HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-29 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2003 Marine· honored on Capitol Hill Jose Garibay, caJled a 'brave American,' is remembered by national and state officials for his sacrifice in the war in Iraq. OU 1111 HOME FRONT Memorials set for GariOay P.uf Clinton Da1lyP1lot be honored aJong1>ide the many brnve Americaru. who have gone before him m defending farruJ y. freedom and country." Marine will be remembered at St. Joaquim's and Newport Ha rbor High. Lruop.,, offi <.1dh r1· portt'd. (,;m COSTA MLSA -JoM: Garibay was a "proud American" and hero. On Thursday on the 1!oor of the I louse of Representative., Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said Ga- ribay "is now an American hero: He W'clS lhe first Orange County soldier ldlJed during the war in lrnq. Garibay. who was born m J,1 hsco, Mexico, was a legal U .~. re..1dent. I tis mother Simona, 5 1, brought her famiJy 10 the Unill'<.I States when Jose wai. JU'>I 2 mon ths old. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot ( .o'>t.i Mc'><!. Ilw public 1s in- Vllt•d Ill .111cnd the '>(.'fVIC~. , who enJi.,ted whli the \fannc., al 18. wa-. That I!> how those who re- presenteu tum in the '>late and federal governments remem- bered him thi<. week. Garibay, a Marine corporal from Costa Mesa who wru. killed in southern lr.tq on Sunday, was honored by. both his repre~enta- 11ves in public remar~ on two separate ou:a<.1ons. The 21-year-old Garibay grew up in C.o!>ta Mei.a, graduated from Newport I !arbor High School and then joined the mili- tary. I le died near Na'>iriyah in an ambush, aJong with six others. State Sen. Ro~ John'>on hon ored Garibay on fhur.,<lay hy closing the legi<.la11ve !>eS1>1un 111 his honor. LO!> I A ~II ~A -I orrrH·r fl''>l dent, '>IUdt•nt, athlell' and rur ever hero Jo<,e (,anb.i~ \'1<111 ht· honored 111 two ml·n11111,1I -.erv ice\ in lhl' rn111111g uav~ A mc111or1..aJ -.ervltl' tor < .ar1 bay. Orangt• < ou111y., f1r.,1 t .1 ... u aJty of dw We.II Ill Iraq \"111 ht· held ~unduy al ~I Joadum < llurch, on C Jrange Avt'nu£' 111 '"I ~no~ I want to ht· there to ll'nU Ill\ '>Upporl -..ud U1dfl~ 'lpt'JH t' of :"l.t'\"POrt Beat:h, whO'>l' '>on ·-c.a-.!>" \pcnce is in lrn4 'We all nct'd to rally ;uou11d' £'ach olhcr 111 thest: 111111'" Jose Ganbay \"1th '>IX other \ta nnes who t.hed in thc.11 mc1dent. All \H're hac.t•J "Corporal Garibay"; supreme sacrifice will not be forgonen: Rohrabacher i.aid, "and he will "llLS arnb1uon W"d.'> to bernmc See MARINE, Page A4 < .,mbc.1y, a 21 · yeur old ~fa mw l urporaJ. wa-. kill t·d ~u11 J.1\ near :'\a!>inyah. lra4 allt r c·11c ountenng an amhu'>h h} .11 '\tor th l .u11h11.J' <.amp l.t• See MEMORIALS, Page A4 FIELDS OF GOLD SEAN Hill ER I DAIL 'Y Pll 0 T Spnng 1s the air m the Upper Newport Bay, where Andrew Jeffs and daughter Claire, 2, of Costa Mesa take a morning walk Justice who replaced Bird on state court dies Paul Clinton Daily Ptlot NEWPORT Bl:ACH -Semi-retired state Supnme Court Justice Marcus M. Kaufman died Wednesday al his Co- rona deJ Mar home. Kaufman, 73, died after a long ill· ness.. He was till working on a handful of cases as a part-time artomej with a Costa Mesa law firm. Better known Inside the legal com- munity, Kaufman is perhaps besr re- membered as one of three judges who were appolnted to the state's highest court after an an81)' public recalled Oiief Justice Rose Bird, a death penalty opponent, and two other liberal jurists in the mid-1980s. "Justice Kaufman was universally recognized as a brillianr scholar pos- sessed by a strong work ethic and genulne love of the law," coUeague Mi· chael Weiland saJd. "But those who knew him best will remember him for his many kindnesses, his gentle bumiJ- lty w the way he inspired others through his example. .. Born in Norfolk. Va., Kaufman and his family moved to Los Angeles early FAMILYllME Ill his life. lie grew up m the JtoUy wood area and earned a bachelor\ from UCLA in 195 I. He served ~ an Army lieutenant in the Korean War. After returning home. Kaufman en rolled in law school at the University of Southern California. He graduated in 1956 first In his class. Over the next 14 years, Kaufman served as a law clerk to tate Supreme Coun Justice Roger 'lhlynor, taught at USC and went into practice In San Bernardino. In I 970, Gov. Ronald Reagan ap· pointed Kaufman 10 the State Court of Appeal. where he woded for 17 yean.. Kaufman entered the limelight m March 1987 when Republican Gov George Deulcmejian named him as one of Lhrtt Judges to replace Rose Bud and IWO others who had opposed the death penalty. The political fight 'iurrounding their removal was major news during the 1986 election. Kaufman upheld the death penalty and also wrote the ma1ority optruon when the state high coun allowed po lice officers to set up drunk-driving SM JUSTICE, Pqe M Start training to turn off that 1V Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com RedevetoptMntActlon CommlttM postponet ection. SeeP .. eA5 A (ew weeks ago. I took advantage of an onllne off er to reglster for two weeks of flee aervfce from Nedllx. Th.la Is a co'mpany that ma.Ill customcra DVDs they have ordered onllne wfth the usurance that they can eance1 at any drne. The con(lt]>t Is good. and their lttYlce wu OUtltandina. but we wed Net1Ux only once. and I c;ould not Justify the fut:w9 $19.95 monthJyfi • So I caUed NetOis to can l once .,un. they were very STEVE SMITH Jeff replied. "Got a lot of1V to watch these day.. huh?" By now, you are probably m.1l ahead of me. Vi J given sueh an opallng, l dJ'OYe my truck right through It. •My wUi and I have been 'IV-~ for aeven YM"lo and my kidl bave not watclwd 'IV tn over th yan. • l Wet. 1bere WU auaW.fted on the other end. Msybe Jdt' then Mid what he Mid beta our call mq have been ... PM&Y.PijeM WEATHER tt'a golne to be hot and wtnctv. Sunny lik• IUMmef, SettPlpA2 WESTSIDE c.aMeee't CominUnfty DATE BOOK Local band Standard Tint wanta to be a matdvnatar for fana end~ S..PlpAlO SPORTS Estand• boy9' ~9WWperNtl ComMesa. ... ,....1 PUBLIC SAFETY Citizens • corps 1n the w i n gs City program to handle disasters. led by fire chieL is almos t read~ Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot < 0~ IA \11 '>A -A <...1111..en-. t orp., Coum:1I dt·.,1~11L'd tu kct>p thl· wmmu nit} 111tu1 lllt'd dbUUI thl UI\' d1 ... c1,1t·r preparedlll'"' pru~rdnh, .., .1 "'t'P d~<l\ from tru111u11 . LHy orhnah Un'-'etlccJ the com t'pl I hursdc.1y t•ventng during .1 to\.\ n hdll meeting al the '\Jetghborhood <. ommu- 1111~ C..en lt'r 1n !Jon., Park I he 1.oum 11 1-. -.et up d., a group of t.ummunll)' ledder-. who ofliual-. bd1t've ~111 help dJ'>lrlbUtl' tnfurmauon about tht: lit'\-., program\ thdl .um LU prepare re'>ldl'lll\ for emer gcnq '>lllldllo11' I he on~1naJ 1dt:e1 t.dJlW Imm~ ire Ulll·f llm Hh.,, who -.ay'> he ha-. lwcn \.\Orling on IL \Intl' Sept 11 I hc t 11) had .,ent 11111 letter., to c.1bout 50 com111un11y memhcr' 111dud111g nlt'mber-. of hnnwo"''\1er-. a-. -.oua11on-.. dlUrthe'>. '>thooh and other ttirnmumt) orgarn.La111111., 'ut h a" ( 11rl., hit dnd Hoy \rout-. "I think. wt• had 40 peoplt• ... ho\.\ up on lhur">da}-. which I thought W<t'> a pretl) good re">pome. • 1-.lh!> -.aid He added the11 there wa.-. a lively qut•., 11on dnd anw.er '>C"-'>lon that proved to be edut.auonaJ for offic1i:lb a!. we-U. "The !>pec1fic questions people were a1>k.ing me made me reaJ1u· that tht!'> 1hmg ts not set m s tone, -l:lli\ ..aid. "It., a hvmg. breathing program that will li..ttp evolving wtth tame • <...osta Me!Hl wt.U bt" only Lhe fourth m the 1 ounty to do so. behind Placentia, Laguna Niguel and the Orange-County Sheriff's Department, l:JU said. The city already b.u in place programs uch as m Neighborhood Watch, the Cttl7.ens Emergency Re.;ponse Training Team and Volunteers m Policing. Ellis has set up a Medical Corps Data base so local hospitals will bt" able to network and help in the time of a dbas· rer. The JOb of ~ citu.eM COl'J)$ w.U be lo o~rsee all al nents, attend ' A2 Saturdly. March 29. 2003 FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY Feeling ~afe at heart Healing on a spiritual path -ANONYMOUS ' 'I don't feel secure about anything, Cindy," a &tend said to me with a sad voice and even sadder eyes. "Whether it's regarding my children. or my job, or my Seeds of the Mystical Spiritualist Church were sown when the Kohlenbergers met in the early 1990s. 1 F or John and Martine Kohlenberger. their meeting not only led to marriage, but to a murual spiritual journey, their eventual ordination as ministers in the Mystical Spiritualist Omrch and a shared, spiritually focused business. In the early 1990s, both were single. John Kohlenberger was involved with a singles discussion group for which he was occasionally a featured spealcer. A friend who helped run the group enticed Martine to visit husband or his )ob. everything seems so insecure and unpredictable. Then you throw in thib whole war mess. and I'm just one insecure mess. and I won't even talk about the condition of my house.. My friend continued her story and added that she was confused about what to say and what not to say to her CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON ·1 was spealdng on love at that meeting." John Kohlenberger recalled. "And when she came back a month later. l was a speaker that month, as well. The title of my ltallcl was 'Qpen Heart Sw-gery.' about how as a single you have to open your heart if you are going to have that relationship, that love, you are looking for." l<ENT T~EPTOW /DAILY PILOT The Rev. John Kohlenberger relaxes witti his dog, Spirit, outside the Mystical Spiritualist Church. children about danger and the war. It's hard to find the right balance. and what to tell them about God in all this. "In fact, where Is God tn all this, Cindy?" I explained that I don't know all the answers. but I know enough about God to know that he loves and cares for all of u.s in this counoy, as well as those in every country around the world I know that God hears our prayers and answers them in ways that I don't always recognize. awee with or understand. later that day. I overheard a woman in line at the market teD her friend that she thought she could at least crust in her Social Security, but then she realized that wasn't a sure bet. either. Bank accounts, credit cards and real estate can't guarantee security. I realli.e that only God can provide aue inner peace and security, and we can be secure in the knowledge that nothing can separate u.s from the love or God. Then, I came home and read the latest account in our newspaper about the state of our homeland security, as well as hetghtened security at airports and other vulnerable locations. It's no wonder that we're all feel.Ing Insecure. Whether it's the weather, the war or the way of the world at the moment. we realiz.e that life Is not going the way we wish It would go. OnJy God can provide true Inner peace and security in all our situations and struggla Right now, we're praying about the war because we want safety for our kNed ones. no matter what country they live In or~ they are stationed. Dw1ng these dangerous times we see or hear the news and try to lmaglne what It Is like for those In the middle of conftict and also for those with Camlly members overseas. There Is a war going on at home. u well. I don\ mean between those on both sides of the war debate. Many or us are battling feelings of fnm.le and fear, many of us have hearts that are heavy wtth doubts and lnsecurlties. Oearly there are people to trust and people not to trust. But only God can be trusted to provide true Inner peace and leC\Jrlty. Our government can offer us homeland security for the p~t. but God offers u.. •heartland security.· for eternity. And you can quote me on that. • aNDV TRANE CHAIST'E80N 11 e N.wpon Beech ~nt who spuka ~to pe111nt.lng grc>Ype. She mey be rNChed bv e-mell et cJndyOontlltlgrow.oom or bv mall et P.O. Bex 8140-No fi06. Newpott Buen. CA 829158. The two began to date. It was Martine Kohlenberger, who had been raised in France without any particular training or inftuence from her parents, who first suggested they look for a church to anend together. After visiting a few churches in Orange C.Ounty, the couple found the Mystical United Spiritualist Olurch in Anaheim headed by Jack and Ethel Rowe. They decided it was where they belonged. They stayed for a decade, until Jade. Rowe died in 2001. Ethel Rowe had died some time earlier. ·Jade. got me started doing splritual heallngs, and I decided if I was serious about it, J needed to go to school and get some training,· John ICohlenberger said. Tuday. be is the head pastor of the Mystical Splrttuallst Oiurch in C.Osta Mesa. The Kohlenbergers are ordained ministers and work with four other ministers at the local church. The couple's busineM, Therapeutic Dimensions, is also an expression of their splritual beliefs and practices. They are licensed FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS COOL IN THE FURNACE St Andrewt Pre1byterl1n ctiurcti wtll preMnt "lt'e Cool In the Fumece,• e concert featuring the Chorilttr Choir et 7:30 p.m. Friday. There 11 no dierge. The ctiun::tl 11 et 800 St. Andrew'• Road In Newport Beacti. LENTEN CHORAL EVENSONG The Lenten Choral Evenaong concert, the tr1dltlon1I eveneong .. rvlce. will be performed by St. Mlctieel'• ctiolr end eolol1t1 et 5 p.m. Aprll 8. It'• the aeventh concert In the 2002-03 Friend• of Mu1lc "First Sund1y1 et Five" Serie1. All ere welcome to theN eventt. There'• no edmlMlon ctierge. Saint MlctiHI & All Angel• Eplecopal Churcti, e Chrlltl1n Community of the Angllcen Communion, 11 et the corner of Peclflc View Drive and Marguerite Avenue, Corona del Mer. LENTEN PROGRAM 2003 The Eplacopel Churctt of Saint massage therapists who provide holistic healing remedies -deep tissue, Swedish and sport as well as shiatsu, ruina. reflexology. herbal wraps, energy balance, inspirational and intuitive healing. John Kohlenberger said he first thought about becoming a healer when he was 2 years old. ·My father was an MD, my mother was a nurse. and I wanted to help people feel better," he said. ·With a lot of years in between, this is it• In July 2001. the Kohlenbergers, with three other former members of the Rowe's Anaheim church. tncoIJ>Orated the Mystical Splrttu.alist Olurch in Orange C.0Wlty. Spiritualism traces its beginnings to tbe United States in the 19thcentury, though lt was more popular In Engl.and. where It spread. It embraces the Idea that the personality survives death -death is merely a doorway opening wllo a new. huger experience of everlasting life. Mlctieel wlll have e progrtm ttartlng et 6:30 p.m. through April 9, with evening prayer. dinner and ltl •Who Wanta to be an Eplecopelfen?" video 1erie1. The d'lurdl 11 et Pacific View Drive end Merguertte In Corona del Mer. Information: (949) 844 0483. THOMAS JEff'ERSON IMPERSONATIOH Temple l .. leh of Newport Invitee the community to en evening of fun, educetlon, getting together end enjoying noted lmpre11lonlst Peter Smell, who wlll entertain the audience 11 Thom11 Jeff91110n. The event 11 et 7:30 p.m. Seturdey, Mardi 29, et the temple'• Social Helf, 2401 lrvlne Ave .. Newport Bead'I. Information: (949) f)48.69()(), JEWS DOWN UNDER During Shebbet MrvfcM et 8 p.m. Friday, Rtlbbl Arnold Rad\111 wtll apeek on • JIWI Down Under: Trevel1 In Au1trelf1 end New Zealand." reporting on the rec:en1 congregational llllft to Sydney, Melbourne and the Greet Benier Reef In Australia end Chrtltd'lurdl, Qu .. nttown, the florda of Miiford Daily A Pilot Ccw.IWHaon Box 1IMIO, Coeta M .... CA t2e2e. Ntwt a11l1tant. (949) &7M298 Copyright No newt etorlM. cor1/.wtl.on•11t1me..oom ltlu1tr1tlon1, tdltorl1I matter or '"°'1)QRAPHfM •dvertl""""" herein can be Sein Hlltef, Don LMcti. 1'9P«>CNced without wrlUen 1<11'!1~ perml11lon of oopyrtght owner. VOL.97,NO.ll RlAOlRI HOTUNI HOW TO MACH UI THOMAI H. JOHH10N ........... IMa) 8'2-«>&e ~ Publlthet Glne Ai.xandlr, Lori Andtreon, Record your oommentt about th1 Th• Tlmee Or1nga County TONVDOOMO Denlet Hunt. l'aul S.ltowltr, Dally Piiot or newt tlpe. (800) 252-91'1 Editor Denlef ltewn• Add .... ~ IUf1'I Ol1TINO NaWllTAff Our edd1'911 It 330 W. Bly St., Coeta c....d Ml)8'2·5f78 "=~ Crime °:r ~rt.,, M ... , CA 12827. Offtoe l'loura •re ~ 19'81942..a21 Monday • Friday, 1:30 a.m. · & p.m. ldhoftal fll'otnotlont OINCtOt (8481 174-422 CorrMtlone ..... llHTINQ ffNf dtNf».bMmll•t•tl,,,., oom It 11 the l'ltot'1 policy to ptomptly (Ma) 8'2·6el0 l.J.CW JuM=r•ldl OOfNCI( all tm>ta of eubftlnoe ....... (Ml) 174-4221 l'IMM Cllll (1411 7&M!24. "-wt,_ 1848) f46.4170 ~:ring Editor, NMpott rlfC)OMf, lpotta,.. (148) llCM>170' CM 17.WZU (Ma)'7......U2 m l<lfMll t»tlypllor•i.t1,,,..,oom tJ """". ltltlmf/MIOm ~~,_,..t.tl,,,_oom Thi Newpof1 a..cM::olta M ... -..OM. ---~ ,.,.CIMon Delly Piiiot (USl't-1.....00) la ...an...OM.e (9'8) 8'2..a21 Qlyldltof, l"otltlee end en\llronment 111portw, pyblllhed deity. In N.wport 8eedl ........... ""(Mal 831·7129 , .. )71Ma:M (Mll ?M-4D> JMirti&"'*"',.,.,_ciom . f»Uf.dlnton•~oom Ind eo.ta Mela, tublcrlptlon1 .,.. -..~ evallabte ontv by tublcrlbfng to The lpoflll*>r, .......... Tlmel Orange County llOOI ~ .. --~ Cotumnltt. oultu,. ~. 252 .. 141. In .,... olltlldt of ~ ..... lletnll.oom (.Ml)PMZll N9wpon leedl end Com Meel, JeeliJ.. .... '°"'9.,..,,,.,.IMl,.,,.c»m IUblcriptlone to ~ o.lly flllloC el'9 Alt 04....,,1 N9IM Peek Ctti.f, .,........,.. ewll1t>i. ol\ly by flrM cl• mell for ·we believe we are spirits having a hwnan experience and that what most churches call spirit ls real and ever present. even today.· John Kohlenberger explained. "Thus. miracles and magic tlid not die 2.000 years ago (because) those who have passed on before us only dropped their body. The spirit within, or the soul. continues to live.· The C.OSta Mesa church is conunitted to Ethel Rowe's vision of bringing Splrttualism Into the 21st century. On Sunday mornings. a dozen to two dozen members ranging from young. career adults to senJors who are single. married or in families, meet for an hour-long service. A half-how before the service, the church's ministers offer spirirual heallnga while some members focus on Inner commwtlon and splrttual centering. During the service they share prayer and meditation, Inspirational m1!S588es. a sermon, music, splrit readings and angel messages. "Spiritualism Is a way of life (that Sound end Auddend In New Zealand. Unlveralty Synagogue la et 4916 Alton Pericwey. The publfe< le cordlelly Invited to attend et eny time. For more Information or for e complimentary aub.criptlon to the syn1gogue'1 newsletter, plea .. call (949) 663-3536. WORKSHOPS 8NW F1RESID£S Membe,.. of the Behal faith hold lnformel publlc dl1Ct.1ulon1 on 1plrltu1I toplca et 7:30 p.m. every Friday end at 11 :30 the l11t Sunday of the month. The telka Include brunc:ti or dinner. Aleo, ln1erfelth devotlonel meeting• wlll be held the l11t Saturdey .-venlng of the mon1h. Cell for locatlon1. (949) 76&-0999 for Ft1day meeting, (949) 780-6360 for Sunday meeting, and (949) ~8 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County ofter• en Introduction to Zen Worbhop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of IV9ry month at 120 E. 18th St., Coata Me1t. $50. (949) 722-7818. combines) philosophy, science, and religion,• John Kohlenberger said. •Tuc,ugh we're mcorporated as a church, our vision IS directed more toward being a personal growth center (to assist) each other in the progression and growth or our hearts, minds and souls.· ln adilitlon to tu weekly services, the church offers classes on meditation. healing, spiritual awareness and psychic development. It sponsors ·channelings~ that are open to the public once or twice each year and hosts dinners at each solstice and equinox. This week. as the country steadied itself In the face of war, John Kohlenberger said. •from this day forward we wtD light a candle for peace at each or our services. the light of which will celebrate the love and light that exists In all humanity and in every soul: • MICHELE MARA 11 e frMlanoe writer from Huntington Beectl. She can be reedled et mldlelelhoulfoodfiln.com. MASTERMtNO New Thought Community Churdl preaentl Melter Mind. 1 g~p for thoae who went to ·menlfelt good• In their dally llv•. It 7 p.m. Ft1dev- end et 1 p.m. Sarurdaya et 1929 Tultln Ave., Cotta Meaa. (949) 846-3199. A SPtRrTUAL JOURNEY A 26-leuon etudy on the llfe of JMu1 Christ tltied • Joymey to the Croee • 11 taught It .. 46 1.m. Sundaya during the Homebullder'• Blble Clea at Liberty Beptlst Churdl. The churd'l 11 et 1000 Blton Ave., Newport Beed'I Free. (949) 780-5444. MEDITATION LESSONS A he •1ectlo divine• meditation group meeting la held et 7:10 1.m. Tueadeya et Our Lady Queen of Angela. 2048 Mar Vltta Orfve, Newport Bead'I. The Chrlltlen Meditation Group meet• from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the flrtt end third WednMdeya of MCh month et the center. The format lnclud" two period• of meditation wtth eome lnatructlon on how to medltai., a talk end• dltcYulon. (949) 219-1408. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be hot end windy todey, After 1 great Friday, eurl with strong Santa Ana wind• celmt 1 bit today, eepedally 30 knot. and more end a high Nrty with the high tide. But temperature In th• mld-ao.. continued offlhore wind• By 11 1.m .. It wUI be nur 80 1hould keep• few hollow already, 1nd It won't cool off bowie up for grtbe, Ind the until after the tun Hta, when upper ltl"Mta wl11 have the temperature drope badt 1houlde~lgh eeta. ln1o the low 70.. l\leedey and Wtdneeday le ~ the an1v11 of the YMr .. flNt bfg WWW.nwl.nOM.flOV eouthwMt ewel1. But you kMw tNt. didn't you? BOATING FORECAST --: www • .u ·°'11 HMYy wlnde t:== the northeeet It 20 to IO TIDES wtttt ltronger gut1a In tht nm. ""9M morning. Wind wewe on the lnMr Wlterl wlll be••~ .. 8;22 a.m. 1.0I fMt hl;h t1w fMt off• we1t ewe11 of a'° 1:17p.m. ..O.•fMClow I fMt. Wlnde wttf c9'rn • bit ?:4&p.m. 4.21 fMt hfeh .... . 1:111 m. 1.'42 fMC low P\lbllthed by T1mee Community There wtll be fewer :Lt Jo-,~com Colli Mlile ~. (941) 114-4221 $J0 ptr month. (ltrioee fnclude ell Htwe.• dl\lltfon of the Loe~ ~In the dMpef' w.tert, WATER TEMPERATURE .....,,.....,.l«/m..oom eppllcieble ttate end IOOll .._.) Timet • ...... MllClfll the wtndt wtM "'" be -one It ...... =='· awer ·~ l'OSTMAITER: lend eddtliee f~f'IPOfW;(Me)~ =:.~NMppft C'2002 Tlmee CN .All rlgflta 11to21 llnotl frOm the &edtg,.... -· no41'! 111t Thi IWliM Wiii be ••s:uvf'I dtl'fllfM.o.fi111o.~OOtfl 0.IJ1 l'llof. 11!0. NllMICI. fromtNw.lltltllOlfMt. , .. - ' .. --.. Teens working to 'Stop the Hate ' State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon A student panel and group sessions during an assembly at Corona del Mar High were designed to fight prejudice. their Sl<>gllil Slate&. "I felt there was a lack of toler- ance in the schools m general," Krochik said. ~lbh as.-.embly 15 so p'.owerfuJ. It really makes a dif- ference." 'It's a very unique program; there's really nothin~ like it. I e; lifJ 1:13 ;1ff;fi 41•11J ildifJ~ I l!::t;tdl COllPLITll: IMOI HPAlll TUJll D Samt Ow,,er Since 1965, 38 Years m Costa Mesa TBB c••1nna• IBDP me. 2945 Randolph Ave CBrurol & Baker} Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot •1 pledge from this day on· ward to do my best to interrupt prejudice and to stop those who, because of hate, would hurt, har- ass or violate tlle civil rights of uiyone ... "and so the "Stop the Hate Pledge" at C.oron;i del Mar High School began. Posted on walls throughour the campus, with students' sig- natures collecting on them. signs Showed students' dedJcatlon to promoting unity and tolerance to reach out to one another and make a difference. The "Names Can Really Hurt Us" assembly on Thursday at Corona del Mar High School was part of a program started lasr year witll the Slop the Hate C:Ornmittee of tlle Anti-Defama- tion League or Orange C.ounty/ Lo,ng Beach. Corona del Mar was one of only seven California schools selected to participate in Jo the two-year program. "It's a very unJque program. There's really nothing like rt," said Denise Weiland, director of community services at the high school. •students are under so much pressure -peer pressure, cliques, name-calling -they need to have a forum to discus8 it . . . so they can . understand that they're not the only person feeling hurt. Everyone I~ feeling hurt." The iwembly Included stu- dent panelists who shared their personal experiences with name-calling. exclusion and other fonns of pre1udice to about 380 !>Ophomores. There were aJso small group dJscussions during which srudentS generated ideas to improve their school en- vironment Students are under so much pressure -peer pressure, cliques, name-calling -they need to have a forum 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters Teachers, admtnlsttators and ~tudent leaders received anti- bias training and hate crime training to help them implement work.shops and ~..emblies that would tie in with issues concern- ing their school dJrectJy. ~I lhink the toughes1 chaJJenge was breaking down the barriers and telling our stones." said 15- year-old Andrew Wung. onl' of seven student panelist!> to speaJc a1 the assembly. "I tJ1ink I speak for all-of us thar even 1f other people give up. we're not going 10 give up.· to discuss it ... so they can understand that they're not the only person feeling hurt.' Oentse Welland, director of commumty service~ at the hcgh school T ARYN R OSE I ' • tJI I 'JI l )'I ,I ;I' J),. ,,,. 11.:!f O'I I , /, IL~' •• • ·~ •4. ,, ., Inspired by the message con- veyed last year and its apparent success. then-sophomores J-1o- rencla Kroch1k and Andrea Savo poles formed the Tolerance Among People club to continue to NTap down tlle walls or preju- dice and d1scrimmatlon," as AJ1hough tlle school\ two-year grant has ended, Corona del Mar High student!> were inspired lo continue. They are now working on raising mon~ to fund an a'>- .,embly next year. said Oay Widder. one of the sophomore paneli\t'). "You have a choice." And for some of the .,IUdents who panac:ipated in Uic ewnt, tllal choiu.• ,., <,1mplc "II you ju't smile Ltldt\ ~.(~,~~-~~~ 949-644-5939 Corona del Mor Plazo "II\ much harder to be a Jerk th<ln 1t ,., to be nke to people." really aJI it takes.·· 'Klld l 5-yt>.tI old Thom a!> i'e.il"'>on. on e of the· event facili tator'> 836 Av0<odo Avenue, Newpoo 8eoch Neo< lrmol Forrm Blue Diamond Almond Breae Non-Daily Beverage Made Fnm Real Almonds Ccn/ldns CokiMm mambu A. D, & E • ~ • ~ wllh Pniairl • Ylnilla wlh Protdo •v.6 REG. '1 .79 60tabs 30caps ~Tof\illa ~Chips • Pico de Gallo • Sesame • Tumari ·= $•99 REG. '2.49-'2.99 .IL 1401 '"S. .. 2.~ ~. u .,, .- Souttn•r••\•<t' Sal~ •CHUNKY -Mild . Medium -Hot • GREF.N CHIU :~Hot S•99 REG. '2.99 & 16 m.. SOY DREAM Organic NooDairy Beverage • Original •Vanilla ~ • C.arob REG. '1.49 32 az SUGG. '5.95 NEOCHROME A superior patmled form of CTF chromiwn wilh incmls«I bio<wailability plus imporlanl cofactors. . _ _, __ Low Cal Wheat Bread F~ll11 S.4S REG. '2.95 -..-""' 24az. WEsrBRAE NATURAL Organic Beans • Black • Red • Soup • So}• Bean • Chili • Great Northern • Lentil • Salad • Pinto • Kidney •Garbamo REG. 11.19 Drews AD Natural Salad~ • c.lc Ptwacwo • 1.-'Dllml • s.,~ • ......, c-. a.t 6 °""'" .. J~·s:ar-. ·'n.iS.-U.. m ·Sllalllt~ •c.lca..lm REG. '2.99 12.5 CHI~ VALLEY RANCHERS Organic Brown Egg& ~s1~ REG. '2.69 Soy Yogurt 100°/o Organic Ingredients 10 F'lauors /xJ ~ Choose from Enjoy the Soy! REG 9!r 6oz. Continental Nonfat Yogurt Madewidr~ 16 F1ovors ID Choose from YUw.tlBEARS FARM FRESH PRODUCE s ·dY DBL1CIOU . °CiN~ ' r Apl3 -~ 6:30 to &30 pm ~ RUM:NKllQV, M!IBl'l'laf &DBroX (PART DJ By South Coast MedictJJ. Center .... FREE Seminar (CM Patio)~ .. M Satu-day, Mirth 29, 2003 Trial set for accused child molester A jury lrial is set to begin on April 1 for Trenton Vecbes, a former Newport Beach re· creadon coordinator accused ol auc~g YOUJ\3 boys' t<>ff. Vecbes, 32, of Huntington Beach, who was arrested in April 2002, will face 28 felony counts of lewd contact with mlnors and one misde· meanor cotlht or possessing child pornography. He bas pleaded not guilty to a1J cbatget. POLl~E FILES COSTA MESA • w..t Bebr and Bristol strMU: Sale of narcotics was reported at 3:06 p.m. Thursday. •• Brtstol Street and Paularino A'ffnue: A traffic accident Involving Injuries was reported at 2:55 p.m. Thursday. •Church Street A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1900 blade at 10:26 a.m. Thursday. •Elden Avenue: A garage burglary was reported in the 2300 bloct at 8:21 a .m. Thursday. eff Ewing & Lyleen Ewing CALLING IN A DECORATOR Many people recognize a decorating style they like when 1hey see 1t, bur they find it difficult 10 put together colors. fabrics, furnishings and window treatments to create the look 1hey want. Where can you find a good decorator? If you like your friends' home. ask them for ~.Many commun- ities have decorator showcases where you can ~ fir~t hand the work of several local designers. Furniture retailers sometimes hire professionals to ass isl their customers. Before you commit to working with a designe r or decorator, you should sit down and discuss their f cc structure, your taste and goals, and your budget. Pay particular attention to whether the person is a good listener and communicates well. Whether you are trying to make your home look wonderful in order lO selJ 11 or want 10 fu up a new home, the investment m professional advice can save you costly mistakes and make your home a reOcction of your good ta..rtc. Lyleen and Jeff have 31 consecutive years of real estate experience in Newport Beach. For professional service or advice with all your real estate needs call the Ewings at Coast Newport-Coldwell Banker at (949) 759-3796. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's #1 Teem For 2001 PUBLIC SAFETY Veches quit his job after the allegations. He is being held ln Orange County jail in lieu of a $500,000 ball. ln December, parents of three young boys allegedly molested by Veches sued the city for negligence and negll· gent hiring. Police search for hit-and-run suspect Costa Mesa Police are look - ing for a suspected hit-and- run driver who they say sped away after hitting two vehl~ cles Friday afternoon. The driver ls described u a man wearing a black bat and having a goatee, and the car ii deacribed as a burgundy Un- coln Continental with a per- sonalized plate "NOIVOR," Lt. Lea Gogerty said. The driver hit one of the can and then, while trying to Dee the scene. hit the other car, Gogerty said. No one was hurt, Gogerty said. One of the victims com- plained of some pain, but re· fused medical treatment, Go- gerty said. The cars that were hit suf- fered some minoc.d'amage. • Faatw.y Place: Vandalism ~ Vendallsm was reported In the was reported In the 200 blade 200 blodt at 12:28 p.m. et 3:48 a.m. Thursday. Thuradey. • Herbor Bouleverd: Forgery • Main Street: Battery was was reported in the 2900 blodt reported in the 300 bloct at at 2:25 p.m. Thursday. 11:28 e.m. Thursday. • Newport Bouleverd: Grand • 31st StrNt and Balboa theft was reported in the 2100 Boulevard: Vandalism waa bloct at 12:26 p.m . Thursday. reported at 6:34 a.m. NEWPORT BEACH Thursday. • A!Mlfone Avenue and South Bay Front: A hit-and·run was reported at 9:02 a.m. Thursday. • Blrcti Street A vehicle burglary was reported in the 4200 blodt at 1:33 p.m. Thursday. • 33rd St1'9et: An auto theft was reported in the 300 blodt at 6:59 a.m. Thursday. • 34th St1'9et: An auto theft was reported in the 100 blodt at 6:43 a.m. Thursday. • lath StrNt and the beaf:h: Battery was reported at 2:49 p.m . Thursday. • Goldenrod Avenue: Boutique Sale Apltl ltll, IOam·IPlll Designer Apparel Spanswea• • Home Items AT VERY LOW PRICES Don't Miss rllis POllUIOllS Salem ca111 an1y • a111a1e1 Pinal All Pf'OC)Mdl benefit loal dlarttlel We 'll teach you how to relax at will, D'!)' time, anywhere Let us show you how you c.an quickly gain greater health, happiness, peace of mind ... and have a surplus of energy. Because Yoga Center teachers were tnined by a yoga 1NsW; our dasses offer Hatha Yoga stretching exercises uught in an easy. natural ~ as well as deep m~it.ation and other simple techniques for "holding onto" the peace and relaxation you get from Hatha Yoga. For one low monthly fee, you may attend as Nny classes per week as you like. Come join us at the only Yoga Center serving Orange County for over 31 years. uu (9•9) 646-8281. Fltll DIMONSTIA110NS -10 om & lDJ pm, Wed., April 2, 2003 Apt dalw toa. on rwlaxllflGfl ond incr-Mt Y'D"' ~ '-'. SPECIAi. OFFER: Bring In This Ad and get S20 on your rnt month of ciasses. --- 445 E. 17th St. Cosu Mesa )I~ ~ an-n Tustin and lrrmt AW!nws -0 .. (3 blocks unt af Mothtr\ Marlirt fr Kttclttn) -- FAMILY Continued from Al "monitored to uaure quality customer service,• or maybe It wu becauae Jdf recogniz.ed a bJowbard when he beard one. "OK.JM. &nfth. you're a1J aet." be said. "lfyou wish to reactivate your account. r'u can do ao onllne at any time. Being 1V-free lsn't something that I go around trumpeting. But yes, gtwn certain opportunitlee. I will divulge tbJs aspect of our lives. The excepdons being one or two times a year when eYents promp\ a reminder of just how bad 'IV ls for kids. One of those opportunities Is now, or about 30 days from now, ll you want to get tedmical Thia yeir. April 21 ~ugh 27, ls National 1V Tumo1f Week. If you think you've read this pitch before, stay tuned. This year, ~ve got a whole new reason - a big one -to tum off the tube. It seems that there are more and more experts who are recognizing 1V's dangers and warning parents about them. In an uncredited online story about how to allay the war fears or our children, America Online wrote, "Miml Doe, author of' 10 Principles for Spiritual MEMORIALS Continued from Al feune. Military officials told Simona Garibay to expect her son's body within seven days. Jose Garlbay's body will male a stop In Wash- ington, D.C before it returns to Costa Mesa. The family plans to have the body by Sunday for the planned· service, but details are hant to nail down, family mem- bers saJd. The service time is still MARINE Continued from Al an American cit.i7..en and to pur· sue a career as a police officer,· Johnson said. "Last week. in a CORPS Continued from Al meetings and tale the informa- tion back to their respective communities. On Thursday, most of those invited to partici- pate ln the corps signed up to be part of It, Ellis said. Among them was Cindy Brenneman, president of the Mesa Verde Community Inc. Brenneman said she believed the people who she saw sign up JUSTICE Continued from Al checkpoints. He served as an associate fus· tice until his retirement in 1990. "He was an extremely Intelli- gent and well-prepared judge," said Scott Blee, a professor and former dean at uses law school. •He was generally regarded as Parendoa' (Harpel Collina PllbUahen, 1998), sugeat.s llmJdng TV lmapa of tragedy. especlally for young onea. Instead, tum to leas lntru.siYe med.la lib llldio. • Then. in a follow-up onllne story, author Ellen Neubome writes: •1n addidon, Or. (Marton) Blllch iecommends that parent.a consider n!dudng their own media consumption to malntain u much control u possible over what children tee. Tum Instead to radio, newspapers and Internet sites for your news." There, folb, la the catch. I have no doubt that the nwnbera of'IV-free kids would rt.se like a toufll6 if only their parent.I could tick their h.abit But they cari't. They~ as hooked as theit children, perhaps even more so. This colwnn usually appears in the middle of April, closer to the offidal TV-free week. But I'm writing it early to give parents and teachers time to think about a strategy for becoming 1V-me. lf only for a week. Visit tvrumoff.org for information. There are several options for kicking the habit. You can do what KFl news director Ken Gallacher dJd about 10 years ago and send your kids away for the unco~ed. but is tentatively 11 am. Those interested should contact the church at (714) 574· 7400. "They just told us fo be ready when the body does get here and we will do It then," said cousin Lucina Aguilar. Family members said they bave been ftoored by the amount of support they have re· ceived. An endiess stream of strangers have been dropping by with flowers, cards, money. food. gift certificates and more. lener to a fonner teacher, he wrote. '1 want to defend the country J plan to become a dti· zen or.·~ Costa Mesa's Assemblyman, Ken Maddox. asked the lower house to close its Tuesday ses· Thursday night ¥can definjtely carry the message and be part or the planning stage." "It's only going to get better and better.· she said. Brenneman said she is plan· ning to initiate Neighborhood Watch groups in the Mesa Verde communJry. Diane Hill, a longtime Killy- brook. resident and avid propo· nent of emergency prepared· ness, saJd "this is a high priority Issue." "It's important that every dtl· one of the fudges who gave great care to his work [and was) very independent of mind.· Shortly after retirement. Kauf- man went back to work in the private sector. In 1995, he agn!ed to join newly formed Albert. Wei- land & Golden In Costa Mesa. 'In his last years, Kaufman wrote legal manuals about insur- ance litigation, one of his spe- clalties.. weekend~ you remove aD evidence of 1V In yol,U' borne. Or yeu can eatabllah ftrm Umlts on when the TV la to be turned on. Some homes, for example, won't allow the 1V on from dawn Monday to dusk~ Or, you can do what we did and leave the twdware where it ii '° you can still watch movies, but notTv. . · Qultting1Vlsbatd. I know because I experienced the withdrawal symptoma -tboee are real -and to th.ta day, I am excluded from many conversationa because I did not aee the latest episode of the reality show du jour. I also know it's hlld because, if lt were easy; more people would be doing It The positives from a 1V-free home are remar:kable. Peace. Quiet. ~· Kids wtro read or hive lengthy conversations with their parents. Ooseness. Bonding. I could go on. Plan now to have your kids or students tum off the 'IV for a week, April 21 to 27. If you don't like it. you can cancel anytime and reactivate your account • STEVE SMrTH i• a Costa Mesa realdent and freelance writer. Readers may leave a mq.,sage for Pllm on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. "We are truly touched," Agui- lar said. Simona Garibay's employers, Reliance Services, have offered to give her 30 days' paid time off during her time of grief, said of- ficials of College Hospital ort Victoria Sueet, which contracts the janitorial company. Newport Harbor J-llgh School, from which Garibay graduated, has also planned a tribute. Gari- bay will be honored Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. in front of the BeU Tuwers. slon in Garibay's memory. Mad· dox also lauded Garibay's sacri~ flee for the country. "He's a great American,· Mad- dox said. "He ha.s done more for our country than all the student war protesters put together.· z.en In Costa Mesa has an understanding of what to do In an emergency situation so they're not terrlfled when il happens." she sald. "We definitely need to inYeSt a tittle bit or lime to make sure our families and our neighbors can survive any such situation.· • DEEPA BHARATH covers public aefety and courta. She may be reached at (949) 574-4228 or by •·mail at deep•.bh•rarh@lat1me1.com He Is survived by his wife, FJ. teen; two daughters; and five gJandchildren. A funeral w been set for Sunday at the Con· gregadon Emanu EJ in San Ber· nardino. • PAUL a.JNTON covera the environment. bualneaa and politics He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail a1 paul.cl/nronlll•tlm ... com HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Meta Clty Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 764-5223 M.yor: Karen Robin.on Councl: Libby Cowen, Allen Mansoor, Gary Monahan end Cttria Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beedl City Hell, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beedl, CA 92663, (949t 644-3309 Meyot: Steve Bromberg Council: Gery AAWna, John Heff9mln, Diet Nk:hola, Gery Proctor, Tod Ridgeway end Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COUEGE DIST1tlCT oi.trtc:t C>mce! 1370 Adams Ave .. Cost.a M .... CA 92826, (714) 432-6898 Chencellor: Wiiiiam M. Vega loerd: President Peul Berger. Vice Prectdent Atmendo Ruiz. ~rge Brown,~ Pettenon and Walter G. Howald; student tN9tM O.retSMitv NEWPORT~IA UNFED ICHOOl Dtll'RICT Oistlict Ofnce: 2988-A Bear St.. Cotta Me.ta, CA '2628, (714) ~ ......... ..._Robert Barbot ..... : ~MarV\e Ruor, Vice PrteSdtnt Deni Bladt. Clet1c S.rene Stoic .. , Dtvld Broob. Tom Egen, Ju<tv Franco end Unde 6""" llEM CONSOUOATED WATEJt DISTRICT 1886 Placentl• /INe., Coat.I M9u. CA t2e2l C .. ) 131-1200 ~ ,. ....... JlmAllrlneon, \1oe ,......,. .. HM19v, 1NcfV Ohlg ..... ,.,. .,., •• Md """E. ..... ..... COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1200, (714) 764-!i0o'3 loerd: Pretldent Arlene Schet.r. Jim Fenymen. Art Perry, Greg Woodside end Dan Wonhlngton ORANGE COONTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9060, Costa Mesa, CA 92623-9060, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth 0. Plirter, member, TrustM Ar'M 6, Cotta Meea, Newport Beech ~COUNTY BOARD Of SUPERVISORS Hall of Admlnlstrltion, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Sanu Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (eo.t. M ... , Newport Beac:ti), {714) 834-3220 •Thomae Wilaon, 5th Diltrtct (Newpoft Coast), (714) 834-3660 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Felr Dthre, Cocta Meu, CA 92826, (714) 708-fAIR lwd.: PrMJdent Ruben A. Smith. Vice PNelder1t,.,.. ......... Ae~ Smfth, Emitv Senfont, P9ggv Hektt,.,.,,,.. hftd'I, o.&Oreh Carona, i....tle A. Rey end Fttnlt Batbero STATE IENA11 Roel JoNl9on (R), 3l5dt D1etriet. 11&6.2 MacMhur Btvd., Suit.•, IMne. C.A 92716, (948) 833-0180: fax: (Mt) 833-0e98;,..... ~'Y Pet~. (811) ~1200 ITAJICOMTM.COIDW_,.. • FtwnoM 91., ,_.... 2000,..,. medloo, C.AMtOI. C4") ...... Nglol ... otlol In long .... Cl10> l8CH071 VICE PRESIDENT Olde Cheney (R), Capitol Building, Suite 212, Waahington, O.C. 20600 E-mail: vk:fJ.president O whitehocJ ... f1<N . . ,, . · Dai'/ Pilot Time still an issue with Westside committee Costa Mesa group focused on improving the city is still slow to get through its work, as latest meeting shows. FYI The next Community Redevelopment Action Committee meeting will be April 24 at 6 p.m. at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The road to consensus can be a long one. lbat's what aome members of the C.OmmunJty Redevelopment Action Commltte~ rediscovered Thursday when a scheduled wte .on recommended action. for the Westside bad to be posq>ooed for lack of time. -The comnl.ittee, which has shrunk from Its original 80 mem- bers, bas been meeting since last June to create a blueprint for the Westside. The frustration that erupted among some members about how long the process was taking soon after the committee started was evident again Thursday. ·u we bad done what we're do- ing tonight six months ago. r would have felt much better about it,• Ouistian Eric said. •it's a day late and a dollar short.• ,, The Westside Redevelopment ~Action Committee was created • in January 2002 by the City , .. WHATS AFLOAT • • WHATS AFLOAT is published 1 penodically. If you are planning a naUlical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)64&4170;or bye-mail to daifypilot @latimes.com. . SAILING CLASSES . Onnge Cout Coffege ii ' oftering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most dasses are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. • even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. .The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit OCCS8iling.com. 0,.,. County emp&oy.n can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on week.days to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wor1t with the on-board Instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in buslnesa. No sailing experience necessary. One-day dasses cost from $100 to $125. ,~, 646-9412. I BOAT RENTALS With MllriN ~et the Balboa nm Zone. you can en10Y nautical experienoes from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat. put you sport-fishing skills to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasaU ftight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Council, acting as the Redevel opment Agency. The goal was to engage often waning factioru. of the community in an effort to find colll.(Jlon ground for the fu- ture of the neighborhood.. Previ- ous anmipts at redevelopment In the area. like the West.side Specific Plan, have been thwarted by a lacJt of community consensus. At last month's meeting, the committee came up with a ten- tative vision statement for the Westside, with adjectives such as physically attractive, safe, so - cially vibrant, economically de- sirable and accessible. The goaJ of Thursday's meeting was to de- vise action statements to achieve these attributes. The staremenlS created by the committee include: • Have police check the ID of transienL<t; • Hire a police chief with a proven record in reducing crime: • Rezone Placentia to "live- worlc"; and • Establish a cap on the num- ber of charities In Costa Mesa. The last of these resuJled in a boisterous round of applause. While some have railed against the protracted nalure of the deliberations, other commit- tee members say they appreciate the ltmgthy proc~. because it il- luminates varying perspectives on issues. WYou continue to hear people explain why they think the way they do," Bill Turpit said. WYou start 10 appreciate the dJfTerent view-. and I feel my views on cer- tain things changing as I under- stand better what people are talking abou1 because I under· -.tand more clearly what the pro- posaJ 1s o r more about the need." At the next meeting, on April l 4. members will get to add ac- uon '>lalements that haven'• been hrought up already, and the committee is expected to vote on the statements. •HARDWOOD• LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC T1LE • VINYL Fl.OORING •NattefiCi'llON *·'u& ... :,:.i SOI ARIAii. ~ ~ "' t."tlJ\.Afl • flf)Qti.. -•11• • 111 -..-....,, 'J/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !!!!!:1!.. s 149 from 90ft -90~ Travertine 18" x 1 s· ......... ..... .. .. .. . .......... .. '4.29 tQ ~ Ceralnic Tiie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. instaleo /rot!! '4.99 IQ It laminate Wood............... .. ..... .. . ........ ~~ '4.99 1qa \ Fxallmcein Photography Sina 1947 'i' PHOTOG RAPHY Do You Have Foot or Knee Pain? A recent study by the pedorthic ... footwear association, PFA, has found that hip, back and knee pain can be relateCf to foot problems. r.-----------------~r.-----------------~ : • • : l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-----------------~-----------------~ Stop in our new FOOT SOLUTIONS store and learn how we con help stop the pain. Improve your balance, posture and strength. We carry a full line of stylish, dress and athletic shoes, custom insoles and foot health products for men and women •• ~ 1835 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa f QQT ,• (<oner ef H.\of' \9th, -Moy1og) /"'~A) SOLUTl•Ns (949> 134-2020 \~~J' .. •Mott-Sat. lOam-6 M~mbu 'Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii.._..,. O/o THE BRANDS YOU LOVE! j , NAUTICA HOME ?Imber 9sfe. COl.1.ICTIOH P LMER HOME SUSAN SAIGENT• fte1lil Mee• fer --4en I " .. H.J. Garrett Furniture A Family Tradition of Provitling Strvite and Valur inct l %0 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 pen Mon. thru .. I M ~day. March 29, 2003 OlllyPlot .. J .: . ... FORUM ... e • ... ttQWTO GET PU8USHED -i...tt.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn' at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RHderl Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949)'646:4170 .1 E-mall:S.nd to dailypilot@latlmes.com • All correspondence must indude full name, hometown an~ phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submission• for clanty 11nd length.• ', Fol~y would make good council replacement I congratulate Costa Mesa Mayor Karen Robinson on her new appointment. to fill het vacancy, I think it would be appropriate for the City Council to appoint a replacement. · A suitable candidate, who lost the last election by a slender margin, is Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley. Everyone knows why she lost. The telephone campaign was acknowledged as a dirty trick that worked. The content of the phone calls CW Did you know that Katrina Foley is a Democrat?~) is the very reason that she should be appointed. This is a nonpartisan office, and the council should be balanced. She is pen.onally part ban, as are her colleagues, but publicly nonpartisan. I think she would be a good choice. ELEANOR KLEIN CoMa Me!>a Fonner commissioner right )man for council job It's easy to say 'we need' Kon a Lanes I have read with amusement the arrogance of those debating wbether "we need• a department store or a bowling alley at the Kana Lanes site. l!arth to Costa Mesa;-it's oot your land. If the communlfy "needs" a bowling alley,. then the community can buy Kana Lanes. but the community does not have the right to tell a property owner with proper zonin g that he has to accept lower rent because some people like to bowl. We "need" affordable housing, so perhaps all homeowners could accept lower selling prices to meet this need. We "need" more services, so let's have ciry worker • teachers, policeme n, etc., accept lower wages. Perhaps Al 's Deli could sell pizza cheaper, since we "need" more affordable food. Finally. not everyone can afford a newspaper, so let's have the Daily Pilot distributed free. We "need" more parks, but when the community was asked to pay to buy the Castaways site. it turned out that we didn't "need" park s pace as badly we needed a few extra lattes. This debate has almost made me ,.. MAILBAG My nominee for the City Council position being vacated by Mayor Karen Robinson is former Planning Commissioner Waller Davenport. miss the El Toro letters. rllf PHOTO/OAILYPILOT , Davenport i!> held in the highest regard by the City Council, the ciry s taff and the residents of this community. I le would bring the !>am e unquestioned \4li!>dom. dedication, maturity and leadcr!>hip to the council that he showed during h1!> more than rwo decades of !>ervice on the Planning Commission. If he chose to ser.ie only the remainder of Robinson's unexpired term. he would still make an immediate, positive impact at a time when we need the very characterist irs he pOs!>esses. Most other po .. sihle candidates seem to have a political ax to grind. I lei'> the voice of rea.,on 1n an arena filled with pol11ical rhetoric. GEORGE TURK Readers ttunk the Costa Mesa Planning Comm1ss1on 1s where to find a replacement for Mayor Karen Robinson. Newport Beach Grass would make Olstaways Park greener We have been residents of Newport Beach since 1964. We would definitely like grass in Castaway!> Park. We walk the site everyday. It is di"gusting. Grass better for park than nati ve plants I am normall> .1n advornll' of re'>lOrallon of n.il I\<.' plant-.. I lm'v(.'vt'r, in this ca .. e. I thmk 1hal gr.ts'> .. hould be planted at ( ·.1.,1aways Park to provide an area ''here people LOuld spread .1 blanket t<> picnic or read. stand to Oy llteo,, etc. The Upper Newport Ray .., now be111g n•o,torcd to nativt· plant ... whl•rc•a\ ca .. taways jo, a very '>mall area that would 'l'rve the surrounding an•,1 \H'll if 11 h.1d an open gra<>'>Y ctrl'.t I ,,1.,0 agrt•t• with Allan Beek that tht• fl'nc:e '>hould be removed along the bluff lop for an unobc;1rucLed view kid!> on bicycles, people walking dog<>. kite fli ers and people jui.t out tor a stroll long before Lhe homes werl' built. I \\Ould like to st•t• the p.11"' dedicated l<J tho!'>e wr~ enioyablt· 11\t"\ J'> much .. ., can be 111 tlw much smaller an•a that h left lo U'>. FRANK COLVER 't•wport lkMh &II shows compa~sion in hi s columns I lardl;, ,, day pa'>w' without d \llnoht leltl'f t·ac;11gat1ng Jo'>eph '\ wh.il the ... ubJeLl mailer. 1-elll'r'> hav1.; attal'ked Bell'!. claim that 11011 .. of !ht• world strongly oppo't' thl· lJ \ auadting Iraq. saymg he 1., pl.1\ 1ng loo.,e with the facts" and a ... k1ng "wlwrt• 1., your data? A coupl1• ol man her' '>hou t and 'iC ream in '><11m· dh1.1nt I.ind for an hour brlo11· rt·tinng for a cup of tea and a nap h.1rdh l 011't11utt•c; 90% • \\h,11 11011.,t·n.,1· "' !>hown on TV. hundfl•d., of thou ... 111d .. or people from l.uropt \..,1<.1 tht• lJ \ and other parts of tlw "orld proh '>ll'd going lo war .1ga111'1 lr.1q <.,11l h rnil11ary .it·t1on on our ii.tr t 1, '>l"ll't·lc·•"• .111d w1Lhou 1 prO\ m .111011 I hl'rt' will hl' untold .._1lhng ... huth 1111lit.tr) and ctvihan. ht•fon· 11 t·nd' I hi'> i'> what concerns lkll . .i trtil} COl11J>d'>~1ona1e man. The residenb of this community could breathe muth easier knowing he,., part of the decision-making proce<>s. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa We are s upposed to be able to see the beautiful scenery. but the weeds are so tall we can't even see the Back Bay. Let the "tree huggers" have the outside perimeter of the park. and let us have some grass where we can picnic. spend time with our fam1l1e'>, ny kites and ju!>t plain relax and enJOY the '>pectacular view (1f we could sec ii). It could be one of the most '>pectacular c;pots in Newport. but a!> 1t is now, 11 cannot even be enjoyed. DR. AND MRS. JAMES MCCUNNIFF Newport Beach I Wl!>h to remind the re.,1dent\ of Newport Beach that the ( J\t.iway' bluff top wa!> hl'ing widely ust.•d as an "unofficial" park by RIC.. glider n1er,, Bl'll appearing in the l·orum '>et 11011 of the Daily 1'1101. J'lw nHl'>t n•tl'lll ol '>lll'h letter'> wa., printl•tl I hur'>da} I ht• letter writer., 1.an't '>l'Cnl to tomprehend what the wort.I ''rompa!-t!)lon" mean'>. It .., a trail inherent 1n lkll's artidt•., 1111 mattt·r JAMES G. WHITAKER • Newport Beach Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place your home financing needs in the hands of Private Mortgage Banking. Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3.000.000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties •Interest-only loans i . -- • ... .. : . '· 1' ... oi,' . • .... 4. ' ' t i s E s e ( E J. i: e a \ E a y e B b 6 ir y A 0 d t• b c Ir .. re rt A L tt' c tc a tv a1 a Ai in "' (1 in 11 A ·~ A: m Bl p . ... - 'c I Daily Piiot AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN 1tem1 to tM Dally Alot, 330 W. 8-v St.. Costa MMe, CA 92627; by fl>C to (949) ~170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. lndude the time. d.te and location of the event.•• weU 11 • contact phone number. A compfete listing la evellable el www.dallypllot.com. SUNDAY KJde •nd their bimUlee .,. Invited to •A Very Special Outing; an afternoon of Interactive stC>fytetllng and Cf'afts from 1 to 4 p.m. Adm!atJon I• free at the Newport Beach Central Library. C.11(949)717-3816 for more informetJon. The ~n Amateur Golf Tour Is starting its second season. · hostlng et least 12 local tournaments 9tartlng today. Each event, which take place on weekends. is a one-day, 18-hole competition played strictly under USGA rules. For more · information, call (714) 403-8876 or visit www.aagol~our.com. MONDAY Author Adeffne -., Mah will dlscu .. ~r books and personal joumey m communist China to the Unit In a talk sponsored by UC Irvine Libraries and the Orange County Reads One Book Project. A book signing and refreshments will be offered after the program, which will begin at 6 p.m. et the UCI Student Center, Emerald Bay Room AB et UC Irvine. The event is free and open to the public. but parking costs $5. For reservations, call (949) 824-4651. TUESDAY CtNttve op,....lona by Orange County artists worki ng in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beactt Ci1y Hall through June 30 for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717·3870. A business pt.n devetopment worbhop at National University 1n Costa Mesa will teach students how to write the business plan that work.s for them. The $25 fee lncludea materials. and there is a SS discount if prepaid. Bring additional business associates for $10 eactt. Other work.shops are available rtVery Tuesday in April for the same price. Call (71 4) 550-7369 to register or for more information. A free Feng Shui eeminer at 7 p.m . la intended to help improve attendants' health, relationships and proaperi1y. It will be held at Vislona & Dreama, 2482 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa. reservations are required. Call (626) 288-1669. Martin f.ont:ennr, author of ·Mammoth: The Sierra Legend" will spemc et 7 p.m. at the Newport Beactt Golf Course. 3100 Irvine Blvd., In the Tee Room. There will be tacos and codrtails starting at 6:30 p.m Free. For more Information, call {714) 843-9005. WEDNESDAY A support group for careglwrs of people with Lewy body diaorder and Pict's disease/frontal temporal dementias. sponsored by the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County. will meet at UC Irvine's Gillespie Facility in the second floor of the conference room at 9:30 a.m . For reservations. call (949) 824-2382. Admission la free. l.eem how to hllV8 fun ~ In the outdoore at Costa Mesa Community Center'a Introduction to hiking, ~ng and camping class. The cost is S40 for two claasroom MUiona, April 2 and April 16, local hikes, a car camp, testing equipment at Turtle Rode Park in Irvine and an Introductory bec:tpec:t In the local mount•ins. C.11 (949)615-7798 or {714') 963-6345 for more lnform•tion. Tl4UASDAY A eupport group for caNghlwa, sponsored by the Althelmer'a Aun. of Orange County, will meet st Hoag HMlth Cenler, 1190 Baker St., Costa Mesa, from 1 to 3 p.m . C.11 (714) 693-9630 for raervations. Adml•lon la free. A free MmiMr aled •Honno.•. RejuvenetJon, Nutritk>n and Detoxification (Part 2)" will be held by tM South Coast Medlcel Center fTom 6:30 to 8 p.m . et Mother'• Marilet, 226 East 17th St., Coate Meu. For reservations, a.II (800) 696-MQMS. • WMtheryou'wflled your 1040 for 2002 or not, you may find ways to keep more In your own podcet for the near future at "Tax Law Changes for Married and Divorcing Couples!' The ffee program .iarta at 7 p.m . at the Newport Central Library. j::all (9491717-3816 for more Information. RUDA'( America'• F.mlly P9t &po n.ina through April 6 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The houri are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m . to 7 p.m. Saturday; and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . Sunday. Adml&11ion ls $8 for ad1.1lta, S6 for aeniors (60 and older) and $3 for cttildren (6 to 12). Call {626) 447·2222 for more information. F.lhlon 191and will host photos with the Easter bunny through April 19 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily on the Atrium Lawn. Photo pactages cost from $11.99 to $35.99. A portion of proceeds will benefit Pretend City. The public 11 lnvtted to a reception for exhibiting artists, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Newport Beach City Hall. Refreshments will be served and cash prizes for works judged by UCI Professor Kim Burge will be awarded at this time. Call (949) 71 7·3870 for more information. APRILS Th• April In v.na annual gala of the Alzheimer's Assn. of Orange County will take place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach. Call 1800) 660-1993 for more information. The f9irvlew Park Friends Committee of Costa Mesa invites the community to participate 1n the first annual Earth Day in the Park at Fairview Park and quarterly #Friends" k1dcoff meeting The event begins at 9:30 e m . at the picnic shelter on the Park's w est side. Call (714) 754-5698 for more mformatton Spring ia the height of the gardening and planting season, and the UC Irvine Arboretum offers gardeners a chance to get that special plant for their garden at the -April Showers of Flow ers· plant sale from 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. There's no admission fee The Arboretum is 1ust south of the corner of Campus Drive and Jamboree Road on the UCI North Campus. Call (949) 824-5833 for informat ion Macy's South CoHt Plaza and Seventeen magazine will host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show at 2 p.m . in the Macy's women's store See the lateat looks from Jessica McC1intock. Zurn Zurn, Blondie I llEm Did You Know1 'That we are a full service nursery with qualified ~Ufomia Certified Nursef)' ~and landscape I desips. 'Ne can meet al Qf your gardening ~ Come In today to?'• itil Nurseries and ~ us show you h<M.' ~ llUllUlll ... INC. __ _ Night.a, Rampage. Morgan end Co., Jump and LA. Glow. Call (714) 658-0811, e>Ct. 4231 for reservationa. APIUlt F9iMew o.v.&opmental Center h09t.a lt8 annual spring boutique from 8 e.m. to 1 :30 p.m. in the Fairview Auditorium, 2501 Harbor Blvd., Costa Met•. There will be more than 35 uafters to shop from. Call (714) 957-5188 for more information. WiurdHn·tnlnlng In fourth-. frfth· and sixth-grades are lnvtted to matdl wits with Hany Pott.er at a scavenger hunt through the Newport Beach Central Library chambers at 7 p.m. Sign up at the library's cttildren's desJc or call (949) 717-3800 and select option No. 5. Regl~ra(ion is required. A free eeminar cal~·~ Therapies for Asthma and Allergies" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595·MOMS. APRIL 10 The public Is invited to •A History of Japanese Dolls" at 7 p.m.'" the Newport Beach Central library. Lucille Supple, owner of the Center for Custom Dolls, will present the tree program, which will include a display of handcrafted dolls. Call (949) 717-3816 for more Information. Stanford polittc•I scholar l..any Diamond asks, "Can the Whole Wor1d Become Democratic?" at UC Irvine's annual Eckstein lecture at 7 p.m. m the Social Ecology II building, room 1304. The lecture is free and open to the pubhc Call {949) 824-2904 for more information APRIL 11 Comell l..aw School profeuor David W1ppman delivers his symposium "The Two Faces of the International Criminal Court:' as part of a senes at UC lrvme called "Prosecuting Perpetrators: International Accountability for War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses.· Held m Social Science Plaza B, room 1208 at noon, the event 1s free. The depertments of mectianlc.al and aerospace engineering and biomedical engmeenng at UCI mv1te you to a jomt spring 2003 distinguished lecture by Sheldon Weinbaum at 4 p m . m McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium. The free event includes a reception afterward. Call (949) 824-5406 for more information Boys and girls 89" 6 through 15 are invited to compete on a tun, recreational level at the Youth Trade & Field Championship 2003 at Newport Harbor High School. The multi-event competition will include individual running, throwing and 1umpmg events and team relays. All participants will See TOWN, Pase A8 COSTA MESA SNifTA ~ 2700 9rist0l St. 2800 N. Tustrn Ave. (11•) 7s+a661 (714) 6).3-9200 TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PIO Mir• r Aow• .......... Nunmiy •.Ollla Mme CX>MIUTf lAHl>SCN'tNG • '5 YIMIS DnMHa UCINll•mm I Muter Nursety JllrofesMonll Sat.txday, M•ctl 29, 2003 A7 MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT Save the Datel Thursday, May l st. 2003 lO:OOam to 3 ·00pm Tour six spectacular homes, a beautlful garden and have lunch on the bay! Tickets are $45 ooch and arc avallable at. Brett's Photo txpress. 287 E. 17th St (949) 722-0611 lhe Butera Home Collectlon. l 7 45 Westcliff Or (949) 650-8570 For more information c all (',) (949) 262-2672 J..~ •• Sp0nsored b y l!ll COLOWC!U BANl\e.R U "~~;~ Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm \ stock analyses' recommendac1ons? Were che recommenda cions misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fail co disclose a conflict of interest for the analyse and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary ducy. Were your investment objectives Jong rerm growth, inc.ome, and safecy of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-cohcentrare your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses are often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. Marc I /.u.wn.m , Actorney ar Law USC Law School Graduace Over 29 ~ of Law Practice Former Los Angeles Ekpucy Cicy Attorney Member of Public lnvescors Arbirrarion Bar Assocuuon ToU ~3-5661; 310-n2~22so Law Offices of Marc I. Zussman 10100 Sanc:a Monica Blvd .. 8th Floor Los Angeles. CA 9006 ... SOLE APPEAL Free Gift! Recdft an ex.cfo,_"llwly ~ Manni picture f'TIUM ""Ith any purcbue oJ SJ 50 or more ,. ...., .. ,,,..,._,,,.,,.._.._-" ~..-. ...... ~-A.flt solely for yo~ Th.ii .....on. • our fib km:lor18. deal and ~Jcy cnhaoc~ OW' coDecUon ol!loopao ~ MINcd ..... ~ k\ lOW1l wllb .,.. ..... 6om4-U. _ ... .i· ... wl*. Corolla Dd ""' ""'-Avocado AYemJC, (corner ol MlcAnbur wl PCH) • 94~nt· 1 2' www.-n+ lft..CJOm M Satwday, March 29, 2003 SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A <--lty °"""" tt i.mlr-' S.., Mn Qrist a lft 9' snv The Rev Pr0\l9efl Bunyon, Rector 3209 Vio Ldo =Beach 9 50210 • 7 30 om Troditionol 9omCon~ 9omChurch 11 om Chommotic and Wednesday Noon WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publishes Every Saturday in the Daily A Pilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 m1 ~cDaet &All¥ Pmflc Vi~ ar M.11gurmr Corona dd \far • 644 0463 A ( t1".(Trg1Jllon 11/ rhr A11rf1um ( ommumon /U'IWINC, Ol R JAJTH· /0 1'/\'G ( lfRJ ff A/\'D Sf RV/NG OUR COM Ml 'NI 11. lhc R.."'d l'ct<:r D. H~\nn Rn.tor ~L :-.:DAY \GH Dl! l f •) ~"' ll .un -Hol) f 11<.hm>1 \un.L, ~lic->VAJuh H1l>lc \11,J, 10 am· Choral E.u<h.um \I R5ER> CARF Al:11l.Mll l Costa Mesa First United Methodist Church 420 West 19th Street, Costa M~a (949) 548-7727 Re\ Michael Bankhead, Pastor dult Sunday School· 8:-lSam hildren's Choir: 9:00am orship & Children's Sunda School: 10am I Pl'-.< < ll'\I ~"" .. ,.,/ t/>,.,.,.4-t I We're excited, our new church is open and we'd love to have you visit ' tthew's St. Matthew's Church & Preschool a p.i.nsh of the Angl1C4n Cuholic Church Traditional EpiscopaJ \unJ.w Suv1ca 7 A 5 9 00 & I I :00 an1 UOO Ford Rn.id. '\cwport Be>ch !.unday School: 9:()() •m (curncr Bonita C.1nyon & 1'~1ric Rd) I he Rn-. Stephen ( \urlcn Rector (949) 219-0911 111 ·:\IPllll l '~ -IH l,\ •"'-< \IU'I I\ • SAVE 50o/o' OFF RETAIL .. . When You Deal Direct with the Factory T LE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH Presents mu SMAU NOnD HISTOllCAl IMPIESSIONIST AS THOMAS JUFERSON (II cost_.) Slhr*r ..._. --~ 29 .. 7:30,... Met1 •• SI0.00 fer.....,,, 51100 fer -I •1 1. llff ..... 1 wl M Mrftlt * 2401 niMAn.,Mnrptrtleedi CW a.,, atW SIL l.W. hr rtMMllm ell t4 900 \11 I I !Olli \ I Newport C.cotu United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor I GO I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quirt Worship Sni•iu JOam Worship and Chi/Jrm i Sunday School Youth muting Wt'ekly ll llllH\'\ Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (LLC..A.) 788 Dover~. Newport a.-h Tradltlonal Lutheran Pa.tor D•vld Monge Wor.hlp Service wl1h Holy Communion SUnday 9: 15 •m \Ii I Ht l I 'O I I I \ \ ! l l \I\ I l \I I \ Rtturr1etl111 Beaeh 12S9 Vietori• Street Cost• Meu, CA 92627 Sunday evening service 1t 7:00 PM Rev. Barlt1t1 H1y1111 Telephou (714) S39-n27 E1111il RBMCC@ui1t1111il.111t MESAYERDE UNITED METHOOIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or Richard George Rev Stephanie Toon Senior Minister Youth Minister Chrut Church By the Sea l n11cd M .. 1hoJm 1400 \X B;Ubt,. BhJ ~,.,,,.,.m Bc.ich ~ i\ • m \d..lt !>w>d.o, )o.h...4 ~\(I.le to~m \l,lfthtp •..d ( hddttn• ')uncl,1 \.hool Th~ Rev. Ot-. George R Oisp. Pucor (949)673-3805 ··- ( llHl \ll\"- •-,.... '-, y· """' .. 1 ~ ~~ -~· l Y And Affecting The Comfortable Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DlaclplH ot Chri.t) 2401 lrvln1 Av1. N1wpol1 l11cfl, CA (949) 8-45-5781 Mjllllter; Dr o..i. Dolt CHD.l> CENTERED CHURCH Sunday Service 1 Oam Bonita 6eek Park Catta, Un.Mnicy ud 1.aVicla St., NPB Rev. Gail Miller Alben and Rev. Sttpbcrt L Alben Minutcn email: gailmillcro4e'adclplua.nn "LENTEN LESSONS FROM ~ JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA.. STAN~'S ST. MARK J>itmYTERIAN CHURCH "Optn Arms and Optn Minds" (Luke 23:50-56) h m rnm' liWi'c,. S.1urd1y, March 19, lOOl, S1lO P.M. .(949) 640-7343 Pucnu and Ch.i.ldre.n :Wonhlp God Together ChilMm intmta 6 Sunday, March 30, lOOl, 8:30 & 10:1$ A.M. Worship 9!30 : J>llTlinJ'd.U 11' tJN Jmtia I Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A Cod<enktcd parish communiiy, iruuuetcd lJt the Wonf of God ~nd renewed by the Sammtnu 2046 Mar V15a Drive Newport Beach, Californja 92660 {949)644 .. 0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsignor William P. Md.aughlin Pastor UlURGlES: Saturday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Sunday, 7:00 (Qujef), 8:30 (Contemporary) 10:00 (Choir), 11:30 a.m. (Cantor) and S.00 p.m. (Contemporary) Wcdnctd.y NiaJlc' lllbk Scvdy 7:00 P.M. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303VbUdo Newp:l't Beach 673-1340 or 673-6150 Ouudl 10 am & s pm. SUnday Schoel 10 am ~~7J0pm SECOND CHURCH OP CHRJST,SCIENTIST 3100 Pod%k: Vl9w Or Newpart 8eocll 644-2617 or 675-4661 Church toam SUndoy S<:hggl 10 am .........,.,.....,.,JC)pm •I• WD.a.t U- • •• The ldn9il1"' .......... at'*"'· Medttaaw 1 Os7 17te · TOWN Continued from A7 receive a loahlrt. Optional di nice a,. held at various echooVplrtt tltn and e1'9 Included In the $10 pr.nglttratlon fee. Call (949) 044-3161 for more Information. APRIL 12 TM popular dtllchn'a Th Pelntlng retumt to Fnhlon ftlend from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 12 and 13. The te,,.. COfta tiles ant $100 eactt. ~Id re1eNatlon1 ere required. A portion of the proceed• benefit mlldren'• programs at the Orange County Mu11um of Art. Reaervetlons can be made In per90n or by calllng (949) 721-2000. APRJL 13 0 22 a oz e W UC Daly Pilot .. (948) 78().6642 for more Inform.iron. APM.rl A9 pert of an~ prog,.m, Sudle ~of American Ball.t Theatr9 will perfonn the pa• de dtuX from "Le Cor1a1,.• at the Barclay Theatre In Irvine. Tldceta are avall•bl• only at th• Barctay Theatre Box Office for $18. Catr (949) 8~ for reteNatlon1. Red cel9, trucb and motorcvclM of all years, mak~ and model• are Invited to participate In the fourth annual Strawberry Sunday Fun Fest and C1aaalc C.r Show . -· ... . . • . ' Tho 1how, while 1potllghtlng red •• • cars, I• open to all make•, color• end modelL EntryfMS are $16 for pre-registration or $20 the day ' of the event. Red care can be A fNt Atkins aemlnar Qlled "Keya to Weight Management" will be held at 3 p.m . at Mother's Martcet, 226 East 17th St., Costa Meaa. For reaervatlont, call (800) 695-MOMS. entered fOf free. Ttle ahow runa from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the Automotive Road of Dream• area • ·1 APRIL 14 Hoag Hoipltal wUI host "Look Good ... Feel Better• classes, teaming cancer patients makeup, wig and turban tips to help hide the ravages of radiation and memo1herapy treatment. The classes, given from 10 a.m. to noon, are sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Registration Is required for the free classes. Call (949) 261·9446 for Information. APRIL 15 A free Mmlnar called "For the Worry Wart Vrtamin Taker" will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 226 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. APRIL 19 • "Divorce: A New Beginning" ls a workshop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced. The wortcshop takes place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. The cost is $40. For more information, ' call (949) 644-6435. APRIL20 SaHing Marina del Rey and Newport harbors, Hornblower Cruises and Events is featuring a Champagne Brunet\ Cruise on Easter Sunday. The two-hour cruise features a lavish brunch and dessert buffet prepared fresh on board by our talented chefs. The cruise boards at 11 :30 a.m. and sails from noon to 2 p.m. The cost is $41.95 per person. For more information or reservations. call (800) ON-THE-BAY APRIL23 A five-day, 300-mile cruise exploring the northern Channel Islands will be offered by Orange Coast College's School of Sailing and Seamanship. The trip, oosigned for sailors with at last intermediate sailing skills, costs $625. The Glin de Mar will depart at 5 p.m . April 23 and return at 5 p.m. April 27. Call (949) 645-9412 for more information. APRIL2A "Understanding Your Pathology Report; a free session at Hoag Hospital, will provide insight into the meaning of a pathology report and how it's used in staging and planning treatment for lung cancer. The session will be given from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Call of the swap meet. Call (714) 966-8422 for more Information. APRIL29 Julia SWMnev of "Saturday Night Uve• fame will apeak 81 the 16th annual Circle 1,000 Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 a.m. et the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beam. Sweeney will share her touming, humorous and heartbreaking account of the losa of her brother and her Incredible survival of cervical cancer. Cost is $150 per person, and prooeeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 574-7204 for more Information. APRIL30 A free Mminar and book signing for ·A Portrait For Healing• by Richard Manley will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martcet. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY4 ThrM young tcholanhlp winners • will be part of the California Women's Chorus' 34th annual Scholarship Benefit Concert. The music students will join female vocalists from throughout California when the 200-voice chorus presents ·surf'n Sing• at 2 p.m. in the Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Beach. Tic;t(ets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) 8404568 for t1c;i(ets or information ONGOING Volunteer driven are neect.d to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking tor themselves through #Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. If your on:hld is too big for its pot. Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orm1d·potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m . A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the HCr9tl of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Snvmt the Camm11nity for 30 ~"" G.rlic or S.11"1 Mttrilt Frrsh MARINATED BRISKET TRinPS FISH K-Bo~ ~ """'~ -HMiM Hs./Jtw,, OFBFH $499 lb. ulaft,,.i VEAL -PORK OR CHICKEN BRATWURST ·~· I ' ' I • .. Satul'day. M¥th 29 2003 U COMMUNITY & CLUBS ·. Doing their work quietly • T be Costa Mesa-Orange Coast BreaJdast Uons Oub doesn't usually mak'e the headlines as It quietly goes about its wotk ln the comn:umlty. ln Its latest dub newsletter, the , "Weakly Bull·A·ton." they noted they received thank you letters from Shalimar Then Center for fund.Ing a needy student to a winter camp and from the Orange CoWlty Science and Enguteerlng Fair for helping lQ fund the Orange County Sdence and Engl.peering PaJr, belng held April 28 through May 4 at the Orange O>Wlty Fairgrounds. The newsletter goes on to state that Lion Marvin Kravttz and his wife, )ldde, along with membef' . George Wines, attended the annual Newport Mesa Schools Foundation dlnner and presented a grant on behalf of the club to a ' teacher. The Lions ....-ere the only o;eMce dub to~ a grant to a teacher at the dinner. At a board of directors' meeting, a donation 10 the Uons lntemational Foundation Ill the honor of District Gov. Qud ~was approved, as was contnbuoon 10 Canine Companions for Independenc~. another in suppon of a new Exploring Po!>!, Venture Post I 06. and still another donaoon for the Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts. While a blllall club. the Col>la Mesa-Orange Coast Uons tS doing M>me great wortc Ill the community under the leadership of President lrwln Kinney. Congrarulations. HONORING TOP STUDENTS fhe Commodore-, Oub of the Newpon Beach Chamber of ·GETTING INVOLVED • GF:lTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organ1za11on to this llst, call (949) 574-4298 OPERA PACIAC The Opera Pactfic Guild Alliance, d suppor1 group for Opera Pacific, has activ1t1es for volunteers (714) 546-6000 OPERATION CLEAN SLATE Operation Clean Slate, a Costa Mesa-based orgamza\lon for graffiti prevention, needs volunteers to paint out graffiti and other duties. Michael Howard, (714) 435--0745. OCC ANGEL TREE PROJECT Orange Coast College students are holding their 18th annual Angel Tree ProJec1, a Christmas g1h collec11on for needy Orange County youngsters and senior cmzens. The proje<:t also benefits children enrolled in OCC's Children's Center. Unwrapped gihs may be dropped off at the Associated Students and College life Office from 8 a m 10 9 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Fndays in the college's student center. ORANGE COUNTY CHILO ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers to work w ith high-risk families and children, providing weekly emotional support to families. Infants and first-time mothers in their homes. The center is asking for a three-hour weekly commitment (714) 5434333. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers ant needed for 8 Vlnety of functions. (714) ~199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The talk fon:e la recruiting ' voluntMR for the Interfaith Council Netwoft to WOtit one on one wl1h hom•I .. adulta In a program on balk: 1119 lldJla. (949) · 263-1n4. ORANGE COUNTY P'ERfORMINO ART8 CENTER Ooc:enta 11'9 needed to lead tours Cornmeice will honor the top 15 academic students from CoronadeJ Mar and Newport Harborffigh School at a JIM · 7:30 a.m. breakfast on DE BOOM April io. 200.1. at the Radisson Hotel Cha.lretl by Commodore Nonn Witt from the Irvine Company, the annual b~t gives the community a chance to reinforce the importance of academic excellence. The p dpals from the two schools resent each srudem, citing their a emic, school and community achl ments. while local elected offi · present addioonal awards 1 the honorees. I've got to ~y. it's imp~ive rnommg. one that our daughters. when in 1unior h1gti '>Choo!, a11ended ru. a Wcty of providing motivaoon for thett academit achievement m their high S<:hool vears. lidtets at $25 per person can be reserved by calling the chamber office at (949) 729-4400. l:ach school will receive a contribuuon from the breakfa.'>t proceeds for thett academic pmgram!). ATHLETES OF THE MONTH At a relent tuntheon of thl'. Kiwanio; Club of Co.,ta Me'>a. Pre!>ident Gregory Dennis honored .athle1e., of the month of the Center, 600 Town Center Onve, Costa Mesa Learn about the history and the development of the Center and the workings of the badt stage areas For m ore information, call (7141 556-ARTS. eXl 833 1laha Gray and Xochitl Byfield, &tancia.Hlgh School girls' basketball co·captaJns, who were presented by coach Tami Rappa. whlle boys' coach Ouis Sorce introduced team member Cerio• Pinto. Costa Mesa High School's girl athlete of the month, water polo player Katie Thonn"9, was unable to attend, bur wrestling coach Brett ShalnfeJd presented Matt Grublalch. After being Introduced, the students received a certificate recognizing the hot\or. SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS TI.JESD\Y 7:30 am.: The 40-member Newport Beach SUruise Rotary Oub will meet at the Five~ to hear memory expen and comedian Jeff Korn dlscus.\ "Good with Namei.." 6:30 p.m.: The Costa Me.a-Newport Harbor Uons Oub will meet at the Co ld. Mesa Country Oub to diM:uss the scaled down foh l·ry event !.Cheduled for May 31 and June I at the Neighborhood Community Center WEDNES™Y 7: 15 a.m The 20·member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub Cwww.soutlUXKlStmetro rotnry.orgt the Newport Harbor Kiwanl!> Oub will mee1 at the University 1\thleuc Club. Noon. Ille 40· member Lxchange Club of the Ortlilgl' CoaM \\-111 meet a1 the Centt.·r lor th!! Prel.enuon of Child Abu-.e m Santa An.a; the JO-member Soropturu.,,1 International Newport 1 larbor meet.!> a1 the ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to teach reading skills, work on mailings and coordinate the adult group (7 14) 999--0118 between 9 a.m and 3p.m Grand Opening for Dinner at NEWPORT DUNES RESOR'f'S ]J1 ]J1\Y Thursday, April 3, 2003 Co•• b.perle11C• O•r New DlaHr l•lr•••I Happy Hour 3-Sp•, Thurs-Sat. ErUoY Our Fabulous Champagne Brunch Every Sunday From 9am-2pm, r--------~----~--~------~ 1~:::~d 20% Off1 I Expires April 27th • 2003 • For DinMf Only I L----~------------------~ )~\'\' Reservations 949-729· 1144 1131 Bock Boy Drive • Newport Beach Santa Ana Country Oub 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rowy Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear Pad s.Jala discuss plans (or 28th annual lrrelevant Week. scheduled for June 23 through27. nruRSD\Y 7 a.m.: TI1e 20·plus member Costa Mf'Sa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Oub will meet at Mimi's GU~ Noon; The 50-me{Ylber Costa Mesa Klwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday Inn; the SO-member Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Bahia Corinthlan Yacht Oub for a program by the Amencan Red Cross on earthquake and disaster preparedness (www.Jdwanis.orWclubl costamesa); the 80-member Exchange Qub of Newport I larbor will meet at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum for a business meeting; and the IOO·member Newpon-lrvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium Hotel for a program on court appointed c;pecial advocates I www.ntrotary.org) • COMMUNITY a CLUBS is publtshed Saturdays in the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meeting informatton by fax to 19491 660-8667; e-ma1l 10 1deboom a sol.com or by mail to 2082 SE Bnstol, Suite 201, Newport Beach, CA 92660-1740 ~\9d~~ MIKE'$ ~~~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue ln~ta/lat1on Wood Flooring Re finishing & New Texture-Plush ~arpet \'~l)';-i·2~ sq ft lnst.11/ed Berber Carpet \'~l)~\ s 1 69 /nc,f.Jl/('d sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic \'~(''' s 1 50 sq ft Vinyl Flooring l,)':o;' s199 \~ aqft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S?He4a ~ESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" ... __ FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY •Cust om-Made Furniture • Slip Covers • Pati o furniture Draperies. Shades. & Bedspreads factory & Showroom• 1,1u~ l l.1rht 'r l 'ih-d l.1 "-1.1 \1.1. -.,, L ill lll r J n ln -lfnnh: l k~i\!ll Con!'ullJtion (949) 64 2-8400 THE TOP 10 WAYS You CAN TELL ROGER'S GARDENS DESIGNED AND INSTALLED YOUR LANDSCAPE Rooea's GARDENS Coc..o1t9cAn ••• OU1l lANDecAP1 DIV1SION 1.JOI SAN JOAQUIN tmU. CX>lllONA OIL MAI. CA . 949.640.5806 ............. _ ...... AlO Saturday, March 29, 2003 . I ' I I 0() •ir ·i:~ , 1(11 ~~~..:..._~......:,._;_,.:____:;,___;..~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~~----:,..-~---:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~l~llJV' .,r,, r. Callaway finds success .her own.waY '"j • · : The Tony Award nominee, who has written ,; · many of Barbra Streisand's songs, will perform with the Pacific Symphony . . .. "I remember how thrWJn8, a plat In si¥th grade, .. Callaway said •"'Jbat wa4 the first time l remember being truly tfuilled." She won the Theatre World Award for Outstanding Broadway Debut for her worlt ln "Swing!" She Ms also composed many songs for Barbra Streisand, including •1've Dreamed of You." a song SCreisand sang to James Brolln at their wedding. to do anything to expreu myself." Her staning roles In several musicals ln high school was also la11ded:Jt wasn'r until she was ln college at the University of Dllnols where she met discouragement and aitidsm that could have defeated her. Instead, she moved to New York to aeate her own education. 1luee days after she moved. she started performing. ' By Suzie H1rrlson Daily Pilot The ability to sing songs came at the early age-of 3, and by 10 she knew it was her true ambition. Her path started early, and Ann Hampton Callaway has been persistently working on it ever since. A widety acclalmed jazz/pop singer and songwriter, Callaway, who woo a Tony Award nomination for Best Featured Actress in a musical for her work on Broadway in "SWingl" will be showcasing her talents on April 4 and 5 with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Her resum~ is highlighted with many accomplisbmenrs, and she is pleased with the path she has taken. ' One of~s favorite early performances was when she was a Brownie in elementary school and was part of a play. As she got older, she really started to blossom. "In seventh grade at Riverdale in the Bronx. I started to hone the idea of theater, jazz, opera and writing lots of songs," Callaway said. "I had an eclectic upbringing "Its nlce to be recognized by your peers and be validated," Callaway said "l've been fortunate. The bottom line is that you're happy with your own work." She said the awards can only take SH CN.J.AWAY, P111 A14 PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DAil Y PILOT The band Standard Tint-from left, Rachael Kone, 17, Jason Kraft, 18, Angelo Pugliese, 22, and Tyler Hoff, 18-rehearses for an upcoming show. Musical messag·e Local band Standard Tint wants to bring fans and charities together through its music and shows. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot L ive Aid. Farm Aid We are the World. Add Standard Ttnt's name to the list of musical endeavors with aJtruisuc goals. The band, comprised of three Costa Mesa residents and one Newport Beach resident. sports the timely message of world peace and a desire to change society for the better. FYI Standard Tint will play at 7:30 tonight at Alta Caf6, 606 3111 St. For more information, call (949) 675-0233. a Standard Tint on the definJLlon of a band" Hoff, who plays the guitar and slngl>. and fellow guitar player Angelo Pugliese. 22. of Costa Mesa. have been jamming together since 1994. For Pugliese, music is a way to achieve world peace. Standard Tint. whkh plays a blend of folksy and rock music, wants to transfonn the paradigm of tradidonal ~ by fonning an interactive relationship with Its fans and acting as a conduit between fans and organhations and cau.ses they want to help. "l feel that all people. sooner or later, will remind themselves and one another that world peace Is very realistic because It's ln our hanm, • Pugliese said. "Being a part of Standard Tint Is my way of reminding our brothers and sisters.· Jason Kraft Jams orr harmonica during rehearsal with band Standard Tint. Watch out. U2. "We want to take it to the next !em." said "fyter Hotr. 18, a student at Orange Coast College. "In addition to doing what a band ls expected to do. like sellmg lrnerchandbel, we will put Hoff and Pugllese started writing so~ last year and invited Jason Kraft, 18, of Newport Beach. who plays the conga dnun and the harmonica. a,nd Rachael Kone. 17, of Costa Mesa. who plays the fiddle, to join them. AD four sing. Their first performance at Gypsy Den In O:>sta Mesa last March drew the largest crowd the venue had ever had, Pugliese said. •Even the !people woddng there) said it's the most people they had ever seen, so I~ that5 when we knew we had something on our han<b," Pugllae sald. The band is planning to stage two big concerts a )ar ancf w01 pus out surveys~ fans about their penonal. soda1 and environmental need& After the concert. bend See MESSAGE, Pac• Al4 FANTASTIC FIVE TODAY 1 ...... Anthony'• Rfv.rboM Aett8urant In Newport o.ectt prwntt JetM on the ~on Friday and s.ttlrdly ..._.._, Sundty for~. TM .,.....,....,,.. .. Yo'lf ~CM'I the__,,,__ Mihon(l It .. 1&1 E COM~.CM)~. SUNDAY 2 W 11 nd...,.. Guftstrtam AllltaurlM in ~rt hlcti pr••• nit.~"'° 8ufidly "'""""~ ....... .. ,~at-IWGl»doAYe., ..... Jpoft ...-. Houtt.,. &to I p.m. Sundey Md Ito t0p.M, ~ ltwOUVhw.dl ...... ~, 7114111 . . I N.a Ann Hampton : Callaway I ,,;q performs with 1 •• .. the Pacific . rt• Symphony next ,.. • week. •· ···~ • t ,.,, .. ... , . ' COUf!TESY OAANGE COUNTY'S PACIFIC •A'" . SYMPtiONY ' ,. THEATER I t i " .. ., ,, 'Relatively Speaking' an::;.: ... oldie but a goodie ... '# ~ .. .. . .. • •• ,. ~ ~ ,. SCR revives early Ayckbourn comedy in its 1960s splendor. ~-···' ...... W hen Sir Walter Scon wrote "Oh. •• :: what a tangled web we weave • : when first we practice to • ·' ~ deceive,· it was almost as lf he were :r., I\ anticipating Alan Ayckbourn. • ,I ~ The English playwright. officially ·s1r -~ Alan" since 1999, has carved a career our -·. of writing comedic : contrivances In FYI : which the WHAT: 'Relatively : characters are not • always what they Speaking' • WHERE: South Iii seem -hardly Coast Repertory, ever, really. One of Julianne Argyro1 his earliest Theater, 655 Town ventures into this Center Drive, Costa • genre was Meta t ·Relatively WHEN: Tundays &1 Speaking,• circa through Sundays at t 1967, which 7:46 p.m .• with • became his weekend matinees at t breakthrough 2 p.m., until April 61 • piece in a career COST: $27 to $64 : that now spans 62 CALL: (71 4) 708-6555 • plays and : counting. : South Cout Repertory not only has : revived "Relatively Speaking" at Its new " Julienne Argyros Theater, but also has : retained its very distinct 1960s Oavor, from t • the pop pre-show music to the • micro-miniskirt worn to great effect by i Jennifer Dundas, the lngmue of this ~ four-character side-splitter, to the lively ~ curtain call that hub back to the earl! days of SCR itself. - Ayckbourn begins his play simply •' • enough-a young woman. Ginny •·: (Dundas), plans to spend a Sunday ln ~~ , country with her parent.a, a vtsJt to whk:bO:•: her relatively new boyfriend Greg ; .. • · (Douglas Weston) is coniJally not lnvl~. I Bouquets of Dowers and a dmwrfuJ of Valentine candy lead Greg to assume, quite accuratdy. that there ls, or baa ~ : another fellow In l\.ls loved one's life. •!!: It's only when the scene ah.lfta to the ,. • country estate of Pbllip and Sheila •! (Richard Doyle and Unda Gehringer) mas:· the truth of the matter begins to twfaoe .. : -and then only gradually. And when !•+ Greg follows -or rather precedes-::~ Ginny to the addJ:aa he ftnda In her • .... apartment. his arrival lgnltea a splrf ted :: game of "wh.0'1 doing what to whom a.net!" wbyfJt ·: It would be a diaervioe to future • • playgoera to reveal too much about : ; Ayc:tboum's flend.lahly dewr plot. Suffle» : : It to MY that creadve deception and -: reconftguradon of cbanM:ten at~· speed keep thla merry mMqUende ... TH!A1IR. PlpA14 SOCIETY Saturday, March 29, 2003 All THE CROWD Assisting Olive Crest in style t was a 5tellar evening with close to 900 guests Jttending the recent OOve Crest Blaclc d..Whlte Ball The sold-out g attracted both locaJ and ational celebrities as well as t-of-the-earth Orange Coast standouts -----..... who came for dlnnerand dancing and lo make a difference for abused children who are assisted by Olive 'Crest Homes and services. The nonprofit rganization celebrated three ecades as a local leader in lhe revention of child abuse. ·QUve Crest has provided care or more than 20.000 children d lheir families over the last years." said Lana Oland.ler, a pokeswoman for lhe evening. Oiandler joined Dave Peters, utive producer of lhe ning a t lhe Hyatt Regency, rvine, welcoming lhe arriving rush of notables. Olive Crest's Black and White Ball 2003, held in association with Mighty Ducks Care, attracted Perry King, Antwone Fisher, Mary Price and Kerry Kilbride. The black tie dinner raised six figure s to help abused children in Orange County. Hollywood actor Perry King ved in his black-on-black edo and joined KCAL-1V ews anchor Kerry Kllbrlde, dio host Mary Price and "ter Antwone Fisher fo r the elebration. Orange County eriff Mike Corona was there "lh his wife, Debbie, and in om~ Angeles was Michael man, president of CBS elevision Studio!> in Studio City. Fisher, Corona and KJausman re lhe ev.-ning's honoree~. being lauded for lheir generous support of Olive Crest. Wilh the <;how biz connection, organi.7,ers · billed the evening "Star In A Oiild'!> Life, A HoUywood Spectacular ... Local VlP!. auending lhe party included lhe generoll!> Duane and Kelly Roberts, coastal residents who commute to Riverside, where lhey own, among olher trophy propertie~. lhe landmark Mission lnn. Esteemed U.S. Peace Corp~ RosEYs AUIDBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Center Insurance Approved Shop Director GaddJ Vasquez and his wife, FJalne, were in attendance, along with Dave and Cathie Slmmonson. Dave Sirnmonson is president of Albertson's Markets, Southern California Region. Marte and Barbara Johnson, Tom Burnham, Joe and Nancy Higgins, and Victor and StephanJe Avila were also in the crowd to support Olive Crest. The evenmg. which is also a ma1or funcuon for our local hockey players, lhe Mighty Ducks, was co-chaired by Carol Seelig F.astman, John DrlscoU and Tom Stiilllnp. Olher committee members working wilh Olive Crest organizers and lhe Mighty Ducks Care organization were Steve Bernardy, On1ck Dreyer. Don Rawson, Jay VeOa, and Raymond WhJpp m. •THE CROWD runs Thursdays and Saturdays. THE .. Al I NEW"• .2004 RX 330 Now Available ENGAGEMENTS ~Meier ....... Pridl ala.ta•lillda .. ,._ ... allbeir .... .... da.lO ...... of PIKeotia. . Tbe~p bePn at the l)eOy Piiot. The future brlclelJoom .. the ~ty , editor al the ~andtbe • ' • . bride 1l1Ct ..,_ fOilnei neWs asaislant. She '}OW worb a a JeP01ter at ,the Jtreu..Eoterprise in Rtverslde. · · .The bride elect gradual~ frl>m Redondo Union High ScboOI arid USC · . . · Tbe future bridegroom. son of Robert and Millie Meler of Lyncbburg, Va., padua!ed from Temecula Valley High School and Cal State Fullerton. • AMardi 2004weddiog.is planned in Redondo Beach. Ferree.-Jordan Madison and Wendy Bagby of Hemet, Calif. and Robert Fenee of . Lake Elsi.no.re announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Rose Ferree of Costa Mesa, to Paul Adam Jordan of Costa Mesa. The bride-elect graduated from Hemet Sara Ferree and Paul Jordan HJgb School and Vanguard University in Costa Mesa. The future bridegroom, son of Richard and Aml Jordan, graduated from Desert High School and Vanguard Univer51ty in Costa Mesa. An Aug. 9 wedding is planned at Waverly Cllun:h in Santa Ana. • WEDOINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays Fore form, please cell Coral Wilson et (9491 574-4298. Tue!-'da\·s I) 1'.,. • h asta .'Ill~ t~ I' '• 11 • "'•• ., ~i. ' i., 'u $11 .9;) 0 Cork~e 1 Wednesooys 714 :~7:l .):~t19 -'---------'----"'" 11 )'Ji OOp"' Dorr• ~ •Open Tuesday thtouaft ~fl~ (949) 642·4522 ROSEY'S AUTOIOOY 121 Industrial Way Costo Mesa 561 Cr:.NllR A VE., #37 H UNllNGTON 8EACHCA92647 I ##I"''"',_,, ',,,, u ,,rf,f I'"' IUt /It, .fl').~ 111 .,; SEMI-ANNUAL FLOOR s PLE SALE SAVE NOW ON THE WORLD'S FINEST BRANDS DURING THIS FABULOUS SALE CENTURY, HENREDON, DREXEL HERITAGE, LEXINGTON, This Is Just A Sample Of The Great Saving~: MARGE CARSON, BERNHARDT, RALPH LAUREN, MAITLAND-SMITH AND MANY OTHERS TAKE AN EXTRA 20°/o OFF ALL SHOWROOM ACCESSORIES .... ,... ......... ~I'll.Iii~ -.,.,MM11•111---.e ~lllUtlUlbt,,..•n• ....... tnml\.,_,Vlll ~~ ...... -~ t..,.... ............ ,..,.. .. ,.. ~---.......................... ,.,.... Ol!Wt-*• ........... ._.. • l'~uP 60Wo ' tl:I ~TO NOW Umited To Stock On Hand Elegant Queen $lelgt1 Cherry Writing Desk Cherry solids with burl veneer-s in deef. natl.Ira! finish n -wx J6•o x 31"H NOW ,.999 Rich burf veneer with cogn« finish and hand-orwd decorative motif. QUEEN: NOW $1.299 KING: NOW $1,499 .... •»0aroom m -1212• 101 Ti Dttv9 <E•ol~OlfAlot)AtnrWy) 1AN DIEGO~ (8158) -..1900 • 7480 Mnnw Ad ~&dAl:ft ,.,....,, 7111...,.. HOOAS.~·#W.. IOAM.f .... 10.ut.f~a.i H.ut-4~ VISl'TUSON1HEWEa -.tree11Ure~nvture ,_., ' Al2 Sltwday, March 29, 2003 DATEBOOK MCKECHNIE TONIGHT QlllllilJ F1Unillaillp &.Acce11ories For Your HolN Riatta.n & Glass Table--................ ~ .................... --.. SUS" " Pair of .End 'll.bles ..•.................•............... , ............... $225" 4 Piece Wicker Patio Set ................................... -.... $25()" ' . Pine Botr~t ................... , .....•••..•••• L ............................. $275" Round Table w/Leaf & 4 Slip Covered Chairs ..... $395• Mi.Won Style Table w/6 Cbairs .............................. $450" Pint T.V. Armolre ................................. -... ·-·············$550" Pair of Sofas ...•..... ·-·· .. ··---·····-··········-·--·········$"2,5()()" ( flll\l'...,'l/1111 II/\ \,If fl/1 ,/ "' '''''"'"'"''Ill ( >11!1 1111 .. 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa. Located behind Plum's Patio Phone(949)764-1746 rs: Mon-Fri 10:00arn-5:30pm, Sa1 lll00am -5:00pm. Sun 10:00am4:00pm '!lit, .lat/Jt.St, J1m,st, !Frierufliest 'Beauty Suppfy & !Full ServiaSalon In Orange County NEW ARRIVALS OF Slmchabk pmqnaliuJ Bracelm Best Prices -Best Service - Best Selection Tony Award winner Donna McKechnie, comes to the Orange County Performing Arts Center, as part of in the Elvin and Marjorie Shane Klein Cabaret Series. at 7:30 p.m. today in Founders Han. Tickets are $49 at the Center box office. For information, call (714) 556-2746. C(lll(H!SY Of ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 6 LIZ cla1borne THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING Choosing the riaht flooring for your home just got easy. Because Liz Clairborne offers up the colors ana styles to match you. Perfectly. Quality, style and value. These have always been hall- marks of the Liz Clairborne name, and this new flooring line is no exception. Beautiful flooring, from carpet to hardwood, even vinyls and laminates-all with lasting quality, in colors ana styles that are fashionable and lime- less. NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS. Now thru April 7, 2003. O.A.C . See store for details. And it's available exclusively at: JOHN BLOESER • CARPET ONE When it comes to flooring ... nobody does it bettet® 2927 S. Bristol St. • Costa Mesa • 714 . 751.2324 Mon. -Fri 9am-5:30pm •Sat. & Sun. 10am-4pm • www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach 562.430.7501 & Los Angeles 213.627.4738 •CA Lic.#272823 , ' AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Delly Piiot. 330 w. Bay St, ca.ca Meet, CA 92627; bV f.x to (949) ~170; or bV catting (9'9) 67.M296. A complete list 19 evellable et www.dailypilotcom. SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POEt 1tY FUTIVAL Poets John Gardiner and Katya Glritslty will be featured at the Gypsy Oen for the Orange County Poetry Femval. There wit be performenoe poetry end a musical performenoe bv Courtney Montgon'iety. The GYP9Y Oen .. at 2930 Briltol St, Com Mele. The he ewnt la at 8 p.m. Tueedey. For lnfonnatiOn, call (7j4) 664-6628"' (7\4) 1549-7012. . COSTA' MESA tlGH SCHOOL JAZZ CA8MET The Cost.a Mesa High School jazz banct. end two choin will perfonn Jn the Jazz Cabaret at 7 p.m. Wednetday et the Cost.a · Mesa Community Canter, 670 W. 18th St. The high sdloot's Madrigals and all-female Vocal Ensemble choir performed at Oisneytand as part of its Community Arts Showcase. Information: (714) 751-7188. WAHf' The Newport Beach Film Festival will show the Southern California premiere of Michael Wohl's daring feature film debut, "Want; at 4 p.m. April 9 at Lido Theater. The film takes an unflinching and provocatlve look at the dark underside of dot-com mania. Set in Silicon Valley during the dizzying last days of 1999, ·want" follows a hapless software engineer hiding from reality through an increasingly dangerous sexual obsession. 2003 PROM FASHION SHOW Macy's South Coast Plaza and Seventeen magazine will host a 2003 Prom Fashion Show at 2 p.m. April 5. See the latest looks from Jessica McCtintodc. Zurn Zum, Blondie Nights, Rampage, Morgan and Co., Jump and LA Glow modeled by gir1s from the National Charity League Laguna Chapter. The fun takes place in the THISIT shop for Juniors. For reservations, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. The show is at M acy's South Coast Plaza's Women's Store, at 3333 Bristol St. RLMMAKING SEMINARS A£ part of the Newport Beach Film Festival, the Newport Beach Central Library will host "The Collaborative Art of Filmmaking;" from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 5, and Sllnday, Apnl 6. The free two-day seminar series wm feature some of today's best~ saeenwriters. production and costume designers, cinematographers and directors. The Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Avenue. No re98Mltions are required, but seating is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. A complete list of speakers is at www.newportbeadlfilmfsst..com. For more information, call (949) 253-2880. MUSIC DAYE BRUBECK Dave Brubeck, a legendary jazz great, will perform at 7~30 p.m. -. .. Wedneedav through Apttl e ~ Founder .. Hell. The plenlat end oompe>eer IOld out IWl'tnnn.n~ lat yeer. llc*eta ,,. $100. County Petformlng Ms Center, 800 Town Cant9r Dftve, Coet.e M .... For mon. lnformltion, call ==~ under the direction of Cert St. web>rnee pianist Stephen l<oveceMc:h. He wltl be join the orchestra for Beethoven's Plano Concerto No. 5 fn E·ftat major, the "Emperor." The Ofdleltra witl play Mahlen SymphonV No. 4 In G major. The conoerta w4ll be ln Segerttrom Hafl on Tueldey end ~ at8p.m. Tidceteere , $19 to $69. Orange County· · Performing Arts Center, eoo 1l Center Oftve, cOatJ Mesa. For. more Information, call l714) 740-7878. ACADEJIY Of ANCIENT MU Orange County Performing Arts Center In Foundera Hall will present the wor1d'a foremost I earty mualc ensemtM, whidl wil offer a new critical edition of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons." Th concert Is at 4 p.m. April 13. Tldceu are $60. The Center is a1 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Meaa. For more Information, call (714) 74(}.7878. ANN HAMPTON CAUAWAY Ann Hampton Cellaway, nominated for a Tony Award for her starring role In the Broadway musical "Swing~ will bring her many ,talents to Segerstrom l;taU 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday as pa,.. of the Pacific Symphony Pops I series at the Orange County ~ Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. The concert also ~res gues1 Pops conductor Cer1 T1pi playing jazzy, up-tempo melodies on his trademartt red clarinet. I Tdets are available for $80, $63, $50, $36, and $26. For more · , infomlatlon, call the Pacific : Symphony On::hestra Tidcet Offieeo at (714) 75&5799 or visit the 'Neb site at www.,,.Oficsymphon~. GL.Et.N MILLER TRIBUTE ., " Orange Coast College will ~~ Glenn Miller Tribute at 4 p.m .. 1 ..i April 13, featuring the Tex Be,. Orchestra, vocalists Herb JI l Jefferies and Polly Podewell and the Pied Pipera, In the Robert .L Moore Theatre. Tidcet.s cost ffJWD $35 to $41. OCC la at 2701 , ,.lt1 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ~t information, call (714) 432~ •A SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S 1oH APRIL MUSIC _,, a South Coast Plaza offera live ,.JW music every Saturday and Sunday in April. Sherman fot* will play 1azz on Saturday. ,;t1T Suzanne Edward& Alford will*' country music on April 6. Fie~ Harrington plays pop mualc O.Om April 12. M1r1a Reid plays ~Ad contemporary Christian pop ~~ll April 13. Darryl Morris plays ~M on April 19. Gabnel Mann pl~1 jazz on April 20. The Push plays wor1d music on April 26. AnO~ff. Kerry Gett plays pop on Apnr~ All performances are at 2 P·IT\.,rn except the April 6 performanc,,,o whidl is at 4 p.m. South Coasi:>;) Plaza Is at 3333 Bear St., Costfsb Mesa. Call (714) 432· 7854. , , Q i<!M MUSIC AT TliE TEE ROOM ,1wt The Martt Davidson Trio, with1filin Eschete on guitar, performs 81.~J See HOURS, P•&• ~ Famous Parking lot Party This Sunday, March 30th 9-4pm "The Best Way I Know to Dress for less" Free Refreshments -Let's Pa 2731 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mai« 949 675-5553 I lrw JC I Its.. Ht ~O!lt p.m. '"10 $10c J1'l:l Guffs Newi ~s -~ Avoc Hour &to 1 Wed• -. ""151 l'hee mutil GNg Gotd daiai p.m.I MPG ~ LJibl ftoee. ~ the F ~ I ~ Jl:30 i ~r Sund ~ .. SI :~· I R ~ kt\ ti ti •r---1 I TCHAIKOVSKY'S MYSTERY 1( 1c The Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg will hit the Orange , County Performing Arts Center from May 16 to 18 with 11t "The Mystery of Life and Death,· based on the life of --~ Russia·n composer Peter llyich Tchaikovsky. Adventurous choreographer Boris Eifman has assembled a company •. of classicatty trained dancers who are also gifted actors. • This time around, Eifman turns his imagination to the ..... turbulent life of Tchaikovsky, who created the scores for .... :many of the greatest ballets, such as ·swan Lake" and ~ "The Nutcracker.• The Center is at 600 Town Center .. Drive. For information, call (714) 55&-2122. ff OURS ~O!:Jtinued from Al 2 p.m. Fridays at the Tee Room. ~ Irvine Ave .• Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. ' ,, .. JlttzTRIO Gtiffstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jan ~Sunday through Wednesday -~ular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Houni are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wedneaday. (949) 718-0188. W!EKLYJAM The Studio Cafe presents 'Mehday Night Jams from 7 to 11 ""fJ:M. every week. ·wanted• mOSidans include guitar players. bus players, singers. drummers. keyboardists and others at 100 Ntitn St., Newport Beach. Free. (Mel 675-neo. , . flllV$IC AT THE GRILL lhe Bluewater Griff often live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Nldl Peper and Kelly Gotdien (known as MPG) perform dMsic l"Od(. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform ciasak: roct, ~and R&B at 8:30 p.m. -..,rdaya. The restaurant is at 630 UltO Pat1c Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. Ute AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the -MWic of Common Ground from JMidnesdav through Sunday. The t>end perlorms from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thureday. from Jl:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday end Setorday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 11 et 2736 ~· Coast Highway. Newport f3Nd"· Hee. (949) 642-3431. IMtJStC AT Pt.AYERS Syers reltaurent 11 now offerfng music from 9 p.m. to ldnight every Friday end I .... ,.,. .•.... .-.. ~,, .,,.. ·-· ...... r Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St.. Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 64&-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5. a funk. rodt and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. Sok> guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi a11d the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon lounge. 4500 MacArthur Btvd .• Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE IMPROV AT OCC Orange Coast College is presenting a unique and hilarioo1 improvisational production under the direction of OC theater professor Alex Golson. The 4(). to 60-minute production is modeled after the popular Improvisational TV show. ·whose Line is it Anyway?• It will be performed et 11 a.m .• noon and 12:45 p.m. Tuelday 81 the Robert Moore Theatre. Other performance9 .,.. ldleduled for 6 p.m. Apn1 14. noon April 16, 6 p.m. May 12 end 1 p.m. May 13 in the Orama Lab. Admission is free. Orange Cont College Is at 2701 Fairview Roed In Costa Mesa. For information, call (714) 432-5640. ext. 5. SH HOURS, Pac• Al4 DATE BOOK Fourth Annual IUJICH YARDAQIUIE 25o/o OFF Entire Stock of French Fabrics Sale Ends March 31, 2003 110 Marine Ave . Balbo• Island (949) 673-0719 · Open 7Days 10:30 am-6:00pm kt a.y Ctnttr 267S lrvlnt Ave. tA 949.631.SS87 lnfo@Bldc&.yfitnds.com BldcBiyfftness..com Grand Openin Promotion 2for1 or ~ 50 8/o on Personal Tr111 • Stltt af t11t •it S'J"'1"t~ !Qll!oment • lift litMs ara10 centt1 .... m md1n0Ji tM!~ • Indoor (}ding • Sound · l>fOOf yoq.t fOOll' • (erti~ tral!lffl •nd J"S'lMtOI\ • Sj>tC'.atty p109rams fot cmldrtn. m.JtlJI! a~lts, WOOien 1nd m()(t • NutntlOllal (0\1~1"9 • lie membtrslnp Im \ Sabxday, March 29. 2003 All IEIPOIT COAST SHOPPllG CEITEI HOSTS 'SPlllG FlllG' FUIDUISEI FOi IEIPOIT COAST CllES The Newport Cout Shopping Cntn will host the Pint Annual 'Spring Fling' fundrai.ttt for Newport CoaSt C&rft on Saturday, May 24, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The day of fam- ily fun will benefit the Corazon de Vida Fowldation, an organi- zation dedicated to raising money for orphanages in Baja. Admission to the Spring Aing IS SlO and will include games and ndes for children of all ages. The event will be s1111- ilar to the center's popular Halloween Carnival last faU, which it also hosted for 1 Newport Coast Cares. That event drew a crowd of 750 and netted $25,000 for the cause. Planned activities include pony rides and a petting zoo. the world's largest bounce how.e, a giant shde, rock climb- ing wall. laser tag game. sumo wresting game, and much more Refreshments w1U be available for purchase Newport Coast Cares was founded three years ago by a small and dedicated group of Newport Coast families The group works brelessly to raLSe support for duldren's causes and educate children and fam1he., about volunteer opporturubes For more mformahon. call Execubve OU'l'ctor, Jun McAJeer at (9-49) 476-11+4, ext 358 or v1S1t wwwcorazondev1da org. WhJle en1oymg the Spnng Fling, vts1tors should also stop mto the newes t stores at Newport Coast Shopping Center. mcludmg Dogma. which caters to those dog lovers who prefer quality products offered along with friendly, penonaJlud customer ttt'Vioe. ~ carries superior brands of dog food, toys, bones, dog treats, custom and standard c:of. lars and bedding, pooming products, travel accessoriet, training aids, appattl for dop and their owners, as well u gifts for dog lovers. Fion is also new to the center, specializing m one-of-a-kJ.nd arrangements and offering the highest quality. fresh florals that are m open displays for customers to hand select their own flowers. fiort can custom- ord.er any variety of flower and offers delivery of gifts that can be attached to flower arrange-I ments. Popular gifts to send with arrangements mclude "mommy and me" bracelets that make ideal gifts for a new mother and her baby. Marie's Bovtiqw offer1 the latest European fa shions for women, from spomwear and suits to cocktail attire The bou- bque also cames contemporary accessories, 1eans by Pape r Derum & Cloth and favonte designers such as Eastwood Ranch, and Italian labels favored by celebntles mcludmg Pinko and To~ G Operung s0on IS First Class P1zzR, offering deltoous pizza with the freshest mgred1enb Ill a fnendly. casual atmosphcn.• A supporter of local schools and youth sports. first Class Pizza also provides catenng and delivery For more information un Newport Cout Shopping Center, call (949) 790-9711 or v1s1t www.5hop Thel.rvmeCompanv com Prepared .md patd for bv M9dlsonMarquetteRet.1i.ISen ICE.'!> AH Satur~. ~ 29, 2003 Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. we are tbe biggest flooring dealen JndtvtduaUy owned and operated. DATBBOOK CNJAWAY Contilued from Al 0 her 10 far. They offer ~t; but ahe doesn't tab them too aerioualy or alloW herself to sit on her laurel& • "I temembei the day of tbf, 'Ib!lf, nomibatlon,· my agent caDtid arid I thought' be was 1y1ng.· Callaway~ "I told h1m to atop, tt'a not funny. 1b think ot • lbe people who dlscourapd me-I tbanlc God that I did what my heart said and neYer listened. .. Another hJgh.ligbt for Callaway was performing with her sister for Russian President MlJcha.il God>8chevls YO\ltb · Peace Summit In Moecow.'She was ~.by the tears in God>a.chev\ eyes when they pedc>nned. She bas written more than 200 IOD81t bu~ eolo 8lblllna and bas pedbrmed as a guest artist on 48 other alb\.uns. She is alao working on many future projecca. "During a time of war, I feel so pdvllesed to share beautiful mWiic, when aouls are starving for beauty," Callaway sa14. "it's important to pJ'OYlde oneself with love. beauty and inspiration. to share with an audleo,ce songs and love to. restore what is beautiful fn life." Callaway said she looks forward tQ perlonni.lig with the Pacific Symphony On:hestra again She did a Fourth of July concert with the symphony two years ago. and said it was one of the bl:ghligbts pf her career. For more tnfonnadon~ call the-Pacifit Symphony Orcb_estla at aI4) 755-5799. Shows are at 8 p.m. Tickets cost from $26 to $60. :Avoid th~ ordina~ collle to Tile Italia. •JU!ADY10 INSTA.l.L" GRANITE OOUNTER TOPS • Al ...... c.&otw • 0--SillillWr • •"-6" lled&S,W. • 0..-W. w-. fAlp • '6"laG'sl I!. $695 R.epotuM!aud ---*' udi...aJedM compcdtm prica. "A GltANITI! KITCHEN COUNTERJOP IS NO lDNCEJl A WXUllY ... rr'S A NECESSrnt" rt-aill iul Help keep our city clean! Featuring ... ~~~ WHAT IS ... cdvda ~~ 67oujt? The secret is in the flavorful broth made from scratch- fresh each morning. Generous chunks of chicken breast and rice in our delicious broth. Garnished with diced avocado and cilantro, .finished with a squeeze of fresh lime. Jennifer Lifetime • Wai:ranty Carpet $199 Lifetime Warranty Laminate . Gus Lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 Lifetime Warranty Wood Brenda ... . KE~TTREPTQW/DAILY flower petals grace the guitar.of Standard Tmt member Tyler Hoff. Like the othermembers, 'Hoff also sings far the band. . • ..: ~ • . .,. ;.J....- MES. S"AGE : byraro. who Qwn.Afdcan ~ in c.osta Mesa. a store apeaa~ Continued from Al 0 members will go high-tech and enter the results into a database, print out a spreadsheet and do what they can to fulftll those needs. For example, if some fans want to help a .nonprofit organJz.ation that helps vk:tims of domestic abuse, Standanl 11nt will invite the nonprofit organization to lts next concert to set up a tabJe. And individual band members will · donate a portion or their proceeds to various causes, Hoff said "When we sell CDs. obviously each one lof us) gets a portion of the money that's made," Hoff said "l would put 30% of my income toward the Moses fund 1bat's one example. "'The Moses FWld is an organi7...ation created THEATER Continued from AlO humming, and director David Eirunes showcases each performer to his or her best advantage as the plot -and the relationships, both real and imaginary -thicken. Dundas, the only SCR newcomer among this veteran cast, fits gloriously into the mix. As the instigator of the assorted charades, it's her job to keep the others, especially Weston, from pulling two and two (or, more · accurately, one and one) together until she can extricate herself from a sticky situation. This she does with comic brilliance. Weston, the Oy in the ointment as an uninvited guest, is the only one of the four not striving to prevent a skeleton emerging from a closet. He is particularly effective as he attempts to stitch pieces of the plot together -naturally gettipg them woefully wrong . Doyle is particuJarly a kick to watch, both trying to cover up his own duplicity and simmering at the thought of his wife's supposed daJliances both with a much-younger and a much-older man. He has reason to rage, but an even more c-0mpelling motive for keeping his emotions in check, a switch -hitting assignment he HOURS Continued from Al 3 'TAMING OF THE SHREW Orange Coast Community College's Theatre Department is staging a one-act cutting of William Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew;" a· in Afrlcan art.~ incense, and tobacco pipes. The fund raises money for.African cbildren. Some of the band members bad partidpeted in Jam oMdty drumming circle. After heerlni them play at Gypsy Deo. JC1ro • • invited Standard Tint to ~ accompany him on a trip be putting together to Africa to perfonn for children for The band will ttaveJ to Africa this year. . "They wanted to do sometltilil! positive for the children in Africa." Kiro said ·Tuey talk about this all the time. so we .. decided to go." - Standard 11.nt is also wortJni with a Costa Mesa group called Anybody Om Make Change. which is currently raising money for schools. handles with admirable aplomb. Gehringer, his proper, passive wife who proves to be the wild • card in the declt before the finaJ curtain, beautifully rolls with each new increment of comic punches. She's at once a contented, countrified matron and a bit of a scamp, the latter quality surfacing quite unexpectedly. The circuitous scenario is played out for'the most pan against a lush outdoor backdrop at the country estate. a marked contrast to Dundas' somewhat. lower-scale Oat employed in the first scene. Nephelie Andonyadis hac; designed both with an appreciable attention to detail. and also has created the retro 1960s costumes. including Dundas' striking miniskirt. Playwright Ayckbourn often is called "the English Neil Simon," but there's a profound difference in the styles employed by these two literary giants. Whereas Simon stresses character and frequency of punch lines, Ayckbourn focuses more on plot and how his characters react to h1s cleverly contrived situations. When his plays are on target, as they usually are, the result is sheer hilarity. And SCR's production of "Relatively Speaking" certainly qualifies on that score. • TOM TITUS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays. 40-minute production of full measure sJapstidt comedy. Perfonnances are at 1 :30 p.m. Tuesday and at 5 p.m. April 12 and 13 on the lawn of the Arts Center and at 1 p.m. April 22 and 24 in the college's Drama Lab Theatre. For infonnation. call (714) 721-0608. The college is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. t .. r• rt I ..... ' .,, . 200 I Bentley Arnage Red Label Green/Cotswold I 7K Miles Great Buyt $119,000 2002 Harley Davidson loadlln1 Clauk Only 16 Miies $18,500 t QUOTI OF THE DAY ''When we play against a team ... ; even a /itJle bit better than ~ it's •"' -like a deer in the headliuhJs." .,._ O' ... -• One Somll, Co.sta Mesa boys vole)t>all coach COMMUNITY COLLEGES Quite adr;i,y e date, March 16, eant more than a state hampionship for OCC oach Mike Thornton. hen it rains.it pours. literally and figuratively. For the family of Orange • Coast College women's • ba.skdball coach Mike Thornton -and : the man himself -March 16 marked not only one reason to celebrate, but ~ three. . . .. . . .. .. First off, Thornton's Pirates won their first state championship with a win over Contra Costa. one day after a weekend storm had pummeled into Southern California (note the pun in the lead). I know, trying to be cute. But it didn't stop there. Thornton's oldest son, Brian, a senior setter on San Oemente Higb's boys volleyball team was named MVP of the 64-tearn San Diego ------Tournament of BRYCE ALDERTON tide. Champions. while brother Keith, a aopbomore setter on the junior vanity squad, alao took MVP honors at a tournament that weekend. Thornton's daughter, JCelsey, celebrated her 9th birthday the day Coast won the state "It doesn't get much better than that.• Thornton Aid. Brian traveled with JCeith and JCelsey to San Diego to wibless history for Coast. and then they all reveled In the day. 'We went to Round lllble (Piua) In Costa Mesa afterwards.· Thornton said lben. walking up tht driveway of our home, Brian aald, 'This ls the greatest weekend In Thornton history:• Hard to argue with that one. ••• Congratulations to JanJce Maran and the women's tennis team, which wrappeduptheOrangeEmplre Conference title with a 6-3 victory over SaddJeback -last year's c.onference champs -Thursday. OCC lut won the OEC In 2001. Aabley Nelson is the only sophomore on OCC (11-1, 9-0 ln the OEC), which lndude1 freshmen Leah Becker, Leanna Bunnood, Sabrina Thnamal, Rachel Seuum. Kay Mortyama and Michelle WensJd. • Before the seuon. Maran wu : conlkient her top three atngles [Nelson, • 1lecker and 1anama1J would be attong. she just wasn't u Rn about her -doubles comblnadona. ~the tea0n. though. Mum's abnfftldg of the doubles bu proven beneftdal to Cout'I AlOCell. Maybe change is a bidden common IM COUEQU, P ... 84 ::. Sports Edllot R<>i'lf Carlson • (9491574-i223 • Spor1a Fu: (949) 650-0170 EYEOPENER Mwtll JI llcw..rte ERJCWOOOS Saturday, t.Wch 29, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Estanc1a's Brad Larsen (12) dnves the ball for a kin ~er Costa Mesa s Gabriel Gonzales f2L ano Ryan Bagwell (99) m Friday's Golden West League match PtiOTOSBY ST£vr lolci:llA"ll' '.)Al V ~. ' Energized Eagles Estancia continu es atop Golden West League with sweep of Mesa. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -A pregame lunch at the , 1de Street Ca!~ in Costa Mesa has become tradtdon for the Es· tanda Hlgb boys volleyball team under third-year coach nacey Heims before its crosstown nvalry match with Costa Mesa. Again Friday the meal provided the fuel for the Eagles (10-2, 4-0 In the Golden West League) and the playen in tum exhibited their volleyball prowess over the Inexperienced Mustangs, 15-1, 15-5, 15-1. ln a league SCOfE80MD match at Mesa. Heims, whose family owns the caf6 the Eagles dined at Friday, collected her second win against the Mustangs the previous two seasons at the helm, the la.st coming In 200 l. "Anytime we beat Mesa it's a Estancia 3 good win,· Heims said. •We've M... o grown a lot since last year when we had all sophomores and jun- iors with no seniors." Mesa meanwhile was on Its way to the first round of the OF Southern Section Division IV Playoffs a year qo with a senior-laden team that lnduded Ell Solis. CadOI Jaime. Jordan Feldman and Jeff Collett. Reverie the roles th1s aeason and you have Mesa's makeup. Six of 13 Mustangs are either sophomores or fresh - men who haw never played varsity volleyball before. Costa Mesa's Ryan BagweU dNes for an Estancia kiD in Friday's home game. Estancia swept in three. "We have a real hard time competing.• l&ld Mea Coach Dave Sorrells. "We pracdce a lot harder than we ~ When we play against a team even a little bit bet- ter than us, it's like a deer in the headllghr~ We• a• pl ii\ Ing afraid right now· F..stanoa sensed Mesa'a passrvity m tht' opC'mn.: game, racing to a 9-0 lead with tluff of 1un1or muldll' blocker Scott Sankey's game-tugh 10 1a11 ... om• on . two-band stuff blodt. Seven of Estancra\ I 2 <>ef'\1rt: aces came in Game 1. with junior Km HanweU Jo, 1 Kornegay and Brad Larsen each tallying two \',h1ic sophomore setter Trevor Holmes opened the matrh with one. Holmes rei:orded 22 assists. passing to Ha.rtweU and Larsen (six kills each) and Kornegay (sDt kills! H~U led the Eagles with nine digs. "We've been trying to improve our defense and con · nect with our middles," said Helms, who playt'd vol· leyball at Estancia. ·111e outsides havenl been getting kills so we've been forced to pass to the middle. which ls good We got a lot attempts today.· Sorrells highlighted sophomore middle blockers Ga· briel Gonzales and Garren Walthers as Mesa':» moc;t consistent players of the season. Walthers led Mesa with three lcills and had one stuff block rrunutes mto the match. Gonzales led the Mustangs with three tuft' blodts and gave Mesa a sideout with a tip after f.stan· da passed once over the net at 2-J in the second game. Mesa (l -7, C>-3 in league) held tough. getting within 4-3 in the serond game before Estancia rattled off eight consecutive point& Larsen served six consecu tive points ln that span. Dallas Kopp up front and Jess He.l.lmich in the bad row provided consistency for the Eagles Friday Freshman Andrew Melcer bad m.~ dip for Mesa while John Santos tallied four. Sorrells WU impressed with senior Elias Campos. who began Game 3 serving, and &e'l eeveral dmea (or Meuhltten.. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL ~:Cantarella helps the Sail ors ··:,;snap 19-game. frustration DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Kevin Joyce • • Junior throws two-hitter ! to put down La:guna Hills, • • 1-0, in Sea View victory. Sage Hill's co-captain has been a leader on and off the court for the Liptnihg. . .. t :j t •• . • .. • :.SOJ[CI O"ftr 2 of die ffiiest automobiles. -. - ...... !IA' a test driw tOday!" ~ . . . 11t.k~1'~ • . _,.,,......_............_ ............. ~ ... ._.._.._.......,,. .... ,~~ .. -~~-~---"'-~·-'~~ .. 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MERCEDES . 64 280Sl t1&6a:l>r°".,..w n.s~~~ ... '°°* $22,980 90 SL500 (18923)111~ :l~KMlt.t 0n.o-i. ........ $27,980 ' 99 5320 (191~)5tnol<•S.'-·•·"'5od01• ~COl'd ...... $29,980 99 CLK 320 CAB (190«)"1'~ Lo<OIO..n~ $34,980 ' 01 CU< 430 CPE (191~1, ...... <>-o--&.o.N $'38,980 99 SL500 (1aq1n Dlodl wlTOI' IN Only $41 , 980 00 5430 SON (191~)11iod<WI#.~ "'~ $48,980 01 543.0 SON (19207)23KM1fl s.t...~ $56,980 97 SL320 (1929~~ ~-WM~ e>vt·~~ INQUIRE! 02 MBZ CL55 <1~s.i-nK~ INQUIRE! OTHER MAKES 00 FORD MUSTANG CPE <•86771>,..·• .-...~ $14,980 . 97 INFINITY Q45 c1m.i~onlltv $17,980 01 HONDA S2000 CONV(t90731) ~ "° .,.,, $ 26, 980 . 98 JAGUAR XJR SON 11aasa•1 •..-0•111•0.,~c... $28,980 00 JAGUARS-Type (19171)~s.cion' $28,980 00 JAGUAR XJ8 11mo1~21u.~~ $29,980 99 FORD COBRA CONV ,,.,,, •·• ...,..., ..-~ ., $34, 980 01 DODGEVIPERGT>ACR c1~r.-w ... _...111-. $69,980 ......... -... - SPORTS DAILY PILOT Sage Hilrs boys volleyball standout Kevin Joyce 1s the Daily Pilot's High School Athlete of the Week. JOYCE Continued from B 1 accountable and more disci- plined. He's a very positive per- son. "I think what sets Kevin apan, not only is that he's a great athlete, but he's very coachable and very positive with everyone around him." Joyce's positive thinlcing has resulted in an infectious atti- tude he has toward everyday practices. Last year, Joyce de- veloped an att:racuon to at- tending practices because he realized the opportunity 10 im- prove and he also learned of his passion for the game. Basketball is very close to Joyce's heart, but voUeyball 1s becoming a bigger part of his Life. . KEVIN.JOYCE llom: F•b. 24, 1986 Hometown: Newport Beach Height; 6-foot-4 werght 1ss Sport: Volleyball eo.ch: Merja Connolty~Freund 1 hvortt. food: StHk f41YCM'fte movie: "Caddyshac1t• ~ .w.tlc moment "This ptit basketball leaSC>n. We ~nt to the second round of OF. took Yeshiva to four 011enJmes and even though we lost it wm still a great experience.• High llChooC Athlete of ttM Week XIII: 5-ge Hill's co-captain, he ~ 45 kills and 15 ~aces In two four-9MM matches, lffdlng the Lightning to two ~y lAague lllCtories. Daily Pix I Coll«torspottJ ardsenes OJ-S __ J player... have become beuer communicators. "\\1ha1 ma.Ices me most proud about Kevin b that he'5 been a po!.1Live leader Mld very pallL'nl e5pecially in the la!>t 1wo '>l'<t'><>05, ., Connolly- ! reund !>aid. "We had w me 10.,1ng records. and I'm reaJJy happy to '>ee this year hi'> hard \\Ork and the team\ hard work hcwn111ng 10 pay off." < .onnolly 1-reund ali,o 'aid Joyn·\ wclJ-rounded game ha'> ht·cn an important a.,_.,et. Joyn· ha'> an accurate iump \l'rvt.'. th<' Sage 11111 CoJLh 'aid. and he has' improved on .111 "" !>hOI'>. lie'!> the I 1ght 11111g' go to outi.1de hitter l...i-.1 wt•ck. Joyce 1all1ed 45 kill'> and 15 '>ervice'> acl''> 111 two four game matdlt'\, lcad- mg the !Jghlning to two Arndcmy Leagul' v1Ltont·, "'That probably clicked last year." Joyu• \dld of hL\ passion for volleyball ult just felt hkl· I \VJ.\ ha\1ng fun and havtng a good time, and wmmng gamt.., for my club. There cln.' certain '>J>Ort.!> \~lwn you go 10 practice and you land of don't want 10 go. I '>tarted to look forward to going 10 practice rhat w.i.., the 1um- ing point. whert' I ..aid. ·1 want to do thL'> l"•el)'llay. and I don't have a problem with 1t I w.tnl 10 pla) 11 everyday and I get to hang out with fnend ... ·· I k tolkcted .!.! l...111' .tnd 11 iump-servc .11 l''> 1n .1 four ).!Jmc "in over \\lltllll') \fdrth .! I "In \oll1·vball. coad1 h,I\ told me II'> <1ll .1hm11 t·x- Jll'nt'11u·. Jo) u· -..tid "1..<tt h > e;u th al \\l' pl.1~ .111d l'dl h g.mw we pla} \\L' g.11n more expenen< e \-,a ll'.tlll Wl .. Vl' expl'ncnt t•d ,1 101 morl' Wt•\e lwen g.un i11g -.o murh mow knO\'•ll'dge of tlw g<mll'. 111" ye.tr we're a lot morl' o rganucd. and wt•'re Jll'>I playmg IOugher" It's that type of mentality that ha'> ht:lped \.1ge Hill open its sea-.on wuh a nine ma1<:h winnmg streak. It also help'> that 1h1!> <,ea son, "i..tge I hll ha'> three club volleyball player!>, wherl'd'> la.,,t year Joyce was the only one on a club te<1m. But, of a higher imponanet'. the l ightning\ I hgh -.1 huol '>port'> .irt• much about gelllng IO 1111' Ill').! lt•\el. or lt•.trn111g 1he 1mportann of 11"\nl\,orl... hut -.om ell OH''> .1long lhL' "'.I) l ome r.ire '>tttrnllnn'> wht•rc unt• rxpt:nencc'> '>!Hlll'tl11ng extra. lo)ce 1' thriving in lw. '>ltualmn. I It•\ .1l'>o n•ll'>hlnl( lhl' moment HONORS Pajevic among Sea View's best Newport Harbor center among four Tars honored by Sea View coaches. Newport I !arbor I ugh senior Nedim Pajevic has been named Co-Player of the Year by Sea View League boys basketball coaches. Pajevic, a 6-foot-9 center who averaged 15.7 pomts and more than 13 rebounds per game. helped the Sailors finish second in the league behind Wood- bridge and advance 10 the OF Southern Section Division ll-M Playoffs.. roo.v ....,.. College-Washington State at UC Irvine, 6 p.m.; The Mater's at V•nguatd University, doubleheader, 11 e.m. Community college -Santa AN at Orange Coest, noon. High 1chool -Cott• MeH •t la Quint•, doubleh .. der et 11 •.m. Cofl999 men -Cal State Jo1111ng PaJe\ u 011 lht' all lcaKtJe fir ... t team 1' '>t'llllH tt'.tm lll<llt' <l1a-.e Cameron, while -.en- 1or C.l1ad Rorden and Jlllllor An- dre P111ew1t reprt'\Cllt the "irulo r'> 011 tht' .,econd team (..aml'ron awragt•d i !l point'> in hi'> '>t'cond c;ea.,on a'> .i '>tarter. <....inwron and J>·ajeVll were '>t'<.·ond team '>dl'tllOll'> a year ago Rorden chlppt'd tn 6 7 ppg. while Pmesert added 5.9 ppg. PaJl'Vll, who Wlll rcprc~nl the !'>outh in the Orangr County All- Star Game. scheduJcd April 5 at Orange Coast College. !>hared the lop honor with Woodbndge jun- ior David Burgess. SCHEDULE Northridge at UC Irvine, 7 p.m SoftbeU College -Azusa Pacific at Vanguard University, doubleheader at noon. High sdlool-Orange Lutheran at Newport Harbor, 10 a.m.; Coata Mesa at Ri8tto Toumement, va. West V•llev Hemet. 9:301.m. 8wtmmlng High sdlool boys end girt. - Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 27 Jabari Sommons Van4uard Unoversoty B.i~ke1hall 01 22 Troy Bedcf'r Or.myP Coas1 College Trdck and field 00 19 Ryan Lean Newpon Harbor Swommong, '02 at CIF Relays Finals at Belmont Pfaza. 6 p.m . 1tedt •nd fleld College men and women - Vanguard University at UC San Diego Invitational, 10 a.m. Community college -Orange Coast at Cal State Northridge Relays, 9 a.m. High adlool boys and gtrf1- Estancla, Newport Harbol' .hc:i Corona del Mar at Irvine Invitational, 9 e.m. ( _-C,,~-)-Bue n a --------=me: 5S~--JE: , VO~L P ark -------0 ·,; ' .. 60 .. . .. •' . • . 111.&&r. I 1•,0M ,.,. ........ u. ---· "*'"*~-1-......­..................... QD ........ • ICl9 .... ·- .. y • • I I • • SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL SOF I BALL PREVIEW ransition time at Newport H~rbor " . Wolfe returns to guide a team she ~opes will continue improving the _basics. Bryce Alderton DailyPHot NEWPORT BEACH -Mas(er· lng·the fundamentals is No. ,1 on Newport Karbor High so1'J)all coach SbMon 'M>U'e's list. In her first year back coaching softball at her alma mater after a seven-year absence, WoJfe inher- its a team that bas gone 6-2 in the early going. But she stresses there is more work to do. "All the kids can catch and throw, but they need to do it right on a consistent basis, w said Wolfe, who played softball, basketball and voUeyball at Har- bor before attending Orange Coast College, where she briefly played softball and basketball before moving on to Long Beach State. She has coached for 27 years. including the last six sea- sons with Newport's field hockey team. Wolfe and assistants Diann Pendergrass and Jen Thompson (HaJbor's girls basketball coach) have been teaching the players how to catch with two hands in practice, ttying to get them stop using just one hand. The Sailors have been making solid contact as or late, which encourages Wolfe. The Sailors • NoNMw Yr, 00 Kim Moore St. .1 Jenny ~nlel1 Jr. • 2 Balley .Bierden Sr. 3 Darci "9nnlngton Fr. 4 Claire Bodenhoefef Jr. 5· Kaytelgh Hom So. 6 s..N Grumman Fr. 7 Athena Vuquez St. 8 Alhley Gleeeon So. 9 Shelby Crisp Sr. 10 Amanda Campbell Sr. 12 Sebrina Couch Sr'. 15 Julianne Basa So. 16 Jennifer Gummerman Jr. eo.dt: Sharon 'M>lfe (first year) ~Diann Pendergrass, Jen Thompson Moore has compiled a 4-I re- cord this season, and is corning on strong at the plate, Wolfe said. Vasquez plays shortstop along· side sophomore third baseman Ashley Gleason with freshman Sasha Grumman at second First base has been ocrupied by Crisp and sophomore Julianne Bass bas been the designated hitter. "~I seems to be suited for the No. 4 slot,· Wolfe said. "She stays so focused and seems to be the-person that is holding her own in that spot." $enior Amanda Campbell i.s behind che plate, while the out- field has been a revolving door for the most part this season. for Sabrina Couch. who look borne aecond-team all-league laurels lut aeuon. along with junton Oa1re Bodenhoefer and Jenni!er Gum.merman add an~ other dimensfoo to Newport'• arsenal. "We have a good. aggressive and focused Infield with some speed In the outfield." Wolf~ sakL "We'm more 50Ud on the ,defensive end. I just hope pui bats do some-more talking by~ time league rolls a.round." Newport doesn't begin league play for another week. but when the time comes. Newpott figures to have 118 bands full. Laguna Hills (8·3) is currently ranked ninth in CIF Southern Section DivtSlon I and No. 25 by the Times, while Foothill (4-6) is ranked 20th by the Times. Wolfe hopes her six seniors can blai.e the leadership path for the underclassmen. "They will have to step up and fill thelr roles heavily cballenged by the underclassmen," W>lfe said. "Whoever shows more heart and ·desire will make the transition stages stronger." She takes over for Jess Martin- son, who resigned prior to this season. Martinson led the Turs lo their first league win at home in 38 games when the Sailors beat Irvine last season. Wolfe knows that the players were used to a certain coaching style, but she remains steadfast in her approach. DAILY PILOT flLE PHOTO anda Campbell (left) and Athena·vasquez (7) are two of Newport Harbor's major players . Newport's lineup features All- Newport-Mesa selections in sen- iors Athena Vasquez. who will continue her softball career next season at ihe University of Wis- consin, Kim Moore [district Player of the Year) and Shelby Crisp, a second-team All-Sea View League selection last year. Juni9r Jenny Daniels has been a stalwan in left field with fresh- man Darci Pennington and sen- ior Bailey Bearden each receiving playing time in center. Sopho- more Kayleigh Hom can play either the outfield or infield. Sen- "I'm trying to be very patient, consistent and thorough," she said. "Just because you have played awhile doesn't mean you have everything under your belt You always need to be working to get, or keep. your position. l want them 10 be able to practice some things and see if that worts helter than what they were used 10. If 'iO, we can readjust" HONORS CdM trio All-PCL· Klein Sea Kings' lone first-teain pick in girls basketball. <:orona del Mar High sen- ior Kelliann Klein. who led the Sea ~ to a share or second place in Pacific Coast League girls basketball. has been named first-team All- PCL by the circuit's coaches. Klein, who paced her team in sooring (12.6 points per game). is the lone first-team honoree from CdM Seniors Madison Otter- bein and Jaclie McCoy re- present CdM on the second team. Ottert>ein aw:raged 8.0 ppg, while McCoy chipped in 7.5 to help the Sea Kings reach the ClF Southern Sec- tion Division ill-A Playoffs. McCoy was a first-team aD - leag\ier as a sophomore. Calvary Chapel's Rochelle Cnwford is the league's Most Valuable Player. Six Sea Kings gamer honors Dillion, Whitaker, Cerutti are named first-team All-PCL boys soccer picks. Corona de.I Mar High. which ea.med a share of its flnt league c:hampiomhlp lioce 1994, bad sU boys IOC· (lei' pla)'ws recogn1Dld All· Sea Vliew League by the dr- cUt'I coadleS. Senior Eqab Oi1Don Is joined on the fimt team by junlor leammatet Danny Whitaker and Julien Cerutti Dillion WM a second-team bonotee ... jlatlo& )mlon Ollis Rl~o iDd 1ertrt n.,w. u wen u eophomlft repl1.!ICOC me sea 10np on this )'e8l"t aiecond team. CAM {9-1-0 ln te.gue) mdt us ftnj tdp to the Of Sotiihen\ s«dori PLtyoft't ec. 2'0), ~ Ill the ot- Vlliort ll &it roiind to fl Do· rd> to llWh 16-8-S. ~ em:~)Np'.t Mdil ~ Plmyit. c BRIEFLY Zoelle lifts Sea Kings to 6-2 ·victory She strikes out seven to pace Corona del Mar to tournament victocy • SOPTBALL: Alissa ZoeUe struck out seven and walked no one to pick up her third win of the season io a 6-2 victory for the Corona del Mar High softball team over Capistrano Valley Ouistian to wrap up the Costa Mesa Tournament Friday at TeWmkle Parle. inning, as host Orange Coast held off visiting Golden West, 2-1, Friday in Orange EmJ)ire Conference softball. Kera Mathes (6-7) earned the win, scattering five hits and two walks. She had the Pirates' first RBI with a sacrifice Oy in 1he first inning. Coast (8-10, 3-6) hosts Santa Ana on Monday at 3. COLLEGE SWIMMING Aaron Peirsol places second CdM (4-5) scored three runs in the sec· ond inning 10 pad 10 claim a 3· J lead it never relinquished. Senior Lauren Loe started the rally wich a one-out single and later scored on Jackie Manning's single. Meaghan Bunney and Melanie Cole would score on a throwing error in the third. Loe knocked in Amy Tyson from third in the third inning for CdM's only RBI against eve (4-6). COiia Miu TCll.W'Ml'IW!t CdM 6, c.pistnno Val9y Ctu. 2 Scot9 by lnnlngt CdM 031 002 o e" 3 eve 101 ooo o 2s6 Zoelle and Tyson; Elc:hler. Hanten (41 and Krumpotlch. W -Zoelle. 3-3. L -Eic:hl~. 2~. 28 -Morris ICVC). OCC falls in five at GWC .VOUEYBAU.: Orange Coast CoUege gave host Golden West all It could, but reu short in five games, 30-28, 28-30, 35- 33, .27-30, 8-15, in Orange Empire Con- ference men's volleyball action Friday. Coast (13-5, 7-3 in the OEC) falls be- hind Golden West and Giossmont, both at 8-3 ln the conference. The Pirates fouJht hard despite play- ing without starting· outside hitter JCamiana K.amalani, who is nursing an injured back. Poyer Pola, playing on a sore ankle, led Coast with 28 kills fol- lowed by Paul Pomroy (12), and Doug Lewis (11), who filled in for KarnalanL Ka.lone Soon led the Pirates with 14 digs and Matt Skolnik tallied 11 . Mike Mwpby coUected 60 assists. Levi LusteT bad three 110lo blocb and asaJsted on five. Pirates edge Golden West, 2-l • SOFl'BMJ..: Olristlna Wakeman &lugged her aecond home run of the sea- wn, a solo shot with two out ln the first Onin11 Empire Conference Orange Coast 2. Golden West 1 Score by Innings GWC ooo 100 o 1 s occ 200 000 " -2 2 Swift, Fryshe 131 and Cardoza; Mathes end Sharum W -Mathes, 6-7. L -Swift. HA - Wakeman IOCCI · Sailors fall at Mira Chsta • . VOu.EY&\LL: Newport Harbor lligh's Sailors dropped a 4-15, 9-15, 15- 12, 4-15 nonleague boys volleyball deci- sion to host Mira Costa Friday night. Mi.Ice Toole and Paul Toman led the charge with 10 kills apiece, and Nick Kelly (12) and MiJce McDonald (10) were in double figures with digs. John Langford filled in well at middle blocker for Nedim Pajevic, who has quit the team, according to Coach Dan Glenn. "Newport Harbor feU to 7-8. Mira Costa is 5-1. Anteaters top Hawaii, 5-2 • TENNIS: UC Irvine's men's tennis learn defeated Hawaii, 5-2, in the quarterfinals of the Anteater OassJc Fri- day, sending the Anteaters against Texas A&M Corpus Christi.today at l p.m. in- today's semifinals at Anteater Tunnis Stadium. UCI 5, Hawaii 2 Sing,_ -Endrlkat (UCI) def. Seem. 4-6, M . 6-2; Ode (HI def. Korac, 6-1, 6-2; Monon (UCI) def. Manolalchlno, 6-1 , 3-6, 6-4; Moralejo (HI def. Blorll.man, 6-2, 6-1; SuraPol (UCI) def. Brignole, 6-4, ().I, 7-5; Yandoc (UCll def. Oiepraam, 2-8, 8-3, 10-6. Dout>M -Ode·Menol11clno (H) def. Morton-Endrikat M ; O'Conno,.ICorac (UCI) def. Sceata-Olepraam, 8.fl; Prent•WllllatN (UCI) def. Moralejo.Brlgnole, 8-3. AUSTIN, Tex. -University of Texas freshman Aaron Peirsol, a prodw:t of Newport Harbor Jiigh, was stunned in the finals of the 100-meter backstroke Friday al the NCAA Swimming and Diving F"mals. as Stanford junior Peter Marshall logged a winning 46.67 to re- peat as NCAA champion in the event. Peirsol, the leader after the prelimi- naries with a time of 46.27, fini~ed West League play Friday against hosl SaddJeback. The Eagles committed four errors. two in the three-run Saddleback second, and lost, 4-2. An overthrow from third to first with one out began the Eagles tumble. A SaddJebaclt double put runners on sec- ond and third and another miscue in the infield allowed two runs 10 score. "We feU apart in that inning, w said P.s- tancla Coach Marc Rodig. The Eagles, trailing. 4-0, scored two runs in the fifth when Laura Morton brought home Rebecca Kaplan and Lar· sen, who had both singled, with a hit into right field. Morton was thrown out at first on the play. Olelsea Kaplan and Hilary Ockey also coUected singles for the Eagles (8-2, 1-1 in league), while Muriel Masoo had four s.tri.keout.s in the circle against SaddJe- back (2-0 in league). Goldefl Welt Laque Seddlebedr 4. &uncla 2 Scorw by Inning• E1tancle ooo Cl20 o • 2 ' ' S'badl 01:1 000 0 ' II 1 Muon and Acosta; Fernadez and Ramirez. W -Fernandez. L-Muon, 5-1 28 Diaz (SI, Avila (S). Lightning rolls on, 14-4 Estancia drops the ball, 4-i •TENNIS: The sage Hill School boys • SOP111AU: A suocesslon of errors tn tennis team. playing without Its top two the third lnnlng compounded the &tan·· singles players, had Uttle trouble wtth cla Hlgh's girl softball team's attempt at Brethren Ouistian, winning the Acad- ita second strt.lght victory lo Golden emy League home match. 14-4, Friday ... competltlora In the Orange asslsta per game. ••• secorid 10 Marshall with a time of 45.71. Peirsol was also a member of the 800-me ter free relay for the Long- horns and led off wt th a 1 :34.57 leg. John Suchand, Rainer Kendrick and Ouis Kemp followed to finish first in 6:18.62. Peirsol is scheduled to swim the 200 backstroke and 400 free relay today. at Park Newport. Sage's top two doubles pamngs of Marlt Ramadan and Todd Montakab, as weU as Drew Roeser and Kent Kuran, each swept 10 help the Ughtning. ranked No. 5 in ClF Division V, improve to 2 -5, 1-1 in league. Ughtning Coach A.G. Longoria said No. l singles player Greg Solodok [ear infection) and No. 2 singles player Eric Burton !ankle sprain) should be ready when Sage HUJ visits league rival St. Margaret's Tuesday. AcMemyl.aq»I Sage Hm 14, ar.thren 4 Sing ... -Mllov1nuev (SHI Iott to Bowmen. HJ. def. Elm. 6--0, def. Bamuguchi, 6--0; Chin (SHI won. 6-2, Iott, 0-6. won. 6--0; Cassel ISHI won, 6--0. 6-2, lo.t. o-e. DcM.tblea-Ramaden-Montatrab (SHI def. Col•McCleland. 6-1, def Pringfe.J. Gregori, 6--0, def. Audd·E. Gregori, 6-3; Aoesw-Kuran (SHI won, 6--0. 7-8, 6-0; Livingston-Demirjian (SH) won, 8-1, 6-3, Iott, 5--7. Sage Hill posts winners •TBA.CIC AND PIBLD: Sophomore Laura Gordon woo the girls 100-meter intermediate hurdles (19.8), the long jump (14-5¥.) and the triple jump (31·2) and junior Braden Barnett won the ~ shot put and discus to h1Pllcht s.go HilJ School competitors at an Aadem~ League track and fteld meet Friday a.t Saddleback College. , Barnett, the lone Ughtnlns comped~ tor la.st aeuon, broke hia own ahot pu~ school record wtth a ma.rt of 43-5~ anct: • his wlnning dilcua throw WU 105·9~. 1 I teVCOtb ~the u-.. l COLLEGES Continued from Bl denominator In Coast's wtnnJng fonnula IO fat Empire and Western State Colled.l~ty. OCC has conferences. as seen oo the a.muled 500 kilt. (15.2 pu CaJlforoJa Commi. Ion on game) and b compiled 1 .311 Athletics CCOA) webtlte. hitting peiantage. the bat of Prab.man Kalmana kamal4nl the )4 teamt ·~ CoUt leada ln dfit c:Jer pme (3.27) • leada In _. ... , 422 'an 33 pines Coach John Knor'1 Orange Coast Collea women'• croa country turn led the way of all 11 fall and wtnter sports ln average ande polnt ~- c.o.t\ wosnn _..., I team. coidild.,, ... ~ .. thln:l In the .... _ bad 1114. .: ~Bmy'&tiM___.p( iQ'.-1 std&b&td a !U2 ~ 1bomtodi mte-d'lilimpton women\ bUbtblll c.un docbd. 3.11 .net e>cn ... IOCal" letm; co.chtd bJ I.Md ...,.... loll'd. 2M ... lW-4 won. Mlb SIK.hoWlild men'I waser palO aeam ti.d a ••• Th.rough March 16, OCC• men'• volleybatl team hat four player• amon1 th 'top 10 In four statbtlcal caCe•orJn amon• wtulC freehman utlllty Poyer Pola (12.79}. The Piratea baft &llO m:rage1 2.04. .. recorded the moat dip (338), Prelhman middle blotker•lA'Yi 'good for a 10.2' ·~ LUster 1$ 9ee0nd in blOCb per Cout helded Into lu game p1M (1.50) and ~ Ofth In ll8!nst Golden Welt Mclay per pine (3.96). Miu With a '12-4 rout. 7•3 ln the Mwnby la alao 4fth With I U OPJ'. • The tale champions had a 3.25 average. the beat of any men'a or women'I team at the achooL IC.Dea'• men'• cro country • tam. whkb flni.bf'd tecond lo tbt It.ate, nicOtded 1 2.63 GPA. Z.66 •verua. ' . SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL BASEBALL Eagles break out with 11-7 victory DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar High's Keith Long (left) makes a tag on Calvary Chapel's Halston Barcelo trying to steal second base Friday afternoon. Loss sends CdM feeling Seven-run second inning ignites Estancia over host Saddleback Frid ay. SANTA ANA -A two-out, seven-run outbun.t in the sec- ond inning prov~ the difference Friday for the !::Mancia High baseball team in an 11 7 Golden West 1,eague wm over host SaddJeback. Sophomore Ryan Gleason be- gan the rally With a fWO· SCOREBOARD run double, but the two· e baggers were just beginning. l·.nc Scheaf- er, lJreg Hughes and Estancia 11 Jeremy Saddlebadt 7 Hau..er fol- lowed sun for the Eagles 10 build a 7 I lead. Brad Young helled a two-run home run in 1he -.econd and~ one of four l:agle'> IO collect two hill>. Cullen Crom, Tyler Hoffman and (1leason were the other thret' (,l ... ar,on led the 1:.agles with three RBb with Young. Hoffman, Crom each scoring two runs. The EagSes CJ-.6. 1-1 in league) had to hold o(f scrappy SaddJe- back (2·6, 0-2), but was helped on the derensive end by Hoff· man -playing left field -in the fourth lnning. Hoffman threw ouJ a runner trying to ,tag up from thlrd to end the Saddleback thre,at. ·That was a momentum boos!.· satd Estancia Coach Jon Green. ·We took It from (Saddle- backl nght there.· EsLancaa aho rt'ceived a strung rebef outing from Tony lppol.Jlo, malcing his first appearance on the mound this season. IppoUto scat1ered awo hiti. over 3111 in- nin~. allowing no run~ ·11ppoli101 was changing speeds. throwmg strikes and movmg the ball around on hit- ten. real well," C..reen said. ·rm very proud of hun • Gotclel'I Welt Lucue Estancia 11. Seddlebadc 7 Scont by lnnlnas Estancia 010 001 3 11 12 5 S"badl IOJ 002 I 7 6 5 McDan1els, Ippolito 131. Crom 17' and Crom and Hauser (61. Valeruuela, Goduy 171 and Valverde W -Ippolito. 1-0 l Valenzuela 2 2 28 Hughes !Et. Hauser IEI. Gleason (21 tEI. S<:neafer IEI Guillen IEI HR · Young IEI Coach believes changes in order after lackluster effort against PCL foe Calvary thapel. formance that featured four er- rors. sloppy pitching. listles.'I hit- tinK, questionable base-running and, uncharacteristicaJly, an oc casional absence of hustle. "I haven't seen a team from CdM play Lilce that !>ince I've been here," added Emme. who!>e prevtOU!> five sea ... ons included rwo leal,'Ue tiUes, five trip'> to the CIF Playoffs and the aforemen- uoned CIF Division rv cru .. vn in 1999. But two first-inning CdM er· rors paved the way for six un- earned runs by the hosts. CdM rapped out four of its SLX hit:. to score three in the second, as Wess Presson drove In one with a single, Keith Long plated another with a sacrifice Oy and Karpe pushed one across with a groundout A CdM base-running blunder cost the team another run. when a runner hesitated at :.econd on what appeared to be a double in the left-center gap. failing to advance more than one base and eventually being stianded. son league favorite, m the PCL standings. Karpe. a senior designated hit · ter who went 2 for 4, was the only Sea King with more than one hit and senior Beau Stock- still was the only one of four CdM pitcher!> to allow no runs. He struck. out two in two h1U~c; relief innings. Washington St. unloads on plagued UCI team Barry Faulkner ANH:.ATI R lv.IJJ'ARK -wa.., Man li!bher Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -It came Mth out warning. dragged on without mercy and. finally, prompted Co rona del Mar I ligh ba-.ehclll CdM Calvary 4 12 rnach John Emme to que'>tum thL' very fow1dation of a pro gram four year. re moved from a Ut- Southem Section champion- ship. "It" wa'> a 12-4 Pacific Coru.t League road loss to Calvary Chapel Friday at Vanguard Uni- versity. It was a game in which the means. more than the end. delivered Emme lnto what could be a long weekend of intro'>pcc· tion. "Complete embarrassmeni, • was Emme's caJldid assessment of I.he lackluster Sea King per· A'>ked about possible punitive mea!>Url!!> for hii> players, l~mme in~tead positioned himself m front or the passing train piloted hy an Eagle squad U1a1 lo'll four of Its fm.t five, but ha.\ now won two straight and "2-1 m league play. "I'm going to have to take a goo<l, hard look at my..elf. be· caw.e, obviously, I'm no1 doing c;omethlng nghr. • bnme "-ild "My team was not ready to pl.ty today and I have to truce the blame for that. I'm going to have to regroup, because the ap- proach rm using now i!>n't work· ing." rhe Sea Kings appeared ready 10 work in their first a1-ba1, when Jo'ih Rradbury earned a one out w.i.lk. advanced to third on a Nick~ double over the cen- ter fielder's head, then ~ored on Nick P·cikhikofTs RBI groundout to put the Sea IGngs (4 4, I ·2 tn league! in front. Calvary starting pitcher Jon Skaar g<>I the final two outs in the second on ground balls and proceeded to retire nine straight hitters. before Karpe smgled in the fifth. Skaar. who evened his record at 2-2. worked out of the two· out. two-on Jam in his final ln· rung. with a little help from CdM. A wind-blown pop ricocheted off Skaar's glove near the mound, but a CdM runner that started on second. tried to score on the play and was nailed easily at the plate when Skaar retrieved the ball and threw home. Terry Mermer. who led Orange County quarterbacks in regular· season passing yards last f'all, pitched the final two innings to help Calvary jump over CdM. which some deemed the presea· CdM juruor first ba-.eman Barren Sprowl made a back- handed pickup of a throw m the dirt to end a (.alvary Olapel threat in the fifth, while junior shortstop Jerin Thayer and jun- ior right fielder Blake Contant each went to their knees lo stab sinking Line drives for other de- fensive highlights for the vil.1tor1>. The game's final out wru. teU- ing. Calvary center fielder Patric Spurgin made an over-the- shoulder catch of a drive ucketed for the right-center gap. Appar· enUy thinking the ball had dropped. the runner at first broke for second, without tag- ging and was doubled up when the ball was relayed to first. hclk Coat a....,. c.Mwy Ch ... 12. CdM 4 CdM ~ ~lnn"T 4 e 4 Calvary 821 JOO • 12 IO 3 Maddin, N Rhodes ( 11. Contant (41. St<><*stJll (5) and Presson, Kelly 151. Sltaar, Melmer (5) and Holt, Moore (6). W -Skaar. 2 2 L Madelon, 1 2 28 -Karpe (CdM I, Sltaar ICC), Spurgin ICC), S Williams ICCI Washington \tclll' IJrm .. er...ity\ Cougars '>tru<.k for thrc•c· run' m the fif'it mnm~. -.<:ored 1wo more in the second and never trailed en route to an Ii 4 nonconJer ence ba'>t'ball \'1<. tory over the UC Irvine /\ntcatt'r. 1-nday njght. nw Cougar'> unka,ed a 12-hll attack behind '>lam•r fony Ba- naszak. who went the d1..,1anc:e, strilcing out five and wallung rwo. while allowing four earned run-. for his fir'>t victory in c,even deci- sions. Jordan 51.abo . ._yle Ryckebo..ch c1.nd B. I lul<.t' all went 2 for 4 with a double for the Antea1ers. Also with a rwo bagger for UCI SAILORS Continued from B 1 next two baiter.. Barnum allowed JUi>I two sin- gles. as did Cantarella and struck out nme m a ~ame wtuch lasted just 75 mmute<>. The Sailor. return to Sea View HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL PREVIEW Estancia poised to rekindle team tradition Barry f aulkner Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -The players aren't old enough to have experienced the proud history of the Estancia t ligh boys volley- ball program. which won a mythical na- tional championship in 1979. But, thlrd·year coach lhlcey I teinlS, a former Fstancia girls volleyball standout, said she has frequently fielded well wishes. th.is spring, from veteran mem- bers of the volleyball communlty, who ac- knowledge the Eagles' return to promi· nence with n&talgic deUghl. "Some referees have told me it's nice to see Estancia ·back on the map." said Heims, whose Eagles (J0-2, 4-0 in league after a commanding sweep of cro town rival Costa Mesa Friday) are hoping to navigate their way to the summit of the Golden West League. A shift out of the Pacific Coast League. dominated in recent years by Northwood '¥1d Corona del Mar and for nearly a dec- ade before that by Laguna Beach, is a wel- come relief to Estancia But. Heims be- Ueves, an experienced cast of returners is proving talented enough to contend with <."Ven the most esteemed former PCL brethren. The F.agles finished fifth in Division II at last week's Orange County Champion· ships and are anticipating their first meet· ing with defending Golden West League champion Ocean View. scheduled April 8 at Estancia The Eagles and Seahawb. ranked No. 1 In CIF Division UJ , will also collide in the regular-season finale May 8 at Ocean Vi.ew. Just maldng the CIF Playoffs. h~r. would mean F.standa's 6rst postseason Sl4425 RoblM ford Discount . S2.,30 ~ ,.,lee . . . 111.QQ$ foctory lebote • • S2 500 Nltc..t••,••5 auim ... .... since 1994. The Eagles finished 4· 13 lai>t season, including an ().. J 0 PCL mark.. But growing pains absorbed last season proved valuable lessons for a Lineup led by 6-foot-4 junior opposite Josh Kornegay. A first-team All·PCL performer as a sophomore middle blocker. Kornegay is one of seven Estancia players who have benefited from dub competition. ·He's so skilled." Heims said of her re- turning captain. "He can set and hit and he passes every ball." Sophomore setter Thevor Holmes is an- other With dub seasoning and has prog- z;essed gready from his fresh.man season. Kris H~. a 6-2 junior outside hit- ter, uses strong jumping ability and an ag- gressive swing to provide another hitting force, Heims said. ·1 think be has son:ftllpent-up anger, be- cause he really hits through the ball· ' Heims said. Brad Larsen, a 6 I 1uruor outside hitter. is the team's most consistent player, ac- cording to Heims, who cites defense and work ethic among his many annbutes. Scott Sankey. a lanky 6-5 Junior re- cnlited from Lhe basketball team. adds a towering net presence. "He can hit over the block." He1111S said. DallasJCopp, a 6-4 freshman, is another middle block.er with extreme promise. Heims believes. Senior Carlos Diaz is a strong back-row player. while Jess Hellmich. another sen- ior, is back on the <.'Owt after competing last spring for the swim team. Tuytor Hankins is a junior returner and sophomore Jordan Stoddard ls also ex- pected to contribute, though he may spend some time with the junior varsity. Heims said. (,lenn \wan\On started and wok lhc lo'>'>. givmg up l 0 tut5 and four eamt'CI runs m 42/3 m nmg'i. I le foll to 1-4 rhe .. ewnd of the three-game -.ene-. at Anteater Ballpark Ii> 10 n1gh1 <ti 6 p.m Honc~ .... ICe Washtng10n St. 8, UCI 4 Scont by In . Wash St 3:10 OIO ~ 8 12 0 UCI :101 000 ooc 4 ~ 3 8an.;~ak oind 8cl8der Swanson. Koehler 151 Alstot 181 and Wagner W · Bana!Mak. 1 6 L Swanson. 1-4 28 Baeder IWSUI Jacobsen IWSU Szal><> IUCll Fisher IUOI. Rydlel>Osdl IUCll Eucce IUCll League play Wedne!>day night at Windrow Park with Rycin Torrey \Chedulcd to '>lar1. s..v-a....,. ~·Laguna Hils 0 Lag Hills 000 ~~ O 1 O Newport ooo 010 1 2 o Barnum end Rochon, Cantarella end Sancnez W Cantarella L -Barnum The Ea les No Name Ht. Yr 2 Josh Kornegay 6-4 Jr. 3 Trevor Holmfl S-10 So. 4 Kns Hartwefl 6-2 Jr 6 Carlos OW 5-11 Sr. 7 Jess Heltmd1 6-0 Sr. 8TaylorHanttina 5-lO Jr. 9 Scott Sankey 6-5 Jr. 11 Jordan Stoddard 6-2 So. 12 Braa'l.af'len 6-1 Jr. 13 Dallas Kopp 6-4 k Coec:h: Tracey Heims (tNfd year) • Policy By Fax (949) 631-6594 ll'teue include your rwnc Ind phone' nwnbct Mcf M 'II call you b«li. with a pncc quoce.) 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S....... tiled with the County The tollowane persons Cl•k of Orance County ere doine business n on02/28I03 20036935435 A) ClASSICfX8. 8) Daily Pilot Mar. 29• Apr FIGURE8fX 14202 flower St Apt K 5• 12• 19• 2003 Sa440 Garden Grove, Calttorn1a 92843 Harry Nauyen 14202 Flower St Ap t K, Garden Grove. Callfornra 928-43 This business 1s con dueled by: en 1ndlv1dual Have you started dome business yet? No Harry Nauypn This st•tement was hied with the County Cieri! ol Orance County on 02/21/03 20036934419 hied with the County Clettr. of Orance County on 03/26/03 200369S8661 Daily Pilot Mar. 29, Apr 5, 12. 19, 2003 5.,439 CtmMy Lilel,Qypb '•clflc "'-C & 0 Side bV ude, bl 61. ~ llll'!'W2 Crfllll Ice S12.5ml• or 2411both949-218-7224 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 Daily Pilot Mer 22. l9 Apr.5, 12,2003 Sa438 r:: ....... -~-=---TOf' SS 4 HCC>aDS nc ....._ _... .lozz. Clas.lie, Ek 97s & Sh Ill-.. s.......___. a Allee, Sokc. tube an'C)S --M1tr.e 94!)·645·7505 fhe followma per~ons are doan1 bu.,neu as Newport Con5l&nment Gallery, 1941 Newport Blvd., Co,,ta Mesa, CA 92627 David Jack3oon Hesler. 1613 W. Cama2e Or .• Santa Ana, Cahlorn1a 92704 This bustne\~ 15 con duc ted by an md1v1du11 H.ve you started dome business yell No OnKI Jackson Hesler This statement wa) Clasrifed is CONVENIENT whdhu Jflll 'rt b11ying, selling, or jllSI looking, clossifed Jw WMl JOU natl! CUSSIFIED (949) UZ-5678 INCOME T: SERVICES DIRECTORY Call 949.642.4321 (949) 646-8803 ALL TAX FORMS -ALL STATES D..ECTRONIC FIUNG PARTNER.5HlP -U.C ESTATES 350 E. 17th See., 117 COSTA MESA. CA 62627 OVER 30+ YEARS EXPERIENCE Tax Matters 131h yes preparing Feder9I & St8t9 BuekMM & P.rwonlll Tu R«uma ENohdAgent F,.. •fie • Free Direct Deposit -................ 1,com _.,,..............,,,com 2052 Newport EMWl.r 8utte H ~ Meu, CA 92627-1140 el/Fu : 949.818.2882 GET TIE PEACE OF r1ND Oll.Y A CM CM GIVE YOU! -................ ,. ........ ..,, HM yGl.r f'IUn done by I allA It 1AEUOMIU,,., ·~Tu~ • EJectronlc ~ a a..~ rtf\nl In 1 to 3 .,.. Bodll..,..,..... _.....,. C.-.Milckic1ails4 llrAllP•--• ·=-:~0' (141'81.11711 , .............. ., ............ OY osnRHOUT, CP.-- amnm rtJIUC ACCOUNWfT hr 30 Years bo1r11n<1 TAX PIMNING & mPWTlON lndivichlol • Cor,oratton Individual & Business Returns Out of State Tax Returns Electronic Filing Available Starting at $77.50 (Charges based on torms used) ._ ...... 111 • •• L Cillll -. ca mn chet1r11;g@e;ytt** net Yea--f'OU!ld 5ef\'loe By apporntmenl 949.642.3909 Are You Pa}m2 the lowest Taxes PdSsible? Save_ Time aod Get Expert Tax Preparation • IndMdual and Busines.sRetum.s • Basic to Very Complex Relums • Elearonic filing ~J?4.?> 863-~ werkda}'J~ 1300 Norih &Neoh~'~ ~s ~11 Reach, V\ 92<>60 Income Tu 1nd BookkffPlng Strvfct 411 atY1N1t'E:a110:1, ~ CMO- Mlques tr Sale l)10 Calendar of Evenls 1310 St.,,e 1950 O'lioefe & --------Merritt 600 s ... 1 .. 40" IQUAI. llOUSlfG width oven, broiler, & ,,_ ~ IW'aded Et 2.5611. new flxtlns. twdwd llrs, travertine baths. ll)"anitt a...ltWs, ""' pd), KrHt tor enterlalnlne. $949,00) •• loll .lllcobs 949-Bl-"M12 OPPOIJ\NTY V III. Immaculate S2000 obo 949·673 0944 All roal estate aover ltsma in this newspaper ts subject lo the Feder al f H Houslnll Act ol 1968 as amended which makes •I 1lleaal lo advertise ·any prefer· enr e l1m1tat1on or d1sc11mmallon based on r.ice, color. reh110n. seJ, h1nd1cap, tam1l1al status or nahonal or1c1n, or an 1nt1nl10n to make any such prelerence, hm1ta· 11011 or dl"rlmlnallon." This newspaper will not knowtnaly accept any advertisement 10< real estate which 1s 1n vlolat1on of the law Our re•ders are hereby Informed that all dwell· 1nes adverhsed rn lhl'l. newspaper are available on en equal 0pp0rtun1ty bas•~ To complain of dis· u1m1natlon, caM HUD toll- free at I 800 424 8590. Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style FumltiKe PIANOS & Collectlblff . .,,,,....,_ ... ~ . .......,..~·0--•'WI'""'- $$ CASH PAID $$ )l"fc-K• ,,.,.,.......,.. M BUY ESTATES ::649-4922. SOUTH cgAST AUCTI N 2292 ..... 111. ..... AM.CAl270'7 luii"dldl ·-J.• .. 1489 ART/ PAINTINGS ATilNTIONI 3060 ~ Millon $ Home.. Beaullful latae l1M1tte OeWlnn or.-Oii ~ 5 ~en. was chnstm.s cad. A Sl2K v..... fer $3500. 714-974-2041 HOME FURNISHINGS • NfW IJSTWtG..JASMM CUDI lmmacotata 38r home on the II>"~ 11 &l*"d-pted comm'ty. Best buy " JC at S79J,lm uty Kolar. Bllt. 949-376-5676 o .. ir.w. Cameo Shores home 4br 2.5ba pool, full ocean W1ew $1.875.000 P<•nc only Aat Joann Coastal C1Ues Realty 714·608-2921 Sf'YGU.SS t9J. ua DA SGl STORY VU HOK LG pvt yMd w/,..:uzzJ pool Best Value! S 1.250.000I Furniture 3435 ~0 949-~ ------Costa Mesa W_.,..Krc-we. lloc*· cme ~d. ......... m.cnss. ctn wood. Sl<IV obo 714-968Q10 JEWELRY! DIAMONDS, PRECIOUS METALS c-atColnNe..ta Old Co'"\! Gold, salver, Jew*y, watti-. ant!QU8$ collecltbles 949 647 9448 3610 •••••••• Cf A "as&AN KITTI NS 2a ... T.MtyM•• S400/toch AISltota.lev ... & Cwd.ly.949-4S1-202S •••••••• o.p;....._.... www.a••••...r....ori Pets 11 PIA*~ F asho'I '5llnd 96-644 7I19 ,_ 'WAY for momma CllA/ Ill .. kitt.ns WU( horrm. 9&5.33-0'11 3615 3905 Of'OI SUN 12-4 IS 77 IU.111 Sl. MESA V[ROE: CC stnate lam home. Spac hvrm UPCT•des. lovely back yard. 2 c 1• corner lot $450,000 Lora Vance Realtor 949-67S-4062 IS77 IA.Illa ST. MlSA VlaOI CC •Intl• tam home. Spec hvrm. Uperades. lovely ba'k yard, 2 t e•r c0<ner lot $450,000 Lor• Vance RullC>f 949-673-4062 b ....... lM~ 48r l8a Mesa V•dt home on • le conw loll FR, tor mal OR. 2fp's, 3c pr. ~.900 act Hutch 9t9-373-0664 DanaPol~ NEWUSTING o.m,....Oc_, c-tti-vtews. "" y4 & ., ....... 4odt, 2 car attached car a1e 1619,000 John Farrow ReMaa 949 3Z2 0932 lrvlne Of'IN SU .. 1-41JO TUtnU ao<• '°'"" Pwu .... min -3br homl~recms lllt1b. lots al ....... Pool. ... lm1dlape de. 1-oc SlZJSVmo~ Slw1ly Canwun 9&1164-lmO 9&451 1200 WI HAYI OUA&RD I--. D....a. IUYBtS. We coorclnate .....,,. _, the ~ al dient blN Now. W.W." 0... 'atMllSTATU 'ATaKll TINOlll NATIONWIDI USA 949..aS6-970S www patrrctr.h nou com ............ 21D210t OrdiW St.6+& 5.58a. !6:M sf. $1.25 Mil Bralur 949-251 94"4 www.HllR..ity ora O<lAN & HY VIEW THI l'tlKl WIU AMAZI YOUI AOT. 949-72>-a t 20 UDO tsU HOMIS 24 USTIMGS GHAT,.ICIS AOT. 949-2tt-24U Newport Coast O"N SUN 1-S 1leveti....e.2br,+ den. G•led comm SIS1,000 A t-t. .t ttaly 4~ 2 5ba, Strada home S t ,729,000 Of'IN SUN 1-S Italian ~tyle Sbr 5ba, ap f)fOa 18,000 lo 19,00Qsf $J,49S,OOO Of'IN SAT 1-S Stunnin11 award winnme 8rnokl1eld home, built In 2000 3br • of11ce. -'P· pro• 3700st, St,719,000 "-ATl .. UM ,.Of'OtTIIS Stefanie Me,.er 949.715 3156 ,...llSTATtS 'A T1tKJl TINOIU NA TIC*W101 USA 949..aS6-970S www patrldlte.-e com RESORT/ VAC:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE COUNTY Balboa Island 1 • 1 lo Uttle ... upper apt. fp, w/d, & wnny, n/peWsmke. Awall 4/1 Sl450rn Yfly 949 67!> 5110 •. .,..... 1.... , ... 2ba, newly decorated, pallO, w/d ....,_.,, _,,.. now r1l Sl500mo ~1009 Balboa Peninsula Df' t.Slo I CM &•. yearly ke, l8501mo JJO E Bay A .. avail 4/1, SUI· 790 0602 949 675 4217 OCEAN ....r ON SAND 1 br IXlfl1' V I\ drJm., M. etc. $1675 ~ 2221 01 act RIM 949.673' 3663 Newpon •-v Towen 2bltr.5 lrom ferry to Balboa Isl I Br. tea. sec, xlnt bay wtew. undr er nd patk S2000m 949 642 OIM4 ... 2.Jae ~ ~ -· IOOll "°"' sand, 3 ~to ....... 2c p Apt IS-Oct I Sl21nn. 94')..863.1910 J 16 Corona del Mar • 1a.., ~ .. lo-. i.111 w,lbalc. 1.118 llCd, le 511 11 Ei" AvlllA Now! n/pets./smke $1350 lo l&ro 962225115 .:J!!i1 SOUTH ef "H ·~ duple. Ip. y.,d, lllf w/d hkups No pet/smotie $1550/mo 949 76().1875 Hr 21•, 2 c• .-. -back unit top cond11ton a•••I now Sl900/mo949 675 8007 Ur, I .. , Apt Recently rehabbed w/ I Cllf aer, I block to bHch. no pets, S2200/mo 949 1154 1680 '-" c;o;&; ......, ~ 2 La Br. 2 ~ be, 2-c f!JW, IJSOd, wd In. La pM!o, ncVpeVsml I 'f' Isa, aval 5115 rzim.n 714-962·7l66 rrtLMltC....er-.. 2 fp's, a-den patoo, roottop dado. 2 c att cw. lse $3190m 949 737 55118 c.to Ldil c..,.._, Shea ol C•mel 3br Jba house. So of PCH wd hllup, SJ600mo 949 574-8080 DmVI 1Y 217 Httooltope lo ll"e us a call Roomy 3& 2cw ,., • plus 3c •• pad. 3 declti lo mor • (no pets) Avail May 15. $4400/ mo. C.11 RHlton 77D- 9004 Of 76().~7940 -whett. hNlthy OI tt-n. ........ to tn1ubled With no upfront pound1n1 surf lowhlte lees. '=3t Asaodllln uncS lof's of •o1c11 worte• CDM FU.SAT 1-T ·7010 charm w/wood floors •tlieAlioy, Olr:lsb'-4540 tlwOUdrtA>Ut. 161ytlsM:I lo CA118Ul <rrY $286,(U> 11t ....... I ml ID 617 ~·-, t!!k, nk frendl doors. th.t ~ 10 nwi ID PS Awport. Zll5 i..:tl, _. Clllll, sllM, ~ _., -· otc. Offke to ...... 3 Off Ke up to • t.p ._ dadl ti, llbdl ~ '*:ti Cll bl\. moni. $IMQrno 1J3 G S-'-suites. l)(itM "4wport for en~ In cr•t tu.-4br lba c:samc Iii, L 161111 Sl Alll b ~ furn, llH tems. toys and Sch toe IJ¥ Pf ou., ud condition. .. dwm & no .... ch. ... ll*Jdl..' ~, =e :aczllroll\ ••?CMS/moell. morel! 122' '-"' rid ~mo 949-66-78113. hnsl Sedudlld tr.-lined rodl "-· jlaC tub, _. -~Vkw .... s..) COS w/pllnty of~ '"'ad! I.Mp wal!IM. •IOI 111 lowly ptecl .... ISTATI WI w;. Offlcn t• ti.we 600sf $449,00i'.l. Its a b.plil! lnilc.. RVi1iall ~ .. comm. -Tri Sciiw-. SAT·SUN a-T lo 480sf Beautrtul com Cal now Ulis beeuty ~ ~ VII_ ,.,.. Oollll l!idtla. Indy facllity IUain 2001.._,,1.Mw plu. centul loc Vrsrt lest. 'st 8118-308-4668 -. J&Mtrl.291§ MrJt. ID~ x921JO laboffwn,pholD~. -......... _fOflnfo .._....D_.., llw 11r, new~ar t lo TVa, tcL ... wpuo·-· .... ,,......."Sales .. paTnt. cvrd Cllf zn .......... newl>Ol'tbeecll winter rent1t1. Pelm 16th Place •3. 1100/mo .... n. -~ 7.ao. "62westmlnstr>r S17 Vt-U ... s-4. S11rln11, Palm Desert nopeb . 9'9·720·9422 !::ts -=:.~1o:.'~ ~.ooo-sw.s.ooo Bui::,-: !T ~r!;',, In ~!~~, o~~shlR:~~~ r :r:~ riil19 le-' 0 I 2llr 2183 v.D ~ don tllouaand/lho11und 1931 only remalninl 3 + MlcbMI Anter Bocker 6 lllll + v-*r. ~. HUCH PA.ll '" lOT ;.~::.o:"'ue' 4 to-est.ta on entire B«ll• R£ 800.550-3523 ~ n'1°~~ SAU Incl Antiques, lslanct. 4br. 411•. tllf" ~ orclnlal ert. frall\ed stories+ tower 3 Cat' MtOlla 1 &MrAlll' 11, h-.. lnttl .. minors. hend cufted pr. pvt docJi for 2 ~ fenced yard. w/d booa· jewelry and more from HOMESFOASALE bo.b. It ii e 1w:a:wtlrllllll RBIJALS upa, nke Mfctiborbood, Its All ~t Me. De· ......_ 13.J mmai. -allot!Plntl no JMl~ta. 1l1n•r fabrics and ORANGE M 9'Mlll7.ac71 a.-..y1...._ .. ;:.•;;.;U=.:00/~mo,;;;,.;;;M..;:;,..J.7;;.::22=...;:G22.= Antiques from Sweet l'ftlwr¥ 18).7C2'4200 ,_ _.. r!iW; illF ...._ ~ Po, And that anappy """'91 f • • •n•t "••p•rt "'-.._.B..c:.br'._...., w/'d "*• qljllt chic took from Bib And ~ J8e ,,.... Ille, IJddllionlll off lhlt Pi.eta. Fn Sat, Su11 a...-.. 3llr dull llD la. • yd, ~SlliOm ~ i ............ ,. Ind ·~ In .. '""" lot "' lf:Dnet ~II 11 ,12. 3 ffom t·3. '97 fOl.l'll*lt ltitdlen .. ttziOln. -.15!MJ71S i• ih ...... w 17th St 11m 1na MIWat.•oon ~ hltl-.. ._,. ..;. Lf. ywlll, 2-c ,., MW lot, jual past Tredet O<.IAMFIOMT .... fU1 .uity ,111 I 11• CM Zbf 1..5b• ~~ 1*11 & tool Jou fOf lnlo Call lb All UlllDfR$6H,800 rooin to •lPll'll v. twllllm there w/~-C -~~="'°~~ tl~6-~-~--~ ~utMe94t.-646·3069 AGT. $ .. t -71 ... '120 11990004965.000 l)oll ptelt ftftl. flplc Gw ~ f s.t & S-n..i..I, 1111 ~ 2441 CIOen 909-289-3406 a.m m. 2AI strollen. i ,.cl·" P .. t •. z ulh. SELL SELL .....,. .... "'•• • l-of name btand n.. .,t w/ptof Oc..i 6 dot,_ • ll'!UC.b misc. your stuff b•y Ylewl, f70CV-. ..- t$14 'o,ota CMI• ..... your stuff 1/3 lltl ,..JOO.J!I07 c:loM to farr ouftds. throueh -,... ldh .._., f u•~· • ..._... ._. 2 bib ._...., s.. _ classl iedl clas•ift.ed•. t• lllN k h -"•• 1a ..,, No -ty blrst ~ -> •/f•m, own lie, wd. aw ,_,.. ,_, lllllP ~ 11111 f7l5 llOl•lfl vtll ·~ •~-.......... Income ....... • NpolTaa 9'4ltUm9 ..... ~. c~ llM '"°'el 11------.:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •M..,._._,..,:r..,t1•ll...., __ •1 .;:;CD;.;;a.~..,_:;;:;;:;;;;;;;"'l::.;:::;:r;:::.:.1 • 1, • .,.......,.111a De11t1 qw1ney a Audk ,,...,,. '9-.1 • ,.._lfAll ,_.,. .. ............... Cll: .. w. 1tlh .. (M) ... 1131 ... 17'11 .... llwd. 14) M7·11• , ...... ....... HtMa Plll.lbr 2.SBa. ffi. Fp, l'wdwd h. ~~~~ .o.p.. r ... • """ ........ dll\. 2298 La 1'19ya No. S2.«t1nu Aval 411 o..61 .... C...... ...... ..._~4 ..._ ..._ SavinWI IA :& Z!&. din, UI, ... ends tDps.. )le tub. 2t pr 8lwn s.a ~ S3mn. Ill 9&2B<mi ._. I t t .o.t °"1tY' £',.Qt New :& 2.58a, 5nl. Fp, ....... counbn.. 2c canee. bacllyard $V5(llTi AVlll ~ 949-~3726 Huntilglon Bach lam • 3.5be 5nl. mod luldl. hdwd "'. r1'op dO. liluld ~ 2 c p w/sta SJ!ll) 949.Q). JID) --~~-­end int on Wnblt. fp. enclsd palto, n/smkr Sl«llmo st 9&4(Jl).84J3 Udolsle U4o ._,.,._ • Ur 21• $J2oo. yrfy 6U-212-77d . 626-297-6262 I AYFllONT ON LIDO PEHINSULA NIW21r2 .. conMtn P11vate Beach, Pool and Spa. Wa• to Ocean, Shops and Restaurants leasa 6/mo·2 yr ... Boat Slip A .. llable 710UOO,utlM. 949 673-li030 or 949-723-5830 * YIAtiY * UAHS Bill GRUNOY REAl T~S 949-675-6" 1 ~~la studio rm. p1t10, no kitchen. $795/mo • SIOOO dep. Oen side ot PCH 949-574 7701 x 112 "' Hh la quiet s tudio w/small loft, ltrtchonette, . • • • • .. .. • • • • • shared laundry Ast • $1100 94!M73 7800 • N' CrMt twnhom, patio, • 2 SIOflas. rntW paint. Ille. • and carpet, 2 c 1ar. aat Sl800949 673-7800 . . • • 01!y Piiot .......... .... ~ ............ .... 'Tr-t' Townlloln8 $2.550lll. VKft (Oii) 9& B-25!, --...1 ............ w... 1 « 2Br """' cdllll « condo, bn « l#Nn In Newport a.di. Wl-r~« .... ..... tu.a 1111111 .. ~ w..aa. IWtr· _.._.._ ~ WMfTD room rental w~for~•it dlsabltd men w/reb. IGlN. 9'N'll).Jl52 CLlltKAl .... d full-time person to 115ist with verlous duties Must be 1ble to Input •I lent 50wpm accur1tely on computer. po nus stronc cuslomlf a«· vie. sllllls, and be ~eble. $9 P• "-· hcdent ben- •fit p1cllac•. EOE. S.nd r-to Judy 01tttn1.. c/o Delly Piiot. 330 Wnt Ber Street. Cost• Mel•, CA 92627 or -11 to "°'~ ~ .. n .... POI Salaty SI· 10/llr ~All ... ~ '*'.::: Ccda:t ~-llS> c.,......... ,...,_.._. Help sen10rs 1n !hear homes wrth homem8kill&/ """'°cs '5 n......a e Reeeptfe1tht/ ........ ll•llw ...,__ Po$ibOrl for • busy Ital l !tat.I F nn tn L.- Buch r 1P"1I ,.... • must O"e lull time pmiborl lo one part time ......._,po!lbon~. f 11 resume to S Lemon •1~3123 C•lltornla lew re• quwn that contrec ton l8k1n1 JOl>s th•l ICIUI ~ « m«I (labor or m•terlals) bl lteenud by the Con tr ector~ Stet• License 80111d Stele II• also re(IUll'n that conlrecton 1nctude tMar llc9nM nu~ Oft .. ~ You can chedl the statu. of your llc•nHd contrectof •t -• cslb.e1.rov or 100 321 -CSLB Unll· censa• c:onlractou telllna jobs that totel less than 1500 must slit• In their a'Hrhsement• that they •r• not tlc;ensad • "r. the Contnct.n s .. l.bMt Boitel. M•a•I na .... , •n-••--Mdwl/1111111 /......, ~ ........ bWlllM 81115 'Si!C ••ae ......... I", ... ....... ......... , ........ .... 11uon1.ble, N4KYM ........... ~ • 8 ••• , .. ~1R BLINDMAN . POMCttE. tf 1 CM Low mies, a.ISbn wheels, &-speed. superfasl 1652259 S62.,800 MBZ 't5 SUiOO CONVT. Bose. co. leather, loaded, good lookilg!I #113266 ~ LANO ROYEA 'f7 DISCOVERY 4X4 Loeded, low miles. 4x4 f\I\ Ill a~ price. 1549423 $13,900 BMW W llS CONVT. co. 5-tpeed. leathet, lo mies, .... bl lrt. IC442!58 $32.,800 lllZ't5832080N CO, lelhr, moon. ~to #241401 $18,800 MBZ .. 111.33> AUTO co. llhr, Bole, moon. 4x4.=~ #016225 $18,800 lllZ'IODIESON Auto, 5'1YOOf. leather. pnced to sell fast!! #270075 $7,995 TIL.0'5 •UROPllAN AUTDHAua o-eoc.. ... -.... 1.a::x>59~9754 w...-.--· www.tilocars.com A TO l HAlfDYMAlll lnstaH. ref Ke cabinets ~ mdt!J,~7258 ......... Custom Built-Ins, Crown Mokfinp. Bese Boards U5779112 94~709 5642 c..,.e~ ~u.pfl,:)<MPfl~ RepKs. P•tchmc. Install Cowteous •ny size jobs Wh4Meul81949-492..o205 C.....llllllny lridt la.di ·-, .. Concntll, Plbo. ~ flrtpk. ~ Refs. 2SYn hf· lenr 1._557.7594 ...... /Illa :' I JIU -'$ IUC -~AUTO ............. .... Sit¥., •tauwcoet lttw, I• 1 w11rr11nt y, c:NIH1ty owned (119218) '39.980 . VWPWMt'ff Gt•y W/lf•Y inllflor, 2311 ml lmmeclllltte ('119252) 111.980 v..,t .. s...e..-tt This b °"' n .. r P9f· feet Volvo to own. low mllu <•19231) 11.980 MIZSU20 R ... tw't7 lmmeculete White w/Grey llhr, 12k ml. Xenon. both Tops. (n9295C) INQUIRE! '-C!;W- lmll'lllC White w/Tan .ttfw', 3911 ml, cood Mr¥~ rec0tds' (f19291C) $25,980 ....... "., .... C....'t• White w/ran. ti.au· liful f/t.•thef. l 9k ml (119206C) 169,980. ............... .... ._2000 fvJI poww-4111 miles. R-1 lr•ct. to us. (f189S71) $21.980. WWtyQ4S ~'t7 P-1 W/$8cldae lthf · full powef. sa ml. (•19234) 116,980. "--w H2 '200J Whit• w/Whill tthr moonroof, 2500ml. C•l9233C) 157.980. IMWMOO , ..... ., Slllney Bl•ck w/lmm•c Grey tun lthr. crut records (fl9180C) '33.980. IMWJUI s.-.·2000 White w/Creme lthr, alt, full m•ln Bumper lo 8urnc>er w.rr. (tl9193) 128.980. Mf-rl.JaS.... ,, ... llus Is • one n.., perfect Shtney BllCll Supercherced Sedan! Lowmllu (t188511) S28 980. t4t-S74-7777 PHIUWSAUTO ,.., . .,. ...... - ar,.6w ... s.-. LXJ Conv, W. 5411 ml. ) 'f' wwr ....... spwll .... bll/ tn tttw. CO, SUC*b 1111• new cond v259721 S69'J5 fwi av8ll Bllr 949-586-1888 --~- C.tn,.tte '00 VI White ltn. auto, h•nclehna pk&, 121< mtles. S32.500 New port "'" 919 641-0)64 909-2~Gel o ..... 't 7 1 .. ,,.,, .. Sport 3 S V6, 47k mt. wh1te/1rey int, 111oraatd, n/s. lih new S6995 hnanc1n1 lo warr 1011 81u 949-586·1888 -.-..w.<- DOOGI NICNt '2000 SOii• ml, IOOK tac warr. 5 sp, blue. lf'•Y tntenor 1m-fm ed. t.ai orein crJnd ~ ~ ..,.. Bkr V"'6l':R ......... 1- www 't'- ~ CUSTOM HMOOll AND DISIGlll ALL TRADCS, 30 YEAAS EXP. l'337169 949-631-2345 111110 MORI IOOM? AlUTIONS & AaQEHl Lt5n982 949-709-5642 _ ... , ...... We wt.II deSISJI your per--' or c:ompllly web5ite and put yo.i onlJne Im.Jrn, You pay only bo&tJ.na fees. 7l~Jl.l78' c.. ,, ,.. ,, ,,,,,,,,,..,. ,../#1 ,,... .... Mttu, ""*C'-'IW smlttD#ntw1 ::= CR~YIER . . 03113 frtC(XffR AIJUabc, CO ' me! LEASE FOR i1~1 PER MONTH + TAX 1 At These Terms On ~Ml Ctecit ~ -----.......... . OllfJIAJ SIRM SAW«i.S! ·~-·· ........ + 42e $3000 due •I alanine 48 mo11th cloud end ldu no &ecuflty dtpos1t, IOK 11\lleS ~ yu1 Eacess miln (ci> 20ct per mtle (TE 132Tl) --· ....•.. LITSIJT~ IJ'Sflft ******** SS FJIIWAY @ Elim SMTA MA AUTO IWl (Ill) 130-1780 NEWPORT AUTOSPORT IMWSJ00<'02 Convertll*. Whlta/ Bladl premium pl\&, low miles. M4. 900 oo;:~ Yelow/Blllck. r we. only 1000 m1 167.IO> FerrwtJ1S TIFI '" BLldVTan. fS>eSI evu.bll Only 6.000 miles s 115.000 ........... 11'01 Cabriolet Sa!Yet /Black Tiptronic:. el opt;ons, 11 k miles S69 ..500 fenwtS60 ...... C...-Fl '00 Electric: Oaytoo M!ats, t>qes, cel4pers, 1159.500 l"endile ...._ S'OO B~ Toptronc • Must see $39,800 IMW MllllC....-'02 Grrt/8i.dl. dual sun· roofs, 2K mi, 125.500 ~ ....... '01 RU$l/Bladl. A sure Ctesuc. 711 ml $39,000 tt..t.y 0-WW... '02 ~RoedK"'I ca-. 118.500 Men..._ CUI 320 '02 Blue/Cr ey A.MC wneeis. 7\ '"'. SJ9. 500 ...,.na-.r. ,_ ..... '02 CharcoaVl an. 1.000 moles, $36.500 ..___H2 '03 Bladv'Cr ey Lu a ury Ct ouP 2fT '"'-Is only 100 nMles H£WPORT AllTOSPORT 949-5 7 4 5600 TOllGIN YOUJIHOMI lllf'tOVIMllllT ... OJl<T? C•ll a plumber. painter, handyman. or any of the lfHI s.enaces lnted he<e 1n our -vice dwectoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAYI Saturday, Match 29, 2003 17 Bridge I TODAY'S ___ c ... ao ...... ss ... w ...... oi61R .. D ..... P.._..u .. z_z .. L .. E_ Q I · As. Saudi. vulncrlble. you hold: •ltl15 U o KQJtt6•All •A Jlt94 0 6 0 4t5 •AK1J The btddina hill ~: NORTif IA.In' soc.rm WIST I• ,._ Jo ,._ The btddi111t ~ m>eeedcd: l • .... ' SO\mf WPS1 ~ l'.AST Wlw do you bid now'> •• .... z.. .... T What do )'OU bid now'/ Q 5 • Boch vulnerable. u Soud! you hold· Q 2 • Ne11her vulnenble, as Soulh yuu bold; • l(QJ74 J 965 Kl• Al7 •KQH 7 AI KQ87l•lll The biddinti hail oruccedr.d SOUTH l¥fSt NORm F.AST .... ..... ..... The bidding ~ orucccdcd: SOUTH WF.\'1 N01l111 EAST I• ,_ 2 v 2• .... :t. Jo ,_ c. ,., ..... 2• .... ! • ? Whal do you bid now? What do )'OU btd oow'> Q 3 • N. South, vulnerable, you hold· • Q 6 • ~ \'Ulnuablc, ~ Sou1h )'OU hold. 10 7 6 o K Q 9 5 • K 10 7 J • IC Q II A K 11 U 2 I) Q 8 • 9 J The biddin2 has orocer:ded: The biddma has. proceeded SOUTH "1!St NORTlf NOR'lll 2AST' SOlTTil 'WF..,',.,. I? ,_ Jo I• ,_ INT "-2·, .... l • )!Irr .... 4:- ? %NT .... ' Whal acttoo do you ~'.I Q 4 ·As South. vulnerable. you hold ~do you bid oow? loolc for 0/1Jl4't'rf on Monday. Automoavl -fw,j 'ts T--CL showroom cond, white. fully loaded pwr suts. i 3500 714-751 2464 -...uv ........ Ouk areen. aood alnt cond !SK/ml warr rem11n1n1 Prtced to se II S 20. 950 96 J'ID.258Z '-'tt Xll <ewv 34Ji ml, full factory werr, sparkhn& black/oatmeal lthr. CO, chrome whts. l1k1 new, v677295 '33.995 ftnanc1n1 •vaol Bkr 949 586-1888 --·~-<- WWWI' t'- Meree,jH 't• (210 beaullful black/cream fully loaded, showroom. rrVrut. SI~ n4-15l 2464 Merce,j•• 'tt 1320 Jlk m1, wh1te/crey lthr. mnrf chrome whls. beaut 1•~ new cond. "572211 126,995 hn .....t Bkr 9'&58S-J 1188 WWW $ ,,,... Mere•,... '99 s:no lWB 52k m1 3 yr warr avail iolver blk lthr buut Ol'lfl cond. 11875241 S26 995 h~nc1na avail Bkr 949 586 1888 --.MpOltl.<- M•rc•rles ·a1 s•o st wh1te/t•n 1mmac m.t. nn. .......... qi, <haY-.. SI~ ne.151 _. .,..,....,. ~LS '00 1l.noof. leatlw .. utres. like new. 0<11 -· non/VTW. Sl3.9'JS Mui.:Di pp 71~ AltDnotivl PO•S<HI 'tt CAUlU Artie solver matalhc, all lthr rraph1te 11rey inter. pwr seats. h1·f1 sound system w/am-fm CO. lo 1ac 6k m1. I owner. J•raaed, Immaculate $54,500 949-675-2869 AUTOMOBUS, MISC8.lNIEOUS Wllllld -,...., °"""""' .,.,.. Ow.-40 )'9S$ ·~pl. .. PllY • v.y fw pra for yoa. ar Van er trudl ,_, lar or not. Cail DD ~ ~ lomato "* S.S.. 7n. 'm 1931 or n4-32S322B CASH FOR C.US WI NIED YOUR CAR l"AID FO. 0. NOT l"HIWl"SAUTO AH FO. MAlCOUl t4t-S74·7777 BOATS Power Bolb 9515 '91 lift Dvffl.W new double sel of bette11es. P<Of'I maintained $8,495 t4'-•7J-09JS '01 Duffy 21 like new Prem~• pwr Jiii& ste<eo co navy toe> wn sun<f'\ 1111 w/bitf. leak aaHey l3bm. SZJ a ~920) BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES ClWOUT YotlHOUSE WITHA GARAGE WE! CAU. (949) 642-5671 "E l " _,mp oyee. "Empleado ... NO MATIER '17 ......... C.... lJ[ 4 cyl rebwlt tans. •Int cond. or• ownen. Sl.7951 obo/c:a~ 949-642-3368 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lAUMCHING/ STORAGE 9680 "Arbeitnehmer. .. "Employe." ~pjlot HOW YOU SAY n, CWSlf1ED CAN n.n. *'-Sip-Great loc:e Niu-'ti S-tre GU tionl !Jft bNm. tencth l 1ke new loaded auto onkmtted rn Bay Island moe>nfool alloys, low 7111 CoYe • t4t-tZ2-7777 m1 S5900 711·7SI 2464 t.. Twr" l_.cepe w.ly INmll. tr. ~ & lmtallatiofi 25 Yr$ llP lie/insured 949-548 4363 !MrtrW ...... •i···-Lawns. Lawn Aeratinc. Spt1nllleu. Troub6mll00t ,,.. Sprln1 Tune-ups Repatrs & Uplf a des .. Hue us do your DrrtyWor•" 714-715-HH n;;w.-...w;; .,.. TO TMI ..., ... 714 tA-11112 AYM.All.E JOOAYI Mt'7J~ ~ 4 ·;,<=:;,.=a O C. 24Yra ltefa 94'· 5410054949 637-4111 , ..... •! ..... ..... Clw? MI \ • ....,,., ... ~ ==r-.... ............ DOUGHDTY lltOntdS Ti. FN TOid\ ~ 1.961 UnlllccJt T• k. ~ lnst/Rre* 7l .. 79l..s746 MlscS.W. Al1IST 909-681 6664 FAUX I [)(SIGN ........ llST MOVDI Sst /lW s.ervk1c el CltM$ fftSUl'M fHl, ~t-.s, c.ar.t111 n63M4 IOO 246-2371 PUBLIC OTICE The CaHf. P)lbllc Ulilitla commlnlon reqWea th8t 1141 UMd ltOUHhOl4 coo•s -v•rs Pflnt UI.., I" U.C Cal T number; hmos end che11tfeur1 print their T .C.P . llllll'1Mr Ml al Hver • t~h "~"""' Hy .,.Stioftt. Moul tlle le1atil1 ef • l'fle•er, llm• o <hll"-. cell PUB uc Ulllmcs COM- M 1ss1 o N 1u.ss1 4151 ==-=--~ ..-a. .. n••-----... · ..... .... ~ .. :;;w:.,. ARTIST. ship install w1llp.oper palfltlfll & tau•. fflUf als Porlr a1b .............. Plllflrtng & Slucco ~ ""fbt Rrmodr-4 :.! • Y~ E•P ·Rea son1ble Oep•ndabl• L'349020 711 638 8111 •-S.W... Liii\; ,...,.. * Rntuceo, llDotn Addition Patchtna. ltuso"ablt' 714-921 liO 8:)11 Ol97ep """Mii • . ---0.oy• ~ ..... ~~~ ........ ~ ........ --·--~·~·~~,_.,,....~"'9 ... .._I! ....... -. ., ... "We Are Professional Grade• '!The Spirit Of American Style• . . GMCYukon Now Is Your Chance To Buy The Vehicle .You've Wanted At Temis You Didn't Think Were Possible! PRE-OWNED SPECIALS OF THE WEEK '01 -•POlllllC '01 POll11AC 'MWW•u:· .. POlllllC •oo POll11AC *lllOLSI .... .... B.__CPE IUIFllEIE llWIDAlllE Auto, Mr, GtWd 0.. Auto, AJr, 11f, CD, RMI Auto, Alt, 11f, CD, ABS cl Auto, Air, Power Gtoc.J>. ~.Alt, PtlWer G~. Aulo, Air, PtlWer Grcq>, ~,,,.,,.., ~clLowMR./ RMISpollM. LMth«,,,,.,,,..,, ~ CD, Low MM. cl Aloyll CD, Alo)'S cl Low Mi1N1 (101485) (812389) (1111rW) c1~2tlK Mlt (et53tBJ (201801) (610616) •975 '7850 18450 58935 58975 sgg90 •,... 'OZ m '01 P011111C '11 IMZDI w Piii ii canm cus• Ami ..,, caw. ~ LMfhM. PowerGroup, 1Jt ClufN, Auto, AJr, Pt/llllerG!oup, Lallw, Alt, PowerGroup, Mootwoof, CD, SpoW cl CD cl POWNf s.t. MtJ/I CD, Moorlrod cl CD, Prwnlum Sound cl {20a14) (41J0321) A.toys.~) {14«»1) Aloyll (601592) Alloyll (1001211) 111.960 112,655 s12,675 112,850 512,850 512~850 1 FEsmll'IGF 11E411FIDWAY www.nabersautomall.com ....... Mon . ..sat 9am to .9pm • Sun. toam to 6pm ............... Moo.·Fri. 7am to 6pm •Sat. lam to 5pm GMC • BUICK • PONTIAC • CADILLA.C 2-111111 ILVD., CllTA Miil (714) 444-.5200 •001am1 .... CAURYCE r.AllAVAI AllfO, A.Jr, Puwr Group, A4Ao, Alt, 2nd Sider, CD cl Low MM/ Prtvacy au.. ea..n." (M1342) •10.910 110,960 •POlllllC ...... . .. AllEI• EIPUllllll 9'f V~ A&Ao, T ./W Roof, Pwr Aufo, A.Jr, PtlWer Gtoc.J>, Grcq>, Cllronw WhMll & ABS, Alo)'S & Low~ sff,§50 •12i&O