HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-14 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-M esa community since 1907 MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2003 A CLOSE_R LOOK 3 Newport-Mesa sex Crime trials set The first of three trials will begin to d ay. Former recreation coordinator from Newport Beach is accused of c rimes against young boys. Deep• Bh.,ath Daily Pilot Nl:.WPORT-MFSA -ln the next few weeks, three Santa Ana courtrooms are set to be inundated with trials relating to sex crimes against children . Two of the high-profile cases are from Newport Beach. while the other is out of Costa Mesa. Newport Beach sex crime de1e<.11\t'\ worked on rwo back-10-back ca'>I..''> la-.t year. The first one came in Apnl when Trenton Veches, a city recreauon coordi nator who supervised ~everaJ after- school programs. was arrel>ted 011 '>ll'>pi cion of sucking several boys' toe!>. lnvcl> tigators sifted through hundred'> of d igital im ages in hb homl' rornpurer and found several photo'> of youn1.: hoy'> who reportedly participated in the city\ recreational programs Ille 32-year-old Huntington Beach re<;ident now faces 28 felony counts of lewd contact with minors and one mis- demeanor count of ~ing child pornography. Veches has pleaded not i.,•uilty to all charge!> and quit his job af- ll'r hi'> arrest. I le I'> being held on a $500,000 &ad I Ii'> trial ts !>cheduled to begin today. I .e~l> than five months after Veches was am~~te<l, Newport Beach Police ar rel>ted Todd J laluch, a 35-year-old sub- '>lllutc teacher, accusmg him of sexually Signs of spring The rare plant vendors and competitors at the garden show take up three floors of Sou th Coast Plaza. Cor•I Wiison Daily Pilot S pring was in the air and the Oowers were blooming inside South Coast Phwt this weekend . A wing of the plaza was transfonned into colorful gardens and creative landscape designs for the 14th annual Spring Garden Show. Onlookers came for inspirabon 111 addiuon to the usual shopping delights. The show featured more than 75 specialty garden vendors. seminars and boolc signin~ by garden experts. competition gardens and animal visitors from the Santa Ana Zoo for the children. Bonsais. fems, roses. cactus. wildOowers. orchids. vegetables and carnivorous plants filled all three Ooors of the Crate and Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing. "What on earth are these?" is the frequent question posed 10 California Carnivores· Marilee Maertz about her Venus' f1ytrapr. and other carnivorous plants. "Plants" is her reply. The best part about bringing her plants out for show is the reaction of the children, she said. They become fascinated. "They hang onto the cloth and say (to their parents!. 'Please don't make us go.'" Maertz said. "They really thlnlc the plants are cool. and so do we." She said children come with boolcs about the plants that are worn, tom and well read. "It is like the Pok~mon cards. but it is carruvorous plants. and (the children! are so interested: she said. a5.~uJ11ng female students. at least one from a Newport Beach high school I le faces 17 felony counts of '>e.XUal assault and one count of witne.<>s intimidauon. I le was fir;t arre .. ted Sept. 13 after a thernpbt who ueated one of the victimi. told police about 11 I laluch posted the $250.000 bail the -.ame day. A second warrant on four fre-.h charges led to an- other arre'>t Sept. 30 I laluch ~ now in Orange County Jail. I le ha.<, pleaded not guilty to all charge~ and his trial has been '>chcdulcd for April 28. Coi.tJ Me~• Police are dealing with a rnmphcated ta'>C involving 41 -year-old Cary \m1th, acCU5ed of molesting a boy about !>ix ye~ ago. South wall adnutted to Pauon Staie I losp1taJ m 1999 after tm wife lound a letter wntten by hlITI that described m lund detatl !>e.xual acb that he W-cillled to perform on a 7-year-old CoMa Me~ boy Now, he has been charged with 22 counti. of child mol~­ tation. Pro~cutor'> '>UY the vicnm. a C<>l>ta M~ boy. wa.<, younger than 14 yearc. old 111 1997. when the alleged crim~ happened. and came forward wit.h t.he See TRIALS. Paee M Officials target West Newport storm drain Regional Water Control Board urges city to clean up runoff flowing into Santa Ana Rive r that may be closing beaches. Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot WF-'iT NfWPOR r Newport Beach. I lun- ungton Beach and the county could face ..anc uons if they do not reduce polluted urban run off flowing into the Santa Ana River Among the tnbutan~ that dram into the river. the Santa Ana RegmnaJ Water Control Board IS targeung in parucular a large <;torm drain in Newport Beach that empoe<> into rhe mouth of the river at ~ho re Dnve and Coast llighway See DRAIN. P•ee A4 IN BUSINESS Executives ready for heavy lending Growing carnivorous plants using tissue culture has made the once rare plants more popular and widespread, she said, but lhe plants scill aren't easy to IJ)ass produce. Michael Landis with the WaJdJlower Seed Com pany was one of the vendors at the first show. He keeps comlng back. because of the popularity of his seeds. he said. MICHAEL BUCKNfR OAl.Y Pl.OT Makanaka1 Shipman, 9, and hts mother. Maureen, of Costa Mesa look at a ficus nerfolia pruned m the bonsai tradition at the 14th annual Spring Garden Show. Group of Newport-Mesa businessmen plan to start a bank that will offer loans to small businesses. Southern California is a great place to grow wild6owers, he sald. "file a trip right now to the Tehachapi hills to see how glorious It has been, like a palette of colors." he said . "It's spellbinding -just gorgeous.· The spring and the fall are the best times view for the judging, sald Jay Rodnguez. to grow wildOowers, he said. noting that competition program coordinator. There they are inexpensive, easy to maintain and were separate categories for professionah perfect for a ditTerent. more carefree style of and student5. gardening. The first place winner in the professional "Garden Retreats" was lhe them e for this category was Monday West's ·A Yoga year's creative competition gardens. Garden Retreat " The design offered an An archltect, curator, contractor and garden writer brought ln different points of See SPRING, P•c• M THINKING ALLOWED Ifyou'refull of malarkey, you're not getting in how large Richard is when he ltfin8 on his stool because soon u he ands. at his full hdght of6 foot·3. lho iugum nt ~. WhOo the younpten are waDdng away. many of them $bout not·M>·nlce com~nts. indudlng~ rtmatb about bis prof! n; "IJ-~ve) you. you $8-an-hour bounClcr," they Yell at him. "You're too upld lO ~ I ... job.• This mab:I Richard Smile. .HiS tip Nit up b1 ooe or the pint you haw ner wn. His bfUe~..,:r­ eiquln• up ind hit He then Laa.igtll out loud beca•• be blOWs the ablU.ntity QI thfte P•ul Clinton Dally Pilot SOUlli COAST MFTRO -A cadre of bu.si- ness heavyweighl.S say they'U launch a new bank in Costa Mesa by mid-May to tap lnto the underst!rved m arut of small business loan&. Commercial Bank. of California is ~ed 10 open May 12 In the former Imperial Bank Daily Pilot ATAGlANCE ONnEMB: ww.~.can WWHO ~ ~-Mllaheten ~off4glln ~ wtth ""l8ln.. S.PIPA2 ~11 ~Long--S.. dlf• ... dUClb111MI. n-1,Sundeyto-.-. 1'9 W... Coiillell•• --IWD~IDane. ....... I .. -AZ Monday, ~ 14, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT . Building up heat McCarthy Building Companies has a hand i~ a num ber of Newport-Mesa's most no~able construction proj ects Pa ul Clinton Daily Pilot M cCarthy Building Companies might just be the hottest builder in Orange County. In late 2002. the Newpon Beachcompanynckedoffworkon Hoag Hospital's $.50-million Women's Pavilion. At the same time, McCarthy began its five.year, $171.3-million modernization of Newpon -Mesas schools. Those projects came a year after McCarthy completed a new headquarters building near Upper Newpon Bay. wNewport Beach is where we chose to have our office," McCarthy President Quter Chappell said '"This is home. so we feel that it's very important to do as much in the community as we can." Undertaking ambitious. complex projects has become the company's forte. In December, McCarthy joined a trifecta of fums building a new S500-mi1Uon Los Angeles County USC Medical c.enteL McCarthy, a 139-year-old privately heJd company, specialires in medical buildings. school complexes and parking garages. The company has completed seven other projects at Hoag since 1996. The Women'.s Pavilion. because of its siz.e and complex la)'Out, presented one of the Meepest challenges ye1 fnr the firm. CbappeU said ·The Ii.rat cballenge on the project is to do what we have to do, which is build that building and nol interrupl what they do there." OlappeU said. "We developed a pretty sophisticated plan for that project" When the company was ready to pour the building's foundation. more than 2,000 yards of concrete needed 10 be trucked to the location on Hospital Way, the onJy road into Hoag. Olappell scheduled the 220 concrete trucks for Apcil S. a Saturday, when fewer cars would be using the roadway. McCarthy is using almost 70 consultants and subconaactors. Newpon Beach-based Tuylor Associates is the lead architect. The pavilion should be finished by June of 2005. The Newport-Mesa Unified School District's boazd pidc.ed McCarthy to overhaul its 28 schools in October 2001. Work began. on a limited basis. last year after elaborate planning. Since school could not be closed down BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Newport Beach's Union Bank celebrates remodel Union Bank of California has celebra1ed the reopening of its newly remodeled Newport Beach branch. The banlc. in Harbor View Center, re- opened March 28 after a remodel. lllroughout the day, the bank offered free checking to new customers. who were also entered into a contest to win a gour- met gift basket from Gelson's Manet, which is in the same shopping center. Union Bank also held a business fa1r to offer bank services and offered financial consulting services. Harbor View Center is al 1666 San Mi- guel Drive. The shopping center is owned by the lrvine Co. and managed by Madi- McCarthy Bu1ld1ng Companies President Carter Chappell is overseeing construction of Hoag Hospital's Women's Pavilion and modernization of Newport-Mesa schools. for the work, McCarthy needed to find a creative way to roU it out methodically over five year.-,. •1t took an awful lot of plan ning Lo figure that out," OlappeJJ said •it's impossible to do it all m three months during the summer when there are 28 schools.· On that project. the company i'i usmg son Marquette Hetail Services. Ad agency moves to Newport Beach from Irvine - Ergo Wo rldwide Brand Development & Adverus ing, a n international adverlls- ing agency. has relocated to Newport Beach from Lrvine. The privately held company special- izes in marketing and packaging efforts involving companies in transition. ~with so much pressure on businesses and brands to be more competitive, our essential philo'tophy of'nothlng In isola tion' makes us a perfect partner.· said Gary S:r.endersld. the company's client services director. Ergo was founded m 1996 as Szender- sJci Rohan1 Worldwide and. after the name change, won two International Summit awards in a row. The company's offices will now be at J740 Campus Drive. almost 90 subcontractors and consultants, m addition to the bevy of suppliers for tools, equipment and materials. "The company has always been a farruly-based company," Dennis Katovsidl ~d "To see that institution reap the benefits (of the modernization! is neat to see TrnveJ writers visit Newport Beach for meeting The Society of American Travel Writers held its annual meeting in Newport Beach this week. 1\venty-four board members. along with seven guests, stayed at the Four Seasons hotPI benveen April 4 and Wednesday. Outing the week. the Newport Beach Conference & Visitors Bureau hosted the group. They stayed at various local ho- tels and held their board meetings at the Four Seasons. The group visited a number of local res- taurants. the Newport Beach FUm FesdvaJ and the Newport Beach Nautical Museum. and look aui5es in Newport Harbor. The guests included Randy Cwwen. a travel editor with the Clllcago Tribune; Adele Malott, a travel columnJst with the New Yortt Times Syndicate; and a num- ber ot book authors. Daily A Pilot ConlWleon News uslstant. (949) 57~ roral.wflMM•latlfTHM com PHOTOGRAPHEAS Seen Hlller. Don LMd\, l<atlt Tr.pcow Box 1560, Coste M.,, CA 92628. Copyright. No newt storiea. ilhntratione, 9d1torlel matt« or ldYertiMmenta '*'91n can be reproduced without wnttan permlalon of COPVrlghc CWf'M. VOL 97, NO. 104 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TOHVDOOEAO Editor JVfYVOETTING Advertlling Director I.AHA JOHNSON Promotiona Oir9Ctof New.Edhon Glne Aiex.ndar, Lori AnderlOn, Daniel Hunt. Paul S.ltOWIU, Denlll Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime~~ltOf, (949) 574-4228 ~.bhareth l1t1mn.~m .JuM C....Pandl N.wpon a.di l'llpOfter, (949) SU-4231 Ju,,.,~•WJnw.oom ,...ClntoA ~tlica Ind 9"\lfrurunent fepolt , (949) 784-"33() J»Ul.dlnton•let1,,.,..,corn Loleattarp.r C.Otumnm. culture rwport.,, (949)574-4171 Ioli,. ,.,.,.,,.,. ,,,,,,,,.. "°"' ~ ......... CotQ Mme NPQl'W, (148) S74-412t daildt-.,,....man '4flnw mm CMlllMC.... ~ f9PC)ltlr, C I 57'"42tlll ~ Clitrillo """'*'"°"' READERS HOnJNE (949) 64.2-«>88 Record your oommen11 about the Daily Pilot or newt tips. AddfM9 Our edd,...• It 330 W. Bev St., CotlUI M .... CA 9282l Office hours ere Mondey-Friday, 8·30 1.m 15 p m. COl'l9GtioM It It the Pilot'a poliey to J)fompdy C:OrNC:l 10 rrort of .. ~. Please call (IM917&M32A. FY1 TheNMPOft ~ M-. Datly PDot (USPS-144-800) 1- pub!liehed dally. In NewPQl1 Beed'I and C.O.U Meaa, aubecriptlont lfW 1v1ileble 'Only bv aublcflblng to The :flmea Oi'ange County 1800) 262 9141. In ,,.... outside of H4rWpoft e..dt and Coet.t ~. IUbetriptk)na to lh• Delly Piiot.,.. eva1i.ble o!\ly bv n .... Cf ... met! tor S30 Pit mol'li.h. IPricel lndudt 111 ~bl Ind locel .) POSTMASTtft. Send ec»... ~10 The Newport a..cM:oa .....-ewy~ P'O HOW 10 REACH UI ClrUetloft The TllNI <mno-County (800) 252-9141 ~ ea...an.ct (9491 842-6878 Diepllry UM9) 842....:321 EdlbW ...... (M9)"'2~ Sports (949) 17"'"4223 ..... ..... 19491 Me-4170 ....,... r..(MJ) '50-0170 1...-: dailypllor•11t1,.,,...oom Mel!IOMM 111 .. 1neea Olliee CM91 M.?"'321 ••• -'-f1Mtle31-7128 Publ Nd bV Tlmja t.ommunfty. ~. 1 ~vi.son of the IM~ flmea. 02002 Tlmet CN. All rlgtrit ,...v.a ---.... ·--------·-------- BEST BUYS .Ge.t fit on the cheap S poru' Comlpment is stocked full of home-fitness gear. A great buy is the Schwinn 920i Recumbent Bike for $899.95. It's less than a year old and retails for $2,395. "We also have lifecycles, ellipticals, Stairmasters and much more at a fraction of GREER WYLDER or black for $210. Manager U.. Snowden says there's a huge bwst of excitement about fishnets since the release of "Otlcago." Wolfon:l's fishnets were featured on the cover of Vogue in November 2002 worn by Catherine 1.eta-Jones and Renee 1.ellweger. Wolford offers a variety of the original price," owner Sara Remmey said "We have new Rollerblades that retail for $100. We're closing them out for only $29.95." Also. there's a big supply of full-siz.e wetBuJts, from $29.95 to $59.95. Surfboards are available in all sizes. You can tum in unused equipment for extra cash. Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a .. m. to 4 )>.m. ...._) Saturday at 670 W 17th St .. Costa Mesa. information: (949) 548-0660. RNELEATHER Bottep Veneta'• renaissance started in 2001 when Gucci bought the company and Toma Mala took over as creative director. Maier brought back Bottega's mono that initials are not enough -Bottega's stands apart from its competitors by us ing the most luxurious leathers. Handcrafted woven pieces are its signature. The softest Napa and deerskin leathers are used. Bestsellers here are the ladies Tref deerskin bag in bi.anco (white} at Sl.050; ladies Box sandals in ebano (brown) al $460; men's deerskin travel bag in naturaJe at $2,800: and men's Doge loafer in ebano <brown) at $680. Level 1Wo. Nordstrom. Information: (714) 540-9760. BOLD HOSE Fabulous hosiery can be found at Wolfo rd Boutique. Wolfon:l's factory In Austria has produces bold designs and graphics on hosiery. and is a leader in lnnovative fabric technology. Some coUectlons are: Logic (no gougwg waistband. this hosiery gri(>I> on the hips); Long Distance compression hosiery (good for circuladon and helps prevent swelling); and Sheer 15 (comes with transparent silicon print on soles to prevent slipping). Plus merino wool. cotton velvets and invisible control top styles. Wolford also bas the most Oanerlng body wear. lingerie and li'wimwa.r collections. Collaboradons with top desi8Jlers Vivienne Westwood and ia.d 1...ilgerfeld add to Wolford's appeal. This boutique does very well with classic bodysuits ln new spring colors like Rosy. Cornflower (blue), and Celestial (pale Icy blue). Also popular is the sleeveless Marina top, a combination of opaque and transparent stripes for $145. A new group called Body Shade has rousching (fabric gathered at the seam) details. One opaque top with sheer rousched sleeves Is very popular in white fisbnet.s. from tiny elegant gage (called the l'wenties) to an extra large funky fishnet (the Eighties) and for spring an updated fishnet look calJed f1owemeL Open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level 1Wo, Nordstrom Wtng at South Coast Plaza. Information: (714) 556-7900. www.wolford..oom \ lWO COU£CTIONS FOR SOPHISTICATES Donna Karan New York features her two coUections: ready-to-wear Signature, and couture Collection. This is the only Donna Karan Collection boutique outside New Yort. Karan sold the company to LVMH group. Moet Hennessy Louis Vuinon. in 2001 and remains very much involved as creative director. Karan's known for luxurious fabrics and flartering bias cuts. The Signature Collection is based on a system of dressing. Karan's philosophy that seven-easy pieces are wardrobe essentials: a jack.et. underpinning. sweater. bottom, leather, outerwear and ~ Karan's a trendsetter and designs for sophisticated women. mostly ages 30 to 60. 1earan·s glamorous designs are celebrity favorites. Manager Stuart Winston says Karan's pieces are sent to Academy and Golden Globe Awards participants. The collection also has shoes, lingerie, fragrances, handba~ and accessories. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from ll a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Level Two. Nordstrom wing. Information: (714) 549-1053. www.donnalcaran.com A Pt.ACE TO GET COOKIN' Kitchenware supplier Sur La Table also offers great cooking classes for beginners to accomplished chefs through lt.s Culinary Program. Oasses offered this session. taught by local and traveling instructors.. include chocolate, Asian cooldng. baking. fundamentals, Italian cooking. comfort food and more. Open from 10 am. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 11 am. to 6 p.m. Sunday at 832 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. lnfonnation; (949) 64(>-0200. •BEST BUYS appears Mondays end Fridays. Send information to Greer Wytder at QrHrwytder§yahoo.com. at 330 W. Bay St., Costa M .... CA 92627; or by f11C at (9491646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST tt'll rain, °*1 ft won't. and then tt'll rein again. All dey like thtt. Showen.,.. lfbty at night. Ara IOtnh end then .outhwelt gum .. strong .. 26 mph pfl'f through. The hfght fot the day will be 67 to 84 ~,.....and the IOW8 9t night 40 to 66 degt-.M. Wom d in: WWW.nwt.noN.QOY BOATING FORECAST tt'll be raining out'*' too, with .now.a likely -end thundantonn1 ~ -It night. The,,....,.,_... .. _. 15-tnot IOUttl wtna. 2.foot M\IM Ind • 6-40ot W911.wiff; .At night, the Wind~ varieble, end the w.t IWllll 01'9Nti19•7Mt. FdwOUI.. ~ wtnd blows ll 10 '° 15 llnotl, Whtt S.foot Mwe end lft I-toot Wiil ftlllllll cllftng ... • day. At nigh1. the wind becomes westerly end more conslstent1y 16 knots. The IWell, out of the nof1hweat now, dtpe to 5 feet fot •while, but return.a to 8 feet. SURF TIDES ,...... 2:12 •.m. 1:11 a.m. 2:ap.m. 8:53pm. WATER TEMPERAlURE Mdegfw 'Harmony and compatibility' may be incompatible Costa Mesa Planning Commission will cons ide r replacing the ambiguous residential guid elines: Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot OOSTA MESA -The am- biguous duo or -harmony and compatibility," which has be- deviled residents and officials since It was added to the city's residential design guidelines, may be excised tonight. In its place could be "design exceUence/ with specifics on how to achieve that excel- lence. Today. the Planning Com- mission will consider chang· ing the city's zoning code and residential design guidelines, covering issues such as Door area ratios. second-story con- struction and design review procedures. The goal or the changes is to make the process less subjec- tive and expedite what can turn into a protracted effort by residents to build or remodel their llome, Planning Corp- mission Olaln:nan Bruce Gar- llch said. Councilman Gary Monahan initiated review or the zoning code and guidelines. The commission has already held one public hearing and two study sessions on the changes, Garlich said. While the present residen· tiaJ design guidelines cover all residential construction, staff basically recommends adding an exception for single-story construction in low·demlry residential wnes to the new guidelines. The new focm on design ex- cellence includes bite plan- ning. landscaping. location of windows and varied roof forms. Lr also includes a WclJ'Tling that the guldelines can't pro)· ect every site design i.ssue, so meeting the "intent~ of the guidelines will be the domi· nant consideration. The City Council had re- quested more specifics m the guidelines for second-story side setbacks, so the sta1I used specific language that allows for design Oex:iblJity. It recom- mends that the side of the building with the second story be set bad an average of IO feet, but no clo1er than 5 feet from the side property hne, with a few exception!>. The changes allio call for the zoning administrator to review all two-story addi- tions in a view preservation area. aJthough the council has yet to establish such an area. The conimission told the council the areas it thinks shouJd be considered, mclud- ing the Gleneagle and AVJe- more terraces. The council will consider a ~olution on view preservation on April 21 COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA I !ere are some of the items that will be discussed at tonight's meeting. TEWINKLE PARK MASTER PLAN The final master plan includes recommendations for redesign of the existing baseball/softball complex 10 a four-field softball-o nly facility. new tennis, volleyball and basketball courts: a 20,000-square-foot permanent skate facility; a 10,000-square-foot commumty center; lake renovation; and proposed pedestrian bridge/median improvements on Junipero Dnve. Landscaping and minor con.;truction are also included. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval beeause the planning process included a significant community involvement. which they say is mtegraJ to building consensus. Staff believes tht> rnn-;ultant has produced a well wntten plan to gwde recreat..ional programs and faciliues at TeWmlde Parle for lhe next five years. Features such as the !>kaleboard park and softball complex would go through the standard public revit•w proce~' hefore they are adopted. ·1 think it's well thought out and 111s just what it says 11 i'> -a master plan.· Olairman Bruce Garhch ~1d. "It got a lot of community mput and I support 11." PLANNING APPLICATION Ken Kurose Archnect, ag1mt for Wibon Villas, i~ applying to rnnven an t'Xl'>llng 16-unit apanment project w condominiums at 726 W. Wilson St. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends approval since it will resuJt in a general upgrading of tht' property, as well as provide additional homeownership opportumtie~. ·They're going to agree to upgrade all of the appliances and things to make the property more desirahlt'. ro 1 thmk 11\ a good pro1ect. • Garlich ..aid. PLANNING APPLICATION Bill Barton, agent for Mike Malley. hru. applied for a pennit to allow outdoor automobile sales/rental and display, with an exception from front landscape c;ethadc requirements at 2665 Harhor Blvd WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends denymg the application because 11 believes tlu• project is not consistent or compatiblt• with the type of developmen t that ha.'> occurred and may occur m the future along this portion of I !arbor Boulevard Staff pref en; the previously approved ven;1on of this project. which included a 9,600·square foot building with d showroom . automobile display structure and -.erv1ce building. Since construction never started on thJc, incarnation, the permit expired m 2002. "I've asked to see some p1ctur~ of FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5245 what it ls they're trying to put in there. in term'i of their office facility, 10 get a better idea of what it will look Lik.e." c.arhch said. "The applicant has abo indicated that he wan~ to upgrdde the property." DESIGN REVIEW/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP Nick 7..amvakellis/PITA Tru.'t propo,t•d to demolish an exisling five-unit rt'sidencial project and to con~truct nme nl'W two-story. single-fanuly homes at l 553-2559 Santa Ana Ave. The heanng was continued from the Marrh 24 meeting 10 renotify the public with the rnrrect project addr~ WHAT TO EXPECT Staff r<>commend'i approval -.mce 11 wtJI provide additional homeowiier.hip opportunities. "It's very similar lO one we JU'>I approved at the property right next door," Garlich said. "The applicant ha'> agreed to make some changl'' in the elevation that is v1s1ble from the 'tree1 tu make it more atuacuve. lt lool' pretty good to me." -CompilRd l1y DeirdrP "Veunum BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS 1901 Newport condos set for vote tonight The Costa Mesa Redevelop ment Agency -the City Council acting under a different utJe - will consider a 161-unit condo- minium project for 190 I New port Blvd. tonl,ght The Planning Commission in February approved the project. which will include four four-story buildings. Pa.rt of the property. in the Downtown Redevelopment l.one. is the Spanish nussion· style 190 I Newport building. Whlle some residents com- plained about the project's den· slty, com.missioner Katrina Foley said the project represents the fu . ture of the downtown area. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. today in the Police De- partment Auditorium, 99 Fair Drive. For more information, call ('l 14) 754-5635. Cleanup of Qmyon Park scheduled The chy of Costa Mesa. the Orange County Fairgrounds and the Volunteer Center or Orange County have joined forces to organize the spring • "Neighbors for Neighbors" community and Canyon Park cleanup on April 26. About 200 volunteers are needed from 8:30 a.m. to noon The event helps low-income residenrs beautify their homes and their community. People and groups that are interested can call tlte "Neigh- bors to Neighbors· hotline at (714J 754-4892 for infonnalion , or to donate supplies. materials or food for the event. Dunes to host cancer fund-raising dinner The public is invited to at- tend the Back Bay Caf~ at New- port Dunes Resort for a dinner service and fundraiser/mem- bership drive for the Young Pro- fessionals Against Cancer. The Costa-Mesa based sup· pon group for the American Cancer Society is known for their ability to raise large funds to fight cancer. Guests can meet Young Professionals Against Cancer members and enjoy samples from the Bad Bay Ca· r~·s new dinner m enu. The dinner will be held next Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. A S7 per per<>on donation will be accepted at the door. Parking wlll be free Call (949) 729-1144 for more mfonnauon Boaters competing for cup to fight leukemi a Racers from aU over Califor- nia in Sabot~. l..ru.erc;, CFJs, Lido 14s, 420s. Lehman I 2s and I lar bar 20s will be competing for the prestigious Leukemia Cup on May 18 The Bahia Corinthian Yacht Q ub Volvo Leukemia Lup Jun· ior and One Design Regaua will raise fund~ for the L~ukem1a & Lymphoma :,ot 1ety to help find a cure for leuken11a Fund-raising 1s accomplished through racer\ effort,, spo n· '>Ors. adverti<;er'>. member do- natmm. and ca .. ino night auc- tion and banquets. Donations for any intere.,ted racers and their spom.or<; are welcome. Call the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub al 19491 644-9530 or Nancy Levy at (949) 645 9898, or visit www.ca-tn ktib>m1a-lvm phoma.org. Monday,~ 14, 2003 AJ GEmNG INVOLVED • GETTING INYOOIED runs periodically In the Daily Pilot on1l rotating balls. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. COURT-APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to serve as advocates for abused, neglected and abandoned ctiildren. Volunteers work one on one With a ctiild for three hours a week. (714) 663-9034. CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization is seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma response program. Some volurtteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other emergency-type 8269:--m• 1 ITmlLEAIE responders by providing emotional first eid and support to Injured or traumatized people. Other vofunteera provide dlspetdl and office support. No experlenc. is neciesury. Training will be provid9<1 (949) 588-14 14. DtSPUn RESOWTIOH SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialiltl and outreach assistants a re needed to help 1n a vanety of mediation cases_ Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. ~SEALS • Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical won, programs for cti1ldren With disabilities and spec1al events (7141834-1111 TAKI SS FWY mr FAii 01. TO HAUOI I. ~ ~ ~IO ptlOT Wl~ ~ ~,..._ 'e<W ~ 'IJ:•"'\ <>"1 '""l"C~ c"Y.lr~ _CJ'» > ~ :>oo;rc<'I P'Ci>O'Ot.ot\ ("°'!X ~CT• ~\JO" 'CW>Q •o JC, biw::.. 4'2003 THESE MEW FABRI CS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYO~E. EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S lu1' t?.lll''·~">ll,llW'l',tll,.(•"'f ''•'- 1663 Pbanti.a, CQSb ~ 949...(,.46-4338 The soft foki1 or v rgnette. window ~dmg\ r.()oN come in three new W>ncs thlt 1ppe1l to everyone COO'le see them today •I e t •• f • t • t ••I ................ 1 ...... ,,,,, ... ,, .. , .. ,,,,, • Installed PIO $169 ·~60y9ds 111• Travertile 18" x 1s·. ........................... ...... ....... .. .. "I.a IQt Cenrnic Tlle ......................... , ............................ ......,to'I! '4.11 111t Laminate~ ............................................... ......,. '4.ll 111t nrcma,."D>•~ I M Monday, April 14, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN "('HE NEWS Freeway crash draws helicopter tng a backup for more than two miles, said Aaron Reich, a Highway Patrol dispatcher. First reports of the accident came in at 5:12 p.m. The helicopter antved at 5:40 p.m. A helicopter landed on Preliminary reports esti· the northbound San Diego mated that four vehicleS Freeway a t Harbor Boule-collided on the freeway and vard on Sunday afternoon two people were trapped in to rescue a person su'frering their vehicles, he said. from a major injury after a "That is very prelimi- multiple-car collision. nary," be said. "Everything Four northbound lanes is still under investigation.• and the southbound car-The cause of the accident pool lane wer: closed, caus· ' ~ still Unknown. · POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bemard StrMt end Harbor Boulevard: A woman was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property at 3:32 a.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of disobeying a court order in the 1900 ble>dt at 12:50 a.m. Saturday. • Harbor Boulevard: A man was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property in the 2500 ble>dt at 12:55 p. m. Saturday. • Harbor Boul8Vllrd: A woman was arrested on suspicion of defrauding an innkeeper in the 3000 ble>dt at 11:10 p.m. Friday. • Monte Vista Avenue: A man 'was arrested on suspicion of vandalism in the 100 ble>dt at 4:34 a .m. Thursday. DRAIN Continued from Al "Storm drains are laden with bacteria.~ Newport Beach Assist- ant City Manager Dave Kiff said. "I just know I've got to stop the bacteria from coming out of the pipe .... The board is telling us informally to solve this.~ If city and county officials fail to n:l.luce the amount of bacteria in the river, the board could is- sue a cease·and-desist order, which would mandate a cleanup. The move is the latest regula- tory attempt to reduce bacterial outbreaks along the shorelin es of the two cities. Water-quality regulators have been scrambling to solve these mysterious out- breaks for almost four years. At an April 3 meeting with city and county officials, Ken Thei- sen, an environmental scientist with the water board, urged offi- cials to cut down polluted flow. Right now. the county is divert- ing about 30 million gallons per day from the river to a sewage treatment plant. The concrete drain along Sea- shore and Coast Highway con- tributes about 10.000 gallons per day to the river mouth. "It's very high in bacteria." Theisen said. "More than 80% or the time, it exceeds the [state! standard." Newport Beach leaders have started investigating what could be done to reduce bacteria trav- LE NDING Continued from Al offices on the first floor of the Deloitte & Tuuche building. Led by an executive with a Newport Beach bank. the group includes Wtlliam Lyons, the chairman or local homebuilder William Lyon Homes; Paul Foli- no, Ernulex Corp.'s chairman; and Roger Kirwin, the president of Worldwide Pinancial Services in Newpon Beach. "We are very serious about this and want to make an impact on the market, -Lyon said Friday. "We want to service these busi- nesses that are overlooked~ The boaid also Includes Rich- anS Frankel, chairman and chief eJecudve of Newport Beach- based Duxford Financial Inc.; frank Willey, vice clWrman of Fidelity National; and Alo Mcruc1o, p resfdmt of Meruelo Enterprises of Downey. lo late March, the group wrapped up a $21 A mlDJon cash call &om 36 privately ~lected in· VC$lOrs. L¥on. who topped the URt of people who provided cash to Jauncb &be bank. wm eaw aa the chairman of the board. Corrunftdal Bank's founder, BeJa Bllkrilhna. left his potidon u vtce pn::Jiljcmt at NeWport Beach Ftnt Dank ac 'Trust to .launch the btdeperidmt lender. ™ bl.nk wlD be th higbM Clpttalil.rd art•up lcnda' In tbo 8'alr. ltl.lkrUhna llkl The ..,....., ... lbli lO ""° f • Newport Boulewrd: A man was a1Tested on suspicion of burglary in the 2200 ble>dt at 2 a.m. Friday. NEWPORT BEACH •Almond Piece: Prowler noises were reported in the 900 bk>dc at 1:47 a.m. Sunday. • Beyvlew Wey end Jamboree Road: A traffic collision invotving no injuries was reported at 7:33 a.m. Sunday. • a.ywood Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 700 .ble>dt at 10:59 p.m. Saturday. • Mec:Arthur Boulevard: Trespassing was reported in the 4500 ble>dt at 9:49 a.m. Sunday. • Mertfngea. W..,.. Petty theft was reported in the 4200 ble>dt at 1 :10 a.m. Sunday. • Port Whftbv Piece: Vandalism was reported in the 2400 ble>dt at 5:43 p.m. Saturday. eling in the drain, Kiff said. However, Councilman Tod Ridgeway, a member of the Orange County Sanitation Board, said he isn't convinced the Santa Ana River is the source or the problem. Ridgeway was one of 13 sanitation members who cast key votes for increased treatment of wastewater re- leased by the district via an out- fall pipe. ·rm not prepared to say with authority that it's the Santa Ana River.· Ridgeway said. "I don't t..h.ink we can say that.· Huntington Beach leaders could also face sanctions. That city saw its summer tourism in- dustry decimated in 1999 when its beaches were closed after bacteria outbreaks. Any blame that falls on Surf City's shoulders should be shared by inland cities, which also contribute pollution tp the river, Huntington Beach Mayor Conole Boardman said. Huntington Beach imple- ments an annual summer diver- sion program to collect nmoff heading to the Santa Ana River and send it to the Orange County Sanitation District. ~The same administrative or- der should also be placed into effect on the inland cities that contribute to the runoff in the river,· Boardman said. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environmen1. business and poli1ics. He may be reached at (949) 7644330 or by e-mail at paul. clinton@latimes.com. the cash despite a struggling economy. •it is the best time,~ Balkrishna said. ·The economy has been lagging for almost two years. Even though it is still struggling. it is not in that bad a shape in Orange County." Bank leaders say they'll target a group of small c.omp~es and people of high net worth. The bank will also do some retail lending by ~ffering loans for cars, boats and homes. The community bank will em- phasize loans from $250,000 to $5 million. Balla:ishna said. Commercial could loan as much as $6 million in secured financ- ing. he added. Balbisbna hired the lMne- based C'.arpenter Co. as oonsult- ants to walk him through the regulatoty process. Commercial Bank ls expected to face competition from P8dfic MercantiJe Bankcorp of eo.ta Mesa and Slmwest Bank of Tus- tin. Local busineta leadtra are weJ. coming Commen:lal 8aJ'\k as an· other cub pipeline for bualneu- es Loold.ng to '•wt up or expend. lbls type of lending haa bem te\'Crdy lacldng over th past few ~.. ta.Id F.d PllwceC1. prell· dent o( lhe c.o.ta Ma& Ownber ot Commerce. -rt>ll coutd mJ that need." • MIA a.MOH OOt11Wa the envtrOOment, busl,,... •nd polltlc:a. Ht msy be rMCNd 8t (M9) 784-4330 or~ ..,,,alt et i»v#cJirtton•~oom. TRIALS Continued from Al complaint several years latet That is very common in child molestation cases. Costa Mesa Police Dete¢ve Sgt. Jade Archer said "Often, victims are young and they don't find the cowage to come forwaid until they're older," he said. "Usually, when they get victimized, they are ln· timidated and embarrassed• SPRING Continued-from Al interactive element.. providing a secluded space for a person to enter into and practice yoga. "I never heard of someone doing this," Rodtiguez said. "It's brand new.". West was inspired when she started taldng yoga lessons onJy six months ago. "I have a busy schedule with work and school." she said. "Doing yoga made me feel relaxed and serene.• Yoga practitioners perfonned several times within the space to give the judges and admirers an idea of bow it could be used . "They told me that being up there, they couldn't even tell they were in the mall,~ West said. "Accidental Paradise" integrated an old truck into a tropical forest setting. The design was created by three UCLA students. Student Jeff Eith said he jumped at the opportunity. "I'd love to d o it,• was his response. ·Not knowing what's involved," he said. The project took. an intense amount of time and effort, but it was gratifying to see the project finally come together, he said. "The people Jove it." he said. "I watch people round the comer, and their jaw just drops.· Eith, who has one more year before graduation, said the project made him more excited about his future profession. Ml am not here for the judges. but for the people," he said. ubecause they will be my clients ALLOWED Continued from Al this outwardly menacing man is a quiet. sincere person who enjoys reading at home, all-you-can eat sushi and surfing. He talks to me about the Pilot's coverage of the war in Iraq and tells tales about his service in the Navy during Desert Storm. "Man, I remember those sand fleas. What a pain," he said. Although he works in the thick. of the Newpon Beach ·scene,· he could live without it: except for that extra poclc.et change. Why take the abuse? Why not just stay at home and save yourself the stress? AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilo1, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (9491 574-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dsilypilotcom. TOOAY The popular chiklnln'•. painting returns to Fashion Island from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 12 and 13. The terracotta tiles are $100 each. Pre-paid reservations are required. A portion of the proceeds benefit children's 'programs at the Orange County Museum of Art. Reservation• can be made in person or by calling (949) 721·2000. Ltt ~ -.perea from Mothef'• Market teactt you how to pldt and maintain the perfect produce. team the tridta of the trade from the pros In produce at Mec:y'e South Coast Plaza Homa Store at noon. C.11 (714) ~1t, ext. 4230 for mo,.. Information. SUNDAY AflwA11dnaMmlnarcaled *Key8 to Weight Manag«nent" will be l*d It 3 p.m. It Mother's M1rtet, 225 east 17th St., Costa =For ,...,..,atlons, ctll (800) OMS. MONDAY ...... ~-hOlll ·Looll Good ••• feel a.a.;' de--. ~ c:encerp.dentt m.teup, iMg and tuf'ban dPt to help hide the ..Vllget of f'lldldon •nd chemoct..v~ The c1 ..... , oiwn ftom 101.m. to noon. lf9 llPOMC>red by the Am...tcan Cancer SochMy. ReglWadon .. requfred for the freed..._ Catt (M) 281·-9iM& Working on the case Itself was Beth Costello, lhc prosei:ucor on a challenge, Officer Robert S-the case. wtll be 11uc.cessful. barpnaclc said Newport Beach's four-member "My role waa pretty limJted," team has been working long be said. •All the lnfonnadon was hoUftl oo Us two cases, Sgt. Steve coming from the victim, and Shulman said. · there was obviously no evidence "This type of ,work is not un- other than hls statements." usual for our detectiv~... he Sharpnack said he was "happy said. "Whal's unusual is they to !et the case filed." ' . came pretty close together. This is a huge case because of putting a big workload on [Smith's) past crime," h e said. them." Sharpnack said it would take The wort included processing ·a lot of work" to get a convic-several pieces of evidence and don in the case, but said he ls interviewing many victims and confident that Deputy Dist. Atty. witnesses, he said. MICHAEL BUCKNER I OAJLV PILO I Christopher Hoffman, 12, a member of the Orange County Rose Society, manages the table of roses at the garden show. one day." Oilldren from Newport-Mesa. Los Angeles and Orange County schools competed in a separate miniature landscape It's a fun job for the most part, he said. His bosses and co-workers are great. He has a good rela.tionship with the police and m eets a lot of interesting · people. Sure drunk.. rude, spoiled kids are a pain in the rear every now and then, but they're not enough to make him quit That would be weak. Those people are like gnats that he just swats away. I saw hjm al the Newport Beach Police Appreciation Breakfast. sitting there in a suit and tie, representing a successful Newport Beach business that supports and appreciates law enforcement. His grins were abundant as he worked the room, shaking the hands of various officers he has for information. TUESDAY A free seminar celled •for the Worry Wart Vitamin Taker· will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The 0...nge Coast College Friends of the Library will host their spring book sale from 9 to 10 a.m. for OCC friends members and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the public. The sale will be held in front of the OCC library at the north end of the Adams Avenue partcing lot. Take Fairview Road to Monitor Way. Call (714) 432-0202, ext. 21053 for more Information. APRIL 19 "'Divorce: A N9W Begl.nntng• is e worbhop for men and women who are divorc6d or getting divorced. The workshop takes place from 10a.m . to 12:30p.m. at 180 Newport Canter Drive. The coct I• $40. For more Information, call (949) 644-M35. APRM.20 Seling Martna .. R-v end Newport hart><>,., Hornblower Crulte1 and Events is futuring • Champagne Brunch CruiM on E11ter Sunday. The twc>-liour crullO featum • lavish bNnch and doMort bun.t P"'P•rtd frMh on board by our t1lented chefa. The etUIM boardt It 11:30 a.m . •NI Mii• from noon to 2 p.m. Tho oott It $41.96 per panon. For ~ lf\'formatk>n or .....,..,Miont, eafl (800) ON·"'™E-MV APM.23 A thecllly.-mle_.. e>cptoring the nonhern ~ tsl1nd• Wilt bo bfhlf'lld by Orange co.st eo.tegel Sd'IOOl of&afflng end S..manlhlp. The !rip, delignld for Milon With 11 last - compelition with the theme "Gardens with a Sense of Adventure." ''I encouraged the r hildrt·n to think of it as a profe~ion," !>aid worked with over the year.. Thty reminisced over fighb they've broken up and stumbling drun.kard.s that had to be esconed from the establi~hmcnt. 1-'rorn the looks of it. it seemed the Newport police were ju..,t ao; happy to have Richard in charge of security as Richard was to have a sLrong police presence in the community. (Oh, yeah, did I memion his father was a retired Loi. Angeles Police officer?) But outside of the wildJy popular bar. his grins are less frequent The chit chal is held to a minimum. and Richard is there to do his job. You've got to be an extremt•ly polite. regular customer to see the lighter side of him, and intermediate sailing skills, costs $625. The Glin de Mar will depart at 5 p.m. April 23 and return at 5 p.m. April 27. Call (949) 645-9412 for more information. APAIL24 "Unct.ntanding Your Pathology Report; a free session at Hoag Hospital, will provide insight into the meaning of a pathology report and how it's used in staging and planning treatment for lung cancer. The session will be given from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Call (949) 760-5542 for more Information. APRJL25 The fifth No More Homeless Pwts Conference runs through April 27 at the Hilton Costa Mesa. The event Is presented and sponsored by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary of Utah, the nation's largeS1 no-klll organitation. Call (435) 644-2001, e>ct. 129 for more Information. APRl.27 A. pert of an onglnal prog,.m, Saacha Radetaky of American Ballet Theatre will perform the pas de deux from "Le Coraalnt .. at the Barclay lheatra In Irvine. Tldceta are available only at the Ban:lay Theatre Box Office for $18. Call (949) 8&4-4846for reMrvations. Red~ '1UCka and mot'On:yclM of ell year1, mak• and models are Invited t.o participate in the fourth ennuer Strawberry Sundey Fun Feet and Clank Car Show. The lhow, whlle epottlghtlng Nd ctra. It ope11 to 111 m.U.. c;c>Jort and modefa. Entry fMt ,,. t16 for pr.-regl8tl"ltlon or $20 the day of th• 4Mtnl Red cera ctn bit ontt..ct fof ht. The lhOw runs from 91.m. to 3 p.m. In the Automotive Rold of Oteamt.,... Of th9 IW9P mftl Ceft (7t4) Ml .. 22 fOr mont lnt0tmatlon. Daily Pilot "Oealingwlth evidence can be preuy led1ouis and time-con· suming," Shulman said. "And you can't hurry your witnesses because it's emotional for them. We may be itl a hurry to pros· ecute someone, but we also need to be sensitive, especially with children. It's tough for them." • DEEM BH.ARATH cove" public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhsrath@lstimes.oom. 'I am not here for the . judges, b~t for the . people, because they will be my clients one day.' Jeff Elth One of three UCLA students whose garden 'Accidental Paradise' competed at the garden show MichaeJ Ann Powers. children's garden project coordinator. She has been offering hourlong gardening classroom presentations to interested schools, discussing the imponance of design and scale elements with the i.tudents. Leaving s ix empty Oats at each school. the students created gardens for their favorite books or made-up adventure stories. Some book themes were "Oiarlone's Web." "Julie of the Wolves." "James and the Giant Peach" and ·Tue W17Ard of Oz." After watching children r-dise carnivorous plants over the year!>. Maertz said children are often better gardeners than adults. Like Jack in the story of Jack. and the Beanstalk. chjldren still believe in 1he magic of nature and follow directions. Adults tend to have their own ideas, are full of doubt and are more fearful. i.he c;aid. "Kids have such success because rhey have faith and Lhty believe what we say." ~he i-.aid. "They have imagination.· • CORAL WILSON 1s the news assistant and may be readied at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at coral wilson a /at1mes.com unfortunately for him. there aren't that many out there. It'!> funny that of the hundreds of 20-something's who stand outside t11e wildly popular eMablishment. vying for Hichar<l's attention. few of them realize they could get it if they treated him like a person, in.,tead of an "$8·an-hour bouncer." Oh well. TI1eir lo~. But it dDe'> get mighty chilly out there at night. waiting in line for over an hour Bring a jack.er. • lOlJfA HARPER writes columns Mondavs. Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be rnadled at (9491 574-4275 or bye mail at /olita. harper a' lar1mes com APRIL 29 Julia Sweeney of •Saturday Night Live· fame will speak at the 16th annual Circle 1,000 Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel 1n Newport Beach. Sweeney will share her touching. humorous and heartbreaking account of the loss of her brother and her incredible survival of cervical cancer. Cost is $150 per person, and proceeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 574-7204 for more information. APRIL 30 A free seminar end book signing for •A Portrait For Healing" by Richard Manley will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martcet, 225 East 17th St .. Cotta Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY4 Th,.. young tchoCanhlp wtn...... will be part of the Califomla Woman'• Chorus' 34th annual Sdiolarahlp Benefit Concert. lhe music students will join female vocallsta from throughout Califomla whon the 200-voH:e chorus presonta ·surf'n Sing• at 2 p.m. In tho Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur BIVd. In Newport Beactt. Tidcota are $15 In ec:tvance and $18 at tho door. Call (949) 262-0679 or (7141840-4668 tor tidceta or Information. ONGOtNG .~drtwts .... needed10 h-'P deliver nutritiously pr~ moala to hc>IMbound, fntll or et<*fy dlentt ll"lClpabte of thoc:>plng or oooting fot thlnl ..... thfOUgh .Mobile MMlt;" apoMored by ASH-Harbor Alia Inc. and Hotg Hotpital. Catt (SM9) 846-8060 for MON lnfOf'mation. S..TOWN ...... M ,,. Daily PilOt TOWN Continued from A4 R-ohttndon 19 now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 7. Pre--registratlon fees are $22 for the runlwalk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race is $30 for the run/Walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (9491644-3151 to register. If your orchid is too big for its pot, Greeri Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the Hcrets of Carbon Canyon Regional Parle: as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parlc:lng is $4. Call (7141996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor, a nonprofit organization encouraging women w ho have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts ~walk and Talk" at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (9491275-3888. Newport Communtty Counseling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets M ondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. Teens are invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave For more information, call (714) 327-7560. The Newport Beach Walking ~ub meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, APRIL call (949) 660-1332. The Newport hac:h Cab / Decorating Club meets from f"to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior end Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 660-1332. The Newport Beactt City H•ll ls displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. The Assn. of Business Services hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Brist°' St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. •oivon:le: A New Beginning,• a wor1(shop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport Beach Public library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800 .. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, backstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, eX1 833. The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents In Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9922. or visit newcomers-newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Centar holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, S 1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona de.I Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644-3244. Mecy'a South Coast Plaza presents ·wortcshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef AJexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p .m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa M esa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm, "Yogarhythm1cs" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m~ Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa M esa. For more ic::iformation, call (714) 754-7399. •Earthquakes -Not If, But When" will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit #Your Majesty, There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851-2003" through April 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raising children, observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationships with ex1ended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistfation is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. (71 4) 445-4950. Women 50 and older can join • discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression. relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. mends of the Newport Beach Public library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindhng "City of tk Jtrrs " stock. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadc donations, with the exception of magazjnes and law books, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The Braille lnstitutia CJfhNs hee computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del M ar, offers. si)( sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. · A spiritual ca'-' d ... meets 11t 7:15 p.m . Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Mesa Chember of Commerce hosts networlc:ing luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m . to 1 p.m . at the Costa M esa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A bnlin tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. S~Andrww's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Dierenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Famity Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 2003 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Co51iJ Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistra11on required. (714) 445-4950 The Cosb M ... Senior Cent8' has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costs Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. J.wish Famity Sefvice of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing suppqrt group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p .m . Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Scnbble Club No. 350 meets from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822 The Coin and Stamp Club meets from 1 to 3 p.rn. Mondays al the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading . buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to ioin luXURY IS YOURS TODAY! Make The Most of Every Moment! Mondc1y, ~d 14. 2003 M these informal meetings There are no feei; r&quired (949) 644-3244 J.wi•h F9mily SetVice ohn ongomg bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss Group members share axperiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive supp()rt and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob m Irvine The second group meets at 10 am Tuesdays at Temple Judea en Lagund Hills The lhtrd group meets at 1 p m Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free. but advance registration 1,s requtred (7141 445-4950. Jewish Famity SetVice of Orange " County provltJes a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from 8 10 9:30 p m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker S1 Costa Mesa Advance reg1strat1on 1& required 1714) 445 4950 Two-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are uttered a1 10 a.m Sundays from ttw Newport Dunes Waterfrcir.1 Resort The re.sort es Ht 1131 Bade Bay Drive Newport Beach $20 or $10 for Cdhlorn1a Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members (949) 729· 1150 GX470 R~ \t 1~ \\ Ill \Iii I VOLUME SELECTION• OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I e, llfJl:ta ;J ;t,ti l'l1llJ :Id .fl~ 11 e ;t,t3. COMPLETE SMOG REPAIR TUNE OP Same Own.tr Since J 96'i, ~8 ~ean 111 < w r,1 .\/,.,,, TBE CARBURETOR SHOP llC. 2945 Randolph Avl' •Br1-i11l & B,,J.. ·r 949.642.8286 e 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Pelluters APRIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesdays Tuesday. April 1 Networ1<ers luncheon leads Group 11 45 am 1 pm cr.q;i MP~il Cn~·11-y Cluh 1701 Golf CtJur~t' ll• •E' r, legislative Committee No )n Chaf"\!'I ("fo • l_QO Adams Ave.,_Ste. 101. Costa Mesa~ CA_92626 :fl_L4} 885·9090 •fax (714.} 885-9094 • www costame achamber.com Thursday, Apnl 3 Costa Mesa Hall of Fame FEBRUARY RENEWALS FEBRUARY NEW MEMBERS 48 years!!/!/ The Grant Boy-. 44 years!!!! So. C.11. (,.is l ompany 42 yeors!!!I Waste Mana~emenl of 0 <. 31 yearsl!ll Soulh Coast PlazJ & Town Cc•nter 32years!!! Gnml{'y and Tremp, Inc 20yearsl!! Fairview DevelopmPnl.11 C t•nter 19yeorsll Costa Mesa Sanitary 01~tnlt Smart & Final IS years!! Mon Amie Bridal & FornMI Nordstrom 14 years!! South C0<1st Repertory Theater II years!/ Nabers Cadillac GMC Pont1.1( Bue< I.. 10 years!f Hall Chiropract11 c hris Stet>I 9 years/ Cmta Mesa Floml 8yearal Sc>agat(' TechnolCJ~y. lnl Costa Mesa City Employt't:'s 6 yearal Fuller Life Counseling Syears! Marral..esh 4 years! Galla~her Benefit Service~ Allatate Insurance Company Dawn M Ah1wtt•r 1670 5.mlJ And 1\w , #0 (11-.1a Me\,l, <.A '1.!h.17 'l44/h4"i tt.!HH. 44'l/fi45-8229 fax Coata Mesa Hiatorical Socldy Bob Pal.uzol,1 1 lJ7ll Anaht•1m Avenue (osta Me~.i. l A q2h27 <)49/6JI ~591 B voice Henry'a Marketplace David San Miguel JO 10 Harbor Blvd Cmla ME>\.l, <A lJlb2n 714/751 -bJ<)<), 714/751 4921 fax 3 years/ International Contract•, Inc. Fmanual Management Network I Daniel H Ml VNy Palm Harvest Churlh P.O . Bo' )2814 El Chmaco Restaurant I Irvine, (A q261 q 949/4 B -7b43 votee Zyearsl Ziba Beauty Center, Inc . Maua.ge Theropy-Marlaol Ortiz Mamol Ortiz 60 I Dowr Drew, # 2 Newport Beath. CA 92h6 ~ 94<V291 -l.J98J voice Sea Pointr Villa• Apartment11 Sharon Mam•ll.l t 380 Village Way Costa M esa, CA q2b.!b 714/662-7368, 71 4/fibJ-7 2211 Id'\ Wutt'rn Financial Bank Andrea Durrett 2000 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesd, CA q2h2b 94q/J10-0CJ19, q4q/fi45·6'i2'i ta' Haagen./Jau Bnan Pierson JJJJ Bristol Strl't'I. #1570 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/241 -1678, 714/241 -104& ta\ l.NTEU£SJS Stephen Martinez PLEAS E MEET I Lawry• Carwry Mike Yager 3333 Bnstol Streel. #2001 Cost<i M es.1, CA 92626 714/434-7788. 7 14/434-4882 fax 164 8 Memll Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949/631-272 1, 949/631-3365 fax a WES'IB.N flNANCtAL. BANK Andrea Ovrrtlt 2000 Hotbor BMf. Costa~. CA 92627·2672 9.49/310-0919 ~ 9.49/645-3153 YOic» ancho ~treltOwfb.eom www.~nc.a>m CORA 19CU hlrtolUCAl IOC'"Y 1870 Anohlim SW. Co.to Neo, CA 9.49/631 ·5918 ¥0b cmh~oom WW!H.lon .... Cl1m/ °""*'Y MASON INSURANCE Patricio MalOn 3500 s. Bristol Street, #20.4 Sonta Alto, CA 92704 71 4/5-'0-8222 voic» 71.4/ ~8228 fox pmo~,CIQm Uc. 0629701 ~AllSlale Als1dl lnsurora Con!pOl7 Daw.tM.~.~Ap'I 1670 Santo AM A.,..,., Sulll O C-0 Milo, CA 92627 9'9/645·8288 W>b 9A9/~8229 fax A9039~comemail www.ols'°'9 cxwn February Mlx:er at the New Karl Strauss Restaurant and Brewery Ambas!kldors ~ndy Kasler of Kaster Ventures and mixer emcee M1ch~I Donohoe of Colden Touch Proch.1 .. tlon Jl'nntfer Stodland of C~.i MesJ Flon~ ond Amba ~ Alben. MiriscioUi of A. Mlnsdotti ~raphy Ownber membm (1-r) ~niel Mc~ d lntcmAtioNf C.ontr Inc., Iv.in AwncMno oJ Off.a ~ .nci o. lltnpe °' Morlcry MJ1itr btllt Prit• Ooftofl FIStt 11atbot , Offi~ ~ IC.a'ler Venture, lnttt•l Payroll, Amblil F16nst. Plum'i Ca~ and n& '°"~ ~ FlOrit.t. (mbrQldfofy and Monogram$ Etc. R.lffk ~e don<1t100 opportlmit •~ •n ll.Jbk by all111t lv.m Avel'ICMno. Offlt:'t! OrPOt Busmen S«rnr S6V490-9J05. Monday, Apr il 7 Tuesday, Apnl 8 Tuesday Aprtl H • 1 .35 am H 11•1 <'.1 ~.1n Jr'')() Br >to StrP•" 1,1 Financial Committee Executive Comm1nee Ambassadors Committee Noon Charnhe, "Hi1 Thursday, Apnl 10 Board of Directors 1 I 4 5 a rri Ho11day lr 3131 Brest~ St·~t' ~M . ,,, . Thursday. Aprtl 10 Open House 3 -7 p.m. AMBASSADORS Ribbon Cutting, 4 p.m Assemblymar ii-P." M11<1n• 1501 South C'ia~' D· ,,, 1.10" CM Thursday. Apnl 17 ·90-Minute Breakfast Boost• 7 8 45 a II co~ta Me~ CO\Jllfr' ( JI 1701 Golf Course Dove CM Wednesday, April 23 After Ho11rs Business Mixer 5 30 7 30 p m Z Teias Restaurant South Coast Pla1a (Bristol St Side Ribbon Cuttln\Js A./lUa,tt R~ Cl-1dmbt>r mtmber!. •Olned tht' man mt."nt and staff of Alhan~ Rav.lie to ma~ the opet\ing of their MW hcadqu l't ~<al 2575 McCabe m ln11nt! Holding cere1nony ~ i!>sors are o>--kl4Jnders -ht'CUhW' VP M.lrc-ell<' long and ~Id. n11'm~ tq QUOTE OF ntE DAY "I like being able to play with Greg Perrine and Tony Me/um again." 1)-..y KrikortM, ChapmaM>ound basketbal recruit M Monday, Apri 14, 2003 Sports Editor Roger Canson • (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 COLLEGE BASEBALL EYEOPENER llntity~llli II ..... Hiii ti"-~ ......... Aj)rU 21 honorff MARK LORE~ _Anteatei;.~-oyeroo~ered by· 49·ers Long Beach State's 17-hit attack helps visitors win . Big West series finale. ANTEATER BAllPARK -Host UC Ir- vine took a 1-0 first-inning lead, but that was the extent of the good news for the Anteaters, who dropped an 11-1 Big West Conference baseball decision to Long Beach State Sunday. Senior Anteater SCOREBOMD left fielder Ouis Klemm singled in Brett Dalton to put the hosts (15-22, 3-3 in conference) on top and UO starting pitcher Paul French LB State blanlced the 49ers UC Irvine (23-12, 4-2), ranlc.ed No. 10, through two~ But Long Beach State capitali7.ed on two ua errors to score three in the third and proceeded to the double-digit vic- tory behind a 17-hit attaclc paced by tblrd baseman Adam Heether, who went 5 for 5 offfour Anteater hurlers. The tblrd UCI error contributed to Long Beach State's three-run rally in the fourth. The tblrd Anteater miscue oc- curred with the bases loaded to up the Long Beach lead to 4-1, then Todd Jen- nings singled in two more to put things out of reach.. . The Dirtbags, however, kept pouring It on, adding a single run in the fifth and two runs in the seventh and eight French lasted three innings, yielding five earned runs on nine hits, to absorb his third loss in four decisions this spring. Long Beach State starter C.esar Ramos was unable to earn the victory. He was pulled with one out in the third, after giving up five hits and one run. Reliever Neil Jamison held UQ scoreless over 4¥.iinnings. to earn the win, improving his rea>rd to 5-1. ua managed five hits off Jamison. but he fanned three. Bo Ashabraner and Carlos Muniz each worked a hitless inning of relief for Long Beach State. The victory allowed the 49ers to win the series, which began with a 9-4 Long Beach win Friday night. but was evened up on Saturday, when the Anteaters pre- vailed, 7-1. UCJ senior shortstOp B.J. Eucce went 2 for 3 with a wallc and freshman catcher Mark Wagner went 2 for 4 for the Ant- eaters, who had at least one hit from eight players. In addition to Heether, who drove in one run and scored three, Jennings was 3 for 6 with three RBis. Mike Hofius and ThJy 1Wowitzki also had two hits and combined for three RBis for the winners. UQ visits Fresno State for a noncon- ference game at 6:35 p.m.., before con- tinuing on the road with a three-game Big West Series at University of the Pa- cific. beginning Thursday . ....... c. ......... ~-St. 11. ua 1 Lona Beactl 003 br,~ -n 11 o UC rrvine 100 ooo ooo -t 10 • Ramos, Jemleon (3), Aahetnner (8), Munis (9); FTenc:tl, Koehler (4), Nicoll (6), DeVem (9) and W8gner. Wehrun (9). W -Jemieon, 5-1. L - French, 1-3. 28 -Jennings (LB), Heether (LBI. Han90n (LB) 2, Klemm (UCI), Asher (UCI). 38 - Tulowitzkl (LB). BASKETBALL RECRUITING Mesa's Krikorian will continue at Chapman Mustang shooting guard will join ex-Tars Perrine, Melum with Panthers. Barry Faulkner Dail)' Pilot CX>STA MESA -ea.ta Mesa High SenJor Danny ICdkorlan. a (our-year var- lftj bayl buk.etball atandout. bu ~ to coolinue hla athledc IDd aca- demic career at Olapmai1 Unlvaatty. be 19ic15'.mday. A 6-fbot prd who awneed a team-hllb 1e.e potnta .. • eeruor, Krikorian ..W be dlOle Chapman CMlf Cll State Mol*"'Y e.y· and' the United SW Mllildlmt ~ ~ -klnl'• PdriL Hiii ~ wtl lllow him to jo!n for· Division m program coached by fonner UC Irvine tant Mike Bokosky. .. , like being able to play with Greg Pmine and Tony Melum again," Krikor- ian sa1d. "l grew up playing with them. l also like the coach, the program and the IChool" Krikorian, with a 3.83 grade-point av- erage. plan to major ln elther psychol· ogy or jouma&m. Currently competing In both track and fteJd and volleyball, he Aki be ls relieved to have eolldi6ed his athledc future and anxious to apply the WOtk ethic: that made him a ravorite of Muatanp buketblll coach Bob SeMrL •rw always ctrea.med about playing In co~ aDd Olaproan a great plii:e to play, Krikorian l&ld. ·1 know I haw to step up. After acbool out, I want to lbUt llfdng wa,bta to pt at:ronger and tart wOrld.ng on makin1 my Jumpthot UC Irvine outfielder Jon Horwitz runs down a fly ball for the first out of Sunday's game against Long Beach State. Below left, UC Irvine's Brett Dalton goes up and over Long Beach State's Troy TuJowitzki to haul in a high throw at third base during the third inning of Sunday's game. Below right, UC Irvine's Mark Wagner, left, can't quite sneak around Long Beach State catcher Todd Jennings and gets tagged out at home plate during the first inning of Sunday's game. UCI scored first to take a 1-0 lead, but the No. 10-ranked 49ers rallied to earn the rubber game in the three-game Big West Series atUCI. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DM.Y PILOT • mer NHpart HllbOr..., Greg Perrine lind 1blly ....... wtcb Che Nn&hen. • • OONllACH/DM.YPl.OT • s.e KM<ONAN, , ... M Costa Mesa's Danny Krl<orian wtl continue his athletic and ICademic career at OMsk>n I ChaprNn lkWersky. : • .. --- ----~ ------------==---=- - ---_ -----~ -~ ---- - - ' ( Daly Pilot SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Day tops nine All-CIF picks Cosla Mesa High senior Sharon Day. who Jed the Mustangs to a share of the OF Southern Section Division W girls soccer champi- onship. to~ a list of nine local girls players voted All-CIF by sec- tion coaches. Day. a midfieJder who led the Mustan~ with 29 goals and 34 · as&sts, is .the Offensive Player of the Year in Division ill. Bound for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, she fin- . !shed her four-year varsity career with 83 goals and 7 1 asmsts. Day. a second-team All-CIF choice as a junior, was joined on the Division m first team by senior teammate Devin Denman and Costa Mesa sophomore NUani Duarte. Seniors Paige Janes and Alivia Mazura represent Corona del Mar on the Division n first team. The Division Ill second team includes Costa Mesa sophomore Jenny Sparks and freshman team- mate Jasmin Day. Four-time All-CIF honoree Eli- sha Morgan represents CdM on the Division II second team, while CdM st:n.ior Jenny Long is a third-team choice in Division fl. Costa Mesa High C,oach Dan Johnstonsharc.>d Coach of the Year honors In Division IU. Denman, a sweeper on a de- fense that allowed just 15 goals in 26 games. was also a four-year starter for Mesa. Oenman's deci- sively ~ive play in die championship game helped pre- serve the shutout for the Mus- tangs.. Duarte, also a defender. was a stabili7ing force on the back line, while Sparlc.'1 and Jasmin Day added to the firepower that helped the Mustangs (22-1-3) '>Core I 05 goal!>. Sparks scored four of her 27 goal!. in the playoffs. while the younger Day tallied three of her 24 goals in the postseawn, de- '>pite missing the second-round game with a '>Ore ankle. Janes, a fir;t-team AIJ-cu: DiVl- '>ion IV 5electiun last vear after earning third-team AD-(:tF recog- nition ii!> a sophomore, ~ a dominatu1g defensive pre-.ence for the Sea King.. who advanced to lhe Division II quarterfinals. IX'fow falling to Canyon of Can- yon Country Mazura, a forward. ~ a sec- ond-team honoree in Division IV la.'it ~n. Morg-an, a -.cnior nudficlder, finishes off the rare four-peat ~ an All-OF designee. She was a first-team pick in Division rv as a freshman and sophomore, then recovered from knee surgery be- fore her jwlior <;eason to earn ~on<l-team laurels. Long. a midfielder. WdS a sec· ond-team All -Clf pick a... a Junior. Janes, Ma.rum. Morgan and Long all helped CdM win th.ref> btraight Pacific Coast League titles and advance to the CIF Division rv <Jemifinals from 2000-02. CdM fini~ed 12-6-2. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD STE Vl Mt CRAN!< t DAILY PILOT Above, Costa Mesa senior m1df1elder Sharon Day (9} gets a leg up on a competitor from Centennial of Corona in a CIF Southern Section Divts1on Ill quarterfinal wm . She eventually led the Mustangs to the DMsion Ill ccrchamp1onship. At left, Corona del Mar's Elisha Morgan, left, and Paige Janes were key performers th~ last four seasons for the Sea Kings. Morgan is a four-time AH-CIF honoree, while Janes 1s a three-time AJ~CIF !llhac.efH [JAIL Y PILOT Eagles' Rojas a winner in Poway Senior tops invitational field in 1,500 to lead strong Estancia showing. POWAY -Estancia High sen· ior Humberto Rojas ran a sea- son-best 3:58.26 to win the invi- tational l,500 meters at the Poway Invitational track and field meet Saturday. Rojas dominated the field, consisting of competitors from five divisions, winning by more than 50 mete~. f..stancla Coach CharUe Appell said. tional 3,200, finishing in a sea- son-best 11:25.58. In the Division W competi- tion, F.stancia's boys high jump "relay" was victorious, thanks to senior Z.ack Novak's clearance of 6-4, senior Matt Cachola's mark of 5-8 and junior Jason Johns- ton's mark of 5-8. all divisions The Eagles 4 X I .600 boys relay of FJia.s, Man 7.Jch, Morales and Flore-'> wa~ also victorious, paced by a personal -rt'cord split of 4:36 by Flore~. Other lop fmb he5 in Divh1o n m mduded· The 4 X 100 girl' shuttle hur- dJe11 relay of Ludj Valde7~ Aman- da Abbot!, Rafaela Sansone and Nicole Wili.on clocked a second- place time of 1.18.19. relay was particularly strong. smce she had Just finished her sixth-place showing in the invi- tationaJ 300 hurdles (50. l). The 4 X 1,600 girls relay of Lomeli, Carrasco, Lucy Leon and Crystal Rincon was fourth amo ng Division UI entries in 2:24.45. Additionally, sophomore Alex Cahuanttj ran a PR in the boys invitational 3,200. His time of 10:0 l.5 was 17 seconds faster than his previous best Monday, ~~ 14, 2003 A7 llJI Daily .A Pilot llfllll Sj>orts Hall Of Fame CelPbrating the millE·nn iu rn TODD KATOVSICH Corona del Mar Former All -CIF selection still enjoying bond with old Sea King teammates. Richard Dunn Daily Pilot I r camaraderie counts among teammates after the whistles have stopped blowing and the final snaps have been taken, then som~ Corona del Mar High football players from the Oass of 1988, like Todd Katovsich, are still tasting life's fruits of victory together. The closeness experienced by many in that congregation continues today. Klein 1 ligh in Houston "Playing footbaJI in Texa .... as lhe stereotypes go you eat, sleep and drink football, especially high school." he '>a.Id. "I thjnk I came 10 CaJifo m ia where I needed to be on the football field and 1ha1 gavt' me an advantagE· " A move al> dral>tic a<. Texal> to Corona del Mar in high school could be a painful tran'>illon, b111 11 didn't tal..e long for thl' Ka tov ... ich brother; 10 ad1ui.t to theLr nt'"' <>urroundings. "If 11w.1 .... n1 for football <1nd the progra m th ere at C 11rona del Mar I hgh, the move would haw been more difficult, bul th!.' boy' gut mltl the '>Wing 111 thing<. very earl\ bccau ... e football "It's easy (to stay in touch with former classmates and teammates). You've just got to pick up the phone; said Katovsich, who has gone into business with former teammates and often takes mini vacations with his buddies from Corona del Todd Katovs1ch practice <.Ian ., in .'\ugu,t. ,,uJ lht'1r fJtlll'r Mar, including fishing trip.; to MeX1co and auendmg the2002 NFC championship game in SL Louis between lhe Rams and F.agtes. The fellowship that goes on today, no doubt. sterns from the cohesiveness experienced by Coach Dave Holland's Sea Kings in the fall of 1987. when they started the campaign 1-5. yet rallied to win the Sea View League tide. "We won a few straight !five in a row, induding a first -round CIF Southern Section Central Conference Playoff game over ltoy. 28-71 and that was probably a hiitiligbt. and just being aroV.nd all the guys and builiing friendships and remaining friends with a good group of guys still,· Katovsich said. Katovsich, who lives in a 5,000-square-foot loft in the artists' district in downtown Los Angeles with his younger brother, John, among other bachelors, recently started a home inspection business with funner teammate Kun Ehmann. ·we've been in a bunch of movie stars' homes. and people in the entenainrnent industry ... we're slowly learning the business,· said Katovsich, 33. Katovsicb played center and defensive tackle for the Sea ICinp as a two-year, two-way slarter after moving to Corona del Mar from 1eu.s, where high school football is king. He lettered as a sophomore at Oenm'>. who m oved h1'> famtlv 111 C il \1 111 the <,wnme r of I 'IHh Lo ngtime CdM eqwpmen1 manager lnh11 Potter o nce 'i<Ud th<1t < tl\1 player. didn't truh undef'>tand how to pl..i\ winning foothall until tht· Katovsich brother., arm t'tl on the scene Llsted at fl-foot :! .md 215 pounds. fod<l Katovs1ch was the onl) CdM player 10 earn All ·Cll Central Conference honor' in lhe faJJ of '87. a year 1hat included , among other Sea Kings, standout-'> Ehmann. Kevin Maas. Mitch Mclbon, Scon Sullivan, Andy lone.,, Scull McCaner and Jt'ff Thomason. who ldtrr played m two "uper Ro\\.<ls 111.i th Green Ha~. Katov.,.ch was abo an ·\JJ Orange County selecuon and tht' Sea View League f)('feml\ e Player of the Year "I was going to pla't tackJ e Ion offen'>t' . hut ou r center, lorn Mc<.dh;m got hun, so they moved me 10 center.· -.aid ~1ovc;1ch whose biggest impact c.tmc on lhe other '>tde of the ball. The late<il hon oree in the Daily Pilm Spon<. Hall of Fame, KatO\'Sich contmut'd his gridiron cart'er at Orange Coa<>t College, where he played tn I SAA and '89, then eaml.'d a football scholar.hip to Towson State Umwr;1ty. a Division 1-M M'.hool in Baltimore. But ~tovsKh played only one game for Tuwson Slate, tearin g hi<. ACL in the season openf"r against Rhode Island and returning home shortly thereaft~L . Estancia senior Diane Rosete was second in the girls invlta- The Eagles' 4 X 800 boys relay of Panfilo Elias, Paco Morales. Abel Flores and Rojas was also victorious in DivisJon m. Appell credited the wort of MoroJes. who gave the team an extended lead In the second leg with a split of 2:08, seven seconds faster than his pre\'io~ best. F.stancia's winning time was 8: 10.5, the sec- ond-fastest clocldng of the day in Elias, flores, C J. Buchmann and Rojas were third in the boys 1,600 relay (3:34.18). while the girls 4 X 800 relay of Valdeio. Fatima Carrasco. Okairy Lomeli and Rosete was third Ln 10:45. Appell said VaJdez.'s effon In the Pstancia's boys team (4-0 in Golden West League competi- tion) and the girls (3-l in league) return to action April 24. when they host crosstown rival Costa Mesa in a l~e dual meet L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----• ,. -eue na wow! s~ooo · ,._...,1-, .,. .. / .. FOR &O ( p k No w Ge t .... ~ .... ·-- -a r 2llfl ! EXPEDITIOfJ . ·: . ' : • ' . . -- - '29,91! muuu 'J6,97J wuua . . . . ... .. .. ' Al ~. ~ 14, 2003 -SPORTS , COLlEGE WOMEN'S GOLF 'Eaters eighth STANFORD -The UC lrviDe women'a golf team shot rollJl(b of ~ and 318 to ftnlsh in a de for eighth at the Peg Barnard c.ollegl- ate Sunday at the Stanford Golf c.ourae. Stella Lee paced UO, finishing 10th with a ICOl'e of 7S-79, 154. Other UO acorers lncJuded An- gela Won (31st in 81-80, 161); ~ lmoejoy (37tb in 83-79; 162); Shelly Raworth (4lst in 83- KRIKORIAN Continued from A6 quicker." Krlkortan's jumper resulted in a Newport-Mesa·best 82 three- polnters as a senior and his 163 career three-pointers are a school record. A three-year starter, Krikorian made at least one three-pointer in 25 of 26 games for the Mus- tangs, who finished 10-16. Kri- korian contributed to the Mus- SCHEDULE TODAY a..bel High school -Pride of the Coast Tournament. dlampionship quarterfinal: Dana Hills at Newport Harbor 11 a.m. Consolation quarterfinals: Boise Grande at Corona del Mar, 11 a.m.; Mission Viejo at Cos1a Mesa, 2 p.m.; Covina at Estancia, 2 p.m. \toleybllll High school boys -Estancia at Chaparral Tournament in Las Vegas, all day. Tennis College men -Vanguard at Barry University, 11 a.m. College women -Vanguard at Barry University 3 p.m. Softball Community college -Orange Coast at Golden West, 6 p.m. l\JESOAY 811.tr.1 . 80, 163) and Reana Yun (62nd ~ 90-82. 172). Denver won the team tide (621), r~ by Staofonl <622l. San Joee State (623). San Frandlco (626) and Portland State (628). UO wtD return to competition at the Big West Clwnpionsh1ps, scheduled April 21·Z2 at the Ser- rano Country Oub in El Dorado Hills. The Anteaters are defending Big West champions. tangs' 200 I Pacific Coast League co·championshlp. the. program's only league tltJe. Krikorian said he was a club soccer teammate of Perrine for 6ve or six years, beginning at age 5, and has played against both Perrine and MeJwn in the New· pon-Mesa NJB program. Perrine staned at point guard as a freshman for the Panthers. while MeJum will begin his Olapman career next season, having transferred at mid-year from C.Olorado School or the Mines. High school boys -Estancia al Chaparral Tournament, TBA. Tennis College men -Vanguard at Northwood University, 11:30 a.m. College women -Vanguard at Northwood University, 11 :30 a.m. Softball College-Concordia at Vanguard, 2 p.m. Golf High school boys -Estancia at Atascadero Tournament, 7 a.m . HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratin,g the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Weelc series I jl KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pit.OT UCI shortstop B.J. Eucce sidesteps Long Beach State's Adam Heether (8) to turn double play in 'Eaters' 11-1 loss Sunday. College -UC Irvine at Fresno State, 6:35 p.m.; Point Loma at Vanguard, 3p.m . High school -Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar, Estancia, Costa Mesa at Pride of the Coast Tournament, TBA. TODAY 20 -Matthew DeMart1no Orange CoNt College Water polo. 2001 YoleyMll Shadow lands Loolcing back. 5 years ago th.is week: Newport Harbor 1 ligh's hard-throwing right-hander Scott Beerer fans 11 in 5Vi innings to help preserve a 12-7 victory over C.Osta Mesa 1n the Pride of the Coast ToumamenL Beerer also doubles-twice against Mesa. his second left-field line. Larson scatters five hil.S through five scoreless innings with five strik.eou~ Brian Phl.lllpe gets the final two oul.S of the sixth inning on two pitches and worts a perfect seventh to preserve Larson's victory. Denlae Woodard captures her third consecutive club championship at Mesa Verde Country Oub to earn another appearance in the 5 two· bagger following a leadoff walk to Nick Lanpdorf, to jump start a 6ve-run outburst in the 11th inning. Scan Crane and Ouufe Waite each plate runs with a double for Newport (f>L l 0) while UlI1~orf and Shawn O'Donnell each '>maclc two-run home runs. 1\vo Harb<u errors lead to three unearned Mesa runs in the fifth trming as Josh Utt.le soc.ks a three-run home run 10 lie the score with one oul in the sixth inning. Jlmmy Herzog leads the Mustangs' 12-hit attack. going 4 for 6 with a double and reaches base in all six of his plate appearances. Corona deJ Mar High's baseball learn extends 1Ls winning streak to four games and pushes its record above .500 for the first time in a month with a 9-4 Pride of the U>ast Tuumament pool-play victory over Laguna Beach. The Sea Kings remain unbeaten in tournament play, but the date for a later game has yet to be determined because of rain. CdM (8-7) seizes the early lead with a six-run first inning. keyed by Man Lanon's two-run double inside the Tea Cup Cassie. Woodard becomes the first lady to win three straight titles at Mesa Verde ~mce Shirley Kinder, who won champiOnsh.iJ>l> from 1983 to 1985. Woodard fires her best round of the tournament 184) to finish with an l 1-\trolce victory. The Tea Cup Oassic is pan of the Fletcher Jones Motorcars/Daily Pilot Oub Ouunpionship Series, which detennines an overall womens club champion in this newspaper's circulation area Woodard makes one birdie, on the par-3 No. 3 ( 148 yards) Sh e uses a 9-wood to get within four feet of the fiag. then ma.Ices lhe pun. Woodard shoots 86, 88, 86, Legal Hotica 2640 lepl Notices SUMIOllS,., lAW) OTACJCMI MICIM- DllKHO DI FAllJA NOllLl TO RESPON· Of.NT (Name) (AVISO Al OCMANOAOO (Nombft) GREGG C WAl HRS You 11e beln1 sued A u•led to ntan demand endo PfTITIOl'fE.R S NAMC IS El HOMBRE O(l 0£ Ml.HONfTI: ES SHELLY MAAI£ $Al'fTllU CASl HUM8(A (Nunwo d1tf Cno) 030000541 Y.. h•vt JO CAUN 0"8 OAYS 1ftef th11 Svmml)nt end Petition at• .... d on you to hit 1 ResponH (form Fl 110) 11 IM court •nd WtYI I C09Y on tt.. ~btlon., A lettl!f Of ptlon• c1CI will not jlfOlt<I ~ " pOll *> M l l1le 'fOIJf R flOllH on 11,..., 1"9 coutt trta'f 1111111 Ofdln ll•<line '°'" -flt(tl. yeur 11reptrly, and ci,Jtl!Mly of '°"' tlllldftn Yoe m•r be Ofdtfed to P•'I' !M*t and 1tt0f • n-.y ft~ rid c111b If Vi'll Clflllll ,., lM fii tu, tht c'-'i for • '"' . ., .... ''"" I( ''" want l•1•t ~· conltd • lewr-iinmt!dl1t1fy U.t-4 tn JO DIAS CAl I NVMIOS *""'" IN r MIC llM!lt. nu c taclon fudlclill ' Dftklat\, ,.,. C(lfllpltt.w Jpf MMIGll'1llf lerio ,. P.,. pue IA -·· (Response form fl 120) ante la corte Una cart• o uni llamada telelon1c1 no le olrecen protec c1on St u't•d no present• iu Respunl• • llempo, la corte putde npedtr nrden" que 1fecten 'lU m1t rim o n1 0 s u P' opitdad y que or denen qu• u'l•d pa~ man lencoon. honOfarlOs di 1bo11do J fH COS\IS S1 no pued• P•I" les costu por 11 present. clOfl di le demanda plda 11 11eluario de I• corte que II de un fot muleno dt uonetoclon di las mismas (Wai~r of Collft Fees •nd Cost•). Si duu obtener consejo lqal. comunl quese dt lnmtchalo con un•boc'6o HOTIC£ Tht r9'l11111t111 1»dl<' on the hell ttt In eilKt 1111n~t IM>th hu~b•nd end wife until the pe\tll011 " dM!ll,..., t l!Hllenwnt II elllttfld Of the court mello fU(th• • .,.,, r11111 Of~fl tit tl1fOfC11bll t111wh1t • In Cllllfot nl• by eny l1w 1111forctmtnl 011101 who hta reulwt4 or wen • CoVY ol ~ AVISO I u prahlbl cio.... lu41<i.IH qu1 • .,.un .. '"'"'° ... Ill.a Cit.a iOtl Mfl lfK• UV n pat t •lllllM e Oii YVCft, I.Into el ~ ~.. • t• Qili. fl jlltlllcltl I I r tlandt, • dltl• un1 dlcbioll RNI t 1.t '°'" t•Pldl 11Ulr!1•(i !!•" I 1d1c1on:tles 01 ,h.4s proh1b1c.1onn pu1den h1cerse c umpl1111 n cu•lqu11r pute de Calilormi por cu1fqu1er •aente del orden publko 11ue lu haya recrbldo o que h1ya YtSIO unt l OPll di ellas. I The name 1n4' addreu of the court ii (£1 nombre '1 dtJeccion de 11 corle es) ORANG[ COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY LAW COURT OPERATIONS, 341 TH£ CITY ORM POST Of FIC£ BOX 1•170. ORANGE, CA 92863-1S70 2. The n1m1. 11cld11.s ind telepllone number of petlliorm's 1llOflltJ Ot pehho11" without an •ltotntJ Is (El nombre, I• direcct0n J ti num•o 6t t&ltfono dll •boa•do 6tl dtlrtlrtdantt, o dll detna11d1nte q11e no t1ene eboa•••· u): SHEU Y MMIE SAHlUI, 17191• C0"81NA LN 1202, HUNTINCTON MACH, CA 92M9, (714) 840"" o..., JM tt, HOS, ::::~~; :~o~! TANU, • ....., P11ll 11\llld Nl"'l)0(1 8Hch Cott.. 111tM O•il~ ,. t Mtrch 14, 31, Al>f..~,JJ. 1',100J ~ SW 2640 legal Natim SlllD)l(OUIJOf CAllOllU, COUIRYOfO...,. 341 n. Oty Driwt, ~ Offktlea 14170,hp, CA t214S-1 S70, .__ ... c... rnmo1 Of ,.., ... ,..... • Will ti left. • .... Sdd, ..... fCI OIAllGl Of IUI .. TO SHOW<AUSE FOi OWIROflWll Wl .... A2116ll TO All INTERESTED PERSONS I l"thlloner M&urten Peltrt on behalf of k11 Int & Je111ca Sd1., dt, mlnon flied a p.41llllon w1l11 UllS cwrt lot • deUM clnlnl!ft1 n•-• aa follows Kari-.. Ch.nt•I S<hwdt to ll•rlua Cha11tal P'eter'l Jewu D•nttlle S<l\trdt to Jenica Oanl1lla '•t.1 2 THl. COURT ORDERS lhtl •II !>'''°"' klt•r· ~l..S In Uil' matt'M lfltU ttltl"f b 1011 th ~ 11 the tt.rina l11doc1ted • l•w la •h11w tain• It any, whr tha ,.tttllwl for ~.,,..,,....., .. -'lleplllltM NOllC[ or H(AJllNC 0-. ~l-l_"OO P'Ml>tpl.:l 7l TIM M* 1t Ula c.vtl t\ IM A'\ Mtlld Qftt 3 A c09y ot lh1s Orde1 to Show o ust shill bt published 11 least once u ch wee-for four s11cc:esslv1 weeks prt0r to the date set fOf heertna on the petition 1n the lollow1n1 news ptper ol aentrel clrcu· lat.on, P' lnted 111 this cOUllty Daily Pttot DATls APtl 10 200J llKKAb o. fUIH, SI., JUOGI Of fHI SWllltOlt CCMMf l'wbhshed Ntwpcrt 8Hch Coste Mef.1 Dilly Pilo-14, 21, 28, Me cMJr., ~ ComY Of GUMI( CllAll(c.Tf ... a.T,ftlGUR<IE OPllA-.M1•cm ... POS10Ma IOI 14171,...,CAt2'13- 1S11, "11111 Of: __.,_ .. ~ ... .. ftt_UISI,_ <.-•• CAS1-..u ... TO ~u. OOtR .stto ,. ltSOflfS I . 1'11 tlontt: Ar1111nrt Ya-~ 1 peht- Mtll th ~· fif I 41tC:rM dllilclnl ne!MI •• fellow• Ar111 .. 11d Ya111nn1 \t ArM111• Stltton Hr. r. Mf MTXM The Oi:ange Coast C.Ollege dub hockey team, 84 (344) to finish ahead of Marj Hull (365), Martha Redfearn (362). Izumi Sueob (364) and Natalie Klng (365), who has won six dub titles at Mesa Verde. Looking back. 10 years ago this week:: The Newpon Harl>or High Sailors gain their first Sea View League baseball win at the hands of Back Bay rival C.Orona deJ Mar High. 9-8. The Ta.rs mix little ball with timely bitting and strong relief pitching from sophomore Mike Bulllt to hoJd off the Sea Kings. leadoff man tommy Urbina opens the game with a double off CdM staner Kevin Stuart and Justin Kd.c:bam doubles him home two baners later to give the Sailors a lead they would not relinquish. Daw! Snowden opens the second with another double toiling in virtual obscurity, 10 brings home a state championship trophy. Coa.'1. a member or the Pacific Collegiate Hockey Association -a Division n league -Ls a heavy underdog going into the title matchup with San Diego State (J 2-J -1 entering the playoffs), but sends the finale to a 3-3 tie at the end of regulation. and is later squeered home by center fielder Out. Pub.r. The Thrs rip five straight two-out singles to make it. 6-0, after Parker's squeeze. Urbina. who goes 3 for 4 with two runs and two RBis. begins by beating out a bunt and Sa>tt Sandenon. Ketcham, Mike freeman and Rym Aodenon follow with hits. Jeff Mai.en and Dew AngielonJ each tally two hits for the Sea ~ who rally for 6ve runs in the second inning before the Tars add a single run in the third and two more in the fifth to forge enough of a cushion. OCC the only communlty college team in the league and made up of both students and alumni. wins on penalty shots. Center Greg HoDy tallies on OCCs third uy in the extra session but SDSU ties it on its third chance. Then Mlb Ivan scores and Coast goaltender Denk WaDr.er stops the last two shots to preserve the victory. Bnd ~ scores the ihiro goal for Coast (7-5-2 at the end of the regular season) to send the game to overtime. OCC powem througll Pepperdine. St. Mary's and USC to reach the sh-team tournament's final. -oompOed by Bryce Alderton th•t ell persons inler uted 111 thtS mat111 shall 1ppe1r b1for1 thl• court at the heM1n1 1ndlc1ted below to show ceust If 1ny, why llM petition for chtnC• tf name 1hould not bt 111nled NOTICE OF HEARINC 01te: S-6·2003 Time 2 PM °"'t .. l73 Thi eddrns of 1111 court is same es noted tt>owt 3. A capy of this Ordtf' to Show uuse shell be pubUshld at IHtt once ucll we•ll for four successlw• w.-s prior to thl •t• .. t fOf heat1111 Ori Ille petition in the foll0wln1 Mlllt PIPI< cf 1•ner 11 clrcu l1tlon, Pflnfed In this county· 01ity Piiot DAllt _,. OJ, 200J JUDOl •t<MAH O. MAU~JUMIOf THI CCMMl '"bll\lled Newport Belch Co••• ,._,.. 011_lly Pilot Apf!I 1, 1', 21. ZI. 1003 MM2 IN ACCOflt>ANCt WI TH THC l'flO'&IOM Of THt CAllfOIUUA SELF ST°""CC f ACIUJY ACT, SCCTIOfC 170(), IT SfQ 8USINUS ANO PRO• f [$$IONS COO( Of 1 Ht Sr AT£ Of. CAI If OftHIA. ntC UM)( RSfCNlO Will k IOlD AT AUCfJOllC ON 04129/IU AT ) 00 ,... YHC fOllOWINO l"fUONAt . ANO[Olt llUSM.,SS [ QUlllM: llfl. TOOU, ctC.. &TOllO AT SOU fHCOAST Sllf SlOUCt, SUO W I 2148 llpJ NallCll -Ugal llallc:ll WARNER AVENUE, SAN· TA ANA. CA. 92704 BY THE FOLLOWING PER SONS ....... S.....tl Q., -~ .............. '**' Tiit f' ounl•ltl Valley 815 LAW OFFICES OF BRYANT K. CALLOWAY 517 MARt.EfC( J HALL 529 MARLENE J. HALL 420 AMERICAN EAClE SM.ES School Obit let Is re- r •CL[ quqbn1 Statemtnt of ..,. Qulilficatlont from tflOM 401 AMERICAN SALES 404 AMERICAN SALES EAGLE th"'' ll1teruted 111 Pfovldlna OSA·lflPfond ft'lll«lels tnhna llbo-717 AMUICAN SAl..U EAGLE ,.torp senlCH Tiit ~ of ltt'Vtt• la to lnclwda 111y 1pecl•I lflapectlona and SOil.a t .. t th•t m.y be ,.. 21S llEll Y f'AGUNOt:S 216 R08£RT TRAMMELL 116 IO£ WlntERS 194·0 LAURA SH£A OWNER Rf.SlRVES 1Hl RICHT TO BIO ON PROPERTY TO BE SOlO All PURCHASED PROf' UTY IS SOlO ON M 'AS IS 8ASIS• AHO MUSl 8£ REMOVED WITHIN 24 HOURS Of SAID SAi f AU SAU.$ MUST IE PAID f'OR IN CASH Ol'fl 't. THEllE wtll I A no 00 C~[ANINO Olf'OSl'T Oft All UMTS SAL[ IS SU9J£CT fO CANCULATION IN £VENT OF stfTUMlNl 8£TWUN ~ NC> 08LICA1t0 ,AA.ff. AUC'TIONfU. MR tnCHAlm (DICK) 911 IU)(ltS (CA STA Tt. IOM>f ~l)_ rti4111 .. 1•.6ett '·~"''"' ,.,.,.,, -..Ctl-Cott• .... o.-, "lot Aprll 14, 11. 100J ..,, quired. Tiit Ols tflct hts et.WI! moc1«nl11llon prcftc;ts thtl wlll bid Ill thftt ph-,.._ l c:onNsb tf tfw .. Kcllools Ind Wiit llt&l n In )II 111 2003 l'll•Mt 2 olld 3 con.llat of 4 ~ ~II wltll f'lllM J ~tiflt In o.c-b« 2004' Submltt1111 f.-rns mu \ " •bM .. coftlPI; Witt! tht St eta of · Cdf0t111t ~ v .. ., ...... MU CnlttllflM (OYlt) ........... .._ ..... by the Stitt Alocat1011 l•d(SAI). Plt111 eubmlt two C°"9I or ,.,,..,_, of Q111llflc1t1on1 to lfl• Olsttkl'• C:ensltuchon •hn11er: Mr. Jerry ~*"'· Otrecttt, "-Cotntr1Kt11in Senk-. CrdMft Htl c.MtrlC tloft C:t • MIO c.,.,,_ta Duwe, l IM! ..... CA IQOll mm11 of St1te1111nt of Q111llhc1tio11s IS Frldey, Apftl 18. 2003 ,, 4 00 PM'. Published Ntwpor t e .. cll Costa MISt D11ly Piiot Aprll 8 , 14, 2003 noo ...... ....... Q • , ·'5A .......... The f' OClltttlll v • .:., Schoel Dtllrict la ,. C!UHl~ Sl•t-t of Quellfk•llOflS ff om those f~m"1ndlwldijala lnttt Httd 111 provkt na Divi sion of Stet• (OSA) l111p1etor of fltcor4 (IOR) NtYlcat The Olatrkt tin tllvtn mocler•llalion llfOjOCI) ttlet will M In lllf" -.... r>tlaM I COllUlb of tfw• ecllMlt eM weft IM&i11 In Jun• 200l r"M 7tfldl~ I of 4 Khooll tKll with Pfta 3 c~t -Ill ~ ..... 2006. Sllblllfttlflt , ..... nlll'lt bt •tt to cofllPfy with tt1t S.•lt ot Cetlflf!Me 0...-11.i Vtltt1n lusl .... t11ttfprlu~~ ............... ., tht ,, ... .Alli9c•Uoft loerf(SM). ,,.... 1111111111 ••• cop. ot S~t Of o--tl~•hHI lo 1111 ~k1'1 0Nttr11etiotl M1u1er: Mr. l•rry VlaceM, Director, ,.,.. CeMbW<tioft s... , ( rkhlll Hall C:..hc· tlvn Co Cot1out · -.-...-·-··--.- Drive, £scond1do, CA 92029 The deadltne for 1ub mttttl ot Statement ot Quallflutions is Frld•J. April Ill. 2003 11 4 00 PM Published Newport BtKh·Costl llleu OaKy Pilot April 8 , 14 2003 TM099 Ody Pilot _ .. ;::..__.. .... ____ u.t ... ... " .... -Cll ~ "~~$$ D(f[NIDAl'flll (AVlso o Acundo) MOHAMED ELGAfl, l11dtvtdu11fy MOHAMED ELGAf I dt>• f)it&C ENGINEERING ANO ROES 1tllrouch1~. lftclusin, YOU ARE BEING SUEO ev CROSS COMPLAIN ANT (A Ud It est• dem•nd udo) LISA MITlS PATRICK, You have JO CAI lN OAR DAYS after th1t summons 1s "' ved on you to Iott 1 typtwr 1tlen IMPOnse •I lhos court A t•tte~ Of phone call • wlll nut ptolect you. your lypewrltlen re •pon11 must be tn pro~• te11t lo1m 11 you want tho cour I lo h1111r y1>Ur CH I. II you do not hM your 1esponst orl lrme, you may lose Ille t ne. •nd JOU• •• , ... !"'Oney Ind pt099rly may be taken w1t11out furlllff war non& ffom lh• COUii ni .. e are olh•r teaaJ requlftments You may w1nt to call •n elt(>lney 11chl away II you cf11 not Ii.now 1n ittlorney. you mey c .. 11 1n alh>1 ney reft!fral service or • lf'1at atd OlllC~ ( h\led Ill the phone booll) OespuH dr que It en1te1u•n esl• t•l•<ton 1udte11I usled lirnr un ptazo de JO OIAS C'Al ENOAAIOS para pre\en lar un• rnpue>l.t •• ct1ta • rnaqum• • n f'\,l.il COi ie Un• c.irt. o un4 llamada lelel11111c.i no It of1ecer1 111otu,1n11 '" resp"e~t• f'\C.:tttit a maqu•n• lo~n~ nu• cumphr ton lo tor "°'I 1dades le1ales •11• np1~ du " usted quoer• qur I• corte ucuchr '" CHO SI usled no PIP"'llld 'u ••'PUOl\14 • 11empt1 puede IH!•de• el t:a\o y le OV•d•n qull11 su Mlarro. IW dlnofo y OhH cowMtt 11u PfO~dld r.111 ••™> •dicional por PIN le d<l la tOfte [Alsttn otro' requ1so to• let•Ms Putde quo u'tld qu1t1 a l~mar a un ebo11do 1nmed11h mente $1 no ton0<.e 1 un "oaack., PU•d• ll•m•r a un serv1eio de relt1 tncoa d;i abo&•do• o • Uft• ofK K11 d• ayuda le&ll (I/ti ti d11tcl()(IO telefonocu) USINUMIHi {"-•,.. 4.1 c ••• , 02CCOSS94 JUDGI UNDIU L WIUUNSON Dll"l.Clt fhe n1m~ •ni.I o1lldfe~s of the <uur 1 " (f I nom1J1e y d11nunn de 11 corte es) ORANGC COllNIY SU PCRIOA COURT. lOO ClvK. Cenle• Or1v1 West. P 0 Bo• • 838, 'i•nl.o An1, CA 9270? 0&38 Cenlr•I kJ•llle (;l'nler. C1v1I Unhm1lt:d flw nitrnl' add•"" and tel@phonp numb~• nl 11•••nlllh 11torno ur pl•lnlrtl w1lhoul "" itllllf ney 1\ I[ I n11n1br ~ ta d11 er.t111n y ti numero d~ teltlono del 1bo&od<1 dtl dem;anrl•nl~ o df'I d~m•nd•nle que no llf'nt aboit.odo "'> LISA Mil I'> PAlRICK (SQ • I 14':>/7 I /14) !125 S')l I I 1u Mitt\ Palo1<.h Bao • 114~1? l •w OlttrP r,I llSt\ MlllS PATRICK 111 I lmp,.1111 llwy ~utll' I 00. I ull~• '"" •.A 9?8J5 1047 DAU: NOV 13, 2002 ALAN SLAY.fa, Cieri. (Achoorlo), l.y A. DANG, Depufy (DelofOClo) l'ubll\hf'J N ewpor I !le•th Ch\ta M"'" Oo11l1 Pilot M•11 h II t\p11I 1 14 ?I, t'OO I Mf>/6 ISC 12"3 IJOTICI Of P£Rmtl TO AOlllSlll ISTATl Of: 5'9UY JAii llOOll .. Sl9UT J. llOOll Polit·y . To all heirs, be.,.fl c1a11n. credll0t1. con· t1n1tnl Cffflt()(l and persons who may oth enonw b• 111terested 1n the woll Of estate ()( both. ol SHIRLEY JAN( BROOf<C aka SHIRU Y J BRDOll.E aka SHIRlEY BROOKE A PHITION FOR PRO BATE has been fifed by TOMAStTA J WHALEN tn the Super1<>r Coui I of Cahforn<a County c.f ORANG( IH[ PCTlllON FOR PROBA!f requesu ro MASllA ) WHAL(N be ap1101nled n per \Ona I repre~enlat1ve lo ad inml\ln the ntate of the d"<.edent THE PC rtllON requests the decedent's Will and cod•tih ol •ny. be admolled lo f)fobate The . Will arid 1ny codl<.1ls are •V•1l•bl• for eum1na hon 111 lhe f1lr 11.~I by th" court fHC Pl TlllON requnh .111lho11ly to .tdm1nt~let lhe r>l.tle undl'f the lnJepend1:nl Adm1nii tr 11ton of C stales Act t th,. Aulht•llly will allow lh• p .. r>onal r~prtten t ~t••e to ts-e m.tnv "r hon\ w1tlloul obt11n Hll( lour I 1pprov•I Befort taking ~er lain ••i y 1mpu• l~rtl ul•on~. "''"""Yef lt1e: Pf'f "ln•I ,.pr~'entaltwe will be 1.,.QUll ett lO ilV~ nohce I • 1nte1e\led person\ 11111 .. •.'5. the-y have w•1vt"d uultl • or lO•uented to I Ile I'' opn\ed ac loon ) Th• ondep•rollerit •d '"'"'"'''al ion authoret., will be ~rant•d unlM' •O inter e>l~d llP.t \on ltlu an obt•chun lo lh• P•ltl!o11 and \how\ iiood c au'e why lh1 cc.our I >hould nrll i•Anl lhe .111thn111y A HCARING on the P•l1t1on wolf bt h•ld on MAY I 200J •I I .lO pm 1110ept L73 lo<.at.-d •I 341 1 h~ Ctty Duve South Or1nae CA 928b8 w If YOO Ol.IECT to tile er ant inc of I.he petition you lhOUld ICIPUf at the llearln& •nd stale 1.0U' obiecliorn or tole w11tl•n ob)KtloM With tllt c-1 beiOfe the ltow1111 Your appeer ance may be 111 person 01 by your attorney tr YOU MIC A CR£0t TOR 01 conl1n1•nl c:ndftOt ol lllt decMMil, you must lot• youo claim with the court and Ma.ti • copy to tlle per sonat rep1ewnlat1wt appolllttd by lttt cou1I within fou1 months lrr1m tlle dat• ol the hrsl 1nuante of tellers u ptovoded In Probate Code sec.hon 9 IOQ 1 he ttm• for folma clalms will 1101 opore belote lnu1 months from the hn11n1 dale noloced 1bove YOU MAY l XAMINE the Ille ll•pl by th" court II you are a penon 1n ler es led 1n Ille estale you may lilt with lht court • Rpqunt tor Sp.coat Nol•~• !form DE IS41 ot the hhna ol an 1nven1or y ~nd •PP• ••sal ol ••lalp •"•h 01 ol eny 11•1!1ion ur actciunt H PfOVodtd 1n Prob•I• Code uc loon I~ A ReqUt\I tc,r Spec11I Notice lorm '' aoolable lrom the court clt•h At101 riey tor Pehlountt p>lofllt, (. leMM-1, a.,.., 1022 l Siele r Ave .. Ste. 106, F-· taln Vo••y, CA t2701 Publi\ht d Newpor I Buch f.o•I• Meu o .. ty Ptlol Apitl 8 14 I~ 200J 1M098 SUUOllS (aJACIOll MKW) l'IOllCl 10 DEHN DAN I I Awi\u 11 ALu~a do) Hll'IRV Al HRNAl'IOfl. 001 S I thr trugh 10 lntlll>1•~ YOU AR~ 13£ INC. SllC ll BY Pl AIN 111 f <A Ud ,,. ~\la d•m•nd an do) IMfl QA N I CRNt\NOl I V1Ju ""'' 10 CALL N OAR DAYS """' th" re$pOftM at this GOIKl A Miter llf plluM c•tl "''" not PfOIKI you your typewritten re- •ponst must bt 1n Pf~ le11t lorm 11 you w1nt th• tourt lo hear yOIK UM If you do not 111<! you• reSf>OftM on torn., you m1y lpM Ille cau ind YOIH ••Its, money •nd PfO«Mtrly may be tahn without fur lh<H warn•na from the court flltte llfe olhet lesat requ1rerruint1 Vou may w1nl to cell an attorney ncftt •w•y II you do not know en allnrney ynu m1y "ti •n 11t0<ney relerral servk:e or • lt&•I •1d office I 11,ted In the phone boot.) Oespue~ de que te enlre&uen e~I• c1tec1<>n 1udk:111I usted Ilene un 11t11io cle 'lO OIAS CAL C NOARIOS para presen l•r una respuesta u crtl• • maquon.i en e~ta Corle Ul'ld Car la 0 Unil ll1mad1 leltlon1u no le oh ectr a protecct0n, su respue\la eu11h a m•quicu toen• que cumpl11 con las formal 1d1des leaales apropoa dn so U\l•d qu1ere que I• cot le escuche su t•~n So usted no Pfe..enla '" • •spuesl• • hempo puPde peodf!r ~I cuo. y I~ pueden quol.11 \u ularto w dinero y oto .u CO\.Sdl' SU PfOp~dld i1n ~v•'o ad1<.1on.Jt por parlfl di' Id torte ... n.t~n ufff.JS fl!QUISI In\ l•2ale\ f'uede que tP.lt"d qu1era II.an•~• • un 1bo&od<i 1nm<d1al• m•ule So no conoc• • 1111 abo&adu. pu•d• llam•r a un \er VI< IU d• rel•r•nria d~ .ibnl(.1cfos o" und uf1cma de Ayvda l•2at lve;i et dire~toroo l•lrlnnor o) CASI NUMIER: (N...,.ero del Co•o) INC0 2U S8 lh~ namp •nd •ddrt5' nl th• t ourt 1•, I[ I nc.mbr~ y dir~tllon d~ l•co1teu) SUPERIOR COUR I or CAllfORNtA COONl"Y Of RIVERSIO[ LARSON JUSTIC{ CE NTER. il6 200 Oat.n Sit eel ltl4'a CA 92201 lndoo 81•nch TIM name addr •U .ind l.t6ephon4t number ol p~lntoff', •"()(11ey, ()( pl•tnl1ft wit hout an alt()(ney ti ([I nomb<e, I• doreccoon y el null\~O d• leMfono d•I 1bo1ado d•I dtma11dante o dtl d•lli.ndanle qw• no bene •bo&•clo. es) RICHAAO l BORGEN S8ft 037811, LAW OHICl or RICH AAO l BORG[N. 19900 MacAtlhur Blvd Sutt• 960 lrvlne. CA 92612. (949> 7S6 9400 (949) 7S6 9500 DATli (Fed.a) MAY SI , 2002, Clult., loy (~lo) L Ant~. D..,-,(D9'.,.. ... ) Publ1sh~d Newport Beach Co~I• ~n Ootlly Pilot ~it 7. 14, 21 :?8. 2003 l.'681 IJOTICI Of OTY AUC110el w..vusas n.n.y,..,.24,NO• Or.pc..., 51.riff, ~D ... -.. 1901l•rll4e Drift, C.Whlkt2'25 Tiie City ol No•POfl Snell will dUCloon <J dbandoued vesuh 01nah1es 11.ay .. ks &. I 11 24 while/blue u1lb.,1I Cf• 5796CC. ray • 02 748292 V1ewmK will be optn on Thur ~day At>rol 7• between 8 00 am •nrl 9 00 am "' the Or.inc~ County Sherofl Harb'" 0•11.,tment r· '"h ,nfy will bf' •cupled lh• Harbor O~parl mtnt mu•I r eld•n th~ v•""I lr1llow1n~ ti,. ilUt llun for " 10 J,,y r edempt10~ pt11ud bP lore lh• ve~\PI 1• rtk<a\ed Iv Ill• '"' e1•ssful b1ddr1 I h• wmntna bidder ts re •P<·n~·ble 10 remove th .. v""el hom Ille H11b<;c I-low to Place A o.p.,tnwnt 1..-ihly by !> 00 pm, Ille d•y tut loWlfll tht 9ftd c.ol lht rtd.mption pe11041 t.!f!.:::t.~. ._ ... f'ubt~".::w11url Bue h Cb•ta Me"se Oe1ly Pilot ,\pfol I& 2003 "'*>91 .,TIQOf.-X IBWl STCIME orM M20 IWllTCll AVllll (714}S»-2* In .ot <.ord•m e with lttt llfOVl\11111'. OI lh• l.4h to1111a Sell S1 01•e~ •••thly Art St-1t1on 2 1/00 •I \OCI ul lht Bu'"'"" ond f'rnln \IOU': ( <>d• of Ille ')t~ll' of f alllurno• the u11dN tl&n•d wlll b• '>f•lrt •I p11bh<. .tut ho11 nn Af>< 11 29. 200J •I ., 00 ~ nt I he to0<1w11•~ pef\011•1 •ncl or bu\lnf'" Pl np erly """'•' t1ouvhulr:t bu .inf\ e11u1pntrnl tr1ol' n11~t.f'll.lntou'\ 1lr1rt~ n11•.t .. Hctnf"11\P. boat"\ tt1 .. tl)f .. tt .ti 86?0 H•mo•tun Avtnut Hu•1tmv1ou Ht".lf· h f A ~:?Ml. on Ille r c.unt1 ol o .. ,,,. b1 th. 1011~ .. •ne P~•~•>n> tAO'>'.l Gtf'~· M W•rr•n C016 l <>ren I O•vrolf' "()I'> r:htt\lotU I oll~w< r 1 AOb I H~rr y fl ''""' I Ot./ 1141'11 Sh.iv•• LOM I"~ fl dv<ltd by e COfporatlOll Hno yw •IMled Ck>tna b1a1MU 'r•l1 Ho C•cle [) & 0 Cofpo rthon 04.rinl\ Gr •ll•tn ClO Tiii• •l•l•n,.111 "''' llled •1111 tlwt C<.unty c~ .. ol 011111e C<luuly Oil OJ/19/0J 200'4917862 Oa1t1 Pilot Mar 24 JI, ~ 7 14 2003 "'66!> Th~ lollow1n1 person• •t e dOH•I bU'<n•\\ • I 1 n d Oe velopn1e nl Cruup Inc 188 Ken• 1natnn P.irk ltv1ne l..•hforn•• 92606 land Oevelo11mrrtt Group In' . (CA) 1118 Ker1~10,1un P11fl, Irvine C1lolorn1a 97fi06 1 hi\ bu'.rneu " •On \ltrtl•d l.ty a corpor•ltoll H•Yt -.uu \lit• led da1ns lly\!M'>\ ypt7 Ve\ 1/{)l/ 'I'> l •nd Or.elopmenl f.ruup Inc I Brui • l:•>h•n t.ord 01r ff tor lht\ .. 1.11:ment wu ltlf'd w1lh lh~ Cuunly fl~•k 1tl o .. nee Cuunly ton 0 l 76 ·'OJ 200l6tl a7'2 (Htly P1lf>I M4r JI Apr I I• 11 2003 M617 ll!f lollowrne perwns K•t' ,,..j ( Ofph """' M ;Uf" ddtn( bU'\lnt:\~ 4~ Coat fH1/~ 111,,..,d Ptu l~•h Hut [•141t Wenlrl COid lhtn <;"•"•· IS'IQ B•yiidl' Ui1u•• llrt•~ •I t.uron• d•I Pu hit .ti• J N• ,.1, 11 I M•r C.11!lurn1• 9167':> Hr,, 11 t ,,. I 1 M• , lJAot, W•de Allyn 1 alle t P1l•ll A1111I 14 "'I /!Ml l I I'll 3 H~r b111 Blvd • l':A> l.N\ '>• 1 (J)'. Mb8ll '·'" t• M•.a Ca1tlc.11t1• ·~:h('fi Rdttieul lwdRtu frt. ln•-..tnf"\', 1\ \.•10 fh .. ''''' '""'"" "'"' .. ,, tt•11n• hu ·"''"' 1lu• l~'1 by "" 10cJ1v1du ii H.1vr ~t1u \lA,ted dome 11" t1U'\Htt'',\ Vet' Nu f!lllll!IU /lilt Avt'ntd~ It t •ti,. ( r;t1 d•• [did r,f\ l/IJ/11 Curl~ U i (J '·nvn ral11n •IA /flJj A-.;t·111d.J •1' lrtl• 1 UhJ d• 1 Al~ C:A 'I lb IQ -1!! '""' -""'""-"--=-0.. Wdde Allyn I dllf'f I hi'.. Slttlf'ment Wd\ l•l•d w1tll Ill~ rounty ( lttr~ ol llun11r c:,,unty "" °" 09 (Jl 2003'940338 001ly Poklt Apr 14 21 78 M•y ~ 200 I M690 MondJy, Af'al lC, 2003 -Llpl ..... .... ..... ... s...... IM lotlowont jArwn• .-• doln& buMnes' " <.OAS r SllMC£ S 11J.U Avcnode de c... C.Ulo d4I C•ra. CA 92619 eo,,,f Serviu• Inc (HV) 2Jlll V&a Y•nilclo. Coto d<I Cua CA 92679 TIM• I>-. " con dueled by I C()(pot•llOll Hawe ,..., sl•led doi"I bUSlllffS yel 1 VOS OJ/ 12/'1002 Coast s.tvic•·· Inc O.nms Graham CLO T111s st•telTl4!11I wn !tied wrlll the l.uunl1 Clerk of Or•"I" C.11unly onOJ/19/03 20036937 ... Oeoly Ptlol Mar 24. 31 Apr 7. 14, 2003 M664 ,..... ..... ... s...., The tollowma II"''°"' ire do•n1 bUUOHS .. Layed Ba<.lo. 8odr W0tlo.,, 4001 Buth Stint Sutle 0 ~wl>Ofl Buth CA 92660 le>St(I Gltd~well 18881 Valley Corti<! •C Hunlonfton Beuh C.A 926-46 Thi\ busuwu •> ton ducted by 1n 1nd,.1du41 H•n you •l~<led do<n& bu"nes• yet• No .ln>M::a Ghdew•ll This st•lemenl •n f!l"d •1th 111< County Clrtlo. of Or •na,. r rtunly t)n 04 02 Ol 200l 69l9S03 O•olt Pit.,1 Af>< I• 71 ZS May ~ 200) M6ll9 Aditim .... "-*'-' lhe f1illc-1w~na ~'\On\ .Jift-dUmi tJU\111~\\ as, lh• O"'" Gr .. up 306 C M uf\tt-Vl\L1 C.u\l.t Me"" Lal!furmd 97bll Odntf•I l •• Pr 1/lr l06 L Mr1ntt Vt\111!1 tu~.11 Me'd l.af1lnrn1a •nf>ll fh1s butri.ir1r$".t 1•. t..on duct.-d flt dM u1d1.,1dual H•vt vou •I u lt-d rirnn1 bus1nr-'S\ yt-t , N1 D•ll•el l H Pr rvr !ht\ •l•IPmPnl WU lol"d ,.,th th• l.•1unly Cle•~ ol 01tau Cnunh onOJ/20/0l ,..~,, ... () .11, ,.,lot M.w ~ 7.14 2003 24. ll. M663 ........... ... i...... The 1onow1na per son• llft doffll ~~ .. [ z li•lft& r ur111twr•. 2~ H•bor Blvd A ll• Co~te Meu Calc10fnll 9'2626 B~b-Mostafavi. ff l'allltne •ll2 trvono. C1tc1or11ui 92612 r h~ busineu " con ducted by en 1nd1vldU1I H••• you sterlecl dolfll bUSIMU yet' Y•t 11/ 01/2001 B•bati. Mostaln1 Tll1~ i.taltrrutlll was lllad woth the Co'-'nly Clorti of o .. nat County on <M/07/03 200SH400IO Oa1t1 Pofol Ap;. 14 • 21. ?8. May s 2003 M686 ........... ... s...... I he ldllow1na person• ••e doon1 bus1neu n Rodi.Roll Toni Shop 166~0 H•rbor Blvd r oun'"" Valle, CA 92708 NicholH john Hum pllrey'. 700 ( Lalo.e Dr •41 Or an11• CA 92869 I hli bustne1>• os con ducted by .in 1nd1vtdual H••<' you suorted do•l\C bu\lneu rel' YH l /10/ Oj Not.hnl•s J Humphtey\ lh1\ statement was ltl,.d "W•lh lht County tletlo. of Ounae County on02/I0/03 ?OOS6t3•4tl D•1fy Ptlcil Mar 74 l 1. Al)( 1 14 :?003 M67l SELL your stuff through classified! ___ Deadlines --- Ratci. and dcadltnc'.'! .1TC ~UhJl'Ct ''' change wtthout no11cc. Tile puhli,her reM'.rvci. the righ1 lo lt'll'or. rccla.'"''>· revt~ or reJcl:I any cl:l'"ficJ advcni-.cmcnt Pica~ rl'pon all) crror that m.iy be in )Our cla."1ficJ ad 1mmed1atcly The Datl) Pilm ..1eccph no hab1hty for any l.'rror m .ln advert1-.cmcnt fur v. h1l h 11 tnd} he rci.pun~1ble C\ll'Jll tor the '""'t of tlk space actua.11 ) oc'"uptcJ h) tll<' error Credit can only ~ .tllov.cd tor the ftN tmertlon CLASSIFIEAD -1±11 l . Mond.iy ...................... Fnday 5·00pm Tuc<;day .............. Monday 5.00pm lNNOUNaMINTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ,.,. ss 4 u coaos n c 11a. a.-Ck !Os & ~ .a All« SIN 11A1e •1'15 Moh 949 64S 7505 OO'ERTAINMENT Callndlrat &lab 1310 EQUMIM)lgl OfPOIT1ll1Y All rut nt~I• edn1 llsin1 •n this newwapn 11 $Ubjecl lo lht f edet1I f 11< Housln& Al.I ol 1968 as 1mtnded wh14 h malo.n II tll•a•I to advertise "any preltr enc•. llmlllllon n• d1sc1lm1n1tlon bHtd on race. color reflCloll, sea. handicap f1mllial t•tus 0t l'laOonal or1Cln, • IA Intention to 111 .. • ,,.., 'uch IH•fwenco. llfnlll loon or dlur-•lion • This M~I,,., Wiii ftOI llnowlfll!Y acc;.ept en1 ed~tlHmelll f°' r•I tit ete whit h It In •iotatiofl ol IN lew °"' 111detJ •• 1 llereblf lnl•IMd that 1• ..,, I I d"'1tit.ad kl tttb llnl'llMIP« e1• a.elll;ltle 011 an •<111•1 8"PO'lunllr blsls ,. c;otnpl.tlll ., (f cflflliftetlOll, cal HUO tnl "9 .. 1 ,.., 42• to TtlUsAbott YOll 6All&EWEI .. CWSllD '42-5671 I ~ 1419 UOS-2490 1483 Oldet S'Y'e F..-nit\n l'IANOS&~ . ........,..__ .. ....._... .. _ .......... ..... SfCA8HPA.tO S$ .._,. ..... _ ...... WE BUY UTA.TU ·..........i-......,..,_ ... CD NS I G NiViENfSl I ::.1 ~\ t ••• 'I ... ,. I I • ' ~ •'' •' ' 1,.,., • • , ' , I •\If•, ,. "4~' I . .,., ,, ,, . I <"4 I' •1 . -' ~~ soumcgAsT AUCTI N 1515 Bv Fax c <14 <>°> (l l l (t 'i l}.l f'k.> r ,,,J\kk' lt\.U n..n.,. mil t h.110 tnam~r at•t 'ti r II" Jll "1 ., .._ \ .... ,,h. r.n4,l "''°''" fh Phont• c<i41.11 642 'it;,71< II ours Bv ~lail /ln P(·r~o n : ( 'mtJ \1i.,.1 ( /\ «1 'h '7 ,\1 "'·v.pon khil lr.. H.1, "' Wedne'>day ............. Tue'>day 5:00pm Thur.day. ...... Wedne-.day S:OOpm Friday ................. Thur-.da) 5.00pm Saturd.Jy ...... . ...... ..nda) HX)pm Tr:kphooc M \Oam-'i OOpm M ondJ) f-nd.ly ~alk. In X '0.un 'i mpm l\fonda) fn,IJ) %nda~ .................... Fnday 5.00pm HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 ...... --,,,,.. ( •aillnl 11rs. lont·lerm 110S1ho11 WolNn, 50 ~ P/1 CllA:l1de home 9'947 I 551 HOME RJRNISHINGS fWnltlln 3435 Wtdler ll>c COOC'll, coffee t.... •id tabta ' .. matdlofla OllomlHI $475 Wll:Mr cNir a ottoman 1125, 2 8¥ stools Siil. (2) .,.SS lop ~ liiblos l95 71 ..... 81123 ~ .............. llOOOlll -,,,,. & ~ dinette ut. frl1. 11000 for all 949 !>7• 9732 C-t c..tll .... ~ Coinsl Gold, tll't•, ~~.-..... ~tetn~WtM& c. 1111 -··'--°" .... ~ .......... '.t\Olll SEll your stuff ~Ot4lfl classified! ' SOOS.stSO All CASH CANDY aewte Oo you urn S800 on a d1,, Your own lo<;al candy 1 oult l11ctudes lO m1chrnn and candy All '°' S'3. 995 I 800 998 VENO !CAI. •SCAN) <A~UCctNO IT ALIA" COffU Company h p1nd1na O"u lbutor' wenltd H11h prolll potential AnyoM can do llllsl (•pr•"° llarla Call 80081366.25 ~ l!lf'd. (r.AI. ~I Realfstltl Wanled 4255 WANTU>1 .I nr 4Rt Mttsl V. do> Home I''"' OK ~ Trade Hutch Hutdwlson Success Ptapsttn .... ~, ........ 1o.ES R:lR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY * Jwt u.t.4-Wondwh1I Blllboa PIH1lnSUlit Ponl loc.Jboo. 4& 281. PNk of oc.MI lrnm roof lop dedl SI .295.<lXl T •• Armsltq twdke ~1008 ... _ ..... ..,.... "IW IMGlA.ND VMWDUP\O AT THI s.AlllD I AGT. t•t·Tls.-1110 r.orn..i ... aoos.as10 9000-97SO """',...,,_ c-111-w ....... S1>ac.1ou\ 7br 2 Sba 2c att 1a• ovl ya<d and voew1n1 dtcli. 1619 000 11t luhn F., row 949 322 0932 NOl1'H lAGUMA llAOt • lllllOdNt!d 2& 2Ba on com~ lot LR w/fp psfecl retrnl w/seduclfd patJOS and •lnclln& br tCli. w•l11011ys $1.250.000 AJllCltm NOHii lilS "t-720--MOO °"'' •·o...v... ._., Custnm ...... & r~. 25. 3 dldls. 2lc 111 .. • out 5tlndq ~A--.. lo SI .175.<lXl 1111 Jgtwi f ..,_ ~ "JZ109.lZ ~lada SEil yow stuff ttwoud\ classified! \ Un der the Sc1virc Directory Banner Reach 8 0,000 Ho mes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S aw-....,.._,._, ,.,.., Ml ...... OM. Y S4", tOOI ,.,. ~p., lh ~­ .... ..,, ,....'" • ..-. "' n... ~ ............... f)•tUdy "*''-' l'""I\ -i.-...ded by '"'"""" ~,..,,.n,..._ SpMlrJI i ·-1• ""' ""ind flnrn1t, .._.. ·~ Md' r,wMll!y -"' ,._,.., Be! ._fld "'jMll .. ~ .. tttr ~ rtmQ<tld MM Sinly brCfll .. ~ ... QI\ ~ ~-·iwl Wll ,,,._,.. yooo dwf' K•• ,_\.llW'rl 11119 ... to ''°" '°"' WOtlrty ~'""' n.. .... ...,_ ..... ...... ......., ..... .......... _ ..... W(Ul)JC19...4661 ""', ....... ""- *Ult ..... ...,. Cl Old CQne ..,, ~ Sbw,tJr Modi!. e 1 al. n.lllbY F P &. UN 88 Q listed el Sl.M9.tm...-F~ 9l9-Q'7 & TSl A ..,... --.11111 'MONTICJTO' ...... Style d!<ccll 5& ~ lf!V9Y room h.cl .,,... .... ~ ..... mat~ sid IJ arwles filu I p.Mnt~ W'lom bufl tni tte IJUll'lbUI Pool <tit & ~ .. bbq .. saet.. """'•"' 96 llS 31'>6 lUIOf'UN STI'U ..... """ '" ~ hills 0¥9 1nn11 .. , 111e O(.elln JBr off!UI cuad pted hb ulnus ~.t w /1'>1 C.tl f(W 4IPC>t act St..._ ... IM9 71S-Jl'i6 'MTtZ?A' LM elbow the doucb woth OCMn -28f Oen. newly rwnodlllld Ii.lichen p'9d ~ Sff>I CXXJ act.. St~ Me\a'.. ~71~31S6 ...... UTAUS 'A T1U(I[ TIJIOttl NATM*W'91 UU ••t..-56-'7eS -• p.11tdlt110t• com ......lSTAm 'ATIUC'll TotOU UnDllWl9t DU ..... ,. . .,., --· t-•<-.arr a.uon ..,.,......._ SDI. ~tun Uw°'41f' classifttdl RESORT/ VACATIOll PROPSn'Y FOR SALE Omit,..., -""" ,.....,*' ~ l .... ...... ..... ~ ... 0.-tNm WolllmctOll Waterll'on• .......... ..,...._,.... ........... -~Jnl /I I 1114 2003 1·.w. ... .., upper ~. Ira enclosed Plbo, Sl095ni0. 329 Unioiwsity Unit J. 949 574·203\ ........ a a.., al Pvt ~·· pt.II, 2400sf, 28r w/hup bonla r"1, 3 ful bll, 2c fl1', I b11 lrom fwys $l8915m MMlUG :....°Ti:..::..~~ ~ No. tl4915mo. y~ ~ ...... c.w...I ..... Mt-.7SM074 l 'st ... 2 Stwy 41>r, Jlla Ilsa, dlln, 2-< pr, fp, hwd in. ...... dn, 9rld ~ yd, pdener S29XJrn 714· U'l·'BTJ, Oii 71~1G. ,.....,.o tar 21. H-o on S1nta Ana Country Club •t Masten C1tcla. Oen, 2·cllf' p1, patio, $2800/mo, avaolable now !M!Mfi6.9427 415-2.89-0609 Hunllngton Beadl &.-.. 3.5be Sf'R. mod Ud\ hltwd • • rflxlp did\. ll&nl hk1.4>, 2 c ., w/fja um 96Ql.711X> •YfUlY * UASIS BILL CRUNOY RlAL TORS 949-675-6161 W .. toleodo&"-9 0.-tah I & 29r. Lovely Cllj>e Cod style comm Re~ w/aR new appls, catpel, L« amk Ille. cVw. tr!Qii'9, 11l:>Kle w/d. • 18' SI095m • 2Br Sl295 (714>-6.U~759J ...... lay Pvt t-11 _,, Ha1xr Isle_ 2Br IBa, mt to bay, tllrnS, lm11'illl11n Sl700mtH949 7181400 ·cn-t New llallft9• v ........ ~vi.wn l•psl 2Br "2Bi""t1 lour Owt Rm 13.lkony Quiet Lu canon lau<Oy &dj to tie valor 2t prll&. Gated Comn\IP~ Sl7SO -.y._ McGW-o (t49)M6-6no PtudentM Ca Rulty NP CrMt twnhom. p1t10. 2 stories. ntw paint. Ille. and ca1pet, 2 c 1a1. ae1 $1800949 673 7800 NP Hts 2br Iba Sf'R cute • lute, nu paint, sm patio/ yd, I c pr, laund ht.up alt S1800 949 673 7800 Newly remod Zbr 2ba condo, 2 t 11ar, pat to. wd. no pet/smk Avail 5 I Sl9501so 949 759 1344 a...... Nwpt .._.... 38' 2Ba beJICh cotUee lncd yd. ~ fp. pool lK~f)it. w/d S21 !nn 949 645-4900 "V8. ..._,. LR 2Br l'Ba, din rm, blllc, I~. 2c prll&. ocean11U. wall to bch S2mn 9()9.s.98-9347 ~ .. .._w..., 2nd 1\-condo, 2br 2.ba. ,_ part/apt pbJd pr. SZ!nlrn yny 513 20Hi222 ..........,.....,lra:llr 2.S8a w/tetr Mt 11 pl9d comm. w/pool, '4Jil+ Piii y.ird. Bxn mo. act. "*°' Tave 9&&-91tl> .,._........, __ ... 3& + den. JBa. l'I ~ 2• ca pr paho, ~Ilda SJIOO/mo (949)646 8473 UYRtONT w/a..t D.dt upper unrt of ~1 2 bloct.' to be.JI lbr 2N. Ip. W/O. Is VIHI dlfdl lur pr SJ600/mo inckk uti. & dock 949 510 "601 "NOTIC TO READERS C•ltforn1a few re quwes the I contr ac tors teluns tobs that total $500 or mo<• (labor or maletlals) be hcensed by the Contractors Stete Loc:eme Bo1rd Stet• law also requires that contrectors Include t!Mir llceOM number on ell ldVertkonc You cen thetk tlw! ~talus of your licensed contracto1 at www cslb ca cov "' 800 321 CSLB Unll censed contrectors tellln& jobs that total ten than asoo must s tat• In their advertoHmenls that they a•• not lt~ensed by th• Contracton State LIQinse 8owd " ~m K*'-t I Blltfl I A.-nodll ~ ...... D MXlfll &1115 ~ ger.e9125 ....... , .. "MR. BU NOMAN" M.Mt.n-c-49 ._ ... 3119Mly .,,., "'iVunfUFll l3200m. ir ... $MDII n46M&JU .... w.-. Employmld CURKAl Need lull t1m• perwn to an1st with vartous duhu Must be •ble to Input at lust 50wpm accurately on tomputer, posuss s trone customer ser~1ce skills, and be dependable. S9 Per hour ( aullent b~n ellt packa11e EOl Senf.I resume to ludy Oetlrn&, c/o Daily Pilot. 330 West Bay Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 01 email to µrtj~@'*nlls..am PUT YOUa COMPUTla to work home bned bu'>llleS$. free lolormabon I 888 202 8234 www st.sWO<Mthome com ({;Al "SCAN). ___ _ JOIN OUR TEAM 1nd make • d1tterence In the C.•hlornr• Army National Cuud you t in cet money lllf colle&e •nd ureer trarn1n1 Call I 800 CO CUARO (CAJ.•SCAN) Automobiles 9000 Automotive 90IM a--. ....,... '97 u !>) S.., al. ..._ P'•, pw keyles.s entry ..urm. cd moonrool > •ond. pip $9500 714 334 2528 tell CarpentJy A TO Z HANOYMAJt ln,1111 r•IK• cabinets ~~ n~ 71&-!J46.7Z58 • WdU..lts • l:u,tom Buolt ins. Crown ~oldoncs. Beu Boa• ds Lt!»77982 949 7~ 5642 carpet Repatr~les O CA ... ITt CUPUO Rep11ts, P1kh1n1. Install Courteous any .. 1ie tobs. Whotuatel 949 492·0205 COncrete. Muonly lrtdi llock St-Tllo Concrete, Patio, DrllltW•Y foeplc., 88Q Rers 25Yrs Cxp Teiry 714 ~7 7594 Computer Services HU ,..-. ......... ~MITO ..... Q4Ss.41.. .. , ,_. Wllit9 w/ulde tttw ·11111 pwf ·low 1111. (l9Z34) Sl&.!lllO. .. WS40l~'9t Slvw w.lbJ9c* lltW. rwe6~ pcq..S'5k mile$ (19231) $29,980. .. ., aneM4.. '00 Mid Blue w/,.y lthr- (1~ ~- IMWH-~'00 ~ wlBladl lthr..a> pliyef ..t2k miles (19'269) S22,91Kl. IMWMSS......'00 BIKk on 1rnm1C Bladl ' lttw, ICJI mi, 1 OMW (l9297C) $59,980. ,.,.., ---.. or . C..,.'00 Sliver w/Bladl lthr ·low miles·full po-. (186771) Sl4.980. ..... S200 C-."01 StlY« W/rWt red lthr, 6 speed. 18k me, YTEC (190731) 124,980. J......-XU c-. "H 8ntJsh 8-*" Gl'.il w/tafl lthr, only 22K miles co stxll•. (19Z20) $39,980 .___...._ 230Sl ... This IS a rut ~S>C. Red w/tan leattw Bothtops-4~ (18683) $21,980. =-=G'; Re<Kly tor ommedlale dellV~y·full tact -r· Silver w/Chwcoat (19J09C) INQUIRUS PondteT..t.o c...o'• AvalaWe Hurry for tto-pet"fect low mileaee, toe.I one owner TUUOS UASl• IUY 949-574-7777 ~AUTO ...,..._,..._ Ac.a ........ '97 u 53.511. It. at, ps pw. k.eytess entry a&lf m. al, moonroo( • -cond, p/p. $9500. 714-334-2528 cd Avcft '99 A4 Quattro 2.8 \16, 2911 actual ml, auto. sparkhne red/&••Y lthr. mnrf. CO, toolls & smells new Y456721 117.995 f1n1nc1n1 eva1I, Bkr t49-586-1111 -.ocpaltl . .- (...,.11tto '00 VI Whote/ tan, auto. handehn& pk&. I Zk miles. $32,500 obo Newpor1 area ~ 909 240·0030 cell Dodge '91 Corovo• Yoyaeer V6 white, arey Int, pvt &lass. &•••&•d, non/smkr, hl<e new cond v457275 S5995 Bkr 949 586-1888 www.oq>abo com Dodge '9 7 h•trepld Sport 3 5 V6 47k m1. wh1te/erey ont. ear aaed, n/s toke new S6495 l1nancon1 & warr avaol Bkr 949 586 1888 -.ec,...t.I.<- DODGE NlON '2000 SOk+ mo. HlOK fac. warr. 5 sp. blue, &• ey 1ntero0f am Im cd, '-' ~P' aJrld Se.15 !Wm. ,., ..,.,, 8kr VM!»'J<IZ 949-586-1888 www • ....-i . ._ CR~VIER -·.- ' fl.Wal)J tit fiOCftR 'BRG' Lerllw & Pretl1Jll1 PKG. LEASE FOR i1~ PER MONTH +TAX lAtThesaTerms On ~~Crk\t ......... ·•· ... OllfRAT SM.AR SAVIHGS! ................ +.91lqi $3780 due et slrtna 48 month closed end 1 .. se no security deposit, IOI!. mites per yeat. Elctu miles ~ 20¢ per mile.(TC42279) ·• LITSr.«lTOR! IT'S Flfi ******** !;5 FmAY @ EllaR ~A AHA AllTO MM.1 (888) 823-9808 NEWPOftT AIJTOSPORT Ht-574-5600 IMW SJOCK '02 Convertible, Whrte/ Blad! I Qi Mdes. All Options (091262) $45,400 Oo4go Yi.-'OJ Red/Black lb Mfle11 8e Tlwl f'lnt On The Block (500750) $99,500 fO<TWtSS5 ..... '98 A Steal Hurry (110620) $1~.500 P....dooff6 '0.S T won Turbo I K Mrles All Opt oom Coone r .st (6115586) SI 19,500 ,_.,._. S48 TS '89 Red/Tan 2Q( Moles A Great Buy Only $49,500 (082609) -.... XJa Spwt "'• •en Whrt'1Nat .. e1 Nicest Ava-able {f~) Only $44,500 .... S-4'02 Red/Btadl 151( mtln 1/wy Hatd lo r111<1 Musts.. (000173) S34,500 MIZ SlSS 'OJ Sh•/l+.sll IK mtle$, PIOO Roof, Al Opbom. Wool last (036719) Sl49,500 IMW 760U 'OJ 8ladl/Black 15 Mtles Vety l11nlled PrcxJuc ltnn Cat Buy l oday (KI02!l6) SI 18,500 HartoyO.VW-.'02 Cl•~M; Wlwte/l:lla<.k Ooly 26 Mlle<> (609167) Priced Rl&ht Sl8,500 NEWPORT AUTOSPOfH 949-574-5600 Joep'OOo-.da...... 6c;yl, 2 wd, 361. 1ctu1I mt, solver /11r ey ont alloys, i.bulous h~e new unmarked cond. 4 year WMT llYRI. v7'5m1 S13.9!l5 !Wm 8kt 949 586 1888 www.•<p•"l.<oM ---'99 Poutrt Wot-'99 Loaon 'tt ltJCJOO S6 511 23k mo. C4FZPI 17) white m1 alnt cond. solver/ w/tan leather, Sl6.625 erey luther 1nteroo1 (949) 645-2579 pp S24,500 949 633·!>434 CUSTOM UMOOll ANO DESIGN All TRADES. 30 YEARS EllP l '337169 949 631·2345 NUO MOltl aOOM? MXllOOHS & IDOlEl.ltC L1577982 949.709 5642 Desttap Publilhlng T TOHGtN YOUltHOMI IM ... OVlMlNT ... OJKT? Cell • plumber, painter, hendyman, Of any of the ernt services hsted her• 111 our service dlr ector yl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HE.LP YOUTOOAYI •tdt'• o-..... .n •. ~ Dol7 mn.& .. Htrdwll'1, Q-.n Ml*lre Ll578102 949-510 6529 DrywallSlrvtces Actlo11tl11• llutrlt trooblotslloot... spec:la!IM •• ..... No lob too Ill\ Ul51!ai3 7~1~ CUSTOM OIATM TU lnstalllhon. u.te -emoc. ~stone ...... lt7S U612044 Jiff 71"612 9961 UMY 84pwed Recrooton & lnstellehon TILE O£AN 949 673 8065 714-846-«i26 714 8SJ. 2031 otrtyW.td ... aipe -Lawns, l1wn Aer1tlna Sprinkler,, Tr~t 11'1&. Sp11ne Tune up,, Rep I Ir\ I Upar a des "H•~• us do yuur Dirty Worll " 714-715-2121 sw.1n ..... L.-~ y.-d dllnc>. lnllintm\ "' •m. ........, Comm/Rt$ 714 436 1518 Tr-SOf°YIH, Verd Cte1nup, Melntenanct. Spf1nlllet' Repelr. Heullna ('4t)6S0-8711 -·-----· ~-··-"""'--·- Iii Pilot Bridge 8Y CHAALE.S OOAEH with OMAR 8>IAAlf' 111\d TANNAH HtASCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • ~th« vulnrnble. M Solnh • A I: J t o A J6 o A It 4 • 7S l you bold: •QJle74 <:1 J AQ64)•95 Tho btdd111.a bas orooceded: SOUTH Wl'St NORTH KAST ,_ I? ,_ 14 T Wtw llCUQI\ do you take7 A • The auctioo bas developed well for you. You have 1 chance to com-pcu: at a low level lUld have putncr 5tlec1 I.he i!U.11! Make 1 takfioul dou ble. ~wing the two unbid suits, md then rcdrc rrom the aocllon -unlc~~ partner docs something drl.· UUlll(;. Q l · Vulncnlble, you hold: • A K • A K, t l <> K 1 • A tO 9 6 4 Whitt ,, yuur openin&-l>id'l A • If ~ou ui.e an llniftCUll two clu~ a.~ your \IJUnJ bid, you do not w1111 10 5Utn ..tiowona such a wishy-washy wit at the three-level. It is •lightly moo: appealini if rwo clubs is a oat ural drmand bid but, for nor mone). we -.ould bat t}us holding llS a bal· aix;cd 21 pornu llOd open two oo trump. Q 3 • Buth vuloc:oolc. you bold. •A KQJ 62 QJ876 •8J Your nght hand~· <>pcm the b1dJ1nj! "'1th one club What aclJOfl &J.1 )'•ti.I Ull..-'1 A • II nul(hl .... -cm automatic to ~wcr· cull ooc diamond. but the 00C1100 m1gh1 ~ 01 the two-or three-level "'hen it !!Cl.\ ~k 111 you and you will not yet huvc ~hown your be'' \Ull. Our vmc goc' to an ovcrcall ot ou.: ~p.Kk bo01 for 11.s preemptive value .md 111 {tci partner off to the lie\! lead 'houl<l LHO declare. Q 4 ·A' South, vulncrahlc. }no lll•kl The blddtna hM orocuded; NOR'nl bST" SOlmt lo ,_ I• II' .. ,. .... ' What do yuu bid rrow7 A • lbla iJ no ttme '° pt1 Jyfoot erounJ. Your wealth of prime canls makes ~ band wurth ncan!T 22 11\iUl 20. Bid Wt no INmp even. cklld minimum operune btd with five diamondi J.hould &Ive you good play for I :Z tncks. Q 5 • A.s South. wlncrablc, you hold: • J to 4 'YI l 2 ? J t 7 5 • K 10 8 5 The bidding lw Dl'Ot!CCded: • WP.ST NOR11.( E.U'T SOUTII ... Obi .... ' What do you bid ~w?· A ·With ~uch a weak' hand, do not even think of buldrng one no ll'Ump lbat llCllOO t• forwunJ !IOIJ1i. promising 'iOl1lC &-1 1 pomu All yuu can do for the momcn1 i!. bid one dwnond and w&11 to hear w!Mt h.ip- pens Q 6. N. South. vulnerable, )OU hold • K Q 6 5 .a 2 J 7 ... 10 7 • K 2 The bKJdmg hru. PflJlCak'ti SOtffH WE.'>T MUllll •.Ai.1 •• .... l ,._ h .,_ J Paw Wh;it d.1 you bnl llllw '' A • With a \lightly unllalWJCcd lwno fdl:mg u partner whu'IC holding ·~ lW"gcl)' unknown, 1tltlllt1.11!h n·u~111 :ihly <>troog. don't hc m a hurry 111 ckdnre oo 1rurnp with only o •on11lc Mo>ppcr '" tlll: unbid \Uit. ~II ,,,.. moment. take u fali.c prcfc~nce to three heart' und awa11 pann.:r'~ l\.1K uon. 9004 AllTOMOBll.ES, BOAlSSUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ _U_nc_o-ln-. -,-0-2_N_ov_l_pt-... MISCEU.ANEOUS 30k mo, full feel warr, silver sand/tan lthr. CO Wanted 9045 slacker, chrome whls, -------- et I•• seal. v672518 ,.._., ~ ~ $27,995 fwm, Ion t. warr °"9' «> yess exp! .. pay evaol Bkr 949 586-1888 • _., w pnce for yaAI -. ..,..a.i.-'*· v .. (11 Ind paid tor M ... H<IH 'tt U20 or not. Cal Dick R.y (@ 3 lk m1, whote/crey llhr. Tonwlo Ai*> S1111a. 714 mm(. chrome whls, 43'7·1931 at 714-328-3228 STORAGE 9680 tS n SlW AVM.AalL IN NrwPOllT HACH $2SOOUASl ••t-500-1005 buut hke new cond, v572241 $25,995 fin .vllll Bllr 9"9-SllS-1888 WWW IJ±'me MorH4os •tt SJ20 LWB 5211 mo, 3 yr w1rr avail, silver /blk lthr, IMl•ut orl& c:oncl, v87S241 $25,995 lonancinc avaol Bkr 949-586·1881 CASlt FOil CARS Wl NHD YOW CAa PAID FOil Ott NOT PlllLW'S AUTO AH FOil MA&.COLM t4t-S74-7777 -.ocpet.t.<eN Poncho iJ. c.,.. ltt6 white w/lull lthr 19K mol 6 spnd 3.6l lurbol (tf19222C) SH,910. Poncha lox1tor c ....... , ... Solver w/Black lthr. 58K ml, 5 ~peed. full pwr (118945) $24,910. BOAlS PowerBoats 9515 1.Sft 6i.. ._._ Whaler Side console steeron&, newer 40 HP outboard motor Used 1n lresh water. a Int cond l •alter 1ncld $3800/obo 949 675-4606, 800-247 .8209 PHIWf'S AUTO 949-574-7777 t.,-.. , ca ""· .... ~ °" -· n.ns IJt. ,.. br1M/ hr 11$. s lllXl 949-644-6989 ltt7 18' Duffy lloctrl< '-' Creal Shape! $6500 Call (909) 838 6927 21 n . DUFFY IOAT .. Employee ... ,.,._ '81 99k .....-~°" -· n.ns 91. ,_ ~ t.esSl8Xl ~ ..... .... THI OlfflafNCI HTWllN IUUTlfUl &IXQUtsnL.. •'-9-•-c... .n ... 1-i.. ........ & ............ t0-515-8124 Handyman/ Home Repair RESTORl • REPAIR & RfMOD£1 ING ~ Al*>, Homa. No dW11 I I c:.ft Ix l Yo.. ~0..91&712GD Ctw1lti9n tt.ldy"'91 Anll!c.pn. ...... 4t'flllll mm. u bra. ~-­..... ,1**9. Snir~FM .... Cll.illll 7'1~ CENF.IAL IUAll 6IUOOIXWCE • ' • ec.amadll 0 Job 7bo 'Mll1l Da.eU...Oe.o. 949-3224292 16 battres. 48 Voll. ... l.w ww1Clows, dun IS new' $15,(Dl 81~ 12 .Ql.14 Wps~"­.. _,..,. ,.., a....i • ~ 642-5671 Hallltfnmt' Home Repair COMrurl HOAll MAl#rrllAIKI No job toe smalll Everyth1n1 from Carpwotry !lo ,...,.,,,. frH estlm1te c.n•-Jr f4f-ZIS-IO• AX W' snoAUST. All types of rep-s. Elte· trlcal, plumbinc, docn, --~ Ila ' min 2Mw/7days 714·366-1881 TMIMMHMM All -11 su••ntMd ~ Dldrbf, Docr'I. FHltt arp .. ---....... .. Empleado. '"A rbeitnehmer. ·· "Emploje. ·• ,_ •• 1.......,tt-0 Qanra Tabi Nit. Ollll1 ~ ,,. """" cbw by -....... 'Je.C227Q Mowing I Sblgl HST MOVDS $St/"' senln1 111 t itles Insured test, courteous, cMeful T163844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Cell! Publlc UllllUes Comm1uion requires that 111 ined houuhold coods "'overs print their P.U.C Cal T numb«: llmos end ch1ulieu11 pr Int, I heir T .C .P. nu"1bef In •II 1dver • llserMnts It you have •ny quHtlons •bout the le1etlt1 Of I mover , limo or chauffeur, cell rueuc Uftlftrs COMMSSstOll 177 ..... 7 J_.,.-'•P.wtt.t Top Quahty, Competibve Inter 00< /(JI L 11648228 Call Jay 949-650·5066 untlOW <ma.I IUMT Pa1nt1n1..._,ut. ~~ Qu.t1ty .t0bl F '" estimate Lf'569897 714-6J6..8888 Pl'*"'ll' smo •s--............ Restuc;co, Room Addition, Patchin& RHsoneblel 714-921 1647 804-0497,,, Paldfng NOllAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN FINO IT • HONtST & ifjJriiiAliii PLUMBER l'506586 free E.sl! Sm~ OCTFCU Dk 714-Zlf>.9150 IC.ISi f'lUMllNG Repairs 6 Remoc:telln& f"REE ESTIMATf. l"687 398 7 l 4· 969 1090 ~ ........ QINlllO INQMIJT lWllDY PWt•UO 949-645-2352 -.. SIU yolll'vnwenW tte"1t thro• dn.ifltd •