HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-24 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot... Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2003 • . ' D.aVis ·adds U.S. win Port niay I ' get boost Second-round leader from Australia holds onto edge to capture Toshiba Senior Classlc. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEAtH -The taste of viciory is sweet ln any langtiage, but for SI-year-old Rodger Davis of Australia, a winner of 33 pro- fessional golf tournaments worldwide but none in the United States, it was extra deli- cious Sunday in the Toshiba Senior Oas&ic al Newpon Beach Country Oub. On the heels of being robbed at point two weeks ago in Mexico City, where he al- most withdrew from rhe PGA ChampiON Tour event but was talked out of doing so by Fuzzy 7~Uer, Davis captured his first event on American soil when he fired a 3- under-par 68 in the fi- nal round to finish 16- under 197. He won by TOSH I BA four strokes over run- INSIDE For more +eshiba · Senior Classic news and results, see Sports, Page AS ner-up Larry Nel&On, the only one in the 81 - player field to make any kmd of ruu"at Oa- VlS in the final 18 hole,. Davi~. a popular and colorful player on the PGA European and Australasian tows, has now won on five continents. With the Toshiba win, he earned a $232.500 paycheck.. It was the runth year of the Toshiba Senior Classic and eighth in a row at Newport Beach Country Oub -the inaugural was played at Mesa Verde Country Oub. This year's event raised more than $1 million -a tour-record fourth year in a row -for its lead charity and managing operator, Hoag Hospital. On the golf course, Davis started the final round with a two-shot lead and never lost his advantage Sunday. aJthough Jim Thorpe pulled to within a stroke. without asking Council set to vote on letting landmark theaters renovate without permits. June Cau1r•nde Daily Pilot Nl:.WPORT BEACH -A City Council agenda item that could have been custom· tailored for tJ1e Pon Theatre nught proceed without a single official peep from the chea- ter's owners Mayor Steve Bromberg had asked two weeks ago to postpone a vote on a land- mark theaters ordinance until the upcom- ing council meeting to give the ·applicant• an opponunity to weigh in. / Though Pon Theaue owner.. did not ap- See PORT, Paa• M PLANNING City can limit Trinity TV shoots Commission gets word from dty attorney on p rmit fot outdoor broadcasting. Deirdre Newm•n - Daily Pilot At the par-4 No. 11, Davis sank a birdie pun after a lob-wedge shot to within 6 feet, whkh increased h.is lead to three. f le took a four- shot lead at the par-3 No. 13, when heh.it a 6- iron to within 12 feet and dropped in the putt with his long puner. No one got closer than three strokes the rest oflhe way. KENT TREPTOW I OAl.Y Pl.OT Australia's Rodger Davis kisses his trophy after winning the Toshiba Senior Classic at COSTA MESA -City officia.b have the le- gal authority to impose •reasonable· limits on Trinity Ouistian Center's outdoor broad- casting activities. saJd Tom Wood, acting city anomey sa.ad. On Monday, the Planning Commission wiU reconsJder granting a penrut to ninity to broadcast outside on a regular basis. · The commission's legal authority and the s.e DAVIS, Paa• M Newport Beach Country Club. He started the final round two ahead and stayed out front. IN BUSINESS Two companies keep troops safe, flying Militanr comes to Costa Mesa for its body armor, midair refueling hardware. P.ul Clinton Daily Pilot CDSTA MESA -Ceradyoe Inc.'• Costa Mesa headquarters is woddng overtime lo supply beU- <:opter and body armor to the u .s. mill~ ~:. ll rvUs. "1uough lraq to oUs"'880~ ~ With the ..... ln full gear, the company has been worting feverishly leYCl1 days a .. week to cranJc out Jts ceramic ar- mor for the H-60 Black Hawk helicopter, as well as the soldiers on the ground. •Right now, we're on top of everythlng," said Joel Moskowitz. the company's chairman and chief executive. ·u·s vital. There's a great sense of urgency in every part of thb company." Ceradyne baa supplied ce- ramic-based ballistic sh1dding to I I Pl I II I Ceradyne also provides boron 0 carbide personnel armor. made H 0 ME FR NT of the lightest, hardest ceramic known. The plates are worn in INSIDE the front and baclc pockets of For more w•r-ntlated coverege, kevtar vests and help protect vi- see page A3 tal organs during fighting. Mos.kawitz says the armor has sa~ the Uva of 29 soldiers In the military for more than 30 ~. Kosovo and other years. areas over the pa.st year. The helicopter armor~(~. --when we save lives. we put of a cenun.lc plate and au~ up the information so ow em· by reinforced composite ~ pkJYees can eee lt. • Moskowitz iog. It helps protect eve.ry U.S. gunship. See TROOPS, Pap M THINKING Al:LOWE Keeping it together while getting it sent aretnh~~wbhOut running W.W. and lk!eoex for anee&inl attacks aaulied by the delett wtnd. E)"le droP't watertiNI hind ........ fem1nine hygiene prOducta. cbrolll ~and foot pcMder weft.~ 00 the Mat. Allio OD the liM weft• • Rb• from ='Guilf Wlr , ...... IDdl ....... ~ to hie worn ..w:I the...._..,..._, With~ aw. 9av11m· ........ .. ., • blalllt ...... ~ .... ... Jllod; .. .,... dti; .... .... ...... .... ~Ml& 1Dtbelf flica. And ........... ..... .. MU ........ M See TRtNITY, Pace M Daily Wot • -. A2. Monday, March 24, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPORIGHT DON LEACH I O'All.Y PILOT It's a family affair at Newport Tobacco, which is weathering the end of the 1990s' dot-com prosperity. Richard Hallajian, with cigar, daughter Lynn, behind him, son Alex and wife Annie, far right, run one of the premier cigar sh~s in Newport Beach. Still puffing Paul Clinton Daily Pilot I n thl· h ngering smoke of the 1990s cigar Lra7e, Annie and Richard Halla1ian continue lo puff aJong in what many consider the premier tubal cu '>hop in the area. '-lion• I q139, the I laJlajians, aJong with d.1ughll'r I }Oii and sun AJex, have run • Newport lobaccu out ol Fashion Island, rw-.tlt•d 111 a ,maJJ strip of shops near the 111110 Mare restaurant. I hank' to a loyal customer base, Nt'wport fobacco is surviving the fading 111 the t·igar fad, which ~eemed to waft 11111 with the economic prosperity of the d11t ·n1m era. "11\ not an easy business to be in now," \1111u· llalla11ru1 says. "If it wasn't for our lo\.11 ru'tomers, there is no way. That's ~hll kt·cp' us going." Si1ua1t'd in the ritziest s hopping center 111 1lw art•a. at the heart of the ritziest town in 0r3Jlge County, helps. as well. N(•wpon Tobacco isn't onJy a cigar 'hop lhe I fallajians also sell an array of BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Onexant unveils new network processor chip Newport Beach chipmaker Conexant °'Y'll'nl'-Inc. unveiled Tuesday a line of l11gh performance home network process- o~ for use with broadband and wide-area 1wtworks. fh~ 'O·callcd CXB61Lx line allows high- 'PCl:'d Internee access sharing for multiple JX'N<Hlal computer users. For wide-area nctworl.ufoers, the device supports digital 'ubr.cnbcr lines, cable and Ethernet con- rwr11on .... The Hallajians, who have owned Newport Tobacco at Fashion Island for 14 years, struggle a little these days along with the economy paraphernalia, including Ughters, cutters, cigarettes, pipes and pipe tobacco, and a range of cognacs and other liqueurs. Right now, cigar smokers introduced to the social relaxant in the '90s have surprisingly sophisticated tastes, Annie says. Nicaraguan cigars are popular at the moment, followed by Dominican and Honduran brands. OJstomers ask for Davidoff, Camacho, Thro and Montecristo much of the time. Drew F.State's Acid cigars, with funky names like Liquid, Atom, Infusion and Blondie, have caught on of late, especially with younger smokers, because of their spicy bursts of ftavor. The line uses two devices that operate at 200 and 300 megahertz and is compatible with major operating systems like Wm- dows. Unux and others. Sample quantities of the devices will be available later in the year. The device is priced to sell at SIS per chip in quantities of 10,000 or more, the company said. Conex.ant shares, which trade on Nasdaq under CNXT, closed Friday at $1.46, a O.J.4% drop in value from the day before. TriZetto offers to buy back stock to boost price The Tri7.etto Group Inc. said Tuesday that it would buy back shares of its stock to help boost the price. A cigar at the shop can cost anywhere from $4, for a low-end smoke, to $35, for a more prestigious brand. The shop carries about 100 different types of cigars. . The shop is also known for its lighters by Colibri, S.T. Dupont and others, which can cost as much as SlS,000. Cigars, which have always symbolized weaJth and prosperity, no longer have a seat so close to the front row in a world of stock market declines, war and social malaise. "It's always tied to relaxation." Annie says. "Cigar smolcing is a lifestyle. Ctgarettes are a nervous, stupid habit." The Hallajlans say they enjoy running their business as a family a1fair. Alex launched and maintains the shop's Web site (www.newporttobacco.com), while 4'nn puts In her hours mostly behind the glass counter. Both say the decision to enter the family business was an easy one. "There's nothing better than working for your family," Lynn says. "My hours are Oexible." Tri.Zeno, which trades on Nasdaq as TZIX. Is based in Newport Beach. The company authorized $10 million for the repurchases and did not say how many shares it would buy back from the public OoaL ~ of Friday. 45.9 million shares have been issued; 31.2 million of those are on the market. "With approximately $80 million in cash and equivalents," Ollef Bxecutlve Jeffrey Margolis said, "Trt.1.etto has the flexibility to repurchase shares, 'fund Its growth strategy and maintain a strong balance sheet." The company offers information tech· nology services in the healthcare indus- try. TZIX closed Friday at $4.33, up 10.74% on the day. Dail y A Pilot ConlWllon Box 1560, to.ta M .... CA 92628. Newt umtant. (949) 67._.298 Copyright No MWS ltOriel, car.I. wil.on•latl,,,...com lllultr8tJons, edltor1•1 matter Of PHOn>QRAPHfRS ~herein can be Seen Hill«, Don t.d\, reptoduced without Wl'lttiln l<ef'lt Trepeow permluion of copyright owner. VOL. 97, NO. 13 READEM HOTUNE HOW lO MM:tt UI THOMAS H. JOHNSON ..... EdleDf'8 (949)042.eoe8 Chullldoft Publiaher GIN Alexander, Lori Andefaon, Record your comments •bout iM The Times Orange County TONYOOOEAO Dlnlet Hunt. Paul S.itowitz, Daily Pilot Of newt tis-. (800) 252-1141 Editor Dini.I Stevent ~ Mi::•1Mftt JUOVOETTINO NEW&.,,An Our addrea It 330 W. Bey St., eo.ta Cf• lfW 18481842-6878 Advert II~ Crime '=9 ~It«. Meea, CA 92827. Ofnoe houl'9 .,. --(848) 642-4321 LANA Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 8 p.m. ,...,.... Promotlo,,. Olrec:tOI' (94.9)574-422 eon..dol• ..... a>rT'WG STAFF ~.b/Jarftll•lafl,,,_oom It i9 the Plloe'a pollcy to~ UM8) SU-MIO COfT9Ct 111 erroB of rsubstlnoe. ..... (Ml) 574-422S 8.J CeM JuM=rru• ,,,.,... cell (IM9) 7&M324. ..... ,_ , ... , 64M170 • Me~ing Edrtor. N9WPQft ~. ...... ,_ , ... , tl0-0170 1949)17~ , .. , 574-4232 m ...a '*"1YP11ot•i.t1,,_,oom e I cahtl Jat1fn# (Om Ju,,._~•1-t1mee.com The Newpoft ~ MtM ..... '*'*Mei9r .... Clneift Deity PMot (USfll.144400) .. ••-OlllelM)M2~ City EdltOr, l'ohtica and environment 1'9POftier, publlehed deify In NMpoft ~ I I -.. , ... , 831•7129 UM8)7&M32A (948)~ andCOltll Mw.~ ... Ill JlllftlJIS. ,,.,.,.,. ,..,.__""'" '*'' oMmon•~oom Roger~ ............. ...,...onty~~tolhe Spot1S Edit«, Tlmee.°'8nle County (IOO) 19'9) 5""4221 Columnllt, culture~. 2&Z.f1•1. In ..... Ollt9lde of mg«;~·laNn'MJ:Om (Ml 17"4278 Nlwpoft ...... tnd Cott.I Mele. JoeeJ ......... "' lollt-.hMPM•lfltimtM.OMt WbwtwidOnl llJ d'll Diiiy "'°'Ml An 0Uector I NMI Dela Chhtf, ~,.. ...... wellet>ll onty ~ ftrtC d-. ,... '°' ("9157~ ~~Tim. COmmuMV jo#.#flt~•,_.,_ com eo.t. Mete t9POflilt, CM) 114-4221 ao .,., rnonch. CMoee Include .. ...... • dMllon of1he l.oe ~ ..... MciCir •• ~,,...,,..,, . ...,,..,,. ................ 1oo11-.1 nm. . cei kd z c:.6 ~:lend~ "=·~· f ................. PMm ~tol1'1filMllOft -TIINiCN.M tWiM fefJ.phofo•~ ~Wnw.oOm ~Meli~Plot.r.O. .... --~ ,.~..-... ------.--- BEST BUYS Chico~ off~rs comfortably untailored attire C hlco'a is known for Its wrinkle-free ~Collection of untailored clothing for women A variety of jackm, panta, skirts, cardigans, ~ tanks and T-shirts are part of the collection. Pants and skirts have elastic waists for comfort. Sius are not standard: size 0 extra GREER WYLDER lines from Sevel1 jeans, Diane Von~ Juicy Couture, Mkbea1 Stars and C.am Mio Bambino. Open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at 2919 E. c.oast Highway in Corona del Mar. (949) 673-9333. small (4/6); size 1 small (8/ 10); me 2 mediwn (10/ 12); and me 3 large (14116). The reasonably priced all-oc:ca.tjon wear can be dressed up or down with Olico's jewelry and accessories. Chico's designs are made in Fort Myers, Fla. and are exclusively sold at Chico's stores. New designs arrive weekly. Its biggest local store is in Corona del Mar Plaza in Newport Beach. (949) 219-9960. Also at South Coast Plaza. Level 1Wo. aiite&BarrelJMacy's Home Store wing. (714) 751-8518. wwwchicos.com. SUGHTLY Fl.AWED FlNDS Miner Mktak• Dellg:ner Outlet carries discontinued. one-of-a-ldnd and slightly Oawed fumlture and acces.sories for the home and oftice. Many Items are from their •designers only" showroom. the Showplace South. &and name designer furniture. rugs and accessories are from Dteul Heritage, Marge Carson. Lexington and more. Pieces arme daily. Designer on site for assistance. Open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday at 2925 Airway Ave., c.osta Mesa. (714) 979-6679. D£SfGNER CONSIGNMENT BelHeetme specializes in designer comignment clothing and daJms to have the largest selection of St. John Knit&. The store Is dMded into two sections: Half is European designers. half is St. John Knits. Some popular designers include: Gucci. Giorgio Annan!, Richard 'fyler, Valentino. Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan. Oi.anel. E&cada. Judith Leiber, Ouistian La Croix. c.aMn Klein and Versace. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at 2850 E. Coast Highway In Corona del Mar. (949) 718-0476. QIT1WG.£OGE 80UT1QUE l!dca Dee Boutique Is the ultimate find for fashjon's latest trends. Owner Brtc:a Dee Berp puts together cutting-edge designers. unique gifts. jewelry. lingerie and aboes. Collections available tndude Theory. Juicy Couture, William a. Seven jeans, Mkbael Scars, Earl Jeans and Diane Von Furstenberg. Eval expectant moms can shop here! It's now ca.nylng hip maternity PORTRAIT SALE With an eye for taking great photos of families and children. local photographer Julie Norton is now offering a Father's Day special: Sitting fees are $95. The offer is good through May 1. (949) 650-5616. www.julienorton photQgraphy.com. lft.STORE BOSE 8oee, a Massachusetts-based company, ii most known for its acoustic wave radioa. Music Is aeated through a tube or "wave guide· for realistic and higtl-quallty bass sounds. The advantages to buying Bose products here, rather than through direct mall, Is that for the same price. the store can offer a 90-day satisfaction guarantee (direct mail offers 30 days) and an extended warranty. Bose only makes audio equipment. All electronics are from Phillps. Shatp and Loewe. Bose also offers home theater systems. speaker pecbges. stereo systems and quiet. comfortable headsets for~ An in-store living room display shows the range Bose offers at home. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 Ltn. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Pashion Island in ~ .,., Newport Beach. (!M9) 219-9900. wwwbose.com TRENDY JEANS Women's classic and trendy jeans are the signatures of Par i-eph. an LA-based designer. Jeans are $108 for baaics and vary for trendy styles. Sizes are from 2 to 12. Other designs indude jackda, tops, overalls and casual swmtsult&. Suede and leather Is for fall; stretch and colored denim and tencel pieces are for spring. There are two sales a year, in July and after Cluistmas. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m.. to 7 p.m. Saturday and from 11 a.m. lo 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashlon la1and in Newport Beach. (949) 759-0718. www.forjoseph.com. •BEST 8UVS appeera ~and Fridays. Send infonNtlon to Greer \Yvtderat tJf'9flnllfy1der.yehoo.oom; at 330 w. Bey St.. CoU M.A. CA 92827; or ~fax at (949) ~170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST The day begf na v.11h P9td'fV fog and d..mte. Otherwiae, eome low douda wffl be ~nging out ell day end Into the night. The fog "°"' beet In tat.. Hlgha wlll be In the mid- to upper 80L l.Dw8 will be In the UpP«40I to mid-SOL tnlcMrndon: WWW.IM'9.noM.fllN BOATING FORECAST . ·--........ --.... --,.- 1•nc1. Wh4n tt w1n be buoved bV stronger gum. The WltWe wltl be 3 to 6 ..... end the we.a ... 6to9 .... tt'ltbelb1t"9 M night. too. SURF A MW north\tlett twell, not M Wong M Mrll« twelll, mov. In todey. tt'9 good ~ fof c:Nlt-to Med-high euf'f. wett-fldng brMb. Wlnde on the°"*....,.. could .. ....-. wM11helt' OOfl ., ... f1C¥, though • .... ...-: WWW...,,,,...,,OfV ....... - I \ Monday. March 24 ?003 A3 Rally to Support troops fizzles "New Hope For Carpal _Tunnel Symptoms!" '\-port lk•h. < A -Pl BU(. ..,,_ RHC J-"'OI "' J-\U' I II )'"" ~flrr lrum <arp..il iunnd HiJron~ ..nd lilt' 111 .... ,1 .. 1 ULlinJ! JNlh ., .. , ,. ... ,.,. ,.11\1 •rlinh 1hcn ~I 1hc ~•IJ>itt tunnd '""'lr1•11c lh•IJ111<· .-.J J1-.c.• ''' th< I•• ~mt: ll\llh about cMp;ll 1u11ncl •)ndronk )'''" J."'"' 1!14• no.M 1-.: if\0'11\ of Two women, four children find they're the only ones at demonstration outside JWA. Cor•I Wiison Daily Pilot JOI IN WAYNE AIRPORT - About 200,000 people protested the war this weekend ln London, half a million In Barcelona, 90,000 In Paris and more than 100,000 marched down Broad-· way in New York.. Small groups or 150 gathered in l.aguna Beach and Costa Mesa. To coumer the antiwar pro- t~ts around the world, six peo- ple showed up to support the troops at the comer of MacAr- thur Boulevard and Campus Drive m Newpon Beach on Sun- day. I lalf of the group was younger than 6. JiU Lind<>ay of Newpon Beach, along with three grandchildren, aud Bernie Reddlng of Costa M~ ca.me with her son to sup· pon 1he1r president and the troopc;. Hve-year-old Oare Rooney wa'> undt>r a different impres- c,1on. "W came to a party." she said. " oing to be in a parade." rwo women were sur- pri.'>t'd to discover that they were the onJy ones to show up al the corner. They had expected a largt> turnout of people and a rnndleligh1 proc~1on led by MARI< t DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT From left, Ryan Redding, Bernie Redding and Jin Lindsay, with granddaughter Clare Rooney on her lap, rally for U.S. troops. Dorothy Bunn, the wife of a Ma- rine who had gone off 10 fight BWlD had called ii a Stand Up for Freedom March. Lindsay and Redding had read abou1 it m the Daily Pilot. Ml actually expected it to be much larger.· Lindsay '>aid. "Something must have hap- pened" Bunn could not be reached for comment by press time. Redding came because she was tired of seeing all of the anti- war media coverage. "I told my friends. Everyone had something else at Ihle; lime -socc_er games. church." she said. While I-year old Luke Rooney practiced saying the word "ilag." his older brother. Jake, 3. told the whole story INSIDE SCOOP "Um, we are waving. um. flags and we thought it was the wrong. day and my grandma told us we have to wait a little while. So we JUSI walled," Jake said The children's mother, Lind- !><ly\ daughter. was away. helping IO 1ran-.pon troops for Delta Air- lmt.~. Ille children think she's just workmg a regular llight Lindsay ha' been Lrytng to shield them from the television and the n~. IJndsay. an American Airlines night attendant, said she had heen fairly complacent about the problems In the Middle f.ast u n ul '>he los1 some of her coUeagues on Sept. 11. The reality of the .... ar d1dn'1 regiMer until she was af- ft.'<.:lc<l peNOnally, she ~d. I loldang a homemade sign that read, "USA all the way: Red- ding' only direct tie to war is her Here's to a clear weather outlook P tlotecr-; don't have Doppler 7000 or d11Y oLher technological wt'ather pred1ct111g doodads. but anord1ng to a ..chool weather report re'><'<trrht'<l by a Newpon Reach councilman'<; ~n. we're hol<lmg our own. Scott Ridgeway, the I 0-ycar-old son of Councilman Tod Ridgeway, compared the Daily Pilot'i. Surf and Sun weather forecasi to Internet forcnibts and di'ieovered that the Pilot fared better over the 36 day-. he monuored The categori~ compared were high 1emperatures and slcy conditions. which includ~ nun, sun, clouds. wind and fog. The Pilot was off by about 3.2 degrees, compared to the Internet's 3.4 degrees. The Pilot predicted M!VCn day-. of rain and were right every time. The Internet only predicted three days. Where the Pilot really dominated was in predictmg cloudiness. The internet predicted 19 days and the Pilot predicted nine days. There were actually eight cloudy days. So close. but the clouds tricked us that one day llw Pilot alo.,o anurately pred1c1ed '>t!ven wmdy day-. to the lntcmct'" two The Pilot c;eems to predict too many fo~ry day<>. In the only Lawgory the• lntcmet prevailed tlw P1lo1 call<'d fur''" foggy days and there were only two The Internet fi~red there would be three. So 1f you're look.mg for the b~t weather information, look no further. Just be aware that our predictions are '>Ometimes a bll foggy -Daily Pilot staff COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSIQ~ PREVIEW '-• INSIDE CITY HALL I !ere are J rew Items that will be considered at Monday's Planning Commission meeting; PERMIT APPLICATION In March 2001, the commi~ion tentatively approved a permit to allow retail saJes of cars with related outdoor storage and display. car washing and detailing In the 1500 block or Newpon Boulevard. 1\venty conditions were to have been met 20 months ago, and the applicant, business owner Joseph Lopez - representing propeny owne1" Ann Van Ausdeln -does not appear to be any closer to meeting them. Staff determined lhi 11em hould be returned 10 the commls.slon for further actJOn WHAT TO EXPECT The business owner ls making I! gt?<Xi faith effon. to comply with the conditions, staff said. The staff will re-inspect the site ~ Monday and provide the ommisslon with an update at ehearing. SUBDIVISION PROPOSAL Applicant J.P. Kapp - representing property owner Santa~ Avenue Paitneis LP - wants to subdivide two pan::els in the 2500 block or Santa Ana Avenue into nine iuldentlal lots and three common interest loll for a residential development that has ~D approved. The aubdMslon wW allow the rcaidentJaJ loll to be IO.ld sepuately. .. WHAT TO EXPECT The staff is recommending approval because the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan and will provide addltional home ownership opponunities.. PARCEL SUBDIVISION The 190 l Newpon Plaza Residences prqject includei. the development ol 161 residential condominiums, a two-level subterranean parking structure, a five-level above-ground parking structure and associated amenities at 1901 Newpon Blvd. The applicant, David Eadie of Rutter Development. wants 10 subdivide the property into 10 lots. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff is recommendlng approval. subject to conditlon1>. It is also recommending that the Oty Council remove conditions for a bus turnout provision on Harbor Boulevard. The turnout was recommended by the Orange County l)'ansportation Authority and adopted by the commisQon. When staff examined the property, ~ found the propeny only has 98 feet of frontage. A turnout requires 180 feet. DESIGN REVIEW Applicant Nick Zamwkellis - representing Pita 'D'mt -ls proposing to demolish a five-unit residential project and construct nine two-stOIY single-family boma. WHAT TO EXPECT Sldls~ •• FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m Monday •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5245 approval, ~uh1ect to conditions. !>ince 11 will create home ownership opportunities. APPROVAL OF MASTER PLAN FOR TEWINKLE PARK The plan mcludes redesign of the existing baseball/softball complex to a four-field o;oftball-only facility. new tenrus. voUeybaJI and basketball courts; a 20.000 -;quare-foot permanent skate facility. a 10,000 square-foot community center; lake renovatJon; and improvements to the pedestrian bridge and the median on Jurupero Dnw. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends continufi\g thJs Item to allow time to circulate a document to the public that is required for projects that may have a significant etfect on the environment 0 H T H E HOMEFRONT older brother. who had fought m Desert Storm. I le hru. been ~uf fering from a rash and fatigue ever. smce, symptoms that he calls the "Desen '>torm ~yn­ drome." "I don'I bt>lieve 111 war." '>he said. Bui lleddang believes iQ "up pqrting the LrOOps, . "There are golng to be cac,u- alties. Titat ii. pan of what war is,~ she said. Her M>n, 12-ye:ir-old Hyan Reddmg, said he geLS tw. mfor mauon about the war from tele VlSion and tus parent' ·(Saddam Hussein) c. a threat to America." he '>aid. P--~mg cars honked 111 '>UP pon and the mother·!>tlll team held their sign'> up higher . .,mil ing and cheenng m re<>pon'>('' "Whal time are y,,e gom.: to go home?'' (.]are v.a., ..i.sl.mg her grandmother by I p m "1 lo\v many minutes hdve we he1·n here?" ·About 60 mmute,," I JnJ.,;1\ answered. As tht> majority of the group packed up to lt'ave, Oar(• l.'Oll cllfded, "So we mi'>'>l'd lht• party?" <'..JI I MX~~I "i~ 11 1Tull h\X, 24 tu n::curiJc:J ui. ·~:cl Come see the new EverWood· Coun1ryS1de blinds from Hunter Douglas. Overlapping "11iRllll•I!~ slats create a l'.>ecfu11ful ~ board-on-board design And 1he ·s1ep-up' look adds depth. d1mens1on and character 10 any room And Ever\Vood Coun1ryS1de will not warp. crack. peel or fade Even in humid areal. or dire<:.t sunhgtu Come L~~~~~'-fi~-=1 sec the~ beau11ful blinds 1oday ~ "' ... ,,,._ , ... , ... a.., ••• , •••• "' •• ~ALDEN'S • 1 \ I 'l 166 i Placentia, Costa Me-..i <J49-6.i6-~H31i NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 3 -11 www.NewponBeachFilmFest.com Ad•~ Tht tcm i..s iri I.Ju jlav<1Yfal broth mathifrom umtch- .frtJh tat;h moniirig. G-nerous t.hunJcs of chidrn1 brla.st and rice in our IUJiriou.'> brolh. GamWtif.d wiJh dir.tid avocadO and tilantro, nulled utith a Sf1l«U f>f ftalt li~ • ..... .... .. . . ... M Mqnday, Mirth 24, 2003 P.UBllC SAFETY PO LIC.E .FILES . COITAIESA .................. OorMt IAne: A. man was arrested on autpk:ion of t:Onspiracy in at 9:18 p.m. 5'turday. • S.... StN9t: A man was an-ested on auspicion of embezzlement In tbe 3300 block at 2:45 p.m. Saturday. · • Bernefd SitMt end Maple lw9nue: Aman W&S'arrest.-.,&ilpfdon of preserufllliOf*:e identiflcafion to a police officer at_U:15 a.m. Sunday. •Pam~ _,.,,.,.:A man was arr~ on IUtC)idon of drinkintJ M public In the 1900 block at 2:55 a.m. Sunday. •South Coast Drive: A man was arrested on suspicion of forgery in the 90i blodc at 6:40 p.m. Saturday. •21st Street A woman was arrested on suspicion of burglary in the 100 blodc at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bristol end Bin:h streets: A traffic collision with no injuries was reported at 12:57 p.m. Sunday. • Colony Plata: Grand theft was reported in the 5100 blodc at 12:17 a.m. Sunday. • Irvine Avenue: A case involving theft and larceny was reported in · the-1000 blodc at 11 :48 a.m. Sunday. • Irvine Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1100 blodc at 12:57 p.m. Sunday. • Mec:Arthur Boulevard: Water and sewer problems were reported in the 4600 blodc at 10:02 a.m. Sunday. • 46th Street: A burglary wasreportedinthe100 blodc at 3:47 a.m. Sunday. DAVIS Continued from Al "Now that I've won out here [on the Otampions Tour), you can't believe what goes through your head out there Ion the golf cuurseJ," said Davis, who wears knickers and personalized socks with his name stitched on them. Davis is the tour's fourth first· time winner in 2003 and the third in succession. Last year, there were five first-time win- PORT Continued from Al ply for OT request dl.e coWldl ac- tion. they mlght as well have: The ordinance would give four dty bu.sines&es the dgtU to add ft!'&- taurant, an:ade, music and other live entertainment services at their fN'ilifies without having to apply for newpermlta. Of the four aff~ city Jand- marb, the Balboa Theatet,-, the Udo Theater the Port Theatre and the Balboa Pavilion, only the Pon has been hatchJ,og plans to do ex- actly what the ordlnance would .. ' TRINITY· Continued from Al • • ·since · neJ.ghbors have com- plained about the light and -,-glare from the outdoor broad- casting. international 'IV ministry's original operating permit. were at issue on Feb. 24, when the Planning Commission originally considered granting the outdoor broadcasting permit The com- mission decided to shut down 1iinity's outdoor TV taping until city planners had more time to review the center's original per- mit and Wood could analyze the city's legal power. After closer examination, city planners are recommending what they did last month: to al- low Trinity to broadcast out- doors with certain restrictions, ALLOWED Continued from Al because I can't afford to eat on a regular l;>asis. I complain because I can't afford $LOO-highlights in my hair, while people my age are melting in the desert sun. Here I am "too busy" to 'write letters to my loved ones because I am running around answering e-mails, returning pages and talking on my cell phone, when our troops are beggjng for communication. "They are desperate for letters," Steinbrenner said. "Just anything to let people know they ners. He has also won tournaments in Australia. Africa. Asia and Europe. "I haven't been to South America yet, H he quipped. Davis just missed tying the all- time tournament scoring record of 17·under-par 196 held by Hale Irwin (2002), the defending champion, who finished tied for third • RICHARD DUNN is a Daily Pilot sports reporter. He can be reactted by e-mail at richsrd.dunn@latimes.com. The commission should not feel constrained in its ability to regulate ninity based on the federal ReUgious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, passed in 2000, Wood said. "The main restriction is that we not substantially burden the exercise of religious activities, and we don't think the types or restrictions that are before the Planning Commission impose a substantial bu,rden on the reli- gious activities," be said. John Casoria. who represents Trinity, was not available ... for comment Friday, but said in February that the center is ame- aredtinkingabourtbem. They Just want to hear thank you. They don't want to wait SO years for peopJe to reoogniz.e the saaifioes they made. 'Ibey want to hear it now." On her counter were boxes of en\.elopes, dozens of pens and paper. She is also sending newspaper clipp~ and magazines so her son can have some connection to his homeland. Voss bad been overseas s.ince Jan. 20, . Steinbrenner said, and didn't even lcnow who bad won the Super Bowl. "He's been eating prepaclcaged meals since then, also," she said. In addition to mere survival TROOPS Continued from Al said. "It~ more that just a busi· ness relationsblp [with the mill· tary)." Over the past several years. Moskowitz has-seen ocders for his ceramic-baSed armors' in- crease substantially. In 2002, the company grew sales 35%, from $45.3 million to a record •Send AROUM> 10WN Items to the Daily Pi.lot. 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92.627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as wefl as a con1aCt phone number. A complete listing la available at www.dal/ypilotoom TODAY RegbsClallon beglna for _..•nth-, eighth-and ninth-iJrade1'11 Interested in attending Spring Camp through Costa Mesa's Downtown Recreation Center. For $95. campers can visit Magic Mountain. the Irvine Spectrum, the Long Beach Aquarium, Sommers and the Balboa Fun Zone from April 14t~18. .Registration will contJnue until the camp ill full. The camp will be hetd weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call (714) 327-7660 for more Information. TUESDAY A fNe ~ el1 •ning WOlbl'oop called .. Detox and Cleansing Through Ayurveda" will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. et Mother's Maricet, 225East17th St, Costa M .... FQr reeervations, cell (800) 69&-MOMS. A·~· and Pwomodon'" WOfbhop, ~by the Setvtce Corps of Retired Executivea, will take P*" from 9 1.m. to noon ltt National Univerahy, 3380 Harbor Blvd., • Costa Mele. The cost .. $25, $2.0 If preregistered. For men lnfonnadon, c:Mt (714) S50-7388. Onnee Coe.t College ....... annual Banf'f MoUntllln Rim Festival. Thf'M houri of • .,,. best of the lieat'" will be 8Cf'MI MMl ltt 7 p.m. 1tt the Robert B. Moore fhean ltt Or-. CoMt College; Inducing ftlme from CenllCI.;. Amerk:9, the Unn.d IOngdorn. GerrNihy.~ ..,......_ SWttmf1and, the flln'ia ,..... • wide,.,. of mounl8ln ......... TlcMl8ciolt •In ldvlnce. $10 •the door or• for ---.For .... ~ cal (714) 4124202. -210ll. _,,,., •• .,..,.----------------... .......... "=9 - nable to restrictions on broad-mitfftheywere conducting out- casting outside. . door broadcasting on a frequent The ntnlty Broadcasting Net-basis.. work started in 1973 in Santa The network responded by Ana. In 1996, its headquarters, . claiming that since they· are a with an indoor broadcasting fa-cllurch, they did not have to cility, was built in Costa Mesa. comply. It waited until late 2002 Outdoor 'IV taping was not to apply for the permit, much to part of the original permit. Such the chagrin of its neighbors. ahows require a special event Based on Trinity's behavior in permit evecy time. Still, soon af-the past, some of these nelgb- ter moving in, the network hors still oppose any outdoor started broadcasting outdoors broadcasting. and did so about 25 to 30 times "We don't like to have them a year, Casoria has said Despite outside because it's a matter of a slew of complaints. city om-trust and, in six years, we see we dais did not become aware of a cannot trust them because if problem until January 1999, you give them something. they said Mel Lee, associate planner. continue to do more and more," At that point, the city fired off a said Lars Sivring, one neighbor Jetter to the network explaining of the facility. that they needed another per-Oty planners recommend items, Voss and his colleagues want some luxuries such as teriyald beef jerky (you can't send pork to the Middle F.ast), photos from ltome. batteries, underwear and socks, Frisbees, ha~ sacks, decb of.cards, Pop nuts, bomemade'C'Obldes and other "munchies." "Ian said be was dying for a cigar, so I sent him one." she said. She is a woman on a mission and she plans to get these supplies to her son and his platoon no matter what. She knows all the tricks to make sure they get there. Hence all the miniature supplie.$. If the boxes are too big, they wont get sent, she said. Shoebox-sized packages are the best because they are easy to move through. All the mail goes to his base in 1Wenty·nine Palms, where ft is then loaded on military supply carriers. Obviously, things such as ammunition and supplies have priority, so Jai:ge bales of homemade brownies and the like are sure to get left behind. Another trick of the trade is to pack efficiently. All the extraneous packaging must go, to be able to fit the most in each small box. · She spoke quickly and ~th purpose, as to bar the inevitable wavering in her voice. $61.2 million. ment, hosing and other hard- Another Costa Mesa manu-ware that allows these planes to facturer, a division of ae.r.etsw.d refuel in midair. aerospace company Argo-Tech Argo· Tech also sells its prod- Corp., Is also supplying m'itita!y -ucfs "for commercial and indus- hardware being used in Iraq. trial uses. The company is the Argo-Tech delivers a range of world's largest supplier of main- fueling-reJated products for engine fuelling pumps for com- Navy and Air Force aircraft, mercial jets. such as the F/A-18 Hornet, Argo-Tech leaders say they F-U7A Nighthawk and the 8 ·2 haven't had an run of urgent re- Spirit bomber. quests from the military. They The company manufactures try to stay out of the politics of pumps, valves, coupling equip-the situation, said Terry Walker, AROUND TOWN WEl>HlSDAY w..kty ftoly time et Tay loet1Uy A declcdolt CINl1'1IOn'( for the store with stories, songs, finger naming of Howard A. plays and crafta. Newborns to Sd'lnelderman lecture Hall will 5-yeal"Olds are invited from 10:30 be held at UC lrvfhe's Biofogical to 11 :30 a.m. at 21111 Newport Sciences Courtyard at noon. Aa Coast Drive. For more an administrator and researdler, information, call (949) 769-8697. Sd'lnelderman (1927-1990) was a leeding figure in building the THURSOAY quality and reputation of UCl's A lung ancer 9U1JP01t group wtl Sd'lool of Blofogical Sciences. discu11 stnrtegtea and resources Call (949) 824-7252 for for coping with lung cancer. The information. group will meet from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, ,.,.....,.....,.....,,lnar Conference Room A. 1 Hoag called "The Teo (Way) of Drive, Newport Bead'I. Free. For Cleansing" will be held from 8:30 more information, call (949) to 8 p.m . at Mother's Maricet, 225 760-6642. East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) The Col w..n Caibel a..- 595-MOMS. of the National Socl9'Y Daughters of the American Revolution will N9wpcMt 8Mdt Commc.Wty preMnt 140 awards for Services will ptftent a new seriff petriotism, citizenship and of drwwfng end painting exoetlence in American history to worbhops featuring Individual students of the Newport/M ... instruction for beginning to elemen1ary, middle end high advancad students in mixed lld\oofs. The preMntation will media. The Mfiea will continue tate place at the eoat. Meea for eight Wedneldaya, from 10 Community Center at 2 p.m. •.m. to' 12;30 p.m. fn the Vince Good ..... n.wb..tn-clenb Jorgenten Center adjacent to ~rinet'.-Ubrary, 2006 Dover and a beautlful loc:atfon. If this Drive,~ Beech. Nie 11$88 eounda like your tcene, malte for the entl,.--. For more pf ans to .U.00 the N~ft lnfommion, call (949) 8"-3151. BNCh Chllmber of Commerce AMftloun ~ng .vent at •0ruge: ...,. ........ ,bna4• the Colony Apenmenta, 6100 .,. .... by Orange Cont Col'ony Plaza at Fuhlon laland, et Cotlege'I United Student 5p.m. Soclologf9tl Club end PwydlOlogy Club, Is• .ympoelum off9ring The c-. Meaj ...... Cftid Nljllt lltUdentl., unb&Hed apptoedl to CommiaM .. hoklinga ~ .......... behind the phyak:ial auction n their mefn fUndo.,.._ ...... p9raonel ........ from e toe p.m. et Hatecr.t htt a.lltunil 111P9C* •nd ...... of Clubhoutt, 3107 Qytwoolte dNgl. h wtll.,. Mid ftom 10 e.m. Une, Coet. Mtea. Dinn« wtlf be to 2 p.m. lri the~ Sllildent MfYed until 7;30 p.m. To mlb • Center. Qil , .. , ~ fof donation or pu'1:Nee a SI debt. mot9 Wonnetlon. call (714) 55J.02M. ........... c.a........... ....... ..... ,...._ ..... apon90nid bYth•C-...... local......Uln ....... Cheritbef of Commerce Wiii ~ lfioemalcM• fNY be_.,,..,. Mfdfrom5:30tol:30P.JW.ilt"":-...,._.,. _ _..-oown the'Tumlp ROM benqu.t Memory t.ne: a,,_ .... fadllty, 1901 N~ INd. h 19 leclut9•7 p.m. •h Nllwpot1 frM for membeta end CIOlitl S10 8-d\ '**111 LlbnifY. The for pot9nd•I rnembe~ FOr p1agr11n wtl lndude 1 dlloulllon more lnformetlOn, ceff '714) f#..., ,.. ..... ffdnb ........ ~,_.IOh..,,~ •JUNE CASAOMNDE CIMt1I Newport Beech end John~ Airport. She may be .-c:hed llt (949) 67<M232 or bV e-mail at june.~IJ#llt/mtMeotn FYI •WHAT: Coste Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Monday • WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive • INFORMATION:(71') 764-5246 that any outdoor broadcasting is condU<:ted ~ a way that al- lows for quiet enjoyment of the surrounding neighborhood and that exterior lighting -for the • parking Jot. building or televi- sion production -be designed : ' ' to prevent splllover Ugbt or glare • 1 onto adjacent properties. • DEIAORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 674-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@tatimes.com. ••' ' .. "It's not about me. It's about • . . Ian and about all the wonderful. wonderful people who have come tpgether and shown support for this effort," she said. referring to the hundreds of dollars wonh of supp~ ~e had received from aiea doctors, dentists. friends, support groups. •. chwx:hes. etc.. - Her words spoke the courage ., her son undoubtedly inherited. •· But her red eyes told the rruth. • " • LOUTA HARPER writes columns ~ Mondays, Wednesday8 and Fridays Jlli9 and covers cuhure and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or • :~ by e-mail at .,; • ; lolita.harper@latima.com. vice :president and general manager of the airframe divi- sion. "We don't get involved in the political decisions,.. Walker said. "Once we're involved in a . milltacy action, we feel it's our , • duty to suppon our troops." .... • PAUL aJNTON covers the environment, busineu and politics. He may be reached et , .... (949) 764-4330 or by e-meil et paul.clinton§latimn.com. FRIDAY The gl'Md9on of M8hmne Gandhi, An.in Gandhi, wilt be the keynote apealter at the annual Orange County Mediation Conhtrence. The confefence, titled .. Creating Peace In Our Communities Through 1• at ,.1 I( ,, ·~~ .... ···" 1u•; • I. Medi.tlO.n; wW.belnahe Studeol .., .;j• Center at UCI from 8-.30 a.m. to 6 ~ -f p.m . Call (949) 851-3168 for more information. n.. Mom &c:Nnge wm hold J, their Spring 2003 Family Tlme Expo from 10 a .m. to 4 p.m. at .-...; William Regional Park. 18712 University Drive, lrvlne. t ·~ft. , Families can get Information on I .. If .. claasH, actlvltlea, f•mlly . program• and perenting . , . resources. For more "11~ • # Information, call (949) 879-G11. . I ·~··= ~llfth•litywllholl• " -• j f conference on family vlolenc9 .... awareneea Marctt 28 and 29, .. .,,,·, featuring kf'YnOte speeUr the ~'"' R9v. AJ MO•, Pmident Bueh"I ~~:. appofn18d member to the r •) National Advilory CommiaM on '' I Vlolenca egafrwt women. ·•!.~; Regfttrdon beglna et noon :.:r.c" Ft1dey. Cost fa $10 for 9lUdetlta '11• ... wttt\10, •tor~ he ,,, lndudM dinner~ end contlnentel bfealtfllat Seturdey. t • H• t c.n (714) ~10, .xt. e, for .. ..,. .. mo,. Information. .. .. ~.; SUNDAY QlaMd....,lrS11 .. lfwW to •A Vetrv Spedel Outing;' an ~' ehmoon of lnl..:dve 1.. ) ttOfVllilllnQ 8nd crdi from 1 '°' .1rl p.m.~le-ltttM . . Newport 8-dt Cennl Ubrlfy. ·"'4 Cati CM> 717-3118 for mot'9 .. ,flS lnfomWtton. ;. -QUOTE OF TtE DAY .. ii "We thought tMy were joking. Then one of them hit me on the head with a gun and clicked it. It was pretty scary." Roctcw Dewll, Toshiba '03 champion . ' Jacobs turning on the charm · Veteran PGA Champions Tour player might be the most animated player on the tour. J ohn Jacobs has become the PGA ~pions Tour's new dancing Sure, au au Rodriguez is still around and Lee 'D"evino might show the aowd a move or two if he's in a good mood and shooting low scores, but these days you can count on Jacobs to entertain theaowd. Jacobs. usually in tournament COD• tendon, could also be billed as the tour's RICHARD DUNN Mc. ~ty, lo· stead 0 Zoell· er, it's Jacobs' dances-on-the· greens that a.re mak • ing fans in the gallery buzz al Newport Beach Country Oub, site of the 1bshiba Seoiot Cassie. Jacobs, who fin. ished in a tie for third at 11-under 202 with defending Tosh· iba dlampion Hale Irwin and 2001 Toshiba winner Jose Ma· ria Canizares, will always be remem- bered in Toshiba lore for his twinkle-toe dance and subsequent imitation of Ro- driguez's ·sabre dance· before finishing wtth a backward somersault on the first playoff hole in 1999 at 18 after chipping from 90 feet out for eagle. Gary McCont went on to win a 6ve- hole playoff that year, but the antics be- tween JacobB and McCont fired up the entire senlor tour that year, acconting to some. Jacobs might be the most animated player on the tour. No doubt he's under· rated. As a showman and a player:. IMryone talb about Chi Orl and Fuzzy and whoever else, but Jacobs ls the real show out there. In the final round Sunday at the par-3 17, Jacobs sank a birdie putt to move to 11 ·under, and what followed was a Monster Mash dance. wtth Jacobs hold· ing his arms in the air wtth bis body shaking. .. lpot1s£c9Dr RoeerCarison • (949) 574-4223 • Spor1a Fu: (949) 650-0170 TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC EYEOPENER Daily~Jlli Sportl .... ti'-..... _ .... ....._ Marcil 31 honoree ERIC WOODS Monday, Match 24, 2003 M .. 2003TOSHIM SEMOR~C $232.,500 • 197 -Rodge!' Dllvls $136,400 • 20 I -Larry Nebon $92,483 • 202 -Joee Marla Canlzama • 202 -Hale Irwtn • 202 -John JKObs S58.900 • 203 -GU Morgan • 203 -Brute l...let:zb Toshiba champion Rodger Davis chips in on No. 8 during the final round of the Toshiba Senior ClasSlc at Newport Beach Country Club on Sunday. Davis coClected a paycheck for $232,500 for his weekend's work. KENT TR£PTOW I DAU PILOT After making bis par putt at 18, Jacobs was at It again. acting like an old man, bunched over while spinning around in a d.rcle OD the green. a la Bob Hope. When asked about the dances, Jacobs quipped: ·1·m Just happy to get the (bleeping) thing lo the hole.. Fate leads Davis to title ••• While attendance was down SUnday from past flnaJ rounds of the 1bsh.lba Senior Classfc at Newport Beach Coun· try Oub, local police and paramedics were kept busy, responding to at least four calls and making one amst. The Newport Beach Fire Department trated I perlOO who became sick lo I atybox at the 18th bole and later an dd· edy woman In the paiting k>t after the toumamenL Neither were taken to Holl Hospital Police, boweYer, arrested a fuYen1le for sbopllfttng ln the pro shop Sunday and later detained a fOW18 man on the lldewalk with a golf cut along West Cout Highway off the Newport Beac:b Country Cub grounds. Newport Beach po11ce omcer Lloyd Whileoant aakl OnJy one lrtelt wu made Sunday during the tolD'DalneOl About midday. eyewttneues mt • woman 'Wllll ~ polk:e wbOe In· tODclled ouDlde of the~ She WM DO( .re.ted, ICCOidioC to touma• ment MlC'W'ltJ ••• During Sunday'• liYe teiecut OD ~ the lbldon aAnld a pn>modoo to buy dcbCI for the 1blhlba Senior (Ju.. lie at 4:40 p.m. when eYmtual f:hanl· p6on ~ DaYil wu .,... to the • 181bpeen. ••• In Mdldoll to .. ~ DIWll wean perllOIWllied red IOCb wtdl White clamolldl on .ch ilde. In the Cla· ......__ .... ...,... .......... ipll 1111 Int MIDI (Ml Int name II D:bed an tbll left lldl ~ eldl eoct.; i:nd ...... nm. on the rw-e6clef. I I Popular.Australian, whose colorful golf attire includes knickers, has come full circle on Champions Tour with victory at Newport Beach Country Club with a four-stroke m argin. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.ACli -Before an impromptu chipping lesson· prior to teeing off in the first rotmd of the 1behiba Senior Oassk, Australian Rodger Davis was •trugling with bis short game, as well as a few other things. like getting robbed at gunpoint in MaSco Oty and shortly tbe:reafter piddng up his smoking habit again after quitting for • 14 or 15 weeb." But Davis talked· about fate all weekend. When be mtved at Newport Beadl Country aub last week for the Tushiba Classic, Davis WU 61rUding with bis lhort pme. but. as fate would ~ it. be was given a quick &eason by an inlt:ruc:tor who just happened to be walking by when 0avts WU pnacddng. om. -~ quk:kJy to the tricky peeDI ind pla;ed 54 holea with the whole .,.,-.. amm.ted bY SUOOay's four-stroke victory in the ninth annual PGA Ownplons Thur f:Yent in Newport Beach. where Davis pocbted $232,500 for bis flnt-placle e«ort. tin· lahlng at u; .. .ntet.par 197. •A lot ~IUYl etarted off weD (&anday), tbeo .. ol the IUddesl It ltOpped.. O.vlt laid o( bla punuen. after tab11 • ~..mot lead Into the flnllnMld. When lllbd If be COUid've won the tourna· meat...._. .._ 'llllndmy ._. hm DIM Na~ Sdldal-Nec pro Mme Alben. Da· •1111t .. _ _.at 16 I cm .. you. Al/I.. my c...-. (Pllul 8'lllb) ••• • iJI the aidden CAI· ben> FC me ClllOla'1kc .._ W ~ ~ If you Mlt,.... cm CbtP In*'...., 11..._ lbe ....... tJaJ'"l md ~-90t a aict II I =., ........... ~ FloflilDd lnlllL n., ............ IWlib ....... .._,, -· o..tr.J• .... ----·97 tD ~ Mlllli'llG\Oi ..... 'lbur .... and ... tJe on American soil has now won professional golf tournaments OD five continenls -Aus· tralia. Africa. Asia. Europe and North Amt>rica. The win makes him the founh fir.t ttmc wi n· ner io 2003 on the tour and the third in sucef'S· sion. Last year there were live fir.t lime win · nen all year. Further, Davis just missed tytng the all·lime tournament scoring record of 17-under·par 196, set last year by Hale Irwin, the defending champion who finished tied for third. his third top-three fmish th.is year and the 89th of his career ln 189 tarts (36 wins. 35 second~ and 18 th.ird5). Runner-up Larry Nelson shot 4 under 67 in the ftnaJ round, bl.It no one really made n push at Davis. whom~ a two·shot lead going into nday~ fttn Thorpe closed to within a stroke once. but be fell back qukkJy. Davis birdied the par:-4 No. 11, after hitting a lob we<tge to within m · fttt, and moved thtee ahots in frOnt at 14-under. Se\'eraJ pla)ws. in· duding lrwln, were at· 11 ·Wldtr when Davis A.Ilk h1s birdie putt. At the par·3 No. 13 (l 70 ~). Davb hit a 6- lron to withln t2 feet and sarik a birdie putt to fall to 15·under and inc:rc load to four aboU. One of the key shoes for Da on the pu-·• No. 14, a 397-yUd ck>Clel riaht.1.n whicb be a..ded in tbe left ~ and WU bUd to hit b8hueen two tteet. Da¥il ,.,. his a«ond ihot onto the peen. bibbed llkw' by CNBC u die 9hl9t Of lhe DmJ He eaWd I*· Plijlng rwo .,..,..,. ahMd ~ JJiiM8. Nellon bk.u.d dle""5 No..15. lbe ..... bole on the · IOlf c:uurw.. to DIOft to 12•under and CUC h a.Ml IO dfte ..... ldt Da9ll Pater bWitCt 11.··--par ........ , lriift to within 10 k -- ------ ---------------- f •t ------..·-------------...__. ·--- M Monday, Match 24, 2003 SP 0 RT COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lions duel-in Final Four tOnight DI D~yAPilot. 111 Vanguard faces toumament- experienced So uthern Nazarene, which defeated Lions earlier this season. JACKSON, Tunn. -Mo- mentum. team chemistry and a sense or destiny have been the key components to Vanguard University's mo- mentous run to the Final Four or the NAlA Division I Women's Basketball National Tournament. It seems the lions, making their first Pinjll Four appearance in their history, will need an extra dose of each of their strengths in their quest to defeat Southern Nazarene. Tonight's start is 8 p.m. csr. The Crim.son Storm (27-9) is in the NAIA semifinals for the 12th straight year. It has won five national cham- pionships in their history, in- cluding four in a row from 1994· 97. Last year, Southern Nazarene . · Hall o .Fam ·-lost to Oklahoma City, 82-73, In game-winning layup wldl eight College. But, Vanguard is deady the national dtJe game and lhe seconds left. a dilferent team since then. The Qimson Storm is hoping Cor a But. it wasn't just Dfttenblr Uon.s have won 20 of lhei.r past championship rematch. Thp-who led the Uons' comeback. 23 since that loss, mainly be- ranked and undefeated Okla-Sophomore guard Lacey Mills cause they have difrerent scoring born.a City {32-0}, the four-time drilled back-to-back three-point· options on otfense, including defending champion, is ex-ers inside the final two minutes l)ittenblr, Mil.ls, sophomore Jen- pected to reach the final, which and senior guard Jessica Lender-nifer Wilcox and Laura Lee, the is Tuesday at 8 p.m. CST. man knocked down a pair or free school'& all-time three-point Celebrating the millennium Th~ Uons {28-9}, on the hee,ls throws with 27 secon<b left. ·leader. Wilcox. who pamed All· of a thrilling come-from-behind Balance has been the basis of GSAC honors along wilh Dltten- victory over Oklahoma OuistWl Vanguard's hJstoric season. bit, led the Uons dudng the Saturday. are apparently the out-"Throughout the whole year regulat season with 11.2 points slders of lhe Final Four. Three or we've bad this tbeer. As one, we pet game. • TOM PESTOLESI' .... ":' ! the four teams in the semifinals believe.· Oitteoblr said In a "The two won:ts that best de--•• are from the powerful Sooner phone interview late Saturday scribes us ls, team chemistry,· Athletic Qmference. night "We came back to win Vanguard C.Oa~ Russ Davis said However. Vanguard has against Cal State Dominguez "We have unbelievable team &tancia thrived in the underdog/Cinder-Hills (Dec. 14) when we were chemistry." ella role throughout the season. down by 20. It's just a drive, a de-The Crimson Tide bad five In the preseason. Golden State sire and a passion that's within players score ln double figures in Athletic Conference coaches us." their 74-61 quarterftnaJ victory He had a passion for coachjng and he's still digging in trenches as Irvine Valley's coac}l·. picked the Uons to finish ninth Dittenbir expressed anxiety for over Point Loma Nazarene Satur- in the conference. tonight's matchup. day. Bendegne Diop, a 6-5 junior Richard Dunn That motivated Vanguard and· "It will definitely be exciting.~ center, led Southern Nazarene Daily Pilot it finished with the GSAC title said Dittenbir, who has scored 42 with 17 points, while senior and the most conference wins in points (14 per game) and guard Sasha Serlogina had 12 D uring demonstration GSAC history. grabbed 30 rebounds (10) in points. speeches. Tom Similarly, the Lions appeared Vanguard's three wins in the Senior center Courtney Pestolesi isn't afraid to be dawn for the count against NAIA tournament "We lost to McKinney, who averaged 8.3 to make bis points. In Oklahoma Ouistian Saturday. them earlier in the year, so I'm points per game during the regu-fact, he thrives on showing his The F.agles led 58-44 with 5:58 really looking forward to this.· lar season, is the Lions' tallest volleyball players how it's remaining, but Vanguard rallied The lions lost to Southern player at 6-1 and will most Jilcely done. with a 17-2 run that was capped , Nazarene, 71-48, Dec. 30 at the have ber defensive focus on Pestolesi, the Irvine VaJley by senior Robbin Oinenblr's GSAC Challenge al the Master's Diop. CoUege men's voUeyball coach and national champion on the ' in the fall or 1983. when he coached lhe Corona del Mar I ligh girls volleyball team. ~vou're thinking you know it all, bur really you don't know anything," said Pestolesi, who arrived at Estancia in the spring or '84, leading the Eagles' boy1. to the CIF Southern Section 4-A championship match, in wt)lch they lost to Coach Mike Coolc'i. Mira Costa Mustangs in five games. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD PREVIEW masters level who still owns a reputation on the beach for his savvy and quick jumping ability as a middle blocker, With former Estancia he'a9 coach Mike Pomeroy around lo help his successor, Pestole1.i. things ran smoothly off the court, while players like CdM boys ready for PCL Ringstrom and Artz among leaders for Sea Kings as they prepare for league. Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -The con- sensus favorite of the Pacific C.OOSt League in boys track and field is Northwood High. But don't tell that to Corona del Mar coach Bill Sumner. The Sea Kings are always his fa. vorite, especially after the way they have been performing throughout the finit three meets of the season. Sumner didn't predict CdM would win the PCL title, but he knows the Sea Kings won't back down from the Tunberwolves. ~Northwood is still the favorite," Sumner said. "But there ain't go- ing to be no free rides here. They're going to have their hands full. I thinlc we're going to be pretty strong. 'We match up pretty good.· The Sea Kings are 4-1 after one dual meet and two tri-meets, as they prepare for the PCI season. Junior Chris Ringstrom bas been one of CdM standoulS, lhus far and he's concentrating on build- ing off the momentum he aeated in the 200 meters last season. After racing in the 200 for only t:he final month of the sea.son, Rin~m was fast enollilt to qualify for the OF preliminaries, and he advanced 10 the finals after a 22.85. He finished in second in the 200 in the PCL and third in the 100 in league. CdM finished sec- ond to Northwood in the race for the PCL team title. "We have Oui.s Ringwom. and he keeps everyone honest." Swn- ner said "I don\ care how fast you are. You have to be pretty fast to beat Ringstrom n The Sea King-; also feature sophomore Andrew Wong. who qualified for OF in the pole vault last year. In the distance evenll>. junior Kevin Artz is among the leaders for CdM Senior Blake Dillion is a natural leader for the Sea Kings and he's one or a handful of CdM athletes who compete in at least three events at each meet 'The CdM boys are looking great.· Sumner said "Servile is a great team (UIM defeated Servite, 72-64, Wednesday). I don\ think they came at us full foroe. The re- sults just tell you what you ended up with. 'We were happy that we beat them. I thought ii would be close.. CdM bas the Lop I ,600 relay time in the county. Artz Dillion, Borcoman and Ringstrom com- pleted the 400 relay in 3:30.9. The Sea ~ have plenty or bodies this season and their depth should make them a threat Man Morrs (sprints and reJays), Mi- chael Rudinica (distance), Bo Weidner (distance) and Eemaan Jalili (hurdles) are expected to make key contributions this sea- son. Rudinica and Weidner will con- tinue to run cross country and compete in track. and field at Loy- ola Marymount next year. Sumner said CdM girls seek redemption The Sea Kings will attempt to win back the PCL championship, which went to University last season. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -There has been date circled on Co- rona del Mar High's calendar for the girls track and field season. That date is coming Thursday. The Sea Kings, who seemed to have bolstered its attack thfs season, will host Pacifi<:'. Coast League foe Universiry at 3:15 p.m., in a meet featuring the top two teams in the PCL The Trojans showed their power and strength that came from mainly field events last season, and that's what CdM anempted to lmprove during the off-season. The Sea Kings. who had woo the previous two PCL titJea, fin- ished second to University lMt sea.son. CdM still possesses lmpres- sive talent in the track events, despite the loss of long-di.s- tance standout Julie Allen, who IUIJIJ. fl&111 .... ..,,,,_ ..... ~ .............. _..,, ........ ..., ~.-. graduated last spnng. Allen earned a scholarship to Stan- ford, but she sat out thii. year due to illness. She ha'i been training with CdM Coach Bill Sumner. The Sea Kings stiU have depth in the distance races with !;Co- lor Becky Cummins leading the way. Cummins, who will move on to Dartmouth in the fall, has been pacing herself slnce re- covering from a rigorous cross country season. CdM is also strengthened by fre bman Anne St. Geme, junior Taryn Kawata and sophomore Attlia Kattan. JunJor Kinzle Kramer. sopho- more Melissa Swigert and jun- ior Sara Oaster have the ahort sprints and the middle distance events covered. Swigert is expected to have a coming-out season or sorts af- ter she finished second in the PCL in the 200 and 400 meters last year. ... -~ - ----. ~·11,975 • u' think the girls are starting to come together. We used to be soft in the field events, but we're making progress everyday:• Coach BIO Sumner ~she's still trying to round herself in shape,• Sumner said of Swigert. "She's doing a lot or stuff, so we have to be patient." Junior Stephanie Sitzer re- turns for the Sea Kings as a solid contributor in the hurdles, and could also support in the long jump Lt\ls season. •1 think the girls are starting to come together," Sumner said. "We used to be soft ln the field events, but we're making progress everyday. Our sprint· ers and distance runners are ready to go. We'll be ready to take anybody ln the league. We have UnJ Thursday. so we are looking Corwud to that• Kevin Artz Brandon !k>rcoman Mike Caponera Marl!Cianciullt Brian Ch.Inn Blame Gnbble EemaanJahh Bradley Kroopf Brian LaPerle Howard Leli Ryan Manihall RouMcKee Hogan Myer Steven Minard Mau Moms Kirt Moses GarT&U Precnell Chris R1ngstrom Mike Ruclinu:a John Salinas Julian Saltnas N1dt Sutherlin Justin Turbow JadtTumer J.C. Turner Bo Weidner Blake 01lhon Kenneth Wong Andrew Wong Gordon Vould Brandon Zlrlan Shewn Mitgutre Dane Robie Coach· Bill Sumner DevonAheam Dtl>Ja Budhraja Chulapetrcheevin Sara Clester Keelan Cuyl« Bedty Cummins Lindsay Fisher Leigh Fransen Kate Heeschen Ahlia Kattan Taryn Kawata Jennifer Logan Trisha M lzu11wa Nicole Parise Kinzie Kramer Carolyn Dorlen UndAy Manning Kelly Morgan Stephanie Sitter Anne St. Geme Meli111 Swigert Jeanette Tertaglini Ruby Todd Krlatlna Tucci Jennifwr Way Natalie Wayta Whitney Weidner Kell8'( Wigman Jenna Wood UndMyWood Roxanne ICJilden ICJir1n Hecatoryan eo.c:tt· Bill SYmner Jr. Jr. So. Sr. Jr So Jr. So Sr. Jr Sr Jr So Jr. Sr So. So. Jr. Sr. So So. Sr. So. Fr. Jr Sr. Sr Fr. So. So. Jr. Jr Sr. So. Fr. So Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr So. So. So. Jr. Jr. So. So. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. So. Jr. So. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. So. Jr. Jr. So. So. said he has •the best job in the world,• but if playing volleyball could pay his bills and reed his wife and three children, he'd just do it. Johnny Wallace, Adam Lockwood and Steve Conti took care of business on the noor and wmade me a really good coach," PestoleM quipped. "I love coaching and I love teaching. I have a passion for both,• Pestolesi said. ·But, to me, nothlng's better than playing .. I still have a passion to play, but my body, at 43, is Tom Pestoles1 deteriorating. But I Pe'itolesi remajned at Estancia through the Matt Fuerbringer years until 1993. For fl. couple of years. thet-c was a crossover wlrh · coaching the Estancia stiJJ love to play and I think it helps me coaching-wise. I understand what players go through and the slumps and the lost confidence ... coaching helps my playing and playing helps my coaching.· A big kid at heart who sometimes lllces to ·act like a kid.· Pestolesi is typically upbeat, positive and smiling. ·rm a glass is half-full guy. I always look for a silver lining." said Pestolesl, who spent several years coaching in the Newport-Mesa District, including I 0 years at Estancia as the boys and girls volleyball coach. •1 tell (students) in my classes and on my teams that when things areo't going well. that's when my true character's going to come out and your true character's going to come out. That's when you find out about people.· Pestolesl, the latest honoree in the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame, grew up playing every sport imaginably in Huntington Beach with a group or close friends, including longtime Newport Harbor boys and girls volleyball coach Dan Glenn. Volleyball was big in that part of the world In the 1970s and the 6-foot-2 Pestolesi found his caUlng as a middle blocker for Huntington Beach High (Qass or '78). Mter playing two years at Long Beach State, Pestolesi (a.le.a. Pesto) transferred to the University of Hawaii and played on scholarship, thanks to OiarUe Brande's phone call to former Hawaii coach Dave Shoji. Peatolesl became a star, twice earnlng all-conference honors while belng named an NCAA All-American In 1983. Without wasting much time, Pestolesf, proud or bavtng graduated from college, started coaching. HJs ftrat atop came boy1> and the Irvine Valley men, whom Pestoles1 coached ai. a part-timer from 1991 through '94, before getting hired in 1998 as a full -time staffer and volleyball coach at the college As nm Parse! was leaving Newport J !arbor and headed for Estancia to become the head bo)") basketball coach and laler the school's athletic director: Pes1olesi figured u was time for a change. He and Parsel taught the same classes, so a switch was narural. And Pestolesi. wilh young kids at home. was interested in coaching with h1!. longtime friend, Glenn, at ' · Newport Harbor. "I was (Glenn's) assistant coach .. it was perfect." sard Pestolesi, who helped the Sailors win national, state and CIF Division I girls voUeyball titles in 1994, as well as coach Newport I larbo r's varsily . badminton team for two yean .. Pestolesl's badminton teamc; would practice at 6 a.m. so . there would be no scheduling conflicts with Glenn's ' volleyball team. Then. in '98, the Irvine Valley job opened. He was. tipped off by former colle~e . Tim O'Brien, now the boys basketball coach at North\Yobd High. Pestolesi was happy ;i..t Newport Harbor, but friends encouraged him to apply t'or the IVC position and the pa'.¥ would definitely be an increase. Pestolesi's wife, Diane, grilled him with questions and be bought a ~ew suit, so he could dress to lmpress at the lnterview. Shortly thereafter, the call' · came to ask Pestolesl to cdath the Irvine Valley men as a f'ull-Limer and be couldn't #Y yes quick enough. 1 *Jt doesn't seem like 20 y~ars Cot coaching). I've done a l<t.t tlf dUJerent things," Pestolesl safd. .. . \ COLLEGE BASEBALL !Anteaters suffer . . 3-1 loss as bats produce one hit Five Washington pitchers combine to . stifle UCL ANTEATER IWJ.PARX, Washington starting pitcher lrevor Gibson held the Anteaters tp one hit as the Huskies went on to defeat h°" UC lrvine, 3-1, for the·series win Sunday. Both clubs were shut out lhr9ugh four innings as Gibson walked just two batters. UCI stalting pitcher Paul French faced the minimum through three innings and gave up a sin- gle and a walk in the fourth. Washington's John Otness led off the fifth with a single and was driven in on Brent Lillibridge's two-out single. Lillibridge came .~und. on a double and Greg lsaacson capped the · scoring with a RBI single to bring in TUa Reynolds. UCI's Man Falk led off the fifth with a triple and was cashed In on Matt Fisher's sacrifice Oy, but Gibson struck out the next two batters to get out of the inning. The Anteaters threatened in the sixth. drawing three walks to load the bases, but pinch hitter Daniel Miramontes lines!' to Ot- ness for the third out Gibson improved to 2-0 after pitching 5.2 innings and giving up a run on one hit while strik- ing out six. Reliever Will Fenton shut out UCl in l ~ innings to earn his fifth save of the season. French suffered his second loss, lasting eight innings and yielding three runs on seven hits while striking out six. UCJ falls to I 0· 16 with the loss while Washington improves to 16-6. The Anteaters travel to UNLV for a 6 p.m. game Tuesday. ~ Wash=3.U01 U.ofW ~ ~ · 3 1 o UCI ooo 010 ooo -1 1 2 Gibson, 8avsinger (6), Robertson (7), Carter (7), Fenton (8) and Hathaway; French, Raulinaitis (9), AJstot (9). Tnpoli (9), Koehler (9) and Wager. W - Gibson, 3-0. L -French, 0·2. Sv - Fenton (5). 28 -Revnolds (W). 38 - Falk (UCI) COLLEGE WOMEN'S TENNIS Anteaters top Nebraska, 4-3 ANI'EATER TENNlS STADfUM -The UC Irvine Anteaters knock.eel off the visiting Nebraska Qlmhuskers in women's tennis Sunday. 4·3, to improve K> 10-7. Jenny Bowman. Anna Bentz.er and Hui Leow. playing in the 2- 3-4 sJots, picked up singles vic- tories, and Benzter and Ouistie Posner, along with Leow and Amy Tranddno were victorious in doubles. Nonconfwence uo 4, Nebntsk.a 3 Singles-Ostermann (N) def. Chang, 1-6, 64, 104; Bowman (UCI) def. Harvev. 6-1, 7-5; Bentzer (UCI) def Baccarani, 6-0, 6-1, Leow (UCI) def. Ketmavura, 1-6, 6-0, 6-1; Oehme IN) def. Tranc:kino, 7-5, 5-7. 10-8; Castillejos (N) def. Posner, 9-7. Doubles -Ostermann-Harvey (N) def. Bowman-Chang, 8-6; Bentz.er-Posner (UCI) def. l<etmayura-Oehme, 8-5; t_oow. Tranc:Xino IUCI) def. . Tomkiewicz-Cremieux, 9-7. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Eagles boys second Small schools division at Long Beach Relays. LONG BEACH -Estancia High's array of track and field athletes made their presence felt at Long Beach Oty College Sat- urday where Long Beach Wilson bosted the Long Beach Relays. F.stancia's boys were second to cf\ampion Omla Vista and the Eagles had individual winners In boys and girls events. • BOYS: Nick Koreerat. PanfiJo E'llas, Humberto Rojas and Abel Aores combined forces in the sprint medley (200. 200, 400 and. . 800' meters) and won in 3:37.79. In the di.stance medley relay (400, 800, 1.200 and l,600) Uliss- es Cardena. Aores. Elias and Ro- ja$ went 10:47. also a first-place effon.. And Jason Johnston was first In the small schools long jump with a leap of 21-6. He was sec- ond in the llO hurdles in 16.4 and with Koreerat, Matt Ste- phenson and Cardena. posted a 47.1 in the 400 relay. Rancisco Morales. Martin Diaz. Steve Ped.com and Sean Zicb were fourth tn the 4 x 800 at 9:19.7, a.od Cardena, Pedroza, Jotge Soto and Adam Rodriguez went 1 :48.6 ln the 4 x 200 at I :48.6 for fifth place. Other marb: Zach Novak went 6-2 in the bJgh jump. Joey Und- quist was fifth in the shot put at 43-5, Koreeral was ftfth in the tri- ple jump at 36-7 and second in his 100 heat at 11.21. Stephenson was fourth in the 110 hurdles at 17.8, and the Zich brothers, Matt and Sean, went 4:59 and 5: 15. re- spectively. in the 1,600. Lindquist had a l 00-10 effort in the discus. • GIRIS: Ericka Plietez. Diana Rosete, Crystal Rincon and Ludi Valdes won the 4 x 400 relay in 4:42. Valdes. Ashley Rodriguez. Plietez and Rosete were second in the sprint medley at 4:38.0 · and Valdes was second in thelOO hurdles at 19.67. In the 1,600, Rincon was 14th at 6:25 and Fatima Carrasco was 15th at 6:28. Brltannie Stam. Cynthia Luna, Okary Lomeli and Lucy Leon went 15:16 in the distance med- ley relay, Amanda Abbott. Ma- tilda Ochoa. Luna and Stam were eighth in the 400 relay at I :05.4, Leon, Lomeli. Carrasco and Diana Castro went 11:47 in the 4 x 800. Castro, Luna. Rodri- guez and Sage OTuol were eighth In the 4 x 200 at 2:10.98. and Abbott was eighth In the tri- ple jump at 28-11. Also, O'Tuol went 4-4 In the bJgh jump, Plietez and Ochoa went 13.l and 15.0 In the 100, Nancy Castro and Christine Ramirez went 26-10 and 23-2 in the shot, and Imelda Pena and Pricilla Garcia went 71 -3 and 62-0 in the discus. ~P.. . $1.U25 Robins fOfd Discount . •. ·S2.•30 s.lltng Prlc4' : . • • S 11. qq 5 foctOJy Rebote • ·SUOO Net'-••.••5 l&Tlm,_ SPORTS TOSHIBA SENIOR CLASSIC MAPK C DUSflN DAILY PILOT Larry Nelson tees off on No. 15 Sunday. Nelson collected $136.400 for second place. DAVIS Continued from A5 "This is just unbelievable." Davis said of his victory. the 34th of his career but first in the U.S. "(Sunday) morning at least 25 guys came up to me and said good luck. I'm a bit of a foreigner playing over here and that meant a lot 10 me." Davis. who said he began ~ng in knidc.ers in 1978 fbe· fore the late Payne Stewart I. has recovered from the terrifymg in- cident in Mexico City two weeks ago. when Davis, another golfer and two caddies were held up in a restaurant by two men who stole their watches. ·we thought they were jok- ing." Davis said. "Then one of them hit me on the head with a gun and clicked it. It was pretty scary. I didn't gel any sleep for two nights.· Davis, who said he put the episode behind him. was go· GOLF Continued from A5 ••• For the first time all week. · the temperature drbpped be· low 60 degrees late In the afternoon Sunday. When Da- vis was still celebrating at 6 p.m.. it was 59 degrees with winds l 0-15 mph. ( • •• Longtime Toshiba Q.wic volunteer Brian Carter, a re- tired judge who has lived in Cameo Highlands since 1962, said the reason he keeps com - ing back 10 volunteer is be- cause of how weD tournament "Fuzzy Zoeller talked me out of it. It's like when you get kicked off a horse. You've got to get right back on:' Rodeer Davis, Toshiba champion ing to withdraw from the 01ampions Tour event in Mexico City. but "Fw..zy ZoeU- er 1aJJced me out of it. Ir's Like when you get kicked off a horse. You've got to gee nght back on.~ He also had qw1· c;molcing cigarettes, bu1 started again thal night - along with Zoeller, also a smoker. There were at leasl two camera shots Sunday on CNBC of Davis puffing away. "I th'.ink I was a little ner· vous out there." said Davis. who is also suffering from al- lergies and was one of the few officials and players treat him. "They treat w; very well here," said Carter. who used to volunteer at two tournament!> in Las Vegas. but qui! both be- cause of how official managed the volunteers. "Here. they knm\t they couldn.t run lhis tournament without us and they treat us that way." Carter is the chairman of the leader boards. ••• Speaking of volunteers. standard. bearers co-chairs Gordie Fitz.el and Randy Loats got an assist from Tamar Weinstein when she suggested putting small American Oags on each of the standard bear- ers throughout Sunday's final round. It was a big hit "Every- one was talking about them player. uc;mg .1 golf l drt thi'> \>\eekend. Davis. con!>tdered one of the more popular am.I rnlurful players on both the PC".v\ Luro- pcan and Au!>tralasian lours, said he doe!>n'1 regret deciding in 1985 10 play in Europe ... At the nme. 1he purse-. were about the same ta.., the PGA Tourl." he said. The !>Coring in the Toshiba u~1c was ... till low tn the final round. but not as hot as Friday and Saturday. or ju:.t like the weather There were only six rounds of 64 or bener 111 the tournament since 1996 at Newport Beach. including two by Nehon. But tlus year there were three rounds of 64 or lower -Jim Ahem in the fir;1 round Friday and Davis and Nelson on Sarurday. In the fi. nal round. Gil Morgan. Wa11er Hall. inaugural To!>hiba Qassic champion George Archer (I 995 at Mesa Verde Country Qub) and tour newcomer An- dy Rean all shoe 5-under 66. and saying what a nice touch it wa.,, ~ I.oat!> "'1.ld. ••• No attendance figures were released by the tournament. but the crowds Wt·re definitely lower this year than past Tosh- tba Oassic events. ·rm surpnsed the crowd's so small.· Newport Beach Country Ouh head pro Paul Hahn said Sunday. "Maybe people were feeling guilty or something if they go some- where. Who knows why !at- tendance Wai down)?" Added Newpon Be.ach member Janke Sauter. one of the club's top female players: HYeah, the crowd's not very big at all. I'm amazed it's so small. But it's beautiful and it's a per- fect golf course to walk.· Motlday, March 24, 2003 A7 ~-· ,.p~· o~ ... ~~/ ;; :~t ~').·~ /. -.~ '.. .. •• • " •J .,,,__., . -•·.· 'J ·J · / 1.· .. -· ..1'11.. •• • • f"', ~ , ~ TOSHIBA 2003 TOSHIBA SENIOR ClASSIC Anal 197 '23:2.500 Rodger Davis 65-64--68 201 $136,400 Larry Nelson 202 $92,483 Jose Mana Canizares Hale Irwin John Jacobs 203 $58..900 Gil Morgan Bruce L1e12ke 204$40,920 Ed Dougherty Hubert Green Allen Dovie Wayne Levi Jim Ahern 205S27.12S Doug Tewell Vicente Fernandez Dave Stockton Jtm Thorpe Tom Wargo David Eger 206$18,268 Walter Hall George Arc:l1er Bob Gilder Tom Kite Tom Purtzer Mike McCullough J1myM cGee 207 $13,485 Andy Bean Hugh Ba1occh1 Howard Twitty M ark M ccumber Jay Sigel 208 $10,927 Tom Jenkins Lanny Wadkins Tom Watson Dana Quigley 209$9,300 Leonard Thompson Jim Colbert Terry Dill 210$8,525 Terry Maunev 211 $7,750 Jim Dent Date Douglass Billy Kratzen Sammy Ractiels 21216,200 Fuzzy Zoeller Dave Barr Gary McCord James Mason Des Smyth Ray Flovd 213 $4.251 John Bland Rodcy Thompson Bruce Fleisher Rafael Navarro Bobby Wadkins Morns Hatalsky Didc Mast 21•SJ.1n Bob Eastwood Bruce Summerhays lee Trevino Mark Pfeil 215 S2,.567 Stewart Ginn Graham Marsh J.C. Snead Bill Rogers 216$2.170 Dave Eictielberger 217$1,158 Ben Crenshaw Mike Smith Charles Coody Garv Player Walter Morgan John Mahaffey 218$1.271 Bobby Walzel 219$1,Gl!S R.W.Eaks Joe Inman Oevid Graham l.22$:961 Jim Albus 12318&8 Larry Ziegler Gibby Gilbert 22'tS77'5 Tommy Thoma 221'711 Miiier Barber 221 .... Chi Chi Rodriguez 70-64-67 66-66-70 67-66-69 67-66-69 69-68-66 67-68-68 68-69-67 72-65-67 68-68-68 66-68-70 64-67-73 68 70-67 69-69-67 68-68-69 68-67 70 69-67-69 66-66 73 70 70-66 69 71-66 69-69-68 70-68-68 68-69-69 72-65-69 68-67 71 71-70-66 69-7G-68 68-70-69 66-71-70 69 68 70 73-67-68 65-73-70 69-69-70 69-68-71 68-73-68 71-70-68 68-69 72 73-68-69 69-72-70 70-71 70 70-69-72 73.55.73 69-74-69 75-69-68 69-73-70 68-73-71 72-69-71 74--66-72 72 72-69 71-71-71 73-69-71 67-72-74 68-70 75 68-70-75 71-67-75 71-75-68 76-71-67 69-75-70 68-73-73 71~74-70 73-70-72 71-71-73 73-68-74 70 73.73 71 -74-72 71-75-71 71-73-73 72-70-75 72-70-75 10-10..n 72-75-71 11-n-11 73-74-72 75-09-75 79-71-72 72-78-73 76-72-75 76-75-74 72-78-78 1s-n-n I I ' Al ~. ltC¥ch 24, 2003 SPORTS SCHEDULE /j lOWW Ir P ail Col•women -Va~rd Unlvenlty et NAJA O\emploNhlS» at ..lec*llon. Tenn., Mmlftnal, va. Solilbeift ~. p.m.; est 8111t.1 Shadow lands College -Indiana State et Vanguard Unlver11tv. 2 p.m. High ldloof -Coron• del Mer at Magnolia, 3 p.m .; Santiago et Estancia. 3:15 p.m. ~ Community college-Of•l)ge Coast et Riverside, 3 p.l)"I. High tc.hool -E•tancie at Laguna S.edl, 3:15 p.m . ....... CoUege women -UC Irvine Spriog Invitational; Cal Lutheran at Vanguard University, 1 p.m. High scnool boys-Corona del M ar at Sunny Hill•, 3 p.m. Swlmmirtg High school boys -CIF Relays Fine ls et Belmont Plaza, 6 p.m. Golf College men -UC Irvine at Stevinson Randi Invitational, Tur1odc. College women -UC Irvine at Bruin Classic at Senta Clarita. Community college -Orange Coast at Citru9 Tournament, Glendora CC, 10a.m . High scnool boys -Estancia vs. Orange at Mountain View GC, 2 p.m.; Corona del Mar at Cypress, 2:30 p.m.; Calvary Chapel vs. Costa Mesa at Costa Mesa G&CC, 2 p.m.; Sage Hill vs. Oxford Academy at Dad Miller GC, 3:15 p.m. looking back. 5 yean ago lhis week; ' Newport Harbor Hlgb's boys volleyball team defeats ~n Beach, 15-6. 15-8. 5 19-17, for the flrlt thiw since 1992 in a oonleague match. Outside hitters Matt }lane9on and Scott An:hbold each accumulate 25 Id.I.ls while senior middle blocker Rick Roblmon chips in seven with teammatf; Scott Dom tallying six blocks and seven~ Just a few days earlier. Corona del Mar High upsets the Sailors ln the Battle of the Bay. 15-9, 14-16, 15-11, to claim the Oran&e County OlamplOnships. ColJli!lg into the game Harbor ls ranked No. l in the.county, while the Sea Kings are ranked No. 5. Cd.M's strong middle attack of Greg Coon and Dmnls AWmler outperforms Newports balanced approach. Coon (to\JllWDent MVP) rolls lo 23 kills with AlshuJer contributing 19. SetterQq Burdell, also an aU-loumament piclc with AlsbuJer, tallies 11 k1l1s with Greg Stampley and lCeYln Hamen each tallying seven. Mike Jacbon (6ve kills) helps keep Harbor at bay. Newport senior setter 1hMa Net.on and Jameson gain all-tournament team recognition as Dore leads Newport with 16 kills. Archbold follows with 15. Cd.M's boys swim team beats visiting Santa Margarila. 97 · 73. with only two individual ewnt winners. Senior Kawika Tarayao tops a long list of standouts with an All-American consideration time of 54.85 in the lOO·yard backstroke, a season best. I le also tops the field in the 200 individual medley (2:00. I I) and leads the victorious 200 freestyle relay quanet. Jason Powers. Scott Kramer and Lance Bmery round out the 200 free relay for the Sea Kings. Looking back, 10 ya.rs ago tbls week: Corona de1 Mar J-Ogb's duee doubles leams power their way through Newport 10 Harbor, and the Sea Kings win the .Battle • of the Bay, 13-5, in Sea View League boys tennis acdon. CdM'• No. 1 doubfes team of Rodolfo Prieto and Paul ~m 8weep eaaUy. Harbor's Geoff Abnma improves to 12-0 In league wlth'Wins of .~·4, 6-3, 6-1. Cante Appell daubtes and has a runner-up finish as &tancia High's girls it.rack> a.ad field team out8Cores Cenrury, • 81 ·40, in a Pacific Cc>ut League meet. Appell cruises to victories In the 400 meters (1:07.8) and the 1,600 (5:59.5) while placing second to teammate 1ftcy Hebm in the 800. Junior Brook Leyerty wins both weight events and Liz ~ records a personal record of 12:04.2 in the 3,200. l.aurm WelrYa' wins the 300 intermediate hurdles by two seconds in 50.7. Costa Mesa High girls basketball coach Liu McNamee quiets all skeptics when she annowices at a team banquet that she will return to coach in the 1993-94 season. McNamee leads the Mustangs (29-5) to the CIF Division UJ stare title game -the first ever for a Newpon-Mesa learn -after win ning the ClF Southern Section Regional title. She had expressed uncertainty about her furure immediately after the loss. to St Francis of Sacramento in the state title game. Costa Mesa's OUvta DICa.mllll also has her jersey <No. 22) retired at the banquet. the first in school history. OiCamilll. beaded to San Diego State, goes on to earn her fourth-stralght All-CIF recognition. -compUed by Bryce Alderton ' I lt>OAY 25 -Sun Hvtton Coste Mau Weter polo 11 -Katie Thorsnes1 Costa Mesa Water polo, '03 .. . .. , LITTLE LEAGUE A's sparkle against Angels Graham Peleaux and Zachary Clulet starred al the plate and on the field for the A'~ again.,t the Angels in Costa Mesa , AmeriC311 T-Ball on Saturday .. LegalNadces 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Noaces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal N~ces 2640 Legal Notlca 2640 legal Nollces 2640 Legal Notices jiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i .... ~~~ •• ~ ... ----iiiiiiiiiii ~~ SUllOMS .............. , ......... s,.. ._se.e..t (aTACIOU.W) Dnl: EM ;~ ......... 111) The Irvine R•nch Water Dtitn ct (IRWD) 1s the lead aeency for the San D1e10 Cree~ Wat..-shed Neturel Tra<itment System (NTS) Pl•n Coordinated with lite ettOfts of the County of Dr a nee er1d welerslled cities, the NTS Plan 1s the nut step 1n wh•t has been mo<e then 20· yur master pl•nn1111 Pf'OCHS fOf the San Dieco Creek Welershed wtlKh dr8HIS lo the U~ Newport Bay Throueh lhe crealion of m•n·made wellan~. the NTS wilt use natural ecosys tems to remove sediment, nutrients, P•lhopns/ptms and ott>et conl1m1nanh from both low-flo" and small stOfm rvnott In edd1tion. the IHS """ provule a n•turel reM>urcl, ripanen t>ab1tat and w11dhft benefits throuehout lht Watecst>ed The Draft CIR for the plan was released on Maret> 12. 2003 and marks the be:emn1na of a 60 day commenl penod Both thr Draft EIR and the Master Plan "" available onltne at www nal uraltreat menhystem or1. The documents may also be reviewed al lhe Ir vine/ H..-ltaee Park Rea•onal Pubh<. library, tt>e UC lrvme Main Library or lhe pubhc librarles in Newport Beach, Lake foresl, Tustin, Drance. Irvine, Lacuna Beach •nd Santa Ana, A pvMlc "' .. ''"' to .tlacvn Itta MTS p9-ho. II.ea achacl"'-' ftlf W ... a4ey, April •. 200J ot 61SO pa. al the IRWD Board Room. 15600 Sand Canyon Ave in Irvine. Para_. wl...,b•t to ..... It for-A --•• -tt.a Draft fla si...t.t 4e H -""ar thoft S p-. -May t 2, 200S by submlt1tn1 them In writ1n1 lo I.lie 1tt1nlton of Norris Brandt, P E • NTS Proerem Man•eer. 11 Wine Ranch Waler 01$l11ct. P 0 Bo• 57000, Irvine. CA 92619 7000 Published Newp«I Beacl>·Cosla Mesa Dally Pilot March 24, 2003 M668 The follow1ne persons are dome business as Almiet>t y Window Wast>me and Blinds, 181 Cecil Place. Unit B. Costa Mesa, Cahlorn1a 92627 Oal/td Hernandez. 3071 Platte Drive, Cosll Mesa, C.lrfornia 92626 This business 1s con ducted by· an md1v1du1I Have you started dotnt business yet? Yes 01/ 15/2003 David Hernandez This sutement was ftled wtth the County Clefk of Or1n1e County on 02/26/03 200l69JSOS7 Dally Pilot Mar 3, 10. 17. 24. 2003 M648 PUU "'100 an Of COSTA ll5A PUUllAm8• coe11111CJBJOf »NYW COUlllT,_ fOl_..Cl-.toMAC'IDIPW The followma per$ons are do1n1 bu11ness as RATTLERZ . 2333J Avemda la Caia Colo d~ Caza. CA 92679 Circle 0 & 0 Corpo rat ion CC A) 23333 A.vemda de Cu.a Coto de CH•. CA 92679 This buStness 1s con ducted by a c0<poralion Have you sliwted doine busmen yell No Ctrcle D & D Corpo rahon, Dennis Graham CEO. This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 03/19/03 200S6U7162 Dally Pilot Mar ?4. JI Ap1 7 14, 2003 M66~ NoUce Is hereby &lven lh•I the City of Costa Mae Ctty Council will hold a publfc heerln11 telaled to ti>• 2000 2005 Consolldated Plan. Tht Consolidated Pla n Is a five yur str ateatc pll•l that 11Mnltfles t>oustnc and community Mads, s lrateeln lo addrns needs. and proarams/rnources to addfess lhest needs Th• doc:u-nt svbject to this notice Is 1"41 C1ty'1 Pf'Oposed Consolidated Plan Ont Year Action Pltn IOf hscaf year 2003·2004 TIMI drift 2003-2004 Action Plan dtllntates ~ropo1td •~IMties to be ful'lded under the U.S. Dep~t of Houslna and Urban Development 1 (HUO) Commt.tnlty Development Block Cr..,t ('COBC). and HOME lnvutrTMnt l'Mtnenhlp1 Ad (HOMF) P'otram1. Actta. "-far 2001-1004 n .. Cl4y of Co~la ~H ts t lielt>le to rate1ve Sl,693,000 In C08C funds and 1792.922 111 HOMf. funcb from HtJO f>rQll'am Income ceneret.d from prior fund4HI ectivlhn may t lso be utlhud As requltact by fedtral retul.etlOns. • JO day public comment f)41flod wlH be inil .. ttd to receive wntltf'I o.Aments rtJ8fdlf\I tht prepo\td UM of lhaH fundt ti outlined '" th• Action l'lan Proposed UHi of 2003 2004 C080 alld HOME fundt Inc'* tfle foffowtn .. • 111 houSIWL.GCMle entortff*lt ad1vltlt:a to en.11te tM l!Wnttflam:e of lM<tnt. ..... •nd .. ,.,...,""~ • llf'..ik "'voe• for lo-Income youttts, __.,, P1ffOftS et rlsll of Mcomll\t ~,J*IOf!t •WeMt hotMltu, and loW<lncome pttlOfll "' a~al • Pitbllc fllt'.lllty 1,..,,._,. .. (VlrlOlla locati...) • ,, •• ,.. Hlllinh trahon (coeG tlld HOfllll Pf._atn1, lncludiftC Fair Hotis1111 to4111a-1111t) • Affordable housitl1 proltct (tunes few Con>mvnlty HouMn10.Velo9"*'1 pntmtion •pr •feels) • ......,."'' ror Ntl&t!Oof• ''••'" • 1 • Sin ... f1mily llovsln1 rtllabll!lahon loanv aranta '"'"''"'• PfOIUm ldm•nistretlOn (l.-, and Cunt pl\lt funci. to .Omnti t• PfoCJam) SIN Sl1U J8 *·* Ad.illon.11-. lfle Cllw of Co•IAI M u a11d/rn I.lie Cuti Mau ltedeveloprMnl Ac•ncy •Ill Pf•IV• r-C# fot Ille folltl•lne prC10e11111n IUPCIOfl of ttla2003 • 2004 A(tlo11 Plan: • tllellaWMUoo ot rentlll pt41!*l,.. to tap.t"' 1"9 ~y of effordabtt houalttC. • f nl In tlcHMlklr« do-ll•t mtnt a111stanca for inodlwall• i«Kome ClefMM • ...,...,_ crt41t w tlf1e;1tt Pfocr•m to aulst 1MW1te-lneom11 f~tt lime llome!Juyen M:-e.r~~, ..... Tiit JO .. , ~ '°"""'"' perlff frn ftlt Athon rl•n will COmnltf'IC• Aclflt 7. 2003, elld wlll tfld a. 2ClO:J .. ri.e •all tooJ 1oo. NtlnA r .. n 11 evtllleble tw publtl: ,...,... at ni. Coita Msu ~ and ~111ty Oe~it)pm.nt OttMtl-t. n ,.., Oflft, Cott• Mna, CA, JifUI floor, It* ~· _,, M ..._,.ell te ltlll ~ atld Coml!Mllllty 0.vl4opme!lt l>eplf't!MM 111i11500 "'9. MeJ I , 2003 Wtltt• ~b ~ M ...-.-to Miil• llMt COIO~ oor_,. et 17,r/lt 01m., Cotta Mal, CA 1112'1 .:-::r. , ... ~ 1118 KtiM wi• lie ~ tt l ·JO l'M. or 1M11 lMrHft•, ~If 7, '°°) 1M City Cowtcll ~I et C:O-ta-. City "941, 11 '9111 Orl\ll, Cfflt MtM, CA At t tuN .._ uy •"41 .. ptnOftt In dtM _,~pt_ w "9•• 11••• ., ""1Mr iflfltt"'""' oeMM'l -ill UllMIMt .............. ..._........,, ........ 14•>7M NOTICE TO DEFEN DANT (AVISO I Acuu- do) J[fFRCY SCOTT KURBATZKY and DOES I 15. lnclos1ve YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF (A Ud le n la demand· ando) CONSTANTINO VC NE CAS CASTORENA You have 30 CAlfN DAR DAYS a lier lhts summons 1s se,ved on you lo Ille a typewutten re~poMt al this court A letter or phone call will not protect you, your lypewntlen rr sponse must be 1n prnper leaal form 11 you want lhe courl tn he•r you• case II you do 001 f1lt vou1 response on time. you may lose lhe case, and your waees money and property may be taken wilhoul fur the• war mna from the tour I lhert are other leaal requuemenls Yau may want lo ull an a ttorney neht away If you do not know in altorney. you may call an altorney referral servK.e or ;a leaal a•d 0H1u (hsted m lhf' phone book> Despues de que le entreeuen est. c1lac1on 1ud•c1al usled Ilene un plaio de 30 DIAS CAI. CNOARIOS para preun lar une respuesta es- u •t<l ii maqutna en esla corte Una carta o una llam•d• lelelo"tea no le oh ecer1 pH1te<ct0n su 1 espuesta escrita a maqu1na l•tne que cumph1 .. on las formal 1dades leeales aprop1a dn s• usted quiere que la corle escuche su CHO St uiteO no p1esenla su rnpueslft 1 liemPo. puede perder el caso. y 11 pueden qu1lar su u la110. su dtnero y otras cosude su pr op led ad Sin av1so adtc1onaf por p1rte de la corle E us ten otros requ1S1 lo\ le1ales Puede que us ltd quier a llamAr a un 1bo1adn 1nmed1ata menl• St no conoce a un abo1ado puede llamar a un serv1e10 de referencta de •bo&ados o a una oftcm• de ayuda lecal (vu el dtrecto•io lelefomco) CASIMUMll.at Pf-..-affl(Mo) 02CCU21' JVOGI STlVIM PHll The name and addreu of lhe courl Is (El nombre y dtrecclon de la corte es) ORANGE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. 700 CIVIC Center Dnve West. PD Bo• 1994. Santa Anil. CA 92702-1994 . The name, addtess. and lelei>/lor1t numbat of pla1nt1tfs a\torney, or pla1nltff without an •lto•ney os (Cl nombre. la d11ec"on y el numtto de lelelono del .11bo1ado del demandante. o del demandante que no ltene aboa•do, es) Jeffrey R. Salber1. [sq SBN 216527. Law OttK.es ol lee A Wood & Assouales, P C 2603 Mam Strul, Suite 1000. Irvine. C•lllurn1a 9?614 ( 949) 794 5901 T (949) 794 ~931 F OATI: (fadMt) AUG 12, 2002 ALAN SlATIR, Clarli (Acfvorlo), P,y A. DANG, Oopvty (Dalagodo) STAflMINT OfDAMAGIS (Persoeel M!WY • r W .......... Daatti) I CASENUMIUt1 02CCU216 lo l[HRCY SCOTT KUR BAT ZK Y Pla•nllH COltSTAHTINO VENEGAS CASTORENA seeks dama1n m the •bove entitled action. as follows t.G_al ........ Pain. sullerin1. and m~onvemence. Sl00,000 2.S,..clal ........ Medteal upe11ses (lo date), S7 500 Loss of urn1n1s (to date). SI .000 Prc>c>erty damace SJ.000 Date· lanuar y 9, 2003 /SI Jeffrey R S1lber1, Esq Publtsned Ne wport Be•ch Costa M.sa Dal~ Pilot March J. to, I . 24, 2003 M652 UllOll5 fAllY IAW) OTAOOll .llllCIAl - DBEOIO Df fAllM NOTICE TD RESPON DENT (Name) (AVISO AL DE MANO ADD (Nombre) CRECG C WALTERS You •re beina sued A usted le estan demand ando. PETITION£RS NAME IS El NOM8R[ on OE MANOANTE ES SHEU Y MARIE SAHTllll CASE NUM8£R (Numero del Caso) OSOOOOS41 Jn hue 30 CAI.EN OAR DAYS afte1 this Summons and Pelttion are ser~ed an you to ft.le a Response (form rt 120) at the court 1nd serve • copr on the pelltiont• A letter 01 p hone call will not protect you II you do nol ltle your Response on ltme. the court -Y mallt orders affechn1 you• m•,,•AC• your property and c1ntody of your childten You mey b• 01de1ed to pay support and alto< ney lees and costs If you 'annol pay the l1hne fee n k the clerk for a lee wa1ve1 form II you want lea.al advice, contact 11 lawye1 1mmed1altly Usled Irene JO DIAS CALENDARIOS dewue~ de 1ec1btr oltcu1lmenle eSI• Cll.ill!un 1ud1c1~I y pel1c1on. para compt~t.ir y presentar su for mu lat 10 dt Rtspuesla (Rnpon\e lo•m H 120) ante 11 cortt Un.o carla o una llamada ltlefonica no le ofreLera prote' cion St usted. no pc esenta su lte~unta 1 !tempo, la corte puede optdtr ordenes que 1lecten \u malrtmonto 'u pr opiedad y que or denen que usled P•11ue man tencion, honorarios de •b0&1do y las coslas St no puede P•111 las 'uslas por la pre54nla ct0n de la demand•. ptela 11 actuario de la cMI• que le de un formulario de eaoneuct0n de las m1smas (W11vei of Court f eu and Costs) S1 desea oblener conHIO feeal, comuni queH di 1nmed1ato con un 1bo11do NDTICC The resh atnHll 01 de11 on the back are 1n effect a11inst both t>usband end wife unhl the pelttion rs dismissed, a fud&emenl ts enteud, or th• court makes further orders These orders are enforceable enywh11e In C•ltfornla by any law enforcement offteer who has recttved 0< seen • copy ol tt>em AVISD l 8\ proh•bl <•ones 1ud1c1alu que .epartten ~I teveno ~ n ta c1tac10n son elec llvH PM• •mbos con yueu. lento el esposo como la nposa hasta qui la ptltCtOn SH r echazada, sa diet• una de<.1st0n final o la corle eap1da 1nst1ucc1onu ad1c1onales D1c l>•1 proh1b1c1ones pueden haceise cumpl111n cualqu1e1 parle de Caltfornta por cualquitr a1enle dtl orden publlco cw• In t>aya rec1bido o qu• t>ay• visto una copca de •ha1 1 The name end addtns of the court 11 (El nombfe y dlrecct0n de la Cor le H) DftANGE COUIHY SUPERIOR COURT f AMIL Y LAW COURT OPCRAflONS. 341 IH£ CITY DRIVE P OST OFFICE B OX 1417~ ORANGE, CA 92853 1570 2 The name, eddfau ind teltphont number of pehtioMr'I tltorMJt « ptUtlon11 ••lhout 1n attorney 1s (f I nombfe. 11 dtrecc10n y el numero de lelelono del abo1ado del dem•ndante. o del d"mandant e que no Ilene aboeado. es) SHE.LL Y MARIE SANTILLI. 17191 CDRBINA l N no2 HUNTI NGTON RFACH CA 92649. (}14) 8'10 8984 Oetai JAN 21, 200l, AUN SlA Tia C1oril, lty MARGA•ITA MOM - TANIZ, D'fH'fY. Pub hshed Newport Beach Costa Mesa Dail1 Pilot March 24 JI. ,\p<1I 1 14, 2003 M669 llOTICIOf PlllKllAmG N.mcr IS HERE BY GIVEN thlll a pubhc hurtn& wtll bt held by the Costa Mesa City Cuun<tl on April 1. 2003. at 6 30 p m. 1n the Council Chambers ol City Hall. 71 fa" Dnve on lhe followm1 1lem APPLICATION from Mayor Robinson .ip pnl1n11 the Plann1n1 Comm1ssl0f\0$ approval of Muter Plan Ame'1d· ment PA 02 06 and Planned S111nm11 Proaram Amendment ZA 02 08 lot T 111 and Assouales aulhof•zed •cent tor C I Se1erstrom and Sons. to demoh$h approt1mately 95.456 square feet of bu•ld•na area and con struct an appro11mately 95,839 square loot rda1I bu1ld1111 (Kohrs ~••I ment Slore). with • mHlor conditional use permit to dev1ale flom shared pi1k1n1 requue menls for Mesa Verde Center located al 2701 H.,bor Boulevllfd tn a Cl S and C2 zone Envtronmental Determt- nahon Ne1at1n Oecla r•lion. If THE AFDRCMEN- TIDNC D ACTION IS CHAl..LENGlD IN COURT, Ille challenae may be flmlttd to only !hose Issues ra1u d at the publte hearln1 described In the notice, or In wn tten correspondence dehvered to the City Council at. or prlOI lo th., pubhc h.,<111n1 NOTICE IS fURTHER GIVEN thal otl tht above time and pl•c•. all 1nternted pe1:.v11loo '""Y •Pl>e•r and be heard by lt>e City Council on the ebove llem "1UI fOl(ll(. D...,ty City Oen Published Newport Beach Costa Mev Daily P1101 Me1ch 2 4 . 2003 M662 S.......tl .. t , .... .. Adlll. ..... ... The followm1 person has abandoned ll>e use of the f ict1Uous Busl nus Name; International Prus Service. 2666 Oranse Ava. •B. Costa Mau , CA 92627 The f lclltlous BustnHS name referred lo 1bove WH ftled In Or•n11 County on 2/8/1994. FILE HO f597943 (Charles 0 . Tapl•) Carlos O Tt pla, 2666 Or1n1e Ave. •8. Cost.a Mtv. CA 92627 Tt>1s bustnus rs con ducted by an lnd1v1dual (Charlt> 0 Tapia) Carka 0 hp1a This \latemenl w•• filed w1lh the Counly Clerk of Oun11e County on03106 03 200l693' us Daily Pilot M., 10 17 24 JI 2003 M6~ Rdlllm ...... ... s..... The follow1n1 prr wns are dome bus•nen u DA8BU MJNDS. 8211 l Timberland, Or1n1e CA 92869 Samuel S Wu 8?11 £ Timberland Or.ont• CA 91869 Gen• Gulierrez 4811 Hacllell Ave Rosemud CA 91770 1 h•~ bu~tne\\ t\ l c>n dui:ted by. • "'"~' .ol parlne .. h1p Have you \l,rt•d d1u11~ busmen y~t' No Cenp Guherre1 '"" \l•t~nttnl w,,, hied '"'" lht C11u11ly Clerk ol Or•nee Cuunlv on 02/20 03 200369 34 '20 Daily Pilot M•t l 10 17 24 lOOJ M649 FidltlM .... ... s..... The lollow1n1 pe1sons .,, doma bu\lneu a• Advanud Co.altnp. 19 Har bo1 Blvd Co 1 Mn• C.1\91621 .James Yan Vleck 117') Pac1 l1c Ave Co\t• Me~ CA91627 Thts busoneu 1s Lon ducted by an 1nd1vtdual Have you sta<ltd dil•n1 bu11nes• y~l7 No James V•n VIM~ Thts ''•l~menl won hied with lhe l.ounly Clei., of Or1n1e County on 02/26/03 200369'5029 Oaily Pilot M•r 3 10. 17, 24, 2003 Mf>~ RdlllM ..... ... s...... The followinc p11 \ons ••• dotne buslnen as CT Prlnt1n1, 1930 Herbor Blvd • Costa Meu, CA 92627 Charin D l apla 2666 Drana~ Ave., •B. Coste Mna CA92627 1 h•s bus1nen 1s con du< led by an tnd1vtdu1I llave you started d01119 business yet? No Charin 0 Tapia This statemenl was ftltd with the Counly Clerk of O.an1e County on 03/06/03 teOSHS6U2 081ly Pilot Mar 10, 17 24, 31 2003 "'657 ........... ... s...... The followma persons at• dolna bu11nass H COAST SERVICES. :?J333 Avenld1 de Caza, Colo de Cua. CA 92679 Coast Services, Inc • (NV) 23331 Via Ventdo, Coto de CHa. CA 92679 This bus1neu Is con ducted by' a corpocalion Have yoo sl9t led 001111 b11Slneu yel? Yes. 03/ 12/2002 Coesl Senrlcu, Inc., Dennrs Gnham. CEO This s tatement was filed with \ht CovnlY STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • •• • • • Pilot Clerk ot Or•na• ( rn111v on OJ/19/01 200H9S7169 ' D11ly PtlC>t """' ?4 '11 Ajl( 1 14 ?OOl MfoM fidl!IMa...u ... s....... Tht lollow1n1 p•1wn• are dmna bu\lness .,., fht Onts Croup JO(, ( Monlr V1•h fu•t .. M.-·• 1 ... hfllf 1111 q]f,71 O•n1el I '" Pryor l06 C Monte Vista Cusl• M-'• C:ahfr><n1a 91627 lh1s bu•inen 1\ ""' '''" •~a by •n md1v11f11"' • lt.1ve you ,1 .. r1("(1 <~e· _ tit,')tnfl'\--, y .. P N 1) U.1110·1 l ,.,. •. , , ,, fnt ·.tAh ntt·ut ,,,,. t1lt"tJ with thf' I 111):11, Cll'r" ut Ot.•n~,. r '"'"t"' un O.J )\), 0 t 20034937901 O .. ly f'1lnl M~o /4 'I A1lf I 14 lfl(J I Mt"-I Rc1ftms aw.u "-S....... fhf' lntlowina vrr '0''' df~ dOlnl bU\Hlt\\ ••'• Ho, ~&Hull I ml s1w1· 166'>0 tfaol>oH ftlvol I UUlll~tn V~ll~y I I\ 9'/108 NwJwl..e·. '-•hfl fhtm pll1ey' 100 I 1.~ .. Ill 141 Or •RKe I A 'l!Kh'J 1 h1'\ bu'\tn .. '\\. " 1.un due. led by an 1nd1v111\1AI H•vl' yC>u \l,.<IPd d<!M .. lU.f'tO~\.)I yet r yp._ t I•• OJ N•<holn J liumph"''" lhu. \t..th!ff•t'nl .,,., hll'd ••Ill th• Cmmlv Ctr1~ ot °'""I• • uuntv nn07 10 01 200l•UU9 1 01111~ f'tlvl M•t '4 n A1>< I 14 XXll ""'" Rcftlm~ ·_-: ... s...... I he follow1n1 pr• .. ~\\ • •rf' dc>m1 bU,tnfl'\\ a .. Bays1df' Sun<9'e l'trwnaf Aul\tant ServHe\. /J.t) G11fleld Ave •B M11n ltn1,thrn Beach CA q~ Gab11ell1 Anzo /~" > Cllrltl'ld Ave I ii lluh tinaton Buch C.A 97S4.ll'. Tht~ bthlflt'' '' co" • due led by an "''''••IW91 ,. H•V< ynu ·I • "d detn .. - bu\tne\\ yel 1 N : •: Cabr tell~ Anz,, • -. lht> \l•lellt• ~· • -: tiled with the Co1 .. ._ C.lerk of Oranca • on 03/04/03 .,_.:. 2003'9U747 Daily Pilot Mar 10 •11 - 24 Jl. 2003 ~-": PllUC llOl1Q fH( ANNUAi. RE T~ , of the Blu•ock rounitfl. lton n ava~abll' •I ttlt adcktt\ not"d b!'klw f,,.. ... 1n'l)4K.lt0n du11n1 rernqr; - bus1nes\ houo by aar _. c1hnn who '° 1eque•tt w1lh1n 180 daY" •""'r • p1,1blkat10n of lhis nolt(tt " of tis nallah1hty ' The e1u1oc:k r ounda lion, 2300 Ntwp!Wt Blvd . Newport Bta• 11, CA92663 (949) 673 0300 Tht p11n,1p1I m1n111~• I Is Wlllt1m Blur oc ~ President Publlst>td Newpor I 8uct> Costa Mtsa Oally Pilot March 24, 200.l M610 , Policy How to Place A .....--Deadlines ------- Rates and deadlines arc subject to ahange Mthout notice. The publisher ~es the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immcd..iatcly. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first ~rtion. CLASSIFIEAD -Monday ...................... Friday 5:<¥>pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax . (949) 63 l-6S94 (PlcaK ukllllk your nlme and p11ooe number a M 'U all you bKk Wlth • pna quote ' By Phone <949) 642-5678 Hours By Mail/In Person: :no West Bay Strut Costa Mes;i, CA 92627 Al N~wport Blvd & Bay St Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday W11lk In 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCIMENTS 'MISC. GARAGE SALE IUSINESS & FINANCIAi. 1419 2305-2490 Colllcdlllal 1510 Fumibn Mlmcnbltla 1160 fCQID llAQIT '°" $$ • 11c0ttos nc Cl* sUlt beach. Call to dt-aa. a..:. Ek !Os " Sh a MK. SPw. ~ ~ salbe.949-78).1834 M11!.e 949·645 7S05 •Generl--1--.... - BfTEHTAINMENT Announcementl 1610 INVDfTOlrY ltlDUCTION ClllDlllrof WI Opllclllil tr-tw Ewnll 1310 ~-~.=::: IQUAl llOUm& of i-;e of bo(I> Ei.~ &o A.wtJc orpi Pleon • OfPOl'l1llTY ~ ..., lo ~ of All real estate advfl orp cmt. Al 111ereAed tmna 1n lhn. n•w"l>•i>ef -.qi.won ""* lo fr-. " subiect to the f eek!< al P 0 Bo• 66U1, SoaCb f1rr Housina Act of 1968 \/lilly CA !lai7-607 ., •mended which - o-n while cov•ed sofa bed $150. yellOw llor al overstuffed dlff + ottoman $150, chest of c1r •-s sso <M9 nl-1220 .......,OR~wAdt ~8~Nrra I** ctm-s. cmt Sl2k rww. S17?5,'obo 919-3f6.58tlll 7Ft L-. Ceuch White, brocade upf)ol,lery, •Int cond, $200. 949·8S4· 8208 JEWB.RY/ 3460 otAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS m1ku 11 1lle111I to HEAL.TH SERVICES c ... t <• N-• adverhM ·any prefer Old Coins! Cold silver, soos-saso enc e. llm1tal1on or 1--.-----iew•y. watches. antiques discrimination based on Hea .. 11 Foods/ coliKbbles 949-642 9448 D-.1 .:....... r1ce. colOr, reltCJon. MU Procludl 2540 ,...,. -.0 :':!'!.~ handicap, f1m1h1I 'talus ...a ""'' ...._.. 4240 °' n1llonal or111n, or 1n .._ I.._... S--------intention lo mall.e any W sir .. from h -.,..,...... ..._ 'uch prefeunce ltmtlt M 84 nww* na.nl. -.a•••«-1'.orl ltonord1su1mtnation · 14~ bl&. Good b f.::i~ .... ~ ......... This newS9~ will _..., ~-.... ._ ... ~u.n not llnow1n1ty accept fD7 TR SN.T(7258} Ro1J81 ,.. 'WAY 1or momm11 aA/ any advertisement '°' -.. IUHl!lr6 real estate whM:h ·~ 1n 1 ~A1SERVIC£S If( .,.i~ vlOlellon of the law Our LQlltL 949-533-0lll ruders are hereby Dogs 3615 infor!Md that att dwell Adoption & lnrs advertised In th~ fodlrClrt " Wl!dl old iu• br.:t ------ N[[D A HOM[ LOAN' FlDance al pwdicDe 1n all IJJ>M m cndlt Dinct ....... 1n ... ._s.,,..-. 714-842·9809 nt~ 1<e available ~~ 'ta:ll Aoa* "'41-Milt --Tr\ on an equal 09PG<lun1ty --~ ~ ~ '-' ------· basis -------brdlln. S9n 98-92'.2-51116 To comc>la111 of dos ¥ ....... ~ cum1nabon, cal HUO loll ~ff-I*_ C.. frH at 1 800-424 8590 Thft .. <Net IOO.CXO .... 1413 mcB.IJllEOUS MERCHANDISE HOMES~SALE I.A COUNTY· 5200 LONG BEACH& VICINITY 3155 rdJda5 Lakewood Wig ------Beadl. NctflLO"QBooctl . Ind ex .•. - r '' I ~ 7402-7466 Under the Service Directory Banner ' ~¢ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week ....... ' I 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 A Ceu==•• C--5639.000 ~ det ~troll lo 81& Et 2.5& 11'.lrn! on prtlline RE~DENTIAl RFt,IAl , eorona llnd lookout point pllld cormi_ Won't L>S1. on•~E 7400 481' 4 56a custom home QI lodirY' 1(1196-5.13-2'683 nN1U • lASTSIDl STUDIO All I COUNTY Utl~ paid lncd yard Pet Co .. ,...., 2003 OK !Mn op l•un S77Sm ~:::n'Jl:/:.~ MISCEUANEOUS S150dep 714 545 0442 t49-7St-0177 RENTALS Balboa II<'• lrom S87':1 mo 0.-u,.o1rs 2Br l'/OI w &• on lovdy &•I~ ..., .,...... dlltra ID n ....... IT ~"--~ V....,. .-r"-,w.i., comm ,_ Tri Squdre the i-:n_ LOC91ed on the mRM 0 '11WlflJ -w'U bli/llA. I ~to,.,_, IYllll!e. Indy lac*ty 116- SouelSlde of POi $489,!XX) Cdrn l/2 bk lo bell V.e & bioy, I\ 'peb.;~ 2:£tn Moel Ul 704 8649 •9"00 Mchael ~. Coastlfle w~ prol, '.b 2bil Im. tntd> ~ 9"96n51J9 lst llr, new c•rpet& R:alty 949-7!l9-0ln j)il\JO. pVI b.I. mstr br nu Corona del Mar paint. cvrd carport 'Z77 ,._._..__ remoc1 Nnn9"9T.l>-8101 16thPlace •3 SllOOmo ~ -_...,.,,.., s....y & 1wig1ot no pet. 949 1'l0 94l1 0.-. s.. l-4 Best B<rt. lilt 2 ~~ ~tlthennl• ar lk. E ,..ie IYont tae :.ir 2.58a Twntwne le I Sltfe CM 2br I Sb.t n ~1s1-.m1t" rel rPq d l20 W5U ~St VKMll ... t.A ~ " 91 $297.500 twnhm share w rouna S8flhno '"'do. utl\ 949 Av•• 4 I SllSO 'Ill ,...., prof fem ftplc Car $750 7"'9-5640 tr. ....... "-Pf ~ ""'9 7l3 LI>] 'P1 Avocado IC act 0ow:t 2446 (Iden 909 289 3406 ""'" vo....id an~ ""4 714-812•5668 l'•ld• 21r llo .._.. ai-...tn-_. RoomsforRent 6040 21r lla Apt. Ocf'•n l& yard 2 c 111 new ..... v ..... 111~ br ador 4br '2ba com plete remodel du111ner perfect 1ns1de lo out S239S mo 949 7'>9 3717 .,_, Now lovdy E·ioc1e h l.5ba FR din fp SfRwotti &J...te ~ 2X: "" l>adly• d s;Dllrno A'iM ~ 96159-3726 HulClngbl Bach "'-'f llw 3.51>1 SfR. hdwd th. rooftoc> Olldl. lllnl !*up, 2 c p w/Pa st um 94'.WJ.78Xl Udoldt U4eleyfYoet ltt. 21• $1200. y..+y 626-282-77Jj . 626-297-6262 ,.. ... ...,.,-WI side of PCHI Avail 4 I paint. kit~ bath &o root A IXOUISITI s., sa. """--w/ba. ~ VtPws, la undo y for tplac t SI 500rmo 91~ l64 8838 1111-...t Beac:h home, VJe>r entr. R,i1111 S 12001mo 714 9J I '>6()() """'I""' M:wwbis ~lbw'*"· qu,et ~/peB. S67!>mo ('W)( Et 283. i-i~ h•&h ce11tn11s. curv1n1 utb med ~I 5111 INlflla'led sm LR den * YEAal Y * ~caw. ooblde fp • 2lw ti... -lo ~ w'fp crown mouldlne. LIASU eumei ~ CU5torn .-~----.. unit w.'b* uth n.d h. \Oillllfld ~. p1iantMJon BILLCRUNOVREAlTOffS Cllbn*y& more..Sl.79l<XXI W lllm "' on p A~ Nr>W' 1hulten. t*'d &. ICJIJad&d '49 ... 75-61'1 Mdwel Brrilnwl, Coa:oalrle J'S n pets '°"'II SI 'l'lO & b•lh &o lulchen 2cat NI' Hh 11 q""'t studio Allilly 967!JEMlln .. ..,..,. .... , l~ 91&7.Zl 577'> •'l'::.7 p~ Grut llorrt lo r• w ·~ IOtt. lutchenette A llAUTIRa Resadence a...M•.....&-A yards ,. prdlww Aoaij "hared laundry A11 w11 be alfl'1)ieted lhcs _.,, 21r 21a, W•lh to bf'Ath ~ 1 S2250tn l'(JB.72& 1001 SI 100 949 673 7800 1P'"'I 58t SSS. w"'1 • M2-S611 f11& W D fp Ii P•l1n ~....,. tw-pvt h lw. ~ ab 2br 2be wondertut l\oW1f1C floor ••~w la II•" •it! pel ot. 2.SBa, l'R fp, l'rdwd lh. l'M1m. Lido. plllllo. 2 c pr pQrl Sl,r.iO,<XX> Michael Sl975tmo 949 7'b ~ nu IV! p w~ &o c;ralt wd !*up, 4 comm pooh K.rt..r View "-Jbr 2ba. lam room, pvt pool/ spa, aar dener tncl, lease $2'.0lm 714-573-2900 8llt CLASSlfllD It's the solubon you' re searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartrnen~ pet or new occupabon! BnrMlan, Co.stllne Rutty -------rm s:z..mno 94&m8450 lll!tSlEB>~71D> l'atMllSTATIS ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii PAllKX HNC>al NATI<*W1Df U'SA t4t-U6-t70S w-patucltlenOfe com ............... 102D10r.w St.6+& 5 5&. 5634 sf, SI 25 Mi Brat.er 949-251 9444 WWW IWleally O<I OClAN & IAY V11W THIN:KI Will AJIAII YOUI AGT.t4t-72S-a120 ·t-SAVEALIFE SPONSOR A PET ow.-Sty4e F1lmitw9 NHOS l Coledlbl9 chben ., the US._.. for a home ..., kelp oldlr br~" Win ...... Tr-. &o f NnClll S&.tllPO<I Wm-....... llMOt 2S 6.0). 7 ~ 50 s. ANtmt'I Bltld. '2141, ~ 714-517 l900 a.zsr>.454.1 HEW STECl BUllOINC _SqW.__HI ____ _ 24UOMOST SEll '-............ W *"'°"Collt Sl.790 ~ ....... '*-b. 2 ... ' t .,....... ............. --·-·Ollc..-$$CASHPAID$$ _,... ............... BBUYESTATQ . .._.._~- fAITIJr -CONS-IGW\1ENTS' . j ~...- SOUTB C8AST AUcn' N ,.. ......... -....a..caerm -•"-CA•• .. . . ... ... ... .... • -<P' .- 1800-2920111 l*ldls ID '-fl.. 1&75 44 Ol'UUAT-SUN 1·4 1s.,w-Bllinlll Allorl 562..c37·1'Bl 1 level home 21>1. +den. AnllllllstllrS. JnO .,..... HOMES FOR SALE Gated comm SIS 1,000 Baillllllllld ftDH~E c .. nn OPDUAl 1-S St.¥• 1tSO O'k-fe & ftcn+l=e .-UIWtU """" A touch of Italy 4bt Menltt 600 Sert.. 40"' --COUNTY 2 ~ •. Strada home wktttt oven, broolet, & -.,-SOWTl---GOlO--M-"90-I 51,719,000 11ill lmmeculate S2000 60 d ~ -------obo 949·673 0944 nn 1111 macntnes .... ,... OPEN SUN l-41>0 with ucellent toe.loons ltahan style Sb< ~a ap Casi Iron s1nll/fecuel usy $100 In a1nll. euator 1arb1p ~ 3/4 H P SSO. Culltpn reverse OsnloSts watet system SL2S. Cullpn soft wet• system $400 l0a20 trade show booth aSly col'llplata SSOOO meny misc Items to ,... 800-200-8711 25' colof Iv MlbublSlli. S 125 all Aini cond 949-644-6263 .. b S1Q.9!li lm-2JM9112 NIW UMOOB pro• 18.000 lo 19 OCXkf usown GOt.DMWlll OCUMFRONT s1,4ts,ooo 60 vendint medlines UNDO $650,000 with ucellent locations AOT. St4t-72J-8120 OPUUAT 1-41JO .. tor SlQ.9!li D2J4.al8Z Stunnina award wlnn1n1 Conlnadel.. Brookhtldhomt, bulll tn PUTAFIW WOIDSTO WOllFOI YOU! (949) 642-5671 2000 lbr •office Ap pro• 3700sf Sl,71'.000 PlAT .. UM NOl'OTIH Sltfante !Mur., 949-715 3156 l'ttUlllSTATtS PATltlOl TtltOU MATIOMWIOI USA t4t-U6-t70S www patricktenore com ........... en. cuditnt ... Wllh c:.iyon & _.. -°""*' .. $6.soo.ooo. c-tt1 .. -------Wr-.....,ff...0177 "Employee." "Empleado." ''Arbeitnehmer." ~· "Employe." ( /, I • (i I I · •. For Only $19 You Can Help. • • Are you an animal lover? Here's a great way to express it. Sponsor a pct photo on our special "Save a Life" page publishing on Thursday, March 27, 2003. Your sponsorship will secure a space fo r a photo of a pct who is available for adoption and needs a good home. This special page has saved hundreds of lives all over che state, thanks to people like you! Be a part of saving a life and fed great about doing it. This page is presented in conjunction with local animal shelters and Newport Beach Animal Control Services. For just $19, you can add your own special thoughts under the pet's photo. It will display your name as the sponso~ of this pct, or you may include a loving memory of one of your own cherished furry friends. SAVE A LIFE SPONSOR FORM Namc~·---------------------------------------­ Addrcss-· ~~~~~~~~~-~~----~---~ City. Seate: CttditCardl_· ______________________ .......... E_xp~-·~------ Signaturc:~---~~--------------~ Phonc(optlon.al)-· -----------------------------~ For check, make payable co: Daily PiloJ Tot to appear in pace below photo. 20 cha.ractcn or ta.. OaooscOnc: 0 In &oving memory o,..._ _____________ .....__ Q ~ttd by_...__ __ _.._ .......... ..__ _________________ ........., Mail thi. fOrm with your chedt or CRdit aud information to: Save A Life,% Daily Pilot. P.O. Box l 560. C-. Melmt CA 92627 ! 10 Monday, Mardi 24. 2W3 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE "HO C1hlorni1 l1w r•- qlllres th1t conlrec· I ors tlkmt Jobs tti.t tot.el S500 or lllOfe (llbor or matwiab) be hcensed by the Contr1ctors Sl1te License Boerd. Stele law also requires th1I con tr actors includl lhtir IKense number on Ill ld .... t1S1nc. You c..I C~ the St.Iba of your licensed c on tr1c lor et www cslb ct ao• or IOO 321 CSL8. Unll- canstd contractors l1k1n1 lobs that total lass thin $500 m11sl slate tn their •dnr hsemenls that they 1r • not hunsed by the Contractors Stal• l lcenw 8oa(d.• ~· R•a•11P1 ,....lffll ~ / Mii I llillllOdll Mlln.~ l'lml'5 V$tC 986469P5 ~ r ...... ...., •kfl .... 1--. Tate ~l'ltio,Dr_, rn,ae. B8Q Ws. 25Yrs bp. l•rr 71._5$7·7594 ~~ 11 11 13 WANTED room rMtal w/ilnvlelps fol 1ndepe11de11t d1sebled man w/rtls. smno. 949®-Ei:! 1.,. ., ,.,. •-do, furn. Newport or Corona Del Mar. Want lo rent for Mo ot July 949 640 2581 SELL your stuff through classified! ~ CUSlOM UMODll AND DISIGM All TRADES. lO YEARS EXP Lll37169 949 631 2345 "UO MOii ROOMt AOOmDHS & RCMOOCl.J'«j L157798Z 949.709 !>642 DalllDp Pllbllslllng TIMl OIEGIN YOUIHOMI IMPR.OVlllUNl l'ttOJICT? can. plumber' p11nler. hlndym1n. or 1ny of th• lfHI ~ices lnltd here In our ser•oea dsractOJy' 11i£SE LOCAL SVC P£0f'LE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI .. "-'• D..., htst•lls, ....... Ooar Frtrre & II ........ Qnbn~ Ll 578107949 510 6529 Orywlllerwtca By CHAl"UB OOAEN .,OMMltWW llnd TANNAH HIASCH AN WUS 10 WEEKLY IJUDCE Ql1IZ QI· Vulnenable, )'OU OOkt ••\It 'i:I AQ OH •AKlttU1 WM! I y~ upcll.lfl& bid1 . •Q•IS o tt•tS 01t•1'••• A • This I 11Wliial )OU ttpt ~aft nae pllyina dein.ind bidl ill 111 wiu. beciiusc CJ9Ctll~ widl an artJficlal faint f(lfCC or two clubs as &0!111 to WIMC II lea.I ooe round uf'bi.ddlni. Hcw.e\er, with onty a four-~ hAnJ )'OU miibt not ht ablf Ii> Cid! up with any Other acuon. BiJ two 1..lu~ plannina Lo ma.kc • 11.tlu..J rebid of th.rec clubs. =..n.~:~aT INT ,_ Jo. ,_ Jo ,_ t Whal ICtlOn do you cake? Q 1 • Ncldier \'Ul!ll;fl\blc, lb South you !'-?Iii: A · 1'-.o CUIJl"'IC.'I come to mind - ei&beJ a pea or.• fc:wci111 "nlbe" to tine diamond.\. S.uxz the auction 6U'OCMlly Wanta )'OU hive a dJa.. mood" fit. I.IX! your hind i~ bolstered by lobl Of intermediate Cll'Cb. WO favor thuggicssivc o<JutM:. Bid tbtce dbu~ •AJ!l7J ..,95 c b l l •KJ6 , . . The biddina IW IJl'O()Ceded· Q 5 • lWt·WQ't vulnerable.•&olb you hold: NOlmJ !AST' SOU'lll Wl!ST I .._ I• ,._ 2• .... ? What 11ct1on do you tak.c? •AKQJtJ 11 1 4 o AU •7'5 The1>idd1n1. M oroceeded: iOUm WES1' NOR11J EAST A • What 11 horrible predicament! Your hand tS clearly wllfth llllOCbcr hid. but )OU CllllOO( rebid your Mlud· dy live<anJ bpadc suit, or bid two no tromp without a heart bloppcr. or rru'iC club<; with only three-an! sup- pon. By 11 ~~of climmation, a fal..e preference of two diamonch i~ ..JI ll!.11 i~ avairublc. If partner doc~n 't bid ~am, you arc probably in ~ i!ood 11 spoc "' any. I• Dbl RdlJI 2• ' What -.1.ion do you tllke? A • Partner's n:double ~ you 10 Jive him the riaht of way, lliid there 1s nothing aboUt your hand 1n sugaest you do anything else. Pa!>ll, Hild wait 10 sec how the 111.icdon devclop1. Q 6 ·~-West vulnel'llble. Iii South you nokl Q 3 • Both vulnerable. ynu hoid •KU ~S c.Q954 •AJltC J a..Q9 K 1097 •A K QJ Whal " )OUI openmg bfd? The bicklmg has ~· • WEST NOR'IU EAST SOUl1:I 111 ... 2 ' What action do you tal..e" A • Yuu have J balanced band of 17 h1i;h<ard potnl'I flawed by 11 weak doubleton m a major. Ho'"'cvcr. upenence has .Jiown that. 1f you open anything Olher than one no tn1mp. you are headed for Jll wn\ of problem!> later in trying to <ieM.Tibc your hruid. Uid one no tromp. A • To bull into an aoct.ion w1lh ltw; holdmg when the opener's ~ is 51ill uncfoc:losed invites uooblc, Du not jliVC the oppooeots tWO bites at the cik:ny. lf you and opener both pa;..\ and partner doQ not acl. ii is not your band. H~IR MASTHS now hi me hairstylists. F I & parl·l ome positions ava1l1ble for new salon In Huntmaton Beach. Guaranteed hourly waae or comm1ss1on plus a 11ut benefits pacll11e Call Adda 1t 7 IC-37$-9009 l lKy lllwr..u Office 9-5. Mon Fro eoo.>uten &. mutb tnore a must f n r esurne to 949-723-487 4 Ac:cephna apps 3/28-,./4 OISTOM CIEAJM lU lrab&lbon, sUtl.. ~ marble. sblL ... 1t7S L'612044 .Id! n...s12.99fi1 llMY ....... RlpStd Rearoulln a. lnstallltlOf'I TILC DEAN !M9-673 8065 lll8M325 714-883-2031 MIUIR'S HAR.DWOODS ~ehhrc 25 Yrs, lifetime w., r1nty l•76Jl44 714-501-4933 GngeDoors ~Sw.19Yrs .. ..._ work. yard dlerl .. m.1bn tree trm ........, Comm/Res 714-436 1511 -··-.,_.., & ...... kq llml c:-.. .. Vq, dlll9I & -'PHIP 9'9 51~ .. -Tr .. S-lc•, Y•rd Cle111up, Mlmltn•nce. Sprinkler Repo1tr, H1u1Jn1 {t4t}6SO-U81 • •·••pt l e11ls t / .. I il•lw•lw Aaistaiit ~ for a busy Ra Utat• f ll1ll In Uicuna Buch T YP"l& sllJts a must Ont lull t1m11 pos1bon & one part bme weeMnd po5lbofl ... ~. Fu raume to S Lemon et 949-644-3423. fQ .. SHCIAUST. All typn ol rep1lrs. Elec· ltical, plu~ doon.. Wits l'tellWs. .. & more 24hrflda 714-l66-1881 c.trdll &¥'1 C1rpentry • P1umb6\i Oryw1n • Stucco P•lnlint. T •le & more 20+ Yun E lper ienct1 Jll 1l4--t69-S776 Wl614llD IOllllSON COMPANY Kik:hlra. w-. Balhroona Merk 949 650-9525 llNJAl.-HUSIAND FOft HOHEYDO S 7our honey won't. from Elect lo the kitchen sll1lk 949-548.9351 THI HA 0 AN Emerpncy Service Oki Pbnbir& EllcirlCll. c...,. Doors etc 9'9 244-8895 Hllflllg CENEW. IEl"JUI 6IWNll.NAME ... RaidmiM • (.ommc;dal No Job 1bo s....n Dan lluiillt-94N2W292 kl~l()llf • R!P:.•r. ~ 1<1 Mor.111w. AuDnoblllS - AltDrnotiVI .. a.y.a-••• w...-. w Conv, Y6, 5411 mi, 1 YI wa<r avail, spll'~eflna 11111 tn lthf, CO, supwb I .. new cond v259721 $6995 fin na4 Bflr !M9 586-1888 www.oqMM.c- Decl1• '97 l11trepl .. Sport 3 5 VG, 4711 ml. wh1te/1rey int. 1•111ed, n/s., like new $6995 hnancma &. warr av11I Bkr 949 S86 1888 -·~·'"-DODGE NEON '2000 SO.+ m1, IOOI< lie warr, 5 sp, blue, arey tnle.KH am·fm cd, a-, oren aincl S!i99ti fin """ ... VWi1'R M9-516-I .. -,n111- OOOGI STEALTH IS 'H Blue, 1ulo. lthr. CD, loadadl 30 Iona mpa. Smoaaed. $5200 Moved. PP 114-72 1 ...... 4 fw .. '00 bc•st-XlT VlO, ~ mo. sllver/ll'•Y lthr. CO, runnon1 bolfds. fuUy lolded, hlle "'w· v872S81 S21.995. fl· n1nc1n1 1Va1l1ble 8kr 94t-sa.-1 ... -·~··-fw.. '95 T_...s Cl showroom cond. while, fully lo•ded pwr SHls, $3500 714 751·Z464 ~~~~ 0 C. 24Yrs Rel's 949 548-0054 949 637·4113 t-·· 1-...-...... ~Toal NL CW! «Mio ,,, ~ 4*n .,, --tar .... 9f12·74.'M ~ DOUGffiiTY tl6'THUtS he f"NI Tcuil Sia 1961 ~T,..k.~ lost(R= 71• 7918746 Ille llrvkill Al1l1 909 681-6664 FAUX/DESIGN __ ........ llSl MOVDS SJt /Mt Hl'Vlna 111 cltln. Insured fu t, courteous. c11eful T163844 800-246 2378 lllcllnlca r a 1¥ -Pl Cs ...... CllY .. Mt• tr .... ec,1111..-.cc. ....... $ls,.100. l't ~74-4244 ............ c;_, ~ml. Jul t.dory w•r, !lpetkl1n1 bledl/oetmMI lllu, CO, ctvome whls, Ith new. v877295 $33.995> f111enclfll U l tl Bkr 9"9-586 1• _.......,_ a..11 ....... cw.-y LE ~ mf, wtlit.,ttan ltht, dliel mnrt:s, CO, brush p urd, Mk• ntw. v726641 $13,995 fl n11tell\t & we<T '1vJll Bkt 94t-SM-1 ... _......,_ u.c.ti. '02 N.,..,_. JOk mi, full fact win. silver sand/ten Ith<. CD sticker, dwom• whls, utra seat, v672518 $28,995 fln & warr avail Bkr 949-586 1888 -......... Lee- Merce .... 't6 C210 beautiful bl1ck/crum fully loaded, showroom, irVa.A. SU..sK. 714-751 2464 LANO ROVER "IT DISCOYERY 4X4 Loaded, low miles. 4x4 flr't at a great price. #549423 $13,900 MBZ'95SL500 CONVT. Bose, co. leather, loaded. good lookilgll 1113266 $28,.900 AUDI '00 M 1.8T QUATTRO SON Power everything! AWJ, tn, -nice! 1()65288 $18,900 MBZ'90~SDN Auto, leather, allcrts. nice clean car, great price. 1270075 $7,885 MBZ ._ 11.331 AUTO CO, llhr, Bose, moon, 4x4, ~a t.gall!m Mlite, tn #016225 $18,900 vw "00 JETTA Ol.S AWJ, pwr wil. loeb. 4 DR. good ~ gas!lll #005140 $12,800 FORD '01 EXPLORER SPORT2DA CO, XLT. 2WD, real nice. t A08520 $12,800 TIL.0'!5 aUROPllAN AUTOHAU• 0-llO Clln"' ..... 1~98-9754 w-. .,_, wwwJ:ilocars.com ....... PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Calif Public Ulrlllres commission requires U.11 •" used household 1oods movers print their I' U C. Cal T numbtt, hmos end ch•uff•uts print their 1'.C.P. nurnber in all adver tiM~nh. If you hive 1ny q1141sllons about the f•t•lity of 1 mover, limo o l dl1uttwr, call l'U8 LIC UTIUMS COM MISSION 714·558 4l51 ...... Ill.I I 1•e Nitwport mom tvail able tor cooklna. c....-nlONl!ip. IW!t ,_ .. I 1111 .. '"1lnds, etc.... Creal lout ,....... 9'&720C3J& -- .....,~ ......... c:.-'=-..., lllMJI pt l*I. 1ow.-.M4.900 -.-r:;r Ytlowt911c*,ran, 111'.t, UIOO mi all #XI ....... .. 19'1'9t ,~ ...... ew-....: OnlY •.OOO ,.,.., iu s:ooo ....... 9,, .. , eaer..,..~~ ~on!C.11 ~. 1 lk i*s. '69,500 ,.,.,... ......... C.....'1'00 Ellc:IJlc b1yton suts, bedtel. calipn. $15'9.SOO P~a..-sw ~.-r~onie. Mu$t -$39.100 IMW MWC..-'02 Cny/9ladl, ..... --roots. 2K mo, $25.500 ...,._...~ '01 RuS1.l'Bbdl A sure Classic, 7K ml. $39,000 lt.rtey 0-W.-'02 Wl)lteflllidl Road Kq cmstc, $18.500 Mer-'-<Ul S20'02 Blut/Cley AMC wheeh. 7" mi, $39,500 ~na-ttr.. ~ ..... '02 Cll8rcoeVl'1111. 1.000 "'*. $36.500 ..__..,,,, Bi.c::k/Gf ey Lua ury Group 'JJT wheels. only 100~ NEWPORT AUlOSPOIU !M9-57 4-5600 M.,uHiles 'MSOOCl •-....... ...... nm& ~ey .... l07k "' S7 91) 9&J!l6.9500 Merce"•• 'tt U 20 3 lk m1, whlle/ll'•Y lthr mnrl, chrome whls, beaut, hke new cond, ¥572241 $26,995 ''" ..,.. 8kt 9&5518118 WWW '.,_ Mere•"•• 'tt SS20 LWB 52k m1, 3 yr w1rr 111111, 11lnr /bl~ ltlrr buut or1& cond, v875241 $26,995 flnanc1na aV1~ Blu 949-586-1888 www.ecpalH.c- M ... ece4ff 'II $60 Sl wh1te/li1n 1mmac m.c. N'& .. ,_ d qi. ctnma. $Will 714-7513164 ..... I U CM-.11 LS '00 sunroof, i.tt.. II .. t11S, -!Me new, Of11 -. non/>ITW, $13,995 -...J06 pp 714-9J9.Q35 .. ,.,_ •oo "'""" •• 1 ub. Aini cond. auto ttans, A/C. am Im, bed hnef, 5211 fwy ml, $9500 obo 94U59-0329 Mary. POllSCHI '99 CAUIU 6f( Ml, I own..-.11r11ed, lmm1eulate $56,750 949 675·2869 l'OllKHI H6 'H lip. low m1les. lo1ded. Spotless. its aot to ao• $49,900 PP 949 244 5275 VW '7J lv1 Good Cond1tlonl Well nwn ta1ned. m1ny nt11s, $2,700 714 921 1789 Sher Palnllng lll"S CUSTOM PAINTING Pron. d9!1n. qualfty WOf'll tnttflOf/Ht 11111111 docks. U70J461 M~l-4610 W..IOWc:.JI Palnllfll W/••t. ~ Qu•~ty ll)b! f rH ._ .. ll56'897 714-UJ.-8888 PlamtnelSlllcco ,.... •/Ext R9modal. 30 + Y..-s hp. RIM- sonabl•. Otp1nd1ble L1349020 714 633·8114 •se.c...am "-tucco, Room Addition, Patchin,. lluson1bl•f 714 921· 647~. ,....... S.C. PAINTING CONTRACTOR COMPETITIVE PRICE FREE ESTIMATE serr~a~rl'Y MM12-8296 lie. CREVIER PER MONTH + TAX 1 At 1blSe Terms On ffprMI lildil ......• OlllRAT SllNISA~ ··-·· . . . . + .42• l3000 dut •' StlJllnt 4' mo~ti, cload end IHM no MCUf1t' 4-PoSlt. l 2K miles ~ yur (lens miles @ .20C per mot. (TElJZ'Tl) ...... LITSllTM! rrs nw •••••••• S5 FmWAY@ EIIW SANTA ANA AUTO WU (U8) 123-9108 AUl..aB, llSC8.lNEOUS ,...., ~ Di"* 0...-~ ~ •llll wil P9Y •• ..,., .. pnca fat~ ca. v., or We* P9d tor or not. c.11 00 Ray @ T omam Al*> Siii&. 7 ll. U1 1931 or 1~J:l8.3?28 CASH FOii CMS WI NHD YOU• CAJt PAID fOlt 01 NOT P~AllTO ASC fOI MALCOLM Ht-574-7777 .... --._.,._ a.r,.aw '97 SeW1- Collv LX:t6, 4211 ml, dtl metallic blue/v•Y Hhr, buut tlllt new eoncl, v292521 $7995 lln•nclna lo w11rranty av1ll, 8kr 949·516-1 ... ·-z:;t1.- BOATS 1515 DUffY WCTtK 2002 2ltt O'... u.I, llJPrO• !iO In. ---$21,!D>~ %00J Dvffy (<It 1 • C11ph1c pk1, rt"\OI• $f)Otltalll. elect 111cbor. CO stereo, fishona chelr, swim f1ddet" " cockpit cvr, less than 4hn uw ,_, S45ffi> 94'H?!>-333111 BolllWldld 9S3S NIVAHPUTY WANTS TO IUY NIWft 21n DUffY, Ml CASH. 714-60l·SSO 1 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 4 Nl'I $Ups 1v.lllb4e for bo1b up to 60tt ldHI tor pr1V1le/bo•t brokenee949·723 3143.. PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot ClasSlf1ed section to find services from electronics and pl\Jmbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot (1.,.,-,if,,.d l u111111t1111ty M.irkt:lpluCI! • cl""6Cln Of MSTJ~ PIP( LOCATING ELECTRONIC SlA8 LEAK OCTECllON frlendly s.rvlca 949-675 -910