HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-09 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . ' ' r. - -. --. ~:=­mt·· .. -: ... • * .. -.... ; ... r. ... . ... . ... •• -· .. ... " . ~ . • . ~ ,. -•• • !: . -. :: . -· . . r. • • ' ~ ... I .· . --~-~ ' -. . ' • • t • •• . . I • ,., . , ........ ···- .. . • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa comm un ity since 1907 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2003 Costa· Mesa rakes· over the Ko.bi's City Council majority rules 4-1 that the proposed 96,000-square-foot department store doesn't fit we ll into a vacant area at the Mesa Verde Center. much too massive. "It's lilce trying to put a size 10 foot into a si7.e eight shoe," Douglas LaBeUe ~d. ~u may fit, but it huru at the end (of the day)." 1>one<l the pro1ec-t "I would not have bought Im~ l10mel k.nowmg II wa<o going to be (anl enter- tainment (u'>c)," Kevin Orion ">aid. ·1 have a 95,000 <,quare foot vacant. run down (lot! tn my backyard - QUESTION Wh.t should go into the empty space .t th• MM.. Verde c.nt.f7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to ? • Deirdre Newman Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Nice store. Wrong lo- cation . This attitude toward a Kohl's depan - ment store proposed for the Mesa Verde Center echoed throughout council chambers again and again Monday and ended up sinking CJ. Segerstrom & Sons' effons to bring the national chain to Mesa Verde. The City CounciJ heard the message and rejected the plans for a Kohl's by a 4-1 vote. The 96,000-square-foot 'itore would have been one of 28 new Kohl'!. to open in the Southern California area. The resounding sentiment among Kohl's opponents, who overwhelmingly outnumbered supponen.. was that the Segerstrom & Sons were trying to <>hoe- hom a project into the center that was Paul Freeman, spokesman for Seger sLrom & Sons, said he was disappointed with the outcome and was unsure what the company's next steps would be. 'll1e Segerstrorns do not plan to ask for a re hearing. though, and would hke to work with residenLS on a more favorable proJ cct, Freeman said. A few residenLS, including some of the homeowners who live directly behind Lhe proposed department More, <oup· Kohl\ opponents exhoned Seger 'ltrom & '-.on' 10 t rca1e a propo..al tha1 morl' doscly rnirru" the tlly\ edecllL 'Pint "Wt• m•c•d \onwth1ng more reOectl\c of (A>.,td \.fr..a and more unique." Jim Kerrin' .. J1d "~omNhmg that could be found hl•rc and not el!tewherc • MC\J Vt'fde rc•\1dent\ ..avored 1he1r undt'rdog Vtl tory agam.,t what the) da1lyp1lot a./attmes.com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for venficat1on purposes only l On,1den:d d thrt'at to their qual11y of hie· dt·n.,11\ and traffic "I fl'l'l ltkc tht' nt'1~hhorhood won thts See RAKES, Pace M Council will appoint nex t .mayor Costa Mesa will accept application letters until April 14 from residents interested in replacing outgoing m ayor. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot co~ IA ML\1\ I Ill' rt'plalement for OUI going Mayor Kc1Ie11 Hoh11N111 rt'"'' ..quarely in the hand' ol the l 11) \ four rema1111ng council memher., !·or no\o\, tha1 " On Monday lht· rnunn l dt•c1ded on a 3·.l vott' 10 appo1111 Rob1n .. on' 'ucce'-M>r through d proce-.<, 11 \o\111 begin U\tng on Apnl 21 If 11 can't dende on a.n appointment by May 15, the replau·ml'nt proct"dure automaucaJJy goes to a spenaJ t-ll'C"l1on, which can'r be held unul Novemher See APPOfNT. Pace M FILM FESTIVAL PHOTOS COURTESY Of PAM B£RC'.£Y Corona def Mar's Cpl. Bryan Bergey, 23, holds a b1rttiday cake pieced together from rabons by his fellow soldiers. A campaign full of face s War and a piece of cake Newport Beach Film Festival's advertising asks the question: 'What will you take away?' Corona def Mar's Cpl. Bryan Bergey, 23, with the 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon. Marine Corps Cpl. Bryan Bergey of Corona del Mar spent his birthday in the Middle East. His family at home awaits good news. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot A Cake made with Meal Ready to Eat boxes may not seem too appealing to many . But that's just what Cpl. Bryan Bergey got from tus feUow marines on his 23rd binhday bash in the Kuwaiti desert . The Corona del Mar resemst was deployed in February. He has since e-mailed home several photos, including one showing how his resourceful buddie.s 0 N T H E HOMEFRONT made rum a ·c:ake" Wlth piece\ of bread slathered tn chocolate sauce and decorated with M & Ms for his Feb 28 b1nhday They also remembered to stick a bunch of match" o n top of the cake instead of candlM His parents. Pam and Scott Bergey. said they were delighted 10 see the pictures. The last they See CAKE, Par• M Loltta Harper Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BIACI I \he '''""'°" at you from the page 1 ler eye<. are nearl) as wide as her smile and Wl'>J>'t of hair fall into them from her ponytatl "I apply glass deaner to my rash~ and minor bum'>.· c;ay<, a caption '=! ~~a~. .~;1~!_tkuU·dad No, 11 is not a ~ ad. 1t i'! an annOWlCe- ,.,,,_ ._. ,,.. ~,.,.,,,,.. ment for the Newport Beach Film Festival found on the inside pages of area newspapen. Under her picture lies the question: "What will you take away?" THINKING ALLOWED Serving the community in a different way •1 really think Don Webb desavet a.n extra round of applause.· Adami said aftu bea.rtng about the councilman' animated performance. •tte really put on quite a &how." ~ read and acted out a atury about an Italian sentJeman whO took on t.oo many tasks aroUnd town. Gioqpo, the main c.h.aractet. ran a qUIJ.rit ind ~ fftVice station. c:ale and prdrn. ~ lid\ tait. G4orWO would Mal a dittUid bat and the townspeople wouJd know what role he uaufnln&, It WU the hats that Utiacted Wl!bb lo theatory. ... AU.OWID,'ilelM Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ONTIEWEB! · www~com WEATHER In~~ dlf'(to ditch wort. Hight In .,. ....,.,.,. 10a. S.PlpA2 SPORTS Coroni .. Mer~· ~ ..... .,.,..,.. Pldtlc CoiiM u.gue foe lJtMf'My. .. ,...,. .,. A2 Wednesday, A(>r. 9, 2003 Daily Ptlot LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS Marine Corps P!c. Benjamin ' K. Wynkoop, son of Joy and Outstopher JC. Wynkoop of CoronA del Mar. recently completed basic training at Marine Corps ~ecrult Depot, San Diego. He is a 2002 graduate of Corona del Mar High SchooJ ... Marine Corps Pvt. Kmny V. Me~ son of Map V. and 'n1Iio N. Mendez • of Corona def Mar, recently completed basic training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Mendez is also a 2002 graduate of Corona del Mar High School ... Navy Petty .. Offtcer 3rd Class Jason A. Ready, son of Debbie A. Ready of Costa Mesa. recently departed to the Western Pacific and Arabian Gulf while assigned 10 the guided missile destroyer USS O'Kane, home ported in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Ready is a 1996 graduate of Edison High School in I luntington Beach ... Marine Corps Pvt. Darren L Wood, son of Catherine A. Wood of Laguna Niguel and • Lee. A Wood of Newport Beach, recently complered basic • Lraming al Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego ... Marine : Corps Lance Cpl. Nkholas 8. • Zeramby, son of Sherry A. : Zeramby of Costa Mesa and : Scott A. Zeramby of AJbictn, recently made h1s way through the straights of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean Sea while assigned to the 26th Marine P.xpedJtionary UnJt, based In Camp Pendleton ••• Gretchen Stelnbrooer of Corona del Mar has earned the distinction of "First Honors• for . the Pall 2002 semester of her senJor year at the University of San Diego. Steinbroner is a 1999 graduate of Corona del Mar High School ••• Madeline zuekennan, president of Madeline Zuckerman Public Relations & Marketing of Newport Beach, has announced that her firm has been selected by Woodward Laboratories Inc. of Los Alamitos to handle the company's corporate and product public relations program. The agency's initial focus will be the Simple as ABC "Always Be Oean H Hand Hygiene Program. which hopes to reduce the number of cornmunJcable diseases and absenteeism by students by using Its hand sanitizer. • NEIGHBORS sPotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (9491646-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilson@latlmes.com. PET OF THE WEEK _ Cats • Beautiful blue·eyed Siamese and Himalayan cats have beeh rescued and are available for adoption. The Newport Beach-based :. Community AnimaJ Nerwork has -removed 35 cats from an :: overcrowded seniors' home. : Some are rare Siamese tabby • cats, as well as the popular • Flame Point Siamese and : Himalayan cats, founder DiAnna ~ P!aff-Martin said. ·Local animal lovers overextended themselves to help get these animals 10 safety.· she said. "Caregivers, new pel parents and donations are immecliately needed to continue this rescue effort successfully.~ The more than 100 kittens under the nerworlc's care have increased spending on food and litter. Kittens may be adopted through a pre·adoption and waitlist process. A 30·day health guarantee is offered for all rescued animaJs, pfaff.Martin said. These people have bften BfT8sted rtlC6ntiy on suspicion of driving under the influence of an mto}(icant Th"'f have only bfHtn arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspectS, are considered innoc6nt until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday • Mahlab Erica Thorson, 28, Loa Alamitos • Elizabeth Ann Ekstrom, 32, Maplewood Seturd8y • Vanessa Ann Caballero. 23, Hacienda Heights See other animals available for adoption at www.antmal.network.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion Island between noon and 4 p.m on weekends. Information: (949) 759·3646 or Community Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach. CA 92658. · DUI ARRESTS • Leon Barrett, 62, Tustin Friday • Cynthia Louise Munoz, 35. Costa Mesa • Jason John Cotton. 23. Isla Vista • Daniel John Tesaler, 29, Upland • Roxane Elaine Rico, 37. Westminster Thursday • Jodi Renee Reed, 32. Costa Mes.a • Fidel Benigno, 36, Los Angeles • Kyte David Bedcer, 32, Garden Grove •Jeffrey Allen Unmacht, 34, San aemente Daily A Pilot VOL97,N0.99 THOMAS H. JOHNSON ,.._. Edlto(9 Publilher Gina Alexander, Lori Andet90n, TONYDOOao O.nlel Hunt. Peol Seltowltz. Edl1or JVll1'f OETTING Daniel St.Yenl ~~ Nf.WSSTAff Crime~~'· Promotlone Oif9C:l0f (949) 5J. EDnlNG~ ,,_,,. l>hMsthellti,,..oom &.J.C.. June~· Meneglno Editor, Newpon .,,.. (9491 57.M2.J3 (949)574-4232 sJ .• Mellttkn#com , /UM·~·llttilMI com ........... . ,.,. ClltlDft elly Edlllof, Polltf09 and .-Mronment reporter, (141)~ (94917&M330 ~~com l*lf.dlMO<t•""""-·oom .....,c.-. Lolta ..... _..fdllor. Columnist, cuhure repolt9f, --~ ~---··~ (1481 57"'2?5 ..... .,. ...... lol/ta.,,_.,,.,.,.,,,...ootn Mow.-,/ NllW'I Dliilk Chief, ~ ........ • ... PM22" Com M..-rapo!11tf, ,.,.) 57~2, ~i.a,,,.com • dtllrd/'9.twwman•l«lm. com • ..... MIC' .. .. a. ..... ~. .. "':,~· Ectuc.don repofMr, (Mii .,..._ -• ten"""'° ..... °""' ...,,..OMr111oel.tfM'rw.oom -• --~. FOR A GOOD CAUSE Britton Caillouette B ritton Caillouette's tone remains steady as the conversation shifts Crom volunteerism to surfing lo making music to cancer to amputation. A matter·of·fact. mature cheerfulness permeates his outlook on life, talcing the good with the bad as simple facts of reality. Helping through a changed life outlook different teams take turns walk..ing the track at Newpon Harbor High School stadium for 24 hours to raise money and awareness for the deadJy disease. Cancer survivors walJc the first lap in a ceremony designed to Inspire hope for those fightm~ the disease. FYI •WHAT: Newport Beach Relay For Life • WHEN: Starts at 6:30 p.m May 2 and continues until 6 30 p.m. May 3 • WHERE: Newport Harbor High School Stadium •INFORMATION: To find out how to start a team or how to part1c1pate. call (949) 422-4210. "Attitude is extremely lmponant when you're dealing with cancer, H the Sage Hill School senior said Two and a half years ago. his cancer was declared in rem1ss1on and Cailloue11e recently got another clean bill of health. Now, five years after the potentially fatal diagnosis that cost him his left leg. Ca.Wouette is sharing his time and h1s triumph with others. The 18-year-old is assembling a team of friends to walk with him in the Relay for Life. and he's also a volunteer representative for the cancer awareness and fund-raising event Caillouette is all too happy to take part The Newport Beach residenr was in the eighth grade when he was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer in his left leg. I le underwent chemotherapy and rwo rounds of bone graft surgery before learning that the cancer had metastasized in his lung. A thiJ'd surgery removed the tumor in his lung. Then, for a while, all was well. "It was a long process and it truly was am&tng tlle amow11 of !>Upport I got from my family and fnends. • he said But ii '9asn't !>lowed him down. ln the fall, Caillouelle plans to a11end Stanford Univel"lity. He also plays iii a rock band, Vanity Kissed Vanity. and plans 10 relearn how to surf "It's a really fun evenL I just happened to hear about it last year and I stopped by and I ended up walking in their first lap 10 honor survivors," he said. "I just had a great time, a ton of my friends were there, and so it made sense to get involved again tJus year.~ "I thought, 'It's finally over. It's heaJed. TI\ls is greaL'" But his leg wasn't healing property from the surgery. When doctors wenr in, they found more cancer, advanced enough lO warrant amputating Cailloueue's leg from above the knee. "What I wenl through, ti's kind of a unique experience, H he said. "It's caused me lo grow up a lot and 11\ really changed my outlook. on lifo • The Relay for Life is 111 ils second year in Newport Beach. Walkers representing -/tml' Casagmnde. />J1oto by Sean l lill.er • Atul Kumar Somabha1 Patel, 43, Newport Beach NEWPORT BEACH Sunct.., • David Grant Anderson, 42, Long Beadl • Kimberly Delynn Bailey, 22, Newport Beach • Shirtey Martin Pegg, 45, Newport Beach •Antonio German Ruiz. 31 Laguna Beech s.tunt.y • James Francis Stevens, 59, La Habra • Martin Ian Brouard, 43, San Francisco ConlWllaon Newt assistant, (949) 674-4298 c:or.l.wll1<>ntllat1ml!l•.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l.ead1, l<ent Treptow READERS HOT\JNE 19491642-«>ee Record yo\lr comment• about the Deity Pilot or news tlpe Addl'998 Our eddf9M la 330 W. Bey St, Cotti Meu, CA 92827. Off'I08 hours are Monday -Frl~y. 8:30 e.m. 5 p.m Comcdonl It la the Pllofa policy to promptly oorT'ICt all errors of aui.t.nce. Please call (949) 764-432•t m The Newport~ Meu Deily Pilot (USPS-144-8001 la publlal'led dally. In N9wport 8uch end ea.ta MeN, t'Jbecl'I~ at9 available only by eubec:rib4ng to The Tlrnea Orang. County (IOO) 252-8141. In •r ... O\lttlde of Newport a.ad\ Ind Cost.I Mete, IUC>lctlpdona to tM Daily "lot .,. tv•il~ only by ftrM d .. mail for $30 per monm (ttnc.e Include all lppl~IN ttate and toe.I taQt.) POSTMASTER: Send addrell c"8ngea to The HelNpon e..cM:olta MeN Dl•tv '9\lot, P.O. GETTING INVOLVED and other functions (7141708-5500 SPEAK UP NEWPORT • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. A nonprofit organization that promotes the social welfare by educating the public and improving local government in Newport Beach holds monthly meetings the second Wednesday of each month at the Newpon Beach Tennis Club. A reception begins at 5:30 p.m .. and meetings begin at 6 p.m. Free. Annual membership dues are $20. Send c:hedt to ·speak Up Newport; P.O. Bo)( 2594, Newpon Beach, 92663. (949) 673-1191. SOUTH COAST LITERACY COUNCIL Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demand for literacy and English as a second language classes. Students are taught English reading, writing and speaking skills at their own level in small groups or one on one. Then. are centers all over Orange County. Once trained, tutors may choose the center at which they want to teach. Mary Frtzgerald, (949) 468-8664. STTI'CHES FROM THE HEART SOUTH COAST REPERTORY TiiEATER The South Coast Repertory Theater needs volunteera to help with ushering (see plays free) Made up of a group of women from Southern California who love to knit and crodlet. the nonprofrt corporation is looking for volunteers to knit and crochet hats, booties and blankets for premature babies and babies In need. The items are donated to hospitals acroa the country. Patterns are available, and donated yam Is appreciated. Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. Box 1560, Costa M .... CA 92628 SURF AND SUN Copyright: No news 11oriet, illu1tr1tlon1, edi1orial matter or advertiaementa herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF reproduced without written penmMlon of COPVright owner It's another 1pringy day, with The aouthwest swell HOW TO REACH US a lot of aun and highs in the continues producing today, Clrcua.tloft upper 70.. Lowa will 1tay a few bringing us some dlest· to The Tim" Orange County degrees above 60. ahouldel'-highs. South-facing (800) 252·9141 Thursday will be a bit cloudy breaks should IN slmilar .mt ~ ~ (949) 642·15678 earty, bu1 will be juat es aunny on Thursday. Dttpley (9491642 4321 In the afternoon. Highs will The northwest swell Isn't too EditorW near75. shabby eithef, lifting the Hewe lnfonndon: west-feeing breaks Into the (949) 642·5AO www.nws.f10llll.tJOV chest-to shoulder-high renge ~(949)674-4223 111 well. 'TM swell will pgk Fax (9491~170 BOATING FORECAST with hee<H\lghs on Thurld-v. lpotta Fu (9491 &50-0170 E...,,... t»l/yp/Joteletlma com Frtday'a looking a bit llNtler MUIC>Moe The winds will blow 10 lcnoi. ao far. ,,...., quality: ..... OMcie (9491842-4321 ••r1Y in the lnnerwatera, but 9uelnw,... (9491 &31·7129 will become wMtleffy and www.~rfrldM.org strongef .i 10 to 16 mots thlt eftemOon. w.,.,.. will be~ TIDES lit! 2 fMt In hefght Whh. aouth nm. tWOht tweil of 3 to' fMt. Out farther, the 11:09a.m. 0.57*tlow ~..tyWfnde will bfow 8'.31 p.m . 3.2'1*t~ l'ubll&Md by Tlmee Community stronger lrt 10 to 20 knots, Wt1h 9~2p.m, 3.20*tlow 3:52a.m . 4.20 'f..t high Neww, •division of the Loe~ 1· to 3-foot waYM and a Tlmee . aiouthweiC aw.II of 4 to 8 Mt. •wATER TEMPERATURE CK>02 Timee CH AU rlOhtt Wlr'ide wtft buMd "* to 15 to 215 tnolll, With 2· to 4-focK ~. W9we erid ..... of 7 fMt. &adegrtM • Wedrie~ Ac>ri 9. 2003 AJ Trash-free site clears way for community center Top choice to house proposed Newport Coast community hall is free of waste from nearby landfill. June CHa1rand1 DailyPtlot NEWPORT COAST -An envi· ronmentaJ study shows there Is no gart>age buried underneath the site where residents hope to build a community center. The northwest comer of New· port Ridge Park ls near enough to a former landfill that resident leaders and local officials were worried that methane gas or other envtronmentaJ problems could threaten plans to build a S7·mlllion community center there. ·it's so close to the landfill, there was great uncertainty as to how far the refuse footprint went Fate of schools' facilitators is still not certain Private funding ends for the translators and community help ers, so the questions rest with Newport-Mesa school district officials. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NhWPORT·MF~'iA -Just~ the need for them can't be den1ed and the benefit of their service-. can't be ignored. the lack of fund· ing to support them mu.st be ac knowledged. On Monday, that wa5 precisely what happened. During a meeting h05ted by the Or.utge County Congregation Community Organv.auon. distnct officials. community memlx'r. and facilitators from the organiza tion dlSCUSSCd the importance or LryillR to keep community facilila tor; employed with the Newpon Mesa Unified School Dlstrict. lllanks to fundrng from an anonymous donor. which equate:. to about $784,000 aruiually. the district has enjoyed the commu· nity services of facilitaton. for nearly a decade, givmg primanJy Sparush-speahng parents a link to the school and generating m· creased parent part:ic1pauon m the process. "It's a very wonderful, wonder· fuJ program that we've been lucky to have for so many years.· '>aid Jane Garland. communicanon'> and ~pecial projects coordinator for the district. "We will do every· thing we can to keep it· Ille privale funding for the fa cilitators, who work al 19 school sites primarily an C.Osta Mesa. will end in Jwie, thus leaving their future up to the district. "The services will be pro- vided; that is a guarantee," said Amparo Ames, lead community facilitator for the district. "We're a resourt:e lo paren ts in the dis 1rict We need to spread the services to wherever they are needed and that is someUung that will change. The need. we know, is out there.· The program, which U. pan of the district's community out· reach services, has evolved with the schools' and commuruty'r. need& Now, the program will ell"° have to evolve with the dis trict's budget constraints. Di<>trict officials exprt"iSed ev ery intention of ma.king sure that the commuruty facilitator !>E!rvices. wtuch range from act· ing as a cranslator for parents to helping them find different re· sources in the community, re· main available, even if they have 10 tweak some of the positions. District officials "do intend to find the money .. but there can be no assurances that it will be starus quo." Garland sald. Let the Name Calling Begin. U~in9 txcluslvt TutC>fAld math test1119, ~ analyzt skills a child has miss~ or not comprt~nd~ In school, t~n c~at~ a proqram to ~ bo1ld Ult foundation :::'\ r~utrtd for succns Smarty PaCJ!!; Einstein' en basl< math, u ~II ----- as advanctd courses like algebra orgro~try. If you·~ looklng to lmpnJll'C your chlld's ~k oudook In 1119, now Is ttM time to ftnd out~. (949) 645 7900 488 East i7th Str~ • Costa Mna (CO<n~ °' •rvlnt Awnu.) ~ 18' x 1a· ............................ , .... v•t•••tfftt•t'1'f'ff••"··· !I -.l c..7'ic: ~ ......................................................... .....,... 111l ~~ ........................ , ............ 11 ......... .._,,.. 9'l under Newport Ridge Park. and apparently there's none at all,· Assistant Oty Manager Dave Klff said. A second-choice location for the community center in the Newport Coast Parlt project wru; shot down by the Irvine C...o. last week. The community center would take up needed space for pli\Ying fields and would violate terfns of a lawsuit settlement that protects migrating animal species Crom the effects of rught lighting. a company represema· tive told local leade1'. The park will be built near the top of Ridge Park Road. Instead, the Irvine Co. sug· gested a 2.S·acre parcel about a quarter mile north of the inter· ~c-lion of Newport Coast Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road. ·11 makes good ..eru.e," said Jim McGee, chairman of the Newport Coast Adviwry Com miltee, which is o,teenng efforu. lo build the community center. McGee said that the comminee has abandoned the Newpon Coast Park t.lle m favor of this parcel as their <;econd-cho1ce Jo cation. The next steps are to select an a.rdl.itect to draw up iniual 1te plans and to revisit whether re&I denli> want a cummuruty center at all. •'fhe prehmanary op11Uoru. that we rece1vt'd approxunately a year and a half ago were that rnosl people tha1 r~ponded lO a i.urvey wen~ 1n favor of 1he con cept of a community center.'' McGee '>Cl.Id "We'rt> going to te'>t public optruon again and, u- suntlng that public opinion b.a$ not stgruficantly changed. we'D be a.skutg what ~of amen· nies people want at a commu· nity center.· The favo~ site ln Newport Ridge Park 15 owned by the N~· port Ridge Commuruty Assn. Residents who suppon a com· mumty c,enter hope that. by em- ph&11.1ng the benefits to the ~ !>ociallon and 1lfi homeowners, they can per<>uad~ the associa· uon to donate the land. ·Another Middle Eastern dine in Costa Mesa The area's third Persian eatery, Ferdussi Grill, will open July l to replace deli.· Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COS rA MESA -The hub of commerce, the aru. and~e dirung can now look forw d to 1lS third Persian restau t. Owners of Ferduss1 Grill in Santa Ana ann ounced they will bring their eatery to the area to jom Darya in the South Coast Village Plaz.a and Orchid Restaurant at 3033 Bristol St. They have signed a lease to occupy the form er Arnie's Manhattan Restaurant & Deli· catessen, beginnmg July I. fer- duss1 Gnll will serve Persian cuisine out of the building at the intero,ection of Rn .. 101 and Bear streets. "The exposure i'> a 101 beuer than the location we're in now,· owner !>eyed M1rem.td1 said. "It will be a very trendy design." Miremadi signed a deal with landlord John Saunder!> shortly after Arnie\ clo.,ed in January. Amie's owners left the location after they decided to consolidate the deh w11h their sernnd Newport Beach locauon at 1660 Dove St Arnie's owner, fJiar. CllaJlita, said long hours from 13 yean in the restaurant business had taken It'> toll on hb family life OiaJlita. who lives an Costa Meo,a, wants to r,pend more ume with h10, wirl' and thildren "I decided to c.,hut it down,· Olallita said about the decision to dose Arnje\. "The renr h high for the lime I'm putung 111 and the rent, I figured 1t\ not worth my time anymore • Oialhta said he paid $7,200 per month for the 4,400 square fef'I of space. He said "aboul 90%. or his Coi.ta Me'>a CU'ilom er'> have nugrated to the New port Beach deli to buy their o,andwiches, soup and salad., Putting aside M1remdd1\ op timism about the locatton, oth ers c.,ay it ,., !><>rnt•what 1sola1ed from porenual patron-,, whit h rnuld pre!>ent an ob-.tacle. ·it 's not pede-.tnan rnendly: '>Jld l~d Fawcett. the presidenl of the Co.,ta Me'>a Chamber of Commerce. "It doer,n't have the foot 1raffic " Arrue'!t w~n t able to aurau the c;ame number of walk by t:u.,romerr, as Jerry\ Famou!> Dell ur Kaplan\ Deli. Fawcett 'kl.id Per-.ian food. however. is a ~pec1ahy and tan bt• .,un-eo,.,ful he added Before he can reopen the te'>· State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon 1e;11t11aa ;1R:ti1·i.11litd:t1011 e H;td • COMPLITI IMOI BEPAIR TU•I UP Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Yean in Costa Mesa TBI CAllBUnGR llOP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286 • 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters •@UJllllUJJiuJJ CONSIGN • DESIGN Qualily Fun.u1Ung1 4 Acc11sork1 For Your Home PIM 4 I>rawer ~r ........ ·-··········-······· ... ········-··· .. $17S- Ivory Changing 'liblelDreaer--···---.. ··-··--···$200" IYory 3 Drawer Drmet-w/Ratcb ................ -.. $250" hory Delk w/G._ Top .... -·-·-.............. S2'7S- Pair ot Latber Beraft'e Chain... ... ........ --S!W S..GrmaCbmllltSecdoaal-.--.. -·-·-----·"'5'9 PaJr al Do1"1.,w.. .. .._,_,. ......... 11-11 ...... --........................ _, -· ..... _ .. tJ...,,,,,,. .. _ 9 E. 17th S~t 110, Costa Mesa, uc.w blliDd ...... Nlo Phone(949)764-1746 Hourr. Mo.Fri l~S:lOpm. Sil lO:OCJa...S;OOpa .. taurant, M1rernad1 '>did he need., to firu-.h an ovt·rhaul I te'll intrea'l' wating Lapa1:11y to JOO. he '>dtd, and mow thl' enrrance froltl the "tit· lo rlw fronl. I he hour'> of opemtiun'> w1ll c,tay the 'ame I t-rdu-.. ... will '>la~ opt·n until 10 pm on wed. 1111-:ht., and 11 pm. on wi.•t.·~ end'>. "vliremath, whu own-. two other re~1<1uran1c, an C )rang!.' County. 1c, 111 tht• m1d-.1 of 1ranc, f1:rnng hi!> ltquur ltcenw t1i the new locauon luXURY 'I decided to shut it down. The rent is high. For the time I'm putting in and the rent, I figured it's not worth my time anymore.' Elias Challita Arnie's owner .... ------. . -,, Too Busv to Exercise?' • loo ran Still Hart .4 ii as little as ~Weeks! We•~•l\.J•ta~­ lr tw r. "UrpiW Prft;r '$91 • anav.i fll'*f•• JISl•Wiill 31l%71137 ! ,.. Wednesday, Aprd 9, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT A sport utility vehicle allegedly cut off a Honda on the connector of the south San Diego Freeway from the south Costa Mesa Freeway on Tuesday morning. , Passenger dies in freeway hit-and-run A fatal h.it-and-run car ac- cident blocked traffic Tues- day morning on the south- bound transition from the Costa Mesa Preeway onto the southbound San Diego Freeway. The 9:26 am. crash oc- curred when a blue Honda Accord was forced to take evasive action to avoid hit- ting a silver SUV. said Cali- fornia Highway Patrol spokesperson Colleen Richardson. Witnesses said the silver SlN cut across the No. 4 lane of the transition lanes, caus- ing the Honda in the No. 5 lane to swerve, she said. The Honda careened onto the concrete berm on the side of the transition and then rolled several times, ejecting ·the passengeT who died at the scene, Richardson said. Driver Yoni Memije-Vina- lay, 21, of Santa Ana was taken to Western Medical Center with moderate inju- ries, she said. The passenger, Luis Goytia, 41, was wearing only a shoulder belt with no lap belt. The Honda stopped in the middle of the connec- tor bridge onto the San Di- ego Freeway, blocking all lanes of traffic, Richardson said. 11 was still not cleared early in the afternoon as California Highway Patrol of- ficials investigated. Witnesses say the silver SlN slowed down momen- tarily after the accident and then continued on the tran- sition road, Richardson said. She said that if the passenger had been wearing a lap belt, he probably would not have died. Come see the new EverWood• CoumrySide blinds from Humer Dot1glas. Overlapping slats creace a beau1irul boar(j,on-board design. And che ·seep-up· look adds depth. dimension and character to any room. And EverWood CouncrySlde will not. warp. crack. peel or rade. Even in humid areas or direct sunli'1t. Come see these beautiful blinds today. llwB~ """""''""',.., ...... , .......... . Wlfltt Ot/" •11•t ,,,,., ~ALDEN'S Fu l()jl CovfJUNI. ANll (1 \mM WIN~ CovlJUNG~ t 663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 f RAKES ~ .. Lemer Wustrated this passion by proudly waving a $1,000 check she received from the Costa Mesa Cltiuns for Respon- sible Growth on the way into City Hall Monday nJgbt. The funds will serve as seed money Jf a community group comes for- ~ to purchase Kona Lanes or a portion of the property for bowling or some other kind of recreation, Leffier said. In February, the PlannJng Comm.J.ss.loo approved the proj- ect on.a 4-1 vote because it com- plied with all the general plan and zoning. Mayor Karen Robin- son appealed that approval and was adamant about voting on It Monday, her ·last City Council meeting before she resigns on Tuesday to become an Orange County Superior Q>urt judge. Continued from Al time and that doesn't happen vecy often," Robin Leffler said. "We're pleased and we're loolcing forward to oµr homeowners' as- socladoo talking with the Seger- stroms and maybe having a town hall meeting with them to see what we can wodt out when we actually work together. If a developer comes in here with a good project, w~d support it" . Many residents still prefer re- creation although all three rec- reational and entertainment uses -the movie theater, ice 11*8.ting rink and Kona Lanes bowling alley -have. 'failed or are failing. The fust two ·are closed and Kona Lanes will close by the end of June. CAKE Continued from Al heard from Bryan was almost a month ago when he gave them a surprise phone call on a Sunday morning. "He actually traded a pair of combat boots for a 20-minute phone call with some British soldiers who had a satellite phone," said Scott Bergey, himself a former marine and army officer. "He's a typical · good marine. He's resourceful" Pam Bergey said hearing his voice and seeing his pictures gave her some reas'Surance. "Except," she said, "there was this one photo of him sleeping APPOINT Continued from Al Robinson will resign on April 15 to become a Orange County Superior Court judge. While the majority favored the appointment method, Robinson supported Councilwoman Libby Cowan's suggestion of selecting the runner-up in the November 2002 election, former Mayor Linda Dixon. Robinson and Co- wan ca<>! the two "no" votes to follow the appointment process. Cowan's proposal won sup- port among residents who called ALLOWED Continued from Al "The librarian picked the book out for me after I asked for something with hats," Webb said. "I have quite a hat colJection and it turns out I had hats for all the occasions." As the story progresses, many of the other professionals in town get sick. or for some reason, cannot perform their jobs. Giorgio, being the go-getter that he is, takes on various jobs, including station master. postmaster and fisherman. Each time Giorgio took on a new task, Webb donned a new hal and thrilled the children But the Segerstroms have washed their hands of recreation for the property, Freeman said. Robinson, a lawyer, repeatedly emphasized her opinJon that there was a legal basis in the. general plan lo reject Kohl's: the cumulative effect the massive building would have on the area. She also dlsputed a national traf- fic model that was used to gauge the effect Kohl's traffic would have. "We tried diligently for six- 'plus yea.rs 10 pursue that and are convinced it doesn't work there, not with quality operators," Freeman said. "It just isn't 1n the cards.~ .Segerstrom & . Sons will prob- ably begin demolishing all three vacant buildings after Kona Lanes closes, Freeman said. with his gas maslc on and a machine gun by his side. That was ldnd of emotional -to see my first-born child surrounded by such danger. H But Bergey added that her son had made a lot of friends. HHe told us it's like having L.000 brothers,H she said. Bryan had his heart set on becoming marine. Enrolling in the Marine Corps was the first thing he did after graduating from Corona del Mar High School in 1998. He spent four years in the corps and got out la'il summer, but got reactivated in January and was deployed right away as part of the Isl Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion of the Alpha Company's 2nd it the least political. ·1 think Cowan's suggestion is a little more democratic," resi - denl Beth Refakus said. "II con- cerns me about appointments that don't involve the electorate where the public is nor allowed to have input" The approved process, one of three possibilities offered by City Manager Allan Roeder. calls for candidates to submit letters of interest between now and April 14. The letters will then be sub- mitted to the cow1cil for review and posted on the city's Web site. At the next council meeting on April 21, tJ1e names of the with colorfuJ props. The councilman had coveralls and a squeegee for his gas station gig; envelopes to hand out while he played postman; a net filled with colorful fish that he cast out over his bright-eyed audience and tomatoes and peppers lo represent the garden. He was animated. he was funny he was lively -all pretty common for popular politicians -but he was also sincere. "It was great fun," Webb said. In the end. Giorgio ends up taking on so many tasks, none of which he knows how to do weU, and becomes so busy and tired he finally quits. ln the end, Giorgio goes back to doing what he loves best: cooking, FACES Continued from Al Another woman, with more clothes and a less welcoming ex- pression also promotes the festi- vaJ. Her eyes are focused. Her neck muscles bulging out from under her red turtJe-ned sweater. Her bangs frame her face and her lips sit in a fiat line, neither smiling nor frowning. Tue word Hhomie" is stamped to the left of her nose. The unnamed middle-aged face adorns the cover of the festi- val media program, along with 39 other mug shots captioned by words such as "clone," ·over- lord," "swashbuclder." and "cy- borg." Tudd Quartararo. publicity dJ- rector for the festival, said this year's ad campaign was designed to illustrate how ordinary people· take away assorted concepts from che featured films, hence OBfTUARY ~Schwanz "I thin.le we reached the right decision in rejecting a ptoject of this siz.e and I would hope any project of this siz.e and intensive Platoon. His job is basically that of a scout who watches out for any danger, including those posed by the enemy such as land mines and hazards presented by the hostile desert. "He's pretty ex.cited about It,• Scott Bergey said. He said they lost touch with Bryan completely once the war began. "We know for sure he's in Iraq now." his father said. "Probably in downtown Baghdad, who knows." They are also glued to the television, wh.ich can g~le crazy at times, Pam Bergey said. HI also h·ave a 16-year-old daughter al home." she said. "So I try not to keep the news candidates will be announced and the public will have a chance to comment on them. Then the nominations will begin and the first one to receive three or more votes will fill the va- cancy. If no one receives three or more votes at that meeting, the topic wiU be continued to the May 5 meeting. where the proc- ess will be repeated. Fom1er councilman Jay Hum- phrey, who was on the council in 1991 the last time the council had to replace a member. issued a caveat to tJ1e council members about being too rigid in their choices. gardening and i.ervmg. The moral of the story: You can't be everything to everyone. I low perfect for a city leader who ii. expected to make definitive decisions on everything from cable service conrracts and historical theater exemptions. to police contracts and temple heights. Thank. goodness for staff reports. Webb said he could relate to the story. "When you look at things you sometimes have to realize what your limits are and you can only do things well if you don't do too many things." he said. "It is also important to do what you do well." Webb can now add story-telling to the list of things he does well. the question printed under the varied faces. HPeople come and get such great insight into otheT people's lives and their films and charac- ters, H Quanararo said. "Normal everyday people come and watch and take away with them some unusual characters.· An unassuming 20-something male, with a striped polo shirt and visor, ls branded a ·dead witch." An unsmiling woman with shoulder-length hair and ,darlc eye glasses that sit on the end of her nose is tagged as "as- sassin." The faces are young. old, snill- lng and stem. They encompass all ethnicities, skin, hair and eye color. Promotional pieces in- clude media packets and pro- grams with various characters and larger bus covers and~­ ers, featuring one person and the random tidbit they take away fromafilm. More than 250 bus stops ln Orange County are decorated Daily Pilot use would be rejected at thla lo- cadon," Robinson aaJd. "I'm hoping the Qty CoundJ directs staff to look into a rez.oning of this partJcular area to a lower in- tense use and also to incorpo- rate a requirement of recrea- tional uses there." CoundJwoman Ubby Cowan cast the lone dissenting vote. Echoing the Planning Commis- s.lon, Cowan said she supported the project be<;ause it meshes with the general plan. ~ "l certainly think there is traf- fic," Cowan said: "We live in an urba.n.iz.ed. ttaftic society. I'm not sure the iss\Jes of traffic are is- sues that are reasonably put for- ward to deny the project." • OEIADRE NEWMAN covers 'costa -Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. channel on all the time, so things seem a littJe bit normal for her.ff Scott Bergey said he is proud of his son. "I know be will do good with all those good soldiers around him,• he said. "I know he's safe." His mother, although worried, said her son "wanted to be there." Hlfhe had a choice, he'd want to go,· she said. "He has a job to do and his heart is in the right place." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. "Don't become inflexible and intransigent in wanting some- one that doesn't reflect a bal- ance." said Humphrey, who along with his coUeagues chose former Councilman Joe Erickson to fill the vacant ~eat. CounciJman Gary Monahan said he supported the appoint· ment process because it seemed the most logi<..-a.I. "I fell (it was the) smoothest and best way to take a stab at this," Monahan said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reamed at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre. newman ie>latimes.com. "It is so nke for the k.ids to see our city leaders up close and penoonal, instead of from behind a podium or on Olannel 3, • Adams said. Performances by Bromberg and Brouwer are scheduled for 10:30 a.m . Saturday at Newport Beach Central Library at I 000 Avocado Ave. and Balboa Branch at 100 E. Balboa Blvd, respectively. Linda Katsouleas, the Library Services Director. will read at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Newport Beach Central Library. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be read'!ed at (9491 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.harper@latimes.com. with these miscellaneous char- acters. The concept was the brain- child of the creative forces at Young & Rubicam in Irvine and Quartararo said he could not be happieT with it The creative marlceting scheme embodies the assorted line-up at the annual Newport Beach Film Festival. which offers nine days of non- stop entertainment. parties, a chlldren's festival and in-depth seminars and symposium series that explores the world of film. making through the eyes of rec- ognized industry players, Quar- tararo said. "Hvery time r look at our post- ers I find new characters." Quar- tararo said. "It is fun to watch people stare at it for 20 minutes. pointing out new things to their friends. We had a lot of fun with this campaign." • LOUTA HARPER write. colt.1mna Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridav- and covers culture end the 1111. .. ..• ..... ' ... r .. ,, • .... . _ .. - . -· ' .. . • , 'P ' ,_.......,._ .... FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -a..u.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 •~Hotline. Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (9491646-4170 E-mall:Send to dailypilor@lafifn(tS.com • AJI correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for venflC8t1on purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all subm1wons for clanty and length COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Putting • an issue in park F or the past two years, the Costa Mesa City C-Ouncil has received letter:. from residents in the vicinity of TeWmk.le and California school., CHRIS STEEL regarcfjng the tr concerru. over the use of the athJetJc field!>. I have been contacted sever-ell tim~ by these residents who are, frankly. frustmted that no apparent actfon hru. been taken to deal with the effect of the city's joint ~ of these fields. I appreciate that the city's Paro and Recreation Com.mission is studying the matter but personally feel that these residents are due some immediate relief and the opponunity to addre~ the City U>uncil on this matter. Accordingly. I have asked City Manager Alan Roeder to plate th1\ maner on the City Courn:iJ agenda of April 2 I. I wanted to share this with interested members of the public who may want to participate u1 this discussion at our next regular meet on April 21. •CHRIS STfEL is mayor pro tem of Costa Mesa MAILBAG Parent Help USA ne.eds your time and your help· . My name is Sally Kanarek.. I started Parent Help USA and Mothers Against Oilld Abuse in 1987 after working with teenage survivors of suicide. I dedicated my work in memory of my sister who commined suicide. Otlld abuse is not an excuse for murder or any crime, but ii is a common thread in many preventable deaths and lives lost to violence. We know that child abuse keeps huning long after the abuse is over. It does not JUM hurt a child. ii can devastate a lifetime. And one in four families in Lhe United States have a child-abuse problem. In this country in one year, almost 3 million children are reported beaten, neglected. abandoned, i.exuaUy abused or exploited for child pornography and murdered in their own homes by parents, caretakers. strangers or neighbors. These children can be a few weelcs old; for olhers, help does not come until a child is seriously injured after years of abuse. Millions and millions of dollars are spent on reacting 10 a child-abuse problem with foster homes and an overburdened and grossly inadequate system. We know home Is where life makes up its mind. P.arents deserve.to be prepared for the most important job by having parenting education early in Lhe life of newborn'> And by including child abuse awareness in Lhe early grades and parenting education in later grade,, domestic violence and <:hiJd abu .. e could be '>1gnjficantly reduced through earl}' mtervenlion. What k.ind of an education ant we giving uur children 1f after 12 years ol s<:hooling they have nut learned tht.'y should not be sexuaJly abu,ed ur battered by anyone? Or that Lhey should not viclirru7e others? And '>hou.ld not a good education include values that teach us there are more humane answers than a dwnpster for an unwanted newborn or an unplannt:<l .pregnancy? The child abuse problem today ~ that a great nation cannot protect the basic human rights o11ts children. I believe we can. The Blue Ribbon is the international symbol for child abuse. Parent Help U\A believes the Blue Ribbon Bill 1s needed today more than ever It 1s about child-abuse awareness and prevent.Ion education in our schooh This but also would help us to redult' drug abuse and crime, as expert-. it'll us a person abused as a child .., I ,000 times more lixely to commit a c:nmc We ask for your support. which begins with taking action. Remme a meniber of Parent Help USA today ApriTis National Chlld Abusc Awareness Month. Help us 10 have 11 really mean something. Our work 1s about ending the suffering of the most vulnerable and innocent among us. 011ldren are the future parent'> of this nation and Lord knows we '>till have a lot to learn. We a.II want a safer natJon and world. Ouldren are the seed'> of peace for tomorrow. We need vour help to continue our work. To contact Parent Help U~A. call (949) 650-346 I or vic;it 11s Web '>II<' al parenthelpusa.org. Our open houw and members mixer is Apnl 27 at our new office at 330 W. Bay St .. Su111: I :w. Co<,ta Me1>a. SALLY KANAREK Public will decide fate of retail in Costa Mesa I hear "enough is enough" of retail in Co'>ta Me\a Hut who ha5 thc ngh1 tu d1ctaw that? I'll 1ell you who 11\ the publtl thal ulumately will dl·t:11.k Look a1 Kmart, Ice Chalet and Kona Lane-.. If you uc;c thl' "enough h enough" argument. when does Costa Me'>a intend to <,top adding car dealt>r'>hlp-. PROJECT CUDDLE'S 4th ANNUAL RACE FOR A LIFE April 12, 2003 Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley Schedule Saturday~ April 12, 2003 7 20 AM Check-in and start of late registration 8:25 AM -Opening Ceremony and awarding of the first door prize 8:30 AM -SK Run/Power Walk 8:40 AM -1.5 mile Youth Run (ages 13 16) 9:00 AM -Entertainment and Drawings 9:30 AM -Commencement of Awards 10:00AM -Kids Short Races (ages 5-13) 11 :00 AM -Brunch by Outback Steakhouse Proc:ttds bentrat Project Cuddlt which bdttrs tbt Uves or 1bused, abandooed and drug ei:posed ddldrtn through educatloo, rtlorm fldlities, child abuse centers, hospitals and JoaJ communities. Kf<•l'IK.\110'\ IOK'1: ftT I t1c-t• tn <nJH . I'll ·\'ti O,I<•' \\-\1\I K . Det.11• on medal• • prfn• etc. .,. •v•llable •t m .pro(ectcuddle.org NAME CAr11C)1~~~~~~~~~~~~-(lMll'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Clty~~~~~~~~~~~~- StN a ZJP Phone ( COMPETTTOR FEES: ICcdU!!tw;tlMI NOff.COMPETlTOAS FEES: ·st< RUN S20 st< Pow. w... '20 Appiatlon reoeMld a~ 414/03 110 ' I 5 MAe Youlh Run ~ 11-111 $15 'Eatty aagn up& get T-sllWt a • Cttien'S fV-. I 0aat.a IAola ~ I $ 10 °"'** SIMllhouse lood lor $I 0 Competitor's age on 414~ Eetty aagn upa, no T ..,_, 0t kJOd M* Female_ lrom Oulbecti ~ S5 ~ "'* 5 ..... wW1 '*' dA 'lbpH e!lg!btt toe ten T-shirts If rag1stn1!loo Is cece!yad by 4141Q3. All paid lldm1~s1ons receive· Door pru.e drlv.m.a numhc.f, f(lt-of !INICk food , Wllon Clllldy. popcorn, ~no~. music, fun t'nlenainment, baJloot , bounce hou~i: youn,ct ludJ have llOCt'U lo boun« hou.w-t, play arc&. tte. Ma.ii Check or cmiit card infonnation and compl ltd focm to: PROJECT CUDDLE RACE FOR A LIFE Wood-Gutrnan.n Insurance Broilers 14191 Franklin Av Salte 1\rstln CA tl1llO or FAX infomwion to: (714) 433-68tS MIC°' Visa ,, ______________ Exp. Ollle ____________ _ SilJ'AlUl'C,._. ---------------Amoun•-------------Part dwpl $4.00 fOf pll\in,; rru pai\u:ta l'ln Iha Jtnlcl (AJrive ear1yl> WAIYD· MM ....... In wtk'"" AC..,. qi efpgirt I do~ me. nt dtlldwp Plojatt OidJJI, 'M>ad-Olllmann ~ BmlCP. lll&S all ~•till e.- fRJm all dailm ot ~ dnnan!h. actlOlll •hiUarVO' In any ll\llWf .u1 cw 1~1 out of my JW1 l*iClll tit llid ~ Wehjt ..... ,...,.,,, • ..__---~--~---~-~----~~--~Dale:.~-~~-~ ;......;;.::..;.--~-~~~----~---............ --._~011e~·------Ptr:.&.1111~ . ' 011 I larbor Boulevard or approving more Jiffy Lubes that have already taken over o ur major street corners? CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Competition ls the greatest form of providing fair prices and value 'JO that all people can obtain goods and .. erv1ces regardless of their econonut '>131 u-. What 1s really good for Costa Me'>a -a 99C Store or a Kohl's? crrv Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fatr Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, {714) 754-5223 Mayor Karen Robinson Council Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chns Steel DEBORAH WATSON Costa Mesa Scgerstroms doing a lot for Newport-Mesa youth l .a..i month, one of your readers 111quircd: "I laven't the Segerstroms had enough?" Jn her word!., "First. \outh Loast Plaza !the city derives as much J' 40% of its budget from this world da..s destinauonl. then Ikea. now Kohl .. She goci, on to chide the wger .. troms for ·shoving another '>lure down Ollf throat'>" and crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach CA 92663, (9491 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council· Gary Adams, John Heffernan. D1clc Nichols. Gary Proctor Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIAEO SCHOOL DISTRICT D1stnct Office 2985 A Bear St Costa Mesd CA 92626, (7141 424-5000 implore!. that (the Seger'>lroms?) "give our k.ids more than 1u-.1 anolher '>lore." Serger.,trorn ownership hai, given our ki<h more than the writer reaJuc ... Just to refresh her memory, till' Newpon Me~ Unified 'ichool Dl'>tmt will receive S2 m111lon from the Segerstroms from the Ikea Superintendent Robert Barbot Board· President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade, aerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks. Tom Egan Judy Franco and Linda Sneen tran ... acuon and she forget., th.u the C >range Lounty Performmg Art~ ORANGE COUNTY BOARD Of EDUCATION C t·lltl·r which she sugge'>t'> 1c., for thl' C,entol generation," annually hoc.,1., llHl.000 -.t hoot children, l..md1:rgar1en through 12th gradc. Jnd alter the expan!.ion I' 200 Kalmus Dnve PO Box 9050 Costa Mesa CA 92628·9050, 1714 1 966--4000. E1t1abeth 0 . Parker, member, Trustee Area 5. Costa Mesa. Newport Beach l ompleled. thal numbcr will grow to 'l00.000 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERV1SORS Hall of Admin1strat1on, 10 C1v1c Center Plaza, Santa Ana. CA •Jim Silva 2nd District (Costa Mesa. Newport Beach). (714) 834-3220 In fJtt. ft'rry Mandel. pre~i<lent of the C >range Count}' Performing Art" ( t'lltl•r I'> t•mphall<. that .. r <lucation 1-. J ma1or m1!.s1on of the Performing Art'> (enter · It seem'> to ht• that the v.-ntt•r\ plea that "our kids be given more tha.n Jll'>t anut.lwr .. ion·· 1'> being answered. • Thomas Wilson 5th Otstnct (Newport Coast I. (714) 834-3550 PRESIDENT WERNER ESCHER Nt•wpon Rt>aeh George W Bush (Al. Whrte House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .. Washington, D C 20500 •EDITOR'S NOTE: Werner Escher 1s a longtime Segerstrom off1c1al Hotline (6 a m to 2 p.m.) (202) 4561111 E-mail· president 2 wh11ehouse gov EARTH RESOURCE FOUNDATION saVins the Green First An nual Golf Classic Wednesday, April 16, 2003 Eagle Glen Golf Course• 1&00 EJ9le Glen Partway. Corona. CA 92183 Registration 10:30 • Shotgun Start 12:30 $150 per player includes lunch 18 holes. golf chnic, raffle tickets gift bag EAF hat awards dinner and much morell Register today -space Is limited Not able to attend -your donation of any size would still be greatly appreciated I Benefiting Earth Resource Foundation Youth Programs Putting Contest 10:30am ·Golf Chnic at 11 30am Announcements and lead ou1 at 12 · 15 pm Dinner & Awards Banquet 6 00 pm Siient Auctt00 pnzes include one-weels. stay 1n Cancun toursomes of golf, gott gear and much more HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Pl.WE REGISTER EARLY CLAPPER RAil: S2.80I On!'/ 144 player slots are available • lociudes 4 golfers EntJy fee includes 18 holes of gott, •Plus 2 additional golfers prizes. lunch plus the awards banquet •Corporate 51gnaoe on course dinner and team photo • Corpol'ltl recognruon on all literature llDMOUAI. PlAYBl: $151 DESERT TORTOtSE SI.• TEfJGRE£N SPOISOR: -• Includes two roursomn • Sign It sponsor ho6I • Banner prominentty dispQyed It • 4 tlcbts to Awards 8lnquet toumament • Corpora commemoratiYe plaque PUTTllG COMllSf IPOaOR: S-• Corpome recognrtioct on aJ • SiOn al the contGt • 4 ticbts to AWllds Banquet ~ UllCH IPC*SCMt; S1.• COMOOA : SI.• • Your name and loOO • appear In • lndudes ttme loursomes 1-L..r. • Tlt1t Sponsorship .. print pUblicltionl '"'·""'ll'IO .. • Banner and booth cm>minentl'/ ,,.. rllmes d It toamarnent tMTCmHBt .,,. • Corponte OCICTIJMmCM'ati ... • lnduda .a golera • Yoor,.,,. Ind logo wl ..,._ 1111 • SiQll a SCMlfllOt hall pm Pldc•• iackllil• a1 ---.,, ......... ' l QUOTE OF THE DAY "I/we take care of the ball, it's amazing the things this team can do." Steve Cond, CdM boys voleyball coach M Wectlesday, ... 9, 2003 PREPS Eagles .waking echoes A win over visiting Oceah View today could lead to first league crown in 19 seasons for Estancia. T he drought is oJder chan every player on the roster. A constant reminder it has been 19 yeaIS since the programs last league title, hangs from the north wan of Fstancia Jiigh's main gymnasium, overlooking the progre5.$ of this F.agles boys volleyball team with symbolic impatience. The program's last championship banner celebrates the 1984 Sea View League title. as well as a trip to the CIF Southern Section Division 4-A final. It is surrounded by similar rectangu)ar ~ that celebrate a string of seven straight seasons of success. including one mythical national title 0979), seven league crowns and four section runner-up finishes. The banners fonn a sizable chunk of ----~ ruffling, red and gold pomp. relegated, by subsequent yeais of futility. to ever-fading circwnstance. w()ur goal is to bring back a banner for our gym." said third-year coach nacey Heims, who knows a little BARRY something about FAULKNER Estancia volleyball history, having played . for the girls program in the mid-1990s. Whether or not the F.agles (12-2, 6-0 in the Golden West League) can place the order for that banner may be determined today at 4:30 p.m.. when defending Golden West co-champion Ocean v~ also Wlbeaten in league, Invades for a first-round. first-place showdown. Fstancia enters ranked No. 2 in CIF Southern Section Division m, while Ocean View is ranked No. 3. The Seahawks battled eventual CIF Division rv ~Corona del Mar to ftve games in the first round of the playoffs last spring and advanced to the CIF OMsion IV quarterlinaJs after sharing the league tide in 2001. They represent the only true competition the Eagles will f.ace until the playoffs, where Fstanda has not been since 1994. "f}bday's match) will show where we're at.· said Heims, who has seen her team benefit from offseason dub experience. as well as a shift out of the volleyball-rich Pacific Coast League. e.standa went 0-10 in Ieasue last season. but retUmed its top seYel'I players. including junior hitting standouts Kris Hartwell, }om Kornegay and Brad Larsen. as~ as sophomore setter Trevor Holmes. The Eagles have been bolstered by the addition of 6-foot-5 junior middle blocker Scott Sankey and 6-4 freshman' middle blocker Dallas Kopp. while senior bade-row spedalist Carlos Diaz is providing energetic leadersb1p. Ocean View, meanwhile, lost aome stalwarts to giaduatlon. aa:ordlng to veteran Saddlebac:k Coach SUe Gregory. who, having pla)9i both F.standa and Ocean View, deem the two programs evenly matched. Ultimately, it figures to be decided on May 8 when the Bagtes vi.sit Ocean View. ••• Perhaps looking ahead to today'a Ocean View dub. the P..ap. were lesa than dominant Monday againat vilidng Slddleba. faDing behind. 7-0, In each of the 8rst two games and 1ocing the leCOnd game, 15-6. It was the only game the P.aglel have lost In leegue tb1s teUOn. In 19 leegue games, apann.tng six matdw, the p.ap. have outaoored Golden West loes, 276-102. ••• EYEOPENER I Dilly .. ~.:· 1111'11,.... • ........... ~04honO<H TODD KATOVISCH Sports Edbr Roger Cartsoo • (949) 5744223 • Spotts Fu: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL · I • .. . "" •\ -1 '. , Sea I\ings plinish Trojans .. Coach Conti impressed with CdM's third-straight league win and sees squad headed in right direction. ' , Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot lRVlNE -They've gone from stumbling and bum· bllng to rumbling and crumbling. The Corona del Mar Sea Kings, who had the look of underachievers before Pacific Coast League boys volleyball play began. dis- played their capabilities in a three-game win over host University Tuesday. CdM Coach Steve Conti said the Sea Kings played a complete match and also possessed solid ball control. which meant the Sea Kings didn't commit that many errors and they also executed their offense. CdM seemed to put It all together in its 15-5, 15-2, 15·8 win SCOAfBOMD over the Trojans. who were dealt their first PCL loss. • "It seems like everyone is play- ing with more confidence." Conti said of his Sea Kings (8-8, 3-0 in league). WThe thing that impressed me the most was our ball control. If we take care of the ball. it's CdM 3 amazing the things this team can University 0 do." CdM opened Game 1 with a 6-0 lead, and Game 2 with a 7 ·O advantage. The Sea Kings were in sync during both games and featured an effec- tive combination of senlors Greg Gabriel, CdM's sener. and Eric Jones. the 6-foot-6 middle blocker. Jones (match -high 14 kills) tallied four kills in the first game and Hve more in the second game, whlle also collecting a service ace In each game. Gabriel who finished with 29 assists. recorded 15 assists in the first two gamei. "We have a lot more confidence in ourselves.· said Gabriel, one of eight seniors on the CdM squad. "We're just playing with a lot more poise. We weren't as confi- dent In the beginning of the season. W.e were losini the close games. But now we're getting after it rtght off the bat" KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Corona def Mar's Bart Welch sets the bal as Kevin Welch looks on during Tuesday's match against University. Gabriel also said the Sea Kings have relied on their chemistry. Four of the six starters are seniors (Gabriel, Jones. Bart Welch and Miles Yourman), and the other two starters are certainly capable of playing as a team. They're twin brothers, sophomo~ Tom and Kevin See SEA KINGS, Pqe A7 Newport finding its wings Sailors sweep visiting Hawks, eye Sea View showdown on Thursday night at Woodbridge. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -After dusting away some early cobwebs, the Newport Harbor Hlgb boys volleyball team began to see straight ahead on a road that found visiting Laguna Hills unmercifully in its way. The Sailors -nine-deep at the mo- ment -powered througb the Hawks, 15-7, 15-5, 15-8, ln a Sea View League match that lasted 55 minutes Tuesday at Newport Harbor, honing their akills for a showdown at Woodbridge Thursday evenlng that will be for the Sea View lead. Newpon Coach Dan Glenn felt more confident after the match than he probably was after Newport's first-game vic- tory. which saw the 17-)UC· Sailor leader scold his team in a huddle between games for potential set opportwl.ities it was missing in Game 1. • gery to repair a tom N1 suf. fered during the ba.slcetbaD season. for the rest of the year. But Glenn expects 6-foot-8 junior middle block.er Jamie Diefenbach to tt1Wn to the lineup followtng nm week's spring break. "We're fine-tuning our mid- dles and setter so when the other team makes a mistake we can capft.allze on lt." Glenn The Sailors, reigning league champions, regrouped and re- tooled. gtvtng Glmn a~ Lag. Hilla Newport 0 3 tam in hls mouth beading into the match Thuraday night against the WaITi· ors. ·rve only got nine right 1\oW and that is my smallest team ln a long t1me.• Glenn said. .But they an have made contribu- tions and I can put them Into any &itua· tion. .. The Sallora wW be without the services of sophomore Brett Perrine, who had sur- said "I felt lllce "°"' got better: Nick (Glassic) did a good job of seMllg and Adam (SchJeslngerl did a good job of hitting In the Wt game.. Newport withstood Laguna Hills' only lead of the match (2-1) and a minor rally late ln Game 3 to earn the sweep. Junior outside hitter Morgan GoYaan served ftve consecudve polnta as the Sailors (10-8, 3-0 ln league) took what at the time was a commanding, 10-., lead. Laguna Hilla {0-8. 0-3) rut the 1qd to 12-8 on an ace and three Newport flitting erron1 behe a ball hit lnto the net gave the serve back to the Sailors. Senior outside hitter Mike McDonald seMld the tlnal th1'le 1>9inta. whidl saw Schelslnger slam one ~ hll three kfl1a along wttb a combined sruft" block with aenlor outside hitter Paul To- man. Schleslnger tallied a game-high 18 as- &istl for kills from Gassic (dght), eenlor outside bitter Mk:bad 1bo1e (eeYen}, Tu- man (lb:), Gowan (four) and Laniford (two). Senior outside hitter Rym ~ doYe head first to bep a baD aliw ob the final point and lmior letter Nick Kelly tallied leYel Ulista In Game 3. "We were gtvtna (the SdorsJ "911 eay pules and their ball control fs IO pd.• said Laguna Hills Coach Jon Colton. "Your ball control has to be Immaculate If you're going to beat a team lib New- pon." OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters ride Waves , 5-1: Horwitz goes 4 for 4 in nonconference victory. ANTP.ATER MU.PARK -CADter fteldet Joo Horwitz wielded the blgelt bat tn a 10-hlt attack for the UC lrvlne Anteaters 'JUeeday ftlat>t. Solns 4 for 4 wtth l double. two n.&N ICOred and two RBJa u the 'eaten handed vtaldna Pep- pe.idiilo 1 S· I nonconter.M:o defeat. The Anteaten; ~ n4Mr trailed. IDlpped • l • 1 de tn tM fourth lnnlnl ...., • pair of NNt then took CoaUnancl wtib two more ln th• bOttom of tho wv- tnth to.Ptid tbt ~ to four. Kril ~ who wmt lw tnmnp. al· 1oWtni OM Mmed run on foUr hltl. IU'Udlll • four • .,, bla third vk:Co~ ln foUr dldllaM. 5ecand 11 • tmen Matt PIAhll' WU 2 • --------- ---·-~-- - --------------w --~----- t t SPORTS . KENT TR(PTOW I DAILY PILOT Corona det Mar's Tom Welch (center) taps the bal CNef the arms of University High defenders Sebastian Naum Oeft) and Charfte Nutt during Tuesday evenilg's Pacific Coast League boys volleyt>al match. SEA KINGS Continued from A6 Welch. Tom Welch contributed four kills and Kevin Welch had three kills in th&first game, when CdM established its dominance. The Sea Kings also appeared as If they have depth. That was evident from senior Brandon Sherick-Odom, who came up wt th six ki.lh in the third-game victory. •This is only his second game: Conti said of Sherick· Odom, who tore ligaments in hJs knee during the basketball sea· •ton. ·He's ju.st going to get bet-:·ter. • •• ·Conti also noted Sherick- Odom, Tum Welch and Jones hJt the ball with much power Tues· day. Jones' hitting was rather in- tense. On one of his kills, Jones hammered the ball so hard at University's Michael lee, Lee tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, what can you do, as CdM went up 12-2 in Game2. University (5·6, 2-1), which was missing one of its starters, never gained any type of mo· menrum. Out or the seven points the Trojans scored in the first two games. six came because of Sea King errors. "They would have beaten us even if we had (Matt Miede), • University Coach Jo Ann Byars. .. CdM is real consistent They keep the ball ln play, no matter what's going on. You can tell they have played volleyball together for quite awhile. They have a gJCat 5etter who just knows what to do with the ball. They were definitely focused.. BRIEFLY The lrojans made Game 3 a bit more competitive than the previous two. They came within 8-7, but CdM outscored Unlver· sity, 7 ·I. 10 close out the match. Bart Welch served for the final four points, and Yourman col· lected a kill to end the match. "There's stiJJ room for us to get better, but we're not maJc:ing the unforced errors we were making earlier in the St'ason. • Conti said. "We were maJc.ing error.. a1 the wrong time. But now we're tak ing care of the ball beuer. But there's still work to be done.· The Corona del Mar junior VCIJ'Sjty team also defeated Uni- versity in sweeping fashion, 15-7, 13·15. 16-14. The Sea Kings, led by sopho· mores Andrew Boyd and Ben Ap- plebee, rallied from a 14-7 deficit to win the decisive third game, in the be~t-of·three format. Pirates dominating OCC women's tennis team breezes in the first two rounds of Orange Empire Conference tourney. •TENNIS: SevmU Orange Cout College women's tennJs players advanced through the &at two rounds or the Orange Empire Conference individual tourrwnent Tuesday at Irvine Valley College. Sabrina Thnamal. Leah Beck.er, Ashley Nelson, Kai Mortyama and Radlael Sessum all won sec- ond-round singles matches to 'idvance to Thursday's Round of 16, a.lao at IVC In doubles. the ocx: pairings or Becter· Nelson and Tuna.ma.1-Ses· aun were victoriQus In the second l!OUDd and BeCbr·Nebon also -.med a third-round victory. Knights handle Sailors •TENNIS: Host Foothill High defeated Newport Harbor, 14-4, ln a Sea View League boys ten- Dis match Tuesday. , Olarlte Farmer and Robert Khoury won singles set.a for the Sailors. who fell to 6-.t, 2·3 in ~ague. Foothill improved to ll ·3, 5·0. S..V...l.Mpe fOOChm 14, ~4 ......__Fenner (NH) def. Kaurmin. &-2. lo.t to Serlu. 1..e,.l09t to K. ' flovt>el, Soe; Khoury (~HI '9tlred, '0-1, won, M , lost. o-8; Dede (NH) I ... ~. 3-e, )-e, DcMllblee-Lutfyl&ptey..Jon" (NH) io.t to D. HlmbeN.Hlmber, 1-e. def. Meekefl-Oeokor, 6-2, km to Lo-C. "°Vt*. 3-f; Serdyuk.ffoehw81d (NH) loet. o-8. 2-e, won. 7-6: lMn.Lund (NH) 1oet. 1-8, 1-8, 4-8. .. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ~atq the Datt Piaf's Athlete of1he ~ senes Ii I 1 I TODAY 22 -Matt Larson Corona del Mar Baseball, '99 21 -Steven Taelemon Orange Coast Track and field. '01 Roeser-Kuran sweep •TENNIS: The No. 3 doubles team of juniors Drew Roeser and Kent Kuran won 18 of 20 games to help host Sage Hill School earn a 15·3 Academy League boys tennis triumph over Oxford Academy Tuesday at Park Newport. ·Those guys played r~ally well,• said Ught:n.ing Coach A.G. Longoria. wh~ team, ranked No. 5 ln CCF Southern Sect1on Division V. improved to 4-6, 3-2 ln league. Ac l lh ill LNpe 8aae Htl 15 Oxford 3 ......,._ Solodko ISHI toet to Ang. 3-f, def. Chol, 8-2, def, Ahn, &-O: MlloYentMv (SH) won, &-0, lost, 3-45, won, 6-3; Chin (SH) won. M . &-0, ,..3-f. DOtllllee -Burton-Cordier (SH) def. .-Ort-Montgomery, e-o. cNf. Jeln..cleuMn. 6-1, def. Wong·Dol, \ 6-0, ~madan·Montekeb (SH) won, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3; Roeter·Kuran (SHl won, 6-0. 6-0. 6 2 Sage Hill rolls. 10-4 • SOFTBAIJ.: The Sage Hill School softball team broke away from a 2·2 fust·lnnlng tie and defeated visiting Whitney, 10·4, Lri Academy League action Tuesday. Freshman Debbie Yoder-Lee went 2 for 3 for Sage Hill (6-6, 2· l in league). Yoder-Lee, the Lightning's center fielder. also threw a runner out at the plate. Sage Hill Coach Jim Percival said. Ac•clemy LNpie 5-G• Hiii 10. Wttttney 4 1;co,. bv Innings Whitner. 200 b20 O • 3 7 Sage Htll 201 ~ • 10 1 3 Gonc:hlues end Pert. Redelsh11mer Dailey (7) •nd Torina W - Redelshe1mer, 3-2 L -Goncnules. 28 -Lee (W), Vodet·Lee (SHI, Minero (SHl 38 McK1ttendt (SH) Vanguard • SOFTBAU..: Vanguard Uni- versity dropped a doubleheader at The Master's College 1\Jec;- day, 4-0 and 3·2 to fall 10 22 18-1, 12·8 in the Golden State Athletic Conference. • &\SEMU.: Vanguard Uni- versity right-hander Matt Cas· ton pitched a ftve-bJt shutout to help the Uons defeat host Cal Baptist, 7 ·O, Tuesday ln a Golden Stale Athletic Confer· ence baseball game. Justin Millward and Robert Cruz each had two hits and each drove ln a run for the Li- ons (19-20. 8-10 In conference). SOFTBALL Sailors capture ,opener Ashley Gleason paces Newport's 3-1 victory over Aliso Niguel in Sea View matchup. Newpon Harbor 1 hgh's soft· ball team broke on top with a 3-1 victory over vii.1ting Aliso Niguel lo the Sailors' Sea View League opener Tue!>day heh.ind the bat and arm of i.ophomore Ashley Gleason. who pitched five shut- out innings and <.lehvered a two- run double in a three-run sixth inning. Gleason '>truck out four and walked one with a three-hiller through five Senior l(Jm Moore gave up an unearned nm 111 1he !>ixth, then got the dect~1on when the Sailors responded Wlth a base hit by Moore. a hit banrr (Jenny Dan- iebJ and a <>acrifice bunt by Shel- by Cmp. '>Citing up Gleason's two run .. ho1. She came around lo score on an Aliso error. Moore got tht-final three bat- ter:<> in the '>CVCnth for the win and the Sailor'> improved to 8-3, 1-0 SuV'-LMaue ----Newport 3, ~ Niguel 1 Score by Innings Aliso ooo 001 o , s , Newport ooo 003 3 7 1 Fkoere and Voight, Gleason. Moore (6) and Campbell W Mooni L - Fkoare. 2B Gl&ason (NH) CdM rallies. 5-2 • The Corona del Mar High softball team era~ed a 2-0 defl· ci1 wnh five runs in the final two innings to claim a 5-2 Pa- cific Coast League-opening vie· tory at Laguna Reach Tuesday. After Laguna Beach scored single runs m the first and sec- ond, the visitors scored three in the slXth and added two insur· ance runs in the seventh to lID· prove to 5·5 Winning pitcher Alissa ZoeUe walked to lead off the sixth and scored on Ktanna Jay·~ tnple. Lauren Loe, who went 4 for 4, doubled in Jaye and scored on an errant throw back to the in- field. In t11e seventh, Amy fyson doubled, stole third and scored on an error and Jaye 'iingJed in the final CdM run. The hesno State-bound ZoeUe struck out three and )'lelded JU'it four h11s to improve 4-3. l ltllary Fnmond homered for the Breaker'>. who fell to 7-6. Paclflc Coast LMIUI CdM 5. l.quna Beach 2 Score by Innings CdM ooo 003 "} s s o L. Bead! 110 ooo o 2 • J Zoelle and Tyson Turner and Frimond W Zoelle. 4 3 L - Fnmond 7-a 2B Loe (CdMI, Tyson (CdMI. 01mone1 tLBI 38 Jaye (CdM) HR Fflmond (LBI BOATING Udollle~Club Sptng 2003 Dinghy Aeglltta Laser -1 Deve Lamb S; 2 Phil Gavt9ch1, 6, 3 Tenny1<>n Oyler IUYCl9 Claa A -l Cole Hatton (NHYCI. 4, 2 Mac Mace INHYCl, 1', 3 Dene But-. (NHYCI. 13 4 Chna Bernard INHYC). 14 0.. B -1 Ru.ell Bate (NHYC), 4, 2. Cooper Scott (NHVC),6 0.. Cl -1 Broob Clartt (NHVC), 6; 2. Emily Dahl (NHYCI, 5. 0... C2 -l, J.ct Murret (UYCI, 5; 2.. Ian Fournier ILBYCl. 9. O..C3 -1.~M.v­ (LJVC). e: 2..Addl.on Rid\ley !UYC).8. Wednesday, ~ 9. 2003 A1 BASEBALL CdM gains tie for first Sea Kings shut down University nine, l i -o. uMNF. -Corona del Mar .High jwl.ior pitcher Josh Bradbury sur- rendered just one hit in six shut- out in.q.ings and the Sea KmW> ex- ploded for 16 hits lO post an 11-0 Pacific Coast League baseball Wlll Tue5day at Umversity High. The Vlctory, the Sea Kings third straight league triumph, propeb them into a share of firM place and improves their record to 7 -4, 4 -J. in league. Universlry Is also 4-2 in league and Laguna Beach entered Tuesday's game against \.aJvary Olapel with a 3-2 league marl. lh.tl> was ow bes1 aJJ-around performana' in league." CdM Coach John l·.mme said. fhe ~a K111~ po<>led smgle ruru. m the i.econd. third and fifth innmg!>, before exploding for eight in the i.eventh to avenge a 6 5 lo'I.'> to Uni in the March 21 league opener at C<lM. liradbury, now 3·0 on the mound, gave up only a solid !>In gJe in the c;econd. before .,vmg way 10 reliever ( .nffin Dunzer m the !)Cventh Bradbury '>truck. out i.LX .md walked three He aJ<.o wenl l for 3 with iwo RBb and walked lWlce to bolster the of· fense. Bradbury is now hltnng a team-leading ·?"3· "He was dominant," Emme said of Bradbury's pitching per· fonnance. ·He weat after them, kept our defense on its toes and threw fil'St·pltch strikes all day.. Nick Palc:hikotr went 3 for 4 wtth two RBI!> and Barrett Sprowl doubled three times m four at ba~ Dawly Mann-Finn was 3 for 4, Keith Long was 3 for 5 and Brandon Kunz drove ln two runs for the wtnners. Emme said the recent upswmg is d tribu1e to his players' com- mitment to preparation. ·1 thmk they knew we ~ Wlderaduevlng and an of us de- eded we could elevate our prepara uon." f-.Inme said. "\'k started fo. cw.mg on what we needed to ~ done that day. whether it be a game Of prdCUC.e. mstead of looking al a ptltUJ'l' al the end Of the road.• PacWic Coast L.acue CdM 11. Untvenlty 0 Seot'9 by lnninas CdM 011 010 l II 16 0 Uno ooo 000 o o 1 o Bradbury Dunzer 17> and Mann Fonn. Brown. Radcliff t6l Braden 17! and Huffacre W Bradbury. 3-0 l Brown 2B - Br.idbul)' cCdM Sprowl tCdMl 3 Prosson iCdMI Kurtz ICdMI Aliso Niguel ekes out victory over Newport Sailors drop 3-2 Sea View League decision. /\USO VTEJO -Newpon Har- bor High pitcher Joey Cantarella aJJowed just three hits and shut host AliliO Niguel OUI I.be final five innings. but a three-run burst in the first inrung proved decisive as Ali'IO posted a 3·2 Sea Vlew League baseball victory Tuesday. 1Wo walks and a one-oul dou- ble play ball which was thrown away at first got Aliso Niguel all the offense 11 would need to im- prove to 4-2 tn league. R.J. Muller gor Newpon off on the right foot in the first inning with a double and Karo Makser- jian got him home with a base tut to left. fhe Sailors scored again tn the fifth mm.ng when a pair of walk.s and a sacrifice bunt by Dave Frickson moved the runners up, followed by a sacrifice fty from Jeff Sanchu~ MakseCJian singled and was on second with one out in the fourth, and Cantarella W& aboard with a one-out walk tn the seventh, but both were stranded Cantarella struck out four and walked five as the Sailors feU to 3 10, 1 5 in l~e S..YWL.eepa Abo Niguel 3, Newpon 2 Score by lnninas Newport 100 010 . . o -7 3 1 Ahto JOO ooo • · 3 l o C.ntaretla and S.ndlez; Bohana and Miller W -Bohana L -C.ntarell• 28 -Muller (NH). A Sage Hill laugher, 20-2 NEWPORT CXlr\Sr -l.ad ~ drichs wmt 4 for 4 with two double and triple and had four RBis. and threw a one-hitter <M!r !Our in- nings. yet i.1. St'<X>ndary in the story of Sage Hill School'~ 21>-2 men:y loll- ing in m.e innings of Academy League foe Whitney l\Jesda}t. The fus1 15 batters for the Lightning not only got aboard Wlth none out. but all 15 scored in an 18· run first inning. The only other hit for the Lightning that went for extra bru.es, aside from Friedrich·s blOW5, was a two-run homer by Jordan Salinger. Sage Hill improYeS to 4-4-1. 3-3 in league. Whitney falls to I 10. 0-6. Academy~ Sage .. 20. Whitney 2 ScoN by lnnlnp Whitney 000 02 • 2 2 I S.ge Hill 1sio2 o.. -20 u 2 Sam. 0.n•el ( 1 I and 0--.; FTledndll, Shoctley ISi •nd Komswe•t. 0.mPMY t31 end Mengnotz (5) W -ffiednc:tis, 1 1 L Sam. 0.2 2B -Fnednd'l1 (SHI 2 38 Fnednctis (SHI HR -S.hnger (SHI Pirates take it on the chin, 16-2 lRVINE -Orange Coast Col lege·s baseball team absorbed a 16-2 Orange Emplrt' Conference defeat to host lrvine Valley Tues· day as the wmnen piled up 23 hits. played emu1eM ball and scored six dmes ln one inning. twice. Kyle Stanley, Manny Pedroza and Collin Stiltz an came up with doubles and Ryan Mathews Md a solo home run in Coast's eight· bit attack. Coast falls to 14-15-I 6-11 in ~OEC. occ • 1 Irv. vty OOI 1Cl2 Ila -le 231 0 Murdy, Fanae (3). ~ (5). Hert (7), Johneon (71 end Hidaa, ....,, Foum. Gr9Qneno (9) and nta W - Fouret. L -Munfv. 28 -s..1ley (OCC). PednMa tOCC>. Sdlti IOCXl. t....a ._ ~ -M«Na IOCO. U... 1. IWC..•,••• .. ,..,_ w... 21~111 :u.wm Al Wednesday, ~ 9, 2003 S P O R TS GOLF ' . Oat/Piot-•. . . SCHEDULE Anteaters secolld at Western Intercollegiate tournament ....... Ho(ll't edloot boys Ind gofte -~ HINbot Ill l.-.... :t 11 p "'~ w.cmo,,.., Ill ea.a M-. 3 15 pm.; &IWlClle Ill ()f-._ s SM"· SANTA CRUZ-Jlte UC Irvine men's golf UCI women finish 10th team finished second among 18 teams in. • · the 56th annual Western lntercoUegfate • UC lrvine's women'S golf team was toum&ment that concluded Tuesday after-10th at the BYU-Dixie Oasslc In St. GeOrge, noon at the Pa.sadempo Golf Course In Utah wtth a 54-hole total of 934. Stella Lee Santa Cruz. led the Anteaters with a 222 (72· 7l-79). An· ·UCLA. ranked No. 10, won the 54-hole geta Won was nfnth, canting a 226 (71·79· tournament with a total of 855 strokes, fol-76). She hot a career-low 71 In the first lowed by UCI at 862 and UTEP with 868. round, the third time she has done that this The Anteaters are ranked No. 35 in the lat· season. est Golfweek/Sagarln national ratings. u~ Steve Conway was the tourney medalist with a three-round total of 2-Wl· der-par 208. UO senJor Jeff Coburn shot a I -under 69 Tuesday and 6nished fourth at 211 (71-71- 69). Junior Vtnnie Poncino placed 14th at 217 (75-66-76), senior Ryan Armstrong was 17th at 218 (70-76-72). senior Mike Lavery shot a 69 In the finaJ f'Oellld to finJsh 30th at 222 (76-n -69). Fresh.mart Ryne Rindfleisch was 39th at 224 (73-74-n). Coach Paul Smolinsld's UCI squad re· turns to action in the U.S. lntercoUegiate tournament at the Stanford Universiry Golf Course April 19-20. Sailors COJD~ up short • GOLP: The Newport Harbor High boys golf team was edged, 392-396; by nonieague visitor Palm Desert Tuesday in an 18-hole .matdl at San14 Ana Countiy a ub. Michael Benvenuti was low man for the Sailors with a 5-over-par 77. Brandon Sowers (79), Michael Vack.ar (79), Davis Pemsteln (80) and David Mot- schenbacher (81) also scored for the Sail· ors (4-7). Palm Desert's Aaron Davis shot 74 to earn medalist honors. Newport Harbor fell to 4-7. / • NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 3 -11 www.Newport.BeachFi..lm.Fest.com • ....... . College-~ Ill Vtngullfd Unl-*f. dou~, noon. I High ldMIOl-C09Cll Mes8 et w.tml!M19r, ., 3:15p.m.;<lf"10911t~.3:15p.m. ' .... Commullltvcoll9--e>r.,. E.mciffw ConflMlnce ai.m~ .. 8llboe Bey Qub~aut>. 2 PJll Hleh 9CflOOI boys-Nol1hwood Ill Coton. dll Mw. )p.m.; Sege Hilt.~,..., Cht'tltian. 3:15 p.m. ....... Community~ -fUY9f'lide CC el Ol'ange C08lt, 3 p.m. Hlgtl edlOOI ·ea.a..,._ Ill 'Nllscmlnster, 3:15 p.m.; Or.,.• E-.ndl, 3:15 p.m. ~ Oonvounity college-Sen a.ego Mee... • Onwige eo.c. 7 p.m. High echool boys-ea.. Me.a .. s.ddlebec$. 3:15 p.m.; 0-, view el &t.nda. 3: 15 p.m. W...poAo Col• wpmen-UC llVlne ec use. 6 pm ledmllltOft Community col• -Onlnge Coest It Irvine valley, 8 p m. Golf Community college"*' °'~ COMt .... 1.....-V.llev et OM Creek GC. 9 em High ec.flool boys-Woodbndge, MtS&K>n Vl4llo end CoroN del Mer 81 M-oon Vtej<> CC. Chino w Emnde et C:0.111 Me.II G&CC. 2:30p.m. INTERIOR DESIG N I CUSTOM HOME DESIGN I FINE HOME FURNITURE I ACCESSORIES & SERVICES AREAS OF C IRCULATION INCLllDE: DEADLINE FOR SPACE & COPY Wednesday, April 16. 2003 5 p.m DAILY PILOT · Friday, April 25. 2003 Newport Beach • Corona del ~lar ~ewport Coast • Costa ~lesa HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday. May 1, 2003 I H untington Beach • I lunc ington Harbour 1 DEADLl?\:E FOR CAMERA READY ART Monday, April 21. 2003. 5 p.m. AD\'ERTORIAL DEADLl 'E Wednesday, April 16. 2003 (no advertorial may be submitted after deadltne) Su.hct Beach CCASTUNt r'ILOT -Friday, May 2. 2003 Lagun.l Beach 8 C 0 crrculat1on fll'<ll'<CiTO" 81Hll Daily.A Pilot 949-642-432 1 1.\Gl '<.\ BE .\tf INDEPENDENT COASTLINE PILOT 949-642-432 1 949-494-432 1 ' e Call (949) 642-5678 GET THE POINT? Daily Pilot l 1 11· i ,,,, .. .,;, f,,! ... .,;· f ... Daity Pilot .......... 2Mlllpf .... 2141 llptMalca ......... ... ......... ......... The followtna peflOftS .,. dolna bu•lneu N : HllllJen UqUOI', ~ E. t7tfi St IA, Coste M.$1, CA l2l6t7 Iona Hwen Hw•n1, 11•$ Woodbury Dr .. Hwbof, CA 90710 Tiiis busJneu ·f• con- duc1ecl lty. I COf POI et.on "'"' you •l.elUd doioc buti~ yet1 Yta, Sept. 30, 1998 IOlll Hwen Hwen1 lllls statement was filed With tlle County Clerll of Or•na• County Oft 03/27 /03 200J .. M7U 011111 Pilot AfJ# 9, 16, 23, lO, 2003 Wl2S ... s...... ICJTACJOl.wl The totlowlfll S-llOll• NOTICF TO DEf EN· ere do1nc buslneu es· DANT (Avlso • Acuu M11lmum Xposwe, 2961 do) JO$£PH ARICO II, Mlcllel&on Or Sult• •N• JOSPEH ARICO H, G201, Irvine, CA 92612 8/\/• JO( ARICO, en ltu'"ll P•ul Hiewlar mdlvldual, lHE AAICO owall, 2967 Michelson GROUP, • bualnu' Dr. Suite G20l, Irvin•, entity of unllnown lorm CA 92612 end 00£S l tllfoup 10, This business IS COii end ••ch of them, ducted by en lndlvldual Inclusive Have you •lKl•d do1n1 YOU ARE BflNG SU£0 bu.tnen yetl YH, Ian BY PLAINTIFF: I, 2003 (A Ud i. ttSta dtmend Russ.II Nle•IM0~1 endo) YIP llMOIJSINES This statement wes AH() COACHES. INC. a hied with the County Cehfornl• C0<porellon Clerk of <H'•nt• County You h•v• JO CAI.EH on OJ/14/0l OAR DAYS after this 200S•tS7l U summons 1~ sMved on Daily Pilot M~ 19, 26, you lo file a 1ypew11lten AIH 2. 9, 2003 WI 11 responu •I thts cour4 A felt., or phone call will not protec;t you. your typewntltn "' sponse must be 111 proper l•t1•I torm It you w•nl th• courl to hur your cue If you do not hie your respo11se or> hm• you may lo" the ca"•· ar>d yoyr w .. u. montk end Polirv . pr0f)4trty mey be tallen without furtt>w wllfn•n& frorn the eoutt lhete .,, otn.i lqal requlremenh You mey want to cell •fl •ttorMy rtcht •••Y H you do not know en ettorney, you may call an attorney referral &efVICe Of' 8 lecal •Id ottk:e (llsl•d In the phone book) O•ll>Uts lie que I• entrecu•n ult clteclon Judoclal usl•d Ilene un pttto de 30 DIAS CAL CNDAAIOS PM• prnen uw una respu•sta H Ult• • maqulne en esta CClfle. Un• carte o une flamed• telefonlca no le ofrec•ra proteccion, s.u rt,puest• enrol• • rnaqu1na t11ne que cumphr con lu lormal· tdadH le1alH aprop(a des SI usted QIH•re que la corta euucha su CHO "SI usted no present• su reapu.st • a t tern po. pueda P41rder el cuo, y le pueden quotar su ul1110, su d1nero yob es couslle Ml propledad ..in evlso adlcionel por P•te de la c..Of'te Eustan otros requis1 tos Jeple~ Pueelt que usted quler • llem., 1 un ebo1a do l11medl•I • rnent• St no conoc• • un ebo&ado, puede llemar • un HJVICIO de 11lerencla de •bot11dos o • un• oflcl11e de ayude l•1•I (vu el dtrKtor10 t•lefontCO) CASIMU•lla. < .. -.... .we-.) Ol«tH07 JUNtWIWAM•. •o•ot oan. c 11 The neme end addrt" ol the COUii IS' ([I nombre ~ dlfecclon de le corl• es) SIJpllftor Court of Catt lorn1a Co11nty ol OR· ANGE COUNTY SUPCRI OR COURl. UHllMllEO IURISOICll<»C CIVIL, 700 CIVIC CENTER Of! WEST. P 0 BOX 1138, SANTI\ ANA, Cl\ 91702 083& The name, addr•n. and le~hone numbet ol ple1n1tH's 1tlorn•1 or pla1nt11f without an attorney h (£1 nornbre. la d1re<.eton y el numero de lelelono def •boc•do d•I dem•ndante. o del demandante que no toene eboe•do. es) Daniel I Cooper (8•r •76116) lAW ornccs or OANtH I COOPER ?AOl2 Calle de la Pl•I•, Sune 410. l•Ru""' tlolk. CA 926~3 Phone No C949J 8'>9 84~ ru No <949) 859 68?3 OAtl: (fu ha) OIC I I, 2002 Al.AN SlATlR, Cl.,lt (A<tuorlo), .. , ANGHA KNOX, O.,.,ty (Oei. ..... ) Publtshtd Newport Be11<:h Costa Mesa Oaoly Pilot March 19, 26. Aprol ?, 9, 2003 Wl 10 st'9IOI COUil Of WJOltlA COUNTY Of OIMGl .. rt" .SWAllGll JWYTIUSl WUO: A216'72 MOOO TO CllDfTOIS I"*"' ~§190501 NOTICE rs H[Rf BY GIVEN lo the tredolors and co11hntenl c1edt10<~ o l WALTER Ml\X BINSWANG(R decuMid, lllat all penons hav•ne <111m• 1e11nst the decedent ate t•qu11ed to Ille ll111m with the liupen<" Court at the l amo1e•UA Just•~• C•nler, l41 The Coty Ortve P 0 Bo• 14170. Ounce. Callfornta 92863, end meil or cNHver • copy to Rusul l Davi.. Attorney for Daniel 8ln1wan11er. Trust" of th• 81ns•an&et 'hmily lru1t d•l•d febf'Uary 2, 1990. ol which the decedent wu the ttus tor. et 74 900 Hllhw•y Ill, Sult• ll4, lrul1en Wells, Celll0<nl• 92210. w1th1n tile letat of loUf month• after December 24, 2002, or, II nollc:• is malled or ptrHinally delivered to you, 3111 days alte< tile d•l• th.ts nollce 11 malled or P'" aonally delloied to you, or you rnual pelt hon to file • let• claim H PfOv~d In ')ethOr> 19103 ol the Probate Code A c•••m lorm m•y be obtained Ir om tt111 court ,,.,.. I or you1 protection you •re encounaed to tile your cl8lrt1 by certtll•d m••I. •Ith return '"l•IPI requ111ted Dated Oe~emb11 23 2002 /S/ltUSSIU. L OAVIS, Attorney f., '•tltt-, OANIU llNSWANGH, Tr u •t•• •• t it• lln1wen9er fo,.tly Tront aussul l. 0Av1s, Stat. 1., Ne. S9274, 74 -too Htrway 11 1. Suite 1 14, t11 .. lo11 Welh, Co llhr11le 92210 Telephofte (760) 341-1040 Att-y fw Petttl-, OANlll llNSWANGl.lt, Trutl•• e f the llnaw on9•r f arwlly Tnnt Publhll~d N .. wpor t Bulh Cost• M~...., O•oly Pilot Af,111 9 IO II. 200 3 wr11r l2J llOTICI Of PUIUC HWilG Ho'" to Place A lirnlled to only 1110 .. IUUO la lltd at the publte he•lft& llekf~d 1n the not.IC• ~ 1n ""'tt•n cwrespuodence d•llvered to lht City Council •I "" p<tor to lhe public huflnt HOTlct: IS fURTHlR CMN lh<tl •I the ab<iv• tom• •nd pl•;..e, all interested p.r•on~ may apput and b1t heMd by th• City CoUl'lll on 111• above ilern JUUi POlCIK, D'tH'fY City d ..... l'ubll1h•d l'hwpot I Bu e.II Co~I• Me .... 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GARAGE Sllf IUSINESS & fllWICW. 2305'-2490 Rv Fax (94Q1 6' I -6.'iQ4 II'!. .. ~ '"'tu.le ""'""""" vtJ ,... • ..,. munl>n ;inJ v.c 11 , .• 11 }l>U l>.o:' "'''to• pn<e 1ju1tfr I Tdephone 8 '\Oam-S·OOpm Monday Fnday soos-saso ,..., Ginn jiiii~iiij!iiii~~iiij Al11011amlnb 1110 tfALTH SERVICES JEWS.RY/ DIAMONDS/ Ry Phone lh· ~hail/In Per~on : WC'dne-.da) .......... Tue-.d.t\ 5:00pm (<)~!}) 642-'if>7ll II our~ 3'\0 \\c,t Ra~ '\treet Co,1a Me.,.t <.A q~(l~­ i\1 Ille" port Blvd 6. Ra) C.1 Fnday ............... Thu£'da) 5:00pm .. Sacurday ................. Fnday l:OOpm \\aJL.-ln I< lOarn·<. OOpm Mond.ty-Fnda)' Sunday ..................... Fnda} S:OOpm Index ~ .1ili1 7402-7466 .VSOWTl~I 60 ven&nc mac111- w1th eacetlent locetions .. b llo.R 0 %34«1112 U11u c r the Scn·icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Ho mes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) C .. Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 ~ 1 IO. OCIAJI WIW 564• .... &et. StU-7U4120 ...... Coat ,..,. 54.W. 2540 PRECIOUS METALS <Met S1Yle Funlltln P\ANOSl ~ . ......,_.,...... ..... ._.c-. ....... .. CA.-. ~AID M .... .-.. .,.. .... Wl8UYl8TA1'8 . ..__...~-..... -...... -'-, ... -.,,, ,,., ... ,."'' 111111111~ -..-.MlcMill.1 .. 1 Uoel .. c.t. .... ., , ......... Qr .. ... l ........... ~,., S.-NllNOI CAM71 .... ...._tlM Ml.P Sill your stuff U.OUJll classified! :;:, \ \ SI 7 Vie lw. s-4. OHasu. tt-4 S.llt br Je. £ llfown 1n 1931 Oflly r-3 + 4 to.. est.t. II" .. •• hl""4. 4bt ...... ltlrw stor1ea • to-l Ut ,.,, pvt dodl fot 2 ~lll~a11;· I ~ ...._ ...,.n J9>.7Cl-GXI .... IUTAtu 'ATIK« TPtOal •&not1W•VSA t4f4U-f70S w-e.o.t-•.eofll n.IRRllldl ' l 10 Wednesd1y, A1?11I 9, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Costa Mesa Jll!ll •• ' .... Xlnt Oppty' ['Sldr New 3Br 2 5Ba Sf R. f p. 111 Mllte couoler\, 2c e.araee. badyard sz~ Ava<A 4/6 949 759 3726 Huntington Beach &.Ill Jbr 351» SFR. mod lutch. hclwd ,. • rftnp ded. 13\Jnd hk14>, 2 c pr w15lor UiOO~MIJ Irvine T11rtle Rodi ,t. 2Br 2 5ba with loll <1fl1tt on 11oraeous areenbelt w/v1ews $2550/mo aat 949 no 3900 Newport Beach * YUalY * UASES Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-6161 Walitol..tt&Heeg o.......... 1 & ~. l owly c. Cod style comm Remodeled w/el new appls. c:arpet, ceramic tilP. d/w, ft tdfle, 11lStde w/d •!Br SI095m o2Bt s 12'95 714 633 'l'Hl 35 "Solat - - know" 38~11ltw. 38 ..... l*"- 38 1100 llll'thod< 41 149'2YC!S"11 42 Film tc0re OCJml)0991 -Jltre -43 Sultan's ,,,.,..., '4 Melodf8mlll!C cry 45 Volocify NP Hts 2b< Iba SfR 1:ute kit~ nu paint. sm palt0/ yd I ' aar. laund hkup allt SJ800949 673 7800 NP Crest twnhom, p<1too, 2 storoe~. new paonl, Ille. and carpet. 2 c ear dit 11 t2 13 $1800 949 673-7800 "V8a ....._,. l& 2Br Newly remod 7br 2ba 2Sa, don rm bale. 1~ condo '1 c aar. pa too. 2c pr!\&. oceMMJ, wa1< to wd. no pet/smk Avail 5 I bch 123n'n 91»-598-9347 Sl9501se 949-759-13« BAYFRONT Community Gor&eous I BR J BA w/HMborView 1100 SF. Oulet Locatfon. lnch.~des C.,..e $2000 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlttl OMAR SHAAIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ~AUTO WWty Q5 S.-"f7 PDtl IWhlte lflrlth Mlddlit ltJv fUI pwr' low ,,.. Al.I. ROADS LEAD TO ROME • llllWoof (1192f0 • $16.911) .. wz.s ...... <-.... WEST •09 NORTH • AJ87 2 AQJ J9 • i\ J 18 g 1092 Q85432 •J Opening h:oo h'ltJr of bid 1wo u1111. then n:mm-c from • m~1or· uh partial to J*11.!Cr'a minot Mlit, )'OU are II()( uy~ foe I better P.1ft>4Ue. You are looUJla f« biaitt ihini" II needetl oo more lhll'I • di11· mond Cl»-bid fmm South rat Nonh to COllll1IC1 for I 2 tnclu in cll!M \Vc:~t ltd I dbullOOIJ lo decl:in:t'~ linj. The llCe of diamond1' WDJ ~ and• club to the ten 1~1 to the kin1 Ha.I lhc lin& been t>rnl!lelon. ~\t would hnc been cndplayed. but Ille defender had 11 'll!fc trump c.iut. lftkCfl with lhc lK.'C. Rlllhcr than &~ which major·~uit nne~ to 11tkc, dcclam first~ lhe ace llO'l km& of , pades. Had lhc queen not appeared declarer 'AOUld MYC tak.cn lhc heart finesse. w di!iCW'd • •pade oo lhc !ICC. or ~ra. bul when her majebty dropped 1hc ~lam w~ in tbe bag. Rid wltll~ lttw, treat Rtc'ds. Cd~ (' 18n0) $10.!1111 tMWS40eS.-."" Sllw ·~ lthr. ,.,. 6 $peed! $port Plldl-.• ~ mileJI (' 19231) $29.980 aMW SUfs..11..'00 Mid Bill w/Cny Lltw euto, pan!*&. (119240) $26,9a) IMW SUI s...a.. '00 White w/Bladl lthr c:d • pl•yw-4211 mllesJ ('19269) $22.B ltMWS25iS.-."t4 Red w/IM!ftect Bladl ltflt-only 611< miles! c•19291> sl2.980 IMWMS~'OO Black on lllVMC 8ladl HIT, patli ttonlcl 1 ()< mlln F IC1 wwr. (#l9297C) $!19,980 Some o.:onlrn.:i-arc ulmo\t unbreaknhlc. I l11wcver, t.h.11 c.Joe\ noe l1lC8ll !hat. lb tla larcr. you \~ltlld ll04 k'd. for the be .. 1 line. Neatly u dccl..11cr played. Om line · was second~ Com:ct •~to w111 the kin& of diamond).. cash the ace or dia- momb, c~s to lhc IM..'C of heam woo ruff a heart. A duh to the ace provide~ 111': cnlry for anuchcr heart ruff and now a trump is led. Whichever defender wins mu~1 dther 111~c da:larer • rvlT·J1.lulT for a ~padto Ji~· c.inl fmm hand. or chm1na1C dcdar- cr'~ 'f)lldc gue"'' hy hr\!ali.m~ lhal \Uil Tht~ 1ine rut1u1re<; •Mlly a 1· t ll\Jmp ~phi to &Uar.111tec lhc Ctlfllracl f.,.dMw:i:GT Stlvef =.: lt!v low mtkls' Auto, F u11 Pwr Nu1e th.it the duh 'lorn wlb reached w11hou1 o 'Ull!IC JUmp unul the la.~t btd l'tll'\.'C club<, W.I\ UO(:Ofl· c.li1ionaJJy fol\'lng When yc•u have ................ Lte:llr 2.se.. w1rebeet ., pied UJflllTI, w/pool, '>l><t+ pvt ya d mxllmo o11.'l Pa!ncll lllllOl'e ~97ffi Upscale gated ._ Ilg J8r + den. JBa ho ctWies. 2 • car. tat p.IJo, lJllO'adl! $311Xl/mo (949)646-8473 loyfr-t d11plell, upper unit on hMbor w/boat dock. 2 blks to bch 3br lb• Ip, wd la vu deck 1 c aar, dock & utJ l'ICI $3IDllmo 9$5)().(6)} Rentals Wanted 7880 WANTB> 1 or 2Br 'Apt, cottv or oondo. lt6n or unfum ., Newport Beach. Wil 5el limo Of fooeer led5e. Have smat wel mannered Wi:sta. Refer l!flCeS avaol :Jll.2Hl816 Education ~6'fllinl HO~ Kttend the Floilda I eacn In, June I 6 18. Hy all Oolando District and \'hool" will onte1v1ew teachers Call llX).832 2435 Of WWW Tuchm f lol'lcla.UJITI (CAI.. -scAN) (CAI.. •SI.AN) Emplayment CURICAI. Need lull l.omf' person lo HSISt with var tOllS duloes Musi be able to 1npul at least 50wpm atcur9tely on computer, possen 'trone c u,tnmer ser •ice slulls. and be dt-pendable S9 Ptr hour E acellenl ben· eftt packa1e EOE Send resume lo Judy Oet \ona, c/o D11ly Pilot. 330 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or email to J,ldy.ol!tq@lllrr&am OIUVlltS: HAMS + WESTHN E•press • Success. Soid miles. aoocl homes 1.or1'1es. compelrtNe PllY benefits PllCMCe. pMd VllClllJon Clllss A COi., 22 years old, aoocl MVR 888-793 9732 (CAI.. •SCAN) EXJ'ltlSSWAY-ST'S $S<X> "In on boo~• Owner operatOB Meded fOf 7 Wrll!fn ~ny drJVl!fs 32cents·50cpm E•cellent home tune 2 year' OTR ui-ience required I -8lXJ. 835 9471. (CAI.. •SCAN) ~ Offko As.,_. 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CD. look~ a. 21melh new V456721 Sl 7,995 f1nanc1na avail, Blu 949-516-1 aaa -.oqol>l.c- Cenrelfe '00 VI Whole/ tan, 4uto. handellne pke. 1211 m111!s. S32.500 obo Newporl .-ea~ 909 140 0030 cell (#186771) $14.980. ...... 52000 Comt. '2001 Sii-w/11ue Red lthr 6~ llll<n*s. VlCCt1 (•190731) S24.980 '-S-Type s.....·oo lmlllM. White w/Tan ltht J6I( moles• V6 (#l9298C) $25.980 ,.,.._ XKI C..V. 'ff British Rkll1i Green w/T an llhr only 22K mtlesl CD stadl!fl (#19220) S39.98:> Merce4es..._. 230Sl'64 TIMs 1$ • rul CIMSJCJ Red w/T on Leather Both ropsoo (118683) S21.980 .__.. hoa SlS5 AMG'03 Realy IOf immediate delN111 yl r ull I act wan (fl9309C) tNQUIR[I 2001 & 2002 POllSOUTino COOl'f Hurry f()f these perfect low mo. local one own et Turbos' ~se °' buy 949·574-7177 PHl.LPS AllTO .....,....__. Dode• '97 lntrept• Sport 3 5 V6, 471o mo, wh1te/11rey int. car •aed. n/s. hloe new $6495 l1nanc1ng a. warr ave1I Bkr 949·586 1888 -.ocpeltl.<- DODGE NEON '2000 SOit• mi. IOOK lac wan 5 ~. blue. arey 1ntert0t •m Im ed. '-' orpi cond • $5495 ... 8vall 8*lr ww;r;JZ 949-586-IUI .,.,,., t t I ... Jeep "00 ~ °"'"'"" 6cyl. 2 wd. 36lo attual m1 s1lver/11ey int alloys lebulnus hke new unmarked cond, 4 year wan ...,~ v75ml Sl3.9!l> Ism 11111 949 586 1888 -w.ecpoltl.co"' HOME, HEAL TH AND 'SUSINESS ........ .. Aet1 raat11 CR~YIER ----.· ',.. -- 1 •I llW!m MN COCfER 'BRG' lealller & htma1m PKG. u~cr~ i1~ PER MONTH~ TAX l At These T nis ~·MIO'edt ........ OnERAT SMMSA~ ·\-····• .. • 98e $3780 due et ••1111111 48 month closed • end leeu no •ecu11ty deposit. 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Silttlf w/Blacll ltht. 581< mi, 5 speed, lull pwr ('11945) $24,910. ,HIWftSAUTO 949.574_7777 T~ c.r.111 'a 1 9!11 n11 """~. q OWl'llr, n.ns -1. new bnM>I ttrft sum. ~ SELL your stuff through classified! BOATS BOATREPAIRSI SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ WJNClftNW STORAGE 9680 ts fT SlW AVAILASlJ 1H NlWPOtlT llACH $2500UASI 949·500-1005 *'-' ~ut Loe:.· loon! lJI ,hlf beam, lenath unl1m1ted. In Bay bland Cove * 949-922-7777 NUD 45' SUI' ht Newpert 1-h ( 15 bum) w/weter a. power 714 865 2999 IS.10fTU Eled11c1ty & waler ••••t Sl40/mo (949) 673 9191 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C lassified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters . NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Classified Community M arketplace ERVICE for all your. needs... ~ Service Directory "NOTICE TO READl:RS Cehfornoa l•w re quires lhat con tr •c ton tllkon& 1obs thet tot•I S500 nr more (ll!bot ot mateoJIS) be hcensed by the Con tr actors Slllt• l•cen~e Board State ldW ulw rPQUtrH lhat conlractors include the11 hcens.e number on •II ~dverh~nc You c1n checi. the status or your lrcenud con lrll l l or •I WWW cslb C8 llOY Or 800·321-CSLB Unh cenud conlr el tors tekina 1obs th•t tolel leu th•n S!>OO musl slete In their adverllsemenh tll1I they are not hcftnHd by the Conlredors Stale Uctflse Board• • IC 0 I ..,... ...,_. ~ Tex IJl'IPilrlboll. reuoneble, r~. ··ei:c=s 949-m-0250 .......... \ Carpentry A TO Z HANDYMAN lnslall. relac.e cabinels II~~ moklrJ. Drue 714 ~7258 o Well Units• Custom BUlll ons, Crown Moldon~s. Base Boards L#577982 949.709 5642 Carpet Repair/Sales 1•CARPETC7CARPU<: Repa11s. 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Drywall Services WITTHOEn DIYWAU All p~ses sm'lr1 robs CllANI 20yrs. 11111 free est L«XXDI 714 6l9 1447 Bectrtcal SeMces s ... oa Jot» r-..ertl Ouncan Elllctroc 20Yrs Exp lncaVQuitk R~~ Servtee/Remodt!ls l ll'l75870 949 650 7042 Ac tlonil"e rlectrh l1oobleshoo1tn1 'lpt!C1ahst aH ,_V1Cn No IOI> loo sm. L'-il 5863 714-846-6U> UCINSED CONTRACTOR No pb too sm Al servast Repeu. remodel, fans, ya. ,_ Siil 949-645·3666 AOOftnWTile QISTOM OIA1M TU ~lliltea<llf'nlt, mwble, gene ..-1975 L#612D44 Jell 714-612 9961 Liiri SJ19WWi R~ed Rearoutin a. lnstan111ton TllE DE.AH 949 673 8065 714.M6-862117J4 93-2031 ------~ EXPERT INSTALLER laminate Floor I nstaH $..150 sf • Moklino. Crown Moldino. llnoleum & Sub Floor Repair 049-512-llH 714-926-3249 Garage Doors Handyman/ ~ s..... '"".,.. Home Repair L.-wot.. yard dlllnlc> ITlll'ltlrl. tree Inn tp1l'tNlr Comm/Res 714 06 1518 GardenlllW Landscaplng l>lrtyWortd t I .. I - lawns ln;n Aerat1na. Sprinklers. lroublnhool 111&, Sp11n11 T uoe ups, Repairs&. Upar•dn ·11•vr us do your Duty Worl" 714-715-2121 THE OIFflllNCl IETWUN llAUTirUl & rxoumn ... •a.-,-•-ewe •fl.,.TllllMt • 0....,. & '-" ~ 949-515-1124 CINEULID'All 'IWNIFJWU • •Camadll No Job 1bo S'""'1 DaweBa..Uton 949-32~8292 RESTORE • REPAIR £. REMDDELINC COMl'UTI HOMI MAJN1l#A#CI No IOb loo sm•lll E verythln11 from Carpenlly to Pll!lltq Free estimate '•"•-q '4f-1'S·I••• m UP U'ICIAUST. All types of 1epan. Elec· local, plomblnc. doora. waW i.tss. Ila & mm 24tw/1dayr. 714-366· 11181 c.trlltlll &¥s Carpentry • Pklmblna Or ywell • Stucco Pe111llfll. ne a. more 20+ Y-s hpeillnc el ... 714·9•t-S77• Wl6Mllb aOllN50N COMPANY ~W ... Dahoon. Merl! 949 650·9525 llNTAl-HUSIUD FOR H~f.YOO'S your honey "'Of' I I 1om Cle<t to the llttchen Un11 !M9 !143 !iU&l TNINMDY•AH All wilflt 11111entnd ... ....... Otlctnatl. Ooon. I inBh arp IL-~ ...... ~TO THt DUM,.11 1J4 M-1111 AVAii All l TOOAYI 94161.l 5568 House Cleanlng ...._ .• c.....,.a..... s..... ~"Comnwall 0 C 24Yrs Ref's 9"49 548 0054 949 637 411 J Tefft'• Euro;;i;t HOfto Cli!Btiq. Tota '1.111. °""" aw ,. wor11 cble ~ -.. ,.... 964?.2·70 Movtng • Storage HST MOVIRS 559 /Hr serv1na ell c;1hes. Insured last. c;ourteous, cereful TI63844 800 246 23711 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cellf Public: Ulihltes Co n11n1sslon requores that all used household aoods movers prrnt their P U.C Cal T number; hmos and ch•ulfeurs print their T C P number In •II adver- tisements II you hive any questions •bout the l•l•lllY of • mooter , ltmo or ch11ufle1H. call PUIUC UTIUTllS COMMISStOM IOO 177..aU7 .......,._.C'.arl c ....... -• ...., .... Cwe9lv•r now ev1lf. lOCll ,..,., live ln/otll cllll IM!I 8112 0620 l••v. ms1 Plklllnl -- .... --- Painting Jorr-'• '•Inti .. , lop Qu1hty Compehllve lnterl0f'/E•l l"648228 C•ll Jay 949 650 5066 lAINIOW m<U MMfT P•lrltina-wtut. Hww/Apt Qu•lrl)' 10bl r '" estlll'l8te ll569897 714 636-8888 Platertng & S1ucco •Stucu, lath,,..__. Reslucco, Room Add•tloo. Pa1ch111a Reason1ble' 714-921-1647 804 0497,PF PalNing S.C. PAINTING CONTRACTOR COMPETITIVE PRICE FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE • OUAl.ITY INTEGRITY 949-412-8295 L IClf eo34ll8 your stuff tfTough classified! Plumbing ..,.., , Plumb1n1 repelrs, over ?!iyn up All work .,_. en'-1 s..... n4-S68'298 MONIST & ii.UOiiW P\.UM8£R Ll506586 r .... ER! sm r..,..n. OCll'CU 0.:. n4-i£9150 .. arctsi PiUMllNO Repairs & Rtmodelln1 f REE ESTIJAA TE Ll687398 714 969 1090 DIAIN6 ... ~tf'ICW.Sf TWDDY f!IUIMMIG 949~52 -. - ..