HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-31 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2003 .. IN BUSINESS Re-fashionin·g the Isla·nd Newport's destination shopping center is close to debuting new reasons for people to get out and spend some money. Paul Clinton DatlyP1lot NEWPORT BPAUI -A high- tech children's barber shop, chic women's clothing outlet and re- vamped food court are in lhe off ing at Fashion Island. as the cen- ter begins lo roll oul a cluster of new shops for spring shoppen.. The doors are expected to be- gin opening in lhe next few weeks. Managers of lhe lrvtne Co.-owned Fashion Island '>ilY the eight new store5 will add a fresh spin to a center that\ al- ways looking 10 upgrade its re1atl o fferings. "lnal's where the opponu- njties come. when you have an opponunity 10 improve or up- date your m erchandising mix," said Tanya Thomas. lhe center's general manager. "In lhe busi- ness of retail, lhe productl. are al- ways evolving." Between now and August, when lhe second round of storec; opens. shoppers will not ice two significant changes at Fashion r.. land: a revamped lane of ch1I dren\ shops and a new food coun. Ille four new children's shops- babyMyle, First Cul. Pamplona and Ille Picture People -are se1 lo roll oul beginning the second week of April. They are part of lhe center's reconfigunng of the children's retaiJers near Long's Drug\. Hr!>l Cut. which replaces Trade Secret\, could make the biggest '>pht!>h. lt'l. a Mate-of-lhe-att hair- cutter for children and teen- ager-., with a twiM. Store ownerl. Lance and Leora fogcl have -.et up 13 cutting sta- lloni.. t.-quipping each with an 11 im h Oat screen television complete with DVD player and video gam e conM>le with wire- lc•'' g.u ne pad. ·n1e interactive INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2 atmosphere entertains rest!~ children while 'itylists work. ·The concept is to offer a place where lcids want 10 come," Lance Fogel said. "We're trying to offer a place that's so exciting that lhat'i. exactly what lhey want to do." The sensory overload should also be apparent in the Pop-vivid colors on the rocket fuselage waJJ panels and '50s diner motif. AN OPENING COUP European children'!°> clothing See ISLAND, Pa&e A4 PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSllN /DAlt.VPlt OT Family and friends pay their respects to Simona Garibay, whose son. U.S. Manne Jose Garibay. died 1n an ambush 1n Nas1rryah, Iraq Paying tribute Police make fallen Marine Jose Garibay an honorary officer. Family say he hoped to protect and serve Costa Mesa some day. Cor•I Wllao·n Daily Pilot H elen Flores and her cousin, Jose Angel Garibay, used to run around their Costa Mesa neighborhood as children playing their favorite game -cops and robbers. •He was always the cop. he was always the big guy,• Florea sakl. 1be rules were slmilar to a game or tag. 1be person who was ·u· was the cop. Garibay, who wu only a month younger than Flores. always wanted to be •it• and he bad all the toy equipment to make the game more rea&tic. He even wore a badge. •He always dreamed d be.ing a oop. He thought It would be easier to g'P through a mWtary bate to Ft to what he wanted," she said. Garibay, 21, lost his life Sunday. March 23, near Naslrtyah, lraq In an ambush. He was a Muloe corporal, bot his goal was to serve as a CO.ta Meaa police officer. On Sunday at 12:30 p.m., Police Chief Daw Snowden presented Garibay's family with a plaque posthu.mouaJy making 06rlbay an 0 N T H E HOME FRONT Newport Beach resident Linda Lovett hugs Urbano Ganbay, Jose Garibay's uncle. honorvy Costa M poUce olDcet. •\Wd ~ that Jose Angcl wanted to be a poUca officer ln Costa M " Snowden said. "We could think or nothJn" better than to make him an honorary police officer." S.. TMIUTE. he• M THINKING ALLOWED Where did all the rhetoric go? I llegal immigrants have been a hol topic in Costa Mesa for more than a decade. Since I have been at lhe Pilol. I have heard more than my fair share of blame placed on the undocumented by a handful of residents. Yet none of those zealots, who a.re so quick to poln1 the finger at illegal immigJant5 for every pothole, negative crime talistic and poor test score. were thumping their INS handbooks this wt!ek. Thb weft. Simona Garibay lpst her son Jose Ganbay. a Marine, to the LOLITA war tn 1.raq. ~sad ttory HARPER was featured on out front pages not one. but two days In a row, and dozens of Newport-Mesa dent.a showed their condolen and respect for her wnh vtslta to the flmily home. bouqu ta of • Oowm and cania -many or Which could DOl read. S..AU.OWEO, P• M Bridget Duffy and her two sons. Nathan, left, and Josh, stand below a custom food mural they painted, one of 20 they created for a FashlOO Island enhancement prOJect The pro1ect included new lettering, murals and directional signs for the mall. DON LE.ACH DAil Y P1L OT .Some cry folll over Fairv iew P ark plans Environmentalists feel left out of debate about land for flying radio-controlled planes and a bus turnout at the park. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO'> TA \H.\t\ \ woup of t•nvirunrnl:'n- taJ1.-.t.-. fet>b '>nuhbt.'t.l h) t ll) official\ bt> cau-.e lhey wen• rnvut•d to '-t't.' the final de -.igm for a poruon of I a1n1ev. Park. but were not a.\ked for their 111pu1 Ille group wh1(h mdudh former Mayor 'iandr.i <.cn1'. Jud11h < .1elow and Newpon Beath re-.1dt•n1 Jan \and('r<-loot - met ~ith -.tall on I hur..J,1-. lO d1'>t:u~<, 1m provt'meni... IO thret• arr t1' of the park lhat the ( 1ty Council ha' aln•Jdy Jpproved Ille drawing' lor tht">l' .1rt·~ have to be subnut- ted to the c oa,tal Lon-.crvancy by today to qualify for a $144 .000 grant that will fund half of the de'>1gn t o't'> The group'c; n 1ncem' tn( lude ho~ much land the I !arbor '><Jann~ So<:1ety, wtuch flie<. rad10-controlled plane<,, hd.., requ~ted. the de<;ign for n1rf m that area. and the pla~ rnent of a bu'> turnout O\ier an exisong area of gra'-5. Pubhc ~n.ite-. D1f'l"t·tor Btll Morris said that because .. taff Wd.'> worbng under the counCLI\ d1rec11on. then> v.a\ no need lo take the envuonmental1<,tc; optmons 111to cons1deraoon But that ic;n't <,toppmg group members from being frustrated 1hat thetr thoughts were not taken mto account ·These drawmg-. are OK to send to the Coastal Conservancy nght now, but ltheyl Mill need to be tweaked.· Van<krslool said "We thmk. the public ought to ~ able to look. at them and comment on them.· In lale January, the Park..'> and Recreation Commission approved .the final design of 1hree areas at Fairview Part with the de- letion of any landscaping north or the Fair· view Ola.noel. Councilwoman Libby c.owan appealed the decision to the Oty CowlcO based partially on some residents' concerns about parking and access. S.. FMNEW, P ... M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON llEWEB: ww.dalMJlot,c.cm WEATHER Wlfm and sunnv Ju.-• fwwdouda.. 5MP111•A2 SPORTS • -------- ------ - ,. ) . . I -A2 Monday, March 31. 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT SEAN HILLER I DAllY PILOT John Hermann is president and CEO of Labor Relations Services in Newport Beach. Keeping the workplace peace Paul Clinton Daily Pilot W ith a surgeon'<> calm. John Hermann explains his philosophy about repairing the broken bonds between employee and employer. Hermann, presidcn1 and chief executive of Labor Relatioru '>erv1ce .. inc. in Newpon Beach, u~ually intervenes when a shop I'> on the verge of unioni7ing. "[Unionizfog] pits hourly employee'~ against managemen1." I lermann !>aid. "It creates an intemaJ fight on a regular basis. That is no way to run a railroad.· Hermann came out of rettremenl in 1998 to form the company. It was a retiremenr that Hermann :.ays lasted exactly two days. after almosr threl' decades as a labor mediator. Companies with labor headache<, tum to Hermann to guide them out of their misery. Kevin Kelly. who founded Emerald Packaging lnc. in Union City, turned to Hermann's company after he came to BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS American Vanguard offers dividends and stock split Capping a tremendous run that saw 1t.s share prices nse more than 50% smce July, American Vanguard Corp. rewarded i~ shareholders March 19 by announcing a dividend and stock &i>liL The Newport Beach chentical rnanufac- lllrer said it will begm offering a 13-cent-per- lhare cam dividend and three-for-two split. Since hitting a 52-week low at $14.85 on ~ 23, the stock has risen more than 591J!.. It doled Friday at $23.64. 1be c:ompwy's boani of dJrectors said it would pay the dMdend on April I l to share- mldel's of ~rd on March 28. Any frac- tional shares will be paid out in cash. Labor Rel ations Services tries to settle labor problems before unions get involved work one day and saw h1<:. parking lot '>trewn with leaflets urging hll. employees to unionize. lwo of Hermann's consult.ml~ surveyed the employee.,, coUecllng more than 60 complaint!> ahoul the lack of faimes.'> in the way i.upt•rvisors were treating workers. I lennann prepared n..'conunendauonc; for wiving o;ome of the problem'\, which Kelly ... 11d he implemented. MTI10se moves turned around the immediate situation," Kelly ... ud. Ml haw no doubt that letting managend.I mistakes pile up again wiJl prompt another visit from the union • While union member..h1p in the work.force has dwindled -now. only 13.3% of workers in the country belong to union!> -the threat to employers il> "The cash dividend illustrates the board of directors' continued confidence m the com pany. based on our record financial result'> for 6scal 2002 and goal to achieve double digit sales and net income growth in fiscal 2003." said Eric Wmtennute, American Van guard's president and chief executive. After tl1e &plil. the company wiJI havr ctboul 5.8 milhon '>hare<i of common stod.. American Vanguard manufacture. a hne of agricultural products to protect crops and turf from bug infestation. On March 13. the company grew 'ial~ 21% to SI00.7 million in 2002. The company ha!. recorded I 5 con!>eCUtive quaner.> of double-digit growth. Wmtennute said. O.C hotel sales up 11 % in 2002, defying state trend Orange County logged an 11.1% in- crease in the number of hotel 'Mlle'i in 2002, bucking a stale trend in which salt•<; .,tiU ta.ken seriously, Hermann said Hermann's services include an employee attitude survey, focus groups and small group sessions to expose employees' gripes. Hermann earned his master's in social psychology from Arizona State University in 1973 and went to work for Kraft Foods as a labor mediator. ln 1978, he joined American Consulting Services, babed in Newport Beach. Four yecm later, Hermann founded fotaJ Employee Relations, which he sold in 1998 before starting his current firm. Hermann, 53, says the majority of employee issues can be ironed out by management as long as there is a mutual loyalty, lJUst and respect. Oddly enough. I lermann, when he was at Kraft. developed a reputation as a manager who could skillfully fire employees. ·I ended up being so good at firing employees that they would end up thanking me,· Hermann said. "I've always viewed myself as an employee advocate and an ~ent of change. It can be done juclioousty. • fe ll 22%. a Costa Mesa broker is reporting. Two Newport Beach hotels that changed hands helped drive the healthy market. The Atta ... I lospitality Group. in the re- pon, said the county "had a record year" and is now the most expen&ive in the \late. The county now has a S56.6 l 2 me- dian room pnce. an importanl industry indicator In 2002. the llyatl Newporter, at I 101 Jamboree !load, and Besr Western New port Beach Inn were sold. fhe 403 room Newporter sold Dec. 5 for about $35 million, or SBS.365 per room. The Newporter's sale was the sec- ond priciest in the county. It came in be- hJnd the Montage Resort & Spa in Laguna Beach, which sold for $190 million. The 42-room Best Western moteJ, at 6206 W. Coast Highway, sold for $135,119 per room. The motel sold for $5.67 mil- lion. Daily A Pilot ConilWhon NllWI auistant, (9'91574-4298 cor•l.wilson l•r1rn.. com PHOTOGRAPHERS Seen Hiiier, Don l.aed'I, Kent TreptOw Box 1560, ea.ta MeN, CA 92a26. CopyriQht No MWI ltOf'lel. illustretions, editoriel matter or advenitementa '*9in can be reproduced without written permlulon or copyright own.r. ., VOL 97, NO. 90 N9ws Editora G1ne Alexander, Lon Andef-9on. Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowia. Daniel Stevena NEWS STAFF Crtme~~rter, (9491 574-41228 d#pll.bNmh .,.,,,,,.. com June CNearmde Newport 8eecfl '9p0rtor, (949) 574--ll232 JUM.ct1UQr•nd#lfl'-tl"*' com ,_,, Clnllon Polltlca and environment r9p0rt•. (IM8) ?&M330 piWl.cJtnton•IMf,,,..,com Lolb...,. Columnltt, CUltUN ~er, (IM9) S74-CZ7'6 IOl1t• hMf>«•l#t1,.,,_com o.e......._ Cofi. M ... repon.r, (MS) 874--4221 <Hlrdre ,....,,....,, I.rim. cam ~c.rtllo Educt1ion rePo't•. llM&l 574~81 dfri.nn..c111riflo•lftimaeom AEADERS HOTLINE 19491642 8086 Record Your comment.a about the Delly Pilot or news tips Addl9M Our eddreN 11 330 W. Bev SL, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Office lloura ere Moodev Friday. 8.30 • m 5 p m. Comd:5oM It ie the Ptlot'1 policy to prompdv oomict all em>rw of eubltence PINN C9JI (9'9) 1&M324.. FVI The Newport Bead\IColta Mea Daily Pilot (USPS-1""8001 le publi8hed ct.llv. In Newi>Grt Beecti and ea.ta Mesa, tubect1pdoN 81"9 sv1ll1bte only by subecriblng to The Timee Orange Co~intv (800) m 9141. In ereu outalc»of N.wpon 8Mdl and Ccm• Mew. 1Ubecnptiont co the O.lly Pdot .,. eva .. t>le onty b'( first t. .... mall fof S30 .-r monttl. (Prlee9 Include all epplteeble Nie and loc.I teJtet.I POSTMASTEA: S.nd add,...1 dutnget lo The Newport ~te M ... Oa1lv PllCM. PO. HOW 10 REACH US ~ The Tlmea Orange County (800) 252-9141 MWftfsJng au.Hied (9491642-5878 D&apa.y (949) 642-4321 Edkottal Newt (949) &Q·5e80 Spot1s 1949) 574--ll223 News FU llM9l 64M170 "*'* fU (9491650--0170 I f-melt d•llypt1o1•t•tl,,,...com Mein °""°' .,..,_ Olkie (9491542~21 ....,,... Fu (IM8) 131-7126 fll.lbl~ by nme-Comrnurnty Newt. • divialon of tM Loe Angefee TI met. BEST BUYS Greetings at Paper House T be Papel' Home celebrates its grand opening Tuesday. It's a specialty boutique featuring unique invitations, stationery and greeting cards. There are also darling baby accessories by My Vintage Baby. Little Giraffe and Woof and Poof. .--------. 'with custom fabric'. GREER WYLDER There's also bedding. handmade lanlpshades. vintage and reproduction chandeliers. Venetian and over-sized mirrors with wood frames, Moroccan tea glasses. and cotton and silk rugs. Fa!>ric panems change twice a year. No sales. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday The staff can help design invitations and select shower gifts. A 15% off special is being offered through April Open from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday; and by appointment at Cannery Village, 4 I 7 31 St. South, Newport Beach. (949) 556-9863. POSH FOR MEN For 25 years. POSH has offered exceptional service and personal attention. It ha" long-standing relationships with loyal customers.. The updated traclitionaJ men's clothing store does exceptionally weU with Roben Talbott suits, Cole Haan shoes, Italian Zanella slack.!> and golf apparel from c.arnoustie. It's the only boutique store here to cany Oxxford -known as the finest American-made tallored clothing. POSH carries the same herringbone suit President Bush wore to his inauguration. Oxxford suits start at S2,295, but they couJd last a lifetime. There are two annual sales, in January and July. Open from 1 O a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday thiuugh Wednesday; from IO am. to 9 p.m. Thursday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday; and from II am. to 6 p.m. SWlday at Fashion Wand in Newport Beach. (949) 640-6310. I SHOES OF THE UPSCALE VARIETV' Medbon attracts upscale fashion followers.. No boutique can rival the incredible shoe selection at Neiman Marcus, but Madison comes close. They cany Miu Miu, Prada. Dolce & Ga.bbana. Jimmy 0100 and Olloe shoes. mostly sandals, cl0&9 and tennis shoes with some evening styles. One-of-a-kind undeBtaled jewelry from European.. New Yort and LA designers. Apparel is from Earl Jeans, Jlwon Parle. James Perse, Philosophy by Alberta Ferrett, Ann Demeulemeester and more. Bad in fashion are the Pucci print headbands. T-shiru., hats and toles. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m Sunday at Fash.ion lsland m Newport Beach. (949) 719-9444. www.madisonstyle.oorn NOT TOO SHABBY Rechel Ashwelra Shabby Chic store is a showroom of her entJ.re collection. Some confuse the ubiquitous Shabby Chic name with Oea market finds transfonned lnto romantic vintage looks. Ashwell's store is £ar from that Shabby Ode has da.sslc-style furniture that can be custom sized and slipcovered through Friday: from I 0 a.rn. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from J 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sund.ay'at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 219-0663. www.shabbychic.oom. MEN AT EASE Established in 1965, Al·Bue ls a specialty shop for men's casual to dressy sportswear. Robert Comstock. Barry Brick.en and Remy leather are lop sellers.. Uniquety found at At -Ease are its concept shops inside the sprawling I 0,000-i.quare-foot store: Cutter and Bud week.end wear, Bobby Jones golf wear and Zanella's fine Italian sportswear. There's aJso an exclusive collection of Reyn Spooner apparel. The store offers same-day tailoring, and gift certificates are sent for client's birthdays. There are two big sales a year. in January and July. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. and from I I a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island m Newpon Beach. (949) 759-7979. WOMEN AT HOME AND AT EASE At-Ba.e Womedl II Home Store opened in the Atrium Court in 1995. Home furnishings are bought in Dallas and Atlanta by owner Unda Beale. She seJects pillows, pictures. dolls. table top decor and more that can't be found anywhere else Sophisticated sporuwear is from Zanella, Qarry Briden, l..ucia and Audrey Talbott. There are only two sales a year, in January and JuJy. Open from lO am. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fash.Ion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 759-7985. NECESSARY ACCESSORIES Going In S«yle is a well-stocked travel acc.essOries and apparel store. The best selection in rain gear, backpach, alarm docks, ID passpon holders. money belts. neck pillows and organizing systems for pac.king. The most requested items are the muJtipurpose Tilley hats that come with a free replacement guarantee lf worn out, and durable LeSportsac travel bags. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. and from I I a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashlon Island in Newport Beach. (949) 644-9760. • BEST BU"5 appear• Mondaya end Fndaya. Send information to Greer Wytder at greerwylder yahoo.com; It 330 W Bay St, Costa Meal, CA 92627: or by fax at 19491~170 SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST lt'I 1nother pluAn1 day, ~IM. The MIO hu little c:ompdtlon from douda ~. and hight wm be 75 to 83 ~Night will be m1mtd by MHN patcftV low clouda and 1 lltl fog. The Iowa will be 4etoNc»Q ...... WonMtlon! WWW./M'&noN.(IOll BOATING FORECAST tf the ... were• werewolf, 1t"8 would be the nlgh1 of the MWmoon. ~wtnde ltly under 10 llrlOb on the •nner 'Mlten. under 15 knolt It n!Qht. The W1YW stly It 2 fMt or leel, and the w.t SMll la 4 U> 6fMt.· Ftrthtt out. • nof1h'lt'lllt wind Utpa It under 15 kriota, though ti nlghtt the Agtrt.t wtnde wtll bl 10 knota. The wewe ltly It a .... end the wt IW.el tlt9VI .,..._ ... n 6 andffllilt. SURF The northwest swetl getl bolder today, offering moctty waist-to chest-hight. Condition• Improve starting Tue.day, when a eouthwat swell com81 to vi1lt from New l.ieetand. Conftne yourMtf to eouth-fKlng tneb, and you ahouJd .. ~ ""'bv Tueldr( d9rnoon end OYerhNda for two day..,.., that. Anywhere ..... all you'll get.,. ~-hJgha from the northwett sw.11. W...queity: www.~~org TIDES t1IM 2:24 1.m. 1:2•1.m. ~'1 p.m. l;a3p.m. WATER TEMPERATURE PHOTOS BY KENT T~EPTOW /DAILY P1l 01 Ben Anshutz, 14, plays piano for residents of Crown Cove Senior Care Community on Sunday. They found their audience Eager pianists of the Music Students' Service League have grateful listeners at the Crown Cove Senior Care Community. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot B ettie Ri cher, 82. ~d she wanted to ge1 up and dance while listening to a piano 'fecitaJ performed Sunday at the Crown Cove Senior Care Community. where she lives. The piano recitaJ was organv.ed by the Music Students' Service League. a studenl·run organi1..ation that started with three Newport Beach muMc students in 1995. Now more than 300 to 400 mu!.ic students from Orange Coast cities and 4,000 music leachers take part. The concept has even been taken nationwide. advisor Trudy Anshutz said. 'The residents enjoy it a lot. For some, it is the best part of their day,...tQ.ey've told us.' Andrew Wood, 18 umversaJ. "Everyone can connen, it doesn t matter how old or what they do for J living." she ~d Ole children also benefit through performing and '>haring thPir 111uc;1t with others. .. This gives him a fresh '>ldrt to perform in front of an aud1t>nce,'' 'aid Fan ad Farhat, VI hose 6-yt•ar·old son. Ryan, played Sunday. Ryan's mother. Hoya F-arhat. agrc-ed that music has g1wn her .,011 ronfidt·ncl' and discipline I le ,., }U'>I .. 1ar11ng 10 hear and apprt•ctate has own mu<,tl .... 1w said . Ryan en1oy' pcrform1ni.: Jml doesn't even get nervou.,. ·rhey bring students who want to play 1ogelher with people who want to listen,· music teacher Mary Wong said. The group meets monthly IO arrange recitaJs. They also tutor younger music students through a practice a<;sistance program and have been work.mg 10 raise money to rebuild older piano ... which they donaw to school'>. An~hul.7 said Mimi Hammond, a resident of Crown Cove Senior Care Community, plays Mair piano~ wtiile watching a recital by the Music Students' Service League. "Because I am just braw,"_llyan '>did Being around children ,1nd mus1t '' uplifting for the re\1denl!>, '>aid Anna Ko1.ma. act1vit1e.., coordmJtor at Crown Cove. "It is the mu"c that we .ul relate to and we love it." .. he said Music is a.c:, important to thl' one' who perform 11. An'>hull '><rnl rehearse on the piano. One of her daughters became a music major. "My heJrt s1arts pounding," Lett1Ja said. "It has become a part of my hfe," Wood said. "I am not sure what I would do if I didn't have music " ·1ne resident-. en1oy 1t a lot I or some. 11 1s the be<;I part of their day, they've told us." i.aid Andrew Wood, I 8. a leading member of the league frien~ RJcher and Let1Zla used to dance regularly with Lheir husbands. who have since passed away. ·Now we are here and we dance with the guys 111 the wheelcha1rc;. • Richer '>3.Jd. ·11 worh1• N. the melodil sound of piano mu.,11 filled the room Sunday. heath nodded, feet tapped and even the bird., in the back of the room rhirpl·d loudly Ml feel k111d of .,t•nt1mentaJ when I see the h11le one.,: R1ther ~<l It reminded re~1dent Joan I e111.1a. 74, of when her three daughter~ U'>ed 10 Stephanie Wong, member of tht: league. said the power of music ,., • rhat's what wt• are all madl' ol " mus1(. • 81-year old resident I .croy "ha\'. '>aid. ·The rhylhm of our , .. hole lift-'' music. Scenic 5K is one yummy race The annual Corona del Mar race will finish at Restaurant Row. June Cauarande Da1lyP1lot CORONA DEL MAR -Come for the exercise. Stay for the food. It's that ume of yur again. Time to gear u.p for one of the city's all-time favorite athletic events, the Corona del Ma'r Sce- nic SK. The run. now in its 22nd year, offers a lot of good reasons to get involved: a great family out· ing, great exercise, a gorgeous ocean-view course and a chance to help a wonhy cause. But all those reasons are easily forgotten when, near the e nd of the course. runners and walkers approach Restaurant Row. "It's the only thing in town l know of that lets you sample more than 20 or the area's very best restaurants for just over $22, • said Melissa Adams, New- port Beach's community serv- ices coordinator. For the cost or registering to participate In the SK race or the two-mile run walk, participants get fTee run of Restaurant Row, a makeshift metropoUs of booths offering treats from doz- ens of local eateries: Five Crowns, Gina's Pizza, ti llanch1· to. Tommy Bahama's, Bamboo Bistro, SunOower Bakery. Rose·_., Donuts and Gelato Paradiso. Thanks in part to their culi· nary contributions, the Corona del Mar Scenjc SK continues 10 be a growing success, drawing participants from far and wide. race chainnan Jim Skahan said. Last year, about 2.400 people participated in the various events, including about I 00 kids in the Dolphin Dash. a I K comeetitlon for kids as young as3. ·nus started out as a little fun run on a Saturday mornlng and grew up to be probably the premier even In Orange County for runners as far as I'm con- cerncd," Skahan '>aid Ole race, which rai-;e., money for city youth program., Jnd for 1he Lorona del Mar Otamber of Commerce, take-. plac:e lune 7. The course wind.'> through some of the moo,I beautiful parts or Corona del Mar. -.tart· ing on the bluff., ovNlookmg the ocean. Pre-registration is S22 for the run/ walk and $12 for the Doi· phm Dash. On the day of the races, registration is SJO for the run/walk and $12 for the Dol- phin Dash. Registratfon forms are avail· able through Newport Beach Recreation Services (949) 644 • 3151. Online registration is at wtuw.active.com. Monday, Mdft h 31. 2003 AJ ENVIRONMENT Cities seek new source of water Orange County Water District considering reducing the amount of water to be allocated to Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot "JI~ PORI Ml '->A -C..0'>ta Me~ and 'e\1\-pon Beac:h Me loolmg at other ~ater '>ourc:es tu make up for an .mt1c1patcd cut 1n '>Upply troni the Orange County Water I >"tnC"t \\all'r di-.tnu uffic1ah will mct•I next naonth to deude wht•lhl'r tu reduu· lhe amount of g111und watn 1he ulle'> aw al· lowed to draw lrom Lounty re· sou rt ec; I ht· propo..al \tCm'> from the reporll'd depll·t1on of ground water Both nue-. gt•t 75% of their \HIL'r -.uppl} from the Orange ( ountv \\Jlt•r Di-.tnct tht' agl'llt) lhat n1<1nage::. the ground water ba::.in that !iupplies water to mo'>l of ''forth and Central OrJngc County '\t:wport Heat:h import\ the rema111111g 25'~. from the Metro· pohtan Wa1er Dl'>lnct, and Me'>a < on.,ohdated gets pan of the re· m,11n111g 25% from Metropolitan Jnd from their LOlored wa1er lrt•a1me11t plant. < o~ta Mc'M.I ,., "look.mg ~oud" dc·.,pitt' 1he an11c1pated rn1 m \"\d(t·r c,uppl}. -..ml Coleen \car- min<•t h .. polcw.oman for lhl' Me.,,1 <.omol1dawd \\Jlt·r ()1-, lrll't "\\1• hJ\l' ,1 bJt k up rn our wl ored waler treatment faciliry," sht• -.aid. adding that the "coJ ored water" actually comes from a wry deep \ource and 11; ·a good quality soft water" that,qn be e&tly treated and ~- ; Nt'Wp<)n Bea.ch. however, pump\ 75% Crom the Orange County Water D1i.trict and un· (>ortl> 25% from Metropolitan Water D1'>1nct "Wt· don 1 rt'alJy have any other \OUrtt',.. C11y Manager I lornt·r Hludau \aJd. I lw lily IS talking to Metro· pol11an \'\<1ter DJ\lnCt to '>ee 1( UH'}' can '>Upply rhe remammg watl'r wnhoul dr<1'>lJL pnce In· creJ.,l''> rlw Orangl' < ,uunry Water D1.,tm·1 VI 111 mu-.1 likely lmlll lhe ~a1er '>11pphed to Newpon BeJl h to berwet>n b2% and 66%. '>poke<,woman ll'nny Gla"'>t'r \did \omc of thl' rt•Jwn::. for the propo-.etl tut 1m lude\ IJLk uf ra111 over U1e la'>t four year'> and l11n1t'> 1mpo'>t·d on u1e amount of \\att·r that tan be pumped lrom the Lolorado f{Jver. '>he '>aid (,round watt:r U'>e ha'> ;LI'>{) mnt'il'>l'd annu,11ly, and lhNe\ nut enuugh ... uppl~ IO meet gTfl\'\lll~ 0l'l11dlld.., ( rlJ'>'-t'r added 1 lw ram 1h1-, Y1'<H tlii!> helped out a l111lc b11, .,he .. aid. "But Wl' net'd th1\ kJJld o l riiln r~larly for J le"' year' 10 get out of lhl'> -.11u..i111111 · HEMPHILL'S --RUGS & CARPETS 2 30 East 17th 51 • Costo Me$0 1949) 722-7224 """"""" q -' i;:J J:*IS -,,. "/v • I.JO'_ "New Hope For Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!" ''""l>orl HPud1. I \ -l't HI II °'IR\ IC I \''Ill'! t \II' I I• "' I 11l l•J w • "1 1r .. r u \h t1h, ,.., , "'r '' •rl•t•h 111,·r 1. .oll Ill\ .. Jfl'"' 1 11nd "~Ir •111< h 11111, .in.I I " ' 1 "" t .,, • tn1th ah1101 \.Jll' '' IUOtk.'I ,,J 1h 11\_ ' •Ur ,.,, '111.I\ ",,'"" J\A,.1 I t.111 I x1•1 <..~I •1~11 11 .. 11 I r.·•· :'.J l1r rn .. nk.11111.·--.1~,· • HARDWOOO •LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC T1LE • VINYL R.OORING ·~-'.!":..~ 1.1.1,..,g. ;:.n cv.i1A.t. ~ '" .. t?.21!' 31•" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTE $449 !!!!!:!I!.. s1 '' from 11• -111• Travertine 18" x 18" ........................................................ " 't.19 -.a. Ceramic Tile ...................................................... fClllldl!n \II .. l.anwlate \\bod ................................................ ..-illdtln ~ "' .. M Monday, March 31, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • O..WW Dttve: A man was arrested on IUtpicion of refusing to leave private property et 9:40 a.m. In the 900 blodt Friday. • Hart)or Bout.vard: A · man was arrested Oil' suspicion of begging trom the median of a street at 10:20 a.m. in the 3500 blodt Saturday. • Plac.nd• AVMue: A man was arrested on suspicion being drunk in ptiblic at 12:32 a.m. in the 1700 blodt Saturday. • SN Blufr Dttve: A woman was arrested on suspicion sleeping in a vehicle at 8:10 a.m. In the 1000 blodt Thursday. • West Bay Street: A man was a1T8Sted on suspicion of trespassing on private property without consent at 1 :05 a.m. in the 500 blodt Sunday. • West 19th Street A man was arrested on suspicion having an open container in a public par1c at 6:37 p.m. in the 500 block Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • El Modene Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 1 :07 p.m. Sunday. TRIBUTE Continued from Al 'lbe fire department parked a shiny red fire engine outside the house and also presented an .honorary plaque and Rowers to the Garibay family. Not only police officers and firemen, but CouncUman Allan Mansoo r, Cily Manager Allan Roeder, Planning Commissioner Bruce Garlicb and other city officials joined £am.Uy members, neighbors and others on the front lawn or 1he Garibays' home. They had accepted an invitation Urbano Garibay, Jose Garlbay's uncle, had exte nded to City Hall last week, welcoming city officials to the family's home to pay their respects. Mlt started out to be a little Lhing from our department to the family privately," Snowden said. "But that didn't happen." Fire Olief James Ellis eslimated the crowd numbered 300 lo 400 people by 2 p.m. Jose Garibay\ death has brought the war hom e for many people, he said. uvou hear about the numbers and know war causes ugly things," he said. "But it is like one of our neighbor:. has been taken from us." MARK C.OUSTIN/OAllYPILOT Friends of the family David James AJvarez, age 3, and Philip Alvarez of Westminstercame to the Garibay's home in Costa Mesa to pay their respects. Roeder said it is a special reality, a consequence or the . time, not just for family military action we are involved members, but for Lhe with. It might seem far away, community to come together. but it is right here in ow own "It is one of those times you community." don't want to be a dignitary, Expressing his appreciation ypu just want to be another to the family for allowing the person," he said. "It is a sad community to share their grief. ISLAND Continued from Al Roeder called Jose Garibay a hero. "Jose deserved this and more," he sald. The shrine accumulating just inside the door of their home spilled out oas people k.epl arriving, bearing nowers, pected to open in August near the Kol pond. It replaces a I lall· mark. Judy Lee's, a women's clothing outlet, should also de- but at that time. designer Pampolina is also set to Judy Lee's offers upscale open early next month. Getting dresses in an array of colors. in- the retailer is a bit of a coup for · eluding many of the more off· Fashion Island, as it is opening the-beaten-track shades. The its first store in this country. shop ls Ideally suited for the out· Pampolina. fonnerty Rag Baby. is door Fashion Island, Lee said. near Haagen-Dazs. "I like outdoor malls," Lee The Picture People. also set for said. "It's a pleasant place where early April, is a Hallmarlc-owned people can hang out and have a chain that specializes in chil-good day." dren's portraiture. Opening festivities for babys-TO HANDLE THE HUNGER • lrit Avenue: Water and sewer problems were reported in the 700 block at 1:17 p.m. Sunday. DON LEACH I DAil Y PLOT Lance Fogel talks about his new salon at Fashion Island, First Cut, where kids can play video games wtule they get their hair cut. tyle have been pushed back to The shopping center is abo re· July. The store, only the second tooling the food court area at Is· in existence, is the outgrowth of land Terrace. In early June, Lhe an Internet retailer and catalog· center will unveil a new eating order business. It replaces Mu· patio that will bring a Red Hobin sewn Co. and Wahoo's Fish Taco 10 replace Forever 21, a clothing store for Mardi's, Theos & Co., Sbarro and teen and young women, is ex· Panda Express. • Pedfic VteW Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3400 block at 11:19 a.m. Sunday. • P.ninsul• Area: A low-flying plane was reported at 4:20 p.m. Sunday. • 32nd St:rMt end Beach Bout.wrd: A physical fight was reported at 3:23 p.m. Sunday. FAIRVIEW Continued from Al ·n 1e council ended up approv- ing the finaJ design 4 to l wilh· out a lower parking 101 and a connector road. It aJso discu~ed working with the I larbor Soaring Society to meet its needs while preserving the environmental integrity of the area. ~ime of lhl' environmental· ists accuse the society of a land 'nlE ... ,, NEW"• 2004 RX330 Now Available Come see the new EverWood• · CounlryStde blinds from Hunter Douglas. Overfapplng stars create a beautiful board·on·board design. And the 'step·up' look adds depth. dimension and character to any room. And EverWood CouncrySlde wlll not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even In humid areas 0t direct U'llifu Come see mere beaUlirut bllnds roday II I lg J r ............ .... .,, •......... ••11t ~ulll IN•• '414• ~AlDEN'S ftOOI Ql'r ~ C\lrfaM ~Cc t'63 "8c"""" CGlt&Mmi ,.,, .. 4138 grab and blame city officials for acquiescing to the society's re· quests Instead of negotiating with it. "What has been indicated is 1hat they have not needed as much land as they apparently say they need,· Vandersloot said. MThe staff was under Lhe im pression Lhat whatever the soaring -.ociery wants. ii should gel,M Othen. are not pleased that lhe design in this area calls fo r turf. ALLOWED Continued from Al Simona Garibay entered Lhis country clandestinely fro m Jalisco. Mexico some 20 years ago to provide a betler life for her family. She ha~ seven grown children, lives in a modest Weslside ho me wilh at least two olher families and does not speak English. She is undocumenled, and Jose was a resident, but not a citizen. UnJike other features the paper has done on extraordinary people who happen to lack cen aln paperwork. we did not receive any letters to the editor lambasting us for our blatant encouragement of illegal lmm1gration. In September 2001. after a Sunday feature on Lhe Job Center, we received an angry letter from Costa Mesa resident Sheree Manly for our coverage of the venue that "draws people to our community -and we have enough Illegal tmmlgrants that live In our community. "They're overloading our school• and not really contributing the amount of w es that they need to be contributing for all the services lhat they get,· Manly wrote. I checlted the manbox again today and there wu no such communication Crom our vocal reader about 'ose Garibay, who paid the uJtJmate price for the freedom of this country. I wonder if that makes up for the lackoftuar even Councilman Club Sled, ~o el~ tn 2000 panly "Turf is not compatible with that particular area.· Gielow said. ·u requires a lot of water, incredible amounts of water. much more than people really want to put In Lhat area of the park." Roger MacGregor, Lhe city contact for the society. :.aid the designated area for the society has been on the J:airview Parle Master Plan for three years. MacGregor said Lhe society does not have ils own area now and its new area. which is about 600 on the platform of eliminating Mlhe magnelsM Lhat draw these ·criminals" to Lhe community, has been silent about Simona Garibay. And why not? Maybe It's because even they know you can't compare measly real estate percentages with the loss of human Life. especially when the sacrifice Jose Garibay made for this country makes the resl of us "citizens" look like anarchists. "The Costa Mesa City Council is the problem, because Its votlng record has attracted undocumented noncit:iuns though our charities and the Job Center Into our rentals and schools, lowering the qualltyof our schools and affecting our property values and ow crime rate. This Is one of the is.sues I was elected on, and I am obUgated to foUow IJP. • Steel saJd ln January 2001. Well, he didn't follow up with me Thursday or Friday after I called to ask if Jose Garibay qualified as or those who •tower the quality" of this city. I wonder why? Councilman Allan Manaoor, who Is the son of two legal Immigrant parenlS from Sweden and F.gypt. hu long championed •wmllatlon for the foreign bom. Too many problerm-wfth communication and cuJture - are outed by people who do not leem the language and cbOOIO to function tn a teparate community. When asked Thunday what be thOUght about mona Gadbay'1 bavlf\I come Into thil country Wegally and then never leunlng the lanplgil. MIMoor uJd. ":there la an lppCuptiMe feet long and 200 to 300 feet wide, Is in a sparsely populated area of the part. "We never had a defined area before," MacGregor said. "It's not like we had anything. We're not really asking fo r anymore. They just mov~ it. M Some members of the envi - ronmental group also suggested changing the location of a bus turnaround so it doesn't talce away from the lawn area for pie· n.ics .that Is already th ere and so II is closer to the restrooms. place and time 10 talk aboul everything.; and now is nor that time: I pushed him a little more. but the law man didn't budge. He left me with this: "Many people couJd make points either way. but I feel that now is not the proper time to discuss that. The fact is, he paid the ultimate price for our country and deserves our respect." Fair enough. Left with a lack of recent quotes from Mansoor. l'U reuse one from March of last year. "When you have such huge numbers of illegal immigrants. you don't have people _ asslmllatlng, • Mansoor said in March 2002. "They don"t learn the language or aboyt our county or want to become American. When you have people coming here lllegalJy. they Jose out on all that this country has to offer, and that hurts them as much as the rest orus.· I would wager that Simona Garlbay's hurt right now has nothing to do with whether she apeab ~The only thing she has lost out on ls the chance to watch he-r aon grow older. Vocal dent Martin Mlllard, who ls known for h1s contentious views on race, also dedJned to comment about the lrony of a foreign-born mao giving his llfe for a country he wu not even a dtlzen of. Rx-Marine Millud. who Is the utbo1 of an electronic newaletttt and of m&ny freelance ardcla. aald he would write hit own thought.a abo\Jt lt. Apla. INCk wtth notblng new to ao on. J had to fall beck basket& of fruit, a.gs and cards. Family membera greeted guesta and then retreated Into the home lo escape from the •un( Vltltora ovedlowed onto tb 1treeta and Into neighbors' frOnt yards. gathering lo amall patches of ahade and occatlonally embracing, Tables of4onated food bad been tel out, and ice-cheats were ftlled wfth soda, water and bags or Ice. Local businesses had beard the news and joined ln. Taco Mesa. El Ranchito. Staples, Michaels and other businesses have donated food or offered discounts over the past week. Kinkos donated the large . poster-size picture or Garibay at tlle front of the house that had been quJc.kJy surrou.nded by a colorful dJsplay or Dowers and candles. Flores, back ln the neighborhood where she and ber cousin used to play, handed out handmade memorial pins with Jose Garlbay's picture. The pins read "Forever ow hero." and a little yellow ribbon was attached. •it's pretty ha.rd," Flores said. "But It is getting bener. • • CORAL WILSON Is the news assistant and may be reached at {949) 574-4298 or by e-mail al coral.wilson@latimes.com. Mall managers declined to dis- cuss lease rates. Along with the new shops. Fashion Island is adding 20 col· orfuJ murals and hand-painted images to public area& On Fri· day, artists hired by Duffy Fenton Art in Hawthorne were adding the final touches to the mwals. which are designed to resemble the "old world" signs of 15th· century Italy. MWe''le done milk wash to talce down Lhe brilliance [of Lhe colors).· said Bridge1 Duffy, from a perch in the aJr on a scis· sor Uh. ·we wanted an aged look, ID speed up Mother Na· ture • • MOL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politics He may be reached at (949) - 764-4330 or by e-mail al paul clintonr@/11t1mes.com Moqis said staff will not talce any more pubUc comment since Lhey were following council di· rection. .Ml think the plans look good, and hopefully, the Coastal Con- seiVancy will also think they look good and will go ahead and formally bless them, as well.· Moms said. • DBROREl'IEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574 4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimn.com. on old quotes, including one from Millard's essay, "Survival of the Most Fecund -In Praise of the Cockroach,· copyrighted in 2000, in which her refers to "little brown people~ or Mbrown invaders· who realize having . children is lmponant, while white people produce fewer children. Well, in the case of Garibay, that "lnvader" not only came into this country, but adopted its principles, volunteered to fight for its freedom and died representing it. Now, brown-skinned Simona Garibay has only slx children. Does that skew the demographics better? Westside resident Janke Davidson, who ls a longtime polit.lcal ally of Steel, Mansoor and Millard's, saJd her views on the lssue have changed since joining the city's Human Relations Committee. "fThe Gartbaysl are the best. They are the best of those who come through,· Davidson saJd. ·We a.re getting crowded. though. but once they are·ln, they are ours, and we need to take care of them ,• Davidson said. Davidson sent her heartfelt condolenca to the mother. regard.less of her legal ttatua. •1 wlsb I could say in Spullsh to forgive all of us in the community who have not 1poun well or your aon, because he a tnJe hero.· the said. Enough said. • LOUTA HAIW'IR wm.. ootumne MoncW(a. w.d~~ F~ end OO¥tta cuftuf9 and tN tftt.1>he tn-vbe ~ .. (Mt) &~18 Of by....,.,_. .. lo/lfa.,,.,,,.,. ....... oom. Daily Pilot S, I- d i- n g S, le l · 0 1e y. s- -d 1· •• ~e ce Ii- d , n- f'!'f ld ... 18 I of Jf n m ay at r1 r >n t. 0 d. - QUOTE OF ?HE DAY "Whe~ I was playing prof essionally, no one had as much fun as I was having." Ertc Woods, Daily Pilot Hau of Farner SpotUEAlbw RoaerCar1son • (949)574-4223 • Sportafu:l949)650-0170 DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH ancy Sophomore guard 's unrelenting work e thic helped Ora nge' Coast capture state crown. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot T he often-used phrase "leading by example,· could be an ideal descriptor for Nancy Hatsushi, the sophomore point guard on the Orange C.oast College women's basketball team that won its first state championship last month. Coach Mike Thornton's Ooor leader was determined to make the best of her last season at Coast. ·1 didn't want to ~I anything." said Hatsusb.i. the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Month for March. who was named MVP of the state tournament. ·1 tried to ~ the best out or my team. whether that meant passing COLLEGE WOMEN'S WATER POLO Gauchos edge Anteaters UCI sees 3-0 lead varush as UCSB nets winning goal with 0:1 8 remaining. SANTA MRBARA -The No. 15- ranbd UC IMne women's watn polo teUD held a 3..0 lead early in the .econd Period. but No. )} Smta Bubua raDled .h • dramatic 6-5 win Jn Mountain Pa· Qflc: SpolU Fedei'adon ecdon Sunday at ~ Brtn Lenk. a ~ of lntne High. ICOl'8d the pme-whjnlrig pl for the c.uaa (14·9, 2-4 In tbeMPSf) wtth 18 lecondl mnllnlnl to drop the Ant· aterllo l4·15.14 M : I lie Fentm llCof9d for UCI to l:nilU It 3--0, '"" the holta acored twtCe to cut the dddt to one by halftime. ua peppered Gaucho aoaJie Kristen McGlennon In the first two quarters. when lhe made n1ne other 10 aves. UCSB ecored the Gm three goals of the third peJ1od. but Erk:a Horman'a second goal or the day tied the ecore, 5·5, with 5:56 left ln the pme. It WU the ICMllltb wtn In their lllt eteflt llfMI tor u~ -' -. SEAN HILLER /DM.Y PltOT • atsus l the ball or running the Ooor.· Thornton gave I latsushi the freedom to calJ Coast's offensive Sets this season and she proved up to the challenge. Being a point guard requires a cenain degree of leaderstup and Hatsush.i has tried to live up .to that billing when she is on the Ooor. "I did it in high school, so I adapted easily," said Hatsushl a!Jout calling the plays. She played four varsity seasons at Costa Mesa High and holds the school's career assists record (675). "(Playing point guard) is something I thrive on. To see that my coach bas trust in me and belief in what he wants me to do, I don't get nervous.· During the state tournament run, players. as ~u as Thornton, continually noted the team's detenninadoo to wln as a driving force to the championship. Hatsushi demonstrated similar desire even TODl\Y SoftMI SCHEDULE Communhy a>ltege • Senta Ana • Orange Cont, 3 p.m. ~h Khool -Neviport Hatbor It Com Meu, Cotta Mesa ToumMnent 1hl~ game. 3 p.m.. ...... OoNege men-Azuu P9dftc It Vanguard Univer.hy, 1:30 p.m. CoMegewomen -v.nguwd ~ • ~ hdflc; 1:30 p.m. ~ ... ,.... High 8ChOol boya-La.Quinta. Coaa Meet. ~30 p.m. Gee • ~men-UCINN It ,__coe. ~MuPuriemc>GC, ~ ~cdegem.n-~Coelt It~ ·caeo.~ GC.11 e.rn. Hleh--bOVl-c:o.9 Mm .. f»lfJfV Chlpll, 2:• ~ before the season began A commitment to an increased off-season training regimen gave Batsushi more strength than she ha'> ever had and prepared her for the ngors the season b rought She worked out nearty every day. lifting weights and practicing her jump shot. anythtng 10 keep basketball in her rouune ·1 was more disciplined this year.· Hatsushl said. ·1 didn't ~ack off. I was in bener shape than ever.· When she's on the Ooor, Hatsusht said her main role is runniOg the offense, with sconng a se<:ond option. "Shes the best point guard l'w ever had in tem\S of being a leader and getting it done on the court," said Thornton, who completed his 14th season at Coast. "When we take her out of the game, we Just aren't SM HATSUStl, Pace A6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr atiw ht Datt Pilot's Alhlete ofthe ~ sanes lOOIW 11 -JIU~ ~ COllt Cptteve Goff.2001 " -~ MlllMle °'9,.e Co.I CollOI ........ 1001.·02 -----~""'----- ~i7honor• PAUL ORRIS Monday, March 31, 2003 A5 HONORS .MUstangs dominate·. selections Day, De nman earn top ho nors from Golden West League soccer coaches. ~niur<, Sharon Day and Devin Den· man. who helped the Costa Mesa High girl' '>OCCt·r team dominate the C.Olden Wc't League m the Mustangs' fir&t sea- '>Oll in the c1rcuJ1. top a do1,en locals rec ognt7.ed on the LOaches' all-league se· lecuon!> Day. a wn1or rrudfielder, 1s th,. Offen MVe MVP. while Denman, a semor 'Wl'eper. " the Defensive MVP. Junior '-,tacy Knkorian, sophomore<. NII.mi Duart6 and Jenny Sparks, as well a' fre\h111Jn Ja,rrun Day, represenr < o'IJ Me-..1 on the first team, which aJso 111cluc.Je, L'>tancia -.emor Ruth Olavero. I he wrnnd-team mdudes ~ix loeal ,1,mc..luut .... including Co-.ta M~ !>land oui... Karn Jenkin'>. Valene Gomez and RJdwl Honquillo, as well ru; Karleen < urran and \fanna Abdul from Esta11 c 1.1 ~hamn Day. who led the Mu:.tang' wtth 2Y go.th and 14 ~"'""' on their way 10 J 'hart• of lht• <.If Southern Secuon D1v1.,1u11 Ill 11tlt·. was a dominant force for Coat h Dan Jenk.inr,' squad Day helpec..I \lt·..a out'Rore (,olden \\est n vah. 78 2. t•n route to a 12-0-0 league re cord <,h1· 'harec..I \1VP honors m the Pa cific Coa'' Leaw..ie last <,t>a'>on and ~ aJ-.o a fir...t team All-PCI perfonner ru. a '>ophomorl• IX>nm;m. hl..t· l>a). a four-year varsity perfornwr, ant'hored a defense that pmtt'd IO league .,hutoUt'> \he wa<, fiN tedm 1\11-P< I la.'>I sea'iOn after earning 't~ond ll'am recogrnuon as a '>ophomore l>uant· wa_' a midfield catah">t. wtule <,park... fimi,he<l with l7 goal;_ Jasmin I )<Jy added 24 goals for the Mw.tang-.. \'-hile Mikorian was a 'italwan at fuJI batl . Duarte .tnd '-lparks were c;econd-team hnnoret" 111 the J>( L la!>t ">eason lenlon' and < 1ome7 were defensive 'tandou1 ... wtule Ronquillo contributed mo'>I 111 the midfield for < .osta Mesa. Ow M1Nang \landoul!. helpt'd Costa Me..a fimi,h 22 -1 i. by far the best ~a '>On Ill dw program\ history Ille leal{Ue title wru. al'o a fir...t for the Mt~ prognun. · Cha\ero playt'tl !>-Weeper. \'-hJJe Cur ran, a '>t'lllnr, Wll!i a standout midfielder Ahdul. .1 freshman, was an offensive c.llalY'>I for the Eagles. COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD UCI tandem 1 sets records School standards fall at Stanford Invi tational. ~IANlORO -UC lrvine sophomort' I rm Cun1c; and Junior Jenny Liou ~ c;chool records at the Stanford Track and Field Invitational completed Sun day Cunis won the pole. vault with a clearan~ of 12 -11 ~. besting the stand ard of 12-9,,., he set last season. IJou's nmth-place time of 10:47.01 In the 3,000-metu steeplec:base was nearly 10 aeroods faster than the school record she established tn 2002. She qu.all8ed for the NCM Reglonal Own· pfonships. 9CbeduJed May 30-31 11 S&anford. Outb had alteedy quaJ.i6ed for the NCMttgio Sophomore Suzanne Pwmort'a dme of l:Ol.91 in the 400 hurdles is the sev- enth-best rrwt in ua hlltOI)!. In men' ~ua~ llan'eD Tuzier ran a MUOO-belt l:.52.03 in the 800 junior 'n1iMs MOriloll docbd • -bell t'.3S.12 in the 3.ooo~ .. In . u OIWlt Mlild Meet. 00 .... lor JOn eww1 lb.tllied third In .. eel lOdi owirll in ... deaida with 6.259 pollll&. Hil .., ..... ....... Aaron~ -mah ID bit ..... .. 14th ~With a ICDl'I ol 5. 721. In lM ~ ""'* ... 5111. bd Wiii nlalblt-191 ~ ~ ..... a Amdliflt i1WJ*1 w ._ 1n bs ---121b .... (4.111). -------. - l I . . . _..... ................ .. "" . M Monday, Mafch 31, 2003 SPORTS PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAllY Pl.OT UC Irvine's Jon Horwitz (left), slides around Washington State's Jonathan Fender to steal second base during Sunday's game at UCL Cougars collect off UCI pen ANTF.ATER MU.PARK -UC lrvine used four pitchers to retire the -;ide in the ninth inning. when visiting Washington State broke a 2-2 tie to claim a 4-2 nonconference baseball victory "unday. 111e winning rally began with a two out double off Michael Koehler, who had retired the first -,eve n hiners tie faced after com- ing on m the sixth. Phil Tripoli re- placed Koehler and surrendered an RBI single to ·pinch-hitter Robert Sta.hlke. Jay Miller then 5inglecl off Ouis Nicoll to drive in an inl>urance run. before ucrs Keith Raulinaitis got the finaJ ouL UCl's Ouis Klemm scored on Gregg Wallis' fielder's choice lo tJe 11 in the eighth. Man Fischer went 2 for 3 to pace the seven-bit attack for UCJ. which fell to 11 -19. Ibe Anteaters have now scored two or fewer runs 12 times this ~a.,on, l 1 of those being losses. Nonconfer'MC• Washington St. 4, ua 2 Sc:of9 by Innings Wash St 100 001 ~ • 10 o UC Irvine 000 100 010 2 7 o MacKenzie, Kenyon (9) and Reddinger. Baeder 181; Freocn, &faoer (7), Koehler {71, Tnpoh 19), Nicoll (9), Raulinaitis (9) and Werhun. W MacKenzie. 2-3 L -Koehler, 1-3. 511 -Kenyon ( 11 28 -Baeder (WSU), Fisher 1uc11 HR -Fa11cenborg 1wsu1. UC/ catcher Jeff Werhun tags Washington State's Jeremy Farrar out at the plate in Cougars' 4-2 wil. HATSUSHI Continued from A5 the same team.· But in the 69-61 championship-game victory against Contra Costa, Hat.sushi led Coast with . 20 points, including hitting 5 of 6 from behind the three-point line. She holds OCCs single-season three-point percentage record (.448) set last year. "I hit my first three shots and he gave me the green Ught to shoot," Hatsushi said. "He told me to shoot more, so, when I was open, I tried to take good shots." Ibe rest of the time, Hatsushi tried lo get the ball to one of her open teammates. Hatsushi led Coast with 4.9 assists per game and finished third In scoring {10.3 points per game). while ~llecting 60 steals, second most among Pirates. She also led Coast with 30.1 minutes per game. /Yewk•A.1 Poem SE : 4-Door IMM11*1§*11 ..,.....,.,..., ... ... ~ .... a ..... ..._, ·~, .. . , .... Playing alongside five returners from last year\ squad, I labuslu. J first -team All-Orange Empire C...Onfcrcnce M>lection for the .-.econd straight year, <.rud that familiarity bred confidence throughout this season. "Everyone is good, M> I could rely on anyone," Hatsushi said. "We all kind of came together." Now. I latsu!>lu and teammates Undsey Galasso, Lauren Miller, Leigh Marshall, Candice Quiro1 and IJ/ Mendoza must part. Hatsushi is interested in continuing her playing and academic career at either Adams State in Colorado. a Division II university, or Concordia University in Irvine, an NA.IA school. She wants to major in kinesiology. No matter where she plays, hard work is sure to follow. · "I want everyone to play their best,· I latsushi said. "If I give 100%. hopefully they will follow my lead." Judging by this year's results. Hatsusru's lead was more successful than ever. /Yew~FI 80 XLT Su~ '13,914 WEWJ '''"G••••w•••u Sales "1ce: • o..i. • oe.c ~ m117. rord Rebate· ,,__ .... ...,.... ----. Cl'lllN.'* c.-c ,, a ....., IJonus C&sh: ru.an•···~,,... '20,97& MQllQ ·••aw -- · Ill Daily A Pilot Ill Sports HaD of Fame · Celebrating the millennium ERIC· woo.ns ... Corona del Mar Golf pro won three straight money titles, two while on Canadian Tour. Rlch•rd Dunn Daily Pilot H is game still has flickers of greatness. which keeps Bric Woods coming back lo the golf course, and, despite his age, his dreams alive. •rm 39 and still have an opportunity to pursue my dream,• said Woods, a Corona del Mar High and UC hvlne graduate who turned pro in 1988. but hasn't plajed regularly in about sJx years since his father, Richard. a longtime former Newport Beach CounttyOub member, passed away. At that point. Woods took over the family business, Cactus Pacbglng, and his golf career took a back seal awhile. "It's so awesome." Woods added. "You forget how nice professional golf tournaments are; it's your course when you get there. It's roped off, you get gzut balls on the driving range and all the balls you want to hit. the golf course ls in perfect shape and you've got caddJes, which ls the way golf should be. It's so fun. What 1 really miss is a caddie. If I had it my way the rest of my life, somebody would be carrying my bag. Unfortunately, right now, It's me doing iL • These days. Eric Woods Woods.who hasn't played competitively on a full-time basis since his father became ill in 1995, has kept the inherited business going. while opening The Golf Lab in Costa Mesa, an indoor practice Woods ls in the midst of a mild comeback this year after having played five mini-tour events and finishing no worse than 12th. He carded a smooth 63 earlier this year in a Golden State Tour/Pro Series event at Brooksjde Golf Oub in Pasadena. an indication that recent hard work is paying off. Once on the cusp of a promising career. Woods traveled the world in search or a good time. which, if enough rounds In the 60s were factored In, became a great time. "When I was playing professionally, no one had as much fun as I was having.· Woods once said. ·And I had enough taJent to make enough money to pay my bills.· As a playing pro, Woods traveled to South Africa and South America He played on the Australian andAIJa tours, then in 1993 and '94, he enjoyed back· to-back years of winning the Order of Merit. u the money list is <;ailed, on the Canadian Tuut. In '94, Woods led the Canadian Thur in low-sttoke average and captured two tournaments north of border. His apot on the tour's alJ·dme money list continues to open doors if be'a Interesting In playing. "l get to play in almost ~I want to play in [on the Canadian Thur,)" said Woods. a former CdM football quarterback who pla~ golf in Canada earlier this year for the first time In quite facility which bas been focusing lately on cwtom putter fitting and custom junior golf club fitting. "I love teaching and the technical side of golf," Woods said. "I'm intrigued with it and enjoy learning about equlpmenL I'm not so much into changing adults' equipment as I am with kids.. At this point in his playing career, Woods isn't trying to win any more money titles. but he'd like to return to '94 form. "I don't care if (the moneyl 1s Canadian. I'm going to play in anything where I th.Ink I can make cash at,· said Woods, who has a 14-month-old son, Daniel. "It's hard. I love golf and I feel I have the ability to make a Uving playing golf. But. right now, it's not realistic, because I've got a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. I'm doing what I think is rtght. It's not wise to walk away from a profitable business." Woods. who won the South American Tour Order of Merit In 1992 after contending for the championship in five of seven events that year. has never owned a PGA Thur card. but pla~ in the 1987 LA Open as an amateur and the 1991 AT&T National Pro-Am at Pebble Beach in 1991 . A longtime CdM resident, Woods ls the latest honoree in the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame. ~ llollca 2640 l.eoal N«im 2MO 1.ep1 Mallca 2MO Lepl Mobca ~AIUUW) "••t••n•llnt" ., 1•110, ORANCC CA en JlllCW. Pf~•d v qua llldrtoell 9:l86J 1!170 ll"• IJ\tod l.llllit man 2 The name, eddr•~ ll8EOIO DI fAMl.IA 1•11111111 lumonr "" do and l•Mlpllor,. numller of NOTICE TO Rl !il'(JN •b°K•do V la• ll»t" SI p1t1t1un1r'• attorney c.. OENT· (H•mo) (AVISO ou 1•u•tt~ P•k•• 11, pellhoner without •n Al 0 [MAN 0 AO O <min llllf I• '""•nta attorney 11 (Et nornt.re (Hombre) CRf G!, t: '""' •l• I• dormend• Pl~ 11 d•nccron y el nu•n~o W~ TCRS •I ••tu"" de I• fllfta de telelono del 1bo11do You are bom~ \Ued A q.,, '• d•· un lnr mul•no del M m Andante, u del ualed 141 ntan d•rnand dr ••unt<All<111 do l•a dlm•nd•nto que no 1ndo. 1111"" •\ 1Wd•v•r ul Cuull 111111 abO&•do, "'' PCTITIOfCfR S N"MI I'> r • .-• •d L•1tl\)' SHEll 'f MARIE SAHllLLI, El NOM81tf OH or \1 11n.., .,b11nor 11191 COR81NA lN MAHOANTE CS ~Hlll y •011·~1·• l•1•I t<imun1 •201 HUNl ING TON MARI£ SANTll LI ll·•»• •h """•d••lll LUO BCACH CA 9264!1 (11•1 CASE'. NUMBl.R (Hume••> "" •b111•do MO 89M del C1$0) OllDOOOS.I NII 1111 I hr •~ tr •ln111t 0111 1 JAN 21, 2001, y.,. hava 10 fl\UN nnl•r\ "" 111~ l>atk •rt Al.AN SlATla deril, lty OAR DAYS all., 1111• I'" •f' •I •1•1n t bnth MAaG AllTA M ON Summon• .ond P•ht...,1 hu•l•••ul .ond wile """I T AMII , O•fl"'1Y Pub afe wrved on yt1u tit t1f.,. '""' I rt ttfJn n. 11 ·"" · ... d. II heft Hewport 8f'•t h a Respon"' 1101111 t 1 • 11•1~•·"""' • •lllered Cn\lill M•• a Oatly P1lut 120) •l lht 1 11url u 111 I"' 11 • • nur I nl 1k8' .Marc11 i• H Apr1I /. serve a copy 011 th•· lurlht• 11111" l11t\• 14,2003 M669 pehllon .. 1 I\ 1~11,. °' ""'',. •• • ~""·' • uhl• ,.., .. , -P'TllCI pho"e c 1U .will lH tOf11th11,,. 10 c thfornia """"""•• 11 protect you Ly '"' 1 .... "nl0<telT'••1t SUllllOetS OM If you do nnl IM y.,uo I ull•l~• "'""II.a• r~utwtd "•~on.u tu• tuof> u,, of ,.,.t d t;.opy ot them CIOS~ court may m•k• u•der• llVl'.O L•·· 1>rnh1br ((JTACJOMAlllQAL) 1flect1n11 ~ut rn"rr ••~•. 1 11111"' pld1t 1•1•' que NO flCF 'fO CROSS your pro1>111ly ond ,.,,., . .,., "' •n•• ''de OllOUlA,NI!. (Avl\O "' t U'lolody of yo.,, <l11ldttn "1" ''~· 1011 . ''" ~•~c A<u••do 1 MOHAMCO You m.-y be 1>1d~reJ to '·'"' f' "" AmbCI\ lnri [I 1,Af I 1nd1v1du•ll'f pay Sul>VU't and "'' • t vr•' 10"11' <'I °'puw MOHAl\otfll llf.A(I db• ney fen ind • u· t' II '""'0 IA •'""' 1 h• ·1• £M&l 1 Nt.INH RING "OU cannnt 1••v 111, '•l111u I,,.... 1' f't'flf u.o \flfl r • AN(1 RO{ S I lhrt•U2h l !>, fe•, •~k fhtt C h:tk f1H It frq f\1<4/ td e • l" 'lu tr UOil lrU hJ' ...... ••• •Uiver 1 .. ,n °1' "''" 1111•1 ,. 1·• •• ,,.. '(()U l\Rr Br ING \UI 0 If you w .. 11• ~,.~,. e•t• rl.t "''''u' OUI\. BY ( RUS4"_j COMPlAI~ edvtc•. lont• t,. 1 •• , .. , "'It "'1 • ,. Oil htt\ ANT immed1at,.1y '"' h1h•t ,,, r.. i>ue dtn t A Ud t~ e't,, dem•nd Usted tiene JO tnA', h' • 1 t l .rn11 tirrn andu ' l ISA M ITfS CALCNOARl\l\ d• 1 ·~·. '"'1'1"" µ•rt• d• PAIHll I\ de rec1blr ufh. 1111rn~"'l" f 111'"' 1 1 P"' t 1JJlt4ltit:r Y1>•• '"t"" j(J CAt f N esta C1l•1 ion IJdu 1.-1 y ••'t"llte ile.-i '''ddn µublu n DAH (JAY~, .tfter lht'l pehuon P.tf It t * ·1 1f , .. , qur '' "·'l'" r '"t h1'11' 0 \umn1hw. 1'\ "'wed 1111 y pre~ent.tr u f11111,11 ~:~ 1 1':' 1 wt• tu 41111 • "''''• Y•'IJ t• t11,. • tyJ,tf'Wr1ttttn l•r10 de R~,nur '• tf'~ou• .. 11111 tflt\Cuurt (Re\C)On~e form fl .JI 1 11'"' H·•fnr " '1 .ult• t;· :. I A l11ttft r ,,, hone t Jll t I t u ul 11·• '""'' 1 111 I' an c; • LUf t "1 ' tr1J 1 w lll ll&Jt pr•>h~< t y~11• o una llam•d• 1 .. tdnn1c J 1111m11t ... " tto ... 1'1011 d~ ' , tt no lt1 01, ... ,.,, P'·•t• 11 111rt,. .... nHANGE !~::~i·eYP~,~~'1 "~"" '~n ,><in r u Ii ~ I , • l I' I H 10 ~ ' ft)l)I( I I Aa.~11 ( I AW Jlrn1>r1 ''-•I l•11m 11 ~uu S1 ustt:d nt l>'.., .. ,. w 'H1 Httt i:O,Jrf t•t hr"'' ,u Re'l.j)ue\I• , •·~•••IJ·• 1 •• ~I t1PI kA JttlN!>, la corte puocl• r.r·~d , 14 I 11( I 11 Y OlllV[ or!len~ Qljf al•~'•" .hl! I'll' t Uf f If l 1111)( Poli('\' m•y low th• UM. -'lei Y°"' ••CH tne>ney •11d ptQOetlJ m ay M ti.ken without lurlf\er warmna from the (Ollf I Th.,, 111e other M&lll req1m1ment' You m•1 want tu ull all •ttOf ,,., 1111111 •w•r If you do not know an attorney vuu fnly c•ll •n 1tt0<ney ••"" ul • ~rvk• or • teaal 11d oHito (ll~ttd in the phon• bo..i.1 0~'1)UU de QUI If tnt• •ru•n ut1 c11.~1u11 jud1<.l1I usl•d t11ne un plMln de 30 DIA!> CAL rNOAHIOS para pre•en t.ir un• •••runt• .,. 'rtt• 4 m1qu1n• en t~t• '"''• uu~ t .. ,,. u un111 ll•m•d• lt'l~l<in•< • 11" l• ofrecet d prOt•lf mn \u '"'PUP~ta ti!~t.flt• • maqu1n1 t1ene Quo cumphr · .. n In formal ltUde\ t.rale' •ptOplll Ila. ~· U\l•d 11u11re QIHI Id "COtt• •\f'Uth• .. u 1..A~O ~1 u•led no present• •u rupue,la • t1empo, purde ptr~r ti LOO y IP pueden qUtlill "" \•lar ..,, ~u din .. ro 'f otr "' • u•.a'd• 'U pr up1~d•d \tn ill/1\0 ttcftLtOOdf IJOf •'•rte dr l.t c orte l J. t~ttrn ntt "' reQut•.• to• l~i•I•• Putd4! qu• u•led Qu•f'rll llamM ll un ~.~0111do 1nmcd11t• Rlf"Ote ~· no f OOOCf" • un dbv&ddu "Jed• lldm.tt • UO ~.ftf Vl~IO do rderttn1 t• de •boe•dO\, u t .,nd ofK.tn• d• .-yocJa. tf!&. .. I Cvt ... , d1tet.t•1f lO trtt-fon11. r,J CASI NUMlla, (Nv..,ere 4el Ce") 02<COSS94 JUDGI UNDIU L WIUUNSON DlP'T. C 19 I-lo\\' to Plaee A CLAss1Fm AD lh Fax 1114 1i1 td l-f't'ill4 •f'fc,,.,,... u" lwlc.." "0•11 n.11tu Jt1d t~' ,,,.. '"ll"~" r .u.11 1111o• II" 111 tKJ .... \ "'Ill .I •ii 1. I '4 lh PhorH' f l/-11> I 0-12 C.(, /'I\ II our~ lh 'lail/ln l't·r~on : \ 'O V..:,1 B." \tr. .:t ( .,,t.i \.k,a < \ •12< .:! i .\t "l1·v.1"1n R"d ,\ H.n \1 Mond11y, M&rch 11, 2003 Dt•<ull i rw~ \111nd:i\. l·nd.1\ <; I 111pm Tm·,d,1\ \1rn1d,I\ ~ llOpm \'vl'dlll''d,I\ rul· ... d.1~ 5 ·(lOprn Thur,J.1:-\\l'dnl·,JJ~ " ()I tp111 I nd.t\ I hur'-lfJ\ "iOOpm \,tlu1tl.i~ •1J:.1~ \ llllpm Rjll'' .ind di:adltni:' J H' ... uh1ct1 to th.uigc "tthour 11<1111..i: The puhh,hcr re't'f'\l'' the ri~hl lo •l'll't•r. rl'l l.t''"~· rl'Vt~e m n:1..:1.1 .111~ l..la"1l 11..·d advcnt'l'nll'lll l'k.t'o(' rq,nn .111\ l rror th.u m.1\ tx· m '''ur dJ"1ltl'd .1J 1111m..:d1all'I\ fill' 1)·111\ Ptlnl .Kll'ph nu ·h.1htltl\ fur .111\. l'fTnr tn ,111 adH~nl\1..'ntn 11 l11r "'htlh 11 111.t\. 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'llttO 14 • .10 .. "' S7 900 "'• up 10 • 1.,. ~ • .., .. .-.u ,;. TOP$$ 4 alCOIU>S £TC j ,..-t""'" M \JCJl'Q ""' l l'O l /9•"1:> wa:s SllqJX> "" •nlttl•1n1n11 In rrut .Im, a.-., (IL 'D\ & 8:h -50.t S'r 9llJ "9\SC w.., c°"'*!ron . .all ch•m & no Ill Mio!; ~ tube "'V Sieve I '50 O'li .. te & S2f. 'OJ ...ir SI? 'DJ tllU! S«-..o.d IJ• """"' Mikt 90 6•'.i 7SO'i Mwrln 600 SerlH 40 I l•.1 CotT'C 1~ Ser~• (J)'i w.plf>nty o( .,.rt.inc. w dt~ wt~ Lro 1., & -.l $449 ID> ""' .a ~ca1111 fQUAl llOIJ5llG I """ lmm•Lul.al• $1000 Wll11 (ID>J l'1l "'"' C.tl now !Im buuty wont OfPOITWITY oJbO '.M!I b} j ()94A Business la\l !fl 888 108-611 All rul .. ,.,. •dvor Opportunities U-""4 Beach t"1n1 1n lht\ Mw!oPllPf'r ART/ ......... .,..., 1s •ub .. tt to tht fedtr.at paiNTIHGS 'JN:ft Businesses and f aw Hou\lnl "'I nt 1968 N '1UVU fflOCfliSIS 3905 '' amended whlt'1 ----m1i..u 11 1lla1al to ATilNTIONI 1d•nwttu ·any preler CAM.,... Mob"' ..,,.,,.,, enc a, ltmrht1on or 8PAuhl11I '""'' '"•lie d1s"1mtnat1Vn ba\•d on ~ r•ic-"" ul IM",.... race colO< relraron ...,, '> ,,,.,,.., "n •'•"'""" h1ndkap fe111•ll1I '\tatu' i:Md A $121< wall• U or national u1111n 1)1 •n Jl!i(ll 714 '.11• .i'U41 Intention to m ... a anv su~h preferenu. h1111t1 tlon or cit~· 1m1natlon • This Mw'9lfll' will not t.nowlnaty a<e4tpl HOME FURNISHINGS 11111 •clverllwment tor fu1ntture r .. I estate which IS In ---- WIOlltron of the, l1w Our r11deri •r • htr•bY lnfMmed th•I '" dwell tnp •dvert~•d Ill th•' lllw\4)apet •<• auli.blf on •n aqual 01>9Nt11nlty bests To cornplaln of drt Ufmlnlltlon, un HUD tolt "" 1t l IOO '2• 1590 1'83 Ol.w Sty4e F""""" ~·~ .................... ......... ~·Ollt•,........ .. CAltfMIDU .............. Wl9UYISTA1D ............ ......,_ .. ,,,,_ ..... ~ Krc -brxlll cw. ~-d. w~ ----d.n wrod. $10\' l)l)o 11~~ JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECM>US METALS <-•t c.6to Nee4• Old CC>fMI Gnld, '~"" ..-rry w-1dla. iont~ fl)l~t1bi8 96 6'12 M4ll 3110 •••••••• cH f'llt:StAJI 11m .. s ,, ... ,....., ..... ~00/t.G Al~.a..v-.• ( ........ ·····41 t .u u •••••••• .. ,,._ .... ----~ ........ ..__. ...... r"""" tlllnlf 98'44-.1719 ... ._., .. _GA/ .,,, ....... --:,-- WI MAVI QUMND lllY1ltS. ~ conr doNt~ ""' ,. of ,...,, ~ '""""" wt...nw twlllhy or II Ollbltd with no IClfr ""1 ·~ l .. ~ "'5ar1.t1H '.M9 831 1010 AISOlUTI GO\OMINll 60 v1ndm1 m.c:hlne• with uollent locations .... "0,: SX>ZMDJZ HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY NIWUllOOU CKU111nt0tn UNDll $650.-00 A•T. SHf.7U..atto ConmdllMlr ....... ea-Shot'• llolM "°' ts.. .-oi. full •c••n wl••· 11.m .000 ,,. Mir Act --c.. tM c:it-ltaltJ 114> ma 1 1 Greet Newrerl .....-~ll!t• ,.,.. and ·~ .. ·97 f10U0"""1 luti:Mn, t.v'5h births, ..._ •Y ~ lul 1IKU'1ty ~~ room to •JIPe.S. ~ $899 000 196!>,000 Oon ~ • C)f)6'i6.9CS1 ll'tttMI HTAUS P'AntK• RNOtll NA ftONWIDI USA Ht..aS ... t 70S ..-pallklltenota com .............. 1~ ~ §58&. 5634 ,, 11..25 Ml Br\lW 9&2!>1 94M -..-..rty.cq OClAN & IAY VllW TIHNKI W1U A.MAU YCMtt A8T. Ht-7U-ft20 UOO ISU ttOMIS 14US'19MS .. IATNKU AOT, t .. -Jtt-Jdl ...... Cmt Of'DUUtl 1-J .............. O.n:. f!eltd comm MS1 .... ........ ....., ... l .r.ba, Suede.....,.. ''·'" .... OPUS WM l ·J ltellan •tJle ~ ......... ,, .. ll,000 •• tt.000.t. SJ.AH .... °""UT I..& StUllMit nnM'C WflK'llnl 9roc*fleM home, lluilt 111 2000 ,_ • °''-AfJ prorJIUGlf .. ~ .. .... "",,_ ..... .... St.f_..._., Mt 11• 115' lndt•x t1Wt 7402-7466 ~ IOOS·&SlO ¢; 900CH7SO le-~ ........, a--4. MlSCEUAHEOUS 7 '' 0t ' llJI .,. 'l • t.e I f">C>'J wd lh. l4' p.¢c· 1 RENTALS no.pet,..,.. t 'f' ...., ••8" -------1~I!>~714~ /lfifl RenlJI To Share 6030 Costa Mesa l SI... CM 71>• I 'lb• lwnllm \harP w younc prnl tem flpk l>o1< $1'>0 2446 lid.on 90'l 789 3'06 .......,.._..Jo.,elb< 2ba _,, w. PfUf O<:u n & bay -ws $100 mo • 111 ut1t !M9 JOO. Y!llJI Rooms lof RerC 60.o ..... lrom s111•, "' w 1 w on '°""'' C*lf'd u..,W'f, nt"M Trt So•t ITfdre Indy l~y ......... 1 Mr.. 87 7 704 86o4'l • 920.l lit I I<, new c lltp•t & parnt cvrd <•<po<I lll lbtti Pl1ce •3 SllOO mo no prl• 949 110 9-41.' ----,,, ....... 1 •• , ..... lafl••d ya1 d w d bon~ Ill>' mce fle•rnbo< hou<I nut >llOPl>in& , no ~" Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each \Veck For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 BAYFRONT Commun ity H-t... View "-• 1t;°; " , arr r .. ""'~ ll('W 111p• "' dette· "" ~• SnNiJ,o /I('> ~ ,"Ul f<i..r t., r•lflfl\ '"'"t. "lat .. ""0 d -... '''-' .. pn• ~"9'.bn •n ,,, .-lo- 1 ......... ..,....L1e& 1 !»& .. ,. .. ...i '" ~ '°"""-.. PIA" '418. p"1 .,. d s:J1J)..... ..it. ~ .eu 1 .... 0 ..... IN>911Yr I I e eyfT..1 .......... Ul>P"' umt on h:Mfh·• w lhl•f do• to. 1 blk\ to b<h H'w ib• If' wd •c wu ,..,~ Ref'Qls Wll1ted 7880 WAHTID I " 1~ .... ft~ • CfVl{)i f I ............. ~ .. 11r. w• ""' ~ • v, .. .... .., ~ \ITllt ........ IT\W'llW'lld -."° R-•~.. ......... t:Jl: .. ~ IC* SELL 1 1 IASTSfDl CM Townhome Cr~at private room & bath • .,y cl~an C 1<111. •Id, n1p•I• '•m~1. fem•le puf d please $700mo.+ 1 /rulls !M9~~ SIJOOmo~S·m l l'al4e 21r 11• "-•• l-~.!!!!~~!!!!~~E~~ .... ~~· ta yacd, 2 ~ ,., MW I • ,., OOtl< & •All n1 s..m""' 'Wl '·ll>fErl•I your stuft tlYough classif1ed1 RESIOCNTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY peint. tutdlen. bldo & rnof Sl!Jal.mo q1&36A'811JB ~:::::1----========================:::!:::::::::::::::::=:::.;::::::====================; ...... • 2..5ba. 2 \ty condo tWlb -Ir ...... """' porbo 2c ... .. 'd S225()no 9'*9-J'b.«Dll ...,t .,._...,....,.""'.b 2..5Ba. nt. ria. trdood rn. nu ltA. .., w,....._ a rn11 rm. sz..m---~ •YUlll • llASU llll IOINNDY MAI. f~S t4f..U'Mt•• STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Pilot Al Moitdax. M1rch 31. 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE -3 t &dor 49 Sectol 33 f'oolball ~ 34 OonlltflCJ 5 t ·vou ean oou111 ..,. r 62 ,Cl>HIUl4!'f 35 Met•' stadium 37 FIU\c 53 PAle<'e CO!rilnCCI 39 And ti Bonn 41 Zeto ~ rr1111wt1y ramp 55 Mllnlhly '2 Rcc+s 44 Minlalllre, lb 56~~ •deg 45 Cliatt• 011 B.vcetooa 59 R80c1tt 48 Fixoo too pilot 47 Cny noar t<yoeo 8500 CUlllCAl Ne..-tl tu II I.,.,,. pc• "Sbn to if*\.!tl\l with V.UlOU ... dutoP• M,,. r b• i!blP lo '"'"'' .01 le.-t SOwpm .,. • w .1ttly on cornpult"r PH\~.:,-, .-.1ron1· • 11~ lnmfl'• \et •oce ~lull·. ~nd b• depe1ulAbl• ~9 1'~1 hOUI f" • ll•Oll b~n et11 '"'o ~ .... ~ r Of Send '~"11110• lo Judy Oet1111g < " Uaoly Point I ID Wl'\I B •V Sir e~l C "~'" Me' 1 CA 'U6J I "' ""'aol to ,,cty ·~(u>L-.twres.rfftl G...d offk. f~ pos Salar v S8 101 ht .air~ lo r•p req ""1lt ~ Mr.N•;..ft w.ldOw\ & plea\;tnl ph n\3flflef'> Conlad 949-M? I llll ~fll-11mA1 I '"""'"' <itt.~ Pf <4 'ii 'S.Vy Ulfrt"'""' ale w ••P I .1• ,..., to 949 67<> ?Ill 0 11 • ll•<•ptlonlst/ Admiftktrotlve Anlstant """''""' fo• ·• h•"Y Real I''"'' f lfm on 1 dgttna kl • 11 I n>~•o •,lulls a mu I on~ lull time , ... , ........ & ""~ '""' llOll' w....i.t'ttd P<Y•h •• .tv 111.11* I Hl '"""""' '" s l '"''°" .1t'W:IM4 \1171 lt.-aµliulkt/,..... atiea61 llu-.y ~I U.....t> Real 1 \l.ot• ,>if>,. S.tl.Jry wm mt-n\111 att> "W l!•I> fax r<N~ne 10~1,r.:.11~ Rut°"ronl Ant. Ge,..rol Mgr./ IOH UP'' tl1· Doo~r m Ncw1>•J1 t Be.11 h '~rks '1 ,..tltve t-'.11 ~h·t11•n&.t'd .rntJ 1 e>ronn\lhl~ /\GM IM BOit Ol'S lo c uni mu~ to Wow" our ( USfOO\t'I '\ W C,, k tlu ely woth GM 111 all ,.t\pt:t.f\ "' t>u•.tn• ~'\ K11uwledge of lood a.HrJ-1 hnf' t'llJ 1n vl'ntury & "'deiuo~ r~. ·~ 94'11111141 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCti ANM\'ERS TO WEEKLY BIUJ)(.;£ QUIZ Q I • ~ Soulh. vuh1'.'fllblc, you hold • A J It t ' 6 A t S • -\ ~ 1 l The bKklioA II.ls proc~ SOU'lli Wt:.'t'T NORTH .:AST •• t'll!i& 2• ..... ? What do you bid now 1 A · If )OU pt.ay that a tv.1)'1)ver-0ne ~puoliC J..\ ~forcing. ~ou ha~t a nmrfonabk 11\rtle club n:httl. If ncx, 11 " ti:mpting to ju\T)p to four clu~ 111 \how yoor 1>1rcnglh. but thal h>JlU-'-<oCS lhrtt no u:;;::t;hich oould bt your only le game Rcpnlk~ of lllrtho<h. btd tfwc CIUflt and hope for the belu. • Q 2 • Neither Vlllrierablc. as Sooth )'OU hold: a KQJ6 A8 KQ87J •112 Ille btJd11111. h11!> JlfWeeJcd SOtrltl WL0,'1' NORTH ~St I 1•11511 2• PaM Whal Jo you httl now" \ · "'"''!ht-llfll)' '><.'\jUCO.C V.hcl'l' J rdnJ ul J ITldJUI 'u11 no,. v.-ould nu! he It revrf'<:. ,lt<•wmg ntrn 'trcni:th With wch a 'trung >C\. un<lary 'ull. hrd 1 ... 11 'radc' () J. 11., '>outh •ulticr..ihlc. yo)U ti.11<1 Ill 7 6 I\ (}'IS • I\ IU 7 3 nic h1ckhng h;10, Jlll 11.'l~ded· Nrnn II Y\S1 SOlmf WK,, •• ....... 111.·1 ......... l1' I Pile"' 7 \\ h.11 lk ttnn Jo )OU JllM'' i\ -l'anncr\ r:u .. c: 1' 111v1muonal. a,1-111~ you lo hul ~illtk.'. 11 )'l>U an: tn th<' upp:r run~c for )'.')Uf rt:\p<lfl...: ell 10 prnnl~I bu1p.l\\11 you an: in 1bt luv.-cr nmgc (f>. 71 Smee you have the lormcr and J .:ouplc or tcm 10 h.1o.11. nmttr1ut• on to thr1.'t' no ll\1mp Thr btddmlt 1115 l)f'l)Ceedcd: NOICTH t.ASl' SOlTJll WE.'t'T •• .... % ,.. J• ,.. 'l Wlm.t do you bid oow? A • You al'l' 1n the slam z.oot. but an ace-aslo.tng btd will not help -what would you do if penncr \how~ tv.o aces'' You could easily ha~t two ftlSI los<m in htaru. Make an advance cue-bid of four clu~ and. ~Id pal'lnCI coopcnale by cue-bidding fwr i-tu. take your ctwncCi by leaptn& Cu )Ill 'pack) Q 5 ·Both vulnerable. & Sooth yuu hold. •KQJ74 965 Kl •A87 1lic btddmg ha.s l)f'OCCCdcd; SOUTH \\'f.St N<>Rl H •• .._ 2 2• .._ ·'· J f>a!'ilj ... ? V.h111 do )OU bid now' A -When ~~ponder bt<b IWu will> and lhtn Jump r..u!I('~ your ~uu., II guurJlltet:) a 'ingleton m t~ unbid •uit. A~k for ace) by b1d<l1nt,', four no trump, and bid ~h 'lldl"-'' 1f partner \hilW\ IV.-0 Q 6 • Both •ulner.ihle. •L' <;t)Uth }OU holJ • K(.1 10 AK 10651 Qll •'1.l lbe btddmJ?. hru. r1~J SOl/fH ~·~· NOM'l 11 t:A.\, I r.. 2 .._ 2, PIN 3• "- JNT I'll."' 4 r- What do you bid now·• A • A good chunk of your holdmg hasju.,1 been wipedout0 Partner\ hand I' likely IU be fhl' di11111011<h. four dub-., three hean' und one q>OOe, ma~111g your 'p.ide hoklin!! almo\I ,,.orthless. Pa.\"' .,. A&llDrnative -,orv--.-tt-.-.oo--v-a_w_h_1_t•-/ L..t "-~7 ~ SC7 61'.11 mo, daft< areM/lan l•n, auto, handelin1 pke. lthr, cbll mnrf. real ,.,,.., l2k mlles. S32.500 Nt.w ~ts r• ,.. ro. superb .Pllfl area 949-64-4-0064 on1 cond -..51291 $12.995 909-24() 00J0 Cdl finanane &, Win av.111. 8lo.r Dode• '97 Intrepid Spud J 5 V6 47k m1, wh1te/11r Py ont ea• a11ed n/"> hkt new S6m flnancme &. warr •va1I 8kr 949 586 1888 949-516-1111 WWW "Cp'+' - Morcedu '96 C210 beautiful black/ueam fully lo1ded ~howr oom. .Vout. $10.9(. 71'-751 2461 Autoolotlve 9004 OwysJer '96 Solor .... LXI (;onv V6. 54k mo ) yr w.rrt .tYd•I >P3r~~hn~ bW./ lu 11111 CO wp.-rb hk• u~w lOnd vl'i97;>1 S69'1.> Ion ''""ol Bkr 949 ">!II; IH88 WWW.~.·- -.e<pobl.<- DODGI NlON '2000 50k~ mo 1001< tac warr. 5 sp blue. er ey mlt11or •m Im td i-. Ol8"' cond ~ tro ..,.. ea.r V/116Hl Mt-516-1111 _..........., Ford '95 Tovnn Cl shO..,fOOm c..onll, whol~ fully loaded pwr ~•I\ $3500 714 751 7464 ....... lOI v ...... ..,. Dark green. good xlnt cond I SK/m1 warr rema1111n1 Prtced to sell $70 950 9$JIDZ&> Jogvor •99 XICI c-v 3'1t. m1 lull taclory w111 sparkhJIR blalk/oatme~I llhr. CO lhrome whl•. like nPw 11677295 SH 995 lln11mn11 auol Blt.r 949 586 1888 -·~··- Mercellu 't9 1320 31k mi. whotefe•ey llhr, mnrl chrome whls beaut hk~ new cond 11572241 S?6.995 Im~ 8kt 949 581). 1888 _.,....._ Mercellu '99 S:S20 LWB 5211 m1. l yr "'"" av•tl, 5olve1/blk llhr beau I Of 11 cond, 11875241 $26,995 hn.anc..•ne .a•11t Bkr 949 S86 1888 www. • .. _ MercellH 'II 560 Sl whole/tan. tmm1c Mu. "" ~ ,_ d q>. dnml!!I. Sl4SD 714151 ~ ............ ~lS '00 ..... oo1 te.J""" .. 1t•lr•• hk~ new. Oflg o-, nofl/vttlu $13,99!> #4lun<.l)6 fl(> 714-9~ 'i7!ii"ust~ c_., UC 4 cyl. rebuilt lr•ns Aini c..ood or111 owners Sl795 obo/cam 949 642 3368 -·~ HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS Service Dlrectmy ~nting -NOllCI TO REAOI. RS C•hfor n•• law re QUH..., th.ll rootr a1 IOI' lakmr '"b' lhAt total S'\00 °' mot• (labur or m<tleriah I ~ hc•n"'" by th" Contra< tn1s Sl.ilr· llrl'n't• Rn~rd Stal~ l•w al\O rt'qUHf'\ lh•I con Ir 11 tnr• oncludt l~tt lrc.env numb~• oo all •dv .. rh•.mg You can r helk lho· •t.1tu' of your l•tf'n•f'd co n I t • < I or' ft I -w nib ca anv or 800 J?l t:Sl R Unh cen~ed cnntritctor~ telllrtl 1nb\ th•I total IH• lhdn ~500 must stale in lhetr 1d1re1 l"emenh lh1l they are nnl hcenud 1111 the Contrulori Stal• LIC'ense Bo.ird fM'1'f9G 111..S ttlkt*I I lWtl I Rernollr!I -.-...~ Mffl'I '1-trt; CJ&645.9l15 11art11111n1 • ......... Carpentry A TO Z HANDYMAN ln•lall rrl<flP • dblllrh KftLtff\ 'ball\ .... > ·wr.0- •noldlrv. f)>Uf' 114 !J.1t> n5A -•wo" Unttt • - lu..,lom Hutll "'' ftnwn Mnld1ne· R•-. llo~1 d I •577982 949 709 SM? Carpet Repair/Sales CARPIT CARPlT Repa"' Pat,honr '"''~II Cnur l~o"' •nv .11 .. 1ob' Whol•••le' 9'9 491 020!> Concret8 Ir Masonry lrlclo lloclo St-Tllo Cnout-le. f'alw> 0rnrr'W3y r 11ttpk:, BBQ Ref \ 25Vr · E~e Teur 114 55/ 7594 carpet Repair/Sales D & W C,rpel Cleaning l ~Cleantno 7~awtetseivu S20~roomSl5~ ~.Jert&~ Sabslacflon r.uaranteed Wtnltf 941)-11~ 1 lt,)4 °"1d 949 US-Olf>4 Cleaning ERVICE CUSTOM ll(MODll ANO DESIGN All IRAOf S, 30 Yr ARS r )(p I• 1.17169 9<19 fill ll45 NlfDiiOif ROOM? AOOlllONS .. R( Ml lO( l INC l •'>77982 94'1 /()q 504? Computer Services 11111 II I H,111 fll •II,\ \l.c ,. ,11 '"''''" ~our l""f'\(Jfloll l>f OlltJMO\ ,."h"I" .mJ put ~ou Mlhll< lur rn«r \vu 1>.1~ n1tl) l~"""f kn 71"-612-2786 ... •.tlltrompull'rfnmd.at ·~ rho (()mWl•ence o$ ~ home or olltCe Progmo & lnwnol Sel-'f> r,,,.nong lor Al l>(/fl' c.,...,.,..,.,, """°' & 1s, .. ,.., f'l:ilient JodyMomt '4t-S4&.-I '9 C.11 'lltt• to itt tull tlmt npolrjoll1 1to•llJtlullo11st~ lit tle1 Ct.11ifit' Stnitt DirtclOrJ lltlp ,.,, ,,,., rtli•&lt 111 • Desttop Publishing TIMl TO llGIN YOUllHOMf IMPROVlMINT l'ROJICT? t .011 A plumb., JMIOI•• h~ndyman 111 env of th• ar~•I ,f•f l/U f'I., l1sfl'd h,.,,. tn om .,,.,.,tre dtrf"1 tmv' TllCS! lOCAl SVC Pl Ol'l r CAN ttr I p YOU IOOAY' Rlclo'1 Door lntfollt, M*-'llP-OoCJ Fr_,.., ' ill 1-bit..wl!, Q.o5tmi ~ l•578102 949 510 6579 Drywall Servtcn WlnHOEn ORYWAll AU phar.es <>m/lra 1nb\ CUANI 20yrs. la11 Ir~• est l«XXm 714 ~ 1'47 EltdricalServtca S...all Jo~ l-rrtl Ouoc.an Electrtt lOYI\ l •P l ocat/Qu11.k RMpofl~ $er VI< t/Remodf'ls 1•775/i/O949 650 7047 LKlNSID CONTRA<TOlt No jDI) Inn vn NI...,_, Repair romo4HI, l•n' spe, f-AIK ~ lfb6 AooMWTilt <llnOM OllAlM TU ~Wt.--. m;11b6t, ~ 197S l tfl120M 1111 714 61? 9961 UMY flllJ>Hlld Reroulln a 1nsta1la11on f~ 0£ AH 949 67J 8065 714 IM&~ 714.atl M.11 FtneaAJtcb Garage Doon ~S....19Y" .... Lawn .....,,.. yard de.In l4> ~ bttlrm. 'i!Jl•*B Comm/Rn 714 436 1518 GardenlnW Landsaplng L-TotrH l-d••...- WMly n .... 11 bee~ & tn\lttll31Hln :i.'S Yr5 up lo1.1on~ured 949 548 4363 DirtyW ............. .- la"'"' t •wn Ae111lon1 Sp11nk lel\ Ir nublPshoot me. Sp11n11 I one up5 Rep.t11 \a. Up1r •de5 "H•1V~ us do ynu1 D11tyWor• 714 71S-2121 n..01 ---·--~ .. I!•~ krc l!Jm <all. frw> ~ dl:i:e'1 & event prep 949-515 ~4 lree Servi<•, Yard Cleanup, M11ntenance Sp11nkler RepaH'. H•ulrna (94t) 6SfM71 I - EXPERT INSTALLER + ~ • Q. ·!tCIOll No Job 7bo Sm.au Dawe Hamlltoe 949-32M292 .sm J'S ... ....... HandymalV HomtRepalr ~SPICIAUST. All types of repa1ts Elec lnul. lllumbtnc. doors Miier "'""-ties &. nu• 241w/7days 714 ~ ~ ,..,.. Car pen try • Pkimbona Orywalf • StllC(;o Parnllna. Tile a moi e 20+ Years f•!>e'tenetl JI 714·9'9-S716 HNTAL-HUSIAND FOlt HONE YOO'S your honey wont From Clod to tho kitchen llMlk 949-548-9351 THIHA DYMAN AU wor-1u1ranleed PUntq. Cllttral. Doors. f-" c::p * 98-211'81li Hlullng Sill ,..-. .... .... CREYI ER --....1' · .. __ _ -..,,,/ . . ,__. ""\ .~ rfW:mi tltcoo>ER Aut~ a>' more! LEASUOR i1~1 PER MOllllli + TAX lAtllaTa'ms On ~Mdr.r~ .... -·-· . OltOAT Sll.MSA~ ···-·· . + 42.¢ S3000 duo •t sr1rt1na 48 month closJld end lease no secUYUy dtposlt, lOI\ m1lu per yur E aceu miles @ 20¢ per mite (TE l3271) • LET'S MOTOR! IT'S fUN •••••••• ~FREEWAY @ EllW SAlfT A ANA AUTO lW.L (888) 830-1780 PORSCHE '98 911 CAB Low mtles, custom wheels, &-speed, sup«fasL #652259 $52.900 MBZ '95 Sl.500 CONVT. Bose, CD, leather, loaded, good looking!! #113266 $28,900 LANO~ '97 DISCOVERY 4X4 Loaded. low miles. 4x4 f\Jl at a !J991 pnce. 1549423 $13,900 BMW '99 M3 CONVT. CO, 5-speed, leather, lo miles, sll.. blk int. #C44258 $32.900 MBZ '95 S320 SON CD. leather. moon. clean.pncedto sell last #241401 $18r900 MBZ '98 Ml320 AUTO CO, lthr, Bose, moon. 4x4. realty a batgainll!! White, tan #016225 $18,900 MBZ '90 300E SON Auto, sunroof. leatheo'. pnced tO sel fast! I #270075 $7,995 TIL.0'5 &URDPEAN AUTOHAUS 0-ISO c.r. W. 8trOCllt 1-&l).598-9754 W.t> Btt.1 www.blocars com ,_ •• lut'lf'I-........ ~ Tallf 'Ul1. ,_, Q4J M ..at. OOnri by -,. '*"' 9f}.C1'2 7434 DOUG"laTY HOTHUtS Thee rn1 Toudl s.a l!a» l..-.dlalp Tnie ~ ~ tnst/Repu 714 791 8746 M1scSentca Alm1 909 681 6664 FAUil/ OlSICN Mawlngl .. llST MOVHS SSt /ttr swrvln& •II clhn Insured Int. courteous. c.,aful T16*4 800 246·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tit• Calif Pubhc Uttltlles comm1ulon requires that all ur.ed household 1oods movers pnnl lhetr f> U C C1I I numb., llmos 1nll ch1ufteurs pflnt then T C f> number 1n •II 1dvat liMments If you have any questt0rt1 •bout tho le11llt1 of • tno111e1 , llmn of clle.ilteut, c•ll PUI L IC UTl\Jflf S COM MISSION 714 ~98 41'>1 - PHI.UPS AUTO P .... dt•l•••tMS '2000 Sttv., w/tll•rco1t ltflr fn W8fllOly, t•ltibl1ly own.cl (119218) SJ9.980 vw•-•••'•• Cr•y w/irey interiof. 2311 ml lmrnacullll• (119252) Sl8.980 V.._'40S..._,H This Is one nHr per feet Volvo to owrl. towmilH <•19238) $8,980 MIZSU20 ............ , Immaculate White w/Crey llhr, 12k mt. Xenon, both Top• (#l9295C) INQOIR£1 J..,_.S-Type Se4.t'OO lmmu Wll1le wlr1n lthr. :Mi4' ml, eoqd service record! ( 0 9298C) $25.980 , .... o.. 993 ,..,.. c '96 White :r.:re. beau hful I/leather, 191< m• (t19206C) $69,980 , ..... l.,.41tlee l ll41e •-• 2000 full power 41 k m1IH Recent trade to u~ (tl89671) S?l.980 Infinity 04 5 Seel-•97 Pear I w/Saddle llhr full power s&. mo (•19234) Sl6.980 Hu"'"'•' H2 •2003 Whole w/Wh1te llhr moo111oof 2500 m1 (lf97JJC) S57.980 IMWl40CI ,..,.,..,, Shmey 81.Atk w/lmmac Grey lull llh1. areal record\ C• 19180C) S33 980 IMW3211 Se4-'2000 White w/Creme llhr, a/l, full main Bumper lo Sumr;r< w111 (#19193) S28 980 >o..,-XJASecloft '1991 This 1s a on~ near per feet Shmey Blick Superchareed Sedan! Low mole'\ (1188581) $28 980 949-574-7171 PHllUrs AUTO ,111111,.-, ....... Nlto-'ti S...tro GU lrke new. loaded. •ulo moonroot allov~. low 74k ml, S5900 71 4 7SI 7464 roU<Nl '99 CAHlllA Ai ht \olv~r m•lalh.. 111 llh1 'r aphote gr ev mll'f pwf '\edt"i. h1 h ~ound ~y\lrm"' dm Im ( II lo l~l (,i. mo 1 owntr g .. 1 A&fd lnuuao 11l1llt' S!>-4 ')()() 949 67'> 7869 Cllusi/i«f is CONVENIENT wlt.ttlt.tr JOU ·,, bll]int. ullilf t. or jlut lookittt, classifitd ltas 111"'1J JOll nttd ! Cl.ASSIFIEO (949} 6'2-5'78 NurstniVPmonJ care Palrttng ARTIST, ~trip onsl•ll w<illpape• pa1nhn1 &. l•u• rnuuls portra1h fOf ... 1-6664 , ............... 'l!Yrs~ Crut Procpl CuaranlH<I wOfk f rte esl L•375602 1l 4 538 1534 7 390 2945 lll'S CUSTOM PAINTING Profl clun qu1hly wotk lnlerl0t/ul and dcM.ks I •703468 949 631 4610 ,..,._ .. , ......... Top Qu11tt, Compohhve lnletlor/t•I l'643228 C.11 Jay 949 650 5066 W NIOW CiiOi iUiri Pa1nlln1 lnl/exl ~Apt Qulhlrtobl rree estt!NIP L '569197 714 636 8888 IDT•PMl19 INTUt!Olt EXTEIHOR ......,._..,..... -c..oo.i -·--_,,....,. -r-. -•• -·--.,--. ._ .. _.,.. 71WJMMI - Daily Pffot .. MmmmlEI~ p;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..:li I MID.JI NfWPOIH AllTOSPOHl ~~ Yei.ow/DIKll, rwe, only tOOO ml M7 Jn> Fwrwrt SSS Tl"'" Btadl/T111t. rtneat Ill~ Only 6,000 mllH Sl 15.CXX> , ....... tl-01 CM>ttotrtl S..--!8ikll riptronoc, 11 opl.Jom.. m,.-..'69,500 F ......... 3'0M.._ c-..•1 ·00 £1ec:trtt D•ylon s.eats. ~59~' PonclM .. .-S'OO 81actv'61ack, flptrOOIC, Must Wit $39.800 IMW MWC....-'02 Croy/Bllct.. dual son roots. 21< ""· $25.500 rty-utt.r......,._ '01 Ru,t/Blac:k A sure c~. 71\ "" S39.000 Hmtr,~'02 Wlute/alack Road lltnl Clnstt.. SIB.500 ......... cue 320 '02 Bkll!/Gt~ Aloi!(', whffl\. 711 mo. SJ9 500 ....,,TTO-• Co.m-tlble ·o 2 ChwcoaVTan. 1.000 ~.$36,500 ~H2'0J Bldclv'G1ey luauty Gr cup 'XT Wlltoeh only lOOmtlot\ NE.WPORI AUTOSPORI 9'9 574 5600 .. BOATS 9515 '91 l lft Dvffl.W new doubt• sel bl baller res. prof'I maintained $8,495. tct-'7>-0tSS BOAT REPAIRS/· SERVICES • BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 •a-t Sip-Glut Loe• 11on1 IJtt ~am. lensth unhm1led, m B•Y lsl.nd Cove * 949-922-7777 PUTAFfW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949)642-5678 PLUG IN Plug mto the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Classified Commurnty Marketplace Plastering Ir Stucco ............ lllf/bt Rl!fnOdlj )'.) • Yun hp Rr.A ~onabl~ O~p~nd.ablr I 1349070 114 638 8114 •Stuc.c.e,~ -· Reslucco Room Addllton Palch1n1 Re•sonabl0!1 714 921 1647 11>4-0497Pf Plumbing rt ..... Plumbrna rtt>lll$, over 25yr~ eap AJI work .- ant.lad. SllM 71~ HOiiiST & iiASOii1iii PlUMB(R l 1506586 Free [st! Sm·~ OCTfCU O.C: 714 m.9150 PUCIUPWMIJNG Rep.tin &. Rtmodehn1 fRlL CSTIMATE U687398 714 969 1090 ,,.,.=.,, DIAi! i..,.. •.. -: Q.IAllM IPICIAl4l TWUOY~ 949~2352 -.. ~ Trf•••··· ~ & Y•"' Clcallflll 714.435.17 Stlt• llc.. --. -----_ ~-"~-.. ~ .... -;.:.. -·-- • a1 Serving th e Newpo rt-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MARCH 31 , 2003 IN BUSINESS 7' . Re-fashioning the Island Newport's destination shopping center is close to debuting new reasons for people to get out and sp end some money. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -A high- tech children's barber shop, chic women's clothing outJet and re - vamped food court are in the off- ing at Fashion Island, as the cen- ter begin~ to roll out a d uster of new shops for spring shoppe~. · The doors are expected to be- gin opening in the next few weeks. Managers of the IMne Co.-owned Fashjon Island say the eight new stores will add a fresh spin to a center that's al- ways Looking to upgrade Ill> retail offerings. "That's where the opportu- nities come, when you have an opportunjty to improve or up- date your merchandising mix.~ said Tanya Thomas. the center'l> generaJ manager. "In the bul>i- ness or retail, the producti. are aJ. ways evolving." Between now and AUKtJ'll, when the second round of i.torcl> opens. shoppers will notice two i.igrnficant changes at fashion i.. land: a revamped lane of chil- dren\ shops and a new food court. The four new children"s shops- batJr-.tyle, First Cut. Pamplona and Ille Picture People -are set to roll out beginning the second week of April They are part of the center's reconfiguring of the children'<:. retajlers near Long's Drugc;. rirst Cut, which replaces Trade Secret'>. could make the biggest '>pla<,h . It's a state-of-the-art hair- cutter for children and teen- ~ers. with a twist. Store owners Lance and Leora Fogel have set up 13 cutting sta· tion!>, equipping each with an 11 • mch Oat c;creen television complete with DVD player and Vldco game con'>ole with wire- It''" game pad. The interactive INSIDE For more business news. see Page A2 atmosphere entenam'> re'>Llec;..<, chJJdren while styli~!!. work. MThe concept is to offer a place where kids want to come," Lance Fogel said. wwe·re trying to offer a place thats M> exciting that that'!. exactJy what they want to do." The sensory overload should aJso be apparent in the Pop-vivid colors on the rocket fuselage waJI panels and '50s diner motif. AN OPENING COUP European children\ dothmg See ISLAND, Pa1e M I , PHOTOSBYMARKC DUSTIN/0AllYP1lOT Family and friends pay their respects to Simona Garibay, whose son. U.S. Manne Jose Garibay, died in an ambush in Nasinyah, Iraq. Paying tribute Police make fa lle n Marine Jose Garibay an honorary officer. Family say he hoped to protect and serve Costa Mesa some day. Coral Wll1on Daily Pilot H elen Aores and her cousin, Jose Angel Garibay. used to run around their Costa Mesa neigN>orhood as children playing thdr favorite game -cops and robbers. "He was always the cop. he was always the big ~ • Flores said. Tile rules~ almilar to a game of tag. The person who was •it• wa,, the cop. Garibay. who was only a month younger than Flores. alwa}'I wanted to be ·u· and he had all the toy equlptnalt to make the game more ru1isdc. He eYen wore a badge. "He~ dramed of being a oop. He tbougt1t it would be a!ier to go through a military tme to set to whal be wantrd. • she said. Garibay, 21, lost his lile Sunda)\ March 23, near Nastrlyah. Iraq in an ambush. He was a Marine corporal. but h1a goal was to ~ a Costa Mea poUce oftker. On Sunday at 12:30 p.m., Police Chief Dave Snowden preaented Garibay' famlJ:y with • plaque polthwnously making Gan.bay an • • 0 N T H E HOME FRONT Newport Beach resident Linda Lovett hugs Llrbano Garibay, Jose Garibay's uncle. honorary Costa M pollce ofllcet '"We'd learned that Jose Ange wanted to be a poUoe ofBcer ln Colla Mesa.· Snowden Mid. •we could think of nothii\a better than to make him an honorary poll otncer. • S.. l"R81'f£, p_. M THINKING ALLOWED .Where did all the rh~toric go ? I Uegal immigrants have been a hot topit in Costa Mesa for more than a decade. Since I have been at the Pilot. I have heard more than my fair share of blame placed on the undocumented by a handfuJ of residents. Yet none of th~ zealots. who are so quick to point the finger at illegal immjgrants for every pothole. negadve aime statistic and poor test score. ~ thumping their INS handbooks this weeL This wieek. Simona Garibay lost her son~ LOLITA Garibay, a Marine, to the • • • war 1n 1raq. ttcr .s ory HARPER WU fciltumf OD our front p-ces not one. buc two days in a ~ aild doz.ma of Newpon-Mela raldents showtd their c:Ondolences and respect for hec with vlsi to the family home, bouqueta or ftower1 and canb-many of wh ch ahe could not read. • ,J I Bridget Duffy • and her two sons, Nathan, left, and Josh. stand below a custom food mural they painted, one of 20 they created for a Fashton Island enhancement prOfect. The prOfect included new lettering, murals and direcbonal signs for the mall. OOr. EACH DAllY PllOI Some cry foul over Fairview ·Park plans Environmentalists feel left out of debate about land for flying radio-controHed planes and a bus turnout at the pa rk . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO\ fA MI ')A !\ group of t•m.1ronrnen- taJ1!tlS feeb .. nul>bed b)' UI'\ official .. be· cause they were mVltt'<l to '>t'e the final de- s1gm for a portton of I aim~ Park. but were not asked for their input The group whith 111dude'> former Mayor Sandra (,ent'>. Judith (.1elow and 'Je~ort lkach re<11d('nt JJ.11 Vanderr,loot - met 'A1th stall on Thur..<.lay 10 <h-.cu..s im- provement'> 10 thret· area' of the park that the City Council ha!.. already approved The drawing'> for thc<,e areas haw to be submit- ted 10 the Coa. .. tal (..<>n'>('rvancy hy today to qualify for a $194.000 grant that will fund haJf of the de<.agn CO'>!" The group\ rnncem .. include how much land the Harbor ~anng \oc1ety. wtuch flies radio-controlled plane'>. ha<. requested; the design for turf in that area. and the place- ment of a bu' turnout over an enstmg area of gras.s. Public Semtt"> Dtrt'Ctor BLIJ Moms said tha1 becauw '>laff ~ workmg under the councLl's dtrectton. there was no need to take the envuonmentahsts opinions into cons1derauon But that ~n·1 stoppmg group members from bemg ~traled that ~r thoughts were not taken anto account "These drawmw-are OK to send to the CoastaJ Con!>l'rvancy right now. but ltheyt still need to be tweaked," Vandersloot said. "We thmlc the pubUc ought to be able to look at them and comment on them.• ln late January, the Parks and Recreation Commission approved the final design or three areas at Fairview Patt whh the de- letion of any landscaping nor1h of the Fair- view Channel. Coundlwoman Ubby Cowan appealed the c:JKislon to the Oty Counc:D ba6ed partially on some residents' coocana about parking and ~ Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON1HEWEB: .-w.~com WEATHER 'Natm eind eunnv. Jutt • twr dDucla. S..P1119A2 SPORTS occ-. ~ ....... h ...... Cotlege ...... GI fte lftOnlh. S.PIPM AZ Monday, March 31, 2003 YOUR ' BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT . SE.AN HILLER /DAILY Pl.OT John Hermann 1s president and CEO of Labor Relations Services m Newport Beach. Keeping the workplace peace Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot W 11.h a .. urgt'<>n\ LaJm. John Hermann cxplam.., hi' ph1Juc;uphy about n:pairing tl'le broken bonds between employee and empluyC'r. I lermann, president .rnd chief executive of Labor lklauons Serv1et"> Inc. m Newport Bead1, U.'>ually iruervenes when a '>hop i'i on the Vl'~t· of unionizmg HIUnionizingJ p1l!. hourly employee~ again~t management," llt'rmann 4'aid Hit creates an intemaJ figh1 on a regular basis. That is no way to run a railroad " I lermann came out of retuemcnt tn 1998 to form Lh<' company It wa!> a retirement Lhat I lermann say<> l~ted exactJy two da~. after almost Lhn.•c decades as a labor mediator. Companies wilh labor headache' tum to Hermann to guide them out of their misery. Kevin Kelly. who founded Emerald Packaging Inc. in Union City, turnt'<.I 10 Hermann's company after he came 10 BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS American Vanguard offers dividends and stock split Capping a tremendous run that saw its share prices rise more than 50% since July. American Vanguard Corp. rewarded it<> shareholders March 19 by announcing a divtdend and stock split The Newport Beach chemical manufac- b.U'er said it will begin offering a 13-cent-per- lhare cash dividend and three-for-two split Since hitting a 52-week low at $14.85 on Juty 23, the stoclc has risen more than 59%. It dmed Friday al $23.64. The company's boan1 of directors said it would pay the dividend on April 11 to share- holders of record on March 28. Any frac. dona.I shares will be paid OUI in caMl. Labor Relations Services tries to settle labor problems before unions get involved work one day and i.aw hts parling lot '>lrewn w1Lh leaflets urging tus employees to umomze. two of I lennanq\ con'>uJtants -;urveyed the employee'>, collecting mon, than 60 complamts about the lack of frume:..-. m the WJY supervisor<, Wl'fl' trealmg worker... 1 lennann prepared rffommendationi. for '>olvmg ... onw 111 the problems. wllll h Kellv -...111.J ht implemented .. lnose moves turned arountl rlw immediate sirua11on." Kelly ~d ·r hJw no doubt Lhal letlmg 1mmageriaJ rruMaJces pile up agam will prompt another visit from the union." While union membership in tht• workforce has dwmd.Jed -now, only l.i.3% of workers m Lhe country belon~ 10 unions -the threat to emplO)'l'r. I'> WThe cash dividend illustrates the boan1 of directors' connnued confidence in Lhe com- pany. based on our record financial re.ults for fiscal 2002 and goal to achieve double chgll saJes and ne1 income growth an fiscal 2003, • said Eric Wintemiule. American Van guard's president and duef executiv('. After the !'.plil. the l ompany will havt• about 5.8 nulllon i.hare<. of common stod .. American VanguanJ manufactul'l."> a line of agJicultural products to protect crop<. and rurf from bug inf~tation. On March 13, the company grew ...aJ~ 21% to $100.7 million m 2002. I he company has recorded 15 conl>CC'Utive quarter. of double·cligil growth, Wintennute 'ia.ld 0.C hotel sales up l 1 % in 2002, defying state trend Orange County logged an 11 I% in crease in the numhl•r of hotel <>ak~ in 2002, bucking a stale trend in which i.alei. .,till taken seriously, Hermann said. Hermann's servic~ include an employee attitude ~urvey. focus groups and small group sessions to expose employeei.' gripes. Hermann earned tus master'i. in M>cial psychology from Ariwna State University m l 973 and went to work for Kraft Foods as a labor mediator In 1978. he joined Amencan Consulung ':>ervices, ba.!>ed in Newport Beach. h>ur years later. Hermann founded l111al Employee Relations, whjch he M>ld in 1998 before starting his cummt firm. Hermann, 53, 'ia)'S the ma1ority of employee issues can be ironed out by management as long as there is a mutual loyalty, truM and respect. Oddly enough, Hermann. when be was at Ma.ft, developed a reputation as a manager who couJd sldllfully fire employees. "I ended up being so good at firing employ~ that they wouJd end up thanking me." tlennann said. wrve alway<> viewed myi.elf as an employee advocate and an agent of change. It can bl· don~ 1udic10usJy • fell 22%, a (. oMa Me..a broker is reporting lWo Newport Beach hote~ that t hanged hand~ helped drive the healthy market. n1e Atla'> llo&pllality Group, In the re· port, ... aid the county Hhad a record year" and 1~ now the rno5t expenc;ive 111 the 'late. The <01111ty now hac; a $56,612 me- dian room prit P, an 1mponant industry 111d1ca1or Jn 200l. tht.• Hyatt Newporter, at 1101 Jamboree Road. and Be ... 1 Western New- port Beach Inn were c;old. The 403 room Newporter -.old Dec. 5 for about $35 million. or $85,365 per room. The Newporter's sale was the sec- ond priciest in the county. It co.me In be· hmd the Monrage Resort & SC:>a m Laguna Beach, which ~old for $190 million. The 42-room Best W~tem motel, at 6206 W Coast llighway. sold for $135,119 per room. The motel sold for $5.67 mil- lion. Daily A Pilot Cof-.1 w.a.on News a$11Stant. 19491 574-4298 coral wi'-on ,.,.times com PHOT~ Sean Hiller, Don l.eac:t!, Kent Troptow Box 1660, Co«e Mela. CA 92626. Copyright No news uliee, 1llustratione. editonal 1N119r Of edvenlsemenu herein~ be reproduc.d without wntten permission of copyright owt'lef. VOL. 97, NO. 90 TffOMAS H. JOHNSON Pubhlher TOHYOOOERO EditOf JOf1'f OETTING ~~()( Promotion• Olrec.1or NewsEdhon Gina Alexander, Lon Andefton Daniel Hunt. Paul Sartowrt7, Daniel Steven• NEWS STAR' 0....BMrad\ Crime end courtl reporter. (9'9) 674-4228 d#pll.~reth•i.ti,.,,..c:om "'-b>r•• Newport BNc:ii roporter, (9'8)57~ JUM.~nMfli.ti,,,_oom .... Clntlin PolltlCll and environment repon«, (949) 7&M330 f»IJ/ din ton•,.,,,.,,.., com Lolle ..... Colum""'-""..., ... rwpott • (°'9)51~5 loltr. ,,.,,,., latlm#.oom °""*-"-"'-' Com M9U ,..,oner. (IMS) 67.t-4221 doitdr•.NNWnMJ•fM1mH com a.tltJnil CMtlo Educett0n ,..,oner, (IMI) i74-4291 dlrlltw. t'Mrlllo ,.,,,,,_oom READ£RS HOTUNE 19491642 6086 Record Vour commen11 about thfl Daily Pilot or news tlpe ~ C>tlr addrau 11 330 W Bay St., Co1ta ,.._., CA 92677 Office houri ere =~rfrl1y, 9·30 1 m 6 pm It It lhe Pilof'w policy to promptly con-ec:t 111 erron of 1ubstance Plene call 19491 ~24 FYI The N9WPOrt ~ M... Daily Pilot IUSPS-144-800) 61 publtahed dally In N.wpc)rt Bad'I end 0otu Mau, IUbCtlptlom ere evall•ble only by eubtcriblng to The Timel Orange County (800) 252·9141. In., ... out.tde of Newport 8-d'I 9nd eo.i-. "'-'· .ubec:ttptlon1 CO tl'le 0.1IV P\lot.,. .wll ble only by nr11 daa ""911 for S.10 pw month ("'1cu lndudt all epplte11ble and ~ tax• ) POSTMASTtR. Sttnd •drlf'tN dltngWI to The Newport 8eeeNCotte Me.a Dally Ptlof, PO HOW lO REACH US Clf'C411ation The TlmM Orange County 18001252-9141 ~ a...med(IM9)&42-M7t ~ (°"9) 042-4321 E.dhorW ,._.. (9'8) &42-6680 8pona 19'9) 57"-'123 ,... ,... (9491 ~170 .._. ,_ (948) 85(H)170 E-malt dellyp/Jot•l•tl,,... com MetnOMoe ......... 0-.. (9491 &42~1 ...... ,.. (949) 831·7128 P\tbl~hed by Tl"* Commllnlty N9W9, e dMtlOn of th9 t.o. Ange ... Tlmee. r.®02 Tlmet CN. All r1gh ~. BEST BUYS Greetings at Paper flouse T be Paper Home celebrates lts grand opening Tuesday. It's a specialty boutique featuring unique invitations, stationery and greeting cards. There are also darling baby accessories by My Vantage Baby, Little Giraffe and Woof and Poof. GREER WYLDER witli custom fabric. There's also bedding, handmade lampshades, vintage and reproducdon chandeliers. Venetian and over-sized mirrors with wood frames, Moroccan tea glasses. and cotton and silk nigs. Fabric patterns change twice a year. No sales. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday The staff can help design invilations and select shower ~ A 15% off speaal is being offered through April. Open from 10-.30 a.m to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Saturday; and by appoinunent at Cannery Village, 4 17 31 SL South, Newport Beach. (949) 556-9863. POSH FOR MEN For 25 years. POSH has offered exceptionaJ serv1ce and persona.I attention. It has long-standing relationships with loyal customers. The updated t.radilional men's clothing store does exceptionally well with Robert Talbott suits, Cole I laan sh~. Italian Zanella slacb and golf apparel from Camouslie. It's the only boutique store here to carry Oxxford -known as tlle finest Amerltan-made tat.lored clothing. POSH carries the ~e herringbone suit President Rush wore to bis inauguration. Oxxford suits start at $2,295. but they couJd last a lifetime. There are two annual sales. in January and JuJy. Open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday; from IO a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday lb.rough Fnday; from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. SundayatFashionl&andin Newport Beach. (949} 640-8310. SHOES OF THE UPSCALE VARIETY M.cU.on an.ract.s upscale fashion foUowers. No boudque can rival the incrediblnhoe -.election at Neiman Marcus, buc Madison comes close. They carry Miu Miu, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Jimmy Oioo and Olloe shoes. mostly sandals. clogs and tennis shoes with some evening styles. One-of-a-kind understated jewelry from European, New York and LA designers. Apparel is from Earl Jeans. Jlwon Prut. James Perse, Philosophy by Alberta Ferreti, Ann DemeuJemeester and more. Back in fashion a.re the Pucci print headbands. 1-shirt.s. hats and totes. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday al Fash.ion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 719-9444. WWW madlSOnstyle.com. NOT TOO stiABBY Rachel Aahwelra Shabby Ode store Is a showroom of her entire collection. Some confuse the ubl9uitous Shabby Chic name with Dea matket finds transformed into romantic vintage loob. Ashwell's store is far from that Shabby Chic has classic-style furniture that can be custom sized and slipcovered through Friday: from JO a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashlon Island in Newport Beach. (949) 219-0663. www.shabl7ycliir.com. MEN AT EASE f.st.ablished in 1965, At-Bue IS a speoalty shop for men's casual to dressy o;portswear. Roben Com.stock. 8any Brick.en and Remy leather are top sellers. Uniquely found at At·F.ase a.re its concept shops inside the sprawling I 0,000-square-foot store: Cutter and Buck weekend wear, Bobby Jones golf wear and ZaneUa's fine Italian sportswear Illere's also an exclusive collection of Reyn Spooner apparel. The store offers same-day tailoring. and gift certificates are sent for client't. birthdays. There are two big saJes a year, In January and JuJy Open Crom 10 a.m. to 9 p.m Monday through Fnday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday: and from 11 a.m . to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fash.ion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 759· 7979. WOMEN AT HOME AND AT EASE At-Bue Women's It Home Store opened in the Aoium Cowt in 1995. Home fum.ishln~ are bought In Dallas and AtJanta by owner Unda Beale. She selects pillows. pictures, dolls, table top d~r and more that can't be found anywhere else. Soptusdcated sportswear is from Zanella. 8any Briden, Luaa and Audrey Talbott. There a.re only two saJes a year. in January and July. Open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday lhrougb Friday: from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from ll a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Wand in N~rt Beach.. (9"9) 759-7985 NECfSSARY ACCESSORIES Going In Style is a well-stocked travel accessori~ and apparel store. The be51 selection In rain gear. backpacks. alarm clocb. ID passport holders. money belts, neck pillows and orgaruzing system~ for packing. The most requested items are the multipurpose nlley hats that comt> with a tree replacement guarantee if worn out. and durable LeSportsac travel bags. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday: from I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m . Sunday at Fashion lsJand in Newport Beach. (949) 644-9760. • BEST 8UVS appurs Mondays and Frldayl Send information 10 Greer WVkter at QrHrwylder ityahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St , Costa M~. CA 92827, or by fax al (949) 646-<4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST tt'a enother pleaunt day, ~The aun hat little compdtlon from douda today, and Nghs will be 76 to 83 degrMS. Night will be marted by some petdly low cloud• •nd •a. fog. The 10W1 wtll be ..a 10 58 degrees. ~: www.nwa.noM.(JOV BOATING FORECAST tf lhe .. were• wer.woff, thf• would be the night of iM new moon. Vlltable wfnda stBy unc:tet 10 knOt1 on tht Inner wstere, under 1 ~ knota It night. n,. Wl'Y9t tl.fV 8t 2 *" Of' i... and 1he w.t twelt It' to lfMt. farther OU\, • nonhwMt wfnd ec...,.1t undtr 15 Motl, though 8t nlvh'-chi ffoh*t wt,_ wffl be 10 '1'totl. TM Mll'lt ttay It 2 .... end the ......... ...,,. .• ,, ........ SURF The northwest awell gets bolder today, offering moatly walat-to c:hest~lgha. Condition• Improve atartJng Tueeday, when • aouthWMt swell coma to vlah from New l.ealand. Confine yout'Mff 10 eouth-feclng brub, and you lhOuld ... hMd-high aurf bv TUelday l1*noon end ~for two days .tter lhlt. ~ ........ you'll get.,. d'telt-Nghs ftom tt'9 ~ew.M. WIW~ www . .urfrl<J.r.orv TIDES nm. 2:2Ae.m. l'.241m. ?:A1 p.m. 8:53p.m. ........ O.a1,_.low U.ethtgh 0.c)'l fMtlaw 4..M .... hlgt1 WATU TEMPERATURE lldegrw 0 a m w. . PHOIOS BY KENTTRFPTOW I DAIL V PILOT Ben Anshutz, 14, plays piano for residents of Crown Cove Senior Care Community on Sunday. They found their audience Eager pianists of the Music Students' Service League have grateful li steners at the Crown Cove Senior Care Community. Coral Wiison Daily Pilot B e!lle Richer, 82. said '>he wanted w ge1 up and dance while hc;1enang to a piano recital performt!d Sunday at the Crown LoVl.' Senior Care Community, where -;he lives. Tile piano rec11al w~ organized by the Music Students' Service League. a '>tudent·run organization that s1arted with three Newport Beach mu!.ic -.tudents in 1995. Now more than 300 to 400 mu'lic studeni.. from Orange Coast utie5 and 4.000 musk !cacher.. take part The concept has even been taken nationwide, advisor Trudy Anshutz said. 'The residents enjoy it a lot. For some, it is the best part of their day, they've told us.' Andrew Wood, 18 umversaJ. "Everyone can connect. ll doe.,n'1 matter how old or what they du fur d living,· she 5aid. Ille children aho benefit through perforrmng and ... haring their m1Nc wil.h other<,. "This gives him a frl''>h '>larl to perform in froni of an aud1cnct', .. .,.i1d Fan.ad Farhat, whose 6·year old i.011. Ryan, played Sunday. Ryan's mother, Roya farhat, agreed that music has given her 'on rnnfidl•nn· and discipline. lie i5 juM '>tarting IO hear and appreciate hb own mu.,1c, .. tw said. Ryan en1oys performing and doesn't even get ncrvou ... "They bring students who want to play together with people who want to h~ten. • mu~ic 1eacher Mary Wong srud. rhe group mee!~ monthly to arrange recitals. They aJso tutor younger music studenL<, through a practice assuaance program and have been working lo raise money to rebuild older pianos, which they donate to school~. Anshuv ~aid Mimi Hammond, a resident of Crown Cove Senror Care Communrty, plays "arr piano" while watching a recrt.al by the Music Students' Service League. "Because I am ju'>t brave"" Ryan '>Jld . Being around children and mu'>lc " uplifting for I.he re5ident'>, '>did Anna Kozma, activities coordinator a1 C tel\\ n Cove. ·It is the mu~ic I.hat we all relate w and we love it,· she :>aid rehearse on the piano. One of her daughters became a music ma1or. "My heart start!. pounding." l.eti11a scud. Music 1s as imporiant to tht• one'> who perform it. Amhuv '>aid "It ha:o become a part of nl) lill' Wood ~d "Jam not ~ure what I \'.Ould do 1f f didn't have mm it • ·I he re51dents enioy 1t a lot. I-or some, 1t "' the bc'>t pdrt of their day, rhey've told U\," said Andrew Wood, IR. a kadmg member of the league Fnends RJcher and Letma u~ed to dance regularly with 1he1r hu5bands. who have since passed away. ~Now we are here and we dance with the guys in the wheelcha1f'>, • Richer ~d. "It wor~!" As the melod1l sound ol ptanu mt1'>1t filled the room Sunday, head., noddt·d. feel lapped and even I.he bird~ in 1lw back. of I.he room chirped loudly ·1 feel kind of '>cnumenlal when I c.ee the h11le ones." Hicher ..aid. It rerntndl•d rec.,1dcn1 Jodn l.e1i1.1a. 74, of when her three daughLers u.,ed 10 5tephana e Wong, member of the leabrue, said the power of music is "Thai's what we arc all made ol ,., music." 87-year old re~idt>nl l.t>roy \h.1w. '>aid. "The rhythm of our wholt! hit• " music." Scenic 5K is one yummy race The annual Corona del Mar race will finish at Restaurant Row. June Caaa1rande Da1lyPllot CORONA DEL MAR -Come for the exercise. Stay for the food. It's that time of year again. Time 10 gear up for one of the city's all-time favorite athletic events. the Corona dcl Mar Sce- nJc 5K. The run, now In Its 22nd year, offeB a lot of good reasons to get Involved: a great family out- ang. grea1 exerCJse. a gorgeous ocean-VJew course and a chance to help a worthy cause. But all those reasons are easily forgotten when, near the end of the course. runners and walkers a pproach Restaurant Row. "It's the onJy thing in town I know of tha1 lets you sample more than 20 of the area's very best restaurants for just over $22," said Melissa Adams, New- port Beach's community serv- ices coordinator. For the cost of regjsterlng to participate in the SK race or the two-mile fun walk. participants get free run of Restaurant Row. a makeshift metropolis of booths offering treats from doz.· en.9 ot local eateries: Five Crowns, Gina's Pi7..za, El Ranchi- to. Tommy Bahama's, Bamboo Bistro, Sunflower Bakery, Rose's Donuts and Gelato Parad1so. Thanks in part to I.heir cull· nary contributions, the Corona del Mar Scenic SK continues 10 be a growing success. drawing participants from far and wide. race chairman Jim Skahan said. Last year, about 2,400 people participated in the vari~us events, lncluding about l 00 kJds in the Dolphin Dash. a I K competldon for kids as young as 3. ~This started out as a little fun run on a Saturday morning and grew up to be probably the premier even In Orange County for runners u f'ar as I'm co~- cemed. ·Skahan '>atd The race, which ral'>C\ mone}' for city youth program' and for the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce. talc.es platl' June 7 The course wind., through some of the mo'>I beautiful parts of Corona dd Mar, '>tart ing on the bluff~ ov1..•rlook111g the ocean. Pre-registration is SU for the run/walk and $12 for 1he Doi phin Dash. On I.he day of the races. registration i& $30 for the run/walk and S 12 for the Dol- phin Dash. Registration forms are avail- able through Newport Beach Recreadon Services (9491 644- 3151. Online registration is at www.actitM.com.. a ENVIRONMENT Cities seek new source of water Orange County Water District considering reducing the ::.mount of water to be a llocated to Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Oeepa Bharath Daily Piiot 11.rWl'OIH-Ml \A -(.o,ta Mesa and Newpon Beach J.rt' lool..mj,( at other water wurn•, 111 ma.kt• up for an ii0uc1pa1ed nu m '>Upply from lhe Orangt' C ounty Waler D1-.trict. \l\c11er d1<>tnct offinah will mt•t·r next mon1h ID 1.kude wht·ther to reduct' Lht' am11un1 of ground water 1he 1 Ille"> <Hl· al luwt'd 10 draw from tOUlll} n· -.ourte'>. l11e prop<J..al '1e111., from the reported depletum of ground w<1tl:'t Both c1t1ec., gel 75% of their water 'up ply from the ( >ran~t· County Water D1<,tric1. tht· agency tha1 manages I.he ground water basin 1ha1 -,upphe5 wate1 to mo!>I of North and Central Orange County Newpor1 Beach unpon' thl:' rema111ing 2S% from the 1e1ro poluan Wa1t•r D1.,tnc1, and Me~ Lomohdawd get' pan of 1he re m.i1mng 25% from ~tetropol.itan and from I.heir colored water treatme111 plant ( O'>la \te'><t i~ look.mg good~ dt•'>pllt• I.he anticipated cut in w.awr '>Lippi~. '>dld Coleen Scar- n11n.1t h, 'Poke,\\.ornan for 1he \lt'"J C onc;ohdaled \\aler Dl\- 1 nt I "\\t• haw a had. up 1n our col cin·d watC!r lrl'dlmen1 facility, - 'he 'tdJd, add111g that tl1t• •col· orl:'d watt"!"" a11uallv lUOIL"> from .r vcr:y dt·l'p -.our~·"' dJld 1s •a good qual11 r ""'' w<.1tl:'r" thal can bl' l'CC.il9 trt'att·d ..Uld U'>cd Newport liccllh, however, pump<; 7"J''t • Imm lht• C Jrang~ County \\.alt•r f)1,1nu and im· porh .l5''ti from Mt•tr11p0Utan Watl:'r I )1,tnl 1 \\le d1111 I lt'.lll) hct\t• any 11lhl'r '>OUrt l' • c II\ ~1Jnager I lc>ml'r Hlu<lc1u ,.ucJ I he UI) I' taH.111g 11> ~l·tro­ pollld.11 \\all'r I l1-.1ru I tu Wl' 11 tilt'\' can -.uppl' lht· n·mdmmg WJler w.11hcmt drii,llt pntc m- t rt'il'f:'<, lht' c >rn11g1· < OUlll\' Water 1't'>trlt 1 "'Ill n111'1 hk l'l't 1111111 the \\1Jlt•r 'upplrt·cl 111 ~ewp<Jn Bt•Jt h 111 lll't\\t·1·11 h..! .uuJ h6'4u. .. pokt•''"llllhlll ktlll\ c,la-...er '>did \ome r;I 1lw 11·t1,<111'> for 1he pmpo'>t'd 1 ul 1m ludt'' ldll.. of nun over 1Jw IJ..i lour yt'ars and l11n1t' 1mpo-.t·d 011 Lht• c.UTlount ur water th<tl t .111 lw pumped frorn tlll' ( 11l11r.sdo H1ver, .,he 'wild ( onllllld v..11t·r ll'>t' ha<i al'o 111t re;i..,ed .innu..alh. and thert.'<i 1101 t'll!IU){h -.uppl\ tu mt•et growing d1·111.1mh < ,1a, .. er adtkd ~ 1 lw rain 11i1, \ t•df ha., helped ou1 .1 httlt• h11 ,1w •-.ud But we lll:'t'd lh1., krnd 111 rt1111 rt-gularl) for a fe\, \l'.tr' 111 t.:t'I OUI of thl\ 'ltUJllOll ~ "New Hope For Carpal Tunnel Symptoms!" '""purl n~ath. ( \. l'I Ill I< ... FR\ I( ~ \' 'l)t ,. ~ \H' I It Ill " I , l11u111..u-pttl luon.:I ''ndnHn\; 11ht 1tc llrl·d it 1.,~ fH. f'' 111 ,... "n "' t 'flllnt' lhc·n ... 111h<·, •rp.tl tunnd •\11•lr •In<' l"•llllll' 111.t 1, , , , •h Ii, i..., tn1lh .1tk1U1 ,.,,\1qi.1I tunod ,~nJr1''1K' \1 1u 1i1-.t1•J •u.1~ 11 •1 r~ .---. ,~ t 1 < Jll I 1\1!!1 '--1 I 'l.::'11 f l1>ll f-r.:,• =J h1 rt'">rtl«l lll<"'·'l-=' • HARDWOOO • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE• VINYi. FlOORING ·~'!f.',!~~ i ·iwfJtt':.:.J '>C -\It '~ ~ \ ~ ~ 314" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER from$4~~ -s1 4ti~ Travertrie 18" x 18° .......................................................... '4.29 .qt Cefamic Tde ...................................................... nllllld~ '4.ft -.t l.amr\8te Ylood. .. .. .. .. . .......... .. .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . !111111111 11on1 '4.91 ._ t . ~ ........ M ~.March 31, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY , POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • O.W.-o.tv.: A man waa arrested on suspicion of refusing to leave private property at 9:40 a.m. In the 900 blodc Friday. • HMbor BOul9vatd: A man was amtsted on suspicion of beggi09 from the median of a street at 10:20 a.m. In the 3500'block Saturday. TRIBUTE Continued from Al The fire department par~ed a sbiny red fire engine outside the house and also presented an honorary plaque and flowers to the Garibay family. Not.t>nly p(>lice ol'ficers and firemen. but Councilman AlJan Mansoor, City Manager Allan Roeder, Planning Commissioner Bruce Garlkh and other city officials joined family members, neighbors and others on the front lawn of the Gtiribays' hom·e . They had accepted an invitatlon1t1rbano Garibay. Jose · Garibay'.s uncle, had extended to City J laU last week, welcoming city officials to the family's home to pay their respects. basketa ofrruJt. Oaga and carda. Family memben greeted guest.a and then retreated Into the bou e to escape from the sun. Vlilton overflOWl!d onto the 1tteet1 and into nelgbbora' front yards, gathering In amalJ patches of ahade and occulooally embracJP.g. 'Iablea of donated food had been t out, and ice-chesta were tl1led with soda. water and bags of ice. · Local businesses bad beard the oewa and jolned In. Taco Mesa, Bl Ranchlto. Staples, Michaela and other businesses have donated food or offered disco(JJlta over the put week. · Klnkos donated the large poster-size picture of Garibay at the front of1he bousi that had been quickly surrounded by a colorful display of flowers and candles. ·~Avenue:A ~n was arrested on suspicion being drunk In public at 12:32 a .m. In the 1700 block Saturday. "It s tarted out to be a little thing from our department to the family privately,· Snowden said . "But that didn't happen." Fire Olief James Ellis es1ima1ed the crowd numbered 300 to 400 people by 2 p.m. Jose Garibay's death has brought the·war home for many people, he said. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAil Y PLOT Friends of the famify David James Alvarez, age 3, and Philip Alvarez of Westminstercame to the Garibay's home in Costa Mesa to pay their respects. Flores, back in the neighborhood where she and her couain used to play, handed o ut handmade memorial pins with Jose Garlbay's picture. The pins -read •Forever our hero," and a little yellow ribbon was attached. • Sea Bluff Drive: A woman was arrested on suspidon sleeping in a vehicle at 8:10 a.m In the 1000 block Thursday. • West S.., S1rMt A man was arrested on suspicion of trespassing on private property without consent at 1 :05 a.m. in the 500 blodt Sunday. • West 19th Street: A man was arTested on suspicion having an open container in a public park at 5:37 p.m. in the 500 block Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • EJ Modena Avenue: Vandalism was reported In the 400 block.at 1:07 p.m. Sunday. "You hear about the numbers and know war causes ugly things," he said. "But ii is like one or our neighbors has been raken from us." Roeder said it is a special time, not just for family members, but for the community to come together. "It is one of those times you don't want to be a dignitary, you just want to be another persort," he said. "It is a sad • Iris Avenue: Water and sewer problems were reported in the 700 block at 1:17 p.m. Sunday. OONLEACH/DAll.YPILOT Lance Fogel talks about his new salon at Fashion Island, First Cut, where kids can play video games while they get their hair cut. • P9dfic VteW Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3400 block at 11:19 a.m. Sunday. • P9nin.u1• ArN: A low-flying plane was reported at 4:20 p.m. Sunday. • 32nd Street •nd Beech Boulevard: A physical fight was reported at 3:23 p.m. Sunday. , FAIRVIEW Continued from Al The council ended up approv- ing the final design 4 10 I with· out a lower parking lot and a connector road. It also discuS!>ed working with the Harbor Soaring Society co meet its needs while preservmg the enviro nmental in1cgrity of 1hc area. Some of the environmental· ists accmc the society of a land THE ... ,, NEW9• 2004 RX330 Now Available Come see rhe new EverWooc:r CounrrySide blinds from Humer Douglas. Overlapping slats creare a t>eaurlful board-on·board design. And the ·seep-up' look adds depth, dimension and character to any room. And Eve~ CountrySjde will not warp. ci'ack. ~l or rade Even In tUT\ld 11aS °' dJtea ainl WU· Come $CC these beautlfUI blinds lOday la I I J I ;w;;,..,.. •... ,, •......... .,.,.,,, ., ... ·-· .,_ .. grab and blame city officials for acquiescing co the society's re- quests instead of negotiating with ii. "What has been Indicated Is that they have not needed as much land as they apparently say they need," Vandersloot said. "TI1e staff was under the impression that whatever the soaring society wants, it should get." Other-. are not pleased that the design an this area calls for turf. ALLOWED Continued from Al Simona Garibay entered this country clandestinely from JaJisco, Mexico some 20 years ago to provtde a better life for her family She has seven grown children, lives in a modes! Westside home with at least two other families and does nol speak English. She is undocumented, and Jose was a resident. but not a citizen. UnJike other features the paper has done on extraordinary people who happen to lack certain paperwork. we did not receive any letters to the editor lambasting us for our blatant encouragement of illegal immigration. In September 2001. after a Sunday feature on the Job Center, we received an angry letter from Costa Mesa resident Sheree Manly for our coverage of the venue that "draws people to our community-and we have enough illegaJ lmmigranta that live ln ow community. "They're overloading our schools and not really contributing the amount ot tu.e that they need to be contributing for all the services that they get,• Manly wrote. I checked the mailbox~ today d there was no such communlcatJon from our vocal mu:lcr about Jose Garibay, wbo paJd the uJttmare price for •he freedom of lhil coun~ 1 wonder ii that makes up for the Jack or tu.est ' even Councilman Outs ed. wbo WU eleded lo 2000 paitty .reality, a consequence of the military action we are involved with. It might seem far away, but it is right here in our own community." Expressing his appreciation to the family for allowing the community to share their grief, ISLAND Continued from Al designer Pampolina is also set to open early next month. Getting the retailer is a bit of a coup for Fashion Island, as it is opening its first store in this countJ1. Pampolina. formerty Rag Baby, is near Haagen-Dazs. The Picrure People, also set for early ApriJ, is a Hallmm-owned chain that specializes in chil- dren's portraiture. Opening festivities for babys- tyle have been pushed back to July. The store, only the second in existence, is the outgrowth of an Internet retailer and catalog- order business. It replaces Mu- seum Co. Forever 2 l. a clothing store for teen and young women~ is ex- "Turf is not compatible with that particular area." Gielow said. "It requires a lot of water, incredible amounts of water, much more than people really want to put in that area of the park." Roger MacGregor, the city contact for the society, said the designated area for the society has been on the Fairview Park Master Plan for three years. MacGregor said the society does not have its own area now and its new area. which is about 600 on the platfonn or eliminating "the magnets" that draw these "criminals" to the community. has been silent about Simona Garibay. And why not? Maybe it's because even they know you can't compare measly real estate percentages with the loss of human life, especially when the sacrifice Jose Garibay made for this country makes the rest of us "citizens· look like anarchists. "The Costa Mesa City Council is the problem. because Its voting record has attracted undocumented nondtiz.ens tho ugh our charities and the Job Center Into our rentals and schools, lowering the quality of our schools and affecting our property values and our crime rate. This Is one of the Issues I was elected on, and I am obligated to follow up,• Steel said In January 2001. Well. he didn't follow up with me Thursday or Friday after I called to ask If Jose Gerlbay qualified as of those who "lower the quality'; of thJs city. I wonder why? Councilrrian Allan Mansoor, who is the aon of two lepl lmmfarant parent.a from SWeden and Egypt, tw long cban1ploned UalmUation tor the foreign bom. 'Ibo many prob1emt -with oommunJcatJoo and culture- are cruLed by people who do not learn the languaae and ch00te to tunctloa ln a tepante community. When aaked 1budday what be tboUibt lbouc SbDOaa Guibey'a having come Into this country Weplly ud then never 1eunlng the.........., Manloor Mld,.thenban~ into the Pilot Clas.sified section to find services from etectroriics and plum~, to lan<;tSc.apers arld painters. Roeder called Jose Garibay a hero. •Jose deserved this and more," he said. The shrine accumulating just inside the door of their home spilled out oas people kept arriving, bearing flowers, pected to open in August near the Koi pond. It replaces a Hall- mark. Judy Lee's, a women's clothing outJet, should also de- but at that time. Judy Lee's offers upscale dresses in an array or colors, in- cluding many of the more oft· the-beaten-track shades. The shop Is Ideally suited for the out- door Fa.sblon Island, Lee said. ·1 like outdoor malls: Lee sald. •1t's a pleasant place where people can hang out and have a good day." TO HANDLE THE HUNGER The shopping center is also re- tooling the food court area at Is- land Terrace. In early June. the center will unveil a new eating patio that will bring a Ned Robin and Wahoo's Fish Taco to replace Mardi's, Theos & C..o .. Sbarro and Panda Express. feet long and 200 10 300 feet wide, Is in a sparsely populared area.of the park. "We never had a defined area before,· MacGregor said. ·it's not like we had anything. We're not realty asking for anymore. They just moved it.· Some members of the envi- ronmental group also suggested changing the location of a bus " •it's pretty hard," Flores saJd ·eut it is getting better.· • CORAL WILSON ia the new1 assistant and may be reached at (949) 574-4298 or by e·ma1I at coral.w1/son@lstimes.com. Mall managers declined 10 dis- cuss lease rdtes. AJong with the new shops. Fashion lsland is adding 20 col· orful mur.ds and hand-painted images to public areas. On Fri- day, artists hired by Duffy Fenton Art in Hawthorne were adding the final touches 10 the murals. which are designed to resemble the "old world" signs of 15th· century Italy. ·we've done milk wash to take down the brilliance f of the colors I,· said Bridget Duffy. from a perch in the air on a sci!. sor lift. ·we wanted an aged look, 10 speed up Mother Na- ture.· • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment. business and pohttcs He may be reached at (949) 764-433Q or by e-mail at paul clmton @/11t1mes.com Morris said staff will not take any more public comment since they were following council di- recdon. ·1 think the plans look good. and hopefully, the Coastal Con· servancy will also thJnk they look good and will go ahead and formally bless them. as well,· Morris said. turnaround so ii doesn't take • OEJROAE NEWMAN cover• Costa away from the lawn area for pie-. Mesa and may be reached at (9491 nlcs that is already there and so 574-4221 or by e-mail at it is closer to the restrooms. de1rdre.nt1wman@t11rimtn com place and time to talk about on old quotes. including one everything. and now is not that from Millard's essay, "Survival of lime.· the Mosl Fecund -ln Praise of I pushed him a Lanie more, the Cockroach,· copyrighted in but the law man didn't budge. 2000, in whkh her refers to He left me with this: "little brown people" or ·brown "Many people could make invaders" who realize having points either way, but I feel that children is important. while nowis not the proper dme to white people produce fewer discu!s that. The fact is, he paid children. the ultimate price for our Well, in the case of Garibay. country and deserves our that •invader" not only came respect.• into th ls country, but adopted Pair enough. Left with a lack ils principles, volunteered to of recent quotes from Mansoor, • fight for ita freedom and died I'll reuse one from March of last representing IL Now, year. brown-skinned Simona Garibay "When you have such huge has onJy six children. Does that numben of megaJ immigrants. skrw the demographics better? you don't have people WestsJde resident Janice asslmilatlng, • Mansoor said in Davidson, who is a longtime March 2002. "They don't learn political ally of Steel, Mansoor the language or about our · and Millard's. said her views on county or ~ant to become the Issue have changed since American. When you have jolning the ci~ Human people coming here illegally. Relations Committee. they lose out on aU that this •(The Garibays) are the best country has to offer, and that They are the best of those who hurts them as much.as the rest come through." Davidson aaid. of us." -We are getting crowded, 1 would wager that Simona though, but once they are In, Garibay's hurt right now has they &n1 ours, and we need to nothing to do with whether she tab care of them," Davidson apeab engJJsh. The only thing said. &be has loat out on IJ the Davidson MOt her heartfelt chance to watch her aon grow coodoJenca to the mother, older. regard1 of her tepJ atatus. Voatl mldent Martin Millard, ·1 Wllb I could •Y lo Spanish who ii known for bla to forsfve all of us tn the contenttou1 views on race, also community who haw not d«i!ned to comment aboul the apot;en well of your aon. irony of a foreign-born man becaUM he ls a true bero, • abe g1vlng hb life for a country be sald. wu not ewn a dtiun of. Enough tald. Ex-Ma.rtne Milla.rd. who la the author of an electronic neWaJ ter and or many freelanQO artldel; Mid h would write his \'Jwn thouPtt &bout IL ~ tl\ICkwtth ~ uw to go on. I bid to fall beet • • LOUTA HJUU D wrtt. ooh.lmM Mondejt, Mdnetdeys end frideys •nd CIOWf'I ouflU"' and the .,.. Sht meybe ~et (Ml> ~I ot by e:-meM 9t loll.:,..,,,.,..,.,,,.._oom. · Daily Pilot Pilpt ·da. ~t• n. i e ill d 1y • d d lid. et dis- ops. col- rued Fn· 1ton ding .rals. nble 5th- 1 to r the 'Uffy, scis- 1ged Na- tak.e 1ince J di- :ood. Con- they I and veu.· cm• M9) "I. e 18.1 of .e of din r ay. 1e ed 0 ~ rlbay 'that 1er7 e :><>r 'Son at. vho 18.ld. n. lO >n mne idttM Ml) QUOTE OF THE DAY "When I was playing prof essionally, no one had as much fun as I was having.,, Enc Wooda, Daily Pilot Han of F amer .. Sports Ecaor Roger Car1son • (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 ancy Sophomo re guard's unrelenting work e thic helpe~ Orange Coast capture state crown. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot T he often-used phrase "leading by example,· could be an ideal descriptor for Nancy Hatsusru, the sophomore point guard on the Orange Coast College women's basketball team that won its first state championship last month. Coach Mike Thornton's Door leader was determined to make the best of her wt season at CoasL ·1 didn't want to regret anything,· said Hat.sushL the Daily Pilot AthJete of the Month for March, who was named MVP of the state tournament. "I tried to get the best out o f my team, whether that meant 'pas.tjng COLLEGE WOMEN'S WATER POLO Gauchos edge Anteaters UCI sees 3-0 lead vanish as UCSB nets winning goal with 0:18 remaining. SANTA IWlBARA -The No. 15- ranbd UC IMne women's water polo team held a 3-0 lead early lo the leCOod pedod. but No; 11 Sant.a Bas:bua ralUed for ~-drUnlde 6-S win In Mountain Pa- Qftc Sportl Pederadon action SUnday at uaa. l!ltn Leak. • product of IMne High. lcored lhe pmt--wtnnlng .IOll for the Geucboe 0'·9, 2-' ID theMl'Sf> wtth ti MCCllMll l'llnllnlnl to drOp the Al'tt• ...... l4·1S. J-6.. Ad 1111+ Ptnam ICOled for UCI co make tt 3-0. bUt the ~ .corecl twtce to cut the de6cit to one by halft1me. ua peppered Gaucho goalie ICrlsten M<.Gmnon in the fint two quamn. when ahe made nine of her 10 NW*. ucse ecored the tint three goa1a of the third ~ but Erk:a Horman~ second goal of the day tied the score, 5·5, with 5:56 .left ID the pme. lt WU the ~ wtn ln Chelr llllt ~t ~for u . SEAN HILLER I DAILY P1LO 1 l • atsuS the ball or running the Ooor " Thornton gave Hatsushi the freedom to call Coast's offens ive sets this season and she proved up to the challenge. Being a point guard requires a certain degree of leadership and Hatsushi has tried to live up to that billing when she is on the Ooor. "I did it in high school. so I adapted easily," said Hatsushi about calling the plays. She played four varsity seasons iit Costa Mesa High and holds the school's carttr assists record (675). "(Playing point guard) is something I thrive on. Tu see that my coach has.nust in me and beUer in what he wantS me to do, I don't get nervous." During the state tournament run. playeB, as well as Thornton. cootinually noted the team's determination to win as a driving force to the championship. Hat.sushi demonstrated s1milar desire even SCHEDULE ~y Softb9ll • Community college-~ AM 9t Orenge Coast. 3 p.m. High .choof-Newport Hart»or 9t Costa MeN, Co.ta~ Tournament ~gerne,3p.m. ..... College men-An.-e hdftc at'VMguetd Univwlfty, 1:30 p.m. College women -~ Untwrlhy • Anm P9c:ftlC:. 1 ;30 p.m. ,.,...,... High~ t>Oy9-a.. Quinta. COlltit Meee, 4:.30 p.m. .. Coleji men-UC kW1i et Plldfto COMI lrMtMlonll at b ~ GC, Lompoc. Comtnunlly cdege rMf'-Oringe COllll -~ • c:oeorMOOdGC. n a.m. High ...... tio¥11-C... Miii • ~~2:41p.m. before the season began. A commitment to an mcrea'>t.'<l off-season training regimen gave Hatsushi more strength than -;he ha., ever had and prepared her for the rigors the season brought. She worked out nearty every day, lifting weights and practicing her JWTI.P shot. anything to keep basketball in her routine. "I was more disciplined th1s year." Jlatsushi said. "I didn't slack off I was in better sh.ape than ever • When she's on the Boor, Hatsush1 said her main role is running the offense, with scoring a second option. "She's the best point guard I've ever had in terms of being a leader and getting it done on the court," said Thornton. who completed his 14th sea.son at Coast. "When we take her out or the game. we just aren't SM HATSUStl, Pace A6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~the Dai}' Piofs NNefe oflhe ~series 10Wfr n -...._~ er.,.. c:oe. Colllge Ootf.2001 11 -KVT11 MltYt Oninge COlllt c.,. .......... JOOt.'02 . •-ic.... °'°""' C...MIM Wlilllrpalo • EYEOPENER .Daily .. Pik.x . ~ttdfllf-. ............ ._"'6u_ ~~ 7/IOnOrM PAUL ORRIS Monday, March 31, 2003 A5 HONORS Mustangs doini-nate selections • Day, Denman earn top honors fr om Golden West League soccer coaches. \emor. \harem Day dlld Devm Den· mJn, who lwlpt:d 1he C...0'>ta Me..a H1gh girl., .,oner 11:.1111 dorrunate the Golden Wt''>I IA!ag\Jl' 111 1he MuMangs' fin.t sea· Min m lht' 1 tn IJll top a dcu.en local.!. rec- ognvf-'d on 1ht• rnache<.' all-league se· lt><..llon ... I >Jy, d '>l'niur rnidfit'ldt·r. is the Offen· '>lvt' 'l.1VP hllllt' Dt:nma.n, a ~ruor '>V.t•ep1:r .• , 1ht I ~fen<,1\ie MVP. Junior ~lat) M!Jconan. sophomort>l> Ntla111 Duant• dlld Jenny Sparks, a... well J' frt">hm.1n l.t'>rllln I >ay, repreM!nt < .u'>lJ Me..a 1m tilt' fir..t 11:am. wtuch abo 1111 ludt .... L..,t,1m 1.1 -.enwr Huth Olavero 11ll' .,econd IC;Jin rndudes SU lo<:aJ '>l,mdout.,, 1m ludmg <. o.,ta Mesa <,tand- ou1' "'-ara Jenl..m.,, Valt>nc Gome1 and R.ll lu·I Ronq111llo . .i., wt•ll a!> Karleen < urra11 Jnd MJ1111<J Abdul from 1-.'>lan u.1 ~h.iro11 I ).1\, '' h11 lt•d the Mu'>tangc; w11h .!'I goaJ, .md 14 a.,,,w, on theu w-av to .r ,h,m· of 1lw < II "outhem ~·cuon l>t\iN011 Ill t1tlt• wa., a dommam force for I ii.tch I >.m Jt'nklm ~uad Da) helpt·d \k'-t out'><.ore (,olden \\e..t n · V'aJ..,, 78 .! l'll mutt• to a I.! O·O lt:ague re· rnrd \ht· .,h,m·d \1\ I' honor'> tn the Pa ufic I OJ't I t'ol.,'Ul' la.,t <,c~on .ind wa' aho " fir.i tl'.1111 \II f'( I performt'r ~ a .. ophnmorl' I w11111a11. 11~1· Ua\ a four· yeJr V'.tr<.i!J pt'rfornlt'r. .1111 hort'll a def en'>(' that p11 .. 1t•d HI ll·.1~uc· ..,huiout.,. \he was f1f'>t 11 .. 1111 •\II I'< I Ja.,1 '>e~on after c•;1r11111g '>n 111111 tc<1111 rt't:'ognruon a.., a 'oph• mon · r>u.U1e ""' a midfield rntar,,t whtle ~p.irb fim..,ht•d wtth D goah Jasmin Da\ .1dded 24 goals for I.he Mustang.... "~foll i..nkon.m \\as a .,tah .n al full- h.1d. 1>11.1r1e and \park..'> were seco11d·team htHH>ret''-111 1hc• PCl la.,t <;eason Jenk.m., ,111<! C.1ome1 were defensive standout.,, \\hue Ronquillo contnbuted 1110.,t m the· nudfield for ( .o.,ta Mesa. l he Mu.,1ang '1andouL., helpe-d < osta Mt~ fim,h .!..! I J. bv far I.he be.t sea '>On m lhe proi..rr am·, hl'>tor.., llw lt•ague 111lc "a' al .. o a fir.t for the Mt">it prow-am <11.1,t'r11 plJH'<l "'\et'per. whlle <...ur- ran .1't111•11 """ c1 -.1andou1 rrudfielder Abdul a In 'hman. wa., an offon.,1ve catah '' lc.ir thl' I .aglec; COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD UCI tandem sets records I School standards fall at . I Stanford Invitation al \1ANFORO-UC Irvine sopbomo~ t-..rm C uros and Junior Jenny I.Jou ~ 'K'hool records at the Stanford Thld: and Field Invitational completed Sun· day 0.1rt1s won .the pole vault with a clearance of 12 11 ~. besting the stand· ard of 12 9"'1 he set last season. Uou's ninth-place time of 10:47.0I in the 3,000-rMtn teeplec::bue was nearly l 0 seconds faster than the acbool re<lOrd 5he cm.blished in 2002. She qUAli.6ed for the NCM Reglooal Omn· pioDships. scheduled · May 30-31 at . ~Ord. Curtis had already qllalifted for the NCM rtgk>oals. Sophom0tt Suzanne Purmort'I time of 1.01 .91 in the 400 hurdla •the llt'll· mth-best matk lo ua history . ln men's competh.km. UO emJoi l)lafnll 1bz1er ran a n-belt 1:52.03 ln the 800 and junior 1mb Morid docked a -beit 9:33.112 In tho 3,000~ 1n m. Mdd·..._ ua tun· t Jon ewut 8nlltild tild " bk tllght and 10th ... In dW clec:MllkM With 6,259 polnta. .. ._.,= 2 ... · Alron~--~aa .. ..,. .... I 4ch a¥le:ral whh a tan itl 5,nl. In the ......... .,.... .......... ,,,,,. bd WMMllh 14,191 pal Jtlz ... JllD". loi'·AI .. ie ~ -.. Iii .. MlllDdl ...... M.WI). I SPORTS PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pl.OT UC Irvine's Jon Horwitz (left), slides around Washington State's Jonathan Fender to steal second base during Sunday's game at UCI. Cougars collect off UCI pen \!\'TEAfl:.R &J.U>ARJ( -UC In me used four pitchers to retire the side in the ninth inning, when Vl~iung Washington State broke a 2-2 tie to claim a 4-2 nonconference ba<ieball victory 'iunday. fhe winning rally began with a two-out double off Michael ~oehler. who had retired the first '>l'ven hitters he faced after com- ing on in the sixth. Phil Tripoli re- placed Koehler and !lurrendered an RBI single to pinch-hitter Hobert Stah.lke. Jay Miller then c,ingled off Ouis Nicoli to drive in an insurance run, before ua·s Keith Raulinaitis got the fi.nal out. UCl"s Q\ris Klemm scored Oil Gregg Wallis' fielder's choice to tie it in the eighth. . Matt Fischer went 2 for 3 to pace the seven-hit attack for UCI, which fell to 11-19. The Anteaters have now scored two or fewer runs 12 times this .,ea!><m, 11 of those being losses. Noncoln.•ic• Washington St. 4, UCi 2 Score by Innings Wash. St 100 001 oc» 4 10 o UC Irvine 000 100 010 2 7 o MacKenzie. Kenyon (91 and Reddinger, Baeder (81. Ff"endl, Sdiroer (71. Koehler (7), Tripoli (9), Nicoll (9J, Rauhnai11s (9) and Wertiun. w MacKenzie. 2-3 L -Koehler, 1-3 Sv -Kenyon (1) 28 Baeder (WSU), Fisher 1uco. HR -Falkenborg 1wsu1. UC/ catcher Jeff Werhun tags Washington State's Jeremy Farrar out at the plate in Cougars' ~2 win. HATSUSHI Conbnued from A5 the same team." But in the 69-61 championship-game victory against Contra Costa, Hatsushi led Coast with 20 pomts, mcludmg bitting 5 of 6 from behind the three-point line. She holds OCCs -,mgle-season three-point percentage reconi ( 448) set last year. "I hit my first three shots and he gave me the green light to shoot,· Hatsushi said. "He told me to shoot more, so. when I was open. I tried to take good shots." The rest of the time. Hatsushi tried to get the ball to one of her open teammates. I latsushi led Coast with 4.9 assists per game and finished third in scoring (10.3 points per game}. while c.ollecting 60 steals, second most among Pirates. She also led Coast with 30.1 mmutes per game. IU.&l'. ua.111 @i§J*'§W ._....,,,.~ .... ~ ---a'llllic...* C!M!f! • ..... .,_ .~,. .. ··~ Playing along')ide five returner.. from last year's squad. I latsui.hi, a fi~t-team All-Orange Empire Confe rence i.election for the second straight year. said that familiarity bred confidence throughout th~ i.eason. uEveryone is good. so I could rely on anyone." Hatsush.i said. "We alJ kind of came together " Now, Hatsushi and teammates Lindsey Gal~. Lauren Miller. Leigh Marshall, Candice Quiro1 and J.i.7 Mendoza must part. Hatsush.i is interested in continuing her playing and academic career at either Adams State in C..olorado. a Division 11 university. or Concordia University in lrvine, an NAIA school. She wants to major in ldnesiology. No matter where she plays, hard work is sure to follow, ·1 want everyone to play their best," Hatsush.i said. "If I give I 00%, hopefully they will follow my lead." Judging by this year's results. 1 latsushi's lead was more successful than ever. /Yew~ PI ao XLT SUptteab Ill Daily A Pilot Ill S)IOIU Hall of Fame Celebrating the millennium ERIC . ' WOODS Corona del Mar Golf pro won three straight money titles, two while on Canadian Tour. Rlchud Dunn Daily Pilot H ~~r:::mhu greatness, which keeps Eric Woods coming back to the golf course, and. despite his age, his dreams alive. "I'm 39 and still have an opportunity to pursue my dream,. said Woods, a Corona del Mar High and UC Irvlne graduate who turned pro In 1988, but hasn't played regularly in about six years since his father. Richard, a longtime former Newport Beach CounttyOub member, passed away. At that point. Woods took over the family business. C.actus Paclcaglng, and bis golf career took a back seat. awhile. "It's so awesome,· Woods added "You forget how nice professional golf tournaments are; it's your course when you get there. It's roped off, you get great balls on the driving range and all the balls you want to hit, the golf course is in perfect shape and you've got caddies, which is the way golf should be. It's ao fun. What I really r:nW is a caddie. If I had lt my way the rest of my life, somebody would be carrying my bag, Unfortunately, right now, it's me doing iL • These days, Eric Woods Woods, who hasn't played competitively on a full-time basis since his father became ill in 1995, has kept the inherited business going, while opening The Golf Lab in Costa Mesa, an Indoor practice Woods is in the facility which has been focusing lately on custom putter fining and custom junior golf club , fining. midst of a mild comeback this year after having played five mini-tour events and finishing no worse than 12th. He carded a smooth 63 earlier this year in a Golden State Thur/Pro Series event at BrooksJde Golf Oub in Pasadena. an indication that recent hard work is paying off. Once on the cusp of a promising career, Woods traveled the world in search of a good time, which. if enough rounds in the 60s were factored in, became a great time. "When I was playing professionally, no one had as much f\m as I was having," Woods once said. H And I had enough talent to make enough money to pay my bills.• As a playing pro, Wood<i trawled to South Africa and South America. He playt!d. on the Australian and Asia toun, then in 1993 and •94, be enjoyed back-to-back years of winning the Order or Merit. u the money list is called, on the Qinadian Thur. In '94, Woods led the c.anadian Thur in low-lttt>ke awrage and captured two tournaments north or border. HJs spot on the tour's all-time money list continues to open doors If he .. interesting in playing. •1 get to play In almost aoythlng I want to play in (on the (.anadlan Thur,)" said Woods, a former CdM football quarterback who played golf in Canada earlier th.ls year for the first time in quite •I love teaching and the technical side of golf.· Woods said. ·rm intrigued with it and enjoy learning about equipmenL I'm not so much into changing adults' equipment as I am with kids.~ At this point in his playing career. Woods isn't trying to win any more money titles, but he'd like to return to '94 form. ·1 don't care if (the money) is Canadian. I'm going to play in anything where I think I can make cash at: said Woods. who has a 14-month-old son, Darnel. "It's hard. I love golf and I feel I have the ability to make a living playing golf. But, right now, it's not realistic, because I've got a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. I'm doing what I think is tighL It's not wise to walk away from a profitable business.~ Woods, who won the South American Tour Order of Merit ln 1992 after contending for the championship in five of seven events that year. has never owned a PGA Tour card, but played in the 1987 LA Open as an amateur and the 1991 AT&T National Pro-Am at Pebble Beach ln 1991. A longtime CdM resident. Woods 18 the latest honoree In the Dally Pilot S~rts Hall of Fame. Daitx Piiot ., ......, ...._ 2MO llgal Notices 2MO 1.1p1 tla8ca 2MI Llpl 11a11c:a SlllMJIS'AllYLAW) ma111mon10, '" 14170. OllAHGE. CA OfAOl*-.W.-Pf6'>1<1~d 11111• orden.n 9286J 1570 -.. ,._.. .. ... U•l•d P•IU. man· 2 Th• MITM, eddrns -ft -l•r1e '"" h<>n°'.,"'' d• and t&leciloon. number of HOTICl TO l!lSPON •b•J&•du Y I•• <Olin SI '"llllon• s •ttorney or DENT (Name) (AVISO no PU•de P•1•r In P•llllon•r without 111 Al 0 CM AN 0 AO o tu\lu r<or I• ptewnta •llotney 11 (ll nombre, (NCHnbra) CltlCG C coon°" la ~n>•nda l"dt I• d11ecclon 1 el nu"""o WAL TEltS •I JKtu•• in d9 I• corle de tet.lono del abopdo You are bttna •u.d A 11ue le de un lormu1M10 det it.m•ndantt o dal 1atlld i. nl•n demand de .. .,,..,,,IOn de lu demandante que nu ando "'""''' (W•1ver ot Cm.wt Irene abo1ado, el) l"tTITIOHlR'S ~Ml-IS f •n •nd (o\h.I Sl£ll Y MAA1£ SAHTllll. El HOMBRE OU Ot ~' dnu ut.tener 17191 CORBINA lN may loM the UM, attd nombr• 'I dvec.clon de dueled llr en ltlclMdutl lhl• 11tete1r••11t wu your wac•. tnOIMtY and leeonees) (Ch•rln D hp11 1 fried •tlh the Counly prQC)tlrty 111ay be lallen ~E COUNTY SU c .. io.o Tllpl• Clerk of Ortnce t:uunty w1thovt f1'fther w.,111111 rERIOR COURT 700 Tn11o 1t1ltmtnt •H on OJ/ltllOJ fh• futlow1n1 IN"Wn" front lhe court Cl111c C.nler Or1v1 Wnl tried with the c;ounty toOS.911 7S2 Ill• Oo•n1 bu"""' as Thwe are othef llpl I' 0 801 838. Senta Ct.fa of Oran11 (;ounty Otrly P1lol ..., JI. ""' fhe Oem Gtuup lOfi C reqUOl'lllMllh You 1111y Ana,CA927020838 onOJ/06/0l 1,14,21 :MIH Nlf'>ll Monte Ytsl• Costa ••nl to tall an allornet Centi et Jusl1t1 Cent., 200U9S. llS MeM Catrtorn•• 92621 ript •W•'f. If you do llOI Ch11I Unllm1te4 o.i1y Pilot Mat 10 II. D•n·"4 lM Pryor 106 know •n •tlofneJ, you fhe iwrne. addrtn , 24, ll. 2003 Mi58 fklll....,... l; MDnle Vrsla Co'l.b may c:1U •n attorney and lelec>llone number of ... S...... Meu Cal<lwn•• 926/ I r•fefr•I MtfVICe or • plainttfl'i attorney, ot .......... llor\ Duw~u ~ '°" lt&•I aid oflt<t (ltlted In 111a1n11tl without an "-S....... The follow•na l••f'.W.n~ dueled by an iltdr-.>doial the phone book) •llortwoy ts (El nombre .,, dOrt•tl bu"""' u Ha•• you 1>t¥lod do.n& 11 .. lolklw•n1 ~nun\ .,. "°"" bu~...u n b•1Mdti s.,,.,_ ,. • ...,11 ... Aui~fanl ~ervrc.I\ /H'} CMf .. td A•• I'll, Hun l"'f\un flu II I A ';Ut;.11 Gebr,.lle At11u /)J1 C .. t.eld A,. t>{j Hom lrni(fon 8ud1 CA 9/bU th" b.i...,." " um dtiC.fed bt •n Nld vlClcul Hh• '°" •t .. 11d -.,,"I b~o•"y .. t1 rtu G•llf .. n• A1110 flu~ al.oten •RI ••• 1•1•41 w•th I~• C..\Hlty C:te•-ol Uu ,e t o .. nt r on Ollll4 01 200S .. IS741 D•ly J11u1 M•• 10. 17, ta4:*~ ~ MAHOAHTC ES SHlllY •on\11<> lef•I ~ornuni •202 HUNTING TON MAfll( SANTILLI qu•u d• rnmadoeto ton BEA<.H. CA 9?649, <714) CASt NUMBER CNumern un tl1<i&•1I" 840 8984 Oupun de ttut le ta dweccoon y el nu,,_o The follow1nc P'"'°"' Cl '"ntlllk, l'HO H.trb<lr bu.~H•H-' yet' No 1ntre1u•n HI• ctt•elon de telefono del •bo1;odo .wt dolf'I bui1n•n ;u Bl•d lo•t• Meu CA 0 .. 11,.1 LH p,,,,. I fudl,111 us led 1 .. ne un del dem•ndtntt, o del RA I fl [ R l 2 l l l 3 92611 ''"~ ,,.,.,...,;,, ... , de1Cuo)OJDOOOS41 N0•1r( lh• rutrttn1111 Oete• JAN 21, 1001, YM tine JO CAHN i.td•" ••n Hi• baci. are A1AN SU.UR ct..t., 1ty DAR DAYS alter th1~ '" •lle~I •&••n•t buth MAIGARITA MON Summon' arid Pttrlrnn fiu•b•n<1 •id Ntf• unlrl TANU, D~ty Pub .,. -Vaci on you to "'• Ill• J>tlrl1o111 I\ d1\mrs\~d ri~ll•d Newport Beach 1 ResponM (Imm I l ·1 111d~•n«111 " enl••td C.olla Meu Dally Pilot 120) et the court •nd ''' th• r """ nuke, Match 24, 31, APftl 1. HfVI a C:OflY Dn Ito~ IUt 111•1 '" d•t'. fhn~ 14. 2003 M669 petitioner A ••II•• 111 prd•" .,. ""'"'~·•~!~ phone cell wlll ncrl uny,.h•rr 111 f.•~furnra Aa!WAVJ.PATIKI protect you hy •"Y l•w e11h•rcen1en1 SUIMOMSOM II you do not hi• 1,,.,, olfrlrt wlru "'" reLer~ed ~• ,,\IHU.,., ResponH on ltn1~ IJr~ '" "~" " <Ul'Y ul them UIV>>"'"'~~· court may make u•d•ro. Allt~O lo ,p1oh1b1 (OTlCIOllJUDICIAl) affectln1 yuur rn1111~~· 'ron•·· 1u1IH "'•s •iur NOllCF 10 CROSS your prop•tty •ud JJhtt• "" '' r~veir\v du O(f(NOANTS (Avlso a custod~ of your duldtfl:11 "'t• i 1t• 11111 ~u•1 ef« At. U.$.ido) MO HAM( D You may be orderr<i t11 t1w4•' ""'' t tmbu\ iou lLGA .. I 1nd1"11du.-lly. pay suppotl •nd •""' yu;,•·· 1""" ~1 "P""' MOliAMCD ClCAfl dba ney fen •nd " I~ 11 ''"'"' 1' • 1 ·•·" h.-I• l Ml!.C £NGIN( [RING you canoot l'•Y 11> .. 1,1"~1 1111• 1" 11•11 •n" sr~ ANO Roes t 111101.rcn t~ fee, •sit. the tit-rt-. '"' ct I ff>l f1c\1 t'1 .. \.« d•llf" UO• lfte.lu .. tv• fee •atYrl l1K11 <l•t • '"" 1 ''•1 n Id <coll<: YUU ARl Blt~C SU(O If you "'""' 1•E•11 .. •ptd• "'1' ur 1 "11•' BY !.:ROSS CCJMPLAIN •dv1c1.conl•ll•l•wyr1 ••1• "'•I' 01t ~,., ANl tmmedu11•1y •·•• h hh .. ,.. ''"r t;..ri (A Ud le t"'\tl ~mand U5led Irene IO OIA , 1 •l~•~• ltl•pli•tn and••) II~" MlrlS CALENOARIOS J.-, .. ,., ' '"1 l'' •• 1 "1 • tit PAfkKK da rectbir uf1t1•tn1• ilr I ( •lih '" • 1111 t.1;.t1q i ... , Yt>u IU\tt j() C.:Al ( N ••t• crt1H.1Un )utl•u• Y JK•• '• '• ' l•n I ublr ' (IAk Oll<Y'i aflet lhl\ pet1cton par• t <ur plt-t u ''"'"' , .. t "" • , ... •fl1ch u ''""'011• , •• \l'fv•d on y pt•~enl•r ~u tuttJ u t , ... ••H• "1 It• i.n; op1A I I I I It d 1 4, 'rU 1 o 1't' • ypt:wt 1 en lar10 df' Re\pu• '-t ~ l' it: 1n,n~t-•t 01,\tourt (Respon\f lurm rt 1 .~IJ I H ' ••••·• ••>•I .,i., .. .,, A l•ll•• 11 hOM , •II I I "'' U I "' 11, '""' '" If f I p ~n • ~ ' ~ na \. 11 11 wilt tll)f u'ute'f you 0 un• ll•m•d• , .. ,.,.,,,.,,; U ttf tJ1,. ., 1f1tr1 I HHt de I It I t "''" ... 1 ORANGL you, typt-wr01 en r• no I~ ohwc.rr11 urnt•, ··P"'''" n1u \t b~ Ht CIOn I lllJ N t 1 '• 11 f' t k 11) R 1 (Jfll{I I AMII y t •'-" l'f•JP•r l•~•I lurn1 rl you St u'ted no P'" "'"' • .,...., wa11t thtt , uurt lo he1.tr su Respunt• ,. """'"" 1 011111 or1Ill\1111N« , I 141 l IH ( ITY OklVC Ylll' '"" I• i;ortt pued~ t"f\•d" p 1 It y<>u ,,,, nut 111~ y<wr 2!J!:W,l...Jli!" ..I.I.ti~ !J '> 1)1 f If l 1:1 !J X l.!.'!.Q!)rl'>t u!L.l!n!~ Pol i<-v VISA I pl110 de lO OIAS CAI. den11nd•nle que nu Avenldt 11 C11•, Colo de ChatlM 0 I <IP'• 'lfH> lllttd w1tll the C.uunl¥ lNOAAIOS pat a prnen t1ent1 •bopdO, ws) I.tu, CA 92679 flr•n1e Av~ •II f'o\t• l tier~ ,1 Oun&• Cr,unty l<tr una rtSj)ueste " U SA MITTS PA IRICK C1nle D lo D Corpu Mn•. LA 976?7 un Ill. l'010! 1rlla • maquln• en esta lSQ, f 134522, 014) ••lion (CA) 2lllJ lht• husinen 1'• <011 2003693790t wrle SZ!i 5!>77 Avenld• dt Cua Colo dud•d by •n 1nd1•1d11•I O••ly p1101 M•r 24 JI Un• t 1111 o un• ltu Mtlh Patr<dt B•• de Cai•. CA 92679 H .. e yuu •tarted d'""i A111 / 14 Xl03 M4>61 llamada tel1fo111ca no I• •I 34522, l•w OH ice ol Thi\ bu•m•" " 1 u11 hu.,n•~• yet' Nr, I -- olrecero prolecc1on \U llSA MITTS PATRICK, ducted by • ~Dfpotatoon th»rl•~ 0 hpr.. I fktiliM"511ess rupunta ucrlt• a 211 (. Imperial Hwy H••• you llarted 0<>1ne !hr. •lat•me11t ,.o lameS m1qu1r11 ti.an• qut Su1t<1 100, Fullerton, CA butoineu yet' N11 llled with the ( uunly ....... cumpltr con las form.al 92835 1047 Ctrcle 0 lo 0 Corpo Clerk 111 U11nu I u1111ty lti• lulloNtnll penoM ldades i.cales aprapla PATli "OV IJ, 2002 r•tton, Denn" Craham on 01JIJ6/IH •re doin1 bu,me\S a\ du s1 usted quier,e que ALA.. SLATH, CJ•rli ClO 200169361 J2 Rue •&Rull lint Shop I• c'or tt ·~ucht lU ~c1Vcwlo), Thi\ sl•tement .,.,., Ot1ly t'rlul M•r 111 I I I 6b',0 lier t.ut Blvd ...,,.... ., Cl • t "-~ 'J;>/IJ8 ' Sr ust•d no pttsenta (D8'., .... ) e1 • u "'•n11• o.ounl¥ uso, A. DANG, o-.-(rled with thw Counly l 4 JI ZOU) Mf>~/ tf •>uttt•1n ll•ll•y t A ~u ll"'PU"\ta • hempo, Publ1~hed N•wpor I un Uli 1910l n..w-N•ll•ul~ John Hu"' pu•de perder ti coo, y ~ ... ch Co\ ti Mesa Dail~ 200369J7&62 ""'-a.sineu phi •1'> /flO f I •ke £n I~ pu•den qu11ar su P1lnt March 31 Aprrl 7. Daily Prlol Mar /4 ii "-si.t-I '"4) OraneP 1.A9tf!b't a-7 14 2003 a.ALL.'-fn,~ Lu~•n~·!t '~ LOO utaroo '" drn•ro y ollu 14 21 2001 M676 ....,.., ....,.,, Ille "' 1. w •P llt•\•m• I du •·~ by ~" ind•••dU•I tou•d• ~u p•UP••d•d .,......_ •. ........_. ••• d• '"f ltu ''"~\' ·~ ''" evt\<i •dK.1<11111 por l S ....... of ,..__. l:fJASf Slk~ll f S lllll li••""""'••l•d.1uni; ...__<~ bu• ,..,.. , ... ,,'ft'~ i 10 pa1ttdel•lOttc .. t rtoflh4of --,.,.nlJ• dt l •tll lulr.o r)I C u\ten olto• 1eq.i1i1 llle followinll( pel\ton\ d• I 111• r A •71,J'< to,. le11te\ Pued• que Fktftills leslleu "-•r~ dotnc bu~•f'lt\~ 4 l. Co•· .. t '--"'' VK. .. ~ 111.i.. ~· ""' I•\ t tiumphrry'-ult~d qu1ct• llan1.M • un fht fc>llow•ns: perwn l •nd Oe-w•lupmt:nl {NV'J /Ji!) Vn v ... ,ndo Ill\ •t•t .. rr•t:fll w.I'".. ttboa•do tf'med••t• h•_. ab•ndon~d fhe u'• Group Int 188 Kt1n~ l ''t" J,. f ,,.,~ f I. Ut,/'t ti t'"~ .w·lf~ 11 ,._ t imfy m•1t1e S1 nu con0<~ • ot the Ftt.l1hou\ 8u~1 1npton Poarlt. 1rv1nt fht~ fl f\111ro l-;l: -If' .;t-r t.u i•..- un •t>r•tt•do puede "O> N•me l11te1nalH>n•I c.1,forn••'U606 "" ltr1 I I ... ,., ......... 20036•36491 ll•m•t . on \•tVlt.10 d4: Pte'\~ s .,..,l\.t ib6h l •nd o~v~luplllt"nt ~ •• ..,. f•.HJ '1 H'"dd1111. U·t,. t I Mu rel•renc •• cl• tbo1.1do> Or.•nc• ,..,. •fl I ,.,. (;rnvp In< cCA1 1814 brr\lllP' ,.. ,,, (I Ap I I• ~" 14 JI Mfcl J u • una of•(tnOll d• 1yud• Mes.1,Cll<'Jlb/7 l\•••••ntt:lon P.1rk, ""'"" 111 /tll.J/ tew:al (v•• •I d1tt1t tClf'w fh.-fh l1h••u .. Bu mes\ Cdl'h1tt11t197606 l 1"1• t ..:tt1 Ir• t•l.,.f,,n,'"o) n.-m~ r"leurrt l u dlbO._,t! fh1~ bu-.tnt' ~ 1\ . u 1 Or.rn11._ ,,,,. •• ,.' I 1 CASI NUMIUl1 w•• loltd rn Orarrae dur l•d by •""I'''"'' 111 I ftrr • t cl• 11•• 1 w • (Nv ...... • clel c.,..) Luuut1 un 'l 8'1994., H••• yuu >f.11t•d d<Jrnii l1l•d w Ito 11·~ I •t•'• 02CCOSS94 HI I NO r~'ll94l bu\mtu ytl' '1.-I 01 1 l•rk ol or '"•• 11111 JUOOl llANOIU L n h.ili<' O I apt a) 95 "" 0 l l >j (J I WIUUNSON l.1rlo\ O fapra 1'666 l •n•1 D•••lo11n .. n l 20036937869 DlrT. C19 01•n1te Avr •JJ. fMt• r;1,111p Inc O~tly P1l111 '-"A• lhe n.ime •11d oddre" M~-... tA 97r,27 l llruu (..nhin l ur d llpf J 14 '()C i of the •Ol.lrt ([I lh"D ~-"-.<tc_t_o_• __ _ llo\v to J>lac-(• A CLASS IFIE AD SELL your stuff througti classtf1ed! Rah:' Jilli lll.1tll111t' .1n· 'uh1n l to changl· v.11h11u1 111111tl' I lw puhlt,hcr rcwrH'' tlw n11h1 I" t l'"'"r n:dJ''''~· f'CVl\C or fl'lt'd Ill\ d '' 1l1cd advl·rt1-...·nw111 Pk.1,t• ll'J"k'n .trt\ t:rrnr thal ma\ tx· 111 \ •>ur 1. l.1"tl 1cJ .1d 1mrncdt.1tl·h I ht: IJ.111\ l'ill•t .Klt:ph lh Fa:\ lh· Phorw lh '1ail/ln l't·r~on: 11M•i11,11 li..'>114 1•i4r111w.! '\ti7x ' \I) \\ ( I H I\ .., tr\ l Dt'ad lir u·:-. \1nml." h1d.1\ .:; ( l(lp111 l UL'\UJ\ \t1111d.1\ '\ l>Op111 \\l'Jm·,J,1, f'w 1,d ,1 \ " ()I Jpm rt1ur,da ~ \\l·dm·,d.1\ 'i ()I Ip !l I no ltah1 lit) I 111 .111 \ l'H"r m .m 1'1 .t H--ll1d1 otlJf HUI.-.11"'! ( .,,,,, \1, ... ( \ i1 '• ' Pl\" IH.I 1th1•t tH•l "° II\ tJI \ I I\~ .,_tlf1 t f U• U1tit I \t ''"'1111n 111,.t " II" '1 h1dJ\. I hur,J.1\ 5 'l{ 1r 111 I lour .. 'i,11urt!J~ I rid." \ O(lpn• advcnl\c111u1t 1111 "h1d1 11 r11.1.\' Ix rci-pon,thk l'\tt'f'I 1 .. 1 lht' ,,,,1 nl th1. ~p.tc:e .1t1u.ilh 1~ l up1nl "' llil.· t'fT1'r Cn:d11 c:.111 0111~ ~ .111,. .... ~tl "'' 1t1t· 111,1 ln\Crtton I.: k phon( ~ \OJm ., OOprH \111t1JJ\ I 111J;1\ \\ . .!~ In l< 111.1111 ~ llllp111 ',.,,,, "" I 11.I I\ \11n b\ hid l\ " • ,, •pill ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE ~ MEIOWIDISE FOi SALE 301()-3940 SALE 1489 BUSINESS& $ FINANCIAL 230S·2490 llAL ESTATE FOR SALE , .. lflc V..... l lo 0 h by!ido.~"4tll~ Ttn-.. en..t h Sll-~{• .. 01 24k both t,Mq II\ I? 14 1 Estate Sales I 1486 I MISCEUANEOUS Newport loyun• s.i. I MERcu.u.iolSE l•t l(d1t..,1 "-ndJt ~ nlV1 1• 1<n 1 v•~"I;· i-v...... --------- Jw1'. T ~<1•S0-63S1 Miscellaneous CollKtlblll/ Memcnbllla 1160 ANTIQUES I Mefd\andise 3855 Alls nu IUllDINGS '4• ~ •• SI 'JO() ,... '°" S$ .. llCO.OS nc i1u. c:ar..t. Etr CO.. ~ tJJ Al°6IUeS Q Sale Jn0 SJ.'lll l'la '>() wa.. SIJ 'DJ J!l A19K. ~ tube en-v Steve 19SO O'hele & M • 949 "4" 1•0'> Manin 600 S.du ~O I -'"-•-., > ••di~ .-br lpr lo fGUAl llOll5llG I ~' '" m"••• uoate $?000 orPOl11ll'f" obn <14 'J 6 / ' 094.t AU real e•l•h •d••' hson1 In th" ll#w P•t>•• ART/ is subjel I to tilt! f edf'• •I PAINTINGS Fall Housrn1 Act ol 1968 ., amended winc h m•~•s rl tll•&•I tu •dverltw · •ny prrl•• ence, l1n11ht1<rn '" dlK rlminahnn bned nn rMA, color 11h&1tin, '"" handU:1111. l1m1ll•I ,1.tu• Of natlon•I Oftllrn. '" •" Intention In m•ke •"V '"'h preltren~•. ltn11te llon °' dlKrlmtn•ll•m • This new"'aper will not llnowinaly eccert 3060 ATTINTIONI •'..II'• M......,S~ Rta1•t1fu , .,~, l 1~t1~ fl<Wlnn tw •t I ntl ~ ~ r hrOtn "'·' dlrtStm"" •Md A SI.ti .,,.. It# $.W) 114 l/4 2041 HOME FURNISHINGS any advtrtlr.eme11t '°' Fuml1ure real Hl•la wlll<h I\ 1n ----- ViOIAllon of the ltw Ou• 11•ders ••• hereby tnlormed the! •II dw•ll l"C' fdvet ltt.td In this ,...'19..,.. ., P o•ll•bl• Ofl atl IQU•I "Ml"' lrm ly bnis. To CC7fl1'>111n ul d.- tllmiftallon, ull HOO toll ''"et l IOO •24 ~90 1413 OW., ~ F"'111ture "AHOll~ ·~·-----.. ,,........ ..... ~ .. c:AIHMIOlt _.,,... __ _ -M1Y ISTATD ..... ,,,,... W_.,_.fl.._ w.. boc* ,_....,,,.,.,_<l.w.,.._ ""'"'-d.ort. wood. Sllnl obO 714'U&1'JO C M«<•"'N ... Old Co•.,~• Gold sil~tr. ,...,.., ............ ~ rolKtai., 949 642 IJo&4 3611 •••••••• Cf A PDMAM IUTRltS IR.4T~M .... , .. , ... Al~t.. ... & ~··••-4Jt-l01J •••••••• """ ~ 'll!D 49, •() ...... S26'0l '81Sllm hi c;,,.,. 1st • ~ Wtll 1800) 191 l1llJ 3905 WI MAVI OUA&.IRID IUY1llS. ~ COOf dtn.lt~ l1'e sai. ol '~ """ ~ ""1etti. hl!.ithy Of l7ooblold W1th no up"ool fW\-lit<ldts lo .l.uoo ~tes 9498J1 /070 A&SOWTI GOLOMINll 60 vend1n1 mac hlne• with u cellent loullons .. lor $10,lUi ID).234 Rrl HOMESf OA SAi.. E ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ....... C.IM09* .. hnme. 411't 2 ~h "'*· full 11c••11 •••• s 1,176,000 fl"'tC onlf ~ JNn11 CoMt.i Citic• IHllY 11' lt.tl soos-saso Laguna Bach Now. WlfiihN 0-- N-n.. leecfil ,.,. .. to • • Gr••I New,ert ......... Leaollem Er ""' t1lbu1k Md uf*'dtd in '91 tourtNnt 11.ltdien, ......,. birlhl., ....... ,i..y """"' ful \l!CWlly """ ronm Ill ·~ \MM $89'),000 '965,000 Don ThoulM>d. Ill ~9481 r .. MI HTATU rAnKKTfNOU NATtoNW11>1 USA ....... ,. •• 705 •ww p•IJlclltenore com .... New-10201 °"""' k.6+& S.511., !il§.34 sf, SI 2S ,.. 8rdlel !M9 251 ,...... -~or1 CKlAM& IAYVllW TMlnt<I waL UlA.11 YOUI ,.., ...... 11s-.a110 UOO tsU ltOMU UUS'*9S AIATNKH AOT. •••·2't·UU .... c.. WC..Atit'. ............... dotn. Cott., c:Ottlftl sasu .. ,. ....... ....,. t.a.a Slntda~ t 1,7H .... CM'tll .. ,_, 11-1\afl ··~&lit Mle, .,. "'911 Jl.000 lo lt.000.I, ..... ,... O"IUAf 1-S stlltlflitw IWiWO ""°""'"' ltllC!lNW ~. "®' '" 2000 • ofttee Aitr frf411 1100.t "'" .... NA,_. .... 1111 t.ttnle ... Ut• Mt7U• lM Ind ex MISCEU.ANEOUS REHTALS RC.SIOENTIAL RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY '. ... """' ... upper apl Fp. w/d, & SUflflJ.. n/P•hl"""&. Av... 4/1 fl~ yrly lle67S-Sll0 le •"' lew.,. I 2ba. newly ttecoraled pallo,w'11..,..""8ilmw c $.1500lm 9&QS.1009 lalmPrimla 7402-7466 ~~ IOOHS10 ~. 9000-97SO it.. ~ ......., .--. I 2La8t.'lfttlbJ ;>. ~·· I J50o>I wd ft• l ~ 1>4ftt> I no•pel..'~ I 'fl ~~ ••.d l '> l!i S2B»Ti 714 ~ I &i l'st4e 21r 1 I• H~• ll y•d 2 c i"' ,,..., paint, klldlln. bdl & t<•tf SI !iOO('mo 91 S-J&4 llUI ....... 250.i 2-.tv condo, ...., ... " mo.II Slllle, pitbo, le p , w/d $2256no. 9C9 ~ «138 1111 Mote ...... """" ~ b z.se.. r11 r "· hrtlwd ~ ::.~~ ....... r .. • i..-.. ""-.. .. TB! la .... No~,,.,.. ~~ ..... ~ .... ~ .. .... il..!ltl93'11.ftld 11111\ ~ •• ,-. ---. =~~w """"" .... •Yl.Ul'f* UASIS Bill CllUIC>Y ltlM. 10llt •ff47s-.t••• \ Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80.000 Homes Each \\'eek For Only $32 per \.\eek (4wcek minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S BAYFRONT Community Gorgeou~ I BR J 81\ w Hdrbot ~ 1t:w 1100 Sr Ou1e1 LocatJon, Inc.It.Idea C $2000 H....t."' Vie* Home l• Rentalt Wanted 7880 WANTIO • • ......_..~, 4" wp......,. .,.,. .. .,. • .,,. .,~ •'Tt'flf"..OI' ,-: laRKJ d .lb .. d ,. ,.t U'lf'TY'1 wpu :.&1'1-LHt $*1'1• .mf/., 41' .. r.•d S.tm "' .,.1 p~,, r...,... ..~ll'n"'111t ,.,...._, .......... "~" .... '°'' 011 ,,.,bf~ w bn1t• Jv • 'l bllo.• l o l><h 3br . ·~I •" ·~ ,i, "~'" , " d<>ck lo cM rd $.IDi ",.; ~'>11H811 SELL your stuff through dass1fied' STARTING ANEW BUS/NESS ff. • • • • • • • • • • ·Daily { Al Monday. March 31. 2003 [ TODAY'S ~C.,.RO...,S..,SW~O~R .. D.,.Pi...;mU~ZZ--L-.E _ I? Ill 19 8500 CURICAl Nt·~d lull ltrrw '' .. """ to~'"'' Wllh VdrlCIU-_. duh~' M•"I be able to onpul .11 lt'.J~I !)()wpm .,, urAlrly on com~'tUl<"• pu\"~4i' 'h on~ t. uc.tumer '\~r YllP .. lttl" ,Ind bt' dP1JN1d•bl• SQ Pn hour r .... 11.·nl ben eht fldl 1t.1~1 £ Ol Send 11•,untr 111 Judy 0~1111111 ' " 0dtly f'olol I 10 W~·.t Ray Slr~~I Cu\fd MP\d, CA 971>7 / 111 erndtl lo Jl!ly •""llV(<1l~1t11•"'> <>tm G...,,, efflca r I ....,_ po• SJl,11 y SI! I 01 hr •Ulftio& t. "I fl!(I i.$tl IVIW1ll. """'""" ~ & ~ ph ""'"""" C.mt.-1 9'9W lllll ................ !"•" ·1 I I"""•' Ofhr11 PT 14 ')) ·~My 4 , ... fffl"o4• .. .tr "' , .• ,, I I j' r(•. ho 'Jot') bl'> ii/'/ 49 Seotar 51 "You conooum --r ~ Ctwnn111y $3 Palace ef'llnlnOO 54 rr...,•y r81111> 55 Mor1hy CllpcnM 56 Mio In BareeloM 59 Red<lM +R e cep tio n i s t / Aclminktratlve Ault lCWll P<J"lkm l1w t h11 1 Reill f \.lclt.. • lftl Ill I }•'-'"~ Bed<.h I YI""" •lt,n., • mu't tJp• h11f ttmr V.Nh•11l & t•r""V p.uf t~ Wf't'ilrn<i IJ'Y 1l•Ht •v ttl.tblf f ~J 1.-.wt" tu S I ~lOUfl -11 94'1 MA \IV I Recptiutit/,......•.-ioc .. Bo<>y NPwi>.' tw• ... h Rl-..i [ 'Sl.1f P o)lllf <;.tlJf y Ulffi ntPH~Ufdft tN t .-JI r111l rt"iUITll' In -14'+61'> 11:.>1 Resta-uront Aut. General Mgr./ I OH I If"' ol~ ll1111•1 in Nrwpnrl Hr,u h '~flk'\ UtJl!Vt I •J._U•flt-lll f'(j and '~'II'"' ohl" AGM lor lllHI tlf''i lo ~untrnu.-tu W11w Jm 1 10111"' "• Work clu,ely *•th t,M m ttll tt•.p,.1 I~ 111 t1l ..... ,.,, Knn.,.t1·d••• u l fooft Plf'tl h1 I I • 11 HI /ffllH 't Jt \I 11' t lf1Q I ~· w' •11•1 l llMI ~------------- Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWt:RS TO WEEKLV BRlDCE QUIZ Q I .. As South, vulnerable. you hole.I; •AJ ltt4 ti • A•S •A K7 l ~~~~EAST I• ,,_. i. ,._ '? \\'hat do you bid now" /\. If yuu pt.&y lhal a t'•'<>-<1•er-ooe rcspolbe 1i. pme-fotelllJ, you ha"e a 1.:omfonablc thn!e-d uh rebid. If noc. 11 i' lcmpting to Jump to four clubel Lo 'how your s1rcngth, but llllll hypa.\liCS three no tr\llltp. which oookl be your only makable game. Regardless of mediods. b1d 1hrec dub<; and hope for the best. Q ') -Ne11her vulJ>etable, as South )00 hold: • •KQJ6 AS KQl7 J •12 lllC btddinR hais orocccdcd ... mn l:t WtSt M>lll H t..AS T I Pn> 2• l"ul What Jo )OO bid now'' /\ • Thi' " lht' ooly "<llUt:O.:l' where u l't'hu.J ol a rrnlJOr ~u11 now would 1M.>1 he a rev.:r..e. \howmg exl.m 'lrenRlh With soch 11 'trong ~ unJary Wll. bid two \fl'tde-' Q J .. A\ Sou1h ~ulncrablc. )'OU IK1ll) 10 71> k QY5 • k 10 73 The ti1JJ1ng h.i' pn1n"t•Jcl) M IRTH J'\S'I SOl'rtl \H .... r I• ......... 11\, pa,,., zr.T Pa."' ? Wbat "'""" tln ytl\J 1a}.c" /\ . Panncr·, nu.,.. " 1nvlluUurwl. U\l.rnl( you ht ll1d 1wme 11 )'UU .ire on the upp:r mngc tor )'•H.tr n!'lltHl\C (II· 10 point\) hut pa\.\ 11 you arc in the lower run~c 16-7 ). Smee you have tll<' former and a «oufllc nl ten\ In booc. comrnoc oo 10 I.hf\'\' no trump you • K 11 S 17 9 J K Q J 10 6 • A I 2 The bidding ball orocccdcd: NOll'tll IW>T SOlfllJ WFST •• .... 1 ,_ l • .... ' What do you bid oow·1 A • You ~ Ill lhe •lam 700C, but an llCC·ll.\lo.1ng bid will nol help -.. 1* would you do if partner show1 two 11..u? You C-OUld easily lwvc two rUl losers in beans. Milke an lldvanc:e cue-bid ol four clulx and. should pattnCr coopcrace by cuc-btdcli1111 rour hean.~, take your chance• by leuplng Ill sill ~pedci. Q 5 .. Bodl vulncrablc. as Soolh you hold •KQJ74 , 965 K l •Al7 What do you bid rxwl! /\ .. When re~pondcr bids two i.uilb W\4) then JWTIP rulbCb your l>UU, II gu/0-.mtees 11 ~inglcloo in the unbid suit. Ask for a<.'Clt. by b1lkhng four no lromp, and bid 'IJI ,p:11.1co. ir panncr 'how,twn. Q 6 .. Boch 'olll<'rJbk .... , Suuth you hold •KQ IO A K11l652 Q8 •t 3 Ille bKlding hai. pnw.:ttdcd SOlnll Wt:.'if ,._OK 111 t.A.'>,. I Pawl 2 .._ ? Pim ..I• .._ ..INT h"1l 4 ,._ 1 Whal do you bid now·• A • A good chunk of your holdinl! hai, ju'' been wiped ou I! Putnt.. ... \ hand 1~ lilely to be five d1wnonJ,. four club-.. thrtt-hcam aoJ one ~padc. nW.lllg your 'pa<k hold111~ al~ _.,,lfthless I'll..._,' C...v+tt1 '00 VI White/ tin. auto, handelln& pl\e, 1211 mtln. S32.500 New-port ..... 949 644 0064 909 ?40 OOlO cen ~ .... ..,1 ~ SC1 ID 1n1. <lill1I •-vtMI lt!Y, cbll mnrf, reel ~,,,., sub •eat » CO, ""'P8b Ol'fl c:ond v#57291 $l2,99rl ~ & wwr avell Bkr Automotive 9004 o.y.a..-'96 Setlr'"8 uu I •O• 1/6. S4k mo. 3 yr "'·"' avad sp.wkehna blk. In Ith• CO Wf)t'rb hlte ,.,.., <llnd vl"l9721 $b995 1111 .JVaol Bkr 949 586 11188 --~'°"' ----Dodge '97 Intrepid Sporl 3 !> 1/6, 47k m1, wh•IP/ar ey ont. aa• aeed, n/s, hkr new $699!> frn•ncona & warr avail Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ec:paltl.c..., OOOGl NEON '2000 S<lt!+ "" IOOK lac warr S 'I> blue &rey mlerror •m Im c:d be3aJ ~pt cood S!9.!i lw1 ~ Bl<t VM5"1 Mt-SM-1111 __ ............, ford •t s Yaunn Gl showroom cnnd, whott', lullv loaded pwr seals, $3500 7 M 751 · 2464 ,..... x.e v ......... ..,. Dark areen aood •lnl tond 1511 /mt warr r emaonone P11ced to sell $20 9'i0 9419-}8}2582 Joguer 'tt U I c_,, 34k mo lull lac-tory warr 'P"rkhna bliitl\/o•tmul Ith• CD chrome whls. lo"~ new v67 /295 $.11,995 hnancong naol j1k1 949 586 1888 .... -.ectH*I.<- 949-586-1 ... _...,..._ MercedH '96 C210 beaultful blo1tk/u e•m fully lo•ded 'howroom. .,YIU, $10~. 714 1!>1 ?464 Mercedes 'tt U 20 Jlk mo wh1le/1rey lthr mnrl rhr om• whl' be•ul like new tond v57224 I S26.995 hn lllY~ Bkr 949 !>116-1888 _...,..._ MerceclH '99 S320 l we 52k mo 3 yr warr av•rl. silver /blk lthr. beaut Ofllt lOnd, v875?4 I S26.995 lonanttnit iva1I Bkr 949 S86 1888 -.ecpe1o1.c..., Men1cle1 '81 .S60 Sl white/tan 1mm1c ~ nn.-,.,..dkn ttn:na. S14.9l> n•7.>I ~ ........... .,.,_.., LS '00 !iU1Y oof IMther al utras. ~e M w or• o-ncll\l'lllW SI !.9'J!I "4knillj pp / 14 979-6.lll '87 Mont""9• c_,, U 4 cyl, •ebuoll Ir .. n~. alnl c:ond. Olli owners, Sl.795/ obo/cash 949 64? 3368 ~ •. .. __ /I\ ERVICE Servtce oll9dory I Carpentry _l.....;...-...tift=;;.=,,===;;. A TO l HANDYMAN ""°""""'..,'-V ln'I •II r ~flt" .tbtf'lf"'f l'.fld ... 11>11!\ .... wtndr- NOil<£ 10 RENJtRS c.1o101n1a law ,,. Q\111 t ·. lhill Lllnh "' tor\ fdkon~ 1obs th 11 lol•I S"J()O or moo" (labor or m81Prt~l'J b~ he •n\~d hv Utt' Conl•<J•lo1• Stal" L"""''° RoArd ._lat~ llw dl\n rrquor" lhdl con tr at lor' HH fud,.. tllf'tr 111 """' number on <1111 .tdvl!ft~n& You can Lhl'd lhP ~IAIO~ of ~our lrcen,,.d tontraclor at -w rslb ca gov nr llOO 321 CSlB Unit c:tn\ed con tr at lo" hllln1 10b5 lh•I tot•I lesi. lh•n S!>OO most al•te on lh111r •dver lr~emtnh that lhl)' ere nol hcens11d by fh1 Contractnr\ Stal• License B~rd " ndd•-.: th,.r /14 ,,..,_ l/<8 • WoN Unlh • r.u-..tum Rwtt tn'-trown Mulr!tnl(\ Bast< R11<Jrds l •!> 17911? 949 709 ';642 Carpet Repalr.&les • CAR,lT CAR"Y c. Rrp~"' P•llh1"& lnsl•fl fnu•ll'<•u• any \lte fob' Wholf''•~' 949 492 020!> Concrete & Masonry l rlclr. lleclr. St•-Tll+ I •-M rrtr Paho Dr!WWllY I or~pk BBQ Rel \ 2SVr\ lip ltuy 714 557 7594 Carpet Repair/Sala D & W Carpet Cleanlng I Sieam ClulMQ l 1 Days a Met servu S20 lNWtO IOOlll s 15 lltdroorns ~&c.n Satislac1t00 Guaranteed Wendy 94~27S· 19'l4 OMd 94~27&-0t~ .. ..,,...,.. .... ,~ .• ti,..,........ .......... ~ ............ !irtftm ·l""J•f-""""" ., .... i:UHOM U MODH AND DES IGN All I RAD! r IO Yl ARS Utr· l •337169 949 bJJ 1 J4~ NUD MOlll llOOMl NUllONS & REMOOl l INC L #!>7798? 949 709 ~42 Computer SeMces I kl I Ill B,111 ltl '11,\ We ,. ,If tk-.1"" your Jle''"'ml •>r < ompan) '"Ch-llt ,1n.I f'UI )l>U onlonc lt•r rrtt You p.l) uni) "'"""' rn" 714-412-278' Co.,,,,.," ftl t01lltlto1t rt,.ir}obr UH"' IJtt ltOlst ~ ltt IAt C'la11j1u StniuDirttlHJ ltt'1 '"' fi"' rcU.•l• lltt . Desktop Publishing TIM( YOHGIN YOUll HOME IM,ROV£Ml NY PROJECT? Call a plumber 11ainter handyman or any ol tile g•ut Sf'•••C:es lrstf!d heie 111 our •er vrce drreclor yl TltCSC LOCAL Sl/C PCDPL[ CAN HELP YOU TDOAY' lllcll'• o-r lnat.tt., ~ Dlu hilr11!5 ' ,, ,._a....e_ Cu!l1om ~ L •578102 949 510 6529 Drywall Services WITTHOEn DaYWW All phases sm/h 1 tob' U lAMf 20yrs. f•ir, tree et l'!(XnJ) 714-639 1447 Electrical Sel'Vfces Sinoll Jellb ,..nl D1.111cao Eleclioc ?OYrs hp l~R~ Servlce,/Remodeh l '17S870 949 650 ~ UCINU O CONTUCYOll No Job too vn M _, Rei>H remodel. r11n. '.:fA ---~Jl'li6 Floortnt'IJll . CUSTOM OllAYM YU ln!.Ulllilb:!n, mte cs-. m.wble. slCJr¥1 hMtit I '75 I #61.20M lrrll 714 612 9961 UM1 R1$11tlld A"irouhn a. lnst•llllk>fl Ill £ ~ 949 673 I066 114 ~ 714-81n-21XU ~ ....._..s....1n,....,. L-. Wirt. yad d!mr1 \Cl. ITlWIU91. tree lnm. ~ Comm(RH 114 436 1518 f:::fnu Lou YerrM lanchc ..... Weekly nliW11. tree trmnq & 111it1lldllon 25 Yrs eap l1c:/1nso1ed 949 548 4363 0trtyworw..•..-- l •wn,, Lawn Aer•1tn1, Spronklers, lroublethoot ona. Sp11n1 Tune·ups. Atpaus' Uparadu H• w• us do yow Drrly Wor•·· 714 71S-212• 1lteDI .. _. •• ..._ e.u.A & U(J.lllilll. hW llrm Cini. h ~ dlsVl & ewnt flrt!p 949 515 81124 ""Tm Service, Yard Cleanup, Malnten1nc1, Sprrnklet R9"•1r, Haulln& (t49)6SO-t711 -· ------ EXPERT INSTALLER Lanunate Floor Install S3 50 SI • Mol®lg Ctown Moldfll!I, Unoleum & Sub Floor Reoair Ul-582-88M 714,.. 2W241 I sm ,. ... .... .... HalldymatV HomeRepalr F1X UP SPICIAUSf. All types of rfll)atn [lee· Ir lc:al pkimbtnt. doors, ......, ~ lies a mar• 24tt(ldlys 714 366 1881 RINTii-HUH AND foR HONEVOO'S your honey won't r rom Ea.ct to the krtchen Unit ~SQ.9351 THI HANDY All worll 1uar•nleed PMlllq. Ulctnclil. Doon.. Fr.II cwp llllc. -~ ft.ling JUN• TO THI OUlll,.11 714 11611 11182 AVAllABLE TOOAYI 949673 55'6 CREYIER ·" .... "' ~ .. ~ ""'· .' flWm3 MN COOPER Automa~ all more! 1.£A$E FOR im · PER MONTH + TAX 1 Al These T irms On ~owd tndlt .............. OTllR AT Sii.Ni SAW«'iS! ............ +.42e $3000 do' 11 s1&n1111 48 month c:lo111d eod IHsa no security deposit, IOI( moles pet )'H< Er.c:ess m1ln (ci) 20e per m11e,(TE13271.> .... ·• .. LfT'Sr..JT~ IT'S FUN ****·**** S5 fllEEWAY @ mN<lR SMTA A* AUTO MM.l (888) 830-1780 PORSCHE '98 911 CAB Low miles, custom wheels, 6-speed, super fast. #652259 $52.900 MBZ '95 Sl.500 CONVT. Bose, CD, leather, loaded, good looking!! #113266 $28,900 LAHDROVER '97 DISCOVERY 4X4 Loaded, low mtles 4x4 flfl at a great pnce #549423 $13,900 BMW '99 M3 COHVT. co. 5-speed. leathef, lo miles, sil., blk int. #C44258 $32,900 MBZ '95 S320 SOH CD, leathef, moon, clean. pnced to sell fast. #241401 $18,900 MBZ '98 ML320 AUTO CD, lthr. Bo5e. moon 4x4, really a bargalll1111 wtlrte. tan. #01 6225 $18,900 MBZ '90 DIE SON Auto, sunroof, leather, pnced to sell fastl! #270075 $7,995 Tll..0'5 EUROPEAN AUTOHAUB 0-80 c.r. In ..... 1-Ba).598-9754 _.._, www.tilocars com Hause Cleaning PMU..SAUTO Pend4 .. -.1 .. s '2000 S1lvw w/Ch•rco1I Ith/, fH w1rr1nty, ulebt lly owned. ('192111) $39,9'!0 VWh1..t'•t Gray w/1r1y hlllftOt, 23' ml lmmec:ul1l• (#19252) $18,980 Vefv• •40 s..it.'H This IS OM -per-f1c:t Volvo lo own, low mola (1111238) $8,980 MHSLUO ............ , lmm1col1lt Wh1t1 w/Grey llhr, 12k mi Xellon, both Tops, (• 19295<:) INQUIRE! '·r.:~:w lmm•t Wllllt w/hn lthr ~ m1, 1ooct serv1e1 rec:ords ('19198C) $25,980 . Pend•eff3Yetto. c ''6 • Whrl• :r,:, •. buu· liful f/IU lhef, 191< mo ('19206C) $69.980 , ..... ,..,. ..... _ 1441• ·-·· 2000 full power 4 lk moles. Recent Ir ade lo us. (#189671) S21,980 Infinity 045 Sedon'97 PHrl w/Saddle lthr lull power 5811 mt (119?34) S16,980 ttv-w H2 '2003 Whole w/Whtte lthr moonroof ~m1 (•19?33C) S5/.980 IMWl40Cl c_,..•97 Shoney Blacll w/lmma' Grey full lthr, &real oecor ds (#19180C) S33,980. IMW3211 s..t-·2000 Whtie w/Creme ltht, •/I, lull m•on Bumper lo Bumper warr (119193) S?S.980 ,.,..,_ XJa Seden ., ... This os a one ne., perfect Sl11ney BIKI\ Superctiaraed Sed"Anl Lowmtles (1188581) $28.980 949.574.7777 ,Hllltf'S AUTO ,hllllp•-to.c- Nia._ 'ti s-tre GU Lt"e new. loaded auto fll09flrool •lloys. low 74" mt $5900714 751 2464 f'OaSC HE 'H CAUERA Ar t•r "Iver m•l•llte all lthr craph1te if~Y onter pwr "'ah. ho It sound \y\l~m w/am Im CO lo 1at 61\ mt I owner e~•dlt~d. lmmawldlt! S5-i.500 949 675 ?869 CIAsrijWis CONVENIENT wMtliu JOU 'rt bll}iltt. s"1ilat, or jllfl lookint, clllssifit;d luu wltal JO""tN ! CUSSIFI ED (9'9) 6'2-5678 ....._ •• ~0-.-,. ...... CM A ~ SW. ~cm! w/irul ref's sulunc 0 C 24Yr5 Rel s 949 ••'*""1wC. ,.., 988112 548 0054 949 637 41 IJ (&II) ttn. ~ &.133 ,_ .• ,_.,.... ....... Pa"""-a.-.. Tobi trwl OM __ .,_.,, .. -'------= ~ ,;:"',.t:;7i;. ARTIST. strip, 1nst•ll wallp1per. pa1ntona & tau a, mor •Is, portr aots OOUGKUTY HOTHOS Thee fhf Touch SA-a 1961 ~Tra ~~ Ins lltlep• 714 791 87 46 Misc Servtca um 909 6111 6664 FAUX I DESIGN HST MOVDS$H /HI serv1n1 •II cities Insured Int, "courteou1, cereful Tl63844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Th• C•llf Public Ulllttln c:orrunlsslon re4Ulfn that 1n uMd household aood s movers pront lhllt PUC c.i T numb«, limos i nd ch•ulfe1111 print their T C,, number In •N ltdv., liMmenl.a If you ll•Vt eny quullons •bout th• t•a•llty ot • mo ttu , llmo o f t h111ff•ur. cmll PUB llC UTILITIES COM MISSION 714 ·558 41~1 909-611-6664 '"-.'• .... z;y;; l!Jlll GrHt Prleel Gu1unteed wor" r ree est LU75602 714 ~ 1534 7 390 294!1 m i CUSfO. PAiriiiG Pron dun. q1n11ty wort. lntettO< /u l •nd doc:lls L170346ll 949 631 4610 ,..,._ .. , .... , .... Top Qu1hl~. Cornpetrtlwe lntetlor/b t ll648228 C•ll J1 949 650 S066 UtNIOWCWU P•10ll111 1nVut. Houle/felt Qu1l1ty job! free esbrnat• t.'569897 714·636·8888 Nf~I MllO!SPOICT ••w~'OJ Conwi ol>4ot . White/ ~~;::-=:: e1x11..,-ern1111n~ 1ow..-.M4. ''IW1 '* pra ~ o.m~r ca. Yllll at Ind lur or flQl c.11 llldl Rf, Toorw A111D W. Y.iao-c:i.11, '"'• e '931 at n~ (lflly l 1111 157 ,S)O USM P041 CMS ,_.,,, WIM~OUtlCAa flfl'tt p A» CMI Hf 8ladt/T 111, llMst """'"""'o 1v~ Only 6.000 ASl ,CMI MM<OUI mmSllS,000 ... .,,._7777 , ...... ,...,, BOATS c.btiolel Siver~ .. 'fitronlc, •• option$, lk mies '69,500 ,.. .. 1515 ,__. J60 __._ ••t lift Dtlffi.14 new ~fl 'OO double :set of b11teri.s, Elec: 1yton seats, prort memt•ln•d $8,495. ~c.whpefs, •0..611-MH 59,500 P__.. kJCMr S"OO BOAT REP~ llladV8i.di~lr'onlc:, Musl SM ,80() , SERVICES ••w MWC...,.'02 BOAlSSUPSJ Grey/8Qcll, du.i wn· MOORINGS/ roots, 21( mo, $25,500 ~,,_._ lMJNCHING/ '01 STORAGE 9680 Rwst/Blad< A wrt Clas.soc:. 711 ml ll!l.000 •I-~·e•I Loe. ....... 0-W.-'02 lion! I 3tt beam, lln&th Wh1:ttack Road ll11Ji onijmtted, on Bay Island Classic, Sl8,500 Cove * 949-922-7171 Mw< ..... CUl PUTAFEW 320'02 Blue/Ctty MK; wi-ls 711 mo Sl9 500 WORDS TO WORK FOR ""'-H2 '03 YOU! Blac~rey Loao<y Gf oup wl>foel!> onl)' IOOmt!M (949) 642-5678 Nl WPOO I AU I OSPOR 1 949 57 4 5(,()() PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find servaces from electrontCS and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Com munity Marketplace PtaUtno' sa.co ............ /bo llemodd JO + Yews C.p Ru son•ble. Depend•ble L•:i.91>20714 638 811 4 •s.._., L9lll: ...,.... Restucco. Room AddllJon. Patchin& Renon•blel 714 921 1647 804 0497pe Plumbing ,.