HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-22 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot., t Serving the Newp o rt-M es a community since 1907 TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 2003 . 1\vo .in running ·for City Connell seat Eric Bever and Mike Schaefer remain of the 26 applicants to replace former Mayor Karen Robinson on the dais. Item continued to May 5. which he resigned from recently. Schaefer, 49, is presldem of the ~ta Mesa-Newport Harbor Lion~ Oub. I le has served on the Parlcs and Recreation Comllli$ion and was a director for the Costa Mesa Sanitary Oisuict. lines. with Councilmen Ouis Steel and Allan Manwor supporting Bever, and Councilman Gary Monahan and Coun ciJwoman Libby Cowan supporting Schaefer. and many looks of frustration from his colleagues, the council wtuttled the number of candidates first to four, even- tually eliminating two more to leave Bever and Schaefer. Dierdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The replacement for former Mayor Karen Robinson on the City Council will be either Eric Bever or Mike Schaefer. After an intense discussion and a ftuny of motions, the council on Mon- day narrowed the field from 26 to two. But it was unable to break a deadlock between Bever and Schaefer. c;o ii de- cided to continue the discussion to iis next meeting. on May 5. Bever, 43, has been active in commu- nity issues for the past four years, in- cluding participating on !he Commu- nity Redevelopment Action Committee, lf neither gets a majority vote at the May 5 meeting. the process will au10- maticaJly become a special election, which couldn't be held until November. Robinson resigned last week 10 become a Orange County Superior Court judge. She was unofficially sworn in Friday. The council was spht along expected "We net.>d someone with expenenn• who is knowledgeable and knows the city from the bottom up," Monahan said. ·1 Like Schaefer.· NI believe Bever has put in !he effon for a long nme," Mansoor said "A lot uf urne at no compensation to him: In 2!h hours of discussion, punctuated by heavy 1ghs from acting Mayor Stt>t-1 Former Planning CornmlSSloner Wal- ter frdvenport and P.dlks and Recreation Commissioner Wendy Leece. a fonner school board trustee. were the other ..errufinalist\. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491574-4221 or by e mail at detrdre newman a 1ac1mes com 'The wind' gets push from race El Viento, Newport to Ensenada race's pet chari ty, helps yo uth from elementary school to college. June Cau1rande Daily Pilot '\F\VPORT Bf.AC II -It mean' "the wind.- a force of nature with I.he power to propel. El V1ento, thl' pet chancy of I.he annual Tommy Bahama Newpon to Lnsenada yacht race, c;tnVe-. to do JUSt that m './ l w p o R T the lives of some of llun· • ungton Beach\ most needy '>Chool duldren. The 6-year-old orgaru- zation became a benelici- E N S E N A D A ary of I.he annual yacht race in 200 I Last year. a pre-race hmd-rat!>er for El Viento raised SI 0,000 for the youth chancy. This year's tund- raJ'>mg bash took place Saturday night at DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Getting ready for the ninth annual Gearin' Up for Abused Kids Bike-a-ttion are Randy Davenport, c~ounder and director, left. Gary and Kathy Rigdon, middle, and Newport-Mesa school board trustee Dave Brooks. The lOOmile ride goes from Costa Mesa to San Diego. See WINO, Pace M Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot T ypically, Dave Brooks shows his compassion for public school children through bis wotk as a Newport-Mesa Unified School Board trustee. But when he and hJs wife. L¥nell, wanted to help abused children, he switched gears and helped start a bilte-a-thon. The ninth annual Gearin' Up ' for Abused Kids B~A-Thon will pedal off from Costa Mesa on May 3 and feature four ditrerent bike ddes. including the original -a two-day ride from Costa Mesa to San Diego. The event ts tailored to encourage parents and their Geared up The students of the Newport-Mesa school district are not trustee Dave Brooks' only concern children to partmpate together. "It's unique, something that £amilles can do,· Brooks said. •ti's not like one parent or the other has to leave.• The bi.ke-a-thon benefits the Royal Family Kids' Camps at Lake Arrowhead. This year bilte-a-thon participants hope to raise enougb to send 100 children to camp. The Brooks' interest in helping abused kids evolved out or their experience working at various camps. • rLyneOJ and I both gew up THE VERDICT going to camps and working wilh camps, so it was a natural for us,· Brooks said. ~Through our churdl. one of the as.tjstant pastors wanted to do something for abused kids. but he didn't really know what to do. He just knew camping programs were good." Annually, 2.4 million children in the U.S. are abused and neglected. and one of these victims dies ~ four hours Crom their abuse, according to stattstics provided by bike·a-thon officials. One of those people everyone likes FYI The bike-a-than will take place May 3 and 4, starting at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. For more information. call Dave Brooks at (714) 545· 1150 or check out www.gearingup.ner. The goal of Royal Family Kids' Camp is to provide a safe place where abused kids can go and have fun. Brooks said. It operates on a more personal setting than other camps. wtth one counselor for every two lclds. •1t hM to be intimate because you're building relationships, and that's part of the key to the success of the ca,ipp." be said. See GEARED, Pqe M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON1MEWEB: WWW.~ WEATHER DINING Yan can move to Costa Mesa Popular TV chef Martin Yan is the face behind two restaurants that are on their way to town. Paul Clinton Daily Piiot COSTA MF.sA-Renowned chef Mutin Yan will bring two Asian·styfe restaurants to the city, one just berore summer. Yan. a recognizable f.ace from his series of cooking 1V shows. is~ to open two quick. casual eateries in the city -ooe in ~ the other in August. THANKS, MOM! _.. be • btl nQtcy eirtv on. ..... we~ ... -.-..n litW . ... ,...A2 SPORTS ,,.., .. ,;cwt._....... . ................ WDftd ......... ,..,LMeUt--. ........ r U Tuesday, Aptil 22, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Future scientists The Daily Pilot went to·st. John the Baptist School ~n Costa Mesa to ask eighth-graders, 'If you could conduct any experiment you wanted, what would it be?' ·1 would kind of like 10 do something like this to test how good certain foods are." ALEXA LOPEZ,13 Costa Mesa ·r would like to test different kinds of breads .... There's a lot of different types of bread." KA1l£RINE SCHWINGEL, 13 Mission Viejo "I'd try to do something that would determine what kinds of reactions different chemicals will make ... which ones wUJ blowup.· COREYWfUJAMS, 14 Santa Ana "I'd use all the elements on the periodic table and (do experiments) to find things like where they are in life, figure them out.• JOSHUA ZAMORA,13 Santa Ana "I'd want to do something like (testing the lngredjents in commercial p roducts) because they can teU you anything they want It's honesty.• STEPHANIE ISNAU, 13 Huntington Beach -Interviews and photos oompikd by Ozrist:iM CArrlllo • ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM KENT TRf PTOW I DMY Pl.OT Katherine Schwingel, an eighth-grader at St. John the Baptist School, looks for changes in a solution during a science experiment. They 'C' the truth Students at St. John the Baptist School find out, using science, that food labels don't always tell the real story. Christine Carrlllo Da1lyP1lot A s ITlalkeung moguls have made sure their labeJs state, orange juice is high in Vitamin C. But as eighth-graders at St. John the Baptist School in \..osta Mesa found out, you can't always believe what you read. During a science experiment W.t week that tested the Vitamin C content in different beverages - including orange juice, white grape juice, Gatorade and apple juice - students were surprised to discover how their scientific endeavors could reveal the true content of each beverage. The 16 students wrote thelf hypotheses. made their predictJons and began their test5. In groups of four, the students carefully counted each drop of liquid. starch and iodine. lllcy oohed and ahhed a!> they documented each cherrucal reaction or lack. thereof, and were amazed at how many of the labels didn't reflect their true contenL ·1 can't believe this." and "I'm very disappointed with this,· were just a few of the concerns students blurted out as they conducted their experiments. "We're the consumers. so we shouJd know what's in what we're buying," 13-year-old Stephanie l~nah said. "Without experiments like this. they can say anything they want.· Their experiment gave lhem lessons beyond science. lllcy got a little education in markeung. "This just shows you what marlceting can do." said Jeffrey Urban.lee. junior tugh science teacher. "lt shows the power of mrutetmg and that the important thing is to know what you're realty gelling." What the students were really getting was an opponunity to intertwine clas.sroom curriculum with the world beyond its walls. "One of the things we believe in science is that they're not just learning scienCC' 'ik.ilb. they're learning life '>kill<;,· llrbanicc said. "It's about implementauon. . hren if the end result isn't riWll. 11\ about getting there." SCHOOL LUNCH MENU WEDNESDAY MONDAY The Newport-Meu Unlhd Sdloof District offers f!*IU choices eech day at elementary sdloots. Students may chooM a vegetarian entree. The Mlection may Include a salad, aandwldl or hot entree. School lunches are $2 each. Here's what's being setved thla week: TODAY Muncheble lunch Selad with yogurt or teriyakJ beef clppen and rice, criep green salad with r1ndl dreMlng, mixed fruit. ctk>b of mHk Vegetarian health undwktl or bun and cheeM Munchable Lunch Salad or dlidcen patty sandwich bumto, veggie stm with ranch dip, green apple fruit on I bun, peas, apricots, choice of milk juice bar, choice of milk THURSDAY Munchable Lunch Salad or dleeM pizza, broccoli flowerettes wtth rand\ dip, lllced peadles, choice of milk FRIDAY •Munchable LUndl &tlad or turkey end grevv, mashad potatoes, whole greln roll, dloio9 of fruit. choice of milk The Muncha.bte lunch Salad contalna toued grMN, cheny tomatoes, credters end protein sources IUCh u dlene, aunftower seeds, fruit yogurt and honey-roasted peanuts. (•Peanut ~er on Mlected deys) No child 1-discriminated agaiMt b«:aUN of f9Cll, MK. color, national origin, age or disability. If it I• """'1Vfld a child has ,,_,. di«rimm.t«J against, wm. itmrNKliatllly, to th4t s.ctwtary of AQriculture, w.shington, DC 20260. Daily A Pilot ConfWlllOn News aseistant. (9'9) 574-4298 coral.wilsonlfl/1111mos.com PHOTOGRAPHEllS Seen Hiller, Don l.eectl, Kent Treptow Bo• 1560, Coste M ... , CA 92626. Copyright: No news stori•. 1llustrationt1, editorial matter or advertisements h«ein c.n be reproduced without written permiaion of oopyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST There'• the aJightest chance of shower• thla morning, but it'll more then Jikely end up as a llttM drtzzle end mlat.. SURF The northwest and southwest swells win build today, 10 aouth-fedng breaks can expect mostly head-highs and qufte a few overhe*. VOL 97, NO. 112 NlwsEdleofs Gfnl ~.Lori Andenon, Oenief Hunt., Paul Saitowitz, DWllef St.Yens NEWISTAff Crimea:r~~. {949l 67-M228 dflepa.bhar.rhe i.o,,,...oom JMne=·· N9wport 1'9J>(>f'tar, (9491 574-4232 Jc,Hw.~•,_t1,,,...com ...... Clnton Polibcl. bullineM end envlronMent reponw, l!M91~ f*1/.clinf0n•'-t1,,.,...com Lolte ...... Columnist, culture reporter, (IM9) 674-427& /ol.n..,,.,,,.,•l«Jm#.oom .,...Na ....... eo.a. Mete ,.,,..,, IMI ~1 dWdre.newrrwifl,,,,.,,.,.cioni Cbliltz c..llD Edualcion ,.,._,IM) 67oM.2el ~·'*"-•.,,.com READERS HOTUNE 19491 642-«>Se Record your comments about the Delly Pilot or news tips ~ Our addrea Is 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Offi<» hours are Monday -Frkby, 8:30 a.m • 5 p.m. Conections It 11 the Pilot'• policy to promptly cofT'9Ct 111 em>ft of aublt.lnce Please call (949) ~4. FYI The Newport~ MeN Deily P"ttot IUSPS-144-«>0I ia pubOehed dally. In N.wport 8-dl end eo.t. Mete, subecnptlo1111 ere .vall•ble Otlly by subecrlblng to The Times Orange Cc>Ynty (8001 252·9141. In •re• OUUldt of ~ IMd'I end Cotta Mete, tubtcfiptlont to t.M Delly Pilot ere evelllble onlY by first cl ... mail for $30 per month. (Plicile lncWdt ell ii>Plic:etiM mte end loc.i laleel.I POSTMASTER: Send eddr-. =..The~ M9M~ty~P.O HOW TO REACff US ~ The Time. Orange Coun1V (800) 252·9141 ~ c........d ~I 642·6678 Dflptey (949) 842-4321 EditofW News (949) 642·5880 8pcNU llMSl 57~223 News,..(IM9)~170 8pcNU,.. (9491660-0170 E.f'Mllt dailypllot•l«lfnn.oom Meln<>llee ...... °""' (1411642-4321 ......... ,.. (949) 831·7128 PubJilhed by Times Community News, a dMlion of"'-LO.~ Tlmet. C2003 TirTMt CN. Att rlQMa , .... v.t OtherwlM. It'll be • bit murky Nrly on 1nd partly aunny thl• 1ftemoon. Higha wUI just top 60, while lows drop to •bout 60. Wednetdey Will be cloudy .. rty, but quite sunny In the lbmoon. Expect highs in the mid-eOa. ............. : www.nwe.noee.gov BOATING FORECAST ~ The_. wttl blow their typlall 1010 11 knotl tn the Inner wetef't tNs lftemoon, wfttt 1• to 3-foot WltYM Ind I IWllof3to6fMt. Out ....... the ~Will blOw 10 to 20 knoUt, With 2-to 4-foot..,.. end .... of 7 to ., ... West·f.ang beachea can e.kpect hud-hlghs aa well, but notNm1ny. On Wednet<J.y, the swells will !OM S1elm, but vou can still expect 1 lot of held-hlghe at 111 belc:hes. Thurtdly will drop even m~. --..-r. • www . ...,rfrlc»r.org TIDES ........ 9:601.m. ts:38pm. 9:10p.m 3;12e.m. """" .0.28 f8et k>w 3A2Mthlgh 3.071Mttow '-81fMthlgh WATER TEllPERATIME 17degr ... Dady Pilot Tuesdly, ~· 22, 2003 A3 NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA program will be lnstJtuted 11 receive, review and authorize conslatent throughout the each. They al&o recommend the recommendatJon for the district. The dlatrict has that the board authorlz.e the superintendent to contract installed and maintalned VICTORY WITH HONOR superintendent to contract wtth Josephson Institute of Simplex fire alarm systems TRAINING wlth the Josephson Institute of EthJcs to hold training af a cost throughout the district for BthJca, for an amount not to not exceeding $20.000. many years. Staff requestB that The Victory with Honor exceed $20,000, to traJn two to the board vote to ensure the Program that the school board five certificated staff membera district maJntain uniformity accepted in May 2001 has been from each school to be certified FIRE ALARM among fire alarm systems by a work In progiess at each or to teach the •(])aracter STANDARDS authorizing the designation of the secondary school sites Counts/Pursu.in.g Victory wlth Simplex as the specific brand through the achool year. Staff Honor" program. As part of Measure A. some of equipmen1 used by the recommends that the board school iltes require the district. vote to accept status reports WHAT TO EXPECT replacement or fire alarm from each site on how the The board is expected to equipment, which must be WHAT TO EXPECT NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA These are items the council will discuss at its study session and regular meeting. STUDY SESSION ITEMS The four discussion items ma.king up the council's study session make lhls an unusually busy pan or 1onight's proceedings. ln Its study session before the meeting. the council wiJJ consider limiting staff members' power to approve modifications permits, options for improving the city's residential recycling program, upgrading the police department's alarm management system, and developing a policy to prohibit naming city parks after communJty members. WHAT TO EXPECT A fast pace. The council must move quickly to decide how to proceed on each of these items. Some, such as the alarm management system, could end up on a City Council agenda for a formal vote. As always. the council can't take any official action during study sessions, but can decide to hring matters to the council. GRANNY UNITS During their regular meeting. wtuch begins at 7 p.m .. the council will consider changing rul~ for building FYI •WHAT: Newport Beach City Council meeting •WHEN: Today. Study aeaslon begins at 4 p.m.; regular meeting 81arts at 7 p.m. •WHERE: Ci'ty Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: (949) 644-3000; agendas and staff reports are available online at www.city.newport·beach.ca.us "granny units." The tenn refers to cottages and above·garage apartments adjacent to single-family homes. They're called granny units because city codes forbid homeowners from renting them out to anyone other than senior citizens. Right now, the Planning Commission rules on,each request to build a granny unit The question before the · cmmcil tonight 1•;, '>hould the decision be placed ln the hands or the planning director instead. WHAT TO EXPECT Either way, the rules apply onJy to requests to build new granny units and won't affect people who already own them. -Cnmp1~by /WW Co.sagran~ BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Youth trumps age in surf competition Billed as a contest between France and the U.S .. the 2003 Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards ended up being a fight between young and old. And this year, youth won out. I lawaiian surfer Makua Roth man. all of 18 years old. de- feated his four competitors and won $66,000 Friday for riding a 66-foot wave in November. The contest's judges determined tha t all five competitor'! rode waves that were within a few feet of each other in height ·There were cases to be made GEmNG INVOLVED • GEmNG INVOUIED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding yoor organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators. case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help In a variety of mediation cases Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediators. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seala needs volunteers for ongoing clerical wort. programs 8269:-:..- f. for every ride,· said BW Sharp of Newport Beach, contest di· rector and founder. • AJI the Judges knew that whatever their determination, the outcome would be discussed for years to come." rhC' awards were announced at a ceremony at the Grove of Anaheim Theater and were part of a World Wide Web ca:.1. C.osta Mesa girl captures coloring crown A Costa Mesa girl won a share of the glory on Friday when Gary's Island announced the winners of an Easter coloring conte.,t. for children with disabilities and special events. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NAT\JRE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. (949) 645-8489. FAMILIES -COSTA MESA This team of community-based organizations, which worts to provide youth and families with counseling, family support, health education, mentoring, tutoring, after-school activities and kinship services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. ASH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program Gary's, a fashion Island shop, handed out aloha shirts to the three winning children, a list that included Lauren Terry. a 9· year·old Costa Mesa resident. Terry won in the 9· to 12-year- old category. Garrett Ulrich , 8. of Santa Ana. won in the 5· to 8- year·old category. 01nstian Connella, 4, of Aliso Viejo. won che 4-year'!·old and younger group. The winners were given their shirts Friday, when they posed at the shop for a group photo. 'Strange Ulys' coming to the county fair The 21st century incarnation and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. FRIENDS OF THE 8AUET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perform in professional theaters. For 30 years. the organization has provided the community with quali'ty Russian ballet training. To help youth develop strong discipline skills. build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. RUENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries in Costa Mesa. of the Doors wiU rock the Pa· cific Amphitheatre during the Orange County Fair this sum- mer. The group includes founders and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Ray Manz.arek and Robby Kneger. plus d ynamic vocalist Ian A.<.tbury. The Doors will play at 7:30 p.m. July 25. Ticket!> went on sale Saturday. Concert ticket prices include fair admiS!oion and gates open 90 minutes before the show. The I I I th annual fair runs July 11 through Aug. 3 at the fairgrounds. For more information, visit LVWW.Ocfair.cum To join, help with fundraising events and help promote library programs and services in our community, call (714) 566-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY The bookstore needs donations for book sales. Good quality children's and nonfiction books are especially needed. They may be le1t at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, Mariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers are needed to staff the used book store, which Is inside the entnince of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Fnends of the Library and are asked to wort one three-hour shift per month. (949) 759-9667. VILLA Twilight Dining OVA on the 1,,,u,,,, c,,;,;,., ~ter &ma.from $7.95 r The board la expected to FYI approve the recommendation. •WHAT: School board meeting • ~: 7 p.m. today • WHERE: 2985-A Beer St, Costa LANGUAGE ARTS Meaa TEXTBOOK ADOPTION •INFORMATION: (714) 424-5000 The board wlll hear a presentation recommending the adoption of the Prentice WHAT TO EXPECT Hall Uterarure language arts The board is expected to textbook Cor intermediate and middle schools in accordance approve the aQopdon. with the state of California's -Compi~by textbook adoption cycle. Oirisdne Carrllfo State's Gasoline Price Average Tops $2 a Gallon I e; llfJ IH3 ;I >f ;fi l'i111J ;ld;fJ ~ 11 e &;!d >I COMPLETE IMOI REPAIB TD•E DP Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Ytars in Costa Mesa THI CABBOlllTOB IBOP l•C. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bnscol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 We Repair Gross Polluters "Ot1tT 50 Ytars off int Quality" All Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Venicals • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimnt11ry Cotcndutio11 ;,, Y•11r Hnu 2() < J / > I I • ' I I /,,.,, llC !f ... --1,."\,,.~1.\: 111:11.' OFF , ... ,. !·. \i'' >· ~ .. , ?/~~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 :,=:aw:, Slrvmt tlN a, __ IIJ for JO JUI" Celatmoi OIJ ~ FROZEN P A1TIF.S STIJFFFD ClnCKF.N &ef • Oidinl • r...-, BR.EASTS $3 99 $3 99 lb lb. • 111 <r 1 Hr. LFM~c ~CmCKENS s122 1b. ITALIAN SUBS s222ca. Iii CJmi•i HOT FOODS To-Go U... d-H~ RMsiaJ Clidwm $522ca. M TueSdly, ~ 22, 2003 BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Baby dolphin dies despite rescue efforts Newport Beach lifeguards ~fully tried Lo rescue a baby dolphin that tried to swim ashore Saturday. offi- clals said. At about 5 p.m., a lifeguard at the t4th Street tbwer spot- ted the dolphJn in the surf tine, Lifeguard Lt Brent Ja· cobseniakl "We called the Friends of the Sea Uon Marine Mammal POLICE FILES COSTA MESA PUBLIC SAFETY Center In Laguna Beach, and they arrived in about an hour," he said. Three of the lifeguards fol- lowed instruetfons from the center to keep the animal wet and keep Its head up. But the dolphin died on the way to the center, said Michele Hunter, director of operations and animal care. "We're running blood work and testing tissue samples," she said. "We won't know why it died at least for a few weeks." She said such deaths are quite common on the Orange County coast More than 2,000 lose power for 2 hours About 2,200 customers lost power for rougttly two hours in Newport-Mesa after a transfonner blew on Wtlson Street in Costa Mesa. Southern California P..dlson officials said. The outage occurred at about 2:20 p.m. in the area east of Fairview Road, north of 23rd Street, west of Jambo- ree Road and south of Dove Street John Wa,yne Airport was not affected. PoWer was back on at about 4:30 p.m., officials said. • Pinec,..k Drive: Vandalism was reported In the 2800 block at 12:69 p.m. Sunday. • YAN Continued from Al Yan Cao. wh.k:h Yan ls bUJlilc as •fresh Asian cooking,• is ex- pected to open at 1500 Adams Ave. by mJd-May. Sen.sAslan ls set to open in August. across the street from South Coast Plaza. "I think they will ftt in fine," said Ed Fawcett. the president of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commen:e. "There's aJways a de- mand for diversity of restau- rant&" The restaurants, modeled after the popular P.F. Oiang'a Ollna Bistto cba1n. will offer two dis· tinct, teparate mentis offering wok-baaed cooking, the new proprietors said. •(The cooking) is going to be concentrated on the wok., but we'll also have grill Items." said Arthur Ho. chairman of the de- velopment group launching the restaurants. •eosta Mesa is the launching pad for the concept· • w..t Babr Street A hit-and-run was reported in the 1100 block at 12:01 p.m. Sunday. • Raleigh Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 2100 block at 1:53 a.m. Sunday. Another Yan Can and another SensAsi.an are or will open in Orange County. lV Chef Martin Vari will open two Asian restaurants in Costa Mesa. NEWPORT BEACH Yum! Brands Inc., based in Louisville, Ky., is launching the restaurants in partnership with Hong Kong-based Favorite Res- taurants Group. Yum! Brands also developed KFC. Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and Long John Silver's. They count more than 32,500 restaurants in more than 100 countries. Yan, best known as the host of the "Yan Can Cook· • 8ffs1ol Street Possession of drugs was reported In the 2900 block at 1 :52 p.m. Sunday. •Auel• Avenue: An auto theft was reported In the 600 block at 11 :44 a .m. Sunday. • Fani.w ~ An auto theft was reported in the 2700 block at 10:22 a.m. Sunday. • H•rdlng S1rHt A loud party was reported in the 400 block at 5:45 p.m. Sunday. • Mission Drive: Sale of narcotics was reported in the 900 block at 2:14 a.m. Sunday. • J .. mlne Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 400 block at 5: 15 p.m. Sunday. • Paul•rtno Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 500 block at 1 :34 a.m. Sunday. • Lafayette Avenue •nd 29th Street A person was reported drunk in public at 11 :45 p.m. Sunday. ...... , \/ • t -'/, D~ ~ ~ -~ ~. • : ; '( ~:.. ::. - HEMPHILL'? KENNY 1/,. IH ·cs & (':\RPI-. Is 230 Eost 17t St. •Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www.r~sondcor .com 1 • 10-5 r!J.~ 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10..5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) ~745 (Across from Ralphs) • Installed With Pad $169 • MlnlTun 60 ya'ds sqll iravertine 1a· x 18" .......................................................... '4.29 tql Ceramic Tile ...................................................... llStl/Jed from '4.99 lq ft. Laminate Y«>od ................................................ rrstaled1tom '4.99 lq. n ra 1ot,. on, t IMlfln'" WIND Continued from A 1 Oak View oommunity, .. said Zay- da Gaida. program director for FJ Viento. who said that the area's relatively low income levels and its many households that Tommy Bahama's in Newport don't speak English made it an Beach and brought in about ideal place to ·pul charity to $ l4,000 for El Viento. work. Newport Beach residents Jack • Each year, 25 fourth-graders at Shaw and EIJen Shockro founded Oak View FJementary join the the charity in 1997 10 help kids in program. a membership tha1 will Huntington Beach's Oalc View continue through high school. School. The program teaches 1be students spend two weeks in sailing. swimming and other sea· the summer in sailing training at based activities and uses the the Sea Scout Base and at the training to show how the kids Orange Coast Sailing C.eoler. An- can i.ucct'ed in school and other other two weeks is spent in areru. of their lives. swimming class. The program "It was clear that El Viento also includes regular field trips to could malce a huge impa<.1 in the museums in Orange and Los An- GEARED Continued from Al Over the years, the Brooks have performed every job in the camp. Now, they continue their partici pation through the bike-a -thon. The event features four rides: a two-day. IOO·mile ride; a one day "century" ride; a one-day mecric century ride; and a one-day, 25-mile ride -a new opportunity this year that is VERDICT Continued from Al everyone liked. At some point, Gaudio disappeared from the scene. but it didn't make any difference to the success of the restaurant because La Shelle was there, greeting everyone who entered, cirru.lating and, just by his presence, malcing the place seem exciting and glamorous. In line with the theme, there was huge TIJd outside the front entrance, taller than the roof. One night. a customer who had had a few too many drinks decided that the Tiki reminded him or Mt. Everest and decided to clJmb it just "because ii was there." Up he shinnied with the geared toward beginners. The first bike ride fund-raiser drew 12 riders. Thi!. year, JOO riders are expected. For those with the leg power and the stamina to complete the two-day ride, the group camps on the beach ln Carlsbad for the night -where they are feted with free food and entertainment -and heads down the coast to San Diego the Oexl morning. Brooks, 58, volunteered for the first three bilce-a-thons and started peddling away for marvelotu balance of the truly drunk. Once up, he sat atop his perch and began abusing everyone who came by. La SheUe came out and SUSBested he come down, but the drunk was having no part of IL He had reached the summJt and he was going to stay there. La SheUe summoned the poUce. who ordered the drunk down and got a stream of abuse for their efforts. Since climbing wasn•t part of their repertoire, they called for the fire department The firemen sized up the situation and then pulled our !heir ladders. leaned them up ag;Unst the tiki and scrambled• up. The largest among them grabbed the protesting drunk. threw him over his &boulder, climbed dawn the ladder and ~the drunk om-to the police. who promptly took him off to a 1quad car. show, is a consultant in the ven- ture. Yan Can Is expected to be the more affordable of the two. The average meal will cost $7.50. The Yan Can in Costa Mesa will go in next 10 the Passionate Pastry & Caf~. at Adams Avenue. Harbor Boulevard and Elm Av- enue. At 3,000 square feet, it has a capacity to serve about 60 peo- geles County. camp and aca- denlic tutoring. Students who stick with the program through high school graduation get a two-year schol· arship to attend community col- lege. FJ Vienlo targets C students who demonstrate a commitment 10 sticlc with the program and learn how 10 become A-plus achievers in school and in life. "This is one organization that":. ma.Icing a huge difference," said Ralph Rodheim, head of Rod· heim Marketing Group, who first came up with the idea to pair the successful yacht race with the charitable cause. He noted that the students' performance in M:hool has riserl' subsequent bike·a-1hon~. When he staned training. he was lucky to make it to the beach and back. he admitted. Now, he rides regularly and can handle I 00 miles a day. he said proudly. LyneU, who is in her 50s, starts training for the half-century rides with a group in February. The bike·a-thon is the major fund-raising event each year for the Lake Arrowhead camp. Last year·s event raised more than $30,000, volunteer Gary Rigdon said. II costs $45,000 10 run the .Of course. af1er that, scaling the Ttki became the goal of every Olristian·s l lut patron who had had a few too many fancy rum drinks. A similar tradition was carried on years later al Reuben·s, where 1he challenge was to see how many of the big leather bar chairs one could carry out withoul the manager noticing. I could name the titJe holder, but I won't because he has since climbed the 12 steps and probably doesn't want to be reminded of certain facets of his past. As the Tild became more of a magnet, La SheUe decided to hire a bouncer to get rid of the drunks before they clambered up the 11ki. He hired Don Vaughn for the job. Don did his part and more. Not only did he throw the drunks out be took advantage of the Ouiatian's Hut location, man:hlng them out or the restaurant and out onto the OBITUARY • lots of Equ1pment/FrM Weight• • Private P1lotu Studio • SPINNING Th.ater· t.:1c.nMCf • 16 full Time P•riOnarT ..... • Child Core Som· noon M • F •Ample & Convenie!'lt Pot~l,,g • Yogo, loi Chi, Strekh clot6" • Step, Power Pump, CorlfO • Showen, Si.om &. T-... • Shope-Up Skin Core • Shope·Up Holr Ca111 • Shope Up Acupvn<ture/ Md .,.. fUc:haid 8.itwUL Vk1Mfe•1 ........ 7 p.nl. ...., .. Padlc Vl9w Mor· hlll)t ·h~Pltoe ...... , ............. . .... tf'nllClfC.. ......... JD1'1iiidt.I • . .......... ..,.,., .................. ..,, ~-.... IJ:fttllllll•·---- ...... 1115 ······-,..., Oa•fted .. wOrk ror 1111 11••··~ nt1 Daily Pilot pie. SensAsian is set to open at An- ton Boulevard and Bristol Street, behind seafood restaurant Scott's in South Coast Plaza. • MUL CUNTON covers the environ·ment. business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. 'This is one organization that's making a huge . difference.' Ralph Rodheim head of Rodheim Maf'1(etJng Group markedly. ·Tue idea is to make a differ· cnce in the lives of kids." Garcia said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be read'led at (9491 574-4232 or by e-mail at 1uns.casagrandtt@lat1mes.com. camp for a summer. Rigdon. 51. who rode in the first three bike·a·thons and now coordinates the roule, said he is involved with the fund-raiser to ma.k.e a difference in a child·s life. ·1 do it so that I can help ldds tha l have really had yucky lives to experience something positive,· Rigdon said. • OEIROftE NEWMAN covef's Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman (al latimes.com. ad1ollling wharf, where he tossed them in the bay. lf you got out of line at Ouistlan's Hur, you'd better have known how to 'iwim. La SheUe's success wasn·t limited ro Ouistian's Hut. Somehow, and no one could ever figure out how or why, during Wodd War 11, La Shelle ended up running an officers· club for the British in the China-Burma-India theater. I was in the Pacific during the war, and every so often I would run inlo a contingent of Brits. We'd exchange infonnation. and when they found out where I was l'rom, the first thing they always asked was. "Do you know Art La Shelle?" When I said I did, I couJd never buy another drink. SuCh was the magic ofll.is personality. • ROBERT GARDNER Is• Corona del M•r resident end 1 former judge. Hie column runs Tuesdays. ·- • .. FORUM Tuesday, ~ 22. 2003 A5 ~s: '!:!~~ -~Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •PH.,_ Hodlne; Cell (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) ~ T70 ma.com All COfTMPOndence must lnClude full name, hometown end phone number (for verl1'catlon purposes). The Pilot re.erves the right to ecfrt all aobm1sswns for ciarrty end length LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dgn 't blame Lit~l~ League • EDf1'0W'8 NOTE: Thh l.U.r wa•' eddNeMd to Cotta"M.a. City Councilman Chrtt St"'. I am wridDg today to eqnm my vleM on the .tn11doll uilblg owr the atbJedc fleldll at ~Wlnkie IDd CallfomJa ICbools and the local raldeoU eeeking to ban children from using them. I would,~ first ask a simple question: Who among dl08e residents purdlaaed their homes when theft were not adjacent atbletic 6eid91 Of c:oune. the simple answer to d:m slmple question ls. none of them. Not one slnP resident can say they did not blowtngfy purchaae or, as I am eertaln the case may be, chooee to rent their property nex1 to the adlletk: fields. Having grown up in the Mesa Verde nefgbborhood. I have been a resident for O'm' 40 years. I can remember playing at those fields in my youth. and when we hit the ball over a fenoe, we hit nothing but ~I am DOW involved with the Costa Mesa National Little League and enjoy all that that organintion bas to offer. I understand now the local residenis feel the joint use agreement between our league and the school disaict should be reviewed and. if at all possible. rescinded. These nlSidetus complain of traffic, noise. litte!' and a host of other offenses I feel are unfuunded. Is there inaeased tmftic? Of course. Is there an ~ in the noise level? During a UttJe League OOseball game? I sure hope so. Is there a significant litter problem? Not a chance. l..e(s consider these allegations in further detail. shall we? First. noise. Does it seem odd to anyone else that these same people who choose to live backed up to a freeway are complaining about a bunch of kids playing basebalJ? Seelm odd to me, so I gues,, noise can't be the problem. How about traffic? Anyone who has lived in that nefsbborhood knows Iowa Street has been (ever since they extended it through to Gtsler) just shy of a freeway itself, so trafllc from Uttie League is. at worst. a contributor to the problem and. in fact. may tle aedited with an overall ~n in speed or tiaffic, in pneml. Aa for ll'mll gmerat.ed by Utde League, fhm complaini is wholly wUounded. Point in fact is that the fadlity ls far cleaner now than in its entire histo~ I can recall. before Utile League's use of the facility, the comtant build up of debris along the entire fence facing these properties. Our board of directors has. for all practic8l purposes. abolished this .eyesore. While I cannot attest to the cleanliness of other groups that use the fields. I can assure you that little league (during our season) goes above and beyond the call or duty when it comes to cleaning up after itself. So. in short. the ~concerns" of these residents can be considered nothing more than from a small group of irid.Mduals expecting more than they deserve. It seems to me they want the athletic fields for nothing more than their own peisonal dog parX. And by the Wc1y. a very strong case can be made for residents' transgres.sions regarding not picking up after their pets. I encourage you to listen to the residents' complaints, consider the needs of the area youth, and in the end. I am certain you will realize what Is truly Important. The fact is that athletic facilities and recreational ven4t?S in our city are woefully inadequate. As a matter of f:act. I would challenge anyone to show me a facillry that is not in use on a regular basis. So to even consider the idea of negating the joint-use agreement 15, qwte fr.mkly, beyond consideration. The very thought of telling more than 200 children they cannot participate in the national pastime because some SO or 60 residents feel they make too much noise look:. an awful lot like political suicide to me. 1hanJc you for the time required reading this lengthy (probably too long) point of view. As a concerned resident and a very involved parent. I look forward to a resoluoon to this ~ I strongty believe that in the final analysis. yourself and your fellow council members will realize that the good of the children far outweighs the concerns of a very small special interest group. CLINTON R. BROWN Costa Mesa Let the Name Calling Begin. Using ~xclus~ TutorAld math tfltlng, ~ analyz~ slulls a ctuld has mis~ or not compr~nded In school, ~ ~ate a program to cl build tM foundation requ1rN tor success Srnartv Pants) In buk math, as ~II ... _ __;. __ .as advanced Gou~ tllte algd>f'a org~ry. If you~ loolclng to I~ your <N~s ..:ademk outlook In W.. now Is the time to ftnd out more. (949) ~-7900 488 East 1]l'1 Strttt • Costa ~ (CorMf d lrvlM A~) MAILBAG Costa Mesa Councilman Chris Steel 1s among those seeking improvements to the Westside Why do only We stside advocates get vilified? To the people of Costa Mesa: I am appalled and sickened by the antics of those not from the Westside who will do anything to stop the Westside from being respected. We have been trying to clean up the Westside for more than 20 years.. In all that time. the only councilman that was attacked with a "engeance by the media (other than the current whipping boV'. <llri'> Stl'l'I, Joel I am and Allan Mail'>oor) wa.'> On Amburgey. a goud, decent m.111 who\ only crime wa'> to help mow the Soup Kitchen and 0,,( >S out of t1 ... mall neighborhood on the We'>L'>idc. I le eventually had to rt''>IJ.,'11. vilified and hounded in lhe pre'>'> .,o much '><> he lo<,t mo!>! of hb £nend-. <.1.nd almo'>t loc,t h.., home and busme..., Did the pre-.., or lhose who went after him care lh<.1.t they were ruining his reputation? No. Ju'>l stop anyone willing to help the Westside ask lhe ~t of the city to '>hare in our problems. All we wanted is for lhe city to help us <,top becoming a ghetto. which unfonunately we are already. Two and a half years ago. Steel. with a mandate from the pe9ple. Joined the City Council. I le 1s pro-W~Lside. and for this, he 1-; constantly ignored by the rest of lhe council and has undergone a media blitz questioning his ethlL -.. One of our newest council member-; 1-; Manl>Oor. who lives on the We'>ls1de and wants to see improvements made there He is being raked over the male; hy tht: m edia on false conflict of iml•rest charges. Now two m en are on the council who suppon Westside rPform. the inner circle of the old guarc.l cannot tolerate this. When one of our mayorc; got angrr with a group of people who wanted to save the Ice Oialet. the mayor actual!\ asked them what they Y.l're doing at a C.1ty Council tneetmg. £.xtuc,e me, but that i!> what the council '" there for, to handle c1tizern,' concern'>. It Wd'> natural for them to come to ( 1t y Council. One woman and some <.hudren were <>o hurt when they tried to <,peak and were ycUed at, they e nded up in tear., Did the pres:. p nnl th.., outrngeous ~haVJor? Of cour..e not N~ the counal and the media are up to their old tncks again rhey have every intention of getting nd of Mansoor. I low odd Only tho'>c who want to help the We'>ls1de have been so bad. No others haw ever done anything wrong. No hanky panky ever by any but these three men. I believe the behJ\IUr of th1\ council at times is embarrac,..,1ng to our toW11 and those who have visited her It wiU be interesting to -.ee hov. th1., tum' out i\n\1111c takmg bet-.? JANICE DAVIDSON ( oc,ta \1e.,.1 •EDITOR'S NOTE Orv Amburgey was accusep of d ciumber of confltct of inlt>rflst diarge§ before he lost reelection •n l990 Red-light camera..., are J mean ... to a doll.JI In Ill) mind. II 1., h,ud to bdlt'\l' thew canwra-. .srt• gumg up in till' intere'>t of ,aft'I\ (hey are '>Ole!\ to produce re\.emlt· for 1'1w tompa·n~ providmg till' l .imt•ra.., and thl• ut11·' U'>ing them If offinal' V.l'rl' 111tl're .. ted 111 reducing red hght \.111la11on., \\llhout incurring the time and expen'>e ol in-.talling l Jmt•ra,, thc) would '>Imply increa\e tlw amount of time a traffit light "' ) ellow hefore go mg rt'd. nw. c:;eem'> IO mc hke the tommo n 'enw approach While on the ... uhjt>\ t of rl.'d hghh another '>U&gt''>l1on \\ould ht' the reduction ol "lt'ft turn un red arrO\\ only" lane'i. rhere are many loLattun-. where these are not necessary and cause traffic delayc, ind pan of the world that re.illy need'> traffic to move more easily GARY MILLER Laguna Beach THESE NEW FABRICS GET IN SHAPE WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EVEN HUSBANDS. The soft folds or vicnene' window ~dints """' come in thrff ~ ~ \hit appeil to ~· Come ~ them today. Make Fitness a Part of Your Lifestyle . LATEST '"' W1-1c;nr TkANlNQ/C AR mo t-1 r.t .,., Fot 1r'4e.1 Co\1PL!Me«ARY ff'T'lf-S.'-Co\ "'-f-LINC. ·~ALDEN'S H '1 Dll!M RA< QUETB/\ll -SouASll -H A'llOBALl -s ...... KETBAl l JR. OLYMPIC S\\ IMMN<. Poot -R1 ~TAl RA""T -Lot'lliot:. CALL fOB A CoMruMt:NIAJtr Guw PASS MD Tow • • • l\OOI Q:P.~ .a.NO(\ \T\"I W\~1'111' 0.111.i"'.> 1663 Pbccnt~ Costa Mfti1 949+'6·4831 ...... , ...... . _.._ ... , ..... . ''"' .... , ..... '"" ' UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 170 I Quajl Srrccr. ~T'On Beach QUOTE OF TIE DAY "Our guys brought out their drivers on the first hole and hit the ball all over the place.,, Art Perry, Estancia boys golf coach M Tuesday, Airi 22, 2()03 TENNIS Showtime Breakers announce season scpedule at·Palisad~s. Club, which includes Visits by· McEnroe Uuly 15) and Navratilova Uuly 26). Richard Dunn Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH - Get your special m.alhrs out and circle the dates now -John McEnroe and th.e New York Spor- times will play the New- port Beach Breakers July 15 and Martina Navratilova and the Philadelphia Freedoms will face the new World Tham Tennis franchise July 26 at Palisades Thnnis Oub. In addition, the Breakers anoouilced Monday that three-time Grand Slam champion Und.say Davenport, a Palisades Oub member and La- guna Beach resident who lived in Newport for seven years, will play for the local team at home JuJy 8 against the Sacramento Capitals, a Tues- day night, and JuJy 12 against the Springfield La- sers, a Saturday night The Breakers will play 14 matches during the three-week season, which runs July 7-27, includ- ing seven home matches at Palisades and the re- maining seven on the road All home matches are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. HLlndsey's going to play a couple of matches, but maybe I can talk. her into playing a couple more," newly named Breakers Coach Dick Leach said last week. referring to the 1996 Olympic gold medalist who will marry his son, Jon, on Thursday in private ceremonies. Davenport and Brian MacPhie head up the Breakers squad, along with Maria Sharapova. . Josh Eagle and Eva Dyrberg. Andre Agassi and Anna KoumJkova will also play WIT this year. The defending WIT champion Sacramento Capitals begin their quest for back-to-back tides on July 7, when they host the Newport Beach Breakers at Sunrise Mall. Agassi, the WIT's Na- tional Ambassador, returns for his second WIT season July 24, when the Capitals host the Kan- sas City Explorers. McEnroe will be playing six matches for the Sportimes, including a mixed doubles match-up against 57-time Grand Slam champion Navrati- lova on the Sportimes' home court July 19. Nav- ratilova will be playing six matches for the Free- doms this season, including trips to Newport Beach, St. Louis and Hartford during ·the third and final week of the WIT season. Davenport, a WIT veteran who played for the New York Buz.z last year, plays her first match in the Breakers' home opener and again on July 12 where she will face a tough test when Anastasia MysJcina brings her Springfield Lasers to Pali- sades. MysJcina. currently ranked 10th on the See BREAKERS, Pqe A7 ... .. a -a I $d 4 I CY N: _.. ____ ,,_...._, _ .. • ' Sparta Phone: (949) 574-4222 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-0170 .. EYEOPENER =~~ """28 hono<ff NICK SCHAUIBJRG DON LEACH /DAil Y PILOT Estancia's Jason Les, left, higtrfrves teammate Jason Cassidy after Les made par on difficult par-3 at Meadowlark. For results, see A7. UCI HONORS Pelzel named national Player of Week : Anteaters' junior standout only third in school history to merit distinction. in 200 I and Donnie Rafter earned the honor in 1999. Pelz.el led the Anteaters to their first-ever Moun- tain Pacific Sports Federation Tournament victory, upsetting fourth-ranked Stanford on the road Sat- urday night in the quarterfinals.. He recorded his third career double-double with 29 kills and 10 digs in the 3-1 defeat of the Cardinal. time this season he's notched 20 or more kills In ~ match. He had seven errors on 5 l attempts for u .431 hitting percent.age and added one block assist. He's also averaging 5.06 kills, J.28 digs and O.~ blocks per game on the season, while hitting at a .350 clip. The sixth-ranked Anteaters (.20-10). th~ tournament's fifth seed, will face No. 1 Pepperdind Thursday in a sem.i6nal match of the Mountain PaJ cific Sports Federation Ownpionship at 5:00 p.~ CRAWFORD HAU -UC Irvine men's voUeyball player funmy Pelzel has been selected the Ameri- can VoUeyball Coaches Association/Sports Im.pons Division I and II Men's National Player of the Week. It is Pelz.el's first national honor and the third for an Anteater player. Erick Helenihi was selected Pelz.el spart.ed UCI with the score 24-21 in the fourth game, knocking down four of the next six kills to set up match point, 30-29. It was the 15th See HONORS, Pqe A1 HIGH SCHOOL PREVIEW Rivalry matchups on tap this week Mesa-Estancia battle in track and field; Back Bay golfers collide. Rivalry showdowns in track and field and boys golf. as weU as the continued pursuit of league pwnpionships and OF Southern Section playoff berths in several other sports, highlight competi- tion involving Newport-Mesa high schools this week. The Back Bay boys golf showdown be· tween Corona del Mar and . Newport Harbor is a nonleague contest. but doesn't tlgure to suffer any lack of inten- sity. The CdM boys are well on their way to defending their Pacific Coast League crown. while Newport Harbor has fared less weU in the rugged Sea View League. The match is scheduled Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at Pelican Hill Golf Course. In boys volleyball action, E8tanda and CdM enter the week atop their respec- tive league standings, while Newport Hatbor remains in striking dlstance. one match off the pace of league-leading Woodbridge. break from Golden West League action. The Eagles do host their alumni Satur- day at 4 p.m. Newport Harbor, expected to wel- come back 6-foot-8 junior middle bJocker Jamie Diefenbach, who bas been sidelined while recovering from an tom ACL, visits Sea View League foe Foothill ·Tuesday at 5:45. The Tu.rs then visit Aliso Niguel Thursday before finishing the week. along with CdM, at the Santa Bar~ hara Tuwnarnent of Clwnplons, begin- ning Friday. • OON~/DAll.YPILOT The boys and girls track and fielU teams from Costa Mesa and &tancia square off Thursday at 3: 15 at E8tanda. The Eagles' boys team, as well as the Costa Mesa girls team. enter the cross- town showdown with 4-0 league records. The Estancia girls are 3-1 In league and the Mustangs' boys team is 2-2. CdM hosts defending PCI.. champion Northwood Wednesday at approxi· mateJy 5:30 p.m., while Estancia takes a On the baseball diamond, Coach John FJ:mne's JICL.Jeading Sea Kings hope ~ continue their recent upswing with • two..game tet with Laguna Beach. c.dM hosts the Breakers Tuesday at 3:15 p.m., then visits the hitter-frlendly confines o( Lquna Friday at 3:15. Newport's Jamie Diefenbach will return this week after a torn ACL. COLLEGE WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lenderman receives NAIA award J J SPORTS Tuesday, ~· 22, 2003 A7 GOLF BRIEFS Eagles gearing up for league title Estancia comes up short against Marina, but played Monday to test Meadowlark for upcoming encounter against Westminster. HUNTINGTON BEACH Preparing for a Golden West League, rnembe,rs of the Estancia High boys golf team were seek- ing ~ Monday at Meadowlark Golf Oub in a non- league match against host Ma- rina. won by the Vikings, 190- 199. ·we lost it on the first hole, then we played them even,· Es- tancia Coach Art Perry said. ·0ur guys brought out their drivers on the first hole and hit the ball all over the place . . . It was an ex- perimental round, because Thursday we play Westminster there (in a showdown between the league's top two teams). Westminster is in second place right now.· Prior to that match, the F.agles (10·3) will play Ocean View at Mile Square P'ark on Wednesday. In their loss to Marina, senior Ja- son Cassidy and freshman Greg Les led the scoring at 4-over 39, while freshmen Marcus Sostak and Austin Serr carded 40s. Jason Les shot 41 . ·we're hopmg we1l be league champions by next Tuesday when we play Co'ita Mesa.· Perry said. Orange Coast falls •COMMUNITY COLI.EGE: Orange Coast College's Pira\es played an Orange Empire Con· ference men's match against host Riverside at Victoria Coun· try Qub in Riverside and won. 390-395. Ri verside's Mike Mu- noz earned medaJlst honors at 2-under-par 70. Coach Barry Wallace's Pirates, who clinched a spot in the OEC HONORS Continued from A6 in Firestone Fieldhouse in Ma- libu. French cooking • BASEBAU.: UC Irvine senior Ouunpionships next Monday at Los Serranos, were led by David Kendall (75), Kelly Wicks (7i), Shaun Vickers (78), Brad Cllam- plon (79) and Jason Hethcoat (81). They ~proved to 13-9, 9-8 in the OEC. Anteater men roJling • COILBGB! The UC Irvine men's golf team ls tied with Cal Poly ~ Luis Obispo tor first pla~ after the opening round of the Big West Confen;nce Cluunpionships at the Serrano Counrry (lub ln RI Dorado Hills. Monday's secood round was canceled due to rain and the tournament has been shorted to 36 holes with the final 18 scheduled for Tuesday. UCI and Cal Poly recorded team totals of 294 in Monday's first round. Idaho is third at 299 in the nine- school field. The Anteaters are two-time defending Big West champions. UCI senior Mike Lavery Is in first place after shooting a 2- under 70 to lead Pacific's Matt Hansen by one shot. Anteater senior Jeff Coburn Is in sixth place at 73, senior Ryan Arm- strong is 13th at 75, freshman Ryne Rindfleisch is in 17th place at 76 and junior Vinnie Poncino is 22nd at 77. The women also lost the sec- ond round to rain and wiU fin- ish with 18 holes Tuesday. Cal State Northridge leads after the opening round with 314, Idaho is second at 323 and UCI fol - lows at 327. Northridge's Eliza- beth Allen is the individual leader with an even-par 72. UCI sophomore SteUa Lee is in second place at 75, freshman Angela Won is fifth at 79. sophomore SheUy Raworth is in 13th at 84, junior Cllanning Lovejoy is 22nd at 89 and fresh- man Reana Yun is in 26th place after a 91 in the first round. The Anteater women won last year's Big West Conference title in the first year of the sport at UCL the sweep and kept the Ant- eaters one game ahead of Pa· cilk in the Big West standings. French is the second consecu- tive UCI pitcher in as many weeks to receive the honor and the fourth Anteater this season to be recognized by the Big West. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Caebrating the Daly Piot's Alt*te orthe Week senes TODAY 21 -Mike Bergey Colone ~I Mar Football, '98 11 • Beau Stockstill Corona del Mer Boye water polo, ·o~ MONDAY • 24 -Donner Walter• Newport Harbor Baseball, '96, '97 SUNDAY 21 -Jaycee M ahler CdM/Orange Coalt Women·a soccer, '98, '01 21 -Jeff Sample Orange~ Water polo, ·oo. '01 'Z7 -Jen Hooston SoCal College Sohball, '98 SCHEDULE TODAY ea..t>.11 College -Vanguard at Point Loma, 3p.m. High school -Laguna Beadl at Corona del Mar, 3:16 p.m .; Sage Hill vs. Brethren Christian at Oxford, 3:16 p.m. Gotf College -UC Irvine at Big West Championships at El Dorado Hills. 7;30 a.m . High school boys -Corona del Mar vs Tesoro at San Juan Hills, 3 p.m.; Newport Harbor JV vs. Sage Hill at Costa Mesa Golf & Coontry Club, 3:30 p.m. Softball High school -Corona del Mar at University, 3: 15 p .m .; Laguna Hills at Newport Harbor. 3:30 p.m. Tennis High school boys -Laguna Beacti at Corona del Mar, 3 p.m.; lrvme at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Estancia, 3 p .m . Volleyball Community college men -El Camino at Orange Coast, 7 p.m. High school boys -Newport Harbor at Foothill, 5:45 p.m. DEEP SEA MONDIW"S COUNTS ~ Lllndlng-1 bo8t. 34 englers. 7 und baa, .. calico baas, 1 halibut. right-hander PauJ French was selected Big Wei.1 Conference OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Pitcher of the Week after col- lecting his sec- ond win of the season in a 6-1 win over Pacific Saturday. French allowed just one unearned run, four hits and a wallc while strik- ing out seven Pa cific batters in 7 Yi innings. He re- tired the side in order five Limes and ended a one- out, two-on rally in the seventh in- ning by inducing a double play. The win helped UC Irvine avoid BLAKE DORMAN c BREAKERS Continued from A6 Women's Tennis Association Tour, will play five matches for the lasers during the first week.. American superstar Andy Roddick aJso makes his return for the St. Loub Aus during the first week of the season, while the second week brings the much anticipated WIT debut of Kournikova Billie Jean KJng and Larry KJng originated World TeamTennls and its unique gender-equity team concept in the early 1970s. The format used for a league match features teams comprised of two men, two women and a coach. F.ach match con· sists of five sets, with one set each of men'& and women's singles, m~n·s and women's doubles and mixed doubles. During the season, the Brea.leers are planning a variety of actMties and promotions, including · kids' nigtlts. women's night ahd United States Ten- nis Association, nigh ts. Season ticlcets are on sale now. individual ticlcell> go on sale April 28 and range from S 15 fo $65. To purchase tickets, call 1 (866) WIT-TIXS. For infor· .... Mche~ call (949) 916-6682 or..ts11 ultii?iiii'ewportbetu-hbreakers.com. . BREAKERS' 2003 SCHEDULE Monday, July 7 lllf Sacramento Capitals Tuesday, Juty 8 Lindsay Davenport and the Breakers vs Sacramento Capnals Thursday, July 10 11> Spn1!9fteld Lasers Friday, July 11 @; Kansas Crty Explorer$ Saturday, July 12 Davenport and the Breakers vs Springfield lalers Monday, July 14 a) St. Louis Aces Lindsay Davenport win play for the Breakers Tuesday July 15 vs New Yorlt Sport1mes and John McEn roe Wednesday. July 16 .,,5 St Louis Aces Sat4rday. July 19 " Sacramento Capnals Sunday July 20 vs Sacramento Capitals Tuesday. July 22 a Hertford FoxForce Wednesday July 23 ir Delaware Smash Friday. July 25 vs Kan5as Crty Explorers Saturday July 26 vs. ~1laoelph1a Freedom• and Martina Navrattlova ~tag ~hoot Wednesday, May 7 Prado Olympic Shooting Parle Chino, California 7 Official Events Sporting Clays I & II Trap Doubles Tabor's Doubles Continental Trap Duck Tower Flurry Optional Events Olympic Trap 2-Man Flurry Five Stand Proceeds benefit Hoag Hospital. HOAG. llOIPl1ll. To participate, or for more information, please call 9491574-7208. ' e Call (949) 642-5678 GET THE P 0 INT? Daily Pilot < 1..,,if il d .1<1--,, "'" 1 .. , ' '" \ , ' ._ ........................................................................................ _... M !uesdax. Aini 22. 2003 .......... -l.lllllllm -. .. cm <ma .. ... ................ .., Seillll·4illpa OR~..5ct~OR IHTROOUCTlOfll OROIHAACE ESTAB· LI~ SAFETY EN· HAHCEMENT ZONES OUIGHATINC A POR· TION OF .,. AllfA lfll WEST HCWPORT BCACH AS A SAFETY l N· HANCJ:MENT ZONE o"""'6 JUl "( FOURTH AHO AMEHDtltC OERTAlfll SECTIOHS IN CHAPTERS 104 t 05 511 595 ANO lO.sa OF fHl NEWf'OflT IEACH MU HICWAI.. Coot TO lft CREASE Flftf.S ANO ,ENALTIU FOR MU· NICtrAL COO£ VIOLA· TIONS, PROHIBIT THE O(LfVEAY Of' AL COHOi.. TO ALCOHOL Bt:VEAACE OUTI.ETS. IHCREASE TH£ IU SPONSIBILITIES OF THE OWfERS OF ~T TtRM LOOCIHGS AHO REQUIRE IMMEDIATE TER .. NATIOH Of CCII· TAIN ACTMTIU Uf'OH REQUEST or A P£ACE OFFICER IN AN AREA DESIGNATED AS A W ETY ENHANCEMENT ZONE AHO DURING THC TIME THE DESICNATIOH IS EFFECTIVE NOTICE Of • TRUS. .... ~~ TEE'S SALE Tl"uale'e ebow le . to Sele Ho. 03-111172-CA be: 3111 OLLEGE Tiiie 0..-No. 1Mtf71 AVE., COSTA MESA, YOU M E IN DEFAULT CaHfomle l2t2t The UND£A A. DEED OF 1.11 ..... recl T,,.._ TRUSf, DATED dl9cleln\e fll't llabllltY Oll'llfl002. UNLESS for MY hlCOmletrw YOU TAKEACTIONTO of._ enet ..._. PROTECT YOUR, ..t ad.r comrnotl PROPERTY, IT YAY BE dMlgnllUon. ft any, SOLD AT A PUBLIC 9howrl hef'eln. Sefd SALE. F YOU NEED .... wtll be made, but AN E.XPl.ANA TlON Of wl~ cownerll or THE HAT\IRE Of THE W111f911ty, H.,,....cl or PROCEEDtNQ Implied, f90lltdl11g Utle, AOAIHST YOU, YOU poNMelon, Of encum- SHOUl.D CONTACT A bf•ncea, to pey the LAWYER. On rem.,nlnv princlpel Olll1 V2003 Ill 2:00 p.m., eum of the riote(•l PREMIER TRUST eec:Ul"9d by Mid OMd DEED SERVICES INC.. of Truet, with tntitrMt u duly eppolmed thereon, u provldtd In TiWM under and .. 1c1 "'*(a), lldvancee, pur9uant to OMd of If 1ny, undef the tltf"IM True! encuted by of Mid DMc:I of Truet, MARK D. DONOVAN ...... chMgH llld AND JAYNE DONO-eiq:ie,_. of the True- VAN, HUSBAND ANO tM llnd of the truete WIFE AS JOINT TEN-crMtec1 by Mid o..d al ANTS Ind l'9COfd9d Truet The total MnOUnt 03l'2W'2.002, .. lnatru-of lhe unp9td belance rMnt No.. 20020267443, of the ~ .. of Offlclel Recorde of c\Qd by the prop9rty Orange County, Calf. to be told end reeton- fomla; WILL Sf:LL AT able fftl!Mi.d COltl, PUBLIC AUCTION TO expense• and lld- HIQHEST BIDDER FOR vence1 et the lime ot CASH (payable et time the lnltlal publlc•llon of of ..,. In t.wful money the Notice of s.ie .. of the Un118d Stnia, by S1M,63t 29 Tht ben9- 1 cuhlef'• chKk flclary under Nici o..d ~ by • ~ °' of Trust heretofore ,..,.. credit unlorl, or execU111d Ind dellWfed a ctleell dr9WO by • to the u~ • elate Of fedlerll N vlnge wntten DeclenitJon of and loen UIOCiaUon, Default and Demand kif NvinQI U10Cle1ion, °' Sele, and • wnnen Nvlng1 bank 1peclfled Notice al Default and In MCtlon St 02 to the Election to Seti. The Flnanclal cod9 end und., .. gned cauMd ~ to do buel· Nici NOllce of OefllUlt ,... In thla 11Me) Ill At •nd Election to s.tl to the north front en-be recorded In the tntnce to the County county w'*'9 the rul CounhouM, 700 Civic property II IOcal8d. Centier Drive W11t, Dete: Aortf i 7, 2003 Sente An&, CA Ill right, PREMIEA TRUST thte Ind lntetat con-DEED SERVICES INC., v.)'9d to and now held AS TRUSTEE Tltt11t1y by It undw Aid DMc:I al Halvoreon, Aui.tJint Truet In the Pf'OPWtY S.Creuwy t SltO Bar· sltue9d in Mid COuntY r.nc:a Pertcwey Irvine, and Stftl deecrtbed a : CA 9'2t18 (M9) 7» Al mOf'8 hAty de-8388 TMIS OA'fCE IS ecribed In IN above-ATTEMPTING TO COL-,..~ o..d al LECT A DEBT ANO Truet Aaeeeor'1 Par· ANY INFORMATION eel No. '1•1'4>20 The OBTAINED WIU BE etfMt 8ddrMs and USED FOR THAT PUR· oUlllf" common dN'9-POSE. ASAP533555 Nltlon, If eny, of the "22, "29, 511 Poli cy Rate~ and deadline' arc i.ub1ect to change without notice. The publisher reserve~ the right to cen:.or. reclai.sify. revise or reject any classified advenisemem. Pie~ rcpon any error that may be in your da~'>1ficd ad immediately. The Dally Ptlot accepts no liability for any error in an adveniscment for which ii may be responsible except for the co~t of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fin.t insertion. ANNOUNQMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAl 230S-2490 PUil.iC HEAAtNCS COO( AMENDMENT HO 2003 OC)l AP· PROYAL AUTttOlllTY FC>lt CAANNV UNITS (PA 2003 054). THAI Ot:L MAit RES TAURANT (PA2003-002) 2754 EAST COAST HIGHWAY. ENSIGN RESIDENCE, 34lS OCEAN BLVO VARIANCE HO 2003·001 AND MOOIFICATION PER.-T HO. ~3 004. CURCI PR0P£RTY, 129 AGATE AVENUE CEN· ERAl Pl.AH AMEHOMf:N"f HO. 2002·003, LOCAL COAS TAL PROGRAM AMCHOMENT HO. 2003· 001, COOE AMENDMENT NO. 2002-009. NEWPORT PARCEL HO. 2002·031 (PA2002 24-4). Published fll•wport B••ch·Cost• Mu i Dally Piiot Ap.-11 22, 2003 'l106 iriiliiSiiiilri roe• Subjeot to conditions Pf°UCl'ibed by the un dersi&n.d, sealed bids for a Lump Sum Con· tract at• 4nviled for the followlnc Work: HUMANITIIS HAU. <.LAS5aOOM IM- '1tOVIMINTS nOJICT NO ... '2oa UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINC IRVINE, CAUr ORNIA 92697 PROJECT DISCllll'TtOH1 This project Is lo ref urbish talsllna cla:.uooms end corrl dors on three floor of the Humanities Hell build1n1 Work Includes. but 1s not limited to the follow1n1 removal and replacement of floon. base, ce11tnes. ll&httna. doors and frames, electrtcal devices end wlr1n1, •nd chllf rails: lore alarm modifications, removel of esbeslos contalnln1 materials: pa1n11n1. &lazing, metal stud and dr y wall Installation, on accor dance w1lh Construcllon Documents ISTIMATID CONSQUCflON COST1 $700,000.00 Mete: """'• II.Wen wt.. ... net -et tt.e r.ollflcell•n• ho the entro<t DecuMenh ,...., "°' t.. ell9tl>le fw oww cl. Bldd1ne Documents wtll be available lo Bidders on TUESDAY, APltll 22, 2003 and will be l~sued at Fac1hlles Mandie men! University ol Cahlornoa, Irvine, 201 Interim Office Butld1n1 (mat11n11. eddreu) 19172 Jamboree 8oulev1r d (phys1c<tl a ddress). Irvine, CA 92697 5444, (949) 824 1404 Checks for a "°"" re f-.Mt.le fe e wlll be required on the •mount of $25.00 per set ul 81dd1n1 Documents Checks are lo be made payable to :The Rtunb of the Unlwe11lty of California.• s .. led Sida will not be ~c91>tl4 1fter: t IM •OON .. T'UIHAY, MAY tJ,100S .,.. openlnt d•t• for thl• !Mftte. SI llO COff« • f'toject ni. ~l"IM llMd un ehaado, pued• to MU1ty this reqµlr• llamat • IH\ M<vklo de IMllt ah•ll be of tlle refetencle de 111opdo1 ••rN type "4ulfed by Cl • uni oflc:ln1 de 1yud1 the con tree•. '-Pl ( v.. el dil'KtOl'IO 2. The Cohtract0t sh•N ttlefonico). Bid Security In tha amount of 10~ of the Lump Sum B1M1 Bid, u cludln1 11tern1tu, shall ecc:omp1n1 u ch Bid The S1dty lnuln1 the Bid Bond S111ll be, on th• Bid Oeadllne, e11 1dmltted surety Insur., (u defined In the C1hf0tnl1 Code ol Civil P roc edu re Se ction provide 1 minimum of 5 CASI MUMlll1 refttencn for prolech (M-. 4el t-) slmllar In scope ind sit• 01Hl0,16' to thts Projtc;I which Tlwl name end eddreu h•ve bffn successfully of the court IS. (El completed In lht Stal• nombte 'I difecclon de of Callfornl• durlrit the la corte es) past 5 ye111. dAAHGE COUNTY SU· THE RECEHTS Of THE PERIOR COURT, 701 UNIV'ERSITY OF CAU· CIVIC CENTER DRIVE FOftHIA WEST. SAME. SANTA Allfll, 2003 'ANA. CAl.lfORNIA 92701. 995.120). A m11tdalory Pre -Bid Conference and Pr•Bld Job Wtlt\ will be con· ducted on: WEDNIS- DAY, Ana 30, !OOS Publls htd Newport OltAHGE COUNTY CON· BHCh·Coste Ji'eMI Dally SOLIOATED COURTS Pilot Aprll 22. 29 , The name, addt•"· 2003 ' T107 end telephone numb« of ba1tnnln1 PfOmpUy et SUlllOIS I trOO AM Partlclp1nts IOJAOOllJllMOMl shall mHt at: facllltles NOTICE TO O£FEN· Men11e1Nnt, University DANT: (Avlso a Acusa· of C11ifor11le, Irvine, do) C.A. 00£LL . COM· 19172 Jamboree Boule· PANY, CALVIN 00£LL, va<d (physlc:al eddrus), JOH~ HlCASTRO lrviM, CA 92697,M44 ...--1 TO 5 ATTIMOMCI AT THI """' • ,tH-ltD -C:ONflUNCI el~LAl~r.iNG SUED •MD fal-llD JOI (A Ud It tslt de1Nnd- WAUI IS MMDATottY ancto)· JAVIER HERNAN· fott AU. ...... CO..._ DEZ TllACTOttS. THI Min -Yo.. h•v• lO CALEN· ING WIU QOSI Al DAR DAYS after this 1 hOO AM ANY CON-summons I• served on TRACTORS AltllVINO you to Illa a typewritten Anllt THIS TIMI Wal response el this court NOT II EUOflU TO A I . PAltllCIPATl IN lHI t iter or phone cell llD PROCESS AS A will not protect you; PRIMI CONTllACTOa. your typewritten re · sponse must be In Only bidders who propet lt&•I form If you pertlc1pate In both the •Hnt the court to hHr Pra·Bld Conference tnd the lob Walk In their entirely wtll be allowed to bid on the Pro,ect as prime contractors ror further informat ion, contact Fac1ht1es Man aeement Contracts De· parlment, Attn. Brenda R. Hockenhull al (!M9) 824 1404 The successful Blddor and lb Subcontracton will be required to follow the nond1scrlm1nation requirements set forth 1n the 81dd1n1 Oocu ments and to P•Y preva11tn1 weae r.11tes at the locelton of the Work The succe ssful Btdder will be requored to h•vt the follow1n11 Sttle of Callforma Contractor s ltcenu cunent at the ltme of subm1won of the 81d. UCINSE ClASStnCA TION: lfCINSE CODl1 Gener al Engmeerlna Contractor, A General 8u1ld1na Enaoneer. B Ott.... f'retect S.-dflu1 •1c1c1.. a-uf1ca1-. , .... 4 fw t• lte .... Mltte4 trt thit• ef 1>14 l..dv4., ""' ore net neceHorily li.he4 te: I The Contractor shall have been 1n busmns under the same name •nd Caltlornla Contrec tor's license for a minimum ol S conlinu· ous years prior to the your case If you do not file yow response on tome. you may lose the case, and your w•aH. money and property may be taken without furtha< warnm1 from the court. There ere other le111 requorements. You may went to call an ettOf'ney rleht 1w1y. If you do not knuw en attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or • le&•I aid office (llsted In the phone b90k). Dupues de qu• le enlr e1uen ute c1tecion 1ud1c1al usted tiene uo plazo de JO DIAS CAL· ENOARIOS para prasen· to1r uni r espueste es· '"'' a m1qu1na en esta corle Una 'art• o una llam1d1 ltleton1ca no le olrec.er• proteccoon, su respuesll escn t a a maqulna l1ene que cumphr con las lormal· odades 1e1111n eprop1a· das sl usted qulere que la corte u cuche su CI W S1 usled no present• su respuesta • !tempo, puede perder el caso, y le pueden quller su salaroo, su drnero y olras cosnde su proptedad •un avlso edte1on•I POf parte de la corte E~osteo otros raqu1si- tos le11les Puede que usted qu1ef8 ll1m1r • un abpudo 1om1dlata- plelntlff'• attOf'ney, or plelntlff without 1n attorney Is: (El nombre, la dlrecclon y 11 numerci d• telefono del •bo11do del demendante, o del demandenl• que no tlene •boaado, es) L. Thomas Mutphy, 7l•·nl-22.G5 11•-n i.2320 L•w Offices of L. Thomas Murphr. 472 South Classen, Or101a. CA92866 DAT11 ('feche) MAY ts, 2002 ALAN SI.ATiit, Clerk (Amo.rte), lly V.P. SCNllNIACH, D..-.,(Del ... 4e) Publlahed Newport Beach·Cosla Mesa Dally Piiot Aptil IS. 22, 29, May 6, 2003 TIOJ lKAlllOTICI NOTICE IS HEREBY CMN that the Board of Education of Iha New port·Mesa Unified School Oistrrct ol Or;an1e County will rec•••• sealed bids up lo 8 00 e.m. on the 13th day of May, 2003, a l Iha Purchn•ne Office ol said School District, located at 298S·B BHr Street, Coste Mesa. CA 926?6, 11 which time said bods will be publicly opened end read lor· DISPOSAL Of SOUDWASTI All b1cb •'• to be tn accordance with Condo· hons, lnstructlOns, and Sc>eCJllcet1ons whKh are on hie on the olftea ol th• Purchasm1 Director of said School Dis trict, 2985-B Bur Street. Cost• Meu , CA 92626 Each bidder must submit with each bid • Cerltf1ed 01 Cuhler"s Check p1yable to the D1str1ct or • bod bond In tile form stt forth 1n the contract documents on an amount not less than $25,000 as a 1uar•nlee that lht bidder wlll enter onto the proposed con tract 11 the ume °' awarded to such bidder In the event ol failure to enter into s aid Contract, such sew11ty will be forle1led to stld School 01)1! le.I pl Oraou I-low to Place A County. Only contractors II c81'1M41 In Nth c1t1 .. of Coste Meaa IM Newport IHch wilt be •flClbl• fOf award 11f th • contrac;t. A ,erform1nc:e lond wlll b• required prlot to the •lltcutlon of the Contract In the 111T1ount of $250,000.00. No bidder niay with· ••• hb bid f« • period of FORl'Y·fM (•5) cla1s after the data .. t for Iha opanlna thefeof. The Bo11d ef Educa tlon of the Newport· Men Unified School District ruarvu th• rtant to reject any or •II bids end not neceu11lly accept the lowest bid end to waive any In· fOf'm•llty Of' lrre1ulerlty In •l!.Y bid received. NIW•oaT-MISA ulltftto SCHOOL OIS- fRl CT, ef Or••I• 5Sit--La.Mt, '-lr.mt-ef .......... .Mw • .-..,._ 424-S077 Publlshed ltewport BaKh·Costll Mesa Daily pllot April t5, 22, 2003 TI04 IOllCE TO CllllTOIS Of IW SAU(SKU 104, '10S U.C.t) &cnw .. Notice Is hereby 1lvan to creditors of Ule within named seller thal a bulk sale Is about to be made of the assets clescr ibad below The names and bus• ness eddruses of the Miller are TG &. lfl ENTtRPRISES, INC dba Atlas Transmission, St Auto Cenlet Drive F 23, Irvine, CA 92618 The location 1n Celt lorn1a of the chief u ecullve office ol the seller JS ~ame as above As ltsted by the seller. all other business nemu and addresses used by the seller wtlhtn three years before the dale such list was 51nt "' deltverad to tile buyer are None The names and bu>t nus addres~s of the buyer are H111,h I ech Automallc Trans mts sJOn,lnc_, 25712 Taladro Circle. Suite B, Mission Vi•IO, CA 9269t The assets lo be sold ere desa1bed In eeneral 1r.: All assets ol bust ness t nd are located al St Auto Canter Drove, r 23, Irvine, CA. 92618 lhe business name used by the •ellef al that location 1s TG £ JR ENTtRPRISES. INC db• Atlas Tr•nsm1ss10n The antJCipated date ol Iha bulk sale os May 30. 2003 at the oflte• ,,, 25712 hladto Corcle Suite B, Mouoon VteJO. CA92691 The bulk ~al~ os sub ject to Caltfo1 noa Unt form Commcma! C!!!lt 19ttlon 6106 2 If to w bject, the n11M enif eddrH'a of t h• P.l"On with whom ct.Ima rnay b• file(! Is Robert Moreeu, Hlfh· fech Automatic Tren$· minion, Inc.. 25712 T1l1dro Circle, Sult• B, Mission Viejo, CA 9~91, •nd, the Int d•l• for f1lln1 i;l1lm1 1h1tl bt May 29, 2003 which Is tht business day ti.fort the aal• date spt<lfied •bc>Ye. Dated APf°ll 3, 2003. HIGH·T(CH AUlOMAT· IC TitAN$MISSION, INC .. ROiERT MOREAU Publlshed Ne wport BHch Coata Mesa Dally Piiot Apttl 22, 2003 CNS· 5~30 Tl09 cm Of 11WP01T mat llOntl IMTllG 195 s .. i.d bids m1y b• recelnd at the office of th• City Clerlt., 3300 Newport Boulelfard, P.O. Box 1768, Newport 8Hch, CA 926!S8-89tS until \0;()() e.m. on• the 13lh day of May 2003, et w111ch time such bids shaft ti. opened and r .. d '°' 2002-2001 CffYWIDI SlUUY nOGUM c-tr•ct Me. J SS9 S t9P,OOO -AlferMlfe •a•, u 1a,ooo - A1t...--., •1• ........ _. .......... e 8100tR'S LIST AVAIL ABl£ O N CITY WEBSITE http.// www2 city newport bHch.ce us/pbwbldhst/ default •SI> Approved by /S/St ....... G.I.._, Plilollc W..trs Dlrertw Pro~pacltve bidder' n1ay obtain b•d docu· ments at a co\t ol $10 at the office of the l'ubltc Work• Depart· ment. 3300 Ne wport Boulevard , Newport Buch, CA 92663 General "A" Contractor license requlr•d tor this PfOlect ror further 1nlorma llon. call Sean Crumby, Pr 01ecl Des11ner at (!M9) 6'4 331 t Pubhshed Newport lluch Costa Meu Daily Pilot Apr ti 22. 2003 TI08 RdltlMt.Ms Mmes...... The follow1n& persons are douia busontts n a) Choice One Cap1bl. b) Chou.e One Homo end lnvestmenh. c) Choite I Capital, d) Chotu I Hnme• and lnvnlmenls, 2645 Saonl Andrew•. Tustin CA 9'1782 Toro Renee Dopp Crummatk, 7645 S•ml Andrews 1 us ton CA 92782 Alan Crumm•<k. 1645 Saini Andlews Tu\ltn, CA 92781 This buSJnns •~ con duc!1d by bysb11od and • ft Hav• 'JOI' tl•ted dolna buWI.-y1U Ho T Cit I Crum Madi Thi• slat1ment was filed with the County Cletll of Ot1n .. r.01mty on03/31/03 IOOHtHHO Delly Pilot Apr 8, lS, 22. 29, 2003 TlOl fldlll.. ...... ie-s...... The lollowln1 petaons 11t1 dolna bualnns as· Dlstrtct b y Mlchul J1rnes, 4100 Newport Place Sit 830, Htwport Beecfl, CA 92660 Un1m11lneblt, LLC (CA), 4100 ""''IPOrl Piece Sta. 830, Newport BHch, CA 92660 • Thi• buslneu is COil· duc ted bt . limited LlebllltyCo. H•v• you 1tarteJI doln1 business yt t7 No Unlme1lnable, LLC. Mlch6el Muelltrltile M•nacer This statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Or•na• County on 03126/03 200H9S .. U Daily Pilot Apr . I, 8, 15, 22, 2003 T088 ,...._...._ ..... s ........ The followlna persons are doin& bus1111u u · STARS KUSTOMAUTO· MOBIL , 184 Merrill Pl f A, Co$ll Mes•. Call forn11 92627 Aslt N World. Inc (CA), 184 Merrill Pl •A Cost• Mesa Co11hlorn1• 92627 This business " con ducted by • corporalton Have you started dorn1 business yet1 No Asia N World, Inc . l 1kes h1 T akaha\h1. Owner Thts statement wu hied with lh• County Clerk of 01 •n11e County on 04/16/0J 2003.941111 Darly Polo! Apr 22, Z9, May 6. tl. 2001 1111 RdltiM llniless Mmes....... The follow1111 pe1 sons are doon1 business n MOM Con\lrucl oon 2 I 332 Sand Dollar lane Huntmeton Beath Co11r1 tor nte 9?646 Michael 01V1d Meyer, 21332 Sand Doll•• lane. Hunllnaton Both, Call lornl• 92641> Thos bu,lnn\ " con ducted by an 1nd1~1du1I Hive you slwled dol"I busoness yet1 v.-11/ 02/02 Mtk• Meyet lhts \t•lemenl wn hied wtlh the County Clerk ol Oun11e Counlr on04/14 Ol 200S6H OU2 Oatly Polot Apr 22 19. May 6. 13. 2003 1110 S t'll ymu (·or in Clanifl.!..!!.!_ D1tly Pilot .......... ie-s...... Tilt follow1n1 penon1 are doln1 bin'"8u es: Pro \iydrofoll Tour, 9405 Plac:entU., Uolt G, Piii cenll•. CA 92870 John Clemmons, 9405 Placentia, Unit 0, Pia· cenll•, CA 92870 Thb biAln•d ls c:on ducted by: en lndlvldual Have you started' dolnc bu$lneu ,yetl No .lolln Clemmons This statement WH filed with the County Clerk of Or •DI• County onOJ/17/03 2001HS7•U O•Uy Pilot Apt 15. 22. 29. May 6. 2003 T104 flctlM ..... ..... s....... Tb• followln& persons are dolna busin•ss H . Huus Date Systems. 910 Albor St., Costa Mes•, CA 92627 LM MlchHI 01w1d, 910 Arbot $t . Costa Mtsa, CA 926]7 This buslnns '' con ducted by: en lndtvHfual Have you started dotna business yet? No L .. Otwld Th~ st1temenl wu tiled with the County Clerk of Or ana• County on 03/27/03 200SHHIH Dally Pilot Apr. I, 8. IS, 22. 2003 T089 fldlt.s~ "-S....... The lollowmc parsons are doln& bUSlness as Coaslltne Shower l>ollf 785 W 17th St IG Cost• Mesa, CA 92627 Terry Rabun, 3529 ( Tolden Ave . Oun1e. CA 92869 This bu•oness "' con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started dolnt buslnns yet? Yu, 1998 Terry Rabun lht\ sto11tement we~ llled with the County Cler~ ol Oran1e County on 03103/03 200J69JS41S D•tly Ptlol Apt I 8. I~ 21. 2003 T~ fiditiM IUns •s.....t 1 he follow ma p•1 ~n• are doona bu\lnns n Wooly Jumper Produo. loons, 41 7 Bryson SPfrnas. Costa Me" r A 92627 Stephen Ro11e1 Dul\on 41 7 Bryson ~pr1n~' CMta Mesa. CA 92627 lhts bustMn ts con ducted by "" 1ndov1dual Ha•e vou stMted dv•na bustnn• yet' Yr\ 01 25/0J Stephtn Rocer Dulson Th11 sl•temenl wa' liled with the County tier~ ol Ounr~ Count, nn 03 76/03 2oouuau a O•tly Pilot Apr I. 8, I'> 22,2003 T08/ ,..-.----Dead Ii nes ----. CLASSIFrniAD -Munday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tue.,day ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax ( 9491 6:\ 1-6594 'l'k.'"' Hk luclc-)OUr JUUltc dlk,f 1.tll'ttc 11<1111~1 •D<I "c II oll .,1•0 fl "'~ -.11h 1 pncc quote-' ESTATE R SALE Telephone 8:30am-'i ()()pm Monday·Fnday ~ 3010-3940 -f!l!l!t lili.1 SOOS·SISO Bv Phone (949) 642-5678 flours Hy Ma il/In Pe rson: 330 West Bay Stm·1 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Ai Newpon Blvd. & Bay St Wednesday .............. Tue~day 5:00pm Thursday ........... Wcdne~day 5:00pm Fnday .................... Thursday 5 :OOpm Saturday .................... Friday 3 :OOpm Wal~-ln 8.30am-5:00pm / Monday-Fnday Sunday ....................... Fnday 5 :00pm Ind ex ,.~­J!iil, 7412·7466 llOS-1510 l 'tH.kr tlt c Scn:icc D irL'Ltor~ Ba1111cr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 EHTERTAINMEHT Cllendlrof Auctions 148.1 lost 1505 ...... , AISOWll OOlDMIMfl MISCElJ.MEOUS 60 wendina machines OCIAM,.OMT 1ao• OCIAJfvtlW S6H ,t00 AOf949 t S-7UI ..... ( f'edfk View C-.• '- (lypt. L11un1te Court Serine Surround1n1s. PtrpllbJel Care for 2 l~ Partners 949 6Sl 0261 Col~ """'°'*'la 1160 fOP $$ 4 l l<OUS ITC -a..:, Cit. !i7s ' Sh .l!lNIK,~.bee~ Mike H 9-64S-7505 ClASSlfllD It's the solution you're searching for·whellier ' EVlf'D 1310 IOUM ltOUSltG OffCllMm All rHI "late lldller 1~1n1 In thl\ new'l)11per Is 'ubjecl lo lhe f edef 11 F 1lr Houslna Act of 1968 as amanded tN htch maku 1t 111•1•1 to edw91 tlM "any Pftfef enc e, llmlte tl11n or dt'\Crlmlnatlon b1Md on •ace, colof, ralltloll, tu, hand.up, f•m1hat st1tu1 Of nal!On•I or11>n. Of tn "1tenl10n to mlll• .,.., .uch 1>r•l•enc1, lltntt• hon or dtMTlm n1Uon • lhls n•W14!~ will net l>nooNintly ICUPI •n'I edvwt1Mment f« , .. , ••tata w11kh ll '" v111lat1on of the law Ovf fHtllfl lfl htffbl lnfot!Md th•I all dwel • 111 l6v"11Md In th~ IM""f>llP8f tit awlfltbltt 8'I •11 equal ot>Pof"IUnlty ...., Tt tt ... •n of dlt.• ullnlftatlen, c.it HUO toll ...... 1-...1•- SBl J 111t-ntH lllrNltl tt.ufflH $$ CASH PAID ... Qf'lll,.... ............ WE IJUY ESTATES ·~·"-ly"" ..... ... r--- -, CONSIGNr.1ENTS 1 ""' 10-... •/7, Proluslonel m1kaup cm.. b61rr:t. Mee: bo1t. l"a I' l.o&t In Costa Ml5t by F-off~ Ln. Rtw•d M9 J50.1fi00 .. YewW• .. <-A 1-"tyTVStw.We h1v1 boolunp for Ill top reellty bated procrammlnt. Ir yo11 "'111• UncAt, Kt Of' hew • pnsiOll for 11..-c entw lalftll\C. IJlllftl eel 11111 TOU ~RU I00-31$-19?0 ot 103704Rwnem Mr CWJt\'OfL IS A STAR Cn 'l1tt•U tit tuO ''°" tq1lr)HI ,,.,°MIU~Hllt lit'" CkuiJW 5mk1/JV«W1 "",..""' ,...., SIMcll 2l70 Nt<ILAWOIO. Souttletn C1lll«ni.'1 Laa4inl F 1n1nclal ReliefLew '""' S9-tf>rke aoo 11• 6000 ~ c.ltf.,...,. L••dinl F Inane la I· Relief Lew Firm , ..... ~k• M04M....OOO <.-.< ....... · Old c.in•I Co~. 1ll•tr, ~.Wlltdla.-.. tOl!tttiMK M<µ.U M.ta .. 1111 ... ~ ..... -~ .............. , ................ 22'19 ,.. .,.., b ........ ""' ............ ._ ~1.1 IKDMJ&llN('I: with a1u:clleqt locations ~ ..... ,19,9!5~ ........ ----.....,.. 3& lenlca 3910 A Stwte ...... O..tlfte4 ("50 f0t ~ worh ) ot Ol•play (11.350 for 4•J12 $") •d pfomolln1 your ptoduct Ot .. n ice In multiple newsp•IJ« In C1llf0tnl1. fAEE lnfor n11tlon peclllfu, 916· 238-101 o. 911 288 60l!! -www c al ac•n com -(CAI •~) ... ~ flOt'-. ftM Hon. ...... ~ neu. h•• recorded )-&l0$7NI05 CC*M9 IOCMtl c....c-.. _ < ,, I t ~-"' .... ,,....,, M.Mte "-S..ter ,_.Specious lbf Iba, newtJ rtfl'Od, II co.,,.,td p«io. Amm pool/club houu . tur11 Of unlur11 VHT LOW aren. "h~810•1181' lilQ-844 1152 l.AnSIDI OPEN SAT SUN l 4 282 E 8AY SI 3BR 2BA DH u c_u1tom r•model on • quhllt SU 733,000 BY OWNCR ,OR Af'Pl TO VIEW CAU Mlchttl 9C9 280 7613 .... UlAllS PAUKI: TlllOU •AnotfWIN USA Ht.as..uos -· e ••riet.l•llO!• com ....,.. ..... ,........,.., <eM I Milty t4t·a.a.41M PllMllSTATIS •AtwCXRNOU •AnQMWIDI USA Ht-Ht-t70.S w-petrlckltn0t• com MIU I 1T •"""'-" ........ f41M1.U T• RlM:PROPBn'Y FORULE ' Oliy Pi&ot RBORTI VM:ATIOM t10'tRlf FORUlf MICB.lMEOUS RBfTAlS ,._,To Slllrl 6030 ie.tltwff ,......, Futn'd pllt ~bf~. Sit rm/ d6:. .... lrlCty, ~ ~ incl ullls 949 SU 4023 •lllW. C-r-t~ to INr'e, ~. etNI £Oli course YNIW 3br 2bil. SI~ 9496326318 N•wpw1 l•eclt lod loy 4br houn No smoluna, tem prol ~ mo+ 112 utl ~!J63.lffil RESIOENllAl RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Balboa Pentnsula OCIANVllW/f'rlme ............ , ... llo. Ip e• prka. n 'VT'il>&fprl\ SI .560/mo 949 JOO 84~> Corona del Mar air 1i..-. ICll>t'f wjbal<. ulh lflCd. I l "° " ear natl now, tllp~h .. ~""& Sl!rom 949 712 ':JT~ •2S7 21r. lla, Apt Rtlenlty rehabbl'd w I ••• 1<>r I block lo t>u•h no pel\. S??OO/mo 949 11!>4 1680 3 Ir Ard1.f'ult. H••• t>earn <••Is •kyhehh frplc \, C¥ CM~ w/d S2675mo \ 94!1 79J 0400 ~~~--.... 'l t.c er 2 1u1 ~ 2-<: pr IJ50.sl. wd lh le pabo, 1~srrt. Isa $lMn IYt Poe, ... .., 5115 714 !162 7'HJ HAU OClAlf & IAY VllWS 281 28a middle dupl1u I c f'ncl a.ar S279!>mo 714 9'J8 0948 COlllMesa .... ..._.,JOn, OWtY' £''ildt l"lllW Je. ? 5&. SJ"R f p, iJaMe t.Oofller~ 21. ~ b-.yd 949 f¥J 3726 ----1.awtr G-.il c... ....., I• llo •· w11Nf pr trc. ~to lflS<J ~ mo Wdl.er /Ir mil p.tld K ..... ~87710'8&99 (al 9"al -----IASTSIDl 281 hou.,.. fn< d Y• d Pl l (»'. W/D lwl<•up OW Bl rM!Qr'O•~ Wiek' c•tte W•t• b.nh !Mod $1475 ssoo Ml> ViO 11"1 714 '>45 0442 L9-Tri Loni ,....,_ hit Iba ti> b1NI dtn •m 2 • alt pr hlrf, comm poot 'f:I Sl6SOrn ~9 613 6942 Huntington Hf1>out 0-.. C.••-ttv w ... ............... home 11"1 50lt doct.. Jbo • of~. JB•. 2'f P'I S4(n> mo 562 4JI rm ··NO ro READERS Callfornt• law re QUOf fl~ lhllt CCM'tb ec ton t.i.ma tobi lhal to111 ssoo °' more (labot Of m•l«lals) be licenstd by tlwl Contracto<' St•te LICenll' Board Slate law al'IO ttqulf~~ that contractou include lhew licenM numbel on •H ed••llSlfll You c1n chec:h th• st•lus o l your hcensed co ntrac tor 1t www !:$lb ce ao~ or 800 32 t CSLB Unh canwd con Ir act on t •kln1 robs that tolal leu than $500 must stele In their adverhsemenls lh•I they are not llc111s.d by tha Conlracton Slate LQnM 801rd ~ AMIDMI Rlma••llAI ,...,....~ Mdml/twh/ ....... ~•••••us.corn llMlr1!I Vj!!M1 MMi69325 ....... • It / ... ....,... ~ lH pr..,9'ioft, reuon•b... NlpGI_.. . • ..,..,., ...m 0'2!IO ......... 'MR BLINOMAN" ' • *'YI.Un* UASIS Sill GRUNOY REAi IORS f49 ... 7S-61'1 N•wpwtl-h PenrnJula StudlO Ailllll'tmtnh avail "&t $7004 950949 673 1800 w1111e._..& ..... o.,...,,&,., LOWiy c..,. Cod ,1y1e ()Ol'M\ Renkdeled w ... MW appb, l.cllpel, U:fllltlit 1..,. cVW. hldt,oe. mld8 w/d • 181 SI095m • 28. Sl295 C114)-633-7592 f'•nlnsula f'olrot I br I b•. n•~e I urn. pull 1 bno B•y Vtew ulll tnt I .,t SIJ50 949 67J 1800 ... tr.I twnl'pn, 21,, I SIM 1»1ai tOOWn ~ nu i-rt. '* carp. 2 l p a111 SISX> ~73 1lfXl ------N~wly r•n1otl 2br ?ba rnndu, I \ gor p~llo wd. nn p•t \ml\ Aviul '> I Sl'.i501•1' 949 75'J I j.44 ----~ ....... 11 ?Ur ISd dto t m bale I OW-.1 2< Pfkl!. no.'""'"" w.... '" btJt S7Jl)n g)<j. S9S 9J4/ s...,. lo _... yrtf rl'f!IM I nGIJ -,i,,., l. 'ib.t u.;11 vu, f)Ji.1 b.ilwoty. tp f1.;ilf , no "'1 -et P«Xl QolS-lll $ 7fl1l lg llr 2.Sla 1n ~ •l~rt ontm w JJUUI p '. Ill llM1 ~ y .II d $ 3()(101 tilt> A1·~nl 949 8'>6 117<>'> JOIN 0011 TLAM end m¥1 • d1Hen11e1 hi 1111 C1l1for111a Almy N11tlon1I Guard you cen 1et moMy fOf coti.ae 1nd ._., ... , halllln& Call l 800 CO CU AltO (CM.•SCAN) Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 a.a... ........... '97 lS S l 511. at "'· P" pw k~~' enlly al.Hm. <d. lll(N)fW <Mil I wnd p/p ~ 714 .lJ4 2!>28 Lei ACUU llGINO lS '92 all powN •ulo sunrool, llh1. < d player newer 111 P' e• e•I cood S6SOO Day\ 949 466 9771 or eve• 114 J89 9794 Audi '99 A4 011attro '/ 8 Vb. 7911 Jt fU<tl ml. auto 'Parkltn1t 1rd/1t•ty Rentals Wanted 7880 ""' mnrl CD louks & ... m .. 11• new V456721 Motw• t ... c. ·~·. I •• Sii 'l'JC, ltndnttn~ oa1I, lflr Ap11·,·~·'H.JUY ,., Bk< t49-sa6 1aaa N~w1,.11 I l!dlbo• P~11111 I -w.0<poltl.<- f ,.,1 •""1•• ~. ltll' m.rntr hlclt lload Master ·~ ~ .... Uy I!. ~ ... '"'''.'~ ~ '96 VI, 4711 dl.tual ""'' 114 bl7 14119 Crd<IC no. whH1t/~l"f lthr , hrome w-••ct. ~"' .,.., ~ '""" 0 "''' 1'1"1 bl\i.!' •W ref-.. wt oonsn. ''"' ""-. Ol'llt0n 949 487 l'>'>I whl~. 11tc•n1tum sound, ~oilutJtul •Iii: uor...,,.ed r •..ndrt••n II."' rvsmka. vo:11<l?4 l/ ST .99!> 00 949-586-lllN ___ .,.. ......... _ CADtU.AC UflltA 'ti 6 cyl al •< lthr f. pwt \Um1w.~I PJ.tt!odt-d WMf SIO 'i()'l S62-391 78SS CacllKoc Cateta •9i'15j;'" M.-l•lh• Bu<e.incly Rt'd O•lnt•dl I th• Chrnme Whtth 8t>dul1lul O"ll lnt1dtl1on SI! 99' v1n!>//41l 949 '>Ht> 1888 www.oq><d>l.<- Chryoler s;i;;,"9 c-v. JX ·oo 17K Vii Metall1l 11'"""· t.1•1 int Bt~ck top 6t11ufllul h~t' nl'w co11d1loun S IO q95 v1111!7741 / 949 '>116 1888 www .ocpobl.com OODGl NfON '2000 5()t. • n11 IOOI\ I 1 w11rr 5 ~,, bluf' -..;,t "'1 1ntenur am Im Ld br .• , orl!Jl tood ~ lfrn !rt <1v<1ll Employment 8500 Bl<r 1111~"1'W9'l8b1888 Accourotlog c-ttolfer/ I O•d~~~=•· 7 f'vrchail"1t At-t f'T Pd\\ wl11tt1111ey 1111 pvt po\tt1on In• mPdwm "'.. ~f(t "' ~·' 41~.-o noll1 b 0 .. mkr l1kt nt'w u•nd ltom" 111ld"' ualtltt'd ••'I 'I'>•'>"""" B•t , .. a t onh offttr c.o1p.ti.1.. nt ;J < •-77-, "' 7"f:J mlllltpl• l•\k\ f I• .. bl,. '>ef; \Rjj8 WWW '1•!"b< <cCICn huu•s W ,., 30 pc• F.d nT ll<tn <JI 1'> ~'· .. ,..-k Sal•ry bn1td nn 1lnl w nJ Mil hn 'td~\ cd ,. •Pel t,.nlt f u r1t· umt ...,. a.d 2 '°'*" $10CXXl.I to 114 S S7-4 216 !lb<• !lf9 TZ1 1247 .iltl'f S ~ MoA../c..,.....: J;g... OOika c ...... "· '™'"' "'"'" MM bto O.u~ Mt-t.1n.. Reel. fan .............. ., .i ...-U Mtw "'t 1.., top <d lull o1 It~ dryw.I c.tbS>d fact "'"'' bn1.-..._ .._e I~~}'() new tl<Ctn<t~ """' Sav~ OWNlll Of'lllATOll S.351'. $37,99'; ftn dYatl TlAMSI C.ct w lW Mat vinAOJ070 949 '>86 1888 & Dou~ 'Ml TerrnrNI www.~ • .- l•nw.al Orap'\iuolo.. llorl' Jlff' t HHOIUf ''4 on 8onln t¥ M;,,,, In) Whtie cherry <0nd111on, 909 5664 e -I '1 I0 I uwnu $6000 p11vale CCN •SCAH1 party 949 1'12 1353 .. PttawlAUTO V._ t40 Y..tie '92 ~c=..Only (19292) S8,91Kl IMWS4CMS..... .... $11¥9 w/blldl lthr, ,.,, 6 ~ $C)Ol't (1~ ":;,.., .. w nae s.-. '00 Mid Btu. W/fT•'J ltlw euto1)f 1m PllCltaee 09Z..o> 126,980 MWHll,....W White w/91Kk IUw a> .plaY« 42'1 mMs (I 9269) S22. 980 IMWMS,....W BIKtl on lmmK 8ladl llht, Ill< ITll, I own« (l9297C) '59.980~ ,_. C::.'i1' GT Silwr w/Bilcil lttw-low miles fuU l)OWet. (186nl) SJ4.980 f'oncheff6 C.-w.t 'O\ One Owner Only I <ltMI (19151C) S59.9ll0 ,......1 .. c-.'" BrlttVt ROCIOI Gleen w/tan llhr, only 22t\ nuies CO stack'!< (l 9?.89) SJ9.980 -~--230Sl 'M ThtS IS. real ClaSS>t Rl'd w/l an l~thef Bolhtocx •~ ( 18683) S2 l.980 Mil Ml 430 '00 l0<to~ Body & loha~I f>ka ( 193'81 $29.980 f'onche1..t.o c...p.•s Av4aW. Hurry tor~ pert«t low~ loulOM OWnet fUlt80S UASlar IUf 949-S74-7777 ~AUTO ,.,., ....... C9fft .... '00 c;.....i a-..k .. 6c yl 2 wd. }61< J~lu•I mt. silver ll"Y tnl •lloys, labulnu• like n•w unmarked <ond 4 Ylt•ll _, a~ v'l'lml Sl.3.'ff:> trm Bl<t 949 586 1888 www.•<f'oltl.com u .. c.i. '02 N..,.,..,,., 10!. mt. lull fut "''" .1IY'!< sand Ian Ith• CO •tacke< l hr ome whl\ •a lra seat v672'>18 $71.99!> lotm l1n & warr ••••I B1" 949 586 111&1 -............ _ M•rcedeo '99 S320 I we 5211 m1 J yr wa11 .iv11I silver bll>. llh< ~1ut Otl& lt>nd v87'>?• I $.?!> 4~ ltlllnttnc avail Ilk• 949 ')86 1888 -.......... 1.c- AND Tuesday, Ae<tl 12, 2003 At Bridge By CHARLES GOREN whh OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORQ PUZZLE Pl.AV OR Of.J.l!NO? Both vulnerable:. South deal~. Suppose you clct.t w cklcnd Dcx:IPtCT wllli Wcat ', club lead, • orubllbk tf.ll)&Jdon, In dummy. and lc..dJ lbc quoen of~ WI ,..Ubt oand. if the def ender ll'ln IO pn>IOOlc " 11\tmp tnck for Weti tty retumtng a dub, dcclater prevails South rulTs wuh I.be c1cht and. v.hcn the W\C or \fl;lde; ~ Wider the u ng . ...,.,. .... , WF8J' • 762 AQ96 Q QYH2 •3 sotml a K 10911.543 K 1032 trum(l" anJ' """"~ lo the ace ul J1a-mood' to cJ1<oeard two hc.-atU on the lugh club. l:.vco dloutth the heart\ arc unguc~lc. declarer lo!oc-. uni) '"'" ho:Jlh .ind thr .-..c of ,pat1c, It '' oo belier to .htft 111 a be<lt1 ..i tnclt 1 ... 0. Tiwt give' the ddendc" two hc.ut tO<.k.\, but 'When ~th rt a.wt> the ~..J. ttU mp-. arc drawn lllld lht: l'Ot of lhr tncb t.'llO be dwmed ., IQ •9 llie btddmg: $QlTAf WES'J NORTH IW>T 3• . ..... 4• Plui& I'-. .... Opcrung lead· Tut« of • Study lbc d1agr11.m alxiYc then decade Wou~ rather pt..} Of defend four after the le.id of the thn:e or club<>" But wuu a rnomcm SupP?Se E.uM <Jufu tu J d1lUl'lOflLI Iii ind:. three' 11\at rem11' C• dummy·., cnlry tu the clulh bcfon-c.Ja l.uer c.ui Cd.JI th.at \U tl\ Wtnlll!r\ tilld th;: t.nnl/1.o.I I\ Ill Jm:~rdy llov.e\/Cf II "\UU n~hl w dcd~' Return 10 hand with .. nuoor·•ull rulf .mcJ draw trum~ Now le-.id a hcJl1 tuwanl the J~l We't mu\1 \f'CrlcJ the 4lMXn HI hc:u1\ ou air 111 P"''Cot !he J.lf.l fmm lxxommg 1 dummy entry No\4 the "11.i•c or hc.itb '"'II toru~ 11u1 the tl\:C .ind dcd.1Jer\ two n:1ruun1ng heart,' ~ hlNh Wtrtflt'.I' 1 M.U:.mg fnur~IOJ Al th11 vulncrabtltty. North\ t.k.-c1o <;.1on to nu'>C the opening 'p.Klc pre empt to £111DC I~ rt'awnabic It OCClh little: mort than J ..cvcn,.in.I ~un heOOed hy lht 11(.'e·l..mg Lu h.tve c:~cd­ lcnt play for 10 inc\, 1101 wo much to expect. 9004 _AutomotM ___ 9004_ BOAT REPAIRS/ f'otlSCHl '99 CARlllllA SERVICES Ar ttc !.tl~tf m~tdllrc all CR~IER ~"wF NEW ml MIN COOP£R 'BRG' l~ther & Prenwum PllG l£AS( rOR i1~~ PER MONlH • TAX I At These T rt ms On ~Md Credit • OllfRAT SMAR SAWICS' • • 98¢ '3780 due •I '"&nine 48 month clos1td tnd IU'Ml 110 set.ur1tv depo"l IOK miles per yt•• C acess mtlf's @ ?Oct pn mile CTC42279) .. Lff S t.k)TM! IT'S Flfi ******** SlFREEWAY @EIM.R SANTA NU. AUTO MAU. (888) 823-9808 ltht 1,.pll1t~ crey tntl'r pwr ~l'•h h1 ft sound \Y\lemw'arn Im CO, lo 1al 6k m1 I owner 11~•<>etd lmm•Lul~I~ SS4 ~ 949 b7S ?86!1 Toyota Cr•Hlclo '87 Goud patnl no al run\ 1 fnl •Pry r elt•ble S2'>S0 714 23S 9150 AUTOMOBll.ES, MISCEUANEOUS Wanted ,...., o,..-..1 Deo6or CMf «> Y"N\ eapl wll poly " -Y lair pore fa your Cdl VMI OI Ir~ paid lu •• not. Dll Odi ~ @ I nmalD Ault> ~ 7fl 4.17 l'nl ur 714 J2S l2'28 CASH fOa CA.RS wr NHD YOU• c.u ,AID fott ott NOT 'HIWf'S AUTO ASK fOll MALCOLM 949-514-7777 SELL your stuff through classified! Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 93 n SUP AVAUaU IN NIWf'ottT HACH $2SOOUASl 949 SOO-IOOS ··Employ Pl'. ··£mpleado. .. Arbeitnehmer. ·· "'Employe. ·· ~Pilot • NOMATIU llGW YIU SAY rr. CUSSHDCll Fiii iT. ( ·1 ·1-I f I ·' --'' . "·"·''· /I'( • ) --. Jfl . 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All types of rtpWI [lee· trlcal. plllmbq. dooB. UUllW ~ llas • more 24hr11ct1r 714-366 1a1 awMl&uHm~ """'c::.iir-. ----~--.. -~ .. -tllllclba9Clal~ Slricr cflcolll. Ft9I ..-.c:.Jdwl n~ Gl'1BAI. •• :JI! ... , AIWNl'ENANCE • laibii •o-al No Joli Jbo s.-1 ... ........_ M9-Ju.an:a ... ,. ...... ... ... ..,..,. ..... , ~ .. ...... tt"fMl-M _.II your needs ..• COMrtnl HOME MAl#Tf#A/IKI No job too •matt! hery\h•nt from C-wpenCry to p Wtbtl& ~' .. esllrnate cou•-"r ,.,...,,s-1••• msrr UUM'S #OllltUI'~ SHCIAUST RHsonablt Prict:S 14 Yr.e•p«itne• •n .. trMts.~ In ruWintlal lf!Vut 714-SOl-644• ,..fOY'Nl......,lt 7l•t68 Hl2 AVAll.Ml[ fCX>AV1 Mt67.J~ ..... arnrr; House Cteanlng ,._. o.-1..,-1..,·.i Wltly 81 wkly Monthly Ref!. Great r•ln' lnlC!cU 949-~ 949 'lJ8.Ql37 Nff4 o Uttie Hetpt ... ~ iu- dtllrq !)it l!lll>. lt;,Uni our supplla 714-444 414.J ,_ .. ,......,_ ....... ~ Teal "Ill °"'" ~ M Mrt cb1I Ii, --l'llB 96CZ2 7Cl' Moving & Stonge IUT MOVlltSSS9/.., sttrvtn1 •II lll~ ltnured fast. court•oo~ carelul Tl63844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The C1l1f Publtc Uhhllts Comm1u10n requ1ru that 111 und household 1oods move11 p11nl thett P U C Cal T number ltmos end ch1u!IM1r1 pnnt lh•tr 1 C P nurnbor 1n •If adver tn.emenu. It you h•v• any qveshons about ltl• ••t•tltY ol • mover , ltmo or clllMI 11-. can ~Oftlftn <NUllSSMMe ... .,, ..... 7 (......, •• ,_..,.. 1JVt<, °" Crelll Puc•' Cuai ante.cl ""'" rr~ ~t L•J7S602 714 ~)8 153A 1 J90 2945 Jer-·· "•"'ttnfl Top Qualtty CompehlJn Inlet IC>< il' I l "648228 CeH Jiy 949 650 5066 IOW alQI MMfT P11nttn& lnllul HPtm/l'cpt Qutlrly iob' fr• abrNll l'569897 71• 6J6 8888 l'tastamg • S1llc:co • S..-, "-" ...... Re5tucco Room Addiborl Palch1nr ltenonebi.I 714 921 16'7 Ml4 0497er Pllnllnl .-n Plumb•nc re91ws o.,., ~yn up All won fllAK ..-.ci Stmw n4-~ NOMl'$l & aWOiiw Pl UM8( It t '5065116 Ft• (Jiii 5'" tlPS' ocrrcu o.... 714-ZJr>.9150 PUCISI PWMllMG R «s>...,' Ii Remodel•na f RU £STIMA TE L'687398 714-969 1090 ~ r - - -. ....... i • l I * I ! . l DUNCAN ELECTRIC SMALL JOB EXPUJ1 .LocAuQUla RES'PoNSE ·~ •Lisk Fimlm ·V. ·~ ' .a.d.a 650-7042 .. 275001 • Look for these experts dally in the service Directory ... ABC --= .. HFATING & · AIR CoNDmONING INSTAllATION • SERVICE •REPAIR SvtVINC 0aANCP C..OUNTY SINC'..11 19~2 Uc..• lllC>'lll LENE HAii' CUTTINO• HNI' C°'"°" • lftN/WOMEH IN HOME OR OFFICE SERVICES SALON MON-WED CELL 949-244-2823 J l'R:.:' .... PvT A N .. TU9 ""llula atJew OWWll YOUR OU» OMm Skylights Uolimltitt Inc. -:-:·:.;,;::~ fi "',. .,,,.iuJJ ·~-4« ·~ ~ :===~le:. • Assisti#t ;. f""ll'ltsttllt s.la We'll un-clutter your lift, Mme or office 17-9176 ~ V To advertise in-the~ r April 22, 2003 Issue .of .., ·ALL AROUND TIIE HOUSE Call Lorraine O'Donnell ~949-57~-4245~ ·~ii~:, I 4 ( • ;\ I ~ ·' \ ( I t l ) ( ) ( ) I ,: '-... ~ 0 J ! ~ ~ w .. l