HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-30 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. COMMENTS& CURIOSITIES Half-day getaway ends in surgery A s I ment.ioned last week. I h ave been away from my post for a few days because I decided to h ave some surgery. Tummy tuck? Nope. New snoot? Uh uh. Thunder thigh-ectomy? Negative. Everybody ..-------. does those. PETER BUFF.A I wanted something different. It all b egan the weekend before last, in Seattle, which is way up there tn the upper left corner, 1ust below where they !>Cly "001· for out dnd "hoose" fo r hou-.e. I love Seattle. The coffl'e, thl' seafood, Pi.kc Place Market, PioneN Square -what a great u ty. I Wa!> there for a quick business trip with a good friend, Mark Tyson. who is a Newpon Beach entrepreneur and also happens to be an avid skier, as I was. Our business don e on friday. we decided to squeeze in a haJf-day of skiing on Saturday before heading back to Orange County. which is In the lower left comer. Most of you have already figured out where ttus i'> going. I wish I had some thrill-packed scenario for you -some hean-stopping tale about a double diamond slope huered with towering rocks and 40 foot drops. I could tell you I wa'> skiing hke the wind until the moment I lo">t 11 all and started to tumhle down an impossibly steep 'lope end over-end. finally sliding to a "'°P· unconscious and barely breathmg. On the other hand, I could tell you the truth. What really happened was the shon~t. most uneventful 'ilu adventure in the tuMory of c;lu adventures Let's put it this way From the time Marlt and I pulled into the parking lot, jumped out of the' car and said, "Yippee. We're here!" -to the time I was doing the "descent of shame" wrapped in a bright yellow blanket in the ski patrol's sliding sarcophagus -was exactly 26 minutes. You have to be a skier to appreciate how nearly impossible and truly See COMMENTS, Pase M INSl>E TIEPl.OT FORnE RECORD The memoriet service for Jose Geribey wes Incorrectly stated in Saturday's edition. Setvices ere pending until Garibay'• body can be transferred from 1.-.q. Also, the telephone number Jn the •ttide WU incorrect. To • find out more infonnabon, • call (949) 57~7400. . SPORTS CdM, N.wport girts spettde et CIF IWtm ref8v9 8t Belmont Shore. ... ,.., ~ SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MARCH 30, 2003 SUNDAY· STORY DON lf ACH l.lAN Y f'IHl Edrtor Jilhan Ukropina, top left, critiques past issues of the Corona del Mar student paper, the Trident, wrth news editor Jonathan Mandala, top right. and writer s Keelan Cuyler, left, and Beau Stockstill, right, during a staff meeting. Practicin press . Newport-Mesa 's high school newspapers walk th e line between gossip sheet and p rovoeative voice. Christine Carrillo Oatly Pilot I t ii. there in the pages. Whether in the Newport Harl>or I ligh School Beacon, Corona del Mar 1 ligh Schools Tridenr. Costa Mesa 1 ligh School's Hitching Post or FJ Aguila. Spanish for the Eagle, at Estancia I Ugh School in O>sta Mesa, the e.sence of tugh school journalism. good and bad alike, L'> hard to mistake. Often. it ..eems to burst right through the pages. ·us a struggle because in high school there's only so much you can write about so it's hard to come up with stuff,· said 17-year-old Jillian Ulaopina. a co-ed.itor-iil-dlief at Corona del Mar Hjgh. "We brainstorm and it just happens." ·1 think the biggest problem school newspapers have ls they just become ~p sheets,· said Joan Alvarez the journalism advisor at Corona del Mar High. "A9 a high school paper our goal is ... spreading the word and being the voice of the high school body.· Fewofthejoumalismprogramsatthe four tugh schools adopt professional journalistic practices like •beats.· areas of the commwlity or coverage area that reporters are a.s.c;igned to. While Costa Mesa High is the only paper to have actually assigned reponers to certain Nbeats" on campus, the other three schools have found thal. based on the students' interests. many of them end up establishing their own kind of •beat" system. KENT TREPTOW OAlYl'l.UT Journalism advisor JoMarie Hayes, left. confers with center spread editor Lyndsey Miller at Costa Mesa High School on Thursday F~loring the world of journalism by, often, blindly reaching into every nook and cranny of their campus. high school jownalists dabble in the watchdog function of the press without actually diving into the trenches. KEEP THEM COMING BACK The students also get only a taste of certain ·musts" in journalism in regards to writing styles. Whether it's learning the mechanks of writing lead.c; or trying to follow Associated Press style. the writing guide nearly all journalists follow, students get an introduction to journalism without being bombarded with too many technical nuances. 16-yt>ar old Sara Ary.mt. coeditor m d\K.>f for the I btchmg P\"N at Costa Ml~ L.nt ye.er, Lance WJnktl brought hit fiW.minut• lhOrt to the Newport BMch Film Festival. Thia yeer, he~ to direc:ta part of the program. ... ,.,. "Jt's important for people who actually want to pursue a career (in journalism!. but its also character building in that you learn how to wort through ii.· said TOP STORY High. "When pu">h comes to slXJVe ~ always do IL• As -.tudent t'ditors. and not See PRESS, Pqe M It's makeover time for City Hall Newport Beach's aging headquarters is in line for a major makeover or replacement. June CaH1rand• OailyPllot NEWPORT BP.ACH -The plumbing okL the alr·condl- tlorrln.g system la atrocious and the building it.Ml! • Franken· stein's monster patched to- gether to meet dec:adet or growth demands. Slowly. Oty Hall ii crumbling. But all that COUid ~ On April 11, O ty c.oundl mcmben will bear • sxeeenw.lon on bow to up'gnde thelr ...,,. home. And for aome. It can't ._ppm COOIOOn. "'We bl~ a, wry fngmmud struc:tun there. which Is no( ef. tldent. has Americans wftb Ois- abWdes Act and 8dsrO.ic prob- lems,. City Councilman 1bd Rldgeway aald. DOCing that the current 40,000 square feet of bui1d.lnp con.sttucted in the mJd-19409 1s abOut a.ooo abort or wbat't needed. Not to men· lion • terloul lid or pUt1ng. The toludont l"Ulp from the btle to the ~ CoundJ membm could CIOOlkttt my· thine from~ IO~ the whole buildinl Ind IWtina 8Plft tom ecntch! 1n JU"*Y 2002. the dty hired Grifin Ad.t. aon Inc. of Llguna ae.cti b $154.780 to llUdy: CJty Hiii tl.nd •The condition of this com· plex ls 5UCh that. OYer time. W\!'re going to have to put 1 lot or money into lt Just to keep It up." City Managu Homer Blu· dautakL 81udau Mid that the consult· ant wOl stw a pre1crn.aooo 10 coundJ members in APriJ on the full ra.oge of opdoN that couk1 range up to lbcKat $20 miDioi1 lf the city deddel to taap the • lstlna Qty Hall •w.·re fulC looking at our op· dons now," Mlyur ~ Brom· bell . !'Wt won' commit to -"' 'Inf. money ~ ...... throUF the full pUblk poem WI do with anything.• a..nc.... are. ~ tM1 no mans wbat ~ do. <ltY ...- •.,~where Tho\.IF IOCM NM cpJeldoned • '911----........................ --------.----~-;r-~~--~~-----~-·-· ,. { A2 StMy, Marth 30, 2003 BUSINESS A mixed bit of business in Newport-Mesa Newport-Mesa's economy got a mixed message this week as two reports stated the impact of the Wllf in Iraq on business. On Tuesday, local real estate officials echoed a report from a regional trade group saying home values continued to soar in February. During that month, the-average bome's"Value rose 53% in Newport Beach and 17% in Costa Mesa Wednesday brought divergent. worse news, as local hoteliers, cruise liners in NeWport Halbor and movie theater managers said their business was softening as the nation stays glued to their television sets. Hotels have seen booking cancellations accelerate, while Hornblower Cruises & Events said corporate bookings would be down through May. The assistant manager at the Edwards Metro Point 12, in Costa Mesa, aJso said people are staying away from the movies. • MUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (94917644330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latime.s.ccm. COSTA MESA Mayor decides it's time to switch seats Karen Rob inson will soon be trading her seat on the dais for a seat on the bench as.a judge for the Orange County Superior Court. Robinson, appointed by Governor Gray Davis Wednesday, will be the first black female judge in the county. Robinson will have to resign from the council and it will be up to the remaining council members how to fill her seat and who will be the new mayor. It is not automatic that Mayor Pro Tern Ouis Steel will become the new mayor. Robinson is replacing Judge Stuart Waldrip and will be up for election next year. Trinity Oiristian Center can't broadcast outside for al least nine more monlh1>. And whether ii will be able to then is contingent on how it d eals with restrictions the Planning Commission plact>d on it Monday and if it is a good neighbor in the interim. Trinity will be monitored by tl1e city after six and nine months because it has been a nuisance to its neighbors in the past with traffic. noise and glare from lighting equipment. • DBRORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman<@fatimes.com. EDUCATION High school brains get education on open road CaJtrans ho1>-ted the first ·Battle of the Brains~ construction challenge involving students from Costa Mesa and F.stan~ high schools. Costa Mesa High won the contest and got a chance to visit the construction site at the San Diego and Corona del Mar freeways with Cal.trans engineers. The purpose of the field trip was to show the students bow the information they were tested on applies to a real life project. 11lis was the first educational outreach program developed by Qlltrans. Orange Coast CoUege students work as mentors for high school students at Costa Mesa, F.stancia and Back Bay high schools as part of a career program called Partnering Education and Commwrity. The program focuses on trying to give high school students a "real world" perspective on education and career opportunities that officials hope will inspire them to stay in school. In the fall of 1996. the Costa Mesa Clamber of Commerce and Balboa Jnstrumeots Inc., formerly of Costa ~EKINREVIE ' PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'HOME OF A HERO' ,, r' t .. S£AN HILLER I DAILY P1LOT losing a loved one. The news of U.S. Marine Jose Garibay's death on the battlefield in Iraq brought the war to the hean of our community, beyond our 1V screens where images of war mimic a hybrid of video games and a reality 1V show gone haywire. Being able to meet the family and witness the unselfish love and support they received from the community made me realize that regardless of race, religion or political opinion, the people of Newport-Mesa could come together and unite as one. Uke a large family sharing the grief of I hope the Garibay family understood why we, the media, had to follow their story. I hope they understood that we didn't want to invade their privacy, but rather use our words and images to help their neighbors and their community learn more about an American hero. He died serving this country, protecting our freedom, so we can live in a peaceful environment. An environment far removed from the war-tom battlefield where he gave his life. NEWPORT BEACH A landmark ruling in Newport The Port Theatre. the Lido Theater, the Balboa Theater and the Balboa Pavilion are now all labeled landmarks. City Council members approved a plan to designate the status of the historic buildings to allow their owners to add some new services without applying for new permits. City Hall could be in for some upgrades or maybe even full replacement. City staff have scheduled April 11 as the day council members will review a consultant's ideas for what to do about the aging and obsolete structure. And residents have divided into two camps over how to restore Castaways Park. Some say it should be all native plants. Others say a little grassy park area for picniclcing and Frisbee wouldn't hurt. City leaders hope to gather more input before moving forward with renovations. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrsnde@lstimes.com. Mesa. joined forces to establish the program that also relies on the assistance of college students to motivate younger students to pursue a higher education. Corona del Mar High School held its second annuaJ MNames Can Really Hurt Us Assembly" Thursday, a program that sparked student interest among the school's sophomore class last year and lead to the creation of the Tolerance Among People Oub. The program, organized with the help of the Anti-Defamation League, provides teachers. students and parents with comprehensive anti-bias training over a two-year period. OnJy seven schools in California were selected to participate in this program. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (9491574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo@lstimes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Trial of accused sex offender set to begin A jury trial is set to begin on April 1 for Trenton Veches, a former Newport Beach recreation coordinator accused of suclcing young boys' toes. Veches, 32, of Huntington Beach, -Sean Hiller. Daily Pilm photographer Pedestrrans stroll past posters at the old Port Theatre in Corona del Mar. KENT TREPTOW/ DAIL'!' PILOT who was arrested in April 2002, will face 28 felony tounts of lewd contact with minors and one misdemeanor count of possessing child pornography. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Veches quit his job after the allegations. He is being held in Orange County jail in Heu of a $500,000 bail. In December, parents of three young boys allegedly molested by Veches sued the city for negUgence and negligent hiring. • OEEPA &HAR.Alli covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at dHpa.bharath@latimes.com. Daily Pilot NOTABLE QUOTABLES ~He uw-a happy and robust son who u.w proud to be a Marine. He dkd honbmbly, among all of . his Marine companions, Ute he would have want.ed to. H -Simona Garibay, a Westside mother of Jose Garibay, on her son, who died in combat in the war in Iraq last Sunday "Here's a lady that the city chose to be the second black mayor in Orange C.Ounty's history and she now becomes the first black woman judge in Orange OJunty appointed by a governor. It's tremendous, and it couldn't happen in a beuer year. because the Post Office has dedicated its Black Heritage stamp this year to !former Supreme OJurt Justia/ 11Jurgood Marshal~ and what better honor to Marshall than to have Karenr' -Bobby McDonald, executive director of the Black Olamber of Commerce of Orange County, hailing the historic nature of Costa Mesa Mayor Karen Robinson·s state appoinunenl to superior court judge .. I don't know what's going to happen here. There's a lot of things in tllR. balance with Karen's 1KJC1Jncy. and so we'll just kind of play it. by ear and see how it goes.·· -Ouis Steel, Costa Mesa councilman, on projects that may go different ways without Mayor Karen Robinson on the City Council 'This doesn't make any wn.se." -Ok:k Nk:hola. Newport Beach councilman, on a landmark ordinance to help the Port Theatre. which he thinks should be moved to another area such as Mariner's Mlle "/feel thal wr need to support our troops. If we don't do sonU!thing to Saddam soon, he's going to do something to us. " -Martt Zechman, a Corona del Mar High eighth-grader who took part in a walkout at the school to support the war in Iraq ~ DailyAPilot Cor.iWlbon News snlstAlnt, (949) 574-4298 cor11/.wl/Jlonl!llatlrn..com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, eo.ta Mesa, CA 92626 Copyright No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertlaementt herein can be • reproduced without wrltt81'\ permlalon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 89 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Edi tot JUC1r OETTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotk>N Director NewsEdlton Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowtu, Daniel Stevena NEWISTA.FF Ctfme °:f' ~rter. (949) 674-4 ~.l>harwthOl•tl,,,...oom ...... =·· Newport repone,, (IMS) 574-4232 Jt1ne.CMllflfllndetll61f,,,...com ...... Clnl!Oft Politics and environment rep<>rtef, (IM&)~, paul.cllntonftlll~oom ~ ...... eowmni.c. c:ulture'reponer, (N9)67~5 /olltll.MfJ1tH•IM"'-.oom Dellt99 Newiw co.c. Me9a ~-. (948) 574-4221 ~MWrMtl•IMt,,...,com a......~ E~n repoftlr, (9'9) ~ d!MtlntACMrldo•IMim-.OO(Jt . ~ . Sean Hiller, Don l..e8dl, Kent TreptoW READERS HOTUNE (9491 642-6086 Record your comments about the Dally Pllot or news tips.' Addnlel Our eddren i. 330 W. Bay St, Coate Meu, CA 92627. Office houra are ~Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. eon.cdot .. It Is the Pilot's polk:y to promptly conect all elTOl'W of sublUnce. PINM call (9'9) 764-43~ FYI The Newport BeacM:osta Mua Dally Pilot (USPS-1'4-800) It pubflahed dally. In Newport 8eadl and Cotta Mela, 1ubectlpdone .,. evallable onlV b'( 1ubeoriblng to The Tim. Orenge County (800) 212 9l'1. In.,... outald9 of ~ Beed'l and Cotta MtN. 111~pelone to the 0.llV Pllol arw 1r1allab44t only by flrat d .. mell tor S30 per momtl. (Pl1ceie lndude all appllcable ttate and -.i taxea.I POSTMASTER: s.nd addfWl9 d\enge9 eo lht N9wpon • ~ Meea OalfV Pltoc. '-0. . ·····-·- HOW 10 REACH US CircW9tk>n The Times Orange County (800) 252·9141 ~ .. a11111fted 19'91642·5678 Di9play(949)642-4321 EdttotW ..... (9491642·5680 8poft.a (949) 57~2:23 ..... re. (949) 646-4170 8pofta .. (949) 860-<>170 E-4'MI: dilllyp/1ot•lllrl,,,...oom Mli6n<>MiDe ...... Offtce ('49) 642~1 ...... ,... (949) 831-7128 Publllhed b'('fl,,,.. Ccmmunlty "-'· • dlvltfon of &he Lot AOO-IM limos. 02002 Tlmee CN. All r1ghtl ,.... ...... WEATHER FORECAST Today, look for tunny ltdn and highs In the low-to mk:f.&Os. Winett wtll dll be around, but not .. hard in pelt days. The morning will ... northwea wlnda at 16 to 26 mph. Overnight, e>epec:t .. , aides and lows In the mid-to low«>t. Mondly .. moetly tunny, hiQN "*'lno tho &o. Inland and IM mlcHOt a1 the bead'I. lnformlldon: www.nws.noaa.llOV BOATING FORECAST Todav1 through~ morning, wtndl ~be valteble at Itel U'l1n 10 knots. WJnd9from.-tM 15 ~ and W1M1t of 2 t.M or Itel and IWellt welt. 4 to~,__ Out fenher, W\ndl wll vary ~ 10 end 16 llnOta .-. ~"""" W9WI •2 '-' afMI _.... • & toe r..t. SURF Surf continuet to be calm, especially at high tide. But continued of'flhor9 wtndl mould keep. few hoUow bowls up tot grabe, and tha upper ltreeb will have c:Net-hlgh ... Monday, • .Ughi incr'eue from the nonhwelt la expected, ITIOIUy waist to d*'l ttlgtt, but more CONiant than today. Tueadly le the arrivM of the vetr't fll'lt big .outhwelt swell. W...qualty: WWW,IUmfct.r.otV TIDES nm. 7lA9a.m. 2!18 p.m. 8:34p.m. 2:2Aa.m. WATER TEMPERATURE 51degreae .. Sunday, Marctl 30. 2003 AJ LOOKING BACK ·Mode ling · students Help keep our city clean! Gopre College Preparatory School at the Balboa Inn was designed to shape young boys and girls into proper adults. By Gay Wauall-Kelly I ·t's the late 1960s, the 'Mundisciplined;tge.'' Parents were sparing the rod. "good grief ' min~kirts were the fad .md Clari_~ Manson ~facing the-death penalty. Seme felt it was time to ge t the kids out o r "this sub~tandard life" and 1 >repare them for a better world. What could be more perfect lor:your child than Copre < .oHcge Preparatory School. \llllated on the ocean fro nt on tht• spectacuJar Balboa 1'1•ninsula in Newport Beach? 1 ll'rc stands this elaborate 1930s C ;iljfornia Spanish ColoniaJ fl'\.tval building that wa'i the fornwr Ralhoa Inn Ille new 't l\ool, a unique college prep 1 11v1ronmen1 for the student with c1hovc·average potenuaJ, .11 ¢pted girls and boys from till" 'lixlh through the 12th gr.1de. Aud ry and Wayne Weber tmmded the school in 1968. l~iDE'1E •,. ; " SEP I '' PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR B•_vo. 650 586 0 COSTA MESA CA 949 i BLKS NO OF TRIANGLE SQUARE WWW PERFORMANCELTD C0'/ State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I~; i ifj 1:£3 ;J ff;fj >l'l 1IIJ ;ldJJi 11 ~ a;td>il COMPLETE SMOG REPAIR TUllE DP 5anu Owner Smee J 965. 38 Yean in Costa M esa THI CABBOBETOR SHOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave <Bmtol & Baker) 949.642.8286 . 7 14.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters < J,11,\e~ were small. affording 't uµents individuaJi.7.ed .11tt>ntion. Copre offered Copre is a unique college preparatory school situated 1n the Balboa Inn building founded m 1968. phy.,1caJ education in a spacmu\ gy1pnasium and a beach m front or the school. science and l.tnj.,'Uage laboratories, a growing lthrary and home economics d1•partment. ") rc•nH!mber when the o,chool took over the rwo building' in 'hi!," '<lld t.eorgc Grupe who 1 .111w to Nl'wpon Beach in 1923. I h1·v h111h the lar~e swimming pool w11h \Undeck that remain'> 1111!.1\ I .. 1ayed a few ntWll'· <ti 1h1 Inn durmg WWH when I , P..tct·d m\ tamilv on Balboc1 1,J,u1d I rt•nwrnher tl.ll'rl' \\l'n· 1111 bJthroom~ in the roomo, o,o \H' hJd lo walk. dO\'wll the hall\ ~111d of li~e ,1 d.ormitory. It wa' lll'a1111ful .mc.I I hl·t the k.1cJ, Im t•d 11 a' a 'Lhool .. rtll'rt• wert• many l'nnchmcnt 1 m1r\P' th..11 f£'w '>chool .. ofTt•rt•d during tht''><' time\. The art\ 11H ludt•d intricate creative 'I stayed a few nights at the Inn during WWII when I visi,ted my family on Balboa Island. It was beautiful and I bet the kids loved it as a school.' George Grupe, who came to Newport Beach m 192 3 \\.rll1ng 'tudent rnag;vi111•,) \'\,lll'nolor and ml p<11n1111g plu\ el<1hora1e 'rhool drama d<t...,l'\ "Boy ... only" crt·ated gourllll'I rl'UPl'' I no hot dog'> Jml hurgl'r'>) -from layered rnl..l•., to exotic foreign dbht''>. I or "g1rlo, only, .. there wa., "Mode' and Manner'>· da'>\C'> on appropriate grooming. ct 1qut•1te and modeling. plu'> ballet that would build prn'c and o,clf umfidenn·. Copre boa,tcd of their fatuity and admtm\tra11on ac, Jr dcd1rnted pew.er that #fould provide an ideal \lructured \ilUation to '>ltmulatc m aximum academic performance. r hey ofTert.'d <1 live-wl'ck cxchani.;t• program 111 '.w1~erland with Loprc\ l:urnpcan latulty member' serving d'> e .. con ... Foreign ur out of '>ldtl' \IUdl'nh could bo,Lrd 111 the furni..hl'd room\ of tlw former lllll I he C.opre goal'> V.l'fl' '>l't for tho'e farn1hc•' who o,ought tor their rh1ldren l11gh \l<tnd.trd'> or . c1h1cal and moral tondutl. Balboa\ <.op re It.id to he one of our be ... 1 kepi '>l'l rel'>. A~ I reo;carched ~1th tht'> que~uon. "Do you· know anythmg aho111 (..oprer I received dt.•Jd ~1lente foll o\\ed hy. "Ne\er hc•ard of Your neighborhood stop for Bank of Ame rica Betty Brite Cleane rs KauaiKove Kim's Alte ra tions Kura Japanese Antiques Lido Dine r Mail Boxes Etc. Pearls by Emiko Regatta Cafe Salon Lido South Coast Art Gallery Starbucks Coffee Via Lido Drugs Pavilions Ziggy's Optical Z-Pizza Coming Soon ... Abstract Hair Studio Regency Lido Theatre Now Playing Academy Award Winner NOWHERE IN AFRICA CNR> Friday 1:15 .f:l5 7:15 9:55 Satllrday 10:30am 1:15 4'15 7:15 9:55 Su11day J~ 1:15 4:15 7:15 9.55 Mon-Thurs. 1:15 4:15 ~15 9:55 all your needs! r< /r~ulh ( {}r~Jt r }lu ( jall11t9 $25 off any custom frame job over $100 $50 off anv cu<;tom frame job over $200 $75 off any custom frame job OVl'r $350 '""'••rr.-,.,. ... (949) 673-077 1 ,. ... ,,, ~ ""' $3.()(} off any gourme t p i1.za or -..,..r FREE gourmet salad with purchase of m edium gourmet pizza (949) 723-0707 Pearls by Emiko (~inc~ 1979) • 10°/o off Pearl Restringing (949) 673-3500 (Y 4/.lOIO\ NEWPORT BLVD ATVIA UDO Please present these coupons to receive dJ counts. the place -a \lhool 111 Lhe Balboa lnnr Copre. Balboa Inn wac; cJo.,ed in the late '70o,. A Copre Oui'>llan \chc>OI opened 111 · Corona del Mar 111 1978 Cdo-.ed nm ... ·) but were they related? I.el u., hear form any forrncr' '>ludent' of C.op rtl College Preparatory ">chool 111 Balboa or Corona del Mcu. Come see the new EverWood· CountryS1de blinds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping i!tlll•I slats create a beautiful board·on·board design And 1he ·step-up· look adds depth. d1mens1on and chara cter w any room And EverWood CountryS1de will not warp crack peel or fade Even in • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do vou know of a person. place or event that dPsNvf'S a h1stor•cal look badl 1 LPt us know Contact James Meier by fa>< at t949i humid areas or d1ren sunhgh• Come L:,:;:;.;..~~~r!'• see these bcau11ful blinds wda~ 646 4170. e mail at 1ames me,1er '' la11mes com. or mail at \.JO Daily Polol. 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa CA 92627 ,.,..,, .... , ....... "'ftl'rt ""'' ###•H ,,,,. ~ALDEN'S hl \\•( 1663 Plac~ntia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 Appr~~tjpn of the finer things in life tans young • Surround them with beauty created by master artisans r-----------~~(j-(jJ="~-----------, CUSTOM FRAMING Take $20.00 off any custom framing order of $100.00 or more. Offer good at O>sca Mesa location only. C-o\t n good thiougA April 30. 2003. One coupon per rder. per purch , Cannot be combined wii.h ny other off r or cou n L---~---~------------------~----~--~ NEWPORT/MESA 2701 Harbor Blvd. (In the Mesa Verde Center) (949) 645-2100 • (714) 96&-1200 M Sunday, March 30 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY .. COSTA MESA •Fairvilrw Road: Vanc1alism wu reported In the 2700 bk>dt at 6:l9 p.m. ihur9Cfay. • ,_.... Allenue: Vandalism wes "'P<>f1ed in the 2100 blodt at 6:18 e m. Thuf'lday. • Newport Boulewlrd: A garage burglary was repon.d in the 2300 blodt at · 9:08 a.m. Thursdey. ~ · • N9wpon Boulevard .. 8lllllDI StlMt: A hit~ -Alpofted et 6.'04 p.m. Thursday. . . • • • Sat*> Totn-.~·· Drinking In public~ reponed in the 200 blocX a1 10:53 a.m. Thursday. • West 18th S'trMt end Placentia Avenue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported a1 4:33 p.m. Thursday .. PRESS Continued from Al professional scribes waiting to pounce on whatever moves. Bryant and her fellow newsroom leaders face addition.al cballengei. that in the prof~ional world would flll'l!ly. lf every. happen: 5tlldents not being able co get their stories reported because they have ~ students doing a slapda<;h job because of their apathy for the subject In that environment. student editors have to struggle to keep their reporten; on task. They do face one challenge familiar in professional • newsrooms: reporter$ not meeting~ . LEARN BY DOING For these freshmen, sophomorel>, juniors and seniors, much of what they lcnoW about journalism they have learned from doing -~mething their advisors iru.ist on. Daily P*>t NEWPORT BEACH • East Bay Avenue: A boat theft was reported in the 1.00 blodc at 8:36 a.m. Friday. ~My role Is to lcind of give the students broad guidance and encourage them to take responsibility for designing the paper. creating the paper and then to kind of, in the final stage, make sure the paper is something that represents our school well." said Tom Moody. Estancia journalism teacher. PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Staffers Meaghan Bunney, Joey Kazar, and editor Leah Hollar, left to right. work on the next issue of the Corona del Mar Trident. • Castawllys Nol1h! A vehicle burglary was reported In the 100 block at 6:22 a.m. Friday. • East Coast Highway: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2700 blodt at 11 :58 a.m. Friday. • Santiego Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2400 blodc at 7:S7 a.m. Friday. • 5'*"1gton Place: Vandalism was reported in the 1800 blodt at 10:07 a.m. Friday. • w.st ac.... Front A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1400 blocX at 11:15 a.m. Friday. While some of the advisors have baclcgrounds as professional journalists, others have none and have had to learn and research as they go along. Despite their personal experience, the advisors alJ agree a high school paper's not about them. They each encourage their !>ludenl~ to take control of the paper year after year, and make their voic~ heard. How much the c;tudents actually do that, however. oflen depen~ on the per.onalr!Jl~ of the newspaper -.raff. CENSORING THEMSELVES Since none of the '>chool!> "The Art of Making Pizza" WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5.9 PM _,,..... I aJAONAon""' ~·---,,,,,~ YI .J i601 E CDtST ~VAY 7955 E CXlAST HOMA'!' 949.723.0707 I 949.675.4100 949.715.1117 ----------- expres:>ed any cen'>orship problems with 1he1r administratio n, in part bl'cause of the s1udc11~· unders tanding of whal is and is nol appropriall' rnateriaJ , thl' more 1han 90 h igh ~chool '>!Udents rnvolvt•d 111 journalism in Newport-Mesa are the only one' to c.,11fle their crt>ativity and drive. Only o ne <;ehool take-. full advaniage of its youthful audience and the fact tJm1 it\ a product of a learning environment by pll'.hrng the hmit.s of joumah'm 10 the lull~L Newport I !arbor I hgh\ Beacon has tested student tolerance with a l>et"tion called TI1e Stow Awdy, which initially baflle<l students bt.>Cau~ the section i'> printed upside down. and oix·ned 1t' COMMENTS Contmued from A 1 pathcuc 1hat 1s. arm'> to the Spanish·~'}:>ealcing Mudent population with a strictly Spanish page. Whether they stand ou1 on a c~ative limb, delve into controversial ~ues. like the war on Iraq, or give students the highlights of Winter H>rmal, high school journalists know their ll:">por\.'>lhility lo their readl''"" and exl't.1.lle 11 with pnde "I or me, it's all about just trymg to cover everything we should be covering." said 17-yt'ar·old Kale t,ue-.man. coedltor m ctul'f "Its JU~I really important 10 ket•p '>ludents informed ahou1 what's rt'ally gomg on." • CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be readied al (949) 5744 268 or by e-mail at chnstine cam/lo a lat1mes com 1 $3DFF FREE I LARGE PIZZA SMALL SALAD I G BUY ANY MEDIUM PIZZA & I I . -GET A SMALL SALAD OF I YOUR CHOICE FREE lbat's just 26 mmult"'>, l.560 '>tXonds to be e"<act. to complete the foUowmg uc.k...: park the car, '>Chlep the gear to the lodge. buy the lift tickets, pull on your boots, 'trap on your '>k1.,, gt'I on the chair, get off the chair. do a fact' plant. fllen. wart for lhe \lo patrol to find you. !>plrnt you. tos.'> you mto the sled of c.,hame and tow you down the mountain. no you understand what Und of urning tha1 lakt>l>? lllere I'> absolutely no margin for error. I made a few quick 1urm. 10 work my way back to tlw center ol 1he nm . On Lhe la'>I turn, I rcrnt•mber watching the tip on my downhill ski dive mto the c;lu,h. fhat's a bad 1hmg. I 1rit.'d to wrk 11 free. but Lhe ice grabbt'd I!, like a vice. l\1y leg. ohlrviou'> 10 the catastrophe unfolding beneath it kepi turning, which b a wor:.e tlung. When my '>kl boot popped loo,e. I heard a loud craaack that '>ounded exactly lrkc a wuodt•n baseball bat connecting wi th a Randy Johnson fastball, whrrh 1c., -.omething you don't hear oft l'n, rn baseball or -,kimg. I SUNM IST SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan in seconds! 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Value Double diamond c.,lope? I 'II Kive you diamondc., I here were only two choice'> at lht• 1op of the firM chair, bOlh begmner '>lopes. We Marted down Lhe one called something hke "Little Debbie's fun Run " Mark look ofT '>lightly ahead uf me· and headed down the 11111 in a '>Cries of easy tum!>, which anyone who has on e brain. 1wo '>Kie<\ and the coordmatton ol a Panda bear on Pro1.ac '>l10uld have been able to handle. whit h apparently exdudei. me. The edges of the nan were a little soft, alrno'>I -;lu'>h 1n place<;. YOUR SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AdamsK-5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Candy Cloud, (714) 424-7935 AnderMn K-6 1900 Port Seabourne. Newport Beactt Mary M anos. (949) 515 6935 Callfomi. K-5 3232 California St, Costa M esa Jane Holm, (714) 424-7940 I brac.:cd m yself for the landing. but was surpn1.ed wht·n 11 didn't hun a brt I 1r,t. I tried the happy face m ode "Maybe that "crack" wasn't my leg,· I told myself "l\.faybe 11 wa'> tJw binding or a boot buckle Yeah. that\ 11. A hoot buckle'" A.<, '>oon as I put about four gram., of weight on my left leg. we were done with the hapP} face mode I -.aw '>tare;, thrn a few galaxies. then JU'il a little b11 of 1he edge of the Milky Wa~ I he '>lo patrol was there rn a n.1 .. h 1 lwy had my leg boxed up and '>hrink-wrappecl and 1he College Partt K·3 2380 Notre Dame Road. Costa Mesa Carol Lang, (714) 424-7960 O.Vis4-6 1050 Arlington Dnve, Cos1a Mesa Cheryl Galloway, (7 14) 424-7930 E.astbfutf I(~ 2627 Vista del Oro, Newport Beactt Charlene Metoyer, (949) 515-5920 Harbor View K-6 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar Featunng. ~~~ WHAT IS .•. ~ ?f~ d7oo/i? Thf seem u in tht flavorful broth m<Uk from scratth- .frtsh tMh morning. Gmerotu chunlt.s of chicltni brtast and rVI* in our dtliciou.s broth. Gamished with diad lltJ()(,ad<J and cilantro, finiJhed with a quuu of fresh Li~. rrter Krisztina Pomper discusses with others an article about student exit exams she 1s writing for an issue of the Trident. re'>! of me 111 the sissy .,led fa\ler than you ran '>ay "dweeb" When Mark found me and my new 11wd1-p.is. h e wa<; badly lOnnictl'd between s hock, worry and trymg 10 keep a straight face. whrch he d id much better than I wouJd have As we worked our way down IJttle Debb1e't., ~orneone decided that two i<>ld palroller.. Ma rk, and the large yl'llO\v lump 1n the "'"Y sled juo;t w.i<;n'1 a big enough cnlourage fhey quickly dispatched two snowmob1ll''>, one m the lead and om• behind. to make '>Url' that every living being w1th111 half a mile could watch the yelfow lump with Lhe leg-1.11 -a box being dragged down the mountain. It wa., the first !Jml' I really apprecratt>d the value of weanng a helmet. Everyone at the first·a1d '>latron w<U. great, including an l::M f 11.tmcd Tom, who grew up rn Costa Mesa rn the '60'i. and '70\. It wa., JU'it like old tune'>. unuJ they lrred to take ofT my left boor, which was very exciting and nol like any other rimes I can recall. Thu'> began an 18-hour odyssey of emergency room,, x·my machines. all-night Melhss1a Christensen, (949) 515-6940 KaiMr3-6 2130 Santa Ana Ave .• Costa Mesa Daryle Palmer, (949) 515-6950 Killybrooke K -5 3155 Killybrooh Lane, Costa Mesa Kathy Sancttez, (714) 424-7945 Unc:oln K-6 3101 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar Barbaftjtaddo<t, (949) 515-6955 ~K-6 2100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beactr Pam Coughhn, (949) 515-6960 N9wport Coast K-6 6665 Ridge Partt Road, Newport Cont Monique VanZeeBroec:*. (949) 615-6976 N9wport a.m.nt.y K-6 14th StrMt a.nd Balboa Boulevard, Newport Bead't DenlM Knutsen, (949) 515-6966 NMpOft tWohtt K-6 300 E. 1~ Sl. Newport B..n Juc:ith Chambers, (949) 615-8970 ~1(-3 1090 Plul1r1no Ave., Cost. Mea Plrtrida 1.-y, (714) 424-7960 Pomotw K-3 2061 Pomona Ave., COSUI M-. ..... McCOrmlc*., (Mt) g 1M980 ....... 801 HemMton St., Costa Meta Ken dffen, (948) 516-8806 ( pharmacrc:. Jnd a hotel at the airport as we wailed for our night home the nexl morninR all of which fell to Mark 'fyson, who performed way, way beyond the caJI or duly. fry 1ugghng a rental car, luggage, '>lo equipment, and a wheelchair filll'd Wllh a large ex·mayor Wlth a shrink·wrapped leg. Back home, another good friend. BilJ McMasler, took over. At times like Lhis. friend' are very valuable. But when you have alhJetic :.k!Us hke mine. friends who are prominent orthopedil 'urgeon s are extra special handy, underline, hold-face. with asteri'>k.. By Tue'\day morning. Bill had me under the knife and under the e ther. a'> he nipped a little here. tucked a little there and then snapped 11 alJ together with some really big titanium c;crews. You 'lhould see the x-rays. Totally awesome. I look like an ad for TruValue Hardware. So there you have it This 'ik.J season is done, for me al least And you may, or may not. ..ee me out there when the next one rollc; around. l gotta go. Sort of. Sononi K-3 966 Sonora. CoS1a Mesa Christine Anderson, (714) 424-7955 Vecton.K-5 1025 Vtctona St., Costa Mesa Judy Laakso, (949) 515-6985 Whittier K-3 1800 N. Whittier Ave .. Costa Mesa Sharon Blakely, (949) 515-6990 Wilson K-5 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa Candy Sperling, (949) 515-6995 Woocland K-2 2026 Garden Lene, Costa Mesa Kathryn Hofer, (949) 515-6945 INTERMEDCATE SCHOOLS EnUgn lntllnnedlete 7-8 2000 Oiff Drive, Newport BMCti Mike McGuire, (949) 515-6910 1eWW*le 8-8 3224 California St, Costa Meu ·, Jeff Gall, (714) 424-7965 HIGH SCHOOLS eo.o... cW Mer 7· 12 2101 EatbMf Drive. Newport ~ Sharon Fty, (949) 515-6000 ··--·--...---~' \ \ , ' Daily Pilot . ·CHECK IT OUT Find laugh~ at the libra ry M ark fWa.111 once observed Lhat , "the firsi of ApriJ b the day we remembl'r what we are the other 364 da~ of the year" Even with · that redlv.a1io11, you can ~till gel the last laugh with some of today'!. funniest humorists. Due soon on the shelves is Deborah ford's "The Grla. (Girls Ra1aed ln lhe Soulh) Gulde to Ule." In her rribute to Southern women. 1h1h Ya-Ya sister offers anecdo1t~'> and advite on such topic'> a.\ ea ling watennelon in a sundre...s, tendmga magnolia tree dnd dnnkmg hke a lady. Fvl'n 1f your root'> are ('ntrenched in Cahforrua the code behind Steel Mdgnol1a '>lyle mclude'> wi~om for any ft> male in pur5u1t .of Southern tharm. A Soulhl'm pt'<.11gree is ju.'>I ~ superfluouh for ''The Sweet Potato Queens' Book of Love." With trreverent c.oun!>CI for deal.mg wtth men, diet'>, families and work. HU Conner Browne '>erves up a hilariow. manifesto about love. W'e and the importance ofbemg prepared. I ' ,-~ I. I ' 1, 'i . t k 11 II \\ \ \ ' She returns wtth coUecove WlSdom from her group of belles gone bad m 1'he Swee1 Potato Qu«nl' Blg-Aa Cookbook and fllnandal Planner." ln the11 latest outing, the belles dish up another ample servmg of anecdotes about ltfe after 40, mc.luding hilariou-. talces on mothenng. plastic surgery and falling in love with a younger man "who totally missed Motown because he wa~n't born yet" M promised, there's financial advice-most in the spirit of tip number one. hope Daddy IJvt'l> forever lf you haiJ from the Lone SlaI State. you may have been exposed to the lore of"Klnky Priedman'a Guide to Tum P.dquette." If not. learn the real scoop aboul the Alamo, rich Texas oUmen and Wtllie Nelson from •the oldest living Jew in Texas who doesn't own any real estate.· Tu find comedy ln office Ufe. enter cpe giant gray area between good moral behavior SH CHECK, Pa1e A6 Suri<ldt MCltcll 10, 2003 A5 • ezsure 'The Mov·ement' offers p'olitical alternatives Local author questio ns everything in his book about issues importa nt to Californians. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot M ichacl C ~mper of ttalboa Island I'> nol rcspon'ttblc for President C,eorKc Bush's polittcaJ pol11 .. tl''>. During the la.,1 presidential elec. uon, h(• vott>d for Cal in the Hal. "I d1dn'1 buy into wha1 wa'> go111g on a1 tha1 moment m 11111t•, I ww, 1101 happy with any of the tanc.JuJatt•-.." he said. "It was the fir'>I tune 111 a long lime I felt good about my volt• " When Cooper moved lo \ar1 Francisco m the mHJ I 9ti<h. 11 wa.'> tus fir..t expo.,ure to olht>r way., of thought, polioc-d.I debat~ and J>t'Opll:" of d1fTcren1 backgrounds and t-thntl tllt><. \\lh;11 he diM'overed there Wah 111 .,harp rnntrasl to his con-.ervalM~. Oregon upbnnging. II ~ tn San 1-tanCl'>(CI lhdl hl'> hfe expenence-. really lx>g'ctn And 11 w.t-. there that he learned Ill d.)k quc'>lton\. San ~ranct!>CO ~L'> the '>ll'ne for hi'> new polJ ucaJ thn.1.ler, • Ille Movenwnt " It 1s about a 11me nm farm the futurc when the peoplt.· an· d1~..at1sfied with polJIJt.S, lrJditionaJ inst1tut1on' and the seriou' i<>Suc~ plaKwng California. It i.' about a generdllon unwilling to accept the '>tatus quo "l11e Movemt>nt i~ a novt'I, 11 .., entenainment. It is \Uppo-.e<J 10 bt> something to have people talct' pau...e and think for a wh1lt'. pO!>Mbly influence what they do Lil the voltnK booth." Cooper '>a.Id "Bui pnmanly, 11 is for them to en1oy a fe?W hour., of a decent read. maybe put <,c11nc thoughts in their heads thctt tht'y kt'ep for a wtule.· But as wtth all decent ficuon, ii has to be close enough to the truth to make 1t beht>Vahle and mterest1 n1< for the readers, he 5a.td And he th1rOO. it ts. California faces specific problem., that other states don't I lowt"Vl'r, California dot>!> no1 a.lwa)"t get the government repre..entauon in Washington equal to it.., rnntrihuuon, he said ·1-.conom1cally. we arl' a very strong Michael Cooper, author of pohtrcal novel, "The Movement." at hrs Balboa Island home ":\ powt•r in the world. If you huy thJt, you rnn .,ay. 'Why do , .. e m·1·d to drag .truund the re<;I of the U S.,'" < .ooper '><lid. "Why don't we add re'-' lht' problt·ms right hert' JI homl' " C ooper i' nut a sect«>'>Hlnt'>t, hut 111 h" novel he and ht~ charal1t'f' plav w11h 1he idea. "Do we reaJJy m·cd the rl'-.t of the United Stdlt•.,?" Nc11her extrcmd\ h~ral nor conservative, Luopt'r 'xltd ht> L'> '>tUL i... somewhere in the m1ddlt'. But he d(>e<. notice the ero'>ton of ci\'il liberu~ around him. "Some say 11 1s a sllpperv '>lope. I '>3) ii 1s a gradual d0'¥\'Tlhill run towdrd tht.> average everyday oli.zem. lo'>tng the ma1ority say m what 1~ going on around them: he said. "Wl' have had our country enter war with a fair majonl) of the world saying we ... houJdn't. hut we did 11 anyway.· ExpresMng deep gra1i1ude for lht> '>Old1er. ..... tio have pul thcm.-.dw"I 111 harm\ way, < oopt·r ,,11cJ 11 ll' it'adt·r' of th<' country all' rt·~ron'i1hlt· lor .11lowi11K tJi..11 10 happt·n I It• qut•,11011' wht•tht'r Anwril'a ha.'> tl1H11· rill' ngh1 th111g, e'pc1 tall) 1 <lll'>IUt'flllg Lht· t urrt'nt world op1111on "We do need .1 1 hange of ho\\ 11ur polt11ldl 'Y'lt'm op<·raw'." hl' '-did "f Ill not tailing aho111 U\l'rthru""1ng the ~11vt'mmt•n1, I ,1111 1.ill.111g .1hou1 o\.erhJulmg hm' 1ht· gm1·mnwn1 WO~" Nestlt.J 111 ht'> -.hd1ercJ H.!lboa 1 .. 1.mtl haven. C ooper\ l.lt'W\ t onlr.i'>t tho-.t• ol his neighbor' Hut he relalt'' ""ell 10 people of aJI pohllt .ti hdt 4,'T'ound ... I ven 111 lw, role a' a father. he exeru'l.., h1., belwf m 111depcnden1 thought Coopt:>r l:"m ourdJ(l''> 111., I b )ear ofd "lrl /,.it hc.1ry 111 a ... k que,111111c; .ind form hi" own op1r1111n\ In tlw -..11m· "' .1\ ht• ·"k' 111, reJt.ler' 10 ht• mun• 1moht·d 111 lhC' polt11tal prote" llw tll'\I 1mw 1lle\ .trt· 111 d NO PLACE LIKE HOME Cooper's novel, "The Movement • "" 111g hooth < oopc.•r -..ud tht·\ n11w11 d..,k them, .. :hl" 1l 1ht•\ .irt• 1.111111g .ilung tht• '>dflll' p.tn) or ph1lo .... 1ph1t al hm·' \'-llhuul '1opp111g IO t 011\lt.lt•r tht' uJUnhlll' lllJllUllH' "II t.l11r.111 111.Jlttr '"ht·tht·r I >1·n1111 rat11 nr H1•pul>l11 .m hht.'r.11111 nlll't'l'\Jll\t' lw -..ud \\t• .irt• ,111 lw.1detl Im 1h1· -...1nlt' pl.11 t· .. Bring your garden back to life S talk some stock. Ral'>e '><>me roses. Vary your vegetable'> Apn.I is the time 10 get 11ggy in the garden. If yow garden looks Like mme, you're in pretty bad shape. The last time I touched the garden was January: I pruned the roses and gave t'Vl'rythmg a hit of Mirac.le-Gro, which by the way, made the weeds grow even faster. With spring around the com er, I'm becoming motivated. Or maybe I'm just tired of loolcl.ng at a garden that resembles Medusa. Or maybe because one of my neighbors wUJ be the "garden· part of Harbor Hlgh's Home & Garden 1bw this year. Watching Judy work outside Is Inspiring me to achieve KAREN WIGHT greater height~ !or not sink into lower lo~l. The first tcl'>k IS the hardest: clean and weed. AU of those unwelcome guests of a plant and varmint nature have go1 10 go. lt's time and elbow grease Put on yow headset, grab your favorite tunes and check out for a while. Better yet, get the kids to do it for you. After the weeds. comes fresh soil. If the rains have matted or washed away TRAVEL TALES your lllp'>o tl. nm .. •'> tht' lime to replare 11 Tumtng m ne-. .. din rnakt"i a huge dtfkrence in the way your garden grow<. and the way 11 looks. Spread <,ome '>nail and <,lug rt'peUent around Before you plam an~1.hmg. make '>UTl' that II won't become dinner for a mollu\k.. When I'm not watchmg. tho't' pehts get a party started and there'-; nc 1 'huttmg them down rverything in the garden needs fertili.7Jng. even the lawn Your lawn need~ three 10 five inches of water thb month. If that doesn't come in the foml of rain, you need 10 set yow sprinkler... to upply about one-half inch every third n1ght about 20 minutes for most systems. The roses need another mund of h1.;t-n11rogt'n fcnih1t•r to l..eep producing wa't'' of prohfit bloom.., II you plan 10 ex.pand your garden. no~'" a good llmt• to do II Tht' nur;t>n~ art> full llf lrt"'>h annual'> and perennial' A..' l'vt' been t'TUl'>lllg the a1.<.le<. of l<Kal nu™•nes. I have to .ttlmll, there are planl'> and nower. I've nt'H'r wen before If th!'> L'> tht> wrt of lhmg that exnte<. you, you're m lurk I'm ru'-t confu..<;ed Ive .,pt:>nt a lot of ltme ...earthing for tho~ pla'>ll<' tag'> that lt•ll you what kmd of trouble you n- gettmg into. lk>autifuJ plants II.kc Whitt· Nancy lam1um with its green and white leavt.., SM HOME, Pqe A6 Trinidad's Carnaval fun-filled for trio By Joanne Szabo A I we louted the md1ng of 2002, we exchanged our thougbll and ldvenllnl of the pesc yeu. Our nex1 topic of oonwraadon. wu •what are you doing In 20039f Our conversation centered around wo.t. famDy and the f)ustomary weebnd getaways. ,.utdl Diane mendoOed that she .... &Cina to vWt her Mom ln ~for Ca.m8VaL ' 'J\1nldld. ClmaVllL Auty, kelmtSon ... my 61end. • Samlntha and 1. quldJy put ~our ....... and ll&htted mod • • ••• 1- Dlane was visiting her mom. Camaval offidally lasts only who "the tlnrlan al the cwo days. from re>uven (2 a.m.) lnlemadooal School In 1l1nMtad.. on Monday to midnJgbt the She had dmed her trip lo roOowfng day. CAmnaJ 1\lolday. cotodde with~ One can look at thlt ·onfy" A>r the next cwo months ~ two' da)'I or 48 hours of~ oonaponded with her mom and We nisced up In preparation for tent our ~n ror ow what wu to come. exb'a\'181Dt COltWnCS. Whto tbt 1)z»i>J #I I> i I • • • OUf alarm dbc.:wlion ot 1~ c:.me up woke ut up at midnight '° thlu M renewed our commitment at we oouk1 get reldy for J'C>\.Mrt. ~om. but uhlmatdy dedcled fOuven lt tho~ of to weu the conwntional bWn.I Camaval and c:onmu ot dlft'crmt bonoma. Whew parties around the d~ we were On~ Feh 28. ~ • Invited ro • •pmnt pany". to lAX uid were wiry Wit c:ulinlnattd In a..- oo the ted·C)'t. ow t.a . CCM81)'lld and~ l'N'IM9'1~ ol anddptdoO ... ibcKA to be tn lplad pMll on~ lWIOed. ! put of \ . ': • .. • ... M 5'1lday, March 30, 2003 Trinidad, which lies off the Venezuelan coast, offers fun events year round including Camaval, and has great tropical weather. TRAVEL Continued from A5 party was over and it was time to change our costumes, eat breakfast and report back for the first day of CamavaJ. AfteT scrubbing the paint olf our bodies and out of our hair, we slept for two hours and got ready to go back ouL The first day of CamavaJ is somewhat of a warm-up. We wore the top to our Melaborate" costumes with comfy shorts and marched thought the streets of the Port of Spain Because we were working on two hours of sleep we headed back. early and enjoyed some Shandy's on the balcony of our aooommodations. We needed to get our beauty sleep for the next day. Tuesday morning we adorned ourselves with our lavish costumes: bikini's with beads and sequins appropriately placed. We were decked out with colorful headdresses. sequined wristbands, and our chiffon win~ attached to our shoulders. We were the "Hummingbirds" and we were ready to fly. This was the real thing. Thousands of people marched through the streets of the Port of Spain. I;ach group belonged to a specific band, ours was ·Poison,· and danced along side the truck that the band played on. We never strayed too far from our beverage truck that was also part of our group. People lined the streets for the entire eight-hour period The variety of costumes, cultures, age groups and spectators were entertaining enough to keep our mind off the fact that we were gallivanting for eight hours in 85-degree weather with 90% humidity. The highlight of the day was parading on stage. As the sun started setting. we realized that our 48 hours were coining to an end. Ahhhhh, we were looking forward to the next arm of our vacation ... a little R&R. On Wednesday, we drove the curvy, long, winding rode to Maracas Bay for some relaxation and the infamous Shark and Bake. After satisfying our rummies, we took a ™m m the 70-degree bay and took a well-deserved nap. The next day we took a two-hour taxi ride to the Asa Wright Natw-e Center. As we exited the taxi we were welcomed by 500 acres of beauty. covered with plants, trees and multi-hued Oowers, with more than 400 species of birds. After the three-mile hike we headed back to toWT\ and boarded a motorboat to tour the islands near Trirudad. Our vacation was close to ending. but we had one more day before boarding the plane. You may wonder, what else could we possibly want? On Friday, we pampered o~ with a massa.ge, facial, manicure. pedicure and eyebrow wax for less than $100. I was close to deciding to move there. but figured I needed to get back to work. Our last afternoon in Trinidad was unforgettable We were very fortunate to take a tour through the Caroni Bird Sanctuary. 1ltls large swamp with maze-lilce waterwdys is bordered by huge mangrove trees. We even ~w a huge snake hanging from one of the branches taking in the sw1. The highlight of the tour wa.') viewing Lhe Scarlet Jbi~ Clrinidad':. National bird). Ju:.t before sunset the fbis (a brilliant bright red bird) arrive by the hundred:. to the foliage in the mlddJe of the island. As they land on the trees the island is transformed from green to red. A:. the sun set, we Journeyed back. to shore and headed home to pack. We were sad that our week was coming to an end, but happy that her mom is contmcted to work there for another year! We will be back for 2004. 6 LIZ cla1borne THE 'WORLD'S BEST KNOWN APPAREL BRAND COMES HOME INTRODUCING LIZ CLAIRBORNE FLOORING Choosing the ri9ht flooring for your home just got easy. Because Liz Cla1rborne offers up the colors and styles to match you. Perfectly. Quality, style and value. These have always been hall- marks of the Liz Clairborne name, and this new flooring line is no exception. Beautiful flooring, from carpet to hardwood, even vinyls and laminates-all with lasting quality, in colors and styles that are fashionable and time- less. NO PAYMENTS, NO INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS. Now thru April 7, 2003. 0 .A.C. See store for details. And it's available exclusively at: JOHN BLOESER • CARPET ONE When it comes to flooring ... nobody does it better® 2927 S. Bristol St. • Costa Mesa • 714. 751.2324 Mon. -Fri 9am-5:30pm •Sat. & Sun. 10am-4pm • www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach 562.430.7501 & Los Angeles 213.627.4738 •CA Lic.#272823 CHECK Continued from AS and outnght a1.minallty with Scott Adams' #J>Uberc and the Way of the Walel. .. In hl8 latest romp, the comic IU1p author reveals the best methods for avolding work. besting cowozkera and hJdJng Incompetence. Move Into a broader arena with Andy Rooney's "O>mmoo Nomeme.,, With 154 es.says about the annoyances of being human, the gJUmpy 60 Minutes coounentator pullS apart everything rroc1' chaJ.rs too small for comfort to the decJlne of f'amily .farms and hard·tO-ref!>ove jar tops. • Even if you're the bru..Qt of some trickster's prank on April Fools Day. keep your cool with help from Art Buchwald's HOME Continued from A5 are a fresh addition to a shady spoL Where did all the heucheras come from? There are varieties with burgundy leaves, gold leaves. even an apricot-colored variety. I lydrangeas. How did I completely miss out on hydrangeas that climb? Since I can't grow the regular variety, I don't have much hope for their climbing counterparts. but in the pictures, those plants look pretty good (and I'm wondering how many decades it will take to get the side of my house completely covered). WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to da1lyp1lot~latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Oninge Coast College Is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. 0..nge County employwa can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to en1oy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chanoe for groups to wort< wnh the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina w.t.rSports et the Balboa Fun Zone, you can en1oy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail ... ORANGE COUNTY If ~ PERFORMING ARTS CENTER SEGERSTROM HALL BOX OFFICE IOAM -6 PM WWW OCPAC.OltG (714) 740-7878 .,.._,.,_._ (7U) 755-0236 GROUP SAi.fS ONE WEEK MORE UNTIL IT·s HERE! M .Lesh1 1scra t1cs. APR 8-20 SIOUSTIOM HAU $64.50-$27.50 .. ~ Werp'd 2pm Sat, Apil 19 r , . .. (71") 556-2787 INFORMATION (714) 556-2746 TTY I ,, "'WWI l.auab AplD. • 1n hJ5 n~ look at the '90I, one ol Amedca'• most lauded hwnoristJ pokee fun at BW and HIJ, downsizing, dot ·COOU. HMOa and Viagra. Using a title from an exchange between colwnnlst Mary McGcory and future senator Daniel Patrlck Moynilwl, who died Wednesday, after John Kennedy was assasalnated. Buchwald provides a gentle reminder that a sense of humor Is eliSelldal for enjoying life even in a world at war. • CHECK If OUT is W..itten by the staff of the Newpo11 Beach Public Library. Thie weelc's column ls by MeOsu Adams In collaboration with June Pjbitr. All 00-may be resented fr0rn home or office computers a,V·acceu1no the catalog at www.newportbe«hlibr•ry.org Mature rose bushes are bloomln' away and are yours for the asking -and paying. I used to say that I wouldn't buy fully-grown roses, I thought bare root was the only way to go. OK. I'm over that I've nurtured too many failures to be puritanical If you want to try a vegetable or herb garden. this is the perfect month to get started, and you don't need a lot of space. In fact, you can sneak herbs into your regular garden. Basil, parsley. sage and chives camouilage themselves nicely among garden regular:.. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newpon Beach resident. Her column runs Saturdays. watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are induded with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rantals can put you on the water in many ways· with single and double kayaks. electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthd8)'$, nonprofit organizations and group oullngs. The hunt pac*agea indude boats, trivia questions. maps, Polarotd cameras and supplies. The 0091 of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric bo.t rwntala ... ev11IW>le by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. <;oa11 Highway. Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. k:e and cops are provided. Reservations are suggested. Ali hour rental is $75. (949) 645-{)81 2 .,.., boata, electric boats. boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach fumlture and wetsuits are availab4e for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 7~1150 G~ toun.,. oftlred by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost indudea a besbt of bfead. cheese, salami, Ice, glpaea, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also availabte. (949) 675-12~2. Gondola~ 3101 w. Coast Highway. often 000- and two-hour gondoW au!.._ A one-hour tour with champegne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champegne la S180. ~Is ev.u.bte 8t waterfront '9ltaUtantS. (949) 87M984. Irvine Coest 0.--. In Udo Marine Village ofter1 two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two per900s. (949) 676-4704. Gondole AomMC:e .... cWy tour1 of Newport Hart>or during lunctt end dinner. Call (949) 876-4730. The tour1 go out of Udo Marina Virt.ge, 3400 Via Opotto, Newport Beech. CRUISES Bectrlc lloet 1burt c6r'8 ~rcru .... of Newport Hartlor ($78 per CNIM). Round-trip hotel or off-th..w.ter ...wiurant lhuate MNlm la 9Vallable. Pick-up from r9Stalrents wtth dodm .. at.o evallable. Chartwect end ClbM'ed toura. (948) i9M953 Of www.~com. The N9wport l.wlnl ...... evarlebt. fot w.ddlnge .net recepdona. ocdtaH and ajghteMfng crulMt. end moettngs. Tho cost 11 saoo fot the first two hourw, l)tua S1IO fot tad't addttJonal hour. (Mt) 311414() c.-.-. ................ a.c:.r. •• 1()0.foot 0-* F.rnt.11 ........ ~WMftiaMr'.wia•,. ~fofuptoW& puaongera CMS) 123-toea. ot d e g s tf ' t . PATTY HARVEY (949) 219-2517 & MARIANNE NAHIN (714) 269-7851 Bl YIN<; O R SELLll\G A HOME? THE VALUE OF TWO PROFESSIONALS BA<.:KEU HY THE STRENGTH OJ•THE ROCK! Work with the Best Specializing in Closing Deals t'ree Mone) for N llHS Seniors H A R\!EY/NAHIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND A pplicution Deadline March 3 1 ~ Prudential California Realty 23 Corporate Ptio.a, Ste. 190, Newport Beach, CA 92660 cMI<-~K EY <(l)L uoTT r "If,)\\ Ill B, '"IR 1'1 ,, l\'R' Bl ,l , , r7 f ndisputcd market share leaMr in Newport Coast ~ ~ grtll/11Jdc and prll?JTS 111 the mm and 1A1/1IOI f~ Jdr dllT Jitzdmn. rc:hctr C'11JT1l5C and "'1mmitmml is herdicf "Whm Y"" drodr 111 buy or u!l" homr. plraJt take tht tlmt tom ®wn w11'1 ml' I would lot't to 1hart ml. n:pertu.r and my oumanding company with you. "/ti my b111inm to know tht rral tstau mArltd. Profit from it!" -fB Rack Day Realt y A PulHllnc Otfi l KEY~LLIO fl '-149 887 lfJ?b E'e!IJJ!rir 1111L Wl!l dbt111~1:<1~nrellbtmker c"m Dayna Pettit for your "News around the neighborhood." "Covering BaJboa Peninsula & Newport Beach" Bus. (949) 673-3899 CelVPgr. (949) 433-0998 Fax. (949)673-6805 Cannery VIiiage Realty Inc. PAM WARD BROKER ~OCIATE '"SATISFYING CLIENTS FOR OVER 10 YEARS" 949-235-2226 e-mail: pamwardnb@aol.com 881 Do~r Drive, Suite 380 Newport Beach Frn Begod meals what JOU need to know before JOU llst Jour ll0118 tor 1111. Desiree M. Berry ~JllXr.e wdh a ;.nu.le R&'MRC REAL ESTATE SERVICES (949) 720-7315 (949) 378-0513 desireeOdesireebeny.com Julia Bland Sdling .. "Castles 10 Cqndo's " Integrity, Knowlc:dgc, CommiLmcnt EL (949) 632-7210 ~ Prudential Calitomi1 Realty MARY Lou KIEBLER 8ROM1t Lido Park Realty "Lido Park Specialist" 601 Lido Park Dr .• Suite 2-E Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 675-2700 www.lidoparkrealty.com As a professional Realcor in the California Desen, I would love co help you find your retirement home or a gee-away property ac a much lower cosc than property in your area. I have been lul1 t· \'.111 \\'inl·n I h "'II ~ I h 'ollll Sllll .;-1i .;)';.; -,,I),~-.; IJlJ-)1) licensed for 28 years & worlong in che Desert for che p~c 12 yrs. covering Mm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert. Indian Wells & La Qumca. wierm@eartblink.net . holEstate A'REFERRED 2402 MclleGOn D<'ve Sunt> 2J() tr.me CA 92012 Lora Vance Realtor ~19·· ~ l Specializing in: Sales & Rentals throughout Newport Harbor CJJnwti.K 26 Yun Lora Vance Marlys Vasterling (949)673-4062 (949)551-6789 Fax(949)673-4062 324 Marine Ave., Balboa bland, Ca. 92662 Paulson Realaty Inc. 4630 Campus Drive ~ Newport Beach, CA 92660 Nora lee •• Diane Coltrane, Broker (949) 836-3 730 cell (949) 760-0376 bus. line Kathleen Dennis, Assistant dcoltrane@adelphia.net Prudential California Realty Coastal Cottages to Mansions Stacy McCullough 949.887 .1199 949.644.6200 StacyReaJtor@aol.com www.CoastalCottagesToMansions.com • ML\ ~c:arth from nw web front p.tgt • B1-weekh online Re.ti htatc '\c.,..,lt11er • D.uly/wecklv email nn' proptrt~ ll't1np.' (J,k) • Real t"\tJte l)Ue~11uns' ( .rauou' thtcrtul amwtr\ • Rd<'rral~ lO oth<'r 'LT<'<'ncJ bu\lnc\\ oY.ner' .ind hu"-·'" Prudenual G.Jifornia Real~·+ Nt>wpon Eishion !~land Offo .. e MAXINE MINK CRS. SRES Relocation & Seniors Specialis Office: 949.722.8609 COLDWELL BANKER RESlDENTIAL FRANK J. GRUVER JACOBS REAI.JY John & Ouoljacob., GRI ; .,...,,, 29 Yccn la N.,,,,,.,, · I . .. -. ......_. . .--.......... A8 Sonday, ~ch 30, 2003 FORUM . • •• ·. .• • HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -a..n.a: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. C.hn It the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mea, CA 92827 • R11itera ~Call (949) 642-«>88 Fu: Send io (949) 646--4170 : E-mal:Send to d1111ypitot lac/mes.com• All conespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone numbef" (for veriftcatlon purposea). The Pilot reeet"VM the right to ecfrt ell submlaions for darity and ~ EDITORIALS Congratulations, w i th a f eW: regrets M ayor Karen Robinson's appoinlmcnt by Gov. Gray Davis to a Superior Court j11dicial seat is defmilcly reason to cele l>rate. We congratulate Robinson on her appointment and wi.,h her well in her furure endeavors. We just have one wish: that she would have given Costa Mesa a little bit more of her time. It was a little more than a year ago that Robinson joined a growing cadre of legaJ professionals vying for a write-in candidacy to replace formt:r judge Kenneth Kline, the embattled lnine jurist who was and stiU is under suspicion of possessing child pornography and molesting minors. With barely one year into her first term, Robinson's decision to run as a write-in brought criticism from these editorial pages as we urged her in a January 2002 editorial to make a choice: "f-.ither she should be honest \\ith her Costa Mesa lonstituents. IC'l them know that she no longer ha'> an interest in representing them and step down now to let them find som eon e who does," \.\l' wrote. "Or, the hcllC"r answer -and the one we favor -is to acknowledge there will be plenty more opporrunities ro be a judge down che road." She dld neither and instead continued the write-in campalgn. finishing fourth with 5.2% of the vote. Still, the opportunity to become a judge did arise again. Let's be clear. We don't begrudge Robinson the opportunity to move on and pursue her dream of being a judge. We just kind of feel like the people of Costa Mesa have been a bit used. When Robinson was elected in 2000, the voters favored her over incumbenl Heather Somers. There was a clear message that chey wanted someone who would work hard to improve their community. lnstead, we can't help but wonder if they got someone who woiked hard to use that election victory as a way to secure a bigger prize. And why would Robinson, who has been lobbying behind che scenes for an appointment, have accepted the largely ceremonial post of mayor. if her heart wasn't in it? The people of Costa Mesa really deserve belier and Robinson should know I.hat River park should be m ore than a dream I t would exceed the si7.C of New York C ity's Centml Park. It would pack 1.000 acres of open land alo1~g the Sama Ana River in Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Huntington Beach. And both state Republican and Democratic assemblymen support it -the dream, that t\. lWo proposal:. at the st<!le and local levels would help butld an Orange Coast Rive r Park to en:.ure the preservation of the land aJong the Santa Ana River while also providing open land to Orange County resident<;. lhe state Assembly bill would create a wiJd land' conscrv.mcy to manage the land alongside the river to increase parklands and open space for residents. If that bill succeeds, that conservancy would be able to help residents proposing the $10-to $20-million Orange Coast River Parle But talk is cheap. The park has been in discussion since the late 1990s and remains just that. It's a wonderful dream that most would love to see realized, but it needs support from each of the three cities. the county and private companies thar own '>ome of the land. So far. by a 3-2 vote -with Newport-Mesa Supervisor Jim Silva among the majority -the county board of !>Upervisors disapproved of the ~mbly bill. saying it would simply c reate more bureaucracy in the form of a state conservan cy. The county and Silva should then come up with its own plan or group to aid those residents pushing the Orange Coast River Park. It's a dream worth pursuing and if the county has a bener idea, then it should bring it forth and r.illy support for it. At the same ume, the ciues involved need to support the paik plan and jotn others to make it happen. There are many grants out there that can reduce the costs at the local level. Less than $20 million from the county and cities to bring Newport-Mesa, I luntington and other county residenlS a great park does n't seem that much to ask. There have been countless other unworthy projects that benefit far fewer people that have received such funding amounts. It's a great idea. Now make it happen. THE LAST WORD Golf tourney excels again T he Toshiba Senior Oassic organizers have done it again. Tbey put on a wonderful golf tournament on the PGA Olampions Tour and then contributed SI million to local charities. How much bette r can it get? The Newport Beach event has now raised SI million for the fourth con secutive )"'ar. Think about that while aJso considering the economic cllJJlate both tht year and lhe yeat before. Th event, th moat philanthropic on the tour, has now donated $5. 7 million In the years that Hoag Ho pitaJ hu operated It. Among those dlarttJ who proOt from the $1 m Ulon are: Hoag' FOundatlon: th lb hlha ' Senior Oassic Scholarship Fund: Orangewood Olildren's Foundation; Juvenile Diabetes Research Poundadon; Cystic Fibrosis Poundatlon of Orange County; Explorer Scouts of Orange County and Los Angeles Conservation Corps. With To hiba and Ho~s score card ln the last six yean, there would be nothing better than holdlnf4 thl event twice a year. After all, $2 mlUlon could help even more. But, reaJJy, knowing that It probably tak.ea an ~ntirc year Juat to pttpare one Tomlba dasslc:, tt'• wonderful chat lt'a ln Newport ~ach and benetlu such local c:au OI ,.. to th0te wbo make It happen. Thats bette-r than 1 hole In one. BOLTON "Innocenc.e. Lost ., COMMUNITY COMMENTARY _, Just or not, troops are supported . ~· By P•ul J •mH B•ldwln 'ff he Pdday story reporting on the concern for the lack of. suppon for our soldiers, men and women, fighting a war tn Iraq, requires a response to those individuals wbo hold dear In their hearts their opinions and convictions ("Not enough support'). Fll"St of all. there is tremendous 5',lpport for our troops t'lgbting In this Invasion of Iraq, whetb~ some 6nd this war just or not. Secondly, as a democracy we have a right to disagree and voice our opinions even II these opinions may be found wipopular and unpatriotic byaome. To Alvin •Bud" Anderson who says being a soldJer is hard enough without the criticism. and we should look ct Vietnam as an eumple. I · have to tell you "Bud,• we 106t the war lit Vietnam. Yes. there were protests against lhe war In Vleb'Wll, but this is not why we lost che war. Go read a history book about history and culture to southeast Asia and maybe you will get a better Wlderstand:ing. Maybe. Then read a book about history and culture in · the Middle P.ast and you will get a be~er idea why we face such a ten:ific challenge there. 1b Gil Ferguson, whom I admire and respect, and wbo complains about former mllitaty personnel criticizing the war, I have to take issue with your ~ning. There are a b'emendous amowtt of people who were Connerty in the military, who are In lhe military and who are in the State Department (which has been maqpnal.ized by the Bush administration), that object to Bush'• ever-dlanglng rationale for this war. Bush's various 5tatemmta have lnduded; that Saddam Hussein had tried to kill his father; lbal Saddam Hussein possesaea weapons of mua destruction. that we need to bring demoaacy to Iraq and liberate their people; and be constitutes part of "the uis or evil.• o~ I won't mention a dam thing about olL Fcquson's statement that we have bad very few caaualtfea ln lr&q does not make me feel better that ~ lost so many courageous IOldlen ftgbting ln Vietnam. Again, a war we lost not because of antiwar protesters. Tu George Grope, 8 Newport Beach resident and World War n veteran. I aay that maybe, just maybe, 50me of what these Conner mWtaiy olllcers say ls correct. Just for tbeae people that served their country, like you did, to keep their mout.ba shut u you suggelt Is to disrespect their lel'Vice to ow- country, and co disrespect freedom of speech. J 5uggett you at leul respect those that fougtit u hard as you did in the service Of their / counny. 8aclt to Ferguson who believes that this war Will wind up quickly. Apparently. you have not been Uste:nlng to President Bush or any of the high command. \'ou must have been listen1og to the liberal Pf"'8 that has towed lhe line lbat this WU would be OYa" in a matter of days. that the lraqi IOldlen would run ecared and e:xblbtt no reststance. and the people of Iraq would cheer the an1VaJ of "coalition• forces. Somedmes belle& and reality just don\ jlbe. So~ .. . " - ... ' . . - '. . l. •• .... ' ..J I HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CrTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor. Karen Robinson Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CrTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach! CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor. Steve Bromberg Council: Garv.Adams. John Heffernan, Olde Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMUNITY COUEGE DISTRICT Oistric1Office:1370 Adams Ava., Coat.a Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chancellor. William M . Vega Board: President Paul Berger, V1C8 President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jeny Pderson end Watter G. Howald; student truatee Derek Shelly NE'WPORT·MESA ur.E> SCHOOL DISTRICT Oistrlc:t Of'rloe: 2985-A Bear St., Coate M .... CA 9262$, (714) 424-5000 le.Ill ....... actent Robert Bartx>t llMnt ~Martha Auor, Vice ~t Dana Bladt. Clettc Serene Stok•, DrAd Broob. Tom Eo-n. Judy ~and u~ snoen '°" MESA CONIOIJDAlB) WAlU DIS'IWCT 1986 Pteoentia ..,.., Coae MeM, CA 82127, (Mt) 831-1200 loliftt. PtMldent Jim MJnaon. Vice ~Mille~. Tl\ld'V ONiv-Hell, f111d Bodu"niller end Paut E. ~ COSTAW INCTMY Dt11NCT P.O. 80x 1200, eost. Mell. CA 92628-1200, (711) 754-~1 Board: President Arlene Schafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050, (714) ~ Elizabeth 0 . Parter. member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach ~ci~SORS Hall of Admlnlatratlon, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wll8on, 6th Dlatrlct (Newport Cont). (714) 834-3660 ORANGE COUNTY FAit 88 Fair Ot1ve, CoWI Meu. CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR ac.ct President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricia Velaequez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, r>.ggy Haldl, James Barich, Oebonh C.ront, I.Mlle A. Ray and Frent Betbero STATt SENATE Rota Johnt0n (A), 36th °'8b1ct, 18662 MICAMur Bfvd .. Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (948) 833-0180; fex: (M9) 833-0698;,,.... ~Pat .Jcrff», (918) 323·1200 STATE ASSEl•Y John CampbeM (A), 70th Otstrtd. State Capitol, Secnmento, CA Bt4, (916> ,,.2070 E""*': '*'1ft:t10••••mb/y.c..gov .C.,, Mlddox (f'), .. OlttJfd. StMt ~.~.CAIM14,(918) (t1•• ••2088; Or loe.t oMOI .. 1503 South C09lt Ortw, Suite 20I, C01U Mi91112828, {714) -..2t00; fax: (7141 ee8-21°' E-mail: Kttn.Msddox@asm.ca.gov STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St. Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 904-6200; regional offtoe in long Beach, (310) 590-5071 GOVERNOR Gray Davis (0), State Caplto4. Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 446-2841; fax: (916) 44!>-4633 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Chris Co>e (R), 47th District. 1 Newport' ptaee, Suite 420, Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 7~2244; or 2402 Raybum Building, Washington, D.C. 20616, (202) 225-6811: fax (949) 261·9309 (~ most of Newport Beach) • E-mail: christophM.cod,mail.houN.gov •Dana Rohrabac:her (R), 46th Oistrtct, 101 Main St., Suite 3C, Huntington Bead\, CA ·· 92648, (714) 96().6483; or 2338 Raybum · Building. Wethington, O.C. 20616, (202) , · 225-2A16; fax: (714) 960-7806 (Repreeenla Com Mesa and w..t Newport) ,, E-mall: daN m•il.hou•.QOV ,. U.S. SENATE • Barbeilt Boxer (0), 112 Hart s.n.ie BuHding, Suite 11Z, Washington, D.C. • 20510, (202) 224-3663; • : . or 22l50 E. lmperief Highwlly, Suite 646, : ' EJ Segundo, CA~. (213) ~ E-meM:.wtor•boK-...,,...gov ., 10 •Dianne~ (0), 1't He,, lklMclng.'·I w.ttlngton, o.c. 20a10, t2021 u ..... ,: or t1'1 Sllntl Monk:e BM:t., Sutt. 815, • J Loe AnQelM. CA 90026, (310) t 14-7300 ~ E-mtlt ..,...,,.,.,,..,,..,,.,..gov •: J"y PllEllDENT • GeofVe w ... (A), Whh9 Houtt, 1800 I p.n,~ ,,,,,.,. w..tW-. .. o.c. "''. 20IOO HOliM: ce a.m. to 2 p m.) (202) -.1m Em.-:~-~ . ' ... .. • .. • .. " I ·. .. -· ... ·. .. f-0 R U M On the other side of the lens BIO Ape: 28 Position: Director of shorts Pfogramming for the Newport Beach Rim Festival Occupation: Filmmaker; teaches at OCC, Art Institute of Orange County and Art Institute of California. Los Angeles Education: Bach,lor's in interdisciplinary visual art from University of Washington; master's in animation from California Institute of the Arts in Valencia ~: Huntington Beach fo r a year and a half F9mity. Father In Midwest; mother in Seattle; famUy In Midwest, mostly Iowa Hobbiee: Filmmak.ing -a nimation; science fiction; danang FESTIVAL'S FUTURE 'I really think we want to become one of the preeminent film festivals .... People know about the film festival and, in turn, know about Newport Beach and Orange County and that brings a lot of focus on this area not only as a cultural center but also as a great place fo r som eone to debut th eir f ilm o r bring business.' Lance Winkel brought his five-minute short to the Newport Beach Film Festival last year and is now directing the event's shorts programming. T he Newport Beach Fdm Festival. set for Thursday through April l I, now enters its fourth year of leadership under executive director Gregg Schwenk. The event has grown since he took it over in 2000 and this year continues that trend. Over a course of nine da)"l>, about 300 films will show-more than ever. On Thursday, the festival's director of shorts programming. Lance Winkel. visited City Editor James Meler at the Daily Pilot office to discuss this year's festival and his experiences as a filmmaker at Last year's festival and his new job running part of the show. What does your )ob for ftbn fesdval entaDf A:. dire<.1or of shorts. 1t entails a lot of film watching to start off with. It al.so involves going to a lot of other film · festivals during the year -other festivals will get different people subnutting to them -so to get an idea what's out there. to keep a pulse gomg of what the independent filmmalOng market ~ like. Then, as we get closer to the festival, just watching films. and eventually deciding, out of how many great films, how many are suitable for an audience. I've ~n many great films. but I know an aud.tence wouldn't get them. Al those times. you have to make tough decmons. ·1s an audience going to get th.is? I can see where this b going. bbt I've had five years of filmmaldng experience so l can see what they're getting at.. But once the films have been decided. putting them to programs ~ really ju.5t a maner of orchesoating. "Then. !he last two months ~ all fi.lmmak.er relations. making sure they know what time they need to be there, making sure they're comfonable. I know, compared to every o ther f esdva.I I \.'e been in. Newport Beach has a fantastic sense of how to keep filmmakers involved ft was just the most fun festival I went to. With "Within an Endless Sky,• which was the film I made and submitted IMt year, I went to about LS other festivals in Japan. Ban:elona. San Antonio and a lot of places here Ul Southern California (Long Beach among them! and I had more fun at this fesnval. The award at the end was like icing on the cake; I wasn't expecting it But while I was here, I just constandy found great films. little treasures and then had great after parne.. 1eO me a l!fde about your ftlm. It was a five-mmute ~on that took 21fl yean. 10 make. It wc1s the fin;1 short computer· animated piece made in a program called Maya. wtudi if you watched the ()saus. Alla!./Wavefront. who makes Maya. got an award JW>I for t.he software because 11\ changed the industry'><> much. I went through four story reviC\ions. It's what I teach my students. hOIN Lo focus on story If you·re not gomg to touch the JUdJencl'. it d~'t matter what effects you 11.>e, what medium you use'-.<> it took me 21.7 years. but I think It wa-. worth 11 ~ you worting on anything now? I am writing n11w, but I've need a year break just to decompre.s. There\ a bu..'>iness side to film that a lot of filmmakers forget about it Uni~ you're lucky enough to have a name or reputaoon behmd you that can propel it. you really have to focus on getnng n to the right places and nght hands at the right wne. So along with the fe.uval and teaching, it's been a lot just maJong ~ure the film's getting seen by the right people, 10 II)' to k:rep 11 haVJng a life expectancy and have it mow on For nght nOIN, I'm JUSt woriang On the writing and making sure il's a <,tory I want to say. Three hundred films. Thar'' huge Last year. we had 120 shorts. nus year. we're up to 170. It's incredible I believe Last year was up 30%. too. Features is up to about 120. So many films, great films. Oscar-nominated films. fantastic films that t'ldvt: won awdl'd.!. at numNnus fe.tJval'>. hke Sundance. Oo~ 10 my heart. I think wt· have about 30 ammatc<l ftlms thl.'> year. In fact. we have "Cast.le m the Sky,· which 15 o ne of the classic films of 1 layao Mlyu.aki. His film "Spuited Away" JU.<;t won the Academy Award [for best amm.ated filml It's gomg lo be the fir<.t ume 11\ released on the We.1 <..oa.<,1 on 35 rru.Uuneter with d1l expanded '\Oundtrack and Mark I lanuU and other big name voice talent are ddded to 11. lna1'., bt..-auuful becaw.e 11·., grcac for the famil1e... A grea1 Rornaman film I 'Kl\\ at Ult' Palm <)pnng!> ln1emanonaJ Hln1 Fe<>uval ong111ally. "Ftl.rncrop1ca. • L'> a \'l?ry mtere-.un~ lool at polioa., ph1lanthmpy and '><><:lety It'!. humoro~ wo11derfuJ. romannc llu~re·i. a French film called ·Swea1" that\ r~ griny. but so W\:ll shot An acuon movie. le''> got truck.<. dnvtng throu~ 1eep<.. What will be dl&n:nt at thb )9lr's festtval1 Quantity of films. qualJty of fil~ I thmlc m tenru. of events and pre.entauon, we are so far ahead of whell' wt>'ve been any other year. A month ago. we w~re where we norm.ally would be Coda}. but JU.'>t the fact that we've had more time to develop events and ge1 thmg:, planned out reaUy well fllal's been really ahead of the game. We've got great sponsors lh•'> year VW came on. Absolul ru. atwa)". "IJ>On...or<,h1p has been rnce to keep the progn.·~.s movmg.. Gn~ (Sch\.\<<enkl, at our fir;t meeong. !>at u.<, down and said the modu.<i operandi thls year is to conllJlue the proc:("!o,,.'>. 10 build momentum a.'> we go. In thl'l't' years. we've gone from !>Qmething dying 10 ~mething that's 'uddenl\. \"t· fl' land of Lht.' \-\t"tt Loast ..t.lmo'>t. \\l' h,rH· a ~al l<x-aucm. a tommurut\ that comt". out m the Cmt•ma C rutld and emhrnt l"' tht' film lt.">UV'd.1. And< >range Coun1y didn't haw a film fe..tival l..A. has cJ lot of film ft">Oval<,, but I don't '>et' the tumoul Jnd the people corn.tanlly a.Jong live months ahead of llmt•. "What\ h.1ppcmng at the ff">UV.i.I Urn, yearr lnerl'' J n:al lntt'll"'>l on \\>h.al\ happt>nmK 1r1 1lw1r b.tdq..,1"1und What are some of the festtva.l'!i k>nger term goafs7 I rt'a.lly th ml\'-!: want 111 l'k"t 11mt' one of the pret'mment lilnl ft><,ll\al' \'\le hdw the rnrnmuntl) w '>Uppon u ... We have a Vl'I"\ KO<><l pre')t:n<t' on the Web and 11'!> growmg mtemauon.lllv People ~ow Jbo11t the film fhtJVal and. m cum. kna.... .tlx>ut \i~pon fk-.:1lh and Oran~e C.ounf't a.nd thJt bnng... a lot of focu<, on tht-. area not only ct.'> a culcural center but .t.IY1 a.., a gn-at pl<ll e for someone 10 debui thetr film or hnng bU.'>tne'>.'- '-.<> that' orw of the long tenn goal'>. 10 u.-.e tht'> 10 "f>nrtgboanl the rnmmuntf't around mt> fe-.nval My goal a.'> a pmgramrm.•r L'> to bnng the ~t film.<. to the film lt">trval We had twice a .. many entne-.. tht.o, yt>ar as last year \\It> had 700 JUM m \ham I thmk. CNerall. JU't to keep building on we haw hen:' We '>t't' 1h.i1 a film fe..u~a.J L'>l1.t J~ a mean .... lor d filmma)i:er lo oJ1ov.o film to an aud1l'Oll' Tht"'ot' p<"<>ple spend year. of uw11 II\ t"-'<II t.herr ho~ t.ak.e out '*"<.·ond mon~e-. JU"' to bring the.e 1dt>a' 10 people There were hundn'Ci.<; of great films. but we JU.'>I d1dn'1 haw the -;creening tune If we had IO mon> theater.. we<l probably bt• .tble to fit lh<•m J.11 m FROM THE NEWSROOM Garibay S death a lesson in compassion W Ith the war in Iraq heating up thousand,, or miJe8 away, here in Newport-Mesa we regrettably learned the fighting would leave Newport-Mesa wtth its own tragedy. ll was late Tuesday night when we beard the news that Jose Gsibay, a Marine corporal from Costa Mesa. was killed fighting in Iraq. f.ady the nm momlng ~ di.spalChed colu.mnlsl and culture reporter Lolita Harper and photographer Sean Hiller to ~family home to interview his mother. Sim<dta Ganba); I WesWde Co6ta Mesa resident. lnh!l'VSewbig ~family ~ls one of the tougbmt thinft I journalist wiJ1 fNf:I race, now do you~ your ~Md atill manage to at penonal and lmpenonal quadona about t.bdr newly'°" ICMdoocsT Jt'l~lte often atddzed I aJ8o. How can wt be IO cdoul. tome aSk1 Don't WI! haw any feelir1il for the aan1van1 And we've Ill ail-1 ll cboM .... ~ ..... ..., ~'Ur lhcMI • mlaysiJOne and camera ln front of a moumerand asb, •So how do you feel right now?" But except fort.hose ghou.Uah and -.:it..-_ _...__, noruiensical TONY DODE RO showboats, my experience has been that instead having dilda1n for the media. t'amily membm appreciate the chance to tell the world about their loved one. Maybe it hetpe leslerl the pMn. maybe DOC. In DlOlt cues, thoQgh. pief-.crlcken IUMvon bardly eYtt tum Lii IWll)t In thJs cate. I hid to band lt to both Harper and Hiller. They came bid:. I beUev'e, wftb couchlng atoriel and pbotoll of Gut>ly'i WnOy and bis I growing up In Com Me& wrtlel'I talbd lO frtendt md a teacher and a.m.ct man lholJt th9 ~ man wboee life Ml Wen IO 9000. ID 18. I~ chi ltllll hlndled lhe cownte In • prof I '!lM aM com~ manner. Hven still, I'd love to hear your thoughts one way or the other. .... journalistic standards. If it qualifies as n ews, we think our readers are smart enough and strong enoush to read it and make their own decisions. They don'\ need a sugar coating on their morning paper. Some readers abo took me to task for my comments Wt week about the protests by Orange Coast CoUege students. My point was tha.l despite how anyone feds about the war. it's hard ror me and muJY people my 9 or oJder to bake advice from a bunch of~ kids, who banDy n:ad the newspapers anyway. "Why do you think that onfy the opponents of the war don'\ r-1 oriwspapenr atked one e-rnaDe.r ••• would YCDIUl'e to ay from my own tbu the amount ol unauppmt.ed opinion is ..... pretty brc*8y aero. the pOMdcal tpOCCrUm •••• I haw l"lgUllity bard~ lm 1'ta lt men md women_, tbll the p~ know wt'9I ~ and be fl1Ult ~.am -.e doo\' ~ ot coura. ems Johl9Dn lftd Nbian .cl to UI hmtbeb .... aldw Vlllbwn Wlr' to dtie enct• •""tY h> qu.vm wtth, and I agree. Skeptiasm over what the government tells us is the whole reason the press exists in the first place. Another e-mail writer toJd ~ that students probably are more Wormed than I think. ~ their knowledge from radio. television and the Internet. N. to my complaints that the protesters Kerned to have conveniently neglected to attk:ivn Iraqi President Seddam Hussein. lhe had this to say: "There ~ poupl. IUCb .. Amnesty lntemllional and Human RJgtm Wltch. thlll haw exposed and worbd qaiDS( the human rigtl abmm fl Hu9lldn for many )"1111. .. the wrocc. -untortunaJdy. the media mmy ac:bMMlcdps the walk ol W011hwbile we do noc hive rdcdnm with lmq, I'm noc llft ~ pcotaD would occur If~ WI.ft to happen here. I lbla we mt fortumle ID m a CIK8'tl'J tbll aao-Chi crpRl1llkas ol ch .... Cf ..... •• c:armot urOiaaid .. ~ oltt.. .tm ..y ht ...... not pr-. the-Of CM pe•llDl!l'll we fed ~ • -""llU l'O\lllfY TB.I.. rr ro ntE BJnOR Tony Dodero is 1he editor. He web:>mes Vo'Jf' oomment1 on news C0Yef1908, ~ or other ~ auea. If you haow a m ge or a leaer to 1he _.,.,,cal his direct line .t CMI) PMZS1 or the"'' -· ...... KHDll. eend It bv HNI ID ~·~Of dlal'fplcit•~« eend "bv mail tD 330 w. a., St.. Com M.:a. CA. 12821 founded beca' our foftfa1hen Milted to protect tbr rW'1I to tf we to eun::m rigtl we lole k.. ~~ ... -.. u.u &om. rader who m., dlllJrm Ind -~ .... people· mad your ooluim mid ~tbeJYob ........... -.... md .... ., dD nocmind { .... GI**• ar ~ bui they mllll..,., .... tilliNifl .............. hebe dlll7 cm dtil& • 11..n ~ .,_.., Of lllllillt. I can' I dkn• , ,....., al ' • AlO &lnday, March 30, 2003 ONGOING • Send ONGOING Items to the Daily Pffot. 330 W. Bey St., Coste Mea, CA 92627; by fax to (949) &C&-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A compfete listing is available at www.dailypilototim. GtMn Syn.ma im.m.tional hosts an orchid sale on the first Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with flower seminars at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the group's nursery, 20362 Birch St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 756-1211. The Bnille lnstftutt is 'otr.ring free one-on-one classes for people with poor vision who are interested in learning the computer text enlargement program Zoomtext. A minimum of six sessions are offered at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Free. Information,: (714) 821-5000. The golf MCtlon of the Thursday Morning Women's Club, which meets Tuesday mornings in the Newport Beach area, is looking for new members. (714) 546-2244. St. Andrew's Pfesbyterian Church sponsors a monthly Career Netwomng Resource for unemployed persons on the last Thursday of the month at 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 574-2239 or (949) 631-2880. Ora099 County SiefT'a Singles meet at 6 p.m. the second Monday of every month at the Costa M esa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 847-4330 The Cosu Mesa MOMS Club - Moms Offering Moms Support - meets at different parks in Costa Mesa on Fridays. The group is made up of stay-at-home motnenrormothers who work part-time and their children. $30 per year. Call for this week's location. (714) 556-1783. St.Andraw'sPresbyt.nanChurch hosts a weekly Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. Wednesdays at the church in Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach. The breakfast costs $2.50. No reservations are needed. and men of the church and community are invited. (949) 574-2239. Comfort Zone, o support group for people living with a mental IS YOUR HOME AN INVESTMENT? ByDavt ~ng Amazingly, there are financial advisor., who sugge~t that we ~houldn 't view our homes a~ mvestmenl~ lllcy are where we live. say the advisors. and we shouldn t e~pect more from lhem than that. Nonsense. Mo\l people have built up more ne1 worth from the rising value of their residence. than from any other single factor Most of u~ use our homes as the foundation of our en11re financial hfe. And mos1 of us will !!ell our home at a mable profit at \Orne point. Therefore. 11 makes good sense lo treat our home as an investment to take cxlremely good care of 11. rcmembenng that we'll want 11 to look attractive to a boyer at some point That said, 11 is also worth reminding ouri.elve~ that our home is where we live, and that I.he point or being alive is to live weir. Choice~ we make about how to decorate our homes-the colors we want 10 surround ourselves with, for eumplc- shouldn 't be based slavishly on what we think a patent1al buyer will. want We re the people living m the house, after all. So let's live! Let's c~ the colors we want. the appliance~ and furniture that serve' u , the decor that make~ our heart~ ~ing. Do we play a ccrum kind of music tn our home becau e we think pocential bu_ycn wLll hkc 1t -.hen we evcntua.JJy ~place the home on the m11lcct? Thal, of course, 1J nonseiue So 1 living in our ho.se for someone else who won't sec the hou for yws Need help or inf ormstioo on }u1 e tatt? Juat e1ll me 11 949-S.n 1 lOO or v11ll my website at davewona4 .com or onef ordroad..com !Mw ~nt h.v IJtm .1'01111 ~in N~rt BiArh lilttt 19891tn,/ ,, ,,,,-,,, Ctt4Jt Ntk'j>Ort ~~ nti::JCJ/Jwr/1 wltkn. illness. meeta at 1 30 p 111 Thursdays at the 275 Medical Building, first-floor conference room, 275 Vldoria St, Costa Mesa. Free. (949) 548-7274. The bl'Mkfalt refeMI networtdng group meets every Wednesday from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. at Mimi's Cafe. For reservations, call Angie Stafford, (949) 474-2225. Hoag Hospital hoklt support meetings called •Naturally sweet• for su1terers of diabetes every Wednesday of every month from 7 to 8 p.m. Free, and no reservation are required. Heidi Woodring, 1949) 76().2065. The Newport-Mna Cribbage Club mee1S pt 6:45 p.m. the seco~d aild fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Oasis Senior Centtr. Room 6, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. $2. (949) 646-5293. The Pecific Buslne11 Xchange has breakfast meetings at 7 a.m. Tuesdays at the Pacific Club, 4110 M acArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free for the first meeting. (949) 640-0588. The Costa Mesa Senior Center offers a Widows·W1dowers Support Group from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesdays at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. (9491 645-2356. Jewish Family Service of Orange Coun'ty offers a divorce support group ~t 6 p.m . Tuesdays. The group is at the Jewish Federation campus. 250 E Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. (7141 445-4950. Oasis Senior Center has an Adventurous Walkers Group, which travels 10 points of interest loca lly and around the county. The group meets at 9 o.m Fridays at the center and walks a1 a leisurely pace. The center is at 1800 Marguerite Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) 644·3244. Chain Reaction offers body.conditioning classes for all fitness levels at 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cham Reaction is at 3928 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. $10 each class. (9491 588·2427. A women'• therapy 1upport group meets at 6:30 p.m. Thursdays af 1151 Dove St .• Suite 105, Newport Beach. (~9) ·261-8003. A coed t~en1py support group . meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. at 1151 Dove St., Su1fa 105, Newport Beai:h. (949) 261 -8003. The Jewish Community Center Senior Services Department of the Ruth M. Kahn Center offers opportunities for game players. A poker group meets 11 a.m. to 3.30 p m Mondays, and a mah 1ongg group meets from 11 a m. 10 3.30 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays. Bingo, pan and chess players are also needed for game days to be formed soon. (714) 755 0340. ~)(I. 260. The Health Dynamics Center holds an "Ultimate Health Workshop" at 7 p.m. Wednesdays. The free ovent includes a vegetarian dinner. The center is at 2901 W. Coast Highway. Suite 380, Newport Beach (949) 645-7111. The Jewish Family Service Center has support group meetings al 7 p.m . Tuesdays for persons going through a divorce. The group meets at thl' Jewish Family Service Center, \ ~ \I iJ"'-4 )' • °"\.._'l \l\I • T ARYN R OSE f •JIU I I 1 I not1• '"" IP rth p• d 5•1111"0'1 Dr lri·,n ~ ''' dr \tVfl\ I • 0111tl11I Ir ,, ·'"·or U\1118 uni.,. th1• 1111" I ,., 1•• 1 C1' I, r lu • ur, or1d r .mil. I \• r •• ~lep ur rJ f' N I I•..: •11c d1He1en c- ~~,(~)~.~~~ 949-644-5939 Corona del Mor Plaza 136 Avoaido AYenUt, Newpor1 lfo<h Near lristol Forms • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL R.OORJNG II!~~!~ 1.1,,,q1 •• :.:.1 \OIAlllA~ ;~ 'J/4• SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER $449 from 111• -s1 •tq~ Travertine 18" x ts· .................. '. ............. " ...................... 'la .... Ceraniic Tile.' ... . .......... .... ............... . . ... ... ll!!llMled llM 3 111 t l.amrlate 'l«>od . , . , .. ., . ., . , .... ,. ••• . .,, """.,, ", .... ""' nJMltd fnJm " lq l 1 ' . c.n..""""' ,.,,,.,_ ,,~ .. -, --~ ~·- . ... 250 Bater St .• Suite G., Costa Mese. (714) 44M950. TM a.. Senior Center provides blood pressure 1ereenlnga twice a month, between 9 and 11 a.m. the first and third Tuesday. Volunteer nurses are needed~ The center la at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, (949) 644-3244. A women'• SL1ppot1 group Is hatted by the Jewish Family Service of Orange County at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the agency office, 250 E. 8~ker si: Suite G. Costa MeH. Free. (714) . 445-4950. The Upper rMwport 8-v . Naturallau and Friends meet the second Saturday of every month at the comer of Eastbluff and Bade Bay drives. Walking toura leave every 15 minutes from 9 to 10:15 a.m. Free. (714) 973·6820. The Newport Coast chasrt-r of the Ali Lassen's leads Club, an international group for business referrals, meets at 7: 15 a.m. Tuesdays at Mimi's Cafe, 1835 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. (800) 767-7337. The Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club meets at 1 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. Saturdays at the comer of Crown Drive and San Joaquin Road. (9491 640-6049. Revera• Mortgage Networtc sponsors a question and answer session for seniors 6.2 and older at 3 p.m. Wednesdays at Bayside Village, 300 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0233. Eaatbtu1t EJementary School PTA meets the third Tuesday of each month, alternately starting at 9 JOLI~ 8alon 68pa • ~r. Scalp Treatment •N111s-- • Makeup •Wu & BrullhanWu •Facials a.m. and 7 p.m . Meeting datea and tlmet are posted In the ac:hool office, 2827 Vista del Oro, Newport Beadl. (949) 615--5920. A women'• thenpy auppott group meet9 to dlscuu relationship laauea at 6:30 p.m. Tueadaya at 1161 Dove St., Suhe 105, Newport Beach. (949) 261-8003. Jewlah Femlty lervlce of Orange County sponsor• a dlacuulon group for aduh children caring for their elderly parents at 7:30 p.m. Tundaya at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. The group Is open to other concemed relatives. $30. (7141445-4950. A. divorced penona' support group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m . Tuesdays at the Center for Expreulve Psychotherapy, 2900 Bristol St., Suite 0103, Costa Mesa. $80 per month. (714) 501-8702. Th• Newport-M ... Cribbage Club meets at 6:45 p.m . the second and fourth Wednesdays in Room 6 of the Oaals Senior Center, comer of 5th Street and Marguerite Avenue, Corona del Mar. $2. All agea welcome. Nancy ctartc and ANoclatet sponsor• e weekly yoga meditation seuion from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m . at the Education Canter, 471 Old Newport Road, Suite 103, Newport Beach. Free. and all are welcome. (9491 631-0550. Chiropractor K.a'thleen M . Campbell's office hosts free spinal care classes at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdaya, at 1 :30 p.m. Fridays and at 11:16 a.m . Saturdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .. Suite 114, Newport Beach. UJJly f'llol Compllmentary Cl0nault11iona and exams ar• evallable. (949) 263-1462. Th• dty of Costa Mesa Recreation Oivlalon'a Early Chlldhood Program provides recreational actlvltlea for children ages 3 to 5 from 9 a.m . to 1 p.m . Monday through Friday at the Balearic Community Center, 19711 Balearic Drive. Call for costs. (714) 754-6158. ., Th•~'l~lflat the oag Cancer enter sponsors • group dlacussion for adulta with brain tumors. The group meets the first and third Thursday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Patty and George Hoag Center Auditorium. Designed to help both patient• and famllies understand and cope with the illness, each meeting presents various speakers on a range of related topics. Free. The center Is at 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Kris Okamoto. (949) 574-6232. Team Survivor Or8nge County hosts its ·walk and Talk,• a biweekly walking group for women who have or have had cancer. The group meets at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Fridays of every month at the Nikegoddeaa store In Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (9491 275-3888. The MOMS Club of Newport Coast holds monthly meetings for stay-at-home mothers and conducts various activities such as Park & Pool Days, MOMS Night Out, field trips, walking groups and playgroups. Membership is $30 per year. For more information, call (949) 715-3129, or a-mall npc.momsclub@cox.net. THE ... , I NEW9• 2001' RX 330 Now Available ·nESAI RESTAURANT INNOVATM PAN PAOAC CVISINE Al.ON(j WITH ISSAY PASTA FAVORITTS rut -..11.\1" '-<' ( l) I\ 1, \ l 1 I I I I 11 ) I l I I Bl\l'\,1..~) l )lll~ "' 1 f\ I\\ \1\I '-ll,ll\) \f'f\11 I~ \\l'-I l\'l l'-1..~P"'"' I' I. I., ' 'ii I f "' II,,,' • Ml BAR• EXTENDED WINE LIST • PARTY CATERING • PRIVATE PARTIES Tuesday -Sunday 5-10 pm 215 Riverside Ave. Newport Beach (949) 646-2333 c::i ~ CXl ~ ~ w z COAST HWY SOLE APPEAL . Free Gift! R~ve an cxduslvdy ~ MAmll picD.ltt Cnunc wlth any purdwe °' s 150 ot matt. /1161 Lwlltl Ofll ~ ~ •"" ~~....,,, ...... -A flt solely for you Th ~. ll Manni, our f.t>rlattona, detalU.. and ~Jty ~our brat coUcaJon of l!ufOP"n 1nnue11Cl'd f'ootwcar from lat\R()nl, Salo Meucci and Y.:an £1.l.. Msnnl bu thl-lalplC adealoo In &own wttb many ~~ nallable in • f\a.11 tltt ,.,. &om 4-12, and In .,klht rrom ...,.,. ·"m eo wide. Coro,.a Dft Mar Plaza ~Avocado A'¥alure. (comer ol Mac.Attbur and POI) • 94'>721 ·1325 www.matmlsboa.com I .. .. . . • .. .. .. .. .. Dady Pilot We just "Found".Extra money for you to Invest! We want to help you help you to a better future! Allow us to how you how to get a better situation through a peoonal Mortgage Analy!11S. We will comult with you at No Risk and No Obli1:3tion! SEASIDE FINANCIAL MORTGAGE BROKERS EASY QUALIFIER AND SELF EMPLOYED HOME LOANS 949-67 3-5626' CELEBRATING 15 YEARS IN BUSINESS! Visit our website at www.seasidefinancial.com GONZALEZ & GONZALEZ 18662 MACARTHUR BLVD . SUITE 380 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92612-1207 TEL 949.222.1077 • 800.497.7597 WWW.GONZALEZCPACOM COMMERCEWEST BANK NATIONAL A SSOCIATION Bank On The Di erence ™ Dedication. Focus. Commitment. 7'aae qualities d4fin,e our Penonal RWc M~ Stroteaia for ow Priuau Cliem Group. W• a}J«ialia in afll,umt. hi6h Mt worth fami1ia with oompla penonol inwlOnce need.a. For more Mt.formation, pl«Jat coll: . 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I · QUOTE OF THE DAY "After the race, I was ju.st floating around and it felt like I was on cloud nine. It's been quite a wetkend." Aaron Pelnol, NCAA Swimmer · of the Year EYEOPENER .Oaily.tlfu _...IWolf.- 1:...-w II •- March 31 honor" ERIC WOODS Sports Eaot Roeet canson • !949) 57~223 • .,._Fu: (949> 650-0170 &.lday. March 30. 2003 11 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING cq~ sizzles in. 6 x 50 free relay victory Corona del Mar girl&' knock off Foothill with 2 :31.84 clocking. son really came IJ'>.tough." Voiding said. "Everyone dJd what they had tO do, but those two really stepped It up.• Bowlus finished It off for the Sea Kings with a 24.63 anchor. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot BEi MONT SHORE -Remember Jor- dan Anae, Brittney Bowlus, DanieUe Carlson, Katya Eadington, Ouistina I lewko and Vivian Liao. Those names will be forever etched in Corona del Mar I ligh lore as the members of 20-year coach Doug Volding's first winning relay team in the girls CIF Millikan Southern Section Relay finals held Saturday night at Belmont Plaza. "We knew we were ranked second go- ing in with our prelim time and we just wanted 10 drop some lime off that mark." Bowlus said. "To drop four sec- onds ... we dominated." Hewko said she slipped off the blocks in Thursday's preliminaries, allowing for the seconds to tidt off. But she was all smiles Saturday. "It's fun because we see a lot of these girls in water polo, so it makes the races exciting." said Hewko, who will play wa- ter polo next season at Stanford. CdM clocked a 2:31.64 in the 6 x 50- yard freestyle. besting its preliminary time (2:35.06) and beating Foothill (2:33.16), swimming in the next lane. The Sea Kings were entered in six of the seven relay finals Saturday. They re- corded a third, founh and two fifth. place finishes along with the first place en route to tallying 158 points -good "Katya Earlington and Danielle Carl- COLLEGE SWIMMING Peirsol breaks Americari recOrd Former Newport Harbor High standout named NCAA Swimmer of the Year after hi s debut on the college level with Texas. AUSTIN, Texas -Aacon Pear· sol lklid he's more of an expert when it comes to meters. rather than yard!>. But, Peirsol said he'i. now becoming more comfort· ahle with yards. especially after tus record-breaking perform ance that came Saturday at the NCAA Swimnung and Diving Cllamp1onsblps 41 the Uruver- -;1ty of Texas. Peirsol, the Newport I larbor I ligh product who now !>wlms for the Texas Longhorns, 1s the new American-and NCAA -re· wrd holder in the 200-yru-d b.ic~troke after be became the fi rM man to go under I :40. Peir sol ftnt~hed in I :39.16. In the preliminaries he broke the ongmal record when he ftn ashed m 1:40.01. The ongmal record was set in 1995 by Bnan Retterer of Stanford in I :40 06. "It felt as if I was extremely elated,· Peirsol said in a tele- phone interview. •After the race, I was just floating around and at felt like I was on cloud nine. It's been quite a week- end." Peirsol, the world-record holder m the 200-meter back. was named NCM Swimmer of the Year after his dazzling per- formance in the 200-yard back. He also helped the Longhorns set two American records in re- lay events, the 200 and 400 medley relays. The Longhorns broke the origi- nal record by a one-hundredth of a !>econd. Peirsol, the Big 12 Freshman of the Year and Five-time Big 12 Conference O\ampion. said he thoroughly enjoyed his debut in the NCM Championships. "l couldn't be happier," said Pettiof. who went undefeated this season in the 200-yard back. "I just really wanted to help the team out. It's 1us1 so much easier to swim fo r the team than for yourself. I have confidence in them and they have confidence in me. It's bite putting pieces together for a pun Je • Peirsol aJso finished second an the I 00 back and was pan of the I .onghoms' win an the 800 freec;tyle relay. I le still seemed content even though three- time defendJng champion Texas finished second in the NCAA Championships with 413 points. Auburn won the NCAA titJe with 609.5 points, ending the Longhorns' three-year reign. "People wiU look al this and iust say we finished second,· Peirsol said. "Bui. it's almost as if we won. since Auburn was so incredible. It's amazing for a team lo go off like that.· foe fourth -the best finish for a team coached by Voiding. CdM finished sixth last year and eighth in 2001. Jncreaaed training and a steady work ethic have allowed CdM to gently climb lbe relay ladder the last two years. "We have a lot of new talent that has come in and we've worked harder than before," said Bowlus, headed to UCLA to play water polo next season. "I've been trying to push myself at practice." Anae, Kim McKay, Tumua Anae and Alexandra Shue anchored CdM's 4 x 100 individual medley team which finished third (4:09.3). Irvine became the first team lo break the four minute mark in the event's 29-year existence when it clodted a 3:59.11. McKay. Ashley OlandJer, Jessica Har- kins and Hewko finished fourth in the 4 x 50 backstroke (1:56.64) with Tumua Anae, Alexine Rodenhuis. Camille Hew- ko and Jackie McCoy recording a fifth- place drort in' the 4 x 50 ~ke {2:10.70).The 4 x 50 medley relay team of Jordan and Tumua Anae. Shue and Bowlus clocked fifth place in 1:55.25. A CdM swimmer jumped early. result- ing in a 0Q in the 4 x I 00 free. Newport Harbor came in 10th place with 64 points, but was only entered In two final events in a meet won by Villa Parle with 228 points. Harbor placed fifth in the 4 x l 00 free with the team of Alex Andersen. Mai Ta- jima. Ashley Parole and Nicole Mackey touching in 3:41 .90. The Sailor quanet of Tajima.. Mackey. Hillary Karges and Parole then took seventh (l :56.90) in the 4 x 50 medley relay. Newport senior Hayley Peirsol, who will swim in the na- tional championships when they begin Tuesday in indJanapoUs, was in attend- ance Saturday. Newport Coach Ken La- Mont held her out of the relays to train for the nationals. Lt was Newport's frosh-soph team that took away a plaqoe from Satwday's fes.- tivities. The Tars finished third with 40 points, edging Alhambra in a tiebreaker. Harbor and Alhambra both had 40 points, so meet officials referred to the seventh race from the prelims, where· Newport and Alhambra went 3-'. Kall Lucas, Amanda Barto, 8ryndis Klein, Melissa Wheeler and Leah Rob- ert.son won the 6 " 50 free in 2:42.36 and the 4 x I 00 free team· of Wheeler, Lucas, Barto and Klein fi.ntShed first m 3:54.84. "We had a suong freestyle presence.· said Newport Coach Ken LaMonL "They surprised us. All the girls had great times. .. Newport's var..ity contingent of Anne Belden, Annmarie I larvey. Ashlmg l ay lor, Andersen, Parole and Jenna Murphy finished second to University in the consolation final of the 6 x SO free (2:37.87). HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Lesson learned for Mesa Mustangs are swept in a doubleheader against one of the nation's best, La Quinta. WFSTMINSTER -~ta Mesa High's doubleheader at La Qmnta ~ a.s a leamulg esperience in ba.sebaII. and it was also an eye-opener for the Mustangs. who were '>Wept. Saturday in nonleague action. ·0ur kids saw some things that thev don't usually see; hopefully they learn from 1t." Costa Mesa Coach Doug Deat!t -.aa.l La Quinta (10-0), which,., ranked No I 111 the nation in the FASton '>porh < olll1-,'ldl~ Baseball) NauonaJ High School poll dt• feated the Muslan~ 10 4. m I.he fir.1 ~ame. and won. 9-2, to clo..e it out The AzUn. opened the dolbleOOdt."f with I 0 hils to enhance the w:tory Mesa's ~ f\>leNJ11 pitchfd a~~ With ~) c;trikeol ll°'I.. "Peetie pitched a pretty good ~ • Deale, said o{ Peterson. who al5o went 1 for 2 at the plate. "You don\ really see Iha!. but IUl Quintal just had tha1 one big inrung when they scored lsixl rura ~ just had to make a couple of plays and the inning oouk1 have ended. ~ had an er- ror in tha1 ~ and If ~ didn't baYe thaJ rr' problbly not tblll big or an inning.. Senior leftfielder Derek Gama went 2 for 3 with a run scored for the Mustangs 14-5). who had five tuts la Quinta. which has now scored 124 runs in JO games. went for seven hits in the nightcap. Costa Mesa collected five hits, in- cluding a 2·for·3 performance fro m senior Robert Rodriguez. Sophomore Alex Pisar- ski, the Mustangs' shorts1op, finished with a double and scored a run I le swam the backstroke por- tion, which is the leadoff, in both races. in the 200 medley relay, Texas finished in 1:24.46 and Peirsols split was In 21.49. Pelrsol saJd his next meet will be, "The Duel in the Pool,• the U.S. vs. Australia made- for-TV event, April 5-6 In Indi- anapolis.· The meet will be televtsed by NBC the following weekend. -Steve Vi~ S£AN ltt.J.ER I DALY Pt.OT Costa Mesa's Robert Rodnguez comes up short as La Quinta baserunner slides in safe. SM MESA. ha• 83 CATCHING UP WITH Joe Busi .. • .. ' l • PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK /OAlLY P1LOT Orange Coast's Kyle Stanley is congratulated by teammates after hitting a home run against Santa Ana College in the eighth inning. Revenge denied OCC basebaJl, which lost to Santa Ana, 14-1, Thursday, . drops 6-2 decision. COSTA MESA -The Orange Coa.~t College baseball team managed ju!.! five hits and suf- fert~d a 6-2 ()range Empire Con· fenmce loss to visiting Santa Ana Saturday. Matt Lincoln, Santa Ana\ left- h.mdt'<i pitcher, allowt.>d two nms on four hits while strikmg out nu1e in eight innings of work. Lin- rnlH (7 ·0) was nearly perfect through the first six umulgi,, fac· ing just two ballers over the mini- mum after hilling Collin Stiltz with two outs in the sa:onc.J in- ning and yieltlu1g a Jeadoff single tu Ryan Mathes in the fifth. 111 lhe sevenlh inning, Lincoln '>howed his first signs of fatigue, allowiJ1g back-to-back walks a11d a bloop '>ingle witJ1 one out. I lowever, Uncol11 bore down, struLk uut lhe next batter and induced a ground hall to gt:t out uf the inning. rile Pirate'> (12 t:J ·I. 4 -~ 111 the OFC) did all of their offen- '>IVe damage with one .. wing of Ull' hat in 1he eighth inning. Af ter a 011e-c1111 -.inglt> hy Tylt'r ShaJTt-r, fir!.! b<1seman Kyle 'llan· ley smad .. ed lu ... fir..,t home run of the season, ju!>! over lhe 330 mark down the right field line. • The Dons (20·8, 9-4) scored a pair of unearned runs in the second and third in- nings off of Coast starter Jimmy Treece before Brett Aowers pro· vided the big blow with two outs in the fifth. With the bases loaded, flowers went the other way and cleared the bases with a triple down the right-field line. Treece (3-4) went six innings for the Pirates, allowing seven hits and three earned runs to go along with three strikeouts. Jor- dan Hart gave up one run in his lone inning of work before giv- ing way to Jeff Piaskowslci, who tossed two perfect innings to close out the Dons. Ouis Weems and Jack Ryser each had two hits for the Dons with Weems scoring twice and Ryser once to go· along with one RBI. OCC visils three-time defend- ing stale champion Riverside Tue~day ar2 p.m. ~ance Empire Conference Santa Ana 6, OCC 2 Score by Innings S Ana 011 !>JO Joil 6 s o occ 000 000 020 7 f> 4 Lincoln. Arnold (9) and Berega. Treece Han (7), Piaskowsk1 (8) and Hazen. W -Lincoln. 7-0 L Treece, 3-4 2B -Padilla (SAi. Morrison IOCC) 3B -Flowers (SA). HR - Stanley (CCC) COLLEGE BASEBALL Vanguard splits p air U J~ I A MESA -I he Vanguard Univer-.ity baseball team's doubleheader with rhe Master'<; C .ollcge did not end as WC'll as it hegan for the Uons Saturday in Golden State Athletic Conforence action at Vanguard. The Lions (17-17. 7-7 in Uie GSACJ opened the doubleheader with a !J-6 victory, yet lost the i.econd gdme, 9 H, ai. the Mus ta.i1g' ( 17 II -3, 10-6) -.cored one run in (he top of the ninth to win Ju ... tin Millward, Vanguard's third baseman, went 3 for 5 with two RBis to help the I.ions wm the first game. Shortstop Matt ril>thammer al&(> finished 3 fot 5, and he added two runs scored and an RBI. Van.,'l.lard catcher Jonathan Bower pounded out a two-run home run to give the Lions a 7-5 lead. Kaleo Lopez, the Lions' starter, delivered seven innings of work, allowing seven hits and two earned runs to go with eight strikeouts and two walks. In Vanguard's 9-R loss, Mill· ward led lhe I.ions, going J for 4 with one RBI and two nms scored. First baseman Scott Mar· tin went 2 for 4 with 2 RBis and two runs scored, while right· fielder Ja'IOn Brunett also had a 2·for·4 performance and second baseman Robert Cruz contrib- uted two hits and two RBI<>. Tire Rotation and Brake lnapectlon lndUdet: • Full Brakt Inspection • Rotate tlrn • Reset tire preuure • V1SUal chectt of ChaUle & suspension • AecOtd bfake readings. · • Road test '°' perl~ The Pirates' Jeff Piaskowsk1 closed Saturday's game against the Dons, but the damage had already been done in a 6-2 verdict. TRACK SUMMARIES Estancia boys, 8t San Pedro Relays Sprint medley -Chung, Novak, Buchmann, Jimenez, 3:44.2; Distance medley -Diaz, S. Zich, Morales, Elias, 11 :42; 4 x 100 -Koreerat, Chung, Ste- venson, Buchmann, 49.5; 4 x 800 -1. Flores, Jimenez, Elias. Rojas, 8:22.51 ; 4 x 200 -Chung, Koreerat, Jimenez, Flores, 1 :42.5; 4 x 400 -Jimenez, Elias. Flores, Buchmann, 3:43.00; 110H· Stevenson, 19.2; 100 - Koreerat, 11.7, Buchmann, 12.0; 1,600 -1. Rojas, 4:24.08; S. Zich, 5:28; SP -Morton, 35-2; LJ -Buchmann, 15-6; TJ -Ko- reerat, 36-6; HJ -1. Sankey, Novak, each at 6-4. Estancia boys. at Irvine 1,600 -Cahuantzi, 4:45, Orozco, 4:56; 400 -Soto, 1:02; 100 -Nichols. 1~.5. Rodriguez, 12.3; 800 -M. Zich, 2:19, Orozco. 2:16; 200 -Rodriguez. 25. 7, Nichols, 27.8; 3,200 -Ca- huantzi. 10:29; M. Zich, 10:44; 4 x 400 -Rodriguez, Zich. Orozto, Cahuantzi, 4:10. Estancia Git11, at Irvine 100 -Ptietez, 13.5; Hanson. 13.9; 200 -Luna, 33.0; Robles. 34.0; 400 -Lur,a, 1:12; Ochoa. 1:17; 800 -Rodriguez, 2:36, D. Castro, 2:47; 1,600 -Carrasoo, 6:24, D. Castro. 6:27; 3,200 - Rosete, 11 :36.86; Rincon, 13:58; lOOH -Valdes. 19.2, Sansone, 19.8; 300H ~Valdes, 51.3; San- sone. 57.5; 4 x 100 -Abbott. Hanson, P1ietez, Luna, 57.8; 4 x 400 -Valdes. P1ietez, Rlnoon, Rodriguez. 4:40; SP -N. Castro. 27· 7; Ramirez, 24-1 ~; W -Pine- da, 11-4; TJ -Abbott. 29·9; Pin&- da, 25-10*; OT -Garcia. 74-0; N. Castro, 68-7 BRIEFS Rojas snaps record ill 1,600 ( 4:24.08) Novak and Sankey share high jump honors· with leaps of 6-4 at San Pedro. • TRACK AND JllEU>: &tan· • cl.a High's tra~ and 6~ld team distinguished itself on two fronts .Saturday, eo111peting at the San Pedro Relays and the.Irvine lnvi- • tational Among the highlights at San Pedro for Coach OiarUe Appell's F.agles were winning efforts in the l,600 meters by Humberto Rojas with a stadium and meet rkord time of 4:24.08 and twin winners in the hlgh jump where senior zaclc Novak and junior Scott Sankey shared honors with 6-foot-+leaps. Also, in the 4 x 800 relay, Abel Flores, Adrian Jirnene-z., Panfilo Elias and Rojas combined for a winning time of 8:22.51. At Irvine, Diana Rosete was second in the 3,200 meters wiili a time of 11 :36.86. Results in depth for the f.stancia athletes are listed below. Sai lors post 5-2 win • SOFf&\LL: Sophomore Ashley Gleason picked up her first win of the season in the cir- cle and the Newport Harbor ,. High softball team recorded a 5·2 nonleague win over visiting Orange Lutheran Saturday. Gleason went H '• innings, aJ . lowing two runs on five hits wilh three strikeouts. She aJso knocked Newport's only extra- base hit Saturday in the third inning with a one-out double 10 center field 10 score Amanda Campbell and Shelby Crisp. who had botJi reached on sin- gles. Kayleigh !lorn had a '>acn· fice bunt to move the runners to second and third prior to Gleason's hjt. Newport {7·2) scored three in the third inning and added two insurance runs in thf' bottom ol the sixth on four consecutive singles by Athena Vasque?, Julianne Bass, Kim Moore and Campbell. Moore relieved Glea- son in the final 2y, innings 10 hold off Orange Lutheran (3-~). Gleason, Sabrina Couch and Campbell aJJ went 2 for 3 with Gleason tallying two RBis. Newport face~ Costa Mesa for third place in the Costa Mesa Tourney at Mesa Monday a1 3:15 p.m. Nonteacu• Newport 5, Orange Luth 2 Score by Innings 0 Luth 001 010 0 7 s o Newpon OOJ 002 s 11 • Gleason, M oore (5). and Campbell. Davidson, Anderson (3) and Canestrale. W -Gleason, 1-0 L - Anderson 2B -Bomgren (OL). Sands (OL). Gleason (NJ Mustangs fifth • SOF'TMLL: The Costa Mesa High softball team earned fifth place in the Rialto Touma· ment after a 4-3 victory over In· dio at Rialto High Saturday. The Mustangs (6-4) scored all four runs in the fourtJ1 inning, when they collected fi ve of their eight hits. Jade Moss singled to begin the inning, and Ann Ma- rie Topps tripled to bring Moss home. Topps later scored on a passed ball. Costa Mesa then pumped out three singles with two outs. Uyen Mai was the first with the base hit and she came home on a PauJjna Rodrigue:1 base hit. Rodrigue?: scored after Jennifer Jordan's base hit. Mesa and Indio played six in· nJngs and stopped because or the tournament's time llmJt. In the bottom of the sixth, lndJo left runners on first and Se<lOnd. lndio's No. 3 batter, who bad two hits. grounded out, as Mai Qelded \he ball and made· the fielder's choice tag at second base. Earlier in the day, the Mus- tangs suffered a 7-2 loss to West. Valley, dropping Mesa into the fifth-place firial. · Rlaftp .founwnent POOIP(ij I West VaHey 7. Costa Mesa 2 Score by Innings Mesa ooo no l) -2 e 5 w. Valley 301 oJO • -1 a 1 Butler, Gallardo (3) and Miller; Meza and Caldevore. W -Meza. L -Butler, 4-1. HR -Carpenter (WV). fifth place Costa Mesa 4. lndlo 3 Score by Innings Mesa ooo 400 -• a 3 Indio 100 011 3 7 o Butler and Miller; Taylor and Silva. W -Butler, 5-1. L -Taylor. 38 -A. Topps. Anteaters fe lled, 5-2 • TENNIS: UC Irvine's men's tennis team dropped a 5-2 deci- sion to Texas A&M-Corpus Oirisli Saturday in the finals of the Anteater Oassic at. Anteater Tennis Stadium. THH AU 5, UCI 2 Singlff -Bergues !Tl def. Endnkal. 4-6, 6-3, 7-5; F1guemedo (T) def. Korac. 6-2, 6-2: Morris (T) Qef o·connor, 6-1, 7 5, Morton (UCll del. Plasencia. 5-7. 6·7. 6-1, Collins (T) def Biorkman. 6-3, 4-6, 7·5; Surapol (UCI) def. Roman, 6-4, 7-6 Doubles -Endnkat-Monon IUCll def F1guernedo-Moris. 8-3; Bergues Roman (T) def Korac·O'Connor. 9 8, Colhns-Oprea (T) def Pren1tce-W1lhams, 8-4. Lions drop two • SOPT&o\.l..L: The Vanguard University softball team dropped below .500 in Golden State Alhletic Conference play after being i.wept in a double- header by visiting Azusa Pacific Saturday. Vanguard, 19· J3· I. 7 -8 in the GSAC. began the day with a I ·0 Josi\, and APIJ (26· l 0, 9· 7) won the second game, 6-2. The Cougar~ scored what proved to be the winning run in the third inning. The Uons trailed 2-1 after six innmgs, but APIJ scored four runs in the top of the sixth en route to the vic- tury. I Lightning edged • SOFTBALL: The Sage Hill School '>Oflhall team finished '>econd in the Silver Division af. ter a 4 J lo<,c, to Calvary Chapel of Oowney at the Arrowhead <llristian Academy Tournament in Redlands. Jessica Torina, Katrina Redel· sheimer. Debbie Yoder-Lee and Ambre Smith collected two hits each. yet Calvary Cllapel edged past the LighLning (5-4). Sage I till began the day with a 6-4 victory over Banning. Torina led the Ughtning with a 2-for-4 performance that in- cluded two RBis. UCI wins in four • Jimmy Pelzel pounded a career-high 35 kills to lead UC Irvine past visiting Cal State Northridge Saturday night, 30-26, 32-30, 27-30, 30-22 in Mountain Pacific Sports Fed· eratlon men's volleyball at Crawford Hall. UCI improves 10 17-8, 10-8 in tJ1e MPSF. Northridge goes to 16-10, 11 ·9. Pirates win, 14-7 • Orange Coast College's women's badminton team was a 14-7 winner at Pasadena City CoUege Friday to improve to . 6-2. Pasadena fell to 6-3. '· SPORTS MESA l;OObnued from Bl Ut-at:. said he was impressed •vith senior pitcher Adam Bel· t ran who came in relief ln the flfsl inning and was sound through the fifth. "I wa5 proud that our kids playf'd hard both games," O"~l'i said. "Adam Beltran 'buue on really hard in the sec- ,,111 KJme .rnd did a · great job ··nr 11c; " l>t'dtS u'1.u said junior 11td1~r <•JI y Gon1alez, who •ldftf'd, hut 1 his h;u;d while i1>ldmg thi: ball in the firs! ln- 1ing and was eventuaJly re, tit'VPd Nonleape ~ La Ouinta 10, Mesa 4 Sc:o,. bv Innings 'Illes.. 000 boo 4 4 !> 2 1 a Ou1nta 100 600 • 10 10 1 Pptpr~nn anc1 Hunter; Torres, Duree 71 anrl Ra•tdall W ~ TorTes. L - Peterson 2 1 26 -Crosby (LOI. Baca LOI HR -~tPWHrt (LO). Giwne2 BUSI Continued from B 1 want people to look al you as a leader. I want the kids to know that I'm approachable and have theJr best inrerests in mind: And Ru'ii, 50. thinks this sea- son's traclc contingent at Mesa will be solid. -We have a lot of great kids out there,· Busi said. •tt's a great op· portunity for Glenn (Mitchell) .and I to start over." · Busi, a Costa Mesa resident sirlce 1975, s printed at Anesia I-Ugh in Lynwood afld now loob forward to SPeflding time with distance runners. "Ten )"e'cU'S ago I wouJd never have ..aid I wouJd be coaching dis- tance runners,· Busi said. "When I began coaching cro~ country, I thought those people were nut.\. But I've grown with the spon and am toru.tantfy leanung new lhing.. You have to get tnto the mind:.et that 100 yarW. L'>n't the end, there I!> still more to go. Hut coaching distance runner. ha'> come fairly naturally." For Bw.1, coachmK ju!>t .. et:ped into h1!> skm and hl' ha!> never COLLEGE BASE.BALL Smith pitches shutout ·as ·u·c1 snaps streak Sophomore pitcher helps Anteaters put an end to a three- game losing streak. ANTl·Af l.R HAllPARK -UC Irvine '>tanmg pitchet Brett ~m1lh fac:ed three batter:. ab<1\1• the m1rumum 111 hi!> comph:tc game '>huiout. leading the A.111 eater'> 10 d 4 O no11co11Jerct1ll' victory OVt.'t Wa~hington !>lJll' ~turday .it l\nteater BaJlpark 11.11 -i · .. ch 1wo doubles aud .m ltb I. ~ • ... ng u1'C4. "1ll11• 11eld Washington ~e 111 tour ru~. ')t111U11~ 1u1 IO and ~~mg twu for hJ.., first com- 1,1c1t: gamt: uf I.lie '><'..,on. Ht .tlso 1t:t ,1rded d 1.•am t i~h ..,lXth WUl 16·1) l·or rh<. r • ·~"· startl.ng 1,111 het Bryn h.u 11berun threw u111u1)....>. ,.1..itJ1 .. 1<. .JI fow U<.J IUll'> Oil t"J~ltl rllh wtuJe '>t.nbng 11111 1hwf' '' lt111 11 ~ / on the sea- ,nn I h1 • 1111._ifttVt' tO La Quinta 9, Mesa 2 Score bv Innings \~nc: l 001 boo 1 2 !> I -~· -: reaJJy let go of it, even dunng the -four-year respite before return· The w111 .,napred a thrt't' gamt-lu,1ng ,1realc fut lH I "'t ting up todJy\ ruhher gamt' ril the three gJme ~eries ag,unc;! tlw (.ougar' 11 U•' .JJ I 'I I Ill VI , w\ '°\\1 !alls LU ........ •llet'l Ill tht' a Ouintd 411 102 • 9 7 o uOll~dl8L bl'llran 11), Vargas (6) and fontflr, Br.u11h1lla. Crosby (6) and Ra11tldll W Bramb1lla. L Gonzale1, ,,. . ,, . •('rtf'~ h"""' .i.n 11 noon at 1 2 78 P1<arsk1 (CMI. Stewart (LO), w~~"" II QI HR Laird (LO) ing this '>Cason. Parker wru. m· volved m a major retrofitting project i,wolving Hne1nK 737'> SEANHILllk/DAILYPILOT that took up a majonty of Bu.,i\ Costa Mesa's Adam Beltran delivers a pitch m the doubleheader. timt:. which i!> \\ hy he had to lt:Jve ht., pc .... t v.ith the Mu'>tdflg'>. uc1, l<m I lorwll./ lt-d off with a -;ingle 111 tht· firM and lhe filth mrnng w11h J triple, '>lOring 1>11 Mark Wagnt'r., duublt 111 thl lit.,, dflU on d gruu11der in 1h1 lift Ii I lo rw1v. the A111eattr'> u 111 .. t fielder "•l" I lor 5 w11J1 d ru11 'tored Jnd hJd an l<HI 111 11w 1·1gh1h J'> lJ< I added II• 11w 11 lead Wagrwr. I IC l's cu1ch1·r wa-. YOUTH BASEBALL Mariners win NBLL thriller It 1tl111h "i I, aftt•r three 111111 K'· 1l1l Mariner. respond<'<l \.\llh l'tght riuh to du"11 the Hed ~11~. •1 8, 111 :".l·wpon Beach I Jllle • t .1gue \AA plJy. 1 ltL· M.irull'r'> rallied for five run ... with I WO OU .... ll1 the fourth 111ning on timely h1ttmg from Andrew Machoslde and Chris Alvare-r_ Devin Gunay and Austin Blodgett provided solid plct} .111d p111d1 runner Dean \,urdoch 'toll' home for a key Mothers, sons set to face off in April S game I Ill I. Ah.trt'/ .111d Miich Gantner tumhuwd for 11 '>tnkeout\, ~''"'" h\ ! .. miner. un the "'' '' mtl 111 otlu•t ;\I\\ plJ\ •Marine" 16, IJodgen 2 ''f'W c Japp lwnwrt'd 111 tlw ti rd ,,., 1h1 MJnlll'I\ suirt'd .,,~ r ,,,,...,to brt.'<lk thi: gunw ope11. I ht l\l,1t 11w1., 1.11111· nght b.il k I• 'l.1111 ft\t' I Ull'> Ill the fifth iJ1r11ng. Wllh Rlley Conroy and "'Ill Nord 1·J l h J11nng m ..i rw1 I ti.. Salem's tnple '>Cored two run-; a~ well. Patrick Malanga i.cored a run ctnd rnntrihuted '>Olid play. •Giants 17, Ns 6 lltt.' < 1ianh pound<'<l 12 hi" 1n the con vim 111g victory. Grant Oavls led the G tanti. with three h1to; followed by two apiece by Ashley Varner and Matt Wllldrson. James Conger, t\ustln Jones and Jack Schloemer ealh tallied one hit "'lult· MolnJr tnplt:d and Nick Curd doubled. 'ichJoemer ~•aned on the lull .md wa\ relieved by \tfolnar. O.tvi' made a diving calch 111 Newport Harbor Baseball Associations Pinto Na- tional Cardinals are organ- izing the first mom versus son baseball game to be held Saturday, April 5 at 3 p.m. at Bob Henry Field in Newport Beach. Moms and sons from Pinto (7-8J National and American along with the c1 ntet fidd md '-'••" ,1hu .,olid lwlunll 1lw pl.111• I he Lldlll~ 11111.Hu\ed lU 5 2. v.hilc the 1\\ fell to 2 5 In Nt>\\lXJrl I IJrbur Ba.~ball A.\SOCiallon Mu'>tJng (9 I O·year olds) acuun. •Cubs 6, Rangers 5 ·n1e Cubs e<IRrd the Rangen. in a game pilling two previously-unbeaten team-; Aaron Cervantes drove m three run\ for thr C .ubs (5-01 dlld Austin Rios drove 111 1wo on a home run over the left center-field femc, hie, fir!>! of the !>eason llle Ranger!> (4 I l kept the pre!>Sure on with the 1-2 punch of Blair Luchs ;md Michael Salam. who rnmhml'd to go 5 for fl and drove 111all1he Ranger runs --·--- ---·-- I Take The Mustang 19· 10) divisions will participate. Brad Schroth, the Cardi- nals' manager, is organiz· ing the game, complete with a barbecue. game day T-shirts and gold medals for all those who play. Moms and sons who wish to participate may call (949) 216-7'737, ext. 253. U>nnur LoMenzo .. 1artl·d for tlw < uh' and p11t lwd 1w11 ..,hut nut llllllllK'> wl11Je l{Ju, "'a' -.uung met tht• fu1al two mnmg<. '>lflk.ing uut :.0. uf the '>l!\l'll hatter. he faced. luth., .,truck ou1 '>IX in tlw lai.t two 111ru11g!> for tlw H..ingcr-< ervante'> went l for 2 w11h thr('(• HBJ.. .. onr run <ind one w.1lk for the< uh'> v.h1lt· Rm' w1•1 2 for 2 wilh two HHI-; one home run. twu run., '>t ored and '>IX '\tnkeuut'> I oMt·n~u wt.'nt 1 for 3 with one run ... n1red aniJ Struck OUI l\'11 in twu inning!> whiJe I mhc, w1 111 J for I with lhree RHI,, two runs 'cored and collecll'd '>ix 'tnkeouts 111 two 11111111g'> on tl11 mound "ialam po.,ted a J. for I output JI the plJte with 1v.11 HHI'> Irrelevant Challenge Carson Palmer, winner of the Downtown Athle~ Club Helsman rophY, is also ~lglble fOr 1Ji' coveted UnlVersJt{Attl e c 'tlub lewsfMA ~. +- ~!§ tAe PfOOMFR., .CaFSeA FAa¥ AGt be avalllt* at tAe last k because t draft handica rs includi Mel K r expect hJm to t5e drafted ear11er than 2501 Submit a •Game Plan• that would have Palmer available to be draftea laSt rt>lrarf1)a BiY) iirid ffiUS &come~eievan UlC &st ~r N•~A lfopbv>MAAIS: "It' ltke a nice pair of '>hOt''>, 11 feel., prl'llV nin•, • ~d Hu..,1 Jb<>ut rcturnm~ 111 toadun~ "II\ all about leaving everything on the line and nothing behind " 13u'i hves with wife 11.yndra. Andrea resides in I lu1111nwon Beal h. and work.-; for a real e.., late 111le c..ompaJl} HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily P1lors Athlete of the Week series TODAY 19 N,n., 1p Brav~rrT•dn Newpon Hd•tJOr Tl·nn•!> 99 01 tJt.t • 111111;1 St 0 .. ~ ... :"'JCOf1: ''~.,.. •O•t~S " -4 JC )}~ ' ~ ;J har her 1 l(en tn<l ~r -:.mtth 6-1 L .;n1r;P IWSU 1 1•Wlt. IUCI) ,,.,·utt :\,..,, vag" 13..-.,, _ '11 3 I i ' ••The Art uf Making P1zza11 WE DELIVER NIGHTLY 5-SPM aJAOftlA Dll ~ CAYllAL C0\11: MQ E''D' 3423 ; A 0.. .ih... Jo> "'41.r.,_ ,,.. I ....,..:, -IYAY 949.723.0707 949.675 4100 ~949.715 111" --------~---1 s30FF FREE LARGE PILZ.A SMALL SALAD I ·-E::!UY A ~y M r-)•.JIV' t'>1.u-.... & I I L.Jt -· -•• -... _J~ I vr c r Hr 1 • i=iEE I ~ "• •., .,/l. •., T' ·~:"" "•-..H .,,-,.-r ~ 61 A t. •1. .. '-• "\~ • • ,. •r• ,. • ~ -~ .. • >'\J". l • • --------...... ----~-----------------------.-99ea-~~~ ..__7~,.,,/~,J~ g <~e£•P ~TfRIOR OESIG NjCUSTOM H_O ME OESIG Ni tl NE HUM ~ tufiNlllJHt ACLFSS JHll'i l!. )ERVICES DEADLINE FOR SPACl-. & COP' ARFA~ Of' C'ti<C l I r 1t t C l llJE: Wednesday, April 16. 2003 5 p m DEAOl..I E FOR CAMERA READ\ ART Monday, April 21. 2003, 5 pm ADVERTORI L OEAOLI E Wednesday, April 16. 2003 DAILY PIL01 -f•idd), Ap ii 25. 2003 ~ cwpon tlc4 ~h • 0c ro11 d 1 1.u cwporr Coa't • Co ta M HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thur~v. May 1. 2003 Huntington Be ch • Huntington Harbour Sun t Beach COASnlNf PILOf 2 2003 (no advertorial may be submitted after d line) Daily Pik>t 949-642-4321 ! J • ' ... I I -·--......... , How to Place A Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without ooticc. 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SPAY b momma Cllt/ eet a1 kiltltf1s w• ~ 949-S.13-0411 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merdlalldlse 3855 All snu IUILDtNGS 24•30 WH $7 .900. seJ $3.900 29xSO was SIJ.900. sdl $!>.CM> ~.CJ) _,. $26,900. ~ $12.900 Isl Come hi S.w! Wall (800) Bl 71113 AAA VOIDING IOCITl 1ID s.-. lJrltL l'm1e ~ c:alb-.. ...., 11-i 25'1. m-i wac. ID).J!IS.9311 AISOlUTl GOlDMINll 60 vendrn1 muhlnes with exceli.nt locations .. tar l l(),9!!> ID).~ Oll:mb~- Offlcff te ....... ~f & 480sf Buutlful .. com- plex. central loc V1S1t .......... -tor info O'lN SUN 12-4' Built by Joe E Brown in 1931 only rem•1nm1 3 + 4 tower estate on entire Island 4br. 4b• th1ee stO<les +tower J nr car. pvt docll for 2 boats II 1s a rec;()CJiiliill*' landmark $3,3 m6w1 9'!M97-847 I 700-742-43Xl • • Greot New,ert ....... l.oaJlieft lilt' ~ •dull .net expmlded in '97 11ourment kitchen laYISh balhs. vekla slly fV1h. lul ~ S'f). room to eapend VRM $899 ,()OO..s<.165. 000 Don ThouYnd. 111&1 ~9481 IM ..... ._~.000 aw-. 211r 2bl rrdlll home. ~-llJXJd lse 23 )"S. Flo ~75 ~:: ,.IMI ISTATIS ,ATaKlt TINotll NATKUfWlDl USA 949-aS6-970S -w.patricklenore com IMhl ...... -..+ft .... ....-..., ._I ~~ "9!1~704 ............. 20201 °"""" t&.6+8r 5.58a. 56l4 sf. SUS Mi Brdl.s 949 251 9Wot --~.or1 OCl.AN & IAY VIEW THlnKI Will AMAII YOUI AGl.949-7U-at20 UDO tsll HOMIS 24 USTIMOS GalATPIKU AGT.949-219-24aJ Nlwport Coat -·· -..11ooai HOMES FOR SALE EmllSata 1416 ORANGE 5400 ~~i::;;w;, _co_um ____ _ Of'lN SUN 1-S l ..... a..-. 2tw, + den, Gated c;omm SHl,000 " ,__,. •• lt.ty 4 .... 2.5be, Strede home Sl,729,000 pa. um ~ Haw.mt Balllol Plnlnsula ~,............,S1 NIW llMODU O,IN SUN 1-S Ganoe/ OCIANflONT Italian atyle 5br 5ba, ap Yard ~fa 1489 UNDP $650,000 pm 18,000 to 19,000.f -------AGT. S .. t -721-8120 SJAH,000 C4M/S....._ furn. Ut ftems toys arid m0tetl 122' SeecrHI c...,._vi.w.,.s..1 • ii'i ISTAlt SAii SO.• SAJ-$1.11 .. ' 31)1'-dl.ant lob ol """' pl-*> ~­TV$, eel. ,_.,1 Set & s- S.m lp•n Zdbl sttollen, 2 p11<k n pl1y's, 2 cribs1 Ions of n11m1 br1na clothes & much misc 2-Jl• Loyol1 Cott• Mes. <!<I~• tu fn r ound'S. MmB ~., .... ... s .... tt500"k. .... & •wrttt ... s-1 .. 40"' ...... Offll. bf .. let. ,, •Ill im-c1*t. &ZOOO ... 949 '1 l ()1)44 Mf/ . PMnGS - Of'lN SAT 1-S Stunn1n1 award w1nn1111 Broolifreld home. butll In 2000 3br • office Afl ptOl 3700sf $1,719.000 n.ATINUM P'tt°'OTllS Stefanie Me11rtr 949·715 3156 PlttMllSlATlS PAfltKI nNO•r MATIONWIOI USA '"'·H'-9105 www gatrk ktenore com RESORT/ VACATION PDERIT FOR SALE Index -I-.-·. - ' ' . . ' . JI ii' ... _. • .. . ... , soos-saso I I . .., ' ... ' MISCB.lANEOUS RENTALS RentalToSllare 6030 ~ "-pvt br/pvt ba cJose lo Aelboa Is. la yd. "" ~ lot of stat-.ie sp $125()-n 9$ 759-0715 l Sltle CM 2br I 5ba lwnhm share w/youn& prof fem flplc Gar $750 2446 Elden 909-289-3'06 ........ ._.sharelb< 2b~ apt w/prnf (k.ean & bay vrews. $700/mo + 1/3 uhl 949 JOO 3907 N lefuno leoc:h 2 blks lo m;un bch share 111 apt w/lem. own ba. wd. 1111 Pkll S725 nee• 1/2 uhl 949.497.9733 Rooms for Renl &CMG • • IAS SIDE CM Townhome. Great pnvate room & bath very clean Gara1•. w/d. n/pets/smka. female pre! d pleaw S700mo+ 'hulls 949-646· "°65 . I I .. . -t. 1 Ir HeuH l•stsltle fenced ya1d w/d hooll- ups. nice ne1&hborhood. ne11 shoppin& no pets. $1300/mo 949-722-8922 l '.W.2'w tteu..w/.-. w/d hkups. quiet cul de- sac. addrtlonel ott street prq S1350m 9&548-5163 l 'altle 21r I le H-•• L1 yard, 2 c &ar, new paint, Mchttl, bath & roof $1500/mo 916 36Hl838 ...._ • 2.5bol. 2-sty coodo. H(dlls •ea. • m5lr suite. pabo, 2c pr w'd, S22SOmo !M9-795-4038 111&1 """-...,.. """" pvt :b 2 5Be. FR, Fp, hrdwd th. nu ~ p w,trkicis & aaft rm. S2.:Hmo 9"9-m.8450 • ._ F.U. Jer 2.5'ie ,__, den 2298 ltl Plitya Ho 12.496/mo AvlllA 411 ~ f'W, c.w...I ..... 949-7J.S..6074 Mew ....._ Srnnnah ls1. Et 2.5&. den. LR. er-* ~ ~ JllC llAI, 2c pr Btwn Santa ~ s:1BXlm. act. 9&~ ,_ .... _.. Xlnt ~ f'11C1t Nrrw 38r 2.5Ba. SFR. f p. ""* counlln. 2c ., .... badl.,.d ~ Aval 4(6 9& 159-mf> RESIDENTIAL RENTALS Huntington Beach ORANGE 7400 ._ • 3Sba SF1l moc1 COUNTY luWl. hdwd ..-• ritc4i. deck. Balboa Island , • l lo Uttle ... upper ~t fp. w/d & wnny n/pets/vM&, Avilll 4/l Sl450m yrty 949-6r.>-5110 ..... , •• , 1 • ..,., , .. , 2ba. newly dKorated, palJO, w/d ~ . .vllll "°"' a S3!mno 949-67!>-1009 Balboa Peninsula • 1..sa. l ar ear. yearly lse. 1850/mo 310 [ Bay Ave. avd 411. 818- 790-0607 949-675-4217 OCUN ,.._ °" SAM> l.br con-.i Ml. d!!lws, 1'n. Ille S1675 96642-2221 Ot 111&1 Ra.e ~JG&) Newpw1 loy Tewen 2blks lrom ferry lo Balboa Isl I Br Illa, sec;, dnl bay vrew, un<lf'll'fld pat1' $200)n 949 642 (1!694 .. 2...59e bad> house/ oc:urt -· IOOft from und, 3 '*>dis to _... ll:._P· ~ IS-Oct I $32IDn. 9&8&3-1910 &16 IMrrd !*up, 2 c p wfsta mx>~7!D> ar _.. URJ'adlld. low.· end Int on •nllll. F p. tnclsd patro. n/sm~r Sl«Xlmo 'f 9&«l).8413 Udo Isle U ... leyf,_. '" 21.ss~oo.rfy 6U~212-77l '2'-297-4262 IAYntONT Of'I llOO PE NtNSUl.A NEW 21r21e con AGES Pr1vata 8Nch. Pool and Spa Walk to OcHn Shotn and Rnlaut ants lease 6/mo 2 yr• Boal &lip Available 710 UOO 'AH Da. 949-673 6030 01 949 723·5830 * YIAHY * llASIS Bill GRUNOY RE Al TORS 949 ... 75-• "I it ttl1 1tud1<> rm, P•hO. no ll1tchen. $795/mo + SlOOO dep Oen side of PCH 949 574 7701 •ll2 SOUTH •• POI 2bf lb• ,., Hh le quiet studio duplu. fp, yard, &•r w/d w/smatl loft. k1tchenelte. hkups No pel/smot\e. h $1550/mo. 949-760-'875 s •r•d teundry A&I '-4 Sllf> 949 673-7800 21r, sa., .\ill. Rec•ntlI a "ff~ N '-11 comn rehtbbed w/I car car, ,_ Hrjl1)or 1" 3Jlll _, blly block to beach, no JHIU. T .... at. La alt/ SIJ(X)n S2200/mo 949·~· l680 fllfn/Unfum 949-'18 1400 .. c..68 M;;t; .-..; N' "-•• twnhom, p~Uo. 2 iJ.,fk· 2 M ha, 2-c: .,., •2 slorln, new pa111t, Irle, ~ ~ ':., 'i:!:i and carpet. 2 c 1ar, act 5115 S2IDlrn n._962-7366 11800 949 673·7800 m c.. """ • Trf ~ ~ 48r ~ a.. ..... story howe, 2· 2 Fps, ,.,cleft P•IJo, "' alt .-. A/C, no pets rooftop decll 2 c att pr. $2400/mo 949-760 1219 ke S3190m 949 737.5589 H;<t; VJ.w .._ JI)( Corte lldt c:.tt.p, SllCll 7t>a lam room pvt pooV of Carmel 3br 3ba house, ..,.: prd-incl. lease So of PCH wd hllUp. $2l50ln 714-57a,Z5100 8kt S3600mo 949 574-«* .......... 2. sty custom DlllVI IY 217 Hdiottope J8r lba dM. k Pf111. & &Iv• us • call Roomy sl.ldl w/d, d/W. new a'pt/ • 2CM pr, plin Jc pr pnt S200l)ni a&~ pad 3 dedls & mot• (no pet.) A~al M1y l!) ......V ~:..!•' ....... VI lOr mo Cal R..iton 7'l{) '-"""" w~-.. II P48cf 900l or 7'0-346·7'M> comm. wAiool, ti»+ ptA COllallla r.:.. ~..1-."::: l•yfront tlupl••, upper unit on harbO< w/boet doct.. 2 blks to bch Jbr lba Ip, wd. I& vu deck I c 11••. dock & ulll n:I. s:BXVmo 9651CMli601 Newport Coast • a... 2c .... "'*· pted 'TtOYilfe" T~ $2.,550m Vaant (ml) 96 D>-2526, ~l Rentals Wanted 7880 WAHTID I at 2Br ~ colt¥ at condo. ~n at tA'1bn 11 Nlowpor1 8-:11 Wll ~ J.ilno UI ~ lease. Have ""'" wd milmerl!ld Wesbe Refs ... .,. Jll.52D-8816 WANTED room rental w/pnvilllel:> fnr 1 cltpef ldei it disabled man w/refs Mnno 9'8Ql0.Yb'l Employment 8500 CURICAl Nef'd luff hrnt person 10 HS.SI Wllh YArtOU' dultes Mu\I be able to input •t least SOwpm accurately on compute•. possess shon& custom .. wr vice skills, and be dependable S9 Per hour Eutllent ben elH P•Cli•ee EOE Send resuma to Judy Oethne, c/o Daily Pilot. 330 West Bey Street, Cost• Mes• CA 92627 °' email to J.dr.Gl!tq@~ • •DOGlOVW• • n a.t. DIJI Wash In <DA Ml.mt be rlllJIOld* Cal Kn~l37 TtlUsAbout · YOUR GWGEWEI In ClASSIRED (949) 642-5671 ~ .. ~ Under the Scn·icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) CoR Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 INrElllm AllOIT1ClUUl OfRCI OC HMd surface Destttn F11m has 1mmed openine '°' Admln AuisV P1orect Account/Man•& er w/2 4 yrs prlOI w0<t. up In s1m1ls1 envw a must' Rupon11bllll1es A/R, invo1c1n1. proce quotes. da•ly ftlon&/frle manaiemenl. bHic ac counlln&. word l>'CKHS 1n&, sptHd sheet slolls. col!N.bons 1;lh4!dul1na & lyl>fll& ( 60wpm) Qualf Ired uindldal.s will have eacepllonal or1•n11 I ab1lrtlfl a Ileen eye '°' detail. work ettgtrvely under pt6suu able to multi task tompose llllP<eSSrve wrrtlen pru poul$ & correspondence w1thoul a:msldnce, have tUellent Y1ttbal/wrrlte11 slul~ &. phone luendly Musi be •depl al workon1 w1lh a mulhl~ ol people vendor~. & pto,eclS & """'" how to p1ov1de e••ell untomt'r Uf¥K• Mu\t be strona 1n ~.eel & Word A perfect PoStllon fO< a h•<d workon1 malUt e. bus.neu uvvy perwn •ho Illies workon& in crealrve tnv11 Mu\I be • fut lea1ner. "" starter w/pos1hve •th tude i. have a lronl office appearance II tnteresled m th•'> labu lous pos1lron. plea\t for ward a lelltt ul 11111lresl. ~Y history Mod yoo.s resume to MICIM!llr -fu 949 759 0119 ••••• ,.1 ... 1.t/ Mwltrhfrueioa,..._ ~ for a busy Real Esto1te f.-m on L~ Buch l ypine "'.._ ' must One luff lime pos11oon a. one part llf!lll Wtttlend pos1bon avHablo! ru resume lo S lMOOfl at 949 644-3423 ... pd fl/•-1 11 Busy Newport 8-11 Reel Estate olfioe Salary con. mensur•le w eap ru rC5UITW' lo 94!Mi75-2127 ..._ ,._dalf'd II I perJOn Otfit.e Pl ( '-5 > Satiwy airrms.....-W/U4) Fur111SID~21Zl .... _._, Asat. '"-el Mp./ IOH Upscale Dine. on Newport Beach snlls creative. expetlenced and responsible ACM for 80H OPS to continuf' to "Wow" our custome. s W0<ll closely with GM on 111 aspects ol business Knowled.. ol food pnp. line up, In vent0ry & 0<dtrtne f aa res !M'). 7ZJ.1 I 41 --------- -~ --- TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS DODGE NEON '2000 50k+ m1. l~ fa, warr, !> sp, blue1 llf•Y 1ntenor am Im co. IMMJ Otllll'I tond ~ fin _. 1111 Vll45792 949-SM-lua WWW 0 ,, .... PORSCHE '98 ~ 1 CAB Low miles, custom wheels. 6-speed. super fast. #652259 $52,900 MBZ '96 Sl.500 CONVT. Bose, CO, leather, loaded, good looblg!! #113266 $28,900 LAHOROVER 'f7 DISCOVBrt 4X4 Loaded, low mies. 4x4 fl.rl at a great poce. 1549423 $13,900 BMW '98 M3 CONYT. co, 5-speed, leather, lo miles. sit., blk Int. #C44258 $32,900 MBZ '96 S3ilO SON CO, leather, moon, ~to 1241401 $18.800 M8Z '98 ML.320 AUTO CO, lttw, Bo9e, moon, 4it4, ~a blrgan!!!! White, tan. #016225 $18,900 MBZ 490 a. SON Auto, Sl.RO()f, lealher, priced to sell fastfl 1270075 S7tM TIL.O._ •UROPllAN AUTOHA~ o..wm»c..1111 ... 1-8CD598-9754 rlWml MNCWER AirtOl!a~ ro & mt' lEAS( FOR i1~1 PER MONTH +-TAX IAI These Terms On fwMd tle6rt • OTllR AT Sll.ARSA~ • • 42e S3000 du,. •I stcnin1 48 month closed end lease no sec:u•lly depo5'1 IOI< mile~ llef YUf [ i.CHS mllts @ 20c per mtle (TUJ271) • LfT'SIJT~ lfSA.W ******** 5Sf"REEWAY@Blm SIMTA AHA NJTO IWJ. (888) 830-1780 Mene4•• '99 U20 3lk m1 whlt•/crey llhf, mnrf, chrome whls, beavl hlle MW cond, v572241 $26,995 fin eval Blot .... ,. WWW ,.,,.. Meru4H '9t SJ20 l WB 5211 mt. 3 yr Wi rt IVlll, sllver/blk lth1 . be•ul orl& eond, vf752A 1 $26,1195 financlni •v ... Blu M9 ,_,1881 -·""'"-•we...._ 'N SM U wl\ltl/l1111. Im.mac ~ l\IS .... ,.. .. "' cm.T-. IM!D> m.15la ......... ,...... .. Liil• ntw, loe•d. euto, moonroof llloys, low 7.a ml, SS900 714 751·2464 NEWl'QRT AUIOSPOlll IMW J3IOOC '02 Convettlblt, Wh1lf!J Black premium '*" low mtles. $44 goo ~~ Ytlow/Uladl. ••• ooty 1000 mt $67 8X) ~JSS Tlfl'" 8lac>./l an linnl .,,~ Onlf b <XlJ m~$115CXXl ,...,.911 "0I Cabnolel Sii.,... 'Blac~ r.,1ronte .... opttO<\S II k males S69.!JOO fernri J60 ..._ c.,.. fl "00 Electttc !nylon -.!a" bqes. caliptf • $159.500 ,__._a..-S'OO B~. r.,trllfW' Must -$.19,800 IMW MWC-,.'02 Grey/81adt.. ®al .... ,. roab, 2t( mo, 0,500 ~ ........ "01 Rus~AWtt Cluslc. 711 mt S39 000 MM9y~'01 Whit.,,,_. Roed K.,. a.we. S IB.500 __._OJI uo "02 Bllle/Gfty NM; ......... n. ""· S;.»;500 ..-n~ Cemu .... '02 Chwcoe4/Ten, J.(XX> in-. S36.500 ...__"1..., BllO/GrlY Lu aury Glc.ip 'lf1' ...... oNy lOO ""'-- H£WPORT ~T ge.574.5&00 PLUG IN Ptug into the Pilol classified S«tlon to find seMc»s from ~ •htcttonlo and plumbers; to t.ndsc.apers encl p.tlnt rs. ... Dally Pilot ='!ii •• _ .. _ .. __ ._. .... P CAUi HNI CMS .. Bridge PMW'IMno , ......... ..,, '2009 s.iv., w/th.,COll lltv, faa w.,rentr. c.te.bf 1ty OWnff (119211) 139,980 vw, ........ Grer w/r;r•r lflleuor 2311 ml Immaculate ('19252) 111,980 Y.t¥• t40 S.'-'t2 This •• OM near per feel Volwo to own low mllei (1192J8) S8.980 MIZ SlU O ...... ,., 't7 lmnoaculale Whtl• w/Crey lthr, I 2i. ml Xenon, both fop\ (119295<:) INQUIRll 'T.4.!:~ lmmac. W)lllt w/ h111 llh1. 36111111. llO<ld "' wlee I KOi d\ (119~) S?5 980 PendoetUT-t.. c ... White :r,:,. buu t1ful f/lealhe1. 19" mt (•t9206CJ S69.980 ,_,,~,,·-11114'9 ,_., 2000 full POwe1 ~Ii. mile\ Recent h •de lo u~ (1189611 ) Sil 980 a..11 .. fty Q4S s..t-·•1 Pu1I w/Sdddle llh1 lull power S8" mo <•19134> Sl6 980 "-·"2 '2003 Wholt w Whole lthr mo11nr11nl ?~mo (•197JJ(;) S!il ~ IMWl40Ct c...., •• ,,1 Sh111~y llfdl k w/lmn .. 11 G1~1 full llh1 . &•Odf ·~(llldi <•l918<X.J HI~ IMW 3281 s • .....,·2000 Whit~ wtl•~tnf' Hh1 •II lull m•111 llu111ptr to llumpt1 '""" <•l'.ll9J) $?8 980 ,..,.. ... •>• s.,_ '1991 1111\ 1\ • Oil~ nto1r !'f'rlu I Sllln• y l!l.t•" Supf'11 h•r &Ptl s.,.,,.,,, •··•milt:\ 1•t8k'JU1 S711~ t49 S74 1111 PHflUr5 AUTO ~'"'r•-••.c- 'i7 M,,.,_,. c_,, ut • t yt irbuolt h An\ •Int cond "'Ill 11w1ter\ SI /9'> 000 •• ~ lfot9 boll 1.168 f'OUCHl '99 CUHU Arlrt \1ln1 m•t•ll1, dll llh• il••Ph•t• ~··v ml~• pwr \r•I' h1 t1 \.UUnd \y\t~no w un fm f 0 lo I•« 6" n11 I 11wnr1 1llll lli1f'd lnlllldl UIAlr S!>4 !>()() 949 67!1 1116'.I AUTOMOBUS, MISCEllMEOUS Wldld 9045 ~ a,..-.11 o..6.o- 0... 40 1N" ~·rl ... Port I wry fae Ill ... k• 1tU UI Vdll •• buril i:..t k• llf not (;A 0.JI Ht-v (a> 11~..W Allio ......... 114 4JJ l'i ll o• II• .01 .VAi 8v CHAAL.ES GOREN with OMAR SHA.Alf Md TANNAH HIRSCH WI Mii• YCMM <All PAID JO. CMI elOT PMa.sAllTO AS. JM MALCOLM Ht.J74-7777 WA r <:H "111(~1' I' NI Nll'S . IOAlS ,...... 9S15 •• , lllt hffl.W "-double u l of batletlts Ptof'I m•tnlalned S8,49S. ...... 67 .... ,, '01 Dvffy 21 L.ae MW, PremM!r pwr l>ka. stereo/ co. navr IA>fJ wn suiwfs. lrl& •/bat, teai. 1111lley/ td!s, 127 a 9'9-&93Xl BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORlllGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 *'-Slip-G1e<1l loca hon• lltt beam "'ncth unhm1ted 10 Bay l\land Cove * t4t-t 22-7771 SELL your stuff through classified! Ncilher vulnenblc South de.al' NOR'lll • AQ164 J U 5 W};ST •Vold A • (}86 QJ IUJ J 1094 2 • J 107 4 SOUTII • K 7 AK4 ()8 7 6 • A5 J 2 EASr • J 109 5 2 71 K J5J •KY 'Ilic b14'Jm~. SOllTH Wt..'T NOl<TII • .. AST INI l'-2 ,._ 2• PIL• .. "-~ ,._ Up.:nintt lcud <.)uttn of I he ~u1uh · mouo of "Be Pn:p.;n.xl" .;ppli .. .., ,. di to the: hnJ11c Whk \.10th forgut .ibout It anJ fl.tld lhc pn .... • Inc .w..uun ,., .. ~ ~ tor tlw"C' ,.ho plJ) muluplc tr.irufer brd\ onh ' '"" hc'11'b retjUC..u:..I !)uuth 10 cum ~n tu 'p..J..'\, and dw JUlllfl w 11an~ ""' "' •Jo!~mt:nt. u 1111kl ,1m1 II) \llk.C 'lnnh rould ha\C made .i four k•.:1 lramtcr to \pack\ to \ho,. " h.mJ UlJI " J' Uc• uid uf ,1.un in~ l.,. STARTING A ·NEW BUSINESS?fi • • • • • • • • • • WN ICll.I queen of he.orb. "'on .. 1111 thc .. Ing II\ (:.ia.t ~ 811 echo .. 1111 thc ..e•t'n. The lung of ~~ IWb l~ ant.I ikclart'r rr4et•al dw hall nc"' ' lhotl .i ne.w~l,.ydown cur1tr111.1 .... \.in truuhlc It n.."tded a miracle in dun' lur the cnntr.11,'1 IO w1:cccd t..inv 11r dub\ oni.iJc and • 3 3 ~ht in the \Ull but, When th.it Jxl DOI matcri ..J11t', Iii.. \.UOtru\.I ('VCnluaUy f 11t100t'rcd S.~lh 11<a.\ n tnfk .. olll!b.\ J.t ind, l\!lo A modk.'"Um ol protccltoo could l'\dv., n:sullbl in 'ICtlflnll a game llll dw \:unh he IR$te.v.I of cashing ~kin& ol podt\ a.I tnc .. 111<0, declarer should haH~ le(l 11~10 the: ace. When !he b.i<l ll'Umfl hrt'alc bee~ known, J.ll larcr t·onlln~ by ca!J'lirig the au: of d1amoo<ls. then crosse~ to the king vf trupi~ to ruff 11 diamond.• Alter c~1ng the 'f'AXn <lf ~~. declarer U~ llll;. OU\. of ht.-art!. .lfid cf~ a.~ cntncs fOf two~ dulmood ruff~ When l';o,t ha~ 10 follow 10 four munili ol d1.tmonJ,. Ill incl., w-e m dwh.ltt No"' lei·, lll\C L.t't thr<X"J1amon<h IO>tlhoul the lung and one 1norc duh .rnJ thc '"nlllk.I I\ \IJll home Ea-1 '''" 11\.Cl'T\lfl lhc fourth Jiamund and , ... ,h J h•tth trump, but lho.-n rnu\I lcatl JIO.d) Imm dw lint1 of du~ und Jumn!l' ' ljUttn h.:t.Olnc~ the fulfill· 1ng !rirk In th1' -.ccnano th larer \11llc:•t' fi•c trump in .. l , ""'" "" rufh), I"'" hc.ul'. '""" duh' J1lJ the .... c 111 J1amun1h Tiu ugal Drpartmmt "' tht Dat!1 P,/Qt IS p!t11Jtd to iJllllOUIU"( a llfU1 sm /(f nou• availabk to 11rw bwmmrs Wt u11ll now SEARCH tht namt Jor.'1<Ju Ill no rxtra <hargt. and sa11t you the 11mr and tht mp to tht Court Houst in \anta Ana. Thrn, oftoum, .ifirr tht starch 11 <ompkrtd wr u·t!I fik :ruur fi<mious busmtsi'namt statement u•11h thr County CILrk. pub/uh ona 11 uiuk for four wukJ a.s rtqumd by law .ind rhm jik your proof ofpublicarion w11h rht County nrrk. PfttJJt Jtop by 10 jilt your fimrioto bu1mr,1 11111rmrm 111 tl1r Dai~y Pilot, 330 W Bay \t, Costa Mrsa If.you cannot rtop by. plwr 10/I u1 ,u (9.J9) 641-·JJ] I and U't' u•11/ make ""angrmm1s for_you 10 handlr tlm proadurr by mat!. If you should havr anJ fimlirr qurmom. pltllJr lllfl uJ 11nd u•r 1111/I br more than glud 10 asmt mu. 6ood luck in )'Our nru busmm' Daily A Pilot Sunday, Matdl J>, 2003 H . TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACR06S I Makes I m9d dun 6 AespedfUI tme 11 sne.r 18 GolO meuure 21 Bak ... y iur. 22 UIPont1 role 23 Supermodel -Carrc>t>elt 2 .. ovemead 25 Sptlnkles llglllly 26 Oa/Xroom 90lullon Zl Toys W11.t1 tails 28Qen11e< 29 CTRL nelgtlbor 30Ghos11y 32 • -Sera. sera· 34Catty 36 Makeitm~e 37 Taite 1 lood on 39 Closet neea .e<> Dellaous 42 Genelc letters 43Byhean 44 Baliebltft stats 46Jolced 48 E>epeft 50 Aaskan b88r 53Pufftns km s.. Fed agent (nyph ) 56 Sdlool rssue 60Exclodes 61 ·scatr 62 Bahrain VIP 64 TV and raa.o 65Gushover 66 Prow appo5rte5 68 T"Msted and tumed 70 Tnckle 71 "Sol 7'2 Sea World anractlOn 73 C1nemaw nval 75 Motor parts 77 Good pllOI 78 More sprtelul 80Wonoer 83 Selec1ed a 1ury 85 A GerShW111 146 88 8clft end IU9'JOl.9 67 N<lt • pencil 896'>\olll!lpet11 92 Unon -*Hr'I ~ Foul-sme!:tng g&9" 98 Juns1 -Fottas 99 Marah gr1U 101 DC zone , 02 Pr ac1lcal JO~~ 10o4 NYC dwel1ng I 06 Tl.f'lnel maker 107 J A s tovtn 109COrd 11 1 Metric paond 112 Ashing lures 114 1-Wdy Yegetable 115 Trudge 1160.wn 111 Hankered for 119 Bruce or Laura 121 Lock oompamons 122 Pet 1230uar'U hOfTIC 125 J<lurnaJs 127 Clent mtg 128 SIJdc-up 131 Tote 133 Spew 13'4 ·1 - -Rock' 136 Keep t 39 Banlcing convenience 140 Fable wrotP• 142~ l.e3 8ndge unoerp.ro rq 1 "5 Wetland 1"6 Flepall'·b I item 1'48 Condo luxury 150 Oflltne nole ('1yi;n 1 152 Rrig lriger 15'4 Gel away from t 55 Orlando ar•acnon I S6 Delhi coin 157 Get onto 1'1P frf!f"wAy 1 !>8 Coasts oownh111 1 !>9 Name 1n tractors 11iD Refine 1e1 Come<eo DOWN 1 CCII Poner' t aide 2 As - -(genera"yJ 3 Pnoet 4 CPR gver Sletter 900 8 SutiwaV$ 7 /(lilep 8'*df I IJtl 8 Have a meel 9 Munche<S oo 10 Rank bef.,.._ Oui<P 11 Mt''.l'.IY 12.-cn1 en uar 13 UttJe kids 14 Make CO(feclJWS t5Qetttng up 16 PecnJct110 s rrter..oeo t7Bedoutn 11tt11e 18.JUlets belQ•ed 19Sidestep 20 -Haute Ind 31 AC'or Fstrooa 33 Ba par~ tic;;u"' 35Smear 38Corntia1t 40 I<. iono ~ e tef ·1tory 4 I M ldeasl natlOI\ 43 <AaMy mo\195 45 Undergrad deg<; 46 'IOO'l9 no..1mber 47 Harrr 49 081QUl'I 'l(j'"'Clii>nl 5'J Sa:•!'d boo~ of sl!lrn ~I Ole! cattte ION"\ !>2 P'1-na oorrnas 53 Tt1:>ol<leolffl<J ~l'J 1 55 W '•J~ Vio..t J' 1 57 w ''""' d 11., ... sa S·s'e' ~ n .. 1.1r ,. 59 fa .. neo 6, MarS"B s bA~ l;j HatYf"SI 66 Gathered w• 1 c1 r~pies 61.l Paces fer :. J ''" 69 Arrarg1ng 1n t1:i1os 72 Becornes a Jii J 7d P "·I.,,(~ LIU(•.~• 78 I< lfld °' 1tWlf 79 Metal In bronlll 81 "Th• - -,_.. 82 Strong 90aP &4USN rant 68 FICOonlU dMr 8fj c.omicoy ~ ('1)0t1 ) 90H•rloom 91 Mofl1 ~ 92 Gave a l'IOl!ef 53 .ApPllel per1Umo s .. Palomino teature 9~ Quebec nelghbOr 96 Top grade (h)'Jlt1 ) 91 Puts avet 100 Tiii! newer 103 Sl'ledl 108 PatrlOt -Allen 108 Hawk's nest I 10 Peep 11 1 Gooatn and Russel 113H&mon 11~0upe 118 A rot 120 Recount 121Smol!eo~ 122 Tax proc 124T~ 126 Patti SlrN' 127 Talisman 1?8 HOl•OWS 1/9 In the teA9I (? ~ I 110 c;11t o.Jfst .. 1 ~ Frl'llM OVI t! WO, I 1:!4 H storao -D.Jrant 1 J6 B<az1ng t ., .. t:'1re"le .age 1 38 Got !hrougr t «J H~d l> r.vn 141 B J wf'ISh purpoe 143 Ca .. ::.e!te t44 Mo b•I 147 NOi comrnon 149 M1111 motto word t • 1 Falt nower t' ·1 Tna1 q1rt I• ._"' ffoME, HEALTH AND BUSINESS ~~- HO T1Cl TO Rf: RS Cahlorn1a I•• ,. quwn that <.onltK ton ta•1n1 fObs th•t total S500 or mcwe (labor or n>•l•..,kl be hc.enMtd by u.. Contracto1' Sutt llunse Bo¥d Slat• 1.-.w abo reqaurn th•t contracton rnchtde thw ~ mimll« on .. ~You c.en check the at.atus of r our hcenHd col'l tra c t or •I -• nib u aov or 800 3?1 CSLB Ufttf censed contr1ct0<a hlltna loh that tot•I ten than $500 mu•t 11•1• In their edvtrliumtnh that lh•r •r• not llcennd b>1 th• Contr•ctots State UctnM 8-d • ..... Rln1'••• ....,_lf..-s ~, .... , ....... M9tla ..... -.u-alP.S y:;t£ W'W. P11MI JI I 0 co ,,_...,._ .__.,TH ......... , fHMlltblt, tSOWlllt1 _ . .,.. ... ~ • 2 0 ti MR BLINOMAN A TO l HANDYMAN ln\l•lt r~l•n <.ab1nels ~ ~ Do.c 714 ~78 • w U.Jh. Custom Burll rns Cro- Motdinp 8ase Boatcls l •57798? !M9 709 !1641 ear,.. Repair/Sales o CAal'lT _, CA.aPO o Rti>HS P1lch1n1. lnslaM Court•o1n any a1u /Qbs WN!eulel 94~92 020S Colmllll-.Y l rfd "9cli s-, .. Conaet•. l'llbo. Or_.y rweplc, BBQ RerL 25Yrs hp Twrx 114 557-JS!M car,.....,."* CUSTO M UMODH AND DlSIGN All TRAOES lO YlARS £XP l'337169 949 631 ?J.4!i NllD MOU aOOM? AOOfTl)NS ~ RlMOOll Ki Ln77982 949 709 !164? eon.,Sentca V.e '"Ill ~fn )OU< penonaJ or UXll!'*') v.ebl>uc and pur )OU onhne few file You pey only In.ling reco .. 714-612-2786 Desktop Publishing llMlTO (GIN YOUI HOMl tMf'aOVUIUNT PaOJlCf? l.•11 • plunotlf'• ~~1ntr• h•ndyntM1 (H .an-t of lhto er r~t \4tfW1<4t\ h\l4t\l hl'1t' UI our vrvtc:• dtrf'~ tory1 IHl\f LOC:Al SVC Pf OPl l CAN It! l P YOU TOOAY1 for all your needs... & Garage Doors Hanctymaw ~ S.... t9Y"... Home Repair 1..-Wf'.. '(Md ..i..an 141. rn.rA;wl """ b"" ..,, ri.8 ( omm H~' 71 4 4)(> 1~18 Ganlenit1W l.andscaplno l-Toruol...tsc.,.. ~ rr...i lree lrmnq /I. 1n•l.1ll1l10n ?Sy,. ... p I " 1nwr I'd 949 !>48 4363 ~w-'i;&.,.. ... l•wn~ Lawn Aerattna Sp11nklers. Tr°"**5hoot .,._ Sprln& Tune up~ R~parrs & Up1r ad es .. H•ve 11s do 1our Dirt1 WorA ·• 714.715.212• Tr-Servlce;4Yard Cleeoup, Maintenance. Sp11nklt1 Rep.11r Heuhnc (t4t) uo.ua 1 RX Uf' Sl'ICIAUSf. All types of '~" • lt~ lncal plu"""'"&. doon. W.-l'ltMln. tim. & morr 2.UV/7dars 714 J66 1881 c..-.. &a.p.!n Carpenlr~ • PlumbH1& Drywall • Sturm Painl1n1. I .le & morr 20+ Years C.pe111mul • 714-t6t-S716 llMTAl·HUSIAND f OR HONEYOO'S your honey won't From !:I.ct to tltt kitchen ~ !M9 5o48 9.1!1 I THI HANDYMAN All "°' i. auar anl«d ~ Ellrtul. Doon Fl'llh c.-p *-• ._..,, Hlllilg JUMll TO TNI DUMPlll 114 961 1182 • AVAll.ABl[ fOOAY• "'''n !)566 SEU ,. .... ........ I House Cleaning I Num~rsonl care '-"'• CM .... 0.-i.., Angtol Of A c-.g,- Sw. ~.tMt1:A .. nJ11f'f1wl I " tl'"'•' ,,., .. ,._~., 0 t 7•Y1 > Htl 44'1 "''.""°"" r._, .,....w., '>411 00'>• q.9 b JI •I I J llii.U 1-tn ~'II •l ol "' ·-·· (.,, ... -"°".. Pa~ DwW'e f~ rui ,...., N .... .,, !Q-4> M ...-n drn 11¥ A•TIST, \lr11 I• ~ i. '*" ~ llJlo ••llp;il>t'I p41nlm. " DOUGHUTv llOfffH S Thtt rt\11 T rut1 S.V 1$1 1~r .. si.t..~ ln~t/Reg= 114 791 8746 Misc Services fAU• mu••I\ (UH tr.tH ~ H1·H64 c......_ ........ ll'rr •• , Crf•t Puce~ liu¥.a111,.. 1 wo1k f lf'e e\t l I 17"'" 11 4 !118 l!il4 1 l9{ ~ IUoS cUsTOM ,AIN'TlN(; Prof'I <lel1¥1 q111alffy.. • tnterlOI ~•t anti d<x•" I l 1703COll 949 631 ¥.I fl Plastering & Stucco ,~ lnt/l.c1 ' ••• 909 681 6664 r AUJI ( or St<lN Joy.-'• Pelntlng I lop Quahly c .. mp .. 1111.. • ... ~!!"""!'-"!~~~ lnh., '"''(rt l '&48771' r..,.., Dtel1t H ST MO VHS Sst /Hr ~erv1n1 all c1he1 ln"11ed In t. cou•teou\, ca1elul l 163844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Pwbltt Uhhliu comm•~sron 1equ11H lh•I a" II~~ household 1oods move" p11nt lh'" I' u c C•I T num~ hmo• and cheufl~un ptiftt thtir T C P numbet Ill .n IHIVH t!Hmfnls If rou ha"' enr ca-hons ~t th• ····"'• •• • ,.,ovei , limo ol dl.uft9UI. un PUB LIC unur• s COM MISSION 7 l 4 SSI 4151 Call ~Y 949 650 '>06t l'l11mho11e '"I'•" , ... , IAINIOW <mCll MMNT ''>11 ''I Alt '*'" • f!'1iW P•lnhnc lllC/ll•L Ho.N: Al•' "'"f"Olf .,...... 714 !>C!i8298 Quatrly tub' r,,.e ""''""I" HoNtST & af.ASON"8U l •569897 714 636 8888 Pt UMR! RI •'>06~ f 1 I ·J• "n ,.,_ ET•--twTC "'°" UTt "'°" ---,. -. --... ---· .... ....... -----~ .-............. 71W22-SMI Ill fl IAJ ~' 114 'JP, 'IJ'\O PU CISI f'\.UMll...- R,11•01 '\ & R.-no<lfol1n1 IRtl I snMAlf l 6'687398 114 ""' 1090 --·---. a....~ 1Wltl>V flUMlaHG 949~352 --- ~.~ &Vul~ 714.435.17 l O RANGE COUNTY L OCATIONS VINE lGUNA BEACH NORTH t.AGUNA BEACH SOUTH LAGIJNA NIGUEL LIDO ISLE MISSION VIEJO IWPORT BEACH llWPORT COAST '9 IUAN CAPISTRANO TUI 5AIE SERVICIS 949.661.9355 94f .644.fo60 ,..,., .•.. , .. 714.717.1112 111.166-SJIO IH.soo.4osJ 2 ARCHITECT: C.J. LIGHT & ASSOCIATES LAGUNA BEACH $6,250,000 3 ARCHITECT: ERIC MOSSMAN NEWPORT •BEACH $11,400,000 4 ARCHITECT: ROD YOUNGSON LA JOLLA $3,350,000 5 ARCHITECT: ADE COLLIE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO $3,550,000 6 ARCHITECT : HOIST ARCHITECTS AND ARIA DESIGNS LAGUNA BEACH $4,395,000 7 ARCHITECT: IOI SINCLAIR SHADY CANYONc, I RVINE $3,695,000 ~ ~ ... ·-