HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-01 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,APRH..1,2003 PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSTIN I OM Y PILOT Jessica CaHahan performs a song from the Disney movie "Mulan• with the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra at the Center. Learning the notes Philharmonic Society concert at the Center completes series of music lessons for fifth-graders Ludwig Van Beethoven, played by John-Oavid Keller, gives Garden Grove students a music lesson. Christin• Carrillo Dally Pilot W ho better to teach fifth-graders about classical music than Ludwig van Beethoven himself? Well, no one, according to the Philhannonlc Society Youth F.ducation Programs. whJch took on the large task Monday of breathing life back into the deceased composer for the 46th annual Concerts for Fifth-Graders. Hosted by the very animated Beethoven, a..k.a. actor John-David Keller, with performances by the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra under the direction of conductor John Koshak. 14-year-old pianist and composer Sebastian Olang and 17-year-old Jessica Callahan. a blind smger and songwriter, fifth-grade students throughout Otaoge County got their lasl chance to experience the educational and entertaining concert. This year's concert. "Ups and Downs.· provided about 24,000 public and pnvate school children with a 45-minute youth concert. whJch also included dancers horn the Anaheim Ballet. to "bnng the magic of music into the lives of more than 200.000 children annually.· said Otantel Oien, public relations manager for the society "They're ~ally receptive and they're fun to play to," said Keller, who has participated in this concert for the p ast 18 years. "For me. it's See NOTES, Pa&• A4 Pacific Life recognized for raking it in Health insurer is the only Newport-Mesa company among the ranks of the Fortune 500, the U.S .' top revenue generators. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot billion in revenue for the year, was the only busineu in New- port-Mesa to make the list. NEWPORT CENTER -For the . ·it's nice to be on the Fortune third year in a row, Padftc U!e 500 list. but more important to Corp. has made Fortune map~ be in the top five of total rJne'1 annual Fortune 500 list of new life insurance sales,• aald the top rew.nue-generatf.ng com-Bob Haskell. the company's 1e11- panJes in the U.S. ior vice president of public af- The Newport Beach-based fain. Pacific ure. founded by for- mer California Gov. Leland Stan- ford ln 1868 as Pacific Mutual. moved to Newport Beach in 1972. After a number of acquisi- tions. the company, in 1997, changed Its name to Pacific llie. The company, which owns a stake ln Newport Beach bond house PIMCO, provides a range ol life and health insurance products, annuities, mutual funds. group employee benefits and other financial products. QUESTlON Ale you~ men N9wpott,..,_. ~-... not on the fortune 500 lmt7 CaD our Ruders ? • Hotline et (949) 642-«>86 or send 9-fNll to d1Hlypi1ot•1.r;,,.,...oom. Piute spell your t\ame and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purpoMS only. est U.S. companies. .·New chief· search narrowed to five Costa Mesa city manager will make final pick ~ome time before Chief Dave Snowden retires in June. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -And then thn1· were five. The search for a ney, poliu.• d11t·I tu rt.• place retiring Oiief DaH· C.,nowden ha\ nar- rowed to five candidate-; after Y.Ct!L'> of one-on-one intervi~. t~l!> and panel d1'> cussions, officials said Monda\. City offiaals declined 111 d,i\ ul~ I.he names of the candidate<, lwt au-.c• 11 1s a confidenual !>ean:::h The race began in lanuM\ '' 11h .i 1 peo- ple vymg for the high-profilt• 1<>b c .11)' lvian ager Allan Roeder reduced that number to 12 and then to five. ~1d llu\".ard Per.km~ I.he city's personnel manJl-(l'r •That could be ndfW\'l<t'd dm' n to rwu or even one." he said "\'\'e don 1 knoY. yet " Roeder will intervit"\' t.lw fiw ldnd1date!> in the next two week. ... l't•rkm.., ... ml fhat will be followed by "exten.,1vt batk..,11ound checks,· he l>3.ld. Snowden. who ha.., Ix-en al tlw hd111 of lhe Costa Mesa Poliu.• Dcpanmt•111 lor Ill years, said he has been 1molw<l 1n tht· process at Roeder\ reque\t I ht• )!1-yeM· old top cop has been reured <;1m 1· Jum·. but entered inlo an agreement with the tit\ in which he will continue workrn>; pan-ume. or 960 hours a year H1 ... l~t d;n a• ""rlc y,1fl be June 13. Snowden said on Monda\ that ht• l\d.\ "met all of the candidate-. • · "I'd say 1t ~a good fiC'ld ol cand1da1t':'.. • he said. "I would hope the ot\ 111anc:1i.:1:r finds lhe pen.on to do the JOb. • Snowden declined 10 comment tunhl'r. But the chief. who made recommcndat1om to Roeder. said he was looking for .,omeone "who would be the best for tht'> oty • "Someone who would Ix· l(oo<l to the commumty and last a long tune." he ..aid "It was probably the same quaJ1uec. m) predecessor. Rogt!r Neth. fooled for in the person who was to replal e l11m • That said. Snowden added he did not be· See CHIEF' Paa• M • health insurer came in at No. Based on annualized new pre- 419, up from l\.I No. 439 a.lot on mluma. P8cltlc Ufe Is No. 5 on the 2002 Ust. The privately held that list. according to UMRA company, whJch pulled in. $3.8 Interhational. a ma.rteting ftrm. Since 1997, the company bu grown from the No. 20 to the No. 15 Ule insurance provlder tn the nation. The compuly conducts busin wfth 68 of the 100 larg- Wal·Mart. which generated $246.5 billion in revenue. ca.me in at the top ol the Fortune 500 FU. PHOTO /DM.Y Pl Of Pacific Life Corp. came in at No. 419 on the fortune 500. The s.. ce>WMY, Pie• M Race for the ewe beO\S and ends at the company's builddlg. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWEB: .w~com WEATHER THE VERDICT Corona del Mar packs a political punch ... WMCJ ..... M •Al T~, Aprl J, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK .. :Taking a .step back irt·time The Daily Pilot went to Lincoln Elementary School in Corona del Mar to ask fifth-graders, : •What's your favorite colonial activity?' ·1 liked woodwork because : working with •wood is fun :for me." :CAMERON : KOZIARA, 11 ·Newport :eeach ~•My favorite is probably tht"' embroidery, .because it's sort of -relaxing.· 'JACQUELINE YOUNESI, 10 Newport Beach . ··Embroidery. ~use it's :fwl and :mteresling to •do." ·REBECCA JIRES,11 Newport Coast "The same for ,....--.-.,-,..,.......,.=-:-,..._, :me. •embroidery, ; because It's ' relaxing and •it's also really ;cute in the end.• MADDIE :TURNER, 10 :Newport •Coast . :•Butter :dluming- :it's just fun to : shake up the •jars.." !OAVIDUN, :10 •Newport :'Beach ON CAMPUS I . .. IN THE CLASSROOM MARI< C OUSTIN/DAl.Y PILOT Fifth.grader Gioia Licorish works on a tin smithing project during Colonial Days at Lincoln High School on Wednesday morning . A life less ordinary Christine Cu rlllo Daily Pilot W ith tin pie pans sitting on a piece of wood on their desks and nails and hammers in hand, fifth-graders at Uncoln Elementary School in Corona del Mar pounded their way baclc in time and Into the lives of coloniaJ Colle.. They sat among their peers. boys and girls alike. and carefully embroidered stars on different-colored fabric, stenciled borders and designs on blank riles and made bread. For a day, dressed in 18th-century-sryle breeches and gowns and wearing coclced hats and LUNCH MENU The Nliwwpott Mw Unified &hool DlllliCl<*r9 menu moa. ~div et ..... my ....... Sludems 11\'V chxm•"4911• ..,,....,__ The ul1~ ,_,.,.._ • .....,~or hot ................ $2..,,. ........ ............. --= ,.. MuncMllle l..uncti Saled with fruit Linco ln Elementary fifth-graders learn about 18th-century colon ial life a nd try their hands at some of the period's activities linen, ruffled caps; the three fifth-grade classes moved from one station to another Wednesday to live the history lessons they've learned. "We think that simulations are one of the most effective wa)'s of teaching social studies." said Leslie Slevins, one of the fifth-grader teachers at Uncoin. "'Ibey develop an empathy for ... and a better understanding of how people lived ·then." Employing the services of many helpful parents, the eight different colonial stations. which included buner churning and woodworidng, challenged students to cast aside their 21st-century comforts and embrace the ways of the colonial world. "I think it's really fun and I like the activities and dressing up; Chloe Harder, 10, said '1 now have a better visual of what tl\eir life was like and how we have everything so easy." Chloe's fellow tinsmith and classmate, 10-year-old Maxine Morris agreed "They had everything so hard .• she said. "Not like us." . yogurt or peppe1 on1 end ctw pma, ddbil9, d'loice of ma critp gtMn uted With rench ~. lliced pears, dtob of milk WEDNUMt MUne:heble Lund\ S.led or two mini che ... bUrwa, leaUCe •nd Pk*lee. er.wn., ClhcMce of milk TIUtlMf ~rt.n heeMt1 wldwkh ortua1t-v flyz Witt dipping ...... beby ClfTOlll with rench clp, Cheetoe, plneepple \ The fifth-grade social studies curriculum focuses on the study of the 13 American colonies and, by bre-athing life into the c:wricuJum at the culmination of their bistoiy lesson, the students get a sense of the reality behind the lesson plan. ·it's gJeat. and (the students! really appreciate It.~ said Michele ICoziara. a parent who helped orpnize the evmt "They'll always remmiber It They may not remember the history behind it. but they'll always remember Colonial Day." • IN TH£ CLASSROOM i1 •weekly feature 1n which Daily Pilot educ.tion writer Christine Ca1Tillo vi1rt1 a campus In the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. The MUndMlble l..uncti S9l8d ~ .. toeMd gfWn8, dwiify tOfNIOM. ~end prOl9lft IOUtCM ..... dleeeil, sunftoww ...._fruit.yogurt ilnd ~ pMnUta. (9ftMnue butl9f on Mlected dey9, Nodrlklls~.,,... ,,..,.. of,.,., ... color, ,,..,,.,,, odgln. .,,. °' •• ,,..,.,. ,,,, ...... l\Wd • drildha,,..,. ......... , ...... wrflt mm.c#tl .. ly IONS.. ..... f Ill ~.~., .. oc.-. Dai ly A Pilot Conll Wllofl News aalttant. (949) 574-4298 cor•l.wi'-"'101.timH.com l'HOTOGAAPHERS Seen Hiller, Don L8ectt. Kent Trepeow Box 1560, eo.1a M .... CA 92626. Copyright No newt1 atorlee. I 110ltl"atk>n9, edltort.i INttef or ~t. henMn can be reproduced without written pennlaion of copvright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Unllke the pest four ct.ya, we'n IM 10m4J doud9 today. Thefw'a wen •very atlght chance of rein thla wenfng end on W9dl ..-y. SURF . • • • • • • , VOL 97, NO. 91 NewsEdhon Gina Atexenc»r, Lori Anderlon, O.nlel Hunt. ,..ul Seitowitr, Denlel Stevene . NEWS STAFF CrlrM'=9~ .... (9491!57~ -,,..1'Nmh•141tim..oom ·JuM=•• N9wport ,.,,.., (949) 57-M212 ~'*Cfl#Q'•rtd9•,...,,....com ..... c....... Pohtice M1d ~ NPQfW, (Mt)79MDO J»Ul.dinton•....,,_ciom a.... ..... Columrn.t, cultuf'9 ~. (IM9) 57oM275 lolir.. ,,,,,.,,.,. ,.a,,,. oom DelrMNeoA .... ~ Me.e~. (M) 674-4221 deireh.MWmM•lltdtfw QCHn a 1el1 I c:.lllie E~,.,...C__,~ dw1tlUtw ewtlllo.,_,,_CIOI" • RfADERS HOTUNE (949) M2-608e Reoord your commem. ebout the 0.lly Pilot or newtt tiJ19. Addi.- Our eddreee 11330 W. Bey SL, Cott. MeN, CA 92627. Offlc:. hou,.. •re Mondey -Friday, 8'.30 e.m. • 5 p.m. eon.cdof• It 19 the Pilot's policy to promptly co~ ell~ of suti.tence. P1MM call (IM917&M32A. m The N9w'pon ~ MeN Dally Pilot (USPS-, 14'MOOl le pubtlehed ct.lty. In N.wpoft 8Md'I Md co.ta Mtee, eu~•.,. .v.l&eble OfttY by eub9ciribll19 to The Tlmie ~County (IOO) 252 9141.ln .,..~of NeWpon IMdlMMt eo.. Me.. eubclpdone llO tN o.lfY "'°' .,. _,,...eble onfy by ftr1lt daM lfWll for $)()pet monlh. ,,..._ lncihlde ... ~ ..... .ndk>cel._.. I fl'OSTMAITP. send ....... cf*'8111toThe~ ~-.. Delty fl'MoC.. P.O. ' HOW 10 MACH UI Cln:ue.doft The Tlme9 Or-.nge County (800) 252·9141 Adwl1Wllf a. ....... (941) 142-5878 Dltt*tY (949) 142-4321 ~ .... (949) 142-aelO ....,_ (9491574"4223 ..... ,.. (141) ....... ,,0 lporta,.. (Ml) tee>-0170 l.....it: ~•l«lm9..oom ... a.-.. • •• -a.-, .... 842-4321 ...... ,.. , .... 131·712t Publ~ ~ Comrnunky • New.. • di of tM l.09 Mgelel TlrnM. moo2 Tlmee CH. AM f10hta ,._,.,,., Hlgtw todaY wtll jult ruch 70 In C09ta Meu •nd wttl felt • f.w degreea thort In Newport. Lows wtn hover In the mld-!Oa . W9dl191day hlgha wflJ Mar 86. Thund9v"i lootcing parUy 1UMV Md In 1h9 mkM09. ...... llUL www.,...noN.pt IOATINQ FORECAST TIDES Time 1!571.m. 3:02p.rn. t:13p.m. 3:2t1.m. WATER TE..-EM1URE lld11ew J ' I I I I 1- J I l I I 1 I HUMAN CHANDELIER KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT An acrobat performs in the cen.tral atrium of the Hilton Costa Mesa during rts re-launch party on Thursday. FOR THE RECORD ln the editortaJ in the Sunday f.dition of the Daily Pilot, ·eongratuladons with a few regrets." the name or the embat· ded judge against whom Costa Mesa Mayor Karen Robinson ran a write-in carnpaJgn was incorrect. The jud~s name is Ronald Kline. i...' ~ R t--s luu ra nt --E'itaDllSrled In 1962-- .. T~sday. AfK• I, 2003 A3 Seven tenants claim spots at South C.Oast A new restaurant, clothiers and a high-end jewelry store ~e among latest additions to Costa Mesa's shopping destination. •1t's a great location: SaJd Bill 1 lustedt. the company's chief 6- nanaal officer. ·We are counting on that being our highest gross· ing tocaoon " ing. sleepwear and swunwear for men and women. ~ expected to open on the west &.ide of the cen ter, near Crate and Barrel Home ~ore, in August P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot SOtrlli OOAST METRO -A handful or clothiers. a jeweler and a Oaim Jumper restawant have sJgned leases and will roU out the welcome mats at South Coast Plaza beginning in May. HP.clrt of what makes South Coast Plaza so appealing as a re· tail destination is that it's always evolving." said ·Debra Gunn Downing. the-center's spokes· woman. "Our customers are very sophisticated, so they expect the latest [goods)." The center is set to add seven new retailers to the mix of ten- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Road closures set for Newport Beach It's not a cruel April Fools' joke. Traffic will back up on Jambo- ree Road in Newport Beach to· day because of major water pipeline work. Lanes on the northbound side or Jamboree Road, between San Joaquin Hills Road and P.astbluff/Ford Road. will be narrowed from three to two until May 23, officiaJs said. Night work may aJso be neces· sary to build the water transmis· ants. lWo other retailers, cosmet· ics seUer Stila and fastuon foot· wear specialist AJdo, already opened stores this month. For Oaim Jumper, perhap the best known among the new re· tailers, the new restaurant will he the company's 20th in Southern California and 31st overall. The Oaim Jumper will replace Bina· poretti's, an Italian , eatery that closed in August citing rising rents. Oaim Jumper officiaJs are sinking about S4 million into the building. which is at the north east entrance of the center next the Sears. It's expected to open in JuJy. sion main. Surrounding home!> and busines.~ Will be noufied Officials suggest that dnvers take Newport BouJevard. Dover Drive/Irvine BouJevard and Mat Arthur Boulevard. For mforma tion, call the public worlc.5 de partment at (949) 644·3i20 Vanguard choir director guests at Ctrnegie Hall Vanguard Univer~ity Owir Director James Melton will be the guest maestro at Carnegie HaU for the second time 1n three years. As the guest maestro. Melton, aJso chair of the univer:.ity\ music department. will have ln addition. to the new restau- rant, officials from the shopping center. wtuch is owned by <-J. Segerstrom and Sons. have c;lgned deals with six other &iorei.. In May, MimJ Maternity and KlehJ's since 1851 are expected to go In. The former sells high- qua1Jty maternity appareJ and accessories. KiehJ's. which !itarted as an old Wprld apoth · ecary in New York's East Village, sells coi.meoc: phannaceuoc:t.I and herbal products. Both stores will go in· on the center's second level, with Mimi set fbr a space above the Ramfor- est Caf~. PauJ FranJc. which sells cloth the chance to conduct the be'>t choirs from around the country through ma1or works m the world famous venue. fhe concert will aJso include performancei. by Vanguard., Temple St. Clair, a higJl end jeweler, as also ~t to open some· time during summer. • l 1Wo more stores are 'let for lall Woman'o; apparel retailer Eileen Fisher has Mgned to open at the center ma location Gunn fJown. ing declint'd to reveal because the current tenant i'> still occupy ing the space. The center wtU also be' wel- commg Roberto Lavalh, a chic clothier for men and women. The store ·will repla~ Prada. wtuch declined to renew ils lease. Gunn Downing !>ald C..,unn Dowrung declined to re- le~e informauon about the lease rate<. concert l'hmr, l'hamber chotr and women\ l horu., rheir Car- negie I tall performance will be \fay 24. while tht' ch<Hr'> wilJ perform <1t a number of other venue'> '>l<1rt1ng May-16 State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I~ :iwlif) 1:13 ;J ff;fi l'i•llJ ;ldJJi 11 ~ :tf;{d >I COMPLETE SMOG REPAIR TO•E DP Same Owner Since 1965, 38 Yean m Costa Mesa THI CAIUIDITOB SHOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave !Bristol & lttke'.r l 949.642.8286 . 7 14.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters @]~ Floral & Gifts 50% OFF THE ... , I NEW9• Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids 2004 RX 330 Now Available Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13. Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 <Across from RaJphi.I Do You Have Foot or Knee Pain? A recent study by the Dedorthic footwear association, PFA, has found that hip, back and knee pain can be relateCI to foot problems. r.-----------------r.-----------------~ : •• l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-----------------~-----------------~ Stop in our new FOOT SOLUTIONS store and learn how we can help stop the pc>in. Improve Y.OUr balance, posture and strength . We carry a full line Of styl~sh, dress and athletic shoes, custom insoles and foot health products for men and women ~ 1 llS Newport llvcl, Costa Mesa FOOT ~· , __ ., ..... & '"'-_..,..., ,Q-, SOLUTl9NS '':!!s!~;2020 ~2: NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 9 -11 .,.,.,.NcwportBachFllmPat.com WJuna•• ...,I •£••-~• • , • ~ luesdly, ~ l, 2003 ~ CHIEF nl~ "I enjoyed a great rapport with Continued from Al my boss. .. he said. "And I have a true sense of good feeling for the community." tieve Neth had anything to do with his selection or the process • OEEPA BHARAnt CO\lert public In general. safety and courts. She may be Snowden said his longevity as reached at (9491574-4226 or by ~hlef was largely because he e-mail et loved. bis job and the commu-dHpa.bharath@la1imes.com. COMPANY additional attention to the com- panies. but doesn't raise many Continued from Al eyebrows in busin~ cirdes. "I'm riot surprised !that Pacific .. Life made the UsJJ," KilOy said list ror the second year in a row. "It certainly puts the companies This year, the 500 companies' in a spotlight.: revenue fell 26%, l8:f8ely because . of a sluggish economy and Mring • PAUL CLINTON covers ttie of accounting scandals. environment, business and politics. Dave Kilby, California Cham-He may be reac:tled at (949) ber of Commerce vice president, 764-4330 or by e-mail at said the Fortune 500 list brings paul.c/inton@lstimes.com. Let the Name Calling Begin. U_sing exclusive TutorA1d math testing, we analyze skills a child has missed or not comprehended 1n school. then create a program to ~ build the foundation ::"\ . • required for success Smarty Panr!J E1nste1n! In basic math. as well -__;;._- as advanced courses llke algebra or geometry. If you're looking to Improve your chi Id's ~emlc outlook In lite, now Is the time to find out~. (949) 645-7900 488 East 17th Street • Costa Mesa (Corner of 1rvlne A11enue) Come see the new EverWood" CoumrySide blinds from Hunter Douglas. Overlapping slats create a beautiful board-on·board design. And the ·s1ep-up· look adds depth. dimension and character to any room. And EverWood CoumrySide will not warp. crack. peel or fade. Even in humid areas or direct sunlight. Come L;.~~~~ilM• see these beautiful blinds today. ~ .... , .......... . Wllt't Crtt1I '"••• lr,i•. ~ALDEN'S Flom C0\1JtN. ANOCUsluM WINOOW (0\1-J(Nf,\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 • HARDWOOD • LAMINATES • CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING ·~!~~ l·'MW:•:.:.• SOlAlllAN ~AL6J?E§ 314" SOLID e.xonc DUPONT HARDWOOD STAINMASTER s4•1 !!!.!Et!. s 1., from 1qA -aqfl TraVEW1.irle 18' x 181 .......................................................... "'29 eqt Ceramic Tile ...................................................... ~*°"' '4.19 IQ ft. l.alnmte ~ ................................................ t""*llicfrt ~· .. t Cl8sstOed ads work for 1111111····y~~ ntr Daily Pilot NOTES Continued from Al all about seeing the surprise that they get listening t.o the symphony and the orchesua .... Formany of them. It's the first time or even the only time they get to experience this." Not on}y did the concert provide students a chance t() experience classical music live, it also setved as a culmination of course work that the society gave to each class before their arrival at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. "l think. that (the young audiencef is even more enthusiastic than adults sometimes." said Callahan. who wrote and performed her first song at age 13, "l think they're young and they want to learn.~ Before the concert, students learned about the mechanics of VERDICT Continued from Al belly up. Jt was during that ad- ministration that the dredging of the bay took place, an event most historians cite as the No. 1 reason for the growth of the city to its present position as the most desirable place to Uve on the Pacific Coast. But it was machine politics. A small group of men from one part of town ran the whole city. It was during this period that Co- rona del Mar acquired the nick- name Red Hill. Just before a municipal elec- tion, Uoyd Qaire would call to- gether all the party faithful. He would go through each precinct name by name, assigning some- one to contact each and every voter to see to it that everyone voted for the administration's 'I've always believed that bringing music [into the classroom] is a very, very vital component of the musical world today.' Sebntfan Chan1 14-year-Old pianist and composer an orchestra, its Jnstrument.s and their sounds. aud during the concert itself, with the guidance of their gracious host Beethoven, they got lo see everything they learned in class come to life on ' the' stage. ' "It~ really cool, and I really liked the dancers," said - l l.-ye31;-oldAustin Franzman, a fifth-giader from fnder.i · Elementary School in Garden Grove. "I thought it was great." said Sabrina Vermane, ll, also from Enders Elementary. ul like how handpicked candidates. Every- thing would go along smooth as clockwork until the Corona del Mar precinct came up. Perhaps it was the mountain air, in contrast to the sea-level air of the rest of the city, but Corona del Mar seemed to be fUll of in- dependent-minded, free-t.hink.- ing people who declined ro march lock step with the rest of the town. Tuey simply wouldn't stand in line like the rest of the folks and rubber stamp whatever program the administration had. Whoever was assigned to Co- rona del Mar always hung his head in shame at his lack of suc- cess. His only excuse: It was ru- mored that there were Demo- crats in Corona del Mar. If there were Democrats, could commu- nists be far behind? Thus the nicknanie Red Hill. World War ll brought a second revolution -the end of the Lloyd Oaire administration and "Over 50 Years of Fine Qualityn All Types of Wrndow Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • VerticaJs • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimentary Consultation in Your Home 20 ~, * I .1hor ~ \t·L rul I .1hri1.' 0 FF \\11h 1111, .1111i1 \pril ~11i ~1111. r~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949>642-8400 ;;:;:;:i;:~ Celestino's quality MEATS Produce • Seafood • Deli Serving th~ Comm1mity for 30 yc1tn Fully CoolmJ. IN A HURRY? HERB ROASTED CmCKENs BBQ PORK SANDWICH FISH K-BoBS MllM with Sw."'fish -H11/i6111 or s./mon Try ou of o"1 ia co/J FRUIT SALADS u/atiMi ITAIJAN SAUSAGE HottWMilil ' 11 ( I < . . . . . . I '· ' . I /J "I ' ~- they get all the sounds to go together." Giving students a chance to sing along lo the "Ode to Jay" from Beethoven's 8;.fuf hony No. 9, or bear the powe sounds of the percussion section and the melodJc fu.Slon of the dlfterent strlng Instruments, musldans got a chance to share their love and lc:nowledge of music with an audJence of pupils awaiting a new and ~ experience. "It's a wonderfuJ expedence ... and I focus malnly on the fact that it's an educational concert," said .(hang, who began composing,muslc at the age bf 5. "I've always believed that bringing_mllSic (lnto the cl~rooml Is a. very, very vital component of the musical wpdd tqday." . · •CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be reac:tled at (9491574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo@latlmes.com. a whole new way of governing the city. A new breed came into power -high-principled men of honesty, intelligence and integ- rity. Among them were two out- standing men from Corona del Mar, Braden Finch and Oyan Hall. Under their leadership, the city outgrew machine politics. Another Corona del Mar resi- dent, Les Steffensen, headed the committee that gave the city its present city diarter that assures that never again will a small group from one part of town be able to control the whole city. Others from Corona del Mar who carried on their high princi- ples were Jay Stoddard, Andy Smith, Hans Lorenz. O.Z. Robert- son, Phil Sansone and Dennis O'Neil. The list is not at all com - plete, These are just a few whose names come to mind. Not bad for a place that no one noticed for its first 20 years and then was maligned as Red Hill for another 20. • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona deJ Mar resident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays GETTING INVOLVED • GEmNG IN\IOU(ED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call '.j49) 5744298. THE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCHINSTTT\JTE The institute is looking for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program. call (888) n4-4673. PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. (949) 262-7300. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of abused.abandoned and drug~xposed cf"tildren. In addition to office help and once-a-month. 12-hour hotline shifts. volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group. fund-raising committees and to help distribute stickers to stop babies from being abandoned In trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. OBITUARY Donald L. Peters A memorial mass will be held at to a.m. today al St. loechiDi Clthollc Omrch for Donald l. ~ ttrs. a 37-yar n!tident or ~n Bnch. Mr. ~ tm died on ~e*:lay of c:ancer. Ito Wld n. ~ · is suivtVed by Wife Kat.ho- rlne Peters; 90ns A1Y9 Patrlct. Gecqe John. ~­ter MlcbMI. PUii RtCh· ant. Theodore Junec and Patttck Arlbur Peters; daugbten Donna bru Banlea, Paula ., FftnCh and Maty KatbP· tine Orton: 17 WandChll· chm and two ...... ~ 1he churdl II at ISM Omnp M,.OaaMI& Dalt/ Pilot ..... PUBLIC SAFETY Closet fire breaks out in bookstore BarJles and Noble BoobeUers ln South Coast Metro autfered $20,000 worth of damage after a .flre broke out in one of Its closets SUnday morning, C.OSta Mesa Fire officlals said. The fire was "501all" and was put out by the sprinld!'rs even before firefighters arrived at about 10:55 a.nt...' officials said. No one was injUred. There was minor fire darilage in the closet Officials said water was also found on the floor and outside the closet with water leaking down into Mikasa. which is di- rectly below. Firefighters then began salvage op- erations to prevent fur- ther waler damage to these businesses. Costa Mesa arson in- vestigators detertnined the cause of the fire was brooms being placed close to a water beater. The heat from the water heater ignited the brooms, officials said. About 28 firefighters re- sponded to the incident. -Deepa Bharath f'.'OLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol StlMt and Sunflower AV911ue: Vandalism was reported at 12:17 a.m. Sunday. • Bristol Stl'Mt: Grand theft was reported in the 3300 blodc at 3:05 p.m. Sunday. • Fairview Road: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 blodc at 11 :48 a.m. Sunday. • PinecNek Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 11 :49 a.m. Sunday. • Red Hill Avenue: An assault was reported in the 2900 block at 1:24 a.m. Sunday. • Santa Ana Avenue: Pettv theft was reported in the 1600 blodc at 2:09 a.m. Sunday. • South Coast Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 1500 blodc at 6:35 a.m. Sunday. • WalJac. Avenue: An auto theft was reported in the 1900 blodc at 6:19 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Cont Highway: An auto theft was reported in the 2700 bl<><* at 12:25 a.m. Sunday. • E1 Modena Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodc at 8:53 a.m. Sunday. • Padfic View Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 3400 blodc at 11: 19 a.m. Sunday. •Pint .. Road: Grand theft was reported in the 300 bl<><* at 4:29 a.m. Sunday. • vi. Koron: A burglary was reported In the 200 bl<><* at 4: 10 a.m. Sunday. • vi. Udo Soud: Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodc at 6:07 a.m. Sunday. •18th ~·Md Weat S.lboe Boulevard: A traffic accident involving Injuries was reported et 10:23 p.m. Sunday. • !2nd S1rMt end w..t OCMn Front: Indecent ~posure waa "ported at 1-.28 e.m. Sunday. Charles R. Jeffs Jr. Chartn R. Jeffs, Jr., died on F9bruary 22, 2003 from PQtt· polio compMcatfona. He ... the ~ hUltMlnc:I of a..u find father of 4 ctlOdNn, 6 lttp chlldren, 0 J::ldchlldNn, lrld 3 great gran jldf9n. Hit lltlel wlll be lnuf'Md at th• U.S. Naval Academy Columbetlum. Memottel gtn. may ... ,... to lM Salk 1Mtltutt1 Offio9 of ~ OMng, 110, N. T~ rinm AOed. LI Joli, CA 92031 ( .,..,.... ... _,, ___ .. ___ ..,. .. -"' . .. .... --...,..__, .. --...... --.. ------~ foe!>ddy, Apftl J, 2003 A5 FORUM • HOW TO GET PU8USHED -lAtliln: Meil to Editorial Page Edi1or S.J. Cehn et the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Com Mesa, CA 92627 • ~s Hotfine: <:all IS491642-0086 Fax Send to (S49) ~ 170 E-mel:Sond to dallypllot!IJl•tlma.oom •All correspondence must Include full neme, hometown and phone number (for venfi~tlon purposes) The Pilot r(;...erves the right to edtt an subm1ss1ons for clanty and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Buying center for park not a solution T he s uggestion by some that Costa Mesa property owners assess themsel~es a parcel tax to purchase a portion of Mesa Verde Center for park and recreational uses has many shortcomings, but two in particular stand out: (I) KATRINA FOLEY in terms of broad community policies. it I!> a misplaced priority; (2) regardless of priority, Mesa Verde Cente r is now the wrong place for a recreational cente r. If the City Council wants to ask taxpayer!> of Costa Mesa to assess themselves tn order to further public improvements. there are many other unmet needs that would rank higher on the li!>t of community concerns. Why hasn't this solution been sugge<;tt•d for Vi'lta Center or other underutili1ed !>ites on the We'>ts1de? Because it'<; hdd public policy. I pcr-.onally would never vott• to raise my property taxe~ for another Mesa Verde park or recreational fanlity whl'n greater problem'> -unmet '>OCial obligation<. and lo ng-needed Westside and North CoMa Me'>a improvements, for example - need immediate attention. Fven though there appear'> to be overwhelming community demand for a new park/recreational complex. this i'> not the nght place. Resident'> of the new home<s adiacent 10 Me\a Verde Center would be unn:a-.onahly affected by the adiacent reerea11onal facilities - facihtie'> that would require acuve us.e 10 warrant the enormou!> inve!>tme111 proposed by those who want tht> nry to buy the center. The Planning Commission approved the Kohl's for !>everaJ reason'>, one of which wac; the significantly reduced effect 10 the close't neighbors when compared to the recreational uses that <;Orne wi.,h to see on the site. If new recreational ~lie!> are to be established, there are better and higher demand for locations in other parts of the city not thnv1ng with comme rcial vitality. For example, on Bristol Street in the vicinity or the Lab and the Camp, near two retail complexes that already attract a youthful and energetic clientele. Several shes in the area are ripe for redevelopment, Including a parcel owned by the county. and there ace no Immediately adjacent neighborhoods whose residents could be affected. Other possibilities include conversion from industrial to recreation or older, underutilized and dilapidated industrially zoned parcels on the Westside, a perfect complement to the Westside's thriving skate and surf indtUtries. lo additJon, the coat df developing a recreational facility in these areu would be le costly because the land b less expensive and the possibility or publlc-priva.te partnenhlp ulat. A reactive pa.reel tax penallzea both realdenu and business property owners. Instead, a beuer solution 11 £or the city to approve the Plannln1 Commlulon't unanimou1 recommendation ro protctlvely plan for and recruit buain developert to create mudl nffd@d ·ramUy tun r.onea• In Co ca Meta. MAILBAG A reader suggests ttiat improvements to Mesa View Center could tum 1t into another Harbor Center. which op Pr ell three years ago Here. developer R. Scott Bell stands in front of one of the store s that anchors the Harbor Center. on Harbor Boulevard and W1lsl r ~»rePl in Costa Mesa Glance for another great shopping center exists I would Wee to add two thought~ 10 the debate over the locaLion of a Kohl's department store on Harbor Boulevard. I acquired these reflection'> during conversations with my neighbors. Sixty-nine of them, a'> indicated by their wilhngne<.s to '>lgJl d petition. agreed with me that the replacement or Kana l.anes. the lt:e Ola.let and the Edwards Theater<, by Kohl's wguld be preferable We are homeowner<; who Live about halfway between the proposed store sue and the Harbor Center. Our home'> <;tand in an area bounded by Pnnleton 10 Fair Drive on the one hand ;tmJ Harbor lo Fordham Dnve on tlw other. In these discuc;sions. two poml'. of considerati on emerged. Once, we saw the center where Harbor Center is now decline and wither. With the new development. we have a dynamic, bencr-des1grwd business core. Panasonic, AJbertr.on\ TJ Ma.xx (especiaJJy). I lome Depot and Starbucks provide u-. with services chat are convenient. I think. too. that those improvements contributed to the rising property value'> in College P.J.rk. Kohl\, 100, will afford U.'> a convenient c;hopptng locauon. Furtlier, newer structure~ would h.1ve to look better than thow there now. I think the city need~ to act befon.• cond1uon.. become worse. Second. much has been made an 1h1'> debdte dbout the lo~ of recreational opportunities When people but.It the Ice Qialet and t...on.1 I ..ane., Coo;ta M~ had fewer parks dnd otJ1er recrcauon programs. In 19n. C O'>ld \1l'"'>Cl resident ... led b} Arlene Schafer and the late Vaughan Reddmg, pa'>.'>ed a bond i.ssue that enabled the city to buy several of the pdrk.'> that we now enjoy. Moreover. the city did not have the innovattH' mohilc recreation unit that ha-. ht•t·n introduced to the communit} 111 1h1· 1.1'1 IWll W<LI"> And the AYSO -.on l'r progr.1111 and Utile L.eagut> hav1 cxp.mtkd llm~ of us who h,1\1' lookt•d .it the latest city rccreat1011 brochure have been impre'>-'>l'd \">llh it., divl'rse agenda. The dramCJL11 gro\\-th of these acuvitie\ tell., nw tli.11 ( o~l<l MeMOs care fo r and uphold recreation, but not if a detcrioratl'"tl hu'>m~ area continues to decline. BARBARA PANIAN Costa Me'\J Congratulation~. with11u1 regret . due to Robin,un Jn .... l'o Ill fl''ofllltl'>l' to \u11d I\ ' l'd11onc1I ··< onKr.11ul.i11on'>. \\lllt 1 It'\' regrt'l'> · ( ongratul.1111111 ... Mt' indt•ecl 111 • 11111·1 lo :'-1.ivor t-.art•n Rohlll'>Oll 1111 111 r cl(lJ>rlllllllH'lll h\ ( '°' <.r.1\ I l.1\h 111 ttw ( lr.111g1• I 011111\ "llP• I I• I ( 11 HI lrul\, tlw UI\ ol ( 0,1,1 :\11·,,1, In" I' lhl' 1111l1t 1.11 .,, 'tt·m' gJ111 II \\,J', lll'\l'r ,1 '>t'lrl'I h I 1!11hllhOll lt.ut .1 d ..... 1rt• lo Ollt' dJ\ 1\1 ,11 llH' roht·, 111i.l1udgt•. \\ lwn '"'' 11111u·d 111 I hl' lagh1 Ill 'top Judgt• R1111.tld Kltrw I rum lwing au1nm,1tit ,1lh ri l'l1·1 lt'«I, .11111nprt•tt•d1•111t•d !!)II Olli) 11•1:1,lt•rt d \f•lt'I' \\I'll( Ill lhf polJ, t 111ft-1111111 dot\ I I \\rill' Ill 'ol 1111•(1111 t I" ' 11.11111 111.11ucl1< 1.il "" t• 1h.11 111\ nlht I 111111' \\.lHJlcl h,1\1' f t 1\0 d It'' 1t1,111 ol 11.tllll ... 1'( tlrl•' ti ·"'' .1111°1111011 """ 1•11111• Ill '-:H 1.11111111 > I 111 '•Liii \\ 1•.\1.tl1 hing lht· 11111 01111 \ t ·1 \ 1 lrh1 I tor 11111· ,un thrilh d 1111111111.. tli,11 n· ... ult·t1l'> of< O'>l.t \11''" 1\lt•• hl'l1wd l<ohan-.on\ t•lt'CtH>11 t.111111.11g11 for t II\ < .ounnl .11-.o hJd .1 p.irt in lwlp1ng ltt•r 10 ad11t'H' Lhl'> .tm;vmg go;1I \., .m Orangt• < ounl\' S111wnor < 111ar1 lud~t" STUDENT OUTLOOK Hob111-.on \\ 111 1101 on(\ ... 1111 '11· 'I'!"\ mg lhl' l 111/l'll'> of ( O'olJ ~lt·..,.1 hut thl 1·11tire tount\ I Jm al\11 Kra11·h1I ,md .1pprt•t1atl\t' tor Hoh111-.on' "1lli11g11e,.., w '>ll'J> up and run Im lt1unnl at d tmH \\lll'n tht• n· ... 1dt•nh n·.ilh llt't·dt·d 'olltltl'lltlt' \\ho \\t' lt•lt "ouid bt• 1111r -llH e 'ht• wa.., .i \\ondt·rlul llHlllt II r1t mht•r anti.,,., 111.' 1r rcll,ed lhl' hJr on t.11r .mtl prole"111nal lt'dtfrr..,lup Do I ""h '>llt' "-t'rt' Jhlt• Ill 11111,h her tt·rm:> '"ll ht•t Aul 11m 1· 1lw \\ht•t>J.. Ml' In lllOllUll, thl Unit' lrJlllt ,.., prett\ mm h -.11mt•1111t t'l't'., c.111 \nd "ht'n tht' t .tll l onw' I douh1 .111\ llllt' o f U'o would t11r11 ti do\\ 11 I .1ppn·n.i1t• 1lw umt-"'t' h,1d lloh111 ... 011.,Cf"\111g on rounnl \\1• \\l'fl' Im l\ l<l h.t\l' had lwr gllld.1111 t .111d 111nuenn• th.it Im ... 11rt· \\tll l.i..i lllng after 'ht· 'll'P' clo\\11 olf thl' d,11, CINDY BRENNEMAN •EDITOR'S NOTE C rl•l\.-Br.·nno•rnan wai. f"lf t II.or R 1>1n1o< n 1n1oa 1n n1anay.-rs tor I er C1tv C.ounc. 1mpa1gn anrJ worked C" Rotunsons 1ua1c111I wotP 1n u.rnfJcHgn Saying just a little too much MICHAEL WALa • . -. ·- QUOTE OF THE DAY "We know we can win. And, then's a lot of giTls on this team who are having a lot of fun." EYE OPENER • l>dilyAPOOt II SpmW Hal ol Fame ,. W.adnildw> .......... Ann ...... Topps, Costa Mesa shortstop M Tuesday, ... 1, 2003 Mustangs • win ·on· home run Costa Mesa's Ann Marie Topps pounds out sixth-inning, two-run shot for the difference. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -There was a sense of urgency, a sense of anxiety for Costa Mesa High when its senior shortstop Ann Marie Topps went to the plate in the bonom of the sixth inning. There also seemed to be an aura of confi- dence about the Newport Harbor Sail- ors, since Topps had grounded out and flied out in her two previous at-bats. However, with one swing of the bat, Topps calmed SCOREBOARD the Mustangs and took the life out of ., th& Sailors, in a , 1 · battle between Newport-Mesa District teams Monday at Costa Mesa. She Newport 1 smacked her sixth Costa Mesa 2 home run of the season. a two-run blast over the center field fence (about 200 fee t). leading Mesa's softball team to a 2-1 come-from-behind victory over Newport, for third place in the Costa Mesa Tournament. Jane-E Yamamoto, the Mustangs' junior designated hiner, reached on an in.field error and scored on Topps' home run. Topps, bound for the Uni- versity of Oregon, playfully chased Ya- mamoto around the bases, not know- ing if she would have passed her she would have been caJJed out. "[The Newport pitcher) threw a drop ball and I knew that was the pitch I wanted to hit," said Topps. who thought Mesa's victory displayed team· work. "Once we play our game, we knew we can do it. We know we can win. And, there's a lot of girls on this team who are having a lot of fun." Sports Ecltor Roger c.tson • (949) 574-4223 • 5Pot1a Fu: (949) 650-0170 Ntf~7honofH PAUL ORRIS Kf NT lR£.PTOW /DAILY P1LOT Costa Mesa's Ann Marie Topps, right, is congratulated by teammate Jane-£ Yamamoto at home plate after both runners scored on Topps' home run dunng the sixth inning of Monday's game against Newport Harbor. The Mustangs rallied to defeated the Sailors, 2-1. In addition to Topps' humorous race in order in the bottom of the sixth, needed to make. No one did anything with Yamamoto, Mesa sophomore which included a strikeout. The game outl>tanding. Every ball thal was hit to pitcher Jackie Butler also added some ended after Topps fielded a ground ball Ul>, we just made it count." comic relief for the Mustangs (7-4) in and made the throw to her sister, Kelly, The Sailors, led by -;enior pitcher the top of the seventh. Butler, as part of a sophomore at first base. The Topps IGm Moore. were also defensively her in-game rilual, was dancing to a sis1ers learned up for four such outs. sound, for the most part. They "held tune her head. while she was in the cir· Butler allowed three hits and one Mel>a scoreless through five innings. d e. run. She struck out two, walked one Moore allowed three hit'> and she "It's that one song, 'I love it when and relired the side in order in four in '>I ruck out three. y~>U call me Big Poppa,' " Rutter said of nings to improve her pilching record to "We probably should have given Kim the rap song by the late Notorious 6-1. a breather (in the ~ixthl." Newport B.l.G. "It helps me relax.'" "Our defense played incredible,'" Coach Sharon Wolfe :.aid. "(Topps! Apparently, the song and dance also Cos1a Mesa Coach Rick Buonarigo definitely got all of 1ha1 one lpitchl." motivated Butler She retired the side said. MWe just made the play<; we The Sailors scored in the top of the sixth inning. l..eadoff hiller Ashley Glea~n. who reached on a single. scored after ab~ hit by senior Athena Vasque7_ Vasque1~ a ~hortstop bound for Wisconsin, auempted to advance to second base after Gleason slid home for the 1 0 lead. However, Mesa junior catcher Michelle Miller picked Vasquez off at second base. . Newport (7-3) now has three losses by one run defi cits. Wolfe said, the Sail· ors seem to be on the verge of over- See SOFTBALL. Paae A7 TENNIS HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL HONORS Breakers hoping for diamond in rough Four local standouts earn All-CIF Two boys, two girls recognized by coaches. Four Newport-Mesa players have been named second-team All-CIF Southern Section an their respective boys and girls divisions by the Southern California Inter- scholastic Basketball Coaches As- sociation. Newport Harbor High seruor Ne- dim Pajevic was recogni.zed in Divi- sion U-M, after leading the Sailors' boys team to a 16-10 record. The 6- foot-9 center, who shared Player of the Year honors in the Sea View League, averaged 15.7 polnta and just more than 13 rebounds for the 1Us. Sage Hill School senior MJchael Fitzhugh. who, like Pajevic, will re- p~t the South ln Saturday's Orange <:owtty boys all-star game at Orange Coast College. is a Dtvlslon IV-A honoree. The 6-3 point guard averaged 22.3 points and 10.1 re- bounds for the Ugbtning. which ex- tended the program's ft.rat postsea· aon Into the aecond rolUld. Bstancia gU'ls standout 'nisba Wue. the Co-MVP In the Golden West League Iller lea41n& the ~ to the league aown. la a Dtvlalon ID·A pick Wase. a junlor, a~ 12.3 points to bdp P.stancla ftnllh 17-9. Wrl&bt, a 6-1 tmh.man, avmigtd a tam-high 12.5 PP1 to heJp the J.Jshtninl ~ idWnce to the eeo- ()Jld roUnd of the OP Dtvlalon fV·A ~· . ' DON l.EACH/DMY N.OT NeWport Harbor's Nedin P&;eYIC, a 6-foot-8 senior, scores near the basket, wtMle displayin1 his Al-CF form fOi Coach larTy Hirsf s Sailors. New World Team Tennis franchise has already signed Davenport, so it's 'a matter of fiJJing out roster during Wednesday's player draft. P reparing for a sports draft, wether it's fantasy or real, is like cramming for year-ending exams. There are long nights studying. At times. you suffer from information overload. Then. finally, the big day comes. It's Draft Day. Thnslons rise, .-------. pressure builds. your RICHARD DUNN hands get sweaty. You wonder lf the players you yeam for most will still be on the boan:l when It's your pick. For the Newport Beach 8re.altera, the newest World Tham Tenn1s franchise, It's not a typlcal draft. in which you anxiously awalt your tum at a No. l pick. They already blow the score. It's a matter of flllJng out the roster u deemed most appropriate bY the league. · It will be the first time out of the draft chute for Steak.en General Manacer Use Fortman. who bas sworn to • conftdendallfy and cannot talk about any poesible playm. ulde from the team's~ sign.id nwquee player -~ Dawoport, who Will pJay two of MWll home match• for the Breabri lft )lly when the MIA()f) heat1 up et' Pl.Mae dee Tennll Oub. 1be .,...... are one of three lelgue awned Ind opmated teema. alof'I whb the Daaw• sa.h Ind l'hOldfliphia freedOmj, NiiDld for P.hofl JOh,n. ...... ~dnctol mnd co-founder Billie Jean King's longtime friend and supporter. Jeff Harrison, who manages both the Delaware and Philadelphia franchises for the league, will work closely with King and Fortman on Draft Day, which will be conducted Wednesday. "We're going to be following a lot of what the two other successful programs do out there," Fortman said. "(Harrison) is our blueprint He's a lot of what we do between the league and tbe other two franchises ... you stick with a good thing when It has proven to be successful. This is Jeff's third team. and I'm looking at his direction and the league's direction as one of the three league teams." After a nine-year absence, Newpott Beach Is back In World Team Thnnis. The team has already announced it wUl be selecting Davenport as their No. 1 draft pick. Davenport. who bu plans (according to an lnslderl this month to many fonner USC All-American and Adoption Guild Thnnls Tuu.mament champion Jon Leach, played last year for the New York Buzz. The team tnded her rlghta to Newport Beach In uchange for their ft.rat round pick ln the draft. The B\17.Z wW now have the fourth pick tn round one. Andre Agassl. Andy Roddick and Davenport have al.ready commJtted to the 2003 lealOD. Other top playas expected to throw their oarnes lnto the draft pool lnclude Meghann Shaugbnelly. JohJi McP.nroe. James Blake. and Martina Navratilova. The draft la COmpriled of four or ltve rounds wtth tho top pick going to the ICanlu Oty P.xpJotera for thO eecond consecutive year. Retu.miilg franchbea haw the Jiaht=o rotect ~from the prevloua rotter. 1Mmt draft In reYer1e of the 2002 reguW•MUOll flnal IWJGf"8&a. ... TINNll,,_M . . . ·i•.. ···~·~~........ • -----~... • Oa.ty Pilot SPORTS Tuesday, Aprrl I, ;l()()j A7 Shadow lands I 011k111g back, :; yeJr'> ago tlu' wt•t·L .. Ornnge CoJ'>t < ollege\ men\ volleyball 1e,1m ct'll· hrate., a five game victory o\er nval (,olden \Vl'<.t by 1hrow111~ (,oJch (}iuck Cute- nese into lhe pool adJdCent 10 f'C'tcr.on Gym I hen. the player<; take tum' d1vmg 111. I he Pirate'> 11ecd c·very ou11n· ut energy to eke out a 1 ·\-I 'l. 10 14 . 15·8. 5-l 'l. 1r; 1.!. vie tory. wh1th mean'> a probahlt• Ornnge Empire < onfercnce 5 champ1omhip. llw P1m1e~ ( IEI I. 14-1 in lJw 01 Ct have not lo'>t a matlh '>Ince th<• Hu~tJer<. lll°fl'dll'd them. 1 I . m 1-ebru.uy COd'>l -.corm!> bad. \<\1lh lead., of 4 I , 9-6 and 13-8 m <.ame 2 befon• Juan Mercer and Nicolas DomJnlk '>llpply a blue~ on a kill attempt for a '!deout and a RuMler h11 ~oe.., long to give OCC the game. 'i1A kills by Nt-wpon Harbor I Ugh product )osh RJchardson pace Coa.'>l in Cuime 3. The teamc; battle m the fifth and dec1d ing game wi th Golden We-.1 laking a 12-11 lt•ad. Mark PoZ8g8l and the 6-foot 7 Mc•rccr c111nh11H' for a block that clinc:h~ the match and ..em!' 1he crowd into a wild celebration. Po1.sga1 talht·'> a team high 24 kill-. with i.etter Ryan Hiskey rnllt'll· trlK 69 a~'>ll>I'>- ( orona de! Mar I tigh\ Uz Morse record., a 2: Ii 4'l 10 win the 800-metcr nm 111 the lrubuco I Lall!> l11v11auonal track and fkld meet to po'>t Orange County'c; ht''t ume of tht' -.ea.son Jam.le DeNoewer of Co!>ta Me<>a I llgh cnii-.es to '>econd place Ill the 1.600 Ill 5: 15.71 Mu'itang wrnor dt'>· lance runner Brutt Hancock p<>'>I'> sca<;0n bt"il' m the 800 and mJ.!e run'> with ..econd-place firn-.hes 111 each btancia High·s boy-; and girt.. '>warn learn!> roU to nonleague dual meet vactorie-'> over w.iling ~ddle­ bad, .. The girl"> clinch fir;t in all 11 events to topple "iaddleback. 105-58. with Blake Prino picking up wins 111 the 200 yard individual medley (2:44 .90) and the I 00 brea'>l'>troke (I :28.28). Sophomore Launm Cassity L!. al'>o a multiple wumer with firsts m the 50 f~tyk (26.72) and 100 bullerfly (1:11.93). ~Baker's 1.18.79 wtns the 100 back- '>troke and Katie Menden turns in a I :05.53 m the 100 free. Summer Flaherty wtns the 500 free (6:24.99). The Eagle boys take rnre of the Roadrun- ners. 93-71. Matt Hoss dlld Paul Secrest each talty personal records in mdivtduaJ events and swim on two winning relay teams. Olnl Calkin takes the 100 breaststroke and handle'> a leg on two winning relays Costa Mesa's boy-. 'iwtm team takes first in the 400 free relay -the final event of a Pacific Coast League dual m eet wtth rivaJ f.stancia -to win, 88- 82. Mesa's Matt Tipton, Travis Spunaugle, Hunter lllytor and Ouil Biron win by 20 yards. The Mus- tangs sweep the 200 free and place the top two in the 200 free and IM. llpton clinches the free (2:01.82) and freshman Mike Whitman cruises in the IM (2;23.50). Mesa leads, 23-17. after two events. f.stancia wins the next two events as Se- ' rn·..,t '>lorrn'> 10 a 24 .40 111 the 50 trct· amt I lo.,, turn., in a 5<!.1'l m lhc I 00 ll:r Jesse Gamboa tum'> m ,1 pt•rc;,cmdl rc•1 on.J 111 tht• 'lOO frl'e to take ..econd, hl•,11ng tu' pre\.IOU'>·he'>l 11me b:r 21 wrond!>. P.J. O'Brien lead-, lhl' wa} \'llh Wiil'> 1n 1he 500 free • !,.> 11 93) .111tl the too lm"1"1'1rok1· (I 10 89) for Mt•..,..1 11 IJ l.oolunK bal l . I 0 year' ago th11. week: C .orona dl'I Mar I flgh\ l>.l'>t'hall ll'.1111 'tl't'lt11ngly tlut·'> t'\.t'ryth111g wrong. bu1 dl'fc•t1I'> lhl· 1h1rtl-rank<·d lt'Jlll 1n Orange Lounl) 111 Katclla, 11 8, m comch.id. f.1-.hion. to .1dvance 10 till' -.1·n11finaJ<. of 1ht• < .oa..l lour 11amem. Ille \e.i Kmg'> n un m1t five t'rrnr-., yield fiw un 1.•,1rm·d run'>, '>lnke oul 10 llllll''> and manage ju'>t '>IX hi" !all ,mglt•'>I. hu1 11111- rnawlv benefit from 12 walk... .ind <>ome tmwly luttmg 111l· ~·.1 K111g::. <>rnre nine tirnt'' .iht•r bt•ing waJkrd or hit by J 10 p11d1 Pmch-h11ter Jeff Mat.sen takt''> .1 f.L-.tbaJI on the '>houJder to plate the fifth< dM n111 .ind Jeremy Goldsteln '>mad .. ., a two nm ... mgte up 1he middle to put the Sea Kmg'> in front, 7 6. Bryson Groat rt' liew'> Carn H<>OWr with < .dM down. h 4. in tht• third mning and ga.m~ the wm to improve to l I (.ro.it -.cauer.. '>e\.en hit<> w1th two nm-. J.llowed K.11ella '>trand.., 11 runner; from the 1h1nJ mnmg on Vi'>Jttng Newport I larbor I ligh beat!> lklck Bay ri · val ( dM in five games. 14 16. 15-1. 15-5, 7-15. 15 l'I Newport (4 l 4-1 in !he Sea View l..eaguel 'ipUllt'r.. in the fir.l game, then domirwu•., game<> two and three. only lo have to hold on m the finale. TI1e Sailor~ build a 12-5 edge m the final game. but after 11 comecu11ve sideout~. I.he '>ea Kings (4-4, J I m leC!h'lJe) rally to pull within 14 lJ A kill by Greg SIJd giv~ the Sailor. a s1dwut and a CdM allt'mpt falls wide. giving I !arbor the victory. Junior oul'>ide hitter MJtch McCoy leads the Sailors with .JI lu.lls and 10 digs while Dan Thomassen, a 6 3 middle blocker. adds 15 ldlb and mne st ufT blocks. Todd Jameson adds 16 kills followed by Slick'!> IJ and 19 by Erk Vallely. Vallely also collect!> seven dig-;. Broob Hoppe lead!> CdM with 26 kills and six blocks and St'nlor Kyle Thompson adds 20 lulls and four blocks. llarbor rolls off 15 straight point!> after lo'ling the opening point in the ~ond game. C.dM puJJs within 6-5 in Lame 3 and J-2 in the founh game hcfore Newport applies the pres.c;ure. f'.Stancia's baseball team explodes for three home runs ~gainst host Laguna Beach m a 9-2 EagJe win in Pacific Coast League play. Art Mard- ne-z opens the game with a homer and twin broth- ers Jalro ltwo-ru.n In the third! and Pedro (three- run in the fifth) Arceyut also tee off on Artist pitch- ers.. Pedro An:eyut's blast i his ~nd of the season. Senior right-hander Victor Martinez im- proves to 3-0, getting 12 groundball ours while strl.ldng out two and yielding three hits. -compUed by Bryce Aldmon ., • •If IJ ~H Tc .... [J1\ll r H1 • Above. Costa Mesa pitcher Jackie Butler delivers the ball during Monday's game against Newport Harbor At left. Newport Harbor's Athena Vasquez throws to first base as Costa Mesa's Kelly Topps makes it ~afely to second during the second inning. SOFIBALL Continued from A6 l onunK d 1r,ul'>ll10n \lagl', which '>ll·rrl!> from \o\ollt' tdl.tng 11\.t:r .... , roat h m tlw, ht'r fin.1 year I he Mu'>tdll)('> are al"' dt'almg with a bll of trdn'>llllJll I hey hJ\.t l'ndurt'tl t\0\-o l nn 1al lllJU rw., 111 -.1art1·ro,, Yam.111111111 ,md ~.tl y Ht>r11,h, J '>t'lll<Jr who plays tlurd h..t.'>l' Huo11ang11 -..rnJ 'rnma 1110 111 1.·a1111o t throw "'' -.lw I'> d.'> "Wied to tw tlw dt>'>lgn•Ht•d hu lt'r, \0\-hlk Ht·r11-.h. \\Im 'utlert-d a amid U HKU'>s1tm two wt'l'l' ago, rn1gh1 returrt .. m.l.iy, whl•n thl' ~1u">tang'> IJt t' 1 fll'>'>IOV.n nvaJ l....ianl ld . .. 1 tolditlu.: \lu'>ld.11)('> from the ht·g1n11111g ol tlw '>t'<t'><lll tllJt Wt' \.in w111 ~'1th .111~ r1111e." Huondn gtt ';>·lid I ht· girl' Jrt hq~tnmng 111 lt'iirn 111 pl,1\ d1fll'n•11 1 po'>l ( IClll,. BuCJ11.ingc1 .,.11d. 'l'lllttr All')•lll d1 1c 1Jll,ml11 plt1\t>d .it tlmd ha'e 1111 1111 lir-.t 111111· 1Jw. , ••• 1'>1111 .mll -,11pl11m111rt I l\t 11 \1,u '' ,lllJ rel.t t 1\ c h Ill'\' io i.t'u 1111 I l.M,e. c .. t1l.ird11 h.111 lour t1'>'-"'' .111d '"l' .11,11 glowd .1 lh hdll Ill 1lw hot lf•lll 11 1h1 '"'h 11111111)..: '\.t\.lllrl.111 1\1111 !ht· ( ....... 1 \lt·-..1 11111111.11111 Ill t1lll'1 ddt".Jflllg ").1ddlf'\1,11 ~ ).i-.l Wl'l'~ Costa Mey Tour~ment Third place Costa M~a 2, Newport Harbor 1 l\Jt•Wt;CJn • M1·o1 M UC IRVINE WOMEN'S WATER POLO FRIDA y I APRIL 4 DOUBLE HEADER ACTION UCI vs. ST AN FORD 4 P.M. UCI VS. CAL STATE NOBTBBIDGE 5:30 P.M. CRAWFORD AQUATICS FACILITY UC IRVINE ATHLETICS IN THE COMMUNITY SA TUBDA Y. APRIL 12 & • 9 P.M. COME OUT AND MllT MAXY OF T8E UC laVIKE STUDIKT•ATBLITES, COAC•EI, AXD c•11aLEADE•I AXD sv••o•T Roe• roa RED R1••0• AT T81 lav1x1 SPICT•UM. TICKET GIVEAWAYS POSTERS AUTOGRAPHS TL\DING CAllDS O••oaTvx1T111 TO ••• IOMI aaEAT PalZll roa Moa& llfFOllMA TJOll, PIK"I' CALL (Ml)VCl·WIXI Ga YIS1T U9 AT WWW.ATllUTICl..VCUDU . I -----.::=====;::;;=:;::::;:::::-.-;:------ Al Tuetclay, Apr1' l , 2003 SPORT S SCHEDULE BRIEFLY TODAY ...... Co119ge-UC s.n Otego at Vanguard, 3p.m. Orange Coast unable to solve Dons' Alcaraz Community college -Of9oge Coast at Riverside, 2 p.m. High achoo! -Nol1hwood at Corona del Mar, 3:115 p.m,; C.piltrano V1l5-y Christian at Sage Hiii, 3:16 p.m. Go4f College men -UC lrvlne at f>Kific Cont lntematlonal. The Orange ~ Collegie softbaJI team managed just two bits oft' starter F.1alna Ak:araz. who ~ backed by plenty of offens;Me support £rom Wiling Santa Ana. which recorded a 10· I Orange Empire Confemice wtn Monday. Reich sparkles for Eagles • G~ SWIMMINGi M.arllyn Retch was a double winner for the Estancia High girls swtm team, but the girls Jost, 101-69, to visiting Orange in Golden West League ac· lion Monday. Golden Wes! 1.eague ~ to vWting Onulge Monday. Fr1!shman Owl ICL&net1 won the 500 Cree (5:32.50) and also teamed with C:Ollier, Frank Gamboa and Sean Goodman to win the 200 free relay ln 1:44.75. C:Ollier's t.hJ.ni. place time ln lhe 500 free (6:02.03} was also a PR Estancia fell to 4-3, 1-3 in league. Golden W.lt LNaue Orange 103. Estancia 87 TENNIS Continued from NJ The league has alrrady announced the defending chtunpion SaQamento Capltala haw protecied the riahta to ~l In addition, the St. Louis Aces have protected the d&btt to RoddJck. World Team Thnnis, entering its 23{(1 season ,runsJuly7-27 with the top teams from each conference (Eastern and Western) advancing to the High echool boY9 -Sage Hiii It Whitney 81 Loi Amiga.. 2:45 p.m.; Ooeon View at Estancia at MOM Verde Country Club, 2:30 p.m.; L.oguna Hills at Newpon Harbof' ot Big Canyon, 2:46 p.m.; Corona def Mar at University 81 Rancho Sen Joaquin, 2:30 p.m.; Costa Mela at Oronge, 2 p.m. OCC CS~ll . 3·7 in the OEC) committed Ix errors behind starting pitcher Kera Malhes (6-8). One of the seven runs allowed by Malhes was earned because of the Pirates' miscues. Courtney Wmger led the way for the Dons (1 3·13-1, 6·5), going 3 for 4 with a pair of RBI doubles and two runs scored. Reich won the 200-yard individual medley (2:38.62) and 100 breaststroke (1:16.79). The Eagles, who also won the 200 medley relay and ttie 200 ~tyle relay, dropped to 4·7, 4-3 in league. 200 medley relay -1. Orange 1 :65.38; 200 free -1. Collier (E), 2:06.22: 2. Kunert(£), 2:10.03; 200 IM - 1. Peas• (0 ), 2:28.13; 3. Goodman (El. 2:34.69; 50 fnte -1. Sewell (0), 23.&4; 2. Gamboa (E), ,25.91; 100 fly -1. Mays (0), 1:06.81; 3. Goodman (E), 1:13.12; 100 free -1. Sewell (0), Sl.78; 2. G11mbo11 \El,67.87; 3. Met kovlch IEI. !>8.85; 500 free-1. Kune rt (E), 5:32.50; 3. Collier \El, 6:02.03; 200 free relay -1. E1tancl11 (Gamboa , Goodman, Collier, Kunert), 1:44.75; 100 badt-1. Bayatl \01. 1:12.62; 3. Todd (E), 1 :22.07; 100 breast -1. Viveros (01, 1:15.53; 3. Marsteller (El. 1:21.50; 400 free reley - 1. Orange, 3:49.06 season-end.Jog champ~ Softbelt College-vanguard 81 Hope lni.mational, 1·30 p."1. Swlmmfng High ldlool boys -Sage Hiii at Webb, 3:30p.m. ... Colleg8 men -Point Loma at Vanguard, 2 p.m. Com munity collage men -Orange Coast at Fullerton, 2 p.m ' Oranp ~ Confwenc• Santa An• 10, Onnge Cont 1 Santa Ana 012 43 10 13 o Orange Coast ooo 02 1 2 e Alcaraz and Rauadl; Matl'IM, Sodr.erson (51 ond Sharum. W-Alcaraz. S.2. l -MitthM, I> 8. 2B - Winger \SAi 2, Kfumpola ISAI, Semel ISAI. Rausch (SA). 38 -Sodcerson (SA). Aztecs sweep Mustangs Golden Wut L.-iue GIN Omnge 101, Estancia 69 200 medlev relay -1. Estancia (Sam es, Reich, Heu, M11h11n,, 2:15.78; 200 free -1. Mejia (01. 2:23.41; 3. Plttl !El. 2:27.63; 200 IM -1. Reich !El. 2:38.62; 50 free-1. Trejo (0), 28.94; 3. Barnea (E), 30.06; 100 fly-1. Griejo (0), 1:20.19; 2. Plttl (El. l :20. 75; 100 free -1. Simons (0), 1 :04.06, 3. Keenewinna (El. 1:09.03; 500 free -l. Trejo (0), 6:18.25; 2. Fay (El. 6:51.06; 200 free relav -1 E1111nci11 (Mahan, IC.eenawinna, Pitti, Barnes), • •• Orange C.oast edged by six Community college women - Fullerton at Orange Coast. 2 p.m. High school boys -Tesoro at Corona def Mar, 3 p.m .• Laguna Hilla at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m., Costa Mesa at Seddleback, 3 p.m.; Sage Hill at St Margaret's, 3:15 pm. Ocean View at Eatancia, 3 p.m • VOI.l.EYMLL: The Costa Mesa High boys volleyball team dropped a 15-5, 16·14, 15-6 nonleague decision to visiting La Quinta Monday. Ryan Bagwell had five kills and Mitch Mandel four for the Mustangs (l-8), who also received three stuff blocks apiece from sophomore middle blockers Gabe Gonz.alez and Ganen Walthers, as well as 10 digs from Darrell Wase. 1 :59.28, 100 bade-2. Barnes IEI. 1 :17.72, 100 breast -1. Reich (El. 1:16.79), 1:24.41; 400 free relay -1 Orange. 4:43.4 1. Estancia's C.ollier shines •JC GOLF: Host Cuyamaca defeated Orange Coast. 373-379, in an Orange Em- pire Conference men's golf match Monday at Cottonwood Golf Oub . , The Newport Beach Bra.ken,: wiU probabty announce a ooach soon. but don't expect Rohen Van't Hors name to come up, because the local resident and former Davenport ooach Is reponed.Jy committed to following his son. Kaes. compete in national tournaments in the summer. Kaes Va.n't Hof, a Mater Dei High standout, ls ranked 24lh in the nation in lhe boys I 6s. A source close to lhe franchise said former USC Coach and Palisades member Dick Leach and Newport Beach Tennis Oub Director of Tennis Scott Davis are rwo candidates 10 coach the Breakers. Yolleybatl High ectlool boys-Altso Niguel 111 Newport Harbor, 5:45 p.m.; St. Margaret's at Sage Hill, 4:30 p.m •BOYS SWIMMJNG: Estancia junior Paul Collier posted a personal record to win the 200-yard freestyle (2:06.22) to earn one of the Eagles' two individual victories in a 103·67 David Kendall shot par 71 to lead the Pi· rates (11·5, 7·5 in conference), while KeUy Wicks (72). Jared Bruce (75), Brad Oaam- pion (80) and Ryan Peaslee (81 ) rounded out the OCC scorers. Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lagal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 ISClml NOTKI Of mmoll TO ADlllSTB ESTAn Of: IOlllT flBIBICI WAYWDtb IOlllT f. WAYIMD WlNO.A21U32 To all 1le11s, bend1 c1aries. creditors. con tmaent cred1to1 s. and petsons who may oth e<w1se be interested 1n the will or utate or both of A08£ RI f RE DERICK WAYlANO aka ROBERT f WAYLAND A PETITION fOR PRO BATE hu been hied by MARK D WAYLAND 1n th& Supe1101 Court ol Cahforno<a County ol ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE rtquuh th•t MARK D WAYLAND b~ appointed a\ per\on~t rep1esentat1ve to •d m1n1ste1 the n tate ol the decedent THE PETlllON requob authority to adm1n1ste1 the t'5fete und., lhe lnd1;pendent Adm1n1s lrehon ol E 'late~ Act (nus Authoroly wilt .tllnw the pN\OOdl rcpresen tahve to l•ke m•nv actions w•thout obtain ine court approval Btlore tak1na certain vtty important achons. however. the pusonal tepre\entahve woll be ttlquned lo e••e noltce lo inlet ested per sons unles~ they have waived notice 01 consented to the P•Ot>osed 1chon ) The independent ad mon1'tr a to on 1utho11ty will be i' anted unless an interested person hies .in obrechon to the pel1hon and shows aood cause why the court should not ar ant 1he •Ulhor1ty A HEARING on the petohon will be held on MAY I 2003 at I JO pm 1n Oept L73 located •I 341 lhe Coty Drove South Or•nce CA 92868 IF YOU OBJECT to the crantcn& ol the pel1t10n, you should apptat •I the hear11111 •nd stale your obiett1ons 01 Ille written obiectoons with the tour t before the hta11n11 Your •Ppear ance nMy be m per son or by your otto•MY If YOU ARF A CRlOI !OR or cont1n11enl cred•tor ol the deceased you must tole your claim w•th the courl and mail a copy to the personal representative 1ppomted by the court within loU1 months from the date nf the first issuance of letters dS provided on P1 obate Cod• sectoon 9100 The lime tor f1lone tla1ms woll not e•p11e before lour months from the hearonc date noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE IM t.le t.epl by lhe COUI I II you ate a person on terested in the nute you may '''* woth !ht court • Requul for Speoal Notice Clot m 0( IS4) ol the lolm& ol an inventory and appr•os•I of est•le .tsseh or of any pet1t1on or account as ptovodecl on Prob•le Code sec loon l ?SO A Request for Special Notice torm is aollable from the court clerk Attorney tor Pel1honer ROBERT R. ANOlRSON, lSQ., 1661 CHAPMAN AVL, sn . ID, fUL- UltTON, CA 92131 Publtshed Newput I Be<1ch Costa Me'd Odlly Ptlot Apr1I I I 8 2001 IM094 ISC 12927 NOTKI Of rmnoN to ADMllSTll lSTAlt Of: SWIFDITotl WlNO.A218"t lo •ti he11 s be11et1 c1at1f'\, crrd1lut\ ton llnaent cred1to" and persoM who m•Y oth erw1sp be inttrested 1n the will or est•le or both, ot SCAN FENTON A PlTITION fOR PRO BA TE ha\ been filed by R08£R1 S II NION al'ld IANICl l r I NION '" the Superior Cour I ol Cah for noa County ol OR ANGE THE PfTITION FOR PROB A TE 1 equnh th•I ROB£ RI s re NI ON be appornt,d as per,onal 1epre,ent•t1vt lo ad momster the esl•lt of the dee edent THE P£llTI0"4 requnls ~uthorotv tu ddnunoslet lht t\lolte under lht lnr!Pptndf'nl l\dm•n1' ltalton ol I 'tales l\U ( lhos Aulh1111ty will allow the IJNSun~I 1e11re\en ldllV~ to l.\ke many at1111n' without obtain 1ne ~nurt approval flpfore tak1'1Ta tf'rla1n Vt!I y 1mpo1 tan! 6t lions. however the r>~r son1I Important Public Hearing Notice representative will be required to 111ve notice lo interested persons unlen they have waived notite 01 consented lo the proposed action ) The independent ad mon1shat1on autho11ty Wiii be illllled Unless an onternted person !ties an ob1ect1on to the petition •nd shows &ood cauu why the court should not &rant the llUlhOlll)' A Hf ARING on the p~tohon will be held on MAY I 2003 •t 1 30 pm on Dept l73 lot.tied •I 341 The City Drove South Or •n&e CA 92868 IF YOU OB>t'.CT to the erant1ne of thr ~lllH>n you should appear at the hur1n& and state your obiechoM or Ille wntten Ob14'cl10ns with tht ..:ourt beluoe thr hr<111n~ Vour apptaranc t tnay be rn person or by you• attotney If YOU ARt A t.:RCDI · TOR or <Onl1n&ent ued•lu• ol lht deceased you mu'I Ille yout daom woth the ro11rt .and mail a copy to the personal rept esent<1ll•e eppomted by the court wot hon lour months ltom the d1te o l Coast~ Development Permtt Application No.: 5-02-342 Applicmrt: Cify of Newport Beach, P_,ic Wo~s Department Pr~ed Description: Construction off our (4) ~ wlhays on the beach toward the ocean from existing accessible locations. Proiecf location: One { 1) H the Newport Pier and three (3) near the~ Pier. Public Hearing Date: 04 /08 /03 Hearing location: Radisson Santa Barbara, 111 fast Crlrillo Bomevard, Scllta Barbaro, CA 9 3103 Hearing Procedures: Thi s item ha s been scheduled for a public hearing and vote . People wishing to testify on this matter may appear at the hearing or may present their concerns by letter to the Commission on or before the hearing date. Copies of all correspondence will be provided to the Commission if received a minimum of three working days pri or to the public hearing. Written comments may be of any length ; oral testimony may be limited to 5 minutes or less for each speaker, depending on the number wi shing to be heard. The above item may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to Commission consideration of the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If this item is moved to the Consent Calendar, the Commission will either approve it with the recommended conditions contained in the staff report or remove the item from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more Commissioners. If the item is removed, the public hearing described above will still be held at. the point in the meeting originally indicated on the agenda. No one can predict how quickly the Commission will complete agenda items or how many will be postponed to a later date. The Commission begins each session at the time listed and considers each item m order, except in extraordinary circumstances. Staff at the appropriate Commission office can give you more information prior to the hearing ~ate. Questions regarding this item and requests for staff reports should be directed to Fernie Sy, Coastal Program Analyst, at the South Coast District Office m Long Beach (562) 590-5071. Published Newport Beach.Costa Mesa Daily Pilot April l, 2003 T096 --c - ' the 111 st issuance ot letters n provided in Probate Code section 9100 !he time for '1hn11 tla1m" woll not up11• before tour months from the h~a11ne date noticed above YOU MAY r XAMINf the file ~epl by the lour! ti you are a pet\on on tetested 1n the e\lalt you may flle woth the cour I • R~quest lor Special Notoce <form Dl 154> of the fol•nc of an inventory •nd 1ppra1sal of estate 41\\Pts or ol •ny P«l•hun or •ctount dS provided in Prubale Codt ~cloon 12SO A Request tor Spl!l1.il Not1ct tut m " av•1l1ble from the court clerk Attorney for Pel1honet 0-ld J. Gorlt.otdl, h't· (CSI• 81070) 11111°" & T uclier. 6 1 I A .. t-llvd., Ste. 1400 CHIO MHa, CA •2626 Published Nrwpoo t Bea<h t.:osta Mesa Daily Pilot Ap11I I 1 8, 2003 TM09l ISC1292S NOTICI Of Prnmll TO ADMllSTtl fSTAn Of: AOO ADBl RVA tl• AOO AD811WY WINO.A21WI Tu •II htn \ btndo lt•'''' urd1lar\ c.un llneent c r •dototS. ""d ""r'ons wl1 r oth er W•Sf! b" IO(~te\1fld tn thf' will ni ntaft' or both. of ALIC£ AOHL FIVA aka ALICE AOEll BRADY A PETITION fOR PRO BA Tl h•s been flied by 11r1 lllDI£ on the Superior Cour I ul Cah lorn1a Cour1ty ul OR ANGE HU P( llllON f Ok PR08AH rtQUf'\h that l ll f ltlDl r bl' •PPOlllltd n prl\On•I "P•r~enta love to •ctn11n1\I@• It•• e~t•te ul the dttl'dent THE f'{ TITION 1 equnh the detedrnl \ Will •nd c od1uls ol any bt •dm1ttrd to p1obatt lht Woll •nd .iny lOd•tol\ •• e ••11l•blt for tHmln• lion in the Iii<' ~ept by th" c ourl THl PC TITION •equ<''h 1uthN •ly to 1dm1n1'le1 tht' f'\IAlt' uno .. 1 lhr lndepend .. nl Adm1n1\ h •lion ot C •l•lr' All tlhl\ Auth0< 1ly will dll"w the p~r~on~I rt-S>fl"\tm ldl•ve In lakr many at lll>n\ wothoul 1>bt.11n 1n1i c our I tt"pruv.-1 Rrloor l•ku•R c "tl•111 very 1mp•irtant •• '"'"' howl'Vt'f lhr tn'f\Ufl.el ft'!~)fri,rnfAtfV... Wiii bt 1 equor td to ri•vr nolol ~ to inlrtt,fed """""' unit\\ they h~vr wa1vect oul1l• °' con\tnt~d h• th~ ptopo•ed •t ll'Jn I Tht' ondrf)Pnd~nl •d nun1\lr•tH•n authu11tw will be 11 •nltd uni"\\ •n 1nffl'r~t:led P'''o't tllr\ 1n "blel loon In lh1 pelcflun •nd \hllW~ ar>od l•u'" «hy thr 'uurt shuuld 1111t ~r•nl !ht •11tho11ty A HEARING on tht pel1t1on will be held on MAY I. 2003 •I I 30 pm 1n O~pt l 7J lo,•ted •I 341 The C11y Drove South Oraniie. CA 92868 IF VOU Ol:IJf CI 1 .. th~ &• •11tong of lhl' pplltoon ynu \hould aPJJ"M .11 th,. hu11n11 ano \t di" YN" ob to' tmn' or file wr 1ttru ob1~t10ns woth th~ tnurt btfutt' lite hu11ns Yuuo <1pveat •nt t mdy b• m per\Oft nr hy y11u1 attotnf'y ti YOU AHi A t:Hl l>I TOR u1 t u11l•u,r11I ooeditut of lhr dr<rdSt'd yuu mu~l l1Jr vuur c.•••m w•lh lhe t.uur I .ind m;,11 • copy to !hi' !>"t \un•I r~pr~s,~nt•t'"" -v~M'\1t1tf>ft by th~ t.uut I w1thm tnut month' ruun Ult' d.tf• vi lhe ht\I 1•, u"'" r ol lrtteo' .. , I" ov•dct1 1n Prub•t• l udt• ""' l1u11 9100 lh• ''"'~ 1 ... "'"'•! 'l•lm\ "''" nut ,..~,.,,. ht'fott' fflUI 11u111th\ fr<HT1 lhr hear1np dalt! notn.f!t1 •llo•f' YI.JU MAY l XAMINl thr hi• ~~pl t>v th~ "'"' 1 If y11u Mf' • per"'" on I•• ft\l~d 111 the t\l~to vou m11y t1lfll with lhtt c 11111 t It Rrtiu~\1 t111 S11~u•I Nut"' (tmn1 01 I '>'I) ul lhe f1l111i: 111 '" IUVt ntmy Anc1 ~OJlt.41\.,, of f'\111• ~"~h nr .-.1 .toy vet1tMlF1 tu •u CJunt d\ provttfrct tn PtohAI" Cude ,., !111n I l'X) A RPqu~~· ru. ~ptt ... 1 Nuh<.f" l1u m " Av•rl.tblr ftom tht tour I <lf'tk Sub~c t to con01toons pt esc11bed by th~ undet \l&n•d 'ulorl buh le•• • lump Sum l'ontrut 11e lflv1ted for the lollo>w1nc Wc"k MOOIFICATIONS t• 12 llV INfltASTRUCTUltl NOJICT NO. tt10SSA UNIVllSfTY Of CAUfo.NtA, tlVINf llVINl, CAUfOltNlA t2H7 PROJlCT DISCltlPTION: Wort. mcludn but •snot hm•torl lb th' lollowlflR The wurk conStsls ot 15 t.V u1bl• .1cJd1t101\< \phu> •uJ • """"""'".ti I? kV •w•l<hn on Vaull ?'>() No n"w swollhf.••• woll b" •dd•r1 I'.> "\I cabl@ will be provodtd by lhft Un1vA,.1fy I? k\I 11tr111t sw1lc h•n~ t~Qu11ed for remov•I and onst•ll•hon ol co1bl• ind e<1u1pmeol sh.111 b.: '~htdultd Mnd coord•n•ltd throuah w11tten Pt<"edure All woo~ " tu b•· cumpl .. ted 1n ~~cord•nce with the pl•n\ p1n1ecl 'l>Pllhta!lon\ llmvtt "'Y C•nopus Stand•rds and 0e'1&n Crite11a codn an~ mAnulMlu•~I\ ••Quortm,.nh All wnol• 1s lo be coord1nAl•d with lhe Un1Ytr•,lfi• f>1111~ll M•11•~" •nd I anht•"' Managt'menl l"'"onn•I 1h1' proiec1 has two alt,rnatt~ AlterMt~ I rn""'" 111 •n•t~llin& t)mversoty SUl>j>lled 15 kV tablt !tum Un ... 1tr\1ly Sub•hloon to • ••bl~ trench at Cenhal Plan1 m•t.tlhn& I'> t.V ~•ble 1111111 M•11hol~ b tu C• 111t .. 1 Plant <1nd mstalhn& lwQ set\ ol I !i kV cable tr11n1 M"nhule 16 t" Cf'nll•t Plent A shod ductbank •ddot.on wolf be iequ1ted Ir um M1nhulr b to n1stcn1 du,tbank toe on loc<tl1011 f tt•tmc t "hi~ will h~ oemov•d •not "''w power cable will b~ added Monot demoht1nn will h~ •~Q1111~t1 I 1v11 wotk iienet•lly on eludes sole 1>1epar •tllln d1 '""•" du<lb•n~ tr~'" h1nl( •nd repav1111 Alternate 2 tOMtSh Of ttmnvont • p0ttmn nl ••l\f1n11 P•11rr 1n\11l•ted lud c•bte (PltC) and repl•ton& with utruded sulod dltl"'-lnc ubtr brtween Vault 300 •nd V•ult 400 tn the Ufohty T unntl ISTIMATlD CONSTIUCT10tt con. SI0,000.00 ........ "._ ""'-• ....... -· -·· .... ....,1111c.,,_ ....... c-trtK1 o-t. M9Y -............... ··-"· B1dd1na Oocumtnls will 6!' n11l•blt to Btddft~ on TUESOAY, A ... ll I, 200S and Wiii br IHUtd at r •<oh hes M1nacement Un1v.1 s1ty ol C•flfQr n1a It von• ?Ot tntfflm Off1ct Bulld•nt (m11fln1 •tlc1re••I 19172 lamb0<ee Bouleltatd (phy11cal edckeU) '"''"' t'A 9/b'I/ ~ (949) 824 1404 Checks IOf a __ , • ._....... fee wlll bt requ11rd on fhP amounl o tS:ZS.00 per Ml of Btdd1n1 Oocumenb CIMH:ks are to be m•de pay-hi• to "Th• R11i.;P11h ul the Umvet\Cty ol C•hlorn1a • Sealed 81ds will nnt be acc•11totd aft,.. 2.00 PM on WtDNlSDAY. Al"ltl\ H ,200J 81d Secu,.ty 1n the amount ot IO'\ ol lht lump Su"1 BHt Bod, urludm1 ettern•tn. sh•ll •~company each Btd lhe Su1tly 1\\u1n11 th.-Bid Bond ihall be, on the Bid Dudhna, an •dmltted sutety 1nsu1er (u defined in the Cahlornl• Code ol C1vll Proctdurt Section 99!> 110) A mandat ory Pre· Rtd Co11la11n~• tnd Pre Btd Job Walk will flt <0nduct•d on: WIDNHDAY, Af'lll t . 200S ba11nnln1 promptly et 10.00 AM P•rhc1panh shell meet •I r acllllte'5 M•n•c•m•nt tnt~rlm Oflk:• 8ulldin1, Conf11ence Room 128 Untveu1ty of C•lll0<11••· lt¥1ne (R111ldfl'fl # 92 on North CAmpus M1p) 19112 J1mbo<H 8oulo•••d, lf•lne, CA 92697 b444 (949) 814 140-4 AttlMDANCI AT fHI Nl-llD (ONrDIN(I ANO ltl-llD JOI WAUC IS MANDATOllY fOI AU H .. I <ONTUCTOIS. THI MIOING W&.l aos1 Al lDlOS AM ANY <ONflA<fOltS AUIVINO Aflll THts Ttal WIU MOT II fuotlU TO PAaflC.Afl IH THI ltD PlOCISS AS A Pal.Ml <OWTRACTO.. Only b1~' wllo perllclp•tt In both lht Pie Bid Co11ft1teftU •nd lht »b w.-m tllelr e11llrtt1 wlll be •"owed to bid on 1119 Pr o,.ct •• pr1mo COfttUCtOfl. f or furthtf lnfOfmltloft, tont•ct fectlltiH *n•a-nt Contrecl• °"P•rllMnt, Attn. lrellft flt ~·""""et (949) 124 l4CM. The avcc:ea.sful &14Utr •nd Ill SubcontHc1ora will M •tQUlt-.f to follow 11141 nondbcrtmln•tlon req11lfemtH1h tet torth In ttt. 8tHl11& Oocumonts t nll lo Pl 'I 1>'•••111114 waie r•t•• •1 ,,.. loUbOft of Ula Wotti flle succeuful (!1_.. win b• 1equ1tr1d to l'l•n the lollow1n1 Stal• o t Cel1fllfnit ContH<tOf 1 llc•nw c.irtnt •t tlle Um• of \Vbmlntnn ol the Bid LKlMHCODl1 ~•o Attorney fu1 Petthontt lt.M. "Moc" JoC'olu, hq., Jocobt & loco~• 22942 ll ro ....... Lolie f«H•, CA 926SO· 4961 P11hl"h"d Newpurl !Jr~• h "'''' • Mo\A Q41ly P11111 l\1>c 11 I I ii i'OOi lM09'> SELL your stuff through classified! SEU you1 unw1nted item\ lhrouch d 1n1lled .. -.. ,. ... ··-. Dli!x Piiot TM followlna pe~ns ate cloill& businHS H . District by Michael Jtmu, 4100 Hewpott f'lac• Ste. 830, Newport Buch, CA 92660 Unhn1aln1blt, • LLC (CA), 4100 Newport PIKt Ste. 830, NeWllO'I B•Kh, CA 92660 Th~ bu~in11S: Is con dueled by: limited lllbllltyCo Have you started dolna bullnns yet1 Ho Unlm11ln1ble, lLC, Mlch .. I Muellerleile · M•n•aer This statement wu hied with the County C'41fll of <Hana• County on03/26/03 200HUH24 Dally Pilot Af>r 1, 8, 15, 22. 2003 T088 Rdlllm .... .......... Tht tollowina person' are dolnc business as. C•lch 21, 2800 H. Main St., Santa Ana, CA 92705 Youn Ho Hyun. 7848 E Mar1aret C\ , Ana, helm, CA 92808 • Mm Jeona Hyun. 7848 E. Maraar et Ct , Ana· he1m, CA 92808 This business os con· dueled by husband ;ind wife Have you started doma business nt7 No Policy Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be. in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible excepl for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUNCEMENTS [~] & MISC. 1010-1no GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & ANANCIAL Cotlectilllal Memcnbllla 1160 '°" $S 4 UCOllOS nc .Im. a-.:. Etc. 50s & Sh Ill Allltc, sp.,. Ile. ~ Mike 949 645-7505 ENTERTAINMENT CaleNtard &Im 1310 lGUAl llOC15llG OffOITilllY All rul estate itdver Usina in lhJS newspape1 IS 'IUbJetl lo the F edetal f 11r Ho11sin1 Acl ot 1968 as amended which ma•as 11 llle1al lo 1dverbse ·any pretar ence llm1tal1on or dl$C"f'1m1nation based on race. col« rel111on. se• handoc:ap, familial status Of national 0111in. or 10 Intention to make any such preference h1n1ta tlOfl 0< d1sc11m111att0n • This newspaper will not knowln&IY •ccept any adYert1semen1 for 1ul estate which 1s on vtolation ot the law Our readers are hereby 1nlormed t1>1t •II dweh 1nas advert>S«d in this newspapet ate available on 111 equal opc>o<tun1ty basis. ro complain ol dis ainllruilton, cal HUO lull "" 11 l ·800-424-8590 ~ 1419 2305-2490 (t_, __ .. ,. 1483 $$ CA.SH PAID $$ M BUY ESTATES • --.... .. ........, --..C• IC~~ I ' I , __ t:MM922e SOUTH COAST AUCTION 22lt2 So. ... 9'. ._..AM,CAt210l ~ll..-r.J.t,...,. Eslltl Sales 1416 N~~unt-s.lie Old l!.ttat> ~n1bn 50 ~ UDl mt.aee .....,_, ftts. .... ~7 Lost 1505 lO\T PASSPOllT t CAU 714-546-1064 GeneraJ Annoalamentl 1610 AOVERTIS( TO OVER 5 MILLION CAllfOftNIANS w1lh a statewldl etas· sifoed •d promotion& your p1oduct or urvtce. Only $450 tor 25 words Northern/Soulhrtn Cah· fornia relJOnS •n•l~ble. FREE information pack 11e (916)288 6010. (916)288-6019 WWW cal scan.com (CAL •SCAN) . . -"- Min J.0111 Hyun This stat•m.nt wn filed with the Co11nty Clef., ot <Hena.e County on02/18/03 t OOMtU17S D•lly Piiot Mar 181.. 25, A{>rll 1 ••• 2003 1074 Re-.. ..... "-*'-' The followina persons are do1n1 b111lness H . Ch•rleslon Provence, 17390 Ent 17th Street, Suite(, T11stln, CA 92780 Rebecca Pelletier .(dba Ch1rleston Provence). 10866 Coronel Road, Sant• Ana, CA 92705 1 his business Is con· ducted by· an ind1v1dual ttavo vou staclcd domg business yet? Ho Rtb«CI l"eHetler Thia abltemenl was filed with the County Cltfk of <Hana• County on 02/11/03 200HtHot7 Daily Pilot Mtr. 11, 18, ~. Af>rll l, 2003 T069 Ac-..-... "-S..... Tile followina p•rsons are doing busmen H . •> Treat Me L..._ Guidi, b) freat Me Litle Gold. 239 R·ob1nson Drive, Tustin, CA m82 David E St1cl>ow1ak. 239 Robinson D11ve', Tustin, CA 92782 This businfss Is con· ducted by· an IQd1y1dyal Have 1ou star ltd dom1 bullnos yet? Yes. 3/1/ 03 David£. Stachowiak This 1l1leme111 wn filed with the County Clm of Oranae County on 03/20/03 2.00HU787t Daily Pilot Mar. 2', Apr. t.8.~3ii1i1111f88t ... s....... The lollow1,,. persons are dolna business as. Nuus Oita Syatemi., 910 Albor St , Costa Mesa. CA 92627 lee Mtchael 01w1d. 910 Arbor St Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Th1:s bus!neu ls con I d4H:tad by an 1nd1vldu1I Have you started doi111 busmeu yet? Ho lee 01wld This sletement was filed w11b the County Clerk of Oran1e County 40 03/27/03 200HUUH Dt1ly Pilot Apr I, 8, 15, 22. 2003 T089 At-.. ...... ... s...... The follow1n1 pusons are doma buslne~ n . Certified Tree S.rv1ces, 3342 West Castor Street. Santa Ana, C•lllot011 9'l704 Cnristopher A Cun. • Mahoaany Run, Coto de How to Place A This buMneil .. con- d11tted by an lndivid11.tf tbv• you slarlld dolna business yet1 Yes, 03/ 13/98 Chmlopher A Curr This ltatenwnt WH tiled with Ole Courrty Ckork of CH 11111 Co11 nty on 03/01/03 200sttJ6206 Dally Pilot Mar U: 18. 25,Apr. l,2003 l07J At-.. .... ... s....... 92869 This bn1neu is '°" ducted by an lodMdual Have yov s1Mt1d doln1 buslnus yet? Yes, 1998 Tarry llabun Thi• statement wu filed wrlh the Coonty Cler., of <Hana• County on 03/0JIOJ 200UtH'41S D•lty Pilot Apr 1. 8, 1 !>. 22, 2003 . T086 Mlm ..... ... s...... Tuesday, Ap!d 1, 2003 At 417 Bryson Sprln11. Cott• Mesa, CA 92627 Thia bus-MIS Is con ducted by: an indlvldllal Have you 1t.wted dolna buslnlu yet1 Yei. 02/ 2S/03 Stephen Ro1.er Dutson Ttm statement WIS filed Wilt! the County Cl•ll of <Han&• County on 03"26/'03 ~ Daily Pilot Apr . l , 8, 15, 22. 2003 T087 TtlUsAholt YOll 6WGEWEI 11 CW SIRED (949)642·5671 --Deadlines --- CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday S:OOp!Jl By Mail/In Person: t 1'1"""' 1ndu.k your""°"' drxl phone numbt'r llrrd v.<' It l all you ba<k wnh a pn~~ quote 1 Hours 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. F.rid;ly .................... ThurMiay 5:00pm Saturday ...................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Fnday Walk·ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm l ESTATE R SALE RNAHCW./ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Rnwlal PlaMlng 2465 U CASHSS lmmtd1~lt Cash for •lrudu1ed ultlements •nnu1ties. 1eal e s lale note• pr1vale mor lga1e notf!s. au1denl 1.as~s •nd 1nsura11ce payouts (800)794 7310 (CAl •SCAN/ IMM£01A TC CASH!11 US Pension f und1ne pays tash now for 8 years of your ful111e pension paymenh Call 800 $86 1325 tor a fRE( no obhe•tton estimate www~1.om (!'A"SCAN) ANTIQUES Arfiqaes a Sale JnO Stove 1950 O'kHfo & Menf" 600 SoriH 40" width oven bro1lei, & &rill lrnmaculate S2000 obo 949 673·0944. Alff/ PAINTINGS 3060 ATTENTIONI Gaflenes Mrlooo $ Homes 8Hut1tul la11e l lsette o.wm Of'Olll'llll oi a-me. 5 cf*en, WIS chfistmii'I ca-d A S121< vllUe tor um. 714-!J74-21>4J JEWB..RY/ -DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-11<a•N-<h Old Coins• Gold, sitvef. jeWt!lly. watches, tn~ collect1btes 949 642 94411 ~ 3010-3940 ~ soos-saso 3610 •••••••• Cf A !"HSI.AN IUTllNS 2 aed T.t.lty Males $400/(och All Sh.ts. LIYl"t & Cvddly.949-451-2025 •••••••• Oegoaf'Otllaa _.. www~or1 Peb ., l'IAJllc ..+.end!. f ashtot1 blatld ~Zl79 ..r WAY for morrma cal/ ~ ... kltlMs weat homes ~11 MISCEWNEOUS MERCHANDISE All STiil IUIUHNGS 24•JO WH $7,900. self SJ.900 2!b50 we St3.900, sell $5.980 ~•90 wn s.26.900. sell S12.900 1st Come ht Serve• Waft {all) 392·71m Bminas Index ~ 7402-7466 ==l!:J ACCIPTtNG CAUS 7 DAYS •• Poslal po.it1on\. reder a h1r e S 14 llO~hr PO tr aininl/ benefits 800 878 !>485 Announ cemen t •CA920 (CAL •SCAN) SeUlng Y-r lonlneH 1~0 ... tuslnns. l-dls & Auoclotos 949-837-7070 -.orldanclls.c- WI HAVl QUAURO> IUYBtS. We coor<llNte lhe \lie ol cloeol l><N ~ wt.ether healthy or troubled with no upfront fees LaO<hs & ~ial~ 949 837 7070 ~ 9000-9750 "OW. Wortde" Ooarm ,._Thel....t.lwalllo poundmt surf &white ~ Lot's ot "olde wocle' <harm w wood floors tl>f oUflhlout 511 y~ls & r reoch doors that open up to a litr 2e view de<;k tor ente1la1n1na In grul condition an charm & no tuss• S«loded tree 1mec1 COS w/plenty of park111e $449 <XX> (Is a baradon1 Call now lh15 ~uty wool la~t aet 888-:B-4668 Ol"lNHOUSI SAT-SUN 1-4 962 SUMMIT WAY AISOlUTI GOlDMINlt Ouhtand1n1 ocean 60 vend1na machines views• 4br 2 5b• with uullent loc•llons 3 decks~ 2 ca1 attached al tor SI0;9!!1511»234-elll2 1a1 a1e reduted lo -SJ,27!>,000 HOMESFOAcA1 c John Fattow ORANGE COUNTY ""LL ReMa' 949 322 0932 5400 Newport Beam Balboa Peninsula NlWHMODll OClANFaONT UNDO $650,000 AGT. $949-723-8120 St7 Via U4o Saud, Of'IN SUN 12-4 Bu111 by Joe E Brown 1n l 93 l only rema1nina .3 + 4 lower estate on entJJ e =:8'anc1 Fnncllila 3905 Corona del Mar Island 4br 4ba, three stool's • lower 3 car ear pvt dock lor 'l bo•h ll•s•r~ ~ $3.3 rrilion 9tf9.497.&C71 All CASH CAHOY Roule Do you earn $800 111 a day1 You• own local tandy route lncl11des 30 machines and candy All for $9,995 1 800·998 VENO. (CAL •SCAN) CAf't'UCCltlO ITAUAN CO"U Company u pandlna D1st11butors wanted H11h profit potential. Anyo111 c1n do this! Cell 800 813 6625 lrwolnw1t !!9 (<'A =scAN> DATA ENTRY Great P•Y flexible hours Computer required free treonma Medical Biller~ Network 1·800·382-4282 ht 34 (CAL •SCAN) o .. traMe Cameo Shore. home 4br 'l 5ba pool full ocean view SI ,875,000 p11nc only Aat Joann Coastal C1l1es Rulty 714 608 2921 Danafl* NIWUSTING Open Sat Sun I 4 Ovt•t...,..,.o,-. C-.tllne vt-ws. Pvt, .. & vlewlnf doc\, 2 car •ttached ear •ee $619,000 John f attow ReMn 949 32'1 093? 78} 742..CZOO o o Great Now p ort "-'ll*a........lBt le. retiuilt and expanded in '97 eourmenl kitchen. '-sh baths. velu>I sky ~. ful -tty sys, room lo elp9fld VRM $899.000 S965.000 Don Thousand. -et ~9481 ..... llSlATIS l"ATaKll TEMOlll NATIONwtOI USA 94t...aS6-t70S www.palficlltenore.com 1 ............ 0 Newport c..t <..-°'*' ~ l 4 19 Escapade. Updated end ..... 2!lr 2.5 bt condo. SM9.<m-et.n~ Under th e Scn ·icc D ir<?L·to n · Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ............. 20201 OrcHd St-6+& 5 5&. 5!>34 ~. $1 25 Mil B<oilet 949-251 9444 www~ealty Of e OCIAM & IAY VllW THINKI Will AMAZE YOUI AGT.949-723-1120 UDO ISU HOMIS 24 USTINGS GatA T f'alC.IS AGT.949-219-2413 Newport Coast f'atMllSUTIS l"ATaKll TINOH NATIOMWIDI USA 949 ... S6-t70S "www.p:tnc:Atenore com MISCEU.MEOUS RBfTAlS Rental To Shn 6030 I SI... CM 2b1 I Sba twnhm sh•re w/youn1 prot fem flplc Gu $750 2446 Elden 909 289 3406 .............. shat•3bt 2ba apl w/prof Ocean & bay vie~. S700/mo • 1/3 utd 949-300-3907 Rooms for Rn &CMG o o IASTSlOI CM Townhome Great private room & bath very clean Garaae w/d. n/pets/smka. female prefd please S700mo+ 1/1'1tlS 949 646-4065 ~RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY leyfro•t lower Jlir Zba. newiy decorated petto, w/d hkup, .-now yr1y SMllTio ~JIJ!) Balboa Penkmlla OCJNI IWlNT °" SAND lbr corrc> flrn, dishes, M . etc $1675 ~-'/22] OI 'l!ftose~:JJSJ NeW)MH't lcry T owen 'lblk9 lrom terry lo Balboa Isl IB1 . lBa. sec . •Int bay view. undr1rnd pri S2Qnn ~-<8>9 .. 2..S8a beadl house/ ocean .,_ UXlft from sand. 3 blodu to wedfie. 2c gar .ten l5-0ct I SJ2[l)n ~1910 d6 Corona del Mar 2lw '""' ~ & .._ unt w/balc. 1111s red. le !IP ., p . Ava; Now! n/peb/smlla $1350 & 1«'4no. 949-22'1-5775 U5'l SOUTH of f'Clt 2br Iba duplex, Ip, yard. ear w/d hkups . No pet/smoke $1550/mo 949 760-1875 ... ~ "9wty ...._., 'l L& "'· 2 ful ha. 2< pr. J.350sf' wd In. La pirtio, no,lpet/SITi\ l yr Isa. ...... 5/15 S28Xln1 714-962-7366 CoDMISI WAllC TO TaJ-SQUAJll. lOWJly pted comm. lBt I 8ll apt. cw d crpt. Mic: & fr111. S89r>,lmo water /trmh peid '°"" Manaeer ffT1. 104-8649 Ext 9lO> E Side. 2br Iba, k1tch, aar. laundry encl yard Must See 169 Walnut SllOO/mo 714-662-3111 714· 540 3666 ~. 1 Ir, new carpet & paint. c:vrd carport 277 16th Ptaee U . Sl 100/mo no pets 949 720-9422 ,..... ....,. ......... 2..sa.,. FR, f p. twdMI fh, ,., ,.., Pl W/Nll4JS & cnft rm. S2..B)no. ~ oO.,..-Fililli9 9r ua. ...... din. 2298 La ~,'*>-_,~:--: .....~. ...... .....-.XJnt ClwtY' f 'Slde New l8t 2.S6a SfR. r P &J ariM counttn. 2c. ear•. bad>. yard S27?iOm Avail 4(6_ 949-M 3726 Hultlnglon Bach •YlA.alY• l.IASIS Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-67S-6161 NP Hh I& quiet studto w/small loft, krtchenf!tte. shared laundry Aat .......... ....... U...& 2.S8a w/tfllJeet ., pied eotm'I. .. 1poo1. •• pvt yard. um.m ...,_ P.ir-o. I enore 949-8!£.9i'ai layfr..t ........ upper unit on harbot w boal d0<.11 2 blks lo bch 3br 2ba Ip wd If vu ded1 l c 1a1 docll & lJlll ind SJ8X)(mo 1)$.51~1 RmlsWftlld 7880 WANTB> I 01 2Br ~ cottaee OI con<t>, fl6n OI """" ., Nrwpor1 Beadl WW S111J1 J..ino 0t IOfV!r lease tt.ve smal -' marwwell We5tle. Rt4a' ente$ .wai .JD-520.8816 $1100 949-673· 7800 WAMTID room rental VlllSA&US OCEAN Y1lWS-s 1,750. lJ'pt 2Br 288 '\ATol6" New um. ()aeC Me Called Cotm\lf'~ ...,.... ......... ... 646 6710 PTudenml CailDrn8 Really Ml" Cr"1 twnhom. patto. 2 s to11es. new paint hie. and carpet. 2 c 1a1 . •at SUIOO 949-673 7800 ' e w/JrMleees lor ,....,dell drsabled man w/rels $«Xlmo. ~3652 SELL your stuff through classified! Call (949) 642-5678 . GET THE PO I NT? O:dly Pilo1 < '.•·,·.:lq 1 .. i1 , " :... .,.· ' • SELL your stuff through classified! Cellfornla l1w re· caiw• th•t comr.c- ton t9k_lnt jobs lllat total~ or .._. (llOor • inet.rllls) be bn,... by h Contrectors sf1t• LAnM 8oefd. Sllhl law 91.o rtqulres that conttt<:tora Include .,...~~ ""~'You C'M d!edl Ille statue of your licensed centrac tor 1t '"'1111'.Ulb.c•,IJ>~ or 800·321 ·CSLB. OnU cen .. ct contractors takl111 jobs that total less ttle11 $500 111u•t al.ale In their adnrllMments that they are not llc:ensed by the Contrac:ton Stele l1"nA Bowct.• ........ I E 1111 <UllKAI. HHd fuA·tlm• person to eulst wltll varlou.s duties. Must M ale to Input at IH• 50wstm accurat.ly on computer, possns atrona custonMr ..,._ vlc:e s!lllls. end be dependable. $9 Per hour. EINlllnt ben· eflt pac:kla•. EOE. Send resume to Judy Oettlna. c:/o Dally Piiot. 330 Wnt Bay StrMt. Costa Mffa, CA 92627 or email to ~lllbaaim •••oaav1as•••MAY TRUCKJHG CO. "Is yow ro-4 to wu.ssr "Vans • 11 Wl'Stern. •Reeftn • 48 states. Oedlcal9d lHm runs. Owner op· e<•tOfs wented. 801>-!i47· 9169 113217 . www.mwytrucklns.com (CAL•SCNO ...... a.st ......... , ION U,.C.M Oil1« (n N.wpcwt Bueti Mel.a crHtlve, upwlellClld a!KI responsible AGM for BOH OPS to continue to "Wow" out cus._s. WOl"ll closely wltfl GM In all 1apecb of bU$kln&. K 110wfed&e of food PflP, line up, In· venlory & ordetln1. fH res: 949-723-llAl CallfOJnle Anny NatloMI Guerd you un 11t -r for colleae end Cllr_. tralnlnc. c.n 1 · 100-GO·GUARD . {CAL•SCAN) AM vtNOING ROUTE, 80 aellln1 units. Prim• locations. $9450 lnHst. 25$ Mwn WM:. I00- '96-t311. (CAL •SCAfO 0/0. Solo' l••msl Hu· Mat a COL raciwulred. Hh on Bonus, Hlsh Mllu, Good tjome ti-. Also Hlrlnt Comp1ny .. ------. Drlversl 800·909·5664 t•Us ll-..& · nt. ZlO. (CAL •SCAH) """1 FEDERAL JOSS Forntry/ Parks/Clerlcal/Post•I/ f OlJR F Ir ef i 1htera/Pollce. S35ft+ Sllflutl Bonus. Cull M-f 9am·9pm/'EST GlHGE UIEI, l-800-464·8991 ut. 23. AM i1M (CAL-•SCAN) I ~·~-:.: ..!.: n =:...:-:;:: er: CWSIFIED ,...,. '° 94N15-2121 (949) 642-5671 Volbwltn '99 Pnsat Wlft, Z3'!. Mi (4FZP117) Whte W/fan Ltht. $16,625 (949)645- 2579 pg ,........ .. Cliryi6lr "M w.ti.i. UCI Conv, V6, 5411 ml, ") yr '"".,, ... ~~ tn ttlw. coi.~b Ille new cond var.rrd $6995 fin mil 8*r ~ 1888 -····-C-att• '00 VI White/ tan, auto, '"';::.Jf pl\&. 1211 mies. oOo ~ .... 9&644-0064 909-240-003-0 cell. ~•tit• '97 IAtr•pltl Sport 3.5 V6, 4711 ml, wlllte/11•1 Int, &•epd, n/s, like new $6995 flnandn1 & w.rr avail 8111 949-Sllfi-1818 -.aqMll>I.- ...... 'ts T-.e GL sho-oom (Ond, white, fully loaded pwr seats, S3500 71 ... 751·2~ PORSCHE._ 911 CM Low miles. euitom wheels, &-tpeed. ~fast #652259 $52.,900 MBZ '95 9l500 COHVT', Bose. CO, leather, loaded, good looldngll #11=~ .,,~ .. loaded, low mies. "4x4 flll Ill a '1'8llt price. #549423 $13-900 BMW'88Ml1X#IT. co. S-speed, leather. lo mll8s, .... ~Int. IC44258 $32,800 MBZ '95 S3aO SON co, lelllw, moon. deellcto 12~1401 $18,900 MBZ 'ts MU20AUTO co, lttt, Boee, moon, 4x4, really a betgalnUll 'Miiie, tlWl. 1()16226 $18,900 MBZ'IODESDN Auto, llll'OOf, leather, priced to sell fastfl #270075 $7,895 TIL.C'S ~ AUTOHAUW 0-0 ., c::... lit .... 1..ac:n.s9a.e754 w.,.--. WWW.ti .oom SW your unwenlad items ttvouJt! clus1fiad ........... "Ot ~ftoadKq c.s.ic, '18.500 ..... cu HO"Ot B~AMG _..... ~ ml, ll!l,500 ~n~ C.W.w .... "Ot Clwco.vTM. 1.000 miles, Pi.500 ...__N2'N BladVGny Lu•..-y Gr04Ap 'lf.r'..,..., only 100mln. NEWPORT AllTOSPORT 949-57 ... !600 CREYIER ,/ '---~ · · ;::-· \ . roam fltr,ocf[R Automat.:. (J) ' mare! LEASE FOR i1~1 PER MON1lt + 1 AX I At These T sms ()i~C,d ··---··· •....... OTIOAT MARSA\Q ' ....• ··-··· + 42C $3000 due at s1en1n1 48 month closed 1nd lease no secutlly deposit. LOI\ milu per year. hcess miles (li) • 20C '*' mlle.(TE 13271) ...................... lffSilTlR • rT'S~ •••••••• 55 fRllWAY @ £JlaR SMTA AM AUTO MAU (118) 830-1780 M1ISl 909-6&Hi664 FAUX/DESIGN .......... Nil aow..5 $H/llr ....... ""' •• cltin. Insured f•t, courteous, cwtflll "'*" 800-t4f.2371 ,.,..."'" .... C...,.'t• Wtttt. w/r1r1, buu· t1fUI f/INther l9li lnl (IJ9206C) '69,990. ~ ......... ..... ._ ... full power -4 l l miles. Recent trlde to us. ('189671) 121.980. w...ttyQ4S S.-..'t1 f'-1 W/Slddle ltlw· full pow•, 5811 ml. (119234) 116,980. ......_tt2'200S Wlllt• w/Whlte lthr moonroof, 2500 ml. (11923JC) $57,980. IMWHOCI c..,..·.7 Shlney Bl1tll w/lmmK Grey lull ltfv, &rHt records (t19180C) $33,980. IMWSHI S..._'2000 White w/Cr•me lthr, a/t, full main Bumper to Bump« wan . (119193) SZt.980. ,.... ... s.-. ..... This la • one near perfect Shlney 81adl Sue>erchiwa•d Sedan! Low mtles <•118581) $28,980. 949-574-7777 P.....SAUTO ~ J..-r 'ff XU c-3411 mi, full fllCtory Wall. ~hn1 blKll/oatme•I lthr, a>, chrome wtlb, like new, v677295 SJl.995 hnenc:ln& enil Bllr 9'9·5116-1888 -·~·­'-" ....... 7..........., 'IX:1 a "' mt. ~ lb, Uf mnrf. ,.... ~ tab relr • CO, a.ipstl orw oond v'57291 ll2.995 ~' -IMll. lllw .... s., ... -····-Mercatla• '94 C2IO bHut1ful black/cream fully loaded, &howroqm, WcM. St<l.9K. n ... 751·2'54 M•rc•tlH 'ft ISIO 3111 ml, whlt•/ar•Y lttv. mnrf, chrome whb, bl1ut 11111 new cond, v57224l S26,995 fin awl • 9651M8 ... ,.,_ AlnST, 1trlp, lnatall waAp~. pelntiftC & tau•. fllW..ta, portnlts. 90t-4&1-M64 1 I tk ....WSAUIO ............... , ... JllvW W/Qwcoal ... , •• wwtlNtty, clletlfrtyowned. (l\Wll) $39,.0. VWP9H41t'ff Glay W/lf•'f lnt.rlor, 2.1111111. lmlNC.1tl•t•. <•11252) .... ., ....... ~, TIMJ la one ,..., p11r. feet Vpt.,o to O'lfi'lt, low tnlle& (#11'231) '8.980. MllSU20 . ...._ .. , lmmac:ultt• White w/Ora1 lthr 1 lZ. inl. Xanon, botn lops. (ti 1295C) IMQUtREI ~.:r lmmK Whit. W/fflfl lltlr, •ml, aood Mrvlceracordl (f 19291C) ~.-. r.ndlaMIT.tle c..,.. ... White w/r•te, beau· tlful f,tt.et/111.J..911 ml (tl9206C) toiJ,980. 1-4 .......... Wtllae-HOO full po--4a miles. Recent trade to us. (1189671) 121,980. WWtyQ4S S.-'97 Pe•I w/Saddle lttlr· full power, 58k mi. (119234) Sl6,980. "-er H2 '200S White w,IWlrite lthr moonroof, 2500 ml. (•19233C) $57.980. IMW•.too c..-'•1 ShlneyBIKll w/lmmK C,.y full lthr, 11Ht records (119180C) $33,980 IMWS211 Sa4e.'2000 White w/Creme lthf. .tt. full rn•ln 8Umc>lf to Bumper wwr <•19193) m .980 J...-x.s..._ . .... This la • one nur perfect Shlney Black Supercharsed S.d•nl Low moles (1188581) $28,980 f4t-S74-7777 ,fflWPSAUTO ,atll'r-t•·<- Mere.•~ 'tt SS20 LW8 5~ ml, 3 yr '"" IVlll, llfvtr /blk Ith<. bffut orta cond, 11875241 $26.995 flnancln1 avail Bkr 949·586 11188 _..,......_ Merc;4ff 'U 560 Sl white/tan, lmmac rltLt nn..-.,_dqi, cha!a ~ mJ51-3'64 Mttn'lf' 0........ u '00 anoo'. IAtlw, al eatras, Ilk• new. oric -· ~. Sll.9!l> MuT*306 pp 714-m4i33S BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ l.AUNCHING/ STORAGE y ~ • ._. Sllp,-C. .. t Loca- honl llft bum, llincth unkmoted, In Bay Island Cove. * 949-922-7717 GOOOJOBS, RELIABLE . SERVICES, INTERESTING THINGS TO BUY, IT'SALL Hf NE EVERYDAY IN CLASSIFIEO! (949) 642-5678 Everyday is a great day inC~I Be a part .of It, place your ad todayt (949) 642-5678 .......... /bl Rwnodll. lO + y~ Up. ff-. &0n1ble, Dependable Ll349020 714·638·8114 ~ .......... Reatucco, Room Adclbon, 1'1tchln1. RH&onablel 71 ... 92H6'7 !!O:l-Ot!1JT ,......