HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-20 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·Newporter unveils $14-million renovation Newport's oldest hotel expects face -li ft that will allow it to compete will be fi nished by s ummer 2004. Paul Clinton OallyPdot NEWPORT BEACH -The new owner.. of the Hyan Newporter have launched a S 14- million renovation of the city's oldest hotel. Sunstone Hotel Investors, b~ in San Ocmente, are fleshing out a plan expected to result in a far-reaching overha ul of the former Newporter Inn, which was built in 1962. Managers at the 403-room resort say the work. which is lo ng overdue, will lift what is now con1>idered a second-tier hotel to a higher level of luxury and comfort in a marlc.e1place that includes the five-star Four Seasons and new I lyatt Regency Hunting- ton Beach Reson & Spa. The Balboa Bay Oub is also ~t to unveil a revamped hotel in May. "(The renovation! i.s so we can be com pelitive in the marlc.e tplacc, • General Man ager Bruce Brainerd said. "We're overdue." The hotel's previous owner. Brainerd See NEWPORTER, Paee A4 THE BELL CURVE Keep us blessed with the right to dissent I 'm writing this the morning after the sheriff from Texas gave those varmints 48 hours to get out of town. I can no longer remember what I wa., planning to write W ore I heard the ultimatum, but trying to write about anything else today is impossible. The president's last words were •God bles.s America" If God is to be called on in this crisis. I would strongly suggest extending the appeal fo r his blessing to a1J mankind For starters. it seems like we need to broaden our base a little to make contact with the Almig)lty. I'm wondering where the president's ultimatum leaves the 609' of our population which polls la.st week told us dJd not support military action without UN aanction. Or the nearly 50% who didn't support it at this time at all. Slnoe I'm a member of both groups, lt wu helpful to hear strong evidence in JOSEPH N. BELL SM CURVE, Paa• M Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ONnEWEB: ww.~com . WEATHER lt'a not going to rain, but ther9 will be. t.w doudl. S.PlpA2 . SPORTS lDOldnQ blldi on • .... tide run b¥ the OCC women~ TOlllBA Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,MARCH20,2003 War feels far a Way DON l.£.ACH I DAILY PILOT On the corner of 19th Street and Newport Boulevard, Robert Kerr, left, and George Hylkema. right, hold signs to express their opposite feelings about going to war wrtti Iraq Glass slipper will fit for several Cinderellas Sout h Coast Plaza's Cache store will help dress and decorate 350 yo ung wom en for p rom. Lollta Harper Oa1lyPtlot sot.rm COAST METRO -It is a night glorified in movies. trumpeted in magazines and feared by loving fa- thers everywhere: prom night who cannot afford them . Nobody should be forced to miss such a special occasjon because of fi- nanc:W difficuldes. saJd program creator Jerri Rosen, also the founder and director of Working Wardrobes. which hdps women dress for suc- cess.. Local opinions vary about the confli ct that began Wednesday, but there's little worry about effects on area. Deepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot NEWPOR r-MESA -l.J>Lal r~1dents believe the arms of war are not long enough to reach their safe haven. President Bush announced Wednesday night that U.S. forces launched a i;tnke agairu.t wtarget!> of m1luary opportunity" after the military struck with cruise m1ssilet> and precision-guided bom bs a site near Baghdad where Iraqi leaders were thought to be. Bu<>h described the acuon a5 the opening salvo in an operation to "disarm Iraq and to free it!> people.w The p~1dent addressed the nation about two hours after his 5 p.m. uJti ( INSIDE For more war-related marum for Saddam Hussein to give u p power. "Now that confliCl has 1.:ome. the onJy way 10 limit it'> duration is to apply deci- ~ive force: he '>aid. "We will coverage. see Page A3 accept no outcome but vie tory" Newpon-'-ie...a re..,1dents expre-.sed a wide range of emotion'>. from pa- triotic '>Uppon for the pre~1dent and the troop'> to disappomtment that the .. 11ua11on had to end in a conflict But nobody belif'Ved that the war wouJd haw any direct effect on this community Co'>ta Mesa ~1dent <>teven Rao, ~d the United States mu!>I wage a war tu "protect ourselves.· "I beheve m our troop'>,· he said. ·1 have no concern that something may happen here I don't think Iraq has the capability to pull off somethmg like thaL w What we may get 11> people acting alone commilting acts of terrorism. Ras said. WI think that's '>Omethmg that's bound to happen at some ume." he ~d. "It's some thmg we need to accept and learn to live with" Olristma Dorsman. howl'Ver. srud '>he be- lieves ·we didn't do enough to avoid war.· wwe should have done more. w she said. "Rut I think we have the abllity to win 11. aJ. though we don't have much '>Uppon from other countne!>. • About LOO war protesters gathered at the comer of Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard See WAR, Pace M It is a nlght to ~ up. be treated like a princess and cherish for a life- time, said organ.iurs of the Cinderella for Life program. which gives prom dresses to about 350 young women "This event allows teenage girls In economic need to attend their high DON LE.Aai/OM.Y Pl.DT Julie Newman arranges some of the prom dresses that wi be donated to s.. CN>ERBJ.A. Paa• Al4 underprivieged giris by Cache Boutique in South Coast Plaza. Dock for Rhine Cllannel delayed Floating dock's doubled cost forces city to postpone construction until Newport Beach City Council finds another $100,000. "" ... ...,, . ....... ,1 HOeg ~end PGA tNnt wht't GMyMCCofd fot • lVed. ......... .. I • .. A2 TlVsday, March 20. 2003 • P.OLITics· .. THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE PHOTO C~TESY Of AAAON LEWIS A Federal Aviation Administration official hands an aviation safety device to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher during a NASA hearing. District race becomes even hotter Paul Clinton DattyPilot Yet another has entered the race for the 70th Assembly District. ln what is shaping up to be one of the hottest locaJ contests in 2004, Irvine resident Don W~er joined a growing field of competitors to replace John Campbell. who has said he will leave the seat to pursue lhe area's state Senate seat. On Monday, Wagner announced his intention to join three olher announced GOP candidates, including two Newport Beach residents, in the bidding for lhe Republican Party's nomination during the March primary. "The race to succeed John will aJlow me to campaign vigorously for the family·fnendly, low-tu, pro-entrepreneur and robust education policies needed to rescue this state from its malaise," Wagner said Monday in a statement. The seat represents Newport Beach, Irvine and Tustin. Former Newport Beach City Council candidate Marianne Zlppl, Anaheim business owner and party fund-raiser Crbd Crlttich and former Irvine City Council candidate Qaudt DeVore, who has been endorsed by Rep. Dana Robrabacher, are aJJ on record for the race. Cristich, who has secured the endorsements of former Assemblywoman Marilyn Brewer, former state Sen. Marian Bergeson and Supervisor Jlm SUva, lives in Corona deJ Mar. MORE COMPET1110N IN 68Tif The race for the 68th Assembly seat ls aJso heating up. Candidates will vie to replace Ken Maddox to represent Costa Mesa. Monday, Garden Grove Councilman Van Tran signaJed his intentions to run for the seat by hiring a team of consultants. The 36-year·old Tran made headlines in 2000 when he became onJy the second Vietnamese American in Orange County to win election. Maddoit, alc;o a former Garden Grove councilman, is termed out of the Assembly seal and will challenge Campbell and otJ1er'i for the area's state Senale seat. Martt Leyes, another Garden Grove councilman, has announced his intention to run for 1he seal l..eyes, a former Democrat. is running on lhe Republican ticket. No Costa Mesa candidales have entered the race for the Republican primary, which is a year away. Costa Mesa Councilman and Republican supponer Gary Monahan has said he won't run for the seat. On Monday, Tran hired Sacramento poUticaJ consultant Wayne Johnson, of JohnsonOark Associates. Maddox aJso h ired the firm 10 run hts campaign. Tran also lured MB Associates to handJe his fund-raising and campaign research. "Van is a very strong candidate," said nm Oark. a partner in JohnsonOark. "He's a fiscaJ conservative. He's a self-made man. I think Republicans aJJ over this district are going to be receptive to • his message." Tran is the managing partner at Van Thaj Thram & Associates law firm. Before founding the furn. he served as a staff aide to former Rep. Robert Doman and then-state Sen. F.d Royce, who is now in Congress. ROHRABACHER DOESN'T WANT FRJES WITH THAT Rohrabacher mus! have been glad Tuesday thal he doesn't hold reguJar office hour'i al Unity Hospital in Minneapolis. A suspicious, rank-smelling letter addressed to • D Rohrabacher" arrived at the hospitaJ lhat day. Postal inspectors opened the lener, which had a Minneapolis postmark. It contained a rotten potato and a note reading. "I lave a fry.• Rep. Bob Ney CR-Ohio), on March 11 , ordered workers in the congressional cafeteria to rename French fries to "freedom fries." The letter caused a panic. Safety crews donned protective suits and h eaded to the hospitaJ's emergency room. The ER was shut down for I 'h hours. TROOP·SUPPORTING RALlY SET FOR NOON SUNDAY Amid aJJ the rumblings of war, another in a string of "support our troops" rallies have been planned for Newpon-Mesa. The Stand Up for Freedom March is scheduled to go off at noon Sunday, near John Wayne Airport. at the intersection of Campus Drive and MacArthur BouJevard. Dorothy Bunn, lhe wife of a U.S. Marine, is sponsoring the raJly. which follows a number of other raJJles that have urged locals to suppon America's war against Iraq. Antiwar rallies, at an Intersection near Soulh Coast Plaza, have also taken place. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hell. n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754--5223 M9yor: Karen Robinson Councit: Ubby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gery Monehen and Chris SIMI CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (9491644-3309 Mayor. Steve Bromberg Council: Gery Adams. John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gsry Proctor, Tod Ridgeway end Don Webb PRESIDENT George W. Btnh (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .• Washington, D.C. 20500 HotJine: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 45&-1111 E-mat1: president@whitehous..gov Fax: (202) 45&-2"461 POLITICAL CALENDAR MARCH Today: Formal installation ceremony o1 Newport Beach'• GlencU Sanders• a judgi of the Orange Caunty Superior Court etA p.m. in Department Cl of the Central Justice Center In SantaAna .. Today: The Hollvwood Congrns of Republican• will pretent an inside look ft Hollywood's anti-war movement at the Orange County Young Republican.- monthly meeting, at 7 p.m. at the Weatin South Coast Plaza Hotel, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 476-5~ or www.ocyr.org. Mondey: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hoMI a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa M8$8. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714)656-8555. nRep.Dane Rohrebacher's St. Patridc's Day fund-rei$er featuring the Feniens Irish Band end lri,Atl Dancera, Jrom·4 to 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn In Co• Mesa. $100 per person. Reservations: (714) ~7457 APRIL 13: The Orange County Young Republicans will holl a general meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Meaa. The topic will be liberals versus Hollywood conservatives. lnfonnatiom (949) 475-5559 or www.ocyr.org. 21: Republican Party of Orange County Central • : Committee will hold a • general meeting at 7 p.m. " : the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at686Anton •: Blvd., Costa Mesa. : : Admission is free, end ell •. Republicans are welco~. : : (714)656-8555. ·~ :· 23: Rep. Dana Rohrabecher : : holds a St. Patrick's Day •: fund-raiser featuring the Fenian• Irish Band and lmtC Dancers. 4 to 7 p.m. at the Harp Inn in Costa Mesa. . . $100 per person. R.S.V.P. •. (714)~7457 : MAY 19: The Republican Party of Orange CoUnty Central Committee will hold a . .. •. . general meeting at 7 p.m. llt : the South Coaat Plaza • • Westin Hotel at 686 Anton · • Blvd., Costa Men. Admlaaion is free, Md aU •: Republicana are welcome. : : (714) 556-8565. • • · . . . . . JUNE ··: Daily Cot-.1 Wliloft Newa assist.Int. (949} 57._.298 coral wilt10ne latirna.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copynght; No news storiee, illustre1ion1, editorial matter or edvettlaementl herein c:en be reproduced without written permiMton of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 79 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publ..tlcw TONYDOOERO Editor JUO't' OEmNO ~~ Ptomotione OiNCllOt New9Edhon Gina Aleonc»r, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt, Pllul Sattowitz. Danl.i S~en1 NEWllTAff Ctime ~ ~rter, (M )57<M d«IPl.blllnthe1«1,,,.._t10tn .-.=·· Newpott reporter, (941)67~32 /u,,..Cldafl,..rt<»ei.tim..com ,...Clmoft ~illc» and environment reporter, {Ml~ pwf.dlntOn ..... QO(n ............. Cotumni.c. outlunt ~-. tM)11M211 _...,,..,_.,.,,,_,com ~NsU ILWl eoct.a Meea ""°"""'· (MJ 1~n1 ~,...,,,.,,.,,,,,,._oom CMe•w OlilllD lduadon ,..,._, (Mf 174-4* dwfttitta.,,,.,.~ Seen Hiller, Don Leach, Kent Treptow READERS HOTUNE (9481 542-«>88 Record vour comments about the Daily Pilot or new9 tips Addra. Out eddreaa 11 330 W. Bay St., Coeu Meea, CA 92627. Of'flce houri are Monday· fnday, l'.30 e.m. -5 p.m. CoffoecticM• It the Pftot'a PoltCV to promptly correct all etrOrl of au t»tance. P1eete cell (IMS} ~4. HOW TO MACH US Cita.li.tlon The 't;lmes Orange County (800) 252·91'1 ~ ClaM!fted 19491542-5078 Dleptey (949} 842-4321 Edltode4 News (949)MHelO Sporta (9481674-4223 News,.. (948} ~170 8PcM19,... (Mt) 880-0170 E~ dailyp11ote,.t1m..com ...-.a.. ......... a.. (849) M2"'321 ... ,.. r.x (.148) 131-7129 Pu~ by Times Community N.ws, a dlvtl1on of lN l.oe Anot'M Tlme9. ()2002 lltM9 CN, AH righ11 r9ll9f\leCI. WEATHER FORECAST It'll be pertly aunny today, and the rein once predicted haa decided to come b8c:k another day. High• wilJ top out In the mid-609. lowt wilt be in the upper 40a. Friday, u well H the• weetc9nd, loot~ 1UMV andwwmer. ............. : www.nws.ftO#M.(1(111 BOATING FORECAST Thew ....... wtel blow 15 to 20 llncMI. .. 2· llO ~foot W9WI .... WMt .... otstoe-. n..Me1• bu'ltd toe to 1 ,_ tNe ft"""8. OUt farther, the nofthwe.aerly wW.tl will bAow 20 to 25 b'°'9 earty In the """' Wiilers, though tN(ll buld ID 26 to 35 ltnota tNe dlmoon. WW. wtfl be In the .. to Maot ,....., wtth. not1hMllt .... CJ/11 .... ThM .... Wll buld IO I IO 10 llnotl lt1la ft .... SURF TIDES TllM 4:Ma.m •• 10:30a.m. 4':2.a p. "'· 10'A1 p.m. ...... Oat(Pitot AFTER THE RAINS l<ENT TREPTOW DAILY PILOT Water the color of chocolate flows past worl<er Phil O'Brien on Tuesday as he scoops up a · mountain of trash and debns left by rains at the mouth of the Santa Ana River. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS March designed to support troops lo coun1cract the number of ..in11war marchC5, ~upponers of A1m•ric:an 1roop., in the Middie 1-.a.'>I Wlll hold a Stand Up for I rcc:•dorn March on Sunday. 'iuppon<:rs include student or- i.:amza11on'>. veterans and Young llepublicam. I he noon marlh wttl be a can'dlelight proces~1on. II wilJ de· p<lrt from the comer of Campus I lrhc and MacArthur AouJevard neJtt to John Waynt• Airport. l·or rnort• informJtion. contact Dorothy Bunn at Marine- \ Vifl'73 I (it<wl.cum. Acce1.i to UC Irvine nbdcar reactor limited IJC. Irvine offic1ab are tak.ing ... ome t•x.tra precaut1oni. Wlth the 250 Julowatt nuclear reactor on campu~ hecau\e of the hcightent'd security alert and war with Iraq. Tour-. of the reactor have .. stopped and ·acce!>!. ha!'> been restricted to those who have no! gone through a background check, said George Miller. reac tor supervisor On Wednesday, Miller turned away a crew that wanted lo film the reactor for a dornmentary about the Kennedy a-;sassma- tion. fhe reactor wai. u<,ed for foreni.ic analysis on bullet'> u~ed during 1he ai.sa.,..ination. ll1ere i<i normally round-1he clock <;urveUlance of the facility. Miller ~d. but the reactor i::. not considered high-risk becau<,c it'> physical construction makCl> re· moving the fuel difficult. One nonprofit helps another with $5,000 Newport'i. PacifiCare Fount.la t1on has contributed $5,000 to Parenil lelp USA. a ( osta Mc'><! ba~etl ~roup that help' prewnt child abu<ie. I he foundation is a nonprofit established and funded by Pa · cifiCare Health Sy&tems Inc. Health and safety fair to be held April 12 Avalon at Newport l:aM/We-.t will pre<,enl the fir~t comrnu 1111y health and safety fun fair at 393 I lo'>prtal Road in Newport lkach from 9 a.m . IU :i p.m. Sat· urddy, Apnl 12. Fei.tiv111es indude a blood drive. thol<·.,tcrol scree111ng, ONA tc.,ttng and finger pa1n1 ing For lllfOtJna11on. call (949) 6:11 · 1555. CALL YOlIR LOCAL RABBIT Rabbitt Insurance Agency Al 10 • HO~fH)\l"i~R'> • m.AITH '"''" (lf'I ,,,, / ·1~ ~ ~~ ~Sr)-' ,.. , 949-631-77 40 ~I (Xe! Ntwport Bhod.. • Newport 8cadi (Near H~ H01piw) Thorsday, Marth 20, 2003 A3 Newport-Mesa families await word from the fronts The Spences of Costa Mesa and the Bakkilas of Newport Beach have confidence that their loved ones will return from war. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Today is c.ass and Carrie SJ>e.nces second wedding anniversary. • Carrie Spence will spend the day in Costa Mesa with their two children. 2,-year-old Connor and 3-month-old McKayla Cass Spence will probably be in camouflage, awaiting orders. as the desert blows hot and cold on him an<J hundreds of 1hou- !>ands of other troops. The U.S. Marine C.Orps staff sergeant left for the Persian Gulf dunng the first week ol February fhe last piece of communication Carrie Spence got from her hu ... band was a letter that am11ed ·rue.,day that was dated March ·I E-mail and other communild· tion~ have been su1.pended for ,1 while, she said. "I know ~ must be very close to Iraq right now," C .arm.· l>aid. •And I have but1er01e'> 111 my &tomach." In hi5 letter written about two weeks ago, Cass tell'> hi., wife tha1 things "are getting p retty hot and heavy" and tha1 "it's getung dow to game time.» p "He ~d they JU'>l want to get 111 and get out,• Came .,aid, read tng from the letter "I It· ..ay'i the sooner we get in. the <i<mner they get out and come back home." MIJted wWl war talk and ~late· ments such ~ how it\ going to be a bigger air war than the l<L'>l time are emnuonal toudlt">, an which he tell'> hi' wife he um't wait tu get bark dlld get up'>el about 1he hlllt' tlung'> like hillr strand., 011 the 'hower wall "I h.1ve lllng. lo11g h.ur. Carne 'ipentt• -..ud \'\Ith a laugh In lu' own \'\a y. ( ~ • .,., ...,pem e gaw h" !d1nil} .1 'trong Wilrning thal a \\Jr \\a'>n I too far ufl Hui l1n•-.1dt•n1 Bu!>h\ '>Pt'<'l h on Morn.l.<y t•-.tabl1sh111g a 18 hour d1·adl111t to 'iaddam I tu ... '><'Ill t liat t'nded Wedne'>day evt·mng t.1nw rnorl' "" a '>llln· ner t•1 tlw Hakkila family 111 Nt•\\ JH ll I lkad1. Victor Baldo la. a < ,,.., 1 Ml''>J Police dt•1<.·c11ve anti a rt'wrvt: ofl1cer who ll'ft homt· lt1-.1 WN.•k. 1-; wa111ng 1n tht ~111g' 1n \\.a<,hington '>late. rt'<tth to lt•avc for Iraq al any Ill 111 u It• I le\ bU'>} ge111ng ready. gt•t- tm~ hi\ \hOt\ d.JHI (.'VCrything.tt hi'> wilt•. Lurey, !>aid. "I li~ equip- ment ha.., already been shipped out" But '>he added that she did ex- pect the war to bt'gln ma hurry. "Wt:'ve given l~dam) the last 4 t months," Corey Hallila !>aid. ·1 thmk 11"!, ab<Jut ume we went ul thue and took tum out of power· She !>aid she wilbn't sure how long her husband would be gone ·11 rnul~.bt-anywhere from ix month'> to two year!.,· , Corey said lier mother, (..Jthy <.rook. '>aid tht' wughl'St 1'>!.ue for her and Corey B<1kk.il.i was the lack of l mnmun1l a111111 rhert· ~ould be onte her ..,on in-la~ ht~ the w.i.r /Ont· I tlunk thar'~ really hard," l.ruok -.aid "lo li'>tt'n 10 the new.. and watch 11 all tht' time cmd not kllm' \\hne \It .., and how he\ doing fo not ht' ahl<' 10 hear his \.Olll' or g1 1 .111 1.• m<ul from h1m "1,01 l.1111~ mg 1-. tlw \M>r'>l " < 'm•y Billila and Croo~ ..ay tht:y hJw u111fidelll l' m "Vic" and ~IHJ\\ ht h..i.., the inuning to mak<' 11 thmugh 1lw wor'>l of .. 11ua111m ... I .a me ~pt·m 1 know\ tha1 ahou1 her hu-.h,ind, too. She l-1111\"' ht· 11 uirnt: hack home be lauw m < .1 ... ., Spence·~ own \.,Orth, •\ly mamma didn't rai!>e no fool.0 P1ug into the Pilot Classified section to f1no ~rvt<es from electronics and plumbers. to la~apers and painters Daily Pilot Le Quai Waterfront Dining in Cannery Village featuring fresh grilled .itediterranean fain> and dc:lt<.:acies from tbe sc:a 2816 LaFayetteAve • Newport Beach 949 673-9463 Tues -Sat: Break&.~ 7:30 -10, Lunch 11 -3 I Sunday 10 -4 Prix FiXe Dinner Wed -Sat 5:30 -9:30 Reservations Recommended for Lunch & Dinner GoWmet Picnic Boxes for Harbor Cruises (IMtll for Harlxw Cruises and PlcnJcs by l.bll -a) Small Craft ~dcome at Le Qual' Dock While Dining, FtrSt Come, First Set vc Dasi (boat'~ than 21 ft, pica! call for dotk ~rvatk>o) • f M llusday, ...-Ch 20, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY SEAN HUER I DAILY PILOT John Beck, a retired Santa Barbara City firefighter, douses a car fire with a garden house before Costa Mesa firefighters arrive at the intersection of Orange Avenue and Magnolia Street on Wednesday afternoon. POLICE FILES NEWPORT BEACH • Balboa Boulev8rd: Petty theft was reported In the 3100 blodt at 3:49 p.m. Tuesday. COSTA MESA • S..r S1rMt: An auto theft was reported in the 3300 blodt at 11:08 a.m. Monday. • Bristol Street: Grand theft was reported in the 3300 blodt at 12:33 p.m. Monday. • Fairview Road: An auto the~ was reported tn the 2700 blodt at 3:17 p.m. Monday. • trvine Avenue: A vehicle burglary was reported In the 100 blodt at 10:07 a.m. Tuesday. • Pelicen Hiii Roed: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 22000 blodc at 6:05 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Bouleverd: A hit-a nd-run was reported in the 2700 blodc at 12:33 p.m. Monday. •West 17th S1rMt: Grand theft was reported In the 700 blodt at 12;21 p.m. Monday. • w..t 191h StreM: A commeraat burglary was reported in the 500 blodc at 10:28 am. Monday. • University Driw end Mec:Althur Bouleverd: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 7:44 p.m. Tuesday. • W Genoa: A burglary was reported in tt}e 100 blodc at 10:07 a.m. Tuesday. • 30da Md Newport Boulevard: Vandalism was repol'ted at 1:54 a.m. Tuesday. ........ 1(1 ~ ... All """JI.-.• ro%~ °" " """~ IRVINE HEALTH FOUNDATION and UCI COLLEGE OF MEDICINE &ENETIC~ LECTURE SERIES . GOING PUBLIC WITH HUMAN GENETICS UCI Student Center, Crystal Cove Auditorium 7:00 p.m .. Reservations Requ ired , No Charge DOUGLAS WALLACE, PH.D . &en Fellow. Oeclt. cl9"*>glcal awn.y end~ & Evolulicrwy Blo6ogy University of Callfomla. Irvine Ancient Origins - Modem Diseases Or. Wtllace, a world-renowned genetidat. founded lhe ftefd of human mitochondrial genetics with eollelgue. In the 1 Q70.. Mitochondria are the power plants Of cells end h8W their own ONA, which It Inherited only from the mother. In hit '9ffarch, Wellec:. hea ahowh that defects In mltochondrlat genH are major conttlbutof9 to ~lived-..... c:enc:« and aging. Hla WOik on "*"ng ONA variation to reconetruct •nclent humen hlltocy hea bMn • toundedon of the new fleld of molecular enthr.opology and It helled H • 1lgnlflcent achievement In peleoenthropology. ReeeMtlona & lnfon'n8tlon: SheA9Ftwmerlt(949)82-M313. Of~:~.edu .. , DON LEACH I OM. Y PILOT Robert Kerr, left and Coeti Hytkema present opposing views on an Iraq war after the deadfme giveh Saddam Hussein had passed. WAR Continued from Al on Wednesday evening. Costa Mesa Police said the assembly was peacefuJ. Phil Morello carried his port- able television Into a community meeting organil.ed by the Mesa Venie Community Inc. on Wednesday night That home- owners meeting coincidentally featured Costa Mesa Fire Chief Jim Ellis and Costa Mesa Police Capt Tum Wamack, who talked to residents about disaster and emergency preparedness. -"This war is long overdue,· DOCK Continued from Al City staff are writing into their budget requests for the next fis. cal year an additional $100,000 to co\ier the increased cost. They won't lcnow whether the money is available until after the City Morello said. "I believe we'll be victorious. I'm sure there's always a concern that anything can happen anywhere, but I'm not really worried about something happening In our community." Mesa Verde resident Cindy Brenneman, who organized the meeting, said the meeting turned out to be "topical." "It's just ironi.c that we picked this day to have this meeting." she said. ~But l just think that the more Information I get, the bet· ter I'm going to sleep tonight• • DEEPA BHARATlf COllers public safety and courts. She m'Y be reached 81 (949) 574-4226 or by Hnail at deepa.bh11r11th@lstimes.com. Council approves the City's budget in the summer. "Our goal is to begin construe· tion as soon as the budget item is approved," Rossmiller said. •JUNE CAS,AGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She mav be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@lstimes.com. State's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon •!&•!tJt:t;;&;fjij111Jilff;tJ,iil!&;idi WlfB UY llAJ08 TU•I DP Same Owner Since 1965, 38 >ears in Oma Mesa TB c•••nnoa •••• me. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol ~ Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 . E-mail: carb ans@thccarbsho .com 11The Art af Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY S -9 PM ~ IUCH t COAllM DEL MM itl1AL COW........,, 3423 \1A lJXl 3001 E CDAST HGfNAY 79515 E CDAST IOfNAY Ml.722.0'10'1 Ml.175A100 141.711.1117 FAX Ml.7U.5M7 MX Ml.171.1211 MX Ml.71L1111 -----------1 $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALA.D I • BUY ANY ~Cit.JM PIZZA & I I • -;3ET A SMALL SALAD OF I I' YOUR CHOICE FREEi I CQ.JPON NClf VAU:J WITH ANY OTHER ~CAL PNnlCIPAllNG IJT'ORE'9 I Cll'4.V ~ ONE CX1JPON PEA ORCl!R 6AU!9 T.X MAY AP9\.V MUST MENT10N ClOUl"CN AT T1ll.W (JI" ORDER .. CCUPON~~31.aJIXJ _._. ..-.------------.-.--- --- NEWPORIER Continued from Al sald, was unwtlll.ng to provide dle funds necessary to propedy revamp the Hyatt Newporter. Wyndham Intemadonal Inc. announced Dec. s that lt had sold the hotel and 10 otb(r ho- tels all CMt the country to Sun· atone for $3-45 mllllon. Brainerd said the Newporter is worth about S3s million. Aa part of the full-scale reno· vation, Sunstone plans to gut all of the guest rooms, perhaps re- design the hotel's 'floor pJan, re· model the 20,000 square feet of meeting space, po6d>ly change the walkways and public an?aS and refocus the look of the build· ings to empbaslz.e Span.I.sh-style arcbltecture from the 1920s and '30s, Brainerd said. CJvic and business leaders ap· plauded the announcement •Anyway you look at it, It's still a very old hotel,· Mayor Steve Bromberg said. •rm encouraged to hear they're doing that" The last time work was done on the hotel was in 1989, when the former owners added the ho- tel's •Balboa" wing. The renovation would also in· d ude a refashioning of the ho- tel's restaurant. the Jamboree Grill. and sports bar. Hotel man· agers have hired NewYoric-based cbS Restaurant Group, which has submitted recommendations for CURVE Continued from Al support or these positions by retired Marine Col David Hackworth. speaking at the Newport Beach Public Ubrary. He was accused In hostile letters to the Pilot and in news stories of being antiwar. That's not true. He fs and-this-war. Haclcworth was billed as ·America's most decorated living soldier,• and I have no reason to doubt that lt also makes him impervious to personal attack. along with retired Marine Brig. Gen. Francis Quinlan, who introduced him. These are high-level, high-caliber American soldiers who are speaking outside the active duty restrictions of the chain of command. J suspect more than a few American soldiers who cani speak out share their views -or at least thetr contempt of politicians. especially those without military experience. who would send us into a preemptive war that laclts domestic and international support. Hackworth made two principal points that Americans who feel disenfranchised might find helpful: first. that Iraq is by no stretch or either the evidence or imagjnation threatening to the United States. and, second, that we must not use this as a reason to repeat the lack. of emotional and technoJogical support our military men and women had to put up with in Vietnam. •1 just can't find in my soldier's aoul a threat, no matter bow hard I look in Iraq,· Hackworth said. ·And 1 can't see a moral authority for anacki.ng them. either. Theres a whole mess or bad guys out there, and Saddam is No. 7 on my threat list. Among the three members or Bush's am of evil, Iraq Is the pussycat. which ls why we are concentrating our attention there." Support or the military is a differmt matter. The colonel has just published a book about a battalion he took over and changed from hope~ to one of the best fighting units in Vietnam. "My book ls a thank you to the Vietnam vets, who to this day haven't been welcomed borne from ftghdng a bad war," he said. "I would bate to see the men and women who WW be fighting ln lraq get the same kind of bUtment." Hackwo11.b made. perhaps. his most important polnt Just by being here and apeaJcing out. Hb presence railed the flag of Cree 1pcech in a war eoviron~t ln two quite diff'erent ways: &rat. by raialng tho t..ue of balance ln th~ Newport Bead\ PublH: UbnuY• vatbd terte. of ctiatingullhed ~and teeondf by~ toa group of lt\ldmt at Newport Harbor HfFScbOol ~themerrap ·~ delMred letml abeuril tO me bta•• che members of bolh hll llldtencet hne=-IDr monlhi IO the .. tna the Ollty Piot '[The renovetjon] is so w, can be competitive in the marketplace. We're overdue: Bruce Br•nerd, General Manager that work. Brainerd said. ·. More detalla of the plan will be available by May, when the plan ls expected to be 8et' in atone. Hotel ~rs are still formu- lating their plan. :· Work la aet to begin in Sep- tember and should take no more than etght months to complete, Bra.lnerd aaJd. That should set.up a reopeolng for the tourist lta- sdn in sum.mer of 2004. The Newporter wu sold, Wyndham officials said. ao; the luxury resort hotelier could focus on properties with its own brand. "With this transaction, we are on track to reach our goal of f>e. coming a proprietary-branded hotel operating company fo. cused on our Wyndham bnutll," Chairman and auer Executive Fred J. Kleisner said at the time. The Newporter was sold to Westbrook Hotel Partners IV; but is under Sunstone managemenL •PAUL aJNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail 81 paul.clinton@/11tim8$.COm. president of the United States and members of his administration. The question is also moot because any fair examination or the library speakers over a period of time offers ample evidence or a commendable breadth o f viewpoints. A tilt to "liberals" could only be discerned from the skewed vantage point of the Orange Coast political center. Our schools, Newport-Mesa School Supt Robert Barbot said to me, "offer all sides of controversial is.sues we presens academically. Academic freedom isn't involved because we're never going to tell a teacher haw to go about IL~ r I lackworth's subject matter · caused a mild Oap at Newport Harbor High that resulted in his speaking to students after school rather than during classroom hours. It also brought a promise from sponsoring CacuJty to bring in a contrary speaker if President Bush isn't available. 'The bigger issue here. however, is the importance of citizens who aren't as immune as Col. Hackworth from personal · attack continuing to speak out, especially since too many of our representatives in Congreaa have been plagued by weak spines.' The terrorists who era.shed those planes into the 1Win Towers have been succes.sful beyond their wildest dream.a. The crowning success f6r them would be breaking down the most important bastion of out society: free speech. Efforts to quiet opposition On the grounds or"patriotism" have always been successfu.Uy resisted in this country. • But ~ speech bas never · been more seriously threatened than it is by the Asbaoft Syndrome. which seems dedicated to rewriting our Bill of Rights, starting with the edict that lf you aren't with us. you're against us. Nine-tenths of tho worfd and half of the United • Statet is stro1'gty opposed to this war. We must not allow a milltaty attack and the lnamtatioo.1 of' our attorney general to silence us. But we must also not allow these convictions to den.llJatein any way the sacriftcea anc1 • performance of the mm and women required to tight this • war. · How do we walk that tightropel I don'c know. We paid a terrible price ln Vietnam .ln brokm Uva and • dMded United States that was On.aDY • beg1nniilg to heal Itself in the : last decade. All we can do at lb.ls point. lt aeems to me, ls to hoPe devoUi.ly this war can end 'f qulck)y and that we won't evetl coiW<ftt the tnaanJty of usln9 I nucle• we.pons. , Once the kilUng bu llopped, we can addreu the 1llue ot r~ apen~ bllUoni to tJy to ... democratize Iraq wbUe our own IChoO and health care and 1 nvln>funent and economy I flounder. • BUt let op the~.., Godbleelwd. ·~llN.m.!.lil•~­a.nc.e Mi Heighta. tfi9 ooMnn I ......... ~. Help keep our city clean I t ... Tlusday, March 20, 2003 M FORUM HOW TO GET PU8U8HED -UiDln: Mail to EdliOri.t P9Q9 Editor S..J. Cahn et the O.ily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Coat.a ~Ma, CA 92e27 • A1 i den Hodne: Cal& (949) 642-8088 Fa: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-rnel:S.nd to da/lypl/ottll•tl,,,,..,oom •AU conwpondence must lndude fuU name, hometown end phone number (for vert1lcetion purpoeM). The Pilot reMfVee the right to edit .. .ubmi911ons for ctarity eod &ength ~: I EDITORIAL ~:.War c~eates . a 1 ... 1 U ' I ~ditf eterit tinie here ,. ' ·'''i.. "1W ithwarcom.es ,. , consequences ,.,. ' and sacrifices. This we all •'mow. I • t • And while the war in Iraq . is taking place miles away •from our shores, we are not •· ·immune from its effects here In Newport-Mesa. ,~ · First and foremost, our . ~ncem goes to those who have loved ones who may be lost in this battle. ·· · We have publicized some of the stories of those in our community who have left to fight in the armed forces. And we know there are many more whose stories we haven't told To those families left 1 ~hind, we hope and pray that these young men and women will be safe and sound and return home Soon . For those who may have family members or friends living in Iraq, they too must feel a pang of anxiety, and we ~wish them well also. ~. But this is a time when we ~oo must be vigilant at home. Since Sept. 11 , 200 l , the ,.,vuJnerabillty we face from acts of cowardice, hatred and violence from terrorists has become all too clear. ,.' : The possibility that we ·may become victims of a terrorist act is heightened. And we must be prepared for the worst So we were heartened to learn that local law • enforcement agencies have stepped up their patrols. "W~re very much on top of what's going on and how it's going to affect our city, .. Costa Mesa Police Otief Dave Snowden told one of our reporters this week. In addition, the Orange County Sheriff's Department has increased its patrols in Newport Harbor, the Coast Guard is on high alert, and police are preparing for such drastic actions as closing City Hall and other public buildings in the event of a major attack. John Wayne-Airport authorities have established checkpoints and are equipped with bomb-sniffing dogs to further lock down a facility that has seen numerous security measures forced onto it over the past year and a half. Sounds like a police state? Well, maybe. Unfortunately, that's life in the year 2003 and from the looks of things, it's a life we are just going to have to get used to for some time to come. LEITER TO THE EDITOR LbJVest Newport partying ::is no joking matter T his letter is in reference to the March 3 column by l.oUta Harper ("Take their a)oney before driving them away") and the letter in the March 7 Forum from Keith F. Eberl ("Celebrate the Fourth in •.Newport Beach, go to jail)." .-... Both writers either are not 1, lilly cognizant of what really goes on in West Newport Beach during this annual holiday or : are overlooking the facts for some purpose I cannot understand. " In her column, Harper refers to Juty 4 celebrants as ·bikinl·dad beach bunnies and surfers· and "beautiful people.· She sugests that the dry close ,., down Balboa Boulevard and charge admission to a ;camlvaJ-styie party i.one where people could enjoy an •Annual Get-Drunk-Here-and-Leave-Us· All-Your-Money Gru. • In a slmllar vein, Eberl ., ~ts the city "close down some qr all of the parld.ng lot by the Newport Pier, give one-day patJo licenses to all the bars and restaurants and even have a stage on the beach by the pier" Lfor a big party perhaps called •Newport Daya." What they don't seem to understand Is that this annual happening ls a big loser for our ., day and Its residents. A lot more r;.d>an • few or these "beaUtiful People" enpge In aimlna1 ~that tht'eatm.s retidenla and 'Visitors alike. Lut ytm, Cot eumple. at Jeut 50,000 came co pany m our rather tpKe-limlted Welt NeWpott Beed\.,.., Some •d.mala , ..., approa.cbed 100.000 durlnl the emty afternoon. Busloadi of ..-...-many from communl far from Newport Beech. M lhe day PIOI' eM et lnCO nenlog and the alclObol CIOMWlllJdon condmiet. the piOplnllcy 10 urinate and defec9te OD prfvl1e propa1)' -ai.o11ia--.~~ ctty.prtMded portable .-room f rKalde. b1 the ueL A moUnt.aD <*UMh•~-­.... on-~butuod ower ....._ ... PfOP'l1lli. ... ,_.alone. e\ll!I\ wtlh more than 200 police officers in the area. there were more than 160 arrests -about 20 of which were felony offenses -and more than 1.300 citations issued. This is a huge expense for our city, a serious problem for area residents, and -of great concern -could easily become a very violent and potentially lethal situation. Becauseoftheseriousnessof the situation, the City Council fonned the West Newport Safety Planning Committee - composed of residents. members of dry staff and the Police Department. and Councilmen Gery Proctor and Tod Ridgeway -to focus on actions that can be taken to significantly and posittve!y lmpact this issue and send a message that certain behaviors will not be tolerated in our community. A number of recommendations were made by this committee and approved by O ty Council for Implementation in 2003, including additional funding to support these actions. The bottom Une here ls that we do not want to d.lmln1ab the Importance of the meaning of this annual holiday, espedally now when our nation'• reaolve ls being severely tested. nor la the Intent to UmJt people'• ability to celebrate our nation'• reaolw is being aeverely tested. nor la the intent to Umit people's ability to celebrate our iladoo'a freedom. ffoweve1, bebmor that thrfttml Ind lndmldatel tho penonal Mfe(y ot rmkteiics and vliltors. eerioUlly bamw penooll property and neceelttatel oomldenble. tnfolc:m*1t/deuM., ~ to che dry cannot iDd wll DOC be toaerated. 'I\) ........ al thll ._.. or II.a to reaww.111 eertoume. .. bOdl"""' Ind Yer)' nit> nfTII Our M'OdMton t\dly.~-......-. the dlP...,. lO pwldwlJ Im~ tNi tkuadon. MMW.•COCK Wiit~ •MM W.. COCIC II the illf 11'*"1t., .......... •°" leidtMM. MAILBAG SEAN HILLER vA 'pt JI Paul Salata accepts Man of the Year award. A reader suggests that the Bonrta Canyon Sports Park be renamed for him. Rename Bonita Cmyon park to honor Paul Salata Before the playing 6ek1s are officially opened, the Patts. Beaches and Reaeation Committee should rededicate and rename Bonita Canyon Sports Park to the "Paul Salata Sports Park.. The park is destined to be one of the major sports facillties in Newport Beach and Orange County. OurentJy, the park is named after a street on which it has no entrance, and the street was named by the city of Irvine after a place chat no longer exists. nus park should be named to honor Paul Salata. a man chat has been in sports, is respected in our community and is involved in a sport activity chat has brought favorable nationwide attention to Newport Beach. Tbere is local precedence for honoring individuals while they are still with us at the time of dedication: Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center: Laver Street; Roy C. Andersen Schoo~ Uea.n Library: and Horace Ensign School It is time to stop naming most of our facilities after creelcs. canyons. streets, etc. I urge everyone 10 unite and promote the renaming of the sports par\. Salata should be honored while he is still with us. There will never be an opportunity like this. RAYMOND J. ZARTlER Newport Beach Costa Mesa congressman should bite his tongue In the walce of the President Bush's ultimatum to Saddam Hussein, the Dally Pilot reported that Rep. Dana Robrabacher noted, "it is time for those who have been attaddng the president to quiet down, at least fo r a few days· ("Bush ultimatum draws mixed locaJ response.· Tuesday). Last I heard. this country wasn't run by a dictator and we still had the right 10 speak out 1n public. Any suggestion by public offic1aJc; that the American public should "quiet down· because they oppose a preemptive. illegaJ invasion of Iraq is shameful and needs to be addressed immediately. Also, Rohrabacher added that "if our soldiers end up being hailed as liberators. the left wing of the Democratic Party has much 10 apologiz.e for." I would remind Rohrabacher that war is not politics, but bloodshed, and those American politicians. whether Republican or Democrat, that voted for war will be held responsible for the deaths of American troops and Iraqi civilians. When politicians ask the American public to "shut up and get with the program,· warning bells should go off In all our heads. ROBERT FAY Costa Mesa Bell Curve just like 'The West Wing, -fiction Joseph BeU is an excellent writer. but his taJent is wasted when he spews and-spins his left-leaning ideology. Proof he has gone over the edge is evident in his column rMore than a hint of reality in 'West Wing' plot li ne.· Feb. 27). l didn't even bother reading further than the foUowing outrageously unfair. unfounded and underhanded attack on President Bush that was disguised as a reason for BeU avidly watching ·west Wing·: "It's the only place I've been able to find a president who speaks in complete sentences. admits to being fallible, studies both sides of issues before malcing up his mind. is steeped in history, is highly principled -but not beyond taking an occasJonal shortcut. which be sometimes ttgrets -has close friends who are not in the Fortune 500 and reads a little more deeply lhan voter polls. - BeU really needs 10 get a grip on ht\ blatant liberal bias. take a deep breath. force himself to be more objective, realize lus Hollywood fnends are just actor~ and finally admit that "West Wing" .., not realuy lV; it is just idealistic ficllon jU'-l like many of Bell's column~. CLAUDIA DOWNS Newport Bectch Article fairly reported Eastside tract decision Thank you for your frur and accurate article on the East'>ide Traci 1154 overlay proposal !"Planner~ reject Eastside restrictiom. • Thursday). l especially appreciated the repon that of those who reside within the tract. supporters currently oumumber their opposition by a margin of3 to I (76 to 24) and that 90% of existing propen1es-reta10 the original tract layout of the front yard. house. rear yard and detached alley garage. Many of those who support the overlay proposal are onglnaJ or longtime owners in Tract 11 54 and are of an age that they are unable to attend public hearings held in the evening. They have done their best. through letters. petitions and neighborhood representatives, to make their voice heard to city officials. It is unfortunate that some in opposition have labeled the overlay proposal "anti-family.· With 60% of each property available for two·Mory construction under the proposal. and only 40% restricted to one-story, family homes of more than 5.000 square feet could be built without disrupting the open·au back yards that have cbaractenz.ed lha neighborhood for more than 50 )'e&r$.. NORMA WI.DEBOER Co ta Mes.a COMMUNITYCOMMENTMW Westside residents, business owners given extra time .......... ... • llusdly, Mirth 20, 2003 /'' .. .. ., Daily Pilot Special Section ·COUNTD·OWN . -· . . :"'-. . . . I • • • ' Daily Piot I TOSHIBA TO ·THE CLASSIC . ' GOLF ·· Timing is everything for on-.course interviews PGA Champions Tour's innovative, fan-friendly approach to 1V coverage gets mixed reviews from players. I maglne nm Salmon being asked by a 'IV interviewer his thought process b~ore stepping to the plate against Robb Nen in the World Series. Think: about how Andre Agassi might feel with a microphone -----shoved in his RICHARD DUNN face moments before trying to hold serve at break point in a Grand Slam final. How about Brett Favre answerin~ questions before barldng out fourth-quarter signals in a come-from-behind effort? lb.is is something members of the PGA Oiampions Tour are dealing with in this day and age under the tour's new fan-friendly initiative that includes on-course 'IV Interviews during competitive rounds. Is it popular? Is it world.ng? Do players approve of it? Does the audience like it? In brief, it appears it's good for television, say the tour and CNBC. which televises the bulk of the weekend tournaments, but , ratings.have been low. That's part of the reason why these professional golfers are willing to stop their focus and -181k to a TV reporter before making their next shot; Whatever they can do to help their tour. they'll do. "Is it inconvenient? Sure it is, but this tour's been damn good to me, and I'll do whatever they want." Bruce Fleisher said Wednesday in the locker room at Newport Beach Country Oub, site of this week's Toshiba Senior Oassic. smce Fleisher, the See GOLF, h&e A7 TIME ALONE Golfer Tom Purtzer adjusts to time spent away from his family. S..PllgeA7 PROFILES A closer look at Toshiba Senior Ctaaic golfers Andy Bean and Bruoe Uetzke. S..P.-AI Dick Allen, the chairman of the board of Hoag Hospital, hits out of a sand trap on the 17th hole during pre>am competition at the Toshiba Senior Classic at Newport Beach Country Club on Wednesday. PHOTOS BY K£NT TREPTOW I OAll.Y PILOT Golf pro Chi Chi Rodriguez watches his shot sail down the fairway during pre>am competition at the Toshiba Senior Classic at ,Newport Beach Country Club on Wednesday. Kite group sails Pro leads group to a first-place $500 prize in Wednesday's Pro-Am. NEWPORf BF.ACH -Tom Kite, with amateurs Rick Thylor, Todd Ma- vis, Bob Franz and Gene McGillycud- dy, combined for a· winning team score of 55 in Wednesday's Toshiba Senior Classic Pro-Am at Newport Beach Countty Oub, the grdup win- ning a first-place payoff of$500. It was the first of two pro-ams, with ·the second pro-am today before com- petitive play begins in the Toshiba Senior Classic Friday on the Newport Beach greens. One stroke behind the winning Kite team were three teams, belonging to Jerry McGee, Ben Crenshaw and Al Geiberger, each netting $350. McGee's group included l?red Heit: man, Robert B. Grant. Thomas R Test· man and Dick Bertea. Crenshaw's crew consisted of Masaa1d Nomi, Mike Wmkler, Don Schrock and Tun Craig. Geiberger's foursome was made up of Dick Allen, Pete Foulke, Derrek Pe- trak and Bill Torres. TODAY'S PRO-AM 7 •.m. Shotgun Start 1-A -Hale Irwin; 18 -Tom Kite. 2 -Dana Quigley 3A-Tom Jenkins; 38 -Bob Eastwood. 4 -David Graham 5 -Ed Dougherty 6A -Leonard Thompson; SB -Vicente Fernandez. 7 A -Tom Purtzer; 7B -Wayne Levi. 8-John Mahaffey 9A -Allen Doyle; 9B -Rocky Thompson. 10A -Tom Watson; 10B -Bob Gilder. 11A -Rodger Davis; mi-Jim Dent. 12A-Bruce Summertiays; 12B -Mart Mccumber. 13A -Jay Sigel; t3B -Sammy Rachels. 14-Walter Hall 15 -Morris Hats I sky 16-Dave Barr 17 -Mike McCullough 18A-BobbyWadkins; 18B-Gary McCord. 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Si.rt 1A-Jim Colbert; t B -Bruce Fleisher. CHARITY 2 -Stewart Ginn 3A -Doug Tewell; 3B -Des Smyth. 4 -Hubert Green 5 -John Bland 6A -Gil Morgan; 6B -Bobby Welzel. 7 A -David Eger; 7B -Mike Smith. 8 -Ben Crenshaw 9A-Lanny Wadkins; 9B -Graham Mar•h. 10A -Larry Nelson; 10B -Bruce Lietzke. 11 A -John Jacobs; 11 B -Bill Rogers. i2A -Seiji Ebihara; 12B -Jose Maria Canizares. 13A -Andy Bean; 13B -Oave Eichelberger. 14 -Hugh Baiocchi 16-Miller Barber 16 -Howard Twitty 17.:. Marte Pfeil 18A-Fuzzy Zoeller; 188 -Jim Thorpe. Getting the message.;.out there The PGA, Hoag Hospital and golfer Gary McCord team to film a 1V ad to promote the PGA' s charitable efforts. Christin• Cerrillo Daily Pilot PGA Thur ProdUctfons had a vision. They bad a \tlslon of What a pUbUc servtee announcement Would look lite ti It lmolwd the 1btblba SerOOr Oullc and H09I ffotPttal. On~ l:nomlng; diey ~ that »tecond vi- ... into a two-hour reality. front of the Hoag Women's Pa· villon construction &lte wearing a hard hat and vest and reciting a salpt OYer the rumblinp of construction machinery. But that'• oot all. It alee> featured the 1999 Tbsh· Iba Senior Clas8ic' c:hamplon in boapital X-ray rooms at the Breast~ and 1maglng Center and near the Hoag Hospital sign OD Hoag Drive and Placentia Av· enue. 1bat WU a wrap. ,Desptte an Intense focua on the technk:al nuances that m.u up • commerdal, the .. - nllcmce of kl ,,,...... re· matned on everyonn lnfnd. lncotporattna the proles- llolUll relationship betwun uo.g .nd the Profeaelooa.I Golt Alln. With • J)enonal reladon· It feitbired ~golfer llld cm 1p01ta commentator ~ McCcird llldrw tn· a.Bobcat .,._._.......,_Jn lhip between NeWpOrt Beadl '9fANHU£1t/DM.Y"A UM.I McC.ord. ~ tecalla body· Pro..., Glry McCord In 1 Bobclt 763, 1 si1ill buldozer, i1 front d the Holl Worn•• Piiiion · ' .... ••UGI,,....,., cOnstuctiOn ~an---moml111cuqthllttqd1.,.. liMce~ • l .. TOSHJBA SENJOR CLASSIC Tlusday, Mifch 20, 2003 A7 GOLF TIPS Champions Tour players offer some insight to improving your game "Most players grip the golf club too tightly so there'$ too much lt11.fion in their hands, fortarmJ und shoulders. A-' u result, they lose plmty of power and accuracy. If you grip the club loosely, you'll be ab/i to properly rtltuse the club head at Impact and hit the ball farther Your gnp on the golf club should bcsitrl'il4r to h ow you hold a pool cut wMn playing b1//iards. The gnp should be only tight t'nough so tht club duesn 't fly out of yuur hands when you mala! contact." . C"' Chi Rodr11uez Chi Chi Rodnguez has won 22 bmes on the Champ+ons Toor and won eight tournaments during his PGA Toor career. He was mdUcted into the World Goff Hall of Fame in 1992. GREEN CUISINE Golfers' 'menus depend on_ the g olfers A variety of meals are available before and after play. Many are meant to help energy levels. Deirdre Newman Dady Pilot StroU around a golf course for four hours, and you're ap1 to work up an appetite. And with the players on lhe PGA Olampions Tour now en- couraged 10 abandon their carts and use their legs 10 get around, a steady supply of stamina is a plus. Bui when you're confronled with an anay of la.Sty 1empta· tions like cheese blinlzes for breakfast, cheesecake with MESSAGE Continued from A6 surfing at 1 Sth Strttl when he was younger. the commercial high.lights the PGA's charitable efforts. ·it's always good to ta.Ice the tour players and physically show , them where the m~ney is going.· said McCord, who grew up ln ·Garden Grove. "Thal adds a little .more passion to it" : While Hoag Hospllal will make Its commercial debut when the spot airs sometime toward the end of April. McCord's familiarity . in front of the camera proved •he's not just a pro on the golf 'COW'Se. "This is a serious issue ... but : it's fun 10 work with Gary,· said : Clmdc Roseberry, producer and •co-di.rector for dle commercial 'wHe's a pro at this.• ' Hoag, the PGA and Toshiba have been pros at raising money Since Hoag has raised about SS million over the past five years acting as dle p~ organh:er for the 1bshtba Senior Classic. it seemed an exceUen1 backdrop for a commercial tha1 wanled ro highlight what the PGA does for local charities. lunch and candy bars on the course, it takes nine·iron will· power lo resisL The golfers who compe1e in the Toshiba Senior Oassic have varying altitudes aboul wha1 th"ey eal and bow of1en. The majority of them are health·conscious, Graham Marsh said. NOne of the reasons why the standard of golf ~ panicuJar:ly high on the tour is because we have players in excellent shape,· Marsh sad. "11'!> really an example of what can be achieved in life.· Marsh, who hails from Aw, tralia, said he tries 10 ea1 ligh1 and healthy. For breakfast, he usually chows down on toa,t. frui1 and cereal lo get his fiber On days he knows he'll be competing. he'IJ add some eggs for extm energy. Planning a healthy eating '>Chedule lS also a challenge for golfer.. who compete at v-dri· ous tun~ each day, Marsh said. "When you gel done and you're hungry and food is available at the clubho~ and you have a lace lunch. then you have to worry about when you eat dinner,• Marsh said. NSpac- ing food into three 10 four meab af1er breakfas1 through- out the course of the day is the SllH\rtt'St way 10 go." Many of the gtJlfers gravitau.• toward chicken, pasta and fish and '>hy away from eating too murh rt'd meat. Marsh c;aid. F.ach venue pruvides a '>imj lar ..ell'ctions. said Dave Senko. tour media Q/ficial. On the day-. of the official compelJtion at the Newport Beach Country Oub, a porlion of the women's locker room is transformed into a dining area. with cheli. whipping up made-10 order omelenes, a wide range of hot and cold cereals, pancakes, blinv,es and a fruit trcty. Lunch brings a buffe1 with a variety of salads, cold cuts and desserts like cheesecake, pie. cookies and cake. M~I also provide healthy i.nach on the course and fancier choice'> in the late afternoon like hot ho~ d'oeuvres. ln Alabama. a cooler swings by with I laagen D~ ice cream ban.. St>nco said. Dana Quigley said he usuaJJy only eats two meals a day 011 the road -one before the competilion and one dfter. And he doesn't '>pend too much ume thuiling abou1 either one, he said. ·1 eat whatever they have up on lhe table.~ Quigley said. ·1 have no conscious thoughts about what I eal 10 make me play better My adrenalm i.'> flowing from the day I gel into town· While others may be nosh· mg a., they meander through the hole'>, Quigley said he h~ an apple or banana on the 10th hole and smokes a few ci- gar:. throughout the course. When Lhe competition i~ over. m.my of the golfers like to indulge 111 a glass of win e or beer IO celebrate, Marsh said. ~rr we played welJ. we would be look.mg for an opportunicy to '>hare 1hat with our friends." Mar.,h '><Ud ·Everyone look!> for a.n excuse to party." , ·1r's very exciling/ said Debra Legan. vice president of maltet- ing and corporate c~mmunica­ tions for Hoag. "The relationship that we have with the PGA goes back a long ~ We're very hon· ored that they chose us.· SEAN HILLEll /OAILY PILOT Gary McCord. pro golfer and a winner of the Toshiba Senior Classic, gets his cue for filmmg on locabon at Hoag Hosprtal during a public seMc:e announcement shoot on Wednesday morning. The ad wiM emphasize how the tournament gives back to the community. 'GOLF •Continued from A6 SO-and-over tour's 1999 Rookie of the Year and Player of the Year, is often ii) contention and , annually among the money •leaders, he's on television more ·than •Seinfeld. reruns.. ·Some of the guys don't Uke it. but It's OK.• Aeisher said. ·rm not saying It's a perfect thins, because there's a lot of money al stake and guys are focused; we're all trying to make the top 31 (on the money leaders list to earn automatic exemption for the next year). You juat deal with tthe lnterviewlJ .• Jerry McGee hasn't been interviewed on the golf course during a round, but said he"d gladly do whatever the tour asked of him. For veteran Hale lrwin, the defending Toshiba Oas.sic champion, timing ls important. and the person holding the microphone is essential. •The secret to the interviews Is probably to have somebody that knows bow to interview and knows when to interview,· Irwin said. •Maybe It should be the other way around. Know when to and what questions to ask. We generally tum to other player9 for those interviews. ... (We're) just more receptive to somebody who has been there rat!ier than someone you ~ no1 familiar with. "There are cenam problems that come abou1 that I think have 10 be deall with." he said. "Maybe ifs just an eye contact with the announcer, like 'Yes. I'm OK to ha~ an interview now.' You don't want 10 be interfered with by conversation and I think that move has to come from lhe player first and that's usually decided before you even tee off. •All those initiativ~ are grea1." Irwin said. "The Interviews are great. I think it glves a little Insight as to what the player might be thinking and I think It adds some appeal to I.be telecast." 1be 'lbshiba Senior 08¥ic will be 1elevtsed I nday by 1he Golf Olannel and Saturday and Sunday by CNBC. ••• FYI: Here's a list of lhe •wildlife on the cowse· al Newport Beach Country Oub, as reponed by the Golf Course Superinlendents Assn of America: fox. coyote. raccoon. skunk. opossum. greal homed owl, red· tail hawk and assorted other birds. ••• Dick Mast, the first alternate at the Tu hiba Senior aasslc. gained entry into the tournament field Wednesday when Seiji Eblht.ra missed his scheduled 7 a.m. pro-am tee lime. Mast has played two seasons on the Olampions Tour. finishing 66th on the money lis1 in 2001 and 41 SI in 2002. His besl career finish on the tour was a tie for third at last yea.r's Turtle Bay Championship. Mast has played fow events on the lour this year. His besl showing was a tie for 24th at the ACE Group Oassic. Ebiha.ra. who reportedly thought he only had to play In one pro·am round. 6.nisbed second at last year's Champions Thur Qualifying Schoo He !)ad three wins la.st yeaf 'Orl the Euro~ Senior Tour and mded No. 1 on the money list. Quiet time away from the· family Tom Purtzer is used to silent greens. His home life, with five young children , is quite a contrast. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot Goll ~ a Kt:ntlemen., <,pon . A quiet '>port of wnteniration m wtuch announcer. wlw.per and audience-. hold thetr applause unul tht' appropnate umes It ~ played on a ..erene <,etUJlg. with lu.,dous grt>en gr.t.~. roUmg hill.i. and beautiful tre<.,.,. Ahhh. C.ontra.!>t r11a1 w the ho1el room of fo<,h1ba Senior ()a.!.!>ic golfer lorn Pun.I.er when he travels with ht!> wife. tht•ir 7-year old daugh ter, 4 year old twim and 6· month old IWlru. You read that correctly two \eb of rwtru.. for a tolal of five ctuJdren under the age of8 "I laving that many lod'> in one hotel room would be lilce haVlllg a Tom Purtzer b1nhda\' party di Chuck I:. Ol~·M' all the llmt'. Purt..t.er, 5 I , sa.i d Although II i.'> heuu;, the (1reen , Valley. Aru.. ~1den1 said he will ma~ the cons1an1 rodf of hL'> lov mg children tom and Lon Purt.J er are the proud parems of Liu Jayne, Jay and Jenrufer. almo!>t 5. and Robi.n and Julie. 6 months. • 1 have got a 101 or free llme on my hands,· PurtL.er ..rud "lt \ a lot of hard wort. especially for my wife, but as soon ~ they are gone. I rmss them.· The whole gang traveled with him last week for an LA. 1ouma- men1. but went home this week 10 host a Visiting relauve. Pwt:zer usually brings his children on the California leg of the lour because of the favorable weather and the fun tounst spots Although they would mi~ the Newpon coasc. tu.s duJdren tut the Santa Monica Pier and Dis- neyland lasl week. he said. Con· s1dertng his children·., aftiruty for water. ii may have been better not 10 1emp1 them with Orange County's P'acific. "They were all dres...ed out at Santa Moruca and they dSk.ed if they could pu1 their feet m the wa1er. • he said. NThen all of a sudden. 11 w.u. 'Oh. I mpped.' and before you knew 1t. they were m the ocean fully clothed.· Pu.rtter, who is among the lop 70 money makers on the lour. 5a.ld his Job may not ~ r.he most condu~ 10 family ltfe. b\Jt It comes with the run -or grass. His ume away is most notJc:eable because the babies are in the fastest growth stage of their Uves. be said In a matter of weeks. they change dramatically in their 1 si1;e, skill level and compreben· sion. •it's been land of rougb being gone from them for so long. but It's pan of my job.· b .id. •for lhe 0>061 ~ everyone Wlder- Manda. ... I tmW!l a lot. but when l am borne. I gel lO llJa)d kmg undivided hours with tbem. .. .. =-----, 'J,JIJ ·"'ODORI~ ... D~()J>JNS < ~-:-::-(; ~ WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS . ' -~ -_! ·~ > . .._ --, ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! I I ' I. I I~ II 'I I ( ( , , " I .... . c .. ..... I \ 'I I ..... \ -- I Moton:rane $7995 Moton: ~.'lt::"9 =-~ Ch•nge • THEODORE ROBINS FORD w111 MEET or BEAT Your Beet Dea l on NAME BRAND TIRES . . ... ' " . Al T'tutday, March 20, 2003 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASS JC TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC Welcome to the For.Lietzke, it's home . CliampiOns Tour, finally sWinging home Andy Bean, wllo makes his tour debut Friday at.Toshiba Senior Classic, missed launching his senior career by bne do. .. , last week. " Rlch•rd ~unn Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Andy Bean couldn't waJt to tum SO years old and play golf on the PGA Cllampions Tour, but the tour made him wait an' extra week. He'll make his debut at the Tushiba Senior Cassie this weekend at Newport Beach Country Cub. Bean, who has been chomp- ing at the bit to play. turned 50 on March 13, a Thursday. If he had turned 50 a day sooner, the tour said, he would've been able to make bis first Olampi- ons Tour appearance in last week's SBC Oasslc at Valencia Country Cub. "I told them I wanted to (play]. I told them I wouldn't take any money -just let me play." Bean said Wednesday af- ter his Tostuba Senior Cassie Pro-Am round, only his second time on the Newport Beach golf course. He played a media pro-am round on Tuesday. ·rm chomping at the bit any time I can't play. Just playing (this weekend) is going to be fun. It will be serious, but fun. ·I'm the new guy on the block this week.· he said. 'Tm just trying to fit In there and try to make some birdies for peo- ple to watch. then everybody wiU be happy." As the latest rookie on the Cllampions Tour, Bean wiU draw his share of attention. But he's pretty big in golf, anyway, at 6-foot-4 and nearly 250 pounds, which officially qualJ- fies him as big. Bean's only other competi- tive appearance this year came at Doral on the PGA Tour. He realizes the stakes on the Ownplons Tour are high. Artcty Bean Bean. with a career victories exemption onto the Champi- ons Tour, has career earnings of $3,523,230. The average purse at a Ownpions Tour event is a record $1.7 million in 2003. (The Toshiba is $1.55 mil- lion.) Bean best's season was 1986, when be collected a total of $491,938 and won hJs third tournament at Doral. Th.is year's winner of the Ford Cllampionship takes home $900,000 of the $5 million purse. "In 19n, I came down (to Dorall." Bean said, "and the funny thing is that when I won the golf tournament, I th.ink I won $40,000. What is that, about 20th place, 25th place now'? I mean, my goodness, coming in here, you are playing for SS million." In his heyday. Bean could not only blast the baD. he bad a great soft touch around the greens. He led the PGA Tour in birdies with 388 in 1980 and was ronsistendy one of the top putters. Add to his physical talent a burning competitive desire be- fitting the big redhead. Gary Player told a story of first meet- ing Bean years ago at a tourna- ment in Houston. The former University of f1orida Gator towered over Player and said: "You aren't going to beat me. you sawed-off little runt." The two players laugh about that now, but Bean ls infamous in Canada for something that wasn't so funny. At the 1983 Ca- nadian Open , be was so fed up at missing a short putt that he Jay the shaft of bis putter on the.green and swept his tap-in Into the hoJe. Unknowingly, Bean violated Rule 14-1, which atatH that the .ball must be struck with the head of the club only. It cost him a two-stroke penalty. He went on to lose the tourna- ment by -that's right -two strokes. "I hope I'm going to be smarter,• Bean said. "These next few years, I certainly hope that my length wiU be a factor and will help me because I know I'm going to be abJe to bit less club into a lot of these holes than those other guys. And my short game is good. I would just like to go out there with a bag that's empty and bring it back every year full of dtles." While Bean's physique might be built for football, he used his powerful frame in 1985 to lead the PGA Tour in driving distance, averaging 278.2 yards off the tee. But golf is different now with technology, including titanium balls that sail with the wind and travel lib rockets. Reaching 300 yards off the tee is common for players now. Gone are the persimmon woods Bean once helped de- sign, replaced by space-age metal drivers with graphite shafts and club heads the size of mail boxes. With ll career PGA lbur vic- tories -the last of which came in f 986 -Bean is trying to evoke some of the magic that made him one of the most feared players from the mld-1970s to mid-1980s, be- fore he essentially retired from full-time golf to spend more time with his three daughters: Lauren AshJey, 20, Lindsey Ann. 18, and Jordan Alise, 17. "The girls are ·getting older to where they don't mind me be· ing away from the house. espe- cially when the boys call,· Bean said. Champions Tour player, making his Toshiba Senior Classic debut, . discovered a way to . spend more time with his family. Richard Dunn' Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Golfers have a tendency to tinker with their swing. to try to find a cer- tain rhythm or to spend count- less hours working on their game. Bruce Lietzke, however, found a swing he never wanted to leave. It serves him so weU, It never goes away. .. I never play golf when I'm home, and I never practice when I'm home," Lietzke, 51, said Wednesday after his Tushiba Senior Cassie Pro-Am round at Newport Beach Country Oub, where he wiU compete for the first time Friday. •My swing evolved really about a year before I got on the [PGA Tour in 1975]," he said. "Its not a real pretty swing 10 look at, · but it's a swing that produces the same every single time. "I hated it at first because I couldn't hook the ball, but the more I continued 10 shoot low rounds . . . I found out it was pretty good knowing where the ball was going to move In a cer- tain way, so I quit working on my ' swing and never experimented or anything.• he said. ·1 found out whether I went home and practiced for a whole week or went home and never touched a club, my game was in exactly the same shape when I showed up for the next toumamenL" Early in Lietzke's career on the PGA Tour, he tried hard for tour- nament titles, played the U.S. Ryder GJp team and made golf a priority. Then came the kids. "When I've been home, I'm home with the family," said Lietzke, whose unique swing al- lowed him to play a limited schedule on the tour to spend Meet the Wells Fargo Bruce Lietzke more time with his family in Dal- las. "Thats my main motivation -to be a good father and hlfS- band Once l became a father (in 1983), my golf priorities fell off to about fourth or 6fth on the list, and my family became a much higher priority. ·Everybody would ~U me about how fast kids grow up. and I decided to listen to what peo- ple Were saying,· he said. ·1 got a chance to be with my kicls: My son !Stephen) is in college now and he's virtually out of my life. It just seemed like months ago when he was a toddler. ·1 was luclcy to play a profes- sional sport where you don't have an owner telling me I have 10 be at spring practice at a cer- tain time and I don't have to play a particular tournament.· he said. ·1 can pick and choose. Really, we're self-employed inde- pendent contractors. We @fl pick and choose our tourna- ments." In 1984, after Lietzke dis- covered he didn't have to prac- tice because of "muscle memory" in his swing. his caddie couldn't believe he was going to go home Cor 21."l months and put his clubs away. "lbat caddie was the one who found the same banana in my bag 2'h months later,· Lietzke ~d. After Stephen was born. Uet7.ke took five months off. He returned for the '84 season and won his second tournament of the season, the Honda Classic. "That was all the proof I needed. nus muscle memory thing worked out for me," Uetzke said. •And J found Olli, by going home and taJdng two or three weeks off and being totally away from 'the game, that it ll)ade me mentally ~. and for me, that's the whole secret" Uetzke said he "st:UJ thinks about golf' wh~ ~'s h(>me. •1t builds up enthusiasm for when l go to JOY next tournament, and to me enthusiasm is the key, and guys on the tour will telJ you the same thing.• he said. The whole Idea of bard work and practice is to play consis- tently. Lietz.ke's strategy is 10 avoid the dreaded peaks and val- leys of the golf game. Ml've never been a great player, but I've never had any slwnp year, either,• saJd Lietzke, who won three times on the senior tour last year and finished in the top 31 on the money list to gain totally exempt st.atus this year. A winner of 13 events on the PGA Tour, Lietzke has ne•er played more than 20 events on the tour since 1989, scheduling tournaments around famil y ac- tivities. "When I look back. if anything. I wish I would have played less. because I did miss a couple dance recitals and Little League games,· said Lietzke, who fig- ured that right around this ume in his life, he could play on the senior tour, while his kids were out of high school (his daughter, Ouistine. 17, is stiU in high schoof). Lietzke skipped several major championships because he was coaching his son's Unle League baseball team. Last year, he missed the Toshiba Senior Oas sic because he was coaching h1s son's high school golf team. MThings change when kids come along and you're happily married,• he said. "Somewhere along the line you find out golf L'> not life and death .... F.arly in your career. It feels like IUe and death, because you'l't' trying to keep your IPGAJ card and feed. your family." Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing .in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans , I I I l I' TOSHIBA SEN IOR CLASSIC It's starting to warm up. The Toshiba Senior Classic gallery comes alive as golfers take to the green in Wednesday's pro-am competition . Barry Briggs of San Francisco excavates his ball from a bunker during pre>am competition at the Toshiba Senior Classic at Newport Beach Country Club on Wednesday. . . 'From left, Axel Sjogren, Patti Palmer, Joann Larson and other spectators break into laughter as South African golfer Gary Player jokes with the gallery at the start of prcram competitJon at the Toshiba Senior Classic at Newport Beach Country Club. • PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW DAllY Pll.OT From left, Rod KeJler Jr., an executive vtee president for Toshiba, shares a laugh with golf professional Lee Trevino and his son, Daniel, during prcram c0mpetition. Professional golfer Chi Cti Rodriguez gets the ful attention of a cameraman as he fishes tis partner's bal1 out of a pond. • • ' ,. --- AlO Tlvsdly, .._ch 20, 2003 SOClETY THE CROWD • Country French design expert hits Newport I t was dinner at the Dennis resldenee as local designer Ann Omnia and her husband, am. welcomed <lw1et ~of Tulsa, Ok.la., Cor a little Southern Califomla charm and a fabulous meal. Faudree had flown into Newport last week to check out the local .desiBQ scene and speak to the crowd .-----.,,.--on his ' passion- French ·· COWltry · furniture and· fabrics. Faudree is considered a world-class expert on the style. e.w. COOK Hecameto benefit New : Directions For Women, a local substance abuse program to , help women In the community break free from drug and aJcohol ; addictions, and to restore • broken lives. : Faudree was a bit The crowd, which filled an entire theater, went wild with laughter at his : dry wiL • At the Dennis home, following ' Faudree's presentation, a small , gathering enjoyed insight into president or the Decorative Arts Society, which SJ>QOSOred Ft.udree's visit to Newport on · behalf of New Directlons for W:>men. Bill Dennis Woie the White chef's bat for the evening. aeating a very pecial 11'\eOU that featured a medallion of pork tenderloin served In a painstakingly prepared Scotch wbJskey reduction, accented with mustard and currents. Gue6tS were es&0rted Into the 1'ennJs' dining room, a (omial yet ed~c space reflecting the hostess' multi-layered design philosophy. Ann Dennis ls known for blending periods and styles gracefully in rooms. ALSO IN THE CROWD : the man, who began as a teacher • and evolved into one of ! America's leading decorators. ! Guests dined on shrimp coc.ktail ; that was •inspired by a recipe The deep red walls of the dining room blended with the crackling fireplace to set a decidedly, sophisticated mood. French doors opened onto an interior courtyard and pool. reflecting both the Ugtlt on water and the ripples of the coastal breeze, as the diners sat down to a first course of homemade butternut squash soup, which showed Bill Dennis' affection for curry and Granny Smith apples. A 1999 Terra Olardonnay from Napa's Carneros District was poured as a salad of hearts of palm and artichokes over lamb's lettuce was presented on Ann's antique blue and white china Faudree entertained the intimate group with anecdotes from his 35-plus-year career as a designer in the United States and Europe. His work has been published in everything from House Beautiful to Southern Uving. In 1995, he was awarded the TtaditionaJ Home Designer of the Year Award. From left to right: Jeannie Bums, CEO of the Gir1 Scout Council of Orange County, headquartered in Costa Mesa; Ann Crane, event chair and resident of Corona Del Mar; Sandy Segerstrom Daniefs, 2003 Woman of Distinction and resident of Newport Coast; Martha Fluor, event committee member and emcee and resident of Newport Beach; and Christine Shingleton, president of the board of the Girl Scout Council of Orange County. • served at Gulfstream," Ann ' Dennis said SpeciaJ guest Rusty Grtme9 of Dallas. a longtime pal of the • great decorator, regaled the local : crowd with stories of their travels around the globe in , search of "treasures.· Rusty's : daughter Sally Jo"-mM-en graced the dinner, as well, aJong with Udo lsle'8'Ultra-charming 4 Maryanna Jeppe and the beautiful Sandra Ayree. Faudree has finished a book titled ~Charles Faudree: French Country Style." He plans to return to Newport after the book's publication to present his . wort to local society. Presentations March 20 Humanities Out There. Stories from a Migrant Childhood. With Francisco Jim~ncz. 10 a.m., Humanities Instructional Building, Room 135. Free March 25 UO Extension. Digital Arts Programs Orientation. 6 p.m., University Extension A, Room 101 -102. Free March 26 [!]~Dunn-Well . Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot · CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 Biological Sciences. Schneiderman Lect11re Hall Dedication . Noon, Biological Sciences Plaza. Free March 26 UO Extension. Yoga Stud~ Orientation. 7:30 p.m., University Extension A, Room 101-102. Free Athletics Man:h 23-25 March 21 -23 Baseball. UCI vs. Washington. 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday, I p.m. Sunday, Anteatu BaJJpark.. $4-$7 March 23 Women's Tennis. UC! vs • .Ndn-aska. t p.m., Tmoii Stadium. Free Women's ,..,,,. 6th Ann&Nll Spring Invitatumal. UC1 faca Boise State, Montana. N~ POrtland, Santa Oara, UC Rivcnidc and l!I'EP. Tmnis Stadium. Frtt Jnfor .. tton: Mt.UQ.WEIK (141.124.IJJS) ..WIO*;J<ud .... ~,..,,., ...................... ,. ... fW!ffJ.". • f, ·FOR FEET'S SAKE ... Stylish, Comfortable Shoes True Custom Orthotics ~ .. Come to Foot Solutions, we have trained rthists able to help you! I I 1 Computer Foot 1 1 Scanand 1 1 Consultation 1 I foe tibia. ort.llotics I I $75 VAlt;E I I_ -~~~ -... FOOT-:$J{j-i ~~n!.~ : Qft : , __ ., ..... ' ,., _..,..., • PurdWe. (949) 734-2020 O,. ... Slt.10.. ,,. The Original MIKE'I CARPETI OVER 30.YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 .DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSTEU • Custom-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Pumiture • Draperies, Shades. cl Bedspreads t By K•thy Mader I f you are looking for some atmosphere, the best beef rfba ln town or both, and are prepared to wait, Bandera Restaurant, on Pacific Coast Highway in Corona del Mar, ls your place. Apparently, anyone who Is anyone already blows about Bandera, and there ls nothing t~at this article is going to do to help or hurt them, but I weigh In, nonetheless. Bandera's d~cor ii. the uJtimate in what I originally thought was black and tan, only to come early enough to see that the booths are actually a dark green leather. But let's not split hairs. Bandera is a dark restaurant, with elegant candle.light everywhere, making it very cozy and comfortable. The Ollly downside of this diner is the sheer volume or people, volume as in numbers and sound. But this place is busy for a reason -several reasons, actually. Bandera is one of the top Thursday night hangouts in the Newport Beach area for the -how shall I say it?- non-Goat Hill crowd. This crowd wants martinis with gorgonzola-stuffed olives; this crowd wants cabernets and chardonnays from all over the world; and this crowd get1> 11 DA T ·E 8 0 0 K ltusday, March 20, 2003 All DINING REVIEW On the. Bandera bandwagon Granted, there are a lot of women In this crowd who look like they have never so much as sampled comfort food, much less ordered It every Thursday night, but here, they are part of the beautiful d~cor. The bar is in the center of the restaurant. with plenty o( booths on both sides. But there Is not a lot of seating, Lf any. for the actual bar, so those patrons stand a.round, perilously close to the lower level booths. It's great for people watching, but not so great for private dlning. My husband and I got utterly shut ·out on Thursday night -they must have known who we were -so we went back again early on Sunday. as in 4:30 p.m. early. and we were still fifth In line. But I knew we were In the right crowd, the food crowd: The people waiting were talking about the pie. aearly. this writer goes for the food. American comfort food is how I wouJd describe it, with hooey-barbecue pork ($19) and prime rib ($23) or lllets ($24), with the aforementioned beef ribs ($22) that my truly carnivorous husband touts as the best in town. These babies come piled high and are served with a roasted peanut coleslaw and creamy mashed potatoes with scallions. leaks and parsley: Believe it or not, this extremely reluctant chlcten eater orders Bandera's routed chicken ($14) every time. Righron the menu, it read1o, "we take our rotisserie cooking very seriously .... Each day. a hardwood fire ls built in our stone oven (visible from PCH) ... and slow roast continuously throughout the day (tantaliz.ing from PCH). • Jf you are not sold by tJie description, know tllat y'Ou can walk by this restaurant any time and see the screened-in roasting spits, a.le.a. rotisserie. smell it from a mile away and get the stomach a-rumbling. For an appetizer, we have o rdered the roasted artichoke ($8) in the past, but this time we ordered the pan-roasted clams. These clams In the shell were piled hiSh-over a giant grilled sourdough *crouton" and steeped in garlic, wine and shallots. Yum. We al1>0 ordered the "nice little house salad" ($5) with avocado, goat cheese. cabbage and greens in a tangy vinaigrette dressing. But one of my Bandera destination Where You Can Get "Sauced" And Still Drive Home! • March Madness PartyPab Avallable After lOam Pick-Op a lllcbt • ~ PU! !lltJ'f Ba lb. 880 La.-lb s.mgr Sla'.d Bnltd.. c.n Br'9d. l'-J !Mkr. ~ s.ks .... tllr utcmlla Bocbt of R.lbl ia:::-..,11111~ 9IS Party Paks FYI dishes. the cornbread, usually sweet, jaJapeno-y. crispy and creamy, all at the same time was a Utlle disappolntlng this time. That, and the generally delicious mashed potatoes; came out with interesting additions that I.won't go into. imagine this ever betng dlsappolntlng. One of these times I will have to uy the ice cream Oreo sandwiches. •WHERE: 3201 E. Pacffic Cout Highway, Corona del Mar Bandera invites two kinds of people, the k:lnd that order tlus pie, one for now and one for the road, and the kind tha1 wouJd never even look for it on the menu. • WHEN: Opens everyday at 4:30 pm. · But the coup de grace. the cr~me de la banana cr~me, Bandera'• banana cream pie ($6), with chunks of fresh banana. hpmemade caramel sauce and crushed chocolate. was, as usual, to die for. I can't If the line out front is any indicatiop. it seJVeS both weU. • KATHY MADER reviews restaurant• for the Daily Pilot. • HOW MUCH: Moderately expensive • PHONE: (949) 673-3524 •WEBSITE: BanderaRestauranu.com ~ ---------------- - ------ MATTRESS OUTLET STORE "Better Skep Through Scimce. " .--.._,,,,.~,.;-­ Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~-......_ Read all about it. .. our semi-annual event where we OPEN our trade-only showrooms TO THE PUBLIC and pass on amazing savings -direct to buyer -come browse through our tent and enjoy tremendous values! March 21st-23rd 9 a.in. to 4 p.m. Furniture & Premium &bria marked down to a &action of their original wlue Dininst Roo~ • ~ Rootm • Sofin • lamps Minon and a huge Selection of Fine &btia lOOO~ofHomeAccesseri~ ~lUG IN I A12 Thufsday, M.arch 20, 2003 DATEBOOK REELCRmcs Don't bank on 'Cody Banks'; 'Willard' thrills at its own pace James Bond goes teen in 'Cody Banks, H Uary Duff from Oi.mey's ·ume McGuire· and •MaJcolm in the MiddJe's" Frankie Muniz star in "Agent c.ody Banks,· a classic boy-meets-girl, boy-.saves-girl movie. 'frai.ned at a CIA.summer camp for teenagers, ,CodyBanks (Muniz) is assigned his first mission. to help the ,___.;-..-=---' CIA prevent MEGHAN RUSSELL ice cubes. the •bad guys· from creating apocalyptic Connors and prevent the exploitation or a science experiment gone wrong. Disney has created a children's version or James Bood with young roman~ a couple l ughs and an enthra.ll,i.ng, adventuro~ plot. Although his mission starts out as just part o( bis job, Banks' lntendons begin to alter, for he becomes romantically attached. When Natalie Connors ls kidnapped, she becomes the damsel in distress, awaiting the acrival of her knight.in shining annor, who, to her surprise, happens to be Banks. And what happens in the end? Well what Disney movie does not end happily ever after? This movie didn't have a clever plot, and the idea was ordinary and amateur. Most or the scenes, especially the ending, were predictable. In "Agent Cody Banb," I think Disney tried too much to make a stereotypical comic-book movie about normal people who become heroes. and save the workl Rats gq bad in a good way in 'Willard' A s I settled Into my seat to see the new horror film •wJ.llard" on Its opening nlgbt, I was reminded that most people bate rats. This wasn't because the audience screamed · in unison RYAN GILMORE when hundreds of rats ftlled the screen, preying upon their human victims. No, lwas reminded that people bate rats when I looked around the empty darkened theater and realized that I would be alone if not for three other brave souls. People will come out for cannibalistic serial killers, but It appears that rats are just a little 100 menacing. And thal is a shame. I ' COMING SOON Banks has the whole package -ge nius, martial arts mastery and high-tech.gadgets -but he isn't exactly a ladies' man. This is a problem for the young agent, because to find the "bad guys· and Dr. Connors, who is being manipulated by the evil scientists, he must become close with Connors' popular IS-year-old daughter, Natalie (Duff). The a udience follows a young aspiring CIA agent on his adventure through the Cascades to rescue the daughter o( Dr. For children, it was a movie for "Lizzie McGuire" fans and young Disney enthusiasts who enjoy the average adventure story. For adults. I suggest just sticking to James Bond and Austin Powers. • MEGHAN RUSSELL is a New port Beach resident a nd a sophomore at MaterOei. Writer/director Glen Morgan, who borro~ extensively from Alfred Hitchcock's horror classics "Psycho" and "The Birds,~ has successfully reintroduced the elements of suspense and character development to the horror genre in this spooky film. Julia Osborne (Connie Nielsen), Tom Hardy (John Travolta), Raymond Dunbar (Brian Van Holt) and Col. Bill Styles mm Daly) in Columbia Pictures' suspense thriller "Basic." : I I I I ' ' r """-, r • 1 . "-\ l I ' t ,t ...... , I\,'°" - ' ('.... I \_ '-l \_ I \ • ' ! Did you know that obes~ now out rankS Smoking and Ako-hOI abuse as a major caw;e of ~lness in the USA? • Lo..41C up to 20 lbs. 1n five weeks and.sta9 health9! • Us1n5 the ultra Lrt:c Health_y wcigrt L..oss S!r,t.em _you can make 1t happc:n1 Ultra Lrt:c is a mcdicalk,i supervised balanc.cd protein and carbohttdr-.1tc: wcigrt and health mJnagement ~tc:m. You will look and feel ~ttcr than _you have in a kmg bme as _your bod_y convcrt.s unw.mted fat int.o energy. ' n o1''\ Diet, 1..ea.._ \lie\ghl · For I.Jr. 1 v ~,,It ,.0ut ~,, 0 w To conuo\ ~ Srrq 1tJt &tlf •No lkrlgS fk S4Kp8tY • f.lJ fff1* #txrU feeds•~ Plr;smr Cn • LO'lf Prm I ·~NlkllJotW~·~ TtStld& ""1rMfJ ht~~·....--..--- For viewers who only appreciate fast-paced slasher file.ks, "Willard" would be a disappointment. By modem standards, the body count is very low. But the movie is not about pushing the plot along to get to the next dynamic dismemberment. Rather it is about immersing the audience Into a bizarre world and letting them live in it for a little while. Crispin Glover, best known for pla ying Michael J. Fox's wimpy dad in the MBack Lo the Future• series, is perfectly cast as wimpy Willard Stile$. Glover brings a creepy intensity to his performance, and the way that he bonds with his rodent cast members makes you wonder if he is acting at all. The similarities between Willard and Norman Bates from "Psycho" are hard to miss. Both struggle with an overbearing mother. live in a spooky old house, play with creepy animals, are awkward with the ladies. and have a bard time not lcilling people. Willard's boss and nemesis. Frank Martin (R. Lee Enney), is just the guy to push an already WHATIS ... OS2tvda ~kckm, 9~? Tlie secrtt is in. the f14vorf ul broth 7TlaM from scratili-- .frtsh fa('h m.prnmg. Gtm.mJw chunks of chidtm /mast and rice in our <Uliciou.'i broth. Gamislied with iliud avocado and cilantro, finiJW with a sqUNU of .fn'Jh IJMe. unstable person to the breaking point Ermey. who was a Marine drill sergeant in real life and In the film "Full Metal Jacket," uses his command presence to make his character seem utterly horrible. Not even the support of an attractive temp. ironically nicknamed ·ear-for Cathryn (Laura Elena Haning), is enough to help Willard. With the help of his rat friend Socrates. Willard ls able to train hundreds or the funy scavengers to do his bidding. Later, a power struggle begins to develop when a gigantic rat, dubbed Big Ben, vies to become the big cheese. As the rats become more organired and vicious. ii seems ·as if Willard may be creating a Frankenstein's monster that h e is destined to lose control over. The suspense does not let up until the final scene. So. if you are tired or mind-numbing fun like "Bringing Down the House· and ·Agent Cody Banb" (Nos. 1 and 2 at the box office last weekend). check out this retro thriller. • RYAN Gil.MORE is Costa Mesa resident. YOUR DENTAL HEALTii -· by Oeedne Rieb. 0 .0.S . . D~ TO 11fE TEETH No manc:r what you're: w~ everyone: has the: nc:c:d for a poliovc, confidc:ni self image:. We've: Ken grat bq;innings occur when people choose: to improve: thc:u health a.nd ap~cc: with an anrxtivc: smile. One of the: m<m c:mpowcri!'& dc:cision ma.kas for paomu ro chOosc rc:RO~ or cosmetic dcntisay is tp be able to ·preview• the: resUlu dw they an apca in their own c:asc. ~ wu·up modc:ls and computer 1mag1ng, ;and communicating opci\ly with the: dentin let the: p.ttic:nr ·1ook 111to chc: future:• to ace the: ac:rua.I tnnsfornwion that rc::nor.u:ivc: dentinry can make. Thu climinacea uncertainty and • allows a CX>mforublc decision a> be made. ' l , If you have: questions or wane a 1 coiuuhation for you or aomcooc: you aJT about, Call Dt Rich at (9'{9) 640-5680. We: arc: locatai at I 441 AYOCado Ave., Suite 508, Newport Bach. -r WOl1d Class Colorist .. Q .. It Offering 111-.. .......... .. Thie II )'O'M' <:Ma IO ...... ICI ~ frOtn a top cx:ibtat. M.1aY JUdy • hu .,.....,. tirpeftela Md '**'O wlh Vldll BMIOofl (Loe Ange!M), Toni & Guy (Dllllle.), P9UI ~ (Sin OilgO), L'OrMI (New 'fort() I&* .to ,...,,,. ........... ~ ... gtr'tlle ri ~~your h8it ~. hMfthv, n NI o1 _.,. Ta ..... o1 becoming one o1 Miity Jud(• ...,. ...... ciet1'1 In lhl ~ 8Mtt'I ..... ...,., up to $75 00 Spece 11 lmleld ,.. ....,...,. .. , Dft•A•et ............. ,... .... ,., ..... Ml.215.2548 , THEATER REVIEW CHOC Follies fans brave rain for fun show By. Tom Titus T he weather outside was frightful, but the show inside ~. well, delightful CHOC Follies vn. the annual variety show that's raised more than a million dollars so far for Qilldren's 1-Jospital of Orange County, played its second and final performance to a nearly packed house at Anaheim's Grove Theater. A cast of 90 -about a third of them from Newport Beach or Costa Mesa -made the audience's trip through Saturday's record rainfall worthwhile as they Slaged a "musical romp through 1V Land. tilled ·As the OWUlels Tum: Imagine trying to convince - if they were !>1.ilJ alive and available -entertaine!"i tile Lucille Ball, ~. Ama.z, Jackie GJeason. Carolyn Jones, Dinah Shore, Dale Evans or f-1ip WI.Ison. or today's living legends Carol Burnett. Buddy Ebsen, Monty 1 lall, loan CoUiru., Fran Drescher, candice Bergen, Aorencc Hender<!On or Shirley Jone!>, to perform gratis in OranRe County. Well, they were all there -or at least some local reasonable facsimiles -for this ambitious spoof of yesteryear's video personalities. Most cast members wouJd hardly be mistaken in a crowded room for the person they were portraying. Some superior taJent emerged. Most notable was Newport's Mia Maffei -who ~ performed in a1J seven CJ IOC Follies -as a dreamed-up character called the "Sitcom Siruationer. • Maffei treated the audience to a splendid set of vocal cords. as did another Newport enteruuner. Janet ltavers O'MaJJey. as the villain of the piece, a 1V star known as ·Regina RuthJ~ • Fomler Co!>la Mesa Mayor Unda Dixon had a nice tum as • hirley Jones' 1V mom Shirley Partridge. head of the •family· or that name. An even more spot-on impersonation wc1-'\ Mary Beth russmann's Carol Brady -who could easily have been nUstaken for Florence Henderson, the mom oflV's "Brady Bunch.· Carol Bumen arrived in the personagt of follies Co-chairwoman Dale Skiles of Newport. accompanied by another Newporter, Diane Mondini, as Vicki Lawrence. The Cantru.y plot -stitch~ loosely together by a family of would-be 1V stars searchlng for "charisma• -mingled rival cas1i. from fonnerty competing shows such & "The Partridge Family" and ·Tue Brady Bunch.· Newport'• l..awen Jolli1fe briefty sent up Alexis _Carrington from "Dynasty," but there was no answering J.R. Ewing from "DallM. • Veteran Follies performer and CHOC volunteer Leslie Cancelleieri of Newport Beach became a sultry Morticia from "The Addams Family." Newport's Terry Jones. another longtime volunteer, donned bushy whiskers to impersonate Gene Shalit. Another Newporter. Deborah Tanen Johnson, became a sultry OoUy Panon, and Newport's Judy Rosener took a tum as Bea Arthur'!> caustic Maude Findlay. The "Spud Family" oflV star wannabes was headed by two Newport performers, Tun White and Sandy Segerstrom Daniels. Kathleen Duffy of Newport was a ·bewitching" Samantha Stevens, while Newport's Jack f.gan played another Newport legend, Buddy Ebsen, in his best-known role of Jed Oampea from ~The Beverly Hill billies." Newports Rick Reiff -who's al'iO perfonned in all seven follies -stitched the plot together at the close of the show. malting a deaJ as Monty 1 lall Tun liercovi!Z. also from Newport, kept busy in thrtt mies, including a brief tum in a mol').key !>WI. Other locals doing their bit for charity in the Follies were Co-.ta Mesa's Ashleigh Aitl<:n-P~. Wendy Oark and Sallee Smirh. aJong with Newport's lbdd Johnson. John JoltlTe. Bret Kamennan, Jennifer Koffier, Cindy Linden, Shm Sheridan. Kristine ShimaYu, Ann Van Albdein and Su'>dfl Vlllu•-Einwaechter. l'rc"\iding over the e~nl - which ~he created <te'Ven years ago -W8b executive producer Gloria 7jgner. a Newpon resident Zigoer has been the driving force behind the popular Follies. which will return to the same Anaheim venue next March. • TOM TITVS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays. PATRIOTIC SUGAR STAR COOKIES wiih purdwc of One dOW1 Oita~ n,,, MW! 28, 2003 M111 Plr!lll U.,. As T"" cy p,,,;. I. 1 p,,c..-, ~VC Mombgrghip Privo Come join the friendliest, most affordable yacht club in Newport! • C>rpnized racing and cruising activities • Ory boat stor•e and sllpt anilable • Harbor-view dubboute and bar • New boams ft famlliel -.kome • No initbtion ftt for 2003 C-vWlutM.: www..5GuehShon Ye..,. 2517 W. Colle Hwy • NtWpOf1 lbdi CA '26St oralM~l10l lofmcn~ •r- DATEBOOK • Ttusday, March 20, 2003 AU AFTER HOURS • &Jbmit AfTP HOUR& Items to the Deity Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .• Coste Meta, CA 92627; by fa>C to (949) &46-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4296. A complete list 18' avallebee et · www.dallypilot.com SPECIAL JULIE ANDREWS Julie Andrews will be in Segerstrom Hall for a celebrity speaker forum on Monday at 8 p.m. Tickets are S29 to $69 and can be pordlased at the ~ter's box office Of by calling (714) 566-2122, ext. 240. Orange County PerfOQTiing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (7141 556-ARTS or onllne at www.oq>ac.org. ORANGE COUNTY PQETRY FESTIVAL Poel1 John Gardiner and Katya Giritsky will be featured at the Gypsy Den for the Orange County Poe1ry Festival. There will be performance poetry and music with a musical performance by Courtney Montgomery. The Gypsy DefiiS at 2930 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. The free event is at 8 p.m. April 1. For information, call (714) 564-6526 or (714) 549-7012." 'WANr The Newport Beach Film Festival will show the Southern califomia premiere of Michael Wohl's daring feature film debut, ~want; at 4 p.m. April 9 at Lido Theater. The film takes an unflindiing and provocative look at the darit underside of dot-com mania. Set in Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, "Want• follows a hapless software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. MUSIC DAVE BRUBECK Dave Brubedt, a legendary 1au great, will perform at 7:30 p.m . April 3 through 6 in Founder's Hall. The pianist and composer sold out performances last year. Tidcets are $100. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (7141 740-7878 'EMPEROR' CONCERTO The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Car1 St. Clair, welcomes pianist Stephen Kovacevich. He will join the orchestra for Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, the •empero~ The orchestra will also play Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in G major. The concerts will be in Segerstrom Hall on Apnl 2 and 3 at 8 p.m IWIOLl)DOTIC HARDWOOD '4" from 11• Tldteta • ...., $19 to $59. Or.ng9 Couoty Performing Arts Ceoter, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more lnfocmation, <*I (714) 740-7878. .. SIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Ma~ Devidaon Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridavs at the Tee Room. 3100 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZ2TRIO Gulfstream Restauram in Newport Beadl presents a }au trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular ttntertainment at 850 • Avocado Ave., NewP<>rt beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m . Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Mo,nday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Srudio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675·7760. MUSIC AT THE GRIU. The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pehcan offers lhe music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m Sunday The restaurant 1s a1 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant 1s now offering ltve music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Fnday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (9491640-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evemngs and Sunday for brunch The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's 1s at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK ANO FtAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown &<:\,performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at carmelo's Riatorante. 3520 E. -,, • 11, l'I ''I "1 \,,. • I I••''"'' .,, .. !"-1 1111·1 , _ . ~ I , 'II,, : \ l\LADOIB - Coast H4ghway, Corona del Mar. Solo gu1tan1t Kan Senders performs c:laasicat flamenco runes et 7:30 p.m. Tu.days and Sundays. Free. (949) 876-1922 SATUROAY NIGHT RU Gentld lshfbnhi and the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B at 9 p.m . Saturdays et Sutton Piece Hot9''a Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newpon Beadl. free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 9'FROV AT OCC Orenge Coast CoHege Is presenting a.unique an<:t hilarious improvisational production under the direction of OCC theater professor Alex Golson. The 40-to 60 minute production is modeled after the popular improvisational lV show, ·whose Line is it Anyway"IH It will be performed at 11 a.m . noon and 12:45 p.m. Tuesday at the Robert Moore Theatre. Other performances are scheduled for 6 p.m. April 14, noon Apnl 15, 6 p.m. May 12 and 1 p.m. May 13 in the Drama Lab. Admiss.ion is free. Orange Coast College is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. For information, call 17141432·5640, eXl. 5. 'TAMING OF THE SHREW Orange Coast Community College's Theatre Department is staging a one act cutting of William Shdkespeare's comedy HThe Taming of the Shrew," a 40-mtnute production of full measure slapstidc comedy. Performances are at 1 :30 p m Tuesday and at 5 p.m. Aprll 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m. April 22 and 24 in the college's Orama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information, call (714) 721 -5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Cos1a Mesa TONY AWARD WINNER DONNA MCKECHNIE One of Broadway's brightest stars. Tony Award winner Donna McKocnn1e, will perform at the Orange County Performing Arts Center for the Elvin and Marione Klein Cabaret Senes at 7:30 p.m . 'ITU L ll1[Je.st, 1'iru.st, 1' rierufliest 'BeautyS'uppfy & J'uff Seroice Salon In Orange County Tue.day through Seturday, Mwd1 29, mghdy at Founders Hall. Tk*ets ere $49 the Orange County Perform ng Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, C.O.U Mesa. For more mform.iion. caU (714) 740-7878. 'TWO GEHTlEMEft Of VERONlc' William Shakespeare'• .. Two Gentiemen of Verona• will be performed at the South Coast Repertory on the Segerstrom Stage through March 30. Preview tdet.s start at S 19. For tidtets, (714) 708-6555 or visit www.scr.org. 'RELATIVElY SPEAKING' "Relatively Speaking" will be performed at the South Coast Repenory a1 the Julianne Argyros Stage through April. Tidcets cost from S19to S54 South Coast Repertory 1s at 655 Town Center Drive In Costa Mesa. For tidurta, call (7141708-5555 or v1srt wwwscrorg 1..ARAMIEPROJECT Orange Coast College 1s staging Moises Kaufman's "Laramie ProjectH through Mar~_23 in the Orama Lab Theatre T1dcets are S12 and S8 and are sold at the door and by calltng 1714) 432-5880 Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road. Costa Mesa 'DON QOtXOTE' BAU.ET Orange County's Festival Ballet Theatre will offer rts lavish production of -0on Quixote• at Orange Coast College April 4 through 6, wnh curtain time 8 p.m. Fnday and Saturday night and 2 p.m. Sunday. T1dcets range from $20 to $24 and can be purchased by calltng (8881622-5376. Orange Coast College 1s at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. 'SHAKESPEARE REWE' 'ihe Shakespeare Revue', a wrtty cabaret-style musical from the Royal Shakespeare Company, will be performing at the Irvine Barclay Theatre at 8 p.m. Friday, April 4 Tidcets are S38 and $32 Call (949) 854-4646 or go to the box off1re. The theater 1s at 4242 Campus Drive tn lrvme Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection THE WORLDS BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND I COMES . HOME NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS. Thrv Mnh 11, QOClll O;A.C. a. 111en tor...._ \ .. ............. A14 Thursday, March 20, 2003 ... ON VACATION Patti and Peter Smith vacationing on the Big Island of Hawaii visit Ne~rt Beach residents Barry Mycom, Rob Guthrie and John Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Q'Brien with friends, heli-skiing in the Ca11i1dian Rockies. Joan Clamp of Newport Beach and Eunetla Pickett of Costa Mesa at the Inn at Mazatlan, in Mexico. Josh and Kim Bisnar with ~Muk," owner of the Club Bali Hai Hotel on Moorea, French Polynesia. On vacation in Wa shington, D.C. are, from left, Larry and Connie Hull and Phil and Jackie Handleman. Momma John Jennifer ~ belang tQ tht C!Jf!Ic.! lifetime world's largest ffeoring Warranty mail~ -m-op. ~ aw I b~'!,tst Carpet flooring dta rs $}99 iNJiviJU11J/y tlWNil """ opirdin!. 4,000 STORE BVYlNG FOWER lifetime NOBODY ""JW~ e1111 but our Hl.Nti<m Warranty Laminate Mluir J>,.llJint tQO much ff J'!#;.. not buyinjftom us. Lu and Joann Matos of Balboa Peninsula Point, with son, daughters, spouses and grandchildren, stay in a converted f 6ttr century monastery in Sintra, Portugal over the Christmas holiday. Eight friends from the Athletic Club for Women m Newport Beach went to France m November for a 1 Q.day trip. Front row: Connie Murphy, Sue Thomas and Janice Sennes of N.ewport Beach. Back row: Jennifer Pearlstein of Laguna Beach, Teresa Rogers of Newport Beach, Sybil Carney of Newport Beach, Sue Clark of Irvine and Michelle James of Tustin. FULL BAR COCKTAILS MEXICAN RESTAURANT NO PASSPORT IS NEEDED OUR MEAlS ARE A TRIP TO MEXICO 296 E. 17TH ST . COSTA MESA · 949·64S·7626 Gus Brenda Miles 100% Uf etime Warranty Ceramic FREE No ~'1!r Ufetime Warranty 60 Jay aelMnie. Wood If you "Mn~ liM it, SZ>9 ~ will rrpl.a it FREE RllSEIVICI ••1 "'' ••• , C...ftter Topt •St.ow.rs• C.r111le • Oraftlte • Woo4 Wix Refhdth • Cl11t1i"t Carpet & Upholtte~ • P1lnfiftt-lnt1rior & Exterior COSta Mesa (849) 650-7676 124 E. 17th · •...fltft-S SATURtAYI & SUlltAYI t0-4 Irv ne (M9) 8!8-0141 ~7777 Main "I" TUU-Mf tO-J WIHltf~ Hfll 1:00,M ClOSH HHAYI & •OtltM ··-·-·--......... -......... ,, ........ --... ,..r' ........ .._..._......._.. ... I ,, CINDERELLA Continued from Al school prom ln first-dass Cash· ion," Rosen said. Cache, en upscale boutique on the eecond Ooor of South Coast Plaza, agreed to donate 200 dresses, as well as various acces· sories web as earrings, neck· laces and purses -all totaling about $10,000, officials said. The beautiful ~ hung daintily on their racb in the South C.oast .Plaza store while managers Brandi Shultz. and Julie Nelsort en· sured ll'\ey were propedy primed for presentation to the J>(>tetltlal prom prinoesses. Once prepared. the~ will be shipped to On· derella headquarters, where a few mice and birds will be sure to in· ventory them. OK. Not really. But the volun· leers at "Working Wardrobes" will tag and label them for the girls. Various hues and textures of luxurious materials hung limp from their hangers at Cache, just waiting to be brought to life by a Dally Pdot new owner. Slinky black Qoor· length dresset hung oe,Xt to cas· cading. full-5kirt dresses, which contJ"Uted with the assy ahon cocktail~ The sheen of S.tin vied for at- tention with the park.le of ~ qufns, while the sheer elegance of silk was content with lti mod- est lavisho Each dress Daunted Its distinct characteds- tics and provided a perfect amlY for a group of Cinderellas. Glass slippers are not In- cluded. What Is included, besides clothing for prom, Is a series of courses for the 350 participants that will hetp them to enjoy the event to the fullest, officials said. After attending etiquette ses- sions, sJdo and health Care classes and ~life choices" lec- tures, "Cinderella for Ufe" pro- gram participants will be aJJowed to choose a "dream dress." • LOLITA HARPER wntet columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays and covens culture and the ans She may be readled at 19491 574~275 or bye:ma1I at /olira.harper@l11r1mes com @ Get rid of termites the right way! I~ ;J ~I: C • ltjt 11~t1 :J Qi C • l ~I Did you know termites thrive m the structure and in the foundation of your home? With ACG, we'll 1nsP-ect your home's structure os well as identify any vonotions of termites We'll give you o FREE home inspection and o written estimate with o list of environmentoll}-safe products we use Don't be misled ... get rid of termites the right woyl ltltJc'!~g~!J,~.;~~3 Come in to~fay and 'ot't' window CO\'l'nng'> 1h,1t will .1lw.:1r fit p<.>rfl'Ctly in your home From Roller Shades to •• Woods to <;huttcrs, the Classic Collectton The Clas sics Never Go Out Of Style. IU1lerlJoldas wi"dow f11slti°"s ~ALDEN'S F1 ooR U)\'E.Rlt;C. AND ClJSTOM W1Nrxnr CovHuM.\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 JUST6TIMES IN THE USA. AND ONLY ONCE IN NEWPORT BEACH. ' \ • QUOTE OF THE DAY "We needed 100 things to go right for us to win the tournam ent. Almost all JOO of those went right:!!. Mike ThOmton, OCC women's basketbalt coach Mitch 24 honoree TOM PESTOLESI Od'i Pilot Sf>orta Editor Roger Ca<lson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 Thursday, Marett 20, 2003 Bl JC WOMEN'S BASKETBALL STATE CHAMPIONSHIP .. Pirates never doubted themselves and came together for the final championship drive. Brye• Alderton Daily Pilot Whew, what a ride. In an improbable five·game stretch through the Southern CallfomJa Regional Playoffs and the even· tual State Tournament, Orange Coast College's women's basketball team erased aJJ doubts, all reservations, all skeptic'!, about whether it had what 1t take~ to be a champion. It wasn't enough that the Bucs (30· 7) knocked off Ventura -the South's top i.eed and three·ume defending state champion -for the second time this ~eason in the <;tale tournament semifi- nal Saturday. The Pirates h ad to con- tinue their success againM No. I seeds that came their way in the tournament, downing the North's No. I i.eed -Con· tra < ..oc;ta -69-61, Sunday for the champ1onstup. the first in M:hool hi<t- tory. ·rm i.till thinking about it.~ !>aid sophomore point guard Nancy Hatsu- sh.i, the tournament MVP. who drained a team-high 20 points in the final against Contra Costa "It's aU kind of crazy, a dream come true. This is the first time I've ever reached the top. The chances were shm for us going in, but we lcnew that 1f we played ru. hard as we could. we had the potential to do iL" a • ' • • 1·n1s Hank Schettongerhout ORANGE COAST COUC.Gf. Coach Mike Thornton remained stead fast in that belief and his players accepted the mantra, wtuch seemmgty secured their drive to the top in Califomla.. Orange Coast College's women's basketball team, wtth Coach Mike Thornton (nghtl celebrate their state champ1onsh1p conquest on t:tie floor at U. of San Otego ·everyone contributes something dif- ferent to our team,· said sophomore Lindsey Galasso, who led the Bucs with 17 points in the semifinal win over Ven- tura, and followed up with eight points and 6ve assists in the tide game. ·1 think a lot of people thought afttr we beat Ventura, we couJd beat Contra Costa. We then proved to people we could do this. Throughout the playoffs (Thornton) told us we have a special team and we haven't played our perfect game yet. That gave us inspiration to want to play hard and win.· Both Galasso and Hatsushi scud the Veprura game was tougher than the Contra Costa contest. but that didn't stop cenain Bucs from stepping up. ·1 give Candice (Quiroz) all the credit, she stepped up her defense when Uz (Mendo7,a) went down," saJd Hatsushi about Quiroz. a sophomore who was given the task of gvarding Ventura's Counney Young. the State's Co·Player of the Year. Mendoza went down with an ankle injwy that caused her to miss six minutes. Young finished with 18 points on 7-of-17 shooting from the field_ Men- doza averaged 13.l points to lead the Bucs this season. Thomton also praised Qulroz's worit ethic against Young. "She was the unsung hero again!>t Ventura.· he said. Quiroz filling in for Mendoza typifies Coast If one player goes down or is hav- ing an off-night, a teammate filled in re Uably. making the Pirates unpredictable, but hardly inconsistent in the la11er stag~ of the seac;on. For the 6naJ three gaJTit.">, Coac;t play- ers wore blue uniforms., which they only donned in victories against Baker<;field and Ventura in the regular season prior to the State Tournament. Now they are 5-0 in the jerseys Thornton hope-; will be given to the players as souvemr> or as part of a I laU of Fame display. "We needed I 00 things to go right for us to win the tournament." Thornton said. "Almost all 100 of those went right· It wasn't always this smooth Sitting in the bleachers before the &tancia High girls basketball team's second-round home game in the CIF Southern Section Division Ill-A Play- offs in fate February, Thornton won- dered what the fate of this Coast team would be. OCC had lost its last two games of the regular season ~ a 55-« verdict to Saddleback.·the OEC champions. and a 52·49 decision to FuJlenon in a gam e COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Vanguard advances to NAIA's Sweet 16 Lions' women's team reaches the NAIA's second round for the second time in school history. JACJ(SON, 'Thon. -If the Vanguard : University women's bUketbaU team's : regular eeason surprited anyone. the U· 1 ons ate provins that their performance WU rnttdy expected. The evidence came In Vanguard's 62· '8 victory ovet MobUe URIYmity or Ala· buna ln the ftBt round ol the NAIA Nll- donal 0Wnplonthlp1 at the Oman Arena Wednelday night. The I.Jons (2&9) ..,. In the NAIA tour· nament'I sw.et 16 <wcond round or the ' 32-tt"am fteld) rot tho ant time Ii.nee 1999, andf.or Che lecorNI dine In tdloOI hlstotY· • ~ ranbd NO. 7 In lhe NAL\ wfU .,.., In lhe MaJnd round Prtdmy .. •:30 p.m. CST, ~ the winner of to- day's game between 1hlnsytvania and Auburn Montgomery. Senior guard Robbin Dfttenblr led Vanguard with 11 point.a, while fellow senior guard Laura Ue added 10 points on •-of·Jl shooting from the field. Sen· k>r Paulette Seaman connected on three three-pointers. lee and aopbomore point guaro Lacey Mills <efsht points) draihtd two three-pointers each. u the Uooa flnlshed with nine ueys. While Mobile did not have points from be- ~rid the arc. Vanguard. tile Golden St.a~ AthJetk Contetmce dwnpion Which was pkbd tP ftnJlhed ninth by thil dn:Wt' ooithest sOOI 9 of 30 (~) troD'\ polnl fUl8I!. Mobi!M WU 0 for 19 ftom threedom. C.0.ch RUM o.vit laid his cam .. .-•est ~ ... be1ara and that at.awed tn the**'" .. Seatnari (nine ... VMQUMD,,.... The Pirates 44 Alisa CarTillo 33 Jessica Estrada 14 Lindsey Galasso 23 Laura Garnica 12 Nancy Hatsushi 20 Celeste Haueter 13 Leigh Marshall 22 Liz Mendoza 21 Lauren MurTay 31 Amy Shaw 24 Candice Quiroz 32 Karsten Von Tungeln Co•ch: Mike Thornton Aaabtant Oregg Savage Fr. Fr. So. Fr. So. Fr So. So. So. Fr. So. Fr. confidenct: booi.t for us, said l'hornton, who completed h1., 14th year with the program. The 5.in Oe- mcnte resident is 319 145 (687 win nmg percentage! in 14 year~ at OCL <.regg Savage. formerly coach at New port I !arbor High. finished ht., third '\t'ason an a\sti.tant Coasl re'-ponded 1r1 fashion, knock- ing off Cerritos, 55 47. Cerrito'> had defeated < OJ.SI by 20 the fifth game of the seru.011. I he win also guaranteed Coa.st an other game in Peler.,on Gym for the ~uthern Regional t.hampioni.h1p and a berth in the tale Tournament againi.t Compton (31 I) A c;l-iot with three senmds left knocked ~ out of the regional final a year ago. Thornton said was the team\ wor.t of and the '>Ophomores repeatedJy men- the season. uoned that game ru. moovaoon and a tie said Coast was inconwnent, building block for thil. season. seeking its identity. while bauhng fa -But fate would be on C.oa<;t 's side tigue from the rigors of conference ac-agaUlst Compton and the enure play- tion. off run. rreshman Alisa Carrillo hit As it turns out, a 12-day respite was two !Tee throws with 18 seconds left just what Coast needed, Thomton said •and tallied a game-high 21 point~ But a week later. OCC received a first· Coast would have to make a defensive round bye and was guaranteed a sec-'itop in the final 11 seconds. Compton·~ ond·round home game. Thornton Nicole Hunter threw up a 22 footer couldn't have been happier. that was short and sophomore LAuren We really wanted to get that No. 4 Murray grabbed one of her eight re seed, to play at home and that was a bounds to end Lhe game. ·we met every challenge ai. a team;· I hornton said. ·we had as tough a road a!> anybodv Our confidence never wavered. We went with the idea. "Why not u-.?' Our lud!> have a lot of confidence and 1hey believed they l ould beat anybod\. • The Ptmte:. confidence rnukf hmt• WdJled with two game. ctg""d.IJlSt the Saddleback l.amhO'>. who went unde feated (14 OJ to "'in the OrL fhe Gau c:hos handed the l'lrJte. Lhetr "'0™ lo..-.., of the sea.'><>n -a 74 45 deCL-..on Jan. 24 Ha7.el Wood~ (first ream) and <lara Ingle hart (!>t'C<>nd team) made the all-st.ate team. but the Gaucho:. -<;Ceded first tn the Southern Cahfonua reglOn -feU to Mt. San Antorno m the regional final OCC had lost to < ontra <.. O\ta. 69 6..l, in the final of Lhe Ventura lournament Dec. I Stepping up OC:Cs average margin of Victory wao, '>ix points in five tournament game!.. winning twice by eight and once by lWO. Carrillo. akq wtth &e'itmen Amy Shaw and J<ilslen \00 ~ ~ Thornton a ~ d whal to expect nexi )6lf Wld"I SM PIRATES, Paa• BS DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Jason ssidy Four-year Estancia standout makes big changes to continue progress toward his long-term goals. 82 llvs4ay, Ma'ch 20, 2003 SPORTS SOCCER CHAMPIONS WITH AN AYS0-120 FLAVOR PHOTO COURTESY Of .x>HN OEFRENZA Eighteen of some 30 girls competing on the high school level at Cafvary Chapel, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa, Estancia, Mater Dei, Newport Harbor and Tustin with roots from AYSO Region 120 gathered to recognize the contributions of the AYSO program. Top row, from left: Samantha Revo, Vera Gale, Laura Dinsdale, Rachel Ronquillo, Jordan Schones, Melanie Dorsman, Shannon Arnold, Jessica Gavilan, Sandra Lopez, Lauren Donner, Lauren Cushing, Marina Abdul and Phoebe Chang. Bottom row, from left Jessica Porterfield, Jenny Sarris, Jennifer Porterfield, Jenny Chavis, and Melissa Murphy. YOUTH SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Super Four Sea Kings sweep I • Artz, St. Geme double winners for CdM. I 3. McKee ICdMI. 47.2. l 400 relay -1. CdM IL.aPerte, Moms, Dillion. 1 Rlngstroml. 44.3. ~ 1 ,600 relay -1. CdM (Artz. Borcoman. Dlllior( Ringstroml. 3:31.6. • HJ -1 Minard (Cd.Ml. ~. 2 S.hore (CdM)~ • HOOPS: For the first time in history, the Newport-Mesa fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth-grade boys National Junior Basketball All-Net basketball teams will advance to the National ToumamenL All four teams swept their championship games in the Sectional Tuurnament last weekend. "lltls is the first time we've placed four teams in the nationals. which is a reflection of the tremendous effons of the parents volunteering their time at all levels, befJnning at the first-grade clinic level," saJd Newport Mesa NJB President Ollp Sea.el. Representing Newport at the nationals, which begin Friday at The Pyramid in Long Beach, will be fifth-graders Randall NeJ8oo. Dillon CampbeU. Austin mo., J.D. Abbott, Fletc:ber Della Grotta, Andrew Roth. ·"InM>r Mllee., Nell O'Hana, Pubr Stone and C.ODln Krahe. Sixth-graders include Prank DeNoewer, Michael Helfrlch. Nick freeman, J.B. Green, Joey Jones, Andrew McDonald. Danny Mlller, Sean Donovan, Cameron Holmes and Danny Moekavtta. Seventh-grade: wm K.elly, Robbie Boyu. Jamie McGee, ICyle Caldwell. Jonathan HOW9et R.J. D'Cruz, Joe Eberhard, John Swtft. All Meshldn and P.J. Slmpeon. • Fighth-grade: Matt Hellrlcb, Tuny Jones, Chad St8saet, Nick Jones, David Holmes, Franda Krahe, Taylor McOanahan, Hunt Rymel. Adam Smith, Pa.rktt Roth and Weston Dunlap. •The Newport-Mesa third-grade girls all-star basketball team begins tournament play this weekend. The Hoop Group is made up of Rldd An:hJe, Broob Lm, Brooke Migliori. Thylor Stefano, OlMa Tharp, Addbon Rk:hJey, Sen Slherman, Mary MclCmnon, NDd 7.ak and Shannon GrUllth. Lou Slherman and Joe Stefano coach the team. Giants win, 6-4 • BASEMLL: The Giants scored five runs in the first I Vi innings and held off the Mariners, 6-4. in Newport Beach Little League MA play. Mariner pitcher Mitch Gardner held the Giants to just one run over the next 2~ innings. For the Giants. Emery Molnar pitched two shutout innings and Jeck Schloemer and Austin Jona also provided solid play on the mound. Grant o.vla came on to pitch for the Giants in the bottom of the fourth inning with the bases loaded and one out for the Mariners, who were trailing, 6-4. Davis retired both batters he faced, striking out one to preserve SWIMMING Eagles teams split with Saddleback Boys fall, girls win in Golden West League duel with Saddleback. OOSTA MF.SA -freshman Chad Kunert and junJor Anthony Hermann adlieved personal reconb, but the Fs~ tand:a High boys swim team suffered a 91-78 Golden \\at League loss to visit- ing SeddJebeck Wednesda}( Kunert won the 100.yanl back- sttob with a penonal-best 1:06.72, while. Hermann touched first tn the 100 breastatrob In bis own m:ord time or 1: 17.50. The F.agtes dropped to3-J, 1·1 In league. ln girls' ac:don; F.atancia High' girls fWlm t m evened Its retord to l • l with a 00..80 Golden Wat lagtie victOry ayer vislllill~ 1be ~ had ftnt·place fin. hidudln~ the 200-Yard meij}ty may tMm d can>lina Barnes. Mm· lyri Rck:h. Courtney Hat arlO Kade Mahan (2:16.93): 200 ~ mtd· 9ef ~With. 2;39 82); 50 ~ ~ Ii\ ate); JOO ~~(Llilnl r.n.wtr..,. tin I :Oll.67); the 4 x 50 free ~ • .,., "'Britt& Pitd. Mahan, Hess and Barnes with a 2:00. 78; and the 100 breaststroke (Reich ln 1:16.43 for CIF consideration. Jayme Pay took second In the 500 free (6:51.67) with Barnes also fin- ished in the same spot In the 100 back (1 :19.27). Pitti took second in the 200 IM (2:50) and third in the 100 butterfly (1:24.70). a.. ........... 8ediWw* 11. r:.t.• 71 200 rnedl9y ~ -t. ~ (l(unen, ~ler. G.mboa, Collier), 1:53.28. 200 he-1. Guzmen (SI. 2.'08.8; 2. ColMtc> (S), 2:08.3; 3. Colffer (El, 2:13.6, 200 IM -1. Goodman tEI, 2:30.88; 2. T•pi• ISi. 2:37. 1; 3. Pldllt. (SI, 2:42.8. 60 ffM-1. G.mbolt (El, 25.46; 2. Vega (S), m.75: 3. ~-1s1. M.2. 100 fty-1. Kunen (El, 1:0'1.3; 2. CooMv (SI, 1:10 O; J. Hemn ISi, no time prcMcMd. 100 ffM-1. 6-mboe CEI. 57.81; 2. T.pi. (S), 59.1; 3 \INiquer IS), 1~.0. 600 frM • 1. Cot.do (SI, 6:45.31; 2. Guzman {S), Ul.3; 3. Collier (El, 9:10.15. 200 ftM ,.._., -(tie) 1. &tanc:ie (Kuntft, Cotlltt, M«.koYidl, 0.mboe), t:AU3 100 bid! -1. Kunen (El. 1:09.12; 2. eoon., (S), 1:0l.1;1.G.td9{Sl, 1:12.1.. 100tw...c-1 HenNnn IEl, 1:17.60, 2. hdila(Sl, 1·2041-3 ~(El, Utn 400 free rWv -1 &tllncle {Ooodmen, (~Mel~.~). 4."0&.12. the win. Ashley Varner had a timely RBI for the Giants (3-1), who were also helped by Davis' two hits. one RBI and one run scored. Sweeney leads way, 6-2 • BASBBALL: Four hits and three RBis by C.Onor Sweeney led the Astros to a 6-2 victory over the Dodgers in the Mustang Division of the Newport Harbor Baseball Association. Conor also pitched three innings. giving up one unearned run. The Dodgers were led by DWon Gillett with three innings pitched while adding two hits, including a triple. Friday signups • ROl..l.E.R HOCICHY: The last day to sign up for the Boys & Girls Qub Spring Roller Hockey League is Friday. The league is for tmys and girls from first to eighth grades. Games will be played on weeknights at the Lou Yantom Branch at 2131 Tustin Ave. in C.Osta Mesa beginning in early April. The season runs until mid-June and games usually last about an hour .. Teams will be formed Saturday. Call (949) 642-8372 for more information. CORONA DEL MAR -Junior Kevin Artz and freshman Anne St Geme were double winners as the Corona del Mar High boys and girls track and field teasns scored wins in a nonleague dual meet it hosted Wednesday. The Sea lCing boys squad (4-1) de- feated Servile, n-64. while the CdM girls (4-1) earned a 99-36 win over Ro- sary. Artz won in the 800 meters (2.1)7) and the 1,600 (4:38) for the boys. who took both relays and received another victory in the 400 (51 .5) from junior Chris Ring- strom. St. Geme cro~ the finish line first in the800 (2:26.3) and the J,600 (5:23.2), while senfor Becky Cummins (3.200 in 12:34), sophomore Melissa Swigert (200, 27.0) and Sara Claster (400, 60.9) won in other track events. The CdM girls also recorded victories in both relays and won 6ve of the six field events. ~; 3. Degheri (CdM), 5-3. • U -1 Lawrence (SI, 1&-2'h; 2. Brandt (SI. • 18-~; 3. Zarian (CdM), 17 .. 'h. l TJ -1. Brandt (SI. J9.3; 2. Zarlan (CdMI. 34-34 ~; 3. Kroupf ICdMI, 32-3. I PV -1. Yould (CdMI. 13-0; 2 Wong (CdM), 12-0; 3. Selinas {CdMI, 11-6.. SP -1. Cabllllero (SI. 44-9W. 2. Donn (CdM), 44-3'h; 3 Estrada {SI. U.1. I OT -l C.t>.llero (SI, 138-0Y.t; 2. Robie (CdMT, 112·9: 3. Wishengt*I (CdM), 103 1 Nad rpPta • CdM91,Aoellrv31 100 -1. OOloha (RI. 13.0; 2. {tfe) Morgan ICdMI and Kramer ICdMI, 13.5. • 200 -1. ~ert (CdMI. 27.0; 2. Claater (CdMlj 28. 1; 3. Obion. (RI. 28.2. I 400-1. C18S111f (CdM), 60.9; 2 Swigert (CdM~ 11>1. l; 3. Broomfield {RI. 103.3 800 -1. St. Geme ICdMI. 2'26.3, 2. P.n.. (CdM). 2 29.9; 3. CUy1er (CdM), 2:30.9. • 1.600 -1. St. Geme ICdMI. 5:23.2, 2. DDda (R). 5:33.8; 3 Cuyter (CdMI. 5:45.5. 3,200-1. Cummins tCdMI, 12.34; 2. Kattan • (CdMI, 12:38; 3. Ahfam (CdMI, 12:39. 100HH -1. Brown {RI, 18.S; 2. M"izuuwe (CdM), 18.6; 3. Corpuz (CdMI. \9 8 Non ••boys JOOIH -1. Brown (R), 64.S; 2 (tie) Perez (RI • CdM 72. s.vtte M and Srt:z9r (CdMI, SS.0. ,..,_ (SI o Bl (SI 400 ~ -1. CdM tK111mer, Manning, 100-1. ~ter , 1 .6; 2. •nco , 11.4; 3. u~." ~ 1 ""' ~ Wltli•ma (S), 11.S. ~ ....... -.,.,......,...rt •...,... 20022 6-31.MSl0a~ ((SCdl. :; 1 .0:23, 2-.,Ringatrom (CdM). =~rtc;:s:,~i:inM, St. Geme, · ; · ma • • · HJ -1. Asher (CdM), 4-10; 2. Mahoney IRI, 400-1. Rlngstrom (CdMI. 61.5; 2. Boyle (S), 4-10 3 Heeschen (CdMI 4-10 64.0; 3. Borcoman (CdM), SS.2. ; · • · 800 -1. Artz (CdM), 2.'()7; 2. Dillion (CdM), U -1. Tucci (CdMI, 13-0; 2. Way (CdMJ, 2:09.7; 3. Grier (S). 2:t1.8. 12-11~ 3. Sltzer(CdMI, 12·9'.4 1 1.600 -Artz (CdMI, 4:38; 2. Rudinlca (CdM). TJ -1. Way {CdM), 29-a'h ;2. C.rlot IS), 2!>-!Af; 4:G; 3. Grier (SI. 4:46.2. 3. none 1 3.200 _ 1. MoMV (SI. 9'.53.4; 2. Rudtnlca PV -t. Burtey (R), U ; 2. Nguyen ICdMI, 7-0; 1 (CdM), 10:43; 3. Weidner (CdM), 10:4'. 3 S.W.V-(CdMI. M . : BASEBALL 110HH -1. CofWt (SI, 15.5; 2. Thrope (SI. 19.0; ~ ;.!· L3 ~ {(CdMCdMll. ~ ~~ 2. Sobral (RI, : 3. J•llli (CdM), 19.J. ,_,....; • •YUUU •"'''Tl. JOOIH -1. Cotelt (SI. 45.7; 2. ltirope (SI. 41.9; ~Ji~;~~~~[~ L Wood (Cd,. Lobos rally GOLF : past Eagles CdM falls to Foothill, 4-2 GARDEN GROVE -Patanda High junior tartfna pitcher Brad Young belted a two-run homer to center fteld in the first Inning to stake himself to an eady lead and entered the tlfth with the game ded, 2-2. But host Los Amigos erupted for ftve hJta and five runs In the tl.fth and pulled away for an U -5 nonleague baseball victory Wednesday. C.Orona del Mar Hlgh'a bays golf team fell to 4·2 with a four-stroke loss to Foothill at the Tustin Ranch GC course Wedne.day. 192-188. Robert Ury was C.Orona del Mar's Jeadlng golfer with a I -under 35, featur· Ing two birdies. Other Sea IClng:s were Tun Frohling (37), ~ OUckovani (l9), Bn.d Cham- berlin (39) and Mcie Sherman (42). The Sea Kings meet &perama today at 3 at Yorba Unda GC On the JC levd: f\ Coast falls by 3 1 • Jake Allanach paced the Oranse Cout College men' golr team wtt/t a 75 Wednesday, but It wasq't enough, aa Coast dropped ap Orange Bmplre Conference match to boat Santa Ana, 383·386, at ¥1 Prado GC in Olino. , Allanach WU 3-over par OD the par-7,2 Lo8 Sem.nos Golf C.Oune and wu fol- JOMd by Kelly Wlcb' 76 OCC faDato 8-4, 4-4 in the OF.C YoWlg was 3 for 4 with four RBis to pace the 10-bit P.atanda attack. Greg Hugbel wu 2 ror 4 with a run and Qd- len Qom abo went 2 for 4 for the Eacles. who fell to 1-4. Loi AmJp, coached by fonner P.a- tanda ua1stant Dave Aultln, Improved .SCHEDULE to3·3. ~v Blt.anda pla)'a aoatown rtVa1 Cotta ,.... _,...,. • Mesa toJllsht at 7 at 'n!Wlnkle Park ln a • Hit"~~ 1nc1 oirtl • ~ H..w nOnletlUo pme that. llonc wtth the -~&ei.dt.l~C..M..9' two IChooll'. two Golden Welt ~ °:"' vi.w, 1;15 p.m.; M ~ 3 meednp. • decide the winner of the p ...... Paul Trolel 'J\'optiy, a ~ Mid Fnlc-:'~:=, ~·...,, that goea to the eerlm winner. """edMIOl · EIC.llncie va. eo.t. ~ ec T9WlnM9 ,._, 1 p.m. Na t • Lw ~ "· ....... ~ '-:: tlf =--1 • I 10 I loeAft"P OIO ,.. 11 ,.. 1' M I "1bUnO. Huu'* (51 • .Jlvttgul (fl end HeUMr; c.rdora and M9fotdo. W -c.ntoa. L- Wung, 0. 2. 28 • Dougf1• (LAI. Hft-Youno {El. .... ,... , .. ICNol ~· E-.ndl -~ """" . ' ... ..... MltOOI b0v9 -C«one .. Milt. Qf ~ ,. .. ,.,..,. • e.imotl ....... 3 p.m.: High ICtlool ~end.,.,. ....... . let 11r1a,3:11 p.m. ... C*9e men• ...... a~.._ Collegili • ....,._... ~ 1 PJ'f\. --~ --_____ _.. .... _. /. • -----~ .. ~- SPORTS GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD PREVIEW Great ~xpectations T~e Mustangs, led by senior Sharon Qay, wdl be one of the teams to beat in the Golden West League. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot €0STA ·MESA -Just wait untlJ next year. ' • That doesn't have to be said any longer for the Costa Mesa High gir~ track and field team. The Mustangs. even though they produced a successful season last year, found themselves looking toward the following season with higher expectations. The time has come to meet those. expecta1Jons. Seniors Sharon Day and Beverly Aina, as weU as junior Ouistine Bjelland are Costa Mesa's three rerumlng Cff qualifiers and are set to qualify again in their respective events. Day, who will play soccer and compete in track and field at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo next year, wall at- tempt to successfully defend her state cha mpionship in the high jump. Her closest competitors from last year, Olaunte Howard of' J.W. North and Kaylene Wagner of Dos Pueblos, graduated last spring and Day is poised to win her fourth straight sec- tion high jump title and close out what has been a remark- able prep career with a siate championsh1 p. "She's such a competitor.· Mesa's first-year coach Glenn Mitchell said. "I just love watching her." ,Day took fourth place In the National Scholastic In- door Olampionships, with a S·foot-9 % high jump at Jhe Armory Thiele and Field Cen- ter in Nt!w Yortc la.st weekend. Day's goal is to reach and then surpass 6 feet, and her chances of doing so have im- proved be<:ause Mesa has added depth this season. Senior Rhondl Naff, who starred for the school's girls basketball team, will most likely compete ln the high jump, as will Day's younger sister, Jasmine, a freshman. "We want to have Rhondi and Jazzy jump on the week- day meets," MitcheU said. "And, let Sharon have fun during the week. She won't have to jump until a Saturday invitational, or whenever we really need If." Sharon Day won three In- dividual titJes In the Paciflc Coast League (200, 400 and high hump) and will attempt to be a tri~e winner again in the Golden West League. BjeUand was expected to take over the PCL in the dis- tance races with the depar· ture of Corona def Mar's Julie AJlen, but Bjelland will in- stead turn her focus to the Golden West League. Bjel- land had a coming out or sorts last year and was set to establish herself this past The ---Mustan s Beverty Alna Sr. Kindra Balley So. Christine Bjelland Jr. Tracy Bjelland Fr. Cassey Bride Jr. Sara Bryant Jr. Shawna Buchanan Jr. Kathryn Connell Fr. Sharon Day Sr. Jasmine Day Fr. Rachel Hughes Jr. Stacy Krikorian Jr. Araceli Mendoza Fr. Hanh Nguyen Fr. Vid<i Pham Jr. Ana Rodriguez Fr. Jenny Sparks So. Rhondi Naff Sr. Rachel Ronquillo Jr. Coech: Glenn Mitd1ell cross country season. But she was plagued by a season- ending hip injury. "Otristine is working really hard," Mitchell <taid. "She's at about the same level as last year. She's been working so hard. I hope to see her get to the same level as last year and then move on frotn there.· Just as Sharon Day, Bjel- land will aJso be joined by MARK C. DUSTIN I DM.Y Pl.OT Estancia High semor golfer Jason Cassidy is the Daily Pifot's High School Athlete of the Week. CASSIDY Continued from Bl her younger sister, Tracy. a freshman, who will compete In the hurdles. The Mustangs will actually more have more help than they expected. The Day sisters recently helped the Costa Mesa girls soccer team win Its first share of a CIF championship. A few members from that soccer squad will he on the track and field team, including junior Stacy Krikorian, who returns, and junior Rachel Hughes, junior Rachel Ron- quillo, sophomore Kindra Bailey and sophomore Jenny Sparks. Mitchell is still figuring where to put the girls, yet Sparks could most likely compete in the sprints. In the throws, shot put and dJscus, Aina will be the lone competitor for the Mustangs, but sh e's sure to rack up points. Junior Vicki Pham will be a key contributor in the hur· dies. while junior Cassey Brick will allow the Mustangs to contend in both relays, in which Sharon Day enjoys to be the anchor. ~she's a tough girl," Mitch- eU saJd of Brick, who played for the basketball team in the winter. ·1 think she's going to do some great things for us." The distance events will be covered by Ouistine Bjelland and she'll gain support from freshmen Hanh Nguyen and Ana Rodriguez. whom con- tinue to improve. SOFTBALL Sailors give it away, 2-1 Newport Harbor commits six errors in loss to SaddJeback. COSTA MESA -Newpon Har- bor HJgh softball pitcher Kim Moore continued her strong stan Wednesday, but six Sailor errors, including four in a two-run SaddJebaclc first-inning. helped the Roadrunners coUect a 2-I win in the championship semi- finals of the Costa Mesa Tourna- ment at TeWinJde Park. Moore, who has two no-Wners this season, yielded just one hit, striking out eight in a complete- game effort. Both Saddlebaclc runs were unearned. Moore also paced the Ta.rs' seven-hit anack., going 2 for 3, including a double. Jenny Daniels also had a dou· ble for the Sailors, who reu to 4-2. But the Sailors left six runners on and broke down defensively. They will now settle for a third place showdown with C:Osta Mesa. tentatively scheduled for Monday at TeWtnJde Pan. Cota--~ ~ Saddlebec* 2. Newport 1 Newport 000 001 f) I 7 t Sddlbdt 200 000 • 1 I 1 Moore •nd Campbell; FerNndez Mld Ramirez. W -FerNndeL. l -Moore. 28 -Moore (NH), D•niela (NH) A. OCC falls, 8-0 FULLERTON -Orange Coast CoUege pitcher Kera Mathes re- tired the first nine banera, but host Fullerton broke open a scoreless game to win, 8-0, in six innings. ln Orange Empire Conference action Wednesday. OCC defuted Fullerton, 4-3, e&rller in me season, but the Hornets exacted revenge by holding the Pirates C7·9, 2-5 in the OECl to Jutt one hll F\llltt· ton lmpJ'OYed to 14-7, 5-2. ... Ormlp~C-••tca ft I 1'11Ml .. occ • occ ... Ml -•11 Fultefton OllO 14' • I "IO t M ..... lric*ley (81 •nd SheNm, Nl• end Gonalee W-Ntir, ,._., lt MetNa.t:e Pirates whip Dons, 19-2 SANTA ANA -Ollilll ODlllt 014°1 .... 's*• .... wa •~z ............ .... AMDalllW t 0 t Ilia > 5 Di w.W.SIMIAM .. •N. • Tlu!oday, Marth 10. 2003 U tlGH SCHOOL BOYS VOUEYBAU. . ~ ewport Harbor drilled in three Visiting Huntington Beach Oilers dominate short-handed Sailors. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot NEWPOtrf BEACH -Though Newport Harbor HJgh boys vol- leyball coach Dan Glenn ad- dressed his team for about 20 minutes afier its 15-3, 15-8, 15-8 11onleague loss to visiting Hun- tington Beach Wednesday. he srud the tone or the difiCUSSion was less than harsh. "Sometimes you get beaten so badJy, you don't want to beat a dead horse," Glenn said. after re- turning to a gym than had al- ready empued foUowing the 65- minute Oiler romp. "We're still playmg with two raw seners and (I luntington C:Oach Rocky Cia- rclli) hru. a pretty solid team. I didn't think we played that poorly in the first game, but it .,eemed like our errors were glar· ing." fhere were plenty of errors by lhe Sailor.., who were playing without three projected starters, two of whom should be back .,oon to help them make a run in the Sea View League. wnior Nedim Pa1evic. a 6· foot ·9 middle blocker, sat out the match afier missing practice Tuesday. due to a conflict with his preparation for the Orange County All-Star Basketball Game. Juruor Jaune Diefenbach is still recovenng from a tom ACI. that CO'>I him his basketball season. while sophomore Bren Perrine remains Mdelined for the season, due to a tom ACI. suffered last in the basketball campaign. Diefen- bach could be back sometime in April. Any time you come to New- port Harbor, you thinJc: you're in for a battle, tt Ciarelli said. ·But (the Sailors) have some young b'Uys and we've been playing really well I don't care what sport tt 1s. when you lose two k.ids (to in1uries). you're going to struggle. But you watch, with Danny working with them. they'U be OK by the end of the year . That time may seem light years away for those who wit- nessed Wednesday's lopsided defeat, but Glenn was far from fatalJstic in his assessment. "I 1ust think we never really go1 a run to create some energy," Glenn said. ·A lot of that had to do with (the Oilers') play. We played weU over the weekend (at the San Diego Tournament of Champions), but we weren't playing against teams quite as good as Huntington. It's tough to lose like that in this gym, but we'U be back to practice (today)." Senior middle blocker Paul To- man led the Sailors with nine lcills, while senior outside Wner Mile Thole added seven. Senior Nick Glassic chJpped in six kills and senJor Otad Rorden finished with five for the Sailors. The 6-2 Toman aJso had the Tars' only three stuff blocks. JunJor Adam Schlesinger had 21 assists. while -.eruor Nick Ktlly added six. Huntington Beach (6-0) was led by Kenny Marlcwardt, who hammered 13 ldlb .. Erle Eastman (eight killti), Ben Buck.a.few (seven) and John Roulene (five) were al.so consistent weapons for the winners, who' split setting duties between Brbck Boyte and Man Abdou. Huntington scored· 1-4 of the match's first 15' points and. after the Second game opened in a 3-3 tie, scored I I of the next 13 to take firm command The Sailors opened thud· game leads of 2 0, 5 3 and 8 5. but surrendered the final I 0 points of the match to drop their best-or.five ~n opener. Th.mg."' won't get any ~•er for the Sailors, who open the Orange County 01.amp1omh1ps Friday in pool play against ML'>Slon Viejo and Esper.uu..t Lsperarv.a was the runner-up in the San Diego Tournament or Champion'>. Elsewhere in high '>Chool vol leybaU on Wedne'>day- Eagles trounce Lions • The f:.c,tanc1a lligh boyi. vol · leybaJI learn made !!'> Golden West League debu<in 1mpre'> sive fa!.h1on , '>Weeping visiting Westminster. 15 5, 15 J, 15 I . The F.aglec. fJ 0 I 0 in leaguel were paced by B.J. l.ar sen. who collected five acei., four kill'> dnd four dig'> Oms 11artwell added I 0 lulb and Jo'>h Kornegay contnbuted seven k.tlli. for the winners. Westminster fell to I J, O I. Sea King. bounce back • The Corona def Mar I hgh boys volleyball team bounced back from a rough fimsh at the San Diego Tournament or Oiamp1ons ~turday to earn d 15· 12, 15-8, 15 9 nonleague wm at Irvine. Sophomore Kevin Welch led a balanced allack with 16 luJI., and eight digs. ~emor Bart Welch ( 11 kllls and nine dig'> I. Myles Yourman (IO k.ills and six digs). Brian Brinkerhoff C 10 kJUs), Greg Gabriel 150 ac;c,1<,ts). Dominic Rubino (mne digs and rwo aces), and Tom Welch (eight digs) also chipped in for the Sea Kings, who are now 2-0. 4-3 includ~g best-or three tournament atches. The win ame without 6 root-6 Stanford bound senior middJe blocker Enc Jones, who was cleared to play, but was given another few dayc, to rest before begmrung the Orange C:Ounty Otampionships Friday afternoon. Coach Steve Conu said. Costa Me sa swept • The Costa Mesa High boys volleyball team opened Golden West League action with a three-game loss (6-15. 6-15. 5- 15) to host Ocean View. Costa Mes.a C:Oach Dave Sor- rells said he was impressed with freshman Andrew Melcer who made his first start and re corded 17 digs Junior Mitch Mandel led the Mustangs (1 4 > with seven kJlls and sophomore Ga~ Gon.7.ale1 had four kills Costa Me!MI Is at Western in a nonleague match Friday after- noon. JC TENNIS Coast blitzes Riverside COSTA MESA -Orange Coast CoUege's men's tennis team dealt occ I. ...... 1 visJtlng Rlverside an 8-1 Orange ......__Chu (bee) def Oyer. &-0. f.mpire C:Onference Joss, with all 6-0: T""* (OCCI def. ~ W. t-0. right victories of the ~hn-Haley IOCCI def. McGregor, e.1. &-0. Solomon IOCC) def Fiow.r.. e.o, e-o. lng fasbJon. Le IOCCl def Brown. e.1. e.o; Sholri9f Of games pla)'ll<t, the Pirates <RCCJ def. FulmlNnhl bv defeutt. had an 84· 7 edge. Dautieae-Chu Le (OCC) def. Rfverslde~ only point at.me by ~~~ way of de!autt So•omoo-Fulmir-. (OC'C) dlf occ linptuYeS to s-c. 4-3 In ~.t-0 theOP.C. l ', • " ' . ; t"7 "-., ~ t • or \ •• -------..-----... -·~·-- -~ -·--·-· "-~ •• -.--~ ...... P--.....-... 9' "Ttu1daY, Marci\ 20, ~003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TRACK AND FIELD PREVIEW Powell, HuiP,e runong Mustangs leadefs Costa Mesa boys seeking, , a better chance to compete in the Golden West League. Steve Ylraen OaityPilot COSTA MESA-They will be the ,boy& behinCI the scenes' tliis season. While· · tbe eoSta Mesa High girls traclc an cl' field. team will grab oiost of the accolades- and headlines, the Mustangs' bays squad will be worldng to improve in the background But that doesn't mean, the Costa Mesa boys won't have anything to boast about On the contrary, the unnoticed squad will feature talent from seniors Zach Powell (800 meters) and Danny Krikorian Oumps) and jwlior Marro Huipe (distance). There's also the unexpectedness that comes with a new league. the Golden West That can work to Costa Mesa's fa- vor. Yet. for the most part. the Mustangs' track season will be mostly about devel- oping each athlete to Improve by sea- son's end Mesa will also gain some CIF recogni- tion from a few athletes, first-year coach Glenn Mitchell said Leading the quest for the postseason is Powell, who is skilled in the hurdles, but will most likely make a name for himself in the 800 this season. Powell won a Pacific Coast League title in the 300 intermediate hurdles last year. "I would like to see him go to the Ar- cadia and Mt SAC (inviJ,ationaJs) in the 800;" Mitchell said. "I want him to focus on the800.~ Mitchell coached the distance run- ners on last year's track and field team. In the fall, he was the head coach of the cross country teams and this sprtqg he is taking over for George Greenwalt, the energetic coach who is working full- time at Baclc Bay High. Greenwalt, who was a position coach (receivers and sec- ondary) for the Costa Mesa varsity foot- ball team, said he will work in the same TheMu~angs Keota Asuega Sr. Juan Avilez Jr. Junior Epenesa Jr. Mario Herrera So. Marco Huipe Jr. Stephen Kosnoslcy Jr. Dannv Krikorian Sr. Huu Luu . ·Fr. Willy McCoy Fr. Saul Palomar Jr. Ziad PeplC Sr. Zach PoW811 Sr. Marvin.Ramirez Jr. Jorge Raya Jr. Luis Rodriguez Jr. Ivan Rutz Fr. Omar Ruiz Jr. Luke Sapolu Jr. Coach: Glenn Mitchell type of capacity for Newport Harbor with Coach Joe Urban Sr. and the fresh- man football team this fall. Mitchell won't be short of help this season. Fonner Mesa track coach Joe Busi returns and will be training the dis- tance runners, wnt)e Eugene Day. the coach of the Mesa boys soccer team, will be working with the jumpers. Mitchell said Mesa athletes who have played in more than one sport this year will improve the boys and traclc field team this season. Krikorian, who played basketball in the winter, will be serving double duty in the spring, as he will also compete for the Costa Mesa boys volleyball team. K.eola Asuega, Mesa's star running baclc who will play (or Idaho State next season, will be competing for Mitchell, too. But, Asuega will not be in the sprints, as he did last year. He will tum his focus to the discus and shot put, Mitchell said. Krikorian's basketball teammates freshman Scott Knox and senior Ziad Pepic Oumps) will also be contributing to the Mustangs diis season. "If somebody from the baseball team wants to run for me, I would certainly let him," Mitchell said. Mesa's Danny Krikorian leaps in ttle triple jump. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS DON LEACH I OM.Y PILOT CdM lllaintains lllOlllentulll Sea Kings stay undefeated (6-0) with impressive showing against fellow Division I power Penin- sula. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Stacking the doubles side of the boys tennis draw worked only so long for visiting Penin- sula High against Corona del Mar. After capturing all three doubles sets in the first round of play, the Sea Kings (6-0 and ranked No. J by the Tunes) g,ave the Panthers a taste of their own medicine to post a 12-6 non- league victory SCQREBOMD Wednesday at CdM High. Peninsula (7 -l) came into the match ranked No. 7 by the nmes. and initially, gave the Sea Kings some Peninsula 6 trouble on the CdM 12 doubles side. "J knew (Penin- sula C.oacb Mike Hoeger) would load the doubles side against us and that scared me,• said CdM Coach Tun Mang. "When our first doubles team beat their No. 3 team, I was just hoping more came after that" CdM's No. 1 doubles team consisted of junior Brennan Roberts and sopho- more Wesley Miller. The duo dropped their first set, 5-7. to Peninsula's 'Irevor Dobson and JC.eiso Fukugald before gaining their composure and winning the next two seta, 6·3 and 6-4. . CdM'a No. 3 team of seniors Bryan Warsaw and lssel Salcla came on strong midWay thrQugb the second game after having dropped the first Warsaw and Saida trailed, 4-0. to Peninsula's Mike Guice and Jason Dauer befote staging a mild comeback before the Panther duo prevailed, 6-4. But Warsaw and Selcla gained momentum from the teeood game and bigh·fived each other with a:aJted shOuts ln: their 6-0 run through Doblon and Pttb1gtkl .. , felt ready in the third (game) and dJdn'l want to stop the momentum." uJd Saldi. whom his teammates cell, ·1ce." "We ~ better when WO ~ hyped up." WuuW Aid. Miiier and Robertt ~ totetber for Che h time du. year. "We Mn mote Meady and bJt Che b.rJ bett« ID the IUt two ~" MlDei .... ~· irilld bener." "1til)i coUld b9'e won llDdllt • \ CdM .seeking a repeat of national honors Two-day national tournament begins on Friday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Tournament Director Tun Mang doesn't skimp when it comes to scheduling teams to compete in the Corona del Mar High National High School Tunnis All-American Boys Invitational Team Tuumament Now in its fourth year. the CdM boys coach has again sJated a field of prominence, with flavor corning from Hawali and New York this year to go with pereruUal schools like Menlo, from Atherton. CdM beat Menlo last season, 5-4. rallylng to win after trailing, 4-3. The Sea Kings (seeded third in this tournament just as last year) were second in 2001 and fourth in 2000. This year's field features top-seeded Miramonte of Orinda. which Mang said includes three nadonally- rank.ed singles players In Ouis R$smussen (No. 48 in tbe United States Tennis Association 18-year-olds), Michael Rieb (No. 70 in the US'IA 18s) and Drew r>iefenbach (No. In lo the US'IA laS). Punahou School -from Honolulu -i8 seeded sec- ond, and has the most depth of any team In the field of 16, according to Mang. Robbie Um. the Hawaii singles champion. along witb Ryan Lewis, the No. 3 player in the Hawaiian Paclfic Tun- nls Association's l& division. headline the lineup. Chris lwamura (ranked No. l In the HPfA 16s) along with Jon Farm (No. 2 in the HYf.4:s 16s) join Mike Um and Will Grosswendt as ranked players ln the HPTA. "They key will be how much stronger Js the (Southern California Tennis Association) than the HPTA?" Mang said. Mang's top two singles players in senior Garrett Snyder (bound for the University of Texas) and sophomore Carsten Ball, are no slouches when it comes to rankings either. Snyder is currently ranked No. 34 in the SO'A's l 8s, and Ball is JI th in 16s. CdM (6-0) also features sophomore Spencer Reitz at singles and the doubles teams of Bryan Warsaw- Brennan Roberts, lssel Salcla-Nicholas Gingold and Sean Pham-Alex Nguyen. The tournament format includes six singles and three doubles sets, for a possible nine points in each match. Players compete in eight-game professional sets and can play both singles and doubles. Troy High of Fullerton is seeded fourth and the draw also includes Brentwood, which beat CdM for the CIF Southern Section Division V title last spring, 10-8. But the Sea Kings; now in Division I with Brentwood, ex- acted revenge in the opener· tbJs season with a 16-2 drubbing. Harvard-Westlake, also In Division l, is in the field of 16. The Sea ICings begin against La Jolla Country Day Fri- day at the Balboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub at 10:30 am. and, if victorious, again at 1 :30 p.m. The semi6nals are at l p.m. Saturday at Balboa Bay Oub Racquet Oub, and the championship will be at 5 p.m. at the Palisades Tun- nis Qub. "Weve got a shot at." Mang said •wt year was in· credible to win it It was a super etron by my team to win." Carsten Ball (Cameron'• older brother) and 'fyson Hunter, who both graduated after last &eaSOn, each won crucial matches ln the tlnaJ against Menlo a year ago. Mang said a similar S<lenarlo must happen for CdM to daJm Its second oonsecutlve dtJe. "My top guys have to wln," Mang said. "I knew (Peninsula Coach Mike Hoeger) would load the doubles side against us and that scared me. "When our first doubles team beat their No. 3 team, I was just hoping more came after that." Tim Mine. Corona d9 Mar Hlefl tems coach Mang said ofMD.ler and Roberta. --ibey atty of Teu1 next aeuon and fa had to rdlne a few things in the third tee rwed No. 34 In the United Slalea and get that experience under pm· Tennla Klaoctatlon'• 18·year·old dM· awe." aion. •1 le.new he couldn't hun me if l Peninsula PnMded the Sea k1nga played my game." Snyder 11 reftrrin8 with their ldtreet competition ao ft.r of to Peninaula'a N<>. l lnglea player, the )'OUlll eeuon, ICCOrdlng to CdM Whitney Reed. aauor Gerririt Snyder, who rolled SopbomOree c.nten 8aJI and Spen· dVOUlb bk opponent.I ac No. l Met-cer Reitz ~ eecb ot lhdr aln&* ~. 6-3, 6-1, 6-2. ma&cbel u ~ MU came on Itron& "It wu • challen e today: said . ..,_ tte.d, bNildll8 bk etne to wm Snyder, Who will play for th UnJvet· ft. 2•2. befGle ... on to a "'3 triumph. "Reitz cUd a great job today," Mang a&id. "He nm all <Mr the plaoit." VOLlEYBALL . The Llchtninc I 1 Zach Singennann 6-9 Fr. 2 Andrew Dao 6-7 Jr. 3 Nidc Groa 6-9 Fr. 6 Eddie Hu8"Q 6-7 Jr. 7 Jab L.azate 8-1 Fr. 8 Kevin Jovce 6-3 Jr. 8 Max Ff9deridt 6-1 Jr . 10 Marcel Sohl 6-1 Jr. 11 Julian Smith-Newman 6-10 Jr. 13 Alex Greer 6-1 Jr. Coed\: Mtfja Connolly-Freund AMlstllnt: Adam Tomalaa Sage Hill settling in for the kill Lightning, strengthened by club experience, new assistant, aims at playoffs. B•rry Faulkner Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST -Smaclc dab lo the middle of a volleyball hotbed. Sage Hill School is already taking advantage of some available resources. The Ugbtning, still in the early stages of its second varsity boys volleyball sea- son. has already benefited from players seasoned In the fertile club environ- ment And, Coach Merja Connelly Freund reports, the addition of assistant coach Adam Tum.alas, a former Newport Har- bor High player, should help th.is team continue its progress toward a potential postseason berth. •Adam bas brought so much to the program." C.onnolly-Freund aaid ·He's a natural coach with a positive style and he brings a lot of experience in the sport." Sage Hill has already experienced u much success as it did all last season. winning its first tJuee matches, includ- ing the Academy Leque opener, a four- game victory over Pasadena Poly. "Were still a relatively young team. but not as young as ~ve been." Con- nolly-Freund said · Sage Hill does not have a senior, but jwlior co--capt.aJn Kevin Joyce. a 6.rst- tearn all-league performer a year ago, u well as junior setter and co-<:aptaln Julian Smith-Newman. provide a vet· eran foundation. "Joyce is our primary passer and of.. fensive threat," Connolly-Freund said of the 6-foot-3 outside hitter and Balboa Bay Oub player who will see the major· lty of the teams sets, lnduding hitting out of the ba~ row. "He's ow go-to bit- ter." Smith-Newman, a thini·year setter. brings his experience to the role and C.onnolly-Freund said she bas noticed bis greater comfort level at the controls. "He understands the game and understands how to run our offense.• C.onnolly-Freund said In addition to Joyce. Smith-Newman's. hitting optiom will include 6-1 junk>r outside bitter Max Frederick. 5-9 fresh. man outside hitter 1.ach Singennann and junior middle blocten Man:el Sohl and Alez Greer. Frederick. exceptionally quiclc ac· con:ijng to his coacb, !s much-improved over last year, since playing dub volley- ball for the first time owr the summer. He is a returning starter, bavlng helped last year's team produce a 3-11 record (,2-10 in league). Singerman. a fiety competitor whote spirited attitude bas ~ contagloua, C.onn.olly-Preund said. is another dub veteran. The 6-1 Sohl was a lineman on the football team, so h e doesn't figutt to back down at the net, and Con- nolly-Freund said he ls ak:Uled enough that he will complete the entire rotation. • He played on the junior vanity last year. Greer. also 6-1, ts a vanity returner and brtnp a auong vert1ad jump to the front row. Bcldle Huang. a junior defensive ._.. dallat. Is another varUty veteran. while 6-1 freabman oppot.fte Jake LU.m!. ~ another dub player, bU been eo lm· ~ C.onnolly-Preund alrelldY terma btm the teania ateedielt .,. .. former. Junior AndrW Dao la a defentlW..,.. da1.llt and S..9 hahman Ntd: GrOll ..tcia depth at oWide bitter ror die ~ wbk:h wlD be abnlnc -• top-lbr88 AQdemy i..-. ftnWl and ..... trip to the aP Soudlem Sedbl Pll)o6. Coonolly-Prtund Mkt SL Maipatn ti the Morlte bl the AaldllDy 1...,0, I ,.,,_. :tOlleybd •• nee tilt lndlm Aadlmy .... oed A&:aMliJ ca,Mw v.llJ Ow'Jlfus a llnit- rm a......_• Will• ......... Wiii· ~ 'p r.. Polj llid ....... ... lblam. ----- I s. nd ch 11'- IDl iaJ m. O· tUt II· • Lin et· .,(. of oa )f· og .it· er. od ed la. od e.: ic- ed ry• er. ed rd be R n- td Ile • • flit • id ., .. • • : •· ... • SPORTS llu'lday, March 20. 200 J PIRATES free·t.brow line In lhe tJtJo pme, led by Gelasao'a 5-of-6 niart. OCC weot to the Uno 33 d.ma and made 24 abota (72.79') aplnlt Ventura. ln Ill leadlng ICort'l'I. Carrillo and Mendoza each paced the Plratea ln 14 gamea wbile Hat· sushi and Galauo led ln five and tbne, rupectively. Freshmen J...ica Estrada. Laura Ge.mica. and c.eleste Hauetu giv.e 1bomton added ftttpower for next &e&liOn. VANGUARD Continued from B 1 Conti1ued from 81 JOUd minutes in lhe champion- lhlp run and throughout the tea· 900. It was Shaw's thne that aent Coast on a 7-0 run to build ita 1 25-16 halftime lead over Ven· I twa In the semifinal. Von Tun· I geln tallied one point and Car· 1 rWo three In that game. I But It was Carrtllo that saved 1 ber best for last, tallying 19 I points and five rebounds to lead Coast In the champlo~hlp t game. Quiroz and Shaw scored r seven and three points, respec- : Uvely1 ln the game. and MuJTay : added four points to go with six •tt WU Just l~ detennfna· tJon ~d hard work.• aald Ga· Jaaso about Coast's uoyteldlng work ethle. finding a way to win when lt mattered mo t. "We practiced bard each day and that ia why we got better," lbomton aaid. .. We don't have a tremendous athletic team, but we have good kjds who never complaJn and never ahow an attitude and it makes me feel good to win wtth a team llU that." W1nnJng was something Coast dJd (or 15 straignt games earlier this season, J'alling just shy of the 18-game school re· cord. H.atauahl, the former Costa Mesa High four-year starter who bolds the IClbool record with 675 uatst.a. chalked up a team-lead· lQg 175 this aeason en route to her place on the All-Southern C.al.lfomla and Orange Empire Conlemlce first· team selections. Hatsushl ls considering Adams State ln Colorado and Concordia University in Levine for her fu. t\p'e. Mendoza and Galasso were also named first-team all-confer- ence this. season, a .year that· Thornton, nor any Coast player, will soon forget. Coast made it to the atate aemlfina.ls once ~fore, ln 19941 and never to the final. This year marts the founb time ln nine sea.sons that Coast has reached the state toumamenL N. the beginning of the week. Thomton said he had about 50 phone messages left between h1s home in San Clemente and oftioe at Marina ffigll In Huntington Beach where he teaches. Most were from well·wl'ihers congratu· Jating him on the championship. "I was just tal)ing to a coach &om the Antelof>e Valley and he said, 'Call me when yo.u get off Ooud 9,"' Thornton said. ·1 told him I'll probably call him ln July. This is the greatest win I've ever had.• poi.nm) and eenlor Courtrwiy McKinney (nine) were one point away from double ftgwea. Sophomore Jennlf'er WiJcox con- tributed dght polnt.s to go wltb her team-leading 11 rd>ou.nds. Vanguard fean.tre9 ~ players who average six or more points per game. The Uons built a 19-10 lead in the first 11 minutes, but the Rams (22· 13) came back with a 7 -0 run and Vanguard settled for a 24· 23 halftime lead. Vanguard outscored the Rams. 7-2, ln the first l :30 of the second ba11Cora31-25 lead ..._ ...... Qap4' ... Ant round ........ a. Moeiee• Mobile -Coston 14, Bari>er 4 , S•mot 0, Oill 15, Ulty 3, SereguN 4, Ryberayt 4, Chendler 2, Lett1more 2 ~. goal9 -none. Fouled out -none. Tec:hnlQls -none. ~-Candelaria 6, Milla 8, 1M 10, Wikx»l 8. Otttenblr 11, Seem•n 9, McKinney 9, Josefuon 1. ' 3-pt. goals -Suman 3, Mill• 2. t.e. 2. 1 rebounds. l It also helped that Coast shot I almost 83% (19 of 23) from the Coast's balance was evident Sophomore guard Leigh Mar- .shall, who Thornton often praised as a team leader, also played at Costa Mesa High. MobUe came within, 33-32, with 13:45 left. but Lee, Van- guard's all-time leader in three- Wilcox 1, Dittenb1r 1 • Fouled OUt -none Techntc:els -none Halftime -Vanguard 24-23 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ I I l.lplllalca -llpl .... ..._,TOPIHMllBl'9IOSllS Sub19et to condtllon' p1escr1bed by the Universill' of C11iforn1a, lnlne sealed ptoposals tor • lump sum conll eel are 1nv1ted 10< the lollow1111 "'°'" PAlllUMO & TliNSf'ottTATtON IM ... OvtMIMTS n0GUM -STD' 6 (Prel<H1 N,...._, ttH 14) CAMf'US suao1IUtlO•G~ ......... "19'4) Dnu .... ._ el W-'i -·. The Pro,.cl os composed of two sepattlely awoved smaller projects: (I) Parkin& & lr1nsportat10n lr119fovements Pro1ra!'Q.;...3tep 6. and (2) the Camc>us Surce Bu11d1n1. Aclclihonally. the Un1•1<s1ty lsconsldefm, a numbe• ol llltflnale\ to the Pto)ect. · The Wort. O< P.irl>.1111 & Tt.in~rlahun Improvements Pro1ram · Step 6 sllall include ell dnl&ll wor•. labor. matc11al. tools. equipment, o cavation. sh0tin&. tesUnc, Inspection, comm"slon1n1, tncl all neceuary aenrral ~ond1t10n' that may be reaM>nably inferred from U.. Cootract Documents to provide all Du11111 W0<ll. incl Construction Worl> 10< P1r1lin1 & Trensport1llon Improvements Proaum Step 6 As des(ribed mOfe fully on the Detailed Pro,.ct Provam, Parll.1n1 & l11n:i.por-l1t10n lmprovemtnh P•oar•m Ste11 6 1s • l)(Opostd H ven-level, minimum 1,980 stall parkinc lac1l1ty to be constructed on • srle ad .. cent to the Gateway En1ineerin1 Builclma •nd the interuction ol G1brlelino Orive with (nt Pelluon Drive. The project scope Includes site preparahon. Siii development, mod1l1c1hon and add1l1on lo sole ut1ht1es. 111d roadway mocl1ftcatlons u well u the P1tkln1 & Ttansporlat•on lmprov•menl\ Pro1ram. Step 6. Th• WOfll. for Campu• Su12e Bu1lcl111a shall include all des111n work, tabor, material. tools. equipment. u c1111llon, sho11na. ln1tn1. onspeclton. commisslon1n1 and all necesut'y 1eneral conditions that may be •eHonable mle11ed hom lhe Contrilct Oocuments to provide •II Oesian Worl>. 1nd Conatruchon Worll. for tti. Campus Sur1e bu1ldin1t tu clucrobed more fully in the Detailed Proiect Proaram. the C1mpus Surat bulldln1 1\ • pr op0sed lout 'lory, m1n1mum 60,000 1rou square loot ofllee type bulldinl (with partial bnemenl) lo be constructed 1mmed1ately adjacent to ancl abutt1n1 Par1>.1n1 & Transportal10n lmprovt'rMnh Progam St1i9 6 lhe P'Oteel uope includes sot• clev1lopmenl as well as the Campu\ Suri• Bu1lcl1nlil ,~ .. Proponl documents will be a•aolablt' to Prequallhed Proposets at 10.00 AM, Thursda,, March 20. 2003 Pttqu•hltecl Propoun may pocl> up lttt of char1e • mu1mum of five (5) sets of Proposal documents at Oes11n & ConstruclH>n Ser•oces, Unovarsity ol California, Irvine, 5201 Cahfornia 1 Avenue Suite ?SO Irvine. CalffOfnoa 92691·24~ Add1t10nill sels may be pu•ch•se.d at prequahf,.cl p<opose(r. cost from Consolidated Rep101ra.phics Propo"1I clocumenh woll be avatlable to subconltact0ts incl cln11n consultants at 10 00 llM lhtH5day. March 20 2003 •nd wtll IHI 1nuecl only at. c ... e114-te4 aepr99' .,.w<cS, "'" 3182 Pullman StrHI Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone I (714) 7!11 ·2680 lltlenlton Mot..mmed Ref\man °' Soffla Acut MORt " ts THI SUICONlUCTOIS' AND DIStGN CONSULTANTS' U Sf'OllMllUTY TO HOtsTla WITH lHI UMIVWITY Olt CONSOUOATIO IH,..~HKS TO Aa.NOWUDOI II~ Of THI f'ADJMG & TaMSPOlTATION IM ... OVIMlNTS ... CMOUM ·STU 6 (Prei-t .. _._. tHS14) ...& CAMPUS 5UIGl lutU>ING (f'ref•d .......... tt 1 HO) f'acN'OSAl DO<UMlMlS. UlllVllSln' WIU MOllfY SUICOMfUCTOIS MtD DlSIGN CONSULTANTS, WHO HAVl HGISTlllD W"H DlSIGN MO CONSRUCltON SllVKlS oa CONSOUOATlD HPaOGllAl'HKS, Of ADDINDA. WHKH Aal AVAILAIU AT DlstGll AND CONSRUCTION SlaVKlS. 1lte f ... wl"t DHll" lvlW.n a.-. a..-pr ........ lfle4 •••""-It f'repe .... -fttl• ,..ejectt •ett c_.tnKt,_ / "•••t• c-11rvctt.,, 9814 Norw-Ill Boulev•rcl, Suite 100 S.nt:a Fe Sptmll'· Cl\ 90670 (562) 903 ?'111 (~) 903-'l?'JO (f AX) Att~lton: llbe Massoud! f'(l c-'""''-SenrlcH, '"'· 200 Butcelt Sheet Glendale. CA 91203 (818) 26S 5333 (818) S!l3 1379 (FAX) Att~nlion John Wood•uft Mcc.rtt.y 1v1141,,. c....,_. .. , '-<- 20401 ~. W. Bitch Street, Suite 300 Newport Buch, CA 92660 (949) 851 8383 (949) 756·6843 (FAX) Attention· Randy Me1et Seip« ......... Sett ...... m. 2424 Conaress Slreel S•n Dieco. CA 92110 (619) 296 6247 (619) 296 4314 (FAX) Attent10n Jim Summers f~QUAUfllD SUICON1UCTOIS1 lht•1 T"9 , ... ,, ... Dnlp hlW.. wll ... r ......... te lln...., .._. NVAC (Wef & Doy). M....-,, -4 ,.,_.,.,..~-'-den wt.._,...._ iw•-•••fHe4 ~ "'-&Wvenlty .f C .. lfent&e, trvi-. HIQUAUlllD HVAC (WO & DIY) SUICONfUClOIS Aat1 tlalvenJty M•.Udi M...._l<el 1000 ... 1(.-Pl. ~.<At2106 c..tref AH C-'lt'-"" c........-i- 2SO t N. Gins .. St. o-r-ee. CA 92HS A.O ...... &Ce. 4777..,.._St. S-0 .... ,CAt2111 f'UQUAUfllD MASONttY SUICONftACTOIS AaL ..... ~ ...... 5SJ7 (...._... IW. A lift.It I 11.Helyw-4,CAt1M1 N-Dl-•I-•••--,,lee. 1011 C ..... y f'toc.e, wife A S-DI.,., CA '2110 f'•lOUAlJFllD PLUMl•G SUICONlUCTotlS Aati Utmrettlty M•efldt Me<to-lcal 1000 M. llr-r f'I. """'91.,., CA tzao• ........... u ............... c •. 17t11 Mltdl .. S-lt tni..,CAt2'14 A.O.l-4&Ce . 4177 hffwer St. S-D .... , CA 9211 I f'r..,..., shell ,wtlly tt.t the lt.ctrkef, s.._,..,.. $,... f.twk..._, ...& s~ Steel lrectt-s-.1K ... 1rect«s ..... -· ................ "'""-cri ....... wMdi -· ............ ................. r ...... ll'P SUIMtnAl llOutalMUfTS SHAU. II AS f-C)C.l0WS1 , ... ...._... ... ...,. .... .......," ... "'nw-c • ., .... ts. First Comc><>nctnl Submittal wll -• k ,_...,.., eften 2r00 f'M, f'ST, T-4.y, '-17, 200J Second ComPoMnl Submittal wll -k recelve4 elf•• 2r00 f'a, f'ST, ""'"'9y, "-e tt, • too.I Third Component Submtllal wll aet ... re<e'-4 eften 2.00 f'a, PST, frl4ey, ,_. 20, 2001 rut Component Submittal. ~ond Component S4ibmottal and Tlltrd Cont90Mnl Subm1tt•I will be tecetved ooly ttl IOllGTO• IJl•191,MBA19 Na, llWPClll llAllOI -SOIOOI., POCl ,~ '" A. "' o,-.a..e n-•• ,. 114 D••41tt1e: IS( 121S7 IOlKI Of ftmm TO AIBZIBESTABOf: lAYOmf151• lAYOm lO& RSI lb lAW.P.RSI WI IO. A21I01S n-s4ev. April 17tt., 200J; 11 rOO a.•. To all hen, benelo B. Plau or Bod Re coaroe,,, crecl1t0ts. con ce1pt· Newport Men toneenl creditors, oncl Unified School Dostroct perwns Who may oth PurchHm&. l985 B Bear erw1se be interested 1n Street Costa Meu, Ca the woll or nt•t•. or 92626 both. ol: lAVONNE FISK C Pro1ect Name aka LAVONNE LOili flSK Newport Herbor Hogh aka LA\IONNf. P fl~K School Pool, Phase I II PETlllON FOR PRO 0 Place Plans are on Bllll h.t\ been filed bl Irle· llVAILllSLE MARC.I KllTHV M TIMMINS 1n 27TH. 2003 CONTRACT Ille Supe<IOf Court ol MllNAGER'S ottke. Mc· Cahlornoa. Couuty ol C.trthy Bu1ldtn1t Compa ORAHCE. noes. 20401 S.W Birch 1 HE PC Tl llON I OR Street. Surte 300. New PROBll Tl requests that port Buch. CA 9Z660 Kii THY M TIMMINS be McC atthy 8u1ld1n1 aPPo1ntecl u pe1son•I Compames/Menure "A" repiesenht1ve to ad Otloce. 298!1-C Bear m1n1ster the estate of Street. Costa Men. Ca the decedent 92626 TH£ Pl TITION 1equuh 1.02 SUMMAaY Of the decede111's Woll and WO.• cod1c1ls 11 any. be Pro1ecl Ducr1pt1on admottecl lo probate lM Ma on dr a1n/p1p1ne re Woll and any cod1c1ls are pl•cement. elect11cal •vailablt for Uilmma improvements. AOA loon 1n the hie l>ept by UP&Jilcles, new cant1le•er the cou•t syste"l, parhal decl>1n1. THC Pl llTION requests ind demo/replace ea· auth0<1ty to adm1111Sle• 1slin1 pool structure. the estate under the Prehm1na1y cost eslo-Independent lldmono\ mite $400,000 00 Ir a loon ol Estates At l 1.0S NOTKl: ( Thos lluthototy woll allow A NOTICE IS HEREBY the per,..,nal 1eptesen GIVE N tlllll Newport tal1ve to lake many Mu.a Un•lied School achons without obi.tin· D1Slroct actma by and ona cour I a ppr oval throuah It's Covernm11 B~fore t•kone cettaon Board woll receive se.tled very important achon1. bocl~ for awottd ol 1 however. the personal lOntr acl for the abo•e iepresenlahve will be named Pro1ect All bods. reQu1ted to 111ve notice 1hall be macle and to onteresled persons ptnentecl only on the unless they have w<11ved for ms prnented by the notoce or connnted to school cltslrict 81ds will lhe proposed action ) be publicly opened ancl The onclependent ad· rucl •l 1111 S •.a. -m1n1stral1on aulhoroty tt.. I 7t" 4..y el Afw'll, woll be tranted unlus 200S •I the abo•e place an interested per\on of bod receipt address hies an obiechon to the Any bids received alter pelthon and shows tood the Lome ~ilttd above cause why the court °' after any ulensrons \hould nol 1unt the due to m1ten•I 'hanau a uthonty shall b• relUfned un A HEARING on the opened pet1t10n woll be ht'ld on B BKb shall be re APRIL 10. 2003 at 1 JO ce•vecl on the place p m 1n Oept l 73 odenttfiecl above louted at J.41 The City Whethar °' not bids ore Drove South. Otanae. CA ~ed uaclly at the 92868 f11ed 1n th•.s noloce. If YOU 06.IECT to the bid will b4 received 1nnt11111 of the peht10n a er the bod cludhM you shoulcl appe., al the C PLANS llNO SPlC· he<lf1n1 1nd 11ate your lrtCA TIONS ARE A\IAtl ob,echons O< hie wrrllen A8LC 03/27 /03 The obiecttons with the COUfl documents mey be before the hearone Your rn .. wed al the CON-ap~arance may be on TRllCT MANAGER'S of· person or by your lice (sff address above) alto•ney OR CAN BE PURCHASE.O IF YOU ARE A CRCDI FROM IHTlaNIT TOR or conllneenl ILUIPalNT1 16S72 cred<IDf of the deceased, c .... trvcll•• Cealer. you must ni., your cl.a om lrvlae, CA. 92606 with the coutt and mail (94tl 5S2-7SU fA.X a copy to the personal (t4t 552-1209 rep<ewnlahve appo1ntecl D ach BIOOER MUST by the COUfl w1lhon four post • btcl bond or other months ITom the date of security '" the amount the lrrst 1ss11ance of of 1 O"llt of tf\e •mount letters as ptovlded '" of the btcl woth the b1cl Probate Code section E [ach 8tOOlR. St· 9100. TIM hme IOf t.lona mullaneou1ty with Ille claims wtH not UP"' 11ecul10n ol the Con-bel0te loUf months trom tract l\cfeement. will be tf\e hear1111 date nottced requwed to furnish a •bove. l abor ind Material YOU MAY EXAM!N( the Periormance Bond 1n an ftle keot by the cou•I II emounl equal to 100 Y°" are a pe•SOft 1n petcent of the ConltKt !crested 1n the estate sum ind • faithful you may hie With the Ptflortn.tnce Bond 1t1 an court a llequHI '°' amount equal to 100 Special Nohce (torm DC pefcent of the Contnlc1 154) of the hhna ot •n Sum Sa.cl Bonds wn inn.ntory end eppta1ul be trom en edmrtted of asllte asseh °' of California S...ety salls-any petlhon Of account lector1 to the Oistnct H PfOVllMcl 1n Probate 1nd listed 111 the Fed.or.. Code sectlOfl 1250 A Retbtwr. IUued b1 the Request for Special Department ol lr .. aury Notice IOfm Is 1va1lable and llcenud 1t1 C.lifor· from Ula cowl derlt. ni. Saki bonds 1114111 A'""'9y '-f'.ettleRen ramein In tun force end S.-. C. ....,, 1.,. effect throuah the (CSU 177J7S). After· ruarant .. P«lod. MY .. Lew, 2M01 f . The 81oot:R 111•11 be ....... PM-.y, Ste. , llcen .. d contrector 220 ............. CA pursu•nt to the Bullnna tHn and ProfeulOf'l•t• Code rullllshcl Ht wport tncl be lic:ensed In the Beech Costa Mew 0•111 epplkallle ci.utticatlons Pilot Match 14. 20. 2 l, fOf the badu for wftldl 2003 F1H103 the contrec:tOI' Is tub-••llllClaO lftlUin1alM"' 0. Tiiis PfOjed hH 3~ •• , ....... O!Mbted Vete,.11 8usi --·-Of -C11tet1NlM pwtlcl -_._. ,aUon pell • conamu••• H QvutloM about ----I tfu 1'1tOJfCT IJlould lie --t U-1 lhcted te UM tof'· .,._ .. ~~~MMt1n, M RMI ,.....,_7&4142..-0, -··~ Ftr111 McCM111r lvi6dlftl IT•--Co FAX n~u..-1, •-- AMr ~ 'hw mm StrM COsta .._., Co WttHtAS, the to.4 ~ of Oif9'it0f• llH •I.Ml I Ne li4 _, M t1J1ll16 llM r1t111 fof .. ...,._,. '"'"' St.tr .. ,...._ c•~•­••1• eftet Ute 814 fer leerf 1t1e1t1llet1 ~Date .... ...., •• ,..., .. J Tlillt l>Mrlct ~ ~ "' IMltalf of the U. ,.,... t. tetKt ...Y Dilt11ct,_, .., .. W. • .. wtiw _.llCAS, tlle ....,., Irr ......... ill _, lli4 .. DitKWI .... ......, " .... ,... llleu ................. ... U!llflH ...... OMrltt • tw .,. car ...._. .. ..... ......... , ' ................. i. to the p1ovruon~ of H .. llh and Safety Code Section 6489 compen s.tion is set 10< •~h day's attendance al a Board mut1n1 or lot each d•y s ser v1ce rendered n " d1<ecl0t al the request of the Botrcl the sum ot one hundred 1nd se•enty dollars per d•y. not to tHHd • tot•I ol '" d•Y• on •nv "lendar month fh1 Boatd member shall also be entitled to hll reas.on able upen~es 1nc1dent thereto Aulomobole m1lea1e sh•ll be re1m bursed •I the cuttenl standard m11ea11e nte established by the lnlern<il Revenue Ser voce • Section 2 Should .ony P•r I cl•uH 0t HC lion of lhos Otdm•nce be declared by any Court ol compet•nl lllfl\dochon to be 1n•.tlocl lht rem•onona l)(O•mon~ ol lhl\ Or d1nance s h•ll ne•ertheleu be •nd remain on lull l0tce and effect end Ill• Bottd ol D1recl0ts of the Costa Mu• Santi.tty O"tricl of Or •n1e County Cahl0t ma. IMfeby dKl.,H that each and evary section clauw p1ov•s10n 0< pail ol this Otd1n•nce would have been adopted 1nd m•Oe • part ot lhti Otdonance wothoul the adoption of •nv p0t llOn ther~ol and lhitl the 1nv1hd1ty of any part 01 prov"1on hereof shall not on •nr w•y .affect the ol1d1ty 01 enlo1ce menl ol the remainonK prov1s1ons ol lh1s Ord1 nance that may stand on their own Section 3 Pursuant lo Hulth ancl Safety Code Sections 6 490 ancl 6491 3, the Cieri! \h.tll cause thos ordonanc.e 0< a summMy thereof lo be published on a newspaper ol 1enet 11 c1rcul11Jon pttnted •nd published on the Oislrtcl acc0<cltn1 to law and 1t shall tal>e effect upan the upirahon of one weell after pubhcallon P~S(D and AOOPTCO this 12th day of March 2003 /S/ ,_ M. f.,.ry· -.s.o.twy /S/ At'-e Schei.,., .......... ·A lull copy nl the Operations Code os aoolable tor review •l the Distroct Clerl>.'s ottoce 17 r air Onve. 4th f toor Costa Mes•. Cahlorn1a· PubltShed Newport Buch Costa Meu Dally Ptlot March 2 0 . 2003 "th278 IS( 12165 I011CI Of Plmm TO AIBllSIBESTABOf: <lYlll .... WllO.A21I011 To all he1n. bencft c1arNno, creditor~. con· l•ncent creditors. incl ~rM>ns who may oth er wlMI be onllfutad In the wtll or estate. or both. of Cl YOE E JOHNSON A PCT!~ fOR PRO Bii l£ hH been hied by II.A rt fl H N M JOHNSON ancl TltOMAS S JOHN SON on Ille Supetlof Court ol Caltfornoa. County ol ORAHCC TH( PEllllON roR PR0811 Tl requnts lh•t KAlHlCCN M JOHfCSOH ancl THOMAS S. JOHN SON t>e llPC)Olnled as ~rsonel rept-lltlvn to tdmlnlstw tlM ntate of tti. dec:ed9nt THE P£TITIOfot requnts the decedent'& Wiii end cocllcll•, II •n1. be edmitted to prollele. The Will •nd eny codlclh .,.. n•il•bte fOf ·~•mint tlon In the ftM llept br tlM court. THC f'fT1TlOff t~ 1utho11ty to e4tnillnl9' the ut.1te ltll4w ttM lndep•ndenl Afllll•ls tf•IMHI of bl•I Act <™' Atltborlty ..... the"" ..... lejlt-lltlva t.o ..... ...., •Cl-a without olll-• Ina co11tt op1owat. h1or• t•ffl& '*'"" ... , ........... ~ .._. ....... ,.,...... , ................ .. ,..... eo"" ..-. to .. .__......-•• ,.., ............ MllOI w c nW to ttloe ".,... II(. tiell ) Ute • lft-.,et1ftllt t4• ........ , .............. , .... .,... .. .... H lt1ler•IH "'-..._.,. ._._ .. .. ,.,,._ ......... .... «_...., ... _, ................ ........ A t«AMll • .. ....... .......... »tt. lO.. IOU M 1 :Ml .......,., .. ,. ... .., ..... l. ............ 11i11M111 ~ .._ ....... ~111 Oe111t l7J ......... f.''+••· ---~·' ...... , .. ~ '•' "'ttut1t1ut1H MM, MMfOM:1 .. Ortw ....._ or-..'CA ~.,.....MMMi ...... Ohrlln ... -._ ,c.....r.n -... e.... .... .....,.., • '°" ••er .... ...... DistrWI ._.. WMI ........... ,....._, atl0tney -1 ~=.d.~ tr YOU ARC A CRCOI· IOR or cont1n11e n t u•dllO< ol the decea.ed you must hie y0<11 claom with the court and ft'Mltl • copy to lhe pets.anal •epr esenlal1ves •P pointed by the court w1lll1n loUf months from the date ol the hist ouuance ol letters •s provided 111 P1ob•te Code sectton 9100 The tome f0t fohna claims will not e •P"' bef0te lour months tr om the heanna date noticed above NOTICE IS HCRCBY GIVEN that \Uled pro pouls for furn1sh1n1 all labor. ma let 111• eQulJI ment, lriln~tatoon •nd such other laLlhloes •• may be requtted tor HHAllUTATIOM OF SIVUAl d'TOW AJID llSIOUITW SllHTS AND Olll ALLIY, f'aOJICT •A•, City f'refect OS-47, will b~ recerved by the City ul Costa Meu at lhe Otlote of the perM>n with Wh'"'' 'latm\ m•y b• lrlf!d " C mb•n1 l "-r uw 80'1! [ floftn<e A•e Su1I• IOI DowM y CA 'lO?AI •nO the l•sl d•le lu• 111111& <l•lfll\ by M•f t1~d1IOf Vl•ll be llW•' 11 ?OCH wh1< h " ,,,. bu\1nn\ d•y b•IOf r 111' ••le d•t• ~pec1l1•'1 <lbu•e D•ted J 14 01 BUYI R!S1 YOU MllY EXAMINE the hie ~epl by the court. II you <1tt a person In· te•ested m the estate, you may hie woth the court a Requnt 101 Specoal Notoce (form OE l!>-4> ol Lhe lthne of an inventory and appu1sal ol e"late useb or of any petotron or account n provided on Probate Code •~hon 1250 A Request tor Special Notice l0tm os na1U.blt from the court clerl>. An..-y I• f'etm-: ,.. ....... J-. ....... (CSS6 090451). 4010 ...,_ f'.-ia· w_.,, Ste. 2SO, ..,,_., <At2604 Publtshed Newport Buch Costa Meu Da~y Ptlol M•rch 14 20. 21 2003 FTH204 IS( 1211l I011CI Of fmTIOI TO AMll5Ta ESTAll Of: Mn IHOOES WllO.A2111ts of the City Cle•~. 71 I•" Drive, Cosh Mesa Caltf0< 011 until th" huut of 10:00 • .-., •--*"· Merdi SI, 2001, •I which tome lhty woll be opened pubhcly and tn d aloud on the Counul Chambers Se.led pto poul!> shall be.ir the hlle of the wot II •nd nit<M of the bidder but no olhtf d1shn1u1Sh1n1t marh My b•d rece .. cd after the scheduled clo11n1 ltme for the receipt ul bod" shall be r eturned lo bidder unopened It shall be the r.ole rHl)Ons1btl1ty ol the b•dder to see lh•I ho1. bid receoved •n P'®" ltme A set ol Bod ()o(.u ments m•y I><: obl•oned at the Olftct of lht Coty Enitnttr 77 Fair Drove. Costa Mua, Cahlorn11 upon •••r•l••"•"I• ....,.-t •• sso.oo ..... -"tti.-1 .._.. •• To •II he1ts, benef1 $20.00 will be made ol c1111es. cred1l0t" con handled by mail Bod hnaent cred1ton. and Document!> and other pe"ons who may oth contraLt d?cumenh m•v erw1se be onlerestecl on .also be eum1ned at the the will or est1te. or Ottoce of the City Cler Ii both . o l ROSl YN of the Coty ol Cusl.;i RHOOlS Meu 81cl Documents II PC TlltON FOR PRO· wtll not be mailed unleu BllTE hu bHn !tied by th" add1t10nal S?O 00 SUZANNE CHUONOH in charce os included w1tr1 the SuperlOf Cou•I ol payment Calofornoa County ol (..:;h bid sh.tH be m•d~ ORANCE. on Ille Propoul l0<m THC PE llllON fOR '11eets P I throu1h P 9a PROBllTl requests th•t provided 1n the conltacl SUZANNE CHUONOFF be documents. and shall b& •PP<1tnted a.s pers.onal accompan .. d by a cer r«1)resental1ve lo •d lofted °' ceslloer s cf\ecll m1nl$ter the Hlale ol or a bid bond 10< not the decedent lu1 than 10"4 ol the THl PC TIT ION requests amount ol their bid. the decedent s Will and made payable to the Coty cod1c1ls 1f 1ny. be of Cosh Meu No •dmttled to ptob•te The l)(opoul shall be con Woll and an~ cochclls ore Stdeted unl•~U accom available 10< e .amtna panted by s&Kh cashM'r • l10n 1n the hie llept by checl>.. cash Of bidder ' the court hood THC P[ flTION reQUHts No bK:t shall be con· auth0t1ty to edmonostet 'Mdered unl~s ot " m•de the estate uncle• the on a blank f0tm fur Independent llclm1nis niihed by the City of trat10n of Estates Act. Costa Meu and~ made (Th" lluthOtoty wtll allow tn 11ecordlnce with the the peru.nal repf'uen· l)(oviuons ol the Pro latove lo take many posal requiremenh actions wothoul obt11n Cach bidder mull ha•• 1n1 COUf I •PP•OV•I a Class "A' (Gtnl/fat Belo•e tal>.ona cerlaon Encineerklc) hcense and vu y lmpot tan I actions also be prequ1l1lled as however the personal tequ11ed by tew reptesenl•h•• wlll be The Crty Council of the requited to &•ve notice City ol Costa Men lo onteruted persons reserves ttM rtCf!l to unless they have w11ved re,.ct anJI or a• bids notoce 0< consented lo The Conltact0t sll•M Iha PfOposed lcllOfl ) C~)' With the PfOVI The onclependenl ad-S>Ot1S of Section 1110 to m1n11I• al'°" authot1ty 1780. lftCluslve. of the will be panted unless Callf0tt1ta l.Albor Code •n interested person the PflV•illllt rate •nd f.._s an ob,ectt0n to the sc• of ••C-ntab pelJbon and ~s iood kslted by the City of '9UM why the court Costa Mne. wtwcll Me Mlould not &Jani the on ftie with ti. City euthouty Clef'\ of tllCI City of A HlAlllNC on the Costa llllne, IM ..,_. f119l1tlon woll be held on torleot 'P'ftlttles Pf• APfUl. 17. 2003 •t 1.30 SCflbed there1t1 f., p "'· on Oept L73 noncomplial!Ce of Mid locetect at 341 n.. City Code Of'1ve South. Ounce CA Mii POlClt, 92868 ~City a.ta IF YOU OBJECT to the. Oty .. C-..._ srant1n1 ol 1119 petition, 0111Mf MefPI J, 2003 you sftollld epp4111 •t the Publlshd Newport IM1rln1 a11cl state ,_ audl..COSta .._. 0.ity oll,ettions o• file wntte11 f'llot 11.t.r ell 13, IQ. oll,ectiona wltll the court 2003 Th257 11e1ore tn. huflna. Y-1-llL,1--·n llPtlfffence may be In --~...,.. pen°" or by 10 111 ...... cmm •UOl'My ·-· 1r YOU ARE A CRtOI· TOR er COt1tln1nt 9Crk6MIS) CllldttOf ot"" decHMd. NOTICC IS Hlllt8V you ""4l f1 .. YGW ci-CMN -.t • IMlll Mii WIUI the c-1 e.M NI ia ..,. lie M ....... llte • ~, t• .... PefllOMI M-<•). ---... ,.,,1Mfttet"'9 ...-W *--<•> "' u. Seit lly tM cow1 •IUWI ._ .,(I) .,. CHe a 1t1611tl\s .,_ tM flte ef O'Nut 1114 len1le IM fir-al ~ .C O'Neal, Uni> Art111 i.tt... .. _........ ,,. , ... ., 115A, lfwlM, rrokte Co6I 19Cltell CA 12118 tlOO 1'1-t_ .. ,.. 0 ............. H .,. Mt o•• ... ,....,. W.e tow-"" .,_ Att .,,_ 117-u .... ..., ...... ..cJCM •••• (a) e. • •. ...,_. *-<•) ... "' ... YOU MAY C..-.: ~ S...(a) ........ .... ....... .., .. _llf ·-,... -...... "" .. . ,.,.. .. "' ....... (•). ~ tw..W"' ......... ,.._ ,_.. _,........ 1•• ••••C•> ••• ;:::.. :...-,.:. :;. .... _ .... ..,..,&) l~)-' .... el• ~a.Dt..arO. =-..._..,, ............ ,.....,. Q91 ..... _. ... n.....-...... ..,,......,......,. ___ ., ....... ..,......,. .. ,...... • r ........ .., •c:.-........ ' ~.~ ......... ... ., • /S/ D'l-t D. c-P u b I 1\ he d Nl!'wp•H I A·•~h Co\td Ml!U O·"'• P11ot M•"" 20 zocn r..NS5UI 78 Th/ I I lh• lollow1na r••"'"' otre clu1na bu~1nt'' '' •) Ttw. l•., Oflt• • r MOt ton ancl R•~"'~'' " b> M01 tt11t incl I<'' mu\\•n ( c>n'\ullmJ S•n AmbrO\IO H•n< I' S1nt• M•r ~·"'• l II 92688 Aut>e1t Murton l S••• llml>fu~u R1nthu S1n1 .. Mttaa,,ta CA 9?688 Stephen Rasmu"'" I II N1Cfll llet on I n llhso V"'to CA 9?646 Th•\ bU!l.U"Ht~\ I\> , •• ,. dlK led by a &•nrr 11 PHlnenhop Hit•f you \lartf'd d"•r'J bu\lnn\ yet? l"lo Rob~rt Moftnn Tho\ \talt'mt'nt wd lilf'd woth lhr r..,unh Cler~ ol OunR• Cuu1tl 1 on 02 28 03 200S6USS07 Oaoly Point Mir b I ' ;>0 'lJ :?003 Ito, I ~ ...... ... s....... The foOowin& Pf"' '\,11111 ,,., do1n2 bu'Jne\' 4• Par~m& Netwnr~ S• lo lwn\. 3001 Rtoholl A .. Sutt~ C 20.l c. .. ~1 • MIKI Cll 9?6;>6 Carrtl ~nd,.rv.n Y•il Red Htll 11.e Suot• 1, ?OJ t;o\tl M... I ~ 9?61'6 Vtn An~t wn 11111 I Red Holl Avt Suit• 1, 20J Cll5ta ~. C:ll 9?6?6 Guy Andenon tOCJI llt'd Holl Av'l '>ml• G 203 CO\la 'lilf'\a. 1,A mCf> Tht\ bu\.me\\ '' """ duded by • i~n• o •I partner !Jltp Ha•• you \larlf'CI oo" b1nme\\ yet 1 No C•rrtl llnOer,on This slatem~nl w •• hied woth lhe tnu•"• Cieri! ol Oranp Co111•1, on 02/21 !03 200S6U010 Daily Pilot f •b 71 M" 6 13 20. 2003 Th" .......... ... Mllllll lh1 follow1n11 pet\•111' are doona buson~" II' Sky Ilona /l.11 Photo 1'f1r, 8 Ot•n1e "•• r.v,11 Mt'u Cll 9:?627 R C.reaory r ra111 r 197!1 B Ouncf' A¥f>ntw Costa Mna Cll 9'lf>71 Thi\ bus1nf'U I' ti " du< led by an '"''"'1rtu •I HllV• you sl•rtf'CI d.t•'li bu\lnH\ yet' Net R CretOf• I rat~• Th~ ''•tt-nl "'• flled with the '"""'' Clefll of Of•nce C•1•n'¥ onOZfll/03 200J69J4S42 Oa11y Poto! r eb 11 ,._,., 6 13 20 100J Th11• :::• ., --...... .-.111W,._ ... .. -::.=-tt=. •Iii. .... ........... I l'6t ..... 11 lit ...... q:= .................. . ~:.s:..,,.. ............. . .... " ........ ~. ---!f='_ ... ..._rt==---~ ..._I,......._ _, _... ,._ ..... .............. ··--O.OC•U• .. Ce .. " _ .. .... .. a ............ .. ... CM'=.. ~-=-.. . ........... i;."t.A ..... ... -r:. ...... .... _________ .,......,_........ .. ...... ... ............. ,. ... -.. .. ...... .. ,, ,.., c ... .... .......-.. ... • H Il!ursclp. kch 20, 2003 Gili..... .. lalll..... .. l.11111 .... ........... ......... ......... ......... Tt1• followlllt P41w11s Th!I foffowlflC fMltton• •1 • clolllC bvv,..s n : ere doitl& 11~11 n l'AClrtC INDUSTRIAL Monet Medk:tl Sefvleft, CC*Cfl"TS. 1176 Main 87!H Dewey Orio, St St• 100, lrvlne. CA Gvllen Grove, C1hforiu• mt• 92841 116l t>on•l<I l 8e"4ettl. AGI' ASIOCllllo\, In~ .• T1u1lt• of llM: D&D (CA), 87~1 Dewey Pftve, llevoable Trust Oiled Ct16en Grove, C1llfornla hb. 23, \994, 523 9284Hlll Emerald Bey. l11J.1'1I This llusoneu II col! ti-yet? Yes, 11/ • Rudy ....,_,, Trvu. lhlly A. Marlrnan, Trutt .. Thia 1tattment w11 hied With UM Col.Inly Ct1rli. ot Or•1111e County 11n02/28/03 too .. nnu Delly Pilot Mar. 6. 13..1 20. 27, 2003 Tb24i: h8'h, CA 92651 dutle4 lly. I Corf!Ofttlon B111dttU Assodalet, H.IYt you 1tarttd dol"t Inc., (CA), 1176 Main St. bu~u yel1 Yes. 01/ Sle 1°'>. lrnne, CA 0?/2003 ........... ... -..... 92614 AGP AsJOClates, Inc , Thls 'busmen Is COii· Guy F1ledman, Viet ducted by 1 1tm1ltd Pres1denl • ' partn«sh 11 This st•ltmenl was Hevt you stetted doln1 filed \ltrth the County bufiln•sa 'Y•t? Yes, 1975. Cltfk ol Orenae County Pulllc lndustrl1I C>n02!2•to3 Conopls, D&D Bendetti t obJHUHJ Revoc•ble 'fr ust, Donlild . Daily Piiot hb 21. ,,._r. l . 8tndtttl, TtustH 6, 13, 29, 20()3 Th226 This steltm.ent was a.-_ W.. hied • wllh the County ~ Clerk of ~•na• County "-S..... on 02/26/03 Tlte lollowme persons 20036934947 are dolna business as· Daily Piiot Mar. 6, 13, Hippy Endin~ Des1111 & 20, 27, 2003 Th239 Otcoretlnc Co.. 1549 Tiie lollowlnc persons •re dome business as: Emereld Rid&• Apart· ments, 12575 Nlntll St .. Garden Grove, CA 92840 Rudy A ~•rlm1n. Trustee IOf Rudy Mad- man Trust, d1ted 05/10/ 89. 341 8ey11de Dr. •3. Newport Beach. CA 92660 This business 1$ con· ducted by a bus1nas trust Have you started dome business yet, Yes, 5/96 Rudy Marlman lrust, Rudy A Mar1m1n, Trustee Th11 statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Oranae County on 02/28/03 200J69JS2H D11ly P1lol Mar 6. 13, 20,27,2003 Th241 flctitlM llllilm •*'-' The followtna per sons are doint bu~tness as: Tr1nsportes lnterna· cioneles Ortiz (T 1.0.). 830 Center St Suite 11. Cost• Mesa. C1l1lornia 92627 David Orlli. 830 Center St Suite 11. Costa Mesa, Calllornla 92627 This business 1s con· dueled by 111 1nd1v1dual Hive you started do1n1 business yet7 Yes. 11/ 01102 David Ort11 This stetemrnt was filed with the t:ounty Clerk of 011n1• County on 02/2!1/03 20036934771 Daily Piiot r eb 27, Mar 6, 13,20,2003 Th227 RdttiM lvU.u .... s...... The lollowln& persons .ire dotn& busmen as •) United Compute< & Telecommunoution Inc., b) UCT Inc. • 18902 Bardeen Ave Irvine. CA 92612 United Computer & Ttiecommunicalton. In~. (Of.). 18902 Berdeen Ave .. Irvine, CA 92612 Thos buslneu rs con· ducted by. 1 corporation Heve you s tarted dom& business yet1 Yes, May 23, 1995 United Computer & Tele«.ommuntc•lton, Inc., Krm Youna Joo Shon, S.~retary Thi\ statement wu hied wolh the County Clerk of 011n1e County on 02/28/03 2003H3U01 Oaoly Polot Mar 6 13 20. 21,2003 Th252 Placenll• Avt. '211, Newport Buch, CA 92663 Allte M Robbms, 15-49 Pl1centi1 Av1. 1211, Newport Buch, CA 92663 This busine5S 1s con· ducted by: an Individual Have you started dolna business yet? Yes, 1/10/ 03 Allee M Robbins Thos staltmtnl wes hied with the County Clerk of Drane• County on 03/07/03 2003HJ6216 Gaily Pilot Mer 13, 20, 27,"4>f.3,2003 Th263 fktlliM ..... "-*'-' The followlna persons are dolna business as. Baa m 1 Box, lOOI W. 17th St. Untl 02, Cos.t11 Mesa, CA 92627 Arthur Guillen Rivera, II, 2990 Bradford Pl •r. Santa An•. CA ~2707 Robert Jason Cat neadO. 21622 Broollhuul •C. Huntmaron Buch, CA92646 ThlS buson~s os con ducted by· a aeneul p1tlnersl11p Have you started doln& bus1neu yet? No Arthur Guillen River• II 1ho$ statement wlS filed w1lh the County Clerk ol Dranae County on 02/28/03 2003693526-3 Daoly Pilot M<1r 6 13, 20,27,2003 Th240 Re-.. ..... "-*'-' The follow1n1 persons are doonc bustness as California Vts1tors Net work II, 448 Macnolta SL, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Merm11d' & Marl1111s, LLC. (CA), 448 Masnol1a St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Thts bus1ness os con ducted by lomoted Loabohty Co Have you \ttrltd do1n1 busmeu yet' No Mermaids & Marhnts llC . h" Soderhnc, C £ O./Owoer fh11 stetemenl wn li)ed wrth ltl• County Clerk of Of•nce County on 02/25/03 200369247$4 011ly Pilot Feb 27. Mar 6, 13.20,2003 ThZ35 Rd!llM ..... "-S..... The follow.nc perions are do1na business as Te1m One loans. 9121 '-llanta St 1633. Hun toncton Beach CA 92646 D•rcom 0111111 UC (CA). 9121 Atlanta SI •633 Huntonaton Buch CA92646 This busmen " con ducted by l 1m1ted l11b1hly Co ni. foltow1ne ~-· "e cloin& IHiSlness •• Profile Systems, 17070 S•n Brul\O, Suitt 1·6. Fountetn Yelley, CA 92708 Oouat1s Russell D11chn11. 17070 Sin Bruno, Suite 1-6, fou.n· t1ln Yelley, CA 92708 This bu.slrl•as Is con· dutted by: •n 1nlllvldv11 Hive ytKt started dolnt business yet? ~o Dou1l1s Russell Plsdlner This statement WIS hied w11tl the County Clerk ol Ofanae County on 02/28/03 2oouhsso1 D•ily Pilot Mer 6, 13, 20,27,2003 Th244 fldfllM ..... "-*'-' The followln& persons ere doona business as TrlSumm1t Fln1nc111. 4590 MacArthur Blvd Ste. SOO, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Raymond A 01e1us. 12 White Chlf. L111una N11uel, CA 92fi77 Terri G. M1"son, 12 White Clift, l•auna Nteuel, CA 92677 Th11 business 1s con dueled by: husband and wife Have you started dome business yet7 Yes, I 1 22-0'/ Raymo11d A. D1c1us Terri G. Millson ThlS statemenl wn hied woth the County Clerk ol Oranee County on 02/21/03 20036U43Ga Oaoly Polot Feb 27 Mar 6. 13.20.2003 Th218 fldllm llllilm "-S....... lhe followrnc persons <1>1e do1na buslnen u Olive Tree Apartments. 2190 Colleee Ave . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Rudy A Marlman, Trustee for Rudy Mari man Trust. dated 05/10/ 89. 341 13ay~lde Or '3 Newpo rt Buch CA 92660 Thrs business 1s con dueled by a busmes:s lrusl Have you started cloln& business yet7 Yn. 10/ 75 Rudy Maroman Trust, Rudy A. Maroman, Truslee fh1s statement was foled Wolh 0 lhe County Clerk of Oranee County on 02/28/03 200J692S264 Oaoly Pilot Mar. 6, 13, 20.27,2003 Th244 fk-. .... "-*'-"' The followint perwns are doonc business n Ofance County Bu1ld1n1. Repair and Ma1nl. 419 Mam St 1274, Hun hnaton Beach, CA 92648 Mitchell B Hendren. 419 Main St '274, Huntmgton Beach, CA 926A8 ThlS business 1s con ducted by an ondovodual Have you started dome busone~s yet' Yes 5/2002 Mitchell B Hendl en Th" stalemt'nl wn l~ed wolh the County Cieri\ ol Or a net' County on02/18/03 2003'9JS297 Daoly Ptlol Mar 6 1 l 20.27,2003 Th249 ......................... .. l.11111 .... .. 1..1111.... .. l.11111.... .. Tiie foltow1n1 ~sons tr• ctoln1 butlnts• u · Ila loyt WHhnder Cemp, 18012 Mitchell AYlllut SOuth, It Vlttt, CA mu Or1nre County'• Unit Id w-y. <CA). 18012 Milch.II A"nue South, Irvine, CA 92614 This b~nen °' con docted by 1 corporation H.ve you •t...-t.ed doillC buSlllUS yetl No Orene• Cou'1t(1 Unit td Wey. St. V.P. & C F.O., Emm1nuel Y. l •"•n•, CPA Th11 s t1temenl wet flied with Ille County Cltrll ol D11nae County on 03/07/03 200S6H6tlS D1Hy Piiot Mlf. 13. 20. 27,Apr.J,2003 Th264 ........... llliltS...... The follow11t1 persons ert dotn& business H. Richerd M. Kapllo f. Assocl•l•s. 1700 Adams Ave 1102. Costa Mui, CA 92626 Victory Enll!rpr1sea, Inc .. (CA), 1700 Adams Avenue 1102, Cost• Me$1, CA 92626 This business 1s con- ducted by: a corpoullon Have you .tarted dolna business yet? Yes, 7 /1/ 1986 Ytclory E nterproses, Inc , Rlch•rd l<apko, Prestdenl lhos slattmenl was hied with the County Clerk ol Oranae County on 02/28/03 200J6HSJ05 D11ly Pilot Mar 6, 13, 20,27.2003 111247 fldlllM llllilm •*"-' Tht followona per sons are doma business es: AnyDATA CORPORATION, 18902 Bardeen Ave .. Irvine, CA 92612 Any DAT A CORPORA· TION (OE), 18902 B•1 deen Ave . Irvine, CA 92612 Th11 busonen os con· dueled by a cotporatton Have you star led dolne business ypt? Yes. Dec 03. 2001 AnyDATA CORPORA· llON, Korn Youna Joo Shon, Secretary This statement was llled wolh lhe County Clerk ol Orence County on 02/28/03 2003 .. JSJOO Daoly P1lol Mar 6. 13, 20.?1 2003 Th250 Adltiels ..... •s..... The lollowonc persons are doona busm•n u JHeallh Commumcaltons. 367 N~wpor I Glen Cl . Newport Buch CA 9?660 Steven Johnson, 367 Ne wpn1 I Gl•n Ct . Newport Beach, CA 92660 • Tho~ busmen 1s con· ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you started doma busmen yet1 Yes. 2 27 03 Sleven Joflnson Th~ sl•t•ment was ftled with tilt' County Cleo k ol Of •nae County on 02/28/03 200HUS2H Dally Pilot Mar 6, 13, 20, 27. 2003 Th253 fkfflls ..... "-S..... The follow1111 persons art doonc busineu u Sunland Home. 275 E 16th SI Costa Mesa. CA 92627 loUro.t S De l eon. 2434 f lor .t St Santa Ana, CA 92621 This busonf'\\ os con dut.led by an 1nd1vldual Ha ve you \tarted dome bu"nen yell No Mafia S De I eon ..................... ........ ......... TIM follow1n1 ~to111 .,. dolnt bVlinHI ti Dptlm•I Mov.mant, 203~1 ltvln• Av•. Sul"' C2. S•nt1 An• •t•lthls, CA92107 Sc:ott Chtrk• Lemp men, ~1 lrv11!1 Ave Suite C2, S1nt1 An1 Htlldlts, CA 92707 lli11 bu11nH1 Is con· ducted by 1" lnd1v1d\lal Hew you s1 .... 1ec1 dolnc bll9lness yetf Y•. MO 0.3 ScottC.L•mptn•n Tiiis sl1tement w11 fit•d with th• County Cltrk of Oo11&e County on 02/21/03 IOOHH4U9 Otlly Pilot f'tb. 27, Mer. 6, 13, 20, 20()3' Th229 fklllll ...... ... s..... Tlte followjn1 peuons 11• cloh11 buslne&s •s P.-mpered M11lllpl11, 3044 Grent Av• .. Cost• Mesa. CA 92626 Mer111 ... Lydia loptz, 3044 Grenl Ave., Co1t1 Mae,CA92626 Jesse Alonso lol)el. 3044 G11nt Avt., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This business I\ con dueled by. husband 1nd wile H•v• you started dolna buslnHS ytt1 No Jes\e Alonso lopu Thrs stetement was filed with the County Cle•ll of Ofane• County on03/07/03 2003HH226 Deily Pilot M1r 13, 20, 27. "4>< 3, 2003 Th267 fktlllaa ..... "-S...... The followlna pe11ons are doona bu~lness es· Nature's Heally [sHn· Uals of Calllornla. 1400 Quall Street 1260, Newport Beach, Cal~ forn11 92660 2730 The Ander son Oraam zallon (CA), 1400 Quall Strut 1260, Newport Beach. Cahforn11 92660 2730 Thos bus1nf'u 1s ron dueled by a corpouhon H•ve you started doona bus1nns yeU Yu, 02/ 01/2003 The Anderson Oraan1 zatoon, W11l1am C Anderson. P1esldenl This statement wu filed with th1 County Clerk of Dren1e Counly on 02/19/03 20036U40SS Daoly Pilot r eb 27. Mar 6, 13,20,2003 Th209 llOlkl Of APPWTQI TO 581 AlCOHCU l(VllAG6 htuf ..... l t.._ ~ll,200l To Whom II May Concern The N•me(s) of lhe Apphont(\) is/ "e Cl AIM JUMPr R ASSOC IA TE S l TO l PSHIP The apph,anls hs led above are applymc lo lhe Departmenl o f Alcoholoc Bever aae Control lo sell <1lcoholic bever1en al JJJJ BRISTOL ST STC ?078. COSTA M{SA, CA 9262'6 Type of license(•) Applied tor 41 ON SALE GCNCRAt. CA TING PLACE Publl$hed N ~wpor l Beech Costa Mt~ 011ty Pilot M11ch 6 13, 20, 2003 Th255 Fktttl..a...u "-S...... The followina penons art doona buson~n H Ehl,. Canvl\ 660 W 17th St •17 Costa Meu CA9'?f>27 M•rl1• G Ocon 2241 An•h•om Ave , Costa Meu CA92627 Thts bu"nen I\ •on d11eled by an ondovodual H<1ve you started drnne busmess yet? No Tiit lollclwlll1 penon• 8'1 doll!C llVllllUI •• S0¥1hcout Mobile So kltio.a, 950 W. l7th St. #QJ._ Co1t1 Men, CA 9~7 Kimber tr M $(!1.tfer. 950 W. 17th SI , Ce1t1 Mlu,CA92617 Th" bu&lnta IS con• dutltd ~~ en lndtvoduel Hn• rou 1'tatted do!flt bu.-... ytU Yu, r.~ 3,2003 l\lmbel'ly M Sdltfter Thia staltmettt wu ftltd with the County Clefk of Or•hCt County on02/25/03 200Htl47-57 0•!11 Pilot Feb. 27, Mer. 6, 13,20,2003 Tll233 rtdMM .... ... s...... The foll~wm1 peuons lfe dell1t buslnnt IS. Club De Futbol Amerki So Cit . 1235 W Fnt St., Santa AN, CA 92703 T eylof SllM1r Hu.rt•. 2109 W. flora St., Sanll Ane,Ci\92704 This busi11us Is con ducted by: 1n individual Hive you s terted dolna business yet? No Teylor Salu1r Huerta This st1lemenl .wea tiled with th• County Clerk of Dra11ce County on 03/07/03 IOOS .. 36221 Dally Pilot Mar. 13, 20, 27. "4>< 3, 2003 Th265 ......... "-S...... The follow1ne Ptf'SOns are doina buttness as Tessada Trensl•llons. 2551 Santa Berber• Ln Suite 17·107, Coall Mesa, CA 92626 Jorie Tessada. 2551 Siinla Barbara, Ln Suite 17-107, Coste Mesa, CA 92626 ThlS buslneu Is con ducted by. •n 1nd1vldu1I Have you started doln1 bUSIMSS ye~? No Jorie Tesuda This st1tement was filed woth lhe County Clerk ol Or1nae County on 03/07/03 200HH62JO D11ly Pilot Mar 13. 20. 27,"4>f.3,2003 Th268 ........... •s...... The followona persons are do ma bus on en II\ OMO Properly Servtces. 1133 H1&hl1nd Dr Ne wport Benh. CA 92660 Oeborr•h Mar1•rtl Luao. 1133, Hlflhland Of , Newport Buch CA 92660 This business 1s con ducted by. an md!Vldual Have you itar led doon1 business yet? No • Deborrah M Luao This sblemenl wn foled woth the Count y Clerk of Grana• County on 02/21/03 200J693•32t Daoly Polot Feb 27 Mar 6 13. 20 2003 fh222 Adltlm ..... ... s...... The followine penoni ate dotna business as Ddyuey Char rns. 1158 W 18th SI Bl. Costa Mesi CA 92627 John James Grahl, 108 Topai. Balboa Island, CA 92662 T hos busmess ts con ducted by: •n 111d1vldual Have you started dolll& buiiness ytt? No John lamtt Grahl Thos statement wn foled with the Count)' Clert. of Oranae County on 02/? 1 /03 2003'9U311 Oaoly Pilot f eb 27. Mar 6, lJ.20.2003 Th216 Re-.. ..... •s....... H1v1 yov 11Mltll 6oina blllllle8 ,.t? Ho Marc llolcll•le4 lhtJ 1t1le1ntnl wn filed with the County Clftll of Ot't"i• Cout1ly on Ol/1 lJOJ IOOHfU.26 Oalty l'tlol Mir U, 20. W,~K~ ... s..... Tiie foltow1nc PflaMi• ""' doMll 1>111\nne J.J ASTROCUT, 1070 t'llttl Newport, Newport e .. dl. CA 92660 Rooert Shell, 1070 1'1rh Newport, Newport BHch, CA 92660 This bus nes1 11 con- duct1d br: an Individual Heve you started doin1 business ytt7 Pto Roblrt $hell This stelement VfH hied with the County Cletll of Ora.nae County on03/04JOJ 20036925707 De1ty P'ilot Mar 6. 13, 20,27,2003 Th238 rtdMM .... "-S...... The follow1ne ptf'sans ,,. doone business as• Yertlcel, 34161 l• S.ren• Suite C, D1n1 Point, CA 92629 Michael Erin Thome,. son, 34161 l• Serena Suitt C, Dan• Point. CA 92629 Th11 business is con- ducted by an Individual Have you sl•ted dotnl buslnus yet7 No MtehHI Thompson This statement was hied woth the County Clerk of Ofanae County on 02/28/03 200S6'JSS06 Dally Pilot Mar 6, 13 20,27,2003 Th246 RdllM ..... "-*'-"' The lollow1na persons ere doln& business as Real tmperto f C , 1~35 W ftul Santa Ana, Calolornoa 92703 Ttylo1 Salallr Huerta. 2109 W Flori, Santa Ana Cahfor noa 92704 Th11. business rs con ducted by an •Md1vldual Havt you started doona business yet7 No ftylor Salazar Huerta Thos statement was loled with the County Clerk ol Oranee County on 03/11/03 200J6ts6'27 Dally Pilot Mar 13, 20. 27,Apt 3,2003 Th270 RdlllmW-... s....... T ht' lollowone persons ere doln1 business as Sporotus 1430 l1nc;oln ln Newport Beach CA 92660 Joseph D1 Stant1>1•<> 1430 Lincoln l n . New pot I Beath, CA 92660 This bosme.ss Is con dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you sl&rled dotnR bu§tnen yet7 Yes, Feb I, 2003 mttph Do Stanost.10 This statement was fifed with lhe County Cleft. ol Or1nae County on02/21/03 200HUUU Diiiy Pilot rel> 27 Mar 6. lJ,20,2003 Th215 .......... "-S...... The followrne per sons trt dolnc business as· C fab, 928 W. 17th SI , Costa Mesa, CA 92617 S teven Vic tor De Groote, 928 W. 17th St , Cost• Mna, CA 92627 lhts bu11ness ~ ton· ducted by •n M'ldfvldual Have you started lloone business yet7 Yes. 1984 Steven O.Croote Thos statement wu ltled with Ille County Clerk of Or1nee County on 02/21/03 200HUU16 .......... ... ....... T"-tOllowtnc PllflOl'I• ere doln1 butll}fU u : 8111 8111111 Con,truction s .. vltte, 621 S. Corti Or .. S1nJ1 Alla, CA 92704 Wllll..-11 Clerenu 8urn1, 622 Sotith torte Drive, Sant• A111, C.11 for"l1 927<M CA92tll Tiiie bu.... 18 COit lluct.4 lly ... illdl ...... HA•• you •t11ltd ~ b11sl1111$ yttt No L•Wf•"" O. Wait. fhls 1t1t11111nt •at lllecl llilth th<e Collnty Clerk of Cit •nc• Co!lflt1 011 02/21/0 t00,.9S4J4t Dafly Piiot Fell 11. Mtr. 6, 13. 20. 2003 11'229 l'hl buslrwiu la con· ducted by en lnd1vklu1t K•~ you sl!lflM c1o1n1 ....-_ ..... b1nhM11 retr Yes, 1/31 ,_ 03 .......... W1llillm c Blll'nl The lo"ow1111 pefaont This 1t1teme111 was "' clolnt bus.M• a : filed with the County Or•111• Coul Clan na. Clefh ol Or1nce County ~ V•lencoe St , Cost• on 03/07 /03 Mesa, CA 92626 l 200JHU227 [ustolill Valencll, 994 Dilly Piiot Mer 13h~.: Y•lencl• $t.. Cost• 27, Apr. 3, 2003 T DIO Mesa, C~ 92626 ,..._..._ ' .d!~ ~~'~!'iii:w:i~ ... S......-Hav• you 1t#Uid do•nt The foOowl"I per'°ns b...slnass ,.n Ho J 1111 dolnl bu!lno:n es· Eustol41 Valenti• ~ P1cJhc Co.st Auoclates, This atettm-.it we4 1000 W Pu1flc Coast tiled with !hi Count' H11hw•Y.1. Newport Ct.11 of 0Jafllt Counti BHch, CA 1'2663 on Ol/11/03 l Peter C CeA11Jron, 305 100,..JUJ I Ylst1 Sutf'll, Newport D111Y 1"110t Mir 13. 20, Beach, CA 92660 27. loflr 3, 2003 T1127\ Thts buslneu Is con· ducted by; en lnd1v1dual Have you 1l1tltd dol"I buslne.ss yet? Yu, 03/ 01/1988 Peter C. C•meron This stetemeol was ftled with the County Clerk of Drane• County on 03/14/03 20036U7U3 Daily Pilot Mar 20, 27 ""' J, 10. 2003 Th280 fktllll ..... ... s...... The followona persons ate d0<ne busone:.s es D&S Auto Air, 1661 Super for Ave . Coste Mae, CA92627 Steven Glenn Plum mer, 17787 Sari Clem· ent• St , f ounta1n Valley, CA 92708 This bu.soness 1-s con· ducted by en 1nd1vidual Have y~ •tarted do<n& bu-sonen yet' Yes 1977 Steven G Plum,.,.... Thos slll•menl was hied wolh the Counly Cler~ ol 011ne• County on 02/2 l /03 20036ts4UI D11ly Pllc>t Feb 27, Mar 8, 13, 20, 2003 Th230 ........... "-S....... The followln& per so11s "e do1n11 business as SL LEASING. 5104 Nep tune Ave : Newport Beach CA 92663 Scott R lhrroault, 5104 Nept une Av~ Newporl Buch CA 92663 Th•s busine~s ~ con ducted by an ondl~ldual Have you star led doona buitnen yet? No Scott R Thertilull Th1> •telemfnl wn hlt!d woth lhe County Clerk ol Oranc• Counly on 02/28/03 200S6US294 Dally Piiot Mar 6. 13 20.27.2003 Th251 ,.... ...... ... s...... lhe follow1ne per SOM ere doina buSln•ss as C168 1601 Dove St •l15, Newport Beach. CA92660 Roberta M Lowe. 400 YoslA Su.le, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Th11 bu11rwiss " con· ducted by en ind1vtdu1I Have you stllfled dolne business yet' Yes I· I OJ Roberta M Lowe This statem~nl wes toled wolh Ille County Clerk of Of 1n1e County 0002/21/03 200.JHJOU Dally Prlol Feb 27 Mar 6. 13 20. 2003 Th223 ,.... ..... ... s...... The followlne person• are doln& bustneas H: p) Brl1n Productions b) ~CH, 17218 Bue" Blvd., Kunhncton Beach, CA 92647 Br1an Nollas, 1721' Beach Blvd , Hunhnctori Beach. CA 92647 Thts business is con· ducted by an 1nd1viduat Have you itarttd dolnt buttness yet? Yes, DI• Ol 03 Bnan Nolles This stetement wn hied with the County Clerk ol Orenae County on 02/21/03 200J69S.U32 Daily Pilot Feb 27. Mar. 6. 13,20.2003 Th'/19 Fidlla.W.. "-S...... The lollow1n1 persons are do1n1 bu~1ness 11: Senoor Care, 4911 GaoJKport C11cle. Irvine, CA92604 · Stacey P K oecknt1. 4911 Go11nq>ort Circle, Irvine, CA 92604 This business 1s con ducted by: an individual Have you started ttoinc busmess yet? Yes. 1/1/ 03 Stacey Koeckflll flus statement wH hied with lh• County Clerk ol Or1n1e County on 03/14/03 20036937161 Daily Piiot Met 20, 27, "4>< 3. IO. 2003 Th2tll fldlla ..... ... s...... lhe follow1n1 persons 11 e doutt bu51ness 11: Computer Servtces, 19'/7 Harbor Blvd 1395, Co.II Mes.. CA 92$27 Peter Noraaard, 2103 r tder •I Ave , Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Th11 bus.tneU is con· llucted by en indf•ldual Have )'OU sllf'led do4f1c •u11ness yet1 Yu 9 30· 97 Peter Nor1a.,d This statement •H hltd with the CoUflly Clerk of Df•nce County on 02/21/03 200'69JU1S Dally Pilot Feb 27, Mar, 6. 13, 20, 2003 Th213 Tel Us Abolt YOUR GARAGE Sllll In Ad!llM .... "-S....... The follow1na persons are doone business as: Peterson's Vichi Wash, 935 Cumberlend Rd , Have you 1tar led do1nc buslnen yel? No Darcom Dl.llel LLC. Darcy Mayer I President This sl•lement """ flled woth lhe County Clerk ol Ofanee County on 02/28/03 2003'935104 Rdltl.s ..... "-S...... The lollowln& persons artt do1ne buseneu H l • P11esl Entertainment JS 1 Old Newport Blvd Suo te 409, Newpor I Beach, CA 92663 This statement wu hied with lhe County Clerk of Oranae County on 0'//21/03 2003'914337 MariaG Oton This statement WH hied with the County Clerk of Oranae C(lunty on 02/21/03 2003'H4UI The lollow1na per sons are Ooona busmen ts Dynamtc AK Systems, 431 H W Bay. Co,ta Mesa, CA 92627 Marc Morales 431 H W !lay Street CQst• Mesa, CA 92627 0 11ly Pilot r e.b 27. Mar 6, 13,20,2003 Th212 I .;n. I The loltow1n1 persons 111 dolna bU<ttness as · BW SALES I REGAnA GEAR. 207 Cd1ew1tlf Ave Su•I• A, Newport Beach CA 92661 CW SIRED (949) 642-5671 0. •nae. CA 92865 Dustin Robert Peter· son, 9JS Cumberland Rd . O.ana•. CA 92865 MellSs.. Lynn Baker. 935 Cumberlend Rd , Or1nae. CA 92865 This buslnen 1s con d11cted by a eenerel P•rlnef'hrp Hevt' y011 i l<Hled doona bu,lneu yet? Ye., Feb ht. 2003 Ousltn R Petenon lhll statement was ftled with the County Clefk of Orana• County on 02/21/03 2003 .. 2030 Daily Pilot Feb V. Mar 6. 13. 20.2003 Th22l nc... ...... ie-s....... The followona persons are doine busmen n ; F r"d<tm Fidelity, 28202 Cabot Rd 3rd Floor, L•auna N11uet, CA '¥1677 Freedom rldelity llC (NY), 28202 Ctbot Rd. 3rd floor, l1cun1 N11ut1, CA 92677 Thli buslneu IS con· due led by limited l 11blllty Co H••• you atwtlld clok\I busmen yet? Yn, 01 04 03 I r rhdom r~ltty LLC, Jann1fer M Blll1r11 Gull•. Ma.n Th., 1t1t1ment was l1hMt with tilt County Cltfll of Oren&t' Count)' on02/2110l 200JHHUI Deily l'llol Mer 6. )_31 20. '11, 20Q] Thr.14 .Rt-. .... -a.... Tiie lollo•1111 ,.,,o'" .,.. doll1t ~~ e Monlln\tlllt Cloth1n1. Inc., 17'° Mollfow • Au te1. COtt• Mt~. CA l2'l7 Monume11t CICll!llfll. Inc... C CA> 1760 Mo"· ro.,.. Iott• ICZ, Cott• '4eu,CA9/V7 Tllit IHn 1 ia con 4l11<IM lit I Clill)CW!llifln Htv• 11141 lhM'I~ doln& lr1n1ntn 1fl t Yet, Ian 1,200) ¥on111net1I Clolh1111. mr ~ O.wd ... II l're>l ""'' fllh •t•l•in•nt w11 filM .itll tM Courl ty CJttli. et Ou C«mtJ •OJ/lf/O ....... ,. .. Dtlfy PikH 11111' • •o 011ty Ptlol Mar 6 13. 20. 27. 2003 rh248 .......... "-S...... The followlnc per\oni are doona bu1lness ., Babybooboo, 164 Buoy St., Costa Mua, CA 92627 Jennifer Lynn Crowell. 164 Buoy St . Co,ta Mesa. CA 92627 Christopher Michael Coa. t<Ml W 18111 SI tAI06. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Thts buSfllt'n " ron ducted by to pertnen Hne you 1terl•d d<lone business yet? No Jennifer Crowttll This statement wes hied with tht County Clerk of O.enee County on03/07/03 200H92'2St Daoly Pilot Mar 13. 20, 27. Apr 3, 2003 Th2'69 fk-.. ...... ... s..... The lollowln1 petsons INI doiftl business H Hu11t111ato n rlnencl•I S.Vte ... 101 S KtMnw Blvd S.,1te 111, Pl• ce.11tit, CA 911170 HuntlnttOA f'111tnc11I Croup, Inc • (CA). 101 S. K.retm« Blvd. Suite 11 l, Placenll•. CA 92170 This bu"nus ,. coll ducted by. • c0<por1Uon Have you •lerted doJf1• buslnen y11T YH, l!illl4 • Mar'h 17 H11nlln1to11 r 1nencl1I Greup, Inc , 01111d l , fhlMIOll, .. ruld1111t T"" lttt1Mnt w• frW with t Ille C.unty Clti• tf °'•nat County e.tt02/21/0J "9~914.114 Otity l"ltol rett '17, M ,, '· U . 20 200J Th114 ........ ... s.... Glenn Schusterman 351 Old NewPMI Blvd Su lie 409. Newpor I Beach. CA 92663 Brentt J Arcement, I 0202 Saini Cloud Ave • Cowan He11hts, CA 9270S This buslnen Is con dueled by. joint venture Have you started do1na bu\lne$s yet? No Glenn Scttusterman Thts slalemenl was toled with the County Clerk of Oran&• County on 03/11/03 200J6'UH4 D11lt Pilot Mar 13. 20. 27 Apr 3. 2003 Th261 FidltlM ..... ... s...... The followlnc persons are doin1 busuw.ss 11· WPO (hwoopo') Business SnluUon,, 2043 W11Stchlf Drive. He1111por1 8•1ch, CA 92660 WP08 lndust11n. Inc., (CA) 2043 Westcllff Drive, Newport 8Hch, CA92fi'O Thts buslnen is c:on ducted~ • corpor1tJon HIVt ~ st.wt.d doinl bu''-• yelf YH, Alne 2()01 WP08 lndu\tr.11. Pet o·euen, PTe1ldellt Th" slltement wu flltd with the Co11nt1 Clerk of °'•na• County on02/~/0l 200MH47St D11t11 l'1tot r..o v . MM. I. I J, 20, 2003 Tll2J4 ......... .......... Ille ltlllOwlftC HrSOllS 118 "°"'I bv'U-H W: S Aute, ll7 W, Wllso11 I J 06, Cor.ta ... w .CAlllln w .ic, Scott "obert • IOlt, 321 W, WllHll ''°'· Cost• ~u. c~ 9:?fll7 Th bu In k c:fln• dveltd br •n lrtdlvklull ..... 'fOV .. ., led d1Mft1 11111tno• yet? Yu, 2/0l • W111t1 SeoU A wt· Ml\ f •lllllM!lt wn .... with Ulo ~., ci.r of Or•np c-1, ~fY.l/'15/0J M9MtJ41H o.11 Not , .. 'V, .... 6, I , JO, 200) t'h2Jl - De~y Pilot Feb 27 Mar 6. tl 20.2003 Th231 Deoly Polot Feb 'l7. Mar 6. 13,20,2003 Th220 This busineu is con ductes! by an mdmdu1I STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • l•wrence G Waite<. 207 Ed1ew1ter Avt Sv1!1 A NtWDO!l BttCh The Legal Dtpartmmt al tht Dailj Pil.ot is pkastd to announct a ~ urvict now availttbk to new businesJtJ. ~ wiU now SEARCH tht Ntmt far you at no extra charge, and save you the ti11U and tht trip tlJ tht Court Hou.st in Santa Ana. Thm, of count, aftu the starch is compkttd we will fik your fictitious busine1s namt statnnmJ with tht County Ckrlt, publiJh once a wttle for four wetlts as rtquirtd by law and thm fik your proof of publication with the County Clerlt. Pkast stop by to fik your fictitious business Jtlltnnmt at the Daily PiilJt, 330 W. Bay St, Cost4 Mesa. If you (annot Jtop by, pkast CJJIJ us at (949) 642-4321 and we will maltt a"angnnmts for you to handk this procedure by ""'il If you Jhou/d have any'forther questions, pkast calJ us llM wt wiO be mort than g/Jtd to assist you. Good uklt in your MW /mJirus1! · \ Pilot I I - I• " • I , 'I I • ~ ~ • I ; f • ' I • t -- : 'How to Place A CLASSIFIEAD -----Policy----- Rata and deadltnc arc ubject lO c.h.111&C Wllboul f\OU\.C lbc publisher raerve11 thr nght 10 cenJOr '"l.u.)1fy. rev1-..: 01 IC:JCCI any cla~~1fied advc:rt1semen1 Please report my nTUr th.at oi.y be 10 your clau1f1ed ad 1mmed1atcly fh L>.111)' Pilot .u....cpb no habiJ1ty for any c:rrur m 1t11 adven1..cmc111 tor wh1~h 11 may be responsLbk e.11~pt fof t~ co)1 or lhc 'P.l'-c '"'tu.ill) Vt.~up1c:d by the error Credit can only be allowed tor the "''' 111....:n1u11 nff-2"' - . ~ERVICE DIRECTORY l'.f.,, -For All Your HQme and Bus~ --~\It ••• ,,.. , r "-P.-da Weck For Only 132 ptr ... (4weeli rainilMI) • c.I 11 IMfl S7t-414S All real utate adve1 t1s1n1 In ttus newspape1 IS subje<I to the F ede11I fair Hous1na Act ot 1968 1s amended which meku 1t 11te111 to adverttse ·any put~r •nee, ltmlht1on or d~lmlnehon bued on race, colof. ""''°"· se,;, h1nd91>, fam10el stllus Of national Ottllln, Of an Intention to make any such preference, llm1ta lion Of d1scrimlnat1on • This newspepe1 will not knowln&ly accept eny edvertlsemenl tor real estete which ts In vlolellon of the law Our readers '" hereby informed that 111 dwell Ines 1dver1tsad '" this newspapet ate 1va1l1ble on an eq~I opportunity bHI\ To complain ot dts Cftmtnallon, CIH HUO toll ITM at I 800 424 8590 1413 Old« Style Fvnwture P'tAHOS .. Col~ ·--·-·-·-·QIOoceO.-$$ CASH PAJO $$ .... ,..,. .. .....,...,.... WE BUY ESTATfS ._...............,_. ~64M922-SOUTH C8AST AUCTI N 2mle.llaMIL ..... Am.CAmt7 ...... 1.\..' .......... ~-c:;.~s.; IJCL ICXX> W'flllll ........, lf*tL ,, ... '506JS7 HEAl.nt SERVICES Office ........ 3 Office suites, prime Newport Bell loc by fP/I <Xll.n9, util rtd $l50llno ~7883 HOMES FOR SALE LA COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& Adoption& Fillter Care SeMces 2650 VICINITY HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY AHTlOUES Alba Vieto ~ bsmt :1)10 --OP-IN_S_U_N_t--4-- St-• t9SO o'1a-fe & 4 7 Wt.ten. P1ece M ... rttt 600 S..les 40" WINOflOW(R 38R 38A width oven broiler, & TOWHHOME. 2 c car. cull lmmaculat·e S2000 neat shopp1n& a. schools, obo 949 673 0944 Hwy 73, re•dy lo move in. ~.000 by ownei 847·910 3519 HOME FURNISHINGS Fumlblre 3435 ~ M ~lq> w/\de pedlsbls+ 8 ~ Ame bladP. ~ alllt S12k rew, Balboa Plnlnslla OCIAN,.OllT NIWllMOOft $679.000 AGT. $949-72S-a120 Corn def Mar SI Tl':J/obo. 9'9-3fiS.5848 A <• • I C- 7ft L-s c~ WM•. ~troll to B'il brocade upl!olste1y. xlnt C«ona •nd 1oc*out point cond, $200 949-854· 48t 4..S8a custom home. 8208 • '-' ..... 200J ------· ~ .. $2.950,000 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECK>US METALS C-tC•N ..... Old Coins! Cold, Sliver, ,._.,y,waW-.~ collectlbln !M9-642 94411 COASlUNI ltlAl TY '49-759-4177 ~ 1419 Cits 3610 L.lle f~fft/s-•• 22101 ...... ti.Dy ~ ..,....n miff. hWlald. """ 11111 ' fin\ de. Gelwll Amonemenll 1610 INUITa.f ltlDUCTtOM WI~.._ tw .... ......, ......... prirla ,_ al a-1Ch a1 i-. a1 bo4ll w~ ~ AsUlllc °""" "-r....s up ID 10" al °"""' cost. M "'-5tllJd lnC!l*on wr• to r,.,.., PA Box 66437. Scotts V...,, C.A 'BXN .fiUl SEU yOUf unwanted It.ms thfouc!t claulfled OA NtSIAlt ICITT'BIS Red a. er-• They W...t "°"" lowe•Only l«X> c.. 9&451-2025 .,...,,....._._ --...... ~, l'ml'll'\dc ....... F mtloo lsWld ~'1Z/9 ,_ 'JPAY b rMtm'W t:M/ .... IUttllt1I .... hon-. 9&SJ3.0lll ***~*~*~*~*~*~*****~* Conprlmons CODY HAISUP! , ..... s ... lM,a.tWy . ~~·ll*~*~*~·~·~·~ttl* ._...,...... 1•1a ...,,., ..... ~to h i-:h. l.or::l9d on h So1At1S11it al POL MB.!Dl. ~ 8rttulw\ Comltlw R::!ly 9&75&-0177 ColDMm OPtN SAT 12·4 1577 IAllll ST. MESA VERO£ CC alnale lam home. Spac livrm. U1>111ades. lov•ly back· yard. 2 c ,.,.. corn« lot. $450,000 Lora Vance Realtor. 94t-67a-4062 MIWUU.O OPINNOUSI • SU..1-t Owht ... Ge-. Coasttme views. Pvt yd & vlewlnt .. . 2 car ettached ,., ... . $619,000 John F llfTOW ReMu 949-l22-o932 St7 Vie U4e s-4, OPINSUN 12-4 Suitt by ,loe E Brown In t931 only ,.m11n1n1 3 + 4 tower estate on enlwe Island 4br, 4ba. thne storlH • towet 3 car 11ar, pvt doc). tor 2 bo•u. It•~ a r~ ln*nn. w...., 9&497-301 ~742..(200 usnwff IUllTY 2100 VISTA LAREDO 48R 38A, remod lute £ ba. Planl shutters, E • pansi~e view ol 1reen belt Turnlley priced reduced lo $599,900 Alt Harriet Kall 949-!62 !!)JO 9'9-!nJ..6111) -.haul t ,._ A S11per.. Newpert H..,i.t. reildence. 4bt (5th 8'/pme tOOll'l/offlc• downstah) 5.~ louted on • qu1et corner lol Custom h•lures thrOUlflOut. s 1,649.000. COAsTuNl nAl.TY Mt-759-4177 A IXQ&BJI ,._ sa. Mwwba ._. tloar '*" htCh C•tllnp, Curvin& ~ oubldl Fp. a eunwt loAdw\ alSbn ~ .. ll1ln.$I }l£JltJ) lotchMI 8r"'1lw\ Ccmllrlt Rmlly 9&~1n IOMTA CANYON Miii SAT-SUN 1-S towi.tt.r.,. 38R, 2.58A home S.., tt•I• oHtee/cuest ~urte 8y Owner $1 ,175,000 949·644·8288 A llAUlWU. ~ .. be c.cinipWed Iha ·~ 5& 5.56a wrth • wonderful ftowtnc floor plan. $1,750,(D) Jotch..i 8rnman. c-llirie Really .... .., 2b 2ba condo Ill flllltmie loc:abonl Hilfl °'*'-wood tuiq Fp. II mastw. 2t pr. Ul5.CXX> lit-p ... St..-o 9'9-~7400 NIMllSTATIS PATatC• TINotll NATIONW10l USA 949-aS6-970S www.palrlcklen<>fe.com "THI HDOHTS" SPllAWINO t-STottY JUST USTIO AGT.94t-72S-St20 ...... 2020. cw.w k6+& ~ 5634 sf. SI ..25 Mil Broke 9&251 94'4 www)-..ity.ors OCIM & IAY V1tWS UJIOOWO UNeD $750,000 AGT. t4t-72J-a t 20 Nlwpart Coat OPIN SAT-SUN t-4 ss.,...-1 level home. 2br, + den, Gated comm sa.s t .000 -OPlNSAT l ·S A touch of llelr 4br 2.Sba, Strad• home $t,7H,OOO OPlll SUN t-41JO ltatlan style Sbr Sbe, ap proa 19.000 to 19,000sf U,495,000 CWIM SAT t-41JO Stunnlnc aw.,d wlnnl111 81oo4lfleld home, built In 2000 3br • office Ac>· prox 3700.f $1,719,000 PlATIMm PllOPOnlS Stefanie Me .. ., 949-715·3156 ,_.UTAJU ,ATmell TtlMMtl MT'IOMWtol USA ...... , ... 70.S WWW patrldlt•n«e.COlll .• ,.,...c.;:;; ~ ...... wiltt CWl10I' & -.... Oftlr9d et S6,500,ooo. c-.a.-. a..11r ...... 1n..111 Tbe Newport Bach/Colfa Mesa/CdM, Balboa 1>aQy Piiot pr'9eOC. you wtdJ a pat opporamlcy co promote IUldqw a collet'd>la Perfect for ahop9. deaJerl. ·~ ~ decOrUoD. Rftnllhas, art pJlefta -develop your bulMM wtdl ur . A Special Publication ... Just for YOU! Pobllshes: Space & Copy Deaclllne: Mardl 26. 2003 Mardi 29, lOCXS -5pm Release Deadline: Malcll 2t. 2003 .. NooD can toc1ay1 Ann Willey at M9 674-4249 or fax yoar .d ID M9 6.11-eeM By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Sut-e1 RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Omit Property 5960 CAntliDUl art S28'>.1Dl 10 ITW1 ID PS Npat. 2ll.5 sf, attach c.t>J'n:l ti.:11 hol'5e ... h annw: ... ...... ctn.. dtsS bbil/ rock showw, 1K tub, Ul>llr lid! lw&e wall1ns. 111nc11c. RV,.,_. ~ Blodl ~yd fer-rt Dote B=lrt 18Hl62·29115 Olher ResorWacation Property 5970 C05ta Mesa. CA 92627 A1 Ncwpon Blvd. &: Bay St I lours: · Te~ 8:30am·5~ - Monday-Fndiy Walk-In 8:30am-S:OOflm • Moncby fnday IAYnONT OH LIOO PENINSULA NIWUr2ae con Aon Pttvate Buch, Pool 41nd Spa Walk to Ocun. Shop~ and RKl•unnh Lusa 6/mo 2 yr+ Boat Sltp Avlltlable 710UOOPUX Da. 949 673 6030 Of 949 723 5830 * YIA.ltlY * UASIS ~ ...._ ;-2b 2ba """""" l..do, pmllo, 2 ~ p wd ~ 4 con'l'YI ~ 1111 Sllif'JO 9'!Mi13-11Dl 1.yvlew T-e C4led detached house 2br ?b•, 2 c all lat A/C no peh S2400/mo 949 760 1219 .......... ;& 2& house lobly ,_oo, Ip. yd 2-c:w pr• S2.!ln<mo 2?1 P*'-St. 94.!H.31 168> ........ ...... l&.b 2..51>9 •/l•• ... ~ CXlRWI\ wipool, 9'19+ P"'I ywd. SXXX>lmo Ill P.-tx:J< Terae. 949-&-97!l> Bill CRUHOY REAL TORS e2la 2SA o:MtOO 2 1.1111 949-675·6 1' 1 pr, lr1L wd. rntA now ..----Deadlinee ----... Monday Tuesday WeJ~y Thursd.a}' Friday S;()()prn Munday S OOpm Tue~y 5.00pm Wcdnc:l>Cby 5 ;()()pm Frtd.I) s.uvrJ..) SunJJ) fllu1..J.i1 ~ OUpm I nJ.i) • OOpm r n.W~ ~ l)Optu LUI TAHOI 28t 3Ba lu• NEWPOtlT HllGNTS condo sleeps el&fll, 1/4 or 3Br 2Ba house totally 1/2 Interest. $295.000 pet remod, fp, yd Z car 1/4 Call 949-673 0181 eat+. 949 631 1680 pllld cmwn ~ 9'S 246-7837 or 949 ~ 2713 ar ao r U!Ufly sty1e condo, ptad 'lrov•<. Fp. knmt!d ~ S2!500ilr> ~I. 9.&ll-2526 MISCEUANEOUS REHTALS Rental To Share 6030 can 112 bk 1o bch ~ wtyourc prof, b 2be hse. pmbo. """ ba. msV br. nJ nmod $9llnl 'M!H~·8101 Newpen st.et-es 38r, 28 a, be4'h house C 1 r•a~ carport, comm pool & lenn, tem n/~r pre t S900/mo 714-336 9136 Rooms tar Rn 6040 • • IASTSIOl CM Townhome Creal private room a. bath, very clean Cara1e . w/d, n/peh/•mke female prel'd plea•e S700mo• /1ulls 949 646.4065 RESIDENTIAL RE.NT Al.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula 200ft ,. o-1 Vu. 2br Iba. remodlllid, w/d, d/w, f)llt!O. 01l'1. 328 E Bail>oa SI 795mo " 9&67}.nJ!I a.noes..~ --up coast £ down aiesl.. l& 48r l.58e ~ home ....i lar tease now $9,SOO/mo -,-ly. Clll act. 0.,:: Pt!ttll 9&6rnD99 Coronldelk . '"" ~ .. .._. unll w/blle. ues l'lCd. Le ,., ., .. IW2' NllWI 11/peb/...., Sl350 a. 16lrno. 9'9-2ZZ~ x151 21k, Sae, Apt. Recently 1ehabbed w/1 car cer, I block to beach, no pets. $2200/mo 949-854-1680 0,.. s.. ,_.,.. 1811 to Be Corona 8uch Ur ..... l'f'ba,~ lliOlrno Ast 9&2J3.5.l71 ColDMlll 1• .......... Im ID i-:tl. vaA Olis. slow, 111'. Oii t.i, men. S80no 133 E. l&h St. ,., tor Spm:illsl -~21CZ1 Cllt Oil. 11r'a from S875/mo. •le• 1n 1ow1y pied comm ,.. To-Square. triqrl, Indy ~ Kleirl ~ ST!· 7(M.«i49 1t9200 &.,. Ilk, new c~ & pelnt, cwd catport.. V7 16th Place 93 $1100/mo no pets 949-720-9422 1•9i49 11r U. down· stairs Apt. In Sin qutet comple1 Sm pet con· sidered Aull 3/29 SI I JS/mo 949-548-2446 r .... ie. • a 66 211r 11111 + ,,..,, ......,, peo.Hoptllr. .. &WllW pllld Sl3Xlmo MMm-l7315 ....... 2iW ........ w/d hllup. d/w, 11tnt off St l*na. ,.,, ~ $~1.B 9'969o6163 *I I mftlll dllr't q.mt rWllllMld Tri*xt 111 ~ ...... -.. .... , ~~· ... • """' SltlDn ... --.. . • , a.. yrd. 1 .... .. ,_, -~ _. "°"" llr, 11/ ... bee* Yfd, I p_+ 2 IPt. .. MW! $lS15m awl mid Mlrdl 9'J.3'1S.2116.. o 'PL& \ludto rm, patio. no ktlchen. S795/mo. + SI 000 dep. Oen \Ide ot PCH 949 ~74 7701 al 12 Rentals Wanted 7880 WNmD I or 2Bt "1!- c:olt:9 QI Ollnlkl, "'" Ill ..-No ., Newpar1 8-:tl Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to NP Hrs le qutel studio #/\mall loft, lutchenette, s hared l•undry Act SI 100 949 673 7800 M 19' l mo or~ lu5a H9w vnal Mil trWYWed Wesla R* eras 9Vatl m!J.20.8816 landscapers and painters . BAYFRONT ' ••• .. • Community NEWPORT B~A(H •COSTA MbA Daily Pilot Classified Community Marketplace SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. e • Are you an animal lover? Here's a great way co express u Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship wiU secure a space for a photo of a pet who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, th.inks to people like you! Be a pan of saving a life and fed great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Ncwpon Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. lt will display your name as the sponsor of chis pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Nam~·--------------------------­ Add.rcss·~-----~----------~-~ City. 512.te: ______ _.Z ...... .ip:-·---------- Cttdit Cardl·-~-~~~~--------Exir.~---- Signuurc·------------------------Phone (optional),_· ___.;.;;.;;_ ___ _.;.o.;;;;;....:;;;._,__~-._._..._......._ __ For check. ma.kc payabk w: Daily Pilot Ten to appear in paa be.low photo, 20 chataaers or Ch00$COnc: In Joving mem<>f}' o,.__ _________________ _ SpoNDmf by----~----------------------------.Maji rhii form .with your check or credic c:ird inbmatioa m: Saw A Ufc, ~Daily PU01. P.O. BOl IS(,O, co.ta Mela, CA 92627 Mach20 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE •NOTICE 0 Rf:AD£ Calilornl• law re· quirn that contr11e- t0f' s tlklnJ tolls ttlat totel $500 or more (labor or materials) be lk:•"* lly tlle Contrectors Stele License Board. State law also requires that contractors Include t!Mw license number on alt ldvertlsanc. YOU can chedl the status of your licensed contrac t o r •I -w cstb ca.1011 or llOO 321 CSLB Unli· censed contrectors tekln1 jo bs tllet tot11I less tll1n $500 mu•t s tate In their 1dverttsements lhtt Ulty trt not licensed bl the Contractors S itll l.lcense 8<>1rd • ·~••am Klldwl I e.ltl I ,._.. ... .. ....... Mllllfl ~ ~ Mlj«i!IJ')5 Clr"'*Y Employmed l5GO AaOt1TKTW1AL oma ASSISTANT Newport Belch •chltec::hb.s II !I'm ha'S ~ opei*c tor a f/'time prwll office lml5tllnL Wirt .. lrddt ,_..~Ills.~ local deliveries and perior".... other mile., office duties Some ~ liftsl& is involwd. Must be • lamed ~-Ible to prOYide mdencie al ce-tlin n*wnum lnsl.r llllal oov· eniee. Hoon •• from ~ 6iM-m s.NoorVF s11.oo per hour. Fax resume to Taylor & Associate& Archl1ects. 9i!9157'-lll8. GINllW. OffKI Clericel P/T M 30/Hrs. FAX RESUME 714 435-0191 a-Ii Cities r..-P/T ~toml~ .... ,... to l1now tuna !rw5 5'M 91Mie2-T.Dl fffTUJO• ••stete••· Edubtt1l>rt1't lllltfcst°""' & • aper11nce, some computet skills. To apply call 949-720-9963 We w1U dcalsn your pmlOlllll or company wdl&rll! Ind put YOll online You pay mly bolWla recs 714-4U.27M .... Se Y••r u11wa11ted •••••••• ea1yweyl ,.., .. Cleulfletl etl t•tl.JI Ml-5611 YGUaltCNal .....OVIMIJfl NOJl<n Call • pklmber, painter. hendyman, or 1ny of th• lfHt services listed hefl In our 1«vic1 directoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI Bridge WEST •63 0 "' 0 1Ctl7 •A765 SOUTll •U87l I;;) lt0J832 o tU Vold The blddin.I~ • SOUl1I WESr NORTU JO ... J• J O ,_ 40 40 ..... . s. ..... ,0 .... .... Opcnina lead: Seven of o EAST ,_ ,_ ... .... Srudy the biddloa and play of Ibis deal? Did anycnt ar'l lf so. who? NOC1h'1 lhrce-club response wu anificial, asking South LO describe I.be nalURl of I.be weak-two opening bid and, by 1grcc01CDt, t.brce beans showed a bad hand with a good &UIL A ames of c:UIH>ids followed. apd sill hearts became the final conllacl. West led a fowtb-bcsl diamond, and the ~ of the jacl woo. Deiclarcr -AIDnallvl - ~· -AmnaOwl ... a..yoia. ,., ~ ua Conv, V6, S4li mi.) yr Witt IVlil, ~elinc blV tn lthr, CD, superb .. e new cond v259721 $6995 f11 IVM Bllr ~586-1888 __ ...,.._ D•"t• '97 h1trepl .. Sport 3.5 V6, •7k m1. whlte/srey iot, 1&ra1ed. n/s, like new S6995 f1n1nclna & w..-r avail Bhr 949·586-1888 w.w.eqM!itl.~ OODGI NEON '2000 SOii ... 1111, lOOK fie wau, 5 $p. blue. arey inler!Of •m·fm ed. ~ ar,.i cond &J!ll5 "' .... Ek VM51!l2 ~·-WWW It'- DOOGI STIAl.TN IS 'H Blue, euto. IUv. CO, loadedl 30 Iona rnpa, Smocaed. S5200. Moved. pp 714-721-6994 a&Un MADWOOOS Sallrt'~•-· 25 Yn, ut.tlim werranty U763144 71 ... 501-4933 ~.,... --------fw" '00 bain ... XlT YIO, 29k ml, sllver/arey tthr. ct>, runnHll boards, fully loeded, 1111• new, v872581 $21,995, fl· nancl111 1ni11bl• Bkr 94t-Sl6-11U -·~·.c-Fw .. •ts ,_ CL showroom cond. white. fully loaded pwr suu, $3750 7l•·7Sl-Z464 H-'-CIV '00 aulo trans. ac, lull po-. cc, low miles Sl5,900 Pp 949.574 •z" .._...,.r.t.4. S .... , red, snrf. multi disc CO, bl1c1L/1rey Int. alloy whls, superb oria body & mech1nlc11 cond f'995 obo v797Z12 Bkr 98$-18111-~ J..-'99 JUI V1nden Plas 3'1< mj, sperlLhn& bill/tan lthr, CD. chrm whls, full tad warr, like new $28,495 firm v842614 f1nancin1 1va1I Blu 949-586-1888 -·~-,_ '99 Xlll (...., ~ m1. fun t..ctory w.rr. 1p1rllll111 bla~/01tmaal lthr, CD, chrome whls. llke new. v677295 S33.996 f111111clnJ avail Bllr !M9 586 1888 -.eqt<IW.<-._.._ ... .,.._., LE 5611 ml. white/tan lthr, dual mnrls. CD, llfush 11urd. hke oew, v726641 Sll,995 f1- nancmc & w1tn avatl Bkr M9-sa.-.11U _.......,.._ ........... 7..._., g;J fO ml. din IJ..vbn ltr, dull mn1, ,.. ~ teats,.. .. co.~ q ciond vt572111 $12,<a finandnl & _.,. .-. • M~11U WWWI $ ,,_ w aOIHISOM COMPANY Kid--. Wiii, 8lltw'oornl '-Twr .. .._.cepe Merk 949-650 9525 w..iy mM. hi ttmq iiiifAl-HUSIAMO FOR & lnsbbbon 25 Yn up HONEYOO'S your "9Mi LIC/inswld 949-5484363 on'l. ,.,om Elect to Ille iil..,WW.tt I 1J -kitdlln sdl !)G.54f 9.151 Oebll Cir.,.._ fH i Mi iii YIU II ~ tmerprtela.:' ... lct ~I ups, Repeln & tJwadla. ~ a.. 7'4-7ls-nn Doors etc ..• 949-244-1895 '1ilve us do yout ........ nte o~e;;;;;; -,.,..--.-,-0-,-.. -..,---.. -, ~ • ~ lq 714 961-1812 t1rm en h u.v, .._, AYAllAILE TOOAYI & -ie 1!!2.... 9&51~ 94'-67.l·SSM t .... 1;;1ce, Vlfd HllllCl••I• Cleenup, ,..illlenanee. $Clflnklw Repair. H1"""8 , ... ,., .... 711 GENEIAI. 61WN'JJ1WD ....... ~ o 16" 1bo s....a ......... ._ M9-)224292 - ~ I . I' • • • •• ... h · r • t j -•• wi CREYIER ·" .... " -, .. f Autommc, m & Rn! LEASE FOfl i1~1 PER MOlffli + TAX I Al These Terms ~ Awoved Credit ................. OTlfRAT M.NI SAYl«'.S! ................... +.42e S3000 due et Sf1n1n1 '8 month closed end lease no secuuty dtl>OS't. 12K nules Plf year Eicess miles ~ 20¢ per mile (T£132tl) ... LfT'SIJT(R lfS~ ******** 55 FmAY@ f.llm SMTA NIA AIJTO MAU (881) 823-9808 u-.a. '02 ........... 30k m1. full fact werr. silver sand/tan lthr, CO slacker, chrome whls, utra SHI. v672518 S28.995 ltn &. warr anti Bkr 9'9·586·1888 --..,,-..~- •we.Hin '96 CUO be1utilul black/cream fuHy loaded. showroom, ir\IU. $11.9(. 714-7'51·~ AlllST 909-681 ·6'64 FAUX/ OESICN ........ llST llOVUS Sst /Hr Slf'vln1 all tllks. !Mured fast, courteous, c1<eful. TI63844 800-2'6·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The C11tf Pullllc Utilttlu c:ommiulon requira that 11 ullld household 10041 movers print their P.U.C Cet T numbtf; limot and c.llliuffews print their T .C.P. llllmb« In •It •d• UMltlMts. If YCMI hnt eny qtMStlons about the l11111ty Of I mover . limo of ch1uffeur, can: PUB· LIC UTILITIES C~· MISSION 7U·551 4151 'ull tr • na1 ta -'•11 '" LMDMMR ..,.....,.. l.oedld. low ........ "" at. -prtce. 1648C23 11 ••uio COINt Boal, CO, 1e11tw. loldad. good~ 1113266 -- MO '00 M 1.IT QUATTAOIDN ~~ ~288 '1t.IOO .z '90 30DE SON Auto, leather, aloyS, nic. elem'! ear, great P.tce. 1270075 ff.• lmWIU20AUTO co, lltr, Boee, moon, 4x4. ~a blrgalnU!I wtlte, Im\. #016225 $18,900 WI '00 JETTA OLS Auto, pwr win, locks. 4 OR, godd on gas!lll #005140 $12,IOO FORD '01 EXPlOAEA SPORT2DA CO, XLT.1NO, real nice. ·~20 $12,IOO TILO'S aUROPll.AN AUTOHAU8 Ovw 8CI C... In .... 1-Sro59B-9754 Web.,_1 www.tilocars.com Men ..... '19JOOCI 1-... pr.-1 lmnllC blldVlrey •• 107k "' ~ :m 9&l!ll>9500 Merce ... • '99 U20 3111 ml, whit.Jl'ey llhr. mnrf. chrome whls. beaut hlle new cond. v57Z2•1 $26,995 Ion ..,... 8lu 9&5116-UllS __ ..,...._ MercedH '99 SS20 LWB 5211 mi. 3 yr werr avail, silver /blk lthr, beaut or11 cond, v8752A I $26,995 fH1ancin& 1va1I Bkr ~586-1888 -._,....c._ ............. 560 Sl wh1t•/tan, 1mmac ~ n.n .... ,_ .. lql. dmra. 114.'JD Ml'Sl-~ Ml'vil'I .,.__. LS '00 sunroof, ...._, .. Utr~. !ik_e MW. 00C -· -vsnw. SIJ.!l'A Mur$D pp 71'-9'J9.6335 "'·-'00 Pfdi.,, .. , cab. ilrfl cond, euto trans, A/C, •m·fm. bed liner. 52k fwy mr. $9500 obo 949-859-0329 Mal) .... _ .•• s-. Gll Lill• new, loaded. auto, moonroof alloys. low 7"' m1, S5900 714-751 2464 POllSCNI 'ff <MaHA 6K Ml. l owner. car aaed, Immaculate. $56.750 949-675·2869 "°4tSOtl "' 'ff TIP. low miles, loaded. Spotless, its aot to 101 S49,900 pp 9oj9-24"-S275 S-U 7our CtV lw Ckun/i!d I ~ ..... ---~mom lwl-1111• for coolun1, ~. lilltl ..... IPll. WTands, etc.... Great local ,._ 949-no.«ns AllTlfT, strip. Install wallpap.r-, p11ntin1 & fllux, murals. po<lt1ill ... ~ ......... ..... MTG .....,G4S ....... , P-1 w/ledclll L t11r f .. ·Ofll1 * lllllet (tltzl4) 111,llO ,...__Nl'91 White w/Wllut L*'tllel' Modftfoof (t l923JC) '51.• ..._HO?T...odl < 'OS etvo-~er· "'-v•- fatlOll. OtlN paid (I 92UC) $37,880. tMWHOO c..,.'9'7 ShlMy Black wlttl lmmac Grey Lthr· Gr11t rte0rcls. (fl91tl>C) $29.980 IMWS21t s.4le. "00 Whltew/Cr11m te11U1«·1uto tr1ns (fl9193) 128,980. IMWJJOCJ c.-,.•01 Steel Grey w/Grey lthr·spt ~a·llk milft full BMW watr (11921.C) $30,980. J..,._XJI Seii.t'H This 1 one near per· tec:t Shjney Bleck su· per·ch1r11d sedtn. (i188581) '29.980 MHSU00 '99 Black W/Tlll lthr· Starmarll wan•ntyl <•189n> S42.980 Mil SOOSl '90 Both Tops Premium w!IM4s w/Bltck lthl (118923) S27.9BO Pwsche •t9' C4 Cell '01 Sul Grey w/Gny lthr, lots of axtrn. (ll9206C) $71,980 ... , ...... ._. 5430 S.-. '0 I S1lvet w/ar•Y lthr. Neva1at1on Below wholesale (119207) 55-4,980 Mwce4e•l-:a WS AllG '00 Sliver w/Chwcoel lthr, only 7006 miles I Factory warranty leHH &ood (DAC) (1192'8C) $INQUIRE! ••u•••S4JO Sed-'00 Sliver /Ch1tco1I f'1clory werranty New body style (119146) $48,980 , ... cti.r.li•• '" Whlle w/Grey Int 6 cyl SK m1 1lr1 cleen (119157) $12,980 949-574 -7777 P...U.SAUTO ,... .. .._. •. ce. a-..'• ...... 'DVfs ap Cluf Price! GuwentMcl W«tl. frMwL U375602 71"5Jl.1UI 7-390-2945 liri Qrit'OM Pun.G ,.rofl. clM11, quality wotti fntwior/Hl and dockl. U703468 949-631-4610 Uiiiow cacu w f'1lnt111.1..-..t. to./~ Quality lob!,, .. estlnute l '569197 714 636-81181 Pt••"•'am ....... N/lalt ,..,_.., JO • Yews Eqi RIM· son1bl1, 01pend1bl1 U3'9020 714 631 8114 •SiiRG, Gil m R•tucco, Room Addrtlon. ,.1tchln1 R11sonablel 71•921 1647 ~7"' ........... ~T~f tMWS.OC"91 C:O.-tllllit.VHtl/ 811dl pr-..n .... lowlllllll.tM.IOD ~~ Ytllow/IMldl, r •!!,. • IN/ 1000 "" 167 ,IMI ......... s TU1 'ff a.ewr-. fiNlt ~Ontyl.000 rnllf ,115.000 ,..... .. , 'Ot CIOtlOlet Slwr /8IKtl 1'Jtronic, .. Options, 1 lk ~ *>9.500 fenwiS.0---c-..n w Electric ~on sutt. becflel. c.ljplrs. $159,500 Pendle lutw SW ~~,3· ••w MWC..,.'02 COley/81edi • .,.. IUn· roofs, 2K ml. 0.500 ~,.,._._ '01 Rust/81.lek A sure Clnslc. 71( mi S39.000 ..... O.VW.-'02 Whitll/9l<lck Road Kina ciass.c. SIB,500 MerciM..Cll J20 '02 B~eyNIC wMeh. 711 ml '39.500 ...,.n0wttre C-ww .... '02 ~an,1,000 males. $36.500 ..___N2'0S Bladv'Ctey lua ury &-oup N wt-is only 100 mile$ NEWPORT AUTOSl'ORT 949 574 5li()() a-, levw 'ft 4.0SI 3911. fu" IKI wa11 , white/ un int, bHut or11 cond. $26.995 vl892396 fin Hiii Bkr 949 586 1888 -·~··-a_, lev~ 't9 4 .0SI met~lhc blue/oatmeal lthr. IK"ush eu•rds, full lact w•11. $29.995 v792'12 Im av•1I Bkr 949-SH-1111 -.oqt.t.1.<- AUTOM011VE PARTS/ ACCESSORJES/ SBMCES Acceltartel mo aawa tt•mA<M, TtYoTA TIKl,MS* SILSS0714-374-ml MOTORCYa.EJ .......... NOllDA 2000 SHADOW, 1 UDX, bid, criJ 500 mies Wlll1 •tml ~ Prive• Party n4-846-9449 CjwyslM '97 s.k-i,.. Conv LX36. 42" Jlll, drk metallic blue/crey llhr beaut t•e new cond v292521 S~ lrnancina & wiwranty ev11I, Bl<r 949-SH-11&1 -·=-BOAlS Power Bolls 9515 2003 Dvffy c.. 16 Gr aphlc pll&. re mo It ~polh&hl elect anchor CO stereo. 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Tel Us Abolt YOll GWGESAUI II <WSllED 49)642-5671 Sdl:1f1t1rC• '" Cl&i.s(/ltHI I