HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-18 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotPrimary shows split in GOP An old battle between wings of the Republican party resumes in early stumping for the 70th Assembly seat. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NFWPORT-MESA - A local Assembly pri· mary hru. reigruted a 4-year·old debate about which ideological Vlew shouJd hold sway in the Republican Party. Moderate Crisll Cnsuch 1s facing off against conservallves Chuck DeVore, Mar- ianne 7.Jppa and Don Wagner in the 10th As· sembly race. The race 1s raising deeper ques- tions about whether a cand1date who shuns i.ocaal stances on aboroon, gun rights and other potenually d1vis1ve issues can wm in an Orange County Republican primary. On one side of the issue are leaders of the party's more moderate New Majority wing. who say they're Mill battlmg for a seat at the table of the still socially conservative Orange County GOP. New Majority President Larry I hgby, a Newpon Beach re-.ident and the chief ex· ecuuve of Lake Foret.t·b~ed Apna Health· care. bemoans the nommation of right-wing candidate i.uch as Bill Sunon in last year's governor's race. Higby is one of the 26 founders of the group. "Th.at lcind of silliness is what has the Re- publican Party relegated to minonty status (in California): Higby said. ·Tue core of the Republican Party 1s till clearly part of the old guard." While Crisbch supported Bill Ointon m the 1996 presidential race, Devore walked precmctS for Bob Dole. In last year's gover- nor'<; campaign. Crisuch threw her support behmd moderate former Los Angeles Mayor s.. PRIMARY. Pace A4 TH IN KING ALLOWED Is Foley the right fit for council? K IS for Katnna. A JS for attorney R is for a run at the City Council E ls for eventually moving onto bigger and better things. N Is for not likely this time around. In some far away land, where politics are obsolete and decisions are made simply on common sense, fairness and merit, Planning Commissioner • Katrina Foley would have a great shot at the Oty .. Council seat left empty by former Mayor Karen Roblnson. After all. the two women have so much ln common: Both are attorneys. both are registered Democrats, both are natural-born leaders with inherent asaertive qualitiet. heck. their names even start with the same letters. If RoblnsOn were to be r:eplaced bY the person who had m05t in common with htt, we could usher Foley straisJit to the dais. Not to mention. plannln'g commissioners haw experlence with the inner workings of Oty Hall. and aho knows a Uttle aomethlng about politics, belng that lhe was at the · fottfront of the divisive Home Ranch debate. Foley aeemt to ftt all the guideline-. but ls ahe •harmonloUI and compadble1· Her knOwtedp Of the pOltdcliJ Inner wodin&a of th.la f alr city should ttmind Foley she la a lon1 lhot for the apPQlntmenl Not to •Y the *1't quallfted. or even d~ ahe Imply doan't aean to haw the poUtkal backlrta tequlred to pin the eeat. • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2003 P>!C"OS 9v ~ENr TQ[PT"1W / t,A LV P1L • Jay Robinson, right, son of pioneering environmental act1v1st Frank Robinson, laughs with fnends while remembenng his father at a memorial service at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center 1n the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Preserve on Thursday Sending off a Back Bay protector More than 100 bid farewell to Newport Beach environmentalist Frank Robinson, who prevented the Iruine Co. from building in the estuary Paul Clinton Daily Pilot D urin.g .a lively. memorial !>ervice on Thursday mommg. fnends and family members celebrated the hfe of a man partly respon'lible for the preservation of the Back Bay. and Orange Count\ to 'top a marina pro1ect in the Back Ray "He believed that evervone had the nght to enjoy nature, -.aid Bob Caustin, a Back Ba\ defender "His Ltfe\ work" embodied in the Upper Newport Bay presen:e. • More than I 00 well·\\1,her<; attended the memonal ~emce which was held at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center 111 131e FRANK ROBINSON lOQS -fl6HT£R -£NVllOW1EHTAU.5T -ENGJNEEK - Pictures of late environmental activist Frank Robinson adorn a Frank Robinson and his wife Fran. who died almost two year<> ago at the age of 82. led a fight in the 1970s against the Irvine Co. See PROTECTOR, Pace A4 display at his memorial service . Harboring hopes of being the world 's largest Newport Harbor's claim to be the largest in the world might be just a claim. J une Caaaarand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -If we've heard it once, we've heard It a jillion, kerzillion times: Newport Harbor is the largest small craft harbor in the world. Right? Right? We can't know for sure whether this ls wrong. The one thing we can know ls that anyone who says h's Daily Pilot ATA~~ ONllEWEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ lt'a eun..V.r.end drler. S..P ... A2 BEST BUYS Ct** out 1M latllt ._i.. ........ A.3 . SPORTS right probabty hasn't done lu.s or her homework. That's understandable. The home- work is overwhelming. Even trying to get to the real story is an exercise m frustration in a lesson on hyperbole. 'JYpe in "world's largest small boat harbor" or "small craft" and "pleas- ure harbor" into an Internet search engine and an unlikely name tends to pop up: Marina del Rey. "I've always heard that Marina del Rey 1c; the largest small craft harbor in the world. said Megan tandard. public tnfonnation officer for the California Department of Boaung and Waterways. The department does not maintain up-to-date c;tatistics on relauve har- bor '>17.e • Standard said A more thorough search revealed the hkely source of Marina del Rey's unlikely a.'!sertion. "Built around the largest man· made small-boat harbor in the world, Marina del Rey is home to over 6,000 pleasure boats and yachts.· accord- ing to MarinadelRey.com. Ah-ha \1an mad~ Perhap<> that giw' tlwm .. omt' bragging nghts m other p.1n' of tht.' state. but not m Newport Beach "We usuallv have about ~.000 to 9.500 boats , in Nt'wport Harbor. though we've had ovt'r 11 .000 at times,· said Lt. G~ R~ll of tht' Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Pa· trol. who serves as assistant harbor master of Newport Harbor. · The numbe~ are based on the Harbor Patrol' annual count of all the boats docked at pie~. moonnS!> See LARGEST, Pa1• M ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Sweeping across the Pond • EDITOR'S NOTE.: M a apeclal teatute. Guy Hebert, e N.wport B ch rM1dent and form•r goalie for th• M ghty Ouckl, wfft be wrlti09 regular dieri .. abOut the tMm and Ht exptrlencea ' throughout the J>t-votta. GUY W bar an HEBERT mnulng-and .~--·td AJofehbie~----:=t:.:.-:1' ....... ,....-SUlillln aw • • ____ ":"-" _________ ....., ______ ...... ___ ~--------·------------------~....,....,-----.. -------~ - , A2 fflday. Apt'il 18, 2003 ON THE John Stobart's historical aritime paintings will appear at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum through May 4. ·Putting history to canvas June Casaarande Daily Pilot L ilce most maritime artists, John Stobart's worts explore serene waters, majestic ships and picturesque ports of call. But unlike for other artists, most of Stobart's subjects disappeared long before Stobart was bom and long before the advent of photography could preserve their beauty for posterity. Stobart, who has an exhibit at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, is known as a master of depicting ports from bygone eras, mostly the 1800s. Without any photographs or visual experiences to work from, Stobart has also become a master researcher, using historical documents to piece together his visual history of how ports might have looked more than a century ago. "We have rooms of research that he's accumulated," said Sandra Heaphy, business manager fur the artist and for the Boston-based Stobart Galleries. MHe goes to historical. He also does a lot of interviews with people who are experts at WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AR.OAT is published periodicany. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W . Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast College Is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in1ength, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ooean racers, even keefboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is st 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 64f>.9412 or visit occsailing.com. SalHng Fbc:instion offw'I duses in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons wtth disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Ora~ County empaoy.r. can bting their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a dlance for groups to wortc with the on-board Instructor on different aalling tedlniques 11\/hile they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes coat from $100 Artist John Stobart interprets visuals of ships from bygone eras in his paintings at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. what ship traveled where and when. He's very thorough. - Stobart has mastered the business of art by selling prints of his original works. His most popular worlcs include 19th century depictions of ports in New York. Boston and San Francisco. His 1986 work UMaiden Lane by Gaslight in 1882" is a classic example of how Stobart likes to travel back in time to see today's ports in yesteryear. HTitis viewpoint gave me an exciting chance to focus on the street as it threaded its way past ships crowded into the port after a shower had soaked the cobblestimes," Stobart wrote. "ln the center. a hansom cab driver waves to a to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WllterSports .t the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your dloice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat re!l1als. Balboa Boat Rent.els can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt packages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. E1ec:tric tao.t rent.ala ara available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD Cont Wll901'1 FYI •WHAT: Mr. Stobart will sign copies of his book, "The Wortd of Sail and Steam," from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 3 and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 4 as part of an ongoing exhibit of his works at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. The 8'Chibit continues until May 4. The artist will also hold a "masters only" painting class from 1 to 2:30 p.m. May 4. Cost for the class is $100. • WHERE: Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, 151 E. Coast ~ighway, Newport Beach •INFORMATION: (949) 673-7863, www.nhnm.org; Information about the artist is available at www.stobart.com. friend chatting on the sidewalk as he turns to proceed up Maiden Lane, the gas lamps picking out items of interest in pools of light along the street." The English-born artist cultivated this retrospective gaze'after first moving to America in the 1960s and marveling at how littJe preserved history is visible in the young nation. He decided to dedicate his works to recapturing these lost glory days. players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. 1949) 645-6812. P.dal boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beadl furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola tours ere ofNred by th• Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $76 cost Includes a basket of bread, dleese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventuras/Newpof't. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with dlampagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and dlampagne is $180. Pickup is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. llVine Coat Cherters in Lido Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance off9rs dally toun of Newport Harbor during lundl and dinner. Call (949) 675-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beadl. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Daily A Pilot News &Mlstan\, 1949) 574-4298 Copyright No news stories, VOL 97, NO. 108 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Pvbfi.tler lONYDOOERO Editor Nfl'( oeTTING ~™ Promotlc>N Olt9ctor - NeWll Editors Gina Aleunder, Lori Anderson, O.nlel Hunt, Paul Seltowitz. Daniel Stevens '11EW8 STAff Crime~~reponet, (9'9)57~ d#pa.bha,.th •l.ttlmeuom JuN~ Newport e.ec:ti '9p011af, (949) 57-M232 /uM.CMtlQl'MtM.latl,,_.oom ,.,. Cflnton Polltlcl9 end environment "9Poltef, (949) 7$M33() 1»Ul.ct1nrone 1at1,.,.,.,.oom L.otlta ...... Cotumnttit. q.ihure l"tlf)Orulr, (949) 874-427& IOlh•h.,,,.,•t.a,,_oom Dm*iNe•mM Coate Meee ~. (M) 1'1""4121 dtllrdre.,,..,,..,.,.(t 11111,,,. com ~c..... EcMiilillon .._..,,(Ml PM29I ~.ot1111#o•"""1W.oom coral. wilson fllatlmea..com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hill«, Don Leacti, K.entT~ READERS HOTLINE (9491642-6086 R4tCo«I your comments aboYt the Dally Pilot or newt ti~.· ~ OUr edd111M i. 330 W. Bey St., Costa MaN. CA 92627. Office hou,. .,. ~Friday, ~30 a.m ... 5 p.m. h 19 the Pilot't Polley to promptty correct all enora of IU~. PluM ~II (IMS) ~4. m Tho Newport BoadllCoata M .. 0.lly Pilot (USPS 1"'800) II P'tbllshed delly. In ~rt hlctl · •nd CO&U ,,._, Mibecript~ •r• evelltt>le ontv by .ubecirtbing to The 1lmee Orange County llOOI 2fi2-8141. In •tMt ouceid9 of NMPOtt IMd'i end eo.c. M.t. eubec:ripUON IO lhe Daily Pitot ate ~•lllltllt ~ ~ ftrtt ct.. INR tof S30 ... monOI Prtcee lndude .. I tppllctble ..... Wld locM ..... ) flOSlMASTlA: s.nd eddrMe dWlnget to The~ ~ Meieo.llVPllOC. "° ----~---~-~ -~~-------"'--- illustrations, edttoriel matter or edvertieements he,.ln can be rej)fOduCled without written permlalon of col)Vright owner, , HOW10 REACH US Clfculetfon The Tlmee Orange Counry (800) 262·91'' AdwrtW!tg a1111fted CfMil 142·5678 °"'*' (949) &12""'321 EdltoMI ..... (949) 642·&e80 ...... (949)57u.ll2 ..... ,.. (949) 846-<t170 ...,.,.. (849) 850-0170 E-fNlll: t*llypllot l•tl,.,....com Melin Oflloe ...... <>Mcit (849) 842~21 ......,..,..,949)6317120 11\11 PublitlNld t:rY Tim.a Community N9M. • dlvWon of the Lo.~ Tl mot. aoo3Tim. CN. All~ ...e.rwc:t. TH.E HARBOR COLUMN Its time for Newport to Ensenada 1race Ahoy. .----'----. ~site is I noticed afew certified public lWCOuntants on the water this~ 'That means the tax deadline bas passed and. more importantly, that the Newport to P.n.senada race is dosing in on the radar. MIKE ~you need to know about the race: forms, coming back into the United States through U.S. Olsto~ and the race results will be posted. WHITEHEAD TIP Of THE WEEK Now is the time At noon Friday. the first class of boats will cross the smrti.ng line for Ensenada For those of you shore.side, the view will be spectacular from the bluffs above Corona del Mar main beach. Now titled the Tommy Bahama Newport to Fnsenada Yacht Race. it holds the title as the largest international yacht race ln the world. I think this race should hold another title. as the yacht race for all sailors. This race attracts a wide range of sailors and vessels. from the profesmonals to the Sunday sailors. I remember when my friend, Norm MacLeod, sailed the race in his Flicka 20 with ftashllghts taped to his rigging as navigation lights. On the other end of the sj:>ectrum are former America's Cup winner Dennis Conner with Stars and Stripes. and lhlnspac's Barndoor bolder Roy Disney aboard Pyewacket In between is every variety of sailboats and sailing level who are either sailing for the chance of a trophy or just for fun. You might remember that last year's race was fast. so fast that a few records were broken. I remember last year in the wee hours of Saturday morning being awoken as racers finished. They were comin8 in Cruise Port Marina. where I was comfurtably sleeping aboard a yacht. Bill Gt.bbs aboard Afterburner returns to defend last year's first-to-finish honors. and you know the big boys are going to vie after last year's titles. Let's see what this year's weather will be like Cor the 125-nautical-mile race. Racers preparing for the race can use the Marine Concierge Service. For the second year. Mark Silvey with the Newport Beach Ouunber of Commerce will provide referrals for any of your needs. including bottom cleaning, topside wash down, mast and rigging as&stance. diesel engine repair, parts with delivery and catering. All next week. including Friday, all you have to do ls call (949) 642-6229. The Newport Ocean Sailing Asm.. which • organizes this annual event, has redesigned it.s Web site at wwwno.ra.org. On the to inspect your boat before ' summer and a greai time to complete those repairs deferred from last year. Many boat repair shops and mechanics are not hard p~ this time of year, unlike in the swnmer- season when customers are demanding their repairs finished for next weekend's cruise. This means the mechanics may have more time to spend on your boat than when rustomers are breathing down their neck. So, spring is when you want to prepare your boat for summer and make those repairs you have been thinking about since last fall. I am constantly asked where to begj.n when getting a boat ready for the season, and I always say, start with the hull The hull should be deaned above and below waterlines with the topside being given a good coat of wax. Below the waterline. you may need to apply fresh bottom paint, change the zincs and double check all the through-bull fi~ and the corresponding seacock. vatves. Next. m<J\le interior to the mechanical, electrical. waste and water systems. You may want to have a mechanic help you in this process. Then. depending on your boat size and accommodations. check all the aeature comforts, such as the satellite Tv, miaowave, Jacuzzi and the air conditioning units. Always remember to check the required Coast Guard equipment before you leave the dock. You can do a virtual check at www.safetyseaLnet. I want to thank Pete Rabbitt and David Beach with the Newport Beach B~ Oub for inviting me as the guest speaker at their breakfast meeting .. Thursday. I always enjoy sharing my on-water experiences. Also at the meeting, 1 noticed Ouis Wynkoop looked a little pale. You see, Ouis t. a CPA. Safe voyages. • Ml<E WHrTEHEAD ls the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist Send tiim your harbor and mari1'14H'81ated thoughta and story suggestions by e-meiil to Mil<e@BollthouseTY.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be partly doudy today, The aOuthwe.t •nd with highs In the mld-60e and northwest aweti. increase Iowa In the mkMOa. But don't today, with IOUth•fech~ expect any rain, Just llke the beache9 expecting lhouldef. to bust that waa Thurtday'I head-highs and weat·fedng ttonn. breeb looldng .. dlelt· to The weekend Is looldng lhouldef-.hlgha. sunny end a tad warmer. On Slturdly, tM tw9tl wtU lnbm9don: drop off and both~ will WWW..nw&noM.IJOV ... wefat. to dliMtofrighe. with WNll~ BOATING FORECAST Sunc:tey wtH drop more. The w-.1y winds wlll E>cpec:t eome Mronu swell• to •ntve Monday. blow 10 to 20 knota In tM In'* ...... ~ W9terl. with 1· to 3.foot W9VM w.w . .umldw,0tp Ind I mlQd IOUthwest M9lt of 4 f9et Ind ICMtl .... of 2 TIDES .... The~ wt4I blow The ...... lbo.IQef ... ~ .. ,,to 201cnoe9. 15:11a.m. -1.nfMtiow Out..,.,...,, the 11:331.m. U..teethlgh not1'\uu 1111r1y wtfldll wMI blow 4:Ae~m. 1.17'9edow 11uo 20 eertv, but Will m1111 moep.m. ~-"""' to 20to30111'°'9 lhla eftemoor-. ~ S-to Moot wwvee 8nd 1 WA~R TEMPERATURE ...._. .... -..oreto10• .. ~.w.lof2 .... ' . Dally Pilot The abused get an outlet at UCI Campus group hosts Clothesline Project, hanging out T-shirts m ad e by vi ctims of sexual violence. ChrlatJne Carrillo Daily Piiot UC IRVJNE -Costa Mesa re~ ceived 28 reports of rape in 200 I. Newport Reach had f1ve, and the UCI Campus PolJce Department received six. five of which in- volved acqµaintances. Although these figures, re- leased in June ~002 by the Fed- eral Bureau onnvestigation, give an insight to only a part of the problem with '><'XUal a">Saultl'>, students al UCI havl' al>Sumed the task of spreading awarenl'SS about the rest thcmselv~. In accordance with Sexual As '>auh Awareness Month, the wu- ver>lly\ Center for Women and Men ha'> <;pon'>ored a number of evems '>Chedulcd throughout April IO addre<.'> i~uc., concern ing sexual violentl' "It\ all a part of our at1emp1 to make people more aware,·· l>UJd Donna Norris, a'><1i<,la111 director for the center and toordmator for the campui. assault prewn uon program. "It\; almost likl' a puaJc. We try anti look at leach 1ssueJ picw by pil•cc, bul unfor· tunatl'ly lhl're\ way too many pieces to tackle " I hey '>taned pulling togetlwr thrir puuJL• of -.exual \/IOll:'nn.• awan·nc'>'> with the eighth .i11 nual C1otlw<,hrw PrnJt't.1 l11L' C Joth~line Prn)l'U. which d1<>pla\"• more rhan 300 <>h1rtc., providt·<, an ourh•t for '>Urv1vor-. of '><'XUaJ vinler\l L' or lhe1r Canul) and fnmd'> to VJ'>ually '>hare tht>1r mL><,_~gt·'> 1r1 a publ11; for11m. l>ernr.1ll'd with gmph1c and per -;anal 11lu<,trnuon-.. the different de<>rgner'> take a 'tep toward mL'>· mg awarene~., of lhe l'fh·t t '>('xual violentl' ha'> on '>Ot iet~ "tule ,11-.o gt•1t1ng <Ul opportunity to brl·a~ tht•tr c.1lenu• l'H I r(tjlHESY or UC IRYINE More than 300 T-shirts with personal messages against sexual violence are on display as part of UCl's Clotheshne Proiect. "I thmk the actual process of making a shirt is very healing.' ..aid sophomore Jenn Ma-Pham. a sexual abu!>e survivor and -.ex uaJ assault peer educator "I think 11 makes you really remem ber and reflect on what hap- pened ... in a way you kind of realize how strong you've gotten from that point." C >pponunilies to break their '>ilence doesn't end with thl' Ootheo;line Project. Students will aho get a chance 10 speak out al a campuswide uTake Back the Night" l'\t'nl r~cheduled, due to the weather, for April 24. l>t•\Jgned Lo give women who ft•ar ..i \nolent act may occur <l'> lht·\· walk the streets at night. the t'H'nt givl's them a platform to lwar prt">entauon.. dfld '>h<ire idea., about how to addn .... ., thl' tomt'rn Ille primal) lot·u, 1' edutallon "\\e fl'd thl:' fir .. t -.tl'p '' 1u-.1 to c<l111 ate people.· :'l:orn-. '>imJ ( lur goal ., really JU\I 111 m.i~t· peorl<' more aware and malt• them mort• rriural ol ... out·t~ ·· I \'C:ll thuugh gJ\ ing '11n.1vor-.. .Ill opporl111111y 111 "h.irl' Lhl'1r C'\ BEST BUYS 1wm·m t•-. and providing the p11hl1t with information con- tt•rn111g -.t·xual v1olen<.e are rwo Integral ·"Pt't l'> of hosung event' rl'l..11111g 10 '>t'XUal a'>.'>Uult aware- Ill.''>'>. 1lwy don't touch on tl1e w.iy' '>OUl'IY open'> door'> to <,ex; ual vtolt•m t•, '>hl' "><ml I very yt•ar. the renter chooc,es a d1flt•n·111 'ouetal lupic to ex- plort• and po1-,ibly unt'arlh con- nectwn' wilh '>exual assault. rh.., yt·.ir\ topic I'> hip hop. On April 2.1, Bridget Grny, a spoken word arll,t. will '>peak about the po,illH' ,1nd m•ga11vt• a-..pects of hip hop .md how therl' may or Old}' not lw .i ronnection bt'- IY..et·n v111lt•111 I) m., and v111lt•m e ,~a111-.1 \\ctllWll In 111dt•1 to addre"-'> a prob lt'm "'' IMH' to .:iddre'>' the whol1· ... unt•f\, '>.lid '>Ophomure '-l11.'\1t·I \ l.1g,111..1, '>l'>.Ual ahu..e '>Ur\ 1\01 u11J ""<Ual a'-'><!Ult peer t•tlllt .1111r "II \\l' don't t hange rlwir (H11111 ol \It'\\, hupdulh \H' ).,'l\l' tlwm ... onw lll'>1ght I or 111or1· mforrnauun about rlw t'\t•111-.. t.111 ll< I\< l'ntc·r for \\111111·11 .111d :\kn .11' (l).llll R24 f,(100 Here's one to grow on T he 11m.u111•111,l1 hortkultttrt• <,IUdl'nl' JI ~Coast CoUege will sell '>lltnt• of their best home grown plant.. at their annual '>pri11g plant ..ale from 10 a.m. to 1 pm today and t.'Vel) hit.lay 1hmugh May2 Plants ava1l,1hlt• mtlude· torn<1l0t>s. colorful annu.il'>. bdl GREER WYLDER. lor lie-..1 Buy-. rt•.ttll '"' Ju-.1 a .. k for tilt' till Hl ,peciaJ "h " .. tum to twe.U. your m..1k1·up. Stevl!n' <.cud •1t\ \pm1g ume and llllll' 111 pill your v.1nwr rolor.. J\'1.a\ and lighten up." I k tan also help \\.1th cornmcm mak.t'up mutme problem., rnnteahng dark orcle.,. <1V1>1d1ng <,mearing. findmg rht• nght makeup color .• 111t1 and Chili pcrp<>r.., llCnlt">lll.\, verbena) and bacopa. muted color IJ.L.,kcts. ivy gerarnum'>. double impa1ie~ and hydranl{cas. Every 'IUesday. you can call their plant hotluie to find out which plant\ dl'C for ..ale Uw next Fnday. OCC... L' at 270 I FaJIVll'W Road. co .. ta Me<.a (7 14 ) 432 0202. ext 26533 SEE CLEARLY NOW A children\ cyegla..-.. ... pcu1y featunng BBig ~.a n<.-w Netherland!> eyl'gla.'>S comp.l1ly. Wlll be ~wn at La. lfyeworb at South C.oa.'>t Pla7,a from I to 5 p.m. Saturday. me event indude-s a photo booth and tradiuonal Dutch snacks. The hip glasses for kids are available m cool sryle. and great color;. The collection of plastic and metaJ frames fit faces of babies, young teens and anyone in bcrween. Co-sponsor Oillly, a Nether1ands-based children's apparel company, will join the party. Regular store hours are 10 a.m. co 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and to a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Level 2, Nordstrom wing. (714) 957-8255. findmg Lhe right <;hapc for t'yebrow-.. A makeup le~<.on nom1ally cost $95. now it''> 011ly $00, and <;tevcn' will givt• $40 worth of free makeup ,Lfter a k">.-.<m. All lesson~ include a frt·t• follow-up. Steven'<, worlct-d a'> a makeup arnst for 30 year.. . ..old co ... me111.-.. 011 QV( tt•Jrhin~ hro\\. dOd l'yehner techmqwC".. for lhn•t• year.. and vvorlced ,,;111 Uw M1'"' Amenca P'ageant for thl' past 20 year\. Offer expire<; May 15. lbSO Avon ~ .. Newpon J\t.oach. l~!-11 646 I i94 EASTER'S IN THE BASKET Sur U.18.ble has great l.astrr dkor for the home and kitchen The i.el~'tlon includes a hen basket di S~.95. rub111'~ l'AA wreath at $45. Faberg(· .. 1ylt· t~ at Sl4 95. a rabbit tuH.'l'll ..11 $89.95. a green glass plume basket at S49.95. ceramic chick egg cups at $6.25 and a ml'tal bunny basket at S29.95. 832 Avocado Ave., Corona del Mar Pla7.a in Newport Beach. (949) 640-0200. A WORTHWHILE F\JND RAISER Women of Vision's f\.u1d-r.us111g luncheon happens at 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 7. at ~ A>ur s..on..• Hotel ln Newport Beach. ( ,111 .... 1 lt•1111n•r .111d ph11to1oumalt'1 J.m1· 01,on '(>t'..ib 011 hum.ui nghh '"'UL'S .ind landn11m• l'11m1nat111n Ht .... t•f'\-;11um .... md mfurmauon 1 all "I I~ 7htt l}:!Q7 HELLO. KITTY I ht• popul.ir ammatL'<.i I lello 1\111} rh..1r.1l"ll'T \i,11'> lnngs Drugs JI J .t,h1011 (,I.ind from noon to '1 pm tc><.la\. and ~Hurt.lay I 11'1111 K111v hL•lp'> 1clt'hmtl:' tlw .irrw..il ol lht• IWW '>Ull\IOl'r hill' or \anno'" "I lula ll.111y· merl'hand1-.t'. Aho, I m1g .. I >nig' ho'>l'> il rnlonng c <mtl''l 111 whu h one wmner t•at h day will n.•n•1w a I Mio K.lll}' gilt h.t'>kt•t ln add111011, Longs I >rug-. will ofll•r IO'\. on all I leUo ~lly nwrd1,md1'-t' throughout tht· \\l'l'.,_1·11d I ong' Dniw. '' llt'ctr th1· ''"I 1111111..1111 al I .t.,h1on hl,uHI 'I I'll 7.!'HiO i'i A RARE OCCASION I abc11:c· rollt't tor<, won"t want to llll"-'> a r.m· appc.•amnre by ratiana ralX'l)ll'. the la!>I li\/lng mcmlx>r or the 1-abe~ fa1mty. al Luc} Zahran lit Co on 'iaturday at 'lo111h < oa.-..1 Pli.11 .. 1 \fml' I aberge \~111 '1gn pun.ha ... <.".'> from.! to 6 p m. dOd '>hare 1lw h1'>tory of the onginal St. P1.•ter..hu~ '>lore. Featured at thf.' t•vcnt i'> the enure klbe~e Colll"<Uon repruductior1<. of original Faberge designs in 'terlmg sliver. crystal. Um~ porcelain, enamel E,ruilloche .md M.'rnipl'CClous stones. Opf.'n from IO a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m Saturday. and from 11 a.m. to 6:.10 pm. Sunday. Level Ont\ Nordstrom wing. (7 141 549 mo.1. • BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. I Friday. Ac>r~ 18, 2003 Al BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Storm has linle affect on Newport-Mesa A few 'ihowers fell Thuniday, but were so few in Newport- Mesa that the National Weather Servic.e in San Diego only had reports of only 41100 of an inch in Costa Mesa by 6 p.m. ·Much of coastal Orange County was ramless, some with only a rrace a rain," said Frank O'Leary, a m eteorolo gist for the National Weather Service. "It came from a 1>1orm off the Pacific that's rolling eastward.. While Newpon-Me<.a ex perienced only enou'gh to Y..et the ca.rs, roads and hamper spring-breakers' outdoor at tivities, it ~hould b(• the end or wet weather for about a Y..t:ek. fOR THE RECORD he~d Ille weather L'> t'xpt't"'ted to warm up for the weekend, but will begin tt> cool yet aga.m near the nuddJe of next week. ~'Leary '>iild 26 apply for open City Council seat One more hopeful hai. en- tered the rnmpe11t1on to fiU forml'r Mayor Karl:'n Hobin '>on\ seat on the Cost& Mesa City Counul Wilham Patton Jr '>Ubm11tt'd his appMcauon JU\l before the 5 p.m. Wl:'cjne'>day deadline. I le· ha ... lived in Costa Me'><! for l\'lfO yt'ar-. and I'> a 'tudent JI Van>,l\Jard U111wr'>1ty I le ran for the '-fontgomt'I'} < .. ount) < ounul 111 \1aryland m I 'JYS Patton could not bt.' reached for comment on ThurMiay The council will begln the appomtment prm:e~'> 011 Monday World War IJ base reunion set Thi:' 28th annual reuruon of personnel from thl' former Santa Ana Army Air Base will be held Sa1urday at Orange Coast College m Lo'>ta Mesa The collegl' \lie ho'>tL·d the Army Air l·orce with mort' than 128.000 p1loi..., borQhHr· d1cr'> and navigator'> dunng World War II Re .. ervat1on' tor lht' pro gram ,wd lunlht·11n <an h~ made at l~M!U bi I ·!ilJ I H A story in Tuesday's paper incorrectly re- ported that CommonWealth Panners owns part of Sou!h Coast Plaza (M()(,IA board tum~ down Centerline request~} CommonWealth owru. the property that IS bordered by Anton Boulevacd, Bristol Street, Avenue of the Art~ and the San Diego Freeway and i.s refem~d to as Two Town CenteT. 230 East 171 SI. • Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www r~soodcorpet1 com Mon-fri 10-6 . Sot 1 0 5 ....... "c:upun<lur. WorilL• ''"'"' • l hpfl\.\lltU \n'\hl\ • ln\u1t1111.1 '>·•'>-l.c; I . f I 0') 1(.,,,. I di \UU l '" '~ .. A stellar dining experience:' I 1n < h.to Orang" < uunl\ Hu\lne" loum.tl Expe rience a New Culinary Ge m Indulge your appetite and a\.\.akcn \our culln.ir\ '>l'n"l'' as Exec.utive ( hef A1min Ghahrcman mtrodutl'' thl' "small plates .. con<.ept, that emouraqes sharinq and \tq•I\ tc>n\t'r\at111n every evening to thl' ... oph1~t1t atcd pal..ite'> of Soulht•rn CaltfurniJ Motif dehqht'> \\ilh a \\Orld of navors. rntnquinq d1-.hl'"· and exqu1sttc wme painnq~ tu enhanct' yuur d1mnq pled!.Url Lmated just off Niguel Road at One Monarch Beach Rec;ort in Dana Prnnt PlcJ'>C l all 949 234.3320 to place your re5er. at10n ~ Home to a certain world M 0 TI F L oc ated .i l T h e ST. M O NAR C H B E A C H Dana Point. C ahfomia www.streglsmb.com 1\~l'l·N 11111 !Cit. t 11-.. A"<il l I:, M l~ARCH 6fiAl'lt Nl:.\\ h'lllK WA~lllNC1TO'l lll OllJJN<. I ll'llOllN RDME ~11,.N<•Hl\I M Friday, ~ 18. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE .NEWS Suspicious pack.age evacuates building Several people were evacwued from a Newport 8eadl oflice building for a.bout three hows Thursday afternoon after an em- ployee received a package leaking a dangerow chemi- cal. offidaJs said F'rve empJayees initially became sick &om inhaling the fumes from the pack- age. but said they fell beuec later, Newport Beach Fire officials said Fire6gbters responded al about 2:05 p.m. to the building in the 4400 block of Von Karman Avenue after an employee reportedly be- came ill after ~iving the package. which emined an odor, said Donna Boston, public informacion officer for the Fire Department. Other employees, who tried to take the package out of the building. also be- came ill. but managed to leave It in an outside dwnp- ster, she said. Firefigtuers evacuated the three 6oors of the build- ing JUSt to be safe, ~ton said. The Orange County Sheriff's Ha7.ardous Materi- als unit determined that the product in the package was POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • 8lhtol StrMt: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2900 blodc at 2:25 p.m. Wednesday. • c.dl Place: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 100 blodc at 7:47 p.m. Wednesday. • Fairview Road: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 blodc at 12:26 p.m . Wednesday. • Hart>ot Boulward: Fraud was reported in the 3100 blodc at 1:17 p.m. Wednesday. • Red Hill Awnue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 3100 blodc at 5:42 p.m. Wednesday. • au.en. Court: Petty theft was reported in the 3400 blodc at 8:32 a.m. Wednesday. • East 17th Street: A hit-and-run was reported in the 100 blodc at 9:33 a.m. Wednesday. • degreasing agent that contained a type or orga.nk peroxide that could ha~ been Bammable or explo- slw, she said. •out we don't suspect anything malicious." she· said "The package was sent by Ulother company who was sending out a new product." EmplO)lt!eS were allowed to enter the bu.l.lding at about 4:50 p:m. Boston said the leaking package dam-• aged the office carpet. but no further damage was ~- ported . FauJty connection sparks power outage About 107 Costa Mesa residents were without pow.er Wednesc:\ay after- noon because of faulty ca- ble connections between transformers, Southern California Edison officials said. Some suffered the out- age through the night and did not get back power un- til about 11 a.m. Thursday, spokesman Marlon Walker said. The power went out at about 2 p.m. Wednes- day. The outage happened , north of Pierpont. south of Traverse and west of Thames. he said. -Deepa 13/iarath NEWPORT BEACH • Am.thyst A~e: Vandalism was reported in the 300 blodc at 11:40 a.m. Wednesday. • Avoc.do ~:An assauh was reported in the 600 blodc at 9:15 a.m. Wednesday. • ~"wood Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 200 blodc at 10:19 a.m. Wednesday. • Bison Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1300 blodc at 8:01 a .m . Wednesday. • Chatham Court: Grand theft was reported tn the 100 blodc at 9:57 a.m. Wednesday. • !Yvine Awnue: A burglary was reported in the 900 blodc at 2:08 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Boulevard: Battery was reported m the 3000 blodc at 12:08 a.m. Wednesday. • ShoNridge: Grand theft was reported in the 100 block at 8:23 a.m. Wednesday. ~ified ads work for 11 111111 •v~u_: THE Daily Pilot Clo\\tfu>d Community M.HkPtpldci, State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I e; llf J l:Cd iJ ff Ji >11111) ;ld;f JJ 11 ~ a1td >I Cl•PLITE IMl8 llDAlll TIJlll UP Sam~ Ownn Since 1965. 38 Yean in Costa Mesa TB cumnoa uaP ••c. 2945 Randolph Ave (Brmol ~Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters ,,,,,.,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,. T~ 11r .. 18" ........... --.. ·--·~-··-· .......... ~·u .l ~ T"le ........................ -....................... _ .. ........,...,. .. .. lrilale ~ ..................... ,_,,"'"'' .................. ,_..,. .. .. nll*tr,.'l.IDI~ Boom! Crash! Smash! Newport house takes brunt of literal take on •asleep at the wheel' on Wednesday. DHP• Bh•r•th Dally Pilot C.ar aashes ~ neYer-fun. On an average, I write about a dozeo o( them every month. Some are fatal. a few result in llerious inju- ries. and others are ones where people are luctcy enough ro get aWcJY without any injuries. When I went to the scene of a car-era.sh in Newport Beach on Wednesday afternoon., l'll say I had no intention of writing a poem abou~ it A man, who had apparently fallen asleep at the wheel. bad driven his car througb a oeigbbor's front yard. aashing into the home. It was a serious accident that could have had far graver conse- quences. But it didot No one was hwt. and everyone left the scene on good terms. When I got bad to the office. I reviewed my notes and tried to reconstruct the inci- PROTECTOR Continued from Al dent. As t started . writillg, ii cumed into a poem. And that's the truth. rm not a big Can nor have I f!\'el' been a ran ol joumaDsts spouting~ I agrtie with Brit- ish poet M.anbew Arnold that "Journalism is Uteratlft written in a hurry.• Here ~ work. l doo't f.ancy mysdt a writer aafting lit- ewy ~ I'm just your eweryday reporter who wants to present information b:I a logical. readable f'oonaL And sometimes, l tty to make it inlet'esting for my readers. This attempt al narrative po- etry is not to Daunt my ability to rhyme words or to make light of these peopfe's problems. It's sim- ply an experiment and a tired re- porter's desperate effort to break free from the self-imposed shack- les or humdrum. familiar prose. Marlene Gavelin thought it was the Baclc Bay. Robinson died April 1 O after a long illness. He was 84. A parade of speakers regaled the audience. which was huddled under a maUshift tent to keep away the rain. with stories about Robinson's legacy and wann. good-spirited persona an eerthquab As &be aaw the vase ln bet room drop arid break. Seconds lgO, abe'd beald a big boom And thought trees bad fa.llfn outside her-room. But then she came out and saw Her nefghbor Robert Wood get out of bis cat. The front of his burgundy Ca· ~Seville was smashed. ' The house was aacked where dle car bad crashed. b happened ln the 1700 block of Candlestick lane, And~ was one broken win- dow pane. 1Wo small palms were plucked by the root. To concerned neighbors. it wasn't a hoot The car had swerved Where the road curved And had sliced through the fron( yard Hitting the comer of the house really hard Newport Beach police said no one was hurt ume. -GaveUn seemed relieved and polite, baldly cun. There were two kids in the house. plus aeven peu. The kids were ftne and lhe aru- oials dJdn't need ~ Wood told police he (ell asleep at the wheel. Gavelln said she understood how that must Ced. •rm not angry. lt was an hon est accident.· she said. She shrugged hec shoulders and shook her bead. •its life in the big dty. ~ Gavelin says. , "You have good days and bad days.~ You see, Gavelin's tough. she's no frightened mouse. She retired after working 20 years in the courthouse. Officer Matt Keyworth declared it was an accident. Although an unsafe turn caused the incident He said it's hard, even if you try your best To prevent such an accident if you don't get a good night's rest In 1973. a 1udge agreed with the dogged couple's claim that the land should be set aside for the public to enjoy as a wildlife preserve. The ruling paved the way for the sale of the 750 acres of estuary and I 40 addidonal acres from the Irvine Co. for SJ.5 million. County Supervisor Tum Wtlson calJed Robiruoo a dedicated crusader for the bay. •tte kept the bay on everybody's radar '>Cfeel'l, • Wt.Ison said "lbey kept it on our radar screen for a long time.~ !(ENT TREPTOW /DAl\.YPll.01 Daughter Dana Pnnce speaks at Frank Robinson's memonal servtee at the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Preserve. Frank Robin<;0n was born in South Carolina in 1918. He graduated from the University of Cincinnaa before moving to the L.A. area ln the 1970s, Robinson also held a sear on the Orange County Harbor Commis.sion and helped plan Dana Poml Harbor. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environm4tnt, business and palitJcs He may be readled at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at The Robinsons moved into their Dover Shores borne ln 1961. Eight years later, they ~ed the Irvine Co. to stop the Irvine Co.'s marina and condominium plan for the estuary. which the Irvine Co owned at the paul.cltnron a lar1mes com PRIMARY Corrtmued from A 1 Richard Riordan. while DeVore supported conservative businessman Bill Simon. Criscich also threw her support behind Simon. when he sewed up the nomination. Party leaders dispute Higby's claim that Republican candi- dates have leaned too far to the rigtlt. ·1 reject thac contention." said Devore. a five-tune CentraJ Party elector. "When we have a weak candidate and a weak economy. It emphasizes the policy differ- ences we have .... Mr. Higby, tell me if there's a difference be- tween George W Bush and Bill Simon in cenns of policy.· Local attorney Anthony Duffy has also typified the way in which New Majority members often challenge the GOP power structure. Duffy led the legal suit against Bill Slmon. Duffy won a S97 million jury award against Simon's company in July. The jury agreed with Duffy's conten- tion that Simon's company de- frauded a pay phone company. LARGEST Conbnued from Al and marinas In the harbor at any one time, Russell said. Compare that to Dana Point. which has about 2.500 boats. and Huntington Harbor, which has close to 3,500, and it's clear that Newport Is a heavyweight. Newport Harbor contains 30 miles of coastline if you count both sides of the bay's winding edges and the borders of the smaJJ islands within. Mo t of this 30 miles is densely dotted with piers and moorings. But just because we easily whup Marina del Rey doesn't mean we can go around brag- ging to be biggest in the world. Or can WeT "Newport Is definitely biggest on the West Coast and possibly the biggest in the country,• Rus· ICU Mld. 'lbe way the state of Florida conducts boat counts per twbor makes it hard to know whether you're compar- ing apples to eppl Duffy says he has been frus. trated that the GOP hasn't made more overtures to minorities. women and the woricing da'iS. "There have been a powt?r structure !in the state GOPJ that has been reluctant to change," Duffy said. "For too long. the Re- publican Party has tended to see a certain part of the population as not being part of their con- stiruency. They've written them off." Even with a handful of vic- tories in statewide elections. in- cluding the election of New Ma- jority Assembly members Tom Harman CR-Huntington Beach) and Lynn Daucher {R-Brea), the group says it's still pushing party elites to support more main- stream candidates. The New Majority was founded in late 1999 amid much fanfare. Group leaders estab- lished a credo, at the time, to do away with "social litmus tests• such as abortion, prayer m schools, private school vouchers and other Issues that they see as divisive. Consisting mostly of business luminaries, the New Majority also set goals to broaden the party's perspective and refocus it But as for the world. well, no one knows. "With some thin~. people say them over and over again and eventually everyone ac- cepts it as true,· said Ralph Rodheim, member of the city's Harbor Commission who has also served on the California Boating and Waterways Com- mission. "Then it gets into print and suddenly it is true. But 1s Newport the world's large!>t small boat harbor? To the best of our btowtedge, It is.· Standard offered an even more incisive analysis of how Newport and Marina del Rey might both have come to be blown as the biggest pleasure harl>or in the world: "Th.is may be like a lot of things: It seems to be human nature to claJm to have the larg- est~ • JUNE CAIAGAAHOE COY9'1 Newport S.ac:h •nd John W11Vne Airport. She m-v be reached et (9491 67 .... 232 oc bye-mall •t /ufHl.C#llflr•n<J.•l•t1mu.c::om. on 6scal issues, such as tu re- duction. spending caps in gov· emment and bureaucrauc red tape CUltmg. An impressive roster of New- pon-Mesa's business leaders are listed as founders of the group. Among those are Irvine Co. Chairman Donald Bren. a Linda Isle resident: Costa Mesa apart· ment magnate George Argyros; Emulex Corp. Oiairman Paul fo. lino; Newport Beach homebuil- der Wtlliam Lyon; Broadcom Corp. Co-Otairman Henri SamuelJ. a Newpon Beach resi· dent; and Costa Mesa-~ FileNet Corp. founder Ted Smith. After accepting a 1ob as Presl· den1 George W. Bush's ambassa- dor to Spain, Argyros suspended his membership an the group, smce diplomats aren't permitted to have bes to pamsan groups. Since 11.S inception, the group has ta.ken an active role in fund- rru'iing for Republican candl· dates seeking the GOP's nomina- cion for a state office. Unhke the Ltncoln Oub. an in- fluential and more traditional ac- tivist group, the New Majority funnels money and endorses candidates before the primary election *They've done a very good 1ob supporting candidates who fit their agenda.· Lincoln Oub President Michael Capaldi "3Jd ·They've been aggressive and ac tive. They've brought a new en- ergy to the Republican Party· • Ml.IL a.JNTON cqve~ the environment, business and polrtlCS He may be reached at 19491 764...\330 or by e me1I at paul cltnton1<11/ar1mes.com. Candace Mason of Costa Mesa passed away April 15, 2003. She was bom In long Island, NY and moved to Southern caJifomla In 1970. She was a tennis Instructor with the City of Newport Beach for 30 years. She Is survlnd by her mother Helen Mason and sister Wendee Mason. A. memorial aervlce will be held at 1 Oam Saturday, April 26, San Joaquin Hiits Part<. Corona del Mar. In lieu of flowers donations may be sent to: NatlonaJ Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, P.O. Box 7, Highland Park IL 60035 or to the Humane Society. JOHN PRESTON WEBB October 14, 1945 -April 13, 2003 I ------- Oatly Pilot COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL ' Here are some of the items the commission consMered on Monday. TEWINKLE PARK lhe park's final master plan includes recommendations for redesign of the existing baseball/softball complex to a four-field softball-only facility; new tennis, voll eyball and basketball c;o~s; a 20,000-square-foot permanent skate facility; a I 0,000-square-foot community center; lake renovation; and proposed pedestrian bridge/median improvements on Junipero Drive. umdscaping and minor construction are also included. WHAT HAPPENED The item was continued so the commission can hear more from the Mesa del Mar Homeowners· Assn. and so it ALLOWED Continued from A 1 The energetic young mother wouJd probably have the support of CounciJwoman Ubby Cowan, who appointed Foley to her second term on the Planning C.ummission in February. She could woo Councilman Olris Steel to support her. given hb affinity for strong women and appreciation for hardwork.. Two out of three ain't bad. Ifs tha1 third vote that may prove the death of her attempt. I nrer Councilmen Gary Mon<than and AIJan Mansoor. Reing the gentlemen they both are. neither were too quick 10 dismiss Foley <I!> a viable candidate But neither of them gave her a glowing recommendation. either. "I don't really want to comment on that right now,· Manwor said. OK. It '>houJd be noted that Mansoor took a few good swi~ at Foley during the 2002 campaign 'lea.son, whkh is typical in the polit.icaJ fnly. Not to say he is at odds with her. but they may not see everything eye-to-eye. With fellow "improvers" such a-. F.ric Bever and Mike Oifford on the list of candidates. as well a'I Mansoor's parlc..-; and recreation appointee. Wendy 1.eece, F'oley most likely fallb far on his last of prospects. Monahan, who wa .. -. arguably HOCKEY Continued from Al After all of the ups and downs that be has gone through, ii is a great thing for him to finally be healthy and playing his game. The Ducks might have started out slowty on Wednesday, looking tentative in the first period and letting Detroit dictate the tempo or the game, but something Mike Babcock said in the loclcer room between periods must have hit home. They came out a different team In the second period, creating plays and making passes. They used the entire ice surface and started to play their game. The goal by Henrik Zetterberg slowed the Ducks progress. but I loved the way that they fought back and stayed in the game. Adam Oates bas been an excellent addJtion to the Duclc:s lineup this year because of his creative play making and the way that he sees the ice. Bryan Munay has been given a huge amount of credit for this acquisition during the off-season, and I have to add to •211!':..- can take a field trip to the park. WHAT rT MEANS The commission will consider the master plan again In May, Commissioner Bill Perkins said. WHAT WAS SAID ~Where they want to stick the basketball C9urt.s is kind of a litde sketchy," Perkins said. ~Where they want to put the skateboard park is not the favorite (location)"of residents, either." PLANNING APPLICATION Ken Kurose Architect, agent for Wt.Ison Villas, is applying to convert an existing 16-unjt apartment project to condominiums at 726 W. Wilson St. WHAT HAPPENED The commission unanimously approved the project, adding restrictions including tha t the owners of the new structures park in Foley's arch nemesis during that same election season, was unw.ually quiet on the subject. It is pretty safe to say Monahan is not a Republican for Foley. Maybe if she switched parties, he said. Monahan confirmed his reluctance to even deliberate her appointment, as he offered to except himself from even voting on her. "I'd be willing to give her S250." Monahan said. Hey, not a bad idea. I'm sure Foley wouldn'c mind some extra spending ccc.h. That should fund the pi7.za dinners her family would be subjected to the first and third Mondays of each month. Not to mention, an abscention by Monal1ill1 could ensure her seat on the council by a 2· I margm. Or maybe foley shouJd write him a check for $250. Tiuu's about the on!y way she has a shot. (sorry Katrina. buc you know it's true.) Give me that $250 and I wouJd place II on a "vanilla~ candidate. Someone who is active in the community but not considered to be in anyone's "camp." Councilwoman Iibby Cowan agreed, although she wouJd not name names. "Whoever is appointed will absolutely be a compromise candidate.· Cowan sald Thursday. "There is no question in my mind. That has been evidenc from the very beginning." Using that knowledge. we can cross Leece. Bever, Oifford, their garages. Peridm said. NEXT MEETING WHAT rT MEANS •WHAT: Planning Kurose can convert the Commission apartments to condos. •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. April 28 •WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive DESIGN. •INFORMATION; 1714) REVIEW/TENTATIVE 764-5245 TRACT MAP Nick Zamvakellis/ PITA Malley, has applied for a Trus t proposed to demolish permit to allow outdoor an existing five-unit automobile sales/ rental and residential project to displa~ with an exception construct nine two-story, from nt (andscape setback singJe·famUy homes at requirements at 2665 Harbor 2553-2559 Santa Ana Ave. The Blvd. bearing was continued from the March 24 meeting to WHAT HAPPENED renotify the public with the This item was continued correct project address. because Barton proposed a permanent structure for the WHAT HAPPENED property, when the original The council unanimous ly plans called for a temporary approved the project. structure. and needs more WHAT rT MEANS time to design It, Perkins said. Zamvakellis/PITA Trust can now build the homes. WHAT rT MEANS The commjssion will PLANNING consider this item at a later APPLICATION date. BiU Barton. agent for Mike Planning Commissioner Dennis Demaio. James Fisler and Ralph Morgan out because they are too closely tied to either Steel or Mansoor. Mirna Burciaga. William "Bill Turpit'• and former mayor Linda Dixon will most likely be passed over becau..c,e of their strong ties to Cowan. (The council already voted againo;t appointing Dixon. when they denied to automatically instate her for being the third vote-gener in the 2002 elections.) Planning Commissioner Bill Perkins is so closely tied to Monahan. they shared money during the November election (Monahan giving to Perkins) - so we can count him ou t. That leaves the "non·campers," which consist of: sweec Karl Ahlf. Terri Breer, Julia Cross. former Planning Commissioner Walt Davenpon. Planning Commis.sion Bruce Garlich, Tamar Goldmann. Jennifer Kuo. former parks and recreation commissioner Roben Love. Matt.hew Makin. Fram Michelena (who Monahan cannot vote on because of campaign contributions), Art Perry, Mike Scheafer, Heather Somers and Larry Weichman. (Anyone else notice the entire Planning Commission wants to be on the City Council? All except Joel Farris, who recognized his conflict of interest with Mansoor and decided not to apply. So much for the commission being non political.) -Deirdre Newman Some may argue that Somers is a logical replacement considering she lost to Robinson by a handfuJ of votes in the 2000 election. I say. if Somers wanted to be a council member. she would have run in 2002. She chose to run for the Sanitary District inscead and lo'>I big time. So. I'll go out on a Limb and place my bet (Gary can I borrow $250?) on a sleeper. such as Schaefer. The man I!> hard-working. nice, intelligent and well-liked. Who wouldn't like the guy who has devoted so much Lime into keeping the traditional Costa Mesa Fish Frv aljve? · He hasn't been outspoken about anything controversial and. therefore. hasn't had the opponunity to malce any enemies. He's never served on the Planning Commi!>ston befor<> and therefore hasn't angered anyone with a second-story vote. I le seems fair and open-minded and not likely to cause too much of a stir. Vanilla. baby Sweet and simple. Hey. I could definirely he wrong. Stranger things have ha ppened. This is Coc;ta Me!>a, '\O anything goes. • lDUTA HARPER wrrtes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts She may be readied at (94S) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lo/Ira.harper ii lat1mes.com Eight shutouts in one season and 237 minutes of shutout hockey are amazing m arks. I wish that I could have hit them in my playing career. Watching Rucchin &core that ITT goal was great. Rig.ht place. right time, right player. As I sald earlier -nobody deserves it more. I was just hoping that no one got hurt in the victory celebration. GuyHebert it. Oates' set-up of PauJ Kariya to tie the game at 1-I was a perfect play, and Kariya truly took advantage of the situation by blasting the shot past Curtis Joseph. Once the Ducks tied the game up. they went into overdrive. Those guys were all over the ice, taking the body, creating plays. forcing Detroit to make turnovers and keeping them off of the puclc. That ls the kind of hockey that you need to play in the playoffs, and the Ducks finally came through in the clutch. The Ducks really seemed to be dictating the tempo of the game and were able to take advantage or that with their second goal. I was glad to see Jason Krog toore his second goal of the playoffs, and It was a beautiful one. Beating CUrtis Joseph far side the way he did was picrure-pedect. Jason Krog ha.a really come a long way this year and worked hard enough to deserve that goal. The second goal that Detroit scored was pure Federov. with an unlucky bounce added in for good measure. The team kept its focus and played out the remaining two-plus minutes. then headed into overtime ready to play all-out When those guys took the ice for or. it was so great to see the reaction of the crowd at the Pond. Everyone was on their feet with the fowl towels, and the cheers were so loud that the place was practically shaking. So often this team has been overlooked and taken lightly. It happened slowly over the years while I was still there, as we could never quite produce on the Ice, and the fans started to lose faith. This year bas seen a huge difference from the pa.st few. and rm glad to see that Orange County has come out In full support of the team. I can't say enough about the outstanding play of Giguere in this series. The kid has been amazing between the pipes and just doesn't seem fazed by anything. He really stayed focused. played his game and kept giving his team a reason to want to score. In only his third full season in the NHL. J-S bas put together one of the best years I have ever seen. I was sorry to see so many of my records broken this year. but rm glad that he was the one breaking them. Eight shutouts in one season and 237 minutes of shutout hockey are amazing made& I wish that I could have bit them in my playing career. Now the guys have a bit of a break ahead of them. Plenty of time to rest and refocus for round two. I 'tn looking forward to the next round of the playoffs and plan to be there every step of the way, cheering these guys on. I hope that you will. too. Frldcty, Apr' 18, 2003 A5 it\JJ1t . \!:::?JfmiinRjJ,j/l Floraf& Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• <949) 646-6745 I Acro~s Jrorn Ralph!>) THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S f P •·r~ ,l\H1J'\~ .a,·. • v.\\ • 11 1 " 1663 Placentia, Cosca Mesa 949..,46-4838 ·--....... __..._,,_~_ The soft folds of Vignette' window sh<ld1ngs l\OIN come 1n three new fabncs that ~I to ev~yone Camt see them toc:Uy ... ~ ......... , ... . ,,, '' . ,,,, ..... ",,, 1 Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE'S t~-7~ ~~-.-~~ ./.~•01•n;f- ,..----- . I FREE MD travel kit l'llllu."61 With any $125 MO skincare purchase -· .. ~ Gregorie' s fb.lrs Monday 11am·9pm. Tuesday·Sunday 9am 9pm 200 Newport Center Drive. Suite 100 Newport Beach. California 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM 949 644-6672 Let Us Make Quality Prints from Your Digital Camera The Easy Way! Simply bring w your media card or visit us onlinc at www.alameru.c.om .... -----~~-~ ·- M Friday, ~· 18, 2003 NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WBY NOT TRY ••• ......... BaVlell'•, F111• PIA, ,. .... Steaks, ............... , IDT lllSSILS Ill TOWN! ..... ::F ............... ........ for ........... , ·NICK'S lllTGlllTE I PlllERIA OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR C ENTER Mon-Thurs. 11 am-9:30pm 2300 Suit Fri.-Sat 11am-10:30pm Harbor Blvd., e K-1 Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (S4S) 722.-7566 ca.aun11111 nus L..--..!.-..:.-------J OPEN EASIER SUNDAY AT 12'CIO NOON Hop on over for Easter Sunday! We have a lot of competition but our Ribs don't! Celebrate Your Easter Moroccan Style! Dinner at 5:00 p.m Ter1titd tables, low lights, poll .... douds on the~ and 1M1Y bely daiars wl anly delW1t you and your guda clni1g ..,.tenc:el Authentic Moroccan CuL<tlnc and atmosphere. our prof ·sstonul staff IS c~ r 10 make your vtslt to ~1rtake h a mcmorc bl one. Thbles for two and large P' ntcs wck ome. Catenng • r'lc.I t. kc:out JVdlkthle. 1'76 ·~aw.· C01ta M..a ..__.__~~~ (949) 645-8384 Abo: Snadio Ory -(818) 78 -6)~ and I.a Jolla -(619HS4·2SOO ~ ............. ___ _ A\91.~!!9 located Just behind the Oransc County ~rfOmWlS Arts caar .m Soulh eo.t 11pato1y Theater, A\'O's llltro Is • gem Weltln9 to be discovered. From tredttlonal McdlterrMCen favortta such • tunlllus end ,,,,., you'I-Ind a variety of lai'nb, salOod, ~Md pmte dishes. Avo's also treats YoU to a specious ~ pMlo that overtooks a ~ Mike end btauWul glfttefi. - With delicious Mediterranean treats, bceutlful dining and patio area, easy ~ and wltt*\ walking dlstm'lC:e to the playhouses, "'*! A\'O's • restaurant to Cine et soonl · 580 Anton BIVd •.Costa Mesa {714) 556-6555 www.avos bistro.com ~C!J (~~ING) RESTAURANT Celebrate Easter on the Water tJI.... and Join us for our Champagne "1' Easter Buffet Brunch Four Stating Times Availablt 9:00am • t 1 :OOam 1 :OOpm • 2:30pm • l'.fll' Hnttdin & O'"t'lttU &r • S'"olrnl S11ws•s & SiM Dislia • I rrslt Majood C~ P11J111 • C,l11uil ""'" l: 8tef C""""t Sl.iian • 1-rtsh I rMrt & ~1111111 84r • Gour'"" l>Nst'ftJ {~ Crrpa Adults: SZJ .95 C hildrm: $11 .95 /'/iu Iii-\ 1111J frillUll)' Call Today for Reservations Ovt'-Dilimt • w~ Sutmtt ~ 949-675-2373 503 E. Edgewater • NC'\W}>On Beach Newport-LancllDg.com (Formerly the Tale" the Whale) Easter Buffet Brunch Located ln lite Hiltorlc Balboa Pavl.llon on Nrtt1port Harbor n.o 5-tblf 'It.a AwU.W. 9:00am • 12..-()()pm • Ecgs kMdkt. OnWtta ~ WaflJa • GoUnDet Frah SWdt • Frah Sufood Sd«1ion • Gbied Kam Ir SmoRd Torby • GounMt ~ • Cfq)ft • Fmh~ •Side OWia $20.00ptt ~ Ltirp PMfln W~kCMN:I 400 Main Stred • &!boll Vtlliie • Gill 7bdQy fw &.nutloM ..U,..,,_t S.Ottt, AlldoWI 949.673.4633 . .. oo Main Street 1-2110 NSWPOllT LANDING 503 E. Edgewater ' Newport Beach (949) 675-2373 SKOSH MONAHAWS 2000 Btvd 2833 w. ODllt Hwy ~= SKOSH MONAllAWS 2000N~Btvd Costa Mesa <949) 548-0099 Italian AMiii.NS 3 11 Marine Me. Balboa lsllf1d (949) 673-6580 CA ... •10'5 3 520 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar 1949) 675-1922 CAl'lllMU 1617 i1f Onve NeWport Beach (949) 548-4060 • -_::_..-...., N...S- 901 Soottl Coast Drive Metro Point Costa Mesa N 19 zualES CHICU.N COOP 4 l4 Old Newport Blvd Nevt1>0rt Beach (949) 845-6086 Brewery/Tavern Bars DUllTY Na.&r;'$ 2915 Redhill Ave Costa Mesa (7141 957-1951 NEWPOllT SE.ACM UEWINCCO. 2920 Newport Blvd Newport Beach (949) 67~449 SIUDIO CAFE 100 Main St Balboa Penln$Ula <949> 675-n$0 1Hll JMDHOUH Harbor BM1 at Triangle Square Costa Mesa (949) 842-0090 Buffets sou~ 1555 Adln1' Ave Costa Mesa ·.· Chinese (714) 631-3000 MICrS RISIOll.AN'n 2300 Harbor 8tvd Costa Mesa <9491 722-7566 SAU.11NO'S 251 Shipyard Wil'f Newport Beach <949) 723-0621 VILLANOVA 3131 w Coast Hwy Newport Beach (9491642·7880 www villanoverestaurantcom Japanese A.MACHI 2675 Irvine Ave Costa Mesa 19491 645-5518 MNIHANA 4250 Birch St Newport Beach l.9491 955-082 Persian ,, . i Oally~t fndly, ~ 18. 2003 A7 FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -~Mall to Editorial PaQ9 Editor S.J. Cahn at the Delly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Cotta Mesa, CA 92627 • Reedef1 Ho11ne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 E-md:Send to dallypllotOlatlmn.oom •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all aobmiulona for danty and length. READERS RESPOND N arrowiµg down the hopefuls AT ISSUE: Whom should the Costa Mesa City Council pick to replace outgoing Mayor Karen Robinson? W e have just sent the following letter to the four members of the Costa Mesa City Council, in the hope that they will appoint Unda Dlxon to the seat vacated by Karen Robinson: It has come to our attention that a vacancy on the Costa Mesa City Council has occurred and that, after reviewing submitted resumes. you and your colleagues wiU be appointing a new member on April 21, 2003. Since time ls of the essence in this matter, we are writing today to urge you to appoint former Mayor Unda Dixon to the vacated seat. As longtime Costa Mesa residents, we recognize that holding a special election for this position would be very costly: therefore, in Ueu of a new election. the legitimate thing to do wouJd be to appoint the runner up of our November 2002 elecuon. That indivtdual wouJd be Dixon Because the current City Council vacancy is an elected office. we feel strongly that the council members should adhere to the voter's wishes Not only is 1t the right thing 10 do. 11 ic; the fair and lawful thing to do. Funher, Dixon served on the Clry Council for four years and, in our opinion, is the most qualified person to fiJJ the recently vacated positjon. We will watch with Interest 10 see if the elected members of the Costa Mesa City Council demonstrate the overall Integrity that we have entrusted you with in preserving the validiry and legality of our political system. MR. AND MRS. L£E MORJTZ Costa Mesa We support Linda Dixon to fill the vacancy on the Costa Mesa City Council seat. She had the most votes of those not elected (in November) and is eminently qualified. Her experience as a councilwoman and mayor will avail the council of many years of experience on the Planning Commission and City Council. JEAN AND GORDON PATE Costa Mesa If Costa Mesa City Council members want to know who voters want to fill the vacant spot, they need look no further than the runner-up with the most votes in last November's election: Linda Dixon. If the tables were turned and any of the current council members found themselves in a similar s11uauon a., the next highest vote gener, I'm sure they'd think this solution is fa.ir. I urge our City Council to do the right thing. SUZI BROWN Costa Mesa I wouJd like to extend my support for Mike Scheafer 10 be nominated as our City Council member. Scheafer has considerable passion for Costa Mesa and had been involved at all levels to promote our city. He i~ weU qualified and always a good listener to the need of the community. Scheafer, 49, is president of the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor Lions Oub. He has served on the Parle.'> and Recreation Commission and was a director for the Costa Mesa Sanitary Linda Dixon D1stnct. Katrina Foley AlMOREW Costa Mesa In a recent lecter to the Daily Pilot, Lillian Gorbety suggests that the City Council appoint the person that had the next number of votes after Karen Robinson in 2000. This was Heather Somers. I wouJd like to voice a very loud second to her suggestion. I was most disappomted when Somers lost by such a small number of votes and that ~he didn't ask for a recounL Somers was most lcnowtedgeable about the issues facing the council and did her homework, researching the issues. Her stand on El Toro was in direct contrast to Robinson, who didn"t know anything about the debate, and as far as I can tell, never learned how 1mponant it was. Somers would be ready to serve Immediately. as wouJd another council incumbent recently defeated, former Mayor Linda Dixon. It wouJd be a service to the entire communiry lO appoint either of these two capable and experienced women to the council to replace Robinson It would also be the most defensible decision that couJd be made, while savtng the city a considerable amount of money and ume by not havtng to have a special election. AGNES DUBBERLY Costa Mesa Regarding ( O'>ta Mesa's C1ry Council appointmen1 of Heather Somers replacement for Karen Robmson- Costa Mer.a 1s losing a City Countil member who is bright, anaJytical and able to bnng unity in the face of di!>cord. She ii. able to remam calm in the face of hostiliry. She deftly runs council meetings by maintaining order and senling matter'> expeditiously She is a role model for our daughter~. so they understand women are equally important in government and the dec1!.1on -malong process. As an added bonu'>. '>he give~ u!> free legal ad.,.1ce and analysts m everything she revtew; on behalf of the Cit)" That creates huge potenual savtngs of lax dollars m our hug1ous soc1el) WouJdn't ll be great 1f we could replace Karen Robmc,on wtth someone with all of her attnbutes7 We can That I'> why 1 wouJd like our City Council to appoint Katrina Foley as l(aren Robinson's replacement. GAY GEISER SANDOVAL Costa Mesa To the Costa Me<,a City Council members: 1 wouJd like to encourage you to consider Kalflna Foley to fill the council seat being vacated by Mayor Karen Robinson. As the former chairwoman and current member of the Planning - Comrrussion, Foley has demonstrated her leadership ab1hues and has her fingers on the puJse of our c1ry Foley knows Costa Mes.a and has a vested mterest in 1t<; success She 1s the nght person to fill the vacant council seat YVONNE ROWDEN Costa Me'MI Mirna Burciaga I'> among those who have offered themselvec; for cons1derauon to be appointed to the Costa Mesa City Council I have known Burciaga for the pa.st year while worlong wtth her on the Costa Me~ Human Relations Comminee. Burciaga attends edch meeting with thorough knowledge of the agenda items. ac,lc.s thoughtful, well-prepared quesuons. make'> u!>eful arguments on mean1> of accomph!>hmg goals, makes contact<; wt th other'> 10 the community to och1eve our aims and works d1hgently at our funcuons She offers to do more than anyone else. does what she promised and he always exceeds expectation!> I've talked to my neighbor'> IA-ho know Burciaga from her acll\11lt') in neighborhood school) ~he 1) regarded IA.ith respect and adm1ra11on for her work as class mother. on !>thool Sile councils and the Cmz.en Over<,1~t Comrrunee. Burciaga sees things that need to be done and she gets them done. She uses drive. determinauon. research into available resource<, dnd la~ and she exerts great tact m bnngmg other-. -parents. teacher'>. local and <;tare adnumstrator5 -1010 her point of view. All this. and she run-. a bu.,me'>'>. too She is a wonderful cho1n• for our ( ity Council ARLENE E. FLANAGAN { O'>ta Mec,a _l,IA(M The Nenport Harbor A'aurical Afuseum cordial(r invites you to a special exhibit & book s1gmng featuring signed limited edition prints by It's Happen ing at the Harbor! ( .. ~ .. 10 0: 50MMUCI ~f OU!llS ........... ,." ----.~ 23rd Annu<tl &Ing fhe Nhok (dtrJ//y {Ot dfl '1(lvnoon of SN-MNfhy {Un. You un C1tlltr A,~T {ot 'tt~-you~ql Intl ~ lht Clelt.ltJM o(loul 5tA f'tll$trs Nltttw ~ tllr ~ ,,, 200 TWl(Ot ,,__ "'"" ~ ~ ltunt ""fM:bl L,f yoc1' ~.,,. tht ~"'...,, '~"""" t•flA Mth ~,,ll)J, "'4Sth ""' -~ """1 Dlf •4Wl fr>ttMrt lfllh.., 11,,.,,,..,.. """°"' ..., 'ltw ~ iP>ll rb4l4I ~ Cid. "-'-"'""". """"""' tht ,.... """"' ,,.,,, ,.... ,.. """'~ cht..,...., P"1y If 11'tS, "''" /'fires Ii ltdm ho.t fO" "" btlp SdW tht 6.ty. • c,_""--'.,..,,..,,,,, 1"""" ~ .......... "'C'rlf,._,., .... "or,~~­• ,....~~~r(~ (Jl/1949-675-8915 {ot "'°"' ln~n. Ill[ BELLPORT ........... , ... .... , ..... •• SCHOCk I 0 A T S JOHN STOBART America's Most Celebrated Marine Artist Jobo Stobatt, Newport Beach-The Pavilion 1910 -We have the last of these pnnl3 fot .:al~. Galle[)' Exhibit Prints & Originals Opens April 12-May 4 /Oaln-Spm Closed on Mondays Limited Edition signed prints Wlll be for sale.. 30% will be donated to the museum • Meet The Artist BoGk i aln& W\.ne • Cboac llecqllC>OO Saturday May 3 l/am-Jpm Sunday May 4 JJam-Jp,,. Featuring Mr ~·· new book of painnnp titled '1bc World of Sall and Steam .. THE NEWPORT HARBOR AU11CAL U EUM Hpay (the IU~). ~a.a, 92t6l !J).716.l • -11: ~ • ..,. ..... «I FIW Al#Umoft Worship and activities for the entire family _____ _ ' I s, it pos.1iblc to cxpencnce joy amidst crisis? Can we hold on to something or someone fur dear life and stiJI let go of our fears? Come sec how the nory of Baster unfolds, with a speci.U Easter Sunday service by Pasror Tim Cdck. Find out how others have managed their tc.irs on rhe1r iourncy toward joy. 1 hb special Easter Sunday service includes great music and drama, full children's programming for infanu through 'ith grade. with an Easter egg hunt for children. ages 3 through 12 years. Good haday ~rv1ce in cludes communion and wor~h1p for the: family. Come wor,h1p wuh us this weekend at The: Cro~~ang du rang the\c: special S<"rvacc: umcs: St. John the Baptist Catholic Community 1015 Bober Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 540 -2214 April 19, weer Vig/I 6:30 PM -Celebration of the Eucharist [Viemamese] 9:30 PM -Celebration of the Eucharist [English] April 20, £1.Iter Sundt1y 6:30 AM -Celebration of the Eucharist [Vietnamese] 8:00 AM -Celebradon of the Eucharist [English] 9:30 AM -Celebradon of the Eucharist [English] 1 I :00 AM -Celebradon of the Eucharist (English] 12:30 PM -Celebradon of the Eucharist [English) 2:00 PM -Celebradon of the Eucharist [Spanish) A Blesse~ Easter to aff. Please join us in cde6ratin9 Cf\rist. our .C1Je. St. Joachim Roman Catholic Church Easter 2003 Do nor be ama.udJ You suit Jesus of Nazareth, rhe crucified He has bun raued. he If nor here. Mark I 6·6 Ar 1he beginning of Lcn1 I ulled the pc<•pl' of St Joachim pansh 10 .i n~n~~ inum.icy wnh )t5us Our cdebrmon of U.srtr u 1hc re101C1ng Lil profound love .,.e shue in J~u> ( hns1 Words fail 10 dcsmb< rhe inner 1ov. pace .t11d S«Unl') from 1hu tnllm.ite love of J~ More th.in .111'\< 01her 11me in our history .trt we Lil grn1 need of dus profound love of ksw In .i world full of uncermnry. violence .111d fcu more pcoplc K.irch for !.llmcthtng sc:.urc We the d1SC1plcs of Jcsw. know 1h:11 true Kcunry as found in 1hc surrender of our self 10 1hc love ot Jtlw. I encouragt others 10 101n us thas l:..tstcr, so that they 100 an sh.trt tn this profound lo\ie of Jesus m our midst The foUowmg schedule is 10 .u1u1 you in malong pf;ins to cdcbmc our 1oy in the love of Jesw April 12 & 13: Palm Sunday April 17: HolyThlll'Sday 5 30 P\f Vigil (Sanmby) 8:30 AM Morning Praytt m English 6 30 A\i. 10.00 AM. 5·00 PM M~ (No Mass) INO 11 30 t>C 11 00 A.\.f Massi 7 30 PM Mass of the Lords Supper April 14: Chrism Mass (81lmgual) 6.00 PM .ir ~1 ( olumb.in Churdt Adormon of rhc Biased Sacrament 11 the in C.ardm C.rmc Alw of ~sc unnl I 2;00 M1dmgh1 April 18: Good Frid.zy April 15 8 30 AM Morning Prayer !No Mus) 8;30 AM M.w (English) I 00 PM Pa.won, Vcncmaon of Croo 9· 10 AM Confessions 6 ()() PM .\Im ISf:wiish) 1.11d Holy Communion (No \b.ssJ 6 30·'>00 P\1 Confc:ssions April 19: Koly S.turday 8 30 AM Monung Praya (8Llmgw.ll April 16 8.00 Pf-4 Easier Vigil \b.ss with Bapwnu 8:30 A.\.1 Mass (English) IBLlrniual) 9· 1 O AM Confuta0ru April 20: Eutcr Swiday 6 00 PM M.us (Spanish) 6JO. 9:30 • .ind 11 :00 AM Masses 6:30-9:00 PM Confessions (NO S:OO PM Mass) No SchtdMkd crlflftuums on Th"ruky. FrUUy & Sltturday of Holy ~tk ~~ St.Mark Prcsbyte 'rtan Church EASTER WORSHIP 9:30 am & 11:15am Celebrate with us the ResW'rection of the Lordjesu.s Christ 2100 Mar Vuta Drift (comer of Jambofte & Eucbluft') N~rt Beach, CA (949) 6#.-134 l WWtr·Mm·rkprnbjtrii•p.oq ema.iltltlllal'trdar@aol.com • Good Friday, April 18 at 6 and 7:30 p.m. (dcmcnwy aged thildrcn and older attend main service.) • Easter Sunday, April 20 at 7, 8:30, lo & 11:30 a.m. (no children's programming for 7 a.m. scrvia:) The Cromni is loutud 1112 1I5 Newport Blvd., Until Mmz (near th< comer of Newport &ukvard and 1(inori4.. Enter from V'UTona or Nn"pon &ukvard, 1ou1h). For mo" information, caU (949) 645-5050. Vim our Web sitt 111 www.cros.nnionlme.com. Celebrate the resurrection S 1. Mark Presbyterian Church invites you to to 011c-.inother and how to grow spantuaJly stronger and deeper. F-• .bter Sunday worship. Service:~ wall be: held at 9:30 and 11:15 am. God h.c. called us together at )t. Mark Chun:h an 1his rime and ~r. Mark's regular worship services and church school 1s at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays, with an Adult Forum educational series and Junior/Senior High Youth pl;1cc: to lave toward the v1~1on of the reign of <.1od g" en us by JesU5. ( )ur m1~s1on. therefore. •~ w act ~ Cud > hand<. and voice, .u agents of rc:conciliauon and compamom in our commitment w jc:\US• Vl\100 God hos called us together at St. Mork Olurch in this time and p lace to five toward the vision of the reign of God given us by Jesus. Group following the St"rvicc: at I I a.m. St Mark as ;i.lso home to the Nnvpan Community CounSt"ling Center, wh ach offers counscljng w victmu and families of domcmc abuse. We nurture .ind comm11 ourselve~ children. youth and aJulu in a program of Bible-based educ.moo and fc:llow~h1p that teathcs w the way of discipleship. how to be instruments of peace and support St. Marlt Presbyterian Church, a place wrrh open arms and opm minds. is locattd at 2 I 00 Mar Vma Drrve m Newport BetJch. CaU (949) 644-134 I or l'lllt the Webs1uat urww.srmarltprtsbJttnlln org lioly Week &hedule 2003 ~tur<by, ~I 13, Passion Sunday Bfl..,\lni. 11 P.alln'o btotOft .all '1.1.asse<o CF11ldc.are 8 30· 11 JO Tilt P J" on of Chrnt '-1U\lt. dnd lmd~eo. or Hoh \.\ee~ Choir tol'l(l'rt Sill pm.' Thursday, April 17, Holy Thu~y \.1rnn1n1 Prayl•r 8 !fl a.m 1n tht' Church Ewnin..: MJ\\ ni 1h1: lord\ ~upper :' lO pm• Ad<ir.lllun un11I Mrdn1ght on the Hall Friday, April 18, Good Friday "lo 8.JO am MJ\~ 11 00 norm• C.u1dt!d Med11a11on\ 1 00 p m • S1ll•nt 'Vlt>d11Jllon 1 In pm • Ct•ll•bratlon ol the lord"\ Pa~~1on L1tul}oty 01 the Word Veneration or the (.M\ Communion ~n.oct• 7 lO p.m Station\ of tilt-Cm\\ Saturday, April 19, Holy Saturday °'II 8 ]0 • m M.IS\ ...,o 5'()() p.m Ma" 8:00 pm • · [a'>lcr V1g1l Mu\IC lor Choir, OfRdn Bra\' Timpani 11 {10 pm RKept1on 10< ~Iv bapt11Pd .and n~h re<:e1~Pd memht•r, Hall Sunday, April 20, Wter Day .,. 00 a n Ma\\ m Chu rt h Cantor 8 JO .1 m • Ma\\ 1n Church -ConlempcJ<an,, Choir Ma\\ rn Hall -C.lntor and Trumpe1 lO:<XJ J m • 'Via\• an Churth Aduh Choir .lnd Brass Mas\ in Hall -Conlemporarv Choir 1110.a.m Ma\\tnChur<h CantorandTrumpet NO EVENING MASS EASTE« DAY •Child care av.Ji/able m the P.Jrish Center during these services. (949) 644-0200 Our Lady Qg_een of Ar\gels 2046 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach, CA 92660 )}~J) ,;. ,P~.P .. l St. John The Divine ! ~ Episcopal Church r Celebrate our Lord's Resurrection/ The Great Vigil of Easter Saturday at 8:00pm Easter Sunday at 8:00am and 1 O:OOam 183 East Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-548-2237 The amazing story of Easter A pril is the month each year when we celebrate the final, dramatic cvcntS of our Lord's life on this canh_ We Stt we ask or imaging, according to his power that ts at work within us. to him be glory in rhe church and' in Christ Jcsw throughout ·all generations, forever and evcrl Amen." (Ephesians 3:30) veiled power even before his b1nh throughout hu mmistry, his frtcndsh1ps, all culminate in this dramatic week. When it seems rhat power is dcfe:ucd, 11 Pastor Tim McC.Olmont The convinced believer aJlows God co fill this momc:n! with his full0>t blessing and power. I trust you will look with me inw this amaiang story and allow (;od to make this an 1-..uter is rhen renewed and fulfilled an the unexpected event of Easter morning. Hearing and seeing prescnuaons of ms life 15 filled w11h drama that fim shows full light and power with hu rcsurrc:cuon and then points us beyond lntO ClCrnltY. Paul wrote: to the: churches an and around E:.phous .. -Now to them who as able w do immeasurably more than .ill cc:lc:br.mon unlike any other. Come: bv and he part of this great \Cason and please: bring a friend~ ~c:e vou an church P a.swr Tim Mcc.ilmont Thr Pmbytman Churrh of thr Co1•mant " located at 1850 Farro1ro1 Ro.ul rn (' osta Alna, one mrk 1ourh of the F.rtn rro. arr on thr -105 frrro.·a.r lor fanhrr rnformarron, ctJll rlu church officr at (714) H~-:U40 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Roman Catholic Church will hold 'JK'CW ICrvlccs thlJ weekend. On Good Friday, April 18, rherc will be a Solemn l.iru.rgy of the Lord's P.w.ion ar I and 7:30 p.m. On Sarurd.ay, April 19, chc:rc will be ui F.asrcr Vipl Mw at 7:30 p.m. On Ea.nu Sunday. Apn120, thctc will be M2.SSCS at 8 and lO a.m. and at noon and 5 p.m. ONr LMly efM'""' Cmntl u l«A1tJ "' 1441 Wm &JH. Bll/'J., N~rt Burh (.«(15th Srrrtt 11,,J &1bOtl &ukwrJ •n t~ ~ Pm~. Ftlf 1Mrt infomwtion, clllJ (949) 67J-J775. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF SAINT MICHAEL & ALL ANGELES HOLY WEEK 2003 SCHEDULE Palm Sunday, April 13 ·Holy Eucharist at 8 am and 10 am Holy Tuesday, April 15 • Tenebrae at 7:30 pm Maundy Thursday, April 17 • Choral Eucharist at 7·30 pm All Night Watch at the Altar of Repose 9 pm to 9 am Good Friday April 18 • Ecumenical Worship at St. Mark Presbyterian at Noon • Stations of the Cross at 7 pm • Good Friday Liturgy with Music at 7:30 pm Holy Saturday, April 19 ·The Great Vigil of Easter Begins at 7:30 pm with the Lighting of the Paschal Candle Easter Sunday, April 20 • Festival Choral Euchanst wrth Choir Brass and Organ at 8 am and 1 O am • Easter Egg Festival at 11 :15 am Located Oft Marguerite at Pacific View Drive • Corona del Mar • Tel: ...._0483 · NURSERYCAREATALLSERWCES . I C'1nst rimltred wor5lllflp1nv co1rununny rcacllmu out in lv1noe1um Nur1un1 and Servant Mlnlstrv Spend Easter with the Risen Christ "Just What Difference Does the Resurrection ·Really Make?" (Matthew 28:1·10) Dr. Johft A. Huffm1n, Jr. Pr~athm1 ~tutd•). pnl 19, .100•. <1\0 r.M. S.•d·~ Apnl 20. 200), 7.00. •:to~ 10:11 AM. ,_.,... frM N....-pon "-'-H ~ •t 1nW _.. l~di 600 SC. Alldmn It.Did.~ Bno;h, Oilihmlt.. o;166J .U.S 1"4•1 •l t f AJI lnl~~nnfl 9'ttwww"11'11f!nnpttt11•g Easter is our defining mom ent ____ _ B elovcds in Chrur, Eancr is our Jcfinrng moment as Christians and rC$urrccti~n defines Easter. When you think of Jesus' resurrection, whar comes' to mind? A mirade? T hat after bemg l'Xccutcd, Jesw came to life in a resu rrected body fully acccssorizcd ~itb supernatural powers? This is a f.ur, maintainable point of view. But ~t that rime and place, accounts of"awakcntngs from death" were neither unknown nor uncommon. So the: proclamation of Jesus rising from the dead would not have been new news. Do you, as many I know, think that Easter proclaims a fiction? Where arc you m rhe shaggy cale wnh which Fred Borsch begins his chapter on "Resurrection• m God's Par~bk? In rh1s fiwon, Jesus' bonC3 arc found but it serves to convince one \kcpuc (only) that "Oh, rhcn he did lave. Scl~-dcl1U1on and rnrporatc Jccc:puon couJJ have carried the first dtse1ples only so far I think; onJy r<'SUrrcct1on explains for me their subo;cquent self-denying, dcarh-dcfymg mw1onary 7..C~ anJ succas, and our presence here, now. I-or others, l..A.\tcr prod.;a1ms that Joul. mc:uphorically speaking. w;u ra1~ up m .;a lOn tmumg life m the hody of hu fc1llowc:r., a following that h;u haJ life on its rolJcr coutc:r ride through cenrunes in ro arr;iy of cxprc~s1~n) w11h1n th.;it rnmmun1ry ullc:d The. Church. TlllS, roo. is ;i F.ur \ltCW of the resu rrection of Jes\15. Bur 11 docsn t mdude the \/Cry rCll l11mmcal expc:ncnccs of some truly r:wonaJ JX'(>pk who, through the realm :md . range of time, have testified to having enu>unicrt.-d the ltv1ng pr1c~ncc: of JeslJ.\. A final fair position I suspect some 11( us t<tke i' that as Jesus wu raiscJ from rhc Jc..ad ~' we.: ttH> will lrve for~~·.Wdl, ~e~ if J~' r~ing did me<1n the !hlme for us, ~liv1n~ forever" doe5n't smkc me A\ so plc.u.mt ..a poss1b1laty. Thls,U~e, ~ 1t 1&, wor/.d w11hou1 r11d"as old prayer books pur it, is no< !>omc:rhmg J w.im,tn CllJOY forever. lmmoruhcy LS a wonderful pro)pctt precisely beau~ 11 ernbrac.c:~ .i life ;.ind .;a world whtrt' All 1\ well, where g~ triumphs'. where right reigns. where lovt u v1c.roriow. Herc . .i.JI is nc-vc:r well• Rc~pon~ ru 1..lls tor compassion, mercy, kindness, peace:. ju.mcc and love ..arc too often, "No•" . As I experience the gospel story, the purpose: of Jeslil' m1~1on and ~m1~rry w;u co prud.;um rhc.: nc.imt~ of the presence of God. Jesw nor only proclaimed tt, he pcnonified 11. Wherever he wcni, wh;.ucvc.:r he.: u1J .rnJ did, for those who entered h15 prcscn(e 11wu.u1f good h.iJ been embuJ1cJ nght m.;adc m.in1tn 1, :.inJ love enRcshcd. Then, Jesus was k11lcd. Wrcing ~med to h.ive won. lbu world \houtcd ~11' 111 < ,,,J Easter is extraordinary because 11 proclaims< ,,,J') mcxhau~uble .inswcr tu cht "'"rlJ \ ptr\t\tc.:nt :--.;,.?" l:..uu:r proclaims God's crcrnal "Yes!" Will we dare to confroni .ind confe~ the tru1h .ibout thl '-'>ntrnumg bruk,nnc'>l> ol uur l1h·~ .rnJ 111 rim wt1rlJ where lirtlc is ever wdl and .i.JI is nl'Vlf well• Will Wl d.irl 111 hope th.i.c for cVU) hum.an Nu" thl'rl t\ J dt1'lnl "Yes!?" Dare we hope 1ha1 this J1v1nt "Ye:~•·.< •• ,J, fif'.t "'orJ brc;.ithcJ ml<> bu11g lit, 11 rl1t JJ"-'ll .,1 crt~ri1111, wilJ be God's last word <11 rhc du\c of 1h1, .i~c hrm~mg rn111 lx:rng the fullnn~ 11f lik l 'l rl.c.w1~ \X111.:n "-C '" dare, Easter IS our dcflnmg momt:nr llu: Very Reverend Canon l'ctu I> I I.aye\, Hcttor .... uni \111.;had & All Angel' I pt'l"l'·I ( hurch For more mfonna11011, call (9•11.J) 6+1 0 161. '" l'/Jll 1llf U e/, "".it u u·w Jtmrlre,. dm ,,,., Our L:~0o~~~~~~:armel Come Experience the Joy of Easter 1441 West Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach (At 15th Street and Balboa Boulevard on the Balboa Peninsula) For imormation call (949) &73-3n5 at the NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER LITURGIES First United Methodist Church of Costa Mesa GOOD FRJDAY -APRIL 18 Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion: 1 :00 PM Solemn Liturgy of the Lord's Passion: 7.30 PM Service T imes: 6 am & 10 am Good Frtday 7:00 pm FESTIVAL EASTER Worship Service with Choir & Orchestra Aprtl 2oth at 9: 15 and 11 :00 am 798 Dover Dr., Newport Beach EASTER VIGIL -APRIL 19 Easter Vigil Mass: 7:30 PM EASTER SUNDAY -APRIL 20 Masses: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 Noon 5:00 PM First United Methodist C hurch (949) 548-3631 3fayyy Taster 420 W. 19th Street Costa Mesa, CA 9 2627 (949) 548-7727 h ttp://www.cmmethodist.org from your friends at Our lady of Mount Carmel ~ Ch rist Church by the Sea United Methodist invites you to the 13th Annual Community Eas ter Sunrise Service ,\\Ji~ " ~ ~ CO ME REJOI CE, cuu:i CELEB RATE NEW LIPE ON EAS TER SUN VAY, A p vW20! 6:30 a .m. -Sunrise Se rvice on the beach at 14th Street Bring your own beach chair or blanket. The Balboa Feny will open at 6:00 am on Easter Sunday 8:30 a.m . -Informal Easter Worship in the Sanctuary (A 45 rnin Service with ihe Sacrement of Holy Communion ) t 0:00 a .m . -Easter Worship in the Sanctuary (with Child Care & Sunday School for children and youth) Refreshments and r~llowship after 6:30 & 10:00 a.m. ~rvic~ Christ Church by the Sea United Methodist also offers ... ./ CHILDREN's CENTER 7 a.m . to 6 p .m ., M-F Phone -(949) 673-8233 ./ YOUTH FELLOWSHIP ./ BIBLE STUDIES .;' 12-STEP MEETINGS • (AA and NA) For more infoi!nation contact: Christ Church by the Sea United Methodist 1400 West Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach (949) 673-3805 ' ' ~-·"· --~.: I •~~ ,,--· _J Presbyterian Church of the Covenant invites you to join us in our Holy Week Celebration Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:00 a.m. Palm Sunday Worship Service Thursday,April 17,2003 6:30 & 8:00 p.m. Mauncty Thursday Service of Gathering Darkness Friday,April18,2003 6 :30 p.m. Agape Supper and Communion Sooday, April 20., 2003 8:30 & 10:30 a.m . Easter Sunday Worship Service , 2850 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa 714 557-3340 Pastor Tim MoCalmont MualC Director AmOinette Bralla The Easter message needs to be heard especially loud this year _____ __.;... __ _.___ W hen I was a kid, I couldn't wait for Christmas. I loved the God's last word. tastes, smells and sights of the.season. Sure, I loved the Charles Wesley wrote in his Easter hymn, Christ tht lord is RUm gifts, but I couldn't wait t0 celebrate JC5!15' birthday. T°""'J, ."·Love's redeeming work is done; AIJduia! Fought the fight, However, I never really looked forward to P.a.ster. I liked the time "the battle won, Allduiai-. off school and the candy, but I ncvet liked ~aving to get all dressed up . God's lov~ in Christ Jesus rcdccmed each and for Easter Sunday. My mom would always pick out the most flowered · every one of us on that Easter morning and Christ and pastd dress she could find, and she usually had a hat to match the fought the battle of death for all of us. dress. And I never got why we cdcbrated Easter. Praise the Lord! War and hate cannot drown our This year, I .("ttwhy y.tc celebrate Easter. Our world is in turmoil. lf the work oflovc in the resurrection. Our world you want to get away from all the news co~ecagc of the war, you have needs the Easter message told loud this year - to stick your head in the sand. Easter is on its way, but it seems that maybe louder than ever. The life and love of Jesus this year, it's uking a long time to gee here. Easter is the day in the Christ needs to be heard again and again. church when we celebrate the raising of Jesus Christ from the dead, So I say, "Come on Easter, hurry up and get here three days after his crucifixion. Easter celebrates the victory of Jcsus already!" Christ over death and evil. Easter is the ground of our hope -that sin May Easter live in us each and every day and and death don't have the final word, but life and love in Christ is restore this world to faith, hope and love, the I Verde odist Church , Senior Minister on, Youth Minister t 8:30 and 10:00 AM Aprtl 13 @ 10: 1 5 -Palm Sunday Featurtnc Uahthouse Kids April 18 @ Noon Good Frtday Communion Service Aprft 20@ 10:15 EASTER CELEBRATION new.life easter 2003 at mariners church saturday, april 19· at 4 & 6pm sunday,april20 at 8:30, 10 & 11 :30am .. --~ ~- c:: .. C H U R C H greatest of which is love. , -Reverend Stephanie Toon, Youth Minister MISll Vtrtk Unit~d Methodist Church is located at J 70 l Balter St. in Co1t11 MtSll. Call (7 l 4) 979-8234. NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH All are welcome. Come celebrate the miracle. Good Friday Evening Service 7:00 pm Easter Services 8:00am and at 1 O:OOam 1601 Marguerite Ave. Corona del Mor, California 92625 (949) 644-07 45 Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor • . . ' "I've been here six years and I have never look ed to work anywhere else. I have not interviewed for anothu job." Pat Oou1l•11, UC Irvine men's basketball coach Oatly Pilot Sports Phone: (949) 574-4222 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD B• 'E•t M -.;PAP\i~ OA.v PlLOT Orange Coast College's Ke1nan Briggs clears the last hurdle in the 110-meter hurdles with a huge lead. Briggs won in a time of 15 44. OCC won the tn-meet. FOUR WINS FOR BRIGGS Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot WSTA Ml \A ( ena111 track and field athlett>S iump from eH•nt to t>vent barely having enough ume 10 take a much-needed breath beforl' the gun sounds agam Breath or no bredth. Ordflge Coa..1 CoUege's Ketnan Bnggs '>howed h1'> prowes.<> Thursday in an Or.mge Lmp1re Conference tn·meet with vi.,11111g I ul- lerton and Santiago C.dllyon, mnning four events to lead the host'> to 174 points. Fullerton came in .,econd '"1th 121 while Santiago Canyon tallied 16 Coast improve., IO 6-0 \\.1th the Ol·C preliminaries and champ1onsh1p'i scheduled foe lare nc>.1 week Orange Coast sophomore dominates four events in Orange Empire Conference tri-meet as men stay unbeaten. Bngg ... who broke the .,thool renird m the 11 O·meter hurdll'" earlier till<> '>ea!>on 111 14.2 .,ccond.,, \\!JO the ...ame e\ent Thur'>day in 15 44 \,htJe placing first m the high 1ump 5 let•t "'i triple 1ump (48 feet. 7 mche' .ind long iump !2 1 ·5 • ·I was trying lo keep Ill\ lead leg 111 light because 1t swmgc; 0111 a Im. Rngg'> ~d about his effort m the 110 hurdle., ""The wind makes 11 feel ltke I hdve a parachute behmd me ... ··11e is our moM valuable kid." OC < mt'll'> and women\ track and field head rnach John Knox <;a1d of Bngg., "lie hamiJe., aJI the 1ump., and the 400 rt• l.t} Rlu.,tel") cond1uons prevatled Thur .... day on CX..Cs lrad •• but the ommou.,. looking blalk clouds in the d1.,1ance '>tayed away from Coa.,t, keeping thmg<, dry Hut Coasl la.'>ted from the fountain ot victory in mne of the remaining 14 l'vent'> followmg Bnggs. \1arlon Coner)' won the 100 ( 11 371 Cassity soars to new heights for Orange Coast women Sophomore leads OCC to victory, while Hannah Geider, Finaldi each double in fin al tri-meet. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA Ml:.SA -The number 5 holds significance for Orange Coast College ophomore Lauren Cas.sicy. 1!.hed second to ( oa'rl'> I Ianni Ge1der by 20-hundredth-; of a second. Ge1der claimed the high 1un1p (4-feet·8) while Cas '>Icy threw the 1avehn 98-9 to w1n. Both Coast and 1-ullerton came into Thursday's meet un, defeated and OCC C.oat:h John Knox knew it would be clo..e be<:ause of the '>conng "}"item ~ed that gave poinb to first- and second-place lin1.,hers. F'ullenon won nine event' to Coast's eight. But second place was where the meet was won. The Pirates (6-0) placed second in eight e-.erm 10 onJy five for Fullerton. "Usually, improving two inches in the shot put or throw Ing 1t further in the iavelin wouldn't matter for the team score, but (Thuri.dayl it did." Ca~ity said. ·11 can come down to two or three points." \\htle Juan C..amllo hc'>ll'd the field in the HOO t;.!:00 401 and C.1lben 'ialas took .,econd in .! O I 70 Vidal Barragon and 1'.ev1n ( urle' wenr 1 .! for Loa.st m the i 000 1n Y 0 I l .tnd q·()6 I. rt"ipectively. while Anthon\ Darnel<; tn the 400 )fl .riJ and [)J,1d Bare an the pole ,auJt I ~ I 1 t•ad1 plared lir.t Bare took seL· om.I in tht' J•t\ din thrm' 131-6 Hlakt• Dorman won the shot put H Hi) .and the 100 relav team of Coner- h l>amt·I,. \\a.,hangton and Bnggs lrO'>.,t'd liN Ill 4.! -l <.,ophomort \rt D1d/ '"on the 1.500 m I 02,<;. whill' H.irra~on tool. !>eeond m 4 07 I 0 D1.v 't't a per.,onal best m the 1..500. but he needed aJJ the energy he See MEN, Paee Al2 In her two years at Coast. she has played five spans. in- cluding track and field -in whJch she Is a heptathlete - competing regularly in five events: the javelin throw. high jump, shot put, the 100 meter and 400 hurdles. She occa· slonally throws dlscus and will run in a relay. such as she did Thursday, as host Coast"scored I 58~ points i.n an Orange Emplre Conference tri-meet to beat second-place PuUerton, which tallied 140 points and Santiago Canyon (16Y.i). "Anything I can do to heJp the team with points,~ Cassicy said after she completed the 400 hurdles in which she fin. Thursday's meet didn't come down to the final event, but stiU provided a showca.,e for Coast. Roseann Peters won the 800 (2: 19.9) foUowed by sopho- more Michelle lcban (2:21.2) See WOMEN , Pa11 Al2 OCC's Michelle lcban fought off a strong field in the women's 1500-meter race to win in a time of 4:41 .47. Her teammate, Ava Jones, finished second m 4:43. 72. COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL _J DaUy-PWt _J Sportl Hal a/fame '~-"·'--"" . . . tpAo<tl 2 lllono<ff MARK LORENTZEN frtda1. AD<tl 18. 2003 All GOLF Holstein first to qua lify for Tea Cup She wins Big Canyon Country Club title for second time in a playoff. Nobody here twists your arm There\ nobody saying you abso- lutely must play m the Tea Cup Oassic or Jone'> Cup It'!. purely an mv11auon. Understandably .,o 11 might be a little unnervtng for amateur golfer. who aren't used to playing m front of gaJlenes or under the media !.<:runny of your. Lruly (We take 1t easy on you, trust me J But. sull. the fabnc of the two Newpon Me!><! community event., '" to celebrau.• the club champion!> The Tea Cup Oa.s.,1c. our pnmary RICHARD DUNN focus m this <>pace toda} on the heel!> of~ llobtems relent Big (..clllyon Countn CJub women\. utle. wa.., launched b) this '>pom. ~c· lion to deter- mine an overdll women\ cham· pion m the Dady Pilot c1rcula11on. followmg a '>le\~ 1 of large margin.. of victory It started m 1997 as a w.ty to promote women~ golf. bnng the golf com mumty closer together and cele· brate the area., four women., club champions m a spec1aJ one·da\, 18·hole format Thus our fin.1 Tea (up <J~1c tn· Vltauon for 2003 go~ out to Hol stem. who captured her 'iecond Big Canyon title last week in a one hole playoff agamst Martha Redfearn Holstem who won the 1999 Big Canyon utle and played that sum- mer m Tea (,up Oass1c 111. trat.led Redfearn by rwo shots entering the final round, then won m the tops; rurvy final round At the par-4 17th. Redfearn had a one-shot lead. but hH mto the trees and then mto a bunker But Red, feam ralhed with d 30·foot putt for par, while Holstein called a penalty stroke on herself when her ball moved on the green · At the par-5 dogleg nght 18 with a creek guarding the green. Hol- stein reached the green m three. but Redfearn hit into the water and the player.. firushed ued after regu· lauon. On the first playoff hole at No. I. Holstem made par and Red· feam tut into the dnnlc on the nght 10 end the suspense ·1 basically played percent.age shots. I didn't go after the gJttns. • said Holstein who added she knows exactly how Redfearn feels. because Holstem lost a two·stroke lead on the last hole and tut mto the water on the first playoff hole m 2000. Holstein also added she's ready to play m Tea OJp Oass1c Vil at Mesa Verde Country Oub this sum· mer, which has yet to be an- nounced. Last year's Tea Cup representa- tive from Big Canyon. Olivia Slutz- ky. became the first pregnant player to compete in the Tea Cup She gave blnh earlier this month to a baby girl. Kyra. iFor1ner Anteater basketball standout returns to UCI as assistant M urphy leaves Riverside to coach with Douglass. SteveVlt'l•n OattyPilot • Tod Murphy wUJ return to his alma • mater u an 1..'Milstanl men's basketball coach for UC lrvlM. head coach Pat ~ said Thursday. Murphya ap· polntment LI dfectlYe May 1. ucr had • vacant usistant position opm atltr former 1111 wu I.An Stevens rtllgned for ~'* reuon• In &M riddle of IUt teUOn. The Anttaten mfc1Jt be witbOut another tant. u I associate head coach Tudd Lee inter- viewed for the head coach posJtion whh UC Davis Thursday. Murphy. the career-record holder for games played with 117 and the No. 2 player ln points (J ,178) and rebounds (837), is excited to join the UO talf, which also lnclud Mike Jolwon. "'This Is an opportunUy to retUm to 00 and let ~ know chit I pail to be pan d tNis program ti. a. dnli,. MAI" phy aid in I pr'9 .a.. illl.ied by dw lthooL ·1 am sited mst Che oppottu· nity and arn looidrW b"'8ld ID ~ O>ld'l Jbigtw and 1* Pl"OIPl1' OOOllnue the lllCC8I tha& hM been~ cMr1he IMt ltMrll ~ I ilMll)'I t!I .... chit INSIDE • UCI associate coach, Todd lee, interviews with UC Davis. Pqt A12 my ultim.1te dream job ls to be the head coach at ua and I am~ bwatd to jolnfrc the propn." Murphy uld be We> wanttd to make- tho mow from UC RJvien.ldo to UO for h famUy. He ind his ¥file. ~ ba 1 daughter, AMle Jane who wu bOm last week. and theY IM in I.Nine. Murphy's brothtr. nm, ls an · istanc coach at t rfVll cu Poly San l.u ObitPo. The MW UCJ &SSUunt coach k>nlfd for the opponun ry to fe't\lm co l A12 frid<ly, ~~ 18, 2003 SPORTS COLLEGE MEN'S BASKETBALL BRIEFLY Lee interviews with UC Davis Sea Kings product Hansen honored Anteaters' associate head coach is seeking job with Aggies, who enter Big West next season. .Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot fodd lee. the associate head coach of the UC Irvine men's baske1ball team, interviewed for the head coaching position at UC Davis Thursday. lee said. Lee Is one of three candidates being interviewed for the job this week. Eric Reveno. a Stanford as- Sl!>tant coach, has aJso been in- terviewed. Lee said be enjoyed the Interview. · I met a lot of people and lhey arc similar to lhe type of people ar UC Irvine." said Lee, who will awa.1t UC Davis' decision in lhe coming weeks. "I heard that (UC Davis) will interview three peo- ple and either make their deci· sion or open it up again." UC Davis will enter lhe Big West Conference next season, and Lee seems to have a bit of an advantage since he's bee~ coach· mg in the conference for lhe past c;ix '>easons. · I already know the landscape ol lhe Big West very well.· Lee c;aid "Plus, it's a UC school. so they have the same type of ath· lete'> as UCI. It's a very smooth tranc;1tion in that sense, should it happen." Lee also worked as an assist· ant in the CBA in 1993 and 1994 under Eric Musselman. who was hired last summer by the Warri- ors and asked lee to join his staff. but the . UCJ assistant turned it down because his goal ls to become an NCAA DMsion J head coach. lee has been an assistant coach with eat Douglass for the past nine years. Douglass. the UCI head coach, and Lee won an NCAA Division 11 championship at Cal State Bakersfield in 1997. Shortly thereafter. Douglass took Lee with him to UCI. where the Anteaters had just completed a 1-25 season in 1996-97. UCJ has since risen to become one of the top teams in the Big West, recording three·stra.1ght 20-win seasons and back-to· back conference regular-season championships in 2001 and 2002. "I t.hinX he's a perfect fit for !UC Davis]." Douglass said. Douglass reiterated Thursday that he has not been inlerested in coaching for any other school than UC Irvine. Earlier in lhe year. there were mild rumors that had him involved with UCl.A. and even with all lhe other openings across lhe na- tion, Douglass won't pay any mind to that. 'Tm happy where J'm at,· Douglass said. "I've been here six years and I have never looked to work anywhere else. I ha\le not interviewed for another job.· , STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Orange Coast College's Hanni Geider ch~ars a hurdle in women's 400ffleter hurdles. She won the event in 1:10.10. WOMEN Continued from Al 1 lcban, the defending state champion in the 5,000 and 10,000, paced to a 4:41.47 to win the 1,500 Thursday and was followed by Ava Jones in 4:43.72. Jones would place first in the 3,000 (10:12.5) as Suzette Dinoso crossed in second place in 11 :04.30. Jennifer Hnaldi. the reigning state diam.pion in the pole vault. surpassed the competition by dear· mg the bar al 11 feet while racing to first in the 100 (16.6). C,a.s.gty, who has played socrer. volleyball and softball in her Coast tenure, fin. LV\ed second in the 100 (18.30). Ftnaldi placed second in the tri- ple jump (32-8~) while Jasmine Geider raced to second in the LOO (13.73). Viviana Gutierrez took second in the pole vault (8) and MEN Continued from Al 1 could muster. Hanni Geider placed second in the long jump ( 16-V.). Simone Peront. Jasmine Geider, Hanni Gelder and Finaldi teamed to win the 400 relay In 51.19. 1Win sisters Jasmine and Han- ni Geider, who both went to Es- tancia High, join Cssslty as hep- tathletes for Coast. •It's kind of crazy. w Cassity said of competing in several events. wit doesn 't seem like there are enough hours in the day to do so many events. But we get through the weeks, work- ing out and helping each other." With the Orange Empire Con- ference championships next week at Santa Ana College, Coast figures to p ack a strong punch in hopes of placing as many athletes as possible in the state championships. The top six will qualify for the state meet. "'W!'D be stronger next ~ .. Knox.said. "Vk ~a lot of depth.· (23.67) and An1quan Washington in the 400 (50.7) also doubled for the Coast men Thursday. •OOU£G:S r.tEN'S VOllln'- Mlli Stanford m1shirt sopho- more sener Kevin Hansen, a prod- uct of C.Orona del Mar High. has been named the Mounlain Pacific Sports federation Player of the Week. Hansen led Stanford to road victories aver Pacific, UCLA and UC Irvine Wt week. He set the Cardinal to a combined .357 team hitting ~· ln the tMle matches, and had 143 assists, 25 ~and eight blocb. The fourth-ranked Cardinal (17- 11, 14-8) opens MPSF playoff ac- tion against UC Irvine on Sarur- day night at 7:00 at Bwnham Pa- vilion. This is the third time, and sec- ond time in a row, that a Cardinal hM earned MPSF Player of the Week honors this season. Stafford takes fifth •TRACK AND FIELD: UC Ir· vine senior Jessica Stafford placed fifth and junior Annma· rie lurpin finished sixth in their section of the California Invita- tional Heptathlon that con- cluded Thursday at Azusa Pa - cific University. Stafford compiJed a total of 4,9 15 points and Turpin had 4,904. Fionna Asigbee of Mis· souri finished first with 5.1 5 1 points. In the three events Thursday, Stafford went 16·5'!. In the long jump, threw the 1avelin 127 -8 and ran the 800 meters in 2:22.12. Turpin recorded marks of 17-6Y. in the long jump. 109·5 in the 1avelin throw and 2:37.75 in the 800. 11le March 18 action ended in a 5-5 lie after eight innings, as Sage Hill scored one run in the bottom of the seventh to send the game into extra in- nings. Jordan Salinger, who scored the game-winnlng run, reached on a three-base error for the Ughtnlng In the bottom of.the ninth. Sage Hill (7-5) will play at noon today against Liberty Olristian in the consolation semifinal of the Sage Hill Spring Oasslc. If the Lightning win il will advance to the consolation final at 3 p.m. Nonl111ut Sage Hiii e. Saddlebactc V.C. 5 Conclusion of March 18 gamtt Score by lnnlng1 SVC 003 cm C)OI) s a 3 Sage Hill lOO 030 101 -6 s 2 Nmlh inning Olkie and Fair Loper and Korn1w1e1 W -Loper, 3-1 L - Olk1e 2B Hayden !SVC) Coast clinches second •VOLLEYBALL: Orange Coast CoUege's men's volleyball learn came back from a 2·0 deficit to beat host Irvine Valley. 29-31, 26-30. 30 28. 30-22. 15· 11 , in an Orange Empire Con· ference ma1ch Wednesday night. The win gives OCC 06·6, 11 ·5 in the Of-C) a second· place finii.h in the conference behind champion Golden West. Poyer Poia led rhe Pirate'> with 21 k.Jlls and Dane Gillian added 16. JUNIOR TENNIS Glatch in Easter finale "I wanted lo get out quick. but the wind really kills you, I am tired, -Diaz said. Pedro Nambo placed second 111 the high jump (5-4) while Ryan Stevens followed Bare in the pole vault, clearing 12-2 Ronaldo Vivar leaped 19 feet ui the long jump and Joshua Larear foUowecl Briggs in the triple jump (38-11 ). Only the fir~t and second place finishers were scored in each event Thursday, an attempt to keep the meet as competitive as possible, Knox said. "This is an NCAA scoring sys- tem, which is used lo prevent blowouts,· Knox said. "We might have placed l ·4, but we could only use first and second in the overall score ... Sage Hrn fini hes SVC • BASEBALL: Tim Willi.ns singled with one out to deliver the game-winning RBI in the ninth mnmg of a game con- cluded from March 18. leading the Sage I hll School baseba!J team to a 6·5 nonleague win over visiting Saddleback Valley Ouistian Thur<;day. Levi Luster tallied six solo blocks and two assisted blocks along!>ide nine digs apiece by Ka10ne 5cott and Man Skolnik. Coa<;t beat IVC Cl2·8, 9· 7) in four game'> tn the firc;t meeung earlier thi., '>ea!>on. PAJ.M SPRINGS -Newport Beach's Alexa Glatch, seeded No. I in the girls I 4s at the presli- giou., Easter Bowl junior tennis championships. defeated lrina falconi of New York. 6-0. 6-1, in the <,emifinaJs Thursday at Rivi· era Rewn Racquet Oub. Glau:h. who will face second· SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College UC Irvine at Un1ve~1ty of the Pac1l1c, 1 p m Community college -Orange Coast vs Reedley at College or the Sequoias Tournament, 11 am High ed'lool -liberty Christian at Sage Hill noon Softball Communlly college -Orange Coast at Saddlob&do:. 3 p .m Tennis College men -UC Irvine at Pepperdine 1230pm Tr11dl College men and women -Vanguard et Pomona P11Zer lnvttat1onal, 9 e.m H1uh ldlool -ea.ta Mesa, Sage Hill and E stane•a at Mt SAC lnv1t11t1onel. ( Robert Brown in the. 200 Coast will compete in the OEC prelims Thursday at Santa Ana O>I· Lege with the final<; set for Friday. BASEBALL Coast · advance~ to a Southern California Regional final. ho()ting fl Camino Tues- day a t 7 p.m . seeded Maggie Mello of Laguna Beach today al 9 a.m. in the title match, has yet to drop a set. In the girls 18s singles, Corona del Mar's Anne Yelsey knocked off Jessica Nguyen . 7-5, 7-5, in the quarterfinals Thursday and will play Vania King in today·~ semi finaJs at 9:30 am Pirates win twice in Sequoias tournament HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete ofthe Week ser1es TODAY 20 -David Rodnguez Estancia Football, ·oo 22 -Charlie Waite Newport Harbor Baseball, '98 Vlw.JA -Orange Coast Col· lege used its bats to climb back to a .500 record after scoring 16 rum for two wins in 14 innings o f baseball amid rain in the Col- lege of the Sequoias Tournament Thursday. The Pirate~ I 17-17 ·I l received a c;olid pitching performance from Kvlc Allen to wtn the first game. ·4-3, over Cabrillo, m a game that ended after eight in- nings because of the ram, OCC Coach John Altobelli ~d, Allen improved his pitchmg record to 6-3 after tus complete· game performance that came with seven st.rilc.eouts He al- lowed one earned run on sue hits Pirate sophomore Ryan Mathes smacked a solo home run in the fourth inning. OCC exploded for 17 tuto; in a 12·5 victory over West HI.I.Ls, and the game was called after six in- nings. Sophomore John Grant went 4 for 4 with three RBis and three runs scored. I le hammered a three-run home run in 1he ..ec- ond innin. Colle&• of the Sequolu T oumam9nt First game Oninge Coast, 4, Cabrillo 3 Score by lnnlng1 ace ooo ut Ol'l 4 e 1 Cabrillo 100 002 oo 3 6 2 Allen and H1c:ts. Blanctoett. Jones 171 and Bedter W -Allen. 6-3. L - Blanchett 28 -Halen IOCCI, P1askowwki IOCC), Marty !Cl. HR - Mathes IOCC) Secondg•m• 0re"99 Coast 12, Wes1 Hiiis 5 Scont by Innings ace 032 m tl 11 1 West Hills 100 0')1 s t2 I Fanas and Grant. Garcia . Smith 14) and Allen W -Farias. 2· I L-Garcia 2B -Stanley !OCCI 2, Benoit 10CC1. Shaffer IOCCI. HR -Gra nt IOCCl Showe!WHI UCI loses third straight STOCKTON -University of the Pacific scored three nms in the bonom of the first and went on to handtheUClrvmebaseballteam a 5·3 loss in the Big West Confer· ence senes opener Thursday. UCI (15-24, 3-4 in confer· enceJ was the first to get on the board o n Mark Wagner's RBI swgJe to score Jon Horwitz. who had singled. advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt. and third on a wild p11ch 811 Welt Conference Peclflc 5, UC Irvine 3 Score by lnnlng1 UCI 100 200 000 J 7 I P11c1fic 310 ooo 10. -s 10 o Swan1on. Nicoll (7) and Werhun; Pena, Willick 191 and Amezqui1a W - Pena, 8·2 L-Swan1on, 1·7. Sv - Willldl (6) 2B -Fisher IUCIL Stanford IP I, Harper !Pl 38 -Well1s IUCll 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 le;al Notices 2640 Lepl Notices 2640 LegaJ Notices 2640 Legal MoUca Buch Co\ta Meu Daily P1lnt Aprol 18 7!> May 2 9 20()3 f 301 Puiif.Ciiur1n1s will be held by lhft Costa Mua Plannln& Comm1u10n at Clly Hall 11 F '" Drove, Co,la Meu Calllorn11. al 6 JO p m or o soon u pou1bl• lharutter on ....... .,. • ... 11 28, 200J, r"1ardin1 the fnllow1n1 apphu11ons I Appul of Zon1n1 Admon1sltat0f·s O.cost0n fOf M1n0f Ou11n Rev .. w ZA 02 60 tor Jeft May l•nd. authorlled •cent tor John Rice tor 1 second story add111on lo an u1Stin1 11n1le family residence w1lh 1n o emption from parkln& reQulremant\ due to Inadequate 11n•11• di· men11on1 ( 20' x 20' required 73 5 • I 9 u1stin1) local•d al 2S6 Rose Lene 1n en RI rone ( nv1ronmentel d4termln1hon exempt II 1ny of the preced1n1 •t.l1<1ns ••• ch11len1ed on court the chellenat may bt limited to only tho'• IUUH M>meone r•ISH at lh• public heanna docrlb.d In this notice or In written carte 1pondenc1 d411Ytttd to the Pl111nln1 Commiuk>n ti, or prlof to. the publtc hurlna For further In tot mi lion on Iha •bove epplw a hon•. leleptlone (/ 14) 7S4 520 Of Wl~ll the oltka nt the P~n n1n1 Dlw11t0n, ftoom 200. 71 r aW' Drive, Cosu Meu, C1hl0t11 t Publl•htd fllewptrl hKh-Costa MM• Otlty l'tlol Aprll 11, 200l f30I cm Of llWPCll'f If.Mii IOnalMWl9S Seeltd bldl mar b• received el Illa attic• of tllt Cit., Clttll, llOO H •IHWI tou eurd, ,,0 lo• 1761, "••port I tell, CA m'll•l'5 unlll 11 00 • m, 011 tl\e l&th fay of Mat 200l. ti "hl<JI t l'N MKh llid alld ti._. arid r e4 '°' MMMUlllOM VilD INTlHICTION IMf'llOVIMINTS Tift. ef l're)ecl Cenlrect Ne. JJ6t Sl,540,000 l ftglft••<'• hllmett 8100Cll'S LISI l\VAll A8l£ ON CllY WEBSITE http 1, www2 city newport beach ca u~/pbwb•dh\I default •$P Approved by /S/St-.tt-G. '""""'• l'o;t,tlc Wtrlia OtreC1., l'r ospec live b1dd11 s mey ob~1n one ut of bod documenh lor $6!> 00 et th• ofhu of the Publlc Work' De p1<tment. 1300 Newport Boulevard N1wport B11ch, CA 92663 Contractor l1cenu Cl•n1tlceloon(1) re quired for lhl\ proiect A r or fur lhtr 111rorm1· l•on. cell f ona Tse, ProJect Manacer at (9451) 6« J340 Publllhtd Nt wport Buch CMt• Mtu D11ly Pilot Aprll 11 ?003 f llt S.......tf ... ,. 'ltfU..tf Rd!IM ......... Th• follo111ln1 P•••on h•• •h•ndnntd the u .. of the r1ct1tlou1 Butl nus Ntrne· GIS Ntt workt, Int , 501 St A11d•ew• Rd , Newport leKh, CA 112t41l The J 1Clltlou1 Bull~V 111me ,.,.,,., to •toff wH fifed In Dra111e Cou111y_ Oft 2 22 02, fll.£ HO. 2002Cll32'1 CIS Ntlwotk1, Inc. itA>. 501 St Andrtw1 ·~HtWl>Oft l!IHCll. CA Thia bUtl"9U It ~II• dllttld by· I COfJ)O( etloll GIS Htt WOflit. llW:., ,ltil flmtoll, Chief hec Officer lhta lltlerNnt WH f1~4' wllll ttltl Counlf CIHll of Ou11,. County Oii 04/ I 1 IOJ JOeMttMOI O.il1 ,...., • lli.,25. Illar 2. 1. , , tJ fictlllM a...u "-*'-' The followln& per sons are dorna buSlnen as Collons A•enue p, OPM toes. 500 llna•llt• Avt Corona Del Mar CA 9262S E lt•n• K W11l11ms Trustee of the Williams !rust 500 Anaeht• Or Coron• del M•r. CA 92625 (roe P W1lll1m1 Trustee of the Wilham• F1mll) Trust A. 500 An1ehta Drove Co•ont d1I Mar CA 9262!> Enc P Wiiiiams Tru1tu of the Wiiham• Trust. 500 Aneellh Drive. Corona del Mir. CA 92625 Thi,. bu,inns '' con ducted by • cenet1I pertn•nh1p Have you surted doona business 1•t7 Yu Oc.I 1 1997 Cr1c P Wollrams This statement was filed with the County Clerk ot 011nae Cour1ty on 04,/0l/03 2001 .. 40IH Dally '•lot Apr 11, 1 I, 25, May 2. 2003 r292 BETfOIPIOPOSMS Oran&• County Sanl t1tion Dl1tr1c:t (OCSO Of tilt Distr~t) of Onnae County, CthrOf nit, will rKelve ... ltd propos11t vntil Mey II, tooa et 1t00 P••· l'rOpO\alt mu\t "8 r.Cehrff et OCSth Admlnl>t111ton lobby or 1'11rcll•••n1 Oi11i.M111 ()thee, tly Illa d•t• •1111 .. ,,,. '* tffl Move Mt forth, 10l44 tlHt A'tllntHI, Fountain V11tty, Callf0tn11 917<11-7011 • UOUHTfGa ~souos DIWAT ... MOl TISTM,IPIClfKA· nott NO. s .. toos-1 aa l'ropout' •u.-t be •11b1111ttt4 Oii the form llJ9l)lled ., OCSO In eccorda11u with •II fl'•• Ion• of th• ~i ltce M s.ectf1nt-1, propoeal 111•11111, .... r.;mw 11•• 1111ti0fl ""' "*"'"•tttle*" ... -. ta' pot. <714J 96? 2'1 I Pubtl\hed Newitort Bu'h Costa Mew 0111y Pilot April 18 2003 f'J06 The lollow1n1 P•"°"~ ue doonc business ~'l hndl 177 R1 .. rsi~• A•enue suite 1144 Newport Buch CA 9266) T 1mothy P 8ancrofl 177 Rrversode A•tnue suite 11 44 Newport Beach. CA 91663 And•t Stec ki. 177 RIYers1de A••nua suott 11«. Newport Beach, 91663 lh11 bu1oneH 11 con ducted by a 1•n•r al parln•,.htP Hev~ you atarltd doma buslneH yell Yes. 02/ M/03 Andre Steck• Tiiis 't•ltmtnt wu f1l1d with the CGunty Clttt. ot Ouna• County on0312t/Ol 200HtU440 D11lr Pilot Mat 28. Apr 4, 1 , 18, 2003 F244 Actll. .... .......... Thi followlna persons .,, clolnJ llu1ln8'1 H [hNe11. 2689 Pllt M.u Ct • Co1t1 Men. CA 92$27 Hlcholu A11clttw R••lwlu•er, 124 w .. t Slmmon1 Awe., An1ln11m. CA92I02 Hell Al•n Wnlftt 41~ ~•Wiii Ave Cypr • CA toUO ltlan Joseph f ll.lbert, 1&89 1'111 MIU Ct , Co1t1 M1 1, CA t26:t'7 Tlll1 bu.kl•• 1 con dUGted by. 8 l_tl\.,11 p111tn1uhlc> He.,. rou •t•tad dolna tlutlftDI yel? No N"l!ntn ll•wllouttr Tl'lt t•te1n1111t •H hle41 witll $ile toi111t1 ci..11 or Of.,,,. C4ontr 011 Cl.1117tW IOOMt.17111 o. " l'dot ,,.,, • 11 1 •. is Mer z. 200l rm SUMMAl'TOfNOrOSa Robert S Howud 20101 S W 811ch SI OIDIMAIKI 11276 Newport BHch cm Of cosu llSA cA 92660 This buslnfn " con ducted by an ind1v1dU•I Ha~e you s111ted do1n11 bus1nen y~t? Yn A~ul A PROPOSE 0 OROI NANCC " scheduled for e~nptoon et the re11uler C1tv Council meet1n11 of Ajml n ?003 be1n1 0.dm•n~• 0 i .1 rea•rd J!'C a Site Specolot floor Alft... Reho and Sitt Spectt~Resodenl11t Oensoly O• the t901 fllewport P la Prof8cl IHl MOllON lo a•v. Or d1nante 03 3 111 st rHd1n1 earned by lh• followina roll cell vote COUNCIL MIMllltS1 Al'IS1 lletll11•-. Ste•I, M-a-r. NOIS1 Cew- ..,, M8floheft, AISlNT1 .. _ me fUL L rtxT ot th• U<dln•nce may be r .. d 1n the City Clerk's Off1c:e. 77 r air Drive Cotti Mua JUUi fOlCt•, O.,ty City Cterli Published .. ewport BHch Cosla Mau 0•1•1 Pilot April 18 2003 rl27 FlcMM ..... ... s...... The loHowlna peraons are doln1 buatnHt n The Madrid Co<pootlon, ?3002 Allele '•rkway. Sult• 113. Minton Viejo, CAll2'02 Ovtto PIUi, In< (CA), ~30&2 Alk:ll l'erllw1y, Sulle II I, Mi1110n VielO. CA92'891 r11.. tlllt•n-•• <Of!· chKte4 tly. e corpontlon Have J04/ at•led lloin' lhttlneM rt17 Ytt, 11 Olnoo?· Dutro Pl111 , Int , AtlHI GonHltl, CE 0 Tiii• •t•t•m nt ••• llltd with th County Ci.ti! of Ouna• County on04/02/0l 200.ttUtlH 0111)' '''°' APf ti, ~.200J 197J llob .. t S Howard Th" st•t•ment wn hied wolh lhe County Cler~ of Or •nee County on 04/08/03 tooHH01H Daily Pilot Apt I I. 18. 25 Mey 2. 200J f296 ftdlm ..... ... s....... The followlna pert.on• er• doln& bu1lness H Cel•to Cl.asic:o, 2756 C Cont Hlchway. Coron• del Mar, CA 92625 H1looter Mohtmmtd, 3100 Aitwty_ Ave , Coal• Meta,CA92626 Afl R Faram1nclt. ltOO Alrwty ,.,,. • CUii Mui CA92626 Th•• buslnen "' COfl ducteP by husband end wife H•v• you 1\atled ch>tna bu11nen yett Yn. 4/4/ ().1 Nlloot1r Mohemm1d Tlll1 •ttllmlnl WIS lilld with Ille County Clatk et Oranae Count~ on04/0l,I03 100J6t~U1 Delly l'+lot Apr ll, 18, 25, Mty 2. 2003 F21M ........... ... s....... The fel1Gw1t11 pe<IOfl~ .,. dOlfll ~ .. •) Ac.uu Tiit Up, Ill TM ldt• Seminan, tll S•avlew Lane, COiie Meu, CA t2'21 Tttl RllCl'llt, tll SU• view line, Coit. Mua, CA12128 ttM Ito Inna i. con· dV4tef h . •11 lftCllWldual Have )'Oii lta'llld '°"'I 1H.111n .. ,.11 ... T Wt R1tc111e Th•• •l•l•-lll ... rM wlttl 11'8 Co1111tr Clet• •f Ottn11 Cou"h t11ClttJU/Ol ...,.. .... , Delly ..... ,_ 11. D Mey Z. t ?GO.I Ull 1 h• lollow1n1 Ptl\ons are do1n1 butlneu n < fhomu and CynllHe OBA> i<>yh tn Unhmottd 24171 C1talun• Clrcle. M1u1on VlffO, CA 92691 Thom .. F alsey 74:>1 I Cataluna Circle M1n1on V1e10 CA 92691 Cynth11 r atsey 24271 C1t1lun1 C11ck M1n1on V1ej0, CA 92691 This bu•inen 1s cun ducted by husband •nd wife lf•v• you started Clo•na bustneu yet? No Thomes F a1MY Cynthia FtlHy Thi' statement ,..., fli.d with the County Cieri. ol Onna• County on 04/03/03 IOOS.tHJH Otlly 1'1lol AP' 11, 18, 25. May 2. 200J f286 ~ ..... .......... file lolklwln1 ~nont are dolnt bintnen as Whntch11r1 R lh, 511 N Braollhullt StrMt Suite 214 Anaheim. CA 11?801 L• lnvHtmenlt LLC (CA), !Ill N 8roollllunl StrHt, Su1t1 U4, Ana ht1m, CA 92801 Thi> business '" 'on ducted Illy l•m•ted llab1lolyCt Hewe yeu •IMttct doinJ butlnHt ~•17 Ho le lnwtthntnts. llC, l •tnne Th11Hfe11 le Mtmber lhos 1t1ltlll4tnt •u l+i.d ••ll'I Iha County Clttll 01 Or•nce C..111) on0l/.:ai11J lt0Mtsau4 Dailr Pilot M111. 21, •· •• l . ll,200J f"3 ---~--·---.. ,,. OJtly Pilot FudJr, Aot'il 11, 2003 All -"""~ .... ~iiiiiiiii21&1__,.,I -· •;;;'-Naa-•~;;;·~ lApl NClllcls • L1p1 Nadm • Llpl ..... l'iVftCS CW ._, GClllf ~ fldlllM..... fldMm..... ~ ..... Bolu Avenue 1103, We5tmm1t... CaltfOI n" 92"3 ........... ... s...... S•ndr a Mathu1 •I UpJ llalka abo•• art aipply•nt te the Depart111ent o f Alcoholtc llawera1e Control to Mii akohol~ btwer1gH at JOJO HAABOR llLYO STE D COSTA MESA CA 9162fi llu .. ~u yet? YM •·I Ol TaWl'U'I IALE dMlpMio.t. If ••y, o1 ... ~ ... S...... ... se..... UliDCA DIWD Of' II» r.I prop.ny T•· f This st1temen1 was hied with tlla Co11nly Clet' ot Or•l'llt County on OJr~;t>l .IHOll~m' ttlST LOAN HO dMc:rilliMI ._. IA r.. ollow1n1 IMnoni 00)1617'Jl4 oniEa ~ lO be 116) ilr8 do1n1 llUJ!llff& H ' "'".. Ooci.on ~ts Wit• 006111,. r...... TOl· DOl STlEBT 2120 President l'I, J:a 1226S 00 "I' COST4 ME.SA. C4 Mau, CA 92627 truM.IDt 141-411·2' '2626 'Tllt ~1ped John C O'Brien 2 YOU A.U lN T,_ 4*1Wm uy I' DVA\ILT UNDO A laablli"' I« uv resident Pl Costa _... .,... • .,.,,... •-~--, M«u CA92627 .,..... "" ........ .....,.,_» °' the This buSUtus is 'on' ~TD1 P 4..-.. 00•'· -9ddrnl and Dllw ducted by .,, tndlviduat -UNL&ll • c-deellJl.IUO' 11 TAD ACT10H TO u y • .,.._ blniA Tiie Hne you started do1111 P&OTIC1' \'OUR toeal -of die bustn11U yat' Yes, 4/S/ -Of'IUtTV, IT MA\' Id ........ r ...... OJ •.... , ..,,., "' AT uapa -·-0 u,. John C O'Bnen P\181.0CIALIL ,i ::11~,~~ ~ Th11 st1tement wu YOU P«£0 AN and tuiOMl>lc filed with the County UPLANA110N OP ablllllle4 co.o. Clerk of Oranae County -H .. -.... OF on04/ll/03 .:.:!: .::,:.;:.a:,,. • ..,,. expcDKa and ed•am:ea 200S6t40602 , _ ~ -~'"" at tht wne of !ht uuual AGAINST YOU, YOU publlcauoa of !be Dally Pilot Apr 18. 2S. mOULD CONTACT Notice or &alt is May 2, 9 2003 rJl4 A LA WYla. Nacke ii $J)0,639.68 lo lddiUOll lwtby 1tve11 that IO c.uh. lht Trwtce ••II TOWN A COUNTRY eccc114 a culucr't chcd TITL8 Sl!RVIC'E.S. ft'*D oo a 11a1£ or INC. A ~IA nauOOll benk. a cbc>c.k CORPORATION, u drawo by a aurc or 1110lec. or 1-.-federal Cf'Cdll IUUOD or tL """*· or 1..ttalllllkd check drawn by a 11111: 1n1t1tt p.nll&llf 10 me or fedrtaJ .. vuip and o.d of Trwc cxec:uted loan IUOCllllOll.. by CLINTON E IUIOll uJOOauon or MAXWEU.. AND M•uiat t>.nk 1pec:1r~ O:DllSTINA "I UI Secoon $102 or Ille MAXWEU. F'-ncial Code aod HUS8"1'1D ANO authorutd 10 do WlR!. AS JOINT bwUltJI ID tJus lllle Ill TENANTS RecClf'dcd 00 !ht UClll tendu Olbu Olf2.ll200 I IJ th.tn UJh 11 .caped. ~Dl No die T~ IMY 2')()10j97671 Ill 8* . wllbbold the IHWllCC ol hft. of Official die Tnu!U 1 Dcicd unol .lt«:ordl 111 lhc office of fWldi become available die Cowily Rccmlu of 10 th: ptyee or endon« ORANGE. CabfOl"llll. u a m1nu of ncln Sate! ud pcnu&lll IO !ht ult will be a.dt, but Nobee of Dltfault aod w1thoul co•eoa111 or Elecooo to Sell w11noty, u~u or lherelllldet rec:0tdtd lfl1>1led reprdllll Ulle, 01/1~3 ID &oolc. pOHCUIOll OI PIF u llllCNment No eneumbttncc1. to uutfy 2003-03l218 or uld !be 1oc1tb4edoeu Of'lkul Recarcb. w1U ~d by said Deed. SllU. oo 0ji91/200J at adYUCCa lhtrelllldtr, ON THE !'ROST wnh 10~11 u proYJdc:d STEPS TO TllE llluetn. and 1bc u.opald ENTilAJllCE OF rnE pnnc1pal of Ille 1101C ORANOB CJVIC l«\ftd by wd Deed CENTER 300 E with In~ thtm111 u CHAPMAN ORANGE. prc>Yldtd 1n wd Noee, CA 9'l666 M 3 00 I' M feei. ch&rfts and AT PUBLIC ea:pu1c1 of !ht INSICC "UCTION. TO Tif E &lid ()( Ille 11\\SU mated HIGHEST BIDDEJl by l&id Deed ol Trun FOil CASH fJ19yabla at o.ied o.!IMOOJ Clw Ullll ol uk ta T-o A: COWllr)' TiOt ... t.1 _, of lbe Serv!CCj, Ille " Umted Stun). an n&llt. Calllarma Corpan1100 ulk. Md ~1.. AJ TNSC« '°' City comc)"td to ud DOO' Pittway 01~1.. Suue btld by 1t llnde1 wd lOO ClnaF. CA 92'61 Deed cl T re.at ta !ht Saks Lule (71' I '30- propeny lltualtd ID Uld ~ (1"l6J..4.8961 COW117 aod S1.1rc By GABY OSPL"O TIU.Srl:E TECliNICIA:-. l "C 4'9)0B PL'B ~II bnc111&~r ~ Al men Ml> Oe~brd OG sud Deed of Tna1 The propeny lddr«• "''· 4f2.5 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Tn.alM Site No ~ Loen No 1&366295 Title ~ No APN 11~391-02 • 'l'OU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST DA TEO G4/t 3.198 UNLESS VOU lAKE ACTION TO PROlCCT 'l'OUR Pl'lOPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A P\J8LIC SAU tF YOU NEED N4 EXPLANATION OF TliE NATURE OF THE PAOCEEOINGS AGAINST V~ 't'OU SHOUlO CON 1 ACT A LAWYER On Ac>tll 2A ~30~~ llON -... <Uy ~ poll-.d T,,... l6>der ltlO ~ 10 Deed ol Tl\.Sl ~ on °"30l98 .,..~,~I Book PIQll of ~ ~ "' ... Olrlce of fw ~OIORANOE ~~":-LOPEZ A MAAAIED W~ AS HER SOU: N«J SEPARATE PAOP· ~u l~c'r~~ REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. tHC . aa 8ene1io1atv Will SEU AT PU8UC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BlOOER FOR CASH (peytble II time of ui. In l9wtli money o1 .,,. umeo St111". by c:aall. • caahier'• ChK:k dr:9Ml by a llale or ratlon9I bank. e c:hldt m-by ..... ()t ledlt'll credit ~. ()t • died< drawn by • 11:1• 0t ledetel U\ltnOI end loan U80CNlllot\ 8IVtngl liMOCldOI\, ()t ...... =~"',.= Coda Md lllAhOla9d 10 dO ..,.,,...'".,. ... ,Al IN THE QUAD AREA OF n1E CITY HAU OF BUENA p/APJ/( CMC C£HTER AT .0 BE>GH a.VO , BUENA PAA><. CA. ... ngN. ... and ....,_~IO end now hMCI by II l6>der Mid l>-i of TNll In fw PIOP" ~~-= tQl1tllng ... llr'id ......,. .,.. "11119 Utv ~ on .,. ltlcl¥t n-.rtliotlld rhe lollow1n1 patton• ere do1n1 bus1nn> H 128 Me1hhn1. 2549 8 bstbluff Or. &.ti• 410 Newport Bea ch CA 92660 M••ll 01n1 2!149 8 Eestbluff Dt Suite •zo. Hawpo1t Buch. CA 92660 Th11 buslnen " con duct.d by an 1nd1wtdu•I Hawe you sttrlt d do1n1 busineu yet• Ho Mark Dant Thi• stal•m•nt wu ftled wtth the County Clark of 01ena1 County on 04/01/03 200SHH307 010y Pilot Apr 4, 11. 18, ~. 2003 F265 from lhl oourt del1I ~tor PtlltlOnef SCOTl' A. HANCOCK SNYDER, HANCOCK & ASHWORTH 1112 FAIR OAKS AVE SOUTH PASADENA. The followlna penon• 1re dolna busineu as. f llllllHJ, 3181 Altway Ave Suite C Costa Mesa.CA92626 V111h He JIU Alrwey Ave Suite C. Costa lllft•. CA 92626 Helson Cheu. 3188 Atrway Awe Suite C. Costa Mes•. CA 92626 Tiiis bu•1neu II con ducted by a 1•neral parlna11h1p ll•va you started 0o1n1 buStnau yat7 No V1nh Ht Th11 st1t1ment was ftlod with Ille County Clerk of Or•nae County on 04/11/03 2003 .. 40613 Daily Pilot A,pr 18, 25. May 2. 9, 2003 F317 ,...... ...... ... s..... The lollo'fll1na persons •(• doonc business u Hultna Hands Thara peultt Bodywork 120 East 18th Street Costa Mes;i CA 92627 Cert• Samonset 10792 Chestnut Street. Los Al1m1tos CA 90720 Cr1st1 Given. 11930 Binner Or •63 Carden Cro~• CA 92843 Thts busineu 1~ c.on ducted by a 11ener1I perlner>h•P Have you sta1ted do•ni buitness yet> No Crtslt Given This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 03/25/03 7003'931449 Da•ly Pilot Mar 28 Apr 4. H. 18. 2003 f261 RdllMl-...U ... s ...... Tll~ bYSlneU I• CCIII ducted by • cor~att0n Have you 'lafted dotfll bUSIMSS yet? No Hf"TV Inc Tom lM l're~nt This statement wu ftled with the County CJertr. of Onna• County on 03/13/03 2003HSHS2 Ottly Pilot Apr II. 19. 25, May 2. 2003 FJ04 The follow1na parson& are dotna buslnen H Belvidere· Ne twork 1na Enterprises. 3700 S SuHn St #250 Santa Ana CA 92.704 MOftpcees.com, Inc (NV). 3700 S Susan St •250. Santi An1. CA 92704 Thts busmen IS con· ducltd by a c.orpe>r alton Have you started do1n1 buStneu yet' 't'u. 01/ 01/03 Morteaaees com. Inc Oarlene S W11d. Preso dent This statement w's ftled with the County Cler~ of Or •n1e County on 03/15113 700J69Sl43S O~tly Ptlol M11 28. Apr 4 II 18.2003 F258 Ille lollowlfl1 p.r.un' •'• do1111 buJJ,..u n Adam 0 '•obolllly &. AUO<tatH lOOI Aadlllll Avanua Butldinl 5 Su1I• 105 Co1t1 loilua CA 92626 Ad~m 0 Probul1•y 2306 Crn cant Oak, Irvine CA 92611 Tht~ bu•'""' " con· ducted by an 1nd1v1clu1I Hive you 1t11 tad do111a busmen yet1 't'es Ol f 01/1992 Adam 0 Probolsh y Thts &tatemant wH filed with the County Clerk of Or1ncc Cnurtty on 04/08/03 200H940T74 Oatly Piiot Apr 11 18 25. M1y 2. ~3 F288 Rdll.W... tt-S....... Th• follow in a per •ons are dotnt bu"neu as P1ec1i1on Tow•nc 220 Wake Forni Rd Cost• Mesa CA 92626 Emtly Maroa Ceer ?20 Wake f ornt Rd Cost• Meu, CA 92626 »-Ka1th c .. , no Wake forut Rd Cust• Meu CA92626 Thts businus " <an ducted by 1 etnerat ptrlnersh•p H1vt you started do1na bus1nen yet' N Jot Keith Cu • lht' \laltmtnt #1\ ftled with !ht County Clerk ol Oranet Counl 1 ona. IS.OJ The lollow1ne persons 20036940973 are do•na bustness u Oaoly Pilot Apr 18 /5 Kozykart, 294 Prtnceton May 2. 9. ZO()) f J2& Or Costa Mua CA 92626 FklltlM 9'riltsa Eben Woodall. 294 tt-S........i Prtnceton Or , Costa The follow•ne Ptf'l)O• Mesa. CA 92626 Mtnna Woodall. 294 are doona bu,lntn u The followlna persons Prtnceton Or Costa Elder Support Servoco are dolna busoness u Mesa, CA 92626 2977 Tukwood Place Acupuncture & Herbs This bustneu " can Cost• Mua CA 97b26 Newport Hullne Ctoter. Judith S Oahtt 2977 1303 Avoc1do, •140 ducted by 1 aener1I Tukwo••d Pliv Ctlsl• Newport Beach CA partnership Meu. C.A 92626 92660 H•ve you slarted doina Cathuint Batu\ 901 2003 .. Ja.444 Oa1lr Polot M1r 28, Apt 4 I 18, 2003 f'ZS7 Type of ttun•"•I Appltd for 20 OH This 1t1tertM"l wn hte4 with IN Count) Clef" el Of91>1• Count, on 04rOl/Ol 2"Ut .. 1H Ot lf1 l'flot Apr 11 II 2S M•f 2, 2003 r293 S.AH BU.A MC) W!Hl Publ1slled Hewpor I Such Coste lolleM Oat11 Tiie tollow111c penons Pilot April 11, 18 25. .... ..... atl do1n1 bustnass H 2003 r28S Family H .. lth Sottware/ ... ~ Calorla K1111 1760 ,........ The fottow1n1 per.on• Monrov11 Ava •B 10. ......__,......___. •r• dotnJ 1>u11nasi u Ctltla Mesa. Clo 92617 --OCCOUPOHS COM 28S~ Allan Borushek &. The lollow1n1 par1on' PtoeCruk Or C.o'1• Auoctales Inc (CA) '" du1r11 business o Meu CA 92626 Co,I• Meu CA 92627 •I Ctrlson Salet •nd Edward leroy Wall.If' Tl111 bustneu ts con AcQutStt1ons. bJ Freedom 28S~ PtnH•U" IJr dut\td b; • corpor•tton of Speech 21170 Buth Co\tt Men CA 92626 H•v• ;ou started Oo•n.c Blvd . Hunltnaton 8ur..h fh" bu•tnus Is con bustneu yet7 YM. 1998 CA 92648 aucltd by an 1nd1v1dual At11 ,. Borulhak & lukt Carlson, 21170 H••• you started 0o1n1 Au0<t1IH )nc Paul Buch Btvd Hunl1n1ton busoneu yet• No limo V"• President Beach CA 926A8 [dward Leroy Walle•• Thi\ st1temenl wu Th•• OuStnus " con Tht\ stite,,,.nt ..,., ftled wtlh the County dueled by an ind..,dual· hied wilt> the Cuunl) Cltrk of Oran1e County Have you \urtad dornc I Cieri! of Or""'' Co11nly 011 ()3 25/03 bustneu yet? No on Ol 19 03 700$6931450 lull.e Carlson 2003'9S771J Oatly Ptlol Mar 28 Apr Thos statement "'" 01tly Pilot M1t ;>fl Apr ' 11 18 2003 F 260 !tied "''h the Countr 4 11 18 200.1 F 251 .........,__ ..._,___ I Cieri. ol 011n1• County ~-on031303 "-S....... 200S693707S The lolfo,.1na persons I Oa1ly Pilot Al>• 11 18 I are d01n1 busoneu as 25 M1y 2 Z003 f lOJ ,,.,&•Itch Manututurtnt fidt1111s~ I lhtd lollo';1n& person\ ' M1ehon1na 920 N I ~~· .. 1~~· Ha~~·n~~~d~~ Po•nsellta Street Santa ... S..... 24502 Oat Puido Ste A Ana CA 92701 The lollowm1 pttson\ Oana Pooni CA 926?9 Meaatech Cneineerona are doina bus.nus as Sh 11 l u & Manulacturini Inc poZ1ti.1ty u1m 905 2450i ~•I p::Oo 's~;• A 1CA1 920 N Po1nse1t1a hn•n• Pt1 t · Co\11 O Po t CA 92619 S•nl• Ana CA 92701 Mes. CA 9?6lf> 11~~\ 0 1:sineu • .,,n This bus1neu s con Annelt• f(alhtrt ne dutt•d by I co1porat1on Wahon 905 lanan1 ductrd br '" ondovoOt1• P Ha•• 1ou s.tarteo dtl•ni Hive yuu \hr Itel do•n& l~Lt Caste Meu CA bus•nMs yet' Yu j/2<J bu''""' yet• Yes Of, 92626 99 Ol ?002 This busmen is r.on Shrlly l.c>wPll Meeatecn En11nee11na ducted by an ond•••dual Th•l statement ,.0 ' M1nufac turone In< . Have you st11ted dome filed with lht Countr Mehn Pavao. CEO business yet> No This statement wu Anntlle K W1non Clerk of Oran&• Countv on O.t/15 OJ Med #1th the County This st1tement w1s 20036940927 Cler• ur Oranae Countv filed with t~• County Daily Pilot Apr lR 25 on 04 1 l 03 Cler II o! Or an11e County M•y 2 9 100~ F 325 200S69'0Stl on 04 01 03 011ly Pilot Apr 18 25 20036939295 May 2 9 2003 F 31 1 1 Oa1ly Pttot Apr 4 11 fidltM ltniless 18 25 ZOOJ f 2f> 7 Ch.arlotte Chao l ac bustness yet' No Arbor Corclt L•Vt•ne ._ s.... FidttlM.,... ... s...... MS 687 \ltsla Bonita Eben Woodill CA 917~ The lollow1na paf\or>s Newport Beach CA This statement wn Thts bu\tneu 15 con ue tlo1ne bu\1nns •s The lollow•na O"SOM r he tollow1na p~r \(.In\ "' do1n1 buStnru a\ Camp Vitcol Mu••t 1'r- W 1od«O\I Lane All\ V"10 CA !1?656 92660 lolecl with lhe County d I d h S11ltl\ Unltm1ted New are dotn° bu••ness u Clerk of Onnae County Ut • vY '" un1ncor • This bustnen " cotl on 03 18/03 • po11ted •Hoc 11t1on port Buch Hunton11on Cable 1nd S.ielltlt dueled by an 1nd1v1duat 20036937603 oth•r th•n • p1rtn•rsh•P Btacn Aaenc, 881 Promot.ons 19 Morella b~~;!s~o~.~~"~:~ d7:r,~ 018111~ P2001lol3 Apr ' 11 bu~~;:,~oy~~.'~~•<I do1nc ~.".:~0?~1"'a.s.u2: ~A f°:~::1~~:nc;u,~:n92fi:~ 2000 '~ f 215 lud•lh s Dahl• 91b0s Morella r oc.thol Ihnen lhtrlotlt Chao Tho\ \lalem,nl wn Mary MatO'lnald 323 CA 92610 Thos tlatemu11 w•s fidltlMt.siitu ltitd N•th the Count, Crystal fwenut Balboa This b1n1nns •s con hied With the County ""-s......__ I C•t'~ ~f Oran&e ounly lst1nd CA 921>67 dutted b1 an tnd ... dual Clerk of Oranae Counlt - -on O.t 08 03 fhl\ business 1s con Havt 1ou •tarteO dom& on 04 01/03 The followina penons 7003•940129 ducltd by an •nd1v•du1• bus1nt•s t•t' 1ts X.nr 2003•9392t7 are doona bus1nus o Daily P11ot Apr 11 IS Hive 1ou s11rted do1na 1996 Oaoly Pilot Apr 4 11 Get It Out 1668' S•tk 15 M1y 1 ?003 f ?119 business yel' 1., 11 9 E•erol 8ullon MalP•rw (h ,•d r \ l mtr:•an l'D 'It od r~Sf l •nt Ah\O y,,.~ A9?6~ fh1\ bt.1\1nf'\\ \ ,, dutt~ by •~ 1nd •Ou• *'i••f' t DU \t4ftf"d 0 na. !111\ont\\ t•I' 1.-4 :>O 02 ""•tt lm••J·•" 'ti•\ ''"'"1':1""' ... ~ f1l,,(j #Ith •t• ur •, CA 91030 04/la.1>3 04/25>'03 18. 25 2003 r266 I lree SI Fount1on Vallo ., ............ _a._.__ -86 This statement was Rdlft.s llllllllss CA 92708 ~ ~ Mary ""'1<don1ld liled wtth the Cc.unit °"2tl03 Spectrum lnte11ors "-S...... Tll1s statement wn r ~·• nl Oranat County "-S"'-" Int (CA) 16684 Stlktru The followone persons ltlod with the C.ovnt, on 04 11 03 t itrlt. t (Jr .tt'•t C un.t, on04Cl$1"l 700lH,0146 CHs. 52• l"tll H~~A MESA OM. 't Pl.OT Tho fotlowona persons SI F ountaon \I alley CA are doont1 bustntss a' Clerk of Oranat Count f 200>•940610 •re doone businus as 92708 Sand•• s Cleanina Ser on 04 11 03 Dao•y Pilot Apr 18 2~ 91& Bid Bus Unhm1ttd This busoneu " con ••lt 7SJ A Center 20036940600 M•y 2. 9 Z003 f321 428 Morn1n& Canyon ducted by a corpo,.hon Street CC>s ta Mo• CA 011ty Pilot Ai>• 18 25 I rt.ow-a.-L..- DHd of Tn..I" The PfOI> Road Coron• Del M•r H•ve you star led dM•R 92f>77 May 2 9 2003 f313 r.....__, tr1y hefeto4o<e oncnt>ed CA 9262S bu\lnHs yet> No S1nd,. M Mathu~ 1S3 MOTICI Of APPOCATIOM TO M.... S........ 11 bel~~ ·aa la" The Kimberlee l 01dke 1 Spectrum Slntertors1 A C•nler Str~rt C<iSta SBl"(OHOtJC-•MS The lollowtnti pe"ons a._ .....,.., .. ltlO Olhet 428 Morn1n11 Canyon nc Joy luLkwel Mesa CA 92627 M IKYPUOVI art doona busontu a. ~ dH >gnaliOn. '1 Road Corona Del Mar Prntdtnt Jose A Mathut 7SJ A Dtttefl&...l-IL.-Adams C.onslrutlor,n •"Y °' "'9,..., ptCpttty CA9:?62S This •talem•nt w., Centrr Streot Cosh r...,~,..,. 1537 Ponderou •r :=i.::::"'•tr);fH"e Tom Wetlet 26 tiled w•lh lhe County MnaCA92627 -...,2',2003 I Costa Mna CA92626 MASTERS CIRCLE .. Norttltrn Pone loop Clerk of Oran11e County This busin•n 1s tl)n lo Whr.m II May Ja>on Adam• 1537 COSTA MESA CA 92627 Altso \11e10 CA 92656 on 04 1 S 03 d t d b h •b A d Concern Tht Nam•I st Pond•ros1 •C Co•t • T,_ ~ Tn..lte 7003694097 7 U• t y u, ~nw .tn < , • .,Kl_ alYf ll&lltl"Y tor Thi\ ous1neu '' ton ,.,ft ol lht Apphu1n11 > is M•u CA 9?676 IN'I "1CIO<T9dnell of the nucted by co partn•I\ Daily Poto! Apr 18 ?S Hav' 1ou \tarted (lr,on~ are WILD OATS MAR In" bu51nen 1• "" n t. , P1l<•I •p~ l -~ ,.,.., 2001 '2~ SELL your stuff through class1f 1ed! ..,.... ..,.,,_. and ocnar Han you started d111ne May 2 9 2003 f 318 busono\ yeti Yo 03 I\[ TS ll'IC 1 ducted by an tnd••tdu•I common deeignlllOn i buStness ytfl No 10 OJ The 1pphcants hsltd lilvt you start•d doin!l ~.~~~ ~ l\tmber~(Or-e ~--------·::::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~---------~--------~~-------~ Mlle wlll 119 rYWC19 ~ fom Wetul :V ~ : This ''•lament w.n I ADVBT1SUl8fl Kll Dl1'GN UDR PlfOUAllKll"IOll ~ .• ~ ..... I ltle<I ....,,,,, the County Sub1ect to cond1hons prnu1beO by the Un1v .. 1lty of Celtfw1!10, lrvh••. •noon''' I th• un ... r\1h s F'•• 1 • ' .1 n ~. DI Cltrk of Qrant1• County Questtonnaore for 1 Mod•lt•d Oo1an B111ld lOntre l ue sou11ht from Oesoan Builders lo• th~ toll ... ni Pro1~ ~ to pey .,,. on 04 11 OJ 1 COMl'Una SCHNCIS UNn 3 ~ pMClpai 11an o1 200S6940609 ,r.,.n Nv-.r: 9t7' so ::,., =I of~~ 011ly Pilot Apr 18 25 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOR NIA IRVINl ,.....,... ,.,_, u ~ Miy 2. g 2003 r 315 'HOUAUFICATION 0 , ,aOS,lCllVI DESIGN IUtlDHS Mid note( I .0. The Um•ers1ty s promary obie• ltve tn ut•h1on1 the mod1f1ed desoan Ou1ld approach 1s to brtr•i ti,. out ••••IAt.o,. n•e••Al•d =-~ 11 ll!!f. _..J.;,... nc...lllliless dU1f1n ind construction uoerocnce to lhts Pro1ecl Tiit Un•.erS1ty lt1s determined that Oes•an Bu1IOe<s who sob11111 proeoos•ls 9fn'e ol h DiMd ol TIU9t. ... s....t on lh•s Pro1c<t must be 1>fequal1hcd Pr~qual•lled OU•Rn Bu dtf' w II b• roqu•ttd to have !ht loll .. n1i Cohfor n1• cnrtrac tor , ...,,..... "'"· c:twgee The followina ncr>ons hcenw GINlllAl IUllDING, •1 • end ·~ ol h • GINlllAl OCSCalPTION OF WOH = ~ .:C, ~~ ;~~ d~~~R :i~~~n•:~ The propoS<td Computtr St-otnce Untt l pro1tll will COll\truct 87 400 ASf tor the School ot 1nform•ti<1n and Compo!tr Tl\.Sl, '°"""' $164,8113 91? la35 Newport Blvd Ste Science. aaner1I •~s•enment classrooms ""d umpus funded surae spice The School of 1nformatt0n and Computtt Sc •nc• jE.slltnattd) ~ AI09 Cosll Meu CA <ICSI w•ll occupy 48 060 ASf ron\1Stonc of cln\ leboratorin rnu flh space ac•dem1t otf1<e \Pa.• •nd ad,.,1ni\l11t1vt -anCI eddillon9I 92627 office and support space A tolll of 13.J.&0 ASf '"'" be pro•1dcd !or aenc•al ass11nment ctass•ooms hou•inc 79!> l>llal vats .,,..,__he 11 ""'· """' Phil hp R Gustavson in IJ rooms of 1ra11011s \1a\ An addtltonal 26 000 ASf of flu •bit ·sur11e' •P•ct will also bf ptovoded Out lo s.1te 'n,t,.•nh ~ n. fq.119 p'10r IO 1132 St Vincent Place. on the En11nurm1o Computer St1tnce Quadranak' the propostd proiect constsh ot construclton of two \tparat• structures =., Mid ().ed~ Santa Ana. CA 92705 a sm•ll lecture h1ll bu1ld11tti ol 13 340 ASf and • m•m bu1ld1n11 totahn& 7' 060 ASf tllat .. ,11 houH ICS •1 t .. 1t•t\ and ~ •~ end Sara J Cutllnon. sur1•'111C• <194-.c! 10 h "" l l32 St Vincent Place. Moh• 1111141"1· W1th1n the maon buold•n& ln1s pro1ec1 will provide a total ot 27 710 ASf of rnear h sp.ct fo• th• SlhOol ~~llndo.g: Santa Ana CA92705 of lnlormahan and Computer Scoenu 1ncludtn& 25.110 ASf of lle•1ble research l1boralory oll•<t '""'" lhl\ 'P•CP •111 be a... Md fhl\ bustneu is con· conf11ured tn several st/ts of rooms lrom 280 ASf up to 600 ASf lhe rooms will llt outf1ttod woth r"''"'Y around the ~~ of ~-::, pertmeter for telecommun•~•hOn$ c•blonc 1nd ttect11cal w1rona Thest spacu will accommodalt a w•d• rane• ol 1ct1•1toes. EIKtiOn to w n. "" !~fctl•d by husbind •nd 1nclud1nc amona others lab11cahon of new computer hardware \ysttm>. development of snltwart apph.al1on' ind Mlwork ~ ... ~ ~ H••e you started doona architectures. construction ol macn1nu wtlh 1ntet1t11ent systems and de1rtlopmenl ol ad1r1n"d technolotin that rn•li• Ot \.l&n Bectlort; wio"'tie •,; busonen yet> 't'ts, and manufacture of computer systems Inter and chuper Other rese1rch spacts to be pro••Clrd 2 60t A~f onttude October 1 l003 research tu,.,, workrooms and mHt1na rooms 1nd a 1.,,, conference room = lhll!I ,..,~ PhoMop R Custa.son In addtlton to tile rnnrch spict. a total of l 900 ASF 1)1 class laborator~ space will also b• pr1>vod•d ln ~ c6m"'6dalt loaated Md more Thts statement wn two computer laboraloriu for ICS Eich l1bora101y will house 30 comp11ter stahons and will bt tqu•PPtd .. 1th wn•l• bua•d• lltrM montfll '-C proiectoon screens and tompultt pro1ect1on 1qu1pment ~ lltlOe II.di -~::~ .. :r~,.t~:. C~~~:~ Oftice space lot tht School ot lnform11ton and Compute1 Setcnce includes faculty offocn t 10 1?5 ASF I 1nd •dmtnl\tt•h•• Alltl 0.. "~ on 04108 '03 otf1ces and r1lated support spacn <8 325 ASF I oncludine accommodaltons lor ICS s Oun s offott 1nd C>rpaotment ,.,.,. ~TIOH. P O 200Ht401sa lunclt0ns 8o1t 8$308, Sen Oleoo. Oiily Ptlot Apt 11 18. Surae spice pro~tdtd by the prOf>OHd p•oiect will tonstsl ot other 1nd dry l1bnutor) ~·u and .. 111 b• ce>nl1o;u•tCI 1n CA 9211&63()8 SU. 295 a flutble manner to mut lht needs of• variety of 1><>hnt11I occup1nls =.·~~11:7.! 25 Ma1 2. 2003 F ci. .... -lhfUl,. Thrett .... ,e tlnuooms wrll be PfOv1ded rn this struc.lurt mc;t .. d1n1. r.,o sut '""" ~.11 • 11"1 s•al ~..... tectu•t hall. and • 5·H•t Cl~ study room All th<H lac1hl•s will be ltod·se•I rooms ••th stootd 0< •t-4 '"'°'' ~J,...,~~ ... sw...t utenS1ve acoudtu l lrutment and stact.ed mo1rable ch•l"boards fhc lecture hall'S will also rncluo. "'011ctt0n booths Alt ~"'"' rooms wttl be wtred for data and equipped lo accommodate h•••Y audt0 vuual requwemenb ondudint dual p10 .. ctron NPP0101a.e The lollowin1 persons screens. video end d•U pro~t on h•&h quality sound system. etc ~. °'111~. ire dotnl bustnus u Cenet1I nucnmtnl claurooms to be Pf0•1ded 1ndudt • 65 Hit cl1uroom. • ~·Hit cu• study room ind ••Efll '10 sut ~'fl Cellular£ •Chan11. l049S cl1urooms The 50 sul room will bt a l1ud uat lacohty wrlh a stepped floor sun1tar to the c.S• •lull, •oom dncntwd ~1~ Boin A•enue •103. 1bove the rama1n1n1 rooms will have flit flooo and loose seat1n1 Thtt 65 seat claSSteom wtll lie ustd pr""'"'• t0< cl•nes ~A •&A OM. y Westminster• CaltfO<n.. 1mploy1n1 a vtKtely of ualtn& conf1c11r altons All room• "'"" bt wored fOf data and eq;ifCIC)ed w1tll challlboard\ and "' IP<'""' ..--92683 screens Two c.lauroom supPOrl spaces '"" 1lso bt PfOv1dad These rooms wtl provide spece to 1lon ovton.•O t>< ~<IDfs HflY INC <CA> 10495 slide P'Ojectou VCRs and other equipment 1nd supplies needed for the classrooms ht'-'94 DMlp -4 , __ .._ c .... SH,A>00,000.00 ptO((OUalS OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE The prequ1hftealton procns wilt be conducted on two pails and will result 1n the nlection ot prequahf•ttt (lo•~ ,.n Buil~•• who wilt be luued pfopoul dtKumenh lor tht\ Pro,.ct l'W't I will be the submottel of a Prequalthc1l1on Qucslt0nnatre descrtbed 1n mOfe detail behlw Alter rtt••PI ut 1"- Prequehfic:alton Qunllonn111a the Un1ven11y will reviaw and deteTmt041 • point score IDf each l1.lbm1ttaf Reqvnh tnr clarlfy1n11nf0tm1tt0n and supplemental d1ta will be m•de •I tht5 ltm•, If requt<ed After recetpl and•••-Ill !tie clartf101ton' end s11ppteme11t•I d•I• n ch P11quellltcatt0n Quest1onn111• wlll race1we • f1n1I point tcore. Sc0<1nc of 0.••cn 8utltt•" tor lhlJ P1rt l wtll be detlfmtned by the appl"•lt0n of an astebhshed rat1n1 system (datt1led submittal 1eq11111men" end the ratln1 system are conl11ned 1n tlM P11qu11thcalton Questt0nn111e) Ou11n Bu~den who meet IM r9e1ulfemenls end obtain millimurn queltfy1n1 total polnh for the cr1teroe rn P11t I will be 1ntatviawed In PIK't 2 of tha ,,equallfic.atlftn PfC>e•U AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA AMENDING TITLE 13 OF THE COSTA MESA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE REVIEW REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCESSORY APARTMENTS (SECOND UNITS). THE COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF COSTA MESA AMENDING THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN TITLE 13 RELATING TO THE REVIEW REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCESSORY APARTMENTS (SECOND UNITS). ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. This public hearing will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, April 28, 2003 TIME: 8:30 p.m. or as soon as posslb~ thereafter PLACE: City Councll Chambers at City Hall 77 FaJr Drive. Costa Mesa, California Public comments In either oral or Written form may be preeented during the publlo heartng. For further lnfonnatlon, telephone (714) 754-5245. or vlalt the Plannlng Division, SeCond FIOot' of City Half, 77 Fair Orlve. Cotta Mesa, C81ifomia. The Planning OMslon 18 ~n 7:30 a.m. to S:OO p.m. Monday through Friday. OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE , l'tirt 2 will t>e the lnl.,Yle• Oes11n 8u1tden will t>e notified wtteth• or not they h .... a been 'tlKted fnr lh• Part 2 lntaNHtw. Th• lntarvHIW will addren lhe items described 1n the Pre11u111f1catt0n Quntto11n11nt The •••ulb of tti. tn1th,.• will be HP•r•tely KOfK bn1tl on 1n estebtrshed r1t1n1 sy"em The Oesttn Bullet.rs #ho .,, "'""t•O by the Untn"''Y in ,an 2 will b• Pf•quallti.d to submit Propos.ls for thts Project PllQUAUfKATIOM KNIOUU On ,,,...,, Aprl I t , 200S, Pr..,..lflwtl-0-eti-.t .... wlll be luued to interested 0.ltn 8ut1M<\ et O.~•an & ConstructlOn S.rvk:u, Un1venlty of California Irv"'•· ~201 Cahf0<n~ Aven .. e, Suite lSO. l1rin•. CA t?C97·2.SO (C«neT of Bison 111d California Avenue) F0< lnl0tm1l1on cttl llM hotline (9'9) 124 IJ 17 Of (949) 124 8034 On ,,...,, Allt'lt II, 200J, • •••...,• O..tp hlWeir "'~ <_....._ will " c ... •~ted kcmmna promp~ af l 1M A.a . Ollly °"''" 8u1.kMt1 wtlo pertt<Jpel• In the Contwen<• 141 its efrtlrety wilt lie altowM bl \.UMtl ,,~tatlOll Qu.•ltOMl trH .... -~ ""'""'' attet l 1JS .... Wiii Ml " allow.d to 1.111Mn1t ,.,......,_'*' ()lon!IC>ltfte- Partk:lttanb 1ttaH mffl t i D.stan & Construcllon S.nlCH, Unnreotty of Cdlor1111 lrvM not C..l•f'lfllla AVtfllM Sutl• 290. SuJlwa11 & W1.,,.t Cont teMt Roo~. lnttne, CA 12'M7 24-50 (C:.0.Mf Of Ct ldOfnla Avt<IM ef'Cl lrJOn Awti'tl.HI) f « fllfttltr lnfor111Abon, conlKt Jttf S.1lo at (149) 124-JOa Tiit ....... e. ,.,.._ c~ ... a.,llllf'IMt._ GO.•e111tt••-•<lr• .. ~ ............ U , -J. • .... , .... 11 0.. 11 & COftSUV<laofl Sen11te., \JN~t1 el Ct lotnil, ir-, \201 Callfer1111 A-. Slilfe 2$0 ~"-CA 1297 OeaWt IUU. 1"req1111d1C1t-Qt.fttlo!lntHs. ~UIJ a11J fMtllfM ettM..._b , ...,.. Ille ... .,,., llll wlM .....,._ lftaOoed •~tll IN llOtal-tft Ille ~ '"MMIMI .-.0 nAa Nl~notl CMllSl_,,Z'# .. (...,._ SCIDtCIS MT •• NOJICT "'°· "'',.... ·~ ........ lo u.. offu ........ , .. .-... ..a....I OM •••Al AM soc <WS Of TMI '1tlCMIMllMAncMe owsnnaoe11111.11• .. ••1 lWlnt AnM'l•Df1ra. 8vMtr """ .......... ,..,.... ... ,, fOt ... .., ........, ,, ... t.c1i. .............. "Por.. °':::::::,1 Oral, I~ f~, et ....... 1'1-.,1h . ~I~• •el.aw..,. •11..C M ~ Ne Ill' clonlftelllt wll lie _..l .. aft• .. 00 ,. .... ,,...,, •• lS, 200J """"· ~ , __ ....... , ' 1tH11re '"' ttallwlte ~-ta• illfar-u... •ft• till .i.ow t-. ..., ui. Succ hit ~ .....,. lie of tM •t t-HI locaU. Of tMir lllltr•ie'lrt ...,.,, .. PtlOf'OW .,...._ lu!lftra .ii! M llOltf I 1rfletlttf er llOI they llaw. ..... ,,..,_t!fl9f t• r a U. 1nt1tmew ""1 ·An~ T• ,...... .. --~ ilden. _. lolow ~\Ill Clle •••1 •• . ~ ... elleewill•ll•IY _,....,._,becu_ W (rrOfMiNll S.C"'ily Ill tNI A!1191111l t f IOS. ot IJle l ¥t'llll 118\ J&M l'flC!t ~II~ ilfttlM odt h.,...t .,,. -~, ..... t1'e w ..... "' .. "' -tM ,.,._.... a..... .. .... .. ' .. ..... ~~tfCMl"lKMllH t9-.120 Al ..,._~ lllo9ic ,..,.., 16 tie •"'" ., tM ~ lil'lM lie ... , tc ..., I \y UllMftltY iM fw ''"' ......._ Al ....... fof CO-cid ,_ Cl-.i UMMy, '[•-u111Mit,, ...,_ ,..,....... l....., "'°'...,....' l~ --~Wit ... ..._. W .... _.. Ill• .... ,.._tit~ • -...,, _.•~I :===1 of we • ...u. <• ..,. ....,..,, ,. .... tr lt.Nlar4 a ...., ., ..... (''· ~· ,.._ ,.....,_. hr *"'"" c 11M C ...... ,.n· LlllMtJ ~--...... ..._. llrt ~ (I} llhl Mtw a ltlt ,..._lit ._. • lliltt#, • .w-... . IAUM! ., WI • ...W (M IM .....,.._. •'ICMI ~ ...... a "* • ....,-:.} • { ) Ulll .. _.... ... tit ~ 11"9~•·•--•ulllll .......... ttt. lllW•illftntwlft ,,. ....... ~ ................ 11 .. ,..., ... .,. ,.....,. .... .., ..... ......., .............. , .................. ~ .... l~~_,l ........... Ill_ ... Al ...._...-dMltllf ,_ ~II •nwn ...... ..,.. • M ce•..,..tf .-CW ...,...._ ~Ill .c.l!fltiMla. IW 119'tr .. ...._.., U11Ma!!!lW1t7 .. IM HllM!t ,_......, llrt i- ,.. .,..._.-, ,__ .. ,._ .. ,_. lltf •ill r I Mt .. ~Q ...... ~ ................... ltf19Mi ..... ill_..,,...... ............. . M .alfhar nc ~~· t4U'---. •• ....... ~ -... !11 Friday, April 18, 2003 ......... "-es...... The l0Uow1n1 petsons ere do#!& business 111 So111ce One Slll)l>ly, 2020 Fullerton U111t #10, Costa Meta,CA92627 Robert Ricll•rd Slu.,t Id 2020 r ulterton IJnil 110. Costa Mua, CA 9~27 Tllh business 11 con dt.~l•d lly an lnd1v1du1I Have you at.,tNI do<na tHlslrNtss y,it7 No Robttl R1ell11d Stuart '" This st1tem1nt was filed with tile County Cl•k ol Or•nae County on<M/01/03 20036Ut2tl D111ly Pilot Apt 4, 11, 18. 2S, 2003 F264 ~ .... llmtS..... The followin& persons are doln& buluness as. Mc><rls lntetectlve, 1747 P1tcetrn Dr . CosU MoA, CA92626 Cynth11 C Moreno, 1747 P1tca11n Or. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Thii business 1s con· ducted by an mdtvldual Have you started doin& bll510US yet? No Cynlhtl Moreno lht~ sl•temenl wu filed wtlh the County Clerk of Oranee County on 03/25/03 20036931448 D•1ly Pilot Mar 28. Apr. 4 11, 18, 2003 F25S Fidft6M .... "-S...... The followma persons i'C dom1 businn:s as BEADS IN IA~ANCE, 2S5I Oren • Av• 19. Coale...._, CA 12627 Cendau l l'ittson, 15511 Of ence Ave 18. Co,te Men, CA 92627 This bu11ln1ss Is con tlucted by en Individual Have yoci slatted cklln1 buslnas Yjtl? No C.nd1ce Plltaon This shttment wes f!IM with tllt County Cletll. of Onna• County 011QJ/25/03 200S6Hl4S2 Daifr Pilot Mtr. 28, Apt. •. l • 18,2003 f254 ..... "-es..... The followln1 penon' art doln& buslMss ·~ Morriutlte Munao Therapy, 1831 Or•nae Ave. Suite a. Cos.t• Mese, CA 92621 l<lmberly C Morris l'telte, 15 SumrMtwmd Court, Newport Betti!, CA9Z663 This bu11ness Ill con· ducted by 1n 1ndl~ldu1I Have yoo stw led dome business yet? No 1<1m Moir1ssellt This st1tement was hied with tho County Clerk of Ortn&• County on 03/20/03 20036937919 0811y Pilot Mar 28, Apr 4, 11, 18,2003 F262 Fktl"-ltlslleu "-S..... The lollowmc persons are dome business •s Tropical Island 1980 Federal Ave Costa Meu CA 92627 Jor ae Perez fodcr1! Axe Policy IMN,CA92t27 Tiits busllltU II COii ~ltd by· 111 l.ndlvklual Hnt you sl-rted do1111 bulMss y1t7 Ho Jo111 Perei This 1t1t1rnent wes !tied with the Cou11ty Clerk of Orena• County on04/11/03 IOOJH4Mll D11ly Pilot A.ix. 18. 25. Mey 2. 9, 200~ f320 .......... llmtS...... Tile followln& per&Oftl are do1t11 business H Merla's c1 .. n1na. 1916 Wellau Ave. #102, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 M;.r11 I. Su•ez. 1916 Wallace Ave. il02, Costa Mesi, ci 92621 This buslne" Is con· ducted by: an tndlv1dual Have you started doln& bu5lness yet? Yes, 4/1/ 03 Maria I. Su11ez Thrs 1tatement was tiled with the County Cl«k of <Kana• County on 04/01/03 200.36939291 Daily Pilot Apr 4. II. 18. 25. 2003 rl68 Adlllm ....., "-S..... The follow1nc persons are dolna bu~onen as SOLA Crealtve Group, 1801 Dove Street, suite 1104, Newport Boch, CA92660 Suzanne Butman 260 V1ctom1 Street, #CJ Costa Mesa CA 92627 This busineu 1s con ducted by· an 1nd1v1du .. 1 Have you star led dotn1 bysmns yep Xu IZ/ 01/()l SUHllM IUINll Th t attlement wes fllod with ll'lt Covnty Clefll of Or1n1• County on04/ll/03 toOJ6'406t7 Oelly Pilot Apt. l&. 25. May 2, 9, 2003 f322 Re-.. .... ... s...... Tht followl111 ptrsons ., • dollll bu11ness u · M G r manclal, 20SI N 811sh St , Santa Allll, CA 92706 Ctbrlel M. Montoya, 2:058 N Bush St., Santa Ana, CA 92706 This buslnts• is con· ducted by an indrvidual Have you started doins business yet? Yes, Feb. 2002 Gabriel M. Montoy1 lhts 1talemenl wu filed with tfMt County Clerk of Ounce County on 04/09/03 · 200'6940404 Dally Ptlot Apt 11. 18. 25. May 2, 2003 F301 Adlllm ..... ..... s...... The lollow1n1 person~ ere do1n1 business as Oohs N·Ahu, 130 E. 17th St Untt H, Costa Mesi, CA 92627 Lilla Frances Avetoom, 402S If Calle Sonora, Laaune Woods, CA 92653 This business 1s con· ducted by. an individual Have you sltrled doin& business yet? Yes, Nov, 17, 1995 l Avetoom lh15 statement was toled with the County Clt1k pf OranH Cguntv Thi followln1 Ptr•OOI er• dolna bus:lntu n : Kona K11. 207 39th Street, N-port 8Nch, CA92663 K11i.,... 8Hudou•. 207 39th SlrHI, Newport 8u~h, CA 92663 This busiMu Ii con d~l•d by• 1n Individual Have you started dolnt buslneu y1t7 No Kahwa 811udou• Th11 st1t1m1nt was hied with the County Cltrk of Or1ne1 County on03/25/03 200'69H4SI Delly Pilot Mtr 28, Apr 4, II, 18,2003 f251 n.. ..... ..... s..... The follow1n1 PfiSOll"S are dolna business as Amer1cen Wood Bel lee1ue, 4816 Seashore Df •B. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Je11y W Lehman. 4816 Seashore Or •B. New port Beach. CA 92663 This business ts con ducted by en Individual Have you started dotnl busmeu yet? Yu, 4-5· 03 Jerry Lehmen Thts stetemenl was !tied with the County Clerk of Oranc• County on04/l l/03 200JH4ff04 D11ly Pilot Asif 18. 25. May 2, 9, 2003 f 310 Thi followlna persona ltl doln& bu,..111111 II Herr 600, 2013 ti 1'11 cenll• Ave • Cost• Me11, CA 92627 Pete< Kr1usert, 2238 Conllnental Av• • Coata Me11. CA 92627 This bustpeu Is con ducted by 1n lndlvrduA.I Have ~ started dolnt. business y1t1 Yes. 4/1/ 97 l'etw l(r1usert Tllls sttltment wn Filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1• County on 04/11/03 200369405'9 Dally Piiot Asif 18, 25, May 2. 9. 2003 Fll2 ~ ..... llmts....t The foltowma persons are do1111 business as To11tl\e,.Ware, 103 Siied~ Wood. Irvine CA 92620 Ron Bocdanovlch 103 Shady Wood. ltvme. CA 92620 This bus1neu ·~ con dueled by husband alld wtfe Have you started dome business yet? No Ron Bo11d1nov1ch This s tatement was !tied with the County Clerk of Orenae County on 04/11/03 20036940612 Daily Pilot Apr 18 25. May 2. 9, 2003 r323 fidllilll lllMeu "-es...... The lollow1n& persons arc do101 bysmcu as How to Place A Sunh. f 1I"''· 32077 South Ptclflc Cout Hl(hw1y, La1u111 8•ath, C:A 92&!11 John RoJ>ert l'owell, 32007 South P1c1flc Coul lllJhway. l1tun1 Btach, CA 926!11 This buclnts' Is con ducted by: all indivlduel Have you liertell dolna butlnesa )'ttl ~ John Powell TIUS 1talemenl WH Iii.cl with Ille County Cltrll of Oren .. County on03/2SIOJ 200JHH44S Dally Pilot Mv. 28, Apr 4, II, 18. 2003 F259 Re-. ..... •s....... lhe follow1n1 persons are dolna buslnns as. TD1 fashion, 2544 S Fairview SL, Sant• An1, CA 92704 Tim Con& Omh. 2706 S D1tmond SI., S1nt1 An1, CA92704 This business 1s con ducted' by in 1nd1111dual Have you star ltd dome business yeP No l1mD1nh Thtl statement was ftled with the County Clerk of Or1nce Cllunty on03/18/03 20016937582 Diiiy Ptlot Apr 11, 18, 2s. May z. 2003 r302 RdtllM a.si.s "-S..... lht followinc persons are doone busmess as Macro Consultinc. 6882 Presidio Qr • Huntoncton Beach, CA 92648 Richard Dennis Crace, 6882 Prn1d1g Pr Hug llnston 8Hch, CA 92648 rh11 btu.1,_ ii con· ducted lly; 1n lndtvfdual tine you 1lert1d doin1 busineu yet? No Rlch11d Dennis Crace Th•• 1t1t1menl ·wH flied, wit.II th• Count; Clerk ol Dr1n11 County on 04/0ll03 200Ht401JO Dally Pilot Apr 11, 18, 25, May t. 1003 f'291 Ac:-.. ...... ..... s...... The lollow1n1 per$ons '" dolna buslnen u · C1fd1uc, 316 S1nl• lubel Unit A, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 MaUhew Celdwell, 316 Santa Isabel Unit A. Cost11 Mesa, CA 92627 This bu•ln111 11 con ducted by an lndiYld'!al Have ;ou sterled do1n1 buslnua yet? Yu. 01/ 02 • Matthew C•ldwelt This sl1temenl was hied with the County Cl.rk of Oran11e County on 03/25/03 2003 .. 38447 Dilly Pilot M•r 28, Apr 4 11. 18. 2003 f256 Rdttlm ..... "-S...... I he follow1n1 persons are dolna business as Tint M8\tc", 738 W 17th St •c. Costa Mesa, CA 97627 Jora~ Rayna, 2020 W Alan11da Ave #SJ. Anaheim. CA 92801 ' 1 hi\ business 1s con ducted by •n md1v1du•I Have you st~r ted dotn& bu"ness yet' No " IQ«@e8tynl _______ .,.._.._... __ _ Thi• •l•l•ment WH filed with the Count, Cler• of Of•np Count1 Oft (M/ll/03 toOJH40606 Pally Ptlot Apr. 18, ZS, Mey 2. 9, 2003 F319 fldlllM ..... llmtS........ The tollowln1 per110111 .,. dolnc bu.•lnesa 11· Anthony's Instant Slloe Rep11r. 3601 J1mbot11 Road Unit I IA, Newport e .. ch, CA 92660 M11rlne flv1ti1n 13~7 W1~htsltf Ave . Clen dale. CA 91201 This bus1nns 1s con dueled by an ind1vldual Hive you st..-ted doin1 business yet? No Manne hvitl•n This statement was filed wtth Iha County Clerf\ of Oranc• County onOJ/28/03 200'693H9S Dally Piiot Apt 4, 11, 18,25,2003. f277 ,.........._ ... s...... The follow1n1 persons are doinc buslnest. n Rebecca's Screpboot.. 2611 Redlands Drive Co,ta Men. CA 926?7 Rebe ctl S teele Schwarti, 2611 Redlands Drive, Co~I• Meo, CA 92627 This buslnes\ 1~ con dueled by an 111d1v1du .. 1 Have you slarltd dtune busonus yet' Ho Rebep .t Sterle Schwaru Thts st•lement W.t\ filed with the Cuunty Cieri. ol Oranae Cuunty gg03a7/03 Daily Pilot toOJ6tSl7H Dally l'llot Apt. 1a. 15. M"y 2. 9, 2003 f'329 Ac-.. ... "-....... The followlnl PfilOna ere doma buslnau 11 Probolaky Rtnarch. 3001 Redhill Avenue 8u1klln1 5 Suite 105 Cost. Mau. CA 92626 Adtm 0 Proboh"y, 2306 C1 ucent 0111. lrVllMI CA 92618 This buainess is con ducted by· an tndi'tldual Hive you stetted doln1 buslneu yet? YH, l t/ 01/2002 Adam D Probolaky This statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Dr1n11• County on 04/08/03 200'6940113 O.tlv Pflot Asif J1. 18, 25, Mey 2. 2003 F287 ,.... .... ...,s...... The lollow1n1 persons ere dome business 11 128 Marlle1tn1. 2549 B Cntblufl Dr 1420 Newport Buch CA 9?660 Ken Y1 l<ausler. 2549 9 E est bluff Or •420 Newport Beat h, CA 92660 Thts busmeu 1s con dueled by an rndlv1dudl Uave you started dolni bustneu yet? No Ken YI Kausler This statement Wd\ filed with the County Clerk of Oranae Count~ on 04/16/03 20036941157 Daily Pilot Apt M1y 2, 9, 2003 ---Deadlines --- Rate~ and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher re!>crvei. the right to censor. reclassify, rcv1\c or reject any classified advcrti.,cmenl. Please report any error CLASSIFIEJAD -Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuc~day ................. Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 I Pka>C 1rx.IU<k your 1wnc anJ rh<>oc: numh<-1 anLI ,.c' II call ""' i....L -.11h • rn<< 'l"'~c 1 By Phone (9-l9) 642-5678 I lour~ Ry Mail/In P(•rson: BO West Buy Street Co .. ta Me"1. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd & Ba) 'it Wedne-;day ............ Tuesday 5:00pm Thur-,da} ......... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................. Thursday 5:00pm Saturday .................... Friday 3:00pm · that may be in your classified ad tmmedtatcly. The Daily Pilot accepts no ltab1lity for any error in an advert1M:ment for which 11 may be n.· ... ponsible except for the coM of the 1,,pacc actually occupied by the error. C'rcd11 can only be allowed for the first tni.ertion. Telephone 8:30am-'i OOpm Monday-Friday Walk-In X:,Oam.'i'()()pm Monday Fnday Sunday ...................... Friday 5:00pm ANHOUllCIMENTS N J & MISC. 1ou>-1110 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAl f'oc:lflc View C....-lon Cry,.t. La1iun1l11 Court Sl't1DI! Surr ound1nes. ~ C.e tor 'l lDw1I Piirtne<' 949 6!>1 0261 Collectib1esl MemcnlJllia 1160 rcw ss 4 IUCoaos nc .llllZ. Olt::;it. EllC.~£Ws .Ill All&. Spkr. hA>e ~ M1fle 949.645.7505 ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof Events 1310 lOUAl ltOU5ltG onorMm All rul est .. te adver t"'"I 1n this newS4)apet ~ •ubj('ct lo the r eder 11 f1111 H~stn1 Act of 1968 aa emended wh1cO, .,.kn 11 11111.11 In •ctwtb'• "1ny prefet tnc.e, l1m1t1t1on o r ••~rrom1natton ba..ed on r'lct color reliclOn. wx h11ndlc1p, fam1tlal status 11< n•1ton1I orlaln. or 11n inttntoon lo mike any iuch pralerence, hmlla lion or d1Krlmlnatlon • Thi!. 1Mw1paper will tint know1n.ly accept tny lldve1t1~ment for re•I Mt•I• which •S In violation of the law Our re1der'I ue hereby tntor med that 111 dwell Inc' advar trud 1n th" •••"P•per a11 nalfable on an equ•I 11pportun1ly ba,.'J To compl11n of dis· uim1nahon, can HUD toll· frn •I I 800 424 8590. • CUANOUT YOllHOUSI wmtA GAIA&IWll CAil ~642-5'71 J ~ 1419 2lOS·2490 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Olct.. Style Fumlturt PIANOS l Collectibles . ..,....,..._. . .........._ •Sr-o.ot•A.JI • • ...... $$ CASH PASO $$ ..... ,_._ .... ,,. ...... :/:649-4922. soumcgAST AUCTI N 2212 ....... .._AM, CA l2lt7 ._ 4\.-.,..r..>.1 ... &tltl Sala 1486 Vint ......... '""'· 1000 "-·"-s•trt• ll'f"ltlot1¥ Prlcn 'rt•· 949"450-057 =ta Lfft Tenter " 4/U, C0tn8f Vldnrll/l'eno.-1, ansnra to Toda, ftMCb "*" '-" 90117 !ml , n4-633-00 IJ 11471 ...., MllllUIH• 1111 L ESTATE RSAU HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Mllcellaneous Services 2&05 ...._ Slit.-A,,_ Eallllllrot refs lone term po~tlOfl Woman. 50, wa1ls PIT outs.di ,_ 96-487 1561 LEGAL SERVICES Banbupq Services 2670 l'lttCE LAW GltOUf' Southern C11hlorn111·~ leadma Flnanp•I Rebel law firm S._.f'rke aoo-N4...000 JEWRRY I 3460 DIAMONDS/ PREQOUS METALS ,_,, ........ ... Old Co1nsl Gold. silv11. )ewW}f, Witches, 10~ colloct1bles 949 642 9448 3610 AW>y ..... _ s ,-..4/1 y._ old female needs new home Cuddly lip Cit. C11t 714 801 8844 .. ~ ..... -•••••wClfll.ore ...., In l'ldt Mlnlil F anon lliltnd 98644-1'.09 ,_ •AY tor momm1 aA/ ... ~ ... hon-. ~II ...lml - Offtu ta •IMN Quiet, prime Newl)Ol'I Bch toe by ~COPt, ()!;LMfs ind ~~1SJ HOMES FOR SAU: ORANGE 5411 COllfTY JM,..I cawc • nt ~10111lw 1ba Cltn Rop11 Oar.t.nerl1nd"191d Hfnd 'l»'ld ttld'I V.,'I tow mtlnt At- w/tennls. l>OOI c .. l:t "=:, ~~-- 3010-3940 1'!l!t .liEL soos-saso NEW 2-n.-• ....,_ ~ wtlh lhoujl1'lful ~ by quality buldllrs tMm L~tlld on ~ lot SI .249.000 & SI 179.000 a11. e J Wvi$on 949 7421-0132 ~ ~ 281' 11/Clt ....., ......... lisbr10! to 1111! beach. Locatl!ld on 1111! Souhde at PCH S83X> Mdllel l.llrirTW\, eo.s.ie RNlty 96759-0ln COMtNGSOONI Cwt.w '--.. ·-(1 .......... COASlUNE lltlM.TX 949-7~9..0'77 EAST SIDE 282 E BAY St JSR 28A 8e1u cus tom remodel on • quiet St $733,000 BY OWNER FOR APPT TO VICW CAll Michael 949 280 7633 f'alMI ISTATIS f'ATltKll TENOal NA TIONWIOI USA 94945 ... 9705 w-p:trlcktenore.com Newport 8ac:lt Index ' ~ .·. I ' : I I ). ~~ A lfAUTIRA Restdence ... be completed this Sj)rlfll S8r 5.58~ with a wonderllll llowHle llOol plan s I. 7!>0,000 Mlch.tef Brdmen. Contllne Reelty ONt 'OftD ltOAD laraesl B••bo• Model. 310051. 'Br J58a Jc c.v. t..ndscaped ywd. .,eat loc ,_ 1*11 Sl.350.000 act O•ece 949117 9014 f'ltlME ESTATES f'ATltlCll TENOaE NATIONWIDE USA 949-156~9705 www ptlr ici<tenort com OClANrltONT teo• OCIAN VllW $639,900 AGT t49-395-1222 29r 3-. -<led< SI 7"h mo & Dr 29o\. Ill f)IQo SIEiOO/mo act Marilyn w..m. 9i& n1 5049 DI-Caln'"• l'ru4•••tl_, Cellf It-tty 949-136-3730 llOO tSU HOMIS 24AVAILUll AGT 949-271-3052 Newport Coasl Cee1tel Hlll1 Char"' Sausalito 4bf 4 51>11 home with •IMl caoyon and c*~lf W-Lovely yd, Fp, SittJr1a rm, '1rdwd lh, .. .., ofc. .. John Ind Sherfy Mlllr MMi«), 15(9 f'ltlMEISTATIS f'ATltlOC TINOal NATIOHW101 USA t4p-H6-t10J w-pat1lckt1nou com MKKIYIW01T cthhrld._.er fff.117.411• RESORT/ VACATlON PROPERTY FORSN..E 7402-7466 Undl'r the Ser\'icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 57 4-4245 ReralToShart 6030 Nf'I lacli loy 4br house Perler Vecetarian/ "o smok. fem prof Rn' mo+ 112 utl 96~ RESIDE'NTlAI. RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY RoomslorRmt 6040 Balboa .. /_ .._., relwld ~ ~ $STll, f\NIW S!iOOln indds lltbhomt Qr1! ~ fVI 582 2578 Balboa Penlnsula OCUNVUW /Prlrfl• .......... I~ lie, Ip ,., "'"• n/~ ... 11/p@t'i SI .!>'iO/mo 949 m 8450 fCtWPOat ""°iiY TOWQtS 'l Blls frnm ferry 18' lib '°'-· pool, •lr•t ""'w nil B•Y· ltv/dtn rm undet111t Pih&. SI 11Xl/mo 96{;7!>.b 196 9119-642 .(&)I} Corona del Mar One .. Ille I un lone 1 nvely ?bf lb• ~pt I , ·la \tudto rm. pat1<> 1•• $1600 monthly '~ly no ktl,hl'n S6~/mo • l38 SIOOO dtp O<n ~1dr of •at Ri>b<-rl 949 PCH 94\1 '>74 1101 a 112 STARTING ANEW BUS/NESS ff. • • • • • • • • • • LAltGI I.. I IA wt th Vll!W s 15!1() •ct Marilyn W1lhftm' 949 721 ~9 air ti.... U1JPff wrb.lic uth n;.d le 1'> .,, ""'. ·~ now •\llleb/~ i 1 fi60on 9119 m sm , '!SJ 31r Arch.l'•~.H••• bum ce1ls. skvhchls, lrplc s. car 1•e1et1 w d. S267Smo 949-1!1').()Q) The U:al Dtpartmrnt at tht Daily Piwt is pltastd to announce a new serviu now avai/ablt to new businesses. ~ will now SEARCH the namt for you at no extra chargt', and save you tht 1imt and tht trip to tht Court House in Santa Amt. Then. of courst, aft" tht uarch is compltud wt wi/J flit your fictitious busintss namt stattmtnt with the County Cltrlt, publish onct a wttft for four wttlts llJ "'luired by law and thm fil.t your proof of publication with tht County C/nlt. Pltast stop by IO ft.It your fictitious businm statnnmt al tht Daily Pi/.ot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mna. If you aznnotstop by, pltase ca1J u.s at (949) 642-4321 and wt will malrt amt.ngtmtnt1 for you to handk this proctdurt by mail If JO" shoulJ have an1 farther questions, pltast call us and wt will bt more than glatJ to 1JJSist yo_u. Good Luclt in your new businm! Pilot DaUx Pilot a.C.-......,~ fl& •· 2 M ... 2-c .. . 1'50d. wd In,. La ... . ~ .. $Z1'!lOlll l'f( ... _. w 714-962-73611 iliii odiN a HY YllWS 2tlr 28a, middle duplex, t c encl aar. S279&mo. 714·99IJ·()9q fi4 i;;;;t c.;i; .. -. 2 , '&, hctwd fh, patio. roo dack, 2-c: att pr. IN 949-737·5588 C.llm HdnllDn Harbour ..... ( "' w .. ....... home. pYt 50tt docll .... afc, 38a, Z'fps S40!A'f'l0. 562~1-7322 Udo lltt UOO IAYJllONT Jft HA nlPllX H6-212-77U 626-297-42'2 IAY .. ONT OH LIDO PENINSULA NIW 21r21e con Aon Private Buch, Pool and Spa Walk to OcHn. Shops and Rutauranh Luu 6/mo 2 yr• Boat Slip Available 710 UDO ,Alll OR. 949·673 6030 Of 949-723·5830 * YIAllY * LIA.SIS Bill CRUHOY REAL TORS t4t-675-61'1 New H-., lllf 2l>a, tncl aar. wd hkup~. front unit, Ip, no peb Call m1t 949·510 3030 Ne_,..nlHdt Penlnsula Studio Ap•rtmenh 0111. Alt $700·$950 9'9-673· 7800 ........ Hlliflj* .. ., ... Ml. q.-. i&n1'f. PllbD. lanlry room. !00/sri& Sl21Xlm 9&574-Xl24 i\liy ,...._ lbr U.. e., -· ,..., Port .. ,, I.cl nd. Sl250 6 monl'I or .-1y g&g)l.!BJ8 w4& .. .....,&"-I Ono: wt .. a 1 & Dr. l owly c.,. Cod slyte comm. Remodeled w/al new llPPls, carpet. ceramc till, d/W, fridll!t, inSidll w/d •IBr $1095m •2Br Sl295 (714~7592 '•"l1to1fle '•l11t I br Iba me• furn. PHk a DOO Bay V1tw, ultl incl •rt $1350 9'9 673 7800 ......,. nr n. Bay- ,. pt.cf aindD, MW ~ ... Clfl)ltt. s-it. 2t pr w/d, sm Pllt c*. ....., now SIG!l!wno ~ .. Cl.It l'Mftln\ 2llr l.5til PllO. ---. ,.., Pl*'lt. ... ClrlJ, 2 c .,,, ._.SID> MM1n1111Xl Newly remod 211< 2.be condo, 2 c 111, patio, wd, no IMV•mk Avall S I $19501 ... 949 759 1344 IAYllOOI 2H 21A, .,_. location, community pool. lfMI' L '210Q/ll10 Edie 949-718-1532 ICl. "V9a ....... Le 2Br ZS.. o.i rm. ti.It, 1660d, 2&: 1J1i1a. ~ will IO bdl S2l»n. Q.~93CJ ........... ~,--2 fllW -. 2..5be. ocn w. ~.Ip,.,, no 11.t ._.an 949-61l-71D> ,.,, Hu, 4"'· 2ba, 2000$1 I lvl Hsa, 2 Ip, wet bar In lam rm. Ille/ crpt/pnt In .. 0\11 1 "If new. 21/> c pr, l2&9!Mn W/plldJttw 94~ Lt Hr 2.Sle In 1•ttd comm.· w/poo~, s a+ p<ivate yetd $ mo Astnt 949 156 705 '"TIM llufh" llr 21e, Hus• bay view '3495/mo 949-252 8200 or 949 851 8160 l Hsa Option Avail IAYRIONT w/-.-o.dl ICJPlf unit °' d14>1a•. 2 blocks to beach 3br 2ba, fp, W/O, le v•w deck, lcw pr. $3600/mo tnelds utls .. dodl 949·51°"6601 Rentals Wanted 7880 ....... bee. Milks 1 or 2Br ~on NewPOft/Balboa P1n1n f "f\/lrjf\rn tor the mone. ofllltl~&~~ 71~1214119 Q--c JOIN OUR Tt:AM end melle • d.tf" enc 1 In the CthfOfnla Almy National Cuud you on 1•t money '°' coll•&• aM car.., traln1n1 Cell l 800 CO GU A RD (CAL•SCAN) Aulomoblles Aa.w .......... 't7 LS 53.!ik, at. ac, ps. pw. keylea entry llarm, ed. moonroof. x·cond. pip 59500. 714-334-2528 cen ACUIA UGlNO LS 't2 111pow«,1uto, "'nroof, ilhr. cd player newer tires. 111ut cond $6500 Oa~ 949-466 9771 or eves 714-389-9794 Audi '99 A4 0-"t'• 2 8 \16 291. IC lull m• auto. sp•r~1tn1 rod/crey Jlhr mnrl, CO, looks & 1mells new \1456721 S17 995 f1nancin1 0111, Bkr 949-5 16-1111 -.ocpol>l.c- IMW '99 W"Pft 521 v-. 1'lf1 pk&. 5611 ml. new l ... s/bruks, alnt cond S24,Wl ~3666 lulclt lteod Moder s..1art '96 va, 471'. ac1\JAI ITll. ....ilrt~if.Y lttlr. chrome wt.ls. Ptem1um sound l>No!Jful or ie UflfNfMd coodltlon ear n/~ v111792412. $799500 '49-s.4-11&1 www1, .. L_ CADIUAC CA TlllA 'ti 6 cyl. at. ac. llhr. l/pwr T.unroof. extended warr $10.500 562·J97-71 SS C.ctlftoc Cet•o '91 3511 Metalhc Buraandy Red, Oatmeal llhr. Ch1ome Employment 8500 Wheels. Buultlul or •e cond1t1on $8 995 ~ ...,./c.r,...r, v1n572.Cl2 949 586 1888 "· ll'W-. •• must be --~·.<-~ ......... " a1 al4*ts c1wy .... seitf:1,.. Cenv. °' ..,.,.... ~ abnlt JX ·oo 37K \16. MeUlhc IMlraDn ~JO areen C"y rril Blac~ I top Beauhlul Ii~• new I Clott<Al cond1 l1on S IO 995 NHd lull time person v1n872.Cl2 949 586 1888 to tUl\I with YlflOU~ -·e<"91>1.c- dullu Mu\t Dt able DOOGl NION '2000 to rnpul at least ~· m1, I~ fee w111 50wpm al curalely on !'> 1p, blu~. il•Y tnl•rior computer pon•n am Im ed. bull O<flll'I s Ir on a c u ~Io m tr cond $49';li ~m. f\n •Yllll utv1ce skills. and be 8kt \l-.i5792 949-586 1888 depend•ble S9 Per www ....... - hour [ .cellenl ben Do4'1o '91 Voy•..,. 1 af1t packace £0[ pass wh1le:cny int pvt Send re1ume lo Judy 1lan R•r•&•d non Oel11nc c o Oa1ly smkr ltke n~w cond NEWPORT MIJOSl'OR'T t4t-&74--$600 IMWUOCX'OJ CoQvartl>le, While/ BWl lOllllllitn..AI Optlonl (U912'2) ~,400 R~t. ~ Miles'O\_ The f irSt °" The 8lodl (~750) $",500 ,enwi us,,,.... ... "' St-' lfurTY (110&20) 1109.500 , ......... OJ Tv.in Turbo lK Mdn All °'1110fla eo.,. fast (685686) SI 19,500 femorl141TS'at Rt<VTan 20K MMs A Gl .. t Buy. Only "9.500 (lmfi09) ,.._ JUa Sport"" '02 White/Nat" al Nast Ava~ (t 461!i2) °"!'I '44.500 ... S-4 '02 llod/lllack 15K .,..,, Vwy Hard lo find Must Soe (Wl173) $34,500 MIZ Sl.S5 '03 Silver /Ash IK mlles, Pano Roof. All Options, Wont LHI (035719) $149,500 IMW 760LI '03 Blacl\/Black 15 Miles Very limited Produc tton C. Buy Today (K 1025f>) $138,!JOO H9iey~·o2 Claulc WM.;Btack Only 26 M I~ (609167) Pnced Rlihl S 18.500 NEWPORT M.ITOSPORT t49-S74-S600 tlW£1003 M COOPER 'BRG' l~ther & Pref1111fll PKG l Ef!l.SE FOR i1~~ P£R MONTH • TAA I At Thest Terms On "4>1rmd Ciedil • 000 AT SAW~S1 • • 98c $3780 du" al s•en•ne 48 munl~ closed •nd lt1se no ucurity depo">1t I~ mile"> per yu• C • 1.ns m11e~ @> 20c pei mil• CTC42'l79J • LffSMOTOR! ITS FUN ............. SS FRE.EWAY @ E.lN.£R SANT A ANA AIIT 0 M>il Pilot 330 Wnt Bay v.C57275 $5995 Bk1 949 Str .. t. Costa Men. 586 1888 www oq>aD• com {888} 823-9808 CA 92627 Of email to µtyne1q@WrrAam ~ !!. v::., ~ ~~ I -., "00 °""" a-..bo W\fdlld, 2 sae.n SIO.<XX> 6cyl 2 wd, 3611 •ctual obo 949-722·1247 aft• S "'' \tlver11rey int Jovo-00 XIII c-. •lloys, fabulous hke new i) Everyday Is a great day in Clasmtied! Be a pan of if, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 D-11 M9t 11 R d T unme1k1d cond, 4·ynr • IC e · •n WWT w.ii. v75ml $13,9915 lthr int, Ten lop. Gd. lull fwm Birt 949'586· 1888 lact .. ., larrtaste ltke www.e cp•"l.c•"' new oriplal eond Save $35K $31.~ fin avail Mercetl.. '99 5320 vtnA03070 949 586 1888 l we 52k m1 3 yr werr www.,.... -ave1I T.1lve1 blk lthr Jiff' CHlltOllll 't4 -bHut 0<18 cond, .;875241 While, cherry condrllon SZ-:, .C95 f1n1nc1n1 avail I owner S6000 pttnte Bkr 9rl9 586-1888 perty949-722 1353 -.ecpar111-'- f rtdar. Ae!tl 18, 2003 A IS Bridge By CHAALES ~EN with OMAR SHARIF end TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE snow A 'ljD TEI.I. Nc1thet 11utnt-rabl~ We~• deal~ With • m1nlmum Of)Cnlog bid and ¥ood dcfen~hc 11at~. W-esi elected oot IO \.'Omj>Clt 11\'Cf line hc.u That ICUOll pmV'CJ JUSU f ied WI th perfect ddc~ alter thc Of'POl'lllon reached 11.ime NOR'Jli • 74 K 64 7 4.3 A AQJ.32 M ST •AK 1011.3 75 We\! led the kin1 of 'f*b· .ollCI the lwld Wt> already Ill !be ~~~ ruikb It w~ Q'IC:ntillJ fOf We>t IO &ct Iv p.llUICf\ tMn.J to lead a dwnood a' the catch he Hov. Cll'I East convey to r..inner how io mnunl.ll.' !he defcni.«' A 1062 • 87 SOLTH • 9 6 ~T • QJS2 .3l QJ9S • 1096 ~~J 10911 fui,1 muM drop the queen of 'pades under the lo.mg' The play ol l\cr rna.iesty gu111antee\ po~\CS,100 uf the knave. M> We<.t can safely un~lcad the ace of \padeS ~I w1~ wuh !Ill: • K 54 The bldWna WEST NORTH EA!.! •• ..... l • .... 4 .._ ,.. Opening lc:id Kulg Of • SOUTH J .,_ JaA:k and ~ft.\ to the queen uf d1• mood\, and the defender'\ n<l tv.o Inc.lo.~ in that AUii to Lake the fil'I lour 111cki . OcfcnJ..n h.1\c unly one.: ITIC<IJl) •>I commumc111ton the ~ho1ce ul "'h1c.:h can! to pla) ID a 'pt<-ilic.: hllua- tion Thi' can he rnmp1t~a1t:d by the f.ict 1ha1 tile WTie .:Jfd c.in tdl a d1f· lercn1 \tury under other -.ondmoo' Con\ldcr thl\ Jedi. What abool tn ltlO'le ca.'>C\ 111<hcrY the defender holds a doublewn queen' h 1 prob..bly too c~penme to .qU<llldcr the 4UCC11 JU'>! W \hoV. only 114-u l .. rd' in tilt' \Utt The Jcfen.kr ha, to pl.i) luv. illld hope p.inncr can "11<.1 the '1 tuauc>n The morul of th" hand W~n part- ner lead' ttk I.mg .. nc1 you folio"' w11h !he <juccn )'OU either h.nc a \tn glcton ur a holding that mdude~ the JilCI. ,1\ v.cll 11lc au<.11on wa' ~tra1ghtf0Noard Automotive I . 9004 Automotive 'HIW P'S AUTO V ...... 940T ..... '92 Buuty Cleen Only 82K m1i4rs 09292) SS. 'Ml IMW S.COI s.-..·99 Stiver w/black ltilf. I 8( e 6 ~·d 'l)Of'l peka 55a nllle"> (19231) $29.98'.l IMW 3211 S..._ '00 Mtd Blue w/r•v ltlw auto prem pt<.llace (19240) S26.'Ml IMW JUI~ '00 Wllrte w '81Kk llhr CO playw 421< moles (19269) S22.'Ml IMWMs ~·oo Bl.tek on lmma.. Black lttw, IOk m1. I owner () 9297C) SS9 .980 fonl Mu.,_,. OT c...,.·oo S~ver w/Black ltht low miles lull power 086171 > Sl.c.981 ,....0. "6 eaww..·01 °"' 0wnf1<' Only lOkMi 09151C> SS9.980 ,..,._XIII C-. '" B•llM Racioe Green w tan llhr. only 221\ m1ln CD st.ck• (1928.9) S.39.'Ml Morco4e. lem 230Sl '64 Th1i 1\ a real Cluste Red w/l •n leathe< Both lop~ .. 'Pffd (18683) S21 'Ml MIZMl UO 'OO lonnser Body & C • l\ausl Piia 19348 I $29 'M) Unc.a. '02 NO'Vl94'f• 30k m1 full l•cl wan. s1lve1 sand tan lthr , CO •lac~tr chrome whls. •• tra uat w612518 I S27 995 ftrm fin & W9'r avarl Bkr 949 586 1888 -.oc,..i.1.cem PORSCHE '9 9 CAltltllA Arttt silver ma1all1c. all Ith• a••ph1te Krey 1nler. pwr <eats, ht Ii sound system w/am Im CD. to i•c 6k m1 1 owner li!Uqtd, lmm1culate $54,500949 675 2869 AUTOMOBILES, I MISCB.lANEOUS Wanted 9°'5 ~ ~ hliW 0-C) yrea'S Hpl wi pey a vsy lair pra for yo;.11 car V1111 r1 lr\JCk P8ld lcr c;r not. Cal DO Rey @ Tomato Auto Saft. 7 ll 4:f7 1931 or 714 J2.8..1Z2J! CASH fOlt CARS Wl NUD YOUlt CAii PAIO fott (Ml NOT 'HllW'S AUTO ASK fott MALCOLM 949.574.7777 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SLIPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 CL£ANOUT YOUR HOUSE WfTHA GARAGE SALE! CAll (949) 642-5678 14 '.....t..T..n.. C...,.'oA ....... Hurry lor tt.se perfect low mtlue'a. locll ont o-TUlllOS UASl w lUY t4t-574-7777 '*W'SAUTO ,.,..._ __ 9J n Sur AVAILAllf IN NlWPOllT llACH S2SOO lUSl '49-500-I 005 ••oet s.ti,-C1eat Lou I liori• 13' It De•m leneth unhm1ted. tn Bay l~land Cove * 949-'22-7777 ( t49 642-5678 ""' • few wwtk ........ ,. -· '"Employee ... ""Empleado. "'A rbeitnehmer ... ··Employe." NOIUTTDI HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFEDCAN RND IT. HOME, HEALTH AND SOSlvESS ~ ...... 0 N1E. • California law rt· ll'kts that contr.c:· tors tallln• jobs th.at total $500 or more (l.tbor or met.,,.) be Ncenwd by llM Contractora Stet• l lcel\M Board. StaU lew abo ,.equlru tNt contrectors lnchlde their lic-number on all adv.-tts.na. You can chedl the sutus of your llcenu d contr a c t or 1t www.cslb.c-.lov or I00·32l·CSL U11lt· c1n1td controctors t1kln1 Jobt tha t tot.I IHI the n $500 1111111 atate In Utelf t dH rttw-nt.a tMt tho' on not llcenMd '' th• Contractors St111 l~ Be.rd.~ ...... Remodllllll "MR. BllNDMAN'' ~ERVICE e W .. U..lto • Custom Built Ins. Crown Mold•n11, Bue Boor~ u1577912 949 709 5642 Clrptt Rlpalr"'la ~C.Altf'IT~CA.a,IT ~ Repalrr., Patchln1. Install courteous. any slit jobs. Wholoulel 949 492·0205 Concr9 & Maonry lrkll lledk s-Tllo Conat411, 'atio, IK!wv.ay Flrtiplc, BBQ Rlfa 25Yra lip. T"rJ 114 557 7594 eoni,.Sentca ~ NHD MOIU llOOM? AOOIOONS a. Ra.a>ELINO lt577982 949 709 5642 Dtsbip Pubtlahlng tMITO lGI YOUllHOMI tMNOVIMINl NO JI en Call a plumber palnlor. llendyman or any of the lfUl HolCes hated hero'" our urv•c• drrectOfyl THESE LOCAL SVC l'lOf>l( CAH HELP YOU TOOAYI lldt'• o... ... ...... ....... ~,_& .. ........ a.Dr! "'*ir9 lt578102 949 510-658 °""'" StMca UMCY..,_..R..,.ed Rtll'OUtln & fnstaMatton TllE OE.AH 949-673·8065 714-846-8526 714-811.> 2031 Gardenlna.J llndscaplng ~"""-· ., ·-l awns. Lawn Aont1n1. Sprlnlllen, Troubleshoot lnL Sprinc Tune·up1, ltepairs & UparadH "H•~• us do your D1rly Wor•" 714-715-2121 lHI OIHlltlNCI llTWUN HAUTIFUl & HQUISITI ••• •i....-t-c.r. .,,...,_.... ·~& ......... tO-SIS-1124 HomtR.lr COMnCTl HOMI MAl#11#A#CI No !Ob too smalll horythlnc from Carpentry to PMltJnt ,r .. estimate '···-"" , .... ,, .. ,~ .. for all your needs ... HandymaN Home Repair UClllONIC IWIOYMAH ~Al.Alo. Home. Ho chir'tol If I <911 b l Yo.1 ~0-987Z2-81D nx Uf' Sf'ICIAUST. An types of r9C1arn [lee t1 teal. plumblrw. doors, W8lillr hl*'s. tlla & more 24hrfld9ys 714-lli6 1881 6-t!C.-... ,...., c.p.ntry • Plumbfl'll DrywaN • Stucco Paonbt11. Tltt & more 21). Yean bperltnc.11 .,. ....... 5776 JUUYAMAM'J """' llfl'Ala JrfOAUSr 11-nll>lo ,,Ka 14 Yn He«wtnce In .. tr.-. Sl*telqillc In rnldtnbal lnt/ot 714-501 ....... ' • House Ctnnlng Howe Ct-1.,..U.'4 W~ly/Bt· wlily/Monihly R1r1 Greet r1tesl Imelda 949-~ 94').278-08:J7 .... , • little "•"'' ... a.a:m-1 tu.. ... :<!¥'.,.,. ~ our supc>llft 71~-4143 T-·· •-....-tt.n• ClillrW'& T~ Nil ~ 91141. ,. ---Iba ti, g:: ..... 9&Cl2·'1<M Mawtng' Stonge HST MOVlln $St /Mr 11rv1n1 all citla Insured fut. cour1eous. careful Tl63&U 800-2'6-2378 PUBLIC NOTICE T11e Ca lif Pultllc Utllltlft CommlSSlon r~utr" that all YMCI household coo ds movtn pr111t thelf '·0 C. Col T nvl'!Nr; Umo. end chauffeurs print tltelr T C., l'IWllW In 1111 ad'ttl'. bM11'91fb.. If ,OU 1111¥• on' q.,.sttoni a'*'I tl1t le1a 11ty of a mevor . llfftO or cheutt-. con. PU11U< Ul1Ul11$ (CNUUf.'"* an ..... 1 PalrClng a.-.'• ...... ZJYrs q> Cuaf Prtcel Cuannteed w0<lr. FrH est l •375602 114SJS·153' 1 390 ~s J"'f"_ •• ,...,,.... Top Quahty Competitive lnteuor ( 1tl'648l28 Call uy 9'9 650 5066 WNIOW cmcll IUlllT Pamtln& W/Ol ~1'1t Quelrt'f IOOI f' 1t al*'1lft L "569897 714 6l6-8888 Plllllftng 'S1llCCo ~&..Ill, ........ Re&1Ucco. Room ArddrtlOn, Patcllln, Renonoblt l 114 921 647 .,. Ol97er Palftllng :-r~ ta.ml ~ 1117 U.ISJ1 ,....._, 714ea31 Pluillll __ ,, llooftnl 8~ ~-.;:.:;;;;;...-...,"""" .. .......... ........... ....: ... , ........ ~--.... "IOd stuff ttnult classlfiedl . ' All Friday, April 18, 2003 , LINCOLN • MERCURY Pha• r~ recs Ind taUo. aoy flnlnae charift. any dcaln-document P"p&nllJQn ch.l!lC ;ind ·'"~ Cffil\\\M IC~llna th.lfllc RfBMF "I IH Oi \l'ECIAL~ Flll<A'-C"l'-C1 I I' ro 60 MOS ON \l'PRO\ LI> r >.1( ( o. I. & ~ rn RS 1 At This Net Cost 1120'7 II Plus IOYrrol!ICUI i .ad !Ucl, llfY OrwlCe charje\, any ·dealer document pttp.1ra11on Lh&r~e. and an> cmM1on tc\llnf charsc REBATL IN LIEL OF SPECIAL LOW RATP rJ"JA,CllllG 1 At This Net Cost 0102091 Pkn ~ fca and Wtn, llllY finance charge>. "'1) du.I er 00. umcni preparauoo cha.rae. and llll)' tml\\IC>n 1c.img ,·harge REBATI. I"' 1..1[ l ()~ SPECIAL LOW RAT!:. fl"AM'"'' 1 At This Net Cost 16~01!111 Plml ~ ft .od t.aw. llllY finance dluJcs, 1111y dealer document pttp11n1llon clwJc, and any cm.-\lon tC5lllll ch&r)e R£8AT£ 1111 UEll 01 SPECIAL LOW RATE FINAll<CIM:. 1 At This Net Cost (607862> USED CARS 92 CADILLAC SON DEVILLE 316049 Sha Low Miies Leather Full Power 95 MECURY COUGAR 3KOP143 01 FORD ESCORT SE 221898 31K Miies Auto Full Power Clean 00 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB (A21073 35K Miies, XLT, Auto, Full Power 02 MAZDA 626 LX V6 287345 Shar , Auto, Full Power, Onl 1 OK Miies 98 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 2WD (106639) Low Miies, Rear Air, Leather, 3rd Seat 00 LINCOLN LS (863171) Sport Pkg, Moonroof, CD 98 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 4X4 (3XL4010) Shar One Owner, CD, Chromes 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR EXEC (4VJK895) Affordable Luxury 02 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIG (4VED787) Leather, CD, Alplne, Showroom Fresh 01 LINCOLN CARTIER TOWN CAR (4PPW360) Low Miies, Pearl White with Moon roof, CD, Loaded 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (44KY295) Certified • ••••• •• ••o . ., ••• . ., ••• •• ••• •t• ••• •t• aeo •t• ••• ••1 ••• •••••• •••••• ••• ••o