HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-27 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS ·& , CURIOSITIES Cameras will help save lives Y ou're in your car. cruising along, happy as a clam. Just as you come to an intersection, the light rums yellow. What? Yes, I know. You're not reaJJy in your car and there isn't really an intersection. It's just pretend Can you work with me on th1'> plea'>e? rhank you "° much. Anyway, 1u:.t a.'> you come man mter.ectmn, PETE~ the green BUFFA bght turn~ yellow What to do, what to do - the ga.'> or the brake, the b rake or the ga.,1 It\ a decision most of U'> face every day. two or three tim~ mayhe Most of us, thankfully, ma.ke the right cclll. We have the 1udgmen1 and the skills to k.now wh.tl to do .md when 10 do It without i.tomping on the ga., or standing on the brak~. At lc.c.t, that U'>ed tu be the ca'>C. These days. I am absolutely dumb'>truck (which 1:. rare) at how many driver;, and I u'>C the term loosely. are running red lights one St.>Cond. two second-. or more after a solid "red.· And it's not like they're em~ about it, I might add. ·Not long ago, I watched a dnver shoot through an intersection, which shaJI remam unnamed, more than a second after the cross traffic had started through. Ama7.mgty. despite the panic stops and blanng horns, 11 W'JS the psycho-driver from hell who gave everyone the international "we're No. I" Mgn. It's gotten to the point that if I'm first In line at a red light. I will automatically wait a second or two after the green before I venture into the intersection - and I don't care who'<; beeping behind me. Getting a green light Ust' to m ean '>Omething. TIH.><>e days. tt's about as valuable as having France as an ally. But even as I wnte. and you read. the city of Costa Mesa is doing something about 1t. Next month, the intersection of Harbor and Adams will have a shiny new "red-light camera· on the job, 24/7, no o;noo7Jng. no coffee breaks, not even a potty break. I'm sure you've heard about these lhJngs by now - remote auneras at lnterseclions See COMMENTS, Pa1e A4 INSIDE THE PILOT NEWS Newport BNch tt.rbor had • llttM houMc:Maning •more m.n 180 ~ vofu~ their time et the 23td annuel 0..n Hlf'bor Day c.tebretk>n. S.., ... M LFE& LEISURE After winning the temlflnal• et th• Alt· lnltltut• of Southern Califomla, 17-y .. r-old Allvton Amee of Corona del Mar It rMdy to compete fn the Best Teen Chef Jn America come.t. ........ Al SUNDAY EDITION • 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1.907 APRIL 27, 2003 SUNDAY STORY . Kf Nl >If PTOW JAIL• f·, ' At land's end. a cychst crosses the West Coast Highway bridge over the Santa Ana River Many public off1c1als are working to keep the river free of pollutants Along the river's edge The Santa Ana River, which winds through three counties, remains a hot political issue. Paul Clinton • Daily Prlot F or thou..and'> of year., the murky !'>anla Ana River provided a dependahle water o;upply for Native American civilization'>. Now, with iL'> urbanized concrete channel. the nver hao; become a 'iOn.' spot with water regulators, ne1ghbonng homeowners and city leader.. The nver. long a focal point becau.-.e of ill> polluted runoff, 11ood-control limitations and lack of usable open space, is back in the spotlight \dm,1 .\na a\.-.emblyman ha., prop<>..e<l a hill that \'\OUld t><.tahh-.h ,1 \\1ld land' con'>t'r\'ant-v for the nwr "ewpon·Mt"i<t' a-..wmhlymrn haw bt.•en d1,1dt'ti A.-..wrnbhm.in t...cn ~fdddox .. uppont'tl 11 A.'>-.c.·mblyman John Camphell npp<N'tl II llw Anm < ~'fJl' of I· nK'nt'er. abo plan'> to ll'mow <,<'tl1mt•nt from the nvt'r hollom near the Ad.tm' Hndgt· in 2004. that come-. after tht• c1gt•1wy complett'tl a 10-year IJood rnntml prown lha1 mcluded 1mpruvemenL., 10 a ( c)'.ta Me-.a dmm<tge channel A., regional water qual1ty regulators renew their efforts to clean up the river. Newport Beach and I luntington Beach leaders say they've already begun a battery of measures to combat the Oow of polluted runoff into the ocean '>EANHILLER DAl..Y "'-OT Dave Kiff, Newport Beach assistant crty manager. takes a water sample from Dubbt-d 11\ A.,,..emblyman lorn Harman CR Huntington &athl a~ the "dram plug" of Or,mge Count}. the ~ta ·\n.t H.1..,1·r '1retl'ht><. 'ome 100 mile-. from Rig fk>ar I .ake •.oulh to tilt> border of I lunt1n>-.'1011 Beach and !\ewpon fk>al·h. h meandef". through thret> rnunlll"> and, aJon~ tht' \'\Cl}, roUC1."1'> oil'> from m.idway-.. pe..ucides from la\\TI'> and bauena from arumal \VclStt'. Hannan has propo<it'd a roll.'itirutional amendm~nt that would generate rt'l.'t'nue to pay for urban-runoff pt'OJects.. a drainage pipe ttlat leads into ttle mouttl of the Santa Ana Rrver ·The cit} L'> cl<'arty focusmg on urban nmolT. ~ I luntington Beach "We've been so aggressive ln ttying to clean up llie water that's heading into the ocean.· Newport Beach Councilman Tod Ridgeway said. "We need to set an example for all those other cities [farther up the river!." that would eliminate a bactenal-laden stonn drain that empties into the river's mouth at West C.oast H1ghway. C ouncilwoman Debbie C.ook saJd. "Compared to other cities. this one IS veryp~.- RUNOFF POUUTIOH'S SOURCE The river is viewed ~ one of several contnbutors to surf rone contamination The city has begun planning a project Netghboring HWltington Beach has also taken an active role in combating polJuted water flowing toward the beach. ln addition to the heightened attention on the river's water quality. a SM RIVER, Pap AB SPORTS RICOfdt were Ht. indudlng one 0y high }Um.per Sharon Day, and winnen wef'9 crowned It SeturdaY• Orange County Tl'9dt and F'..td ChamPk>nehips. ... ~.1 TOP STORY Gypsy makes it to Fpsenada 30-year-old vessel, along with many others, completes the annual trek from Newport. By Coral Wiison Dally Pilot minutes count A t5Lm.the finish line ror the Tummy Bahama Newpon to Ensenada yacht Asth crew~ with lin and · and watched for ligns of wind. natunt remained unsympathed to B N S B N A D A human lmpatienc:e. race was alrady In Ught. but it was aa1ll a long way to the end. Gypl)' bobbed alowty 00 the water and the wavet gently d~ hft aldea. ln a bteuy~ tate ot ema.cson. it .. -..y to forget that eeConda migtlt nlake al tb8 dilreftlace. nme -to be In abundance but~ lklpperi know that the~ lb~ crew ,W,nutted. gratt'fully acc:q>tlna fNf:rY puff'. "Come on Gypcy ctrt • CamOle Danie uqtcd the boat on. Under a t moon, l:.n.tenada' lights mlfoc.Ua on the~ blKk water. red and pen tf8h al spedltd the horli.r>n In the ..ity rnomlna hltt. lhe boa • btrdMb In~ With large white sails and colorful pinnakers. Suddenly. the sailboats appnred with the light They were everywhere. ·Pretty weird. you att aD alone for all that time and bttt' ~·watch captaul Seth Mondi aid. Thro"" binocuJ.a:rs, Daniels able to identify 1ame of the compcuoon. Boa c.deilza and Amante lwweacSd ~ Gypsy. • 30-ycar..Qkt. 52 foot, <:olumb ta.Uboat wasfn th company or mum la.rgtlr. ._8118 ........ M ---- ---- - - - - -- - I A2 ~. '9rl 27, 2003 BUSINESS First Cut hair salon opens at Fashion Island A state-of-tbe--art children's q.Jon made a splash at Pashion Js1and Wednesday, as First Cut opened fur the first day ofbuslnes&. SaJon owners Lance.and Leora Fogel were~ putting the firUshing touches on the salon. but were seeing a surprlstog own.her af .customers. ln_thf; first hour. after the 10 a.m. opening, stylists had already handled six customers. Oilldreo can bounce around In rocket-ship barber~ watch DVDs of their favorite programs aod pJay video games to take their minds off the haircut. On Thursday, Emulex Corp., tbe No. 1 supplier of host bus adapter data storage devices. reported breakeven earnings for the quarter ending March 31. The company reported 22 cents per share. or $18.7 million. In revenue, which beat Wall Street expectations. The company also said il would pay out $39.5 million to settle a 2001 class-action lawsuit filed by investors. The company's insurance provider has agreed to pay 32%. leaving the final $16.7 million to be recorded as an after-tax charge in the earnings. E.mulex did not acknowtedge any wrongdoing, saying it seaJed the suit to ·put the expense and distraction of this litigation behind us.~ • MUl a.MON covers the environment. business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 7644330 or by &-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. EDUCATION Roy's Restaurant cooks up lesson for I 0 students Giving lO culinary Students from Newport Harl:>or High School a taste of what's really cooking in the kitchen, chefs from Roy's Restaurant in Newport Beach turned their kitchen into a classroom on Monday by giving the students a chance to use the slcills they've learned in the classroom and get to learn a few more. Roy's chefs gave each of the students real-life lessons about the culioory arts. Along with hours of practice, endless reviews of game tapes and crafting of new plays. the Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Trustees voted Tuesday that coaches must also emphasize sportsmanship. ethics and character building in accordance with the Victory With Honor program. Coming to the end of its mal run, the program. onJy partially implemented at the beginning oft.he 2002-03 school year. has reached its final development.al stage -certifying a training staff at each school The-board agreed to moved ahead with the final stages of training and fully adopt the program for the 2003-04 school year. H.atbor View PJementary School in Corona del Mar held three screenin~ of their 15-minute film that shows support for children in military families. Students from each grade participated In the l'naking of the film, which school officials hope to send lo different schools across the oation. • CHRISTINE CAAAL1.0 covers education and may be reached at (949) 5744268 or by &-mail at christine.carrillo@latlfnes.com. COSTA MESA City Council seat hopefuls narrowed to two candidates It took the four remaining Qty Council members two and a half hours to narrow down hopefuls fur the vacant seat from 26 to two. When It was all said and done. only Eric Bevet-, a WesWde improver, and Mike Schearer, p~dent of the Costa Mesa-Newpon Hart>Or Uons Club. remained. After acting Mayor Ouis Steel joklngty suggested ftipping a coin, the • .. ....... EKINREVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'Hl·FLYIN' HAIRCUT' SE.AN HILL£R I DAILY PIL 0 I arte subjects always make good pictures. That was the case with this week's photo of the week. green dragon sock puppet sticldng 11's tongue out at me. Chen it all camt> bade to me. It was "Baby Mozart.· It brougJu me back to fin.• few montru of my daughteri. life when nothing but this video would calm her down. Back to a lime when s.leep wasn'1 Arriving at my assignment was like stepping into another world. Or like traveling back in time to my childhood. This place was a child's dream come true. I knew I couldn't go wrong with such an interesting environment a requirement but rather a privilege. I laving seen this tape so many times ii was like I Wab trapped inside it, stuck on lt'peat mode. As I was photographing the different video mom!ors at each hair station with the latest canoons playing I heard a familiar sound. It wasn't a voice but music from a video, I couldn't place it It was like it was haunting me. Then I looked up and a saw a It just seems like with new technology and more innovauve design being a kid just gets better everyday. · -Sean HillPr; staff plw«>gmplll!r PUBLIC SAFETY Woman die after car crashes along Back Bay A 47 year-old Lake Fore~t woman died early Tuesday morning after the car she was driving spun out of conl!ol and plunged into Lhe bluffs along the Bac;lc Ray. police said. Susan I linton·Rausch was driving north on Irvine Avenue near Lhe intersection of Private Road a! about 5 a.m . when she lost control of her Ford Explorer. The car then slid down an embankment. rolling over st>veral times. It eveniually landed on the bluffs. Officials said they did not know what caused her to lose control. There were no passengers or no other vehicles involved. Hinton-Rau5ch wa'> not wearing a safety bell, which allowed her to be thrown out of the vehicle. officials council decided to contillue the process to its next meeting on May 5. If it can't break the deadlock. by May 15. the process ro replace former Mayor Karen Robinson will become a special election. which cannot be held until November. ·Praise the Lord" will only be heard indoors now that the council has permanently prohibued Trinity Ouistian Center, the world's larges! JV ministry, trom broadcasting outside on a regular basis. The council decided to decide on the issue even though the Planning Commission had recommended waiting nine months 10 see if Trinity could comply with an operations management plan it is S(AN HlllER I DAILY PILOT Authorities inspect a vehicle that went off the road on Irvine Avenue near Pnvate Road killing the drrver on Tuesday. said. She did not appear to have been speeding or under the inOucnce of alcohol or drugs, they said. The Orange County C.Oroner hasn'! pinned down a cause of death. An autopsy was done required to create. Trmity can still apply for special event permits to broadcast outside a few times a year. • DBRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 5744221 or by &-mail at de1rdre.nftWman@latirnes.oom. NEWPORT BEACH Newport to Fnsenada race kicks off The Tommy Bahama Newport to Ensenada race began Friday under partly sunny skies. though the clouds headed east for the ~t pan. Tuesday. but toxicology test result'> are pending. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 °' bye mail at deepa.bharath a lat1mes com Several people stood on Ocean Boulevard with binoculars to watch hundreds of sailboats take their position.<; for the Newport lO Ensenada race. A $400,000 traffic signal was installed and turned on in front of Sage Hill School on Newpon Coast Drive on Tuesday. The signal was the first pubUc improvement that the city of Newpon Beac.h has made in Newport Coast The area was annexed to the city in January 2002. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport 8eadi and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at 1949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at JUM.casaQrande@latimes com. NOTABLE QUOTABLES "We need someone with experience who is ttwwledgeabh! an.d knows tM city from the bottom up. I lib Scheafer.~ -Gary Monahan, Costa Mesa councilman, on Mike Scheafer, his choice to replace former councilwoman Karen Rob,inson "{My wif~ l.yneUJ and I both grew up going to CQmps and working with CQmps. so it was a natural for us. Through our church, one of the assistant pastors wanted to do something/or abused kids, but he didn't really know what to do He just knew CQmpmg programs were good." -Dave Brook.a. Newport-Mesa Unified School Board trustee. on lhe bike-a-thon that he and wife partake in 10 benefil youth camps "I'm elated with the decision. I am hope[ ul that it {translates} into some peace behind our homes. But after six years, I guess that elation comes with some hesitation to ~ completely overjayt>d because Wf' just haw tn assume thnt . the otl1er shoe always drops.· -Stacy Schofro, who lives behind Trinity Broadc~t Center. on the Costa Mesa City CouncaJ's decision not to give the broadcast network a per'mit to film outdoors regularly "But the board has spoken And u-e accept that.· -Ubby Cowan. Costa Mesa councilwoman. on the Orange County Transportation Authority board's decision not to s rudy placing the CenterUne light rail system underground "They're not ~rting us do anything we want It's worse than the Wesisith Specific Plan beoouse we're not allowed to do anything in this one." -Jan.Ice Davicbon, a Costa Mesa resident who sits on the city's Community Re<h!velopment Action Committee. on those who run the committee's meetings Daily A Pilot CofatWl:laort Box 15e0, Cost.a Ma.a, CA 92826. SURF AND SUN N~ assistant. (949) 57"-'2911 Copyright No news .ion.. cor•I. wil«>ntll•tl,,,...com illustnrtione, editorial matter or PH010GAAPHERS edvert1Mment1 herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Sean Hiller, Don Leadl. reproduced without written Kent Treptow permlnlon of copyright owner Today's weather will be Where did the swells go? VOL 97, NO. 117 READERS HOT1.JNE HOW TO REACH US mostly IUMV with hJgha In the The aouthwest swell ntOM4S H. JOHNSON NewlEdlton (949) Ml-«186 Ctm.ledon middte 80s to low 70.. continues to be aubpar, ao Pu blither Gina AleJCal\der, Lori Anderwon, Reclord vour commenta about tl'la The Tlme1 Orange County Overnight. aren of fog Will eKpect k,,....,lghtl and leu; TONYDOOERO Daniel Hum. Paul Saltowltz, Dally Pilot or newt tips. (9001252-9141 form aa will a 2°" pen:ient maybe an occuional EdltOf Dani91 Stewne Addrwe9 ~ c:Nnce fOf rein efter midnight. wal.st-Ngh. .JOrlt OETTING NEWSITAff Our addr ... 11330 W. Elev SL, Cotta a...Hled 1949) 842·5878 ~~, Meu, CA 92827. Office hourt ere Dlepl8y (SMa) 642-4321 Monday, d\anoo of '8in On Mond8y, the beet b9t CrlrM~~rtar, Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m £dhoNI continua with hlgh9 In the would be high and dfy. Promotions Director ((Mi) 574-42 Co"9CCtoM NeW9 60a. The neKt ~twell d#pa.blulrathet«lmea.com It 11 the Pltof1 policy to promptly (949) 642-6680 ~ lln't t:xpectld until Thu'9day JuMC.•.-• comlClt all enors of tubttaoce. ~(948)574-4223 • www.nws.noN.QOV .wnlng . ,,..... cell 1949) ~· Newl Fu (SMi) 148-4170 NMpor1 h8dl ~.,. it*t8 Fu (IMOI 850-0170 West pef1oda ... ~ EDn'WO ITAff (!M.9) 57'"4232 FYI E-fMI: dallyp11ote'4ltrrna.com BOATING FORECAST 14 MCOnde and aouthwtltt .,. l.J.Cehn JuM..~aM.tllatl,,,_com The Newpon Beac::hlCo.ta M ... MelnOWloe Nnnlng et 15 eeoonda. Mtnaglng Edltof, ,..,Clnlllln Dally Pilot (USPS-14"MOO) le ~()Moe (149) 642-4321 In the Inner wetwt, Winds -...-,: • (MIPMm P'o11tk:ll, ~ ,,_ Ind environment publ hed dalty. In N9WPQtt 8-d\ 1ue1n ....... (949) 831-7128 • will be wut et 10to15 knob WWW.IUttrlder.OtlJ e.J.t»hll. ~ ~. 1940) 7loM330 end Coaia Men, aubl«lpUona .,.. w'1h wawa .t 2 fMt end twellt .......... t»ULdlnton•111t1m. com eve1t.ble only by eubeorlbing to The from 4 to 8 fMt. TIDES OtylcMOr, (Ml~ Lolllt....., Tlmea Orlnge County 18001 tn the w.mng end •rtv .,_.,.,,..,.~ Colum~ c;uhur• repe>rt8f, 252 9t41. In.,.... outakle of mom na Monday, loolt fat Time ........ ..... ,, ....... (Ml)PM211 Newpoft IMdl •nd Cotta Mela, wtnde to ltaV benwen 10 end 7:11a.m. 4.43'-hlUh Art Dir9dot" I Newit o.lt CtMef, lolir...,..,,,.,. IMUtte&com 911~ to me Di IV PllOC are 15knota. 2:0lp.m. 0.30 .... loW <Ml~ ~ ......... ..,jitab69 Only by Int d-mei1 for Publlahed by Tlmee Community Out farther, winda wtft kldt l:30p.m. 4.IO,_.hlgh ~·~COfn eo.. Mee.""*"'· !Ml 17~1 SJO pet month. I~ I~~ all ~ • dlVlwon of tM Lo4' ~ up from 15 to 25 knac. from the 2:-41 a.m. 0.71fWtlow _.MIC .. dtllfdte.,.....,,,.,,.,.,,,.. com ~ 1t$ end locef ux.e.) TitMt. w.twtth ~ .. J .... Mit "'*~· awe 11 , c:.-. fl'OSTMASTtA a.nd add,... ... nonh1J1111t.tlto8 ..... WATER TEMPERATURE (Mt)~ lctue.dOn reoorw. IMIJ J14.42t1 d\ano-to The~ Cl2003 Tlrnee CN. Alt riQhta ~ ......... CIJ)h) ~t»tt'fllo·~ ~Mesar>My~'-0. ...... OwmlQhteacpect-...eo d9cFIHll04to7 ..... Dally P*>t LOOKING BACK Masonic camp on Little Balboa 1 ITmllEUE 8269:-~ By Gay W111all-Kelly D Id you know there was a Masonic children's camp on Little Baiboe Island from 1914 LO 1944? Most answer. "Where?" In 1914, W.S. ColliM, an early Newpon Beach developer. donated a large parcel or lanq - 28 lots -on tittle Balboa Island bordered by Gr.md Canal. Park Avenue. Abalone and Bal>oa Avenue to the camp known then as Camp Collins. The parcel would be u.sed by the Masonic Ho(l'le during the summer -July Lo September -for their children. . The first year. 52 children slept on the sand with the bay a few feet away -though sometimes high tide would soak everyone. During the day, they would swim, 6sh and boat. Ille first Masonic I lome for 01ildren was built for children of decea.'>CC.I Masons in 1899 in Northern California. It moved to the San Gabriel Valley. its final home, in 1915 to the hills of Covina surrounded by orange grove~. f'hc Covina home was funded by the Ma.'iOns devoting time for education of children whose parenlS c:.tid not feel they had the sJcilli. 10 rear their clilldren. Camp Collins was a needed summer diversion for the children becaw.e "they had too much time on their hand<;." In 1919, John. Tucker donated $2,000 to Camp Collins. wtuch bec-ame Camp Tucker. This allowed cori.-;truction of a recreation-m lruraJ building. 21 dom1ltory tenis and several smaller tents. ln 1925, 13 buildin~ were constructed. cement walks were laid and trees were planted. Ralph Short. of the Balboa Peninsula and Costa Mesa. vividly remembers an August day m 1928. "My dad packed u.<; kids up, me and my SlSters Dorothy and Beth, m10 the fa<JCX and drove from the San Fr.uicisco area to Balboa." he ~d "My mother had recently ~away, and my dad didn't feel that he had the ability or resource<.; to care for us. I Wei.'> only 6. <;<> thL" ~ a great advt>nture for me. My dad and Dorothy were crymg. and Beth got carsick. EXEMPTIONS FOR 3.3°!0 WITHHOLDING REQUIREMENT By D11w lilOnt As you most likely know by now, California tu law rcqwrcs a seller of a building that is not a personal ~idencc co withhold 3.3% of rhe gross selling price and to uansfer that amount to the srate Franchise Tax Board ar close of~ Bur rhere arc a great many.sales that arc exC1J1ptcd from this rcqu1rcmcnt, and a dose Study of them nuy provide help in mucruring transactions that don'r rnggcr withhoJding. Perhaps Uie most significant exemption is so-called 1031 wc- dcfcrrcd exchanges. Though exchange int~iarics m ust withhold 3.3% of any boot ~ivcd by the seller, the Wt- dcfmed exchange continues to provide one of Uie but ways of gttting the vtty most for yuur money as you build a real estate investment portfolio. AOO exempt from the withholding ttquircmcnt arc sala ... in which the property IClb at a Jou, or for SJ00,000 or less, or subject to a I 033 invohmtary conversion. Funhu, the .Jc is exempt if the 1elltt i.s a bank aaing u a UUSC:tt, a California corporation, a qua)~ ~ion plan, an IRA. a partDmhip. an UC. • ID-atmpt mucy, an insutanCIC compuay. an umocable truA or an esutc with a c.Jifomia decedent. Talk wirh yow tax advisorl F-ot more infonnation, caU me at 9'49-S3}-1200 onisit m1 wd*ta 11 da~.com or Of'idordro.d.com. Dor W."I IMt M11 u/Ji-i MfWJ ;,. N,.,_, 8ttK6 Ii/Kt ·1~ llitl ii widl <Mii N,.,,_., Pt~tlJ &iillm. I i i Masonic Home summer camp on Balboa tn 1930. "111e day we arrived, there ·were 171 kids wailing for ll'\," ht' -..ud ·· l11cre were bungalows all ovt·r tht· place. As we settled in, we would swim in the canal, in our wool bathing suiL'>, go out on 1lw )>(Jntl bars and come back with hut kets of clams to feed to aJI of the camp. even se1 off our own lirework.s on the hay front ''S<11ne1im<."i, we would hike over to the mud tlat-.. nuw tht• I >t111t..,," he <;au.I. "Wt• damt'<.I. pl.t}'l:d bmgo. lic;1ened IO llw r.ttho .u1d plll on play-. l'"dlh s .. 11urd.1y \1 1he end of !tummer. wt• rl·lum e<l 10 the Ma.'>Ollll I lome 111 <..ovtna" In 1935. one uflhe boys who had left the home to become an Air Fort:e pilot, I .t Eddie Bundy. tlew tJus Mubby little pl.Ult' from \.1an:h Air Rlrce Bru.e m H.1vcr.1de 10 vis11 the camp. I le landed un a 'mall atf'>trip that 1<; now Promonwry Point ApanrnenL'i. lhe kid-; were able to '>Ct' lum land and ran up to ~I tum • kK: Heck. Balb(>J l'>laJ1tl I <:rry. gent•rotL<,ly donalt-d a ~e with ha11 ery-opera1ed lights 011 11 10 1hc· rnmp "° we kids could enter a OCMI in the loumament of IJgh1., -.ome years." Shon ~d. "Mr lk'ck wa., a generous man." Al Olristmasnme. the ctuJdren Wl'f'(' all given a Se-.m. c-.italog with .1 budget of S 1.50 lo '>pend Shon ho11gh1 a hammer that 11l' ... 1111 ow11' 10 thi., day. In I S-12. lx't:.IU'><' of World \Ver II. Camp luck.er JCUVIU~ carried on al Covina imtead of Halboa P·.im. of Lhe Camp were lea...ed to Nt'WJXH1 Beach c.r.immar School and 1he Girb ~OUL'>. t .. m1p lt1ckcr d o'>t'd Ill 1944. l11e ... uperintendenl uf the ~fa<,c,J11., nouced that many hou'>t"> c.llld people were• now hv1ng do'i<' to the camp on 1he i!tla11d. .. nw t!llVlronment ha.'> de1enor.i1ed," he -,.11d 1\ big d1,mge c:1.111e abou1 m the ·90'o when a Ntwpon Heach Ma">On. ~I r la11 of the Seafarer·., l..udge, donated untlL..closed m 11l.1un ..... crp-ating a grant 10 1he Ma!t<:>nil I lomt' in Covina with a proVI'><> 1hat 1ht•y allow ctuJdrcn of nonaffiliate<l \ld.'iOn familil"> enter Lhe11 d uldren's home. !Oday. 111.c, <ll'l'am ha.'> been dCcomplt<Jied. The Mru.omc I tome conunue~ to opemte in C<Mna With \late rule. and l"l"WJWtlOn'>. they are only allowed 80 kid., m'>lead of 175. "We enjoy a vt'ry large and active alumni group t.hal meet often," Shon '>aid. ··Wt· arc very proud of our hentagc and thank the Ma<,0115 for the basic. in life tha 1 we will c-.irry 1 n our hean' forever·· •GAY WASSALL-KEU.Y, 61 1s the edrtor of a Balboa newspaper and is active 1n the community • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves a historical Look Back1 Let us know Contact James Meier by fax at (949) 646-4170, P.-ma1I at 1ames me1er a lattn'leS oorrr. or matl him at oo Daily Pt lot 330 W Bay S1 . Costa Mesa CA 92627 · J 0 LI ~ r1·/n/ . //1 ,,/ . //1/r/.I 8alon J 8pa .//1.;/tw / •Hair. Scalp Treatment •Nails...._ ...... • Hakeop • Wax & Braz1llt'1n WV/. • M1crodermabnst00 • Mus.<lge • Body Wraps H [ ••e,.t. O"l 949 376-9950 6 0 ,. .. c '· \. ' H ; ..._ I 1 •• : I 1·1 • ' ~ ~ ( ' \ : \ ': .... \ '. ~ • '"""' \! ! • ·"·' ~ . . ,·: ·r . MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • California's leading underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC Dain Raus cher /i1 St.'l an Appl1111tm<'nt Flca.\l' Call LANTZ£. BELL Branch Manager 6/0 .\'t'l\f\'Tf Ctntt'T Dnn' .'>Ull< ~l\) .\t'l\'f(ln fit•.,nh L1 Q,'6N.l (949) 720-8901 lantz.beO@rbcdain.com .... ORANGE COUNTY SEGERST ROM HALL (714 ) 740-7878 dcket_,_ (7i.t) 755-0236 GROUP MLES If ..JI PERFORMING ARTS CENTER &OX OFFICE IOAM -6PM WWW OCPAC OllG (714) 556·2787 INFORMATION (7i.t) 556 2746 nv . . M ~. Ac>n1 27, 2003 ' .• .. SAFETY COSTA MESA Lots t9.leam, try at Harbor Sweep .................. .... lli9ill:Atrdic _..ntlrwoMng lrifu'* w repoltlld • 8:12 p.m. Thuredey. More than 100 gather to clean up Newport area and learn 'flays to keep environment unsoUed at Clean Harbor Day Celebraqon . • ~w"'-*Gntnd ...... f8POft9d in the 2700bl0ctat 5:11 p.m. Thuredav. • ,., ... AwnUe: ~wee ~rtedln · lhe 1900 bfodc et 7:30 p.m. Jhur9dev. •IMl111h8ti..t9nd .... ~A ,., ~n wa reported at '• 49 p.m. Thurlday. NEWPORT BEACH • .._. OltVe: A commercial ~was reported in dMI 100 bfockat4'20 p.m. • Thundey. • .._.. c.to: Grand theft was reported In the 300 bkd at 7-.26 p.m. Thursctav. • N.twport c.n .... Drive &st: A hit-and-Nn was reported in the 600 bk>dc at 3:46 p.m. Thursday. • Onp.-....:Vandallsm was reported in the 300 ' blade et 9:13 p.m. Thursday. • P19centia Awnue; A boat theft was reported in the 1500 blade et 6:28 p.m. Thursday. Chrf atlne Carrllto Dally Pilot In a one~day dean sweep'Sat- wday, the Newport Beach Har- bor got a new look -one that was much cleaner. 1banks to the hands of more than 160 ~ple who volun- teered their. time, the .23rd an- .nual Oean Harbor Day Celebra- tion turned into yet another success. ' Boats · qul&Jdy filled' \Jp with garbage, as volunteers piled on piece by piece at each of New- pon's beaches. Their efforts epitomizing the event's mantra ·Don't Trash Where You Splash." The event. sponsored by the Newport Harbor Nautical Mu- seum, the City of Newport Beach, the City Arts Commission and the Newport Harbor Area Olamber or Commerce, aJso served as a platform to teach the community about various envi- ronmental concerns. ~1 think the purpose is to bring the community together with a common bond,• said Dan Ham· ilton. of Malarkey's Pub, who do- nated about 250 hot dogs for the volunteers. "We're all in this to· ENSENADA Continued from Al friend~ from UC Irvine, Morell of Oticago and ·10m Burton of Minnesota. flew in for the event Past colleague from DalJas, Neale Hickerson and his 19-year-old son Marc I lickerson, joined in. lon!,'lime friend Daniels of Seal Beach offered }'ears or sailing experience. P.mmet Holden arrived Friday morning from Olicago. And Washburn brought his 13-year-old son. Steve (Stevie) Washburn Jr "Steve is a well·k.nown and accomplished sailor ~o when a guy like Steve ask" you to go sailing, it is usually a good deal.· Morrell said. For Wash bum, he said the boat is as special as the people he chose to crew it. Gypsy ~ 230 Eosl 17t St. •Cosio Mesa (949) 722-7224 www rvg~or 'com ~ft{ 10-6. 10-5 BOATING SEASON IS BEBE! ~="~~--Engine Tested -·-..._ ... · ... · ... ·-·---- Same Owner Since I 965, 38 Years in Costa Mesa TBE CARBURE I OR SBOP INC. 2945 Randolph Ave (Brisrol & Baker) 949.642.8286 . 714.556.2181 Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes CALL US 1~.: ft-)[_ a.:-t '{i ... ~ ~, j. F PERFORMANCE LTD ~i,n7 HARBOR BLVD 650 5860 C05 ::. MESA CA 949 .· '. ; · ... :.•,:,.c .. . .'u'/l/'v PEP~ Jl''lf'l:,•11'~ l ID f.0"-' MN>, eoov &.Jo(t.. .... , •. ,..w.. ·-""""'· o...; c..it(i,..... ~s... .,. .... _ ...................... ......... .-..;,..., ... _ IMllMWnf CM .... ... 136 .... ,,,. ... .. ...... gether." Ftom fire fighting demonstra· t1on.by the Orange County Sher· UJ Department's HaJbor Patrol to a water coloring booth and a dis- play of fifth-grade art depk:tl.Qg pollution, children also got a few tidbits on bow to keep the har· OOT tidy. I'm here because "tt was a .sunny day and I wanted {my son) to leam aboot'dean-up and the environment." said Unda Langley.-a Newport Beach resi· dent who attended the event with her two young children and their grandpa.rents.. "I just want It to be a pan of bis life for h.is whole life, so lt's never some- thing h.e has to think about. he just does it" Leaming the importance or protecting the environment from pollution isn't just,, a lesson for the children. rn fact. many adults never learned how important keeping their surroWldings dean. SEAN HILLER I DM.Y Plt..O T Austin Casto, 5, of Hemmit puts the finishing touches on a painting of an anchor h~ made Saturday at the 23rd annual Clean Harbor Day Celebration held at the Newport Harbor Nautical Museum. "It's always imponant and we're always enforcing environ- mental issues in the harbor," said Sheriff Deputy Brad Lofland. an II-year Hamor Patrol officer. uEnvironmental problems are similar to a boat Washburn sailed as a child with his father. Now he lives on his boat and is happy to share the experience of sailing with his three sons. ·11·s a dream come true, it really is.· Washburn said. Hows at sea passed quicldy, making new friends, catching up with old ones and recalling stories of the years gone by. Over and over it was said how fast the time had passed. "It's strange." Morrell said. "I don't feel very old.· "Sometimes don't you just look. at the mirror and say. 'Oh my. what happened?'" Daniels said. .. This is pan of every race, men lallring about their mortality," Holden said. Although Washburn, Morrell and Burton had gone oi, to win national sailing titles. they hadn't come together to race since their days in college. "I still see the same qualities, maybe more maturity, more life the biggest ones we have in the harbor .... (Generally) what we do is more of an Informational service but we pusp prosecu- tions pretty hard.· With awareness of how behav· iors within the community affect the community's harbor increas· ing and resulting in a much experience, wiser." Burton said. They each had children, some gray hair and more wrin.ldes. "The things that made us like each other and be friends bad then still exist." Morrell said. The sailboat sliced through the water at a rapid pace -I 0.9, 11.4, 11.8 knots. "We hit 11.sr Morrell announced loudly to those sleeping below deck. Follewing a restless night of taking down the spinnaker, changing sails, standing watch, steering the course and an eventful jibe, the entire crew gathered on the dedc. for the craw1 to the finish line . When a sailboat silently crosses the finish line. there isn't the same initial celebration that exists with some other races. But the viaory is just as gratifying. · A singte horn pierced through the morning air, followed by pats on the back and congratulatory remaib. Arriving at 6: 15 a.m., COMMENTS Newport·Mesa land, I now say ... pish tosh. No one really Continued from Al knows what pish-tosb means. but it isn't good. Bonom line, the that snap a digital photo of you number of nimrods deliberately or whoever is driving your car. if running red Ugh ts is large and you try to run a red light growing larger, and something Your license plate will show up has got to be done, I telJ you. as clear as day, even at night. A recent test at Harbor and which means you have, in tbe Adams recorded 259 red-light words of Aretha Franklin, violations ... in 18 hows. Unless nowhere to run and nowhere to my calculator fails me, tha1 hide. comes to about founeen The first red-light cameras red-light pirates an hour who are popped up about 8 years ago, perfectly willing to risk ramming and are now snapping away their car through the door of around the country and all over your car and out the other side, the world. 1bt!re was a lot of to save 90 second'> at a cra.ffic hubbub about ·aig Brolher· at tight first. but most of that c.abned Another frequent concern is down as people realized that no that these systems are strictly one really cares about the face intended lo raise dough for the behind the wheel It's the front dty. Not so in this case. because bumper they're after. the City Council had a clever To ovenbnplify, the cameJaS idea. and a darn good one, I couldn't care Jess about the might add. Any money green-Ught phase. The only generated by red-llgbt cameras thing they live for Is this; what is in Costa Mesa will be routed to the elapsed time between when drivers ed programs at local the light tumed red and the schools. polnt a car entered the According to Costa Mesa intersection after that? Just lib Police Lt. Karl Schuler-who is cleaner harbor, event organizers hope to have a slightly different focus next year. "There are a few people that are dedicated to making the har- bor clean for everybody." said Glenn Zagoren, the president and chief executive for the mu- seum. "The harbor is getting Washburn said it was his fastest sail for the Ensenada race. Gypsy motored into the marina just i1S the sun became visible. ·nus is a classy amval. ·Seth said as Gypsy joined the likes of larger boats. "We are looking pretty spiffy right now.· The crew opened the beers. cleaned up and greeted new arriva.Ls.. Washburn started breakfast. Stevie asked If there was a Theo Bell in Mexico before settling down with his Nintendo. Holden and Bunon unsuccessfully searched for coffee and others took refuge and slept They would find out the final results later. For now, the crew agreed, they were just going 10 enjoy the moment Gypsy futished at 14 hours, 6 minutes. It placed second in its class, onJy 10 minutes behind Between The Sheets. Pyewacket was the first Coalition,· approximately 3,6n.909. Thats a Jot. Do red·tight cameras save lives? Without a doubt In fact, they have been so effective in cooling the jets of bad drivers that some cities have mstalled ·raux· cameras at some intersections as a deterrent with great success. If you're still not comfortable with red-light cameras. here's a ~ought Drive safely. I know ... i(s crazy. But it just mlght work. I gotta go. • PETER BUFf.A is a former Costa Mesa mayor. His column ruM Sundays. He may be reached by e-mal! al Ptr84 aol.com. cleaner and (the ewnt'sl been very successful Next year we hope to have more of a celebra· lion of how clean the harbor is.• • CHRIS;nNE CAAArUD covers educatl~ m&y be reached at (9491574-4268 or by e-mail at chnstine.C4rrillol~latimM.com. monohull to cross the line at I 0 hours. 4-4 minutes. beating Alchemy and selling a new course record for monohulls Final sailing results can be viewed at WU11UflOS4org. GREENERT, Margaret Rose Margat9t Rose Greenert. age 86, passed away April 25, 2003 at Hutchinson Hospital. She was born Dec. 18, 1916 In Kingman, Kansas. She married Francis F. ·Hoot• Greenert on Apr11 30. 1948 In Oklahoma City, OK. She manao-d the Piece Goods Dept llt Wiley's Dept. Store during the '60s. She was a membe< of the First United MelhocflSt Church. She ts survived by her sister Betty J. Ford of HutcNnaon. son Wayne E. Greenert of Newport Beech. Calf., daaght.,. Saly M. Kem of HutcNnlon and Rebecca J. Aguilar of Nonnan, OK. five grandchildren and six greet· grandchlldre n. She w u preceded In death by her daughter Slzabeth Ev.ns; sons Phllflp Greenert and Dwayne Greenert, who died in Infancy; granddaughter Mellna Evans .nd hu9band Frww;ia F. ~ who died March 22, '994. Funeral servicee w11 be held at 81iott Chapel. Aprfl 28 at 10 Lm. Burial will be at Fairtawn Bur1al Park. In lieu of flowera, memorial• may be mad9 to the Good Sematttan Fund at Wfl/fWf Tower... PIERCE BROTHERS BELL BROADWAY Mortuary * Chapel Cremati<>n 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa 842-9180 the nontech world. no one cares one of the most decorated DeeHelce Pertc.lns about cars that entered the box omcers In the country for Just before the red ligbt. or even nabbing OUJ violators, by the (Mrs. Harold Morgan Perkins) a tiny fraction of a second after. way-"This is not about July 311 1910 • Apfll 23, 2003 Its the people who clea.rty and money. It's about p~nting Mrs. Pef1(lns died peacefully In her sleep, early mom1ng Apnl 23, deliberately sailed througb, well traffic acddenta cawed by 2003. She was preoeded In death by her most betovedlwiband past the point Where they coukl drivers running red lights." Harold Morgan Pef19ns. She wm be greatly missed by her have made a safe stop who need Sounds good to me. devoted faml~ • her ohUdten, Barbara A. {Bud)'OMst and Aoberf to smile and make sure their t try to atay away from scary M. (Mrs. Michael) P9t'klns, grandchildren Guy K. Johnaon hair b ln place. Uve human statistics. but guess bow many (Debbie), Crala G. Johnson (Dana), Jason M. Perldns beings follow up. trace the red·Ugbt crasba were nicorded (~ ri Prentice P81kins Lewla (Jeff), and 6 ~ license plate; and a violation in the U.S. between January ~nson end ~ = ~ =· Maxwell and Mi>fgan notice goes OUL 2001 and January 2003. Go Mrs. Petidns graduated ~~ Hi;h Schoo4 and ls that Big Bn>tbu1 ahead. UCLA. Aa a coed She was aelected to be In ~ Bettdey'w There wu a time when I ~ a guess. I'll wail That'a "Footlight Parade•. AltM movlnQ horn Hamitlon f1eld Nt FOC'08 would have aaid yes. But with long enough. Bue li1 Callfomla She and her famltv resfded In the San Gabr1el wbatl"ft teen recently at Accotding to the Valley until tler rettrement In 1974. Upon her fubendl death In • intenec:tJons acroes the Phoenbt-~ "Red Means Stop 1951. &he became the owner of Pettdns GMC Truck OMlerlhlp ------------.:..:.----""-------~ ~ ~=r:r~ ~~ ownertrQeident °' a She was aleo 8dlYe 1n num.rooslp~ the~ HOW TO CONTACT .YOUR REPRESENTATIVES aTY OF COITA IE.IA C09t8 "'--Cllv Hell, 77 Falt Driw, Co.ta.._., CA 92.828, (1~1M6m ~ tc... Aot*leOi\ c .. Ubbv eow.n. Alen U.ieoor. a.y Mol-... a'Mt ans... CnY O!l ,..OIT IMCH ,..,,pon...,.(:ae,Hll,DOO ~ ..... ~ .. , ......... CA tae3. t• ..... 33GI ~a.w. • .,.,.., Courld: GaryMemt. Jotin Heffilrmn, Diet Nlctlol9, GetY Ptoc:trw. Tod RJdgew.y end Don w.bb COMT~cou.EGE OllTIICT °'9bict Oflkil: t370 Adlrne ""·· COlta-.._ CA 12121. (114) m ... Ct II I I J , w..m M. ""91 ..... ,.,.....,. ....,. ..... Vice ,. ....... Anwldo ..... George lraWn. Jwry ,_, rt0n 8nd WlliiMrG.Hot'llO;......,.~ °"" .. CEi.cted to the~ in 1959 to Oirectof EmJ:f: ~ Unfted . W•y (8oald of Olr9ctora & Chair of the ~ Commltt .. ). Grt Scoutl <• Founder°' the san G8briel v.v Coundl and Preeident In 1950), the Pomona ~ YMCA (Bolrd of Dndota and Chtllt of the AnfUlll Support~) the Pomona Chembet of Commerce (Botrd of OirecDI Mei Chair ot vattoua commln111): In 1986 w recet-*1 the W1nCJ "f:1: ~~-= ~ ~ Awattr., hof1or:11g dMlfttiM In the Pomona ~. Ind MJppOrt Of f'IUMlf'OUI =:=~9~~~.!"') 'The C9"0lf ~Ind T.. Brott .--""' ""' _.,, ' ~_.be Ntd on~. 2~8:)12:00 eo 4:00Dm It F«ell Ulwn Mlmorw.Pn ~ Fun1n11 ~ .. Mortdlt. Apftl 28, 2003 .. 11i0o.m In .... w. tOrtc ~·=ldher Qud) II Fmet L.-n ~ .... "' ... of llowett, the.~~·· ... ~ .. Nde IO~ RepMc, ChQ) ..... Cl8u:lla. 0t Cll'9f ~ det-.. ' Daily Pilot CHECK IT OUT Stepping . out for a good cause ''A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Confucius told us. If you consider the thousands that wiU be logged by participants m the upcoming Relay for Ufe, you'll have some tnklmg of locaJ support for the fight against cancer. There will be abundant evidence of that support in steps taken around the field behind Newport I larbor I hgh Lh15 Fnday and Saturday. and further fuel for the joumcy on library '>helv~. You can read about r u111ng-edge treatmen!"t in "The Cooilng c.ancer Breakthroughs" by clinical biochemist Joseph Dooley and cancer survivor Marian Retancoun. Along with treatment options for many t ancer.., find complex medical roncepts explained m lay tl'rmmology in thi!. well-rL-searchcd re'>Ourcc. Also new on the '>helve., LS "llowto Prewnt and 'frat Cancer with Natural Howeo,,.....,. andTIWl ('ancer MedJclne" by =.:::..-==::.== Micha(' I Murry. lim B1rd'iall, Joseph Pinorno and P·duJ Reilly. from the:.c holi'>lll spedalis~ learn about dJSease-fighting foods. natural ~upplemems and the impact of arutude in their guide 10 reducing cancer risl and finding effective treatments.. Other alternative therap1c'> are in "Breast Cancer. Beyond Con~ntlon," edited by Dr Mary ragliaferri. li.aac Cohen and Debu 1 npathy. Learn about tht' benefits of soy foods. vitam1m and the SI H\ I\ l'\1. positive < \ '\< I.fl impact of t:M1 l I II)'\ \I L't piritual pracuces in • Ltus new 1~·····i 11 •• ,. 11 ... 1 work. The psychologicaJ challenges of healing are the springboan:J for "Survtvtng c.ancer F.motJonaDy." Penned on the premise that the more patients understand their reactions. the more effectively See CHECK, Pac• A6 54.nddy, ACI~ '27, 2003 ~ • • z e ezsure --------------- Cooking prodigy 17-y.ear-old will compete . with top culinary geniuses for the coveted title of Best Teen Chef in America on May 17: A t 17 she seems to have all the right ingredients for success, it's a recipe she knows well and 11 hai. it ha.., earned her the opponunity to compete in the finals in New York City on May 17 for the titJe o f Be'it Teen Chef 1n America. Cooking is a passion of AIJ~on Ames of Corona del Mar, and winning the Regional Semifinals in fhe Art Institutes' Best Teen Chef in America in March at The Art Institute of Southern California has changed her life. "I read an article in the food 'iect1on of a newspaper about the competitio n:· Ame'> said. ·1 called the '>Ch'ool and they told me how 10 enter and that I needed a portfolio I came in for an onentauon on the recipe'>. gwdelin~ and expected 1udgmg w11h Chef l.auderdaJe." He gave the hopeful-. tips and Ame., went home and started practicing, explaining that over the three week.!> before the compe tition she had to gel familiar wllh the recipe'>. practicing malung the cour'>es several lime., and putting together prep cards a<> reminder;. "I wasn't nervouc; when I was prall1cmg," Ames srud. "When I got there I 'Hi\\< It wa .. \O big and got bu11e rl11es. but when I '>tarted cooking I go1 into thl'> perfect zone • But this compeut1on wasn 1Ame'>1mt1al interest, she knew by age lO that 'he ha'> wanted to pur~ue a tareer in cooking. "I am pas<,ionate about cooking. balung and creating in the kitchen,· Ame'> .,aid. "Since age 10 I have Ileen c:ooking. watdung the "Pood Network." and collecung hundredc; of wol..book<, to learn a' muth a' possible about food, 111gred1ents and recipes." Bet:au~ her panmt' m·\er cooked '>ht· decided that '>he would bt' the chef m till' family and that\ been the main source o r her c:uhnary edulallon She cilso <;IJrtt'd ht'r own catering comp.my called Parnd1'>e Chocolate Shoppl' Like most gradua1111g 'cniors her futurl' was uncertain unt1l th1'> competition pointl•d her in a path she .., lookmg forward to pursuing. She graduate' next week from l• see PRODIGY, Paee A6 Allyson Ames won the Best Teen Chef regional semifinal at Orange County's Art Institute of California NO PLACE LIKE HOME A new room in the old backyard A re you mtere<,1ed m adding a new room Lhat doesn't cost a fortune? Look no further than your own backyard. Dining room. livang room, kitchen or <ttudy -its all there under the stars. The backyard can be more than a garden. It's relatively simple make outdoor space multifunctional. The biggest effort 1s rethinking the way the yard works. The yard isn't just for the kids and the dog. And with some planning you can add plenty of lave-able square footage right outside the back door. lf yow idea of outdoor coolr:.i.ng is draggmg the ~ebt.•r from the '>Ide yard. it's tune to mall' a commitment Designate a 'pan· for cook.mg. II lwlp' lo have '>Olid footmg: concrell'. bnd. or stone B<' sure you have adequate lighting KAREN WIGHT. If you don't have counter space. add a small table that can hold plat~. ~paces and uten~1L'>-If you use fresh herbs, plant yow TRAVEL TALES fa\onte<. dost' to till' t ookmg arl'a or add pols planted with .l dwart lt•mo n tret> and par;ley. h, ... 11 and sagl' around the ba.-.e 'rnur dmmg area m•l'<i\ to haw '>Orne ... helter lrom the elt'ml'lll\, c1lhl•r m the form of an umbrc•ll..i. a pa110 i:owr or a vme-rnvered pergola. If it's pos.-,ible to haw .i hanging lantern or chandelier. hy all ml'an'> do .,u hen 1( you don't turn them on every ume you eat out<;ide, H\ a nice feature to have If electnc1ty L'> not available. load up on Landle. and vouves "tore them outside 'o you can have in'>tanl ambll'lll e IJ-.e vour outdoor fum11un· for \Our h\1ng room c hdlr\, hem hl''>. c.Uld '>ldt• table.. u~ a mg m.idt• out ol .i natural fiber that can <,t.ind th<• wt'ather It helps defme the '>pare Adding< u4'h1on' makt>s lhl· ..eaung romfortable If you have dO outdoor fireplace or fire pat. you have all the elements for easy entenaming. My favorite ~P'lce in the garden '" a httJt' nook that has two gliding chru.r\ with a '>mall table betwttn them and an merht•ad c handeher I never light See HOME, PaaeM Falling in lOve with views, splendor of South America were entertained by a local foDt dance 8'0UP of beaudful cb.ildtttl. The fOllawtng three daya were spent al ... where '\W obeerved the Pio XI Glader. the Seno Europe Glader and the Amalia Glader. wbkb ts the largest ln the wodd-ablolutely awaome. It neYl!lr thawt bul mau.d c:onscandj builds berinw o( the banh winter. Our aecond It.Op WU Punta Arena, whkh lies atOp roWna hllll. loolcing out awcr the mkkDe of the Sblt of M.age11an. In the dayt bef<n the Panama CINI. thla w.s a Mljor pon. It rematna ·~dty~andlldv ptrwlly to Ch8ean AmpiiL Our tour Ml mllnly bf -Wbldi met Uf at .. pilll' and tm'*<I ~ dw dtyon our IMTMVIL.~M Al Sunday, 0 Ac>td 27, 2003 SOUDHARnwOOD PLusti?ARPET : $699 •lnataledwithPad s 1 es INSTAUED! 'Cl II • Minimum 60 yaRIS llj ft • Travertine 18" x 18" ................................................... ~ ..... '4.29 1e1t Ceramic lile ............................................... ·····-flSlalled tcm ..... 111• Laminate 'vVood ................................... : ............ 111Sta11«1110m '4.99 t111. ,nj Tools b' "-~. ENTER TO WIN MOth er /Daughter In 25 word\ or less ldl 11t wt 1y you deserve a makcrM'I lrn,1qr· Sc1lr ri' prufe ... ICJrldl )tylt .C'i want 10 trl'cll vnl. I '°''' lVc1111 1CJ of l°JL'clLHY .-ind P<.m-1rcring Join u Mo'l J.1v M 11 I rn trorn 6 30- 8 30prn W1n11• rs will r tlvL rrnt~s .:1nrl ,1 free q1fr. I H H' d'oeuvre s will I" t ·rvr•rJ Send us your entries along with a photo Via mail or email us at 1magessalon 14tsbcglobal. net ._JMAGES SAL 0 N 2515 [POI Corond Del Mar. CA 97615 949-675-SSSI Con-R<Hs ...,.,.,i.-.,......o,,,.1o111 • Ml .:1...... t:•• ..,._, ~f 1411W1(11., puttf .... Mt ,~ w ....-...... t.-. U'QCt90 Mly b 200J ~ ~~tV\.tJ)l'tr.l"O l"l'9.•\0~ sgges & UP' 4TI AES OfWWlldon llllot*-: 1'5175"11 t11170tUi ttll1Mt4 TRAVEL Continued from A5 way to a penguin reserve. Once !here. we foliowed a trail through the grass1a.ods to the sea -the wind was biowing up a gale to the point where It made you feel that when you took. one step forward, It pushed you back two steps. lt was bitterly cold and we were thankful to finally find the warmth of a tiny car~ where hot chocolate had never tasted better. Ushuaia. Argentina. was our next destinadon. A former whaling station and prisoner colony. 't is the capltaJ of11erm del Fuego and is famous for being the southernmost city on F.arth. The tour bus cool us on a wiriding road high up in the moUJltains to a nat!onal padt where we could overlook the Beagle Olannel and see for miles. Pinally, at 7:35 am. the next day, we came abeam to the portside of Cape Hom at a distance of 1.11 nautical miles. Dark and mysterious under cloudy skies. its rocky terrain rises to a height of 1,391 feet and makes a formidable landmark for those navigating around it. Known for its prevalent winds, heavy seas and strong currents, the naturalist lecturer on board said wthis is where the wind begins.. Pon Stanley, Falkland Islands, was our next anchor and tender operations began under a Force 8 wind, which is considered gaJe force. TI1e tender lurched and roUed as the bosun fought the wheel and severaJ passengers returned back up the gangplank before it was fully loaded and able to leave the ship. It turned out to be a cute little seaside village with one main street and quaint shops. but so cold and windy that after lunch at the local pub, everyone ~ glad to return to the ship. We sailed at 6:35 p.m. on rough seas. The gaJe continued and, at 4:20 a.m., the wind speed was HOME Continued from A5 the candles -but that's beside the point, they look good. It is a great spot to read the mail, read a book or help with homework.. It\ always quiet, it'i. a littJe hidden from the main yard and it'!> a great place to escape. If you really want to take Living al fresco seriously. incorporate the landscape into the plan. Plant some night -blooming jasmine near recotded by the wssel anemometer at 92 knots or 106 mph. Dwin8 the day. we were forced to heave-to owing 10 the heavy swell conditJons and ~ hwricane force winds and ieducc speed to 3 kno In order to maintalri our schedule, we did not c.all at Puerto Madryn. but proceeded through the South Adandc to Pon Stanley and Montevideo, Uruguay. In MonteVkleo, we experienced our finest tour called ·A Day at the Fann," and that's exactJy what It was. La Rablda. a 3,458-acre ranch 45 minutes from Montevideo, where we were welcomed personally by the • owner and family. Hey rides. buggy rides. horse show and mini-rodeo; a wonderful barl>ecue luncheon and complete touring of the fann itself -such gracious people. We disem barked in Buenos Aires, ~-pent the night at the Oaridge Hotel, which included a marvelous tango show at the local nightclub, and the next morning new to lguacu NationaJ Parle. Argentina From there, we crossed the border into Brazil to the Cataratas Resort. the only hotel inside the park C!Jld within walking distance of lguacu Falls. The next day was spent on catwalks and hiking trails to VJew the splendor or the falls -all 287 of them. We had saved ttus for last and were not disappo1med. • TMVR TALES runs on Sundays Have you, or someone you know. gone on an interesting vacation recently? Teti us about your adventures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from 1hat do not have the Daily Pilot in them, and send them 10 Travel Tales, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627, or e-mail cora/.wrlson a /at1mes.com, or fa• to (9491 646-4170 • PAUl.A GODFREY Is a Newpon Beach resident who also serves on the city's Civil Service Commission the outdoor.livmg room. Uc,e white Dowers in tht: garden, they stand out i.n the moonlight. Add a fountain l>O you have the sound of trickling water in tJ1e bac~round. You can haw an extra room within day'>. "111io; will be the ea .. iel>t remodel you've ever done. And you don't have to worr, about crown molding. the ceiling is too high. • KAREN WIGHT 1s a Newpon Beach resident Her column runs Sundays. &-1 ~'fl ustom Home Loans ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees!! Lot cost included. ·Construction loans as low as pnme. fixed for up to 12 months. ·Low rates for purchase. re·f1 & no cost equrty Imes <"1111 BILL F!;.LL<JN 949-252-8200 ·Ground up. rehab & remodel -Pnmary residence or 2nd home allowed ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only progr!ms. JS Yeanr In Orange County. THE UNDING GROUP • 3848 Campus Dr #210. Newport Beaoh CA 92660 Motorcraft9 011 and Fiiter Change PRODIGY Continued from AS high school and applied al the Art Institute ln Orange County. •Hopefully I'll start in July in the Cullnary Arts Prognua," Ames said. "Before the contest, J ~n't enrolled anywhere and · kind or all of a sudden I get this great opportunity. I figured It was so perfect, and what I want to do.• She said she feels lucky to have this chance to compete in this competition -it will be her first dme ln New York. but she stressed it Is not for leisure but to work. Ame5 h~ been practicing diligently for the finals for a few Wf:Oks now. · . ''I've been golng to the Art Institute.every Tuesday and Thursday meeting with Oief Lauderdale and Olef Gilligan to learn wl\at is to be expected," Ames said. WThey are totally preparing me." She is looking forward to the competition and explained that there are 17 winners from the Art Institutes from aero~ the country that won the regional semifinals, whfch will be competing in the finaJi.. "I'm excited to meet everyone becau!>e we share tht: same interest&,· Ames said. "And l had &uch a great time competing at the semifinab." The winner at the national finals at The An lru.ticute of New York City will receive a fuU-tuitaon c,c.:holarsh1p wonh more than $30,000 Amt>s aJready received a $5,000 CHECK Continued from A5 they can cope, Dr. Roger Granet addre&sc~ rt>ac.:uw realities. typical defense mechan1&ms and treaunent for emotional dil.ordcr..-. frequently associated with c.:ancer. I lumor can be the be~t antidote for da.sease, and therl'\ an arnple du~ in lV ac~ 1-rnn Ore<;ehcr·~ uCancer Sclunancer." In a memcm recounting her two-year, 11-doc.:tor od~-.t.·y 111 l>earrh ul answeri;, "TI1e Nanny" star sharel> what '>Ill~ learned about herself and the depth of her relauonsh1p'> in her sucrl'~'>lul ba11Je aga.in'>t uterine cancer Equally meaningful for thow who've faced tht' dil.ea...e ll> "The Victoria's Secret Catalog Never Stops Coming." With 3!'i life le!>SOn\, breast cancer survivor Jennie Na&h re\ealc; how a devastaung d1 seast' can ~ the cat,lly ... 1 for po'.'>tttve. life-changing cxpencnces. In <t final lec,.-.on .ihour ht'r fir.I walk WHATS AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFLOAT 1s published periodically. If you are ~anning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St .• Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170, or by e-mail to dailyp1/ot .a lat1mes com Orange CoHt College is offering new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsalling.com. Sailing Fascination otfera classes in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with diHbilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Oranp County employen c:.n bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy • day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast tuition scbolor&hlp and will hopefully wtn more ot tJ1e $190.000 In acholarah.lps that the tnstftule ls awarding through I.his competition. One of ber trainers, Chef Martin OWfgan. who used to be. executive chef Cor the Plaza Hotel in New York and with the Four Season s Resort, said he ls amued with Ames talent •1've beeo around the block a few times and have been in this industry for almost 30 years." Gilligan said. •Through my experience. I've never found someone with sµcb raw talent _and natural ability to remember recipes, Ingredients and to be.able to not only duplicate tt -but be able to o~t do-me. She'll be the nep girl_ on the Food Network." He couldn't believe that she wns just 17 and has so much ahead of her. "She has been coming in with stuff that J wouldn't have thought of, .. Gilligan said. "She's amazing -her style. Dair and comfort and her incredible manipulatiort or food has never been done before. It looked like I went to l.e Cirque in New York..· Ames of course aspires to be Best Teen Olefin America and after that M1e hopes to go to the instirute to become a pastry chef. "I wdflt to open my own plac.:e anywhere in Orange C-Ounty that servei. pastries, desserts and drinks late night and after dinner,· Ames said. WThey don't have that here but they do in New York and 01icago." a.\ a survivor. the 36-year-old mom could be the inspiration for 'iOme of the bleary-eyed denv.ens rneandenng around .t trJclc: in the wee hours of May 2 lo join their ranks or for more information, call (949) 567-0634. Or show up at City I lall at noon on Wednesday or 111ursday to anend the first annual No-Talent Show sponsored by the City Slick.er, Relay for life team Tickeb. for d mere SlO tax-deductible clonauon, are going fast! Oon't nu~'> thio; opportunity to see "SluJlng Rogoer and the Briquetta" and other outrageous acts starring city leaders and staff. stepping out for a good cause • CHECK rT OUT is written by the staff of the Newpon Beach Public Library This week's column is by Melissa Adams m collaboration with Andrea Jason All utles may be reserved from home or office computers by a<:ceu1ng the catalog at www newportbeadllibrary org College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary One-day classes coat from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412 BOAT RENTALS With Marina Wat9rSports at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can en1oy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay In your choice of power and sail watercraft, 1ump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasall flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Electric boat ntntals eN available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental I• $76. (949) 645-Q12. • ' Pilot Sunday, Af)I~ 27, 2003 A7 l G~~~H~ & . 1· . . fl ~ '! t. c;:iC1 pecra rzmg m ner :-~ .:, · ~'1" quality dolfhouses. furniture and accessories. " 353 Old Newport Blvd, Newport Beach • (949) 722-1132 Mon 12:30 -4:30, Tues thru Fri 11:00 -6:00, Sat 11-5 Safe for Infants, Children , Pets , Deodorizes, Biodegradable. Clean , fresh carpets, dried in minutes. Call Tom Mazzone (714) 569-5779 • Costa Mesa PATINA A BOUTlQUE OF T'U.ASUllES Featuring Jewelry Designs Bv O\\'ner Jemn Jolt11so11 Vintage & De~rgner Purse~. Lrng(ne, Designer Ladt('\ Clothe~. Tank Top~. Baby Clothe-. & Blanl..e1', Anttque~ & Other Fun Treasure!> 949•548•1930 178 Wells Pl, Costa Mesa Off 17th Streel in the Washm ton Mutual Park.Jn Lot. RosEY's AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair facility Insist on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY full ,...._ Collision Center ln•uranc• Approved Shop 949) 642-4522 The Velvet Hanger Tailoring & Reweaving Shop • c.om DraaDalWil & • lmUiWe 1Tcnc:1a R.cwa-Ma oa All A1tauioas for Maa le Women Fabnc.. 1CDia ac c...1uncrc Swma1 • W~ Party & Md.al Gown. • Moc.b Holes, Tc:an & Bura ltq*n • Latha & 1Cniu Alttradont • All Wodt Doot oo Plun.ltet (949) 673-4434 ... Fax (949) 673-4951 www.thevdvethanaer.com ProedlJ Scniac ~lad Ara F..-S-IAadoD Slnct 1'79 ll55 \-11 Uc1o Sib C, Newport led. CA~ BE~MA DESIGNER RESALE BOUTIQUE Unique, soph1st1cated and stylish de~ri~ the clientele ot Bell1ss1ma Adriana Spitzer, store owner and St John Knits spec1al1s1, has created an atmosphere. that reflects the timeless eleg.ince and quality of her selected merchandi~ while selling 11 at a traction of the cost A truly upscale designer consignment boutique, BeU1ss1ma 'features one of the largest ~lections of St John 2850 E Coast Highway Corona Del Mar (949) 718-()476 EVERYONE SHOULD SEE YOUR AD HERE! · To Advertise in our next A-Z Page (949) 642-5678 - c.nn c.nDDvuuKu '4 'JtdJ,·StlWla 9dlf ou , r.J..../lllJo' •fl'-£•' • • · • '.:I': LE • '11!1 'Ml • "'1\'. Wll\: ~'Cf:: .6¥.: • 1,.~:.. s,..~ • •' ~f ::&:PS IHl N • ( .?i.11 't ..... £.. • ~ . /,:_: 1784 NEWPORT BOULEVARD• 94~7714 r-~~~-=:.IF:-~ Sellers, List Your Home For Only 1 O/o!!* 'l'lu 1 ~ 1., Bu~cn Broker \ ~· TOl ~l \J,c >.Mu• H.i.I'' 45 Day Written Guaramu ~-EA.cm CA NEWPORT DRIVP.\G CHOOL 'The Best Prof~ and Expmenced /~" George Schnitzer OMV Uc. 1-3573-009 4340 CAMPUS DRrvE --SUITE 214 -- NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 TEL 949 975-8425 -EsrAFIOL 949 975-8426 -FAX 949 975-8530 h ://tllWfA ortJrnti11 booLcom AnUqueiS @ Re.slomtlon 130 E. 17TH STREET, COSTA MESA, CA 92627 (949) 650-5947 "'I VUlaQe f Home Des ten 1 Interior D•tlgn Consulting and Furnlthlnga 24'00 w..t Coat.Hwy #5 tln._.llldl.CA928e3 --875--..... 7M183 Jsland Jlooring Hardwood · Stone · Ceramic Tile Carpet · Vinyl Carolyn Carr 118 Agate Ave Balboo Island, CA, 92662 9.(9-675-3456 FAX 949-675 4348 Cell 949-422-8570 The Local Plumber a division of MBT J Bangert PIPE LOCATING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK DETECTION FRIENDLY SERVICE 949-675-9304 www.thelocalplumber.com L#752497 Insured Be Happv VVith Your HAIR I .1n1 1r 1 un qut I"" " r11 m~ke your da). ()\ P• !1 H'M' ur "' i>~' "ll ~ Hdlf ( nlry \ Hd " ( J' \p.:o<. d \' 949.631.3822 ,.,.,, ,,. B ., " QUATRINE washable furniture To advertise in our next A-Z Page, Contact . (949) 642-567 ___________________________ ................ --~----·----. ---------.. bella bella SALON _.,. __ O FF E R I N G G<eot L.eng1h hair ex1ensions I Allemo Ute Strac;tl18'W'tQ System I SALON HOUIS ~'>.30om~~m •Oaa5lrdo¥ 2n1 E coast Highway SUlle 204 Corona det Mor CA 92625 949 723 4048 SUNMIS T SPRAY TAN SPA Spray oil your tan in seconds! 50% OFF: 1st Session : $15 Value l . I Expires 4/30/03. a ... _______ .., ___ ., CzlJ toJ4y to sehtJidt JOMr appointment (949) 719-2896 27 44 Ea..t O>ast wgbway, '1 • secona 80or" Corona dd Mar, C.A 92625 THESE NEW· FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EV EN HUSBAND S. ~ALDEN'S F\OOll CC7.HN<. A'll C\ \lll'4 \t'i-.t>tol' ( O\ I Ml't o\ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 -.... -• ...,_,_.,_o..flO_ The soft folds of v,pne' window~now come in three new fabno tNt appul to everyone. Come see them today. ~ • f I t•. ft I t I•• I ......... , ........ . .,,,, ,,,,, ""' "'" RIVER Continued from Al that has closed beaches ln Huntington and Newport. "The Santa Ana River has always been ldentitied as a source of our beach problems," sa'.id ken Theisen, a senior environmental sclend&t with the Santa Ana Regiorial Water Quality Control Board. •That ls defi.n.itely a significant source." Theisen, who oversees regulation of the river, said he estimates that the river contributes about 50% of the bacteria to Huntington State Beach at Magnolia Street. The Orange County Health Care . Agency's testing stadon in that anfa, dubbed 9 North, has ~gistered the most persistent t>acteria problems, officials said. Bacteria outbreaks have also sh own up at the Newpon Pier. Since shortly after a rash of shoreline bacteria outbreaks in 1999 closed Surf City beaches. Huntington Beach has diverted urban runoff inside its borders year round. Polluted water from all over the Talbert-Lower Santa Ana River Watershed -an ~ea the includes Huntington Beach and sections of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Fountain Valley -Oows into a network of channels and into the river. City and county officials then pump the wastewater to two sewage tteatrnent plants operated by the Orange County Sanitation District. Sanitation district officials accept about 2-million gallons of runoff each day. The "upstream cities," as they are known, have provided little assistance in combating the runoff that soils beaches along the coastline. Runoff from Garden Grove, Westminster, Fullerton and other cities flows into the Talbert Watershed, officials said. "There are some things that need to be done upstream to keep the water from getting into the river in the first place,· said Robert Ghirelli, the director of technical services for the sanitary district. ATTACKING POUtmON The Irvine Ranch Water District also diverts runoff from the Newport Bay Watershed, which takes the drainage from Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Irvine, Tustin and other cities. Newport Beach has trained its sights on a concrete drain along Coast Highway and Seashore Drive thal dumps a "bacteria stew" into the river, Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff said. To the north, Huntington Beach has also taken up the cause to reduce polluted runoff into the river. In early 2002, the AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. BJy St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (94.,9) 646-4170; or by calling (949) ~95. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. SPECIAL COSTA MESA HIGH CHOIR CONCERT The Costa Mesa High Sdlool Choir spring concert, •folk Songs of the World; will be given at 7 p.m. Monday at Newport Mesa Christian Center. The concert will be performed by the five choirs of the high school under the ' direction of Jon Lindfors and accompanied by Kathryn Klein. The songs, whicn come from THERE'S A NEW GAME I i:llllZEN ROPls . FROZE-N ROPES TRAINING CENTER ii proud ro an nounce our GRAND OPENING on Satwday, May 3rd from I lam·8pm ar our Irvine, CA location. • Virual Trainlng • (pitch ""°l"IUOn, cracking) ·~Tn.ining (mena! dcilt.> • ltutruetional Mcmbcnbip' •Individual & Group lrutruction • Dwnond Strength Tnainmg • Born co Pl.ty Ptognm (2-Syr olds) • VlPER (vicko an.aly&as) • Virtu.il Pirchlng Machmts (tunnel ttnt2b PROZl!N ROP•S TRAINING C•NTIER 19028 MCGAW AVE, IRVINE, CA (949) 250-1 199 ......,..~ClOID Los on «> .f••IJ a me to v\tw our naional ~Jtc Chcd• vur full Sd\Nu~ uf E vt12u f SE.AN HILLER I DAILY Plt.O T The Santa Ana River, as seen from the bridge where Adams Ave. crossing, is relatively dry. city hired consuJtant Camp, • Dresser & McKee to prepare twin plans for Surf City's water quality and drainage efforts. The city issued contracts for $230,000 to p repare the water-quality plan and $360,000 for the drainage plan, said Geraldine Lucas. the principal environmental engineer. By summer, the firm has said it will return to the city with specific recommendations to handle urban runoff and to map out, with a global positioning satellite, the I, 700 catch basins in Lhe city, Luca-. said. "The city has been preny aggressive," Lucas said . "We're looking to be innovative in o ur approach." Regulators have already placed two sections of the river, outside or Orange County, on a federal list of Impaired Water Bodies, known as the 303d Li~t. One of the sections came as a result of efforts by Defend the Bay founder Bob Caustin, a Newport Beach activist, to determine that bovine urine has been Oowing southward from a cluster of OU no dairies. HELP FROM SACRAMENTO On the legislative front, Assemblyman Harman in' February introduced an amendment to state law thal would require two-thirds voter approval for any new fees or taxes. Harman·~ bill wouJd add urban-runoff to the list of water fees that could be imposed ~thout a vote. The bill would ~enerate millio ns of dollars 10 potentially fund projects that would add catch babins or wetland filt ers along the river. he said. "It would allow for the local governmentll 10 supply that Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Jamaica and Macedonia, will be sung in English and in their original languages. The grand finale will be the combined cnoirs singing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Tidcets for the concert can be purchased at the high school's associated student body window or at the door. The Newport-Mesa Christian Center is at Fair Drive and Newport Boulevard. For more infonnatlon, call the high school at (714) 424-8700. ORANGE COUNTY POETRY FESTIVAL The second Orange County Poetry Festival is going on through the month of April with a variety of events throughout Orange County. For Information about events and locations, call (714) 564-6526 or visit revenue," Harman said. #I think It's needed.'!' Harman's Orange County colleague, Assemblyman Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana), has proposed creating an umbrella agency similar to the Santa , Monica Mountains Conservancy as a potential way to set aside land for open space and parks. The bill has been embraced by I larman and Maddox, but drew the ire of 'the Orange County Board of Supervi-.ors, who said it would create regulatory roadblock.!. and lede 100 much local control. Supervisor Jim Silva hct'> called the bill too vague. Hidgeway said he supports the bill, if it doesn't encroach on private property right-.. OUT OF TltE FLOOD ZONE fhe river'1> concrete basin and a network of interconnecting channels have ali.o bec11 the focus of a decade-long flood-control project. The Army CorpS of Engineers in 1992 began shoring up levees and channels in the event of a catastrophic Oood The Corps of l:ngineer' wrapped up the S 1.4 hilhon project in 2000 ll1e federal agency spent $424 million on the Orange County section of the river. said I lerb Nakasone, the county's flood control manager. Part of that projt.'Ct induded improvement!> to the Greenville-Banning Olannel 1hat cuts through CoMa Mesa. Earthen levees and rock side -.lope~ were added lo bolster the channel. A1> a resuJt of the p ro1ec1, many of the Co'>la Mesa and lluntington Beadl nei~hborhood'> alonJI the nver www.ocpoetryfest1v11I com. Most events are free. MUSIC CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATAGON Hear the rich sounds of Orquesta Aragon at 8 p.m. May 3 at the Barclay Theatre. For more than 60 years, this legendary ensemble has introduced the sounds of Cuban 1azz to countnes around the wor1d. Tidcets are $35 and $29 and are available through the Barday box office at (949) 8644646. SOOTH COAST PLAZA'S APRIL MUSIC Keny Getz plays pop today at Sooth Coast Plaza. All performances are at 2 p.m., except the April 6 performance, whicn Is at 4 p.m. South Coast Plaza is at 3333 Bear St., Costa have been removed from a flood control plane. The Federal Emergency Management Agency had placed the designation on the area, requiring homeowners to pay as much ru. S800 for annual flood insurance. Rep. Dana Rohraba<:her has -.ecured a string of grant~ 10 pay for the work. In la te March, llohrabacher :.ubmitted an additional request to ~udy the possibility of w1demng the F.as1 Garden Grove Wintersburg Oiannel 1n 1 lunlington Beach for the same purpoi.e. Rohrabacher a~kcd for $300,000. Next year, the Corp'> or LnKincef'> had hoped to begin a rivt'r dredging pro1ec1 to remove ~ediment from the river near thl' Adam:. Bndge. ·n1at pro1ec1 has been 'talled due to a 11ght budget aLmosphere in Washington D.C.., Nakru.one . sald. More than 10% of the channt'I has been lost due to the amount of sih that h as collectt'd a l the river bouom I he dredging pro1ect would cut down on the poi.s1bllity of the nvN overflowing 1f Orange County has a ca1ac;troph1c '>tom1 i.imilar 10 the ones that cut large swaths of des truction through neighborhood~ m 1938 .111d 1969 . ·1 do believe that !the dredgmgl doe:. provide a 101 of piete of mmd," Nakasone -.aid. "A Oood i'i hke an t'arthquake. It':; not a matter of whether it's go111g to ot·t ur It':. a quc.,,tlon of when" •PAUL CLINTON covers the emmonment. business and poltt1cs He may be reached at 1949) 764 4330 or by e·ma1I al paul clinton a lat1mes com Mesa Call (714) 432-7854. IL m oVATORE Opera Pacific presents Verdi's #II Trovatore~ in Segerstrom Hall Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Monday through May 4, with a Sunday show at 2 p.m Tidcets are $120 to $25. The Orange County Performing Arts Center 1s at 600 Town Center Dnve Information: (714) 546-6000 'VIENNESE DELIGHT" Pianist Christopher O'Riley, a Van Cliburn medalist, will perform with musicians trom the Pacific Symphony in ·v.enne541 Delight; part of the Cafe Ludwig at Founder's Hall series. The performance is at 2 p.m today Founder's Hall is at the Orange County Perfonning Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Tidcets are $35 and $45. Information: (714) 756-5799. I ' Dally Pilot Sumv. Acwl 27' 2003 ,. . WHEN .YOU'RE FERTILIZING THE LAWN, ~ REMEMBER YOU ·MAY BE FERTILIZING MORE THAN THE LAWN. .. . You fe~ilize the lawn. Then it rains or you over-water. That water washes the fertilizer alo'ng the curb, into the storm drain, and directly into our creeks, streams, harbors and • the Pacific Ocean.·This causes algae to grow, which in excess uses up oxygen that fish · need to· survive. So if you fertilize, please . follow· directions and use only when needed • . • • . " · Brought to. you by the Orange County Stonnwater PrDgram .. . ~ For more lnfonnatlon, visit www.ocwmrtbtcl1.com .. .. • • • • I ' • • . . • PaOllCT POH"tion •, . • Ac1we1111ment courtMy of. Coopei.eM ........................... Depei ..... of Eoo6ogr. KMg ColMlr ................ ., 1 ..... AlO ~.Apt~ 27, 2003 Oaily Pilot FORUM ~TO GET PUBLISHED -L.u.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • R1act.n Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6088 FU: Send to (949) 64&-4170 E-malt.S.nd to dal/ypilot latimu.com •All correspo~ must include fuil name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpa.et). The Pilot reserve• the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIALS Costa Mesa laws · w • ShOUld be upheld·· T here's Uttle point in a law that can't be upheld. Thus. laws are aeated to be upheld. But when they're broken. they need to be upheld. This didn't happen earlier this month when O:>sta Mesa City Councilman Allan Mansoor and Planning Commissioner Joel Faris apparently violated the city's conflict of interest code. Faris gave Mansoor $300 to help him win the 2002 City Council election In February. Mansoor chose Faris as bis planning commissioner. The oonfilct arises because city rode basically says that anyone contributing more than $249 to· a campaign cannot benefit on the city level within a year of the oontribution. Had Faris given $249, the case would be moot It may just be a question of$51, but it nonetheless proves to be a violation of the code aeated to avoid this type of conflict of interest. While it may not have been purposeful. nor is it when the driver dl.anging bis radio dial accidentally runs a red light Is it still wrong? Of oourse. So it came as a surprise when Acting City Atty. Tom Wood decided that he can't rule on past decisions involving a confilct of interest. It seems this wouldn't have been the case l:tad the city attorney's office discovered the indiscretion as it occurred bade in February. Wood should have at least been more decisive in his ruling. Tu a certain extent, he did He said that. though he would not make a ruling. it would be a conflict in the future. However vague, it sounds as though he's admitting blame for having not caught it earlier -or on time lo make a decision But Wood should have said, flatly. that this is dearly a conflict according 10 the code that previous council members created. If he couldn't do something at that point. he should have ad.mined that he made a mistake. After all, mistakes happen. But those who created the law and those who abide by it deserve a clear explanation. The snafu also could have been avoided if Mansoor and Faris knew the code. But, again. mistakes happen. The day after the ruling. Mansoor wrote Faris a check for $100. It could have beeo $51, but it ~n't Perhaps it was just an extra $49 to ensure that. yes, a mistake was made and, yes, a lesson has been learned. Now, it can only be hoped that everyone has learned that lesson Red-light cameras will do their job R ed-light cameras will arrive in Costa Mesa in about a week.. And it's about time. Costa Mesa Police officials studied several intersections in the city and deemed that Adams Avenue and Harbor Boulevard should be the first to use them. With 259 red-light runners in an 18-hour period, it's painfully obviously why the cameras are needed. Rather than losing a patrol car from the fleet. the Police Department will rely on the cameras to cut down on the ftagrant violations. Ar. the very least, the cameras will cause drivers to reconsider stepping on the accelerator when the yeUow and red lights appear. This alone could prevent at least one accident making the entire effort worthwhile. A state Senate bill in the works, if it becomes law, will change a few aspects. As it is now. those caught by red-light cameras receive moving violations that become part of the driver's record. But ~use so many drivers try to cover their faces -thus making an even more dangerous situation -the bill would force the cameras to photograph the license plates instead of the drivers. That would remove the viola tion from the driver's record and would instead make it a civil violation for the car owner. It would also carry a lesser fine. So the caveat created is that when a police car pulls over a red-ligttt runne r, it wouJd be a moving violation that goes on the driver's record. A violation caught on camera would nor go on the record and the owner, not the driver. would p ay the fine. While a n inequity appears obvious. it still seems the compromise is wonh it. lf the cameras prevent one accid ent or save one life, then they're worth som e unfairness. Costa Mesa should also have the cameras installed at other intersections throughout the city since red -light runners are everywhere and some intersections are certainly m o re prone than others. And for those who say the cameras arc a violation of their personal privacy, they themselves can do something abo ut it: stop. No foul, no pho to. THE LAST WORD Taking issues with this attack T alk fbout your hard-hitting issues: Who did you support for president in 19961 Seem a bit irrelevant today? Seem even more lrrelevant ln a race for an Assembly seat? And yet, at thla point. whether it was Bob Dole or Bill Ointoo fs the main lsaue ln the contest to replace AUem.blyman John CampbeJJ Cwho\ ieetang hlgher omce ln the state Sena e). Oludc OeVore. • loni·llme member of the core of th Orange C.OUOty RepubUCan ~ has made lhe one-time Democrattc &eaninD of a ~ Corona dd M...,. .. Oiad Criidch, his out-of·che·bol attack. One ol his ant~ nil•e1lndudld1hll pOldCaJ Whopper. •f1bcJ eridorlemftlf comet after th ae•risUtk>ft ~a toe~ Times 1• PboCO'P•Ph aliawtng ~ opponent Cristi Cristich standing on stage in front of a wall of 'Ointon/Gore' banners as &he publicly endorsed the Ointon/Gore '96 team against GOP nominees Bob Dole and Jack Kemp." CristJch. who didn~ switch partJes in 1996, has admitted her support of Ointon-made !or his economic poUcies and modcraie social policy-was a mistake. given \he ec:aridal that erusned ln his aecood term regarding a certain White House lnlem. Md h b • ml<rtakc now to make It en lMue ln this race. Voten should dedd who will n?pla OunpbcU but'd on what they will do for lbie dlatiia and tho Ital In oeher words, on rell Issues. ~on an}'thlns t"lse tlWles one IMt queldon: Do you Qnd tor •"Yfhing noWr / BOLTON No flights of fancy with change in airplane routes I agree totally with Ralph Warrington that the Olght path from John Wayne Airport appears to have changed c·Notice a change ln the flight paths from JWA?"}. ln fact, last year I called the airport and mentioned all the.same things he discus!ed in his letter and specifically that the nolse monitors located at the Newport Dunes were not picking up the planes making the tum early. The person l spoke with said that was not the case and they had togs to prove it. However, on any given day you can stand on MacArthur, anywhere between San Joaquin Hills Road and East Coast Highway, and watch the planes coming across Corona del Mac o ut to the ocean. They are nowhere near the noise monitors at the Dunes. Some plane still do Oy down the l)ack Bay and get picked up by the monitors, but many do noL • DOROTHEA PERRIN--- Newport Beach Oianging flights have .a source to the south Ralph Warrington·s Jetter Thursday about the lncrease in airplane fligh ts over Corona del Mar is correct John Wayne Airport traffic no longer must follow a path over Newport Bay but is now able to fan out over a large area. south and west. oo takeoff. A simllar effect bas occurred with air traffic coming ln to Long Beach Airport Oyin.g oveT lrvine, Costa Mesa, Huntington .Beach and Seal Beach Without the PJ Thro A1Jport. and the subsequent opening up of dle air space at PJ Toro, resJdents o( many north county 1tnd coastal c1dCS e:xpedence tnaa&i.ng noise as air tralBc increases atJWA and Long Beach. On the other hand. with an El TuroAiJport ()pin b ~air ttaOlc would Oy to ct,e east and oOrth owr moetJy uninhabited )et)(! while Long 8eacb in-coining tnilftc would 'JUSf ~· MAILBAG have to fty a pa.th over the ocean. not <M!r' north county drJes, so as not to Interfere with FJ Toro air $paCe. The absence of an active alrport at El Toro bas the effect of lncreasing air traffic over coastal and north county citJes. sttlRLEY CONGO Corona del Mar There won•t be any'thing special about this election The DaOy PDot editorial on Thursday, ("Colmdl ~avoid special election") ia right on the mo~ The four mnalning council members mulC find a way to resolve the deadlock that exists by their next coundl meedng Qll May 5. The logic preMnted by the editors provtdes a good IOlutk>n-' Mike Sc:hcafer as the compromise dlOk:e-but ls tocaDy depende'ot OD Mayor Pro 1lm Olds Steel dob'JC •ttie right thing". Hi&tory hows us that thla ts Unlikely. M bright, articulate and well·intendoned as F.ric Bever may be, the specter ot a troika of narrowly focused Westside "lmprovera• on the dais sendt a ahlver down the pines or many residents in other parts o( the dry. If the cou.ndl members continue to dJg in their tH!8ls at the nexl meed.og. which seems likely. then one of them needs to show SOJne leadenhip and make a strong cue for an acceptable alternatM. Aa f have~ .wed Jn other letters. Walt DIM:s:aport 1ee1111 like the right man at th.ls dmc. However. if the couiidJ membets 6nd his candidacy not .a::eptable ~ were other; availabJe Crorri the pod ol applicants with strong avclendals- P\annlng C.Ommliilion <llairman Bn.v.:e Gartich. Cor one. And. ~ "!be pro.cem" is endrely ln thdr handt, lheY c:OWd ~ anoint eomeone not pan, or ~ baker\ daan ot CaOdidal8I -the ~r-steady 8ob Graham. for eDmple. In any event. I .,._ with the editors that ra.Wnc to select a replacemtnt for ~ren Robtnaon. and \hereby fordnR tht City to go• most or the year w1tb no way to .reach consensus on critical issues. Is an unacceptable alternative. This will be a true rest of chllf8.cter for our elected leaders. We will soon find out if they are up to the challenge.. . GEOf'FWEST Costa Mesa Salata deserves a park in his name, and much more I am Indeed pr:tviJeged to be writJng this Jetter in support of rededicating and renaming the Boruta Canyon J>-.ut to the "Paul Salata Spoiu Park." The oontJibudons Salata has made to our 001nmunity are oowitle6s. Jie Is a true humaoltaria.n who not only cares about and kJYes dDSdml and people. but be continues to show hJs ciompassJon by always gMi1g to and doing for otbas. The world .IJ a better place because Paul Salata is a part of ft. l have been involved ln profe$Slonal football for more than SO ~an ~ have never met a kinder or more caring individual in OW 6eld thaD Salata. He gives from the heart and Devel' quits giving. Bonita Canyon Park was named after a street. There ts no emotional attachment to the current name. That park does not ~en have an entrance from this street. The city of Irvine named it after a place that oo longu exists. Renaming this park is an opporrunity to do something apecial for a man who asks nothing in return ror his acts of kindne It is truly an honor for me to caU Paul Salata my friend. He is a blessing to have as part of our comtoonity and it ls time that we give a little something back to the man who gives everything to us. Jt · would be nice to do II now whIJe he la here to tee that we love and ca.re about hlm. Let'• show hlm that be la ttu.ly tttasumf by all who know him. Let's rename the park •Paw Salata Sports J>att." .Ma< fAUU<NER Administrator or football opet1Uon1/pro peB<>nnel St. Loul1 fWnt LE I I ER TO THE EDITOR Story touched part of autism's heartache A s the gnmd!ather or an autistic boy, l Wl.'1 happy to see that the DaUy Pilot ls covering the tol)lc of autistn (•Waiting for her votce, • April 20). H~T. there were a few facts that were not mentioned or that I did not agree with. First, autiJm l a lerlous epidemic tn J the cate or Callfomla. The dtagnoais rate hat P'1JWn 27391. In the Wt JO ymn. 1 know ot no otha dewlopmental dllebOity that has chat rypo of acaaettns $tatlsde. Autism doe not Bet the type or publicity that ocher dJilbWtlet pc. nor are people mwwe ~ the dret efforts of the many liud workins panm second. the attorney wOrting b lbe fllmify, )lck t\nlho~ WU qUcJted M taylng tMI "'ttudls lhoW V chddftl\ ~CO~nMmem~.S. they Me more Mtl'lly to~:· It ls highly un.1.lkdy that most children with autism "recover." I believe using a statement IUCh as that ~ pattntl fallle hope& My grand.ton wu dJ.agnoeed at 2 years oJd and received early, lntenalve Intervention, speech therapy. occupadooal tnera.py, a spedal diet. rnedlcal lriterventJon and other tratments. He It now 7 ynn1 old and la pMty mUch the -.me. He 11 llllisdc. The mnily IOU NI bope9 tNl he wtU p~ ..ut hopei he wOl lx- functioaal In aociety. bUt I don't think hewUI nlf•l'fCIMlt,* ,,_. HMly be may be In .... MM! or group home or in.t.ll\ttlon ..... he ... older. ~GM cm DlWI' gM up. end )'OU'"'* P'cwldt ... and :==----dMllC ... ,. .. ..,.,. ""Y hlrd ....... ----~the Newport-Meaa UnJfied School District ls very good at giving when asked) and aie doing aJJ the appropriate lhcrapl.ea for thelt auU.llc chlld. There arc some chOdrcn that do recover, but that ls very rare. ~to 11y, th children need ~ therlpla. which &l9 costly to the parmta and the td\ool dfjtrlct,_ I do applaUd the pro bono wort of th1a attorney imd the othria to Sahu Batbay the lftW:e Ahe daenel by law II It nice to tee a COt:nmUNty raDy around lbl family, whldl hu bet-ti aftlkted Wtth tudlm. I~. In dle find. ft la the puw.q who tiuffcr d>e malt bcdUM lb&Y wiU be c:artng '°' thdi dMld ror the rC1t of thm UYa: \Jnforluolrtely, thty 8ft the hm>tl.. D.ITIWMT OU.Miia,, FO R U M Sunday, loot• 27 2003 Al 1 mo examp e BIO Age:77 Oc:cu~1ion: Former teactier and state legislator; so retired, bul not from activities Education; Bachelor's ih elementary education from Brigham Young University Residence: Newpon Beach smce 1959 Fam ily: Four chitdren and 11 grandchildren; dog Maggie Hobbies: Attending meetings; walks along Bae* Bay and beach; wortting out at gym NEIGHBORLY SUPPORT Former state Sen. Marian Bergeson will lead the charge in Friday evening's Relay for Life at Newport Harbor High. T be second Relay for Life in Newport Beach will begin at 6:30 p.m. Friday. The 24 -how event, one of 15 in Orange County and 3,300 nationwid e this year, raised about $70,000 for the American Cancer Society last year. Organiz.ers hope to raise about $100,000 with about 60 teams. about 20 more than last year. Teams of five to 20 runners or walkers will camp out and circle Newport Harbor High School's stadium to raise awareness for the various forms of cancers and to remember loved o n es. On Wednesday. C ity Editor James Meler m et with forme r state Sen. Marian Bergeson at the Newport 1 larbor Nautical Museum to discuss the race. The longtime Newport Beach resident will serve as the event's honorary cancer survivor representing women . How did you become Involved ln the Relay for Ufef Well, I was invited to become part of the event as a cancer survivor because I had breast cancer in 1996. So the interest in whole aspect of cancer research -and ITIY brother had cancer about the same time -so I'm very close" to the situation, and that kind of involvement draws you into the issue. An~ with a lot of people, you find a tremendous support from people that have gone through similar circwnslallces. What does It mean exactly to be the race's honorary cancer survivor representjng womenl Well, I'll be there for the kickoff at 6:30 p.m. on f nday. And I'll walk a lot of laps I don't thmk I'll 1og very fast, but I think I'll walk tt. And it's an aJl-mght affair. a'> you know. and I think people will en1oy it becau~e you're domg something that really t!> important and good and you're haVtng fun doing it. Did you actlvdy pursue lnvoMn1ent with Relay for Ufel No, ..omebody called and asked. and I was very happy lo dgree lo 11 and I actually told them it'd be a wonderful opportunity to be a part of something Wee this. Ha~ you been lnvoMd with other cancer fund-raiRnt Race for the Cure. I chaired that one year, but that was several yearc; ago. I was still in t.he Legislature . '/ think this is a community th at really cares. It s reassuring to see the kind of support that people in th e harbor area provide for causes that make a big differen ce to many p eople in need.' How long did II tab to CM!l'COme your cancert Well , you go mto penodic checkups. but ludoJy. mine was caught early. so following surgery, I.here has been no md1cauon that it exists. I feel prelty confident 11\ in the past. No. l do not. But l'rn '>Urt' it U be succes.sful becaw.e there\ a lot ol emhu<.1asm. lney\e dont' a ~ooJ • 1b 1•\'11111~ thl' "md 0111 treadmill and I du the we1~t'>. '>O I '>houJd be tn pretty good shape Do you know how much organl:zen expect the ~t to raise this yearl Are you ready for the eventT Have you trained at am I work out at le.l!>t thn•e ltrTlt''> a week and mon 11 I can . And I usually do thrt'l' or lour mile'> on the FROM THE NEWSROOM Any final thoughts? I thmk thl!> I'> a um1rn1J111t\ that really care-. II., rt'a.'-'unng to 't't' tht• kmd of ... uppon I.hat people m the harbor area prm1dl' lor l JU'>t"> that make a h1g d1ffen>nce to many rwoplt• 111 need Opinions abound as readers respon d I n this space last week. I asked for opinions on a couple reader fearure and on an ethical debate that was sweeping through newsrooms across the country. The reader features I wanted input on Included our diary-style Guy Hebert column on the Mighty Ducks hockey team and a car crash reported as a poem by staff writer Deepa Bhuath. The ethJcal question concerned a newspaper in the state of Waahlngton that published a false story to catch a criminal. Th.ls week. I'll devote my column to the responses. Only Costa Mesa resident Geotf W.t llgrttd to be named. so the rest wtll just be classified as •a reader.· Let'• start wftb tbe hockey column. wbidl apubd eome newsroom ~te oo whether we lbould run IOIJletbing that h few local tJes, other than that Hebert Uvea in~ Beach. I lero'a tome tboughaa from a young. optimltd.c reader from Newport Beach: •1 am an avid read r of the Dtily PiJoL Tho Mighty Ducb have been a part of my life aloe• I wu 8 yn.ra o1d and I am now 14. lb fact that the Ducb ant ln th playoft'a and have just dtfeaced and ellnilnated the DICtOk Red w._. .. ~ unulnl-1 ,..., beleft hlmc °"' tllben write .... dllry-Myle cM_ ... .,... ..... enfoy ndai .. column Ind I ltope I CM condnue to ,._, It .. tlM \ TONY DODE RO Mighty Ducks make their way to the Stanley Cup.· From avid Pilot reader Geoff West of Costa Mesa: ·1. too. pay little attention to the Ducks, although I have attended one game. Hockey. like soccer. has just not grabbed my Interest. Plenty or action. not enough scoring. I've seen Guy's articles. but have not rad any of them. I agree that this counts as 'local' and probably bas found an Interested audience. Unfortunately, I'm not among the.rn. Sorry.• Here's another perspectfve on the Hebert columns Crom 1 reader who happens to be an elected oftlda1;' "Sorry, I dklll't read any of them. In pdori.ty. I mid local news. national newt. tta10ftal news. I think of newspapen aa aoUrcet or Info on what'I golng on t.baJ may dect my life. Thlt lnduda goalp. Your peper LI the doeest thing we have to 1 unall·town goulp machine. · However. obeemationa of non~local ~nta by people wflh Newpon-Mela ConneaAom don't do mUch rot me. 9lil¥t smftb 6aDl Imo ihal e....,., often. I'm Dot • llPO'."' lln. IO Hebst hid two.uti.. ..... hal\~· • And from Mother l'tllla these thoughts: "When such thjngs affect us as much as they must. then the definition oflocaJ' has to expand to accommodate reality. like you, I am not a hockey fan, and I am an immigrant Crom Detroit -but the Duds became my team last week. as the Angels always were and the brave folks in lraq and Kuwait. Not everything that happens in Orange Country is 'local' here, but your selections have been very sound. Keep It up.• And 6.na1ly these thoughts: •As for the story concerning the Ducb ... It's warm today and It's baseball season. Ask me next February (after Super Bowl)." On Deepa Bharalh's poem regarding a man who fell uJeep at the wh~ and mashed his cat, here are aome thoughts.: "The poem by Deepa Bbarath wu very c:reatJve, but perhape mlgbt haft bttn better plated on an ~ed pap.• • One r99def left me 1 phooe .,,_..~the noJcled poetry tor the mo.. pvt but found 0eepa·a poem a nice change of pace. SdP one reeder d be and hLa wUi bad troUble with It •11oetry JUJt demands a tot more ttme and concentration &om the reader. and (my wU ) MJI tNt llil't What &be wants from a~-On the otbet biDd. .. ,...., put Gaby the poem liDce II~-tbs end. ........ _ ...... _ .... _,...._•IP•nbldmeoa .......... .. lffJ fnactle ,.....,.. came from Geoff West who offered up this limerick.. We don't fwgrudge f'k>t>f¥1 luwing some fun. Since her great liellrt is second to none, J11ere are many 1J11ngs uo0rse, Than TU'UIS prf'.sented m 1-erse. After all LS ((ltd and done. Finally. the most senou!> concerns came m regards to the ethics oft.he King County JournaJ and its decision to run a fabficated story at the suggestion of law enforcement as a way to catch an arsonist. Here are some of the responses: ·rd find myself very leery about believing anything even if I was told later that it was done for a good purpose,• said one reader on my volcemall. "I don't know lf the ends Justi8es the means." i\nd from Geoff West: "This Is a much more seriou lsaue. !Mn though tbctr plan woded and the criminal~ captured, I think lt an unfortunate lapse ln Judpent O.D the plJ1 of the editors ot that newspaper. It difficult eno for jownallsts lo do thtlr jobs day ln and day OUl. Wlll to pA!limt accurate, ~11-wrtn.m and llmety tntormatlon to their pUbUc. wtthoua lh cloud or pidon hanging ~v them. Th be cruccd aud\ 1 doU<t. In my ~m n. tr I a IUbicltbtt to ihat MW..,.. I wQukl lad...,... • .e.kict .. ... COWl:t.rDCJW. • ...,...,.. IDdtM ldleollofae DlllY ........ N'<'• • ChM 1dnd of NtnpcMkla V le II presented to you in the future Trust and tr<'dibility are very difficult t.hmg' to regam once losr" Here's a different perspective from another reader "WouJd I lru~t a newspaper 11 they fabma1ed a story in order to catch a cnmmal? Perhaps. if they printed the reasons for the fabncauon, whether 11 worked or not, in the same sec11on of paper the ongmal story was printed, and. for more than one day. The more important question is, should I trust a n~ paper that prints stories in Its news section that give evidence to the writer's bua.s or prints '1acts that are mislead1ng? Ethica.Uy, newspa,pen b ouJd print (ad.I lo a balanced manner that ullow the reada-to more fairly develop bu or her own opinion. Bias an the pan of the ncws~per tatJ should be resoicted for the oplnJon aection; lfa1 all: And anothu aid lb.ls.: -ibal Is a Yerf tough call on me KIA& c.ounry Journal c. story. t!uit In fact prncnted a do C'ruJlC. lnidally it hannl weU·ln otJoned, and actually wortin1 to good .aoCi&1 It. But then. it to bctny the rcapo lllty of the p to teport the truth. And finally. I'd robabty bend that reso-Clnlil)llity, kH1I fUI l'dlileqllll!ftl ~WU ...... It ..... r TEll rT 10 TME EDm>A Tony Dodero IS the edit.Of' He welcomes your comment. on news coverage. photography or oChef newspaper-related issues. tf vou have a message or • letter to the edi1or. can his direct hne at (99) ~ or the AH e'en Hodlllt et 142~. send it by ..mail to tony.dodero@llrtlmea.com or ct.llypilote ldmee.com, or aend It by mail to 330 W Bay St., Coste Mesa, CA. 92627 - .. 949.717.4705 "4.ns .... Ocean. harbor and sunset view home on In acre lot In pc.d Crystal Cow. 949.644.9060 949.759.3759 W9n'C&M Open Houte I ,..4pm • Great I "°")' 4 bd. 3 ba. French doors. Wood floors. Charmin&. Denlne Kerns 9.ft.759.3751 s>.111 • .000 Historic Balboa lslant'. home 1n wonderful location on the mJln channel of the Utde Island. 949.644. 9060 CRTSTAL cove ''·'"·°" Award wtnntna floor p!a(1. Wide ocean view. Walk to beach. I00.521.7l62 --~--~----------...,.......~":"'·-.......·---r---.... ~ NIWPOllT COAIT Open H~ 1~5pm Fabulous 2 bd.. vi11a ov~na pool. Gated community. Maxine Ir Georp ~ 949.290.$050 9PYGLA•I HILL $2,179,000 180 de&ree unvbstrUct.d Cacallna Island, b;ty and harbor vtews. Newly remodeled and e>q>anded. Gf&'l'hornis • ....,. DITll9o 949. 75,.3784 949. 759.J71J 949.644.9060 NIW,OllT COAIT '2. 'IH,000 WQnderlul city, ocean and bay views. S bd. S.S ba. Vlklna appliances. Kathy Bates 949.4)9.1617 949.644.9060 ,.., .......... ••••C..... Mt.711.2711 ............ QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's nice to know that I will be in the record books, and hopefully it wlll stay awhile." Sharon Day, Costa Mesa Hi&h high jwnper $pof1I PhoM: (949) 574--4222 • Spotts Fax: 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD · EYE OPENER IJDaityAPi~ • Spmuftalatp_. I• .. ,., •CM4'( U• a,6.,...,.1 Al>r~ 28 honotte NlCK SCHAUMBURG Sonday, ADrll 27, 2003" 11 Anothe,r Day, another record . CdM's Ringstrom, Estancia's Rojas and Newport's Burlingham also stand out at OC Champion~hips. Steve Vlr11n Daily Pilot MISSION VIEJO -At this time last year, Sharon Day would rush from club soccer game to invitational track meet. At this time last year, not too many peo- ple ever heard of Costa Mesa High when talking about track and field. Day, the Costa Mesa senior star, displayed what a difference a year can make at the Orange County 'ftack and Field Ouun- pionships Saturday at lrabuco Hills High School Day defended her Orange County Ownpion.ships title in the hJgb jwnp. broke a 13·year-old record with a clear· ance or 6 feet and was one or a few Newport-Mesa athletes who showed considerable improvement within the past year. "She put Costa Mesa High on the map,· said Eugene Day. the athlete's fa- ther and program's jumps coach. "Costa Mesa has been very good to her and she has been very good for it This has been an exciting year for the Mustangs and for her with a league championship in voUeybaJI a CIF championship In soccer and n<Mt with the records In track.· Corona del Mar junior Ouis Ring· strom. who started competing In sprints just last spring, finished second in the "seeded" 400 meters (49.71). Newport Harbor senior Amy Burlingham, who was not Involved in track and field last year. finished third in the 400 in 58.64. Estancia senior Humberto Rojas nearly won an exciting 3,200 race, but he injured bis hip during the final JOO meters and finished second In 9:25, breaking the former school record by one second. Rojas. who has been com· peting In the 1,600 the majority of dle sea.son. ent~a.200 wi1h the lb· tent or breaking-the schOol record. Similarly, Day rearranged" her sched- ule this season so she would be able to break records.. She holds the Orange County record after clearing 6·2 at the lrabuco Hills invitational April 5. Day does not play dub soccer this season, which is one of the reasons she has been able to become a trend setter. Last year. she cleared 5-8 at the Orange County Ownplonships. However, she cleared 6--0 this season on her first at· tempt, as the bar slightly jiggled when Day landed on the mat The clearance surpassed the former record mark of 5· 10 set by Mater Dei's Melissa McDonald in 1990. ·Things are a lot more calm now.~ said Day, who will compete In soccer and trade and field at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo next year. ~1 don't have to worry about rushing from here to there.· Day. the defending CIF state cham- pion ln the high jump. cleared 5-6 on her first attempt to secure the victory. Her father told her to attempt S-10 and the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo-bound standout met that challenge on the first attempt , Day nearly cleared 6-2 on her third Set CHAMPIONSHIPS, P .. 1 83 TENNIS Radeva nets Ojai 14s title OJAI -Costa Mesa's Nelly Rade· va won the girts l 4s sinps title Saturday at the pradglous OJa1 Valley Thnnls Tuu.mament Radeva beat Gebriela Gr9lbam. 2-6, &-0, 6-2, in the final. alter top- ping Pamela Montez. 7-6, 2-6, 6-4, In the semUlnals. Newport Beac:h'a lC.ul Van't Hof breezed ........ .... ..marw match tn the CIF boys aliijllel dM· aion ~ topping Erle Riley, 6-1, &-0. Van't Hof, who attends Mater Od. then bat to top-eeeded Jeff Du lo the lloal. s-7, 3-6. NewpQrt Belcb'• Jake Fleming WU runner-up in boys 141 aiogtee. fllling to Aftdmv Mateljian. (HJ, 7-6. H. In the tlrW. HE defeated RliMll MaltbeWt in an all-New· pon Mmlflnll, 6-2, M. Gamltt Snyder. • Corona del Mar ..... ~ Dli tOuibt but'°". Dt'flllm*1lllee·.....nrw. M, z• to 1 <i· 7) •i fhllcb.r Sc:bool. Costa Mesa's Sharon Day clears 6-0 1n the high jump to wm ttle event. break a 13-year-old meet record, and def end her tiUe at the Orange County Championships Saturday at Trabuco Hills High. Corona del Mar's Chns Rmgstrom , far left. takes off from ttle blocks en route to fm1shmg second in the 400 meters. Newport Harbor's Ehzabettl Clayton, left, placed 10th 1n ttie girls tnple 1ump. PHOTO:> BY STEVE McCRANK I OAl.Y Pl.O! Steinberg on comeback trail SteY1Vlra1n Daly Pilot T here U9ed to be a pain that went deep Into Leigh Steinberg's back. but he never paJd any attention to iL ~ignored the cutting and the twlaUng. ( n.n the plcture Stelnbers patnta wheil be DOW uplaW What look pbice when David DUnn, Steinberg's prot~ attempted to llUt tu. own firm, while ~ dowri .. mentor. Thin wewe attacb made on ~ cbaracter during a contnMntal lawluJt in which DUnn and A1hletes Pint. whk::h it in Newport Beach. dalmed Steinberg had crated a holtile emtronment at their wortpllee. Altory in •f.SPN"Jbe Mapzb+• • detifled the aleaed dUnl. But Stetriberl roupt b9ck. He bu not throWn In the towel. If )'QUW been watchlnl hUri ~ he'a ectually ~ more of a rope-a·dOpe technique In =:''°' dW 2003 NFL Dnftand •1t it I 4 •m~ • ...... I ~a.dl•r'll .......... .. Newport Beach sports agent·back " in the game, beginning with NFL Draft. wasn't any competition. At one point. be bad signed quanerbacb Steve Young. Troy Aikman and Dm¥ Bledsoe. But. oompetiuon. or eve11 money, wasn't the prime motivator, SteinbeiJ sakl. Money aeemed Important to Dwin. ..., could not be niecbod for comment lot mil ltary. Phone m 1 r ecs left with Alhlete. AM were not rftUmed. From the resu1 of tbe court cae and Mblilt11 Ant'a attempt to lure Stelnberl'• clierita to their firm. one cOukl argue Dunn bdlaj'td Steinbef1. 0wm WMd°t the oNy GOe. There WU ., )Obey lnnnloo md Brian~ Who.-. With Dunn. me known tJr $Iii .............. defect • 9Jt WM b money.• Dunn m<f ol the llentt', brw:h of aJOtncl. ~-. c6led S50 mlllcn eo (lbU't thdr own ftrml , 1be Md .,.n of lt II. thll'a noc ~Mme. Wt're noc J\8lt atllOUI money. Yla"rt mbcR.at trytnc to inab • dHlll_.,.lY' and 811 lmpett tn the wod4, 'lbalw..~~not ~ ............ lnaaeJ. .. • 9Jiow,.. .. ,,_,.,,. -h Clililla --.-......... 12 &aics.y, .. 27, 2003 BRIEFLY SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Newport Harbor sixth at Touniament of Champions •VOIJ.EYMU.: Stxth-6eeded Hornets blank Pirates UCI falls in semifinals cific Sports Federation Olampi-umph in the second game. lie-Seaha wks Newpon Harbor High lost to No. onships at Stanford Universlty. spite three doubles and· cwo &--seed Santa Barbara. 15-11, 8-•MSEBALI.: Otange Coast •TBNMS: The UC Lrvtne Laureo Volcan finished with RBis by Vanguard's Ashley Mau-M · IS, 11-15, 18--20, in the fifth-place College sophomore pitcher men's and women's tennis a team-high three goals for ro. top esa match of the Santa 8arl>a.ra Jimmy Treece pitched, arguably, teams both lost ln the semifin-UCI (19·21), which plays San Ma uro aJso doubled in the Tuumament of Cluunpions Sat-the best game of his season Satur-als of the Blg West Conference Jose State today for ninth first game and was 4 for 8 with urday. day. But. thanks to a pair of un-championship Saturday ln Dan-place. four RBis on the day. Newpon (14-11) was leading, eamed runs. had only a 2-0 ville. Vanguard finishes 27-26-l, 10·1, in Game 4, before Santa Orange Fmpire Conference base-The men were defeated, 4-0, MPSF~ 10-16 in conference, while Biola Barbara scored eight straight ball loss to Fullerton to show for It by UC Santa Barbara, while the Ninth-place semlflnal ls now 25-27, 12-16. points to get back Into It and 1reece yielded just five hits and women dropped a 4-1 decision· uct 1, Padflc 2 • eventually win the match. two walb in his first complete-to Long Beach State. Score by Quarters bu OCC led So h Ann Be Pacific o o o 2 -· 2 Senior Mike Toole paced the game, t two errors to p omore a ntt.er uc Irvine 4 2 2 , _ !I Game1 Thts with u kills, followed by the game's only runs in the fifth. was the lone singles winner for PKfflc -Tuclcer 1, McNeley 1. nine from Paul Tuman, seven "Adding to the frustratlon for either UCI team Saturday. Saves -Ross 4. Biota I , V.ngullt'd 4 Score by Innings from Michael McDonald, i:.-OCC (18-19-1, 7-14 ln confer-UCl's men finish 12-10, while UC lnllne -Volcan 3, Horman 2. u~ .,.1,,.+,. l ft th O'Connell 2, Wedemeyer1, Carey 1. , from.Nitk Kelly and three apiece ence) was its --w•t runners e e women conclude their sea-Saves_ Chamblee. Vanguard OU! 300 o · .. 4 8 o Biola 013 020 • · 5 13 c> Ball and Rolle; Benavidez and Menjares. W -Ben•videz, 14-13. L · Ball, 10-16. 2B -Mauro (VU), Gray (B), Anderson (8). from Nick Glassic and Jamie Die-on base, including two ln the son at 14-10. feohach first and two ln the eighth. Kelly led with 26 assists fol· Freshmen Ben Hanna and Jeff lowed 't7ij 16 from Adam Schle-Piaskowski each had hits for OCC. 'Eaters play for ninth Biola sweeps Lions Game2 singer.· lboJe added four solo blocb and Tuman had two solos along with four assisted blocks. Oran&• Empire Confwanca •WATER POW: Erica Hor- man scored twice In the first three mlntues and the UC Ir- vine women's wate r polo team held Pacific scoreless through three quarters to earn a 9-2 win Saturday in the ninth-place semifinals of the Mountain Pa- • SOPTBALL: The Vanguard University softball team wrapped up its regular season with a pair of Golden State Ath- letic Conference 1osses Sa1ur- day at Biola. Biol• I . Vanguard 3 Score by Innings Vanguard oof 020 o -3 a 2 Newport defeated San Marcos, 11-15, 15-12, 15-9, 16-14, in a fifth-place semifinal earlier Sat- urday. Fun.ton 2. OCC o oct ~~n·~· -0 2 2 Fullerton ooo 020 ooo -2 5 2 Treece and Hiclcs; Schmidt, NIA (4), NIA (7) and Morales. W -NIA. L - Treece. 5-6. 38 -Foreman (F). The Eagles won the first game, 6-4 then posted a 6-3 Lri- Biola 101 400 • -& 12 1 Jessen, Ball (41 and Smidt, Rolle (5); Gray, Dinsmore (6) and Menjares. W -Gray, 6 7. l -Jessen, 4-3. Sv -Dinsmore I 1). 28 -Mauro (VU I 3, Jaclcson (VU), Martinez (VU). Gray IBI. R Anderson (8). Menjares (81. Shadowlands Looking back. 5 years ago this week: Top-ranked Newpon Harbor High ex- acts revenge on Corona del Mar in a Sea View League boys volleyball match with a 15-6 ,15-11, 15-8 sweep. The Tars (9-0. 5-0 ln league), who lost to CdM ln a best-of-three title match in the Orange County Olampionships earlier that sea- son, are led by Scott Archbold and Matt Jameeon. who tally 17 and 10 kills, re- spectively, while Zach Wells, Scott Dore, Adam Hea.d9on, 1)' 1\'amblle and setter 1'nM8 Nellon all contribute. Sea Kings' outside hitter Greg Stampley tallies 11 kills while setter Kevin HanMn collects seven . CdM commits eight of its 20 hitting errors in Game 3, but s tays with Newport until the final sideout. Jameson then goes on to serve six un- answered points to close out the match. Newport Harbor's boys and girls track and field teams both defeat host Irvine in a Sea View League dual meet. Seniors <lluc:k Loo and April R08ll each win three events. Loo wins the 200 meters (23.3), high jump (6-2) and triple jump (41 -8) to help Coach Blm Barry's squad take a 63-53 decision. Ross bests the field in the tripJe jump (36-5), long jump (15-4Y.t) and high jump (5-2) as the girls roll, 89-4 7. Steve Jemen, com- peting for the first time that season. doubles in the 400 (50.6) and 600 5 (2:02.8). Curt Herberta wins the 1,600 (4:32.4) and 3,200 (9:56) while F.dd.le Clark is unstoppable in the shot put (45-4) and discus (145-9). Leah Zaby in the 100 (12.7) and 200 (27.3). along with Amber Steen ln the 800 (2:23.4) and l ,600 (5: 17) each double on the girls side. Loo Icing back, 10 years ago this week: Newport I !arbor's Geoff Abrams, ranked No. I in the nation in boys 14s, defeats Fullerton's Joseph Gilbet, 6-2. 6-3, in the boys l 6s final of the Ojai Val- ley Tennis Tournament, the second time he wins the evenL CdM's top- seeded doubles team of Trenton Rhodes and Brian Walden advance to the finals of the boys interscholastic doubles after defeating La Jolla's Carl Adams and Simon Shen, 6-4, 6-2, in the semifinals. Dave McKleman, one of the area's most successful coaches the last three years at Estancia, sees his tenure with the boys soccer program end. "Prank lnfuslno (Estancia principaJf and my- self have decided to go in other direc· tions, * says Estancia Athletic Director F.d Blanton. wwe made a decision and thati. about all we have to say about that." McKleman leads Estancia to the CIF play- offs twice and was headed for a third ap· pearance with what appeared to be a Pa- cific Coast League championship along with It before it is discovered late in the season that the school was using an incli gible player, causing multiple forfeits. Freestyler Sam Grayell wins two events and anchors Costa Mesa 1 ligh's winning 200-yard medJey relay (1:57.57) as the Mustangs blow out visiting Century. J 11-46, in a Pacific Coast League dual meet. Grayeli win-; the 200 (2:00.56) and the 500 (5:39.69) whlle James Comfort talces the I 00 butterfly (I :00.90) to go with a sec· ond-place finish tn the 100 breast· ~troke (I: 13.97). Mike CurtJs spri111s to first in the ·100 free (55.34) and talces second in the I 00 backstroke (I : 13.63). Bernard Perone win~ the I 00 bark (I: 13.24) while John Nalgle takes the 100 brcaMstroke (1:13.44) and finishes second in the 200 frc•e (2:08.56). Bob Paulhus wins the 200 individual m ed - ley (2:22.25) for tlw Mu!>lang-; (2-2 in league). -Complied by Bryce Alderton llUNTINGTON BF.ACH - Costa Mesa High pitcher Justin Petersen fanned seven of the ftrst eight hitters he faced, but some Ml,lstang errors opened the iloodgates to allow visiting Ocean View to claim a 12-1 base- ball victory Saturday. The game remained scoreless und} the Seahawks (7-0 in league) scored three unearned runs in the fifth. Another Mesa error fueled a three-run sixth for the hosts. who scored six in the seventh off a Mustang reliever to blow the game wide open. Peterson finished with nine strikeouts in SY.I innings. Sophomore shortstop Alex Pisarskl was 3 for 3 to account for half of Costa Mesa's hits. He scored the hosts' lone run on Steve Doerr's RBI single in the sixth. Costa Mesa (7-11. 1-5 in league) returns to Golden West League action Tuesday at Saddlebaclc at 3:15 p.m. PllCMc: Cout Lapa Oc:eain View 12. Mesa 1 SCON bv Innings 0 V.fJW 000 033 6 -12 10 0 . Mesa 000001 0 -163 ' Theophilus, Colher (71 and LoCoco; Peteraon. Vargas (6) and N. Hunter. W -Theophilus L -Peterson. 4-2 28 - Colher IOVI. Wentworth (OV). Jameson (OVI. Wurts (OV). HR - Walsh (OV) SCHEDULE TOOAY 8aMbal1 College -Cal State North ridge at UC Irvine. 1 p.m. Rowing College. community college UC Irvine, Orange Coast at Newport Regena. at Lido Channel. B a.m. Watef Pofo College women -UC Irvine vs. San Jose State. 9 a.m .. mnth·place game of MPSF Champ1onsh1p at Stanford ewpo BEACH NS&H Benefit GoH T Supporting the NBPD Explorer,Po/ice Voluntee , WHEN: MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2003 Check-in: 7:30 a.m. Tee Time: 8:00 a.m . OAK CREEK Goll ewe 1 Golf Club Drive, Irvine FORMAT. 4 PERsoN "SCRAMBLE" SHOTGUN START Cosr. $85.00 PER PERsoN DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT IS: MAY This toumammt will fl/I up fast ... first 144 go/fe. If you have questions regard.ing the toumamen~ pl Sgt S&cve Sbul.oiaD at (949) 644-3662 Join the w•lk of life at the Newport S..ch Relay For Life, th• '4-hour community Ot11Nd• •11•/nn e11ncer. l11n Your TNm Up for •lay For LHe TODAYI . CHAMPIONSHIPS Continued from Bl and final attempt. but her feet caught the bar. The near-clearance seemed to provide con6· dence for Day. ·1 feel like 5-10 isn't good enough any· more,• she said. ·1 feel like I can go hJ~. I feel good about !the meet record). Jt:s nice Lo know that I will be in the record books, and hopefully It will stay awhile." Day aJso finished fifth in the 200 (25.82). Her teammate. juniur Ouistine Bjelland, fin- ished sixth in the 3.200 (11:24.23). BJellaod also finished lh1rd in lhe l,600 "rated" heat, contested among athJetes not ln the seeded race, in 5:21.63. S t' 0 R 1 S Stmay. Ac>fll 27. 2003 83 COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters prevail, 9 -4 AN'JF.All!R MIJ.PAJU( -UC l.rvlne rall1ed from a 3-0 deficit with four ru:M ln the fifth, then erupted for five more after VlSlt· lng CaJ State Northridge had tied It al 4-4 10 earn a 9-4 Big Wet.I Conference baseball victory Sat- urday night Duis Jaemm'!> three-run dou· ble capped the Anteaters' fifth. inning outburst, that also in- cluded a bases-loaded walk to Breu Dalton. iwered a.mrned.l.ately as Daltqn capped tll£ uprising wllh a rwo run single · Man Fl.Sher went 3 for 4 and Jon Horwttz was 2 for 5 Ill UCJ\ 12-hir attack.. ua •· Nottfvtdge s CSUN SC:~~ • !I 3 ua ooo CM& oo. 11 12 , Jasmin Day, a freshman and Sharon's younger sister, finished second in the high jump (5-2) and went for a personal record in the 800 (2:28.64) to finish l&th. STEVE tkCRANK I DAILY PILOT Estancia's Abel Flores ~ the final tum of his 800 heat at the Orange County Champiooshf,>s. An ·error helped the Matadors CI0-35, 4-7 in conference) tie 11 in the fifth. but UCI ( 17-.26, 5-6) an- Jean. BHM"ly (6) and c.vton, Swanson, Scnmer !81 and Wertlun W Scnr<>Clf', 1 1 L -Bierly, 0-1 28 Cayt<>n IN), Perm (NI, Klemm IUCl1. fisher IUCll Hf! -Aguilar !NI CdM freshman Anne St. Geme also made her Orange County Championships debut and finished sixth in the 800 with a personal record (2:19.75). She also finished sixth in the 1,600 (5:13.07). ior Becky CWnmlns was 16th in the 1,600 rated heat (5:30.49). in the JlO high hurdles (1 5.98). Eagles senior Abel F1ores won his heat in the 001 and fin-.------------------- AJso for the Sea Kings: Ringstrom finished sixth in the 200 (22.26); sophomore Melissa ~...-1g..:rt was fifth in the 400 (59.64); and sen- Newport junior Elizabeth Oayton finished l 0th in the triple jump and 26th in the I 00 hurdles (18.19). Kiley Hall, a sophomore for the Sailors. finished ninth in the 400 (61.07). &tanda junior Jason Johnston finished 11th isbed 13th overall (2:00.191. but he injured his knee. E.stancia Coach Charlie AppeU said In the boys l .fiOO rclled heat. Costa Mesa JUTI· ior Marro I luipe finished eighth (4:41.74). while teammate Juan Avile-L. finished 12th 14:44.70). ~Happy Mother's Day" COMMUNITY COLLEGE SWIMMING Tsai, Frith lead Pirates to Orange Empire title Mls.510N VlFJO -The wins keep piling up for the Orange Coast Col1cge women's ™1n team. this time when ii mattered most. The Pirate women dominated the competition in the three- day Orange Empire Conference championships, completed Sat- urday at Saddleback College, by scoring 752 points. Runner-up Riverside had 525. Freshman Sherry Tsai, a mem- ber of Olina's national team, set her third conference record dur- STEINBERG Conbnued from 8 l phrase or the day in 1996. when "Jerry Maguire" became a hit with moviegoers. Steinberg was one of the mspirallons for the movie. He had a cameo in the film and was a consultant to director Cameron Crowe. However, showing the money, wasn~ to be takeh UtcraJ4r, Steinberg 'iaid Money rt'J'lf'l'<;Cn I et! the en ure spectrum of financ~. re.-pect and overall reward for what une has achieved. he said In the movie. the character Rod 11dwe11's definition or the 'quan' better represented 'the mon~· for Steinberg. However, the money, In every sense. led to the breakup of Steinberg and Dunn. -we had 90 clients at our height.· Steinberg said ·in order to have that many dlents ii was ne('essary for me to tell a number of the player.. Trust those lawyers as you would me.'" !>telnberg said hl' turned over a group of about 35 clienlo; to Dunn. Murphy and Branruon and when tJ1e trio dC'ft."Cted. they were the only ones allowed to have contact with the clients, Steinberg said. lhe ~agents set It up lhat I had oo contact with [the pla)'l'f'SI. • Steinberg said "ft was aD part of their plot. or whatever. That was a ..uy hrud period of time.· I >wing this time. Dunn and Athletes Fust attempted to keep a1J of the dlents withm dteir group and they also tried to hue others to their firm. Quarterback Kardell Stewart. who wiD play for dw OUcago Bean this season. was one client who decided to stay with ,Steinberg and neglected tht' offers of Athletes Plrst ·1 don't think il would have been businesslike to leave Leigh." Stewart said. •He has always been good to me. !Athletes~ just wanted to lure ~r by saylhg h would . be better for me. But I couldn't go and get in that trap. What's Ing the three-day meet with Sat· urday's win in the final of the IOO·yarcl backstroke (55.31 ). Tsai also set records in winning the 200 individual medley Friday (2:05.04), along with the prelimi· nanes of the so freestyle Thurs- day (23.89) She went on 10 win the final of the SO free in 24.28. Saturday, Tsai led off for Coast's winning 400 relay team. which included Ashley Lowden, Kimberlee Frith and Sara Nata· ll7jo. The foursome also se1 an happened between Leigh and them IS a side of the busin~ • Stewart said he realized Steinberg's character had come into question during the court case. but Stewart never believed the stories of aJchohol abuse and other allegations.. "\.Vhen you're hearing stuff and you don't see anything like that. you can't believe it," Stewart said. "They were trying to mak<' him out to be a monster. He'~ always been d1e <,am(' With me. He hasn't done anything 10 fat.l' me. You nam<' me one man ~ho doesn'I drink at Athlettl> F111>L Chere's more to that ~ than just dnnking. What's the big deal with drink.mg? If l.cigh's with me and h~'s drunk. 111 take care of him. And. when it's time to take care of my contract. 1 lcnow he's going to take care of me and Ket the best for me.• Steinberg's IJ1l3ge rook a beating, but the Newport Beach-based sports agent ..aid he has not had 10 rebuild his character: He said he has been in the busin~ long enough that most people already lcnow what he's all about Steinberg also V1ews the jury's ruling and the money award ~ vtndicatlon, allowing him to make his comeback. In addHion. Brannion and Dunn have been suspended by the National Football League Players Association. The NFL.PA. which regulates NFL player agents. has recommended a two-year suspension for Dunn, yet that's an ongoing issue. •Half of ($44.6 million! I!> for puruttve damages and punitive damages exist when (the jury) feels that ha.s been something so extraordinary and so nasty in the conduct of [Athletes First! that the jury wanted to punish them,• Steinberg said. Steinberg still has the charm to slgn clients to his 6nn. It's a down-to-earth quality that has been attractive throughout the years. It was also appealing to Harri& "When Leigh came and talked with me, it wu HIGH SCHOOL SOF I BALL Mustangs earn· split OEC record (3:36.94). Frith won the I 00 free (52. 78) and Jenny Nelson touched 6rst in the 100 butterfly (58.71). Tsai and Frith were named OEC Female Swimmers of the Year and OCC co-coaches Oon Watson and Dave Salo were honored with conference Co- Coach of the Year accolades. Nikki Ste phen!> was second in the I 00 backstroke (I: 10.88) and Shannon Maxfield came in !>ec- ond in the 1,650 free (18.37.80) incredible," llarris !>aid. "We met with ~everal agents and they just seemed too IJusinesslilce. But when Leigh came in he was modestly dressed. He just sat down a nd talked lo me like a friend and like one of the guys." During Steinberg's career, he has enjoyed the thrill of the draft and he has also shared the experience of his clients' achievement and redemption. for the Pirate!>. The Coast men taHied 550.5 points to finish \econd 10 OF.C champion Palomar (587.5). Tyson Beamer 147.48) and Paul frankenberger (47.65) finished first and second m the 100 free. They also l t>amed with Billy Jolly and Hilly Swan!>on in Coast'!> vic- torious 400 free relay CJ: I 0.61 l. Hoger Wong fi111!>hed third tn the 200 breast!>troke (2: 14.27) while Mall Henry took third in the 200 fly (2:01.60) Saturday Yo ung liwd m foe Montana'!> ~hadow. yet escaped it when he threw six touchdown passes to lead the 49ers to a victory over San Diego 10 Super Bowl XXlX. Young hugged Steinberg after the win and told him, "I love you." There has also been Ricky Williams. the running back who used ro wear his helmer during interview-. in New Orleans. but went on to lead the NFL in ruc;hing with the Mi ami Dolphins last seai.on. It may now be Stewart's turn to rbe from rhe ru.hes, as 11 1s !'item berg\. There w-~ Aikman, who endured a few lo.,tng seasons with the~. but went on 10 lead them 10 three Super Bowl titles in four yean. in the 1990s. P••lllee tsl• ..... ~ .. _It 949/721-901 0 n..~ ... ~---..__~ w w-Vfl Tr•d •t1one l.Jew•t•"'• CO"" Join th Daily Pilot Relay for Life :E~ -r Team'' fnR, IFE ~ I I c,,c-'°' ~, o,,, G'>~ Daily Pilot Relay for Life Team 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, Ca 9'427 ~~ L:<lrJi~ Event: To ~'-~~'-a_C-~ ·~o~ ~o~~ rs You'll N ~e< What: 24 Hour Team Walking Event When: Friday, May 2 -Saturday, May 3, 2003 6:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. Where: Newport Harbor High School Why: Because you get a really cool Daily Pilo1 T-shirt and help raise money and have lots of fun as we unite in the fight against cancer. Attn: Promotions Dept. &..;;...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' Fill out the regtstrotion form and clip it out. Mail it to : Dolly Pilot, Relay for Ufe team (see above for ad~). Or drop It by our offkes between 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday • Friday. For more information, contact Lolita Harper, Doily Pilot Team Captain at (94-9) 574-4275 or e-molJ: lolita.ho.rper'ilatlmes.com ~----~~----~----~-------~-~-~----~-~----~~-~. llGIS1UJIOll FOB I YESI .......... lcfwMd. II ... .,.., Net • ., .. Uh ......... Clll8d -., .... ..... ' .............. 1 'M.t$ (Mf •9'• "911' 1•$ I ...... law c.. Sedllft. hell ... II ..,: c.11 a.. I "'11t1 cWs,., 11 II Ima rbi C.. w., 1 ......... ..,: C.' H ~ SI u 11 tac s • ' Policy · deadlines arc subject to change w.ithoul notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or rcjecr any clas$i6ed advertisement Please report any error ' that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Dl\ily Pilot accepts no ' liability for any eQ"Or in an advertisement for which 1t may be responsible eitcept for the cost of the space actually occupied by Lhe error. Credit can only be allowed for Lhe first inseruon. 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W.W/hltl Plod Kleen Nowl'f rtmod 2b1 2b1 condo, 2 c CM p1t10 wd, no peVsmll Avail 6 I Sl9!501n 949-7&91344 Got ........ ....,, 2tor ~ ~ Wiry hw5.e lrmw:. (Ill olll pr A/C, no pets, $2'25()y\ 949 ?W-1219 ll•ll•n 1tyi. 5bl 50a, ~ m 70t a>49 1ppro1 18,000 to £111 92IX> o...4.,.. ...... ....., 19.000sf """.000 '*'Its h 1111 -,_ 3ba homt. 2+car "' pt"I .. LA TINUM NCWllTllS pit1t & nc. Ho pm. SIY>O patio. comm poo4 YI lie Stefanie Mturet 2b-lb9 ,_ Iii ~. nu $19i5 .... ro.; ~ 94!H15·3156 Sl.2!15 ~2256 .. atMi lsfiTU O..oot 1'11 ... 21r, 7.SI• "9 Hr 7.SI• on aated ,.ATIUCll TINOll Twhhs. 2c aar. pooVwa. comm, w/pool spa+ NATIONWIDI USA n/peVsrnll. 1v11I •125 prtvale y1td SJOOO/mo 9't-U6·t70S Sli.lOm IH 949 955 3156 Aaent 949 856 9705 www.gatrlcklenor• com like now Uor 7 110 "--•· Lt&hl & brt&ht RESORT/ qurel cul da ut ocn V.11'.ITION breezes Can~on Puh """ $7100/mo 949 642 $443 PROPERTY 70457 s-.n...h L.te · S28Xl/mo Kew 381 2.581 FOR SALE Home =st 949 283 0206 Desert Property 5960 Huntington HartJour ;;oou:;:;;;-NOIU;;;;;;;;;m;;~Saln= G..tM c-.ity wo-~ homl pvt SOit & Miier rent.M Pam dodl 3br• ofc.. ~ 2'fps ~ Palm Desort Abo W11h1naton Waterfront ~mo 562-431 Hl2 ~,. MIChMI Ant• .... & ...... M»-S~S1' Lldoble 2/2~ ...... upper, all master bf-s lflSlde W Id 2C Pl1'&. 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SIO I"' l'I faa resume Ill 9667':> 2171 JOIN OUR IE AM end make a drllrrenH In the C1hforn11 Ar my Naltonal Gu1rd yuu l dll jltl money Int wllea~ and ureer tr•onone Call I 800 CO GU~RO \CAL •scAN I _ T11tor for I & I 0 ye•r old lhr day "' l.dM Mon frt Student ok 949 ~74 7701 a 103 949 7 /0 9877 100 WOHlRS NUOEO ~ et*· .,...., llerrt> Mater Iii I" •••d• d To $48).-wl! r let' lnfr,rn1<1t10n 1>111-24/hr tlll 4?S 488b ..I001 Ualvtrul Fln111Cl1I GroclJ, a 1 ao d , expand1n~ Nat ona .. HlllWS AllTO v•et40f ...... 'H Bu~~ <>my (19292) S891JO IMWS40tS.....'ff Siii.er w/l>IAdl llhr, r •• 6 t4ltled sport pckf 5511 miles (19231 ) '2!1,98> IMW '28' S.-'00 Mld Blue w/CJ•Y lthr auto pt•m P4KJl•re (l 9240) $26 9llO IMW Ult 5.4-'00 wtotta w/Blldl ltlw CO play• 4211,,.. (19269) S22.9ll> IMWMS~'OO Blacll on lmm.te Bl~ll lthr, !Ok ml, l ow- (19297C) $59.980 Fw4M.,. ..... GT c:-..·oo Sllv.r w/BlllCll m-low lnlles ful j)(!Wef (186171 I Sl4 9ll> ......... .~·01 One OwNf Only llll<Mo (l9151CJ S!19 9ElJ ..... lltl c-. '99 Brtt.llh Rac1n11 Ctffft w/ta• lthr unit 2'21( miles co ~t.K.~et ( 19289) S.}') 980 Mt« ..... ._~ 230Sl''4 Tiii$ 1i • rul Cl~~ Red w/T.iln l e•lhet Both tops·4 weed Cl 8683 > S2 l 980 Mil Ml 430 '00 l 0t1nsor Body & E•haust PJ..a Cl 9 348) S29 980 ,.,...,..,... ( ................... HU<ry 1,,. these po!rlect 1 .. w molte~i' Iv< di u<oe o wt1t1 TUlllOS lL\SI °' IUY 949-574 7777 PHIU.IP\ AUTO phillpsaotto.com Cadillac Cotero '91 ·1s• M .. t 1 Hur~ ~•11Jv R_.d -CREYIER , . _____. ·---J • . . \ . f(Wm'J COCf£R 'BRG' luttw & PremtUm PllG LEASE rQA ~l~ PEA MONlH • IAX I Al These Terms On ~OV!ll CteGI • OTl£R AT SlilJ.R SAMJSI • • 98¢ $3780 due 11 sianlna 48 month cloud ..0 i..ie no secUt•ty depo11t IOI( miles~ 1ur hcenmolu'~ 20¢ per rr11te 1 lC42279) • LET'S MOTORt IT'S FUN ****•••• S5 fRHWAY @mm SANT A ANA AlJTO MIU (888) 823-9808 Dod91 '91 Voy't•r. 7 P•H whilt ~rey int pvt 11la•\ 11ar •ird non! $nl~ r l1ht "'"' cond v45127!> S'>49S Bkr 949 S86 1888 WWW OCjHlbo t.0m Bridge· By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH MIRSCH NORTif • 107' I( 7 A KQ96 .. 105 2 ~1 .. t6 J 101 6 10' l • Ql7 J SOl!TH .. 05 .49502 8J . & A KJ ~ blddtn1. SOUTH WEST I :' IA 1. .... ·-.... lldbl ,_ Opemng leJld King ol • ~club membef\ hlld bct-n d1">11p- pu1nt.c:J o( 1-Trump Coup Tumm' llllolld U'IUall)' he n:hcd u~n too llfl" '•ck m<m 111 !Mm "''th pvd.c1 monc:) bu! lt'\.C'ntl~ ht had C\perl• enced an txll\Jordinar.-.smount 1•1 bod ll\lmp brcili -tbC ool) ~in;um \l31lCC in wh1d1 hc lrlfOUld l.''~et Herc 1s JU\I one clt .. mplc Sund1y, Ap'I! 'll, 2003 IS Ob•t<JUM). 1-.l\I h."' ll<M lc'~alhol tn.t ~ ~mp ....... ~ "'"' I.hr ,.,,..,.. •tell Mln IOI' dt.uhhlll lomlfl) A' 1;.wat. TO!ll1'1y cool any doohk •• • perM111 a.I lllMlll. and hr lrtfil) llt\" ~~ W..>ul rcdouhbng ~ dd'enckn quadh h;,1,Hd 1 .. 11 ~ tnt:U, liOd We.I .tulkd lo !for' O&JX at clubt. 'Thmm)' v.un "''lh ui; J.cl._ Tile lllCC _, kJDI o/ duh. "'C'IC' ouhcd, dummy WIS allil!nld \lo 1th !hr' queen of diarnonda llld IM t.-u • •I sQlda. WU ndlcd. Ed d.ulr.:.lrd111j1" C:\Ub (I diamo.o tlilOUld haivt IJonl I• I belllec>. Oeciwer cr.....cl ltw Un OI <h• lftOndt mid i.t Ck Le, n.ffin£ II wbco !..a ~ w11h !ht-~ /\ low hc"1 .... .., IDd ~ti.a ~ ... u.·~· orodlad die llill ol • ...-rul< tmm 'ronmi:y. DediilW 9'00 "'1lh '1< ...... , 111111. wJdl bce',E.Ml and ~IUUt J, "'n lO oochulJ bot ChnC' u.;1111" •tie !able'~ remiur.ma hc>11t "'., ... .! , . ..,,, tried by ~hwn11 l.tlo: h1• " " hul •h wltl< a bre;ad-ancl llu11.-r ••u•'""' • •r Tnmm) Hr ,h«r1• h pl~\rd 1 .... allov.1nr c...,, 1 • t. ·• t 1ri. l , ·~ Jclcnckr no"' I ;,.J '"I .. <.111 .. 11 J • I flun, mt.• lomrm ' \ '' lr-1...,.< .in.I Tumm' ... ~"'if.: .... , ,..,.. l "'.,,.,., \tr11pl),. "''"'f:Ott~ ..-to t..h..: \C i...lt L,.i,. led f <>ur t.c..tl• J11UI'•<'-' .. n.i r..,J. bled. 'uln<r.ihk "'~' 1 n1.-~'"' I clwngc fur • "'" llcri • AutomotM 9004 j WllDd 9045 1 aOATS SUPS/ llnco ln '0 7 Novl .. t« CASH FOl CAJIS MOORINGS/ ,_... nT ;., 97 l'.i P<n' JOI. m. lull fut warr Wl NUO YOU• CAii I •~t 'ond Ml/Im uu <d ~Iver nnd t•n lthr CD ,..,o Foti oa NOT r •UNCHINGJ vVi. dvd ? 10.-en> SIO.<XV stacker chrome whls ""IW"S AUTO LA ot>o 94~7221147 aft.,.,,,,.,. ,.,, v672518 ASUOUUl.CO\.M STORAGE HONOA ODYSSEY '96 S27 995 fum Ion & warr t4t-S74-7777 9680 1 nwu~• ~ .. _, •md lw'> dVdll '8h1 949 586 1888 I * .... ~ ,,,.A m•""•Rt' <Ill• r h.tnr;JdV"" ~ww.ocpabl.com BOATS B•y lsi..nd "" I',.,,, <ul<Jr 11111 1111 b 11•'~ Merc•du '9'1 Sl70 ~ W~t.., l kt ••• SIO OCO '14'J7~ 0171 l wB ~/~ "" J yr w•" --. a...._ 9515 949 m 7177 "' t>H l<o41 C .. ltetw-IOam-flpn ,_., "'_.' bl~ llhr n1111n:11 _._ I ----- ----be•ul 0111 cond •87S?4 l 'ti lift pyffl•ld PN toAT ~ HOW AVM ~ 00 IKI c....... Sl'> 49' t.n~· "II •va•t double HI ol b•llt• • "" '·• .,..,... • "!!>".<> ,,. Ci.t" M· :• fl•d J ',:~ B•r 9'9 ~ 1888 prof I ma1nU•nro Sii 4'1' <ll:t.I' ,.,.,.,, od IA- ·11" •I •I 1'"' W-.<Kpcebl.c-949-673 0935 n~ ...... ]~_] 11 1 "''" '•"IJ '" PORSCHI ''19 CAUlltA ''t!'IW 1t1,.:1tt.tl nd ,;1J 1l" SlSI' Sil ff. I .... ,, ~;;"_,,;'.~1~1\,'.":,i:v":~1:;1 IHI H11d1-lay·-ATTMi DISDT lOVlllS JUUi VAH WllUM DYSON & DYSON MJO..S1._S1SS lfO.-llS-HSf IAYflONT Tl,..lll '~ He $2200/-yoty 61'-712-171' •H-2t7.t767 MO<loage WWI, at our downtown Long Beach toca11on As a direct mortpa• lender we otter 1mmea1a1e 1n· house unde<wr1t1ng and an 1nc1ed1ble processing team tnat allows ou1 1oans 'O c '~e "~~.n 3 lla1s ~aoos on direct train n~ ,, m rr.e a1es1 m mort9a~t ·e~tinOIOgy a O\llS o.• s. P.S 'P.i'Tl le ea·o a·~t m(o(11~ / t ~~' ~s [)1 1:..rn n<J mor: 1 .an~ N't~ a •un spectrJl'I' '' prvo~·ts ·~at 1ncluoes ~ume sut·P•"lle ana FHA' Loan ot11cers N•lh 2. ,,ars o~~· Mte will I nd ou1 mdraoement catr ai e•·cct 0 a 'PP0r1u r, I lJttl!n.,.,11 th1 f hr{Jme WhP1 I t_.1:,._.ut1tul orig 1 uftd ·I , fl $8 ,_,.c,s:, m'>ll4l 141 '.>!t; l~AA www ocpabl.com v.nAOllJ7Ci 14'1 W • I~ " " • C I I h 0 I 1-w• • • ,,, ho Ii \ound I • ebro 'f "tor 1 n w-.<Kf!Ol>l.com ,1 1,,.. w _,., Im CD. B•lbo1 1,11ri<1i. Restored Jitp CHEROKU '94 • I·" 6~ "" I owner Vlor~• 9'9 552 5800 I Wh t• ''""' • J•• '" •.•• •1.•0 ln.,matulale I t1'.lrroe• 71• 997 0407 I .,, ,., $• ~ll .-• ,,.,, \ 4 '00 949 bl~ 2869 Tell Us Abou1 YOUR GARAGE SAU! IAUOA UHSTYLll OftllLOO TO MMOWAU sats,ooo lllSCELLMEOUS RENTALS Rental To Sllart 60.10 l•tlluff ,........, Furn'd pvt ~ br Iba .. sit rm/ <*. .. • Qty, r\f'pll J£mn Incl utll1 949·64' 4023 •/iii c...,.. twnhse lo ..... pooVlpl ., .. , IAYFlONT ON llOO PENINSULA NIW2tr7h COTTAGES Private Buch Pool and Sp1 Walh lo Ocean. Shop~ 1nd Rtslauranh Luse 6/mo 2 y1 - Boat Stop Ao1l1ble 710 UOO .. AH OR. . 949 673 6030 Jr 949 723 SSlO Call 1 ·866·262-8344 or Fu your resume to 708-671 -1,27 Chryaler Sebring Conv. JI '00 •1~ 1>. ~· '• irfl~n .rtv '·t f:u~ ~ tvCJ 8,. t•tt1tul I !tie · c N I t>drl rnfl S 10 995 .,n87741i' 949 '>86 1888 WWW O<p•bl.com OOOGl NIOH '2000 ~ IOI'~ IA< ...... J; • tJ I ,., .. f~t tn1f'IU.•f .dn1 f,,-, d t.11:•.aJ •:Wg,'l "d''"'*4~,, 1• 1 ~ .... ,.,. • ., BOAT REPAIRS/ JMp '00 Gnind a---.. , J ".11M •to 1c rul'• SERVICES • ' ..,,,., ret1a:ble 6,1 • ,.., J'>>. ~ 1"~ i " 71 4 2 IS 9150 m 11-.,, ,..,,..., nt 1 all f 1JhUluu Ii~• r~w AUTOMOBILES, BOATSSLJPS/ unmM .. J (10</ 4 y•a• MISC~'' aueous MOORINGS/ Willf ..... ~ ·1'5T17l SIJCJI; I ~ ••ma~. ·;49 "86 1888 ------11.1UNCHING/ www.ocpabl.com Wanted 9045 LA · Lend R-'91 Oftc-v o..i6er-STORAGE 9680 l £ ~8>. " ., "111'1~ -'·dun ~ ~ wol pay U FT SUf' AVA.II.AIU llhr Jc' ' u,. • '"• ••• prca for 'fOUI IN IUW..O•T HACH In CLASSlflED (949) 642-5678 LuJCurlOus custom 2 story bud! home newly re· modeled by prof-el d«or a tori o.itcnt any chef In 'fOUI sunny br•t• and elepnt. stet• of the art fOurmet kitchen! Pr04ldiy ent•t•ln your lr11nds in your elecant formal d1n1n1 room Des11ner c1thedral vaulted ce1lln1 and ,,,,, -.., :!If ~ 'tra:lm:d:r 9&632-6.118 Rooms far Rn 6040 * YlAltlY • llASIS ' _ • ..,,., 'lltff ~ , "' ~Ml 8>• v"4S7'1. '14\1 ~ 1888 www.oqeabl.com l•lu 0 • • 10•• ... ,,. ,. ·•• • trud! .-:I for $2500 llASl ••'''Sil~' ,oJ<.'>74 ~ ,., 00 Rey@> '14t-SOO-IOOS Br ~~., 'lH '•IJ" l~~R T .,.~1 A<11 Siies. 7fi. w-. .cpce.com 437 1911 ' 714-328-3228 '~II .,,,u,. ( ur "' { 1n ... , ... , custom (Clltln& MOTIVATID SllLH NllDS rAST Wll CM&.NOWt (Ul)JOI .... ICHffTA CANYeN C»PUAT·SUN l ·S IOWIAttifett . 4BR, 3.58A home Incl wperate offic•/1uesl 1u1te. By Own1t Rt ductd to ll.13!>,000 949·6"·8288 •I~ V'9w room. OcnnfronV22nd, pvt rm, unfllrn, share bath, utls pd, II/~ l\rldMnette r.dt'y. I blodl lo Newpor1 ,._ J125ln. <:.a Sem al 9&2J8.7!m {btwn 9e-5p> F£SIOENTlAL RENTAlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa J~ 2.Sle T.-hov ... •II ae.. penoumlc •h1te wat•r vtew. nr martna. pool. ltnnl\, club hoUM. l800sf, no/pe l/smll '2100/mo 9'9 675·8'35 ConndllMar Stv41o w/lutchette 111 bath. br"1f -'. pvt entr, So of Pdl S825fTI.. ll'ICd utls "' 949-5.lJ..5312 OOcean 11de ol PCH. La stud>o rm, paho, no kitchen, S695m + SIOOO dtp. ~g 574 7701 • 112 Bill GRUNOY R! Al TORS 949·67 S-'1 '1 Stv41e cult tllt lloo! ~ ,_ bath no ~11 2nd blodt to bu<h ,. ..... !I 1 motmo 1C1 94~ 1'h 4038 ....,.....1 .. ~h Peninsula Studio Apartment!.••"' A11t $700 S9!>0 949 67 J 71!Q() ..... 1 .... 1 .... 1n........-rbr lb•. noce lu1n 11u• d lmmt'dta!P ;p•non11 H1i"ltn~ ~8 le ••tt \tHlJ 1!.. lon•1na tor 1rno11~.tt•d df JWff'\ & I* t p•r ~ .. ft( ~ff \alt \"'' .t,.,.~11.~r .ti [ • ct'lltnt P•Y ' b"n• 111\ f u rn 949 7218808 boo Bay \/iew ulol ond One potlllon 1111 Prrnt att Sl3SO 949 67 J 71KXJ & C.raphn Or\111n le.;to I rocM ~I !i8lCI I~ .ledA bil 9000 HALF OIF ht MO RINT to hr 11;)1t" l'""''"ll rnm NllUmo 8$ IOI move ., M.ty Int =.=..:.: - W 12 mo ~ "4-.ty OfftCI P'T tfl <J..Alo WIG\: r~ C.ipe U!Of ,,1.., Ultl~tl..,. P'·~ bM1 ~ Automotive communitw w,,..... ·~ sUfl 17~ '). ff'll ~·P ----, Miodol.~ "" .,. f~tl"' ACURA llGlNO LS '97 carpet & ,.,.,,... hie ~.i t.oll 'l4'>i..ll ':iO~ ,.11 " ,.,, ,,.1, , Wnt. /dryet; d.V.w.tV1« "°' tes.itnt b 94':1{>.ll (W ltlir d 1 "' 1 • .,., & raitp1t0< on<luOed I d Sf>'> 1 inside -t !Br SlO'Y.I 28t .\rll ;yt111r <'ar ,,, •• , it'"' ' "' l'l ... Cl .r: ti' I [IJV' 9 4'1 41,1, '1111 ,, Sl"'6 (714) •.U-7S97 "' LH•v'" _.__ '"" 7 l4 !~'I 'll'M jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiol.iiiiiiiiiiiii--.--iiiiiiiiiiiii~ llAHD llW 2-STOIY HOMES MT SllPS TO lllf IUOt l UDIOOM 21Alll 11'3 SQ.fl 2 CM PAIDIG flOISl ,900. lllW1'0IT SAJIDS 7000 PACJlC COAST HIGHWAY APNOJ 11 /1 IL MO Of llWPOIT a VD. *****~HOW***** SA'lllDAY Arll 15' & WAY Alll 2 .. 11UL-4PA 714-97"4397 I Audi '99 A4 Ouallro "} f' 't'f ... t• t Id 4Ul J •• "' "L. rr t '"'r ltru "''' Ot It.\~ o!Tl,. \ r .w '\ t • , SI ~c: t ... '"' a., 949 SI& 1188 www.•cpabl ca"' ----lute Ii lleod Moster Sedart '9& VI. •Tl<. " tu.ti "" wtirt• £'"1 Ith! t tw•lflW' I whl\ '" .-n11w11 \(Jund IM>Aulrlul "~ 1 nmMktd cood1h~• u 1 ~a.. .... J<r~4 I ' 99'> 00 94t-.S.. 1ua www.-cpollol- CAIMU.AC CATW 'ti 6 cyl. Al .t< ltht I pwr ~unrool ~clende<I .,,,, SJO 500 S62-l97·71SS STARTING ANEW BUSINESSff. • • • • • • • • • • Tht Legai Dtpartmmt at thl Daily Pilot iJ pkastd w announce a ntw stn1ict now avai'4ble to ntW businases. wt wiJJ MW SF.ARCH tht llllrM far you Al no extra charit. anti saw you tht timt llnd the trip to tht CDUrt House in S41U11 Ana. Then, of ""'rg· aftn the ~lll"Ch is t0mp/&J wt will fik your fiaitious bwinm TIJlme sttUtmnu with tht Cnn~ Cink. publish ontt a wttk for four wtth 11S rtfj"irttl bJ.ltnu anJ thm fik J01ll' proof of publklllion with tht Cnnty C/m. Ple6U ttllp by tlJ jilt""'' fictitiflUS lnuilltsl St4lmlmt Ill tht D4ily Pilot, 330 w. Bi:y St. <ASIA Mtsll. if JO" rtmMt stop A, pkMt CliJ/ w "' (949) 6424321 11nJ wt will ""'1t llnd"f'W"IJ for JO" to hilllJk this proaJ.urt by llllliJ. If JO" shtnJJ hlzve tUJJ fartlxr ~N. plust Olll 11.1 .NJ wr wiJJ ~ mort than p;J to .Wt you. GooiJ Uick in JO'" ntW lnuiwas! Pilot TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Hangs baCI< 5 Shoulde• gestJ•e 1 :> O c;h1; attire 15 lfie'ln~e treal 21 · aeow., f • e ~ 22 le" 'TlaS'ef s verse 23 NautJCa Olrection 2" 3e :>f t>enefl • 25 Pa.ssoor· :io,.-pan-0r 25 t.I :app character ?i' c:uc'l i1P•t..s eatets ?B Jr~r. o ossom ?"I ')nunttMs 3 t c..1 o.11)ose "er cte 33 <;pnng r'IPf' 15 T~ a:nta1rie1 J<; -i1111.; l\tx>UI J ~ ",·-r .. ..r ,.,.ro 4 J H1n1u Mr <: 1 r;:i,,.aro ,,..ell~ <:2 -trer'T1an networ~ <:::. -and OIJ1S 45 1'••·17at1ic org 48 He511a"l1 S<:IJ"CS 5:> Ta• base 52 3al oare •are 54 Cloe• "r<J 55 >=1aky mmeraJ 57 Alcon gin 58 L~ng Stl 5~ Pnce 60 Gnuly s young 62 -fatale 66 F-ciional sub commender 67 New England PQf1 69 L•o ore 71 Pwooe 72 Colleague 7' Cry oi SUl'Pft9e 76 Peruvian beast 78 Feel sorry about 79Haul 80 Slops wort!log 83Meek 85 Slngy pet"90n sa ·omor (2 wets l 89 Sl.ITV1'IOnl to court ~ 0ry'1esS 9:? Take up as a cause 95 Thin me1a1 &7 Co·nmon Vart.et t:nelly &B Gov~ II l.rr't::.-1..i; , OC A:1111,.s -J 11tan IG I Nooe! st Ire,.,. T ti:!: 12 wds 106 -er ely &1 singe1 I Ce Mounted ltle soapbo.it 1 1c Eooe:s "°·ela playei 112 Bg 011 suppl er , 13 Cozy OWel ·f"QS t 15 Tex neoghlxll 116 TOia a whoopf!f 'P s·r k1ng 118 0 .4 s degree t?G E:i~ re• mo 1?? we•e 111a s 171 SPoO<My 1:_:4 Cartoon1s• Me I - 12e c ars ureranc:e 1?S Ter,.,, ra·e 1'30 Moleruar blOCQy IOPIC 131 Cuiiy e".ef 132 P..si>•I s olace 133HO>'OW 135 Sert s mastef 131 -vooe tin a wn1spe1) 139 No 1n Marse1les 14C Pos:pore 142Letas r~er 144 W n c .. r 148 NV'TISllUH 150 p, ze t53AWoul 156 Waiter s load 1 !58 From Bangkoll 157 Regard hlgnly 1!58 Eurapean cap·tal 158 Urusuat 160 Wrin~led 1151 Long tor t 152 Srta down H!3 Moote kin DOWN 1 StraJss 011e.a111> 2 Neat as - - 3 ~eart of 1t1e manar 4 Muffler 5 Forr-ng 6 Regu ar 'OUb-ies 7 Marmalade Chunks 8 Bal'JO OOUSl"I 9 E"<;>er 1c --taoe (grtmace1 11 Cantee'l r1t1a1S 12 Ms Hagen of mms 13 .lllce's restauran• 14 Europe/~a dl\lldef 15 Wavering 16 Raono-af gai.ge 1 7 Furure 11"1 1aC1Jse rnentmen1 1SSmaJler 20 PIQ9el 9f'981fy JO Poet TS - 32 Autocrat ~ ~· 34 The~•nd. once 36Emerald 39 Nowl1S1 -Jong ~ 1 Fnanaal Dietl* '2Fne~snes 43 Oogg,-trnts 44 Flow..-s1& kl 46 N i.rtire 47 CommJter veri<cle 49 Rowboat$ 51 NBA oHtaal 53Wdted 5" TlwOf'g 56 D rec:or -Ganc:e 5i Rial! 11191 61 Cinch 63 Type ol bedge 6.4 Purpl~nsy 65 Fenang weapcns ri1 Puppeteer -Baird 68 Joumallst • Mad 99 .-rgument (hypl'I l 10·1--Rodi 73 l<nltt'knaca 75 Dllcowr fl¥ Cflance (2 'fdl ) ~-.PC ::"'2•.-C"e :o:>e 81 g· respon::le• 82 Cawn C)OOd~s 84 More ndicu i; ~!. 85 Sono of JOY 86 : .. ,,.11ti or C>.mne 8 .., Fouflti-Ct>Nr ~llOf:. 91 R ng oeasc.r 92 ~en i. :> ",in ng 93~esped 94 SW1'1ed 8':>Ynd 95 Went on ~ lam 96 O.ngt>' s "!eed 99 Orange vegg 1. .. 102 Like gooc d\eOCar 103 Blg-i.nd rame 1 °' °'°95 "' h slot t05 Grtfl.., a ro qooney 107 Boo~ d maps 109 Banostl 111 Lena - of !he me>Vf"< 114 35mm camera 117E~ 119 Fan guv 121 c~ nurT1~1 1Z2 I-I l'ldi. sacred text tZ3 M9"U QPtiO'iS 124 8'a1' arrd Eiar-$ , 25 0'51Ultl 126 SumlN!r ~ 1Z1 FolloftO l'le reape 130 "It -matte•t 1~ Bne1 138Veru 137 -rains !Of bo»11;i 138 $tlocli;lng 1 «I Aepuoale 1-41 GOh N d l<l Mid--1 It l-95 Inland ... ol AW 1~Swatttly ltf71nspecis 14lMobpatt 151 Mme rt lrdl .... t62 TN& woman 15'...... PC* ' . .. Newport Harbor High School :........ • __ _........._ ._.. -... • -;,_. ~ • • .~ •• lo -•