HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-23 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Leave the Oscar picks to me ' 'H ooray for llollywood .. • Come on, everybody: ·Hooray for Hollywood, that screwy. ballyhooing I loUywood, where any office boy or young mechanic. can be a panic ... • Okay, okay, stop. lbat was awful. No more singing. Ye5. II ~-----. is time. PETER BUFFA Assuming the 75th Annual Academy Awards are held at all tonight. it is my pleasure to present you with the 7th Annual Buffa Oscar Picks. A..., )'UU arc weU aware. the accuracy of my Oscar prediction' is beyond uncanny, beyond comprehen.smn. beyond hyperbole I low do I do 11? Volume. Shall we? lhe envelope-.. pleru.e. The nomin~ for Best Actor are: Adrien Rroc.Jy for MThe Pianist"; Michael Caine for ~e Quiet Amencan ·; Nicolas Cage for MAdaptation"; l>aruel Oay-l.£wis for ·Ganw-of New York" and Jack Nicholson for M About Schmidt· And the winner is ... Daniel Day-~ and his "Butcher Bill," lhe leanest. meanest gangbanger that 1850 New York ever saw. This one is a squeaker. and Jaclc is supposedly the popular favorite with his remar1cably underplayed insurance agent, Warren Schmidt. The critics low Adrien Brody, who was indeed a knockout in •Tue Pianist· -another one of those great films that nobody saw. But the backroom workings of I lollywood argue for Daniel Day-l.ewl.s. Here's why. R>r the Oscars. Academy members vote m their own categories -actors vote for actors. directors for directors.. etc. TI1e only Mgroup vote" is for Best Picture. 1Wo weeks ago. the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actor went to Daniel Day-lewis. Since the SAG members are the aforementioned actors. it's possible that they changed their mind in the last two weeks. but not lilcely. ladies? Places please. Remember. no maner what happens. keep smiling and applauding and looking really happy for whoever wins. at least until the camera ls off you. That's why they call It ·acting.· The nominees for Best Actres.s See COMMENTS, Paa• M INSl>E THE PLOT LFE& LEISURE From estronomy to car collecting. to cycling and more, the N9wport Beech Public Libnlry offers a menagerie of specialty magazines for hobby enthu1ia1t1 of ell kinda. •: S..PegeAS . =· .· Corona d.t Mir High'• boys tennil lMm ~ chempionthlp .tfort In 18-tMm nltional invitattanel 1t Palilldee Tennla Club, S.. ..... 81 . SUNDAY EDITION • • a1 1 ·O Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MARCH 23, 2003 . TOSHIBA SENIOR· CLASSIC .. Davis leads way Australian takes a two-stroke lead heading into today's fin~] round at Newport Beach Country Club, a have n this weekend for membe rs of PGA Champions Tour. Rlch1rd Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEAOl - Li.ke the temperature at the beach when the sun goes down Ul eartY -TOSHIBA spring. '>COres were droppmg fast Saturday in the sa-ond round of the lo.Juba Senior ~c at Newport Beach Country Oub. Australian Rodger Davb, one of the more popular and mlorful players on the PGA European and Au.-;tralasian tour<.. has never won m the Uruted States. but hopes to TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC For more coverage, please see Page 81. change that today as he takes a twO-stroke into today'-; final round of the PGA Olampioru. Tour event A wirmer of 33 tides worldwide, Davis led the way in blit7mg the golf course for a second straight day as he carded a 7-under-par 64. Not only is 11 the first time the 51 year-old has en1oyed a lead on the Champkms Tour after 36 holes. he established the best 36-hole total in tournament history with a 129, breaking the old mark of 130 by Jerry Mrumey two years ago. Davis leads the field of 81 players by two strokes. ahead of first-round leader Jim Ah- em. who shot 07 in the second round 10 move 10 II -under 131. David F~ and 200I Toshiba Senior Classic champion Jose Maria Gmi7.ares are tied for third at 10-under. ahead of defending Toshiba Classic winner Hale lr- win and John Ja<.'Obs. who are tied at 9-under. Larry Nelson. who continued his remark- able second-round success at Newport Beach. posted another 64 to battle his way into possible contention today at 8-undet. Nelson, tied with Wayne Levi. fired a tourna- ment second-round record 63 two years ago and added a 64 last year in the second round. Prior to this year, there were only six rounds or 64 or better in the tournament since 1996 at Newport Beach. including the two by Nel- son. Thl.S year, however, already there have been three rounds or 64 or lower -Ahem .in the first round Friday and Davis and Nelson Saturday. In the previous eight Toshiba tournaments, only three players who have led or been tied for the lead after 36 holes have gooe on to win the event (fun U>lbert in 1996. Allen Doyie in 2000 and Hale lrwin la.st year. Doyle's win came when the final round was rained ouLJ After 38 players finished with rounds in the 60s on Friday. a total of 37 players dkl so on Saturday. Surprisingly, the scoring average for the day (70.137) was dose to Friday's (70.173). A total of 56 players finished with ~ of par or better each da)l TOP STORY STEVE Mc:CRANK /OAl.Y Pt.OT !VxNe, Rodger Davis celebrates smkmg a long putt on the 17th hole of the Toshiba Senior Classic. His performance on Saturday put him m the leader's spot going into the final day of play today. Left, defending c~ Hale Irwin waves to the crowd on the 14th hole. S£AN HILLER I OM Y Pl 0 T Prowar rally focuses on 'positive' St.in Jacquot'a aaya communhy potidng 18 k-v lnhieroleu~. Seit~M Dozens gather at South Coast Plaza in support of U.S. military ahd war with Iraq. Chrf atin• Carrillo Dady Piiot The goal was to show support for American troops in kaq .. The outcome WM just tha.L About one hUndrfd ~ stood at the locen«11on ol Bdltol ~ and Anton BouAewrd In ca.ta Mesa Saturday lftemoon. wav1ng American ._. Md cwrr· U18 patriodc .... Child Mid. ·1 LIM Amerfal• -"Plw6wn ts 0-.... n.nb tO .. l!llrM~· Drherl horiUd their '*' bomi they drcMI up and down 1killol ~ or left so.llh ao.. "-m. omen ..... _...__~ of ......, ... ,ltappld •• ll N T H I • • A2 Sood.ty, ~ 23. 2003 EEKINREVIE · BUSINESS Newport companies seek El Toro base land In what could be one of the biggest real est.ate bonamas In the history of Orange County, a cluster of Newport Beach companies are In the1nilx for the Navy's cllsposjtion of the El Thro land. ~ecutiveswith the Koll Co., which Don Koll founded here in 1962; said they are most interested in 204 acres - the Navy has divided the approximately 3,400 square feet of land into four pa.reels -of the former base. Koll officials said they are considering bi.dding on the parcel, during the online EBay-styte auction scheduled to go o.ff in the fall Koll and other Newport Beach brokers, developers and other reaJ estate companies attended an informational meeting on the process. Those included CB Richard Ellis. Davis Partne15, Grubb & Ellis, lnsignia/F..SG, Makar Properties and PM Realty Group. One Newport Beach company not in the picture-The tivlne Co. The company says It has its hands full with its own property. Wt!r in the week. the Hyatt Newporter, the first hotel built in the city in 1962, announced lt has launched a $14 million renovation of the lodging. Wodc will begin on the hotel in September. officials said They hope to have it done by summer of 2004. 1be hotel~ new management, Suostone Hotel ln\iestors, said it doesn't need to seek a GreenUght vote since it is not expanding the hotel The hotel was sold in Oecem~r. • MUL aJNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be readied at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. NEWPORT BEACH Greenlight wants campaign reform on ballot A ballot initiative now in its infancould rival the 2000 Measure S campaign in scope and importance to the city. Greenllghl leaders have announced that they will begin gathering signature8 to put a campaign refonn measure on the ballot The initiative would establish changes to municipal election rules, including cteadng candidate pages on the city's Website. A floating dpck in the Rhine Owmel • suffered a setback after city officials learned that Americans With Disabilities Act requirements would double the cost. to about $200,000. Proponents of the dock. which is intended to improve passenger loading and unJoading in the area, hope the city council will approve the additional costs in the next city budget. Campaign consultant Dave Ellis, long a target of Greenlight leaders, has returned tire. Fllis said that because Gn!enlight spokesman Phil Arst approved of a spending plan for an airport grant ofwhlch Ellis was paid about $320,000, Arst's questioning of the expenditure is opportunistic politicld.ng. Arst countered that this evidence doesn't affect his position that the relationship between Ellis and some City Council members might create the appearance of a conflict of interest • JuNE CASAGRANOE c011ers Newport Beech and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@lat1mes.com. COSTA MESA City C.Ouncil denies rehearing group home case A lack of evidence prevented the granting of a rehearing requested by the owner of a sober-living group home. £leanor Manion, who owns "Dove PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'PEACE, WAR AND PROTESTS' KENT TREPTOW I OAllY PllOT Covering world is.rues. like a war, from a community paper standpoint is dJfficult. .Besides the few people within our area that are serving overseas. the Newport-Mesa area seems lllce a far reach from the front lines of the war in the Middle East. Daily war protests and demonstrations have been the most obvious impact that the war has on thls area. Daily Pilot phetographer Kent Treptow, just like the rest of.us on the photo staff, has covered a fair share of war protest and demonstrations since the military buildup and the -.tart of the war. And lllce most of them they are becoming rouune I guess it is ow duty to be there in case ')Omething out of the ordinary happen!>. I see where the protesters are coming from. Everyone has a right lo there own opinion. For me and any photojournalist, staying objective and unbiased helps me stay out of it and helps me 10 be level-headed in presenting photos for our readers. EDUCATION C.Ommercial shows PGA outreach to charities, Hoag PGA Tour Productions and Hoag Hospital spent two hours Wednesday morning making a public service announcement with golf pro Gary McCord . The 30-second commercial will htghlight ho .... the PGA helps community charities. The commercial is expected to debut in late April. -Sean Hiller. Daily Pilot pl101ograpl1er UC Irvine may taJce up summer residence at Orange Coast CoUege, offering extension courses on their campus during the summer 2003 semester. Although only a small number of students and teachers will benefit, OCC officials have begun complllng a list of courses they'd be willing to offer, as well as the overall cost for each one. UCI officials will decide which classes will be taught and by whom. Course credit will be given through UO only. SON HILLER I DAILY Pll 0 Gary McCord, pro getter gives his Imes for a commercial emphasizing how the Toshiba Senior Classic grves back to the community. Martha Mecartney, an engineering professor at UC Irvine, is a recipient of the 2002 Cottage• in the 3100 bloclc of Cork Lane, had asked the City Council to rehear her request to increase her clients from six to eight. The City Council voted 4-0. with Gary Monahan absent. lo deny the hearing based on acting City Atty. Tom Wood's analysis that there was no new evidence to support it and that the City Council did comply with the law. The city is embroiled in a lawsuit against Manion for already exceeding the number of clients she is allowed to have. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by Presidential Award for ExceUence in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. Mecartney, along with nine other people and six institutions, was honored Tuesday for her involvement in a nwnber of menroring programs, some of which give underrepresented &-mail at deirdre.fl6Wman@latime11.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Police agencies say they' re ready for anything Local pubUc safety agencies said they are weD prepared for ao.y emergency or disaster situations that may arise from the war against Iraq. Harbor Patrol deputies are in full strength monitoring the harbor entrance and the boats that go in and out, Lt. Gregg Russell said. He said his department also shares intelligence students a chance 10 pursue graduate studies and faculty positions. • CHRISTINE CARRJU.O covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e·ma1I at ' christine.carril/o(u lat1mes.com. with the FBI and cro~·trains with the U.S. Coast Guard and the Newport Beach Police Department. The local police departments and fire departments also said they are prepared. Costa Mesa police and fire officials will unveil their Citizens Corps Committee on March 27. Official!> say that the committee, made up of community members, will help disseminate Information abour disaster preparedness. • OEEPA BHARATM covers pubhc:: safety end courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by •mail et dtlef)a.bha,.th~lat1mn.com NOTABLE · QUO TABLES "One has to bel~ve that Saddam HuJsetn is struggling to nuiintaln ·hts persorui 1>1tore hts own followers~ SOddam Husuin wiJJ soon be joining /Osama) bin Laden. and bin !Aden will soon be joining MtlSSOllni, Adolph Hitler and all those other tyrants wlw are burning in lie/I." -Dana Rohrabllcber. Costa Mesa's U.S. Representative, on the fate of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden "/ believe in our troops. I llaw no concern that something may happen l1ere. 1 don't think Iraq /ias the capability 10 pull off something lik:e that• -Steven Rae, a Costa Mesa resident. who said the war is being fought to "protecl ourselves" ··w .. should hallf: tfofll! more. But I think we hall'f! 1/Je ability to win it, although we don't have much support from other countries." Ouistina Donman. a Costa Mesa resident, suggesting the United Stat~ could have done more to avoid war "I lnow Cass must be '"''Y dose to Iraq rig/it now And I luwe butterflies in my stomach." -c.arrte Spence, a Costa Mesa resident, on her Marine reservist husband just hours before lhe war started Wednesday "We'n> spending billions of dollars on a war that will mau tM ric/J riclier and t/Je mt of tlit' world more dangerous.· -Federico Moreno. co-organizer of a war protest walkout at Orange Coast CoUege on Thursday morning and afternoon "Our response is, we're not going to teach it. we're going to respond to it .• -(])arlene Metoyer. Eastbluff Elementary principal, on not teaching elementary students about the war unless questions arise Daily A Pilot Cont Wiiton Box 1660, Cotta M ... , CA92626. SURF AND SUN News aulat1nt. (949) 574-4298 Copyright No news stories. coret.wilM>n ladma.com illu1tration1, edltori1I metier or PHOTOGRAPHERS advert~ herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen H111ef, Don \.Mctl, ....,,oduced without written ~Treptow pennialon or copyright owner. Today, e>cpect aome The not1hwest swell wm not VOL 97, N0.12 READERS HOTLINE HOW 10 REACH US moming fog, with hight In the be .. high .. Saturday with THOMAS H. JOHNSON News Editor9 (949) &42-8088 Ctfculetion ml~ to upper eo.. The low will waves In the heecHllgh ,..nge. Publl•h•r Glne Alex11'1<1er, Lori Andtlrlon, Record your comments about tho The Tlmn Orange County hover in the mld·50tl. Thi. efternoon. w.ve. wm get TONVDOOEAO Dentel Hunt. Paul Saitowltz. Daily Pilot or news tlpt. (800) 252·9141 Ovemlght. look for clouds to 1maller wfth chett end Editor Daniel St~ Addf9lll ~ Increase and aome apou shoulder-high~ JVf1't OETTWO NEWISTAff Our eddr-. 11 330 W Bey St, Coste Ce.-Hled (94916'2-5678 ~~ .o..p.8hetad\ Meu, CA 92627 Office hours ere DI..,._., (949) &42-4321 seeing driz.de. Expect dtfl.zte Another nofthwest aw.ii Mond41y -Friday, 8:30 1.m -5 p.m. ~ Into Monday .. well. amvee Monday, but"'-not Promotione Director Crime end COlJ~er, COnedlotll Newt Expect douda to gtw wwy neer1y .. strong, i.avtng ut (9'8)57 EDn1NQ STAff ~bhtln1th•1.ri,.,.,..com I\ ii the Pilot'• policy to promptly (9'9) M2·5680 Monday afternoon end Ngha just thy of the heed-high Ll.Cltvt June~· correct ell 9"0r1 of aut:i.tance .. &pofts(9491574-4223 to exceed 1!15 degr .... ,.nge. PINN c::ell (9'91 7611-4324 Newt ,.. (9491846-4170 M•:f"'O Editor, Newport ~l\ar, ~FU 19491 e50-01?0 ~ W...quelty: (949 174-4233 (949) 57<M2J2 f\'I ~ dallypllotlllatlmu.com WWW nwit.nOlll IJOV , www . .urM:JM.oro 1./cehn latlnw.com /un&CMafl~ latlfTl#.com The Nl'WS)On ~MM Melfte>Moe J.M.Mller ,_.. ClnClorl 0.1ly Pilot (USPS 14' 800) Is .,.... Ofl'loe (949) 6'2-4311 BOATING FORECAST City Editor, Polltice end environment repc>ftOr, C>Ub4~ de ly In Newport 8eedi ...._FU 19'9183"7128 .,.,,~ (9'8)~ The aouthwMtefty winds TIDES }tjmtl&r.-~ pttt1l.dln10ne"1t1m# oom and eo.u MMe. *Ubecriptionl .,.. "°91WC...... 9Vl•lebl• only by tubKnbing 10 The will blow 10 to 15 knota In the l1IM • L.olta ....... ...... SPoftt Edilof. Time. Ortnge County 18001 Inner Wltera, with 1 ·to 3-foot (Mtm422:1 . Cc>lumnlet. ~"",. ntpe)ftor, 262 9141. tn ereee out.aide or Wl\'88 end • west llW'lfl of 4 to 7:431.m . -0.00 '"' kJW IOfll',~·~ ('48)~1~5 Nowpoit ~end Cotta~. 8 fNt. Later, the 11Well -'II bed.: 2:25 pm. 2..89'-thCgh .... ,,.~ 1o1n..,,,,,,,_, ,,,,,,,,..com eubectiP'•one to the 0.111 Pilot er• downefoot. ct15p.m. 2.34fMtlOw M Oirte*lf I NeWI Ctti.t. o.lldle New.,.. tv8tleble onl'f b'f4im d ... mall fOf Publ MO by flmee Commun ty Out ferU\er, the winde wm \:11 a.m. 6.0lfMthlgh (M)67•422A ~·"1tlrrw,corn . COMM-.~. (948) '74-iQ21 S30 per month. (llricos Include ell Newt, e div ion of thci Loe Angetel blow 10 to 20 knOtll .. rty. but ..... MllCI .. dltitdf&MWmtn l#niel.oom eppficeble Nt• end IOc.I .) Times. w."11increaMto16to25""°'9 ~~· ~c.... POSTMASTER· s.wt ~ In IM eftemoon, wtth 2· to WATER TEMPERATURE EduclltJon nipOtW, lMll 17«181 <Nngee to The N.wpon Cl20oZ TimM CN. All rigttt. ten.photo ,.,;,,,.. oom dtMllN.r.arrl/IO ,.,,.,,_com WcNCotta ..-.. Oa•tv Pilot, r.o f9"Ned 4-foot Wll¥9t end. wwt .... oUtolfMt. lldegr ... ) ' • DOiiy Ptlot Sunwt Mctrch 23 2003 AJ LOOKING BACK The still remembered Ice Capades Chalet GEmNG INVOLVED ma lings end coordinate the edutt group. (71.C) 99&-0118 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PACFIC SYWHONY, ORCHESTRA Lolita Harper Dally Pilot I t was a time wher'I the Zamboni ruled. Ice was somelhing you skated on, not wore around your neck. And children could grasp the expencn<.e of winter wonderland In a region that kr!ows no seasons. ~l was the 19808 when the Ice Ca pad es OtaJet was 11t its prime. fhe traditional.Costa Mesa recrcallon spot tiolps a special place in my heart because it was my favorite Mlreat" My mom didn't believe in giving money for i.rrades. '° every trimester when my report card showed favomblc marks, I was allowed to take a friend ice skating. 'll!.ually that friend was Jodi de Boom daughter of Daily Pilot t·ulumnist Jim 'de Boom -who happened 10 be my best friend al i...u..er Elementary. I remember she and I wouJd g('t bundled up -if you caJJ • Medler You Bur or Lease- JOLI~ 8alon 6 8pa • ~r. Scalp Tratment ·~keup • Wu & Bruilhan Wax j~s. a turtle neck and bulky sweater bundled up -and head over to the Mesa Verde center. The first few laps around the rink were always awkward, with lot of arm waving aod desperate grabs for the railing. A few more minutes and we were skating li~e old pros. just daring each other to try more dilDcuJt moves. . Jpdi and I wouJd keep tab!> on how matay times we fell and it wus always an unofficiaJ rule that the person with the least tumbles at the end of the day was the best skater. Of course m y tallies were always higher than h~rs. but I wouJd argue it was because I took more risks. We were both stubborn, but it w~ just friendly competition. Now the old building stands lifeless, but while it was running, it was a great place for birthday parties, report card reward~ and littJe did we lcnow or can• about ii then -exercise. r I£ HlOTO OAllf P. 0 The Zamboni clears the ice at the Ice Capades Chalet an this photo dated August 23, 1993. It may be gone. but th~ /'.amboni still ruJes. •LOOKING BACK rvns Sundays Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves a historical look back7 Let us know Contac;t James. Meier by fax at 1949) 646 4170. 1ames.me1er a latmlt'!; com: or mail at cJo Daily Pilot 330 W Bay St • Costa Mesa. CA 926"7 State's Gasoline Price Average To~s $2 a Gallon I! 1iltJl:tfCff;f1 i'i·IIJ ild;tJii I! d;td i COllPLITI S•O& IEPllR TUIE UP Same Owner Since 1965, 38 Years in Costll M rI11 TBI CARBURETOR SHOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave <Bmwl & BJkc:r 949.642.8286. 7 14.556.2181 E-mail: carb ans@thecarbsho .com ~~ R t• s l a u r a n l ----Establlsneci In 1962-- Where You Can Get uSauced" And Still Drive Home!. March Madness Party Paks Available After lOam Pick-Up a Bactet or ~ Pat! Ila~ llac k ~ ll8Q d Oilrun l.oul""'rw I~­~u<.JCI' Sllml ~ Com em.J llont\ lkl!ltT, T1m Side! am all lbt ulm.lk Party Paks • GETT1NO INWUIED runs periodically In tM Deily Pilot on• routing bub. RK mformetion on adding your OfgenizatJon to thta list, call (949) 57~298 ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Dooentl ere needed to lead tours of the Center, 600Town Center Onve, Costa Mesa. learn a~ut the history and the development of the Center and the worlongs of the bade stage 8'911 For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Part1c1pate in hfe management and employment training workshops as a success coach to foster teens 16 to 18 years old (949) 509 1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animals in the Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar areas (949) 722 1357 ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to teach reading skills, work on The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orcflestra's Volunteers In Education Opponuruu.. piog,..m needt votunteers to aMfst c:hHdren in a~ of h•nds~ mUaic* ectivitiM. Volunteer• spend• total of sue Saturday mornings with the children. (71.4) 755-5788, ext. 244. PARENT HElP USA Founded by mothefl and • others against child abuse, Parent Help asb tM public for help' and votumeen to infQnn the communJty on Vital iau. affecting ctiildren and the family For more information. call (949) 650-3461 or (949) 675-5271 PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. Which raises money to support pediatnc cancer research, needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 85~12 THE PHARMACOlOGY RESEARCH INSTTT\ITE The institute Is loolong for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To 1earn more about the program. call (888) n4-4673. . Actua!Jy, it's . NOT LONEL~ at tfre top. SOLE APPEAL Free Glftt Rcttlve an exclusively design«! Manni picture rrame wkh any purc:hax of S 150 or matt. I'd """' -fW'IW*'-1*""'-""" uoW """"' ... ~,,. A fit solely for you. Th ~'iOO. at Manni. our fabricstJom, dctaUina anJ \~tlllty enharw;e our IA. roll«tton ol Europan ln11~ footwor rmm Ranaonf, • > Mcoa.1 and \'tn ElJ. ManTil hu the lafJCll In «rNn wlh m:any lit)' awllahw 1n • ruu Mir ranee rrom n . and In -kl.hi (rum Nptll ·n· tD wtdc. ~ OtlJ Mar PlllZ4 964 A9'0C."8do A~ue. (comer OI MIK:Anhur and POI) • ~9-721·132' www.lml"lnllhoa.com Of course. it's not very crowded eithu. With only 240 guest roorru perched on a plateau 650 feet up m the Santa Roaa Mountains. The Lodge at Rancho Minge iJ the mot.t intimate •aa tt•o•rr full:ienice rtSOrt in the Palm Springs atta. Offenng legeo~ eolf,, Califomia-:inspiftd cuisine, Avanyu" Spa. boutique ihopp1ng. tennis, ~. aod bikini. it'1 also one of the mo.-adi~. And npt TH I now, Thtt Lodge iJ offering roorN •tartin( at only S 119 L 0 D G E per nicht. For more information and to Jcern about any -at __ _...._. of our .U -inclwi~ p•cbr call 760-321 -1616. RANCHO MIUOI WWW lOCUF.SOITS.COM , 1 1 j • • • . l • I l . . ' \ j " • • ~ ' . ' ~ # , • • i t f • , f • ~ l ~ ; ; J t • i l t . ! t . J I , ~ ' • . I I I • • j 1 • t I ' • • J r ,.. Slmly. Matth 23. 2003 · PUBLIC SAFETY COSTA MESA • ......_ .,.._ .nctw..t a.v 111111: A men was anested on tl'lipk:k>n of contributing to the ~of eminorat1:46 p&Fridey. ....... -...Annoying ~ celle W9fe reported in the ~bloc* It 8:23 p.m. Thuraday. • M .. Aoed: Forgery WM Npolt9d ln the 2200 bled at 6:39 p.m. Thul'ldey. • ......, StrMt end Meyw ..... : A tnen wu a"9Sted on autpldon of being In pouession of• ~led aubstanc:e at 8:15 p.m. fftJMy. ·~llwnue: ~ngwaa reported In the 000 bfoc:t at 9:27 e.m. Thu...tay . • ....,., Piece: Drinking in public wm reported in the 1900 bloct at 3:15 p.m. Thursday. • NlltlotYll Avenue: Petty theft was MOVE OR REMODEU l!J DllW Wont This is a very mvolved question. Is if beller to ri:model your existing home or lo find the home that answers ~ needs and move into it? :rruty, you will benefit by ditcus mg the matter at some length with your real estate advisor, but let's look at a few of the more obvious considerations. The reality is that )'.OU arc usually better off finding IDOthef borne that truly meets your needs and wi~hes. You can do the necessary research and wind up very confident that your next home's value basn t been distorted by additions to or subtractions from its ori_ginal design, and isn't out of line with tlle value of other homes in the same nei~hborhood. forther, you don t have the problem of tlyµlg to fit square J)!!gs into exisfing round holes, or newborn children into former cbets. By far the most important issoe i.40 to know exactly what you need your new (or mnodeled) liome to provide you. 1be second issue 1s sheer economics. Not only do you need to see whether you can lei the money back our of r.our fiousc that you put into it in a ranodel, but you also need to look at market conditions. ls it rasonably easy . to sell this bomc today? ·How easy or diffacuJt is 11 to bl!Y another? What would the differences be between financing your mnodel and financmg the ~base of another tiomc? A&ain, be sure to talk with )'.Olar real estate advisor about these questions. Just call me at 949-533-1200 or visit my websites at davewong4.com or onefordroad.com. Dtlw ~"I has bun stllint b.rn.ts ;,, Ntwport &a.ch Stnct 1989 llNi is with Coast Nt'Wport J+.pmialColtil«IJ &tJm: ADVERTlSEMENT . reported In the 2100 bloct at 1:36 p.m. Thursday • • New ...m.-n Drive: V.ndall'"' was reported In the 1700 blddt at 7:28 p.m. Thursday. • South Coast'Driw: An auto theft was reported In the 1000 blodt at 10:27 a.m. Thursday. • South Coat OrM: Petty theft was reported in the 900 bled •t 6:51 p.m. Thuntday. • South Coast Driw: A man wea a"ested on suspicion of forgery and burglary in the 900 bloct at 6:40 p.m. Friday. •South Felm.w Road: An 18-yeaN>ld man was arrested on suspicion of burglary and grand theft In the 2700 bloct at 11:30 a.m. Friday. • NEWPORT BEACH • 151h StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported In the 300 bloct at 8:08 a.m. Friday. • 21st S1reet: A physical fight was reported in the 100 bloct at 12:59 a.m. Saturday. • 8.y ShoN Drive end West Coest Highway: Vehicle theft was reported at 11:17 p.m. Friday. • e.tvue Lane: A home burglary was reported in the 400 blodt at 8:33 a.m. Friday. • East Coast Highway: Petty theft was reported in the 2800 blod: at 8:13 a.m. Friday. • East Coast Highway and Newport Boulevard: Speeding or racing a vehicle was reported at 12:01 p.m. Friday. • Eastbluff Drive and Jamboree Roed: A traffic collision with injuries was reported at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. • Marguerite Avenue: Annoying and obscene phone calls were reported in the 1600 blodt at 6:31 a.m. Saturday. •Mcfadden Place: Battery was reported in the 100 blod: at 12:58 a.m. Friday. • Miramar Drive: Vehicle speeding and racing was reported in the 2100 blodt at 10:26 p.m. Friday. • Promontory Drive West A prowler was reported in the 700 bloct at 1:14 p.m. Friday. • Vi• Udo end Newport Boulevard: A traffic collision causing injuries was reported at 1 :25 p.m. Saturday. • West Coest Highway: A physical fight was reported in the 2600 block at 2:14 a.m. Saturday. THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME C LIZ cla1borne INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING ghooeing the right ftoonng for ywr home juet got easy. a.c.i ... Uz CllUborne offers Up the oolore and stylea to mcch yoti. Perfectty. Quiiity, styCe and value. TheM htve .tweys been hellmalb of ,_ Ui: Clliirbotne NIM, and thie new fbaring 5ne le no ===~~'~'*:9'~.e:=a:n ... .,.. fuhioc..t>6e and timer.11 • NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS. 1h'u MMlh 31, 2003. 0 .A.C. S.. at~ for det.Mt. And ii'•~-~ •t! JOHN BLOESER ~CARPET ONE 817 s. ar... a. Colll llllii. 114.751.2324 llDI\. Fd ~ ... !el. I &In. .......... blclllafl*l•.mm Allci In lildl •430 1501 & Lo&~ 213.827 4r.. •CA lklm823 RALLY Continued from Al County Young RepUbllcan11, the organization that staged the event •1 do support their right to protest. ·'fhey got their da)\ now let us have o~ and let\ try not to ge;t" tnto a sh~ match;• The rally, which lnwlved •a number of dHferent Orange County organ.lmdons, turned its back on the antiwar sentiment that has been thrust in lo the limelight and looked toward ral- lying support for American troops. . .ii wanted to be a part of sorqething positive," said Usa Hathcock. an c.osta Mesa resi· denVof eight years. "'The loo.st J can do is stand out·here and wave my Dag for a few hours. I'D be here until the war ls over." The desire to simply show support for the men and women in the anned forces, President Bush and the Unlted States, was a common among the ralliers. "We want to teach our kids at a young age that we need to support· our president and our troops," said Steve Franklin. who attended the rally with his wife and three children. "We just think it's about time we show our support. It's been great" Franklin's 10-year-old son Cameron agreed. "It's fun to do stuff like this," he said. " lt's really cool because irs really loud and they care that we're doing all this." For some people, their pres- ence on the comer meant a lot ,, more. "There's a whole lot of cover- age for antiwar protests but not for ~upporters or the war," said John Seltzer, an Anaheim resi- dent who went shopping at South Coast PlaZil and ended up joinlng the rally. "l think we should be there. If we don't use the heavy line when the heavy line needs to be used than noth- ings going to get done." With a constant barrage of honking horns and the occa- sional bellow from a few J 8- wheelers. the people standing aJong the sidewalks tryin"k to spread patriotism felt 11 was time well spent The next rally is tentatively planned for Saturday from noon to 2 p.m. For more information. visit wwuwcyr.org. OOUGl.AS H. KIM I DAil Y PILOT Tate (foreground), 2, and Shea Hamilton, 4, show their support for the military action in Iraq. Their father, Matt Hamilton, pulls the girls across Bristol Avenue as Saturday's rally winds down. SUNMIST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in sec nds! 50% OFF I \ 1st Session $15 Value - r I I COMMENTS Continued from Al are: Sa1ma flayek for "Frida"; Nicole Kidman for "The Hours"; Diane Lane for "Unfaithful"; Julianne Moore for "F-cit From Heaven" and Ren~ 7..ellwegger for "Olicago." And the winner is ... ~ 7..eltwegger. This is a tough category this year, with a number or strong. strong performances. Nicole Kidman was the prohibitive favorite. until the SAG Award.s. that is. when Renee wallced away with the gold. IGdmans Virginia Wolfe was a tour de force. funny P.roboscis and all, but alJwegger stole the show, the scene, the sets and anything else that wasn't nailed down in "Olicago." For a young actress who was best known for comedies liJce "Bridget Jones' Diary" unlil now. ZeDwegger was a m>M between Meryl 5mlep. Gwm Verdon and Ethel Merman as "Cllicago's" murderous lngenue. Roxie Hart. Ille nominees for Best Supporting Actor are: Ouis Cooper for "Adaptation"; &I Harris for "11le Hours"; Paul Newman for "Road to Perdition"; John C. Reilly for "OUcago" and Christopher Walken for "C.atch Me If You Can.• And the winner is •.. Olmtopber Walken. This is basicaDy an Adrien Brody-Daniel Day-l.ewU deal Chris Cooper in "Adaplation • was the big favorite golng into the SAG Awards, but QP.in, it's a case of a great performance in a film that J'\Obody IW. Penonal.ly, I thought the always-underrated Qu1s Wa1kt:n was lnaedlble as Leonardo Olaaprio' dysfunctional father in ·aitch Me If You Qui" and~ the Olar nod ten times over. The nominees for BeA SUpporting Actress are Kathy Bates for '"About Schmidt"; Julianne Moore for "The I lours"; Queen I.adfah (or "()\Qgo"; Meryl Sttecp for• Adaptation" and C.atherine Zeta· Joot:ft, "O\lcagO. .. And the winner ls . . Catherine 7.eta·Jones. The tenae walt7 ~ the two "7...<ihia" -7~·Jones and 7..cDwtger-his been an lnterating ltJb. plot to the OICan for mooths. In d.e _r.readew hype foi "ClllcifJ>. Catherine 7~·Jo0es WU the Ol!lf'ller ~ attendon. She Wll the Only ad wtth leitldmlle n.Jlicll thelter mdentw.. *"and dandng hef My thfuuah her ..,ty aftC When the$ the c:rtdclhlill(l?.eta· • pafanwa. bul ..... .. Zll4U ,,. die Golden <111111. bad'A z.Gdl ... nommated for Best Actress in a MU5kal, but /',e!Mqger won. Oops. Al the SAG Awards. Zeta-Jooe5 was relegated to the Supporting Actress caLegOry (double oops). which she won. but then had to watch Zellwegger snatch Best Actress (triple oops) from heavyweights Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore. Tonight. it's the same drill - 7.eltwegger for Best Actress and 7..eta-Jones for Best Supporting Actress -and all I can say is. for Michael Douglas' sake. Catherine 7A?ta-Jones better win. The nominee. for Best Director are: Pedro Almodovar for "Talk to Her'"; Stephen Daldry for ·The Hours"; kob Marshall for *Olicago"; Homan Polanski for °"The Pianisl" and Martin Scorsese f(>r ·Gangi of New York.• And the WlJUler ls ... Rob Marshall. As weD he should be. "Chicago• is a dlrectorial tnwnph. 1hmslating a Broadway musical lo the screen would be a tricky enough !N for the wisest. most experienced director in or out of HoOywood. But the fact that this is Rob Marshalls very first Olm makes it all the more astonlshlng. The onJy mild controYerSy about Best Director this year is that Martin Scorsese wiD be overlooked, once again. How ooe can direct a boatload of the Ol06t imponant films of the last 30 yeaJS and not have a singte littJe golden guy on his mantel is beyond me. And now. the moment you've been waiting for. DrumroD.~ The nominees for Best Picture are: "Chiatgo'"; -ihe Hours"; "Genp of New Yor1tt; 91be lord of che Rings: The two Tuwers" and -il\e Pianist.• Plea9e. Let's not try to mate ausptme where there isn\ any. The winner is ... .. Olialgo.. It\ a monster. lt'a a juggiemaut. It canl be opped, It can' ew!l'l be ~down. Dy the way, I've been a little bard to reacll the last few days beaa.tm l had IOl'1le llWF'Y done. I dedded 1 rlfleded a new k>ok. ~ I realty like. but l'l leM thal up~. 1 gtw )'OU aD the details I can. lpta • r ·: -~ -. • ., L .. -· ... .. - .. -. ~=:CHECK IT OUT .. . . . ~ ... For cO ol hobbies W hether you find your calling in astronomy, art or basket weaving. hobbies can lead to what r sychologist Mihaly C \Lk.s1.entmihaly called ·now" a t1me·transcendJng engagement in an activity ofTermg supreme creative rulfillment. For inspiration, rum to magazines on Newport Beach Public Ubrary shelves. Interested in some or the most srellar sights in the heavens? Alp through Astronomy for sky watching tips, equipment reviews and news about space exploration. In the lalest ~ition. explore the mystenes or martaan poles. learn to :.tar test a telescope. and peer into a furure dominated by dark energy. For more down-to-earth mtereMs. discover the world"!> largel>t collector-car marketplace in HemmJnp Motor News. If you"re looklng lo huy, sell or restore cla'>'ilC cars, this Is your resource. Thou~nd:. of ads for car shows, auctions, re'ilorers, <1ppraa'>crs and 1001' l"Olne 11>ge1her an t'dCh h1 monthly l'>'>UC IWo wheels more your style? Oieck out Cycle World for the latest on Harleys. motor-sport event'> and adven ture nding gear. Research another cyclmg 'cene in Blcydlng. feacunng the bes• or human-powered vehicles. competitive bicycling commen cary and information about cycling tours. One of the most classic hobbies is the focus of Mekeel'• & Stam1>9, published every weelc since 1891 fo r stamp collectors. Equally popular with numismatics fans is C.Olnage, a mon thly roundup of trends of incerest to those who enjoy amassing dollars and cents of rare postal vintages. More hands-on types may be drawn to Fine Woodwortdng. for p rofessional and wannabe carpenters. Using projects u examples of techniques. thi! handsome publicatlo11 offers guidance for furniture and SH CHECK, Paa• M ~.March :n. 20()) A5 • eisure Livi~g life as a toy story ,.., \ . Corona del Mar's Huak proves a lifelong passion is sometimes worth working a little longer than you'd like. Lolita Harper DarlyPrlot P at Huak ts putting a little leisure baclc in her life. After vowing to work until her 80th birthday. the former toy sco re employee has surpassed her goal and now spends her time walking her scenic Corona del Mar neighborhood and attending as many sporting events as possible. With six grandsons in the area. all involved in various sport.mg events, that task in itself is a full ume JOb, she jolced. ·1 felt pretty good staymg at foy Boal until I was 80, • Huak said • 1 was defirutely the oldesc one thert!, but I lcept up pretty well.· Huak looks back on her days at Lhe Toy Boat store Ln Corona del Mar as more fun than work.. She loved to spend time in the quamt little store and considered it an honor 10 help shoppers custorniu their gifts. "People would wcllk in and ask my opinion on what they should buy ror a 5-year-old." fluak said. "It's very Oattering to lcnow that people value your opinion, even if you don't lcnow the person they are buying for." The 80-year-old was not aJway~ impartial in her recommendations. She admitted she had favorite toys in the store and would always push a customer toward her preferred product. All the employees pracuced that fonn of favoriusm. so really, 1t was a fair process. "We all had different toys we tried to push.· she said. Her short-lived career at Toy Boat started as the resul1 of a love affair with the owner's dog. "I would see him walking the dog - her name was Daisy -all the time and MICHAEL 81.J( llNf R 0All Y Pit t T Pat Huak, a resident of Corona Del Mar for over 50 years. worked at the Toy Boat toy boutique until she turned 80. · I absolutely fell in love with her.·· Buak said. "II was gertmg toward CJ1riMrna .. timt!, and I 1ust asked if he needed any help at the 'itore for the holiday,." Fverybody teases her and said .. h e Wah hired by the dug. It ts a fond memory for her now. she '>did, as her recruuer just passed away I fer seasonal part-time JOb !urned into a four-year stinL And 1f home IS where the hean is, Toy Boat was l fualc's home away from home. Huak has had a lifetime love of doUs. She L'i an avid collecto r or dolls, but never had anybody to share her passion . Although she is the moc her of four girl'> -now women -none of them Wl'rt' 1nll'rt''otf'd m doll,. 'ltx of hN e1gh1 l(r<1ndchtldren are buyc,, and tJ1e girl\ are older <1nd out of '>late. Bui loy Bo.it had beauuful d olt.. And I luak t:<>Uld '>hare her admaranon tor che dclic,111· fi~url''> with the cuscomer., • nwrt' \ .. en: lml'ly doll-. tht'rc: I lu~ ..aid Although she 1s snll in the area. I luak sa1d '>he will mass her daily mteracuon \\Ith the locals at Toy Boat And '>he will dearly miss ·the girls· she worl ed with at the Ian.le shop "fht-y are really fU'>I 'iO sweet and wonderful to worlc with ... '>he :.aad Jhe fr>t>ling'> an.• mutual, her former NO PLACE LIKE HOME empl11yC't"> ')Clld "'She wa'> really a '>UJ>er lady. co-workn Kathy Mar'iton ..aid. Huak 1s concent to 'pen d her dar- wafung m the 'un. '>llllng m thl' c,candc, and gettmg 1m.olved around the commururv. '>he '><lid •\nd ahho~ she spent most of her year.. as a career mother and homemaker. Hu:llc ~d she ~ill alway<> bt> gra1efuJ that Sff~ able to work. ' 1 ·~meumcs I feel '>OTT) for people who aren"t able to worlc. • Hoak said ·re really helps take your nund off yourself. and when you get old('r, you can really d~ell on yo~lf It really 1s a ble"5mg I wa.' able lo work..· Chef Mila S Amaz in g Brazilian Mojo W hen Cllef Mila com es to the Wight house to do that thing she does, it's a family affair. Mila was our across-the-street neighbor for years. We had our second children almost simultaneously. There was laughter, tears and life changes tha t formed bonds to last forever. Som e of the best m eals our Som erset Lane annual p rogressive d lnner had were created in Mila's kitchen, and she's still creating m agic. So When Mila arrives to fix KAREN WIGHT dinner for our extended family. it's a party. My contribution is a festive table setting. It's hard to keep up with the Brazilian mojo that Mila infuses. bur I try. This year the them e was -Red: and lf I say so myself, it was a lively contrast to the rain pounng down ou1~ide Red plates, red pollca dotced glasses. red, orange and purple Oowers m red vru.es - the table looked more ltlce a carnival than a dreary March weekend. Go me. ~1.ila arrived. took over kitchen duties (which e-clap'ied my "Red. efforts ma nanosecond) and the party began. Mila brought her assistant Celeste, who treated us Like royalty-and I do love to be treated like royaJty since I am usually the short order cook and towel washer in the TRAVEL TALES family. Mtla even mviled my Mary Rose mlo the kuchen and embraced her eager efforts graciously. The meal began with a tno or hors d'oeuvres· potato pancakes with smoked 'iaJmon. creme fraiche and caVlar: stuffeod sweet baby bell peppers; and sweet and sour chicken skewers Accompanying the first course was a generous selection or wme and champagne that Mila's husband had selected from fuder Joe's. The mache salad with chives vinaigrette wa:. ama;r.m~ -tha.s ~ Mary Rose's grand effon dfld she djd a great JOb The plates lookeod ~ good as they tasteod and mduded nasturuums from the back yard. Go Mary Rose The ma.In coutsc. hrimp with butternut squash served over JASnune rice. had JU.St enough coc:onut mtlk and fresh cilantro 10 grw ic an lSland feeling. Mila completed the feast with poached pean with blue cheese At that point, food SM HOME.. Pap M I Southeast Asian trip a delight By Prlacllla Yamano C ambodla ls out or this wodd ... WONDERFUU We came to tee Angkor Wat, and though Angkor Thom was the one we fell In lov-e wttb. nooc of us were d ll8pp0lnted. CWit tree rootl lrailgUng the tone tt mp)el that were unearthed In recent history rich~ us to lilliputian&. The rooi, alone were u thick u tome Rcdwooc1t. The ancient unJde·dty wu like tepptng Into • tional Geopaphlc. • • In Siem Rear, we ttayed at Ramea ~'°Ofand Hc>ttf d ~or (u did Jackie • Onu11.t> lib me daYI or the Rlf wtth ' t}audful old c:Olonlal 'UChftec:t\ln and ' ~The lmmenlt blue pool I mlnvNd I pow. of~ gli,.er • ~ md kMw IM>'* n:wy. I CJudlll o/ BdlDf : lbeC.aibodlM peapll ant ...... buC t ' ,j • r 1 • • ~ i • .......... ~...,._,,._.,,_,_.,. __ ............... ----·--~- M Sooday, March 23, 2003 CHECK· Continued from A5 other projects. Threads uses projects to illustrate sewing techniqu" and design concepts. Sections on fit, fabric and style include tips for making clothing and noroe accessories. If you've purchased a digital camera or just want to get creative w'lth an old 35-millimeter or polnt and shoot model. Popular Photography may be yoµr best source for articles about equipment, rum and composition.. ·. Learn how to ilisplay youc photographs and other memorabilia with Family Tree Magazine, a bimonthly magazine devoted to discovering and preserving your family history. For collectors, Antiques & Collecting looks at the art of amassing everything from Americana to international knickknacks. More traditional collectibles and llinited-edition HOME Continued from A5 and hunger had nothing to do with each other, but we enjoyed every bite. She bundJed up the leftovers and packed them in the fridge, which was a blessing and a curse, I've been eating them all week long. All of the recipes are available on Mila's Web site: www.chefmilo..com. Or you can call her at (949) 515-9031 and plan an event of your own. Or you can also track her down at Sur la Table where she teaches cooking classes. Go Mila. Stuffed Sweet Baby Bell Peppers From the kitchen of Mila Graves-Payne Preparation time: 30 minutes Ingredients 1 pacbge baby bell peppers TRAVEL Continued from A5 Fishermen rowed in a one-legged style and each one carried a large cone shaped fishing basket on their head. Twemy·six days and 10 Oights later, I realize that a picrure is worth a thousand words. This pieces are the focus of C.Ollector Edltlona. Lovers of man's best friend will be well served by Dog Panc:y, covering health, u:ring. behavior and breed In onnation for pet owners. For feline fan~. each issue of Cat Fancy features a specific breed and includes a veterinarian's ·column, feline ficlion. a breeders' showcase and horoscopes. Magazines are listed in the Library Catalog at www.newportbeaclllibrary.org. Articles may be copied and browsed through at the Newport Beach CenU:al Library. All but .the CUf{ent issue niay be checked out from·Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners Branch Libraries. • CHECK rT OUT is written by the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. TtVs week's column is by Melissa Adams in collaboration with Sara Barnicle. All titles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www.newportbeachlibrary.org. (find them at Trader Joe's) 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt and pepper to taste goat dleese or any other cheese of your choice (enough to stuff bell peppers) Fresh dlopped chives, parsley or basil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar Wash and clean the peppers, removing seeds. Mix goat cheese, chopped herbs and salt and pepper. Make a small cut in the peppers and stuff each one with a small amount of cheese mixture. Driule olive oil and balsamic vinegar on top of each one. Bake in 450-degree oven until peppers are soft and cheese is melted, about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve as a side dish or appetizers. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Saturdays. trip 10 Shangri-la has afforded me priceless images that border on perfection! • The success of this apvenrure through 111ailand, Cambodia, North Vietnam and Myanmar is from the enthusiasm, knowledge and organizational skills of Darrell and Deborah Ebert. • AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER tiOURS Items to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 514-4295. A complete list is available at www.dai/ypll()tcom. q SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL Poets John Gardiner and Katya Giritsky will be featured ~t the Gypsy Pen for the Orange CountY Poetry Festival. There will be performance s)oetry and music withe m4sical performance t)y Courtney Monigomery. The Gypsy Den is . at 2930 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. The free event is at 8 p.m. April 1. For Information, call (714) 564-6526 or (714) 549-7012. WA.Hr The Newport Beach Film Festival will show the Southern California premiere of Michael Wohl's daring feature film debut, ·want,N at 4 p.m. April 9 at Lido Theater. The film takes an unflinching and provocative look at the dark underside of dot-com mania. Set in Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, "Want" follows a hapless software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. BEST OF BANFF MOUNTAIN Three hours of the "best of the best" from the 27th annual Banff Mountain Film Festival will be screened at 7 p.m. Tuesday In the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tidcets are $9. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Drive In Costa Meta. For Information, call (714) 432-0202, ext.21058. 2003 PROM FAsHION SHOW Macy's South Coast Plaza and Seventeen magatlne host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show at 2 p.m. April 5. See the latest loots from Jessica McClintodc, Zum Zum, Blondie Nights, Rampage, Mor~n and Co .• Jump and LA. Glow modeled by girls from the National Chartty l eague Lagun11 Chapter. The fun takes place in the THISIT shop for Juniors. For reservations, call (714) 55&..()611, ext.. 4231. The show is at Macy's South CoaSt Plaza's Women's Store, at 3333 Bristol St. . . . MUSIC • DAVE BRUBECK Dave Brubed(. a legendary jazz great, will perform at 7:30 p.m. April 3 through 6 in Founder's Hall. The pianist and composer sold out performances last year. Tickets are $100. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more infomiation, call (714) 740-7878. 'EMPEROR' CONCERTO The Pacific Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Cart St. Clair. welcomes pianist Stephen Kovacevlch. He will be join the orchestra for Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major, the ·emperor.' The orchestra will also play Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in G major. The concerts will be in Segerstrom Hall on April 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $19 to $59. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, can (714) 740-7878. ACADEMY OF ANCIENT MUSIC Orange County Performing Arts "The Art af Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5.9 PM ~~ L300~ro:1.:~ir:sr::~~~~ 941.723.0707 941.179.4100 941.7115.1117 FAX 941.723.5147 FAX 949.6715.2215 FAX 141.715.11111 -----------1 $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I • • -GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE• I Co.JPON NOT VALIO WITH AN'f On-ER OFFER/SPECIAL PAR'TIO<-'ATING STORES I ONL V UMIT ONE CCJUPClN PER OROEl'I SALES TAX MAV APP\.V MUST MeNT10N COUPON AT TIME OF OFIOER .. COUPON exf'IF£5 MAfCH 31. 2CXJ3 __. --------------- Featuring ... ~~~ WHAT IS... . o9tvda Y!fluclwn c;f7 ~? The secret is in the flavorful lnoth made from scralch- fresh each morning. Generous chunks of chicken breast and rice in our tklicious lnoth. Garnished with dic.ed avocado and cilantro, finished with a squeeze of fresh linw. 6 LIZ Claiborne THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING Choosing the riQht flooring for your home just got easy. Because Liz Cla1rbome offers up the colors and styles to match you . PerfeciJy. · Quality, style and value. These have always been hall- marks of the Liz Clairborne name, and this new flooring line is no exception. Beautiful flooring, from carpet to hardwood, even vinyls and laminates-all with lasting quality, in colors ana styles that are fashionabJe and lime.. less. NO INTEREST FOR 6 MONTHS. Thru March 31, 2003. 0 .A.C. See store for detaila. And it's available exclusively at: JOHN BLOESER ~CARPET ONE-------11 11 2927 S. Bristol St.• Costa Mesa· 714.751.2324. Mon.· Fri 9am-5:30pm •Sal & Sun. 10am~ • www.blo8Seroarp8ton.oom .... °'=-~=' Also In L()f'g Beach 562.430.7501 & Los 213.627.4738. CA Uc.m2823 t ·-·----- Center In Founders Hall preeents the wortd'I foremost early music ensemble, which will offer e now critical edition of Vivaldi's "The Four Seaaone!' The concel1 ts at 4 p.m. Aprll 13. Tic::keta are $60. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 740-7878. ANH H.MWT0N CAU.AWAY Ann Hampton Callaway is one of the most widely acclaimed singer/songwrjtera working In pop and jazz today. Nominated for a Tony Award for her starring role in the Broadway musical ·swing; Callaway has receiv~ natlonal attention for her many 1V appearances', recordings, • concerts and songs. Callaway brings her many talents to Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5, as part of the Pacific Symphony Pops series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. The concert also features guest Pops conductor Cari Tipilow playing jazzy, up-tempo melodies bn his trademark red clarinet. Tickets ate available for $80, $63. $50, $36, and $26. For more Information, call the Pacific Symphony Orchestra Ticket Office at (714) 755-5799 or visit the Web site at www.pacificsymphony.org. GLENN MILLER TRIBUTE Orange Coast College is hosting a Glenn Miller Tribute at 4 p.m. April 13, featuring the Tex Beneke Orchestra, vocalists Herb Jefferies and Polly Podewell and the Pied Pipers, in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tidcets cost from $35 to $41. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. For information, call (714) 432·5880. SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S APRIL MUSIC South Coast Plaza offers live -- . Dady Pilot music every Saturday and Sunday in April. Sherman Fowler plays jazz on At>ril 5. Suzanne Edward• AJford plays country musrc on April 6. Fletdler Harrington plays pop music on April 12. Maria Reid plays contemporary Christian pop on April 13. Danyl Morris plays R&B on April 1~. Gabriel Mann plays jazz on April 20. The Push plays world music on April 26. And Kerry Getz plays pop on April 27. All performances are at 2 p.m., except the April 6 performance. which Is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Call (714) 432-7854. MUSIC AT THE TEE RopM The Mark Davidson Trici. with Ron Eschete on gui1ar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee ~oom. 3100 Irvine Ave .• Newport Beadl. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jau trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718·0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" rnusicians include guitar players. bass players, singets, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760 . •Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dp1 Xerox Digital Output •Quality Color Copies .39t • B&W Copies Small and Large Volume • Laminating •Folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING • Large VeUums • Cad Plotting • Lg. Bond Copies £-mail your plot"'files to us at lagunaprint@earthllnk.net Pick up & Delivery• Fast Quality Service Proudly Serving You Since 1984 J/,· .=Jiu,,,. '/""''4 1/,:,/,/,/lp .Jn,.,1u1,;.,,.;, .k,./ Now Open Saturdays LagunaPrint 1 ·~-, '\ < , '•"' 11" '-I "llun.1 Be•.•< h (949) 497-6016 l.u~un.t1>r1nt < < "J••''-f 01n Wednesday, Thursda,y At dte .Bv • Right of~ Wino for $10 per pttson. featuring oc;w ltbd. C\'tf1 week. a..iic t>iooer Specials,. OAObucxo Milanae with Saffivn Ritono l>r $ t 9.95, or Gr.. fed. Fulher-booed NY Sttip Sirtotn Steak~ Gorgom.o&.. ~~ f0t $21.95. Friday, Saturda,y Lacio Jax with Inn M&n:dlo Gral Su. GrOO¥Cll Mth Martin Mancwo • • 1· l 1 • • • , p, , 1 r· L t 1 ., -• , , -, -, I , 1 r "1 ", 1 , • , , • ~ ..., , 1v • • , ! • • ~ + ._, .1 ------___________ ....._ _____ ....._ _______ ~ __ ........ ......_ _______________ --'~--~------ I • .... _. ..... """ ............ ~ ......... ----~ ..... .,,.. ... ~..-:u-1 .... ~J!ll·il';ll!Fii~~; ... .. ONGOING • Send ONGoeNG hems to the o.lty Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Co.ta Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) ~170; or by caJllng (949) 674-<4298. lndude the time, date end location Qf the event, as well Ma c:onUIOt phone number. A comf)l9te lilting Is avelleble at www.dallypllot.oom. 1Wo-hour lulyek t.oun with • trafneQ naturalist guide are offered et 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resott ls at 1131 Badt Bay Drive. Newport Beacti. $20, or $10 for c;allfomla Wildlife Campelgn and Newport Bay Naturallata and F,tends members. (949) 729-1150. . I A yoga end ~ dau Is held from 4:30 to'5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual • Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suhe 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rev. Connie Rydunan IMds a discussion group using the book ·eonversations with God• from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa M esa. Bring a luncti. (714) 754-7399. Marlhatl'a Tae Kwon Do In Costa Mesa offers free self-defense cf asses to air1ine pilots and flight attendants. aasses are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St, Suite 13, Costa Mesa. (949) 574-0122. A Dealing wtth Dfvofce support group is offered by Jewi$h Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish f.ederation campus, 250 E Baker St., Suite G. Costa M~. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' ship Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested in sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. a.. s.tlor c..r °"9r9 ongoing aeelstance, counaeflng end 1'9ferr11 tervlca fof Mnlot'L (949) 644-3244. The eo.e. ..... Senior Citizen Square end Round Dence Club eeeka experienced dancers to join It.a group from 9 to 11 a.m. Thundaya at the Cocta ~ Senior Center, 19th Street end Pomona Avenue, Coa1a Mesa. (714) 545-6669. Arthrtth Founddon lnstNctof' Hillary Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 260 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-6641. The N.wport Beach NewcofMrl Club meets at 10 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The. organization ls open to all women residents of Newport Beacti who have lived in the area for fewer than five years. For m ore information, call (949) 645-9922 or visit the Web site · newcomers-newportbeadl.org. The Thunct.y Morning Women's Club, a 40-year-old friendship club, is seeking new member10. The club, whicti indudes golf, bridge, walking and gourmet sections, meets at 11 a.m . on the second Thursday of every month at the Radisson Hotel in Newport Beach. The lunctieon is $23 and indudes entertainment.,The hotel is at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-5863. The Newport Beach Waffdng aub meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The American Legion meets at 7 p.m . the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, whicti deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard 1s at 2651 Newport Btvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 540-2777; or Bill Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. Nigh1ty meetings tow those who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. (7141 n 4-9106 or (800) 642-0666. • HARDWOOO • LAMJNATES • f.ARPET • CERAMIC TIE• WNYI. R.OORJNG 11~.'.!lf!!! '''tufo••:r:•J SOLAlllAN :o?'iLA~ 'Jiil SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !!!!!!/!. $149 from 1q11 -IQ• Travertine 18" x 18° .......................................................... "'29 1111t Ceramic Tile ...................................................... nslalled from '4.99 111 l Laminate Ylood......................... ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. mtalllld '""" "'99 111 t The N9wpott Spot1a MuMum. • nonprofit otganlution, operatM •free mu.eum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beech. The muteum, whk:tl ha. one of the world's largest coUectiona of ipOfU metnOfebilla, Is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdayt end 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.~. muHUm.org. The ~ High School Parent Teactier Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the school's northwest parking lot, on the comer of Estancia North and Placentia. N8W$p8P9fS that are boond, loose or begged are accepted. Cardboard and bollnd material such as phone • boob and thldt maoazines are not. Also, bins ere available for drop off every day of the month. AJI funds raised go to the association. Free. The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa M esa . (949) 515-6500. 0..-Senior Ceni. on.rs a deity telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system . They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Ouidten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244 The ccma M.sa Communaton TOfftmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednelday8 at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Coa1a Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her pubilc speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. Th• N9wport 8-c:l1 Oistlngulshed Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt Pepperoni'• meeting room, 2300 Bristol St., Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewish Femlty Service of Ora(lge County fiolds group meeting~ for yoonger women to discuss life passages and changes, body images, family, relationships, communication, intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. Marcy Middler, (714) 445-4950, ext 114 The Mesa Messengers Toastmasters Club 691 m Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at MUNICIPAL BONDS O NE OF •California's leading underwriters •New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC Dain Rausc her 7'o Set an Appointment. Please Call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Ntwporc (,enter Dn"vr. Suite 900 Newpon Bea,h. CA 92660 . (949) 72o-8901 lantz.bell@rbcdain.com -ORANGE COUNTY S' ~ PERFORMIN G ARTS CENTER \l(,CRSlROM llAll I 171.ol) 755 0236 GltOOP !>ALES (71.ol) 556-2787 INF<>ltMAnON (71.ol) S56 2746 TTY • OCPAC ORG UP CLOSE WrTH I 1714) 740-7878 --IOX OfFICf 101.M 6PM Julie Andrews Spend an evening with the one-and-only Julie Andrews as she reminisces about her fascinating life and career. 10\ICJRl~O\\ \l(,llf' MAR24 Monday at 8 OOpm $59-$29 6*A.5l~ Meee Ve<de United Methodm Churcti, 1701 W Baker St., Cos1a Mesa (714) 640-4446 The 8kle Rama ToettrnasUn Ctub 2717 meets at 7 a.m. Wedneedays et the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 1651 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa The meet1rg 11 free for first-time visitors. (949) 85f>.<4308. The Newport~ ToaS1masters Oub 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at the Irvine Co .• 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 756-1025. Sunday, Mardi 23. 2003 A1 ' (714) 964-5314. The a....., c..w °"9r9. shutde to tatte m9mbers to appointments and grocef'Y shopping The shuttle also takes members to the oenter Call to make an appointment (9491 644-~44 1Utoftng .. eve' ... tow per90I• who could use hefp reading English. Hoorty rates and tunes are negotiable. (949) 851-1739. , 0..-Senlof c.m. ofhn Yi8ual aid screenings with a Braille Institute reprHentat1ve, by appointment. (9491644-3244. . ' The Harboffite Tou1masters Oub &aentlat w.ight Man~ meets at 7 a.m. Thursdays at offers Interactive and proactive -{:oco's Bakeryflestaurant, 3448 E. •. weight loss groups. Lltarn Coast Highway, Corona del M ar. behavtor modtfication and other (9491 293-4630. techniques to control your Udo lat. Toastmut.s meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beadl. weight. The cost 1s $20 Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Dnve, Suite 350, Newport Beadl (9491718-9848 Come see rhe new EverWood· CounirySide bhnds from Humer Douglas Overlapping slats creare a beautiful boilrd·on·board design And the ·s1ep-up' look adds depth dimension and chJracter 10 any room And EverWood CouncryS1de will not warp c.rack. peel or fade E.ven in humid areas or direct sunltght Come L~::L;..;~~~~"''I see th~ beau11ru1 bhnds today ...... ,, ......... ,,, ... , ... ~ALDEN'S ' • ( ) '' \ I ( I' t .\ II I' ( 1663 Plac~ntia, Cosu Mt>sa cw~-646-4838 \{ILL_A NOVA. Twilight Dining on thr Waterfront rn Newport Beach Entrtts from $7.95 SnwJ wui16pm (~.~) Homnruuk Pasta F"sh&afood Veal Specialties Your Lo~al Dining a 1 J J I • BUY ONE GET ONE FREE {WITH ,URCHASE OF IEVERAGE) NOWOPEHIH FAllll:* lllNC> • A11IUll CouRT PHONE: 949•780!0752 -.IUOROCICMlll.COM CllLICI. °"' Oood .. °°'IPOft Md • liQi.1111 or ta.er._. •• ... >t ... .. ... Wilmai Patio Brealdatt • Lunch • Dl.nnet HOit Your IClcl'a Team Partle8Wlth Us! 203 Marine Ave Balboalaland 9'9.875.55'2 • f I . : ,:, "''t~i "' l'l 11:. ( ,\,, ,,,,I • I I • I ' I ' ) ' i ' . I I . I~ CAMELOT Rfsf AURANT 'tlJJ-JnoJ -~"te;•h• Bnalef_at • LfuJcla • DUtur 011TluWtWr lat Via o,.,...,n ........... v.._. ~._.,CA,_,, . '1111:~'7J.3U.1 Nightly En'UrUJlnm"nt' Newport &.tch Gaf'fomi. 92~ 949/675-~ .......... ---111111~~~~--"-'!'I-~--_,.-__.. __ ._.., __ ~----------·------ !! M Sunday, M31Ct) 23, 2003 FORIJM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -~Mall to j:dltorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Meae, CA 92627 • Reeder9 ~Call (949) ~-6086 Fu: Send ~o (949) 646:4170 E-malt.Send to daitypilot§latlmes.com •All cotT88pondence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the tight to edit all submlSStont for clanty and length. ,, I EDITORIALS 'I ,,., Conimission I ' . . ··defends Eastside homeownerS D espite a 3-1 ratio of support, the Costa Mesa Planning Commission sided with opponents of an overlay zone that would have placed construction limits on 140 Eastside homes. And that was the right decision, a ruling that we hope the City Council uptiolds wh~n it reviews the proposal in April. Homeowners deserve the right to the views that they purchased into, but not at the expense of other homeowners' rights. The decision the commission made wilJ not place such willy-nilly restrictions on homel:>Wners who should be able to expand their 1940s-era abodes within reason. Homeowners should be able to draw up plans and continue to present them to the zoning administrator for approval. While Councilman Gary Monahan and the city were honorable in trying to help a large group of homeowners preserve their preferences, it wasn't a sound plan. The overlay zone proposed. for the 140-home tract would have limited construction to allow only one-story additions that don't exceed 14 feet in the rear 40% of the lot. Homeowners still could have added a second story to the front of their properties. There already exist restrictions on these homes, and they should suffice. The zoning administrator and city officials are in the business of doing what's right to maintain the integrity of neighborhoods. These aren't the sam e employees who built areas of the city that now need quite the overhaul. These city employees will continue to make the right decisions. If neighbors still disagree, they should band together to oppose such projects that they deem too massive. But it just seem s as though this particular proposal is a knee-jerk reaction that needs a cooler head. That's how good planning takes shape. OCC basketball team beats the odds 0 ~h~tpionship season. And the memories of that season. an improbable run to the state title, will be forever fixed in the minds of the young players of the Orange Coast College women's basketball team. Because not only did they win it all, but they made history by doing it. eomfug in as thP. No. 4 seed ifi the state regional tournament, the Pirates first knocked off opponents Cerritos and Compton celleges before traveling to beat the No. l seed in the South, Ventura. After that, it was time to play the state title against Contra Costa, a team that had beaten the Pirates by six , points in an earlier December tournament. But tbe Pirates did not let history stop them, they decided to rewrite it as they defeated the No. 1 seed from the north 69-61 to capture the first state women's basketball championship for the college. And much like the Costa Mesa High School girl's soccer team, which also made history this year, the OCC Pirates did it all through team work.. "We don't have a tremendous athletic team, but we have good kids who never complain and never show an attitude and it makes me feel good to win with a team like that." said coach Mike Thornton, who is in his 14th year with the program. Thornton assistant is Gregg Savage. So with that, we tip our hat, not so much to the awesome individual efforts that were a hallmark of this championship season, but to a team that played together and stayed together to win it all. ·\Vlthoutfurthe rado,we give you the state champion Pirates: Alisa Carrillo, Jessica F.strada, Lindsey Galasso, Laura Garnica, Nancy Hatsusru, Celeste Haueter, Leigh Marshall, Llz Mendoza, Lauren Murray, Amy Shaw, Candice Quiroz and Kirsten Von Tungeln. Congratulations to you all. THE LAST WORD True to their school BOLTON READERS RESPOND --- !CAN'T WAIT TO SINK MY TEETH INTO THAT! \ Look over the Westside differs AT ISSUE: Three Costa Mesa residents disagree with a letter fhat , suggested rezoning the Westside bluffs. There appear to be some oommon misconceptiom regarding the rezoning of the "Westside bluffs" for homes (Letter to the Editor, "Rezoning bluffs will aid Westside." Wednesday). The first is that there are sdll some Costa Mesa bluffs without homes on them. There are bluffs in Costa Mesa. They are at the end of Vtctoria, 18th and 19th stteets. Homes have already been built at those view locations. If you will drive to the end of 17th . and 16th streets. as 1 have. you will not see·"bluffs" there. If there are bluffs nearby, they are wen OIJeL the fence di'viding Costa Mesa from Newport Beach. The Newport land is all cuxrendy vacant. This may give one the pereeption that a new home on the Costa Mesa side will havt a view. · However, anyone owning a new home on the C.Osta Mesa side, even a two-story home, will have thelr view blodced when the Newport land is built on. Only a few homes on the c.osta Mesa side. built on the level land along that dividmi line, will have even this ter.npo.ra.ry view. So. no Costa Mesa new home buyers would have permanent ocean views there. They will have Jots of surrounding industrlal buildings to look at. though. Add to that the schools in the area. How many parents will want their kids to go to ~tside schools when they can SQ to Kaiser or Mariners if they 00.y on tbe other side of town? Only the ones that can't afford the~. J'm afraid. Now. Jets see what kind of 6naridal seme it makes to build houses in that hlclu5trial area. Sey you own a 25,000-square-foot industrial building .on an acre of land. That industrial building is worth about $2.5 million today. If you tear down the building, the land is worth. at most. $(.S million. Who is going to "lose" the mOllon doll.an? The industrial property ownem are afraid it will be them That's why they fear "eminent domain." What happens. in fact, with •em1n.ent domain," is that our tax dollars pay for the lost property value. ~ multiply that Sl million per aae cost by the whole industrial area that they propose to reione. What if the dty can't afford to use "eminent domain" for the whole rezoned area? That leave$ it up to market forees to cause homes to be built the.re. That could be worse financially, for industrial property owners. than "eminent domain." BventuaDy, some homes woutd be built In 25 yeais, we oould be looking at a greater hodgepodge of hou..'iing. surrounded by indusaial buildings. . than we have there now. II that ooc:ura, the rezoning or the~ bluJrs• for homes, could be the biggest planning . rnJstab in c.osta Mesa hist0ty. m<ESTEINER CostaMesa In b1s ~Martin M.IDard refers to the Westside lndustrlal area as a Jawest and worst use industrial area thatJoob like the City of Indusuy, hU88Y whip Industrial unlts and that the area will continue to fester and rot witil the industrtal buildings (referred to as the splinter in ~ !JOl'e) are pulled out. 1be answer in his opinion is to rer.one che area to high·end homes aome with views. This splinter baa a (ew questions ~this elitist oplnlon. Whal about the thoUsandt of jobi Che industrial area proYidea local~ • What about the hti.ndftda ol .ntor dtfzens who live In the mobile bOme p8dm. Surely the elidlca would be In~~ to drive pMt a mobile home ~on the way to their bJuff side villa. What about property rights? As of now I ~ not heard that a property ownera rights are affected by the dty they live in. Th.is splinter is a metal fabricator/weldtt We moved our business and brought our property on the \4kstside because its dOle' to our customers and cooler in the summer, a major imle for those Who make Out IMng with our hands. The gentleman says our use of property is obscene, that we belong on 6at land that isn't good fur anything else. last time I looked, most of Costa Mesa was ftat Using his logic, all you Co5t.a Mesa Oatlanders better move out because the only good use for your property is industrial. My advice to lhe gendeman and others who spaie his oplnk>n is ii you see the industtia1 ate& as obscene, avoid the area because we are not leaving. this splinter is here to say. JOHN. T. HAWLEY CostaMesa Martin Millard should go look at the "bluff" area be talll:s about. It 1' either dM!1oped wtth houses in Costa Mesa from 19th Street to past 18th Stieet or the remaiP1ng area of blu8's is in Newport Beach oovered with oil wens; The land along Whittier Avenue and east of it is Oat land, so according to Milla:nt it should be industrial A 19th Street bridge over the Santa Ana River .. what b needed to bring the eCIOriolllliC in-a co develop 19th s.ieet to tlgnlfka*ldy tm~ that street from west of Whittier to Aacenda Awnue. ~are presently road blocb in tbe te.kieildal area west of P*aida between 191h and Victoria Street to block people Crocn driving &om 19th to acam the VictOria Sbeet blidgie: ~ need a l9d\ Street~• shown on maps for development HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Cottd Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-6223 Meyor. Karen Robinson Board: President Arlene Sd'lafer, Jim Fenyman, Art Peny, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington . ..,. 668-2100; . fax:(714)668-2104 E·mail: K•n.Maddodl a111n.ca.gov · STATE COASTALCOIMSSK>N .. . . T here are 28 very happy City Council should award a Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Ct.Ha Steel ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EOUCA1'ION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9060, C08tl Mna, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Ellabeth O. Parter, member, TNstee Area 5, Costa M ... , Newport~ • 46 Fremont St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, , CA 94105, (416) 804-6200; young ladies and one proclamation to the girls and very pleased coach at St. coach. John the Baptist School this Really, they deserve month. It's not every day that recognition on every level a school's eheei'feadmg squad possible. ~ the oounty, state Wins a nadonaJ and f ederat governments champ]onship. bould ~all issue H~J. ~ J ~ once proclamations rec:ogniz1ng labele(l~"iii.OY" &>r • their adUewment. Junior high tchool. • it IS a very The squad should serve as rare-occurrence~ Bdt under chc an inspballon to an that tutelage of coach F.ddio anyone, with some ha.rd wort Strachan. the ~ dJd It and great Ooadllng, can The ,,.tiorial·Winriirll aqU8d Im~-ind •ucceed in -the Afit in the Jthool's . &pedea. · history-de9er'w.s high And that' worth • lot of phUse. In fact, the CoSt8 Mesa rahs. l CrTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Bead\ City Holl, 3300 Newpon Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) &44--3309 Meyor: Steve Bromberg Counc:I: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dfdt Nldlols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridvewav and Don Webb MESA CONSOUOATD> WATER DISTRICT 1986 Placentia Ave •• Cotta ~.CA 92627, (949) 631-1200 lkNwd: fttesktent Jim A*lnson, vie. PNIJdent Mike Heelev. lructv Ohtlg-Hall, Fnid 8odtmlller Ind Nut E. Shotnberget COSTA IEM INtlfNtt DISIWCT P.O. Boot 1200:eo.ta ..._, CA12129-1200, •<7W)~ STATE SENATE • ROM JohntOt\ (Rl. 36th Ofttrlct.18562 Mac:Atthur Btvd., Sutt. 396, lrvlne, CA 9l715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (9'9) 833-()696; Pl"Mt SecretervPa1 Jovct, (916) 323-1200 STAT! A.Ooav John cetnpbtll (A), 70th Dfttrlc:t State captlOI, seciemento, CA 95814, (918) 310.2070 E·mell: '*'1fct10 • ....,,.bly.at.IJOll Ken Meddolc (R), 8llh Olttifc:t. State Caphol, Seer•,.. ,to, CA 9&814, {918) (918) 31•20ll: or IOOlll al9ce • 1• South eoaet ertw. Wte2Cll,C-.M-.mae;(71., v Ngfonal office In Long 8"<;h, (310) 69G-5071 GOVERNOR Gf9Y OMt (D), Si.te C.pitol, Secnmeoto, CA 96814. (918) ~2841; fax: (916) 446-4833 ...... PM'.llDENT' GeOfge W. BUeh (R), White Houae, 1800 PeMlytvaN Ave., Wnhlngton, O.C. 20500 , Hbtflne:l& •.M. to'7p.m.)1202J W..flff Etmatl: pr..Jdehtfltlllhitllltou,..fl'N Fax: (202) 468-2461 w:I......,.,.,. Diet ChlMv (R), ~ 8ulclng. 9u1tit 212, Vl.Mlhlc••· O.C..-00 E.m.11: ri:apf--lf~ wov • ' J FORUM ~y. March 23. 2003 A9 Keeping a lookout BIO Age: 55 Posttton: Newport Harbor harbormaster since Jan. 24 Educ:9tion: Associate's degree in criminal justice fro m Santa Ana College; courseworit at Cal State N.Jllerton Residence: Orange for 27 years fllmity: Wife of 33 years Tern, twins, a son and daughter, that are 27, daughter, 23 Hobbies: Golf; racquetball HARBOR SAFETY 'For rne, I want to assure the public that all three of the harbo rs are very safe, the state is safe, the county is safe. We 've tuken a /v1 of precautions. We ·\·e designated certain areas that we think might be targets .... For us, it's being o ut there and being seen more. It's reassuring the public that we live in a safe and beautiful area. Enjoy yourself I tease the guys that my motto now is "The Happy Harbor." I was kidding thern that every one of them has a smile on their face.' c apt. S&arl Jacquot Is a jack of aU law enforcement trades. He's spenl ttme in the courts and ja1ls, on the streets, in the air, and even on horseback. So, perhaps j t only ma1ces sense that he now spends some time on the water policing Newport liart>or, as well as harbors in Huntington Beach and Dana Point On Fri®y, Oty Bditor )8me!t. Meler visjted Jacquot at the Harbor Patrol headquarters on Bayside Drive in Newport Beach to discuss his career, his new gig and the Harbor Patrol's responsibilities during war. Tell me a 8tde about your law enforcement background. A while ago, one of my prouder momenlS was betng the keynote speaker at my son's graduation (from the police academy! ... .I gave a Little example of where my background Wd.'> with the !Orange CoWltyl Sheriff's Department because I've been very. very fortwlate 10 have woritcd a 101 of assignments, but at the !>allle time, I joked with the audience lhat they mighl say, "Gosh, that guy'co had a 101 of great opportunities.· And my wife and daughters would all say, "You're right, Mom. Dad never could keep a job." When I was hired on. I started in civil division! got promoted to Deputy ill went lo the jail and, in Jess than two months. a patrol list came out and I was on it because I had the seniority built up So I went to patrol spent <;t'Ve11 year; in a patrol car and was in SWAT. went to the academy a'i a tactical offil-er . wt-nl to invesugations. then got promoted to ~rgeant bad .11 the Jail. Then I '-"ent to air suppon I '1aned up ou.r helicopter p~ and flew them. Then I Wl'nt 1010 the jail planrung pmgram. opened up the new 1ail the intake rele-ase center -then into transponauoo where I tool owr the mounted umL I was the moumc<l <,ergeant for SY· ye-ars. From there, I 100Jc over our career criminal apprehension team. whkh wJ.' in special investigation~. . . ·men I W\!.'> r.in.sferred 10 talc over the hom1t.id1· unit. I wa:. then promoted LO lieUlt'OJI Ull bad to lhe lntalw relea"><. u 11 11en went to ou.r ernerg1..1 , rr .ntnlcatiorL' bun>au. 1-11111 ,;1~ , i \',"e1 li<Mll IO <;outh ope.i .. i....i 1 ·n pac."C I, .... tuch was captain of south u1 rattlllh. fhen I took CM'r Mission Viejo as tJ1e ducf of pobce for the last JI( year... And haw did you become ~Oki you~ lO applyT No. in a sense, you apply and interview for captain. So I got promoled 10 caplaln and the Umin~ with Marty IKasulesl lea"1ng. they moved me to the harbor. And wmetimes. they put out for positions. Sometimes they don't Thl..'l one wasn't. Thie; one surpn.'>ed people. 11\is one upsel people. Titb one made some people re-al happy. The people it upset were the on~ who~ mlerested in the Job. So I get picked on a.'> a new captain conung to the harbor. It's a good-natured kidding. I watch my hack when I aoss the parlcing lolS at work. This was a total surprise. Going th.rough the resume. I've hem on SWAT. mounted. had a lot of fun assignments -Oown helicopters. gang learn, homicide. The only place I never had the opponunity to wodt was at the harbor. I knew a lot of the guys over the )'!al'S. So this was a reaJ great opportuni[)( Can you Just bop In • boe1 and gof Yeah. but I.hey would panic. I have a boat I have a little lfHoot Sea Ray tha.1 ~ been in salt water once. My kids grew up at the rivef -Ulke Mojave. laJce Mead -and chat's where we spent a lot of vacations. So when the guys joke about bringlng the boats ln and tying off and '>luff like that. I say. "\\'hat do vou mean bnng 1he boar m? w~ 1u-.1 run 11 up on the beach.· They ju.'t land of rull their t'Yh. So wlule 1 have a boar. it\ nm, hen· near the knowledgl• and level of seamaru.tup required 10 ham.ill' ...oml:' ol this stuff. I'~ gone oul a couple tum" and thl· guy-; were all impn:-c;."-<"<.l 1ha1 r went out on a boat I <L'>k Lht•m whC'n they'll let me drive and they II "'JllC'r like cockroache:.. Bui that' •.onwthi11~ that I \\Ill dr1 \I) \>-lh: • ~·UH llOr°" llt·U) l'l .iu l,u1uly d11tl 'ht 11 I look m l'f tht mcruntetl u \ll. ol t <>ll™-' I urdn I dlJ hor;es. bul I had an opponunny \\1th my trainer in my <>pare eme <tnd belorl' long. I wa.-. runnrng stet>ple-. and Jumping hoN"". I thoughl as a ~l}.>eant. tt w..l5 l111portanl thal I learn hu'" to do the JOb and Miow '"hat lhe pr111'll1·rlh are. ,11,.,,,\, built .1111! 1·,1,1hh'>hed . .ind I tl11nk ti \1111 lo11lo.. .11 1111· 1h111ugh11111 Ill\ taR~·r 111d ,h"g11111t•111.,, l'ut lo..111d of .i people 111·1'4•11. I rn ,, l11g lwl11•v1r111 1 01111111J111I\ 11111•11t1·d polu mg. \vhtlh ,., h,N<' tllv gt·1t111g •h•· 111111mun1ty 111 volwd . I kn•. I II '>l't J torw I• 11 tht· dl'pulle<o. whit h '" pn•lf\ mu1 11 \\ h,11 \I art) "'t'-UI<" It.id ~11111)! '1111r1· not gomg to 'l't' thtnh"-t h.111gt• ~' rn\ 1nh more,., 10 lw lht· hJt'4•fl \\1th lh1· um11nurnty . I n1 11111 •111· 1Hw •1111li~11111~1ht' fire .md l" I J1 c I• I II'"-Ill' •'''lµlllll llt "1\ ,.., It• tlt 1111• 1h1'\ g1·1 llw tr.mun~ .u1t1 tqurp11w11t tlt1'\ lll't~I With the nation"°" al war, how has the envtnmmem In che harbor changed? Mtt•r ~·pl 11, ~11·1111 \11).l'j Lamrw ~111 w.ill) 1m11IH'tl 1111 .1 nauonal l~I a .. p..111 ol .1 I lom1•l,mtl '4.'i i.mt\ lt'am the II wa.-. the '>dme tJung "'1tJ1 <Ur ..upport. I didn't go rn a' a prior. bur I ended up with a commen.ial raung before I left. 1111be1hc same 1h1ng h1•n• I am looking forward 10 gl'tttng 11110 lJ1t• boa1 trarning. It\ not that I m-.·d to lw the expert. These men and women hC{e are the expen.s. But for me, 11·., !f<Ullmg some knowledge 10 have a heuer undeN.anding when ~me liti7.en mil' me with a problem or a concern. " prc..,1tl1•n1 '"t<1hh.Jll'{l I or '* \\hill', wt' t"-l'rt thought \\(' \\l'fl' g11111g to ln'>t' hlm lw1.111" Im n..imt• \\,L, lwmg lnolked cllllltrld lo t.ikt• th.it (t\l'f So when I h~ quesnuru. or ..omt'One calls me right now. ru just grab 'iOmebody going by and <>ay rve gol a citizen on the photlt!. and they11 i.ay they need to do thl<> and go here. ~ even thou¢1 I have a limited lcn"""1edge on a lo1 of seamanship sndJ, I haw all of the experts m the world here \\.1th me. I oould tee why ewl')'Qlllle would Ff }alba This olllc:e has a pat view of thehubor. That's exaaJy what you get P.veryone ~iL My mission for the sheriff is to maintain the same traditions that w~'Vl' I 11r mt·. l \V.1111 to "''llrl' l/w puhtit th..it all thn-c 111 tlw harbor. are very -.afr. tJw "'alt''' ,aJc. till' munty i'i safe. Wt·'w 1alwn a 101 of pr1'1.au1tons. We've <h..,rgn.Ul'tl u·nam ,1re.1' th.it ""e thmk nugh1 Ix• ta~et' l·or lL<,, it's herng 11u1 1lwn: and betng .-.een m ore It\ 1"l'a.....,unr1g lht> pubht that we hw in a '-c.tfo .inc.I bt'<llltrful area I OJU) youN'lf I leJ...'o(" thl' J..'ll)'S that my mollo "'"\ L' lhe I lap!') 11.arboc • I was kidding ttK>m that f'W1"> one of them ha'> a '>lllllt.' on their race My reputauon ""ithi.n the orpruzanon L'i l\"l' been sent to many areas to start up a program or 10 fi' a program or for morak> t.raJrung. f.Yef)Ule teases me. "Hey Stan. you're talents are being . wasted here. These .,iuys are all smiling all the tune • And they really are. When they come to wort.. they11 smiling. I .t·t' faC't' it. a.<> a police officer, you're 1n the fi<'ld and you deal with people mo'it of the lune at .1 l1mt' m thetr life when 1t'<. a ne.tr cnSL<. or tt's nol tht.• best of cimJm<..1anu-.i. "° your l'<mtacts aw not a.lways a plea ... 'Ull one You go as a FROM THE NEWSROO.M police officer from dou:>g an offiCB fnend.ly in ftr5t or second grade, where the kids smile a1 you and wnte you thank you notes .111 crayons, to when they're in the eighth or runth grade throwing rocb at your car u you F lJy Down here when you step out. ttw people are waving at you. They get 50 excited to see you. So when ooe ol my guys stops by on a dock or house and someone hands them a cup ol oo&e and they lihoot the breeze with them. that's exactly the kind of~ I want to send out ~re here to ~and to help. What a great~ Look at the history of the Harbor Patrol !l's family oriented. I lcnow whe11 Sheriff Caron.a took aver. this was ooe 111 the very firM dMStons he VlSlted.. He Ml madJy lO Jove With ll And With the outreach of the commuruty and wppon. he\ JU.SI d brg fan of the Harhor I )i\.isaon. Do you dUnk the Harbor Purol'I ro&e has changed at all In this ttmr or war1 v~. m a sense I Lh.tnk everybody undemands their role. I thmlt we're a tittle more cautio~ but at the same time. I tJunk the gur> wortc a little hartl1·r al assunng people that thmgi. are OK. tha1 we really do know what we're doing. that we Wdtll you to unden.tand you h \1 in a i.afe community and we're here to suppon you. Thecoe guys are the ftrsi responder.. if there''> a problem out twn· and none of them would hesitate. The gu)'5 are just more aware that th• wmmuruty t'> d lmJe more nervous a111J on edge, so they might go out of their way even a little more. As. police, we do a tenib&e job at readung out to the community. We'rt" getting better all the wne. The ~rr. are the firemen. The fire depa.rtment JUSI d<>t><> a tremendou.c; JOb of PR With l.l.'>. When I !>tt a guy tum intu Robocop like. "Ht') officer. was it a bad acadentr "Ma am. we're woricing thi'> au,den1 ~ene. I can't railc about 1t 'mu need to move on.· . To me. rts Like. "OK. you were Jl.l.'>1 telling me how cool i1 was the car flipped three um~ but the rrunute '>he walks up, you tum into Robocop. Why couldn't you tell her th,11 the lac.I'!> OK. that hi<. car rolled three times. n's demolished. but becau..e of the aubag. he doesn't have a scratch 1111 him?" "Uh, I don't know· That's what I aJwa)"'i worked on. You have maml.aln your sense of humor aml your being. Don't be afraid to talk to people We worked real hard With that 111 Mi'i.Sion Vic to and the guys got better .tll tht' time ~use they knew I'd JUDlJl rm them if I !>."!\\. them bemg Robocop. Coming here. the,e guys~ alrea<h tight years ahead of where I would IDc.t- to s.ee most COf>1> be. These guys <ft tht' firemen. lifeguard and policemen. They're a rombinabon rolled into one ~they're out there wavmg all the tinw When 'iOmeone hill; a problem with a boat. boom. they're I.here. This group kind of leads by exrunpft· m deahng with the commuruty. Thry'n· fl.l.'>1 a Im.le more a~ of the needs and concerm from the general public and we're here to just reassure them. Any ftnal tbougbtal The m~ from Sheriff Carona t'> we want the people to enjoy the resources that are.available to them here. It's a great county, a great area It\ JUSl a beautiful area One of the btg dungs with us ~ ~·n· working with a group of underprivileged kids from Stanton and Garden GnM to bring • tot of kkk down here. They've \-..aDy dooe lt at the Boy Scouts Sea Base. but . under construction I.his~ 10 they can't do 11 there. So we're kind al wodlng on breaking it down to smaDer groupa to where we can bnng 25 kids down at a time and put oo a class NR and let them go on the fireboat and play with the hose and stuff. Some of these kids have never seen the cxean ll1ld yd they're born and rai9ed here. Tu me. that's what it~ aD about. ., much of the education and to enjoy the area and what'5 awila.ble to ya. Hard to take advice from people who don 't read the newspaper G lancing at th front page of the Daily Pik>l on Friday, I had a thought I.hat conftnned my f ean th.at not only am I getting o1dn, but I'm now bq'ilnnlng to th.lnk lib those who fi youth have I t th lrway Almost ~ry gen llon thln.b tll•t way. Thty think the you"" people coming up nfttr them art more jadtd or mo ml Informed or mott unruJyr than they ~re. . JU 1 lonbd at lhe'pktu of the young coJJcle tudcnc.. al CoMt ColJ"lt prol nR the war in lnq, lt IUUCk me that my IMdion mLllt be almlW ro thole Who..-e ~ ...... la the 1960I and watdMd and· Vlet.natn W.&r prt'llr.Sti. II ' TONY DOD ERO Fl"" otJ, I don't bqrudplhe r1gt\uor~ ltUdcnlstO Im and prot tho war. lbal'ao ftne Am.cr1can uad.i1ion that datesba to our elrly hl,tory and. In i ct, I think It ~thy for the debale . WhUe t have my own penanal beWt about me war and war tn ,enent. I'm aJWayl Wllinl to .... to othft' debit Unlb aoeneolour~ratwaya 1ppedlte our wluninla Joe Bein tbolchtfill end thougtit-pnwoking commentary. What I haw a hard rune l'ith. ~r. bavin yuuna tudents giw me advtoe on Uoital SWel {ordgn policy o way Of the other. You .c. u me of you may blow. I teach a Jouma.UMl c:ourw a.t OCC part time. Som or my ruden "1rr'et't pan of the c walkout th.at took place that ThultCUy (though tll~ Uld comt' to my dul, I mu t admit). And t don' me n to pkk ~1n them. but thi!N u.r'M studM Of at leasl about 90'lt cd them. edmlt ta me INt they don't fad nfWlpllpefS Md wouldn't reed one acepc for the fad that J Rfw, lhtm newa~ ·~ lhelr ..... the NIN that I'm 6UP~l!d ~ ........ ,,P"-1 .. li_,,.. ... o ,,, .. ,_ h ... ,... .... ,.. __ ..... ,.. ,, W 1J $II, , ;. to l c-rro Opaa HoUK Sunday J-4p.m Elegant 5 bd. 5.5 ba. Canyon and oct.ali views. Highly upgraded. BobClarke 919.7i.7.·4713 Opm House Sunday 1-4pm Panoramit Back Bay view. 2 Bd. 2 Ba. Light and spacious. Remodeled. Gail York 6t Unda Field 949.759.37.53 Open Howe Sunday 1-"fpm Charming 2 bcl 2 ba. beach cottage. Prime Newport Beach location. ~ land. Elaine Gordon 949.718.2729 .; ()l• 000 Ocean, harbor and sunset view home on half acre lot in gated Crystal Cove. Newport CoasL 949.644.9060 949.&H.9060 &AL60A lHAND Open Houu Sunday l-4pm Plctu~ perfect Balboa Island conagc. Totally mnodelcd. Ewing & EWtng 949.7.59.3796 Open Houu Sunday J -"fpm Gorgeous 2 bedroom. Highly upgraded. Tennis, pool and spa. Kandy Petillo 949.717.4707 C:O.Stline location with private beach. Prestigious Cameo Shores estate. 94'.644.9060 BALBOA PENlN5ULA S4 500 000 Finest new 5 8d. 8 Ba. OceanfronL large IOL All amenities. Bob Berg 949.717.HOS N FWPORf COAST Open House Sunday l-4pm Gorgeous+ bd. plus retreat on cul-de-sac street. Guard gated, Lombardi & Beucler 9'49. 759.3751 C05TA MESA Opm House Sunday 1-"fpm Lovely 3 bd. 2 ba. home in the Grttnbrook Community. Jill Andrus 949, 718.2757 NEWPORT BEACH S6.9SO 000 The very finest quality Newport Beach oceanfront has to offer. 949.644.9060 ONE FORD ROAD Sl,995,000 Exceptional custom Summemouse Plan 3. Beautlful upgrades. Sue Young 949.759.3708 COST.A ME A $499.000 Mai Vadt "Inna' loop", 5'*ioul llnpe kwl + bd. 2 bL with~ i.nuy room. ff>.6+4.9060 . ' Open Hofise Sunday l·4pm Ocean and city llghts view. 2 Bd. plus den. .-. Spacious. New kitchen. Peterson & Comegys 949.717.'4750 Opm House Sunday I -4pm One-half mile to beach. Move-in condition. Large ~ate end unit. 2 bcl 2.5 ba. Donna Rudolph 7H.5't6.8496 NEWrORT COAS-T Sti.275.000 Pristine ambiance of "Villa Bcllagio" a work of an. Five suites, 6.5 ba. 949.644.9060 N£WrORl BEAC..H St.295.000 Single levcJ 3 bd. 3.5 ba. home with fabulous view. Greatly expanded and upgraded. 949.644.9060 SANTA ANA .S400.000 LOVeJy llnp Intl 3 bd. hOmc wtth Nonh s.naa ~ Tuldn Khools. Pma1e ~ 949.&M.9060 I. . \. .. ; QUOTE OF THE DAY "/hope I'm on their radar." Rod1er Davis, second-round leader Da#/Pllot • J GOLF Vietnam veteran Morgan • unwavering PGA Champions Tour playe rs are n o doubt focused on events in MiddJe East, while trying to concentrate on golf. The monwnl I !ale Irwin 'llepped down from the interview podium in the To'>hiba Senior Oass1c media tent at Newport Beach Country Uub, the fir~ thing P< ;A Champion., Tour media official Dave Senko and Irwin talked about was the late<;t new<; on the war RICHARD DUNN in Iraq. Sport' and en1erta111111ent no doubt give folli an outlet in hfe during a cri.,i'>, but there·~ no denyi ng rhe ohv1ouc; m many heart' on the Newport Beach ground\ Saturday. fhere·~ a war going o n and 11\ nearly 1mpo'>'>ihle not to think abou1 it or pay attention to the update... m the Middle 1 .. 1o;t lrwm 1!.11'1 "'concerned about catl·h111g four players in front of him, including '>econd·round lt•ader Rodger Davi-; of AU'maha. and rallying today from a four·'>troke deficil to win hi' .,ctund '>traight foshtba Senior oa ..... 1c land 1h1rd overall! I re's more worried abou t how many more U.S. Manne' a re gomg 10 give their lives for our freedom. nw. year's Toshiba Oa.ssic -no mam•r who win'> today or how much money 1-; genera ted 10 us lead charity, I loa1o: I lo-:p11al will always be a<.~onaled w11h the war in local golf lore. ~veral mt•m hN'-of tlw (}lampions four are U. \ m1l11ary veterans and m o'>t of lhe1r thoughts 11 "l'em c;, like many of us. are on the war Some. lik.e ran•cr m ilitary man Walter Morgan. who c;ervt.'d two tours o f duty an V1l'lnam . arc adamant about of hbera11ng Iraq and removing Sadd.un Hus.,t•an from power. "I ju't lhinlr. we're doing what we've go t to do.· &aid Morgan. who saw bhiod,hed in V1e111am he wouJd prefer no r to describe. • fhat man (Hussein) ha'> gut to go. I It's killing and starving hi~ own people He's just got to go. And I hose prote.,ters have got to go, too fhey sho uld take them and send them over there. It's no cakewalk over there. You never know when something's going 10 land on your head or if you'll '>tep on omething. ln V1elnam there wa!. the juggle and the enemy hid. Over there, it's wide open. Tho'>e foot 4'oldiers have the toughest part. I just hope we find out if (I IU'i'>Clll) ha'> been hit or what ... I hope ii\ over quick and we take care of those people • In the second round Saturday, Morgan shot I ·under 70 wilh three birdiec; and a double bogey on the par· 5 No. 15, normally a birdie hole See GOLF, Pa1t Bl COLLEGE WOMEN BASKETBALL Lions win JACKSON, Tenn. -Vanguard UnJve.r-aJ.ty women~ basketball coach Russ Da· vis has tabbed his ~uad, a team of SCOREBQMD destiny. and the U- ons pf'O'Jed such Saturday nJght. ScnJot Robbln Oittenbir scored on a layup with el&ht seconds left to cap a thrllllng comeback Okie. Chr. 80 that led Vanguard to V9nguard &1 • 6t-i;O quanerftnal- victory ~ Okla· honua Ouildan In the NAIA Dtvl'ifon I NatJonal 'lbuma· . Sports Eclltof Roger Carlson • 1949) 574-4223 • Spons Fu: (949) 650-0170 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC ui~t~ .. confident P!-iOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT Rodger Davis (above) chips a shot out of the rough on a difficult 17th hole of the Toshiba Senior Classic Saturday and enters today's final round wrth a tw<>stroke lead. At left. first-round leader Jim Ahem watches his successful putt go on ttie I 7th hole. Ahern is two strokes off the pace. ~:"fit=· _\' ~( / ...,_, ~ ·~. ' ... , ·~ ;':\ ~ / / ..... _' ~-'f : • • • .• • I. _. . ,. _, . r TOSHIBA LEADERS B Through #COltd round Rodger Davis--·-··--66-64-129 Jim Ahem ..................... -.. ..64-67-131 David Eger .................... __ ..66-8)-132 J. Canlures ···-··-......... -SMi8-132 Hale Irwin ... --.... --67-66-133 John Jacobs ·---·-~-133 Larry N9'aon--···--70-&4-134 Wayne Levi ·---·--... -.. -66-68-134 Complete second-round scores and tod•y's final-round pairings on ~B3. EYEOPENER Daily~Pi~ SporC:I Hal ol fanw 1-*~•""'>Jllt>o ~. M.Mth 2• honottf' TOM PESTOLESI Sunday, March 23, 2003 Bl Ahem, Eger, Canizares, Irwin and Jacobs are aJJ within striking distance as today's final approaches . Ri chard Dunn Daily Piiot NEWPOR'I HI.AC 11 A., 1ht· goll world turns for thl' ~ifl·and owr 'l'nmr crn.-u1t, defendm>; lo-.h1bc1 "'4.·111ur (.]a, sic champion llalt' lrAm ., 1m t'\U) body\ radar on thl' PC .A < h .unp11>11' Tour. '>On of an older '>1d1· of f1gt•1 Wo~ and hi'> '>lghl' on tht· I'< .A lour Australian Hodger l>il\.., ho""t'H'r. 1' the one with budding tonl1d1•111 t· and .1 comfonable two o;hot lead 111 tht SI )!'; million Toshiba 0~1t at '\l'wpon Beach Country Club Cb tlw fit' Id of >i I heads for the homt' '>trt'I< h toda\ in 1lw final round of the 54 ~holt toum.unl'nl. the oruy in-seawn PC.A evt-111 in C )rangt> Councy and tht.• (}lJJnpion<, lour' rn11 ... 1 plulanthropll '>IOP \\llh .1 rt'< ord t11rt•1• st.ra.1ght year'> of donaung IJ\.t'r "I mil lion to charit)' "I hope I'm on then radar,'' l>..i\,... said, referring to the plaver. dirt'< th lit· low hun. after '>hooung I un1kr 1w.r hi in the second round ')atun.l.n OaVl~. who even '>Pt'll.., h1' hr-.1 11.inw different. isn't the mJiqut·t.· nJ.me on tlw tour llke lrwm, l wJV /,O(•lln. I H' I rt'\ 1 no, Gan Player or lorn Wat'-l>n HUI h" ttuck mul>lache. knllker'> and \\arm oil cent could fac,1 mak.l' him .1 ... 1ar 11 lw wins tournament'>. Considered om· of thl· 1110-.t populc1r and colorfuJ pla}er. on hoth tht• f'(, \ European Tour dlld Au-.1ral<1'>1an !1J11r DaVls. 51. isn't wom e<l ahour Jll\11111· passmg him today in the hncil round "I'm quietJy confident · ..aid l>.n ''· who received an impromptu d11pp1ng lesson from a teachmg proft•..,.,1onaJ .11 the Dave Pelz (,olf School Oil rnur'idd\ before teeing off the neXl da\ m the fir" round. DavtS, who hd' never ""m m tht• United Statei; buc owns 3J Caret.'r 11111·' arotlnd the world. said he d1dn 1 rt" member the golf instructor\ nanw "'hu helped him. but he'U be <,urt to Rt'l 11 Meanwhile. JJaw, '>aid tht' Je-..-.on. whu h ~ .. -- focused on baJJ po~11Jomng. ha.., '><JH"d him "two or three '>hm-. .i ru1111J 111.11 wru. seem to bear true ron.,1ll<-nng h" !.IXl'Jmg 65·64 in the fir.I tw11 round., 111 drop to 13-under for lhe tournament First·round leader hm AJwrn I" "" ond al 11 ·under. following hi... round ol 67 Saturday. while Davtd I-~t·r dnd 200 I Toshiba Senior Oass1C l ham pion Jo'-t· Mana Can.izam. are oed for lh1rd at Io under, ahead of Irwin and John Jacob<.. who are tied at 9·under. Larry Nelson. who continut'd hi' rt' markable second·round '>UC~ at Newpon Beach. fired a 64 lo wor\. h1 ... way into possible contention at H-undN and ued with Wayne Levi. In lhe 2001 Toshiba O a.'>'>ll', !'\el...011 carded a tournament secOild-round rt• cord 63 and fo~ it up last year \.\-1lh a 64 in the final round RemaJtably, there were on!} "" rounds of 64 or better ln tM touma rnent since 1996 at Newport kach. in duding the two by Nelson. But th~ year already there have been three round<. ol 64 or lower -Ahem in the first round Friday and Davis and Nelson o n 5.a1ur- day. Davis, who is suffering from allergi<'s and Is one of the few players using a golf cart this weekend. is not only comfon" able with a two·shot lead. he''i more re laxed than two weeks ago m Mexico S.. Cl.ASSIC, Pqe 83 OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEER HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS Corona del Mar repe~ts National Tournament honors Sea Kings improve to l 0-0 with victories over Punahou, Monta Vista. lryce Alderton OailyPtlot NEWPORT 8f.ACH -For the tecOnd c:omecudw -.on. the Corona dd Mar Hfcb boJI ter\Oia am CID ., dllm thlt It beloiJll not only wttb the • of Souiwln CaWornla, but the United ..... ---- Tbll.,... die °"' ( 10-(IJ rD9de. con~ run to Win lhe OilM ..,_ b.nb annull ~ ~ Sdm ,_.M·~-.mfilllaMI 1Mm 1bUrlllmn wllll a N ...., ow:rMoma day [r#'tc *' --1\!nnis Club. nm ~ lourn&me!l"lt ftdd atnaed not t but \"'Ompdition from llawlUJ. ~ Yodt IU\d Vlqpt CdM defeated ~ from HolJo. iulu. M. bl • .eeinllnal Wlia.Sltriiy. CdM ~ .. dwee ...... 10 hll'll the 11ml .... Moma Mila. =-~OID~compdilon .. 11mn\ Mn "'°"' ....... . Ira bUl once"".,._ ... ..,., 111e JUii ..,.. ll from ..... ... a.. ...._ .. • • SPORTS FROM THE SIDELINES What S in a nickname? Harbor High athletes gained the admiration of fans and teammates, but didn't always like the monikers some gave. ••• Another name had a big league llnk from the , 408 with Boyd (Bogey) Horrell, Oass of' 48, but it didn't start with athletics. It came from a relatio~ lo a big name out of i.he . cinema wprld: DON only the younger day gang would recall the original OOMect with Bogart. Nonetheless, Horrell made big marb In athletic years at Halbor aod Orange Coast College. N icknarnes often come and go from prep days to professionaJ levels, but two srlU endure from the days of Harbor High athletes. Hwnghrey Bogan. HorreUJllld his late CANTRELL He became the leading hitter for the only t>asebaIJ championship that Newport ever had In The one still holding fum over the yeacs, mainly from the world or yesteryear sportswriters, is ·1h~ Bird.· That name came to Newport grad George Yardley during his gigantic yeacs as a major profes!>ional basketball :.tar for the Detroit Pis1on1>. He broke the all -lime pro scoring record for one season with 2,001 point:. m 1958. He was subsequently drawn in10 the pro 1 lall or Fame in Springfield, Mass. fhere 1s no recalJ of any nickname from prep days from 1942-46 at Harbor tiigh. He was "The Bird" long before Michael Jordan came into the pro game. They both know how to "Oy" through the air to reach a bucket with danJe. TENNIS Continued from B 1 dad. Charley Harlow • liorreU. used to work for Bogaf1 in the early days aboard his nifty yacht off Balboa Island at Richardson's Yacht Anchorage. Young Hotrell came to know the real "Bogey" and canied the utmost regard for the famed Hollywood actor. With amusement, Horrell, who has sold his Art.1.ona farm and moved to Huntington Beach , recall~ d)at one day the word got around his pals and they started joking with him. Horrell recalled that if his friends thought he was being assertive or pushy •they would start saying, 'Who do you think you are. Bogey?'9 And it would dmw a round of laughs. The nickname took bold In high schooJ athletic days and stuck. He said people still call him WBogey" lo this day. It is fair 10 say that probably the tournament, Kao was ranked No. 94 in the Un.ired States Tennis Association's 16s division. BaJJ, ranked No. 11 in the 1-0phurnore Carsten BaU. who Southern California Tunnis As- teamed with junior Brennan soetation's 16's, continued his Roben., to down Monia Vista's undefeated tournament run Robert Yee and Bac;llen Bartels. with an 8· I victory over Yee and 8-:l Yel' and Rartel'> are both was JOined by teammates Re.ltz ranked in the top 30 of North-(8·3) and senior Bryan Warsaw, ern California's 18 year-olds. who defeated Ryan Olan, 8-7 The Sea King~; No I doubles (7 3). duo of :.enior Garrell Snyder Reitz took a commanding 5-2 and partner Spencer Reit7 adv-,mtage 10 elicit exuberant made !>hon wor._ of opponents !>houts from the CdM fans Un- Ken Kao and Daniel Lee, 8·4, on ing the fence of the court occu center coun. Reit7 and Snyder pied by Miller and Bartels adja- hadn't played together until this cent to Reitz. The Sea Kings tournament. needed ju.st one more singles Wesley Miller and ls.sei Saida win Lo claim the titJe after Ball's tt.>amed for an 8·6 vi(."tory at No. victory. 3 double!> again'it Monta Vista Reitz fed off the encourage- (9 I) Miller said he was throw· ment. racing down a lob that ing up earlier Saturday and fell hit just inside the baseline be- fatigued, but he :.tayed 10 play fore gaining his footing and singles Rut Barteb gained the sending Lee reeling to the far edKe with an 8-4 triumph. comer to set up an eventual ·we didn't expect to lose/ winning voUey. I le raised his three doubles set!>." c;aid Mon la ann 111 the air as he walked ViMa ru.sistant coach Terry toward his bag, sweat dripping Cre"'· whose team has com-from his face. peted in each of the four tour-"I had to get everyone gomg. • namcnts with its beM finbh <;aid Reit7 about his vocal (fifth) coming rwo year5 ago. shouts after winning a point "I .. (CdM) is the be'>t team we've played my game. waited for the played by far lhl'> year • 'ihot and put it in. After that Hut CdM Cocid1 and 10uma· first game I thought it would be ment Direc1or nm Mang be· a long and grueling match. heved Ju.., double'> team'> couJd (l.ee) had tape wrapped around pull off three w1ni.. meaning his left hand so I tried to hit to Morua Vista wouJd have to win his backhand. We aJJ did our five or six singJes matches to JOb in doubles and that made win the bel>t-of-mne games for-singles much easier.· mat. Players compete in eight· CdM's No.s 1 and 2 doublt:l> ~ame professional set!>. tcam'i didn't lose a set in the "1 JUSt threw MilJer 10 partner tournament. with lbsei and they pulled out a "We've done lhts two years in close one," Mang 1>aid. "I knew a row as a team." Snyder said. they aJJ couJd do 11 " Ball. Reitz and Snyder earned But Monta Vi~ra. which was all-tournament team recogni- the Northern Cahfom1a cham· tion. Snyder has now been pion last '>eason, didn't give up named to the team three ea.'>ily when play turned to sin-straight years and Ball is a re- gles. peat honoree. Kao proved bettt'r than Sny-The names of CdM players der on 1h1s night. da1ming an will be engraved on the Scud- 8-6 victory which gives the der Cup, named for Jack and CdM ~nior hi!> first lo~ in sm · Valerie Scudder, who were avid glcs this -.cab-On (24-1) supponers of high school ten- " My groundstroke~ weren't as nis for several years. The Cup good lonight. • !.aid Snyder, who will be on display al the P..ili- wiJI attend the University of sades Tennis Oub. Texa.~ m the faJJ Coming into 1948 in the Sunset League. He also excelled In football and basketball He made the history book In '48 at OCC by kicking the first-ever conversions for the Pirates in their first game against Riverside College, winning. 14-6. ••• Another nickname that endured in the · 40s was Olief Wahoo, taclced on a prized fullbaclc named Bob Deny, who starred for the 1947-48 Sailors. It was drawn from a character in a newspaper comic strip. It brought amusement often, but Berry didn't He had a thundering impact when he plowed into opponents. His '47 coach. the late Wendell Pickens, once said. Berry bad the impact of the legendary Harold Shefiin, who starred for the champ '42 team. All-Americen lnvtt.8donel TeemTo4.lmwnent Champ6onahip CdM '· Monta Vista 3 Sing ... -Kao (MV) def. Snyder, 8-6; Ball (CdM) def. Yee, 8-1; Bartels (MV) def. MilkK. 8-4. Reitz (CdM) def. Lee, 8-3; Warsaw (CdM). def. Chen, 8 7; Low (MV) def. Saida. 8-2 Double&-SnydePReltz ICdMI def. Kao-Lee, 8-4; Ball-Roberts ICdMl def. Batiels-Yee, 8-3, Miller-Salda ICdM) def. Lou Kee, 8-6. ThlfdPtltce Punahou 5, Mllernom14 Slnglee -Raamuaen (M) def. Lim, 8-7; Rtdca (Ml def. Laws, 8-3; Dtefenbllch (M) def. F9rm. 8-3; lwamure (Pl def. Sc:hlmbor, 8-5; Leong (Pl def. Areman. 8-0; Ltm (P) def. Snow, 8-0. Doubles -Lim-Law. IPI def RasmUSHO Areman. 8-6; Aicb-Dielenbectt def. lwamura Leong; Azuma Gros!lendt (P) def. Gersten Holton-scnembor, 8-1 Champk»nehlp Semlftnat Moma Vista e. Mlnmomll 3 Sintl ... -Rasmussen (Mira) def Kao, 8-7, Ridca (Mira) def. Yee, 8-6; Bartels (MV) def. Dlefenbadi, 8-7; Lee (MVI def GerstleNiolton, 8-0, Chen (MV) def Fireman, 8-4; Low IMV) def Snow. 8-2. Ooublee-- Ras m uasen Diefenba<tt (Mlral def Kao-Lee, 8-3; 8arte1 ... 1..ee. 8-3; Low (MV) def. Geratler-Holton-Flreman, 8-1. Cha'"'*-"11> SemWlne4 CdM 5, Punahou 4 SlnglM -Snyder (CdM) def Lim, 8-1 ; Sall (CdM) def. Laws. 8-2; Reitz ICdM) def. Farm, 8-0; lwamura (Pl def. Warsaw, 8-2. Leong IP) def. Satda, 8-2; Um IPI def. Glngold, 8-1. DoublM -Snyder-fleltz (CdMI def. Um-Laws, 8-4; Sall-Robertson (CdM) def. twamura·leong, 8-1 , Azuma-Grouwendt IP) def Warsaw-Saida, 8-5. Rftti Pl.- HMWrd W..U... 5, Menlo 4 Sing ... -Oehm (Ml def. Ledermen, 8-6; Blumenkranz (M) def. Thayer, 8-7; Diehl (M) def. Greenberg, 8-2; Wagner (HW) def Hatrit, 8-4; Thadler IHW) def HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL 1he name "Wahqo" faded after school days for Berry, but olddmers reflect back some times and refer to him as "The Wahoo Olief." Berry loob back on the moniker with little Interest but was amused by the comJcal nature of the episode. ••• One nickname that endW'ed for many-yeais wu "l.assie." which was identified with the great left-banded pJtcher Frank Hamilton, whoiecl Newport to that first and only baseball title in 1948. The late Hamilton bated the name. but all his fans loved it and uttered it with regard. The star pitcher, who was offered a $50,000 bonus to sign up with the New York Yankees, once saJd a clas.vnate, Dick Deaver, fouled up in a basketball game and he chose to call him "Lassie." However, it didn't hold and Deaver chose to start calling Hamilton "Las.sie" and It stuck, much to his annoyance. And that is why he used to get irritated when others wouJd call him that In time, however, he came to see it had affected fans i.n Costa. Mesa Merchant games later as a seeming tribute his way. Hansen, 8-4; Koboynh (HW) def. G1oom1m, ~- ~ -Oehm·Slumenk,..nz (Ml def. Ledennan-Thacher, 8-4; Wagner-Thayflf (HWI def. Harris· Van Der Hal, 8-3; Greenberg·Segal (l-IW) def Diehl·Grauere, 8-6 ~Piece 11-oy 7. Clovtl w.t 2 6'nglee -Davis m def. Grotemeyar, 8-4; Mora (CW) def. Mendoza, 8-7; Fortune (CW) def Yan, 8-3, Patel In def CaaNbon, 8-2, Mendoza (TI def Behnrwal. 8-3, Hau In def. Joshi, 8 1 ~ -Das-Wang (T) def Grotemeyer·Mora, 8-6; Mendota-Patel m def. FortuneCasaabon, 8-4; Mendola-Hsu !TI def. 8ehn1wal-Jothi, 8-0 Coneoa.tlon ~Menn s. Bt•rtwood 4 Sing ... -Mdeean (8) def Kurz. 8-0; Ryan 181 def. Puglia, 8-6; Fleder (HM) def. Riordan, 8-3, Mintz IHMI def. Freeman, 8-7; Normington (9) def. Miller, 8-3; L.einsdorf (HMI def. Karsh, 8-5. ~ -Mc!<Nn-Freeman 181 def. Kurz·Aeder, 8-3; Miller-Mintz (HM) def. Ryen-Riordan, 8-5, Willner-Ch"ner (HMI def. Karsh-Normington. 8-6. tlth Piece u Jolte 5, Woodberry fof-.t 4 SMglM -Moallemle IWI def. Ellison, 8-7; Sadham (Wf) def. Jordan, 8-3; Funblcenhauaen (WFI def. James, 8-0; Pitzkar (WI def. Kiefer, 8-7: Castner (WF) def Levy. 8-7; Mlnodla IWl def Mlng, 8-7. ~ -Ellison-Sadham IWfl def. Jorden-James, 8-0, Moallemie-P11Zk11r (WI def Funlchauser-Wieffer, 8-2. Lavy-Mlnod!a (UJ def. Ming-Snyder. 8-2. 13th"'- L.o. Gatos 1. ~· 2 ~ -McAllister ILGI def. Rasmuasan, 8-5; Yeo (Cl def Brogan, M ; Larsson (LG) def. O'Yoong, 8-1; Lok (LGI def. Scott, M ; Gemon (LG) def. lndreboe, 8-0; Huebner (LG) def. Wing, 8-5 Doublell -Mc:Alliltet·Brogan (LGI def. RasmutMn-Soott. 8-1; Wang-Yao (Cl def. Huebnef-Geraton, 8-1 ; Solomon-laruon (LGI def. PetflfSOn-Wldi.ke, 8-1 CdM wraps up tourney ~ with win Newport finishes sixth in tournament. Coron:i dcl Mar High' boys volltyba!J t~am wrapped up play in the Onuige County Cham~ onshlp.. Saturday wtlb a 15-Q, I l-3 win O'ler Edison In the con· solatJon braclcet. Kevtn W. kh paced the ~a KirJ~ (5· 7) With eight kills whlJo Brian Brill rhofl added IL 00mlll.ic Rubino played IOlld ~ f cm • at'c:ordlng to CdM Coltcb Sc~ Conti, and tallied nine dip P..atlltr In the day CdM was dc- foltttl by Huntln ton Beach. 5· 15, 15· JO, 16-17, llld b)' mWltWn Yalley, 12·15, 15-3, 13·15.AgaiMC f<;untain V.lley. ~·lch tallied f' sh• k1lb wtth Tum \WJth OJI. leaui ldl and three blOcta and Gres Glbriel .ctdq ll .. alsta. CdM dropped a 13-15, 15-7. 14-16, match to Marina Friday a.nd lost to Capbtrano V.tlley 10- 15, 15-7. 12·15, the aame day. ktvin Wclch led the Sea Kinga with 11 kills again.st Marina whUe 'lbm Wdch taJUed 10 followtd by Batt Welch (four kills and ~n dlp) and MUes Younnan (a~. Ba.rt Welch added 10 kills with Yourman's te\'en 11.1\d Gabtid'• 32 ag:.unst Clpo V.Uey. f.ric Jones. Gunner Mc:Ullan and Brandon Sht>rlet·Odom re· ma.lned iilddined bt'caUM ol ln· Jurf Shetlck·Odom and Jones hM: apra.lncd •nkl Ind Md.t-1 • Ian MJtrtted a wparated aboul • der, Conti •kl. Auat1n Brawner reolllelina from ••~ to repair 1 tum AO. bt.tt ~~ ln tho fuwnamcnc aod ouotribueed. eonu .clded. CdM will host lts ahimnl game Friday at 7 p.m. Interested play- ers may show up or call (949) SIS~ ext. 4024 to sign up. Food will be pnwt~ for atumnJ and the1r f amilles. • Newpon HalOOB Sal.lon are 7·1 foUowlng Satwday't play at the Orange County Clwnplon· shlps. the 1il1 posdna an l I· 15,15·12,15-10 win over F.dlton In pool play, tbm r:nCMng to the quartedinala where they lOllt to S&n Clemente, I~. 1$--12. de- ri ted Martna, 15--6, 15·11, and JOit to Dan.a Hilla; lH. 15'2. Mib TuOle; Nedim . PtjeW. Paul 1bman. MOrpn Go¥un. Nlclc Gluslc, Adlni Sc:hlellAnpr and tre.brnan Ted Slater all came ~ wW> ~ pl.ry for !Jar· bot. wl• geft~ r'(l!Miy i>r • btc &Mk oa ~.at Coiica. ~ -Mloft """"' ""--eo. C.o4ltge SOccer.'00 12 -Jamie OeHotlwef co..~ 0oee oouncrv:11. • BASEBALL Anteaters chew up Huskies, 8-3 UCI bangs out 10 hits, half of them for extra bases in nonconference issue. • COU.EGB: The UC Irvine baseball team snapped Washington's 11 ·game win streak with a ~3 victory to even the series at a game apiece. Saturday nigttt at Anteater Ball- park. . . UO Cre$hman catcher Mar\ Wagner drove In UCrs fust run with a double to toore Ouis Klemm in the bottom of the first. Washlngt;on designated hitter Chad Boudon's lead- off home run ded the game in th.e second. but I.lie Ant- eater-_ answered with a three-run second and a two-run third, Staking starting pitcher Bren Smith to a 6-1 lead. After giving up the home run, Smith retired the next 10 batttts. before Aaron Hathaway wouJd get a single in the top of the fifth. The Huskies scored twice in the top of the seventh. get ting a nm on a ua error and a sacrifice Oy by Justin Drake. The Anteaters answered again in their half of the seventh on Washington's fifth error of the game and a wild pi1ch by reliever David Dowling. The Huskies threatened in the ninth leading off with a single and a walk. but reliever Michael Koehler got the next three in order to close the door. Smith (4.63) earned a team-high fifth win (5-J} as the Anteaters improved to I 0-J 5 overall. W~hington starting pitcher Jeff Petersen fell to 1-2 after yielding six runs on seven hits In three innings of work. With the loss, Washing- ton falls lo 15·7 overall. The two teams meet ln the series finaJe today at I p.m. at Anteater Ballpalk. ua a, WalhlniJton a Score by Innings U.oM' 010 ooo 200 3 e ua 132 ooo :zo.. • 10 1 Petenien. Dowling (4). Baysinger 181 and Hatheway, Smith, Tripoli (7), Koehler (9) and Wagner. W Smith. S-1 L -Petersen, 1·2. 28 - Rydtebotch IUC1), Wagner (UCll 2. Hol'Wltz IUCll 38 -Klemm !UC11 HR -Boudon (W}. Coast unravels in 1 1-5 loss to Golden West • JC: Golden Wesr CoUege's leadofT hiller Matt Cooper gave host Orange Coast fits alJ day. going 4 for 5 with three runs scored and one RBI in an 11 ·5 win Saturday in Orange Empire Conference ba:.ebaU action. The Rustlers scored eight time'> in the final four inning'> after Coast 02-10-1, 4-6 1n the OEC) tied the game. 3-l in the bottom of the fourth inning. The Pirates' only lead came at 2-1 foUowing three innings. James McDonald pitched 711, innings. aJlowmgjust one ea.med run on eight hits with six strileout~ for the Rw. tiers. The Pirates got to reliever Ricky Steik for two runs m the eighth Inning. but ht> got out of a ba~t''>· loaded jam to picic up the save. Ben Hannah (3 for 5 wllh one RBI) wa\ tht' only Coa'>t player to collect more than one hit. Both teams com blned to leave 23 runnen; on base. 'fyler Shaffer, Greg Benoit. Du:,tin Hicks. Collin Sult1 and Micah Bazen all coUected singles for Coast. Ba.Len scored two runs while Shaffer. Benoit and I ticks all crossed the plafe once for the Bucs. Hannah was the only Coast player to record an RBI Saturday. Onn&• Empire Confennc1 Golden West 11, Orange Coaet5 Score by Innings GW 100 201 12• 11 13 occ 002 100 020 -!> 6 1 McDonald, McKeman 181. Steik (8) and Htll and Vanderhook. Murdy, Farin 161. John1on 181 and H1c:ks. W -McDonald L - Murdy, 2-3. S -Steik 28 -Mozel1k1 !GI. Eastman (OCCI. Brown (G), Smith IGI Peterson, Hunter solid in Mesa's 8-2 win • mGH SCHOOL: Costa Mesa High i.enior Nate Hunter and junior Gary Gon1,ale1 both went 2 for 3 to help lead the Mustangs' ba:.eball team to an 8·2 victory over Santa Ana Valley in a consolation game of the Nt>W port Elks Tournament al Costa Mesa Saturday. Gonzalez also scored rwo runs, whiJe Hunter earned an RBI. Junior pitcher Justin Peterson improved 10 2-0 on the season by striking out seven. scattering five hits and aUowing one run in five innings. Senior Adam Beltran collected his first save of the season to help Mesa im prove to 4-2. Santa Ana Valley dropped to 3-3. Newpoft Elka Townament torii0li60ii pme' Costa Mesa 8, SA Valley 2 Scote by lnnlng1 Santa Ana V. OtO 000 2 I 3 Costa M918 200 n• • 11 7 ' Medina, Najert 18), Etparz.a (61 and V11sque1; Peterson, Beltran (61 and Hunter. W -Peterson, 2-0. L -Madina Sv -Beltran ( 11 28 - VillaMnor (SAV), Gonz•lez (CMI. Waldron ICMI 38 Hunter ICM) Newport Harbor falls, 3-1. to Ocean View • tDGH SCHOOL: Ryan Torrey led off the fourth in nlng with a double and scored on an RBI single by Ryan Rowe, but that would be all the runs for Newport Harbor High'a baseball team Saturday In a 3-1 defeat to host Ocean View ln the fifth and final game for both teams in lhe Newport Hilts Townarnent. Joe CantareUa went the distance on the hill for New- port, scattering just four hi~ while strlklng out four. His counterpart. Philip Hann, also went all seven innings and recorded six strikeouta. Ocean View began the second with a single and dou- ble. The Seabawb would push two runs across in the in- ning, one on 1 squeeze play, said Newpon Coach Joel Desgu.ln. Rowe, Torrey. Jeff Sallchei and Karo MU.Scrjlan all hod hltt for Newport (2-6). "We had runners oo b\.tt just couldn't gee lhe bit.a to fall when we needed to," Deaguln l&fd, .....,..._.~ t ........... 0-.. View I, ... wport Hlfbot 1 ~ '="by "='"9" 0 , Oceln V..W 110 000 • ' c.ntar.,i. and s.Mtez; Hann end l.oCoc:o W -Hann, L - c.ncarella, 1 2. 21 -Toney (N), Hann (0), W.lth (01 SCHEDULE 1'0DW ........ • • • , '"". CGllee-w..Nnalon It UC Cohgewomen-....... It UC IMne, 1 p.m. lrvtM. 1 p.rn. ....... .. . ; .. ~ ...... ...... 4 ..... ~."!M~~ ...... ~~ .... !!'t!!!!!J ..... ~'9f.-•••--•~r...-c.,.~~A~~~,ll!·e~ ......... , ... --_._.. . .. ... - TOSH I BA i ENIOR CLASSIC CLASSIC Continued from B 1 < .11y lr.i"1" Jnd three other golfe~ were rohht'<i after two men cnrered aJl up'>cale resrau r.mt and \tole \'I.ate he'> from rhe pl.1yt'r'> and two t add1e<>. "Wl' rhought they were 1ok· 111g,' Davi<, '>Clld "Then one of 1lwm lut ml' on the head with a gu11 and clicked 11. It was pretty '>lary I didn't gt>t Jny t.leep for t\"u rnghts." Davi'>, who <;a1d he put the m rnk111 bt:hmd him and has played hogey free golf for 36 holt''> at Newport Beach, wru. go mg lo withdra" from the Otam- p1onc; Tour event m MeJOco City, but "Funy /..Qt'ller talked me out of 11. It'!> hlce wht'n you get lock.t>d off a hol"'ie You've got to get nght back on · Davis, who ha .. n't won a tour nament since thl' I ~l96 Mauritiu'> Open, added thJl good iron playe~ ltke ll"\\1n will enjoy the best \Ucce~ on the 6,584-yard par-71 layout al Newpon Beach, where staying in the fairway ii. cnt1caJ. WI think I'm a pretty good iron player.~ said Davis, who re· corded seven b1rd1e<; in the sec- ond round "The eaMer putts on thl!> golf course are definitety up- hill . u's not a long course, but he defimtety have lo hit the fair- GOLF Continued from B 1 ways and stay out of the rough .. putting was the key for me to- day." Davis added that he's "won qutte a few tournaments when he' been leading • Ahem, who said he formed mental images of fellow tour player Bob Murphy's putting stroke in the first round, contin· ued that panem Saturday as he '>hor 4-under in the second round. "I was Bob Murphy again," Ahem said. "Bob MWJ>hy strug· gled a little on the front nine, but Bob was there.· Irwin seemed surprised that people still point to him as a pos.-.1ble winner today, even though he's four shots off the pace. ln 1998, however, when Ir- win captured his first Toshiba ti - tle, he entered the 6naJ round trailing by five strokes and with 11 players ahead of him, but he -;hot a course-record 62 and leapfrogged past everyone in one of the tournament's most memo- rable moments. "In as much as I had a pretty good score CS-under 66), it <,hould have been better consid- ering how I started.· saJd lrwin. who opened with four birdies in the first five holes. "So it's a little disappointing to be at 9-under . I've got an uphill battle (to- day> ... I don't like to be behind starting the last day. I'd rather be in the lead." ••• Saturday's crowd surpnsl.n8fy wasn't as large as expected and certainly wasn't bigger than previous years In the second round for the players. Morgan made a 35-foor pun to birdie No. 9 I le also birdied 3 and I 8. As the leaders made the tum Saturday, the gallery was small. Granted, Jim Ahem. Rodg- er Davis and Lanny Wadkins might not cre- ate a lot of walk-up ticket sales. but for the 6- naJ group at the peak of the day under Ideal conditions, you'd think more people would be in attendance. No crowd estimates were released by tournament officials. ••• Andy Bean, making his Olamplons Tour debut at the Toshiba Senior Oassic, jolned Qij Oii Rodrigue1 and Fuzzy Zoeller on stage for the interactive player Q&A se ion with fans following the second round of play. •1 saw Jack Nicklaus the other day at the airport,· Rodriguez told the crowd. "I said, 'Hi, Jack.' And (a.lrport security officials) put handcuffs on me. So when you see Jack Nicklaus, say 'HJ. Mr. Nicklaus' not 'Hi Jack.'• ••• Even though four players are ahead of him after two rounds, Irwin was the player asked to appear in the media tent (along with tournament leader Davis). That'a because of Irwin's ~ll-deaerved reputation. In addition to winning last year's Tuah1ba Cassie. a victory that Jclc:k- staned Irwin's season on his way to another money title, lrwin won the 1998 Toshiba Oassic after starting the finaJ round trailing by five strokes. But he shot a course-record 62 and leapfrogged past 11 players. "With the good start I had (Saturday), really I was k>oking at a 62 or 63 round with the par-56 st.aring at me.· said Irwin. who birdied four of the first five holes. "Tu make only one birdie (at No. I 4) the rest ol the day is rlcticulous. ~ Irwin had birdie oppormnides at I 5 and 16, but burned the edge of the cup on an 8- foot attempt on 15 and missed a 7-foot blrdJe putt attempt on 16, when the ball stopped an inch from the hole . •1n some cases, I think these greem are a little slower than lut year,· lrwin said. "I think there's mote grass on the greens. I'm not saying they're bad greens. it's just the natllft of poa annua. Late in the day it's not golng to bold a lot of lines. That's why you need patience.• SECOND ROUND Rodger Davi• 65-04-129 Jim Ahem ~-131 David Eger 86-66-132 J.Caniza,... 66-66-132 Hale Irwin 6N16-133 John Jacobs 67-o6-133 lanyNelson 7<H>4-134 Wayne Levi 66-a-134 Jerry McGee 68-67-135 Ji'7' Thorpe 68-67-135 'Bruce Lietrlte 67-68-135 Tom Wargo 6!M7-136 Allen Doyle 68-68-~36 Dave Stodcton 68-68-136 Mike McCullough 72-65-137 Hubert Green 72-65-137 Gil Morgan 69-68 -137 Dana Quigley 69-68-137 Jay Sigel 69-68-137 Tom Purtzer 68--69-137 Ed Dougherty 68-69-137 Terry Dill 68-69-137 Mart McCumber 66-71-137 Sammy Rachels 73-65-138 Oidc Mast 71-67 -138 Tom Kite 70-68-138 Tom Watson 69-69-138 Bob Gilder 69-69-138 Howard Twitty 68-70-138 Vicente Fernandez 69-69-138 Doug Tewell 68-70-138 Bobby Wadkins '68-70-138 Morris Hatalsky 68-70-138 Lanny Wadkins 65-73-138 Hugh Ba1occt11 69-70-139 Bill¥ Kratzert 70--69-139 Rafael Navarro 67·12-139 Ray Floyd 74-66 -140 Tom Jenkins 73-67-140 John Mahaffey 70-70-140 Walter Hall 70-70-140 George Archer 69-71-140 Bill Rogers 73-68-141 Des Smyth 72-69-141 Terry Mauney 73-68-141 Andy Bean 71 -70-141 Jim Colbert 71-70-141 Dale Douglass 70-71 -141 L Thompson 68-73-141 James Mason 68-73-141 Mart Pfeil SS.:73 -141 Jim Dent 69-72-141 Bruce Fleisher 73-69-142 Walter Morgan 72-70-142 Gary Player 72-70-142 J.C. Snead 71-71-142 R. Thompson 71-71-142 GaryMcCorJ 69-73-142 Graham Marsh 73-70-143 D. Eichelberger 70-73-143 Fuzzy Zoeller 69-74-143 Dave Barr 7~9-144 David Graham 75-69-144 John Blaod 77·72-144 Charles Coody 71-73-144 lee Trevino 69-75-144 Ben Crenshaw 71 -74-145 Stewart Ginn 71-74-145 Mike Smith 71-75-146 Bob Eastwood 71-75-146 B Summertiays 76-71-147 Joe Inman 73-74-147 Bobby Walzel 72-75-147 Gibby Gilbert 76-72-148 R.W. Eaks 71-77-148 Jim Albus 79-71 -150 Tommy Thomas 7S-75-150 Miller Barber 72-78-150 Larry Ziegler 72-78-150 Chi Chi Rodnguez 1s-n-152 Al Geiberger 74-WD .I& Sooday Mdfch 23, 2003 83 TODAY'S TEE TIMES FIMIAound 8:20 a.m. -Larry Ziegler, Chi Chi Rodriguez 8:30 -Jim Atbua, Tommy Thomas, Miller Barber 8:40 -Bobby Walzel, R.W. Eaks, Gibby Gilbert 8:50 -Bob Eastwood, Bruce Summerhays, Joe Inman 9 a.m . -Ben Crenshaw, Stewart Ginn, Mike Smith 9: 10 -John Bland, Charles Coody, Lee Trevino 9-.20 -Fuzzy Zoeller, Dave Barr. DaVld Graham 9:~ -Gary McCord, Graham Marsh, Dave Eichelberger 9:40 -Gary Player, J.C Snead, Rodcy Thompson 9:50 -Mart Pfeil, Bruce Fleisher, Walter Morgan 10 a,m -Jim Dent, Leonard Thompson.James Mason 10· 10 -Andy Bean, Jim Colbert. Dale Douglass 10:20 Bill Rogers, Des Smyth, Terry Mauney 10:30 -John Mahaffey, Walter Hall, George Archer 10·40 -Rafael Navarro. Ray Floyd, Tom Jenluns 10:50 -Lanny Wadkins. Hugh Ba1occt11, Billy Krattert 11 a.m. -Doug Tewell, Bobby Wadkins. Morris Hatalsky 11 10 -Bob Gilder, Howard Twitty, Vicente Fernandez 11 20 -D1dc Mast. Tom Krte, Tom Watson 11 30 -Ed Dougherty. Mar1c McCumber. Sammy Rachels 11 40 Jay Sigel. Terry Dill Tom Purtzer 11 50 Hubert Green Gil Morgan, Dana Quigley Noon -Allen Doyle, Dave II Stodcton. Mike McCullough 12·10 -Jim Thorpe, Bruce Lietzke. Tom Wargo I I 12.20 -Larry Nelson. Wayne Levi, Jerry McGee 12:30 -Jose Mana Canizares. Hale lrwm, John Jacobs 12;40 -Rodger Davis, Jim Ahern, David Eger SUPER SENIORS Georgia-Pacific Grand Olampions Final S30.000 Tom Wargo 69-67 -136 $23,500 Dave Stockton 6868 136 $19,000 Terry Dill 68-69 137 $14,500 Ray Floyd 74-66-140 George Arctler 69 71 -140 $9.167 Jim Colbert 71 -70-141 Dale Douglas 70-71 -141 Jim Dent 69 72 141 $5,750 Walter Morgan 72-70 -142 Gary Player 72· 70 142 JC. Snead 71-71 -142 R Thompson 71-71 -142 14,000 Char1es Coody 71 73 -144 Lee Trevino 69-75 -144 S3,500 Gibby Gilbert 76-72-148 Jim Albus 79-71 -150 Miller Barber 72·78-150 Larry Ziegler 72 78 -150 S2.500 Chi Chi Rodnguez 75-77 -152 Al Gerberger 74-WD "The A rt of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5 -9 PM ' • • a ease . ..........••••• , . . . ·-....... _ .. ~ .. . ..... ... ... -... " .. -· ... • ~ ·-. -.. • • • • -• • ..... ..._.... • .. • .... ... • • .. • • •• • .. • • ~ ........... -: .... ... .. •• ... • i...., ............ 1 .. St.ndly, March 23, 2003 TOS HIBA SEN I OR CLASS I C Lanny Watkins (above) reacts to a close call on the green at No. 3 Saturday. Below, Bruce Lietzke and Hale Irwin share a humorous 5tory during a hold-up in play Saturday at the Toshiba Senior Classic . PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT ~ ~ NEWPORT HARBOR 5 NAUTIOAL MUSEUM ~ T 1c 3-MAsnn LIC BOARDING his will be the first time "American Pride." a 1.30' vessel (which was sail ed 7,500 miles through the Panama Cana l from Bar Harbor, Maine to the West Coast) has visited Newport Harbor. VJsltors wtll be invited aboard to explore the ·American Pride" which Is docked at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. A costumed crew wUI show you the schooner from stem to stem on Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23 from 10 a.m .. Admls~lon Is Sl children, $3 aduJts and $7 families. The museum ls exhibiting "The Americas Cup" display. Admission to the museum ls free. Barbecued foods and beverages are available. THI ID'PORT HARBOR NAUTl(J!L MlTSBUM u locat~d In th.? st;;;.whUtcr rlv~;.boGt, "Pride of Nnvport" 151 F~ t Coa t Highway, Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 673-7863 or vl•lt the museum' Web ·1te at www.nhnm.ora. NOTES ·Wargo rules playoff to wjn Grand Oiampions cro~n In second playoff hale, he birdies 18 to defeat Stockton and win $30,000. Rlctaard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACH Tom Wargo claimed the second Georgia-Pacific Grand Oiampi· ons dtJe of the 2003 season Sat· urday when he defeated Dave Stockton with a birdie on the second playoff hole in the Tosh- iba Senior Oassic's -tourna- ment within a tournament-at Newport Beach Country Oub. The Grand Oiamplons, for- merly known as the Super Sen- iors, is designed for PGA Oiarnpions Tour members who are 60 and over. In the playoff. Wargo and Stockton opened on the par-3 No. 17, where they both made par, b e· fore Wargo birdied 18 for the victory. His win was worlh $30,000. Earlier this year at the Royal Caribbean Oassic, Dale Douglass nipped lsao Aokl in a playoff for the $30,000 firs! prize. ••• CNBC sportscaster Ji01 Kelly incorrectly reported o n the air Saturday that Newport Beach Country Oub has been the only home of the Toshiba Senior Oassic in nine years Mesa Verde Country Qub ho'lled the inaugural event in 1995. ••• It's the first time in his Oiam- pions Tour career that second- round Toshiba leader Rodger Davis of Australia has held the 36-hole lead in an even!. He has been tied for the 36-hole lead on two other occasions and both came in 2002. The first was at the Farmers Olaricy Oassic in Michigan in May and the second was at the Greate r Baltimore Oassic last June. He SEAN HILLER/DAILY PllOI Wayne Levi Imes up a putt Saturday at the Toshiba Senior Classic. was a solo third in Michigan and a lie for fifth in Baltimore. Further, Davis, who has yel to bogey a hole in the tooma- ment, broke a 36·hole Toshiba !oCOnng recuu.I with d 129, hreaklng tht' old mark uf I lO hv lt>rry Maunl'y m 200 I. ... Allen Doyle kepi his streak in- tact of never having a round other than in the 60s at New- port Bea"h. Once again. Doyle shot 3-under-par 68 on Satur day and has '>hOI 13 lOIH>elU live round!> in the 60:.. ... The most dtffitult hull' Satur- day wai. Nu Ii (par· i i ... 11h ..in average '>C'Ort' nl .1 28i I he easiest wa' No. 15 pa1 Sl with an average !.core of 4 575 Through 36 holes, No. 8 ha., been the most difficult (3.292) while the easie'>t ha' been No 15 (4.404). ••• After J8 playeri. fini!>hed with round!> in the 60i. on h1ddy, a total of 37 players did so Sa1ur day. Surprisingly. the SCOOllJ: average for the day (70 I :17) W<t' doc;e to Friday''! (70.171) A lc>1:i l of 56 playeri. finishC'd witl round" of par or heller ead day ••• Al "Mr. 59" Geiber~er. wh11 committed to the 1011rname111 only two day'i before the '\tart ol the week, withd.rew after "" hole., Saturday due 10 illne'>'> ~~~aE19'610/ne~ . g ~eet?-P INTERIOR DESIGN I CUSTOM HOME DESIGN I FINE HOME FURNITURE I ACCESSORIES & SERVICES l AREAS OF C IRCULATION INCLUDE: DEADLINE FOR SPACE & COPY Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5 p.m DAILY PILOT • Friday, April 25, 2003 Newport Beach• Corona del Mar Newport Coat • Costa Mesa HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday, May 1. 2003 Huntington Beach • Huntington Harbour Sun ct Beach COASnlNE PILOT • Friday, May 2. 2003 , DEADLINE FOR CAMERA READY ART Monday, April 21 . 2003, 5 p.m ADVERTORIAL DEADLINE Wednesday, April 16, 2003 (no advertorial may be submitted after deadline) Laguna Beach I 78.000 circulation Daily A Pilot 949-642-4321 1t u1n1111CTOll IUCJI I ACH 'H lh ACH INDEPENDENT COASTLINE PILOT 949-642-4321 949-494-4321 I -~---~~-~---------------------------------------~-'----~--_._~---. --. ~ -..... . , .... SPORTS Sunday, MMCh 23, 2003 19 BRIEFS Pirates' crew sweeps in season open.er Orange Coast is off to a good start on the Lido Channel course. second ahead of runner-up Alex.is HuJtine of Cal Poly. Swamidass placed first In the hJgb jump as he cleared a sea- sQn -best height of 6-9~. which • CRBW: It was a clean sweep is the qualifying mark for the for the Orange c.oast College NCAA Regional Championships mens .crew team SaturdlJ¥ 1n at StiUlford May 30-3 l. Fresh- Newport 1 larbor as It won all man teammate Jon Wratren fin- three races ~t UQ.A. San Di-. lshed second Saturday with a ego State and the University of mark of6-7'1.i. • Seq Diego. Second-place finishes in The Pirates fielded two boats In women's competition included the Novice VID with the top Coast sophomore Suzanne Punnort boat winning in 6:04.5. The ·e· in the 400-meter hurdJes with a boat took third, beating teams time of J :02.61 for the seventh from SDSU and USO with a 6:24.7 fastest lime in UCI history. sen- doc.bng. ior Wendy Olan in the 1,500 The Bucs JUOJOr varsity Vlll with a career-best time of team crossed the line almost a full 4:34.08, senio r \,athy Picha in IO seronds ahead of second-place the 800 12: 16.85). and sopho- UGA. finishing the course m more Erin Curtis in the pole 6:20.6. Coast fidds 'illl fin.1-year vauJt at 12-0 to tie her outdoor rowers. best this season. Coast's Van.ity Vlll boat won the Anteater men placing second finaJ race of the day by 2V. boat included junior Kenny Vinh lengths over UUA in 6: 11.6 over with a lime of 14.94 in the 11 O the Udo Olannel cour~. high hurdlei.. i.ophomore Scott Anteaters fare wel l • TRACK ANO P1ELO: Junior Lauren Adam!> and 'ienior San tosh Swamldasi. won individual events in the Cal Poly Track & Field Invitational m ~n l ui., Obispo Saturday Tilc meet wa., a non-scoring u impctition. Adams won the 400 mi:ler' a'> -.he finished w11h a '>t'a~on ht•<;t time of 57 40 and aJmo .. 1 a full Jarvis ~ the 400 hurdles (54.54), senior Darrell Tozier in the 800 meters (I :53.85) and sopho- more Patric.k Grogan in the lri · pie jump (47-6'1. ). Urtusuastegui sharp • TRACK ANO PlELD: New port Harbor High senior AJet Urtusuastegui ran a I :59.13 an the 800 meters al the Arroyo 01.,tancc Carnival 'iaturday at Azusa Paclfic College. his first time under 2:00 m the event. Also with solid times for the Sailors were Counney Marshall. Elda Hernandez and Megan Randall. MarshalJ PR'd in the 800 me- ters (2:29.13) and the· 1.600 (5:26.81). Hernandez had a personal best In the 800 at 2:29121 and was third in the 400 at l :Oi.~n, while RandalJ, fourth in the 400, PR'd with a I :02.45. C.Osta Mesa splits • PREP SOPTMU...: The Costa Mesa High softbalJ team, adjusting from the loss of three starters. went I · l to open the Rialto Tournament Saturday al Rialto High. The Mustangs lost, 6 -4, to Colton in the first game of pool play. Senior Ann Marie Topps hammered a two-out, two-run home run in the bottom of the founh to puJI Mesa within 6-4. The game ended after fi ve in - nings because of a I-hour. 20 -mlnute time limit Junior Jane-E Yamamoto earned her first pitching win of the season and led the Mu'>- tangs (4·3) to a 2 I victory over Yucaipa (7·2) in the second game of pool play Junior Mt· chelle Miller eventually \Cored after her douhle because of .i two-base error. tymg the 'ic.ore. l -I, in the bottom of the ~cond lnning. With the bases loaded sopho- more Uyen Mal wok a walk to earn whal proved to be the game-winning RBI, in which junior Teresa I.au scored in the bottom of the fourth. Rialto Towmiment Pool pley (Geme 11 " Cotton 8, Costa M ... 4 Colton ooo ll 6 1 1 Mesa ooo n • ~ 1 Atos and Gonzalez, Yamamoto and Miller W ~ Roos l -Yamamoto, 0 1 2B Logan (Cl. Gonzalez IC) HA Topps ICM I Pool pley (Geme 2) Mesa 2, Yuocapa 1 Yu1capa 010 oo 1 l 1 Mesa 010 to 1 1 1 Bolinger and Borgh, Yamamoto and Miller. W -Yamamoto. 1 1 L Bolinger. 3 1 2B -Miller (CM) Lions win one of two • SOFTBALL: The Vanguard softball team experienced op posite displays of offense .ind went I · I on the final day l)f play 1n the Pittsburgh State Tourna- ment m Kansas Saturday. nlC Lions ( 17 9 I) started the day with a 14 7 victory OVC'r Hellcvue. in which Vangu.mJ pumped out 17 hit'> to advance to the toumt'y\ Red Rrackct l hamp1011\h1p ~Jrnt• \l'nior Jill Jc'>'>en '>mackt>d out .i two·run home run while fre~hman Vane'>Sii Bolich and senior Celina CamarilJo ripped a triple each. Sophomore& Usa Jad.w n and Andrea Smidt collected one double each. Vanguard lost to Missouri Southern. 7-l. In the Red Bracket championship. Mis- souri Southern broke the game open with six runs in the bot· tom of the fourth inning. PhUburch St. T~ Geme1 Venguerd 14, Bet1evue 7 Scon by lnnln99 Vanguard 330 :zos 1 1• 11 l Bellevue 200 OCY.> o 1 11 1 Keltner Jeuen (5), Kelnter 171 and Rolle, Smidt (4 ), T1blle, Branigan 141 and F1tl W Keltner 8 1 L T1b~e 2B -Jacbon (VI. Sm1d1 (VI 3B - Bolictt (VI. Camarillo (Vl. HR - Jessen IV). Breder IBI Geme2 Mo. Southern 7, Venguard 1 Score by Innings Vanguard 000 001 o 1 s • M issouri 001 600 7 8 0 Keltner, Ball 141 and Rolle, Alltson and Barrow W -Allison. 5-3 L - Keltner, 8 2 2B -Camarillo !Vt, Thtrton (MS) 38 -Reed IMSI Tars victoriou~, 12-0 • SOFTBALL: lhe f'..ewport I farbor I hgh '>oftbaJI team u anked out 11 h11•,, including two ap1eu· from wnwr .\thena Va'>que1 and .,ophomores A~h ­ ley C.lea'>on and Julianne Lias'> • a~ the Sa1lor. defe.t1ed non league hose Atlahem1, 12-0, in 5~ inning~ h1day Gleason collected three RBh. whale Bass contrlbu1ed two Senior pitcher Amanda Camp beU struck out elghl and aJ lowed jusl pne hit in four in nings for Newport 15 2J. . Newport 12. An•henn o Sc:oN by ln mRQ9 Anaheim ool> ooo o 1 • Newport 42 • ,,, -12 11 v Paulanno. f5cobedo l3) and Cornell Campbell, Grumman 151 drod Bas" W -Campbell, 1 0 L Paular1no 20 -Va5Quez INHI Gleason INHI. Campbell INHI 38 Rocha IAI Lions' Hall '-I park le\ • TRACK ANO FIELD: Van guard '>entor ~r.1h I l.111 4lMh fied for the NAIA Outd1111r 'Jrndr Nationals wht.le winning the women's 1,500 meccr'> with a personal best ume 14 41 'i'>I m a Golden State Athlett< Lonfn ente five-way m eet at 1'111111 Lorna Na7..arene ~rurd•ty Sophomore Jenny l hunc Jttd lfall fini..tied .. econd and Lh11<1 m the 800 On the mt>n's sut.-. frt•'>hman Matt M1•y1 1 fint'>lwd \t'lOnd Ill the 1.:.110 t I 18 4 !I Ill ht' firc,t time t•w•r rn1111111g tlw t·vt>nl f·rc·'>hman I ~11111' \1t•v1•11' f1mc,hed 'l'tond 111 1h1· Jt)(l t 1.2821 and thud 111 thl i1111 126.Jll VANGUARD OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Continued from B 1 failed to <,tore on tl'> next po~\1011. Vanguard \t'111or guard Jt'\'>lla I.ender man wa\ fouled and htt both free throw., with 23 -.econd'> left. I <J Ille 1-.agll"'> open1·d rlw c.t·• •md h.ilf Yolth a IO· I run in tht• lir-.1 lout msnult•, w for a U> iO Ill' Old.ih1 •Ill.I I h n-,11.111 tht'n bwlt 115 lead Lo SH 14. 1111h lo wall h the lJOn<, adV"dlll e 011 tlw ,m•ngt h rof their latt'·gami: hern1L.., ment at Oman Arena KAIONESCOTI NANCY HATSUSHI rhe [JOO\, who OUIM'Ored the Lagle<> 17 2 in the final 5·Stt, ad\.ince to the fi naJ Four for the first llme m their h1~tory Vanguard (28 ~). tht> Nu .! '>eel.I in thl.' fourth-quarter brad.t't, will fact' Southern Nazarene (27-91, the No. 2. ~d of the third-quarter brack.l·t. Mon day at 8 p.m u;r. C >klahoma <.hmnan 1u111or guanl l"dt.>n Wiens then mt'>M'd the front end of •t one-and-one frl'e throw opportunity. and r>1ttt•nb1r grahbt•d the rt>lxJUnd with l7 ~omJc; ll•ft. \etttng up the Uono;· pi1.~ utal po..se<.!>ion. Vanguard tonnf'<·tt'd on .!II , 11 !i I lm111 the field 119 :!%1. 1nclud111~ "I f111 l. I lrn111 three-pmnl rangf' u11 I''\, I h<' I 11mo; were 12 of 16 from tlll' lrt·t· throy, ltrw (75%). Oklahoma Ch n .. 11.111 'hor lfi of h I from thl' field 141 \4 .. 1 7 uf 1 'i from threL-dom 146 7'1'ol and l for ·1 from lhe foul line Index Dis.JM SERVICE D IRECTORY. .. For AJJ Your Home and Business Need - I ' I I I ' "' , ' I l I ) I ~ • ' ' I ' I ~ .• I 11 I I lOUAl- OPfOl'Nln All ,,., • tet• •dvar. lt'lnl In this ~ 1~ sulljM-1 lo tilt fedtfel f •Ir "°"""' Act of 1911 •• 111111111•• wlttcll melo.H it 1111111 te 4Nfnl11M "anJ pftftf enc• llml 1tla11 or •aa...,..11tl0ft 11•"'4 01' ,_, tolor, relt.,on ..... tte~p. 11,..J1.tl 1uh11 Of Mllemll Of fl, ef Ill MtMtloll to rn••• "'' MKll Ptt .. ttKa, Nmita llofl °' dbcr lmil\1t1011 • Tlllt ~ wlll nol lo.ntwlntlr Kctpl enr 14Hfl ........ I for ' .. 1 ttl•ta wtllC It In VHMatlon of tfl4 ltW OW!' rucl•n .,, ltereb'/. Info! .-d tttet ell fwe lnp -'••ti •cl lft ''"' "'""..,... •r• •••ii.tti. Qn 111 equ.I Of)l*Wll~t) ...... I Tt ~1111 of •• uiolnlnltlotl, c11I HUO ..._ '' .. at t IDC> 41• corJs1 Grmrnrs I LMSBMD -&1111--.... --1-.-~ -~·c:-c:~ 11m-.... ...... ............ 17 ~ 1111 -..mf a.st11•Ca1111• ctt.••• e ·1 have never seen anytlung like that an my life,· Davis said in a relephone in· terview. "The Final Four, I ran'r ~lieve it. We JU.St willed our way to the win." Sophomore guard Jennifer Wilcox led the Lions. the Golden State Athletic ( .onference regular-season champion~. W1th 12 points. while Oillenhtr contrib uted l l pomts. nine rebound .. and su assists t.acey Mills. Vanguard's '>Ophomore point guard. keyed the Uons· comeback with back-to-back three-pointers inside the final two minutes to cul the f.agles lead to 60-57. After OkJahoma Christian How to Place A Vanguard, ranked No. 7 m the NAlA. rnlled a urneout with 20 -.econd~ re rnamang. Davt\ '>aid the IJon' ran a half· court o;c·t play that led to 1>11tcnbir\ un- cuntellted layup. The F~le-. (2 1 121 had one la<.t chance to pull out the victory but tum milted a turnover without J::elllllJ:! nil a !>hot "(I ht> IJU11'>) have unlwlte,able hC'art." l>a1.1., ..a.ill "ln1' wa ... a gn-at g<tmc We ):!OI do\'\<n hy Ill. 1,wnr o n a huge run .ind ~u1 up 11\ 11 llw11 tht•}' c.:ame back and ....,ent up hy I~ Yo 1th 5 r>8 left). h was a g-anw of run'> and we madt' the last one • Senior guard ~1111\.<1 ~111m.1\ lc-d 1 H .. l.i homa <.hr1-;tta11 "11h l I pomt!> and fT~hman t{Uard l.clurt'n l>t>t:ker cldded NAIA Nat10nel Cti.mpoon~ips Quertlerlinal Venguent 61 Ottlahom• Ch,,.tien 60 Ott.lehoma Chnstlen forr·,.·v J f!'l11H• Gnffin 4 (}ed(t;r 19 Murr tv } 1 W10-n' 'l Downing 4 Greqg 3 3-pt goal!>· Munay 5 °'"-*''' 1 w., .. • Fouled out -no°" Tect>r>1cal< nonf' Vlln9U•nt (4ntl+-larin i. M oll,; I, l,.., 'l W•ico~ 12 01mmbir 11 M• Kinn .. ., 1 S.111m J .., Josalssor, 6 lf'nt1Prma 4 · 1 f'' on"I< Moll~ 'l 0•111'111/11 Ju<,.fs'S<•~ 1 Seil"'""} l-1 fpocfln1< di"' oon,:a Halh•"•" VanguarcJ 33 24 ------PolirY----- CLASS IFIE AD Ra•e, and deadline\ ue ... utiiect tn changt Wllh••UI nllll• l" I lw pullll'hcr ll:serve' lhe nght 10 ,en'><lf. n~da'"" n:\ 1-.c m rqc~ t illl} d~\tfied advcnl'cment Plea...e report illl) e1T111 th.11 m:I\ ~ in your cla~~1fied ad 1mmeJ1atel)' The.-L>a1I> !'tint 11<.HI"' no hab1luy for an" ert0r in an adven1\t':rMnt for v.h1ch rt ma' I'll" "''~~1Me e~("("P' for the c<'Kl of the 'f\dCC" a 1u11lh orr11r"· I b) t~ em...-Crcdtt can only I'll" &llov.ed for the fiN m..entno By Fax (~91611 (l~Q.I "'--Wrr•- ..ip1nw....,a1 .. , ...... i.t .... ""' ... ' VISA By Phone \ Q.IQ I 1-.P ~ 7~ By Mail/In P("r!-lon: - l •"LI \1.,"'°' l "'ll~b.'1 '\1 \ •Jl'-1 llhd &. Ra' St l luurs: lclcphonc II Xllm ~ ~1 \fonday Fnda~ ~an. In IUOam ~~ Monda)'fn<by o.,..,nia.. _.... Office .......... J Offtc• ................. ,,..,. "'° 0 ...... & MenlH MO S..... .tO'' wlelth oven, bfoilet. I &rill lmmeculale $2000 -AWlllhltlNIDI~ suites. prlnM Newpo<I P.a h Pldt ....... Bch toe by .. -.. utA f.,.., tlMnd ~ 'l'IJ9 Ind~ 9666-71183. ob<I ~9 673 O!M4. _ .......... .._ .... __ ..,.wee• ., ............. WllifOflOWClt lllt _.. TOWM«*(. % c fll', -~··.._.._ HwJ7> ,..,. •• _ .. .. i.]a0.000 ltf -M7 tlO~lt ----Dead li nes ----- ~fonda)' luc-d:a) Wedne~\ Thuf'd.ty ... Fnd..a~ ~ OOpn .. rnU\ "..tonda' ~ f(lpm Sa1unLo T ue'ida) HlOrm \ und.t, Wednc.;d;i) ~ CWIJwn ThUl"'l<U\ ~ Cl 1r<1t f·n.t.. \ 1 I Wlpm I ,,.t;" ., ""'"' CWUISAT lt-4 U7'1AUan. MESA V(ltf>l cc •met. l1m home Spit ''"''m Up11 ...... L O•flly -·· ~ "'''"' 1 c I•• r°'""' kol 14'>0.000 lou v-• RHlt<W .... ,, ... , TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS 16 Sunday, March 23, 2003 s 17 Vie U4e s-4. OHM SUM t t-4 Built by Joe ( Btown In 1931 only r•-1ntnt3 + 4 tower est.le on 4Jllllre l$blnd. 4br, 4be, thr .. sfortn + tewer 3 car ••t, pvt docll for 2 boat&. It Is• recoc>itaible ~wmmo.i 9&497-M71 ,.;o.742~ A Swper.. lhwpert .....,... residence. 4br (5th Br/pme room/olhce downsten) 5 5ba localed on a quiet corner loL Custom laalures tlvOIJdlQUt. Sl.649.000. COASTUNl lltWTY 94t-7S9-0177 tOHnA CANYON OrlN SAT-SUN 1-S IOWlnthrep 3BR, 2.58A home Sep· erate ott1ce/cuest s111te. By Owner Sl,175,000 949 64-4 8288 A llAUTIRa R~ ... l>e ~·eel """ spnnc 5& S.!>63 with a wooderlul llowona floor plan. Sl.750.CXX> Mjchaet Brrilman, Coastline Rllillty. .... .... bclonlw 2lr 2be con<kl WI lantasoc baOorl! Hj,11 ...... wood ~ Fp, It mast,.., 2r p $395,<XX> act Pat.4 Shapwo 941) 73). 7-«ll PRIME ISTATES PATRICK llNOaE NATIONWIDE USA 9H-IS6-'170S www patricktenore com .............. 20201 OrcHd su.+er 5 se... 5634 sf. Sl.25 Mi Broiler 949 251 9444 YIWW .1-UReMty ore OClAlt & IAY VIEW THI PRICE Will AMAU YOUI AGT. 949-721-• 120 Newport Coast OPEN SAT-SUN 1-4 3 Supre"'o I level home 2br, + df'n, Gated comm $15 1,oOo OPEN SAT 1-S A touch ot Italy 4br 2.5b•. Str•d• home s 1,729,000 OPlN SUN 1-4:30 ltahan "tyle 5br 5ba di> pro• 18.000 tu 19 000~1 Sl,495,000 OPlN SAT 1-4130 Stunnmc •ward w1nninR Brooklleld hom•, built in 2000 3br • olf1Le N> prox JIOOsf $1,719,000 PLATINUM PaOl'laTIES Stefanie Mturer • 949 715 3156 llr ........ I ml to .,.,.. ......... ... Clll fin. men. llOno 133 £.l&ltSL Mb~ ~2CZ1 C.OIL • IASTSIDf ST~ All Ulb paid. fncd 1.,CI, Pet OK, Coln·oe> lllun. ST15m/ USO clep. 7l4·545· 04A2 18"• from $175/mo.. w/pr in lovely p'9d corrm. -Tri-Sqyww. lridel. Indy ~. ~ r.qt.. m-~ .a9200 &,.. llr, nnc cerpet & p11lnt.. cvrd c•port. 277 16th Place 13. $1100/mo no pets. 949 720-9422 a lh, FWdlt front IM, n-.A..ITO--320 Costa .... St. y_.,.. nv11uu 1' .-itJ•n• -A'Hil 4/1. Sl150. eel. rA1I l/l I* ID bc:.h gw-. Donlld Pbff 949-73H074 -~ prof, 3br 2119 hse, f)llbo, pvt ba. mslr br. l'&l rwnod $9X)n ~~IOI I Shle CM 2br l.Sb• twnhm sh••• w/youne prot lem flplc Gw $750 2446 Elden 909-289·3.406 RoomsforRent 6040 • • EAS SIDI CM Townhome. Gre•I privet• room & bath, vtry clun. Gerace. w/d. n/pets/smka. female pret'd please S700mo+ '/lulls 949·646·4065 Pliwte -•Iba. Newport home, Ml" entr. rv1Ut. quoet ~/pets, a;]5mo utts ll'ICd 949-631 !ii 11 AESIOE.NTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa v.....,.. ..... \ludlo w,lllAI ~ I bit to oa91 & bay, ~ $85()11 ncd:<. utl>; 949-673-5139 21r 1.Slo °'4>1e• I car p-F p. lt11L <Vw. "" p.tllo S 1850 mo Clpftl House S.t & Sun 10 4, 949-675 .t211 Balboa Peninsula 200ft to Ocnl Vu. 2br I~. ~. W/d, d/W, fp, j)llOO, crprt. 3'1B £ Blllboa Sllfi()no yr!y 9&67J.:ni9 Corona del Mar ..-.....s-.y&..,.. 1 Bt, 2 patios, hltchennte, n/pel•/\mkr~/ref req'd, R8>/mo ont:cls utts 949 759 5640 tor ilCll>t -----21r I lo ~·· Ocun \ode of PCH• Avail 4/1 V1f'ws laundr~. lweplate $1200/mo 714-931 5600 2tar lboa, ·~ & to.. int w/balt, ~ w1Cd, Jc "' 11 p Avall Now! n pet\ •mk11 $1350 & 1450mo. 949-ZZ2·577!> &251 21r II•, la pa too f p 2 btoch~ to beach lndry lac le••• spKe. Sl490/ mo !149 l&O 9020 , .. w/ofc -$l795m '"' kt utb-+ ll'lbrneVdiplll cablliphone, yrd. tuly hr n . 6·""' ~ 949-.137-0706 21r 210, Wa.._ lo buch rr111. w'o fr. 111 pa110, view I 11 11"' aae. pet ok S l9T!i mo 949 735 4825 21r, 31a, Apt. Recently rell•bbed w/I car 11ar. 1 block lo beach, no peb, S2200/mo 949 ~ 1680 l '•l4e tlr 21• down· slelfs Apt. In sm qui.t cornplu. Sm pet con· sldered. Aull 3/29 f 1175/mo 949-548 2446 ..... 2lw .... i.-. •• w/d hkup, d/w, xlnt oH St plma, &•r, ~ s1mn.1B>~1on l 'sloh 21r II• H..,.• Le. yard, 2 c aar. new paint, kllcNn, bath & roof $1500/mo 916·364-8838 *11--~dlsl ...-~Tl'llltll 1111 ""°'* Vista ,_ .... , .... ~ )'II. I '(JIF, 11 ~ SlEfDn NII row. 211r, lllot. bO yrd, I p, .. •-. Sl«nn avail now. ..... 11/.ao. ~ yrd. l pr + 2 spc, .. new! Sl87S<n aval mod Mirch 949-375-21116 f"SIDl Er 2Ba, ~ mM1talned SfR. LR, den w/fp, crown mouldlnc, wl!ped cells, ~ shutters, tilled ' ~ bath & kltcllen 2c.- l•aet Greet front & ·-r-do, w/pd«wtt A..-!>11 $22!il)n. 2.IB-7'l6-l 001 Mme ...... ""'* pvt 3br 2.5Ba, FR. Fp, hrdwd th, oo kl!. p w~ & aafl rm. sz.mno. 9'9-.J»a«iO Mes• Ver... 171!> L• bradof 4br/2ba, com- plelr remod~I des11ner perfect 1ns1d1 & out $2395/mo 949 759 3717 "-....... s.v-wt Ln.. .fir 2.56a, derl. LR, ........... counllll' lql5. JIC hb, 2c pt ~Senta~ S2fmn lll(. 9&2.113-0i!l6 ....... .._ bWJly E'sidl 3br 2.Sba. FR. den. Fp, SfR,wrth aranrte counhrs, 2c pr. 'badi.,.d. SDnno. AvltlA r6. 949-~3726 Huntington Beadl '-Y ., 3.Sba SJR. hdwd th, roollllp ~ Ian! ~ 2 c f111 w/sb T um !M!Mi7J.nm Irvine • 29o ................. .... loc, ,..,. pool, pebo. pted Av.; 4/4 SI 100rno 'X'Pe 16() '!:S7. ~ lido Isle Udeloyfronl Jlr 210 $3200...Jrfy 626-212-771 626-297-6262 .,__...._,....prr • •!Iii "Iii .... o -. • • 1111 lilt :w--..---..-.. IAYNOllT OH LIOO PENINSUlA H1Wtlr21• conAolS Private Beeclt, Pool and Spa. Walk to Ocon, Shoets end Restauunts. lease 6/mo·2 yr+, Boat Slip Available 710 UDO PAlllt H. 949·673·6030 or 949·723·5830 * YIAJU.Y * UASlS Bill GRUNt>Y REAL TORS 949-675-6161 NIWPOltT HllGHTS JBr 2Ba house totally remod, Ip, yd 2·c•r car•. 949-&31 1680 NP Hh la quoat studio w/smell lolt, k1tdoanette, shared laundry Aat $1100 949-673-7800 2llr \ .25be condo In w. Blllboa, -tons of airenit1a. short·Wm .._ pntd Slmn 95!m-5446. U. M aAa 2br a. twntwn. lido, !*lo. 2 c "'. 'Ml~.·-~ eel $1&50 ~71Dl l9Y'fl•• ''"'"' Gated deleched house 2br 2ba, 2·c •II c•r. A/C, no pets $2400/mo 949·760-1219 u .. ,.11..,•"• 14S'ft baytront view• 28r, 2Ba, parktna dock e.,.~ WOO/ ......., 189·W·3ftdl ,.._ tolely rwnod. Ip. yd 2-ca-pr•. S2IDVmo. 221 p.,._. St 949-631 1681 tt.r\or View Ho"'• Jbr Zba. fem room, pvt pool/ spa, carden., .1ncl. luu S29mrn 714 573 2900 8kr .......,..,, ......... La :b 2.5i. w/rne9t ll pllld COfM\ w,;iooi. sp...-pvt yard. UXXVmo. eet PA1idt Tenora. 9&&911fi I ........... Ire beckyard w/'Jlc., Qi-de-sac, quiet j l9Cllborllood. like ,_ $321XVmD+ $11C. Avail lll 5,-0). 949-956-'&2 Untnh•n"• t uh bayfront view! 48r, 38a, 2 c•r parkln,, dock 11ra1I $4900/mo 949·378·3650 Newport Coast 929 aA CONDO 2 car pr. ... wd, ll'ni ,..,.,. ,.i aimm izmM> 9& 246-7832 ()( 9&5(1).2223 Rentats Wanted 7880 WNmD l or 2Br 1cJt, cotbile 01 aindo, "6n or lri6n "' ~ e-:n. M S91 :vrno °' tor.., le-. Have small Wtl mannrnd ~ R*· -iwllll. m.53).8816 SEU your unwanted Items throu~ clus1foad ..... ~ n.-cH 2/39r 2Ba condo w/ett pr In North Bluff, haw small doc. wl sell yr "--Aval~ 949-719-2.lJ) WAHTlD room rentel .~ ............ d1ubled man w/ret' S«nno. 948650-3662 tLr or SI..-c:on ... , furn, Newport or Coron• Oel Mer W•nl to rent tor Mo of July 949·640 2581 Emptawment 8500 UCMTICT\JUl oma ASSISTANT Newport Beildl •c:hitechll.ul Ism f\as immediate opernna for a l/lrme ll"nenol olhce assaUnl Work W1l lfdJde rlJMifli bluepnn~ mMllflll lotal dthveftes and pertor mrc ott>or mov • office duties Soml' ™'"llY kft1n& rs rwoMd Mu-.t bf' • ltcensed drtv• ~""' lo prOVlde evidence ol 1 trlaon minimum ln54lf ant ~ rov •aae. Hoon. a<e l111m 8 6/M TH. 8-Nooolf SI l 00 ,,., hour r aa , ""'""' 10 T•ylor & A~~oc oal•• Archltech 949/S74 I l38 Core Giver• Part-ti"'• Help UnlOfS In lhttr homn with homemalttnc/ .....a as '5 n4-444-4881 MAia MASJ[a5 now h111nc herrstyhsh full & P•rl time po .. 11ons available for new nlon 111 Hunt1n1ton Be111 h Gua1 anteed hourly w11e or comm1n1on plus a creal btn•hh packact Cati Adda at 714-375-9009 ,_.. (ltlH lll!llCh P/T ~from!~ ..-.. Nlec:t ID krow tni-. ~ s..... 9Gfi42 rm SdlyourCor In Class(fi~d I • •• , . ••• if ••• •• .... ., •••• ,. ••• ., ••• •• Daily Pilot SAVE A LIFE . SPONSOR A PET For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Ate you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pet photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will s~re a space for a photo of a pet who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over the state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of saving a life and feel great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Concrol Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's phoro. Ir will display your name as the sponso r of thi s pet, or you may include a loving memory of one of you r own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Name: ________________________ _ Address=-----------~-------- City: Srace: ______ __._.1p: __________ _ Credit Card#:·-------------~p: ____ _ Signarure: _______________________ _ Phone (oprionaJ):. _________________ _ For check, make payable co: DaiJy Piloc Text co appear in space below photo, 20 characcers or less. Choose One: 0 In loving memory of ________________ _ 0 Sponsored by _________________ _ Mail this fo rm with your check or credit card information to: Save A Life, 'fi, Daily Piloc, P.O. Box 1560, Cosca Mesa, CA 92627 ERVICE Service Dlredrxy "NOTICl TO Rt.AIXRS Callforn1e lew re qu>res that contra~ tors t•k•na iobs that tote! $!>00 °' m0<e (labor or mat.,•als) be lteenwd hy the Contractor\ Stat• License Bo•rd Stele l•w also requires thal contractors ln~tude their license number on all ttdvt1rt~nt You can check the status of your flcenud con1r a c to1 at www cslb c• 1ov or 800·321 CSLB Unll· censed contractors l•k1n1 jobs that totel IHs than $500 must state In their edvertlstmenb that th•J are not licensed by the Con tr •ti ors St.ta Licanst Bc>«d " A TO l HAMOYMAll Inst.II, reface ublneu. i<ad•..W..•~ ,,.... Oq 71.4646-7ZJll Concr8tl & Masonry l rldl tied S-Tiie Con<.relt, Palla. Or-y ForpPI<°. BBQ. Rers. 25Yrs hp Tmy 714·557 7594 Carpet Repalr~les -------- - 11<111111:,111111,11.\ We "''" deaip your ~ °' cunpany ,.d>IJIC and pet you onl!M You !MY Oflly hostiJla feet 714--6 ll-1786 '""'·'--nf,...... ~ CIUTOM llMODll AND DISIOll ALL TRAQJ:S, 30 YEARS EXP U33)169 949·631 2345 NHD Motll ROOMT llDOOIOHS & REKULm L#577982 949.709 5642 OeDIDp PutlCllHng llMIT I OlN YOURHOMI IM ... OVl.MIMT ... OJICTT Call eplumber, painter, handyman, Of eny of the C"Ht ..,_ hsted hare In ollf service direetoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAH HELP YOUTOOAYI llldl'• D-llltehlls, ~Door~•~ .......... ~ ...... L.S78102 949-510·6529 Drynll SerwlCll CUSTOM OIATM JU lnsUlllbon. slillll. c.nmic. nw1*. stone. &No lt7S l.116120'4 Jeft 71~ 12 ·9!161 &IMY....,. Repend Re11outln & lnstellation TILE DEAN 949-673·8065 lltiMl25 714-883-2031 MIUO'S NAllDWOODS ~ 2!> Yrs lifetime warrenlJ U763i... 714·501-4933 G1r191Doon GINDALlmll llWN'IENAPD • Wrlmlill •c-tii 0 Joll Jbo s..a .,.... ............ MN2J..a2H Handyman/ HomeRepaJr RX t#' SPICIAUST. All typn ot rept1ts [lee Irie.I, phwnb1na. door&. wlll« i.atws, 1*1$ & more Z4hr/7d•Y' 714·366 1881 6-r'tlC.... It.pin Carpentry • Plumb1n1 Ory""'N • Stucco P•tnUna, Tile & mon ZO+-Yean Expetilfl<:tl JI 7'4--969-5776 Rl\ TOR! •Rf PAIR ~ l<!MOOfll Nf, .... 1, House Cftanlng ::.·~~~ 0 C 24Yrs Ref s 9•9· 5-48 OOS4 949 637 4113 r-·· lurep••n Heuae a.nre, Tollll t\111. _, ~N~cb-.by -liw nim 984?2 7<M DOUGHRTY llOTHW n.. fi1ll To.di s-a l96l i..-.. r,. 9'it, ~ lnst/R:g•lr 714 791 8746 Mises.Mees AITIST 909·611 666-4 FAUX/ 0£SIGN Mowing& .. PUBLIC NOTICE The Cahf Publlc Uhhllu commission requlf'es th•t all u$1d hou~ehold roods movers print llltlr P U C Cal T numt>M; limos •nd cheuffeura print their T.C P number In •II •cl-I.,· tis.ments. If 1ou h•ve lllly quutlons •bout the le11llty of a mo .. er. limo o f ch•uffeur, call: PUB· LIC UTILITIES COM- Ml S SION 714·558· •t51 a....,..~,_ ..... 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I owner. aaraeed, lmm•culale S56.7!>0 '}4g..675 1869 $49,900 pp 949 244 !>27!> VY!f '7' lwa Good Cundlhonl wen ~., fained. m1n1 ultn 12.100 714 !rll lnB Slw AUTOMmUS, flllSCEU.MEOOS cu" JOit CAJt1 WI NHD \'OUI CM PAID FOi Oii NOT PHtWPSAUTO ASI fOa MALCOtM 94t-S74-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES llDCOVfl TIOIUTIACAI, TOYOTA TIUCJ, PAD SIOO 581sso714-37~7'3 FIND ........ ... dmll.4 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find seNlces from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters metallic: blue/cny ltllt', bu11t ltke new cund, v292S2'1 $799!> flnanc1n1 £ ••nanty avail. 81u Hf·SM-1 ... -zrt' .... BOATS 1515 ~~'" WCTa< toot 4 ,.,.. s»,. .... ,i.bi. ~ u.I. lflll'OA !Of bods up to 60fl 50 tn. -mow., SZ.l.500 Tl~ let.al for prrule/boal 2003 Ovffy c.t , • Graphic pll&, ••mole ~tlllhl. elect •nch0< CO •1.,eo, f11b1n1 cb811. swim laddet & coc~o1 t'<lr. lt\s than .-.S use -MS.ax> w.Mi7!>-3336 t>•oh••ce 949 723 3143 SEU ,. ... .......... Everyday Is a grear day lnC~edl Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 64~5678 "Employee." ''Empleado. ,. "Arbeitnehmer." "'Emp loye. ~., By CHARLES GOREN wtth OMAR SHARJF and TAHNAH HIRSCH "•inh South -~ l'Mth dul NOlmt •KQll6S AK7 K '7 • K 7 EA!.I WfST •974 8Jl AJl64 •JS • AJ ltJ QJU !J •Q4J S0l7H •2 1095 Q 102 •A 10911' l The htddmg ""OkTH EA.'!f l'iOllTH I• "-INT JNI "-"- Opening lc:ad 'I•\ of WlST .... ,._ S1ooy !he lM<ldmg and plJiy ol !hi~ tJc .. J. !hen dcudc· Would you r.uhl:r (lecl IO play 1w defend lbtett no llUmp .tfrcr lhr le..cl of the ~u of dWnund> ., The btdJ.ang wai. rwunc Wnh Ill JMllnh and a. llalanccd lwnd 111'. IOOtn~ J fhe~ar" \Ull. Nun.h ... .._,I.OU '>ITUO(( 1u npcn one no trump. iAnd IJw rai-.c 10 lhrcr no INmp l<lk.r cw.,11t ·, """I~ 11u.r .... onJ)' ,11,,Jtcly pu"1) Su~ )tJU clcL 1 '" play Uwnm)°' nmc uf Ut.atnOl•l• ""''""!Jr finl tndt and ~(Kl CUfllllJUl' With ti~· bna. 11..c llllJ ;onutbcr duh I~"'"" wiJ m.um • 111..,,._Jftd W(y. 111.pl~ C.:U\Ct\ Ill\) J1.u11und )OU pj.iy .u.J, \llM ytiu II.I-.: IKI clll1y 111 U.e duth c.:.ueful iJdrn-.c ""'" ht>IJ >"" ll• t'lfhl tn<:b \cJ )OY ,,.,;i.at kl defcnJ' \cf} v.<'11 ~ .... 1m I.ht opcnm11 k.id m h.J.n.l Wllh the &en Md k:ao)~ the tell 11! d\11>'> You LilJ\l\OI u•\(I v.11huut 1Jlowmg ded•a In mmo• to "~ duh incb b)'·"-•Mwg .,.uh Uk' kmf! illlol f'inc,\ln~ tht' nine ot du"''"' the'"'') b~k W ~t>u pl.i) h•v. ll• <J<,..., iJwnm:r Panocr v. 1m t1ll' ~IJ(Xn .11wl no nwta ,.11;,, ~rerun•• <kd:it<'• c.:<Ul ....u-c f1•c duh 111d.• h uH""k '"I! llw \Jnr "' dub... '1\J ti.t' "" c-.M 11mt c.:ol~llnf .s1 lt'J\I "'"" '"'"'' Bui do 1101l>t'111 J hum 111 <k\.I to 1k:d<11'l' Whc:n ~ou le:..! 1hc-1L·1 ••I duh<. We ,1 ·r•~~, "'" "'"' -. ht 11 dunun) folto ... , v.uh •tit' ~•c:r ,..,,, """"" )11\l lu "''" ,,,.. """' '~"'" Y'"' L..n u1tt1<• In ll• ll~>fl" llt..uo '"'" dub Ind. '111<1 lllt·, ""'''"r ""''' 1.111 NOMAnER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. "~'P&t I TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE I ACROSS n Massages DOWN 69 s: 1-bvg 1 Pertea pe<son 78 Innermost pan 1 Farm u11 is 70 cats a"1 :iog'i 6 Doobtlul 79 Den 2 Wynonn11 s ~ 7? Gr<:ar ca1,:.ers 10 Casuat wear 80 Huge flower 3 ~ct m i.. y 73 l"ri•u<l opponrnt 16 Gauz; 8? Folletl and NQt1oo 4 -d 74 Trucr>C<'wn 21 ~Ill -flTleOU dlao!) 83 TMlland MO!" 5 We rst 77 B&c•'! Ot..1 22MeXlcan pot 8"' Fro s Teensy ts 78 T11 t111n ~1.11n 23 Flil-bOre (hypti l 87 Thigh mu9de 7 Specllle r~ 'Wis" 'Tl .. Classified Community Marketplace 24 ~nzona town 89 FO$Sll luel 8 S1Tong opposrtlO" 80 Comedian Cn'!,·~ - 25 Meat-ma!11et d'IOla! 90 Trunk tool 9 Talc \alk IAlk 81 ~ueet -Soe•~~~ (2 wds) 91 -Lan«a 10 l.Jght Ulches 82 -1Qhtwet9rit IOY'i 27 Resea1ctl pla<:eS 92 ·w• -no1 amuseo· 11 Pact. anmaJ 83 Classrty 29 Madame Bovary's 93 Feed ltle krtly 12 Some East BA F-sh story name 94 Bull."' BarceJona E~opeans 85 Plc1u•e txYde• 30 Oafoaency 95 Beel Ille rap 13 DoY9 s sound 88 Gave lfle a~ 311betanVIP W1ttl 961917abdlcator 14Nor1herl"lraq, 88Meo oe·~..,.,,,, 46 Down 97 Salad 15 DUI 89 Bl ks 32 Famous label 99 Eartnwo1m part 16 Blew leroely 90 Snaos 33 Maprs °" Remtell IOI 1<11chen herb 17 Feminine pronoun 94 Brevrty 34 Ot1nk 102 de rnenlhe 18 NOll&l.ISI -Zola 95 Preftx 10• ronc 35 Ellenlng 103 Staged recucr 19 "En ptte• WMpons 96 Fa t~".JI 36 Four-dOor mode4s 1~ Chars 20 VCR button 98 H81Mf)1•'lg O~p<; 36 Most gloomy 106 Not theirs 26 Hl61ed 100 Post '40 Poollry buy 107 Brought about 26 Wene 101 F'r01tl 4 1 Cuts "7lbet 108 Indy 500 tnt 31 LasQVIOUS HP COnarl hlstorvm 42 QI tla!Wd 110 Family nlctcneme 35 Aepuclate 104 Sc:oundreis 44 Open meadow 111 Water1Tont even! 36 N~ daffy 106 BllmvatO ncrse -45 Summing up 112 Had roas1 b4let 37 MRI parent 107 Tea container ,48 -.ct-.n fldof 113 Comp11es 38 Cleopatra's wooer 109 1..owly aOCYllf '49 Cause-a~ 1aw 117 Duds 40 Hawa..&an port 111 ~oot 51 Big ~ nerghbOr 119 Papylar dog name 41loc:alt0n 113 "i-t&ng - -' 56 Every mom1ng 121 c~ 43 Dream up 114 Sk nfl"t 515 Show of hands 124 Lily to P\ene 45 Acctmato 1151-iousm play• 57 Under 125 ln...,,t a WOfd 46 See 31 AaOllS 116 VISIOI" 59 MustCal s')(Tlbol 127 CUOt>Y'!Ole 47 lnslgf'lf 118 Calendar PBQe EO ~ 128 Hawk 48 Sor-fry pans 119 Senous onendef 61 KlrJ's Wf1eels 129 Mat or umbrella -49 Door openers 1?0 UOICfOUS 62 Hart>of9 130 Separato0n 50 Repllr a wrong 121 0ltldl ard Wl\eJP.S 63 Well-behaYed 133 Traci! events 52 Gooney bl~ 1::>? · oo«s c:urlOO'I) 650etl Ofdel (2 wds) 53S1mg~~ 17.Jfaslyirntlltf"d e6 Snow bOOI 13S Savage !>4 Again and again 126 Peets oonll'!l"'tOr. 67 Baby dogs 136 Robl'>ef1es 56 Big sl'lOts 128 Mel s Dner orltess 68 Mongrets 137 Branding -57 Soep purchases 129 ~ a cama1rOer 69 Son annll 12 wets l 138 Byrtself 58~•on1he hoof' 131 S~ on , 71 M«l's ,._iry 139 Jogs e 1 T aii 1..,,uy 132 woociv s b 73 Gets wedged in 140 Cheap e2 Cldgel 133 "Get -of !NI IU'* I 74Chromosomeuntt 141 Hamletor0pllel•-. e4Gouhore 13-dNFlplayer 76 Majo«lta's s1ldl 142 Nat nNI 87 Fiesta dea>falloo D YES, Sfl I MY CAR 7#$ Smallest ol !Nt lrtlilf &e T UIS DAMX Run for a weekl If your car does not. sell, we'll run tt for another week FREEi All for just $20 .. · L - ... ... 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