HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1. Serving the N ewport -Mesa community sin ce 1907 SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 2003 Drivers, ·g.et ~eady to say cheese Red-light cameras will be up in Mesa Verde next month. City also supports state Senate bill that would cite car owners, not drivers. DHpa Bharath Daily Piiot NEWPORT-MESA -~eel-light cameras will stan snapping vio- lators at one major Costa Mesa intersection the first week of May. There is a high incidence of red-light violation in the city, C.Osta Mesa Police LI. Karl Schul- er said. A test done at the intersection of Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue -where the first cam- eras wilJ be installc<l -showed th at in an 18-hour period , there were at least 259 red-tight viola- tions. Other notoriou'i intersec- uons in the study were Newport Boulevard at 19th clJld 17th \tret·t-, Ille earner~ could get a boost from the ~tatc if ~mate Bill 780 passe'>. Ille bilJ. introduced by Sen. !Om forlakson CD-Antioch), pro- po'>t''> that the law be changed to make tlw owner of the vehicle liahll' m ... tead of the driver who is photographed. The bilJ also pro- pose<. that came~ shoo t only the reJJ' hcen-;e plates of vehicles ln!>ll'ad of talong p1crures of the dn ver and the front license plate. ·n1e bill will improve on the currt'nl ~yMem and make It m ore effocuve, -.aid John LovelJ, Sacra rnl'nl<> lobb~t and attorney. "Right now, when thl' cameras flru.h . dnvcr.. end up covering their fate with the tr handc,," he ~d -lhat creates an even m ore un..afe rnnd1tion." Placing 1.he re.pon!>thility on the ow11l'r inM ead of the dnver wtll aho make 11 a civil cll..ttion, AWAY FROM IT ALL LovelJ ~id. "It won't be in the area ol criminal law as it is no'A,.. ht• srud. "Making 1t civtl will enabh· more c1ta11onl> to be issut'd. m.ik ing ll a deterrent on rul light runners" Schuler '><lid his departm1·111 like m o!>t law enforcem ent agt·11 c1e•., ,.., "100% be hind 'lB 780 ·· "A good pt.•rrentage of the 1wo pie dnvmg arc not tdt'nllfit>tl 11' the camera bt•cause the} h,1w their head down o r are "lll't.'1 ing.'" he '><t1d. Co'lta Mc>sa\ firs 1 l'ameril al llarhor a nd Adams circum\.elll\ that problem by .,hooting a nm tinuou-. chg11al Vid eo. tak111g pu t<fNT TR£ !'TOW OAILV PILOT Benjamin Turin plays guitar m a field of flowers off North University Drive and Irvine Avenue dunng his lunch break on Tuesday. Turin, who works in computer development. says he plays in the same spot everyday for stress rehef. Robinson trades dais for the bench Former mayor, who began her judgeship Friday, looks back on her initiatives as a Costa Mesa city councilwom an . Deirdre Newman Da1ty P~ot COSTA M~ -When Karen Robinson 6.tst showed up at a Mesa Verde Homeowners Assn. meeting, residents took notice. · ·She just spoke so eloquently and passionately," association president Cindy Brenneman said. When Robinson was elected to the City C.Ouncil in 2000, her supporters were elated. And when she resigned Tues- day in advance of becoming a Superior C.Ourt judge. her coun- cil colJeagues praised her lead- ership slcills.. ·I think you ran a good meet· ing tonight,· C.Oundlwoman Ubby Cowan said a t Robinson's last Clty C.OuncU meeting o n April 7. "lf you run your court- room this way, the court will be in good stead.~ Robinson. who rums 40 on Tuesday, wa.'I appointed by Gov. Karen Robinson Gray Davi'> to be an Orange County Su- penor Court judge. She was sworn in unoffi daJJy Friday. a nd She wilJ be -;worn in at a fonnaJ cer- emony on May 16. Robinson said she is proud of severaJ ac- compli hments from her 11me on the dais.. One was he r requ est that city directors and depart- ment heads look for way'l to -;ave mom'} to offset anticipated cu~ from the <,late budget cns1., That reque<it end ed up ~Vint: the city SI million. Robm~on said. ·rm very p roud of them. and it's something that I think is im portant that I asked them to d o for the city: Robinson said. She was also part of a mOVl' 10 extend the notice range for proj- ects and other issues that could affect neighbors' property rights from 300 to 500 feet. Another prio rity was protect Ing the residential character of the community. ln response to SM ROBtNSON, Pqe M 1urt>'> ul tJw lrnnt .md rear of the vehide m' add111on 10 1hc dnver "It.., SO fr.unc .. 111 ,tJl lor onl' ve hide,·· ht' -.aid '>11 tht>re·.,, a very ... mall t:ham l' of llll\\111g • Ille hill " not \\.llh11u1 rJppo'>1 11on lhe Auto C lllh of \outhl'rn < .altfmrna OPIHl'>t.''> It ht.•call'><' of lit 1ah '><IV II 11.i., 111lwrent flaw'> ··ttd'>lt.ally. II ... not t.ur beca11-.t• rl'tl h¢l1 running " a mn .. mg '1111,11 ion,·· '>pol..t.'""·mnan l ...tml I horp c;a1d Ami 11\ unfair to h.1w a h1ght•r pt.•nah\ 1f you rt· '>lopped hy a c.op and c1 lo"er ont.• \\.hen yuu'rt: caught on <:amera.·· I horp 'XIY'-that woukl mean l(·tt 111g violator\ o ff t'<t'>\ . fht.• b1JI 'AOUld 111,1!..t.• 11 a httlt• QUESTION What ere your thoughts on 1'9d-light ~mens? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) ? • 642 6086 or send e mail to da1fypi/ot n lat1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for ver1f1cat1on purpose!> only 11111r1· tlld11 J parklllg IH l..et -.ht· ... .111J I Jndt>r \ll 78(), mutonw-. t. .111gl11 run111ng a n·d hght h\ a \ ollll\"r<I Wollld p..1)-ti 111.lXlllllllll 11111· of $~00 and w1111ld not have See CHEESE, Paee A4 OCC 's outlook may be better than exp ec ted Coll ege drawing u p plans to add fall classes depending on n ew~ fro m sta le. Christ in e Carrillo Daily Pilot ( )( ( ( r\~tf'IJ\ ( OIJt.'gt' of hc1ab haw re.,,ponded 10 prom1smii: ~lh'Tl" of a better fi. nanciaJ futun• bv worlung on plan' lO retn'>lall' clas.'> '>t't:llon' for the fall hut ha\f~n t shakt•n that lmgenng nouon that th(' colJege'> grim fi.;,(a.J fu1urC' wdl ">lick around for the 20<JJ~l>4 CITY HALL u .1dt·r1111 \ear < >r.mg1· C 11.1'1 < 11lltogt• offi ual., ront111111· 111 pm1n 1 Si rrnlllo11 1 uh for thl' u 1)( onung y1·.ir .md prl'IMrt' tor 1tw 11 i..., ol I ,IM)O 111ur ... 1· Wt llCJI\<, hut lhl'\ flltl\ hJ\(' '(lllllblt·<f II f(I" d tum for 1he h1•1t1•r · l'he llt'\\.'-nght 1111\\ 1' 1h.11 lht• !rend I' 11111 ch li.1J ,,, II \,,l'... '<till ( •l'llt' 1.1111 II I )( f prt•.,1clent ., >ur h11dg1·1 "'ll''' WI' 1,in man.i~t' !lot 1111 n1<1t1t•r what. 11\ 11111 g11111v, 111 g1•1 had to ''hJt 11 \\,\., h1rrell J.'>kP<l t'ill h '11 th1 di\ 1 \Hiil tlt•.in' 11• put 1r1g1•tht•r See OCC . Page A4 Too few parks to honor worthi es Under proposed ordinance, city couldn't name parks for local luminaries. June Cauarande Daily Pilot NEWPOR1 Bf.AUi -The problem with narrung pa.rts af ter res1dcn~ who've made im portant contributions to the City is a good problem to have: Newport'!. extraordinary resi den~ past and present are far more numerous than the parts that can 6t in the city. That's the thinking behind a proposed ordinance co forbid the city from naming future parts in honor of no1eworthy residents. e"'en if those resi den!\ are of the 'talun· ul the late Ro...altnd Wilham-. The city ha.<. l"l'(CIVt•d an out- pounng of o;uppon tor ii mo\.e by William!>' ~1d1Mit'r, Rid John. to name a futull' part. al tt>r her. noong her .1nnmph-.h· rnent.s m helpmg tum !'ewpon Beach mto a wortd lnown tour i-.t de:;nnation William ... fonner president and chief nt't1..1llw of the.> Conferen~ and V1<.1tof\ Bu reau is widely regarded a., the dnving force behmd revitaltTJng the bureau and attrat:uni mil- l.ton<; a year in tax dollar'I to Newport Beach. o:.he d.ied tn 2000 of compbcatmn' from breast cancer. ·She kind of paved the way to put Newport Beach a'i a touri.ml destination on the map.· said See PARKS, Paae M FAMILY TIME Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~.~can WEATHER It'll be eunny, but kMP the ~t\andv. ~Ngha to Juet reed\ 70. SeehpA2 ONRAMP CLOSURE DATE BOOK Tht lmegination C.ltbrltion contlnu .. through May 10. SeePaae AlO CHEAPER GAS G11 prices drop below $2 · end should continue. pfeaalng countJeu motori SeePlceAS SPOR'f:S UCI women't bHkttball player u .. f«tlknet's dediff>n to trthsfef to VanQu1rd Univer.tty It f'9POr11ildY 1 m.ur of t.fth. S..flic-84 \ It~ time to root for the war effort I t should come as no aurp~ to anyon that Saddam Hussein fted h counh'y Instead of add:ing around to 80 down wfth th~ lra<)t lh.lp. A blind man could tee that this man la a coward. AJwaya has beet\ • coWatd. llwlyl wUl be a c:owud.. What H.-eln hat done MCUrl b&t pla In ~ cowari1t tla1I of~. Wtch hla ~ becomll\g tbi mother ol 111 · ret.relta. He elmed thit dJitlnctlon not Juli by n.inNna aaued. tM .. by ..... women met chlldrm u eoktierl orlhllldl..,_...on .. new bomba bl~ himtelf up tn an eb want or a fomgn ~mba$sy and not one. it ~wond why wete iolril through thlt ilewbenUNd edlj muJ)' bdon. TIM! wtblf MU cl CftTO blW noc moftid ~one inch doilr co cbelr own r O()f--~~ ln ~downtbli~ AliMrica. ID me end. it.,.. mt ltup6d ledb)'lhe~ ilbe~ lar.-..e not IO a.Rm.Y,'9M I .. A2 Saturday, Apti 19, 2003 FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY Time of hope arzd much more Easter in N~wport~ Mesa "Our Lord has writtm the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, bw in every li':tlf in springtime." -MARTIN LUlliER L ast Sunday was Palm Sunday. For part of our church service, countless numbers of cheerful children dwged to the front of the building armed with big smiles and lacy· palm branches. They eagerly waved the pabm and sang with real while they led the rest of us in several songs. One song began with the words: Ml've got the joy, joy. joy. joy, down in my heart." One precious little person after another repeated the words, repeated the phrases and repeated the hand motions. After all, having joy in your hean is something worth repeating. ------- There are a lot of ways for Ouistians to celebrat~ the-holiday at area churches this week~nd. By Suzi• Harrison T here is a lot happening at local churches to celebrate the .Easter holiday and the resurrection of Jesus Quist this weekend. ' The Rev. Gary Collins at St. Mark Presbyterian Ollucb in Newport Beach has been with the churt:h for 13 years. and said that every year he delivers a diffei:ent sermon. This year, Collins wiU be delivering Min the Early Darlmess. • MThe grace of Easter message comes through after we've been through the darkness,• Collins said. "The run appreciation of F.aster requires us 10 walk in darlc:ness." "We can live together in peace," Collins said "We can hope because of the resurrection there will be a transformation. a new worid." Their joy was contagious, and it was easy 10 clap and sing along with them. Each and every little boy and girl was truly beautiful. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON He said that as successful as the war has been: there has to be another way to deal with terrorism. The church wiU have servie& at 9:30 and 11: 15 am. and will conclude the day with an Invitation to the congregation to join the choir to close the service. They wiU sing the "Hallelujah Olorus" and trumpets will play to add to the celebration. STEVE McCRANK /DAILY Pl.OT Beth Patton is an asS1stant to program staff at St. Mark's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. unique and one of a kind. Their clothes were every color of the rainbow. Some were dressed in their Sunday best and looked like they'd been awake for hows and could sing their hearts out alJ day long. Others appeared to have recently awakened and were a little confused about the words and the motions, but it didn't matter at all. Some wore shorts, some jeans and the &hoes ran the gamut from sandals and tennis shoes. to boots. Buster Browns and Mary Janes. They clearly seemed to love God, love life and love singing about il Another song started with the words. MOpen the Eyes of My Heart. lord. I want to see You.· It seemed as If God had opened the eyes of their tender hearts and they realized how special they are to God, to their families and to lheu friends. Their dimples. freckles and fresh faces seemed to glow as they continued to sing, perform hand motions and occasionally wave to paren~ Some boys and girls prayed out loud for peace in the world, for safety, encouragement and protection of our service men and women and the innocent citizens caught In the middle of war. They seemed to lcnow that God hears and answers prayers and seemed comminecl to prayer. even al such young ages. II must have made God smile. If you are reading this on Saturday. you are a day away from Easter. While the first and following Good Fridays must have made God weep, F.aster Sundays must have always made God smile. Easter is a time of tean;, joy, smiles and prayers. I loved Easter as a child, and I still do. Whenever anyone said, "He ls risen!" I lcnew lo reply, "He is risen indeed!" I didn't understand what it all meant then, but I knew to say it I understand more now, and l 'D be sure to reply that way to anyone with that greeting. There are many wonderful Easter song.<1. one of my favorites being "Ouist the Lord is Risen Today" by Owtes ~-Young and old alike will probably sing that together In many chwches and in many languages around the world. f.aster Is also a time of hope. resurrection. reconciliation and much. much more. May we ceJebrate the day in a·way that bn.,. jay to God and to others, no matter where we are. And you can quote me on lhal • C1MD'f TRANE OtRISTESON is a Newport Beactt resKSent who speaQ frequently to parenting groups. She mey be reached via &mail st cmdy onthfJf}row.oom or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beach, CA 92668. For the children, an Easter egg hunt wiU begin at 10-.30 a.m. on the churt:h lawn. At the same time, refreshments will be served for the rest of the congregation. "The f.aster P.gg Hunt is a tradition for the little ones," Collins said "'There are usually about 40 kids and we send out the preschooler's first. then the kindergartners, and so on, so the little one's get a chance - FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS PARISH MISSION Our Lady Queen of Angels will hold its annual Parish Mission April 28 to 30. The presenter will be Ff. J Glenn Murray, the director of the Offtee for Pdlrtoral Liturgy for the Diocese of Cleveland. Presentations will be held twice dally at 9 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The church is at 2046 Mar Vista Drive In Newport Beadl. For information, call 19491 644-0200. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' •Christian Meditation 101 - Leaming to Find God in a Busy World" will be offered at 7 p.m Wednesdays, April 23 through May 14, at St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644-0463. HOLY WEEK 2003 AT ST. MICHAEL In celebration of Holy Week. the Great Vigil of Easter will begin at 7:30 p.m. today with.the lighting of the Paschal Candle. On Easter Sunday. the Festlv•I Choral Eud\arist with choir, brass and organ will be held at 8 and 10 a.m. An Easter Egg Festival will be held at 11:16 a.m . St Michael and All Angels Epi9C0pal Church is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (9491 644 0463. they have much tinier legs." During the bunt. children will be searclling for plastic eggs that have a message in them and treats. Usually there are several hundred ~ to find, so there will be plenty of hunting and fun. St. Mark Presbyterian Olurcb is at 2100 Mar Vista Drive in Newpon Beach. For information. call (949) 644·1341. The Newport Mesa Ouistian Center. wh.ich has been around since 1938. is looking forward to this year's Easter celebration. ·There are so many thing; 10 look LENTEN PROGRAM 2003 The Episcopal Church of Saint Midlael will have a program at 5:30 p.m. through Wednesday, with evening prayer, dinner and its "Who Wants to be an Episcopalian Series?" video series. The dlurdl is at Pacific View Drive and Marguerite in Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-0463. EASTER AT ROCKHARSOR CHURCH ROCKharbor churdl will present "The Door to Freedom." three Easter weekend events to artistically commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The two remaining events are a day to grieve Christ's death from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m . today; and "The Door to Freedom · at 8, 9:45 and 11 :30 a.m . These events are free and open to the public at the Orange County Fair. Enter off Arlington Drive at Gate 4. For information, call (949) 548-2600. NATlONAL DAY OF PRAYER The Newport Mesa lnterlaith Council will have its sixth annual National Dav of Prayer and Interfaith Breakfast from 7 a.m. to 8'A5 a.m. May 1 with keynote speaker Dr. George Saint-Laurent. He will discuss "How America Prays." The breakfast will be held et St Mkf'lMI & All Angels EpiSC9J>81 Church at 3233 Pacffic View Drive. lnfonnation (949) 644-0463. WORKSHOPS PARENTlNG GROUP Jewish Family Servioe of Orange Dail:iAPilot ContlWlhon Box 1560, Costa Mea. CA 92826. News assistant. (949) 574-4296 Copyright: No news stone., coral, wllM>n•IMlm. com illustratk>na. editorial metter or PHOT'OGRAPHERS advertisements herein c:en be Seen Hillet. Don t..c:ti. reproduc.d without wntten Kent Tr.pt0w pemiitieion of COPVrlght owner VOL 97, NO. 109 READERS HOT\JH£ HOW TO REACH US w1ltOMAS H. JOHNSON News Edltot9 (949)1M2~ ClmMdon Publisher GIN~. Lori Andenon, Record Yo1Jr commentt about the 1ll8 TimN O~nge County TONYOOOERO Dani.I Hunt. Pavf Sllltowttz. Daily Pilot or tWWI t•PI· 18001252·9141 Editor Danlel Swvene Addr.-AdwrtWl19 JUO'( OETT1NG Our eddrep 11 330 W. Bay St., Costa ~ (949) 642-5678 Adveni~ DINC:tot NlWllnuf Meu. CA 92627. omc. hour9 are ~ (949) 842"321 LANA INION Crime°:r~w. Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m •. 5 p.m. ~ Protnotlona Olf'llCtD( (941)6., ~ Niwa EDn1NQ .rNF detef».bNr.t1tet1tlme-.r1om It It the Piiot'• policy to ~ly (949) &42-6880 &.J.C.-JMN='9'• col'f9d all errors of aut.t.tnoe. ltMHta (949)674-022 M.Mging Editor, f'tMMc:.11 UM81 ~4. Niwa Fu (!Ml) 648-4170 Newport reporter, • 8pofta Fex (1481650-0170 (848)574-4233 (M) 174-4232 FYI . !""'91: dailypl'°'•l•t1,,..oom •J.r:.1tne 1M1,,..aom june.c.ugrMlde•latJ,,,_oom The Nlwpoft ~Mela MM!Otlrie .-...M* .... ~ Dally Ptio. (USPS-144«>0) 11 ._,,,_a.. (949) t42"'32, OtyE~. Plollbal and tnVironment ~· publltMd dally, In ~rt BMd'I ... ,...,.,9'911317126 fMI~ (941)184"330 Mid eo.c.. Men, eubecripdone .,. }M'neUrwi#•lltirna.aom PtHJI. dil'ltJOfl •"""'*-com w .. leble ontv bV eublctlbing to TM JoMJ. ..... ........... ~s Alt Otnictor I Hewe DMlt Chief, Tlmea Orange County 18001 19481574-4224 Cotumniet. culw,. r.poner, 2$2 .. 141. ln•rueouttlct.of joMMntolelMirrn» oom CMG) 174-4275 Newport .,..,., •nd eo.c. Meta • ... MIC; .. loln..INHpeie~oom IUbecriPllON to the Dilly l'llot .,. P"'*>~r, .,..... ......... "'II'•* ontv by "'*' c1 .. mall for PublittMtd by nm. C6mmun.lty forward to th.ls year,· DeAndra Rich, program and communications coordinator said. lb.is year. we'll have a new approach about what Easter means. The thing we're looking forward to most Is the creative way in which we are going to attempt to convey this wonderful mes.sage. and the joy that is In the message.. There wiU be Easter services at 6 p.m today and al 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Sunday. "Our Easter Services will be a vibrant time of celebrating God's victory over death and his love for County is fonning a parenting group to eoabte parents to understand and deal wtth the feelings and behavior of their dllldren. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and ttlird Mondays of the month at the center. 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 44!>-4950. Pre-f'eglstration is requlrtld. Tt9tTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Servloe is ottering a support and ditcuuion group for adults whose dllldren or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. BAHAI FlRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold informal public discus.ions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m . flVery Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks Include brunch or dinner. Also, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. CaH for locations. (949) 769-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) ~5360 for Sunday meeting, and (9491 646-6328 for Saturday devotlonel. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Wortcshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St, Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722·7818. humanity, with special choral and contemporary worship perl'ormances. and an in.sptrational message from Pastor Soott Rachels.· Man A'sey said. Pastor Scott's message for Easter is called "The Heartbeat of God. .. There will be a higb-aiergy program for the children. infants to fifth grade, on what F.astet means. said Gabriel Gaeta. aMistallt director of children's mlnlstries. The Newpon Mesa Ouistian Center Is at l599 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa. For infonnation. caIJ (714) 966-0454. DRE.All ON The Aduh Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m . Sundaya at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newpof't Beach. (949) 219-i408. IEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divlna" meditation group meeting Is held et 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays et Our Lady Queen of Angels. 2046 Mar Vssta Drive, Newport Beach. l...ectio Is a sryte of meditatJon that lndudes using Saipture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of ead1 month et the center. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family 5efvice offera a support group for women older than 50 to addf'9U ~such as anxiety et 10 a.m. on the eeoond and fourth Monday of Mdl month at 250 E. Baker St. Costa Meu. Ptenlgistnrtion required. (714) 445-4950. • 11 your dlurdl or place of wo~lp planning a special event? If so. send the typed Information at least two weeks before the event to the D•ilY Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Com Me ... CA 921527. attention: P•ul Saitowitz, religion editor.; fax to (949) 646-4170 or send e-mail to dallypilot latlme•.com. SURF AND SUN \YEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be mostly sunny today, The ewells will .... today, with hight falling Just ahy of 70 but west· end eouth-facing aod lowt In the upper 40L bMchet can still expect waist· On Sunday, hlgha will top 70 to dtest·Nvhs today. The by •degree or two. Lowa will standout IPQta will see eome be In the lower 60a. ~hL tt loolca to be mostly cfoudy Sunday'l looklng a bit Monday, with COOier high• fn tmefler. the mld«>s. The MX1 IOUthwe9t twefl Wotmltion; enfvee Mond.y, pnMclng ue WWW.IMl.noN.(}OV ~to head-hlghe. T~ looting wen BOATING FORECAST bettef' '° ,.,, '° keep your fl~erc..d. The wincll will bfow 10 knob W...c,lllty: ln the Inn« W8t1ra, whh 1·foot WWW~Olp Wlvee Ind .... twelt of 4 to 8 '-t. Not mud1 wiff ~In TIDES the ~ng. ~the awell 11IM wm build to & ,... ... .,. ...... Out far1her, .,,. 8:12a.m. • 1.ot .... low nomto....rfy wtfm WAI blow 12:37 p.m. 3.71r.echlgh 5:Up.m . 1.7&fMtlow 20 to 30 bioelt ..ty, but ... (Ml)~ ttn.plroto • .,,,,,."°'" C.O.. MeA repotW, IMl 1?""22l l30 '* month. ll'l'IOll lnclucM .u PMwa. • dMelon of the Loe~ .... to 10 to 16 knot1 In IN 1h48p.m. t.04fMthlgh dillrdts.,...,,,.,..""'"*·°"'" ~--end~W.) Tirr-. .... I IOOn, wfth 2• to &-foot Q11•1 c.... POSTMASTER. SIM~ Wll\Wende~MlllOf&to WATER TtllPUAlURE (~ '9P0fl!W, (9411 ~ cNngll to l1-NMpoft C2003 TirNa CH All rigttu ...... ,.,.. • ..,.._com ~Mete Deity~ P.O ~ 7fllltThe9m8Wllbe ..... q.t ......... . ... ' i i ........ -.-... --#"-~- Getting the house in order BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS The Newport Beach City O>uncil might crack down on committee that some say has allowed "mansionization... · June C•••arande Dally Prlot NeWPORT SPACH -At times, architect& baw de- algDcd homes knowing that they are bigger than the city normally allows. banking on the city's ModJftcailOns. Com~ mlttee to make an eueptlOn to d ty rules. At times. the pm- • ble pays oft; m.ulting in • homes larger than their Jots woWd normall)' allow and out- raged aies from residents op- posed to "man.sionlzation." All that could end aoon. The City Council will hold a study . ses.<ion Tuesday on whether to clip the wings of the Modification CommJttee and to Umit liberties of home· • buildeB. "1be way our modi&atloo process ls set up right now pa eorne leeway." Qy Man· ., Homer 8ludau Mid. ·saan ha a lot of~ on Iha•, and the coUncil may want to tighten that up. Manslorilutlon ii an in· ~ emadonal llilue In the dty, pitting one 8JOUP of property qwnen . ~ an- other. Some ftlildencs or ~ older cooununidea sUdi as Corona de.I Mar don't thbllc that people lhOuJd be al- loWed to ~ the cb8i8cler Of thrfr netgbborhooda area by bWlding huge, loolJlin& houses. Others thlnk they 6hould be alloWed to build their dttam homes on their own property. The issue has become to di· visive that city 5t.aff have scrapped the term "m.ansloni- zation • fo:r the !es,, partisan "the size of houses Issue.• The matter lncml.li.ngfy mmes up in tho General Plan update proceee. O ty CoWldl lilietinp and Envln>nmenw QUality Mairw Cornmlttee meetinp. And lt'1 litefy that "m.:risioniz:ation" wW factor Into Tueaday's diSCl.lulon. ·1 think it Is a concern here.• Bludau said. "I think chat ls.sue will come up." 'The Modifications Commit· tee is made up of stafl' mem. bers from the city's planning, build.Ing and public worb de- partments. Their job Is to con- skier. on a case-by-ease basis; minor devlatio·ns to city stand, ards for thinp like setbac.k.s. bu.lldlng heights and foot· prints. Larger deviations re- qu.Ire variances, which come through a more formal and atringent process. One of the strategies City Council members may con- sider is rewriting the standards tn a way tbal would redefine some modifications as vari- ances. Harbor Boulevard onramp closes Monday The northbound J latbor Boulevard onramp to the north- bound San Diego Freeway will close on Monday for three weeks so that Calt:rans can realign it The California Depan:meor of TtaR.sponation suggests that mo- torists use the Hyland Avenue oruamp lo the north San Diego freeway as a detour. The work. is part of a larger project with the Of'a!lge County Transportation Authority to im - prove the San Diego and Corona del Mar Creeways between Bear Street and Hyland in Costa Me54 The construtt.ion, slated to fin ish in mid 2004, will. among other thmgs. improve on-and offramps at Harbor and Fairview Road and add a new onramp Crom Hyland to the north San Di- ego Freeway. ~:male batteries at two Costa Mesa sites The Automobile Oub of ' Southern CaJlfornia 1s aslung mo1onsts to donate car. truck '·--~ 'K~t'~h i : I -, and boat lead-acid batterie1 to a safe collec1ion location from today to April 26, in connectJon with Earth Day. The goaJ of the Auto Oub's "Great Battery Roundup" is to collect 6,000 batteries through- out Southern California, to pro- tec1 the enV110nmen1 and hu- man health and safety. Newpon-Mes.a residents can lake theu batteries 10: A & B Towing at 2956 Randolph St .. Costa Mesa. (714) 54-0--0204; or Jim's lowing at I 785 MonroVIa Ave., Co.,ta Mesa. (7 14) 850 0869 .. John Way ne Airport makes the grades Orange County's onJy com - mercial airport received high pr~e from industry magazin~ that recognl7ed the airpon's economic sirength 1n finan- cially difficult ume!>. Moody\ gave 11~ highest rat - ing AaJ to the $51 -million Senes 200:1 ·Airport Revenue Bond b!>ued for the area trans- portation hub II was the high- est ra ting Moody\ assigned to any airport, John Wayne offi- cial~ '>aid Stdfldard and Poor's gave its only A+ ra1111g 10 John Wayne. '>Urpas~1ng 11'. A rating from last Organic Sour Cream REG~.99 '2.49 16oz. SdtUfd/ly, A{JI~ 19, 2003 AJ year. Both rating agencies ..id they '"ued their anaJysJa ~ on strong debt r>ervlce cov~ and growth given che tuinS wne in the travel business. The strength at John Wayne 11 unprecedented considering the hit taken aher SepL. 11, 2001, of- ftcJals swd. . "The lratmgsl are represent*· tive of the financial st.abillty, strong operations and out· standmg ioervice that John Wayne Airport Provides for Orange Counry. -airport direc- tor Alan Murphy said tn a press release. ~our raung reflects ow commitment to efficient and cost effecuve ~ervices 10 our passenger!> and tenants. - FOR THE RECORD In I'hur-.day\ "IJ1 The Crowd" column. a phu10 of Denice Mode wru, m1'>talcenly labeled a' Annamane McGee Mod. 1~ the prl.">1den1 of the '>c1ph1.,11ca1e<> :\. t-: \\ . ,\ 1 . \ ~· .... ( ' \\ . ·' e or't;:'f!at , Hot Cereals Alt Powder YOU SAVE UP TO $13 00' '!tr It In OrirJuJce ., 'Ibo! New Fndt Antioxidant Fonnula 2Full Gnamol Hmllng Frulll Multiple Vitamins & Minerals Now wllh: • awnw • B6rr6e11w • Al'fJ'le • Own6a1w • ~ Se«l~ 1ron & DalrtJ Aw. v..,.. Ma pouJder-In 6aewwe o1 gour chob. No """'* "'t:ap111da/ 5.29 FL. OZ. 15.09 Fl. OZ. SJ2!~5.95 s SEEDS OF CHANGE ~ • ......., 81111 • RaMted c.tk •Mwluoom .:.=°'"$•99 REG. '2.99 .& 25 crz. JASON 'S VITAMINC P6a SOOMC ::.w.m:~~ SUGG. '15.oori-r l -aW:.. ValuePadcs Lotsof Yogurt Varieties to CllOOSe! sne REG. 9W ~7acrz. ..... - ~5~_ Articbob Pasta onG!eem Lemon muinmd pasta tossed with artichoke hwts and veggia on a bed of org;anic mixed greens. Choi~ of drtssing and bread. ......... 1 I .. I . M Sataday. Aprt 19, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES c:oil*mSA ....... 8INet: Petty theft wet~ In the3300 blodt MS 29 p m. Wedttillday. • Cedl Pliee: A hit-1nd-run was repontd in the 200 blodt M 6:12 p.m. Wednesday. • a.cnut Awnue and LV'I" StrHt Sale of narc:otk:9 was reported at "" 11 :01 a.m. Wednesday. • N9wport Bou~ Petty theft waa repor1ed In the 200 ~·at 6:52 p.m. WedNeday. • ~ lAJM: Mall tampering was reported in the 300 block at 2:13 p.m. Wednesday. • West 19th StJ'Mt: Drinking in public was reported In the 700 block at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • c.talina OriVe: Grand theft was reported In the 500 blodc at 3:17 a.m. Thursday. • Galaxy Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 1300 block at 10:54 a.m. Thursday. • Summ~ Street •nd s.8sho .. Drive: Grand theft was reported at 2:14 p.m. Thursday. OBITUARY Hugh J. Plumb Jr. Sen·1ce~ for retired Newport lk.1t:h pediatri· uan I lugh J l'lumh Jr. wilJ be hl'ld .1t I p rn May 14 at 51. Andre""" Pre'>by· tt:rian ! 1'urth hOll ~l. An· dre\\ \ llnild Dr Plumb d1ecJ \pr ii t) 111 t .inn·r I It.' wa ... Rt I h-i' 'llr\.l\l'd h\ ht'> childrt'n .1n I thei.r 'POI"('' l>.n 1d Jnd Mary Plumh, Diane and Milce Glassey: and Steve and Cindy Plumb; liw grand· children. and one great- granddaughter. • The Daily Pilot welcomes obituaries for rns1dents or former residents of Costa Mesa and Newpon Beach. If you want to have an obituary printed in the Pilot, ask your mortuary to fa>< us the information at 19491 640-4170 or call the newsroom at (9491 764-4324 BABY NORWOOD ARRIVES Mr. and Mrs Robert Norwood IV of Tustm Ranch are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Paige Katelyn. born on January 21, 2003 at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Paige's mother has been a teacher at Harbor View Elementary School m Corona del Mar for eight years and her father is an environmental engineer . with the Orange County firm of Microseml, Inc. Welcoming Miss Norwood are her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Dean Laws of C0<ona del Mar; her paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Robert Norwood Ill of Houston. Texas, and Auntie Heather Laws of Balboa Island. FAMILY Continued from Al stupid.. Many or even most of them fled or sumndtted as the brave men and wo~n of the coalition forces showed them what they thought or bullies. • The war ln Iraq has something In common with the Angels' winning~n. like thou.wids of other locals. I was not a huge Angel fan Wltil they made the playoffs; until they proved they were for real After chat, I Jumped in with both feet. listening to every pitch as though I had my old transistt>r radio wider my • pillow listening to Sandy' Koufax whiff the Gian.ts ln a night game. So it was with th.is war. My intelleoctual oppomtion to the general notion of waging war gave way to full support as the firm shots were fired and proved that lhls was no video game. After that, I wanted nothing more than a swift U.S. victory, the complete elimination of Hussein's rule and the safe return of our troops. The world is now a safer place occ Continued from Al three conungency plans that would allow them to add more classes as quickly ru. possible. "Al this point, it''> fairly easy because we've had to cut back so far,· said Kevin Ballinger, dean of consumer and health sciences and technol<>t-,'Y divisions. "It's difficuJL becau..e you're trying to decide which career programs, which class<"» are more impor· tant.'' The divbion dean!> have be· gun working on three scenarios in which they would restore about $500,000, $I million and $1.5 million to the -;chcdule and thus add cla.<..., '>ectJon'>. Since Gov. Gray l>aVI'> isn't ex· PARKS Continued from Al John, who last year asked the city's Pa.Jh, Beathe.~ and Re· neation Comnm.!>1on to keep Rosalind in mind when they de· vrlop future parks. "And she touched so many people in her pt'J¥.>nal life and her business hfe." In John's request and in a some ~ubsequent talk of naming a parlc after Irrelevant Week creator Paul Salata, comrnissione~ saw a Pan· dora's box. "We will have far less parla. and ROBINSON Continued from Al smaJl·lot developments sprouting up all over the city, Robinson and the rest of the council issued a moratorium and work.etl with staff to create new guidelines. 1 ler most recent triumph was the overturning of the Planning C.Ommission's approval of a Kohl's department store for the Mesa Verde Center after she ap· pealed it to the council. "I ~ that as an accomplish- ment, to be able to get my coun· cil brethren to share that view, aJthough three othe~ of them believed that anyway," Robinson said. Robinson said she has pined to be a 1udge for as long as she can remember She is looking CHEESE Continued from Al il go on their record, wtuJe those caught by a traffic officer would continue to be fined up to $341 and have a point added to their driving record. But the Auto Oub wiO suppon AB I 022,· a bill introduced by As· RosEY's Auloeoov You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY for our chlldren. ~ ~rid of a very bad man. one who not only talked of evil actions. but pmctlcJed lhem. 1baob to the leadership in Washington and London. and the bravery 00 the battlefiel'd. we can relax ~t a Uttle. Much of the wodd owes the U.S. tnd Great Britain a loud "thank you," but we will not get It because politicians and other world leaders don't work that way. So while much of the Middle East Is quiedy celebrating lhe faD of Hussein, their public statements reflect. at best, indifference. But we ln the U.S. know better. We know a bully when we see one, and~ know a blowhatd. 100. thol..lgb we keep electing them or seading their blather each Saturrl<ty morning. Al Times Square in New York. where we've spent the last few days vacationing. the mood Is different than in years past New Yoricers have changed. PeopJe seem to be \'(cl(lcing slower. smiling more and saying "please• and "thank you" so muc.h, it gets pected to release his budget re- vise until May 14, officials need to be ready for anything, Farrell said. The idea is to prepare for whatever the revise may include and be able to stan the college's chosen plan before many of the professors take off for the sum- mer break. sometimes as early as May30. College officiaJs have started on this positive path in part be- cause the lobbying efforts by stu- dent.i., faculty and staff through- out California and on behalf of the 108 community colleges has forced state officials to take a closer look at how their propos- aJs wouJd stint the educational exploration of so many students. "'Ole state is now discussing our situation at some depth," said Jim Camen, director of bull<lings than we have amazing people in this community." said Marie Knight, the city'~ director of recreation and seruor services. Just last month, a park m C.0- rona del Mar was dedicat~ in honor of Arnold Beckman for his I 03rd birthday. After talking with WLIUams' farruly, cily officials decided to consider a plan to change the way the city names parlcs to pre· vent the potential avalanche of similarly requests. "The commis.sion's concern Wei.'> basically, how do we mea- sure one person's contribution over another's? Do we really want forward to presiding over issues as a neutral third party, "one that ensures that everybody that participates in the process is treated fairly with dignity and re- spect and comes to understand that (the process( really works," Robinson said. To mamtain an an of unparti- aHty, judges are not allowed to take an activist role m their com- munities, which will restrict Robinson's involvement as a resident in Costa Mesa issues while she is on the bench, she <;aid. At her last City C.Ouncd meet- ing. Robinson offered kudos to her peers on the council. "I just have absolutely appre- ciated and enjoyed working with my colleagues on the dais,· Robinson said ·1 LruJy believe they are a hard-working group of people that have nothing but the semblywoman Jenny Oropeza CD-Carson) that recommends tighter control over red-light camera programs, Thorp saJd That bill is expected to be heard in the Assembly Transportation C.Ommlttee meeting on Monday. Newport Beach does not have red-light cameras, but bas in· stalled red-Ugbt indicator boxes at about 25 intersections. These boxes a.re basically small units perched behind the traffic light that reOect lhe red light as soon as the signal changes. That way. , the ofBcer who Is positioned be- hind a traflic light gets ahead of the violator. "We've had good SUccefi.S with these boxes," Newport ~ Po- lice Sgt. Stew Shulman said. He said Newport 8eacb doesn't plan on opliog for auoeru any time soon. "The indJcator boxes are a cheap altematfve." Shulman 18.Jd. "And they're worting wdJ for us. .. The senate bill Is acbedu!ed td be heard ln the Senate Judidary PLUG IN annoying.~ the new subway car recocdings apologiu for die smallest delays. At Ground z.cro. there is no mist3king this dlange. New \bJkers know they were knocked off their pedestal and they are desperately sean:hing OD all foW"l!I for their contact lenses to see their way back to being the world's greateft city. Their recovery ls slowed mightily by a budget aisJs that may force the closure of as many as 40 firehouses, not a very popular cut since New York firemen became national heroes. lt will take New Yodcers longer to recover than die rest of the nation. They were. after all, the destination for the stupid Cowards. But New Yock will ~and take itS place at the top. • I'm just not so sure about the Angels. • STEVE SMl11i is a Costa Mesa · resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at 19491 642~. community relations for OCC Lobbyers uhave pointed out the disparity of all systems of higher education_" OCC has aJso received positive feedback about its early retire· ment incentive program. "Our target W'dS to capture $2 million In savings and, as we speak. we're a little over that now." Farrell said_ Although funds have funneled in from the school's retirement program, college officials are hopeful, but not holding their breath, when ii comes to the state lending a hand to help their financiaJ future. • CHfUSTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or by e·mail at christine.camllo iil/atimes.com to do thatr Knight said. John said thal his family is sympathetic to the city's situation and that he plans to 6nd some other way of honoring her under what.ever rule. are finally decided on. Knight said that the city still has plenty of opportunities to recognize extraordinary commu· nity members. including on park benches and by dedicating tree<.. ·Actually, this would open up opportunities by not naming a whole park after one person, bu1 allowing the many things within the park to honor them," Knight said best in rrund for the city. I wish those who were critics would step back for just a minute and reaJize it's a very difficult job." She also expressed admiration for the passiona1e residents who are avidly involved with city is· sues. "We have a tough citizenry, but that also means we have people who are interested in how this community develops, rather than have a city filled with citizenry that doesn't care,· Robinson said. ·1 think thal's great That's exactly how It's sup posed to be, and it's up to the council to listen. because that's who got them there and that's who they serve.· • DElAORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at demtre.rHtWman latimes com on Tuesday. Schuler said he be- lieves the passage of this bW will help make the system more ef· fecdve. Costa Mesa. he said, will get these cameras at 12 to 14 more intersections within the next year or so. The cameras. he said. pay for themselves. Part of the money from the citations goes to the company that rents them to the city, part of It goes to the courts. and another portion goes to the city. But the Oty Council haa aJ. ready decided that the citY share or the money should be transfemid to locaJ schools' drMr Instruction programs. Schuler safd. -ibis b not about mon~" he said. "lt'1 about preventing b'8flk ac::ddems caused by drMra run- ning red Ughts." •OHM 8HAMnt c:overw publlc Nf9tY end 004.lrta. She may be rMtNd 8l (IMS) 67~ or by ...-NllM '*"'PLbhMdt•tatJmea.oom SAFETY TIPS • Pwbd. ocalpied vehldel conWlling wor more .,... .. ~ ...,...,..tfobMNed .. an unulUil hour.1My cOukl be lookouts fOr a burg*V iJI ~~lfthe occuplf"9.,,., to bi '°"""" • Anv vthlde riloYlng atowtv 9ild withoUt lighta Ot following • COUfl4t lhat appears •lmleile or repetitfve It~•· Oclc:upanb mey ~~for s>tacn to rob Ot .,_,.glarize. ·~bUsinea tt•l'IUC'lioN ~ frorli a veNde, 9!1Pedally areund 8Chools or perts and If juveniles are invotved. could ' mean drug aciles. •~being fon:ed Into vehldee -espedally ff they ere Juvenlles or tern.kw - may mean a kidnapping. Record the llcenae platee and call police. •An abandoned vehicle parted on your btodt may be stoten. Contact pertcing control with • license plate number. • Place g..-vel outside windowt Where you're concemed about prowlers. The noise of someone stepping on i1 will serve to alert you. • Seemingly Innocent activttlea may be crimes in progress. Be a good neighbor, be observant and watd'I for unuStJal activity. •A home window with a small br.ak In it may mean a burglary hes occumid. C.11 police immediately. • A stranger entering your neighbor's house when it la UtlC)Ca.lpied may be a burglar. •A acream heard anywhere may mean robbery or rape. Be observ1nt and notify police. •Anyone removing accessories, license plates or gasoline from a car should be reported. •Anyone peering into parted cars may be looking for a car to steal or for valuables left dispfeyed In the car. • P9opte entering or leaving a business after hours could be burglei9. Safety try to note arty vehicies involved and call poUce. • The sound of breaklng glass or other loud explosive noises could man an accident. • houMbreaJcing or vandalism. • People loitering around ld\ool,s, pel'b, secluded areas or in the neighborhood could be se1< offenders. • Nearly hatf of the bUrglarfes committed ere without foroe, that 19, through unlodted doors and windows. • AJwrrys loc:t your doors at1d wlndowa, even when leavlng for just a minute or When wottdng In your own bed: yard. •Whenever you move to a new home, have the lodes dlanged. • "'"11,..... ~Ol'MI or come to your door, don't lldmlt you.,. alone Oon't let ~*tnaer lnlo your home -no m8ht What the,....,,, or hoW dint the emergency It ~to be. M.k'9 Chit ~phone call White 1tl9v welt outside. • ff you nve in an IP8rt:rT*rt. llY6ld ~ 1n the le&lndtY room or a-rage bv yourtelf. ~ally et "'9ht. ...... peephOle WMer In ygur door. Newr open your door ..... INWlng Who .. an"'9 ol*lldt.AllO CIOtllldlf' Cellng lhe ..... ~otlCI IOCOnftnn IN =:=~--walldngat ... ~ ~-we.t.~ • w.llc oonftdefMv, .._, ~-• ieeedw..-onlM tide of ..... t9dno trlfllc. Crimlnell loc* tor tc)f'fteOne Who ..,.,..,. VUIMl"lble. • Walk cloet to the cul'b. ~ doo~ buahee-' all• where ~CM hide. . •tfacar~tobe · f~ you. tum end-* In the~ dlrildlon or welk on the other eJd9 of the street. • If y<>u are in dlnger, 8CfMm • #Id run, or Yell •tn." Aun toward I~ or people, • Atwavs lode car doOr1 after en1ering or s..Mng vour car. Don't leave valuabtes In plain vfew. • Have your ear lceya In your hand and chedc the ~seat area before enterlng your car. •If voo think you are being followed, drive to a pobflc place or to • pof ice or aheriff'a station. •Your best defente is to be prepared -know your options ahead of time. Your safety mey depend upon your ebiflty to stsy oooi and calm. • Rttqulre alecpeople or repair people to ahow Identification. •The No. 1 killer of teenagers, before they go to college, Is alcohof·re!•ed hlg,hway ~ts. • About Ol'l•thlrd of local arrests involve alcohol. AJcohol abuse tmP1U"I judgment. ceu.a injuri• and kills. •Payettentiontoyour Intuition and instlnd. If something Just feels wrong, It usually Is. • Keep emergency phone numbers handy or memottz. them. • Olacua safety plans with family, friends, '*Ohbort, d'llldren and baby-eftlers. . u._. pur• with. ehoulder atrep. Carry it wfth the ... thet OJ*lS toward you. Hold your pune securely. • Part ewey from vine or ca,. wtth someone waiting around. Keep a •c.u PoUce" sign under the front Met ol your car. • If someone aignala thet aorneU\fng ia wrong with vour car, drive to the nMf9St aervice st80on to~ h. Do not stop 11ld get out of your car. • Never leeve an eX1n Uy' under the do6r met. eboY'9 the doc>r, unct.r a ftoiwar pot. 9tc. leave one with 1 tnMld neighbor. • ti.we a light on In dMi toom Where you .,.. ..., h9ve. llght on tn • room wt.. you are not. ti gfv.. the impreaion Of more then one pertOn being .. hOfN. • u.t your name o'n .. mailfQc end Jn the phoN boOk wtlh ftnt HM end a.c oameonty. • GMi vour tiOMt •fwd.In '* bV 8"' ...... tor ~lnid,,..t>m ~I.Ip In your ...... .. Daily Piiot Gas gets a little cheaper Prices in Costa Mesa, at least, dip back below $2 a gallon. The drop ~ould continue. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -It turns out gas prices can actually go be· low$2. Area residents were ecstatic Friday as the price per gallon for regular unleaded gasoline fell a few cents below the $2 mark - at least In Costa Mesa The average price per gallon in the rest of Orange County for Fri- day was about $2.08, said Carol Thorp.· spokeswoman for the Al.atomobile Oub of Southern California •on Thursday, the average in Orange County was $2. l O and a year ago, it was $1.64," she said. Prices hit $2 in early March and, much to public dismay, WHATS AFLOAT •WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or bye-mail to dsilypilot@lstimes.com. SAlUNG CLASSES Orange Coast CoUege is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers. even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occssiling.com. SeHlng Fesc:inetion on.... deues in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County empk>ye,.. can bring their employees out to Newport Beacti on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Sdiool of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a cnance for groups to wort with the on~board instructor on dffferent sailing techniques while they get ·advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 640-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Merine w.t.Sports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a sett-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ooean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat. put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fulty equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport ooast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boet Rentllla can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-hotder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats. providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt padtages include boats, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (9'9) 673-7200. IEJec:tlic bMt nintals.,. evalleble by the hoor at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, NewportBeach.Allboataare equipped with window continued a steep climb that lasted through last week. Many areas hit $2.20 or higher. 'Iborp said she expects the prices to dip farther. "We don't lcnow how much it'll go down by." she said. "But it does look IUce it will go down." Thorp said there were several ~ns for skyrocketing gas prices over the last few months. fncluding the war with Iraq, la- bor unrest In Nigeria and Ven- ezuela and several refineries closing down. "H was not just the war," she said. "lt was caused by a combi- nation of things happening around the world." Residents said they are opti· mistic abouL the price decline. Roseanne Alviso of Costa Mesa enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645-6812. Pedal boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks. inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (943) 729-1150. Gondola tours are offered by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese. salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport, 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with cnampagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pidwp is available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 6754984. Irvine Coest Chertera in Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 6754704. Gondola Romance offe,.. daity tours of Newport Harbor during luncn and dinner. Call (949) 6754730. The tours go out of Lido Marina Village. 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Electric Boet Tou,.. offers two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidt-up f'Tom restaurants with dodcs is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291·1953 or www.wattsonthehsrbor.com. The Newport Landing Belle is available for weddings and receptions, oodctail and sightseeing cruises. and meetings. The oost is $500 for the first two "hours, plus $150 tor each additional hour. (949) 361·3640. fun Zone 8oet Co. Nns 8 45-mlnute cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, $8; dlildren, $1 ) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. A 60-mlnute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. dally. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Cataline PuMnger $eMce NM 45-minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children, $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. CNIM the harbor 8bcMud the Electra, a 100-foot Ctaasic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 146 passengers. (949) 723-1069. said she was happy with Friday's prices. ·1 have to be. I drive a VB, and it guzzles a lot of gas." she said. "But I hope It goes down more. It probably will, but then it may go back up in the summer when people start traveling." Alviso said that, like many California residents, she does not understand why drivers in the Golden State must pay mpre for gas. "We drive more than people in any other state," she said. "lt should be cheaper here. Doesn't make much sense." eo·sta Mesa resident Hans Weyer said he has struggled with the recent high prices ·as others have. "It's hard especially when you have a fixed income." he said. "I'm hoping the drop in prices will continue once they establish peace in Iraq." A three-course dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. The Catalina Ayer departs from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-tnp for cnildreh. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245. Homblower offers weekend dinner dance and Sunday champagne bruncn cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101. Newport Beacn. (9491 631-2469. The Adverrtures at Sea Yacht Charters offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beacn. $20, includes cruise. panting, cookies and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 650-2412. ASHING Fishing dasses leave Balboa Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 673-2810. Get to the Newport Pier ••rtv to watch the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catC:h of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at McFadden Square, an open-air market. Fishing supplies and boat charters (open party and private) are available at Davey's Locker. 400 Main St .. Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportflshing, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675-0550. Dey and night fishing charters for groups or singles are available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA tmue Outrigger Canoe C1ub invites adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No experience required -they'll teach you ell you need to know. Dress for the beach and bring a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach. For more Information, call (714)432-1236. Beginning ... kayaking, rotHng cllnlca and private lessons are offered at Paddle Power, 1500 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Kayak and sea ski rentals also are available. (949) 675-1215. 1Wo-hour byak tours begin 8t 10 a.m. Sundays from Newport Dunes. The cost is S20 for adults and $16 for children. Kayak rentals end cf asses also are available. (949) 729-1160. Satlsday. Apr~ 19. 2003 Al bed $1300 , includes . dresser. & mirror !>0Cl10fldl $1 295 2nightstands fr ee SPRlr-.G CLEARANCE SALE lp To ~~re OFF · ~[f 0~[. GE.T 0~[ f~[[ •fl • L I • I I ' ' I I , • • I) I I • 71 4 596 S371 · 6902 [OINGf R AVf. HUNllNGlON BCA CH I can't believe ..... . It's My Home Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer 10 a beautifuJ new look for your home. FlOWERDAl.E can make your landm1pe dreams come true. and increase vour home·~ value, too! Come in today and disco~er the pt'.ople who can make a difference to you and your garden. KAY MATSON, A.A C.C.N.P. Land.scape Designer ~\,~~ ,...._~,..J .... >:!:,}-...._./ • ~ ' '-" ' NURSERIES, INC. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING 46 YEARS EXP. Liceme l\!u rns<i<i ~ SANlA ANA• 21100 :'-.. lu~1111 \w (714) 633-9200 c OSTA MESA • 2-uo Ht"'"' \\( (7 14) 754-6661 Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT TERRYMEIKU C.C.N.P. Land.scape Designer J Al Satlxdly, Ac>!'I 19, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PU8USHB> -~Mail to Editorial Page Editor $,J. Cahn at the Deity Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., eo.ta Mele. CA 92827 • ,...,_ Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 648-4170 e.m.l:Send to dailypilof•ldmes.oom •All oofT'08l)Ofldence must Include full .name, hometown end phone number (for verification purposes). The Pitot reserves the right to edlt ell aubmluion• for darity end length. MAILBAG When it rains, why do wonderful public library (ala his admitted contlict of interest Andrew Carnegie) and donate ir abuse. After all, what was the we still water? to the Orange County Public point of passing that law If It was Library System to replace the never going to be enforced? · nie other evening, I drove on very small branch library In Mesa I acknowledge that a little over Iowa S~t past the California Verde. Ir could be named the . $250 may sound trivial and 'ThWinkle schools athletic "Segerstrom Branch" and would compared to state or national fields. At the time, it was raining provide mucl) needed space for campaign contributions. heavily, and had been raining for after-school library programs. However, the Issue to which I am nearly 24 hours. I noticed that According to the library concerned deals dlfectly with the sprinkler systems on the administrator, more children acting City Atty. Tom Wood's athletic field were in full participate in summer reading opinion: that it would be operation, sending large sprays programs than in Little League unscrupulous and illegal for a of water over the field. baseball. Costa Mesans of all council member to appoint a Obviously, watering the fields ages would use it. There could be commissioner based upon any at that time was a complete a large, soundproof children's monetary sum that was received waste of water. It was also a room with a special area for by the council member -be it waste of tax money by the school Mstory hours," lots of computers, $251 or one penny. district. Surely, the cost of a an area for art displays, meeting Although Planning simple moisture sensor to rooms, etc. Since Costa Mesa is Commissioner Joe) Faris and automatically stop the sprinlcJers the City of the Arts, maybe it Mansoor may not have Intended to under such conditions would not could have speclaJ collections in violate any city laws, they should be a major expense. The public the arts. There could be a little still not be excused from remving goodwill engendered by such a store to sell used books. Actually, any proper punishment for their system would be enough to it could have a lot of the features abuse. N. city leaders. I would like justify it, and it would also save that can be found at the Newport to see them publicly apoJogize to both money and water. Beach Public Library on their constituents for this egregious I tried to find an e·mail Avocado. Costa Mesa is library violation. address for the schools and the poor, and there had been talk a KENNETH TAYLOR Mesa Consolidated Water few years ago of building a new Costa Mesa District on their Web sites ~o I library for the city. The library could send this message. could be built in a beautiful Orrison went the distance However, both sites failed to park-like setting, with benches for the sports page provide any e-mail contact and tables, so people could sit information; instead, they and eat their Olinese food, pizza, If you're not a runner, you provide Web forms for sending sandwiches. smoothies and don't really grasp bow awesome comments. Those form~ insist coffee from the shopping center. a feat it b for a marathoner to that I enter my e-mail address so Now I still thmJt there would average 5-minute miles for 26 they can send me an answer, but be room on the property for a mile~ I won't give my e-mail address to really nice, upscaJe restaurant In the same way, it's hard to anyone who won't tell me their that could be named the Library, really grasp the signjficance of address. I'm pleased to note lhat with dark wood, comfortable Roger Carl'ion's 35-year career at the Daily Pilot does publish their tables and chair!. and creative the Daily Pilot unless you've e-mail addresses widely, and so food. There could be a room or been a sportswriter. does the City of Costa Mesa. rwo for meetings, speciaJ eventb, Luckily, I was, and therefore DAVE CLOSE etc. And dare I say, a cozy bar am able to truly appreciate Roger Costa Mesa with a fireplace. for the giant he was in his field. I BARBARA RYCROFT started at the Daily Pilot (then A novel idea for the Costa Mesa caUed the Globe Heraid) in 1959 Mesa Verde Center Not conflicted about as a stringer, covering the city leagues (remember the great Now that the KoW store won't wanting more action Korker basketball teams?) and be going into the Mesa Verde eventually Costa Mesa High's Center, may I make a suggestion? I got a good laugh after first varsity teams. After turning Since the Segerstrom family reading about the inaction of our in the stories al night, I'd move members are known for their city attorney and the Costa Mesa into the press room and help cultural philanthropy, maybe City Council to reprimand make the plates and run the they would like to build a Councilman Allan Mansoor over press (thlng~ have changed a Need a Mothers Day gift idea? little). Anyway. what l appreciate · most about Roger Is that he brought a level of credibility, stability and class to the sports section, which the paper had never before seen. Glenn White, who hired him, lald the fo}lfidatlon, and Roger brought the tools to build and develop It. Now, no offense to the sports editors at that time prior to White -Rich Martin and Bill Doner -but let's just say youth was served, there weren't many boundaries, and there were a lot of big. bold headlines on almost every story. It was reek.less fun. To work diligently, faithfulJy for 35 years at the task given him is an awesome achievement. But what looms larger than that and what will be Roger's enduring legacy is his character and the humble spirit in which he served and led. The most powerful men I know are also the most humble. The longevity and faithfulnes~ of his current staff is a tribute to Roger's humble leadership style. Thank you Roger. You made a mark that will not be fo&f tten. BOB OGGER Newport Beach Orrison always showed class and integrity Wasn't the happiest of days for me Tue!.day -two losses in one morning. First 1 had to have my dog put to sleep, then I opened the paper to see that Roger Carlson was hanging up his notepad Oass. Integrity. Loyalty. Old school. Never sold out All words that describe Roger. He's one of those few people that you can say, "He does~ his way, the right way, and I'm glad I krlow him." I was fortunate to have worked for Roger as a stringer from 1984 to '85 .... Didn't know what the heck I was doing then. but he always had time to help. Best of luck. Roger. HUGH SILER Costa Mesa HOW TO CONTACT YOUR ·.REPRESENTATIVES a1Y OF COSTA IEIA Com Mesa Qy Hell, n FM Oriw, C.o.&I Meea. CA ~ (714)·754-62213 ~ t<.aren RoblNOn •• . CounOI: Libby C01M1n. Allen Meneoor, Gert Monehan and Chris StMI a1Y OF NEWORTIEACH Newport Beedl atv Hell, 3300 ~ BMi, Newport Beedl, CA 92883. (949) aw 3308 M11Wor: Steve Bromberg Cowd Gary Adema. John Hen.men, Dk* Niche*, Gary~. Tod AkSgl\JWf and Don Wibb COAST CWNTY COU£GE otSTltCT Dlstrtct Of'ftcr. 1370 Adema /We., Coste Mel.I. CA 92628, (71 .. ) 432-6888 Chancellor: Wiltlam M. Veg9 IOMI: Pntsident Paul ......... Vice f'Nlldent Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jeny ~end Walter G. Howeld; student trustee OerM ~ NEWPORT•SA lllFED SCHOOli DISnacT Dittnct Ofl'lcr. 2985-A Bear St., Costa M ... , CA 92626, (71 .. ) 4'24-5000 St+wit1t1N.-.wt: Robert Barbot loefd: Prakteltt Marthl Fluor, Vtee ~ 0.. Bladr. Clerk Sentne Siok-. DMd Broob. TOft'I Egen. Juctv mnco and Linde Sneen COSTA MESA SMrTMY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Cost.a M91a, CA 92628-1200, (71") 754-5043 Boent PNsldent Arlene Schafer, Jim f«fym8n. Alt Peny, Greg Woodside and Dan Wofthl~ ORANGE COUNTY BOMD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. BOie 9060, Ca.ta Meu, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth 0. Parbf, member, Trult9e Ar-. 5, eo.tl Mesa. Newpon 8Ndl ORANGE COUNTY IOMO OF SUPeMSORS Hall of Administntlon, 10 CMc c.....r Plez.a, Senta Ana, CA 9l701 •Jim Silva, 2nd Oist.rtd (c.o.ta Mela. NewpOrt Beech), (714) 834-3220 •Thomae Wilson, 5th Distrtct (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3560 STATE SENATE RoeaJohnaon (R). 35th Dtttnct. 18562 MecMhut' Btvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (M9) 833-0180; faic: (9"9) 833-06'96 .A~W~j,~~ Treo1 Mom to a wonderful day at the sixth annual Home & Garden Tour on Thursday. Moy 1 st. fr0t11 Now TultoUGH M«Mri IMJ u APRIL 3om ~1111a 1 O:OOam to 3:00pm. Tour six beautifully appointed homes. a gorgeous garden and enjoy' lunch on the bay. tt's a great way to spend the day. Tickets are $45 each and ore a\<lllable at: Brett's PhOto Express. 28/ E. l 7th St. (949) 722-0611 The Butera Home Collectton. l 7 45 Westcllff Dr. (949) 650-85 70 For more Information call (949) 262-2672 .. ..... [;;] ' . ' . . -..: .. COLDWc.?LL BANl(eR (i H.J. Garrett Furniture Full Daign Conmlting Service Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tr'adition of Providing Service and ~lw 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 t0cn6 Sun lltu S . Q.Uality Ser.vice' Value 50% ()If 5% Eallmain Photognrphy Sina1947 Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock anaJysts' recommendations? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and F.Ul to disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and che firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may h.ave a case for &aud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker ovcr-conc:cnuatc your portfolio in technology stocks? Your IOSSC$ arc often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We 5pccialize in representing individual investors. PIC2SC c:all us for a FREE consultation. -No baMry. No Fee .. •• 11 .... Daily Pilot COMMUNITY & CLUBS Interfaith council S prayer breakfast nears , 'H ow America Prays· will be the subject of keynote speaker George Staln-1.auftot at the sixth annual Interfaith National Day of Prayer breakfast at 7 a.m. Thursday, May 1, at St•MJchael & All~ Episcopal Olurch In C.Orona del Mar and sponsored by the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith C.Oundl. "This is truly an interfruth event that brings together the dJverse faith communities for the Nat:lonai Day of Prayer,· said council President Dennis Short of Harbor Cluistian Church. Last year, members from 32 congregations representing over a dozen faith communities, as well as elected officials and community leaders, attended the event, he said. Panicipatlng In the program with Saint·Laurent and '>hon will be Costa Mesa CouncUwoman Ubby c.owan; the Rev. Karen Stoyanoff of Orange Coast Unitarian UniversaJist Church; the Hcv. Don OUver of Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian; Imam Moustafa QcwlnJ of the li.lamic Education Center of Orange C.Ounty; Rabbi Mm MUJer of Temple Bat Yahm; Lane ~rt of Bahais of Costa Mesa; Monsignor Wllllam Mcl.augh.lln, Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic OlUrch; and Greg KaJy of the Ecumenical and lnter·religlous Affairs Cornmis-11ion. Catholic Diocese of Orange. Fntertainer Jlm Roberta wtJI provide music, operung with "God Bies.\ America" and concluding with the song "l..t!t TI1ere Be Peace on Earth. Tables of eight are avmlable for SI 00 Sponsor!>tup I'> available for SI 00. Tick.et s art' $12.50 per peNOn and reservation\ can by made hy calling (949) 660·8665, ext. I, e·ma.Wng nm11nterfai1h~aol.com or by mailing your check. made payable to NMllC. P.O. Box 1175, Newport HcdCh, CA 92651) 24 HOURS vou·u NEVER FOftGET The Newport Harbor I hgh School stadium will be the site for hundreds of spinled learn walkers in the second ·Newport Beach Relay For LiJe· event tha1 GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this hst. call (949) 574-4296. Al.ZHElMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or ongoing Pf'ograma. Training MU1ons are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCtETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goode audl as clothing, fumlture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collec11bfes 10 fund the JIM DE BOOM begins at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May2, and ends at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 3. Businesses, employee .. groups, congre· gations, student groups and service clubs are encouraged to get a relay team together and join In on 24 hours of fun and excitement to raise awareness and money in the fight against cancer. The deadline for team registration is Monday. Team memberi. are encouraged to seek sponsorships before the relay from friends, relatives. employers and associates, with lhe goal of supporting a cure for cancer. If you are a cancer survivor, you won't want to miss the cancer tiurvivors' lap that opens lhe Helay For Life event. Participant.s wiU also have the opportunity to recognize loved ones with the evening's "Mile of I lopew luminaria ceremony taking place at 9:30 p.m. Friday. May 2. Lighted candJe luminarias wtll be decorated with the names or cancer <,urvivors and lhose lost to cancer. Placed around the track. these luminarias will light the way for all of the Relay For Life participants throughout the rught. The Newport Beach Relay For L1fl• Event Committee is chaired by Newport Beach City Manager Homer BJudau and Pat Smith, a loc.al tancer survivor Money raised by the Relay For Ufe will pay for vital services 1nduding: free transpiration to c-.u1cer therapy for patients, free s1dcroom equipment, quality or life programs for patients and famihes. training and assistance programs for prosthetics, makeup, wigs and turbans, volunteer help lin~ for advice dlld mformallon, ongomg research a1 UC lrvme and Hoag I fo-;p11al. and research nationwide. Form a team, become a sponsor, volun1eer for the event and iom our Newport Beach society's research, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Saturday at the same location; (949) 640-47n AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. is looking for volunteers to perform various general office duties in the main office and Implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERtCAN HOME HEALTH HOSP9C£ PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Prog,.m nee<b volunteers to give emotional 1upport to termlnally Ill patients and their tam Illes In 1he greater Orange County area. Training 11 , f Console And r~ Sofa Tables Fine fwnicwe at ~er pric:a! Evcmhina at below Wltthoute prical NeW maCLandile umu dailyf community ln the light against cancer. For more information regarding the second annual •Newport Beach Relay For Ufe, w please contact n-tna Jon.u at (949) 567-0634. To order luminarias, call Barbara Sloate at ('714) 751 ·3555. MEET TliE NEW SUPERVISORS Orange County Supervisors Ouk Norby and BID c.ampbell will be the featured speakers at the noon luncheon meeting of the Orange County Coast Assn. on Wednesday at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum, said Marian Bergaon, association .president. "The newty elected supervisors from lnJand Orange County districts have been asked to discuss issues of concern to coastal communities and John Wayne Airport.~ Bergeson said. Luncheon tickets a1 S20 each can be reserved by calling (949) 660·8665 by ~onday. MIXER' EXTRAOftOfNAIRE The Costa Mesa Chamber or Commerce holds its monthly mixer from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at Z'Tejas at South C.Oast Pla.7.a. The event features a complimentary appetizer and a no-host bar Chamber members get in free. For potential members. the cost is $10. ROCK OUT NETWORKING The Nt'WpOrt Beach Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly networtcing meenng from 5 10 7 p.m. Thursday at lhe I lard Rock. Caf~ in Fashion Island. The event featur~ complimentary hors d'oeuvre\ and a no-host bar. Chamber member.. get m free. For guest!., the cost is SI 0. It's a great opportunity to develop new business contacts. UFOS AND THE WHITE HOUSE The nonprofit Mutual UI 0 Network of Orange County offers Grant Cameron, who will give an overview of how the subject of UFOs has been dealt with by the president of the United States and his immediate cabinet for the last 60 years. Surprising audio recordings wiU bt' aired. The 1alk wiU be given at 7:30 p.m. at the Community provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 640-2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Croas services and to act as liaisons with the media in disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes. (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many 1het1er1 klll pregnant cats upon anival. Dogs and cats are alto available for adoption.(949) 759-3646or www.•nlmalnerwort.org. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Votunteers looklng for varying levels of Involvement are needed to help the organization with tu Center at 1645 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. For questions, call (714) 520·4UFO (4836). SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THJS WEB< MONn\Y 6 p.m.: The Harbor Mesa Lions Oub Will meet at Zub1e's Restaura.n t. TUESD\Y 7:30 a.m.: The 40·member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub wiU meet al Five Crowns. WEDNESD\Y 7:15 a.m.: The 20·member South C.Oast Metro Rotary (]ub wiU meet at the Center Club ( www.sourhooa.stmet rorotary.org1; and the Newport Harbor )(jwanis Oub will mt'el al the University AthJeuc Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for a program on crime prevention 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Club or Newport BaJbua wiU meet at the BahJa Corinthian Yacht Oub ford program on One Legacy, an organ transplant donor network. THURSllo\Y 7 a.m The 20·plus member C.Osta Mesa·Orange Coi.ta Breakfast Uons Oub will meet al Mimi's for a busine~ met•1in1-: Noon: The SO·member ( .o-.La Mesa Kiwanis Oub wtll meet at the Holiday Inn: the SO· member Newport Reach·C.Orona del Mar • Kiwanis Oub wiU meet al 1he Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club (www.kiwanis.org/clubl costame.sa). the BO· member Exchange Oub of Newpon Harbor wiU meet at the Newpor1 I !arbor NaulicaJ Museum for pre5entation of Youth of the Year: and the IOO·member Newport-lrvme Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium I lotel for a progrcllTI on Proiect Amigo (www.nirotary.org). • COMMUNITY It ClUBS IS published Saturdays in the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting information by faK to (949) 66().8667, e mail to jdeboomra aol com or by mail to 2082 SE Bristol, Suite 201 Newpor1 Beacfl. CA 92660 1740 goal of helping children in the community (949) 645-6929. ASSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreach community service programs, such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed (714) 640-5803. BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization 1s looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental disabilities. As a "Citizen Buddy; volunteers will visit wrth a buddy twice a month and call or e·mail them once a week.. The organization also has an e-Buddi .. program tNt forms friendships entirely over the Internet. Volunteers for that Pf'ogram must be et lealt 12 years SM INVOLVED, Pace A8 Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes .CALL US 11•'.)f PfliC f 'o' SEH"J PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR BLVD 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS NO OF TRIANGLE SQUARE. WWW PERFORMANCELTO COM '\t"m Hill, Agnu lw:•~htWt1 '" ~.-•I• It' ftrft U Tt • •. .~!· ' @j UllllTIRJiMl . ~. CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furmshing!. & ~ccesson·es For Yo11r Honu 3 Drawer Ore\.-.er ....................................................... $75• Gla\..~ron CofTef Tahlc .......................................... $169"' l'ine Desk ............... "' ............................................... s 17 s· Tilt-Top Kit(·hen Table "M/4 Chairs ........................ $250- Large Pine Top Dre-;..'14.'r "/Hutch ........................... $275• Secretar) .................................................................. $296• Pair Slip CoH>red Chai~ ........................................ $35()1' Sage Green Chenille Sertional... ............................ $995• ( ll/l\/f.:1/11/f•llf\ \( ( (''"'" "·' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, ',,,,, 4111 ~ 369 E. 17th Street# l O. Co~ta Mesa. I •>e.11eJ behind Plum 'P..11w Phone(949)764-1746 H!ltlr' \1oo ~n 10-IXlam ' ~· ~ llJI)~ 5 Cllpm Strvmt ~ eo--tfJ for .30 rn ORDER YOUR FAMILY'S HOLIDAY DINNER EARLY ~~ 1-AMB LEGS Grttlt Styk MarinA1ed 1-AMB RACKS & LEGS Bone-in or &n~kss OLD FASHIONED HA.Ms PORK CROWN ROAST TURKEY FllLET ROAST BABY BACK RIBS S.,,14 MuiA 11r lnnon BONELF.SS PORK ROAST TRI TIPS CEl.FsnNO,S CUSTOM MADE DELI PlATrERs , I Al Saturday, Apnl 19, 2003 'A'orship \¥ith us this Easter at Saint James Episcopal· Church 3209·Via Lido, Newport Beach [949] 675-0210 Holy S~turday April 19 4 pm, Children's service, baptisms, Holy Eucharist 7:30 pm, The Great Vi~il of.East~r, Holy.Eucharist Easter ·oay · April 20 7, 9 and 11 am, Holy Eucharist nursery and child care during all Easter Day services The Rev. Praveen Bwlyan. rector SAINT JAMES CHURCH .... ""--t~ .. tMil.J o, All !t1J~ EPISCOPAL \llll Wia aJ\11 I11l5Wil •A Go 1-s 'f;O:::tJ ~ Wrilf Pacific View at Marguerite The Rev Proveen Bunyan, Corona dd Mar • 644-0463 Reclor A Congrtg411on of tht Angli<on Comm1mwn 3209 Vt0 Lido Newport Beoch BUTWING OUR FAITH: WVING CHRIST 949/675-0210 AND SERVING OUR COMMUNITY. Thr Rcv'd Pcm D. Haynes. Rector SUNDAY SCHF.DUU:. INVOLVED Continued from A7 old. (714) 646-1826or '>-www.bntbudditl6.org. BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local d'lapter Is looking for men and WOl}'len older than 20 who have lived In Orarige County for at least six months and have been on the job for at least three months to aerve es big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from singl~parent homes. (714> 544-7n3. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council include fund;-raising, program developrcient and training to existjng troops and padcs. (714) 546-4990. BOYS ll GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts wortshop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. BRAIUE INSTITUTE'$ ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit org.anlzation is 8 am -Holy l:.ucharisr ? am · 5uoday SchooVAduh B1bk 51udy 10 am -Choral Eutharm Nl 1RSERYCARE AVAIL.ABU WORSHIP DIRECTORY ST. MARK PREsBYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 Jambortt & Eastblun In Newport Beach (949) 644-1341 ctlelwlfes its ANNUAL PASSOVER SEDER & DINNER WIDHESDA\ APlll 16 If 6:30 PM. ................. tffkilft. £.tr ltHtYttialu .. ..cessary. 4 2401 lnilt An. Mtwpert IMdi • (W..,. ... Ste. !MW. for dttals cal 949 S4H900 \1 1 11101>1~1 Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 160 I Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 811m Quiet Worship Sn-via /011m Wonhip and Chiltlrm's Sunday School Youth meeting wuk/y MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worship & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Or Rlehard George Rev StepllanM! Toon Senior MmiSter Youth M1n1Ster Christ Chord> By the Sea Unir...d Mnhodisr 1400 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newpon Belch 8·4S 1 m M•lt Sur>d.ty School a'° l'i 10 1.m. "'°"""and Quid ..... '-cb•""""" The Rn. Or. ~ R Crisp. Pumr (949)67.J.JSOS ' ·a Chnsl cenlcred worshipping communnv reachtno oul tn lvanoellsm ll llllR\'\ ( 111<1\ll\'\ ~~-.. ,· ',' Nurture. and Servan! M1nas1rv: Spend Easter with the Risen Christ "Just What Difference Does the Resurrection Really Make?" (Matthew 28: 1-10) t ITAND~'S PR~\llYl~RIA"I CllllR(ll l>r. John A. Huffman, Jr. l'rear/11111( Saturday, April 19. 2003, ~:30 P.M. Sunday, ApTil 20, 2003, 7:00, ll:.JQ & IO:IS A.t.j. fam l\\ from N~pon Harbor High School at Irvine! and I ~rh) 600 ~t. An<lnW'> Ro.1d. Ne!wpor1 Bc:a,h, C.Atlrnmu1 9166 l·Sll~ (949) 6H·l880 ~ MAii 11111~ 1t1.1nJrcw~pra.org Wt fl www,,t1ndrew,prc,.11r11 Our Lady Queen of Angels A + •A God<mtcrcd parish communiry, inruuatJ "t t.hC' WQtd of God and renewed by t.he Sacnmenu 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Be.ch, California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsignor William P. Mclaughlin Pa.~ror LITURGIES: Saturday, S p.m. (Cantor), Sun<by, 7:00 (Quiet). 8'30 (Contemporary) 10;00 (Cl>oir), 11 JO 11.m. (Gintor) a.nd S;OO p.m. (Contcmpor:uy) Newport Harbor Lutheran Church CE.LC.A.) 708 Dover Dr. NeW1>0f't 8-eft Tradltloml Lutll•mn Paator David Monge Worship Service with Holy Communion Sunday 9:15 am (949) 848-3831 ~.LJ4. ---- Really Worsfllp 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclpln of Christ) 2401 lnrlne An. Newpolt hacll, CA (949) 645-5781 lll•lllilr. Dr Otllil Sllolt . . ., ... . .. I"" • • " .. "' i ' \I I I I ' '' I I '·. I \ \ I I I ( )( I I I I -. -•... ,, ... ,.. . ...• 1259 Victoria StrHt Cost• Me11, CA 92627 S111d1y avt11in9 Hrviee at 7:00 PM Rev. ,., • .,, H1y111 Tel•r•••• (114J sJ9-m7 E•1il RBMCC011i1hl1i1.1tt FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3303VlaUdo Newpat 8oach 673-1340 or 673-6150 OMci'I 1 o crm a s s:tn Sllnday School 10 am """*°"' ~1 ~pm CHILD CENTERED CHVllCH hap://wwwdijklcqin:rcddiua;h,oq Sunday Service lOam Bonita Creek Park C.c:nta, Uahusi1y a.od LaVicla SL, NPB Rev. Gail Miller Albert and Rn-. Stt:phcn L Alben Minimn anaiJ: pilmilla-4~1phla.nct (949) 640-7343 " Pueou a.ad Oailclmt :WonhJp Goel Togedaer CbilJnn i1tlmld ,;. . ,.,,m,-;,, ti# lll1'Vi« SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100~ViowDr. Ne~Bscx:h 644-2617 or 675-4661 Chwch JO am SUnday Sd)()Ol 10 am ~·~1;J()P"D t _ l• ~ 1anoan ...... fDy ............. '-" ,_,. Chrbt, l.y -'*" .......... NClhM ................ . ....._.5s11weM 8nlda r1111e MolflCIOlid ·The 1n 0ami c1 ()riij, scmii. ~. ~ looking forvolunteer1 With a ba~cknowledgeof\Vindows 9&'98, MlcrolOft Word and a wlllingnea to leam the adaptive equipment used by Its atudenu to partlcfpete in various actMtlet at the Oasis Senior Center In Corona del Mar. Volunteers wUI tutor legally blind adult students using cornputera and other adap!ive tec:tinology. Mary Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ext. 2113. COMPANION HOSPICE The t)osplce needs volunteers to befriend someone who needs extra special caring at the end of life. Volunteers will receive 16 hours of orientation and training and will seNe during the fafl progqim_, which t?egins Sept. 28. (714)560-8177. . COMMUNITY ANIMAL NE'IWQRK . The network rteeds volunteers to • help control the rising population of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to · local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them bade to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for ushering, badcstage work, mailings. typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archives, library, museum, docent and public outreach programs. (949) 631 ·5918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a second language are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3445. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chapter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society has started a new self-help group in Costa Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Tuesday of every month. 1949) 650-7659. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 55 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked to work two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting, data entry and assisting with other citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Call for an application. Fred Gaeckler, (714) 754-5208. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose senior services facility at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue seeks volunteers who can greet members and the public at the front desk and volunteers for the Resource Department with Excel computer experience and sharp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program also needs people to deliver meals to homes. (949) 645-2356. COSTA MESA SENIOR CORP. The nonprofit organization at the Ccma Mesa Senior Center is looking for new board members. The fund-raising and policymaking board needs volunteers who will participate in Dally Pilot monthly meetings, occet!onet committee meetings and apecial projocta. Cendldatea should have connections In Costa M ... and surrounding communities and an lnterett In servfng the communtty by helping seniors. (949) 646-2356, ext.. i18.. COURT·APPOINTEO SPECIAL AOV9CAfE$ Volunteers are needed to serve as advocate• for abused. neglected and abandoned children. Volunteers work one on one with .a child for three ho~rs a week. (714) 663.9034, . CRISIS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM INC. The nonprofit organization Is seeking volunteers for its expanding trauma reaponse program. Some volunteers assist law enforcement, firefighters and other ttmergency-type responders by providing emotional flrs1 aid and support to injured or traumatized people. Other volunteers provide dispatch and office support. No experience is necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 588-1414. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help In a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical work, programs for children with disabilities and special events. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors leam about their environmenL (949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, which works to provide youth and families with counseling, family support, health educatJon, mentoring, tutoring, after-school actlvities and kinship services. needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. ASH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. FRIENDS OF THE BALLET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local . dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training. To help youth develop strong discipline skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries in Cost.a Mesa. To join, help with fundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 5564396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especiafly needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona def Mar -or in the special book doset next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteef'I are needed to staff the used book stofe, which is inside the entrance of the Central Library. (949) 759-9667. Page Private School 15 Yuts of Qu•llty Education •K: utl M« C-ps•lllh, Sdfen ._,. ffd~,_,,..,, Ubnly .,,.. ,......., (ff pl• lt'4 "" ~ ...... ,,.,,...,.,, ~..,,,, V• lk Ate ""' llw tthlt ~I .,,.,.,.....,. .. ~ . .,..,,., ... ~ ...... ,..,., .... ................ ..,,,,...., Oail'y Ptlot AROUND TOWN debate is tdleduled to run from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . Admiaion ia free. For more Information, e-mail • Send AROUND TOWN items to twentatbynrand.orp. the Dally Pilot 330 W. Bay St, cOetAI Me&a, CA 92627; by fax to WEDNESDAY (949) &16-4170; or by calling (949) A nv..y, 300-mle a\dM 67._.298. Include the time, date exploring the n6rthem Channel and location of the ev,nt, aa well Islands will be offered by Orange u a contact phone number. A Coast Colfege'• School of Salling complete titting la available at and Seamanship. The trip. www.dal/ypllotoom. designed for aailora with at least intermediate sailing sldlla, oosts TOOAY $625. The Glln de Mar will depart •DMN'ce: A New Beginning• la at 5 p.m . April 23 and return at 5 • worbhop for men and women p.m. April 27. Call (949) 64S.9412 who are divorced or getting for more information. divorced. 1he worbhop takes niURSOAY place from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m .. at 180 Newport Center Drive. The •Uodentanding Your Plltho4ogy cost i• $40. For more information, Report," a free session at Hoag call (949) 644-6435. Hospital, will provide insight Into the meaning of a pathology report Newport BMdt Recreation and how it's used in st.aging·and Services end the Eastbluff Village planning treatmeot for l~ng cancer. Merdlants will present the 20th The session will be given from 2 to annual Easter Egg Hunt at the 3:30 p.m . Call (949) 760-5542 for partc on Vista del Oro at VistAi del mont Information. Sol at 10 a.m. For Information. call (949) 717-3816. City DKNY is launching its spring colJection, and Macy's IA South SUNDAY Coast Plaza is sponsoring a Saling Marina cW Rey and coc*tail receptiori to celebrate the event. Guests are invited to Newport harbors, Hornblower participate in a silent auction of Cruises and Events is featuring a Champagne Brunch Cruise on City OKNY ciothing. a spa treatment pactage from Bliss Easter Sunday. The two-hour cosmetics anti more. The cruise features a lavish brunch suggested donation is $15. All and dessert buffet prepared fresh proceeds will benefit the Pretend on board by our talented chefs. City. For reservations, call (714) The cruise boards at 11 :30 a.m. 556-0611 , ext. 4231. and sails from noon to 2 p.m. The cost is $41.95 per person. For Lum about changes that more information or reservations, happen with menopause and safe. call (800) ON-THE-BAY. natural substances that can promote health and reduce TUESDAY symptoms at a women's health Two intellectual• with seminar at 7 p.m. at Temple Bal extensive knowledge of the Yahm in Newport Beach. For more history of the Middle East will information, call (949) 376-1469. square off in a debate titled ·The Israeli-Arab Conflict: Who Is in the FRIDAY Rightr Held in the Crystal Cove The fifth No More Homeless Pets Auditorium at UC Irvine, the Conference runs through April BR _ _,..,.. Celebrat e Your Easter Moroccan Style! Dinner rn 5:00 p.m . AUlht>ntit Mor<JU. cln C'ut~trW and cllmospherc Our profc~s1onal swff L" <'<\H<'r 1u mat...e vour v1st1 10 Marrakesh a memorable orw TCiblcs for two and larg<· panK'S wek.om<' (;alC'Or\g and takeout <l\'n1lahlC' 1976 Nawpoft Blvd .• Costa Mesa (949) 645-8384 Also: Scud10 City· (818) 788-6354 and La Jolb -(619) 4S4-2SOO Restaurant .nd Orand Ballroom (Fonnerty the Tale "the Whale) Easter Buffet Brunch n.o 8-lhtt n.... Aoaldr. 9:00am • 12..-()()pm • Egp ~ict. Omeltttes 6: Waffles • CounMt Fmh S&Uds • Fresh ~-food Stlection • Claud Hlm 6: SmobdTuruy • Coarmd Omcrts. Crepa • Fresh VegNblft • Sidt Oilhtt $20.00 per person Locatld in tire H&torltC Balboa PaYllion on N..,,,,ort Harbor 1MJi Pftrlia W.rknlc! .00 Main Stred • Balboa VilJ-ae c.a..,,., ._,.,,.,. ..._..,,._,Sat ... A ........ 949.673.4633 27 at the Hilton Com Mesa. Tho Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 event la presented end a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in spon.ored by BeS1 Friends Newport Beach. Sw eeney will Animal Sanctuary of Utah. the share her touching. humorous nation'• larg"1 no-kill and heartbfeaking account of the organization. Call (435) lou of her brother end her 644-2001. e>Ct. 129 for more incredible survival of cervical information. cancer. Cost Is $150 per person. APRIL27 and prooeeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) As part of an original pn>gram, Sascha Radetaky of American 574 7204 for more information Ballet Tbeatre will perform the ·smart Women Finish Rich• I• pea de deux from ·Le Corsaire" a free workshop with at the Barclay Theatre in Irvine. complimentary gourmet catered Tictets are available only at the dinner at 6:30 p.m. al the Art Barclay Theatre Bo>< Office for Gallery International in Costa $18. Call (9491854-4646 for Mesa. Limited seating. For more reservations. information. call (800) 876-0353 or send e·mail to Red cars, trucks and motorcycles bob. voorhees •!i agedwards.com of all years, makes and models are Invited to participate in the APRIL 30 fourth annual Strawberry A free seminar and book Sunday Fun Fest &nd Classic Car s1gAing for •A Portrait For Show. The show, while Healing" by Richard Manley will spotlighting red cars, 1s open 10 be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at all makes, colors and models. Mother's Market, 225 East 17th Entry fees are S15 for St .. Costa Mesa For pre·reg1s1ra11on or $20 the day of reservations. call (8001 the event Red cars can be 595-MOMS. entered for free The show runs from 9 a m to 3 p.m. in the Join Newport BHch city Automotive Road of Dreams leaders. students from Harbor area of the swap meet. Call (7141 View Elementary School and a stale forester for the 13th annual 966 8422 for more information Arbor Day celebration at 10 30 Orange County Wild will a m. at Grant Howald Park al 5th announce 11s Passport prize and Ins avenues tn Corona del winners al its Earth Day Mar. For more information, call celebwt1on at noon at Upper (949) 644-3154. Newport Bay To enter, part1c1pan1s are asked to bring The school of biological sciences their passports, which can be at UCI presents "Victim, Vectors. obtained at and Vaccines: The Battle Against www.orongoco11nt yw1fd.com o r Malaria in the 21st Century;· a at most local wilderness parks. lecture by Or Anthony James c11 The event will run from 10 a.m 7 p.m. m the Crystal Cove 10 3 pm Call (714) 504 9984. Auditonum in the Student Center The event is free anrl APRIL 29 open to the pubhc, but Julia Sweeney of ·saturday reservations are requtred For Night Live" fame will speak at reservations or information call the 16th annual Circle 1,000 (9491 824 7252 (N~w:~ING) RE S TA U RANT ~ Celebrate Easter on the Water .&.._ ~ and Join us fo r our Champagne ~ Easter Buffet Brunch Four Statin,e Times Available 9:00am • t t :OOam t :OOpm • 2:30pm • Fu1 ikwJk t t-Omrlmr H.ir • .\m11lml .'i11w111.1:ff l· ,\1Jr Jlulm • frtsli .'w-4jood t• 11.asto • (;/11uJ ll11m t &rf < .m~11~ \tdll"" • fmli l·nm l• \dloJ &.r • Gou""tl l>mms l · ( "f"' Adwlts: S2J. 95 Childrm: Sil. 95 PINJ 10' ••ul \""'"''> Call Today for Reservations (hUJOPr 0iHin,t • lllitrefnm/ 'wo.illH( .4Ni/11Mt 949-675-2373 :)OJ r EJgC\\ .acer • Newport Beal h Newport-Landiiig.com 5-turday, At><• 19, 2003 At MAY2 ·The New traq.• • preHntatlon The MCOnd annual Newport by Huw Anwyl. will addrua Beacti Relay Fof' Ufe, a 24-hour what's next. who will be making team waiting event, hopes 10 raise dec11ion1. and whether money and increase cancer democracy will w ork in Iraq after awarenea in the Newpoft-Mesa the war at St Michael and All ClOf'TVmlnity Ten-to 15-member Angels Episcopal Church in teams can register for $150 before Corona del Mar at 7 p.m For Apnl 28 The event begins at 630 mformalton. call (9491 644-0463 p.m . at Newport Harbor High School Stadium and ends the next ONGOING day at 6:30 p.m Fof' more Volunteer drivers .,. n..cled lnformabori, e<ill the American to help dehver nutritiously Cancer Society at (9491567-0634 prepared meats to homebound, frail or elderly chants incapable MAY3 of shopping or cooking for The UC Irvine Arboretum hosts themselves through ·M ob1l11 us annual Spring Perennial Sale, Meals.u sponsored by featuring unusual perennials FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag from South Africa and around H6spilal. Call (949) 645 8050 for the globe, from 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. more information today and from 11 a m to 3 p.m . Sunday at the arboretum Regiatntion 11 now open for Experts w1ll l>e available lo runners a'T'ld walkers of all ages answer questions Adm1ss1on for the 22nd annual Corona del coats S2 fo r adults Children Mar Scenic 51< Race & two-mile younger than 12 get m for free Fun Walk on June 7. For more information, send Pre-reg1s1ra11on fees are $22 for e mail to ldlyons .i. uc1 edu the run/w alk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash At!g1stration on MAY4 the day of the race 1s $30 for the Three young scholarship run walk Separate races for men winners will be part of the and women are hm1ted 10 1,500 Cal1forn1a Women's Chorus 34th runners Call 1949l 644 3151 to dnnual Scholarship Benefit register Concert The music students will 1oin female vocalists from If your orchid 1s too big for rts throughout Callforn1a when the pot Green Systems 200 voice chorus presents "Surf International will show you how 'n Sing" at 2 p m m the Sunon to re pot your plant during their Plc1ce Hotel, 4500 MacArthur free orchid potting seminar Blvd in Newport Beach. Tickets every Sc1turday at 2 p m A plant c1rc $15 1n advance and $18 at the sale 1s held from 9 a m to 4 p m door Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) di the 20362 Birch St facility 840 4568 for t1dcets or Call (949) 756 1211 for mformauon 1nformat1on "Happy Voices I" from Saint Discover the 1Krets of Carbon Michael's ct11ldren's chotrs. the Canyon Regional Park as you C.t!rub1m Jnd Seraphim. can be walk through groves of beautiful heard at St Michael and All Coastol Redwood trees every Angels Episcopal Church in Sdturdc1y at 8·30 a m Parking 1s Corona del Mar at 5 p m For S4 Call 1714) 996 5252 for more informauon call 1949) 644-0463 mformauon BABY BACKS ••• And lots of other good stuff. OPEN ~-~ MSTER SUNDAY ,_-,.. ....... , ATl>OONOON ~~"" • 21'lbll.utn f!l\11 (,,.,y \1rw ra11 {949) 631-2110 • Chilled Seafood Bar with K1nq Cr db. ~ters. Shrimp and SIM1 • Garden Fr~ S..1lad Bdr • Onwlet~ MAck> to Qfdf-1 StatlOfl • BreaUcist f ilVOf•IP\ • Che!\ Gourmet E ntrees • CaMnQ StclllOrl with Pnme Rob and Honey Gldztid Ham •Mouth Watemg ~ • Special Chddteo'\ Buffl't AlO Satlxdey, """" 19, 2003 Daitf PilOt , 0 .0 .· THEATER Relationships seethe in '~ip..s T<?geyher'· By Tom Jltua T here ale certain groups of people you wouldn't invite to the same party. In Terrence McNally's "Ups Thgether, Teeth Apart." there are four people who probably shouldn't be sharing the same breathing space, even though they're bound by blood and marital relationships. This seething drama with wild comical overtones. being presented at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, is given a superlor interpretation by director Krlstina Leach and her exceptionally strong cast Its FYI WHAT~ ·ups Together, Teeth Apart• WHERE: Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, 661 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays, until April 27 COST: $15 CAU : (949) 650-5269 themes are heavy and definitely adult in narure, and Leach h& pulled no punches in bringing this collection of conflicting issues to the stage. The scene is New York's Fire Island beachfront, a notoriously gay community. and the play's rwo couples undoubtedly are the only strafgbt people within miles. The cottag"e was inherited by one of the four when her brother died of AIDS, and she and her husband are celebrating the Fourth of July with his sister and her husband, an middle-class, well-to-do, WASPy typeS. From the outset, we realize that communication will be a major issue. E.ach of the foursome has his or her personal agenda, which matters little to the other three. Sally (Oleryi Pellerin) is the owner by inheritance. and focuses her attention on her artist's ea.eel and a drowning man In the distance while her husband, Sam, Uact Millis) ls concerned with the quality of water in the pool, given its previous ownership. Sam's sister Olloe (Aileen-Marie Scott) is a phenomenally loquacious person whose constant yammering would rattle all but the calmest character. Fortunately, that's the type she's chosen fur a husband -John (James Knudsen), for whom extracting his nose from the newspaper constitutes a major See THEATER. Paa• Al5 er cup of tea Lissi Kaplan talks about the 'The Power of a Teacup' and its affect on the mind and soul. Coral Wilson Daily Pilot I n LJssj Kaplan's mind, a warm cup of tea opens the soul and ignites conversation. llfe seems to slow down, and flowers begin to bloom. "Over a cup of tea. people open up to you," she said "It is a very ancient ritual and people. they melt. Then you can really feel them if you are sensitive." Awakening the long lost art of porcelain painting. teacups blossom into gardens in Kaplan's hands- inner gardens that reflect the very essence ofa person. Through FYI Lissi Kaplan will host a tea party, book signing and discussion about her book, ·The Power of a Teacup,• at 2 p .m. May 3 at Muldoon's Dublin pub and Celtic bar, 202 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The free event wlll honor the six-year anniversary of her mother's death. For more information, ~II (949) 640-4110. design. color and flower combinations, Kaplan's painted gardens reflect the essence of each client The tea set collections and gardens are named after each person, becoming heirlooms to be treasured for generations. "I am trying to show them not who I aiee on the outside, but who I see on the inside," Kaplan said. ·1 try to unlock the secrets that they carry inside of their heart. Sometimes when they see their garden, they actually change. because they feel like. 'Th.is is what you see about me? Do you really think that I am that beautiful, or that deep, or vibrantr" "MlMi's Garden" was Kaplan's first painted porcelain collection, a tribute to her mother, who loved to host tea parties and set the table with her vast collection of porcelain. •UssJ, conwi on. let's talk. 111 get the tea ready.· she would often call to her daughter. The shared moments became comforting memories when Kaplan's mother died of cancer. Heartbroken and devastated, Kaplan felt lost without her mother. Lissi Kaplan with some of the porcelain tea pieces she custom paints for family, friends and celebrities. Her sister also suffered from cancer, and Kaplan feared she would be the next Then a voice spoke to her in a dream. •use all I have given you, all the gifts that have been waiting to be nodced, • the voice said. "You will have a llfe of peace and joy like you have never imagined and you will be free." No longer afraid, Kaplan said she finally widerstood that everything she needed was tnsJde. She ended her career as a interior decorator, and painting porcelaJn portraits became what JCaplao ca.Us. her "heart path.• •I( you don't have passion and purpose. you are just a wanderer:, SM TEA, Pa1• A15 FANTAS11C FIVE MONDAY Jack Millis and· Aileen-Marie Scott, dancing, and Cheryl Pellerin and James Knudsen in • "Lips Toge1her, Tee1h Apart: COURTESY Of COST~MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE Tapping into the imagination The Imagination Celebration will have seven events in Costa Mesa. Loltt• Harper Daity Pilot T ~e m.onste~ under the~ The mvistble friend. The boogie man. Talking animals. Magic dragons. These are all typical figments of a child's imagination. All of which demonstrate the creativity of young minds. Another exhibit.Ion or youthful talent is this }UJ's Imagination Celebradon, in full swing all aaolS Orange County until May 24. -Celebration officials are promoting - more or that colorful thinking and will host art events aimed at children during this year's event Places such as the Laguna Art Museum and the Orange County Museum of Art will display wortcs made by tiny hands and offer workshops for kids to stop in and be artists. Although it is a countywide event.. many of the festivities take place at arts venues in Costa Mesa. festival officials said. Seven or the 65 festival events are scheduled at area malls. schools, museums and theaters. "Costa Mesa is really a big part of our production, as there are so many art venues in the city," spobswoman Michelle Petersen said. Area parents can take their children today to the May Falre, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Waldorf School of Orange County, 2350 Canyon Drive. At his event. families will &tep back. in time foT a celebration of merriment and tradition, including dancing around the May pole, • craft making, story telling. puppet shows, fiddles and games. Petersen said. The Orange County of Performing Art.a .. Genter will also host two performances for the festival. including the grand finale on May 25th. "'The Family Art Show" exhibit at the Orange County Department of Education showcasing the wort of young artist is ongoing until May 25, and 100 Pieces of Art will be on display at South Coast Plaza May3to11. Over the years, the celebration has picked up steam. The first Imagination : Celebradon Spring FesUva1 was in 1985. It ran two days and offered five events. Last year, the ~nt ran 16 days. with 57 : events. Almost 1 million people -half' ol them chlJdren -partook ln those events.. Of6da1s thla year have let a new bendunart. u the feadval will run six - weeka -more than double the number .: of dayl from last year-and feature dgbt: more events. SM IMAGINATION, P .. e Al . -- z zu a SOC I ETY SatlKday, ~ 19. 2003 All THE CROWD Fund-raising.for a special cause ENGAGEMENTS B ler-Toirialas ..... ~Dixon and Di. ~ Eiler of Greenlbolo. N.C announce the ~toftheir daughter.~ Anne Eiler of Greensboro. N.C., to Gevin Mitchell Tomalaa of NeWport Beach. , 'W e raised $100.ooo •• cheered 1egy Goldwater <lay or Newport Beach. It was the inaugural fund-raber for Olympians on Parade, a recent event for Special Olympics, Orange C.OWlty. "This was our first event, and we really ------went for the gold," • Goldwnter- Oay said. More than 400 guests converged on Joe's Garage & Automotive Museum in Tustin tt B.W. COOK honoran impres:.ive contingent oru.s. Olymplalls who bad come to support their fellow athletes. Football star Vince Pe1TapJno served as master or ceremonies. greeting Rarer Johmon, Janet Evens, SusJe Atwood, Poul Gonzales. Jenny Johl180n Jordan. Sammy Lee, Pat Mc:Cormkk. John Naber, ~ter V1dmar and Louis Zamperini. All or the guest Olympians joined in a "parade or champion!> H with Orange County Spec1aJ Olympian-.. moving through the crowd a' the applause grew lou<kr Founded in 1968 by EunJce Kennedy Shrt~r. the Spt•c-i:il Olympics has bt:come an internationally recogruzed organi..t.auon bringing sports training and compeuuon to mentally disabled children and adults. The Orange < ounty chair is Betty Belden-Palmer. an at hJet e and fonner phr-itaJ edut auon teacher in the O.L !><.hool system. "I W<l!> M> movt'<I by the extraordinary courage and determination exhibited by the Special Olympics athJetel> at the 200 I Winter Games held in Pat Mc Clenahan. chaw of the board of directors for Special Otympics. Southern California JOtns Vince and Jodte Ferragamo, Rafer Johnson and Jenny Johnson Jordan at a fun<Ha1ser at the Garage. Anchorage, Alaska. that I bt'<:amc involved in this very important program. H Belden-Palmer said. WI knew in that mo mcm that I wanted to do '>omething to increase oppor11111ities for the Special Olympian athlete'> in Orange County." Pam Jones. rrgiunaJ director f11r '-.peoJI Olympics or 'iouthem Lahtum1a 101111'<.1 force:. with Ne"'port-Me-.a 'llJIJ>Ort conung from Zee Allred. Sonya Bella. Jul.le David. JennifeT Grey. Doy and L>ee Henley. Susie ancJ lohn Hurlburt, 1\1111 and Bonnie Irvine Ian t.and .. 1rom. Bob and Ouuiene Rauch David Stein. Jr 1d Bill and Jean Wenke. \!•ire than 1,000 local vuluntet·r--.uppun 0 ( "pet.ial Olyn1pu.., c>aLh 'rt JI, \'l<i th more than t .100 a1hll"l1 18e 8 Clfld oldt'r. fMrt1cip.111n~ in the program free of 1 h.Lrge. With mon• than 20 ( >hm1 pic-1ype Joann Waldron , Betty Belden-Pdlmer and Barbara Rar· •u 1oin forces to raise funds for Special Olympics. Southern Cdhforrna :.port1111o: tompeuuon~. :-.penal miliH 1· t1thlett"> Olympic~ I!> the large'>t amate111 'port~ 11rgan1.1.auon in the world •THE CROWD ru , 1 hu1i;d..i·1s Jnd reprt•<,t•nting more than I Sa1ur.~avs •The l)ride-elect graduated from Greeosboro Day School and the University of . Georgia; The future ' Kendal Eiler and Gavin Tomalas bridegroom, son of -4'nn and Roger Torilalas of Newport Beach, graduated from Newport Harbor High and the University of Michigan. An OcL 11 wedding is planned in Phillips Olapel at the Canterbl.U)' School in Greensboro, N.C ~Hawtrey Anthea DuPre of Newport Coast and Robert OuPre of Newpon Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, Michelle DuPre of Los Angeles. to Michael Hawtrey of Los Angeles. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High and the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. The future bridegroom. son of James and Marjorie Hawtrey or Iowa City, Iowa, graduated from Michael Hawtrey Iowa City Htgb and and MM:helle OuPre the Umversity of Iowa. A June 14 wedding is planned in Newport Beach. •WEDDINGS ANO ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays For• form, please call Coral Wilson at (949) 574-4298 'DazzCing Smile 'Dental (jroup CosMEnc & DE:Nf.RAL DENTlSTRY Tank Georp Zelt.oun.t 0 .0.S., 1nc.. Dr. George www,dwrliflC' n dmta.i- Fact: Many investors have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice. OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 10:00am-5:00pm SatUTday &. Eventngs Appu. Available We c.onvtniCru.ly lla.CJ'f e Z Fact: 56% of all stock loss claims are won by investors. (NASO) 949-515-1111 204 E. 17th Street. Suite 201 Costa Mesa, CA 926?7 Tiie Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CAR~ET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' FURNITURE '" REUPHOLSttRY A I 9 ' All ~day. April 19. 2003 m Jennings ~..-RY 949-848-8812 Uc• 07 MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES Buy One Nine Pack Of Hot Cross Buns & Receive A Second Pack FREE Wit.6 "'"/'.'"' otdy l...izrtil 11n1,,,,. nuutrur • u,m:s 04/ 19/oJ 12-I . I -111 "i I IU I I. ( < h I\ \11 '\. i l) 11) i (H(l-1 11() \: I -, .. , 1.1111 ,. • \11. -1101\' =.1111•" ,.i (0\(ll\I '\ll·n\ .. DATEBOOK OaiyPiot AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. A complete list Is available et www.dailypilot.com. DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL The second Orange County Poetry Festival fa going on through April with •variety of events throughout Orange Counfy. foor Information about events and loc;ations, call (714) 664-6526 or visit · .• Www.ocpootry'fe$tival.com. Most events ate free. FASHION SHOW AT-MACY'$ · Mac:y'a South Coast ~az.a is hosting an evening of fashion from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday. City OKNY is launching their Spring Collection, and Macy's is sponsoring a coctctail reception to celebrate the event. Enjoy an evening of oodctails and hors d'oewres, music, a Models on the Move fashion presentation, and free gifts. Lanrome cosmetics will also be providing a complimentary brow-shaping service from their licensed specialists. All proceeds from this event will benefit the Pretend City. The suggested donation for attendees is $15. Macy's South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bristol St. For a reservation, (714) 556-0611 ext. 4231. SOUTH COAST PLAZA FASHION SHOW St. John Boutique and South Coast Plaza are having their eighth annual luncheon and fashion show to commemorate the Guilds of Orange County Performing Arts Center and their 25 years of enriching the community's cultural life. The event is at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Hyatt Regency Irvine. Tidcets are $125 per person. For reservations, call Dianne Howe at (714) 556-2122, ext. 224. COURTESY OF ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Orange Coast College's Dance Department will stage its 40th annual Student Dance . Concert on April 25 and 26 in the Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road. Performances are set for 8 p.m. The concert, directed by OCC dance professor Linda SoM-Oonnell, will offer a variety of styles, including modern, jazz, ballet and tap. For information, call (714) 432-5880. MUSIC OSCAR WINNER MAUREEN MCGOVERN The singer with the Stradivarius voice, Maureen McGovern, makes her debut at Founder's SAVE 25-SOo/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory We Also Carry: Teak Cast Aluminum• Resin • Aluminum am r s1_1 ___ 0_F_F_SJ •' &,. .. I L--------.!!!!'.!'..J Hall through today, with performances at 7:30 p.m. Tidcets are $49. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. JAZZ. BY FRANK POTENZA Guitarist, composer and educator Frank Potenza makes his Scott's Seafood Jazz Club debut with the Shelly Berg Quartet featuring Red Holloway on Friday and Saturday, April 26, at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at Founder's Hall. Tidcets for the late show are $46 an $49 for the earty performance. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 740-7878. CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATAGON Hear the rich sounds of Orquesta Aragon at 8 p.m. May 3 at the Barclay Theatre. For more than 60 years, this legendary ensemble has introduced the sounds of CUban jazz to countries around the world. Tldcet.s are $35 and $29 and are available through the Barclay box office at (949) 854-4646. SOUTH COAST PLAZA'S APRIL MUSIC South Coast Plaza offers live music every Saturday and Sunday in April. Oanyl Morris plays R&B today. Gabriel Mann plays jazz on Sunday. The Push plays world music on April 26. And Keny Getz plays pop on April Z7. All performances are at 2 p.m., e><cept the April 6 performance, which is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Call (714) 432-7854. 'VIENNESE DELIGHT Pianist Christopher O'Riley, a Van Clibum medalist, will perform with musicians from the Pacific Symphony in MViennese Delight,# part of the Cafe Ludwig at foounder's Halt series. The performance is at 2 p.m. April 27. foounder's Hall is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets are $35 and $45. Information: (714) 765-5799. 'RUSSIAN BEAllTY' The Pacific Symphony plays a program of Russian worics on May 7 and 8 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The divertimento from Stravinsky's MThe Fairy Kiss; written on the 35th anniversary of Tchaikovsky's death. and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 1 precede Tchaikovsky's MSwan LakeH ballet suite. Tidcets cost from $19 to $59. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Information: (714) 755-5799. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Marie Davidson Trio, with Ron Eschete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m . Fridays at the Tee Room, 3100 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. MWantedw musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St .. Newport Beach. Free. (9491675-nso. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ2. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yoric Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT THE GRlU The Bluewater Grill offens live music Friday and Saturday See HOURS, PqeA13 THESE NEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEll HUSBANDS . Tht soft ro1c1s o< vcnene· window~now <«ne In three rtlNt fabrics I that IPPCal lO tlltf ,one. Come see u.tt ~ ..J. --- Olly Pilot DATEBOOK BIG FINISH •211~1U- 1AT .... LEllE "Les Miserable s,· the award-winning musical, will have its last two performances at the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Segerstrom Hall, 600 Town Center Drive, today and Sunday. The musical by Alain Boubhl and Claude-Michel Schonberg 1s presented by Cameron Mackintosh. For informabon, call (714) 556-2746. HOURS Continued from Al 2 nights. Greg Morgan, N1d Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPG) perform classic roe*. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m Fridays Marvrn Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swrng and R&B at 8:30 p.m Saturdays The restaurant is at 630 Lido Paric Drive, Newport Beacti Free (949) 67~3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pohcan offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. Coast Hlgt1way, Newport Beach. Free (949) 642-3431 ~ff Ewing & L~·leen EwinR THIN<;s TO CONSIDER WHEN IJUYING A CONOOMINI ~ Shopping l<'f 1 n>Odc " '"f) m111.h hk.c \hopping for an~ re.Al C\UIC where the "'°'t unport;int fJ<.tor I\ loc111on For cumpk. What Lind of a nc1ghbomood an· ~uo hl1f1! f<'f1 Mov. m the ~hool\' h 11 l<1Catt>J at a comcrucnt d1~ from v.ur\ 1 '' 11 in a quiet neighborhood, or arc ~ou kd:ing for a b'-cly n1~hlhfd I\ Ihm a dloppin~ ~ ncarh) 1 Apart from thcst ba,ic qucsuons, tbtrt arc m.iny f ktOO th» arc sptt1flc to condominium ov.oc~b1p. Before buying 1 condo, hnc )our real esllle prorcuional ~how you the sales histories or other conJon11mWJIS m the • area. Is your pro)pcctive property within the wnc poce l'llllgc? A~ the properties appreciating in value? When you own 1 condominium you own everything "1thin the walb of your uniL All the 1rW llld f11:1l111ts ouuide of ' 'j(Nt Ctlndo ~ owned by Ill iauon Iha& IS I collccti ve &roup cMl.pntCld of alJ Che lllUI ~ llCn In the complex.. P"ll1l • you need to find out v.!111 ft the ' moothly auoc1at1on f«s that c~cr R&alu mainteoancc, l1n<bc1pin1. tenrity ltld miietlllllCOQS co:sts and cm recs for lpCICisJ 1~cmcm .t iaia' tqllln. Y Oii DDCd IO amlllly I ltlldy lhc ..U.ion rWes IC) inlll'c lbq r11 with your pttlO!W IJ~ t)lc. For c~: b 'fOll pct llk!Md1 Cao )Oii plllll )Ollr OWll alr\lb6 ID fJtd? C. )QI pl1y loud music? Cu you ha~e a bcnc-twd . lbett? MaU die condo you buy ra ~ _11111 your nreck ind you will be a bliWY bomcowncr for )QJ IO aac. Lyleen and Jc(( hive 31 conaecudvo ycan of rut cstaee eitpericncc in Ntwpot1 Beach. For pror .. 1ou1 Mrvl« or HYk• wltll all 1oer rt1I .......... call the ltWblP at CMtt Ntwport-COl41w911 ........ (Mf) 75'-J?N. TM !'Wlf'lgll An COMI H9Wpoft ,.,~ 11 'feem for I001 MUSIC AT PlAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover ctiarge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant rn Newport Beacti presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program fearures all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rod and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7·30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays Free (949) 67~ 1922 SATURDAY NtGHT R&B Gerald lsh1bash1 and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Sarurdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Tnanon Lounge, 4500 M acArthur Blvd., Newport Beacti. Free. (949) 476-2001 STAGE IMPROV AT OCC Orange Coast College 1s presenting a unique and hilarious 1mprovisat1onal production under the direction of OCC theater professor Alex Golson The 40-to 60-minute production rs modeled after the popular 1mprovrsat1onal TV show, ·Whose Line rs rt Anyway?• Performances are scheduled for 6 pm May 12 and 1 p.m. May 13 rn the Orama Lab Admission rs free OCC 1s at 2701 Fairview Road rn Costa Mesa For information, call (714) 432-5640, ext. 5 'TAMING Of THE SHREW Orange Coast Community College's Theatre Department 1s See HOURS, Pa&e Al4 -~-------- Spa Sales • Supplies • Service Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Our experienced Well s Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodate a sophisticated lev el of needs and preferences, and o ur unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Brandl Manager Uia Hayes 949-2.S J ..w()9 PriYlle Monwe Banker complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000~000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans MaryA.u 949-~S3 ~vlteMonpae Banker Main omce (949) 251-6047 CluistiDe M. Suclenoa 949-2.S 1-4452 Pri~11e Mortiair Banker Kba Porter-Douth 949-2.S)..1236 PriYa&e MOll1Jal!e B Gary Parker 949-253-4221 Con.strurtion Managet" Lawrt9Ce OnAo (800)6l~PMB Prinle~Pl'C ~--------·.--,--.~---------_...-----~~------,-----~------.. --- ... ~~13 ' ateglng • one-«t cuding of ~Stiek ... ~oomedy ~~~· m~~ ._.. CQmedv. ~a,.etSp.m. 5-rdav •nd Sunday on the lawn of the Arts Center aoct et 1 p.m~ Tuesday and Thursday In the college's Orama Lab Theatre. Performances are free. For information, call (714) 721-6508. The coUege is at 2702 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. 1t£L.AT1VELY SPEAKING' .. Relatively Speaking" will be P9!fprmed at the South Coast AePitrtory et the Julianne Argyros Stage th~gh April. Tl<*e~ cost from $19 to $5:4. South Coast Re~rtory is at 655 Town Center ' Drive in CoN Mna. For tkhtt, call (714) 708-5655 or vlalt ~.ta;Otg. 'INTlMAt! APPM£l' South Coeat Repertory will Pf9mlere Lynn Nottagn "'lnUrnate Apparel," •drama about an Aftlcan·American seamslress in 1906, her divergent cliente and the love •he finds . through her lettens, on the Segerstrom Stage Friday through May18. rtdcetacost$19to~ South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. For tid<eta; call (714) 708-6655 or visit www.scr.org. US. MISERABLES' Orange County Perfonning Art CenterwUI present "Les Miserat>tes• et Segerstrom Hall through Sonday as ~rt of their BroadWay series. This musical has won mol'e than.60 -. ~ ~ , . ,·, ,' .... --. .. www.cb•m~taraa.l.cam ··: (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucksl 1202 S.E. Bristol Street, Santa Ana Hts., CA 92707 OAT E BOOK International theeler eward1, lncludlng eight Tony awardt. Tld<eta cost from $26 to $63. The Orange County Performing Arts Center ia at 600 Town Center Drive, Co.ta M .... For more Information, call (714) 740-7878. 'POOR RICHARD' Jean ICetr't bftteraweet 1964 romantic oonwctv "'Poor Richard" will run SaturdaYI and Sundays througl\ April 27 In Orange Coatt Coll4'Qe'• Drema lab Studio. Curtain '9 8 p.m. Saturdeya and 2 and 7 p.m. on Sundays. Tldcets are $6 end $7 and be pun:hated by calling (714) 432-6640. OCC Is at .2701 Fairview Road, Costa Meu. ART 'ZINE SCENE' •z;ne Scene; an exhibit of zinet , organJzed by the Cranbtoolc M · Museum, Will be on dla"play through April 27 at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast ptaza, 3333 8ris1ot St., Costa Mesa. Zines are publications -like ·magazines - created by people or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m . to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Free. (949) 759-1122. DANCE THE BALLET MONTMARTE The Ballet Montmarte will present a mixed program of classical and contemporary ballet works at 4 p.m. April 27 at the Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive. Irvine. Tidcets are $18 and are available only at the Barclay box office. Reservations: (949) 8544646. 'ENEMY BEHIND THE GATES' Phildanoo, a Philadelphia dance company, is bringing the ballet "Enemy Behind the Gates" to the Irvine Barclay Theatre at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 26. Tidcets are $35 and $30, half price for full·time students with valid ID. Information: (949) 854-4646. SWING ER.A SALUTE The State Street ballet of Santa Bart>ara will perlorm •ea11room;r a uiut. to the SWfng era, et 8 P,m. May 3 st Orange Coeat College'• Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tldcets coat from $37 to $31. OCC la st 2701 Fail'Vlew Road, Coate Mesa. lnfonnation: (714) 432-6880. STUDENT DANCE CONCERT Orange Coatt College's Oar'lce Oepe~t'wlU hott Its 40th annual! Sttldent Dance Concert at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday, April 26, et the Robert B. Moore · Theatre, featuring modem, Jazz, · WEEKLY STORYTEUER A dllldrent1 story time la held at 10:45 a.m . Wednesday• at Bamea 8' Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coaat Drive, Costa Meta. (714) 444--0226. STORVTIME A children'• storvtfme la held et 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:16 a:m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Meaa. Free. (714) 432.1aS4. tap, ballet, Middle Entem and SP-ECIAL flamenco dance. Tickets are $13, for lnformatJpn, call (714) APPEARANCES 432-5880. OCC It et 2701 FaJrvlew • Road, COata Mesa. AUTHOR RONALD JUE . • Author Ronald Jue w111 dlscup FESTA LATN CELEBRATION and sign "The Inner Edge,. at 7 Orange Coast Coflege will $tage p.m . Wednesday at Borders ha fourth annual Fiesta Latina Books. Ml.1_sic and Cate at South Celebration on May 8 and 9, Coast Plaza. "The lnnef Edqe" One-hour public performfnces outlines a comprehel"lalve are scheduled for 7:30 p.m . May program for looking within Of'e's 8 and 10:30 a.m . and noon May self to find deeper levels of 9 at the Robert 8. Moore balanC4t, congruity, and Theatre. Admlulon ls free, OCC fulfillment. Borders is at 3333 Is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Bear St., Costa .Mesa. Mesa. Information: (114) 432-5506, ext. 4. PRJMA 8ALLERINA CYNTHIA GREGORY Prima ballerina Cynthia Gregory will be the featured speaker at Ballet Pacifica's Inaugural Signature Event at 11 a.m. May 15 in the Grand Ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport. The gala luncheon will be a retrospective of Gregory's dancing career. including special photos of her life and film clips of her most acclaimed performances. Information: (949) 851-9930, ext. 111. SWING Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.oom or call (909) 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 M cClintodc Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 1 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Part Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A dlildren's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10'.30 a.m . Saturdays at the Newport Beach CentraJ Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. ttee. (949) 717·3801. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:16 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2736 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$15. (949) 642·3431. TWILIGHT CMNING A twiligtrt dining menu, featuring dishes such as dlicken parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS · Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p .m. SatlJrdays. (949) 650·8463. SUNDAY BRUNCtt A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m . at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS Al.TA COFF.EE t:4uslcal acts'perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St .. Newport Beach. (949) 675--0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music is presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd .. Irvine. (949) 833-2770. BISTR0201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201 , 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-1551. An Amerlcun nm b11.sl11~ss since 1953. < Juy jumily serving yom (ami/1• jfJr 5() ~'t'l4YS DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m . Thursdays, and pop -~~~ .... Momma John Jennifer 1fi •J We belong to the Lifetime worlds largest flooring retail group -co-op. Warranty We are tbe biggest Carpet flooring t:Ualers Individually owned $199 and operated Lifetime Warranty Laminate ~299 ·"i ' ~) ,Gus Lifetime Warranty L, Ceramic ~ ,, ~ ~ $199 .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Lifetime · Warranty ~ • Wood i.. ,, $299 ~ r, I••• ":W1•11•e-'•11<11.~ Brenda IMAGINATION Continued from Al 0 ·we are thrilled with our expansion and proud to host the largest children's art festival of its kind in the state.• celebration director Daniel Ste.Kol said. H Art so enriches our lives. but far 100 often you must be rich to experience it.· I !I I ' 11 .t ' 'I I. I Dilly Pilot ' and rode 11 pr9"ntad after 9 p.m. Friday• and Saturday• at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1ns Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mesa. (949) 645-5550. OURTY NEU't'S Uve mualc la performed at 9 p,m . Fridays and Sstutdaya at Nelly'•, 2916 Red Hill Ave., Costa Meae. (714) 957•1961. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Uva mutlc 11 performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seaton• Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beadl. (949) 769-0808. HARD ROCK cAft live music la performed Sunday• at.Hard Rode Cate, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THEHARPINN live mu1ic is performed• Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Cos11 Mesa. (949) 646-8865. HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmidlael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beadl. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. MARGARITAVILLE Live music is performed at Margaritavllle, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. . MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed M ondays through Saturdays at the M arriott Hotel, 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon's is an Irish pub at 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island. Newport Beach. (949) 640-4110. OYSTER BAR LOUNGE Local pop and light rodc acts perform Fridays and Saturdays at Newport Landing's Oyster Bar Lounge at the Balboa Ferry Landing, 503 E. Edgewater Ave. (949) 675-2373. TEE ON THURSDAY The Tee Room presents its two-piece band every Thursday between 6 and 9 p.m. at 3100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) 756-0121. TOTALLY COFFEE Open mike night is held from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m . Thursdays at Totally Coffee, 1525 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. (714) 435--9367. VIUANOVA Rich Fauno plays at the piano bar at 9 p.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and the three-piece jazz and blues band Misbehavin' plays at 9 p.m . Thursdays through Saturdays at Villa Nova, 3131 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. The onJy riches required at the Robinsons-May Seasons of the Arts event, the title of this year's Imagination Festival, are those involving abounding colors, a wealth of inspiration and vision. Other events are ih 17 other cities throughout the county. Most events are free of chatge or a minimal fee. Log on to www.icfestival.com for a complete list of events. 1 j THEATER Continued from Al 0 condeacenslon. Adding fuel to the relationship confla,gration is the fact that John baS been cheating with Sally-and both spouses are aware of it The bubble of poUtenas and denial ls bound to butat, 1Uld does so violently late in the play when the two men square off in highly realistic combat Of the fow, Scott Is the most memorable, as a community theater actress rehearsing for "Guys and Dolls. -but who is So dense Jhat she bears musk from"~ and identitl~ It as "Annie." She's also continually •oh, •. a motor mouth of a character who often tends to pull focus from fellqW aCtors. In the Costa Mesa production, however, she's one among equals. Millis offers a particularly strong performance as her brother, also no rocket scientist, who keeps asking the meaning of words other characters use. When be finally snaps, as he does against the benign John, it's done with a force and Oourish that b~ down his inner demons. Pellerin's Sally is more introspective, but certainly not uninteresting. She's rattJed to be sharing this weekend with both her husband and her lover, and Pellerin brings this anxiety 10 Lhe surface in gradual doses. The seemingly unflappable John is more of a ?taJJenge to TEA . Continued from AlO always looking for your peace, for yoorself," she said. "When I found this art form and toolc. ii 10 another level. the inner garden. that gave me the purpo~ along with the passion." Unique designs are created for family, friends. celebrities and other clients. More than 600 of Kaplan's porcelains are used at the high tea room at the Peninsula Beverly I lills Hotel. And her designs of the California poppy are offered by the governors office 10 dignitarie~ from around the world. "The Power of a Teacup: A Story of Art, Love. and Sacred Gardens," written and illustrated by Kaplan, was released this year. In her book. She describes her journey of healing and self-discovery. After six years of porcelain painting, Kaplan said, she has cultivated an open, generous heart. Feeling whole, she brings out the best in others. Kaplan said many people cry when they see their garden for the first time. MThis is what I see about you. You are a beautiful person." she says to her clients as she presents them with a finished piece. "You would be surprised how many people never hear Rabbitt Insurance Agency Alfl'O •HOMEOWNERS• HEAUli St.tb1'1 ry \inrr 195-. A1llK. Id ~ S>.-'!J 949-631-77 40 441 Old Ntwport Bhd. • Newpon 8-:h (Near li-t Ho.pital) render intere.dng, and playwright McNally takes considerable time in allowing this character to build. Knudaen's veneer cracb with a vengeance, however, when he's finally pressed into physical action -and ultimately his' ra.p~e allows him lo overcome . the larger MiJli.s. All four share their Innermost thoughts and fearS, not with each other, but ~th the aud.ieqce in a series of · out-of-the-moment asides. All have d.angetous inner rumblings· underneath their surfaces -the J>O$S1hle e:xcepdon being Otloe, for whom everything is up top and out front. Scott's superlpr work: on this character virtually becomes the driving force of the play Itself. ~ The complicated beach cottage setting bY Kathy anCt Steve .Endicott, who also stage manage, Is as incomplete as its inhabjtant.s' lives. This is a deliberate directorial choice by Leach -who ranks among the finest actresses in local theater and establishes herself as a highly sk:l.lled director with the Costa Mesa production. "Ups Together, Teeth Apart" may not be every playgoer's cup of tea. given its overtly adult theme and raunchy dialogue. However, it's a poignant, often screamingly funny comment on · the nature of relationships that ranks among Terrence McNally's finest creations. •TOM TITUS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays. that. And it affects them." Each tea cup symbolizes sacred moments, like the ones Kaplan shared with her mother. In this way, she preserves the ritual for generations to come. Pouring the water, allowing the tea time to brew and handling the delicate cup, Kaplan said it is impos.sible to rush the process. Tea is delicious, it is very soothing and it just brings out the sweetness of the soul," she said. #Anybody who is a tea drinker knows lhat." Broker of The Year 2002 Chris Valli Coa.sr Newport Propmia/ColdweU Banker Pam Ball Saada~ Sandy Kcdhat REMAX Pmn.ic1' ~. Debbie Bello AwntTO Real Est1JU Services • ii • • • • .... DATE BOOK Satwdly, Aof'I 19, 2003 All ' --------------~-----------------~ A SALUTE TO EXCELLENCE Ron Mlllat ~ 8arJceT Not ........ AJwtl H~. A.S.L. Ralllrr, WlW. ~ • .._..Kni&N 8folim; Sullw w.. ....... 6-"; a.ea LombiirdA, o-r ~ ,.,.-.COYt • ~ Johft McManlsltt s-.. .......... a.c ............... Ke'tta ~ R1MAX AMllJ; °""'9 ScW... tlla.tRC-PNfu....CI ... ~ )* s.cn.. s.-. ,.,.. ... v.,., ..... OlaWI ~ ......,,,....... ............... 7 rvine Community Wbo H1111e Co•trilndeJ to '°"'Golf Pmow . . . . .., I !J: _ .. . . , .. ,, ...... r ..J • . a I! I )I .. ,. f• I .. , I I J •• ,, ( I e fl • • • , . 1 QUOTE OF THE DAY '"We're getting to know {S111nford] a lot better. We'll be a linle more even coming into their gym." JOhn lper'ft, 00 men's volle)1>all coach -----------·--~-- lportl PltoM: (9.49) 574-4222 • Spetta Fa: (9491650-0170 .. . HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Sage Hill's Matt Loper (4) slides into second ahead of a wild throw to Liberty Christian's Pat Doney io first of two Sage Hill victories in Friday's tournament action. Lightning wins buinpy ride Sage Hill hitters cover for some shaky glove work in 16-9 triumph. Bryce Alderton Daity Ptlot NEWPORT COAST -1he ride for a second·year var- sity baseball team can Stm be bwnpy at times, requir· ing endurance and concentration to get through the rough spots. Sage Hill School encountered some pot holes, even some rocky terrain, but persevered enough Friday to defeat visiting Liberty Ouistian, 16-9, lo a consolation semlftnal of the Sage Hill Spring Cassie. The Ughtnlng went on to defeat F.astside Ouistian, 11·1. tn the consolation champlonshlp game Friday to Improve to 9-5. The Ughtning scored five runs in the 6fth inning and four runs in the sixth to blow open the first game Friday, a contest in which the Minutemen led three times. Sophomore David Packard won his first start of the season, allowing seven hits in five ~ Packard in- duced nine groundouts. bu was occasionally victim.lud by a less-than-stellar defense, as the Ugbtning commit· led fO\U' emxa. •1 WU unhappy with the defense." flrst-ya.r Sage Hill coach Bert Fmason said. "'lb be successful. you have to play good defense. ~'Ye performed better and we will perform better. .. The Lightning appeared to be letting the game slip away In the mJddJe tnn1np • ft allowed the Minute- men tbreie runs In the third and two each In the fourth and ftftb. In the 8fth, the Ughtnlng committed two er- ron on the aame play. The Sage HlD first baseman fielded a grounder, but threw be- SCOREBOMD hind the pitcher racing to cover the bag, allowing Dan Wier to go to second Wier then advanced to third when the throw to second skipped under the shortstop's glOYe, rolling into center field Luclcily for Sage Hill, Wier re- presented the only unearned run Sage Hiii 16 for the Minutemen. Liberty 9 Sage Hill jwlior Tun Wilkins. a starter who has gone 3-1 this sea- Sage Hill 11 son, slrllck out two in two innings Eaatside 1 of relief, retiring all six he faced. Emerson wanted to give the junior right-hander some work after pitching a complete game in a 5·3 Academy league win against Brethren Ouistian Tuesday. Wllkins. hitting lo the No. 3 spot. did his fair share at the plate as well, going 3 for 4 with a triple. two singles, one RBI and three runs scored in the 17-hit Sage Hill at- tack. Oeanup hitter Zach Friedrichs also scored three runs while collecting two RBis. But. it was the balance throughout the lineup that gave Sage Hill the edge. Freshman l.ack Sbodiey wmt 3 for 4 and ecoted twice, hitting in the No. 7 spot, while left ftelder Zach Milder led the I Jabtning Friday with four RBis, going 2 for 3 with a walk and one nm. •At the end. we started putting the bat OD the baJI. • Wtlkins sakL •Everyone from 1-9 was hitting (Priday1.• Sophomore George Dempsey tripled in two'of his three RBis In the four-nm sixth inning, when four con-Sage Hil pitcher David Packard earned the win in See~. Pap 83 his starting debut Friday against the Minutemen. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK /' Kris HartWell I Estancia junior's growth h as transcended height and the league-leading Eagles have mirrored his consistent rise . EYEOPENER AcwH 1 honotee MARK LORENTZEN Satlsday, ~ 19. 2003 Bl COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL 'Eaters take ·on Cardinal · UCI will try to cool streaking Stanford in MPSF tournament opener tonight on road. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot STANFORD -The fifth seed versus the founb urua.lly produces intrigue and the total playoff atmosphere in most any touma menL That common traJt is expected to apply to the Mountain Pacific ~m Federation Men·s Volleyball Touma ment. which has No. 5 UC Irvine play· ing at Stanford at 7 torught. UQ (19-10), which spent two Wt>ek.-. at No. I in the USA Today/Amencan Volleyball Coaches Association poll earlier this season, was swept hy 51an ford (17·11), which was ranked 10th at the time and has now shot up to No. 4. The games were very tiW'it ye1 the Car· dinaJ pulled out the 30 'l.7, j(J 21. 32 30 victory at Crawford I !all April 12 ~tan ford also defeated UCI t-eb 21, yet uw 'Eaters scored a 3-1 wm owr ~tanford Jan. 10. The Anteaterc; are ranked No. 6. -.ame as last week. and their 12 MPSr wim .. this season are a school record for con ference wins. UO expenenced lughs and lows this season, ~ at opened tlu· year with a 1 O· match winning streak. the best start in the program'& lustory But the 'Eaters went I 0-9 the rei:.t of the· ~. including a three-match losing streak in rrud·March. Still. The Ant eaters' 19 wins tlus season are al!><> a school single-season record. •tt has been a really tntere<>ung. ~cl good learning process for this team UO first -year coach John Sper.iw said ~ were really hot out of the gate and we had to get used 10 the fact that wtwn you climb to the top. e\'eryone ,.., 'hoot ing for you. 1 think the team ha!> lx>l'll motivated by that. We wert' much mon· prepared in February and early Man h We had the typical midst'a.'-On blut><> But we made a nice little final push and I thin.le we're on an upswing.· Stanford has been peaking as of I.rte and is one of the hottest team!. in the nation, winning seven of 1ti.. past eight matches. The Cardtnal ha'< won MX of rts past seven since the return of senior Curt Toppell. a 6-foot 8 op(>O'>ite and one of the most electnc performer-. rn the nation. Toppen had been out srm c Feb. 6 because of an abdominal stnw '"He's definitely a tenrunator, • Stan ford Coach Don Shaw said. "When you take a guy like that out of your lineup and then put him back ln. that just add' another dimension to the t~ Think if ua didn"t ~ (fun.my! Pdl.rel and tht>n got him beck. Thats how it is for us.· Pelzel. a 6-'6 junior outside hitter. ha.c; • .. .. Pb t 1U1Jme·•it P.hiilips Auto and ~ence a I~ bf sci.vice aiad · minmitmeot to cscelleace that has .made us the #I • ~dent I~ and Cmtic dealer in Orange .county. . . . Since 1984 we haft sold over 20,000 o( the finest automobiles. 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SI~ ..... $29,980 99 540i SON (19231) ~ l.9ollwr • . .. $29,980 99 540i SON (19192) ~will! utv "'--ve Sedan $31, 980 00 tJ.5 SON (19297C)Mpd Jetllt.I. $59,980 99 328i CONV (19275)lllodl. 27K~-.. JNQUIRE! JAGUAR 00 JAGUARS-TYPE c19m)kTmo<~· $27,980 00 JAGUAR S-lYPE (l~">'IMlO(~ Olu enm .. $27,980 00 JAGUAR XJ8 c19220)....._.'l,oo11cw, $29,980 00 JAGUAR S-lYPE (IBS)~ ~IOI;~ $29,980 99 JAGUAI\ XKd CONY <'~ 0t eum ~-$39, 980 99 JAGUAR XK8 CONY (fQr) ,._, "" 1o-lDW $39, 980 01 JAGUAR XK8 CONV <•93C>°'°'Y kfmx. a~~ $49,980 MERCEDES 98C230 c19299C)•~•~ .. --~--.. -·-· .... $16,980 . OTHER MAKES 64 280SL (1&683)raw Ml.9S..l"ll-ldl)ft.ed .... _ $21,980 72 vw BEETLE (193tn ~~-~a.oo $4,980 99 Q.K320 (19002)•~8'Gf9afVcMI. .. ........ "$26,980 . 92 VOLVO 940 TURBO (19292)o.ovry CIPon &2XMI $8,980 99 5320 (19156)StnoMSloierw~ MlnfCond .......... $28,980 00 WI PASSAT GLX (19252)1l116'1lt Mw(ond lowM1 $18,980 93 300CE CONY (1811772) 811, lrM1oc;. only 46KMl •• $29, 980 99 FORD COBM CONV <lftlfl f7 ~~~e ~ $27, 980 99 CLJ< 320 CAB (19CW8C} ~ LOCXJI o-.d.$33, 980 00 LEXUS <•m•> IMO!\, Jmmoo. Low low ~s • $36, 980 01 CLK 430 CPE c1•1~o••a.o.o-._.. $38,980 93 FERRARI MONDIAL II <tt.m> 'b\Nt ~s.. $49,980 00 SLSOC) 1~ S1"91,--Cood. LowMI ..... -.-". __ 46 980 Of DOOGEVIUGt>A~ I 69 980 · 95 993 CAB TIP (19m) ~ IWw roo $36,980 99 996 CPE (19216) .. • 1'hl1 ~$46,980 99 996 CAB. (19199() >..,, o-..-$49, 980 00 996 CAB (19287C) ' ~ ~ ~ H~' $58, 980 01 996 CAB (19151() .. u-..-00o ~°"~ $59,980 96 993 TURBO (19222C) . ~ 19¥, ..... ~ $69, 980 01 996 C4 CAB (19206() ')., Opftom• $69,980 01 .TURBO COUPE (19249C) w~ l.o<ol(# INQUIRE! SUVs (, PICK UPs 01 •JEIP WRANGLER SPORT <'~ ... INtW LO"'"' $15, 980 00 llP ~ 01POOE (19257) .. 1.aw ~191' $16, 980 01 CHM EXTEND CAB PAJ ,111112) "~~ k .. $24, 980 00 MBZ ML 430 (1934$) '"!A'OV9 ""9. $29,980 01 O£VROLET TAHOE (191'61) .,, ""-Ill $30, 980 01 X5 4.4i (I~) Ow~ "~ $45, 980 l LIGHTNING Continued from B 1 secutive Lightning hitters scored In the fifth inning, three consecutive Ughtning hitters (WUk.lru, Friedrichs and Dempsey) sent pop flys that gyrated In a stiff wind blowing Crom left to right, giving out· Oelders fits as they tried to an· ticipate where the balls would <Jrop. "I feel really badly for the out· fielders [Friday)." Wt.lkins said. Paclc.ard gave his defense a better chance by inducing ground ball& in an 89-pitch ef- Jort. "Al first, I left a few balls up high, so I just neede"d to ad· just and stop thinking about 1t: Packard said. ·"Once I started lnot thinking about pitching) I began hitting my spots." Packard has been )"Orldng with Dick Hickey, a pitcfiing and hitting coach at the Laguna Bat· ting Cages in Laguna Beach, during the offseason. Hickey has taught Packard to concentrate on mechanics be· fore speed. UJce clockwork, in every in· ning the Minutemen scored, the hosts followed with runs of their own. Sage Hill scored three in the first inning and two each in the second and third to tie the Minutemen, 7-7, through four innings. Then came the onslaught of nine runs during the fifth and sixth, sweeping away any chance for the Minutemen to gain victory. Liberty Oiristian had only two pitchers available Friday. The Ughtning made starter Anthony Newville throw 30 pitches in the first inning and 30 in the fifth, an inning he didn't get out of. Milder sent a grounder into right field to plate Shockley and SPORTS ST£VE McCIWIK /C>AILY PILOT Sage Hill shortstop Zach Friedrichs makes the throw to first ba se. Loper with the fmal two runs of the fifth. Junior catcher Matt Kornswiet scored twice and went I for 3 while leadoff hitter Jordan Sal- inger singled twice, scoring once and adding an RBI. •In the consolauon final: Loper threw four shutout in- nings and Wilkins went 2 for 3 with three runs, a double and a stolen base to key the JO-run vic- tory. The game was halted after the fifth inning Loper '>urrendered just three hits to improve 10 4-1. S.1• HUI Spina Claulc Consolation Hmlflnal Sage Hiii 16, Liberty Chr. 9 Score by Innings Liberty 203 220 1> 9 B s Sage Hill 302 25'1 • -16 17 • Newville, P1c:kenng (51 and Burch, Pac:kard, Wilkins 161 and Komsw1et W -Pac:kard, 1-0 l -Pickering 28 - Shodtley (SHI. Newville (LCI. Curry (LC). Pickering (LC) 3B Dempsey (SHI Wilkins (SH) Consolation final Sage Hiil 11, Eutskle Chr. 1 Score by Innings Sage Hill 221 oe 11 1 • Easts1de ooo 01 1 • 4 Loper, Salinger 151 and Dempsey; Angevine, Love (4). Rominger (6) and Love.Angevine (4) W Loper, 4-1 L -Angovine. 0 1 2B Wilkins (SHI COLLEGE BASEBALL UCI losing streak at four STOCKTON -The season long offensive struggles contin- ued for the UC Irvine baseball team Friday and the Anteaters' defense wasn't too good. either, as host University of the Pactfic posted a 9-l Big West Confer- ence triumph. UO committted four enors. that led to four unearned runs. An Anteater error set the stage for the Tigers' three-run first and four UOP pitchers combined to SCHEDULE TODAY BaMbeU College -UC Irvine at University of the Pacific, 1 p.m. VohybaU College men -UC Irvine a t Stanford, first round Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Tournament. 7 p.m. Golf College men -UC Irvine at lnteroollegiates, at Stanford, 7:30a.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratili the Daily Piot's Adllete cf the ~ senes lODAY 22 -G...m Eltabfoot Coron. del Mer Footbell, 1999 ...... 9*7,,_,,,, gt 0 I ... .................... ,, .... .,._,_ 2 ---.. limit the v1s11on. to one run and mnc hit.s. extending the UCI los- mg streak to four game<.. It was the 14th urne Ul 40 ~the Anteater. (15 25, 3-5 in conference) have !>(:ored two or fewer runs in a game. It WJ.'> I.Ix· 11th time they have scored one run or fewer, including twice dur- ing the recent laiing skein. Second baseman Matt Fisher was 3 fo r 3 and designated hit- ter Greg Wallis was 2 for 2 for the Anteate~ Oiris KJemm drove in the lone UCI run, plat- mg 8.J. Eucce, who had singled and stolen second and thud. .., ... Coiftl•ice Pacific 9. ua 1 Score bv lnniQs UC Irvine ooo 610 00<> 1 'I 4 Pacific 301 060 OOx 9 11 o Smith, Tnpoll (51, Koehler (5). Schroer (8) and Wagner, Silva, Graham (6). Lozano (8) and Amezquita W -Silva, 4 5 L Smith, 7 2 28 -Harper (UOPI COLLEGE SOFTBALL • Vanguard drops a pair Cal State Bakersfield blanks Lions twice. IW<ERSFIEI.D -One day af- ter sweeping Whittier College, the Vanguard Universjty softbaJJ team was swept by host Cal State Bakersfield in a nonconference doubleheader Thursday. Bakersfield, ranked No. 17 in NCAA Division D, put all phases of the game together to post an 8-0 victory in the opener and a 15-0 win to complete the sweep. CSUB (38-16) pounded out 27 hits and allowed just four hits while playing errories.9 defense.. ln the first game. the Roadrun· oers recorded a five-run sixth in· ning, scoring all five runs after there were two out and nobody on base. In game two, CSUB posted a seven-run second in· nJ.ng under identical conditions. Roadrunners junior catcher 1inr Ucu.anan went 7 for 8 tn the doubleheader with two doublee. her founh home run of the sea- son, four run,<, scored and six RBis. Lindsey Dyer. Mhley Mauro and Celina Camanllo coUected one hit each in Vanguard's first loss. while Jill Ramsey had the U · ons' lone hit in the nightcap. Vanguard dropped to 25-24· 1 on the season. Nonc:onfwwnce Game 1 CS~l.~ardO Score by lnnlngS Vanguard ooo ooo o 3 3 CSU8 01 005 I t0 o Ball and Rolle, IC.elly and Ucoanan. W -Kelly, 22-7. L -Bell, 1~9. 28 - l.lncuanan 181. Hlll (8) HR -Mills (B) Game2 CS B1l•1sfWd 15, VMguud 0 Seen by lnnlngS Vanguard ooo oo o 1 2 CSUb 011 111 • 15 17 o Camarillo, Bell (21. Camarillo (4) end Smidt. Rolt.12); Hill and LICUllnan. W -Hill, 11-3. L-C.tNrillo, 3-2 28- Rameey M. Ucutinan (8), Hiivers IBI. Rubto (Bl. 38-Hilvers B). HR- Ucuenan (8). Satur(la"y, AiwM 19, 2003 83 ""' ··--...·-·-- .. Sltai'day, ~ 19, 2003 SPORTS COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL • UCI's Faulkner transfers to Vanguard Anteater coach says spiritual priorities behind sophomore point guard's move. SteveVlra•n Daily Pilot ' Sophomore point guard Usa Faulkner, who helped guide the UC Irvine women's basketball team to a, turnaround season. will transfer to Vanguard Untver· ·atty in the ran. ua Coach Mark Adams said Friday. Vanguan1. in Costa Mesa. competeS In the NAIA and ls a university of Christian liberal arts BASKETBALL RECRUITING Hatsushi, Mendoza move on COSTA MESA -Sophomores Nancy Hatsushi and Uz Men- doza, both starters for the Orange Coast College women's basketball team that·WOn its first state championship last month. have decided where they will continue their collegiate careers. Hatsushi, the MVP of the state tournament and Coast's all-time leader in three-point field goals (154) along with three-point ac- curacy 45%, will continue her academic and playing career at Concordia University in Irvine. The Eagles play In Division I of the NAIA in the Golden State Athletic Conference and finished 17-15 last season. Hatsushl. a point guard who starred at Costa Mtsa High. aver- aged 10.3 points and 4.1 assists for her Coast career. and sciences. That's a reason why Paulkner left -to stnmgthen her faith In her be- liefs. Adams ad Vanguard Coach Russ Davia said. "She couldn't emphasize enough that she had a great time with us," Adams said. "Basket· ball ls taking a back seat to her spiritual life. It's kind of refresh. ing to see that We wish her the best." . Faulkner. who received honor· able mentio.q in All-Big West se· lections, could not be reached for commet Friday. In Marcli, just before UCI entered the Big West Conference Tournament. Davis said he heard from Lion guard Lacey Mills that Faulkner would transfer to Vanguard. Mills ls Faulkner's best friend and they played together at Or- egon Oty High. After Davis heard the news, he drove to Adams' house. The two coaches are friends. Their teams played an exhibition game Noy. · 5, when Vanguard won, 50·48. The Uons went on to win the Golden State At.ttletic Conference ~-season title and earn their first Final Four berth In the NAIA N~tional Tournament "I ~ in a tough sltuadon J>e· cause Mark Adams Is one of my best friends." Davis said. "J fully understand [Faulkner's transfer). It wasn't a basketball decision. She wanted to go to a Christian college. I have a lot of respect for Usa to have higher prtortdes than basketball. I told [Adams} what was going on. I was happy for us. but I was sad that he lost his l><>int guard.. "We were very surprised," Ad· ams said. "She was such an in· stnunental player to our team. We just have a. really unJque family atmosphere.here and she was proud to be part of that It was a.shock when we found out I still don't completely under- stand from the basketball stand- point, but you can't look at it that way. Her spiritual life is he r top priority. That's something I can't argue with.· . FaulkneT's transfer affected both teams in ~ to recruit· Ing and improving. Adams and his staff' had to find another guard. and quick. ucr assistant coach Molly Tu· ter-Koral,.lhe team's recruiting coordinator. said she found out about Faulkner's decision two weeks before the. season ended. "Jt left me in very high scram· ble mode,: Tuter-Koral said "We had a great team coming back and to be able to make up for the loss. we only had a few recruiting days. I think we did great with Shayna (Stanley)." Stanley. who signed a letter of intent with UCI Friday, is a S· foot-7 point guard from West· chester High. ·The An tea ten have also rJJCeived a letter of intent from Loe Alam.ltos st.andout Stephanie Duda. a 5-10 Corwud. Adams signed a one-year con- tract with UCI before last season. He said he has talked with Ath- letic Director Bob Ollcheater. who ls planning to renew Adams' contract in the comins weeks. Meanwhile. at Vanguard, Da· vis has received letters of intent from 5-11 forward Lacey Bums out of San Oemente, and two McDonald All-American nomi· nees Kelly Schm1d\ (5-7 guard) and Undsay McOellan (6-0 for- ward), both Crom Arizona "We're on a bit of a roll." Davis said. Mendoza ha,, signed with Nortbeastem State University in Tuhlequah. Okla. The 5-foot·ll forward led the Pirates in scoring this season. averaging 13.1 points to go with 5.5 rebounds en route to All-Orange F.mpire Conference nicognjtion. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT UCl's Spencer Bemus (1 ). shown here against Cal Baptist. will try to help the visiting Anteaters get past Stanford m the first round of the MPSF Tournament tonight. Northeastern State is part of the Lone Star Conference In the NC.AA Division n ranks. UCI The Lady Reds won the con- ference last season with a 10-2 mark and finished 24-7, advanc- ing to the first round of the NC.AA South Central Region Playof&. Continued from B 1 UCI in kills in 2 1 of 29 matches this season. The 'Eaters are also bolstered by seniors David Kniffin, a set· ter, a nd senior outside bitters Jarett Jensen and Monte Tucker. been the leader for the Ant· eaters this season, averaging 4.98 kills per game. He has led "We were close when we last -by Bryce Akkrtcn HARlWELL Continued fr0m Bl With Hartwell. it only makes sense the Eaglea are producing one of their best sea.!ODS in 8Cbool history. This, after the duradon that Estaoda, pardon the pm. came up short in its quest to rile to the elite. For the past 19 years. 8slanda boys 'VOIJeybaD bas gone virtually unooUc:ed. not only In Orange County, but also on its own campus and the neighboring ~The Eagles have not woo a league tide since 1984, when they reached the CIF Division 4-A 8naL "We teeognlze bow special we are.• Ha.rtweD said. "The IChool bun't really known about volleyball. but we're here to say that we can be • winning program and win in the playoffs and go · for la CIF ddeJ: Hartwd helped bring BstandU "spedal" season Into i:Ja.-lut week. He recorded. marcb·bigb 21 km. and led the EaaSea to a four-game victory OYer S6ddleback April 7. 11 WU the first time P.stanc:ia did not sweep lta Golden Welt League opponent. 1ben, Hartwell and the Eagles stepped lt back up l8linlt Oaml ~Jail year's Golden Welt League c:o-chlmpion. whlcb entered the contest unbeaten In -.,.e. BlcMda swept <>can View, u HartweJl pl'°'6ded 12 klDI, ~aces and ooe ttb.Jff block. The Dally P9ot Aahlete ~the Week Ibo produced .WO kal In. thrfJe.-pme win OWlf Wesanlnster AprG 11 and the Eaglea imprcMd to 12·2. &-0 ln league. Hanwell leads the team with 222 lcills and 175 digs. including tournaments. "Every time we play, the other coaches comment on him. that hes an outstanding outside hitter." F.standa Coach nacey Heims said "His hitting is what gets him noticed. Hes accurate.· He hits hard. He's smart. too .... When we need a kill he's our go-to guy." Heirm has been amazed by. Hanwens growth spurt She ~ also been impressed by his comtaru desire to become betta: "His improvement has been phenomenal," Heitm said "He has always been a good athlete and now hes a real good volleyball player .• Along with Hartwell's physical growth came good and bad. There were growing pains. Doctors told Hartwell he stretched out so quickly he wa,, dJagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter di5ease. which is common among teens whose knees strain from too much adMty. But. Hartwell has overcome the pain and the disease. so much'°• be said. be now wnnta to return to~ He pJayed as a freshman and, after watching the P..agl.es defeat aoutown rival Costa Mesa In the~· gym this~ sea.son. Hartwell stroogty desires to play for Fstanda's baslcdbaJJ team next seuon. "This year, I wait to the basketball game3 and I aw the crowd; It got me pumped up." HartWell saJd. "I've played my whole life." Somewhere, Estancia boys basketball coach Ou1a Sorce Is smillng. JUNIOR TENNIS Glatch wins Easter Bowl crown No. 2·seeded Mqgje M Do of l.aguoa ee.ch. 6-1 , 5--7, 6·2, to mmplete 1 flve·matcb aweep. She ctid not lote I ICt her first four malChes. but W11 forced lO pftWIJ In the third tel Frlday. lWley, the Nn. 9 ~. rallied .,.., Vania Kin,°' r.ona 8eaCh. C)-6. 6-S, fi..l, LO ldvailU to to• daj'"J IJ a.m. flnll ~No. 4-: eeeded Mii)' G&mbele from Bil· lerlc:a. Yebe)' bai barded her way to ilMI title match She woo. 7. s. 7·5.1bund&~ Gembale belle top-llffded Alexllndia l'Odkotdna. 6-1, fi..l, in Ftlday't aan.tf\naJ. played (Stanford)," Speraw said. "We'U 1alee a good look at what we did. We're getting 10 know them a lot beuer. We'll be a littJe more even coming into their gym (tonight)." The Cardinal also feature redshirl sophomore setter Kevin Hansen, a former stand· out at Corona del Mar High. I lansen was named MPSF Player of the Week after lead· ing Stanford to victories over Pacific. UCLA and UCI last week. "Kevin has had a great year, as good as anyone in the league," Shaw said. "What stands out about us Is that we were still competitive without Cwt. Kevin did a great job of setting with guys who are not really serious put-away guys, so that says a lot about him.· COMMUNITY COLLEGES Allen tossing his A game Sophomore lefty leads OEC with 95 strikeouts as season wiQds to a close. T alee note, Kyle Allen is good. The Orange Coast CoUege sophomore left-hander out ofnabuco Hills High is quletJy making a name for himself this season, compiling a 6-3 record as of Friday's games. Coast climbed back to .500 with two wins In the College of the Sequoia, lburnament Thursday, beating Cabrillo. 4-3, In Geine l, with Allen going the distance. striking out seven while only allowing one run on 6ix hits. But complete games are nothing new for Allen. who came into this week with five-good for second In the Orange Empire Conference. A. of April J 4, Allen abo ranlct!d 8e000d in the OEC In 1nninp pitched (7~) and led the conference w1th 95 anikeout-. 16 more than Santa Ana's Mitt Uncoln. Allen has a<:c:ounted for 41.ACJll or Coast's atrikeouts on a sta1J with • 5.19 ERA. which ranb sevattb among cf&hl OEC 1eam1.: No doubt. the oec Is one of the most oornpetHM confiettncel tn Callbnia, tf not thccoun~ Rtvtftlde lndl with a JU mark fc>lowed by~ and S&nll Ana at 12· 7 ~ Golden Wesc Md cypn.. 11.-. CoMI (lS.17 with lnOCber Seqlaoill Tuurnament Win~ lit& In aixtb pla<» It 7·12 with two ....,.. left neJd week .... JlUllenon to dole OUI lhe teMOf\. A year ago, ~finished third in the OECand advanced to the Southern Califomia Super Regionals, the -..::-~.JJ second round BRYCE ~~onal ALDERTON finishing 32-13. Allen compiled a 3.25 ERA to go 3-0 with 29 strikeouts In 32 ~ last season. so bis ascent this season was not unexpected. This season. Coast hm hovered around the .500 nwk. having rewmed only one SWting position player from Last year. The pltching Ila.ff bas been • bright spot In an otherwise choppy tide through conterence waten thjs season. Coast's starting ltalt of returners Gmett Munfy, Jimmy neece and Allen ~done I.ta beilt to bep Cout In u many pme1 9:f possible. n-eece baa tallied nw w1n1 whlle Murdy haa won twice. All have fteadOy Improved on lut eeuon'I t~ etpedaDy ADen. who auuck out. ..chool·n!COrd 18in14-\ victory ~~earlier thil month In a pme hf lakl W11 the beit be bas em-pitched No telling when the next 'Wtting of Allen on the mound wUI )ield a meinonblo achievement. It riifaht tie oat week. ••• Danville saw action at defensive back and kick returner Lut fall. He made 15 tackles for Coast. which finished 4-6. He was a late addition to the list of Coast signees, recetvtng an invitation to walk on by c.al head coach Jeff ledCord. Cristal is one of three Pirates headed to Pacific 10 Conference schools. That also Includes sophomore offensive linemen Patrick Mif and IC.eola Loo. who will both attend Washington State. Thirteen sophomores off the 2002 Coast squad are beaded to four-year schools to continue their football careera. In additon to the afomnentiooed are: David Caddln. Bethany; Addan c.allaway, Weber State; James Canettl. Owlestoo Soutbem; P.d Fane. Louisiana-Lafayette; Donnie Garda, West Ubeny; Stephen Herrlng.=Dan Steinau, Western . Ricky 'Jbvar, West Uber1y, Stephen ~Robert Mom. and Kyte Weitman. l!aatem Mlchlpn. ••• c w .. -•• Policy How to Place A --Deadline Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please rcp<»1 any error that may be in your classified ad immedjately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any e1TOr in an advertisement for which it may be responsible uccpt for the cost of the space actually occupied by the en'or. Credit~ only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEAD -Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuesday .................. 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P9dfk \ _, ....... C.rwt. Lepntb c-t Se'rlne Surroundlnas. ...... C...b ZI..-. Partners 949·651;0261 CallclllH/ ....... TOP$$ 4 llCOllDS nc -Cllillc. Ek !'D's & flJs a. Alllm:, s.w. Ila ..,.. Miiie 949-645-7505 1310 fQUAl HOU5llG OffOITlllTY All rut Klate adver hs1n1 in tho~ new~aper os subrect lo the r ederal Fett Housrn1 Act ol 1968 ilS amended which makes 11 1lle1al to advertise "•ny prefer ence . l1m1hl1on or d1set1m1n1hon based on rec•. colot, reh1t0n sea. handicap, l1m1hal status 0< n1tion1I Ofl&•n. or an intention lo make any such preference. hm1t<1 llOn Of doscr 1m1n1llon • This newspaper will not knowonaly accept any 1dvert1~menl tor real estate which os on YIOlahon ol the law Our re•ders are hereby rnfe><med that all dwell onp •d-ert1std on this newspaper are 101lable on an equ1I oppor lunoly bHIS To compl<11n ol dos u1mtn1toon. tall HUO toll free el I 800 424 8590 Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Coledibles ·-·-·~· ...... ~,.............. $$CASHPAJOS$ .................... lft llUY UTA'RS CM/Sell 1-2 lob of luds ~. II.id\ & adult clolhla. ~ items, fl.on and more! 9IOP......,. {!::lrv!:wtr===l lost 1~ lest 10-... 4/7, Profeuoon•I makeup use. black Mole. boa I • I lost ., Costa Mes.a by r ._.. off O..ISloPt* ln Rewe•d ~9 350 7600 Lost Terrie' ... 4/U , Ce><nef V1ctoroa/Parsons, answers to Todo, needs mecls ._... 949-887 0021, 714-633-0011 -1471 General Amouncemenb 1610 GUAUNTllD r-w1110<-A l .... lty TV Ster. We have bookonp for all top ruhty bned pro1r•mm1na II you s1n1 dann act or have • passion for basic entert•1non1 please cal us TOLL f R[[ 800 378 7920 u t 103704 Remem ber EVERYONC IS A STAR HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 llallnoa· Slr*ll a 2605 . _....!nerdy_ ..... Sllllir ...... Cllllllnl AITUr rers. Ion& term l>OS'toon Wonwl. 50, works PIT Ola.ts hom9 96417 1561 ~ CONS16'.1 ~ ~N TSI • ' I J 1419 COICMIA on llAI MOVIiie SAU Couc.hls, lamps, • OtlHw selKtecl items nail Appl Only 71• 403 2300 l.EGAl SERVICES P1tKI LAW CNIOUf> Southern C.l1forn11's leadona F1nanc11t Reloefl1wF1rm s-.rrko aoo-.au-.ooo s-tlion ,........,,. LHdlfll F1n1nc .. 1 Relief law F1rm s-.Prtce IOO 184 6000 RElRY/ DIMIONOSI PRECIOUS METALS SOOS· SI SO DepJ'OniM __... -~°'i Pets ., PIA*: wllend!. r asi.,,, lstirld 949-644-'lZ19 Riii WAY tor morm1'I r..# eiet lll kittens areat llOtne!>. 9&5.l:l-0411 Offke to st.o..e Quiet pt ome New po• t 8ch IOc ~ Fl CDU"le. DSl.i lds ind S350.'mo 9&66 7883 HOMES FOA SAi.£ ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona del Mar JASMIN( Calllt s1n1 story 2br 2ba den Roaer s Gardener landscaped Handicapped raady Very low m11nt Assoc w/lenn1s, AOOI Call le>< appl By Owner 949 640-8777 NEW 2·"--Ir ....,_ ~With~ .... by ~ builder\ leill'I\ lOU11ed on ~ lot $1 2 49.000 & Sl 179.<m 9'19-nt-Ol.l1 ....... l.J.Jallno.. ,.,_ .... btlM s.urc.' NIW 2-n.-Ir"-- °"54iJ!ed with thou&f1lul .... by CJJafity bulldln lawn loc.elf!d on ~ tot Sl 249 .000 & SI 179 000 ·act 8 J kJhnson 9$ 7421-0132 er-~ 2& l''<IN wtltwl ..... dlstwQ ID the i-:1\. loallJd on the Soulhuda ol PCH. $8.!Dl. ~ &n.man. eomur. A111111y 9'9-5-0t n COMING SOONI c.....c..-.w-< I 11-COASTLN IUl.n 949-7St-0177 IAST SIDI 282 C BAY St 38R 28A Buu cus tom remodel on • quiet St $733,000 BV OWNCR FOR Al'f'T TO VIEW CALL Michael 949 280 7633 't l'.W. S...-. ful..we IUtdWI & bdl. SSO.:Vmo + fntltnVdep 1920 Church St. 949-~ UST SIDI lOT for ule by owner cul-de·SK 244 S1nto Tomas SJJO.OOO 949-823 6906 CallDeCm ,...llSTATIS PATaKK TINOU MATIOMWIDI USA t49-aS.-970S w-patrlcktenore corn Index STU'S TO THI SANDI INClllD•ll IUYI $2Jt,000t C0tt1~ beach ot>tre<il 1:ondom1n1um IS Sl)aCIOOS & sunV.1'"' 1>r1te m;wlna clow lot your 1>oa11ne weellend<>I This tJe..sure bout new lu•uroous plush carpet •nd dallfln& PH111 Un...nd on your puceful tMllO 0t enter liltn fr rends & family by your ~I.lore pool ~ l.1COC>tl. ·~ some clubhouse .one! on veor •llo& om' CAU. NOW TMISI llAltl GI.MS GO QUICIO.YI CGl ( ... )~&M flnft-..... h- UDUClDI $190,000 Coe..I Newpof'I Heo&hb loc.ebon 38t Ea rebu<lt and upanded 1n '97 ilO'o' men! "~ laYl5h baths. Ytlua 'IA~. f secwrty sys room to e lj)IOd Don llomnd lllll ~9481 A aoumn • Sia ~~brpllrl, h•&h ce1lon1s c:ur vona st.~. oublCle Fp a ecumet ~. a.osiom tb1etr)' & more..st 791..IXX> ~ BtritNn. Coasllne Really 9& ~In Mo6.lle "-me S.tder Perk Spacious fur noshed lbr Iba. newly remod, I& toYered p1t10 comm pool/club house VCRV LOW RUH SJI .000 By owner 949 644 1852 A IUUT1RA Resodence ... be ~led thlS ~ 5& 55& wllto a wonW1ul llowllll "°°' ~ $1750.<m Mid-' lltdlNll Coll5tllne Realty 0#110«0 •o.to l.traest Balboa Model. JIOOsf 48t 3 58•. Jc pr, Ian~ ywd, creat loc MM pwk Sl.350.IXXI eat Darece 949-717 9014 PatMl ISTATU PATlll<lt TlNGal NATIONW10f USA 94t45'-970S www patrickleno,. com O<IAJtBONT 1 ao· O<UN VllW SU9,toO AGT 94'-HS-7222 ar 3'. -dO S17!JCV mo & a 3'. 'il petio SI fJOO.. mo act. ,._.ityn w..n.. 9&721-6049 NewpoltCoat, Coutel HIHs Cliena Sausalito 4tlr 4 5be home Mltl ...... c..tYOl'I .., dlsUnl .._ lCMl!y yd, fp. ~ rm. IYdwd ~ lbr,,., ok Ills. John end Sherry Mitlir 96640-75al NIMllSTATIS PATaKll TlltOU MAT10MW1Df USA '4t-U6-t70S .,_ petrdtenore com ~ .1ili.l 7402·7466 Und er the Service Directory Bann er IOOHS10 . Reach 801000 Homes Each Week ~ 900o-97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Moy;il ....... ,..... c;;;; custom l!SIJlle """1 unyoo & ocean v~ Offered •I $6,500.000 Ceostllne ::.:y.94t-7S9-0177 HOMES FOR SALE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TlMlCULA 5550 WINE Cot.INTRY AHA 21 OOd I I . 14.t:re, 38t l& pool Mid ~ home 5 11W1Ules .... y from the MRI Wner oe. 'POI' b l*1' Mid lt-•ys $369.000 ............ 2.s- of 8eMifut Horse prop- er1y 48t J8il Only 5 ITWI ltom the T emetulll Mal and freeways $4",999 _......k 17SOd 38t 2Ba w/wnroom and a ~ P0tch & 2car P"aet $194.000 ._,...,. c-r--Laa with water sl<q aoll ~ by M50Clilloon 46r l8.o 2'6(Xhl ho<ne w a pool SU0.000 WINl COUNTitYll.AlTY FRAMlt WIDU 909-262-0 ... MISCEUNIEOUS ROOALS LARGI 1 IR 1 IA with •uew S 1550 •ct Ma11lyn Wilham• 949 721 S049 2'w 1 bo, l4ll>f" w 'bilk uti.9 oncd le ~ ., ~ ••.tal now, n. pl!ts.lsnll<& s 1650m 949-222 5775 • '157 21r. llo, Apt Recently rehabbed w 'I <:a< gdr I block lo buch no pet\ S2200'mo 949 8!>4 1680 l lr Arch.Pub.Ho"'• bum teils. sllyh&hh Ir pits. 1.r 1.rden w d S2675mo 949 7!J9 0400 i. c.-de M..ty ...-. 2 L& 8' 2 full ba 2-<. p 135051 wd th. La i»llO no pe1,1sm; tse S2Mn 1.,. lilt ..,. ~5 714-962 TH> llAU OClAN & IAY VllWS 28r 2Ba middle duplea. I c end gar S2795mo 714 998 0948 Trt l--' c.-de 41r llo, 2 r p's, hdwd fir~. pa loo, rooftop deck, 2 c •II a•or lse S2990m 94g. 737 5588 CostaMesa 1&a.-. ...... 1mo to i-:h. vau1 am. stove. " oei bn. min. S8i!)ro I Br & SU!llmo/l& ID [ 16Ctl St. "'9. b ~ 96548-2421 Cat<>- .lwt ...... Xlnl ()ppty' ('ule ,_ 38t 2.5&. SFR RenlalToShara 6030 rp arMllle ~on 2. p bacl\yd 949 ~ 3726 hoe, ..... ID Tri S(J $895 mo Water 1Jdl paid Ki!tn ~t 8T7 7C» 864':1 £ ,, 9200 le· T rl Level Condo 2hl 21>.l Ip lormal din tm 2 c "" idr lnO'y, cumm pool/ ~· Sl~ 949 673 6942 Huntington Hartlour Geted <--itv w. ......_home pvt 5U1 dock lbt • • ... 38.o 2"f ~ S4(XX), mo 56? 431 7W I LlgunaBadl ....... .., 4br 35ba Pvt bc:h OU\~ V\J ll:i'led w pool.ten SIO.OOOm S5(XX)wt. '*' !M9-887 'H:6 Udo Isle UDO IAYntONT 111 2u ntrux 626-212-7733 626-297 6262 Sell your unwanted items the easy way! Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 IAVflONT ON I 100 Pl NINSUl A Nl W 21r 210 COTTAGIS P<1vatr Br'dl h Puol •nd S1>a WJI~ In 0< "·'" '>hol)\ .1nd Re\laur ant\ l P<I~" b ,..,. "l 1• • Bn.it Shp Avaol•bl 710 UDO PAH DR. 949 673 6030 or 9'9 /2J 58 JO * YlAllY * LlASIS Bill CRUNDV Rl Ai TORS 949-67 S-6 I 61 -Noor H"°" lb• 2ba incl ii•r wd hkllP\. front ""'' Ip no p~I< c~u 'fTI r 949 510 JOJO w•teleodi&.._. D•wHHm11 1 & 2'9r. I nwely C. u.d tylr ••1"Wll R~ w Ml new ~ c..w~t ~an"' ,..., d w h IClee •l'>ldl' w d • IBt SI09')m • 'flt Sll'Y.J (714)-6S3-7S92 !¥lnsulo Pohtl I IJI me..~ turn Pt't-lii a b B•1 V1rw utol incl •tit SI J~ 949 67 J 1800 9.-ltul 28r a. FldV rldflt-~tw .ondl> ..... kol llC)Cll'> ur pet PiW'I. z.. 1• w d "" pet °"' ~-....... Slfibnu ~n .. er-lw1hom 2br I ~ I'*' corm poc4 ~ nu p.911 '* c.-p 'l ' ~ agi sum 96-673-78XI NPwly remod Zbr lb• condo 'l < 1ar. 1111to wd n•• p~t \m~ Avail 5 I Sl950 l\P 949 759 1344 s...-........ ~ ,;:;t;i 'l ITl'tr W-.. ? St. JCn "' p;rbo 1>a.<.ny "' p "" pe1 a&1 s<>«n 919 F.7 Jo nm "'' Hts, 4br, lb1 ?000sl I l•I Hsf', l Ip, '"'' b~r on lam rm, IJinr apt pnt on & nut I yr new 'l' c p S2695m .. ,. cloner '.M9 64'>-0Y.>4 N9 flit c-r--twnhse MIW WTSiDf STUINO lo sti.e. pooV5')1 areal Very private qu11nl aoll COl6'se ..,_ 3br 2ba bath & kitchen non Sl(Q)rnodep 949-6l2 6318 smll r Call 949 645 5956 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~====~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;== NPI lecli lay 4br ~ Perler Ve19t11111n no smok. lem pr of SllXl,I ~ 112 utl. 9'9-~ RES()fNTIAL RENT Al..S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa OCIAMYUW /Pr l•• r.....,. •• lh.. Ii> .. pr1'&, "'~pets Sl.550/mo 949-300-8450 0... re the Fun lone lovely 2br Iba apt, I c pr. $1600 monthly/yrt1 efl, Robert 949 338 8885 ~IAYTOWlltS 2 Sb from terry, 18r. 18a, MC, pool, alnt Y- o n Bay, liv/dfn rm undqrd ~ Sl]OO(mo 96QS.6196 9&642.QJ69 ~~LI studio rm pallO, no kitchen S69S/mo • SIOOO deo Oc:n 11de of PCH ~9 574 7701 •112 "Employee.·· "Empleado.,, "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe. '' • IOUTIU HOW YOU Ill .fL Cl.USHDCM f911. Call (949) 642-5678 a 19 2003 ~~ 31r 2.Sla in 1ated c;omm, w/pool, spa+ •PflY•le yard $3000/mo. .. Aeent 949 856-9705 ~ ''11t. lluffs" 31r 2a... 'Huse bay v1ew $3495/mo ..949 2!>2 8200 or 949 851· ~60 Lene Option Avail. SELL your unwanted • l.lems throuah clns1f1ed RS: C1llf0fnl1 law re· quir• that contrec:- tora tllunc lobs thet total $500 or mot• (llbof Of mat. ials) be ltunsed by .,.. Contrec:tors State • Lie.RM Bo«d Stall law etso requires that contractors include tlMlr licenw numbe< • on all .ctvertlslna. You • can ch«k the 1tatur. of your llcensed • contrector at w-c:slb c:a 1ov or 800 321 CSL8 Unll· • c1n11d c:ontr1c:tors tellln1 jobs thet • total less then $500 • must state In their ! edvertlsements thet , they are not llcansed • by the Contrac:ton • State Llc:aMll S-tll • "MR. BLINOMAN" : ..... v.tm l Wclld .... 9-Sllan&AI . --~ 7 01t1* ·S. °"SN : 800-578-3836 Emptoymn - ~ .... /C-,..... "·.,...... ... mtS be ~ .... mpeca ~~ Boolcbeplng ••'* ···-~ Servke. TH puip1ration, reason1ble, r~. exp:ienced 96325-0250 A -l HANDY MM ln1t1ll reface c1bineb ~ rrdtfrc. ::1: 11" 546-72!11 . "'"'". Custom Built-Ins, Crown ~ldlnp. Bue Bo11ds Ul5 77982 949 709-5642 Carpet Repair/Sales -(;r(AU'IJ~<AllPIT..:t Rep11ra, P1tchfn1. Instill Courteous eny sire lobs Wholnelet 949 492 0205 ~ ..... :--------------.._..._ ____ __....___, • • • CllRKAl Need full-tome person to USJ$t with various duties. Must be 1ble to Input at IHSt 50wpm accurately on computer, poness strona customer service sllllls, and be dependable S'9 Pet hour. E•cellent ben· efit pack•&•· EOE Send resume to Judy Oettina. c/o Delly Piiot, 330 West Bey Street, Coste Mesa, CA 92627 or em1il to )A¥.oe11Sw@~ TIMM SHU TIMI INTO SSS M11I order/E commerce bus1nns P/fl Hee Info full Treinona -~"' cal 1-8118-2'11-!fJOI JOIN OUR TEAM and make 1 difference In tM C1llforn11 Almy N1t1on1I Cuerd you can a•t money fOf colle&• end career tra1n1n1 Cell I 800 ·GO GUARD (CAL•SCAN) Concrlll&Maanry lrkll IJecli Ste.I Tiie Concnte, Pillo, Driveway Fin1plc, BBQ. Ref's. 25Yra Eap. Terry 714-557·7594 ~ NHO MOii IOOM1 ~llUQ(l.H; l1577982 949-709-5642 .,......,.,. YOU.NOMI IMnOVIMHfT PIOJICT1 Call 1 plumber. p1fnter, h1ndym1n, °' any of the p11t servic:n listed here In our Hf'VICI directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPlf CAH HEU' YOUTOOAYI lldt'• her ........ ttifrWI, Duar F"'"'9 lo el ....... QlllDm ...... 0571102949-510 6529 Dlywl ...... -------------------- -?'I 7 ...... --~ .......... t..: .. ,, s ... ~. ••Y ..... .., -··~ ...... .... Olllltll ._ ....... ... CR EVI ER -.., W«S19'l ..... ... wunv BRJDG QtJlZ -···-Q 4 • 80lb vulntrtble. you bold: •.111'7 o J U o 4JtU4 •CU PalWr op:ns two llO tr\lnfp (20-22). Whit di> you rapoad? Q 5 . East-~ vulaiocr1bk. .. South )'\Ill hold: • ltQltHSl 9 ,UC,. o 'Wd •Q4 The biddina his mx:eedcd: NOR11t P.4S1' 90Unl WEST PER MONTH+ TAX 1 At 11lese Tna CLASSIFIED • 4 9 3 1:7 A. Q H 7 6 o Htl J • 9 •• 10 ' JllP <NlllOUI .... White. cherry condition, I owner. $6000 privat. p11ty 949-722·1353 On ... l)9lit ...... .., ... ·-······ It's tht sobl· tion you'rt ~earthing/ QT• whtthtr you're seeking a home, apart· ment,petor new occupation! ~in~EAST Whal do you bid now? Q 6 • Buth vu!nmible, ~ Sooth you hold; ........ a-... 6c:J'I, 2 wd, 36k 1c:tu1t ml . allver/1re1 Int, 1lloys, f1dulous llt.e new 11nm1rlt'ed cond, :a;s """ ~ v"J577ZJ OTIOAT SIMJMSAwml ········•········ IQ 1"99 t. Dbl ' What ettioo di> Yoll take? • 6 4 t> U o A 5J • A It J lH 5 +.-. $3780 due at •l&nlna 48 montti clowd lftd ..... no MCUfity deposil lOM 111i6es Plf ye¥. Eac:ess miles~ .io. Plf mlle.(TC422'79) Q 3 • Not vulnenble, YoU hold: •K o AH3J o 4Q •ltQ764 Your ri&ht·hand oppooenl, vulneta- ble, open! one no trump. Whal action The blddina bas oroc:ceded. soc.mt ~ NORTB .. .. .... trm •. 949·516-1181 ___ .. ,..._,_ UM.a. '02 ~ JOk ml, full iact Wllr, sit.,., send/tan '1tlv. CD llKklf', chfome Whls, utre SHI; Y672511 $27,995 firm, fin I Wirf IVlll Bkr 949-586-1888 BOAT llPAllSI SBMCO ' Whal ICdoa do you lake? .. _ ............. . do you take? UJolc for OIUIWf'S "" Monday. LITS IJHR IT'S Al AlltDmodw 900C .............. '97 lS 53 Sk. at, .c. ps. pw, keyles.s entry mrm, od, moonroof, a-cond, pip. $9500. 714-334-2528 cell ACUU lEGIND LS 't2 111 power, auto, sunroof, lthr, cd playlf', newer t1111, 1reat cond. $6500 01ys, 949-466·9nl or tYIS 714·389-9794 Au41 'tt Ai QOMlttre 2 8 V6. 2911 actuel mi, euto, sp.tf'lr.hn1 red/fl•Y lthr, mnrl, CO, looks & smells new V456721 SI 7 .995 hn1ncin1 tvall, Blr.r t49-S16-1 tit -.eqMllM.<eM IMW '9t w..-528 .. . sprt I*&. 5611 ml, new tires/breaks. •Int cond S24Jm 96646-36165 lulck leell •••t•r ......... vs. 47K acllAll ml. whMltr'Y ltllr. c:twonw whls, premium sound, beaWflJI q unnwMd oondr'-,.. . n/sMIC, m792412. fl ,995 00 t4t-St6-1 ... ...... t '- CADIUAC CAT&A '98 6 cyt, 11. ac:. ltfv. f/pWf. wnrool, u'9nded w1rr. $10,500 S42-St7-78SS Cetlllec ea.-'ti 3Sk. Metellic Bura•ndy Red, Oatmeal llhr. Chrome Wheels Beautrful °''I cond1t1on. S8,995 ¥tn572412 949-586-1888 --~- OIS1'0M mA1M 1U Ntalltion. .... aramlc, ~. stone. &WI> 1t7S Ull6l21M4...,. 7l4-612-9961 ilii'i ....... Rlpl*ed Recrout111 & lnstaltlHon TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 714-146-8526 71~2001 a..,.... M. 1f'fn ... '--' _.... yen! dlM.tp. ~-ttl\IP'Hdlr COfnm/Rn 714·436·1518 ~·-···­Lewns, L1wn Aentine. Sprlnlllers, TrOIA>lahoot· lnl. Sprinc Tune•up.a, Repairs & Up1ndes. ''Ha'l/e u1 do your Dirty WorA" 714-7U-21H PHIWPSAUTO Velwet40Twti.'92 Bl*lty·Cleln Only 82'( mills. ( 19292} SS.980 IMW S40I S.-'9t Sllvw w/IMlck llhr, rere6~ pcks-~ "*' (19231) $29.980. IMW3Ul~'OO Mid Blue w/fTIY lttlr· IUtO'P'lm pec:klJ' (l!li40) $26,!al. ••w 3231 s..a.. ..,., White w/811Ck lthr.CO player 42k ll1lles ( 19269) $22.980. IMW MS S.-. 'VO 8ladl on lmmK Bladl lttlr, l<»i mr. 1 o- (19297C) $59,980 ~c:;!itGT Solver w/Blldl lttlr -low m*s-full po- (186nt) $14.980. Pencheff6 c.AwWet '01 One O¥tner Only IOkMi (19l!'>JC) $59.980. ,..,.,xuc-.... 8'Mh RIClfll Gt_, W/\111'1 lthr, only 221( mi6es CO stec:kar (19289) $39.980 ~--230Sl ' ... This rs 1 rul Classic Red w/Trt11 LNttier Both tops-4 speed. (18683) $21,980. Mil Ml 4JO 'VO Lor~Body & Eahlust Pk& (19348) $29,980 ,.,...., .... C-..'•A.,..... Huffy fqr ti.a perfect low fTllluae, local one ~nmos UASlwlUY Mt-574-7117 ~AUTO ·-: NI dl - Owy.._ s.M .... C..v. JX '00 37K. V6, Met1lllc creen, Grey Int. Bltek top, Beautiful llke' new c:ondotlon $10,995 von872411 949 586 1888 -.eqMllM.<- THI OfFFIRINCI llTWHN llAUTIFUl &UQuesnt... .......... c... .... T ... •0....,.& .... ~ Ut-515·••24 fr .. s;;;ace, Yatd Cleanup, Ma1nten111c:e, Sprlnlr.ler R191lf. H1ul1111 , .... ,., .... , .. D ..... 'HVey ...... 7 peas, white/crey Int, pvt ctns. 1era1•d, non/ smllf. lille new cond v457275 $59915 Bkr 95- 5518118 www.oc:pMil cooi -.ICfMlltLc- MercetlH 'tt SS20 LWB 5211 ml, 3 yr w•rr IYlll. sllnr /blk lthr. beaut oria cond, v875241 '2!),495 fmenc:in1 1vail 8kr 949-586-1888 _..,..... __ ******** 55FmAY @ EJlaR SMTA AM AUTO IW.l (Ill) 123-9808 STARTING ANEW tsnSWAVAAAIU IN NIWl'OllT llACH $2SOOUASI Ht-S00-1005 BUSINESS?f. • • • • • • • • • • Tht &gal Department at tht Daily Pilot is pkastd to announce a new servict now availabk to new busiMSsts. ~ wiU now SEARCH tht namt far you at no extra charge, and saw you tht tiTM and tht trip to tht Court House in Santa Ana. Thro, of cou~t. after the starch is compkttd wt wiU fik your fictitious business naTM ttatemmt with the County Clerk, publish onct a wtt!t for four wttlts as rtquirtd by law and thm fik your proof of pubtication with the County Ckrlt. Pkast stop by to fik your fictitious busintSS statnntnt at tht Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, pkast caU us at (949) 642-4321 and wt wiU malu a"angnnmts for you to hand.it this procedure by mail If you shou/J have any farther qumions, pkast caU us and wt wiU bt mort than glad to assist you. Good luck in your new business! CO/lnETf HOMI MAJ#R#AIKI No job too small! Evtfythina from Carpentry ID p .... free estimate , ... -"' •o-ns-•~•• - Daily~Pilot llST MOVQS SSt/ttr ...,..,__ .............. i«'Yinc 1U citlu, IMurecl ~. "-Addlrtlan. fut, cOUft.oln, eattfuL 1'1tc:hin, Re11on1blel T183844 ll00-246-2371 n4-921· M7 ICN-Om!Z PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif. Public: Uhtltles Cortimlstlon requires Uiat 111 uaect houuhold 1ood1 movers print their P.U C Cal T number; I mos ind chauffevn print their T .C.P. number Ill 111 edYlf' t!S411Mftta If 104! hen an., ~IMI about th• le1111tr of • mo Yer . Irmo ot clu1uttw, cllL """'UTUflU CCNUllHIOet .,, .... , ......... wwwt i ilASOiillU PLUMSE.R ll50658fi fr• Eat! Sm niplR. OC'Tf<ll Dl9c. 714"235-9190 Pikiil Hiiiliiii R19w1 & Remoctehna rR£E ESTIMATE UU7391714-9&9-lO!IO Raa ... 11 a SELL your stliff hough cl1Ssifiedl I ,At l'llese Terms S3J54 M II J9lllf .W.S S250 .llMIY dtpwt, ,, "°"" '*-' 1111m6ttf# .. 11.000 •,. ,.., oms•" m,. • (MM/4131) OnApproved Credit I At l'lle• Ter111 a-Ka S/Vill, ~ !d 1*s S1150 m '*1t "1t r'W"..... " ...... Sl.SO .. ~ 14 _. + .__ """ --..... 11.000 -,. .... • 111A ...,,, ,. " m,.,... (M306379J On Approved Credit IN DA NEIN 2003 HYUNDAI EUINTllA GLS • .,v• . -. -- ' Manuf Suggested Retail Price ..... $13.202 · YOUR NBT COST SANTA ANA DISCOUNT •••.••••• S 1.214 s ~M~~~~ ... :~.~.~ .. s~t~ f 0 AT THIS PRICE NEW 2003 HYUNDAI SONATA ~ . ' ManufSuggestedRetailPrice ..... $16,723 YOUR NBT COST SANTA ANA OISmUNT .....••.• $2,035 s ~~~~~ ... :~.~.~·8'~ 10 AT THIS PRICE , •. -.. _.--.,. m1~tl(•I ,J .. ...-....... ~ ....... --~ ... '° -~ 8 w 11.w 2003 llMC Sonoma Manuf. Sugg. Retail Price ............. $14,786 NAflMS DISCOUNT ................. $Z,OIJ7 Ssllina Price ............. ' 1 ?t§88 FACTO/fr REBA TE .................. ~,000 1 at thi• $9688 price r1122u J llET COST lint 2003 Buit:k Csntuty Manuf. Sugg. Retail Price ............. $2 1,216 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3,627 Se/lino Price ............. s 1 ~§88 FACTO/fr REBA TE .................. <:JJ,000 t •t this s14 688 r,;!~, llET COST • Nsw 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix Manuf. Sugg. Retail Price ............. $22,950 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3,HZ Se/lino Price ............. s 1 ~§BB FACTORY REBA TE .................. <:JJ,000 1 at.this $16 888 r,~~2~1 llET COST • (;As Sl\V£HS ....... Lii Aufo. •~ 1:.-y on a.. "Morel (1014116) 56960 ._ POllTIAC ... FllE SE AlltO, Air, CD, Power SINttlg, ,.., Spoiler. Low ""'-1 (812381) 56970 Auto.».~~. CD • "'* ol &ttuJ (7111171) 512,980 ~ lllJ!~i'iLlll ~Ar; 7 A11u IQel, Rnd Siding Door. Men/ (6lllle7a) • 59875 ._ DDD• CAllAVAI JWt>, Ar, 2rtd SldlnQ Door. Low ~(568700) 510,985 '01 POllTIAC MOITAIA ElllllDED AIAI>, ,.,., Ai. 2nd Slt'V Door, Pwr ~ Oued ~ Mb)tl •Low"",.., 513,770 •CHRYaD TOWI & co.TIT LJI Auto, R#lr Air. Power~. co. LMllw, OUltd SMllng, Root Rlldc & Low M"-1 (50IU77) r 516,860 CONVt fUllJLI S WMUDA•TA Power°""-'>· Ak. CD, LMIW, M>)9 . Low~ (10011111) 512,885 wcmmam•1t1 Auto, Air, ~ °'°"'1• CD ...., Prwnlum Sound.,.,,,., (t»M») 514,770 S t fJl\NS Cl\DILLl\l:S 'II Clll1M -·· 111 M 1"oww. CD...,..,, 0.- tMJllW. Mliloll""" (f Mll:V S24,635 .. Cl" I AC llVl.LE Rll Power,,...,.,, co. Q)Sllr, Alloys/ (25#1#) 527,840 .. CNW I AC llVl.LE FUI Pow9r, '--*-· CD, OnStllr, All:l)9 & Low~ (tO,_) 534,960 suv· ... •Cllln'TWLI ,._ ~ "°""" 0.0...,. Tow~ • Q'lf)'GC,. (14,_) 515,985 •CJIM'~LT ,.., A;, ,,,,,.., °"""" ~ co. ..,.. Low,...,,,..., 518,870 Exceeding Expedatlons Since 1967 Man~':o!IJf.~~.~~.~496 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $2,607 Selling Pries ............. 11 ~JJ88 FACTO/fr REBA TE .................. ~,000 t at ttal• •9999· ~=J MET~ NllW 2003 GMC Cargo Van Manuf. Sugg. Retail Price ............. $22.436 NABERS DISCOUNT ...... · ........... $3,448 Se/lino Price ............. ' 1 f!tj88 FACTOtfY REBA TE .................• ~,000 . , at th•• s15 988 price f6107t4J NET C<?ST • . NBW 2003 GMC Enroy 2WD Manuf. Sugg. Retail Price ............. $29,357 NABERS DISCOUNT .. I •••••••••••••• $4,HS Se/lino Price ............. s 21'J8B FACTOtfY REBA TE .................. ~,000 , at this s21 388 price f336663J NET C06T I ._UM I AC llCIUll FWI' ~ FUI Pot/IM, '--*-· CO, Tow Pllp. & Low .a.I ("""64) 524,840 ......... , AIMr Ak, ,,,,,_,.~ UIJr. CD, "'1 .... Tow,...,.. Q'lfy 11K,. (t5'm) 827,950 THIS WEEK'S HOT PROPERTIES • APRIL 19-25, 2003 STUNNING CRYSTAL CoVE EsTATE PRESENTED BY JIM 8RASHIER ANO MARCIA BRASHIER OF COLDWELL BANKER COYER STOllV OH MCJI 2 ,. I • ., • 2 ...., 8 N m - This desirable, 1 /2 acre ocean view lot embraced by the coast2l hills of Crystal Cove, Ncwpon Coast, is the setting fur this stunning home of 6 bedrooms, including separate office, a guest house/cabana and an entertainment pavilion. The expansive pool and spa arc jcwds in this generous backyard. The stunning a.rchitectWC, reminiscent of early California. and the comfortable, spacious Aoorplan inside with soft, neutral color is a compelling environment for a family who loves ro entertain and relax indoors and out. Filled with natural light, fireplaces, open courtyards, outdoor loggia with fireplace. ups~ ~est !uite and "children's wing" the home is highly desirable to many looking for a large lot and home in a private, gated communiry. UJJnwJ at: U,995,000 For 1111Jitio1Ull infomuttilln pkAU conua: Jim Brashier or Marcia Brashier 949.719.1511 949.718.1508 . Co/JweU B"nlter RaitlentUJ Brolterdge 949 .644.9060 COVER ••. COlDWEIL BANKER 2. Map/Index 43. John Dundee 3.-6. Remax Real Estate Services Portfolio Financial 7.-26. Prudential California Realty Washington Mutual <:annery Village Realty 27. Emerald Bay Realty 44.-45. Coastline Realty 28.-29. Roger's Realty 46. Mortgage Rates 30. Metro Realty 47.-54. Coldwell Banker 31. Laguna Seaside Realty 56.-57. Coast Newpon Properties - 32. Wells Fargo Bank Coldwell Banker 33. Cott Realty Group 58.-69. Coast Newpon Properties 34.-39. First Team Estates 71.-100. Strada Properties 101. Open Home Guide 4-0. Residential First Mortgage 102.-103, Homes of the Week Remu Real Estate Services 135. Prudential California Realty 41. Abrams Coastal Properties 136. First Team Estates Daily.APilot Proudly serving Newpon Beach, Costa Mcu. Corona dd Mar, Newpon Cwt, Shady Canyon, Laguna Beach, Laguna Nigud, Dana Point, Monarch Bcac:h, CapiJtrano Bcac.h. San Juan Ca~ and San Ocmcnte. S Long Bay Drift 4 BcdrOom 3.5 &th ~t &!boa Model 3.1 ()() sq ft. CustOm haR!wood floorin~. French doors and Andmon windows. Q'Limcsmnc kitchen with island and cop of die ~nc appltanct:s. Thnir Bc:autifully 1 • ..A.;..;..-1 yard with :0C ~ fountain. N'~ Cabinctty built-ins. llmicycan O(W, great locarion near community ~ pool and fimcss ocnr.cr. Least apcrwvc home for We an 1'1--Bcxh's prestigious One r-ord Road..-~,,.... Sl.lS0,000 Call Agent (949) 7 19-9014 If .$~ l~pt'l'l.~"'l'"'lif'>) Jj) Presents •.. .. AN ENTERTAINERS' D E LIO H T " ~ '• .:: \\ I· '-'\ I I "" '-I I·. I< SELLER IS VERY MOTIVATED! REDUCED TO $890,000 THIS 3 BR. 3 BA HOM[ V.AS REBUILT AN D EXPA!'l.DrD I\ 1997. THE FOLLOWl-..;c, IH'v1S Wf:RE l:'\CORPORATI D l'I. ro TllL HO\H KJTCH£S C1ran11e counter, \\ 11~ large buffet .\reJ •ff' Built in prolik rcfngerator \\ me captain retngerntor BATUS L1mei.tonc An<l marble floonng ·,~head Han~ 'hu..-.cr '!'1.:m 1ma,1cr1 I \tra large "h1rlpool 1uh (ma,1cr1 GENERAL \ CIU\ ,1, \ hghl\ \\ mdo..-. ma'rcr dual pJnc " indtm' Maple "tlOd tloonng .i-0 Year umbcrlmc mof Roof deck "11h 'toragc Pre-wired for 'a1cll11c '>tcrco tull secunty ~ysrem including rcmo1e, PLACE YOUR HOME HERE CUJ. FOR A fR££ HOME MARKET EVALUATION Of VALUE i FAMILY HOME VALUE i ~BR. homr "'~· ~f !.x 1111 t IP"'I· Xlot Cl & ill\med .ill llXUv. Only .cw PACKAGE DEALS .. C>l\llES C>F -rl-IE WEEI< HOWIES OF THE WEE I< DISPLAY AD -LISTI NC IN OPENHO/t4E GUIDE -4-DAV 4-LINE FULL-RUN CLASS AD FOR ONE LOW PRICEI CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TODAVI LISA RIVERA 949.574.4252 ANNIE WILLEY 949.$74.4249 • .. 1 ··" - 1. UNCOMMO UNCOMMON N SERVICE PROPERTIES ~G CLIFFHAVBN f What a great opporturuty to either remodel the aisdng 4 bedroom home or crutc your dJcam home on thil multMrullion dollar .IO'CC't. The lot iJ over 7 ,500 SF and 11 11 located in the mott dainbk nciithborhood. (lllff8) (800)258-7630 CORONA DBL MAIL Plan oak 6oonng, u~ badu, fresh inint an/out, ntn !a'F u.e brick cntaU.IJUng paoo and a separate office Very private loaoon ancr yard. SI 189,000 (Jh+47) (800) 258-7630 NBWPOR.T COAST. You can tee Caulll\&, the blue Paa6c, downiown U. and the &nOW capped mounwns Three bcdroorm plus an office and a IUl1 drenched patio. SI 250,000 (dl+46) (800) 258·7630 NBWPOllT BBACH. Llw In hlxury with Newport Harbor as yom &ont yard. This P!OlX't)'. boaR 2 bcdroOma and 2 baths plui a dai and wa1b Of gJ.aN Boat a.lipe avdablc. $1 099,000 (d2584) (800) 258-7630 NBWPOllT COAST. Former model home With 4 bcdtooms, • 5 batJu accented wtth brathakina OCQJ\ and coutal vicww nu. atunrung property is only 2 montha n~i never lived in and coma fully fiirnbhcd. Sl.1..350,000 (13 445) (800):158·7630 NBWPOllT BEACH. Top noteh 6nubcs a117ICt rour ~ an tlus btgc rcantly rompktcd home. Grat coma locaoon with ~ of the beach, oa:an, Ny aod duunt mounwns $1.625,000 (132585) (800) 258·7630 NBWPOa.T COAST. The critomr of aafbmamhip and quality. Thia home ofKn S bcdrooou, 5 5 baths and ~Jimatdy 6,000 SP . Viking appllanea, l dishwashers, Ii~ _and wine tdbr. $3,995,000 (132M3) (800)lS8•7610 I ' ( ' 1 ' 1 . ! . • -. • •. I ) I , I l • ~ • " I •