HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-07 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• 1-O · Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, APRIL 7, 2003 IN BUSINESS •' • Dunes unveils iteW· lodgings Resort begins offering 12 low-cost luxury cabins off the lagoon that have replaced some of the RV spaces. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot ing for an Jccomroodauun." C.eneral Manager Andrew Theo dorou said. • 1.ocal demand 1<, there. The demand from ne1~1 boring states I'> there." INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2 DON L£ACH /0AJlY PILO T General Manager Andrew Theodorou stands in one of the new bungalows near the lagoon at the Newport Dunes Resort. NEWPORT BEACH -Vacd· tioners began moving into a cluster of "luxurlousft overnight cabins off the edge of the New· pon Dunes Waterfront Re..ort·~ lagoon on Thursday. ·111c <:.tbins have ht:t!n 1n the work.\ '>mce the re'><>rt\ January announrcment that they would repla<:e J dozen '>PclCC'> for ret rea11onal vehicles· al the re.,or1·~ recreational vehicll' park. "II\ .ui excellent feature bt'· t.'3lht' ~e have had a lot of gue<>t'> th.ti dotft have RV'> and are look· Ille 12 cabin~ opened lllur .. day. ·rneodorou '>a1d they would be half-filled dunng their fiN open weekend. fhe cabin'> had hcen M:heduled 10 open Marth ll, but faced '>cwral tun~trucuon dt'lay'> By rhur>day worker'> \o\.t'rl' putting the fim-.h1hg touLhe<. on the cabin'>. which can be moved to other ared5 of the resort. If needed l'heodorou and other Dune.. leader, promote the <:abin., ~ a luw-co'>t luxury alter- native to a Newport Bt:ach hotel room. See DUNES, Pase M City mulls le ss booze, more cops Council to look at measures to limit alcohol-related problems in West Newport and on the peninsula. June Casa1rande Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BF.AC! l -~ boot.t' and more police That's the fi~i phase of the nty's plan for reinmfm West Newpon rc5wchnes.s. The City €.ouncil will consider Tues.day two measur~ to limit dnnking-related chaos m West Newport and on the -penm'>ula. espe· d ally aroWld the fourth of July. In past years, somt-Uquor. grocery and con- venjence stores in W~t Newport have had such a demand for alcohol sal~ that they See BOOZE, Pase M AN OPEN SEAT Replacement talks likely, but not action SEAN "11 EP DAILY P!lOl Nick, an Australian shepherd, shows off his talent for the crowd on Sunday at the pet e~po at the Orange County F a1rgrounds City leaders expected to debate appointment and special election to fill mayor's seat on the dais. Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot CO~TA MESA -The City Council will begin the arduous task tonight of findtng a replace- ment for Mayor Karen Robin- INSIOE son, who is resigning this For more month to become a Superior council news, Court judge. Me Page A3 The two alternatives are for the council to appoint her re~ placement or to hold a special el«don. lf a SM TALKS, Paa• M Whether there to be adopted or spin Frisbees, dogs are a big part of the America's Family Pet Expo at the Fairgrounds over the weekend. THINKING ALLOWED Dear readers, I know as muqh as you do . T hJs communJ()' wOJ newt ceue to amaze me. All it takts ls one article and Qeople come out or the woodwork wtth unprecedented support for tbdr ndgbbon. lt is c:ornmmdable, uplifting and a tad dauntina an at once. bad on b0¥( to goet care pacbges to our troop1 OYerSeU. As I reported, military oJBdals have II.Id no pacbgea will be drllvered wlthout a tpeciflc name and ~And fUnbermote, military onkWI wUI not~ a lilt of names aDd addi c • • for wdl·Wllhen who i.v. a tchoo~ Cub ecout or nefCbborbood care package profect. LOLITA Contrary to pc>pu1lr belief. I do While ram encounged by the dozent of e·maila and pbqne c::a1Ja l ha~ recetWd llldna for more Wonnadon on how to eend care ~to the troOP' I must uk for a celM tire. ! Mve no inl&1C IOludofl. In the~ two ll'ddel I wrote on &be 9ubfect. I ~ wefY pMce o( inlXnladon I HARPER not haW a eecm lilt of .me. men and women and their loc:atlona owneee and rMllY can't help you l4iltM.LCMID ...... M I Show offs Coral Wilson Da1lyP1lot W hile reptiles. bugs. pigs. bunnies. rats, turtles. birds. cats and even pygmy goats made appearances at the America's Family Pet Expo at the Orange County Fairgrounds this weekend, dogs seemed to get most of the anention. From Hennigan's Spinning Dai ly Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER It'• the return of peeudo-<eummer. E>epeCt cleer sti. and highs In the 709 fOr the next f.w de-,.. S..P ... A2. SPORTS -- Fti!>btt t-. 9., and the Parade of Dog Bree<h to workshops on h°"" lo train your dog. there was much for the dog lover to do and buy al the expo. N.ko. Cllartay. Fredles. Hillary. Lad and Nick. sill dogs representmg the EuJcanuba Legends in Total Excellence. or EUff Team, demonstrated .obedience. agility. beauty. search and rescue, freestyle dancing. Frisbee catdung and police a.<.'>1.,Lance for the l u.kanuba dOR food t'Offiparl} Award wmmng 1-mbtt dog Nick turned flips and leaped through the au to catch a ~rier; of r~ bt'mg thrown in the a.Jr Owner Bob Fvaru from Dallas.. Texas srud the Australian shepherd keeps him young and active at 70 yeat"i old "Nick says if I could run faster, SM SHOW, Pace M On an international program of short films are three works by Orange County filmmakers. Loleta Harper OaelyPilot NEWPORT BCACH -Short Mood.yl cake on a new moanlraa &l the NeWpon Bw:h Film wa1. .. they WJWt'Ue original . FtK. flChedule of Film ,_ worb from many *-! ~ fi,,,,. ettd~ ... ~,.. that vary In frdm rwilted aUDe ftgb o(pobr. The re.dlL.rid lhor'tl .,. cOI • leitted unilei' ciMr dtlm. mm.. .. Wrl, ..... M --------• -w AJ Monday. "'° 7. 2003 YOUR · BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Dr. Ivar Roth shows off his FASS, a pad on an elastic strap that he invented to ease foot pains. Inspired by the ankle and elbow wraps used by athletes, the FASS, short for "foot arch band support, puts pressure on the stretched ligament. A joint venture Paul Clinton Daily Pilot D r. Ivar Roth says he wants to be "the next Dr. Scholl~.· The Newport Beach podiatrist has invented about a dozen products to reduce foot and ank:le pain. As a holder of three international patents for the products. Roth has begun a malketing effort to expand distribution for the products. He is working to get the products put on shelves of pharmacies all over the nation. Roth, who has formed his own company, Dr. Roth's Footcare Products U..C. now works as a small-time distributor. He has been able to place the products in10 some local pharmacies and catalogs. He has also started up his own Web site (www.drroths.com) to market his creams, sprays and wraps. Roth, on the staff at Hoag Hospital, BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Stock offering nets $780,000 for Irvine Sensors Corp. Irvine Sensors Corp., a Costa Mesa semi- conductor producer, said Monday that a private stock offering nened $780,000 in m- come for the company. During the offering. the company sold packages that Included two shares of com- mon stock and a warrant to purchase one common share for $2 in three years. Tho'i<' packages sold for $2.20 a piece. Dr. Ivar Roth at Hoag Hospital has three international patents on inventions for alleviating foot pain invented his first device to ease foot pain in 1994 after a dancer with Balle1 Pacifica asked for something for the sharp pain in her heel Inspired by the elbow and ankle wraps used by athletes, Roth saJd he developed a wrapping that includes extra padding under the foot that presses on the stretched ligament that is usually the culprit "The way to get rid of the pain is 10 get pres.sure on the ligamenl, • Roth ~id. The product was FABS. an acronym for Mfool arch band support.· It's a simple elastic strap with a pad tha1 sells for about S30. A limited number of accredited investors were allowed to participate in the offering.. Shares of the company's stock feU 4.55% Friday to Sl.26. FileNet opens wallet to buy Gmadian software firm Costa Mesa software provider FileNct Corp. announced Wednesday that it was acquiring Canadian software finn Shaha Corp. for ap- proximately $8.S million. FileNet said it would acquire all of the company's outstanding shares of stock in a cash transaction At about the same time, Roth developed a similar device that, instead of a pad, used a silicon magnet to lower pain and stimulate blood fiow by magnetizing cells. That product, MAG FABS. sells for about $40. To address toe and toe-nail fungus. Roth invented the "foot fixer kit.• which includes four products and a wooden toe brush. The kit includes a foaming foot-wash soap, foot spray. gel and foot balm. So foot-pain sufferers could apply the products at night before getting into bed, Roth invented Toe Covers, elastic snap-on covers to keep the gel away from sheets. So far, Roth says he has sold about I 00,000 units of his products.. He says the products are a low-cost alternative to expensive foot treatments. "I want people to be able to go to the store and get medical-grade product," Roth said. "We want to get it Into the stores of America." Privately held software manufacturer Shana, based in Edmonton, Canada, spe- cializes In programs that provide special- ized forms. Shana was an innovator in producing so-called "e-forms" software. Its customers include NASA, General Electric and Boeing. F'iJeNe1 and Shana have been marhtfng an inJegrated ·e-fonns" product for the past year througl'l a partnership agreement FlleNet of- fers Enterprise Content Management and other programs to help companies manage the Oow of information and content Shares of FileNet fell 3.6141(, Friday to close al $10.41. Cor91WJlson Pilot Newa aulatant, (949) 57~298 cor•I wiltontli.rima.com ~ERS Seen Hiller, Don Laac:n. eo. 1560, Cos1a Meu, CA 92626. Copyright No newt storlea, 1llu1tretiona. editorial matter or edveftilements herein can be reproduced wiUloot written permiaalon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 97 Nftls Edltora Gino Ale>eander, Lori Andereon. Danlel Hunt. Paul Seitowltz, Daniel Steven• NEWS STAFF Crime~ ~tter, (9C9)57""4 dffl».bhtlmh •tlltl,,,...oom JuneC.....,lde N~rt Buell repotter, (IM9J57<M232 Ju,,..~ndfl•6-tJm..com ,.,.canton Polltlc:a and enllironment ~. (949) 704"330 PINI cllnton•i.tf,,,..,oom LolkaHIMper Cotumnlat culture rll(>Of1ar, (9'9) 57"'"'275 lol1UL~rlflltJ,,_ com ~Newmen Cotta Meu ftlpOftler, ,..., 11<M22t dfllfdt• ~•lllli"* com a. ..... 1111C.... [duclrtkJn rwpotW, (Ml) 17'"4288 dtrlatine.tlHrfllofllltH?W.oom Kent Treptow READERS HOruNE (949) 642-6086 Record your commeni. about the Dally Pilot or ,_, tips. AddNM Our eddrea 11 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mea, CA 92627 C>mce houri are Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m Con9ctlon9 It la the P11ot'1 policy to promptly con'ect ell errora of eubstanoe. Pl .. .e Ull (949) 7&M324. FYI The Newpoft ~ Meu 0.llV Piiot (USPS-144-800) It pubhati.d del.ly In N.wpott BMdl and C:OS.. MeN, aubecl1ptlone ere ava.11.tlle only by autiecnblng to The nm. Orange County (800) l52.f141 lnareeaouttldeC)f Newport Bud'l ancf Coatw M.N, IUbtacrlptlON to the Oel!y Pilot are .v.ii.ble only by firat c:lla mell for SIO par month. f Prtcee lnclude all tppi;c.ble and locel ...... ) l'OSTMASTER, S4lod ~ ~•oThe~ 8-:M:oau M.u Deily l'llo\, P.O ' HOW TO REACH US atcuJation The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 AcNMt1l119 a...m.ct (949) 642-IWJ78 Ditptay 1949) 642""321 EdHofW ,__. (949) 642.5e80 8PofU (949) 574-4223 ,__.,... (949) ~170 ~,... (9'9) eso-0110 &ma8: d1lfypl1ot•lltl,,,..,oom Metft<>Moe ...... OM. (Mi) 642~1 ...,,...,._ IMI 831-7128 Pubfieti.d by Tlmee Community Newt. • dMtlon of the Loe AngeM9 nm.. C200211mee CN, All nghta ...,-..ed. BEST BUYS Cycle Werks provides for th·e bikers CydeWerb opened a new location iri Corona del Mar. II carries the best brands in mountain and road bikes, and guarantees to beat competitor's prices. It's known for ils free lifetime service. That includes cleaning and adjustments on gears. braking and wheel systems. Top GREER WYLDER the highest European mountain, Mont Dlanc in the French AJps. It was chosen to symboliz.e highest quality standards for ita products.. In 1924, the Hamburg, Gennany based Montblanc company introduced the Melsterstuck fountain pen that It's most famous for today. The luxury pen starts at brands available are Derosa, Trek. Gary Fisher. Klein and LeMond. There's a nice selection of apparel, shoes and hard-to-find women's pieces. Open from 10 am. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 5 a.m. to I I a.m. Saturday al 3617-B E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. (949) 723-5n9. HANO FABRICATED JEWELRY Soho-based Stuart Moo~ showcases 35 European jewelry deslgners,incluillngStl..lart Moore, who specializ.es to hand fabricated platinum jewelry. Designs are mini!llalisl. Two collections are featured: a stainless wfunlcy" collection priced from $200 lo $700, and upM:ale 18k gold, platinum and diamond pieces. Stuart Moore's new collection jusl amved, and an annual sale started April I. Prices on selected stytes reduced up to 50%. Open from IO am. 10 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from JO a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island in Newpon Beach. (949) 644-0501. PAJAMAS FOR THE TROOPS Local entrepreneurs Oteryl Plaher and Stacey Downey formed a great pajama company called Just Jammia ... Por Wearwer. They're fun pajamas made of the most comfortable fabrics with darling prims that can even be worn to the market. Just Jam.mies are available at private pajama partie!>. Lori Morgan is hosting a party Friday from I I a.m. to 4 p.m. at her nail stuillo, Morgan in Newpon Beach. A portion of the proceeds will go toward purchasing supplies for U.S. military troops. The shop is at 404 Westminster, No. 5, Newpon Beach. (949) 646-0888. SPRING LINE IS HERE Robtmom-May nc:rw cames Ideology, an exclusive New York-based apparel line. Ideal for women ages 18 to 30. Ideology offers day and evening looks -all with modem styling. Pieces cost from $19 to $199. The spring line features Doral prints skirts. white romantic blouse3, cropped chocolate brown jacket and khaki blazer with knee-length matching pencil skirt. Robinsons-May is at FashJon Island in Newport Beach, and South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. NORTHERN EUROPEAN STYLE Montblanc was named after $195 for an 18k gold trim style. and can cost up to thousands of dollars for limited editions with rubles and white gold. Collectors shop here for latest editions. Montblanc Is also known for its Swiss-rnadt! watches -sports collection, classic and pro6Je styles for casual and business looks -as well as leather collections, desk accessories, sunglasses, money clips, and fragrances for men and women. South Coast Plaza. Level 2, near Book Soup. (888) 299-4810. rrs IN THE DETAILS I fandmade detailing on most Lucky Bnnd jeans d!stinguishes them from other denims. Sandpaper grtnding adds frays and whiskers for a -vintage• distressed look. Lu~ Brands are cut and sewn by hand and vary by weights measured in ounces. There are 20 styles to choose from for men and women. Prices range from $68 to S 120. Sizes vary with cuts, colors and length -women sizes from 24 to 32. men si7.es from 29 10 40. It's best to try them on for a proper fit. There's also a big selection of logo shirts, western shirts. bathing suits, purses, belts. shoes and baseball caps. There are two sales a year -almost 75% of the store reduced 50% -in July and January. Open from 10 a.rn. to 9 p.m. Monday throufJl Friday. from I 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sattµday, and from I I a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island, Newpon Beach. (949) 759-7800. www luckybrandjeans.com. EVERYTHING DESIGNED BY HAND AT SNOB "A snob is never negadve, • says SNOB's owner. RunJ.ne HajJpour. "Everyone loves our name.· SNOB has some of fashion's best casual, as well as formal loungewear for men and women. Even its basics are hand-detailed and hand-designed. SNOB carries an exclusive line featured In -Sex ln the City" that can only be found at Patrlcia Field's in New York. Open from It a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday and from l l :30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at 2345 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. (949) 723-0914 • BEST BUVS appears Monday. and Fridays. Send Information to Greer W'ylder at greerwylder@y•hoo.conr.at 330 W. Bay St., Costa M .... CA 92627; or by fa>e at (949) ~ 170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Today begin•• amell run of sunny day., clNr nlghta end highs in the 70. end eo.. Highs today will be 69 to 76 degrees. l..owt tonight will be 43 to 62 deg Ne&. lnfonndon: www.nws.nc»a.QOV BOATING FORECAST Near the 1horw, • light, varteble wind wtU gfve Wll'f to • west wind at 10 to 16 flcrlOtl In the ahmoon. Ovemight, the wind becomee Mght Ind veriable egeln. TM~ an2 Mt 8nd the~ tw.113 fMt thro,ughouL Ftlrther out. a notthWMt wind et 15 to 20 knoll ..... of by about 6 knot8 Into the 9VWdng end"~ by tome aomrn.naur• notth wtnd. Thed9y ~wtth~et3 to a r.t enc1 a notdrtiMt-... ofll07-but1he-- ..... too. ) • SURF A fea1herweight aouthW98t IWell movea In today and staya through Wedneeday, aa the northwest aw.II wanee. Sooth-facing breeb get mostty waist-and c:hest-hig"'-. Loe* for the dueling aweUa thla WMk. A new nof1ttwwt cornea In Wedneeday and peab Thuradlly. Then Che northwel1 and~ retreat .. frwh not1hwwt Ind IOUthwelt awefts advence for theWMQnd. ..,~ WWW..Uffrfd#.OfV TIDES ·ltrM 12.1>7 a.m, 8:02a.m. 12:'1a.m. ~-a.m. WATER TEMPERATURE Mdegr ... • Dally Pilot COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI Uere are a few of the Items the dry Counctl will d.lscu.ss tonlghL approved the demolition of Edwards Theaw, the Ice Capades Olalet and Kona Lanes to make way for a 95,839-squue-foot Kohls Oepa.runeot Store. On Feb. 28, Mayor Karen Robinson appealed the approval because she believes the cfty does not provide enough recreational t>pportwtlties. •WHAT: Costa Masa Dty Council meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5223 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS WHAT TO EXPECT The city will recei~ $1.7 million in block grant funds for fiscal year 200l-04. The Department of Housing and Urban Development allows a maximum of 15% of these funds to be used for public service programs th~t benefit low-and moderate-lncome residents. 1\Yenty-aix applications 9\rere received One or the funding guidelines adopted previously by the council is that 40% of public 'service grant funds may be allocated for homelessness prevention and homeless assistance programs. Kohl's bas asked for a postponement because there are two traffic studies that are outstanding. CJty Manager Allan Roeder said Robinson said she Is ready to vote. "monumental sculptures" as eligible artworii: because they are bolder and more visual art statements and are abo less likely to attract graffiti. Based on a review of other cities' programs. the commission determined two types of projects should be subject WHAT TO EXPECT "I certainly have seen more than enough information about ti to make a decision on Monday about this particular project,· Robinson said. "I thinJt we all know what the uaffic conditions are in t.tus area ... The intersections are level D and E. w that's pretty Impacted.· to an Art in Public Places fee: new 1,;ommerclal and industnal development with a building valuation of $750,000 or more: and exterior tenant amprovt"rnenLS, remodeling. repair or reconstruction projects with a building valuation of $750.000 or more for exisung commtrnal a nd industrial development Eighteen grants are recommended. representing $231,580. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM WHAT TO EXPECT "Every year, we have to make tough decisions. and there are people who thank they're deserving ... and we'll do the best we can.· Councilman Gary Monahan said. ln September. the Planning Commis.sion recommended that the council adopt an Art in Public Plm.e~ ordinance and policy manual. A counc;iJ Mudy se!>Sion on the topic wai. held 1n January. Staff recommend'> approval of 1lw ordmance and the manual ·A tax IS a lax i'> a IJX, and tf we hchevr the developers can afford to pay mon· money, then maybe we ;,houJd 1>ut th,11 Lnlo roads: Monah,.111 '><lit.I KOHL'S APPEAL On Feb. 24. the Planning Comm1.S1>10n The comml5S1on prefers to fotU) on GETTING INVOLVED • GElTlNG INVOLVED runs periodically tn the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (94S) 574-4298. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Learn more about art and share with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and sctiool groups through the gallenes and teacties about the museum's collections and exh1b1t1ons (949) 759-1122. ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTSCENnA Docents are needed to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. leam about the history and the development of the Center and the woritings of ttn! badl stage areas. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in life management and employment training we;>r1cshops as a sucoess coacti to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. (94S) 509-1451 ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animals tn the Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar areaa. (94S) 722 1357 ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to teach reading &lulls. woric on mailings and coordinate the adult group. (714) 999-0118 between 9 a.m. and3p.m. PACIFlC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange Coonty Pacrlic Symphony Ord'testra's Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist dlildren in a variety of hands-on musical activities. Volunteers apend a total of •ix Saturday mornings with the dllldren. (714) 75!>-5788, ext. 244. PEDIATRIC CNtCER R£SEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. whlcti raises money to support pediatric cancer ruearcti, {\Md• need• volunteera for • ~artety of dutJea. (949) 859-6312. ' THE PHAAMACOU>OY on quitting smoking. To team more about the program, call (888) n4-4673. PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beacti nonprofit organ12ation for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. (94S) 262-7300. PROJECT ACCESS PrOJect Access 1s a nonprofit organization that links resident of low-income housing developments with beneficial social services usually through resource centers. Volunteers are needed to turor ctiildren, teacti crafts and computer skills at the various centers Paul Shapiro, (949) 253-3120 ext. 229. PROJECT CUDOLE ProJect Cuddle, a nonprofit organization. serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed ctiildren. In addition to office help and once-a-month, 12-hour hotline shifts, volunteers are needed for an auKiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute st1dcers to stop babies from being abandoned in trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. READINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kindergarten through the third grade. In Costa Mesa: Pomona Elementary Sctiool, (94S) 516-6980; Whittier Elementary Sctiool, (949) 515-6898;Wilson Elementary Sctiool, (94SI 515-6995; and New Shalimar Leaming Center, (949) 646-0396, need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be sd\eduled from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m .• and after school from 3 to 6 p.m ., Monday through Friday. SAVE OUR YOUTH The Westside Costa Mesa youth organization is looking for volunteers to help create a positive alternative for people 12 to 23. Volunteers are needed to help in areas such as boxing, sports, health, frtness, aerobics and ecademic tutoring. (949) 548-3255. saMCE CORPS Of RETIRED EXECUTIVES membership SENIOR MEALS AND SERVlCES INC . Volunteers are needed to dehver meals to homebound senior citjzens residing in Costa Mesa who are not able to prepare their own meals and do not have anyone to prepare meals for them. Volunteers are asked to donate at least one hour per week for a six-month penod. Substitute dnvers are also needed to fill tn for regular drivers. (714) 840-6611 or (7141891-0804 SERVlNG PEOPLE IN NEED Serving People in Need, also know as SPIN, 1s looking for volunteers to help prepare sa<:X meals for the homeless, assemble hygiene krts, d1str1bute meals and p1dc up food for preparation. SPIN provides move-in costs for housing, case management and support services to families leaving shelters. SPIN woriters also serve as family advisors or mentors and conducts workshops on budgeting and more. Visit SPIN at 2900 Bristol St., Suite H-106, Costa Mesa. (714) 751-1101 SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, whicti provides emergency services to the needy in Orange County, is looking for volunteers to deliver and pi<:X up food from local restaurants and grocery stores, help WJth medical and dental staff, data entry, assist with food sorting and distribution, to help at the front desk and some other duties. The group also needs lranslators (949) 642-3451. ext. 257 SHERMAN LIBRARY I.GARDENS You oould assist with the garden. wort in the gift and tea shop or become a docent guide for ctiildren and adults a1 Corona del Mar's botanical garden and historical research library. Stefanie Kristiansen, (949) 873-2261. SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE CENTER The Small Business Assistance Center of Orange Coast College needs volunteers to advise small businea owners in finance. ~tmting, law, mariteting, sales, hultl)ln resources and other areU. (7141432-6916. SOMEONE CARES SOUP KITCHEN Someone Cares Soop Kitctien needs food Ntvers and volunteers for kitchen duties. The organization Is at 720 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. (949) 548-886\. SOUTH COAST literacy and English as a second language classes Students are taught English reading, writing and speakrng slolls at thetr own level 1n small groups or one o n one There are centers all over Orangc County Once trained l utors may choose the center at which they want to teach M ary Fitzgerald, (949) 458 8664 SPEAK UP NEWPORT A nonprofit organization that promotes the social welfare by educating the public and improving local gov ernment 1n Newport Beach holds monthly meetings the second Wednesday of eacti month at the Newport Beach Tennis Club A reception begins at 5 30 p.m and meetings begin at 6 p m Free. Annual membership dues are $20. Send check to ··speak Up Newport ; PO Box 2594. Newport Beach 92663 1949) 673· 1191 STITCHES FROM TliE HEART Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love 10 knit and crochet. the nonprofit corporation 1s looking for volunteers to knit and crochet hats, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies in need. The items are donated to hospitals across the country. Patterns are available. and donated yarn 1s appreciated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. • Privoi. Pi SNdio •SPINNING lfieotet· Liceitted • 16 Full Time ,_10nol Tral!WI • Child Ccue lo111· noon M • f • Ample & Convenl.nt Pon!f19 Mooday Apnl I ?.00 AJ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Taco Mesa is smaJJ business of the year Orange Coast CoU. leaden have honored Costa Mesa res· r.aurant TatO Mes.a ti the small business or the year for 2002. T~o Mesa was honored at a Wednesday !JT'lalJ-busines.s expo, the founh of its kind ·we're the luclcy on~ to re ceive ttm aWlifd, • s.ild Iv.in < .W deron. who founded the rt.-i.td11 rant with h.ib brother Mano ·Patt of what made them pu k Taco Mesa ha!> to do with our mission to IX' JI the le<iding ~Kl' of hospHality for MelClcan food • The C..oMa Me1>a Cllamber ot Commerce nonunat~ 1ht-r~ taurant for the award. Ivan <..al deron !.aid. State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon . I ~; ;lif JI: ( d; J a ;ti j'l 111 Ji I ff J J t 11 ~ a.! d >I COMPLETE ••oa llBPAlll TUJll OP Same Owner Siner 1965. 38 Years in ( ,osta Mesa TllB CUBOUTOl IBOP l•C. 294 5 Randolph Ave <Bn.stol & H.ikcr) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross PolJulers Come see che new EverWood" CountryS1dc bhnds from Hunter Douglas Overlapping slats create a beautiful boa rd-on·board design 1\nd che 'step-up· look adds depth d1mens1on and cha racter 10 any room And FverWood CountryS1de will not wa rp crack. peel or fade Even 1n humid areas or direct sunhghr Come a..,;:.,_.._~~..,..'"elf9• see these beauuful bhnds today ••• , .. ,4 •••... , •• ... ,,, c;,,., ,,,., .,,,. ~ALDEN'S ' ',, . ' " \ \l •• fll "' ( 1663 Placentia, Costa Meu 949-646-4838 SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME~ With the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 ~~~~~~~~J ~INS1TIVTE The Institute la looking for voluntee,. to take part lo • study Join other business professJonal1 to hefp 1mall buslneaes SUCCMd by leading Mmlnars end coed'llng entrepreneurs onllne. The corpe Is a nonprofit c:herftabte organization compoMd of 11,500 volunteer bul!nea mentora, both wortdng and mired. who counael busl.,._ from nearly 400 omce. throughout the country. Call l714) ~7369, and eak for UTERACY COUNCL Volunteer tutor• are needed to meet • grHter demand for wwe .. ti••Lf'C..,.•~ 949760·5054 • .. M Mood.Jy, N>fll 7, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT BRlffiY IN THE NEWS: Costa Mesa firefighters and emergency workers transport a man up an embankment after the vehicle he was in went over the side of the southbound Costa Mesa Freeway and landed near the Baker Street offramp on Sunday afternoon. The ftrst call came in to the California Highway Patrol at 2:08 p.m. AA undetermined number of people fled the vehicle after it came to rest, leaving the man behind, a Highway Patrol dispatcher said. The man was later hospitalized. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS • moved the animal. "It was disoriented and had neurological problems. It would hJ\'e drowned in the surf." Hunter !>aid. 28th Street Jetty sea lion la.ken away Re~ulb of the brcUn and spinal tests wtlJ not reveal the problem for another two 10 four weeks. but it ii. most likely a cw.e of domo1c aad. a brown tide toxin secreted by plankum. said RKharc..I !'vans. medical director. A previous panent at the cencer, the sea lion had been released only about tluee wee~ a.go. At that time. there was no evidence of a prob- · 1em. Fvans said The 400-pound bull !>ea lion lhat had been reappear- ing near the 281.h Street Jetty in Newport Beach was re- moved at about 10 a.m. Sun- day morning and later de- 'lrroyed because 11 was suffering from neurological damage. The "severe" neurological damage. possibly from a tolOn, meant the ~a hon '~ no longer able to \urvive in the ocean on its own. !>aid Michele Hunter, director of operauon'I of the i:nend' of the Sea Lion Manne Mammal Center, the Laguna Beach· based organization that re- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Anahekn Avenue: A man was arrested on suspicion of violation 6f parole in the 2000 blodl at 12:39 a.m. Sa1urday. •Bristol Stre.t: A woman was arrested on suspicion of petty theft in the 3300 bl()d( at 7 p.m. Saturday. •Bristol Street: A man was arrested on suspicion of petty theft in the 3300 blade at 6 p.m. Thur$day • Mesa Drive and o,.nge Avenue: A woman was arrested on susp1c1on of causing injury while dnving SHORTS Contmued from A 1 "Short ~tack " him time., an• ~ varied as the movie top1t.''> Thi!. year, the Newport Heach "The fish eat it and the sea lions eat the fish,· Evam said. "In the past couple year.. we have been inundated ,.,;th such problems " The worst ou1bn>a.k of the toxin happened lasr year and it ha!t caused great harm to manne life. he ...aid In the Clli>e of humam. it 1' known as amn~ic shellfic;h po1M>n and most common!> leads co memory lo~. under the influence at 4.30 am Fnday. •Maple and West Wilson stNMs: A man was arrested on suspicion of selling narco11cs at 8:45 p.m Thursday. • Newport Boulevard: A man was arrested on susp1c1on of possessing a hypodermic needle in the 2500 bl()d( at 9·10p m Friday. NEWPORT BEACH • Ea1t Coast Highway. A commercial burglary was reported in the 2100 bl()d( at 7·44 a m Sunday. him l t'\llval accepted 175 short ft'alUrt.''> from morl' than 45 counlne'>, festival publicist fodd Quartararo ~id fhat is up 55 from last year\ 120 shorts In add1t1on to expanding it!> line up of short film~. lhe f~tl· THE ... ,, NEW9• 20MRX330 Now Available •2&1~- 1AT18WWE Ammal control kept people away from the sea lion in the morning until Friends of the Sea Uon volunteers could ar- rive Whde the sea hon had not caul>ed any harm to people. it did have large. adult-size teeth. and there was the pos- sibility of it lashing out · and biting. I lunter said. ·People are uc;ed to seeing the .. ea lions at Sea World and they think 11 1s a docile domestic animal." said Mike Halphide, lifeguard lieutenant ·11 is not so much a problem by itself, bu1 people think 11 1s safe to approach.· • Jasmine Cntek Drive: Trespassing was reported in the 100 block at 7:53 p.m. Saturday. • Ochn Bou\evard: A structure fire was rePQrted in the 3300 block at 10 06 p.m. Saturday. • P\acentia Avenue: A vehicle theft was reported in the 1500 block at 6:52 p.m. Saturday. • Superior AVW1ue: A water/sewer problem was reported in the 1400 block at 6·47 a m. Sunday. • West Coast Highway: A vehicle theft was rePQrted in the 2700 block at 10.17 a.m Sunday • val aJso extended 1ts scope for the origins of those works by drnwmg from an additional 15 countries. Although international film- makers have a large showing, locah !>uch as Roman Cortez. Hyan Parrot and Billy Sale are well represented ~onez's film. ·Three Card ~tud<>.~ tales on every action flick clich~ and swirls it into one peculiar poker game. Comedy rounds out the film. making for a 1.tde·<;plitting climax. It plays today al 4 p.m. at Edwards Is- land Gold. Parrot tales his audience on a wild adventutt when a routine cop call goes "horribly wrong" and a young man finds himself trapped in the back of a squad car in "Ride.· Strap in for a wild ride at l I a.m. at Edwards Island Blue. Rounding out the local lineup of cropped trousers is Sale's "Saotrse, • which briefly chroni· cl~ a woman's struggle to keep her •cjviJ• Ufe while fighting de· mans Crom the past. These and many other mlnl· llicks. which may be short on length but not in talent. an a h sh.light of the film festival, u they. allow the audience to a · perlence a wide variety of taJ. cnt, themes and c:reative ex· pn-s<;lon ln a rel tlvcJy "short" amounf of timf'. Quartararo wd. hort rums are JUSl a part or the line-up a.t the annual New· port Bea.ch n1tn av.i. wbk:b offe nine days o_r nonstop en· tcrtairunCO(, pan.I a chi).. drm i and lo-depth mlnan and 'f'llposlUm th. l e-xpiott.s the world or mm. making tbl'Ougb the eye11 or rt'C· Ol"lt.ed induatry playen. Quar· t.araro DUNES Continued from Al The wcatlon lodgings coat between S70 ahd $200 per night Half of the cabin.S are on~room lodgings .The others are 1maDer sh1dJo cabins. Summer rates will b.e blgher, topping out at $250. Set up at the Up of the lagoon, the cabins are equipped with wood-paneled floors, lofu, air conditioning and a host of other amenJt.les. They have televisions -some with DVD players or VCRs ~ cable television, a re· frigerator, fnJcrowave and full kitchen. , Demand for the cabins should be steady, travel experts SHOW Continlltd from Al he would do benei:, • Evans said. It starts with getting the dog inlerested in the disc and then teaching it a series of simple tricks. For Evans. it started as a hobby and became an addiction. Nick is a third·generation Frisbee dog. When he was not yet 2 years old. he became the youngest dog to win the wortd championship. Now at 4 years old, Nick has won every major competition. and Evans is reluctanUy considering retirement for himself and the deg. "People say I am dead in dog years. but I still have fun," Evans said. Another star of the show was Lad, a canine freestyie dancer. Owner Mari Beth Baumberger said Lad was a natural from the beginning. Now the Shetland sheepdog understands more than I 00 training words, but interpreting body language and trust become critical while performing. she said. Obedience and agility are basic dog training skills. but BOOZE Continued from Al have set up sales space m thea.r parking lots. bringing in truck- loads of Uquor and setting up temporary storage areas outside their stores. nuu practice will dry up immediately if the coun- cil, as expected, agrees to amend to the city's Alcoho'bc Beverage Outlet Ordinance. "We have seen some cases of stores setting up kegs outside and some set up liquor sales out- side." Ory Manager Homer Blu- dau said. ·nus puts a little con· trol on that. We don't want to expedite the sales of liquor, and liquor should not receive a higher priority lhan bread or milk." A second item to be consid- ered by the council would step up citywide DUl police patrols TALKS Continued from Al majority of the council -in this case, three -can't agree on an appointment within 30 days after April 15, the day Robinson resigns, the process will automatically become a special election, wftjch cannot be held until November. Councilman Gary Monahan said he didn't believe any con· crete actlon could be taken to- night. ·we do not have a vacancy ALLOWED Continued from Al Mid. alnce more tamllles are now taJdng local vacations rather than travellng abroad. -W~re seeing a move away from more exotic locations." said ' Made Mootgomel)', spokeswoman for the Auto Oub of Southern California. •More tamllles want to drive to loca· tions that ate dose by." tb~ 400-sqwue·foot cabins are slm.Uar to the private cot· tages in European coastal vil- lages. They have spad9w bed· rooms, screened porches and a woodsy, but not rustic, Oavor. Stewart Lodges built and pro· vided the cabins to the Dunes. Ken Qurter, the West Coast di- rector of the company, said they are becod>.ing a hot trend at RV reilorts across the nation. ·we manufacture the highest many trainers are afraid of being in the spotlight wilh their dogs.. ·r think it is something everyone does in their living rooms with the curtains closed so no one can see,• Baumberger said. Lad ls also a certified therapy dog, Baumberger and Lad visit senior centers and hospitals to offer emotional support. •1t gives them a break from whatever they are going through." Baumberger said. "Kids and residents can really connect. They can telJ stories about when they had a dog.· ~ot only good entenainers, dogs serve important functions in society. said Bud Most. master of ceremonies for the FJ.JTE team's demonstration, For instance, dogs as.'list police officers with their sense of smell. Sgt Jim Nichols came from Florida with his police dog Aslco. The German shepherd impressed onlookers as ii raced past several postal boxes 10 attack another and tear it apart. Aslco correctly identified the five grams of pseudo· cocaine hidden inside. The crowd clapped and cheered them on as the dogs jumped. danced, raced and fetched. and checkpoints now regu.larty conducted by the ciry. The routine vote is simply to accept and authorize 1.pending of a S78,098 grant from the Cali· fornia Office of Traffic Safety. The money will be used to add a two· person patrol team on Friday and Saturday nights from May to the end of September and in peak holiday drlnlcing times. from la1e November until New Yeats Day. The money will also fund some additional OUl checkpoints. ~Our concern is always pre- venting accidents and providing for the safety of residents," Police Department spok.rsman St~ Shulman said. DUl checkpoints are used & primarily an educational 100L letting potential drunk drivers know that the law is being en· forced. Shulman said. Patrol teams of police officers are out to enforce the law by catchin.g until she actually steps down,· Monahan said. "I don't mlnd talking about it Monday. but it's my understanding that we can't take any formal actJon, so any· thing we put out there can only be a 'suggestion.'" Monahan said he is looking forward to the public discus- sion to get the information out about a special election. •A lot of people who want a special election don't realize the person wouldn't be seated until December," Monahan said. Acting City Altomey Tom Wood said he hopes the council "'They are going to be coming home at some point. and it would be better tp provide the families with thinp they need right now to make lhat transition easiel', .. he said The request to limJt care packages ii not from a desitt not to have people help out. but it would be more constructive to modify tba1 dwttable spirit. he said. Tbere are many orpnlzadonl In Sowbem California~ pedfk:alJy b) pool reeouroes. ln the most dlk:lmt way pnaible right DOW, co ow mWtaly pert0nntl. For dlOle who wou1cl lib to Ill In touch w\dl thole otpn.t7.ationa, you QB IC.ut by cal1lns the Camp PmcDeton Vo1unte1r omce " C?&o> 72S.l4l6J7 OI (7GO) 725--9052. A.a helnwumfng a It to teaM doaeDI ol pbooe c:aDs Ind e-malla from~ amdili'.., .. iDud1 ... woUkf law to a6r more bir:Jp or ~·lln 1bat'I 111\le pt. You know .. m(;cb .. ldO.~ II )"GU .. IUD dftennined ro .. a.,..... • to lnQ. °"lb' I , .... WCO-~loi:al •R LllD•~ ......... a-dial OallyPlot •• qua1Jty cablnl available, which a.re ideal for flnt·nlle ret0ru such as Newport Dunes." Cur· rier saJd. Local tourism lndusuy lead· en bave embraced them u ' . luxury altematJve to campW,.. ·: • Marta Hayden, the executlVf> director at the Newport Beadl Conference & Visitors Bureau, said she has cou.red them and ll enthusiastic about their arrlval. She sa,id she likes the "creature comforts" the cabins oft'eL ·r thlnk they're pretty luxuri· ous: Hayden said. ·1bat's my kind of camping." • MUl CLINTON cover1 the environment. bu1lne11 end PolitlCI. He mev be reached et 1949) ~or by •mail et pauf.cfinton@fstlme•.com. ·Look at. daddy. Watch this," ' Adam Robertson, J, said to his ' father as Nick jumped on and over Evans' back to catch a Frisbee. •wow, did you see that one7" Rick Robertson responded. The family had come from Mission Viejo to see aU the animals at the expo. Robertson said his family does not own a dog, but he knows the- questions are coming. Adam often tells people, "They won't let me get a dog yet,· Robenson said. The "Canine Dream Team," as Eukan'uba calls I.he dogs. was ~mbled about a year ago to demonstrate the benefit of the company's dog food. Most said. The dogs are being fed exclusively Eulcanuba food. Olher attractJons at the three·day expo were Valentine's Performing Pig<>, the Science Safari Bug Show. snake races, a wallaby with a baby in her pouch at the petting wo. and demonstration!S by the Pancy Rat and Mouse Assn. and the Pygmy Goat Assn. • CORAL WILSON 1s the news assistant and may be reectied at (949) 5744298 or bv e-mail at coral wifson a./a11mes com. drunk dnvers. DUI checkpoinlb have been set up on Jamboree Road and aJso on Newpon Boulevard near Lido Avenue The ary is required to publicly announce DUJ checkpomts before they are set up and customarily does so by publishing nooce5. in the new&- paper. City leaders have vow\!d to do wha1ever they can to cunail crime and bad behavior in West Newpon on the Fourth of July. Of.hes strategies are being con· ~dered. including ways to shift the balance of residents in the area Crom renter<; lo owners . but offioals don't ye1 knOIN when plans will come before the Oty Council •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beactl end John W11Yne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or bye mail 81 1une.cassgrande a. /1111.mes.com. will gJVe staff some direction lo at least get the ball roUing. ·They mlght want to adopt some kind of a process where some persons Interested in the appointment might male that uiterest known by filing a Jetter or omething like that," Wood said. Monahan said he believes the public will be able to com· ment tonight, even though no--::- formal action may be taken. • DEIRORE NEWMAN covers Co1111 MHa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail •t detrdre.newm•n l11timu.com. centen or hospitals ror names and phone numbers of families with loved ones oversees. If they wish, they can share with you a specific name and addrea, and you can get those packages off In the mail I know there ls a Web site that invites any and all residents to participate in di9cussions about the city at groupi.yahoo.coml . grou~ Perhaps you could log on and solid.t contact lnto.rmation for IOldJen for )'OW' dwttable caule. 1'bOM are my augC!ltloos. I am IOfTY I can't do more. u I could. I would like I hiatus and devote l thunk or my time to all the worthwbUo c:aUllt I come m'Ola ln lhia ~ But I can' because -> lt ,,vuld be COOliden!d 1 contlJCt of mm.ti aod b) I would not haw ~time to aCtuaDy do my fob. 1 hope )'O\I w'ldetltand and Ind. Wiiy to mu. your CCICltribUtlonl fell. • LOUTA tW I 111 writ.a oobM1 • ~~end~ ... --.. °'*'"Md .... .,.. . me¥ J» ,...,_•(Mt) &7'MUI or w~ • NEWPORT BEACt:t FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Newport Beach Film Festival 2003 A achedule of events through Friday. Films will be shown et six venues: Edwards Big Newport. 300 NewpQrt Center Drive, Newport Beech; Udo Theater. 3469 Vie Udo, Newport Beach; Edwards lslenGCinemas (two theaten, designated Blue or Gold), 999 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beech; Orange County Museum of Ar1. 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Bead\; Adventures at Sea Theaters. 3101 W. Coalt Highway, Newport Beach. Untea otherwise martced, tidteta ere S8 and can be purchased at the box oflioe or onJine at www.newpottbeachfilmftnt.com. For more lnfonnation, c:hedt the Web site or can (949) 253-2880. • Denotlle ..... event TODAY Edwarde lalend -Blue 11 a.m. S1 Gangs of New Shorts 2 p.m. Ftyftahing 3:30 p.m. The Rats 6 p.m. The Anarc:hilt C<><*book 8:30 p.m. The Gatekeeper Edwan:tl Wend -Gold 11 :30 a.m. Anne B. Real 1 :30 p.m. Joyful Partaking 4 p.m. S22 Something Foreign in the Shorts 7 p.m. Final Draft 8:30 p.m. French Spotlight - Merci Pour Le Chocotat• UdoTI...- 11 :30 a.m. Miranda 1 :30 p.m. SS Eternal Shorts 4 p.m. The Month of August 6 p.m. S27 Short Stadt 8:30 p.m. The Trip Orw1ge County MuMtlm of Art 2 p.m. Snnge Fruit 3:30 p.m. The Shaman's Apprentice 5 p.m. L'.Chayim Comrade Stalin 6:30 p.m. S 16 Salisfying Your Shorts 8p.m. Drive TUESDAY -Miranda, -starring Ch.ristina R1cc1, 1s playing today at the Lido Theater at 11: 30 a.m. 11 a.m. Whether You Like It Or Not The Story of Hedwig 12:30 p.m. S4 Did Someone Say Shorts? 3 p.m. West Bank Brooklyn 4:30 p.m. No Sleep 't1I Madison 6:30 p.m. P.S. Your Cat Is Dead 8:30 p.m. S14 ... And Your Little Shorts Tool Edw8nls lstand -Gold 11 a.m. New Guy 1 p.m. Liberty, Maine 3 p.m The Seventh Man 5 p.m. Window of the Soul (Janela da Alma) 6:30 p.m. Town Diary 8:30 p.m. Italian Spotlight -The Invisible Collection (La Collez1one Invisible)• Udol'heater 11:30 a.m. Her Name Is Zelda 1 p.m. The Gir1 From Pans (Une Hisondelle A Fait Le Pnntemps) 3:30 p.m. 9 Dead Gay Guys 5:30 p.m. S23 Six Degrees of Shorts 8 p.m. British Spotlight My Kingdom• Orange County MuMUm of Art 3:30 p.m. Arisman: Facing the Audience 5 p.m. S17 Faith in Shorts 6:30 p.m. No Distance Too Far 8 p.m. Hip Hop Hope WEDNESDAY Edwards Island -Blue 11 a.m The Road to Reconciliation 12:30 p.m . Children of the Crocodile 2 p.m. S25 Dreamin' of Shorts 4:30 p.m. S13 life Is Shorts 7 p.m. Life After War 8:30 p.m. S24 Shortus Dramaticus Edwards Island -Gold 11 a m. S3 Crazy About Our Shorts• 1 30 p.m Butterfly Man 3·30 p.m Don't Tempt Me 5:30 p.m. Truth and Dare 8 p.m. Irish Spotlight -How Harry Became a Tree• Lido Theater 11.30 a m. Melvin Goes to Dinner 1 :30 p.m. Pursuit of Happiness 4p.m. Want 6 p m. Daughter From Danang 8 p.m. Japanese Spotlight - Water Boys• Orange County Muieum of Art 2 p.m. In Smog and Thunder 3 30 p.m. The Nazi Officer's Wife 5 p m Quest for the Grail 6 30 p.m Cold War Love 8 pm. 521 A Generation of Shorts THURSDAY Edwards Island -Blue 11 a.m. Untouchables vs Aryans The Battle for the Soul of India 12:30 p.m. Francisca ( De Que Lado Estas7) 2:30 p.m Jumping for Joy 4:30 p.m. Children On Their Birthdays 6:30 p.m. Between Strangers 8:30 p.m. S4 Did Someone Say Shorts? Edwards Island -Gold 11 a.m. SS Eternal Shorts 1 :30 p.m. S2 Get Into Our Shorts 1 4 p.m. Peace Jam 5:30 p.m. S26 Polyester Prince Road Show 8 p.m. Searching for Paradise • Lido Theater 10:45 a.m. In the Name of Buddha 1 :30 p.m. Ever( Stewardess Goes To Heaven (Todas Las Azafatas Van Al Cielo ) 3:30 p.m. Moving Alan 5 p.m. Foul King (Vue Bai Rae) 7 p.m. The Kill Six 8:30 p.m. Closing Night -Small Voices (Mga Munting Tinig)• Orange County Museum of Art 2 p.m. Girlhood 3:30 p.m. The Chinatown Files 5 p.m. Guilty Pleasure: The Extraordinary World of Dommu::* Dunne 6:30 p.m. Skating Through the Sand FRIDAY Radisson Hotel Newport BHdl 7 p.m Awards Night* ~. ~~ 7. 2003 A5 •HARDWOOD• LAMINATES• CARPET • CERAMIC TILE • VINYL FLOORING ' llMMt•IGlON t .1111 •• ,,.:,:.1,r1 .,, ., :; L4W11Utt: • f lOUU -•11 • 111 • - ..--:-~ -o:-- 'J/4" SOLID EXOTIC DUPONT HARDWOOD STAIN MASTER from s4~? -$14~~ Travertrle 18" x 18" '4.29 Ceramic Tile ... ~~ ~ '4.99 - Lanmate Wood ... "St~ ~ '4.99 ~ • .,,.~ ~ :v:·.u ,,:: ..... ~ N.EWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 3 -11 QUOTE Of TIE DAY "/still enjoy teaching and working with students and seeing them pick up an idea and develop it -that's exciting to me.." P_,. otrts, Pilot Hal of F amer ,. Monday, Aptt 7, 2003 . . Sports Editor Roeer Carlson • (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fu: (~9) 650-0170 .. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL EYEOPENER • Daily~Piklt • Spol'tl 1111 of Fame I ................ Apl'O 4 honOrH TOOD QTOVSICH • f -Fo·u·r· IOcals. ·on · South ·ro.ster Johnson, Asuega, Cooper, Pov among 36-player unit for All-Star football game. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot Costa Mesa High senior Keola Asuega and Newport Harl>or High senior Dartangan Johnson, two play- ers known best for their offensive con- tributions, will be counted upon to get defensive in the Orange County AU-Star Football Game, scheduled July 11 at Orange Coast College. Asuega and Johnson, star running backs last fall, are among four New- pon-Mesa standouts on the 36-player South roster, chosen by sport.swrltel'S. Corona del Mar High senior Matt Cooper and Costa Mesa senior Do- rotha Pov have also been selected to play for Los Amigos Coach Roger Takahashi. who will guide the South against the top players from schools located north of the Garden Grove Freeway. Asuega. named Newpon -Mesa MVP. All-CIF Southern Section Divi- sion VIJ and MVP of the Golden West League, is expected to contribute pri- marily at free safety for the South. The 6-foot, 210-pounder is expected to play safety at Idaho State, where he will continue his career next fall. Asuega played only sparingly on defense last season for the Mustangs, whom he helped lead to an unbeaten Golden West League season and an 8-3 record. Instead, he alternated be- tween fullback and tailbaclc, rushing for 2,023 yards and 21 touchdowns on 253 carries. despite missing one game with a sore hamstring. Asuega's career numbers include a Newport-Mesa re- cord 49 touchdowns, four more than Newpon Harbor standout Steve Bra- 1..as amassed in 1982-83. ~uegd's 3,932 career rushing yards rc:l.llk No. 2 in Newport-Mesa annals behind Costa Mesa's Binh "Runaway" Tran, who collected 4.333 yards from 1991- 93. Asuega. who rushed for at least 100 yards in his final nine games last fall, posted 19 such single-game outputs in three seasons, also a Newport- Mesa record. He scored at least one toucl1down in 24 of his 28 varsity games and had 13 multiple-TD games for the Mustang& Johnson, the Sailors' all-time lead- ing rusher, is expected to fit into the South secondary as a comerback. He started at safety and tailback in 2002, amassing l,392 rushing yards and 19 IDs in the latter role. An All-OF hon- oree as a junior, when he helped the Sailors advance to the CIF Southern Section Division VI semifinals, he earned Newport-Mesa Offensive Player of the Year laurels for the sec- ond straight season as a senior. A 6-0, 195-pounder who plans to compete for time at tailback next season at Santa Ana College, Johnson finished with 3,397 yards on 560 carries and 35 of his 37 career TOs came on rushing attempts. His 18 career 100-yald-plus See ALL-STARS, Pa1• A7 COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters claim first Big West series Klemm's homer, three RBis, help Anteaters open conference on high note. SANTA IWlMRA -UC )fvine tenlor ~ ftelder Ouis J:2emm alugged a two- run home nm In the first hm1ng and the Anteatm never trailed en route to a 6-4 Bia West Conference baseball victory Sunday at UC Sant.a Barbara. The victory also clinched the confer- ence-opening ICrles ror the Anteaters, who edged the Gauchos In extn lnn.lnp Saturday, 7.-6, aft.er dropping Friday'• opener.1--'. JC1emm. who wmt 2 for • with three JlBfl. upped hil team·Jeadlna average to .350, He entered the three-pme eerlea hltdng .335. W. dwe home runs th1a .prlng UC> Je.d the Anteaten (13·20, 2. t In the !Mg Weta Cooletei>c:e). ~ tJCS8 {18-15, J-2) doted to wtthlri 2-1 wtih a Nn 1n the fourth. ua .,,.peed for .,.. Ill the tbth. keyed by RBI ..... toaa 111mm Md aophO- more right fielder Jotdan Sza- bo. as well as sacrifice Oles by sophomore third baseman Brett Dalton and freshman 6.rat baseman Matt Palk. The added margin came in handy, as the Gauchos scored three in the eighth, as UCI senior starter Paul Prench be- pn to tire. Prench had yielded just one run through aewn Innings. but was dwged for two more runs. UC1 UCS8 Chds Nicoll came on ln re1id and was dwged wtth three hits and one run, but do.eel the door and ftnished for his 1ee- ond save. French, who gave up just four hits and Canned vcn In seven-plus ln· ~ earned h Ont win In three decl· aions thb aprtng. Dalton, Mark Wagner, Gregg Wallis and B.J. Eucce added hlta to the Ant- •ten' emm-hJt attack, against lhrte Geucho hurlers. By taking 2 Of 3, U J won its ftrsc te· rlel since taking 2 of 3 from San DltgO 8 ' St.ate In a bome--and-home affair completed March 9. UCI bad lost consecutive se- ries to Cal, Washington and Washington State, before opening the Big West cam- paign on a positive note. The Anteaters host Pep· perdlne. with former Corona del Mar High standout 1Y Harper, Tuesday at 7 p.m., before retumlng to Big West competition with a three· game series beginning Prfday against \/\siting Long Beach State. .... c. .... UQI UCM4 UC INfoe 'e:: ~ =-c, -t 7 o UCSB ooo 100 oao -• 1 ~ F,.nch, Nicoll (8) end w.gner. VMquei, Suther1end (1). Mortodi (8) end l.lwnendoff. W -~. t-2. L-Yuquez, 2-3. SV-Nicioll 12). 28-Ollhoft CUCll. ~ (UCO, Yogt IUCS81 HR -IU9fnm (UCf), ftbove, Newport Harbor High's Dartangan Johnson rolls for some of his 1, 300-plus rushing yards last fall. At left, Costa Mesa High's Keola Asuega follows the block of teammate Andrew Garich(66)en routeto earning Newport-Mesa MVP honors for the Mustangs tn 2002. Both Asuega and Johnson, however, will be expected to contribute on defense for the South Al~Stars, who battle the top players from the North in the annual summer showcase. scheduled July 11 at Oange Coast College. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCAANt< I OM.Y PILOT .· SCHEDULE TODAY 8aMbell High school ~Los Amigos et Estancia, 3:16 p.m. • • Vohybel High ac:hool boys-Seddlebadc et Estencla, 4:30 p.m. Soflblll Community college-Fullerton at Orange Coeat, 3 p.m. OoW COiiege men -UC lrvlne at Westem lnten:ofleghrtea et f>eaetlempo GC, S.nhl Cruz, 7:30 a.m. College women -UC Irvine at Uteh-Obde Clauic et SunbroOlt GC, St. G.orge. Community cotlege men -0ntnge Cont va. Seddlebedt at Tljera1 Cl"Mk. 1 e.m. High adlool boys-Corone del Mer vs. Northwood at OH OM GC, 4 p.m.; Newport Herbor va. Foothill at Tustin ~ GC, 3:30 p.m.; Elhlnda vs. O.k Pert at Stetting Hilla, ~ p.m.; Sege tilll at Felnnont, 3:16 p.m. ~ ....... College -Pepperdine et UC Irvine, 1 p.m.; V.ngu.td Uniwreity et C.I Baptist, 3 p.m. Community cO'lege-Orlnge eo..t et INfne Vahey, 2 p.m. High ec:hool -Corooe del Mar at Unive,.fty, 3:15 p.m.; Newport Harbor at Aliso Niguel, 3:15 p.m. Softbel College-Vanguard University at The Muter'a, doubfeheeder, 11 :30 a.m. High ec:hool -Corone det Mar at Laguna Beec:h, 3;16 p.m.; Allto Ntvu-f et Newport Herbor, 3:30 p.m.; Whitnev et Sege HNI, 3:15 p.m . YaleyW High .moo! boys-l.egune Hiiia et Newport Hefbor, 6;A& p.m.; Corone det Mer et UnfVWlfty, 6:30 p.m.; Sege Hiii et: ~no V.U.V Chmden, 4p.m. • .. ..... : College men ->+-....nlOl'lt et Vlngu.rd : Unfvwahy, 2 p.m. Community~ men end women - Orange Empt,. Confwence Aneta et ~ Befboe Bay Club~ Club. High ed100I boys-Newport Herbor et ~ FootNtl, 3 p.m.; Seddltbedt et Eatanda, a p.m.; Oxford Academy et Sage Hill, 3:16~ p.m. .. .....,.. : High ed100I boya end girts -Sage Hill et• loeAm9>e.3:11p.m. : Ootf • Colegewomen -uc llVlneet ~ 0...11t ~ GC, St. George. • SPORTS FOOTBALL Baker signs with German football team B•rry F•ulkner Daily Pilot Brett Baker, who followed a sterling football career at New- port Harbor I Ugh by starting three seasons and threatening the school career tackles record at CaJ Poly San Luis Obispo, will strap on his helmet oqe last time with the Hannover Musketeers, an American Football Oub based in Hannover, Germany. , Baker, who had the fl/lest all- around season in recent New- port-Mesa prep annals en route to earning Newport-Mesa MVP honors in 1997. completed his college ellglbUlty ln 200 I at Cal Poly, from which he graduated in Dec;ember or 2002. After consldering but not pur- suing opportunJdes in the Arena Football League and the c.ana- dian FootbaJJ League. Bak.er was resigned to hanging up tus shoulder pads. But, after gradu- ation. he said he was contacted by a Cal Poly assistant who coaches In Germany and the Musketeers evencually extended an lnvitadon he was happy to ac- cept. "It was really a random thing." said Baker, before he left March 25 ror a four·day preseason training camp completed Sun- day. "I was orlglnally guaranteed a contract in February, but that feU through. I heard from them again lln late Marchi and I de- cided to go give It a try. I had planned on doing some travelmg anyway, before settling down and taking a job. This is really like a paid vacadon for me."• The Musketeers, among six teams who play a ·10-game schedule from May throu~ Sep- tember, open thelr season M~y 18 agaJnst the Langenfeld Long- horns. Other tearm tn .the league included tht! I lambwg Wald J lusklei., the Wolfsbwg Blue Win~. the Lubeck Cougars and DusseJdorf Panther. Baker, who starred al tailback. comerbad. kicker, punter and kick returner for the Sailors, then played al safe1y a1 CaJ Poly, !>aid he 1s expected lo be ullli1,ed at safety by the Mui-keteer!>. ~vou can't go both ways. be· cause they t:an play two Amen cans ~n each side of the ball and 1hey wan1 10 bnng on fpur gu)'!>. mther than JU!>l two or three," Haker said °''AN HI l f (JAJL1 I'll CdM fullback Matt Cooper f1mshes ott one of hts rare carries last fall against Costa Mesa. He 1s known more for his punishing blockmg ALL-STARS Conbnued from A6 games are also c1 '><:hool n.>ton.l. Both Johnson and A.'>\J~ could fill in offensively for the South, which plam on usmg t'OOtl11ll H41> standout Mike Liu and San ta Ana Valley's OifT Mason a<, 1~ pri- mary ball earner.. Whoever ~ the ball tn the South running game. figures to benefit from the wori of Cooper, a 6-2, 22.5-pound fullback known for he. devastating lead blocking. Bound tor < .ro~etUW11, Coopt•r .tl.'>O '>laltt-d ell inside lim-t>adcer for the Sea Kin~ developm~ a rep11 1auon & <1n extremely ph)">ll.il pldyt:r in~ three-year varsity rn n-cr Cooper was an All Newport \1~ fuJlbJdc ~I fall. alter e-c1111 mg AU-1\ewport·ML~ honors on dt•ft:ro.e ac; a 1umor. I le rarried Jll'it 2J runes for 58 yards a'> a seruor. Pov, a 5 11, 315-pound no'lt' gwrd. e.lrTlcd \.olden \\'est l.e-4t1e ()('foru.ive Pl.Jyer of the Y«.>ar laure.b and was named AlJ. CJF a.. a -.enior. F.mcrging ru. a domman1 fon-e in the middle bf the Mu~ans,"S defense.• last fall, he rrude 4 7 tadlec,, I b for los.'le'\, tn dud.mg eigh1 quarterback o;ack.\. I \e abo recorded I l quanerba1:k humt.~ and.Me-.a Coach Dave Per- kins credited Pov with drawing co1~tent double· and triple- team hlocking, wtuch helped free up Mu'>lang lu1ebdders 10 make plays. Select1om. were made from norruna.tions made by coaches of 4 L Soulh c;choob. Local nominee. also included.: K.C. Rawlins, Kris Cooper and John Oaley from CdM; Andrew Canch, Nate Hunter and fyler Waldron from Lzy,ta Mesa. 1..ewi!> Borotha Pov Matt Cooper Bradshaw from l:stancia; ~tichael McDonald. A.I SL11et. 1-emando Ca.\torena. (Jui.., Badol'l:'k. Mich.ief Thole and lien Sorn from Newpon Harbor. as well cl!> 7ll.Ch Friedrichs. Scott Oto. f-.riJc William., and CltJT ~Yan5011 fmm Sage I hll Shadowlands Loobng back. 5 yea~ ago thtS week: Estancia 1 Llgh f~hman pucher Joanna Danner lO!>.'>CS a one-hitter while her de 5 fcnse back.!. h er up m a 1-0 viC'tory over n · vaJ Costa Mel>a 111 a Pactfic Coa!>t League !.Ofiball game Sophomore Stephanie Danner belts a two-out <;hot 10 nght field 10 score Carl Frisker, who had tnpled Mesa hurler Kristin OUsbolm allowi. ju.'t three h.its and shuts I.he Lagles dQ\\-n alter the i.erond lnfUilg. In an upset, the Newport Harbor ffigh boys swim team defeats El Toro. 97-75, u1 a Sea View League dual meet 10 improve to 2· 1. Sailors Coach Brian Kreutz:bmp says, -1 don't think we've won more than one Sea View League dual meet the last three or four years." Harbor enjoys an 87-71 lead going lnto the 400-yard liet:Style relay, but Newport's ICeWn Becbr, who wins two other e~nts, P3S8eS his Olarger chal- lenger in the anchor leg to seal the victory. Senior J890n Arrow abo posts two wins for the Sailors ln the 200 mdividual medley (2:10.39) and the 100 brea.ststroke (1:05.89). Three bl.rd.Jes on. the par-35 course at Newport Beach Coun- try Oub for Corona del Mar High sophomore lnnee Macdonald !few (;.lj Mustang /11.&&.l'. 11 &•10 ._.....,,,_.,_....~ ,,,... ..... .,..., ....... ort 'wCD ·---• 'J6,J7! MDMj givel> tum medalLst honors in CdM's I 9 l · 20G bo}'l"> golf vtclory over Bad. Bay nvaJ Newpon Harbor m Sea View League pla}. Macdonald and Olad Toweney firn <ih 14 scrok~ ahead of their Sailor counterparts to lead LdM (7 I. 5-0 1n league!. Tower- sey cards a 2 over 37 10 claim '-eeond place behind Macdonald'!> J6. Look.tog back. IO years ago this week; Costa Mesa High seruor OOvla DICa- mllll, who leads the team to its most sue cessful season ever. ic; named CIF Southern Section Division 111 Player of the Year The 5-foot-10 forward leads 10 Mesa to section and regional titles before the Mustang.. fall m the state title game. She is joined on the first team by Newport Harbor senior Mk:baela Rou. Costa Mesa's Heather Roblmon is a second-team pi<*. The San Diego State-bound DiCam.illi is named All·ClF four years. wtuch Includes a pair of Southern Section championships and bad-10-back PCI. MVP awards. She averages 22.2 points, 11.5 rebounds and four assists per game, capping her career with a district-and school-record 2,220 points. Monddy, ~~ I ?Oen A7 llfllll DailyA Pilot .Ill Sports Hall of' am Cf-!J.-.brating tlu· ruill t ·nni u1r1 PAUL ORRIS Corona del Mar Newport-Mesa coaching victories leader still as calculating as ever. Richard Dunn Dally Pilot W hen Paul Om., arrived.at Corona d el Mar High 1n 1970, his credentiaJs m mathemallc'> landed him his firs t 1eathtng 1ob out of colJege But, because of the dismis!>al of a math teachn at the '>chool who was aho the freshman boy-. baslcetball coach, the new pos111on for Orris entailed expanding h1!> X's a nd O's o nto the hardwood and paved the way for the eventual winninges t houp' coach 1n Newport Mesa District history. -Tandy (,ilhs wa!>n't even a'>ked 1f he was intere!>ted in having me as p art of hi'> staff." Orns '>aid of the formt.'r CdM varsity head man with thl!> bu1 I '>1111 t llft1\ 1eal'hing and ''cirk111g \.'\1th '>tudcnt'> and \t't'lng tht·m pit~ up Jn 1<.le<1 Jlld dt·wlup It thal., ex< 111r1>: 111 n11 ,,,,J Orn-.. tn t11-. I ird \t tr tl'Jl l11ng di C.d\1 , \.\1lh pl<Jll., l(J (llOtHllll' tor Jll<1tl11·r 'd\ IH \('\t.'11 \l'clf\ "I d~n t loo!. 01t 111;.i1 h111g ba-.h1ball "" tha1 d 1ll1·rt·111 from t:oachin~ m.11h1·ni.111t' O r leiH nrng fllJlht'lll1lllt. \ 'Oii U\l' lht• .,,11 111• '>~Ill' .ir11I .,trateg11·' 'tou'rt• lt·.11 lttni.: .irtd you ll"t' d \;1rH·I\ of tet.hn14u .. ., th.11 \IHI c1tl111.,1 dt•pt•mling 011the1111h\ 11111.il Whc1t \.\nri..., lllr 111H· gu\ n11g'11 no1 for tilt' 111IH·1 \\.1• tul.J the guy~ u1 hJ-.~eth.ill \.'\1· -rht principal in1erv1ewed me and offered me 1he Joh After I got the 100, I 1allced 10 Tandv c1nd p1d.ed up real fa-.t that dcftn'>e l" a Paul Oms. m •vt•r pl.i\ .1 pt•rlt-1 1 gamt' IH 1 .tlt"I' \Clllll:'hfld\ h," ,il11• .. 1\' ~( •>rt•d "'"'" p111111-.· agd11""1 u., ,111d 11 • thl' o;;in11 thr ng 111 mt1tht·n1t1111' \nu IM\t'll I J11111• lhln\!" pt·rlt•t II\. hul \nu k.t.•t•p l \pl irin~ \.'\h,11 Yllll fl' d11111g \0 \OU h,1\1 I f'r\ 11pp11ru11111\ •o ht• high prnm1y 11em . • Wnh hi', gra'>p of frac1111n-. and p1t.• <:hart\, Orn!> \'\-a\ ma-.1erfully able tu creatt.' defenc,1vc s1rateg1e'> aga1n-.1 evt!n the best offen'>e'> "1-rom a defen!>1ve '>tandpomt, 11 was enioyahle 10 analy1e another 1eam and I learned thii. from Tandy and. to a great extent. Jack I Fmon . 100. ·'>aid Oms, who coached 1he frei.hman team for 16 years !when Gillis and Fmon were 1he vars11y coaches!. 1hen guided the CdM vars11y fo r 15 campaigns, begtnntng in the 1986-87 season. when the Sea King!> finished 24 7 and won the Sea View L ed~e t11le. Omi.. who would spend countle'>l> hours !>COUtmg opponents and often travel '>everal miles 10 catch a ghmp'>e of his 1ea01's possible CIF Southern Section playoff opponents. too k the varc;11v baton from Errton and continued the CdM trad111on of hard -nosed defense and a tactical offense that pauentlv looks for an open player. Though It wasn't alway., a fast-paced style that enticed the average fan to buy a 1icket, rhe system worked to the lune or three league championships. two CIF OivisiolllV-AA utles and a 229-199 career record. the most victories by any hoops coach in district annals The ~ea Kings were aJso Cl F runners-up three times 1n various divisions. As for Orris' postseason scouting efforts. Corona del Mar had a 29-10 record ln the CIF Playoffs during bis tenure. making 12 trips to the playoffs and advancing put the first round every year except ooe. ·it you ask some students in my classes, they may disagret .. 1111 t"·~ful Orr1 .... \\h1111111d1111-. tv.11 rn.11h d11111., I HI tl\I Hide n1 ... d11r111..: 1111 \\( •. ~ 111t li1d111i.: Wt•dn1·-.d I\ 111ghi-\\l'b l1111g11nw 1 111\1•.1i.:1.c• I 1,1\ ,. '-111 r v.h11 hr11~1· trl \.\lfh IJrrh JI rhe '"""' 1111w '"'" tht.' l\JH' 1u .. 1art d h11hb\, ... , 1 '"' ut 111 ... frt"t' 11me 1' 'Jlt'nl h1•l111ng mJlh .. 1udl·n1' <1111 r" hc111l Bui then an "onw 1h111g'> Orn-. m1''l'' Jh11u1 111.1t l11ni.: ha.,kethall II h · · m.111 111 ng Wll'> agam.,I olht'f < o.H lw-. fhdl., d fun pt1rt ul 11 - fhe latt•<,1 h11nort•1• 111 lh1• Daily Pilot "Port-. 1 lall of f'ame. On" l ouldn 1 n.1me a o,penfic h1~hlii.:ht al1t•r 11 \t>ar., of rocJ< hing h111 rnadt• r«.>lt>renu·' lo !he .rnnudl ldl k 1-rrron \kn10r1al l.dM i\tumn1 Ba.,ketbc11l luurnamt n1 l'\en ~ufllmt.'r. t11-. -.eurnd lrt•-.h mdn team tha1 won a league d1c1mpion-.h1p c11H.I l •1.1t l1111g hi" '>011 Jeff Ill 19"11 Drr1' '\.\ho h"l'' 111 llun11ng1on Bt>at h "''h h1o; wife of :n vt•a1o; He'''· allowed h" .,on 10 malt• the dee1s1on ah11111 \\ht•n· h1 \<\an1ed 10 dt1t·nJ high '< hc111I Otean V1t'"" whH h \\.a<. near 1he11 hou .. e. nr l dM wht>re hed lrd\t.'lt>d tor nunwrouo., \t'df\ to \\.ltt h ht' father coat h I heir oilwr -.on, Dan played golf al <>nan \ 1rw and t lran~e < od'I College "They turnC'd nut r<'al well They re good ~uy-. "Om" '>aid of his !>On' Never a ha .. l etball 'tar at Long Beach W1l'ion High IOa'is of '6'll Omr, earned his undergraduate dt gree al SMU and h1'> teaching credential at Long Beac h State, btfore accep11ng hh first aod only 1ob at Corona del Mar. He resigned a\ CdM's coach following the 2000-0 I sea on 'J:Z,97! MflZUQ .- Al Monday, Act• 7, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL A great week to ·b·e a Mustang Above, Costa Mesa High assistant coach Jeff Cook argues a call with the base umpire during the Mustangs' 1 ~5 Golden West League baseball victory over v1s1ting Estancia Friday. At right, Costa Mesa's Justin Peterson delivers a pitch, en route to striking out 14, one off the school record, in his second complet~game victory over the crosstown rival Eagles this season. Below right, Estancia starting pitcher Tyler Hoffman takes a throw from catcher Jeremy Hauser and tags out Peterson, wtio attempted to score on a wild pitch tn the second inning. Below, Costa Mesa shortstop Alex Pisarski dives after a phantom pickoff throw from the pitcher to second base as Estanc1a's Greg Hughes dives back into the bag. The play was properly recognized by the Eagles, who were not fooled by the tnckery. Mesa's win, its third in as many meetings this season with Estancia, clinched the perpetual Paul Troxel Trophy that goes to the annual series winner. ' Call (949) 642-5678 ' • .. . ' .· . --- -.. . -.,. -.. ' .. .... ' ;. , DaUy Pilot ........... .. llplllallca ~ -=YIAW) en: --..., .. , .. NOTICl TO Rtsl"ON O(N'T (N-) (AVISO A L O E litANOADO (Noml>re) GREGG C WN..TUIS You •• be1n1 wed A 11sted le esten dem.vid •ndo. l'UITIOHE R'S NAME IS El NOM8RE DEL OE MA"°ANTE fS Sttl:ll Y MARIE SANTILLI CASE NUM8ER (Numero del taso) HDOOOS41 Y-have lO CAI.EH DAR DAYS eftet thtt S11mmons and Petition en -..-.d on you to hie a ResponM (IMm H 120) •t the cowl and swn • copy on the pehl~ " lettef Ot phone call will not pr olac:t you If you do not file your Response on lime, the t'burt may m•I>• 0t der \ •ffec:tina yOUt nu1ruaee. your property, •nd custody ol YOllf chlldtell You inay be ordertd to P•1 wpport and 1110. ney lffS and costs II you c1nnot pay Ille l1hna tee, •Ml the clerk for a fee warv.i l0tm II you want le&•I advtce, conllcl 1 l1wye1 rmmedlalely Usted Ilene lO DIAS CALEHOARIOS despue• de reClbtr olicralmenle HI• c1tac1on jud1c1al y petlcion. par• complelar y presenter w lo•mu l•roo de Respu•,I• (ReS!lOOU lorm fl 14>()) ante la cortt Una tar la o una Uamada tel•lon1ca no le olrecer • pro tee C1on Si usled no prennta su Respunta a hempo I• corle puede eapedir orden1" que afeclen so m•l11mon10 su prop1ed1d y Que or d~nrn quf usled PlfUf! man tenclOI' honorart0' d• •bo&ado y Its CO\IJU !>1 no pueda P•ear las coslas por 11 o•eunla tton de la dt'm•,,da prda al actua110 de 11 corte Q11e le de on lormul•rlO d• uoner ac•on de le> mismas 1w., • ..,. of Court fees and Costs) S• desea obltner conseio leeal comuru queu·de 1nmed11to ton un •bo&•do NOTICf The reslr11nin11 Of ders on the b•ck ate 1n ettect 11a111st both hu•b•nd and wile unhl the petition IS d1sm1ned " 1ud11tment 1s enlfred or the ~nurl m•l.n further order'\ fhe<e or<Mn ere enlOfcuble 1nywhert1 in C1hlorn11 t>y any I•• enforcement oHictt who ho received or '"n • copy ol th<lm AVISO las proh1b1 ,.,,,,es 1ud1ci1lu que 'pateun 11 revuw d~ est• utecton son rlet t1v1s p111 •mbos <on yu1e1. t.,•to el npo•o como I• esc>ou hnta q11e la petoc1on , •• rechuad.I •• d1cte un• dec"l-0" linal o la Corte eip1d1 instr uGC1one\ 1d1c1onafe, Ort has pr oh1b1C1onn pueden IUc erse cumpl11en cualQuttr parle de C1hl0t n1a l>Of cualqu1e1 •1e11te del Ofclen publKo Que las heya reubrdo o QUt hay• Vl)IO unll top1a d~ ellu I TM name end .odrns ol the court •~ ([I nombre y d11ecc10n de t1 corte es) ORANG( COU NlY SUPCRtOR COURT f Altrlll Y LAW COURT OPERAllOHS. 341 JH£ CITY DRM POST Off lCC BOX The name and addr'" l>bjeclioM wit!\ tM cowt 14170. ORAHCE. CA ol IN cowl rs (fl belore UM hH•~ Your 92863 1570 nombte y dnccion cit •Pf)41er•nc:t m•y ~ Ill 2 The name, •ddl•u la corte es) per son o r by your en4 tetepl\one null\Mr ul OftAlllGC COUNTY SU 1lt0tney pel1Uoner's 1tl111ney °' f'ERIOR COURT. 100 If' YOU ARE A Cll(OI petitioner without •n C1v1C Cenlet Drive West. TOR or cont1n1e11t •lto.ney '' (LI nombre PO Bo• 838. Sant• crltd1IOf of IN deceeNd, le direction y el numero An•, CA 92702 08.18 yo11 must 11111 yOl.lr claim de lelelono del •boa•do Central Ju1l1Ct Cenlou. with the court end n.eil IMI demandanlja, o del Ctv1I Unh,.,1tl'd • c:09y to the !NfM>n•I d•m•ndantt que nu The name. addreu, representative appOlnted Ilene •bo1ado. u) •Rd l•lephont 1111mbef of by IN court wllhl11 four SHHl Y MAAIC SAHTlltl pla1nhlf" •tl0tney. 0t month~ lrom the dale ol 17191 CORBIN A l H ptatnllll w1thuul .n the f111t lssu.nce of •202. HUN TINGTON .-tlorney IS (fl numb•e, lettets n provided m 8[ACH, CA 92649, (714) la dlle<.uon y ti numeio Prob1t1 Cod• tei;t1on MO 8984 de telelono del •bo&•do 9100 The time for htmc O.et JAM 21, tOOJ, del d1mand1nl•. o del <.la1ms will not upwe Ai.AM UATU C!.rti, "y dem1nd•nlt que no belore lolM months lrom MAaGAan A MON t1ene 1bt1&•do, n) the heanne dale noticed TAHU, o.,..1y Pub LISA MITlS PATRICll •bove t11hed NewPQrl Beech ESQ • Jl-tS22 I 114) YOU MAV EMM!Nt t~ Co•ta Mtt• O•tly Pilot 525 SS77 hie llapl by !tie court If M•rt.h 211, 31. Ap11I 7, l~• Mith Patr1tk. B•t you are a pe,.oo lrt-14. 2003 M669 #I J.4522 law Ollice ol te1e,1ed tn the estate, ...... -r·-LISA Ml n s PArRICK yo11 may file With the -... ,.,_. 21 I l tmper11I Hwy tourl a RtQllHI for SUQOllSOMdrOll .St11le IOO, fullMlon. CA Spec1et .Hot1te (form OE ,.,_, 9ms 1047 1!>4) ol the f11in1 or •n • 'WIV>"' DATf1 MOV IJ, 2002 1nvento1y and •PPfllUI jOJAQOl.llDKIAij Al AH SlAlfl, Cl•rll of estata auels °' ol NOTIC[ ro CROSS l""'-1•). •ny petition °' ac<.ounl DfflHOANTS (fwt'l.O 41 lty A. DANG, OtfWtY n provided 1n Probate Acuudo) MOtlAMC O (De ....... ) Code ~ect1on I~ A [LCAfl_ individu•lly Publ"hed Ntwpofl llequnt for Sptctal MOHAMED fl GAF 1 dba 8f'1Ch t;o\la Meu Daily Notice lorm n n•1lat>le EMiC f'NGIHHRING, Pilot M•rch ll Apr1I 7, fromtllecourtclerk ANO ROES I lhr<>uth t~ 14. 21 :l003 M676 Attorney tor Pet1lloner WlU\IVt IS( 1ms •.•. ·•e<"" Jee.at•, YOU ARC BC INC SUf 0 I~,~ & J«.M BY CROSS COMPIAIN M011CIOfPml'IOllT0 2294211Twel4., ANl ADUISTll ISTATI Of: ~·.:,'-'·CA 92UO-(A Ud I,. ••la rlcin.and •ndo 1 USA Mil Is MJCIADIURYAlbAIJCI Publ"hed Newport PAT RICI\ ADIU llADY Buch Costa Mu• D•1ly You hll•e l(I CAllN Pilot Ap11I I. 7 8 OAR DAYS dltN 1111\1 WI MO. Ulllll ?003 IMO'Y.I summun~ .. \~rvtd •1t1 lo •II heirs b~n~11 ~ 1ou to hie ' t1pe.,11ll~n ._,,.,.., lr •d1IOI\ con ltNn&JI ro11on\e •I llll\ lOurl I tinaenl crrd1lo1\, •nd jOTAOOlf-._, A teller "r phont < lll l>"r\on\ who mAy olh NO!lr[ 10 DHCN will nut pr.,\ttl 1uu erw1'.• be 111ttre\l~d .,, DANI CAvtso • Acu\a your lype•11tl~n " I'"~ will or Hl41,. nr du I H [ N RV A L \ponv rnu\I be u both ol ALIC£ ADLLL I flRNANOll. OOES I prup~r l~l!!•I tm m 11 v•>IJ flVA •kl Al\Cl ADfl l lhroutlh 20. lnclu~1ve wan I lhr r our I In hl'At BRAIJY YOU ARC BCINC SUED your cue A PC llJIUN I UP rRO 1 BY PLAll'fTtH II yuu do n1ot 111• y .. u1 BAT( h.a\ bun hied by 1A Ud 1,. .,,,. dem•nd re"1l<>n\tont1mP yuuillll HIOlf 1n the Jndn) IM£l 0A l'f m1y lo•t !hr c .,. Jnd Super1ur Court ul C•h ~ [ RNANDC l yuur ,,.l"' ninne1 u1d ' lc>1 n11 Lounly t•I OR Yuu h••• 30 l..Al(.N pB>pt!r ly m•y tie lak~n ANC! OAR DAYS 1fter llus w1thnul lutlh•r w•rn1ng I THI Pt llllON roR 1 ·ummun• I\ \erv~d on lro<n th,. 1 "II'' PRUBA H r~<IU"h lhal you to lilt· a typewnltr!n Thi•,. •r• o>lh,.r l•P·•' L[ll HtOll ht •11001nl•d •e,llOM• 1t ll11\ courl '"IJUlfe-nt·. Y .. u m•y 1 .1 P•f\onal "'"''ent1 A letter or phone c•ll w1nl In r 411 "" """' ni·y llv• '" ~11m1ni\ler the ,.rll "''' pct;>lecl you 1111ht dw•Y II ylll! d" nol t~l•I• nl lhe dP~•der1I your typewrillcn re know dn •ltorn•y v 1u THI I'! TITION requol<. >pon\r rnu'I be 1n n10 •II 111 ~""' nry I th• d.-c •drnt Wilt •nd proper ••t1•1 form 1t you r1t~u•I '"'''VH.f' ut :.. cudtttl' 11 •o) bf' want \ht: tuurt to hf.at lea al a1<1 olt" • 1h•1•11 "' adm1llf'd lo prr•b•lt Th.. your ld\o the phun• b•l(J~) Will And ~ny «>d•~•I\ •r~ If you dtJ not IM your 0fll\PUC!'-'9t !lVt-1, •"·"'•bit!' h'' t '•mm• 1 .. .-.poo-.e: on ttm~ you entre1uen ,.,, J qt411 * 111 t1011 n thl! fit.,. t-rµt by m.ty loit the ca~t ,,,d 1udu;111f U!.tf'd t1tu1,-un th"'-""" your W41¥4'S, money •nd pl'1n d• l() CllAS r AI IHI Pl HflON request\ propeily may be taken £/olOf,RIOS 11•r• 1H••r11 1111h .. toh 1, .tdmin1sler w1tl>oul further w&•n1n1 '" un• '"t'"'''" " lh,. t !Al• under 1111' trnrt1 tht' courl u1I• • m•4u111.t ~""'I• lndeptnd•nt Adn11n1" lhere u .. othe1 le1at torte lral11111 ol £\hi•\ Atl requ11emtnls You may U1u cart• o "''• 1 lh11 l\11lhr·11ly w1ll all<>• "''"'to rAll '" •lturnt'y ll•m•d• lrl•lunttA n1 I> II>< l'~"o"el ff'prrun flltit '"'•Y II you do not olr~ter• prulPCllQ•! 'U 1 l•hve I tai.r man1 i.now an •tto•n•y you ,.\pu,.~I• "" r 1ld • a<"""' wothuut "bla1n mat tall an alturney m"qu1nct lttnt JUI'! "'R tourt .)f)prn.,at tf"ft!'traf '\~fVltt' or a <umphr , '" 1., lo•m~I lhlo•r '""'"' certain l•it•l '"" olfice (h,ted 1n 1dadf'\ l•&•l•'I. .prop1.; I "'Y nnJ•01!<1nl tll1on thrl>hvn• bO<>ll) dn \I 1nt••I q111,.re •!Ut how••rr th• "'""011.11 Dn11u•\ de qur le la to<lt rHu•'1• \U •~P'"'~"l.ih•• will b• en1>e&111'n tl.la t1tac1on ca\tJ r eQ111r-d tv 21n nol"r 1ud"11I usted henr un <;1 u•ltd '" r•fr\•nt.. ,, mt•rr•l•d Pt'tsOn\ plaLO dr JO DIAS CAl \u ·~•pu•,I• ~ t1em11u , .111lr'' lh•v '1•n Wdt<Pd ( NOARIOS par a Prt•en putd• p~fdf"f ,., <. J'-h / 'H't11 .. ,,, 1.t1n1 ... nt~d tn ta' uoa t~$pue\td t'S ,. POf'df'll (IUtt .. , ~u lhft CHf>P05t>d H tu.;n ,, 'fl(if • m111qu1n• t'n est~ ut.trM1. u dmf"tO y c it •i t1r md~prndf'nt ad c"rtf' co .. •i<lt'Ul•'•'P'~d.h1 I i100•~ttdl1un <1uthorcty Un• c .ar ta o un• \1n avrso <1d11 r .. .in~I p.,r ... ru l•f' ttr.•ntrd unle•• llamad" trleton1c• no le per It' dr ta tmtr •" 1ntere<ied ver\ufl nlre<<'ra prolf!tCIOn su £ •t\lrn ot•f'J\ t~q'"'' t11~-. ~" ob1ed•nn to thr ce'\pU,.\ta e~u·t•l• ~ to\ '"&•le\ f'u,..df-'1"' p••t1tton •nc:t c.how~ 1ood m•Q&nn• t1"n., qu~ u\ted qu•rra ll•m1r • IH1 I <~u,;o #hy lh• tourt rumpl11 <On In lotmal • b o cad 1• 1nm•d1 •I" "hould not 1(1 ""' lhfl 1d•de' 1~1aln apr091a menlt"' S1 nu run""" ' H1th1lnly d.t\ \I u'ttd quiet! qut un •boe•du put•I• A tll ARINr.. 1>n th~ ta tu•le u-.uthr •u ll•m•r a un "'"' .,..,, 1tt' 1•et11tnn ,,.,,u b• h~ld on t IW 1tl"•nu1 d• •bflV•t"' MAY I 7003 el I lO S1 u\lt>d no pr~senh o • una ol1<tn• df' ayud• II m 1n Oee>I l I J \U rf'spuesta 1 ltempo IPC•' (•H ,., '""''"' lo<.Jl~d .11 l4l "'" C1tv pueOe ~de• et <a<>o y letelonKo IJnvt "e>ulh ..,,.n&I' CA I,. pueden q111tar su CASI NUMlll: 971168 utarlfl ~u d1ntto y otrn (H-re .... C .. o) If YOU OBa l.. I to lh~ co~ude \U propiedad 02ccoss•• \1n avrso •d1C1001I por JUDGI ltANOlU L parte df' la corte WtuCINSOH E •tsten otros requ1sr DIPl.Clt tos leHltt Pu1d1 oyc MondJy, April 7, 2003 O•••y r, .. 1 '-11< 14 /I .8 700) Mt.8~ Aditt.s IWltss ... s....... '"" I •II •wine "~' \ons ,,,. do.nr t>uun,.,, •' R"1 •&R·ll lint ~h"IJ Jt16~0 H1rhN Slid f uunta1n V•I ~'t A 'iH"" ~tl-hoh•' *'1hn Hu"' ,.r,,.v, •rtQ I I•~• CH •41 O• '"i• C.A '1l'!'h'i fh~ l,,u,mt-S.\ ~ 1.0,, thu Ct-d t 'f •n tnd1 .. 1du•• H•vf" 'f •Ii \\~' 1PO Ot•lRI bu••n•ss f•P Yr• j IO Th• I ll<>wtn£ p•• •On~ OJ •rt d11u1& bustnf'\:.. ., Nichol•\ J Hu~htt1\ RA IT L l R l 1 J J J 3 This \tat~m"nl ,,., A•"ll•da 11 CuA l <;to ~ fll~d with the Cu11<1h C1u f"A91679 n .. r~ nl Or•~r· CntJOh C11clt 0 & 0 Cu•1><> on 02 10 l,,1 11l1on !CA! 1HHI :ZOOJ .. J'49 1 Ann1d• dt' C1t• Coto 0111~ Ptlot Mitr 24 11 de Cau CA 92679 Ai>< J 14 lOOJ W>11 Jbr) bUJ.IOI)\ rj, L\}0 -------- Ind ex Ho"· to Place A Polic,· --------. ~Mtl SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Business Needs - Col ... , .. ...... 1111111 11• TM ss 4 ucoas nc -c::a..:. E.k !!Os £ 111' a -. St*. ti.-"'P Mlh 949-645-7505 1310 FIND 1n apartment throuch classified <l'dwf Style ~ PIANOS t. Col~ ................... ...... .__.oa.~ $$CA8"Ma>M .. ,... .......... WI BUY dTATt9 .............. ...........,_. .. FUl8'" r CONStGNMENTSl , • I J Alllldal ,..,.... $$CASH$$ lmmed1•lt Cesh for 'tructured setllem<!nh, 11nnu1ties, reel tt.ht•. no t u , private mortc ... not••. acc:tdent cuu. and lns11r enc• p•'/011h (800)79 4 310 (CAL ·~AH) HUQC PRESCRIPTIO~ ORIJO$ S.•irtpl Cd f« "'~ .,.tuf • -~ IJll....... 71.M -.~ ...... CA~ (CAl."S'M) _,.._"',.. ·-·-·--·-... _E:M_I_• __ ,._ FURlatW .,...... ....... ,_ ~iiii;---;i , .......... IWtt. ...... -Uc I h.._ fltfc" -------....,,.-,.. , .. _.S ... 111 ;:-~.:-=- Liii , ................... w • ,... ... 11-lwt '°'' IMIN r.&JSIOITI <Mt,. ... , • ._, .... 1511 \ CLASS IFIE AD R.11.:' .ind dt:.tdhne' Jrc 'ubtcd to ~h.uige v.1thou1 not1,e The: publl\her n:'ervc' th4.· n(!ht to cen~r. recla"th rev1~ or reject .in\ d.t,,1f1nl dd1rcn"e~n1 Plca-.c repon An) errm 1ha1 ma" be 1n \Our cl.i-"fo:d ad 1mmed1a1cl"f The D.111) Pilot aHcpc' no hab1it1\ IM any l·rror man Jdlfrn1,cmt•nt tor whllh II ma) Ix r~·,pon"ble cxccpc for IJlC' co't of lhc 'Jr.kc Jdu.t.11:-o..cup1c-d b) the error Cred11 t·an onl) ht> ..1.llowcJ for tht• 11N 1n...c:-n111n By Fax <9-i9J 63 I ~~Q.l ,,,.__.. __ By Phone 1·~N1M~ ""~1' By \foil/In Pf•r .. un: \Ill V. •,\ K.1\ \\~ I ( l"ld \il"d l \Ii~/\:' ............. •1al,.'°'1 • I ,..,..,., .\1 ~_, HI• j .\ HJ' \1 I lour!'-: -----Deadlines----- VISA E#BJIY/ C-tC.... ..... Old C0tnsl Gotd. sol1tet. ~. w*'-. 111~ collectiblts 949-642-9UB - ca .,, •••••••• OA,.._.D1111U ''1~ ................ ~.Mt-u1~ •••••••• CAHU<OMO lfAUAM COfFH Company u p1ndtn1 Orstr1butors wanted H11h profit pot.nhal Anyon<e can do thtsl C.11 800 Ill 6625 llwln1R !!9 {CAL~) AVON. [nt repnneur wanted Musi be w1lhn1 to -· ~Vet ~OU want be ye>ur own bon, end tnjO)' unltmlled .. rnl11t• let·s talk (111)94 2 4 053 (CAl•SCNf) AN INCR£01BU Of'· l'OftTUfQTY '°' sro#\11. personalty 11\d ll11an ~Miiiy tnco"" polenh•I ROI(~ mondt lq1I lfll•t• bust~ Home bend f e aclna tlnt ,.-CMtKt Nol • scant • lil l M 100 7 04· p!I (CAL •SCAN) -Trltpli.tllt" ~ Ill m < ll 'f>m \11mdJ\ l-t'llJJ\ "loo<LI\ ftlC'..J . .- \\1.-..tnc .J.i~ rhur.d;>) f·nda ~ "iX IJ1m f--n;t..' "11.>nda\ .. l.()pm '"11£1'\I.&\ 1 uc-.da~ < ttllpm \unJa\ 'rhll In ' \l~J/11 < nipm \londJ~ f-nJ.i, WNnc..day 'I OOpm l011/ACREAGE 4740 N( W M£XtCO MOUN TAJHS 140 AC 1)flly S49.900 Corc•ous etaulands, meture tt«e ton• 6300 tt alevahon Mounttll'I View•. yeer round roads and tlec lPtc PM"IKI for lloru lovers Adjace111 to 11et1oM1 faint [JC*tlt hn1nc1n1 Cell today• This won·t Intl SW propefhas of NM In< I 111 ·2 92 9711 (CAl •SCAN> SO. (OtOaADO wtld wesl ta11<h r7 Kit' 14',900 f>rlCU •fHlled to lllOV• lnventot yl NH I to U IOO .crt1 rtt ar•• Rollll'I flelO with f•11tastk 1tot•1 Mm vltwt Ctunt1 roa d •/'U\Jlrt-. OW-f..,~ift« C.I R .. o.- ltenc It tol J ~ tt2M (CM,•SCAN) \ Corona def Mar I *""°" Ccmt COIONA Oil MAI PllMIHTATU YIUAGl . ~rn& fam PATltK& TrMCMll home '\n ol PCH lbf MAllOMWtOl USA ? ') b,. m ' t r b r 94t-aS6-910S ,. r•trra• nfl1te lib www g•trlC:llltnOf• com .. du•I Ip SI 299000 • 9"l!WS '>UIS 9'9~l2 l226 RESORT/ trvtne VM'.ATIOW ,,_1nTAm •ATDCX 1'9'0ll U""°'""9C nA . ..... .._.,.. -· .. ti '*"""• C4ltl\ awe...a a • ...... -"""'" ......... -=~ ... ............... ...er !9-SM tll. SU!I .. ~ PROfl£RTY FOR SALE COl A CAWGROUNO mtmb81'1l11p 0t llmt \l\11el We I I•~• 1t• Amenca ' moil "" cesalul rno•t rtwle cletnn•houMt ltnoft rtule cleertn111ouH 11-t "'oi-tr Rew!H Inc 1 ·100 4 23 SM7 (CAl. •SCAN) _......., .......... , .. .. i..sa. be9d\ '- -._ IOOll ltorn wind J blcOs lo wteV h p Apt l!>-On l SJ<Jnn 95a:J.19!0 t 16 car.c11tMlf ' Th-LI\< llllpm I n.1.t, l U!pm Ind.I\ .. t•'f'im .......... s...ntll.JI » 2.5& cilri. UI ..... ~ ~ 1K UI, 21:: ., sam ._. 'M'J.2!3-0:D .............. IC8!t ~ ( .,. ,,..,. • tSBa Sfll. rp ..... ~ 2lc ....... ,-4 SlJSOno. A*~... 9&7S.Jni . ........... 11rTt-..Y• UA$lS H . L CRU"l>Y tl£.A&.. TOltS ...... ,~··· ••.,...t ........... I& ..... ~. tll8'e4 ........ , •.• ., 11100 Mt41J 7100 • :' AIO Monday, Ap!il 7, 2003 I TODAY'S --'~R .. o ... s ... sw~o .... R .. D .... P ...... U .. Z .. l .. L .... E _ Newport Beach .....,..., .......... lr&:& 2.SS. w/reb8111 11 flilled c;ornm. w/pool. ~ pvt yard. SDXVmo "II\. PalJ'tclt Tenore !lo& 856-97ai "V9a ..._,,. Lg 28< 2Ba, don rm, bale. 1650sf, Zc ptll&, oceanvu, wa" to bc:h SZJOOm 909-598-9347 WESTCltff fl.Mil Y Pristine Port Ho111• 3br HOME 4Br JBa. lar&e 2ba. fam room. pvt pool/ smale st ory $3000/mo spe 11rdener incl, lene aat 7 14-812-5661 S2850m 714 57 3· ZCXXl Bkt BAYFRONT Community Goreeous I BR J BA w/Harbor View 1100 Sf , Quiet ~. Incl~ Cerate ~2000 Lttp~ •'i'W t~ • Gtht&es Wood a.nii.c ~ • Prtvaae lelcJi & MaltM. ~SWnalq .. ~ Jf9llltal ~ • Secoeds lo .... lltud, OAJl'dt ~ Cttrter. ............. " del.MM ,, 12 13 Upta"9 ...... c-. •• 38f ... den, JB•. ht cet1rnes. 2~ car. ttar. pat11>.1J11111a<le $3 ICXl/rno (949)646 SU J Private 1-'1 c- nlty-Beacon B•y j{j1 J8a offl<;e, lar&e yard. le a.ir SJJOO/m aet OullM' 949 640-3674 leyfront clvplex, u11ptr untl on har hnr w bu .. 1 dock 2 blk\ to ll•h lbr 2ba fp wd lg ~u dHk l c ear dock & ubl rnc:t $.'BXVmo 9&510mll Newport Coast llO dew-view ol nrtn. ocn, city IV!b. i:-.1 .h 3ba condo, 5 Y'' nt'W, UiOOl'mo 'f 949854 lOIO Rentals Wanted 7880 WAHTB> I ,., .lilt Apt. ~ °' awldo ti.n or .......,.. .. Newixw1 Beat.h Wil >Iii!' 3. mo "' ~ lease. Hav< un.ill ~ mannerrd Wlisbe. Rl'lt1 ena:s .,.,.... .nl ~8816 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ' ANSW,ERS TO WEl-;Kl,Y BRlDGE QUIZ Q I ·A' South. vulnerable. you bolll: •AQJY4 · 7 Q760 •'4 The bkldina ti.ii. lll"OCeeded M>l. CU WES"f 1'01lTH l'.AS"f ,_ ..... ,._ 7 Whal du you bid oow'I A • There IS a IC~lboo .. bid that l.'OV· en tlus snuanoo. P11nne1"~ operune b1d Ill )OUT second iUJI b:i.\ llllJ"'OVc:d )OUf hand enom10U~ly. anll 11 Jurnp IJ\1ft by a j>a.\sed hand to two ~~ prormsc~ al le&t a good fivc-cnrd •ull onJ a Ot for opener'~ bUit A per too dc'lCnption of your hand ~mcc: panncr w1ll loow there 1~ a we ha•en m diainonds wrth little 111' oo i.upp<>l;I for sp.llh Q 2 -Nc1th<.'1' •ullll:T.rble. ~ South )OU holJ: •II.\ KQIO S4 QJ76 •J5 Tilc buldmg ha'.\ pm:ocd..--d l\C)R m EAST so1.n H W•.'> I •• •• 1 Wl1.11 urnon do you take ' A • nm hanJ could he ta~cn Imm 11 tc,tbook on ncg1111vc doublr" 11111111 y11U hll\C th'1t weapon m your JJ"IC nal. hy ult mean~ u.;c 11 If )'llU do not, you are not \UT•ng c110011h to 11111 t\'11 heart\. which creale'> a nil(' round lur•~ Pa\\, and ho!"' p.1n r~r •'111 re.'!)t'n the brd<lrng Q J -A~ ~lUlh. 'ulncrJhk. wu hold •Q 7 l\JH.J K7 •AQ62 n1e h1JJ1ng h.t\ prn.:l'ctkd M>Mlll J.;A5 f SOlTll \HS I I f'l!M I !'lo..'-' I• PIAS.'I ? Wh.il J1• ~ou lml now'• A • T'H' dK11ce'. U.-pcndtni:: on lllCIJll>J., If )Ul.I pld) th.JIU b1J Ill tilt-t.iunh 'u11 '' lon:tng 111 gank' )""du not h.t>t' ~nough 111n:h1d11411 dulh ln,w .. J Jump tu t140 nu trump Ill '"''14 \UUI tn\ttaUun.d \JIUC) Jnd c'\Cntr.ilh b.1.ldlli:c.1 d™-nhu1t11n II ~o du~" 111.ll J game fon.-c. h) .di ~.in' d'too..c thJ1 bid. :>lt>lhm~ ti.id CllltlCAL c11n li..ppct1 dncc you have ui easy rclliu no ma.ner how JX111nct rcacu. Q 4 -Nett.her YUlnt!nible, ¥> South yoo hol4: • A JC J It H .., QI AV f • lU What do you hit! now? A -Your lit for pllrtllCr'i. ~wt lw unproved U14! \i1lue uf yoor hand lllllfke<lly. Stun by rus~urin& p~f· ubout lhe quality or your ~and I.he: s1n:nglh of your hand by jump- ing tu ).hrcx: spadcl.. . Q 5 -Vul~lc. you huld • A "6 Qt!! 32 7 6 • A 10 J Your nght·hand upponcnt O(ltm the hu.ldml? with O(lC downond What ~1100 do you ta.kc 1 A -You choo..c Many would O\c:r- "all one tie.in becau"4: of the d1spa.n· 1y '" length rn the OlllJOI,., With \UCh 8 'hubby \Uit. though, Olhcn. WC1Uld prefer a tm.eoo1 double Smee both com!l'I have l'C>bOl'tablc argumertl~. wt will lca\c n to you, n.' loo!? a.' )OU d1<M1<1e une or I.he: other Q 6 • A' '><.1Uth. \Ulnerobk. )UIJ ht1ld •Q7112 9S KQ7 J •11 73 lhc hro.JJtng h.t.' pru<.'tttled NOit I II •.A!>T SOCTlf Wt..S r la 2 l a l ... s '! \0,,h,n .1,·1100 dll )OU t.tl..e' A -Hcgittdlc" of vulncrubili1y. ,, \llUOll priociplc lhal apphC\ Ill thi' \ll1tal1<>0 •~ lha1. when coch \Id..' b11h uni) one '111L. then: 1, no '11'.'h lh1ng ·"" lu<o.:mf' pa."' Thu-. 11 \llU J>a."· l'oonh ffiJ} do ~ "'111(' n,~,ptlc )l>Ur '41Und r.u..c 10 IWO 'f>JJc' p.i."'"!! 1, ~.iur onl) up111Kl lllcR." l'l IU Ill he 111<1 IOaO) lo\c" ... C\\I) h'c 'Jl.1<.it'' ~. 'hould "'unh .tl'-11 ll01'' }CIU Jo not nilc lo heal h\C hc<ln' mon: 1han one tnd. 8500 Need full l1111e 11er\on lo 8\Sl\I with V.lr IOUS dulte~ Mll\I b~ abl<' to input ti least 50wµm •« ur.tlt'ly on compultr 1""'*''5 st1or1w LU~lumtt 5<'••"-• \11111\ •nd b., df'~nd•hh• S9 Prr hour ! "~u~nl btn ""' 11~1.k .. &• (01 Srnd r!'\llnl~ In Judy Orll Intl t u II .uly Polol, UO Wt\t Bay Sheet. Cost~ M~,d. CA 9767/ or ernaol lo ~rdyoelll-e@)ibrP.ran COVCRNMf NT JOBS Now h111ng for Wtldlol~/ Poslal1r 11 <'fl&hler'/ Pohce Olft~e•' l40K/ year Pood 1 .. 11nln& Mon I ro 9am IOpm/CST I 800 464 8991 ul ?J (CAL.SCAN) GOVERNMCNI JOBS Atrport Secu11ty Postal & W1ldhle Up to $45K/ year paid t 1 •tn1n1/ ben.,hh Great tire~• opportunity Call M f 7•m Spm PST 866 814 7013 (CAI. •SCAN) 010 Solo .\ T earns' fla1 Mat & COL rrqwuued Hue on Bonu., Utah Mllu. Cood Hom~ lomr Also Hu 1na Com1ntny Drovers• 800 909 5664 I'l l 210 (CAL •SCAN1 HOERAl .IOBSrore,try Parks Clen1.•I Postal SELL your stuff through classified! FIDIRAl lMPlOYMENT Now h1111111 £ nlry pro fts"onJI lr•~I\ S 19 $71~ • bf'n~l1t' p.11d Ir .un1n11 Apply now' for min un .v~1lablP po" tton'> I 800 58!> 9024 '*-"' Office Aa.nt-Sm ut!.Ual ottu .. West lrvw>t> 25 ~lo wt. C kP • equ.t I'd Clll 949 :ISO 41 ~ or t. • n?sUrne 949-250-8749 F 11rt1ehtu'>'Pol1te $35K • S111nup Ru nus Casll M f 9•m ')pm {Sl I 800 464 8991 l'•I 23 CCAL •SCAN) HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS ~ .... ~NOTIC£ 10 READE.RS C•ltforn1a law rt qurrl!'> th•t cnntr.c tors lalunt iob~ that total $500 or mor• (l&bnr or materials) be he en\f'd by lht Con tr all ors Stale l 1ce11se Board Stall! law 1150 requtres that contractors include lh«or hcenw number on 11 advertrsrne You can check the status nf your licensed contra ctor at www t'Slb ca aov ol 800 l'JI CSLB Unit censed con tr •ct on llll1nt1 1obs that total less than $500 must s tate '" lh•lf tdwerhsamenls that they are not licensed by Ill• Con Ir actors St•te LICC!Me Bo.ard." fAllTH9IG--.S KlldWI I II.et I AmTtodltll Main. ..... EOMD'll l'J(IJl75 ~ 98*i«i9321'> 8a1M11,1,. • ti •'c/M~ SarwlM. fH pr-...-llbafl, rHsonab ... ~. .,.,..,.., ,.32.S 02!!0. If ln*/Sflldll -- "MR. BLINDMAN" ~ERVICE Carpentry A TO l HANDYMAN Install ref a< I' '•b•ntls KAdwvbalh/~ ........ ~ 714!>46-r/58 o Wal-Unlh • - cu,rom Bwll In\ C1rown Moldtn&s. Ba't Board.., LIS77982 949 109 5642 Carpet Repair/Sales &CAl.PITn CAllPITcr Repa1rs, P.;tch1n1. ln~lall Courteous any 11ze 1obs Who fnalel 949 492 0205 Concnte' MnoNy lrtdt lledi St-Tri• Concrete PttlO. 0..-llY ftrepk. BBQ Refs 25Yrs Exp Terry 714 557 7594 Carpet Rep Ir/Siies D & w Carpet Cleanlno ~:::aJ $20 IJwlg room Sl ~ 8«lmoms . l)\llwJillry ' c.s Satisfaction Guaranteed WllldY 949-275 11124 OMf 9'19-278-0154 ConstrudnlContr CUSfOM UMODH AND DESIGN Alt TRADf.S JO YEARS £ XP LIJJ7l69 949 631 1345 NUO MOii IOOM? AOOfmNS & REt.Ql( LINC l •577982 ~9 709 S642 Desktop Publlslling TIMI TOHGIN YOUI HOME IMPROVEMENT PIOJICT? Call a plumber patnll'r handym.in. nr •ny of the areal serv1ees ltsted ht'Jt tn our wr v1ct dtrectnr yl THESE lOCAl SVC P(OPl[ CAN UHP YOU JOOAYI --- 11<11 \' 11·,111 "' ''' · \ We will de~1g11 your prnonal Of company ~ell!lite and put you onlme (QL lrtt You pay onl) llO'tt1111 rca 7JUU.2786 AoorinWfllt 11th '• Deor Install•, LlMY sa.w.r. Repw~ ~~ !kn Fr.,-e .\ .ii Rearoultn .\ lnit1llahon lbdw.n Q15klm ~ TILE 0£ AN 9'9 673 8065 l•57810Z949 510 6529 71~ 714-883 2031 OfYWlll SeMces Garage Doon ----WITTHOln DRYWAU ......... Sw.. 19Yn .... All phast~ sm/lra iob~ L..-n wen y•CI cteao1 '-"· CUANI 20yr<;, fair . lrtt nw"-1. bfte tr111. ~ est L4<XXlX>7146l9--1447 Comm/Ru714H61518 Electrtcal SefVlces s.,.afl J.a. bpartl Dunun E lectrt<. 'lJJYrs [ •P lo<al/Qvdl Rl!5fl<lll:>e Serv!U/Remodels I •'Jr.i870 949--650 70d2 Attle"h na Uactrlt lroub!Mhoollfli specraltst d _.VIJii!. No JOb loo -L.1515863 114-84&-61~ UCINUD CONTUCTOll No ~ too vn M •w:es.' Repair. remodel. fans. ,,., ,_ SW: 9&66-Jlli6 Floortng/Jllt QISTOM CJllATM 1U IMlllation. slatlt.. --· nwblt, 5IOrle &d 1975 U& 12014 .lrlf 714-4i 12-9961 GanlenlncV. Landscaplng l..., Tene1 l...tst,.. Wt!elo.fv rn.rt. b"et lm'"*1l ,\ 1nsl•ll•tron 'J5 Vrs up L"-/ln\urC!d 949 548 4363 Dir'YW~..-. I awn' lawn AC!11ttn1 Sprtnllll'f\ Troubl9shoot 11&, Sp11n1 1 uoa ups. Repairs' Up11ado H•v• us do your 011ty Wnr• 7 14 715 2121 THI DlffHENCI llTWIUI llAUTlfUl &UQU.SITL. • .._,..,_C.re •FIMT11111 .... • 0.....,. & ,__,,.. 94'-J 1 J -1124 frM s.ntl<e, Ytfd Cleenup, Malntentnce, Sprlni..lat Rep1or. Haullna ( .. 9)HO--a711 --s;f/ymu Car In C.'ltUirlfl•d I HOMES I RESTORE I REPAIR & REMODELING UJl&l.(lki IOllNSON COMPANY Kllochem. Wiiis. 8atlYoon Mark 949 650 9525 I MTAl-HUS AND ~OH HON£VOO'S your hpney won't from Elect lo the 111ta-sri 91g.sq.e1 THI HANDYMAN All worll 1uar1nlHd fbnlq. ~Doon. Fr*ll carp & -~ tt.llng JUN• fO THI OUMPlll 714 961-1812 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673 5566 . .... , ....... / '0 '' .... ........ poelbrlrt ~ • My R_, l•t.C. , ..... Ill ~ 8M::I\. Jniq ~ • 111uat Ont tull tin•• poeltioll £ -l*t IJrN ~ ~ 9VllWlll. F n rMUmt to S l«lnOn at~ JOIN OUR lE'-M and make • diffMenca. In lht Ca1tforn1a Nmy N1t1c>11aJ Cu1rd you Cln a•I money for collep and car-tr11ni"1 C1ll l 800 CO CUARO (CAL•SCAN) AM VENDING ROUU. 80 stllln1 11n1ls. Prlmt locations $9450 lnwst 25'1. ·down WAC. 800· 396·9lll (CAI. •scAH) Automobiles 9000 Volkswagen 99 Pnsat Wen. 231\ Mt ( 4F ZP 11 7) Whte w/hin llhr $16,625 (949)645 Z579pp CR~IER ~p~F NEW2003 Mitt COOPffi 'BRG' leatfler & Premllm Pl(C l(ASl roR ~m PER MONTH+ TAX I Al These r er ms On ~oyed Crecit • OTllRAT SM.AR SA'N«:S' • • I 7c S2980 du""' s11111ne '8 montt. clnsf'd end lene no ~uroty depo .. 1. I Oii ""'~' P"' year E >l es• mile' ("ci> :lOct µrr m11~ 1 IC42l°79) LET'S MOTOR! IT'S FUN • • • • * * • "' S5 FRE£WAY @ E.aHCER SANTA MA AUTO MIU (888) 823-9808 House Cleanlng ...... c-... a....... 5¥<.~a.t 0 C 24Y" Reh 949 S48 0054 949 637 4113 ~-UTO ~QS~'97 l'-1 wfllte WIUI i.tddla ltf1r tu• PM. low mile· 'ft, s.urvool (119234) $16,911> IMWU....._ C:-.'96 Red w/8lac:I( llhr. ... t Rtc'cb.. C'.cl Pill~ (118779) $10.!lfiO IMWS40I .......... S<lwr w,1'818d. fltlr , r .,. 6 q>Mdl $pol1 Pedlaie ~ mil&! (ll!rl.11) $29,980 IMWJ18'S.-'OO Mid Slue W/Gffl'j llhr 1uto, prem Piia (#19240) $26,911> IMWHSl ...... '00 WIMle w/Bl<tdl lttw cd P4Y9' 42'1 mtles! (119269) $22,18). IMW JUI S.-"94 Red W/l*"ftcl lllec.k. lt/v only 61 K mrlnl (119291) $1Z.9IO IMW MS H4im> '00 Sladl on~ Bleck lthr , parll b 0111C I 11)( ~ FaclwMr (119297C> $59,!8) fw4Mw:i:GT s.lv• ~XII ltlw. low miles! Auto, F uM Pwr (1186771) $14,B Henc1as2000c ...... '2001 Sliver w/r111e Red llht 6 speed lllK m41P<i VTCC" (1190731) S2491W> 'i::~ lmm<K White w/lan ttlw 36K mt~' V6 (, 192981") $2!>,9fl0 ~XKIC....,.'99 Btrltsh R..cont1 G1~n w/1 an lthr 1>11ly Z2I< moles' CO $lacker' ( 1I9Zl'O) $39, 9IKI Mer<..t..-1.u 230Sl 'M This I\ 1 rt"I Ch~' Red w 1 an l eathtt Buth l<>I>'" ( •l868J1 $21.91i'.> M.,,...._ '-2 SUS AMG '03 Ruty for m~.1tt dt-ltvl'lyt f u• 111<1 ""'' C•l930'lCJ INQUIRE' 2001 & 2002 l'OltSOtl T\NllO (OUf'f Hurry tnr I~~'"•' low lfll, lo<'al 11111' own ~· JU(bo\1 lt•.t~ OI buy 949 -S74 7777 l"t9.1PS AllTO ,......._.._ Au41 '99 A4 0""1tra '} 8 V6 291. at tual m• 1utu. spatkltnl{ ••d &•tY ltht, mnt f CO look\ .\ \tnt'lls nrw V4">67?1 SI I 995 1tn .. n1.1ne 'vaol. Elk1 949 Sl6 ·I 818 www.atJH16'l.com c..dmDc s--. '90 l ~ ..... \tyW'I:. fuly lo....,_ wper '"""n Elurpno.ly "1 1.olor um 114 ,..,, 0014 Can1aMe '00 VI Wh1l1! 11n 1uto h•ndthn& µk& I 'Jlo. nMIM. Sl'J '500 obo ~···"·'~ 909 140 00 30 c tll ~rsonlCart c.....,..1-t• ~ Cere9lver now avail local refs ...,,.. II\ out ul 949 882 0610 te.n m, ,_., i.........-.._.. Palrtlng ~ Total Nil °""1 --------t!J'P. H wnrk done b)' AITIST, strip install -br ~ 9'WM22 7<M wallpaper patnhna & llndscaplng DOUGHHTY IROTHllS Thee r llill l ouch Sn:I! I ~I iM'dlalSlB Tm. Swc, ~rioit lnsl/Rtplltr 714-791 8746 Mlle s.vtces AIJ1ST 909 681 6664 FAUX/ OESICN HST MOVEaS $St /N. servln& aH c1t1es IMuted fast, coufleou1, carelul Tl63844 800-246·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Caltf. Public Ulilllles Comml~slon requlfH th1l 1111 vud household 1ood1 movers prinr their PU C C•I T numbaf; ltmo1 and chauffeuts errnl their T C P, numbaf In all adver twmenh If you hn• lftY qunlion> about th• l•1•llty of a mover, limo or chtulftur, call. l'UIUC UTlll'TllS COMMISSION HO 177-IM7 fauk mur1ls, porlr11h 909-611-66'4 divttt'• ,._.... 11m. np Grul Prieel Gua1anleed work rrn est lt375602 714 538 1534 7 390 1945 ,..,......, , ......... Top Qualtty, Compellhve Inter Kif If J t L "648228 C.11 Jal 949 6SO 5066 aAINIOW mlQI MMfT Palnhn& W/eat ~ Quality job! frn estimate l '569897 714 636 8888 S.C. PAJNTINO CONTRACTOR COMPETITIVE PRICE FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE • QUALITY INTEGRITY 949-412-8296 LC.ll0348' f D1tlY P1lo\ -~ ... PORSCHE 1()1) 911 CA8 Low miles. custom wheels, 6-speed, super fast. 1652259 $62.000 MBZ '85 Sl.500 COWT. Bose, CO, leathef, loaded, good lookrlg!I #113268 $28,000 LAND ROVER 'f'/ IXSCOV'ERY 4X4 Loaded, low miles. 41l4 Ml at a great pnc:e. #549423 $13,000 BMW '99 M3 COHVT. co. 5-speed, leather. lo mies, $11, I blk tnl. #C44258 $'32,900 MBZ '95 5320 SON CD, leath«, moon cleM,pncedto sel last 1241401 $18,900 MBZ '98 Ml..320 AUTO CD, lthr, Bose, moon, 4x4, really a balya1n1111 White, tan. #016225 $18,900 MBZ'90~SON Auto. sunrool, leather, poced to sell last" #270075 $7 ,995 TIL.0'5 EUROPEAN AUTOHAUS Oww 80 c:.r. In lkoa. 1..S0059B-9754 Web ett.1 www. tilocars com Dodge '97 Intrepid Sµorl J $ V& 4/k nu white ~· ey 1111 ~•r11ptd n.i s, h'P npw Sh4~'> lmJnun~ .\ ""' 1 .av ul Bkr 949 '\lib lllAA -w.ecp..a.l.ce"' DOOGl-NlOH '2000 !i<lll • mo I OOll t " ,..,,, ir, ~p hlu~ k'~'t 1nl .. r 1m dnt fm l.d Lit-~ ••ci• LUld r>4'JJ 111 h ol £llu V"'67'R 949-Slt>-1118 _....,..._ Je.,t "00 c;;;;.., ~ 6cyl 2 wrt ...,, ,., lu4I mt "lvtr ~· ev •nl '1110y• l.tlwh1u' il~r nrw u11mJr'"' 1 nnd 4 yr.i w•n .tVa• .r,lrll SI 1 'fl., hrm Btu 94'.I '>llti 18AA www.ocpel.I com Lexus '99 IX300 '.I. 'J~ m1. •Int t llnd lvrr 11ey t .. 4lhf"t 1ulrrmr 127 500 94'.I h 11 '•4 14 U..••"' '02 Novtrtar 30ll ,.., 11111 ltd w '" s1lv~f ... ,.o~t t '" lltu ( rJ \fftl kit•r • h"•fftr whl-.. •• ,, .. '"''' •b/1'>111 S'J8 49'> "" 1. WAI, ·~ .. 1 6 kr 949 '>llf1 111101 _www.ocpa6'1.com ,..,. ..... ••9 uio Jlli m1, whllt/lf•'I lllv, mnrf. clirom• wllls. kaut llti• new corlf, v51U'1 $25,995 fin ..,. 6llr 9'9586--1• -····-Mer(e!IJ• 'tt UIO l W8 521r nll, ] ~r WI(( ;ivall, Stlv•rlblk lthri b"ul or11 concj, "'87524 -+ S25.99r> hnt/\Cln11 evall Blo.t 9'9·586 U!88 __ ......, .... '17 Mu• ..... C-UC • ~yl, rebulli ltlllS, dnt «lfld. cirta -.. $1.79!1/ Obo/cMI\ 9'9 6-U-alfii T.,.e. Gwela '11 <a nv. Wiii ~.or• owner. n.11S wt. ,_ bnMI t1a. sum. 9&644-61119 TOYOTA UICll '90 U IOll "''• folr ~..,4111-, fust nme4 $IOO 9U·44•-••49 AUTOMOBILES, MISCBlMEOUS Wanted IMS ,_., o,.r..d °"'* 0..... 40 ~ exp! __. pmy .• -y ,_ pnct lor 'fOIJI uor V•• or lrud> i:..t tor "' no4 Cll Didi Rey @ T om;Jtn Autu SMes. 7 ll- 411 1'131 or 7"-328-32'28 CASH fOI CAAS Wl NEED YOUI Cil PAID fOI Ott NOT PHllltPS AUTO ASK fOI MALCOLM 949-574-7777 BOAT REPAJRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 9l FT SUP AYAH.AIU IN HlW1'01ll llACH S2SOO llASl 949 723-10'9 * loal Sffp-C1 ral I oc.a l••n' 11' It bttam leneth Ultlonufrd tn Ba) l\l•nd l'ovt "1 949-922-7777 NUD 45•-sur- 111 Newport 1 .. ch IS b"""''.,, wal<'r & l"•Wtl 714 865 2999 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a pan of it, place your ad today! (~9) 642-5678 Ptmrtng ' Stucco •Stwce.~l'lcntwr• Resh><.CO Room Addohnn Patct.1n11 Rnsonehlf'' 714 921 164711>4 0491gp P!umblng TeLM p.,.,.., • dtvltlnn of MBl J 8conc1~'1 PIPl l OCA llNG ELCCTRONIC SI AB l(AK OtTCl..llON r 11endly Sr• Vite 949 -675 9 304 -~crwn U 7574Q7"""""" ,.. .. Plumb•n1 reparn ov., 25yrs e•p All "'°'k p -*-'-s..... 714 56~ MOMST & .USOtlAIU PLIJMB(R ll!J06~ r r. Est< Sm rcip.s OClfCU Obc 714 73& 9150 PUCISI Pl.UM ING Repaon ' Remocl,111111 FREE. ESllMAlC U687J98 714 969 1090 Rooft"'4ldm ._.. ........ R•ooftflfl i lt1pain Rtf.ldentlaV Corm1 Sl'1Ct 1937 U14111'B7 966'4-SMO 71«5831lli ,.. .... TriM•l1tf, Rnt1NI 6 V•n Cln•• 714.435.17 Slw!Pl .. 61' Wall CCMl1np THl STltnOI $pKQ1fllllll In W1llp1Pf lte"'°vtl l •'->8ai•l 949 l60 lZll Wlndowa.tlng .. .. ...