HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot'k h • • ai 1 O· Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 2003 ... PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Kirk Butterwick gets a bird's eye view of the Newport to Ensenada race from the bluffs at Corona del Mar State Beach. They're off It was a crowded start to the 56th Newport to Ensenada yacht race, on Janet and sea. DHpa Bharath Oa1ty Pilot W hite sails Ounered in the gentle afternoon bree-.t.e Friday aver an ocean that was almost the · color of Sinatra's eyes. Through binoculars. several people on Ocean Boulevard watched hwl<lreds of sailboat'> take their positions for the Newport to F.nsenada race. Massoud Balbas. who works in Newport Beach. sald he was in awe. "'This is my first time watching the boats leave Newport,· he sald •too1t at this, it's beautiful. The ocean. A festJve boat parades through the mouttl of the harbor as the Newport to Ensenada yacht race gets underway. the boats -they're all beautiful" Several families made a p1aric of the event nan Wolf of Irvine, on paternity leave. came with his mother and 9-weelt old son. Fvan. '°This IS wonderful,• he saJd. "It's a nice day out for us.· Mark Smiih of Newport Beach said be ls hoping to enter the race next year. "Jts the largest sailboat event in the wortd. • he said NEWPORT • EN SENA DA Smith 'iaid getting into the race &S a lot of work. from getting a crew together to being at the start line on time. Bruna and James Butb1dge know that feeling. This IS James Burbidge's l~th race, his 10th as slapper aboard the couples sailboat. Faith. ·1 pack the dru~ the Dramam.lne." Bruna Burbidge said with a laugh Wlule her husband sails to F.nsanada. she takes care of all the arrangements on land She drives over to Ensenada and participates in the restMties. and then the couple take their sailboat back home to the See OFF, P~1e AlO An Eagle Scout after all these years Corona del Mar man finally gets top Boy Scout rank -65 years after he earned it. C•11ady JeremlH Daily PUot OORONA OPL MAR -.. On a table suhounded by news arti- cles, p~ releases and photos from bis stint ln the spotlight. Bob Johnson. 80, c&plays his brand new; blg-awalted Eagle Scout medal The Corona del Mar resident started out in the Boy Scouts at age 12 and worked his way from ten(ierfoot through life scout. He Wa.1 aD ttJ8dy lO ascend to the rank of Eas'e, but life got ln the way of his making it oflidaL Three aueers and 65 ~ later, Job.Non ftnaDy made Eagle "'Wednesday night at the Ritt Carl- ton. •1 wasn' looking for any gk>ry," FAMILY TIME he said •t just ne\'ef thought about it,• he added "1 wa_, bwy graduating from high school and going into the service. J had gotten into other thlnp." Other things were the military. a career with Ytatem Airlines u a pOot for 36 years. a career ti a lawyer for 12, two dlDdrm and £our grandchildren. His history wlttl the Scouts came up again alter hb mocber pa.ued away and be came upon a tttasure troYe of his documents Who s making all that noise? STEVE SMITH that she bad saved It had aD been arranged in chronologkal order. making the process to finalize bis rank a lot easiet: JohNon admitted his unfin- ished buslneA to Im friend Pete Barrett. who happens to be • fonner member of the euicutM board of the Boy Scout Council and a former Newport Beadl ma)'OC. Barrett contacted the Boy Scouts and started lbe proc- s.. E.AGlE, P .. e M . Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE • Police arrest • ·retired priest Former St. John the Baptist pastor accused of molesting teenager 25 years ago. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot C.OSTA MF-~ - A 69 year old Catholic: pnest who ~erved as pastor at St. lohn the Bapu~t church for 18 year!> wa<, ar· rested rriday on suspicion of molestmg a local teenager 25 years ago. offietals said Costa Me!.a Police offiLer. arre:>ted Oeni'> I.yon'> at h1'> Lei '>Ure World home in 5eal Beach. Sgl. Bob Si;rek '•cud Lyons wa'> p~tor of ~t John the Bapust (.citholic Olllrch on Baker Street between October 1978 and January 1996. The Orange County district attorney's office l harged Lyons. who reUred from the dJ ocese last year. with one count of performmg a lewd and las· ovious act against a th1ld be· low 16 and four courm. of oral copulation. AJJ are felome-. Lyons w'd.." placed on admin· t!>Lralive le.ive in April 24, 2002. when he W<b senior prie..t at Denis Lyons St. Mward's OlUrch in Dana Point. He retired m luly from the dlOCe!>e. lie spent all of ~ ye~ ab a pnest in Los Angel~and Orange counu~. but rt•ma111ed the longest time 111 the < ll'>ta Me-.a church, ac· cordin~ to informatmn re· lea~·d h\ the Dmc~ of Oran~t· ~w·i.. -..ud the mvt."'>Ugauon bewin during ~pnng 2002 when ,1 man told Co'>ta Mesa Pohn· of incident., involving him lwtv.et·n 1918 and 1981 The d1-.tnc1 auomeys office relea'>e<l a det.ailed complamt agam<,t Lyons from the 38· year-old man. whum they did not 1denufy becau!>e he 1i. a vie· um. l'rosecutof'> allege that Lvon., befnended lhe V1cum's fam1I~ and met with the boy'> father to d1S(.-U'>l> "family is- sue'>." lbe Victim told officials that h1'> father and I yon., drank v.hi.,ke\ together at le~t 25 10 See PRIEST. Pace AlO REDEVELOPMENT Residents fight plan for condos Councilman Mansoor and a residents' group call project too dense for downtown. Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot COSTA MLSA -<.ounuJ- man Allan Mansoor and a group of residents that fough1 the Home Ranch proiect are fighting hlgh-dens1ry rnndo· miniums planned for the heart of downtown. On Monday. both filed for a rehearing of the Redevelop SPORTS Corona def Mat High baseball tMm l'tllaiM Q!ip on P9dfic Cont~ !Md wfth 15-1 troundng 9t Legun.t 8ead'I Ftid9y. S.Pi1C98l . FORUM Guy....,..,.... for1he °'*In pllyOfta. ........ M DATUOOK menr Agency's Apnl 14 ap· proval of 61 up..cale condo· rrun1um~ at 1901 \:ewport Blvd Rutter Developmenl plam to add the condo~ to the property hosting the ~pan11>h m1~mn·style Newport P\aza bul)dmg A Vegas-'>t)'le night· club hcc. also been added to the '\ewport PlaJ.a bwldJng but await., funher approval from the c11y·~ fire marshal. Manc;oor said his mam con· cern 1., with density The resi- dent group. Costa Mesa Citi- 7.t.'n'i for Responsible C,rowth. 'ia)"> the report created to ~· !>es.., enVU"Onmental effects 15 See CONDOS, Pa1• M Bob Johnson of Newport Beach IS the okjestand newest Eagle Scout afterbetng awarded his medal 65 years late. SEAN Hl.LER I QM. Y Pl. OT Al ~. ~ 26. 2003 Datt Pilot' ' ~J· •• ~~--~~~~~......::....-~----~--~~;._.....:..:..:-....~_;,_----_;..._;._--.;:...__...,_.:...;...._...,...........,;:.,,---.-~~-------.~=---.....,,--..,.,-..;.,-..------~...,_..----..-.....,-=----------------------~~~. • . ,ri~ THE MORAL OF THE STORY. ' Three· decades of dedication ~: Don'ttum .. • away in " . .'dark times ' 'I don't fit anywhere. I don't feel loved. frankly l'rn not too sure who I am anymore, and my life seems dad:. no matta' what the weather is outside," a friend said to me. 'ik.eep beglng God to help me, but I don't know If he is or isn't. or if be doesn't love me any more after all the mistakes I've made. I k.eep trying. but feel like I don't get anywhere. I'm probably more depceased than I realize. •0oes any of this make aeose, Ondy1" sbeuted. "It makes sense to me." I &llSW8'ed. "We all feel that way at times, especiaDy whm something 'mexpected and unwanted crashes into our lives.• CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON She was truly sincere. filled with tean and fears about the dlanging direction of her life. ft WU a change she didn't want, and fought as hard as she could, but ln the end. she ended up the single mother of a teenage child. My friend confided that she thought that she blew all about God and knew God personally. but she<t turned away from him when it aeemed like he'd abandoned her. She came to reaJii.e that turning her bade OD God only added to her problems, and she decided she'd prefer a Hgnter heart filled with God's I~ than the darkn~ she'd been experiencing. She talked, and I Ustmed. l told her chat I wished l had somedling pediect aod profound to say chat would IOlYe her probJems and take away the pain. but life doesn't wock that way. God doesn't wock that way. I don\ always understand how or why God does things the way he does, but It's obvk>usly up to him and not to me. ~ talked and prayed for God's help and guidance, and agreed that we need to trust that God is always at woik. loves us and answers prayers. eval if~ don\ feel like he does. I didn't bear from her for awhile, but I left mes,,ages on her answering machine. One day I retln'ned home and was greeted with her sweet and cheerful voice on my macbine. She aounded like a different peaon. I ra:mned the call and asked her what had cbangied. "My d.raunstances are sdD bad. but my attitude bas dulnged. .. she amwered. •Jnstad of ot.esaing about my~ I've tried focusing more on God and bow he bu faithfully prOYided for my needs. I haven\ staned and l'tn able to JMY my rent rm trustfog that he loves me. eveo though I feel so unlovable. .. I was duiBed for ber md tbmWft.al far the mninder that God cbm't bald~ IDd is gradolM and metdfuL God Js able to brm, his Jave and Iisht into aB the dalk areas ot our lives. And you can quote me on that. • aNOt TMNE aMTESON It• Newport 8-::f1~who.,...frequendy1D pet'90llng groupe. She rNty be reacNd via HNlt at cindy·~·DOtrHJf through the mail at P.O. b 61~ !i06, Newport Bw:11. CA 928158. I Bernie and Joan Rome have spent the last 30 years helping build Temple Bat Yahtn . By Michele M•rr FYI , A sk any member of Temple Wtum 'Round the World with the • Bat Yahn) where the Romee: Spirit of LJfe.AwBrd ancf 30-year-qld ~rt · fund-'111 .. r dinner danoe Beach synagogue would · WHEN: 8 p.m. Saturday be • ...,..., If ft weren't for Bernie and WHERE: 1011 Cametb.c:t Sl, tA#UaJ Newport Beach Joan Rome, two of Its founding INFORMATION: (949) &W-1999 members, and they're likely to tell you they just can't plctwe ll ·n's difticuJt to i.mlglrle how Thmple Bat Yahm would have reached and exceeded fta goals so well without them.: aUd Martin Brower, an early member of the congregation who bas known the • Romes for almost 30 years. The temple began in 1973 with the vision of eight founding couples, among them Bernie md Joan Rome, who were detennined to bu.Oda Reform Jewish congrepdon lo Orange C.ountf that would have a building of its own, an outstanding religious school, an inspirational pulpit leader and no restriction on the siz.e of its membership. Tholgbt, to recognlz.e the Rome's three decades of leadership, labor and support that have helped make these very ambitious goals attainable. Rabbi Mark S. Miller will present the couple with Thmple Bat Yahm's Spirit of Ufe Award. "It's one thing to tallc. It's another to do," Brower said. "Bernie and Joan do." Bernie Rome began working for the fledgling synagogue as its treasurer during its first year. By the end of.that year, the rapidly growing congregation bad a full-time rabbi and 55 member families, but they were meeting in whJchever rented facilities would accommodate them. ln 1~5. Bernie Rome became the synagogue's second president and the congregation. with a membership of 120 families. began to look in earnest for a permanent home. They found 4.5 acres, originally earn:wked for the John Wayne Thnnis Oub, on Camelback Street in Newport Beach. "We worked with The Irvine FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS 'CHRISTIAN MEDrTATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 -Leaming to And God In• Busy World" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wedne.daya through May 14, at St. Michael & All Angela EpilCOp&I Church at 3233 Pac:lfic View Drive. Information (949) 644 0463. FESTIVAL OF RIDVM The Bahai community of Newport Beectt will be holding en evening obeervance at 6:30 p.m. Friday to oefebrate the annual Festival of Rldv6n. The festival will culminate in a oetebnrtion at the Mariner'• Library Room, at 2006 Dover Drive. The Newport Beach Bahal1 will be joined by 1he Bahals of Huntington Beactl, Costa Meu and Fountain Valley. For lnformaUon, caU teeny Mogharebl at (949) 718-1401. NfTI..S09T1IM TALK The Social Actior\ Committee et Temple B.i Y.tun and In conjunction wtd1 the Antl..o.t.m.UOO LNgue of Orange County will offer• program on antl-Semltlam. "Thruts to the Jewtah P'eopte TO<W(.' et 7 p.m. May e. tc.nndl .s.cobeon. netfonal tenlor Company to pick up that land." 8emie Rome saJd. "Then there was a Jong sttuafe to change the use of the land to .reUgloua purposes.. And there wu also the matter of a building. The oongregadon ~that Great Western smnp wu moving out of a prefabricated building lo Newport Center, and Bernie Rome wotbd wlth the bank to acquire the 2.200 1quare-foot bui1dJng for Temple Bat Yabm. The building was moved to Camelbadc Street among a procession of congregants on Aug. 11, 1976, at 2:08 a.m. The building was small, but it was a building. Every square foot was put to use. Even the drive-up teller window was fully enclosed to create an office for the rabbL Since that time, Bernie Rome has served as the chairman of the synagogue's building comminee and cbalrman of its building fund. The congregation built a 31.000 sqwue·foot facility and later a nearly 30,000 square-foot expansion for Its more than 650 family and single members. Bernie and Joan Rome have served on many of congregation's boards and committees. Bernie Rome bas served on the board of Heritage POinte. a retirement living development, and on the board and on the land search committee for the Orange C.owuy's Jewish Home for the Aging. "Joan and I feel there Isn't any task that's eitbet" too large or two small that we couldn't accept responsibility for aver the years.• Bernie Rome said. associate director of the Anti-Defamation League, will be the guest speaker. For reservations. call (949) 644-1999. THE BOOK OF RUTH Or. Avivah Zomberg will give a talk on the boolt of f\Jth in .micipdon of 1he holiday of Shavuot et 7:16 p.m. Thurlday at Temple Bat Yahm. The talk la preeented by the synagogue and the Community Sdlolar Program. The ooct Is $10 for Temple Bat Yahm members, $25 general admlsaion, and free for Community Sdlolar Pl°ognNTI patront. Tltalp after Apnl 26 are $36. Space is limited> for r9SerVlttions, call (949) 644-1999. NA110NAL DAY OF PRAYER The Newport Mesa Interfaith Council will have its abc1h annual National Day of Prayer and Interfaith B...aldest from 7 a.m. to 8:45 •.m . Thursday with keynote speaker Or. George Saint-Laurent. He will di9cuu •How Americ:a Prays.· The tnakfut will be held at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pac:ffic View Orive. lnfonnation (949) &W 0463. WORKSHOPS RE1A110N$HI) SE.wt St. Andrewa Pl'Mbvteti•n Church la holding • reletlonahfp .emlNr for DailyJIPilot eo.'11 w.o., Box 1580, Coeta Meu, CA 92828. ~ aulltant, (949) &74-4298 Copyright: No MWI SUHtel, ooral.wtllon•l•tlme..ciom lllustnltlone. edltonal meuer or PHCJT'OQRAPHEU ~herein cen be s.., Hillr, Don l.Aledl. ~ wtlhout written Kn~ s-m!Mion of oopyrlght owner VOL 17, NO. 111 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO 9'EACH UI ntOMAI H. JOHNION ........... (949) 842«>811 cir.llMlon ~ Gina~. l.otf Andenon, ~your commenca •bOut the The Tlmee O.-.ne-Ccximy 10NYDOOMO Danie& HuM. '9\at S.ltowtu, 0.lly Piiot or MW1 tlpe. (I00) 2&2·11'1 Edftor Oenitf ..... Addi.-~, JUl1r0ii11G ..... ~ Our~ le 330 W. Bay St., C:0.. a • •"*' Mtl 842.w71 ~g.,;r ~ CA '2121 Office houre tf9 Dfllp6ly (1481842~1 cnme°:r'=r-. Mondey • Ft1dey, l"'.30 a.m. • I p.m. ......... Promcmone Oll"tlttOf , .. , Cen19'I011• ..... -...~·~ It .. the Pllot'a poNcv tD ptOmpdy CMl842-MIO ..hlM;;:r;-•• OOMCt ... lllTort of Mlbltanoa. ...... , .... ) 17oW213 11'-cell lMll~ ....... (M8)84M170 NMport rapoftlr, ....... ,. , ... , 850-0170 ll>fTNllWIP •>174-4m m 1..-1: dllilypl1ot•1«1nw.com a.J.Cllia ,.,,,.. ....... ~"°'" hNMport~Me.e ... Ollalt ~ldltof. .....ca.. OlltY "lol (USPS-14'-400t,. ..... o..., ... ,~ l7iM233 Polltlot. ~ af'ld emlln>nment pubfl9hed dMly. In NMport IWdt • ,,,... ,.,. , ... l 831-7128 f.J.a#tn• .,_,com f"tlPOtW, CM)~ MdC:.-Mlir9 ... ~ .... .......... ~• ....... oom 9119 ...... ortiy by wbrolt!Mg to The ~..-. ........ a.Ill ..... T1mei ~County (toot ~~·t•oom ~~....,.,,..... 212•1•1. tn .... °""'°'of (MIPM171 ~laldlMdC..M911. Alt~, ..... 0.-Qllf. ...._,_,__,.,_.n ............... Dilltv,.,. .. .... ~ ~·· -._.._.. Ofilr( by flrrl OIW melf ~ L;,.,J ·IJ~. Bernie and Joan Rome are founding members of Temple Bat Yahm. ln 1994. Joan Rome received I.be Temple Bat Yahm Sisterhood's Woman of the Year Award for temple services, services that have included volunteering in the temple's Sisterhood gift shop. helping to prepare for bar rnitzvah and bat mitzvah receptions .. preparing~. helping compile the annual Yorn IGppur remembrance book and singing in the choir. "Both Joan and Bernie have been leaden; of this congregation and serwnts of the Jewish people," Miller said "'Ibey have .done so much work behind I.be scenes, so many bours when few people would see them at wort. early in the morning before anyone was here and late at night. oul of a real selt1ess love for thls temple." divorced and separated people at 7:30 p.m. Thur9day. St. Andrews is at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beectt. A$6 donation ia required. Call (949) 547-2214 by April 29 to make a reservation. Free child care Is available by reservation only. PMENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is fanning a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Cost.a Meaa. Information: (714) "45-4950. Pre-registration Is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Secv1ce Is offering a support and discussion group for &dolts whose children or spouses sufJ9r from •lcohof and drug addiction. The group will mee1 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G In Costa MeN Information: (714) 446-4950. Pre--registratlon is required. BNtAI F1RESl>ES Membera of the Bahai faith hold informal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m . every The Romes, for their part. credit the temple's rounding families. its members, its boards, its dergy and its staff, including Miller and Rabbi Rayna Gevurtz and Cantor Jonathan Grant .. They prai$e their vi'>ion. their abilities and their willingness to shoulder enormous responsibilities. "When I see what has been created. I.his entire campus. I think u is almost a miracle," Joan Rome ~d. "It's going to be wonderful for those who a.re going to foUow us. and J hope they will do the same for others. As we say in our Jewish religion. 'I.:dor v'dor.' wtuch means 'from generation lo generation.' That is what is M> rewarding. Not \ just the brick and monar. but what I it's used for.· . l ·Joan tS absolutely right.· Bem1e t Rome said. .. • I • I Friday and at 11:30 the last Sunday of : the month. The talks indude brunch 1' or dinner. Also. Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting. and (949) 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Wortcshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St.. Costa Mesa $50. (949) 722·7818. ' I I l l I I I I . ' A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY : A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus I Christ titled • Joomey to the Cross" is - taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during ~ the Homebuilder's Bible Class at 'I Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present i the story of Christ The ctiunt1 is at • , 1000 Bison Ave .• Newport Baach. • • Free. (949) 760-5444. - : • 1$ your cnurcn or piece of worship planning• spectal even17 If so, send the typed information et least two weeka before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. ~en1ion. Paul Sa•towitz, rehgion editor.; fax to (94916464170 or send e-mail to dailypllot•lat1macom I I I I I I ' I I , SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST westerly at 6 to 9 feet. lt'U be a .,.rtty sunny SURF weekend, with hlgti. Just topping 70 and Iowa around 63. The IOUthWMt swell Mond-v wfll be almilar, •nd continuet lO be a no.how, 10 ~ m•v ,.tum by axPeCt waist-high• and lea Tueedey. Sundf'(1 loolelng wen lnfortMtlcMti: weaker, wid\ mocttv www.nwa.noa.QOV knM-hlghl and the occasM>n.I waltt-hlgh. BOATING FORECAST On~. the bel1 bet would be high and dry • The w.c.rtv Winds wUt b60w The M)(l aoudM9M awefl a to 16 tnota tn che ~ • Isn't 9'Cs**d until Thurldey wtten. whtt 2-foot WW. and evenlnO • ,,... W8llt .... of 4 lo. --~ -.,., lioulhMlt ... ~ 2 www.eurlrldtr.°'lJ fMt. Thia~. whta wMI 1ncn .. 1o 10 to 20 knotm. with TIDES ,..: lo Mooe MY9e end .... Time ........ ..... of 4 to 7 fMt. OUt.....,,.,,. 7:ffl e.m. ··••hl9f' ~ .... " IMndl will blow 1:37p.m. OJ17tlllloW 10 to 15 llnotl, wllh 2.fOOt aOlp.m.. ....... ~ PublfMed eT. Tll'Mll Coommunlty .... _...,,.....,, c.-..-.,......, ... ,~, .. pet mondl. ,,.,._ lnahlcle .. Hewe.• di •n of the l.o-~ .we and.,..,.,_. W8llt..., ~e.m. u2-.tow .....MIC1 • ~~ ..., tbte ........ lollt ..... ) Tll'MI of llo ..... end IOUlh ... Of ,,. ... [ .... ,. a 1 a 1 Cllllll9 POITMAITtft: ......... ...... ,,...,.. buldlo WATU TEMPERATURE • .... ,. ~· lfan,......,CMt~ / .... to ni. NM;oft C2003 Tl.,,.. CN. M tfthtr ................ Ind ~···-··...,. .........,.,.,,.,,..,,, ~ Miiiie Olly Noc.'°' FWflll'td • ....... ~ IOflty \ ,ol . Students make tape for troqps' kids Letters to children of military perso nnel in Iraq are read fo r a 15-minu te video. Christine c.,rlflo within the Newport·Mesa Unified Daily Pilot School Di.mtct. decided that writ- ing letters to students at Mary Rly Silence fell ovtt the muJdpur-PmdJeton Elementary School at poee room at Harbor View El-C.amp Pendleton would be an ex- ernentary School several times on ceUent 1tart. But just ~g )et. Friday as one audience after an-ters didn't seem like enough. other watched the IS-minute They decided to send a video. video or student-lo-student sup-too, and not just to camp Pendle- port li>r the flnlt time. ton. but to other bases aaoss the The cootent was simple. It was .country. The school hopes to send nearly 100 Harbor View students, the video, along with letters and or dlttereot backgrounds and dif. Items they'~ collected. somedkne ferent ages; sending their kwe to next week. other students stN8Bling with the '1'he video wa.s just a way to abeence or their militaiy parents capture their emotion.'' said run during the war irrlraq. • lshi. a parent of three students at "It's greai and it's a tear-jerker... Harbor View and the editor of the said Mdlissla Ouistensen, prind-video. •11 was always about the pal at Ha.rbor View. "They're so students. .. sincere. They can't be empathetic The goal of the project was for because they don't know what it's the students to reach out and like, but they're about as sympa-make a difference. thetic as they c:an be. It's so won-"lt shows that our children are derfuJ to see... concerned about them and it 1lying to do what they can to shows the suppon and solidariry reach out to those people ind-among youngsters... said Serene matdy affected by the war in lraq, Stokes. a trustee with the New- Harbor View, like other schools pcm-Mesa Unified School District. SEAN HuER j DAILY PILOT Harbor Vtew Elementary fourth-and fifth.graders watch Ryan Rolfes read a letter he wrote for the troops in Iraq. "I th.ink it's very positive for the youngsters because they need to col\nect wilh other youngsters." "It was just really wonderful and I felt really connected lo them," said I I -year-old Anna PaJ. chikoff. one of the sixth-graders who react her lener on the video. "It was really our way to suppon these kids that are just liJce us." Students said they were glad for the experience. "I was very proud of what I wrote.· said 9-year-old Max Priestley, a fourth-grader who al<.o read his letter on the video. "I just really tried to put mysclf in his shoes. like I was reading the lener. and ta1Jc about thin~ he nllght like." Meets Weight Waldlen & Heart AssiJciation CrlJaia • Sim .. j jlOint,.. ..... • Power 8itMfNt9199 3~J#l'REG. _...., '4.75 14 az. REG. '3.99 BRIEFLY- THENEWS Saturday, ~ 26, 2003 Al .... ~ Wllti - ,., .. -dMr by ..• llh!I ..... *'*~ ............... ,...... ..., _ lli6wmedo ... al '.CNIJ 815-915. jellyfish wash ashore HadJor BoUlevard 'Jbo!•nde OI ~ blue oarao.lP. C~ ....... Jel1tWa ~ .... Mil-~'6 bMtl Miitiid li1llbDile in NeW· The aotfhbbund HUbor port 8eidl on Paidey, w. 8oWnud ontaqt to me paard ollldak Mid. northboUnd San ~ m. The wlella wWla. or by· way will clote Monday for the-wind tailor, i. not a threat thtte weeb ao Odtnnt c:ao co human ~ and does realign IL The onramp wu not S!1ng. suppoeed to close Jue Week. The Cl9lhi'es can ~ teen but the P~r;f wu delayed. best at bWi dde • tiN!:.s The omla Depart· dvo~ut Newport 'BeaCb rp.ent of Transportation ·~-and C.Omn:a del Mar;.· geat1 that motorist.a ~.the .. Hyland .Avenue. onramp · U> Clean harbor day at the north san Diego F~ • nautical museum as a detour. The Newport Harbor Nau- tical Museum today will host its 23rd annual dean harbor day celebration, •Don't Trash Where You Splash. .. The free event at the mu- seum. 151 E. Coast Highway, takes place from 9 Lm. to 3 p.m. Among the activities are an environmental scavenger 32az. The work ls part or a proj- ect with the Orange County 'nansportation Authority to improve the San Diego and C.Orona del Mar freeways be- tween Bear SUeet and H)'tand in C.Osta Mesa.. The construction, slated U> firiisb in 2004. will improve on-and offramps at Harbor and Fairview Road and add a new oruamp at Hyland. SOY DREAM Organic Noo-Dahy Beverage RICE Non-Dairy DREAM Beverage • Tortilla Chips • Pico de Gallo • Sepme • 'Dlmari ·~.~-~I9..! SEEos OF CHANGE Organic Sal.as Advancal Phytonubient Multiple Vrtamin, Mineral and Herbal Fonnula w••s: r.an.mg, SWP-lmeao ... ...,...n. fDWR QADY REGDQW Inc ••a:~ Qaal. Black~and Soy..,..w. REG. "lO. 70 ·u~ - FARM FRESH PRODUCE ---- • Original •Vanilla ~ • Carob REG. '1 .49 32 az. 1% Fat ltnrldWJd & M.tle from Orptarlc llJce • Sa, Free ~orfnridaed:~ •Orfdml • C.arob REG. '1 .49 -'1.99 32 az. Continental NON-FAT "::::, YOGURT ~ 16 Flavon to a... • Regular • l.adose Free REG.99' ~ ROCK 801 IOM PRICIS ON YOUR FAVORllE SUPPLEllEN1S YOU SAVE $9 001 YOU SAVE S2 001 JASON 'S 7""1Dnlal-~ ,..._$$'Mot .... ........ 99 .......... "*' 'eW-1&. • • .. YOU SAVF: S2 001 YOU SAVf S4 001 - FllU-5~ Aprl 30-)\'I 1 2D lcr &301DY0pm •APORIJWTIUI ISAl,N;- ~ .. fta M'SllU<ll-. .. ~ Bg Al..dmr, Rit:hztr/ M'1n!4I Fm: Seminal & BoohifWc (Cao Mm Patio) M ~. ~ 26. 2003 270East17th St• Costa Mesa• (949) 642-7191 S:OOAM to 7:00PM Mon. • Sat • 9:00AM to 6:00PM Soo. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COITA..U •R I •RM*A~ ~-l"lp0f'9d In the 200.._at1:31 a.m. . Thundey. • ... ..... V9ndaNlfn .. 1-.poNd In the 200 bloc:t et 8:12 a.m. Thutedey. • a.._.-. ... Gnndtheft w rtpOftlld In the 2800 bloct .. 10:01 e.m. ThuncMy. .... , .... ~ NEWPORTllACH ......... ._...d:A wNdt burglery ... repolted 1n the to bloc:t ate a.m.. TIIUr8dey. ..... -...C:Awhlde butglery w NpOltlld In the 4200 bloc:t .. , .. p.m. Thundey . • Golll111iod ...... Pwtty theft WU rwpot1ed In the IOO bloc:t .. 10:08 t.m. Thurtdr( • •Irvine~ GrMld theft WM repot1ed In the 800 bloc:t .. 12,'06 p.m. Thu;.day • ·~C......Dllw Wiiie: A commen:llll butgt8fY wn repot1ed In the 700 bloc:t Ver.d1ll1m w repotted In the '100 bloc:t et 6;M Lm. ~· ,· ............. Grend 1t...tt w NpOCt9d fn the 3000 bloc:t at 2:23 p.m. Thureday. . • at 1;39p.m, Thunld.y . ·~11.yDlhic A home burgf8fY was reported In the 100 bloc:t It :t.26 p.m. • Vk:toM 9trMI: Petty theft was reported In the 300 bloc:t at 11 :.22 e.m. Thureday. • Eat 21st 8tN9t: A vehlde burglary was reported In the 300 blodc et 9:68 a.m. Thursday. Continued from Al e9IJ to Ft him recognJzed. BreR Beet. spokesman for the Onmgie County CDundl of the Bay Scouts of Amertca. said It is un- usual fur aomeone to be awarded the rank of Eagle Soout after aoy time bU pmed. let alone 6.5 years. ~ don't go back and give them to people." be said. "The only way it <XlUld happen 1s if an the iequtrements an! made by your 18th bUthday. and they did not get the final board or re- view becmase or an \DUllidgated responsibility.. he added. Johnsom case was rare becawie be had an the merit badges. each card be bad receM!d when be dlanged rank and his ICOUt hand- book signed and lnidaJtJlf by his scout leader. John l..erch. former advance- ment cha1nnan for the Orange Cotmty Council. said for some reason the Board or Review was never held for Johnson. but he proved he had done an be llfJeded to do. The coundJ appealed it to the National Committee and then beki bis long awaited Board of Re- view.. As for other Eagle Scouts. John- son said he recommends they do il the proper way. Continued from Al During that time, I have wttnes.WJd an emaordl.oary attempt by the league to satisfy the neighbors on the other side or the wall near the Odds. Game and practice times have been adjusted. 1kasb palJOb have been formed. Verbal waminp from the league to parents who try to ~ the fields from Iowa Street have been very stem. and it has made a difl'erence in puental behavior. But one thins the league Im not and will not be able to resolve is what they c:all notee, but what I will c:aD life. The fields in qumdon are being used primarily by Uttle Lr.ague tearm, the participants of which ranee in age from 5 to 1-l. It is not only~ but flat out weird that any resident could apect a reduction in the levd of noile coming from happy kids and their exdted parent& Pmiape these people want the kids and their parents to tone It down 80 it's easier to hear the ~ I don't know. What I do know la that the ooiae comet at tfmel that canoot at .0 be c:omklered odd hou:ra. The whinfnl and ciomplelnlng Is one thing but~ dm ~ to the bureauaata .. quite another. And Monday's Oty c.ound1 meeting WIS a preview of what .. to come. ~meeting WIS to bear and pollibly reeolYe the canftk:ta between the raldmtl and the WI who are not watt:tUnc'IV or hanging out at the CCJl:Mlda:a It.Ore. But. it often doel, the bo9rd wted to put off I.Dy dilcilMon CJI' meolutiao uodl mother ~d»~of Plub and Rec:nmiQn. ICildled the matter. Thureday. • &hm'*•'l'Dn "9ce: An auto theft WU reported In the 1800 bk>dt at 10:49 e.m. Thunday. • w.t 1Mh Street: An auto theft wat reported In the 800 bfoc;t It 7:33 a.m . Thul"lday. ·1 never thougbl about it. and I never got around to applying." be said "I wish I had thought of it earlier. Then I wouldn't have to go though aD this now. "Y~ can tide mine '1be rom- plete study or putting ~ off,'" he said Only 49' of Bay Scouts ever make It to the aMt.ed rank of Eagle Scout. Beck said there is a ce:r1ain aura around Eagle Soouls: They are humble and do tbinp for ocher people. He said dUs is evident in Johnson by the way he lived his life. .He really didn't go after this. We followed throusb for him." Beck said '1t was the right thing to do, so we did it. He has lived the lifestyle of an Eagle Scout. but never got his badgie. • Johnson said he is still in lOUCh with a couple of his original troop members. but his srot~ Qwtie Stamps.~~ "He was wonderful." Johnson said. "He was very gtving and wonderful to all the kids.. Johnson is now busy "relaxing" he said. in his home be sham; with his wife, Wendy. owner of an art studio in Newport Beach. and Jack. bis byperaaiYe 2-year-old Wheaton lerrier. Veteran Qty HaD watchers could have foreseen the buck pa.5Sing before they entered the parking Jot. But what really roocemed me was a romment by Councilman Allan~ who seems to have already made b.ls mind up. When disa ming the further stalling or the tssue. Mansoor caDed It the .problenu with the fields.. Whoa there! "Problems with the fieldsr There are no "p~ with the fiekh," there are only whines and rompJaints by a few people who wiD not rest until tbeae little kids an! chased back to thetr Nintendo Game Boys and tdfMsiorw.. If~ is a "problem with the 6elds, • it ls that there aren't enough of them. And despite many attmlpt5 to ~ the city to find more places for c:hOdrm to play, partiaJlady thOlse in Utde League, they have done almost notblng. Wbeft'a our skateboard pad3 Case In point: At the mimamed Paan •Sports• Comp&ex on Fairview Road you wiD aee aam or empty toeeer 6elds. places where Utde I atgaMD could be playing dgbt now bad the coundl aet aside eome land Cor buebalJ diamond& The farm Is not a spotta mmplll!I. 1l la a eoooer romplex. Qvi of the IOludom to the Iowa Stteet compWntl, I! the raidentl me tp>bla to be mddled. Is to tnmll two baleb.D dtamooda at the Fann. I baYe not beard a single viable toludon Crom any of the llllldmb. All Iw been beadng • their DOiie. • Sl'IVI ...... ". eo... Mesa l"8lldent end frMlence ~. AMdet'I mey IMw • m 1111ge fof him on hi DellV Not~ IC (948) 842«118. lame report lodudes • .rm.ed =~the= dfec:t wi.ll lut for three hoWI in CONDOS Contilued from Al lncooliltmt and contradk:to~ the same time frame. "Very cleady, they needed to • Although thla matter '*" correct the (report) before (the railed at the public bearing, the projectJ It approwd, -.nd any-question wu 1MNet a.mwered u th.Ing that ls built on that roun-to which "eet of Information was elation la faulty,· uid Robtn Lef. comet.• the applica.don for the flier, who mec:t tbe tequest on the rehearing states. "Without accu· poup't behalf. rare lnlormadon. the uue Im- The coodot will be housed in ~ o! the project ~ be !our four-sto:ry builctinp me&· known. • turlng about SO feet high. The Mari)yn Shaw, who Uvet1 on project also te.b.U'es a two-level Bernard StJeet. aaid she la P,On· underground paddng lttUCtl1re cemed that the buildings' ~t and a Ow-level aboveground will dart.en her yard. • paddng 1t:nwt:we. · "If they're as btgb u th~y Man.soor was one of two Re· they wU.i be, it 'Will IWJJ pur development Agency memben plants,• Shaw aald. "We \Vere who voted against the project toJd.,(by ~group) that most of and disaenred again Monday the day, we're not gob.lg to ~ when the Oty Colllldl approved much sun Oil our property." , It. . DIMd Eadie, 'd:Uef execu~ of He saJ4 the density concerns Rutter Development. taid he re- hlm because of the repereus· mains convinced that the com- sions on traffic and shadow ef-prehenstve review of his pro}ect feet.a. was baaed on sound infonna· ·1 think all or those can be im-tlon. , proved with less density," Man-"I believe the findings' or fact.a soor said that were relied upon were .bue The residents' group main and correct." F.adie said. j'he gripe with the environmental re-exhaustive sautiny over the ~t port ls with the analysis of the 13 months by the staff and the shadow the b11J.ldmg, will pro· (Planning Commission} and"Lhe duce. The report states that only council had produced a thor· 20 minutes of a shadow effect ougb undelstanding of the ~I· would occur in the front yards of ter before the vote.· homes on Bernard Street. behind the project, between l O a.m. and 3 p.m. -whJch is not consid· ered significant The group contends that the • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa end may be readled at 19f91 574-4221 or by e-mail et deirdrt1.newman@l11times.com'. Dally Piiot b:,o. ;Borne prices soar ~in Newport Coast ,rJ ' 110 Mid-range homes in southern Newport ncshow 33% increase, topping $1 million. ,~ .. Newport Beach proper sees slight drop. "Newport Coast has been very strong,• High said "There's just not much In new house develop- ment. We're seeing a shortage of product." "'~"Paul Clinton ~~~}>atty Pilot Jt1 , .. NEWPORT-MESA -Newport "" 8toast'a whJte·hot home market 1_, ,bolstered a mostly healthy in- ·,11~ in median-home values in March, a regional real estate •Ill• group said Friday. '";: In Mardl, the value of the " mid~range home grew 33.39'(, n dwing the mo nth in the down- " I coast section of Newport Beach, ,,..llh.. ,..._ .. ,. , .. ~ ~omia Assn. of Realtors : ; ~ported. The rnJd-range home 1; that was worth $856,500 a year ~1.!ago Is now worth Sl.14 million. .,,. •1t's one of the few areas where ;~'..You can still find beachfront "homes,• said Robert Kleinhenz, a senior economist with the group. Nit's a very hot area now." ·~ The report measure:, single- f:amily homes; condominiums are not included. Growth in southern Newport Beach continues to outpace any of the other areas of Costa Mesa R.abbin Insurance Agency AUTO •HOM.EOWN'ERS•HE.AJ.ni Sulnbry \1nu / 9P ~ 0" ~S ,.r)J 949-631-77 40 , 44 I Old Nnrpon llhd. • Nnrpon 8ada (Ncu~H.,tal) or New.port Beach. However, mid-level homes in Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa are still see- ing hefty increases in Its value. During the month, Costa Mesa's median hotne value rose '14.86%, from $350,000 to $402,000. In Corona del Mar, me- dian home values rose 15.89%, from $755,000 to $875,000. In Newport Beach, excluding the coast and Corona del Mar, median-home values fell 1.38%, from $725,000 to $715,000. The number of homes that sold in Corona del Mar, 23. and Newport Coast, 28, was on the low end. Local real estate agents and executives echoed the news that Newport Coast is perhaps the most desirable location for wealthy home buyers. While the market now shows a shortage of new homes, several high-profile communities are set to increase supply, Strada Properties Presi- dent Steve High said. The Irvine Co. la readying four new communities to begin sell- ing during the summeL Brook- field Homes began offering the first ehase of its Ziani conunu- nity, Which includes 168 town- homes. on March 22. Prices· started at $500,000. Floor plans range from I ,6JO to 2,632 square feet. Greystone Homes' Verona project has sold about 60% of its homes. which start at slightly more than $700,000 and offer be- tween J.n3 and 2,105 square feet of space. Overall, in Orange County . mid-level homes soared 18.01%, from $320,000 to $380,000 over the past year, the association re- ported. Statewide, these homes rose 15.3%. •WhjJe consumers remain concerned about the general di- rection of the economy, buying a home continues to be a safe ha- ven,· said Toby BradJey, the group's president. RosEYs AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Collision Centw ~~~Shop (949) 642-4522 bENEFITING THE PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY OF ORANGE CoUNIT. -- Saii.rday, ~· 26. 2003 A5 • Step, Power Pump, Cordio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Shope-Up Skin Core • Shope-Up Hair Core ' FORUM HOWTOGETP\a.JSHED -t..ealll'I: Matlto Edltottel hge EdltorS.J. c.tvl et the Deity Pllot.330W. Bay St, Co.ta Mw,CA'¥l&X7 • R11C-.. Hodne: Catt (949) 642-«>86Fu: Send to(949) 64&4'170 f.tMl:s.nct to dailypilot•JatJ,,,_com •All ~ must lndude fun name, hometown and phone number (for vertfic:ation purpoaes). The Pilot reMfVel the right to edit aft aubmluionl for darify end length. , MAILBAG · Give Councilman I Steel a little credit It seems that the Daily Pilot • is spitting into the wind with the Thursday e4ttor1al, •eouncil must avoid special election: After years of critiquing Ouis Steel to the point of harassment, now the Pilot Is purporting that Steel exemplify some sort of ·Proftle in Courage" and betray his ideals and supporters so that the city can avoid a •costly" special election. By the way, now that it seems imminent, has anyone determined how much this costly special election is going to cost? Does the Pilot really believe it can taunt Steel into changing his vote so that council members Libby Cowan and Gary Monahan, along with •new" Councilman Mike Scheafer, can create a majority then thwart every Initiative Steel may come up with for at least a year and an halfl It seems from the articles it publishes that the Pilot feels Steel is lacking in intelligence, but come on. ERIC CHRISTENSEN Costa Mesa · • EDITOR'S NOTE: The election's estimated cost 11 about $30,000. Pilot misses meaning of improvement lt is amazing b~ far off the Pilot can be. ~er five years of writing to you to express our position on the issues facing Costa Mesa and the Westside, the so-called •improver" groups continue to be misunderstood. It is also of interest that with the numerous issues facing all of us, you state (incorrectly) that we support some sort of eradication of the ·charities" and the building of •upscale" housing only. This is untrue. The •1mprovers· that I am familiar with recogniu the need for many (perhaps not all) of the charities; however, we do push for their better management so as to be less damaging to the area they propose to help. It is true that we support housing over junk yards and toxic/polluting factories. lo the future, before you attempt to categorize and s implify a complex topic such as ·improvement," please ask the involved parties, not the misinformed observers. MICHAEL W. BERRY Costa Mesa ------..--------------~~ ---_ ' ' ~ ' -'I . ' ....... www.cbamplan-aatorental.com (714) 434-0133 We rent & sell both cars & trucks! 1202 S.E. Bristol Street, Santa Ana Hts., CA 92707 cha ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Wade in with .the Winning D~cks ... • EDm>R'S NOTE: Aa a special feature, Guy Hebef1, a N.wport Beacti re&ident and former goafie fcx the Mighty Ducb, is writing regular diaries about the team and Its experienoes throughout the playoffs. I have played hockey for a long time and have been a fan of the game my entire life. With this said. if you have not been a hockey fan before. you must certainly be one now. Orange County has been 1reated to some great hoclcey so far in the Stanley Q.rp playofl's, and it appears that the Mighty Ducb have only bigger and better ~ to offa Grune l between Anaheim and the Dallas Stars oo Thursday night was a closely played contest. which offered great defense, solid goaltending and plenty of physical play. This game went from merely a good game to one for the ages when it entered the fifth overtime and Pett Sykora scored the winning goal at the 58-second mad. When the final whistle blew. this game had entered the.history books as the longest in franchise history for the Mighty Ducks and the fourth longest in the National Hockey League. GUY HEBERT Hold on. though. If the Ducb continue at this~they may have more overtime thrillers in store for their fans. When you reach overtime in thewoddof postseaSon hockey. where each overtime is contested as a sudden death 20-minute period with no 1V timeouts and no real stops in play, the entire game changes. . The mental and physical fatigue can lead to exhaustion and the game is usually won on a mental mistake. Peter Sykora capitalized on just such a mistake by Dallas - one that the team usually does not make. Both defensemen for Dallas left the front of the net, and although their center man, Jere Lehtinen, was responsible for Sykora. he was a little late. Sykora let go of a quick shot that beat Stars goalie Marty Turco to his right side, capping off a thriller and taking a one game lead in the series. Again. just as in the first rowx1 against Detroit. Ah.abeim bas won Game l on the road. gaining home advantage. The Ducks are quietly becoming a fawrite to make It out of the Western Confenmce. If any team in the league doesn't consider Anaheim to be a legitimate contender for the Stanley Clip. then they will more than likely be the nm victim. The Ducks have rolled off five straight victories. including three on the road. and those wins have all cc;>me against the top two seeds in the West Need any more convins;:ing tharyou should jump on the bandwagon and find yourself wearing teal and burgundy? How about those guys next door? The Angels made an improbable run to the \\brid SeriP.s and now hold the distinction of being the worid champions. The similarities I see between these two teams are their chemistty and teamwork. Each player on the roster has a particular role, and when you have those roles being filled with talented personnel, you have success. The Ducks are able to mesh their skills and penoOaudes I with the common goal bf the. team first. and the byproduct of .• this is wi.nnlns 1beY are an undaunted team right now with only ooe goal in sight. That goal ls to win the nm game at hand. and when that game is Ova-, Head Coach Mike Babcock has them refocus on the next One thing that comes to mind is that the Ducb coaching staff has done a fantastic job oC formulating a game plan and having the players buy into it and stay with it no matter what seems to be happening on the ice: 1ber:e is always some tweaking to the system varying on the team you are playing. but the Ducks seem • to be only concerned on what they are doing and this makes Dallas adjust to them. With Grune l under their belt. both teams will need to recharge their batteries and gel ready for Game 2. The Ducks have done their job in~ a split and look to take a Z-0 lead coming bad to the Pond The preswre certainly lies on the favored Dallas Stars to not fall into the same situation as the Red Wmgs did - being down two games going on the road. • .._,.....,•_ch 11 30 7 ~ Oonne• ~ 00 10 OOp 561 CENTFR Av.E. 1137 H UN"l]lll_iRllllllll fArfll,..f UI {)kf fl or/d I tfk GRAND OPENING of the Martha Stewart Signature Collection .. .. You're invited to exp~ence the long-awaited Martha Stewart Signature Collection Exclusively At Treasures As Orange County's Only certified Martha Stewart Retailer, We're Offering Special Introductory savings On The Entire COiiection. Distinguished by its understated elegance and inspired by. classic design, this collection is an integral p~ of the complete Martha Stewart Design System. Come, visit our showroom and discover this superb and affordably priced collection. HOLN -.·M.. tou<1rt1,,. t0At1.fr.M, ""-llAllf-f'• tWT Uf 0# N Ml WWW ""9Ureefumlture '* .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. • ... ... .. .. .. .. ' ' ._ .. ~ COMMUNITY & CLUBS Last call to help Marines' families T oday's the day to deUver letters of support and appredadon that will be sent to Marines in Iraq, items for care packages for Marines. and sallon deployed overseas. and coupons ind gift certificates for the families of Marines at 'IWenty·nine Palms. Care package Items needed are contact lens cleaning solution, eye drops, Up balm, sunscreen (small size). prepaJd phone cards, blank postcards. toothpaste, mouthwash (small size), magazines, reading material, chewing gum, granola bars, crossword puzzles, beef Jerlcy, ttall mix. peanuts, antihacterial band sanitizer, M and MA batteries, deodorant, shampoo and toiletries. Items for the families can be manufacturers' coupons clipped from newspapers and magazines; dckets to Disneyiand, Knott's Berry Farm or Knott's Oasis Water Park; gift certificates for McDonalds, Carl's Jr. or any chain restaurant that has an outlet in the Coachella Valley or Mojave; or prepaid phone cards. The Newport Mesa Irvine lnterfaJth Council and the Daily Pilot invite you to join In a communltywide effort to help the Marine Corps families at 1\venty-nine Palms Marine base. Deliver your donated items between 8 a.m. and noon today to the Olurch of Jesus Ouist of Latter-day Saihts' parking lot. 801 Dover Drive, Newpon Beach, where they will be sorted and packaged for delivery to the base next week. Questions? Let's let the Marines and their families know we care. ,..-----.. LIAISON HONORED Gng Arbues of the RotaryOub of Newport Irvine was honored as the Liaison of the Y_ear for the Adopt a JIM Social Worker DE BOOM program sponsored by the Orange County Oilld Abuse Prevention Center. Many service clubs -Rotary, Lions. Kiwanis and Exchange - have adopted a social worker, who calls upon the club when their family clients have needs. Oub members provide fumituJ'e, food, diapers or what ever is needed to assist the social worker in assisting the troubled family. The service clubs make a difference in so many lives very quietly. anonymously and without hesitation. More information on the Adopt-A-Social Worker program can be obtained by calling Kathryn Haze at (714) 543-4333, ext. 501. A BUSY TIME FOR SERV1CE CLUBS Members of the Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa just finished officiating the city of Newport Beach Traclc meet while members of the Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor judged the Science Fair at Anderson Elementary School. Today. the Exchange Oub will participate in Oean Harbor Day. On Sunday, members of the Newport Beach Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub are working at the March of Dimes Walle America BANKRUPTCY ' Southern Califomia's Leading Debt-Relief Law Firm • More Attorneys • More Options • More Hands-On • Immediate .relief from creditors • Free in-depth consultation • Affordable Aat fee with payment plans PRICE LAW GROUP A Prete11 lon11 Corpor1llon 800-884-6000 576 Anton Blvd, 3rd Floor Costa Mesa 714-708-3300 OP01 + Enhancements to your existing Database • Custom Database Solutions +Access 97, 2000, 2002 • Single user, Multi-user, Client/Server can ~tor details Robert A. Heaa (948) 842-3351 2003 at Fashion lslQJ\d. Some 160 high school students are spending this weekend with three dozen Rotarians at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp in ldylJwild Pines. On Saturday, the Ha(bor Mesa Lions Oub will host Its Chill Round Up, while Rotarians will be in Laughlin for thelJ' arinual District Conference. On Monday, May 5, the Rotary Oub of Newport Irvine hosts Its annual golf toumamenL . The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Oub is busy planning for the first Fish Fry in several years. scheduled for May 31 and June I at the Costa Mesa Community Center. The Exchange Oub of Newport Harbor will hold its annual Desert 1rek May 16 to 18 in Palm Springs, while U<fls District 4U will holds its annual convention in Oxnard. SERV1CE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TUF.Sll\Y 7:30 a.m.: The 40-member Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary Oub will meet at Five Crowns to hear a craft talk by Ouistina Holliday. 7 p.m. The Costa Mesa Newport Harbor Lions Oub will meet at Anteaters Park for a basebaJJ game between UC Irvine and the University of Southern CaJJfomta. WEDNESn\Y 7:15 a.m.: The 20-member South Coast Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Center Oub C www.southooa.stmetro rotary.a~; and the Newport Harbor IGwanjs Oub will meet at the University Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member P.xchange Oub of the Orange Coast will Dlfft at the Bahia C.Ortnthian Yacht Oub for the presentation of the Youth of the Year Awards. 6 p.m.: The 60-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub to hear Judge WillJam Rylaandam discuss changes in the way California courts are organized and . financed. 111URSD\Y 7 a.m. The 20-plus member Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Uons Oub will meet at Mimi's for a program on ~The Status of Home Building in Orange County" by Bob Drader. Noon: The SO-member Costa Mesa Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Holiday lnn; the SO-member Newport Beach-Corona del Mar Kiwanis Oub wUJ meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub (www.Idwanis.org/clubl costamesa): the 80-member Exchange Oub of Newpon Harbor will meet at the Newport Harbor NauticaJ Musewn for a program by Sheldon Pine of the Transportation Corridor Agency: and the 100-member Newpon-lrvine Rotary Oub will meet at the Atrium Hotel for the Innovative Teacher Awards program coordinated by Lucy Walther (www.n{rotary.o~. • COMMUNITY a, ewes 1s published Saturdays In the Daily Pilot. Send your service club's meeting Information by fax to (949) 660-8667; e-mail to jdeboom@aol.com or by mail to 2082 S.E. Bristol, Suite 201, Newport Beach. CA 92660-1740. "Dack Day __ Rea It Pam Ward Purchu_e Loans & Rdinaociag e-mAil: pamWatdilb<hOl.com 881 Dower Dd.-. 5'qte 380 '.Newport heh. CA n663 .Jlic~ Mt.1'8.0770 .. ,,.....,. .. GETIING INVOLVED ····-~""" ~ ln1'9DllV Piiot on• roclllng ....._For lnfDnnlllDn on~ your Olglll ..... Dn to thil .... (all <•114-4•. ICl•O..~ .. Kn'atEN Someot• c.r.. Soup ~Medi food eervera· •nd volunteert for kitcNn dutlee. Th4t~on ls et 720 w. 19'h St., Co.ta Mesa. (949) MMl81. IOUTHCMST UTEMCY COUNCL ~ ~MOrS ... needed to~•...._, dlrnend for Ht9ncy end Engtieh • • MCOnd language ct--. Studenta are taught English reading, writing and tpMlclng sldU. et their own i.vel 1'1 emetf groups or one on one. The,. are centers all over 0,.,. County. Ooce trafned, 1Utora may choose the center et wNcti tt-v want to tud\. ~Fitzgerald, (949)~ SOUTH COAST R£PEltTORY nEATER The South Coast Repertory Thuter needa volunteers to help with ushering (see plays free) end other functions. (714) 708-6500. SPEAK UP NEWPORT A nonprofit organization that promotee the eoclal weffare by educdng the public end Improving locel government In Newport Beech holds monthly meetings the second Wedneeday of N<tl month It the Newport Beadl Tenni. Club. A reception begin• at 6:30 p.m .. end Sa11xdly, ~ 26. 2003 A1 m •Ii• beglrt .c e p.m.. Fr-. Nri#A .............. ..... ao. Senddtec*to ·--Up-~P.0. .. 2114, N9wpoft...,,, t2ea. • ..., 173-"91. snTou,.. MMIMT 1 Mlde up ol • groc.tp i:Awamlft from SoUihem c:.lfamla.Who !OW to 1cr111 Ind O'Ochlt .. • no.1pioll~ .. ~ for...,...,.101rit end crodMil hMI. boiollel Ind blanlc.els for pnlmlllUre ~ and beblel In need. The i..nl .,.~to~· ecro. the country.,, •• ,... are IVIUble, end donnld v-mlt~~ 5'~. (310)C72.->1 ~ADEUNES Of OAMGE couffTY The tinging group lnvtte. women who lib toeing to join them Tueed8y nights fot f~part harmony, or Berberahop«yte singing.· (949) 486-5685. TEU.,A-FRENI) o,.nge County cenoer groups..-volunteera to encourage women to heve mammograms. Panicipenta will take part in a~ program of education and encouragement spec:fflc:alf./ related to mammograms and eerty breast cancer detection. The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, (714) 957-9167. THE LITERACY PROGRAM The progrem Is elwayt In need of volunteer tutors. No profetsional tNdllng experience 11 required. To attain certfftcetion, • Mriee of training d ..... must be completed. For more lnformetlon, contact Utenry Servtoee It the Newport Beactl Ubnlry, (9'8) 717-3874. We just "Found" Extra money for you to Invest! We want to help you help you to a better future! Allow us to show YOU how co get a better '1tuat1on through a personal Mortgage :\nalv:-,1s. We will consult with ,·ou at No Risk and No Obli~tion! SEASIDE FINANCIAL MORTGAGE BROKERS EASY QUALIFIER AND SELF EMPLOYED HOME LOA. l\S 949-673-5626 CELEBRATit-.;G 15 YEARW I~ BCS~ESS. Ytstt our website at www. eas1definanc1al.com ("Plw 2.5% To Buyer's Broker • 3 511.o TOTAL · Save About fu!P.!J 45 Day Written Guarantee -H~f!I I pt•&MilFJCA For the WHOLE story (714) 658-4601 www.SwfMIS.com ARMSTRONG/ROBITAILLE BUSINESS AND lNSUMNCE SEIMCES Dedication. Focus. Commitment. TM# f*lihes Mfi1U 011r Pnw""1.Rblt MiuUitm""' ~for""' PriM# cun.i Grn1. \ft IJ>«Wiu ht "1/lMnt. h;p '"' .,., "'fa-ilia with~~ Uutuw1ta tUJs. F.r ""'~ n.fo,.,,..,;.,,, J>kllU €till.: ,. • Aott 26, 2003 -Did You Knowl llUll8•1 ... INC. __ _ COSTA MESA SANTA A* 2700 Brfstol St. 2800'N. Tultln Ave. (714) 754-6661 (114) 6ls.9200 COMft.m LAN~ • 45 \'fAltS aPElllENa uaNSE" *'" . TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PIO '~ Flow ... NuneiY • c... Miia Muter Nursery J>rofesslonal MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less/ BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT H. J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 rwwavailab/.t Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 Open Mon. t:hru S;u. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 co 5 Quality Service Value ~~~~ MIKE'I · ~~~°cARPETI OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • Laminate Texture-Plueh Flooring Featuring ALLOC No Glue Installation !t•rpet f\\.o *2H aq ft Installed Wood Berber C•rpet Ploorlng Refinishing & New f\\.o~ *1 D Installed •q ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates Ceramic ~\\.o"" s 1 50 sq ft Vlnyl Flooring ~~·1--\l eq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s~ DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!'' fllRNITURE RCUPBOLSTERY • Custom-Made furniture • Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades, & Bedspreads , 1 f ( r ( If"\ ,\' ~ I 11 ) \\ ,. I l ( 1 I)) e 1 ( q ~ q I () ~ 2 _ ( )~ ( )( ) ' AROUND TOWN • s.nd ~TOWN it.me to the OlllV Piiot. 330 w. a.y St., Cottt M ... , CA 12827; by fax to (Ml) ~170; or by celling (949) 57~. Include the time, dM• end~ oftht~ .. well ,. a contlCt phone numbtr. /4 complete lletJng I• avall•bt• It . www.cMllypllotoom. SUNDAY At pert al an Ottglnel program, Saleha ~of American Ballet ThMtre Wiii perfonn the pa• de deux from .,Le Corulrt., at th• B1rctey Theatre In lrvlne. T1dc9ta ire avall1bte only at the Barcley Theatre Box Otftce for $18. Cell (949) 864-464e for retervatlona. w w.. INalct and motofqdee of all ye~, m•k•• end models are Invited to particfp1te In the fourth annual Strawberry Sunday Fun Fest and Cl11elc Car Show. The show, while apotllghtlng red cart, 11 open to all makes, color• and models. Entry f91s are $16 for pre-regratratlon or.$20 the day of the event. Red cart can be entered for free. The show runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Automotive Road of Dreams area of the swap meet. Call (714) 966-8422 for more information. The SurfricMr foundation In Newport Beach 11 hosting a "50 in Five" Earth Dav Event. At 11 a.m., members will line both sides of the PCH on the bridge over the Santa Ana River holding signs with Its message to reduce pollution at the mouth of the Santa Ana River by 50% in five years. Volunteers will meet at the grassy area nearest the river in Weat Newport Park at 10:30 a.m . and wlll get a special "J:.shirt for the demonstration. For more information, call (949) 495-7886. Oninge County Wiid will announce its Passport prize winners at its Earth Day celebration at noon at Upper Newport Bay. To enter, participants are asked to bring their passports, which can be obtained at www.orsngecounrywild.com or at m ost local wilderness parks. The event will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call (714) 504-9984. MIND, BODY & Jo(t.. Rejuvenate your Sole with style ond comfort. ~~ .. ':.' ~~-~~~~t Onrige (OIJ'IY' s l'lcmere ComlOll Shot Sltre Fe. IAel1 end Women f~ lcr;nRoie ~. Dlrtsko. la.o, lbl, Alln E~. ~ !lldnmymcn (949) 644-5939 (CIOllO del #a PllllO 836 A'IOCld> Avt Newpcwt !«Kh Hn 8ns10I flll11S .. JelntMN .. uporta.,,....._ and Ff1endl on lhenmaker llland for • day of "11h·fr1endlY femlly ICtMdet. muak:al em.ttalnment, wwter tourt, ahartt-touch tanka and mo,. from 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . All ectlvltl• are free. Cell (948) 923-2289 for more lnform1tlon. MONDAY The UC IMne cNinoelor'I distinguished fellowe ..n.. preeent1 "Attwortt of ICtfttt Pl.,.,:' e lecture ind exhibition by 1he Internationally known Brltiah 1rtlst, et 7 p.m. In the Studio Art Complex, Room 180. a..t known 11 1 leedlng ftgure c.ntrtl to tht Inception and development of th• 1980t British Blade Art movement. Piper work.I In • broad range of media, Including dlgltel tec;hnologln. For more Information on the frM event, cell (949) 82.4-7372. TUESDAY Julla SWMney of "Saturday Night Live• fame wUI speak at the 16th annual Circle 1,000 Founders' Brunch from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel In Newport Beach. Sweeney will share her touching, humorous and heartbreaking account of the loss of her brother and her Incredible survival of cervical cancer. Cost la $150 per person. and proceeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 57~7204 for more Information. •Smart Women Rnlah Ric:tl• i. • free worttshop with complimentary gourmet catered dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Art Gallery International In Costa Mesa. Limited seating. For more lnfonnatlon, call (800) 876-0353 or send e-mail to bob. voorhees@agedwards.com. WEDNESDAY A f1'M Mmlnar and book signing for "A Portrait For Healing" by Ridlard Manley will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Join Newport Bead'! city leaders, students from Harbor View Elementary School and a state forester for the 13th annual Arbor Day oetebnrtion et 10:30 a.m. at Grant Howald Pert at 5th and Iris avenues in Corona del Mar. For more infonnation, call (949) 644-3154. Thellhooloflal1l11e.111lr111 • • at UCI preMftta •Vlcdm, Vectort. · : end Veocln .. : The ldla Agelnlt Malart1 In the 21st Century;' a lecture by Or. Anthony Jamee et 7 p.rn. In tht Cry11al Cove Audltorturn In tht Student Center. The tvtnt I• frtt and -· open to the public, but . rtMN'1lon1 are ,.quired. For ., ... ~ rtHrv1tlon1 or Information, c.JI ,., , .~ (&Ct) 12.4-7262. .... ' FRIDAY ... •,, Th• MOOftd annual New1MM1 BHch Refey For Life, • 2+.hour \., • t9am wallclng ewnt. hopn to rtlH money Ind lncrMM tanc9r ','•~ ~ ,waren ... In the Newport~ "· • community. Ten-to 15-membtr ~ .... team• can register for $150 \ ~ before April la The event begin• , • et 8:30 p.m. et Newport Hlfbor '" .. High School Stadium end ends • ~ the next day •t 8:30 p.m. For more Information, call the American Cancer Sodaty at .... (949) 667-0634. ... MAY3 Th• UC lrvtne Arboretum ho.ti lta annual Spring Perennial Sale, .... featuring unuaual perennials from South Africa and around '-': : the globe, from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. " today and from 11 e.m. to 3 p.m . Sunday at the arboretum . Expert.a will be avallable to '•• ... :." anawer questJont. Admlulon , , , costt $2 for adult•. Chlld,..n . ~. younger than 12 get In for free. 1-. •• For more Information, tend e~mall to /dlyonatluci.tldu. Oce.na of Orchids, 1 show .... and aale sponsored by the •• t Newport Harbor Orchid Society, • : will take place today and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Cotta Mesa Community Center. General admission la $3, seniors' admittlon is $2, and parking is free. Cell (949) 515-9538 for more Information. MAY4 ThrM younfl ac:holanhtp w inners will be part of the California Women'• Chorus' 34th annual Sd'lolarship Benefit Concert. The music students will join female vocalists from throughout California when the 200-voice chorus presents ·surf 'n Sing" et 2 p.m . In the Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd. in Newport Be.ach. Tidcets are $15 in advance and $18 at the - door. Call (949) 262.()679 or (714) • • 840-4568 for tidcets or information. •Happy Vc»c.91 • from Saint Michael's children's choirs, the Cerubim and Seraphim, can be heard at St Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church In Corona del Mer at 5 p.m. For Information, call (949) 644-0463. •The New 11'9q,• a pNMntation by Huw Anwyl, will address what's next, who will be making decisions, and whether democracy will wortt in Iraq after the war at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Corona del Mar at 7 p.m. For information, call (949) 644-0463. MAY6 An lnatNctor from the American Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental nmediet are implemented .. etegant ~that a>mplement youf d6oor to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Resetv8tk>nt for the 7 p.m. 98minar et Visions end Dreams in Coste Mesa are required. Call (626) 288-1669 for more information. A frM aemfnar and doof prizM on ·sldn Care, Health and Beauty• wlll be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Malic.t, 226 East 17th St, Costa Meta. For raMl'Vation&. c:.11 (8001696-MOMS. MAY7 A frM Mmlner end book 1lgnlng of •str ... and Oftteae• by Herb Lewis will be held from SM TOWN, Pace Al ... ,, . ., .,, ' •v "• Fact: Many in:vestors have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice. Fact: 56% of all stock loss claims are won by investors. (NASO) t I TOWN Continued from PS 8:30 to 8 p.m. It ~··Market, 226East17th St., Coeta Maa. For l"IMfVltk>nt, call (800) 586-MOMS. ti/NU A frte temlnaron "Mueolee In Motion" by Judith Todero wfll be held from &.30 to 7:30 p.m. et Moth«'I M1rtt1t, 226 Eut 17th St., Cotti M .... For reservations, c:et1 (800) 596-MOMS. MAY15 A frte NmJner Ind book efgnlng of "Stop the Clodt Cooking" by Chery1 Forberg wlll be held from 8:30 to 8 p.m. at MotMn Mattet, 226 East 17th SL;C(ottl M .... For reMrvationa, .caJt (800) 696-MOMS. MAY20 A free Nmlnlr and book signing of '"Why the Weight? Oare to be Great I• by author Jean Krueger wfll be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. MAY21 A free seminar end book signing of ·The Digestion Connection• by Dr. Mark Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother'• Market. 225East17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY 24 A book signing and per90nal appearance by author James Baldl for his book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing• will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. for reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. ONGOING Volum.r drivwa are nMded to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, trail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or oooking for themselves through •Mobile Meals,• sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information Reglstntlon is now open for runners and walkers of atl ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mile Fun Walle on June 7. Pre-fegistrat.lon fees are $22 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race is $30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. tf your Ofd\id " too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. a1 the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Disc:owr the MCNts of Carbon Canyon Regional Parle as you walk through groves of beau1irul Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more Information. TwTI SutvM>t-, • nonptoftt organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to e>eercise. hosts ·walk and Talk• at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgodeu store In Fashion laland. Members meet for lundl after at Atrium court. It 11 free. and all fltneaa levels ant welcome. For more lnforma1ion, call (949) 276-3888. Newport Community CounMllng Cent9r offers a wey to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the 1upport group In SAF.E. ~ SAF.E. stands for Mfety, awer.nea. faith and empowerment. The group m..m Mondeyt from 8:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more Information, call (949) 721-8079 • ..... .. llwtlld tD drop by the city of Colt.a MeM Recna1ton c.nter from 2 to 8 p.m. Monday through Frlc:t.y for Indoor and outdoor sport.a and ectMUee. The Center It et 1880 Anaheim Ave. for more lnform1tlon, cell (71•) 327-7680. The Newport 8wtl w.tldne aub meets st the COmef of Supet1or and Hoepltal RQed In Newport Baecti et 9:16 e.m. end 7 p.m. everyd1y. For mort Information, cell (949) 860-1332. The Newport~ Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thurtday nlghta at Superior and Hotpltal Road in Newport Be1dl. for more Information, call (949) 660-1332. The Newport BNch City Hal it dlaplaylng watercolor pelntlnga by Juan Casado, Ned Par1ona, Raymond Otia and.Jim Teegarden through Merc:h 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more Information, call (949) 717·3870. Th• Aan. of Bu.in ... s.mc.a hoata a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tueaday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. "Dlvo~: A New Beginning,• a workshop for men and women divoroed or getting d1voroed, is held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-0435. FROZEN ROPES TRAINING C 'ENTER is proud to announce our GRAND OPENING on Sarurday, May 3rd from 11 am-8pm at our Irvine, CA location. •Visual Tr:umng •Diamond Suc:ngth Training (pttch recognition, traclc.mg) •Sorn to Play Program • Showtimc: Trailung (2-5yr olds) (mental skills) •VIPER (video analysu} • lrutruetional Memberships • Virtual Pitching Machin~ • Individual & Group lnstrucuon (tunnel rcnu.ls FROZEN ROPES TRAINING C ENT ER 1 9028 MCGAW AVE, IRVINE. CA (949) 250-1199 www.irvine@frozenropes.com Log on co frounrepa.com to view our nauonal wc:bsire Check our full Schedule of Evc:nu Wiriafrb ........ ~23W~ f octo!y Rellat. .. .. • '3 000 .... c.. •20,895 • All Siar Mariano RiYUS (pictured), Leah O'Brien-Alnico {Olympic Gold Medalist) and LA~ Al.a Cora uliliu Frozen Ropes techniques. s.cwci.y, •• 26, 2003 At 20o/o off WITH THIS COUPON LUNCH & DINNER ' i Siri;;;& PLUSil!ARPET · *8'' • lns*l lflith Pad., 1,, · INSTAU.EDI 111 • M1n1nun eo "Ylldt tc1 A T~ 1e• x 18" ......................................... , ...... ! •.•••..•.• '4.8 ~t c.-m 'Tie ................ _ ............................................ ~-u eqt. ~ Ytt>c:Jcl ................................................. t'lllller:ltont '4.M aql ...... "Doi,..,.... SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'A '-:t'c:::'..'J::'!,:•Senllf The R.t:PnM.l Bunyon, 3209~~ =5-0210 7:30 om Troditionol 9omQ:>n~ 9om Olurc:h "SchoOI l lom Chorisrnotic ond Wedi.day Noon ST. Mill PRF.sBYTEJUAN CHURCH Worship 9:30 A ~1111011 of riv Allr;hr1111 Co1•111fl1111111 IKJ!WfNG OUR FAJTH: WVfNG CHRIST AND SEJMNG 01.!R C0.4/Ml '/\"!TY The RC"V'd 1'nt1 D Harna. Rnror SUNDAY ~Hl:.OL'IJ 8 am Holy Eucharut 9 am · Sunday 5chool/Aduh Bible ~tudv 10 am · Choral Eudwm NURJlR>' CARt A>;m.ABU TEMPLE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUNTY'S FllENDUEST SYNAGOGUE PRESEHTS A 4-WEEK COURSE OF ADUU EDUC.ATION (949)548-6900 4 2401 llYIME AVE., lltwPOll lfAOf 91.«twr. ....... , ........ "FOR THE WEAK AFTER EASTER" (Revdanon S:Jl-13) ~'S ht a'f1 •U'-llU\M lf S-day. Aflnl 26. lOOJ, S:JO PM. s-cbiy, Apnl 27, 200J. l:JO le IO:IS AM. W~ Njpt 8tbk Scwfr 1:00 PM. A + •A Cod-uncmd paiUb communiry, insuuctcd by the Word of God and tcncwcd "'Che Sacrament/ Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Visu Drive Newport BQch, California 926()() (949)6«-0200 Fai (949) 644-1349 Riv. Monsip>r William P. Md.aughlin P~nor LITURGIES: Satwday, 5 p.m. (Cantor), Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Contemporary) 10:00 (Choir), • J J :30 Lm. (Cantor) and 5:00 p.m. (C.Onwn~} ' , f All Greenery, /J-pr'~ I" Trees, Florals /'f-ift1Jer'~ 30°/o OFF · pf\) Thru Apti/26, 2003 . • Fane furniture at designer prica! · Everything at below Waichousc pricea! Ne'1i merdwidise arrives daily! --· m • \ 11 I 111 l Ill". I Newpon Centa United Methodist Chwdi Rev. Cathleen CootS, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. comer of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 8am Quiet Worship Service JOam Worship and Children's SunJay School Youth meeting ~tltiy I l I 111 I<\' Newport Harbor Lutheran Church (a.LC.A.) ., .. Dov..-Dr. Newport hllch Trwclltlonal Lutberan Pastor o.vtd Monge Wontttp ~ wtth Holy Communion SundllY 9 :1 S am .... ,, ......•...• 1259 ~iotorla Street Ce1t1 Mett, CA 92627 S1d1y •~"'i"t Hrviee at 7:00 PM • ....... .,. 1., ... Telepk .. (714) S39·1127 E••ll R8MCCOui1t.ail.11t FIRST CHURCH OF CHRJST,SCIENTIST 3303 VkJ Lido Nawpcrt Beach 673--1340 or 673-6150 • Cl\wd'l 10 om • 6 pm. Sunday School 10 am ~~fJOlllll M•SA VllRD• UNITED METHOOCST CHURCH t701 8eker, C.M. WOl"8hlp & Church School 8:30 8IMI 10:00 e.m. (714) 979--8234 Or Rlchlrd Glorgt Rev Stepl\anlt TOO(! Senior Mlnlsttr VO\lth Mrnlstlr CluUt Church By the Sa United M«hodm 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport &act. a. o a.m. Adult Swwk7 School S:JO at 10..... '1'"""1p • ..s Oald..... Swiday Schoel The Rn. Dr. c-tp 1l cn.p. Putor ~9)67J.3IOS _...._ t I 11\ I\ I I \ ., -------, r r ... For The Advertising News WOnhlp 11:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRllTIAH CHURCH (Dlaclpln of Cltrtst) 2401 lmN In. Newpot1 leK•, CA (949) 141·5711 Mllfalr. Or. Dlllll lllllt ....... ~ ............... , ... 14c14(9et) lr.mfll\e ... a.a• lk All Oiid flf Olil.Scilllil .... ,, PREST Contilued from Al 30 dmel <Mr two )Uri. 1be vlc:dm WU about 13 yeart okl then and WU sent by b1a faaiOy for coumeting aealont With ~ becaule be bad "l» havior problema and problema with alcohol," according to the complaint The victim told omctals that ~ns touched hlm inappmprl- ately and engaged in sexual acis durtng these coumellng ses- sions. Proeecuton say they also , talked to three other vlctbna who told omdala cyons had molested them. .. . "The three other victhns cor- roborated the evidence we al- ready had," said Michelle Emard. spokeswoman for the OrJnge County district attorney's omce. The report says I¥>ns also molested the victim~ brother and that the two men reported the alleged crimes to a repre· aenradve of the Catholic Church fn 1995. The victims said they had at least three meetings with Catholic Oiurcb oftidal& Martin Benzoni. pastor of St. John the Baptist Oiurch. de· OFF Continued from Al Channel Islands. FaJt.h bas won two trophies. It came In second one year and fifth another year, Bruna Burbidge said. "'Jb1s time, we have a total of six on board." she said. Her friend Lorraine Moon said she enjoys the event every year. Her husband. Daml Moon. WU on board Faith du.ring last year's 8269~ dined comment 'Ibe ~of Onnp releued a ICltement uy- tng 8'lhap 1bd Brown pllCed ~ oo~leave af. ter bearina about the IDeptkm from the Con Meia vlctim. "It ii heart-wrenching that a priest may have eOpaed In lllCb ~ milc:onduct warranting Criminal dwpl and U1 arrest.. the bishop l&kl In the atatement. •it is our llncere hope that the ty&tem of juatlce wll1 be upheld." ~DI WU held in <;.olta Mesa Jail on Friday even1ng in§ $100,000 bail. He "echeduled be arraigned Tuelday at Justice Center ID Newport If convicted, ~na 6'ces up to year1 and eight mon~ fn prison. P.nwd said. Sil.ek kid ft ii aJwaya a c!W-... lenge for the police when crfnlWJ are reported aeYenJ yean afWJ1 .they occur. . ' "With time, memories can '°b9) eroded/ be said. "It could be!:> problem, but I don't know If ~h .. wW be a problem in this cue. II( • DE.EPA IHAAA1lf cove,. publlc v safety end courta. She may be reached et (949) 574-4228 Of by I I' 1, , •mellet , .. , I dH1Ja.bh•rathtllatimeu:om. .. , , race. The mired couple bas lived ,, ,, aboard thefr sailboat lo the I OWlnel Islands for the last 13 1 she said " 1' years. -,. "This race Is great because. ftl)l of all, It's just beautifUl out here, ' ' she said. "And then. when we go' '· to Fnsenada. we party with the sailors and just relax. lt'a perfect." • DEEM BHARAllt CXM1r1 public aefety and courts. She mav be reached et 1949) 574-4226 or by e-mallet d«Jpa.bharath @i.time&com. CALIFORNIA JUICE CAFE OPEN AT EASTBLUFF VILLAGE CENTE C.llfomlA /11lu CA/I will open Monday at l!otblult Village Cenwr in Newport Beach. From brealclast to dJnner or • snack in between, C4llfimc1A J11ia C11fl will have something to satisfy your hunger in e healthy and quick wey. TM frltlndly 6lalf Is rNdy to WW you at CalfomM Juice c.M. Start your day off right with snacks to Its cusklalers. With 18 breakfast et C.llfondA /Ida C.fl franchised st.ores in Souther?;\ iJ and~ energized with a variety California and 40 stores in ttR of fresh squeezed fruit •or westtm Unih!d States, Juice~ ngetable drinks, I<ellogg'1 has a )epcy of being the heal BreUfut Blends, Quaker Oats alternative to fast lood. Ju.iQe- Breakfut Blends, fresh fruit, Stop offers blended drlnb, baked goods or chooee from the featuring all natural ingrtdientt: an•y of breakfast smoothies. fresh fruit and quality nutritionMl · The mcnw will also have an sdpplemmt:s, all of whk:h ~ 0 dlOrtmmt ol energy drinb, ta earned their brand the distincti~ I ble.nda and herbti blends. ol having a blend of pt tllSC., <Alifond11 f Nice C6fl also aerves fun and nutritional value for atf n the entire line 0£ Deidrich Colfee active lltestyle. "' •t lp«ialty d.tinb. C4Ufonth ffll« c.p will be ;( ln addition to featuring an open from &.JO a.m. to 8 p.irut I? otenslve menu of nurly 30 daily. Por more lnfonnation a.a " dutlc blends, ice blends, tea (9'9) 6'0-0630. , iJ blends, fresh fruit, hot SD\OOthies, Eastblu.ff Village Ce.nter ta ' teUOnal drinb and other srwcb located et Vista dd Oro and1 perfect for meals on the go, vi.ta dd Sol off EMtblu/f ~ 1, c.Ilftm1U. Jiik:. Clllf' will abo Newport Bac:h. The ccn " ollu .freth. pre-wrapped foodt la anchored by b,,,., and s-).1 , tuch u Crisp Nladi, halthy 0. Drwp, M ~ • hint ~ n •ndwkhe:und hot~· star., .mo. and ~~1 0 While he.Jthy eating ts part of For more Wormat:lon. vbli Southttn Calilomla'• lifntyle, www.shopThtlrvinl!Company.axn. Clllifoirri• /Ida c.f' eaten to -I I L fJ r) (J :> .(J r . } ,j lJ Saudly, Apt'll 26. 2003 Al 1 v flow to tnake the perfect 111atch -. ~ationship expert Cynthia Freeman will lead tWb se~ars in Costa Mesa in June on finding ~right significant other. cir•• Wiison systems don't always match. Oahy Pilot . . "We are animals built to When passionate relationships end in disagreement and couples can't figure out why, it may be because nature has an agenda au its own. Humans mate by smell, not with the.bead, personal development coa'th Cynthia Freeman said. People sniff out partneNt with the opposite immunities as their own, sh~d Through this process of natUral selection, offspring have 1he best,chance of survival. But vdlue procreate, although that is not why we get married anymore," she said. ""lrst, we pick our partners on an organic level, and then life gets in the way." To solve some of I.he differences nature fails to consider, Freeman ~designed two intense 12-hour seminars, "Seeking Singles" and "Passionate Partners." Forcing single peqple and couples to be more honest about their relauonships, panicipants take a hard look. at their values and belief systems, she said. While Freeman says she bas saved rpany maniages. 8onie couples come to her seminar engageli and then decide to break up. Grateful to save themselves the heartache and expense of a wedding. they make a conscious, not reactionary, decision that the relationship is not what they want, she said. ln those cases. Freeman said couples tell her, "lf we got married, we would have both just spent the whole time trying to fix each other.· After years of leading seminars in management and corpomte team building. executives began to ask Freeman's advice on their personal relationships.. Relationships are the cause of the greatest wounds, Freeman said, but they are also the ltey to success in FYI -Cynthia Freeman·will be leading two seminars. "Seeking Singles" - on June 7 and .. Passionate Partners" on June 8. Both take place from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Westin South Coast Plaza. 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 707-4613. almost ariy field. "Al the core of all the work I do. 11 is all about improving and building the be~t relationship'>. whelher with a boss. employee. children. parem .. or a spouse,·· she said. When people express h,JV111g problems at woric. Freerrum ...ud one of the first areas she ClG11nu1l'" is their 'iituation at home. See MATCH, Page Al 5 '/Raymond} Kobler brought a level of professionalism to the string section, unity. sound and focw - he's made a big difference solidifying the string section. It's ama::.ing what5 happen ed.· Jim Medvltz, vice president of strategic planning and special projects for the symphony ~TESY Of HENRY DI ROCCO ertrnaster Raymond Kobler leads the violins of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. :A lead.er and a mentor By .$uzle Harrison · A U he has to do is walk across the street for his job as concertmaster for the Pacific Syn)phony, but it is where his shoes ha~ been during the past 40 years t.baLbcinp global experience to the ~c Symphony. ..\Dd talldng to those who know hbmakes It clear that they are lopldng forward to Raymond Kohler's upcoming perfonnance as a soloist for the Padftc Symphony's upcbming concert May 7 and 8 at the Orange County Performing Arts Ce:f\ter. Jim Medvltz. vice president of ltrllegic planning and speciaJ pldfects for the symphony. said the contttt series bas gone throt.tgb a ~e uansttion s.lnce Kobler ~aboard TODAY Violinist Raymond Kobler has served as an inspiration to many members of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra •tcotier has brought his re&ident Alice Wrate, a vioUnist for experleooe and training. He's the symphony. "He has so much worked with some of the greatest experience, bis role has been as a conductors." Medvltz said. "He's mentor to the string section.• brought a level of profe$$1onalism to He has been a translator between the string section, unJty. sound and the conductor and the string focus -he's made a big difference teetJon, a great leader and the solidifying the string section. ft'a sound of the strlnp has really amazing what's happened." blossomed because of Kobler, she He also said he bas been a great said advocate for the otdlestra and •Qit1a, muskialu. everyone bas classical music for the community. said that dley agree.· Wrote said ·1 bad been playlng with the JCobJer, concertmaster and orchestra for four years when be principal violinlst with the came into the picture -he bu Jent symphony for the last four years. a lot to the on:bestra. the wttdom he mnaim modest about his lmpa.JU ls amazing. .. said Newport acbJevementa.· Earlier this month, Kobler wdS honored as Outstanding Individual Artist at the 2003 Arts Orange County Awards. receiving the award for his exemplary artisuc/musical accomplishments. his msparation to others and his contribuuon to cultural Ufe in Orange County ·rve been lucky enough to work. with great orchestras. which has been instrumental in bringing my experiences to others.~ Kobler said "So 1 am lmpartlng that to that extent. as well as from my teacher, Josef Gingold, one of the moSt respected teachers. who srudied with Eugene Ysaye. - Ysaye was the greatest v\otini t or the early 19005, Kobler said. •He was able to impart a lot of history and knowledge." Kobler said. SM LEADER. ha• A.15 TUESDAY Cynthia Freeman has designed two intense 12-hoor seminars on finding the nght mate. THEATER OCC revives Jean Kerr's work 'Poor Richard' By Tom TitU$. S omewhere bad: in the mid-19605, be1wren the mconsequencial comedy of WMary, Mary" and the folksy novel "Please Don't l'Alt the Daisies." playwright Jean K.t>rr tested the waters. lf ever so .,hghtly. of senous lheater. The result was lhe qua. .. 1-drama "Poor Richard.- Ab<;ent from the local theater scene for more than three decades. ·11oor Rid:wd" has returned a\ a project of the Orange Coast LoUege Repertory Theater under the direcoon of siudent Michael Cavinder. who retains the pL1y's firm roots in the '60s in an enjoyable. if somewhat unevm production. ·me "Richard. of the title is a thin1¥ disgwsed approximation of Dytan Thomas. a poet from an unnamed pan of the British t'iles revered for his lyrical tribute to his late wife. bu1 a man who noW compounds writer's block with a drinking problem. On top of I.hat is an O\.'efriding feeling of guilt that he rnamed his wife for capital gain ralher than love. rran .. planted to Neo.v York's Greenwich Village by his American agent -who tnexplicabty assigns the secretary he tum.self has a crush on to assast this rakish L'hanner, whom she's admired since her girlhood -Richard revm in the art o1 disconnection. The stage ls set for some romantic fireworks. but Kerr ~ too polite to lead her character"S too far afield Probably the play's biggest ftaw IS est.ablish.ing the poet as a raging drunk - and then not allowmg him an actor's dream <;eene to display this weakness. Nevertheless.. Ben Draper excels in the tide role with an iroruc wit and a aedibAe accent. which serve him weD as be attempts to establish his compticaUd character. As the adoring secrecuy. Kade McGuirt' falls unusually 6at early on. only to catt:b fire in the third act ~ this is an old three-act play) when she wrestles with her f~ and Richards -and~ ID tbe bottle herself. By ~oking her Inner Ores sooner nt1brr than ~wrhll swordplay. at wbic:h boch she and her character are OYenDatdlled. McGuire could amplify her oomaII dlect. Angel c.om. plays the...,. ... hyperactive worry wart, wbk:b lp.ll'I the patt of his &c:ftleS. Hit bat momerm aime near the p&ay., end. when he impb"el the poet to rdease his hakt on the ..... be loves. HJs interpretNe lkill 8eih our lbe social l09er undtmmtb the hlab-pcw'ed ~ A Time mtprine ~ 'It*' IO • .. [.• I, ·~ i v ., • • . I ,, 1 ., I• • . I J A12 Sabldly, April 26, 2003 THE CROWD A celebration of survival I t WU Ill emodon8l day at tbe me,•• Carter said. -'Ibey took the Newport Beach Marriott manen.,. mey were faced wlth Hotel 1be 20th annual and reecbed out to others." Rainbow of Hope luncheoo and CMter went on to say that one fasbion show produced by the of her moet polplant memories Newport Harbor alumnae of of her aon Garrett's ordeal with Delta Delta Delta attracted more cancer tnduded his comments than 200 right before a swim meet. .-------. gue$CS to CJise .Not having.my hair will make funds for me swim fast.er,• Garrett said. pediatric Garrett suMved cancer, has cancer grown up and graduated from resean:h and UC lMne. Ashley also suMved. support. "Thank you ao much on behalf Mtt I . . .•of all She chikb:en," Michelle . c.ta', a Carter said. •Bwey dollar' and mother of two every hour contributed to figbt children pediatric cancer makes a diagnosed d.i.fference. .. B. W. COOK wtth pediatric The luncheon fashion snow, cancer shared chaired by Wendy Sbltr with her story. Tuars O<JWM in the support from SI-. Wlcbler, audience at the Maniott Dlmn I.educ. 1henu Sperle, •If not for the efforts of two Dawn s.tber, Dr. Sue Cm. doctors, my children would not Debbie Gn71tOu. lad Contlmt. be alive today,• c.arter told the Heidi Ptb•w+m, Mmprtta crowd McLmghlln......, Dr. MJtchell c.alro of e.umprtner, a.ryt Columbia UnJversity, New Yott. Butta MN1h and Michele and Dr. Stuart Siepl at Jobmon raised $16,000, which Oilldren's Hospital of Los Angeles will be donated to the Pediatric were praised by Carter for Cancer Research Foundation. helping to save her son Genett Attending the event, which and her daughter Alhley, both included fashJons provided by stricken with pediatric cancer. stores at Fashion Island and Garrett Carter was diagnosed modeled by TH Delta alumnae a t the age of 8, and some yea.rs and their children, were Clndy later, Ashely Carter was Budde, PMlla DlcboJl. s.nh diagnosed with cancer at age 15. Grlftln. Mlrt smptn>, Patricia MJcheUe Carter shared her and S'buon 'letrault and Patti anguish with the audience, Edwards. tempered by an overriding optimism. • na: ~appears Thul'9days ·My children never asked 'Why and Saturdays. Posing together are friends and supporters Sharon Wohl, Patti Edwards, Heidi Frazee, Andrea Betzler and Polly Culp. ( di:i ~ ustom Home~ ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing feesll Lot cost included. 111/ • Construction loans as low as prime, fixed for up to 12 months. • Low rates for purchase, re-fi & no cost equity lines. 9.19 ::·,<' . Jj ·Ground up, rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs. 15 Years in Orange County. 1).fE LENrilNG GROUP • 38'8 C8ITiplJ9 Dr.1210, Newpoft 8Mch. CA 92660 Family Arts Day Spring Festival Sunday, April 27, 2003 12:00-4:00 p.m. FREE ADMISSION! Children and their funil ics arc invited for a day of learning and fun! Explore arts and culture from around the world through art-making workshops and pcrformanc.cs. Listen to folk talcs and stories from Latin America presented by Ysamur Flores. Complimentary snacks and ·balloons arc provided. This event is part of Imagination Celebration of Orange County. ' Orange County Museum of An 850 San Clemente Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 759-1122 www.oana.net I l DW/Piot •Wl!DDIWGSNIO INCMGQitENTI run ,, SMurdeyt. f'Or a form, plea" • cell Coral Wilson at (IM9) "' 67-M298. MEPHISIGM ? THE WORID'S RNEST WALKING SHOES ' ...... CHOlt CONClltT i!'e .~Mela High School t..TIOer epltng ~ .Folt Songs "'the Woltd:" will be given at 7 t-m. Mondllv 9t N9Wp0t't Mesa Chrltdln Center. The coneett will be performed bv the ftve cholra of the high 8Cftool under the df rec:don of Jon Undfora and 9CCilt>m11**11d bv Kathryn KJeln. tonga, Which come from , Mexico, South Afri~ ..,,!\Ml.,. ann Macedonia, wlll be In EnglW\ and In their lnaf languages. The grand will be the combined cholra nglng "Th9 Battle t-fymn of the bile;" Tidteta for the concert be purd\aled at the high oof'• ntodated student body ndow or at the door. The rt·Mffa Christian Center la at Fair Drive end Newport Boulevard. For more information, call the high l<hool et (714) 424-8700. ' ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL The aecond Orange County Poetry Futlval is going on through the month of April with a variety of events throughout Orange County. For information about eventa end locations. call (714) 664-6526 or visit www.OCl)Ntryfestiv•l.com. Moat eventa are ftee. MUSIC JAZZ BY FRANK POTENZA Gultarilt, composer and educator Frank Potenza malcea hla Scott's f -seafood Jazz Ctub debut wtth the Shelly Berg Quartet featuring Red Holloway today at 7:30 and 9-.30 at Founder'• Hall. Tidteta are $46 for the late ahow and $49 f0t the •rtv performance. The Center la 600 Town Center Drive, Costa esa. For more information, call 14) 740-7878. ~·s ORQUESTAATAGON r the rich sounds of Orqueata : Aragon at 8 p.m. May 3 et the : ••relay Theatre. For more than 60 ~rs. this legendary ensemble ,.....Jlaa introduced the sounds of Cuban jazz to countries around the world. Ttdteta are $35 and $29 and are available through the Barcley box office at (949) 854-4646. sount COAST PLAZA'S APRILMUSIC The Push plays world music on today, and Keny Getz plays pop on Sunday at South Coast Plaza. All performances are et 2 p.m., except the April 6 perfonnance, whictt la et 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza ia at 3333 Bear St, Co.ta Mesa. Call (714) 432-7864. IL lROVATORE Opera Pacfflc present.a Verdi'• ·11 Trovatore" in Segerstrom Hall. Pefformaocee are et 7:30 p.m . Monday through May 4, with a Sunday show at 2 p.m . Tidtets .. 112010 *25. The~ County Pwform6ng Ml c.ar .. • eoo Town Center o.tw. lnformldon: (714) 648-eOOO. WNNEll DEUGHr ~ CMetopher O'fU19v,. Ven CNbum medaA9t. we. perlom\ • with ~from tM P8dftc Symphony In "Vltnneee Delight." pert of dte c.f6 Ludwig at Founder's Halt ..... The ~laat2p.m. Sundey. Founden Hall It. tM Orange County P9tionnlng Arb Center, 800 Town Center Drfve. Tiet~ are $36 and $45. lnfonnatlon: (7t4175M799. ~IEMITY' The Pacific Symphony plays a prog,.m of Aulelan WOtb on May 7 and I 9t the Orange County ~Ing Alta Center.' TJle dtvertlmento from Stravtnsky't "The fairy KM7 writlen on the 35th innlvereary of T~tdeath,and Prokofiev'• Violin Concafto No. 1 Pf'9()ede T~t •SMn lake" ballet aulte. Tidteta cost from $19 to $69. The Center la et 600 Town Center Drive, eoet. Mes.a. lnfonnation: (714) 766-5799. MARC-ANDRE tWEUN Canadian planitt end compoMr Man>Andre Hamelin will perfocm at 7:30 p.m. May 8 in Founders . Hall. Herbert Glass wiH give a preview at 6:46 p.m. Tidtets are $49. Foundeta Han is et the Orange County P9rfonning Alta Center. 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 766-6799. NEILSEOAKA Pop legend Neil Sedak.a joina the Pacific Symphony opt In c:onoert In 5egerstrom Hall et 8 p.m. May 9 and May 10. Tidteta co.t $26 to $80. Segerstrom Hall is et the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Meaa. Information: (714) 75&-5799. PMISSA NtJO THE OASTAN ENSEMBLE The Philharmonic Society of Orange County is preaenting the Pariasa and Daste" Eneemble in concert et 7 p.m. May 11 et the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tldtets cost $100, $59, $65, $40, $29 and $19 et can be purchased at the Center'• Box Office at (714) ~TWI. The Center Is et 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. OCC SYMPHONY The Orange Coast College's Symphony will dose Its 42nd eeason at 7:30 p.m. May 11 wtth a performance featuring worb by composera Muuorg1ky, Rave! and Beethoven. The concert II In OCC'• Robert e. MOOnl ThMtnt. ll<*eb are $10 to $6 and are available at the Community Education Office. Information: (714) 432-5880. occ "at 2701 Fairview Road. CostaMeN. SOPRANO 1SA8E1. BAYRAl<DMIM Soprano INbel Bayrakdarlan wlft debut In the Orange County Performing Arts Center's Voices In Song ..n .. et 7:30 p.m. May 10 in Founder'• Hall. Sh9 won ftm prize In the p~ Pladdo Domingo 2000 •0pera11a• competition. Tidteb .,. seo and T1'e .oft faldl d~ ..... ......,._ CDfM ii\ .. ,.,, fllllrtc:I ........ ,.... COM•,__,. STREET DANCERS , . . are available at the Center box office or onllne at www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 756-5799. TCHAIKOVSKY'S 'SWAN LAKE' BAU.ET Conductor Cart St Clair leads the Pacific Symphony Orchestra in excerpts from Tc:tialkovaky's •swan lake" at 3 p.m. May 10 as part of the orc:tiestra's Clauical Connections aeries. Tidteta are $32 to $50. Orange County Parforming Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Information: (714) 755-5799. .OCC'S GUrTAR ENSEMBLE Orange Coa11 College's Guitar Ensemble, under the direction of The State Street Ballet of Santa Barnar a win perfOfm "Balroom, • a salute to the swing era, on May 3at the Orange Coast College Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road. COURTESY Of OAANGE COAST COi.LEGE Joe Poshek, will perform a col)Cert at 8 p.m. May 10 In OCC's Fine Arts Recital Hall. Tldtets are $7 to $5. OCC Is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432--6880. MUSIC AT THE TEE ROOM The Martt Davidson Trio, with Ron Eadlete on guitar, performs at 8 p.m. Fridays at ttie Tee Room. 3100 Irvine Ava., Newport Beach. $10 cover. (949) 756-0121. JAZZTRtO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment et 8SO Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio~ e>l'M8nta Monday Night Jama from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "w.ntad" ~na inctuc:M guitar pfayera, beat pf ayers, tJngera, drumtnef'a, keyboardists and other'I et 100 Main St, Newport Beac:h. "-9. (949) 875-neo. IU-.A GWA WEEKEND JAZZ. Watt. lakot.e and ()avid Alcantar, the New York Jau Connection Duo, play et Mamma Gina et 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport et 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m:Sundaya and Mondays. Diana Ditti join• the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 573-9500 MUSIC AT TKE GRIJ.: The Btuewster Gntl offers live music Friday end~ nights. Greg Morgan, Nidt Pepec' and Kelty Gofdien (known aa MPG) perfonn claalC rodr. R&B and IWing et 8:30 p.m. Frldays. MaNln Gt9gory and MPG will perlorm d8llic rc>c*. swing and R&.8 at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Udo Part Drive, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 676-3474. MUSIC AT THE PEUCAH The Rusty Petlcan offens the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday end Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 273S W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mes.a. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. ~. Act• 26. 2003 AU ~MD FLAMENCO Tai. 5, a~ rodl and Motown Kt. petfonne at 9 p.m. Saturdays et Ca"'*<>'a Rhleofante. 3620 E. Coett Highway, Corona def Mar. Soto guitarist Ken Sandel'I perlonn9 daak:al flamenco tuMI et 7:30 p.m. 1'uMdaya and Sundays. Free. (949) 876-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&8 Gerald llhlbahi and the Stone Bridge Band play rodt and R&B et 9 p.m. Seturdaya et Sutton ~ Hotel's Trianon Lounge .. 4500 MacArthur Btvd., Newport Beactt. free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'INTO THE WOODS' The Newport Hatix>r High Theatre Atta Department will pteSent •into the Woode" at 2 p.m. today at the Robert B. Wantz Theetre. at 15th Street and Irvine Avenue. Newport Beedl. Tlckets are $20. lnformatlon: (9"49) 51!H>34l IMPftOV AT OCC Orange Coast College is presenting a unique and hilarious improvisalional prodUdion under the dtredion of OCC theater ·professor Alex Golson. The 40-to 60-minute production is modeled after the popular improvisational TV show. '"Whose Line is it Arrywayr Performances are sdleduled for 6 p.m May l2 and 1 p.m. May 13 in the Orama Lab. Adm1sslon is free. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa For 1nformat1on, call (714) 432-5640 ext. 5 'RELATIVELY SPEAKING' ·Relatively Speaking· will be performed at the South Coast Repertory at the Jultanne Argyros Stage through Apnl Tic:kets cost from $19 to $54. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Onve in Costa Mesa For t1c:kets call (714) 7o8-5555 or visit www scr.org. 'INTIMATE APPAREL' South Coast Repertol"/ will premiere Lynn Nottage s See HOURS. Paee A14 SAVE 25-50°/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory ... .... . ~ ~-.. --...................... .....,....~- Low Fixed Rate e DOWNEY SAVIJ\TGs for7Yeanl 4.750" '··" ....... .,... a.. ..... _ ... ..,.., ~ ........ _.,. .... , • · Single-family residence to $822, 700 • 4 units to $620,500 .· - -- Contirud from Al3 "lndmete ~;.drama eout an Alrtc:an American ..am.,... In 1808. her diWfgeflt .. Md the low ehe finds 1tvough her i.a.ra. on the Segeratrom _.through May 18. Tide• coit.,. to -South Co.t Bepettory 11 tt eM Town, Center DrM In Q>lta Meea. for ~cell (7M) 708-~ orvlelt • ~«:r.Otg; 'POOR RICHMD' Jeen Ken''a bltl.wsweet 1964 romantic comedy "Poor Richard" endt fta nm on Sunday in Orange COMt Coflege't Drema L.b Studio. Cu11aln la 8 p.m. • Seturdeye and 2 end 7 p.m. on Sundays. Tldtett are $8 end f'1 • Md be purchaMd by calllng (714) 432-6840, OCC la at 27ot. Fairview Roed, Com Mesa. '8HERLOCK HOLMES' lN SONG "Shettodc Holmee & the G'8nt Rat • of Sumatra; • umv musical by Tim Kelty end Jedc Shertdev, will be staged Mav 8 through 11 end 16 through 18 In the Drama Lab Theetre et Orange Coast Community College. Pwfonnancet Witt be at 8 p.m. Thuf'9days through Saturdays and 2 p.m . on Sundays. Advance tidceta cost $10 for adults and $1 for students end seniors. l1cbta will be $12 and $8 at the door. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Roed, Costa Mesa. lnformatlon: (714) 432-5880. ART 'ZINE SCENE' • ,, "'. /II!~. ;t. (. Don't Forget the "Zlne Scene,• an exhibit of zlnes organized by the Cranbrook Art Museum, will be on display through Sunday at the Orange County Museum of Art's Satellite Gallery, South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. Zlnes ere publication• -like magazines - created by people or small groups. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m . Saturday and 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. Free. (949) 769-1122. Home Tourl Next Thursday, May 1st 1 O:OOam to 3 :OOpm Tour six spectacula homes, a beautiful garden and have lunch on the bayl Tickets are $45 each and are a~llable at: Brett's Photo Express. 287 E. 17th St. (949) 722-0611 The Butera Home Collectton, 1745 Westcllff Dr. (949) 650-8570 Sponaored by COLDWC?U BAN~C?R L] Lifetime Warranty Carpet $199 Lifetime Warranty '••loate lifetime Warranty Ceramic OCC ART AUCTION Art that will be auctioned to benefit Orange Coat College's Frank M. Doyle Arts Pavilion wlli be on display today, Sunday and May 1 and 2 at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd. will have an art auction to benefit the college's Frank M. Doyle Arts Pavilion. OCC will h~d Its benefrt auction from 6 to 9 p.m . May 3 in the lobby of the college's new S16-million Arts Center. Information: (714) 432-5707. 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKE.RS' Bredford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County ert acene that are making a difference in Its evolution at an artist's reception from 8 to 9 p.m . M•v 17. The exhibition will run through June 15 at the Blue I' • Pianist Marc-Andre Hamelin will make his Center debut at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in Founders H~ll. 600 Town Center Drive. This extraordinarily accomplished artist will perform Mozarfs Sonata No. 10 in C major, Schumann's Fantasiestilcke, selections from Szymanowski's 20 Mazurkas and Albenits Iberia, Book Ill. Tickets are $49 .. , 'J~ 1 .... ,. ,. -and on sale now at the Center box office. For information, call (714) 556-2746. .. t1 " u.t "' ..... '---------------------"''"' Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 548-1101. DANCE THE BAU.ET MONTMARTE The Ballet Montmarte will present a mixed program of classical and contemporary ballet works at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Barclay Theatre, 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. Tidcets are $18 and are available only at the Barclay box office. Reservations: (949) 854-4646. 'ENEMY BEHlND THE GATES' Phlldanco, a Philadelphia dance company, is bringing the ballet ·enemy Behind the Gates· to the Irvine Barclay Theatre at 8 p.m. today. Tidcets are $35 and $30, half price for full-time students with valid ID. Information: (949) 854-4646. SWING ERA SALUTE The State Street ballet of Santa Barbara will perform "Ballroom,# a salute to the Swing Era, at 8 p.m. May 3 at Orange Coast College's Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tidcets cost from $37 to $31. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5880. STUDENT DANCE CONCERT o,..nge Coast College's Dance Department will host its 40th annual Student Dance Concert at 8 p.m. today at the Robert B. M oore Theatre, featuring • n •• modern, jazz, tap, ballet, Middle ., .• , Eastern and flamenco dance. , .. 1 Tidcets are $13, for information, ' call (714) 432·5880. OCC is at 2701 '' '' • Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. FIESTA LATINA CELEBRATION • Orange Coast College will stage" • its fourth annual Fiesta Latina Celebration on May 8 and 9. One-hour public performances are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. May 8 and 10:30 a.m . and noon May 9 at the Robert B. Moore Theatre. Admiuion la free. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5506, ext. 4. THE EIFMAN BALLET The dynamic and innovative Eifman Ballet of St. Petersburg returns under the direction of ' I Bori Eifman in "Tchaikovsky -, , ,, The Mystery of Life and Death" May 16 through 18 at the Orangd ' • • County Performing Arts Center, ) ' • I 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Tidcets cost $20 to $65 and are available at the Center box office or by calling (714) 740-7878. PRIMA BA1J.ERINA CYNTHIA GREGORY 't• I I 'J • ''c . ,, " ,. Prima ballerina Cynthia Gregory •1 will be the featured speaker at Ballet Pacffica's inaugural Signature Event at 11 a.m. May 15 in the Grand Ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport. The • .., • gala luncheon will be a retrospective of Gregory's l)ANSK DINNERWARE Your Table is Set! •) t'•· l) I.JI llf i.<1 00 lit} l,.Jl ... , •'"' II, t .111 7"1c J . tl'J ,I{ , ,,, • J:.C ,.,J. ,,,,, ; , ,,, ~·1:• " 1 ,/ ... I' •1 ! , ... i. I .. ,, . , 't1 ,, ... , ) I . ' .. , :t:: from Al 1 ugh.tout everybody's best iraits. and that's what one tries to do when one -is bring out each in . dual.. Ko Jet said he was honored that colleagues thought of him Its mentor. ·r been playing with the orcb tra for 17 years." Robert Sch tzky of Newport Beach said. t:ay is an Incredible player with incredible amount of experience from being with the San Francisco Orchestra for 18 years. He treats the rest of the musicians as equab and with res~" Continued from Al I do a story on the celebrated wordsmith b nicely played by David Reider. The show's predomlnant display of pyrot.ecbnics. however. comes in a brief but biting cameo by Jennifer Drake as the writer's embittered slster-in·law. incensed by Richards refusal to attend his late wifes memoriaJ rites. Set in OCCs Studio Theater, where scenic etfects often veer toward the bare minimum, "Poor Richard" offers a splefldidJy designed and delaiJed setting created by Andrea Mueller. Andrew Vonderschmltt's weD-dlosen lighting effects enhance the shows physical charm. "Poor ruchard" is not one of the plays for which the recently deceased Jean Kerr will ultimately be remembered. Yet the 00:: production has Its moments of clarity-primarily from Draper and Drake -which succeed in touching the senses. • TOM TTTlJS' ootumns run Thursdayl and Sewrdaya. BA.BY ROOMERS ARE 8UYING SECOND HOMES FOR RECREATION AND RETIREMENT Last November. the Nauonal As ,ociat100 of Realtors concJocted the largest survey to date on the second home and vaclltion home sector. Nearly ·1 oopoo second homeowner• wer• surveyed and the resuhs wc~very~~. M opposed to carber JWVe)'I. most second homcowncn (SI%) havo owned thell' ICQond hemes for vound 9 yean. use their bonfe eolcly for lbcir own recrauon. and many ( 18''» plan 10 retire In them. Where previout demollfllPb:ics showed second bomeow~rs to be ln their mid fcwtiel from tbe hi&best income bracket, the avenae tecond bomcowneT now is 6 l years old. with a bou•ehoJd mcoroe of $77,000 per year. ThuC 1tatl1tlc1 abow lhac the mmet i• now t>elna primarily driven by middle clau baby boomln. SltK• ICCCflt chanae• in the econont~. many ti.by boomcn .... • to pW daC1r .. vi.n .. into rt•I ctlat• where tbe ap d.Uori po1enti.t ti 11ill v Scocb fllld .... .,.,.... lyeobeu~ for MQonill ...,..,.. llaAa chNe co five ye1t1 .,o. 8ecMM of ddJ ~-~ ......s '°' leCCJDd homo'~. median pricce '°'° M{y' 271' between l999 and 2001. So if you lf'O loot.lni to tiay ot llreedy o.wn a ~ home. you u-.......... Vl'l'J to•~ on.. 171ii of thoeo ~-.. fell .., b.td cude • "'"' ....,.....,.. Md en ...,.,,, .. ..., dldalon. LylMD ud Jeff have I « llHUYc )'WSol.-a-- expoiiHFI ift NeW'p911 8eadl • ... ,, .............. . "" .......... ~,.... ...................... •• c.-. "*·~.C ..... ....... (M)'9N'M. ,.. ..... ,,. aim ....... .. " ........ ,.... ,. ... .... ' ~ "'We are Ill put of the human race, we haw the same bale needs and we aD put our pllltl • oo one leg It a time.• a met. "We Ill want to 1oYe. relate better and eeuhllll> ~ • Tbrougban awarene. of ooe't vaJuet, • solutions bepi to come tOt!t" In her laDlnan. FtNnml &lngJes bttak:r.u:: and couples leave a team ~She teacbea communk:adori sJcilla and tooJs for ftgbdng lair when fnevftable ~ts arise. And an the time. I.be alb questions: What a. tt that you ;. yourwelfl 11 you Ylllae fftledoir) abcM aD .. bow doei ht fll Into • n!Wionlhtpf -rb be with~ 'M get IO QU8bl up lo looking good. and oot just~· she lald. "We woct tO twd at impreailng IOrDeOOei the tell getl lost.. Many oouplet lpelMI )WR pWuUqg. weddtng but. apart from ftriandal ~Ibey doQ"'t tab the time to plan what ciomee oat-the mant.qe. 1be two eem1nars ate atmllar In many ways. But they usually end very dl&:reody. freeman 8lid. Couplea cab\ wait to I'll beck to ct\drhotel rooms, lhe ukl. NOTICE Of YACA'NQES . 11IE OTY OP NEWPOU IPACll IS CUUEN1U MX.EPl1NG APPUCATIONS ro FILL 'DIE JIOUOWING v~ <•YEA.a TUMS)a BOAllD OP UBllARY 'BUS'JU.S (TWO SEATS) OTY AIO'S COMMISSION (ONE SIAT) CML SPJMCE IOtU.D (ONE SPAT) HARBOR COMMISSION (ONE SEAT) PARKS, BF.ACHES &: RECUAllON <X>MMIMJON (ONE SEAT) PLANNING COMMISSION (TWO SPATS) t ' AlS • want to be, and who would bring But for sb:ig\es. the ewniDg has that out? Are you being true to jult~ nlE SEATS WW.. BECX>ME VACANT WHEN 11IE EXISTING TEltMS .EXPDt.E ON JUNE 30, .2003. < Schumitr.ky WU thrilled to hear that Kobler was awarded outstanding artist. •Ray ls absolutely a top-level orchestral musician and concert master, he'a been in that role for so many years, and bis experience in that role shows," Schumitzky said. "He also alts with us in the orchestra and becomes one of us easily-lt taUs a unique penion to do that." In 2002, Kobler waa a Grammy Award nominee for his work u part of a string trio on the rerording ·runeles.s lales and Music of Our nme •• but that's not his favorite · accomplishment "I've bad so many spedaJ performances as a HOURS Continued from Al 4 dancing ca~r. Including special photos of her life and film cfips of her most acclaimed perfonnances. Information: (949) 851-9930. ext 111. SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Oub. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com or call (909) 656-6119. • CQn~er. • Kobler said. ·1 was the concertmaster for the orcbestra for world peace at the 50th anniversary of the United Nations in Geneva. I participated in the opening of the Kennedy Center in 1971, and the refurbishing of the Uncoln Center In 1976, and played with the San Frandsco Symphony for the opening of the Orange County PedonningArts Center." Kobler will play Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 1 for violin and Orchestra ln D major as part of the "Russian Beauty" concert with the Paci.fie ~phony May 7 and 8 at the Orange County Performing Arts C'.enter In Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. There will be a preview at 7 p.m. both nights. ARGEHTINE TANGO Tango dancing ia offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of each month at Dantcene Studio, 2980 McClintodc Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 841-8688. BOOKS BOOKSTIIOY A groop is forming May 2 for a 1<>-week study of Debbie fofd'a best .... ing book "The Oartc Side of Ught Chaaera." The group will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. Fridays at the Center for Spiritual Diacoveiy at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 754-7399. . .. Titi DEADLINE POil FD.ING APPUCA110NS IS MO Ut ON 'f'El>NQQAJ, '"\la 2t11. · APPUCA110N BLANKS AND ADDITIONAL INPOllMA110N ~ur 80AJtDS AND COMMWJONS CAN BE O.BTAJNED FllOM 11IE OTY aaJ('& oma, 3300 NEWPORT 80ULEVAllD, OR WILL aE MAILED OR PAXED TO IDU BY CAUING ~300S. nlE APPUCATION AND INJIOBIA110N ABOtrr 11IE 8QUDS AND OOMMISSIONS CAN ALSO BE ACCFSSU> 11DtOUGH ntE cnYS WEB S1l'E ATs bapJ/....aty..DCWp011-bacia.c:a.• POR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT nm CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT ~u 300S. Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' rccommendacions? Were the recommendations misleading, premised on basd~ criteria, and fail co disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendarions? If so, you may have a case for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long cerm growth, · income, and safety of principal? Did your broker recommend unsuicablc, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concenuate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your losses a.re often recoverable and you may be entitled to punitive damages. We specialize in representing individual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. '"No~ -No Fee M21c I. Zussman, Attorney at Law USC Law School Graduate Over 29 years of Law Practice Former lo5 Angeles Deputy City Attorney Member of Public investors Arbitntion Bar Association ToD nu :.888-66}-5661; 310-ni-2250 Law Offices of Marc l. Zu.ssman 10100 Sana Monica Blvd .• 8th Floor lo5 Angeles, CA 90067 Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team Place ~'our home fina ncing needs in tht\ h~ nrl' •f 1 Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home fmancing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophisticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gan1Der 877-227-6329 Brudl M....,. complete satisfaction you expect and deserve. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans Mala Oftlce (949) 251.a47 ....... 2M2PencM-.-.. ... 'ldll ... dt ..... $112.111 ,, --~ -.-;i;;,.-..---~ '. 61. -• ---·-- ... --··-.......... . 2001 Fenari J60 Spider Fl -....nm 612 Mies $US.Ml ltll hnart 550 llln•ela ....... .... ......... OlllJSIS1.M ... .,, J - "' .. "Everything jwt came together." Todd Mllckln, CdMpltcher , Spotts Phone: (949) 574..t222 • Sportif. (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL ~a Kings~ .Mc;icklia elominate tcher tosses three- er, homers and drives four to personify rona del Mar's big day Laguna Beach. ~!U'-1•1..nBP.AOi -Co,rona del Mil 'lbc:ld MackJln played the lead· role in the Sea Kings' 15-1 PacUlc Leque baseball victory at La- Beach Friday. But, in addition to complete-game three-hitter on the und and his 3-for-4, four-RBI per- ~~aan,ce at the plate, the junior rlgbt- "Cl"'1id1er also played personal metaphor for what Ls becoming a memorable league campaign for Coach John E.mme's squad. •everything just came together," Macklin said after his all-around artistry, which In- cluded a second- inning solo homer and a sea- son-high • nine strikeouts. The same could be said for CdM 16 the first-place Sea lag. e..ch 1 Kings (11-6. 7-2 in league), who : have won six Straight PCL contests and take a one- tpne lead over Calvary Olapel inlO ilat week's two-game series with the ~es. beginning Tuesday at CdM. :. Calvary was the last league team to feat CdM. a 12-4 verdict March 28. Since then. the Sea Kings have out- 4CJ>red PCL foes a combined 56-15. 11'e margin is 46-10 the last four league games, including Tuesday's 9-3 triumph over the Breakers (5-11. 3-6). who lost all three games to the Sea Kings this spring. by a combined 33-5 count When asked about the prospect of t'\lllllPl8 &'ftlY ~_tlH;.PCL competi-tion,l!mme amneet bh5adJy and, per- haps diplomatically, acknowledged that is the goal. Emme said some dugout banter by the lkeaUrs ln 'l\Jesday's game abo served to motivate his team Friday. "We had some difficulty with the . STEVE McCRANI< I DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar's Todd Mackhn delrvers a prtch in Friday's Pacific Coast League game at Laguna Beach. Macklin held the Breakers to one run, while tossing a complete-game three-hrtter. He also had a big day at the plate. (chatter) that went on Tuesday and we wanted to make a statement today.· Emme said "We wanted to focus '>Ome anger we had on the baseball game." Josh Bradbury delivered the first salvo with tus bat with one out in the first. when he launched an opposite-fleJd homer well over the soua Ji&tlt·field fence to give the Sea Kings the lead. Laguna an~ered with a run on two hits in the first. but CdM quickly es· tablished control. sendmg 13 tuuers ro the plate and scoring seven runs m the second. Maclc.lin led off the outburst by yanking an inside fastball onto the football field. beyond the left-field fence. for a solo homer. Nick Palchi- koff foUowed with a single and Wess Presson reached on an error. allowing Danny Marin Finn and Ryan Rhodes to dnve in rune, with a single and dou- ble, respectively. Keith Long followed with a two-run single and. after a pair of walks loaded the bases. Macklin grounded a two- run single through the hole to make it 8-1. Then, Macklin, who improved to 3-2. went to work.. facing just 11 hitters JUNIOR COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL over the next three hitless innings (one of whom reached on an error). CdM erupted for another seven- spot in the fifth, when the first nine hitters reached safety. Barren Sprowl, Palchikoff, Presson and Marin-Finn had RBI singles to fuel the surge. with Presson's bingo driving in two ruQI. Long also plated a run on a sacrift'Ce fly en route to going 3 for 5 with two RBis and scoring twice. Palchikoff was 2 for 3 wtth an RBI and rwo runs and Marin-Finn went 2 S.. SEA KINGS, Pa1e B4 Orange Coast falls to Pierce in five Pirates led, 2-0, but top-ranked Brahmas rally to knock them out in state semifinal match. LONG BF.ACH -For the fourth consecutive year. LA Pierce College bas thwarted Orange Coas!'s chance for ~··volleyball glory. It happened again Friday, u the top-ranked Brah- mas defeated the Pirates, 30-27, 30-28, 26-30, 24-30, ll·lS, ln a atate aemlflnal match at Long Beach City College. wtUcb lasted 2 * boura. • DespJte the loss, OCC Coach Clluck O.nenese ap- plauded the effort of bis team. •lt was one of the best matches since I've been (at Coast)," Cutenese aa.kL •1 was pleaaed to see bow far we got with the state we'w been In." lnjunes plagued Coast throughout the sea.son, but the Pirates didn't give up. ao; evt· denced by their five-game loss Friday. Sophomore outside hiner Poyer Po1a tal Ued a team-high 27 kills followed by 13 from Kaimana Kamalani. Setter Mike Murphy had 51 assists and four service aces to go with Levi Luster's four solo and two assisted blodcs. Kaione Scott a.massed 17 dJgs. OCC (17-6) rallied from a 26-22 deficit in Game 2 to win and take a 2-0 lead. But Pierce sh~ why it hass won the pMt three state championships by settling in and forcing Coast to go the distance, something Cutenese -in his 12th year with the Pirates-didn't want to do. "With the condition we were in, we had to beat them wlthin three or four games,· Cutenese said "They were stronger and healthier. We had some opporturuties that we didn't take ad- 'flllltage of and lost our composure ln Game 3. which I can't explain why." Poia played through tendinitis ln his l<.nees for the past month while KamaJani suffered from a sore back. "We had some good sldeouts in Game 3 and if we had served aggressively. we could have done some damage in the early in Game 4. They took the lad oft' an unforced enor by us In the fifth game and got an early lead. lt is bard to come back when you're playing only to 15." Sophomore Setiam Allah entered the middle of Game 3 and gave OCC a boost with nine kills and had only one hitting error during stints in the final two games. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLE IE OF THE WEEK Though small in stature, Costa Mesa junior le«f has emerged as the big m on the bump for Mustangs. Aon 28 hotlof .. NICK SCHAUMBURG Saturday, Apnl 26. 2003 Bl HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD St .. Gerite, Bjelland . ready for breakout CdM freshman. Mesa junior, among other locals in today's Orange County Ch"-mpionships. Steve Vlr1en Daily Piiot MISSION VIEJO -The Orange County 1iaclt and Field Championships Is some· times used as the springboard to gather mo· mentwn that carries into the season's dos· ingweeks. Such is the case for many of the Newpon · Mesa athletes who will be compenng m the Orange County Ownpionships today at Ttabuco Hills High. Corona del Mar freshman Anne St. Geme and Costa Mesa junior Om.seine Bjelland will compete in the girls 1.600 meters at 10:38 a.m. St. Geme, whose personal record in the 1.600 is 5:07. is prepared to make a name for herself in the race, while B1elland plans to show hO\\-far along she has come from an injured tup m the fall. BjeUand "wanned up" for the Orange County Championships by winning three events and leading Costa Mesa to a dual- meet victory over crosstown rival Estancia Thursday. ·She looked real good (Thursday)." Mesa Coach Glenn Mitchell said. ·she's been working her tail off .... I'm aruoou.s to Stt what she'll look lik.e (today)." Mitchell is also excited to see senior $baron Day. who ~ attempt .10 ~ her awn Orange County record ·1n high jump. which is 6 feet. 2 Inches. The high jump is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. Senior Rhondi Naff (triple and long 1ump) juniors Cas.sey Bnclt (300 hurdles and long jump) and Stacey Krikorian (400) will also compete for the Mesa girls. Senior Zach Powell. who will race in the 800, along with 1,600-and 3200-meter run- ners Marco Huipe and c.artos Ibarra will re- present the Mustang boys squad. as will sen- ior Danny Krikorian (long and oip&e JUffip). Also on the boys side. Estanoa senior Hum· berto Rojas will attempt to 6rush under 9'.26 to break the school record in the 3.200 at 4': 1 o p.m. Sumner said he is interested to see how CdM junior Chris Ringstrom will react as he will be pushed in the 200 and 400 meters. Junior Kevin Artz plans to show his steady rise in the Orange Colmty ranb in the 800 and 1.600. while sopbooxn ~ \\bog rom- petes in the pole vault for the Sea Kings. For the CdM girls. sophomore Melissa Swigert (200, 400 and both relays), along with junior Sara Claster (400) will an.empt to achieve personal records, as will senior Becky Cummins (3.200). 1be Newport Harbor gjrls are led by jun- ior Ellz.abeth Oaytoo. who is bad aft.er sit- ting out the past three weeks with a shin in- jury. She will compete in the triple jump and 100 hurdles, while senior Amy 8urlingbam will race in the 400 and both relays. The Newport Harbor boys along with ~ Hill will also be competing today. Wkh this~ ...... ••owtaii mMelry ol hie a.ft. Pdeaon hu prawd muc:b IDOi* fomddlt* dmi ... a;-,~~~a..;e:: ..... -:.z-~ .. DllJPloc Mlile9 tllbt Wiil Md-1IIa3-l1aXlld ... Ml mA. ....,~ ...... ta..,~ ~-............. Dllllllld. ·.w. ""*'MWliiliuma.llldlt•_.. ..,..•MLll!llllltl'r w....-. ..... illlllr. ....................... . ............... w. ......... ... eo =:::.t::lll· I "rllll ---. .... 0 ... , r·=·,.. ; ' * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * ASE Certified Technicians * Consignments Welcome . * Cash Paid for Your Car , * Warranty. litcluded * · O>mpetitive Finance & Lease Rates (on Most Vehlda) DMW . . · 00 323 SON (19269>~· LowMlltl ,oetoly~ $22,980 97 328i CONV c19277) \lhlll wrron l.Httltf. Auto .$22, 980 00 Z3 2.8 CONY (1~)2c.cM1 ~. tOCKHy\'m!y $24,980 00 328i SON <19240>FoCfOl)'WmTy ... ........ $25,980 98 7401 c19~1a>B"1k. Ctm~. . • .. $26,980 00 .328 SON <~>Jm!W; vtran; 29~$27, 980 99 3281 CONV cm1~>01oc1<.Auro... .. $27,980 01 3301 SON c192~>DlodiJDlodl. Mio. Wmty.... $29,980 99 5401 c19~1>Sl1Ytr/Chc11 Ldltr, blpMd.............. .. $ 29, 980 01 X5 4. 41 c19.l.i4) CMO OwMclt Low Milts ... . $45, 980 JAGUAR 00 JAGUAR S-TYPE <1~">111ut. Onl'f 21K Mllll ... $ 27, 980. 00 JAGUAR XJ8 ;19210) Whitt. '21< Mll9• 0n1y ... $ 28, 980 99 JAGUAR XK8 CONY (19209)~ Ilk. o.m \ltllt "$39, 980 01 JAGUAR XK8 CONY (19~>teo111y.1mmoc. aKMl ... $49, 980 ' -... ..,.. ..... , 99 CLK320 (19002) hofVolutl .. $26,980 99 SJ20 c191~>5rnf*51!¥1tLowM1.MWCond .. $27,980 93 300CE CONV (1&977:oOll. lmmoc Only~MI $29,980 99 CLK 320 <;AB (19046() ~ Locol ~ $33, 980 99 S500 (19197) DllllSM Moonloof. . . ... $34, 980 00 SL500 (193.10)-...MlnlCcnd.1.owM11w .. $46,980 00 SL500 (1m<l) I ... Cond. Low Ml .............. $46, 980 01 S500 (19042) ~. tnmoo.11ca. 0niy 1111;,,,.. $64, 980 EXOTICS 72 VW BEETLE (19317) "°" ~. ,~ ~. $4, 980 64 MERCEDES 230SL (16613) s.. lhla "°19 ~ "9d $19, 980 93 FERRARI MO~DIAL II (19333)t1 SM!tf ... $49,980 99 LOTUS ESPRIT (19326) '-· 111an11.m wt0rty ex Ml INQUIRE! 00 BMW M5 SON c1m106-Sf>d..11t1111 10K Mita $59, 980 01 DODGE vrPER Gl>ACR (1~) r111ow" Sfttpta 2K Ml $69, 980 89 FERMRI TESTAAOSSA (19367C) r.d. ~ Locol OwniMI" $ 72, 980 02 MERCEDES CL500 (19299() I Hov. Loodtdt . $ 79, 980 - : ' PORSCHE 86 9285 <19266> wtron Int. Auio. t.ow "$13, 980 98 BOX.STER (19321)0.W~dlmftot.~••••MUouu $24,980 01 BOXSTER CONV (191 .. ) YNi ,._.* ll* ~ Vlrfy $32, 980 95 993 CAB TIP (19292) tttwrop. .... $36,980 99 996 CPE (19216) ~ Lb. 1a-~. $44, 980 99 911 COUPE <1~> ~a.on. Ont 0wner....$46, 980 00 996 CAB (19287() 6 ~ ~ $58, 980 01 996 CAB (191~•C) G"9ft 1011M1-$59,980 96 993 TURBO ctm2Q~19tl -.$69,980 01 996 C4 CAB (19206C)*'~A1~ $69,980 03 996 COUPE ( 193'7() Grt-1 Mtto1k. Only Gk #I $ 71 , 980 01 TURBO COUPE (19249() Loaitec..JNQUIRE! OTHERS OVER 25 I CULATE OTHER MAKES AND MODELS ro CHOOSE FROM ' ~Piot PETERSON ~edfromBl ~ty bitten last eeuon. ~oning an ERA he •ttmated at 1.50. I But. be admits that whJle he ba; pltched since he 6rst ~~playing the game, two ~ctors have helped him rovtde a bigger presence on emound. He noted the experience by playing yur-round duding work with a the Prange C.ounry Yard Dogs) has bocb strengthened his ann i.nd bolstered bis knowledge. , . In addition, be saJd ~ping a tighter focus has created a menral edge that helps compensate for any lack pr physical prowess. , · SPORTS la another factor thla eeuon. said Peterlon, whole buic approach la. wen. buk:. "I want to go after hltten and get ahead by tbrowtng a ft.rat-pitch strike,• he aakl •r l1U to Ute cbe fastball to set up my other pltchen. And my cutter letl up my .Uder. • Petenon'a ability to aet up. then n:tow clown bitten, produced 14 strlbouts In a complete-game Golden West League win aver Estancia April 4, just one shy of the school's 20-year-old 6ingle-game record. Deats spoke of another game, hpwever. as. perhaps. Peterson's defining moment thus far. ~.last year and thJs year. I've been able to thinp out when I'm on the mound." he said. jlt'a just me. Nate (Hwtter, ru., tru.md catcher! and the hitter. I have that kind of concentration on every pitch. now. I'm not sure how it happened. I th.ink it ~ happened naturally." "I remember the Santa Ana game, which WU the first game he was taken out.· Deats said. •He was [peeved!. He didn't take the loss in the game, but be was upset he didn't get it done.· Heading lnto Friday's start against Golden West League-leading Ocean View, be bad finished the job in aD three of his victories, Including sJamm.ing the door on Bolsa Grande last week. · The addition of a cutter -a fastball that tails - "I knew they weren't having such a good year, but I just wanted to go after them,# Peterson said. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK RESULTS Thurwc»ylr rN4J/tJ Pdlc eo..t LNgue BOYi CdM 71. Noithwood ISi 100 -1 Egen (Nl. n 0, 2 Qilhon (CdMI, l1 1, 3 Yun (N), 11.3. 200-1 RillQltrom (CdM). 22.0; 2. Egan INI. 22 8; 3. Mom. (CdM), 23 O 400-1 Ringetrom (CdMI, 50 9, 2 Tre,o INI. 52 4, 3 Morris (CdMI. 53 2 llOO -1 Alu (CdM). :l-o5, 2 BoysJn (NI, 21>9 1, 3 McAithur (NI, 2 10 9 1,800 -1 Mz (CdMI, 4 39, 2 Boylin (N), 4.40.8, 3. Rud1nica (CdM), 4 47.7. 3.200 -1. It Wong (CdMI, 10:25.3; 2 W..dnet (CdM), 10'~ 9, 3 Rud1n1ca ICdMI. n :059 400 n118V -1 CdM 1c..nau111. Moms, 0.lhon. Rmg•roml. ~ 8 1,llOO relay-1 CdM (Artz, 8o<comen Mom.. RingltrOml. J 32 3 nOHH -1. k.Ryat (NI. 18 5, 2 Y\Jn (NI. 18.5, 3. Teylor CNI. 172 JOOIH -1. Yun IN), 42 4; 2 Taylor CNI, ~7.3 MdCM(CdMl.480 HJ -1 Minerd (CdM) 6-6, 2 Bede (CdMI M,3~1NI.~ U -1. o.llton (CdM), 18-11, 2 So CN) 18-1~ 1 ~,edidl (NI. 17-0Y., tJ -1 OiUt0n (CdM), :5-5\ol, 2. "-'-tiedid> (N), 37-lO; J. Selwey (Nl. 37·7 ( F'V -1. A. Wong !CdMI, 13-0; 2 Yould ICdMl. 12-8, 3. ltlel Prectwl ICdMI end ltrthertin !CdM), 11.a SP -I fw.t.nb (ti),~ 2 V. ..... •'Qntd ~).'64-1,3. TUtbcJowCCdMl.40-5 t OT -I F•1rtwlnb (NI, 140 1 2 Uio INI. l20· l0, 3 Roboe ICdMl, 119-6 Girls ec... •. Nonttwood 57 100 -I Ton (N), 12 8, 2 Mof'91111 (CdMI. t3 4, 3 Oonen (CdMI. 13 • 200 -I SW199n ICdM), 2tl 2. 2 MO<Qen lCdM), 275, J Montoe (NI. 18 1 400-1. S~ 1CdMI, 1001 2 w..dner (CdM), 11>2 5, J W.O.. CNI. 1 03 7 IOO -1. St. Getne (CdM), 2 25.6, 2 Cuylllr fCdMI, 2.28.0; 3. St_,. (NI. 2:28 2 1,llOO -I. SL Geme CCdM), 5:18 0, 2 r••eon IN). S:21, 3 Cuyler lCdM), 5:35.8 I~=~ -I Feraoo (N). 12 14, 2 KaU..n ,........1, 12:30, 3 K.ewin. lCdM), 12'51 lOOH-1 ICon(Nl.1711;2 Geseln(N), ns. 3 M IN-(CdMI, Ill 5 JOOti -1. a-in (NI. 52 2. 2 Oeocy (NI. '2 2. 3. Sltnf (CdM), S3A 400 reley -1. CdM (Kremer. Menning, ~· Swlgenl. 515 r ... 1:800 reley -I CdM (Cl-. St. Geme, --· Mofvllnl. 4 14 4 HJ -1. Fi.hef (CdM), •-8, 2. Fre~ ICdMI. 4-3; 3. ~ (CdM). «. W -1 Ton (NJ, 15-11'., 2 Geroe IHI. '4-6, 3. Wey (CdMI. 1 .. H~ TJ -l Wey (CdMI. JO 11 lo\; 2 Gerae (NI, ~111.3 IMltelNl.29 lY• F'V -1 Nguyen (CdM), 7,., 2. Cllulde (CdMI. H , J. none. SP -1 AebrWbMnc (N), 34-3, 2 Wilbum fCdM), 2&-2. 3 L VW>Od (CdM), ~I OT -1 Upemmb (N). 12S-9, 2. Atune ~ .. .,, INI. 90-10; 3 L. Wood (CdMI, fT1 2 I S.. View L!!a&ae Boys Wa a A r\dge -. Newpoot.,. 100 -\ G,_ (Wl, 11.17; 2 W.IQ< (NHI. "5. 3 Jon Won (W), 12 07 200 -I. Walt.et (NHI. 13 3'. 2 Mictstott• IWI. 23 ..,, 3. Hunt.f IWI. 24.38 400 -1. Trec:y INHI. 53 0, 2 Mldstotke twl. 53 II; 1 Huni.r (W), IWl.22 IOO -1. ~ (Wl. 2'.05.12, 2. · ~I INHI. 2070, 3 Nel90f' IWI. }1098 ',eoo -1 Hedden IWI. • 379: 2 1'00l\Y ........ College -c.I Si.te Nol'1hfldge 91 UC ltviM, II p.m.; Venguerd 91 'Wilstmont, rioon. Community college -Onlnge ~ It Futterton. noon. High ldlool -OcNt'I ..,,_ • eo.t.e .... noon. ..... Colleve -v.n;u«d IC 8lol9. noon. High ldlOOI -Cotta Meu YI. Mono 9-v In Am:t1o Gr.nde Toul'Nl1*1t. I m. •:A..imlnt Comtnunltv con.ge -Otanoe coeec 9-0Jenee Empire Col .._•a Chemoiooehtpe. • s.d~ Cohoe. Urt1.1..,fftegu1 INHI. • 470; 3 Miiier (NH), 449 55 3.200 - 1 Mt .... (NH), 10:26..47. 2 ~ IW), ~27..4, 3. Megen. (W), 1':33.0 400 reley -t Woodbndge, '5. 1 1.eoo reley-not competed. 110HH -1. N1kaefet (WI. 17.14; 2. Hertefleld INHI. 177, 3 Meredith (NH), 2075. JOOIH -I NldMfet (WI. 43.25, 2 Meredith (NHI 48 8 HJ -I Cao IWI. S-41, 2 Noll (NI, S.2, 3 Sonayeue (W), 5 0 W -1. Cao (WI. 19-$'., 2. H111ufteld (NH), 18-2, 3. Won (WI, 11·10. TJ -1. Ceo IWI. 39-e; 2. Won (WI. 39-5111; 3 Nott (NH), 39-0 PV -not competed SP -1 Shelton (W), 47 JY., 2 ~ecae< INHI. 45-St' .. J o.,,.., CW!. 45-1¥. OT -1 RowMl (W). IU-9, 2 Devis IWl. 148-5, 3 Oevon (W). 139-3 Girts Woodbrtdge to. Newpot1 N 100 -I Galhon tW).'42 81, 2 Lew•• IWI. 13 1. 3 Laml>f'eltl• (NH), 13 2 200 -1. 8urlu'9hem (NHI, 26 17. 2 Gellion (WI. 28 7. 3 Lembrastl tNH), 272 400 -1 8ur11nghem (NH). 69 59, 2 Hall (~I. 1 010; J Yeclhn IWl. 1 02.3 800 -t. B«gta IWI. 2.24.89; 2 O.ladl· leger (W), 2'2«1 9, 3 HerNndel INH). 2 3305 1,600 -1. S.1glff CWI. 5·18 88, 2 Oelad\ lager CW), S 2147 3 Marshell (NH) 5-23 47 3.200 1 Mershell (NH). 11 51 le, 2 8ebcodi IWJ. 11 55 o. 3 l<Jley (WJ. 12 35 7 400 reley-1 Woodbndge. 5109 1,600 1elay-1 Newpon Het'bor, • 2159 lOOH -1 Woepee (WI. 15.69; 2 Rohen IWI, 18 8, 3 Cleyton INH). 17.58 300H -1. HerTon (WI. 50.64, 2 Sager IWI. 519. 3 RydM(NHI 52 98 HJ -1 Beltda tNHI. 4 10; 2 Berget CWI .. 10. J WoeC>M (WI, 4-10 W -1 Woepee IWI 16-01'., 2 Clevton INHI. 15-8, J Robert.a (W), 1S-3 TJ -1 Cley1on (NH), 34-4; 2 Woepee CW), 33-3\lt; 3 Robert.a (W), 31·9'h PV -1 Stoltz (NHI. 9-0. 2 Antnm IWI. 7-0, 3 Cronon (W), 8-e SP-1. a.,,_ CWl. 33-8; 2. wt.ltfield CNH). 32.1oy., 3 Lawrence (NH). 27 7 • OT -1 Whtlfield CNHI. 112· 10, 2 Ba,.,._ CW), 1~7. 3 Stepenaltt (W), 94-11 Golden West L!!au• Boys E8Ullde .. Co«a Meee ,. 100-1 KorMret(El.11.81,2 Gonalez (CMI. 11-82, 3 Rodnguw (El. t2.0 200-1 Powell (CMl. 23 5. 2 ICo<M.-1 CEI. 23 8: J Ruiz (CM), 29 1 400 -1 Ka1yum (El. 571, 2 Ruiz (CM), 572, 3. S.nlley (El. 576 800-1 Rot• IEI. 1 59: 2 EliH !El, 2'05 8. J Pow.II ICMI, 2 08.9 1,800-1 RoiN IEI, 4:37; 2. Floree (E). 4 48, 3 c.henU• (El. 4 •7 3,200 -1 Hutpe (CM), 10-.38.9, 2 Morela CE!. 10 48 8. 3 M Lal !El, 10 Sii I 400 reley -1 C:O.te Mese (Ruiz. Aauege, Gonzelfll. Knltonen I. 48.5 1,600 reley -not competed llOHH -I .Jotlnston IE), 16.0, 2 Novelt CEI. 177, J Steven.on (El. 18,4. JOOIH-1 John9'on !El. 43 , 2 Nova~ CEI. 45 8. 3. Gonz.i.z !CMI. 48 0 HJ -1 Novelt IEI. &-0; 2 S.nliey VEI. 5 lO; 3 ~(El. 6-6 W -1. Johnston IE). 20-5; 2 Knkon.., (CMI. 19-5. 2 Kalvum IEI. 19-1 TJ -\. Nov811 (E),40-0; 2. Johnston IE), 39-2, J. Knk<>Nn ICMI. 37 7~. PV -not cornpet9d SP-l•ndQulM CEI. 44-2, 2. Me1t1n ICMI, SCHEDULE 9e.m. High 9d\OOI boys -Newport Hac11o< Ill Palm Springs lnvitMionel, 9 e.m. ...... Coll9ge men -UC lrviflf vs. UC Santa ~In eemifi,,.i. of Bio w.t Ch~ in D-.lle, 2 p.m. Community college men end wome11 -0r.nge eo... at Ojai VIM!liy Tennit T~ellCS.,. Higtl ldlool boy. -CdM'a Ge1Twn Snyder In 18' -n!flnell at Ojel, vs. toP-eMdld .Mff o.e. a 1.m.; Newpon ....,.. ac... Vtn't Hof Weter Del) In ti• ..itlnel9 • °"" Mb IWey, • •·"'-......... ,.... Col'-oe men end WOfMn - 43-9; J Aeuege ICM), 40-91'. OT -1 Sepolu ICM), 125-2, 2 Undqu!St (El. 120-1 ~. 3 Aauege (CM), 1101 Gilts eo.c. Meee •• &c.ncle 2' 100-1 S. Dey ICMI. 12.8: 2 Hugnee (CM), 13.1;3 Plletez (El.13.4 200-1 T Bryant (CM), 2711; 2 Hugh• (CM), 278, 3. Phetez (El, 28.2 400-I. t 6rV9f'I ICM). 104.6; 2. Aocir9* (CM). 1;06JI; 1 Ktloonen(CM).1t:f1A 800 -1 Bte!lend (CM), 2<M 2, 2 J Dey (CMO, 2411, 3 Rodnguez (El. 249 8. 1,600 1 B1etlend (CM). 5:36.2, 2 Flofw ICMI. 5 58.3, 3 Lomell IEI. 11;05 3,200 -1. B1ellend (CM), 13:39; 2 Flores (CMI. 13'.39 8; 3 J. Dey ICMI. 13 39.6 400 reley -eo.te M ... (Knkonan, Br!<*. Ronquillo, Hug!Msl. 5e 2 1,600 reley-not competed 100H -I Ph.m lCMl. 179, 2 Brldi ICM>. 18. 1, 3 Veldet (El. 19.3 300H -l V•ldez IEI. 52.3. 2 Brldo. ICMI. 53.9. 3. S.ncnez (CMI. 59 1 HJ -I J. Dey (CM),~; 2 O'Toole IEI. 4-2; 3 Spem CCMI. 4-0 W -1 8ridt ICM), 1!Ki, 2 N•ft ICMl. lS-1, 3 Spetb ICMI. 13-8 TJ -1 Neft ICMI. 32-8~. 2 Abbott (El 30-10; 3 Spetb ICMI. 29-1 Pl/ -not competed. SP -1. Alne (CMI. 38-01'., 2. Pov ICMI. 29-5. 3 N CMtro (El, 27· 10Y.. OT -1 Alne (CMI. 92-0; 2 N C.stto IEI. 79'<&'h, 3 ,..,,. (E), 69-81'.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebram the Daily Pilot's Athlete ~the Week senes TODAY 15 -Mur .. I Mnon Estancia Softbllll, '03 ~y 20 -Stew VeUenowe'lh er.ngeeo..i Soccer. '02 11 -Chnst1ne Hewlto Corona del M•r Weter polo, '01. '02 1t -Garrett Snyder Corone del M•r Tenl\IA, '01. '02 20 -AlanS-U Newpon Hert>or Football DEEP SEA Friday's counts Newport Landing -2 boata, 12 anglera. 1 calico basa, 2 aand basa, 10 blac:bmith perch. Vengu1rd et Golden St.et• Athlebc: Canter.nee Cham9ionshipe rrt Point Lome, 10a.m. High ldlool boys end glr1t-Coate Mele, Corona del M1t, Errtanc:le. Newport Harbor and s.g. Hill • Onlnga County Championsttlpe • ., Treuco H11i. High, a a.m ....... High ldlool boys -N9wpoft Harbor w. v~ Marcoe 1oaer-.-Santa S.-. Toumamll'lt, 9 e.m.; Cofone dal Mww.~of~ln IM1fflnall • s.u e.n.. TOurrwnent. n a.m. ....... ~--uc IMne at MPSF Cl\emPOnlhlpe et Stanford. ' SIUdly, .,. 26, 2003 ., , 84 Satwday, ~ 26. 2003 SPORTS BRIEFLY Snyder,--Van't Hof reach Ojai tournament semifinals •TBNNIS: on his 19th birth- ctaj. Corona del Mar High senior Geriett Snyder won twice to ad- vamce to today'a letilltiiiab or the boys singles CfP dJvisfoo at the Ojai Valley 'lenn.b n>Wnameot. Sbjdec, who ls ~ 10th, defeated Servite's Jonathan Sao· chez. 6-4, 6-1, in the Round of 16, ralJying from a 4-1 deficit in the first set. He then beat El Ca· mino Real's Bruce ~ 6·3, 6-1, in the quarterfinals Friday. The University of Tums-bound Snyder will face top-seeded Jeff Du today ac 8 a.rn. wil1' ~ Moorpmb ~ Je· Kw Yan\ HOt: a Newpoc\ oob8, 6-4, 6-3 and Sin G4hrW'J An· Beach resident who attends Mater dre ~ 6-1, 6-0, lo the quartaa. OeJ. also advanced to the aemJftn~ Newport\ Rlbiat1 Matthews w8l be als of the boys CIF singles dMslon AtmiDp oppoomt loday at 8 a.ri>.. wttha6-1,+6, 7-5vfctoryoverAr· Maohews beat Cerdmf' Abhmavr cadjaS Mm Cotltrel'&\ then de-~ 6-4, 6-3, and AmJyO feated Santa Matgari~ Matthew ~ Andre ~ 6-4, 6-1, ID Ozu:n:Mc.h, 7-6 (4), 6-1. In the the quarters. . quarterfinals. He will, face Turrey Costa Mesa's Nelly Radeva Pines' F.ric Riley today at 8 a.m. will play in the sero1flnals of the The ftnal will be at 2 p.m. ~ girls 14s singles today at 8 am. ln boys 14& smgte9. top-seeded . ~t Ind.Jo's Pamela Montez Jake Fleming ofNewpoct BeaCh ad-after beating Westlake Village'• vanoed to the semifinals with two Blair Bn!eski, 6!.l,. 6-0, in the ISN'T IT TIME TO TELL MOM You LOVE HER? 'i' RO LEX Round of 16 and an 0-:6, 6-2, 7-6 Nelson and Ashley Lowden. (6) ded.slon agalnst Irena Kat· OCC also won the 800 freestyle zarkov in the quarters. • relay (8:04.41) with Sara Nat.all· ~ Coast College's :men·s zlo, Lowden, Erica Nicholson doubles team or Mike PuJminante and Kimberlee Frith. Nelson and Spencer Solomon lost In the and Frith also -)VOn individual third round while Robert Ow Jost titles In the 50 butterfly (26.82) in singSes. Fulminante and Solo-and 200 free 0 •55.40), respec- mon beat · a team from Long tively, while teammate Stepha- Beach, 6-3, 6-0, to reach the third rue Wood captured the SD rotmd while' Ow beat Presnos breaststroke (32.55}. <loYamli Rodriguez 6-3, 7-5, In The OCC men (393 points) the Ro'8ld of32. are in a close race with Palomar On the women's side, OCCs (401) for the team dtle, while Leab Becker defeated Jessica Grossmont is in third with 383. SUg~r of American River, 6-2, Billy JoJly and Matt Henry were· 6-0, in· the Round of 32 before individual· winners for OCC in falling. in the Round of 16. ' the 100 back.stroke (55.2q and Mhley.Nelson and Leab Beck-400 lM (4:20.98), respectively, er readied the Round of 16 with while the Pirates' 200 medley a 6-7, 7-5, 6-1 win over Bl c.a-relay (1 :40.17) finished first mino's Nicole Arias and Joy Rem· with Tyson Magnham, Roger Ing, but lost In the Round of 16 . Wong, Billy Swanson and Paul Oran C.O t Prankenberger. .,.J~ ~wee~: ,Eaters blow lead Orange Coast College's men's • BASB&\Ll.: CaJ State North· and women's track and field ridge (10-34, 4-6 in the Big West teams each placed first at the Conference) didn't score until Orange F.mplre Conference cham-the seventh inning, then rallied pionships Friday at Santa Aria . for three runs in the eighth to de· Roseann Peters doubled in feat host UC Irvine, A·3, in a Big the 800 meters (2:17.50) and West three-game series opener 1,500 (4:41.40), while Mi chelle Friday night at Anteater Ballpark. lcban ran to first in the 5,000 The 'Eaters fell lo 16-26, 4-6. (18: 11.16). Hanni Geider in the · UCI starter Brett Smith l~ted 400 hurdles (1 :07.28) and Nata-6 ~ innings, giving up five hits lie St. Andre in the 3,000 and no earned runs. sleeplechase (12:08.87) also Bi& West Conftlntne• placed first. Keinan Briggs doubled for the Coast men in the triple jump (49-feet. 6Y.inches) and 110 hurdJes (1 4.71). Gilbert SaJas won the 3,000 steeplechase (9:48.31 ), while Art Diaz in the· 5,000 ( 15:40. I I) and Anthony Daniels in the 400 (48.80) crossed first for Coast in the finals. CS N orthrid9e 4. UC Irvine 3 Score by Innings N'rldge ooo ooo 130 • 8 UC Irvine ooo 003 ooo l 10 l Camacho; Robertson 171. Rosales (9) and Cayton, Smith, Nicoll 171. Koehler (81 and Werhum W - Roberton, 4 3. L -Koehler, 1 4 Sv Rosales, 2 28 -Riordan (NI, Simpson (NI. Fisher (UCll 38 KlemmlUCI) OCCs Tsai breaks mark Vaqs top Tars • BASBBALL: Dave Eri ck.son and Jeff Sachez scored runs for Newport I !arbor J-ligh. which lost. 11 -2, to host lrvine Friday in Sea View League play. Sea View L•asve Crom eentor Erle Jones. Tbe Sea Kings (13·8) knocked off Ven· tura tn first-round acdon Fri· day, 15·5, 15·9,. 8·15, 15·5. The Sea 1Clngs play today at 11 a.m. against top-seeded Buchanan !Fresno). Newport Harbor defeated La- guna Beach, 15·6, 11-15, 15-7, 15· 13, In the first round Friday. · Jamie Diefeob4ch led the way for Newport with 26.kills . Ne\V- port (13-10 lost tn a quarterfin~ against third-seeded Bullard [Fresno), 15-5, 15-7, 15,9. ~ posts two wins • SOPTBALL: Vanguard posted nonconference wins of 5-2 and 1-0 on Its home field Friday over visiting Notre Oatne de Namur. Shortstop • Lisa Jackson delivered the big blow in Vanguard's 5-2 victory in the first game with a t)vo-run triple. Nooconfwe11c:• Game1 Venguard 5. Notre O.me de Namur2 Score bv Innings N. Dame 002 boo O -2 6 7 Vanguard ooo 500 • -s • o King end Petagare. Rodriguez; Ball and Rolle. W -Bell, 10· 15. L -King, 11-4. 3B -Harmish (NO), Jadtson (VU). Game2 Vanguard 1, Notre O.me de NamUt'O Score bv lnninas N. Dame ooo boo i · o • 2 Vanguard 000 ooo 1 -1 • ;i Barretto and Petagare; Jessen end Rolle. W -Jes&en, 4-2. L -Barretto. 10 7 2B -Petagara (NOi. Ramsey IVUI Panthers sweep Mustangs •VOLl..EYBAIJ.: Cosla Mesa High senior Danny Krikorian blasted IO lcills. but host Orange earned a 15-2, 15-10, 15-9 Golden West League boys vol- leyball victory over the Mus- tangs Friday. Eagles ease past Lions· •GOLF: Senior Jason Cassidy led 11 steady f.s tancia High bo~ •SWIMMING: The Orange Coast College women continued to dominate Friday In the second day of the three-day Orange Em- pire Conference championships at Saddleback College, where the Pirates, with 502 points. are in first place ahead of runner-up Irvin• 11, Newport 2 golf team past Golden West Score by Innings League foe Westminster. 203- Fashion Island . tel (949) 721 9010 ·tax (949) 760 6824 Riverside (355). OCCs Sherry Tsai set an OEC record in the 200-yard individ uaJ medJey (2:05.04) and started the Pirates' winning 200 medley relay (1:53.09), which also in- cluded Nikki Stephens, Jennifer Join th Daily Pilot Relay for Life ;~ ~~ Team!! ~~ -7 o~ G~ ~ ~II~• -c·a~~ ~ What When: ~ ~ ~ty-Event To ~~~ d.c,~ o~ ~o~~ rs You'll Ne"Ter 24 .Hour Team Walking Event Friday, May 2 -Saturday, May 3, 2003 6:30 p.m. • 6:30 p.m. Daily Pilot Relay for Life Team Where: Newport Harbor High School 330 W. Bay St. Why: Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 I Attn: Promotions Dept. Because you get a really cool Daily Pilot T-shirt and help raise money and have lots of fun as we·unite in the fight against cancer. --~~----------------------------------------------' Fill out the registration form and clip it out Mail it to: Doily Pilot, Relay for Life team (see above for address). Or drop It by our offices between 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday -Friday. For mo~ Information, contact Lolita Hruper, Doily Pilot Team Captain at (949) 574-4275 or e-mail: lolito.hcuper@latimes.com r~---~------------~-------------------------• I ' IEGIS1UTION fOlll 1 YESI I wllf to ,.,..,.. ..... Dlly Plot Relay f• lift t .... PIMse ct111Ct • ~ O ..... o ..... I I ...W .. te .. • ........ ef $ (lldtse4,.. Tetlll bli• $ . : ....... c... Sedety). ,.. .... ..,: 0 Cmli 0 QllCl ... cWs tJliyrMI,,...., CllKW Sodity I I I .g;JJ~...:L~t.::!..t!?.!?~~!.1.!:~Lt!.!l~~U:::!.L!L!;J.L!. I I I ~:.r..;..i.i...i....u~ ...... a.a.s.:......LLJJ-~~.i....:.1.-:.l:.ai....:..a='-...ua~~ I I it--...r--..__.......,...__......-...... ......,_.... I I Ji-1''.Qlip;.-i--.,...o-.IO~""""' ...... .&.li..:.i.~.,.....,_..i.i,;;;;.;..:;...:u..a..ua.u:.:....,,_ I ' .......... ..,: VISA 0 MC o AMII 0 DIS( Ca :lul•a '• I• I•• T-tlilrt Siu Cl s • t:l l l 11 . ---------------------· ' Newpart 101 ooo o 1 4 7 220, Thursday at Meadowlark Irvine I01 201 • 11 11 2 Cantarella and Sanchez. Haderlein Golf Course. and Oliver W -Haderle1n L Cassidy sho t 3-over·par 35. Cantarella, 3-6 2B · Bradford UI. E wtule freshmen Greg Les and Oliver lll. Vanderbilt (I), Wood Ill Marcus Sostalc each contributed Eagles mercied, I 0-0 •BASEBALL: ~tancia High's baseball team suffe red a I 0-0 Golden We&t League lo~ which came by mercy rule and at the hands ol host WestminMer Fri- day. Westminster 10, Estanda O Score by Innings Estancia 000 oo o o l W minster 217 °" 10 11 o Hoffman. Gleason (3) and Crom; Carey. Shoup (51 and Brinkman W - Carey L -Hoffman. 2-3 28 Ramos (WJ. Estancia falls • SOPTBALL: The Estancia High sof1baJJ team built a 3-0 lead after the top of the second inning, but lhen allowed eight runs in the bonom of the frame to host Westminster, which won, I 5-5, in six innings in Golden West League action Friday. Golden West LNpe Westminster 15. &tanda 5 Score by Innings Estancia 030 101 r. 1 io Wminater 083 004 1r. 10 :1 Mason and Ac<nta; Bettancourt and Geborno. W -Betrancourt. L - Meson, 6-4. 28 -Meson (E). CdM in semifinals • VOll.BYB.\U.: Corona del Mar High's boys volleyball team advanced to the semifinals of the Santa Barbara Tournament of Champions following two vic~orle$ Friday. CdM defeated Santa Ynez, 15-6, 9-15, 15-5, 11 -15, 15·8. in a quarterfinal match, getting 21 kills. eight blocks and five aces SEA KINGS Continued from Bl ror 4 wtth two RB.la and one run. as all ntne hitters In tho CdM atalting lineup ~d at least one hit. Maddin wnendered a afngle In the 6.ftb and llw two more &eakerl ~ch on enora ln tbe final three lnillnjL But he fanned 0ve or the final Ix, ln· dudin8 the lido In the a.venth, to ~ a ahJnbig performance. ':1W belrl ~ OW!I' a pretty bid cUd Md I baYen' quite been Malthy b'. whOe." Macklin -'d. •fbdd Ml hlCitidllW "111' IDd ( with a 40. Senior Ryan Brown had a 42 and junior Jason Les came In at 43 to help Fstancia unprove lo 11-3, 6-0 In league. Woodbridge downs Tars •SOP'l'BM.L: Host Wood- bridge High got its bats going Thursday and Newport Harbor couldn't counter the onslaught. The Warriors defeated the Tars, 9-2, in a Sea View League sof1 · ball game. s.a View LNIM4t Wooc:tbridge 9, Newport 2 Newport~ ~Inn~· 2 6 ~ W'brldge 021 oeo • -9 10 1 Moore, Gleason (51 end Campbell; Croucti. Seeman (51 and Peterson. W -Crouctl, 13-5. L -Moore. 4-6. 2B -Corso (WI. Newpon edges Hawks •BOYS TENNIS: Senior Jona- than 1\veena's victory at No. 2 singles was one of several key wins that led the Newport Har· bor High boys tennis team to defeat Sep View League host La- guna Hills, 76-72, on games af· ter the 9-9 tie Thursday. s.a View l..Mpe N.wport 9, Laguna Hills t Newport win• on oamn, 76-72 Sing ... -Deck (NH) def. Lee, 6-0. def. Takemoto, 6-2, def. Saul • 6-0; Tweena (NH) won, 6-1, 7-6 (10-8), 6-0; Davia (NH) 109t, CMI, Rk:ttardton (NH) substitute and lost, 2-6, o.vi. (NH) lost, 1-6. Doublee-Hochwald-S.tdyuk (NH) lost to Panegon-Merc:.do, 5-7. def. Kim·Alneaworth, 6-2', lost to Tavar .. uuren, 8-7. lutfy/Eaptey-Jone. (NH) won, 6-3, Iott. 2-6, won, &-2; D'EllKU•lund (NHI lost. 2-6, 1-6, 2-6. I --·-. -·· ---•' -- s Sa en· Fri· !be ~m. 1&0 La· >·?, ay .• Na)' ew· lnal lard i.ard i of ield >tre .top · big :ory run 6 '] • 0 II g, 4 2 4 ') d 0 , dy }'!> fi. Policy How to Place A r---Deadlines -- Rates and dcadlmes arc subject to change wtthout notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any <;lassified acfvertisement. Please report any error that may be m your classified ad imme~Ua~ly. The Dady Ptlot accepts no liab1hty for any error in an advertisement for which n may be • responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error CLASSIFIE AD -Monday ...................... Fnday 5:00pm Tuesday .................. Monday 5 :OOpm , Credit can only be allowed for the fir t insertion. ANNOUNCIMINTS R & MISC. 1010-1110 By F,ax (949) 631-6594 c Pki.-c 101.ludc >/our rnunc anJ p~ number Ind "'c II •~II > oo h..t.l Wl!'h 1 !'"c" qoo1c > m<HAllDISE •SALE Telephone 8:3Qam·5 OOpm Monday-Fnday ~ 3010-3940 By Phone <049) 642-5678 Hours Index By Mail/In Per~on: 330 West Bay Strce1 Co~ta Mesa. CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd. & Bay St Wallo. In 8:30run·5 OOpm Monday-Fnday rm 7402·7466 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm , Thursday ........... WedneMlay 5:0<)P.m . Friday .................. Thursday 5:00pm Saturday .................... Fnday 3:00pm Sunday ...................... 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I of 1961$ I~.._,._ 11-1 the minimum onl•flul ·" .1mend•d wh11 h (01tll11fl Celftmunlty .....--....,·-T t m ~ ,., I lt I t Solel S•I 4 l6 8am 2001-,.30.._. d1mrn\111n\ ••Quited bi ,;' ' ' ' • ita o Corner of fll\on •nd ' r-lht Mun•t11tal Cod• tu••rllse ·~111 pref Pr I SUB.ICCT "bbon APPLICAllUN ll•ll•nrr •n • • l1m1t;11r.r1 o r J.imbotee Newl>()ft Beach danH P1ua Co (P"200J No 'IOOl OOI! •n<I MM d1\r runin•l•vn b.l\•d Jn HI/Sot 7,300.,.,-;;;;;- ·074) 514 W Btlbo• iliuloon p.,,1,.1 Nu 20(H •H• llJl•J' reh1:1un It• muc.w•v• lloll><nil. In~. 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IOUOWAllt 949-136-3730 -I View -~ 5895,000 I Newport Coast JEWELRY/ 3460 7 14 -649-3361 01 Lu•oriou' custom 2·sto<y DIAMONDS/ -@ cmuwot beach home newly re live above th• clovd•, "10Ckled b1 profe~n•I ec•on vlew1. I i.vel PRECIOUS METALS CORONA OU MU dKntatrv' {)ellif!I any homo. 2br, + .to.r, G.t· VILLAGI, •hef on t<>u• wnnt b<ile ed '°"'"'·SIS I ,000 c-11 Coln H-d• Old Coin\' Gold 51lver iewelry, Willt~ anhque"> collewbles 949 642 9448 0 .. lN SAT-SUH 1-4 •nd •leeanl 5latr of the PCH Jb1 2 5b" m\11 b• Proodly ~ntt1t~1n your Sine lam homt Sn of 411 11ou1met i.11chen• I w reltul olloce lib I lrienm 1n your •le11anl Stuftnl1>9 -•d win· nln9 lrooliflold ho,..1, laullt In 2000 3br + of· « du.ilfp $1,299.000 lotm•I d101nt room flee. Appt'oa 37001f $1.7\9,000 3610 CALI. fe»l S>t:IWI'«: Tirn O..s1en., 'athrdral --------W..,.,,, TS R'°""" va u 11 r d 'e •h n I and l'\A ttttUM PttOPlltTlfS Cats O.,./lO!tW _.... ~675-5185 96-412 32:26 cu\lom tiititin11 I st.1-1. •-••• -~i.ore MOTIVATID Sllllll 949-71S-3\5fl Pm 11 Public wll.ends 2 Hew T1w'M Ir "--NUOS fAST SAUi Fa51W>n f<.IMll1 ~'1279 ~ with ~ful <AU HOWi I O .. lN SUN 1-S Alfl WAY la momtni1 c.lV set al .. 1111em ifllal l10rTe 949 'il:l-0411 ••••••••• 1'My Hoo4 low, n.yN..ctv-.aA ....... i-l(ltt-. lled, Cr-. °"'Y $350. 949-2 18-S&IS ••••••••• Miscellaneous Pets D...tte o......_, terrtor M C Champs rare breed 12 weet. Female puppy Sl050 714 777 6950 pllrnoe by ~ ~ (aa8) 308-466a Loe<tled on 0Yf!f"1e<I IOl S l n9 000 &. SJ 119000 949-nl-Oll'l IUh•n s<yle 5br 5ba ....... l .J..._. -v-..... ~ s.u.u· Jcnmlne Creoli f abulous loul1011 on lhe errenbell' ~ den wOfi<oul room extra laree hv room w fp ii( pie ii"' ded C>O<ll"> spas & tennis Judy II~• ~ 949 376 5576 CostaMesa Mot.Ii. H....,. Senior "-" S9a~1ous lbr lba newly remod. II covered patio. comm pool tlub hou\e fu1n 01 unfurn VlltY LOW UHT. --------app101 l8.00010 l'a.,.••Mlc View 19 OOOst SS 495 000 OPUI SAT·SUN l·S ,.LATIHUM l'ROl'l'ilTllS over\()oll"'i P"'" be.utlful Stefanie l't'leur er lurn ket lwntvn uper<Mlr'd 949 715 3156 llvuoul tird .. d firs ~" eted &I.Ju drs p a11'1e new pefla windows 2 millble ftl \, hlifl Cf!lh 11u•d aated $849.000 949 f,4() 9'D'> S t11nnl n9 VIiia I n He...,.., Hel9hh Newer Built J8r 2 511. aot1mrt krt <*' IO•y will fp fR btJbb1ni loon._, on crtyrd. hr dwd th. 2c pr"& ~.coo aat <M9-929-9566 94~67S 2225 l U1 n key Pltl.Ml lSTAUS .. ATltlCIC TINOH HATIOHWIDI USA 949-156-9705 www pelric~lel'ore com MKKEY tUJOrr ,.,,,.,,., ....... , 94'.Ul.016 bevera1u (Ty pt 47 Sa.US bfff, Wine ' SOll•IU at a pr090Hd r~taurant to c.m.ryl.ltl.Oypes b• localed within I he etutts Retall Center APPLICATION Use Per m•l Ito 2003 011 Pedflc View M1tn0flal l'ort. Companion 'l crypt L1eun1tu Court Sl2 965 Call S 12-3SS·366 I. t:649-4922. SOUTH COAST AUCTION =r:" 2660 MISCEWHEOUS -v-..._,---.4--MERCHANDISE S31 000 By owner 949 644 1857 lAST SIOl OPEN SAl SUN I 4 tONITA CAM'tON O"IN SAT-SUN l ·S I 0 Wl11thr91t <IBR 3 SBA home Incl seper ate ofl1ce/auttl su11e Bv Owne< Re doted lo SI IJS.000 RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERlY FOR SALE Desert Property 5960 CEQA COMPLIANCE This profecl has llffn re 22029e. ...... S....Aae.CAl2107 I I ,._ v .. wed," and 11 has been Collectfbla/ determined th1I II IS Memorabilia cala1011c1111 uernpt under the requirements ot the Calrforni• f.OY•· ronmantal Quallly Acl under Class I (f.1isttn1 1160 EstJte Sala 1486 Fecllrtiu) 3 SUBJECT John Cut* (1'"2002 2 35 > 107 10th Stuat SUMMARY Request fa< 1 Varia nce to allow a propoa.d sln&le family rutckn« lo u ceed lhe utabllshed floor a1e1 llm1t and to prowicle leu TOP SS 4 ltlCOllOS ITC .-0.. Clllu:.. [IL ~ & Sh .Ill All« Spl.1, tulle ~ Mike 949 645 7505 AND .:;-:::. ISTATI s.-u Corona del Mar , SO Year Resident• l t\led artists Gent Kloss 81 adbury S1lvr1 boob pollery spuk tr\ houuhold f 11 8a 'lp. Sal !Oa 3p •·s @ 6 JO 532 De Alua Drive Vim-so ~Clft-'""'· I 000 H-.ii-Shirt• u...,ldatl-Price• Aptt. 949-650-6357 ~ff-tw_C.. Theie .re °""" 100.<XX> Cllti'en 11 the US ....,. for a~ ~kelp ... brohn&~--­ ,, .... & Fnanatl !UIJPOlt il'!b maeUll .... 29 6$7~50S~ 8IYd "2'1. Mltmn 714-517 ltUl 888-256-$3 Miscellaneous Merdlandlse 3855 ma 11DGS so-7°"' °" •0•40 50•90 601120 Musi Sell! Can Deliver' Cal ~ Rldl IU>-71S-l<JJ1 Olces bl.Ilse 4540 l'rlvate efflc• Quiet, Balllcnqltcy prnne N1wpor I Sch lo< Semcea 2670 by FA auw DS'l..llAls -------n.I $JOO.mo ~1883 l'RICl LAW GllOUI' Southern Cahfornia·s Lud1111 f1nant11I Rehel l•w Firm Stvwt Price IOO-H4-6000 282 EBAY St JBR 2BA Beau <Ustom remo<lel on a quiet St S733.000 BY OWNER fOR APPT TO VlfW CALL M1chHI 949 280 7633 TUltTU ltOCI( l'OINTI O"IN SUH \ -4 1SO 21 Mlr-'er Panor eol1 min city 1t1hl Y>tWS Jbf 2 Sb• uperaded throuenout tuslom Ip wrouchl lfOO \laorway A.ssoc pcof & \P•~.all~ Slwllly Camllron ~ 1010 9&-451 l200 949 644 8288 ....,, ............. D»sf hOOW 00 a ov.rMnid loC wllh sunc: views 4& office 38a k p FR Le wrap Wound yatd Mar'ble ivaoit.e 'OllC* 1114<1ys. fYt SOMO plasma T\I lllfl Slew 949-450-UlO • la 4lr ITl<tSlw 8r SOites 458a om. ~ "'* -loat8d on the water 11 ~ Shores L.wnhly r~ and cletarll!d $2.096 <m TrWer.._,~ ... ~, GOU "10#'D1IO Sales & ...... ta r entt~ P aim Sor~ P.m Desert "'5o W1u11n11ton W•tltffTont Aden• Midgel Anter l«lcer&._..,llS ..,..sso..ssn A lllt1 Dlsat LOVlltS JUUi V»f WIOllN DYSON & DYSON lot>-S1'-5"S TIO-US-.HS9 Call (949) 642-5678 MISCEUANEOUS RENTALS I lovoty Cet1•9• ~ COl1* lol ~· & p"1 2 st.cry )bt ho l < l1" "'hty SZil)l" 9&5.13-~ llAU OCLUC & IA Y RentalToShare 6030 I VllWS ?Br 2Sa middle du le• I ' encl &•• (ootlluff T_..,,, furn d S2~95mo 714 998.0948 ""' up5tan brl!M 'ill mv w_._ ..__ Jbr hi ult iii' RtV l'llJ)et m>n 3 boll! ~ j c p remoCI nd ullh. 949 6U 40?3 S1'3CQ.mo ~ or ~ Ha/149 c...,.,. 1wn11se r.u neg st 95248-9119 to Vi.Ir•. pOnl SIM iveat Costa Mesa t<Al COUI~ -new 3bf 2ba Sl<XXlm;?f 949-632 6318 Rooms tor Rent 6040 1&29r .. ...._lmo IO beach ~-.IA ~ Slo\lr ~cell ,.., more S82l)n.. Hl/0.-V1-room 18' & Sl?!nm 2llr ll.1 fJce.anlronl '22nd pvt rm E llilh ~ "9-lor ~ unfurn "'-• !><>Iii uti. 949-548 ZC21 c..t <> Pd n "'1111, klt(henette fwrld ~ ,_ l .... ln<k) I bloc.~ 10 lileWl>O'l SQ & Y.i 1....,. Coty Qtl"'1 p.,, S725m C•• Sam ~I lld ~ Sb<9 ii6-W3llJ 949-VB-~ \bl'fm 9a 521 I no pet $7~ 9'~&t2 2l!l8 • -STUOtO UT. S795 m .. RES1DENT,AL RENTALS 1ncfudts ullhte> neJ· OD&UGE 7400 beach laundrf lac nc. nftn peb 94.,, 644 »tl COUNlY ,. " • ...i Afih.. lbl w d !Miit' y.trd )();' I ~ VISU Aw "fl n.pet> sal> mo M9-413\-7al3 -------LCMiO; GGl;;I c-r-lty ...._......., I'•, .. ..,. .... ?YI pr (94!} 644-fttl , Ire. w• tu r.. Sq S89!> Balboa ----------mo Wal• !lr&V> pMI l',W'l ea1boa Penlnsuta I Mmnaelnwrt p;n ~ --------C..1920> OCUHVl(W /" I --------· , .... IH Al'l. SP•••Ou~ ............ llr 1 ... Ip ft' pr"&. 550 mo n/..ml\i/pets, 949 J00.8C50 ............ Clc.Jrl .,,... Jbr IN ,_ ttPli pnt Ip w d. llfll' no.PIC.,,,.. ~ • drP Aet 949 422 6671 °" n.. s..i ~ views up Ulit\t & down COMt le 48r 3 ~ famll)o home a.1lllll for leilse now S9.500 mo yeJll'ly Cal~ °!r' Peitll 9"9-67 Caplstr1no 8adl ,,, . a. T 25 ......._. •• ~ti aar panoramK Whltl water vu~"' nr "''""• pool ltnnos club houu 1800sf no pet \mk $2100 mo 949-675 8435 erut lout ion il•fil&• w/d hkup no ptls Sl050 mo 949 644 5642 rf Hts lti Iba '-. ,_ 1*11 & ·~ No pm. Sl.J50 2br lbl ,_ lllr • ~ s 1295 96-W). 2256 ~ 1·dtl9 a,, ua. Twhhs 2c pt pOOI spa n'~l1smt. •n•I 4125 Sll!OOm tse 949.955.3155 llli• ftlW "' 2\l. ....... l•ilfll ' l>liehl quiet cul de u c. ocn b<tele~ Canyon Park S21001mo 949 642-!>443 204S2 s...-ilt '-S2!00Jmo ~., l8r 2.!i&I Home =JI 949 283..Q206 Hvntlnglon Hartlour CoronadllMaf ~ ':.. ... i!t ~ Stvdle wl\1tc:Mttr I& docll lbr+ ~~· Tfps bath br~ °'*' pvt SACXX},lmo ~-Cl ·73Z2 tntr So of Pch, $825cTv lJdo btt oncd utls aat 96533 ~12 -------- tFOnan sillr of PCH LI stud•o rm pal•o no k•lchen S695m • SIOOO dep 949 574 no1 .112 • 21-. So ol Hwy 'Ir bll from OcMtl Blvd ._ urpeVPllfl\ Be petlO, s l 900m aat 7 I 4-8 l2· S6ti8 21r, n., Apl Recently rehabbed • I C8f ,.. I b4oct< to be.ch no pets S2200 mo 949 &S4 1680 -~.,_.. c~ lllSOd 511~. =-:·~~ ' e C.11'r11oai. ftUUU UMllt rq.irjffs aro•"'tlulto•1t~ IA tAt CJ.11ifid Stniet DinclM'J .,,,,..fiM rtbUld GET THE PO I NT? Daily Pilrn c :.1--,.ih .1. , ,,; : ' It • Sttw;dax. Ae!il 26. 2003 I TODAY'S . CROSSWORD f!li.!ZZLE IAYRONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NIW21~2a. COTIAGIS Privete Beech. Pool eftCISc>•. w .. to Oc:een, Shops end Resteurents. Leese 6/mo-2 yr+. Boat Slip Availebl• 710 UDO PAU OL 949-673-6030 or 949-72J.S830 •YUll1Y• LUSIS BILL GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-6161 Shtdlo cute, tie ftoon, ,_ bath, no lut. 2nd blodl to beech. Avaii 511 ~ aet 9&7'915--«X11 Nowpot"tl-t. Pemnsule Studio Apertments oltll. Act $7()().$950 949-673-7800 Pe•lo nla Pol•t I br 1 be, nice furn, peeil • boo Bey View. uhl incl •ll $1350 949 673· 7800 SeU your Car ln C lanified ! llAl902-STOIYlmS JD5T ST1PS TO 111 IQOI 3 llllOOl 21ATM 116'SQJT.2CMPMlll6 flOll$1,900. .,,,,,,,a.s -~PMIK<llMJ-Y --=--..... APflOt 11/1 &IOOf llWNl'raw. •••• * 0'81 llOUSI ***** SAJ\INY Alll 256& smAY Mil H' 11U.-4P.M. •" 714-t74-IM7 NUD •oar IOOM? 0 Callfornl• lew ,.. qu1r., thet conltac ton llllllnl jobs thet total $500 or more (labor or matw181s) be IQnMd by the Contrectors Stele L~nse Board. stet• law also requires that eontrecton include tNir lie-numOer Oft al .o-1hina. You c.i ~ the stetus of your llcenHd eontrector e t www.cslb.ce.1ov or 800-321-CSLB. Unll ce!IMd contractors te-ln1 jobs that tot.I len than $500 "'.,.' aute 1n their a dvertisements thet tho ere not llcen11d by tile Contrectors Stat. lie-Board• 'l)"CAllPO~CMPIT~ MDT10NS & REMXlEl.Nl Repeors. Petclllna. lnstaH Ll577982949-709 5642 Cour leout eny size f()bs. n........ fllalw.lowt Wholeqlel 949·492-0205 ........,. _,. AF•ma ........ , ........... ICAdm / Mfl / ,_.,... Mala. .......... :wmm all15 'z'C ... R5 le 111111,IRI Ill • & IUSl#l5S •E1'Mn Upcr ades, Repeirs of Comput.,., Networks. E venlnal/Weehnds Co~tttive pric" for llU•hty sarvlc. 9494H-1175 714-92 .... 221 Concnt11-, Meli l&eda St-Tiie c.oncr.t.. Pebo, Orivew;iy Fnplc, BBQ Ref's. 25y,, hp. T orrr 714-557-7594 eon....,snc.. ( I N YOUIMOMI IMNOYlMINT NOJlCTI C.11 • plumber. pelnter, hendymen. or any of t11e 11e•t services hJltd here 11'1 our service directory! THESE lOCAl SVC PEOf>lE CAH HELP YOOTOOAYI Llcenlff ti.ctrlcal Contr lllCtor. SINlf ~-5t•rh1111t S79.tS a.,. i,.c .. 1111111"' Rtmodthl'lfa ,n 1*M •• .. ,...,,, Cem.m,llnduatllt" ......... 7 ..... ~c:..~ Incl TANNAH HlASCH wmLY BAD>CE QVl2 Q l • Vulnc:nble. you hold: •1 ~IJIU fS o Q 7U •U •JltJ o AKU )Alt• ltJ71 Yow ri.,_-blod opponent opcm the biddl111 w.cb one ~-Wba ICdon do you take? Yourri~~~ the hiddloa w11h one ctllb. Whit llC1ioa do ~ tlkt? Q 5 . f!ap-~ ~ •• South you hold: Q 2 • Al Sooth. vulnenble. you hold: •KJ12 ~U o Q7 •KJIH2 a Q7 o AQ UO o KQU •9 The biddin1 has poccedcd: W1tST NOllTll EAST SOUrll 'rbe bWi~ pi:oceeded. WFSr EMF SOl11'H l o ,_ 20 ' 1• P-. la ? What ICtion do you take? What act.ion do you tale? Q 3 • Boch wlDelllble, M SouUI you hOld: Q 6 • Both vulncnble, as~ you hold; •17U o KQJ74 o Wd •QU2 The biddlp2 l\U orocecdcd: • A J 12 o Q 3 o ~ 10 I • J 914 The biddl112 has oroceedcd: • WIST Nf)Jml EASr SOtD'B WFSI' NOlrJl{ EAS.f SOlfl'H l• J•• .... ' l o 1.t' ,_ ' .... What ICtlOn do y~ l&kc? Whal do you bid rxYW1 Q 4 • Neither vu lnentble. you hold: Ux>k for answen on Monday. ............. h 2ba, flm room, pvt ~ ......... fld. .... $2!lllrll n~m> .. S/3+ 4-~ 2-sDy aabn home. -cwpll. pebO, dedt. ...., .... S21mno. -et 949-J!l>.«llB ~ ............. lbe home, 2-+car cw prlv p.tlo. conwn pool 'l'r lie Rlll5 .... rD# !M964SM73 l9 Hr 2.Slo in aeted comm, w/pool, Jpe+ print• y1rd. $3000/mo. Aaent ~856-9705 S/S-0. I i llPl>'f, .. masts In, ll'5lde w/d, 1.c ~ Ip, la dect. wMews S3'lOOm. Ill 949-7115-4038 w..•---hb 3 boM Ilsa 3 c .-; remod S1'9IXVlno .. "' s-nw rW1tll ,,., !l&:!IC8-9119 l\ril1s War8d 1• AUTOMOTIVE SALIS lm1l1414Me open1na. Htahhne "B dHlershop Is loollln& for motivated driven & expertenud Sllla professioru1I Ea · cellent P•Y & benehu r u res. 949-721-81118 0... ""'""' for '"-Int & Guptilc Deaian Tecfl. ral ~ Slr1ll ,...,. to hr@ltss·printinc.com CllSn* cmAlM TU lnsbllllbon, .... o.wnlC. mwta...._....,191s U61.2D64 1'lff n4-612-996J QCi;&iOliill ......... Floors, Counters & Showers l•591315 Fret Estimete 949-481-2097 llMY ...... Rep9ed Reerovbn & lnstellatlon TU OCAN 949-673 8065 714-84fi.«126 714 Bio. 2031 ......... S.C. lfYra-.. .._.. ~ pnl dln4>. n*"'1*I, tree lrm, ........ Comm/Rn 714--436 1518 c;;t.,..~ w.iy mlf1t. ..... nmq 6 lnstalletion. 25 Yra up Llc/insutod 949-548.GJ DOUGHllTY UOlltllS llw f"ine1 TOI.di Stnat 1961 ~Trwk~ lmt/R 714-791 8746 THI HfllD<I lnWUN llMITlfUl &UQUKITL.. •&..,.. .... c... ., ... , ... ...... & ........ t4t-S1S·tH4 ft-Safvko, Verd c1 .. nup. ~lnten1nce. $prlnlller Repelr. Htul1ftt (94!) .,...711 SELL your stuff ttr~ classified I .. JOIN OUR TEAM end make • difference. In the Cehforn1• Almy N•t1on1I Guard you cen c•t money for collea• •nd c1Keef tr ••mna C.11 I· 800 GO GUARD (CAL •scAN) Join UlhtrUI f1IUClll &r.i,. a rapldlr expand1n_g Jl_atlonal ~ llMIER, at our downtown Lono Beach location As a 41nct .,.........,weolfer immediate . in-house uodenmllng and an incredible processing team that allOws our 1ori to close within 3 days Hands on direct tntnrno with Ille lalest In mortgage technology allows our salts twn 10 earn woe :::'ro~~ ":fu1 ~ Of produc1S llllt lricludes orinie. sul>-pnme and f~I Loan offlcm with 2 + yurs experience will find OUI mwgernen1 path an exctpllonal opportllnlly. Cltl 1 ·--21Z·U44 or Fu row rnume to 711-171-142'7 COllf'UTl NOMI MAl#Tl#AllCl No lob too Mn•ll! Everythina from ~loPeln~ Freeuthnate c.n•..Jr f4f-2fJ-IUI ~ .. aalda61 • <'.anmrldli o Job 1bo Small .,...,.. BUdlteaa 949-S2W292 Twt ....... I & 10 ,_ old lhr/clfy In CdM Mon· Frl Studtl'lt ok 949-574-7701 d03, 949·720-9877 WDlnallVI -ACUU UGIND lS '92 eN po-. eulo. surwoof. llhr, cd pleyer. newer '"''· arut cond. $6500 Deys, 949-466-9771 or eves 714 389-9794 AIMii 'ff A4 0-• 2 8 V6. 2911 ectual m1, euto. sp1rllllnf red/e<ty llhr. mnrf. CD. looks & smells new V45672l $17,99!> finencinc avail. Bilr 949·5•6· 1111 -• .cpotW .... l11ldl ••• .. Moster S.-. 't6 VS, 41K 1Ctu.a1 mi. wtwte/lfey llhr, dw"onw whls. j)fem1um sound, bNutiful q unmarMd condibon pr, rV~ Yln792"12. fl .996.00 M9-~1- www1; 0·- CAD&LAC CA TOA 'ti 6 cyl, et. ac, lttw, f/pwr, sunroof. ut.nded wan $10,SOO S62~7-71S5 c.-.. Cat-. 'ti 3511. MeteNIC Burpndy Rad. 0.lmHI Lt.hf. Chrome WllMlil.: ...... odl c on dition, $8 ,995. v1n5n•12 949·586 1888 -...-.."9 dorydw ~ c...,. JX 'Oo 37K. V6. Metallic """· Gr•r, 1nl Bledl lop, Beautiful hke new c ondition $10,995 v1n872412 949 586 1888 -...-..(09 JESUY.uMM'S HOMl •1'AM SHCIAUsr Rusoneble Pricn 14 Yrt tl~lence 1n all It adt$ Speclellnn& in rHident .. 1 linVut 714-SOl-64U LG614i83 IOllNSON COMPANY Klldlera.. Wal5. Belhroorre Merh 949 650 9525 Halling JUNI TO THI DUMPlll 714-968-1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949 673·5566 PtaWSAUTO W.-9401 .... "H ~-c:.~ (l 12!1'l) • • 9ID ..Wseot ....... $lwr W/1111Cl llhr • '~r (11131) $29 ... ... ,,. ...... Mid ""' •/wt'l llhr· auto-prllll ...... OW40) . ~.W. .. want~"OO WNte wJBadl lthr~ pteyer-4211 ,...... (19269) SZ2,91Ml. MWMS .... '00 Bi.di on fmmec Bi.di tbw.JQl ~lOWIW (l!l297C) S59.91Q. ,.,., :...: : 81 Sitwer W/Blldl IUlr·loW mlltS-ful po-. <l811nl) 114,911>. .......... ·~-.1 One OM. Only lOllMI (191SlC) $59,91Ml. J...-D.1 c-.... Bntlsh RKinc er- w/bn lthr. onty 22.K min-a> stac:f>.tf. (192119) $39.980 ............. ~· ... This Is a rut Cluslc. Red w/Ten Luther· Both tops-4 s.-cl (111683) $21.S MU Ill 430 '00 LDl"inser Body & Exlwust Piia (19348) 129.91M> , ..... T .... c....-'•A ........ Hurry for !NM l*'fect low mlleaee. local one owner T1MIOS LIASlwlUY 949-574-7777 PMa.W'S AUTO ;'1' ··~ DOOGl MION '2000 SC)i+ mi. lOOK lee wen. 6 sp, blue, 1re1 Interior am Im ed. ti.I oren cond • S49!IS hi. "' _. 8llr' Vfl457<12 949-586 1888 -··•1- D..Ap 'ti Yoyeeer. 7 PHJ. wh1te/1Y•Y int. pvt alus, cuaced, non/ smkr. llke new cond v457275 $5495 Bkr 94'>. 586 1888 WWW oqJ9b4 com ,_... nT v., '97 15 pa5. alnt cond, 8Tl/tn'\f~od. vtM!vd. 2 sa ... SIO.an,t obo 949-722·1247 after ~ HC*DA OOY'UlY '96 l ~. eood cond two ,...., 4dr. ~ color. ltlw I'll. 6 ~ S 1 O.(XXI 9-$.700-0171 Gii ...,__ 10.....,.,. J..-OOUIC..... ~ Mft* R..s. Tan mw m. r .. tap, c11. tu• fact WST, fantnlc toke -orenll cond S.ve $361(_ $37,'95 ht .v•ol ~inA0.'1)70 ~ 1888 -·· 11- JHP CHfltOlll ,,. Whole, cherry condition l owner $6000 prjvate pertr 949·722· 1353 ·-~a... 6cyl. 2 wd, l6k •ctuel ml s1lver/frt y Int. elloys,~ .. elltW unmerked COllcl, ~ Wirf _.. "577Z1 &m • 949 516-1888 -·" .... '·<- Mowlng&Slorlgl HST MOVDS $st/Hr ~v•na •N c1tr11 lniured IHI. CCHKl.OVS, cerefol Tt&Jll44800·246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Celt! Publlc Ut1hhes Comm11slon requwes thet 111 u~ household 1oodJ moven print their P .U.C. Cel T num.,.r, limos end chauffeurs print their T C P number In ell edver· hsemenh If you have any quesUons •bout the l•&•llly ol • mover. limo or th•uffeur. cell· PUIUC UTIUT1U COMMJSMON 100 177_..., -'Mflb ..... CREVIER . . PER MONTH+ TAX 1 Al These T wms O.W'MdCrelit ........................ OT>IRAT SIAMSA.., ·····-·• .......... .. +.,.. $3780 due et 1icnin148 month cloaad end le•s. no secbrlty ct.posit, lilt( milt• P• 1~., Excess miles@ :zo,i per m11e.(TC4Z279) .. . ......... .. LITStlJTM! IT'S flfi ******** 5S FREEWAY @ £llaR SMTAW AllTO MAU (SU) 823-9808 SELL your unwanted 1t•ms throuah clusilled ............ ~ lf. sD+· 1111, wtitte)hil "'"· duel 11111rf, lleau llful orl1. 3 1 .. , •*" 1vell, $13115 vt7S1t24 erohr t 41·686 .... -... -&Mt..e. ... .....,...., D ml, full f1ct ••"· all~ atftd/t111 ""'· CO 11»ckv. chroiN wtti. ulr• tHJ, ¥6725li 127.995 '"'!'i fill a werr ... 11 e111 .. g.sa 1• -. ..-..<-Merca ..... 'tt Site LWB 5211 ml, 3 •' werr evell, silver /blk llhri beaut Ot'fc cond, ~ $25,495 finenclna avlll B*!r 949-586-Ulll -.. , ... _ POttSCHI '99 CADIU Artie silver matelllc, ell ftlw araphlt• ar•1 Inter. pwr r.eets, 111-fl solfllCI system w/em·fm CO, lo·JK611 inl.1 ow-. ,.,._(•4. lmmaculete. $54,500 94H75-2869 1.y ... CrHN ... '17 '. Good pelflt, no ec. nms •Int , vtf'/ ttliebl•, $2550 714-2JS.9150 AtJTOMml.B, MISCWMEOUS Wllllld IM5 ,..~ .... o.er ~ yen •JP! .. i-Y a -.y fw pnm for yoc. ar Ven "' bid !*I b "' not. Cll Dick Rey @ Tonwm ~ ~ 7R- 43'1·1931 "' n4-J:ZB.l:l211 IOA11 ------'!"!"!~' ,... ... n : .. , Uft ....... _ ~Mt efk ... IM, ,.on ~--. . t4~7a..tH , .. , ...... .., .... Celebr\ty fllatory 0114 Bilbo• lsltttd. A11tored. Worlll 949-552·5•00 Hom_, 714-99M M07. IOATRfPAN/ IBMD IOA11Ull ......,, lAllOMI . .. • • .. • " STOIWiE .. --· tsnSWAVMAKI ltt NIWPOllfllAot $UOOUASI 949-SOO-IOOS Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWPORT BEACH • COSTA MESA Classified Community M arketplilce ,..,._,. Palttt"'f Top Quehty. Co<nptllhve Inter 1or /[at L "648228 Ceo Je7 949 650 5066 HINtOW CilQi iWlri Palnllnt-w/ext. ~~ Queltty IOI>' ffff atlmele ll569897 714-636 8888 HOUSE REPA001NC A: WOOD FINlSHINC ~ Lac• 3.S8~28 949""64S-99S7 P1n111111 Plumb1n1 rep1lrs, over 25yrs up All WOfh .,. -*'11Slaw71~ iiOiiiif & iiASONAilf PLUM8CR Ll5065l6 Frw EsU Sm r....-.. OC'TfCU 0111: 7l4-23Hl50 PUtiH kiiiiilNO Repelr1 & Rerno4Mlln1 FREE ESTIMATE L 1687391714· 969-1090 RoallfttcllJ I It's tfle solution you're adq for ·whether .... -. * .. • " ,. U • " . ..od .... -&3 --Ind .. 11 • -I ~ 7 6 • •• 1. -. • 4 • • · Lea._ s.at111, CD Qal .. , I fl ~~-~k~.!!B. s3g , Total drtv.-off. $0 s.curtty deposit 10K miles S*' m 0 yNtt/20c exc.a mi. c:twge. Ad expires 04/27703. • 5 at this payment • 48 months·· CD, PNI, Pll. Loaded 4137164183 '9995 '00 DISCOVERY II VS, Lthr, Loaded CERTIFIED4117/242189 ~1 '02 DISCOVERY SE V8, Loaded, 11 K MH11. Prior Rental 4084/750801 '31 '99 DISCOVERY II VS, Low Miies, lmmaeutate • CERTIAE040781201230 '20 5 '01 DISCOVERY SE 414, ti • , Ptcbll ........... ,,.... ..... 11lt/Ctllli PRE·OWNED s23 995 SERVICE LOAN CARS 1 1 Only AT This Price (382~) · · '00 DISCOVERY II VS, Leather, Dual Sun Roofs CERTI E0 4119/241211 '21 '00 GMC YUKON DENALI 4X4, Low Miies, Blk on Blk, Cust Chrm Whls 4136122146 '~CHEVY 1500 EXT CAB Z714X4,CD,Black8eauty 4135/170386 '99 RAISE ROVER 4.6, V8, Luxury, Loaded ~'ME03976/426094 • . ' ,.,, M.nuf. SU(J(J. Ret6/I Price ............. $14,786 NABERS DISCOUNT .............•... IZ,(117 Ssllina Pries ............. ' 1 ~§BB FACTO/I'( REBA TE ...........•...... ~000 .t = MITCOR···· NBW 2003 PontiB Grand Prix Manuf. Sugg. R•tail Prict1 ............. $22,960 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3,HZ Sslling Price ............. ' 1 f!t§BB FACTO!lY REBA TE .................. ·~ooo ,...... •11···· ~~11 NETCOBT ..... .... INl\/llN • t , I '' ~ Aufo, Air, 1 Pa•·~· 2nd SlldlrJrl Door. Mctwl (6«#18) SS875 · 11~1 I • 111;11. ". ,; ; I : ; : : . . I 4 Auto, Air, Potwr Gn>c.f>, Prwnlum CD LMllher A Alloys/ {2tJ2tf<)e) •13,775 'ti&WW&du ~ Ai, Pf/WW G/OC4l, CD'""' ·-a1cr .. J . I I I '\ !'J '. ~ .. ~: , 'I 111 t 'It . ..-If · 11 ·l . I I\/ . ~ '.,. . ' '00 &MC ..-Y ILT PfWM Group, lMllw. Moonrool & Moya/ (352873) 113.675 ......... CHEROKEE LAIEO Auto, Air, Powr Group, CD, Aloys • Moontooll {25llt131) 114.650 W&IWiliiib IWr Ai, Power~ Tow~ • ~ 431( Mil (5418a) 515,985 'iltMil REllDEDUUS Cl v.e, Powr ~ CD & "'°"91 (60«l20) 117,795 N.w 2003 GMC Safari Cargo Van Manuf. Sugg. Rt1t8il Prio• ............. $22,819 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3,831 Ssllinn Price ............. s 1 f!tpBB FACTOlfY REBA TE .................. ~,000 t ~,';t NETCOST•1 s.111 liBW 'C Envoy 2WD Manuf. Sugg. Rt1tail Pric•. . . . . . ...... $29, 707 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $6,319 Se/Jinn Price ............. '21tPBB FACTO!lY REBATE .................. ~,000 '~,r;: NET cosr-Z 1,388 •diM!Whkt LMllWr, OuJd Sedr!g. Tew Plrp I Low IAMI Fectoly &« Vlhblt. r1i1un 138.975