HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-16 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 · WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2003 Nine· s~e~ City· Council seats so .fa-r -.. List includes former Costa Mesa council members Linda Dixon and Heather Somers; deadline arrives at 5 p.m. Deirdre Newman Dally Piiot COSTA MESA -The field vying Lo re- place former Mayor Karen Robinson is getting crowded. As of 5 p.m. Monday. five hopefuls had tossed thelr hats into the ring. Four more submitted their applications by late Tuesday. The deadline to apply ar- rives at 5 p.m. today. Robinson resigned Tuesday to become an Orange County Superior Court judge. The burgeoning list of candidates won'r make the decision any more or less difficult. said Councilman Gary Monahan. "I tend to think ... it's definitely not a first-nomination vote. and that people are going to have to feel each other out and see who has support and who doesn't: Monahan said. "People are go- ing to have to be real honest with them- selves as (Councilwoman Ubby Cowan! has said and have three or four people they're willing to serve with going in (lo the process!." On April 7. the council chose to ap- point Robinson's successor rather than hold a costly special election in Novem- ber. But if they can't agree on her re- placement by May 15, the special eJec- tionwill automatically be h~Jd The candidates listed on the city's Web site at the end of the day Monday were Karl Ahlf. Teni Breer, Bruce Gar- tich. Prank Michelena and Heather Somers. Ahlf, 18, lives on the f.astside and has been a familiar face at City Council meetings for the past two years. Despite a speech impediment. Ahlf expresses his views passionately. Ahlf was not available for comment Tuesday. but_ his mother, Karin, said he is in a continu- ation education program through the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. See COUNCIL, Pa1e M Mansoor writes $100 check Costa Mesa councilman gives money to his planning commissioner in hopes of resolving conflict of interest issue. Commi~1oner Joel Fans a check for $100 on Tuesday. Mansoor said he intended the ex- change of money 10 retroactively re- duce Fans' fall campaign contribution from $300 to $200 so it falls below the threshold that coni;orutes·a conflict of inter~!. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -Acknowledging that he wru. guilry of an oversight of the city's connict of interest code, Council- man Allan Mansoor gave Planning On Monday, Acting City Atty. Tom Wood said his office couldn't ruJe on past decisions that may have involved a conmct of interet.t, but laid out guide- lines that !>howed that a similar sltua- See CHECK, Pa1e M Condos to be part of downtown Costa Mesa City Council narrowly approves 161 condominiums for 190 I Newport at 19th Street. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Only Petula Oark could have sung the praises of a downtown condo- minium project more pas.-.1ona1ely than three members of the clt'y's Redevelopment Agency on Monday.The a~ency -the Ciry Council wearing another hat -approved the high- density project at 1901 Newport Blvd. by a 3-2 vote with outgoing Mayor Karen Robinson and Councilman Allan Mansoor dlssenung. ln February. the Plannang CommtSSJon unanimously approved the pro,ect m the See CONDOS, Pase M MARI( C. OU~ /OM.Y PILOT United States Postal Service employee Thao Kaemerer collects tax returns from motorists on Susan Street in Costa Mesa. EDUCATION State PTA honors Harbor PTA Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot P atrlcia Travis looked pretty busy as she stood by a table at the Fairview Avenue post office Tuesday afternoon, purling stamps on envelopes. It was the dreaded •tax day" all rigtlt But the Santa Ana Heights resident was not one of those last-minute filers. She was just sending out Easter cards. ·1n fact, I just deposited my refund," said Thlvis. who was smiling because she 6Jed her taxes electronically. "So April 15 Is just another day for me." More Callfomlans than ever have chosen to me online this year. state tax officials say. This Overtaxed Like many throughout the state and country, several Newport-Mesa residents wait until the last day to fi le their taxes. "Filing electronically puts you in front of the line for a"retund. • Hill said ~vou can get it as earty as a week to I 0 days. With the paper filing. It could take as long as six weeks.· year, as of Monday, the Franchise Tux Board received about 6.9-million returns, 4()91) of which were filed electronically, said spokesman Patrick Hill from Sacramento. "Our E-file program has grown dramatically over the years since we started it in 1994." he saJd "Last year we hit a new mart with 3-million people filing electronJcaUy. This year, as of (Monday) that number ls at 3.4 milllon.· lbe Franchise Tux Board usually receives about 14-milllon returns. which means about 5-million Californians have waited till the last minute to file this year. "That's not very unusual.· Hill said. "Payments need to be postrnarlted by April 15. but people have until Oct. 15 to file the paperwork. l)'pically we have several people who wait until Oct. 15 to file either because they're procrastinators or because they're waiting for papers.. He said several residents have figured out the benefits of filing online t.llat include a huge Incentive -speedy refunds. But the traditional method is still popular among the majority of taxpayers. he said Trayce Carlyle of Costa Mesa says she prefers "snail mail." "I've tried E-file in the past: she said ·But I'm more comfortable with paper and emelopes. I don't know why. It just seems easier." Carlyle said this was one or those rare years when she had been waiting until the last day to me. SM TAXED, P ... M Daily Pilot Alli~ ONTtEWEB: ww.~ean WEATHER Newport Hetbof droflped e N b 111biltt dedllOn to OilN ... In the ~oftheflride of lh9 C.O... T°""*'*"-· ... ,.... State group dubs Newport-Mesa's Harbor Council PTA the most outstanding in the state. Christine CarrUlo Daily Pik>t NEWPORT-MESA -Noticing that not aO cb.ildren at school Md IOtDdhing to eea. groups ol mothers beaded to~ the' kiti heated up their stoves and took it upon selves to make sure every child had a at school. They saw th~ need and embra the chal- lenge of supptying It But thelr efforta dido\ See PTA. Pllet M THANKS, MOlll MOU? MOTHEJt"I MY Moma do It ... from ~ tD belngehe fwnly ~to pnMdhigthe hugL ~-your~ bv ... 19 ......... Of two ebout ~VO"' mom'a eo .... Ind. pholo tD .. Dlily fllac b pulllklldoo on ~'I O.V. Sende SASE If you~._ .......... poM ..... rllan. The..,.• tDr...._llMIY JtSend.-. ..... tD ....... o.¥. o.lv f'IOC. 330 W. ley$l.. Com MIM.CAmzl;lliirtD~ 81CMJ1:17, or.,... ID ..... • I i&Cllllft. l I I I; Al~. Ac>tl 16, 2003 . LOCALS ONLY FOR A GOOD CAUSE NEIGHBORS Susan Gabriel I n Herman received a presdgious sales award for 2002 in Northwestern Mutual'a Western Region. Hermann ranked third among 1,193 ftnanclal rep~ntatives participating ln the annual sales contest He is aseodated with Northwestern Mutual Flnandal have been opdonedfor movies. He haa also sold nearly a dozen screenplays. 13 i· Giving strength to those. in timef of need I t's not quite like running a marathon. But sometimes, 57-year-old Susan Gabriel feels like she's in the shoes of a long-dJ.stance runner -out of breath and yearn.Ing for a glimpse of that finish line. The longtime Costa Mesa resident volunteers with Thauma Intervention Program, a national nonprofit organization that offers emotional support to those traumatiz.e<t by a tragedy. Gabriel is on call 36 hours a month during which she could be paged to a crisis situation ln the area. She could be asked to go to any type of lnddent ranging from suicides and domestic violence cases to car accidents and fires. "The job is a big, emotional workout," she said. "'There are shHts when I have to go to a suicide and a car accident On FYI Those interested in becoming a volunteer with the Trauma Intervention Program may call (714) 314-0744 or visit ita Web site at www.tipnational.org. those days. when I come back home and still have several hours to go, I just say: 'Dear God, I hope I don't get another call today."' That doesn't mean Gabriel does not derive immense satisfaction as a volunteer for the program. She says she has given her time to several organizations, but this has been the most fulfilling. "You're helping people at their lowest moment," she said. But the victims don't know her and she is with them only until they cope with the initial shock and distress. Then, she never sees them again. "But I don't need their thank you," Gabriel said. "I know in my heart that I have helped them cope with something. that I've given them a gift. And I walk out of their life just like I walked into It" She also helps those who deal with "natwaJ deaths" as opposed to a murder or suicide. nonfiction , . numerous short Netwod:'a ~ Raymond Robert J. WaJt0s ObstfeJd boob. l stories. i;t0ems I and nonfiction articles. lrini Vallera- Rickerson Jr. network office In Newport Beach ... Orange Coast College art history professor lrlnl Vallera- Rlckenon bas written a new book that looks at the women athletes of ancient Greece: • Athletries: The Untold History of Ancient Greek Women Athletes." Vallera-Rickerson is a native of Athens and has been a member of OCCs faculty for 25 years ... Orange Coast College English professor R8ymond Obetfeld recently published his third book on writing tided "Careers for Your Ouuacters: A Writer's Guide to 101 Professions from Architect to Zookeeper." The 51-year-old from Tustin has written27noveb,including mysteries. suspense thrillers. romance, mainstream and young adult Four of his novels Obstfeld aJso heads up OCCs highly respected writing program that has produced writers who have gone on to have their own wortc published ... A window dJ.splay tided "Budget Cuts Shred Your Future" was put up by Orange Coast College's dJ.splay and visual presentation program students Marta Bolanoe, 8eYaty Comtrtino and RadieJ Mangold. The display depicting state budget cuts and Its effect on students depicts a huge pair of scissors tearing into an OCC class schedule. Beneath the schedule is a pUe of shredded paper. It is on display through April 18 ln front of the college's new SIS-million Arts Center. • NEIGHBORS spotlighta adlievementa in the community. Please direct noteworthy lnformetk>n to Corel Wilson by fax at (949) 6'M170, or .. nd e-mail to ~1.wilsonlllatimn.com. GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INYOlYB> runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For lnfonnation on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 674-4298. ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in life management and employment training wortcshop8 as a sucoea 008Ch to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. (949) 509-W61. PACtAC SYMPHONY ORCtESTRA The Orange County Pac:iflc Symphony Orchestra'• Volunteers In Education Opportunities program need& volunteers to aalst dtlldren in a variety of handM>n musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday momJnga wltb the dtildren. (714) 766-6788, ext. 244. MAENT HB.P USA ~ • ' "No death is easy to face,· she said. "But when the death is from natwaJ causes. it is so much easier for people to cope and get in touch with their inner strengths.· The biggest challenge she has faced is when she comes across incidents that hit too close fo home. anend debriefing sessions when they tallc to each other and deal with emotionaJ calls. ~TIONFOR THE HUMANE CME Of AP•W.S Volunteerl ant~ to care for stray and lost animals In the Newport Beactt. Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar areas. (949) 722-1357. Founded by~ end others against dtild abule, Parent ~p Mb the public for help and wluf1teer to Inform the community on vftal lauee an.cdng dti'9n and the family. (949) 66().3481 °' (949) 675-5271. Gabriel has been a volunteer with the program for two years. All volunteers go through 55 hours of training that includes lectures, presentations and several role-playing exercises.. "There are times when I feel 'That could've been me,'" she Said. ·There are other times when a call reminds me of my own life.· But in the end. Lt's all worth it. lhe says. ·1 see myself doing this Coryears to com e,· Gabriel said. •it gives meaning and purpose to my own life." ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to~ reading ddlla, WOft on mellioga and coordinate the adult group. (714) 999-01'8 between 9 a.m. llnd 3p.m. PEDIATRIC CNtCSt R£SENtat FOUJC>ATIOH PCRF, wNdt ,...._money to Th6se people have been BfT8$1tld f'fKltlntly on suspicion of driving under the Influence of an intoxicant They have only been amJsttKJ on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are oonsidenKJ innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday • Colin Martin Smith, 26. Costa Mesa Saturd8y • Nidtolaa Anthony Aaad, 21, Aliso Viejo • Brandon Vance Peterson, 22. Redlands • Martin Matlocti, 33, Santa Ana You learn to put your Issues aside but know in your heart that you have to revisit them, Gabriel said. Volunteers also DUI ARRESTS FTtct.y •Janel M arie Thurman, 31, • Jaxon Myron Tate. 49. Costa Irvine Mesa • Lisa Christine Villegas, 24, Sunday Anaheim Hills • Antonio Luis Clinkinbread. 22. •Jeremy Daniel Bowman, 22, Lakewood Laguna Woods Seturct.y Thuredey • Char1otte Elaine Redmond, • Bob Anton Cozad, 43, Co~a 31, Anaheim Mesa • Delfino Martinez. 29, Costa Friday Mesa •Terrence M cGreal, 54, Sierra • Jerrv Thomas Scanlan, 46, M adre Coto de Caza • Dau Su Ke Oiwa, 25, Irvine Thursct.y Wednelday • Suzanne Madeline Crandall, • Kenneth Mitchel Gomer. 25, 41, Santa Ana Newport Beach • Nicole Rene Aguilar, 27, Whittier NEWPORT BEACH • Fernando Benjamin, Magana. 29, Costa Mesa Mondrf • John L Pudaite, 42, Colorado Daily A Pilot Cont Wiison News auiatant, (949) 574-4298 coral. wflaonfif/11tlmes com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiiier, Don Leactt, Kent Treptow VOL 97, NO. 106 I NewsEdla'I Gin. Alexander, Lo,, Anderson, Oeniel Hunt. Paul Seitowitz. o.nws ...... NIWlatAff Crime '::ere!:~. (M}57<M228 ..,,..bhenlth.,_,...com ..... = ... ~ !Mdl,...,, <••~·· ~rtde•IMJilt#..oom ... ~ l'otltlca Md~ Nf>OMr, CM8)~ /*II dlnfon•t.ttma.oom Lellla ..... ~ cullUre repe>fW, (Ml)PMnl ........ ~ ....._ .... cc,..t c... ................ P4-4l2t ~...,..oom , a.,._.c:-m. Educdon~. <•)~ dtrlt#lltw.t»trilfo•letimaciom READERS HOTUNE (9'9) 642-6086 Record ybur comments ebout the Deily Pilot or news l!Ptl. ~ Our eddr ... ra 330 W Bey SI., Coate Meu. CA 92627 Offtc:e hours are Mondey Frict.y, 8:30 n m 6 p m Coft9'1kM19 It la the Pilot'1 policy to promptly correct eH error• of aubstence PIMM call (9'91 7&M32A FYI The Newpo'1 BMc:hfCotte M ... 0.1fy Pilot (USPS-144 800111 published dally. In NtrWpott 8eed'I end Coate Mele, •ubecr1ptloM IN evalleble only by 1ubecriblng to The Tlmet Ore~ County (800) 262 91•1 In,,.., outside of Newpott lead\ end eoct. Mele, subecirlptlona lO I.he Deily Pilot are ~al bte only by first c1 ... m.11 for SJO per month. (Pr~ Incl~ 111 eppllC8bl state end ~I «a>C..,I POSTMASTER: Send itdd,... dllnget lO The tffwport 8eedlle0tte Mele Dally '•lot PO ' -Story by Deepa Bharatll, Photos by Kent Treptow a'PPOft pediatric cancer reeeardl, needs needa ~for a variety of dutiM. (949) 86&-6312. PET OF THE WEEK Romeo Romeo, a cocker spaniel, was displaced from his home when his owner married a new wife. First, he had to leave his master's house and then he was no longer welcome in the house, said DiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Newpon Beach-based Community Animal Network. Used to the comforts of home, Romeo is now confined to a small pen outside. Romeo is miser- able, Pfaff-Martin said. The network is trying to relocate Romeo and put him in contact with other d~ ~The problem is that Romeo ls very angJY with his living situation and the world right now." Pfaff. Martin said. "'When the network put him up for adoption, Ro· meo didn't like the cage that confined him and growled at the people passing by, she said. "We would like to give Romeo a loving and happy home with someone who would be under- standing of his need to trust a Camlly again." Pfaff. Martin said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalMtwork..org or Russo's pet store at • Fash.Ion Island between noon and 4 p.m. on week- ends. lnfonnation: (949) 759-3646 or CommunJty Animal Netwock. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach, CA92658. Box 1560, Com Meu, CA 92626. Copyright: No newt stories, 1tlu1tr1tlons, editorial matter or adVenisementl herein cen be reproduced without wrm.n permission of copyright owner HOW TO REACH US ~ The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 AIMnt.llnt Ctau'fled (9'91642-6818 Dllpley (9'9) 642""'321 Edhofial Newa (!M9) 842-6880 Spoftl (9'9) 57~22 ..... ,.. (9'9) ~170 lpcNta Fu (!MIU e50-0170 ""'411: d•llypltot•t.r/,,,...com MalnOfllce ...... Ofllce (948) 642""'321 ""'"-,..(Ml) 831-7126 Pu~l.twwl by Tlmee CommunJty ~. • dMaion or o.e Lot Angeleil Tl,,,., C2003 Tlmel CN. All righ1ll ,..."*' SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Sunny days are here again, The northwest swell will bu1 wfth cooler hlgha. We continue to b9c* down tomy, probably won't get any though we can still expect warmer than the mid-80 thla some d'tMt-hlgha .i afternoon. with IOWI pushing west-f8dng br..U. the upper 40ll. The eouthet1y be«.hM can By Thurtday, thef'e'• another expect the~--.. strong dtence of thowets tNt mOltty chest· to ehoutc:let-hlgha will dlmln~ aome time Friday roll In. The 181Mt eouthwMt sf\etnoon. ewell wUI arrfv. on Thuradey, '"'°""8tloft: though nothing larger than www.mw.no#.(JOll "'-t-hlgh It~ 'Nest·facfng ~can BOATING FORECAST exe:. wela1-hlgha Thunday. qualty: The 'W 1 ltlffv .. will www . .,rfrkl«'.org btow 10 to 11 llr10tl lft-.. fnner Wlt:W.1tlie dltnoon,whh TIDES 2.foot W.W. .nd I"*-' WMt Time ......,. w.11 of & .... end aoUttt swell M1 a.m . -0.60 ... tow of2fMt.. Out farther, the wfnde wfD tt481.m. 5..12 .. high blow 10 knot9, whh 1-foot 3:40p.m. 0.1&fMtkJW w.we end• mix.ct w.t IW9lt k&lp.m. e.10fMtNgh of ..... tnd l(Mlth IWef1of2 fMt.lNl~no.m.~ WATER TEMPERATURE "Wlndl ..... bloW 10 to 15 knots. wflt\ 2..foot W'IW8.. - I } . I " .. { >. ., •J I ·t J , ~ I ., • .... . FILE PHOTO /OM.Y Pl.OT Newport European Motorcars, Ltd. has replaced the Auto Market, which closed 1n August. Dealer restarts on Harbor New auto showroom replaces one that was raided last summer by the government in a drug-related sting. ing owner Nader Armivand, who was arrested in the raid Annivand still owns the build· ing and is out of jail No charges have been tiled against him. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot CX>SfA MESA -A new ex- otic auto dealer has zoomed into a Harbor Boulevard show· room that housed a similar re- tailer that was shut down by federal drug enforcement offi- cers in August. Newport European Motor- cars, Ltd opened its doors earlier this month at the southern end of the city's auto- dealers ffNI on Harbor. The northern end Is marted by a Ferrari dealership. •Now you1l have two exotic car dealers at book.ends of the strip.· said Ed ~n. the president of the Costa Mesa Olalnber of Commerce. "It's ideal" Desert European Motorcars. a worldwide company based in Rancho Mirage, has come in BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Boston hospital surgeon will speak at library Atul Gawande, chief surgical resident at Women's Hospital in Boston. will speak at the New- pon Beach Public Library at 5:30 p.m. today about his book. ·c:omplkations: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science." Gawande's book was a finalist for the National Boole Award and was selected by the New Yock Times as one of the ·Best Books of2002." Gawande is also a research fel- low at the Harvard University School of Public Health and a staff writer for The New York.er magazine. The Newpon Beach Public U· brary Foundation sponsors the free event The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. Information: (949) 717-3800. St Andrew's pastor will receive service award John A. Huffman, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian O:lurch lo Newpon Beach, will receive The Others Award from The Sal- vation Army of Orange County for his community service. as the new operator. The com- pany is run by David Murphy. who once ran Newport Auto Center and still maintains a home in Newport Beach. The new dealer holds exclu· sive rights to sell Lotus and Rolls Royce automobiles in Orange County. It's at 2115 Harbor Blvd. The Drug Enforcement Agency shut down the Auto Market of Orange County in August at the same location and seized about 75 Ferrari, Lamborghini. Porsche and other high-end autos. "We just want to get away from that stigma.· said Vance Alison. the manager of the new dealership. "We don't want to be known as the peo- ple who were closed by the Of.A" Newport European Motor· cars signed a lease with build· The new dealership will of- fer mostly used cars, with a specialiultion in Porsche and Jaguar. Alison said. High·in· come buyers can also pur- chase the limited-edition Lo· tus F~'lprit, for about $92,000. and the upcoming Lotus Elise, for about $40,000, in early 2004. The dealerahip will also offer the new Rolls Royce Phantom. which will be available in mid· June for about $240.000. Alison said. ln the mld·l990s. Dick Bauer. who owns Sant.a Ana· ~ Bauer Jaguar. built the Harbor Boulevard showroom as a Lorus dealership. Amli· vand bought it in 2000. Shortly after the closure of Annivand\ dealerahip. an In - ternet company occupied the i>tlowroom. THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EVEN HUSBANDS . . ~ALDEN'S ft.ooa ~ i\.1,,U Cl'\'!\"' ~'1l0&" {'.(1\U JI,,(.\ 1663 Pt.a~. Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 ·--.... -· ..... --· ........ - The soft folds of Vtptte' window sNcin&s nt:I# ~ome in three new f~s th&t ~ to everyone. Come see them today. v~ _:,__ ... .i.. ...... 1km tno • t It. e It t., •• t .................... ""' "''' ,,,., ""'· •·@umnwWJJ. Wednesday.~ 16. 2003 Al More places to pump out Newport Harbor likely will add more disposal stations for boats as standards are rewritten to help improve water quality. As.o.LSr.ant C11y Manager Dave KJ.ff said the City 15 Uger to I.ID· prove the s1tuauon in hopes that boaters can be fun.bu discour· aged from emptying their fA:W- age hol~ tnto I.he harbor or ocean. June Caaa1rende Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -An alarming shortage pf working sewage pump-out stations in Newpon Harbor could improve soon as state and local officials work with environmentalists to rewrite standards for three locaJ haibors. As soon as next month, the c.allfomia · Regional Water Quality Control Board will be working with the cities of New- pon Beach and Huntington Beach to create a set of stand- ards for pump-out stations. Newport Beach officials have submitted a proposed plan for the regional board to tighten and enforce standards. Their pro· posal, which the board has the final authority to approve, would require the harbors to have one publicly accesslble pump-out station for every 500 vessel!>. Some have suggested one for every 300 boats, but even enVJ- ronmental watchdog Orange County Coast.Keeper believe' that may be too stringent "The goal is to make 'ure that people who go out of their way to do the right thing and take J their boats to pump-out Mauons " have easy access to pump-out No matter what you're doing. your hometown new5PC1per ~ Daily Pilot stations in wor1dng conditions. w Coast.keeper's Gary Brown said The standards are the result of a survey that Coast.Keeper did late last year that showed a seri- ous shortage of places wh~re boaters could legally empty their boats' sewage tanks. Out of 23 pump-out stations in Newport Harbor, only 13 were in opera- tion during a survey last October. The pump-out stations are owned by yacht clubs, pleru.ure eruise companies, the city and the county. · "The goal should be 1,ero toler- ance for having pump-out sta· lions inoperable for long periods of time.· Kill ~d The regional board will offer i~ ve~ion of the requirements next month. PubUc hearings will be ~heduled afterward. The city will also start i.ending out educa- tional materiab to pump-out station operaton.. letting them. know that a crackdown is c'om mg. BOATING SEASON IS BERi! 2945 Randolph Ave (Bn,rnl & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 luXURY IS YOURS TODAY! ~~~~:t::-:..~ Make The Most of Every Moment! VOLUME SELECTION• OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED •••Quality Service• .. • .. Nigbdy Entcrtainmcnr-• "~ .. A stellar dining experience:' -Fin Chao. Orange County Businru Journal Experience a New Culinary Gem Indulge your appetite and awaken your culinary sen!.l'' as Executive Chef Azmin Gbahrernan introduces th<. ..small plates• concept, that encourages sharing and livel~ com ersat1on. every evening to the sophisticated palates of Southern Californ1J Motif delights with a world of flavors. intriguing d1she!.. Jnd exquisite wine pairings to enhance your dining pleasure Located just off Niguel Road at One Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point Please call 949.234.3320 to place your reservation Home to a certain world Huffman has been pastor of tt)e 4,500-member church since 1978. He has uaveled world- wide meeting with leaders in Deida ranging from business to world relief. He has written nine books and his printed ser- mons are malled to 4,000 peo- ple ln SO at&tes and 30 nations. CONSIGN •DESIGN MOTIF Huffman will receive the award at the annual Spirit Awards Civic Dinner on May 22 at the Hyatt Regency Irvine. Passover Seder set for Chabad Jewish Center. Olabad Jewish Center will bold Pu.saver Seder at 7 p.m. todayat3419VlaUde>i No. 147. Space ls llmJted. For lnfonna· don and to RSVP. call (949) 721· 8800 or vtait llllVW.~ port.oom. Fa.Won Island candy store to host fund-raiser A Fuhlon laland c:andy ahop wtD collect candy-ft.lled bullett duJtnC I Thunday fUnd·r"Alter to beoeftt children of Mui.Dea atadoned ln lnq. Qualily Furnis1Ung1 & Acce11ories For Yow HoNU 3 Drawer ~ ........................................................ $75- Glass/l.ron Cotl'tt Tal>le ........................................... $16,. PiJ::lie-~---········-·._. ........................................... -. $175" TI1e Top Kitcbt.n 'table w/4 Chafrs_ ....... ~ .. ~ ........ $250" Larae Pine Top Drala-w/llutch ...... ~ ....... -$27S"' ~ ............ ___ ._, _____ ..... _.,_ .................... ._ ... $~ ' Palr'Slip ~ Cba.lrl. .................................. $350" 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa. loc:l6ed Wai., Pltun ., ~ Phone (949) 764-1746 lbll:Mut.fri ... ,,.~Sil~ Located at The ST. REGIS MONARCH BEACH Dana Po nt. California .. • • PrOm 9 un. co 9 p.m., Cali· fomJe Candy Cradooa wOl cOI· lid the bukeu.. Thia weeUnd. ltote owner Jamie Wbltlock wm brtnl the donadone to Camp Plmclleton wtlb DannJ ._... dl;M:e, 1iho co-hoMI • mof1ilnl 1bawoaSTAR·PM~(91~.n~·~~~~~;.l._----..._----~-----------~~----------~----------------------~----~------·----~~~~~,,,... M Wednesday, ~ 16, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA ...... StrMt end Sunfloww AvwtU4IC A hlt-end~run wH reported at 11:05 1.m . Monday. • F9il .iew Roed •nd P9utatfno ~ue: A traffic accident lnvotvlng injuries was reported at 9:10 a.m. Monday. • ~ fttace: Vandalism waa reported In the 1900 blodc at 12:34 p.m. Monday. • Newport Boue.v."9: An auto theft was reported in the 2.AOO bf<><* at 11 :31 a.m. Monday. • PIMctMll Drive: Petty theft was reported In the 2800 bfodcat 11 a.m. Monday. •Sant. Isabel Awnw: Grand theft was reported in the 300 bf<><* at 9:45 a.m. Monday. • Town Cent9r o.tve: Petty theft was reported in the 600 blodc at 10:48 a.m. Monday. • Victoria StrNt: Possession of drugs was reported in the 300 blodt at 1 :34 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eaet Coast Highway: A deadbolt was reported stolen from the clubhouse in Bayside Village at 10:33 a.m . Monday. •Jamboree Road: A Prada wallet was reported stolen from a table at Diedridl's Coffee at 3:30 p.m. Monday. •Main Street: A ba~ camera, jadlet and a golf trophy worth about $550 were reportedly stolen from the floor of a men's room in the 100 bfodt at 9:24 a.m. Monday. • W. Ocean Fn>nt: A wallet was reported stolen from an unlodced vehicle in the 2000 block at 10:45 a.m. Monday • Superior Avenue: A N for sate• sign was reported stolen from the bedroom of a residence in the 1500 blodt at 5:27 p.m. Monday. • Vie Eboli end Via Udo Nord: Vandals reportedly broke a car window at 10 a.m. Monday. • 8th Street: A garage burglery was reported in the 100 bl<><* at 1:15 pm. Monday. TAXED Continued from Al ul expected much worse," she said. looking around at the fairly crowded post offite. "Bui 11'<, not lOO bad.~ Mark Brinton of Co..ia Me..a looked preny relaxed ill> he put the final touches on hi'> -------- 8269:":..- 1 AT'lml.EAIE COUNCIL Continued from Al Terri Breer, 43, lives in the Mesa del Mar area and Is active with the Community Redevel- opment Action Commiuee and the Mesa del Mar J lomeowners Assn. ·1 want the opportunity to contribute to Lhe future of Costa Mesa, whether I'm the next council member or a commu- nity activist or volwlleering." Breer said. "I want to contr1b· ute." Bruce Garlich, 6& an<i in his third year on the Pld.nning Com- mission, sllid he thinks his ex- CHECK Continued from Al tion would be construed as a conflict in the future. Mansoor's gesture appeased former mayor Sandra Genis, who first brought the matter to the council's attention on April 7. ~My concern aU along was that I believe it was an innocenl mis- take, but if we allowed it to ~land, then that meant that t11e next time when someone wasn't making an innocent mistake, it would be OK." Genis said. "To me, it's an acknowledgment that the rule does apply and it's a pre- cedent." One tenet of the city's conflict of interest law, which Genis helped craft. constitutes a con- flict any campaign contribution of $250 or more during the year before a council decision involv· ing the contributor. Mansoor appointed Joel Faris as rus planning commissioner on Feb. 18, after Faris had contrib- uted $300 to Man:soor's 2002 election campaign. On Tuesday. Mansoor apolo- gi.7£<! for the oversight and tned to direct attention back 10 city matters. "This has been a distraction and hopefully now I can get back to focusing on other city issue~." Mansoor said. Faris said that he too is anx· ious to concentrate whoUy on city copies. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at 19491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com l'nvelopes. "Oh, I was done way back when •• he said. ur just didn•t mail them out. Why should I? You pay when you owe " • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readied at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at dee pa. bharath 10! fatimes.com S 1 QQQ ci.rilomc< cmh cAu\ l-4500 focrory rebate CQllC)i1 S6-'Q? •otol ciie a1 ._ 19"•>q • '"' .,...J hu,,.,,. Nu wev<llv J,;,pus.1 ·-•ed L.....-·~~bl.. ul ...._ ,.nrl I.,. .,........,.. ,,_ I 7 000 ,,,._ r-7_,,, nt 1 7• r-....i.. '""'""'' .. TAKE SS FWY UIT FAIR DR. TO HARBOR • lrwtllld wlh Piii s 1 e1 • Mll*MI eo yn 111• Travertine 18" x 18" .......................................................... U 111t Ca'arTic: TN ............... " ...................................... ~m flit 1111t Laminate~ ............. ;,:;~·;;·;·~...,. U IQt perl ·nee on the commission will ierve him weU ti he b appolnted to the councU. ·1 think I can bring some skills and 1earowork and consensus- bulldlng that might be helpful to get [council members! through some difficult issues on their plate right now,• Garlich said. Frank Michelena. 73, has lived In Costa Meia since 1958. He lives in the Mesa Verde neigh- borhood . He is a semlrellred lobbyist and served as chief of staff to former county supervisor Bill Phillips. l Us lobbytng achieve- ments Include helping 10 bring the Anaheim Pond to Orange County and bringing the Los Angeles Rams Anaheim Sta- CONDOS Continued from A 1 downtown redevelopment zone. Project supporters echoed the commission in touting the per- fect fit of the project for the downtown area. ·1 think the key is that this is a downtown project and we've talked about making downtown a destination and this is exactly what downtown calls for -high· clas.<> condos within walking di~­ tance of entertainment," said Councilman Gary Monahan. "l think it will just raise property values all around it.· PTA Continued from Al stop in the iotcht:n. 1110 .. e women, who made up the Na- tional Parent Teachers Assn .. took their efforts to Capitol Hill. For year.. they lobbied for leg- islation to establish a ~chool lunch program. ln 1946, they got their wish. The power of the or- ganization. whose purpose is to ·..ecure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth,· surfaced and PTAs across the country have contin- ued to foUow that path since they began in the late 1800s. lbe I I arbor Council PTA. which focuse.-; on the Newport- Mesa Unified School District. is no different. "We don't just bnng cookies in ALLOWED Conbnued from Al support Lf the study has never been done, Graham as.ks? He JUM wants a scudy. not the bridge. Just a report that would anal)"l.e whether it could be good for CostB Mesa Then the city can Lale an informative .. lance on the issue, he says. What's the hann in gathering more infonnation before lcilling the idca7 AJtJ1ough hl' ha.'> been shot down several time1> he keeps the fight alive. l'he peNii,tent advocatE' speak:. al nearly every City C..ounc1J meeting. alwayi. findmg new and uwentive ways to call attention to t11e project. Think a burrowing owl bil!> nothing to do wit11 a pos,ible bridge at 19th Street? Think again I guarantee Graham could find a way 10 lmJc the two. Perhap'> he would ').ily. "If there were a hridgt> at 19th Street. the owl could get to Huntington more easily and burrow over there. Then we could build out Fairview Parle as we see fit" OK. Ills associations are more cogent but nearly as far-fetched. Cosca Mesa City official~ could take a page out of !he Robert C..raham handbook for beating a AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. aa well as a conta<:t phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot com. TODAY The Ontnoe eo..t con.g. Friends of the Ubrery will host their spring boot salt from 9 to 10 a.m. for OCC Friencn members and from 10 1.m to 3 p.m. for the public. The sale wtll be held In front of tho OCC library et the north end of the Adamt Avenue p~trting lot. Take Felrv1ew Roed to MonftorWey. Ctll (714) 432-0202. ext. 21063 fol more Information. THUftSOAY •Ofvofte: A N.w S.Oinnlne'" It • WC>fbhop for men and womt1n who lrt dlYOrood or getting divorced. The WOf'bhop talc" piece from 10 • m. to 1~30 p.m. 11 180 N.wport Center Drive. The oott It S40 fo, mort lnfOnnttk>n, call (949) 844 843&. FRIDAY .......... ..., ... dium, nuw known as Edison lntemational Field of Anaheim. He also was one or the key founders of Oilldrens' H~pitaJ of Orange County. He said he believes his experi- ence and background are con- ducive to serving on the council. ·rve always been prerty active ln city and county activiti and am really supportive of busi- ness, but only when It's done properly and f cause8) no major traffic," Michelena said. If Michelena is nominated, Monahan would probably not be able to vote on the nomina- ti.on since Mjchelena's.company contrlbuled $999 to ~onapan's reelectJon campaign ln the fall. One part of the city's conllict of The project calls for Rutter De- velopment to add 161 upscale condominiums to the 1901 New- port property that now hosts lhe Spanish mission-style Newport Plaza building. A Vegas-style nightclub has also been added to the Newport Plaza building. but awaits further approval from the city's fire marshal. The condos will be housed Ill four four-story building~ mea suring about 50 feel high. ll1e project also features a two-levt'I underground parking structure and a five-level aboveground parking structure. Mansoor ~id he rejected tht' project because he had signifi cant concerns with density and the classroom,u i>aid Patty om .. t:iansen. Harbor Council pr~•· dent. ·we will be lobbying 1n Sacramento . . . lllis 1s a legacy of PTA. being politically actiVl', that will strengthen cdurn11on and support our youth " With thousands of member~ worlcing toward e'>tablt'>hmg a closer relationship between home and school. I !arbor Coutl cil received accolades from the California S1a1e PTA for more lhan its lobbying prowe~. Mil's been our goal tu wnrk hand in hand with the teacher'> and the staff in this school di' trict so tJ1at we are a '>Ucce .. .,ful part or that team." ~he '>aid These award~ "just rcrnnflrrn that we have an oubtand111g rC' lationship with them ... Recogniud in March ac; the mos1 outstanding P'IA in the t'n tire state, the Harbor Council\ dead topil with a stick. as tlwy find themselves in a s1milM position wilh the Orange County fransponation Authority in regard to building pomons of the Centerlme rail ~}">tern underground. ( ounty offiuaJ~ agree it is feasible to put p1t>te'I of tlu• line m subterranean territory but ~Y the rni,ts to do so, or even to siudy the id ea further. are too high. con.,tdt-ring feeble federaJ support. According to variou<, bu .. 111t><,.\ leader' in the South Coast Metro area, an underground lint· would be far less intru~ive, more dJective and efficient, tl1<111 .l1l overhead raJ.1. fnc~ 1nllut.•1HjaJ business bosses -which include member~ of tht' Segerstrom clan -are hol.,wred by Coc;1a Me<Wl politicians. who are asking county offk1al' to al least con<;ider a '>tudy for puttmg a pan of the line underground We're not d.'>king for 1t to go underground. official.c; have .,.ud. We are 1ust a'>l.mg that you gather all the informa1ion about the po~ibilities before ytR• '>hoot II down Now, if Graham had .i exclusive rights 10 that argument, he could sue the Costa Mesa City Council for copyright infringement. Bui wait, instead of pulling Graham on the other side of the Newport harbors, Hornblower Cruises and Events is featuring a Champagne Brunch Cruise on Easter Sunday. The two-hour cruise features a lavish brundl and dessert buffet prepared fresh on board by our talented chefs. The cruise boards et 11 :30 a.m and sails from noon to 2 p.m. The cost is $41.95 per person. F-or more information or reservations, call (800) o~ THE-BAY. APRIL23 A ttv.dlty. 300-mlla aulM exploring the northern Channel Islands will be offered by Or1ng• CoHt College's School of Salling end Seamanship. The trip, designed for sailors with at laat lnt1rmedl1t• .. uing slcltls, cotts $6215. The Glln de Mir will d•part It 5 p.m . April 23 ind retum at 6 p.m. Aprll 27. Cell (949) 645-9412 for more Information. APRll.24 ·Undw•taldrtl Your,.....,. Report." • free MMk>n at~ Holphal, wtfl provide lntlght Into the mNnlng Oft pethology report and how tt'• uMd In ~ ng tnd pt•nnlng treetment fOr lung cancer. The ...ion wtll bi~ from 2 to~ p.m. Cell {949) 7'M&l2 for man lnformetlon. Interest code charucterizes as a conJlict any campaJgn conlribu- don or $250 or more dwlng I.he year before a council decision Involving the contributor. Former mayor ~ndra Genis, who wrote this part ot the code, said the lntent ls to preclude a pert1on contributing more than $250 either f.ndMdually or through his or her company. Out Michelena could still be approved on a 2 l vote since that would constitute a quorum, said Acting City Atty. Tom Wood. Heather Somers, who was on the councU from 1996 to 2000, but lost to Karen Robinson by 32 votes, was not avallable for com- ment. AdditJonal candidates . who traffic issues, "I simply would have liked less deru.ity and that would have al leviated a lot of the other con- cern~. Like craffic, • Mansoor said. While the council split in ap- proving the project, 1t was unanimou~ in its conviction to require developer Rutter Devel· opment to either build 14 afford- able housing units or substan· lially rehahilJtate 14 ex.tsting affordable housing units within the redevt'lopment wne. ··If we would have accepted the fee. the cily would have b<'t'n left holding the hot potato with no guar.i.ntee of a way to fulliJI our requiremenL'i," Mam.oor ~aid ... And I felt that wai. not wi~e effortl> have11'1 ~one unnoticed. "l11e PTA hcc. aJwa}'5 been an mtegrnl part m educatmn," said Jane Garland, communicatJOll'> and -.pedal pro1ect-. coordmator for 1he district. ·· 1ney\e truly been makmg this a partner..htp and .t collaborative effort ~ Reflecuve of •~ oul<,1and1ng involvement of teat hers and ad~ n11n1•.tratof'> .tw·.ud. tht' 1 larhur Council fYfA ha' a member of tht' leat her\ union '>ped.lc jt ev~ l'ry monthly meeting. and ha-. tontinued to build upon 1~ open relationo;hip with school official-. "One of the thing ... PlA want'>. part of their mL'>'>ion. i' for kid., to he healthy. educated dnd .,are ... '>aJd Lllen Carroll, Harbor Council vice pn:1>idl'nl. "When you talk about lt'Jr her,, teac.:ht:r<• want all 1hoc;e thing ... and when you talk about the district. the di'>tnl"t want'! all those thtng .... lente or bridge -city offil'iah l"Ould U'>e hun to tlw1r benefit. rake advantage ofh1 .. uncclMy abthty lO rehash a .. mgle ~ubject and unJeash him on the OCTA board. Take OCTA agenda item No. 9 from the mo'>t recent meeung: "Purch~ Order for l.iquefied Natural c,a.., Fuel Tanlc Vacuum Pump " County officials n.'< om mended the authonty executt• an agreement wilh a fueling company for no more tJ1an SJB.494.78 for two pump'> Now. apply the Graham-e'>qlll' masterful MdlJ of twhting It il1to 1>omethi11g about tJ1e Center! jm· and you might have th1., argummt: I he rnu111y ~about to spe11d nearty S40,000 on two pumps for IJquefit•d Natural Ga' I ut'l Tanks and when It ha.,n't t·wn full) explored other transportatmn opt1om ... ud1 d.' all the altemauves for a hK)11 rail S)">tem '>ure natural g~ is \'\<hat 1!> bemg used now. but what Jbout when lhe Centerl.1ne get~ up and rwuung7 Wtll 11 still be a'> important? And speaking of CenterUne. how 1~ it that officials can '>O easily sign off on somethmg that could one day be outmoded. yet 11 can't even '>Upport the gathering of information for thf' CenterUne? Undoubtedly an imminent step APRIL25 The fifth No Mora Homel ... ~ Conference runa through April 27 at the Hilton Costa Mesa. The event 111 presented and sponsored appeared 011 1he city' Web itc late Tuesday ure formrr Pl n nlng Corom oner Wall Dav enport, who wrus nol re- appointed ln February alter serving (or 22 ycan; rom1er Muyor (Jnda Dixon. who lost her retlecllon campu.Jgn Ul No· vember; Art Perry, o C.osta MeMi Sanitary District bolll'd mernbe1 and £'itllncia High School octiv· lties dJrector: and Mike Scheaf- er. the Co l3 Mcsa-Newpon I la.tbot JJon~ Oub president who will rev1ve the Fish Fry on May JI. • DEJROAE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa end may be readled at (9491 574-4221 or by •·mall at deirdre.newman@latlmu..com. . QUEST10N' Will th• condos help ComM ... ~• downtown environment? Call our Reeders Hotline ? • at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dailypllot wfatlmes com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. 10 lcavl' tlw lily holding tlw bag." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be read'led at (9491 574-4221 or bye mail at detrdre.newmon a•fot1mes com You all havt: al ornmm1 Vt'>Hlll lor what you w.int fw your t h1I dren On May I, till' 'tall' wlll honor I larhur C oundl JYIA .it the PIA' annual l'onvrn11011 Ill \al r..t memo for II'> al h1t>vernt•11t'> wh11l· ah.o giVJng I lamor C ounnl Yl'I another t hann lo dL•rnon '>lrJlt' ti'> ded1u11ion I I arbor ( ounl"ll \\ 111 lohhy once again, tht'> llllll' agalll'I '>talt: budgt•t cut' ~ rhL'} n·nainJy arc the Jim that tan lohhy .111d I th111k tlwy have lhe tJt.,t Hlll'rl''" of till' children at h<'art." c,arla11d .,.uct .. Pnwt•r to tlwm lo IK· jbll' to go out tht•n· .md tlo what wt• < .111·1 do ' • CHRISTINE CARRILLO cove1 s education and may be re&ehed at (9491574-4268 or bye mail al ctmstme cam/lo " la11mes com Ill term-. of n•g1onjl tran'>po rt<1twn. Let\ hrt.«1k from tht> '>lldl klh of conven11onc1.I th111kmg and tnlit•st 111 thl· fulun• Perhap-. we '>hould really t·xplcm· the regional tran<,portjl1011 I knu~ 11 1' not tJ1c lllO'>I log1tal or edul'ate<l .ir.:umt•nt It rt.•aJly dO<' .. n't makl· mut. h -.en'>t' hut th.it " not tht• puU'lt nil' putnl ,, to kl•t·p ll<l~llK. h'l'P ydp111g, bJdgt•nng and r<'pt·c1t111g yuur p<>:>it1011 until '>Ollll'urw um·\ ... omt•thing ah11u1 II. (,, ali.im gut .1l1ty 111rnm1t1t•1• tu rt'l IHIHlWlld tht• '>tudy ol .1 19th ~tll'l'I bndKt' IO the C.11y Counnl Coum ii man Allan Mjn-.uur cwn '>Upponed 1ht· .. tud~ lllt're I'> 'till a far way to ~o fur ... upport of tlw '>llldy. but l.raham ha.., at lea'>t ~ame<l j little ground I ail' het.'<.I Center! mt· ad\'Olate' Pu1 away that WD 40 and hammer your grea'>d<"'' argument mto the l"Onsc1ousne<;'> of thr dec1-.111n maker> ~ueak. -.quealc. <.queakmg all the way to thl' hank. • louTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays She may be readled at (949) 574-4275 or bye mail al lol1t11 harper(it I.times com by Best Fnends Animal Sanctuary of Utah, the netion'a largest no-kill organization Call (435) 644-2001, ext. 129 for more information. Dally Pilot Wednesday, April 16. 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED ._ ~Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pitot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Read9rs Hottine: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mail: Send to dailypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the ngh1 to edtt all subm1ss1ons for clarity and length READERS RESPOND . Not just a place to go shop AT ISSUE: Does Costa Mesa need more shopr>ing o'r a recreational spot for families recreation with beaches and mountains that we should level everything over there .and make a senior citirens housing that would be helpful to them We don't have enough of that. We have plenty of other restaurants businesses, recreation areas. Targets, etc. "at the Mesa Verde Center? · I don't understand how Costa Mesa city officials can't look and see that we don't need more shopping centers but we do need a place for kids and adults to go for some kilid of entertainment that isn't !>hopping. DIANEWHrTE Costa Mesa < .osta Mesa does not need any more traffic or shopping on I larhor Boulevard or in the 11e11(hborhood. WALLACE JENSON Costa Mesa I am calling regarding Costa M t'sa's Kohl Project. I support it and my main reason is even if they were Lo downsize the square footage of the store or put some underground parting. the parking hopefully in the future will become more either bus or mp1d uansit of some kind other 1l1<1n the automobile and what beller traffic pattern would there he than Harbor Boulevcll'd or Adarm ? f.specially Harbor Boulevard, in other words like Newport Boulevard. II would be bener than 'Prl'adjng the traffic all over the art'<l. We should be confming it more to busy strei."ts that are .ilrt•Jdy busy or to freeways so pt.•ople will have easy ace~ to .,hoppmg and residentiaJ and h11 .. 1nesses. So you can live. waJk .ind have the recreational fanhucs. So I support the project and am sorry it is not going to go through. BtllNYHOLM O:>sta Mesa I want to commend the City Council for backing off on having another department store at th.at location. I think that gives them time to explore other alternatives and possibly some recreation activities or things of that nature. I think there is a lack of need for a store like Kohl's. I took a field trip to a Kohl's and I th.ink Costa Mesa is not crying out for another retail store of that genre. If you go to a place Jike Mervyns, JC Penny, Sears, even Target has the same type of merchandise. 1 lcnow that I probably wouldn't shop at Kobl's. so stepping back and taldng another look is not to be admonished and it is not an anti-hus ine$ stance. It is a wise stance that they are taldng. SHARON BOUDREAU Costa Mesa I want to express that I do not support Kohl'!> department store. I do not 'iuppon that. We do not need another Mervyns-type store and there are three others wiUlin a mile or two of that location. BEVERLY JENSEN Costa Mesa Hurray for the City Council 1 think we have w many bu!>inesses and junk all over Costa Mesa. plul> so much ~tag , Enough of that. Let's get some low-cost senior citizen housing. TEOANORINI Costa Mesa I think it would be great to have ping pong tables set up in IJle facility over there. I think they shouJ_d reopen ice skating rinks becaui.e I think it is a great place to get together at night to ice skate together. Bowting·aJJeys should he reopened and renamed as family get together plac~ for people to get together and have a great time together. hunily quality lime in the bowling center. They shouldn't close it down. they !thould reopen ii using a small amounl of taxpayers money derived Imm lhe people so lhat the community can benefit overnJJ. OliJdren need a place to ice !>kale, bowl and visit toget11er m a !>afe healthy environment so parenl\ can he '>ecure in the lmo .... 1t'dgf• 1ha1 children are saft· A p111g pong tahle. a backgammon hoard and che'>.'> board!> all.o could be placed m 1here w children can learn to communicate together. I think it would he a wrong thing to do to have a Kohl \ department store there. DAVE GROTHUS Irvine Wednesday, May 7 Prado Olympic Shooting Parle Chino, California 7 Official Events Sporting Clays I & II Trap Doubles Tabor's Doubles Continental Trap Duck Tower Flurry Optional Events Olympic Trap 2-Man Flurry Five Stand •• Proceeds benefit Hoag Hospital. To participate, or for more Information, pltost call 9491514-1208. MAILBAG Pilot sports editor a 'ct>.nsummate pro' J was saddened to re<id ~esday .morning U1at 'llo~er Carlson is retinng from hi., post as sports editor of tht· Daily Pilot He has been an institution in our m1ds1 for more than three decade .... and it just won't be the samt• without rum. What the community is going to rn ... ., most about him is his pa.,-..011 for his work. Roger truly cared. I first met Roger m i !Kil when we were both workmg as stringers for IJ1e Daily 1'1!01. under legendary :.pon., ed11rn Glenn White. Gle1111 wa" J testy, ornery t.a:>luna'>tcr I 1~a .. a green kid jU!>l OUl of UH· Army, returning to '>t'h<>11I. Journalism, for me, al thl' lime, was a bit in111nidat111g Roger was a breath of fre.,h air in the neW!>room . i le v.a., completely unflappable .• 111d I found him to be the perf~·t 1 role model for how lo lwh.t\I' m a professional "el ting. under pressure Roger later joineti tht I >J.Jh Pilot on a full·tlllw ba"''' I went on to fim.,h my ti1·gn·1·. and WOWld up here at Ur.mge Coa\t < ollege Hogt•r remained my Ir 1end 1wc1 thl' years. I le never changed I '1· had occasion to '>il 11 1 m,111} a press box next 111111111. <111d he'~ a consummate pro I k nut only taught me the mtricacit'!> of l eepmg accurnte football '\tat1Mw ... lw also imparted to me the virtue<; of hard woclt, loyalty and ded1La llun. AI1d 1111egruy He\ a clas<, an! We U mt~ you Rog! JIM CARNETT Senior director of tommunity relall<ill'> < hangt-( .oa:-1 CoUeg(• < ll'>la Me .. a Mixed feelings on Glrlson \ retirement 11 wa"> l.\-1th mixed e111011u11' I read 111 today., Daily Pilot of lhl' 1t•tirl'nw111 111 Hogl'r ( drl...iin I w,t-. .,addent-d hy h1'> deparlwc. bt·l..iu .. e tlw 1>,11Jy i'ilot .. poi h 't'lltt111 undl'r hh lt•J1lt·hl11p ha" bloomed illlll J wo11dt·rful. m ud1 .i11111 1pall'cJ p.trl of 111\ tl.1ih d11.,t· ol lilt' I >Jdy f'tJot < >n 1111· llllwr h.111J, I \'vd'> dl'11ght1·d for Hugl'r Jnti hop1• hl l'llJll~ .... 111., fl'I irt'llll'llt la· dt•\l'r\l'<, II I n·aJ l'ad1uf1h1 tnlllltl·., from 111an~ of 111., <,l;tll member'> Jlld othl'r' lodn\ and tJ1ne J\\cty wnlt 111\ · 0µ1111011 of 111111 t 1111 Ii ru ll'll. I !1· h,.., '-''I lilt' b.ir high lor the lut I..} 111ti1v1tiuaJ who tolluv.' h1111 GEOFF WEST Co-;tJ J\11 .... J He wrote i L th~ ~aml.: way he \aw tt \ 1ha11!.. }Oil llJ Hogt·1 ( Jrl'>tlll for .111111 ~0111 CUtnllllll\11\ -.upp111 t ,111d -.port r1·1H111111g11\l'r llw year .... Your integrity rt'gMdtng the report m g ul im.t.I '>POrl'> ha!> touched 111..i11y live., and brought 11i.:1J1y .. mile'> 10 a Lhlt:k '-, coache., and the local .,chool' during your tenure. WhNhl'r .11 wa'> 'reporting JUlllOI 'Plirl~. l11gh ... (hew I .. or II<. lr\11ne dthleuu., tht: l>Jtly l'tlot, under your lt·ader'>lup, hJ'> always bt•t:n 1 hert' fur all of U'> lu!>t think of i.lll 11f lhl' wonderful ur111it·.,}11u have wntten llVl'f lhl' ~l'iJr<, lhJI Ml' 11a:k1·d JY. d\ 111 t'Veryone\ '>LrJplmob 01 011 proud p.in·111 ·-. V.Jll-. Your po-.111ve 111pul ha'> re .. 1orl'd the 1111Jg1·' ol 111,111) pt·ople a11d 1,,,, d1n•1 riv 111n11entt•cJ their p11 ... 1t t\1• 1Jlltl1r11I. on hfl' )ou lt.1H· \'lllH''Wd .,II llldlly 1\111101 rlul th111g., IJ\.t'I th1 \t'df' .111tl I haH· Jl'-"oY' .1ppr1·u.111·d ~·11LH IWlll'.,I) .111t.l lt.1ni \\Or i.. \\h11L-I <1111 hJPP\ ft1r \ 1111r rL·t1re11wnt, I I\ tll llli'•' \ OUI fl'Jllllllllg Jlld ··11·l l111g II l1k1• II I<,' J\, \11u11g l.1d<, l11ol. tor 111h• 11111tiel' and d1rt'rllon I 111,111t• 1l1l'\ cJn-.1111 ul m.il..111g 1111· U.itl~ l'tl111·, I hl',lfll lt•ollJI Jll Jll\ .,port' 1lt1•\ t Ito, .. \'\ht•ll lht•\ grnv. .11p 111.1111. \11\J tr•mt .ill u .. fldfl'lll-.. I Udl hl'<, Jlld .. t11111111,11.11wn<. for br111g1ng 11111 11t1 po'>tll\.t' 111 our l..11h ,lfld -.lt1 •\.\trig 1h.ll hdfd \~Ori. 1\111,11\\J\'> PJ\ off. \>'vlH'lher Ill 'PIJI h Ill Ill hie-\\1• \\,l'h \1Jll thL· lte .. 1 ltir )llll .trl lltl' 1w ... 1 BRENT OGDEN, JR. 1.11rnna dl'l \far f i1gh I 1111 I fictfl I ll<H h .~~au/~/. 9!tJ~/./t~..J !J· ~r-r/' INTERIOR DESIGN CUSTOM HUM!-ur-_SIGN j fl NI: HUMf-f Uf1Nt IL Rf •'\CC,fSSORlf , & ,f-1:!\. 1-f:, DEADLIN E FOR SP:\C:E & COP't Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5 pm. .\REAS 01· C IRCl 'I.A rlO'\. l'C:Ll OE: DAILY PILOT Friday. April 25. 2003 'c "pon Bca(;h •Corona <lei t\l ar DEADLINE FOR l'c:\\ port Coa-.t • Co .. ta ~tc .. a CAMERA READY .\Kl' HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDE NT · Thursday. May 1. 2003 Monday, April 21 , 2003. 5 p.m } lunt111J!_ton tk,ILh • 1 luntmj?;tnn Barbour Sun,c t Be.ac:h ADVERTORIAL DEAOLlNK COASTUNE PlLOl -Friday, Mav 2. 2003 Wednesday, April 16. 2003 (no advonorial may be submitted after deadline) Lagun.a Ucach 78.000 cirtulatioo Daily Pilot 949-642-4321 Hu " c;y o,. 11:,ti LAO NA I 4CI INDEPENDENT COASTLINE PILOT 949-642-4321 949-494-432 l electronics and plumbers, to Ian~ C10d painters. L QUOTE OF THE DAY "Willie Mays would have been proud of that {Parker Fergwon catch)." John Emme, CdM baseban coach -.AJ.-. ~-~ ---:--. ----:. -· -:....- EYEOPENER -~~Pib· ......... ,, ... ~ .......... Aprt 21 llonortl MARK LORENTZEN -, M Wectlesdly, 1.cri 16, 2003 lpcM1I Phone! (949) 57 ..... 22Z • Spol1a Fu: (949) 6500170 OllyPlot: ' I HIGH SCHOL BASEBALL Sailors dealt • s.er1ous curve by Dolphins Dana Hills pitcher's breaking balls help stymie Newport Harbor in Pride of the Coast Tournament quarterfinal triumph. Bryce Alderton Oa1lyP1lot NEWPORT BEACH Newport Harbor High's baseball team can gain solace that it held its own against South Coast League foe Dana Hills Tuesday, even if the ef· fort wasn't en"ough to win. • singles by Sanchez, third baseman R.J. Muller, Ryan Heenan and Mak- serjian. Heenan and Makserjian both beat out slow rollers in the infield. Makserjian·s grounder· scored both Muller and Heenan, Heenan alertly sprinting home from sec- ond when the first base- man lost focus after Dana Hills 9 Newport 5 The Dolphins -be- hind the crafty breaking balls of starter Trevor Helms that zig- zagged to find nearly every part of the plate and the run-producing machine at the top of the order - downed the host Sailors, 9·5, in a quarterfinal matchup in the Pride of the Coast Tournament. Brent Lawson and Ryan Jones each had three hits in four at-bats and scored six of the Dolphins nine runs to give the South Coast Leag\Je participants their 11th vic- tory. The loss drops Newport to 5· ll, but the Sailors fought until the very end. With two runs already in in the seventh and final inning, the Sail- ors had runners at first and second with one out and junior left fielder Karo Makserjian at the plate. Mak- serjian, who had singled and scored one of Newport's three runs to tie the Dolphins In the third in- ning, ripped a 2-2 fastball right at left fielder Brady Smith, who alertly fired to double up a New- port runner at second who had strayed a bit too far off the bag. Newport Coach Joel Desguin, coaching at third, acknowledged he thought Makserjian's ball would fall in front of Smith and told the runner to come down the line. Pinch-hitter Nick Sacco and starting shortstop Dave Erickson each singled and scored in the sev- enth inning with catcher Jeff San- chez adding one of his two singles in three at-bats. Newport's two final runs equaled Dana Hills' output in the top of the seventh inning. The Dolphins (11 -5) scored two runs each in the first. fourth and sixth innings to go with a single tally in the third. Wild pitches to consecutive hitters ac- counted for Daria Hills' two runs in the fourth Inning. increasing the margin to 5-3 after Newport had tied It, 3-3, the previous inning. Newport began Its assault with two outs, getting four consecutive COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL UCI at Stanford in playoff opener The UC Irvine men's voUeyball team wW visit Stanford at 7 p.m. Friday ln its third appearance In the Mountain Pa- ciftc Sporta Federation Ownpionshipa. TheA.ntaten (19-10, 12·10) are the No. 5 seed in the eight-team event. after post· log a IChooi record foe regular«U011 conrerenc:e vlCtories. ua 8nlshed tied with Cal Stare N,orthrktp and the Un.IWt· *1ty of PadOc, but got the b.lghat teed by virtue of the held·to<belld debnJabr. Stanford (17·11, 14-8) is the No. 4 teed. Pq>perdlne (No. l), BYU (No. 2) and Ha· wd (No. 3) rouDd out the top lleCk UCI loat 1n the ftnt round In 1999 lod200J. fielding a late throw. Then came a blast by center fielder Ryan Torrey to the left-cen- ter-field gap that one hopped against the wall to plate Makser- jian. A tie is as close as Newport would get as starting pitcher Ryan Rowe and the defense behind him tried to limit the Dolphins the best they could. •Rowe kept us in the game and Uoe Cantarella) is going to do what he can do to get to the ball," Des- guin said. wwe were right there against a better team." Rowe (0-2) struck out two while allowing six hils and five runs in five innings. Matt Erickson re- lieved Rowe and struck out three in his two innings. Cantarella covered a lot of real estate in right field Tuesday. The junior reached over a fence along the right side to catch a pop foul and then made a Tim Salmon-like grab on a shallow fly by Todd Carlin, sliding to scoop the ball before it hit the turf to end the Dolphins' third-Inning threat. Dana Hills' Helms kept Newport at bay, tossing breaking balls that started outside the strike zone but curled to catch the outside corner on a number of occasions, often freezing the batter. Helms allowed just three runs on nine hits with eight strikeouts and retired the side in order in the first, fourth and fifth innings. "[Helms) was throwing first- pitch curves and was hitting the outside corner,• Makserjian said. "I just tried to wait on the ball and hH it to the opposite field. He was a good pitcher. He made a great play on me and [Erick.son!." Helms speared two hard-hit grounders by Erickson and Mak- serjian and threw both out at first. After Brady Smith, the Dolphins' No. 4 hitter who went 2 for 3 with a walk, the Sailors limited the rest of the order to just two hits. But the damage Jones and Lawson did to See SAILORS, P•1• A8 OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK I, I , I Sailors' Ryan Rowe, above, delivers to the plate in Newport Harbor's game against Dana HiUs. At left, Newport Harbor outfielder Ryan Torrey steals second base before Dana Hills secondbaseman Jake Hurst has a chance to tag him. However, the Sailors lost 9-5. PHOTOS BY MARK C. OU~/ DM.YPILOT " '· ·' ... ·.' II,, .. ,. 1 11. "•. COLLEGE BASEBALL 'Eaters fall on walk-off homer· fteld fence. ,,: Wehnm. wbcJM home .. WU h1t fll'lt tbit lpring MD for 3 to pace the Antea: aeven-bit attack. Jon Horwitz. Gres W.W. M.n Fllher mo had hhl 1or visiton, who fell to 15-23. 1 ua continua Lca road trtp 1bunday. beglnnlng • three-game lelill at Big \\at rival UnMntty of the Pac:lftc. I ' •• N1n11 Is a ii ' . I I ' ' ' I I ' I I I I I I I• I I I I S PORT S Wectlesday, ~ 16, 2003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Estancia's Ryan Gleason, above, delivers a pttch during Tuesday's Pride of the Coast Tournament consolation quarterfinal against Covina. At right. Estancia's Jeremy Hauser forces Covina's Robert Hays out at second base before throwing to first for a double play during the seventh inning . PHOTOS BY !<ENT TREPTOW I OAl.Y Pl.OT HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Gleason shines but Eagles fall Estancia sophomore allows only three hits, but h goes overlooked in team 's 5-1 loss to Covina in the Pride of the Coast tournam ent. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -"l\Jcked away an the back ground of an uneventful spring break bcc.ebaJI tournament game Tuesday was Fs1anc1a I flgh sophomore pitcher Ryan Glea.;,on It would have been easy to overlook ht'> 1ale111. considering he hi1 four baller-., mclud1ng three in one inning. Gleason was aJso hard 10 nouce Mnce a coarh, Estancia's Jon Green, dll>playcd more emonun than anyone playing the game. 'The Eagles lost, 5-1. 10 visiting Covind 111 a consolation quarterfinal of the Pride of tht• Coast Tournament Tuesday. when Glea'>on gave a bit of credence to Green's belief tha1 the sophomore is on the verge of becoming a \pt'· ciaJ player. Gleason p11ched a three·httter I le strutk uu1 three and allowed five runs (two unearned in a complete-game performance thdt indudt'd 127 pitches. WhiJe his curveball need'> minor ddJU'>lmen1, Gleason has found comfort in his fas1baU. Green <;aid. '"With him, it's just a maner of making the ad· justments." Green !>aid. "All our pitchers need to learn how to ..etl.lc down through 1he t>arly 111 rungs. and Ryan knowi. tha1. Hyasl°s young. I le has so much t..Ucnt, It's JU'>I a ma11er of hame~ ing II. "I hope he's around for the next M'O year'>. I It' ~ a good future m F..s1ancia bru.ebaU and a good furure. I'm c;ure. be}ond tha1." GleaM>n endured .i rough second inning, when he hit three batters. mcluding two 111 a row, after 1sswng a walk. C.ovina's Jason Muno7\ double drove in two and. after a third run was forced in on another hit by p11ch to give tht• w.1 tor-.;s (9-6) a J-0 lead. However, (,lea.'><m allowed just two hth the rest of the way. He battled throughout. gairung valuable expenence that could make tum a player to watch an the corning years. He gathers tnsptratton when he hear. talk of his potential. Nit definitely mouvates me,· Gleason ..aid of his expectaUons. Nl'm a • SCOREBOMD sophomore and I'm throw· ing in V-MMty games. and 11 only means I have rwo yea.r<, to work on my stuff. Ilic people who talk prob- ably 1ry to pu1 !pressure) on me, but I really don't look a1 11 that way. I JU.St go Covina 5 ou1 there and throw Estancia 1 '>tnkel>.'0 llw f..-,tant.1a defen-.e '>upponed (,Jeason with two double plays. Fre<>hmdn Fvan Van Geem stepped up with an un~'>l'>ll'tl double play with the bases loaded m the lounh anmng loaded Van Geem. who usuaJI} play<, '>hortstop or !K'C- ond bru.e. dropped a hard line dnve. but he qUJck.ly picked II up. 1agged a runner heading home, then stepping on third for 1he force. Van Geem i'> playm~ m place of fatanc1a '>Ophomore Greg I lught'~. 1he r..igl~' lea doff tut· ter who is o ut for the \t:a.'>on with a knee mjury, (,reen said. Green at .. o said I lughe<. was prob· ably the best leadoff hitter 111 the <,olden West League. Juniors Cullen Crom and \1att Ronquillo opened the sbcth inning wuh back to back sin gl~ for the Eagles l I :!I C rom adv-anced to third on a wild pnch and 1unwr Jt'rem~ 1 lauc,er edITied an RBI with 111, \dtnfice fly 10 center field. The Eagles will ho'>I fe\oro m a 13th-place M"mifinal today at J p m Green is expccung to ~nd freshman Mike McDaniel'> 10 the mound (,reen is also hoping the Lagle-; can gather '>Orne momentum a\ lhey ht'ad bad mto leagul' play. c.reen '>Ce<> potential 1n h1' enlJJ'e team. not JUI>! Gleason. If the Eagles can cul dO\\-TI on rnJ'>lal:.E".'. the\ '>hould be able to 1urn their 't'a'>on Mound. (,rt't'n ..aid. "We'\e got !>even lea~e ~amt"> left • (,ree11 '>did "We re going to ba11Je to the eml I 1htnk we < an .,uJJ firush in the top three m the league lnul' how I'm going to rnut.h 1ht..,t.· k.td\ and thai'!:> how I expect 1he ktd'> 10 play·· Pride of the Coall Toumamert Consol.tion qua"9rfinal Covina 5, &land. 1 5c:cM'9 by Innings Covina 030 200 • 1 Estancia ooo 001 o 1 5 ' Ortega, Gutierrez (6) and Galvel. Gleason and Crom W -Ortega L -Gleason. 0.3 28 M unoz ICI SCHEDULE CdM earns blue-collar win ~ a.... c.ommuMv oollege -~ ol Seq.oas Toumanent O<llnge Co.1111 College ol ~ 1 pm High school -Pnde of 1he COMt Tou<Nmenl. Senllego 111 Nllwpof1 ~ 9 a.m , MIS8IOO \/\e,o 111 Co<one oel Ma<. noon. 8olM Grande at Co5ta Mau noon. T~111E.-.oa )pm ~Hill Spong Toumement INllSlom Ch-111 Sage Hill. noon Col9ge • ~ • \lango..a l pm Community oollege -°'1lr1ge ~ oJCS......./lv\ll 3pm H.gll 9d>OOI -ea.a Mesa M ~)1Spm, ~ Coll1i>9 mf'n Vanguard ar St Thomas I lOp m Collf>gl' wu~n -Vanguard at Sr Thomas 1 lOpm wn.po1o College wome11 -UC Irv·~ ar Lo"ll Beach Sra1e 4 p m Sea Kings roll past Bolsa Grande to advance to consolation semifina l. I Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot OORONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar High baseball coach John Ernm' bu seen his Sea King') react in different Ways Lo their favorite role this season. Jbere have been underachieving stretches and times when they played to their potential as evidenced in their re- ~t a.scent to the top of the Pacific Coast League standings. : Emme enjoyed the Sea Kin~' latest ~ea.lings In the favorite role Tuesday. When CdM defeated visiting Bolsa Grande. 9-1. The Sea Kings (9-5) ad- yance to today's consolation semifinal MBiMt visiting Mis.Uon Viejo at noon. : "We weie the favorite on Saturday !against Newport Harborl and you saw ,mat happened there," Bmme saJd of the 5-4 loss. "We need to come into each p.me with a wodananlike attitude and I punk we did that today." CdM uMd a nin&-hlt attack. spear- beeded by 1bdd Mackiln's 2-for-3, four. RBI performaoce. that lnduded a solo home run. his eec:ond of the teaSOll. in the fourth in.nln8-Macklin. a junior ~ pitcher, helped hLS own caw.e. He im proved h.15 pitching re· cord to 2-2, allowmg four hits and one run in four innmh"- spectacular grab m center field. Running toward the fence. Ferguson left his fet>I to make the catch, ending Je"lle Jimenez's hope of a double. Willie Mays ~ haVl' been proud of that one." Fmme said of ~nS catch. 'Tudd did a good job.'' Imme said " I thought he threw 100 many pitches. more than he had to. But I had a shon tallc with him eady in the game and he Wa.5 better after that." Macklin also took advan- tage of CdM's run suppon.. The Sea Kings built an 8-0 Bo Isa 1 Sea Kings 9 Bolsa Grande drop ped to 11 -I on the season, as Coach Olarles Olatman took the loss in stride because of his lead in the first three inrungs. They scored four runs ln the second. when CdM batted around. Junior Jerri! Thayer doubled into the rtght-6eld comer to drive in senior Brandon IWru and JWl ior Parker Ferguson. Thayer was thrown out trying to stretch it Into a triple. Then, juniors Josh Bradbury, Ryan Kelly and Barrett Sprowl walked to load the bases. Macklin followed with a two run single to right-center field. Ferguson and Bradbury each scored two runs. "This was a re.al Important game for us... F.mme said. .. Winning this would most likely set up a matchup again.st Mis· sion Viejo and that i,, a good game for U&" Macklln struck out four and walked one before givfn8 way to 5en.ior Nick Rhodes, who delivered three shutout in- nings that lncluded six strikeou ts. In the fifth tnn1ng, Ferguson ~a ~uad' inexperience. wwe·re playing with a glorified junior v-d!Stty team: said Olatman, a former football and baseball standout at Costa Mesa N We start six sophomores, two freshman and one junior. We make a lot of young mistakes." Olatman will return to his stomping grounds today when Bolsa Grande faces the Mustangs at noon at Costa Mesa ln a 13th-place semifinal. ....... " .. c....•--· ~.r='r BolN 5c::h¥::*'9'o -1 6 • CdM :M2 100 JI • • 0 T1ntablinl, Jimenez 13), &pinoa (4), Moll,. (8) 1nd Smith; Maddin. Rhodel (5) Ind Kelly, Preuon (5) W -M8c*lin. 2-2. l -Tencabtinl. 28 -Tanr.bllnl IBG) 2.. lNytet ICdM). HR - ~n (CdM). Softblil CommuMv college men ~ W.ati"""9~ ]pm hdi..tlWd College men and ""'°"'*' 1111nQueni ill Ml SAC lrMIMxlna. 10 am Hogh .t>ool boys and g"'5 Sego:> Htll M ~ L89gue n-. 3 pm 1-nts °°" Commonrt\' college men Orange Co.I e1 GO'<len W... TBA H1g~ odlool l>O~ Coro,,. del Mar at Keiipel ICIHS•C 8 ill m h tanc1e al 0..._ Part. roornamf'nt 7a m OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK --r-• -~ -----...-. -- ..... , . Al WednesdaY. April 16, ~3 SPORTS MARI( C. DUSTIN I DAILY Pl.OT Newport Harbor shortstop Dave Erickson connects for a base hit Tuesday against Dana Hills. The Sailors lost a 9-5 decision to the visiting Dolphins in the Pride of the Coast Tournament quarterfinals. SAILORS two hours later than previ- ously sch eduled, to allow time for the field to dry out from Monday's rain that caused aJJ tournament games to be pos t- poned. Pride of the Coast Tournament Quarterfinal Continued from A6 Dana Hiiia 9, Newport H1rbor 5 Seo,.. by Innings Dana 201 202 l 9 11 o Newport 003 ooo 2 ~ 9 1 Newport was enough. ~They hit che ball well (Lawson I is very good." Oec;- guin said. Newport returns to ac tion today at 9 a.m. against visit- ing Santiago. If the Sailors win, they would play again at noon. Helms, Kaplan 171 and Vazac; Rowe. M . Ern:ltson (6) and Sanchez. W -Helms. L -Rowe, 0-2. 28 - Lawson 2 (OH), Kaplan (OHi. Torrey (NH). Newport and Dana I rills be- gan played at I p.m fuesday. - -Irrelevant Challenge Carson Palmer, winner of the Downtown Athletic Club Heisman Trophy, is also e igible for the coveted Oniverslt/Athletk C u -l-Owsman Tr<>pt\t. -- -~re's the pr~mn-rf~-avauMMB-at-tR&~- pick because rT)OSt draft handicappers, includins Mel Kiper1 expect him to be drafted earlier than 250! -----~-lbc Challenge js lbjs; Submit a ·Game Plan· that would have Palmer available to be -arafteo asf(5y'rampa BaYJ arid thus become Mt lrrefevam a the fim ~l.oV4llWIR Tiopt:ly ~Rnci. ~-r-ece~QO, eRhermaMl~evaRt Week, 3723 Birch Strut, Suite 11, Newport Beach, CA 92660; or fax to: ~ 2~·11'41-;oie-mall to: ptsalitai baCJnnifl& PfOlllt>llY at 10:00 A.M. Pawttctp1tnb shall lllMl et F acillt- Mene111nent, lnl1rl111 Office Butldlna. Confef enc• Aoom 128. Uni V9f'sltr of Callfornle, lrvlne (Bulldma I 92 on rtorUi C111111u1 .._,,, 19ln JamborN louleverd ln111t. CA m97 5444, (!M9)124 1.0. ATHNOA.NO Al THI Pll·llD COMflJllM<I A"D 'll·llD IOI WAUC It MMeAYOllY Poe Ml ..... CON fM<TIMtl. Tiii MIT -Wiil GOii AT .... , A.IA.NIY ((NI. TUCTOH MllfY*• An• .. .,.., Wiil "4>f N luetlU TO PQrtC•AU IM f Mt t• '1IOCHI Al A ,_, <.OWTMCfO&. 0111,. •••••r• .... p.-Utlpll.. la lllat" the Pre 81111 Conf•fMe lftid the .. w ......... •nlw t1 will M .-0_, to !)Id on tn. Pro,.,_t " Pflllll c .. 111 ton, r0t f11rlhet lnf•t1111ttH, te!Mlac I UCf C0tt Ir ec. I• 0..-tNWllC "*ll>ilt Fe tlhtiH MHlftlllelll, ., .. It ~- (t49) 824 1404 The succ:asful BHkl« end •la S41bcontractou wttl ti. required lo follow the nondiscrlmln•tlon requtnmenla Ml tOfth In the Bl4dl111 Oocu· menh end to P•1 Pftvllllnl WIP ntu •I t:ti. loutlOll ol the Wllfll. The au<cusful 8klfff "'" ti. ft41utr•d lo heve th• lollowina Slate of Cahf0fnt1 Conlr1cl0f ·• Ucenw curreiit et llM hme of tubmlnlon of the Ski U<lNSI QAfS#'K.A noee. C..94 84111diow C-trector UClllMCOM. 8 Ott-Pntec• ....,._ .. ~ ~,_. ................. ............. W4 .............. ......... ~ ... 1. n. Collttece. • lliewt ..._.. In l>lilolflns ~ IN me name and CaNfoi nle Co111t tor'• t.lrlfHt for • "'111111111111 !Jf i COllUllU ~ ,..,. "'* ,. tlN bid~d•U.tw ™' ,,.f,._ ......... to fr LIMI rtWlf• ment Ml•ll be of the same type requlfad bJ the colltuct 2. The Contract« r.llall PfOvift • minimum of 3 r•flftnces for PfOIKb almllat In SCOIM Ind alte to th.-PIOflCt whldl hne bffn •utc-lull1 dlfnplelt4 dvtln& Ille put3yeara THE MCOEHTS Of THI: UNIVf:f!SfTY or CALI IORNIA ~112003 Publl•h•d Newport keth Coste Met.I 011ly Piiot A'rll 11, U , 200l WIJl ATI<MtNf'Y 04' ,.MTY WllHOUf AlTOltNEY l<lfn •tMI Woolt~ lLP, l0900 Wlhlltre 81¥d , LOI Aneei-. CA 9002H60l Tll Cl"HOHl r.<>. 310 124 1717 A"04'NlY fOl Reh•n.;• l'tat.Jonal Ill• ........ ,CO!inp..,, ,, NMit: Of . COIMT, .IUOl CIAl OllTfllCT Oft llWICH CCXMT. If ""' Ot•• Countr Superior Colifi · Ce11tr" .IH'Clal 0Htt1C1 "' AINTlr f'• lttllute N1tt•111I lnd1,.ellr g(7':·"&ANJ T11r 111 ft'" " HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Mission masters Mustang ~~~; Diablos use two homers and sound pitching to tum back Costa Mesa Tuesday. l?.c• Alderton Dady Pilot COSTA MF.SA-The •pttcbing by cornmttt.ee• philoeophy im· pleml!flted by Costa Mesa High baBeball coach Doug Deats didn't quite go according to plan Tues.- day, espedAlly if wins and losses are any measure. The Must:mgs fell to visting Mission Viejo, 9-2, in a Pride of the Coast Tbumament consola- tion quarterfinal The Mustanp suffered their second straight tournament loss. It .was a makeup game from Monday when all contests were post- poned due to rain. •With OW' game schedule (to- day) up in the air, I wanted to go with a committee for this one." Deats said when asked why he used six pitchen in the seven-io- ning a1fair. Deats arrived at a field saturated with pools of wa- ter at 6:30 am. Tuesd~ But. with the help of his staff and players. along with the sun pro- vided by Mother Nature. the Mustangs (5-9) and Oiablos (8-6) were able to go at it without waddling in the mire. The Mustangs may have wished they had some sludge to slow down a Mission Viejo of- fense that tallied nine hits, in- cluding two home runs. "We haven't been swinging great, but our guys all have the potential to be good at the plate," Mission Viejo Coach Club ~ said. in the fifth lnnlng. ; "Wf!ve been up and Mesa mustered lts.,, down with our llneup, only legitimate nllly in: • but we swung the bat the fifth. · ~ .:. well today, It was our Rodrigud1 single -: best eft'ort u a team at moved Hunter to sep-~ the plate." ond. setting the stail: : In stalk contrast to for Go"'8lez. wh~ ~ Mesa's litany of pltch-promptly sent a bulhlr:.. en. Mission Viejo M. Viefo 9 up the middle int.O . used just two hurlers Costa Mesa 2 center field. Hardman - to record the win. came up with the ~ - M4tng only his sec-. dd rifled It to catcher - .ond start ·of the season, Cody Matt Galati, who applied the ~g .. ~ Hieb ~ the Musta.rlp to on Hooter. . -~ twO runs on four hita and struck · "I wanted (}lardmanl to have· out nine in ftw innings. Senior to make a play and he did," salc;J • left-bander Thylor Bennett came Deats about the decision to seotl on woit a scoreless final two in-Hunter. ·1 gambled and we los~·. nipgs, striking out three. Much of Mesa's misery Tues:= 1be 12 stribouts ls a season-day could be attributed to six er· , high for Mesa. rors. compared to none for Mis- "Hicb bad a good fastball and sion Viejo. breaking ball," Deats said. Junior Daniel Cooper made his Shortstop Alex Pisarski went 2 second start Tuesday for Me~ for 3 and was the only Mustang and retired the side in order io to collect two hits. 1bird base-the first man Robert Rodriguez. desig-Justin Peterson, Beltran. Gon- nated bitter Ge.ry Gonzalez and zalez. George Vargas and P~k1 center fielder Adam Beltran each all saw action on the mound. singled once as the Mustangs PlsaISki allowed no runs in tht!- failed to manage any extra-base seventh and tallied one suik~ · · hits. ouL Beltran and GonzaJez eacft Such was not the case with struck out one. Mission Viejo. which tallied two Mesa hosts Santiago today at doubles and a couple of two-run noon in a l3tb-place serrufinal ::-.. home runs. The switch-hitting .:· : Jeff CUilen. hitting from the right • ... : • side in the third inning. sent a Mltaf._C...rounwnent ·.; : 1-1 pitch over the left-field fence Con9oladon qwlltlfftnail _ • to give Mission Viejo a 4-1 lead. ,...._.. Vlefo 1. eo.ta Mee.a 2 ... , Scof'9 by ""'*--. In the next inning. center fielder M. v..;o 022 221 ~ 9 9 0 _ Oar1c Hardman belted a towering Mesa 010 cno o -2 !> 6 ~. shot over the right-field fence. Hieb. Bennett (8) and Galati, Fadley • : • Mission Viejo scored two runs 17); Cooper. Peterson (3). Beltran (41, ~ : each in inninat 2-5 to pad Its Gonzalez (6), Vargas (6), Pi .. rski 171; ... • ---._ and Hunter. W -Hieb, 1-t. L-• -• • lead to 8-1 before Beltran scored Cooper. e>-2. 28 -Cullen tMV>. Greer: .·: from third OD a wiJd pitch. on (MV). HR -Cullen (MY). Hardman ball four to catcher Nate Hunter IMV). BRIEFLY Friedrichs powers Sage Hill to a 5-3 win over Brethren • &\SBBAU.: Sage Hill School senior Zach Friedrichs belted a two-out, two-run double to break a 3-3 fourth-inning tie and lead the Ughtriin.g to a 5-3 Academy League victory Tues- day over visiting Brethren Otristian. · Zack Shockley singled to lead off the fourth and Jordan Salin- ger also singled to set the table for Friedrichs. Junior nm Wilkins went the distance to earn his third win in four decisions, yielding just four hits and striking out eigbL He did not walk a batter and had only one three-ball count. \Y"tlldns. battlngleadoft',weot2 for 4, scored twice and stole three bases. Sage Hill. which entered the day tied for second with Capis- trano Valley Christian, im- proved to 6-4-1, 5-3 in league. Brethren Oui.stian fell to 5-7, 3·5. The Ugbtning hostJ Western Christian from Covina in the first round of the Sage Hill Spring Tuurnament. today at noon. Ac1d11111JLMpe a._. .. s.•wtt .... aw.J Brethren~~.....,. -3 • 1 Sag• Hiii 201 200 M -II 7 0 Kiibane, Werden (6) and Andrews; Wilklne end Kornswi.t. W -Wilkins, 3-1. L -Kiibane, 1-1. 28 -Frledrlc:M (SH). Vanguard gains split •Softball: The Vanguard University softball team split a Golden State Athletic Confer- ence doubleheader with visit- ing Concordia Tuesday. win- ning the first game, 2-1 and dropping the second, 2-0. The Uons scored twice in the first in the opener. when Jill Je- ranko doubled and Ashley Mauro followed with a triple and scored on Celina Cama- rillo's fielder's choice bunt. Mardea Ball made the two runs stand up, scattering eight hits. Concordia scored single runs in the third and seventh to win the second game, as Vanguard managed just two hits. Vanguard is now 23-22. 10-16 in conference, while Concordia is 32-16, 14-10. Gotdefl .... MMk Cenf9'•- Gwne 1 v.nc: 2. Conc:onla 1 C'oordla 001 ~"T . 1 e o V'guard 200 ooo • -2 • , Ce11lllo and Thom1; Ball end Rolle W -a.II, 9-t3; L-Cntlllo, fHI. 28 - Lev ICI. Jerenko M . 38 -Mauro M . Gwne2 ~ 2. Vanguwd 0 C'oordi• ~ ~ ......... -2 e o V'guard ooo ooo o -o 2 o Guido and Thome; Ball and Rolle W -Guido. 1'-5. l -Ball. 9-l4. 2B - Slene IC). 38 -Kuehnert (Cl. Ratajczak (C). Vanguard out.dueled • &\SEMU.: Point Loma Nazarene pitcher Ryan WU- Uams outlasted Vanguard starter Matt CUton Tuesday, going the distance in 2-1 Golden State AthJedc Confer- ence victory that required 10 lnnJnp. Williams gave up six hits and walked two lo improve to 5-;1. while. Caston surrendered five h.its and tWO walks. before giV• ing way with one out in tl)c-~ 10th. Both pitchers struck out three. Vanguard opened the !>Coring in the fourth when Robert C.n11 singled, advanced to third on two groundouts and scored on Joe Camahan's double. Point Loma tied it in the i.ixth and won it with an unearned run in the lOth. giving Ca~ton only his second loss in c;even decisions. Vanguard foU to 21 -23. 10-13 in conference, while Point Loma improved to 24-15, 12-10 Cruz went 2 for 5 to pace the Lions. Gclldalt 9ta AdNlk c.nr~ Point Loma 2, Vanguerd 1 · •· : • Score bv Inning• ' • • Pt. Loma ooo ob1 ooo 1 2 s ct " V'guard 000 100 000 0 , ... r • Williams and Roberti; Ce110"· Searle end Bower. W -Willtam1, 6-3. L-Ca.ton, 6-2. 2B -Marn (VI. E1hragh (PL), Carnahan (VI Barry sweeps Lions •TENNIS: The men's anc.J women's tennis teams each ab .. sorbed nonconference losses at Barry UnJverslty in Florida Monday. by Identical 7-2 scores. Calle Lumsden and CaJJe Holmgren were men's singles winners for Vanguard, white singles players Sara Bradley and Melissa Krohn posted the lone victories for the Uons' women. The Vanguard men fell to 12-8, while the women are now 11-9. ufotlowa: Cotn~ KnoWfl Ad· ••: 15 '*-' Dr-. ::t:gort Buth, CA 2003. It l I 1X> o'tlodl A.M al ~l .llmbor• ltd, rrn IOI. City of ........ 8Ncll, C-ly of Oun11. Stat• of Cellfornia I •ii Mll et ... .., ....... puMoc heat Inf. p'911A COlllM:t ColMll Slerml·- necll. Otatrlct S.U•llf1. '• ll&llf Oetcfipllon: l'AA· CU t • LOT 10 Of TkACT NO na. AS SOOWN ON A MN' ttECOROlO IN IOOK •t. PAGtS 42 TO 4' INCWSM Of MIS CULANlOUS MA,.S, fllf COROS Of OAAltC£ COUHTY. CAUFOIUM It.cord Ownert: Th• Sndlien Fel'lllly Llml1ff ,.,._.... fllla ,,.,.,tr la 1 ........ If ......... et tMa ..... , ... "~''"' It "" .. ·"-... _ ...... ~ ... . ..................... loudM _, . k •· ................. ,.,. ~--~ ,, ..... , ........ . ....... ,.... .. ....... 70I 510 •• 1tl •1 ........ lloC...M Cl•ll l'tH•'"" '•' = ...................... -· c11•1n1,.., ............... ... ~ ......... ....... flOTICI II Ht•IY °""" ...... ..., .. = •uctln11 to Ult t McNet. '°' Uall In lewtul money of t:ti. """°' s..t... .. "" r!Ot:. Utll ltld llller•I ofu.MI ~t _. or(1) In lite •llon '9foctlbed proPef'lY. Of '° much tlltreof H rmty 119 l'HICUUl'r to u tkfJ ul4 uuut,.n. •llh l«lllld llllttetl .,. • '"ti. O.WAtw• IO, 2'003 OMIMll ... .., N>f'tlOX. Tl -..U..11> SU51.GOOOO Mk'-1 s c.-,..,.ff 0r-. c...my !'7•-/ ...... ,. ~Mt ... ... w def~• • ll•tlH llOticellltot• ........ ~ .. ~ . ....... Co4I ktloft ••• (,.i.,n1u110t), , .. ll•tHt• .... $ ..... .c.a.-. ....... I rJ.• . -'flM -. .__.. WA9.-T• -...,,a,tn,• ,.,.. .. _ .......... ~=-._, '12. ...... ............ c. ... c.-.. The lo•f .t Owed•• of MRe c ........ ..._ Wat• Dlltrld i.tYtta1 tM c~nit1 to att.M a ~ ...... fer .... ,.,,... ef rec.fwtllf ,.Mic , __ .. te• • ....... ,, •• e .. . ., .... "'.,...,.. .... lllll ltt fll Wiii ~· .. -.. .... c.mwtt ..... ,~.Altietl ..... .,.. .. ... .... , ..... ..... ........ ,.. ..... ... ,,, ... ". ...... ,..CllMllBltl ............. et (NI) 631 UO& .,., rvllllalled Ne•por) • 8MCll·eo.ta ..... Dllf•- '"'' Aprll 9 , l!.,i'1 ~ 1003 WllJI ' I 11 • ,, OailX Pilot Policy • Rates and deadlines are subjt:ct to change without notice. Tile publisher reserves the right to censor. reclasi.ify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad 1mmecliately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liab1hty for any error in an advenisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 By Fax (949) 631 -6594 1 f'lu~ mclUtk your n.m1< lllld phone number and """ · 11 <all '°"' t>.k "'llh ll l'O•< QU•~C I ISCl!957 I01ICI Of Prnno. TO .u•uamanOfi llOllll J0111 um WUIO. l211417 To •II heirs, benefl clarlH, credtto•s. con tl!IJ!nt crad1ton, and parson• who n,ay ottl· 9fWIM be lnl•rHl•d In the wlll Of utata, Of both, of. MICHA£l JOHN BAl<EA A PETITION FOR PRO BATE hu been filed by IOHN S WILLIAMS, PUBLIC AOMINISTAATOR/ GUARDIAN In lhe Supe· rlor Court of C•llfM nla, County of Ott~. THE PETITION FOR l'ROtlATE requHb JOHN S. WILLIAMS, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR/ OUAROIAN be appointed H 1>41tlOll•I '••MnlA tlYt to edmlnlster the Htate ot the decedent THE PHITIOH req.,.sb authotlty to admln1st" the Hl•I• undef the Independent Adm1nls· tntlon ol Est•tes Acl (Th" Authotlty will allow th• P¥M>nal r•H•n· tatlv• to t•k• manr actions without obtain· ln1 court approval Before l.itkln1 certain verr Important actions, hqwever, the personal represent•ll•• will be requored lo at•• notice to · tnterttted persons llJllU& they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The 1ndep1nde"t 1d· m1n1strat1on authority YflH 11.e I' anted unless an 1nteruted person !ill$ an obj1Ct1on to ttfe pet1tlon and show\ eood cause why the court should not ar •nl the authority A HEARING on the pet111on wtll be held on M.AY 7, 2003 at !•45 p .m on Oepl l7J located at 341 The City Or1v1 South. Or a nee. CA 91868. If YOU OBJECT to the ar •nttna of the pet1t1on. you should appear at the hurona and state your objections 01 lole wntten obiect1ons •1th the court before the hearine Your appearam.e may be on person or by your attorney tr YOU ARE. A CREDI TOR or c ont111aent creditor of the deceased. you mu•I file your claim with the court and mall 1 copy to the' personal reprnentaltve "ppoonled by the court w1H11n four month\ from the date ot the flnt IHUlllU ot letteft H PfOVlded In Probal1 Code stcUon 9100 lhe time lor Illini claim• wlll not uplf• ti.tore four month\ from the hH•ln& date noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kepi by th1 (0\111 If you 9f e • pe1son In l•Uteel In the eatal1, yo11 may file •Ith the court a Request for Sj>e<lal HotlGI (form OE· 1!14) of th• tllln1 of 1n invenlOf y and appr a1sal of Hlate assets Of of any petition or account as provided In Probate Code section 1150. A R1q11est for Special Notice form 11 oallable from the court clerk Attorney for PetrUonet ..... -... '· .... ..,. '•-ty ( .......... .. Jey<• ltlley, o......., S41 The City Or., P.O. •••4•11 Or .... ,CAt2163 Published lhwport Beach Costa Mua Oa1ly Pilot April 10. · 16. 17. 2003 THW318 FldttlMa..eu -s...... The followlna perM>ns ere doing bus1nus as· Adm11 al Car Siles, 27601 rorbes Rd. Sh 3l. Laituna N1111el, Calttor nta 92677 Capdevielle lr1' . (CA), 24861 Camb~r well, La· 11una Hill\, Cahlornla 92653 This busm•» t• con· ducted by a corpo1 atton Have you •tarted dotn11 bus1nen yet? No C1pde~1elle, Inc • Peter Capdn1ellc, President This statement was !tied with the County Cler~ ot 01anae County on OJ/10/03 20036936491 Oaoly Pilot Apr 9, 16. 13, 30, l003 Wll 6 Wldnadly1 Apol J 6, 2003 At A.-.. ..... ... s...... The followlnc penona .,, 4olnc bushleall .. Ji1J1 ltepalf•. ?UO Ne tlonal AYe • Coste Mes., CA92627 Jam• R. 811.Jetl, 2130 National Ave., Costa Miu, CA 92627 This busln..ss IS con- ctucted by; an lndMdual Have ,OU 'tarted doi11& bualnns yet? Yes, 1994 Jamn It Blu•ll Th11 atalem<tnl w•• f1i.d with the County Clerk of Or •nee Countv on IM/Oot/03 lOHHHHI Ditty Pilot llp< 9, 16, 23. 30. 2003 Will fldtllM ...... ... s...... The lollow1ne per.om. au dolnc business as. Basketball Un1lorms Oirecl, 825 Htbhcu\ Court, Corona Oef Mar, Cahlorn•• 9261!1 Char le\ Leander ~Brtde, 82S H1b1icu.s Court. Corona Oel Mar. Callforn•• 926~ lhts businen ts con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Hne you slatted d01na bu!Unn.s yet1 No Charles McBrtd• This statem111t was filed "'1th the County Clerk of Orenae County on 03/18/03 200H9l7641 Oa1ly Piiot Apr 16 23. 30, May 6. 2003 WI 33 RdltlM t.sltlns "-S...... Tht follow1n1 person\ 11 e do one business " H11teren l iquor. l50 E I 7th St •A. C•"ll Meu . CA 92627 Bona Hwan Hw1ne 1145 Woodbury Or . Harbor, CA 9'J7 I 0 Thts business " con ducted by a corporahon Han you started doona bur.IMu 1et7 v ... Sept JO. 1998 lone Hw11n Hwen1 Thia 1tai-11t wu Iii.cl With the Collflt y Cieri\ of Orence County on 03/27/0l 200JHN7 .. Daily f'110t llp<. 9, 16. 13, )(), Z003 Wl25 ,.... ..... ... s........ The foOo wln& per~na au do1nc b\1$1,_. es. Smile ~ Adv.nc:.d O•nhslry 210 W Blfch St. Ste 203, 8ru, CA 92821 Sahy111 Dental, Inc , (CA), 769 View lane. 011mond B•r, CA 91766 Thia busl,,...s Is con ducted by • corpo'81ton Have you staned doln& tiualneu yet1 Ho Sahyan Dental, Inc A.be Sehyan, CCO Tiits st.tem<tnt wn IOed • wlth the Countr Clerk of Or1111• County on 03/l0/03 .2003HJ7HI Daily Piiot Apr 9, 16, 13. 30. l003 Wl.24 ftdlllll ..... ... s...... Th" followln1 persoM are dotnt busmen as Loomri Prope<ty. l!'C 5323 \11a Aooltna, Yorba Linda, CA 92886 CSll [nterprtus. Int . CN\I) 5323 \lta Apolina, Vorba Linda. CA 92886 Thts bu\lneu ts con ducted by a corporation HJ1Ye you started doln& busones• yet! No CSR Enterprises. Maury loom ... CEO This statement wes filed with the County Cieri. of Ounae Counly on 03/19/03 200J6'3761S Daily Pilot ~ 16. 23. 30, Mar 7. 2003 Wl 36 Ho\\' to Place A ---Deadlines --- CLASSIFIEIAD By Phone (1l~9) 64:!-'i67~ II ours By ~1ail/ln PPrson: BO West Bay Streer Co;,ta Me..a. CA 92627 Ar Newpon Blvd & Bay St. Monday ...................... Friday 5 :00pm Tuesday ................. Monda; 5:00pm Wednesday .............. Tue::.day 5 :OOpm Thuf'day ........... Wedne:-day 5:00pm Fnday .................... Thur~day 5:00pm Saturda) ..................... Friday 3:00pm Tekphone 8:30am-Hl()pm Monday-Fnday Wall>.-ln fl :30am-S·OOpm Mondav-Fnday '-. . Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Al ESTATt R SALE ~ lilil SOOS·SISO Index 7402·7466 IOOW510 9000-9750 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Lost 1505 cm 3610 HOMESFOA SALE RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Corona del Mar l's14e 2 Stery 4br 3ba Ilse, den. 2< pr, Fp. hwd lh. ararwte ctn, 8lld f)Olbo.' yd, , __ S2lfiOOo1> 714 w• .. .._.&...._ Daa ... , 1 & 211r. lowty Cape Cod styW comm Remodl4tld w/ .. new llA>h. car,,.t. cer amK bfc. di •. lrld&e. insodtt w/d e IBr S10'.li5ftot • 2llr $1195 (714}4U-75'2 1160 TOP SS 4 UCO.OS ITC .Im. Oi1t111r. Ek !Os & ID' a Ntec. Spl.r. ttm. An"1S Mike 9.49·6.45· 7505 l<Mlll llOUSll6 orPOl1lll1T All rul estate adver · tlsin& In thi:r. ne•se>..,.r ts subject to the F edef at Falr.HOUSl111 Act of 1968 as amended which ma~u ft llfe1al to adnrtlae ·any pr ere<· enca, llm1tatlon or dlsalmlnatlon baMd on race, colof, relis\On. sex, handlc-i>. lamlllal status or national Ofllln, Of an intention to make any such Pf•f•r•nc;e, limit•· lion.or d1scrlmln1tlon • This new99ape1 will not hnowin&IY accept eny advtrtl-nt fOf rnl nt•t• which Is In vlolatlon of th• 1111•. Our r11ders are hereby 1"10fmed that alt dwell· lnp lldvtrtlMd in thli ne~ we •v•llable on an 1q1111I opj)(lrtunlty basis. To complain of dis· c.rimlMtlon. c8ll HOO toll· free et l.acJ0..42.4-8590. LHt 10-M 4/7, Prolusoonal makeup case.~ M.ioc: bo•. 111' lMt WI Com Mesa by f ..,_ oN Ckistoptw Ln. Rew1<d 949 350-7600 •••attNOUM<IMltcr•• MOW ..... fw 2002/ 100J ...... -... $2& lt./ hr. Full banaflh/pa1d trainirW/no HP ~ 1-877-~5268 ••t 131 (CM. -st.AH) HOME IMPROVEMBfl SERVICES 2600 Altltyslftlon 5 ,_d/1 Y•• old female needs new home Cuddly l l!I> Cat t:Jll /14 801 884-4 3905 AYON. Entrepreneur ..,.nted. Mini be .-,. to WQl'll ....,_ you W8flt. be 'fOI' own boss. end enpy unlimited ~ Liit's ~ (888) 942-43 (CAL •SCAN) STAaT A SU<CU5fUl home Buslnes5 tlwt llllMs money "' the first moottlf $5,<n).$20,000 ~ month 1.aJl.287~ Ml mhlt9 recorded' mes,•1• (CM."SCNQ A $2,000-$4,000 W..tlfP .. ....._~ Based buslnen frH r~"~I~ 510-8905 (CASl •S(AH2 ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Plnlnsula • ....... U.W.Wooderlul Balboa Peninsula Pont locabon. 48r 28<1. pe.i. of _, lfom rooi top rlold.. Sl,29!>.00> T•1 Armstr°"i Harclle ~1008 ......... ~ ....... Con>nldelMlr JA5MUU CRHlt slna stoiy 2br 2ba den Roaers Gerdener lendscaped Handt~pped rHlty v .. , low malnt. Assoc w/t•nms, PoOI Call fOf eppt By Ownef 949 640·8777 ..w 2·""-........ ~ wtlfl thol4'1ful ~ by QUltllty Wlders llllm. LOCllted on _..., lot. S 1.249,000 a Jl,179.IXXI 9'&721-0132 ............... ..,_ .......... '--' MIW2·..._ ....... Omjpd _. ~ ,_,.. by csially ld:tlln i.m. LoCltt.t Ol't ~ lot 11.20.000 a 11,119,000 •ct. B.1 ~ 9'&7&21-0ll'l WT 191 282 t tAY Sl • 29A s .. u cus. tom rM'IOclel on a ~t St.17!~ 8Y OWHl,_ fOlt ~ 1 TO WW CAll llchMJ Mt 2J0.7W IAIT "91 '°' t.tr ult ll~OWMf wt•-Meo 244 Sonto To111aa f1JO.OGOMH2MIOI r;.11c. A lfNITifUl ResodllncAI ... be ~ted tm IC)r~ 58r S 58a wtlh a wonderful l\owlne floor plan_ Sl.750.00> MictlMI er,,.,,,..,, Coastline Realty NIMl ISTATIS l'APlCIC TINOttl NATM>NWIDI USA t4t-IS6·'705 www petJtektenore com OCUNRONT 1ao· OCEAN V1lW $6n,to0 AGT 94'...StS-7222 o .... ,.,,.. .. . ,~ ... , ......... ., t4t-U•-J7SO UDO l~I MOMIS J4AYAUIU AGT 949-271-3052 Newport Colst amoPIAM STYU llvlne l"8h in the hilh over- lookloe the -38r. Offll'.I, l\*d·pted. Fltl> ulous lot w/119L CaN tor llfJPt. act. Staf-Mt\lfer 9&715-3156 c-stel MIAs Cher• Saaallto • 4.5Dlt home with ~ c:.-iyan ..., cia1arrt -Lowly A Fp. littq rm, ll'dwd fh. librsy ... .. llhn end Sherry ..... M!Mi«).J'SOS ,._IUTAftS PATaKK TlllOU MAno.wtOI USA ... ~J6.t70S w-.pattlclt•nor• com ,..llSTAftS PATllOlnlNNtl M11CM9WtN USA t4t4s.-f70S w-~lfk"t•no! a.com IMCll'I auorr ..,.,.. ..... .,. H,,,..,,..,,. IUW. MJPtRIY RJRUlE GOU HIOHMIE Sain & w1l'tler rentals. Palm Sllr-.S. Palm 1Mw1 A1:so Wuhlncton Wetadront Referrals. Mic:tl-' Ant• ............. l00..$$0-.JSZ3 MICBJJNEOUS RENTALS RentllTosa.t 6030 •1"9 c..,-twrn. ID shin, poaV1pa. .-t &Oii -vWw Jbr 2Jle, SllDJm+dilp. 'M!M.12-6.118 •. SI.we·-... house print• room/bath $550/mo • 1/3 utlls. fem ref Ml>-•7· 1472 Roomlfof .... .. •1-...... rwtnd Jllf10ll ......... """*· ~ indr:h .......... mo~ 11'1~ FCSllXNTW. RENTALS ORA& 1• COllfTY .... .. c.ndtl ......., It-'. 2 l& Bo. 2 ful ba 2< pr, 1 l50sf. wd In. l& patio, ~ l.w S2Mn lyi lie, Wal Y15 !14-962-7366 llAU O<IAN & IAY VllWS ?Br l8a, middle duplo, I c encl a•r S27~mo 714·998 0948 ColtaMesa Juot ......... xr.t OllPtY' ['Side -38t Z!i8a. Sf'R, Fp. wwn countAn. 2t p ' back yd. 9$ r.8-372fi NlW iA$lSIDI mDO Very private. quaint bath & kitchen, non/ smkr Call 949 645 5956 ("SID( Er 2Ba. bewtJfuly maintlnld SFR. LR. dlln "'If P. crown mouldtnt. scnped Clllls. pWltJltlon Vlvttfn, tied .. 'W"adlld bath & -rtchen. lcar P1lf Gr.i ltonl .. ,_ yerds w/pldetw. Avail Sil. S2250m. 21)8. 726-1001 .a.,..-r.w. ., -2..Aor '--1. Z1!l8 La Plllylt No. $Mlimo. "-" 0.-. ....... CMw9I ..... .....~4 U1·'*117' C9I 71~ 1428 HwtingtDn Bea '* • 3.Sbe SFR. mod "*11. t.o..d •. rftop ~ NP Cff.9f h•nhOm. petto . *""' ~. 2 t p w/oJtar 2 stories. new p11nt. Ille, $3500 ~71D> anct c-1 2 ~ ~ •it Sl8009ol9 673 7800 .., ""' lb< Iba SfR cute * 'flMl\' * lute. nu paint sm pat10/ BILI GRU~~~ALTORS yd, I c I*' laund hkuP ,4,_675_.161 est SllOO 949 67l 7800 sm ...... .... Newly remod Zbr 2be condo, 2 c 1• patio wd, no pet,l'sma Avail 5-1 Sl950tw 949 759 1344 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Daily~Pilot \ A 10 Wednesday, Aertl 16, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge By CHARLES GOREN w1th OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH "E lo " mp yee. "Empleado." •'A rbeil nPhmer. .. ''Employe." PLAY OR DEFBNJ>t 80lh vu lncrable. South deals. • WFSI' • 87 0 8' 109 0 10 7 2 • 762 sovm •A~QJ4 <:> 87 o A K 3 • 1085 The bidding· _ _ , SOUTH WHST NOltllf £AST I•. .._ l • ,_ 4• ............. Opening lead Queen of Study the di.agram above Would you nll1'er play or defend four i.pades after lhc lead of the queen of lll:<im? Sooth haJ something 10 spare for the wounuauon 10 game ilfier pan- ner\ 111\'ltallOrwl JUmp rw-.c. iulll the linel cOnltk't ·~normal Su(lpO!le you elect 10 play. You cover the quccn of bean• wnh the king and WI w1rr. with the JiCC The "'V9a ........ L& 281 heart rctum ·~ lllen with West'~ nine. n the dd'cntkr w~ w a dub. Dummy'• 111ne is i~. Ease'• JO WIOS and • tl\lmp i~ rttumed £veonaally you have to take IUl04her club ftl'IC5.9t. Down ooc. Don't give up yet -you Cllll du bcUel. Du !IOI CU\Cf the lfUCCll of hcaru at trick uoe.. West oonbnuc\ With IUlOChcr hcal1. EM! captutCS lhe kit!& with the ace, but ~ oo way to aet IO panncr's hand. Win any rc1um, draw uumps, cash the top dhtmu04,lt. lllld rufT a diamond. Rc1um U> lwnd with a uwnp and lead a club. sunply covering any club West play~ East wim but is rrapped ip on endplay • ' Making four-Odd. Suppose Wot i.lufb lO 11 club al Irick two'! If you play lqw or Ii~ the queen, the ddemc prev111ls. EMt wins die club. cashes the llCC Of'hcarl\ and exits safely with either 11 uump UI' a ·diamond. and cventu.Uly colkch another club for down ooe )"e\lerthcl.:..s. declarer \huuld always have the las1 word. Af1er dutk.inll the rust lril:k, Wiii tbe club shift with the ICC. draw trum~. l'ash the lop diamonds and ruff .a dillmonJ on lhc toble. Now exu with the I.mg of heam Ea.\I ,..1 ns hu1 " U'llPIJ(d in a ~1m1lar endplay. No matter wllat lhe defender doc' next. South canooc lo-.c more lhan one dub tnlk. ls.. din rm. bale. 1£6051, "The llvffs" llr 21a, 2t. Pl'ka. ocunvu. w111k lo Huae bay view $3495/mo bell~ !m-598-9347 949-252 8200or 949 851- ~ -W-8160 Leese Option Avail 2nd 1\-condo, 2br 2ba, Employment 8500 ClHICAl Need lull hme per son lo assist with variou• dut1e• Musi be able to tnpul al least 50wpm accur alely on computer. ponen strona cuslomer serv1c.e skills, and be dependable S9 Per hour [ ~cellent ben eflt packaae roe Send resume lo Judy Oelhne. c/o Oa1ly Prlol, 330 West Bay Street. Costa Meu. CA 92627 or email lo ~JJ6ll@'*1a.cm> new patnl/crpl. pied pr. '"-S2!mtn yrly 513·2D7~ IAYRtOHT wf duDI Dodt ......,..., ........ Lr& :llr' llflllt!f unrt o duplex, 2 2.58a w/retreal 11 pied blodt.s to beacli 3br 2ba. ,__, _,, Ip, W/O, I& Y1eW dedl, comm. w,.....,., ~ "" law pr $36al/mo lnclds yard SDXV1i-o aet. Palncll utb & dock. 949-S 11).Ql() 1 Tenen ~9705 ltt Sir 2.Sta 1n &illed lllwportCoast comm. w/pool, spe+ prtvale yard $3000/mo Me41terrOIM-c-d• Acenl 949 856 9705 --lbr h May-~ ...... -. .. lily funl/unf\Kn S3200m; J& + dlo. JBa. ht ~ l,.-... SJ«'i)n 7l4544GlZ7 2+ CM. pr, pebo; U19ede $3100/mo (949)646-8473 SELL your unwanted 1lems lhrouch cless.f.-d D•IVHS: TUMS + WlSTHN [ apreu - ~ Solid mies. 2Clod homes Imes compelrtJYe pey benefits pacMcle. paod vacMlon ~ A cot.. 'l2 years <*I. 2Clod MVR 888- 793-9732 (CAl. "SCANl GOVHNMINT JOIS- MOl.EE AHO POSTAL 481•18 ~ Ful bfflrlth Pllld trarrnoe No e•per• emce ~Y for p.ud acipkahoo and PX.till Cill toll !tee I ·888 778 4266 • 850 (CAL •SCAN) OWNU OP'IRATOll TIAMSI COi w/H.Jl Mat & Oooble<. r eq I ernltflJI T"'"""" Drop/HOOi<. Hn 00 Bonus. ~·igti ~ llXl 909 5664 ell 710 (CAL "SCAN) _ JOIN OUR l£ AM and make a d11feren~e In the Cahfor n1a Al my Nahonal Guard you can &~I money lu1 toll~I" .tnd career trarnin1 Call I 800 CO GUARD !CAl "SCAN) NOIUMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIRED CAN RND IT. Everyday is a great day in Cl~ifiedl Be a part of if, place yow ad today! (949) 642-5678 ~~ ·--. HOME, HEAL TH AND BUslNEss ~--.. "'NO ro R£NXRS Cahforn1• law rt quwes that conlr ac ton tak1ne jObs lh•t lot.I S500 or more (labor or mateuals) be hc:ensad by the Conlrac ton Sl•lt license Board St.le law also requue that contreclors rnelu6a their leceme number on all a~ertlSllll-You can clMdt the sletus of your licensed contrector a t www cslb ca 10¥ or 800·321 CSLB Unit censad contractors lefllna 1ob1 that totel less then $500 musl st•I• In lheir advertisements that they art not licensed by the Contraclon Stele l ic:ema Boatd " ~..,..., Klctwl I 81111 I lltanodlll ,............,..._.,, am V\411: Mlj«i!P§ leaM111,11'1 I et •••• ...,_ s.ne-. l u ,. ... atlon, rnaonable, r~ •• ,.,...... 9&.125-025o "MR. BLINDMAN" ' ~ERVICE A TO Z HANDYMAN ln~lall. refac~ cabinets ~~ mokfrc !be 714-546-Tl'jS --.w U..lh. Custom Buill rns, Crown Moldm1s. Basa Boards L lf577982 949-709 5642 carpet Repalr~les <f> CADn'°'CAaPlT~ Repa11S, Patchrn1. lnsl•" Courteous eny s1ie jObs. Wholesale! 949 492 0205 Concml & ....., lrlda lleda st-rn. Concrete, Pabo, o.-,_ay r tr epic, BBQ Refs ZS Yrs c •e Terry 714·557 7594 ~ Aoorlng/Tile NHD MOH •OOM? LIMY ~ Repiwf>d AOOl1llNS & R[r.«JOLLN; Reeroutrn & trutallehon l •577982 949 709 5642 Til.f OCAN 949 673 8065 TIMI TO llGHI YOUltfOMI IMNOVIMlNT l"IOJlCTT Call a plumbet. pa•nte<. handyman. or any of the rreat services listed here in our service dlrectMyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI •l<h'e Dffl' l1tstell1, Mi:dws. Door Fr-& al HarcMIR, Cudom Mokfrv 714-846 8526 714 881-2031 ~.t.t...t.~­lawn\, lawn Aera1tn1 Spri n k teo. Troubleshoot Ill&. Sp11n1 Tune ups, Repairs & Up1r1du "Havf' us do your Dirty Wor*" 714-715-2121 DOUGHlltTY t•OTHlltS Thee Frlll Toui:h Sta 1961 ..... Trw9oc,~ lnst/llepair 714 791 87 46 si..c. ......... ~ ...n. yll'd dlilnl4), flW'ltlln, IT• l1Wl'I. spriB Cemm/Res 714 436 1518 CUSTOM UMODH UIS78102949 510 6529 AND DESIGN All n...-11Se...i- TRAO£S. 30 YEARS EXP .,.,... ·~­ Tr•• Service, Ynrd Cleanup, Malntenanc1, Sprinkler Rtpalr, Hauhn1 (949) UC>-1711 l'3l7169 949 631·2345 wmHotn DIYWAU AU phuu sm/lf& rob' CUANI 20yrs, lair, frte est. L«XXBl 71«39-14'7 Ac tleell•• Uectrlc lt~~~ .. ..w.. No )Db loo Ill\ Ul51511&.1 71"616QJO LKllHIO <Otn'UClOll No ;i.. too 11'1\ NI m\fllCml R~. rtMOdtl, l•na, ,..,_PK~ flont11ll GardenlllW Landscaplng THI DllFHUKI HTWU:N llAUTffUl &EXQUtSffL •t.e..t-•-c .. •n ... T-"'9 •O-..&'--'"" 949-S TS-1124 HlnClymlN Home Repair RESTORE • REPAIR & R£1',100HING GDIEW. IEPAll •llAINIEWD • ...., • CAIDalladll 0 Job 1bo """' o. .............. M942WZ92 HandymalV Home Repair COMf'tnl HOME MAJ#TE#A#CI Ho rob too small' Eve<ylhm1 lrom c.p.ntry to P-q free estrmate CoJt•-flr •49-1fS-16H FIX UP' SP'lCWIS T. AM types of rRpaws Ele<.- tr tee I. pltimbtrt&. doon. ..., helllst., !Ms & mare 241tt/.7tbys 714 366 1881 '~ Cwp<lt'ltry • Plumb1111 Drywall • Stucco PalnlJnc, Tile & more 2().-Yurs hperiencel 19114-969-5776 JllSIY U~ 'J NOMI •II' AM Sl'KWJS1 Reasonable Prtc:u l• Yll lll*ietKl In altrldlL~..,. In ra.ldenbel Im/eat. 714401 ......... ~ •OllNSON CuM,AJtY K*:henl. 'It .,..,.,._ Marti 949 llSO 9525 THI NMDYllAM A• w<rl 11uw an tiff ,......... Olth . .tl, Ooort. flflsoflc:r*-~~ ....... AIMIC TO TMI DUMPlll 114 968 11141 rWMAllt TOOAYI ~tenrMG AmnoefVt 90IM Aa.. ......... "t7 l5 !)351\. at, K • pt., pW, Ile~ tOtty tllarm. al, moonroof, x concl, p/p $9500 714-334 2S28 1:91 Avcll '" A4 O....ttr• 2 8 V6. 291. uluel ml aulo. sparkhn& red/lf•Y llhr, mnrf CO looks & •metls new V456721 SI 7 .995 flnanc1n1 avail. Bkr 949-516-tlll -.eqoel.I.<- IMW "t9 w.,... 521 Sliver. 'IP' t t*&. 5611 mi. new lweVbleaks. alnl f.Orld $24.<XX> 9'1').646. 36&1 CADIUAC CATlU 'ti 6 t yl. at. iK lltv. f/pwt 'unroot, extended wMr SIO,!iOO S'2-J t1 71SS Dode• '91 Ca raven Voyaeer V6 while, grey int. pvt ~lass. garaet'd, non/srnkr, hke new tond v457275 $5995 Bkr 949 586 1888 -w ocpabt com DODGI NION '2000 SOii~ 1111. IOOK lac warr, '> sp, blue. erey 111le11or .. n, Im td. beau orp1 tond $"9'1i Ii m fin av..- lllu Vlll45792 949 586 1888 __ ......__ ...... "00 Gnni 0-....- 6<.yl. 2 wd. 36k '"lual m1, s1lvtr /1rey int, alloys fabulous Ith, ru1w unmarked cond. 4 year WST ll¥M v7'ml SI J.995 Inn 81.t 949 586 1888 www .•• ,..i.1 ...... UOK..., '02 Nevleatw 30k mi full facl wan, \lfver sand hn llhr CO st•cker •hr om~ whls. lllll sut v672Sl8 S27.99S hrm. ltn I. warr 1va1I Bkr 949 586 1888 w-.ec,..i.t.cem Merce.... '99 S320 l WB S?k m1 3 vr warr dV.ltl \llVtl hlk llhr boul '" 'K 1 ond v87!>74 I S?!>.99'1 l111.ir1ung ~·~•I Hkr 94!1 5116 I RAA WWW.eqMlhl.c- Teyeota Coreio '11 'l'Jh '"'· Wl'I m.\Wtl>t• l<>d or 111 OWfft """ .,1. r-.,,..,. , • .,., sum 9'19 GM ~ T.,.-~ '11 B nM well m.wilatrlf'd. u• ~ OWfft 11#1\ ~l. r-tir•t 11 es S llD) 9"9 644 6'Al9 PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORIFOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 House Cleaning .......... c-.... a.-.,. Svc.lr~a.1 0 C ?4Yrs Refs 949 548 OOS4 949 637 4113 PltaW$AUTO WWtyQ4S~ '97 Pewl wt.Ile wl'lltdltt ltfw·f\111""" low tM. (19134) Sl6.9110 IMWS40fS.-'tf Sher w/bla ltlw. r•e 6 S.-cl !IPQl1 pcka S&I miln (19231) 129,91W> l .. W323t~'OO White w/Blad< ltlv-CO player-•21t miles (19269) $22,!la>. IMWMS~'OO B ladl °" o1mm11c Black lttw, IOk ml, I o- Cl 9297(:) $59. 980. ,.,.,M ......... GT . C..-'00 Sliver wfBlaolc lthr-low mlles·fu• po-. (t86nl) Sl4.91K> ........ S200 C-V.'01 St!Ya w/r &re red It.hr. 6 speed. 1811 n•. VTEC (190731) $24,980 JopcsXll8C:.-.'tt Br rtrsh Racrne C:.Mn w/bn lthr. ~ 22K miles CO stad<• (19220) • $39,98> Mwce4Ml.a UOSl 'M ~ rs a real Classoc_ Red w flan leather Both tops 4 si-d (18683) $21 .!8> Mer~llenz SlSS AMG '03 Re3dy fa< tmmedtale dt'hveiy flrn tact wan Stlvl!f w/Charcoal (19J09C) INQUIR£SS PondM Yurt.. C...-'• Ava!Wole ltu" y for these per1ecl low m•le"l!e. lout one owner ruuos llASI er IUY 949-574-7777 rtaW'SAUTO ,,., ..... 4<91W rlWm3 M COOP£R 'BRG' l~ther & Prtmtum PKG L[ASf f OR i1~~ PrR MONTH• IA)( I At These Terms 0n ~OYed Cr~1t • OTllR AT SIMlNI SAWlGS1 • • %c S 1780 due al \t&r11ne 48 ntonlh clO\f!d end IPne no \ocu11ty d~pM1t 1()1( m1l<es O<e• year ( • tt"'' rntlf"\ @ ~ prr mtlP ( fC4l779l • lffStMlTM' IT'S~ * * * * * ••.• SS flnWAY @ £OOaR SANTA ANA AUTO MM.1 (888) 823-9808 Nurslng,fmonl ta11 c..,.. ... _at• lovl1t9 Cere9fver flllW an1I local ref"~ low rn'out call 949 882 0620 leave msg "--• c1.-h.,e£.,.., Pa~ Wklr/B1 wkly Mnnlhly __ ng-'------ Ref, Crul rain' Imelda ( ....... '• ......... VYrs eicp 949 ~ 42lf> 9'9 l78 0837 Creal Puc;el Cuaonleed N.. • It • He ? w0<k free n l L•37S602 ~ <Ubt-.:1 Iott 714 538 I !»34 7 390 2945 d!llTc '°" ap. ~ Olil wppltPs 714 "' 41 ~ t-'• lw.,._ "-~Teal~ OM'I ~ ,,, war1I ctn ~ --..... 9'1M2'174Jt Mowtng&-. HST MOVllS $st /Hr serv1111 all cllln Insured fol. courteous, careful Tl6J844 800 346 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Publtc Utlhlln Commlulon rtquires lhal all u'ed houuhold 1oods movers print their PUC Cal T number, hmos a11d chauffeurs pl Int thttr l C P numbt1 In ell edver liMtm4ntJ If you han •ny questions •bout the le1•llt1 •f a mover. limo or ch111tttut, call l'UIU< UTIJTitS <OMMISSMHI .,, .... ., ,...,._.,,.ti ... 1011 Quality, Compelrlrve lnle11or/l1t L"648228 Call Jay 949 ~ 5066 UIMIOW m<ll MAINT Pa1ntrne tnVut. ~ Quellty job! Free est.mate l•569897 714 636 8888 HOU.SE REPAINTING & WOOD FINJSlUNG ~ Lid lS8~28 949-64S~99S7 l>!@x Pilot ..... .. H(WPOllT AUTOSPORT Mt-S14-MOO IMWUOOC"92 Conwrtl*. Wffite/ 8ladl 1111 ..... ,. OptlOlll (U91262) M5.400 R~ V:Ow':' Be -0. Fnt On The 8lotli (500750) $"..SOO f...tJSS= "tlAStrMI (ll06'l0) $109. , ........... , lWlll Tt.Wbo lK M*s M ='Goin& Fast '< ) $119,500 f--'SUTS'lt Red/Ten 2()( Miies A Grut Buy. Only $49,500 (082609) ,.._iua.,.. .... 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