HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY,APRILS,2003 Kohl's·.js ·one -sto ~ tQo -many, mayor says . During long agenda item, Robinson says 'cumulative' ·.effect of an other shopping center along Harbor · Boulevard made her appeal Segerstroms' project. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot .-. .: • COSTA MFSA -Mayor Karen Robin- " . : son elaborated on her reasons for ap· -: • pealing approval of a Kohl's.department ' • • store at the Mesa Verde Center at Mon- ,.~• .. day night's City Council meeting. citing .::-.... a "cumulative" effect. ; • : As of press time, it was uncertain that .... . . .... .... . . -... ..... -·:::. Choice of ... .. :~~·laughs or --· ·;·~-i e g sweeps ...... ···-4 Feature films from Asia in . -~:-::this year's festival run ...... :~: ... gamut of styles and genres . . .... ... .. Deepa Bharath !: Daily Pilot .. ... the council would vote on the project or continue the item. The project calls for a 96,000-square- foot store that will replace the defunct Edwards Movie Theater and Ice c.a- pades Olalet and the Kona Lanes bowl- ing alley, which is tentatively scheduled to dose in June. Robinson said that, with other Jarge- scale shopping centers already gener- See LAUGHS, Pa1e M · · · · THE VERDICT adng traffic along Harbor Boulevard, one of her concerns was how much new traffic this project would add. "1bts project. when taken in isolation, seems fine," Robinson said. ·sut when talcing in the cumulative effect. it cre- ates densities and Intensities that are unacceptable." Paul Freeman, spokesman for the Segerstroms. who own the property, countered that the project 1s compliant with the city's general plan and wning. ·1 look at th.is and ask myself, 'What is the legal basis for opposing the proj- ec:t1'" Freeman said. ·(Robinson's) argu- ment would be stronger if It were sup- ported by any srudy done by (the) city's consultanl5. They don't say anythmg about a 'cumulauve· or significant im - pact." Kohl's will buy the property. which is a t~tament to their commitment, Free- man ha., said. Although the pro1ect ~ short of park.mg spaces when the Planning Comm1~1on approved it m February. it now oilers 14 park.mg spaces more than the requirement, 1-reeman said. Parlc.ing ha., been a problem in the area because of the Paul Mitchell Salon and Academy. whose '>tudem.'> were uverusmg residen nal spac~ before the lily stepped m. Kohl\ offictah had requec;1ed a con tmuance because of two outstandmg traffic <,tud1es. Hut Robin.,on wanted 10 vote Monday night hi!rau'>e she said she had all the mformauon she needed llus was Robinson\ 1~1 wunc1l meeung ~he will resign Aprt.I 15 to be· come a ~upenor Coun 1udge • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reacned at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman a ar1me:. com Balboa Island's short list of basketball pros MARt<C DUSTIN /DAJLYP!t.0" Kurt Conrad, left, has purchased Mistral in Corona del Mar from Jacques De Qulllten. right. one of the owners of the restaurant. . . . I ran tnto George Yardley ar the doctor's office, both of us waiting for our regular checkup. and It reminded me that one part of our dty has made a signlficanr .--------, contribution to professional sports. Not llW'IY places the size or Balboa Island can boast of having had two nationally known professional athletes. Oh. professional athletes might congregate in ., • · ROBERT :~~~1:&!:e . -_ GARDNER The notorious Dennis Rodman bu a home •. on the peninsula. and a number of other ··' ' fonner professionals live in the area. but -• • See VERDtCT, Pace M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ..wN.~can WEATHER tt'll be • rMf nice one. Expect eun and h6gh• nMr lO. S.hpA2. SPORTS E~t ~ .. bHebe&f ,....,, dropped. 5.() Starting to feel Svelte P•ul Clinton Daily Piiot A Newpon Beach bon vivant has swooped in to purchase Mistral, with plans to reopen it as an eclectic, contemporary eatery called Svelte. Kurt Conrad, a 36-year-old who lives in the Pelican Hill area or Newpon Coast. has pinned down a deal with the four owners to purchase the restaurant, a historic landmarlt that has hosted an eatery since the 1940s. ·The place ls a land.ma.rt.· Conrad said. "It became available. lt was silently marketed.· Svelte, from the French word meaning suave and slender, is expected to open In July. New restaurant will occupy site in Corona del Mar that has long been home to one eatery or another The deal is expected to dose escrow m the corning weeks. After that development, Mistral will close for good The Mistral owners decided it was time to sell Head chef Jacques De Quillien will stay on. De Quillien said the ownership group decided to sell for personal re~ns. De Qulllien and his wife. Olga. own the restaurant with Edward and Patricia Waters.. ·We were t:hlnldng of selling.· De Qulllien said. "We just started negotiating (with Conrad).• Mistral, which opened in 1997, was the latest ITT a tring of restaurants at the site, including Trees. wtuch dosed in 1995, and the Pirate's Inn. The building''> eclectic history also includes periods when it served as an office and home. It was first sold in the mid-l 920s. by Lester and I laul Sims of Los Angeles to Gottlieb and Anita Schick of Huntington Beach. The land-was sold for a ·s10 gold coin,· according to the original deed, and included several now-bizarre conditions. It prohibited the building of a •sarutanum. hospital, factol'). piggery or store bwldmg. • The property could. however. be used to grow vegetables, fruits or flowers. Conrad beat out Rid Aversano. the new owner or the Pon Theatre. for the property Aversano had indicated that he would demolish the property and use it as a pa.rldng lot for the Port. Whlle Conrad declined to dlsicuss the specifics of the deal, Newpon Beach-based CommerceWest Bank, ma :-.;ov. II appraisal. put the property's value at $700.000. Mistral, wtth 3.1t2 square feet, has been operatmg with a $63,802 annual net profit. the repon said. Business leaders in the village See SVElJ'E, Paa• M Boat runs into jetty off peninsula Owner falls in the water, leaving boat unmanned when it collided:' Man fishing from rubber tube comes to rescue . Corel Wilson Dally Piiot BALOOA PP.NINSUtA When Cole Lane fell ln the wa· tu mimit before lben· dooed 11ll>oat a"Mbld Into the em Jetty McJnday rnoculOg. lt wun\ a powerboat. but a man on a rUbber lube who carm to b racuo. ~Mondey to vWdngl.oe~ S..PlpM CC.. M.$0H/OM.Y lMry Alen of Fulerti>n aoes beck to_,. Ill the Newport hlrbor charinel lfter rescuir1c • man who 191 Off his sllboet. wry ADeti. • IChool tNCbcr from FuDmon, ftthlnl and Goadni a.rOund whftl he heard lAne'a loud c:del for help. denta ruahed out at tNlr homel ...IMl ...... M ------- --- -- -- ----------------- i • ·, AZ Tuesdly, .. 8. 2003 KIDS TALK BACK They'll • s1gn .. up . The Daily Pilot went to Andersen Elementary School in Newport Beach to ask kindergartners 'What do you like best about doing sign language?' "I like signing the animals because you have to sign the colors with them: MAX HELMAN,'6 Newport Beach • 1 like signing with the songs because ~ey're fun.". JUSTIN HANSON, 5 Newport Beach "I really Like it because Mrs. Jewell [the teacher(is a good signer and we all love her." KEUEN octa,& Newport Beach "I like doing the alphabet. It's fun ~ SOLMS,5 Newport Beach "I like to sign animals because we get to bear some music and do fun thinp." GRACE MORGAN,6 Newport Beach -Interviews and photos compil.ttl by Ouistt~ Carrillo ON CAMPUS -. '1 IN THE CLASSROOM SEAN HlllER /DAILY PILOT Grace Morgan, 6, center, joins her kindergarten class in a sign language version of "Yellow Submarine" Thursday at Andersen Elementary School. A sign of learning Christine CarrUlo Daily Pilot G etting a group of ldndergartners to sing in uni.son isn't the easiest task, but for Carol Jewell, it wasn't enough of a challenge. She decided that, not only wouJd she get them to sing together, she'd get them to sign the words as they sang them. "A told B, 8 told C TD meet you at the top of the coconut tree;" Jewell's early bird class at Andersen Elementary School in Newport Beach sang together as their hands signed right along. The students, all 10 of them, sat in the front of Jewell's classroom on Thursday morning. singing, readlng and playing games -signing as • Andersen Elementary teachers find that students' retention improves when they use their hands theywenL "I love Mrs. Jewell's class/ 6-year·old Kellen Ochi said. "I love Mrs. Jewell's slgning. We are realty responslble, and It's fun because we can see our names and we can sign our names." While learning sign language has increased the students' excitement about being in the classroom and has given them a way to re-direct their energy, its implementation holds a much more significant purpose. The students learn faster. "I find that ... it's another avenue to the brain," JewdJ said. "By involving the kinesthetic learning. they learn faster." When they entered her classroom for the first time, many of her students didn't know how to read. Now, more than halfway through the · school year, her students have begun to read, write and dabble in math. With so much for her to teach and so much for her students to learn, Jewell has found that using sign language as a teaching method in nearly ever subject or lesson plan allows her to reach even more SCHOOL LUNCH MENU 'I find that ... it's another avenue to the brain. By involving the kinesthetic learning, they learn faster.' Carol.Jewell students. These students "ama7..e me everyday." he said. "They are the joy o.f my life -the joy that brings meaniag to my life." • IN THE Cl.ASSROOM is a weekly feature in Yllhk:h Daily Pilot education writer Ctmst1ne Carrillo visits a campys in the Newport·Mesa area and writes about her experience The ~-MeN Unified SdK>OI Distr1ct offef8 menu cl"*-Nd'I dlly •elementary achoots.. Students may d'°°'9. veg9tlrien entr'M. The •l•ctlon may lndude a Mlad, Mndwk:h or hot entree. ~ lundlee are $2 eacn. Here'• what'• being aerwd ...... WMlc: TitURSOAY Onent.I cHdren Ubid With fNllh bek.t ~ gfiln rofl Of taco cNlupa. jbrM .... with r9nCh dip, ctM>lol ot;ua. nm.a ci'8idDn. ~of mHk The Mund\able lunch Sated containe toaed gr---. cfteny tomato., cr.cbn arid protiiri 80UIW8 Md\ .. cheeee, .unflowW ...... fruit yogurt end ~peanuts. (•Peenut butter on "''c:ted days) lOMY Muncheble Lunch s.lad with fruit yogurt Of hot dog on a bun, poUtto ~ 8f)flcota, c:holce of milk FRIDAY ·~~ s..d or •Meneger'a Speciail,• beby '*'°" .. renchctlp, ... of fruit, berry map, diOici o1 mt1r DailyAPilo~ CorMWhon Box 1560. Cotta Mesa, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News usiatant. (949) 574-4298 Copyright No 1MW1 lt.OriM, cor•l.wilson•l•tlmes.com Ill~. editorial mstmr or PHOTOGRAPHERS ~hereincanbe WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hiller, Don l..eadl, l'9pfOduoed without writtMl Kent Treptow pennlulon of copyriQht owner. h'll be enother beautiful and The southwest swell will • VOL 97, NO. 98 MADERS HOTIJNE HOW ro REACH ua IUM'f day, wfth ~ht just ahy continue providing us some nt0MAS H. JOftN80N News Edltof'I (949) 642-6086 ~ of IO In Com Mna end In the waist-to cheat-high• at the Publi.her Gina Aleunder, ~ Andenon, R«lord your comln4tnta about the The TlmM Orange County mid-70l In N.wport a.ch. aouth-facing breab today. The lONYDOOEAO Denlel Hunt, P9ul Seitowltz. Deity Pilot or news tlpe. (900) 212·1141 Lowe, meenwtllle, wlll drop better apotl will ... eome Edltof Daniel S'*"9ns Addr.-\d"a ...... Into the lower 60L cheat-to thouldeHligha. JUtlf OETT1NO NEWSl'TAff Our eddreu le 330 W. Bey St., Cotta Cll 11t'led (949) 842-5e78 ~.a~':' Crime °:f8 ~rter. Mesa, CA 92627i OfTice houra are '*'*' (949) 842-4321 WednMdav wlll be aunnv West-facing beadles will ... Monday -Friday. 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. EdleofW end cooler. Thur.day wlll be some knee-to waist-highs, eo Promotions DINCtor (949)57 ComlctloM News even cooler, near 70. It would Mem they're not mmNQl'TAff ~bhMsth•"1tl,,,.._oom It le the PHot'a pollcy to promptly (M9) 642.e680 Tht douda wlll 19tUm on WOl1h the dort. 1..1.C.... JruM=r•• correct all 8ITOt"I of tubatence. lpor'9 , .... , 674-023 Fridty, though we'll ltill ... The northw.t swell wtU pk* ,,..... Qfl (949) 7&Ml24. Newil FU (M9) 84&-4170 ~Ing Editor, Ntwpott ,..,Oftel'. ....... ,... (M9) 8!i0-0170 eometun. up on Wedneeday, 10 (949) 574-4233 (948) 67'"4232 FYI I.,,,. ##llypllotel«J,.,,...com ""°""8tloft: weat·facfng beechea wlll build e.J.e»hn• IMJ,,..oom Jun..~•i.tt,,,.._com The Newport~ M ... ...-<>Moe www.IM9.noN.flCV Into the m..t"""9h range. ........... ,_.Clnbt Delly Piiot (USPS-14"00) le ........ Ollie (948) 142~1 --quelty: OtyEdllor, Polltloe end envkonment Np0f18r, pubfiehed deity In Newport 8Mc:tt ........ '-!I (148) 83.1-7128 BOATING FORECAST www.~org (M)7'4G.4 (Mt)7&M330 ~,,..,.""""-'1om end~ Meu. eublcripdone.,. "'91rC...... #Jl.d1ntonet.t1meaoom WlllletH onty by llUbec:riblng to The TM..,. .. ..._10tnoa TIDES 5pof1ll Edl9ot; ............ Timee Orange County (900) Lmu In the Inner ..... wtth 2·foot 11me (M)PMm Cotumni.t. culture ,..,orter, 212-1141. In a!'fM outllde of Mwe IM. mbclld touth end ........ rogttf.«*flott·~ (148) &7<M276 . Newport Be«t\ end ea.ta Mele, W9M .... Of 3 fMt. 8-.35a.m. 0.78f99tlow ..... J. ..... tont..,,.,,_elltfl,,,_oom eubecriptione to tti. O.jly Pilot .,.. Out ......... 1:68e.m. 4.24fMthlgh Alt~ I News DMlt O\W, ~ ....... avallabW only by flrat ct.. mall for ~ b¥ Tl"* Community ncdYv• 11tafty wlndl wllt blow 11:09.:m. 0.57fMtlow (149)17~ Cota Mele repmw, (Ml) l?<M221 l30 '*month 1.-no.1netude ell 8:31 s>.m. • ...,...,,,,,,,_ oom NeW!t, • dlvfeJon of the lot Angele. stronger" 10 to 1 IS knots, with 3'Z7fMthlgh ..... MIC .. t#lrdt'e.,,.,,...,,.""'"*"""" appl&cable .._end toc.i-.. I Timee • 2·foot WIWM end I mbc9d "';:,~· QMkll • CMllo POSTMASTER· Send eddf'MI toUCt1 and nC>fbJMt await of 4 WATER TEMPERATURE Eduoatlon ,.,,_, (141) 17tM281 c"41ngee to TIMI Ntwpott C2002 Tlmet CN. All righta . fNt. T~ ttlOMwlndlt wtff tf:lft.phOfo•"""'-·""'" .. ~ . ..,,,1o•1«m..com ~Mele 0.lty PUot. P.O. f'IMfWd. blow 6 to , 5 lcnocs. 18degr*9a i-c . 1 • Tue~y. A/>ftl 8, 2003 A3 Back to school NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEETING PREVIEW Ka iser Elementary welcomes a new principal, and he is glad to be back on a campus. Chrl1tJne Carrillo Da1lyP1lot COS LA. MESA -Some of his new students suggested that he take up surfing to really acclimate himself to California Others exp~ their concerns about needing more pizza days at school. But for Stacy Holmes. it wasn't their suggestions or concerns that did it. Simply interacting with students once again was all he needed to make his first day a great one. · For I lolmes, the new prin- cipal at Kaiser FJementary School. going bad. to school wru. exactly what he wanted. On Monday. that's what .he go1. "'Ibey were looking (for a pnnc1pal) at the same time. and I was looking lfor a johl. and we just ran into each other." said Holmes, 54, who beat out more than 40 appli· cants. "It's been great .... It's the most exiting and fun job in education.~ Stacy Holmes beat out more than 40 others to become the new principal at Kaiser Elementary School in Costa Mesa. perimendent of elementary jaclc-of-all-trades. education for the Newport-"(I would say), just be Mesa Unified School District. highly visible to parents. "Kaiser's an excellent school teachers and It.ids, that's the and has wonderful parent key." Harrington said. "And support .... He'U be able to find that fine hne between work with, refine, enhance the paper work and the peo· and enrich what we already pie work." have at Kaiser." Taking advantage of the I laving served in positions California climate and the varymg from principal to su-warm welcome from his stu- perintendent, Holmes said he dents. Holmes had no u-ouble hopes 10 meet those expecra-jumping right in. 1 lolmes has lions and more. He's ready to already started to make Kai - tackJe any challenges that lie ~r his new home, greeting ahead. his !>tudents before the mom· ON THE AGENDA ZERO-TOLERANCE REVISIONS Having gone through a number of revisions over the past 13 years, the district's policy on general student conduct continues to cause conCenl. School board trustees and other district officials deaded to give the community, staff, . students and parents an opportunity to review the p0licy, which they would revisit in three years. Those.three years have passed, and the board will now hear the findings. After a series of Town I tall meetings hosted by student committees made up of representatives from each secondary school, the Put a few words to work for you . Call the · Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS committees have compiled their findin~ and will present them to the board for discussion. WHAT TO EXPECT The board will not vote on the is&ue. but Ls expected to review and study the student committee's suggested proposals. READ 180 READING PROGRAM After reviewing last spring's reading SCOl'e§ at the middle and high school levels, the district decided to take steps to address the needs of students Sll\l.ggling with reading, Selected site and district officials attended various conferences and decided that the Scholastic Company's RFAf) 180 program was the most FYI •WHAT: School board meeting • WHEN: 7 p.m today • WHERE.: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa •INFORMATION: (71 4) 424-6000 effective method The program will begm on a trail basis at two m1ddle and twu !ugh schools for the 2003-04 &ehool year. Starting Wednesday, theR.F.ADl80Teadingprogram will be on display at tbe Sanborn Instructional Media Center at the dismct offi~ .,, Cost.a Mesa. • WHAT TO EXPECT • The board will not vote on the issue. The presentation is for d1SCUS.Sion only -Cnmpiled by ()1ristm.e Carrilll> THE ••Al.I. NEW"• 2004 RX 330 Now Available With more than 30 years of experience in education, pri- marily on the East Coast. I lolmes knows what he's talk· 111g about. "Learning C.alifomia cuJ. mg bell and eating lunch with ture and Newport-Mesa cul-them. · Federal Consumer P rotection has confinned the acc uracy of thc!>e fuel -,aving cla1rn ..... ture is quite a teaming "Education has a lot ofter- curve," said Barbara Harring-rific thmgs that go on that ton, who served as interim don't always ge1 passed principal at Kalser S10ce Sep-along." he said. "It's really up tember. "Being the educa-to people like me ... 10 make tional leader ... there's just a sure those thtngs get passed lot to do, so you have 10 be a along ... I'm excited." Device may incre~e gas mileage by 22'% "We're thrilled 10 have him. a.nd I think it will be a won- derful fit for Kai:.cr." said Su· 1\3.11 Despenas. ~ii.tant su- @]~ Floral & Gifts Ntw shipments of Accessories for your Home Including Lamps and Shades With custom options availab/, Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-S •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) Help keep our city clean! • Valanca & Cornice Boxea • Roman Slwlet • Blinda • Vertical• • Sbuttcn • Bed.prcadt C.•,U...Ulry ~. ;,, y..,. H.-. ::!()I I < l I I V11tt44~ DESIGN CENTER Factory• Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Maa ='a~ (949)642-8400 :r=:-w:. Como see the new EverWQod° Cou.m:rySlde blinds (rom Hunter Ooups. Overlapping slats c.rute 1 be1utlful board-on-board d~lgn And the 'ste~p· look BOSTON -National .. uelc;aver Corp. has developed a low cost automotive acce~sory called the Platinum Gas Saver which is guaranteed to increase gas mileage by 22'ff while meeong all em1 '\s1on standard\ With a simple connection to a vacuum line. the Ga.c, Saver adds micro..cop1c quantities u f plaunum to the air-fuel mixture entering the engine. Smee plannwn ha.-, the unique ability 10 make noo-oormng fuel bum. the Gas Saver'c; platinum increa'e~ the percentage of fuel burning in the engmc from 68C.C of each gallon 10 90% of each gallo n. a 22% increase. Since unburnt fuel leaving an Twilight Dining on the Waterftont m Newport Beach EnJreesfrom $7.95 Sn-wJ IDIJj/ 6pm (o:apt~J Homnruul.e Pasta Fresh Seafood Ji.al Specialties adds depth. dimension •••1•11"• and character to any room. And EYefW:>od CouncrySido WIU not warp. crKll. peel or fade Even tn tunkt weat OI ctireci ~ Come roe chesl bMullful bltndModly OMllNCAJll!OlmlM ~(,JW-Q 1 "3 PIM:as ..... C-. Mlil ,.., .... .. engine 1s pollutio n. thjs 22'k of each gallon normally bum'> when ii reache~ the platmum o f the catalytic converter. Unfortunately. the converter\ platinum bums this fuel m the tail-pipe. where the heal and e nergy produced fro m th1 ~ fue l cannot be hames ... ed to dnve your vehic le. But when the Gac, Saver add., plaunum to the alf-fuel mixture, 2i'k more of each gallon burn~ inside the engine so that 22'W fewer gallom are required to <lnve the <,a me distance After a fhe year study. the government concluded "Independent testing '\how!> greater fuel saving!> with the 8269~- 1 ATtmLEllE Ga\ Sa\. er than the 22' ~ claimed by 1he de\. eloper .. In add111o n to the luel 'a"mg .... the Ga' Sa"er ha' received patent\ for clearung • out carbon and ra.ic;,ing octane. making higher g rade., nt fuel unnccesi.ary for mo\t vehu:k\ Joel Robm ... on. the de\ e loper. commented "We ha' c \old a halt m11l1on (ja\ Sa\CI" ro our \urpnse. J...\ man; people huy the Ga\ Sa\er bccau'le II extcncb engmc life lb) deaning out the 'llbra!>1vc carbon 1 a' bu) 1110 mcrca'>C ga., mileage or raise octane ·· For further 1ntonnal1on 1...<.111 1-800-LESS-GAS 1-800-537-7427 Strftis.f "-~far JO'"" FwflJ ~ IN A HURRY? HERB ROASTED CHICKENS s322ca. ' M Tuesday, Apt 8, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY .. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fonner C.Osta Mesa resident sentenced A form~r Costa Mesa resident who defrauded inve tors in a series of oil and gas investments was sentenced to 30 months in federaJ prison and or· dered to pay a fine of $3.9 million, officials said Monday. Patrick Wayne Maldy, 44, • 'who now lives in Norman. Okla., . pleaded guilt)' in January to one count of mail fraud and one count of tax evas.ion. He also admit· ted that he solicited victims to invest in companies, POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bris1ol StrNt: Petty theft from a vehicle was reported -i!\_the 200 block at 11:07 s.m. Sunday. • Elden Awnue; An auto theft was reported in the 2400 block at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. •Fairview Road: Grand theft was reported in the 2700 block at 10:37 a.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2100 block at 12:09 a.m. Sunday. • Mes. Drive and Eld•n Avenue: Vandalism was reported st 9:18 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulevard and Yanguard Way: An assault was reported at 3:44 a.m. Sunday. • St. Clair Street: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block at 10:19 a.m. Sunday. Continued from A 1 welcomed Conrad's efforu 10 .. tart another restaurant in Corona del Mar. "It's great to see someone who's interesled in stimulating the locaJ business marlce1. • said Olip Stassel, the chainnan of the Corona del Mar 01amber of Commerce. With schematic drawings in hand. Conrad has begun formulating the design, menu and atmosphere of Svelle. As an avid traveler, Conrad says he wants it 10 incorporate elements of "eight of my favorite cities," which include New Yorlc:, London, Miami. A.-.pen and St. Trope The extenor has been designed with reOective blue gJ~. an Old World wood door, faux concrete and field turf. Conrad said he will expand the restaurant's patio. open up the !>eeond floor for VIP dinjng, *0 Q.uality Setvicc•n • ••Nighdy Eotenairuncnt0 • which he told them were Involved in the exploration, development and produc· tJon of oil and gas produc- ing properties. Prosecutors said Malay raised more than S4 million fro m more than 100 lnves· tors across the country. They said Maloy did not ln· vest any of tbe funds, but used them to bµy expensive cars and vacation hom es and beachfront properties in Malibu and Newport Beach. Officials said Maloy also used the moh~y to operate a Ponzi scheme -using money from new investors to pay off old investors. Ma· Joy operated the scheme between 1993 and 1999. of· ficials said. •Yukon Avenue: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 3100 block at 9:28 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West BalbcM Boulevard •nd 21st Street: An auto theft was reported at 1 :39 a.m. Sunday. • East Coast Highway. Battery was reported in the 300 block at 7:01 p.m. Sunday. • West Co•st Highway. An auto theft was reported in the 2700 blod: at 10:17 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Center Drive West: Petty theft was reported in the 700 blodc at 1:52 p.m. Sunday. • West Ocean Front Vandalism on city property was reported in the 2300 block at 3:52 p.m. Sunday. • 43rd Street aftd Balboa Boulevard: Battery was reported at 3:09 a.m. Sunday. build a smoker\ cave and keep lhe two distinctive trees tha1 sprouted from the palio. I le also plans to creale a piano-lounge reel in the bar area and revamp the dimn~ room to mclude a long communal table, one wall entirely lighted by candles, hardwood floor. and paddl'd .,uede booths. Conrad d~cribe!> the reworked menu as "world com fort food." Patrons will be ahle to order everything from lamb. filet mignon or fondue 10 a burger or a simple sandwich. "I want to make it a fun, neighborhood place," Conrad said. "lf someone wants 10 come m and have a peanut-buner·and-jelly ~ndwich with their Crys1al laperitifl, -;o be II." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e mail at pau/. Clinton a IBt1mes.com Tnrvei11ne 1s· x 1s• .......................................................... U .. l Ceratnlc flle ...................................................... ...., tom ....... l lJrni1ata Ytfood ...... " ................. h ....... '"~·-··"· ~filJm '4.ll 9'l llld ....... ,_,,.,,.,,. ' NEWRORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI CITY HALL FACE LIFT Scrap the whole complmt. and replace It with a better, bigger f.tcWty that Includes a new 6re station and a 350-space pamng structure. The council will discuss alternatives, but they won't t.a.ke any action tonight. •WHAT: Newport Beach City Council meeting • WHEN: 7 p.m. today; study .... ion begins . et4p.m. '11le council will hear a presentation tonight on a subject near and dear LO their hearts: Oty Hall. Cramped quarters for employees, setsm.ic inadequacies and a serious &ho~ of parldng are just a few of shortcomin.gs prompting the question: CLIFF DRIVE PLAYGROUND • WHER!:.City Council chamber• al City Hall, 3300 Newport ·Blvd. •INFORMATION: (949) 644-3000; agendas and staff report.a .,. evail1ble et www.clty.Newport-beach.ca.us Should City Hall be renovated or even compJetely wrecked and rebuilt? WHAT TO EXPECT Hired consultant Grlftl.n Advisors will presentdifl'erent scenarios for upgrading the aging structure. Their recommendado~ Old pl~und equJpmmt that's no t compliant with the Americans Wlth Disabilities Act could be replaced with newer, better equipment at OUl'Drive Pad. :ibe councfl will consider spending $37,694 1 on new equipment. MW TO EXPECT which means they're expected lo approve it. Once the city has bought the equipment. there will still be more to pay: The city will leek bids from companies to lnstall the ~uipmenl It's on the councils consent calendar. LAUGHS Continued from Al "It's actually the best comedy we have in this year's festivaJ," Beatie said. "h's a very cute film." "Water Boys" is scheduled lo be screened on Wednesday at the Lido Thea1er. At the other was "Red Trousers -The life of the Hong Kong Stuntsm en" starring Robin Shau of "Mona! Combat" fame. Its Sarurday screening was a big hit, Beatie said. VERDICT Continued from Al the idea of having two athlete:. who were good enough to become professionaJs actually come from a place as small as Balboa Island is r.ither amazing. YardJey went into professional basketball from Balboa Island by way of Stanford. John Valleley went into professional basketball from Balboa Island by way of UCLA. Neither was very tall by today's standards, but each was cu1 outs1anding player in high M:hool. in coUege and in the professional ranks. ValJeley had the misfortune to BOAT Continued from Al The 57 -year-old Lane seemed to be hoping ll would m1~ the jelly, Allen said. '.:.'.fhat might have been tus house. his home. hjs transpor- talion." Allen srud. ·He said AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., CoS1a Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom_ Thursday will feature "Small Voices" at the Udo Theater, whJch was Philllpines' 2003 Os· car submission for Best Foreign Film. The film is about a small town music teacher who enters her students in a music contest, giving the poverty-stricken townsfolk hope and the spirit to pursue and tight for their dreams. Also playing in Lido Theater on Thursday will be "ln the Name of Buddha," a film that sends ou t a plea to the island na· Lion of Sri Lanka, ravaged for decades by ethnk war between the native Sinhalese and the play behind one of basketball's immortals, but he still had an outstanding professional career. YardJey was one of I.be real stars of the game and, for years. an annual award was given in his name to the area's outstanding athlete. I don't follow local sports much anymore, so I'm not sure if it's still given, but for a long ~riod, a.t lea.st, this was the highes1 accolade for local competitors. George Yardley was the son of George and Dorolhy Yardley. George Sr. was an early contractor who became an integraJ part of the Holstein organiz.atioo in its development of much of the town. Dorothy Yardley became the something like, 'That is all I had was that boat.'" Lane had been trying to pull ttis dinghy closer 10 the 35-foot boat when the Une s napped and he lost his balance. Harbor Pa· trol Sgt. Kurt Vasentine said. There was no visible damage, and the boat appeared to be water-tight, but a full inspection is needed to determine damage TODAY Love d\e libnry7 Come for refreshments, socializing and information about new programs and resources from 11 a.m. to noon at the Balboa, Corona del Mar and Mariners branches. The open houses have been planned for National Library Week, April 6 to 12. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I e; l lf'l l:ta ;I ff;f i l 1l111J il d;f t ~ II a ff:td I COllPLBTB IM88 llDAlll TUii• DP Same Owner Sinct 1965, 38 Yean in Co11a Mesa TBI CllBDUTGI IBDP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol~ Baker) 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters Let the Name Callins Begin. Uslfl9 exclu~lw TutorAld m.ttt tP.sbfl9, M analyn \lolls a child has mis~ or not comprdlended In j(hQol, ~ crcatt a program to cl bolld tM fou~~ r~uir~ for wccns ~ ~ Einstein! In bulc math,., well -....;---- ti actanc~ cour~ llke •19ft>ri Of9~· If you're lookJ"9 to ~ "'°"' cNkl'J Kadlmk oudook 1n m.,. noiW 11 tt. ame to ftnd out man. (949) 645-1900 418 Eut 1]th St.rttt • Coi~ ~ econ. ol lf'Vlnt l\11t11uc> .... Tamil settlers who came from the Indian state of 1lunil Nadu. The cootroverslaJ film was banned in mdia and Sri Lanka, but was screened In the Oslo Film Festival in Norway. Producers Sal George and IC. Sharunughathas of London at· tended the opening night of the film festival on Thursday. "'We're very happy to get this opportunity to screen our film in Newport Beach," George said. "This mm is basically our caJJ to all the countries and people in· volved in the civil war in Sri Lank.a to embrace peace in the name of Buddha." justly famous grand dame of the Balboa Bay Oub. Such was her energy and presence. my sister Marion used to say of her. "When I'm in the room with Dorothy, J feel Ii.Ice she's ta.king up all the air." When George Ir. retired from basketball, he took up tennis and golf. where he shined untiJ his knees began to act thery too many career athletes' knees do. He wore so many braa.-s he looked like the 1ln Woodsman on the court and course. and finally he had to retire from tenrus, as weU. I don't know whether he's still playing golf or whether he's now into lawn bowUng. playing checkers or just sitting there. to the propeUer and steering gear, he said. The motor wac; still running when the Harbor Patrol arrived. so the sailboat probably mo· tored itself over to the rocks. Vasentine said. The swell made it easy to get the boat off the rocks. "The sails were already up and, I am 1ust gue!>!>ing at this WEDNESDAY FMvlew o.v.lopmental Centllr hosta its annual spring boutique from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Fairview Auditorium, 2501 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. There will be more than 35 crafters to shop from. ~II (714) 957-5188 for more information. WtzardMn-trefning In fourth-. fifth. and sixth-grades are invited to matdl wits with Hany Potter at a scavenger hunt through the Newport Beach Central Library chambers at 7 p.m. Sign up at the library'• children's desk or call (949) 717-3800 and 1e1Ject option No. 5. Registration is required. A tr.. Mmfnar c:atled •Att.madve Therapies for Asthma and Allergies· will be hetd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 Eaat 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 59S-MOMS. TlMtSOAY Elften of Orange County'• mo9t prominent dlefa will join supporters of Share Our Sefves, a local nonprofit organization, in •n evening of fun, friendship. and exotic tacos frorn 6 to 8 p.m. at 1560 Superior Ave. In Costa Mesa. The cost la• $36 st the door or advance u le. The organization hopes to raise $18,000 for those living in poverty In Orange County. Call (949) 642-3451 for mq,,. !,,formation TheCosta,... a..*>rC..W Will begin ha.ting• monthty Mmlnar with Chef Alexx Guevara from Med\anbc:x of HNtth on epedal dietary needa. The aem4nar Is held from 1:30 to 3 p.m . Thia month'• topic la ttw addJctive power of augarJfet and aatt. Admluion to ttw temlNr la free, but the sugget\..:S dona1lon Is $2.60. Call (IM9) &46-2368, ext. 10 for fntonMtlon. TM,..._ .. __. ... •A tllleory of~ Dolt•• 7 p.m. In the~ e.actl Centrel Ubntry. l..UcHlt ~. owrt« of dl9 Centerfof'Cuttom Dofls, wfll prtNnt the.,.. Pf'001'11m, whkft Wfll Include • clepley of ~ .. ed dQh. c.air (148) 717-3818 for more lnfonntdon. Mllcy'9 ................. .. MdWieia tof iw Souf\ co.. -Compil«J by /UM ~ Shanmughathas sald they faced several challenges as pro- ducers in ma.rteting the film be· cause of its sensitive subject matter. Beatie said she has aJwaYl> been impressed by the "enthusi· asm of Asian filmmakers." ·Tuey put in a lot of work on their story line." she said. H And they are very dedicated to the technique of fil.mmaking. • • DEEPA BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa bharath~iilJatimes.com contemplating his navel, but whatever it is, he's doing ii with his usual competitive zeal John Valleley also had stron.: Balboa Island roo~ I le ~ the son of Ronnie and Vivian Valleley of Valleley'<> boat rental..,, an integral part of Balboa Island's history. After a notable basketball career. John Valleley became one of the first beach vollcybalJ stars. Balboa ls.land can be justly proud of having given to the sports world two men of the caliber of George Yardley and John Valleley. • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former Judge His column runs Tuesdays poinl. bu1 he w~ probably JU<,t abour ready to lull the moror and '>tart sailing. Vasen11ne said. WLverything just kind of fell backward lhere for a hltle bit." • CORAL WILSON 1s the news asSts111nt and may be reached at 1949) 574-4298 or by e·ma1I at coral wrtson °'la times com. Plaza Garden Show. which will feature fine foods from your favonte South Coast Plaza restaurants, live music and entertainment. The event will start at 6:30 p.m. All prooeeds from the sale of the $40 tidtets benefi1 the Mission San Juan ~platrano. Call 1714) 435-2113 to buy tickets. The~Coac:h Foundation of Orange County will host "Heert of Coadling: Co-Creating e Relationship of Trust" from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Wyndhamlfotel in Costa Mesa. A panel discussion tit.led "Don't Do this -It's StuP'd; Mistakes Made by Master Coaches; will run from 5 to 6 p.m. Call (949) 717-3816 for more infonnation. Peni Gltfftn's "Ghost SfttW" wiU inspire a discussion about looking at the wortd from two different realms a1 the Mother-Daughter Boolt Club meeting at 7 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Central Library. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. Sunfofd polttlcaf ac:hoa. ~ Diamond aw, "Can the Whole Worid Become Democratic?" at UC Irvine's annual Edcstein lectunt et 7 p..m. In the Sod•I Ecology II f>oilding, room 1304. The tectu1'9 ls free and open to the public. Cell (949) 824-2904 for more Information. f'RIOAY Comel law~ .,.,..a.,, David Wlppman dellv.,.. his sympo&fum "'TM lWo NK:iea of th• lntem.tlonal Crimtnel Cour\" n pert of a teries at UC lrviM celled "Prosec:utlng P9f'petntort: lm..-natfonal Accountability for War Cri~ end Human Rfgtrta ~-.Held In Social Sdence Plaza 8, room 1208 at noon; the ewntl•frM. Tuesday Act' 8. 20<. 3 A5 FORUM . H0Wl0.G£!'PU8USMED -l.9a1Wa: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the o.lly Pilot. 330W. Bay St, Costa Meu, CA 92627 •Pu den Hodne: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mlll.Send to da11ypilottllatltnN.oom • All oorreapondence must indude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edrt atl subm1sslon1 for clarity and length COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Costa Mesa needs to rethink its grants Recently. there has been much discussion about redevelopment and how to improve the Westside. If redevelopment is put on hold, or USt.>d partially or not at all, it begs a question: What wiU we do in its place? I will be presenting some options such as reduced fees to provide incentive for improvement and mixed-use wning options, to name ALLAN MANSOOR just two. But what can be done right now'? Even with redevelopment. the first thing to happen on the Westside should be major infrastructure repair. For the WesLc;ide those issues are drainage. put ting utilities underground and street repair. We have major Oooding issues there that need to be addressed The cuy ~ now preparing a repon called the m~ter plan or drainage to give us guidelines on what needs to be done. The next question is: How are we >::oing to pay for it? Redevelopment will provide some fund'>. but not for quite some time. That leaves grant funding and our own generaJ fund. TI1e cost of the project will be extremety expensive and will require numerow. funding sources. One additional source of fundmg is Community Development Block Grant'>. Tius year. we have received almost SI 7 m1Uion. That's a lot or potential for improvement. Of the total amoun1. 15% may be used for public service grant-.. and a maximum of 20% may be used for administration. We have been neglecting the Westside for too long. and 11 shows in our streets and related infrru.tructure. Of the 15% in public service funds, our City Council used 10 require that 51 % be used for hom eless services.. We now require thal 40% be used for this service. Our seniors mus1 share the remaining 60% Wlth youth and disabled categones. In 01her words, our seniors are getting abou1 half a'> much as homeless programs. rtus year as part of our repon we got a breakdown regarding crime al facilities !hat rec('ive your federal lax dollars. Many of the locauon'i had pages of numerous calls for police -.ervices such as parole violations. di.-.1urbances, suspicious activity, grand theft. city code violations, keeping the peace. vandalism/graffiti. burglary, petty thef1, drunkennes..s m public, warran1 arrec;ts, medical aid. disobeying court orders. drug offenses. forgery. towed vehicle'i. fire, runaways. sexual battery, vehicle burglary, trespassing. assault, unlicensed driver, injury accident. assault with a deadly weapon. robbery, towed vehicles. child neglect/abuse, narcotics posses.sion. missing person, annoying phone calls, disorderly conduct. driving under the inOuence, traffic violations, recmiered stolen vehicles. etc. This is an incredible co t in terms of law enforcem ent for you. the tupayer. Many of these locations had nwnerous anstances of these types of incidents. I don't believe our seniors are committing these crimes. We should make funding for seniors and infrastructure a bigger priority in our community. It ls not mandatory that we spend your tax dollars on public service grants. I suggest that concerned people in the community get the reports on this and read it for themselves.. Some of the scoring ,.ystmi,, that the Redevelopment and Residential Rehabilitation Committee uses also need to be reviewed before the next fund.Ing period begins. As an example, one group asbd for $14.000 and bad a score of66.5. It recefved $13.000. Compare that to the Costa Mesa Senior Corp., whJch asked for $15,000 and also bad a score of 66.S. It only~ $5,000. Another exampl ls one group that aab!d for S 15,000 and had a score of 67 .8. It got $13,000. C.Ompare that to Senior Meals and Servicet. whk:h aabd for $13,195 and had• higher score of 89.3. It got $10,000. . It ls dme (or tbb council to develop a new oorwolldated plan ~ulred by U.S. [)q>ar1ment of Houalog and Urban lleYdopme:nt that wW mole accwately comply wtth one of the national dtrec:t:n.s of HUD: the elimination of tlum and bHght. Public terVtce orp.nlzattOrw are bett run by lbe prittt eectot with pmate, 6JndL This way. dM)' more .ccurarely rdec:t the Medi Of the community from within and wfth better~· and HC'CM'"l8b0iry. • ALLAN~lileC.-. ~ CltY CoundlrNn. MAILBAG The glow of the hghts sets the mood for opening night last October of South Coast Repertory's new theater in Costa Mesa. Segerslroms have brought tons of fun to CoMa Mesa I've been reading in the Daily Pilot about a few people in co .. ta Mesa who are aCCU!otng the Segerstrom Co. of taking the la'>t bit or entertainmt'nt out o f thh fine city. That'o; quilt: a bold statt"ment cons1denng the following: Who put the ~uth Coast Repertory Theater and Orange County Performing Ans Center on the map in Co-;1a Mesa? Who plans for a world-class concen hall and museum in Costa Mesa? Why 1~ it only the Segerstroms' responsibility to provide the city wtth a M> called better quaJity of life? Furthermore. why wasn't the Target Cenler, the Home Depot Center (which tore down a theater). 1he Kmart Center or any cen1er aJong 17th Streel required to provide entertainmen t? All of those pieces of property are by far larger than Mesa Verde Center. I think it's ume to stop pumng all or !he city'<; shortcoming. on the Segerstrom Co. Its leadeM have done a tremendous job in giving back 10 this community. Maybe it's time for the city to focus 11!> attention on i.omeone else. JIMMtU.ER Costa Mesa Plenty of room in Triangle Square for a skate park Ln a recen1 commentary. Planning Commissioner Kalrina Foley rejected the proposal for a community recreation facil11y at Mesa Verde Center. Her views may be accurate -she typically does her homework on 1hese issues -but the problem remains. I propose that tonsideration be given IO creating a reca:eation center, including the long overdue skate park.. in the lower level of Triangle Square. lliis venue has failed several times as a market and the lnstallation of a recreation facility in the bowels of the square may be JUSt what is necessary to save the entire locauon from becoming a ghost town. The location seem s perfect for a skate park.. It Is close to public transportation. The location in 1he lower level ii. safe from traffic and will not disturb neighbors because of noise tha1 might be genera1ed by e nthusiastic skaters. There 1s plenty of parking a1 the square and a recreation venue would aJmoM certainly attrac1 more busine-. ... es to the square 10 filJ the many. many emply <,to re fronls. Existing businesses -the Edwards Theaters. Virgin Megastore. Nilc.eTown, the Gap -would certainly benefit from increased traffic Oow. Who knows. With the p roximity of the Barnes and Noble Booksellers. some of those sk.a1ers may actually stop in to browse for books It seems 10 me thal this locauon could be the perfect h ome of one of those 2.6 ska1e parks the city officiaJs seem to feel are necessary rn th.ts community to m ee1 the growing recreallonaJ need'> or our children. It\ worth a look. GEOFF WEST Custa Mesa Spare Kona Lanes, build Kohl's over Trinity Cluistian Center So many serious problems in our ht tie burg I have the perfect solu1ion for a few or them in one broad stroke (with help from my neighbor). Put Kohl's where the Trinity Cllristian Center complex is. and leave Kona Lanes alone. with one caveal. People. quil complaining that the bowling alley 1s being tom down when you probably haven't been there in years. tr you wan I 10 save the place, go have dinner al Haus or Pizza on a Friday night. followed by bowling and karaoke at Kon a. MIKEMCNIFF Costa Mesa State budget cuts harsher for community colleges As an Orange County resident, I am despondent that Gov. Gray Davis h as propo~ staggeringly disproponionaJ cuts to the budgels of the state's 108 community colleges. These LETTER TO THE EDITOR Simple change is Kona Lanes ' end • EDITOR'S NOTE; The Costa Meta City Council wn echeduled to diacuas the Pl•nning CommluJon'• epprov•I of• Kohl's de~rtment stOfe to 1'9J)fece Kooa Lanae et Monday's council "'"11ng. A s the tenant and operator of IC'.«>na lanes at Mesa \fade Center since 1980, my famOy and I wlsll to exprea our deep ap]>ftdat.ioo for the patronage or our loyal customm during OW' long history ac this kx:adon. We a.re allo pleued tha• many people~ fond memorlet of houn pas.ted hel'e ln eadJer. more vibrant t.imea; Rq:rettably, boweva. Kona Lana WW dote lts doon this SUJlUTI«, due to the ecooomk: reality or our tuation. regarcne. or whether or not the Aannlnc OXnmlalioa' approval of Kohl OYatUmod by the Oty C.oundL lwouldallo toW.etbe~' • ~atArwma)or~llill~ ~In recent stories Gld )eftin IDlbe otWlp9pClr. It It dear to me that tome drj pllnnen. eJ OlBdalll and ~.,.DOC 11W11N ol the uue r. rcce that (UIUtJI the fun.an of Xon.llAnel. Wr.,. DO( mcud. ~.. If • cuts would '>l'\l'rely impede thl' ahthty ot our local crown JCWel of the 'Y\lem -Orangt• ( llJ'I CoUege -to keep its door'> open to 'tudt•nt' and provide them wtth the i,upporl lht•\ r11·t'd 10 succeed. A-. things stand .it 1he moment ()( l expects to l u1 a minimum of 1.000 cour .. t \ection-, from tis 2003-04 dcaJem1t -.dlt'dult· All '>rodents wtll be harmed in some \l\a\ b\ 1ht•..,e cuts As chief execuuve officer ol Hdlboa Instrument-.. I k.now ho\11. vttal tommunit't colleges are to maintaining the quaJny of hit M' enjoy in Orange County O< t ha\ been 1hc gateway 10 higher education dnd bellt'r pavm~ JObs for more than one m11J1un count\ rt'-.1d1•nl'> over the pru.l 55 years. It\ an ec;.,enual n·'otll'te for providing local businesse., "'1th the .,k1llt-d workers tliey need 10 compett· in our ne\11., global econom y. The governor's proposed lti·month. SI b11lmn CUI to community coUeges far t'xceed., percentage·w1se, budget cut'> laced b\ tht· otlwr educational segments in the ... 1a1e Al 1h1, 11mt· of economic uncertam1y. tha1 cul Wlll exat t ,1 devastaung blow on retram1ng 1he unemployNJ (and underemployed). prepanng fu1ure heahh care workers and polJce officer<. and prO\ 1ding access 10 the slates four· year in-.111uttono, through community college lran<,fer program'> At the same 11me. Davts' propo<>al to ennt•a.,e community college turnon by more than I 00'1 wiU not offset by one dime cut' tha1 will be made to OCCc; budget. Es.<,en11ally. local commuruty college student'> will be d'>ked to pa.,: more for le'>s. They LI be in1rodu(ed 10 de'-rea-.ed services. fewer classes and le,., oppor1un11v Decision-makers in Sacramento will bt' a-. ... t'd to make man} difficult dec1s1on" dunnK th1., budget process As they do. I hope they II consider 1he impact these lUI'> will ha""' on students enroUed in Cal1fom1a\ large .. 1 W( tor of higher education ~ cummuntty college<o. Legislators mus1 ensure tha1 a d1spropor11onate burden does not fall to community college students. If educauonal opportumues at C'K < disappear. every comm unit) 1 n Orange l ountv will be severely impacted DAW>CUHE Newport Reach CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES aTY OF COSTA IESA Costa M-.. City ...... n f8ir Drive. Costa Meu, CA 92626, (714) ~ Meiror; Karen Robh.,,, Cou d lJbbv ecw.n, AllM M.neoof. Gery MoNNln and Owia s-.. art OF NEWPORT IEACH N.wpOrt Buch Otv ..... 3300 N9WpCM1 8Nd.. Nwiport 8eech. CA 82883. (Mt) H •330I ~6""9Brom'*9 Counillt Gary Adami. John·~. Oic:k Nietdl. Gely Proc:lot, Tod Rldgei.wy Int OonWlbb ... OM'..-sA u.1ED satOOl utliM:T Dtllrkl Otlce: 211&oA 8-t co.a ...... CA 12121. (714J 42~ .. L ••-= AObirt a.tiot --..: ~llMlrh AuOr. "'°' .......... o.n. llllc9',; QM .... a.Md 1r'0011i Tom Ellll\ .Judy mnco Md Undlsne... QOWDllOfll o..wvo.. cot ... ~ s.cr. .... CA~C9* ...... 1;fmc:C11't .. 1111 QUOTE OF THE DAY "I've seen us come back many times. so it was only a matter of us getting into a groove." 1\'acey Hehnt, Estancia boys votleyball coach M Tuesday, ~ 8, 2003 Sports Ec1tor Roger Carlson • (94915744223 • Sporil Fu: (949165(}()170 - HIGH ·scHOOL BASEBALL Eagl~s' shutoµt loSs 'incites coach's wrath Estancia Coach Jon Green isn't pleas_ed with squad's effort Monday following 5-0 nonleague loss to visiting Los Amigos. .Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot COSfA MFSA -There was some- thing different about Fstancia High's loss in ~ Monday. For the Eagles. loss No. 9 of the 2003 season proved to be more about a challenge than the usual type of setback the team has suffered in the campaign. Jon Green, Estancia's first-year coach. was, to put it mildly, not pleased with h1s players' performance in a 5-0 nonleague loss to visiting Los Amigos. Green was impressed with sophomore pitcher Ryan Gleason, who ended up being the lone bright spot in the loss, Green said. shouldn't let [Los Amigos) beat them by five runs.~ The Lobos (5-7), coached by former E.rumcia assistant Dave Austin, scored three runs (two unearned) in the first in- ning to gain the early advantage. SCOAEBOMD Los Amigos scored two runs with two e out. but Gleason eventually settled down. I le allowed five hits and be struck out five. JeSus Muniz. the Los Amigos 5 Lobos' pitcher who Estancia o is also a sopho- more. picked up his second win of the season and completed his best outing. thus far. Austin said. Muniz allowed five bits and struck out six, facing five batters above the minimum on 89 pitches. EYE OPENER imtyA Pik>t Ill SporU Hal al Faine '"~"-•l:llld• ......... Aft~ 14 honotet TODD KATOVSICH Dally Pilot .. .. . -... .. • -.. MOur guys were not mentalty into the game.· the Eagles' coach said. Mlt's been a problem for us this seru.on. We're 3-9 and we have the talent where we should have at least seven or eight wins. "This was, by far, his best outing/ said Austin, a Costa Mesa alumnus. Ml thought both pitchers did well. ffstan- cial struggled a bit, defensivety. We just played a little bener defense than they did." DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Estanc1a's Eric Scheafer connects for a base hrt up the middle against Los Arrngos pitcher Jesus Muniz. Mil's a young team. We're only going to get bener. I know I'm not going to let up in practice.1-fopefully the le.ids will figure it out that they do have the talent and Austin also said Estancia and Los Ami- gos are similar, and that's why the game came down to defense, contrary to the last time the two teams met March 19 at Los Amigos. That's where the Lobos de- feated Estancia, I I -5. and the F.agl~ pro· duced 10 hits. This time around, f.stancia had five hits. ye1 held the Lobos to five runs. thanks in most part to Gleason, who also delivered a two-out double in the bot- tom of the seventh inning But he was left stranded. In the fifth inning. the Eagl~ left two runners on, as juniors Jose Jauregui and HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Eagles set for showdown Estancia tops Saddleback in four with battle for first looming Wednesday. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -Maybe it was the Monday blues or the anticipation of a first-place showdown two days later. Perhaps the law of averages and, surely, visiting Saddleback High, had something to do with it Whatever the reason. the f.stancia boys volleyball team recorded a less- than-memorable 15-9, 6-15. 15-4, 15-3 Golden West League victory Monday. But with defending league cham- pion Ocean View set to invade Wednesday at approximately 4:30 p.m., purging the memory of Monday's tri-SCOAEBOMD umph may serve the Eagles well. "1lus couJd be a good thing." Estancia Coach ltacey Heims said of Saddleback , the uneventful Estancia 3 triumph. the first time tbis season the Eagles (12-2, 5-0 in league) did not sweep a league foe. ·rm sure the guys will be very serious at (today's) practice. I think we'll be focused for Wednesday.· Focus was obviousty tleeting early ln the first two games againat the Roadrunners, who seized a 7-0 ad- vantage ln the first and second game. After a Heims timeout, the Eagles were able to rally ln the opening game, scoring the last 11 points to, apparently shake whatever doldrums they poaessed. But there was no timeout after fall- ing behJnd, 7-0, ln the second game and there wasn't much of a come- back. dtber. The Eagt~ did manace to get wfthin 9-6, but the RoadlUn- ners (3-7, 2--1), whom &tanda had bandied. 15-8, 15-8, 15-6, ln tbdr first JeagUe ~March 20, 8COred the final ab s><>fnts to even the match and end &tandl.'s lt1'elk of 16 .craigbt Golden West League pme vtctori con:iln8 over from iM Paci6c •. .. DON LEACH I OAll.Y Pl.OT Estancia's Kris Hartwell goes up high for quick loll as Saddleback's Jay Campos goes for the block. Coast League. "This ls a team that fights back/ Heims said of her Eagles. •I've seen us come back many times, so it was only a matter of us getting into a groove: The Eagles' Oow was also affected, Heims said, by the absence of senior middle blocker Jess Hellmich. who rolled his ankle playing soccer over the weekend and was unavailable Monday. Heims said 6-foot...f freshman mid· dle btOcker Dal1u Kopp was able to gain more valuable experience wlth Hellmlch sitting this one out, but she would obviously prefer to have one of the team'• two nJors back In action Wednesday. Helml wu. however, un· sure whetha Hellmich could recoYet -- ln time to compete agaimt Ocean View. lf there was anyone who picked up the slac.lc Monday, It was Bstancfa'a 6-2 junior outside hitter ICtls Hart- well, who art\used a match-high 21 kills by hammering over Saddlebac:t blockers. worlclng angles to ftnd boles ln the defense. and mixing ln a vari- ety of off·lpeed shots and dps to cany the P.aglea' offens.M load. Sophomote setter Trevor Holmes also utilized junior opposite Josh Xor • oegay (seven kills), junior outlide hJt· ter Brad lanen (seven) and junior mJddle blocker Scott ~ (lbO 10 oven:ome a much smaller SlddJe· back unit. Holmoe added !our t:A hit own and alJo bad two atuff blocb. ~ t Sanby led the Eagle3 with three stuff blocb and Larsen chJpped tn a team· high three aces. Kopp finished with two stuff blocks, while aeolor Outoe Diaz and junior Taylor Hankins helped out with p&Sllng in the back row. ffdms. having obviously seen many stronger perfonnances by her te.m, paused briefly when asked to pzaent the poaldw:t from '4onday's win. She acblowledged Hanwell'• productive ofl'ensive performance, but al.lo did not dodge the assertion that her team came out tJAL "We try to avoid Wing thinp for grarlt~... Heinii la.Id. "But, having blawl th.la team tn three ~ea al· ... YOU.EYIALL. , ... A7 .. Ivan Paz coUec·ted base hm •. JWlior Eric Schaefer alt;0 smgled. I I.is base hit came m the third mrung and was the F.agles' S.. EAGLES, Pase A8 HONORS Klemm collects accolade UC Irvine outfielder selected Player of the Week after hitting .462. UC lrvme M!nior outfielder Oms Klemm was ..elected Bag West Player of the Week. after helpmg UC Levine to its first baseball series win m a month. The Anteater outfielder baned .462 (6 for 13) wtth three runs scored and three RBis, including a home run during the week.. In the rubber match on Sunday against UC Sanra Barbara. Klemm went 2 for 4 with rwo runs scored and three RBis, includmg a two-run homer in UCl's 6-4 victory. Klemm had two hits m each of the three games he played and he leads the Anteaters with a .350 baning average. He also leads the team in hits (42), tri- ples (four) and home runs (three). He is the second Anteater to earn the honor this season. Hlushchanka, Dittenbir are singled out 1Wo standours ln womens sports have been chosen for Uon of the Week at Vanguard University. The most recent. Olga Hl:usbcbanka, continues unbeaten in singles In women's singles. has rolled up an 18-0 record to help the Uons' women's tennis team move to No. 13 In NAIA rankingl. • Only one player has taken her to three sets th.ls year, and that was Anna Sieczka of Point Loma Nazarene. in doubles action, ahe had teamed up with Alena Votavova to rack up a 14-3 record. Hlusbcbanb ls a 1e>phomore transfer , from North Greenftdd College. : A week earlier, Robbin Olttenbir from • the NAIA National Basketball ClwnpJ· : onshlps' Pinal Four, wu tabbed for her : petfonnances, including 48 point.I, 37 • rebounds ·and J8 aulsts In the COW''"" pm toumarnenL achedule. .. A 1e>phomom, she helped the Uoos: make It through the 8nt two tounda for• the flnt time In f1YO appeannc:es, and then di1med • one-pc>lnt vld.oty In the• qUarterflnal. : ... • I ' \ -~----- SPORTS Estanc1a's Josh Kornegay rips one through Saddleback defenders Robert Tran (left) and Edwin Pena for a kill in Monday's victory. VOLLEYBALL Continued from A6 ready this year .. . maybe ~ felt like we had a big advantage (Mon- day). C!>pecially playing at home." The F.agl~ M.>i7.ed a 3-0 edge in the third game. Lhen. after Saddle- back closed to within one, scored I 0 straight points to firmly estab- lish command 1 lartwell banging away outside, and Sankey. mixing the quick at- tack with an occasional back slide. had five and four lcills, respec- tively, to help Lhe hosts close out BRIEFS the third game. Estancia opened a 9-0 cushion m the fourth game, then an- swered three straight Roadrunner points with six of its own to dose it out and move on to Wednes- day's anticipated showdown. Saddleback Coach Sue Gregory. having played both Estancia and Sea Kings remain unbeaten in PCL golf •GOLF: ·The Corona del Mar I ligh boys golf learn preserved 1~ perfect Pacifil C..oa.\l League re - c.:ord Monday a'> the defending PCI. champion defeated host Northwood, 196 224, at Oak Creek Golf qui> in Irvine. Alex Oukovaru, Nick Sherman, Brad Cllam~rhn and Tim Froh- ling alJ '>hot :i-ovcr-par 39 for the Sea Kings. one shot back or Northwood mcdaUst Brian Kim. 7~ck Rabinovich rnrded a 40 for lhe winner... who improVl'd to 8-3, 6 0 in ledgut'. Northwood feD to 3-3 in league. Foothill downs Sailors • GOLF: l he Newport I lar· bor High boys golf team lost a Sea View League match to Foot· hill, 191 -205, as two Sailors shot 4 over par 36 at Tustin Ranch <~olf Oub Monday. Sophomorl' Davi!> Pemstein and juruor Michael Benvenuti each o,hot 40, while !>ophomore Brandon ~owcr" wa\ at 41. and 1unior DJvid Mot\l"hl'nbachl'r and senior Garrett Whitfield both larded 42 rhe Sailors dropped to 4-6. 2-3 in league, while Foothill improved to 4-2 1n league. Eagles· Rosete shines •TRACK AND FIELD: Est an cia 1 ligh senior Diana Rosete won the 3,200 meters to pace Eagles' track and field competi tors in the Cerritos Invitational Saturday at Gahr High. Rosete finished in 11 :36.06. She aJso placed fifth m the 1,600 with a time of 5.33. Senior Ludi VaJde1. sixth 111 the 300 hurdles in 51.5. wru. the only other Estancia runner to place. SeveraJ Eagles posted per sonaJ records, including: Lrica Pliete7 (28.9 in the 200); VaJde1 (I :04 in the 400); Fatima Carras- co (2:47.0 in the 600); and Crye; taJ Rincon (6:07.8 in the 1.600). Hornets defeat Pirates •SOFTBALL: FuJlerton Col lege leadoff hitter Cehna Rubal caJba 1111 a home run to open the game Monday and spark the visiting Hornets to a I 0-I ROWING OCC crew finishes fourth Pirates~ varsity eight leads early in San Diego regatta, but overtaken down stretch. The Orange Coast CoUege var-"'IY eight finished fourth in the Men's Cal Cup FinaJ Sunday in the San Diego Crew Oas.sic on Mission Bay. The crew consisting of Nldc: O'Antoni, Tom Redouty, Ollis Lentini, John Zeiser. Wes Temple. Oscar C.orrea. zack Papas, Ryan Costelloe and coxswain Ashley Thomas, led the first 1,500 me- ters or the 2,000-meter course, but was overtaken by Gonzaga. U. Mas,, and Minne.ota ln the six-boat championship final. OCC finished in 6:21.74 Gon- zaga's winning time was fr 1.67. OCC won the novice eight consolation final and was fourth 111 the men's open eight consola- tion fin.al. The novice boat. which fin- ished in 6:21.84, included Fred Fielding, Rtw McShane, J.E. f.8- er. Jake Carr. Jeff Vreeland. Matt Olapman. Danny John.son, Brian Moran and coxswain Matt Pooley The men's open eight included Wtll Harris, Steve Egner, Nolan Rousset. Nate Blodgett, Tun C.ar- penter, 'Ibby Wacker, Erik Oark, Marty Schibler and cox.swain Re- bekah Angulo. It finished in 6:33.58. OCC and UC Irvine will visit Long Beach for a regatta Satur- day. ' Orange l-mp1re Conference o,oftball victory over Orange Coai.t. The Pirate!> (9-IJ. 4-9 m the OECJ ucd 11 with a run in the bottom of the first mmng, when f;milce B<H.hford reached on an error with two out:. and :.cored on a wild pitch. . Fullerton (27 9, 9-:il. how- ever, sent I 0 batteri. to the plate 1n the second. scoring four run'), then added two more runo; in the third. ace reliever Tarah !>ockerson retired the llornets m order in the fourth, but fullerton i.cored three more runs in the fifth and held down the Bucs as 1t invoiced the five- mnmg, eight-run m ercy rule. OCC.. catcher Kelly <iharum had two hits. OftAHGE EMPtR£ CONFERENCE Fullerton 10, o ... nve Coast , Score by Innings Fullenon 142 03 10 13 3 Coast 100 oo 1 4 3 N111 and Gonzalez. Mathes and Sharum W -N111, 22 ti L Mathes 28 M an1nl'l <fl 38 Bullard (Fl HR Rubalcolba (Fl SCHEDULE ~y ..... College f>epperd1ne et UC Irvine. 7 p m ; Vangullfd Unt11tlfl4ty at Cal ~st. J pm Community college Orange Co8SI 81 IMne Valley, 2 p m High ldlOOI -Corona di!! M er at Unfv9rllty. 3 1 S p m . Newpot1 Harbol' at A119oN~ 3 1Spm Softbel College Va~d UnlV9rSftY 81 The. Mncet'a, doo~r 11 30 • m High ldlOOI C:O.ona del Mar 81 l.agona Beedl. 3 15 p m , AJ190 NIQUel at Newport Harbof. 3 30 p.m WMn.v at ~HrH,31Spm ,.... High echool boys Laguna Htlla • Newpoft Haltlot. S 45 p m Corona del Mar• uni...,...,, s 30 p m • Sege Hill .t c.p.c,.no Valley Chnstran. 4 p m .... Coltege men Wnlmont 81 Vanguard Unlven.1y, 2 p.m Community college men and women -0r..-. Empife Contetenoe Finals at Balboa Bay Club~ Club High ldlOOI boys -Newpoft Harbor 81 FoOtNll, 3 p.m.; Saddlebedi 81 Emnaa, 3 p.m .; Oicford ~ 11t Sege Hill, 3:15 ~· """""• High .:hool boys and glrie -Sege Hill .r Loe Nnigoe. 3:16 p.m. Golf Oollege women -UC IMne at~ Cl-1e. Sunbfooll GC. St. George. Ocean View t.tus year, c,a1d before the match that ')he viewt-d them as being evenly matched "It shouJd be a good match Wednel>day," Gregory '>Clld. Estanc1a's Carlos Diaz dig~ a ball to keep a long rally allve 1n . second game against Saddlebac~ The Eagles won in four UC Irvine Baseball UCI vs. Cal State Long Beach Three game series Friday, April 11, 7 p.m. Saturday, April 11, 6 p.m. rumbler Glnaway • first SOO people in .ctaed•cc will recdvc • fre• tlllftblcr spomoHd by Waldngtow -......1. Sunday, April 13, 1 p.m. Streu -Ghuway -first 500 people hi ..etenet.ncc wil receive • free stress bllll sponsor.ct by South County Bank. Alumni Day -_, lllCl8bcn of die UC Irvine Alumni Assodadon showtnt his/her c.d wll rudvc two free ddlcts. IUds gd llt lfH $1 on 1111 S.ndlq f'lllJU • • UC Irvine Men's· Volleyball ua vs. Padflc, Friday, April 11, 7 p.111. ua vs. Stanford, Saturday, April 11, 7 p.m. ' ............. -----------------------~~~~~~~~---~-----~~-~:--- • " .. ...... _...._._ Al luesctlY. Aprt 8, 2003 S PORTS EAGLES Continued from A6 first hit, as Muniz retired the first e~t batters, three on strikeouts. "We're prepared for every game,• Green 18ld. "We have great pracdces. 1 wish the par- ents could come out to the pra<:· tic;es io see what we can be all about But. when It comes to the .-~ I don't mow, no one grabs lhe bull by the horns. No one really seems to enjoy the battles. •And . it's not about just one ' player,· he continued. "It's a . team game. It's like .the Angels. The¥ kids live about 15 miles away from the blueprint or what it qlbs to win. But they haven't seemed to get ft. In the t.hiee wins we do have, that's what they did. They played like a team." The Lobos scored two more runs m d\e fifth inning. Los AmJ- gos junior Adam Sebrasky was hit by a pitch to tart the lMlng. Then after a groundout, senior P.llas &teban singled. Wlth two out. senior Jose Cardena came up with a two-run double, putting the finishing touches on the wtn for the I.obos. In addition to GJeason, F.stan· da sophomore third baseman Greg Hughes and Paz. the P.agjes' shortstop, also produced a rew key defensive plays. Hughes had three assists, including one in which he reacted quickly to a ha.rd-hit ball he stopped with his glove. The ball dropped, yet h«f picked It up in, time to m*8 the throw to ftrst in the second In· ning. Pu. deftly gloved a groundball in the third inning and made the throw to first to end the lo· ning, and be also gathered ln a line drive to end the seventh In· ning. "We'll find a way to tum it around." Green said. ·1 welcome the challenge. 111 be here every- day for practice; from the time when the end-of-the-school-day bell rings to the end of practice." . Noni••• Los Amtgos 6~Esbnda 0 Scoritby LA 300 020 -551 E.11ancl1 000 000 0 -0 5 3 Muniz and Men:8do; Gleason end Crom. W -Muniz, 2-2. L -Gleason. 0.2. 28 ~ Cardozl(LA). Gleason (E). Submit a "Game Plan· that would have Palmer available to be araffealasf{Oy ampa y an us come . rre evan -tAe-fiist evu Hei&ma~..Trophy wiAOer.+- -&ltries mt.tSt Oefft-eiYe&blf S~, ~I~, either mai~te. !fR."""'lf'ft-- Week, 3723 Birch Street, Suite 11, flkwport Beach, CA 92660; or fax to: (9'49) 263-1 1 '41; cl e-mail to: ptsalataOaol.com 1 o ----~------------- Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to D ~.SELL MY CAR Name Address t City I Zip I A1or1e : I C1ec1t ens o MC o VISA I -r.ad emt tum. exp. pate DAMX PfBase an Pwtntnt BQ.- V.---Model----- , I I I I reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit I card # or mail with a 1 check today! 1 Run for a week! If 0 . c..-0 ""'-"a• 0 ..., "°"' ~ 0 ¥-1 o ,,_,.,... on.a.-. n------• I c,..... 0 ~ft 0Wllaat9 C.... \ your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi ~II for just $20 .. L o • .._. c ......... a.....,-. a • ..., a~ ..... a-.w... 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S.nta An<i CA 9270S Youn Ho Hyun 1848 I Ma11artl Ct Ana ht1m CA 92808 Min Jeone Hyun. 7848 C Ma11•ret Cl An1 hr1m, CA 92808 1 htS bll'unus •s con duded by hu~b<ind <ind wife Ha~e you \lartPd dom1 business yet7 No Min )cone Hyun fh1s •t•lement was hied with the County Cler~ of Or1n1f' County on 02/18/03 200l69U77 5 OJ1ly Pilot Mar 18 25 Apnl I 8, 2003 l074 lump Sum Co11t111cl are 111v1ted for the follow1nc Wo1k MODIFICATIONS to 12 KV INfUSTltUClUll rltOJlct NO. 9910SSA UNIVERSOY Of CAUFOltNIA, llVINl fltVINE, CALIFORNIA '2'97 rttOJICT OESUlf'TION: Work intludu but" not l1m1ll'd to the folk>win0 Tht work con\l\h ul I!> li.V <dbl<: ddd1toon\. \phu \•nil .. 11nt1 lo1•n\ •I ' 12 kV sw1tchn 1n V1ufl l50 No new \w1lclt~1·•• will br· dtl<l~•I 15 kV t1ble will be provided by th• Un1vt1\1ty I? ~V 111<1111 "'"" hl1•, "•1uu~d for remov•I •nd 10\t1llahon of ctblf' anti f'•N•l•n••nl \hat1 I» ~ h•llulf'd 1nd to0<dm11ed th•ou11h w11ll•n pm< •du<~ All wo1~ 1\ to h• • 01111•1,.l•'f! 1n •cco1dant.e with the pl•n~ ptnJ'"{ t \P~t 1ftc '''" '' u .... ,., \It f c; unvu~ St~nd•rd-s and O~"'i" Cnttri1 rtJde~ .tnd m.tnuf.1c tur.-r ~ rt"1111ir,.m111>nh All wori. ts to b<' coo1d1nalf'd w1lh '"" 1Jn1•N>1IV' rro11 • 1 M;n ·~"' .ind r u1htles Man•&ement pl'rsonn,.I Th~ proiect h.i\ two •lltrn•lc~ AlltflJJh I '""" t• ul •n\l.1llm• : Un1vers1ty \UPc>lif'd I'> k\I t•ble from llnrv•"•ty SuL'I"''"" 111 • al>I• trenth al Cent11I l'l•nl msl•ll101 I'> kV <.tl•IP hnm M•nhnl~ b I C•nh ti Pl•nl •nd 10\l•ll1n1 two ul• Ill I'> -V rAb~ from Ma11huf• lt• 1,, r '""" .,, Pl~nl A •hort dutlhanll add1t•nn '"" bP """",.d t,.,,.. M•nh .. t• f, to 1 l'•tstm& duclb.1ni. lie tn lotalmn C •1st1n1 1 .1bll' will b .. r"""'""' dnd Mw 1 powe1 o:able will bl' added M1n0t demohhoo will be requu• d r:,.,, w<11~ , 1ener•lly include\ s1IP ptl'1J••~l1un dra1n.1i:t. due tb•nk h~11d11np and • repev1n1 Al11'rn•te ? • nn\l\IS ol 1emov1n11 • pMltnn nl """''"!! p.Jpp1 • -'~t•d le•d c•ble IPllC) .and rl'pl1t1na with e•trndf'd •11111 ... 1,..ir,. '111 .. i,,.1.,,.,.,. , Vault JOO •nd V•ult 400 tn the Ul•hly funnel ISTIMATlO CONSTRUCTION COST1 SI0 ,000.00 Nete1 rri-1144ers whe 4e nat m••• th• ct""llflcall-• In th• c..,,,. ... D-h....., -• lta ell9ftila I• eworcl. Blddina Documents will be •01l1blt to 81c1<1t" on TUESDAY, A,.ll \, ~3 •nd wtll bl' "sued •I f at1hlltt M.an<111Pmt nt Univitrs1h of C•hl0fn1<1 Ir vm~ 20l lnte11m Otl1c• Bu1ld111& (m•11tna add1•\\J 19172 Jambo1 ee Boulev.1rd (physical addtf'\\) II vine. CA 'lit.YI ~4-44 (949) 824 1404 Checks fo1 a _, • ._....,._ lee will be 111qutred on thf' •1n.1unt b1$2S.OO 1 per 5al of BH1d1n1 Oocuml'nh Chectla ·Wa lo be m•de P•Y•ble to "The Rtal'nh of lhf' Un1vrr.,1v of • C•ltl0<nla.• SHled B1cb will not be •tcepted •lier 2.00 PM on WIONISOAY. Al"ltll 1 1', 2003 Bid Security m the amourll ol 10'!1. ol the l 11mp 511m B•u Bid eitluOin1 •llern1les sh•ll accomp•llY each Std The Surf'IY 1ssu1n1 th• 81d R1o11d shall be. on the 8td OHdlM'la an admrttacl 'urcrty 1nSuter <•'-dt!hnad 111 ' the Callf0tn1• Coda ol Civil Procedu•a ~hon 99S 120) A mandatOfy Pia Bid Co11le1ence •nd Pre Bid Job Walk will be conduded , on. WIONISOAY, ArRll t . 2003 be111nn1111 promptly Al 10:00 AM • Parllc:1pants shall mael al. r ac111111s Man11ement lntarim Offtee Bu11d1n1. C9t1f•ano Room I ?I Un1vently of Callfornt• If vine (Bu1ld1n1 I 92 on Horth Campu' M~) 19llZ JamborM Boulevard, lrvma. CA 92697 5"A. (949) 824-1404 ATTINOAN<I AT THI HI-Ito COMflHNU AND .. 1-110 JOI WAlK IS MutOATOIY tOll AU ...... CONTUCTOIS. THI MllTINO WlU • ClOSI AT lO.OS AM ANY CONTIA<TOU AaaMNO Afltl 1"tS Tl.Ml WU NOT II ILMNIU TO PMITIO'AQ fM THI llD NOCISS AS A rt11•1 CCMITUCTOl. Only bidd•• wllo pMtklpate In both Ill• Pre Bid Conleftnce end the • .lob Welti In IMlr enllt•ly will be ellowed lo bid on the Pro,lecl es prime contractor. FOf turlhef lnl«mehon, contect fec:tfllies llbnac-manl ~ Cofttrecb o.t.tJMnl, Attn lreMI It Hodlenlluff 11 (949) 114 1404 TN IUCU9f11r Bidder "'ti IU Svtlconlrect011 will be raqutted lo folow the ""41Kflminellvft requw-nh Mt f«lll 1n the 81ddln1 OocurrMnb •net lo P•Y plftn1hn1 waae r1tes al IM loealiOfl ot Ill• Work. T111 sllCc-fuf Bidder will ba requlrad lo hive I~ lol1ow1n1 Slala ol Celllornla Conlrtelor's hct11M cutrtnt at 11141 time ol 1uMl\1nkln of t1141 81d UCQfSI COOft <-10 Da!!y Pilot l.1111 .... 2141 UpllalCll -............ ............ ........... lkaa.... ~ .. ._..._. ._..._. cmc-. TIM followlnc '*'°"' The lollowlat ~ Am&~ •• ...,_ llHlt.lllas 1t. .,, dofflc blM.lftna •: ......__.~ ... ·~TrMt Me~. Gold!. woo1, .1111111* l'roduc ....---.- zo Tr:~11~0~•·o':iv~.· :;1101111, c417 .!.'.!'~~ .., ....... ,... 2np. Otb --· ...,. ~· -Tvstlfl, CA t2712 1 ..,.. wt - O.Vld [, Stacnowlell, Stephen Roew DulMln, aTY IW.L F~ 239 )tolllnao11 OrlYt , 417 Br11on Sprl1111. NEEDS ASSESSMENT Tustlll, CA t2112 Cost• Mew, CA 92127 (4..'31 P .M.) This ~ Is ton This bus111ns .. con Action. Pro,,,. dlrKtlon dlleted by: 1n lndiv1dl.tll duetlCI br, an lncfMoual to staff on wllathtr lo He"' Y04.I stM1N **'I Hn• rou .urted ctolnc proc.ecl with the ne1 t bllSI-yet? 'tn, l/l/ bua1neu yet? 'l'n, ()2/ steps necuury lo OJ 25/0J fur11wir Hpfort City Hell D•Yld [. Sl8chowlN. Stepti.n Rotet" DuJson l.cffltles modlflcet.lon Of Tllla tt•ttm.nt wu This 1t1temenl wu repl-nt options. flied with tile County filed with the County PU8l1C HEAAINC CWll of Ol'aftfe County Clerk of Dr1n1• Countr R£W:W Of THE N 2003- 0ft Ol/20IOl Oil 03/2f)/03 2004 COtiMIMT'I' D£. IMMH7'79 200HtN6U VELOPMENT BLOCK Olly Piiot Mw. 25. Af>r. Dilly Pilot ~ I, 8, 15, GRAHJ ONE YEAR AC· -··:.';:;;· ;;15;;:;, ;j2003;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;T;;Ol;;;;l;J.;22;;;, 2003~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;TOl7;;; TIOfil Pl.AN TO TWE u.s~ ., DEPART'MEHT Of HOUS· IHG AHO URBAN DE· VlLOPMCHT. SEU Poli cy COfOlHUEO BUSINl:SS PlAHNIHC DEPARTMlHT STAFflftG LEVELS. Pllblllltd Newport llad\.. Costa MeM Daily Pilot AclrM 8, 2003 T097 tsetms ll011I Of Pm110l l0 uu 1518 man OF: AUCUlllfWAtbAUCI AllllUIY WI IO. A21WI To all h•w1, benell· clarl.s, crad1IOl's, con· tkl1ent craoltOl's, and f)efsons who m•J otll· erw1se be 1nternled m the will °' utile, °' both, of "4.ICE AOELL HI/A all1 AllCl ~LL BRADY A PETITION FOR PRO· BATE hH bHn flied bJ LCtr HIDL[ In lh1 Supe.1or Court of Cah fOl'n11, County of Ofl ANCl THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requeih lh1t LEIF' HIOLC be 11>1>01nted as p•rsonal represent• tove to administer the tsl•te of the clecedenl THE P£T100N requuh the decedent s wm alld cod1clh, 1f 1ny. be admrtted to pr ob1te The Will and any cocl1c1ls are available for uamtna lion In the Ille kept bJ 1"41 court THC PE TIT IOf'I r equnb authorrtr to adm1ntst., the Htate uncler the Independent Adm1n1s· ltaloon of EltalH Act (nus AutllOr rty will 1llow the p•rsonal represen· tat1ve lo take mally actions without obtam· one court appro val Belore lal11n1 cert110 very 1mport•nl actions, hown<K, the penonal rep<esenblove w1H be r eq111ud to &Ive 110IK:e to mteruted s>«sans unless they have waived "ohce or conwnled to the proposed actoon ) The independent ad m1n!$lt atoon aulhouty will be lf•lllad unlus an mt.,ested person Illes an objec:toon to the petition and shows &ood CIUSf why tht U)yrt allovkt not ., ant h 111tt!wlty A HEARIMG on tll4I petition wlll be held -.. MAY l, 2001 •I I.JO I'·.,. In Dept l 73 locetacf et 341 The City Orin South, DrMC•· CA 92161. Ir YOU OIJ[CT to U)t ., •ntlnc of tlM poatltlon, you Wl<IW ....., .. ttll h .. tlftc _, stab .,_ obtKUom or ftll wtltten ob)lctioM Witt! tti. ~ llefor-• tM he•"1a. v- app1Wlt1C41 ''"J be In person or by your 8lt0f1141y. If' '1'00 AA£ A CREDI· TOR or 'olltln1ent credotor ol the~. you mwst Ide .,_ cr.1111 wltll ttM cowl 1nd mell a eopy to the penKmel rtlQftUntetlvt tippOlnted 111 the court within four molltlls tr om the' dlte of th• hr~t lssu1ne• of lettws • ft IWOYided In Prob•l• Code section 9100. The time fOI' lllllll clelms will not uplre before lour months from the hHrllll data noticed lboYe, '1'00 MA 'I' EXAMINE the hie kept by th• court If Y04.I are • person in t.,ested In the estate, you mey hie wrth tht coUf"t a Request for Si>ttl•I Nohce (form D£ I~) ol the fllln11 of •ll lnvtlltory alld appn1sal ol nt1tt au.ts or of anr pehloon °' account as provided 1n Prob1te Code seclton 1250. A Requut lor Spec11I Notice l0tm 1s •va1teble from tht court clerli Altorll•1 for Petotlonef' a .M. •Mee" Jec.6'•, 1...,., ....... &Jeceh 2H 42 ll T•• a4., L.lle f-t, CA t 2..,_ .... Pubhshtd Newport BHch Costa Mesa Dally Pilot April I, 7, 8, 2003 TM095 ISC12M3 llOTICI Of f£flTlll TO u•uama110F: Sl9lff WI llOOll ... .al J. llOOll •am llOOll WllO.A21MM To all hen. beneh c1ar-, ctedrlOl's, ~on ttncent creditors. 1nd persons who may oth erw1se be interested in the wolf or estate, or both. of SHIRLEY JANE BAO()!([ ale• SHIRLE 'I' J BR()()t(E alia SHIRLEY BROOf\E A PETITION FOR PRO BA TE hu been loled bJ TOMAStrA J WHALEN tn the Super'°' Collrt ol Cahlornla, County of ~CE TH[ PETITION FOR PR08ATE requests TO MA.SITA J w.iAlEN bt 1PC>04nled as personal represenllt10 to ad m1ntSlet the estate of the decedent THE P£TITION requests the dtetcltot'1 Wtll and co41Glt•, If 1111. II• MlnltW to "'°'... Tl• Wll •!Id MtJ cOllklla •• •ve•I_.. fOf uamin.· tlon In the Ide kept by tfllc-1. THE P£TITIOft requnu 1utl\ortty to 1dmlftltlat tile lil'tltt• undef tN lndepenck11f A41mlnlt· ~·Oon of lst.t• Act (Tiiis ~ Wll tlow the peno1181 r·-tatlve lo IN.• 111111y actions without obtain 101 court 1pproul Before h!lllf\I certain very lmporbnt 1Ctlo11t, llowev•, the perso111I retwnenbfove Wllf be required to stv• ootlce to lntwnfed persolls unless they have w1lvad 110tlc• Of wosented to the proposed action ) The lnd1pend11ll ad fflllllstretion authority will be cn11tl4 UllleH 1n Interested person tiles all ob;.etlon to the pet1t.1e>n ind showa Sood ~M why tll4I court $110ul6 not er int the 1ut.hont1. A ttEAAINC Oil the pet11ioll will be held. on MAY I, 2003 at l·JO pm In Dept L73 located at 341 The City DflYe Souttl, Oranc•. CA 92868. If 'l'OU OBJECT to the ar•ntln1 of the pellltoll, you should IPfHI" •l the htarlna and st•t• your objecllOllS or Ille written ob,.ctlons with the coUf't b•f0te the heann1 Your •ppearanee m1y be tn per son 0 1 bJ your •Horney. IF' YOU ARC A CR[DI TOR or conl1n1ent creditor ol the deceased, you must hie rour cl11m with the court 111d mill • copy to the peoonal reprauntah'ff appomted by the court within lour mollths from the dete of the ftrsl 1ssu1nce of letters u provided in Probate Code s.chon 9100 The lime f0t hhll& claims w1H oot uplre bef0<a tour months froni the he1t1n1 d•le oohced above YOU MA'I' EXAMINE the lilt kept by the court If you are a per s.on Ill terHl•d m the estete, you m•r file with the court a Request for Specoal Nolte• (form DC I !>4) ol the lihnc of •n inventory and •Pl>< 11sal ol estate •suh O< of any pellloon 0t account H provided •n Prob~te Code secholl 1250 A Request for Special Nohce f0t m •s available from the cou•l cltfk AtlOl'IMJ f0t Pehltoroer ,~1111, (. Le ........ . h,.., 10221 Sle 1er Ave., Ste. 106, •-..,.., Velley, CA t27Ga Published Newport Buch Cost• Mes.a Oarlr Pilot April 8. 14. IS. 1003 IM098 s ,u yoMr Car it• C ku#/l!d I IS<tml ll01ll Of flmm TO • iaBTAllOf: ..,,... WAnAmtb lOBf f, WAYIA9 WlllO.A21W2 To •II hews, benefo· c1« 1es, aectlt.on, con llria-nt e<edilOl'a. and 11«sons who m•y oth ww.._ be IO .... eded In th• will or estete, 0< both, of· ROBERT F'RE· OCRta< WA'l'l.ANO 11ke R08tRT f WA'l'LAHO A PHITIOH f<>ff 1'110 BATE has bMll hied by MARK D WA'l'LAHD 1n the Suf)ef '°' Court of C1hlo1n11. County of ORAHGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requnli th1t MARK D WA'l'LANO be IC)C>Olnted u persollal representa11.. to ad mmlster the estate of the dec•Oelll THE PETITION requests auth0t1ly to •dm1nt$ler the .stale Ullder lh• Independent Adm1n1S l'8t10n of £states Act (Tlus Authot 1ty will allow the person•I represen· tat1ve to tali• many actions without obtam· 1n11 cour I appro••I Before tak1na certain very 1mpnrlant acllOll\, howeve•. the personal rapre..,.lllahve will be requ..-ed to 11ive noltee to mlernled PUS.OM unless they have waoved nohce or conwllled lo the proposed action.) The 111dependen1 ad men1str at1on ~uthoroty will be ar 1nted unless an mlernled person hies an obiec tlOll lo the pet1t10n and •hows &OOd cause why the court should not cu nt the aulh0t1ty A HE.ARING on the pel1t1on well be held on MAY I, 2003 at I 30 pm en Dept l7l localed at 141 The City Dt •ve South Oun1e. CA 92868 tr 'l'OU OBJl'Cl lo the 11rantm1 of the pellhon, you V.ould appear al the heartnc and 1tate your obiections or hie written ObjecllOn\ with the co..-t before the hear1n1 Your appe¥anu m•y be 1n person or by your attorner If VOU AR£ A CRlOI TOA or ~ont 1n11enl uedtlOt of th~ <leceasecl, you must l1le your claim With th• COUf I end mall • copy to the pe<son11 1epresentahv1 apt>01nted bJ the. court w1th1n four months from the date of the fcrd 1uu11lce of letter\ H provided on Prob•le Codfl \echon 9100 The hme for '1hll& claims will not exp•• bel0te tour months from th« hearon11 date notK:ed above YOU MAY CXAMINl the tole kepi by the court If you are a persoll 1n How to Place A twnted In the ntet.ei YIW tn•W hie wlttl the cowl a Request IM Sclectal i.otlc• (for tn IX 1$4) of the ltlm1 of an lnYentory and apptllWI of .. l•I• »Wh Of' of an1 petrtlon or 1e<.ount u provided In Probate Codt section 1250 A Request lot Spetlal NolKe IOl'm ts eva1l1ble It om Ille c:-1 clerk Attorner for Pettt- IOlllf L AIHKltSCNt, ISG., l 641 I. CHAI'· MM AYI., sn . ID, JUUlafON, CA H H I P111bhsh1d New.,ort Buch Costa Mew D11ly Pllol April I, 1, 8 , 2003 rMO!M ro •II heirs, benefi Cl•rln, creditors, con t1naent cre61tors, and per5on:s who ·may oth erwise be 1ntereste6 on the will or estate, or both, of SEAN F'ENTON A PlllTION fOfl PRO BAlC has been feted by R08ERT S FENTON alld JANICC l FENTON Ill the Superior Cour1 of Celt fOl'nla, Countr of OR ANCC THC PCllTION rDR PROBATE requesb lh1t ROBERT S fENTON be appointed n pe1son1I reproentat1Ye to ad mlntSlet the estate of the decedent THC PC llTION reaue''' •ulhOrtly lo •dm•nl\let the estate under the Independent Adm1n" trallon of Estalu Act !Thi\ Au th out y will allow lhe perwllal represen tat1ve to lake many ac:hons wolhoul obt11n 1n11 <our! approv•I Before lak1n11 certain •ery 1mp0<tanl aclloll\ howeve< the pe1son•I 1epr~enht1"e woll be required lo cive noh<I' to 111teusted P•"•on\ unless they have waived notice or consented tu th• rir oposed act 1un ) The independent ad m1111•tr •lton •ulho11t y will bt 11• anted unle•• an 1nteroted ptr~on l1ln an ob1ec1ion to It!• pet•lton •nd shows 11ood uu•• whr the court should not 111 ant the authority A HE ARING on the pel1llon will be held on MAY I :xl03 ;ot I 30 p m 1 n De p I l 13 louted at 341 Tht Coty Oreo South, Onn11e CA 92868 IF YOU OBLCT to the er anhnc of the pehhon, you \hould ·~., et the hear1n1 •nd state your obie< llOM or f1~ wrttttn obiectoons with the c:OUtt bel0<1 the hear•nc Your appearance may be In person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI I OR or cootrnunl Tuesd1y, Af>r1I 8, 2003 At 2M llllt-- cnclitor of the O.ullMd, JOU must hie JOW cleim w1tll tlM ,_., and "'"' • copy to the ptrM>ntl repr eunllttve "ll(>Otnled by the tourl wltNn four month• from tht cMl• of tpe fut ISMl•M• of lettera IS provided 1n Probate Code Melton 9100 The time 10< fthn1 clllrn. will not uptre belor• I°"' lnOfl\hs from the heM1nc '8te noticed •bove YOU MAY EltAMINC the file 11.ept by the WUfl. If JOU are I pefMlfl ifl· t.,esttd In the esllte, you may Iola wrth the c:ourl a Reque1I for Special NolKe (IOl'm DC 1!>4) of the foh"I of an lnuntory and appr11HI of otate nwts or of any petition or account H prov1de6 en Probate Code secllOll 12!>0 A Reque&t for Spec 11I NotK:t fOl'm IS IWlllable lr9m the court clerk ArtOl'ney tor Petrtlo11e1 D-'41J ......... a..._ ((51#82070) i..N. & T..:c:ts.w , '1 1 a..t-atv4.., Ste. 1400 c .. te ..... CA tH2• Pubhshed Ne wport 8HCh·Cosh Mo • o ••• , ...... SW....tl Q., -~ ,,_ ..... , ... ...., The fo11n11m Y•lley School Dts tuct ~ r • ci-tl"C SlAltarnellt of QuallluUon• ft om thoM l1tma onlt•••hd Ill 8tKh, CA 926iJ Contractor llct llt• c1n11l1ce t1011(•) r • ttulled fut lhos p<ojKt "A• I 01 t .. u-lnfotina tlOfl ~•II Sean C1um1>y. ProJnl Ou11nu at (949) 644 J311 'ubl!\hed Ne wport 8e1clt Costa MMe Dally , llol Apr .... 2003 Tl 01 prowldlnc DSA IW'Ond ........... m•l•tab tuhlll labo fllory .. rvlCU fh• ._s.....t scooe of 'MfVICO '' t<i The lollowllll P•IMIM 111dud• l ily SP•Ll•I ar• dolll& bu•lneu n fllspeCttollS and soils a) Chooca One Capttal. tut lhll m.1y be re b/ Choice One HolllH quwed .1nd lnveslfflenu, t) The D1stttcl h•• eleven Cho1'8 I t;apotal d) modern1ulton pro,e,ti Choou I Homes •rid that will bid m thrH lr1Vulm1nh. 264!1 S11nt pl'la1t1. Pha .. I cons••l'I Andrews. lusl•n. CA of three s..hools and will 927&2 beam In lune 2001 fort Renee Dopp Ph1u$ 2 and 3 fonst$1 Cr ummad< 26-4!1 Saini of 4 uhool• •Kh w•th Andrews Tus.t1n CA Ph1\e l LOnlpleton11 In 92782 Dtcembet 2004 Al.11n Cf umm.td.. 264!1 Submrthnt lwnis "'u•t S.111nl An6rew>. Tua!Jn, be able to eornplJ with CA 92182 the Stale ol C•lllornoa Thos bu\llleu 1s coll Doubled Veteran Busi dut led by husband and nn• E nte1pt1\e (DV8C I woft 11u1dehnn a. estabh.,,ed Have ynu st..rtad dolOC by rne Slat• Allo.. •IM>n bustnn\ yet• No Boacd !SABJ foro C1un1me<;k Pfu\a \ubm11 h•c. This statement wu cop"'' ol Statement of flle6 wrth the Coullty Qu•hlotal1on\ 111 the t.lef"k of Orant" County •-t. D1stre< t > lon\tructoon on D3/ll/03 ~ Man•c.r Mr ''"'Y 200MtSt 2.0 Pilot A.p11I I 1 8. 2003 TMO'Jl SW..... Vmunl 011e<lor Pr• Diiiy Polo! Ap< 8 I!. Qq • • • DSA Con\lru< hon StetVILeS n . 29 2003 no1 lroc:hon H.111 Con•tr ut ...... S.W.SllOI) lion lo ~ lutp.,,ate .......... The Fountain I/alley Df!o Eh o"d1do (A ._ S...... School DtSlrlcl 1s re 92079 I lh., lollow1n1 f)eflOns quesllne Stitement of lh• dudhne '°' sub •r• dO•ne bus.ineu 11 QuakfK:ahons fr om lhow m1ll~I ol Sl•lement of N .. •u• Data Sy\tems. flrms/1nd1v1duals inter Qual•ltlallo!l'. '' h•d•y 9IO Albor SI C.osh n ted on proV1d1n11 Oovo April 18 700J •I 4 00 M~" CA 'Yl627 soon eol Stale IDSAJ PM l •t loihchu l (law1d Inspector ol Record I Publo\hrd N••Pu•I 910 Albor SI r.u,11 (IORJ S4'•v1co Buth '-""• M<'• Ci••ly M«u CA 92627 The 01stn<I ha\ el.,von Polo! Ap• 11 14 lht\ bu\•O*'" " con modern1iat1on pro1ech 200J TIOO du• l•d h y an 1nd1V1dual that will bod in three I CJ1l Of H•v• you start OMS 0u1nc pha\e' Ph•u I ton51sl\ ,..._ 11,,,. bu'o•n•\S yet> No of three \thuol> and will IK""~' KAUI t rr Oawod berm on June 2003 llOTkl llYfTll6 1DS lh" \lalomenl wH Ph•>es 2 and 3 'onsi'.t I 'i••l•<I b•d' m•y bt lol~d •1th th« Countr of 4 \Chools e.1<.h wolh •eU•••d 11 l~t olft• • 01 1 ler~ nt Oran1e County Phase 3 complotma. '" th• 1,11 rt .. ~ HOO unOl 21 '03 DeLtmbei ;>OQ.e Nowr;>t>fl lioul•urd PU 200S•ts•••• Subm1tt1ne f11m• mint 80, J /f,lj N'wport l>•llJ Pilot Ap< I 8. I!> be able to comply with Be.och LA ':IX.SS ag1., 112, lOOJ T089 the State of Calllornia until 10 00 1 m "" th• Rctiii..•~- D1sabled Veler•n Buso 241,. d•r ,,1 Aprtl lOOl - nus (nterprt"f: IOYB(J al whHh hmr .uc.h '""' '-S...... 11u1dehnes I\ eshbhshtd bJ the Stoll• Allo• •llOn ~~all br "1'•11•<! •nd •••d Board <SAB 1 NlWf'OitT CfNlll Pltase submit 1 .. 0 OtrVl-' copies of Statemerrt of SAN NICHOU.S OllVI Qual1f"at10~' lo the IUUlfACING, District > Con•tr U< loon Tlfle ef 'rel•<1 M1naeer Mr l•rrv c-trec1Ne.3S61 Vincent. Oort<tot Prt S•3• 000 Construction Servilt!~ l ht•-..'•# l•ti""'1• (roc~son H•ll Con\lruc B~ll \ lhl AVAlt The lullowtn11 per.,,on\ .,, P: d•un1 bus1rte"" 41\ c ""'*"•nf" Showe-t 0<.H.H I /8'> w 17th ~· ~ r '"t• M~u CA 9'lf>27 I 1,,,,, R•buri }!)2'J ( I 1ldf'n Avf' Ur •"II• CA q;>869 loon Co ')()CJ C0tpoute l D11ve E scond1do CA A B l l 0 N C 1 1 bu'.on•n yet1 y~, 1998 g2()2'J W E B S I I I h I t p 1 tu y Ribun f h•., bu..,•n~--.\ r ton du .. ft"d br •n 111d1w•due H••• you ,,., , ~d clc>•n& The deadline for sub www 7 • oty nt•port I HM •.tatemenl wa\ mottal of St.t .. menl ut bnch l• 1.1\ pbwbtdh\l llled with lhe County Qu I fl I on~ '" r lld•Y delaull •"II I r l~rli ol Ouna.• lou11ly .I 1 c• 1 .. Apc><ovrd by "n OJ OJ OJ ~ii 18 200J •I 00 /S/St •,,_. G . ....._, 200HUS ... S Published Newport , ... It Wert.a O"'ect.r l D•1 r p.~,, AP< I fl I'> Beach Costa M•'• Daily Pro•P•< 11"" bodd•r\ 71 ?001 1086 8 niay obl11n ont Sf'I ol Pilot Ap11I 14 b1dd0<.umenl\al•cosl SELL 1003 TM099 ol SlS 00 •I lhe offtu ol lht Pubh~ Weorlu Oep .. rtment JJOO New port Bou!twwd KewpQ«\ ..-------Deadlines ----, Rates and dcadhnes arc subject to change without notJcc. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for wtuch it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD Monday ................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday Monda)' 5:00pm GAUGE WI IUSINESS & FllWKIAI. .. By Fux (949) 631-6594 (l'ltea_v u>elude JOU! ntlmt llnd phonr numbtt llnd we ·u call )OU beck ,.,lh a f'W'CC quoec I Telephone 8:30arn-S OOpm Monday-Friday By Phone (949 ) 642-5678 I lo urs Ind ex • Bv Ma il/In Per son: • l30 West Bay Street Costa Me~ CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd & Bay S1. Walk-In 8:30-dlTl·S·OOpm Monday-Fnday Wedne\Cla)' ............. Tuesda~ 5:00pm Thursday Wednesday 5:00pm Fnda} ................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ................... Fnday 3:00pm Sunday.. .....•....... ... Fnday 5:00pm UOS-2490 ""' lii=.I 5005-5151 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Only $32 per week (4week minimu m) QI Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 1111 .... a-........... ow._..,.,...,. PIANOS i C.11 ... h I . ....,._ ........... .............. ,...... .. CA.-PAD• _.....,. __ _ • llUY 18TATD ........... ~-.. ,. •••••••• _ .... ...... A I HOk IST YEAR ,.,.ti.. ~.... '""" ... , lot"aboft. Not ..... TMM If• t• tM41 .. llot .,,.., n.n ...... call ..... l ·I Ot ·U•·HJI . CN..8'SCM "-........ .. .. " ... ....... 0 ¢A .......,.,.,. .. 10 I - ...,. ...... ~ Pr11tt111 co11•. •ut locahOl!I Fpll, 0.-.. DCenil l l0-11).b!G .... ~1· 2 -... ""'~ .,,.._, ,..,_ .... , ....... ......... ~ ...... ...,_ CHelA ell &Al .._ .. CA11917 • -.... ~"'11 .:;;~ ~-:· .:';& t;: --·-°'-... --..... ............... ... ---'·''•· .. ,, .. _11111 .._. ..._ w .._ a • ~Mt-Ut·llllt r:;;] whotr11t. oflkero• -................. IC1I. •••••••• =.:. .... -..... ............... ...... , ........ _._ AA. t ...... a, IC.5Nl~I • ,. ?'$ ...... (1) .................. -~ .... ,,.,.., ........ ., •lJ.&GllD -.. _ .. __ \ ~ llO"OCIAllWW SMf, ... MJ. S...,_Tu-alte ...... c.ii. ,..,mAm • ,AT.a f'8Nllll MA1*W•I '"-' ... ..........,,., www Midi.'-•_,._ .,,,..,.. lllTALS • ........... llltt. nu ,..._ YI "'°'11 ~ I c pr, 111*"4 '*• -ct SllOO II 73-7IOO • • AIO ·l_c_R_o_ss_T~O~D-RA_~_'s ......... _7 ___ B_rl_dg_• ________ ......,_ . PU ZLE BvCHAALESGOREN with OMAR SHARIF , 6"~ = =t:°port l'MW>UtlK!ZZLUOLVU and TAHNAH HIRSCH 5 MIQadne... 17 o.rna..ned 10 Ftoa owr • ...._ ,. ,....._,,... • ...,.,.. tlaln -llMl 16 ~ 10 "'f'VIW .. -• ,. a-... 71 a.dy t 7 BMW llWll lllCllMg lllnl ,.~ ... 72Alng 18 SonCler 20 Mlpl lll"CI DOWN ""'** ' Ill* 21 FtUlly onnq 2 Fl ol ~ 2.3~ I Way ldl .. Chllld9llr ;: ~lflout 5 ~cillae 31 lat p.-(2:1..j ~ "'1lliqut • 8edl Of ,.,., ~ T..,...,.' rtgl 1 Piia ~ KEEP CONTROL Nonh-Soutb Y\llncnble. We5A deals. &how ... ~ and. minor llUIL L Ms.~ r:allcd to Wee~~ WEST •A NORTH bid l.hroe &pldct and, aloe. • J 7 6 .t l had to aboW valueuuhil ., 9 ily, ML Nol1b proceedlld to pme. A K Q J9 3 "1be Ollalia.I ad Wiii the kill ol • J M8tts, whidl li:&d, and the shift w.. EASI' IO lhe nine of clubt. declarer Clllblt'· • Q 9 8 J ing lhe QUllCft with the ace. Nolt lhe • AKH52 ) 652 •942 <;> S 10 4 defcndaril led the five of pldea ftom 10 band and my client hid to win ~lib 37 l.llvncMnO • Kl-. -·-~-.,..-ore. SOIJTH • K 10 5 "'Ql3 ¢ 874 • K Q 10117 the ~cef'Jbereancr, 1t wuadm. pie ml11er for declarer IO get '11.) dummy with a Nft', faneuc the left of spldcs, cub Ille ldna aod Nil di. moods wK1J Ms. Eni rutrcd for the dtfemo'• dilid aod last Irick. 38 Edllle root COUl1'lrpllft 41 Red a.. ndon • Th4ly hllr19 from 43 Nl/IOt -Douglee ~ ... ~ 10 lllet:* ---4& P9dllo'I (2 WCl9.). hanollllc '' ~_,.. 41 EMii, WI OOl1'lboe 12 Theca 441 From 8lngldl incedefl ~ 1 Sd!ow • 13 ~oolcie ~ ~.... 22 =:mM« .61 En..w.11N111181 24 ·-~the bmOt' -:ze Wadi en.. «> Zoo benw 27 ,..,. -• ~ l.<>ail :ze ... ..,. ... 2 , .. 17 10 "Employee." "Empleado. " "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe. " "NO TO California law re QUWH that contrK '°" t1kina iobs th1t total $500 or more (lebor IK m•terials) be llcamad by the Con tr actors Stele license Board. Steta law al~ requ1rn that contrectors Include theit hcense number on all •dver tJsma. You can chadl the shtu& ol your licensed con I rector at WWW u.lb Cl.flOV or 800 321 CSLB. Unll censed contractors t1ktn1 jobs tll•I total Ian than 1500 m11sl state 1n their advtrltHments lh•I they art not licensed by the Contrectore Stet• License Bo11rd • •MntMG~ ~I Billll I Asnodll ~lll••••usmn .._.., V\M: Wf.41\WS BaaMll1J~• f no ,,_..,.,... ~ Tu pr.,..ltlon, r usonabl•. rllS4IORll*. . .,.w.t~ "MR . BLINDMAN" - A TO I HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinets ~ mi*q. Dale n4-541>-7258 • w .. u;; ... • Custom Bullt ms, Crown Moldinas. Bese 8011ds L•577982 949·709·5642 Clrptl Reptr,1ala ,:rCAJt,n o uarn-o Repairs. Patchina. Install Courteous 1ny sue JOl>s Wlloltselel 94!M92.()205 c.n,.111' Slftlca COMPUTER HELP! .................. .. ,.. ....... •IC•• ·~ . ..,,.~·· ·~ ...... ·C..~ °""' .. Ft'C19...S ~~ .. ~===\;. 714-612-2786 II 12 13 ~ AJ65 Opening lead. Kmg of ,.., "Ladies and 11cnl1cmcn of lhe JU~: "Our c~ aaain\I Mr. South IS lantely c1rcucmumtial. I lowevu. we feel 'ure !hat, once yoo hear tbe facts, our cll11m for damages will be upheld "After my chcnt. Mr. West. had opened the b1ddm8. North made a Michael~' CUC·hid of IWO hcan~ to "Obviously. declara tllld ro have prior luaowlcdge of the deal~ 5ilCh ao unusuaJ pfay. At the ·t:ry leut. plaincifT' had to have at my'Clfent's hand!"' "Jf only learned counsel's bridae was equal to hi~ eloq~. 'The major ~at IO the cootrw:t Wti I 4-1 trump break. The play to lhe 5CCOfld Irick had marlled wt with the klna and queen of cl~. so that defender couJd hAve, w most. tbe queen of trumps. The low spedc lead tiy lhe dcfendanl WIS I ncceswy Safety play to maintain trump oonao1:· "Defendant is herd>)' found inno- cent Bild uwited to a game of bri. a1 tbe club this evening!" a-Int........., ........ 38r29ai..odt ....... newly remodeled, wtwle poCkel lncd yd. Slone r p, poo4 access & p. w/d S21!nno 94~ ~ ......... 412Br 2Ba. din rm. bait. 16150d, 2~ pr"&. ~ ........ to bell $2D)n. ~598-9347 1IO ..... ....., of mtn, ocn, city "'1ls. '-' 3br 3be a111do. 5 )I'S ,_, S39XVmo '1f 96-IJ54.1010 CLHICAl Need lull time pefson to HSISI with V1rtp ... duhes Must be alllt to input •t lenl ......,..,....,,...1.11 :& 2.58.a w/retreat 11 pted comm. w/pool. ~ pvt y.wd SlXXVmo o11111. P.n:k Tenore ~9105 u.-aa. ..... --. "' 38' • den. 38a. hi ~ 2• uv. ear. patJO, uoo.oe $3HX>1mo (949)646 8473 lcryfr-t duplea, upper unit un harbot w/boal dock. 2 blks to bch 3br 2b1 Ip. wd lit vu dedl I ~ lir. dock & uti rel UilXl/mo 949-SIGfSll Rentlts WllDd 7880 50wpm accurately on computer. possess st rona cu s tomer service slolls, and be clepend•ble S9 Per hour E acellent blln efit pack... EOE Send resume to Judy Oetllna. c/o Oally Pilot. 330 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 or em11I to ~~ CLASS A COL In jlllst 2 1/2 weeks T u1tlon p .. d. Hlrrna experrenced d11vers No credit chec ks no lelon5. lmmed11le medical ban ef1ts 1 800 781 ·2778 wareen @>c rst .~rn (CAL •scAR) DRIVERS E xp'd / lnnp'd Start wcure STAY secure• Great pay benefits. lease purchase COL/A w/8 mos OTR req'd Central Refrieer eted 800 727 5865 NOllAMR Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 642-5678 ~Offk8...,._ Sm cawal office '" West ~--25-30/ln wk. hp niqurad Cal 949 250-4136 a1 lax rflSUN ~250-8749 JOIN OUR lEAM and m•ke a difference ln the Cahlorn11 Army Nlltoon•I Guard you ca'! •et money f()( collellt •nd Clfeer lumma Call I 800 CO GU AR D (CAL •scAN) HOW YOU SAY IT, CUUIREDCAN FIND IT. Conc:rlll & Masonry lrldt llock st-• Tll• Col\crete, Patio Driveway Fwapk, B8Q Ref5 2SYrs hp Terry 714 551 7594 ~ CUSTOM REMODEL AND DUIGN All TRADES. 30 YEARS EXP LU37169 949 631 2345 NIED MOtu llOOMt M:XXT10HS & ~M:lOl:l.Nl l •577982 949 709 5642 DtDtop Publlslllng TIM[ TO llGIN YGUaHOME IMPllOVIMINT ,aOJlCTt Cell a plumbet. !Nini.et. handyman, or •ny of the 1rut 111voces lrsttd here 1n our MfVlce dlfKIMyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Drywall Services WITTHOEn DllYWAU An phHu sm/lra rob' CUANI 20yfS. l11r. free est L«XXXJO n~1441 Becb1cal Services SmoH Joli bpar11 Duncan Electrtc 'Z<JY1s E •P lOCIVQudR~ Serva/Remodels L•l75870 ~~2 Actl••"•• Uectrlc 1toubleshootn11 spec11llst ah WVIGK. No job tao 9Tl 1..#515863 714-811&61~ UClNSID CotfTUCfOll Mo~toosm.M .-l 1t..,_1r. remodel, fans. ,., ,_SVC ~l£66 Aoortnwrtlt CUSTOM CJUtM 1U lr1sbllClon. ~w C9'lfl1I:, IYWtl6I, ~ ~ 1975 U6~ Jrff 714-612 9!161 llill&si;;;;w;,.... 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'" 44 a-ttr. 2 8 V6. ~-actual mi, auto. sparkhna red/&reJ• lthr, mnrl, CO. looks a smells 11ew V4567ZI $17,995 finencma •van, Bllr 949-SU-llH -.ec,..a.l.<99 Cat'V•tt• '00 VI Wlllta/ tAn, •ulo, h1ndeflna pk.a. 12k moles. $32.500 ol>o Newport ... 98644-0064 909·240·0030 cell D..... .., •• , •• , ... Sport 3.5 V6, 47k mi. wh1te/crey Int. 1•ra1ed, n/s. llke new S6<t95 linancina & warr 1vaU Bkr 949·586-1888 -~I.UM PORSCHE '00 911 CAB Low mtles, custom wheels, 6-speed, super fast. #652259 $62,900 MBZ '95 Sl.500 COHVT. 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HST MOVDSSH/Ntt ser vlna 111 cit•• lnillfed fHt, courteous, canful. ll63844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calll Public Ullllhes Comm1tS10n raqulras that 111 11..0 llousehold 100C11 movers print their P U.C Cal T numbet; hmos ind chauffevu print their T C P number In al edver llMmenta If you llev. 111)' msllons 1bo11t t! 1111111 of • m " r. II mo or c U 9111,Cllf PWU< UTIUTIU COMMIHICMI .,, ..... , cw. • PU PUPO PH Oallx Pilot .. I\' lb .. PM&WSAUIO ....-,osS-."'t7 ,_,....._Witt! addle ""' fUll pwr, IOw ,,.. llS.UYoof <•19234) num ... u ...... c-w .... Red w,/8lldl Lllw. ... t Rec'd& Cd~ ( •18770) S10.9il0. IMWMOI,__ ... Sllwr •J&IM* • ' ,_6.,..~ (.~;::., IMWHtl,__"00 Mid BM wfCnr Ltlw IUto, prem N (1192.«l) 126,!m. .. WJUIS.-'00 Whit• w/8Dcll ltlw•cd pta,.,-4211 ,,..., ( t 19269) S:ZUIO IMW32S1S.-'M Rid w/peff9d lllQ lthr~ 6U( mllea! (H9Z91) $12,980. IMW MS,_._ "00 Bllcl on lmmK 8IKll lthr. 1*1!1ronld IOK mm.FKtwsr (f l9'l97C) '"·9111 '-"M:!'i:o' S4Vw ~ lt!w, low 11M1ea1 Auto. r u1 PWf (fl86nt) $14,!8>. .._,. S2000 C-. ':t001 S.v• w/r .. Red lthr 6~·18Km.._, VIICU <•190731) $24.!8> '1::::~ lmmac. White w(rafl lt!v ..J6I( m.lesl Y6 (1192911C) $25.!8> Jep.XUC-.'9t 81 rtJsh Racine Green w(r an ltlw-only 22K miles' CO stack•! (' 19220) $39 980 M ...... ..._ HOSl 'M nm " • rel! Clnsicl Red w(fan Leathtf. Both Tops!' (118683) S21.9llO. --.....a-ass AMG"tS Ruty for '"""9dlate delivery! f ul t.ct Wlln (I I 9309C) INQOIRC I 2001 &2002 f'OtlSOtl nmo (Olft Hwry 10< U-periect low mt, local -own ., l Ufbol.t ... llr 'bll/ '49-574-7777 '1lad'S AUTO ............ DODGE NEON '2000 50li• ml IOOK l•c warr. 5 sp blue. arey tnlenor am Im ed. i-. orpi an! $54!l> M ..,., 8lw V"'619'l ~ taa .-.. '00 CinMd Oi.reil.e 6cyl 2 wd, 36t. actual m1 s1lver/1rey Int, alloys, fabulous I•• ~· unm11ked cond, 4 )'Hr wan IMll. v7STTZI $13,995 IWm 81w 949·586 1888 ..•... ,.~ ....• JM<* 'OJ ... ., ....... 3111 mt, tun fact wen s1lve1 'Wind/tan lthr CO stack et. chrome whb, uln SHI, •672518 $28,495 fu1 & w1rr nail Bllr 94 9 ·51& 1818 -~- c.....-·•-e L.w,.. Ccrre1lwer now avaif Loe.al ref~ live lt\/out. cal 949 812 0620 141111• m51 Palrelng AaTIST, strip, 1nst111 wallpaper, pa1ntin1 £ laua, mU<1ls. po<lnrts 909 .... , ...... CREVIER -' 'r--+ ,_...,.,..,..,. . tff• Wlllle w/h1ll llht·l9K 11111 • apMd 3 6t. f "'bot (11'HK) JH,tto. ,..,:,o. ..... ., c-. ';-I ... '"' .. suv .. •/91adl lllw. 58K om lift C(Kf(R 'BRG' ml. 5 l(HHld full pwr (I IH4S) $24,HO. ., Latt. & Prlrilm PKG. LfAS[ FOR ,HIUWS AUTO r Ht-574-7777 ~ PER MONTH+ TAX I Al Tbesa Terms ~ fwowd Crlit .... OTIOAT MAR SAW«JS! .................... +17CS2980 due at slcnln1 48 month closed end lelM flO HCllf 1ty deposit. lOK miles P8f' y .. r Eleen miles (&) .20e per n111e.(TC42279) ............... LET'S r.JTM! rr·s~ BOATS 9515 * * * •• * * * 11ft o.ffy '90 coqJlete SSFmAY@£.mm ~ ..! '02 s1oe. SANTA ANA MITO IMLl .,_. . .1o11n ~16-Se (881) 823-9808 BOAT REPAIRS/ l• .... ·•• usoo 56.Stl SERVICES mi, 1lnt cond, Stiver I ar•y lulher interior •••••••• ii•.soo 949-633·5434 ft PSI •• ,. ........ lHO BOA111SU 3111 mi, wMe/11rey Ith<. MOORINGS/ mnrf, chrome whit , 1 .&l~NGJ baeut hke new cond, ""'"""' v512241 s25.995 fin •• ,. STORAGE SN 9&-5flS. l88B 9680 .,,,_11111U- ..... e ....... SJ20 LWB 52k m1, 3 yr w1rr ave II. silver /blk lth1. baaut orl1 ~ond. v875241 $25,995 ltnanc1na ev11I Bkr 949 586 1888 -crqMlll-'H,n...tW..-'H 23" m1, (4FZP11 7) wt11te w/tan le1thtt. $16.625 (949) 645 2579 PP. '~ c..ol. .. , 99< mi. .... "*''--'· ore -· n.n IJ'l MW bn6oft/ tns_ sum 96-644~ 93 n S~ AVAJl.AIU IN NlWf'OaT HACH $2500 LIASI 94t-S00-100S •a..t W,-Guat Loca hon• 13' />ft beam lenelh unlimited lrl Bay Island Cove * 949·'22-7777 NUDU'SUP la Newpar1 laado ( 15' bHm) w/w1ter & power 714 865 2999 ll-2ClfTU Electr1c1ty " ••ltt ava~ $140/mo (949) 673 9191 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find servKes from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot C l.1-.-.1lo• d Co11u1111111ty M .irk1•tpla c,. Plmli~ig' Stucco *""'"-· &-. ........... Restucco. Room Addition, Patchlnc Rusoneblel 714-921 1647 IK>4-<M97pp Pllmblnt ... . ••• Master Window Can .......... ~ • Wuidow Cl~11ing' • Mini Blind Wah • Sotta Fir 6C Rqicit ,., 4123 --....--. ,; .._ .. --' ·. . ., ':..-.. -~~· .. ~:: .. ~~--~-­...,..,. .. -., .. -·· .. --_,... __,,,..,., • -· -... ·- --...... _. . .. j r-.• -. .. ...... . • I .... -, . -- • • -... -,_ '. • .. .. ;:[ ~ ~·· ~ .. ~, .. 1 -• ... ~' . ~. ..... .. -. ~ ... • f ". .. _.. ... .,,,,. ·· ... -~· •J·- • ,, 11. ,.,. ..... ...