJry mem- bers will teach each section. With its hands lied by the ex- treme budget cuts the state re- quired of it, OCC has welcomed the opportunity to do whatever it can to increase the educa- tional Oow on campus. By providing UCI with class- rooms at a nominaJ rental fee, OCC will get a small chance to continue that flow and give Its own students more opportu- nities to learn and its teachers more opportunities to teach. • CHRISTINE CARAJU.O cover• educatk>n and may be reached at (949) 57~268 or by e-mail a1 christine. e11mllo tllatimn .com. months of parenting. I'm also 2'4 years old. so I've got a few all-nighteB left in me. But 1 have to save at least one for my bachelorette pany, whe~r that maybe. I also happen to suffer from Insomnia (doctors said something a.bout having too many activities and not being able to wind down. I don't know where they got that from) so I might as well put that sleepless energy to use. Oh, we could really mab this Interesting. We could forge friendly wagers of number of laps walked, run, hopped on one leg, wa1bd bacl:wanl We could really b..ve a blast. We could play red light Greenlight tor a lap. Are you up for it. PhJl1 Or we couJd roll bowling balls around the track. How about It. Cindy't Costa Mesa Police Oli~f Dave Snowden and real estate mogul Henry Segersttom -both formet boxen -and I could go toe-to-toe ln a makeshjf\ rlng. o~ Now I have taken It too far. I happen to lib my nose just the way Illa. But the poull>Wties are endlela. the cause la worthy and the opportunity 11 here. I'll amt bugging Mt. Johmon about it today and. bopefu.Uy, we'll be toammatee aoon. • LOUfA HAii IR wm.t columna Mond.tyt. Wld~ and~ and COi/Wi culture and the •rtt. SM mey be~" (Ml) S7~5or bV .m.11" lol/U.~,..,._oom, require that the city's Web site contain linb to pages for cowid1 c:ancpdat:es. where up-to-date voter information and diaoourse could be polled. Mayor Steve Bromberg said he was worded tha1 the ballot lnttia- dYe was really a power giab. "Greenlight ea.id two years ago that once Measure S has passed. we'll be done. Our work will be done. Now ft pused. it's the law, but they won't let go. When someone can't let go, this sug· gests to me In the strongest temu that someone is looking for con- trol - CR I STICH Continued from Al other devic.es.. She has served as president of a womens' trade group. the National Assn. of Women Business Owners. In that post. she found herself in Sacramento lobbying legislators for various i$ues, which taught her the political process. Cristich has nailed down a handful of notable nominadons, including Supervisor Jim Silva. Senate Majority Leader Jim Brulte, Brewer and fonner local state Senator Marian Bergeson . UC Irvine Political Science Chair Mart Petracca agrees that Cristich could make a solid claim for the seat, If she bas any of Brewer's success. Brewer successfuDy won office cigains1 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified sectJon to find seMCe$ from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot t.feuwe S WU lhe ~I lnft1adve to ft'QU1re voter tp· proYal (or all deve&opment1 that ligntbntJy exceed the c:ttY,\ genenJ plan. Ant aid the matter coWd .,. pear Oil the. March 2004 ballot. but more llke.ly would come be- fore voters m Novembet 200C1b put the Issue on a beUot. the group must collect about 7,700 veriftable lignatwa on a pede>n in support or the move. Atn.dy ICbeduled ror the No- 11m1ber 2004 ballot is. p~~ 110-room bot.el at the ~­ park Mobile Home site on Balboa Peninsula. • JUNECASAQRANDE~ Newport Beed'rand John Wayne Airport. She may be ruc:hed at ( 57.,_.232 or bv e-mail mt juM.C4Ngl"llnde llltimea.com. rwo more conservative candidates, splitting a more conservative vote. "(Brewer) showed that It is possible for a moderate wo candidate to win in the state's second most Republican district," Petracca said. •She's not conservative enough. but can win If there's multiple conservatives in the race." • MUL aJNTON covers the environment. bt.lsiness and Polit' He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.cllnton@latimn.com. Mi .. OW/Pb Wednnday, March 19, 2003 Al ·~· •f.fn 4i -.:f'! ~·· ..... u FORUM .~ ''" :~s: ~=-lo~ -~E Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Coste Meu, CA 92627 • Ptrclera Hotlne: Call (949) &42-8086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 ~oom con-espondenoe must lndude fuU name, hometown end phone number (for verificaVon purpoeea). The Pilot reserves the right to edi1 all submtalc>M f0< darity and length. 111"1 U·p:'°---------------------------------. ,, '11 LE I I ER TO THE EDITOR . - . Rezoning .bluffs will aid. Westside I 1-t L olita Harper gets it right a.bout the area of the Westside around Victoria Street and Pacific Avenue being nice (Th.inking Allowed, -How the West.side has won -my heart,~ homes. They are the wrong use for the bluffs, and no amount of paint will ever fix • thaL ,, Monday). She's also right a.bout the beautiful views planner in his right mind would ever put an industrial area where <there are such views. The answec is that once upon a time, OUf bluffs had oil wells all over them. The only logical thing to build next to such oil wells was industrial buildings. Tuday, the oil wells have mostJy gone away. but the buggy whip Industrial units remain. The owners of these buildings, who see them as cash cows. scream any time the Qty Council or residents of Costa Mesa want to allow the free market and highest and best land use principles to bring in change. The Qty Council has to realize that this isn't 1950. The oil wells are gone. We should not have Industrial unJts on our beautiful bluffs. If these bluffs are changed to residential, the pent-up demand for quality housing with views and ocean breezes will transform the Westside without redevelopment and it'U cause more home building in Costa Mesa. Th.is ' from that area of our bluffs. lf Harper is interested in why some of us have been asking for the bluffs from a.bout 19th Street down to the Newport Beach border to be rewned residential, she might J' want to drive that area and contrast it to the area around Victoria and Pacific that she did drive. will free up other homes as move-up buyers move to the bluffs. Then, maybe, Harper What she would find is that the beautiful bluffs suddenly change into a lowest and worst use industrial area that looks like the City of Industry. To many.of us, this is ob6cene. Industrial buildings belong on Oat land that isn't good for anything else. They do not belong on vi~ bluffs. Why do we have industrial buildings on these bluffs whose views are even better than the ones near Victoria can even buy one of these homes freed up by move up buyers. If, on the other hand, these bluffs are allowed to remain industrial, the Westside (speaking of the area around 19th and Placentia to the Newport Beach border) will continue to fester and rot. The industrial buildings are like a splinter in a sore. The sore will never be healed untiJ the splinter is pulled out. •n and Pacific? Blame the craven Oty Council for not changing things and for backing down Many of these industrial building owners are now saying the city should leave them alone to do what they want on their land. These owners have it backward. The city is presentJy protecting these industrial uses by keeping improper industrial zoning and lowest and worst use land regulations in place. Some of us are saying that we would like to see proper 2003 zoning and land use regulations Instead of 1950 zoning and land use regulations. Times change. The demand today is for housing. It's time the bluffs changed. Another advantage of building view homes on our bluffs is that those who buy them will have enough disposable income so that quality me~hants will fight to move in along 19th and Placentia to serve their needs. , ~.... to the rude behavior of some ; of the Industrialists (who mostly don't even live in ': Costa Mesa) who want to k.eep our bluffs mired in Some of these industrial building owners are also ~ industrial buildings so they using a red herring in their arguments by saying that Again, just to put a point on this, the simple act of rewning the bluffs may start an upward cycle that will transform the Westside. " can make enough money that they can afford to live in Newport Beach. their buildings aren't blighted and they look nice. The problem with this argument is that these buildings are still industrial buildings and not •. ,., ·' Why did we eyer have industrial buildings on our blutrs? Jt's nuts. and no wban MARTIN MILLARD Costa Mesa NEWPORT HARBOR N!UTl(J!L MUSEUM . IC 3-MASTED LIC BOARDING 0 n Friday, March 21 the schooner .. American Pride" wUI make her way Into Newport Harbor a nd will be docked at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. This will be the first time the 130' vessel (which was saUed 7,500 miles through the Panama Canal from Bar Harbor, Maine to the West Coast) has visited • Newport Harbor. She wUJ be welcomed Into the bay by a flotilla of local ~hts led by a water display generated l;7y Newport Harbor Department's flre boat. Saturday. March 22 and Swday, March 23 from 10 a.m .• vtsltors WW be lnVlted aboard to explore the "American Pttdc" and shown the ropes by her costumed crew. Admlsslon ls $2 children, S3 adults and S7 famlltes. The museum ts exhibiting ~ Americas Cup" d.laplay. Admls616n to the museum It free. Barbecued food8 and beverages avallable . . Any pmon wtshlng to hOW tltdr boat partklpak In thtr ~ ff-otUla on Frldd)', March 21at4:30 p.m. "should contact Manhall Sii* at (949) 675-8915, at. 104 TD llWPOIT IUllOB IMJTICW. a1111n .. loa1teif,,, ,,. ........... rt.rafJoat ...,,.. of,.....,. ... 151 PA9t Cwt Hlshway, Newport ae.cll. . ·Fer more lnfuua•llon1 call (949) 67~·7861 -.,.. .............. .. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Lending a reading voice to the future I am finding that as ma)'or, there are certain ·perb· that go along with this position. There is one very special situation that recently occurred th.at I would like to share with you. I and a number of other individuals were invited to speak at the Newport Coast Elementary School in support of Read Across America. Read Across Anierica is a program sponsored by the National Education Assn. and was calling for every child to be reading in the company of a caring adult on March 3. This is an event that is held annually nationwide to celebrate the birthday, as weU as the legacy, of children's author Dr. Seuss, or Theodore Geisel. The school's prinopal and librarian asked if I would be willing to panicipate and read for about 25 or 30 minutes to the fifth~grade class. I had never been invotved In a program IJ1ce this in the past. and not only did I acknowledge that I would be very happy to participate, quite frankly, I was very excited to be invotved. So, I showed up at Newport C,oast Elementary • School with book in hand and raring to go. I arrived a bit early. and found that the "reader" before me was my old buddy Capt. Tun Newman of the Newport Beach Police Department. nm did a great job with the kids and they dearly enjoyed having Tim, who was in full uniform. read to them. This is just another example of the fantastic outreach our Police Department accomplishes with the community. especially Wlth children. It was now my ume to be on iningon a built-in bench in the school library with all these kids sining on the Door just STEVE ~~eto BROMBERG mayor read. and by all mean~. th~ fifth-graders know what a mayor 1s. (some of them thought the mayor is the president of a city). The book I chose, being the hard-line animal lover that lam, was the ·Manet Square Dog" by Jame!> Harriot. It is a simple children's !>tory about a stray dog that begged m the Marketplace in merry Old England and ultimately wound up, of course. with a loving farruJy with two children. The fifth ·graders listened intently as I read how the dog was begging every day from the street vendors, then disappeared for a while, then became badly injured, then of course WclS healed and everybody lived happily every after. The book really was fun. After I was finished reading. the kids had many questions. Some wanted to know if I had any dogs myc;elf. did I like being mayor. and one young lady asked me ·would you like to run for higher office" (keep in mind these are fiM-graders). to which I responded Mno, but thank you for offering." In reading to the kids and answering their questions, and then watching them having the wonderful ume that they were having. the reali.7.auon truly hit me that these .lods truly are our future. Whether they stay in Newport Beach or move. they are the future of this country. As such, it is so important th.at these kids are exposed to not jUS1 elected officials, but other people in the community who truly make a difference and that is what Read Across America was all about. Every contact these children encounter with adult.s will clearly have a lasting impact on their lives, and although they might not remember each of us specifically as urnes goes on, they will remember what is a positive expenence and what 15 not, and I firmly believe that program'> such as these will only benefit all of us as we continue to grow older. and these kids move fol'W"ctrd to become our future leaders. What was also heartening to see was the number of parents (mostly moms) who come to school and wort with the teache...., Also. by arriving early. I had an opporturuty to step into a first-grade class and speak with the teacher, Susan Stokes, who immediately grabbed ahold of me. put me in her rocking chair and had the kids gather around to just tallc. These kids were fantastic and. like in all the other classes. there were mom helpers. I made 11 very clear to the good folh at Newport Coast Elementary School that if they would like me to come back. all they need to do is ask. Considenng some of the adversity that I have to wort through day to day, I think we all need a shot of •from the mouths of babes~ once in a while. • STEV£ BROMBERG 1s the mayor of Newport Beacti INTERIOR DESIGN I CUSTOM HOME OESiGN I FINE HOME FURNITURE ACCESSORIES & SE RVICES AREAS OF Cf RC LATIO I 'CLUOE! DEAOl .. INE FOR SPACE & COPY Wensday. April 16. 2003 5 p.m. DAILY PILOT·~.~ 2S. 2003 Ncwpon Beach • Corona dcJ Mar Newport Coan • C..otta fca HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday, May 1. 2003 • DEADLINE FOR CAMERA READY ART Monday, April 21 , 2003. S p.m ADVERTORIAL DEADLl K Wacrtadly, April 16, 2003 tno ICMrtorilt N.IY be submitted after deadtine) • Daily JI Pilot 949-6424321 t· M ~. ~ 19, 2003 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Mayor's breakfast set for Thursday morning The Orange O>ut Chrlsdan Outreach will -host its 39th an- nual Mayor\ Prayer BraJdast at 7:30 a.m. lbW'lda)t The event. feeturlng mayors &om leftra1 Oranle County cit- ies. wu patterned after the origi- nal National Prayer BlaJcfut In Wub.ington. O.C., whk:h was started In \~ by leaders tn the U.S. Senate and Hou..e of Repre- ae11tatM::I and Is still held fNef'J year. Newport ~ Mayor Steve Bllonibers will be honored at Wednesday's event when be will also paem a city proclamation ~theeYent. •. .....,.. c:oets $25 per person or $250 for a table of 10 and will be held at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. 900 New- port c.enter Drive. lnformadon: (949) 219-5358. Group meeting targets preparedness Mesa Verde Comoiunity, inc.. a nonprofit community organi- zation, will bold its general meeting from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, ·March 19 at the Mesa Verde United Methodist Owrcb, 1701 Baker SL in Costa Mesa. Keynote s~ers Fire Otlef James Ellis and Costa Mesa Po- lice Captain Tom Wamack will give a special presentation on disaster preparedness and dis- cuss how the Fire and Police de- partments are working together to protect the citizens of Costa Mesa in the event of a disaster. They will also talk about what residents can do In their b.omes to prepare and protect them- aelves abould rescue crews be unable to get to them promp~ The Cotta Mela Fire Oepart- ment'a new Mesa Squad 85 fire ~e will be on-display before the meeting. Thia ·meeting It flee of cbarp and open to the public. J::lebt rebabmenta wUl be served Former nuly Pilot photographer to speak Fonner Dally Pilot photoga- pber Lee Payne will accompany a &Ude show with a personal ac- count of 32 yean of photojo\lf- nallsm in the Harbor~ at an event on March 27 at the Cen- b'al Newport Beach Public U- b~ The program, titled "Have Camera. Will Shoot,· Incorpo- rates 80 of the BIJboa PeninsuJa resident's photos and a look at 30 years oflocal history through the eyes and Jens of the award- winning photojournalist. Payne joined the Pilot in 1961 after graduating from USC with a degree in cinematogra- phy. He served u the Pilot's chief photographer for nearly thrtt aecada and won several awards from the Oqpge County Press Oub. the Califot» nia Newspaper Publishers Assn., the Associated Press and the National Press Photogra- phers Assn. Payne also taught photojour- nalism at Orange Coast College and Cal State Fullerton. Re is the author of two boob, •Get- ting Started in Photojournal· ism· and ·ugbter than Air: An Illustrated History of the Air- ship." The program will begin at 7 p.m. March 27 at the main li- brary at 1000 Avocado Ave. • <t/ummRAJuli • CONSIGN • DESIGN Qualily Funtishi.np &Accessorks For Your Bonu Rattan & Glass Table ...... -............................. $125- Bambc:M> End Table .............. ·-·····-·········-.-··· $ISP Glass & Iron Coffee Table~ ....................... .-.$225" Sor a. .......................................................... _ ....... $2.2,SW Pin~ Buffet .......••••.•................ _ ..............••...•... $35()1' S«-.reta..r-y ···-···-····----···-·········· ... ·······-········$3·5r Mission Style Table w/6 Chairs •. -................. sssr Pair of 8'1'' Down Sofas ..... -.... ····-.. -·-······· S1,5C)Cr" I 'If 'I •• , \ • f "' I ;:, \ ' I I' 1 I.' I 11 1 , 4 • 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa, t.oc.ed bebmd Plum'• Patio Phone(949)764-1746 Moo-Pri tO:OO&S~ Sil IO:OOD-S~ San ll>:OOD--4~ THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME 6 LIZ cla1borne INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING et....ig the right flooring for 'f04JI. hofM ~ got euy. ,..._Lil CIMbome ohra up Iha ookft and.,_ '° fNllch 10"· Plitfdy. Oullily, • and ,,... n.. ~ ....,. bierl tielnwb ol h Ui CWrbOrne rwne, and thia ,.. tooring n la no ~ .. ~~.from Ofllpwt '° fWdwood, ...... ~ and .,... • .. witt'l Mlina "*'1. in cidan and ~NI.,. featlioflltllle and tinaIJ 11 AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN tt.n. to the~ PilOc. 330 w. a.y ~ eo.t. ~.CA 828Z7; t1t' fa>c to (!M8) .. 170: or by Qfling (949) ~~bdme.dltt end aoc.don of the evem. •Well • e contact phone number. A c:ompl9te fl9dng la avellablt et www.c»i~com. WEDNESDAY f'Or Kldl OrW Foiinddon ~ 1he NMpof1 Alm FeldWI. ~be 21 to ...... the...,... Mecv'I men'l.,,. In Soulh Coest Pteza ·from 7 to t p;m. DJ lQgiC wll IPn llw • mocWe .. the SU!ge In the ltllllrnV loob of the...,.,.. for ......-vdona, c8" (71f) 566-0811, at.4231. F1IDAY ....... ........, ........ wlJt "*-herw-r Into Ntlwpoft Httt>oren n>Ut:I to the~ Haft>or Neutlc:al Muaeum. Thlt win be the first time In Newport Hefbor for 0. graceful 13().foot ve1S1811, whk:h uiled 7,600 mRee through dw Penama c.n.I from Bar Hatt>or. MalM to the Wast to.t. VWtof'a .. Jtwit9d eboetCf N9wpolt .... NNioomert' genen1 meeting tlk• piece .t 11 a.m. at~ An::hea Re.teurent. The club lsc>pen to•I ~ who hew ti~ In the ..... f9w9r than five yeera. To learn '"°'9, call(949)~ • March 22 and Mattti 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admlaaion $2 for chlldntn, $3 for aduh9 and $7 for families.. fOf more lnfonnatJon, cen (9'9) 873-7863. .._ F... Colaga 8Mnaa -A R4Ntew of 629 pt.,. and Your 0th« OptJons• la e free aemlnar that cornea withe complimentary dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Newport GateWrf Center In Irvine. Addrea ia 19800 MacArthur Blvd for~. call Celeste at 1-800-876-0363. A r..--.c81ed ....... Sid for a Healing Home• wilt be hetd from 6'.30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Matket. 225East17th St., Costa MMe. For reaervations, call (800) 596-MOMS. ..... Yarde Community Inc... nonprofit organization, will host ttuenereJ meeting. Special guil!I kadude Are Chief Jam• Bii• and POnc. Qrief Tom w.mam; who will dlacuaa chester preparedneu. call (9'9) 462-3964 for the meeting time. The Newpo.t..., a.nbet of Commerce will host its Newport Beech Marine NetwoftJng and Speaker Forum from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Newport H.rbor Nautical Museum, 161 Pecific: Coat Highway, Newport 8e8ch. Free. For more information, cefl (9'9) 729-4400. Theeo.taMeaalllataflail Society will hold its general meeting at 1 p.m. et 1870 Anaheim Ave. Guest speaker Giies Brown will di8cua his eartv days 8t Or8nge Coat Coffege. For more Information, call (9'9) 631-5918 N•lfoedeHdlt Dr. SW Zola of Emory University, a leading expert In memory, wlJI give a lecture In the Irvine Barday Theatre at 7:30 p.m. He will cflllcUa Insight.a gained from ,...rch about memory distortion, memory ims-irment and maim.lning succeaful memory function .. we age. c.n Lori Metherate·at(M9) 824--7568 for more infonnation. w..dy sliOfy time at toy .. toy store offers stories, songs. finger plays and cnfts. Newboma to 6-yeaP-Olds are invited from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. to 21111 Newport Coast Drive. For more infonnation, call (9'9) 759-8697. nutsDAY •1ntagitty Counta .. Mo9t ~ ft Com the Moat· ia the topic for the .-vlUll Mayon~ Brukfut. Futunng Ga{Y Oeichendt.1he event wm begin at 7:30 e.m. 8t 1he Newport Beach Maniott HoW, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beech. The CCMlt la $25 per ..,.,n. for mont Information, C8ll (949) 219-6358.. TheCGllla -.a-... of Commen:e'a •90 Minut9 Breallfat Boost" Vllftl be held from 7 to 8:46 a.m. at the Coct.a Mesa Country Club, 1701 Goff CourM Drtw. Cotta Mela. Cost la $13 « $18 at the doot. To maka ,....,...ations, cell (714) 885-9090. ... for the....,. ..... la llght In your bee* yard. ays Oougtae Kent. euthor of "A New E,. of Gatdenlng... KA9nt wtfl PNMf'lt .Gerdenlng for Oxygen;" ..... pt'Ogrllm 8t 7 p.m. M th8 N9Wp0ft 8-ct\ Central Ubnry. for more Information. cal t9CS) 717~18. ~ ...... .,..... ... --... en eYMing thowc8alng the IMelt apring loob In mm'a daaiglier ..... The wt whict'I ntqUir9a • $16 doNrdon, beriwllta the spo.tll OUb.1Mne TheUCI~ ...... .,. overstock of the unusual butt. brought In for the Winw Bulb r.tival from n:ao a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in front of UO's S1Udent Center. For more informedon, tend &-mall to Jdl)'oMtluci.«lu. .Community lclerlCl8 ~ 8t Orange Coat Coflege onw. planetarium shows, stargazfng through OCC'• tal 11 Copel and other ec:tivitJM from 6 to 9 p.m. Admiaion 1a tree. can (714) 432-5726 for more Information. SAllltDAY ~ .. Medadto help Re-t.eaf Cocta Mesa plant 30 catifomla sycamores In FeJrview P8ft at 9 a.m. No experlence la needed, just a love of nature. Weer wof1c clothes and bring glov•; they'll supply the ahoveta. Call (714) 835-8604 for more Information. Prtinca of,... a.tatiain audt end School ia hosting Its 8MUal Country Dey Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 'l!Jll7 Mesa Vef'de Drive East. Costa Mesa. Eventa will lndude rides, camival bootha, pedaf cars, face painting end more. For mote lnfonnatlon, call (714) 241-7361. The l.eeglM of Women~ of Orange Coat will have a membership coffee at 9:30 a.m. at 1836 Sentl8go Drive, Newport Beech. For more Information, cell (949) 548-7n7. An ·e~•ceflrwSm81 Business· WOfbhop, tpOnlOr9d by the SeMc:e Corps of Retired ExecuUVM, will take place from 9 a.m. to noon at National University. 3390 Hart>or Blvd., Costa Maa. The CCM1t ia $25, $20 If preregisbnd. For more Information, can (714) 660-7369. The ....... mott./deughts fashk>n WJw end luncheon sponsored .,.. the Newport O\apter of the National Charity League Juniors will be held at 1~ a.m. et the Four Sea9ons him Garden, Newport Beech. Tic*-eta ere $90 for 8dutta and S80 for children. For more information. call (949) &42-4496. SUNDAY S.,. °'9go1Wa In Newpo.t 8wll will donate 25"9 of all prOCM(h to the Orange County Affiliate of the Susan 8 . l<omen Breast c.nc.r Foundation. •Pampering Towwd I C:Ure• appoint:rr'811la 11'8 availabte from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CeH(949)~ MONDAY Reglatlwllori wll begirt'b aeventh, eighth 8nd nin1h-gnldera ln-tw-l"Mt8d.._... in ettendfng Spring C8mp through Costa Meu'a Downtown Recreation eent.r. for $96, campers witf Wilt wuch destinatione .. M8gic Mount8in, Irvine Spac:tNm, the long Beedl Aquarium, Bommera and the Balboe foun Zone from April 1•1a. Regimdon wm conUnue until th8 camp fa ful, WI tdiy9 flom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. cal (7M) ~7580 for mo19 lnfonMdon.. 226E11t17'h 6\., COIU Mell. For donldon or pu"""9e115 tlcbt, ,.... lldoe .. , ceiN (800) cell (n•> 667-o258. 616-MOM5, A .. llallt4W ,._...,..,. woibhop, eponeoNd by the SeMce Colpi of "9tlr9d ex.cutlwe. wftl tele piece from. e.m. to noon 8t N8tlootl Unlwrtity, 3390 Hart)o( ~ Cotta Meu. The cost .. $26, t20 tf ~formofe lnformdon, call (714) 5150-7389. Or-.. c... College"-'-the ~ BenffMou'*'" Rim feldvef. Th..-hoUra °'•the belt . of the tie1t• will be ecnened at 7 p.m. at th9 Robert B. Moore ThNtreat OrangeCout ~· ' lnduding flfma from Caneda, Amertca, th9 Untt.d KJngdom, Germany, Austnllle end Switz:er1and, the ftlma reftect a wide rtnoe of mountain exi>etlences. TicMts cost $9 In advance, $10 at the door or $6 for ltUdenta. for tkbt lnfonnation, call (714) 132--0202, at. 21068. MMCHH A,,_ ...... d1 •• ........, c=-lled "The T.o (Way) of Cleent1ng• win be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Merttet. 226 Eut 17th St., Costa Mesa. For 1'918f'Vations, call (800) 696-MOMS. Newport 8wll Community SeMoae will preeent a new eeriea of drawing end pelntlng worbt10P9 featuring Individual Instruction for beginning to advanced students In mlxed media. The aeriea will continue for eight Wedneedayl from 10 un. to 12:30 p.m. In the Vince Jorgensen Center adjacent to Mariner's Ubrwy, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beed\. Fee la $66 for the entire aene... For more Information, calf (949) 644-3161. •0rup: Mglatal or Ngl1t11www: Pl .... it9d by Or8nge Coast College'• United Student Sociologists Oub and Psychology Oub, i• a symposium offering student9 an unbia8ed approec:h to the Issues beNnd the physical effects, per90nel experiences, cultural~ end legalities of drugs. tt wilt be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the college'• Student Center. Cal& (9491 929-0627 for more infonnation. A~~rnt.r sponsored by the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commen:e will be heJd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Turnip Rote banquet t.cility, 1901 Newport Blvd. It ia free for membera and oosta $10 for potential members. For more lnfonnation, call (714) 885-9090. WMlcly *'Ytime .. Toy 8oet.., store with stories, songs, finger plays and cnfts. Newborns to 5-year-olds .,. invited from 10-.30 to 11 :30 a.m. at 21"1 Newport Coast Oriw. For more Information. call (949) 769-8897. MARCH27 A ... a1to11r IUPPOfl group w9 dlacua atnrtegtes and l'8IOUR)89 for c:osMng with lung cancer. The group will meet from 2 to 3::30 p.m. at the Ho9g Cancer c.-. eo. ..... IC8 Room A. 1 Ho9g DriYa. Newport Bw:h. F1-.. fOf more lnfonnation, call (949) 180-6642.. The Col wm.rn c-.. °'8pelr of the Nationat Sodety Oeughtera of the American ReYolution wiR ~MO awai'da for petriodsm, c:it.tzeNNp and excdenc:e in American history to students of the NewpoftlMeaa elementary, middle and high achooll.. The praeantation will take~ at th8 Cocta Meu Community Cent8t 8t 2 p.m. Good too4, MW bu 11 111 clenta and e bMudfuf locetion.. If thia 80Undl lbYQUr-. meb .. to.a.dh~~ O\arnber of Commelce Aft9rhoun ~~-1heColony ~0.:6100~Pltza. FeaHon la&end.. 5 p..m. Thee-.~ ..... o.dNlght Comrnilllae .. hotdlng • dent eUCClon •their Miiin ~ from 8 to 9 p.rn. at Hiia cs est Plrt Ouoh>uee, J101 ~ ......... c:c..a Meta.°""* wilt be "'*until 7:30 p..m. To"'*. Aower ...... ~ .... Md,, local jendrNfb In....., lneemdone mav be emona the meges Pl ... , 1ted 8t .. Down ~ L.atie;" e free eMdt a.cture et 7 p.m. et the Newport , a.ild\ Central Ubrery. The ' ' pt0grem wtll k'ldude • cllClqon of local MWt ~from the .. rtv 19909 to the urfy 'IOa. MMCH28 The MomEJllaMnga wtl hold ... Spc1ng 2003 first annuel Femltv Time Expo from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m • .t W11flam Regionaf ~ 18712 Unfvwlity OrW9, IMne. Fernlflea ~-l~on~. 9Ctivide9, famltv pn>grema end perentJng reaourcee. for mot9 lnfonnetlon, can f8187fM611. MARCH30 Kida and their 1tm•11 .. ~ to •A Vwy Speciel Outing;' ., afternoon of if 1teeedlfe atotytelllr)g and c:nftll from 1 to 4 p.m. Adu 111 ·on la fNe 8t the Neiwport ~Central l..lnry. Calf (949) 717-3816 for mont lntonNtion. The Ameftc.n AmRaur Goer Tour wll ~ 119 MCOnd aenon, hosting at lent 12 loc:ef • tournaments atartJng tocS.y. Each event, which wil take plec::9 on weekendl, la a one-day, 18-tlole competition played atricdy under USG.A rules. for more Information, cell (71'4) 403-8876 at www.aagolftour.com. MARCH31 Author Adellte ..._ Mii, w9 dltcUU her boob a~ Joumev from commdal 0..10 1he Uni1lld Statea In ... ~ieoted ~ !JC.lrvkl9 Ulnnaa and~ Orange'-councy Reeda One Book Project. A boolt signing and 1eflwh1•1ta wW be offer9d ... 1he prOgrsr-.. whktt wll begin. 8 _ p.m. • 1he ua Scudent c.near. ~Bay Room NJ• UC lrWle. The~ ii ha and open'° 1he ~but parting «*I S6. For ~cal(9C9) 824486\ APRLl er.the ... I 111 DJftl bf °"8nge County artists woft.lno§:a array of twoilmemJonaf a will be on di..-.V 8t N Bead\ City H .. through 30 for the Spring 2003 Orana- County Artists E>mlbttlon. For more Information, calf (9'9) 717·3870. A h'M,..,. Shul Mmlftw wlll t.ah place at 7 p.m. to hetp improve attendants' heetth, refationahlps end prosperity. Held et vtsion• a 0r .. ms. 2482 Newport BJvd. In Costa Mesa, reserlstlona are required. C.11 (826) 288-1669. APRl.2 A 8lolpPOft ..,_.tor~ °'Lewy body dlaorder end Pk*'s dlaeaM/hontal temporal dementlaa, ..,c>n80red by the Allhelmer'•Aan. of Orange County, will meet at UC lrvtne's Gil'-'* FeciUty in the aecond floor of the confwence room 8t 9:30 a.m. For ~at.Iona. call (9'9) 824-2382. Adnpltslon Is ...... APRll.3 A auppott groupfw .......... sponsored by the Allhefmer'• Aan. of Orange County, will meet at Hoag HNtth Center, 1'90 Balter Street. Coste M.,., from 1 to 3 p.m. Clllt (714) 693--9830 for raervationi. Admluk>n Is free. APM.• Ameltca'a Fwnly ,_&po rune through April 8, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridey; from 9 •.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from I a.m. to 8 p.m. 8t the o,.nge County Felr 8t expo.ftion Center. Admluion is $8 for eduha, Wtor aenfora (80 end older) •nd $3 for child,., (8 to 12). c.tl (828)"7-2222for morelnfonnation. n.,.... ........ tD. l9C8ptJon for~ •rtiaU. from 6:30 to 7 p.m. 8t Ntlwpoft 8w:h City Hal. RefNatimenb wtfl be MNed and CMh priae for worta Judged by UOl'fof111or Kim Burge .. be awwded 8t thfa dme. Cell (Ml) 71).3870 for mon tnfonnadon. WHATIS ••• • tl ·~~~9~? TM_,,,, ii in iM j1avorfal IJrotJa M1MU fa1M ~ fttA Melt~· ~ cAtuilh of tAiiwlt.,.., Mil Tia in our~ ""1dt:. GtmUilt«l Mlla tliatl • ••llo MUI~, fotilltlJIJ. lliilla a...,,. tf fra!a f'*j •. h. '"' ... G()LF . .. Golden "~Atcher ... Original Toshiba ,._Senior Classic .... champion, now 63, is '.""'preparing to ride off ·-·into the sunset. •\. ... 0 h, those golden years. ,., Tu retire. To live off the hog, so to speak. It's not for everyone, because not everyone gets an , opportunity to cash in their ·chips at the end. ~ But professional golfers, if any ... good, can live differently. or. as • in the case of George Archer, prepare to give up work. U you n can call playing golf work. , At 6-foot-6, perhaps Archer :--has always seen retirement, but .,. with the ..-------. myriad ... su,rgeries on his body under which Archer has endured, it's amazlng he's still here as a competitive player to talk about It. RICHARD DUNN Archer, you see. is the original Toshiba Senior Qassic champion. The guy who wor; first. in 1995, at Mesa Verde ' CounttyOub. In the medi;tent on tbal Sunday, Archer WIS there with bis wife. Dofll)l. iMJsting he was contem,tlating retirement at that timelecause of a bad hip. It was so '8inful, he could barely swinp golf • ~ club, let alone comJ)'le oo the ~·, PGA Champions Tu~. Before be was diagnosed with a degenerative hip Archer, now ' 63, feared be ~t ha~ cancer • because of the aJZ!3 that was smarting. Furtbtr, only one ·other player oo'the toor at that time (Bobby Nlcholsl bad ever undergone hip replacement surgery and he "wam't doing very well·· afterwa.d on the golf course. "So I figured. tftbey did the "'' hip job, tbal wo1.ld be the end of :,~ me,• Archer sa,ld Tuesday ~ ·, afternoon. ; Archer, b~' went out and • won the ~ Tosliba ClassJc, carding a ftnal-rqmd 64 and -winning by~ne ke. then ,.. '• added the . NFL Golf ~ ~ Classic, then un nt surgery .;:-for the umpt time in his career . • I(, : J. GOl.f, Pa1• A9 ~ '· ... Wednesday, March 19, 2003 A7 • Daily Pilot Special Section COUNTDOWN TO THE CLASSIC TUESDAY SPEAKER DON LEACH I DAlY Pl.OT Tw<Hime Master's champion Ben Crenshaw talks about everything from what golf has meant to him, to hitting the hnks wrth President Bush. An emotional moment relived by Crenshaw Keynote speaker at Toshiba Senior Classic Breakfast, a golf historian, will always be remembered for his historic Masters win at Augusta in '95. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Ben Gren· shaw, a noted golf history, is part of one of the game's most historic mo- ments. Golf rans will never forget Crenshaw faillng to his knees and breaking down In tears after wtnn1ng the 1995 Mas~ ten lbumament. not because he'd won. but because of the spiritual honor it provided on the heels of the 'The shots were really coming off the clubs. I was hoping it would carry over /into the first round] and it did. It was a beautiful round in the first round.' Ben Crenshaw death earlier that week or his lifelong Instructor, Harvey Penick. "I knew I got a lot of help from somewhere else that week. I think the Lord was going to honor (Penick.I through me that weeJc, • Crenshaw, a two-time Masters winner, said Tues- day morning during the Tushiba Sen- ior Classk: Community Breakfast at the Newport Marriott. where be was the keynote speaker. Crenshaw grew up in Ausdn, Texas. and learned golf at The Country Oub of Austin under Penick. whom Cren- shaw said •never saw you a false sense of hope. He always left you with a kernel of something positi~. He was one of the kindest human beings who walked the earth ... if there was ever a time to do something for somebody, it was then (at the ·95 Masters). I couldn't believe it happened then. He11 gjve me a smile fo r the rest of my Ii( • e. Tom Kite, who grew up in Austin playing golf with Crenshaw and also learning the game from Pmid. called to tell his former University of Texas teammate the bad news about Penick. They Oew back to Austin for Penick's funeral on Wednesday and served as pallbearers. then Oew back in time to tee off for the first round of the '95 Masters. CADDIES "There were two very lost souls go· ing to Augusca. • Crenshaw said. "We couldn't believe 11 was happerung that week. We couldn't believe 11 would happen on Masters week.· Cttnshaw's caddie since 1976. Carl Jackson, provided a couple of qwd. tips to get his boss bad on ttack with his swing. "The shots were really com- ing off the dubs.· Crenshaw said. ·1 was hoping it would carry over (into the first round! and it dJd. It was a beautiful round m the first round." What was it that Jackson said to Crenshaw? "Get the ball back. In your stance and make a little tighter shouJ. derrum.· Making only m.~ bogeys the whole ~k. Crenshaw closed with a 68 to hold off Davis Love m by one stroke for his second Masters championship. Early in his peech. Crenshaw spoke SM REUYED, Pace AlO Behind the I?ros John Ray Leary tells about going the extra mile as a caddie for golf greats. I • I M ~.Mardi 19. 2003 , ... ~ ~ TOSHIBA seNIOR CLASSIC Dally Plot c . . ~ ' GOLF TIPS Champions Tour players offer some insight to improving your game . 'I'm a r~al believer in playlllg one type of alwt all IM ti1m. Jn my C1Ue, my swing produces a fath, or a consistent slightly left-to-right ball flight. I see quite a few amateur1 who try to change their ball flight on the practice kt and go away from tluir normal -shOI patterns. My recommmdation is that amate11r1 find OM swing that is comfortable lllUI produces Jp)id contact. They ahould lhera learn to use thaJ swing in all situations regardless of whether.• hole is straight or is a dogleg-right or left. Even on a hole that is a dogle190 dqrll$ 10 the left, I can alway• find a way to play t~ hole with my normal fade. If you follow my advice, you'll be able"' play the golf course the way you want to and not the way tJai 11Tchilecl wonu )'OM to play it.~ en.c. u.tzb . Bruce Lietzke was a 13-tlme wimer on the PGA Tour and has won five events on the Champions Tow. In two seasons on the Champions Tow, he has hit approxinately 75% of the fairways off the tee . . NOTES .. ; ·Proxy, Prjino a lethal cOmbination Torture of late-afternoon poa annua sprouting on Newport Beach Country Qub greens apparently over for Champions Tour players. with the morning and late afternoon. The greens don't start getting all furry.• The other chemical, Proxy, is a seed-head suppressant. Richard Dunn DatlyPilot NEWPORT BEACH -The greens are lighting fast at New· port Beach Country Oub, just the way the doctor ordered. But the man in charge of the golf course, Newport Beach su- perintendent Ron Benedict, will never forget 1997, when the microscopic yellowish bulbs known as poa annua. grass that is indigenous to this area, took over the golf course and blanketed the greens like wild flowers. · Players who rarely complain about the greens, complained. Those who usuJlly whine about the greens here, or any other California golf course, did ·so even more. It was bad PR for Newport Beach Country Oub, which made sure it wouldn't happen again by us- ing two chemicals -Proxy and Primo -to suppress the!Poa "There are less complaints, annua seed heads. ../ but there's still poa annua," The greens in Callf9ihfa are Benedict said. •it's kind of a usually bentgrass with poa an-different grass (for the play- nua m.1xed in, because it is al-ers). It's different from what most impossible to prevent ·they play on all year. Here, in poa from getting into bent· California. it's bentgras.s and grass greens. Playen' golf Bermuda and poa annua. With spikes get kicked UO\.Uld. the poa 1LWtUa, t:bls year won't While Benedict and his crack be quite as bad, but there are staff work bard to keep the 100 different varieties of poa greena smooth, poa annua can annua and i,t grows at different sprout in the late afternoons rates·~· l bad one ((])~pions and cause havoc on East Coast Tour) player last year uk me golfers in the PGA Oiamplons what we did to the greens, how Tour e.venL we got them so nice ... hey, this Since '97, however. Newport is our eighth rodeo, so we're Beach's second year of hosting getting it figured ouL • the event. the player com-Benedict waa pleased with plaints about the . bumpy . the amount of rainfall the golf greens seem to have dwindled, course }\as received this year tb.anlcs largely to the new and PGA Tour agronomfjt Tom chemicals. Brown bas given everything a ·cPrimo) is a growth regula-big thumbs up. tor," Benedict said. "It reduces ·cBrown) was happy with the the vertical growth so the way things looked during ad- greens are more consistent vance week.• Benedict said. SEAN t«..LER I DALY Pl.OT Chr Chr Rodriguez entertains the crowd wrth a little dance at the 1 7th hofe during the 2002 Toshiba Senior Classic. Rodnguez wilt be teeing off today in the Pro-Am. 7 a.m. Shotgwi Start 1A-Lee Trevino; 18-Bruce Lietzke 2-Davtd E~ger 3A -Graham Marsh; 38 -JoM Maria Canizares 4 -TenyOlll 5 -Hugh BatOOChi 6A -Howard Twitty; 68 -Miller Barber 7 A -Bill Rogen; 78 -Dea Smyth 8 -Seiji Ebihara 9A-An<ty Bean; 98 -Teny Mauney 10A-David Eger, 108 -Rafael Navarro 11A-Jim Ahem; 11 B -Mike Smith 12A-Mart Pfeil; 128 -James Mason 13A-Bobby Walzel; 138-lany Ziegler 14 -Gibby Gilbert 15 -Jeny McGee 16 -R.W. Eaks 17 -Tommy Thomas 18A -Lanny Wadkins 188 -Ben Crenshaw 'I had one (Champions Tour) player fast year ask me what we did to the greens, h~·we got them so nice ... hey, this is our eighth rodeo, so we're getting it figured out~ Rona.n.dld ·we've done some floe-tuning as we go and It should be in great shape for the evenL• ••• The wives of Oiamplons Thur players are also getting involved in charity, and Orange County-based Casa Youth Sb~lter ls the latest out- reach. Casa Youth Shelter · an- nounced it has received a grant of $37,500 to support its inno- vative Community •ertsts Pre- vention• Ouuuch Program through the PGA Tour's Own- pioos Thur Wives, Inc., for- merly blown u the Senior Tour Wives, Inc., a nonprofit organization that was char- tered in 1994. The membership is comprlsed of approximately 100 women whose busbanth are profesalonal golfers on the Ownpiona ToUL 'Martha Jenkins, wife "of Olampiona Tour player Tom Jenkins, presented the check to the shelter. Tom Jenkins is playtlig in this week's Toshiba Senior Classic. ••• The first of four Toshiba Sen- ior Classic Pro-Ams will start today at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start. Lee Trevino, Bruce Uetzke and Ben Crenshaw are among the Olamplons Tour play~ in the early pro·arn. while 01.l Clli Rodriguez. Gary Player, Tom Kite, Gary McCord and Dave Stockton beadJine the 12:30 p.m. pro-am shotgun start today. DON LEACH I OAll..Y Pl.OT CLASSIC FIRST ROU D ...._ I ' • • I . .. ~ TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS I C WednHday, March 19, 2003 At l Corona del Mar High School student Patrick Ahearn is announced as one of this year's Toshiba Senior Classic Scholarship winners. Also recervmg scholarships from the Newport-Mesa district were Kellie Brownell, Newport Harbor; Hilary Havens, Costa Mesa; and Kelly Trettin, Estancia. Breakfast honors Toshiba official, students I Four Newport-Mesa Unified high school students receive scholarships and laptop computers. Tony Oodero Daily Pilot Some 420. community members. volunteers, golf aficionado , business executives and philanthro· pists gathered at the Marriott I lotel in Newport Center Tuesday for an early morning $100-a-plate breakfast to hear golf pro Ben Crenshaw dis- cuss his career highlights as part of this week's Toshiba festivities. Noshing on the customary sea- soned sausage and scrambled eggs. the guests were not only witnesses to Crenshaw's speech, but to ceremo nies honoring 12 Orange County high school students with scholar ships and a.special award to Deloitte and Touche executive Hank Adler, who has worted behind the scene<. to malte the ToshJba Senior Oas.!>ic golf tournament happen. · The tournament, ln its ninth year, raises money for I foag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. This year·~ $1.55-million evtnt is considered the most philanthropic of the tour. now caIJed the PGA Omnpions Tour, in- stead or Seniors-Tour, and features the talents of 81 professional golfers. "We have raised almost $6 million over the last six years !counting this year),· Adler told Tuesday morning's crowd. "We have a great sponsor, a gieat product and an ~redible community.• A byproduct or the Toshiba tour- nament Is the Toshiba Senior Oasslc Scholarship Fund, now in its fourth year and. co-funded by Toshiba America lnCormadon Systems and the Hoag Hospital Foundation. Each of the 12 students honored Tuesday received a $2,000 scholar- ship and a Toshiba Satellite laptop computer. ln total, there have been 38 scholarships and computers and $89,000 awarded ln four years. ToshJ - 'We have a great sponsor, a great product and an incredible community.' Hat*Adler Delortte and Touche executive ba executives said. This year's awardees included four Newport-Mesa Unified students - Patrick Ahearn or Corona del Mar Higti, KeUie Brownell or Newport Harbor High, Hilary Havens or Costa Mesa High and Kelly Trettin of Estan· cia High. Also hono·red were Lauren Sher- rell, Marina Mayer, Kyle Leingang. Nick Jain, Vicki Otiou, Catherine 010, Kelly Oarke and Tim Fullman -aU or Irvine or South County bigh schools. It as also announced that Adler bad been awarded the Community Impact Award by Deloitte and Tuuche. He was one of seven nationwide to get the honor. whk:h came with a $5,000 charitable donation to Hoag. Longtime Newport Beach resident Dorothy Gray attended the breakfast with her friend, toumarnen1 volun- teer Don Turner. Gray, a life member or the Hoag 552 Oub of fund-raisers and an original member of the tour- nament site -the Newport Beach Country Oub -said the Toshiba Senior Oassic has been great for the community, and she enjoys it be· cause she recognizes all of the names of the golfers. "I'm a golfer and I'll be watching some or It,· he said. "It's been won- derful for the pros. for Koag and the country club." A Texan, Cren haw, who is best known for his memorable victory at the Master's Tournament In 1995, said be counts among his friends . President Bu h. And he noted that the world events lately, especially the impending war with Iraq, have him paying special attention to his fellow Texan and the Job he is doing. · "I say a prayer for him ewryday; be said, assuring the crowd that the country la In good hands. lJO Continued from A7 where he h&s a partiJI torn rotatQf cult Last fall, a bealth·fOod .diet WU trfed'to cure the shoulder pain, but It Tbae Clays. as An:htr gean didn't So ~way and Archer will up for another TOlhiba Senior now have ihoulder awgery at au.le, k llil'l IO mudl atjout ' lhe aame hoepitaJ, FJsenboowei the ICOl'el and IWlna u tt la the in Palm ~ where he had ~ .. · ·.· T hl5 hip replacement surgery. •1"'9 hlMI tona of t1Wlftrie9. • • J watch Jack Nidlaua on TY. e.id Ardler, wtio 1iM unck'rJone he .. my• and hll IWlnc II tew11 _. ~ tntludiiJC nothing like h once wu. eo I hli left W1t1C (1975),"bilc;k (1979), kn~ I'm not~ the dub left =~987) and ~I very t'ar," An:her uid. I'm al the hip 1M1M ( 1986), nd of the roed here.• -im ..,....8t ~ o lifi I Atcher. who ltva In Palin don"t ....a .0 ilw to Nedi Oftf' Sprtnp .nct lndirie Wllge. ~. for eonledil• lft ~and cry recen~ purdmecl hll drMin -····, ~hometn~ On,,.....,. Neher d OUI ote., IOUth of tourllly SeMidl ,.,....._.~ 1bll ............ from ............ • POlllllM.~bomtlllbaul• BEHIND ~fromA7 ABOVE: Hank Adler. nght, 1s given : special award for his wort< as chairman of the Toshiba Senior Classte by Bob Grant, managmg partner of Delortte and Touche./ LEfT: Ben Crenshaw talks about his Master's V1Ctory, photo in background, and his late teacher Harvey Penick, Who past INllfJ the week before tis vtetory .. . . Al~. March 19, 2003 . ... ~ ~ TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC Daly Piiot c GOLF TIPS Champions Tour players offer some insight to improving your game •/ •m a rt al believer in ploylllg one type of shot all the timt. In my cast, my swing produces a fade, or a comisttnt slightly left-to-right ball flight. I stt quite ii /tw amateurs who try to change lhtir ball flight on tht practice tte and go away from their normal slwt palttms. My recommendation is lhal amateurs find OM SH(ing that Is comfortable Qnd produetS l(J)itl contact. They sho11fll then karn to wt that swing in allsituaJions regardless of whether.a hole is straight or is a dogleg right or left. Even on a hole that is a dogleg 90 M8fea to the ~ft, 'I can alwttys find a way to play the hole wiJh my normal fade. If you follow my advic~ you'll bt able ID play the golf course the way you want to and not the way the orc/Ultct Willlts yo11 to Play_ it.' ~Lletzl• . Bruce Lietzke was a 13-time wiMer on the PGA Toor 8nd has won fiye events on the Champions Tow. In two seasons on the Champions Tour, he has hit approxiMtefy 75" of the fairways elf the tee. Proxy, Pijmo Torture of late-afternoon poa annua sp rou ting on Newport Beach Countty QUb greens apparently over for Champions Tour players. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The greens are lighting fast at New- port Beach Country Oub, just the way the doctor ordered. But the man in charge of the golf course, Newport Beach su- perintendent Ron ~enedict, will never forget 1997, when the microscopic yellowish bulbs known as poa annua, grass that is indigenous to this area, took over the golf course and blanketed the greens like wild Oowers. Players who rarely complain about the greens, complained. Tho5e who usually whine about the greens here, or any other California golf course, did ·so even more. It was bad PR for Newport Beach Country O ub, which made sure it wouldn't happen again by us~ ing two chemicals -Proxy and Primo -to suppress the poa annua seed heads. The greens In California are usually bentgrasa with poa an- nua mixed in, because it is al- most impossible to prevent poa from getting lnto bent- grasa greens. Players' golf spikes get kicked arouod. While BenedJct and bis crack staff work hard to keep the greens smooth, poa annua can spro~t in the late afternoons and cause havoc on Bast Coast golfers in the PGA O\ampions Tour event. Since '97, however, Newport Beach's second year or hosting the event, the player com- p laints about the . bumpy greens seem to have dwindled, thanks largely to the new chemicals. "(Primo) is a growth regula - tor, -Benedict said. "It reduces the vertical growth so the greens are more consistent "' .NOT.ES a lethal Combination with the momlng and late UtQnoon. The greens don't start getting all furry." The other chemical, Proxy, is a seed-bead suppressant. "There are Jess complaints, but there's still poa annua," Benedict said. "It's kind or a different grass (for the play- ers). It's different from what ·they play on all year. Here, in California, it's bentgrass and Bermuda and poa annua. With the poa annua, this year won't be quite u bad, but there are 100 different varieties of poa annua and lt grows at different rates ... I bad one (Cll~plons Tour) p layer lut year ask me wha\ we did to the greens, bow we got them so nice ... hey, this ls our eJgbth rodeo, so we're getting it figured out" Benedict was pleased with the amount.of rainfall the golf course has received this. year an<l PGA Tour agronomist Tom Brown has given everything a big thumbs up. "(Brown} was happy with the way things looked during ad- vance week,• Benedict said. 'I had one [Champions Tour] player last year ask me what we did to the greens, h~ we got them so nice ... hey, this is our eighth rodeo, ~o we're getti ng it figured out~ Rone.n.dk1 "We've done 1ome fine-tuning as we go and it should be in great shape for the event." ••• The wi~• of O\ampions Tour p layen are also getting involved in charity, and Orange County-based Cua Youth Shelter ls the latest out- reach. Casa Youth Shelter ·an- nounced It bu received a grant of $37.SOO to support its inno- vative Community "Crisis Pre- vention" Outreach Program through the PGA Tour's O\am- P,ions Tour Wives, Inc., for- merly known as the Senior Tour Wives, Inc., a nonprofit organtz.ation that was char- tered in 1994. The membership is comprised of approxltDately 100 women whose busband.s are professional golfers on the Cllamplona Tour .. Martha Jenkins, wife 'of O\amplons Tour player Tom Jenkins, presented the check to the shelter. Tom Jenkins is p laying in this week's Toshiba Senior Oasslc. ••• The first of four Toshiba Sen· tor Oass.ic Pro-Ams wilJ start today at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start. Lee Trevino, Bruce Uetzlte and Ben Crenshaw are among the O\amp1ons Tour playen in the early pro-am, while OU OU Rodriguez. Gary Player, Tom ICite, Gary McCord and Dave Stockton headline the 12;30 p.m. pro-am shotgun start today. TODAY'S PRO-AM SEAN ltUER I OAl..Y PILOT Chi Chi Rodriguez entertains the crowd wrth a little dance at the 1 7th hole during the 2002 Toshiba Senior Classic. Rodriguez will be teeing off today in the Pro-Am. 7 a.m. Shotgun Start 1A-Lee Trevino; 1B -Bruce Lietzke 2-DavidE~ 3A-Graham Marsh; 38-JoM Maria Caniures • 4 -Terry Dill 5-Hugh Baioodli SA -Howard Twitty; 6B -Miller Barber 7 A -Bill Rogers; 78 -Des Smyth 8-Seiji Ebihara 9A -Andy Bean; 9B -Terry Mauney 10A-David Eger; 108 -Rafael Navarro 11A-Jim Ahem; 11 B -Mike Smith 12A-MaritPfeil; 128 -JamesMaaon 13A-Bobby Walzel; 138-Larry Ziegler 14-Gibby Gilbert 15-Jerry McGee 16-R.W. Eaka 17 -Tommv'Thomas 18A-Lanny Wadkins 188-Ben Crenshaw 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Stll(t 1A-Chi Chi Rodrigu8l; 1B -Gary Ptayer 2 -Bobby Wadlcins 3A-George Ardler; 3B -Jim Albu• 4'-Rodger Davia 5-J. c. Sneed M -Jim Dent; 68-Marit McCumber DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT Tom Kite hits from the-buoker on the second hole to ma~e par during the 2002 Pro-Am tournament. 7A-Dele Douglaa; 78-Rodcy Thompte>n 8-Bruce Summethrfl 9A-Gery McCord; 98-Joe Inman 10A-Rey ~; 108 -O.W Stodrton 11A-David Graham; 118-AI Gelti.rger 12A-Vlcente ~ 128-0.V. Ben- 13A-a,.,._ Coodv: 1ae-emv Krm.rt 14'-TomWargo 16-Welter Morgan - 18-80b &lcwood 17 -Leonerd Thompeon 18A-Tom Kttie; 188-John~ CLASSIC FIRST . ROU D ro.hibe Senior ArwtRowMI, 8:20a.m. Rafael r:-lavarro, TO . Thomas, R.W. Eaka 8:30a.m. Seiji Ebihara, ~ Watzel, Terry Mauney 8:40a.m.. Al Geibefger, Rodcy Thompson, Chartes Coody 8:50a.m. Bob Eastwood, Merit Pfeil, Jim Dent ta.m. JOhn Bland, Miller Barber, Billy Kratzert 9:10 a.m. Rodger Davis, Wwyne l evi, Larry Ziegler ~a.m.. Vkente Fernandez, Aften Doyte, John Mahaffey 9'.lea.m.. Jay Sigel, Dave Eichelberger, Ed Dougherty t'AOa.m. Moms Hatalsky, Stewart Ginn, Joe Inman 9:50a.m. Bob Gilder, Tom Wargo, Walter Hall 10a.m. Sammy Rachel•, Bobby Wadkins, Mike McCullough 10:10e.m. Leonard Thompson, David Eger, Jose Maria Canizare1 10-.20a.m. ~ve BarT, Graham ~rsh. Gary Player 1090e..m. Gil \1organ, Hubert Gr~. Dana Quigley 10:409.m. J .C. S~ad. James Ma10n,Doug Tewell 10:50a._,_ Bruce FM!aher, Jim Thorpe, ~hn Jacobs· 11a.m. Bruce Uetne, Tom Jenkins, Ge.rge Arther 11:10a.m. Chi Chi Rodriguez. Tom Purtzer, Jim Colbel1 11:20 a."'. Tom Watlon, Ray Aoyd, Larry Netson 11:30a.m. Lee Trevino, Fuzzy ZOflller, Ben Crenshaw 11:A0a.m. Hale lrwil\ Lanny Wadkin1, 'bm Kite 11:50a.m. Andy Beal'\ Bruce Summertu¥•· David Graham Noon I Dave St~. Jerry McGee, ~lm'\"'8m 12:10p.m. Gary McCord, ~ugh Balocc:N, Merit McCumber 12:20p.m. Gibby Gilt>.rt. Douglaa, TWitty 12:30p.m. Bill Rogers, Jim Al Walter Morgan 12:AO p.m.. Terry Dill, Mike S Del Smyth I ., ' . , , I , TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS I C Wednesday, M.veh 19, 2003 Al I HONORS Corona del Mar Hig~ School student Patrick Ahearn is announc~d as one of this year's Toshiba Senior Classic Scholarship winners Also receMng scholarships from the Newport-Mesa d1stnct were Kellie Brownell. Newport Harbor; Hilary Havens, Costa Mesa; and Kelly Trettin, Estancia. ' Breakfast honors Toshiba official, students Four Newport-Mesa Unified high school students receive scholarships and laptop computers. Tony Dodero Daily Piiot Some 420 community members, volunteers, golf aficionados. business executives and phiJanthro- pists gathered al the Marriott I lo tel in Newport Center Tuesday for an early morning $100-a-plate breakfast to hear golf pro Ben Crenshaw dis cuss his career highlights as part of th.is week's Toshiba festivities. Noshing on the customary sea soned sausage and scrambled eggs. the guests were not only witnesses to Crenshaw's speech. but to ceremo- nies honoring 12 Orange County high school students with scholar ships and a .speciaJ award to Deloille and Touche executive Hanle Adler, who has worked behind the scene-; to make the Toshiba Senior Oassic golftournamertthappen. · The tournament. In Its ninth year. raises money for Hoag MemoriaJ Ho pltaJ Presbyterian. This year's $1.55-million event ls considered the most philanthropic of the tour. now caDed the PGA Oiampions Tour. In - stead of Seniors Tour, and features the talents or 81 pt'ofesslonaJ golfer . ·we have raised aJmost S6 million over the last six years !counting this year!,• Adler told Tuesday morning's crowd. ·we have a great sponsor. a great product and an incredible community." A byproduct of the Toshiba tour- nament Is the Tu hiba Senior Oa.ssic Scholarship Fund, now in Its fourth year and. co-funde<l by Toshiba America Information Systems and the Hoag Hospital Foundation. Eich of the 12 students honored Tuesday received a $2,000 scholar- ship and a Toshiba SaceUlte laptop computrr. lo total, there have been 38 ecbola.rshlps and computers and tas,ooo awarded In four years. T05hJ· 'We have a great sponsor, a great product and an incredible community.' HankAdler Delortte and Tooche execubve ba executive& said. This year'& awardees included four Newport-Mesa Unified students - Patriclc Ahearn of Corona del Mar Higti. Kellie Brownell of Newport Harbor High, Hilary Havens of Costa Mesa High and Kelly Trettin of Estan- cia High. Also honored were Lauren Sher- rell, Marina Mayer, Kyle Leingang, Nick Jain, Vicki Otiou. Catherine Qiu, Kelly Oarke and Tim Fullman -aJI of Irvine or South County high &chools. It as also announced that ~ had been awarded the Community Impact Award by Deloitte and Touche. He was one of seven nationwide to get the honor, which came with a SS.000 charitable donation to Hoag. Longtime Newport Beach resident Dorothy Gray attended the breakfast with her friend, tournament volun- teer Don Turner. Gray. a life member of the Hoag 552 Oub of fund-raisers and an original member of the tour- nament site -the Newport Beach Country Oub -said the Tushiba Senior Oassic has been great for the community, and she enjoys it be- cause she recognizes all of the names of the golfers. ·rm a golfer and l'U be watching some of it,• she said •tt•s been won- derful for the pros. for Hoag and the country club." A Texan, Crenshaw, who Is best known for his memonable victory at the Master's Tournament ln 1995, said he counts -.nong his friends . President Busb. And he noted that the world events lately, especially the Impending war with Iraq, have him paying special attention to his fellow Texan and the job he ls doing. ·1 say a prayer for him ~ryday," he said, assu,rlng the crowd that the country is ln good bands. where he haa a partial tom rotator cuff. Last fall. a bealth·fOod diet wu tried'to ewe the shoulder pain, but It didn't BO away and Archer will now have ahOt.dder surgery at the wne hollpttal, Eisenhower in Palm Sprinp. where he had his hip replacement surgery. four-hour driw co my daughter'• howe (lo Wuhlngton), 'Md we'll go up there on weebnds,• Arther aald. -we'U get to see our gra'.ndchildren. We're jult dOee enouati and juat far encM'lh away. We don't NM! to ,et phoM calla llkhlg ua to baby·llt." •1 watch Jade Nidlam on rv. he~ my .. and bla twlnl .. OOChlng like lt once WM. 10 I knp I'm not IWlnglng the dub very far, .. Arc:her Mkt. ·1'm It the end of the med here. .. Ardler, Who llYlll In Pl1m ~and lndine ~Nev .• recently pWdwlled hll drMln iednlment Hoene In Ocelhlide. ~. l&lih oltouriley S11111i11 _,..,....., ..... rrom ,.....,...,. ......... . An avtd llehetman. Archet pa.nl llO UYe ID Onpa hm ~ ~ Nowaubw. when lhe ....... pod. Ihm nlftlm llO lhe....,, "WI an older--~ la 1971) wttb a llbUloul *w <ol the '*:ilc ac.n>.· _._ ..... •111111on1c:M•-•haa Che ocemi ···-----. ................. ., 511111111-11• ......... -,"'*1111-.. ~-"'-... -.... BEHIND. Contmed from A7 stops by the headquaners or Joe and Marlene Ryaq. vohmteer c:ad.dY masters Who hive been working the Tulhiba Senior duaJc for ibout five years. '"We're here U\ a tent they aet up for us. and bUiallly .U lbe cilliddla haft to come htft)ef lbelr bibl that they --lbe IOUl"IMIMftt. and .... i6d fOr lhloirmMtoll .. ~-..,.. ... -.... wtth wife Mlll'tlne ..... ,,_ ... 6'4 '°' dte IOUml .... .... ,., . c.Mle • ...,, Who ... ~ •. ,.., .... ...,.. .. ................... ~ ABOVE: Hank Adler. right, is given : special award tor his wen as chairman of the Toshiba Senior Classic by Bob Grant, managing partner of Delortte and T ouche ./ LEFT: Ben C.renshaw talks about hts Master's victory, photo m backgrWld, and his late teacher Harvey Penick. who past INla'f the week before his VICtory • PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I OM.YPl.OT 'r .. AlO ~. March 19, 2003 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC 2003 ,:osHi BA SENIOR CLASSIC T M a NEWPCEI' BEACH ... COUllT .. Y CLU & RELIVED Continued from A7 about the game be loves and how golf "bridges generation gaps.• Its great tradition can "boast of having been around for 500 yea.rs,• he said. Crenshaw, wbo bas teed it up with President George W. Bush and his father, former President George H. Bush, said he's "hav- ing a difficult time these days" on the golf course and that he's •very frustrated," because taking three or four years oft' in the late 1990s and early 2000s certainly did not help his golf game. __.) · . . . "Some of these fellows (on the Champions Tour) play so well and have kept up their game so well," said Crenshaw, who is cur- rently 82nd on the money List af- ter four events. "You need 100% devotion. Some have all of their children out of school and they're married and their wives travel with them. They play well and they're sharp and competi- tive. I haven't gotten to that point. It's different for me. l feel like I'm in a state where I have one good hole and then three bad boles. I'm working on it" After collapsing on the 18th green at Augusta National in '95, Crenshaw struggled on the PG.A .~ Tour the next six years, playing a limited schedule while helping to raise tus three daughters - Kathenne, 15, Oaire, 10, and Anna. 5 -with his wife, Julie. Crenshaw'!> Masters win in 1984 was also emotional, coming on the heels of a decision to separate from his first wife and get a divorce. "I don't know if that cleared my thinking,• he once said. "I did feel a certain freedom and an ability to con- centrate at that time. In retro- spect, it did have a way of getting everything back to the golf course.· Once accused for being too nice of a guy by Lee Trevino. 1 ~ s A Crenshaw (a.k.a. Gentle Ben) made his Champions Tour debut in 2002, following an illustrioui. career on the PGA Tour with 19 titles, including his two Masters wins. Crenshaw was also the captain of the 1999 U.S. Ryder Cup team, which had the greatest come- back in event history at The Country Oul.9 near Boston. Crenshaw fought winning bat- tles against Graves disease in the mid-l980s, wrote a highly suc- cessful book called "A Feel for the Gazne," which reached No. 25 on the New York Tunes best- seller list in 2001, and has been appointed 10 the President'!> Commission On White House fellowships by President George W.Bu h. A member of four Ryder Cup teams as a player, Crenshaw lives an Ausun and owns a second home m Dana Point, allowing hun to play Newport Beach Country Oub somewhat regu- la rly. "It's funny, as a golfer, at least 10 my case. you start out on the tour and you're totally one-di- mensional, • Crenshaw said dur- ing last year's Toshiba Senior Oassic. "You jusl start tourna- ment golf and you go as far and hard as you can to try to make adju~tments and experiment Daily J>iol f LEGEND FfJJRWAY I with things. There are trla1s Lld tribulati.ons. there are lost tqur- naments and occasional wiDf ... then between the age or 42 w 50, you just start wondetfng what you're going to do Vt'i~the rest of your life.• llle recipient of the e Stewart Award In 200 l and . . ner of the William Ri~n Award from the Golf Wtjl~ As- sociation in 1989, CrenshaW de· feated Orville Moody to win his first start as a PG.A Tour mettiber at the 1973 San Antonio-llbas Open. He won the 1971 and i973 NCAA Championship and shared the title in 1972 with Texas team- mate Kite. <• II " .. !• 'I ,, 1J ;) f, ''< 11 •r N u ,, A J v T " II L Tl J II r. II ff s .o ff tJ •q ., ··' ti lJ I.El . i 0 'N .. n b 15 ti q '" rt Uai I •A Pik>t QUOTE OF THE DAY "I have not interviewed for a job in the six years I've been at UCI." Pllt Doutlau, UCI men's basketball coach PREPS <fl.ethinking G the· CIF's bottom line Economics among the variables in upcoming vote on association rule. c. an those who govern high school athletics in Southern California afford to vote exclu· ~ i slvel): with their conscience or eoononucs become the tail that wags the lepladve dog? The answer could be revealed at the April 2.4 OF Southern Section council meeting in Long Beach. when the coun· dl. Including representatives from each of the tection's 81 leagues, decides whether to abolish the long-debated as- aodation rule. The rule, which prevents high school , ~ from working with athletes at 1hdt IChool year-round, bas withstood ._----...., several c:baJlenges over the years. The rule's proponents be- lieve it's limitations help coaches -aJ. ready overworked and underpaid - have some break from the demands of running a program. They also believe it helps create more multiple-sport ath· letes, since year- ''18ARRY :~ tAULKNER ~" . round workouts , .. !WOuld force most to commit to one pro- .. ir.,am. or risk alienating the coaches in , : .-thdr secondary sports. ., .., The rule's detractors believe it pre· , Jient.a kids from receiving top coaching outside of their season of sport, forcing them to seek alternatives that may not have the same values as coaches based in the education system. They also believe the Southern Sec· tion's exdus.M retention of the rule put.s its schools at a disadvantage (in head· to-head competition and the comped· tiort for college scholarships) against teams in the state's other nine· sections Cu ~those in other states). who an to practice in their sport year· d. - Yet &her issue is how the rule lim- its club coaches from coaching high edlool sports teams, diluting the pool or walk-ons that guide an Increasing nwn- ber of prep progiams.. Montebello High Principal Jeff Schwartz and AlhJedc Director nm Murphy. who. on behalf of the Almont Lague praented the proposal to the coundl elected to table a scheduled vote oo the illRJe at Thunday's meeting. The delay. they aid. would help voters more thoroughly consider other wort- inp by the Stale Federated C.Oundl to dMat Itself of any liability ln future suits regarding the tuJe. A cballenp to the association rule brought by USA Water Polo last yar. was raoMd before going to COW1 when a oompromlte with the Southern Sec- tion WU reec:bed. But the Southern Section was left . boldinc • $40,000 legal bill that it was able to split wUb Stale CIR Murphy and Schwartz warned th.al organizations in other sports. have hinted at lepl cballenges to the assoda- don rule. SUch IUlta would. obvtously. trfger' AepI-. W1tb legSsladon expected to be puled by ibe State Federated Couod1. the Southern Section would be on the book for any future legal costs defend- lnl the ..v:tadoo rule. nuy Brennan. U1 administntor with lbe Anaheim Unified School Diltrlct IDd an at-luge delegate to the Southern ~ Coundl. wiced concems at the coundl meedng 1bw1day that wt.era were belr'I Mked co nan ecared from po- c.entW ..... ~ perbapl to tbe deat· ment of their belle( in what .. bell for thdr elUdlnt-atble«a and coad-.; Whh a contltlual dedine ln tuPdlng fur prep •tbleda. howeYer. can eco- aiotnk reddet be WOored1 ••• 8Portt EdlDr Roaer Cat1sOl • <949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 DONLEACH /OAk.YPILOT UCl's Ad~m Parada will be going up for more in his senior year. and most likely, under the guidance of Pat Douglass. Book closed Anteaters fans should not fret, their beloved basketball coach, Pat Douglass, will more than likely remain at the school until he takes his squad to the next level. T here is more than one reason why Pat Douglass would be a good fit with UCLA. which fired its men's basketball coach. Steve Lavin. Monday. I'm not saying the rigbt fit. but a good fit, nonetheless.. Rveryone knows Douglass has a great rappon with UCLA AthJetic Director Dan Guerrero. who hired Douglass at UC lnine. But there's more to Douglass than bis relationship with Guerrero. Yet that seems to be the only reason Douglass' name bas come up ln the rumors ro beoome the next head coach at UCLA. Mer closely watching Dougl&u for one full leUOO. and studying the progtell be bas made in the past. I'm convinced the Bruins would find sucae1 wttb a coach lib Douglass. 11Unk of It lib thl$ At UC l.rvine, Douglass has bad virtual no-name p1ayen and developed them to be among the best ln the Big West. Just think If the guy bad blue-chippers. the a:eam of the aop. to work with. Dou8'aa Lt all about player development A player is However, Dougtass pulled totally different from Day I in the "F.aters out of the losing the program than the finaJ streak and UCI was on its day with leaving Douglass. way to a seven-game That's the backbone of winning kean. But. that's Douglass' program, and one not good enough for UCLA of the primary reasons ua Ir's not enough that has won at least 20 games the Douglasa has a great past three years. relationship with Guerrero. Douglass' teams are also alJ i..;....,-:........_;;,~~ It's not enough that about discipline. The STEVE Douglass would probably Anteaters led the Big West an VIRGEN take the least pay on a free-throw percentage tlus contract. past season. In the end. Guerrero will And. of course, there's Douglass' not take away a man (a friend) who is in-game strategies, which are perhaps the right fit for UCI. and put him in a the best in the Big West. The place where he would simply be a Anteaters went 3-1 in overtime games ·good· 6t for the Bruins. this season. In addition. UCI had to But. I could be wrong. I've been re-discover Its pomt guard. and also wrong before. its team chemistry. The Anteaters Remember. I'm the same person featured four returning starters who said Stanislav Zuzak was set for coming into the new season. but they an MVP-type season. struggled at dines in stepp\ng to the Ouch. go-to scorer's role. • Douglass spoke a bit on the But Douglass sotved that problem, -UCLA coaching vacancy Monday. too. He held exdustve team meetings. ·rm happy here at UC lrvine. • and let the player discuss the Dougbw said "I have no immediare situation. The Anteaters quickly changes. I have not interviewed for a became a team. ln every amse of the job in the six years I've been at ua • word. • Douglass would not commmt on ua also wmt through a any hypotbedcal questions. For three-game losing streak. the longest example, would you interview with skid in three years. JI you know about UCLA If olferedl the Anteaters. that'a before Jerry Last season. Douglass was involved Gleen came into bis own and won ln rumors to become head coach at bam·to-back Big wait Player of the Fresno State. A hiring agaq Year honors. and ua won consecutive rqu}ar·lea.SOn titles. S.. COlllGES, Plip A12 JUNIOR COLLEGE BASEBALL EYEOPENER .JAily~~· Spar'tl 1111 fllf.-,........,,. .,,. ......._ Maren 24 honofee TOM PESTOLESI I' Wedntsday' March 19, 2003 Al 1 BRIEFLY Sailors handle University in .,12-2 y· tory Newport softball team mercies University. • SOPTMU.: Newport Harbor High's softball team blasted 10 runa in the first inning and cruised to a 12-2 nonJeague win over host University Tuesday A combination of tut-and-run. bunts and doubles produced the Newpon on- slaught. Julianne Bass went 2 for 4 with two RBis and Kim Mool'l' also posted a 2-for-4 outing at the plate as the mercy rule was enforced after the fifth inrung. Sasha Grumman made her first start of the season and got the victory. She faced 17 baners and recorded seven strikeouts. allOWtng onJy one run and four hits. Grumman also staITed at the plate. going I for 3 with two RBis. Shon.stop Athena Vasquez knocked tn one RBI while going 2 for 2. Ashley Gleason had two RBls and went I for 2. Oard Pennington and Kayleigh Hom each singled and collected one RBI. Newport improves to 4-1 and hosts SaddJeback in a semifinaJ of the Costa Mesa Tournament today at 3:30 p.m. ~ ~':V~rlty2 Newpon t 10I01 10 -12 11 o University ooo 11 , 2 6 2 Grumman, Campbell (51 end Campbell, Ban (5) Warner and Guild W -Grumm1n. 1-0 l • Wimer 28 • Yasquez INH), Grumman INHI Gleason INH), Moore INH) 38 -Guild IUI. Eagles top SaddJeback, I 0-8 • TENNIS: Estancia High doubles partners lrshad Muntaz and Shane Thompson bested Saddleback's duo Tuesday to lift the Eagles to a 10·8 Golden West League win m boys ten- nis at SaddJeback. Muntaz aQd Thompson won the fi. nal set, 6-4.'fo give the Eagles (4-4, 1-2 in league) the win, sa.ad F.stanoa Coach Rachel de los Santos. Muntaz and Thompson were tied. 4-4. before tak- ing the final two games. Estancia's No. 3 doubles team of Duis Cacho and Louis Valdez bad no trouble in their match. winning. 6-2. 6-2. 7-5. Scott Braunsdorf lost only two games to sweep at No. l singles while Lewis Bradshaw took two games and Garrett Stephenson captured one. Oscar Nieves and David Do won seven games after dropping the first set, 6--0. to Saddleback's No. 1 doubles team. Estancia faces host C.Osta Mesa Thursday at 3 p.m. Goid91'1 W.. LNpe &bnda 10, 5enu Ana I Slnglee -Breunsdorf (E), def. Zaregou. 6-1. def. Rold1n, 6-1; def Calderon, 6-0, 8~haw IE). lost. u. won. 7-6. 6-1, Steptlent0n IE), lost, 2-6, 2-6, won, 6-2 ~ -N....,..-Oo IEI lost to ~·nez. o-6. lost to Rodnguez-Gonzalez, 4-8, lost to Guzman-S.nchez. U; Muntaz-Thompeon IE), lost, :Ml. 1-6. won, M ; Cacho-Veld• IEI. won, &-2. &-2. 7-5. Sailors waste one, 8-7 • MSEMU.: Newport Harbor High's baseball team struck for h n.uu ln the first inning and bad a 6-4 lead entering the sewnth inning Tues· day, but two errors and a bit-batter proved dedsive in a four-run Los Ami- gos uprising and the Sailors bowed in the rain~ ftfth-place Costa Mesa Tuumament game OD the New- port diamond. e,..1. Dave Ericboti bad a two-run double in the ftrsi Inning and llnbbed ~ for 4, SMMER.Y,PlleAl2 Orange Coast puts the slug on Saddleback Pirates explode for six four times. att throe runs in seventh inning to ,.,.1::.:.....:, VWtWl "'::r C::. pull out a 15-11 OEC · choa _.. to the p1111e m che founh ln- victory ovei the Gauchos ... ="• = ~:,: eWll hill Sit'LM6=" ..._ IMMW a dou· a.. two~-cwohamenn. CoMt with two l'Ulll iD lhe fourth lind ~ lO pMe lbe dtldt IO I ..... Mttlna up the (a. ~a nm Kl'OM lad rwom blle ................. ..,wort.. ..... 1tl •• , ....... .,..., ............ a. ..... .... ...... c a a..='J)t '" fl r5 1 I 0 -'9 -1' • 4 occ • -... _ ... , .._.,a.. ... --=---· ..... ,,. ... , ... , ........ ,._..._ .............. w_..._ H.L-~N.•---C1).•-.... .. =IDCQ.--tDCQ;.•-...... --··--•Diii .. • SOf tBAI I CORONA DBL MAR -P.atand.a High junior Rebecca Kaplan scoied on sophomore H8ary OcbYt aac:rifice fty ball in the eighth tnn1ng to lift. the Bagtes' softball team to a 3-2 nonleague win over host Corona del Mar Tuesday. • Batanda pitcher EYeJyn Flores, who lmpl'O\'ed to,2-1, went 2 for S at the plate to help her own cause. She retirfJd ' the side in order In the bottOm of the eighth. The P.agles (4-1) scored two u.nearocd runs in the first. The See JClngs (2-4) Wft'e without senior Alissa 1.oelle. who was on a reauit:ing ttip. Nari • ~ 3, ConJna del M9f 2 ~ SC:::bot~OI -3 4 3 CdM ooo 002 oo -2J2 Aoree end Acocta; Gaer, Cole (2) end Stem. W -Ao1'91, 2-1. L -Cole. COLLEGES Continued from Al 1 contacted him, but Douglass did not ·stiow any ihterest in the job. Several coaches did not take interest m the job, mainly because of what unfolded this year at Fresno State. The school sus- pended Itself from postaeason play be- cause of academic fraud that took place under Coach Jerry Tmbnlan. This year, however, there's hardly a reason Douglass would tum down an interview with UCLA. if it off~ Yet, Douglass seems intent on taking ua intojts first-ever NCAA Tuumament ap- pearance, more so after what took place this season. The Anteaters didn't everi receiw an NIT berth, which left a sour taste with Douglass and bis players. That will serve as motivation for next season. "We had a letdoWn (Stmday), .. Doug- lass said Monday. •And we're still kind of regrouping.,. It seems the standard has raised each season at ua. And next year shouldn't be any different. especially with Its sen- ior core, Adam Parada, ZuzaJc. Matt Okoro and Aras Baskauskas. • Call it a hunch, but I think Quin · Snyder, the coach at Missouri. would be the perfect fit with UCLA. Whoever the next coach will be. this will truly be Guerrero's signature hire. When Guer- rero hired JCarl Dond for the UCU. football t~. that pleased the majority, especially the alumni. But. basketball will be diffeimt It al- ways is at UCLA. Guerrero will be bard- pressed to meet the magnitude of the expectations that come with the basket- ball coach. And, the coach w1ll be under a little bit of pressure, too. Wouldn't you agree? • One of the possible reasons ua did not receive Its NIT bid was because it doesn't bring a large fan base for road games. The Anteaters couldn't even out- number the other Big West teams' fans at the conference tournament last week. Utah State, by far, had the most fans at the Anaheim Convention C.enter. It looked like the Ag1es outttumbered the Anteaters 2 to 1. And, Ibey were coming from Logan. Utah, while UO fans were just but a short drive away from the Big ~ lbumame:nt Don't get me wrong. The CJA (Com- pletely Insane Anteaters! and tradliioos like the Rip 'Em Eaten hand lign. have produced a scrong foDowing for ua. But, you need more if you want help into a postseason tournament SCHEDULE SPORTS SEAN HILLrR I DM.Y PLOT Corona del Mar High pitcher Nick Rhodes delivers in his first outing of the season after dealing with a sore shoulder. CdM collects win over Mesa Rhodes' return tu mound among keys in Sea Kings' nonleague 6-3 triumph. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -With all else being virtually equal, it was the LO walks and one hit batter surrendered by Costa Mesa High pitching that helped fuel visiting Corona del Mar's 6-3 nonleague ~ball victory Tuesday night at Tu· ~ePark. Both teams had six hits, while CdM left nine runners stranded, to Costa Mesa's eight. The Mustanp committed one more error than the Sea Kin~' two. But five of the six runs plated by CdM reached base on either a wallc (four) or a hit batsman. "We gave up 11 free bases.• lamented Costa Mesa Coach Doug Deats, whose team scored all of its runs in the sixth to cut the deficit to 4-3. But CdM, which used six pitchers, padded its lead with two in the seventh and senior Griffin Dunz.er retired Mesa BRIEFLY Continued from All and Jeff Sanchez was 2 for 4 with two RBis and R.J. Muller was 2 for 3 with a run scored The Sailors (2-4) open Sea View League play Friday, hosting Aliso Niguel. eoca-.~ FWifitiCi Los Amlvc-•• Newpott 7 in order in the seventh for his first save of the season. Dumer's save was not the only first for the Sea Kings, who saw two-time AD- Newport-Mesa left-hander Nick Rhodes make bis season debut on the mound. Rhodes. sidelined by a sore shoulder to this point, worked a scoreless third to earn the victory and show Coach John Emme he is ready for the Pacific Coast League season that begins Friday at home against University. CdM starter Josh Bradbury pitched two scoreless innings, while Beau Stock· still and Blake Contant added to Rhodes scoreless relief outing with shutout ln- nings of their own. Dunzer, who came on with two in. two on and no outs in the sixth, yielded only an infield hit and a walk to help CdM navigate out of trou- ble. The trouble started for the Mustanp in the first when. after loading the bases with walks. CdM junior first baseman Barrett Sprowl lined a two-run single over short to open the scoring. Mesa starter Gaiy Gonzalez settled down from there, retiring IO of the next 14 hit- ters, but CdM doubled its lead off the for the Mustang victories. "Orange was more consistent,• said Joe Havens, Mesa's girls tennis coach who is filling in for head coach Bill Harader, who is scheduled to return on Monday from a cruise on the Cas- pian Sea near Turkey. ~W.•LNllM Onnge 16, Men 3 Slngr. -Lee ICM) lost to Ma, 4-6; lost to Ml, 4-6, def, Le, 7-6; Nguyen (CM), won. 6-3, lost, 4-6, 2-6; Phem (CM), won 6-1, lost. Hi, 2-6. Sc:or9 bot lnNnga Los Amigos 202 000 • e • Doubles -Gomez-S~ (CM), lost to Nguyen-Oeo, 2-8; lost to H~-'Sul, 3-6, ~ lost to Nugent-Le, 4-8; 0.ng-llahene (CM), 3 lost, 3-6, 3-6, 3-6; A. Nguyen-McNulty (CM) lost, 3-8, 5-7, 2-6. Newport soo cno 1 -1 12 Rommidt. Navarro (7). Cordoze (71 end Getardo; Toney, Rowe (3), Heenan (6) end S.nchez. W -Rommidt. L-Heenen. 28 - Mustangs' first reliever In the fourth. Bradbwy fullowed ~th Long'! RBI triple with a double In.side the third· base bag to create some brealhing room. After Mesa dosed to within one, Long led off the seventh with a walk and later scored on a wild pitch. Senior Bradon Kurtz. who played flawlessly at third base, drove in the final run with a line single to right to 6nish 2 for 3. He also had a stolen base to cap what Emme caned a great game. Senior left fielder Derek Garcia went 2 for 3 with an RBI to lead the Mesa of- fense, which also included an RBI single by sophomore shortstop Alex Pisarski. Pisarski also spai:kled defensively. ......... <:4Wl,C...~3 Sc:or9 bot lrWngs CdM 200 020 2 -1 1 2 Coete Mesa 000 003 0 -3 • 3 8t9dbury, N. Rhodes 131, Stoc:btill <•I. ConQmt (51, Lenu (6), Dunzer (61 end Preeeon, Marin-Finn (5); Gonzale. Beltran (5), Pwterson 17) end N. Hunter. W-N. Rhodes, 1-0. L - Gonzalez. 0-1. 5" -Ourmir I 1 ). 28 -ar.dbury ICdMI. 38 -Long (CdM) Newport trails by four • GOLF: Newport Harbor Hlgh's boys golf team trails Los Alamitos. 213-217 aft.er nine holes at Big Canyon CCs par-36 course. Davis Pemstein and David Molch- enbacher were both at 42 for New· port, with.Brandon Sowers (43), Mike Benvenuti (43) and Garrell Whitfield (47). The match is scheduled to be com- pleted April 30 at Coyote Hllll GC. Eagles trail by 11 strokes FROM THE SIDELINES Coasters'4 Rosso still racking 'em up at age 87. And some last thoughts (>f a WWII hero, Walt Kelly. R ay Rosso. former grid chief at Orange Coast ColJege, 1948-55. who directed OulJfey College to a Junior Rose Bowl victory in the mid-405 aver Quneroo of Oklahoma. will chalk up his 87th birthday Friday. Rosso, who coached other sports at OCC. such as golf. tennis and sailing for years. will just enjoy a quiet birthday on Friday, the bis ceJebradon will a.rrM on his wife Jean's birthday Aug. 20. He Aid that's when the family group w1ll salute the birthdays this year and the Rosso'a 60th wedding anniversary (held In March). AJthoQgh Rosso excelled in football at the University of California. Bert.eley. he and his wife came to meet when she was attending USC lnLos~They had three children, daughter nna and =·boys, Dave and DON . One of the recent CANTRELL higbligbts for Rosso aaived in Novemberof2001 when hie championship Orange Coast foom.D team celebrated its SOth annivenuy Gii campus. Many of the former '51 playla attended the gJUld event Rosio, who was born in Turin. Itllyln 1916, came to the U.S. with family In · 1920 after bis dad. Battista (Bob), grew weary of some unJon problems and the new rule of a dictator named Mussolinl ~why his dad took the famDy . from New York to the West Coast, that was simple, Rosso explained. His dad bad a sister living in San Frandsco. In dme, the family moved to Lafayette near Oekland where the R09D boys grew up. He had one brother . named F.d, who went on to play foodJll and basketball before joining the N&VJ He also chose to attend Cal-Berkeley, then became a landscape architect. Rosso said the real story out of the family's arrival to the U.S. was bow lt traveled 3,000 miles by train from New Yolk to San Frand.sco a.pd the non-P.ogUsh spreading Italians never spoke one word of F.nglisb dwing the entire train ride. "Somehow things worked out," be said with amusement ••• Walter Kenton Kelly. 83, a Dally Pilot Sports Hall of Farner, who died of pneumonJa Maidl 6, was given a private service Marett 11 at Pacific View Memorial Pait. The Air Force played taps and presented his widow, l..omint. with an American Dag. Kelly, a captain in t he Anny Air Corps during Wortd War n, c1rew national headlines once as a co-pOot oa a B-24 bomber that use<\ thn:e bombs to ainJt a Japanese ~ In Rabau1 Bey. New Britain. He earned a Silver Star Mtd three Air Medals. ----------------t--"'-UM~U'~dozajl.A_h Esteben (LA). OC£ edges Riverside • GOLP: Jason C&ssidy shot an even-par 36, but It wa.s oot enough for the Estancia High boys golf team agaJnat .Hdlson. The Oiargers shot 196 to Estancia's 207 at Mesa Verde Golf & Country Oub ln the ftrst half of an 18- hole match that wtlJ conclude Thurs- day at Seacliff Country Cub Hunting- ton Beach. His saddest moment came one .momlng after doctors kept him in medical bay while hls crew was Dying down th4: air 5trlp for Its I 1th misUon. .- He beald a commotion that promptell him to step outzlde, only to oblerYe ~ crew and plane explor'~1g at the end ol the runway. TOOAY 811 JIMll High ld'lool -e.tancia et Los Amlgoe, 3:15p.m. Baaketblill College women-Vanguard University at NAIA Netlonal Tournament et Jacbon. Tenn .. first round, VI. Mobile, 8:15 p.m.{CST) .... High ld\ool boys-P9nlneula at Corona deJ Mar, 2 p.m. ....... Wd High IChool boy9 and gh1a-St. John Boeco, S.VIW .t Corona del Mar, 2:30 p.m.. .......... High ld'lool boya and glrte -eo.t. MeN • l.egune a..ct., 3-15 p.m.; Seddlebedr at &tenci9. 3 p.f'.I'\. \Wit .... ~ cotlege men -Of.nge Co.ilC • Ptb'rilr, 7 p.m. H'8h ~ boya-HuntlnglDn 8eedl It PMwyaon Haf'bor, UO p m.; Cor'Oft8 de. Mer llt IMne, SAS p.m.: eo.ta ....... OoMn "'9W. 4:30 p.m.; '•¥1Mnill.-r • EManda, 4:30 p.m. ..... Communky col'9-Or9no-Co..t. NIMon.3p.m. HIQtl tdllOOf -Collta MeM founwnent ..mlflnef: Sed~ at Newpoft Hefbor, :t1ip.m. CWf ~ ool!9oe men-""'-AN ~~~El 11 .. m. I l:tldrt .. bo¥*•<>Dllri .WW. c-. u.... .. c-.-. Ol!CC. 2 p.m.: ,..... • .:...... ....... 1'ullrlft .... OC: •~ ;::r." HmrborV9. ._..itl.oeCIPCX:. UC» p.m.:Mlllr Dlil •lllit • .. .........., ... Jo ........ "'"" Sage Hill rallies for 5-5 tie • MSEBALL: Sage Hill School jun- ior Jordan Salinger scored the tying run ln the bottom of the seventh in a nonJe~gue baseball game against Saddieback Valley Oirtstlan that waa called after eight lnnlog (datkness). · The Ughtning and Saddleback. tied, 5-5, will attempt to make up the rest of the game during Sage Hill's spring break tournament next month. H they do not, the teams will have a tJc on their records. Salinger walked in the bottom of the eeveoth and stole teeond, one or hit three stolen bascS lri the game. Sopho· more Matt Loper smacked a fWO•Out RBJ tingle to bring salinger in and tJ.e the acore. s~s. Nin' •• Sate .. I, led. Vtj, QW, I SV.Cht. 9-::llf~:, -a ? t S.O. Hdl 100 ao '° • I • t Mklneon. ~ (5), ~ m and felt; ftiedrlc:fta, l.oper (4), Wllti.ln1 (II Kornewlet. 29 •~(SVC), liouM UlVC) .• Orange too much for Mesa • IDNISa On a Wlndj day at Cotta Maa ff'8bo vllldna Orange blew cJU0uF the M~ IS·S. ln a boys Golden Welt l.eque tennil mltCh ~ 1be Pancheri lmpnwe IO 4· • 2·1 In lhe .......... Meu fdi fO 0-4. 0·2. OMd IM. lrlaa NIU)'m .ct Huy PliUn ach tOOk one pme "' ..,..... • TENNIS: Orange Coast College'• women's tennis team posted a 5-4 vic- tory over Orange Empire Conference foe Riverside Tuesday on the loser's courts to maintain Its grip on first place wtth a 7-0 conference record. Coast is 9· l overall. The key appeared to come at No. 3 1lnglea where OCCa Sabrina Tunamal recovered from a slow start and won, 4-6, 6-3, 6-1 over Patricia Robles. Cassidy, who shot. the low round in Tuesday's play, was 3-under at one point. aaid his coach, Art Perry. · Other Estancia sco.res were: Austin Serr (42). Greg Les (42), Man:us Sostak ('3) and Ryan Brown (44). Western stops C.Osta Mesa OCC 5, ....,....,. 4 • GOI.P: Western'• Brock Erwin aced ._,.._Brown (RCCI def. Bedler, "°· &-1; the par-3 efgtlth hole at Costa Meta Nelton (OCC) def. Reltlvo. 1-1, 8"1: Tanemal . Golf ~ Coun'"' Cub's Mesa Unda IOCC) def. Aob*, 4-e, 8-3, &-1; HuJCen (ACC) -1 cMf S..Om, M, e-o; Lee (RCCl def. coune en route to a 2-over par 36 and Moriyama, 7·,&-1;Wenalcl(OCC)def. a 219·232 Western cd,e over Cotta ~uayo, f.3, 1-2 M-· -n:-..1.v ~ -Bedlet>Heleon (OCC) def. .._ au-...,. Brown4'ee!YO, 7-5. •2: Tanemel·s..iwm M..,.) Adam Donovan and BtDy • (OCC) cMf. HUICOn-1.M, f.3. f.3; Jacbon each ahot 34 wblle Brlad Robtes Agueyo IRCC) def. &each ftred a 47 roUowed bY Rya.n MorlV•m.~. l-2, 8-2. Handy (48) and Joey f.dwa.rda (C9). Ll~tning easy winner Meta ii 3-6 and wlll play Weltem ..-Jn ThUnday at Dad Miller Golf Coune to Ana!Mlm at 2: IS p.m Kelty. a 6-foot-4 athlete In prep dl1S at Newport Harbor High, was a , versatile athlete who demonstrated ' great talent• in football u an end, basbtball as a center and bi traCk Ulid field wbent he established a Cew records, including the dilcut, hwdl and high jump. During prep daya. he UC> did an • outmnding job for two aunmen q a 1 dty Ufepwd in Newpon• Beech. He later~ tn bMbtbaD 11 College Of the hdflc. a ICbOol be,_ • ~along with hit lootbeDinj _' Cou9ln. :Al tnm, -of Harbor• Hlgti. Kelly; an M:(>nange ~end b • Ralph Reed'l '!MJ jid teem. WIM ~ pOpdlr ~up on the l&Rdi ot 1 ~He Wiii allo popua. on the ltteet. One~ POllcll OUd Hodlldntoft came up to hiin one city and" laid. · ~ Wi/w ... .., pt 10'J lrito the pob .... t -~.....-.llWlllWordle~ 1bla a.De thi...., pm. • GOLPi FAllhnwl Jo.th Olen and 110phomore Jeff Cruttehden bOth ihot 42 on pt.r·36 to help lelicl the s.ijl HID School bOYt Solf team to • 222·234 Academy teque victory aver c.pta.. trano Valley Cluitdan ~ at Sin~ Puml Golf Cub. SaF Hill wins in four ..!;';::'~-==car •~Sap tUlt ScboOI~ ...-~peopitllmM:.-.illlnll a.o,.w.,.,..1eam Md a rocky ewt. wm a llild .wtt tn .....,..~.tie co.dt• l!tlk Gnao'• Ughtntng Un• proved co 2-3, 2·2 m a...-Md re· cetwid eontdbud0111 lri>fn ~ Ma Codnn (45), ,,......, ...,,.. Korn· .... (45) ..... tapbrl4Doft JDhn Neff (41) • JObn Lee ol ('Apllbuo ValWy Qi&. came In wtdl Chi lowelC ICON. 31. but won ...,. CONeaJttw 111J1* ~--..... Aadlmy ._..... fOe ..._._ ... _ ....... i5 __ ,.,., eo.,~ 1\Milda)': ......... 1nw-.., ., ..... ICnlD ...... C23 ldlll) and M8CIUn COUlfWt' CQIM ..,...,. .. Pttiderkt 01· .. ) led die~ In I II-dllm ....... ........ • II, 15-S. JM,'IJ-1. Wiii • &1'9HOL Ht9d t.nllliilllld ._._RW• to,w ............. ICll .. ,. ,.... ..... at 2 -n...Qentii wtdt ... llif"•' ................................ .., ~~=.-:--·-tt:: ~-·-""" ... ,...., PUIARW .. STO , .. ,. .. M2·5'11 ............ ........ ......... .... -l.1111--.. Lill'.... -L.1111 ..... .. ........ 1111 ...... ..... M'S_,..., ._.._. Notice II hw .. y 1'-Thi tollowM& ,_,_ tll1I the undeftl'"ed -Nina ~ at lnltnd• to Hll 1111 A) A PORTIA CHIOU MD.J P«Hnll propeny •· I ) ,ACIFIC COAS I scrlkd below to enforce Pt:.ASTIC SlHICEltV. C) I llefl lmpoMd 011 Uld l'lASTlC AffO ~ orop1rty under the SlltUCllVE SUltCERV, C•lllornl1 S.lf·Senlce 720 North Tustin Av. Stori e• F 1clllty Act ,_, S111te 202. Senti (Bua. & Prof Code AM, Clalif0tllla 9:l70S u.21700.21116) """'9 '°'"ti. CMoia, The undltsicned wil 720 Nortll T11stlft Ave sell •I public aela bJ nu.. '202, Sula Ana, COff!C)etltlve bldd1111 Oft C..lliof nl8 9270!I the •/2/03 at • 15 p m Tbls llU$lneu Is COft· 011 the pr1m11H "''"" duct.cl bJ •n ln<llvldu•I ..id pr ot>lfl)' hH been Have JOU started dotnl stOl'ed and whtc;h wt bus1uu 1•H Yn, 01/ louted •t 17th StrMt Olaoc>J Self Slor•1•. 670 w Ancel• POflll ChlOU, 171h St., C •. Coste MO Mau, CA 92627 County This sl•temtnt •H of 01 ena•. Stale of fM with the County C111fornl1. Unit• and Clerk of Ot•na• COunly l1n1nts listed below. on 01129/03 Contents include per· 200Mt11M I 110n•I 1t1ms, household Ody Piiot feb 26, MM &oods, machine tooh & 5, 12, 19,·2003 Wlle8 m1sc1lems ~ .... n s Dta&. l...- L•ndlord reMtrvu the --~ rochl lo btd at the "le The follow1n1 penon> Purchnas must be paid •r• dcHn& busmen as for •I the lime o f CO RONADO HOME purchitM tn cesh only LOANS & RE.Al TY, 2808 All purchased Items sold Of aloe Ave, Coste Men , ·u 11·. and must be Calrfornla 92626 removed al the hme of Jose Ramon COfon•do, sale Sale s ubjlct to 2808 Dr •11.e An , Costa t ancell11ton In the event Mesa, California 92626 of ~ettlemenl belwffn This business ts con owner end obll11•ted ducted by an 1nd1v1du•I party O'Broen'i Auction H•ve you started do•nc Servou 909 681 '113 buslnus yet' 'f'n. 01/ BIN 1"663730049 03/03 P ubluhed thwporl JoseRamon Coron•do Beat h Co~•• Men Daily This st•t•ment was Pilot March 19 26. filed with the County 2003 WOl2 Clerk of On nc• County on 02/'l-0/03 200UU417S Daily Pilot Mar 5 11 19,26.2003 W094 PUBLIC NOTICE of Availability .......... ......... 1111 foltow'"I IHlflOnS -· clomc IKtslneu .. Qvel.1ly Door .. Windows, ISl& M1u rthur fl5, Co.le Meu , CA 97649 Andy R1m11. 1'472 Cllat u u . Hunt1n11011 e .. ch, CA 9'l647 Mlc:llHI J.ma Mo«•. I*' Mam111•ll1 Ct., founllln V•ll•J. CA 92708 Tlltt butln.u " con 4ucted br • c•n«•l 1)¥l nl'shlCI Have tOU "81 led dolrlC buslMu y1t' Ho M•• Moore This sl•l•menl wn t1i.d with the Countr Clerk of Ofance County on 03/().4/0l 200MtHISt Oatly Plklt M1<. 19, 26. Al)r 2, 9, 2003 Wl07 .......... The'::r.o5:':':!son\ 1<• do1n1 bl.luness n Tr•fftc Apparel 2030 Main Street Suite I 300 lrYlne, CA 9261' ShadHI Ru&y Kensrue 2036 B Fullerton Ave Cost• Mesa. CA 92671 L•uren Lynn O~ ~18 1/2 Avocado. Coron• Del Mar, CA 926?5 This bu\1118\5 1s con dueled by a itener di partner >htp Have you started doinc bu'9neu ytl' No Shadt~ Ke11'rU~ Tiits sl41emtnl wn hied with lhe l;ounty Clerk of Orance County on Ol 10 03 200HtJU t 1 0 •1ly Polol Mar 19 76 Al)r1I 2 9 200J WI06 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PRQJECT; Orange County Fair and fapos11100 Ccn.ttr Master Plan DESCRIIDON; Punuan1 10 lhc California Envt.r0nmentaJ Quahty Act (CEQA). the 32 .. Dutnct Agncultural Assoctatioo has prepared an Env1 roruncntal lmpact Repon (ElR.) to evaluate the eoYll'OCllne'lltal tmpacts that may resnlt from 1mplementat1on of the proposed Orange County Fair and Exposition Center Muter Plan. The Master Plan i.s int.ended 10 provide a physical and Ylsual frameworic for development of the Fa.ugJOWlds. Master Plan implcmcntatlOn will mcludc removing and replacUlg cx11tmg ttructuia, comtructing additional pe.rla:ng areas, and establtstung coherent &nd themalJc landscape. sign. and ligtuing plans for the Fairgrounds. Implementation of the: Master Plan will result m construction of ±.289,000 tqUUe feet of additional building spece and the reswrauon of events 10 the Amph1tbeat.er The proposed pt'OJec1 alto mc::ludcs a compiebeosive storm dmn and water quality system. An oddittonal ac:c.css point w1U be constructed between the Equestrian C.cnter and lbe extStJn.g Arhngt00 Drive: service enl.t'allCe to setve the expanded parling area tn the oortbeast porbOll of the Faugrounds Tbc ElR exammcs the potennal 1mpacu generated by the proposed project in relation to the followlng CEQA categories: Aesthn1cs, Air Quality, B1olog1cal Re50W'CCS, Culrunl Resoun::es., Earth RaourcesfTopograpby, Hydrology and W atcT Quality, Land Uo;c, No1~. Population and Housing, Public Scrvic:es and Utihues, RcaeatlOll. and Traffic and Circulation. The proposed pn>JCCI will result tn unavoidable adverse impacts to air quality 1be purpo5C of this notice 1s 10 inform local res1dcnu , 1nst1tutions, and other inteTC$Ted parties about the availability of the Draft EJR dunng lhe Pubhc Comment Period (March 19 to May 2, 2003). Written comments on the Draft E must be subm1ttcd IO Becky Ra1ley-fmdJey. CEO, Orange County Fair and Exposiuon Ce.ntcr, 88 Fair Dnvc, Costa Mesa. Ca.IJ fon11a 92626 LQCATIO:"": "5orth )I~ ot I-.11r Dm c. between Newport Boulevard (southbound) to the cast and I-ail' 1cw Ru .. J to the Wl.-SI Ill the City of Cosu Mesa, Califorma. Rl \lt..\\.-1..,C. LO<.."TIOl'S COP~ m THt ORAt r l:.IK ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC Rf.Vl.EW AT nu: FOLLOWIN(j LOCATIONS Oranae County f1ir 1111d fapostllOO Centn Adzn.tni.stn1loo Building COl'UCt Rn~ Schranl 1714) 708-151 4 Cotta Maa Ubnria ~ Vude Brandl Libnry. 2969 Mesa Vmk Dnve Collla Mesa Bnanc.b L1bnry, 18SS Pa.rt Avenue To purdiw copia of the ErR IOd Tcdwcal Appc:ndic:a C0111Xt. Kn Plulhltt. OCB ~ (949) 660-11 SO Addrcu CocnmenlJ I<\ 8eeky Badey-Fmdky. CEO OnQce County Fill.I' and F q>051UOO Ccntcr- 88 Fair Onve Com Mesa. CA 92626 STARTING A·-NEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • Tht Uial Dtpamnnu at tht Daily PWt is pluseJ to 4n1UnlMt" ntw sm1kt now aWlilable IQ MW businases. wt wiU now SEARCH tht 1l4ln.t for JD" a 1UJ txtf1l thaft, IUtti saw you tht ti1'lu 11nJ the trip fQ the Court Hoim in S4nt4ANI. Thm. of ((lllN, lljitr tht surth is compkad r« wiO fik 1""' fiaititnu l>.s.i111S1 1WM st4tnnmt with tht Unmty C/nft, /"b/ish fJNt II wttk for fotu' wtt/ts G rrgrli1rJ,,, '4111 11N/ thm fik your proof of f"blk11titm wilh tht Couty GM. Nast stop "' fq fik """fimtins lnui*SS ~"' tbt IMilJ Pil4t, 330 w. &y St, OJst4 MtSll. If JD" autMt SkJ1bJ.~rAJJ111111 (949) 6424321aJ11Jt wiJJ mdt .,,.~tr for""' to"-"" this~., ,,,.u. If JO." shtnJJ !MW 41!1 fonlNr ~. ~ ttill ., ll1fli llJt .,;// ~ 1llllrt *" """to "!list JOU. G«>tJ lilck ;,. ,._, tlltlJ •JttJJJ Pilot -,.g~~EH· DANI (AVllO I Ac¥Wt dO) _.,SC,H AllllCO H, a/k/1 JO~PEH ARICO II. •ff.I• I()( AAICO, en lnd11tlduel, Oil NtlCO CltOU' a bUlnt a 111tity ol 1111•no•n form •nd DOCS I llvoueh 10. •nd u ch o l them, lnduSIYe llWlilJW &-. llltat8 •• u.-....t.: THC PCTTTION ,..,... tM 11e<:eodettt'• w• w udicil•. If .,.,, h a4m>ttll4 to proNt• TIM Wiii •nd u y ~Mt aw•fl•bte rw u-.Maa tlor• "' the ,.. ...,. "' the e~ '*DMfclfTttMt•lftl ,,.,.ny ..w Ill .... eo.ty .... St.Illa _, MOit ,..,.tJetMlly ,. u r ... 111 .-eO...of h ull Md pw,.,W to ... 2!111 .... 0.1 .... ciw.._ °" ...,, . a.It tttl~~~ rHf 1'£TnK* reQUoMh •vthOol(r to adm111ntar the ntllt• Ulldef tM lndepH4111t Ad11tlnls traliot1 of h tflft Act {Thtt Autl'Of .. , wlll allow the penonal repnM l•tove to 1•11• nu11y 11114tOltn•d TntslH 11111"111111• ••Y l11co1 rect-.t the av ... 8 lllldt ttl> On llll a l II et VOIJ AA£ BUNG SOt:D BY l'LAIN110' '°'""'°" ~. it e11y, 1t1own hw1t11 Tti. (A Ud .. HU dem•nd endo) Vlf' LIMOUSINES AHO COACHES INC a C1klorn11 C«por•llOfl You h••• lO CAlEH DAii OAVS attar lhta •ehon' "''"'°"' obtain 1n1 cowrt a111pro n l 111roperl1 h•r •totore 6"ulllecl .. '*"• .old ... 11· $af4 ....... be 111•d•, llut w lth o111 coven•nl Of wanlftt't e1preslle4 or l,,,.,.._d, rtptdtflC t1ti.. ~ soon, Of encumb.-.nces, to lll•Y the Pflnctp•I fllnl of th• note WClurOd by ulCI DMd of Trust. ••th tnl•rt•I thereon. 1s p<ovlded 1n wlCI nole •dvonc:as d MY~ under Ill« terMt of tM 0..d of Tront, Hltmated fMs Clll<IH •nd U P9f1Mll ot the Trustee •nd lite flush u uted by .-Ml DHd of Trust lo wit 159.J92A!> (E:sti,_t4MIJ Accrued 1nterul and •ddlt10ttal 4dv•nc:es. tf •n'f, wtN oncreaw this f11urt pflOr lo "le The B .. neloc1ary may elect to bod les\ lh•n the full u edot bid wmmons '' ""'"" on tOU to file • typewrotten response a l tt11i COUl't A letter or phone Clll .,..,M nol ptol.cl you yo1.H lypewnllen re· 1pon\e mu•t be In p1 opec lea al tor m of you w•nl the court lo hear your U '\.41 If 1ou du not Ille your rHj)011H on hme you rnay l11st lhe en. al\d your •1ttt money and pruperty may be taken w1thoul lurlMr wMn1na hunt lhP rourt Before l•luna ,.,i.1n vety 1mport•nl actlCln• however. th• penon.i r1!9fewnt•llve wtll be required lo 11v1 nollc• to 1nt1r,•t•d plf'sons unlen they hllv• Watv'41 notle• or conM11lad to , the proposed ac I tOn ) The independent ed m1111str•lton a11tho11ty wilt be IJanled unln• an 1ntern ted perion hies •n obie<lion lo the pelthot1 end \hoW1. aood CMIW whr Ille COUfl lh<Mikl not er •nt Ult 1111tho11ty There •rt olhtr le&~I requ11er11'"" Yuu may wdnl to u ll an allorney ""tll •W•Y If you do not I.now an •ltorney, you may ~•II •n allorney 'pf err al •..rvtte or • le11:•I aid r,fftce Chsted 1n lht pho11r book 1 Oe·.pun dt llU" le rntrt11:uen est• lllacoon 1ud1< 1al u\led ltene un plu•; de .IO OIAS CAI. l NO,,RtOS p•n• presen l•r un• 1e~~I• tt cr1t41 it ml'qu1n1 en r\tl tor t" Uua ••rl• u u na ll•n.,d• 1elefonoc• no le oht!tP•• prntection su re\pUt 'I• ucroia a m 4qu1n• t1t>ne que rnmphr con las formal 1dad'' le&ales apropta d.l\ " us ltd qu1e1 r que lt1 tlU le fl$( UC he \U L.j\f; St U\ted no preunlil \U rt\l)Utntil I htmpo pu~de perder el CHO y le pueden qultar su Yl•roo -.u d1nern y ottas cosa\dt w propted•d "" ••t)O adict0n•I pOf P•r I• d~ la •Of le I u\len otros requosi tw. lt 1alu Pued" que us I rd <1111e1 a Ila mar a un oboitad o 1nmed11 l a mente $1 no c,onoce a un ~bo&odo pur dt ll•m•t • un ~etvtcto de r~f,..r11u• de aboeados u • un• oh~•n• de •vud1 le"•I I VU el dtftCIOflO leltlon1co1 CASl NUMHa: (N.,...••o d.t C .. o) 0 2CCt U07 JUl>Gt WIUJAM M. MON•Ol D"T. C tS !hp nam11 •nd addres$ ol th~ •ourt r\ (El nombr" y dor eH10n de la tor tr u) enOf Courl of Call lornoa County of OR ANC£ COUNTY SUPERI OR COURl UNUMITEO IURISOICTION CIVIL 700 CIVIC CEN1£R OR W£ST P 0 BOX 838 SANTA ANA CA 9270? 0838 Tht name addren and telephone nurnti.. of pl.unllff• 1ttornty °' pla•rt•ff w1lhout •n altOl'ney 11 CCI nombre, la dne<coon y ~I nu~o dt le~fono del aboit•do del demandanle o del dtm1ndanlt qut no hent abOiildO. e5) O•n1ei I Cooper (B•r 176116> lAW OfflC(S Of OANIH J cuoPEH 2~ 11 C.•llc de la Plata Suitt • 10 L aeuni Hills CA 9261il PhoM NII c9'9J 859 SA~ f •• Nu 1949) 859 682l DATl1 (Jee ... ) DlC 11, 2002 ALAN SLATll , Cieri! (act-rlo). ~y ANCUlA lNOl, Depvty~) Pub lo1 hed Ne wport Buch Co1ta Meu D••ly Pilot M1"h 19 16. Al)rtl 2 9. 2003 WllO IS( 12146 IOOO Of ff1T110I to Mm51B61All0f: SIUIOl W. llll • ........ SMIOllllZ WI IO. ll17"' To d hews t>enah t llttH , creditors ~on· t11111nt credtlOfl , 1nd person1 who may oth Mwlse be 1nteresled in the will °' ntale. Of both of SHARON W MERZ 1k1 SHARON WIL SON MER Z a~a ~MCRZ A I'( TITIOl'f FOfl PftO IA Tt hn bffn t!M4 •Y STACY M R1$8ROOCH in UM Slll)lflOf Court of C1hfo1n1•. Countt of ()AANC[ TH[ l'(TITIOH fOR ,ltOSATt r~uuts tll•t STACY M RISUOOGH .. ~led.'*_., r1me11ntabyt to •d· A H£Alllf«l ot1 the petohon will be held on APRIL I 0 2003 •I I lO pm 1n Dept l7l located at.3' I The City Orove Soulll, Orenct. CA 92868 IF YOU 08.l.CT to the &r anhn& of the peflh<1n you ~hould 11P9Hr •t lht hearina and state you• ob1echons or hi.. wrolltn ob,ecltOn• wrth the cou11 belott the he•ttnC Yout •wear ance m•y be on penon or by your •ltOf ner IF YOU ARC A CRCOI TOR or c ont1ne•nl cred!IOf of th<' dec.ened you musl tole your c:la1m wrtll the lourt and mail a copy Io lht pe• ~on al repres.enlaltvt appointed by the t OU<I w1th1n lour month• trom the date of the hr•I 1ssuantt ol letters es provided 1n Probate Code \t l lton 9 100 The t•mt tor hhnc clatm• w~I not .. p1rr before lo11r month• lrorn the hH1111r d•lt noticed abo .. YOU MAY CXAMIN[ the tile i..,pl by 01t court If you •rt a per '.Wn 1n tere•ted '" the ••tale, you may file with the luurt • Request for Spec1.il Notice lform DC 154) of th• fthnc ol an tn•.,ntor; •nd appr a1u l of estate ouh or of any pehtion or account n prov..,.d 1n Probatt Code U ltlOn 1250 A Request for Special Notice form is •nrlable from the court clefll. A....,_.,·-ht...__, IAnln I . WlSTOVll, lSG .• W••t•••r & West••••· t.U', tot D•••t Dr. St•. t 20, N•w,•t"t l••cll, CA t 2660 Published Newpor I Buc:h Costa Me.sa Dilly Pilot M"ch 12 18 19 2003 Wl099 IOOO Of 1IUSTIFS WI YOU All[ IN 0£f AUi. l UNOC R A OHO or TRUST OATl D DCCEM BCR ~ 1991 UNUSS YOO l Ml[ ACllOl't TO PROIECT YO~ PROP CRTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SAL[ If YOU N'CO AN ClU'lA NATION Of l HC NA TURC or THE PROC(EOINC AG AINS T YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER On froday, M¥t h 21, 2003 al 10 00 •m [de¥ C Scllttk C \q SubU1 luted Trustu ol that ctttaon Deed of Trtnt u ecuted by Wendy Vu ah Wendy Vu AU1no •nd rKOfded on De cember ~ 1991 H lnstrumenl Nu1T1ti.f 91 670350 "' the Otfocial llecord\ of Or•na• Counl y, C•hf0< nt• •nd pursuant to that t erta1n Notice of Def•ult •nd Election IO Sell Unde< Deed of Trust recorded Sec>tember 12 2002 H Instrument Number 20020779'12 '" th• Off1c1al R•~orch of UllCI County will under •nd plll'!WMlt lo Miid O...S of Trust ~" •I pubic auct.oofl fOf cull, l•wiul lnOM)' of tti. Unitad Statn of .Amefou a cnh-s check P•Y•bte to s.alCI TruslH dn•n on a st•I• Of national b• ... a c~ dr•wn by a slate Of fedetal credft un10n, Of a cti.d1 ••-by a state or federal uiv1ncs end loan 41UO• c .. t10n, or u vlftl' i.aMi te>K•f..cl ., SectlcMI SlOl of tN flftancMtl Code and aultlot~e4 to Ila bus1neu "' lllhi state, at tlle lllortll front utr•.-c• to u.. onnce Co u nty Ca llfornla C-thollH. 100 CnlC Canter Or i.. Wot, S•nta Ana. C.h'-nta .. th•t riellt. title •M lfll«•t _,,...,... to .... now ll!l!I h l!ltn a!!f!I PLUG IN ~ into the Pilot Classified section to find servit'es from eledronics and ptumbefS. to &If tdscapm Ind pallter5. 01techons to lh• above pooperly may be ob ta1ned by 1equest1n& u~ 1n •rttma trom the Bentfic1•ry w1th1n te11 d•y• h orn the for st pubhcat1on of t hll Notice Dated M11;:h 03, 2003 £0CAR E SCHECK ESQ ••Trustee f Clfl TRUST[( S SAU tNr ORMAllON Pl (AS[ CAI l (714) 289 978? Publol hed lh wpor I Buch Co\t.a Mesa Oally 11'1101 March !> 12, 19, ?O<>J 'W09? Fie-.. ..... ... s...... The fullow1n1 perlOns ., e do1n11: bu~ness u f oam and f eather• 10631 B•oomlteld St 114 lOl .Alamitcn CA 90720 Robert Dennis Kosoy 2775 Me~ Verde O! [ •Cl 10 Costa Mesa C.A 92616 Wilham Wayne C.,&llc 4230 larwm Cyprns CA906.JO Th•• bustneu Is con ducted by • cener•I partner sl11p H••e you started do1n1 bu"nns yet' Yn l '03 Ol Robe<I Kosoy This statement wu hied with nte Counly Cleo of Or an1e Cou11ly on 03 ~/Q.3 200HtJ72• 1 Oa1ly Pilot Mar 19 16 Ap11I? 9. 2003 Wl05 MIM..._ ... s...... !he lollo•on& pe<sons are dotn& bu~"' u ~.,.C..nsult1n1 2603 (Teien 4venue Unit C Co1ta Mew CA 92621 David P al rtc11 Mc Mullen, Z603 ll4ot1 Averiue . Untt C Costa ~ C.1492627 T hr\ bvU flt!$' IS COfl ducted br •n tnelrvldu•I Have you stilf'ted dotnt bu11nns yet> No O•v•d P M<:Mulkn fhl\ sl•tement •u hied with IN Covnty Clerk of Oranse County Otl Ol /05/03 200HUSta4 0•1ly Pilot lltbr 19 26 Aprll 2. 9 2003 WJ08 ~ ..... ........ The folloWVll ,,.,son\ If e dornt buSlfteSS H Muomum ltposGre, 2967 tlll1C'hel•on Or S111t e G'l-01, kVtM, CA 92612 Rusul P•ul Nieww owa-1, 2967 Micheboo Or Suite C'l-01. lrv1M CA 92612 fl111 bu.-ss os con duct.4 •Y • ., 1fldfll1dua1 H.,,. you slar1ed ~ b-yet? Yn. len 1 2003 Ruud N-•owslu Thrs ~U1•-t w.n hied With the County Clettl of Or1111t Count)' on 03/1'/0J JOOMH711> D•ltt Piiot MM 19 2' Apr 2. 9. 200l Wll I Policy How to Place A .. .. ·~ '" ~ Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher ceserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or. · reject any classified CLASSIFIE:raD ·• iii Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm -.iE !.;rS · advertisement Please report any error that may be in . your classified ad Lmmediatcly. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the co t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be al lowed f6r the first insertion. By Fax By .Phone By Mail/In Person: Wednesday1 ............. Tuesday S:OOpm : ~ • I .,. • (949) 631-6594 tP'leaR inchtcle your rwne and phone numba Ind 11oe' II call you t.ct With a pnce QU<MC.) (949) 642-5678 • 330 West Bay Stnet Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm ~ "' - • k • ; Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm , . Hours Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30arn-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walle-In 8:30am-5:~ Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Ind ex ANNOUIKOWfTS & MISC. 1010.1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAi. ENTERTAINMENT Cllendlrof Events 1310 EQ4W llOUSll& OffOIT1llYY . 2305-2490 L ESTATE .-sw 3610 2540 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hp/ICM-..... -·•••llltwcwtulta Peb1111'1.mk ....... F _,.., ISllnd ~'12'19 Balnm Oppcnllitits Businesses and f!l!l!'-Jili.[ soos-saso HOMES FOO SALE LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY ~ Llkewood. Loog Beach. Nortl Loog Beactl, SqldlHol HOMES FOO SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ~ 7402-7466 ~J aoos-as10 ~] 9000-9750 Und er tile Sc tYicL' D irl'cto ry Ba11 11LT Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Q!lly $32 per w~ek (4week minimum) . ·~·Lorraine at~(949) 574-4245 A su,er~ Newport ------· _Col_rol ___ la_del_Ma_r __ ~~1,.~~ott'! MISCEUANEOUS downstan) 55be ~led RENTALS on a quiet comer lol cust om fe a tures RentalToShare 6030 tlvouahOUL Sl,6'9,000. COASTUNI ltWTY 9'9-759-0177 A lXQUISITI S. Siio "'-*>ul llooq "-plan. hl&ti ce1lln1s. curv1n1 sta-cese, oubldt Fp. a llU"'8I lulichen. ClAtom cat.'*Y & min.Sl.1!11..(XX) Mdimll 8rri.mln. c.c-tlow Really 9&~tn ... .., ~ 2br ~ condo in fenia..t loolllonl ~ CllJllo'.. wood turrc Fp, la masll!f, 2.. II' s:B>.W> eel. P1U CGn 1/2 bk to bc:h """• w/yGUl'C prof, b 2bl h5e, Costa Mesa pn!Jo. pvt ba m5lr br, nu rl!mOd S!Dlrn 949 ~IOI Ur'• lrom $875/mo. w/cw on lovely p ied comm ._ Tr1-~e. h ... Indy lac*)'. Klein Mi-ct m 104-86E ,gzoo N•wpen st..... 381, 28• beach hoo~ Ca r~. carport comm pool & t~nn lem ri, .mlu p1•I lit Ur, new catpel & $900/mo 714 136 9136 p~inl tvrd carport 2n 16th Place •3 '1100/mo RE:SIOCW'JAI Rf.NTALS no pets 9'~ 7Z0.9'22 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY 1'.W. •-a. t I t 2br * YIAltlY * "Y UASIS Iba + vilflll)', balcony. Bill CRUNOY REAL TORS All real est.le advtlf· tlslna In this newspaper IS sub jKt to llM Feder al Fait Housln1 Act of 1968 as amended which makes 11 1lleaal jo advertise "any prefer- ence, lfm1ta llon or d1scrlmlnahon based on race, color, relielon. sell, handicap, fam1hal status or national orle1n. or en intention to make any such preference, llmlla- t1on or dlicrlmlnatlon." Ftandlises 3905 Balboa Peninsula OCIAN,.ONT NIW•IMODll S67t,OOO ~o 949-720 7//ID ------- patio No pets. la& & --9'9 ... 75-6161 PMl Sl2IDro 949-65G-~ This newsp..,er will not knowinely accept any advertisement for reel estate which Is 1n violation of the law. OUI readers are hereby Informed that ell dweU- in&S adnrt1sed in lhts new~ are available nn an equal Oc>POftunlty basis To complain of dis- cr1mmation, c:.tN HUO tol1-free et 1-800-424-8590. ... b'Slll 3010 Stwe 1950 0'\-fe & Mentn 600 Sertes CO'' width oven, broiler, 6 CAPPUCCINO ITAUAN COffH Company u pand1rie Dish 1but ors wanted. Hlah profit polenti.l Allyone can do this! CaU 800-813-6625 lrwtnw1l reg (C'A =nN> AISOWTI GOLDMUm 60 vendin1 in.chines wtlh excellent loca lions .. b 119:!5 ~134.Qlltl -.a.._ • AGT. S9't·72S-8l20 Corona del Mar A (1-1 •• Cww "'-"'--sboll to 811 Corona end lookout pomL 48f •.see custom home. e:J' t1N2003 Off .. $2,950,000 C~ru.lUlTY 9'9·759-4177 f'al•l HTATIS f'ATIKll TINOal NATIONWIDE USA 9'9-156-9705 www patrlckleno1e c.om "TIU HllOHTS" Sf'tt.AWINO 1-STMY JUST USTlD AGT. 9'9-723-1120 ........... 20201 Ont.W St.6+& S.58a. 56.JC "1 SI .25 Mil 8n*et 9'S-2SI Balboa Peninsula o..n..~~ VfCW'-141 U);l·.t & d<>wf1 wa'\t Le 48r l !J6.I fan illy hurno: av_. lot ie-'M nuw $9.SOO,.mo ~ty ~ llCt (Uvr11 Pl'l111 ~7J 8JIJIJ Phu:-~ ) ou r a d t odM)! f !>4Y) 641-!167 8 21r Ila c...-$127~ E '$Ide, f p. pvt ywd, pool, lndry la«.tl1ty "I Melody l "'"' 949 67!> 5714 llCI ------l'Slde .... J8r 2.58a FR r p. remodsled, t.dwd fk. bC yr d. l*Jdl lo YM:A Sl~mo 966'293 ,_..... .....,. .... poll :h 2.56a. f'R. fp, twdwd fk. nu lul. pr w~ & aaift rm S? ,J50mo. 9i&m8450 ~-OLc i tud10 1m, p•tio. no kitchen, $795/mo + SIOOO dep Oen side of --------------PCH 9'957• 7701 &11 2 "' Hts 11 QUMll ~IUdlO W/!.mall lolt kitchenette. shared laund1 y Aat SI 100 9'9 &/J..7800 -----We ..... Me 2b 2119 twrtm. l.JdD. ~. 2 c pt wd '*'c>. ' CDrm1 Pill* ast SlfllO 9&673-7llll s.11 :f08T Car in CW.$(/i•d I Rmts... .,. WANl9 1 or 2Br Apt, C-. or condo. "-"' or lftb'll "' ~ 8-d\. wm-.i ~ora., .......... Mwl .... .......i WIAe. Rllr· _ ...... ~6 1483 srifl. Immaculate S2000 ........, ..... 62Dd and Obo 94!Mi73--0!M4. D)r;f (comtin Of' MP). Gnllt loc, qJ8ll & efr), IWW 0..... U,..... 2Br l"/ .. 94CC www~or1 OClAN&IAY~EWS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WANTED HOME 1tAV111now9867S5'15 ~~~ U: alMOOUED UNOEa $750,000 AOT. 949-723-1120 QUES RJRNISHINGS LOTS/ACREAGE =-~ ~ ~ Styte Furniture f'll'lllln 3a5 l.otl/Aaeage lt:lly 9&1'5&-0tn Newport coast f'IAHOS" ColledibMs ._., M ...... w,o\Ga Wllllld 4740 Dana~ .s..::.=::-._ .,.._... 8 ~ "'--C0-1/fAJ--LA-NO--B-AHK_l_H_GI NIWUSMG $$CASH PAID$$ lllll* c:t.s, oaa $l2k iww, Buy, hold, Prot1tl Prime OPIH HOUSl ..,._...,__ 11~ 9&Jfi6.5IM8 zoned acruae. lnlend SUM 1--4 WE BUY ESTATES , __ ...._ E F t t 1 Ovhte.41nt Ck•-, 7ft L-. ...._ Wll1te, mpwe as es IUOW n1 CoesUtne views • ...........,..~-brocadtupholstery,alnl aru '" US A Still Pvtyd&v1ewmtdeck. cond, $200. 9'9 85C-affordable. Hurry• Easy 2 car attached earaee ~ , d I • ~Ji" I I • ' ,.,,,, • I • J, •••• j ::~ SOm"cd8A8T 22tJ ...... ..... A..CAtnt'J -•-CAra< LOST white cold and dietnond btedet.. Newport &each REWARD 949-673 1002 BUSINESS SERVICES llll.:L Y Tlf>S MAGAZINE 8 l /hll Clr c:11lars Advert lsl nc . www hri.tlterprlM.com l IM h ad Sl 1.00 a l/ZXll clfcul•s. Circu· latlOft 10,000 1 Mdtd JJeoo. moo 1165.oo circulation 2,000 S,000 10,000 l ,000 naM,H MO. McfntwpriM, P'O Boa IOJ, Mll"ltlelt, Ml •90A. (CAL. •SCAH) FIWaU PROfBllOfW. SEIM8 8208 Quahfy1na. Low pay 1619.000 men~. F1ee prospectus. John Farrow JEWS.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 888·5•3·2103 A1ent ReMu 9'9-322.0932 (CAL •scAN) C-.tC.lloN ... Old Coins! Gold, silver. jlwllry.~~ CGleetibln 9'9-6'2·"'8 ------- t-tl*~t-tl*~*~***~·~·~•trt Conprlmons CODY HAISUP! , .... s.,.sw. lM,,,,,,, w, ·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~· 517 Yle U... s-4, OPIN SAT-suN 12--4 Built by Joe E Brown In 1931 only remalnln1 3 + ' lo-estate on enbre Island 4bt, •be, three storlM •tow• 3 car 1ar, pvt dodl for 2 bo•ls II ts a •iCliCI .... ~$1.3,,..... MM97-8471 '19).7C24X> IASTIWff HAUTY 2100 VISTA LAREDO '8R 38A, remod kite & ba Plant shutt.,s, Ell· p•nslve view of ereen belt l ur nkey prk;ed reduced to $599,900 Ast Harriet Ketz ~-9!00~189 --·•• e- •• ......,...._er"' cUllom ateta with canyon & -views Oflwed al $6,500,000. (eHtlffte :::::y-••9-759-4177 RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Desert Propetty 5960 CATIBUl CJ1'Y S2Jl>..IXX> 10 """ lo PS Airpor1. 2315 sf, ~ c.ita/lrld bri hou5e Cbr h csamic I*. IJll-.lta c1n, Pm blod\I rocil sho-, I« tub, uperadl Lwse w11klns, landsc, RV/boll ~ Block ~yd~Oq Be, 18).862 298fi OllerResorW1Cltlon Pnlpefty 5970 &Ml TAHOI ?Br lfl J lu• condo ilMps tWtt. 1/4 or 1/2 lnttt.t. ~.000 ,.., 11' Cell 949 67'.J 0181 1b.e Newport Beach/C09ta MaaJCdM.. Balboa Dally Pilot presents you wltb a great opportunity to promote andques a cofJectlbles. Perfect tor 1bope. dealen, auctions, bookleDers, deconlton, . rdlnllben, art pllerta -develop your buaaess with ual A Special Publication -Just for YOUf Publishes: Space & COpy Deadline: March 26, 2003 March 20, 2003 ... Spm Release Deadline: Mardi 21, 2003 .. Noon call today! Ann Willey at 949 574-4249 or rax your ad to 949-631-6594 -pany~Piloi.-- I ••• •• • •• ., ••• .. • •• ~ ••• •• t!• ., ••• I ••• ., ••• •• :; ••• •• :; ••• .. • SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space fur a photo of a pct who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people li ke you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services . For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pct•s photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of this pct, or you may include-a loving memory of o ne of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Name=--------------~-----------~ Address_· __ __,...__,...__,...__,... _ __,... __ __,... __ ~---------- City: State: Zip-· --------.,.---- Credit Card#: ___ ,;;_ ___ ..._ _____ ....._1p-· ----- Signatutt=-------------------------;.;;.._.;..__ Phone (optional)_· ..,,........ __________________ -;;----..,._ Por check, make payable co: Daily Pilot Text co appc2T in space below photo, 20 characters or I Choo$C One: In loving memory of._,___._ _ _,;;. _ _.__....__....._....,_..._~----= ClSpon~redby~~----~--~-'-~----~ ........ -----'--~­ Mail this form with your check or credit card infonnation to: Snt' A Life~ % Daily P.ilor, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ' ' .. .. I • ' . ~. • • DRIVE~ OWNER OP [RAT S Have your own trucll look1n1 for indepndenctf l1ncbt11 lln tlli tool$/lrel&ht lo mall• ,,ou successful! Let Us, Show You Howl 877 742·8554 LANO STAR. ~CAL •SCAH) EXPRlSSWAY STS ORIVEf'5 32 cenh 50 cents ~m depend1n1 on uperl ct Home often 2 ye11 u~rience COL A requ ed ISOO sicn on bonu1 1·800 835 9471 (CAL •SCAN) 01iu.u on1<1 CleflcalP/T. 20 30/ttn F'lURESUMC 714 435 0191 GOVE RNMEl'H JOBS Atrport• Secunty Postal & W11dllfe Up to $4511./ rear ;paid tra1n1nsJ benef1tt Great cerH< oppo1twn1ty C•ll M r 7am·Silm PSl 866 814 7013 (00 •SCAN) GOVERflM£NT HIRINC r 01 utty/Perks/Postal/ f 11el1thler s /Pollc e/ Secu11t~ $35K+ btnel1h & ''""VII Mon f 11 9am 9pm/E ST 1.eooa lll91 ut Z3. S!?f. -scNf> INTll¥)1 DUIONU1 Educelion•I back1round & uperlence, some CO"'f>U llklHs To •pply cafl94 ·120·9963 • lu••••••h•/ :'fl II& ;c!.!a! ,'~ ... :::= -:::-:.--~·==• m•mslw • Brldg btllta •m ,., ·u.-i 80MI lfl.AlTM H 'tJ 8 8.-c;ti T,.,.,. .. e PM&W'IMIYO al!M, a11to, lthl, CO, ""''' 011• full u-io.dadt 30 lofla "'"' ,_.., & Ol'9 P1ft llM ........, CMS Smoae4. 15200 Mcmld, ......,,,_ pGlllbi wtM& ~7 ,, 7'4-721-6ff4 fu ,_to S. l.-.. l'-lw/Se4dlelttw·f , • ._ 1_..,_ X1T ........ 3CZ1 l'"~* .... ( 19234} SUI.'*>. VIO, 2911 11\1, s1lvw/ .. ey ~ a.t. a.t -· fUw, CO, r11nn1nt board•, 9V CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF end TAHNNi HIRSCH .... ~. ~. ......,Ht'ta Mly IN4M, ... MW, ......._, & ...., S..-"White w/Whftt vl72511 SZl.995, fl· NOfl'llf w,1h .... exp. NII ...... LMU..·Moofw"f nancln1 av1ilable llllr • K 1 Ctn SllllUI M9·5'fl·9463 (1192;\lC) $58,980. Ht-5&6-ll.. 1:-J 10 6 4 3 YPIUCIPTIOeaST --~-813 with upw11nc:e. euay Ma.-asoz Tredt ,_4 •ts ,_,,. CL .._.,.... • 6 ! . .,... pf\ones, board1111 a •H· C.... 'OS "...,, .,.,.., , tolnt~"b, lpm 6'......._ Cbr-$11¥«·H1n· sllowroom cond, •Mt, • 9 I 6 4 a AP J 10 5 3 2 a .......,.. -tloo OMV e1c1 f11i1Y loeded pwr ... es. every oth« Stlllfdey -· v P $3150 714·751·2464 ~ A 9 7 l Bae• 811 V1lwlnery (t192JlC) $37,980. o Vold K 2 Ho 11119'9·756 0654 ••w uoo .._.. cav •oo 1uto • K JO 9 a 7, 3 • J C.... .,7 t11111. 1c, full power. c:c, SOUTH AllbnobUa -AllDmalM .. a-y btMIW ~ 'tl new paK1t, new t.es, ~= $19(Xl.'obo MBZ '95 Sl.500 Con¥t. BOSE. CO, leather, loaded. good looking!! #113266 LMdrover "17 Dltcovery 4X4 Loaded, low miles. 4x4 fun at a great pnce: #549423 $1 BMW '98 M3 COflVl co. 5sp, leather, low miles, Sil .. Blk Int. #C44258 Stlln.y 81acll with low mli.1 115,900. Pp • Vold fmmae Grey Lthr· 949•574-4244 ' K Q 8 Grnt records. H-'-Pr.W. St~, <,.. A J 10 9 7 6 S 4 ('1tl80C) $29,980 red, snrf. multt dltc CO, •A'S ••-3211 blecll/tf•Y Int, •lloy ..-.. ........ ~i . ,... whls. superb orl1 body •"" """' S....'00 & mechulCll cond F.Ab'T "'ORTH .... ,_ Whit• w/Cr••m f4995 ot>o v79nl2 Bllr l• 10 IHthw·•uto tr•ns. !leS-1111 ~ 4•. 5 J • (119193) $28,980. 5• .... '---'ff XJa Vtnden .....__ "-6 •• w SSOCI ........... .--PIH 3411 ml, 1perllhn1 c...,. '01 bflVlan lttv, CO, ch<m StMI Grey w/Grey wilts, lull lect w1rr, ht.e lthr·ac>tpq·Jlll new $28,495 firm miles. luU BMW wwr v842614 lin1nc1n1 ew•1I ('19214C) $30.980 Bllr 949·586 1888 ,..._ llJll --..1.c- Se4.a 'H '-' 'tf HI <-This •OM nut per· 34li m1, full lectory w1rr. feet ShiMy 81acll su· sp11kbn1 bltck/o•lmt•I pet·cht11ed sedan ltllr, CO, chrome whb, (1188581) 129.980 like new , v677295 $33~ f1n1nc1n1 ,,,.,1 Mil SUOO 'H 8kr 949 586 1888 81Kll w/Tan Ltllr· -.~l.c-Sbrmarti wwrentyl (•18977) $42.980 '-' ._., '" '*--Y U 56k m1, wh<le/ten MIZ SOOSl •to ftllf, dual mlll'k. CO. 8olh T09s. Premium IM'ush 1•urd, hke new, wllMb. w/Blacll lthr 11726641 $13,995 lo (fl8923) 127,980 nancln1 & w1rr nul Bkr Persdte •tt• (4 f4f·S .. • 1AN ~·01 -• .,-...c- S..I Grey w/Grey ._. ._., "t7 ~ lthr. lots of ulraa. !1:1 G rn. dlrtl 9eel\o"bn <•19206C) $71.980 lltr, dull mm, reet ,..,..., IMts ,_ M CO, superb Merce4M IHH orl& cond lllf57291 $12,995 suo S.-. •o 1 tinanarc & win avllll. 8kr Silver w/rr•Y lthr. Mt-SW.-1.., N•ncation. Below -~ wholesale. (119207) $54,980 Men e4M•-• CUSAJIG'OO Silver w/Chwcoaf llhr. only 7006 miles! Factory warranty· leases aood· (OAC) ('19248C) tlHQUIRE! M9n.9'MS4SO S.-.'00 Silver /Cllarco•I Factory warranty New-tlody style (1191'6) $48,980 ,.., a..r.k ..... W111u w/Grey Int 6-cyl. SK mo a tr a clean ('19157) $12.980 ~ .. •W...lii Conv. V6, 5411 mi, ~ yr Wiii •viii, tplrtefin& bll/ ln ltlw. CO, superb lllle new cond v259721 $6995 fin •vail 8111 949-586-1888 -·· .. ·-c-.n. •oo va Wlli1e/ tan, •uto, handeUn1 pq, lZ. mies, $32.500 ..... port ... !M9-644-0064 909-240-0030 cell. .:.~.. .,, ••• ,.,.,4 S9or't 3.5 V6. 4711 ""· Wlllte/ar•Y Int, I" •1ed. n/s. llh new $6995 flnancln1 & warr avail 8kt 949-516-1881 WWW·l:!:"">lc.. DOOii lttOi 'HOO 50k+ ml, lOOI( lac wan. 5 sp, blue. 1rey lnt«lor am·fm cd, i.., Clr9" aind .-~ ....... Wl!51'!R ...._,_ aw It'- U.C.t. '02 Navleotw 30k ml, lull fact warr. silver und/t•n llhr. CO staeker, chrome whls utu seat, v672518 $28.995 fin & w•rr av.,I Bkr 949·586 1888 -·~···­Merce4es '96 C210 bHutolul bl•ck/crnm luHy loaded, showroom ~ si1.sK. n47'!il 2464 Men e4H 'f9 1320 Jlli mt, white arey lthr mnrl. chrome whls be•ut ltlie new cond ¥572241 $26.995 Ion avail 8lir 9'19-set;. 1888 WWW ,+,,,_ •• ,. ..... '99 5320 LWB 52k ml, 3 yr w1rr .,, .. 1. solver./blk lthr. beaut or11 cond v875241 $26,995 l1nancinc •veil ""' 949 586 1888 -.eqM!lltl.c- Merce4M 'II HO Sl white/l•n. lmm1c MU. nn ..... ,_ OI qi, chtn-. SJ.UD ~7513'64 .......... Pl-"' lS 'UO sunroof. leetlw, al utras, ... new, ou1 -· -vsnw. $13,995 MuT.:ll6 pp 714-IJ79.63:J5 POU<Hlff6'ff Tip. low miles, loaded. $9otlns. 111 1ot to ao1 $49,900 pp 949-244·5275 "'-•oo l'lct.11 ut cab, a Int c:ond 1uto trans, AIC. am·fm. bed .. • 52'1 fwy mi. S9500 abo~Mary lfl-'91 ~GU L•e MW, loaded, •uto. mocuwool alloy•. low 7 .. mi, 15900 714·751 ·24&4 .,_, ....... .................. .............. 21\'ratap L..,..__. .. ltlUIJ Opemn11 lead Four ol • Pay careful autntJon ID !he bid· ding. There u a nch ~cm of mforma- llOO thett WalUniJ IO be muled There 1~ much 10 bc Jlcancd from the buldinJ Wei.t '> Jump to four dtJ- ll'XJll(b, by apmt.nt. iJiov.cd " r.u'iC to four ~p;idc.<I and fiN·round dw· mood UJOll'Ol f-'™ uxnpcla.I tu fi, e NEW2003 BMWZ4 2.S Cooveruence Pq., healld sats. toe tt;tt.s & m«e lMMfw $394 ,. ........ I it lliese lfrms ON AmOYl:'D CllDfT • 83¢ $3285 due at St&n•n1 Includes $450 refundable s,ecu11ty de po11t IOI. mole~ per year tacen molei @ 20¢ ~r mite (LR62884 l • ............. 55FRUWAY@Eil«LR SAHTAW.AUTO W (888) 823-9808 •-1 aev ... 'f9 4.0SI 3911, full l1c1 warr, whole/ t•n Int. buut one cond. S26,99S v•892396 Ion tvlll Bl11 9'9 586·1888 •-.ec.,.a.1.c- 1-. • ...,.,. '99 4.0SI m1t1lhc blue/o•tmul ltllr. brush cu•rd•. full la Ct Wlfl , $29 995 v792412 lln •v11I Bkr t4t-s .. -1ua -.~c- SELL your stuff through classified! w IOllNSOM COMPANY ~ Wiii, llelt'OCln'a Merl! t49·1~·t525 llNtil-Aiiilliii 'OR HONEYOO'S {our honey llrOft't From lect to Ille ~ .. •!Wl-9.1151 hi i1,~t oldl'.\I~' '. i·l ... l•l[\!!lljl ....... ~ CASH fOI CAIS WI NEED YOUI CAI PAID Foti ott NOT l'HllUPS AUTO ASK fOI MALCOLM 949-574-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES IBICOYll TIOOXTIACAI, TOYOTA TIUCl,PAllSIOO SIUSSO 714-374-1793 MOTORCYClES Chrysler '9 7 Sebr ln9 Conv LX36 42k mo drk melalhc blue/erey lthr beout hke new 'ond v292521 S7995 lonanL1n& & warranty avail, Bkt 949-SH·llU -·:crt'·<- BOATS 9515 2003 Dvffy Cert 16 Cr aph1c pk1 remote spotltaht elect anch0t CO starl!o hst11na chair swim laddef & cockprt cvr. Ins th•n 4'n .,. -$45CIXl ~3336 THI MAlf D YMAN Em«1ency ~le• Dllf ~~ Hdlg JUMI TO TM1 DUMl'lfl 714-968·1112 AVNLASLE TOOAYI 949-673·5564 Wtdnesday1 M rch 19, 2003 A lS TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 4 NPI Sllps AVll1labl~ for boat' up to fiOlt Ideal for proval• bt"I broker ag, 949 n J II 4J SELL your stutt through class1f 1ed! "E l " .J mp oyee . "Empleado. ,, ''A rbeitnehrner." "'Employe." Mowlag&SDlge PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Pt1bllc Ulllilln commlulOn rtqulfts that all 11ttd houuhold 1oods movtlt print th111 I' U C Cal l number hmot •nd chtulf1urs print theu T C P number to •II adver• 11 .. menh It JOU haY• 1ny quetttons 1bovl Ille l11a11ty of • mover . 111110 of chautt11H, calf PU8· LIC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 714 5!11· 4151 ........ 0 I &Je ""'9IGrt mom Mii- •iii• 111 coo•lna. ~loMNP. llltlt ..... & .. .,, .... etc."' OrHI focal ,...... .. mcm ................. ~ ......... .,.. Ir .. •Ille 111 cao•111 •• c~• •• t ''" ... 1tc , OrMI leul ........ 7»Gll AITIST, strip 1nst1ll w11lp~ pa1n1in1 & faua. '"unls. portrert.s 90f411-· .. 64 NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN Fmn. Plllllt1nl' 8'lcco ~-..,lbt~ JO + "--hp "-son•b•• Dependable L•349020 714 638 1114 ...... ...., ........ lteAucco. ltoom ~ P•tctun, flHaonabl•' 11A-t21· 647 .,....,PJ Plwil .. r-----• Policy By Fax {949) 631-6594 llow to Place A. CLASSIFiEJAD -iii By Phone (949) 642-5678 8y Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher resertes the right to ~. reclassify, reviae , or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad lmmediately. The Daily Pilot acc,,cpts no'-liability for any error in ·an advertisement for which it may· be responsible except for the cost of the space acrua.Uy occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed f6r the fi rst (I"-lndMde 10U' --phone numba mnd -·u caU )'OU bm::lt w.tb • pnce IJ'C*.) At Newport Blvd. & Bay SL. Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm , . II ours Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm insertion. Telephone 8:30arn-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-5:~ Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUIKIMDITS & MISC. 101CH770 GARAGE SAU 1419 BUSINESS & FINANCIAi. 2305-2490 311•3'40· soos-saso ENTERTAINMENT HellltFGodl/ Call 3610 HOMESFORSALE _,,_.. ___ 2540_ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LACOUNTY· 5200 ~al 1310 ~s11.J.'1r'!::!: ~~~ LONGBEACH& --IGUl--HOUSllG---~ "::*Goocl~ = ~~~~ VICINnY --_... ooolq. bMlq. tncUM:~.lDlQ ~I-I I SV/·7Yl.·W(7258). Rob9't Beech. tbto lD1Q Beach, All rul estate adver--h91~ _._ Slgr6Hol tlsln1 In this newspaper LEGAL SERVICES -••i .. ldlwclrk.ars "-._. le ......... os subject to the Fe.,.el ,,_In l'lillc ..._. "*'-' Wiik ri ..__.. 2 Felt ~sine Act of 1968 ...._.... • s • m • n d • d w h I ch ~ & Fastian lsllnd ~'lZ/9 l*ldls lo ti.c:h. $615 44 meku It •11•&•1 ,lo foltlrClre ,_SPAY tar.._.,,. aiV Alborl 562--07·1(6) advertlM "any pref•· • ......._. ~ lilt al.......,.,-'---...,.,..., .. FOR .. ,., " ence, llmltat1on or --,_ 94&633-0411 '"""""""' "'""-"' discrimination based on y.-...,..... ORANGE S400 race. color. reli&IOll. Ml, hend1cap, familial stetus U-.-IL.6-C.. COUNTY or n1tlCK1al or111n, °' "' li:':~ 1ntent1on to mah any dtiW'l In the us ~ such prefeience, limit•· tar 1 homl. '-help oldr I ion Of discrlmlnetlon.• brotlws & slsWs '°llUS· 3905 BaJ11oa Plnmta Thi' newspeper will Tnirq a. f1n1nci11 aciport not knowinaty accept "*"· ~ __,. 25 any actv1rtlsement fM ~7·3bn 5o s. An1t11in1 -<An--UC-C-IM_O_r_TAU_U_ OCIANfaONT COffll Company 111• NEW RIMODll rHI estate which If> 1n :...... .. lllwd. -zAl, AnllmTI p1ndin1 Di~trlbuton AGT. Ss:!::00072S-al20 wanted. Hiah·proflt potential. Anyone can do this! CaU 800-813·6625 "'-lnwlt!!!! (rA =scAN> AJSOWTI GOlDMlNll violation of tn. tew. Our n.e.617·19111-~ readeri; 11• hereby Informed tbet aH dweb· 1nas llctvtrt1sed In tilts n•wsc>eP• are available -------on •n equel opportunity ,.....larlme 3110 basis 60 vendinc machines wlltt excellent locatioM 'tar Sl9.995 (D).2.MSll2 ---~ -To complain of dis· s...,. ltSO 01ifff• & cnminatioll, caN HUO toll-Merritt 600 Serle• 40" ''"et 1·800-424-8590. width oven, bf'oilef, &. 1JllM srlll. Immaculate S2000 ........,. ..... 63llf and -obo949-673-0944. 300d (cximbn at -.i). ilililjllillliiilliilllliilll-GI-* lac. ciperl & WI, ._ It Awi now ~ LOTS/ACREAGE Corn del Mir A (1R1• SI .. 11 c- ~troa to B11 Cotona end lookout .-rt. 481 4.58a custom home.. 'c-iette.2003 ~ .. $2,tS0,000 COASTIMI llAl.TY t4t~7St-Ol77 er....,..... 2Br l'/a Wllt*I ..... cllbra ID the i-cn ~ on the ~ al PCH. $4ll9JDl. r.tctllll M*'-\ ec.sa. Older S'tc FUl'llitln 3435 Loll/~ Rr:!ly 98-15!)-0J77 ~~ -....,--DR-._.--~--_W..... _____ 47_40_ 0..Poinl ·-·-·Ollot'-~I qa.-, In-. 40/&0 lAHO BANKIHCI NIWUSTMI& $$ CASH PAID st *ti dwt. mst ~ ,_, Buy, hold, Prof tit Prime Of'IM HOUSI --·--$1775,'obo. ~ zoned acre .. •. Inland SUM 1-4 WE ••ov -·-• l-'-F °""' ..... Oc•-. """ • .,._ .,. • .,.. Tft '--a <..di Wllite, .. .,.. •. ntest crowln1 Coast fine views. • ..,,,,..,.._Moncly..W. bf'~ uphobta..y, alnt a11e In US A. Stitt M8TIR" cond, $200. 949.154. •ff«dable. Hurryl Easy Pvt yd&. viewlna elect.. 8208 Quehfyina. low P•Y· 2 car ettached pu11e . I CONSIGtJ~ -. • • ' I ' '' .: .... SOUTH COAST AUCTION zm1e. .. 1a. ..... CA_,.., -·~CA'll' 1411 ~~~ ~um ._....., shrts. ,.. ..... 6SS1 lost 1585 LOST Whit• 1old end dWinond buct.t. Newport luch REWAR1> 949'673· 1002 BUSIESS SBMCES aext/ DIAIONDSI PRECIOUS METALS $619.000 menh. F1ee prospectui. John Farrow 888-543-2103 Aa•nt. ReMu 94g..32N)932 c...c.-..... Old Coins! Gold, i;1lver, )Nl*y, •*"-. ~ collec:tibles 949-642 · 9441 (CAL•SCAN) wi,.. ...... t4tt.s lllteayfttl"-• OmlW--,1 (t4t)642-S671 ttlttl*~*~*~*tl*~*****~* (019afridi. CODY HAISlf ! , .... s.,.s... llwt,AmW, *~*~*~·~~~ttl*~ttl* S'7 YM U4e s.-. OPl.M SAT..SUM 12-4 Built by Joe E Brown in 1931 only remalnln1 3 + 4 toww Nt9t• Ofl entwe 11.lend 4lw, 4ba, thl'ee filOfles +tow• 3 car , •• pvt dodl '°' 2 boats It IS a, ....... llrldnw\. $13 mllan 9«M97.aal Jm.742-GX> IASTIWIP llAUTY 2100 VISTA LAAEOO 4BR 3BA, remod kite &. ba Plant shutten, C.· pM!Mve view of creen· belt. Turnhy priced reduced to $599.900 Ast Hemet Ketz *4'i2-9510 !MH33'6Ul9 _............._ Ind ex et lilil IOOS-1510 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at .(949) 574-4245 A S11perlt .... ,.,, ------• _Cot_ron __ ll_del_Mar ___ •o.r.-r .... _. ......... rnidence. 4br MfSCEll.ANEQUS 2.5lie--. Ila 2298 LI (5th Bttcame roomtotttee RENTALS 211r ,...._, ~ & 1oww Plllye No.~,... downstan) 5.5ba toe.I.cl ..,,, w/bllt, ut1s incd. le 4r'l ~ ..... c..w-1 on a quiet cor-lot _______ .., In pr. ,._ Nowt ...._ Mt.7U-6074 CuJt om features RentalToShare 6030 n/peh/MM&, $1350 a. throuafloUt. $1,649.<m. l&no. 9&2Z'l·5775 .:JS1 ._. New kM!y Fslde COASTUNI UAl.TY eon 1/2 Iii to bch si,.. b 2.5ba. FR. den, Fp. 949-759~171 ,,___ ol b 2be hse ,. ....... M.... SFR,Wllh .,.,it• count.n. w,,_,. pr • • .,_ -21: -. bedl'-d. s:DXlmo. pobo, iwt .,._ mslr br. nu ..-.,-A IXCMBl'I sar sa. iemod S!U)n 96-735-8101 H r's hom $875/mo. Av• '416. 9&7'5&-3726 ~ loM"C lloor I*\ w/1• in lovely pted Uu-Ho....,n • ....,.. h111h ceilinp, curv1111 -------comm. ,_ Tr .. Squa'e, ,.,.. ... ,.... -• ~. ~ Fp, • Newpert U.orH 38r, fndre, Indy !Kilty Kt.n a-y Jlir l5be Sflt p.mwt luldw1. a6tom 2Ba beach house. Ga Mf1ct, tIT1 7()lt.864919'!00 hdwd fh. .-dldl. ailJnolry & mrn.$1,199.ID> ,.,.,, carpo<t, comm pool ...... _ ~ BnMwl. Coaslirie &. teM, fem n ~mlu iwe 1 Lr' 1 I r, new carpet &. land '**ci. 2 c ... w/stat. Rlamly. 949-J"~·~lln $900/mo 714 336 9136 paint. cvrd carport 277 'f UIXl 91MiJ3.18Xl 161h Plaee 13 $1100/mo ..__.Bead! no pels 949-720-9422 _ ... _ • .,..._, ___ _ I' ... a. a 11 I 2br * YLU1Y * UASIS Iba • v..ty, balcony, Bill CRUHOY REALTORS pMic> Ho pas.~&..-t4t-'7S-6161 p<i!ld Slllnno 94&«iG-37l5 ... .., .......... 2br 2ba condo 111 fllf'lta$tc ~OENTIALRfNTALS ~ ...,, c.a.. wooc1 ORANGE 7400 ~.id mastw P~ COUNTY Shli!*o 'JI&.~ 7400 PatM1 HTATH Balbaa Peninsula PATIKll TlNORI NATIONWIDE USA On n.. s-d ~ulM ~ '4> ~ ' clown ~ l& "8r l !i6a f;11111ly 21r , ... ,..,. SIZ75mo oaQLa l ludio rm, patio, ['l>lde. Fp, pvt y•d. pool, no kitchen. $795/mo ... 100.-f ~ ... 141 u........ SIOOO dep Oen side of -------______ _ y ac 1" "~' PCH 949 574 7701 a 112 94t-a S6-t 70 S www pair icktenor•.com "THI HllGHTS" SnAWIHG I ·STOltY JUST USUD AGT. t4t-721-l 120 ~ ....i fol "'-nuw S9!AKJ/mo yurly c..1 ll8t Deyru Pettit !M9~7l UJ!I Via~ )Our lld toda)! t 949) 642-~6711 I -949 675 5714. 118t ~ CCJllt RmtaJs Wlillld .,.. I~ HM lBr 2..56a. FR. f p, j emodeted. lw'dwd fk. be ytd, ~ to 'WM:A $1996/mo 96642 969'J .......... ~rM~ 2.58il, f'R. F p, lw"dwd lh, ,... M. pr w,/la&cls lo aall rm. S?..Mno. 9'9-JX>..WiO NP Hta 11 qu1et studio ar .. TllllCSIY _,.. W/!>mllll loft, kitchenette. aindll, ...., 'T-.", Fp, sh11 ed le un d• y A1t nn.d 0ca.,.n:y $29Dna. SllOO 949 673-7800 9&641>8MI ge.n252Jli S•U yo., C•r in Cwsvi.11 I WMT9 I at 2Br llpt. Cllilbill at condo, fwn OI """"' ., ~ a.di. Wll • Jllno at .,,_ .... Hlw ....... mnwed Wasta. ........ --' m&!D8D6 ........... 10201 OnNI St.6+& 5 58a. 5534 sf fl.25 Ml en.. 9$251 9444 -.tt9lulty Oi& OG AN & IAY Vll WS jiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiliiiliiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiii•iiiii&liliiiii&iiiiiiii•llil llMODlllD UMDla $750,000 AGT. t4t-721-l I 20 ~Coat • • .._.,.._c.... custDm estete Wlttl canyon ~~views Offwed at $6,500,000. c ........ . 11::2y.t4t-7St-0177 RESORT/ VM:ATIOH PROPERIY FOR SALE ••• .. ••• •• ••• •• SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help ... Are you an animal lover? H erc's a great way to cxr,rcss it. Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" page publish ing on T hursday, March 27, 2003 . Your sponsorship will secure a space for a photo of a pct who is available for adoption and n eeds a good home. This special page · has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponsor of th.is pet, or you may include"a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM The Newport Biach/Coeta MeuJCdM, Balboa Dally Piiot pr~ots you wtdl a g:rut opporta.nlty to promote antiques a collectfblea. Perfect ror ...... dealers, auctions, boobellers, decoratorl, reftallbert, art pllerte.-develop your bu.elneu wtth uar Name:.~----~-----------~---~------­ Addrcss·~----~-~-----~-~--_;_,,_~~ Ocy: State~: ______ ...,Zip:·-----:-------- Crcdit Card#·~ ----~.-...-------.;.o.,.-...o..J,;Exp·._ _____ _ A Special Publication -Just for YOU! Signature_·~---:=------------~-----~~---..;... Publishes: Space & Copy Deadline: Phone (optional)_· ~--,--:------------.:.....---..-;...;;. __ ....._ For check, make payable to: Daily Pilot - Match 26, 200'J Mardi 20, 2003 -Spm Release Deadline: March 21, 2003 -Noon can todayr Ann Willey at 949-574-4249 or tax your ad.to 949 631-6594 A Text to appcrr in space below phoco, 20 cha.raacn or less. Choose One: Cl In loving memory of.--~--~-::-::---_,,---,...,.......,~-- U Sponsom:l by_"-i"'__..._·_,__.._ _ _,_ ___ _.__.~~ ......... - Mail this form with your check or credit card information ro: Save A Life, c,(, Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Coita Mesa, CA 92627 I ' ,. i z l J .. • ... . .. ,, .... , "' • "' . . -- .... • ,., : . • • .. . ' OAJVE~ -OWNER OP· ERAT S Hive your own truck looklnc for lnda~dence? Landstar has th. tools/lrel1ht to make t~ou succnsful! l at Us Show You Howl 877·712·8554 LANO· STAR. \CAL-scAN) OPRl SSWAY STS DRIVE~ 32 cents·50 unts ~m depend1n1 on uperi ce. Home often. 2 ye<tr uperie11ce COL A requ ed. $500 sian·on bonu1 1 ·800·835· 9471.(0Al •SCAN) GlinAl OfJKI Clerica•P/T. 20·30/Hrs. FIURESUME 714-435-0191 GOVERNMENT JOBS. A11Portt Security, Postal & Wild~• Up to $451</ year. 1paid tr aoninc/ benefitf. Great career opportwnity. Call M·F 7am·5i*n PST 866-814· 7013 (qA.l •SCAN) GOVER~MENl HIRING. Forestry/Parks/Postal/ F tr el •thter s /Pollc e/ Securlt . SJ5t(+ benefits & train c. Mon·Fri !lam· 9pm/UT l~l tll Z1 ~CM.~) INTH!f>l DISIGNll1 Educational backaround & uperl1nce, some compu"' skills To apply cell 94f 720-9963 Oalll nla law ra· qi/tr n ltlet eoiitrec• tOft. tmlllrll Job• tll•t total SSOO Of more (llW Of metwltla) be llotnMd by the Co11tt•ctora Shi• ' Lkan• 8oerd. St1te law •Ito recaulr• that contt~IO<• 1~111de thW lklanM numllef onall~.You Ctll C~ Ult 1tetw of '°"r llc1n11d COllHIC IOt at www.calb.ca.,ov or 800-lJ.l·CsL . Unll· cen'4if co11tractou telll11t loll• thet total feM than UOO #!lllll 1tata In tll11t advertl .. mants th•t thlt •• not Ocen..-br thl ContractOf• State Llcenlt d ~ Wednesday, March 19, 2003 A S • .... , .... , .. , Ar1 er r~~eM::r::. jiiiiiiiiiii 1 iii 4 iiiiiiiiiii-iiiiii -!-o:-.. -~-0~-'"-.r:--.. -. Bridge TODAY'S. lleldt. T~ .._ a ....U.SMno llue, auto, ltlll, CO, 111uat. One Ml thM loaded! 30 Iona ~ poeltion t. -1*t time ......., 041 Smoaed, '5200. MovM, CROSSWORD PUZZLE ....._. PG111b1........ ......,., l'P 7T4-7tl-6ffC f11t ,_II> s. "--urtw/IMdleltllr·f ..., ._.._,.....XU llt~ :wr~Mi. ,,,.._. YIO. a mt, sltver/ar•Y ...... a.t.... ... ( lt234) u•.• ""'·co, runnlnc boards, •Wtw..W, ....,.-Yi ...... Nl .. J f.,ly totdld, !lkl lllW, ......_, & W• ... Wtllte W/Whelt vl72511 $21,995, fl· .,.... drq op. NB ...._ lMth«·Moonroof nanclnr 1nll1ble Bl!r Cell Shaun 949-516·9"3 (1192330) '5t,980. tc•-H6-11U Yn llCIPllOlllST -....w-e- HJl'..AR 11fP. LINE Neither \IUlnomble. Bua deab. • •P.*b but Ncxth, who had been NOllTH 1lent so far. dclcidcd 111* thc q,ueen of dilllllOOCh · and SC:llltered b1~ and • K7 · -'-· · d" 0 J 10 6 4 3 pieces WU .w"'~' png 00 to Sil\ , .. with nperlenc1. Busy NJe-1101 fredt pllones, bo•rdlnJ t. •PP· <....-'OJ tolntmenb, lpin-6;30pm ChrolN Sliver.flan• 0 8 8 J ~ Wf\ieh.. '' JIOC makable. was • 6 2 lllccly lO be an ine:tpen.s1ve '8Criflce. hr4 •ts r-GL EAST Wt:st led a low &l*le. rutroo u1 die tllowroorn cond, white, WEST .. Q J 10 ,. J 2 closed hand. The odds on findiJ18 two t every otll« S.turclay. &Jtlon. DMY paid Badf8ay Y.t111nafy (tl9213C)' $37.980. HO t IC9-756-C&54 IMW MOO WDrnolM -o-y ~<.a. '91 new i>Mlt. new tires, ~= $19(XVobo. M8Z '95 Sl.500 Conwt. BOSE, CO. leather, loaded, good looking!! 1113266 ~'97 Dlscovety 4X4 loaded, low miles. 4x4 fun at a great price. 1549423 $1 C.... .. 7 Shlney Black with lmmac.Grey Uhf. GrHt rac:ords. (fl9UIOC) $29,980 IMW'J211 ~'00 White W/CrHm lea~ ... uto tr1ns. 1 (119193) Q ,980, IMWUO<f C...,.'01 St11l Grey w/Gr1y lthr.spt Jlk1·3lk miles. fuff BMW w1rr (11921CC) $30,980. J..-XJR k4-'tl This • one nHr per· feet Shiney Blacll su· per-charald sedan. (1188581) $29,980 Mil SlSOO 'ft Black w/hn Llhr· Starmark warranty! (f18977) 142,980. Mil SOOSl 'JO Both Topt.. Premium wh11ls. w/Black lthr (118923) S27.980 Pendle •tt• CC c•'OI S..I Gr1y w/Grey lthr, lots Ol HtrH. (fl 9206C) $71.980 Mer~._ae S4JO s.4-'01 Silver w/ar•'J lthr. Navaptlon. Below wholesale. (•19207) $54,980 Mene4nleu CUSAMG'OO Sllvet w/Charcoel lthf. only 7006 miles! Factory warren ty· leeses Jood. (OAC) (fl9248C) $INQUIRE! MHC.4nS4IO s.4-'00 Silver /Charcoal· Factory w1rrenty. New-body style. (#19146) $48,980 ,...,cw_. ... ,, White w/Grey Int. 6- cyl. 5K ml. •tr• clean (119157) $12.98Q tct-574-7777 f'HtUWS AUTO ,.. .. .,......,_ Oe4ee '97 latrepl4 Sport 3.5 Y6, 4711 ml, white/lfey Int, 111apd, n/a, 11111 ntw $6995 flnancln1 & warr av•ll Bkr 9'9·S86-l881 -=·cioc;o DOOii ~ i ISOk• ml, 100!< fee warr. 5 111· blue, lflY Interior am·fm cd, bllu GIP oand . .. "' Mil Birr VM519l2 ..,.....,_ ,,_ fuMy loaded ~¥tr ... ts, • t I 6 4 • " " mimng cards di\lided evenly arc S2 13750 714-751·2464 0 A 9 c;i 7 5 l """'"'I. HOWC\'Cf, !here was a nood ....._ CRY '00 auto trena. ac. full pow•, cc. low miles. 115,900. Pp. 949-574-4244 ....._ ,.,...,. 5-.4, rid, anrf, multi disc to, lll•ck/frey Int, 1lloy whls, su.,.rb orl1 body t. mech•nlcal cond .i499$.. obo v79n12 Bkr 9'P.llHB -..cqlltilam I...-'ff JtJa Yanden Plas 3411 ml. sp.,klina blk/tan lthr, CO, chrm whls, full feet w1rr, hke new $28,495 firm v842614 financinc avail Bkt 949·586·1888 -.ecpe1.1.c- ,...., 'ff XICI Cemt 34li m1, lull fect0<y warr, sparklma black/oatmeal lthr, CO. chrome whls, like new, v677295 $33,995 fin1ncon11 avail Bkr 949·!)86· 1888 -.ecpel.l.c- a.. ....... ~ LE 56k '"'· white/tan lthr. dual mnrfs. CO, brush purd, li+'.e new, v726641 $13.995 11· nancln& & werr av11I Bkr ••t-516-llU -........ -&.-ii...,_ '97 ~ 9:.7 ft m. dlWll areeivtan lthr. dull mnrf, reat r."'11 ..ts r-.. a>. superb q CDfld vt'57291 $12,995 ~ & wan avail. Blw ""'SM-1181 •• c • ··-u..c• '02 .. .,, ........ 30k ml, 11111 fact warr. ~ilver sand/tan lthr. CO stacker, chfome whls. extra seat. v672518 $28.995 fon & warr avail Bkr 949-586-1888 -.ecpe1.1 .• -. .......... 't6 (210 beautiful black/cream luff)' loaded, showroom. Wout. Sll.SK. n4-751·2464 M·ercedea 'tt U20 Jlk ml. whrte/arey lthr. mnrf, chrome whh. beaut like new cond. v5722.41 $26,995 Ion ;wail 8lor 9ot9-58). Ul88 -~ Mer<•dH 'tt SS20 LWB 52k ml. 3 yr warr avall, solver /blk lthr, bellul 0<ia cond, v875241 $26, 995 f1naoc1n1 avail Bkr 949·58fM888 -w . .....,_ .... """ ... 560 Sl wlllie/lln. immac ~ nn.-.,_dqi. cmn-. $IUD 7'4-"'1·3161 ........ ~LS 'UO surwoof, llelher, al utras. like new. ona -· norllsmkr. Sll.995. Munk.Jl6"' 71~ POUCHI H6 'tt Tip, low miles. loaded, Spotless, Its 101 to 101 $49,900 pp 949-244-5275 .... _ '00 Pldr .... , cab, alnt cond. auto trans, A/C, arn-fm. bed liner. 5211 fwy ml. $9500 obo 94Ml59-0.l29 Mwy. .... _ ii s-tre Gll lib new, lo•ded, auto, moonroof alloys, low 74" ml, $5900 714-751·2464 o VoW o Kl ..-·-·· • • K 10 9 8 7 4 3 • J reason lO cllpect dial would not be the so ca!tC llere. Why? • J:I:I Wc~t's leap to four diamond~ 0 K Q 8 promised lint-round control or the 0 A J 10 9 7 " s 4 su11. Since S<111th kne\\ West did not • A 5 " hold thc &Ce of di~ it had «>be a diamood void. A Ii~ was nea:s· ~~dding: sary. and there was ooly one lcgiti· .,.,... , SO\JTR WEST NOR'nl maJC way to reach dummy -West I• l'O ~-"-had «> hold specifically a dc:Kiblcton .-. so .--r- 6 ~or.._._., 5•' .... .... _., .......... .._. ,_ At trick two detlb.rct led the king ,_ of hearts and. when w~ held up; Opening lead; Foor of • continued with the queen. West won perforce and pt:®\ICrcd with a~. Pay careful aaention to the bid declarer rufflllg. Now Lhc eight uf dirig. There is a rich vein of infonna-hearts, O\lcnaktn with the Leo ~ We,t tion there waiting to be mined. discarded, pc:nniued declam to lead There is much to be gleaned from the eight of di;amond~ from dummy the bidding: Wel>t's jump to four dia-!or the finc.'!..'ie. The third d1amonc.I lllOfKb, by uip-cement. ,.flowed a r.use was the enll')' back to the hoard to d1\· to four spades and liJSt·round cfuJ. card the l<Xmg club on a good hcan mood cootrot East competc<l 10 live Making ~ix-Odd. NEW2003 BMWZ42.S Convenience Pllg., heated suts. toe ~ts & more llethr $394 ,. .... + ... lat these terms Oii APPIOVID <llDIT +.83¢ $3285 due al sl1nin1. Includes $450 refundable ~ecur1ty de· posit IOI< mllu per year, e1cen miles @ 20c per mile (LR6'884) . .. ····--•....... °""" W..Wip s,_illet&fillltt hies nnaawn ....••••...•. 55 FREEWAY @ IDfW SMTA NIA AUTO IWl (888) 823-9808 CASH FOl CARS WI NHD YOUl CAR PAID FOlt Ol NOT PHIWPSAUTO ASIC FOl MAlCOLM 949-574-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES IEDCOVll TlOOXTIAW, TOYOTA 1llQ, ,. $IOO S81$50 714-374-1793 MOTORCYCtES HONDA 2000 SHADOW, ncxxx:. tJlack. or1y soo me .....,, •trasl Sll PrlYWI Party 714-846-9449 l-t aev.. 'ft 4.0Sl 3911. full fact warr. whole/ tan Int, beaut or11 cond, ChrysJer '97 Sebrl"9 $26.995 vt892396 fin Conv LX36, 42k mt, drk avall Bkr 9'9·!)86· 1888 metalhc blue/11rey lthr . -.ecpabl.c°"' beaut hke new cond. v292521 $7995 hnancon& •-. a.v ... '99 C.OSl & warranty av11I. Bllr metalhc blue/01tmeal 949-586-1181 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 4 NPI Sllp1 available !or boats up lo 60ft Ideal for provat~ boat brokeraae 949 723 31 43 SELL your stuff through classified! 14 lthr. brush ruards, lull 1 •lli"'iiwiiwii.eciii,,..iii'iil·---h c t warr. $29 . 995 I' • v792412 fin 1v.1I. Bkr BOATS tct-S .. -1118 -.eqNOW.•-9515 "Employee." "Empleado." SELL your stuff through classified! ( , ... , ........ c.pe111rT~ Oryw2 • Stucco Palntlnc. Tile I m«e ao. Y•a bperleneel Jl714-t .. -J776 Id ' I I H· 1 • Iii I'.\ Iii i. ~I Mi ii 1l 1 lfi1 - 200S Duffy Cat 16 Gr aph1c pk1. remote spotllaht, elect anchor, CO stereo. hsh1n1 chaor, swim ladder & cockp1t c1rr. less than 4ln ute r-S'S.ax> ~3336 - THI HANOYMAN ~"*••ncy Service Oki l'UrCllnl. £ledrbl. c.... Doors etc ... 949-2.44·8895 Hiiiing JUMl TO TNl DUMPlll 714'968·1182 AVAILABLE TOOAYI !M9·67S·5566 ............ lllT •~tH/Mr W'flftl ttl cit ... 111wrld fnt. c-taoua. careful. Tl'*4 IOO-l• ma ........ "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe." Mowlng&Sblgl PUBLIC NOTICE The C•ltf Publlc Ulthtlts commlulon requlrH that aJI UMd ho11uhold 1oods movers print their P.U.C. C•I T number: limos 1nd ch1uf11urs print their T C .P number In 111 adver· tiMmtnts. II you have 1ny questions about th• 1111llty of • mover , llmo of chauffeur, call: PUB· LIC UTillTIES COM· MISSION 714.551. 4151 ......... ' ... Newport mom •vii tllle for cookln1. ~ .... IWrt ~e·r--..,.,,,., etc... reat loc•I ,.....,..~ .,..._ ......... Hewpatt mom a1ral- 1bte for ceokln1, coinpanlollltlllp, ~ _,.., .. .,.,.... etc .•• Orut focal ---~ ARTIST, strip, Install w1llpaper. palnun1 & f1ua, murels, p0<trelb tot-611-6"4 tmMITTER HOW YOU SAY IT, Cl..ASSmED CAN Fiii iT. . Plllllrtng • 8'lcco ....... •lbt A9modll. JO + ,..,. hp Raa- son 1blt, Depend1ble L•~9020 71•-638·8114 . ................... R•tucco, Room Mdrtlon. P1tchln,. Reasonable' 714-Wl· M7 MM-0497s ,...,., l'lumblflt rtptlt a, over Myn exp. All wort. ..-. ... SIM~ WI I Bll&i*MI PUJllllCR U,_. FiwE.111111'111,...... OC1"Ftll Olll. 714.2Sel!O NldANIMIMi :-r .. ~ c.-.... • t41111 ,. ... ..,n••Jlll A liq .. I • \ All . March 19, 2003 SEEKf;9:J:OFIND FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE BELOW. BOLOGNA FLOll.KNCE PISA B~CIA MILAN ROME COSENZA NAPL!'S VERONA TNIJ ~,,. '"rAO Ul/f DOWN ANO AClfOlle. p I' B R E s c I A s · A F L 0 R A N c z T y p u 0 v E R 0 N A M I L A N p I z E A w s D N A p L E s F . c A G G R 0 0 M 0 G V M R 0 M E N I c . 0 N A p L V, E ·R 0 N ·P w F L 0 R E N C · E w p l x B M I L 0 N N , HIDDEN PICTURE ' . . <r. . . ... _ What travels around the world but stays in a corner? Color in each space that contains a letter. · SeUHt s~ ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Pre-Kinder~en to 8™ grade • Qualified, credentialed teachers • School accredited by WASC • On-s ite extended day care available 1964 ORANGE A VENUE, COSTA MESA (949) 574-7411 Contact: Cathy Dressler ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL OF COSTA MESA l<lnderpJrten through mldcle school ~ .-)~ •29 • • ~;t 2@2& 3 e ~ e Z1 5 • __ 4 26 __ •2!> IVVV & 0---0 eVVV' • 22 0---0 0---0 a@•7 ;:· :J ~ 12 6 . •19 11•. 1~ 1& fl Q 13~ ~17 ---llllllllf btablltled In 1"6 Enroll Now Christian Montessori SchOols ancl Acacle•y Principal Suzanne Lamonct M.A. Ed. READINGl\ANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM EMPHASIZING PHON1CS smucTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO-YEAR KINOERGAR'TEN PROGRAM. For Early Enrollment Discount EXTENDED CURRICULUM TEACHERS FOR: • Computer Education • ~ish • Swi'!'ming (pool on premises) • P.E. • Art • MuSIC Int.met Cor.-.dion in Computer Lab and daSStOOmS. ClounM>m ~ & comP.Ufiw lab on .,...ms.. Reader, Referenc. & Aucl"eo Vasual Ubra:s ptWnises. Creelentioled teoehen. Smol si~ classes. Sibling discounts. Care Wore & Mt.r School. 6:30AM-6 P • . ' Non-Acodemk Summer Comp · 261 Mont9 Vista Ave:, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Mfllae.d with,..,,.. "-dloclf 949-645-5171 www.PortcPrlwrte.com PLAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 • DeveloDmental and Early Childhood EdutatlOn Programs For 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K ·~~=-~ • Potty 'ft'ait1lng Available Ful ~ & ~ Half-Day Sesllons ~ thru FrtdGv 6:30om·6:00pm Director: Artene Shapiro (714) 540-1919 --Llolirwe·~ . Newport Orange lrvlne Orange 2591 trvrne Ave. 1130 E.Walnut Ave . 7000 Trabuco Rd. 1539 Mayfair Ave. 949-631 -9749 714-744-1578 949-653-1091 714-631 -9749 E--Mal: anMMt..,,.eaa1hlnk.Mt _____ .... 1111 ' t:J ~ ~~ NEWPORT COAST CHILD DEVELOPMENT PRESCHOOL A D~opmentally Academic Program NOW REGISTERING FOR FAIJ, • 2 1 /i , 3 and ~ year old afternoon dieeee • After·tchool enrichment d..a ••. art, tdeace and cooking