HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-11 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. . ....... .••... ...... ··:·· ··: !• •••••• ···~·· .. • .. ... .,. ...... ••••• ·.~. •• •• •• •• •• . • A • # . . • . ... l . ... . . ' ...... "' :::.: . • A . . . • .• . .. :·:· • . .... . ... , -... '. • . . . . . . Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, APRIL 11 , 2003 MansoO.r ·accused of conflict of interest A decision on whether campaign contributions to Costa Mesa city councilman from his planning commissioner violated city law is expected today. est any campaign contribution of $250 or more during the year before a council decision mvolving the contributor. Mansoor said be didn't intend to vio- late the code when he appointed Faris. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -City officials are looking into allegations of a conflict of interest involving City Councilman Al- lan Mansoor and his planning com.mis· s1oner, Joel Faris. A decision is expected today. The alleged conflict was discovered by former Mayor Sandra Genis, who made an emotional speech at Monday's City CounciJ meeting -without allud- ing to Mansoor or Faris by name - about how proud she was that a conOict of interest ordinance had been passed during her tenure on the council. Acting City Atty. Tom Wood is investi- gating the charge, which revolves around $300 in contributions Fam made to Mansoor's council campaign last fall. ln February, Mansoor appointed Faris to the Planning Commission. Based on a new proce.ss that hasn't received its fi- nal approval, Faris serves at the will of Mansoor, who can retract Faris from the commission at any time. The $300 eiceeds a tenet of the city's ordinance that makes a conOict of inter- "Joel did give me $100 on tJvee sepa- rate occasions." Mansoor said. "I ap pointed him to the Planning Commis- sion because he's a Mand-up guy and we have similar goals and as soon as aJI of th.is was brought to my attention, I immediately notified the city attorney." Genis said that she wrote this part of the code and it means that Mansoor can't be involved with any decision about Faris because of his conlribu tions, and that Mansoor shouldn't have even voted for hi!> appointrrent. See CONFLICT, Pase A4 Vigil for _Garibay IJ ll I II I HOME FRONT U.S. Marines bear silver casket of one of their own for rosary at St . Joachim church. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot L utia Floret/ mind was racing like the 6ghter jet she dreams of Hying some day. Aores stood outside St. Joachim Catholic Olurch on Orange Avenue, her face wearing a solemn expression and her anns folded across her chest. Quietly. I.he 17-year-old Air Force enlistee watched U.S. Marines carry the silver casket bearing her cousin Jose Garibay Jose Angel Garibay into the chmdl for a vigil and rosary seivice. Aores. who enlisted in January. leaves next week for Texas, from where she will likely go to lraq. Marine Cpl Jose Garibay, 21, was the first of two casualties from Orange County reported in the ongoing war with Iraq. The Newport Harbor High graduate and six others were killed March 23 near Nasiriyah. Iraq, in a bloody battle after an ambush by enemy troops. He joined the Marine Corps when be was 18 yean old. On Thursday night. as friends. family and the corrununlty took up every seat and st.anding space in the church to pray for the fallen Marine. Flores stood outalde: •rm not thinking about next week.· she said. •rm not SEAN HLLER I DAllV Pl.OT Marines carry Cpl. Jose Garibay's casket draped wrth an American flag down the aisle during Thursday's vigil and rosary at St. Joachim Catholic Church. thinking about anything. Just him." Another cousin, fellow Marine Oui.stian Garibay, eacorted Jose's mother, Simona Garibay, down the aisle. Olrtstian Genbay had returned last week from Iraq, Aores said. Patriotism and pride runs in the family, Lucia's sister, Helen. said. •We have four in the family wbo are enlisted • .'' she said. ·1r's their choice. of course, but It I~ us. the rat of the family, wonted. Very worried.· Family and friends paid their respecta to Jose Garibay Thursday afternoon at the BeU Broadway Mortuary. Patriotism was the underlying theme or the ceremonies. Family members wore pins that read ·Remember Our Hero -Jose An.gel Garibay ... Red. white and btue balloons and yellow bows adorned the church entrance and the mortuary where Jose Garibay's casket was placed. Cousin Adriana Garibay said she ·did not lcnow how to react.• "You don't know what to say," she See GARllAY, Paae M Answering the call Costa Mesa Fire Capt. Kirk Dominic, a U.S. Army reservist, receives orders to don ~is other uniform. LolfteHal')MW OailyPiot c:osrA MESA -It ea.rty Wednelday momlns and an alum t off ln '1dc l)w$1e'a hmd. Aa a captain at the Colta Meta Fire~ .. dit· It WU then that Dmninlc receMd hb ordm from the Army Re9efw. Ha WU lnstrucled to repon on April 21 for 365 days al lenice-or mo DON lUiCH /OM.Y l"l.OT Costa Mesa Fh capts. KSk Dc:>rnnc, rWtt, and Lenny GOodsif share e llu~ at Dominic's loina IWIYs>StY· """ --art common. but d'8 WM die kind thal ~not be doUMd With a boee. .. Nd tho feelf.nc lt WU comma," Domlnic Ilk! <Jwtna a atrprile gotQa ...., party hdd in ticioor al __ d.on No. 5 S.CNJ.. ..... M Past offers le sso n for council Former City Council members urge present members to set aside politics as they appoint a new colleague. Finally. the c9uncil succeeded in ap· pointing Joe Erickson, who ended up serving the city for nearly 10 ;\ Twelve yean. later, the coun da.s chosen 10 appoint Mayor Karen bm- son's successor. Robinson is resigning Apnl I 5 to become an Orange County Supenor Coun Judge. Deirdre Newman The le<.son from 1991? Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -ln 1991, when the City Council tried to appoint a replace- ment for Councilman Edward Glasgow, the first seven attemp~. over the cour>e of two meetin~. failed ;Shelve per'>Onal politics and focus on the greater good of the commumty, tho$(! who participated m the earlier appomtment proc~ say. "Someumes you have to put your See COUNCIL, Pase M Back Bay loses a longtime friend Dover Shores environmentalist Frank Robinson, who helped preserve the estuary, dies at 84. Paul Clint on Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Frnnk Robmson. one-half of a husband and wife team that successfully lobbied for the perpetual preser- vauon of the Upper Newpon Bay e-;tuary m the 1970s, died Thurs· day. He was 84 Roban.son. who died early Thursday morning after a long illness. will always be Linked m memory with wife Frances, who died nearty two years ago. for stopping an Irvine Co. manna plan m the Back Bay. local envi- ronmentah~t and friend Bob Cau'>o.n saJd. "I-ranees wanted It done: cau~un said of the Robmsons· JCllVl\m "Frdflk made II hap pen C..ausun 'WlJd he formed hie; own Defend the B.iy m 1996 with a SS.C>OO gift from Frank. f-rank. Robinson. who lived an the same Dover Shore> home from 1961. was remembered Thursday as a focused, pnnci pied man whose urele<;:; work. on cau..<,e<, he bel1t"Ved in won tum respect and adrruration from those who knov.i him Since Frances died ui 200 I ar 82. Frank Robinson has had a se ri~ of medical ailments, said Jay Robinson, lus 56-year-old son. See FRIEND. Pae .. A4 ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT They do more th~n just throw parties Cinema Guild offers Newport Beach Film Festival participants sense of intimacy and taste of the city. Lollta Harper Daily Piiot NEWPORT BEACH -It is the quintessential Newpon Beach experience. It is the place to be seen. It is yacht parties and JaCUZZJ parties. It is •very high end.· It's the Newport Beach Film Festival Cinema Guild. and it's all about UeJ>ing the filmmak:ers happy. guild Co-President Rita Goldberg said. TwoD.C bills offer funds for Back Bay ,_.CIMM OalyPilot NEWPORT BP.M:lf -~ lO up tbe l*:l Blly II now bl UN for t'edGril ~ after el- fnr1a hr Rep. Olrll Col and tM1me Pdnleetno aw .... Ttandlry. a. Md 1-.r~ erpllniltf'f lnuoduDed tA lhat would ....Id ....... law&o~ \rwpor1 St.cir Fil• Ft111~11 100J The guild was created to grve the local film festival a ~me of mnmacy. she said Although the festival itself touts some very tony pa.rtJes. the guild offers a mo~ exclusrve fonn of enter- tainment, fashioned wtth the Daily Pilot ATAGl.ANCE ONTHEWEB: ~con WEATHER SPORTS c.oran. ...... ~tlul' 1•-.n ............. ....... AlO ' ------~·-------- A2 Friday. Apnl 11, 2003 ON THE KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT Dick Lawrence, competing in his 50th Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race. surveys the harbor from his boat •Huckster." Hats off to the race June Casaerande Daily Pilot I t's the must-have fashion accessory of the season: an official Mount Gay Rum Newport 10 Ensenada cap. But not juM anyhody can have one. "One time, a guy called and said he lost his cap and that he needed us to give him another one hecause he said he could replace his wifo. but not his Mount Gay cap," said Nicolas Guillant. brand manager for Mount Gay Rum, co-sponsors Lhe annual yacht race. "You know they've become an icon when you hear c;omC'thing like that." The rum maker has been producing the caps in limited numbers for about 20 years WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AR.OAT is published penodically. tf you are planning a nautical event, submit the infonnation to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fa1< to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com BOAT RENTALS With Marina WaterSport1 at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo 1etboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above ii all on a parasa1I flight along the Newport coast. Comphmentarv ioe and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. EJec:tric boat rentals are evailabM by th• hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players. Ice and cups are provided Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Balboa Boat Rem.ls can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity For some fans of the Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race, only a Mount Gay Rum cap will do for a souvenir for the Newport to Ensenada Yacht Race. nus year, about I ,300 of I.he red caps will be produced. Each boar entered in the race gets two caps. The remaining 300 or so are distributed to some lucky people whose connection to the race warrants the special honor. including members of the I 0 or so local clubs deemed "extraordinary for corporations. birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outmgs. The hunt pacbges include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Pedal bollts, electric boats, boogi. boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese. salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180 Pidcup 1s available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Irvine Coast Charters in Udo Marina Vilfaj141 offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gounnet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance on.rs darty tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The lours go out of lido Marina VIiiage, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport supporters" of the race. ·A lot of maneuvering goes on to get the extra hats," said Fred Slocum. commodore of this year's race. In addition to the company logo and the name of the annual race, the red caps this year will feature an extra logo on back to mark the Mount Gay's 300th anniversary of maldng rum. And that should make the caps even more of a hot-ticket Item. Slocum said that the hats sometimes show up for sale on EBay. Th~re are never enough to meet demand, as the phone calls fielded by the rum company show. "We've seen crazy ~ from people offering us things like their rings. necklaces." Guiliani said. "You wouldn't believe it" Beach. CRUISES EJectrtc Boat Tours offws two-bour cruises al Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service Is available. Pidt~p from restaurants with doc:b is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle is avllllable for weddings and receptions. codctall and sightseeing cruises, end meetings. The cost is $500 for the first two hours, plus $160 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. runs a 45-minuta cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) and a 90-mlnute cruise (adults, $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 e.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1 ) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Cat.Jina Panenger Setvice runs 4S-minuta harbor cruises (adults, $6; children, $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), depd'rting from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. CNIH the harbor aboard the Electra, a 100-foot Oassic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. Cont WlllOfl Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92628. Pilot New• aui1tant. (949167"-"298 Copyright: No newe stories, coral. wllton(ilarimn.com illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS adverti9ements herein can be Sean Hiller, Don Leech, reproduced without written Kent Trec>IOW permlulon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 101 READERS HOTUHE HOW lO REAOi US THOMAS H. JOHNSON ~E.ditor9 (949) 642-6088 Circus.don Publisher Gina Alexander, Lori Anderson. Record your comments about the The Tlmes Orange County TOHYDOD£AO Daniel Hunt Paul Sa1towltz, Deily Pilot or newt llPI (8001262-9141 Ed.ltor Daniel Stevenl ~ ~II JUD"I OETl1NO Our add,_. Is 330 W Bay St, c:o.ta Cb'elfled(949)642-5678 ~~, NEWS STAf'f Mesa. CA 92627 Of'flce hours are Dlepl9y (Ml) 842-432, Cri,,,. ~ ~rter, Monday • Friday. 8:30 a.m. 6 p m. EdltoNI Ptomotlona Ottedor (949)57~ Conac:dut• ..... EDmNGIT~ t»epl bharsthtllllfimee.oom It .. the P11oe't policy to ~omptly (9'9) 842 6680 oonec:t all errors of subetanoa SpoN(9'9)574-023 8.J.CeM June=-· PleaM call (IM9) 7eM324, ..... ,... (949)~170 Maneg ng Edrtor. ~ repoftet, 8pcwts Fu (9'9) 650-0170 (949157-M233 (949)57~2 fYI ~ dalJypllot•t•tlrna.com •J cahn• lallrT*.oom /UMl.t:aSllfl,..n<J.•latlrneat:Om The Newport Buc:tVCosta Meea Melft()Mce --Mm' ,.,. Cllmoft 0.lly Pilot (USPS-144-800) It ....... Oflloa (IMll &42~1 Oty (clrtof. Polltlce and environment report•, publl.n.d da ly. In Newport Beech .......... (IMll 831-7128 CMl'l&M314 (9'9)~ and Cotta Me.a. aubacrfptlons are /ttirM&,.,.. ~com p#lul.dlnton latf~.oom evallable only by IUbacnblng to TM R09WC..... Lolta....,. Tll'M8 °'•not County (800) ~[dim(, (9491 IS74-4ttJ Columnttt. cuh.uN NPC>fter, 2fl2 9141. In ar ... OIJWldO of 10(/M cMIM "1tkrtat ciOm (tc9) 57U276 ~ e..cn ..ics Cotta M41N, ·JoeaJ ..... lolH• h•f11M•t..tt,,,_. ClOm ubtoriptfOnt to IM Ditty Pilot .,.. M Olrectof I N9ws °'9k Chief. o.lldNt NiMwwl ...... table onfy by rrnrt cl ... mau for Pubt!Mled by Tlm.e Community ~17U'l24 ro-, IMimMCOm co.ta Mwa ,.Potter, (949) 574-4221 '30 '* month. '"lc. ll'IQude 111 Newt, a dlVWon Of tM Loe Ang9lee ...WMIC•lll c#lrd,. MWfNn•t.rJ,,,. oom ~lc&Ole .._and locel t.eaa.) Tlmee.; . -Photo~'· ~<:--. '°STMAS'TlA: &.net addf'9M (IMI) [dUclltion r.ponat, IMt ~ dw9'1to The~ 020q~ Tl"-CH. All right. rm.ph«o ~ "°'" dlrl«IM CMrlllo• llNm&OOIJ't ~ MtM Delly Pilot. 1'0. ,...,,,.. f .. Dally Pilot THE 'HARBOR COLUMN Learn more at the boat sh.ow Ahoy. accompanied by an adult For more information. call (714) 633--7581 or surf over to www.scma.com. CHANNEL MARKERS The 11th annual Orange County Boat Show started Thursday at the Anaheim Convention Center for the opening of the 2003 boating season. "The OrdJlge County Boal Show is the perfect venue 10 MIKE WHITEHEAD I have a question for those of you who auisein Newport Harbor. What do you think kick off the boating season," says Dave Geoffroy, executive director of the Southern c:at!fomia Marine Assn. "This year will undoubtedly be bigger and better than ever and will afford Southern · c:at!fomia boaters an all-Inclusive venue to get a peek at what will be new on waterways in the months 10 come." This year, the show will have more than 350 new boats of every variety to entice boating enthusiasts and newcomers who plan to cruise into the region's many waterways. Al the show. boat lovers can compare and purchase the new 2003 models. conveniently displayed under one roof. Vasitors will enjoy more exhibits that feature a wide assortment or family deck boalS, performance and townament ski boats, fishing boats and personal watercraft, plus a large array of boating aftennarket products and accessories. Displays will include engine and propeUer upgrades. safety equipment, marine apparel, high-tech electronics and water sports equipment If you are new lo boating. or you are looking to buy your first boat. stop by the show's Discover Boating Center. 1be center provides an unintlmldating and friendly atmosphere for curious consumers to get information on boating safety and tips on how to purchase their first boat The boat show will have many family activities -a kid's an contest. oeJebrity look-alikes, puppet shows and live entertainment Ray Tumeyoshi, director of California's Department of Boating and Waterways, will be at his department's booth today to meet you, the boater, and answer any of your questions. The Orange County Boat Show ls presented by the Southern c.alifomia Marine Assn., which Is one of the largest and oldest marine trade associations in the country. The Orange County Boat Show is open from through Sunday. Show hows are: noon to 10 p.m. today: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $9 for adults. while children 12 and younger get in free when of the positioning and types of red channel markers numbered 6 and 101 Owmel marker 6 is between the mooring fields almost directly out from the Harbor Department, while channel marker 10 is off Balboa Island near Buddy Ebsen's fonner house. Both of these markers are now placed on steel poles instead of on floating buoys. I ask because it seerras like both of these markers are constantly h.it and damaged by boaters. On Wednesday. I auised by marker 10 and noticed the pole is leaning over from being bit. and the marker's metal cage structure Is so badly tweaked that it will require costly repair. I wonder if changing these two markers Lo floating lighted buoys would better serve the boaters and be more cost effective in terms of decreasing repairs to the markers and boats? TIP OF THE WEEK Surf over to www.dty. newport -beach ai. uslnbplltopickslnautiad. htm for a list of naudcal links. Earlier this week. I received an e-mail from June Pilsitz. who is Newport Beach's Public Ubrary's electronic resources hbrarian. JWle sent over the address Lo their nautical link section. and I found this Web page to contain a good list of nautical links. especially when I saw the Boathouse lV's link. On Thursday, I will speak at the Newport Beac:b Business Oub's breakfast meeting. I will ta.Ile about my recent experiences while cruising the Padfk: Ocean to harbors in Southern California and Mexico, plus my nautical broadcast and journalistic activities. The meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. aboard the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum's Pride of Newport I have more infonnation on my Web site. Qick on ·Appearances.· listed In the main menu. Safe voyages. • MICE WtlTEHEAD II the Pilot's boating and harbof columnist. Send him yQUr harbof and mari~ thoughts and story suggeation9 bye-mall to Mike@Boathou• Tv.com or visit Boathou•Tv.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be doudy earty, but will Both awella back down cteer PlrtlV this afternoon. t~. but west-feeing beedMts Hight will fall thy of 70, while appear to be our belt t.t, with low9 drop to •bout k c.:hett-to shoo~ On Saturday, •ll be moatty The IOU'th-fedng breab cloudy, wtth h~ In the probebfv won't do much bettet mkM:OI and Iowa In the than Wlltt-tllgh&, though 1h9t mid-60e. n-..t.'a I tlllght 9hould d\lnge with the'--chance of lhowwe 5-iurday aouthw9ct aweU on s.turday . night. though It lhould be late. Then, we'U ... eom. Sunc»v't looldng Pf'l8y dlest-hlgha. damp .. dly, ~ Monmy The W9St bead* thould loob ~..,,.,. hotd llMdy SIMdey, but wtll lnfomMhn: QO oYetheld sundr(. www.nwa.,.,...ocw ---= BOATING FORECAST """~.CHV TIDEI TM wtndswtl bkM 10 ~ ..... In the Inner._.., with 2-fOot ....... W9YM and.~--· 6:241.m. 4M'-Ngh of 4to&fMt. ll-.fwltlwttt 12:54p.m. -0.111Mtlow beCOme w....., OW evening. 7:&0p.m. 3.83 .. Ngh OUt fMher, the w...-ty 12:4it1.m. 2.J1t.Mlow ....... wtl btow 10 to 15 knots. wtltt 2-ltiol 'WllYM Ind • w..a WATER TEMPERATURE ... Of •1D• .... Not mud'I wll d"!'ll 1111 __,.. ... Mdlgf ... -------------------------.,..------------_. ...... _____ .,._ Dally Pilot frtdav Acfll 11, 2003 Al High school students play council for a day KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Aaron M. Israel, left, of Corona del Mar High School, and Heather Curtis of Back Bay High School laugh during a light moment of their mock city council meeting at Newport Beach City Hall.. Mayor Steve Bromberg and City Manager Homer Bludau are there to give teens a taste of city government. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPOHT BEACI I -( .ity Council chamber!> didn't look quite the l><lme TI1uri.day morn· ing as s1udents from several high !-.choolc; fiJled the rolei, of city of- ficials I For more than 20 yE:ClfS, the city of Newport Reach Re- creation and Senior Services De- partment ' Youth Counci~ ha.., helc.I the City Government Day event. givmg high school stu· dt•nt., a behind-the-scenes look al how cify government func- 1111n~. "I think it'!> ju!>I giving young peoplt• a little knowledge about how their local J.:overnment functions, and hopefuUy 11'1> mimicking i,ome of tht· periph eral iSl>ues 1hat might not ht: relatively apparent lo them." -.aid City Manager I lomer Blu- dau. who also l,10pe1> 11 might in !>pire '>Orne o( them to seek out a career an public <;ervice. "~ome of the$e bsue., are more com- ple!i. It p1akes them stop and think. and that's a good 1rung." Kicking off their ww~ 1n city officiah' shoe'>. tht> 32 '>IUdem .. -from Newpon I larbor, Co- rona del Mar, lku:k Hay, Sagt' I Iii!. Orange ( .oas1 Middl1· < .ol lege ,ml.I ~later Dt'1 l11gh '>Lhool" -wen· wekomed by Mayor Steve Hromherg, Bludau anll BEST BUYS u1twr n1y olfiuab lwlrirt· ~l'll111~ paired with ecu h of 1tw111 1u l.11~ r11•,., rhc rolt· of tlwir new 1ob., and how it relatt.'\ th 1·ar h i'>l>llt' "It\ a grca1 uppt1n11n11y lor the \tuc.lenl!> to ~el a n•al hie ex perit'm e ol ho\\. gow·rnnwnt work<.," '>aid 'w,in I ev1n, n· creatHlll manager ,11111 youth t 011ncil <1dV1'>11r .. "' pr'.J1 111 al . In 1Jm hall .1 da}. yo11 gi•I .1 real goud ta'>tt· 111 ho\". 1 11~ git\ ernmcnc work\ ... Afln an lwur and d liJJf ol prt-parntion, lhl' mock 1 11.,. council rnectmg began fht.· fln.1 ordt'r ol bu ... i11c'' \\ ..... 10 vole for a mayor A<.tm11 hr,11°1 from Newport I h1rlH11 gut 1l1t· nod, d11d Julianl' L..111l11ul't ll' from '>age I ltll \-\J.., 11.1mctl rnayur pro lem. I 11llow111g the agi•rida. 111" -.111 1knt., bro11gl11 l'J1 II 11t·n1 t•i 1111 lloor, openet.l 11 up for p11lil11 commt·nt. and someumes i.t.aJI u>rnrnl:'nt. dlld clo!>ed each item wi1h d vull', which wa.i.n't alway ... una1urnous. At 1ual nty l!>\Ues like water 4u.1.hty and wy tree ordinance-. h11 tht· floor and lurt>d commu 1111y member\ to the lectern "I have \upponed -.everaJ of \nu 111 c amJld.lgn 1ontribu11u~ .md I l'Xpet·t your '!llppon on 1111.,, .. .,aid Bludau, acung a!> 1111 Jj.{ita!Pc.l 1c .. 1auraJ1I owner ad· dre.,.,ing the <.uunc1I While the i.tudents sought ad ~Ill' and guidantt-from their of- liual rnunterpartc;, many of lht>m 1umped into the fant~y 1fl,11r with full force ·II\ .1 re.illy good program," c .ull1J1Jellt' '>aid "Af1er today, \W ~1· really learned a lot about i111v. 11ty go1.ernmen1 tunctioni,, wh11 h w1JI at least help us be tll'tt• r l If llen\ ... Fashion Island has something for the kids F ashJon Island celebrates c;priog by adding 1hree children's stores: Pampollna. the Picture People and Pirst Cut ... Pampolina. an exclusive European desii.,'Tler of children'.., cl<Hhing, will open it~ firc;t U.S. store here on Wednesday. It\ GREER WYLDER for all children. ~wrv1t l'" range from bang tnr11., and haircuh to maninm:: ... for 1110111 1\ popular pa1k.1gc1<, lht (;alaxy Prinn•.,, Packagt" < .irl ... ' .in ~ather with fr il•11d., lor binhday panw ... ur other 'JH:t 1al Ott .t->11111-. 10 h.1vc n1111i '>pa Lreatmenh. from ;1 mo< k facial 10 a reci1gni7.ed m 1-urnpe as a quillle'>l>t!nllal high fashion brand. unsurpa'!>ed in 4uality and !>lyle. Collecllon'> for hab1e!.. children and lt'l'n'> r.inge in <,1Ye fmrn nt•v11born 10 'i7e 12 Collectmn1> made \\ith lu"h theme., 111 exciting. roforh.il pa11em'>. c oortlina1111g \lyle., and rolof"> available -1ackei-.. panb. legging .... <,h1rh. <;weater-., f.\h1n~ and drt..,.,e.,. Adjacl'nl to the In'> l·oun1;un near llaagen·Dat.!> ('-14':11 644 2004 WATCH TV AND GET A CUT First Cut . .in urscale children\ salon. offer... 1he appearance and amenille'> of a fine adult !ialnn wh1Je maintaining a look and feel fur children It ,tl<;o offer-; a "fir:c.l cut" package created to commemorate a child'-, fir\I hrurcut. It's the firc;t ..a.Ion in the world to broadcast the event live on the Internet '>0 family and friend~ can view the occa!.ion A memento include-. a OVD of the event. before and after photo~. dated certificate and locl uf hair aU presenft'c.l in a vinyl bound album i'> included in the packagr. b1ch rnt1ang Mal ion has a flat panrl TV \Creen with a DVD player. a\ well a'> a GarneCube with wirele!>S controU<'r<> for older children. ~its! Cut al5U has a <iprc1aUy de.,igned rockel capsule that kid' can gl'I 11110 af1rr their haircut !>O that hair i., blown away from their face and clothing. For ;uixious k.ids. there are enclosed "screaming 5tations, • as well as a playroom "m1111cure." Next Lo Kus'>o'\ f'et bqwrierwe. !'WH 640 0956. EVEN MORE STORES In atl<l111on to the\l' new lenantc;, Cathy Jean sh~ and Gold Crown Hallmark haw relocated wllh111 the cen11·1 Lathy kan I'> now rwa1 lhl' 111-. roun1mn. aml <;old Lrow11 1 lallmark ha' mov1·d .1rrn'' from Barne'> & Nobll' Boolt.'>eller' A PLUM EVENT The Sugar Plum Arts & Crafts FestJval i'> happe11111g from •1 a.m lo 9 p.m Im.lay ant.l lrorn 'I am to 4 p.m. <>aturday at tht' Oran~e r.ounry I-air & l·.1(p11 in 1.0-.ta Mei,a. Ir c('fehrall'\ 11 ... l:'ith year Cl'> one of tht.' large'' g-111 fair-. in ',outhem C.ahlornw I rt•t• acJmis-,mn ancJ parking. 88 I .m Dnve. < O'>la Me'><.!. Bu1ld111g 1 n. (888) f!L'5-fi7211. w11·111.mxrJrf1/11mcmjt.\ com GET QUICK SHOTS lhe Picture People. J Hallmark company. ddiH'r\ high quality crt'ati\I' portr.11t'> in about ont> hour Spet iali:nng 111 portraiture 1hat capture., a child\ perc;onality. lhe P1c1un• People u-.e'> colorful harkdrop' aod fun prop5 lilt· ){iant fluwer'>, a kid-'>i1.etl fire truck. and giru11 eggs for EaMer. Per5011alvl'c.I gifto; ca11 he made from portrail5. including mouse pad.,, phulo c;culpturec,, key cha.in" and photo tie'>. Greeting canh available. too. Next to C.hiltlrerf<; Place, across from flames & Noble. (919) 72 I -602fl. ~rand Opening Promotion 2ror 1 " 501/o OR · P1rsa11I Tnll • Stm °' tlll 111 ~..,,..... • ur. fttia cllldlo wldl ~ ..... ·1'**~ ·~,.IOClll • c.tllW 11111m w IMlt«m • s,.illty ..... lor~ --~--.. • MttW .... ·-~- A SHOE IN Becker Surf & Sport ha:-CUI price., on men's and women's '>hoe-. in stock 20%. Oioose from (>VS HevivaJ. Elnies Callicut, \'"n' l'NT anll IJVS 1 IEF. 3140 I:. < Ot1\t I lighway, Corona del Mar. lM':fl 720-0533. SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED Don't mi'>'i lame., Bond·., la1e-,1 h1gh;tech car, the VI 2 Vanqu1.,h by A.,ton Manlil. on dii,play from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday 111 1 lw Alrlum I .<iv.'l1 .trl•a of l·a,hion l'>IJnd It appt'<irt·tl 111 hi' lall''>I mm·1t•, "l)ie \11111lwr Day ... \I Pet N1d.t'l(Jdl'11n·., Dora 1he. I .xplorer .ii Circuit City I rnm 11 a.111. to I p:m. I llt'rl' w11l lw ~vea\\.ay'>. am.I lrn.l'> tan he1v1.. their r11cture 1akt·11 with Uort1 l m1111City1' 1war llobin.,ons May "1-i't• -;-~11 'IL! l WOOD BE NICE L:Antlco Splendore U~A Inc. 1s having a moving ... ill' thro11gh April. Among more 1ha11 I 00 llem<o are lwo Italian -------- ~4~}t . H .., s t a u .-a n t ') ,J ---f:stablisheCJ In 1962 Ht•n<t1'>'>•1111 e n•\1\.1l .trn1111r1 "· .i h.111tl c ,lfV(•cl ll<.th.u111all 1n •' .11 .mrtqlll' rll'>IH ltcll1t111 lahlt• .11111 1·1~ht chair..,, .111 ;1n11quc· 1111 pt.i11 ,11rr11uncil-tl '"'Ii ht•\ Pied ~l.1-,-. m1rro1 .i11d .111 111l1q111 11.ill,111 hurl \\110J 1 urio 1·;11>1111·1 ..!'-1 111 {,rall' l..J.llt '\o. 11. ("'ta \Ii ... 1 • BEST BUYS a(Jpears M ondays druJ 1-ruJays Send 1nforma11on 10 r,,. .... , Wylder at 4r,.1•Myld11r" yahou com: at 330 N Bi1Y c;, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 ''by tax di 19491646-4170 ••HI ( , r • t 11 ,.J I'\. t I I ' t u 't l'l AY ·--•-a...•e>A ,..,_Vlt.-•c.- ff'onnerlv the lair ol the \.\'halt') Easter Buffet Brunch Located ;n the Historic Balboa Pavilion on Newport Harbor Two Seatfog Times Atiailabw 9:00am • 12:00pm • 1 ~;.;-'" r1t J i. l >rnel• t1t'' & \\attll'~ • 1 .«c·m1 • I• -h '-.JlaJ, • I rt·<h "l J " J i..., !t·1 •111n • I .IJJ1 J HJm & 'oml•lt·d 1urll'\ • t ... u•md I >1 ''t'rt' & l rtTt'' • f rt''h \1'\CI IJblt.'' & "1Jl' lJi'hr' S20.00 per person Large Parties Welconu!l .$00 Main 5trnl • Balboa V11la)lt: Call Today for RPsenoation~ Waterfront Seatin& Awiilab/e 949.673.4633 r.ooaf'YEAR 155/80/13 ......................... 53000 185/60/14 ......................... '3900 t!1~u1:nn,1 MX4 175/70/13 ......................... '68°° 165/80/13 ......................... '3400 175170/13 ......................... 13600 185/70/13 ......................... '3800 185/70/14 ......................... 14000 195/70/14 ......................... 144 00 195/60/14 ......................... 14200 195/60/15 ......................... s45oo 205/60/15 ......................... 54 7°° 205/65/15 ......................... s4goo 215/65/15 ......................... '5500 185/70/13 ......................... '69°° 185/70/14 -........................ '7600 195/70/14 ......................... S"TSOO 195/65/15 ......................... '8800 205/65/15 ......................... 59-,00 BFGaadricli ........................... ,_ II UNIROYAL-a 195/60/15 ......................... s5goo 195/65/15 ......................... '4900 205/75/15 ......................... '5500 205/60/15 ......................... '62°° 205/60/15 ......................... '5400 215/75/15 ......................... '58°° 205/65/15 ......................... '6800 205/65/15 ......................... s5goo 235175/15 ......................... -&400 215/65/15 ......................... ? 400 225/60/15 ......................... s59oo 235175/16 ......................... '&SCIO 205/55/16 ....................... '10800 215/65/15 ......................... '6400 265//J/16 ......................... '7400 225/55/16 ....................... '11400 225/60/16 ......................... '79°° 265/70/17 ......................... '78"' M Friday, ~ 11, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • en.tiol 81rWt: Petty theft was reported In the 2700 blodc at 3:17 p.m. Tuesday. • Cebttlo StrMt: Vandalism was reported In the 200 blodt at 4:28 p.m. Tuesday. • Garct.n lAne: Vandalism was reported In the 2000 blodt at 11:37 a.m. Tuesday. • Halbor Get.way: A hit·and·run waa reported in the 3500 blodt at 5:47 p.m. Tuesday. • Placentia Avenue: Grand theft was reported In the 2300 blodc at 1 :06 p.m. Tuesday. • Victoria Strwt: A traffic accident involving Injuries was reported In the 600 blodt at 7:48 a.m . Tuesday. •West 19th StJMt and Harbor Boulevard: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 12:16 p.m . GARIBAY Continued from Al ... aid. ''It seems so sudden. There .ire so many things between us that were left unsaid. We thought we're in the same city, wl''re gonna get married, have kids. and our kids will grow up together as a family. But none of that will happen now.H Lyn Faulkner, a colleague of S1monJ Garibay at College l lo~pital Lil Costa Mesa, said s he l1.1s heard 1he proud mother talk about her son quite frequently. Jose Garibay worked at the hospital m the nutrition -;ervice .... depanm ent for a year, .. he c;a1d "'\imona will always remember her son ~ a cheerful, CONFLICT Continued from Al "We worked really hard 10 get things cleaned up, and then to go 'nevermind' is just horrify- ing," Genis said. "I think, what did I sit up there for all those y~ars?" faris said he will reserve com- men t until Wood issues his legal opinion, except to echo that Mansoor wasn't aware of the conflict of interest code. Wood also refrained from Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bflltol end Birch streeta: A traffic accident involving lnjuliejl was reported et 8:16 a.m . Tuesday. • C.rob StrMt: A home burglary was reported in the 2800 blodt at 5:04 p.m. Tuesday. • Hllarta Way: Vandalism was reported in the 4100 blodt at 5:40 p.m. Tuesday. • ~AV9nue:'A commerci"I bYrgtary was reported In the 2900 blodc at ~:42 a.m .. Tuesday. • Shering10n Ptllce: An auto theft was reported in the 1600 blade at 12:39 p.m. Tuesday. • West 15th Stre8t: A physical fight was reported in the IK)() bk>dt at 8:31 p.m. Tuesday. •21st Place end West Ocean Mont: Vandalism was reported at 1 :39 am Tuesday. 'You don't know what to say. It seems so sudden. There are so many things between us that were left unsaid.' Adriana Garibay Jose Ganbay's cousin happy little boy that he was," Faulkner said, choking up. ·rm grateful to him and many others lilce him who put their lives in danger so we can live free." • DEEM BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deeps. bhsrsth@larimes.com. comment on the conflict of in- terest until his analysis was com- plete. If Mansoor's appointment is found to be a conflict of interest. ii could also preclude Mansoor from nominating Faris to replace outgoing Mayor Karen Robinson. He might also have to abstain from voling on Faris' appoint- ment if someone else nominated him. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at delfdre.newman@latimes.com. Nt!w shipments of Accessories for you r Home Including Lamps and Shades WltA custom options avallablt Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10.S •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Stred 113, Costa Mesa• (9'9~.S (Acrost from Ralphs) bella bella SALO N IAlO" NOlltl ~·-"' •Olllmd,,.,, '2721 E. COQlf ~ Wle ~ ~OllMclfCA~ 9at9723AOa -~----------- COUNCIL Continued from Al own political pbilOIOphy aside for the good of the broader com- 'I urge them to have open minds, and what I think t hey need to look for Is someone that has the best interest of the entire city at heart.' Jo.Eric:klon munity,• sa.id Mary Hornbuckle, Sttaw votes were taken on the who was mayor at the time. four with the best rankings. but Glasgow resigned dting health the votes failed to cmy. reasons after It was revealed that Later in that meeting. c:oundl he and a Costa Mesa Police De-members started maldng mo- panment lieutenant bad moni-dons to appoint their choices. tored private computer commu-Four failed. and the attempt to nlcadons between City Manager appoint was continued until the Allan Roeder and Police Ollef next meeting. Dave Snowden for six months in On July 15, Erickson received a 1989.' majority vote only ffter three After the 1991 cowtcil chose · oilier candidates did not TWenty the appointment process, each minutes latet; the elm adm.inJs- member nominated two ~ple, tered the oath of office to Ericlt- and only those who recetVed 1l son, and he assumed bis seat on second vote of aupJ?Ort were con-• the dais. sidered. Then Hornbuckle rec-Sandra Genis, who also was on ommended that each member the co\Ulcil at the time, said the rank the nominees by preference. process evolved from a selfish at- FRIEND Continued from Al "IHisl death this morning was totally unexpected," Jay Robin- son said. "He was an incredibly principled human being who tried to put the public first" The Robinsons, known around town as ·Fran and Prank,H ac- complished what was thought to be impossible when they butted heads with the lrvine Co. In 1969, they sued the company to stop development of a Marina Del Rey-style marina. dtude to a more thoughtful ap- proach. "When we each started out we each had our own ideas and thought we would do what would enhance our own position on the council, and then fwel realized that was dumb," Genis said The council Instead focused on who could best complement the members, 'Genis said. "We didn't have a council· member on the Eastside," Genis said. "\\\? also looked at, 'Is this someone who has a· long-tenn commitment to fixing up the cityf Joe was on the Planning Commission and had a long- tenn commitment" During the Robinsons' battle with the Irvine Co .. President Bill Masoi:i derided the couple as "that stupid little engineer and his birdbrained wife," Jay Robin- son said. Mason would eat those words in 1973 when a judge vali- dated the couple's claim that the land should be kept open for public use. FILE PHOTO I OAJLY PILOr Environmentalists Fran and Frank Robinson on Nov. 19, 197 4. The coun ruling paved the way for the state to buy the 750 acres and designate it a protected eco- logical preserve. The state also bought I 40 acres from the Irvine PARTIES Continued from Al filmmakers in mind. Some of this year's events included a pri- vate party on Ethan Wayne's yacht, a pool pany at Harbor Cove and another pany at Wayne's private home. "They are very much intimate activities designed just for the filmmakers so when they come here they have an opportunity to mingle with other filmmak- ers from all over the world," Goldberg said. "Our parties are very desirable. We even had a BILLS Continued from Al the secretary of the Interior to provide 25% of the funding for water filtering by the lrvine Ranch Water District along the San Di- ego Creek and the Upper New- port Bay. Tugether, the two bills could provide as much as $19 million for it and two other district proj- ects in the county. "Irvine Ranch Water Di.strict is th.ankful 10 Sen. Feinstein and CALL . Continued from Al on Thursday. "1Wo mo nths ago, they called me up for service. but it got canceled." Dominic, ·a local boy" and graduate or Costa Mesa High School, will leave his wife, three children and home In Fountain Valley in less than two weeks_ He and his wife are still wrestling with the reality and have not told the children yet Dominic said he wants to waJt until after their spring break so he can spend some quality time with them without the looming cloud of military service. •'Ibara going to be the tough- est parC he aak1 •Leavtng my family.• For the membera or Costa M Fire. the toughest part wiJJ Co. for $3.5 million. "Frank and Fran were inspira- tional to all of us who were work ing to save valuable parts in the bay," said Jack Skinner, a New- pon Beach environmentalist and friend "I never thought two peo- ple would accomplish such an top director from Hollywood call to see how he could at- tend." The guild's feSponsibility does not stop with merrymaking. Vol- unteers also set up hair appoint· ments, tennis matches, golf games and dinner reservations for the filmmakers. They offer tours to the city, suggest places to eat and nm d:ieir dry cleaning. Anything and everything ta keep the ~ happy and show them the best that Newport Beach has 10 offer. The guild is remarkable in Its support for the film festival, pub- licity director Todd Quartararo said. Congressman Cox for their lead- ership in helping secure funding for these cutting edge projects," district President Brian Brady said. The district's Natural Treatment System, as the project has been known, would use man-made wetlands to remove sedJment, hannfuJ nutrients. pathogens and other contaminates in runoff in the San Dlego Creek Watershed. It is intended to improve water quality in the Upper Newpon Bay. It would be the largest water- shed-wide project for runoff treattnenl in the nation. be losing a highly respected member or their team. About a dozen firefighters gathered for an impromptu goodbye party on Thursday afternoon. where they shared cake, cookies and stories about Dominic. •tte will be sorely missed in many ways," Costa Mesa Ftre Ollef Jim Hills said. Ellis said he understands Dominic's loyalty to the country. He took an oath to the city of c:osta Mesa to serve beie, but be also pledged bis allegiance to the Army and is now being asked to cany out that oath. Although be ls publicly asso- ciated wftb the proud flrefigbter unllorm and all the bravery the service poshion entails, Doml- nJc II also renowned in the fire- house u an expert baker. The men lovingly call him "Grandma Dommk• becaute or an the cookies and tteats be brings In. GETTING INVOLVED • OEl11NG l'NOLVED n.tnl ~lty In the 0.lly Pltot on• rot.8tlng hnil-foot lnfo"1'WdOn on adding yout OrgenU~ to thft .... ~ (148, 61"4218. NEWPORT 1rACH LmARY LJTIMCYPlt()(MAM TN progr111nMeb~ tutof ..... Who Wlf'lf 10 .,..... t'Ndln9 end wt1dng ..... ~· ... cetUftldduring ..... ~ .. c.n..... l.Jbrwt .... , 717..:tPI. NEWPORT 1EACtt PM:*RE CM*GUILD TN Newport 8eed1 PriMnle,. ClnWN Guilll,_....~ the N...,ort ....,_Rim Fa1lv•I, ti looting tor n.w membe•a. lfll.,. .. ed candid.._ •ho4M went to hefp fUfthef lft ..... Md Cuhurif .,.,...... .. ._.,a~1nd .hould .... .,. of dMfM and ................. . of dMtMfudwl. __, 25J.290. undenalcing." Frank Robinson was born June 6, 1918, in c.J1arles1on, S.C After graduating from the Univer51ty o f Cincinnati, he moved to the LA. area. In 1961. Frank and Fran Robinson moved 10 Newpon Beach. "Not only do they ra1'>t' mo ney for the fest, uut they i.upport w. in other wdys," he !>aid. "llwy do great panic .. ;." Guild member ... are committed to improving the fe!>tivaJ. Gold· berg said. "We love it and m.lly around it.• Goldberg said. "We just take the larger c;cene and make it more lntirnale. • All the events of the Newpon Beach Film Festival C..inema Guild have one purpoc;e: to make connection!. 'lbe parues are meant for nun- glmg. l11e scheduled lunche<>. tennis and golf game<> are set up to mingle. Mingling here. man· Some environmentalist.<. have questioned whether the project would encroach on private prop- erty. ·m e district has c;aid it would not seize homeowner<i' land to in· ~tall the wetlands. lad: Keating. of the Upper Newpon Bay Friends and Natu· raUst.s. sald he c;upports the treat· ment system. "I appreciate IRWD's efJons lo develop a system whose goal IS 10 improve water quality in the bay," Keating said. ·1 hope this coUabo- ralive effort wiJJ continue and ul- timately the community and bay will benefit." ·11ove to bake." Dominic said. "It he lps me relax. and the kids like It." He doesn't mind the playful chides a t his passionate pas- time. He is proud of his delec- table diversion. Hts ugar-free cookie entry, designed for dia - betics, won him a first-place rib- bon at the Orange County Fair -an accolade he tells with a proud smile. His role la the Army will be far dUl'erenl Dominic has been a m ember of the armed forces since 1964 and, as a major, is specialized in mobllization, training and op- eration. Since the beginning of the war, Dominlc has known his time as a civilian was UmJted. At least now he can atop worrying, he said. •1t•s a reUd," he sald. •tt's he re, and we n deal with It lb•&Jas W. Rolph Erlcbon said when h was ftnt appotnted. It uked t.bot be pledge to run for nolher tam. which he did. He said be only served (WO full tetmS because he believes in leml H.mfts. As the beneficiary of the 199 t appointment proc:ess, Edcbon said he recommend! the current council look for -ream player. "l urge them lo have open minds, and what l think they need to look for ls someone that has the best interest of the entire • city at heart.· Erlcbon said. MWe re one city, and one area shouldn't be emphasized more than another. The four !remain- ing council members! are good • peopJe. and I think they'll make the best decision." • DEJRDAE NEWMAN cover• Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latlmn.com Frank Robinson held down a job at North American Rockwell as an aeronautical engineer. Dur- ing the battle with the Irvine Co .. company brd.Sl> p~ured his boss to fire him for his activism . I Lis boss refw.ed, Cau.'>tin said. During the 1970s, Frank Robin son also held a seat on the Orange County I larbor Commis- sion. where he was involved In the planning of Dana Point Har- bor. Frank Robinson is survived by children Jay and daughter Dana Prince; two grM1dchildren; and two great grd..rldchildren. A memorial service for Frank Robinwn wiU be held at 10:30 a m. Thursday at the Peter and Mary Muth l.nlerprelive Center, 23()1 Umver>ity Drive. Newpon Reach. In lieu of Dowers. lhe family as1cs that do nations be sent to the Upper Newpon Bay Naturalists Mid friends, P.O. Box 10804, Newport Beach, Lo\ 926.58. • PAUL CUHTON covers the environment. business and polrtica. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul clmron a!/8f1mes.com ghng there, the gmld c;ponsors m uigling everywhere. "We want them to mingle wi1h local rei.ident.., who are part of 1he mechanb m, mingle with other fi lmmaker:. and lndu.<.try in.,ider<i," Goldberg sald. She aho wants the vtS1ting filmmake~ to ·get a flavor of the local city." "This is the Newpon Beach hfesryle." Goldberg 'laid. • LOlJTA HARPER writes coklmns Mondays, Wednesdays and FTiday1 and covers culture and the arta. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 Of bye-mail at to/ifs.harper q)fat1rrnts com The water districl. with the -,o- called ll'Vllle l.>esa.her Project, as working to remove cherrucals from the groUJ1dwater basin un- der the former El Toro Manne CorJ>ll Air !>talion. District official~ have also said they hope to reduce the salinity in drinkin g water and recycled wa ter by construcllflg a pipeline to reduce brine. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment. business and polrt:ICS He may be reached at 19491764-4330 or by e-mail at psuf clmron <Plar1mes com and get back to where we left off." Costa Mesa Fire Engineer Dan Mudra said he can't walt for his colleague to return. ·1 feel s<Jrry for him, yet I thinlc it is an h onor to have him be pan of us and have hlm go do what he's got to do for the coun· try," Mudra said. If his work around the fire. house is any Indication, Domi- nic will be a valuable aMet to the Army, his colleagues said. They ' said their farewells to Dominic Thursday, but knew they would see again him soon. • · Nlt'U go by quick," a ftreftghter • told him whUe ihak.lng h1s band. • • LOUTA HAAP£A wrtta columna Mond•Vt. w.ctnesci.y. •n4 Fridays end cover1 cuttur• and the •ru She m-vt>e r~ et 19491 574-4275 or by ~II et lollt• ,..,,,.,.1arm...oom. • Friday, ~ 11. 2003 AS Honoring the classroom all-stars (~~G) Newport Beach's top seniors are applauded at annual event highlighting their work on the campus and in the community. Christin• C•rrlllo Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP.AOI -Harvard or Stanford, Princeton or Yale,' the Massachusetts Institute of Tucbnology or the U.S. Naval Academy -these high school aeniora have a ple,thora of college paths to choose from. Carrying grade point averages reaching beyond a 4.0 and a slew ot• communJty service and extra . curricular activities, Newport . Beach's Academic AB-Stars re- presented the aeam of the aca- demic aop. During the 42nd annual Schol- arship Awaid.s Breakfast held Thursday morntns. the Newport Beach cormnunity recognized the top 15 studentB lrom-New- port Harbor and C.Orooa del Mar high schools for their numerous achievements. "It's .a ~ qpportuoity to t\onor these etudenta. who have achieved so much in such a short period of time." said. C.Ommo- dore Norm Witt, of the Newport Beach Own.ber of Commerce C.Onunodorea Oub. "Vffre very honored to have hosted this." While the students showed ex- citement about the challenges that may arise as they take. the next step in their lives, many of them still have decisions to make, such as where to go to col- lege. . Sharon Fry, principal at Co· rona del Mar HJgb, and Michael Vossen, principal at Newport Harl>or Higtl. read off the names of one Ivy League school after another as they gave brief bios of the award winners. "We need evenbl like th.is to re· mind w why ~re t;>ere and what's important." Vossen said "I can't help but be amazed at all these students have accom- plished," Fry saJd. "It makes me· ~t to go back and try it again and see If I can fJt as much in 24 hours as they seem to do." For the students, all the long hours are spait.ed by personal drive. "The reality of the siplation is, we're pa.ssio~e ab(>ut [what we do)," said Kellie Brownell,-0ne of the ·senior scholam ill Newport Harl>or. "lf we're smart about It. We'll be able to work it into OUI "future." RESTAURANT ~ Celebrate Easter on the Water JI..... · 'r" and Join us for our Champagne ~ Easter Buffet Brunch Four Seating Tinw Availabl~ 9:00am • 11 :OOam t :OOpm • 2:30pm • Efl' Bmt.Jin & Dlfltktu BM • SlftbluJ Smuogu & Sik DiJhu • Fmlr.&t1joo4 & Past11 . • Claud HOlll & &ef C.41-vmx St"1Wfl -. ~ • Frah Fruit & Salad B.u • eo-a Daltrrs & CrtJ'f'J NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP Adults: SZJ.95 Childr~n: $11 . 95 Pliu tax llNI gr"1u1ry INS1DE CITY HALL Here are some decisions coming out of Tuesday's Newport Beach City C.Ouncil meeting. LANDMARK BUILDINGS ORDINANCE A final vote on an ordinance to benefit four locaJ landmarks smoothly passed final approval on Tuesday -a quiet finish to something that started out as a controversial plan. The ordinance will allow the Port Theatre, the Udo Theater, the Balboa Theater and the Balboa P'avilion to add food service and entertainment to their businesses without applying for new permits. C.Orona del Mar Councilman Dick Nichols, who had to recuse himself from the vote because BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Oastal C.Ommission approves walkways The California Coastal Com· mission on Tuesday approved a Newport Beach project that will install four walkways for wheel- chair-bound beachgoers. The commission approved an application from the Newport Beach Public Works Depart- ment to start the $66,000 proj- ect. The city will install walkways of various lengths near the Newport and Balboa piers. Work OD the asphalt walk· ways should begin in Septem· ber and wrap up by dctober, project manager Lloyd Dalton said. The commission also ap· proved an application from 32nd St. Investors lLC to build a mixed-use project. The devel· opers want to build a three· story project with 4,275 square feet of commen::ial space and three condominiums measur- ing 8,005 square feet. The proj- ect is at 424 32nd St. Radetsky or no~ here she comes to Barclay A star of the big screen will return to her Costa Mesa roots this month to wow hometown audiences with a performance in •The Ballet Mootmarte in C.Oncen.• Saacba Badet&ky, a dancer in C.Olumbia Picture's film "'Center Stage,• will present a mixed program of classic and contem- NEXT MEETING • WHEN: 7 p.m. April 22 • WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •IN~TlON:Agendasand staff reports are avallabte on th.e Internet several days before each meeting at www.city.newport-beach.ca.us. For information, call (949) 644-3000. he lives within 500 feet of the theater, spoke as am~ of the public to again state his opposition to the ordinance. WHAT TitEY SAID •1t will affect the land values and the livability in Corona del Mar." -Nichols ALCOHOL SALES Taking the first of what city leaders have promised will be porary ballet for Montrnarte on April 27 at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine. Radetsky taught a se- ries of master classes at the C.Osta Mesa studio last year and returns this month to perform instead of instruct. Tickets are $18 and available by registration at (949) 854- 4646. Temple Bat Yahm hosts talk on anti-Semitism Temple Bat Yahm officials, in conjunction with the Anti- ~amatlon League of Orange County, will host a public fo· rum on anti-Semitism tn May. The temple's Social Action Committee will host the discus- sion, titJed MThreats: Interna- tionally, Nationally and Lo- cally." The Anti-Defamation League's senior associate dlrec· tor, Kenneth Jackson, will speak.. Jackson specializes in global anti-Semitism and will answer audience questions. The program ls scheduled for 7p.m.May6. The cost Is $10 per person, and seats must be reserved by May 2. The temple is at 1011 Camelbaclc St. tn Newport Beach. For reservations, call (949) 644-1999. UCI hosts open house, day of activities "Celebrate UCI 2003," UC Ir· vine's 25th annual open house, gives the community, prospec- tive student.a and their faDllllet a chance to learn more about the university throtigh a variety ~ 1r x 1r .......................................................... u ... c.n• .................. ,., ........... _......................................... "·' ~~ ... ,. ................................. " ............. ~.. ...l many moves to control excessive drinking in West Newport, the council approved a change to the city's municipal code. The change will forbid grocery and package stores from setting up alcohol sales in their parking lots. In past years. stores have set up tents in their parking lots to sell liquor near the Fourth of July and other holidays. WHAT THEY SAID "There's more to come.· -Mayor Steve Brof!1berg CLIFF DRIVE PLAYGROUND The council also approved a $.17,694 contract to purchase playground equlpment for Oiff Drive Park. The money will pay to replace the playground equipment now at the site. some of which is not in compliance with the Americans With of events and activities. The event, held from JO am. to 5 p.m. April 19. will feature campus tours, Earth Day activ- ities and the Wayzgoose Medi- eval Faire. More than I 00 club and organization booths, chil· dren"s carnival rides and games, a petting wo, pony rides, car show and muraJ painting, will also be offered. For more information. call (949) 824-5182 or visit www. uci.edulcelebrate. Disabilities Act. The council will consider bids from companies to install the equipment at a later date. -funs Casagrande Call Today for Reservations Ouidoor l>in1n~ • IHit"!fronr ::.~allHt Av.;.labl~ 949-675-2373 50J I:. LJ~ew.iti:r • Newport lkach Newport-Landing.com Fr~<; Acbntsstoh ~ F>ark,thj Ovgr 180 ~ • NGW J1gn:hdMt~ Datly • VlSd· ~ • ~ ~Ap~ir :10-:12 Thuafs &. F rt 9 -.9 Q)4t 9-4 OC Fa.tr &. E xpo 66 Fair l:>r. Co~tct .M.GSa. ~J4. • 10 www.~Jvrncra~.com Pl~aee. NO ~U...ERB Pl..ee brtre wd ~ doer prtz.~ dMllwtre1 " ~--... ---------~---:---~~-------------------------------------- M Friday, ~ 11, 2003 FORUM HOW10GETPU8USHED -l.Aa.s: Mail to Editorial Page Ed'rtorS.J. Cahn 8tthe Daffy Pilot. 330W. Bay St, Cotta Meu, CA92827•A~1der'I Hotlnr. Call (949) 642-«>eSFu: Send~ (91:~7~ a-.-. E-mal:s.nc/ to dailypi#ot la ti ma.com • AJI correspondence must lndude fu~ name, hometown and phone number (for Wffflcatlon purpoee9). The Pilot .....-vee the right '1o edit all submislk>n• • .. ., • "'' "'u •· READERS RESPOND A -council s.eat waits to be. filled· AT ISSUE:.Who should be named to complete the Costa Mesa City Council term of outgoing Mayor Karen Robinson? W e're puzzled as to why Councilmen Alan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Orris Steel didn't vote to appoint fonner Mayor Linda Dixon·to fill Karen Robinson's City Council seat at Monday's meeting. Dixon was the runner up 111 the November election. Shl' put out the effort to campaign. which Mamoor, Monahan .i.ml Steel all know is a very difficult process. She came m only sligbtJy behind Mani.oor 111 tlw election; the voters preferred Dixon over the two other candidates. I lad there been three seats open, Dixon would be on the dais now. many of which are on !he We~tside. under much stricter observation and standards. • Being a longtime. hands-on supporter of Costa Mesa seniors. primarily via her extensive won.. at the Senior Center on West 19th Street, the heart of the Westside. How does this compare wtth whomever the Mfmpro1;l'r•; tlre considering? For heaven's sake. l{uyc;, JUSl because Councilwom;m I jbby Cowan thinks it's a good idea (according to the Dally Pilot article) doesn't automatically mean it isn't! Dixon will worlc hard for Westside improvement, she knows what she's doing, and she lcnows how to worlc with yo~. I I \ I - of appointment which will involve selection from a pool of interested candidates. One can only hope that the four remaining council members will keep the city's best interests in mind as they go about their deliberations. If they fail to appoint a replaament for Robinson by the May 15 deadline, the state law requiring an election will automatically kick in. That will leave the city with a four-person council until December, which does not bode well for our community. Perhaps "improvers" .Mansoor and Steel don't feel Dixon represents enough of their views on improving the Westside. We wonder why. with her record o f: •Voting against putting the Oilldren's Hospital of Orange County clinic at Rea School. CHRIS & MARY FEWEL Costa Mesa Having lived in Costa Mesa since 1966 and having voted in every election since that time. it saddens me to recognize that only a handfuJ of past members of the City Council remain in my memory with some fine exceptions. I'm sorry to say mediocrity and cronyism are qualities that stand out unpleasantly from some past councils. FILE PHOTO/DAILY PILOT· Former Costa Mesa Mayor Linda Dixon has been suggested to take Karen Robinson's council seat. Having watched this council perform OYer the pa.st few months, it's easy to anticipate many deadlocked votes on very important issues. So. now we wait and walch to see if our leaders will take the high road and do what is best for our city. Will lhey exercise the wisdom we all hoped for when they were elected and select a pe~n with vision, intellectual maturity and experience for the council vacancy. or will they attempt to insen a political aony. campaign manager or someone still' wet behind the ears into the position? Will they select a person who can contribute to the dialogue on important is.sues and build consensus when necessary. -0r will they choose a peniOn that will simply be a voting echo? • Proposing the new regulations prohibiting parking RVs on city streets, something that has helped our neighborhood tremendously. • c:ampaigning on a strong platforrn of Westside improvement, including infrastructure upgrades, and creation of a neighborhood shopping center at 19th and Placentia with a major grocery store. •Voting to approve a study regarding re7.oning the Westside bluffs from industrial to residential. • Putting group care homes for dru,g and alcohol treatme~t. However, to this day, two ex-mayors have impressed me as persons who would do credit to any public offices they might occupy -Peter Buffa and Sandra Genis. Both of them still reveal their thoughts on public matters and their good sense still stands out from the crowd. I don't know what the rules are regarding their possible return to the City Council, even if only for a year and a half, but if such an appointment is allowed, and if either of them is willing to serve, it would be one of the best moves this present council could make -if they, the members. can live with obvious excellence in their midst. that ls. ARTSTANLOW Costa Mesa I believe you had two great candida'es to fill Karen Robinson's seat on the council: Planning Commissioner Katrina Foley and former Planning Commissioner Walter Davenport, two great known ., I All Merchandise is marked ,. up to Sale includes: Oothing, Shoes, Belts, Table Top & Choose from: Misook; VotreNom, Ren&ew ~ ... H""1 wink q-. atlm. figures of the city. I think either would fill the job wonderfully. I hope City Manager Allan Roeder is aware of their talents and their c.oncem for the city. Put them at the top of the llst I am sure they would be great for the seniors, aJso. ANNE HOGAN-SHERESHVSKY Costa Mesa I believe the best method is to choose the candidate who received the next highest number of votes after Karen Robinson in the 2000 election. UWAN GORBATY Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Councilwomen Heather Somers was the next highest vot&iJetter in the 2000 election. As I type this, I'm feeling sleep-deprived because 1 stayed up until after l am. Tuesday watching the City Council meeting. wailing for our leaders to finally tack.le the issue of how to replace departing Mayor Karen Robinson. The banle linet> were dearly drawn when, on two successive 3-2 votes -boys against the girls -the male majoriry on the council first wisely reje<:ied Libby Cowan's attempt to have former mayor Unda Dixon appointed, then chose a method Adding to thecollec:tive oornmunity angst ~ the ipCCter of ~Steel as mayor. although dty policy does not necessarily require him to be automatically elevated to that position. In fact. it is entirely possible that the most reamt appointee to the council could end up being a comt>JOmise candidate for mayor. Wouldn't that be fun? GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa The Difference Is Dignity THERE ARE MANY CREMATION AND FUNERAL SERVI CE PROVIDERS BUT WHAT THEY PROVIDE IS NOT THE SAME. There is a cfifference m care and service when you plan with a Dignity Memorial Service Provider. + HANDLING YOUR N&DS BEfoRE. DlouNc AND AfTet Dignity Memorial's care extends beyond the ~ice Our Aftercare Planner helps survivors through the sometimes burdensome legal and business affairs they must attend to after a loss + CoMPASSION HaPUNE A 24-hour a day telephone line, staffed by certified psychologists for the ~aved to obtain coun.,el dunng the cLfficuh weeks follow.mg a loss • ~ 00% SEJMCE GuAJw...r1u A 100 percent set'VlC:C guarantee that supports our commitment to provtde scrv1ce beyond expectations · + TllAVEL BEREAVEMENT PROGRAM Significant savings on A1ght arrangements and other travtl needs such as hotel and car rental to out-of-town family members . . • UCf.NSB> CoUNSELORS We want to relieve as much of the stress as possible during what is already a dJfficult time. Our trained and canng staff will discuss pricing, benefits, plans and service options answering all your questions clearly and simply . • f'llEE IN'moorr MEMOlllAL Through www.mCl)l.com, we will provi~ an Everlasting fykmorial at no cost that provides an opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one. . LET US BE YOUR TRUSTED ADVISOR. Call our anng counselors to discuss cremation or funeral arrangements or to learn more about pre-planning programs. · PAOFIC VIEW MEMOllAL PAK AND Morru..uY COloNA OIL Mil 949.644.2700 F01178 . Plata 81tonus BEU. BROADWAY MOlmlAaY <:osTA M!sA 949.64:2.9150 AROUND. TOWN •teeya to Weight Manege'1*11• lnformaUon. wUI be held at 3 p.m . at Mother's Mertt.t, 226 Eut t7th St, Cotti APRl.'D •Send AROUND TOWN heme to M .... For rMetVatk>na, a.II (800) ,.. peft of"" ....... Pf09' ..... the Delly Ptlot, 330 w. Bay St., ~MOMS. Suche Redmky of American Colt.e MMe, CA 92827; by fax to e.11et Theatrw wtn pefform the (M9) 848-4170; or by catllng (M9) MONDAY pe1 de deux from •Le Corsalre• 674-4218. lndude the time, dlt9 Hoeg tto.plt9I wll h09t .look et the Berc:lay Theetre In Irvine. and loC8don of the went. .. wen Good ..• F-..i Btbr" daaee, Tkteta ere avan.ble ontv et the a1 • concact phone numt.. A tMChlng cancer ~enta makeop. Bardav Thean Booe Officl for complftl llltlng I• available at wig and tufben tlpt to help hkM $18. Call (949) 854-4648 for www.dallypllotoom. the ravage1 of radiation end reMrvet:lont. c:hemother8py trwtment The TODAY claUff, given from 10 1.m. to Red can, truc:b and motDrcydee Come. Lew School prof111or noon, are sponsored by the of all years, makes and models David Wlppman delivers hia American Cancer Society. are Invited to pertk:ipate in the eympoelum •The Two Fee. of Registration la required for the fourth annual Strawbeny Sunday the, lntematlonel Criminal Court,• free ctaaaes. ca11 (949) 281-9446 Fun Feat and Clelllc Car Show. .. part of• MM1 at UC Irvine for information. The show, while ~lghtlng red 'Called •Protecutlng Perpetrators: cars, la open to all makes, cplor1 lntematlonef Accountabllfty for TUESDAY · and models. Entry feet are $16 War Crl~ end Humen R1gtits A ha MmiMr called •For tM for pre-reglatntlon or $20 the day Abu"':' Held In Soclet Sclenoe • Worry Wart Vitamin Take,. wtll be of the evtnt Red cars can be Plau 8, room 1208 et no0n, the hefd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . et entered for free. The show runs event la frM. Mother's Marttet, 225Ent17th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.~. In the St, Cotta Mesa. For retervatlona, Automotive Road of Dreama area The~ of "*"8nkal cell (800) 695-MOMS. of the swap meet. Call (714) Ind leroepece engineering Ind 966-8422 for more infonnatlon. biomedical engineering et UCI APRIL 19 Invite you to •joint lpring 2003 •Divorce: A New Beg1nn1n9• It• APRtl 29 dlltfngulahed lecture by Sheldon worklhop for men and women Julie SWMI "'f of •Saturdsy w.lnbaum at 4 p.m . In McOonnell who are divorced or getting Night Live• fame will speak et the Oougta Engineering Auditorium. divorced. The worbhop takes 16th annual Circle 1,000 'rh9 free eYent Includes a piece from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 reception lfterwerd. Call (9'9) • at 180 Newport Center Drive. The a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in ~for more Information. coat is $40. For more Information. Newport Beach. Sweeney will cell (949) 644 6435. share her touc:tilng, humorous lop end glfte ...... through 15 and heartbreaking account of the ere Invited to compete on a fun, APRIL20 lou of her brother and her recreational level at the Youth Sating Manna del Rey end incredible survival of cervical Trldt & Reid Championship 2003 Newport harbors, Hornblower cancer. Cost is $150 per person, at Newport Harbor High School. Cruises and Events is featuring a and proceeds benefit the Hoag The multl~ent competition will Champagne Brunch Cruise on Cancer Center. Call (949) 674-7204 Include lndlvldual running, Easter Sunday. The two·hour for more Information. throwing and jumping events and cruise features a lavish brunc:ti teem relays. All participants will and dessert buffet prepared fresh APRIL 30 receive a i:.hlrt. Optional clinics on board by our talented c:tiefs. A free Mmlnar end book signing are held at varioua lchooVpark The cruise boards at 11 :30 a.m. for .. A Portralt For Healing" by aitN and are Included In the $10 and sails from noon to 2 p.m. The Ric:tiard Manley will be held from pre-registration fee. Call (949) cost ia$41.95 per person. For 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Marttet, 844-3161 for more.information. more information or reservations, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For call (800) ON·THE·BAY. reservations, call (800) SATURDAY 595-M OMS. The populer d1Mdren'1 die APRIL 23 painting returns to Fashion Island A fhle.day, JOO.mile c:ruiM MAY4 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 12 exploring the northern Channel ThrM young acholentUp winners end 13. The terra cotta tiles are Islands will be offered by Orange will be part of the California $100 each. Pre-paid reservetlona Coast College's School of Sailing Women's Chorus' 34th annual ere required. A portion of the and Seamanship. The trip, Scholarship Benefit Concert. The prooeeda benefit children'• designed for sailors with at last music students will join female programs at the Orange County intermediate sailing skills, costs vocalists from throughout MUMUm of Art. Reservations can $625. The Glin de Mar will depart California when the 200-voice be made In person or by calling at 5 p.m. April 23 and return at 5 chorus presents "Surf'n Sing• at (9'9) 721-2000. p.m. April 27. Call (949) 646-9412 2 p.m. in the Sutton Place Hotel, for more information. 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Let the...,..... from Mother'• Beac:ti. Tidtets are $15 in advance Merket teach you how to pkt and APRIL 24 and $18 at the door. Call (949) maintain the perfect produce. ·undentending 'thur Pethok>gy 262-0579 or (714) 840-4568 for Learn the trlcb of the trade from Report;' a free session at Hoag tidtets or information. the pros in produce at Macy's Hospital, will provide insight Into South Coast Plaza Home Store at the meaning of a pathology ONGOING noon. Call (714) 666-0611 , ext. report and how it's used in VoluntMr drivera ere needed to 4230 for more Information. staging and planning treatment help deliver nutritiously prepared for lung cancer. The session will meals to homebound. frail or SUNDAY be given from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Call elderly clients incapable of A free Attdns teminar called (949) 760-5542 for more shopping or cooking for .. NEWPORT BEACH FILM FESTIVAL Friday, ~~ 11, 2003 A7 ~through •Moblle Meats: tpOn80t9d by RSH4-terbof' Alu Inc. end Hoag Hospital. c.n (949) 646-8050 for more lnfonnatlon. State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon LET US INCREASE YOUR GAS MILEAGE Reglwbado.-t •now open for runners end walkers of ell egea for the 22nd ennual Corona del Mar Sceoic SK Race & two-mile Fun Welk on June 1 Pre-reglatration fees are $22 for the runfw91k and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Reglatntlon on the day of the race la $30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men We Repair Gross Polluters end women are limited to 1,600 runners. Call (949) 644-3161 to register. If your orchid It too big for Its pot. Green System• International wlll show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday et 2 p.m. A plant sale la held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Di9COWf th• HC1'Wb of Carbon Canyon Regional Partt as you walk through groves of beautiful CoastalRedwoodtreesevery Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parting is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Tum Survivor, e nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts ·walk and Talk. at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunc:ti after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Community CounMling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S.A.F.E.Hands.S.A.F.E.standsfor safety. awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets M ondays from 6:30 to 8 p m Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens ere invited to drop by the city of Costa M esa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. M onday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beach Walking Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. 8269:T..· 1 AT'lmllAIE --1111111 ..-JeepTCtt RYSL~R . .. __ (171) 321-A17 Come see che new EverWood" CoumrySide blinds from Huncer Douglas Overlapping slats crea1e a beautiful board·on-board design And the ·step-up· look adds dep1h. dimension and cha rac1er 10 any room And EverWood CoumrySide will no1 warp. crack. peel or fade Even in humid areas or direct sunlight Come see these beau11ful bhnds today ..,. ... ~, ...... -... ,,, ........ , .. .... ,,, Crt41 I•,•• l tft• ~ALDEN'S I••*<,,.. RI'• b >< 1 nv \l !'ru~·f11\tl''-'•' 1663 Placenti~. Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 UC Irvine Baseball Three Game Series vs. Long Beach State Tonight at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 11, 6 p.111. ~"• .,.__, -... W ~1pl1 Ill • adaace • nc•a•lrMl •lar,1111.....-"YWmt' ,._ ... ,al SUnclay, April 13, 1 p.m • ...._ _....., .... W ~opla Ill •••••ca- ,..... ...... --........ , ... , .. "' ,.... Co!&llllt ..... 21MMllll .. C811A-.U TAX( SS rwY UIT ,Al. Dll. TO KAOOI Al • ..,._,._ ... of .. UClnllMAI 'A111d1•1a .......... , ..... ~ .. NCeiwa ... frettldletl, ·"'* ... ,,,,., 11 -.. SJ ., .... UC Irvine Men's Volleyball uaw.hdlc,T1llljlu1tJ...-. ua-. ••••nit•••..,, .... tt, 1 ~ • ADVERTISDENT The Easter message needs to be told louder than ever this y~ea~r ______ _ , w· hen .I was a .kid,. the most exciting time of the ye~ was Christmas time. Each year, I r$ing ol ·J~s Christ from t.tte dead ~ days after h1s trudfixion. Bas~ celebratee the couldn't wait for <luistmas. Sure, I loved the gifts, but I couldn't 'wait to celebrate victoiy of Jesus <luist over death and evil. Easter is the ground of our hope-that sin and • Jesus' birthday. . ' death·don't h.ave the firlal word,. but life and love in Christ iS Go<i's last word. I never lilced having to get all dressed up for Ea.ster Oiarles Wesley wrote ,in his Bas~ hymn. Christ ·the l.md ls RiSen Tod!zy, "Love's redeeming Sunday. My mom would always pick out the most flowered work· is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won. Alleluia!" and pastel dress she could find, and she usually found a hat God'slove in Ouist Jesus redeemed each and every one of us on that Easter morning. to matdl the dress. And, I never understood why we And thank God for that! And Cui.st fought the battle of death for all of us. Praise the Lordi celebrated Easter. War and hate cannot drown out the work of love in the resurrection. Olr world needs the This year I get why we celebrate Easter. Ou world is in Easter message toJd louder than ever. The life and love of Jesus Christ needs to be heard turmoil Images of death and war bombard our televisions again and again. So I say, "Come on Easter, hurry-up artd get here already!" and newsstands. U you want to get away from all the news May Easter live in us each day and restore this world to faith, hope and love, the greatest coverage of the war, you have to stick your head in the sand. of which is love. Easter is on its way, but it seems that it's taking a long time -Reveiend Stephanie Toon, Youth Minister to get here. Mesa Verde United Methodist Church is located at 1701 Baker St. in Costa Mesa. Call (714), Easter is the day in the church when we celebrate the 979-8234. St. Joachim Roman Catholic Church Easter 2003 Do not be amaud! You ue!t Jesus of Nazareth, the crucifod. He has bun raised: he iJ not h~. Marlt J 6:6 At. the beginning of Lent I called the people of St. JoadWn parish to a re~ intimacy with Jesw. Ow odcbrarion of taster ia thc rejoicing in profound lovt ft shatt in Jcsw Christ. Words &ii to describe chc innu joy, peace ;and security Crom this intimate love of Jesus. Is Easter your defining moment? _______ _ B eloveds in Christ. Easter. is our defining moment as Christiam, and resumction defines F.aster. When you think of Jesus' resurrection, what oomes to mind? to proclaim the reamess of the~ of God. Jesus nOt only prodaimed it,. he personified it Wherever he went, whatever he said and did. for those who entered his pre9l!O'E it was as if good had been embodied. right made manifest and Jove -~ _,. ... .. . . More c:Nn ;any ocher cimc in ow history arc we in grai need of this profound lovt of Jesus. ln a wond full of unc.cm.inty. violcna and feaI more people search for tomcthing sceutt. We die cfuciples of Jesus, know dw auc security is found in thc surrender of our tdf to thc lovt of Jesus. I cncou.rau odim co join us this F.asttr. so Wt rhcy 100 an shatt in this profound lovt of Jaus in our midst. A miracle? 1hat after being executed, Jesus came to life in a reswrected body fully ~with supernatural powers? its roller roaster ride through certuries in an array of expressions within that oommunity called The Church. This, too, is a fair view of the resurrection of Jesus. an it doesn't indude the very real historical experiena!S of some truly rational people who, through the realm and range of time, have testified to having enoountered the living J'l'l'9eflC2 of Jesus. A final fair position I suspect some of us take is that as Jesus was raised from the dead. so we too will live forever. Well, even if Jesus' rising did mean the same for us, "living forever'' doesn't strike me as so pleasant a possibility. This life. as it is, "world without end" as old prayer books out it, is not somed rit ig I want to enjoy forever. lmmortality is a wonderful prosped precisely because it embraces a life and a world where all is well, where good triumphs, where right reigns. where lcve is victorious. Here, all is never well! Respon9es to calls for rompassion, mercy, kindness, peare, justire and love are too often, ''No!" en6eshed. Th!n, Jesus was killed. Wrong · · · The following deduk is 10 assist you tn making plans co odcbmc our joy in die lovt of }csus. April 12 8c 13: Pa.Im Sanday April 17: HolyTbunday 5:30 PM Vigil (Sarurd.ay) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer in English 6:30 AM, I 0:00 AM. 5:00 PM Mass (No Mass) (NO 9:30 & I I :00 AM Mass) 7:30 PM Mass of the Lonf1 Supper April 1'6: Cluism Mus (Bilingual) 6:00 PM u St. Columb;an Church Adoration of the Blessed Saa;uncm u the in Garden Gro~ Alw of Repose until I 2:00 Midnigf11 April lS April 18: ~Friday 8:3o AM Mass (English) 8:30 AM M~rrung Pra~~ (No Mass) 9. Jo AM Confessions I :00 PM Passion, V?'craaon of Crou 6·00 PM Mass (Span' h) ;and Holy Commuruon (No Mass) • 15• April 19: Holy Suurclay 6:30-9:00 PM Confessions 8:30 AM Momi g Prayer (Bilingual) April 16 8:00 PM Eastu ~tgil Mass with Bapli.snu 8:30 AM Mass (English) (B~· ) 9· I 0 AM Confessions • 20: F.aatcr Sanday 6:00 PM Mass (Spanish) 6: , 9:30, and I I :00 AM Massa 6:30-9:00 PM Confessions (NO 5:00 PM Mass) No S<hedJJLd confmions on Thurs"4y. Frit.'4y 0-Saturrlay of Holy ~tk ' 1 L Our Lady of Mount Carmel I ~ Li ,,_ Roman Cathaic Church 4 J -1441 West Balboa Boulevard '---'L-..-..1 Newport BNch (At 15th Street and Balboa Boulevard on the Balboa PenlnaJla) For lnformlltlon cell (NI) 173-S775 1his is a ~ rational point of view. a.it at that time and place. acmunts of "aw~ from death" were neither unknown nor uncommon. So the proclamation of Jesus rising from the dead would not have been new news. D> you. as many I know, think that ~ prodaims a fiction? Self-delusion and oorporate deception could have carried the first disciples only so far I think; anly resurrection explaim for me their subsequent self-denying, death-defying missionary z.ea1 and sucx:ess and our J'resena? here, now. For~~~areal, historical story with mythic elements: that Jesus, metaphorically speaking, was raised up in a oontinuing life in the body of his followers, a following that has had life on As I experienre the gospel story, the purpose of Jesus' mission and ministry was seemed to have woo. This world shouted ''No" to God. Will we dare to oonfront and alnfess the • truth about the aXltinuing brolc.ennefl6 of our lives and of this world where 1itde 1' ever wen and all is never well? Will we dare to hope that for every human "No" there is a divine "Yes?" Cllre we hope that this divine "Yes!," God's first word breathed into being • life at the dawn ol creation, will be God's last won:l at the dose ol this b • · into hoino the fullness age nngmg "'""'"'Cl , of life everlasting. ~ we so dare. ~ is our defining moment ~ The Very Reverend Canon Peter D. Haynes. Rector Saint MidJad & All Angels EpisaJpJI Churchis loazttd at 3233 Pacifrc v~ Drivt in Corona dtl Mar. Qll (949) 644--0463 or visit www.stmiklsdalmor ~· Holy Week &hedule 2003 r=~~==ildate8.)0-12:30) The Passion ol Olrist: Music and Images of Holy Week (Choir concert) 8:00 p.m.• Thunday, April 17, Holy Thunday Momlns Prayer • 8:30 a..m. in the Olun:h Ewnlns Mus of the Lord's Suppef • 7:30 p.m • Adoration until ¥1dnight In the Hall Friday, April 18, Good Fricby No 8:l0 a.m. Mass GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER LITURGIES 12:00 noon• • Guided Meditations 1 :00 p.m. • • Silent Medl"1!on 1 :30 p.m. • Celebration of the Lonfs Passion ... . ' .. GOOD FRIDAY -APRIL 18 Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion: 1 :00 PM Sofemn Liturgy of the Lord's Paaak>n: 7.30 PM EASTER VIGIL -APRIL 11 Easter Vigil Maas: 7:30 PM EASTER SUNDAY -APRIL 20 Masses: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon 5:00 PM :Happy 'Easter from your friends at Our lady of Mount Carmel Verde odlst Church , Senior Minister , Youth Minister 8:30 and 10:00 AM Apd 13. 10:15 -,. Sanday FUllD'fns Llafldlow Kids Aid 18 • NoOa Good FlldaJ Qmn_.. Senlce Apll 20. 1Ch15 EASTEl QlEIRATION THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF SAINf MICHAEL lk ALL ANGEi.ES HOLY ... K aooa KlllD\!U Palm Sunday, Aprll 13 •Holy Eucharist at 8 am and 10 am Holy TIJesday, Aprll 15 • Tenebtee at 7:30 pm Matundy Thurtday, April 11 • Choral Euchartst at 7:30 pm All Night Watch at the Altar of Repolt 9 pm to 9 am · Good Friday Aprll 18 • Ecumenat Worehip at St. M8lk Preabyterian at Noon • Stationt of the Cro88 at 7 pm • Good Friday Uturgy wffh Muskl at 7=30 pm Holy Satumay, Aprl/ 19 • Thi Great Vigil of Eater ~ at 7;30 pm whh the Ughting of the Pachal candle Easter Sunday, Aprll 20 • Fettlvat Choral EuC:Nlrilt wtlh Choft Btaa and Organ at 8 am and 1 o am • Eatet Egg F..av.tat 11:15• NURSERY CARE AT AU SEllVICES LiturJY of the Word..i. Veneration of the Crou. Communion Service 7:30 p.m. ·Stations of the l.IOU Saturday, April 19, Holy Saturday No 8:30 a.m. Mass No 5:00 p.m. M.w 8:00 p.m. • • Easier Vigil Music kw ChOlr, Orpn1 Brus, Timpani 11 :00 p.m. • Reoeptlon fior newly baptized and newly received memben • Hall Sunday, April :ro, falter Day 7:00 a.m. Mus In Chun:h -UnlOf 8:30 a.m. • Mat In Chu!Ch -eoi-1tempo1---r11y Choir Masi In Hall -Ulltior and Trumpet 10:00 a.m.• Mus in Churdl -~ltCholr and Brus Mus In Hall -ComemoorarY Choir 11 :JO a.m.• Mus In Chu!Ch -CaM0r and Trumpet NO EVENING MASS EASTEI DAY •child are avalla,. 111 the P;ufsh Cmter dunns ~ ~. (949) 644-0200 Our Lady Qy_een of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive • New rt Beach CA 92660 NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH All are welcome. Come celebrate the mirode. Good Friday Evening Service . 7:00pm Easter Services 8:00am arid at 10:00am 1601 Marguerite Ave. Corona del Mar, California 92625 (949)6~~ Rev. CGltoleen , Paator • • , . I AOVERTISEt.ENT Broadway and opera stars join Actors Co-op production in Costa Mesa Richard Kinsey Susan Montgomery Jonathon Mock M aundyThursday, April 17, the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant will again present "A Service of Gathering L\irkness." The story of Jesus' betrayaJ and passion will be told through drama and an opera-like cantata entitJed ''On the Passion of Christ'' by British composer L\ivid H . Williams. The leading role of Jesus will be sung by bass-baritone Richard Kinsey, who rose to fame through his portrayal of Inspector Avert in the Broad~ay and national touring comparues of "'Les Miserable." Kinsey wilJ be joined by his wife, soprano narrator, Susan Montgomery. Montgomery has soloed with the London, Beijing and American symphonies in addition to performing at Gimegie Hall and the Dorothy 0.andler PavillioA. Kinsey and Montgomery have soloed in more than 40 perfonnances of The Glory of Christmas and the Glory of Easter at the Crystal Githedral. The role of tenor narrator will be sung by lyric tenor, Jonathan Mack -now in his 17th season with the Los Angeles Opera and with more than 50 mov1t• rolt•s to hii. credit. He is also on the voice faculty .:it the University of Southern California, Olapman College and California State Univer4'ity at Long Beach. The three solo arti.,ts will be joined by the Covenant O.oir am.I a chamber orchestra of the DeCapo Strings with Steve Velez, artistic director. · To further interu.ify the telling of the gripping events of I loly Week, dramatic presentations will be glVen by members of Actors Co-Op, winner of five L.A. Drama Critic Circle Award'> Actors Co-Op is the first O.n!>tian-ba'>Cd professional theater company m the Unitl•<.l States that operate., under a contract with ActoN F..quity. Two performance<; uf th1c; unique service will be offered with the f1r~t onl' .:it 6:30 p.m. and the second perform,rnce at 8 p.m. The service will be led by P,1..,tor ·r.m McClendon with mu!>ic direction by Antoinette Broses. ChildlMl' will be available. Admi!>sion is free, but frl-e-w1ll offerings will be acccptL•d • Tiu> Pre5byta1a11 Cl11uclr of the Coi•e11a11t is lornted at 2850 Fntn•tt'U' RIXILI ;,, cn,fn M1•<;a. Call (714) 557 3340 ca Fndly, .. 11, 2003 Al ~·-·~------------· Presbyterian Church of the Covenant Invites you to join us in our HQIY We8k Celebration St.nday, April 13, 2003 ·10:00 a.m. Palm Sunday Worship Service Thursday, April 17, 2003 6:30 & 8:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Service of Gathering Darkness Friday,Apnl18,2003 6:30 p.m. Agape Supper and Communion Sooday, April 20,, 2003 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Worship Service 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa 714 557-3340 Pastor Tim McCalmont Music Director Antoinette Brosius ~c.m-·-----+ new.life easter 2003 at mariners church saturday, aprll 19 at4&6pm sunday,april20 at 8:30, 1 O & 11 :30am QUOTE OF THE DAY "They're coming Into it saying, 'Who can beat us?' 1/tve just keep doing what we've been doing, we'll win it." Slllwe CrwhM, Estancia boys 1raCk coaCh AlO Friday, ~ 11. 2003 ·COLLEGE BASEBALL UCI aims to. ·clean up ori 'Dirtbags' Anteaters prepared for opportunity to make their mark in the Big West with three-game series against Long Beach State. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot ANTEATER. BALL- PARK -A year ago, UC Irvine, which had not fielded a baseball team since 1992, came ID a crossroads when the Anteaters faced Long Beach State in a three-game Big West baseball series. UCJ swept the 49ers, ranked No. 15 at the time, at Blair Field and that seem- ingly opened the door for the Anteaters and incroduced the new team as the up- and-comer In the Big West. This season, UCJ has the opportunity to make itself the commodity it believes it can be when the ·oirtbags~ come to Anteater Ballpark for a three-game se- ries that starts tonight at 7. Long Beach State is ranked No. IO by Baseball America. while the unranlced Anteaters have won three in a row, including two victories that gave them the series over UC Santa Barbara last week. EYEOPENER .Daity~~­ SpolWIWlol .... ,~ ... ---.. ·~ ror:s'~r0vStCH ~b m'l c.ti• •• .. 11111 "They are up for this series,". UCI Coach John Savage said of his team's at- titude toward this weekend. "We were up for the series last weekend. Getting two games on the road last week really helped us. We're believing in ourselves. We're playing good sound baseball. We're getting back to the basics and malcing it happen. That's what the pro- gram has been based on since we started: DON LEACM I DAILY Pll.6T Keith Long (7) is greeted by teammates at the plate after his three-run home run gave ttle Sea Kings a 6-5 lead over visiting University in Thursday's 11 ~win: Oearly one oft.he reasons UCJ (14-20, 2-1 in the Big West) has improved re- cently is senior Jon Horwitz. He col- lected five hi~ and five runs against UCSB. The center fielder hit .385 in the three-game series against the Gauchos, then went 4 for 4. including a double and two RBis and two runs, to lead the Anteater.; to a 5-1 nonconference home truimph over Pepperdine Tuesday. Sea Kings alone in first .~ "I le looks like the Horwitz of old from last year." said Savage of the standout who led ucr with a .388 baning average last year. "I le's more relaxed now and the pressure is off him a little bit He was trying to do too much earlier when we were going through injuries." UCI is without sophomores Matt An- derson and Jaime Manjnez, both out in- defin11ely with stress fractures in the lower back. However. the Anteaters have been ablt• 10 adapt and are, perhaps, playmg their best baseball of the sea- son. Long Beach State is commonly re- ferred to ru. one of the benchmarks in Big West baseball by Savage. And, this season the ·oirtbags" are 21 -11. 2-J in the Big West and feature what Savage calls one of the best pitching tandems in the nation. Abe Alvare7,. a left-handed pitcher with a 2.06 ERA and 6-0 record, will take the mound for Long Beach State to- night On Saturday, the Anteaters will have to deaJ with Jered Weaver, a 6- foot-6 "iOphomore right-hander. who See UCI, Paae A14 CdM powers past Uni with four homers to extend recent upswing. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Less than two weeks after hitting bottom, the Corona del Mar High baseball program finds itself aJone at the top. The Sea Kings surrendered four runs in the first inning. but overwhelmed Pacific Coast League visitor University with four home runs Friday, en route to an 11-6 victory. The win, CdM's fourth straight in league, propelled Coach John Errune's squad (8-4, 5·2 in the PCL) into sole possession of first place, one game ahead of UnL The one-game lead. however, ls bolstered by the fact that the Sea Kings have won 2 of 3 from the Trojans, giving them the advantage should a head-to-head tiebreaker be required. Junior third baseman Josh Bradbury. who one-hit the lrojans for six innings in Tuesday's 11-0 CdM victory. joined senior shortstop Keith Long as the of- fensive leaders Thursday. Bradbury hit a solo home run to left field in the first innlng and belted a two-run dinger to rlght--center to add some insurance in the sixth. Bradbury now bas four ho- mers, tying junior Nick PaJ- ch.ikofJ for the team lead. ble by Nick Jerakos and sin- gles by Dan Warner and Ja· son Rice. Two wUd pitches and a balk helped the visitors hand CdM its first deficit since a 12-4 league road Joss to Calvary Olapel Man:h 28. Long launched a three- run homer to left field in the fourth to give the Sea Kings their first lead, 6-5. He fin- ished 3 for 3 with a walk. four RBis and two runs. Sophomore Wess Presson added a two-run shot. the first of his two-year varsity University 6 CdM 11 It was after the CalvaJy Olapel setback. a perform- ance Emme termed a com- plete embarrassment. that career, in the fifth to help fortify the hosts' 12-hit attack. The four-horner game. which upped the CdM season total to 12, relindJed memories of the "Back Bay Bombers" of 1998-99. who amassed n home nms in those two seasons. "I love it when I get to undercoach," Emme said. ·There's nothing I like more than just being able to watching our guys swing. Lt was a lot of fun to- day." University Coach Ouis Conlin was also impressed by the Sea Kings' mus- cle at the plate. •They're really pbysJcaJ,• Conlin said. ·vou don't really want to pitch to the first five guys in theft lineup: It was University, however, that had the most big hits early, drlvlng in three of its four first-inning runs with a dou- I ' the CdM players decided they would tum things around with improved work ethic In practice. ·we wanted to prepare better and not come Into games so laclcadai.sical. • Bradbury said. ·1 tied to just let the team figure out what the problem was and they said they wanted to change things,· Emme said. The Sea Kings responded wlth e<>n - secutive victories over Northwood (3-2) and lesoro (7-4), before taking two this week from a Uni team that knocked them off. 6-5, In the March 21 league opene.C at CdM. CdM mtght have erased the early Unl lead Thursday in the first two ln- nl.np. lf not Cor two of lta three base- runnlng blunders on the day. The first ~when a runner wu picked off first by the Uni catcher, just prtor to HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRL:S TRACK AND FIELD • Bradbury's solo blast. f I After three walb and a hit bank pushed aaoss a C.dM run In the *~ ond. a Sea King runner was doubled off second on a Une drive to right fie.la{ On the same play. the Sea King at ~' base failed to tag up, tbougb he f:Vf:f'/! tuaUy scored on Long's RBI single. Unl Increased its lead to 5-3 in thi!· founh inning, when Rucky MclClnley 1 drove a solo homer owr the center- field fence. The Trojans added two sin~' gles In the inning. but CdM telle'Yef ' Nick Rhodes avoided further dam.age;' capping a three-inning stint in whidt'. he retired nine of the 13 he faced. " Rhodes WU rewarded with his sec--~ ond victory in u many dedsfo115 when the Sea '1oP scored three in the fifth:''' Wess Presson reached on an ~ throwing error to start the rally and Jer- dt Thaytt singled with one out to .et' the stage for Long'• heroic round-~ per. his first of the spring. " After CdM tenior relieve' 'lbdd- Mac:klin retired the s:Jde In order ln the fifth. Pmaon cashed In 8arTett Sprowt's leadoft' single wlth a two-out. two-run dout to left-<:enter. Macklin then wotbd out of a jam 1n the sixth. al.lowtng just one run. uad WOtbd a perfect eeventh for bia tint °'II llf l· .11 ,,!nfN "'F''•I 1 '1111. , 'ull Wind o~. n9t, Sailors brush off; Laguna Hill ....... ·L .. &'91 .. n Newport Harbor boys and to contend wlth the wind blowing forthe Untvmltyof~naueuon. event. Elda Harnandez teamed wfth · l d · S Vi aaosa the 8eld. •Before, she wu more of a lp!inter ~ppen. Hall~~ gir S onunate ea tew l I "You're really running against the doing the 20(), JO() and (l,600) relay. But. Junior Jll,Kantjp i Whidield ," 00J1tfnued League meet. wind during that final turn." &aid New-this year. ahe has done ctte 900 U1d 400 Mi' dc>mJnanc:e or the ahot put and d.il- port'a Stephanie Lambralds, pointing and run more ncea thin She\ Wied to. cus. Winning both wlth th.rowl of 31- Bryce Aldwton Dally Pilot tawatd the blck stretch of the tract that She has gotten In better IMpe." feet· lO·lnchel and 118· 7, respectively. points north. Senior Alec Urtus~ repined Newport'• Jon Szealei won the abot NoteventheWindc:oulddeterwmal bis form Thwiday, winulna the 800 put (~10) and ditcut {131-0), while c.osTA MESA -A Newport runners from croealng the fin-(2:03.9) and 1,600 (4:•t.SJ whDe allo Nick Miiler a'OtlL'd ft11t ln the 3~ brisk wind eogulled the Jshlineflnt. partidpoting in the li600 reily llonc· (J0'.27.3). track at Orange Coast Courtney Marshall tripled, wlnnlnt aide Johnny Marino. Ryll\ Rippon and Laguna ttm. took every Olh« event ln CoU Thuraday, providing a lift for tbet cbe 800 meters {2:25.8), 1;600 (5:26.1) Nick St_ Andre. wlnnlng the boy11neet, 90 48. · Ha.d>or HWl Pit and boys Md 3,200 (12:03.l) wblJe een.lor Arny Unuauastegu! baided .... IMt Rhett la.rtefteld took eecond In the net ifud fttld tmns on tl\et.t ~ ~doubledlnthe200{26}and week. but 1till won ,... .... Ion& J'lmp (lS.:8), l{1ple JWl\P C37·l~ toward the SM View I~ f1naJt and 400 (58.5). BurUnatwn tet a penon.J meetaaainlt trvtne-•Lld.,.., •nohlllt~U7.J).MWerfn cbe .utwquent CJF. mmpedtJon& lo tbe 400 and hU blieri rlldng bet· the 'D'lbuco mn.· mvlliili_ tb!MUI : 1.eoo <•:Aa.8), Nott In dW t"8h <:oa t ad.rl\lni.tntort wete kaitid a=• ...._ tlnce ihe bepn S.Nrday. ,._ ._., and Sbheti tn die lhot c.-nou lO let ho t NewpOrt Harbor and more on wefahtUtttna '"My t.ima att p~ WUIL" Urw· pUt (tl-10) Ill 1eeond for New· Vilitbf lAgUN IU UN the aynlhedc ttre~ tnaJnlng. eaMI Newport 1ht1 ~egul Mid. ~ (2-4, N). t~ P. Jl)uttday'a leapt dual meet.. cOKh Erie '1Wett. The s.oot girts (So ~ .....,, 11* ~ ~ lrdOa th6 dirt t.nlclc at Harbor, BurUnghua ._. ~ ftioic • ..., who riotched an ~ ~! ~ wld*' bGll ~ runnlng °" • trlCk th¥ d·Jeecue for the lhlnl COGllCUtMI ~ l1nc in .. 1.eoo .. ~ ..... a::~a~~= ~~ qukker dines; athlNa tMJl rot the gtda ~ Ceun Ind wtll .., Lip\& Hiii diddt aocl ... .... • SPORTS SEA KINGS ..ve. He set down nine of the 12 be 6tced, in· eluding duee atl1keouts. "Our relievers did a good job today," Emme said. -niree runs in the si.xth took some of the ttlMloo out of Unl's laat at-bat. After Long JI« offwlth a walk and Bndbury followed with a homer, Tyler Lent• ieached on a tbrowtng error. Sprowl (2 for s after dou- three times against the Trojans esday) and PaJcbikoff loaded the baaea th alnglee. the latter a perfectly place unt. kiln drove in the ~bird run of the.in· i with a ft.eider's choice grounder. catcher Danny Marin-Pinn, who r,. ln a run with a walk, also singled and blocke.d balls In the dirt ail day Ip lte~p Uni baserunners .from. ad· wr•''" :.mun... aho made two fine defensive and Thayer, a junior second base- who was 1 for 3 at the plate, made efensive play of the day, diving to p a backhanded stab of a liner for the 'tr out ln the seventh. r 'Ole Sea l<Jngs wlJI try to extend their f. ir)lling streak Saturday at 11 a.m., when 8J host Back Bay rival Newport Harbor fhe first roud of the Pride of the Coast o Ament. 1: P1ldlc c.... LNcill CdM 11, UnMnlty I Sccw9 br lnrmp 400 l01 0 1192 120 m "11 120 • R&c*Jlfl'e (6) 1nd Huffaker; Coni.nt, N. (2). Maddin (61 and Marin-Ann. W -N. • 2..0. L-W.rner. Sv-Meddin(1). 28 - (U). HR -Bradbury (CdMI 2, long (CdM ), Mcltlnlttv (U), Presson ICdMI. DONLEACH/DM.YPI OT Corona del Mar's Wess Presson smacks a two-run home run m the fifth Thursday at CdM. COLLEGES • 1 :~ions' future in Degroot's hands I F or the past four years, hJm if he prep players in the state. It's not for certain lf the I Jim Degroot was was "He was a great leader.· Lions will have that inside working basketball interested. Wtlson said of DegJoot as a game next season, since camps. never really He said this basketball player. "He was by Degroot has not been able 10 tJKnking he would ever be a was a lime far the best competitor I ever recruit as much as he would ~coach. In Frenchtown, in his life coached. He was a 6-foor-5 have liked to. However, ch is just outside of he could point guard and he just knew Vanguard believes it has found uJa in Montana. Degroot get back how to make everyone around the man to tum things around !contributed to building a into him bener. • for the men's baskeLball church and also found his coaching Wilson and the Lions are program. mg in speaking to teens and he now hoping Degroot can do • In Vanguard baseball, ut abstinence from sex STEVE ended up the same at Vanguard. bu1 this Coach Kevin Kasper's Lions until marriage. VIRGEN being the time he has to do it with a have an opportunity to get 'For four years, Degroo1 person we clipboard and pen. However, it over .500 in the Golden Slate became one with his family selected" seems Degroot 1s a bit behind Athletic Conference. The Lions and grew stronger in his Degroot has quite !be schedule. He won't really start improved to 10-10 after beliefs. challenge ahead of him in tlus working until be comes to sweeping a doubleheader over Meanwhile at Vanguard his first head coaching stint. Vanguard. Wednesday, and Westmont Wednesday. University, tbe men's basketbaU The Lions finished 7-24 this even then Degroot wiU be Vanguard will host Azusa team went through the past season. But the new traveling back and forth from Pacific in a doubleheader that Cameron Dollar experiment in coach is convinced that he can Montana to Costa Mesa until starts at noon. APU Is fourth regard to the head coach after improve Vanguard because he lhe summer. in !be GSAC at 13-10, while Bill Reynolds finished his time has Wilson to help him. "I would like to be there Vanguard is In sixth. ~th the Lions. Then for the Degroot and Wilson share a right now,· Degroot said. The Lions fea~ senior Joe past four years, Stephen friendship that started when "W.e've been doing some work Carnahan, who leads Jll;ench was the man in charge. Degroot played for Wtlson at and some recruiting work over Vanguard with a .389 batting AfJd, in lhe past two seasons. Phillips University in the phone. I'm feeling all right average, which ranks fourth in ~team was marred by two Oklahoma. Degroot, who is about it. I believe we have a the GSAC. Pitcher Man pJtlyers quitting and then this originally from Costa Mesa. good core of guys coming Caston. a junior right-hander. season, lhe Uons took on a aJso played for Wt.lson at back. I th.ink there will be has a team-leading I 9 1 ERA. lq~g mentality that led to Hawaii-Hilo. improvement. I feel that we're wtuch is second in the GSAC F~nch's firing in mid.season. "The No. l reason I came 10 a linJe late, but that's OK. Caston is 5-1 on the ~ea~n. ,Ln the past. lhe timing didn't coach at Vanguard is Bob Overall, I'm feeling good.~ while KaJeo Lope1~ a junior st;em right for Degroot to Walson,· Degroot said. "He's Degroot said he wants to left-hander, has a team·hesl ~me Reynolds' successor, been a loyal guy to me. He establish an inside game 6·1 pitching re<.:ord. byt now, apparently the helped me get through school. eventually for the Lions. • In Vanguard soft hall. tpg seems lo be perfect for He's been a big influence for "You win championships Coach Beth Renlcoskf!> Lions Degroot to take over the Lions' me. lf it was any other place I from the inside,· said Degroot. (22· l 8· J, 9· 12 in the GSACl roen's basketball program. would not coach." who la.st coached at the will try to break out of its ,1"1 aJways thought fun would Degroot. who is a single collegi&te level as an assistant four-pme losing streak when be a good fit." Vanguard father of two children, grew up at Hawaii-Hilo before his four they play at Point Loma Athletic Director Bob Wilson in Costa Mesa and he said he's years of ministry· type work in Nazarene Saturday in a Siiid. "The job has been opeg been wanting to come bade to Montana. "You can win some doubleheader lhat starts at ty4ce and both times Jim Orange County. He moved to games with lhe three-point noon. Undsey Dyer leads the wp.sn't able to pursue it. 1 Colorado while in blgh school shot but you have to gel ii Lions with a .419 batting called him this rime and asked and became one or the best inside." average . . ,, I JI l ·' HONORS I ~8 'Eaters earn All-Academic Big West I FJ~teen UC Irvine student· UO'a bonoreet axe women's Sara Showalter. Jackie Snyder, more than S04J(. of their team's atfiletes earned Academic All-Big basketbaU pJayera Lisa Paullcner Ali.son Vass. Jayme Yahl, Abby contests during the eeuon. To West Conference honors for the and Wendy Gabbe and men's Z.ern, JCevin Olson and John Win· be considered, student-athletes winter aportl of men'• and buketbal1 players Jeff' Gloger and gender and dim's Jennifer :.tar· must also reach sophom°"' women's beske<ball and men's Sta.nlslav Zuzak. cue and Hermina Nedeleac:u. standlng. and women\ 1Wimmfn8 and dJv. Also swimmers Kristen Buba· Each honoree maintained a The Anteaters were among 84 Ing. the 8lg West Q)nference Of. glar. Kim Do, Molly Donelan. Jes-3.2 cumulative IJlde-polnt awt· Big West bonoreea who puUd- fke announced Thursday. ak:a OrUe. Stephanie Moore. age or better and pArticipated 1n pated 1n winter lpOl't& Fndly, AfJr~ 11, 2003 Al I BASEBALL OCC 's Allen goes the distance in 7 -5 win over Cypress Pirates survive slow start and punch out OEC victory. COSTA MF.SA -Sophomore left-hander Kyle Allen pitched his second stralgtu complete game, allowing four earned runs and striking out seven. to lead host Orange Coast to a 7-5 Orange Emptre Conference baseball Victory over lypre~ Thursday. Allen, who se1 a M:hool record with 18 strikeouu. a week ago in a 4-1 win over ruverside, got into trouble in the first inning. He hrt the first baner. then aJJowed a single to nght. Paul Smyth fol- lowed wilh a three-run homer tCJ center for a 3·0 Cypress lead. The Bucs answered with two in lhe first after leadofT man Ty· ler Shaffer walked, Kyle Stanley followed with lhe first of three singles. lhen both advanced on a wild pilch. A pa.si.ed ball plated Shaffer and a Ryan Mathes groundout scored another. The Pirates scored twice in the seventh without benefit or a hit. lOree wallcs, a hit batter and a sacrifice Oy got Allen (5·3) a two· run cushwn he would not let go to waste. Stanley, who made several key defensive plays at first base, fin. tShed 3 ror 5 with a run scored and one RBI Micah Hazen and Cll.nb Bu.llock each had two hits, scored once and had an RBJ. Ben I ianna walked three times and scored twice. C..<>ru.1 ( 15 15· I. 7· 11 in lhe OH.) ,., al Cyprel>5 Saturday to wrap up the three-game season '>C rr l"' a I II()() II OCC7.~ 5COf'9 br . Cypress 110 ooo .,, ~ ~ occ 110 100 2 1• 1 10 Keadle. Gr~nowatt (7) Rourlte (71 Windle (81 and Gdrc1a. Allen and H1c:ks W Allan. !> 3 L -Keadle 28 - Fry (CypJ, Rodriguez (CypJ HA - Smyth (Cypl Sailors win in the eighth NEWPORT BEACH -New- port Harbor High's Sailors g01 a complete game effort from pitcher Ryan Torrey and a run· scoring double in the eighth in· oing to send Aliso Niguel away in Sea View League baseball Thurs- day, 2·1. The victory improves !be Sail- ors lo 4· 10, 2·5 with lhe Pride of the Coast Tournament on tap Saturday morning al Corona del Mar High. st;Jrti.ng at 11 a.m. Coach Joel Desguin was obvi· ously pleased with the finish on Thursday as the Sailors came up with seven hits, including dou bles by Turrey and Joe Cantarella. "We kept it dose and today we got the hits when we needed them," said Desguin. ·And. we executed when we needed it· 1be pdmary execution came m the lOp o( the &eYenth inning when wtth runners on first and third and t'NO outs. an Aliso Niguel batter droYe a long Oy to left. only lO linc.J (.dl\larell<1 corrung up with a ~teUar uutu1g·t:ndmg catch to hold the Wolwnnes off. Harbor i.cored in I.he fifth to tie the game a I· I when Cantarella doubl~cl. moved tu llurd when Matt Frickson go1 aboard on an error. dnd -.cored on a fielder's choice. Ryan I leenan go1 I.he winning ralJy started in lhe eighth with a one ou1 single and moved to ..econd on a ba.!.e hit by Karo Maltse111an lnen Torrey ended 11 wilh ht!. double ofT I.he left field wall on an 0-2 count. Torrey '>truck oul four, walked four aJ1cl a.llow<:cl one walk. SN Yi-LM&\19 Newport 2. Aliso Mguef 1 Scot-. by inns- AltlO OlO 000 al> • 1 4 2 Newport 000 010 01 1 1 " Bohana and Ross Torrey and Sanchez W -Torrey l-Sohana 28- C.ntarella INH) Ton'ey (NH), Bntdley (AN), Bowmen IANI SOFTBALL Tesoro slips p ast CdM CORONA DF-.L MAR -Tesoro High's Nicole Aaronson threw a live-hiner and had erroriess de· fense to back her up as host Co- rona del Mar was dealt a 7..0 Pa· cific Coast League softball defeat Thursday. Heather Lohrman went 2 for 3 for the Sea Kings, but at no time was CdM a.bJe to get a runner as far as third base as Tesoro struck for all it would need with a run in the fowth Inning. then eased way with a .-..uc run seventh. The los.<. drop~ Corona det Mar to I· I m the PCL wilh play re· swrung Apnl 22 at Unrversity. Te· soro improved to 2·0. P9dllc Co.-1..Mpe Teecwo 7. CdM 0 SCOf'9tr,lnMtp TelOro 000 100 I> • 1 11 o CdM 000 000 o -O ~ a AMonlon end Cardella, Chantel (7), Zoelle and Tyson W Altron9on L - Zoelle Sailors fall in 11 innings IRVINE -Newpon Harbor HJgh's softball team is 1-l in league. 8-t overall. and but for four on&-run losses, the Sailors could be to the sphen of 12-0. Irvine Hlgb's Vaqueros were lhe latest to frustrate lhe Sailors with the one-run hex as they pushed across a run in the bot· tom of the 11th inning to end a three-hour Sea View League game at Heritage Park. JChn Moen WU the ba.rdluck loler, dowtng four bits md strik· tog ot.d 11 OYel' the 11 ·inning duel. Amanda Campbell was 2 for 5 al the plate and the Sailors got to Irvine pitching for seve11 bits, but they stranded I 0 basenmners. Irvine improves to 4-10, l ·l. The Sailors return to Sea View play April Z2 when they host La· guna Hills. ... vwu..- IMM 1, Nawpoft......,, I ,NH a::•a:7 =-as · o ' 2 IMne 000 000 000 OI • 1 ' ' Moot9 end Cempb91; Loaom. Ec*hoff (91 end,._.'°"· W -Ec*hoft 1.-MOON. 4-4. 1 SPORTS • HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FELD • Estancia train continues its winning way Tl)e Eagles' boys team runs thri>ugh another Golden West League foe on its way to league favorite label. Stev•Ylrs•n OaityPilot Weltm1nstet. 80-47, Thunday ln Golden West ~ CO(Jlped· tlon. P!erbapl the best de9crtp- don of the P.qaes ii that they are now considered the favorite to win the league dtle. The P.agles are oertalnly eq>eedng to win lt .At this point, that's all they talk about," Estancia Coach Steve Oensbaw said of his ath- letes' quest for the ,league dtJe. CX>STA MESA -Them aom&-"They're cotnlng into lt saying. dW:lg dl&reot about lbe Eslanda 'Who can beat us?' l( we Just ffWl boys crack and flei«I bmD I bep doing what we've been do• this IWOn. ~ that can't Ing. we'll win it. be eql8k>ed in mere results. lQ &tancia won lOofthe 13 lndl· eak:r' toiiod out about the Fask9 vidual e\'ellts with jun1or Jason by -*JI them pedbnn. by eedng Johnston leading the way with thetr talent in acdon. four victories. Johnston. who bad P.stancia bad all weapons at-a little cougb during the day, tad:lng as it defeated visiting won the long jump (20-l), triple Costa Mesa girls remain undefeated Mustangs' boys squad on losing end afte.r final event. COSTA MFSA -The Costa Mesa High girls track and field team won again by a dedsive margin, and the Mesa boys battled to a close dual meet again, this time with visiting Sadd.leback Thursday. The story appeared the same as any Golden West League meet, but there was a bit of twist to this one. Cost.a Mesa Coach Glenn Mitchell gave the blggest rea- son why the Costa Mesa boys lost. 61-57. In a meet that was decided In the fioaJ event. the 1,600-meter relay that Saddle- back won. Mitchell said junior Marvin Ramirez was not able to compete in the entire meet because his cheerteadlng coach dld not let him leave practice. "We took a second-place fin- ish in (the 110 hurdles) ... Mitch· ell said. •{Ramirez! would have won that and we would have won the meet, 60-58. Isn't that ddiculous? rm always saying we need depth and we need to share athletes in different sports. This time it came from cheedeading, wbJch Is sup- posed to support our sports." The Mustanp were also at a disadvantage because junior distanoe runner Marco HuJpe was out because of a calf Injury. Senior Danny Krikorian doubled for the Mustangs. win- ning the long jump (19-2) and triple jump (39·3). Senior Z.acb Powell (800), Cados lbemt (3.200), senior Keola Asuega (shot put) and PauJ Martin (discus) captured victories for Costa Mesa (2-2 ln league). On the girls side, junior Cassey Brick (100 and 300 hurdles) and senior RboodJ Naff (triple jump and 400) doubled to help lead the Mus- tangs to a 81-46 victory over the Roadrunners. Sharon Day, who won tfie 200 in 25.9, did not win the hlgb jump. The senior who ts the def ending ClF State champion ln the event only had one jump, Mitchell said. Jasmin Day, • freabman and Sharon's sister, woo the hlgb jump. Senior Toshia Bryant (100), junior Ouisdne Bjelland (1,600). bedunan Kathryn jump (-40-11), 110-meter ~ burdll and 300 tncmnediate burdlm, po.ting tlmel of 15.19, andf.f.9.~ Jobnstoo'a vktOriel might 111- nify that the FA(lle9 don' have depth. liDce tbll is the eecood meet be baa won four ft'ellta. But th.al is not the tue. &tanda does, lo fact, have depth, m~ 50 than last seuoo. "Wm pretty well-tounded,. Crenshaw said.. "That's where W'dre hwUng everyone. We WJ go two-deep in llOIDO events and if we're down .lo one event. we're going to mab up for It tn eome other event. Before we were car- ried by our distance runners. But, now, we have other athletes competing in different places. ConoeD (3,200) and junior Thi- da Pov (shot put) contributed victories to heJp Cott.a Mesa lmpro"'9 to 4--0 lo league. KENT TREPTOW I OM.Y Pl.OT It was another big day for Costa Mesa's Danny Krikorian. Eagles girls team holds on for win Estancia, despite preserving energy for this weekend, defeats visiting Westminster. Stew•Vlrsen Daily Pilot COSTA MF.sA-A acene in the 3,200 met.era spoke wtumea about Bsbmda Hlgb's approach in its girls tract and field matchup against visiting West· minster Thursday. Diana Rosete, the Eagles' senior distance run· ner, paced henelf lo the race, and as she approached the final 100 meters of the second-to-last lap, Coach Owiie Appell ~­ edJy asked If she was OK. ''I'm fine," Rosete shouted out as she ran past the coach. Appell apparently bad good reason to WOrt)( He wanted to make sure Rosete, u well as other Estancia athletes, bad enough energy to compete lo to- ~ Poway lnvit.ational. ·1 want her to be ready," Ap- pell said. while beplog bis eye on Rosete's mide. "She's seeded in the 3,200 and sh.e1l need her energy." Appell's concern aside, the Eagles were st1ll able to defeat Westmlnster, 74-63, as F.standa secured the Golden West lngue victory eYefl before Rolete'a lln- i.sb in the 3,200. Roeete finisbed second. just two-tenths behind the Westminster winner. Rosete woo the 800 (2:41.8), while junior F.rfb Plietez doubled. winning the 100 (13.6) and the 200 (28.9). Appell was pleased with Thursday\ n:sulta. particularly llDce the Eagles were doing their beat to aave energy for the weekend "It was a good meet in that sense,. AppeD said. "We didn't run our usual ICbedule. 90 I'm happy with the resulta. .. Boaete, junior Cryatal Rincon and senior ·Ludi Yalc:lez are among the handful of Batanda athletes who wD1 compete ln the two-day Poway Invitational. Valdez won the 400 (l:OS.6), contrlbuted to the vletol:iom 400 relay and flnlabed leCOod in the 100 and 300 bwdJa. Senior Amanda Abbott. who won tbe triple jump In 30 feet. 6 incbes, and junior Nancy Castro, who woo the cHla.ls (8.l-5) UC> con- tributed to the vic:tOr)t The P.qlel a.re DOW 3· l in league. S Ki . b 11 SAILORS ea ngs nng soiµe e .s ContftledfromAlO COrona del Mar boys and glrls win big in Pacific Coast League dual meet with Calvary Chapel. COIONA DBL MAR-Junior Qlria 11.nptrom opened tome eya on Tbunct.y, cJockini a 22.0 in the 200-meter duh ln C.Orona del Mai fflP'• t 20~ 7 Jac:N GI wWlilla Ce1ftry ~ lla&ld co • Ill .... Aladla ........... Setui'· day ID die .00, doubled wtch a 51.0 6n In dM .00, otr ble .. ol .... 19. ... .... the field In t.be • ._.Ille"'• red atan bJ daitdlM50mel91'1WUruL • • d 11 an e•a,. IM UCllcnd bOdl •' pl .. .,.. f ~n AIU doubled ln \ho 800 and 1 ;600. going 2:02.4 and 4:52.0, and Andrew Wong (17·9 ln the hlsh jump), eophomote B1'1no Gribble (117•10112 1n tbo dlscus) end Remun lallU (18.7 ln the 110 hurdles) led the Sea Kint" domlnallon. It wu more of the aame in I.he girts' domlnaUon oC Cal· qry CMpe!; wttb MeU... Wtairt dupUcatJna Ring· suo.ta etfona, wtnnlns the 200 aacl 400 in 26.4 a.od 59.8, and flailabiqc off both wtnnlna ..a..y lftlDA M CdM lollitd a 1.U·•**"" ~ .... an DOW 2•1 Md the ..... 9+0 in ..... dual meet.I. Coadl 8tU Swnn« lald be wu aurptjffd at t.be Ola:rltnt of ....,,,. MhM ... h ... ~ <llapel hoate ..,__ tt WM held at Corona del Mu be· cause of a Jack of facWdea at Ca.lva.ry Cllapel'• campua. /\ week ago lt wu Laguna Beach which wu blown out. tbe girls wtnnln& 121.0, and the boys ta.king a 110-17 decl· sf on. Becky CummiN had a nice double ln the distance racu, 1topptng the docb In 5:34.1 and 12:00.0. Uadeey WoOd woo the dis.- CUI with a toUd effort UM·O) and Ravt Chlambol1nJ took the abot put ln 21-1. Alto wttb • Miid ftallb .,.. St~ Slbplt Wtcb • 15.0 .. the300buldlet Anne SC. Glme, • l,flOO .atry 11 Madie oa ~ woo the 800 .. 2:25.0. ...,... ....... Of Alc*lla DD lilUi...,,. .. W II. o.a.'I anlJ neat of die ct.y. ' Uh • J ' 'I • TRACK AND FIELD SUMMARES .• .. ' ....... Wiit '-"'9.,,. i 1'•h*l1,C..C. ..... 17 100-t 1ilrMr (S), tu; 2. Oonmm (CM), 12.2; 3. c.hrwa ($), 1:U. 200-1. Tumw ISi. 217; 2. Mew.no fSI. 2A.56: 3. D. ~ (CMI, Zill. 400-t ~ ISi. &U: 2. AW ICMI. nA; i. ~cs1. m. 900-1. Pb-a (CMI, 1.'05. 7; 2. s.ndov9I (S), 2!08.8; 3. C.... (SI, 2:12.3. 1 ,900-t. C.. CSl, 4l4lt; 2. ltwra ICM). 4:51; 3. Sandoval ISi. '-'52.1. 3,200-1 Ibarra (CM), 10'.38.5: 1. '9ladoa ISi, 10-M; 3. Avllaz ICM). to:M. 110 HH -1. Diaz ISi. 11.3: 2. &lrecta ICM), tl.5; 3. UftlU (SI. 11.l 300 IH -t. Alcaz.-(SI. 4U; 2. ~ ICMI. 48.3; 1 Diaz (SI. 48.s. 400,...., -t. Sad lfWJwot '7.1. 1.800 rMay-1. Sad~ n.t HJ-notCCM,_.IS. U -1. D. Kntotiarl (CM). 19-2: 2. 1: tcri'°"8n (CM). 1~ 3. Akal.-ISi. 11.a ~ -t. 0. Krttorian ICMI, 3&-3: 1. T\1111Wf (SI. 38-0~ 3. 1: ICtltorian ICMI. 37·t f'V • not COl'llF ftl d SP-t ~ ICMI, 44-7; 1. Mar1ln tCMI, ~10~ 3........,. (S), •l. OT -t. Martin (CM), 1046; 2. Aal'9ga ICMI, 103-2~ 3. Maaalo IS).~ Ooldef9 WMt ~ Glll9 C-. Mw 11. l1CG1t1 •4I 100-l 1: Bryant ICMI. 13.A; 2. How9I (SI. 115; 3. ~ICM), ts.I. 200-1. S. 0.., ICMI. 2U; 2. 1: 9'yent (CM), 2U; 3. HugtMa (CM). 2t.O. 400 -t. Haft (CMI. 1:0U; 2. Gonr.- ISI. 1:08.1; 3. Kntotiarl ICMI. t:OU 800 -t. Gtwndif'8 ISi. 2:28; 2. J. 0.., (CMI. 2:30: 3. 8""tand ICMI, 2:32. t.aDO-t. ~(CM), 5:46.7; 1. eotv.11(CM),5:51 ; 3. AcHwe (CM), HI. 3.200-t COlwwll ICMI. 12:39.8; 1. Fb9a (CM). 12M.8; 3. Eacober ISi. 13:38.&. 100 H-t. SrictlCMl.1U; 2. AodriQwr 15). 19.A; 3. ~ (Sl, 20. t 300 H-\. 8ric* (CM), 52.t; 2. ~ ISi. 54.3; 1 Sardlez ICMI. 154&. 400 ,.,,.. rtllay .. t. Coa&a Mau (~.Irie*.~. l: lrywltl, M.l 1.aoo fWy-l ~ 4:30.. HJ -t. J. Dev ICMI. S.2; 2. S. 0.., ICMI. 5-2: 3. St>erb ICM), 4-1. U -t. C. Gonulu (S). t•t~ 2. Mei ICMI. 15-.2~; 3. ..... (CM), 1~1~ TJ -t. Haft ICM). 31-41~ 2. How9I ISi. 31-41; 3. Albe IS), JO.& PV -not COltlllll d SP -t. ~ ICMI. 31-4~ 2. ~ ISi. 31-1~ 3. ~ ISi. 21-0~ OT -t Ou,.,.. ISi ....... 2. &c.b19 ISi. IM-6~ 3. ~(SI. B-2.. Goldlll Wllllt '---.,. &m••W1111 --0 100-t. Broob IWI. ft.3: 2. ~IE>. 11.7; 3. l(onno (W), u. '· 200-t. Broob (W), 22.1: 2. icor-wt IEl. 23.7; 3. Konno (W). :M.6. 400-l fllaa (E). M.O; 1. Mau (W), 56.2; 3. IC8iyum IEI. 5&2. 900-1. Rot.. !El. 2.-o7.0; 2. 0-(W), 2:CllA: 3. ~ (£), 2:10.1. 1 /IOO -t Ro;. 1£1. 4:311; 2. Or'OICO (E). 4:151.7; 3. Rom (W). 4:12.1. 3.200-1. lld\ (£). 11:20; 1. ~ (£), "22.a 3. ftMdo IWI. n :2'U. 110 HH-1. Jot--. (£), 15. tt; 2. No¥a (E). 111; 3. OunMp (W). 19.1. 300 IH -t. .lotlnlaon It). 4U; 2. Noow'll IEI. 48.1; 1 Mau (WI, 411 400 r-.y-1. \\4we11111.-. 41.21. 1.aoo retey -l .......... l:Al.1. HJ-1. Novak IE). ~tO: 2. Sera¥ (£1. S.10; 3. T.ma (W), M. U -1. JohnlllDn (E), 10-1; 1. Abdul !El. t•2; 3. Teutne (WI. 19-0. lJ-1. ~on 1£1. 40-t1; 1. Tauble (W), ~ S. Novak (El.--~ PV-natCCMMRlll.. SP-1. UndQuilt (El ...... 2. ...,,._ (WI. •2: 1Alunendl(W),41-& OT -t Atzmencl (W), 112-10M: 2. Unctqu-. IEI. 11H: 3. ~ CWl.10N. OoldMWlllt .......... fA •1'11'1ff " 2 • 100 -t ,.._(El. 13.t: 1. ...,.,_ (W). tU; a. HMlot\ (£}, 1U. 200-1.,... IEI, .2U; 2. ..,.._ CWI. ae:a.m.a(Wl,21.l 400-t. V8kt9r (E), 1-. 2. CM'OI CE), 1:0l.~S. ...... cwi. ,.1. IDO-t,.._..(E),2".itt•t.1'wn(WI, 2:G.0; 1. Lomall ll). 2:44.2.. 1,tOO 0 t. 1'wn (W), HU; 2. ,.,_,_(El. •M-1; S. c.amaco(E). a21.&. uoo-t. ~(WI. ta:o:t.1> J. lllo.-(I), 1HCZ.7; i. Nguyen (WI. M:14. t. tOOH-t. ..... (W) ... 2. ~ Ill. \U;S. ..... a>.a.a. JOOH•t....,_(W),lt.7;2.~ (1),11.1:1.. ....... l. .... •rwt-1.r....-....... ...-.. N*IMI.~ .... 1AIDOJWy -t.r.-.~~ ..... D.C..0).Ul HJ -1. OlDole Cl) ... J. Do11• • - (W). 4-2; i. t• a • CWI. .._ U -1. ...,_(WI, '"" 2..,.,.. • 11 (WI, M-7;1.HMaon•). M4. 11-t. Mtla9 en-.. i. cr..tn ....... , ... (W),n.t PY-notOOf I 1 d lfl-t.AMnCWl.•7;2. Dtl 1,1 (WI, IN; 2.. ft c..... .,, 11-10. DT • t N. C..0 Cl>.-.: 2. ..,_CW). .,._.~I. MIMI (W). 1J.& • ...o..aa.... .... .......... •-"a:::=. u~r,a.._ fQlllil), t2.. 1; I. ....... tu. •·t.•--w.-.1. ....... ~--a.-~ ... .......... Wi.M&-... i ...... I W.IU l•tcM..~I. ...... .. J:l..jL .......... ( ,,,. •' UDO -t AIU ICdMI. 4;62..l); 2. J.C. I Tun. ICdMI. 4:513; 1 'Mdlr'9f ICdM>. 4.151.1. 3.200 •. ~ (CdM), t1:11.2; 1. 'Mdlr'9f CCdMI. n :t~ 3. J. c. Tlln* (CdM), '1:31.2.. ' ' ttO HH -t .W1i ICdMI, 18. 7; 2. McK.- ICdMl. '9.1; 3 • ....,,.. ICdM), 20.a. 300 IH -t. McK.-ICdMI. 411; 2. Plwhel I ICdMI. '7.6; 3. .wll (CdMl. 411 I I I •• 400 Nfav-1. CdM (a.ndulll, z.rten. " . Monte. fllngllrom), 4 . t 1.aoo ,...., _ t CdM (Artz. Moma. loRlomen. Rlnglilroml. 3:AU. HJ -t 11«* (CdMI. M: 1. e.hof9 ICdMI, M: 1 A11eon ICdMI. M. U -t ~ ICdMI. 11..e; 2. Mill tCC1. t,....1 Zarien ICdMI. 11-~ • '• ~ -t ~ ICcMI. -.1; 2. z.n.n ICdMI. 34-tO: 1SoudlrfCC)3WYa. • ~=~Tue:::.·~,. 43-2; 2. ~ (CCI. 9-3: 3. ,..,.,._ ICdMI. •10. OT-t OttbbM (CdMI. tt1-~ 2. Tufbow ICdMI. tttM>; 3.Aoble (CdMl, • • t1o.6. ,.... COMll ........ Qllte I • C... .. Mst'IS, c:.it.ry a...-. . 100-t ~ ICCl. 1U;2. ~. ICdMI. tl.2; s. Mof9lft (CdM). 1U. 200-t 9Mgeft ICdM>. 2M: 2. ~· tCCI, 2U: s. WtdMw cc.c..1. ns. 400-1. 8wleert (CdMl, Ill.I: 2. a...... (CdM). 1~; 3. ~ (CdM), t:O\.I. IDO-t St. o.rn. CCdM), 2:25.0; 2. Q,yW ICdMI. 2=n.O; 1 Bowe. CCCI. ' 23M. 1.800-t CummlM (CdM), llc:M. 1; 2. Q,yW (CdM). 5:37.5; 3. ICaDr'I (CdM~ • ' 5:40.A. 3,200-t CulTllT\ln9 (CdM). 12:00.0; 2. • • IC--. (CdMI. 12:16.9; 3. K'88n (CdNI, I 3.06. , 100 H-l ~ (CdM), 111..6; 2. . Cotpur ICdMI. 11.0: 1 Sitar CCdMI ..... 300 H-1. ~ (CdMl, 51.0: 2. ~ (CdMI. t.00.7; 1 Mw--ICdMl. , , t~ 400 "*' -1. CdM (KIMw, MennlflO. , ' Mofgln, Swlglrt). 52.2. • 1.aoo rel9¥ -t CdM 10.W. Wld9NI. MortM. Swlglrt). 4:11.0. HJ-t~(CdM),4.e;2.1'111-trltn . ICdMl, ..... a. fW'9f ICdMI. 44. U -l ~ (CdM), Moo~ 2. Tucd ICdMI. tl.I: a.,.... CCdMI. 13-3. ~ -t. Wty (CM) 3CM ~no MCOnd IN thWd •. P'V -not OOi 1 Fii if 6'-\~(CdM),21-1;2.L Wbod ICdMI. an; 3. w..n ICdMI,, • aA.. ' • OT -1. L Wbod ICdM>. MO: 2. J. 'MIW ; ICdMl.12.-1 ~ICdMI. ' - ~"- ......... a...,.. a.,. l ~ L..-.... . ..... ..... . tOO -1. AdlsTw ILHI. tt.6: 2. °""9 ILHI, n.e; 1 EJdrldee cn.11. ~ 200-l Enc119V CUO. 22.1; 1. Dunne d-"1: ' 211; 1 ANwu (UO. 211. I • 400-t Enc11¥ ILH). I0.1; 1. ..._.,,, (LHI. 5\A; S. T.-.y (NH), 6U j IDO-l Urta.u •sr» CNHI, ~ 1. Thomla (U{), ~1~ 3. ~ (LHl11 • : 2:10.l t.800-t \M• I aAI IMH),~t.1;.1.1 f ' ..._ lNHl. 4;oGA; 1 ~ CLH). ~ UOO-t Miler (NH), 10'.213; 2. ~ ILHI. 10)44.I; S. Thomel CLHl. 10:tl.... ' ' 110 HH-\ °""9 (l.H), 1&.t; 1. fllt 0 'S • tHHl. 117; 3. 6ollmrnl ILHI tU 300 IH -t Sulmll ILHI, '2.2; 1.• ~ (U4), Cl.A; 3.. Mof.nO tNHf. ... ,. 400 ~ -t. U4. .tU. I 1MO r*r-t LH, 3:31. HJ-\,_.... IL.HI. M; 1. N09 !HAY, ' M ;S. ~(U4), M. lJ-t. ~CLHl.D-1~2. Ha.... .. (Ni), 11-1~1 Nott CNH), ,,.._ -· ! If'"" P'V -t. MGOi.-... (Uf), 12.-1 -Cl.HI. -a. a-~. M). • .... I SP-t s.c.i (NH). -.10; 2. ....... I •• (NH), 4 fO; a. 0o¥s {Uf), .0-10. • t 1 I I DT-\ ...... (NH), 111; 1. w...r. I (LH), 121-IM: &, ()oyw (Ut). f1..,., I •• •• r ' ' [ r ' L I l . " SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Warriors s.w.eep by -1.Gtf ~wport Ilfilbor ' 5Jf1 I Sailors prove to be no match f~\fa.rriors.in Sea View L~,~~~ qattle Thursday. Rlaltlfd-Dunn Da11)\J!ilot aulJ 1 UWJNE -With two key starters out of tht! lineup with knee injuries. spring break couldn't come any quicker for the Newpon Harbor High boys volleyball team, which was humbled by host Woodbridge. JS-10. 15-5, 15·5, in a Sea View League match Thursday night between the league's two previoul>ly undefeated teams. TJ\ll1Sailors, however, will gladly welcome the return of 6-foot-8 junior middle blocker Jamied)idenbach, who is recovering from a tom ACL and expected to play for the first time91hiS season when Coach Dan Glenn's sqt.U, comes baclc from the break against Foothill on the road April 22. Glenn said passing and his team's inability to run the middle contributed greatly to the loss. the program's first against Woodbridge in at least 1 O years. "l ~disappointed, because I don't think we fi>\Jght." said Glenn, who added that his team ( 10-9, 3-I in league) didn't respond well in a big match . "'JXtr:U keep working hard, and we get an- other shot a t Woodbridge at our place ... thlb is a tough place to play. We would'vt! had to play our best match of the season 10 win here and we didn't. We made way too many unforced errors. I don't thin!: Woodbridge (11-4, 4-0) played its best ball. but you don't have to when you win 10, 5 and 5." Ne*port Harbor, ranked No. 8 in Orange Co~. opened with a 4 -I lead in the first game behind some solid serving. but No. 3 Woodbridge rallied to outscore the Sailor., I 4·6~tbe rest of the way. "We were ready," said Woodbridge Coach Andrew Oifton, whose team was paced by 6-4 sepior Michael Moeller's 17 kills and Alex Avestt\Iz's eight lc:iUs. four blocks (three solo! and lWO service aces. while setters Jon WillMr and Ryan Walthall finished with 19 and 13 assis~. respectively. "f.OPthill ~ a great precursor for thi'> mat~ because it plays a lot like Newpon Harbor. Our soUd passing and defense made the cif ere~. Wh~ we p~ i,he ball well. 11 opens things up a lot for us. because we havt! so mewy weapons in so many areru.. It's hard to pi;e.,pare for us." WOOdbridge. hoping 10 win its fir;t league n. .,T[V[ M,_RAN~ ..,,t.ILY PllC' Newport Harbor's Morgan Govaars digs a powerful serve in Thursday night's match titJe ..u1te 1988. dommatl>d thl' !>econtl and Lhird gamC"> after um11ng Imm bel11nd 111 tht· opener. "When Jamie com~ bad. after the hrl:'ak. that will help u<., we had 11•ro kill-. 111 Uial one !>pol m 1h1-. match,· '><ltd c 1lenn. whu'>e team '' also mi.,.,ing 6-4 ... ophumore Hrett Perrine and lo'>l the backup 1111ddlc.• -.ervicel> of 6-9 Nedim l,.a1t·v1c. who 4u11 the team re ccnt)y. Mkhat!I Toole, a 6-1 wr11or outside luner. led Newpon I larhor with wven kilt.... while 6-3 Paul roman Jdded fiVl'. Morgan ( rUV'Jaf!. four and Nick C1la-.-.1l tWo "\\e ..ervt•d tough al the heginnmg .u1tl '"l' tool.. them ou1 ol tlll'tr gamed l11tll0• but th1·11 lhl'Y '>larted p<1"111g hetter." (,lenn -.,ud of lht• Warnor' 1 k'pllt• trailing ll) l'M> game,, the ""11lor. \\ho 111<1d1· I I hmmg l'rrtJr<. 111 the rnatth ,1ml nt·wr led 111 the 'econd game. IMtLled in tlw third ).(amt'. 1,1lung a I l. edge An early ru11 of I l. c;trrught '1dC'oub w,1, an 111d1cation thal l11e 5culori. might rebound. but lhe Warnor' rallied for St'Vt'n con,t'Cutive pmnt~ to take a 'I 3 lead Mot'ller hatl t!t~ht of hi' IUll-. 111 the third for Woodbndge. wluch do..,C'd out the match hv '>(nrmg '>IX un<tn'iWt'red 1>0mt.., "HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF HIGH. SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL . EStancia maintains first place in league .l~U E~s log 24-stroke victpry over Orange in Pficific Coast League play at Costa MesaG&CC. beginning at 7 am Aliso turns back T~ CdM sweeps Calvary Olapel in Pacific Coast League duel Sea Kings improve to 4-0 as they continue their championship run. ( oal h \tc"e C cmt1' ~a 1'.mg)o Wl'rt' paced by i'r1c Jom'\ and Mile' Younna11 hoth of ~t111m colll'l l~·d eight kill-.. Friday Aor~ 11, 2003 A.IS TENNIS Nelson dazzles her way into the semifinals ace sophomore advances to the semifinals in singles,. and with Becker, to the doubles final. Ornnge Coast C~llege sopho· more Ashley Nel~n did 11 on both ends lnursday at the Orange F.mpire Conference women\ individual tennis tour ~ nament held at IMne Valley Ncl'>On advam.ed to the semi linals in singles with two vic- torie-. fhursday and then pat ternetl with ~ah Becker to beat a H1\.er<.1de doubles' team, 6-3. 6·4. 10 move on tu today\ final again'>! either fullenon or \addleback. Nt•l<.,on defeated R.tver<.1de\ lotelyn Jucaban, 6-3, 6 2, m a ~inglc•' -.emifinaJ after '>Weeping in llw Hound of 16. "\ht• playl'd great . m'>e to the ot td'>iu11," -.;ud Coa!>t Loach Janttl' Maran ahout Nel'>on\ per- formam·t· I t.,1h Bt>ckt.'r and \abrina fanamal each advanced to the quartt•rfinab 'lhuNday bcforr fallmg Jnd will 1om Nebon .it the ~>Uthl·rn Laliforma Regioncil Ii nab 111 May a1 Cue-.ta College. lanam,tl and ftac.hel 5e'>'>UITI ad· \ann·d 10 t..hc '>t•rnifinal' 111 tlou hie\ and al'>o qualified for 1he re g11111al tournaml'nt. Nl'l,nn fan•.., I uJlerton\ Kelly \.1\ 111111 t.he '111glet.' fmaJ today at I p 111 at IV< to ht• follo\Wd b)' llw do11hlel> li11<1J. Harhor romp~. 14-4 • Boben Khourv. lyler Deck . .md U1,1rlte l·armc-r ead1 po~ted "Wel'i>' in '>lrlKle-. dl> the \ l'>lling '\It•\\ port llarhor I hgh boy'> ten· n"' tl·am ht.-al All'>O Niguel. 14 4. in a ~ea View I eague matth I hur\day. Hui Newport l oath Jeff rhom,en pra..,ed the play of his doubles tea.m!>, especially the No l team of Brandon l.ulfy· Dylan 1-.spley Jones and the third team of Bnan I lochwaJd- Hu-.lan Serdyuk. 1-.ach team won two of three St.'t., ~I hat'' the bel>t they've played all year ... fhom'>en said of tht' two doubles teamc;. Jona- than lweena and Bob D'fliscu won one !>et at No. I doubifs for Newport 17 4. \.3 m league). whtth will ho .. 1 lrvme Apnl 22. lrvme won the earlier meeting th.-. '>!:'3'>011, 10 8 It will be our b1gge't match ol the \eason." Thom.,en said S.. View LH&ue Newport 14, Aliso Nigu91 4 Singln -Khoury (NH) def Shergh1, 6 1, def Menha,.. 6 0, def Shararoh, 6 0 . Deck (NH) won, 6-1, 6 l, 6 O. Farmer (NH) won, 7 6. 6-2, 6 2 Doubles -Tweena D Ehscu (NHI lost 10 Sempat Nguyen, 3-6. det W11ng Tang. 6-4. lost to IJL Irvine 111 Big W~t Confer- ence play Thwsday, taking a 6 I decision on the WUUler'to lOUrts. Ille Anieaters, who entered with a 6 0 Big West record. rnuld win 1ust one smgJes match. Anna Bentzer topped Ham ~etlawatl, 6-3, 7 5. lne match of the day wa.s at No I singles wl;lere Nonhridge's Tcn.!:1..a S1monyan pulled out a 7 f) (4), 7 5 win over the Ant eatns' fl ff any Chang '-:orthndRe improved to 14-7, 1 L Bi& West Conference C.I St•te Nortt11id9e 6, UC Irvine 1 Singles -S1monyan (NI def Chang. 7 6. 7-5· Benuer IUCll def Snlawatl. 6 3 7 5 Ch1llllngaryan INI def Leow, l 2 retired, Bierman IN) def Tranduno 7 6 6-3, My1nnun (NMI def Boss. 6 4, 6-4; Yeprem1an INI def Posner 6 2, 7-5 Doubles S1monyan Se11awah IN) def Bnenuer-Posner 8 6 Ch1llongaryan Ypeprem1an fNI def Leow· Trandono, 8 3, My1nnun Soltys1~ (N) def Chang-Boss 8-7 Mustang ... edged. I 0-8 • Da\.td l.t• .,.,,ept at No. l !>tn· gle' for th!:' Costa Me!>a lt1gh boy-. tennt'> warn Thur'>d.ay. hut the ho-.1 Orange Panthers edged the \tu!>tang-.. I 0 H. 1n a Golden Wt·-.t LeaKJ.1e match I luv Pham won 1wo of three 't'h at \,u I '>tn~le.., for Lol>ta Me'a 0 11. 0 ·8 m lt·a~el. Me'>a play' again April 2:.! at l..stanc 1a. Colden West L••cue Orange 10. Cost• M~ 8 Sinvles -H Pham tCMI def Maldonado 7 5. lost to Tin Lee. l 6 def Tony Lee 6-2 Le tCMI won 6 2 6 0 6-2 Mei ICM lost 2 6 H>. won 63 Doubles -Gomez· A Nguyen (CMI lost to Dao S Nguyen, 5 7, lost to Ma Hoang O 6. def Pham-Ct'Mln 6 1 B Nguyen McNalty ICM) lost 1 6, 1-6, 5 7 Sneen-Dang (CM) 1011 4 6. 1 6. won 6 2. Braunsdorf sharp • E.<>1anc1a High freshman 'lcott Braunsdorf improved to l4 -3 an -.ingles 1h1'> seru>on by \weeping three Santa Ana foes fhur~day The Vl!>iting Saint-.. however. earned a I 0 -8 Golden West League Victory Rraumdorf won 18 of .l4 games Thursday. f-.stanc1a\ No. I doubles tan- dem of I oua'> Valdes and Oms <..acho at...o swept for the ho<;ts, claiming triumph., of 7-5. 7-6 and 6·.3 Coach Rachel de los Santos' I .agles are now 6 ·8. 3-6 m league Go6d9fl w.st Leepe Th~ ~tancia High boys golf team Solidified Its status atop the GdiMr West League Thursday with a 186-210 victory over visit- ing O.~ at Costa M~ Golf & Country Oub. • llost Aliso Ni>{Uel ll1gh topped Newport I I arbor, I% 2 12. in a Sea View League hoy-. golf match Thur'iday at rt N1 guel Country Qui> an Laguna Niguel. AJiso's Joseph Kim shot par 36 over nine holes to earn medalist honors. while Davi., Pemstein (39), Michael Vackar (42), David Motschenbachcr (42), Rhett Palmer (43) and M1 chael Benvenuti (46) scored for the Sailors. SANTA ANA -fhe Co rona del Mar High hoy., lom Wdch added '1x kilt... .ind c.wg Gabriel h.uJ .!fi a' "''"· l"lomurn Rubino chipped Neuda Elmasrt, 2 6, " I Lu~spley-Jones (NH) won. 6-3. lost. 6 7, won. 6-3 Sanu Arui 10. Eshncia I Singles-Breunsdorf (El def Roldan, 6-3, def Zaregoa. 6-2. def Guzm•n. 6-1, B~h-(El won, 7 6. lost. 0-6, 3·6. Stephen.on (E) lost, 0-6, 3 6, 3-6 P.stancia freshman Marcus Sost~ shot par 35 over nine holen'o record the low round or the d8lv· Jason Cassidy (36), Ryan Bl'O\Vll (38), ~ la (38) and Ausllff Serr (39) aJso scored for the Eatlles. who improved to 9-2. 5-0 in league. The 'P..agles return to the links on Tuesday when they compete at the Atucadero Tournament, Newpon Harbor fell to 4 ·8. 2-4 in league, while the Wolver Ines are now 11 -2, 5-2. The Sailors meet Back Bay ri val Corona del Mar in a non- league match at Pelican I fill Golf Cub April 23. ,( COLLEGE TENNIS Vanguard men wln 6-0, M ; Hotmor-n M def. M~m. 1~. g. 1; M11nth M def Co!Mnd. W , M ; Bjoft.lund M def. Clinton. 6-0, 8-0; Combe IPL) def. Tl!Yb. •1. 5-1; Cowen (Pl) def. Jent ne, g.1, 6-0 0.-...-Marth11m-Copt.nd (Pl) ct.f. l umsden-8jorlllund, 9-8 (12· 10); ~mgren-M•i'dh IV) ct.f. CllntOn-V.noe.1-6: Combe-Cowen (ftl) def. Teytot'Lly, M QIAC ....... "*"Loma ~ ~2 ...... • HluechcNnb lVI def. Anne Slec&la.•1, e-1:HerglOll'e ' (ftl)def. ~M.IS-2*Anhll Sleclke (ftl) def. Yohn..-, •t. U; Montoya ('l) def 8'9d!etf, .,, 6-0; Sonoff (fl\J def r.t\len, U, M; AicMM (PU def. Ktohn.•1, •1. 0.-...-~• Vot•nav• M def. Sltc:lb~ N ; ........ ......,.(P'l) dtf. ~ ... ...,,N;~" (P'l)dlt~l 1. volleyball team dh patched host Calvary <...hapel, 15-9. 15 fl. 15-.3. I huro;day 10 improve to 9 tt, 4 ·O In league 111 eight ass1l>t~ and two I hlock.., for the wmncr.. lne Sea Kings return to P< I play Apnl lJ when ~:v I ho't Northwood at 5.30 ~ ---- Hochwald Serdyult (NH) lost. 1 6. won. 6 2, won, ~3 Nonhridge hock UCI • Cal State Nonhridge's women's tennis team hocked ~ -Valdes-Cectlo (El def BuTere-God1nez . 7-5, def Gonzalez-Rodnguez. 7 6, def L Rodnguez Sanchez, 6-3, Raymond-Do (El los1. 3 6, o-6. won. 7 6. MclCendry-Mumtaz (El lost. 1-6, 2 6. '-6 ' I ' Al4 Fliday, Aprt 11, 2003 SPORTS SCHEDULE :)-::>.: ~ DON LEACH I OAJLV PILOT Costa Mesa catcher Michelle Miller and the Mustangs host Santa Ana today in Golden West League play. TODAY e...a.11 College -long Beadl State at UC lrvlne, 7 p'.m. High echool -Santa Ana at Costq Mesa, 3:15 p.m. ~· College men -University of the Pacific at UC Irvine, 7 p.m. High tc:hool -Ocean View at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m.; Estancia at Westminster, 3:15 p.m.; Sage Hiii at Pasadena Poty, 4:30 p.m. Swimming Community college men and women -Orange Coast at Pasadena Invitational, all day. High school boys and glrfs - Estancia at Savanna, 3 p.m. Tr.ck ,nc1 fWd Community college men and women -Orange Coast at Mt. San Antonio Invitational, 9 a.m. High school boys and girls -Sage Hill at Acedemy league meet 81 Fountain Valley High, 3 p.m. Tennis College women -Biota at Vanguard University, 2 p.m. Community college women - Orange Empire Conference Ana ls at Balboa Bay Club Racquet Club, 2p.m. High sdlool boys -Sage Hill '!t Whitney, 3:15 p.m. SoN>.fl High sdlool -Santa Ana at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m.; Brethren Christian at Sage Hill. 3:15 p.m. Golf Community college men - Orange Coast vs. Mt. San Jacinto at SCPGA Course, Beaumont, 11 am. Badminton Community college -Orange w .. ;) Coast at San Diego Mesa, 2$1 :_ p.m. I J~ t.\."'' SATURDAY -; ?I~ Ba~Q ·~· ( College-Long 8eadi State~ ~~ Irvine, 8 p.m.; Azus.8 Pecffic '· 4• • Vanguard University, .. , doobleheader, noon. 1 : ; ~ Community college-Orange""..::' C:O.st st Cypreq, noon. ""' • . High school -Pride of the Coast'"' Tournament, first round: PedfiCa ~ at Estancia, 11 a.m.; Newport ~ ~· Harbor at Corona del Mar, 11 a.m.; Carlsbad at Costa Mesa;.ft.'.: a.rn. .~' : ~ Volltybelt . • • • College men ... Stanford at UC ~ ~ Irvine, 7 p.m. • .~ ~ Wat9r polo I < -4 College women-UC Irvine~;·'~ Long Beadl State Toumam~:a'~ day. .. •• Softblill ... College -Vanguard University et Point Loma Nazarene, • doubleheader. noon. Swimming Community college men and women -Orange Coast at Pasadena Invitational, 9 a.m, Track and field College men and women - Vanguard University at M~ ot • Champions, at Azusa Pacific, 10 a.m. • , High school boys and gir1s -• • Newport Harbor. Corona.de™"r.~ Costa Mesa, Sage Hill at Arcedja • Invitational; Estancia at Poway~ • Invitational. · Crew College men ad women -Orange Coast. UC Irvine at Long Beat 8 a.m. UCI -·LITTLE LEAGUE YOUTH BASEBALL Continued from AlO earned Big West Pitcher of the Week honors recently. Weaver, the younger brother of New York Yankees' pitcher Jeff Weaver. has a 2.04 ERA and is 7-2 on the season. Long Beach State, which rallied for a 5-3 victory at UClA Tuesday, plans to start <:esar Ramos (3.53 ERA} on Sun- day. UCI will counter with sophomore left-hander Glenn Swanson tonight. Swanson, who built a reputaqon of in- tensifying his efforts against ranked teams last year. is 1-5 on the season and has a 4.24 ERA Swanson is looking to rebound from a loss Friday at UCSB, when he lasted just 2¥. innings, gjving up five runs on nine hits. Sophomore Brett Smith (4.02 ERA), who leads UCI in strikeouts with 52, will pitch on Saturday and C.. seeking his seventh win of the season. Paul French (3.50 ERA), a senior pitcher sla~ for Sunday, retired the first nine batters en route to his first victory Sunday to give the Anteaters the series win over UCSB. The Anteaters also feature senior Chris Klemm, who was recently named Big West Player of the Week. He batted .462 (6 for 13) with three runs scored and three RBis, including a home run last week. Klemm leads the Anteaters with a .347 batting average. Long Beach State, coached by Mike Weathers who is in his second year. is led in batting by junior third baseman Adam Heether who has a .380 average. Dodgers two-hit Giants Red Sox, Nick Pederson and Josh RydJng combined to pitch a two-hiller in an 8-1 Dodger victory over the Giants Saturday in Costa Mesa NationaJ UttJe League Majors Division play. Milcey Mortey and Ryding each had two hits while Nick OIJver, Prank Denower, Coleman Brown and Bryan Maurer each drove in runs. Erle McCool scored one of the Dodger runs while Alex Grosek and Matthew Telles led the defense. In Minor B play: • Padres 11, Oiamondbacb 4 The Padres scored seven runs in 1he fir.1 in- ning. led by offensive MVP Brian Golden and Brett Donahue, Tre Le ae. Mk:hae:l Quintana. Levi Sdlhnan. 1)'ler Rios, Brian Burdaga and Ben Tolan. Burciaga gave up one hit and one run in three innings while Sollman. Rios and Tolan, picked a., the game's MVP. provided strong defensive sup- port In Fann Division play: •The Dodgers' Robert Sullivan hit a home nm over I.he center-field fence 150 feet awJy from the plate and went 3 for J against the Pa~ Brian JoUvette doubled twice, caugh1 '>eVCral pop Bys and was part of a double play for I.he P·.i- dres. Max Gilbert went 1 for 4 while Ryan Adkisson, Noah JeyeraJah and Pan1ck Cromwell each tal- lied hits for the Dodgers, who batted around m the final inning. Sullivan, Desmond Lewis, Ben Beck. Kylee Stone, Jeff Cartyle and Yelzon Ramirez each had a hand in Padre OUL'i with Rusty RydjeSld. Noah Petero, Usa Hyndman, A.J. Fbcher and Kayla Hayes each stopping numerous ground balls. John Santoyo collected a clutch base hit and came around to '>COre on a throwing error. Brian CromweO. Brandon Long and Gabriel Ruan each played well in I.he field Joshua Butler continuc.'tl tuo; strong play at the plate and Manolo Laguna ~ped around the ba...e5. • Diamondback C:Ole Meiutnger went 3 for 4 with two RBis and three run~ '>Cored to against the Giants. Men.-.inger al'-<> made a M>lid catch at -,horu.top. Ouistian Ourow, Garrett Deut.sch. 1)'ler Ow- ens. Dante Capoda and Mitchell Oevidence each had a multiple-hit game .ind scored several runs. DanleDe Moran. Bill Cr0990n and Zac Hei- die provided addiuonal 'lf"n'>1ve and defensive '-Up port. Nathan Prank and Alex De Soto each dis- played I.heir sttength by knocking two ball-; past the outfield cones for ground-rule doubles. •Matthew Thomas drove in six nu"L'> and Jake Stone drove in five to power the Meti. against the Pirate-5. Ray Bartds w~ awarded I.he Mete,' MW~ (}lad Fackler got a tut m Nery at-bat while Eric Pfautz drove in four nm' and played strong defense with an una'i.\L"ited double play m the founh inning. Brandon Dieckholf doubled four ome-; while Ryan West and Brad Wlbon aho pounded two bagger-. and ~ Steven.1on tripled. llanison Stem staned the Mets' momentum by driving in two runs with a first-inning double. Blue Jays sparkle Newport Harbor Pinto action. rhc Hed Sox and Angels mixed 11 up on Monday in Pinto action (7 8) of the Newpon Harbor Baseball A«'>QC1ation and there was plenty of acuon. Au'>tin Smith had a home run and a triple to lead the Red Sox_ Martin Najera Jr. added two dou hies and a ">ingle and Quinci Hol- gate had a big day with three hits. Timothy McGetrick and Spen- cer Buchanan also hit I.he ball well with three hits, and Bryan Shollin, Hobert Alexander, Este- van Muniz, Duke Morale-. all contributed. • Also on Monday, the Blue Jay'> and Rangers collided with ma1or accomplishments. The Rlue Jays' Shawn Vetrovec h11 a home run and caught two Oy baJJs for ou~. Remington Weic;.-. and 01ri!> Dinatale also hit home runo;. PLUG IN Plug into your community. Find out what's going on in your city, parks, churches, schools, entertainment and sports. Read the, .. Daily Pilot How to reach us? Call the Daily Pilot at 642-4321. Call (949) 642-5678 f HAPPY BIRTHDA¥ celebratJng the Daily Pilot's . .-· Athlete of the Week senes ·• TODAY 20 -Amber Steen Newport Harbor Traclt and field, '98, '99 Cross country, '01 Mariners win, 9-8 ' , ~ ,. ' II .... I ft .. l11e Co~ta Mesa American Mariners beat the Costa M~ , National Dodgers, 9-8 in interleague 1.ittle League Minor ' A action. P.J. Maloney, 1)'ler She~ and Tommy Stephens sparkled on the mound and Austin ICnbd hn a two-run home run. KytO ~tenon and Martin MyzlJ't\ttl had two hits each. Nathan ~n got a key ,hit and RBI and Tuny · Ebergenyf and J.T. Mclucky, : each scored twice. . ' ... ·~ ......... . "' ' • -••• ' 4 ~­.. .. ,. .... •;;j , .. •c .~ ' .. -··~ .... ~~~~------.; ..... -Lllltllalcll Dll9d vi Tt\111" The P,fop. fWUU1'1111 HOTIC E IS 1i£ A E 8 Y 011 Ille 1h1y followl11t the ult llur-• miKI pro vMle a cunent. oric111al or • pliotoc:opy of (Mlt Of f&in•I resale pe1 m1t at the 11,,,. of ..._ in U.11 of ule1 tu Tltil wle la 111111.ct lo prtor canceHatlon 1q 1118 event of setlle,.,.,,l ti.twMn t.ndlord end ob,.•ltd .,.,., ~ ,..,..... dllc:ibid T"41 Cotta Mew l611111& CIYEN lo' Ille etedolon la'*"' IOllf '*-W' T'1it Admlntslt•lor wtll raniMt •114 conllna•nl erfflton ..... eddr-.lllldoew •cl.cl$1on0'1~. o l WAllER MAX :::zo .. dellOI ..... ~ W A,otlt 14, IOOJ, Or •• 81NSWANGEll, clecu .. d, ..=. ~ MIOn n p0ulblt ltMte th•t •II f*SOn• hnln1 - lie lC.• § •'1«, on Ille followlftl cl•lni. •a•lnal th• Ille OttnJt County S•nllatlon Olstrlcl of Oran1• Count1. C1hfor nle, WIN •••Ive uated ret90n-lo tN.s ft£. QUtsT FOR QUAUFICA· TIONS s~ l Requut tor Sletemant of Quell tlcatiorls •nd Information for the 1>11r11on of quaMyina Off.,or, to bid lot U11UC>fm a J111tlC>fial ArtlclH Rentel Service until • ., 20, 2M ,.-. R9S90"MS l!lllll be recelv•d et OCSD's Mm.lnlstrallon Bulldlna or Purcll•ilna Otvblon Offlc•. by the dett and llmt herein 1bovt Ml forth, •I whlc:h time tti.y will be opened end ... mln•d •I OCSO Purchas1nc Oflou. 10844 Clks Avenue. f ount .. n V•ll•y. Cellfornl• 92708 701& "4>flct II llertOy lllV'" that I clOMd bid t>Ubllc 111<tlon will lie hetd Oii ,,..,.., LI. 2003 at 10 o'clodl AM 11 MW U Storeiw. 1177 ~ b1tk SlrHt, HhlPo<I 8t1ch, Colinty ol Or anp, CallfMnla Mini U S lor•c• wlll Hll lo utkry the 1-on the f0Howin1 m1lUllan1ous llou.seflo1d •n4 11neral pt°'*ty •tond et 1177 Cem•lbllc k Slr••l. N•wport Bnch, CA 92660, by th• followma persons lhl 1nvenl0<•H hated below w•• no l•ltd by the t•n•nts al the tlnM of rental Mini u Storaa• m•kn no tlPfl'.Mnl1llon or w•r r1nty that the units cont11n said 1n•llf'll0< teS ~ .-•• o~IACl.f.. items • ~· .,. fequ,lftd lo ,,,. --.-.. "9M21 I Mtn0t Cond1Uon1I Ill• lll•m wit II lh• ~ r:::= Us. P'trmrt ZA OJ.07 f0t SUpetlC)f Collfl. •• the ltll'f ~.=-:t' .. Ruller Oo•lopmenl. l•moruua Jua tl.:• ._. ..,,_ It'd oew •utllomed •aent John CAntM, 341 The City OOIMIOll• "'°""" ~1._! Prabhu, to deviit. from Drrve, r 0 801 14170, Wit. , '*'*' -h ... •1n Oranp, c.llfornlt 92111l3, _.. ..,. llf INde. bul ' er..., P••~ I requ1t•· •nd mell Of d•llv• • ~ _.,...,.. Of menb to allow 1ddl :;::;r· ~ ... °'. tional medicel (daytime) copy to ltuauH l. Devis, Publlslled Newpor I BHCIJ Co•I• Mesa Dally Pilot April 4, l l , 2003 r271 ~ u .. s. '°'''•d •I 1901 Attorn•y lot Oenl•I OI ,.ewpot'l Bouleurd '" 1 S.nsw•naer. TruslM of .. POC zone Envwonmentil lh• Blnsw1n1et FemrlJ ... ~ : dtlttm•n•tion U •mpl Tru't d1t1d hbruary 2. "' TNll, wfll'I 2 M1110< Onltn Revtew 1990. of whlcll the ir.r. ~ • pn>-ZA 03 22 for William de<•denl was th• tru• Wli9d In~ no9(1), -6-Lll\hbauati. aull•Ollled tor, al 74 900 Hipwey ,,.,..., • ~ • ..,.,., .. •&•nt tor Piene and 111. $1111• 114. Indian tema of"' DiMd ol TNlt, l•ura Hathawiy. t0t •n W•lls, Cahtorn1a 922.10, ~· ~ 880 sq ft second story within the lala1 of rour T~ Ind of .. ~ •dd•h1>n to 1 MnaJe months aftet December Cl.-d by Mid !Md ol lamily tnldenct wolh a n 24, 2002. or. •• notice Is TRAii. tl>-<MI. St1•1~ ~ nemphon from p1rlllnc mailed or pusonally l:t.ied) ...::; reQulremenh (?O' by "lf1 delivered lo you. 30 .....,_ 81 wlll iareae required, 19 5. by da7s a1te1 lh• dale lh1t. lnc:f-.. ft. ~Pnor IO 19 5• caraae piovoded>. notice rs malled or Nie The belo911c:lwt located al 197 Vonanovi personally delov.ered to lnief Mid OMd of Tna'l Road lh an RI ZOM you, or r.ou must pell -~ •MCUlld llnd Envlronmental delerm1 lion to Ill• a late cl•lm = • :,.:eo.c:; nahon erempt H provided 1n Sechon f9lori of o..M and o.. 3 Plann•d Socninc 19103 ol the Probate nw>d lot 51119, and a wm-Proarim l A 03 2S l0t Code A cl•1m f0tm mey *' Ne*» of ~ and lasc.n Sava&• . .iutllonzed be obt11ned from th• Elealof't IDs.I The -aient lor John E Miley, court clerk fot your :*'o1 =. ::l to u cud lhe muimun• protetloon. you .ire e.alol'I to Sal to ti.,.. amount o f \11n•1e encour1aed to hie your corded In il9 ~ allowed on the property claim by cerhhed mail. wtw<e the l9lli ~ (99 \Q tt alluw~d. l!i2 with return receipt STIP I Of 2·STIP NOTKl tNVITUtG ltO PaOUSS UNOUl & JAHfTOltW AaTKUS llNTAl SUV1<1 SPIOfl<AlM* NO. S-2002-12 llD 82808·2809 Achn1 Off Your Wetl)11. Inc , by ltene I Mo ren , (Bullnt u Records/ Business fur 11 ·If. qu19) Public hHtin1• wtll .,. held by Iha Co1t1 Mn4I Ptannint Comtrusslon •t Crty H1N, 71 f alt Orrve, Cost• Mesa. Cahlorn ... •t 6.JO p m , or es soon H P<>"!bie lfler uftet Oft ...... y. .,,.. 21, 2001, rea1rd1n1 th• fo"ow1na 1pphuhou I SP M ·Ol lo ,,,,.nd the Horth Cosl1 MHa Spec1foc Plan to 1nc0t porale the Coste Miu The.tier Arts Oiitrlcl Plan for the South Cont Pl•z• Town Center (Subaru 4 ) louted betwHn Bnstol Sb eel, Sunflower Avenue, Ave nue of the Alts, •nd the San 0 .. 10 F1uway on 1 TC tone Env11onmental dete<m1n1tion uempl ~ ~-hllY9 \Q fl ptOpo~d) With a 01eQUH fed0 b 23 ~ 11.-lud> --40 \q tt lreesh1nd1na ~d ecem " · lh• Oranae Count~ Samt1hon 011tr1ct hH s"lected a two step proceu lot develop1n11 the conlucl for this wor-Step I is 1 Requast for • Stetement ol Quahf"al1ons end lnform.tlton del11hn11 the qualiflcatoons ot the Ollt•OI~ A Qu1hf1utoon Revrew Panel will eul uate Offeror's quahf1C11 loons and ab1hhes to petlor m this c:ontr .tel Purchases must b• made with cash and P•od for at lh• tome of purchase No one undet the •a• of 18 1s •!lowed to •tlend the sale The liindtord reserves the uahl lo bod 1t the sale All purchned llood.s 111 101<1 ·u is· and mull be removed by 5 00 pm lln the day lollowrna the sale Buyers onust pro v1de • current or111n•I or • photucopy ol thelf or1111n1I 11s.ele per m1t •I lhe lime ol \•le on heu ol sales lu This \lie I\ s ubttt I lo p1101 uncellatoon on the event of seltlem,.nt between landlord and obh11ated party If any ot the preced1na action\ are challenaed on courl. the cllallenae may be hm1ted to only those issu" '>O~ne r .alws al the public he111na dncr lbed on lh1s notoce or on written corte Sl>OnlHnce delivered to th• Pl.tnnmc Commrss•on at, ot p11or to. the publrc hear ma C1111ion D1111a ~. wood s1an. louted at /S/IUSSIU. L DAVlS, ARM FINAHCIAl. 1919 ~ewporl Boulev11d ~TlON. P 0 on a C2 zone r nv11on ....._, fw rettn--. ~ ~~ ~ 111~nt.il dtlermonalion DAHlll llNSWAHGla, lrb11':".,J918) 874-Utmpl Tr 111 t • • ef the 6099, .,.,.,,,...'°" 4 Minor Oe\1an Review 1111•W•"ter feMlly (858) 1189-87315 HAZEL lA 03 29 101 Alan J frvst GAACIA. ASSISTANT c aUSSIU l. DAVIS, Oflerors found quah fl•d on Step I will be invited to p.,l1L1pate in Step 2 In Step l , OCSO will request bods lrom qu1hly1na Olferors The bods will be t •alu•l•d on a standard ~ompehllve sealed bods bul\ All Step 2 bids will be reviewed and analyzed by OCSO ~hit lor compliance with the Notice tnv1tln11 Bid (NIB) r 1nal awa• d of the t ontract will be bned on the lowest 1 npons1ve .ind responstble b1d SECRETARY O\ln authoflltd a1ent Stote lw Ne. 59274, NPf>OtOti'e for Cuba and Maraarel 74_900 Hl9"woy 111• ~. 04/llA'.13, Cyoray. tor •n eaemp S 1 14 1 4 04/t&Ul hnn from p1rkona re lift• • " I •11 Publ1sh•<I Newpor I Buch CMt• Mesa Datly Pilot Ap11t 4. 11. 2003 f271 for furtllet 1nlorma l ion on lhe .tbo•e •PPhuhons, telephone ( 7 I 4) 754 !>245. 01 VISlt the otl1u of tne Pl•n non& Orv1sion. 'loom :100 11 f 111 0110 Co~lll Mes. C.l1torma Published Newport Beat h Co\la Mesa 011ly Pilot April 11 2003 F 280 CH&-51•tN qu11ement~ (19' Iona Wells, Cellferllle NEWPOR'TeEACff. d11vew•y iequlfed, IOS 92210 ,...,.._. (760) COSTAMESAOAllY 341-1040 PILOT Iona d11veway e~1lhn&. Att-y fw retttt-, '! aod othu common ckilgt11uon, 1f any. of Ille rc1I propcny ducnbrd above ,, purponcd to be 116' SALVADOR STREl:T COSTA MESA. CA 92626 The lllllkn1pd T~c d&Klalml IDY luibtbry for aDy UICOFT«UltU of the Sllftl addrut and oCher commoo dM•p.iOOD.. 1r 1111). t"°'*D ~ID The total &moat "' the unpetd ti.la.-of lbe obbp1.... JOClll'ed by die propcny 10 ~ IOld and ~Ir CSWllMtd C06U. upc.u &Dd lldvaOC'Ct ac die umo of !he 1111t&1I publJcallOn or Ult NOClte of lilt IS S310.4l9 68 lo llddl1100 IO c.u.11. !ht Trusft won Kccpt a cuhlrr'a ct.c..k dnwo oo • ..... or oa1JOG11I buL • chMk dn'*O by a ti.tit Of fedtnl aedol W110C1 or • c:t-k dnwn by I Wtc or federal ""'llP &ad lou IWOC&lllOft. 1n111p --or UY!llp bar* 19C'Clfled 111 Secuoa 51 Ol ol llw Ftnancill Code and alllhontt,d IO do bcu_,t Ill dlls ... IC 11'1 .. c Ye.. toeJldrr otber lhu Qtb II acccpled. lhe TNSl!ee rmy Wlu.beld w wiaace ol die T ,_I Deed enul flaedl become 1-.1.llablc to tbe pll)'CJC Of tlldor- al a ma•~ of np1 Said Mir Wiii be a.dot, b.c W.U.0.. OOVCraJll Of •8rn•Y tllpfna OI 1,....,iicJ ~prdu>c u11c. l'O'WUion Of CllC'ldllbruca. '° ~ !he ........... ICCwN by ul4 o..&. ldvuaH ~. Wld> ·~ .. provided .... Nd ...... ~I vi Ila ---.d by _, DlierS willl .__. 11111\'00 .. pcoVldld ill Mid Nots. .... ~ ud ~°'---­_, ol tlie -a-' by sud Detd ol n.t. o.d 0Ul00003 Town A~ Title Scrncn. be A cut.... Caponooa A.$ T,,,._ ».5 C11y Pin.way Wett, Solie 100 Orueie· CA 91161 Saa. u. (714) 4IO- S690 (114~ By GABY OSPINO TitVSTilE TBCHNICIAN TAC 4349308 PU1I 4111, 4'11. 4llS ?O' by 20' 111•1• re DAHUl ltNSWAHGll, quired 19 a 18 S T r w•t•• ef the 11•••11r provided) on con1unchon wolh .a !>()() 11111••11t•r fe.,.lly 'fl II u cottd story Trwst addihon to a \lnl!I• Published Newport l•moly ruoden• e localed Buch Coll• Meu O.toly <11 3170 M.tnl\ler Orovl' Pilot Apnl 9 10. 11 2003 on • POR LO /One WfHf l?I f nv11onmental dete""' n•tmn oempl II any ot tht ptPLrdmc •<hn"' ••e chdllenaect 1n """I the dMllen11~ m•y b• llm1ted to nnly 1t11ne t~'.\Ut'\ in writt~n coot \P<>ndence delivered to the l onin& Ad1nom~tut<>1 prior lo lhP dbove date r (Jr lurlher inlormatoon on lh• •bovr apphu hons lelrph@ne (714) 7!14 C,24S nr .,,,, the otfoc,. u( th~ Pl1nn1111 Oovl\1on, Room ?00 77 r '" Drive ~n1t1 Me'd l.1htorn11 Published Newpur I liu• h Cost• M~sa 0.aoly Pllol April I I 1003 f279 Sl'9IOI COtl'T Of woau CCMnl Of OU"6l .. ft .. .WAllGll fAll.T l'IUST WI llO: ll1M72 llOOO TO<IOOOIS [~ U.§ltoSOJ The lollow1na per\on~ •• c do1na bus1neu ~' T .ind• 117 R1vers1de AYf:nut \U1te l 144 Ntwporl Bt•cll CA 92663 I 1molhy P B.tricr oil 177 R1vt1~10e Avenue '"''' 1144 Newport Buen CA 92663 Andre Stecl.1, 117 R1ver~1dti Avenu" \Ullf 11 44 Ntwport Buch 92663 Tht\ bu~mes\ " con dueled by a &tM• al 11artn~r\hl'' H••c yuu \lo• l•d dom" bus1nt'\\ yel' Ve\ 07 ?6•03 Andre Slel k1 This 11•1emenl W4\ hied with !ht t.:uunty Cieri!. of Ouni" l •unly "" 03/78/0l 200'693$440 IJarly Point Mai 111 Apr 4 II 18 :1003 I 1U Publl\hed Nt wpor t Beach Cost• Mrs.t Daily Pilot Ap11t ll ?00J F297 flclllm ...... ... s....... The follow1na petSons •re do1na bullnen •s Gel•IO ClaS\ltn, 27S6 [ Coast H11hw•r. C0tori1t del M•r CA 92625 Nolool•r Moh•mmad 3100 Airw•r Ave Costa Mn•, CA 92626 All R Far1mand1, 3100 Aorwi1y Ave Costa Mo1 CA92626 lh1s busmen " con duct~d by husband and Wiit' H.iv~ yuu st•• led d<>in~ bu\lllP'.' yel' Yes 4 • 01 N1lw.1I"' Moh.tmmad lhl\ \lalenitnl w•' filed wolh lht County r 1n11, of 0'""11~ CCiunty .... 0410810 1 2001H•OU7 D.01ly Prlot Apr 11 18 2!> M.oy 2 2003 F294 llOTK.1 Of MUC WI Of LIB PIOf'llTT Notice 1s hereby 111ven that a clo~d bid public 'uctton will be held on April 18 2003 at II 00 o"clock AM II M1n1 u Stor •R• II, 1111 Camel back Street, Newport Buch Countv ol Or •nae. C•hlorni• Mlno u lhe lollow•na penons Stou11e II will ltll to •rt dotn11 busmen "' uhsty U•e hen on Ille fie.en ?689 P.ild Mna lollow1n11 miscellaneous Ct . Cusla Mes.i CA 92627 household and ceneral Ntth ula s A n d•~• ptoperty stored 11 I I I I Rawhouser I 74 Wes I C.imelb•t k Street Newport Beach, CA S1mn1ons Ave AnAheim. 92660. by lhe follow1n11 CA 92802 persons The rnventoroe'> Neil Alan W1111hl 4158 listed below were no ~";;;' Avt Cyprul CA lated by the ten1nh 11 Bro.on losepn hll>ert the tome Of rental M1n1 2689 Pala Meu Cl U Slo1a11e II makes no Costa Mna CA 92627 reprnent1hon or w11 This buS1neu I\ con • .anty thll the units conl•m uod onventot1e1 dut led by I 1teneral 84>44 Crl!!K Robin\ parlntrshrp M1\c houHhClld ind H•v~ you \~arted doontt IJ•• \Oll<OI •llel r~ bu\ln~" yet N" P II I •· N h.d..t R-.""" .,., urc •'\f" mu' u• fh,. 1 ,.1, . f\f m t10t_> with , ... h dOd i• .. ,. I '•lt'rt N1fh ttw ' Httllt .. ,,,, dt 1th llfTif ,,. L lt d l ... fJr.1n ,. t HIHllv I u1 l h•t' t' N\ uf1t IJIHJrr , 11 O j 1 I '• i th~ •11• ul lb •\ •llu .. Pd 7001,937372 t•o •lttnd th~ '••I• lh~ Dail h k>I Apr 11 18 l•ndlu•d H erve\ th• . '\ Y 11.:hl to blCI •I lh• ule 7. · M•Y 7 20l)j l/Sl All iJUfl h•~d 11oods "e \old ·"' 1\0 ;tnd mu\I be 1>·m""'d '!I !>00 .I'm \#'I/ )UUr ( t1r '" t ''""''}1rd • ADVBTISUIBIT JOI DlSl&ll UDa PllOUALIKATIOll Subiec t lo • ond1t10n1 prH'' ob<!d by lhe UnlYenlty of Collfotnle, lrvlne, • '" 1v' tu th• ilnov•1 .11, I'•• J"•"'" ti>< 11 Qunttonn.t1re lo< a Moclflled On1110 8 u1td '"nit"' I aa \f•uaht lron1 ~\'II" Buoldn '"' llh 1, 11 .. wrne r rot+• I co•run• SOlNCIS UNn , Pr9'•c1 N-io.r: 997 UO UNIV( RSITY or CAl II ORNIA IRVIM ... fQUAUflCATION Of raOSPICllVl DISIGN IUIU>llS lhf' UtuYf't\1ly\ Pfim.u., obtf,!•tl'Wt' m ul1h11n1th~11u,d1httd d~\t.tn build .ti.ti, Rh'' to brm., lhfl blf!~t ..t•11l1t1I.-1nt .. ._1.ttt t cks•an ~nd ((Jn'llruchon @ipeu~nlf"" l«> tht\ Prn,et.I 1h ... lh11ve• t1y ..... df'tt'IOllOt •• ,. •• o ... ~an Ru1tdt"t\ vrrhn 1hf111t ........ h l1-11 on th•~ Prntet t must be ptequ.thftt"d Pt~qu .. hfted lJt.: •lttfl £iwldt t #Ill be rf"QUH ,. •• lu htt¥t" thf' tfJllowine c .. ,,.I I '1M 'fmlr dC lur loc•n\e GINlaAI. IUllOING, •r GINPAl DISatJll'TION Of WOllll Tiie ptol)OHd ~ultt Sc..nc:e Un11 3 pruiect will wri•lrud 81 •00 A!>I lur tht-S..hool ol lnf0tm•ho11 •nd Compult• Sc,.ftCe. 19nelilll 1uranment ct1n100~. and campu~ funded '"'IC" w •c• lh1 S.nuol of lnlorm•hon and Cumpult• St•tnce (ICS) will occupy 48.060 ASF con\lshn& ol ''•» l1bor•tot1n rt'\HtCh wn~ a«•d~m•< oHllt ;pacr anlt .. c:1m1n1~lr.tll~e otflct 1nd •upporl lp.itce A tot.ti of 13,340 ASr wrll be provided for 2ene1al ""'II"""'"' clasSfo(Jm\ hous1n1 19"> tol•I \e•h In 13 roomJ ol nrtous ,lln Alt •dd1lion1I 26,000 ASF of f101ble "sur1e· \pace will 1lso b~ ptov1ded Out tu \II• • on\I"'""' on the (nl'nHflnl/Computer Science Qu1dran1te the proposed pro~t <On .. sb ot Lonslrudton ol twu M'l>J'"t" ''""tu••' 1 1m.1n lectut• hall bu1ldon2 ol I l 340 ASr .ind 1 m11n bu1ld1nc totahna 74 060 Asr tllal wilt llOun It.:~ l< tmllr' tnd wree t.pau Melft lt1ll4'"9. W1tll1ri th" main bo•ldma. "'" p•oiect wilt prov1d" • tol•I of ?7,710 ASr ot resurcll 'P•U for the 'i<huul of lnform•toon and Coinpultr S..1 .. oce 1ntlud1n1 ZS, 110 ASf ol lleuble '"'~'"' h l1bo11tnry ottoce sp•ce Th., \P•~e will be conftcut1d 1n l4ffUI 111u ol room\ from 280 ASF up to 600 ASr Tht room\ will bf' outlttted with ractw•y •round the perimeter l0t lelecommunlc1t10n' • •bhn& •nd electul •I Wlfltll Th~ 'P4<e\ will 1uommodate • w1d" ••nee ol ach111tin 111clud1n1 amona others l•bto< •hon nl new tUl"lluler h.a1dw11e sy\lems development ut \ollw.t1 f' .ipphl •llun\ and ntlwork 1rt h1tecturn. con$hUl hun ol mat hm"\ with 1nteth2en1 'Y\tem\ •nd dnelu1Jm•11l ul •flvanced t1ichnnlo&1ts th~I ma~• dn1~n and manul•clure of •Ompul~• \Y'l~m\ Inter •nd <hetprr Othr• re\U rth \Pal e\ In be prnvodrd C7 600 ASf l mdudt t•,••rc.h h••m w M .. rooms •nd mr,.1101 rooms •nd • l•11e Lonfetent• tf••JIH In •dd1hon to the rr\U rth 'P•• t • tot•I nl I 900 ASr ol tin\ l~bor•l<"Y 'U<l<t will als(I bt p1ov1~d lo .t<eommnd.ite lwo computtr l1bouto<1e\ for lt.:S £ .. ch lahor•tory will house JO 'omputer •l•tH>n\. •nd will be rqu1pped with whole bo•td\. Pl Ott< hon sue•11s, •nd '•1mpute1 P• 111rd10n "qu1pment Office SP••~ fur thr !M.hool ol lnlutrn.tl1on .ond Cornpulet Scttn<t 111Cludn l•LUlly 01!1< •\ ( 10 125 ASf 1 j nd •dmonoslrahve offic:.-ind rel.tied support sp1cn (8 325 As r I 1ntludin1 .ace 1mmodahon· lot ICS \ Ou n s ofhH and Department wide lun<t10ns Sur1e \l>lte ptov1ded by the propo\ed pru1ect will consist ul ull11.e and dry labnulOfJ spe'" and will bt <onl111ured 1n a fle11ble m•nner lo meet thr nerds of• vanely ol potential ouup•nh ca.. .. -lulWI ... lint• laree Llnvoom\ ••II be provided 1'1 1111, st1udu1e onclud1n11 • 250 t.e•I lecturt h.tll • 12!> '"'. lttlute hall •nd • 6!> ~ul cne \ludy room All thtee l1u lllln will be loaed ""' roo-with \loped 01 strpped floors ••len\lvt 1toushc•I trP•ln1.,nt •nd stacked moveble ch.tlkboiuck lhe leclutt h.tlls will 1lso 1n<luttt pro,ection booth, All rooms will be w1ted for d.tl• .ind equipped to accommod•te huvy audio visual requiremenb. 1nt.lud1n11 du•I prol"clton scrHn._ video •nd d1la pro,ecllon. h•&ll·qu•llly sound syll•m. elt Cener•I an1anmenl clen tooms to bt Pf'Ovlded 1n<lud1 • 6!> wat clasStoom a SO u•t u1se study room •nd ttahl JO seat ctusrooms The SO ~•I room wilt be • h~•d nit feuhty w•th • stepped fklor 11m1tar to th• cue study room dHCrt!Htd above the r•m•1n1n1 rooms will h .. • fl.ti r1oors and loos.e u1hn1 lhe 6S u•t clnwoom will be llMd pr1manly f0t dHl4!S •nit>loy1111 1 ver,.ty ot seahn& conf11uullons All rooms will be wifed tor d•I• 1nd equipped with ch111tboard\ •nd protection tcrtflfls l wo cl1u1oom 'upport IO•tes will also be provided The .. room' will provide space to stote overhud pro,., tors. slide prorectors. VCRs ind other •Qulpment and supplies needed for the clnsioom1 h......i O.s .... -4 c-t~ c .. ,, SS2,000,ooo.oo NOCUUIH Tiie prequllrl1eahon process will be conducted 111 twn p11h ,rnd will resull 111 lhe ~•lvdk;n nf prequ•hflf'd Oes1cn Bu11<1en who will be !\sued propu,11 documenb fOI this Proiect llert 1 will be the ~ubm•llll of • Prequ1hf1C<111tu11 ()<iest10nn•l1t d11sct1bed on mort del111I below Alie< receipt of the rtequ1hfic11ton Que'''°""'"'· the Unilran1ly will rev1tw .ind delerm1ne 1 purnt u ore lor H eh 'Ubm11t1t Requesh IOI tlatlfy1na informahon end s upplemental d•la will be made et th•~ tome, 11 requ11ed Alt•• recerpt and rev-of the clarrficatoons end supplement•! d•I• u'h P1equel1hc1lton Quest1onn•lf• will reuive • fm~I pomt uore Scorln1 of Oettan Builder• for lhl, Part I will be determined by the applluhon ot •n Hhtbllshed u1tn1 system (del•lled submllt•I requiremenh 1nd the relln1 s11t1m ••• cont11111ed in the Prequalrhollon Q<iestlonn•lr•) Ou11n Builders who "'"' the 1equ1temenh 1nd obta•n mlfllmum qu•hfy1n1 total po1nh for lh• criteria in P1rt I •Ill be mteniewld 1n P•• I 2 or tt111 Pr9q\lalolic1tton ptocen Pert t wlH be the lnltn,.w Dnlcn Buil69n wlll be notoloed whlthet OI "cot they h•.,. bffn ••l•ded for lht' l'•rl 2 lnt.,voew lhe lntenl4w will addrtta the •terns ducrlbed 1n the Prequ•llltul"n Queshonnffe The rnulh of the mltr•••W will b• stpar•lely ~nred b1\ed nn •n ~1labl11h"d n11tn1 syslPnt lhe Oor11n 6u1ldel\ who ••• 'elected by the Un1•P•s1ly In Part 7 will be pttqu•hlled lo sobnot l'ropo.•h "" 1111' Protet.1 lltltOUAUfKATIOM SCHlOUU On ffl4ey, Arll I 1, 2001, rr~fk ..... o. .. tt-trea will be rn uf'd to •nl,.1uled Ouic11 Butld•n •I °"'•an & COfl,tructlOfl Strvke~. Univ•sity of Calllorn!A Irvine. S201 tahlutoc11 Avtnut Su1le ~ ltv1,.., CA 92697 14!i0 (Cornt'• ot lllton and C1llf0fnla Av11n11e) f or tnform1Uon '*" llM holllM (!M9) 124 1111 Clf (949) 114 8034 On frf4-y, A.ti 18, toOS, • Mwt ••t 0..,.. ~ Pt..,.mk.tleft ,...__. wlll IN '°'rdlitted Mil"" prOftlptly •f l 1H A.M. Ontr Oestp Bu•._• who P•• l>Cipale in the Conf• •M• "' •h "'llfety wll be ellowed Ill •u~I '1equallficatton QvesU<>11n•lret """°"s 1u1111n1 ttfer l tSS A.M. wll not'"' •llowed to submit Piequalifk•tlDll Qunl1Qnn11fa. PllttfClpanla ah•ll mHt ti 0..111.n & Con•lt11C'Uon Servtcu, Unlwe"lly of Celtfornla, lrvlne, 5201 Calllnrnl41 Avenue, Suitt 2'0, SuUlnn • Wtittll Conf .. ence RooM,, lnine. CA 92697 2"50. (ConMr el Calrl0tn• Avenue •ftd ei-A...,ue) '°' lut\llef tnform.thon, C.OflfKt .left o •l (M9) 124 3089 The ....._ .. fecef¥t & llllf'tr.t 11 ........ fk ..... ~ .. wll lte frW.y, •• IS, lOOJ, .. "'°° r .M. al 0.Slp & Con•ltuc;tlon Sftfvictt, Unlvenil)' of Calrf0111la. lfvtne. UOl C"'f°'ll"' Awtnue, Sulf• ~. h'"6, CA 92691 1•50 ~ lutldtf rrtcjUtltf1utt0" Qvfttlottfl11r .. NKludftlt •n)' rt.,ved 1tllchl1Wf\t., "'-• be •'*"4tted Ill •lt4 e11\I m••ked wrtfl IM notat .. n on Ill• ovbidll. -.™ W TIAM NI041AURC'.Anoet OWSTWMll fw (!-~n.1• ICJUKIS '"'" J, NOJICl llO. ttl 1 _.. •ftd 11ddt•»4lf 1• 1116 off1<.e dniti>etM ebovt .a.uot OM oeteMtAl MID SIX'°"''°''"' NIOUAWK.Anotll outsno• .... (WfTM ATIAat""MYS). 0...1 Builder 11\aM •'WMt lull rtspeflt.IOilo\y fw hmely dell"'J •11118 loc:1l1010 11t-.i•1" f0t 11e.-,1 of P"ip.tlrf.utlon Outthunn•wn Oul, lt"'9fl nlc. t1uunu., Of t.i.,lpft P•••ltfiullon Qua ll0fltlalr9' .,, tn•llld •nd wlll not lie ~--c:eptM H4t prequalif "°'".._,. •Ill k ~ ttd 1tt.r 4 00 r M . frkl.il.,. April 2$, 2003 Hownw, the °"'"""'r re .. ..-tM •lc'll lo t~t r ••, llH tvlllMt. 1~111111 111fof1N1t1on •ft• U. .-. .. u-and lt•I• ~ Id 08$ l11iWilil1 ••I i.. nolrf crt Ille date, trme and luot~ ol l'*' ln....,lt..,. •cautn ,_ NOPOtM 0.1((11 I~ w1I M notilM whe\1!9r °' not lllty 11 ... INien Pf~.tlll•d •fter tM. U""""°~ haliMl•t IM • • "'1• ol ll1t lftl••ltr"w. An "An~t l• ,,._.,.irf•d 0..,.. I~•· •• lolaw .,_.,, ti. 1u<l u t . 1-. •M '9<..at ~Oft(-ftlt'l lf141 •M•laWrty of rr.-.i ~ala 8l4t (f>•OflONll) Securtl)' Ill lllt •lflOunt of 10~ ot tM l11"1fJ m lu.t '"' • Pr°""'· ••ckldt •lt•MIM, ti\ J • LOll!pPly ff';tl f'ropoul T'he ur.ty hMl1n1 the Bltt lknd \hell "8, on th<t l'repO..t 01t1611M, 1111 ~tied-••• "'WO• ft •fli!d In tllfl CaltotnMI Cow of C1vt1 Ptoc....,e S.Cttow M& t20 Alt ""41rllft(,8 "°' ... , • .,. .. IO ... olli.llMoll •r u. ~ ....... -·· ... ~· to...., ...... , UllfHOity ... , ... •lld ........ "'. All '°IK• ,. c_..c ... FOfll! .._ .. UM!My, (UM$ liMIM1 ....... AillOllMMt li.wttr '1e~ l!Milrty IMUUlk.O Pd N kMie4 'f ,..,.._ wftft O Bbl Ul"'I 11f A OI' llett•, .... I finMM.iM UH~tl ,.. VIII °' llt1t• (0t 111 aqe ... .-1 r•t'"' ,., ~tt1twd • ,.._ ~ lloed(•, AJ ,.ill<.iM ,,,.. .. for W.. ••' r-~ IM llllf*J,.,_' llatllllty l1t-•rw:• Mwl t.. ln• .. 41 ., ~altift (I) U.t !Wft o lt•t reline ef I• Of .. tte.. 11111111 I l#Nl!M:I ... • ~et VII., Mil• (er..,.....,.,.._. 11tH1t •r $t.!Mlwd & ,._ • ,, ., to) CMI •• 1«,..._.. .. u...-, JNr.-ttr~loeflnMIMt1tllllM~Utlle1Miftfllll 1•111 ,,. .... .,.. bnitrll lttlld.I\ 111tend!n& lo .. ,. • ....,..,•• lfof•rnotl tut 1-., •lt k •I"-• to Hll lmnl tv,, wttfl .aot tMfit•wtt.Htdltk>m lf!ChldMtt aoo .. ,.,.,.,Ml 100~ ,.,.,._nu ....... M ..,__. _ _...... .. ._ tw••Mflueloti n...._ d .. ~-OlflciM fVf-.t Ul!Nw8"J"' ....... ff• COftfW..llelltf .................. ., ... "" """"'tit' ·--.... rllltt t• '""' ... , ............. ,, ......... ~ _,...._." ... "" ......... lt'f ............. ,.......,ittR..=1.,..._...,,,.,....,~ Otl. lllClNTI Of' THt: IUMWdlY Of CM. • UiirlNwMlt 91C....._1r.- l M9M "9t I l.llmlllllll -lAllll ..... an•_,IUOI I01ICJ---s..t.d blft m11 be recetv9d •• u.. office •f the City Clortl, llOO Hewpo.-1 loutevar•. P 0 l o• 1768 Newport BHch, CA 92'58·1915 until 2 00 f m on II)• 30th day o ,,..,." 2003. •I wild! time well lllti .._ "" ~Md and reed for IAYIMOatS WATll MAM aut.Ml.MIMT Tltte .t Prtled ~ .. _,,,, SM0,000 ............. .,_. . ilOOtR'S UST AVAIL ABLE ON CITY WE B SIH http II www2 city newport beach ca us/pbwb1dll"tt/ dehvtt Ml) Approved by /S/S...._ •• ...._, P~W-"• Dlrectw Prospective bfdderi m1y obll111 bid docu ments at a cosl of SIS at the office of tl)e Public Works Depart menl. 3300 Newport Bouleverd, Newport Buch CA 92663 Conltactor L1cenn Cl•u1llc•llon(s) re quired fOf lh1s proiect Class A r or furtlltf 1nform1 loon c.all M1cnaet J Son.tcor1, Protect Man a1er .ti C949) 644 3342 Published Newport Buch Cost• Mes.1 D•1ly Pilot ~11 II, 2003 F282 ~ ..... ... s....... l h~ lollow1na per WM .tre doona busmen u Collon• Avenue Proper llf's. !iOO An11el1ta Ave Coron• Oel M.tr CA 9161'> (la1ne K W1lh1m \ Trusl•e of the Wilham\ '"'''· 500 Anaehta Or Co• on.t del M•". CA 92615 l11' P W1ll1am\ Trustee of the W1th1m~ F •m1ly Tr11~I A !>00 An1tehta Ot 1ve Coron• dt!I Mar CA 9262!> f '" P William• Trus tee ol the Williams Tr u" 500 An&elll• Ortvt Corona del Mar C.A 9?625 T~rs bus1neu 1s con d11LIPd by .t aener al pa1 tnet\n1p H•ve you star led do1na oo"""" vet> Yes 0< t I 1997 £r11 I' Wolllllm' lho\ \talemenl wa' loltd with the Cou"l1 Clerk ol Ounce County on 04108103 2003'940132 0~1ly Pilot Apr 11 II! 2'> May 2 2003 f "197 ------Adi'-9Niess .... s......,,, I ht· l••tlfJWlfl5! p t:-t \un Hr ti 'fl"-h'I .lfl""~' t f ...... llfl It t 11 MI H 1,11hh i lrtnfH n '\wli· I\ 0.11 1 f 11111 t •I J t1 ,.. t "'" t..onlt 1 ....... Or•na• c.unt~ .... lallOtl Diil/kt (OC.SO or the Dlltrlct) of Or •"Ill C-ly, CtfifOJIM, w• r _ _..,,,~ u11lll •.y • t'MJ, 1JOO ,..-. Propo••ls m14.1t lie r•ol1111d •I OCSO's AdMlfthltellon Lobb~ 01 Pvtellnle1 OW1'610n Oftlee, 111 tM dtt• llld 111118 ...,.,,, above Ml fC>fUt. 10M4 (ltd Av•-. fo14nta111 Yaftey, C11tf0tn111, 9!70&. 7011 llOUHT fOtl lltlO- f'OSA.l lMPlOYU MIDKMSUSV~ LAIKI SUVKH, SHCJfKATtote MO. S-200S-U4 Propouls mu1t be submitted on the l0tm follWl .. d by ocso "' •ccordence with ell pr ovflstonl ot the SJ)ICI ficatlons Sp.c1hution1. proposal blanhs. end further 1nf<wm•tion m.i1 be oot11ned at the •bon 1ddren lflle911ont 1714) 962-2411 Publ"ll•d Newport Buch Costa Meu 011ly Pilot ~ 11 11 2003 r 798 Rdlllels ...... ... s...... The lollow1na perw ns .ire <1o1n1 bus1nen •~ RJR De"&" Consultanh JI 76 Pullman SI • 120 Costa Mn• CA 9167& Rober I I Hams I 0 r 1thn& Lui ltv1nr CA 92612 Janet I'. H'"" 10 r alhna I e.tt It VIII• CA 92612 Tht,, buiine~,_ •'> on ducted by husband .nd wile Thi-. t.u.\-me\!. '" (un . duc1~d h t a Cflftt••f<1t1un H.av~ t••U '1.ilr1Pt1 cto111~ busmr\\ yet' y~, 11 01 ;>()()? Oue-ru Plu 1•1 R••••I Cnnr.tl•l '111 I Thi• t-ttl'm,.nt .,,,, hlt't1 with th" f 111u1! / I lr rlil. ,,i '•1dnk• c 11u11t; "'' 04 "' Qj 20031>9l9S2S .,u, h i ~ A1 1 \,j • • ti· ~ ' /f_J H: •hi I 11 VM Adl·h• I '\.•II (lrm•11I• l'A 9/fo7} Ill• t I •11 .. w•n,· l'r• lh1• bu 110 ... " t, 11 ,'~'. 'u 1~ , 1 ti It 11 ~ ' I l 1111 " 1 1 I Vf f ' 1, I II, ...... 'I 1t:f \ I y, i ~ .. ' I t llf l JI 111 ,.. t n , 0.111~ f'olul M•• II 'b A~" 4 11 /OCH I /40 ~ ..... --.s....... I ht toll""'"'i person\ "',. dn1n.: hu'Ul~$S •~ S•, "'' f ln1 J107 l ~ '"''' t "''''c Cn~•I tl1a,ht¥ 1 t I A,~urttt Sr.-._ h lll 'llfo'.1 lohh w.,1 • .-rt Powell }}001 S1,,.lh Pattin Cuol Hriinw•y l •run• Bu~h CA 916!>1 l hi\ bU\tn~\,\ t\ lUtl du• tea by .,, 1nltov1d1141 H •~t' yuu 't•tlf"d ~10111~ bu\Jne\s 1f't> Nu lolln Powell Tho' 'llltmenl W•\ folf'd with the County Clerk ot Ot an1e County on03/25 OJ 200J .. U4.41 011ly Pilot M11 28. Apr 4 II 18, 2003 F~9 • It "'• ~t ~ 1 b Adi At t1111f k hi'-' ' \ lt.1 .,-,.tfd ·111111 "" ""' h (Ju "" 1971 Ruhttl \ How.ird ""' \l.tlernent wa\ fifed with th• C•1uri ly l..leri. ol Of<!nfl• County on 04 !'08 '03 700) .. 40139 Daily Pilot Apt 11 18. 2S Mlly 2 2003 f ?96 ---------Rdlt6.. ..... ... s ...... Alt Friday. Aj!il 11. 2003 tilll.... .. Llfll ...... .. Upl ................ .. ....................... .. .......... .. ........... .......... ......... 1 he lolli>wifll Pf<IOlll .,, do411& ~llllft' as: l•11m YoJ• Collete ti Incite. 293 Btlltol $t fA200, Coit• Jffta, CA ~ Alu Jllmes, Inc. (CA). 29'J1 lrlllOI St., to~•· Mest.CA92626 llln bu~nus 11 con· dllcttd by. 1 ~«po<lllion ... ~ '°" 1t1;ttd dotnt bvVn4'• )II!*? v ... 8ll41 DZ Alu Jamu, Inc • P•tf•<.e Simon, Pr~ldtl\I This •t•ltmtnt WIS Mtd with th• County Cl•k ot Ora11a• County on03/IB/03 200HU7S64 Dally Pilot Mar. 21, z.!Ji "fit' 4, 11, 2003 F2 J.S ........... .......... The f0How1n1 per'•ons art doina business u 1) Monkey Alms Devel opment Corp , b ) Ml(.h HI Nyt>eta Enter- pl' u, c) CWN Solu l1on1. Inc • 515 W Commonw11llh Ave . F ullet Ion, CA 92832 Monhy Arms. loc. (NV), 515 W Common wealth Ave • F uJlef ton. CA92132 Th111 bus1nu ,. 11o con ducted by • corporation Have you started doing business yel? No Monkey Arms Inc., M1cheel Nyber&, CEO This statement was hied with the County Clerk ol Orance Counly on Ol/14/D3 200J6t371S2 0.1ly Pilot Mar 21, 28, Apr 4, 11, 2003 F225 Adlll. ...... .... s ....... The follow11111 persons art domg bustnen .u The UPS Slote ·~. 1'35 Newport Blvd, Ste Al09, Costa Mei.a, CA 92627 Ph1lhp A Gustavson. 1132 St Vincent Place. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Sara .I Gushv,on I I 32 St V1ncoen1 Plat e. S•nlit Ana, CA 9270S This busoneu os con ducted by husb•nd and wile Have tou star It'd doing business yeP Yes. October I. 2003 Pt11lhp R Cust•vson Thos slatenu'"I was hied w1lh the County Clerk of Orance County on 04/08/03 20036940138 Daily Pilot Apr 11 18 2!> May "l 2003 f29'5 fidttlM llrsiMss "-S"'-tt The lollowinit perwns are do11111 bus111~ss as Cellular f "hdnge, 10495 Bolu Av .. nue #I OJ , Wutm111•ll 1 •~~l1ll)rn1a 97683 HPTV INC. <rA), 10495 Sols• AYM•Uf> •103, Wu lmon<ler Calolor no" 92683 This bus1nl'\s 1s '"" ducted by A corpOrdl1on .......... ......... llle lollow1111 ,., .. ,., .,, clo1na bu.iMH as· (Thotnas •nd CtnlJtl• l>t!A) Joylotft Ul!lltnilt>d. 14211 Cet11tun1 Cwtle, MtsslOl'i v .. io. CA 92691 l °"'" fabty, 24211 C lun• Cwcle, MtUk>n y,. CA9269l Cynthia falwy, 24271 C.ufllna Clfcle. Mmlon VltJo, CA 926.91 lhls busll\$i$ Is con- dll(;tlCf by 1lusb•11d and wit• Have you Jtarted doint bulll!flS yell Ho Thomas fabty Cynthia faluy lhla statement was filed with the County Cletk of Oran11• County on 04/03/03 200'6Htsts Dally Ptlot A9r. 11, 18, 25, May 2, ~ f286 ........... ............ The fotlowlna 114fM>n' ere do1111 bustneu u; Whetlch.t•IS R Us. SU N Br~urst Street, Suri• 214, Anaheim, CA 92801 le lnvestmenl$, l lC (CA), Sil N. Brooll.hlKst Street, Suite 214. An•- heim, CA 92801 This business is con· duc ted by· l1miled l11brhty Co Heve you started doin& business yet? No Le Investments, llC, le~nne ThuH1en le, Membet lh1s i.lalement was hied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 03/2S/03 20036938434 Daily Piiot Mar 28. Apr. 4. II, 18.2003 F2S3 Fldltlees~ .... s........ The followina persons '" • do ma business as: Olusc1ous Salon & Spa, 2418 W Whittier Blvd., l a Habra, CA 90631 Antoinette Ala. 2082 Maritn Way. Costa Mesa. CA92627 Loren Aaron Gameros. 15!>5 Mua Verde [ Or 1140 H, Costa Meu , CA 92626 lh1s business 1s con· duded by a aeneral ~1ar Iner shtp Have you started doong business yet? No Anlo1nette Ala l h1s s tatement wu toled wolh lhe County Clerk of Orange County on 03/1,/03 20036931l6S Daily Pilot Mar 21. 28. Apr 4, 11,2003 f 230 RdllMsW..SS ..... *'-" The lollowln& persons are doone business as Belvrdere Nelworkonit tnlN prose\, 3700 S Susefl SI #250. Santa AM , CA92704 Mortiiaaees.com. Inc (NV). 3700 S Susdn St. •250. S•nta A"a, CA 92704 This business •s con du1.lt•d by ii cotporallon Have you 5latled dnlni busrnns yet> Ye~. 01/ 01/03 Have you or.1<11 lfd dmna busine\s yet? Nco HPT\I IM . Tom 1 Pt> Ptes1dent Mortga1ee'\.tom. Inc , Darlene S Ward Pres1 dent ........ ........... TIM tottow1111 Ptf SOM .,, doina bumeu n : Ko1,t11rt, 294 Prlflc:etoo Or.. e<asta Meu , CA mzs E.bea Woodall, 2:94 Prine.Ion Dr • Coal• Mesa.CA~ M111111 Woodall, 294 Prln~•lon Dr., Costa Mna. CA 92626 Tiiis b1nineu b con ducted by: • sen.ul part~a11., Hive you st&rlecl 6oln1 bustnu.s yet? No Eben Woodall This st1tem1ol waJ f!led with the County Clerlt. of Oon&• County on 03/18/03 200HH7'03 Daily Pilot Apr 4, 11, 18, 25, 2003 fl76 ............ •s....t Tlle foltowlng persons ve dolna busmess es· Mam D. Probolstr.y & Assoclatt$, 3001 Redhill Avenu. 8uoldlna 5 Suite 105, Co$ta Mn•. CA 92626 Adam D. Probolslly, 2306 Cre$cenl Oek. Irvine, CA 92618 Thts business 1s con ducted by: an 1nd1vldu1I tine you started domg busmess yet? Yes. 01/ 01/1992 Adam D Probolsky This statement was filed w1lh the County Clefll. of Or anae County on 04/08/03 20036940174 Dally Pilot Apr 11, 18. 25, Mey 2. 2003 f288 ™"""~ -*-id The following persons are doing busmeS$ as: David R1v•deneyra Oe signs, 9142 Bermuda Or., Hunhngton Buch, CA 92646 Da•1d Da niel R1 vadeneyra, 9142 Ber muda Or , Hunt1n11ton Beach, Calif 92646 This business 1s con ducted by an ind1v1du11I H•ve you slatted doing business yet? No O•v1d Daniel RI vadeneyta Th is statement was hied with the County Clerk of Oran&e County on 03/18/03 20036931S62 Daily Pilot Mar 21 28. Apr 4. 11, 2003 f235 Rdltl.s IMeu "-S...... The following petsons are do1n11 busmen u Elder Suppor I Set ••ces. 7971 Teakwood Place Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Judith S Dahle, 'l977 Toi.wood Place, Co\h Mesa, CA 92626 Cathermtt Bat u\, 901 Arbo1 Circle, LJVein~. CA91750 This bosm~ .. \ '' 'on ducted by an untnl!H p or ated as soc1at10" other than a par Iner ship Have you started do1n11 business yet? Nu Judith S DAhle This st;atemPnl w.1s filed with lh~ Counly Cle1>. ot Ora"ge County on 04/08/03 20036940l29 Daily Pilot Apr 11 18 25 M.ty 2 2003 F 289 fiditlM-...U ... s........ Thos s t.tlrmrnt wes loled with lltr Cr1unty Cler--of Oran1e (;uunly on03 13 03 200l6U6tS2 Dally Prlot Apr 11 18. 25. M•y 2, 2003 r J04 l h11o sbtement was Med with the County Clerk of Orance County on03n5t03 20036931435 Oatly Pilot Mar 28, Apr. '· ll 18. 2003 F2S8 The following persuns <tre doina business n lntertrusl, 122 En t Egafgnu S•n Cfcm •n••· CA mn Mio C, Me~botto. 122 Ent Cu1l1nta, Sa11 C\tmtntt, CA 12972 Clltl1 t 1111e I . Manclleeo. 122 hst bcalonn. San Clacn• •nla,CA92&72 nm bUsilttU i. con· dueled 11J lluslllftd end wit• Ht" you •larttd doinC bll~•J117Ho JullO C. Manchl!10 lhl1 1t1tement was toled wlt11 tile County Cltftt of Or•"I' County on 03/14/03 20036H71Sl Dally Pilot Mer. 21. 28, AJ><.•. ll,2003 F228 fldfllm .... "-S..... The followtna persons are doln1 busln4'1s u : Sandr•'s Cl""lnt Ser· vice, 7S3 A Center Stteel, cost• Meu, CA 92627 . Sandri M. Mathus, 753 A Center Street, Cost• M,q,CA92627 Jose A, Mathus, 753 1> Center Strut. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This business 1s con· ducted by husband ~d wife tiave yw statled do1n1 busoneu y11? Vas. 03/ 10,/0J Sandr• Malhus Th1J statement wts filed with lhe County Clerk of Or1n1e County onOJ/25/03 200, .. , .... Daily Pilot Mar 28, Apr. 4. II. 18. 2003 F251 Adllm .... "-S....... The lollowina persons are doma business n AM AssociatH, 25522 Ponata Corde, Mr u 1on Viejo, CA 92691 ANN M. MclLWAIN, 25522 P1nata Chcle, Mission Vle10. CA 92691 JAMES l McllWAIN, 25522 Ponata Ctrcle. MISSIOO Vle10, CA 92691 This business rs con dueled by husband and wile Have you sl•tled doonit business yel? No !AMES l McllWAIH Thos l latemenl was filed woth lhe County Clerk of 0 1<1n1e County on 03/14/03 20016937 "7 Oaoly PolOI Mar 21 28. Apr 4 11. 2003 f226 RdllM ..... ... s...... The followlrl& persons a1 e doina busol\ess as f am1ly Health .Software/ Calorie Kina. 1760 Montov1-Ave #B 10. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Allan BorushU, & AnocratH . Inc (CA). Costa Me~•. CA 9262 7 Th" hu\lnl!1.S os coro ducleO by a corporation !lave you started domg bu"ne~• y~I? Vo, 1998 Allen Buru~hP k & Auo.111 .. s Int • PJul lame) Vo~e 1'1 e'1dent This statement wu loled with thr County Clerk of Oran&e County on 03/25/03 2003H314SO Daily Pilot M111 28, Apt 4, 11. 18. 2003 f260 llOOO Of APPWTIMI TO S8ULCOHOUC IMIA6U ,.., .. "'•c• -..,2',2003 l o Whom II Mey Concern Thi N•me(i ) ot lhe Applocant(s ) rs/ arc WILD OATS MAR KCTSINC r111 9PtMka11ts 11stec1 above .,, •Pt1111A1 to tllt O•ttar tn!fnl of M collollc 81vtra1• Conltol to Mfl akoholic t>eirerasu al. J03D HM80ft BLVD SlT D COSl:A MESA, CA 92626 ly~ of llcenH(fi) ~for 20 ·Of f SALE BEER AHO WIMC r 11bll1lled Newport S..ch Colta M.M Oatfy l'ltot ~rr JI, 18. 25. 2003 f21S .......... ......... The follow1n1 persona "' dolna buslneu 11: •) Carbon Sales and Acqul1ltions, b) f reedon1 of Sllftch, 21170 Beach Bh1d., liu11tln11ton Beach, CA92648 Lull• Cerlson, 21170 B1aci't Blvd., Hunlineton Beech. CA 9264a Thos busineu is con· dueled b~· •" 1ndlvi'dual Hevl yo sl•rtfd doin& business 11 No lulte Cartson ' This st•temenl .was filed with ltM County Cltrk ol Onna• County on03/13/0J 200SHS102S D1ify Pilot Apr 11. J 8. 25, May 2, 2003 F303 Tile followonc per sons are doina business H : po l1ti111ty com, 905 hnana Place. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Annelle K1the11ne Welson, 905 hnana Piece. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Th" business 1s con· dueled by an 111d1vrdual Have you started dome bus1n1ss. yet? No Annelle K Walson This statement was filed with the County Cletk ot Oran&•· County on 04/01/03 200HH929S Daily Pilot Apr 4, 11. 18,25.2003 F267 ........... ... s...... I he follow1na Pttso"s are do1n& buS1ness as: Ad•ms Cons tr ucllon. 1~37 Ponderos• IC, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Juon Adams, 1537 Ponderosa I C, Costl Meu. CA 92626 Thrs business 11 con· ducted by an 1nd1vKlual Have you start.d doma bustn•S$ yel, Yes, 4· I 03 Jason Adams This st•temenl was fillld with the County Clerk ol Orange County on 04/08/03 200369401JS Oaoly Piiot Apr 11, 18, 25. May 2. 2003 F293 FlctftlM.._ ,._~ lhe lollowmg persons are do1n11 business as. 8randSlud101. 2603 San Marco. Newport Beach Cahlornoa 92660 hm Neace. 2603 San Marco, Newport Beach Calolorn1a 92660 This business 1s con ducted by. an 1ndrvid11al Have you started dome business yet? No Jim Nu ce This sla lement was l1lecl woth lh<' County Cieri. of Oranae Counly on 02121/03 200l ••S4,.2 Daily Pilot Mer Apr 4, 11. 2003 ..... ..... ... ....... Thi folk>Wlflt ...-Old •• doillC bll~ll'ltt u OCCOOPUNS.COM, m5 r1neCreek Or., Costa ...... CA~ Eih••rd l.,.oy Waite"• 215~ PlnecrHll Or., ColtaMna,C.A~ Thie 1>uai-Is con duclaf lty; Ill lnd1vktulll Htte you st.wttd dolttc buslllett yet1 No Edward l9'0'f W•ltars Tl11s slattm4tllt wu filtd witJI the County Clef!\ of Dr1nce County on 03/19/03 200UU77N Dally Piiot Mer. 28, Ac>r, 4, ll, 18, 2003 F252 ~ .... ........... Th• followlne p11taons ,,. .dolnc bu.sines' as: C•mp ~if&ll Musk, 140 Woodc:Hsl lane,, A~o Vielo. CA 92656 • Ma1n1ew Chulu ~merzl111, 140 Wood- cresl Lane, Aliso Viejo, CA92656 This business Is con ducted by· '" lndlv1dual Have you $farted do•"I buStness yet? Yn. 4/20/ 02 Matt Emerz1an This sletement wH hied with Ille County Cler>. ol Of •nae County on 04/08/03 200S .. 40l4t Daffy Pilot ~ II, 18. 25, M<1y 2. 2003 f290 fkllm ..... ... s.....t The lollowona per sons are doing busmen iJS' Source One Supply, 2020 Fullerton Unol UO, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Robert Richard Stuart Ill, 2020 Fullerton Unol #10, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This busmes~ is con ducted by an md1v1dual Have you started Cloona busrness yet? No Rober I R1char d Stuart Ill This slatemenl •as tiled w1lh lhe County Clerk of Oran&e Counly on 04/01/03 200'6939298 Daily Pilot Ac>r 4. 11 . 18.25.2003 r264 ,..... ..... ... s...... The lollowmg penons are doona busrness as Ass!SI You Services. 722 So. Mee Duff SI Ana herm, CA 92.804 Otbn V•uahan Unrnll. 722 So. Mac Dulf St , Anaheim, CA 92804 Thos bus1neu rs con ducted by en 1nd1V1dual Have you started dome business yel' No Otbra Vaughan Unruh Thl5 statement was ltled with the County Clerk of Or •nee County on D3/IB/03 20036U7S71 Oaoly Piiot Mar 21, 28, Apl 4.11.2003 F239 fktliMMleu ... s....... The follow1n1 persons are doina business n Morfls lnleractrve, 1747 Prlcawn Or , Costa Mes.i, CA 92626 Cynth1• G MorMO, 1747 P1tcawn Or • Cosle ~.CA92626 Thos busmeu 11 con dueled by an 1nd1vldual ttave you •tarted c1otna busmen yet' No Cynth1<t Moteno This statement wu fdgd with !he Coyoh Clw1I of Or..il' Coit11ty Oft 03/25/()3 ,..,..,..... O.t1y Pilot Mw'. 21, ~. 4, 11, LI, 2003 F:t!.5 ........... .......... Tll• follow fftl '* aons at• clolf\I' b11slneu n · 8CAOS IN 8ALAHCE, 2!\'!11. Or lfttl Av•. ti, Cotta Mesa, CA 92627 Candace L. l'1tuon. 2558 Dr1111• Ave. "8, Cos.11 Mesa, CA 92827 ™• bllll-Is ~· ducte4 by· an Individual Have JOii aw led dofnl b11tln..1 y.17 Ho C1ndac• Plttson TMs •l•l•m•nt WIS flied with tile County Cieri\ of Oranp Count.Y onOl/25/03 20016HMS2 O•llr Pdo' M11. 28, •• 4, l , 18, 2003 · F254 ......... ... s....... Th• fQHowlna plr&on• art doln1 butlnns ••: lnlorm•l1on ~na1tt's, 2192 Dupont, Suri• 106, Irvine, CA 91612 Dale OeAlley, 2192 Dupont , Suite \06, lr¥1ne, CA 9Ull2 TI11s b11slntn Is con· ducted by an lndMduel Have you s tarttd dolnc business yet? Yu, 3/3/ 03 Dalt DeAUey This s l•temenl wH fried with lh• County Clarll of Oran1• County on03/l8/03 200'6tJ7S'7 Oa1ly Pilot Mar 21. 28. Apr. 4, I\, Z003 f232 nc-. ..... ......... The followlne petsons are dolne business H : Exom Solullons, 8 Amber Street. Alrso Viejo, CA 92656 Sunll W•dhwoney. 8 Anlbllr Sheet , Aliso Voeic>. CA 92656 This business Is con· ducted by an indlvlduel Have you sterted do1n1 business yeP Ye s. March 9. 2003 Sun11 W•dhwaney This sl1tement wu hied woth the County Clerh of Oten1e Co11nty on 03/14/03 t OOJHJ71U D11ly Pilot Mer 21. 28, Ac>t 4, 11, 2003 F229 n.. ..... ... s...... The lollow1n1 pet sons a11 doin& business as Morrossette M11n1• Theupy, 1831 <><•nae Ave Suite B. Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Kimberly C Moms stile, 15 Summ1rw1nd Cou1t. Newport Buell, CA91663 T hos bo\one" " con ducted by an tndrvldu11 Have you started doina business yet? No Kim Momu ette This \ltlement wu fried with the County Cle1>. ot Orenae County on 03/20/03 2003H37tlt D11ty Piiot Mar 28. Apr 4, 11, 18, 2003 f 262 nc.. ..... .......... The followtrtl ptf sons are doina busmess 11 M•roa s Cle•n•nc 1916 Wallec:e Ave I 102 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Maria I Su•rez, 1916 W•ftlce Avt •102. Cost• Meu, CA 92627 Th•J by11nen n c;90 duded ., "' ........... Mlft JOU star'tff dcMllC bu,.,._, rel? Y•, 4/17 03 ftlwle I. Suatl2 ™• •l•t-• ... flW wlttt tlM Co4.iftty CWll of OrllflCe Cou11~r Oft 04/01 /01 ,..,..,.,.. OM~-,.!lot ~. 4. 11. 11, 25. 200.1 na ......... ......... Tiie foieo.-l*IOftl .,. dolr\t bllslneu u : Help A tnlld , ovndat{on, 51 kempton l•M, Ll4· tfa Rane!\. CA 92t49 ltobert D1v•nport, 57 KemplOtl lane, Laden Randi, CA 82649 fltis buslne11• It con· ducltd by: en lndlv~I Have you sbrllcl doint b!Mlnesa 1•t1 ~ Robert 01v111pOrt . ,lllls ttllltinent WU tiled l#ltfl Ill• Covrtty Ct.Ii of Or1nte Collllty on 03/19'03 to01ftH1S70 Dally Pilot Mat. 21. 28, ~ ••• 11. 2003 F'238 .......... ......... TIM followi111 petsons 111 cloin1 bvslness u : M G. Fln111clal. 2058 N. Bush St , Santa Ana, CA 92706 Gabriel M. Monloy•. 2058 H. Bush St., Santa Ana,CA927D6 This business Is con· ducted by: an lndivldu•I Have you $tart.d doln1 business y1t? Yes, Feb . 2002 Gabr1tl M. Montoya This s tatement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on04/09,IOJ 200S6f40404 01lly Pilot Apr. 11. 18, 25, May 2. 2003 f301 ......... ... s....... Th• followln1 ,,.,sons Me doinc buslneu es: Kona Kai, 207 39th Street, Kewpcwt Beach, CA92663 Kefiwe Beaudou•, 207 39th Street. Newport 8Hch, CA 92663 This busi°'"' ts con· ducted by. a" ind1viduel H1v1 you slllrtecl 6oulg bush!~ yet? No Keuwe Beaudoul This sl1tement was hied w1tll the County Cieri. of O.anae County on 03/25/03 200S69SUSl Datly Pilot M11 28, ~. 4, 11. 18,2003 F251 .......... '-S....... The followlna persons are do1n1 bus1nns H . P1clf1c Cons ultrna Group. 111 1/2 Garnet AYll . Balboa Island, CA 92662 AbbH Kory R1zagh1, 111 1/2 Carnet Awe .. Balboa Island, CA 92662 This bi.sinus is con dwcled by' an lndivoclu1I H•ve you 'terted doma busmest yet7 Yes, 12/ 01/2002 Abbes Kory Ra.11an1 This st•tement wu hied with the Co..n I y Cler• ol Or•n11 County 0"~14}03 200J .. S7t70 D11ly Piiot ""-< 21, 28, ~ 4, II, 2003 F22• ........ ... s...... Fair 0.-lve, Co1t1 ....... CAta27 ()wtatlan ltoberl ~ 1>0tt, )419 VII LIOo, S•lte 330, New,.,I BMCll, CA t2eeO Thil bUllnna II c:on M~ bf! 111 tMIWIMtulf ....,. ~ star'*' doWll bvsMeu 11•? ... Ctw1111111 llbbott Thlw 1lattlfttnt l"•• flloed wlttl tlle County Cl«ll of °'"',. Collnty Oil 0.J/lli'OJ 200a.MS7Mt 0,11, r11o1 Mar. 21, 21, ~·'· 11,2003 F237 .......... ... s-.. Tll• fol$owlnc persons art dol111 butlnt111 u : Tt>l FaU.lon, is44 S. f ahlew St •• Santa All•. CA92704 • T1m Cons Dinh, 2706 S. Diamond St., S•nla Ana. !!A 92704 TiliS ~ Is con· duqad by: •" Individual Have you started dolnt business yel1 No Tim Dinh Tiiis statement wes filed wilt. the Collnty Clerll of Or1111• County on 03/lli'OJ 200~H7Sl2 Daity l'llot Apl. 11. 11. 25, May 2, 2003 FJ02 .......... ......... The follow1111 peraons are dolna buslnqs u : Art Tlffefy, 931 w. l9tJI St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Steve Tlll«fy, 931 W. 19th Sl, Coste Mesa, CA 92627 This business i.s con· dueled by. an ond1¥idu1I Kave you stl(led doing business yet? No Steve Tiller1 This statement wu filed with the County Clerlt. of Or ant• County onDJ/18/0J 2003 .. JJSH D•llY Pilot Mar. 21, 28. Apr 4, 11. 2003 F236 ..... ..... .......... Tti. follow1nc persons ere dolfll busontts as Mecro Consultlnc. 6882 Presidio Dr .. Huntlnaton Beech, CA 92648 lhchard Oennis Gtace, 6882 Pruldio Or . Hun hnston 811dl, CA 92648 This busineu rs con· ducted by· en lndlvld11el Have you started doina business yet? No Rkhard Oennrs Grace Thts statement wes hied witll the County Cl«k of Orence County on04/08/03 100~6t40l)O D1ily Pilot Apr 11. 18. 25. Jby 2, 2003 F291 ........... .......... The followlnc penons ere do•na buSlneu as C1ld1uc. 316 Sant• Isabel Unol A, Coste Mae, CA 92627 Matthew Caldwell, 316 Sante Isabel Unit A, Costa Mall, CA 92627 This busmeu rs con· ducted lly en lndtvidllel Hlv1 you ll•ted dolnc b"linHs yet? Yes. 01/ 02 Matl!Mw Celdw9'1 This st1 ltmtn I w IS toled woth the C011nty Cle<-of Or •nl• County onDJ/25/03 200M•M447 Daily Pilot MM 28, Apr 4, I\, ll,2003 f256 TM tolloWN .,._...~ Alltholl(• lo•tlllt'. ~ "-'"· "°' .... lloed UnU lJA, ~ 8eadt,CA'-~•,lne Tawltlan, I~ WIM'*t" Av... Cl9n •&1e.CA9l20J TMs bu.Inna t.~ ducle4 by: Ml lndly ii~I Hive YOll •t..u.t 1.11111-~Ho MlllM '1'1111tla11 j 'fllit ll .. ~llJ I filed with llll O.W. Clttlo: ot Drana• ~ on D3/211Dl MeMHltts !1>f":;1f! Dally l'ilot •· 41 ll, 18, 25, 2003 WI' .......... !'! ....... Th• fo11owJ311M .,. dolllt bll .in Suun l(ay rti I~[ Therapy Services, !SI~ 18th St. f 2, Costa .._., CA92627 Su..n f :Kay. lit llttl St. '2, Costa -1. CA 92627 Tht9 bvai-Is c:.t\"' ducted by: •n lndtvldutl Havt you 1twted ddlllc business yet? Ho SUMnf. Key This 1tal•-1t "*' with the Co\iaty tleril of Or•nce CM• 01103/14/03 ,..,.,,,... . .. D11ly Piiot Mar tt: tB.' Apr 4, ll, 2003 F'2J. ..... ~1111 .......... The followln1 oeuons are doin& busi-..: 128 Matkelinc. ZMlMI'. £astbluff Dr. S11IG"l20.- Hawporl BHth..1 -4liA1 92660 •• Mar• Dani, 2649w8' E11tbluff Or Suite •20. Newport Beach . CA 92660 Thrs busrneu 11 co11- cluctad by· 1n lndl~du11 H1¥e you t tarted doln, bu-1ness yet? Ito Mark Deni 1 I This statement w•s hi.d wolh tllt Coenlt• Cler• of Ou111e County onO•Mll/03 200SHSH02 , Delly Pilot Apl • ... U~ 18,2:5.2003 f~ ..... ...:a:=; ......... The tollowlfll per"ttr 1re dcNna IHlslnds t !·· Prol.lolsa y Ruur,fl, 3001 Redhill Avenue Bulldfn1 5 Suit• •Uli. CoataM.11,CA~ Adam D Probol~ .. 23D6 Cre1c1111 O•h. lr¥1ne, CA 92611 Thia bullftlSs rt coff.. dllCled by .,. Ind llldU'I Hive you 11"1-doll!c business yet7 Yu, 111' 01/2002 Adem D Probol~f This slalament wes filed with lhe County Cletk of Ot •ne• Couhly on 04/08/03 200SH40 l 7S • Dally Pllol Apr. Jl, 11., 25, May 2. 2003 f291 How to Place A CLASSIFIEJAD -----Policy · Rates and deadlines an subject to change without notice.. 1bc publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. rcvi1e or reject any classified advertisement. Pluse report any enor that may be in your classified ad immediately. 'The Daily PiloC ac ' ues-m• SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Business Needs - l 11dc·1 thl' "c"' tll' I>,·,, 1, "'-1' •• 110t1< 1 By Fax 1«Mq1Ml·6594 11'1<-=...W.iw-.,,._....,.,, •tic.ii .w liod ••• PIM'°«I v/SA By Phone (949) f>.12·.5671\ By Mail/In Person: ,30 WN 81) Strttt - C®.t MN. CA 9'1b27 At Nev.port 81¥d. & Bay SL Hours: Telephone 8:30mm-~"00pm Mondly-Fridly Walk·ln 8 30am.5~ Monday Fncby Col1tdftlltrl Mlmcnf>Ula 1160 '°" $$ .. ltfCOltOS nc -. c:lltla. Etc. 50's ' ll7S a Mat.. SPll. lUbe ... Mike 949 645 7505 ;=Aactions~==::~1413~ -~---1489_ ~=SHINGS HUGI rUIUMG LOT llaAND N£W Jiit HOMIS o...rsa.d Corner CdM Villlce location SU79,CXX> Bi Johmon, 949-721.0IS2 PYudenbal Calif Realty 0,.-.._ s-1 .... OOBn'AINMEHT Clllndlrof EWflla 1310 IQUM HOUSllG OfPCllMITY All •••I Hl•t• advtt llslfta Ill thlll M W<P•P« rs•a!lb,.~• to ttwt h6ef•I fair Houi.tn1 ~t nf 1968 11 •mende d whfcll 11u1iu II 111111•1 to edYetlrM ·,ny Pf•ftf' 1nt1, llmll •llon or •lk.r•mlf\oltk)ll llaMd nt1 rK•. 'otofl r I""'· Ma. h.tn4'<1111, 1mt1..t •l•tus °' nati011al o• 11111. Of 1111 int1nt100 lo m '8 any IMl'll CWt lat•nct , hmlt•• hon or in.n1ml1Wthon." '"'' """P ptlf .,,, not ll.110w1n.,~ •tttllt •nr 1dvtrhM'""1l fw , .. 1 est.It• whi.:11 IS Ill "obliOn Qf tlHI law, 0Uf readers "' htr•l>J h1ft>t mtd that an d••ll "' •d¥1tl1\ff tll "'~ 11 pa~ I lnl.tll le 011'.M ~ ..... Wlllt b Sii f• '11111.,l•in of dll c.tlminat~>n. call UUO l611 k11nt I 90().'2• 90. SEU. your stuff lnu&t1 cl1ssified! Olct.r s~ Fvmltur9 PIANOS i CollKtlble& . ....,._.,..._ • tc ............ Olaf ,.,,,,..,. $$ CA8" PAID $S --·--WE BUY ESTA'ftS ·~......,,- r CONSIGNMENW . ' . ' • • I I • • • '' ' . . <aSAf 1·1 I •••c.. ....... ~"'to~ dln tbl w/c:h111t. loot tlotllle, old 1otf tl11b1 • k Ill SALi Incl Antoquu. or1in1al art fl a mtd mirrors, hand er afled jewelry and more lrom Its All About Me De slaner fabrics and Antiques from Sweet Pu, And lhal ihilPPt chic: look from Sib And Piecn r11. Sat. Sun April 11,12.13 lrom 9 3 660 W 17th SI parkins lot. 1ust past Tr•der Jou. fOf mfo Call th ~I About Me 949-646 3069 s..1-1 .. a.._. Sele evtfythin& from .,.., ~.-* um <nre c.o.i. .._ Liil 1505 lMt 10--4/7. Profeu 101111 malitup -=-. 11111* Mill: lieu. l 'd · Ld Ill COit.ii .._ by r • .., off~ Ln Rewvd 949 !SC).7tOQ Wldl• 3pc 4lOUCh, cott .. table, end loibte & II matchtoa ntlomen $475' W11eker chll• & ottoman $l25. 2 Bw st~ S*), (2) ii.us lop end tables S95 714 1138-8823 ~ ............... ba7oom Ml tofa ...... dloell• set. hi,, SlDDD tor etlCM9 574 132. E#BJIY/ ., DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C-tC. .... Old Coln~I Cold, l>ilHf, jllMlry, WiW., en4.-a colltc:loblls ~9-642·9'41 .. 3111 VtlWMftO Aff'HllMI I AOt. ••t-121•aUO c.. ..... S741 ~2Br/den, oca1n/1olf couru view. sln&Je·level S77~DDD B .J. Jolll\lonl Ptud Ca Rlty Ht-72l.OU2 ,_rnrans ,AT1ttOl flNOltl UTIONWIOI USA •••4S...f70I www p:trlcktenort com O..Pllll Owftl••t• ,_ ... .,,._··· ,.eclous 2~ 2.Sb•. 2c alt pr. pvt y11d •IHI wl•wlnt df<lt. Ult.000. •ti Joll11 hrrow M9-322 0932 l.llmlM no liability for any error in an ldvertisement foe which It .. ,. be responsible cx.cqJt for the cost of the ~ actual I y OOC:u.pilid...&- by tbc error. Credit can ooly be allowed ftK tbc ftrlt insertion~ t - ----Deadlines---- Monday ............. -... -.FndaY .S:OOpm Tue.day ...... ·-····---Monday .S:OOpm ~y ............. Tuelday .S:OOpm Thunday ........... Wcdnead.ay .S:OOpm .. JI! 1l, ,,. "'"' ... ... fl L ., t.' l ~ • ( t _,To Shirt 6030 '""" .. ,1i •• ., 4bt llotlM w/hone prop p.,f,,. V•&•tmrl•n/no smoii}:l•ll'I ptof. ~ ·~·~ ............ cays.-•/~....._ r/Wll • ,.. • 11/.,....,peb. :m W. Bay. Anil 511 ..... • 949-646-9412 l'StDf CM Twnhm• Gr•t print• rm/ba. verr clean 1ar. w/d. 11,(uh/•mlla. fe m1le ptel"d. J700mo+ 1/NUS ...... 4065 .... ..._ . f!"MMStl .... ,., 11 ......... .., , .... 2blks from ferry to Blll:lb4 I~ IBt. 18a ~. •lilt t>.., Y1eW. IMm/dlnrm -rvnd perll Sl8nn 949 675-6196 949-642 0859 .. u. 1-fl ho.-.. ~ -· lOOft l!om ~. 3 blocM to weciee. 2c fll' Afri l S-0ct I ~~1910 al6 o.•ftllJ-..~ ~-141 a.st & down ClOMl. le 48r 3.5811 f.nly home ..... b ..._now •500.'mo ,..,., Cal Ill o.r:!PettL ~ '-99 ') .... w/lull-we llltchel\ & bath, pvt entr Mid tMlcll i-tJo, So of Pch ~ 9'9-SJJ 5315 SMll 1• &•den house. ar•·~flOc, blocks to bei\ch. ~ • .. pabo, n/5mkl Snu>/mo 949-500-II r.; a. lk,. ~ ..,,.,,., .. tied. le "' l'I P'. av•-·~ SJ!li()n 949 m 577!1 al!>} 28r a., So ol Hwy, 'I• 1111 from <>ce.i 8Nd ,_ ~w-t. Be ~bo Sl9('1)1,; ct 714.312 5668 "HO TO READERS: il1f6rnl1 law re • that conltK tori' Miii"' ,obs that lq~S500 Of more (fa Of mite.lats) nwd by Iii. .Con tr ec:tors State ~1111>1 Board State liW~lso requites that con" acton onclude their'!~ number onV~c You can Clledi the 1t1tus o• ,,.ou r licensed c1Jnt r1clor •l www nib ca.eow or ~~21 -CSLB Unit· t.li d contracto1 s ~k 1 jobs lhet tot1I less than S!IOO ~I stale 111 their ~~rl!Hmenls tltal hey llf• not ltcansed 'I "" ConlraCICHS fe lie-Bowd • .... , ....... _ ~ MIMlt I &.lh / lllmodll Ma.... .......... s.con ----911611592' ••tr ''"' -"W~ HLINOMAN" '""'• Reck rt. 2Br 2 ~. wrtll loft/olfoce on a orceou• &•eenbett W/Y .. WS $2550/mo .1111 949 720 3900 Nerti! leeutlful 2br --. new bath, twdwd In. p . oatamldlt w/~ -$15(i()n !M!M!M-7456 Lldolsle UOO IAYf"IONT SH 21A TalPUX 626-H2-77U 62'-2•7-6262 IAYflONT ON LIOO PENINSULA NEW 21r21e COTIAGES P11ote Buch. Poot and Spa Walk lo Ocun Shop\ and Re~lau1 ~nts Lene 6, mo l yr• Boal Sllp Av.utable 710 UDO rAH DI. 949 67.l 6010 or 949 7'/l ~JO * YEAalY * llASES RIU GRUNDY REAL fORS 90-675-61'1 w ........... ..... 0.-.. ....... I & Dr. l•rtttof ~ Cod 1tyle tnmm Remudeted w//111 new~ CM~l.<fl<llffllC l<ie d,w ,... ~ w d e 18' SIO!IS<n • 28< Sl295 (714~7S92 I~.. ?Br IBa. dun -unrt dec:I>. w;d wood th ,.., $1500/mo 714·.l'30 8Al1 ...... ...,,P..t~·­~ l!lt ~ I&!. 2IDt IO brt ""'"'· t1.u11..,..._n SI 700rn lw 949 718 1400 ·en ... New u.11 ... • v.--..~v--. l atttf51 28t "8i""l a I nw Din Rm Bdicony Quw-t lo < "IJnn l .tUOdr y "'11 to ett valor 2' ~ C..i.d '""""""'~'Spa Sl7SO MeryAnn McGWe f'49) Mlt-6770 l'Tudlln~ C.. Re.tlty Nr ""' , .. ni;om p~ 2 st0<1es. new P••nl. Irle. and car!>fll 2 c ,., . 1at $1800 949 bll 7800 Nr Hts 2br I t>.o sr R tule kolL, (1U paint. sm patio/ yd. I c c•• laund h~up 11tl $11Dl 949 67J 7800 Newly r emod 2br 2ba condo. 2 c 1ar. 11•100, wd. no pelfsmk A.ail 5 I $1950 I~ 949 759 13-U A TO l HANDYMAN ln\bll rel1ce c•boneh ~ ~ Douc 714 5t6 ~ • wJUftln • Custom Built un Crown Moldrnci. 8ase Boards l -577982 949 709·~2 Carpet Repair/Sala <) u1rnPcnrn.; Atpaot\ P•tch1nc ln\tall Courltou\ any sue ,obs Wholesale' 949..,.92 0205 eon.-Setvtces COMPUTER HELP! ....... ""' .... ............. •flt•• ·~ •llloill'logl~·· • ..,..al..Cllat..,...._ ca.~ • ~-..l'lm. "'-·~~~ ... UC e.loll9y ~ '°""'0....-.... 714-612-2786 ~VJ.-. l& J8a Anti May 10 lily 31 $9900/mo 94!12336146 Newport Coast 2lr 3' 2c p .. ltpii.. l'!l.ecf 'Trov•e" lowmome $2.495m V.:ant (eel) 919 D>2'5Z6. ~I Rentals Wanted 7880 WMml> I p 2& ~ CXJt1¥ or wndo. lu'n or 11'1111 n ri Newp..irt Bead1 WI 5111!' limo or tor...,., U5e Haw v.lcllt welt rmmered W!!5tie. IWlr enc.es.vii m.~6 ClUICAl Need lull tome per wn lo a\\>SI with var 1ou\ dulon Mu't b• •blr lu rnpul .11 1..,,1 !><>wpm ac. ut attly on <omputrr 110\UH \Iron& < U\IOmtr '~' v<te \koll\ and be drpend.iblr S9 Pet huur £ uellenl brn rltt pa<k•&t l IJC Srnd r r\um" lu Judy Oellrnc. L/o Oa1ly P•IOI, 330 West Bay Street. Costa Me'• CA 92627 11• email to ~l>Pttr1J@~wn JOIN OUR TEAM and make a d•ffet ence In the Cdlolor n14 Army National Gu.ttd you r~n &ti mnn'y l<>t rnlltft and car«e• lraomn& tall I 800 CO GU ARD (CAl •scAN) CGnCrltl & Mascny lrltli ...... s1-Tiie Concrete, P1ho. Orrvt'W•, foplc, BBQ Aef1' 2SYr\ h p Te<ry 714 557 7594 ~ CUSTOM UMODll AND OUIGN Al L TRADES. JO YEARS £XP l •337169 9'9 631 ?W.1 NUD MOllE lOOM? ~ & Rft.Ulf.LINC l 1577982 949 709-564? ~Pubfllhing TIMIT IEGIN YOU11 KOME IMr•OVIMENl raoJEcn (.;aU a plumb"' painter handyman nr any ol the lfHI SMVIC•S listed he" In our ~rv1ca directory' THCSE LOCAi SVC PEOPlC C~ HCll" YOU IOOAYI Aa.w ....... '97 LS 53.511. ... 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Nonh rnqwretl dlxlut l1111r-.:lld majon. and v.hcn South dcn1<.'d one, \lfncd off on rhn:c Oii trump ~ Ktll4 • KJ9 • 1064 911 7 J AJ Wc:•I led the luur of dlllfllOlllh <llld. \lflCC Ea\t coulJ ..tt lh" "'"~'the low· t\t ouo.Wldrnr '""' rn llr ..u11,, Wl!\t (OUIU not hokJ ITIOfC lhJl1 four Tlwt mc:ant lhID 11« lattr ht Id fi 'e ilia munch wld 11 .... ._, 111nc to I~ for ~n:t:ncr ~tun::' The dub p.wt .,.a, lhc nKr.t ObVIOU~ '>Ollt-.c! of tnch. • Q 1065 SOlTnl •AKJ AKO QJ 1065 •A7 NOll'Tll FAST Ea..i ro~ .,. uh I.ht-11C. c! of dranlVfl(b and n:&umcJ the livt o( club.. w part- ner·• Jack when South wuhhcld the: acc. West Ca\IU\ucd the jlood wen by n:rurnin~ tht ling of clu~. foo • 111g dc!t.iarer 'ace Ther~ was no way to mne incfl, without a diamond. "° Sooth ll1Cd to \neak the ten through llul Wci.1 WU.\ luivin& none or that. and grabbed Ille: km@ of du1mo•Kb IQ ~Vert to dub\ \(I the ddmdcr. ~OI· lecltd three dub\ and 1.,.0 diamond' for u well camcd one trick i.er ~. ~ JNT .... Opemns lead· Foor of To maintain ~r.,h1p confi- dence. II IS usually ~I'< to rttum partner's \Uil when you g~I Oil lead _Aallol __ m_ICltil_wi __ •_ Automotive 9004 AutomotiWI NEW:mJ Mltf COOPER·~· lealher & Premwm PKG. llASl roR i1~~ PER MONTH• r.AX I At These hr rm On /wmd Cttdrt .. OnERAT SIMlJJ! SAVM:S! • • 98e S3780 due at "1"'"2 48 month closed end IH'14! no HCuroty depos11 IOtl molts per yea• £ c tts~ mile~ @> 20c:: pet m•le ( TCA22791 • Lff S WJTOR! IT'Sfm ......... S5 rRE.EWAY @ Ellm! SAA1 A MA AIIT 0 M.li1. (888) 823-9808 rHILllf'S AUTO WWty 04S S.-. '97 PeatlWIMlew ~ lthr lull pwr IOw m~ (19234) $16 ''llO IMW S40I Sedan 'ff Sliver w blacl< lthr Filtf6~'41'Jfl ix.II& ')Sil mill!-; (19231) $19 Wl IMW 3211 S.-. '00 Mod Blue w/~ey lthr aulo P'etn pa<.~•11e (19240 I S2b 9(1) IMW 3231 Sedan '00 Whrte w/Bfacil IUtr CO player 421< mi"°' (19269) $22 9lll IMW MS Sedan '00 Black on lmrrl6C Black IUv. I()< m• I owne< !19297C I S59 9lll fwd:::;.-:;:; GT S.tver w/Bl<K:k lttw lo• ~tu• povm C186n11 Sl4,'8l ...... S200C-.'OI s.tver ,. r1We •eel Ith• 6~ lllkm• vn:c (190731) $24 9lll -.... Xltl c-. •99 B< rtN> Ra<lll( Cf ten w/tan It.hr only 22t( mlln CO slac::~er 119220> SJ9 9rll rencheTwboCOllf'• 1996 wh•le w1full llhr 1911 mr1 6 \peed J 61. Turbo' (1 t9222C) S69,910. ... ,. ........ , .. c..-. 1991 Solver w/Bl1tk llhr ')81( mo S 'V"ed lull pwr {I IHU) $24,910. rHIWrs AUTO 949-S74-7777 Tey.-c...ID '111 ~ n• wel tTlalr11.1tned ""' owner rur'6 11'1, new br <Ml ls.... s I Int 949-644 698':1 '...,-c..• '111 IJ.lk ,,. """ ~ or111 owner. rlflS tiJI. nrw bralu>~ II~ SUIXI 949-644 G9ft'.l AUTOMOBll..ES, MtSC8.1MEOUS ,...., a,...-.1 .,... 0-40 yell<\ f' cfJ ..,. PHY • _., 1. pr lttl for yGOI U6 v .. (# lructl pad lor or not c:..t Didi R!'y @ lon'lllO AtJI» ~ 714 4,JI 19.i I or 714-l2SJZl8 CASH Fotl CAaS WE NUD Youtt CAii rAJD FOii OR NOT PKIWPS AUTO ASlt FOi MAlCO\M '49-S74-7777 BOATS Uncol" "'02 N""lgolo• lOlo rnr luU f.,I "'" ~·Ivor rnd I ~n 11111 t II •99 ronol W'"9'"' ··9 ~l.H kto ihrnnoe whl' 131< rru <4rlP117) wholt edr, Hal v617'>111 "'l•n lulhe•. Sl6625 SU 'I'!'> ltrm Ion & w dtr 19491 SAS 2579 PP Mere...._~ 230Sl '64 Th" " d r~al Cla\•,11. Red w ldn ltall>M 9515 a•••I !!~r ~q '>Jl6 lf!XI! -w.Hpot.l.com Merced.;° I•"' S 60Sl 88 l ht1J0t,. All .. ., b1,lh tnp Rlur w I '"'"" Int IOOli. m1 .ccu1d .-t1nJ Sl90ll 94':11'4'1 1418 Merce4e1 '99 fttO 11~ m1 whit~ <l"Y llhr mntl chromt whh, boul h~e new cond. v'>7'741125.995 ftn avM 8111 'iM9 r,er, 1888 Mer;::.:~ -;320 l we 5?k m1, 3 yr w•rr av•lf \!Iver blk Hhr buut '" •& <.ond 11875241 S2!i 99S frnan< rnc aved Bkr 949 !)116 1888 --· ,(9m orywan Services Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIAED (949) 642-5678 Gage Doors w1nH01n DIYWAU ~ s.... 19Y" .... All phue\ ~m It C JOb) '---"°"'· ,._d deiln14>. CUANI 20yrs f91r, free tnllUl'I, lnoe Im\ spridtlr e5t l4CXXl.'ll 714 639-1447 Comm/RH 714 436 1518 Bectrtcal SeMca s-a J.t. E.,....tt Dunc.an Elll<:ttll 'X1'fn E.lp Luc.111/Qud R.-w Serv1te 11Pm0dets l •11S870 949 660 700 Actlenll,.• rlutrlc houlth'"1<10hnt1 'f>t<"t3~1 •• Wf Vlt4!S No Job loo vn l 1'!>1586.l 714 se&6Lll LICENSED CONTUCTOR No tOO too Yrl M --' AepH. r~I 18M. ,. ,_ SVC 96645-36156 floorinWJ11t CUSlOM a.ATM 1U lmtaltabon. """ csamt. ~.\lone a.. 1'7S l'6120M left 714 612 9961 llMY ~ Recr nutrn &. ltntattatoon fill OfAN 949 673 806!i 714-846 8526 71U8.H031 ----EXPERT INSTALLER DlnyW..tt ....... -lawn• lawn Aeraltn& Sp,.nk ler \ lroublelfloot na. Sp11n11 rune ups. Repao" & Uparadu H•n us d<11011r 01fl'I Wor• 114-7 I S-2121 THI DlfffHNCI IOWUN HAUTifUl &OOUISOI ... •i....-....... c.re ., ... , ..... •Dillilp&hoMI ....... 94'-SIS-Ht4 Bolll '""' 4 ~ (I 868J) S7 I '81 Mere...._~ SlSS AMG 'O' Ready IOf rm~te delrvery tuN lac.I Wdll s.tver w/Charw,,t (19.m: I INQUIRf U rllndt.Twioo Ceupe'•A .......... Hotry for these perfect tow mtlur. local one -nmos UASl•IUY t4t-S74-7777 "4R1'S AUTO ..• , .. - RESTORE • REPAIR & REMOOELl~G COMf'UTI HOME MAJ#rf#A#Cf Ho tob too small! c ... rythrn1 hCHn t.pen4ry to,...... Free n t•mate '·"·-"~ Hf-tff-f6H ~ IWGYMM Con1Mn. Wo. I-ton.. ND cfwllt rl I m1' • I. Ycu ~ °""" 919712«1]) RX &#' SPIOAIJS'. All types of repaws C lee tnul. ~ Ooors, ..... .....,, .. , more 2•11rfld.115 714.366 1881 llft Duffy '90 <0<'1Mle re<oodrtroo "' '02 SIO <XXI Boat "' HunbnEton Hat boor Joan 8X) 47(, 8119!> 'O 1 Duffy 2 t L oke nrw Premier pwr e>loi 111'f~o CO navy lop w 'l sunr I~ lo& w 'bd• leak galley Lill*<., VJ ~ 96.t!B g;l(I) I 3ft 6in 1011-Wltol";; Sode conwle \lttnnc newer 40 HP outbo•rd motor Used rn Ir esh w•ler 1 Int cond Tr 11ler meld S3800 obo 949 67~ 4606. 800 247 8209 1997 11' Dirffy lJectrlc leet Great Shape' $6500 Call (909) 838 6927 21 n . DU,,.f IOAT 16 batterm. 48 Volt. lr'f MW ~ dNf1 ol$ new' s 15 <XX> 818-612 6834 Haullng JUNlt TO THI OUMrlll 714 968 1882 AVAILA8L£ TOOAY' 949 673 5566 ......... C..r.I 0.-W., Sllc.~Cllll 0 C 24Yn Aefs 9•9 548 ~ 949 637 4113 .._.. 1.._e1~· Wkly/Br wkly/Monthly Refs Crul fllas' Imelda g,eg. S48-422f.> 949-278007 ,_.. 1.,,....-....... 0.-C. fcbl Nit _, llMI-,. tom <b'1t ti, -Is r1la 91942'.l 70 "'°""'a Sbaoe IESl MOVRS SH /t+r s•vrn1 all cities Insured f.st. courteous, careful Tl63844 800 246-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Caht Pubhc Ullllllei. Commln1on requ;res lllal .U uwd hounhold aoodt mo ... n print lhtlt P U C Ctl T numb«. lrmos and chaufteurs print the11 T C r number in a' .cf.,... tr111menb If you ltnt any qutsllOM about 1111 l1-1a t1ly of a mower lime or c1111111'tew, call PUIUC UTIUTIIS COMM&SSMNI 1774U7 Friday, Ap!d 11, 2003 '17 TODAY'S CROSSWORP PUZZLE BOAT REPAIRS/ SERV1CES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 "sur AVAllAIU IN NlWPORT HACH S2SOOllAS( 90-S00-1 oos NHD4S'SUr '" Ne..,,._, le<Kh llS l>nm) w waler&. power 714 86!i 2999 *'-' 5ap-Crut Lou tion• I l ' A1 beam ltnilh unltnvled "' Bay 1,t .. nd C<Wt • 90-922-7777 11-20f1U l W.dr .crty & water ava•I Sl40 mo (949) 673 9191 PLUG IN Plug tnto the Pilot Classified section to find services from electron1CS and plumbers. to landscapers and painter.., Daily Pilot Cl,l'•'>tfred C o n1nH1111ty M.1rketpl,HP ~Cart Plllllblnl c....-ii-.te levt..., Cor•tlver now 1vai local rers We lll/oul cal 949·882·0620 lene mss Patnllng C.111-.'• ....... 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I. & 2 TIERS 92 CADILLAC SDN DEVILLE 316049 Shar l At This Net Cost (J2.4440) Pb pcsmxat ,_ ......... .., ,.._ dmJes. any dealer ~ ~ charge. and any cnmsion testing charj!e.REBAl E IN I IHI 0 1· SPECIAL ()'I, FINANCING lll' TIJ 00 MOS ON APPROVED FMC"C 0. I, & 21 IERS. 1 At This Net Cost (J2037 I) PM pc:rmneat ~ llld wa. MY finance clwg". any dealer document preparallon ctw)c. ltld any cm1~1011 testmg clwuJc. REDATf IN LIEU Of SPECIAL LOW RATh nNANCING 1 At This Net Cost 1J1020Q1 01 FORD ESCORT SE 221898 31 K Miies, Auto, Full Power Clean 00 FORD FOCUS SE 203814 26K Miies, Auto, Full Power 1 At T his Net Cost (657366) Plus savemmeoc fees IDd tu.es, any fillllll« charg(', any dcalCf document pn:parauon clwJe, ltld any cm•~'IOll tes1mg dwac. REBATE IN UE.U OF SPECIAi LOW RATE FINANCING 1 At This Net Cost (620123) Plut ptmmllll fml IDd tuca. my finance 1:hUJC'-any dealer documeo1 pn:s-nuon dwJe. lllld 1111y CfllJUIOn &eSbnl duwJc REBATE IN LIEU Of SPECIAL LOW RATE flNANClNG I At This Net Cost (607862) 00 ORD RANGER SUPERCAB A21073 35K Miies, XLT, Auto, Full Power 02 MAZDA 626 LX V6 287345 Sha , Auto, Full Power, Onl 10K Miies 98 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 2WD 106639 Low Miies, Rear Air, Leather, 3rd Seat 00 LINCOLN LS (863171) Sport Pkg, Moonroof, CD 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 (3XL4010) Sharp One Owner, CD, Chromes 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC (4VJK895) Affordable Luxury 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIG (4VED787) Leather, CD, Alplne, Showroom Fresh 01 LINCOLN CARTIER TOWN CAR 4PPW360) Low Miies, Pearl White with Moonroof, CD, Loaded 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (44KY295) Certified ..........