HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• • a1 1 ·O Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 ntURSDAY,MARCH27,2003 Mayor .appointed superior court judge Karen Robinson will have to quit City Council to become the county's first appointed black fe maJe judge. Deir dre Newman Da1lyP1lot COS'I~ MESA Mayor Karen Robin- Karen Robinson erick P I lorn to know where '>he wiU ..ervc. She wiU replace Judge Stuart Waldnp. who re- signed in JuJy l002 Robinson, who be- came mayor late la.-.t year, will have to resign from the ( 11y Council, a'> !>late law doe-. not aJJow a 1udgl' to hold other pubht offitc'>. Departure leaves vacant seat, mayorship City Council will have to decide whether to appoint a replacement o r hold a special election to fill hole on the dais. The council will also have the deli- Cctlt' task Of Choo mg a new mayor .,ince 11\ not automatic that Mayor Pro Iem Chri" ..,tec•I will move up a notch. <,teel '><lid he ~ould be ·honored to ht> mayor. hut I'm not holding my hreath H QUESTION 7 How should the council fill the ~nt seat end mayorship? Call our • Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to !On realbt'd her long-desjred goal of be- coming a judge WedneM!ay when Gov. Gray Davis appomted her to the Orange County Superior C..ourt, becoming the county\ fir'lt appointed black female judge. Acting City Atty. lbm Wood -.aid Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot Di.,CU'>'>lon., on how to fill Hobm'iOn\ c;cat on tlw daic, will '>tart at the Apnl 7 City Council mC'ettn~ C11y Manager AJ. l;10 Roeder c,aid da1/yp1lot a,/at1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only Hobin!>on <Klld she doc ... n't know yet when l>he will Mart and ill waiting for an assignmt'nt from Prec;1dmg Judge Fred- Theaters get landmark de signation Port Theatre will be first to take advantage of relaxed regulations for renovations. C ity ordinance provides no official protection. June Casa1rande Da1lyP1lot The 39-year-old lawyer, who launched an unsucce .. .,ful wnw-in cam palgn to uni.eat Orange County ~u perior Court Judge Ronald C KlinC' in January 2002, said -;lw found out flbout the appointment Friday. Whill' Hobin- See JUDGE, Paee M COSTA Ml:SA -Wedne-.day\ ap pointmcnt of Karen Rohin'>on to the Orange County Superior Court create~ a tough decision for the City Council· appoint her replact'rnent or hofd a "re- ciaJ election. n1at will give the re~t of the council thC' opportunity 10 ru.k City Atty. furn Wood about tht' legal detad!> of filling thl• '>C'at and to dt'cide when and how tht'y want to rnakl' tht'1r choice of how to replace Hohin-.on Councilman l.ary Monahan '><Utl tlw council nt'ed., to fii,'lirc out how to fill Robinson\ '>C'.lt befort' they <,tart d1'> cul>Sing who the nt'w mayor will bt' I Ii' See SEAT, Pa1'9 A4 Sending troops inspiration . 0 N THE HOME FRONT NFWPOfrl Hl·AU I -1lle Caty Council .:ipp~ a landmark build.in~ ordinance on lu~ay that will allow the Port Theatre to add food service and entertainment. Newport Beach residen t Bob Siemon has created the 'shield of faith' n ecklaces for families to send to loved ones in Iraq Paul Clinton Daily Pilot ·rm very much m favor of the Port Thealre becoming a landmark theater.· Corona del Mar resident l.uvena Hayton said The ordinance offer. no official protec- uon or tustoncaJ status lo the four land- mark.., 11 affectc;: the Port Theatre, the Bal- See THEATERS, Pase AS THE BELL CURVE Playin g at mo re than just hop efaln ess 0 n Saturday night, my wife and I and our dear rnends who are vis1cing from France will drive mto Lo~ Angeles 10 see the closing nlght of a JOSEPH N. BELL play. 11 will take place m a tiny theater on Cahuen ga Boulevard in a slightly · down-at-the-heels neighborhood. The theater will be !Wed to overflowing. as It has been for the past six weeb. And when the final bows have been taken and the cast has embraced the playwright, his mother and I will get our tum to express o,ur love and pride ln this accomplishment of our son. This is ~ fourth play. The others SM CURVE, Pac• AS Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTMEWEB: WMv.~com WEATHER It'll be aunny, yet cooler. SeePa1eA2. SPORTS Corona dtf Mar girts duet n • tight one egalntt Univertity IWlmmet9. See PIP Bl B ob SiemDns m. oment of m.,p1rauon 1 ... find mg lls way onto the nt't. k,.., of lJ 'I Mannes in lrnq Siemon. a l'.ewport Beach re ... 1dent and former hippie. ha5 begun manufauunng the "shield of faith.· a pewter necklace and lapel pin that families of U -~ M>ld1er. can mail to their loved ones m the Persran C.uJf Inspiration struck Siemon dunng a '>leeplt..,., night in mid-January. after a convcr.atton at a Hiver;1de trade '>how with the mothN of a MESSAGE FROM THE SHIELD 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be temfied. do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. -Joshua 1·9 INSlDE For more war-related news, see PageA3 ~ld1er i.tauoned in lra4 Siemon l>aid he wa., disturbed to learn that the woman h.id nothing to c,end her "on 111 the field. Now. the '>Old1er ran wear the dog tag .,h1eld necklace and the rela11ve can wear a smaUer. matching lapt>I pm It's kind of a partnerJlip. a bond,· Siemon srud ·tr you're m one of those tenifying siluatiom. It would bto a sense of protection: Siemon, whose company make. inspiraUonal )C'Welry, manufactuttrs ~ ~-mch-by-~-inch shield necklace at his Santa Ana factory. The pewter necklace i engraved with a quote from the book of Joshua urging strength and courage. In two weeb. Siemon has sold more than 50,000 units of both the neddaoes and pins. Siemon sells th.em to about 5,000 Ouistian church~ and boobbops ac.n>ss the nation. KE.NT TR(PTOYI /OM.Y Pt.OT Newport Beach resident Bob Siemon 1s producing his •Shield of Faith• pendants and necklaces so people can show their support tor U.S. troops in Iraq. , At the bookstore at MMiner' Church. on the border of Newport Beach and lrvi.ne, they SM TROOPS, Pap A5 Mother of Marine killed in action presses on Westside resident Simona Garibay will take off work at least another week while she p repares son Jose's funeral and tries to rest. Lollta Harper 0 rlyPtlot Wlfil"SID -She has paid the ultfmate prfce. but mofM"lA.ry con· cttna were tho last thing oh Slmo· na Garibay' mind.· Simona Garibay. S 1, he.Id Orm Wetln y to b r humbl tance that she does not want to create a ' "bank a.ccount," she called lt. a rauJt of her son Joie Glrlbay1 death. Sll doesn't want anything more than t n • doesn't want to profit from her grit{. w Aid. Tht! 2l·yea.r-old Manne rorpo• faJ WU killed Sw\cJ4y near Nulrf • yah, Iraq. ,after mcounterlna an ambuUl by enemy lr00p$, m rrponcd. Garibay. WhO enlisted with the Marines at 11. ii the first C.ounty c:a...qaalty rq>orted ln the war. y and the · othet Marin who died kl that in- ddent bait!d It North Car0• lina'I camp l.t'jeune. Fiuuily mcmbtn on weane.day UkN mona to be reaUldc. She tw oot worked II we'* -the round out atxMJt her ton's dNd\ on Monday mominl -end Wiii not WCHt for at ._.. ~ wtltl: While the funeral ll!rW:e • pJlnned Ht'f cmplorer hlll oot rm her paid time oft eo 11 eoinc Without ror • while. ti. nJece. l.udna . •Sht \ want anyililna tra. but lho bu ftrwUy KapU'd chill aexs few me to be r-8y ~ ~ wod:· ""'.~aid. MilWy .mcWI told Gartbey IO crpect her IOn'J body wllhln ltW!I\ .,.. Joie ~ body Wll mlbaMOptn~nc before lt ~ID <Mita S..mntlR. ..... M A2 Thursday, MMch 27, 2003 . POLITICS ·. THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Hold that .support a second '. ' , , . . . Paul Cllnton .Daily Pilot An endorsement brouhaha is further spicing up a hot-tamale or an Assembly race for the GOP nomination. In the run for the 70th Assembly District seat. Supervisor Jim Sliva has watered down his support for Cristi Cr1sdcb. a Corona del Mar GOP fund-raiser and Anaheim business woman, by endorsing a second candidate. When contacted Wednesday, Silva said he is also throwing his support behind Oluck DeVore, a defeated Irvine City Council candidate, who has proudly pos ted the endorsement on his campaign Web site. "What I'm doing is a duaJ endorsem~nt," Silva said "They're both good people and would do a good job for that district." ·Silva, a familiar face at Republican· P-dfty functions, said the move W'dS not related to Cristich's endorsing BW Olnton ln the 1996 presidential race or her pro-choice stance. The more moderate Crisdch is also positioning herself as an advocate of business and opponent of additional taxes. Marianne Zlppl, a defeated Newport Beach City Council candidate and Don Wagner, an Irvine b usinessman, are also in the race. In a race Like this. with no clear favorite. these endorsementb can give a candidate the needed boost to push them over the top. They may be especially important in the race to replace John Campbell. who is leaving to make a run at a chair in the state Senate. So far, three other Republicans have announced their intentions to make a play for the seat Rep. Dana Rohrabac.her has also endorsed DeVore. while former Assemblywoman Marilyn Brewer and former state Sen. Marian Bergeeon have thrown their weight behind Crisdch. On Sunday, Zippi announced that she had pinned down the i.upport of Carl Karcher, the founder of Carl's Jr. ~Having Mr. Karcher's support is validation of my business skills and conservative Republican platform," Zippi said. PHOTO COURTESY Of ELIZABETH WATSON Assembly Speaker Willy Brown, left, and Assemblyman Ken Maddox present Costa Mesa resident Joan Finnegan, president of the county Municipal Water District, with the 68th Assembly D1stricfs 2003 Woman of ttie Year Award in Sacramento. Since 1984. 7lppi hru. run a marketing and communications business. She has been married for 51 years and has two daughters, a foster '>on and four grandchildren. Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle has hired ~ Solsby. a Newport Beach native and political operative, at his Irvine public relations firm. · COSTA MESA WATER ACTTVIST HONORED HONOR FOR FALLEN MARJNE Curt Pringle & Associates. founded in Costa Mesa water activist Joan Plnnegan has been named the 2003 Woman of the Year in the 68th Assembly District. Jose "Angel" Garlbily will be honored as 1999. announced the move March 1a a war hero today in the state Legislature. Before this move. Solsby served as the State Sen. ROIS Johnson. who represents • chief of staff to Assemblyman Todd Assemblyman Km Maddox. along with Speabr Wlllle Brown. honored Finnegan on the Assembly noor on Monday. the district that includes Garibay's former Spitzer. a former county supervisor. He Costa Mesa home, has sald he will honor held a job as Spil7.er's communications the Marine in the state Senate by cloSJng director for the year leading up to his Finnegan, who moved to Costa Mesa with her family in 1950, has 39 years of experience on water issues. She is now president or the Municipal Water District of Orange County the session in his memory. election to the Assembly in November. Johnson is expected to praise C.anbay Solsby has also worked as the during a speech on the Senate Ooor. said communications director for Reps. Mark Matt Ross, the senator's spokesman. Poley (R-Fla.) and James Rogan An avid Japanese koi fish hobbyist. Garibay. 21. was killed ln combat 1n lrnq. (R-Glendale). He was on Rogan's staff when He was one of -;even Marines killed Sunday the Congressman led the impeachment of Finnegan is also a pasr pw;ident of the Southern California Koi Oub and founder of the Zen Nippon Arinkai organi:zalion from Japan. in heavy fighting near Nao;iriyah. Rill Omton. NEWPORT NATIVE LANDS IN HIGH-PROALE PR ARM Solsby also worked in Pringle's press office when he wao; speaker of the Assembly. POLITICAL CALENDAR MARCH Today. Newport Harbor Republican Women hold a general meeting at 11 :30 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Corona Del Mar. The guest speaker will be Judy Beatty. Information: (949) 644-0539. Todlly: Orange County Young Republicans hold a "March Mixer" from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. 81 China Palace Restaurant in Newport Beadl. Information· social@ocyr.org or (949) 962-5398. APRIL 3: UC Irvine College Republicans hold a meeting at 7 p.m._81 the McDonnell Oooglas Engineering Auditorium. The guest speaker will be David Horowitz. Information: Bryan Zuetel at (949) 856-9046. 9: UC Irvine College Republicans hold a "Support Our Troops" DailyAPilOt VOL 97, NO. 8& THOMAS H. JOHNSON Pubh•Mr TOt4Y DODE.RO EditOf JUrt't OET11NG ~~Of Promcruont 0.'9d0r News&lton Gina Alsxander, Loti Anderton, Daniel Hunt, Paul SeltoWitz. OanMl Stevens NEWISTAff Crlme'='9~. tMl57 "-1».bhandl•IMI,,,.. com • --=""· NMpor1. t9PC>fltf', (Mil~ . "''*~•t.v,,,...com ,.,Cllnton '->Utica end envfronment reporter, (Ml) ?M-4330 paut.cJ11?t0r1•11u,,...com Lollll ... Coklmnlllt. cunure niportet" (M) 6'7iM27& lollt•hll,,,.,.~ .,.... .......... Co.ta Mete f'IPC)f1W, (Ml) ~21 d-'tdr&~•IMfnW.oom a.....c--. ~ ,.,,.,, .... ™"'* dttWtlne.c.rrlllo•,.,,,.,._ com rally at the flagpoles from noon to 1 :30 p.m. Guest speaker will be former Assemblyman and veteran Mid:ey Conroy. Information: Bryan Zuetel (949) 8~9045. 13: The Orange County Young Republicans will hold a general meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Westin South Coast P1au Hotel m Costa Mesa. The topic will be liberals versus Hollywood conservatives. Information: (949) 476-5559 or www.ocyr.org. 21: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general ConllWAeon Newe 1..i.tant, (949) 57'°'298 cort1I. wllllOnOllltl~.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sein Hiller, Don !Mdl. ICent T l'9PtDW REA0£AS HOTLINE (949)842~ Record your comments 1bou1 the O.ity Pilot or news 111>9 Addf'9ea Our eddreu 11 330 W Bay St, eo.t. Meu, CA 92827 Otflc» hour. are Monday · Friday, 8:30 • m. 5 p.m ~ It II the Pilot's pohcy to PfOmp(ty oon'ect alt etT'Of'S of to~nce. ~ Cllll (949) 764-432.4 FYI The Newport had'lr'Colt.a 114..- Delly Piiot IUSPS· 1'" 800) i. publlthed dally In Newport e..d'I end Cott. MtN. aubec:rlptlorw '"' tv• let>J. only bV aubectlblng to The Tiniet Ora~ Councy (S>Cl) 2&2-9"'1 "'" .... out.Ide of Newpon .. Id\ tnd Com M .... "'blcrl~t 10 the Dally Piiot are tvtlleble only by flrwt c1 ... metl for • SJ0 pet monttl. (PtlCM lnciudt 111 llPPl!cable ttMe end ioe.i te ... I POSTMAST£R. Send eddl'MI c.Nf'IO'I to TM tMWpon ~ ...... o.tty PllOt. '-0. t meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission 1s tree, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555 MAY 19: Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast P1aza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) 556-8555. Box 1560, Cocta M .... CA 92828. Copyright No news atoriet, illustrations. editorial mettar or advertisement• herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cfrcullltk>n The Times Orange County (800) 252·9141 AdwltWI ... Cta9llfied (949) 842-5678 Oilpl9y (9'9) 842-4321 EcltotW ..... (MS) 842·6680 ~(949)51 .... 223 New. Fu (949) ~170 ltMMU Fu (9'8) ll0-0170 l~ dallyp/lot•11t1,,....com MailnOMoe lullnw otftoe (!Ma) 6'2~1 ..... ,.... ,._ (948) 83H12t Gtimes ~· iilfly ... .-UblllMd l>'f Tlmee Community N41Wt, • dlv..SOn of the Loe AfltlMit nm. ~2 Tinw CN, Alf rights ~ POLmcs ·ASIDE Keep the debate alive · A goaJ of this column is to provide analysis as free from opinion as possible. I prefer to look at whether a strategy in our local politics seems a winning This lack. at one level. makes for less d.ramadc stories than a national publication can produce, given its access to a wider range of opinion. one rather than debate which side • Representadves divided about S.J. CAHN war" could have might be wrong. I would rather report fund-raising and spending than complain about Who is receiving donations from Newport-Mesa residents. This week, though, I'm going to alter that slightly. because an issue has arisen related to the war in Iraq that touches upon one of the fundamental opinions -principles may be taJcing it too far -of this column: That debate and discussion in our governing and politics is vitaJ. I return to this opinion because It is one of the holes I see in Newport-Mesa society. There is not a dynamic divergence of opinion on political matters here (note I don't say no divergence, just not a lively one). As Pilot columnist Joe BelJ wrote in late February: ·When I arrived in Newport Beach in 1959. Orange County had a reputation as a political nut house that was well deserved.· Stnce that time. he added, ·niese perceptions ... have not been modified appreciably. despite some rather drastic social changes over the years.· That column gathered some fiery response (as has another since). but setting aside Bell's opinion of the monolithic conservative polidcal nature of Newport-Mesa. it is hard to argue the point. It ls hard to argue any point because of the like-mindedness of those living h ere. This has become especially clear since the war in Iraq started. We typically lack substantive debate among our state and national representatives. who agree more or less on political and economic issues and, slnce 2000, with the White House. (We can assume a break from this during the race between Assemblymen John c.mpbdl and IC.en M..sdcD to replace state Sen. it.. Jobmon). That has not changed ln the past week. as the headline to one story demonstrates: ·eongressrnen positive about war." been a headline in another newspaper. The issue goes deeper, though, when readers write in to complain about coverage of antiwar demonstrations, arguing that the paper should instead be finding a story that better reflects the community. We do a great deal that reflects this community, whether stories about youth sports. our "Crowd" column by B.W. Cook. special sections on the Toshiba Senior Oassic o r portraits of local volunteers. Doing so. certainly. 1s an important pan <if our mission. But reflecting the community means the whole community. not just a majority that, in this case. we can assume is supportive of not only ow troops but President Bush and his advisors. Keeping out minority opinions does not paint the most accurate picture of Newport-Mesa that we can draw. Reporting only on the (vast) majority mun.Jes debate that is already too limited. Newport-Mesa. of course, is not golng to have hundreds of thousands of demonstrators on Its streets. like San Francisco. Neither is it without opposition to the war. because there is never 1 ~ support or opposition. Voters in Newport Beach, as an example, opposed last year's Measure W, which rezones the closed El Toro Marine base as a park. by a politically staggerlng 84%. But that still means close to two ln l 0 voters here were not pro-El Thro in this pro-El Thro city. You would have been hard·p~ to reali.1.e that. however, because there was no reaJ debate on El Thro within Newport's city limits. That Newport lost that election ii not unrelated and is a forceful argument for the need for more clashes of opinion. • s.J. CAHN Is the menaglng editor. He can be reed\ed et 1949) 574-G33 or by e-mell 1t s.j.cahn@latime•.con'lt SURF AND SUN WEATHERFORECAST SURF It m-v be • tad ctouctv thl• momfng, but It ahoukt be IUM'( most of the ct.y, with hJghs near 70 and Iowa In the mlcMiOa. A Sent. Ana wtnd wtU pie* up .. 9W(\lng end ~ ICidt around off and on tti~ s.cunw,. on Frldey, we'll g« even wenn.r. Wftt\ highs near 80. .........a: WWW.,,...n<»l.(IOV ~OATING FORECAST TIDES ,.... 6::29a.m. 12;A1 p..m. 7:28p.m. 12:31e.m. WATER TEllPERATVltE ........ ' rPdo· War grinds down local economy ' Hotels and movie theaters are seeing fewer customers as Iraq conflict keeps people at home. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot • NEWPORT-MESA -Hotel\. Cruise lines and ll\OVle theaters SilY they're feeling a pinch brought on by War a'> a spellbound nadoh s!a)'l> glued to televisions for up- $tes from Iraq. . Hotels in both O>sta Mesa and Newport Beach have seen an ac- celerated pattern of canccllation.., of bookings over the p&1 few weeks, busin~ leaders said. "Yes, I th.ink the hotel.'> have ex· perienced !>Orne cancellations," said Diane Prichen, the executive $ector of the Costa M~ (',onfer- ence & VISitors Bureau. "People arc JU'>t laking 11 a week at a time. a: month at a time. When it comes to m.wng maior deci&ion<,, they're holding back." While Pricheu said it was too early to quantify the damage to t.fae tourist induMry. the bureau L'> 14)dng step~ to reverse the trend. 11'om April 10 to 27, the bureau ii. providing free voucher. to visitor. Who book mom'> in the city. Dur Ing that time. tourists will be given 11 $40-a·night voucher for any one 0 N T H ( HOME FRONT of 16 restaurants. They will o..lso be given a one-ttme S25 gasoline voucher. The bureau ls al.so offering spe- cial hotel rates. between $89 and $l29 per n.ighL The usual, or "rack. rates are l'rom S99 and $159 a night for a Costa Mesa ho- tel room. "We think the gasoline and good ' vouchers. coupled with highly competitive.,hotel rates. will get the attention of leis\µ'e trawl- ers who want to get awuy withour emptying their pockets and ~ tanks,• said Jade DeOio, the Hob day lnn'.s general manager and bureau's president In Newport Beach. the cancel- lations, while not a<. bribk. are al'iO picking up. ln part. it'i:. becau.'>C of security worries, said Marta I lay- den, executive director of th£' Newport Beach Conference & Visitol"i> Bureau. ··mere is a "Xlfety rnncem." Hayden 'Wild. "People are staying in." Hayden 'lald the c1.ty has i:.ee11 mlemational and traru.continen tal travel to Newport Reach dry up, hur Southern Californians an• still Vl..,itmg at -.olid level'>- The weekends To.'>h1ha Senior Oa'i.'>ic brought fuJI crowds lO the dty w watch Austmlian Rodgt•r Davb win tha1 golf tournament. J layden said. Combat in Iraq, coupled with a struggling economy. has also chilled a once-vibrant cruise-liner business in Newport Hart>oc. .t\nd business in the coming months. at Hornblower Cruises & Events, shou)d remain slow, f>aid Unda Mong6. company vice president and gcnerd.I manager. "For us, bookings are soft ror April and May." Mongno said. "The economy is still very weak." Local movie ':heater O'lallagers also said they've seen a slowdown. .The national bQx office total for- the first IO weeks of 2003 feU about 11 %. ind~try leaders have said At the F..dwards Metro Point 12. which is owned by Regal Enter- tainment Group, Last Friday and Saturday evenin~ were both slowe r than tL,ual, a theater man- ager !>aid. • llu: l&t week WCI.\ i.low a little bit,· a...s~tant manager I Ian! Mamlouk 'Mlld. "ll c;hould be bU.'>l('f H Mamlouk.. however. ..aid bw.i n~ '>hould pick up tl1i\ Friday w1t11 the rele-a.<,c of tlw disaster epic ··me C..ofl'" and "Basic." a milit<\ry dr-ama with John Travoh.a and Samuel Jackson. fhe hotJy anut1pa1ed "Matrix Reloaded." -.ct for a May 15 rt•lea..e, should al~o bring t:U'>lomcrs bad. to tht• muluplex. he '><Ud. 'Taboo' topic. focus of OCC discussion Symposium on drug use draws hundreds to discuss issue of legalizati on and abuse. C!lristlne Carrillo Daily Pilot you t.ilk about 11 111 cla'>s. every om··, wry qult'l ll\ kind of a ta boo 1hmg th.11 they don't want OC ( (.AMl'lJ~ -Collc~e ''u otht•r peopl<' to know their 111 den1 .. and drug., -a <.omellme'> \olwd wilh • lethal tomh111at1on -dl tcd J'I I ht• purpow of the 'ympo \Oull t.'" of education for hun '>IUm wa., to .ippea'>e '>tudcn1'' 1Jretl.., of Orange Co~..,t ( ollt•g1• conn·m,. <1tldre'>" pertmenl ,., ... 1utlt•nt\ Wcdne.,dav '>lll''> a11d IJ\ dm"n a firm baw l>unng a -.ympo.,1um. tht• for .,ludent' to makt· t•ducatt·d \Jnitt•d !:>tudc111 Souolog1'1'> .. del.'i.,w1h almut drug'> and ()uh & l''>ychology <Juh at ()( I dnig rd.1ted "-'>Ue.,, nrgan111·r' dll\l' into lht' world ul illeg.al '-illll drng•., from Jdole~cen t drug l1'l' "Wlh1I I hl.t.· "Wl' got pa~l the m \'cJfillU' n1lturC'> IO peri.onal nul., ,int.I hull' o( tht''>l' l'>!>llt''> t•xpt•nt'nce'> with dru~' and ~01 111 lht• real \,lluc-. b1· "I think tlw reai.on why the hind them: ""d Norm I mkt·r. 1op1t ,., '>0 bmJd ,., "' we rnn OCC profo'>\Or of aq~umenta redt h out to a'> many pt'oplt:' ,,., lion. who ac led a .. moderawr po">-'1hlt'." said Gi~.,ellc Su;uo, for tlw debate about decnm1 ptt'>1den1 of lhe club. "When naJumg marijuana. The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ~s Student:. werl' abll· to ask a11y qut•'>tiom 1hey had while pro· vidmg them addillonal mfor mallon lha1 m<1y 4uell any m 111g lOncern' ~, thmk J lot or '>tudenl'> al ready have tlw1r mind Wl about whal tht'y 1h111k aboul drug.,," fre,hman ryler ~1m11111 '>aid "It\ '>till prc11y tool to '>l'l' how many peuplt> want lo know more. . I thinl. thl' pPr\onal ''°fll'\ haw tlw h1gge'>t aflett " ~ua.to and otht:'r c l11h mem her' Wt'fl' plea-.ed with thl' 1u111 OU( I hl' tampu' a., .1 \\.hole h.1., beu1 wry i.upporriw: .,a1tl dub acJv..,cir Cam.I~ Peuu,, Jho a proft·"cir of .. onology and an lhrnpolo!O'. ··1 hey want 1lw1r .. wd1·nt., to hear both '>Ide., of lhe''' l'>'>Ue•,, ,and '>tudent.,1 ap prt·11.He the opportu1111y to l'X a mint• the.,c •~'>lie!>." Vinyls • Ceramics ood • Laminates ALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERI Custom-Made furniture Slip Covers • Patio furniture Draperies, Shad & Bedspreads 1 hlxsday. M.tfcfl 21, 2003 A.3 NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some decision:. coming out of Tuesday's meeting of the Newpon Beach City CouncU. VISION STATEMENT About a month ago, A.ssisuml Ct ty Managt·r Sharon Wood !>aid she was worried that a.sktng the City Council to approve a citi.7..en oomminee'i. "Vlslon Statement• would ,,.aom; poliucize and bog down an otherwise straightforward iMue. At Tuesday's City Council meeting. Councilman Tod RJdgeway pulled from the consent calendar an item to maJct· official the "Vision Statement• of a subcomminee of lhe General Plan Advisory Committee. The document <;urns up the commmee m embers' feelings that Newpon Beach i.'> primarily a residential city and thal quality of hfe for residents &hould be a pnority of the genern.1 plan updace process. Ridgeway !>Uggested adding a sentence to acknowledge the importance of city's .,hopping and employment offenngs. But h1i:. casual .,uggesuon drew a passionate outcry from comminee Cllairwoman Nancy Gardner and even from Councilman Gary Adam.'>. who explained how comminee member'> had labored for hours over every detail of the document. In the end, even Ridgeway wa. .. convinced. The [!]~Dunn-Well . .. 1820 '.lonr!Ma A"9 Colta MeM CA 92627 Cdrr.o(llS&~ ~~ RobertDunn "'-°"'11199 O)wlg Tet IMll.544.9373 ~ 1....-s 714.548..3434 """'"•~-llllDIN _a.:.ttf6 Rabbitt lmurance Agency Al I 0 • HO~UOW'lof.Jl'> • tn.Al.1 ti \1.1l11hr1 '"'" / 'h · ~~ ~Sr)__, r , 949-631-7740 +41 Old Nrwpon 81-d. • Newport Beach tNcat Hoag Ho.pot..!) NEXT ME£T1N6 •WHAT: Newport Beach City Council • WHEN: 7 p m April 8 •WHERE: Ctty Council Chambe~ at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. • INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reporta are available several days before each meeting at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us. For information. call (949) 644-3000 . counttl voted lo approve the statement a') IS. WHAT THEY SAID ·After heanng all the work that went into chis, t'Ven I'm noady to .,upport the Vl'>ion Statement.- -CQufU'tlman Tod Ridgeway. fl'trcu.tmg liis ~11p,ges1wn that a 5"11ten< e lw t""1Rd NEWPORT TERRACE A '>tudy \o\1U take pl<1tc on thl.' po~1ble pre.,cnce ol methane ga.'> near the Newpon lt'rrate tcindorn1111unc., the rnunnl deudl'Cl lue-.day nw tount al .. 1pprowd .tn itt:'m to 'Pt'n<l ahou1 $/h,000 to 'urvey 1lw land '1lt' nt'dr tht' condom1mum hu1ldmg' lh.tt m the I q5()\ and '60'> wa.., thl' l'lly·., IJntllill ll111ugh a report in 2000 -.howetl 110 1mtnt•d1Jtc health thn:at'>. rnunt> h1..·dlth offinah have '>Ugge'>tl'd tht· ..iudy J' .i prl:'l<111110n. "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY S·9PM ThisWeek@UCI Athletics March 27 Women's.Water Polo. I c I '"· ( ·c I >an~. I II .1 m .. 1' C ,1/ \flit<' Ht1kt·r,f1t'l.I. 11. rn J.rn : '" I l111p1111111. ti p.m .. I\ ( tJI '>l1lle .. \tJ11 Jkr11tJrd111c1 -., ; rm .. \quJll<.\ l ,ornple>.. S \ .. s; Men's Volleyball. l '< I 1·~ I'< \w1111 Hcirbam -p.rn .• < rJ\•.lord II.ill. S' S~ March 27-30 Men's Tennis. , Ith \11t1'tJtcr c./11,s11. Tenn" <.,tad1um •rel March 28-30 Baseball. UC/ 1•1 \\.11 .. ~h1ng1m1 ~tatt·. o p.m. I r1da\ and \JturdJ\.', n11on Sunday, Anteater Ballpark. $4-$7 March 29 Men's Volleyball. UU '''· (di Statt• NnrthrrtlKt'. 7 p.m .. Crawtonl Hall. S)-$5 Presentations March 29 UCI Extension. 1enchmg Adult l.~arners: Strateg~ for Success. 9 a.m. 4 p.m., University f.xten"on C. $100 March 31 UCI Libraries' Speaker Series. Meline Yen Mah, author of Falling leDvt!f and Chmese Cind~lla, in co~rsation Wllh Kdu Kitrak, cha.ir of Asian Amman studies and professor of English and companti~ Jj~ratutt. Book sigrung and refreshments foUow. 6-8 p.m., Emerald B.ty, Student Center. Free ' April 2 University Oub Forum. Bn:aitJ Plt~twn ~ ~f"OAS of AJJ.JI •NMmOJ ~· Hydroaphalus -AppUoltion to Al.:ltrima's · With fJJon Folu.. prof C90r ancritua of DC\.lt'OIUtgtry. 11 :JO un., UnMnlty Oub. $7 .SO , lnfonn ... on: Mt.UC.WEIK (Mt.124.tJJS) ' www.fD•;t~ ,...,...,~-~ .... ail ft..,_._.......,,. .... ,........, ~on: E -Fashimt £mnrm<y. Discowry ONmNI - MJM °"" Sto17 mu/KOCE Twilight Dining on the Waterfront in Newport Beach Enmesfem $7.95 Snwd sqJJil 6pm (oapt~) Homemade Pasta Fresh Seafood ~al Specialties Mml'itm tltit &/ llNIR.-.• I 096 tlisanmt "" • lwir n11• PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Woman assaulted outside gas .station A 35-year-old woman re- ponedly suffered a shoul· der injury on Tuesday after- noon after a teenager sndtcbed money from her hand when she was walking to her car at a gas stadop in C.OSta Mesa,. police said. The woman was ttoldlng some money in her hand as she was walking outside the Texaco station in the 2500 block or Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa LL Dal~ Birney sald. "She was then assaulted by a person described as a maJe between 14 and 17 years old," he said. "(The teenager! snatched the money and Oed." The woman went to Hoag Hospital for her shoulder and reported the incident. Birney said. No further description of the teenager was available. No charges yet in doomsday case The Riverside Counry district attorney is yet to file charges against a Co- rona couple who report- edly told police they had poisoned their children because they believed the world was coming to an end, Corona police offi· ciaJs !>aid Wednesday. When Corona Police. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Aneheim Avenue: An assault was reported in the 200 block at 10:04 a.m . Tuesday. • Babcodl Stl'Ht Grand theft was reported in the 1600 bloclt at 11:43 a.m. Tuesday. • Glb,.tt•r Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported in the 3100 block at 11 :42 a.m. Tuesday. • MKbnzie Pl~: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 900 block at 11:35 a.m . Tuesday. • NetJon•I Avenue •nd West Wilson Smet: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 8:43 a.m. Tuesday. •West 18tt1 Stnet •nd OBITUARY Lou Russo Lou RWIOi founder of Rus· ao·s Pet Experience iD Pub· Ion 1a1and and a longtime leader in the local buslneu communlt)\ baS cijed. He wu 80. Ruslo launched lhe lnnO- vatiw, boutique-style pet store in the late 1960s wen Into a IUccasful career bteedlng and showing c.haln- plon Italian greyhound&. Russo alio wrote a book about Italian ~ and went on to wit. the WeR- m.lNter dog &how. bl the 1970., RU9IO hdd outdOor dog &hows at Allh· Jon Island, at what is now the lite of Nianan Marcua. He set"'9d on the bOlrd of the Paahion lllarld Me«hlnu AMn. u a founding nw•._ and WU former preildlnc of the NtaD pet allOdadon. ·He rid.>' .-1led me bir acting on a tip, arrived at the fa.m.UY• home, they found the oldest son left alone. Costa Mesa Police found two of thelr three children, 6 and I 0 years old, l,n a lo- cal hotel Saturday night. LL Dale Birney saJd. Mean- while, lhe parents returned to their home and were de- tained by the waiting Co· rona officers. "Our officers m~rely tQok the children from the hotel to the hospital.~ he said. "It's Corona Police's case." The couple had told po- lice that they had given drugs to their two yoUJ)g- est childrtm at the hotel. But police saJd tests deter· mined that the children were unharmed and bad not been given any drugs. The parents were ta.ken to a mental facility in River- side for a psychiatric evaJuation, and the three children were ta.ken into protective custody, offi- cials said. Police were aJerted to the family by a Corona !flOrtuary where the cou- ple had cried to buy cem · etery plots early Saturday. saying !hey were to be put to sleep that nighr and the world was going to end on March 30. The mortuary's general manager referred the cou- ple to Suhnyslope Cem- e tery, where they paid $14,000 cash for five plots, officials said. -D~epa Bliarath Aneheim Avenue: Possession of drug paraphernalia was reported at 12:16 a.m. Tuesday. • West 19th Street: A comm ercial burglary was reported in the 500 block at 2:09 pfm. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bonnie Doone Tenace: A burglary was reported in the 1300 block at 6:41 p.m Tuesday. • Caulpe Street: A garage burglary was reported in the 2900 block at 11:15 a.m. Tuesday. • Goldenrod •nd 4th avenues: A hit-and-run was reported at 4:22 p.m. Tuesday. • Vista Hoger: A prowler was reported in the 2400 block at 2:27 a.m. Tuesday. •The 0.lly Pilot wek:omee obitueriee tor retidents 0t '°"'*' rtildef1le of eo.. Meta Md Newpoft ~.If you Mnt to KM .i -..V pHnted tn tM NOi. -l'O'W rnoftU8fY to ... ~ lhe lnfom..aon .. (Mt) 946-4170 or cllll the newwoom 9'(948)~4 JUDGE Continued from Al .) aon expressed eladon at the ap· polntment. ft WU tempered With sadness that she will leave her pee19 on the cound.1. 'She's basically very nonpartisan and objective, very pregared and informed and highly theught of by judges and lawyers.' Councilman Chrft stMI "J will miss my colleagues and the citY staff, but I know thla city is "1 great bands wltfl the council we have and the community pllcants are intetViewed by Burt needs to continue to be vigilant Pines, state judicial appoint- and all of (tbeml will wort for the men ts seaetary. and undergo a betterment of Costa Mesa." comprehensive review process Roblnlon said. by a state bar commission. Bobby McDonald, executive Alex Ttaverso, assistant press director of the Blaclc Ownber of secretary for the governor, said Commerce of, Orange County; Robinson's prevloWI judicial e.x- hailed the historic nature of perlence, her time on th~ Oty Robinson's appointment Council -she was elected lh "Here's a lady that the city 2000 -and her selection as chose to be the second black mayor last year worked in her fa. mayor in Orange County's his-vor. While Davis is proud of ap- tory and she now becomes the pointing more women and mi- fh'st blaclc woman judge in norities to the bench than any Orange County appointed by a governor in the past 16 years, governor," McDonald said. "It's quality Is IJ1e most important crl· tremendous, and it couldn't hap-rerion, liaverso said. pen in a better year, because the "Obviously, (Robinson) knows Post Office has dedicated its a great deal about the area she Black Heritage stamp this year to will be working in and the facton. !former Supreme Court Justice! she'll be working with, and we Thurgood Marshall, and what think she'll make an excellenl better honor to Marshall than 10 judge .• lfaverso said. have Karen?" Councilman Chris Sreel said Robinson serves as litigation he provided a recommendation counsel coordinator for the 23· on Robinson's behalf. campus California Slate Univer· "I'm very pleased," Steel said. sity System, supervising a staff of . "She's going to be a very good five attorneys. In this capacity. judge. She's basically very non· she has deaJt with civil rights. partisan and objective, very pre· employment and immlgrnlion pared and Informed and highly disputes, public contracling and thought or by judges and law- slate and federal constilulional yers." law issues. Fellow Mesa Verde resident For the past eight years. Cindy Brenneman could bare!} Robinson has served as judge contain her enthusiasm about pro tempore for the municipal Robinson's appointmenl when and i.uperior courts, presiding she first heard the news ~ednes­ over small claims cases. She has day morning. also served as a coun -appointed ·ram thrilled, I am abM>lutely arbitrdtor for the county Su-thrilled." Brenneman said. "She perior Court. was born 10 be a judge. Sbe will Robinson applied for an ap· be an exceUenl. exceUenr judge." pointment after \he lo1>t her Robmson's salary as a judge write-in campaign la.st year, 1>he will be $139,476. said. The application involves 58 que1>tions and a.'lks candidares to •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa send a resume, optional photo· Mesa and may be readled at (9491 graph, sample of their legal writ· 574-4221 or by e-mail at mg and to list five referenc~ Ap· delf<Jre newman a./11r1mas com SEAT Continued from Al \Chedule is 100 busy nght now for him 10 be tnten.w.,1ed in the po1>1tion, he said. Once Robinson steps down. Steel will be the acting mayor until a new mayor is chosen. Steel said he hadn't talked to anyone abour the mayor posi· .Lion since he jUSI found out about Robinson's appointmenL Steel also saJd that Robinson's depanure could affect M>me ma· jor l'iSUes, such as adding 434 acres to the downtown redevel· MOTHER Continued from Al Services will be held ar St. Joa chim's Olurch as soon ill> tus hody is delivered. Those who WlSh 10 convey condolences or bring by cards or Oowers are more than welcome to drop them off at the family home at 1013 Arbor St. The door was wide open Wednesday and the family was welcoming and grateful for support. The shrine had doubled in size since the day before, as more bouquets and handwritten notes sunounded It, and spilled onto the porch of the tan stucco house, where the family set up another memorial. The Ameri- opment 1.ont.' Earlier thL'• month. the Redevelopment Agent)' de· cided to poslponc any decision on adding the terrilory for ix months, until an economic :.tudy of a commerciaJ stretch or 19th Street was complered. "The added temtory as lu.nd of on life suppon," Steel said ·1 don't know whal's gomg 10 hap· pen here. There's a lot of thin~ in the balance with Karen's vacancy. and so we'll just kind of play it by ear and set' how it goes." DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at dtJ1rdre.newman a.11ar1mes com can and Mexican Oags remamed. dancing slowly in the <..<>ft ocean bree7..e. Young chJ..ldren played on the front lawn Wednesday withour haV1ng 10 maneuver around 1V cameras and pushed each other on the swing that had been blocked by a news van on Tues day. The senument.s and <;uppon of her community help more than anything tangibfe, Garibay said All she needs now is the love of her family, Strength from God and some rest, she i.afd. • LOLITA HARPER wntes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl<Wfs and covers culture and the arts She may be readled at 19491574-4275 qr bye-mall•t lolita.harper@latimes..com , THEATERS Continued from Al ·boa Theater. the Udo Theater and the Balboa Pavfllon Instead. tt Jets the businessea add some features without having to apply for per- mits. Port Theatre supporters. though, see the Ordinance as a way to protect the lmtodc thea- ter's future by giving lts owners more ways to make a profit from the business. 1l?d Ridgeway an- nounced last month that the Port's owner, Wet Aversano, plans to , change the business, remov,ing · a.bout 600 or the 900 seats and add!ng a restaurant and other new services. The 1andmruk bull~ otd1- nance requires the three theaters to remain prlmari}y theaters. But it lets them use up to 30% of their space for a restaurant. live enter- .CURVE Continued from A 1 have been given workshops. but this is the first full production. II , was ecstatically reviewed In two publications. and weU reviewed in several others. including the Los Angeles Tunes. It is a tough, demanding. funny and -finally -loving play called ·vellow . flesh/ Alabaster Rose." And >Wtching it is an exerci..e in wonder at where this 25-year·old kid got the lmowledge, the insights and the sensitivity to write such a work_ Through EriJc's writing. Sherry and I have been introduced to the subcuJture or small theaters !hat mostly inhabit an area in ;bid around downtown Hollywood. They range m size from T1111 Robbins' Actor\ Gang to the 50-seat venue called the Theaire of Note, which housed Erik's play. It would be unfair to descnbe these venues as the mmor leagues of theater. since they do a lot of major-league work that otherwise wouldn't be showcased. Only in the area of economics do they qualify as the minor leagues. smce relauvely few of the people involved are paid for thelr work. Most of these people fit into one of three categoriec,: There are the profe!>.51onals whose day job~ are in television or mOV\es or cornmen;lals and 17tla St. 'ITU La1[Jest, J'int.st~ 1' rieru{{i£.st 'Beauty S uppfy & J'ulf SeroiceSalon In Orange County NEW ARRIVALS OF StrmhablL PmanaliuJ Brll('t/m 'I think residents as a whole want to keep the theater.' 8.J. Johnson, Corona del Mar resident tairunent. arcade and other ~ lt aJ5o forbids the buiJdinp from making any big cba.nges to their exteriors·except to restore them to lheir original condition. The ordi- nance oontains a provision that any new use or the buildings can't create inaeased demand for street parting. Oty C.OUOcilman Dick Nichols recu5ed himself from the vote be- cause his home Is fewer than 500 feet from the site. He took a seat among the audience to participate in the discus&on as a resldertt -rllis doesn\ make any sense." said Nichols, who has worried tha1 the plan will create parking prob- lems because many of the Port's who work In these small theaters because they find il exciting and fulfilling. There are I.he struggling young artists who want expo!>ure for their work so It can be seen by agent.') and producers who can boost them to the next level of comrT)ercial theater. Their day jobs are driwing cabs. waiting tables and similar undemanding activities that give them food and rent money and require lhem tO squeeze out lime to work at their art. The third category I'> people who !>imply luve the theater. know their time for fame hru. probably passed and find the theater an exciting dJver.1on from demandmg full-time work. Erik's path to the play that will soon be closing has been dire<.; and detemuned. He auditioned for a part in "A (hristma.s \...arol'' at South Coa<,t Repenory when he was I I, won the 1ob. and ha.-. been totally addicted to the theater ever '>tn<.:e. Dunng tu .. years at Nl".41p<>n Harbor High S<.·hool and Occidental CoUege. he performed 111 -;everJ.I dot.en playo; to l'nth~1a.suc nouc~ But 111 111.., final year at Occidental. he took a playwnu11g coul"ie lha1 turned hie, pnmary tntere.t r-ather qwckly from acung to wnung And there 11 n·maim .. Last Saturd.ty. a party of ~•tor!> from h1' past filled a ~iz.able port10n of the theater. Among them were Martha lop1k, who 1augh1 him l.ngh'>h at Harbor H!W1. l>lane Doyle. who Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection JUST6TIMES IN THE USA. AND ONLY ONCE IN NEWPORT BEACH. Fllt'lon llllnd·m:t"'-tC....OM • ....., Bid. CADeO • (M) 721 IOtO • ... !Mel 780 8824 c allotted space1 are uaed by pa- tronS of other bustnesses. NJcboll suggested moving the theater to the slte of the current Corona del Mar posl omu or to Marlnen Mile. "I think residents as a whole want to keep the ~" Corona del Mar resident and basineas leader BJ. Johnson said. Aversano sent a letter to ooundl members on Monday eneourag· Ing them to support the otd1- nance. but he did not anend the council meeting. ·1 share the Qty Council's col- lective interest In the preservation and adapdve reuse or historic buildings as a means of revitallz. ing the older oommercial areas,· Aversano wrote. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport 8eadl and John Wro/M Airport. She may be readied 11 (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une. casagrsnde@latim«u.om directed him in Young Conservatory plays at SCR; and Sara Robinson, who shared the stage with him in high school and 1!> now a novelis1 of comiderable promise who ii. enrolled in UC Irvine's prestigious writing program Top1lc. wrote r..rik. afterward that it wru. "so good 10 witness your talent come to fruition." I'm sure that no one feels that a' powerfully as Erik's mother and I, especially because we've watched for w many years the dmde between the spectacularly growing skills of Erik and the struggle. at first to find, and then 10 buy I.he time to express I.hose !>~. There has never been a lack of desire. energy or commitment to somehow get that expression out. as the work on d1.,play for the last six weeks at the Theatre of Note demonstrates so weU <)(.) have I.he wann and re'>peuful aclmowledgments of bik ~ a human being and a playwright from the actors and staff tn the program for his play. The producer lhank.s him for "alwa~ being open to a better WU\ < >ne actress dedicated her \<\orlc m this '\how to EriJc. another ·warns the playwright that she is planmng on i.talldng him for the rt.''>l of his brilliant career.~ and the director, Miguel Montalvo, "thanh Enk Panerson, who has made berter people out of us all." TROOPS Continued from A I ~been a hot~selling Item. book.store as.sistant Mary Blunden said. "We're so dose to Ounp Pendleton that there are a 1Qt of families in the area.· BIWlden said. ~They Uke that lr'1 a token to remember their krmi ones.· The shield necklaces sell for SS.99; the pins for $3.99. They are also available through the oompany's Web site (www.bobsiemon.com). ·Siemon, who come$ from bumble begtnninp, has foW1d a way to tum his lnSplradon into a OOIJlfllerd.a.Uy S\JtteSSful business. As a 19-year-old art student in 1969, Siemon sold silver rings with •peace" and MJesus saves" engravings from a circus wagon In Calabasas. This sort of affection more often than not has to serve a'> the principal reward for the cast and crew at these small theaters - which has made u~ more cognizant than ever of the reluctance of this society to offer more than token suppon to the arts. VlltUally every civilired country in the world recognv,e<; the role played by the an.s in providing pleasure and illwnination and stimulation to the populace and responds by making finandaJ support available to struggling artisti. whose work merits it That happens -If it happens at all - mostly grudgingly in this country But we won't be talking about such heavy matters Saturday night FU'St, we'll marvel anew at the sensitivity and insights tha1 Topi.k found to be "w profound I was sent into thought of the kid-. I teach and even my own daughters.~ Then, it will be a rune of congratulation and w1stfulne~s tha1 a good thing has come to an end. But also of hopefulness still vague -that it may soon have another W'e. That would be remarkably appropriate, because hopefulness, finally. " the theme of Erik's play. •JOSEPH N. BELl 1s a resident of Santa Ana.He1gh1S Hts column appears Thursdays. 'It's kind of a partnership, a bond. If you're in one of those terrifying situations, it would be a sense of protection.' Bob Siemon in 1975, shortly after moving to Newport Beach, Siemon opened a Quistian jewelry shop at the intersection of Sunl1ow"er Avenue and Fairview Road rn Costa Mesa. I Its goal or producing "irupired products" has led to a bu;sl.nesi. that produces a full line of guardian-angel ptns. cross pendant.s. ~tl\er Bibi~ cove~ and a range of rings • PAUL CUNTON COllert rhe environment, business and polrtlcs He may be reached al (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul clmton a la11mes com " ~ck ~y Center 2675 Irvine Avt. IA 949.631.S587 info@~ckBiyfitntss.com BickBiyfitntss.com ~sday. Mardi 27, 2003 M Grand Opening Promotion 2ror1 or 508/o on Personal Train .. ·, n • '.A:•t :.t•riti1 .. "i"~tr .... :;:'f'.~ • ,. i;.,.""' i·:J t ,,.,,., It ... l :1 .~ .. ,.~ '!)' ~ , •• a· .. · .. a: .. :s ~ -~ ;~ ~" • '"'t"'t"-1.IJ"\i ;)U""Y "': ... ~~, .. :•...-. t ........ ~ .......................................... _....._ .... .._.....,_..~.,,.....-·~~~~--~~,............---- M Thursday, Morch 27. 2003 Daily Ptlot FORUM HOWlOGETPUBUSHED -ua.n: Mall to Editorial Page EditorS.J. Cahn at the Dally Piiot, 330W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA92627 •~Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Se':'d to (9491646-4170 • E-mlil:Senc:I to dailypilot@latlmn.com •All conespondenoe must lncl.ude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot rese,Ves the right to edit all submussions for clarity and Jength. EDITORIAL A sad farewell . . . to a true son of Newport-Me·sa I t is one thing when war is being fought on television. The images, while horrifying. are still just images from faraway lands. For a few days, for Newport-Mesa, the war in Iraq was just those images on the screen, words in newspapers and voices on the radio. Then came news that the community had lost one of its uwn. Jose Garibay on Sunday paid Lhe ultimate price when he was killed, along with six other Marines, during fighting in Iraq. The company he was in was ambushed by the enemy. Garibay grew up in Costa vlesa, ~ttended Whittier Elementary, Ensign - lntermediate School and plt1yed football at Newport 'lt1 ;bur High. The 2 1-year-old •'nhsted with the Marines soon dfter graduation, as many '>Oldiers do. His story, though, is more rhan just one of a young, enlisted man. He and his family arrived in the U.S. some 20 years ago, when he WclS just 2 months old Garibay, an immigrant to this country, committed his life to the U.S. He died in its service, fighting for an adopted country that does not always welcome its newest residents warmly. Continued debate in Costa Mesa about whether the city's charities act as magnets for i.nunigrantsisjustone example, in Garibay's hometown, that not all are welcome here. Still, "He was proud to represent the United States,~ said bis mother, Simona Garibay. "He was a great son, and I am so proud to be the . mother of a son who has accomplished so many great things.'' She is right to be proud. To her, and the rest of his family, we all can offer our deepest condolences, our fullest sympathies. And we can salute them for raising a young man who was destined to be a hero. When his body arrives home in the next few days. he will deserve a hero's welcome. And a hero's farewell LETTER TO THE EDITOR More may lurk beneath push for redevelopment I n his recent letter 1·Rezoning bluffs wiU aid West!>ide," March 19), 1ctivi5t Martin Millard once •gain postulate<> that by .ewning the bluffs the Westside will somehow experience a metamorphosis and become a beautiful butterfly, replete with bluff top mansions akin to those in Newport Beach. However, simply rezoning the bluffs alone will not precipitate the changes for which he longs. City officials teU me that, if that ar~ were to be rezonf'd rC}i~ today, it is unlikely tnat signfficant changes would talc:e place in his lifetime -or those of his children , for that matter. Even if used in concert with the sledgehammer of redevelopment, the changes would occur slowly, if at all. What would happen, though. would be the demoralization of the business owners or that trea. By rezoning the bluffs to residential and the possible mclusion of that area Into an expanded redevelopment area, business owners would be precluded from any consideration of expansion. Utlle by Uttle, the industrial base would trickle out of the area, seeking a more business-friendly location. The industrial base would gradually disappear. all the whUe leaving the ama pockmarked with the ~~of dead and dying ousJn~ · Millard chastised the Qty C.oundl. which he describes as "craven," ror listening to resident.I and bu.sin ownera at a recent Rede'\'elopme.nt A.f.ency meeting and -wi.Hly -clefeiitng conaldenUon of c:4*_Jlllori of the recl~opment a.. for lb mouths wbUe more ' lrlottoadoci pthered. One ~ ibe llDPra*fon that. ll MU1M1 hlif hk way. the biuldDMn WVUld be tnoddng down • the lndultrial buDdlnp oldlt ••lilM• JO'l rW ·tt··~ would be ideal for high-end homes. But we are not starting from scratch. We are not worlcing with a pristine, undeveloped section of land. We are talking about an industrial area which formed a solid employment and tax base for a brand new city 50 years ago. Apparently, any land use that does not meet with Millard's approval is *obscene," and those who ad vocate a different view are "nuts" -pet terms he uses frequently when speaking before the City Council, Planning Commission and Redevelopment Agency. A Skeptic might find himself questioning Millard's real motivation for rezoning the bluffs. Since the ouster or the industrial base or the Westside would result in the loss of hundreds of jobs -most of which are held by imm.tgrant workers -one might suspect that this is just one more layer 1n a plan to remove immigrants from the city's boundaries. He bas Jong been a critic of the Job Center and the social service enddes, which be has described as magnets for undesirables. It appears to me that he baa now lumped the business owners who employ Immigrant labor into the same basket Are bis protealations truly an attempt to beautify the city by est.e.blitbJ.ng apensive housing 1n the presen't industrial area, or Is lt part of a broader. more ln.sJdioua plan to chase imm.tgrants from our community1 As troubling u that queation la, or greater concern ls that J Jlnd myteltwonded.ng whether the rwo City Coundl candld1ta Minard helped get declc!d. auu Steel end AUtn Manloat, Ibale bla vfewa on tb1s lubjeCt: What about thelt eppofntea on the Ptann.lnl and Pam and Recre&doo Commlaalonif Do they ....... Wlllllrd'I miw.. too? 1t to, are cbeae the rial'-' people \ I dllubt If anyone woUld ~ Char. If' auartina from • h • 'a the ~·•ftt ~ to le8d thll conun~WUT .. J MAILBAG ------------- fllf PHOTO I DAILY PILOT The Tiki googie-style Kona Lanes bowling alley near Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue rn Costa Mesa. Mesa Verde Center neighbors should put up or shut up I am reading this mailbag again and I really get a big kick out of these people that live here in Costa Mesa that are complaining about the skating rink and the bowling alley at Mesa Verde Center. I mean, these have been two losers for years. The people that ran them have lost everything they had, practically. My suggestion is for all the big mouth!> that live in this city who want to see those revamped, put your money where you mouth is or otherwise, shut up. because I tell you, they have been pink elephants forever. l have been around here 40 years and I have watched that whole center deteriorate, and it needs something different With that ice skating rink, over a couple of years, they lost their shirts. So if you can't put your money where your mouth is, you ought to keep your mouth shut because you don't know what you are saying. JAMES HATCH Costa Mesa Bell Curve takes a cheap, inaccurate shot at president I've read Joseph Bell's column ("Keep us blessed with the right to dissent," Thursday) a few times over and I still don't get his point. All l could discern was the usual left-wing scare tactics with no data to back it up. How hypocritical of BeU to claim that anyone is threatening his freedom or speech when week after week he stands on his soapbox provided by this newspaper to say and write what he wants without threat of repercussion. We are exposed daily to protests on the streets, campuses and in the media. Just who has heen silenced? lf anything. the protesters are given too much coverage. considering that the majority of the country supports the administration's actions. BeU knowingly uses a poU that is a week old, dishonestly stating that only 40% of the country supported military action without United Nations approval. aearly, prior to Bell's article, new polls had been available for several days after the president's speech showing a 70% public opinion approval concerning military action. Unlllce past administrations that were dependent on poll~ to make a decision, this president sh apes public oplnJon Uke a true leader should. BeU again plays loose with the facts, claiming that 90% of the world strongly opposes the world. Where i1> your data? A couple of marchers who shout and scream in some distant land for an hour before retiring for a cup of tea and a nap hardly constitutes 90%. Surely. Hell le.nows that most of the1.e foreign opinions are Lhe product or year1> ol anti-Amencan/ anti-bral'li propagamfo spewed by countrie1> whcrl:' all form~ of the media are government controlled. Olina? Russia? Syria? EK)'pt? I wouldn t expect corrupt totalitarian state., 10 "like" us. F'inally. Bell tal t>s d d1eap sh '' ·11 ''"' president for not ·1aving military experience. I gue's flying fighter fl'll> doesn't count. Bt·<,tde~. chd Pre!>1d1•nt ainton have any wht•n he (correctlvl ordered the born.ling of Yugoslav1.i without any U.N approval? I >id Abraham Lincoh ·It\ funny that the left-wingers who om.tantly characterize gent-rals as power-hungry buffoons now consider it a prcrequif\llt' for the presidenrv MICHAEL PRESTON Costa Mesa Spare tht: Westside from eminent domain I am not in favor of using eminent domain on the Westside and I am very interested in seeing what the committee for the Westside come1> up with. They should let the people who own the land and work and live here resolve the situation rather than through the Costa Mesa Redevelopment Agency. WANDA GARRO Westside Fond memories of skating rink remain frozen in time Thank you to Lolita Harper for her reminiscence of happy limei. in the Sunday Looking Back: WThe still remembered Ice Capades 0 1ale1." Many of us have cherished memories of watching our children and their fril'11ds i,katc at the Jee Otalet for il°<' hockey. figure skating and 1u~t plain fu n fot several years. l rem ember as well that tlm Co'>ta Mesa ice aJso played host to celebrities. Olympic c hampion Kmti Yamaguchi practiced at the Ice Q1ale1. Todd Sand and Jenni Meno. Olympian pairs skaters, practiced here, and pientioned it as their home ice when announced on TY. John Niclcs, coach to Olympian stars, had his office here also mentioned during the televised Olympics. Ant.I so, too. did the players from the Mighty t >ucks of Anaheim !!>kate here and give lessons to some very excited childre n and their families. But celebrity and fond memories ai.ide. if we must lose ke Otalet and the other valued recreation venues to a Kohl'~ !!>tore, al least we know that <;0111eone had the fo res11;;h1 tu provide CO'>td Me,;rno; with yet another place lo buy a tank top. KATHLEEN HANOLD Costa Mesa ')tory •in dogs is a shocking talc ol inhumanity I know thb is probably one of many messages about the two dogs that were 11ublished in the paper Saturday t" f'wo Jug~ find life after neglect"). I am having, hard time even corning to te rms e\en calling t he owner a person, because I can't unders tand how anybody who calls himself a human heing eould intentionally make animal-. i,uffcr when there are agencies a phone caJ I away to take them. He could even take the m lo the neare:.t animal :.helter. I thank c;od for people who cared enou~h 10 find them and take matters into their own hands. Thank you for the Daily Pilot and for giving us a chance to voice our opinion. I have also been following the stories about Co'ita Mesa and the Westside and I am a Westside resident. Many years ago. when the trailer homes were first built, which were the homes around Victoria Avenue and 19th Street. A bargain-ba1>ket shopping center was once there, called Vista Center, and it was a beautiful shopping center, a nd I was wondering tf you could find the picwres in the archives. There must be some pictures of the shopping center that will show what it was then and compare it to how it is now. I am sure it could be rebuilt In some kind of status lhan it is now. BARBARA WILSON School auditorium too beautiful to lose Westside I have cwo granddaughterb that go to Newport llarbor fligh. and there is talk around school of tearing down the auditorium. Because of its age and beauty, I think that the people or Newport Beach should be made aware that thb 1s a possibility instead of resturotton. AVONEUE KONE Newport Beach COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Costa Mesa is prepared for unpredictable times W Ith the advent or wat, It 18 undeBtandabJe that we approach our dally lfye, wtlh hetgtne.ned se'\Se of ooncem. Whether concern for a loved one rvlnt; tn our armed Corea, concern ror the iatcty or innocent dvtllana oversea or conoem for peaco ln our <'Otnmunity, thc c.motion touc:hes ~ olJ. The ~nt• ,f Stpt. J 1 remain vivid aa speculation on iM potential ror more tmwlst ac:-1.Mty ls reported daUy. • HOw do I prepare?" "I low Ao I get ICCJ.ll'le Wormaclrm?" and "1Uve I Waiirl the~ ptteaUdomr.,. q\IMdons uked by many In recent .,....., R:lr ~Calla Mllll mrmutf~ I W•Uti rn r nid 1 Jldil • ' and all clty pel"tOnnel ~ptthit. n::spon$lblli1y with the Utnl08t 8C!dousl1ess. As ~rted ln the Daily Pilot. city pmon.nd ~tty train for dMMtcr &ituations with dlCU tlO\mtapanS h1 adjoining C"t~ the ~I cJt mn and o<hcr KAREN L. ROBINSON (lw, ~ em.~11::)' opes Uoo center h.a.<t bem ~and teitf,(J an ooch ~Ind ~.,._toiihli1f>"' ~ ...._ ~ .m rfid m fll'Jve >""' p I i;ubstitute for 'the active tnvolvament of the community. That '" why the city of Costa Mc..'<I ll. ponsorlng the "Splrtt of the Community• meeting al 7 tonlgbt 11 the Neighborhood Community Center, loc.;ated at 1845 Pllrk Ave. Under the umbrella or lho national Citizen C.Orp. Council, this meettns will focua on making the best Ute of exis~ liUCcea.<JUI PfOgnllll Web U neighborhood watch In uslld'll reald nt.a to be prtparetJ. I nope you11 foln us ln lea.mUul how to heJp one another lo th• .. $pirit ol C.Ommunity." , . ~ -·· SOCIETY Thtlsday, March 27. 2003 A1 I THE CROWD Home on the Back Bay, where Sophisticates play T he glamorous Piiar Wayne Upchurch, fonner wtfe or movie star John Wayne, opened her waterfront estate on the Back Bay ln Newport Beach last week for a sunset coclttalJ party benefiting the Sophisticate& of the Assessment Services Treatment Center. Wayne ls now married tQ Texas millionaire Jaale Upclnm :h . Together, they have created a ----~ palatJal mini-estate that Pilar has decorated with movie Star p i.zazz.. Massive crystal chandeUers hang in triplicate B.W. COOK downan entrance loggia that bisects the house from front to rear, and POar, the artist in residence, has done a masterful job faux-painting the walls and columns of her home. The barroom of the home is especially noteworthy. painted 10 resemble a Venetian paJan.o. with a surrounding ocean vista and striped , swaged drapes framing the view that looks so real you can almost feel the wind blowing the painted fabric off the oil-painted sea. The local crowd always loves a httle celebrity hobnobbing. and the Sophisticates, led by reception chairs Eve Komyel and NUJ Stnena, were clearly enjoying cocktails and supper at the Upchurch residence. More than I 00 Sophisticates and their escorts amved at the bays1de valet station to support the upcoming annuaJ fashion '>how and luncheon to be held at the llyatt Huntington Beach Reson and Spa on Apnl I Entering the Wayne-Upchurch villa, pianist Ron Levy, the son of local movers and shakers Carol and Don Julian, entertained at the keyboard. On the waterfront terrace, bartenders in Cri'>p white starched jacketc, served Pilar Wayne's famou<, Peach Martini featuring Gray Goose Vodka donated for the occasion. There was. however, no tequila. which was the late Duke's favorite and only libation. Sophistlcate's President Denice Mock was on hand, along with fashion show underwriting chairs Debbie ~.Tora~and Sharl Clko, who was a knockout 4> a body-hugging black pants outfit complete with a feather trimmed black hat -part Sophia Loren and part Cat Woman. Fashioh show chair Gnce Thelen was there chatting with supporters and enjoying the fabulous hors d'oeuvres, which included Asian boneless beef short ribs in Hoisin sauce. which sent the crowd chasing after the waiters from chef David Coplln'a staff carrying the silver trays across the marble floors of the Wayne-Upchurch residence. Coplin, formerly with Five Feet, Laguna Beach also served such delicacies as a truftle p~te with poached pear encrute. skewered grilled bay scalJops and a margarita of swordfish martini. Also spotted in the crowd were Newport Coast's classy hostess Sally Crockett and the beautiful trio of Karen Hardin, Martha Green and Cathy Lowden. Carleen Brennan graced the party. as did the vibrant Yolanda Blewen, dressed to kill in a gold lame mini-skirted suite that would leave Joan Rivers speechless. Generous underwriter and wciety leader Nora Hester arrived with her daughter Marilyn Glanullas. Patsy and Tim Marshall toasted a peach martini on the terrace with Harriet and Sandy Sandhu and Mary Ann and George Wentworth. Debbie Schweickert wins the award fo r the biggest hat. Ev Parrella was spotted in the crowd with the very sexy SheUey PJam. for last-minute reservations 10 attend the fashion show next week. please calJ Cltrlsty Netro a t (714) 730-6529. The show is being produced by Nordstrom. South Coa:.1 Plaza. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays Meet the Wells Fargo Above, Court Appointed Special Advocates held their 10th annual ·celebratJoo of Children• fund-raiser at the Sutton P1ace Hotel m Newport Beach. CASA 1s dedicated to protecting the nghts of abused children confronting the legal system. Above. N and Debbt Henslmg at the CASA dinner At left. BIU and Nancy Thompson supparting ·celebrabon of Children.· Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the.hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your commuhity and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing . Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans ( • • Al Thursday, March 27, 2003 DATEBOOK DINING REVIEW Nagisa Sushi a local favorite, for .good reason By Stephen Santacroce FYI W hen I came to Soul.hem CalJ!omla almost 24 ' -yeara ago, I was a naive young man Just entering college. I bad come here from a heavily Italian n etghborhood ln New aAven, Conn., and while I had ~enjoyed dining out, rny expencmce with forelSJ:l cuisine was p~tty much 1lmited to the plentiful select1on of Italian restaurants in my home area, Qr · the sole Polyn~lan-themed Olinese restaurant called the South Seas. A& It is for most people, college was an opportunity for me to broaden my horiu>ns through the friends I made, other students from not only all over the United States, but from many foreign countries. Of course, this cultural experience involved dining at the broad array of ethnic restaurants Southern California has to offer, and it was here that first tried the cuisines of India, Ml!xico and Iran. It was during this time that I first tried sushi, as well. Before I came to Southern California, if anyone had told me I'd be eating raw fish, I would have believed them as much as if they'd told me, a 5-foot-4 male, that I'd play starting center for the Lakers. Luckily, my sense of adventure and curiosity prevailed, and today sushi i~ •WHAT: Naglsa Sushi •WHERE: 3840 E. Coatt Hlghwey, Corona del Mar •WHEN: Lunch 11 :30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Tuetday through Friday. Dinner 5 to 10 p.m. Tuesday thtoughThureday; 6 to 10:30 p.m. Friday arl'd Saturday; and 5 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday. • HOW MUCH; Moderate • PHONE: (949) 673-3933 among my favorite fopds. In Corona del Mar, where I now reside, we're lucky enough to have not one, but two good sushi restaurants, Gen Kai and Nagisa. I'm a patron of both, but I have to admit I'm partial to Nagisa, the tiny restaurant at the southern part of town. . Nagisa is on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway just south of Poppy. tucked next to a real estate agent and an antique 5hop. The restaurant isn't hard to miss from the streeL The large yellow sign that sports the restaurant's name and the word sushi in large blocldetiers easily c:IIaws one's eye. Nagisa is one of the older restaurants still running in Corona del Mar. Founded 21 years ago by owner Ray Ueno. Nagisa was serving raw fish and other delicacies long before it became popular, especially here in conservative Orange County. Any question of the popularity of sushi or of Nagisa is immediately dispelled when • HARDWOOD •LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING 11 ..... G'ION 1.;"'q.:.:.:.1 SOLARIAll< .';'A[ .. cot"l &.•~l .. ,tt•tlOOU -•••••• Ill -"l'a ... 3/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTEA $449 . -$14sq~ from sqt Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... '4.29 ,qt Ceramic 1ile ........................................... ,.. ......... lf'IS/a'led from '4.99 sq It Laminate Wood .. .. .. .... .. ...... .... . .. . ... ..... ........ .... lll5fad from '4.99 sq~ • C'.m.l lrlf'lffV') 1'.ll'rlml! 675 Wf SEAN HILLER /DAILY PILOT Owner Ray Ueno, front, with chef Yasu Minami at his restaurant, Nagisa Sushi, in Corona del Mar. Ueno started Nagisa 21 years ago. you walk through the front door. Nagisa is<) tiny restauranL The sushi bar seats 15 at most. ~hind the sushi bar is a row of booths houses with five tables for more private dining, and there are a few more tables at the front of the restaurant The decor is traditional Japanese, sporting lots of teak and muted lantern lighting. Naglsa doesn't take reservations, and it's not uncommon to see a short line out the door of eager patrons. If you're lucky enough to make it to the small interior waiting area, a glass of wine or sake is good to prepare the paJate, whUe the irascible Ueno tries to manage the seating. which always seems to be inadequate. Nagisa serves beer. too, but if you're partial to starting your evening with a cocktail, you might do like me and stop into the bar at the Five Crowns before heading over for your sushi. As a primer for newcomers. sushi is slices of raw fish served over a thumb-sized portion of sticlcy rice, while sashirni is simply a plate of the same raw fish without the rlce. There are also some cooked fish served as sushi, such as barbecued eel or sweet shrimp. Sushi can also be served in rolls, in which case bits of raw or cooked fish and vegetables such as cucumber or avocado are spread on a layer of rice and sheets of dried seaweed. rolled jellyroll style and sliced into bite-size morsels. I often highlight the importance of good ingredients at quality restaurants, and nowhere is this more important than a sushi bar, where the main ingredient is typically augmented by nothing more than a splash of soy sauce and a bit of wasabi, the green Japanese horseradish. Ueno'and his head chef, Yasu Minami, who's been with Ueno since the restaurant opened, understand this and pride themselves on serving only the freshest sushi. For example. one of my favorite dishes is a simple plate of albacore sashimi. Albacore 1s a lighter-color runa than the more popular atu. and has a lighter Oavor. At Nagisa, Ray serves thin slices of the translucent pink fish artfully arranged over Japanese greens. If you ask. Ueno will serve hi'l "special" sauce (which my friend Ross swears was created for him), a soy-based sauce augmented by "secret ingredients." I've never been able to buy Ueno enough free beers to get him to reveal the secret of the sauce, but it's the perfect complement to the tender albacore. Nagisa offers a plate of ahi, a sushi favorite, thafs first been crusted with sesame seeds and then quickly seared. cooking only a thin layer of the Oesh around the edges and leaving the Interior deep red flesh still raw. This plate is garnished with finely diced onion that's been marinated in soy. All of the standard sushi favorites such as mackerel, yeUowtail and octopus are offered, priced anywhere from $4 to $8 per order, wtuch is usuaJly two piec~. Rolls include l>Landard fare such as the Caltfornia roll and '>Orne more unique offenngs. My favorite is the spider roll (S7), crunchy pieces of fried soft shell crab and strips of creamy avocado in a layer of seaweed and rice. The contrast of Oavors and textures is a sensory treat that J usually can't resist. Diners' adamant about not eating raw fish can still enjoy some of the teriyald or tempura dishes on Ray's menu. A popular entree combines chicken teriyald with an assortment of tempura. vegetables and shrimp fried in a light baner. The chicken is grilled quickly so it doesn't dry out, and the tempura is fried perfectly, without any resJdual grease. Nagisa offers a limited selection of wine and sake (served hot or cold). and an assortment of beer. wtuch always makes a good pairing with sushi or sashimi It's aJways good form at a sushi restaurant to buy the chefs behind the sushi bar a beer, which they'll gratefully acknowledge with a boisterous toast of "KenpaiH. Desserts are not common at most sushi restaurants. If you have a sweet tooth, again, the Five Crowns bar might make a good aher-dmner stop. If you bring Steve. the bartender at the Five Crowns, an order of sushi, he might even buy you an aher-dinner drink with your sduffie or cheese calce. Nagisa has been a local favorite for years now, and with good reason. The atmosphere at the restaurant is always upbeat and lively. and the freshness of the sushi and sashimi is as good as it gets. I'm lucky enough to be walldng distance away, but even if you're a bit farther, It's worth a drive to enjoy Nagisa's fresh sushi and other unJque dishes. • STEPHEN SANTACROCE'S restaurant reviews appear every olher Thursday. Send him your comments at sdsanra@oc-dining.com OUICLN'i~O ~ .Kn ~ne-~es for all Sfapea cl Sffes ol Bf.AlJTiflJL WOMEN See what's NEW for _ _ _$/)ring & Summer FLAX-~ ... uo -Cnn:h-•n1nm ... Gifa °' A"UIOrUI l69 E. 17th St 121, Cotta Mela (949) 642·5459 MATTRESS OUTLET STORE ~\ l)\et, lect111 • Get the Best tor Lessl BRAND NEW COSMET1CALLY IMPERFECT • -<:>0 ~\to\ You,. ~ If ow 1'o "~ · c.P t-{9ht-Fot \)~ ............... ....... °'"""' • EiC,....., ..... ftllll • Glt-Olt-GM ......... Clrl •I.Mr"'-................. , ....... .. .•.•. .., ..... , ..... . Tit! PROl'P.&8IOIW. Wl!JQHT LOU 8YSW. 949-725-0000 Ultra Lite 1~ Ctllc:lnt 11V OrM, SUiia D, U.. llKfl 12151 948) 725-0000 m nr '!"'tin cm • ' . • • • ' • -!r-'--.,....·---~ .. , ·-· ,, , ~ .. DATE BOOK Thu'Sday, March 27, 2003 At . REEL CRITIC NATIONAL CAT'S 35111 'Piglet's Big Movie,' sends a message of friendship P lglet ... A young child s role model, a moral in an animated canoon, Winnie the Pooh's best friend and now •star of a motion picture. Or is be7 "Piglet's Big Movie" il> not entirely about the popularity of •Piglet, b~t of what he does for •the better that goes unnotiJ:ed • by his SARA SALAM friends. The film opens with .Pooh, Rabbit, Tiger and Eeyore .trying to rid a hive of its bees so they can claim the honey that they would love to l>avor In th1i. maneuver, Piglet 1i. excluded because of his diminutive stature, when, a'> 11 turn!> out, he is the hero or th1i. feat. No one make'> th1!> reali.7.auon u they celebrate their victory. COMING SOON .• BIRTHDAY PARTY! Sun~ay May t8, 2001 2:00-4:JO p111 Come join us for our annual Open House as · we celebrate o~r 35th birt.hdayJ Thts fundraiser will feature door prizes, a raffle 11nd silent auction to heJp raise funds necessary to . keep our feline friends in comfort as ·they await adoption into good homes. Please join us for an afternoon of fun as we give you a tour of our shelter and provide you with balloons, refreshments, and kitty purrs! NATIONAL CAT PROTECTION SOCIETY 6904 W Coast Hwy -Newport Beach, CA 92663 RSVP -949-650-1232 -ShuttSe Panting Available ·At this point. the plot takei. action. Piglet disappear'>. as he doesn't think anything he doe'> matters or i'l appreciated. When his friends finally realize what they have done. tlwy '>Cl out in search of ttwir lo'>I comrade. Trapped in a phone booth, Stu (Cohn Farrell) plays a deadly game with an unseen caller. TI1e movie con.,i<.t!> of long ·Oashhac~ that include Piglet\ methods of being a nece~ity to his fnend'>' live'>. Within the o;equence'i of the-.e rememhrance'>, everyone acknowledge'> how much of an AFTER HOURS •Submit AFnA HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (94S) 646-4170; or by calling (94S) 574-4295. A complete list 1s available at www.dailyp1lot com SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL Poets John Gardiner and Katya Giritsky will be featured at the Gypsy Den for tlie Orange County Poetry Festival. There will be performance poetry and music with a musical performance by Courtney Montgomery. The Gypsy Den is at 2930 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The free event ts at 8 p.m. Tuesday. For mformallon, call (714) 564-6526 or (714) 549-7012 . WANT' The Newport Beach Film Festival will show the Southern Cahfomia premiere of Mictiael Wohl's daring feature film debut, "Want; at 4 p.m. April 9 at Lido Theater. The film takes an unflinching and provocative look at the dark effect Piglet has had. Their motivation for the recovery of their fnend greatly intensified WiLh this ambition always in the backs of thei.r minds. they accomplish their goal This movie didn't have a largl' effect on my per!>peCLive, that underside of dot-<:om mania Set in Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, #Wanr follows a hapless software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. 2003 PROM FASHION SHOW Macy's South Coast Plaza and Seventeen magazine host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show at 2 p.m. April 5. See the latest looks from Jessica McClintock, Zurn Zurn, Blondie Nights, Rampage, Morgan and Co , Jump and L.A. Glow modeled by girls from the Nallonal Charity League Laguna Chapter. The fun takes place in the THISIT shop for Juniors For reservallons, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. The show is at Macy's South Coast Ptaza's Women's Store. at 3333 Bnstol St. MUSIC DAVE BRUBECK Dave Brubeck. a legendary 1azz great. will pertorm at 7·30 p.m. Wednesday through April 6 in Founder's Hall. The pianist and composer sold out performances last year. Tickets are $100. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa • Come see che new Ever~ ' CountrySlde blinds from Hunter Douglas. Overlapping slats ere.re a beautiful board·on·board design. And the '1tep·up· look i adds depth. dimension ......... . j• and character to any room. And Ever'M>od Cout1trySlde will n0t warp. crack. peel or fade. fven In humid .,. Of di~ sunlfflt. Come ~ see these beaOlll\.ll·bf1nds tocay • • . ,. .. • : ................ . ~ "'.'" ..... ·-· ..,... -. , .. ' of J IS-year-old girl. I Lhmk thii. become'> a factor because there are belier way<, to eJCplain the reality of hie than through an animated movie. But for a younger audience. the technique I'> easily understood I Vl'll with th1~ M esa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878 'EMPEROR' CONCERTO The Pacific Symphony Orctiestra, under tho direction of Carl St. Clair, welcomes pianist Stephen Kovacev1cti He will be 1oin the orctiestra for Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat ma1or, the #Emperor:' The o rctiestra will also play M ahler's Symphony No. 4 in G major. The concerts will be in Segerstrom Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. Tidcets are $19 to $59. Orange County taken into cons1dera11on, the movie Itself didn't qualify a<; one of subc;1antial importance I-or the lods. though, ti may prove tu have ~ome value •SARA SALAM 1s a freshman at Corona del Mar High School Performing Arts Center. 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa For more information, call (714) 740-?878. ACADEMY OF ANCIENT MUSIC Orange County Performing Arts Center in Founders Hall presents the world's foremost early music ensemble. wh1cti will offer a new critical edition of Vivaldi's #The Four Seasons.ff The concert is at 4 p.m. April 13 Tickets are S60 The See HOURS, Pa&e Al4 1 Occasional _M.ei.rtf\-Tables J4ei.rf~t;t; 2~~.Qf F • Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! m • n • I "'-----~ ADVERTISEMENT PAT SACKINGER'S DREAM CAME TRUE In one w~ Pat Saclonger (pic- tured) lost SIX pounds In three weeks Pat lost 17 pounds And. 1n five weeks Pat dropped tour dress sues. ·1was1n a beauty salon and over· heard a woman talkmg about how she slimmed down wrth massages and had kept d off tor sometJme rcw So. I dtd what she dtd and went to The Body Beaule Pat Sackmger is not an tSolated dien1 In three weeks Susan McCoy, public relallOn consultant lost two saes i·ve dieted and exercised on and off al 'rrf awtt Ide. but never has II been so easy and SO fast. as with the European Slinmng Treatments at ltle Body Beaute In two weeks. laura Brady, PharmaceutK:al sales, lost 16 pounds. 'When I fwst heard about The Body Beauty. I knew I had to loee welg'lt for myself. Now, I am a size four. I look great and most ~ I feel so self-assured.· And Piff Colins, school teachef, <*qiped a size in four treab'nents. i am from !ht 8el'wyn Nea, and I would noC trade anyttling for The 8ody eau.·a .....m. a. rve den CJ* • fvw Pf'C9ltnl beb'8 lrld nocting worb .. The Body Beeute'I European Slinmng Propn." .... The bod'/ 8eaAe takll • dlllr· ft apprOICh k> ~ Hn, I woman coml9 o relax. git p111ipnd andriwalw~ Some d .. .,. k> ... .... ~and~ ming It Thi Dody BIUl'a pt'OpTl QI good tUiffion. --* .., ..... Cllid debdllcl 7 Ion. ~ IO Dlborlfl prMidelC d popular slimming treat· merit wonts musdes 10 bum the lat meots 1n Europe No laster than humanly possible amount ol eKerose or Electrooc massages contract the diet can el•minate lat as musdes and bum off unwanted lat fast as this mettiocr In minutes you get the beoeflt ol exclalrns McCaimie 1500 Sit-ups The European Now women can gel help !of ltletr detoxlflcallOn rreatment 1ndMduals figure problem$ ~ t:Jy tnereases your metabo-letllng oor treatments zero 1n on spe- ltsm to bum more lat ofic areas where they want to lose because ol rts concen-inches." McCamte says 'And. our trated amounts of lymptl drainage treatment massages iodine The Iodine to sllmulate the orculabon to carry Sbmolates the tttyrOld this lat out ol yo.x system' and the thyroid turns on the metabolism The These treatments are compll- seaweed de1oXlficatJon mented W!ltl our exc:lusiYe 21-day a!so cleanses the body dll'Wlg program that abs you '° 181 of trapped watet waste as mudl ol lhe presc:rbed loods Iha! and toms retaJoed you want It's ~ food that rnooh after month cu. yo.Jr wtlOle lamtl>f wt f!llYpf ngmenses. Pat Sackmger quoteg, "Now. I have VfJ/rf heallhy ea!Wlg hat> llS, aometmes 9'tW1 iMJlglng a bit. And. I stil manage to *f a ms· Nexl lhe ~ trlinld '8Ctll ldal IS n-oe -.11181 oils. *"'1q gala and rec1dlg Mn! Ink> )'al' body to lnlAsify WI ~,. .. .,QI .... tn.gll8 ........... cci! **" ~· ... cu ~ tllln'*t meb .. d .. .. ..,,,.,.. "' .. ... mall blalr. wlh .. m IQlf and~clt" t.4cCM1I ... ..,., fllY f1lly go ... ...,., .. mefWXJ .. Nn ..... ~tit Ind ind'91., ......... .............. ................ • l' ................. )Ql--IO- T41ba ..... ~IO aWnmg .., do --Pl&. ~ Seit Ind Plf cld. Cll TODAY· ~ ..... .,_...., mn b Ill 8actt ee.*8 GM ~PrMW. £\~'ly ~ti.:ttt~ non•11.• ~ SliMWIQ n [~ute .-c111or ....... ~ ,_ .._ tW? n., ·-icu•llCI • _, T,.._ Sib\' Oratlillllfl~a~ ,.,. .... -d .. ,,... -. cu,,... ............ ............. w. _.__._,....... . -........ ,. A8 Thursday. Match 27, 2003 DATEBOOK • Diiiy PilOt DINING REVIEW Nagisa Sushi a local favorite, for gqad reason By Stephen Santacroce FYI W hen l came io ~uthem California almost 24 years ago, 1 was a na1ve yoWlg man just entering coUege. I had come here from a heavily Italian neight>Qrhood in New Haven, Conn., and while I had · ~ eajoyed dinl\lg o'-'t• my expedetice with fo~ign cuisine was pretty much limited to the plq,nt!ful Ulecti'on of Ita.lla:n restaurants In my home area. or the sole Polynesian-themed O:linese restaurant called the South Seas. As it is for most people. college was an opportunity for me to broaden my horizons through the friends I made, other students from not only all over the United States, but from many foreign countries. Of course, this cultural experience involved dining at the broad array of ethnic restaurants Southern California has to offer. and it was here that first tried the cuisines of India, Mexico and Iran. It was during this time that I first tried sushi, as well. Before I came to Southern Califomla. if anyone had told me I'd be eating raw fish, I wouJd have believed them as much as if they'd told me, a 5-foot-4 male. that I'd play starting center for the Lakers. Luckily, my sense of adventure and curiosity prevailed, and today sushi is •WHAT: Naglaa Suat}I •WHERE: 3840 E. Coa&t Highway, Corona del Mar •WHEN: Luncl\ 11 :30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Dinner 5 to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday; 5 to 10:30 p.m. Fr1day and Saturday; an~ 6 to 9:30 p.m. Sunday. •HOW MUOH: Moderate • PHONE: (949) 673-3933 'among my favorite foods .. In Corona del Mar, where I now reside, we~re lucky enough to have oot one, but two good sushi restaurants, Gen KaJ and Nagisa. I'm a patron of both, but I have to admit I'm partial to Nagisa. the tiny restaurant at the southern part of town. Nagisa is on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway just south of Poppy, tucked next to a real estate agent and an antique shop. The restaurant isn't hard to miss from the street. The large yellow sign that sports the restaurant's name and the word sushi in large block letters easily draws one's eye. Nagisa is one of the older restaurants still running in Corona del Mar. Founded 21 years ago by owner Ray Ueno, Nagisa was serving raw fish and other delicacies long before it became popuJar. especially here in conservative Orange County. Any question of the popuJarity of sushi or of Nagisa is immediately dispelled when • HARDWOOD •LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING • Matt•IGIOH *·'111ili1t•!1:.J SOLARIAN :0Al -.oo!N l-A~l'(UI. • tlOOO -••••• • ••• -\9)91..,._ 3/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER $449 from sq!t -$14sq~ Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... 14.29 IQft Ceramic Tile ...................................................... inslalled from '4.99 1Q1t Laminate Wood ................................................ 1~1a11ed from 14.99 SQ n · r_... IOOl!UT1"'"""""675 /wt SEAN HILLER/DAILY PILOT Owner Ray Ueno, front, with chef Yasu Minami at his restaurant, Nagisa Sushi, in Corona del Mar. Ueno started Nagisa 21 years ago. you walk through the front door. Nagisa is a tiny restaurant. The sushi bar seats 15 at most. Bt!bind the sushi bar is a row of booths houses with five tables for more private dining. and there are a few more tables at the from of the restaurant. The d~cor is traditional Japanese. sporting lots of teak and muted lantern lighting. Nagisa doesn't take reservations, and •r's not uncommon to see a short line out the door of eager patrons. If you're lucky enough to make it to the small interior waiting area, a glass of wine or sake is good to prepare the palate, while the irascible Ueno tries to manage the seating. which always seems to be inadequate. Nagisa serves beer . too, but if yo u're partial to starting your evening with a cocktail. you might do like me and stop into the bar at the Five Crowns before heading over for your sushi. As a primer for newcomers, sushi is slices of raw fish served over a thumb-sized portion of sticky rice, while sashimi is simply a plate of the same raw fish without the rice. There are also some cooked fish served as sushi, such as barbecued eel or sweet shrimp. Sushi can also be served in rolls, in which case bits of raw or cooked fish and vegetables such as cucumber or avocado · are spread on a layer of rice and sheets of dried seaweed, rolled jellyroll style and sliced into bite-size morsels. I often highlight the importance of good ingredients at quality restaurants, and nowhere is this more important than a sushi bar. where the main ingredJem is typically augmented by nothing more than a splash of soy sauce and a bit of wasabi, the green Japanese horseradish. Ueno and his head chef, Yasu Minarni, who's been with Ueno since the restaurant opened, understand this and pride themselves on serving only the freshest sushi. For example, one of my favorite dishes is a simple plate of albacore sashimi. Albacore is a lighter-color tuna than the more popular ahi, and har; a lighter flavor. At Nagisa, Ray se~ thin slices of the translucent pink fish artfully arranged over Japanese greens. If you ask. Ueno will serve his "special" sauce {which my friend Ross swears was created for him), a soy-based sauce augmented by "secret ingredients." I've never been able to buy Ueno enough free beers to get him to reveal the secret of the sauce, but it's the perfect complement to the tender albacore. Nagisa offers a plate of ahi. a sushi favorite, that's first been crusted with sesame seeds and then quickly seared. coolcing only a thin layer of the flesh around the edges and leaving the interior deep red flesh still raw. This plate is garnished with finely diced onion that's been marinated in soy. All of the standard sushi favorites such as mackerel, yellowtail and octopus are offered, priced anywhere from $4 to $8 per order, which is l}SUally two pieces. Rolls include standard fare such as the California roll and some more unlque offerings. My favorite is the spider roll ($7), cmnchy pieces of fried soft shell crab and strips of creamy avocado in a layer of seaweed and rice. The contrast of flavors and textures is a sensory treat that I usually can't resist. Diners' adamant about not eating raw fish can still enjoy some of the teriyald or tempura dishes on Ray's menu. A popuJar entree combines chicken teriya.ld with an assortment of tempura, vegetables and shrimp fried in a light batter. The chic.ken is grilled quickly so it doesn't dry out. and the tempura is fried perfectly. without any residual grease. Nagisa offers a limited selection of wine and sake (served hot or cold), and an assortment of beer, which always makes a good pairing with sushl or sashim.i. It's always good form at a sushi restaurant to buy the chefs behind the sushi bar a beer, which they'll gratefully acknowledge with a boisterous toast of "Kenpar . Desserts are not common al most sushi restaurants. lf you have a sweet tooth, again. the Five Crowns bar might make a good after-dinner stop. If you bring Steve, the bartender at the Five Crowns. an order of sushi, he might even buy you an after-dinner drink with your sduffie or cheese cake. Nagisa has been a local favorite for years now, and with good reason. The atmosphere at the restaurant is always upbeat and lively. and the freshness of the sushi and sashim.i is as good as it gets. I'm luclcy enough to be wallcing distance away, but even if you're a bit farther, it's worth a drive to enjoy Nagisa's fresh sushi and other unique dishes. • STEPHEN SANTACAOCE'S restaurant reviews appear every other Thursday. Send him your comments at sdsanr11@~ining.com. ~ ~n .1tn1nlne.~let for all ...sfapea & Sf'fu or BEAUTIFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for _ _ _$pring & Summer FLAX ... ~ -uxi ... Cnn::h ... Yt1Jw111nm ... Gifo 6 .AccnMJrm 369 E. 17th St 111, Colla MeA (949) 6'2-5'59 MATTRESS OUTLET STORE ~\ t>let, Le.t,.,, • Get the Best tor Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ) \ . <:.>0 ~\to\ Your ~ If ow 1o ~' · cJ> ~Wht-Pot U~ ............. .......... Or...., • Elt "''"' ...... Ftoa • 0.-0.0.. ...,.le .. c... •l•Prtlel ........ Alt ................ ... • ... .., .,_.., _.,.,.. r TH! PROPESllOMI. WEIGHT LOSS SY81V'l l 949-12s-oooo I Ultra Lite 1 105 Cf9icent 81)' Driw, &Illa D, lJguna a.di 92951 M> 725-0000 m QoctodW*t ron .. . .. .,. . --. Daily Piiot DATE:. BOOK Thu<5day, Maren 27 2003 At REEL CRITIC NATIONAL CAT'S iS'" BIRTHDAY PARTY! 'Piglet's Big Movie,' sends a message of friendship P iglet ... A young child s role model, a moral In an animated cartoon, Winnie the Pooh's best friend and now • star of a motion picture. Or ls he? HPiglet's Big MovieH b not entirely about the popularity of • P4glet, but of what he does for the better that goes unnoticed SARA SALAM by his friends. The film opens with Pooh, Rabbit, Tiger and f..eyore trying to rid a hive of its bees so they can claim the honey that 1hey would love to '>clVOr In 1h1s maneuver, 1'1glt>t 1s excludC'd because of his d1mmu11w s tature, wlu::n, as 11 turns out. he is thr hero ol th1'> fea1 COMING SOON Sunday May 18, 2001 2:00-4:10 '"' Come join us for our annual Open House as we celebrate our 35th birthCSayt Thia· fundraiser will feature door prizes, a raffle and silent auction to help raise funds necessary to · keep our feline friends in comfort as they await adoption into good homes. Please join us for an afternoon of fun as we give you a tour of our shelter and provide you with balloons, refreshments, and kitty purrs! NATIONAL CAT PROTECTION SOCIETY 6904 W Coast Hwy -Newport Beach, CA 92663 RSVP -949-650-1232 -Shuttle Parking Available No one make1. 1h1s realv.auon as they celebrate their viuory. At this poin1. the plo1 take., action. Piglet disappears. a<, he doe<,n't think anything he doP'> maller'l or i., appreciated. Trapped ma phone booth. Stu (Colin Farrell) plays a deadly game wrth an unseen caller. When h11> friend'> finally rec1li1e what they have done, tht•y '>Cl out in 'iearch of their loc,t comrade rlu.• mov1l' con<,1<,1'> of long ·oashhach that mclude Piglet\ method .. of be111g a IH:'cess1ty IO ha., fnend'>' lives. Wllhm 1h1· sequences of the'>c rememhrant t.''>. ev<•ryone acknowledge'> how muth of an AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calhng (949) 574-4295. A complete hst 1s available at www dailyp1/ot com SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL Poets John Gardiner and Katya Giritsky will be featured at the Gypsy Den for the Orange County Poetry Festival. There will be performance poetry and music with a musical performance by Courtney Montgomery. The Gypsy Oen as at 2930 Bristol St., COS1a Mesa. The free event 1s at 8 p m Tuesday For information, call (714) 564-6526 or (714) 549-7012 WA.Hr The Newport Beach Film Festival will show the Soothem California premiere of Michael Wohl's daring feature film debut, ·want• at 4 p.m. Apnl 9 at Lido Theater. The film takes an unftinctiing and provocative look at the dark ellcu Piglet has had. Their 1110tivat1on for the recovery of their friend greatly mtens1fied. With this amhicion always m thl' back.'> of their mmds. 1ht'y accomplish their goal. rh ... movie didn't have a large l'ffecl on my per!>pecuve, tha t underside of dot-com mania Set 10 S1hcon Valley dunng the dizzying last days of 1999, ~want• follows a hapless software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession 2003 PROM FASHION SHOW Macy's South Coast Plaza and Seventeen magazine host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show al 2 p.m. April 5 See the latest looks from Jessica McChntodc, Zurn Zurn, Blondie Nights, Rampage. Morgan and Co , Jump and L.A. Glow modeled by girls from the National Charity League Laguna Chapter. The fun takes place 1n the THISrT shop for Juniors. For reservations, call (714) 556-0611 , ext. 4231 The show is at Macy's South Coast Plaza's Women's Store, at 3333 Bnstol St MUSIC DAVE BRUBECK Dave Brubedc, a legendary iazz great, will perform at 7·30 p.m. Wednesday through April 6 in Founder's Hall. The pianist and composer sold out performances last year. ridcets are $100. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Signature Stoieto Open io Soutbcm Qalifurnia • · Come see Lhc new Ever'M>ocr CountryStde blinds rtom Hunter Douglas Overlapping slacs cre11e a beaucl(ul board-on·board design . And the ·seep-up· look adds depch. dimension ........ .. and ch ratter 10 any room. And Evet\\Ood CounrrySfde will not Wlrp. crack. peel or rade. even In I humid ltW Of d feQ sunlWU• c.ome ~ see lhesibeauliful'bllnds today • • I ,. ' • I 4 : .... ,., ..... ._ ... .. .,,, ,,,., .. ,,. ....... ' of a 15 year-old girl I think th1'> become' a factor becauc;e there are heller way'> to explain tht' reaJ11y of life than through an arnm..itcd movie But for a younger aud1cnce. the technique 1<> easily under<,lood l·wn with th1~ Mesa For more information. call (714) 740-7878 'EMPEROR' CONCERTO The Pacific Symphony Orchestra. under the direction of Carl St Clair, welcomes p1an1st Stephen Kovacev1ch He will be iom the orchestra for Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat maior, the HEmperor.· The orchestra will also play Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in G major. The concerts will be in Segerstrom Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p.m Tidlets are S19 to $59 Orange County taken into ron~1dcra11011, the movie it!>elf Jidn't qua lify a'> one of sub-.1an11al importance I-or the luds, though, 11 may prove to h..ive '>Omt' valut· • SARA SALAM 1-; a freshman at Corona det Mar High School Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa For more information, call (7141 740-7878. ACADEMY OF ANCIENT MUSIC Orange County Performing Arts Center in Founders Hall presents the world's foremost early music ensemble, which will offer a new critical edition of Vivaldi's MThe Four Seasons" The concert 1s at 4 p.m April 13. Tidlets areSOO The See HOURS, Pa&e Al4 1 Occasional >JC1-rCI'-Tables };t.C1-tf ~t;t; 2~J.~.Qf F • Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything ac below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! m ~ n • • ADVERTISEMENT PAT SACKINGER'S DREAM CAME TRUE In one week Pat SaOOnger (pie· lured} lost SIX pounds In three weeks Pat lost 17 pounds And, in five weeks Pat dropped foor dress sazes ·1was1n a beauty salon and over- heard a woman talking about how she slimmed down With massages and had kept rf off tor somebme now So. I did what she did and went to The Body Beaule Pal Sack1nger is not an ISOiated dient In ttiree weeks Susan McCoy, public relation consultant, lost IWO Siles i ·ve dieted and exercised on and oft alt rrry adull llf e, but never has It been so easy and so fast. as With the European Slrnmng Treatments at the Body Beaute In IWO weeks, lJlura B<ady. PharmaceutJcal sales. lost 16 pounds "When I first heard about The Body Beauty, I knew I had to lose we91t for myself. Now, I am a size four. I look great and most ~ I feel so sell-assured." And P1fl Colins, school teadler, ~ a size In four treatments. i Im from the 0efwyrl Area. and I would not trade any1hlng for The Body ,.-·. trea1men1S. rw OOr'8 ~ few progams babe and ncctWlg worts • The Body BIMe't European Slmning Progwn.· hi The boctf a.. ... cffler· .. ~ '° dnming. Here, • woman oom11 o rm. g11 p111ip119d and erhlllCI her~· Some of flt ..... '° ... lldlll' lfrm'ling Ind ~ l1'llng • The Body a..·· ptt9lm ol good nudon, .... Ind __,, Cllll:t dMod'tt':e: llon, ~ '° OlbOrlf\ p..... ct ~ti.fl'• plllTlllll'I popular slimming treat· ment woO<s muscles to bum !he fat ments 1n Europe No faster tnan humanly possible amount of exercise 0< Eleclrooic massages contract lhe diet can eliminate fat as muscles and bum oft unwanted tat last as ttns methocf' In minutes you gee !he benefit of exclaims McCalmie 1500 Sit-ups The European Now women can get help fOf the4f detoxrflcation treatment 1ndMduals figure problems ivst by increases your metabo-letting our treatments zero 1n on spe- hsm to oom mOfe fat clfic areas where they want to lose because of Its concoo· lnd'les • McCamte says ·And our trated amounts of lymph drainage treatment massages iodtne The iodine to stimulate the orrulabon to carry stimulates the lhyrOld thcs fat out ot yrur system• and lhe lhyTOld turns on lhe metabollsm The These treatments are COIT1lh- seaweed detoXJficallon mented w1th our excluslve 21 ~ also deanses lhe body dining progam lh8t alows yo.I k> eel of trapped water waste as rructi ol ltle prescnbed loods flat and toxins relalned you want tt s ~ food that morth aftef month dur. )'(>!JI' wnole lamlty wtl f!tnf1( ing menses Pat Sack1nger quotes. "Now. I have VfJl'f healthy ee.tWlg hab- its. sometines even in<lJlging a bit. And, I stl manage to S1ay a size 8. Next lh8 Eurq>ean trllnld tedTiaans IT ge ..... oll. slimming glll and ~ a-.ns W*> 'f04X ~ IO enUllfy end ~ NWlllld ...... ngr. ,_ .. -... ccld '**of i..- w. ().r ~ rr..ra.i mllll layetl " flll .... ~ " flt eeMmefts~. ,,..._...~~ Wllh .. IT 111 gel tnd "*1111 011: McClrnie .. ..., ~ """' go wld ~ lt1ia """°° ,. '*" ... ~ fll lnS irdl9 ft notmt1111.· ................. ................ "°"'*' ................ you.,_tD ... T ... a~~to 8lirmWlg Ind do wtlll ,,... &.\, Slly and Pll cld. Cll 'TOOAY· ~ ...... ~~ mert lor ..,. Body BeUla'I cw ~,,... . £\~'lv' rrx~ut~ ._ c111 « ..-p11:91ft1 h¥'d Once Iii llll II I\ 1 _,--.im ..,. donl. HcW11her dlccMl9d -o.d!WICM\ ii Cini d .. ""* ..... cu1Ndwnl_. .... ................ _...-..wmu•w:zt_ ...., • • AlO Tht.rsdat. MNch 27, 2003 Annual op en house event Annual event draws thousands of pet enthusiasts I n 1968, C Richard Calore, a former humane officer, founded the National ~t Protection Society in Lon,g Beach. His purpose was threefold : to educate the public about the humane treatment of cats; to provide shelter so that homeless c.tts could be pla~ for adoption; and to maintain a retittment center for cats. Now located in Newport Beach, National Cat continues to maintain c.aJore's mission. T he 14th Annual Ammca'• Family Pet Expo will be presented at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa during the weekend of April ~gh 6. . Aeproximall!ly 85,000 people are expected end the popular event. America's Family Pet Expo 19 produ and managed by miniature horses, reptile displays and more. The day wouldn't be complete without snake races, the Cat Panders Association Cat Sh ow and the Kid's Aquarium Contest. The Pet Adoption Fair will work in conjunction with dozens of Southern California adoption agencies fo offer dogs, cats, rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs and reptiles to a loving home. Pet Expo annually finds homes £or more than 300 animals. The the World Wide Pet Supply Association - a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible pet ownenhip. Sunday, May 18, 2003 marks the date of the National Cit Protection Society's Annual Open House and Fundr~ as well as ou r 35th Anniversary celebration. 'The doors open at 2 p.m with festivities continuing until 4:30 p.m. As a non-profit cat shelter, operations rely solely on .... donations. This annual event is important because it helps raise the funds necessary to provide loving care for O':'r felines wMle they awalt adoption. • There wiU be a silent auction ~s well as.several raffles and • door prizes gjven away during th; event. Local biJsinesses have been generous in donating lovely prizes and gift certificates that are sure to create a stir of activity at the auction tables. Come by the Open House, enjoy some refreshments in our beautiful facility and most of all, enjoy the cats! National Cat Protection More than 1,000 animals including dogs, cats, fish, llamas, pot bellied pigs, goats, alpacas, . tortoises, turtles, reptiles, rodents, ho~, rabbits and bugs will be , . exhibited. New pet products on sale will include food and nutritional items, fun and unusual toys, high-tech exercise and training equipment, safety devices such as tail lights for horses, Great American Petting Zoo and pony rides will offer plenty of extr entertainment for the kids. The public is asked not to bring their own ~ts. The Orange County Fairgrounds is localed at 88 Fair Onl!e in Costa M Hours for tire Pet Expo are Friday, 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.; and Su11day, 9 a.m. until · Society is located al 6904 W. Coast Highwaym Newport Beach. Pie~ RSVP to (949) 650-1232. upscale bedding and housing, specialty gifts and pet clothing. 6 p.m. Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for senidrs with an JD card, $3 for clrildren 6 lo 12 years old, and ft'Pe for ch rid"" Jitle and under. Parking is frtt. Discount coupons are ava1lablt at Subway, Longs, AT&T Wireless, wterinary offices and pd stores. Olli (800) 999-7295 or visit U!WW.petapooc.com to purcha~ advance Itch-ts, doumload coupons or register to win free ticuts. Stage shows will provide the entertainment with acts such as VaJentine's Performing Pigs, Zoolapalooza Wild Animal Show and the Parade of Dog Breeds, to name a few. How-to workshops offer expert advice on maintaining your pet's health. There will also be demonstrations of llama and alpaca activities, Dlff erent avenues jor d og a doption, I n the past, when people decided it was time to add a dog to their family, they usuaJly headed for the pet store. If they had done some research and were willing to pay considerably more, they might contact a breeder. However, pet owners now realize that there are several different options and alternatives to consider when adopting a rescued dog. Adopting a PtA-ebred: If you don't have a particular breed or requirement in mind, adopting is an easy choice. However, if you have your heart set on a certain breed, you don't h,we to go to a breeder to find one! Beautiful. pure-bred dogs are sa"ed by breed rescue groups on a daily basis and they all need new, loving homes. Adopting a Mutt: Consider the joy and benefits of adopting a mixed breed dog. With an 'all American dog', you can enjoy the best qualities of several breeds wMle the bad aspects of the breeds often cancel each out. Adopting an Adult Dog: Many dogs are . abandoned after the cute puppy stage is over, kids lose interest and the parents realize that they have taken on a responsibility they don't want. Adopting a young or adult dog provides many benefits - especially if you have a busy lifestyle. You will probably be able to bypass the struggles with · housebreaking, chewing and crying. Although a rescued dog may come witli some "baggage" by the time you are ready to adopt, the foster family or rescue group will be able to apprise you of the animal'<; traits. A recent example was found on a Web site promoting the adoption of a brother and sister pair of three-year-old sheepdogs. The animals were described as having a tendency to try and "herd small chJldrrn.'' For more mforn1at1on. i•isil WUTW.Cmbarkpark orx. Pet Sitting Is My Passion Keep your pets on their normal routipe. www.animalamour.com • Brushing and daily walks • Lots of playtime • Poop scooping • Dail journal Pftrenchft~ Pet Grooming Salon "A cut above the rest" Since 1994 in California K eep ing dogs and t he ir owne rs h app y D ogs-like children -need love, guidance, socialization and boundaries. . When we bring a dog into our home, we actually don't want them acting much like a dog. Otherwise, it would be perfectly fine for them to chew, tear, shred and go to the bathroom wherever they saw fit. Good Dog University owners Michael and Angela Grier learned that more than 85% of dogs in shelters are there due to behavioral problems. They wanted to circumvent such problems by offering pet parents a strong support system, while teaching them how to be their own dog's trainer. "It is our clients that wiJI be li ving with their pet 365 days a year for 12 or more years, so it's only logical that they should be the ones that their dog looks up to as their trainer," Michael Grier said. Through their mutual charity work, the Criers met animal behavior consultant Jamye Rogers. She spearheads the Pick-A-Pet Foundation and c~hosts the local cable program, the Pick-A-Pet Show. While the foundation takes care of the medical bills and extends the lives of the shelter animals by paying for their temporary boarding, the cable show features them for adoption. When a dog is enrolled in a Good Dog Uruversity program, a portion of the tuition 1s allocated to help animals in need Their advanced trammg qualifications were earned through the Certification Council of Pet Dog Trainers, the California State Human~· Academy, the Pasadena & American Humane Associations and the Amencan Kennel Club. Michael Grier is one of only two trainers in Orange County who il> recognized as a CPDT (Certified Pet Dog Tramer) through the Cerhfication Council of Pet Dog Trainers. Call Good Dog Unit>t.'Ts1ty at f949) 631-272U . .-a'S FAMILY Professional Groomer Certified & Trained in Europe Handstripping/Handscissoring •No Cages I No Overbooking 949.675.7308 11Free 11 Pet Web-Photo Listing www.animalnetwork.org 949.759.3646 332 Marigold, Corona del Mar COSTA MESA BARK PARK Every dog has his day. Let your dogs day be leash free at the Costa Mesa Bark Park. Open Wednesday thru Monday (Dawn to Dusk}. Closed Tuesdays RI MIMllR JUNE 19TH IATHSTILLE DAY Have someone else wash your dog at the parkl For Information CALL 9'9·8J·,10t website: cmbad[park.org ( Owr 1,000 ...... , Doge, oats. '*'· ...... igucinds, pigi. goats, Ian-. ~. tllUes, to1~ rm. "°""' t'8bblta and • pettilg zoo ._, .... On l'flf Ptz.,fl91 Bl'f the n8welt rd beet proOuots ~ YfNr pee -food. rUrftion, nm;~. tc1;I. pet failhonl. f\mltln, ~and ITl)l'e .... ........ .,., P9lfOm. !9 P{gs. Wld Mrnll Show. Frisbee. Qwl ... 18, Cf,\ Cit ShoW, fftelllfl ~ Dog lqlty. Sdenol Seflri &Jg Show 'Ii , ' • i I l I Daily Pdot Thursday. March 2 7. 2003 Al 1 I 1 I I AlMRT'ISEMCNl t 0 Pet Don 't Breed or Buy while Shelter Animals Die. ' 4 • I A-"636t9 714.935.6848 Sponsored by M. Ryckoff A-S20224 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Barney A-54S967 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Ad'nlad Pal far Semas, Inc. A-S«-490 714.935.6848 ':Jponsored by Elena P. A-54666S 714.935.6848 Sponsored by J. Peters Sponsored by Masta &: Samantha Katt A-SS0393 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Ao East Coast Pet Lover A-171S23 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Cosmo A-S32917 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Linda, Punky & Cindy A-543106 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Samantha Cat A-S-44991 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Truffle, Sunny & Casey A-546878 714.935.6848 Sponsored by -&'. Oilot, adoptd pcD. Id! A-549S73 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Don & Zoe Solsb A-SSCMIO 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Tom, Jan & Tuha A-SS11S9 714.935.6M8 Sponsorrd by Nidd. ~ Akandil die .... A-496185 714. 935.6848 Sponsored by B.W.S A-535080 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Joyfull For Naz A-5436 19 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Norma La.Rocbc Yardum A-54963-4 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Baby & Mugs A-547123 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Lacey Wooden A-SSCM82 714.935.6848 Sponso"d by Ala &: Michelle lsa.ly A-SS11'7 714.935.68-U SponsorrJ by Kaduyn~m A-512974 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Nan & Scamper A-5398SO 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Judy & Staci Sabbagh f ~~,.--1' •. ~ ~-I •t I ' : ' . A-543810 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Susan Newman A-542109 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Baby & Mugs A-547172 714.935.6848 Sponsored by AsbJ n Wooden A-SS02J7 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Fniic '&ft -" · lion" &: Karl A-SS0649 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Sduocda Von 1vopu111K A-SSU04 714.935.6M8 SponsorrJ by Mr. Boris & MJ. Tagger A-513709 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Barney A-54-0684 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Barkley & Mitts A-S4.3830 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Buddy A-543893 714. 935.6848 Sponsored by Charlie 1 & Charlie 2 A-547433 714.935.6848 Sponsored by C. Sullivan A-SS0263 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Naulic & Duck Dundas A-SS07n 714.935.6848 Sponso"d by Charlotte Shamlin A.-S'1• 71.t.93S.6848 t~~= A-514278 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Barney A-540879 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Winston & Yoda A S461SS 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Roy Wiegand A-S~ .. 8 714.935.6848 Spomored by Muffin, Ozzy & Willy Sponsored by Sarah the Rottweilcr Sponsored by Millie Ria A-S~ 714.935.6848 Sponso"d by Umile & Linus Ddmcr A-,, •• .,, . 71'-93S.6848 SponsorrJ by Kelly ac an... c.n& For More Information, Contact These Local Agencies SEAL BEACH ANIMAL CARE CENTER·· OC HUMANE soam ANIMAL CARE SEMaS 1700 Adolfo Lopez Dr., Seal Beach 21632 Newland, Huntington ~ch 561 The Gty Ot SoUth Orutgt 562.~.4993 714.S3'.MIO 714..935.6MI ! 'Wh! ~ 0uctl)J01rOVFJlWHE.MING ~-dis~ wiltilt• '*-•.... ii~--... f J114'llt•Jl!lfm11J ...... Wilt1 M ii ........ . lf•auililllic:llYlil.~...WW~-...o.. r ~ ...... ,.. • lliil am. t ......................... 19111! ....... ------------~----~·-------~ ~------,....._.___... ____ _... ____ .. __ ..,.. t' r , ,, 'I A12 Thursday, March 27, 2003 .SOve a . ·Lif9' ••• • ••• • •. d ·o ta· Pet Don 't Breed or Buy while Shelter Animals Die. . . . ' .., -___ ......... __ ---. A-55 1486 714.935.6848 Sponsored by The Cordes Family A-55 1947 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Monty LaVcUe A-552254 7 14.935.6848 Sponsored by Wet Okole Seat Covers A-552550 7 l 4.935.6848 Spomored by Wesley & Chloe A 553 140 714.935.6848 Sponsored by PICK ME! PI CK ME! A-554208 714.935.6848 \pomored by Dricssrn-Ramddl A-554604 714.935.6848 A-555353 714.935.6848 Spomored by Good Dog UllMrsity A-551528 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Chip Stone A-551958 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Mr. Blue Wilmore .. ii'. -~ 9F''·--~· ~ I A-55 714.935. Sponsored by ' :•· : Wet Okole Scat Covers A-552618 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Allan & Ouiuic Roeder A-553629 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Bwter, Furby & Minnie A-5S4l57 714.935.6848 A-55-4699 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Three Dog Bakery A-S5S364 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Good Dog Uoivcnjty A-551669 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Randy A-552204 714.935.6848. Sponsored by Miss BclJe Wtlmorc A-552357 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Wet Okole Seat Covers A-552760 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Sampson, Bailey & Gen A-553706 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Patti & Richard Baron Baby 562.430.4993 Sponsored by Hel Pralle & Ri A-554960 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Thtee Dog Bakery A-'5SS407 714.935.6848 Sponso"d by Good Dog UoMr.ity A-551707 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Bumper A-552214 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Jane Hilgendorf's Cats A-552~7 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Wet Okole Scat Covers A-552822 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Kathy A-553822 714.935.6848 Sponsored by The Dobbins Famil A-55093 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Kim, & Krous A·S5Sl27 7 l 4.93S.6848 Sponsored by Three D Bakery A-5SS"n 714.93S.6848 Sponsored by JanctStnau A-5517'69 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Randy & Bumper A-552227 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Karen Carlson A-552S06 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Wet Okole Scat Covers A-552883 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Bo Codd & Famil A-553916 714.935.6848 Sponsored by wd A-554-05 714.935.6848 Sponsored by The Zook Girls A-SSS267 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Good Dog University A-SSSstO 71-'.93S.6M8 Sponsored by Janet Ste'ft1ll A-551893 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Carly LaVellc A-552253 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Wet Okole Scat Covers A-552537 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Fr.miry & ~ Adopur~ good bk! A-552889 714.935.6848 Sponsored by ANONYMOUS Sponsored by amaic:a Driessen-Raosddl A-S5S308 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Good Dog Uoiwrsity ~SS5'll 714.935.6848 Sponsored by JanctStemu For More Information , Contact These Local Agencies SEAL BEACH ANIMAL CARE CENTER OC HUMANE SOCIEfY f. ANIMAL CARE SFJMCF.S 1700 Adolfo Lo(>C'L Dr., Seal Beach 21632 Newland, Huntington Beach ! -561 The City Dt South Owigc 562.430.4993 714.536.8480 714.'35.6848 ThaokYoo! . Jtf Doe to )VOl OVERWHEMING .... to elm~ •• able to .. thac .... in Friday'• --.... IE JOI do IOt •J10'.lf -r_1Dday pl.wit MMOOW in tbi .... If thac .... add .. ~ woaM w ~ daudwa. Oar alllhimd dbu wl --• lmP .. ~amt. ' {. I Daily Pilot Thursday. Match n. 2003 All Save a Life ••• , d ·o a Pet Don 't Breed or Buy while Shelter Animals Die . . r--------'--. ' • I A-555683 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Janet Stevens A-520224 7 14.935.6848 Sponsored by ANONYMOUS A,s,45967 714.935.6848 Spomored by Jack EJdrcdgc Wah.kitty 562.430.4993 Sponsored b;· !Wm, Rn & Tam MOIUIO Ludly 562.430.4993 In Loi1ing A.fmwry of Mo Uy 5-dogs 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of John Whitaker Reggie 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Mi-r MD. lcM, Jaoludint Rodry 714.S36.8480 Jn loving Memory of Branclo.n, A Slftd Dog A,555701 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Janet Stevens A-555879 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Roger & Bridgette Shea A-556265 714.935.6848 .~pomored by Kelly's Love Duncan 562.430.4993 Spamored by Miles, Elliot & Otto Mamaa1 562.430.4993 111 I oving J\f emory <f J~y (Mr. Marvclow) Simbe 562.430.4993 111 Lovi'!g Memory of Brooke Fredo 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Daphne~ Brio6 Bear Ora.eceT.W., 714.536.8480 In loving Memory of Ma -A Beautiful Cat A-SSS75S 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Janet Stevcru A-55595-4 714.935.6848 Sponsored by A Nony Mouu A-5S680' 714.935.6848 Spo nsored by AryVojdani Elsa 562.430.4993 Sponsored by C. Passy Mu 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Bogie, C-8 & Tmy Simon 562.430.4993 /11 loving Memory oj Hunwr, so dcady misted . • ., ~ ,_ . I Bubb. 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Thai Guy I 8c Thai Guy Il ao.-y 71(.S36.M80 Jn loving Memory of 'Im, ~Joer ac\'GJOdy A-SSS78" 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Kasey Hinn Duh 562.430.4993 Sponsored by T~& F.-noth BdJa 562.430.4993 Sponsored by www.my=co~omy.com Grcycat 562.430.4993 <;ponsore"'.lry C.Passy Miuy 562.430.4993 In Lo11ing Mm10ry of Sunny Spilu 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Molly• Jac:b>n 714.536.8480 In Loving Memory of Fri o.ILcJ 714.S36.U80 Jn Lovint Mnnory of F~ ac MoJ1Aa1 A-555786 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Boomer Ra.inboh A-556072 714.935.6848 .~ponsored by Lincoln Sm fndc, Room 21 dy 562. 30.4993 Spomored ~'i Tanner & Spencer Tnuthcn Harbor Shd1cr l..;>.b 562.430.4993 Spomored ~'Y GiGi, Jr. & Nacho T }DI t . -~ ! ~\ ' .. _,, . ' ..... . Red 562.430.4993 In Lol'mg Afemory· of &ibn Broola & Dommo Nikky 562.430.4993 In loving Memory of Ruffian a: Marimillian Lacey 714.536.8480 In Lo111ng Memory of Gloria M. Bladt ..... 7l(.S36.M80 In lovint Mnnory of ~ Kedt' ac 11.4 A-555826 714.935 .6848 Sponsored by ANONYMOUS A-556229 714.935.6848 Sponsored by Jessie EJdrc~ Deaf Cant, Dog 562.430.4993 Spomored by. Cora -Worid's Greatest Cai Bunny 714.964.4744 In loi•mg f\.femory of Sam Samanma 562.430.4993 In LotJing Mem ory of Tmy Deemer Purick 562.430.4993 In Loving Memory of Our BdOTCd Shadow W...t 714.536.MIO In Laving Memory of Kiddu For Mor e Information, Contact These Local Agencies SF.AL BEACH ANIMAL CARE CENTER OC HUMANESOCIE'IY ANIMAL CARE SBVJW J 700 Adolfo Lopez Dr., Seal Beach 21632 Newland, HUfltington Beach 561 The Oty Dr. Sooth Orange 562.430.4993 714.S36.8480 7lt93~ • : Thankh! :, * O.to)'Uf OVEKWHEIMING ~·~~••.Mt•-..-.-... ii Fridar'•~ ... 1,.. .• ••~_,.-,p1rmw ilt1•1 w il'9 .... · Iftlm_..-.Y,.._ ..WW ....... o., 11\s1• ... wlc , • .W. cme. .. • • i Al4 Th;sday, March 27, 2003 DATE BOOK Dally Pilot I THEATER .. Julie Andrews shares a few favorite things T o most people. she's the airborne nanny who won an Oscar for her first movie role and inr.roduced a new word to their vocabulary- supercalifragi.lisdcexpialidocious -in "Mary Poppins, .. or the more down-to-earth nanny from the Oscar-winning "The Sound of Music ... Th others. mainly East Coast theatergoers now on Social Security, she was the "squashed cabbage leaf' who passed for a Hungarian princess in "My Fair Lady.· To those avid tube watchers who revered the comic antics of Carol Bumen, she was "the other one'' in those occasional 1V specials "Julie and Carol al Carnegie Hall." JuJ1e Andrews is all of these and more, but one thing she isn't anymore is a world-class singer. An operation to remove noncancerous polyps from her vocal conis erased this talent from her resum6 a few years ago, but she's still here. as the old-time chorine from "Follies" wouJd boast For a few hours on Monday evening. she really was ltere - here beiQg the Orange.C.Ounty Performing Arts ~ter -to discuss a few of her favorite things. Though the ball wasn't alive with the sound of music, it reverberated with thunderous applause when she took the stage and when she left It. Few performers are worthy of !.Landing ovations on their entrance, but Julie Andrews received two such ovations on consecutive days -Monday at the Center and Sunday when i>he appeared at the Academy State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I e; llfj 1:£3 ;I g;t; >l'i1llJ ;ld;tJ 1~ 11 e ff;!d iii COMPLl'l'E 11108 REPAIR TU•I DP Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Ytan in Costa Mesa THI CARBDITOR SBOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters Momma John we bekmg to the world's '4rgest fooring mail group -co-op. Wt 4" the biggest flooring ekakrs indi11idua/Jy ow~d and opeT1Jud. ~1,000 ST.ORE Bv,VJNG~ NOBODY~ ""'IH11t 1J11r ,,umon ~uh-l4Ji"l mo much if you no !Wt b#yingfrrJm us. With State Fa,.,,,. Medicare Supplement Insurance. See me for details on how Medicare Supplement Insurance can help you fill the gaps in Medicare coverage. Stnn Hill, Aacat I 11 • I)( 11(1(1111 U\l I ••I I Ith '""' \Wiit l 11 ( '"" ~.... ( ~ ij4<I Mii <1)<11 Ufetime Warranty Laminate Awar<b. As though she were conducting an Intimated Uvlng-room interview, Andrews channed the packed Segastrom Hall with anecdotes from her ceJ-:brated past She was one of those bom-in·a-trunlc perfooners. the daughter of vaudeville entertainers, who developed her cele?rated four-0<:1J!ve range ~ a child and made her stage debut in a London musical revue at the age of 12. At 19, she made her first transatlantic crossing to become a Broadway star in the American version of the English mus ical "The Boy Friend" (which local audiences can checlc out at Golden West College in May). Reluctant to spend two years away from her family, she negotiated a one-year contract with the show. This decision worlted in her HOURS Continued from A9 Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (7141740-7878. ANN HAMPTON CAU..AWAY Ann Hampton Callaway is one of the most widely acclaimed singer/songwriters working in pop and jazz today. Nominated for a Tony Award for her starring role in the Broadway musical #Swing; Callaway has received national attention for her many TV appearances, recordings. concerts and songs. Callaway brings her many talents to Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5, as part of the Pacific Symphony Pops series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. The concert also features guest Pops conductor Car1 Tipilow playing jazzy, up-tempo melodies on his trademark red clarinet Tickets are available for $80, $63, $50, $36, and $26. For more information, call the Pacific favor. Composers Man Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe approached her with their idea or turning George Bernard Shaws ·Pygmalion" into a musical comedy. She wouJd be available-and spent the next three and a half years working on ber pronunciation of"the rain in Spain" as the odglnal ' Eliza Doolittle in "My Fair Lady.". Lerner and Loewe wisely cast Andrews in their next Broad'way show. "Camelot. .. where "while Robert GouJet was singing 'If Ever I Would Leave You' to me, I was admiring his leg-s. .. slte reca.Ued Monday. "Richard Bunon's weren't bad, either.· A backstage visitor at that show was Walt Disney, who asked if she'd be interested in playing a magical British nanny in a movie musical. Thus was born "Mary Poppins.• She won a best actress Oscar for her first screen role -a Symphony Orchestra Tidcet Office at (714) 755-5799 or visit the Web site at www.pacificsymphony.org. GLENN MILLER TRIBUTE Orange Coast College is hosting a Glenn Miller Tribute at 4 p.m. April 13, featuring the Tex Beneke Orchestra, vocalists Herb Jefferies and Polly Podewell and the Pied Pipers, in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Ttdtets cost from $35 to $41. OCC ia at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. For information, call (714) 432-5880. SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S APRIL MUSIC South Coast Plaza offers live music every Saturday and Sunday in April. Sherman Fowler plays jazz on April 5. Suzanne Edwards Alford plays country music on April 6. Fletcher Harrington plays pop music on April 12. Marta Reid plays contemporary Christian pop on April 13. Darryl Morris plays R&B on April 19. Gabriel Mann plays jazz on April 20. The Push plays wortd music on April 26. And The Southeast Civic LirJ1t ~ AUPmONS THE WIZARO OF OZ Moodar . n.-,, Mud. Jt . AriJ l. 6-9 l'..M. Ubatyl\aut Joiiit Foras r,.i.ma 8-, t.. Al.ualtoo (C-.C, 1.cUiooe ~ fvqGu) OPF.N AUDmONS ·A.,. 7 • Adir.11 ~ r.,, o-dly. T\c 1'«wd, T-. T\c c.-anl1y U-, T\c Tia Ma-. T\c Sc.no-. M.diliiiu .... ck Peoplr e( 07.1!1 llfWg ., ........ _ ... udk P"'f*"ll •de ... dua .... ,.,,, f'wdln ~cal 714-127-1941 FREE FUU. SERVICE O•E STOP SllOP Counter Topt •St.ow.rs• C.ni•lo • Gninlte • Woo4 Wu 405 Refinish • Clunl19 Carpet & Uphoht•ty • Pah1tln9-lnterior & Etterior co a Mesr (949) 65C);...7676 124 E. 17th .,._,.. t-s SATUHA1S I SUNDAYS t0-4 Irv ne (949) 858-0141 17777 Main "B" YUU-MT tO-f WHMUIA1 UMTll l :NPM ClOSEt SllMIA'ft & MOtllAYI 1tltQtlCtoi• ~!!,~t•T•EMf ....... -i ... ,..... distinction she shared with Audrey Hepburn, who was chosen over Andrews to brlng "My Pair Lady'" to the screen. since the producers "wanted a name aares& .. Hepburn had won for her earlier debut in "Roman Holiday," bull964 belonged to Julie Andrews. everyone remembers the opening scene ln "The Sound of Music. .. with Andrews turning around, 1ll111S extended. On • Monday. she took some of the glamour off that moment by sharing a tidbit with the audience. The sequence was shot from a helicopter, she said, and afterward, the chopper wouJd tum right above her, the wlnd draft knoclcing her repeatedly to the ground -lake after take. Her airborne scenes in "Mary Poppins" were accomplished with the aid of a wired harness beneath her costume -which Kerry Getz plays pop on April 27. All performances are at 2 p.m., except the April 6 performance, which is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bear St .• Costa Mesa. Call (714) 432· 7854. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Mark Davidson Trio, with Ron Esdlete on guitar. performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a 'jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718--0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. #Wanted• musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-n60. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rode, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pehcan offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (9491 642-3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m . to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th SL, Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. snapped during one scene. letting her crash to the stage below. ·1 let loose with some very un-Poppins Anglo-Saxon ve~." she recalled. The loss of her singing voice after a three-decade career -In which she got Oscar nominations for "The Sound of Music" and "VlctorNlctoria" - hasn't slowed this charismatic entertainer. She's been active in worldwide charity work. has wrinen two children's books and will be featured in the upcoming 1V movie "Eloise" -as a nanny As she has done for some four decades, JuJie Andrews charmed her admirers at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, and did so without singing a note. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on.Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favortles on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway (9491 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND Fl.AMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (9491 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&.B Gerald lsh1bash1 and the Stone • Bridge Band play rode and R&B 'if 9 p.m Saturdays at Sutton Place.- Hotel's Tnanon Lounge, 4500 " MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach Free. (949) 476-2001 STAGE IMPROV AT OCC Orange Coast College IS presenting a unique and hilanous 1mprovrsational productJon under the direction of OC theater professor Alex Golson. The 40-. to 60-minute productJon IS modeled after the popular mprovtsabonal TV show, "Whose Line IS It An(wav ?" h Wiii be performed at 11 a.m., noon and 12>46 p.m. Tuesday at the Robert Moore Theatre. Other performances are scheduled for 6 p.m. April 14, noon April 15, 6 p.m. May 12 and 1 p.m. May 13 In the Drama Lab. Admission is free. Orange Coas1 College IS at 2701 Fairview Road "1 Costa Mesa. For information. call (714) 432-5640, ext 5 'TAMING Of THE SHREW Orange Coast Community College's Theatre Department 1s staging a one-act cutting of William Shakespeare's comedy #The Taming of the Shrew," a 40-minute production of full measure slapstldc comedy. Performances are at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday and at 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m . April 22 and 24 In the college's Drama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information, call (714) 721-5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. Purchase a lo oif'bl•l"1~lle donated to Camp Pen cton families and for every .. Flour will Hurry! Our first ddivcry ' scheduled for Wednesday. April 9. Bread mwt be purchased by Monday, April 7 to be included in this delivery. QUOTE OF THE DAY "For /Artie Dorr} to step up and go for it, that's what it's all about." Tim Satvlno, CdM swim coach ------.__~ EYE OPENER ~cll~e ERIC WOODS Sports Editor Roger Carlson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: (949165(}-0J 70 Thursday, March 21. 2003 81 FROM THE SIDELINES So much . for having a little fun A yacht an OCC coach used for lunches as a recruiting tool had its day before terminatio n. 0 ne-time Orange Coast College foo1baJI coach Ray Rosso was quite pleased recently to learn lhat OCC ha\ accepted a very expcru.ive yacht from a weallhy donor and that it is be111g justified a.., <U'l attitude to a "marine type" curric_uJum. Ro~. who wee. also capable of coaching numerous olher 'ipOrt.'> Wee sailing. golf and tennis, said, with the trace of a smile, 1.hat lhe new'> prompted him to n.>call a Mmilar l>•tuauon in 1950 when OCC had been given a crw<>er hy lhe Coal>t Guard, presumably to '>Upplem<•nt marine biology 'itud1~. J lence. Hu~ :.aid. "I went down to check 11 0111 and decided it would be 1deaHor ll.'{"ruitmg (football pro!>pecto;I • I le added. ·we got lhe admmi'>lrative DON OK to l>Chedule trip!> lwilh lunche<>I for CANTRELL bay crui'>e\." -Junior wllege football was very popular m the early day-, and recruiting was not wilhoul stem competition. ~pecially 111 Southern CaJ1fom1.1. So. th1i. '>t.'t'rned like a pnz.ed card to deal high local interest. Ro4'l>O said, "Well. all went well until the Ouna Cove mc1dcnL II happened on a beautiful day in May when we allowed the boat to drift within I 00 feet ofl>horc.· I le added. "The problem wa'> that lhere were about 100 plui. high i.chool girls on a field tnp on the beach " HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING Alexandra Shue (above) ghdes to victory in he 200yard indrvidual medley to help Corona del Mar's girls tie University, 85-85. in Pacific Coast league swimming. She won the event in 2:07.88, and later set a school record in the 500 freestyle wrth a clocking of 5:07.36. Below. Artie Dorr of Corona del Mar steps up to capture the 500 freestyle in 5:19.55 Wednesday. S~ lilllfR DAILY PILOT D·orr shine s Se ni or wins the 500-yard free against University. CORONA DIJ MAH -111 ,1 llJ'>.'>, even an unexpectt•d 'urpn'>t.· l .111 linn~ a ~nule to a coad1\ ldu~ Lorona del Mar I ligh '>t'lt1111 Arllt' Dorr, who will play "'at er polo fur UCI.A next se~on, pruvidt·d t11l '1lver lining in a meet dormnated '" I lrmcr ~lly (2· 0. I 0 Ill lt·agut• Ml h .i \ tt IUI) ITT lhe SOO-~·ard frl'l''>l\le :; 1•1 iii. uu1 racing teammJ11 lh .11 ~loon: (5:34.2iJ. who finhlll'u w11111<1 "l·or I Dorr IO 'h'P uµ iJnd go fur 11. that"s what ''' Jll .1hou1. '-lid < ti~! Coach fim '>aJ, 11111 \'I.bu JI'" t u.t1 lwd Dorr on the v.att•r pol11 tea111 II \1111 re• gomg to be out ht•rt•, you n11gh1 ,,, \\1•11 put your .ill m10 11 I le n·alh '"11"' 1 compe111111t• a1111utl1· anti th.11 '' ''It\ he 1o; a '>Utc:e\'>1111 athll-11· II I u111ld w·1 1.he rt''>I of the gu\' 111 h<1\1· 1lc 11 -..um• a1(J1 udt'. we would ll<' gultle11 Dorr\ wa' ( d\1, lc1111 '' 111 111 .1 1:. I .i-..ethat l 10 lJ111 \'l.h1d1 ( 11.1d1 1111111 Pendlewn '>Cl.Id '' tllt h1•,1 11•.1111 ht llJ\ had m hi'> mm• ~t"tr' .ti thr• 'd11111I Dorr 1!. a thret• lime t\JI I II h11nc111·1· and helped lead tlw "H.•a l-.111g' 11 ll11e1 Ur Southem X-t11011 1>1\c..11111 II 111.Jt·, in water polo Salvino cho'>t.· to IJl..e 1111"1 111 Ith var~11y '>wimmt:r' JIHI µut 1ta·111 111 1!11 1urnor 'df'>ll} rau·' • 11ll' guy-. can htuld t11h1•,11111 .111J camaradl'ne. \ah uw "11tl 111 )11, '' '·' egy. "The focu., ., to gl't tlt1•111 '" '" 1111 Lhe1r bt">I umc' JI the I '.111111 t 11,1-,1 J.eaguel prehmmam•, • CdM !O 3, O· I \\'l.,1m 111 \t'tond 111 I.he 200 medley rel..ay (I 51x,1 with Daniel Niehenlw. l'yter Bnindage KeVln Amendt anti IJmt" "' r.1t l lead mg lhe c;harge Amendt would 11111,h tlmJ 111 tlw too bunerfly (I :01 .!hl dlld llruml.rl{e placed lhird in tlw I 00 hrl'J,f',trol..c (I.I 0.20! John Mone~ plat t•d third 111 thr• .!IH1 !Tee ( 1.59 IOI ilild l.c'>on D1Hutl 11 w~.un the 50 free in 24 . .!ti w tal..t• tht \,11 l spot. Ro!>M> said, "We had eight guyi.. including 'my hope,' Oiarley Blad .. (P.d.lm Springs l>tarl. on board The dialogue between 'ihip and shore got so intense that Oiarley dove off and headed to the beach." An astonished Rosso said, "I got on the -;pealcer and pleaded. then lhreatened I le did not stop .md headed back." CdM girls tie up University, 85 -85 I le added. "I was also very appreciative about how lhc gu)'l> would react. Well. they lhought he was a 'hero.' I didn't get all of lhe recruits, but I got Oiarley!" After a pause. Roc;so said, "I lowever. the downside is lhat I was reprimanded and had lhe cruiser terminated.· On lhe positive side. Rosso drew anolher bright surprise via Otarley Black and lhat came when his.brolher, Johnny, also showed up in good time and bolh helped lead OCC to its first-ever football championshlp lhe following year with a '51 title. Although Oiarley then had lhe habit of keeping himself dear of mischief. he S.. SIDELINES, Paa• 82 Bryce Alderton DatlyP1lot CORONA DEL MAR -Though lhe scoreboard showed 85-85, Corona del Mar High girls swun coach Doug Void- ing considered Wednesday's Pacific Coast League-opening dual meet wilh visiting University a victory of sons. CdM trailed most of the way against University (l-0-1 overall), but wilh a first-and third-place finish in lhe 400- yard free relay -lhe final event of the meet all was not lost for lhe hosts. "This IS fun •• Voiding said. "To be- hind the whole meet ... against Uni- versity. I couldn't be happiec. This is a class team that never gives up.· CdM senior Brittany Bowlus swam HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL ;Loper adds an arm • . He fans six in three hitless relief innings to ~ey eight-inning win over Brethren Christian in Academy League victory. • NEWPORT COAST -The Sage Hill ~I baseball team contirtuet to prove that visitors to the Ugbcnlng iaseba1l diamond are putting tbem- Ce.lves In •arms" way, as the Ugbtntng fe!eated Brethren Ouistian, 7·3, In an Academy League game that went dght ~Wednesday at Sage Hill. Th deslgnatl:d visltora (Brethren (Jvlstlan could not obtain a home te t>r tea achedulfd home game) rolled up l>ur runs In tho etghth to b m. lame of>eo and l"t'malri atop the league '4ndln • Salior tarting pttcher 1Adt frte.. ~chi threw ftve alt'Of\8 lnnlngs. striking 6ut aeven a.od yielding J one ~ • l.J&htnlf'.'I Coed\ ~rt Pmmon Mnt to tophomore Matt ~. woibd tine hitlell lriri!rill or re· Brethren 5-ge Hill 3 7 lief to earn his first victory or the sea- son. Loper fanned six. proving the Ugbtning have the lclnd of pitching depth that Acad· emy ~ foes may~ to match. "lt's .reaJJy be- coming a big clif- f erenoe for us," Sap aasiswlt coach Stew Wiahek aaJd. "We beat Whitn~ 11 ·0, (In Frklay't league opener) and they never b'Otted out a eecond pJ.tcbet. Tudaf, 8rechtto Christian.. starter "'Wmt tho dlttance. Bue. In add.ldon to ow two top guys (Prfedrichl and Junior Tun WUJdnl. who n<>-bh WhJtney and baa 23 ~ in 10 lnnJnga), we can bring lri a ru1 like Lopet, who can lhul tlwl other c.-n down.· Geo DempMJ led oft' w ~ bJ reachlna tm an error and Wilkinl fol· I.he final leg of the 400 in 53.86 for the winning team. which also included Alexan· dra Shue. Jordan Anae and Vivian Liao. The relay team posted a 3:39.25, good for automatic All·American consideration. Voiding said lhe previous best was 3:44. tn J.49.84. nearly three '>CC onds quick.er lhan the Urn versity counterpart. CdM's only olher ue dur- ing lhe meet came after Shue. a freshman, broke a 20-year school record in lhe 200 individual medley (2:07.68), which gained • 1 knew we had to get Jirst." said Bowlus. a mem· ber of CdM's OF Southern Section Division II water University 85 CdM 85 automatic consideration for All-American Amy Reinhold set lhe previous record polo champion. ·1 just tried 10 keep lhe lead the last SO yards.." University clocked a time of 3:40.19. Cd.M'li .third-place relay team of Kim McKay, Ashley Chandler. Christina Hewko and Tumuaialii Anae touched (2:09.27) in 1963. "It's always good to get first. but more imponantJy. get points for lhe team.· said Shue. who moved from T~ two·and..a.half years ago and has been swimming for lhe Aquazoti. swim dub for three yean.. She said he kne-W lhe time '>ht• had to bt.'Jt 10 hredl the rec:ord. Later. Shue would i;ha11er ,1 record she set in lhe 'iOO free when '>he touched m 5:07 36 hue clocked a 5.10.69 agaimt £dLo,on m Cd\h open· mg dual meet March 6 MThe team i'> lhe most important lhing. ·Shue said "If l.M rernnh tome, lhat is also Lmponant. CdM I 1-1 ·I l took fir.t in lhe 200 frtt relay (I :45.301 wilh McKa7, D..irueUe Carlson. Katya F.adington and VMan Uao, who!>e time I!. worthy of UF pre· lurunary qualificauon. uao tJed Uruvers1ty's Kat~n Schu- macher with a 25.68 in the SO free. while Anae won lhe 100 breas~trok~ tnl1064 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Tim Wilkins Sage Hill standol_lt shifts his focus to the mound and impressive results include his first no-hill r. DATE BOOK Dally PllOt THEATER • Julie Andrews shares a few favorite things T o Ol06t people, she's the airt>ome nanny who won an Oscar for her first movie role and introduced a new wo(d to their vocabu.Wy- supercallfragillsticexpialidocious -ln "Mary Poppins," or lhe more down-to-eanb nanny from the Oscar-winning "The Sound of Music." Tu others, mainly F.ast Coast theatergoers now on Sqcial Security. she was the "squashed cabbage leaf' who passed for a Hungarian princess in "My Pair Lady.• Tu those avid tube watchers who revered the comic antics of Carol Burnett, she was "the other one" in those occasional 1V specials "Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall.· Julie Andrews is all of these and more, but one thing she isn't anymore is a world-class singer. An operation to remove noncancerous polyps from her vocal cords erased this talent from her r~um6 a few years ago, but she's still here, as the old-time chorine from "Follies" would boast For a few houri on Monday evening.. she really was here - here being the Orange County Performing Arts <:enter -to discuss a few of her favorite things. Thoilgh ihe hall Wasn't • alive with the sound of music, it reverberated with thunderous applause when she took the stage an<i when she left it. Few perfonners are worthy of standing ovations on their entrance, but Julie Andrews received two such ovations on consecutive days -Monday al the Center and Sunday when she appeared at the Academy State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I~; l lfJ l:C3 ;I ff;ti l'l1IIJ ;ld;t'I~ 11 ~ H;!d >i COMPLITI IMOI RICPAlll TUlll UP Same Owner Since 1965, 38 Years in Costa Mesa TBI CARBDITOB IBOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters Momma John wt belong to the wor/Js largest flooring mail groul -(()-<lfJ. wt ttre t. t b~f, tJt flooring tka rs individti4Jly owned anJ operaud. fA,OOSTORE B NG POWBR NOBODY 11nywhert Cll1I but our ~n l'Ou'" fj?.int JoiJ miah lf J<!"'" n()t lluyintftom ·us. With State F~ Medicare Supplement Insurance. See me for details on how Medicare Supplement insurance can help you fill the gaps in Medicare coverage. Str•n HUI, AgHI l 1t • OCllOlllA (o•U Mru (A 114q "4C>-41)11) Jennifer Ufetime ~ Warranty Carpet ~ $}99 ~ ~ Uf etime Warranty laminate Awards. As though she were conducting an Intimated living-room lnterview, Andrews charmed the packed Segerstrom Hall with anecdotes from her cel~ted past She was one of chose born-in-a-trunk performers, the daughter of vaudeville entertainers, who developed her celebrated four~octave range as a child and made her stage debut in a London muslcaJ revue at the age of 12. At 19, she made her first transatlantic crossing to become a Broadway star in the American version of the English musical "The Boy Friend• (which local audJences can check out at Golden West College in May). Reluctant to spend two years away from her family, she negotiated a one-year contrac1 with the show. This decision worked in her HOURS Continued from A9 Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. ANN HAMPTON CAUAWAY Ann Hampton Callaway is one of the most widely acclaimed singer/songwriters working in pop and jau today. Nominated for a Tony Award for her starring role in the Broadway musical ·swing:' Callaway has received national attention for her many TV appearances, recordings. concerts and songs. Callaway brings her many talents to Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5, as part of the Pacific Symphony Pops series at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. The concert also features guest Pops conductor Car1 Tipilow playing jazzy, up-tempo melodies on his trademark red clarinet Tickets are available for $80, $63, $50, $36. and $26. For more information, call the Pacific favor. Composers Alan Jay Lemer and Frederick Loewe approached her with their Idea of turning George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion~ into a . musical comedy. She would be available -and spent the next three and a half years working on her pronunciation of"the rain in Spain" as the original Eliza Ooo1JrtJe in "My Pair laldy." Lerner and Loewe wisely cast An~ in their next Broadway show. "Camelot." Where "while Robert Goulet was singlog 'lf Ever I Would Leave You' to me, I was admiring his legs." she recalled Monday. "Richard Burton's weren't bad, either." A baclcstage visitor al that show was Walt Disney, who asked if she'd be interested in playing a magical British nanny in a movie musical Thus was born "Mary Poppins.. She won a best actress Oscar for her first screen role -a Symphony Orchestra Tidcet Office at (714) 755-5799 or visit the Web site at www.pacificsymphony.org. GLENN MILLER TRIBUTE Orange Coast College is hosting a Glenn Miller Tribute at 4 p.m . April 13, featuring the Te>t Beneke Orchestra. vocalists Herb Jefferies and Polly Podewell and the Pied Pipers, in the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tidtets cost from $35 to S41. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. For information, call (714) 432-5880. SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S APRIL MUSIC South Coast Plaza offers live music every Saturday and Sunday in April. Sherman Fowler plays jazz on April 5. Suzanne Edwards Alford plays country music on April 6. Fletcher Harrington plays pop music on April 12. Maria Reid plays contemporary Christian pop on April 13. Darryl Morris plays R&B on Aprll 19. Gabriel Mann plays jazz on April 20. The Push plays world music on April 26. And Gus Brenda Miles • 100% ~ Ufetime ~ Warranty Ceramic FREE ~ $}99 ~ No ~ Q~l:!Cfs Ufetime Warranty 60"4]~ Wood /f J9'1 '°"~ '* it. ~9 awwill~il FREE Counter Topt •Showen• Cennlio • On11lt1 • Woo4 Wu Refinish • CIMnh•9 c.,,.t & UplMtlttety • P1intin9-htt1rior & E.t•rior Costa Mesr (949>~7876 124 E. 17th Irv ne (948) 838-0141 17777 Main "B" fUU-tAf 10-J WHMU tAV UllTIL a:oo .. CLOSlt SUNHYS & MO••A'fS nJ.'W'IS IY APPOleeUUMT ~ ll'llllflll*'"''"'.::~::iic.::i::. .......... _,,. .... ,.. .... ,.11911 .. dJsttnction she shared with Audrey Hepburn. who was chosen over Andrews to bring "My Fair Lady" to the screen, since the producers "wanted a name actress.· Hepburn had won for her earlier debut in "Roman Holiday.· but 1964 belonged to Julie Andrews. Everyone remem bers the opening scene in "The Sound or Music," with Andrews tuming · around, anns extended. On Monday,· she took some or the glamour off that IT\Oment by sharing a tidbit with the audience. The sequence was shot from a helicopter, she said, and afterward, the chopper would tum right above her, the wind draft knocking her repeatedly to the ground -take after taJce. Her airborne scenes in "Mary Poppins· were accomplished with the aid of a wired harness beneath her costum e -which Keny Getz plays pop on April 27. All performances are at 2 p.m .. except the April 6 performance, which is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. C811(714)432-7854. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Marte Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio C8fe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted• musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St. Newport Beach. Free. 1949101s-n60. MUSIC AT THE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform clau1c rod(. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rodt, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 lido Park Drive, Newport Beadl Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642-3431. Players restaurant is ~ow offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. snapped during bne scene, Jetting her crash to the stage beJow. "I Jet loose with some very un-Popp{ns Angio-Saxon verbs,· she recalled. The Joss of her singing volce after a three-decade career -in which she got Oscar nominations for ·The Sound of Music~ and "VictorNictorfa• - hasn't slowed this charismatic el'\lertalner. She's been active in worldwide charity work. has wrinen two chlldren's boob and will be featured In the upcoming 1V movie •EJoi.se· -as a nann~ As she has done for some four decades. Julie Andrews charmed her admirers at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, and did so without singing d note. • TOM TTTVS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot His reviews appear Thursdays and Saturdays WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant • in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favontes on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425 POP-ROCK ANO FlAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's R1storante, 3520 E Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922 SATURDAY NIGHT R&.8 Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B !ct 9 p m. Saturdays at Sutton Place· Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 " MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach Free. (949) 47&-2001 STAGE IMPROV AT OCC Orange Coast Coltege IS presenting a unique and hllanous improvisational production under the diredioo of QC theatef prof~r Alex Gofsoo. The 40-to 60-minute producOOn LS modeled after the popular improvisat>onal lV show, "Whose l.Jne IS rt Anyway]• It Wiii be performed at 11 a m .. noon and 12;46 p.m. Tuesday at the Robert Moore Theatre. Other performances are sdleduled tor 6 p.m. April 14, noon April 15, 6 p.m. May 12 and 1 p.m. May 13 in the Drama Lab Admission is free. Orange Coast Cdlege is at 2701 FaiMeW Road '" Costa Mesa. For mtormatioo, call (714) 432-fi640. ext 5. 'TAMING OF ntE SHREW Orange Coast Co mmunity College's Theatre Department 1s staging a one-act cutting of William Shakespeare's comedy ·The Taming of the Shrew:-a 40-minute production of full measure slapst1<* comedy. Performances are at 1 :30 p.m . Tuesday and et 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m. April 22 and 24 in the college's Drama Lab Theatre. Performances are free For information, call (714) 721-5508. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. ~ Hurry! Our first delivery is chcduicd for Wednesday. April 9. Bread 1nu.sc be purchased by Monday, April 7 to be included in thi delivery. QUOTE OF THE DAY "For {Artie Dorr/ to step up and go for it, that~f what it's all about." Tlm Satvlno, CdM swim coach ---------... --~ EYE OPENER I>&Jy~Pi~. Spc»1» , .... °'I' ,, ..... ..&» .. ta 1'l1Miitl'Md March 31 llonorl'e ERIC WOODS Sports Editor Roger Carlson • 1949) 574-4223 • Sporta Fu: (9491650-01 70 Thursday, M.wch 27, 2003 Bl FROM THE SIDELINES So much for having a little fan A yacht an OCC coach used for lunches as a recruiting tool had its d ay before termination. 0 ne-time Orange Co~t College footbaJJ coach Ray Hosso was quite pleased recently to learn that OCC ha<> accepted a very expensive yacht from a wealthy donor and that 11 is being jw.tified as an attitude to a "marine type~ cumc_ulum. Ro~o. who was aJso capable of coaching numerous other spon!". lilce ..ruling. golf and leMi'>, !>aid, with the 1race of a smile, that the new!> prompted him to recall a ~imilar \ttuation in 1950 when OCC haJ.becn >{iven a cruiser by the Coal.I Guard. p~umablyto supplement mari1w biology stud1ei.. I fence, Ru">MJ !>aid. "I went down to check it out and decided ii would b(' ideal for ret:rulling !football pro!.pect.\[. • I le added, "We got the administrative DON OK to ~chedule lnP' lwith lunche<.l for CANTRE LL bay Cnill>e\." Junior college football was very popular in the early days and recru11mg wa!. nor withou1 \tern compelit1on, ei.peciaJly in Southern California. So. thi~ 'l'emcd h.ke a prv.ed card to dMI high local intere>t Ro.<>.w '>a.id, "Well, all went well until lhe Olina Cove incid ent It happened on a beautiful day in May when we allowed lhe boat to drift within 100 feet of f>hore." He added, "The problem Wa.'> tha1 there were about 100 plus high ..chool girls on a field tnp on the beach • .. HIGH SCHOOL -swlMMING Alexandra Shue (above) ghdes to victory 1n he 200yard md1v1dual medley to help Corona del Mar's girls be Unrversrty, 85-85. m Pacific Coast League swimming She won the event m 2:07 .88. and later set a school record m the 500 freestyle with a clocking of 5:07.36. Below. Artie Dorr of ~r-11~,.Nil~ Corona del Mar steps up to capture the 500 freestyle m 5: 19 .5 5 Wednesday. SE.NI 11!LL(fl DAJU Pit OT Dorr shine s Senior wins the 500-yard free against Univ ersity. CORONA DI I MAH 111 J 111..,., even an uncx.pcUed .,urpn'>t' l .u 1 hn11~ a '>mile to a lOJdl'> late Corona del Mar I ltKh ~11101 t\nll' Dorr, who will play WJlt:r polo fo1 UCIA next f>ea'>t>n pruv1tlrd Ila '>llwr lming m a meet t.lo1mnc11ed I>\ I lnM:r -.ity (2-0. 1-0 Ill leagll(·I ~ tth .1 \ 1u11r' in lhe 500 yard frec\l,lt· ·, l 'J , • oul racmg t~ammate H\.m \loon· (5:34.27). who ftr11.,hed 't't't 111'1 "For !Dorr to .,tep up .md gt• l11r 11. that's what "' .ul 1h11u1 '-llll 1 c.J\1 Coach I 101 ~l-.1no. who .1l...i1 '11.wlwt.J Dorr on !ht' VIJlt·r polo lt·Jm II \1J1111• going to be oul hi-rt:'. v11u 1111glt1 ,1, \\t'll put your • .ill lfll• 1 11 I It• r1 Jlh -.hnv.' 1 l 01npc1111Vt' ,11111111.Jt dlld th.ti I' .... ti\ he '"a \Ultt>'>'hll Jlhlt-11 II I 1 11111L1 g• 1 Ult' fl°'ll of tht' gU\'\ 10 h,l\l' lit II "-lfllt atlJl udt· Vlt' 1M111ld be goldl·n l>orr\ \\-a.'> < c.J\1' 10111 '' 111 111 ,, I • 17 -.etbatk 10 Urn . ..,..h11 h < 11.11 la l11h11 l'endJeton ~d "tlw ht ... 1 11•.ilfl ho• /t,i. had 111 h1~ rnm· \ea.r' Jt llu '>lh nil Dorr l!. J lhrel' tlrnt' \II 1 II h11m1rt•1• Jnd helped lead the...,._.,, l\.111g' 111 11111·1 < Ir Sou1hem 'x•u11m I>" 1,11111 11 111ll" 111 waler po lo. 5a.lvtno cho\I' lo t.1lrw 1111"1 111 / 11., VJr>tt)' -.wimnll'r'> anti p111 1lt1·111 111 1lt1 1umor vJr'\1ly rJ((''· "The gu}"-LJn build 111h1·,11111 .111d camaradt•ne '>uh in11 ..... ml 111 111 .. ''' 1 egy. ··Ille focu., '' lo g('l 1111·111 t•i '''"" their lx>'>t umc..., JI lilt' l'.111lh < "'''' League! prehm mane' CdM (0 3, 0 I l W•cllll 111 'l'lt!llll II\ lhe 200 medle\ rel<1v 1 l.S:J l'l\ \'lllh Daruel N1ehenke. lyler Bru11da~1" Kevin Am end1 dnt.l J<111H'' ..,tr.1t l lt-.111 mg lhe th~e Amentlt would lim-.h 1l11rd 111 tlw tno butterfly (I ·(I I .!fl 1 .mtl Bntlli.l y,1 • placed third 111 the 100 lirt··"''1r11~1· (1•10.201 Joh n Money pl.tlt'd 1lurd 111 llw .!1111 free (I ·59 I Ol and Ja<,on 1>1H11l 111 '" .1111 the 50 free in .!4 . .!n ,,, talt• 1lw '\11 \ \pell. RoSM> 'la.Id, ·we had e1gh1 guys. including 'my hope.' (harley Black !Palm Springs starl, on board. The diaJogue between ship and shore got w intense that Olarley dove off and headed to the bt•ach." An astonished Ros.<;o Mid, ·1 gol on the speaker and pleaded, then threatened. He did no l stop and headed back." CdM girls tie up University, 85 -85 He added, ·1 was aJso very appreciative about how the gu)"> would react. Well, they thought he wru. a 'hero.' J didn't get aJJ of the recnuts, but I got Oiarleyt" After a pause, Rosw srud, "I fowever, the downside is that l was reprimandt'<.I and had the cruiser terminated.· On lhe positive side, Rosso drew another brigh1 surprl.;e via Olarley Black and that came when his brother, Johnny, also showed up in good nme and both helped lead OCC to its f111>t -ever football championship the rollowing year wtth a '51 titJe. Although Cllarley then had the hab11 of keeping himself clear of mischief, he See SIDELINES, Pace 82 Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Though the scoreboard showed 85-85, Corona del Mar High girls !>wim coach Doug Void - ing considered Wednesday'!> Pacific < .oast League-opening dual m~t with visiting University a victory of sorts. CdM trailed most of the way against University (1 -0-1 overall). but with a first -and third-place finish in the 400- yard free relay -I.he fulal event of the meet -aU was not lost for lhe hosts. Nlltls is fun,• Voiding said. •Tu be- hind the whole meet . . against Uni- versily, J couldn't be happier. This is a class team that never gives up." CdM ~nior Brittany Bowtus swam HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL ~oper adds an arm . • He fans six in three hitless relief innings to tey eight-inning win over Brethren Christian in Academy League victory. ' NEWPORT CX>A5f -The Sage Hill ~l baseball team oontlnues to prove that visitors to the Ughtnlna '8.seball diamond are putting them· Cetves tn •ann,,• way, the Ugbtnlng defeated Brethren Ovistian, 7-3, In an Academy Leque game that went etgbt tininp Wedn iy at Sllge Hill The designated · vtslton (Bl'ettwn could not obtain a home alte ecbcduJed home game) rolled up runa in the eighth to break the Q of,en and remain atop the league , ~or starting pitcher. 1.ach f'rie. ancbs threw fM strong liutlnas, 1t:ftklnl 6ut st:ven aod )'lekJlna Just one ea.med IJahm ns Ot»ch Rert P..mtteon ~t to aopt>omo,.,, Man u;per, woibd three hJ lru\lnft ol rft. B'9thren SageHlll 3 7 Uef to earn his first victory of the sea- son. Loper fanned six. proving the Ughtning have the kind of pitching depth chat Acad- emy ~ foe1 may ~ to match. .,,~ really bie- comlng a btg dif. (erence Cor us,• ~ assist.ant coach Stne Wilbek l8KI. "We bc.t Whitney. 11·0, (ltl Friday• J~ opener) and they lllMt U'Ott.ed • out a aecood pitcher. Thday. Bfttbrto O:uisdan'1 tarter <went the cUttan<:e. But. ln addition to our two top guys <Friedrichs arid junior Tim WiJk1nl. whO no-hit Whill'ley and hU 23 ltribOuta in 10 innlnp). ~can bq lri a prf 1'1.e Loper, whO c.n Wat the 04.hef tftln down.• Goo DtmpMy lf!d otr the efehlh by ~ on an l!'ITOf and Wil:lnl fol· the final leg of lhc 400 in 53.86 for the winning team, which also included AJexan dra Shue. Jordan Anae and Vrvian Liao. The relay team posted a 3:39.25, good for automatic All-American consideration. Voiding said the previous best w.is 3:44. tn J.49.84, nearly three sec· onds quicker than the Uni- versity coUI1terpan. Cd.M's only other ue dur- ing th~ meet came after Shue. a freshman. broke a 20-year school record in the 200 mdividuaJ medley (2:07.88), which gamed ·r knew we had 10 get .first,· said Bowtus. a mem- ber of Cd.M's CIF Southern Section Oivisfon II water Umversity 85 CdM 85 automatic consideration for All-Amencan. Amy Rem.hold set the previous record polo champion. ·1 iust tried to keep the lead the last 50 yards.· University clocked a time of 3:40.19. CdM 's third-place relay team of Kun McKay, Ashley Oland.ler, Oiristina Hewtco and Tumuaialli Anae touched (2:09.27) in 1983. "It's aJways good to get first. but more importantly, get points for the 1eam. • said Shue, who moved from Texa two-and-~half ye.an. ago and has been swimming for lhe Aquazots swim club for three years.. She saJd she knew the umc \ht· had 111 heat ro hrl·.ik the record Later, Shue would -;hatter ,, rnord !>he set m the 500 Cret> whl'n stu touched m 5.07.36 °'hue dod.~ed a 5:10.69 against F-.dison in t.d~h open mg duaJ meet March o "The team l!. lhe most 1rnportJnt thmg." Shue wd "If the record, u 1ml' that is also important • CdM (I l ·I l took fir.I m tht 'llCI frt'f' relay (I :45.301 with Mc~\-. 1>.1rudlt• cartson. K.atva f:admgton and 1v1an Liao, whose ume L'> worthy of UF p rt· hrrunary qualtfkatton. · Liao ued Uruversity'\ Katelyn Schu· macher with a 25.68 tn the 50 frtt, while Anae won lhe JOO brt'aststro.._e in 1·10 64 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Tim Wilkins Sage Hill standol;lt shifts his focus to the mound and impressive results include his first no·hitter. 82 Thursday, March 27 I 2003 ~C MEN'S SWIMMING Salo, Watson lead charge Pirates off to strong start under watchful eye of experienced coaches. Biyce Aldltrton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Think of the Orange Coast College swim pro- gram as a service provider. For those swimmers that want to hone their breaststroke or butterfly, or simply aren't sure if they are ready for the four-year collegiate level, Dave Salo and Don Watson are there for them. The co-coaches oversee both the men's and the women's swim teams that have darted past the competition so far as they eye the Orange Empire Conference and state championships. Salo, the Irvine Novaquatics club swimming coach who worked with Aaron Peirsol. the world·r~ord holder in the 200· yard backstroke and' Newport Harbor High graduate now swimming at the University of Texas, has helped lead the men's team to a fourth-place finish at the Cuesta lnvilational earlier this month. Coast most recently defeated Cypress. l22-64, in an OEC dual meet to· improve to 2-0. Watson coached at Coast from 1981 -98 before going on sabbatical and returning for this season. Now in his third year at OCC Salo said the men wilJ continue to work on the sprints and relays as they prepare for the confer· ence and state championships. "We'~ probably in the top five (in the state)," Salo said. "They have to learn how to pace them- selves better than they did in high school because the races are longer. Billy Jolly and Tyson SIDELINES Continued from 81 accepted an invite from defen· sive haJfback Mel SmaJley to venture on down from OCC to the Lido 'fheater in Newport. He agreed, but was taken aback when he found Smalley leading him around to the . back door where Jie started knocking. Smalley assumed some movie-goer inside would open the door and allow the boys to enter easily. Wrong! A theater guacd opened the door and led them both to the office of owner Mason Siler. Siler, who knew many of the harbor area gridders, was s lightJy stanJed when he saw Smalley. He said, "You didn't have to do that, Mel. J would have let you in free." Smalley nodded. then re- Beamer are our strong spots in the (sprints and relays). Roger Wong has done a nice job in the 200 breaststroke as a walk-on."' Jolly (200 and 500 freestyle} and sophomore 'fyson Mang- ham (200 individuar me<lley aniJ 200 bac!Q each won two events against Cypress. Newport Harbor High product Mitch Probert, 1.ach Simpson, Billy Swanson, Trevor Myers. Ryan McGrath, and Matt Henry lead Coast's sophomore class. Stuart Chandier and PauJ Frankenberger join Jolly and Wong as freshmen that have contributed to Coast's strong start. Henry (200 Dy), Beamer (100 free), Wong (200 breast- stroke), Probert (100 free) and Frankenberger (50 free) all took first-place honors against Cy- press. Salo said not much changes in his coaching style from Novaq- ualics to Coast. "II still depends on how qukkly a swimmer gets lo the waJJ," he said. Salo has received inquiries from swimmers in Kansas City, Mo., and Texas, looking to attend Coast next season, a sign Coast is gaining recognition on a na- tional level. "Some look to Don and I as a way to train to get into a Division I program,~ Salo said. "And what OCC can provide bo~ athleti- cally and academically is appeaJ- ing to some.ff Salo has coached the Novaq- uatics for 12 years and said he has seen more swimmers at Coast that have come through lhe dub program. Salo is currentJy the assistant coach for the U.S. natioaaJ team that will compete in BarceJona. · Spain, in the World Champion- ships in July. He ha'i been on the U.S. coaching staff since 1999. plied. "I know that Mason, but it wouldn't have been fun tJwn." ••• One of the biggest-ever sur- prbes along Olympic lines came to the Newport Harbor I ligh campus once in the mid-'40s. Al Muniz. a noted 250· pound guartl on the '48 foot- ball team, Wai> asked to attend the· front gym doors for offi· cials one night in '46 when a local All -Star Learn was set to face the Harlem Oowns of New York. Muniz sensed he wouJdn't know most out-of-town visi- tors, but was clear simply by asking for identification tickets or tags. One of the first visitors was a Gowns representative. His tag read: Jesse Owens [The great '36 Olympic sprinter for the u.s.1. "The Art of Making Pizza11 ·~ WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5-9PM ~ ~ Ll""~ rr:=.'.fjf «'(f,:.,-:::::::-949.723.0707 949.675.4100 949.715.1117 ----------s3B~'!ZZA SM~~IPLAc• • BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREEi COUPON NOT llAUO WITH ANY OTHCR OfTC.RIBPECIAL PARTICIPATING STORES I ONLY L......-T ONECOlPON PER 0A0ER SALES TAA M.AY APA.V MUST MENTION COl.Jl>ON AT T1ME CF ORDER CCUPol)I E><l"IRES A-. 30, :i!CXXl .. -------------------------- s999s &UP 4TIRES Offer Vllld on Mfectti,..: 1unsA13 115nOR13 1N/70R14 • S P O RTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Costa Mesa falls in opener Mustangs fall to Ocean View in Golden West League debut. . Mustang senior pitcher Gonzale-Leach had RBI singles for the visitors. Dalti Pilot Westmlristar 1, en.net. 0 Score bv Inning• W'ster 010 boo l> -1 & • Estancia ooo 000 o o 2 o Carey, Garcia (7) and Brinkman; Young and Crom. W-Carey. L - Young, 0-2. 2B -Torgeson (W) 2. George Vargas pitched well. COach Doug Deats said, bl.lt was outdueled by Seahawk sen- ior left-hander Grant Theophi- lus, who scattered four hits and struck out nine over six innings Senior Philip Hann homered and doubles for the winners, who aJso received a homer from sophomore Robert Pur- Purp aJs · k d Ocean View 4. Mesa 2 pura. ~ 0 ptc e up Scont tw Innings HUNTINGTON BEACH ~ to improve to 2-0. the save. Mesa. 100 bol o -2 • 2 The Ocean View High baseball 'Vargas pitdled better than the Joey Jameson's stra.ight sreal ov 001 210 • ' e 1 of h. ome plated another Sea-Vargas. Peterson (6) and Hunter; Theophilus, Purpura (7) and lo t~ •welcomed" visiting litst game~ won/ Deats said Costa Mesa to the Goldeo West . Adam Beltran went 1 for 3 League with a haJtl-fought 4-2 and scored bodi Mesa runs, victoryWedrlesday. · while Nate· Hunter and Gary hawk run. Coco. w -Theophilus, 2·0. L - Ocean View improYed lo 5· I, Vargas: 2-1. Sv -Purpura. 28 -Hann while Mesa fell to 4-3. ' (OV), Co.Iller IOVt. HA -Hann IOVJ: Newport stopped in Irvine, 7-0 IRVINE -Newport Harbor Highs baseball team never got it going Wednesday in a Sea View League encounter at Ir· vine. • 'Ibe host Vaqueros scored three in the first inning and broke it open with four more in the fifth inning to post a 7-0 vic- tory. The Sailors, 2-8, 0-2 in league, got just two runners as far as second base off Irvine starter Shuhei Fujiya. who spun a three-hitter to help Irvine irn· prove to 1-1 in league play. Dave Erickson got to second by virtue of Irvine's only error when a pop fly in the infield was misplayed and Erickson made it to second on the play. only to be left stranded. R J. Muller, who went 2 for 3 for Newport Harbor, singled and went to second when Ryan Tur- rey singled, but they, too. were Jeft on the basepaths. 'JWo singles and a couple of sacrifices and a walk put Irvine in the driver's seat in the first inning, and in tJ1e fifth, with the help of two walks, an error, a hlt-batsman. a sacrifice Oy an'd three singles, the Vaqueros put on the finishing touches. Newport Harbor will try to turn the corner on Friday when It hosts Laguna I !ills. Joey Can- tarella is the projected Marter. Purpura (QV). Sn View Leap Irvine 7. Newport Harbor O Score bv Innings . Newport ooo boo I! o 3 1 Irvine 300 040 • · • 7 6 1 Torrey, Heenan (6) and Sanchez, Fujiya and Oliver W -Fujiya. L - Torrey Ac.1ldemy Leaiue Sage Hin 7. Brethren Chr. 3 Score bv Innings Sage Hill ooo m ~ 1 9 2 Brethren 003 ooo oo 3 5 5 Friedrichs. Loper (6) and Kornswiet; Andrews and Kilbane. Warden (6). W -Loper, l-0 L -Andrews, 0-3. 2B -Lemerond (BC). Swanson (SH), Fnednchs (SH). 3B -Komsw1e1 (SH) Eagles lose heartbreaker to Westminster, 1-0 LIGHTNING COSD\ MESA -&itancia High's base- ball team (2-6, 0-1) dropped its Golden West League opener Wednesday as visit- ing Westminster struck for one run in the second inning and that was all the Lions needed in a 1-0 decision that took just 98 minutes to complete. wall. a base hit, a hit-batsman and a 6-4-3 double play. Continued from Bl Estancia, limited to two base hits and strikeout victims 14 times, had nwner- ous chances, but couJd not convert. &itancia had the bases loaded in the third inning with none out, runners on second and third with one out, and again with two out, before a strikeout ended the threat. An error and Eric Scheafer's base hit put two aboard in the fifth inning with one out, only to see the last two batters go down looking. In the sixth, with a runner on third and one out, two more whiffs ended il. lowed with a walk. Friedrich~. who hru. also been keying tJw offense, laced a two-run double, th~n came around 10 score when Brethren maile a11 errant throw to third try- ing 10 catch him advancing on a throw to the plate. . Westminster scored by virtue of a David l'arkard.singled and wal) tripled in by Mathew Komswiel Lo add insurance for the Ughtrnng. MARK C DUS TIN I DAILY PIL 0 T Sage Hill School baseball standout Tim Wilkins is the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. WILKINS Continued from Bl TIMWILKINS ated by Emerson. Wilkins said he feels stronger and mon· confident on the mound this llom! Sept. 28, 1985 season Hometown: Irvine · =6-foot "It 's calming for me 10 be on phasis on the mental aspects of We 170 the mound," he said. "I'm more the game has aJso helped Wu-Spon:' l•s•ball, in control of everything. I'm kins, who has been dominant Coach:,8ert concentrating a lot on my Emerson on the mound thus far. ln 10 in -Favorite food: Lobster pitching, instead of in previous nings, including two victories in Favorite MOVI•: •ThrM years when I worried niore hls two starts, he has 23 strike-Amigos• about playing shortstop and outs and has surrendered three a.t MH9tk "'°"*"= •Pfaying my hitting. I feel like J 'm 'itart · hits. He has not walked a batter. catch wfth my dad.· ing to get more comfurtahle Against Whitney, Wilkins High IChool A...._ of.,_ with the process of pltchinv." ... Jail: He S1IUtk out eight 0 fanned eight and allowed onJy •nd walked none:. tossing • Emerson has aJso seen the one base runner (the leadotr flve-lnntng no-hitw In the early progress. man reached on an enant Ughtning•s 11..0 Aaldemy l.Hgue-'Tun is such a strong funda· thr infi Id d ) opening win Friday stW\lltney. In al la h · u ow on an e groun er . 10 pitching lnning1 thts season, .,. ment p yer, e 1s rea y a "I felt pretty good." he said. "I has 23 strikeout!.. no walks and perfectionist when it comes to guess I was hilting all my hn surrendered just thrft hits. mechanics and fundamentals, .. spots." Oily Pb Emerson said. "He's stiJI learn· Not blessed with an overpow· Coll«JMfP0111C¥d.mt'8-S ing the game, but his commit- ering fastball, Wtllcins' control ~-----------~ ment to the fundamentals is has been biggest asset on the paying off." mound. He also throws a curvebaJI and a circle · Wtlkins said he was vaguely aware he had not changeup. but has primarily relied on spotting his yielded a hit, as the game progressed Friday. But fastball to this poU.t. the big lead and the impending mercy-rule stop- "He has a•good idea of how to get guys out." Em-page diluted much of the drama, and superstition, erson said. "The key for him is to get ahead and hit that accompanies most no;hUters. . his spots." · "I wouldn't say I wasn't aware (of the no-hitter). Fortified by weight training and a regular throw-but I wasn't thinldng about it," he said. "There just ing program to help strengthen h.ls arm, both initi-wasn't a lot of p~ure on the game." TENNIS Vanguard stops foe Middleburg falls, 5-4. C05fA MESA -MiddJeb~ < .ollege of Vermont wa'i a 5·4 vic- 11m at Vanguard University Wednesday in men's tenni~ in a nonconferenc.... match to im- prove to 9 5. Vanpant 5, Midclebur'& 4 . Singles -Lumsden (I/) def. Jacobo, I 6. 6 1. 7·5, Holmgren (V) det. Oldenburgh, 6 7, 7 5, 6 4; Metitz (M) def Mardh, 6 2. 5-7. 7 4, Biorklund (V) def Brown. 64. 6-4. Taylor (V) def Tamgocl11m, 6-4, 6-2, Rales !Ml def Jardme. 6-0, Doubles -Holmgren Mardh (V) def Beihn Brown, 8-3; Oldenburg! Tarbo1 (M) def Lumsden-Taylor. 8 6: Melltl Ora1mando (Ml def B1or~lund-Jard1lne, 8·3 GYMNASTICS CdM's Hurst 2nd at state She will go to the regionals next month. Corona del Mar High fresh - man Jenny Hurst won three of four events at the USA Gymnas- tics level 9 State Championships held last weekeITTt at Cal State Fullenon. I turst scored a 9.525 on 6~ 9275 on vault and 9.15 on tht bars. each good for the state championship in the Senior A age group. Her all-around score oC 36.20 earned a second place in the state·and qualified her to compete in the regional champiollShips to be held in April in Phoenix. Motorcratt- 011 and Fiiter Change FREE 100 POINT SAF~TY INSPECTION If you would really Ilk• to know what rour car needs come visit .,.. for Ulla prof"91onaf eumlnatton. I 0Pt77l l lilcMlntfnl, MtMdnt ' ... tXtla. See Oealerlhip for price & details on tire 1lzes. Offer valid with coul)On. E•PI,,.& 4/15/03. Up to five quarts of Motorcraftl' oll. Tbff and dlsP0$81 feff extra. See O.alerahlp for detalla. · Offer valid with coupon. Explrea 4/15103. Valued at $89.95. See DHl•rshlp for d•talle. Offer valid with coupon. Expire• 411 5/03 • ............... Mondorfridoy • 6:30AM • 7:<X:JtM ~ • 8:00AM • 4:00rM Cloied On Sundays --·-------------------~----....... - TRACK AND FIELD Estancia boys , girls victorious COSTA MESA -The Estancia High boys and girls track and field teams introduced them · selves to visiting. Santa Ana with' e pair of victories in the Eagles' second Golden West League duaJ meet of the season Wednesday. Senlor Humberto Rojas tripled to lead the F.stancia boys (2·0 in league) to a 72-56 victory, while junior Erika Plietez won two events and displayed noteworthy Improvement, as the Estancia girls won, 72·42. Roj~ a CIF State Finals quali- fier in the 1,600 last year. won the 400 meters {52.8), as well as the BOO (2.-01.9) and the 1.600 (4:31.1). Junior Jason Johnston came up with a personal record and won m the long jump (23, feet, 6 inches) Junior Niclc Koreerat (100), sopho· more Alex Cahuantzj (3.200), and seniors Zack Novak <high JWTIP) and Joey Lindquist also contrib· uted first-place points. On the girls side, Plietez won the 100 (13.7) and 200 (29.2) Rosete, despite dealing with a bit of illness. won the 1,600 (5A8.6J to help Estancia, a new entry m the Golden West League, im- p rove to 1-1 m league. Goldtf\ WMt ~ BO)'i Elt.anc:ia n. Santa Ana 56 100 -1 Koree1at (El. 11 5. 2 Certian (SA). 116, 3. Rodriguez (E). 12 5. 200-1 Certian (SAi. 24.6. 2 Elias (El, 25 6; 3. Zar81 ISA), 2702 400 1 Ro1as (El. 52.8, 2 Ramos (SAi. 53 4, 3 Ehas IE>. 56 14 900-1 Ao1as (El. 2 019. 2 Rodnguez (SA). 2 073. 3 Flores (El, 2 074 1.600-1 Ao1as(El 4·31 1, 2 Flo1es IE!. 4 45 5. 3 Elias (El. 4 46 7 3.200 1 Cahuantz1 (El 10 41 8. 2 Ramirez ISA), 10:42.6. 3 Rodnguez (SAL 10498. 110 HH -1 Ohv1as (SA) 15 6. 2 Johnston (E). 15.9. 3 Novak IEJ. 177 JOO IH -l Ohlllas (SAi. 42 5, 2 JohnSlon (E), 43.5; 3 Nova)l (El. 46 6 400 relay -l Santa Ana. 4 7.3 1,600 relay -1 Estancia (FlorM. Elias. Mo1ales, Ao1asJ. 3·43 6 HJ -l NO'llak IE>. 6-0. 2 Cachola IE>. 5-{;, 3 Gorrola ISAI. 5-4 W 1 Johnston IE). 23-6 2 Perez lSAl. 21 3. 3. Cachola IEI. lS.2 TJ 1 Peret fSAl. 42-6. 2 Johnston (El 40-ll Y•, 3 Novak (EI 30 10 PV no• contested SP -1 l.tndQuist IE>. 43·2''>. 2 Chambef1a1n (SAi, 40-8. 3 (he) Lope1 (SA) and Toscano ISAl. 38-11 "• OT -l Toscano ISA), 118-6\'i, 2. Rivas (SA), 114·7Y•; 3 Lindquist (E). 112 2Y> Girts &unda n. Santa Ana 42 100-1 Phetez IE>. 13 7. 2 Yanez ISAI. 14 2. 3. Hanson (E). 14.2 200 -1 Pl1etez (El. 29 2. 2 Carroll IEI. 29 9. 3 Hanson IE>. 31 8 4IOO -1 Yanez (SA), 1 06 4, 2 Valdez <El. I 06 8, 3 Carroll IE>. 1 10 7 900 -1 Ayal\olSA>. 2:375, 2. Carrasco IEI. 2 49.3, 3. Perez <SAi, 2:50 0 1 .600 -1. Rosete (El. 5·48.6. 2 TOIT8$ (SA). 6:00.0; 3. Ga1e1a (SAi. 6·0. 2. 3,200-1. Perez (SA). 13:26. 2. Rincon (E), 13·28.8, 3. Garcia ISA), 13 46.9 100 HH -1 Wilson IE>. 17.9; 2 Sansone IE>. 19 1; 3. none JOO IH -1 Valdez IEI, 54.8, 2. Wilson IE), 58 2. 3 Sansone IE>. 1:00 5 400 1etay -1 Estancia IPhetez. Hanson. Carron. Wilson), 59 5 1,600 relay -1 Estancia (Pltetez Veldez. Rincon. Carroll). 4 575 HJ -not contested W -1 Yenez ISAI, 15-0. 2 Abbou (El. 14-1, 3 Hanson IEJ, 13-0 TJ -1. Abbott (El. 30 lOl't, 2 Pineda !El, 26-4, 3. none. PV -not contested. SP -l Tabb ISAI. 33 91't; 2 CAstto (El. 27_.; 3. Correra (SA), 2f>.2Yi OT -1 Tabb (SA), 96-8Y<. 2. Cast10, (El. 78-0V., 3 Co!TeOI (SA). 75-6\'t. GOLF OCC sweeps ~ ~A -Orange Coast CoUege's Jake Allanach shot l- over par-72 and Kelly Wlclcs carded a 74 to help lead the Pi- tates' men's golf team lo Otange Empire Conference victories ~ Palom11, lrvtne ValJey and Go~n \\tit at Santa Ana Coun· ay Oub Wednesday. occ won the oec four-way match. scoring 376, f 1.t'\t edging PNt Palomar at 377, while lMne yalley bad 396 and Golden West 461. David Kendall (76), Brad Champion (76) and Jattd Bruce 01) also conlrlbuted Cor the Pi· ~tes (ll-4, 7..f ln the OEQ. • 8standa Klgb scnJor Jason C'.aakty aboc even on ~-35 to hd the ~boys golf team to a 198-221 wtn CMr Westmlnsler ~ Golden West League udon at Costa Mesa G&CC ~nelday. Marcus So<¥ WU jUst l ·ovef ~ whfJe Ryan Brawn abot 37, md Cilt'8 Left (45) and l\Uldn ~ (45) .i.o contributed for th a.pa (4-1, 2-0 ln leaguct). • • UC t.mne'• womm'a Pl t-n wa1 16th 1.t the UClA du- ilc 11 RobUuon.. Raocb GC ln Su:t .. Ol1ttl ~ • AnieA1 WoO 'WU UO'I bett wtd'l In 81 -n-80 -234 fof 28lb. • SPORTS VOLLEYBALL Coast bumps off Irvine Valley Pirates pull it out in five to capture key Orange Empire Conference decision. freshman outside hJtter Poyer Poia col- lected nine of his match-best 23 kills in the deciding fourth game to lead host Orange Coast College lo a 30·24, 28-30, 32·30, 33-31 Orange Empire Conference victory over Ir- vine VaJJey Wednesday night. faced the poMlbWty of missing. the play- offs if they do not run tne table the rest o f the • way in the OEC the Pirates were able to clamp down when needed. A rash of injuries at the outside hitter posi- t.Ion gave Doug Lewis the chance to see regu- lar time in the llneup and he capitalized on the opportunity with 12 kills, that total matched by opposite Paul Pomroy. Defensively, Kaione Scott ( 15 digs) and Matt Skolnik I 17 digs) sparked the Pirates. Poia was consistent offensively, but saved his best for the final game. I le posted three early kills as the Pirates grabbed a 5-2 lead. then put down back-to·back swings to make It 20-18 after the ~r.. had evened the match. srrvr McCRANK /DAILY PILOT Orange Coast College's Paul Pomroy (left) drives a kill past Irvine Valley. The Lasers eventually had match point when Poia came through for the final time. firing down the line to tie it up at 31 -31 . 1Wo Lasers' hitting errors on the next two points gave OCC (12-4, 7·3) the victory. Eagles sweep away Saints • The Estancia I hgh boy'> volleybaJI team '>Wept past host Santa Ana. 15-2, 15· 12, 15·7, in Golden West League com petition Wednei.day. ther<; led the Mw,tdng' w1lh nine kills and four stuff block'> wh1IC' c,abe Gonz.ale1 added five block..., and John Santos chipped in 25 assists. Mesa fell to I ·fl, 0 .!. tn lt•,1gue. OCC is at Golden Wei.I Friday, starting at 7. On the high school level: Kris llartwell (eight k.illi.). Brad Lar<;t•11 (six le.ills aud nine digs) and Scott Sankey (five kill'>) led the way for the t-.agJes, who improved to 9 2. \ 0 in league. Sage Hill top-.. San Marino in 5 Corona del Mar's Jones shines • The Corona del Mar I flgh boys volley· ball team welcomed 6 -foot-6 Stanford- bound senior middle blocker Eric Jones back into the lineup Wednesday and he made an immediate 1mpacl in the Sea Kings' 17·15. 17·15. 15-12 nonleaguelossal Orange County powerhouse Huntington Beach. Orange top~ Mesa in five • Sage Hill School\ boy'> volleyball team improved to 6 U with a live game victory 1hat took t"'o hour' <1nd 45 minutes to l·omplete over Vt!>lllnK Sdn "'ldrmo Wedne' day 1n nonleague action • The Costa Mesa High boy'\ volleyball team '\aw a late fifth·game lead vanish on what Coach Dave ()orrells termed a contro· ver'>ial call and fell. 7-15. 15-8. 12 15. l 'l 7. I 5 · 13, Ill Golden West l..eabrue vi'>nor Orange Wedneo;day. The LJghtning prevailed. Io 15. 15 I<> 16 14, 6·15. 15 IL. w11h Kevin Joyce 12.b k.ill '>. five ace<; and thrl'e hloch) leading tht- way. Jones blasted 25 k.111'> and added two aces and two blocks, but the Oller<;, who lost in the final of the OranKe County Champion· !>hips Monday. overcame the visitori.. Sophomore twms Kevin Welch ( 17 kill!. and 1 O digs) and Tom Welch (eight kills) were additional standouts for the <)ea Kings (5 Al "We were up. 13· 12. in the rally scunng game." Sorrells ..aid. "They hit a ball out. but there wa'> a phantom touch uilled (awarding 1he point to the Panther'>! In 'itead of being up. 14 -12. were lied at 11 and they went on 10 win " Mac<;un hederit·k. poc;ted I 0 kill'> <1nd three ace-; and '>etter JuhJn "..m11h Newman collected 29 <J\'>1'>1!> for 1he I jghtning agaiml a San Manno tl'am S.ige roach Mcrja Connolly Freund called. "very good." Sophomore middle blocker C,am~tt \\oal· Joyce and Jake I .llt'rt' plJyed ~.trong de feme 1n the final gamt· tor "'age Connolly Freund added HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING Newport boys and girls post wins Newport Harbor I hgh\ girls and boys swim teaJT\!, each won their Sea View League opener aver visiting Aliso Niguel Wednesday. 1shed second m the LOU free (1·58.321 and m the so free (23.41 )1 WATER POLO The boys were victonous, 99 67, while the girls recordf'd a 96- 74 margin. Bury. McGhle. ~mda1r and Weiner tallied a 3:36.78 to win the 400 free relay for Newport (2-1, 1·0). Carlson picks Princeton Nicole Mackey won the 200· yard individual medley 12 16 75) and the 50 freestyle (25 26) and was joined by Alex Andersen (2:07.64 in the 200 free), Jenna Murphy (1 :12.97 m the 100 brea...tstrokel and Mat Ta1tma (55.78 in the 100 free) as first place winners for the Sailors. Eagles split • Olad Kunert and Sean Goodman won two evento; each. but the Estancia 1 ltgh boy<; swim team lo,t. 95· 74. to Golden West I eague vi'>tlor Santa Ana Wedne.,day. Corona det Mar ffiOi senior Danlelle Carlson bas verbally ~mmitted to play water polo t'or Priocieton Univemty Dell sea.son. Carlson received her acceptance lener about two weeks ago and made her decision shortty ~ Kunert completed a per sonal·record. 5:35.7, to win the 500-yard freestyle and he al'io won I.be 200 ftee (2·07.3). Good· man recorded victories in the 200 individual medley (2:31 .21 and 100butterOy(l·12 8). Frank. Gamboa competed tn the 100 backstroke for the fire;! time and won in 1:10.5 for the Eagles (4-2. l-2 m league! 'Tm plan to llw in California the rest of my life after gradu- ation. 10 I think it will be fun to go back East for (our yetll'S. • said Carlson, who will Join CdM teammate Jessica HaJtins at Princeton. Newpon (2-1. 1-0 m league) won both the 200 medley and 200 free relays. Murphy. Mackey, Tajima and AshJey Parole fin · i8hed the 200 medley in I :57.17 whtle the same quartet raced to a I :43.89 in the 200 free Ca.Non. who has made the AU-OF lint team three coo- serudve }aJ'll and is e:s:p«ted to make lt rout wu dedding between UC Bakeley and Princeton. Jurnors Michael Bury and An- drew Belden each won two events Wednesday. Belden touched first in the 200 free (1:57.20) and the 500 free (5:16.75) while Bury touched in 1:09.27 in the 100 breaststroke and in 2:15.14 in the 200 lM. She also swims ror CdM, but u.k.I &he wW amamtrate aolely on water polo at Pdncdon. Cadaon acon'd a teem- high 85 gOals as the Sal Kings woo their ~ c:onseartfw OP title in water polo with a 10-S W:tory Oftl Villa Pait Maroh 1. Carl5oo scot1ld m goals in the d:wmpiorishlp glllM. Senior Ross Sinclair won the 100 baclc in 1:02.61, foUowed by Nath.an Weiner's 1:05.44. Bryan Auer finished second in the 500 free in 5:5.23. ~ McGhie fin- • The £~tanc1a High girls swim team won alJ but one event and swept four races to defeat Golden West League visi· tor Santa Ana, 11 5-38. stroke) and freshman Carolina Barnes (50 free and 100 back· stroke) were double winners for the Eagles (2· I in league). The Estancia trio also contributed in two relay victones each. Junior Britta Pitta (200·yard individual medley and I 00 butterfly), jumor MariJyn Reich (100 freestyle and 100 breast- Freshman AJltson Dalton won the 500 free for the £agles Pldflc Co..t l..ugue boys ~ 12:1, CdM 47 200 medley reley -1. University, 1:44.98. 200 free -1. Beisaman (U), 1:61. 19; 2. BarMtt-Woods (U), 1:53 22; 3. Money (CdMI, 1:59.10. 200 IM -1. Phem (U), 2:11.20; 2. Vang (U), 2:17.40; 3. Vu (UI, 2:17.92. 50 free -1. Sc:tiafer (U), 22.70; 2 Song (UI. 23.84; 3. J. OlRocco ICdM), 24'.26. 100 fly -1. Luke (U). 58.29. 2 Modt (U), S9. 18; 3. Amendt (CdMI, 1'01.29. 100 free , t Sc:Nf9r (U), 48 72; 2 U (U), 5t.58; 3. MM'lnhao (Ul, 152 19 500 free -1. Ooft (CdMl. 5 19.66, 2 Moore (CdMI. 5 34.27; 3. LI CUI, 5:36.n 200 f,.. relay-1. U, 1 .32.87. 100 badt-1. BarMG·'Noodl (U), 1-00 19; 2. Noh IUI, 1 ;02.1-'; 3. VU (U), 1 :06.32. 100~•-1. Pham(U), 1;01.71; 2. Taeo(U), 1!09.151; 3. 8tunda94f (CdM), 1:10.20. 4IOO frwe relay -1. Unlvenlty, 3:29 81. ,,.. COMt LMieue ..... CdM •. lWwultf • 200 ~ rtiey-1. Unhwelty, 1:63.88. 200 free -t Rtnimmone (U), 1 'fil.37; 2. 8owkll (CdM), 2:00. 15; a. MeKay (CdM), 2.-00 152. 200 IM -1. ShU9 (CdM), 2:07.M; 2. Kllwd'lt (U), 2:10.ol; 3. ~(CdM),2:21.Ae. llO he· t (ti.I Liao (CdM) end Sctlumac:Nf (U), 21.88: l. Mevet (U), 29.02. 100 fly-\, Sett~ (UI. 1:00.24; 2. Md(.ey (CdMI. 1:0U2; 3. Tmz (U), t:Cll..39. ' 100 he-1. Fltulmmon9 CUI. M.40; 2. J. Anae ICdM). a•; 3. M.yer (U), aa. 900 tr.e-1. gnu. (CclM), 6'.0U8 (ldloOI *10rd~. 2. ~ (U), S:3t1t; 3. ~l.1:31.1 .... 200ft" ~y -1. CdM (~, C.~E.ci~ Liao), 1:A6.30 100 bedt-1 ~ (U), • '8; 2. J, Altee (CdM), 1 :OZ.02; J. OI H.wtto CCdMl, t <16.17 100 ~·-'· t Me9 (CdM}. 1:t0 M: t. Undln cu>. m1oa:1MaCovtCc9illt.1:n.a _, ..... ~-CdM ,.,..J Null, u.o ....... 1:•21. Gotden w..t Leetue bo'fl Senta Ane •• &t8ndll ,.. 200 medley 1eley -1. Santa An•, 1.59 84 200 flee -1 Kunert (El, 2:073. 2 Colhef IE>. 2.09 5, 3 Vege (SA). 2:20 0. 200 IM -1. Goodman (E), 2:31.2, 2. Palac1as (SAi. 2:32 8, 3. Marsteller (E), 2:49.1. 50 fnHl -1. Galven (SA), 25.00, 2 Gambol. 25 1, 3 Lima• ISAI. 271 100 fly -1 Goodman <El. 1.12 8. 2 Nlevet (SA), l .117, 3 Agu1'4l1 (SAi. 1 18..4. 100 tree-1 Gal'nn ISAI. 56 1, 2. Collier (El. 58 8; 3 Limaa !SAi, 1 :03.5 500 tree -1. Kunert (El, 5:35 7, 2 ~ ISAl. 6 25.2, 3. Mltchett (SA), 8:25.7. 200 free relay -1. Ettancle (Gamboa, Goodman, Colher. Kunel1), 1 :46_2. 100 badl-1. Gamboa (E), 1. 10 15, 2. Andrede (SAi. 1 12 8; 3. Nlevee (SA), 1:26.J. 100 bruit-t Aguilar ($A), 1'110: 2. Man1tell« (El. 1.20.0; 3. Hermann (E), 1:2t2. 4IOO ,,.. ,.iey -1. s.nu Ana. 3:59.3. o......w,..~.­ ~111. ...... AM• 200 medley rwlav -1. ~ ta.m..-fWctl. PIUl, Mahan), 2:11.0 200 he-1 ~(SA), UO 0, 2. IC.eenew4nne IEI. 2:31 o. 3. 8fwy (E), 2.49 • 200 IM -t '*l (E), 2f3. 71; 2. Thalet (E), 10!. 72; S. none. 110free -1 8amea CE). 30.12; 2. ~ 1£1. S\ ~ s. ~<SA>. nu. 100 tty -1. '1ttl (£), t;.23A1; 2. 8f'IY C I. 1.21.IS. 3. none. 100 he-1. Aektl IE), t:OUZ; 2 Nehan CE). 1:10.12; S. GenH (SAi, 1:10A1. !500 "'-1. o.tllon (El, J:IU'B: 2. AbcM (n_ 1:1lM: 3 l'IOM. 200 ,,.. tW¥-Ettancla (~.....,. ..-. ~),2;01.11 100 beet;-\,...... ). 1:11.C; 2.. Dioftn9r 1~; S °""°" It I, 111t. Q1. 100 lbrMll-l fWld\ 1 11 • 2. 1"* if!t. 1 ':ZJIT; I NelWt I. t a.D. • • ._~-\:&lwdeC"-•l.x.,., ~.,_, ...... n.t. _.., 111,a AldatDD COLLEGE BASEBALL Vanguard lets one slip away The Vanguard Uniwr&1ty base· ball team allowed four runs in the bottom of the ninth inning and lose to Golden State Athledc ConfeTmce host Cal Baptist. 10.9, Wednesday The Uons (15· 16, 6-4:i in the GSAC) went scoref~ lhrougJ\ the first six lnninp and tmkd S-0. But they nallled and led. 9-6. afttt 8~ nnlnp. Cal Baptist junior Olcar Enrl- qu~. who ~nt 3 for s whh rour RB.ls, l1Jlllda!d a one-out doubR to the right ttt Bdd wall tN1 brought home the winning run. JuNon Jonadw\ ~ and Justin MiDwud c:olloc.Ud three each'°_,~ 16-bll atlar.t. Cal a.pdlt tm- plOY'ld to 13-17. s..a. Ttvsday, March 27 2003 U SOFIBALL Mustangs hand le OV, 5-1 Costa Met.a High sophomore pitcher JalkJe Butler made a lCl· umphant return Wednesday and senior Ann Marie Topps launched her fifth home run or the -.eason to lead the Muslal).gs to a 5 1 C.olden West League- operung '>Clftball wm at Ocean View Butler, out four game. after a thrown ball bounced off h~r glove and loo-,ened o;ome teeth, J.:ave up JU'>I two hlu. in a com plete-game t>fTon, earrung her fourth vtrtory m as many det:t· ~•On'> She fanned two and walJc.ed fiv<'. the laner a by· produu of '>Orne rust. Coach R.Kk Buonango \dld Iopp<; bdted a two-run dmger to cap a t.h~·run second and aJso doubled to finish 2 for 4 with thrt't' RRt... Her season aver age actuaJly dropped to 667 I 18 for l.7). hut 1he Oregon·bound '>horu.top upped her RBI total to 2.2 th1c; ~pn ng lier 16 career ho- rner'> are a \Chool record. ~ophomore Kelly Topp<. sin· gled m J run 10 open the Mesa '>conn.: m the fir<.t and Jane F )arnJrnot11 had the other RBI for tht' "'111ner.. who lmproved to ',.J (>cean \ it~ dropped to 2 5 IJ\<l'r<ill Golden w.. LNcue Mesa 5, ()Qean v-l 5cof9 bv innings Mesa 130 boo 1 ~ 9 1 CN ooo 100 o 1 2 1 Butler and M 11l1;1r lsfeld. Th~tlos 171 and Mclaughlan W -8ulte1 4-0 l lsff!ld, 1 2 28 A TOPPS ICM HR A Topps CM E~tancia edges Lions • lhe L'>lancia High softball team opt'ned 11'> fif't Golden Wes! IA'agl.H' tampatgn with I 0 \t<.torv over th1· VlSttin~ West mtn'>tt·r I 10m Wl'dneo;day after· noon Tht' l·a~lt•, l 7 -I 1 'cored the game\ only run on a sac.nfice Oy by -.uphumon.• l-vdyn .. lore'> 1n the fourth tnntng and ~h­ man pitcher Muriel Mason made 11 <;tand up with a com- plete-game four hatter that tn eluded four ''nkeouts and no walks. Rebecca K.iplan opened the winning rally with a leadoff walk and moved to second on a !>ingle by Hilary Ockey. Kaplan reached third on a wild pitch and scored on Flores' Oy ball to center Odey paced the E.agJes' su hit alladr., going 2 for 3. wtule Coach Marc Rodag singled out t-lore' 'trong play at second ba.,e in an errorless defensive effon. Ma!>on improved to 5·0 in the circle. Westmm'>ler "now 4·4 over all Golden W.lt Leape EIUncfa 1. Westminstef 0 SCCN'9 bv lnnincn w ·s1er OQO boo 'a o • o Esta11c1a ooo \00 o 1 • o Meson and Acosta. 8ettaJ'C:Our1 and Estr•d• W Mason 5-0 l -Sett.an coun Lightning wins. 9-2 • Sophomore Alexa Sb.itan· 1stu and 1umor Katrina Redel· she1mtr collected three hits each 10 help lead the Sage Hill School ~ftball team to a 9-2 Academy League-opening vic- tory over ho.st St. Mupret's We-dnesday Rede:lsheuner also strudt out etght batters and allowed one earned run to improve her pitch· ing record to 2· 1. Sophomore leMica Torina and &eshinan Meagan Mt'Cu.lloogb contrib- uttd two hhs ~ch for Coadl Jlm ~rdw.l's Lightning (4-3). &ct m,..._ S...t91t.St....,.ct'tZ s.a. Hiii '-= "v.~ -t " 1 St. 'Mar. 901 IOO O • t • • ~met end TotlN; f.....a and l ino-. W -~. 2·l. I. -FrMM 28 -MceullouOh CStt) HAPPY BIRTHDAY caGaitw ... DlitJ ~ ... oftre .. SIB 14 n..nday, Mm 27, 2003 SPORTS NEWPORT LL COSTA MESA LL YOUTH BASEBALL Late rally lifts Cubs Dodgers will two Giants unbeaten Four runs in the sewnth ln.nlng propelled the Giants to an 8-4 vtctory over the Diamondbacks ln Newport Harbor Baseball Assoc;iadon Bronco Division (ll -12-~·olds) play. three Innings and collected twn hib 101 the AsO'Q8. The Qlbs scored five runs in their last at-bat and held off the Braves, 10-7, in a Newport Beach Little League MA game called after the fifth iluling due to darkness. The Qlbs were led by Conner Ge•agban, who pitched three sbu&out innin~ and had a solid double. AleX Grody and Parker Seaman also doubled as the Cubs received hiis from ZAc Cabln. Reid Johnson and Jonathan Jaffee. Defensive gems for the Cubs included a running catch in the outfield by Ian King. who then doubled-up the rwmer at firsL Evan Oanlele, Cabin. Jaffee and DaVld Sllwrt>erg also displayed sound defense. The Braves received m ulti-hit games from Austin Alim and Canett Lanon with strong pitching by Braman Andenon. Dylan Plevac and Cllrla Elmer. Tony McCoy, Clark Cashion and Mitch MeJeald showed defensive prowess in lhegame. io.t. ftydlJJ8 hit a two-run home IWl ln the first inning and pitched lour stroog ~ to lead the DodgetS to an 8-2 victory over the Di· amondbacka ln C.Osta Mesa National Uttle League Majon division play Saturday at le· WlnkJe Memorial School. Rydlng went 3 for 3 and Bryan Mauftr and Nick OIJYer each collected doubles for the Dodgers, who also defeated the Padres, 10-1, Sattirday. Eric MJckebqn rhade a strong catch of a Oy hit to center field and Erle McCool led the de· fense. Cody Green pitched foilr strong innings ln the victory over the Padres and Alex Groeek smashed a double. Matthew Telles and c.o&e- man Brown each drove in runs for the Dodgers. Ln other Majors action: • Glanta I, Padree 0 Daniel Cuter pitched four innings and Tay· lor West the final two in the Giants' victory. Right fielder Justin Bosecker saved a run with an over-the-head catch of a hard-hit fly ball. He also threw out a runner trying· to stretch a single into a double on a hit down the right-field line. Weston Barloon scored the game's only run. Ln Cosca Mesa American Majors action: •Angels 7, Yankees 5 Six innings of solid pitching by Olase Palombo and a potent hitting attack led the Angels. Matt McF.achem went 3 for 3 with a solo home run while Danny Hurley, Adam Gard· nu and Garren H1nch each tallied 3 for S performances at the plate. Schlnner, Garn<c tlope and l!Dwood WMb soUdi!ying the defense. ,..,._ Shod, Bdan Scam.y and 'Matt ffutcbenoA aJl bad key bits and llQbert Scott made some strong defensive plays. Ala 'lt:o· DO showed speed OD the basepaths. • Plldres 18. Anpla 10 Leri SdDman held the Angels bitJess, giving up one walk and one run going Into the fifth innin&. . - Brlan ~ MJduleJ Qulotana. 'In Le me, Carter Nonte. 1)ler Rice. Stillman. 1ntt Donahqe, Bvan Sentma and Bddle Jllloao, who tallied a home run, led the Padres' 20-hil attack. Ln Farm play: • Nkky Roco and Pairidt Crotnwell each went 4 for 4 with three doubles each for the Padres against the Marlins. Max Giibert and Noah JeyaraJah each col· lected two doubles in the hitting actack. l.eadoff hitter Brtan Cromwell (three hiis}, along with Gabriel Ruan and er.ndoo Long, paced the Padres' offensive actad and were responsible for many of the team's runs. The Padres recorded a double play and sev· eral putouts from the infield. Joshua Butler was strong in the infield while John Santoyo played well be.hind the plate. Manolo Laguna sparlded defensively at third base. Ryan Adklaon was out injW'ed, but is ex- pected back next week. •The R.oddes and Dodgen dueled to a near stalemate. Jeff Carlyle continued his torrid hitting for the Dodgers. going 4 foy 4, including a triple, and Ben Beck went 3 for 3 with two doubles JaJUeJ ()umlngbam went 3 for 3 with two RBis as the Giants (3-0) scored fow runs in the seventh Inning. Mlchlllel ~and Enc OlebU each had two RBis and Jacob McOmn bit a triple and had an RBI. Brett ounaer and Sean Manpoo each scored nms for the Giants. On the mound. JD Gnce. Bric RoUaod aod Cwuli.ngham allowed only four hits and two walks. During the !mt three innin~ 0 -bad.s' pitcher Justin Todd held the Giants to just one run, but Grace allowed no runs in that same span. Both teams came alive in the fourth, scoring three nms each. D·bad.s' catcher ~ Kinney threw out three runners while the Giants' Jake Daw&oo, Jake Caugblll and C.ody Holter played solid defense throughouL In other NHBA action: • Astroe JI, Reds • Austin Metr«tt threw a solid sOlid pitdUng from A.S. Swtet. Jake Anut>roee and Bn:nnan Callahan also helped the Astros.. The Reds were led by the solid hin:tng of Brdt Parbr, who pitched well. Strong effort The BJue Jays and Red Sox tangled in. Newport Harbor Basebail:iation's Shetland 16-year-ericanDMsion action Sa day. Olllon and Hudaon Davia (b rothers) combined for eight rum and Andy Lanoo'a strong fielding held off a Red Sox' rally in the second inning. Alex Lee had a towering hitiu the fourth inning. • Matt Valulano hit a grand slam in the first inning and showed defensive strength for the Phillie.<, Valeriano threw to Joey Parria at ftrs1 base. The Phillies received strong play from Uam Ogburn (hit 10 right cenler field). and Owen Muller (mak.ing contact every at-bat) SCHEDULE roo.y '-*Mctfleld In another MA game: •Marine~ 18, Ns I J.B. Salem led the Mariners with five RBfs and had a triple and a home run. Strong run production came from Austin Blodgett. Andrew MachosJde and Slew Clapp. In Minor A play: •The Rockies remained W1beaten by edg· ing the Giants, 9-8. JeffJey Guillen scored the winning run from third on a passed ball in the final inning. · and a sacrifice Oy. A.J. Fbcber also had three hits and Kylee Stone, Yelzon Ramlftz. ne.- mond Lewis, Kayla Hayee and Robert SuDJ. van each tallied two. High 9Chool boys and g1r11 - eo.ta Meta 111 Orange, 3.15 p.m.; Un1ve<111y at Corona <$el Mar. 3 pm .. Allao Niguel at Newport Hart»<, J p m ...... UC Irvine, 10 a m , Cal Suite Bakersfield at UC Irvine. 11 30 e.m .. Chapman et UCI, 6 p m r.nni. College men -Anteater ci .... c Communrtv coli-oe men - Seddlet>edl et Orenge Co.st 2 pm Vangua1'1:1 Un1ver111y. 1 30 p fTl High acnool -Laguna Beadt JV 111 Sage Hill. J ·15 pm . Eat&nc•a al Connelly, 3 15 pm SwVnmlne College -NCAA at AuS11n TeA High adlool g1r1s -Co•one Ck-I Mar at CIF~ Prellm1nanes a1 &e1mon1 Plea. 3p m In Minor B play: •Rockies 13, Giants 10 Ou1.t Alvarez and Jaclde Andenon prtched a combined fow strikeouts in four innings. Chris DeSoto belted a game-winning home run for the Rockiei.. Spencer Owens, Max Starke! and Moo Ruan pitched well for the Rockies wuh Nick Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices -2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices ~~~~~~~--~----- llOTKl TO• l.Ol •ll&l,DAnMm PIACl, llWPOIT IWIOI llGff SOIOOl, POOl f~ TY A. •141 o,. .. lftg Time .... .... o ......... . Thws4ov, .,..., 17tlt, JOOS; l l :00 e.m. B Place of Bid Re ce1pt Newporl·Mesa Unified School D"tnct Pur<.hnln&, 2985 B Bear Street Co~la Mesa, Ca 92626 C Pro1.cl Name Newport Hubor H11h School Pool. Phue I D. Place Plans iue on tile AVAILABLE MARCH 2nH. 2003 CONTRACT MANAGER'S office, Mc Carthy Bu1ld1n11 Compd mes. 20401 S W Btrch Street, Suite JOO, New POtl Buch CA 92660 McCu l hy Bu1ld1nt Companies/Measure ·A· Office. 298!>·C Bur Street, Co~la Mesa. Ca q,?6?6 1.02 SUMMARY Of WOH Proiecl Duc11pt1on Mam d111n p1p1ng '"' placement elect11cal 1mprovemenh. ADA uperades, ntw unl1lever system, p11l1•I dec~in11. and demo/replace ex 1s1tna pool ~tructure Prehmm•r t cost esh m•te· S400 000 00 1.0S NOTI<tt A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE N that Ne.,.porl Mesa Un1l1ed School District actme by and th1ou1h •l's Governm1 Board will receive sealed b1ck l0t award of " contract IM the •l><>ve named Proiect 1\ll bids. shall be made and pr esenled only on the forms presented by the school district Bids woll be pubhcly opened and read el tlalS ..... • .... t 7tti ..., •• Arfl, 100S al the •bove p!Ke of bid r ecetpl addfus Any bids 1ece1nd after the lime •peclfied ebove 04' alter any •• ltn\10ns due to m1te111I ch•naes shill be returned un opened B Bid' ~all be ••· ce1wed 1n the place 1d entrf1ed above Whether °' not bids 1re optned ... c:uy at the Ume llHd m this notice. no bid will ii. •ect•ved •lter t"-bid deedllne C l"l.MS AHO SPEC· lflCATIOHS ARE AVAIL A8l£ Ol/27/03 The doc:u menh may b• ra.,ltwed 1tt the CON TRACT MANAGER'S ot flee (Mt address abo111) Oft CAN 8£ PURCHAS£0 FROM UUUNlf llU.,IUtTa 16172 c-'""'"" <-••r ''"'••· <A. tuol "":t SH·7HI PAX (9' SSl-1209 D. Kii 8100£1t MUST poat 1 bid bond « othtt MCurlt't '" h amount of ,.._, of the 111T10Unt of Ute M w1ttt IM bid ( £lldl 811)()(1t, ~ anvl1tMOllJly wttll the e•Kllbon of the ~ tract Ae'.,"'fftt, ••• lie r•Cll'hlf to twrl'llsll • labor end M1t111al l"erlot-1\U '°414"' en JttftO'•"t e.,.i to l 00 ,.,cent of tll• Conlt ...,t t#lll en4 1 f eltbiul Petfof !MflCt Bond In an a-nt ·~•I to 100 et' c1111t of Ille Cont11ct Stm1 S.14 Bond• chd be ffo111 Iii admJ'tUd c.11r°'n11 Sw•tr famry "° Ole ~ 9114 tN In ti.,.., .. """1.,, kw I llr tht o.-t-a •f fr 1 en4 he~ 1n CM!f«· ".. ,.,. ..... .alfeJI 1-ln Ill t.ilf f.,ca IM !!.!!.!! tllrov II Ille 1u•1 an lee peuod f The BIDDER shall be " l"ensed con tr actor pursuant lo the Bus111ess and Professionals Code and be hcensed 1n the apphc•ble class1l1cal1011\ tor lite trades lor whoth the contractor tS sub m11tm11 • bid. C This pro1~1 hu 3., Disabled Veteran Busi ness Enterp11se part1c1 pahon 1oals H Questions about this PROJlCT should be dtrected to the CON lRACT MANAGER Contact Bonnie ~rim, Telephone 714/424 8950. Ftrm McCarthy Bu1ld1ne Co FAX 714/424 8951 . Address. 2985 C Beu Street, Costa Mesa. Ca 92626 I No Bid may be w1lhdriiwn unit! S11ty day~ alter lhl! Bid Open1n1 Date J The 01stnct reserves the 111ht to reiect any and all bids or to wft1ve trreeutarlties 111 any b•d t< Newpor I Me u Unified School D1str1cl •• en equal opporluntly employer l n.. t.lcU.n wll M ,....,,,.-' ............. ..,. f or prequahllci1!1on pachaen pll!ase contact the Cont1act Manaeer above Publoshed Newport Beach Costa Mesa Daily Prlol March 20 27. 2003 Th282 To all heors. beoef1 c1•11<Ps, cred1turs. con tlneant creditor\, and persons who may oth erwlse bt lfllere,ted m the wUI 04' esble or both ot ISABEL M 008BS A PETITION FOR PRO BAT£ hH been filed by MICHAEL V. OOBBS 1n ll'f SupenOI' Court of Cahlorn1a, County of ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBA re requa.ts that MICHAEL V DOBBS be appointed as personal represenl•t1ve to .ad m1m1ter the n t•le of the de~denl. THE PETITION requnts the decedent"s Wiii and cod1crls, 1f any. be •dmlttfll to probttt '"- Will and any codlclls •r• n•llable f04' • .. m1n1 tlon In the file lltpl by the court. 01( PETITION feQutl'h 1uthor1ty to admlnt'lter thw estate under the 1'1dtpendenl Aclmlnia traUon ol hlal~t Act (Tiii A\lthofrty WIU .tlow the penonlll r 9'lf flt4rn t1t1ve to bk1 many action• without obtain tn1 court appro111I B•fort t11tin1 certlln very Important ecllOlltl hoWl¥1f. the pettOfla reor-11tettv• -~ be reciuw..t to ""' notoce to onltfHttd p.r~• unltil !My have we1v1d notlte OI' conSMtad to Hie fl'CJPOMd Ktlon) fht lndtp•nd111t td t11l1111tr •tlOn 111thor1ty Wiii be lflllt1'd '"*" en llll8fMt1d pe11on hlu '"~IKllOll lo Ille petition and "'°"" 1ood tell e why llle COllft sttould not rr•nt the auttior1ty A ~· AR1l'eO Oft In. 111101 .. 11 wlll tit II kl °" Al'llt. t•, 20CJ et UO •·"'· In Oopt. l 71 '°'''" •• J4 a The c.tI Duwe SOllOt, Or an C 9*' Ir YOU Oii.Ci to the ••tJtln• of Illa PtbtlOtl. ' hearrne iind slate your ob1ecl1ons or file w11tten obiectJons with the court befo•e the hunn11 Your appear •nee may be 1n person 01 by your attorney If YOU ARE A CREDI TOR 0 1 contin1ent creditor of the dee eased, you must tile your claim with the cour I and mail • copy to lhl' pusonat representative eppo1nled by the court w1lh1n lour months fr om the dale of the ftrst 1ssu•nc:e of lettea u provided 1n Probate Code setlion 9100. The lrme 101 11111111 claims will not e1p1te briore four months lrom the hea11n2 dale noticed above YOU MAY l~MINt the file kepi by lht court II you are a per\on tn terested 1n the ntate. you may hie with the court a Request for Specral Nohe. (form OE 154) of th• hllne of an mvento1y and appr•1sal or estate n~eh or of .any Pi!hhon or ucount as provided 1n Probate Cod<P ~ction 12!>0 A Request for Spect.al Notice form 1s an1leble from the court clerk Attorney lot Pehhonet PlTlJt J. aJMU, lSQ. (CU.11al4S) i .IMU & NICNcxS, UP, sis canno•w wu. TUSTIN, CA t27SO Pubh$hed Newport Beech·Cosl• Meu Daily Pilot Marc.h 27, Aprll 2, 3, 2003 THW286 cm Of COSTA& OUll6I COllfTY, WlomA llOTICI IMlllG ~ NOTICE IS HERlBY GIVEN th•l suled pto· r.osels for lu1 n1sh1n1 all ab04'. meterialJ. equip ment. lransportahon and such other lac1hhes as m•y be requwed f0< CONS11UCTION Of l"ICNIC TlllllS AND OTHll sn1 IMPIOVI MlMTS AT MHA VII· DI PM.a. I 795 SAMA.I AVUWI, City Prefe«t "•· os-oa. w111 be recernd by the City of Coit• Mesa •I the Office of Ille City Clerk, 77 F etr Drive, Costa Meo. California unhl the hour or 10.00 e.a., Afwll 7, 200l, at which tune they will be opened publicly and read 1loud in the Counc~ Chambef s Sealed propoub shell beer the Utte ol the WOfk and n1me of Iha bidder but no other d1,t1n1u•ah1nc m1rka ""' bid received eftlf the sclledultd closmc hme fC>f the rece11>t of 1>141 anell be returne4 to bidder u~ne4 It sllaN IHI Ille sole rtspontlbillt1 of 1111 blddti' to He thet hll bid tlCtlVtd In pt~hllle A Mt ol BW Docu !Miii.i 1111.J M obt.tlMd ti llle Offkt of tlle City lnc-. 11 r elf 0r1vt. Cotta Mesa, Ceht«nlll, 11pon 11•11ref•114~1• ~.isu.oo.a.. ................. SSAO "'Ill lie m•-If hattdled lly 1'11111 lhd Doc-It •nf oUter COf'llr ad OoclltMnb 1111, ah.o be eurnlntd •t tti. Olflct ol th• City Cle1k of the City of Coit., M-. Bid DocutMntJ .,111 not lie tnt11M vnlMt the 1ddltlCM11t '5 00 tllMtt h lnclWMI w1t11 ... J!Wftl ~di ......... ",.,.. on ni. ,.,~ fot111 .rlMtt ... t *"' 11119'1 , •• ,.O•.od ln Ille SOllb ad ""4;11.-U, .,... 111.0 i.. ..... ~~ ... tilled 01 cuhier·s check 01 a bid bond for not le$S than 10'1. of the amount ol their bid, madt payable lo the City ol Costa Mesa No propos•I shall be con s•dered unles.s accom pan1ed by such cntuer s check, cnll or bidder's bond ~o bid shell be con uder~d unless •I •.s made on a blink form fur n1thed by th~ City ul Costa Mesa and 1s made 1n accordance with the p1ov1st0ns of the Pro po$al requuemenh Each bidder must h•ve • Cius ·A· Cener•I Encmee11n1 or Clan ·B· Ce11er al Bu1ld1n1 con tracto1's licenses and also be ptequahhed •• requ11ed by law The City Council of the City of Costa Meu re~ervu the r11ht to raiect any or all bids Thi' Contrac!OI' sh•ll comply with the provl s1ons ol Sflction 1710 to I 780 lndus1ve, of the Cahlorn1a L•bor Code. the prev11hn& rate and \Cale of wages estab hshed by lhe City of Coste Mesa, which are on hie with the City Clerk of the Cily of Costa Mes.. and shall lorle1I penal hes pre scribed therein for noncompkance of '••d Code JUUl fOlCft(, D.,.ty Oty a.ti Clty•fC-t••-Publlshed Newpor I BHch Co'\la Men Dally Pilot Much 27. April 3 2003 Th298 IS( 121&J IOTICI Of PlllTD JO AOlllS1ll mAn Of: toSlYI lltOOlS WI IO. lllllll To 111 hetn. benel1 c.a11es. cred1t0fs, con lmcenl cred1t0ts, and petSOns who m1y oth· erw1Se be 1nte1esl•d 1n the will or estate, or both, of ROSLYN RHODES A PETITION FOR PRO BA TC hu been hied by SUlANNE CHUDNOf'F •n the Super lof Cour I of Calllor n1a. County of ORAN CE THE PETITION roR PROBATE requesh that SUZANNE CHUOHOff be IPC)Otnted tt pet wntl reprts.ni.tive to ad mtntsl.,. the uute of the deced1nl nt£ PETIT!Off 1eq11nts lhe decedent's Wiii and codlclla, If any, bt adrnltt•d to probate. lhe Will and any codicils are nell.tble r« ••1rnln1 lion Ill lhe hie kept by lhe co11rt. THl P£T1TIOH t•~h 1uthOfllJ to admlnkt• th• l\tlte und« the lndtp1nd1nt Ad111111la· b1tio11 of (ltatu Act. (Th" Authority woll allow the .,_aonel t1~1Mft-­ tal1"• to tab many KtlOnl Wltllovt obtain• In& court approwal 8af0fe t1k1nc ct't.ttn ¥tr 1 lmport111t 1ct10111, hoWIYtl, the I* Wfltl rf9'1Hflt.ahlle ~ be teQulrN to ••V• noUc• to 1ntttHtH petlOft• unlus tt.ey ~we watw4 net.Ce OI c-ttd to the PfC>POMd eel.Ion.) lll• lnd1ptn4111t ad rnlnlalretton eut"or lty will IMI .,.,,..... uni.. 111 llllernt•d ,_ .. fl fllft an MIKllOll to tflo P'llti&n eM stiows 11164 Ull wtly the CNI lllOOld not cr.nt the . .,,.., .. , A HlAIUNQ •n lit• fllltiOI\ •ill k ltefd en ~ii. 11, 2003 •• l JO • n 10 Qui LU Sullivan rut the ball hard in each at-bat while the Rockies' Aaron Wood made a catch of a fly hit to left to rob Sullivan of an extra base hit. College-C.I Lutheran at Vanguard Un1,,.,.,1y, 2 30 p m Community college -Orange Coast at Santaana, 2 p.m ~ College men UC Senta Barbera Ill UC Irvine. 1 p m High sdlool boya Sage Hill et L..U..ran To"ance. J 15 pm ._..,.,. Community college women - Orange CoHI at Seddlebedl:. 2 pm High sdlool bov• Co•ona del Mer et Laguna e..cn. 3 p m Newpon Harbor at Irvine 3 Golf H•gll sdlool boys -Cep.11rano Velley Chnshan vs 5-ge Hiii at Str11wberry Farms 3 15 The Rockies rallied in the final inning. retir· ing the Dodgers in order. and baned around in the bonom half. p m . Santa Ane at Cotta MeN Jpm SoftDel p m Corona del Mu w Tuo•o at N-port Be.ui CC .• p m , Newport Harbor •I College women UC 0.vts et College -The Mm er 1 ~t IMne lpm loull'd al 341 The City Dme South Orane<P CA 92868 If YOU OB.ICC! to the 111 antm11 of the pellhon, you ~hould appear al lhe hearme and state your ob,ect1ons 01 ltle written ob,echons with tile court belOl't the hea"n& Your appear•nce may b• 1n person or by your 1tto1ney IF YOU ARE A ~EDI TOR or contlna ent creditor of the deceased, you must hie your claim wrth ttie court and mail 1 copy to lhe pet sonal representative appointed by the cou1 I w1th1n lour monlhs from lhe date of the ftrst issuance of letters as pro111ded In Probete Code secll11n 9100 The lime for hims claims w•ll not up11t before fou1 months from the hea11na d•le noticed above YOU MAY lXAMINf the Ille kept by the COUI I II you are a person tn teie,led In the esl•te, you may Ide with lht! court a Request for Special Notice (form OE I~) of the ltlmc of en mventory and a ppr aiul ot estate nuh or of any petition 01 •Ccounl H p1ov1ded 1n P1ob1te Code seclJOrl l250 A Request for Special Notice form 1s available Ir om the court clerk Att-r f.., P•tttt-. llATMltYN J. TUINI .. ISQ., HH lfVllSIDI DI., CHINO, CA 91710 Published Newport B11ch·Costa Men 0•1ly Pilot March 20. 26 27, 2003 TllW276 IS( 12'1! IOTICI Of PmOOI TO AN11S111 mAn ot: IUITL.._ WUO.A21tt4J To all llettS, beMf• ciaties . cred1t0<s, con t1n .. nt creditors and persons who may oth· .,wise be intern ted 1n the wlll O< ntate. OI' both. of MARY I DIA flltOf«) A Pf TITIQN f OR PRO· BA TE has been hied by HUGH V OIAMONO Ill 1n the Super10I' Court of California. Count y ol ORANGE THE PETITION f OR PR08ATE requests that HUGH V OIAMONO Ill be 1ppo111t1d H peoonll r tpresent•l•ve lo td mlnltt• the estate ot the clec:tdent. THE l'ETITION requ11ta outhority to •dMint'lter lM 11tate unOtt the lnd1pendanl Admllllt tr•tlon o1 Eatat.tt Act ( Tiies A.uttlor1ty w.. llflow ttlt "''°""' repr.wn t1lio to take meny ttttona "''thout obtain Int court app10111I . lefore t11tlnt cer telft .,.,., l11190rtant ectlont, llowaver, the peuonet r.-.-tativ. wttl l>e requifitd to 11"9 notice to iflla,,.atof ~ 11nlns tllty l\lve "'•1•14 notlc:• Of COllMftlM to .... pr090Md 1Cllo11.) The lndepa11d•nt ad 111lnlttr1tlon 1uth0fltt •Ill l>e sr•nt.ad uni.u a n lnlMHlld 1>41aon I• att "i.ctlon to tlle "tlllOll •114 ... '* <llUU W" 1 tflt CC>llrt allould not p111t the •11lhorll1 A Hf.MfNQ on CM P4llh011 wil M lltld ell N'lt1l 24. 200l .. 1·30 , 111. Ill Dept. l1l lu«tM .t Ml TIM C•tr Or1w Sotlth, Clfaflp, CA 92111 If vou oe•cT to the If•"''"' of •• pel1t10fl, ye11 ........... eftflt ............ i.MloUll...l:lo9Jll obrect10ns Ot hie written obJe<:ltOtn Wtlh the COUfl before lht llurin11 Your appearance may be tn pen.011 or by your attorney . IF YOU ARC A CREDI TOR or contingent c:red1l0f of the deceased, you must fit. your cl••m with the court and ma.i • copy to the personal represent11tve appcunted by Ille court w1th1n lour monllls from the d•I• of the tint 1nuance of letters as PfOV•ded 1n Prob•te Cocle '.\ection 9100 Tiie tune IOf fll1n1 cl11ms will not u~e before lour months hom the hurln& d•lt noticed 1bovt YOU MAY EXAMINE lhl' hie ~ept by the court If you are a pe1son 1n teresled 1n lhe utete you may file with the COUI I • Request for Special Notte:• (lo1m OE I !>4) of Ille f11Jn1 of an inventory i nd appraisal of estate nsets o• ol any pehllOn or account 'H pro•ided 1n Probate Code sec.hon 1250 A Requut for Special NotK:e lorm rs an1l•ble from the cou11 cter~ Attorney tor Petitioner ...... l.fe4M,I~. l.w Offk .... '-" l .F.-.,, I I 140 Le• A'-ltn atv.ii., St•. 205 lea AleMlt••, CA 90720 Published Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot March 27. Apr 11 2, 3, 2003 TltW296 IS( 12'10 llOllCI Of PITil'I* TO ANm11I mAn Of: IMYL TATl.OI WI llO. A2112TJ To tit hlln . benefl.. c1arlei, cred1l0ts, con hnaent c•ed1ton. an4 p«sonJ wllo rnay otll erw1se be interested In tht will Of est.ate, or both. of MARY E TAYLOR A PlTITION FOR PRO BATE hn bffn tiled by JAY R TAYLOR In the SuperlOf Court of Cah· lorn.,, County of OR· AHGC THE PETITION FOR PROBAlt requesb JAY R. TAYLOR be tppolnted as pttsonal represent• Uve to administer the atata of Ult deudeftt. THE l'f TlTIOff requnts a11thotlty to aclmlnlslflt the ntat.a under the lndtpandent Admlnls· tr•lton of htettt Act (This Authority wlll ellow tn. penonef repru.tJ1 t•Uvt to lilt many actions without obla" In& court approwal. Btf«e talttn1 certain wllf)' Important actioM. howtvtt, the person•I rtpreMnlttln wlH be ,..q11nd to &Iv• notice to lt1tt1HtM ptfSOM Ufllnl they "••• .... nobca ot <OftMrlt.,. to t.M OtOOOMd acboft) The lnlkpenllent •d· mlnlltr•tton e11tllorlty win 1141 If anted unflnl en illlaruted pettotl files an objoetlon to llle petlhDil end \hoft &oo4 caVM Ml)' tM c-t lhouW not .,..,.t tJM IUtllolitJ A HCNtllfG on UM petition wlll bt held on A~fl 2•. 2003 1t l:JO p.rn. 111 01pt LU locettd •t J4 l The City Dflwt Sovtll. 0r-.. cA 12111 ff' YOU OIJlCt lo U. • •tint ., tfrle ,.lltlOll, rou ..... ....-•• 1u.. llMtlnJ .,... st1tl ~ OfljKliona Of fN Wtltltft oll,.Clltft\ "'it11 ... ~ llefof• !tie ..... .,. , .. P•rson or by your allorne, IF YOU ARE A CREDI TOR or conl1naent Lr ed1l0t of the decened. you must hie your cl~1m with the court and maol • copy lo Ille personal rej)ltuntahve appo1nted by tt>e court within lou1 months from the dale of lhl first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100 The lime for ltlin& claims will not e•ptre before lour months from the hearm1 date nolteed above YOU MAY EXAMINE tt>e hie kept by lhe court If you 11e a Pi!rson In lerested in the eshlt, )'OU may "" wtth ,,.. cou•I • Request lo• Special Notice (form 0£ t!>4) of the hlinc of en 1n•entor y and appr ••nl of esl•I• auets or ut tny pel1toon or ac~ounl H provided 1n Prob1tt Code nct1on 1750 A Request for Special Noh~e lorm 1s nallable hom the aiurl clert. Attorney 104' Pel•honer c..... c. a1e.-... ~. l .... , Slll & aMAMll, 4400 MecA11tow atv4 .. Ste. J20 Newpert •••cit, CA 92460 l"ubhslled Newport Beach Cos~ Mn• Daily Pilot March 27 Apfll 2. 3. 200J THW297 •CMST fGI PIGfOW.S 011n1• County Sen1 tat.on Olstrld (OCSO or the DJJtrict) of Ounce County, Cahf04'n1a. w1H rece1we s.aled pr090sals unltl AfN'lll 2', tOOS .. 2.00 I"·•· Proposals must be rece1"8d al OCSD's Admlnlstr•tlon Lobby or Purclluinc Olwlslon OfflCe. by the cl.ate and llme herein above ut f«th, 10844 lllos Avtl'llHI. r ountatn Velley, Cahfornt• 92708 7011 llQUIST fOlt NO- POW DISIGN & PUil· CHASI Of OCU. aONrTOMteat- SIAll<H VISSll SHO- FK.ATIOM NO. V-IOOl- 4JID-a(IOOI) Proponls mu•I be submitted on the fOf m supplied by OCSD 1n •ccor de nee with 111 prowi.lons of the ~· licallons Spec1f1cttton1, propoul blanb, and furthlr lnf«rnallon ma1 M Obtlll'led at tlltt above ecklr"'· tellphone (114) 962 2411 Publlthed Newport 8Hch C:.,1t1 Mtse Da~ Piiot M11 ch 27 . 100J fh294 2640 legal Nollces 2640 ltgal ~ Mila .... ... s...... The lollow1n11 pef\ons •r ~ dome bus111tn ·~ PAClflC INDUSTRIAL CONCEPIS 1176 Matn St Ste 100. Irvine. CA 92614 Oon•ld L Bend1tt1 Trustee ol The D&D Revocable Trust Dtled r eb 23 1994. !>23 Emerald Bay, laauna Beach, CA 9?6!> I Bendetti Ano1.1"tes In< (CA) 1176 M•m St Ste 100 ltv•ne CA 9261• This bu~1ness is con dueled by a llm1ted partnenJ11p Have you star led oom1 business yett Yu. 1975 P aetl 1c lndust11•I Concepts O&O Bendell• Revocable Trust. Donald l Bendetti rrusl" This statement was filed with the County Cle•' of Onnae County on 02126/0J 200SHJ4947 D••'' Pilot M•r 6 U 20 u 2003 111139 Rdlllll ...... ... s..... The lollowm& penon, are dOlfll bUSIOe\$ AS Emerald R1d&e Apart ments 12S7S Ninth SI Carden Grote CA 92840 Rudy A M11 1m•n lrustee IOI' Rudy M"" m•n Trust, dated 05/10/ 89. 341 Bay$klt DI •3. Newpo1t Buch, CA 9?64iO Thts busmen " con dU<ted by • bU'lne'\S lfu\t Have you started doM& bu'1nes1 yeP Ye,. S/96 Rudy M•rtman rrust, Rudv A Ma11m•n. Trud•e This statement wu filed with the County Ct.rt. ol Ounce Co11nty nn 02/28,/03 200'4tH2 .. Daily Pilot M•r 6. IJ. 20. 27. 2003 lh241 Rem. ..... ... s...... The lollo.,1111 penon• are do'"I business es Wooly Bully Produch, 237 Palmer StrMI, Co\tl Meu, Calllornla 91611 Scott Anderton. 231 Palmer StrHt, Costa Mesa, Cahfornla 91627 AlldrN Anderson, 237 '•lmtr Sl<Ht, Costa Mti.a, Caltfornle 92627 fhts business IS con- duc:l•d by a 1•ne1al per I n•t\hlp Hne you atlrted doln& bvslneu 1•11 Ya,, OJ/ 02/1995 AndrN AlldtflOll T"ts sUltemenl wn fHcl with t~ ColH!ty Cieri! of Or•n .. County on03/03/03 200MtlSSH Deily l"ilot M1t. 21, ~ ~. 10. 17, 1003 TH2'9 ------AdltlM .... ... s..... Tht lolluw1n2 person~ •• C! dom& bu,.tne$.!t 6~ •) Um led Compute! & Telecommun1c •lion Inc b) UCI Inc 18902 Bardeen A•I' Irvine CA 92612 United Computer & Telecommun1calt0n lnl (0[) 18902 Bard.en A•• Irvine. CA 92612 Thi\ bu"nl!ss IS con du•led by a corp0f•l1on Have you \l•rt•d doing but1nru ve1' Yes M•y 23 199S United Lumpuler ' Tele<ommunttAllOn. Inc Kim Youn& Joo Shin Secrelar y This slalo"'enl was hied with lht County Cler" ol Or•nat Counly on 021181lJ 200HtJSSOt D•1ly Pilot M•r 6 I 3 20. 27,2003 Th2!>2 M"-llsilms "-S...... I he lollow1111 perM>ns Arif dome bus1neu •s f rttdom f ldellty 28201 C•bol Rd 3rd floor I aeun• N11utl CA 92677 fr etodom f 1delrty ll C (~V>. 1810? Cabot Rd 3rd flour Lagun• N"uel CA 92677 Thrs bustntH os con ducll'd b.y l1m1led L1ab1ltly f.n ll•v~ y<>U started doln11 bus1nH\ ytt' Yes. 01 04 OJ freedom f1deltly LLC Jennifer M 81t11n~ Cull.a. Mane1er This ,telement was f!led wrth the C4unty Cieri. ol Ounee County on02/28/03 200H9JS2H D11l1 Pilot Mar 6. IJ, :;/O, 27.2003 Th'l!>4 .......... ... s...... The follow1n1 ~rsons .,, dolna btiitneu es Monument Cloth1n1. Inc 1760 Monrovia Ave tC:I, Coste Mesa, CA 9262? Monument Clohttn1. Inc (CA). 1760 Mon rov11 Av• llC2 C°'ta Mua CA9'677 This bu11nes.s ts con ducted by • c0<por aloon H .. e you s18fled doin1 business yet1 Yes. Jan 1. 2003 Monument Clnth1na lftc . Oav•d Matt. Prest dent This slattm•nl wn hied with the County Clerk of Oran .. County on 03/14/03 toOsttJ716f Ot~Y Piiot Mar. 20, 27. ~ 3, 10,2003 Th279 ..... ..... ... s...... Tll• follo"''"' Plfa<lftt .,, d°"'I bll~nen ., llappy tndlnp Desl&n & 0e~ont1111 Co • I 549 PlectnU1 Avt •211, ~ort Beech, CA Aiko M ftoflOIM, 1549 '11centl• A••· •ll I. ~otl Inch, CA Tltls bvsiMtt it COi\• ductecl by •" ln4tvldu.tl Hew. '°" 1twted 4ofllC bwslneu ~t1 Yes, l /lO/ 03 Alt<1 M, ltol>thM Tllk a.tat•rnent wn file• With the Collnty Clerll of Or 1n141 Cow11t1 Oii 03/07,,,3 NOMtMt .. O•ll!f'tlet M.w, IJ. 10, 17.~.J.200) lllKi .......... ......... The fottowinc ,__ are Hiii, lt11t•~lS H 1 K l~UI C .. clll111, Ceun\elon ' fun•, **' C•t .... toflno. lhHgfl l11cL. CA . ... 92660 JX.5 C At I hur lemu lOIS'> Corle Portohno l"lewJl(>l I Beath CA 97660 J?6!> l h•~ bu~mes~ •'-c t.ttl dueled by An 1nd1w1du•I Ha ve you sl•rled dolflK bu.,onen y•I' Yu un 10. 2003 C Atlhur lamn lh1s \l•lemenl wn Med with Ill• County t:lerk of Ou1111• County on OJ/21/0J 200SHH075 Daily Pilot M11 U "41r 3 10 11 2003 th~ .......... ... s..... The lollowu11 llC""n' II• dom~ bu,.nen »\ Bae 1n a 801. 1001 w 17th St Untl Dl C~ta Mn• CA 9'1671 Arthur Guillen River• II 2990 Bradford Pl If S•nl• An• CA 92707 Robert l•son Ca• neado. ?1621 B•oo~hUt\I •C llunllnrton UH; h CA 91646 Th rs bustn~, ,, , Of• dueled by • II""''•' P•• lntuh1p Hav• ynu \I ar ted °"'"'ii bU\ln~\\ yet•"'° ArthuJ Guillen R1vrr • II lh1~ statement wn filed with the County Ct.rk ol Of •nee Count~ on01./28;1)J 200SH~S26S 0•1ly Pilot M11 6 I J 20, 27 2003 Th240 ftclllllll...., • ... s...... The lollowinc pe• sons .,. do1n1 bustneu H Teem One Loans. 9111 All•nta lit '633 Hun tmaton B .. ch, CA 97646 Oa!Com 01c1t.I ll C (CA). 9121 Allant• St 1633, Huntlncton Bte<h CA92646 T "" buSIMu " ton dueled bV l 1m1ltd l •ab1t1ty Co Have you stertecl OOtnc business yet7 Ito Darcom D111t.al lLC, Darcy Mayer I President Thlt statement was fli.d with tli. County Cltfll of Ofant• C1>unty 01102/28/03 IOOSHUI04 Dally Pilot Mar 6. 13. 20. 27,2003 Th2-S .......... ... s...... The iollowln& .,.,.on' art do1111 butlnen as S•.,101 Cera, 4911 <latn5'>0ft Cottle, ltvln4i CA92604 SIK•y '· Koec krlt.l, •911 Geln~tl Clrct., Irvine, CA~ This buslneu a con dueled by· an lnflvldual Hav. yov 'tatted ..... bw~~· yet? Yes, 1/1/ OJ Stac•1 Koedlfrt.r Thi' t tatament WH filed with the County Cltl'k of Or1n1• County onOl/14/03 200M•a11 .. 0111,. f'llot ... 10, 27, ,,,..,,, 10.2003 TlllJll ........ ........ tlll foll•••ll( peno111 .,. do1111 ~ •• Sl l lASIHO, !UM Ht9 tune An • New11ort laldl,CAI*> Scott It. T"11l••lt. 110• "•Pt11n1 Ave .. ~urt I n ch, C:A fltft 1111•...._ II~ d\fCtM by • ln..,._1 ....,,. rou l«ArtM *""' ~y.tfNe kolt It 1llwlawlt ™' •ll .. l'llllt -f....., witll tN ~tJ Cllwll of Clfnp Collllty onQl.tnlO) a.eM.SJIM .,.., '""t ...... u. 10 n.1001 r.n1 .. .. D1ily Pilot Tiie follow1n1 O•nons .,. cloiflt b•"ffl~• es 81bybooboo 184 Buoy St .. ~II Meu. CA 92611 Jannl1e< lW"" Cto'lteM 164 Buoy St , Costa "4eu, CA 92627 Cllrlstof ll" Ml,hHI Cox, UM W 18\h Sl tA106, Costa Mau , CA 92627 Thtl busmen 11 con ducted by. co P•ttne" Han you atatled do•na bus1~s yal, No ~nntlet Ctowell This sllltmtnl wn hied with ,,.. County Clerll of Orana• County on 03/07/03 200369162'1 Dally PtlOI Mar I J. 20. 27,Ap< 3,2003 lh269 ........... ... s........ The lollow1n1 persons _,e do4"1 bUllOC\\ U G1eyslone Ap•rtmenh. 7110 Thu1111 Ave Cust• Meu, CA 926?1 Rudy A M•1H11•n l r us lee for Rudy Ma11 man Trusl. d•ted CY.I/JO/ 89, J.4 I B•y\1de Or •J Ne wport Be•th LA 92660 1hts bus1ne s 1\ ~un ducted by • bu\1ne•• t(u.t Hi ve you .-.,14111 do1nc buslnH• y1t1 Y11, 11/ 88 Rudy ""°''man Trust, Rudy A M111m1 n, TrustH Tiiis atelemelll wu hied wt\h the C9unty Cle!'\ of Ot1n11 County OI\ 02/21/0l 200H9H2H batty Pilot Mar 6. 13. 20. 27, 2003 fh242 ~ ..... ... s...... The follow1111 pen~ons ate do1n1 bUStnH.\ •S Prollle Sr•t•m• 11070 S•n Bruno Suite I 6, rounla111 \/alley. CA 92708 Doual.1> Ruuell Oost.hneo, 11010 San Bruno. Suite I 6. f oun 1.11n v.11ev CA 9i.>708 This.. busrneu " ton ducted by tn md1v1dual Hen ""u \t«ted d<t•ne bu\me\\ '"' • Nu Douwl•• ku•sell 01Sl.hnef lh" •l.it~ment wa, filed with the County Cle•!. ol Or an11a ~uunly on 02/28'03 20036t3Sl01 Daily Pilot M•r 6 lJ 20 27 200J lh2+4 ......... ... s...... The follow1111 persona •r• doln& business u VanZ O.st~l. 1900 Main Slteet. Ste ljQC), Ir •hM CA92614 Stac>11am1 S Vanda v-. 1900 Main StrHI. Ste 500. lfv1ne, CA 92614 Tt11s buslnau '' COfl ducted by 1n lnd1v1du•I Have you started do4nt busineu yet' Yes. 3 1 03 Slephanl8 S \land• Vur This ~IAtement was hied wolh the County Cleti. of Orant• County on 03/21/03 200S69'107S Daily Pilot Mar 27. Apr. 3. 10. 17. 20C)3 Th29'2 Attlell ...... ... s...... f he lullow1n1 pel\ons •re dO"'i bu11ne5' as Olive Tru Ap.trlments 2190 Catlee~ Ave Co\l• Mes.a. CA 92671 Rudy A M•11man. Tr u•tet to• Audy Ma11 man frust d•lrd CY.I/JO/ 89 341 B.oy"d• Dt #), Newport BrHh CA 92660 lh1~ bu\tnt•• ·~ •On dut led by • bu\11\CU lru\I __ _ HIV• )'Qll 'IM lad <IUtnt bUllnHS yeU 'l'n. 10/ 7S Rudy M1rln1•n lrusl . Rudy A '•h•lm•n ''"'™ . Tl111 ~••lament 'ltn llled with lhe Coonty Cle<li ol Of an1e County Oii 02/'ll,/03 200H9H264 Dally l'llol M¥ 6. 13. 20.27,2003 Tlt2~ fldll.t .... ... s..... fhe lollow1n1 pf!r \OO\ .tr e d01n1 bu\lneu •s Ounae Countr 8u1ld1n1 Rep<111 •nd Maint 419 M•m St •274. Hun 1tn1ton Buth CA 92648 M1tch1ll It tlend•en. 419 Mf1n SI •?14, Hunt1n11ton 8u~h. CA 91648 lht\ bu~IOU\ I\ <Un dueled by an 1nd1v1du•I Haw~ you \tM I'd dorn11 bu\tnt<\ yet, Ye• S;2007 M1t,hell ii Hendrrn lh1\ <l.ateme11t Wf\ l1led with 11,. tou11t1 Cleok 111 01.rnv~ C.ounty on 02128103 20036US297 Daily P1k1I M.11 6 I J ?O 27 lUO I lh/49 A191UC118JT TO PlfOtWJB PIOPOSllS ... Sub1e<l lo 1 u11d1llun• p1r\u1bed by lht Un,.er\1ty of C•hfor 111a Irvine s.ealed prupc.'"'' lu• • lump sum conhad •re 111v1ted lot the follow1111 wor~ l'AJt•ING & TUMSPOUATION IMl'ROVUlllNlS PROGRAM · STU• fl t"rof•rt Nvmt.er: 99.S 14) . . CAMPUS SUllGI IUllDIMG (l'tof•<I Mu•i..r: 99i 960) o .. cr1,.11-el Werii The P101ut 1\ tc.m1111•ed uf lwu \fp•r•lrly a111>•oved smallrr prott<I• 11 / p.,~1n11 I. fran\puol•llOn lmprovtmtnl' Pruaum Sltp 6 •I'd <21 the Campu" Sur&t Buold•n~ ~dd1tronally lhr lJn1ver\llY 11 con11det1n1 •number of Alternate• to th, Pruie<t The Wo•~ for P11k111& & l ranscnrl•llun lmprovemenu Proi••m Step 6 shall on<ludt •II de\l&O wor~. labur m•1t11 .. 1 toul• equ111mrnl '" avahon shUf1n1 lt\llnll 1n•pechon tumn11\\lun1111 and all nece,, .. , y 11eneral .und11tOn\ lh•I "'"Y be •usonably 1nltlltd hum the Cun I• A• t Ou1 umtnh lo p•ov1de ... Dr"'" Work and (.un\l<U< tHJll w .. r~ to• P .. 1~1n11 .. lfo•n">PUfl•hun lm1110.ern•nh Pro&1am Slep 6 A$ de~•bed mure lully on th<' Oda1ted P101•<I Progr"m Par-•n& I. fran\.pUfldllun lmpro•emenl\ Proiu.am Sltp b '' ~ p1upu•ed •even level m1n1mum 1.980 •t•ll P•''""ll ldt 1l1ty lo be con•t11-.1ed on a \lte adia••nt tu the G•teway (ngonr~ronr Bu1ld1ne and tht int~l\et l111n ol Gab11ehno Orovr with f "'' PtltA\011 011•~ fhf proJ<'ll \<l•P~ mllud ... ••It PIPll.tr"ttun \II• de•elopmcnl mud1f1<.allu11 and "ddtl•un tu •,1le ulll•lt~• and ,.,,.d,.ey mud•h<al11m\ " wrll ••· lhe P•r~•n& & l1aM1>1>1tat1on lmp1uvenoenl\ Prui••n• Sh:p E; lh• Wor~ lu• C.tmlJu\ Surge llu1fdont1 \h•ll '"' lude all d~\•tll\ """'~ 1111<>1 m•l~11•I lot•I\ •4u11>mrnt. eu:a ... 11on •flC.r•nC lestm& 111\ped1on 'umoun1onon1t •nd •II n~vn.try cener•I •.und•hur>< lh•I may be re.non•ble 1nlerred hom th" Cunt11LI Oo,ument~ to ptOY1dc •II On11?n Wurk •nd lon\ltudmn Wo.~ fOf the Campus Su•a• bu1ld1n11 A\ dn<ftb"d mute lully 111 lllP Oet•rled Pru1t~I P1r111r•1n Ill• Campus Su111e bu•ld•n& 11 a µropoud lour ''"'Y m1n1m1.1m 60 ()()() e•o" \Qu••e tuul '""~ type bu1ld1n1 lw1lh P•rh.tl b.iument) tu b~ lUn\trull•d 1mmt:d1•1Ply •d1•• ~nl Ir, •nd Jbutt1n1t f" Hk1na & lr10'\f)Oft•l1on lmpt<J¥t!menh PttJtilfMn \l,.p 6 lhe &>f'•lf"tt ''ope mt~utlt' \1h• df'•eohJpmtont ,jl\ well o th~ C.impu~ '>urae Buoldura "••• ..... rot Prn11oul 0111 umrnls will ll~ Hdlldblc l•J Pr•uu•hhtd Prnpo't" •I 10 00 AM lhul\d.11 Mdr<h ?O 2001 f'1.,quahh•d P10110~"' m.ty p"~ up Ir~~ ol th••&~" m.111mum nl 1,. .. 1')1 vl1. ol 1'1.,c;,r"al docum~oh •t Df'\t&n & C.onstt ut hon ~er vKe\ Univ~,''' 'f r.t I -"'"'"' tt1• tr #tnr '.>l'(J I L iahtut 01• Avenue Sutlt' r>0 11 vtn~ t...•lttor.u• 9lb97 74'l0 Add1t1on•I ~t"f\ 111•'( b4! I.JU'< n.o,.d .tt "' t•1u.-l1l1rd p1uoos.~1 1' tu\.t ft um Cun\ohd•lrd R~prv._:r 4tJ)h1t ~ Pt4.16oK'\ ., dv• un1fnb Wiii be "''llltblft' tt ~ubc.untr. to• "''"' t~\1~11 11\l;)I uih 11 IU uo A1" fh11"d•1 MAt<lo ::>U ;>()()I ond will b• 1 \U•d unly •I <-••11"'1•4 Repr..,...,.hlu , ''" Jl81 f'ull"'•n Strert C:n\l.i Moa. LA 9i'f>26 Phon~ • I 7 H I 7') I )bSIQ Allen I Kiit Muh•mmed Rehm4n ''' SotlOA A1 1 •I NOTl: IT IS fHE SUICONlllACTO.S' AND DESIGN CONSUlfANTS' llSl'OHSlllUTY TO llEGISTfJI WITH THE UNIVltSlfY 01 co•SOUOAUD ll,..OGUl'HICS TO AU NOWUDGE ll<lll'T Of'"' PUKING & TllAMSl'OllTATION IMl'ROVIMOIJS l'llOGIAM -Slll' • (Project Hunte.er: 99'514} -4 C.AMPUS SUIGl lutlDING (f'rete<t ........ ., 991 .. 0) 1'110 .. 0 SAl DOCUMENTS. UNIVHSITY Will NOTlfY SUICONTlACTOllS ANO DIStGN CONSUllANTS, WHO HAVl llGISTtllO WITl4 DlStGN AJID CONSTllUCllON SllVIClS 01 CONSOUDAHO ll"IOGUPHICS, Of ADDENDA, WHl<H All &VAJ\AIU Al DlSIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SHVKlS ta.. t.U.wln9 Onl9ft lvCWe" h•v• i..-P'•"vollfle.t 10 •vbmll l'r...,.•..t• on thh f'•olect: M•tt <-•''"'"-/Pr let• c-11rvc11- 98t4 Nu,.o llo; Boule.Md !>uol• too S.tnl• Ir Sp< 1n11• CA 90670 1~:?1'}()J U11 15671'}()) ?1901fAX) Atlenhun Ab~ Mn·.uud1 l'Cl C-•lrtKtl-S.<Vlcn , hoc. lOO Rurutt Slfe~I Glend.alf> CA 91 lOl (818116~ ')])) CIJl8 1Y>J 11791fAXl Atl~nl111n lohn Woool• ull McC01lhy lvll4'1f111 C.......-1••, '"' l04UI :> W 81nh Strr~I ~u1tt J(JO ~·w"'"' B•.i<h r A 91660 ,,..q ll'>I 8381 \ 9491 7~ r.843 lf AX ) Al lenloun R•ndy MP•• S..,... "''·•Ao Sehek l'edllc 14?4 Cul\~r • '>Ir e•I S•n 01eiiu C.A ':Ill 10 1bl91 /% b2'1 t6)9J l96 4 ll4 lfA11 •tt~nhon lun \ummf"1' ,..lOUAUflfD SUICONTIACTOtlS• Note: Tli•••l•cted Oe.i.-lwl"'-r will.._ re""lre4 to lht ...ty tf.o•• 14VAC (Wet & Dry), •••-ry, -4 "'-"'"' s..t.c .. 1rocton w ... ...,,o i..-l"•-'f••o!lfle4 ..... "'-u .. lverdty ef Cellfenolo. lrvl-. l'lllOUAUfllD HVAC (WIT & DtY) SUICONTIACTOttS AJtl: U.Uvenlty M••lk h Me..._lc .. 1000 N. itr-.. "'· .._,..l•,CAUI~ c-1,.a Air c-.s11i-1"11 c .. ,....,,_ 2JO I "· Glouell St Or-..,CA9216S A.O. Road & Co 4777 11..tt.. .. St. s-DI• ... CAt211 I l'lllOUAUfltD MASONRY SUICONTltACTORS ARl: 11&11 Me_.,, &rte. SU 7 (....._.., IWg &U..11 l H. Holyw...I, CA 91 flO I N•• Dl-.1-M...-y, hw ID I I Cu4.tty ....... S..lte A s... Die ... CA 9 2 t 10 W I_,_ .. ., M ... OMY. lfo< n 14 1 o_..,. '""" Y1t~o1,.., CA t 2l t t ... IQUALlfUD PlUMllNG SUICOMlllACl OU AH: Ul'lvenlty M•oflch •~coil 1000 .. IC,_f't. ........... <At21ot r--f' .. lfk ,._. .... Co. 17911 Mltdlol ~ Irv._, CAU614 A.O. R-4& Co 4111 • .,.._,St S-DI• ... U•2 t 11 l'r.,.•« ohol certify ttMt t1oe Occt•I.... Strwtv<col St-I f_.,k etl-, -4 Strv<t••,.I S1 .. 1 Erortl-~-"'ect ... • lwv• .,., th. ,..,,...,_ ...,imcetl-u lterlo, witlcfl on '9fll•o4 I" ................. t ....... . aw SU.MITT~ a.tOUtaUllMTS SltALl II AS FOUOWS1 ........ ,"., ............. " ...... n.. .. Ce .. e"em: fnl Component Submittal wll -IN rec9'•..t .fton 2r00 l'M, l'ST, ,., • ......,, ,_ 17, 200J Second Component SubmHt.11 wlll -t i.. toe•"'-' ..,.,, 2.00 f'•. f>Sl, "'-•"-Y. '--It, 200J lltlfd Componeul Subm1tl1I wll _, i.. •ecolve4 .+t•: 2:00 ,.., l'St, frW..,, ._.... 20, 200J Frr~I Companent Subm1t1.tl Seci>nd Comp0nenl Subm•tt.tl •11d lhlfd l.omponenl S<tbm•llAI ••II tit 1ece1ved only •t I\ ' ,.... .... ... s...... Tit• followona per\ons ... 001111 bll)lnft\ u Tesude f11n•l•l•ons. 2551 Sant• B.rbM a ln Suite 11 107 Coita Mui!. CA 91626 Ml• feuachl, ~SI Santa Barbar• l n Suolt 17 101 C°'ta ~a CA 92626 'This businen 1s con ducted by u t lnd1vldual Have yuu \l.,.ted ou111a bt>'Jnen r•t? Nu k>f&• luuda Th°' ll•tern..nl wn hied with lhe Cuunly Clerll of Orance C:uunly on 03/07/03 200SHH2'0 Diiiy Pilot Mar 13 20 V , Ap<. 3. 2'003 Th268 TIMI lollo•lnc '"" wns are dolna b11.t.1nes' n Your ~olc1111en com. 50 I I 1t\\tn Avenu11 Hawpor t Bt•<lt CA 92663 Cynth1.t RMlt.y 'JOI Tusll11 Ave . H1wpor1 B11cll. ~ 91663 This bu\lllHJ I'!. •On dueled by •n rndrvldu•I ti.ave you 1tadt>d dolna b11\1ntn yel' Ye\, U IO/ OJ C,yntl\1.t Aldley Thi\ sl•lemcnt wn Med with lht Cuunty C.ler~ of Of ""I!• Cou11ty on 031?110J 200S6tUOS4 Daily Pilot M.tr 27. Al>• 3, 10 11 ]()I)) 1h287 The lollow1nc perM1t11 are Oo!nl bll$11iUt. .t\ Tiie P•w Spe 2090 Lou 11 Hewpoft llenh C.tlrf0fn1• 92660 0.. ll•tu•""' lOUl• Ne¥1 11 c .111onua 9266d ' Dino Pet•r ll•U"" ... lb, 2090 lOUJa 14ew- llOl"t Beach, Callforn•a 92(,6() l hi\ tiu••n11n " ton du<.led by nu•bu1d •nO w1I~ 11, .. , you \latled dooni bu"nH\ ye!) No lo Ann o.,. to..al \I STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • • hie , (CA). 1700 Ad.11111 Aven11• 110? Coata Meu . CA 1¥'92() '"" b.nlneti. K ~ dueled by a '-OfPGf•hon Hna ,041 ttw led dOtnS b11s1t1eu yetf YI\ 1 II ·-Vtctory F nlatprrHl Inc • ll1(ltard ll<1pllu Ptffidenl Th1i. u .. temant wo filed w11h the C..unly Clerk ot Ota111• Cuuflly on02/28/03 ~OOSHSSJOS Daily PolOI Mar b I J 20 27 2'00J fh?U (J,e /~al I Jep41rrmntt at the /J.i1/'f Pilot tS pkaxd tu ann111mc r J nru• 1nt·1.e nc>u 111vz1/abk to fl(U' bwzntun Wt w1U flOIL SEARCH the nam< for.you Ill 110 n;trll .harge. "'"' odlt JOU 1Jv 11me arui tbt mp 10 rht (,oun How< m Sama Ana. Thm. of <oul'lt, aftn the srarrh u rompkud ILi( wiU fik yowr fimNous bu.smm name Jtatnntnt u:1th tht (ounry (,/rrk. rubl.uh ona a U't'tW for four Ul((itJ '1.1 rrqumd by /aur Jnd thm fjk 't{JllT proof of pubfu·ar:on u11th tht lounry (/rrlr P1'a.u' stop by to fik JOI'' fimtioUJ lnmnm swtnnmr 111 tk Dad., f'1lo1 330 U' H.:zy St, Costa Mna. l['fO" rarmot Hop bJ. pkaM call 11.J .it f949) 642-132 I arui ILi( u·1U make arr.ingmimn far JO" tn handk th1J proadurr In mail IJ)ou 1hou"1 hat't' any forrh<T qrmnom. pkast rall us and ux will be tl'IQf'f than glad 10 assist you. Good luc/f 111 your ntu. busmf'SJ1 Daily A Pilot -... ..... Lllll ... -......... Ille lollowlna penon• .,. ~nc t11wneu u l'ampe"d M111t1plu, 3044 C11nt Ave C4Kt• ~ CA9262fi M•rna._ lyci.. l~z. J0"4 Ct•nt An Co,a. Mtt.t CA 92626 Jor\ M Aloftt.0 l Ope.I, lCl« Cr.tilt Ave C~I• ~.CA926M fh1s bu1onns '' coll duded bj tw\band and w•l-H••• you •I• led clomc liv••nc· ' ,et N1J Jc • Alon•o l Oll'll rtw \l•lt mttnl WA' toted with 1111 C.uu1111 Clerlo. IJI Or •nt • C.uunt1 on OJ Ol10J io<tHUH,. O.t1fy f'1lol MAI I .l :iO 77 ~· i l()()j lh26l I h• lollow1ne pe1 wn• ur d(l•ne but.1n•~s ~' Vetlt<.tl 1'161 l4 Srrt n• Suolr 1. O~n• Po.nt CA 9:>b('9 Mil h••I ( • ,n Th<>mp wn )4161 l• Stun1 $u1I• C 01n1 P<nnl CA <J?b~ ftu\ bu\.nt\\ t'\ (On du trd b, •• ond•vldu.tl H••• yuu >l•rl...i do1n1 bu\.lnP~\ v•C J No Mtt "••I Thoftli)so<' Th~ · tet•mrnt ,.., lol<>d w•tll IM \;t>unly l ler~ uf Ur 1no1• Cuunh vn 01 l8 1)) 200S69SSJ06 I Da oy P11.:>t """" f, 13 tO 11 :IOU 1 111746 r11a toflowkla tNNOM are lto•nc busanH• M Ruf "'1PefKI r C 113& Yi f wat S1t1t• All• CeldOf,... V70J TeflOI s.i.111 .._DI ll09 W I lot• Sant• Ana Celrf«nt.t t270t fhf\ b~ 0. COfl Ouct.d by •n 111Clfvtdu.el H11111 yOll •lM\lld do<1'I buaw1cu yet? Ho Tcylo• S•lalM Huet'U I 1111 "•t•m.ol w•\ filed with t~ County t ..., ~ of CH •nc• County c.nOJ II tll 200J6U6•n D•1ly P11 .. t M•r 1.3 /() 21 Apr .! 2003 fh2)0 r h• follnw1n1 i>e•ton' ••~ "'>lltl .bu~~n n Ouu"'d R W¥d 1n ... 1 menh 1110 Ne rl 81•0 t J lo>la M .o LA 'J'lf>ll U•>tuld R W••O i'l 111 N•w1><><I 81•0 •I Ctx!• Me\• LA 'JlfJZI rh1\ Lu-..nt'\· t'\ c.011 du< led 11, dn 1nd1v1du•I HA'f'f' y<;u ''"'ted dutn& tiu''""' yr!' Y~\ J 19 (JJ D<H••IO k Vhtd th1\ ''•'r"'~"t ••\ t.•rd >Mitt th... Couury ht:rtl. .Jt ()f•f•~• <. .. ~Jvnt1 un OJ ?I (JI 200UU~IO lJ•oly l'•lul M•r // Apo 1 10 II IOOJ lh~I In• lc.llow•nt c;,e-~on\ •' t: dnm1 bu~•ne~~ •~ f IU•«h lr1• Sale tom j'>OIJ Lr••nv•ll• SI C.19 S•nl• A111 r A 92104 0.,,.1 k F10•tu\un 3500 _ ~·~~nw1lle St S•nl• A11• CA 9110. The lollow1n& pe<s.1n• Ut dorni bu•mt \> • • \ 0Hlllt C:unl Clean1nJt ~ V•ltn<>• St Cosl• ~-.. CA92'616 lu<loh• Va<t>ncia ~ V.tl•n<u SI Co•la M•u CA92616 T"'°' ~ll\1nn• '' ton du< ltd b1 in '"d"'w:tu•l Ha .. f<>U \ta<led Qo"'t bu<rnn\ •• ,, ro l U\tuloa Vetentt• l h~ '1atr...-nt • n ftltrl with thr Cou•ty Ci.r~ ol Orente C.<Mlllly on 03 11/03 ,_, .. ,..,, 01.ty Pttot Mat 13. 20 11 Alfll' 3 2003 '0\271 .......... ... s...... Tll~ folluwrnc ,,.non• .,, 11o«11 bin-as newt anyone• afhoc • 1210 \'"h Dorado 'ttWJ>Ofl 8u<h C1tll fotnMt 'J7'60 lloho I W Watt. U20 v .... 1a ()or Ho Mewpor'I 8HCll C.thlor,... ""60 Th• WMtft\ "' ""' dt1elMltf aft~ HI•• yoo. ~tart_. do"'I ...,.,_, r•t'"° llolM< I WW Wolfe fhn ''"'•~n1 wn hi.4 wl\lt the ~nty Ci.tlo of Drante Cetl11tJ Oii 03,I\ \~l ,...,..,.... o ... , .... 11&11 11. ,., 1.10. 17.100J T1'2l3 CUSSIFIFIJ 'rtsfttilr I -· Policy How to Place A .----Deadlines -- Rates and deadlines are subject lO change without notice. 1bc publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisemenL Please report any error that may be in your · classified ad CLASSIFIEIAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm • Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm "" By Fax (~9).63.1-6594 (Please UICWde your name Ind pbooe number Ind •e"ll call you beck Wlth a pnce qUOle.) By Pho"ne (949) ~2-5678 Hours By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. &t Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... 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S....AM,CAtntl ~ALr..,...(A•J'&l PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters "'"' Daily Pilot ( lclssified Communtty Miukc.>tplr1CC' .... n. ..,./s.t ,,.. COUNTY 2..-electronlcs. furn. f1I ie..-'2.l'!IC sports equip. clothme, _m_11U1_a______ ·-------~ 2183 VISb Entradl Cast tton slnll/lacuet Balboa Peninsula ,_11y w. s.. as- 8am-2pm 2dbl Slrolleu, 2 pack n play's, 2 crobs, Ions ol n1me brand clothes I. much misc 2514 loyol1 Costa Mesa close lo falf a1ounds. ........ Of All 6-.. e Soles h1 & Set. 8-1 Oecor1tor otems. fumm .. ... patio, elecl7ontCS. "40's rua. won<Wful mlSC. 11111 Pllm Ave., IU1tqton 8ch found 1510 FOUMD man Wit sbte beach. Cal to de- salbt. 949-lro-18.34 ANTIQUES ~bSale JnO s .. ve 1 t.SO O'lleefe & Mwrltt 600 s.n .. 40'" width O•tn, broiler. I. srill Immaculate $2000 obo 949-673·0944 any $I 00 In 11nk errator 1arbas• dlspoHI lllW •IMODll 3/4 SS0 I OCIANROllT H.P. • Cull ean UllDll $650,000 rever,.. Osmosis w•ter system S1 25. Culllaan AGT. $94t-72S ... 120 solt wat11< system $.400 Corona del Mir 10120 hade show booth any complete $SOOO ,.._, ~ 149adled 3Br many misc items lo see z.se... ,_ liallles. lwdwd 800·200·8711 25' color llrs, trave•line baths, Iv Mftsublsho SI 25 all .,..vie counl8fs, pvt Pllbc>. a Int cond 949 644-6263 sreat lot entertaonone o--ax whole co•ered sola bed Sl5<l. yellow llor .i overstuffed char • ottoman $l5<l. ctie51 of dra-$ $50 949-123 1220 W...t..I Krc-. bod< C8:!ll t...aio. cl. wavelass ITWltJes5, dll'll wood. $1~ obo 714-9fi8.6VO 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c .... c .......... . Old Coons I Cold. silver, ,.._,,,1ry. watches, antJques collecllblu 949 642-9448 $949.<m act. Loes .llccb-. 9t9-~7ffl2 • NIW US1'IMG-JASMN auo: lmmKulate J8r home on the 1ree<"081 11 ru-d-ptecl comm'ty. ~I buy on JC •I $79'J.<XXI b1y ..... Bkr. 949-376-Sb/6 CostaMlll OPlNSUM 12-4 1577 IAUa ST. MCSA VERD£ CC smale fam home Spac ltvrm. Uperadu lovely bacll yard. 2 c ,., corn« lo! MS0.000 Lora Yance Rultot ••t-673-4062 Alff/ ,._,,_ ~o PAIHTlNGS 3060 -~---""'-' 1577 IAllla ST. MISA VllDl CC ....... fam home Spac hvrm Upsradu lovely back yard, 2 c aar corner lot -------.,../n.._.. AnlllTIOMI WWWAWi .. wlWG"tuq Pets WI Nillc ....._. f'astm lsinl ~ZlJ9 $4!'>0,000 Lora Vanu Realto• ...... 73-4062 Callries Millott $ Homes. Beautiful la•111 losette OIWonn or.,. oil ~ 5 dlilhn, was dristn.s card. A Sl:!t( value tor $3500. 714 974-2041 NII WAY lor momnw aA/ ..... ~ .... ,__ 9&5D-041 I lxdi.MI l•Ke 48r J8a Mes.a Verde home on a '8 .. --...---• Dogs 3615 corrw lot! F'R. lonnal OR, Sell Your -------2fp"s, Jc pr $589.900 act 16 _,,.. <*I "'" br..t tlJtd! 949-378-066'l unwanted =:,:-!':.s,~ ~ Dana~ Items the broken. fin ge.g:zi-5&11; --.. -,-w-u-sn_N_G __ I Olcab~ 6tO <Mst.t4let oc-. easy way c.ntt ... "1~-Place a Offkor..a..wa.30ffoce l"vty1U,,.... ... 4-di, Classified ad ~~'~8.!"c ~1;: ~ 2 ur ar;1c;~arae• d Incl S350lrno 9e9-6«">-7883 John Farrow to ayl ()pen Sal/Son I 4 , ReMai 949 322 0932 49 642-5678 == -- ***R*~*~~***~*~*~*R* Conpdations CODY HAISUP! You en a Super Ster. lM,Allt.W, tR*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*R* SELL your stuff through cla ssified! S17 v .. U ... s-4, Of'lll SUM 12-4 Built by Joe E Brown 111 1931 only remalmne 3 • 4 lower es tale on entire Island 4br 4ba. three stories ... tower 3 car ear. pvt dock for 2 boab ll1sar~ ~ S3.3 milion 949-497~71 78).742~ • •Great Mew, er I ........ "-""' l8r :Ila rebuilt Ind ••paneled ll "97 eoorment lutchen. t...sh i.1115. ...... 5ily "'1ts, fUI -.. lly SY' room ID e lpand. VRM $899.000 $965,000 Don Thousand, 1111 96fID !M8I IM9C ... lw$69.000 Olamw1I 2br 2ba mci* homo. llAJrOl I ,IXJ)sj 1se 23 ~ rto ~'l'B> ~~:n "1MllSTATlS ,A'RKll TlNOtu MATtoNWIDI USA t4t-IS6-t70S www patroclt.tenore com ............. 20201 OntiW St.6+at 5 58a, 5534 '1, $1.25 Mii BtoMr 949. 251 9444 www HilRealty ore OCIAN & IAY VllW fHlnKI WIUAMAZI YOUI AGT. t4t-7U-8120 UDO 1SU HOMIS 24USTIMGS HIAff'IKIS AGT. t4t-2 lt-2413 Newpolt Coast OPIMSUN 1-S I level t.-e. tlw, + den, Gated comm $1Sl,OOO A t-h ef ttoty , .... 2.5ba, Strada home $1,729,000 Of'IM SU" 1-S lt1han style 5br 5b1, ap proa 18,000 to 19.000sf SJ,.49.5,000 Of'IN SAT 1-S Stunnone award w1nn1n1 Brookfield home, bultt In 2000 3br .. office. Ap pro• J70051 $1,719,000 f'UTINUM ,.OHaTllS Stelanlt Meurltf 949 715 3156 ..... llSTATIS PAnt<ll TlllOU "ATIONW1DI USA t4t..aS6-t70S www patricktenore.com Under the Scn·icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Wef!k For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lo"aine at (949) 574-4245 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAl.f Desert Property 5960 CAJHIDUI. art ~,(XD I 0 ,.,.., to PS Npoi1. 2315 " attach Casb/nd ~ house 4br hi annw: Iii. .,..,.... en~ hkxW r O<..k sllowtt, J<K tub, uperad' Lwee walluns. landsc. RV/boat i*r'C. ~ ~yd~°"'41 sq 7W 862 29&'> GeH ,r..,erti;;'Sal•~ & winter rentals Palm Spron~, ralm Onert Alw Wnh1n1ton Wa lerlr onl R•l•ff•ls Michael Anter Becku I. Becker RE 800 550 3!>23 MISCB.l.ANEOUS ROOAL.S Rental To Share 6030 u. ...... p'll bt/pvl ba. dose to Balboe Is. Ii yd. Ur2i •. ~ ...... ~ back unot. top cond1t1on av•ll no" S1900/mo 949·675 8007 2~. JI•, Apt. Recently reti•bbtd w/I car e•r. I block to beach, no peh. $2200/mo 949 854 1680 Tri'-.1~49r ... 2 Fp's. 111<den patt0. rooftop deck. 2 c all 1111. lse SJ190m 949 737 5!188 Cvte ti.ch c.,,_.., Slice of Carmel .lb< 3ba ~ So of PCH wd hkup, SJ600mo 949 574 **> DtltVI IY 217 Hehotrnpe I. l'V t "' a call R OtJm y 38' 2~.., 1• plus le ,., pad l dec.k~ .. mo•e (no peh) Av•~ May 15 $4400/ mo Call Rultors 170 9004 or 160 l46 7940 CostaMesa 1• .... '--I mo to beach, """ cooh. -· .. lit. ceil tan. more SllGTY1 113 E. 16111 St ,... tor ~ 949-~7421 CM <>o -;-w.slDl STUDIO All Ull$ paid. lncd yard, Pel Dt\. Coon op laun S/70,m/ $250 dep 714 5-45 0442 p ""'"-lot of siorllC!I llr'a from $875/mo sp Sll'!JQon 949.~0715 w/p on lovely 1at4'd I SI... CM lbfTiba comm near Tro Squwe, lwnllm sha1e w/youna irldee. Indy fal:llrty Klt111 prof fem flplc G11 S75() Mnilt-877 704 8649 a9200 24-46 Elden 909 289 3406 lrt llr, new c;a•pel .. ......,_,._.share 3br paint, CYfd cwport 7'7 2ba apt w/prof. Ocean ' 16th Place •3 SI 100/mo bay views, $700/mo + no peh 949 720 9422 113 uhl 949 300-3907 M L..,... leedt 2 blks to main bch share 11 apt w/fem. own ba. wd, 11ar pke $725nea+1/2 utol 949 497 9783 Rooms for Rent 6040 RfSIOENTIAL RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula 2lr 1.Sh I-car 1•. yearly 1st, 1850/rno 310 E ~ Ave. ,,.,.. 4/1. lllS. 790·0602 949-675-4217 OCIMI ~ ON SAM> lbr CUil> """ 4lllm. IYS. etc. $1675 9'&642·ZZ2l or llCIRoM~.166.l .. 2..Sle ti.di ho&NV oc-i -· IOOll ~ 5al1d, l bloc:b to --... 2c P' ,.,.... 1$-0ct I. s:m>m.. 94M&l-1910 d6 ConndetMlr 11r Hew~1l .. e f•nced 1ard w/d hoo• ups, ntee n.11hb0fhood, near shopp1n11 , no pal\ SI lOO/nio 949 722 8922 (' ........... / .... W/d ~ ~ culdo sac. adclbooal off i.tr .et tAi"C Sll56n 9&548-5163 l'alclo 21r llo H .... e Le. vard. 2 c ew. Mw paint, ktWw>. bath .. roof $1500lmo 916-3648838 ,,... ...... ~pvth 2.SBa. FR, Fp, tntwd In, nu lut. pr w~ a. cnft rm. sz.:mm. 9119-:m.8450 •0...-f' .... 2..51. 1-.. din 2298 La Pt.ya No. $2.«>lmo. ,..,,. 4,ll .,..... ""'t ~ ..... M9-7u..G74 ......... s.v.nrw. l.n. J8r 2.S8a. den, LR. .,... llCUW '°""' fllC llA>. 2c pr 8twn Sar1la ~ amn 1111t 949-2113-0Di ..... ..... lowly E'!ICll b 2..sta.. f'A. den, r p, Sf"R. Witt! wanrte c:ount.n. 2c pr, bodlYl"d. PXn-no AWll 4r! 9& 7'59 3726 HldnglllnBacll SOUTM •f PCH 2br lb• '-Y • 3.5b9 Sfll. duplea. Ip, yard, aa• w/d hdMI fh. rooftt1p daO.. hltups No peVsmob. luld ~. 2 c pr w/Pa St550/mo 949 76().tll75 IC! UU>~710l Irvine 29r ... ..qradlld. .._. end uf1ll on llJ nbll, f p . enclsd patio, n/smkr Sl400rno =st 'M!MC0-8413 Udotste u ... 1..,tr-' Sir 210 $3200... ~ '26-212-77Jj . 626-297-6262 IAY .. ONT ON llOO PENINSULA MlW 21, 21• COTIAGIS P11vAle Buth. Pool and '>pa Walk to t1lM11. Shop~ and ffp\laor•nts l on• bmo2y•• Bual Slip Ava1t4bl• 710 UDO'""· oa. 949 671·6030 01 949 123 5830 ----* YIAalY • LIA.HS BILL GRUNDY REAL TORS 94t-67S-616 I 1'.I Ol1 studio rm, plloo no kitchen. $795/mo • S I 000 dep Oen \Id~ of PCH 949 574·7701 •I 17 .. , Hh Ill quiet \tudlo w/~all lolt. krte;henelle. 'hared l1undr y A11 SI 100 949 673 7800 l•ONMWAT9 "' ,... ~ yd. tm bclM ck $13!l> ~ 949-723 9fB6 ....S~7l)J &Wt ,... caAlt 2lir 21» twrhn, Udo. s-m. 2 c pr wd ~ 4 corm'I pooa 1111 $1660 ~78XI NPT Kn 29r 1.. 1-c; ear • iC)OI, w/d taup, ho4 tub. pm all S2150rn. SD ~ A..e. ~S14-58:i!l 2llr a. T\l!Coa'Y ~ conrto. e;Ma11 "·~··· rp 1rmw1 aa:.c-cy szmro 9&6408841, 9&.D>2!:.216 . Rerals Wanted 7880 WAN11D I or 28r ~ aitt..,. "' oando. flrn "' ..1fttn ll '*""l>or1 8-.1\. Wil ,... 3/mn or ~ • leze llaw vnal well ..........0 w... ~ -~ XO.S21H1816 WANTID •oom <enl•I w/11rM11e115 lor ~ disabled man w refs $Q)n) 9e«iO Bil SEU your unwanted items ttwousfl clau•food • Everyday Is a great day in CIMsifiedl ' e Be a part of it, place your ad toda~ : (~) 6'2-5678 Call (949) 642-5678 CllltlCM Heed full lime ~rson lo ass11t with v.moui duiln Must be obi• to input "' lent &<>wpm uc.urately on computer, posun •tron1 cuslomer ser vice ""'"'· and be dttpend•ble S9 Prr hour ( Alellenl brn efil pnkaite £Of Send rnume tu Judy Oell1n1 l /O D•1fy P1lol 3.lO W1!\I 8;,y Streel Cu\la Me\~ CA 916?7 '" emd1I tu J"'1 otttre@t<ilare.mm -..Doo lOVntS• • n ..W !'°I Wollh n <DM t.\ISI be ·~ (di K•n 9667Hll1 Al• MASTfa s llOW twine hau•lyh\I~ full & parl llnie pO\lltnn~ dVMl•bl, for new ulun 111 llunt111wloro s ... ~h Cu~r•rolnd lwurly wage Uf tC>OIHll\\IUO ph" a i• eul h•111•l1h patkd&P t:dll Addi at 714-375 9009 lvsy lnsuronce Offhe 9 5 Mun t 11 C.wf1PUltn lo rnull1 ~"'I • rmr.l I•• 1 C>Un>e to 94'.l llJ 48/ 4 ~j>llllJ ·'Pl' .. I 78 4 ~ bf-'d Sty4ht/............, netd-d II ~•tJl\ft.ty I• f 111J Sdbl & """ 111 Noo l "ni t:on.m H,.nl•l (;,,.,, tu. •lltntle !"k~ 949MHH.U ••• ,.pt le .. I••/ ...... trwtlve AsN«ant puwt .. n I•• • tlV' t R~.- l stAh f •m •• I ctiUOd Br.o<h 11'1*\' .,,.,., ~ t'T'HJ'\t Uot lutl tunr po'\1hon & •1t~ v.•t hn.., """""'"°'' pt)l.ll••• .ovJol.1t.i,. r ~' ,~,,.,... •• , s I rOOUf! ti 94'.l !>44 .IA1 I ClASSlfUD It's the solution you' re searching lor·whether you're seeking a home. apartment. pet or new occupabon! Semce Dlrectofy NO TIC£ Rf ADE.RS C•hlu1n1• llW If qu,,n lh~I t1><1h•t l<lf• l•km11 tob• th1l rotar S'JOO .,. nww• ( .. bf" Of mlll'I 141\) be h< en\ed by the Conl••<IO•• Stal• l~l'nH 9,,.,d St•lt lew •ko 1l'qu11n th1t c:onh .. tu" int (udt lhf• irun~ numbef on •H .tdffft•"nc Yoo can thed• the ,11t11s of your llttnud contratlt11 1t www t stb l • 1ov or 800 J?f CSI 8 Unh cen"d contr u for'\ l•li•ns 1ub• that total ff\\ thin S500 fl'lu11 slat• m tllerr ad .. tt .. ernents that they 110 not licensed by 11111 Conine tor\ Stilt ltrense Bo.rd " f INl-..s ~I Balh I R#nodlll :-;;m Blalll1111p 1111 '" ,., .. ,. , . ., '" Ct.••lft~ I ---·------............--~ AutomotJw -Orplw ... s.lwtoot Ull Coov V6. s-411 m1. 3 ~r w.,, ava!I. sparkelm11 bl./ In llhr CO, superb 111\e new cond v?S9721 $6995 hn av8il Blu 949 ~ 1888 __ ......,.._ Con1•tt• ·oo va Wh11e1 l•n Julo h4ndrhne pk& l?h milt-I Ul.500 New l>nf I M e.i 949 644 0064 ~ 740 00..i 1 l'R --- Docl9• '' 7 lntreplcl Spurt t '> V6 47k mo whole r.t•ey onl, g.Ha&ed n ' hk• new S699'> flflc)OC.lfltl. & W•ff .t~iillf Bk• 949 '>86 1888 .. -... ,.... ....... PORSCHE '98 911 CAB Low miles, custom wheels, 6-speed, super fast #652259 $52,900 MBZ '95 Sl.500 CONVT. Bose. CO, leathet, loaded, good lookmg!! 11 13266 $28,900 LAND ROVER '97 DISCOVERY 4X4 loaded low miles 4x4 fun at a grea1 pnce #549423 $13,900 BMW '99 M3 COHVT. co 5-speed leather. lo miles si1 blk .nt #C44258 $32,900 MBZ '95 S320 SON CD leather moon. clean. Pfreed to sell last #241401 $18,900 MBZ 118 ML320 AUTO CD. tthr, Bose moon. 4~4 really a bargain"'! Whrte tan #016225 $18,900 MBZ '90 :mE SON Auto sunroof leather. pnced to sell fasti1 #270075 $7,995 TIL0'5 EUROPEAN AUTDHAUS O¥r llO c.,. In lk°"* 1-8CD598-9754 w.a aite. www tikx:ars com I.AHO~ 'f1 DISCOVERY W Loaded, low mies. 4x4 f\.rl 11t a 1J981 pnce. 1549423 $13,900 M8Z '95 Sl.500 CONVT. 8ose, CQ, leather, loaded. g;>od loolmgtJ #113266 *21,900 AUDl'OOMUT QUATTROSOH Power~! Auto, tint. alloys, nrce! #065288 $19,900 MBZ '90 DIE SDN 'Auto, leathQf, a1ioys, nis;e clean car, !1,831 price. #270075 $7,996 MBZ '98 Ml.320 AUTO CD, lthr. Bose, moon, 4x4, realty a batgaJn!!!! White, tan. #016225 $18.900 VW '00 JffiA GLS Auto. pwr WITT, locks 4 DA. good on gas!~' #005140 $12,900 FORD '01 EXPLORER SflORT2DR CD. XLT. 2WD. real nice #A08520 $12.900 TILO'S EUROPEAN AUTOHA.US 0-llOC-lft 8'odt 1-800598-9754 Web Blt.1 www.tilocars.com NEW ml MiNICOOP£R AutOlllal< co & inn' llASt I OR ~m f'lH MONIH •IA.It I Al These Tei~ 0n ~OYed ()edit • OTllR Al SM.AR SAVl~s1 • • • 4l e S Jl)()(J du~ 11 "'l!:""'~' 4H munlh' ln ,e-<1 f'lld lt-d't' llH \ti Jt llV dt"pit,tl 1 JK nult•-. pN yt~.H l •I .. ~,, milt•\ (u) lOe p.r onolr 1 fl 1 li'71 I • LET'S MOTQRI IT'SFUN .. * .......... * ~FRUWAY@mm S.00 A AM AUTO MAU (888) 823-9808 SEll yntu un.-,4nt,.d 1lt!m"1 thh u~h, Id·.· it, .. '1 Pttl&U'S AUTO PenG. .. utltfS '2000 S•l~tt w/Ch••coel fthc , 1•1 Wltfllllt'f. celet>rrt :t owllff (119218) $J'(.tll0 VWP ........ Cr•:t w/1rey mlttlOr. z:i.. m11 lmmuul•te (1192!>2) $18.980 V .. v.t40S. .... 't2 Tiiis " one nHr per le~t Volvo to QWQ tow miles (#19738) S8,!llKI MIZ SlS20 •IHMhtet '97 lmm~culate Wh11~ w/G••Y tlh1. 12k 1111 Xenon, both fop1 (#J929SC) INQUIRE! J._...,s.ty,.. Seclon'OO lmmac White wfhn lthr. 3611 rn1. eood service retotd~ (#19298<:) S75.980 Ponc:he t93 lw""-C '9' While ~"f.:, •. beau trlul 1/lulh"' 19k m1 <•19?06C) $69980 ,., .. bpecl1t1- ld.t1. ··-· 2000 lull power 4 lk mile\ R"t rnl tr 1dr lo u\ < '1896711 S11 980 Infinity 04S s.c1-·•1 Ptdrl wtS•ddle Ith• lull power '>811 m1 <•19?l4) Sl6 980 Hununer H2 '2003 Wh1I• w{Wh1lt lthr moolll ool l!IOO m1 <•19?BCI S57 980 IMW 840<1 Coupe'97 Sh11wy 8ldd1 w lr11111~' G1ey lull llht. v.t~f'tt , .. c..md1- (•19180Cl I H.9HO I MW 3281 s ...... '2000 Whit• wi( 1•Ill•11111 tt t full n1«t11t Burup .. , ,,. H1Jtnp~f w,ut (•191911 VI! 9fj() Jaguor XJ• Secloft '1H8 rtu .. • .t null' flt'.tr p~t 1-. I 'illlO•y 81ol< k Su1Jrr • h~• v•·d '>•d.rn1 l1)W uulf"\ 1•1!Sllt,ij1. S/ll lj\j() ••9 57144 7777 PHllllPS AUTO phlHI~-···'•"' DODGl NlON '2000 '>Oil. ''" IOOll rat wa11 ,, ,,, tJhlf'" RI --v tnlf"flUf ttm tm ttl l.A~1 1.1p1 ''""' ~ hn ..,,14 l!l.t VU.'>l'r.' 94• ~1888 _ ............... ford '95 Touru• l.l ,h,IWflu•m i und wt11lt* lufty l•o.•tl~d ,,..,, '~ '" SJ'>Ol'I 114 /~I /4h4 -"¥-lU8 v-....... D~u" l!rt• .. fl Xt"111 ,int 'rond I '>II rm wo111 rtmdu11n.c f'r u .. d In .. ~11 SlO 'JSO ~/WM> J...-r '941 XIII Conv 14k nu lull •·•< "", w•11 ·l•dfkhuir t>l~u ~ h thflhll Ith• to , nr unot ..,,,,, fl~r n•w v&77/9"> $j I !1'1'1 li11.1m "'' .;v.111 Bhr 949 '>116 1888 www.ecpohl.c.,.. Mercecln ••• C21D l>~•ulolul bl.ot k • •t~m tufty 1o•ctfl'd 'h•»wr 11m I n oOU(. Sii ~ 714 /'jl ,.,. Thufsday, March 27, 2003 t7 Bridge !rtti CHARLES GOREN OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH • TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE VALEN'11Jli'"£'S DAY, moucH LATE Boltl 'ulncnibk. Soulh deab. cm lity'e a. for Nonb LO 'k the NORTH double Md rQj)Ond b If bad bml DO Ulkffem1tt, ud die IOUDd •g54 four-~ comnict wu rai:hed 914 Wc\I led the king of i:-ts. and 32 •Q 10 54 .t\11\cd LO I UUmp II tnck IV.O Willi W•.ST •-AST any ochc:r def cruc dee larcr WU Id 1111 YC planned to .ruff I dwnond tn du'"',j. •ll?l •to J 411(! liOcome to IOlnd.i. Thedefe -A K65 J 7 J2 er\ "'en: OOW I tempu fihead and AQ97 J 10 IJ6 cool~ tht ruff, \0 Soud1 hid to •32 • 87 6 find .r way to c~IJ"1 a 10th SOUTH tnd •. 1llC hcan \POI\ prct.em.od Ill •AK J96 o~umty. 10 larer won the flllll ~padc ID KS4 dunvny ltnd dn:w two matt rouodi of •AK J9 wmps to uhaUSt the enemy'• fanp . ' Nu1 C111T11C the ldna. 111:e wl6 Jack of 1111! bic.Jdinb SOUTH NORTH EAST dubs and, When btJCh defenders fol• lowed to the lint two round. of the •• Dbl 2• hlill SWI, the CallnlCI became ~down. ... .._ .._ .._ Declarer ovenook the~ of clubs Opemn11 lead. Kmg ol with the queen on the • then led lllot1ueeo of bean.\. ducard1og 1 dia- A' c.lcdarcr. tho-.: p...-uplc on )OU.r mond from hand West won with the nl!h1 .and Ith do not •hol\c ~r bo.t llCC. but was lnlppCd IJI an ~by A rnlcrc'b di 11<:.in ~~ ' le.I be dirunond would be up IO chc king and OtHng !heir ""''' to tk C.11 )UU, and a heart would set up a bean m )ilO mu..i \Colf\.h tor U.lUlllC:~-d~ after declan:r ruffed aWI) the • for aoochc:r diamond di '>!:uni wrc\ ft~ JUlllUO _. J' noml.11. C\Cn v.r the ten of club> ti the c~ l11ou11h W~1 did 001 haH• the da.'"'" Either '"'•Y· declarer would ~ on ~ 1-...0 hcans and a diamond "1ap.: lor a IJl..l'<>UI c.louhfc Tk mod- 9004 Automotive -BOATS jjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ........ ._ '97 ~ Sc.7 In ,,.. d¥lc ~ --. • ...._ NCWPORT AUTOSPORT tttw <*al mrrl, rut ~ rvw. ~ 9515 IMW 3300( '02 C.onvetltble Wt11te/ Bl&<k prenuum pllg kiw mt~ S44.90Cl ~~'i YPllow/li~u.k 1 ar P 11nly ICX.() nu $67 ll.O ferr•f 3SS Tl fl ... Bldlk 1,111 hne-.t ~vdll.lbll' Only b.OIX) mo~ Sil'> !XXl Pond.. '11 '01 f.dbttolel s.1vei 81.ic.k TeptrOOk all •iphoft":o Ilk m,i..., S69 'iOO fMTari S60 Modena c...,..ft '00 llet tr .. D•ylc.11 ...... 1• bddgt'. l •foptt\ Sl'>'l '..00 • ...,. ...... s'OO Bl<k.k 111.Kk ll!lllo<l• Mir>I ~ S-19 IJXl a MW Minic...,... '02 (;rpy llw k du"I "'" '""" IK "" S."> SO) ,,.,_ ... p ....... '01 Ru\I 131.<, k A .ttt c ti""" 711 m1 i.J'J 000 Horiey .,_.._ '02 Whit• ~f.11 ~ llo,111 King r.1""'' s 1 K 5CXl Menedes CUC 320'02 Blur r.r•Y AMC wt ... f'I'. /k IOI SJ9 !I()() o;e;ots rear iMI ro. S<4*b orie cond 11#5n91 Sl2.995 Manarc & _,,. avM, BM 9.-9-SM-lua _ ...... _ Mercecl .. ••t U20 Jlh m1, whlte/arey llhr . mnr I ch• ome whls, beau! lrke new cond, v577241 S26,99"> fin,_. Blu ~SIJ>.1888 ...... ........_.. '01 Dtrffy 21 I 11\e new Premier pwr ptlfl. i lereo/ CO. navy 109 w(l 5unt1s Ina w/b•r. teak ealley/ tabk5. w !J1J ~9ZX) DUFFY lUCTaK 2002 21tt C<l.1511r used. dflPIO• so in.-~ izye 714-81~ BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 MerceclH '99 SS2D l W8 52k m1. J yr Warr .iv~•I \1lver/blk llhr beaut u1111 cond. v87524 I S26 99S lin•nc.1ng •Vall Bkr !M9 586 1888 w-.~1.c..,. 9-S-., Crul locahon• lltt beam ll'neth un Mercedes '88 s.o Sl lrm1ted nf'.tr Bay ts .. nd white tan. tmmac wcU. Con •49-922-7777 nn.tJ...t,..-d~ dflJl1l5. SJ.4$) 714751 2ll'Jol -~ oa...11 LS '1)() ~oof lulher .. e.bas i..e MW Oii& -""""""' slf995 ~pp 714~ '87 Mv•t-.. c_,, UI 4 <YI rebuolt h•ns alnt wnd o<lfl ownets Sl.7"¥> obo '"sh ,.9 642 JJ68 PORSCHE '9• '" I 1p low mile\ loaded Spolleu. 1h 201 to KO' $49.900 PP 949 2 ... 5175 AllTOMOBl.ES, MJSCB.LAHEOUS ~. 1Yq .~ .. 8 Jll;uy Lene - 13"-.... ~ 14 Mely OI ~ 15 TOllClht 11 e::":: c:ra-n 17 CtoMby 18~ 11 ·::r 20 HlljlpV (3 wd9 22~~ 2A~lrNI 21i Howllfled '9 SIM a gi.nce 28 8lr.otf1 31 PIP" ~"lr~"Slar 35 ~·.-ct 38T-ctwmp Alltv -37~wraps 38 Sllot1ly • 311 Aulocr•I ol 40 C;. 90flgiJlnl 41 Omenc 42 Slow. 43 ~ptg 44t...'•1-· 4!> Hldeotll 47 Pld<SOUI Aucll n 0-'!ro ~·01 r11.,,,<1'1l lo11 I OIXI "''""" "~ """-H2'03 Black Cr~y tuauty C.11.HICJ 7fr ~I· only IOOm1lt-• Wanted 9045 ,......., o,.-.ct ~ 0-40 'fl!M" e •P' ,.. p.iy • ~ 1¥ pra fa "°" "" Van .. Ind pacj tor .. not c..I !)ct. Rey @ Tomato AutrJ S.S 7~ 437 1'131 .. 714-l2Sl228 "'Employee ... "Empleado. Nl WPOAT AUTOSPORT 949 '>74 !i6{XJ CASH FOi CAaS Wl MUD YC>Ua CA.a PAJO FOi OI NOT PHIU..WS AUTO ASK FOil MAlCOUI 94t-S74-7777 "Arbeitnehmer." .. EmploJ e. •· 51 w .. s.... ~) :a-.~ 67 Huttoed llDng ll8 Idol -u.-!18 Co!Non 004- 81 t:='tr!W) 82~--es 8IDat> 64 French.,_. DOWN l~be 2 A relligjofl 3 Once """"° 4 StruckOUI 5 °""''-5 lln:l 8aldwlrl 6 EmOof 1 EEC CU"1lflCy a~, 9 • 10 p bylllllll 11Gw.nlogtll 12 tit.n I v.t> 13 c.mpua flgl6• 20 Bulr9'1~ 21 Net ...,.. 23 Foi::t. '6 lilflnOe< llOfl 27 ~--G•9Y 29 Soll.relelt ~nu~Pil ~!IP-J._ ot 41 'fttn rr.u""'• 48 Q,....,,.,.,,., ,.g Floblitll so 'WM<rie1....,,t< ll'i.I ~· M11 .. d'111• '>:> J ..... IJ'•#'\j ~:i ..,. .. ,1h .ea C4C)4a.t' ~ t IOetfrOSI "' "UIJJll1·""'·· a...11 NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY rt. CWSIFltD CAN f1ND IT. HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ,. ....... CAJtPlt CUPH R~llA"' P.tl<hin& ln\1•11 tour t~uu~ •n., \llf' tOb'\ Whol•.,all!' 949 497 070"> D I W Carpel Cleaning $1f.l!ll~ 7 ~•-S«Wt S20~1110111 SIS 8ltQOll1S ~&C.-S SillsfactJon Guaranteed WtJWtt 94!H7S 1924 OMf M9-278-01s.4 -------- 1~1I\111,111111'1"' Wt' will dcl.lgrt )'OUY ~Nlfl•I or ~OffipUI)' -.cll-llt' nnd pul )'OU 6nfn1t' fflf f'mt. You pl)' onl > ho-.llnlJ ftt' 714-612·278' ERVICE conc:me & Masonry lridl llod1 St.,.• Tiie Cancrtli!. P,uo Or •ve•uy r oreptc BBQ Rers 25Y" lop Jerry 714 557 7594 ConstrudJVConlr OISTOM Clll.AlM tu ~\&flee;.,~ ""'i. .,ton!'~ lt7S llti120M )lotf 714 61? 9961 UMY ~eel R•l:'oulon i ln\tlll•hon CUSTOM UMODH Tlll0£AN949673S>65 AND DIS I G N All /IC IM6a526 71Hlll3 2031 TRAOlS )()YEARS E>lP MIWa'~ HAIDWOODS l•337169 949631 2345 s.,,~~ NUD MOil aOOM? llllDT10f'CS & RE~H:O U517982 949 709 ~ lM( TOllGIN YOUtt MOMl IMPaOVIMINT P910J(C1? Catt • plumlM!r. p11nter. handyman °' •ny ol the e•eal HrVIUS lt$ltd h9tt 1n ou.r service dlrectoryt TH£SE lOCAl SVC PfOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI UWIUD <OMTUCTOI fllllldll~-....... R.,_,....,....,fMR • .., ___ .. 25 Yr• lrlttime warr1111ty l•7631... 714 501 4933 LM T9"'ff '-'he .... w..iy __,. .. tnrmq ' 1n1t1"alto11 2fi Yrs Up Lic/tnsUttd 949 S48 4363 -8IUM' ~ lq ...,,, an. ........ dll91 ' n.m,..,, 9&51!>81124 ~ Ganlenlnql Llndscapmg l ••• Service , Y a1 d r.tunup M•rnt~n•n" Sp11nkll!1 Rtp~lf H1ulin2 (Ut) 650~1791 nx UP sPECWJSt. All lypt'I ol repaors [let. Ir tc•I. plumbtfll. doors. w•~t~imore 24tY(7days 714 l66 1881 '-tic..... '~ Cwpentry • Plumb<na Drfw .. • Stucco PMltlfll. ne. ' -• 21). v .. s hper11nee1 J87t4-fft·S71' HNTAl-HUSUND FOR HONEYOO'S ycwr honty won I from [li!cl lo the Mt'-will !M9-548 9351 THI MANOYMAJI Alt worh pennteed PUnbrc. [flech:al Oocn. fnsti c.:p c........, Hiiiing JUNll TO THI OU•Plll 7 14 · 961-U182 AVAILABl( TOOAYt 949-67).5566 ........ c-..ia.... M.~aal O C 24Yrs. Ref's 949 548 0054 949-637 4113 ,_.,,_..._.._ 0... Total Nil CWI ~ M ..n cbW1 tJJ -.. ,.... 91M22.7Q a..ac.,lftl U11ST 909 681 6664 FAU>l /OlSICH fllM'8ISDlfl HST •OVlH SSt /Hr serv1n11ll crhn ln11u1ed fast cowteov1 careful T163844 IOO 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Publrc Ut1l1hei commu111on requirn that •ti 11sed housthold 1ood1 move" prmt theu P U C Cal T numbet lrmos and chauttewrs print their T C I' numb" 1n alt advlf llsements If you h<tve any questions •bovl the 11111111 of • mover ttmo o f chautt-, call PU8 IC UTILITIES COM· MISSION 7 U S58 4151 ~Care ............ .,..,., needs wOfli S10+ pet hour Per 949 88l 0620 Hm 949 645 9137 • 133 AaTIST, s111p 1nslall w•llpapeo P••nhna lo laua murals po<tralts .0.-48t4"4 CiMOI'• ...... i1Yli ~ G<e•t PYicel Cu•untec wall frM al L075602 714 538-\534 7 390 ~ l(('S CUSTOM PumN$ PYon. dun, ~ty wor._ lf'lt• ior /n l and docks Ll703468~1·4610 UINIOW C9ClJ ~ Pa1nt1n1 .......... t. ..,._,~ Qu.iity IOI>' f rn estlmlte U569897 714-636-- Pta*l'ing ' S1ucco ......... •/bf R-moc1tl lO • y~ [1p R"" \Onablt Otptn.l~tot• l •349070114 63l\1\114 •S-.~,._ .... Restuc:co Room AOdrt"'" Patchma Rt••nnab•e• 714-CJ21 1&47 80l OC'Ueg Plambklg , ____ _ Roofi"!VGutten ' ., .. ,,..Z .... O"!"P .. 4,_..SPS _.., ......... , •o •Zlll'li~U ...... 4 ~4~4 ... .,,.,_.._, ..... ..__..,._..._-.w,___ P-"~--" -· · .. Bl Tlusday, MM'ch 27, 2003 ... • Feaii.n,,, Dtnnalogica' Products • EWJ"Ol>ean Facial.s • Micro Dermabrasion • Rtfkxe>Wgy /'Aronw. Thttapy •Waxing • Rain Drop Thttapy w/ Yovng Living Oils ~:i BOUTIQUE Casual Cottons to Dressy Silks For Today's \%man 319 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA lSLAND, CA 92662 949 723-1557 Antiques ~ Resloralion 130 E. 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 650-5947 ~'Ir Vill4"e f Home · DesiQn ef mt(' & ~· r!Y(a/Uell California Certified lnteriof Desl{11e' Interior Design Consulttng and Furnishings 2400 west Coast Hwy #5 NeWpoft Beach, CA 92663 Tel~ 875-9805 • Fax (949) 676-8183 The Central Orange C".out YMCA tocby an11ounccd Vi~tory with iu 200J Cutrcnc Suppon Cl.mp.Ugo, whiC.h raiKd $118,159.06. Over 25 C.mpilgncra from our local community patu iparcd during tht month lo!'J cffon: to ist us in c:xcttd1•1 the goal of$ l l 8,000. We wiJh co thank 11 or our devoted volumccn and faichful donors in uppoting the youth in our communitia. 8Efii8MA DESIGNER RESALE BOUTIQUE Unique, sophisticated and stylish describes the clientele of Bell1ssima. Adriana Spitzer, store owner and Sf. John Knits specialist, has created an atmosphere that reflects the timeless eleganc;:e and quality of her selected .merchandise while selling il at a fraction of the cost. A truly upscale desig~r consignment boutique, Bellissima teatures one of the largest selections of St. John. 2850 E. Coast Highway Corona Del Mar (949) 718-0476 0 ....._-Al ELECTRA CRUISES Wedding Pacbge 4Hr. 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Newport Beach, CA _A ~ I 949-76CM>OGS T"'--·• -'' KAREN MORLATT OR· TERRY BURTON .PH: 714-536-2629 FAX: 714-242-9901 www.windsorcap.com/kmorlatt HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA ZIGGY'S OPTICAL • CREATE IT Cn-amin and Crtifts Studio Full scrvic.c ceramic studio, induding bisque, grcenware, wpplles, firing. Classes including painring with.glazes and acrylics, glass painiing and slumping. clay handbuilding. NOR.RAH ANDERSEN,OWNIR Havr b«n in bwiniss for fiw :pan Fu""'1tiun for srhools. churrhn. scoutJ. 801-A Wat Baker St., Co.ca Mc.a. CA 92626 714-641-8124 Real Estate Services Specializing in Coilstal Properties. Fred Albuquerque (949) 233-1788 www.CoastalAdobes.com :Jsland Jlooring Carpet • Vinyl • Hardwood • Tile Commercial • Residential Carolyn Carr 118 Agate Ave., Unit C • Balboa Island. CA, 92662 949-675-3456 • FAX 949-675-4348 Cell 949-422-8570 L. Gaylord Sportswear for all your screen printing & embroidery ..........,.,..._ needs 894 Production Place, Newport Beach, CA www.gaylordsportswear.com OR&ANIZIN& MATTERS ------Since 1993 ------" In Your Office, Home or Life! Cl utter Management Administrative Services Personal Assistant Services Marsha Koeller • 949-388-2380 QOYAL CQE&CENT t\PPQAI6AL6 Estate SaJes Management Antique & ResidenciaJ Concenrs Appraisals, Notary Public • ~~~ Vivien L. Hessel, ISA • Tel: 7 14-841-0473 To advertise in our next A-Z Page, Contact (949) 642-5678