HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-28 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilota Serving the Newport-Mesa community sin ce 1907 MONDAY, APRIL is, 2003 A CLOSER LOOK Measure A funds put to work at ·schools Construction begins at seven Newport-Mesa schools and will begin at other sch ools over the summe r. Christine Carrlllo Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -The con- crete has been broken, holes have been dug and construction workers. electricians and con- tractors have swarmed seven of 28 campuses within the school district as Measure A construc- tion gets underway. View Elementary, which broke ground two weeks ago -have fi - nally stepped out of the world of planning and into the world or construction, one that costs about $21 million between them. Vo1ers overwhelmingly ap- proved the $110-million con· struction bond in June 2000. The funds have been spread out and applied to the neediest areas, the '>Chool board has noted at every mee1ing since construction be· gan. ·I'm glad that we're publicly talki11g about the (funds) for Mea'iurc A and where they're go- ing so we keep people abreast ahou1 it,· said Trustee Serene Stoke'>, who pushed to make that happen. ''I'm so glad that we're so far ahead of the game (com- pared with) other school dis- trict'> .... We're on our way." Mesa residents, m 1 y of whom have participated 11 the site committees that hdp with plan- ning, have witnt">'-• I the wortc. first-hand. "As the principctl I '1· got to be like the chief clwt>rleader for this." said Kathryn llofer, princi- pal at Woodland I .lementary. "Communicating with the teach- ers and keeping them informed and communicatmg with the parents and keeping them in- formed, along with the site com· rnittee ... it really makes all the difference in the world." Four c.osta Mesa schools - Woodland, Whittier and Kruser elementaries and Back Bay/ Monte Vista f-Ugh -and three in Newpon 6each -Mariners. Newpon l leights and Harbor ~We wanted to get to the ones we felt were the most in need of repair . . . but you have to ask yourself, 'How many campuses do you want to have disrupted simultaneously,'" said Tom llol- tom, who oversees Measure A construction for the district. "Our goal is to have an equitable expenditure of money at all the campuses." For nearly three years. plans for !.rhool improvements have been 111 1he works, and now, 'iChool officials and Newport- While each of the site<> po'>e problems that need to he ad dressed, rwo or the major is.'>UC'> official<> have faced are bringing ~1""11 lRfPTnW DMYPn..OT Construction workers Kevin Shafer, left. and Dutch Beastom work See SCHOOLS, Pace A4 on buildings at Woodland Elementary School llENT TR(PTOW /DAil Y PILOT Members of the Newport Beach chapter of the Surfnder Foundation line Pacific Coast Highway south of the Santa Ana River on Sunday. A river tnouthful June CHa1r1nde Dady Pilot T his may be the roost water-quality-conscious city around, but that's even more ruson to keep working for awareness, Swfrider Poundadon members say. "There are Iota of things competing for our attendon," saJd Nancy Gardner, representative of the local Surfrider Foundation members line Coast Highway with a message about cleaning up the Santa Ana River Surfrider Foundation chapter. ·it's important to keep water quality-a priority in peoples' minds." About 40 Surfrider members and volunteers lined both sides of Coast HJghway near the Santa Ana River on Sunday to continue the group's push for reducing pollutants. Emphasizing their "50 in Five" program, volunteers celebrating F.arth Day brandished signs supporting the goal of reducing pollutants at the river's mouth by 50% in 6ve years. And one of the best ways to attain that goal, supporters say. is by creating ponds to naturally treat urban runoff as pan of the ambitious Orange Coast River Part project. "lbe ponds within the park could be a very naturaJ way or doing what must be done-- getting pollutants out of the water,• Surfrider representative Ray Halowsld said. But more lmportant, Gardner and Halowsld agreed. Is educating people about ways to stop the SeeRIVER,PqeM Crist3: Mesa second-story second guessed Daily Pilot ATAGl.:ANCE ON THE WEB: www.~c:om An Eastside family's appeal of an approved addition on Rose Lane comes before Planning Commission tonight. INSl>E For• pteVlew of tonigh1'• Planning Commlsaion meeting, ...PegeA.3 IN BUSINESS Overall, a record of success The overturning of plans for the Mesa Verde Cente r was a rare rebuke for the family that built much of Costa Mesa, the Seger'\trom Paul Clinton Daily Pilot al~IA Ml\A -I.artier 1h1' month, the community that h~ thnwd on a '>tnng of blockbu.,tcr rer.1il. offin• and h<>U'>tng pro1 t'tl'> from L I ~cr-.trorn & "ion., turned awa't the latt">t proiet·1 from tht• '>IOm>d de \eloper of \outh (. C>.t'>I Pl.v .. 1. "1l'tf0 Point INSIDE For more business news, see Page A2. .md I Jome Ranc-h. 011 •\pnl i. the City Lounnl rewc-ted the ~eNrom\ bid to m ''all a Kohl'<; depart- ment <.,10re an Me<>a Verde Center. The family ha.., headed back to the drawmg board ro rcfash1on the project with its track record of success in· tact, said John Moorlach, Orange County's treasurer and a Me<>a Verde resident. ·11 was defintlely an aberration.~ Moor- lach said about thf' Kohl' plan. "Overall, their legacy ~ mcredtblf'. You cannot complain about what the Segerscroms ha~ done (for Co-;ta Mesal • The fonner ranchers turned· developers have faced stiff rt"\lstance befo~. espedaDy with their 12-year odyssey to develop a for- mer lima bean field just nonh of the Sm Diego Freeway. That project was down- sized twice, first an the 1980s after a voter referendum overturned a city approval. Fi- nally, persistence paid oft In November 200 I, the council approved a much-in- tensive I lome Ranch project that Includes an IJCEA store. The Segerscroms also (aced resistance on the Standard Pacific Homes project. 'The council approved 69 homes in Mesa Verde in 1999 instead or the 97 the ~ had p roposed. SPORTS ArW NR. pidt ~ Hoeo becamm Mr .,..~ ~~ S.PlipM Pelrdre Newman Pally Pilot than tho os1ginal pWia. he added. WEATHER ~ THANKS, MO• MOUTmnB'SMY .,..,. ........ . OOSTA MP.SA -One fAlnOy'I deehe to ~d Ill home ls lm· plngtnc on enother ~ de· lire ror prtwcy on the PMtlkte Oltown. Tho Ilk*. who HYe on ROM Lane. want to edd a liCOnd ,wry to lncf 1111 their IMac ~ Md ec:commodliie two =older .... ibm at ...., The Rketi' pJana call for • bUOdinl height of 23 ,_ the lknk belr\l 27 feit for leCOiMt ....... Al ol the project't at• rta mee1 or miMd exildac ,.,. .......................... tnd ...... gukkilw. lticll llild .... rDllln .._.., ht Ind ... ,...,. ............ .. ..._,_M Thoee _,. tren't .--for ~. '*' rtWf bring r8'n. S..P1119A2 11IMING ALLOWED l.tMtll ........... ............ ·~ ..... ........ peragt-Oftwo ..... ~ Vo"' room ...... aind • ~to--Dlll¥·fllot llw P' ................ 0-W • Thell•••·----.. M9v.2.91M~ .... .. Moht'e0.,.~ ..... -w.a.v9t..Ca-.lllill~ 'fulO ............ itodl1't*l8 I I El • • • • • " . AZ Mondly, lcWI 28, 2003 Y 0 U .R BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Nothing itsy-bitsy about this ·shop The Persimmon Tree is among the o\dest businesses on Balboa Island. P•ul Cllnton Daily Pilot 0 nJy a furniture store can lay equal claim with the Persimmon 1lee for the distinction of Balboa Island's longest-running business. The women's swimwear shop has been a constant on the island since It first opened in 1965. "We're the oldest retail shop,· owner Pam Hubbard said "The concept has primarily been the same." Hubbard's sister-in-law Joyce Holder started the shop. At the time, it was a 500-square-foot shop at the comer of Marine and Balboa avenues. In the 38 years since then. Hubbard bought the shop from Holder, added 2,000 square feet and branched out to include boys' and men's swimwear. The core busin~ has stayed constant ~ two-piece bikinis in a rainbow of sizes and styles. Hubbard sells the •swtrnwear separates," as they're known ln the trade, in any combination of sizes of tops and bottoms. Hubbard grew up in the area, graduating from Newport Harbor High School in 1960. After attending Arizona State University, Hubbard returned to Balboa Island and, in the mid-1970s, went to work in Holder's shop. By the rnid-l 980s, Hubbard had saved up enough to buy the shop from her in-law. In the early 1990s, Hubbard added girls' swimwear for the younger ones, in siU!s 4 to 16. In the late 1990s. Hubbard added swimwear for boys and, more recently. for men. The pre-teen suits cost about $40. MARK C. DUSm I r»A.Y Pl.OT Melissa Sampson is a sales clerk at the Persimmon Tree on Balboa Island. The clothing and swimwear shop has been in business since 1965. The suits for teenagers and adult women usually range from $68 to $150. A side-tie bikini with a halter top is popular at the moment, Hubbard said. Brazilian bikinis are all the rage. she saJd Hubbard said she emphasi.7...es the personal touch and the importance o~ service. "I have a close relationship with many saJes reps." Hubbard said 9Many of them feel like family." Hubbard runs the buslness with her mother, June Campbell, who at more than 80 years old still worb In the shop. June also owns the build.lng, collecting monthly rent from her daughter. BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Water Pik electS 2 to . three-year terms products, pool products and water- headng systems. Barry eamed a bacbelOr'a from SWl-· ford University and a maatet'a In bUil- neu adminlltn.tion frOm Manard University. lnvestocs of Water Pik lechnologies Inc. elected two company directors to three-year terma ending In 2006. Water Pit; which trades on the New Yolk StoCk ~ under PIK. an· noW>Ced the elections Thwwday. Micro finance expert speaks at Center Club Nancy Barry, an mipert ln the world of mlcro-Onance, spoke to a group on Friday at the exclusive Center Oub in Costa Mesa. Tourism ex.pert discusses economy in Costa Me.a Babette E. HeimbUch, the cbai:nnan and chief aa'Uttve of FtrstFed Financial corp., abd Olldes J. Queenan Jr., the --c:oun.il lo JaW ftrm Jarkpatrlck & LOc:tihino won terma. The compmy allo announced It had aj>polnted F.mlt & Y<nmg as the com- patly"I iDdependent audJton frir 2003. Barry,'wbo grew up on Udo Isle, It the prealdent or Women's World Bank- ing, a network of lenders who offer loans to telf-employed. woman in 40 counties. A tourlan ladustry expert ·apoa to local ho1pitallty l~en.~ at die Hilton Costa Mesa. Carolyn Beteta. exe"adM dlNctor of C.aUlomla navel and ~ ..._ about the importance al die wa•a lnduatry to the state Uld b:m1 ecoao- WMe1' Pit ls a ·.leadiDg manuf.acturer and mukder of ~nal health care She dlscusSed the way the group h.u reached out to underprivileged entre- preneurs to prOvide ftnandal Wrvtcea. mla Stie a1io Mapped oa1 llDw -· lam can add to, or IUbalM:t 6um lbl Daily~Pilot VOL 97, NO. 118 THOMAS H. JOHNSON PublitMr TONYDOOERO Editor .JUf1'f OE rllNG ~~r Promotiont Director ,._. Edftort Gina Alexander, lDrl Anderaon, Daniel Hunt. Ptul S.ltowltz, Daniel Stevent NEWSSTAFf Crlme~~n.r. (9'9157~ d#Pfl.bhllrsth•t.11mes.com June~ Newport repotllr, (M) 57 .... 232 )uM ~·,.,,,.,,_com .... Cllneeft l'ofitloi. butlneat ~ wMrolvnent f'9P0'1*", (941) ~ PfWl.cJinron•latJfTW..oom Lolta.....,., CoNmni.t. cultUN tep0t't9r, (949) &7 .... 271 k>fitll.hilJ*'el«lnw com .,..... ... __. c.. .... ~. (948) 17~1 ~.M'Nff'IMl•t.rim..oom a.......ea1111o E~f9POC'W.tMI~ dlrllitlM.CMrlllo•~oom • state bud19tL eor.I Wlllon News nslatant. (949) 57~ corel.wit.onOlatimn.com "40TOGRAPttERS Seen Hiller, Don l.Mch, Kent Trtpt0w READERS HOTUNE (9491642.eo&e Record your comments about tht Daily Pilot or news tipe. ~ Our add,.... la 330 W. Bay St., eo.ta M .... CA 82627. ~ houra .... Monday • Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m • CollecdcM• It .. the Pilat'• policy to pnmipdy correct all tlfTOr9 of 84.lbstance. ~ catt (949) 7&M324. F.VI 'l"heNewpiOit ~Mesa Dally Pilot (USJtS.1......eoc>) la publithed daily. In NMpoft 9Md'I and eo.ta MIN, 1ubacrlptione .,.. available only by 1Ublcflbing to The Tin* Oninoe County (IOO) m sun tn .,.... outtld9 of ~a.Ml and eo.t. Mele, tu~ tOtht D9lty Piiot 11'9 available only by flrtt a.. melt fof m per tl'IOtleh. '~ .,,... .,. IPP'~--end tociel ...... , POSTMASTER: Send eddrwe cNf'lgM to The~ IMdVCotU Meea Daly Not. ,0 eo. 1!580, C.. Meet, CA 82626. Copyright No MWI stories, illum.tlooe, editorial ma1lef or acMlrtiMmenta hefwln can be repodocad ~ wrttt.n permla.lon of copyright awnet'. HOW 10 REACH U8 ~ The Tlmet Orange County 18001252·91,, Mwrd911tt Ch 11 .... (949) M2·5e78 ~ (949) M2-4321 ........ ..... (949) 142.-6880 lpotte (IMSI) 574-4223 ,.._. ,_ (949) MM170 8poits,... (949) 860-0170 1...-.11: drlilypilot•IMl,,,...oom ...... luf11111CMIM (Ml)142-4321 .. ..._,.. (9411 e3'"7128 BEST BUYS Henry's prov!des .a varied selection H=~ Oats, is a transitional market-it's somewhere between a natural foods store and regular grocety store. The middle of the store -one-third of the T-shlrta, body suits, water bras. seamless wuierwear and a cotton line. La Perla is also famous for lt.s unbelievable swimwear collecdon, priced from $215 to $470. Halle Deny wore La Perla suits as the Bond glrl in space -offers produce, and the rest bas a huge supplement section. GREER "Die Another Day.· •0ur swimwear is for bulk foods, dairy, deli. WYLDER when you want to kick back and look bot all day," manager Qndy Jo Homa bakery. meat.s and fish. wines and champagne. Low shelves and open spaces add to the store's appeal. The store also carries Harris Ranch beef from C'.entral California. Foster Farms chicken and fn!stl fish delivered six days a week. Customer service ls top notch. 8 am. to 9 p.m. daily. 3030 Harbor BMI.., Costa Mesa (714) 751-6399. F1NO COWORT HERE Ptate, South Coast Plaza's boutique carries the same Frette hotel linens found in many five-star hotels, and its main luxury bedding with a 600-t.bread count Frette is also known for its luxury loungewear. mostly cashmere; bWlkets. throws. table linens, fragrance and candle line. The world's most pampered babies can sleep with and wear the new Baby Prette line - exorbitantly priced pajamas, bibs, bassinets, bunting. and bedding. There are great promotions throughout the year. including after-summer and after-Ouistmas sales. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday Lo Friday; from 10 am. to 8 p.m. Satuniay; and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. (714) 556-7080. www.fmtuxNn. rrs A BOAT SHOW Newport Duna hosts the West Coast's largest in-water boat show Wednesday through Sunday. Hundreds of yachts, sport fishers. saJlboats. speedboats, personal watem"afts and boating acceaories displayed for RV and boating enthusiasts. Also, two large tents will house a variety of marine acoeaory equipment e'llhibits. and expens will demonstrate products and amwer questions. Admission cost.s $10 for adults, andchildrenl2andyoWlgelgd in for free. Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort offers a state-of-the-art 406-site RV park with double-wide. indMduaDy fenced spaces and outlets for cable 1V. Open from noon to 7 p.m. Wednesday; from 11 am. to 7 p.m Thursday and Prlday; from -10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . Sunday. 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 757-5959. LOOK HOT, STAY HOT La PWste specializes in hand-finished Leavers lace lingerie made on ancient looms in c.aJa.ls, Pnmce. A>ur-lace lines range from couture to moderate prices, all top of the line quality. Other groups available lnch.tde ready-to-wear, bustier, garters, saJd "You don't go in the water in La Perla suits." Open from 10 am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. . Sunday. Level 2, South Coast Plaza. (714) 754-7500. WWUL /aperla.com. MAKE FEET FEEL NICE Bologna. Italy-~ Bnmo ~ designs comfortable high-end shoes for men and women. Styles range from classic to contemporary, and lines from casual to dressy. Most shoes are handmade. There's a a seJection of~ jackets. purses and belts lo complement the shoes. The store bas two sales a year, in June and December. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p..m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m to 6:30 p.m. Sunday. LeveJ 2. South Coast Plaza. Cl 14) 966-2600. WWULbrunomagU.com. GET OUT THE SPOON West HoDywood's independent bookstore, Book Soup, opened a second location here at South Coast Plaza. Book~ happen two to three times a month. It's known for edgy 6ctlon. art, architecture. film and music books. lbere are more boob on fashion. cooking, children's, true aime and biographies. Plus there's a selection ol Imported French and lcalian a>s and handmade cards. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m to 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. ~ Level 2, South Coast Plaza. m 4) 689-2665. HEAR YUM FROM nE KIDS The Yard Home, at 'Diangle Square. has one of the best local kids meow: certified Angus beef burger with natural cut fries or fruit; fish and chips with nanuaJ cut fries or fruit; all-beef hot dog with natural cut fries or fruit frail chicken breast strips with natural rut fries or fruit; made-to-order cheese or pepperoni pm.a; and buttered egg noodles. All meals are priced at $5.95. Meals come with a 12-page activity book. a ".Kiddie-Kooler" beverage and a whole fruit frozen strawberry bar. 1875 Newport BMI.., Costa Mesa. (949) 642--0090. • BEST 8UV8 1ppears Mondeya and Ftldeya. Send information 10 Greer Wy1der et "'"~•yahoo.corrr; et 330 W. Bay St., Costa Me.a, CA 92627; or bv fax et (9491 ~170. SURF AND SUN - WEATHER FORECAST tt'll be mostty ctOUdy todey •nd tonight. wtth the kind of ctouda th.i could drop • little w.tw. The c:hlnce la 20% of light rafn during the ct.y, of lhowere It night. Highs wtll be In the low to ml<MIOI, •nd Iowa wtll be In the60e.. ""°""9tlon: www.mw.noa.gov BOATING FORECAST There'• • c:hlnce of lhowert out on the Wlltef, too. On the Inner....,., the • west wind wlll blow at 10 to . 11kn0t9,With2-fOot ~ end •"-foot Wiit .wet. A allghtty ~ not1hWllt wind ...... """' In lhe ~ Fenher out wll be the....,. .... wind, ....... otw w.f.at nlgtttto~Wtr* no atronger than 10 lcnota. The weVH are et 1 to 3 feet all day. A deytfme west swell of 4 to 8 feet bec:om• •northwest swell of 4 to 8 ffft .i night. SURF TIDES Timi 2:A1 •.m. 8:31•.m. 2:t3p.m. l:&op.m. twtM 0.7tfwtloW '-361..thigh 0.571-low 5. 10 .... high WATU TIMPEMTURE 17 ..... Dady Pilot ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Mighty luckfor the Mighty Iltcks • EDITOR'S NOTE: As a epecial feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Ducks, will be writing regular diaries about the team and its experiences throughout the playoffs. C an you believe this! The Mighty Ducb won again on Saturday, to take a 2·0 lead In games against the Dallas Stars in the seconq round of the 2003 Stanley Cup Playoffs. . It seemed highly unlikely that the Mighty Ducks, who finished sevenrh in Western conference, would be able to make it out of the first rcmnd. Not only did the team sweep the defending ,. Stanley Cup champions in the first round, they have given the Anaheim fans a reason to dig their brooms out of the closet and place them by the front door just in case. In all my years associated with hockey, both as a player and a fan, l have rarely seen a team of destiny like this one. Just when the team needs a luclcy bounce, great save or big goal, they get it. How else can one explain the Ducks' being down 2-1 with GUY HEBERT roughly five minutes to play, getting a power play, not scoring on th.at power play, but en.ding ·UP tying and winning the ga.qie anyway. The Ducks came up short on the pow~r play, but got one huge save from J.S. Giguere on )9rk Muller with. two lninutes left. With a timely turnover by Dallas and that lucky bounce, the Ducks got the equalizer with a minute left in regulation. This time, il did not take long for the Ducks to conve.rt in overtime. Mike LeOerc quickly ended the game and sent the Ducks to the locker room. They are now heading home to the cornfo,rting confines of the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim. These events have left possibly the best team in the NHL stunned. Dallas, for the most part, dominated the game, and Stars center Milce Modano was a one-man show. The only thing that the Stars were not able to accomplish was winning the game. That, folks, is why we play. Sometimes the best team on paper and even sometimes the best team on the ice, isn't able to win the game. The Stars are a veteran team and should be able to respond and regroup as they bead west. However, l thought the same of the Red Wings. We will see in game three what is to come, but for now, it seems that Mighty Ducks fans are quickly Cll!?hing in on years of frustration for a team that did not or would not go the extra mile. General manager Brian Murray has assembled all the pieces of the puzzle, adding where needed, and has now set them in motion to fulfill the task at hand. It is a pleasure to watch this group of guys. They have demonstrated an incredible amount of resilience during this playoff race and they will need to continue that if they expect to lift the Stanley Cup over heads. This team will continue to take it one game at a time and not get too far ahead of COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the issues the Planning Commission will consider tonight. AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE In 2002. an assembly bW was signed into law 1hal eliminates local discretionary review of !.econd unit (acc~ory apartment) applications. In July, the city has to accept these applications without the discretionary review. If the city's 1.0ning code is not changed to reflect the state law, state standards of accessory apartments wiU prevail over the city's standards. WHAT TO EXPECT "The change is not to the criteria that are used to aJJow acct"S!> units. but to replace discretionary review with ministerial review, which means staff just male.es sure all criteria is satisfied and allows Lhem to be built without any kind of hearing or notice," Cllair Bruce Garlich said. MASTER PLANS The Town Center Drive Master Plan and a change to the North Costa Mesa Specific Plan go before the commission. The Town Center Drive Master Plan 1s a conceptual plan for the future improvement of the portion of fown Center Drive between Parle Center Drive and Avenue of the Arts as a pcdeslrian-orientcd public plaza !in.le.Ing the major ans venues within the South Coast Pla7.a Town Center ·n1eater Arts District. The commission will consider incorporating the f11eater Arts District Plan for FY1 •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m . today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5245 the South Coast Plaza Town Center into the North Costa Mesa Specific Plan. WHAT TO EXPECT Staff recommends continuing both these items to its May 27 meeting. "They are being continued because the Theater Arts District Plan is not ready for commission consideration yet," Zoning Administrator Perry Valantine said. :!The applicants) still have a little work to do on that. So we'll be bringjng it back when we have something for them to loo~ at." -Deirdre Newman BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Harbor Boulevard onramp closes today The northbound Harbor Boulevard onramp to the north- bound San Diego Freeway will dose today for three weeks so that Caltrans can realign it The onramp was originally slated to close last week. but the project was delayed. PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. ~INAC:H COStA ... \.'I The California Department of Transportation suggests that mo· torists u:.e the Hyland Avenue onramp to the north San Diego Freeway as a detour. The work is part of a larger project with the Orange County Transportation Authority to im· prove the San Diego and Corona •211~- 1 AT'IWllEAIE Selling Prw:... . • . . . . $27,99~ Foctory Rebate .. . . . . ·S3,000 NetC... del Mar freeways between Bear Street and Hyland in Costa Mesa. The construction, slated to fin- ish in mid-2004. will, among other things, improve on· and offramps at Harbor and Fairview Road and add a new onrarnp from Hyland to the north San Di· ego Freeway. itself. At this point, they have all the makings for becoming champions. Only time will tell. I will tell you that there are a lot of nervous teams out there right oow, hoping that someone will knock off the honest team in the NHL for now, the team will come home and look forward to playing in its own house, in front of fts own (a,ps and enjoy this ride with them. I am frequently asked what J say or would say to these guys during this incredible run. Well, that's easy. As a player, you never know, no matter if you are a rookie or an aging veteran, if you will ever get another chance as good as this one. Embrace this opportunity, because the fact is, this may be your best or even your last chance. Injuries, trades and deteriorating skills may inhibit you from being able to get back to the playoffs in the future. .(ft:;~ Custom Home Wm • Consttuctton to pef"!T14nent loan wnn one Qoalrf'(mo proc~ ano one set ot ~tees!! Lot tOS1 mctoooci Enjoy the opportunity to put your physical skill and your mental toughness to the test, and hold nothing back. In the end, the rewards will speak for themselves. • Construction loans as low as pnme l11eo lor up 10 12 montns • GrounO up renab & remoclel·Prrmary residence or 2rio Mme allowed • Low rates tor purch.lSe nHr & no cost equrty lines • Increase cash flow wlttl Interest Only pro0rams I 'I• 9-1 9 '· <. _1~ ff.'Jr1n 15 Years in Orange County. The Lending Group • 3&68 ~ o. 1210 Newpott a-:tt ~ 92eeo C/\ Pf!E cOll 7S THERE'S A NEW GAME I FllllZEN ROP~ . OUR TRAINING SUCCESS HAS BEEN FEATURED IN: EIJt?Wll-l.hes 1_mtffWI -~-.cl:W-~ • Al"'" UI___ C::hl I ..A..~ FROZE·N ROPES TRAINING CENTER is proud to announce our GRAN[) OP!-:\IN<, on \J1un.l.ir, May 3rd from l lam-8pm at our lr\'1n1.., C :\ lo1...1t1on. •Visual Tr.lining • Dwnund \1rc11~rh I wn1ng (puch rt'COgnilion. uacking.J • Hurn 111 PIJ\ Pn1L:r m1 • Showt1mc: Tr~ining I l )H nld,1 (menial skills) • \'IPI R l\1.l«u .111.tll·"'' • lnstrucuonal Mc:mbcr5hips • \ orw~I l111d11n)! \l.1d111 .., • Individual & Group lns1ru1..-i1on t1111111d rc111 .. 1, FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER l 9028 MCGAW AVE. IRVINE CA (949) 250-1 1 99 www.i.cvine@frozenropes.com Log on to Jreunrepa.com m ""w our nJ11n11.1I "d'"t< Check our full Schedule: n( henf\ ~ Pric. ..••••••. S23,995 foctory Rebate • . • • . S3.000 ••••• .. -™~ Wt9«> 3AN7" lAQlll, ilA~ 1'9 \II °'!w Muia.no Rnva (picruttd). Leah O'Brien-Amico (Olympic Gold \lc:d.il1>t ' Jnd LA OodgusALa Cora u11!1u 1-ruun Ropes tec:hniqua. • I PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COITAllESA ·~ ..... Gr9'd --'W NpOrted In u. 2900 bk>dt at 10:o1 a.m. s.turday. •NftlOlltl~ Vandalism WM "'POfted In the 1900 blodt at 6:30 p.m. Friday •Red .. -...:.Grand theft was n9pOfted In tNI 3000 blodc 2:23 p.m. Friday • Vlc::toM ~ Pubfic druntennou was reported in the 300 blo<* at 5:29 p.m. Friday NEWPORT BEACH • BalbcM Bou.levwd end 15th RECORD Continued from Al A LASTING INFLUENCE Tuday, the Segerstrom name carries tremendous weight around town, even though the family has sold off most of ils land holdings. At its apex, the Segerstroms owned some 2.000 acres in Costa Mesa and Santa Ana. They now own about 300. "We have modest land hold- ings as compared to the latge de- veloper~ in the county," said Paul Freeman, the Segerstrom spokesman. ·But what we do have is a disproportionately large impact on the city.· The city receives an impressive $10 million a year aJone from South Coast Plaza. which by aJ. most any measure is among the most successful shopping cen- ters in the nation. With more than Sl billion a year in annuaJ sales, the plaza outsells Rodeo Drive in Beverty Huts. New York's Madison Avenue and San Fran· cisco's Union Square. Its retail stores include Cartier, OianeJ, Saks Fifth Avenue and ruJany & Co. "The Segerstrom family has aJ. ways focused on quality," said Debra Gunn Downing. the plaza's spokeswoman. "They've always brought in the best of the best." ln addition to the plaza. the family own~ and operates Mesa Verde Center and Mesa North Center, al Fairview Road and Baker ~treet. The Segerstroms are aJso aJ- most wlely r~ponsible for the South Coru.t Metro offices, the Orange County Performing Arts Center and South Coast Reper- tory. The Offices of South Coast Plaz.a. as they are known, include Plaza Tower, C.enter Tower. Im· periaJ Bank Tower and I.he Cali· fomia Bank & l'rusl Building. CJ. Segerstrom & Sons aJso still owns the Lake Center Office Park. the headquarters for Pa- cifiCare Health Systems; Hart>or Gateway Business Center, the headquarters to FileNet, Apria Healthcare Group and Emule:x Corp.; Whittier Law School, at 3333 Hart>or Blvd.; and National University's campus, at 3390 Harbor Blvd, WRONG Pl.ACE, WRONG TIME Eveo opponenl5 or the Kohl 's ..-..: Drunt drMng wa reponied M 7:11 p.m. &aturdey. •a.t ..... w.t:A g1rage burgl8fY was reported ln 1he 800 blo<* et 10: 17 a.m. SuncMy. • Coast I llgh llWY' end 8alboe aou1,..c1: Drunk drfving was reported at 5:14 p.m. Saturday. -~~ Vandafism was reported In the '400 bk>dt at 3:57 p.m. Saturday. • Ridg9,... Roed end N.wpott Coat DIM: Road rage was reported at 5:31 p.m. Saturday • 'We are not as powerful as the marketplace. Just wishing that a bowling alley will be successful, that doesn't mean it will be.' Paul Freeman Segerstrom spokesman project acknowledge the family's success. They say the rejection wasn't a slight to the family. but rather ·the wrong project for Mesa Verde Center. "'They did a phenomenal job at making Kohl's a seUable proj· ect." said Councilman Gary Monahan. who voted against it "But the Kohl's was not a fit there. . . . It was wrong for the spot" The four council members who opposed it -Councilwoman Libby Cowan was the sole sup· porter -said the project would have .created too much traffic and added another "big box" re- tailer to a neighborhood that a). ready has large Home Depot and Target Greatland stores. Freeman says the opposition to Kohl's was "not rational,· since some opponents called for a skate parlc. bowling alley or other recreationaJ use. None of those uses am commercially vi· able, Freeman said. "We are not as powerful as the marketplace,· Freeman said. "Just wishing that a bowling alley will be successful, that doesn't mean it will be." Ironically, Kona Lanes an· nounced it would close shortly before the Kohl's vote. The Seger- stroms has been keeping the bowling alley alive with rent breaks and other subsidles for several years, Freeman said. What the future of the ceoter is remains unclear. ·eouncilman Allan Maosoor said be is keeping an open mind about plans for Mesa Verde Center, as long as it isn't a large-scale retailer. "People expressed to me that they would like to see smaller, classy venues," Mansoor said. "People are looking fur some· thing that is special and unique.• • MUl a..avroN covers the environment. business and polltica. He may be readwld at (949) 764-.t330 or by e-mail et paul.clintontl~times.com. . .....,.Pld •1 ee • ""*""' eo Y9dl • ... Travertile 18" x 1a• ................................... " ....... ~ ............ '4.11 .. .. c.wnic T'9 ....................... " ............ " ............... .....,..,U .. .. lMT*'8te Yt\:>od ................................................ ....., ... u .. .. lld1"'* ... 'DD.~ Help keep our city clean! SCHOOLS Continued from Al the bathrooms up to Americans with Disabilities Act reguladons and upgrading the~ to support computer technology. Since many of the campuses were built mo.re than 40 years ago -none older tha.n Newport Harbor High. whk::b was built about 73 yea.rs ago -updating the facilities has praven one or the biggest transfonnations. Understanding that classrooms must be able to support a num· ber or computers and electrical equipment, construction at nearly every site n~ m.ore electrical power and electrical RIVER Cootinued from Al problem before it starts, by reducing liner, bacteria and chemical contaminants throughout the watershed. "The Sant.a Ana River watershed goes back about 100 miles, all the way to Big Bear." Halowslci said. "We want to stop the problem before It starts." One of the first tasks for the 50 in Five program is to conduct more tests on which pollutants are entering the water and where. Once they have determined which pollutants create the biggest problems. they'll set specific goals for reducing each pollutant, with the goaJ of reducing pollution by 50% overall. The most common sources of contamination at the Santa Ana River mouth are bacteria and viruses from urban runoff and toxins from manufacturing firms. The Santa Ana River Parle is a t ,000-acre project proposed to create open space. environmentaJ benefits and habitat restoration. The park would begin near the mouth of the Santa Ana River and include land now in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa and unincorporated Orange County. Volunteer SECOND Continued from Al his wife and young son. are look· ing to expand is to make room for his father-in-law and his mother, who are not in good health, should they need to move in. "I come from a family where that's what you do with your family," Rice saJd. "From a tradi· donaJ family vaJues standpoint, that's important." · The Rices also want to make their home more spacious than the current 970 square feet aJ- tows, John said. • GETTING INVOlYED NO$ periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For lnformatJon on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 674-4298. SHARE! HIGH SCHOOL EXCttANGE PROGRAM Host t.milles are needed in the Coat. Meu erea to provide a bed. meat. end a loving home for high echool students from more than 28 countries, Including Germany, Japan, BrazJI, Chine and Potand. The students, ell between 15 end 18, partldpate In crostKUlturef exchange to team about America end share their own cultunt. The students stay for five to 10 months end ere 9Cf'9eOed twtce for acedemic excellence end proflclenc:y In Englllh. (888) 63:J..8514. 8HME OUR SELVES WNIC The dfnlc, whld\ ptOVidef emergency NNloes to the needy In Orange County, la looting for volunteers to deliver end pie* up food from local restaurant. and grocetY 8t0t98, help with medic:el and dlrml staff, dete IMIY. IUi9t with food sorting end d141trtbudon, to help~ front dell! end eome other The groupelao n..m~ (9'9) Ml-3451, ext. 267. SHOMAN LIMMY &GARDENS You could aelat with the 91tden. woftt ln the gtft and , .. lhop or become• docetit ~for cNkhn and adutta llt Corona del ,Mar'e botllnlcel glfden end hletortcel ,....rdt llbrely. Sl9fanle KMttaneen, (9'9) IW228t. ' .............. ASlllTMCE CiHIEJI The sm.-.....,,... .... .i.nct ee..r of°"""' Colle Coljgt nMdl~to D11e1m11t ~ ... owntfW hi ftNlnoe. ~a.w.nw:tllillLa..., ~ ..-oun:ee.nct ottMlf outlet& f.aalb!ulJ and Nt:Wp<>rt <:out element.uy ldloolt ate the onJy two sltea wlthin the d1strtct that wiD not recelW any Measure A funds. since both are up to code and aie no more than 6 years old. Holtom said. "1binga a.re progresslng rather well,• be said. "But 1 lib to pro- ceed with what I call 'control.led paranoia.'" Despite having a gnawing feel· ing that construction will un · earth unforeseen problems tha1 might cause further delays. Hol· tom anticipates that the seven sites under construc11on may be compl~ed by December. The other level..ooe schools - Ensign lntennedlate and Costa Mesa apd Newport Harbor high . echooll wOJ undergo con· st:ruction through priority f'our of leVef\. Priority-one co~ ad- dresses health and aelety issues at each lite. ,Construction will then move through prlorides two. three and four, which will include ttpa1rs and renovations to palhwayt. restrooms, dectri· cal l)'Stems. ~ms . from oeOi.ngs to Ooors aft:cf even fully equipped portable classrooms for srudent use in the interim. Some renovatlon.s beyond prior- ity four will be done to the ad- ministrative offices and parldng lots. Finally. the schools will get campuswide paint jobs. Ensign will go oQ{ for bid in early June and is expected to be· gin constru~on in early .sum- mer, while Costa Mesa HJgb School the fiM hlgtl IChool and tbe most compb or the levtJ one tJtes, Is expected to go out for bids by IUIJl.OleT'a end. Other sites within the district -the level-two, ·three and -fow schools -will begjn comtruc· tioo after wort at the level·one schools ls completed. "We're really looking forward to Lt, even though ti's Alt incon· venlence," Hofer said. "When· we're done. we'll tiave a whole new remodeled place. It really Is worth It if you can just get through it." • CHRISTINE CAAAIUO covers education and may be reached at (9491574-4268 or bye-mall at christine.ca"illoefllatime..com. KENT TREPTOW /DN\.Y Pit.OT Jeff Caprine of Costa Mesa waves his sign to dnvers to publicize the Surfnder Foundaboo's mission to reduce pollution at the mouth of the Santa Ana River by 50 % in five years. groups, including Swfrider and and the ocean through a system ourselves." Gardner said. "That's Friends of the Harbors. Beaches of ponds. the only way we're going to gel and Parks are wortcing on getting Earth Day look place on to 50 in five." support, funding and Tuesday. but observances cooperation among the local nationwide took place agencies to build the park throughout the week.. estimated to cost more than $20 "We're very aware of water million. The park would help quaJity here in Newport, but we decrease pollutants in the river need to keep reminding On April 3, the zoning admin· istrator approved the expansion. A. week later, the Snyders ap· pealed, mainly citing privacy is· sues. Mike and Tracy Snyder said they are considering moving if the expansion is appl'OvN. "They've got five windoWi> aimed directly al my house,· Mike Snyder said. • r don't want to be right on top of each other. I don't want them to know any· thing that ~ on at my house and could care less about what goes on at their house.· Snyder said he and many of his neighbors are aJso concerned that if the Rices' expansion ~ ap proved, it would set a precedent for the neighborhood. which would eventually look lllce New· port I teight . where "there's just ho~ after house right on top of each other.· He suggests that the Rices ex- pand their house into "their very large back yard." but this is anathema 10 the Rices, who moved to the neighborhood ex- plicitly for more yard space. John said "We were laving in the New- port area and had a much bigger home, but no yard and no space at all,· John said. "That ~e the reason why we bought UW. house ... because we have yard and space and separation from our neighbon.. • Since tJ1e propdsed second GETTING INVOLVED areas. (714) 432-5916 . hospitals across the country. Patterns are available, and SOMEONE CARES donated yarn is appreciated. SOUP KITCHEN Kathy Silverton, (310) 472-6903. Someone Cares Soup Kitchen needs food servers and SWEET ADEUNES volunteers for kitchen duties. The Of ORANGE COUNTY organization is at 720 W. 19th St., The singing group invites women Costa Mesa. (949) 548-8861. who like to sing to join them Tuesday nights for four-part SOUTH COAST harmony, or Barbershop-style LITERACY COUNCI. singing. (949) 495-5685. Volunteer tutors are needed to meet a greater demand for TEU.-A-f'RIENO literacy and English u • second Orange County cancer groups language d---. Students are seek volunteers to encourage taught Engliah reading, writing women to have mammograms. and speaking skills at their own Partlcipanta will take part in a level In small groupc 0t one on Dn4H>n-one program of education one. There are centers atl over and encouragement specifically Orange County. Once trained. related to mammograms and tutors may dloose the center at earty breast cancer detection. The which they want to teadl. Mary Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fitzgerald, (949) 468-8864. Foundation, (714) 957·9157. SOUTH COAST THE l.lnRACV PROGRAM REPERTORY THEATER The progrem la always in need of The South Coeat Repertory volunteer tutors, no professional Theater needs volunteers to help teaching experience la required. with ushering (eee plays free) and To .uain certlfteation, a aeries of alhef' functions. (71•) 708-5600. training a ..... muat be compfeted. For more Information, IP£M Wt NEWPORT com.ct Literary SeMc. at the A nonp. oftt orgeillz.ation that Newpor1 Beech Library, (9'9) pron\OCes the eodll w.tt.rt by 111.--14. tlducdng .. public end lmpto'ling loo.I~ In UNOERGROtH> NMpoft Be.ctl holdl monthty The Undefvround pn>gram, a "*''nat the NCOnd WedMldlv function of Ch Id's Pace, ptOVidea of ead'I month ., the NMpOrt eodat ectivltl .. end inte111Ction e..ch T-* Club. A 1eotpdon for adote9centa. Votunteera are ~neat 5:30 p.m., Ind me«tngt needed In many aren. (949) ~et 8 p.m. ""-Annuli Me••· mtmbetlHP~ .... S20. Send d-*to •Spell Up~-VAKrNlE FOUNDATlON P.O. Bolt8'. N9wpon ..-. The Vant-ue Founct.don auppom .....,, CM) t73-ttll emptoynlent itnd community nlning fOr eduft8 wfttt llllCHU,..THI HEMr ~dtMbillaea. Mlileupaf ·~of~ YolUfMeri .... lllliilded. (949) fn>in........, C4lllfon* ~ .... 7833. kiW tlO Int end crocNt ... na1cw011 oorpoilllOn Ii aoowng 'MOM fOA PRISONS fot~toldlllenlOrocNI \1llloN for P*oM.. nonprofit .. bOGlel• lillll till fDr ~ ............ .,..,, ................... .., ~.tnpMon. need. The"""' ........ d to '°"" ......... J • JUNE CASAGAANOE covers NewpOrt Beach and John Wayne Airport She may be readied at (9491 574-4232 or by e mail at june.casagrande~latimes.com FYI •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today • WHERE: City Hall. n Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (7141754-5245 '>!Ory has greater ..etbacks than the first. which wiU lessen the building mass. and because the project mttts or exceeds all the standards and guidelmes. city planners are R."Commending the addiuon be approved • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readied at (9491 574-4221 or bye mail at de1rdre.newman1a'/st1mes.com from inmates to troubled kids Weekday houni, Mesa del Mar (7141 556-aOOO. VOLUNTUR CENTER Of GREAln ORANGE COUNTY With more than 1,500 volunteer opportunities, the Volunteer Center will matdl people and groups wishing to volunteer with nonprofit agencies in their area. Volunteer Connection Line, (714) 953-5757. ext. 106. WEUNESS Cor.wtJNITY OF ORANGE COUNTY The Wellness Community needs volunteers to help at the reception desk during the day. (714) 258-1210. WEST SID£ BOYS ~GIRLSCLUB Volunteers are needed from 2:30 . to 5:30 p.m. Monday• and Thursdays to tutor stUdenta In first through sixth gredes In reading. (949) 631-n24. WOMEN HELPING WOMEN The C:O.ta M ... -beled orgen1zation pr'O'Mee auppoft b needy women to~ Ntf-.offieient by gaining employment. Vofunteen are needld In the~· Profeulonal Oothea ao..t to nat.tl dlenta end IOlt dothlng. The organlutlon la et 71'1 W. 17th St., Suite A· 10, Costa M .... (94$) 831·2333. WYLAND FOUNDATION The WVtend ~whkf'I encolll'9gll ~~of ocun coneerveticM\, It~ Wlun....,. for dericel ind <==.,..., •nd grentWt'tdng. ~ Y.:A The YMCA'9 Bultding u.. Opdonl Mnor Progrwn .. tooeilng tof ~to """'°'and Mor .... 1n Com MIM. '°' lnOf9 lf~c:illm4~ae.otl1, "1-no. .... AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Item• to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St •• Cotta Mt88, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing la available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY The UC lrviM chancetlor's disting.uished fellows series presents "Artwork of Keith Piper;" a lecture and exhibition by the internationally known British artist, at 7 p.m. in the Studio Art Comple)(, Room 160. Best known as a leading figure central to the inception and developmenl"of the 1980s British Black Art movement, Piper works in a broad range of media, including digital technologies. For more information on the free event, call (949) 824-7372. TUESDAY Julia Sweeney of ·saturday Night Live· fame will speak at the 16th annual Circle 1,000 Founders' Brunet. from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beacti. Sweeney will share her touctiing, humorous and heartbreaking account of the loss of her brother and her incredible survival of cervical cancer. Cost is $150 per person, and proceeds benefit the Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 574-7204 for more information. ·smart Women Finish Rich. is a tree workshop with complimentary gourmet catered dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Art Gallery International in Costa Mesa. Limited seating. For more information, call (800) 876-0353 or send e-mail to bob. voorhees@agedwards.com. what's next, who will be making declalona, and ~er democracy wlll wor1c In Iraq after the w ar at St. Mlctiael and All Angels Epiaoopal Churcti in Corona del Mar at 7 p.m. For information, call (949) 644--0463. MAY~ Ala l~r~ theAmeriqn Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are Implemented as elegant acoessorlea that complement your decor to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Reservations.for the 7 p.m. seminar at Visions and Dreama in Costa Mesa are required. Call (626) 288-1669 for more information. A hM seminar and door prtns on ·skin Care, Health and Beauty• will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at· Mother's Mar1cet, 226Ent17tl) St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOM S. MAY7 A free seminar and book signing of ·stress and Disease• by Herb Lewis will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY13 A free seminar on •Muscles in Motion• by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (BOO) 595-MOM S. MAY 15 A free seminar and book signing of HStop the Clock CookingH by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. MAY20 WEDNESDAY A free seminar and book signing A free seminar and book signing of HWhy the Weight? Oare to be for ·A Portrait For Healing" by GreatlH by author Jean Kruegar Ridlard Manley will be held from w ill be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at 6:30 to 8 p.m. at M other's Market, _Mother's Market.. 225 East 17th 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. reservations, call (800) call (800) 595-MOMS. 595-M OMS. Join Newport Beach city leaders, students from Harbor View Elementary School and a state forester for the 13th annual Arbor Day celebration at 10:30 a.m. at Grant Howald Park at 5th and Iris avenues in Corona del M ar. For more information, call (949) 644-3154. The school of biological sciences at UCI presents •Victim, Vectors, and Vaccines: The Battle Against Malaria in the 21st Century:' a lecture by Dr. Anthony James at 7 p.m. in the Crystal Cove Auditorium in the Student Center. The event is free and open to the pt.1blic, but reservations are required. For reservations or information, call (949) 824-7252. FRIDAY The aecond annual Newport Beacti Relay For·l1fe, a 24-hour team walking event, hopes to raise money and increase cancer awareness in the Newport·M esa community. Ten-to 15-member teams can register for $150 before April 28. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at Newport Harbor High School Stadium and ends the next day at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call the American Cancer Society at (949) 567-0634. SATURDAY The UC Irvine Alboretum hosts its annual Spring Perennial Sale, featuring unusual perennials from South Africa and around the globe, from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. today and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at the arboretum . Experts will be available to answer questions. Admission costs $2 for adults. Children younger than 12 get in for free. For more information, send e-mail to ldlyons@uci.edu. Oceana of Orchicb, a show and sale sponsored by the Newport Harbor Ordiid Society, will take place today and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . at the Costa Mesa Community Center. General admission Is $3, seniors' admission is $2, and par1cing is free. Call (949) 515-9538 for more lnfonnation. SUNDAY Th,.. young ldlolerahip wWtl'Mr$ wm be part of the Califomla Women'• Chorua' 34th annual Scholarahip Benefit Concert. The mualc student• will j<Mn female vocalists from throughout Califoml• when the 200-vok:e "'°""•presents '"Surf 'n Sing• at 2 p.m. In the Sutton Piece Hotet. 4600 MtcArtttur BNd. In Newport Beach. Tic*eta are $15 Jn ldvance and $1811 the door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (71.t) ~for tlOtta or lnform•tlon. -ttwv~•· ftoma.t MlcnMl11 chtktrtn'I dlofrl, the CenAbfm and Slrtphim, can ~ hMrd at Sl MkN.a Ind Alt ~~I Churd'I in Corona dtt Mar .i 6 p. m. For fnfomlltton, catl (M} &14 OCJ • MAY21 . A free seminar and book signing of ·rhe Digestion Connection· by Dr. Mark Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7l30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reserva1ions, call (800) 596-MOMS. MAY24 A book signing and penonal appearance by author James Baldi for his book ·Prescnption for Nutritional HealingN will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OM S. ONGOING Volunteer drivers .,. nMded to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through ·Mobile Meals; sponsored by FISH·Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Registration Is now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 1. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race is $30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. If your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems lntema1ional will show you how to re-<pot your · plant during their free orctiid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the MCNta of Catbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees fJVery Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5262 for m ore information. TMm Survivot a nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, ham "Wnlk and Talk. at 10 a.m. the second and fotlrth Frid.-, of the month in front of NIKEgoden store in Faahlon la1and. Membera meet for lunch •ft•r at Atrium court. tt la free, and ell fltnea levela are welc:ome. For more lnfonnation, ctll (949) 21&-388& Newport CCMTWnUftlty eo...lnt Center offers • way ID ctop the cyde of clom#tlc~ through the auppott group In SAF.E Htndt. SAfE. Nndt for aatetv. awarenea. feith and ompowwrmont. The group mwts Mondeyl from 8:30 to 8 p.rn. FrM, For mott infom1ttlon. Clllfl (949) 721-8079. ................... .., .. dt'(ofColta M ... A9aeedc>n Center from 2 to I p,m. MOndty through F~ for~ end outdoor aporta end ectMtlea. The Canter Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more lnfonnatlon, call (714) 327-7660. The Newport Beach Walking aub meets at the com er of Suparior arid Hospital Road in Newport .Beacti at 9:16 a.m . and 7 p.m . fJVeryday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport S..ch Cake Decorating C1ub meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. Tha Newport Beach City Haff la displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons. Raymond Oti& and Jim Teegarden through Mardi 28 at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more .Information, call (949) 711-3870. The Assn. of BuslntS9 Senrices hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connections from 6 to 8:3Q p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa, For more information, call (949) 805-0011. •Divorce: A New ~Inning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every m onth. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport Beach Public: Library hosts an hour of stories and crafts for ctiildren in kindergaf1en through the second grade at the Corona del M ar branch from 3 to 4 p .m . Tuesdays. The library is at 420 Marigold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800. Flee tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge, baOOtage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more information, call (714) 556-AATS, ext. 833. The Newport Beach N.wcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beacti who have lived in the area fewer than five years. For more information. call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeadi.org. o..isSen~rCemerholdsa pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Ptaza presents ·workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program· hosted by chef Ale>0< Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m . VVednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa M esa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. 'tbga and rhythm, ·vogarhythmics# combines yoga. dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. "Earthquakes -Not If, But When" will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beadl. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Halbor Nautical Museum offera the exhibit "Your Majesty, There la No Second: The America's Cup 1861·2003· · through April 30. The museum Is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more lnfonnatlon; call (949) 673-7863. l'*"-lth couplee wftll one Jewlah partner af9 lnvited to participate In a diacuuion group at the Jewlah F•mJly S.rvioe of Orange County oifice. The group la geared toward dffllng with IHuet between lnt9fflith • couplet, auch ea rtitlng dllldren, observi09 hotldaya, symbols in the home Ind ,.,atlOMhlpt with~ famlllea. The cost fortl'ltM • ... 1lon1 ft $45 per~ Pre1"9QfltratJon I• requfted. <:ell 10 td'ttdule date end time. The offtc. it at 250 E. 8atc• 8'.., W. G, Cotia M .... (714~ ..a lllO. ~ .. Md .......... . clecll~ group OOOfdr' ... ii bit JewWi Famlf'f S....-.. to tdde .............. ~. c1ePia1iof\, r.eadolllhiPc. lonei'*I end ftmlfv. -The gnM4) tnMtll from 101011:30 a.m. ~ .. m.~olbt. 2IO E. .._St..~ G. ColU ...... ,., ..... J'ltion teqUlted. (7M) ... .0.. Fttends of .... N9wpott a..dt Public Library Uaed Book StO«J are asking for patrons to donate boob to replenish the dwindling stodt. Book.a m-v be left 81 any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Coro.na del Mar -or in the book oloset next to the Friends Book Store, 8t 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and papecback donations, wlth the exception of magazines and law books, w ill be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 769-9667. The Brame IMtitute of'9n free computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center.at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del'Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up fot classea. (714) 821 ·5000. A spiritual care class mffb at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beacti. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Costa Meta Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m . at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of eacti month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Oierenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult dlildren and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m . two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their ctiildren. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure ctiildren experience. Preregistration required. (714) 44&-4950. The Costa M ... s.nior c.nt.r has baltrOQm dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family S.rvice of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the dlronically ill. The purpose IS tO provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage Illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Attendance is free, but registration is required. (714) 445-4950. Scrabble Club No. 350 mffb from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Bordera Booka, Music & Cafe at South Coest Plaza, 3333 Bear St. in Cotta Mesa. S3. New players are wetoome. (949) 206-9822. M<ioday. Apr~ ?8, 2003 A5 BEST BET The State Street Ballet of Santa Barbara will perform "Ballroom,· a salute to the swing era. on May 3 at the Orange Coast College Robert B Moore Theatre. 270 l Fairview Road. 2 30 East 17 St • Cosio Mesa (949) 722-722:4 www r J9\oodcorpets com MJ, fn I J-6 . Sot 10-5 BOATING SEASON IS HERE! We are Marine Cmbare·t·-AJJ Marine .carburetors An ~ Engine Tested ~ ~ Same Owner Sina 1965. 3X Ye11rs in Costa Mesa THE CARBURrl'OR SHOP INC. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bri~cot & Bak~r) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EVEN HU SB AN DS . ~ALDEN'S f'II'Ol01'0J!'ll;M'O 0'.lnlM "ISi"'~ 0 ~,_ ~~\ 1663 PbCfttt~ Colt•~ . '49 646 4838 The sort folds ol Vignette' Window ~dtngs now come 1n th<ee ~ fdbncs that appeal to ~ c~ ~ them today ...... ' ...... . ....... i.t ......... .. ,,,,. "'" ..... '"" QUOTE OF THE DAY "There i.s no doubt in my mind J will make {the Oakland Raiders] ... " Ryan Hoa1, Mr. !rrelevant XXVIU M Monday, Apnl 28, 2003 Div. III star maintains . big plans Mr. Irrelevant XXVIII bids to make transition from 'Golden Gusties' to Raiders' Silver & Black. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot Ryan Hoag spent h.is only season of high school football as the junior varsity quarterback, then was cut from the ten- nis and soccer teams as a freshman at Wake Forest. Not exactly a stellar athletic founda- tion for a future NFL draft pick. But, after three noteworthy football seasons at Division Ill Gustavus Adol- phus College in Min- nesota. the speedy 6- foot-2, 200-pound receiver will begjn pursuit of his NFL dream with the Oak- land Raiders, who selected him with the 262nd and final pick Sunday. As the last piclc in the seventh round, Ryan Hoag he also becomes Mr. Irrelevant XXVJJJ. As such. he will be celebrated at the annual lrrelevant Weelc festivities, scheduled June 23-27 in Newport Beach and hosted by irrelevant Week founder and Newport Beach businessman Paul Sala- ta Salata. a Conner NFL and USC re - ceiver, was in New York Sunday to an- nounce Hoag's selection. -1n retrospect. I thinJc I am a little sur- prised," Hoag said by phone from the Gustavus Adolphus campus in SL Peter, Minn., where family, friends, teammates and others gathered in the cafeteria to watch one of their Golden Gusties cap- ture the national spotlight. ·But as I started to realize my potential, I started working to put myself in position to be in this situation. I've alwJys been blessed with athletic ability. I played four sports (track and field, along with football. soccer and tennis. which he said was his best through high school} throughout my life and I always thought, if I ever concentrated on one. I might have a future." Hoag said the redundancy of practice soured him on football in his inJtial football season as a prep, but his pas- sion for the game was rekindled by play- ing in an intramural league at Wake For- est Spot1a Phone: (949) 574-4222 • Spot1a Fu: (949) 6500170 NFL DRAFT Ryan Hoag, a speedy receiver out of Division Ill Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota, is now Mr. Irrelevant XXVlll. EYEOPENER ·Daily~llli • SponaHalrlPMle lAMtnllb•llw1......,_ May 5honoree KURT EHMANN Johnson taken ·in . . . ., .. 6th round Former Sailor, OCC standout will pursue NFL future with Vikings. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot Eddie Johnson, who earned All- Arnerican honors in two seasons as a punter at Idaho State University after starring at Newport Harbor High and Orange Coast College, was selected in the sixth round by the Minnesota Vi- kings in the NFL Draft Sunday. Johnson, who grew up in Costa Mesa. averaged 46.3 yards on I 00 punts over two seasons at Idaho State, which led the nation in net punting during both ~=-==--=:---:--, of Johnson's seasons. Johnson could nor be reached for com- ment Sunday. A 6-foor-3. 232- pounder. who also saw spot duty at quarterback at OCC an Newport Harbor, was the 180lh overall selection in the Eddre Johnson seven-round draft chat began Sacurday and concluded Sunday in New York. A cwo-time first-ream AU-Big Sky Conference selection in Pocatello, lohn- son was a second-ream All -American choice by 711e NFL Draft Report last fall. As a junior, he was named first-team AU-American on bolh the Associaled Press and Walter (',amp reams. He led the nation wilh a 46.3-yard average as a junior. News of Johnson's selecrion was cele- braled by Newpon I larbor l ligh foot- ball coach Jeff BrinkJey. "It's really exciting and I'm happy for Eddje,.. Brinkley said. ·As he matured and grew older, he really dedicared himself to his punting and was on a oussion. BrinlcJey said that potenuaJ may have been apparenl to others. before it was to Johnson himself. Upon tranSferrlng to Gustavus Adol· into becoming a receiver. After a one· 2.232 yards (15.5 per catch) and 29 phus. a return home for the Minnesota year stint on the junior varsity, he touchdowns in 31 games. He had a ca- native, he focused his speed -he bas started for three seasons on the varsity. "I thought that I.he way he punted the ball in high school. he could one day be a pro,· Brinkley said. Bnnlcley said Johnson's maturity, both on the field and off, ha!> allowed helped his NFL dreams. SeeJOHNSON.Pa1eA7 been clocked at 4.33 over 40 yards -amassing 144 career receptions for See HOAG, Paae A8 .I CATCHING UP WITH Shannon Suzuki Ex-Estancia athlete a prominent behind-the-scenes. contributor to ESPN hit 'Pardon the Interruption.' Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot I t's no argument to say that Shannon Suzuki& love for sports runs deep. even though she wotb on a show where quarreling is warranted and often encouraged. F.sPN's •Pardon the Interruption, .. a haJf-hour program which aired for the first time in October 2001, has stonned to national anendon. attracting a slew of sports enthusiasts -as well u Suzuki -to Its on-air personalities Tuny Komheber and Michael Wilbon, two Wuhington Post columnists who give their uncensored oplnJons on current sports topics Suzuki. a thxee-sport star at Batanda High who earned the achool'a Female Athlete of the Year award In 1989 -when abe graduated -ls an usodate produc.er of the ahow. charged with obtainlng and editl.ng the videos on ~ Komheber and Wilbon wW discuss eech weeknight. assistant at F.sPN in 1995. Suzuki was promoted two years later to associare producer and worked on sucb shows as ·NFL Tunight" and •sportsCenter" while going out in the field to compose features. The days and nights were long, often ma.king It hard for Suzuki to see her then·boyfrlend and now husband. Matt Xelliher, who also wotb for P17as a producer. The two met in J 995, when both began their careers at F.sPN. They married at the Hyatt • Newport.er on July 21. 2001. Tun days • after they &aid their wws. Suzuki. who uses her ma.Iden name, received • a phone call and the rut 15 history. •1 wu ready for a change,• Sw:Wd aa.ld about her move from the ESPN atudJos to the set of P'Il. ·1 listmed to : 1bny Kornhdsa on the radio and thought be was really funny. I couldn't • wait to meet him. "Getting to work with 1bny and Mike .ls the bJghlight of ft all. They are • ao much fun to work wlth and I set to : .. aee a different perspective (about ports)." Sut;uld apcnda her <!aye -wbkh typically run from 8:30 a.m; to 7 p.m. -obtalnin& revleWlng and edlting Shannon SuzUki muas with ce>OOsts Tony Komheiser (left) and Mike Wlboo on the set of 'Pardon the Interruption.· She uaually obta.ina the vldeoe from ESPN'a ltUdlos In Brlltol, Corin., where., worked for alX yeen before moving to Wuhlngton DC., where P11 .. prodUced. Alter~ as a production ... ~.PllpA7 I I - SP 0 RT FROM THE SIDELINES A bird, a plane; the Pirates flying to games was an adventure for OCC football teams during the 1950s. D unng the tumuJt and th1• <.h1Juting of jWl.ior colll"ge football a half-century ago, h was not uncommon t11 find JC grid t~ Dying hundreds of miles to engage in oonrnnference gam~. And Ora11gt l '>nst college, which cip1·n1'fl in 1948, wa..'> quick. 10 1oin tht OymK uowd, since 11 spa.0-Pd .1.mplP e.ccitemcnt •i. fO'>"I recruiting circles. And wcnuung \\-a, J kcv w success m tht' Patly da~ of JC football, espc1 tallv 1n California. One of the mw.t lmmual ()(',L flight expericnt C'"I dun11g ill> champion!.hip .,1.·~on of 1951 found the colJ<'Kl' prt'!.1den1, Basil Peter.on. harlong the hu\ to the Long Hea<h .t.1rport for .1 chartered 01¢11to1hcn-Boi'>e Junior CoUege 111 Idaho. The t>ntlrt' <,qt1Jd. plus coachel>, Peter.on. fkan of Men Fred Huber dnd 1t·J.m physician Bernard Ma\On would hoard for the I.rip. Peter;on hJd prc .. lm>ahlr logged tht' U1~h1 iJl'>tt.1rd a one-time Army 1ra11 .. port typl' with what OCC football coach Ray Rosso, as Navy WWIJ fighter pilot, remembered as one with the wurst fatality record he couJd recall. Ros.so said, "What was.amazing were the reactiuons lo each player. They had a great time on the tour.• He paused, then r.rud, ·And then, l fully rea.lil.ed that this was a beautifully planned recruiting stop.· In fact, it Wclb once rucknamed "The fllying Coffin." Rosso also a.-..'tumed "that I was the onJv uneasy passenger on board'." However. that was DON CANTRELL The coach added, ·As we got back to our plane area. tht>rc were a loJ of goodbyes along tlw only shaky moment and thl·n things Oowed into smooth advenrure a1J the way to Idaho :imJ on the return home, except tllat dlM> changed after a "great ~Jme the neXt day before a ·,cllou1 (crowdf ," Rosso said. rhat'~ when Rosso and the lt>am learned that Pett:rson, a dt•vout Mormon, had approved a stuh In plans tha1 wouJd take the Oight to Salt Ulke City first for an unexpected VISil 111 · Monnon C-0untry " lhe tedJ11 wouJd be greeted at tht> airport by coed' from the lJni .. ersny of ULah With a smile, Roi..\o ').lld, "nu~ KJlY'• were excited." Ill' added, "WeU, ao planned, we wt're met al tl1e plane and t-..ich player was escorted by a 1:1wd for a tour of the Mormon dlUrch. tabemacli-. el. al. a_., wcU d'> the urnver;1ty campus. follnwed hy lunch " with promise'! to 'be in touch.' In f au, Charley Bladt was re-.uJy to Mgn up now.• Ro\80 said, "N> l reflect, I know that Dr. Peterson, bein~ the staunch Mormon that he was, planned it to be of benefit fo r both the playe~ and Ille church. And I must c;ay it was bt'aullfully dont>." I le added, "What d pack.age, pre11y coeds and a great tour of a meanmgful hi~tory as well ill> a !f'b~1ou-. center." H0'>.'-0 '>aid. "Now that's re1 nuung." ... A i.pcual geHogether worked out re1;cnlly tor one-Lime Harbor High ..,-id chief Al Irwin. who has turm·<l 85, and Mel Smalley, one of ht\ IUp offen ... ive stars in l 'W~ )0 In foct. Smalley '-Cored 104 poml' m 19 on a ream tha1 BRIEFLY chalked up an 6· l record. • Irwin's wlfe, Lois. had planned on joining a reunion with her sorority sisteno from College of the P'ctcific days 10 the late ·~ and Invited Smalley to dnve down from Lodi and V\SJt with husband Al, Lois said, "Melfi. alwa~ good about working Al into hir. scheduJe up nortl1. • Incident.a.Uy, SQ:talley Wlll> also a rugged defensive haltback for Rosso on the championship ·51 grid rerun at Orange Coas1. After two years at OCC Smalley cho~ to follow lrwtn'r. path to College of the Pacfic in themid 1950~ ••• One intere!>tmg note from yesteryear involve<. Dave Ros\o, son of the coach, who on<:e captained a V-dJ'Sity basketball team at Ncwpon for< .uach I mil Neeme in thl' '50s. I le had an offer to attend lJI Riverside, but cho~ 10 enrrill a1 UC Berkck·y Dunng h1 <; N('Wf>Ort day ... Neeme Will> al&o Jn outsta.nding middleweigh1 grid coach and a top assistant to Irwin. No doubt, he was plca<.t-d thi'> year to -.ee his alma mater Butler Univer.irv m lndiatld go to thl' ·weet lb m the !\C.J\A hd.'>kethall tuumam,·nt. Orange Coast captures Palmer Cup •ROWING: Ornn~c Coast Col lege won till' var:.1ty ~iW!t fi11t1I and went on to 1 dpture till Palmer Cup, whida V,O('<. to tht program witJ1 thl• most ovt-mll point:.. al Ille '\/t·wJhJ! 1 Rcg<.11t..i Sunday. Tht' P1ra1t·.., \\lnr11n~ l'lghl, i11 duding Hyan co.,tdloe, Chm Lenuni, O,c-<1r ( 11rr1:11, \'Vt'~ lcm pie. John l'.P1.,t·r \\1111 lam,, foni Redoutey. 1'1t..l I> Allto111 ant! COX.<\Wam ~I(; \1f'Jd 1..0Vf'fl'(j the 2.000-ntl'h r rnutl>e m <;·c; I.!+ nearly two "t'to11d' f~ter than runner· up I ong Beath "itate. USC wa.' third and UC lrvtnt~ finished 'itxlh OCC aJ5-0 won the novice four with J.T. Eger. Jdll' Larr Fred Fielding Ru..s Mc.\hane and their cox.swam, who!>e name was not available. poMinl( d time of 6:54.7. UCl wa' tlurd m that race. OCC aho \\Un the novice ~ight. a.' Mall Olapman, Za1.:k Papas, McShane. Jell lJreUand. Carr. Eger, Rrian Moran, Fieldmg and coxswa111 A.shky Thomas topped the ~tx·hoal field m 6:01.7. UCI wac; fifth in that race. UCI won the second varsity eight, similar to 1unior varsicy di- vision. with a time of6:10.9, top ping runner up OCC (6.11 lJ SUZUKI Continued from A6 film tha1 is I.bed for the topi~ Komhe1<>er and Wtlbon speak on. She usually l"l'Ce1ves the film directly lhrnugh a fiber optic line from F..SPN''i '>tUclJos. Every mom.mg at 10:45, the seven-member production staff 'lits down ro discuss which topics will be dt.M:l.l.SSed on the show that day Suzuki. who hve~ m an apartment four blodcs from the studio in WMhington. reads ~ newspapers and watches SportsCmtueach day to formulate Ideas. After the group brainstorms, coordinating producer Erik Rydholm and Kelliher detennlne what topics Komheiser and WtJbon will comment on. National stories Tars· boys, girb c;ccond •SWIMM IN<;· 1 lw 'lewport J l.irhor High ho}'\ md ~L'i .... ~mmmg learns tloth fimshed ,1..u111cl .. 1 •he 1"11 •• "rnngs lnv1 · IJllUO 11 1..IJl11,1 ' ..... tturday. ">Jt.I 1r, I I.I\ · . 1 •'lr'><>I. Nii.:ole M.llk.1·y .i11d ~\ai rc11im~ com lurwit to '"IO '" t' ul th"· c1~h1 in rl1"11'•111 w•I., r. ~.,,., l't>r1-•1! Y.01' n ..!()(J.yanJ mdi- ' d,1..i.I 11 .. ·dle) ,., ' , b~J dud the ,'.;(Ml lr.c.:St)I• • ')6 .!l) while ~t.icL.i.:\ won tht• 100 hurterfiy 1:; 7 .l9' and the LOO hre~tstroke (I :06.37) raiun.1 •opped the field iu the 100 hack.'ttrolte ( 1.00.53) and wa.' second in the 200 free (1·58.36) Andrew Cole (53.67 tn Ille 100 back) and Ro~<, Sinclair Cl.51.42 tn 1he 200 free) po'>ted runner- up fini'lhes to hlghlllght the Sailor boys participants l\an C1emenre won the boys .ind girb team 11tJe Northridge bests UCI •BASEBALL: The UC lrvi.ne basebaJJ team was defeated by visiting Cal State Northridge. 13-7, Sunday, in th e finalt> of a three-game Big Wec;1 Confer· ence baseball seriei.. 1yp1cally comprise a majonty of the tuptcs, but Suzuki said there 1s usually room for reglonal ideas. Once the ideas are finahzed. c;t.J.ZUkj contacts F.SPN and u5ually has the firsl video feed JUSI after noon. L--fy last week. she needed to <>b LJ\ video of TToy Hudson and Kevin Garnett of the MlMesota Timberwolves after they had defeated the takers in Game 2 of their best-of-seven playoff series. ~, needed to find something tha1 illustrated (Garnett's and Hudson's) dominance; Suzuki said. ·1 also found a piece where Anthony Peeler was steallng the ball. A bar running vertically along the right side of the television acree11 lists each topic the duo will discuss. A timer at the top of the list lets the viewer know bow Norlhndge ( 11 -JS, S· 7 in con ferenc1.•J built a 9 2 lead in u1e first thrt>e inn111gs and held on. though the An1ea1er~ (17 -27. 5 7) '>cored four in 1he .,ixth to pull w11hm 11 ·7. Norihndgr. whrrh wun 1wo ol three 10 the seriec;, bac;ht'd 18 hil5 tu lJCl')o, 13. t.regg Wallis wt>nt \ for 4 IO pace the ho51s, who 11'0 reu:1vt>d C\\ o h11' from Jon Hor.'-'111 Hrdl Ddl1on, Mall FaJI.. and <;,•r, Dudre\ S.1 We5t Confwtnce Score by Innings Northt1dge 13, UCI 7 CSUN ~2 002 002 1.1 111 2 U<..I 200 014 ooo 1 13 o Rosal111>, Robertson (6) and C•vton, Franch Koehler (2), Alstot 13). Tripoli (6), Schroer (91 and Wagner W Rosales 4~ L -French. 2--' 28 Agua1lar tNI 2 Akasaka (NI. Falk (UCI) 2, McCanhy (UCI) 38 - Mc.Cauley (NI. Dalton (UCI). HR - Vona (NI, Cayton (NI. CdM settles for fourth • VOUEYBAI..L: The Corona del Mar I ligh finic;hed fourth tn the Santa Barbara Tournament or Olampions, comple1ed Sat· urday. The Sea Kings lost in the championship ~em1finaJi. to Buchanan of Fresno. 15·4, much time Komheiser and Wilbon have left to speak on a subject. Usually, they debate for one minute or less on each issue. "I watch a lot of games and read Sports /Uu.strated. I always try to educate myself. It is easy to pick up on what's going on ju.st by watching 'Sport.sCenter.' .. Suzuki's affection for sports reverts to her childhood and upbringing. She did gymnastics and also liked voUeyball and soccer. but had to make a choice about wtuch to pJay at Estancia. She chose softball. basketball and tennis and excelled tn all. Suzuki earned team MVP honors ln both tennis and .oftball and was a S·foot-8 forward on Coach Lisa McNamee's girls basketball team whk:h ca,ptured the school's first outright Sea View League 15·9. 15·4, lhen were outla.,ted by anolhl'r Fresno .. chool. Bullard. 1:, 8, 14· 16. 14 lh 15·8, 15 h, Ill thl' third pl.it..e match Senior middle blo1..Ll•r I nc Jones had J3 ._Jll, in the two matt..·he' tn kad the SeJ Kin~' l lJ-IOt. Mile .. YoumMn had 18 lil1' again.;1 Aullard, wh1lt' lrim Wckh .md Kevin Wekh had 14 apwcc .111d '>eller (.re~ C..abncl aflld'>\Cd 7 1 a<.'tl'il!> NAC\ Lofgren honored •ROWING: 1'ewpor1 A4uat1r Ct>nter 1unior rowing .,1andou1 Estht•r Lofgren, a senior at New pon Harbor tligh. hac; bet?n named 10 the 'lchola.c;11t honor roll by U.S. Rowing. TI1e program recogrmed 19 seniors who have excelled in both academic" and rowing. Those sell'cted mu.'>t bl' U.S Rowing member\, ha\e rowed or coxed a1 lea~1 one }eJI. and successfully compe1ed a1 or above the league or regional level. Lofgren. who boast!> a 4.0 grade-point average this year, is captain of the NAC junior team. championship her Junior year. As a senior, Suzuki and her doubles partner went 56·2 and reached the quarterfinah of the Ojai Valley Tennis ToumamenL She wa.<; named the team's Co·MVP as the F.agles earned a trip to the ClF playoffs. Suzuki, whose parents Ed and Aileen still live in Costa Mesa, was a three·time all-league prclc. in softball, hitting 310 her senior year. She graduated from Estancia with a 3.7 grade-point awrage and eventually earned a bachelor's degree ln communkations from UC Santa Barbara. "I would have loved ha-ve been a pro athlete, but that was never going to happen." Suzuki said about her aspirations leading into her career in sports broa.dcast:lng. • 1-ve always wanted to be ln\'Ohted with portawmt." Monday. lief• 28, 2003 A1 lfl Daily Pi lot lfl ports H II of Fam C< ·1« !hratiug thP 1 ni1lPn11iu111 NICK SCHAUMBUR G Corona del Mar After thriving in tre n c h es for 5ea King~. he collected three champio n ~hip ring~ at C')U. Richard Dunn Da1ly P1lot E \t!I• with Ulf\.-'t' lhampirm'tlup nn~ frim • hi'> tollt-watc lootbaU plavinK da}". 1\11 k "chaumburg \till nt:\.l r pldyt J J do\" TI befort- 1 ugh 'tl-h•1ol. unJ.-.,., vou count jJI 01xa .. 1onal flt'Jrl d1\l' aJun~ 1111l ot :frwpon lit•ad1\ bt"tt hn.·iJk.\. A typic.11 '\t·wporl Beach kul who ~ew up i.urfin~. Schaumhur~ n<'ver considered playing nrganu.(•d fuotball 11n11l l11' frt..,htnan WM t1t C Ufl>Od dd \1ar I h~h. then t•n10-.cd high flyin~ '-111ll'''111 the ~nd1mn urn1 ht·, a11d latt'r a modt•,1 ta~cr a1 Lolomd11 ">1a1e. :-.<:haumhu~ wa' .1 pr.mu.rv l•JJ.' tn lht: Sea Km.:., run 10 till' I 11 '>outJ1err1 'it'l firm I h\t\toll \' 't(:nufinaJ., m wii11 h ,, \;1lttt111 1.·11rnt'bad• eft•Jrl It'll .. 1tun 111 .1 l I 111 lo ... , 111 "'4 r\lh' It C ...tJ ~1c11c· I ullen1m .t.'> c um11J dt•I \\,tr fini.,lwd •1 ~ It w,i., 1 lw 11 uni hll!b''l \'I( It II v lllldl Ill dw 'chool ' tir-.1 U '•·.tr.., ol v;1r'>ll\ 10(111>.Jll. t11ppt''f 1111h ti\ lht· 'I hool\ had.·HJ h.11 k I II ll!lt• '>qll..t<h ot l'-tHH l 1 i .111d 'fl'• I I:! () .' \I \II I II I )1\. l\ICJll \ 'It' I•,, r!lt'I .11 "' ll1· '>< 1 i.11111111111); 11""j lu' 'llt'lt>!'h. quH 1 n··" 1!11! 1r11p11\111~h ' •ft)'. .irn10., to kt· .. p 11ppo'm~ dl'fcndt·r. o il t ti.\1 ballcamt·r. < dM "ff f'Nd ve hr w Pat "Actual". I '>llrk<l ~av heforc I t•vt-r plctyed foothall," ~chaumburg • ••. 11J "I i-.dly OOl l' •.,ml 'K.haumhurg Y>'a.."> the !it">l pa. .. , prril1.1 IOr ht Nick Schaumburg h..itl l'\.-r lll..tl hcd pretty mu1 h ~·w up (<,urfing, and juM ended 11p playing fou1baU IJl the lllnth wade becau't' aU my fnt>nd' did iL It-ff B<>J!d;111 made. me do it. I le w,1<. tht' 1ofle11'1''t'l b'llanJ n¢11 nt:'xl to mP He\ om· of m-, bt_.._t lnend' lie madf' mP pfa\ fo<1lhall. A.1111 1h1.·n I got a \l holJr'th•p. '-:o°" I 111 done with foo1ba.ll amJ 'lill 'turfing." In the l tv• of vh,111mbmg. who pas..c; proll'nt d .ind ope1w<l hole~ for celcbr Jtt'cl double·thre<ll ~·.i klng quarterbai.:k fo'ih Wal/ m the faJJ ol 1995. he ca.i11t' l.'Jlllppt:d with "VC' 16-font 4 , l fll) p<.mnili.J and J .,urfer'!. alhJetiL1'>m, \.\ruch often ~o~ unnooced 111 the greater 'J>tlrl.3 world. It was a lethal comhinaaon quit kl\ recognv.ed bv fonner < d\4 head coach Davt· I iolland. an offen'>l\t> hnc guru. "It wa.\ definitely .i new lhmg for me as a fTl.''thmttn ," said Schaumburg. whc>"t' fiN tour of duly wa.'> a l defon<.1ve tacl<le . before movmg to the offt'ru.1w bne tu~ ~µhumorc year. "I didn't really ft't'l I hJd tht· hang of 11 unnl my 'iOphomore year. then I staned gerung more comfonahlc Then. I gue:.s by my ~nior year. I was playmg all right· Schaumbul)i a 1:\.\-'0·tune first· team AIJ !>t:a V1C"\\ 1 .eaguc ~elc:ct.ion by tJ1f' Oaih Nlol ( 1994-95), lmed up w1tl1 fellow all-league~ Rich\ "lichols and 1im Goode to help 1he Sea Kini?"' oITenS(: 'i<:Ore a <.ichool·record 322 points in the '95 campaign. Abo a two·Umf' All-;"\;~'J>On Me:..t l>ail) Pilol Dream Team mt>mber. JOHNSON Continued from A6 ·A lot of tus success has been due to the work he has done on his own," Bnnkley iatd. •A lot of guys have potential, but be was one who realized fl and did the things nee~ to .. advan· tagie of it.· Johnson. the first Newpc>n- Mesa prep product to be selected in the NFL draf\ since former Co- rona del Mar llnebaclctt Jecrott Wtllanf v.-u I fifth-round pic:.t by I ",1.\11 t long lwfnn• t•\.t'rY ~ ltool 111 tht' \ \t·,t •·m i\lhli-lll I !1llf"rt•n1 c ,1,1r1t·d l.ntlCl-tng 1111 "<:hJ 1111hu~\ door, and. h.t<,t•d un tht· < ••li>r••d11 ...,ta.It' H,11 ., 'll • t'" tw 'tlg111>t.J Y.llh' llwn •Vt'. 1-rl'"\ 1 ...,1,1t1'. ArvoaiJ t ''I\ ,mJ nnu ... I" •'\t'r\ \\AC '>t houl 1w.•td1ed 111 11g1t1 t'lltl .tltt·r hr' wd-.h1n y ... .ir ...,, t\,1t1111l 1urg \J\\ plt'nl' ot ~rtilJn 11 ht' 1 .1rel'r. 'lH">th J" .t hlo11 l1n~ 11~h1 '·nd C >nee, in l.tl 1 hi' 1>101 I. .1J!.11thl \Ir l·or<:t' 'pr, ng It o\lllllldlt l I I ~pp nn .i lung t m hd!I\\ 11 nm ··M)' p&ult~ ,,ud •lu, '"'lated •nl' 'u1 1eit'"""'ll 11g111iw11' IJlc'• that l:'Vl'nmR, .rnd pl.II a l trdt Jrn11nd me: .. aid sd1.1111nhu11t v.hu caught ont' p.1,., ,1t < .olorado "•ale ~haumhu~. tlw ... in 111 tw11 "-·h110l reacher. lil1h1·• <.al"\ and mother swanne1, pliJyL>d on C .~lJ ti.>am.-. that cap1urt'<l t"'•l Mountain Wc\I Conlt•rl'nn• llllt·' and ont' WAC t harnp1nn'thtp "Roth my pan·nl't .i.rc in 1eachtnl( .rnd I 1hml.. I rnuld '''t' 'omt'thmJ:: in foo1hctll and 1eadung tn nn tuturc • ,,ud 'irhaumburg. 1he la11.•,t honoree m thP l>.1.1ly l't.1111 t..,port' I tall ul 1-ame ¥.'h1k dl'ud111~ on a 1..areer path. ht 'aid ht· al"' wouldn't mind worl..m~ 111 tht> surfmi.: indmtn ..,met lf'a' mg l olorado ...,tatt two years ago ..,l h.lumburg ha' .. pent a t;Umnwr lr.l\chng and hackpack.mg 1hrou~ho11t I orope .:md talen .,urfing lIIJl' to C.o'lld R.tca and PanamJ "My dJd's scttmR on m\ huttl th.11 11., t~mg so Ion~ (111 t•ntt>r ii fuU Umt> <:art't-r . • ht• 4111ppt.'d tllt' Uut!fs out of UC lkr~ell")' m 1995, was among only <wt> punt ers drafted this year. Miltt> Set~ from Western Ollnols wa.' taken ll1 the fifth rowld (149th OVt'ralll by San Diego. Johmon will liktty be handed the starting Job with lht Vtbngi., for whom Kyte R.ichard~on punted me ' n '1gning Ollf"-)UT. free-agent ct Nido ~ 'Who dtd not plaJ n. aDd C\JITenllv punting in NFl. f-.uropt". b lhl' only punting &pcd.i1 listed on tJie Ytkings ro.Af~r on the team' Web~e.. ..... ------------~.--.. ' Al ~. Af><il 28, 2003 SPORTS .. D ly Not YOUTH BASEBALL Dodgers' Watt, Hill combine for no-hitter against D-backs Andrew Watt and kyle Hlll combined on a no hJtter for the Dodgers u they beat the Di- amondbacks. 1-0 , In Nt·wport Beach Uttle League Majors Di- vision pJay. Andrew Noto drove In P,,-tc Hamen for the winning run Tuanmy C.01100, Fletcher Del.Ill Grotta and Steven Man- ning combined for a four-hitter for the Diamondback'!. • In other Majors a~tlon· • GJUll4 3, Mariners 0 Zak Maurer-Erickson al- lowed only one hit while pllch- ing SY, scoreleNs innin~s with 11 strikeouts to give the Ciants their first victory thb sea~on. Kendall Pick ret.ordt:d a ~ave, striking out one in relit'f whil<' Maurer-Erickson went uut after throwing 100 pitch e!>. Shortstop Jerry Kazmlera,ak led an error-free dell·n'iive ef- fort with two putout!., including the final out in the i.ixth inning. Brandon Pick made a run- ning catch of a Oy ball off the bat of Nick Preeman. Patrick Vorwerc:k also saved a nm in the fourth. Nick IOetn and Matt Wheatley each had key assi ts with Robert C.OnoeaJy and Bvan Kort both providing solid defensive efforts. Vorwen:k singled home two runs while Scott Cook added another RBI. Mott Rub: scored in the fourth and Kyle Jell8en added a b.ase bit. •Yankees 10, Bnrves 5 SoUd pitching combined with •Heady fielding and timely hit- ting allowed the Yankees to <'am the victory. • . Yahkee starter Matt Morrla pitched well the first three in- nings. Ottchers 'fyler Haly and John Clirlstian allowed no p~balls. Erle Morris' line drive in the 'econd inning scored scored the first Yankee run and Danny Baker. Morris and Haly then ft>d off the momentum with '>Olid hitting. rarker Stone, Camden Nich- olson and Jeffrey Jones led the Braves a t the plate. Danny Baker played well 1\1 second and shortstop for the Yankees and Bret Weinberger pl\ched the final three iohings to clo e the game. In AAA play: • Martnen 14, Ca.rdJnala 2 The Mariners' hitting attack continued throughout. The Martneri. scored five runs in the third Inning. Devin Gu- nay and MJtch Gardner each walked to open the inning. Stew OaP,p singled, Andrew Machoslde ·doubled and Dean Murdock [walkJ and Clirls Alva- rez (single! contributed in the Inning. Jackie Anderson hit a solo home run in the fifth and Gard- ner stole home in the fourth for another run. The Mariners kept it on in the slxth with a leadoff double by MachuskJe, an infield hit by Austin Blodgett, waJlcs to AJva- rez and Anderson and a two- run s ingle by Jed Thayer, which put the score, 14-2. The Mariners put up two runs in rhe first with a waJk to Oapp, an infield hit by Machos- kJe and a triple by Hlodgett. Anderson singled with two outs ln the second inning. stoic second &l'ld then scored. Gardner and Thayer posted n combined seven strikeouts. • Yankees 9, N1 I Graeme Frazer and Bryce Ashton combined to strlke 01..11 16 batters and llmJted the Ns to just two hits, both by Sam Cu- bfero. Patrick Peanon led the Yan- kees with a triple-while Preeton Risser, Nlclc Gooding, Tanner 'Iraulhen and Jack Murphy scored two runs.each. • Yankea 6, Reds 5 The Reds had the bases loaded with one out in 1he final inning, but two players were caught lrying to steal borne and the Yankees prevailed. Fro zer and Risser combined for tht· key putouts. The Yankees were powered by triples from Fr.uer and Traulh- t-n along with timely hatting by Gooding, Michael Haert, Bermy Townsend and Pearson. Eric Prazler, Jeremy Fox and Murphy anchored the defense while Risser and frazer com- bined to record l J strikeouts in llm1ting the Reds to only four hJts. In NI IDJ\ pluy: • 0 -bacb 4, Cubs 3 Jamie Davis and Blake Bell each threw thre~ innings and combjne for J 3 strikeouts as the Diamondbacks defeated the lirst-place Cubs, 4 -3, in New- port I !arbor BaS'eball Associa- tion Mustang Divii.ion (9-10 year-old) a ction. l lh:. by Grant Frazier. Kevin Kruger' and Bell paced lhe 0 - hacks. fhe Cubs are le<l by '>trong pilching from Austin RJos, Christopher LomeD7A> and Nate Johnson, who cornbint>d for nine strikeouts In lhe Pinto DtviMon: • nw Red Sox were led by Bryan Shollln and Robert Alex- ande r, who each taJlied three h11c; agrunsl th<' White Sox. Martin Jr. Najera added a double an d two singles with QuJncl Holgate tallying three hits. Aw.tJn Smith, Timolhy. Mc:Getrtck, Estevan Muntz and Spencer Buchanlln :il .. tl played· well for the Hcd Sox. • •·f'he A!,trm. and C...i..int'-b.tt tied to a lit'. \\Ith '>Iron~: JlN : lorma11ce' 011 hoth '1dt•s • t;1a11 ts' pltd1er lllley Pet~r­ .an made a d iv1118 l'Uld1 on att infield fly whilt-Nicholas Sargeant aho mat.It· a :.olid grab On 8 ny hjlll. Saq~eant aho COit· tributes n hit a.., d oeq Tanner Barret, William Fuclu1, Nick Le- Grandeur, James Klohe .md Brendan Gordon Blake Pender h .. ul 11 ... oltcl .. 11: around game on tlw 11111un<I. at the plate and in 1lw fiel J IYllchael bder, Ola.rte Whit- ing, Wyatt Muller .111tJ Michael Reo all rnmlum cf Im a nrnlu run mnmg ,1nd the· \,trn' played head., up dekn-.l' •Roger Mann caughl t~o ny baJls and taJUed 3 crlple 88 Lhe Blue Ja)'1 dueled tht• l\fart- ners. Remington Wels!t 11111cl<' '>1111 \1' lint• pJ.1y'> in tlw 01111tdd .11111 also knockt•tl ;i n111plt· 111 lllf Join th Daily Pilot Relay for Life ·~. ~0-Team!! cf-~ HOAG Continued from A6 rcer high 56 r·a tches for 808 ya nh and I 0 l l)i. last fall, en roule to first-team All-Minnt' '>Ola mtcrcolleg1ate ALhleuc A., !>Ol.tal iun honors I le ul.,o gaim•d J97 yards on 13 lcJd,off return-., averaged more th.111 IO yard'> on c;ix ruc;hing allt'mpts and blocked 1hree l...Jcls. Brown ''A' tht' tlr,1 11 wort• 1111. I t'\ peeled lo hL· 'lgtllllJ.: .1 ln·1 agt'nl con1rar t '"ilh 111111-.1011.' I loag '>i!itl "(>all and 111'\ t'I 'howt·tl .in} 111H·n .. 1 .ind. \\ht n lhl'y t alll'd I t huuy.111 11 w;" 111 tall about a frPt' .tw·11t 10111r.1t 1 l llPn, lht'} told mt· I wa ... lw1ng forwarded 111 < ,,,1111 Hill < ill.1· ll.111 cmd ht told nw I\'\," \1r 11 I('!('\ ,1111 Daily Pilot Relay for Life Team 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, Co 92627 I Attn: Prom otions Dept. o~ C'>~ -<-~ ~Qlli1-w.., E ...... ~~4b~~ ~ ~ ~ -..r vent: ._o d_e. OQ ~O~~ rs You'll Ne~ei- What: 24 Hour learn Walking Event When: Friday, May 2 -Saturday, May 3, 2003 6:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. Wht.>rc: Newport Ha rbor High School Why: Beca use you get a really cool Daily Pilot T-shirt and help raise money and have lots of fun as we unite in the fight against cancer. I lis c;pt't'd helped open the eye!. ol N Fl ... routs, who rn<tdt' him rhe univ l>ivi'>1on Ill pl.1 ycr inviwd 10 1he comh111c. De.,p1lt' h1'> humhk begtn· ning,, 1lw Tl year·old l'kmcn- tary c d ut,111011 major. \.\tw \\ill graduatt· in June ;,aid lw w;" al ways conlidPnl iu hi;, uhllll\ . "My fir-.1' 11 n1 < .... 1.1»1" \1, olphu'-, I n• ,,. 11\'r ••·"1111-. Ill' girlfrll'nd lh ti wul \\,1 .. "' pluy ... umc '' 11 t 11 P' 1 ... 1-t11fl t·.,;1 ate lon1h.1ll. 11· it: ,,ml ·I 1o1ld 11tht•1 p1•opll' 1, 111111 lrtt \if''' What do Vt ""' It 1 h,1\lt' ht•f II II 11i~l l1 ,1t ' • lllf\l', hut I • •. ' l1l'ltt'\I ti Id IU'>I work.,tt\ \,1 up. \"lwtlw thal mt-anl fll"' 11 , 111 tlw t .111,1 dtan ( ooth.111 I • 1w. lht· \n·n.i lt•aguc, or wha11 '1 r. • Hoag. whn ,1 1 r,111 tr.H ~ 111 collrgc a nd ..., t• 'Lhuol\ \1 Jk Athlt'I<· of th• \t•.ir ..., 1111 dauntt'd hy ti 1' rh.1lh ugc• ol 101 ntng a Uatdt n•11•1v111~ 1 .,.,, tha t indude' ulurl' I IJll nl l·am er' lt'rry lict' .incl nm I twr.t." " 110 d11uht 111 111\ 1111nd I will 111.1~ 1• th.11 t1•,1t11 .111 I hnng ~om1• 1h111g ... 1h1'\ 111.1~ 11 11 have wi1h '"' ri•111111 .ih1htv .1111' 1 lw ad<ll·ll tl1111t·n ,11111 111 'IWl<tl • I lnag '11d I h.1wn 1 lonl..P1I p.1 .. 1 lhl·1 r 111p thrt•t· guy-. !111 • lud111g IPrl"\ 1'11r1 1•1 I a111l I I 1111" thl'\' tlr.111 ... 1 1111'11 111111 .... 1111 111111 of \w11l111tl 11111 I \t' 111·\1•r wt 1lt·<I lor .111v1l1111g 11111 1lw '11·'1 ,111111 <11111·1 wa111 to "'lllt 1111 )ll'I m.1l 1ng 1lw 11 .. 1111 •H 1111' p1;11 t111• "'fu.1d I w.1111 to ht Ip 11111 .11111 I 1l1111l. I 1.lii . I lo 1g "'""'I lilrn l.111g ,1111111\' ollld l,11 ~ 11f pie~· II ,ti l'">I I ll\I' 11t '~ ha 1.11 .. 11<1 111111 1·i11 1111111 °"'1:111 'I llllt', '•II I It" tt•l.lli\ ' II t'\Pt'r1t>1111· 111 ll111ilr 111. ~·'pt· r wll) ag•-""'' 1 lt11• 11•\ 1•1 11111•m· 111ion g1H'' h 1111 .1 111 1~1·1111 -.1111• -1 1h111l 1h.11 wp 11.11t'' 1n1· fro111 1lw ,,.,,of tlw r1·11•1\1'1' 111 m\ t (,...,,.. I li1.1i• ,,1111 'I t hm~ J'\"t flrll\it d to 1w11plr I It.I\ 1• ,, ''l'l'P lt·..rmng 1 111" .11111 I lt'arut>tl .11111 gri·v. t'\• n \t'.H 1•1 t ollegt· I th111 .. w11h 11111111,11 It tn~. 1ht'll'' 1111 1.-tltng \\lt,11 I c .111 do • Fill out the registration form and clip it out. Mail it to: Daily Pilot, Relay for Life team (see above for address). Or drop it by our offices between 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday -Friday. For more information, contact Lolita Harper, Daily Pilot Team Captain ut (949) 574-4275 or e-mail: lolita.harper@latimes.com SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating tht.• n 11:Y Pilot'~ Athlete of thf' WPek ~ Pfles r---------------------------------------~---• High school boys -A, lington at Corona del Mar (Pride of the Coast Tournament makeup game), 3.15 p.m REGISTRATION FORM YES! I want to participate in the Daily Pilot Relay for Ufe Team. Please contact me by 0 phone 0 e-mad I woWI •• to -· a dottation of s (ttldosed, to I Total Amount s _____ _ tM AMricG1 Cancer Society). Enclosed is my: 0 Cash 0 Chedl Make checks payable to American Cancer Society ,,.,,--------------------------.... DISC Please charge 111y: <) VISA 0 MC 'J A.MIX I VoH-vt>all High sdlool boys -Estande1 al Orange, 4:30 p .m (approximate!: Costa Mesa alumni match, 7 p m Tennis High sdlool boys -Laguna Beach at Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m. Softball TODAY 20 •l.111cly Mvcr~ r. ·rond tic I Mer renn1~. 1999 Oty Card No. bp. Datt High school -Ocean View at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m. Golf 20 Aaron Boh•k Orange Co.isl Ba1kolbell 1003 ST Zlp E C•cltolder's Signature T~ Size U S 0 M Ol Oil ---------------------------- District llunt1n1ton BeKh Union H1th Srhool Ol$lrlcl Bljl Dudhne M•y 20. 2003. 2 00 pm l'IKe ol lhd Reuipl Piwchas1n1 Deci•tlmf'nt, 10251 Yori.town Av,. ttunhnctOll B"9'h CA l'ro~t· Bid 1899 Hunl1n11on IHch Hl1h School llllocMrnuatioft rro19<.I 11 IMI "°° · H1intin1ton Ioctl Hl&l'I Scl'lool M°'9rtllut~ Prol"'c.l t 3 NOflC( IS llLR£8Y GMN tul lilt H111\ l~n,lon I• ti. Union ffi&1I khool 01 II IC1 ol Ounp County Caltl<lf 111•, •el•na •v and tlwovsfl Ila Co"'"'"' 9-d, •-iMfler r• l•rad 10 u "OIJnttel; wlll ' Wf II In, i.u1 not t.t• u..n, 11 .. •bovw •hted ltld dudllne, •litd bl(ft at ti.. r1 .. • ldflllltf!.d •""'"' "" , .. ll •••d of • fOntr l fot .... lk'ir• ,,.,,., b Yt>«e will blt 111•1>da tor1 job wtllU and C4111f• tnc. u lul w l+d illltt • llhr I , at I O'.Jl!>_a111 lld~·M.1•. al ll OCllm t.oull•n no~ M••n Strut. H11,.11nc1011 .. KhCA *8 Alty ~ , .. iMI 16 •ttenlt tl'lt ...... Jolt w.a AM OltftJlllKI Wll 119 Metlltlf • IMflftf II MedlrMld .. tJlfj I ~ unop•n~d "'"li'd Du~umcntl> arc on lite at lht Purl hnmr Deputme nl 107!>1 Yn1klnwn Avr. ttunt•n1 1011 Beach n fnHow< I f11d •89'> S'ill l)P1 <ti Jrhmdable dtpo"I Ro<! l'IOO SI 'Ml 1•,.1 111 r•lundahJ. dfll>0\11 (Oepn\11 r•q1111tJ lnr ••~" ,., 01 r1111•• 1 Do~u-111~ '" 1u•1.1nt~e U>•lf 1elu1n tn lood co1•dlho11 w1lh"1 liv• (~ 1 01,11.t.1 hr• "''•I ti•• bid ooen1rtt dale) In •~coul.lnu with ""' jlfV¥r\~ ol ""~""' and P111l~ni r.ode $11< II• ·• 7018 1 !I and tut,t.. r.011l11ti;t Cv&t '>r• 11 1 UOO. th DI~ IHt( 1eqUl1e lll•t the 1>1•1'1 1 voneu the loll""'"' clu•tf1c• • 11.,1101 nl ~onlleclof'~ ll<ronu(~) at the •-tl1t llld i\ 11bm1tlfd 11>4 • Cit A ntl u Hid rJOO rta• A Of 9 Ar1y btiJdtr nol •o IK 111MJ et th li11• of ti I •.1 111lflllllll '#Ill he ltl*fl d U ftONnptln -.v. 1t1n. I• o1 ttie eu•no hlttlld II _ e tnn;p.,.ltll h • bid 'kllfilf In the lof111 ot ~· h, I t .. llhrd Of ""'""~ , ~ cw ""' bOftd ill 1n _ lft(J11!11 not in• lhtt• 1111 p#Cllll (l~) ., IM! llM Md ~y to tM - 26'0 Legal Nollces 2640 Legal Nollcea TIM! DISTI!ICl rese1vn Pursu1r1I lo Pubhr you Id Irle • ly11ew11tt,.n the rttht lo reject any Conlracl Code Section re•poo•• at this court or an bids or to waive 22300, the A1re11menl A lell•r °' phone call •ny 1rre1ulartl•H 01 wlll cont•ln pro\11Slons will nol 11<0l tcl you, 1nfo1m<1lrt,.s In eny bids permltt1n1 the s11ccos your lyp.,written re nr In lhe b1dd1n1 PfO lul blddtr lo subshl11I• sponn mint be In ~eu HCUfll1ts IOI tny mon Pfvpcr le1al form 11 you Thfo C•hlornill D.p•rt lu withheld by lh• went lhe c:ou1t lo hear m•nl ol lndu1tr11t DISTRICT to en1111t yow case R•l•t1011s hu deter pl'ffllfm•n• t under 11'1• If ynu do not file yo111 m111"d the aeneul Pf• AIJMment or perm1thn1 rHl>«lflMI on hme, you ""'"nt 11tes of per dltln peymenl of retentiOn• m•1 loMI the cne end W•t•' few Iha loc1klJ In H1ned dlr•Ctly into yout ween. money and wlllch the worll II to bl etcrow Pfopert1 may be 11.1.tn perfou!lff fer lhe f>rol Ill IC'Oldanu with Wllh011t futtl\fr wt1n1n1 •ct Co11tt1 of ti>~ £ d 11 r 1 I Io n Cod• from !tie COllft Wltf1I 1ele determlQ 11078 JI , the D*'ltlct lhere we ether lepl llOllS, entitled ,, ...... n. hb • pl#tklj>tllOfl ID•• ftq11ir•me11ta. YMI "''t W1p Sufi, .,, ""'" ot •I a. .. 1 3 !*Cefll of wa11t to yp •" ef10tt11J l••ned II the DISTltlCT Ille o,,.rell doll tr 1ifhl •wty, If YOll do Mt otlke end et• n11lable -nt ••pel\ded Heh llnow en ettou1•1. you ~• fht follow"'I! wtb~• r-tor c0111truct1Un for may uu n ett111n.,, ,,_ dor u 1011 II ah•ll OVlfl 1 tll'ftal ~"nl< t 1>1 • t.. m1nd•toi y ll(K>n the $ -4 l.yl li'l•I -'d flil• (h .. teel 1n ~utuurui lllddf'r to S..l M"'-9, tlM ohon• IH>oll) whom, tile contrac.t le Dlt.c-f'r-•/ De Po "-q11• It HIMCled, end vpOn any f-.rn(.._....tf... tnllqUfln "II ClttClon iui.tn11tr1ctor tilted, to fw tlM ju(Jiclal u•ll'd tltflll un P•1 not ... , ll111n th• ·-•-' ,,...,_ pf1Ull "" lO OIAS r.A• uid "'4£11184 rltH to P111>ll1htd Nawjl01 I l.NOARIOS ptfl Pf•"'1 •H "'"'~•• •1!16Jloyfif by h•th Ccnta """"• 01111 t1r uni rt1P11t1ll • tltent fM thl f'10 .. rt Ptlol April U , Mar ~; Clllta I MIQ!llnl en CKll lh• •ucc .. 1flJI b~ 1'00:J MS116va cwt• 1nd an; l"lfld 1111«.on Una ,., .. o un• tr•'11)f(') ••" "~ "' SlllOIS llllm•d• telefonlo no It "}"Ired to 1tltdf Illy 11•11 ~AOOI mll'l&U nh•'9fl protat t 1<1n 11 OISIPICl'S hMt Cnn1· -.._, 1•11.punt1 eurita 1 ph~ll e f'•Ofll•ITI ~ *•" It ICl TO OO(N rnequlftl Uo• .,ua ,,, the lt' cunenllv OAIU (Awi'8 • Ai:11w ci1111pllf ,on In lnfmlJ• un 1t•iew ~ ti. do> H C It lt't' Al Id• ...... • 1-~ •--11 'l• .. a"'"ll , OOLI l ""' -......... . D•iwtmtlll of In nht.I """"" de• ii Ull•4 .., .. .. lll•l•liout 18 .. ~ '°' lhrovp :70 lnCfVlW. ,. cod• IKMcll• Iii '"'" YOO /111.f. MM SUCD 4.'IM No WJ1it _, wtlfl IY fi'LMNflf r JS1 inted M ~II llfew 11'f 11W eo. 1 (A lkl It ~ta HfM!td g ,......,,,, t 1..,,., period ef '4•1f CIO) U .. ) IMl l OA N C*: INldaf el c:.w, f catt..,.-hf'.\ 1f1., Ille fllUIAM:>tl ............. -"-... .,-: 'l'n IU•t CAIC N .. -~_,.. ... -"--,.,, t f• 4"illftl n .u.,. ..-~ uitareo. M ._.'I otrn idbilb _., .. .,,..., ..,"n• C: lM JI' ftd fl -.._,,,..-.;o._-..,,,,..~ 1_ \'!,_MI sin e111so t1dklon1I por 011 It' de fa COi l•. l•itten olros 1equlS1 to~ lq.tles Puede que usted 11ule11 lt1mer • un 1boaado lnm1d1•1t mente SI no conoct a un •boaado. putd1 llamtr 1 un Ul"Yk IO de r1ter1111:1t d• abol•dM o 1 11n• of1ctn• d<! •rud• hli•I (vtt el dltectoriO leltfOllJ<O) ~tff.1Mlfl1 (hMff .. C-) NKOffSSI fl11 nMll allO 1ddlrlt6 of 11'1• tO\ltl ,.. ((t nombr• 't dlrt«IOn • I• tOflt n> SUPf RIOR COURT or CAI trORHIA COUNTY Of RIYCASIC>l, l"UOH IU511U Cl.NTlR, 46 LOO Oat1 Street, lndlo r.A 9Z201 Indio 8renclt "" n1me, eddfo•, and I~ 11<1mtier of p1.11nt1tt • attorney, °' pltlftllff wltl'lout ell tltllfllt'f It ([I llM!l\ft, la d1ucc"'n 'I ti numero de t11tlone Otl •b·'ladia d I dlim1ndimte, o clfl d-rn111d1nte que na ti9ne 1114!pdo, H) RICUAltO l CIA<: N, S8HOJ/llt, LAW Of-ff(;( Of RICH AAOl ~CCN 1!)900 lli!«Althu1 lfwd $utt•J80 ., .... tAm11, (M}/M.MJO (Mt) 7M '5CIO Nfli,....UYlt, tee1. Clarllr, '' ~)L ....... , Community college meo -SUNDAY Orange Coast at Orange E 1 • 23 -Vince Stranv 111 Orango Co1~1 Foolb811. 2001 Conference Championships. ot Los Serranos GC, 7 a.m. 22 -Kriston U1l>.<n Ornng11 Coast Basketball, 2000, •01 High school boys -Sage Hill at Saddlebadt Valley Christian, 3:15 p.m. ---.. 2640 Legal Notices o.,.111y(O.t ... •> P11bllth1d Ntwpo1 I BHch Cosla Mtta Daily Pilot l\p11I 1, U . 21 ;n, 2003 M681 MUCIOlKJ NOOOOf MUCllAm& an Of 11WP01J llA<I DWTCMl·TUIAmOI NIRSCMYUI-... MOTKI IS Nlall' 4NVIN Th.at I.Ill City of NewpMt 811th, Cali fOf"ie "" Pf par d t~ .... °"• v-Acllofl Plan IOI IN ~Kc.al YMf, betfnnlnt July l, 700 J •nd •nd11•1 l11flt lO 2004, u 1equtftd lly lltt Umttd Sl•IH 0.,•1 I lfl•nf ot lioll'tna '"d Ur•111 01vetopm111t (HUD) A ~Oflt of Ula dt ttfl Ac 111111 f'ltn I• .wall1111e to Iha publlc few rt•lew •nd commtnt 1111111 ... , .. 200l ~ ........... " 1dclltll)n, Ille HtwfJOfl 81Ml'I CltW" Co11n II .. ,. hold • ond po bite h1.11101 to rnlfw tom 11 .. n1s. '-'* on u .. fY rorlJ/Oll Attlitn "1an •• the folowtnc •t•. 11-lftd -.... Oat• M•r 13.. 200J lllft« 7CIOrM L 1ut1a1t Ctlr 01 Ntwpott INCll, CHr Cortlltl CltllftlW -....,.,. lllrll , ... ....,, ........ u •H<tt,,tOM1 Tiit ~ "'..! --UOfl_ !J.!! p1ov1de\ ·• dehlltd descrlpllOn ol how lhe Cltr of Newp111 I B .. eh will ~•pend lh laderal Cbmmunlty Olvelopmenl l!luck Cunt (CDBCl. •kl"• with local fund1n1 In addrus1n1 a labt.sMd Community Otv•k11111,.,.1 .ind Hous1n1 priority 11eed'I " oulhned 1n 11141 C1t,.·1 2000-0-Consoli dttad Pl1n ~SI• Tit. PIK f)OH ot th• second f'ulll.lc llHfk>I IOt Ult clrlfl Actwm !'Ian i. to t0f"ldef public COin• 1nents rec11wad ttv~ariout lh• r••"'• l>frloJ befo11 forrn•I a<toplk>n of ll>e dr tf t Atllon Plan lMfW Of A<l'M* f'U.. •O<UMINT1 Co111n ut the draft Allton fl111 will t>• 11111101• for p111>llt rnltw end comment until M11 8, '<>OJ, If tht f~tOwlfl& IN et Ions • Clt1 of Newport u,Kh, en., c,.,,. • City or "••PMI Bo II, l'l1"n1nc CJ•· p•rtn1f'nt COMMINUt fhe out>lic " u1w1ttd lo a11bmtt written co1n• llltnh IHI tlu! tlt•ll Atllun P'la11 nv l•llt 111111 I 00 P'lll Ott M!J I . 2001. ~ ..... ............. t, ............... • t n0t. ...,...,..9j'u -r 2640 Legal Notices Publ11h11d N•wpnr I l'M 0• pl I /I 811Jch Cn\I• Ml!u Oall'I l h~ 'dthf'< cil 1111 "''"' Piiot Ap11I 28, 2003 M/00 '' ~-"" •• uh 11 •t.u•••' swmllCUTOf WfOlllA. CCQITY Of°"-" J4tn.Oly.....,,... Ollct la ICl70, hp. CAHIU-1510, '--W.C... PnlTIOI OF lffftll htn•w.ltlW. ' .... 5'lrt,..., RllCIUIR Of_ Olla to SflOW CAW FOi OWlllOflUl Wl-.:Atll611 TO AU IHICRf Sl(O Pt.ltSONS 1 ,9'1lton•: MIW•lfl< P1t11~ on ll•h•U ol l<t1toe & laultt Sd1e1dt. mlnor1 hl•d 1 pthllon wllh lhl\ 111111 I lor • dol4.1M 1 lla1111n1 n11nw' ., follow' KtrtSU Ch.nlet ~ htttll Ill Ktrh•• ~h1111lel Ptt.11 ~~ Oanl<'lff klltfdl la J101ca Otrll•llri ,., ... 1 TttC COURT ORO! R, !Nt .. 08' 009 lntlf. -.11111 In thi\ """• .... " lpplllt "'°'' ttW• tO.,.I at IM ....... lftdllcttH fletow 10 WW UVN I • .. ,. wtty tM "'"'°" lot , ....... ~ ....... -.fbtlf'.tttlN MOHC or 111 Alfl!!IO °"'"·. ...,,. '"'-'''" l II ((>py nl lht• lltcl•( II' Show CAii' ~ \11'11 he publn.t1..i at It o l """' tach we•k lnr 111111 •Uttf\11.,t w .. k . ~IVI In lht tf~te -..1 IOI hH<lnf II I ll1t• 1'•hl11n ht llMI f,.lloW'lll "''°" IHI"'' ol r•ntt al orcu lalion. f)ftlll•d 1n th•\ counly 0•1•1 Prlt1l • OAff1Ut 10t00S • ltCMUO o. faAZll, , H ., JUDOI Of Tllf SUf'lllOtl COUil ,.ullll1h1ll N11wpo1 I 0Hch toll• Mrin Dally Pilot Apt1I l<l 21 l8. ~lbt !\, ~ t fl0.1 Tel Us About YOUR GWGlSALll 11 CLASSIFIED (949)642-5'71 D1ily Pilot Monday, Af>ril 28, 2003 •• Llpl Noaca 2MG lepl NoOcea 2MO Legal Naaca 2140 Lepl Notic:a 2140 llpl 11aGC11 p;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:llOintl~T~OCOl'l'IACT~~OISi!!i!!~~rol~leS~;;;;~~~ Wulf MlcW.tf SUPllOICOUIT Of 2MO llgal Notices School District. COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT U. •,,.,.,,, W-. Bid Dudlln• J11na 3, 2003 at 2 00 p.m Nol1c1 is hereby 1tven (OUllTY Of OUllGI PIK• ol Bid Receipt Office ol Dtrector of Purchu1n11 Coast Communlly lh1t the 11ndersl1Md will Mui.l'..a (Nwrv ,1_ Collea• District, Bid& "D". 1370 Adami Avenue, Casta Meu. CA 92626 at publl' .tuction pur -wwt 1 _.._ Project ldenttflcahon N1me: Or11111 Cont Coll11e Child C•re Altar School suant lo ctiaptu 10, COUil, PIOIAlt (CMIT CIHatOQm; Bid No. 1846 d1v1t1on 8 c:ommenc1n1 l\K9a-.,1 ftll,,,,.., Piece Bids 11e on lilt and avatlablt at. Olflca flf the Phyit'-•I fac11it1es with •action 21700 of '"'-'"""'•"" '"'"'" Coordinator. Ardith Richey, Coast Commu111ty Coilt&e 015tr1ct 1370 Adams the businns and pro ~POSTORKllOI A•• .. Blda "D". Costa Meu, CA (714) 438 4673 lu,,on5 cod• or section Mulr..i Wtb Site· www.cecd.edu/flcilltlH 1988 of the e1v1I code of 14171, ~CA '2t!S- l'«>TICE IS HEll£BY GIVEN th1t the above n1med SchCIOI 01\llld ot The Stale ot Cahfornla 1$11, rnTI10M Of: Df•~I• County. C1llfornla, .'cllrit by a rid lhrou1h its Guyetnlftl Board, and pursuant to com a_.J y hereinafter referred to H DISTRICT" will 1tce1v, up to but not later merc:lal code, ucllon --then th .. bove-stated time, 7210 (2) the follow1n11 JOICJWIG(OfUI d1l1d bids for the award of a contrael fOf the pro1ecl deierobed u . mtsctllan•ous household om>fl TO satoW CAUSUoi Con1tructlon of a New Clanroom for Exisllna Child Cart Foctltly and 1w•on1I properly There Will be • Forty ($40) dollar non refundable pavmenl required fo1 to·Wlt 1denlified by ndme Cl!ANGI Of NA.Ml .. ch set of bid documents Chech,. should be made P•Yable Ir> Coast and \tor aee unit num CASE llUMlfl: A211481 Oommunlty Colle&• District ber Bids s hall be received on the place ldenlllled above d1td those Dtds I Wallace Rebttc• ro ALL INTERESTED shall b.e opened and publicly rud aloud al lhe abov• ~t•ttd tim• ind and or Barbara Wal Pl:RSONS pt1ce. lace Lot CO 0074 I Pet1t1oner Armand ln accordance with thw provi,s1on\ .,f Cahlorn1• Public Conlr atl Code 2 Po~ada Ruben Lot Yanonnt ftled a petition Section 3300. the Otstricl reqMlro that II>• brdder pontu the tolluwrne 8 23920 w1lh this tout I for 11 cleu1fl~l1011 of contrador' htense al the ttrne th•I lhe <ontr .. cl 15 Total of Z loh stored deuee chanama names awarded Conltect°'.B L1cense ' al Wolllo"ls Relocatton as lollows Armand PUBLISH Aprll 21. 2003 •nd April 28, 2003 · Servile at loca11on of Y •nonne to Al mand WALK THROUGH. Walkthrou2h IS NOT Mondatory Dale M•v b 2003 at 11610 Soboard Circle. ~·1¥~~ COURT ORDERS 9;00 a.m., Oran1e Coot Colleae M111ntenance facility locoted on Metromac St.rnton CA 90680, betwun Harbor Boulevard and Fairview Road Costa Mesa CA 92626. Oranae Count~ that all perso"s •nter Call (714) 438 4646 tor map Th ts Hie will be esled 1n this matter shall BID OAT( June 3. 2003 at 2 oo pm <ompetotov~ ll/ddina on appear bftfore th°" tourl BOARD DATE. June 18, 2003 111e May 11 2003 Ill at the hearon( 1ndrc•led No payment shall be m•de. tor work or JTJdlertill under the ~ontrAll AM al Joe hdloth below to \how cause If unless 81\d until the Re111strar ol Crintr•ll<H\ v•11loes tu thl' DISlRICT Aurlooneor lj418 left any why the pelll•on for llJ1t Ille CONTRACTOR wu properly hcon~ed al th~ t1m<: the co11trat l 1ngwoll R<MU Whither do•nge of name should wa. awarded Any CONTRACTOR not so lotonsed 1~ sub1ett tn pen~ltll!S CA 90605 15621 94 1 not be granted under the law 11 the lic-.nse dass1f1tAhcin spec1f1~d hPrein•hove " that 8602 on >01d prem,.es NOTICE OF HEARING ol a "spec1al1ty r.ontr•clor· 3S drl1ned 1n SHttnn 70!>8 of the (;;ohlorr11a tounty ol Lo\ AnKelu Date 5 6 2003 Time 2 Business and Profession\ Code the ~peuahly cont"•t lor •wMded the Stal• of Calllorn,. PM Dept L 73 Co1>tract for lhos Work •h•ll 1helf tOt1,llutl ~ ma11ir1ty of the Work 111 Joe ladlock Audoon lhe address ot the court accordance with the prov1uons nl C•l1forn1• Bu''"'" and Proles,1ons eer . llcen'E nuonb~r 739 " s~me n noted above Code Section 7059 SRAD 4 716274 will 3 A copy of this Order All Work must be compleled w1lh111 242 to11~•1.uti.o d.1y' Time 1s ol condull \Al• di 13418 10 Shnw cause shall be the essence ~ •1lure to rnmplet.; tht Work w1lhon lh .. tirrie ~·• lorlh her•1n Lelt1n11well Re.ad Whrt publo\h•d ~I feast once wtll result •n the 1mposol1un of hquod•led damaees for ~•Lh d•y ol del•v. lter. Caltlorn•• Sale\ 1\ each w•eh tor tour rn the amount ~el loith on the "lnlorma11011 for B1dd1" sold wolh lomot .,,d \Utt"'''ve weehs prior Eich bod must cnnlorm and h• r•spon~ove tu 111• , 1onlr 1ct t1nu1m.,nh re,•rve the landlord t•J lhe dale set foi f.ach bidder shall 5ubmrl on th• lnrm l111n"h"d wollo lhe contrdtl reserve\ th~ "ihl tc• bod hea1111K on the petition documenh. • 11,l of th•· proµt1\l'ld sut>(_ontr ... 1 tm nn th•" pr1Jii·rt d~ dl the \.ale PurctM~ts m the f-ollowrn& n~ws required by the Sublelllne .,,I) Solb(""" """~ I.... Pr JI II"'· All ffiU$l bt paid for al tome !Japtr of aeneral tircu Government Code Secllnn 4100 ~I vq of purcha•~s All pu1 ldt1on. pronted on this Each Bid shall be •<111mp•no•<1 by" ,~rlolo,.d ,r •~hr•• <1,.1 k •Jr bod <hd\ed ~·"'d' •re \old rounty Daily Pilot bond 1n an amount nut le\\ lhon 1 .. n pert,,111 • 10 1 .. 1 lhe 1nlJI btol ·a, " •n<I mu\t be DATl• APR 0 2, 2003 prtce. payable to the O"'"' t '\ " gua1 •nl•e th,,I th• I 1dr1~r 11 11\ prnp1Jsal rPmnved by i 00 P M JUDGE RICHARD 0 . •~accepted. sh.,11 prQmplly ,.,.., ut• tire Aer e•n.cnt luorw h" ,,lo\I.• tory on tilt d•Y nl the ••I• fltAZU , SR., JUDGl Of f a1thful Perform•ntt Bond 111 •n "mount n• I I••,\ thM\ O!io• hundr•d All •ale' ar• '.l\h TH( SUPERIOR COURT percent !100'-1 nf th~ tC1tat hotJ prl\• turno'.h ' r .. yrncnl h<•P<l on JO fhi< '-I• ,, •Ul>jt'Ct t., Publo,hed Newport amount not Ins than nne nu11dr•d rrrtont t 100 o ol lt•e tot.ol t.11<1 P"• e, p11vr """l~llAl•un on lhe Beath Costa Mesa Daily and furnish cortrlotAt.s ev1d•nu11t. lh•I th• 1 etjUll~<I tn•oo• ·•"• t 1\ 111 •llet t everll "' vtll•menl Polot Aplll 7 14. 21 28. on the amounls sel forth on ll1t• ~,.nerJI .... 11d1tmn-, In 11 • ~'""' "' 1.,11111,. Letween Wrlh~m• Reill 7003 M682 to enter into tile conh~d •nd •Hrnl• th• reQ•oored d • un1tnb \uLh bod <a\1,1n Ser,1te and Noti<eof PIAllkScMof securlly will be loolPOtP.d lhP. f dllhlul r·,., '"""•"" 11 '"'' Ii •II '"'•Jiii 111 obilll•l•d party I full force. and efiell thr.1ugh th~ ~u•••lll•• """'"1 , H·• uh• '1 '" th• P11blosll•d N•"'fl"r t UenonProperty eeneral condollons B••ch Costa Me-• Apr l'fotlt• '' hereby '"'~" lhe OISlRICl rest.-•s lhe ri~lll lo ••1•< I J• v r •II hr t •r I N1tv~ 18 Mdy '> 700J Mfi97 th•t th• unde,.1gned will any 1rreeulaut1es or rnlorindht1f:'•. •n ~ny bu1o:; 'J' r thf" 1. •"'t!l•n•... at pubht auction pur A~ requtred b~ SP< Iron 1773 a t Ill• Ca11lornM t .1hN r .. rl. th• (J11ed11r \udnl to t hapler 10 ot the Oepulm~nl "' lnd11,lt1dl Reldhons ol t~• '>l•I• r f r •I I "'1 I h•' FldiliMlusineu d1•1\1C1n fl cnmrf!.enunR determined the 1enerally pr,.¥Aohn0 r•I~' nl "-~·' '" lh• 1.,, ,1,1v, 1 Hi" II NcneStat....it w1lh seo;l1on 21100 nl the Work ts to bt! pt>rtornwd ri,µt,., uf ,,..~ .... w..t;lt' rttlt.' rl~1,.1m1n~l1"n' T f I 1 ttie bu!imt~\ dnd pro enttlled PREVAILING WAl,f 5CALl tr• md.nt4m•tl <1! lh• DI' 11'1< [ »lf1 • ht o lnwma per'..,n\ t••,..ron\ code or vd1on located at 1370 Ad•ms Av• Co\t• tll•"• I A Y7b!h Ph••" , I A •loto•' Me doin~ hu\ine~• " 1988 o• !ht crvol tode of Pl<1nnon&. and _,., dVdlloble ti •ny ontere•.led 1J•Ht1 uµ•H• ._,,,. •• t !hr Layed B•t..~ Body Wnr h I lht Stale ol r al1torn1a Contractor sh•ll po\t 1 copy 1JI thf\ d11ttm10nl 1t • ,, r 1 b , 1..-Ho• 400I Bnth Str••I Su~le o1nd pursuant t•; com Contrac tor and af1y ~ubtontrdttur u11J..r d )h.tll t .,, 1 f 1,.. '''·"' thl't [} Nrwvpnft fh·.,dt A. mtrc-1at l.lJdf! ~•r.t1un spe<1f1ed prov~•hnr r~t•\ ul .. a~~· I •II" 1•ro\ 1·u1.1 , :J '1 ''" .r 1111•111 <JZbtiO n1n 1~1 th~ lo11ow1n11 lt\<il ,. f.l1dt ..v .. 11 I of the Contr•d !881! 1 1 r ml\• •il•n•11u\ h9U\eho d No btdder m&y w•thdt t\W any l11d tnr ,, ,., '1qf1 ,, "' f ( •/ t • 1 -11tt,., '¥ "1 P"/ t iP " " drtcf pt>r 'Qnal pr1'petty the dale \el tor the op•non.-ol Lo•1" H~"~1"• I n U•.H ll 1 A It• '"' 1denhl1ed by name A P•yment bond 'hall b .. requirt-d prior C11 ,,.,.rol n 'lh• nhJ<.t ~lb b I nnd tnrage urut ouni IRd Shall be 10 th~ form~~· forth ltl lti11 OltfrAct dnt1Jl'l""11t, hi~. t•••'qfle"'• I\. ort tJer Pursuant to Stctloo 22300 ot tt1,. Publ1t C•.Jn t1 ,\ t C:1H1,. '"' .._ tr,, t 't' , ... 11 bi ,in 11 Jiod4HI I Vu.lortll Co11w1 lot will contarn pr<lv1srons permitting lhf 'u"~"'"I 111~<1,o r , 11 111111• 11••" you slarl•d .'lnu•R BG !9<141 securtt1es for any m1Jn1t:s withheld tv thP. 01\lr ct t , tow-.w .-p .. r t , m.H11,.. tiu".>me~· '"t 1 Nu T11t .11 ,,t I tot \tor ed under lht tontrat l 1"'~•c 1 Glod~w••I .•I Mr1r11• Moving & Each bid \,Ubm1tte<1 1n re\pon\t! to 011' Nuttrt' ,, ... u •Hl tin ,., • ti+d lhi~ tat1tmi-nt ~.i-.. ~,tordt:t-lnl dt location •l•m. ldt!Quale 'httlma ~ho11n11.dndbrA«flR or •q111v.IPnl ., .. rr,.,t lu loltd '"11' 1~" t.nunty .. t llf>IO Se•bnMd the protection ot lllo and ltmb 1n tre11d1e\ ~nd ,l •r< • • ""' r "'h1 11 Cle~ ~~ g'.tn11e C11tiory l 11 .i • S 1 • .,, f on CA lhall conform to •WPh<•ble ,,1lety r>rd~" ~~036939503 90&80 Oran&~ County Gov•rnlr•g l oord llAilv f'il•lt Ai>1 14 ! 1 H1" • 1-. w Ii I b ~ 9y Wltllom M. Vega, ld. D .. Cltancello<. 'k "1 S 'OOJ Mf•ll'J <omr1bl11!vtt b1ddont1 on Coo•! Co.,monlty College Olt trl<I ' ~y ' !he Mdy Ii 200J 10 Published Newporl Beath Cu•ta Mu• Dail Polo! A rol 21 ·o9 lOO t Mb94 AM •I '"" Tadio~!\ Auct11•ne., 13418 Lett Road, Whittier r CA 90605, (562) 941 8602, on said prem1M1 tounty oi Lot Anl•lff State ol Calilo<nla Joe hdtoclt, Auction· Hf, llcenH 1>umber 739 SRAO 4 716274. will i:onducl sale 1t 13418 l ettloaw•ll Road. Whit liar. Caltfom11 Sales ts ~old with llmlt 1nd r eserve. the ltodlord reurvu th• risht lo bid at the u lt Purc:h1se' must be paid tor 11 l•me of purchuH Alt pur · chued aCIOds are sold. "es 1s•, end must be 1emoved by 3 00 P M . on the d1y of the sale All u les ire cuh I h" ule rs sub1ect to prior c•nceltat1on 1n the tovenl of settlement betweM Morro~ Mov•na & Stora1e. Inc dnd obh&aled party Publ11h11d Newporl Bea~h·Costa M~~a Apr 28, May S, 2003 M698 Pl11ce )'OUr ad today! 1949) 642-5678 01l Of nPOIT NACH llOna IMTllG llDS bid d!>~umenh •I • cu\I LtJtblhty Co toled wtlf• the !;ount) of $1'> hom th• olft~t-Have you U•rltd dutnr Cler~ ul Or1nte Cuu11ty uf the Pllbllt Wool" busoneu 1efl Yu O"i. , rm ()4 09/(IJ Sealed btds mo be Oep•rtme11t 3JOO N~w 01 1993 200l 6t40JS8 recttved at the oflt<t of port Boul•••rd Ne.,port P1eol1c Mr1 1•n111• 0 .. 1, P11c.1 At>• U 11 the Coty Clerk 3300 Be•<h CA 9266J lnveslors I Lt: Rober I I lil M•y ~ l003 M6Cf0 Newport Boulevard p 0 ' on tr •c 101 l ll enu Bartholomew M•n•Rlnf Bol 1768 Nrwport CIA\\of1tllUJ1 (\J r• Mombtr Beach CA 926'>8 8915 quntd for tho\ p•,,1td rhos •tal•mw11t wa. fict1t11......,. until 11 00 • n1 on lhe A ltl•d wtlh 'ht Cnu"t1 .._ •~ 22nd day ot M•Y 200J for luru,_, '"'"'"'" Cl••k ot Or•,.~• • .,u11tv - -11 wh"h 111ne audt bids tum t all Steµh•o J I uy o" OJ/24 OJ T hit followoni 11•rsons shi ll be openeQ ;ind read Pro1ett ·M•n•aer 11 2ooa•tl l 371 •re dome busmen n for (949)()4.t iJ)() 011ly P1k>I Apr 7 14 £1 [,Vin f u1n1tun NEW,ORT HUOHTS Published New11ort 21 28 2003 M68'> · 27~ i'WCM Blwd A 3 4 ALUY Rl,1.ACIMINT Buth Co\ta Mes• Daily C.osta Meu C.•l1forn1~ Tide of '••led Pilot Apr 11 28 2003 M699 fidl"-s lllsilfSs 9262'6 Contrect Ne. 3565 B•b•• M•,.t•t•v1 f>~ 5 400,000.00 Rdttietll lusllels .... S........ Pai•lont •HJ Ir vrne lngh,.er'• htlmate !he tolluw•n.i 1>~r•tons C1htoro1a 9?6ll ALTUNATIA Name Stal.... •r,. dfJln~ tJUwie~s '' fh" Lu.,n•n 1\ •ci• $370,000.00 fht tolhJwmii p~r\t•r•\ Pro l •• I• Re•I hl•t• I durltd Ly •• !Odov•d ur lngi"••r11 lsttrnat• •tr dtJlfli( bu~mt"~ .. d\ I <.iUWll~\ 15';0 a • ., .... 1t-Htli'Vtl 1fJlJ ~tattell dOH •" AlTlRNAfl 9 P•tof • M~1un1nt In Drrve •I Coron• O•t l>u•ir • 1•1' fH 1, BIOOER S LIST AVAii • .,,tor~ l lt. 61Q N~"' M•• c.,11lorn1d 926?~ 01 2001 ABL( O N CltY ""rl '•nl•r 011•~ ~u•t•I W•dt Allyn Tall•Y I Bdll•~Mc.\l•f,,.1 W [BS I l [ ht t 11 110. Newp,,11 Beach CA j l97 J H<1rbor Blv<l •7',f, lh1~ 't•ttm•nl <I(•> w ww2 ttl t ntw~·ur I I 9LIM! I Costa Me•a f.alolorno• lrl•d wrtl lh• f.<,u111, buch ca us pbwb1dl1\t 1 f'a"'" M•IZ•niee 92676 C.l•r~ of Or•nwt COJunt< de1ault •sp Inv"' tor• ti C (If 1 610 • !hos busont\s " •lln on 04 07 03 AjJpr<Jved by NtNIJurl r.,,,.r o,, .... 1 duded by dO 1nr1 .. 1du•I 70036940080 /S/Stephen G. 8adum, SlHlt •. 1 IClfJ N~ww·rl Ha•• 1ou slart~d doon& Dooty p,1,.1 AJJ' 4 >t Publl< Worlt1 l>lre<1or Bt• I• r·A 'l"l\fJO bus1n••$ yet' N" 28 M<1 r /fl(H ME.Ille Pro\pt>cl•ve bidders ,.,,. ·11.os•""" o< <oo0. WaM Allyn l••l•v may 6bla1n q.ne ~~t f dull•d ~I I fr11•l•d fh1> \lalt·rr•nl .,.., STARTING ANEW • • • • • • • • • • • The Legal D epartment tU the !Jar~'f Pt!or 15 ple1Hed to 1m>1tJ11t1u' '' 111·w Jt'rt rct' now available to new busmt'SJt'.i. We will now SEARCH the ndnre (Or you 11f nu n:rm dJtir'?,t'. .md >•ll t' you tlie time and the trip to the Court Hou;e 111 '>11m11 Ana. Then. ~/ .-cmrse. after rhe search is compfeud we u·ill Jilt' your ficrwous businen 111Wlt a.ttement with the County Clerk, publish ona .t week for four weeks m reqrarni kJ. l1 u• und then jil, your p roof of publication u•u/1 the Cmwt} Clerk Please srop by ro file your ficrit1ou.1 h11.-11U'H .1tatemt'11t .lf rh, 0111~} Print, 1 iO U'' Bay St, Costa Mesa. lfvau cimnot >WP I~}'. pleme c.1'1 us at (9·i <)) 61.l-·d.l J .md u t' will make arrangemmtJ for _yo u to luwdlf' rhis pru,.rdurt· kY mad. Jfyou should have an) further questrnw. please call us and u•e u•rfl br more th11n glad to assist you. Good fuck in your new humms.1 Daily~\ Pilot Index Ho\v to Place A Polir\' --------. ~-~' uos 2490 IWlSTAtt mws r&Wi'Nltmvt & U90IWDt CLASSIFIEIAD B,· Fax Bv Phone By Mail/Jn Pt.~r!'>on : 1\/..IY1611.IJ5~ 0 i..191 ~: ~fi7!! 1.\(1 \\e,r BJ1 >;1rr~1 1ru,."11oalc "'""' C1M.t \fr,J. C. \ 1),;" f>l""""' """" At \(v. p1•n Bhd ,\ HJ1 '11 ifr-SERVICE DIRECTORY ~~ -For All Your Home and Business Needs •< ~J • .., '°"'\"' u· i:nr ~:;.tt II our~: Tcleph••nc' 111-JIT' '111M1 Colltdlbln/ Memcnbllla 1160 TO, S$ 4 RlCOlll>S n c .Im. a..:. [le. !Cs & EOs Jll Met. sp..r. tli>e alt1)S Mike 949·645 7505 lQUAl HCMllG OPPOIT\llTY All real estate •dver · ttS1n11 In t ht5 newspaper "subjec t to the F@deral fair Hous•na Act of 1968 a s amendfd wh1t h m akes II 111•&•1 to advertise "•ny preler· ence . ll m1ht1on 01 discrimination based on race . color/ reh11on. sea. hand1cep, 1mlflal sl1tuJ or n•Uonal oro11n or tn intention to mah any such pr el erence. ltmlta tlop or doscrlmtnahon • This newsp•par will oot knowlnaty accept any advertisement tor r411I estate whKh Is tn violation of the law Our rea de rs are httel)y informed that a ll dwell tnp 1dv1rtlt•d In lhb newspt,,.r ere avall1ble oo an 1qu1t Of)PO(tunlty b•tb. To compt1in of dis crlmlnation, c .. HUD toll ,, .. •l 1·800·424 8590 1413 Older Style~ PW40S 'Colleaiblft .,....._ . ........_ ............... oa--.~ MCAIHMIOM _.,... ....... - MllUYDTATU '~"""""''"'""' ._.iiiMM (VISA ) ---\J "ldJI ·FnJ41 \\ JJ>.. In ~ ioam 5 fWJrf'I \11'!1'.!J) f'tdJI ilSOlUll GOlDMINll I 60 nnd1n11 mac hones lOTf.! /At'fffAGE w11h uc-tlenl location~ '"''"' _Estate_Sa_le_s __ 1486_ HOME Vlnt09" Rotton furn. FURNISHINGS 1000 Howolton Shlr11 I al lor SI0.9!1> ID>-234-~ lotl/Al:reage Wanted u.,,,...,,_ ,,,<e• Appl. t49-6S0-63S7 General Announcements 1610 GUAltANTllO You Wtn lecetne A Reatfty TV St.,. We have bnokrntfS lo• all top realtly bued prollr•mmma II you sona dance act °' have a passion for bnoc en tor ta1n1n11. pletie ull us TOLL FREE 800 378 7920 n t l03704 Rtm•m !Mr EVERYONf IS A STAR lEGA1. SERVICES MootJona FosftrClre SeMCIS 2650 2l70 Soethfft <•fenlfe1• ltadlnt rin•nc••I A•h•flaw Firm Shler1Prlt• IOO--l ... "4000 I ACClrTING CAUS Furniture 3435 1 DAYS PosUt ~ --------Sl4 50-S..lHX>•~ Entry LARGI TlAJ< EXEC DISK 1 11,."4 P..o Tralfllr1i. Green & CIUDlNU $9001nb<1 C.Wd Ok 8'.X>-878-5485 949 760.(839 Caff bel_..n I Announcment •106CAAC IOam i:pm _1CA1._"_SCM __ > ____ _ -ACCl,TING CAUS JEWELRY/ 3460 1 DAYS •• Postal DIAMONDS/ Posrllons/F ader al Hue Sl4 80+hrlf'O lrtinlntt PRECIOUS METALS Beneflh 800 878·5485 Announcemen t Coo•t Coln Neecfa Old Co'"s' Gold solver 141welry. walchn. antique-. Lollectlblu 949 642 9448 l'CA920 (CAL "SCAN) AAA VENDING llOUTl, 80 setllna units Pr 1me locations $9550 lnveil 25~ down WAC. 800-Cati 3610 396·9311 (CAL •scAN) 4740 NlW MlXICO MOUN- TAINS •w·4140 AC Only S49 900 Goreeous ara1sl~nds. mature tree covet 6300 ft tlevatton Mnunt~1n Views. ye•r round 101d1 and elM tru· Perlerl lor horse lovt•' Ad1at ent to n1t1onal Jut •st E •cellent f1n•nt 1n11 Call today• Thi\ wont Int ' SW Properties of NM. Inc I 888 192 9711 (CAL •scAN) HOMES FOR SALE -o..-.IK'"'---_....--Business Opportunity ORANGE -~kore Servlcu 3910 COUNTY 5400 Pets In Pub6c wl\ton<t'. r ll5l1oon Island !MS-644-2279 ••••••••• n-, ...... .._.. Tiiey .. _, Yw. CJA ,.,..._ KU-, lte4, Ct'-. Qntr SHO. t49·2tl-Sl15 DoMf• 0........., Twrlw MC Champs rare brnll, 12 wffk Ttm1lt pu119y $1050 n• m 6950 \ A Statewl4e Closetflelf t$450 for 2S· works) or 0 1,play <$1,350 for 4"'<).S-l •d promotln& your product or service In mutt1pl1 newsp119er In C1lcforn1a fREE tnfor · matoon packacea. 916· 288 6010. 916 288 6019 WWW Cll·i Cln com (C~ •scATO Corona dll Mar ,....... er..11 f tbutom location on tl!e p__.l 3bf dttl/WOrkOU1 room utt• latet 'INfroom w/Fp IC, pta 1Utrdtd. pootl 'Pl' & tann._ Judy Kolar. Rk1. 949 376-S57fi TUlnl lO<tt POUITI • OHJe sate l •41JO ,,.,,..._ 'tmOr. 1otf. mln City lr(tlt 1rttn lbf 1.Sba, u11cradecl tltro11tlle>11l, custom tp, wrouCfll Iron •la••••f,c Auoc ~oot 6 .,,. 98.QJ),.,.,,.. ... ~o~um u.-..- OCEANFRONT 110 OCEAN VHW 5639,900 AGT 949-HS-7 222 ULIOA LlflSTYLll ONl llOCIC TO IOARDWA.LIC $895,000 LuaurlOU• custom 2 •tcwy beach home newly re modeled by profeu10nal dee°' •tor• Oeh&fll any chef 1n you• •unny l>frte •nd eteeant, sl•I• of the art 11ourmet kitchen• Proudly enlert11n your fr tenth In your eleeant forma l d1n1ne room Out11n1r cathedral va ulted celltne and custom hd>hn1 MOTIVATID SILUR NUl>S fAST SAi.ii CAllNOWI {W)W4661 ONI '<Ml> ltOAO Lw .. at Bilbo• ~I JIOOsf, 48r 3.58.. lt: t•. lllllllQped Y•d. &rut toulto11 n .. 1 parlt St.•.OOO let • 0... Qu:eten 9itt.719-9014 lleWpOltCollt ... IHT&TIS ,,..,.. mtOltl MATlOllWIDI V$A .......... ,,., -• ;rncllt.nore com RESORT/ w.ATDI "'°'ER1Y FmUlf lestllMff Twnh"' Furn d pYI ~IMS bl bl \II rm <*:. p ~ I\ pd. mxr.. Intl utol\ 949 644 402 3 Na/llt <-yort twnh<# to s/W1 pool Sj)ll 1l7MI eott coors.e V"'"" Jbl 2ba SICOlm+d:J> 9$632 6318 Rooms for Rent 6040 NI/~ View room Oceanfront/22nd. pvl rm. unfurn share both utl< pd, nl'Jtllll&. krtcti.n.lte Inert, 1 btod1 to Newpo\11 P• $725m Call Sam al 9&171Hn (btwti 911 5p? AESIOENTIAL RENT AL.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa ,_. t .Ho , ........ .._. alt 1ar, !"Mramit liltl<t'I Wit• 'Wot•, IW lftlrN "°' MM ctv• .. !)Vq, ll001t, 110/p.tlfi•ll ptoo1,....Mt m~ ........ Rate.'' .ioJ Jc:JJl1ne' JfC: 'ub1cd 10 change: Wllhr>UI nolt-.C Thi: puhJi,ha rl',l'r\ l'' the right tn cc:ri-m rc:da\\lf) rt'.\ h< m rl ..-I Jn~ dJ"1J 1c:d .111' c:rt1,eml'nt Ph:a'e repon an~ r:m'r that m.i\ he 1r1 ~··ur cl.1,,111..-d ad 1mmed1Jtd\ Th..-Da1h Pd111 Jccc:pl' nn l1ah1l1t~ t .. r .in~ c:rror 111 Mt ad\l~nt~ement l<•r v.h1ch 11 ma~ he rc:,p<•o,1hk .:, ... ~pr fnr the c1''1 n1 the 'PJ•e Jl.lu.ill~ .x.:up1ed h\ the error Cn:d1t cJn un i~ tit'. allnv.ed for the l1N t11'emon .....-----Deadlin es ------.. \h,nd.t~ h1J.11 <, fWlpm r ue"h" \111nJ.11 ' tlltprn \\ cJne•· l 11 Tut',,l.11 "(W!pw rhur,.1., \\ t'llnL -JJI " norm ,...,, ........ AptL ltw "" d p~lio. Y•"" 302 Monte Vt!>IA ~w-"8 n Ol!h S865 mo t49-631-78U L--'v Gateol C---.lty tar , ..... w/)M pr Ir~ wlllt to Ttt·Sq $895.1 mn Wattw AtMh paod. Klein ~'OT/ 104-86'9 ~ .... l'.W. ~. l.Slo T whhs 2l 1ar, pool, 'P• n/pel/smk 0111 4 '25 SllOOm "4 919 95!> 3156 •YIMiY • l.lAHS lltll Glt'UNDY MM. TOH t047S-al•t ... f-r L' ..,JIU!!l.1\ 'iur111 l hJr....i.i1 ' 1 Uprn f-rul.11 1 •• "''"' fn,I ~ tw 'Pill w-..c: ""' ~ ... homt O' Ile*' Ptntl fttm(f .... """ .. OOfaB .... MttWJ op''°" 9C9 '1f1 IS'>! ~ ~·-FLO .. Aft Rid tlli f IOlidi I Utn· In, lun@ 16 111 Hy•ll Orl1ndo 01,troct J1nd ~chno~ .. 111 1nt•tvtt" I t•chor ~ Co1I lJX).llx> 24.l!> or .,..,,.,., '*"'"" flanda.mm le.Al. ·~1 PLUG IN Plug mto the Pilot Classified sectJon to find siervas from ~rontCSand plumbers, to n~and pantm • !10 Monday. Apnl 28, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE es Smllll 0o0 (2wdt.) ee O.Z• 1111 Ptanltllnltly 70 "8ouln P.nt,' e.g 71 w .. ,., .. burden 72 Hunorc:Ju• ooet 73 EPA conctm 74 00.- 00WN I .....,,port 2 Collpd' 3 Slrjr)Q bMdl " l,Mly 5 O.\ltll00\191 -r11 -· O Alo.-rodllts 7 Home fln6INlt 8 Pllts fl1end 9 Toolde boll Mem I 0 Large continent 11 &.pa on the gu 12 May llOnotM 15 DC roaur• 18 Slbybed 20~0llM 24 Sulljec! 26 -nan.c:--1 cd 27 \llM 28 AdYtnaJY 29AdNM Ve«tugo 30 Hurr,.. 32 Muddle "Employee.,. "Empleado. ·· "A rb eitneh mer." "Employe." ~~ot Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWER.s TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I • Vulncnbte. yoo hold: •Jltf O Al(5.l OAIO •KJ1l Your n&ht·hand opponent opens the bldduia with ooe pede. What 111;ticJo do you take? • A • You ha~ 1 &ood band. prrblpci lbt best II the table. Howcvc:r, there '' nochina lenSible you e111 do. Pus. ood see how the IUd.ion de\elopa. Tu overcall one no trump with no ~mblance of• spMie stopper invite' JCllllll to a no-uu"'p prne and hltv· 1ng the oppunents nm the sptlde .uh aaainst you, and doubllna with ooly two dlamoods is out o( the qt1CStion. Q 2 • As South, vulnetablc, yoo hold: •0 7 >;AQ,84.l o KQ82 •t ~~pi~· SOUTH I• ,_ I• 1 Wlw action do you take? A • Wlule you do have a 1..-.o-~u11cr. there is 100 much <fupanly in length between your holdings m the red ~ul11 «>double. Bid two beans. To double and then bid hearts would ~how a far 5tronger hand. Q J • Both vulnerable. 11s South yw hold: • A J 7 l :J Q 3 o K 18 8 + J 9 8 4 The bidding lw DrOCCCdcd WF~,. ~ORTif F.AST SOlfTif I t ~ ,._ ! What do you bad now·• J\ • Don '1 hang partner for ll\d.kini,: a nnc level overcall by JUmpmg 10 twn no trump. One no trump h na1ural and forward·go1ng, showing ul IC.L\l 1h" mu~h. Should Nonh hold cnoul(h fur you 10 nuW:: ~urne "Pr' ~ice tlii~ holdmg. lhc auumn "'"n 1 we Q 4 • "leather vulner.iblc. ) ou hold • 7 K J 10 7 6 5 Q 7 f> S • II !i s.I y• lllW9dH tt11n the eay nyl Pleet 1 Clesslfla4141 tffly I 1949) 642-5671 Your right·hllnd ' opponent apcn the blddin&. with nM club. What llCtioo do )OU ~·1 A. • If you play weak jump overcall • by all mean• leap to tv.o laru If )'OU don't. )'OU 111Ui1 plU. To bjd one hean btp for owblO. ~ tn11ht double some h1p.levcl oppollfll COOb1ICt C-'PCCUng )'OU lo ooolril>ute 1 trick or rwo 10 the dtfen~. Ind will be sorefy drs.ppomtcJ Q 5 ·East· Weit vulncnible, llJ Soolh you bold: • K J 7 l ,.., 9 I (, Q 7 • K J 10 I 2 The biddmg has Jll!lCecdcd· WEST NOllTI:I EAST SOl1111 ·~ ..... 2 t Whist acuon do you lilk.e '> A. To enter~ IUl;lJOO i.nv11e<1 a bloodbath. Ncidler opponent h.i) ~wn ~imll.cd strength and. c\cn 1( bolh an: minimum for their ocuon. panner holds very llllle. You hlnc the riltht distribution for a lllkcout double:. hut are fat 1.00 weak 10 act, especially with a Wll!>lrd diamond queen. Pa~•. .. Q 6 • llOlh 'ulncrnblc. ll.\ South ~ou hold: •1764 KQJ74 Ve*! •Q982 The biddml? ha' prucccdc:() 'WE!>T NORTI{ EA.'>T SOlrtll • • J•• ... ' . •....ii What 01..i1on do )OU l.».c"' A· llm ''too Cd~). Bad five dulh m mah·' Your problem could 1:0111c on the ncll ro und 11 the uppo- ncnh rnmf)CIC with lhc \plldc,. Do )OU pas\. douhlc or rnntinuc wuh six clut>,·• If the luucr. what 11 the <lflf>0- nc1m then h1d s1.x 'padc' 'l We would 131.c out 1n\ur.m1..c hy conunwnj! to hid d ub-no rn;inu wh,11 the oppn 11<nt' do f'ven J c.haJTIOOl.l leilJ from p.Ulnc;r rrught nol 1.ldCJI J \lllJll 'IJrn' FlDlltAl EMM.OYMINT Now Hinna E.ntry·Prolu SOlal Leveb Sl9 SrlWYr+ Baneltts1P11d Tnonona Afiply Now• Fur ,.,fo on Ava>lable Po~hons I 8CX> 585 9024 ext 4757 (CAL •SCAN) GOVERNMENT JOIS· WILOl.IFE ANO POSTAi. S.13 21 to $43+i>et hr Paod lramona Fu• beoel.U No ex.per oence r« Ac>Pltubon & eum 111lormahon Toll free I 888 778 4266 1850 (CAL •SCAN1 Joo U111Ytml Fl11111c111 GIOllll, a rap1d1y· expand1no. Natrona! Employment 8500 Mortgage WIKER. at our downtown Long Beach location As a ~lrtc1 mortgage lender we offer immediate In-house underwriting and an incredible processing tiam t~t allows our loans to close w1th1n 3 days Hands on direct tramfng Wl1h the Qtes1 Ill 11l011gaoe technology allows our sales te.m to e.-1rn qrge mont!llY cheeks bY turrunQ more loans with a run spectrum Of products that rndudts J!rime sub:pome and fHAt Loan 0"1cers with !+ years experience wlU find our management path an exceptional OIJportunlty NOIDMR HOW YOU SAY ni CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. AUTOMOTIVE SWS lmmed11te ~nan1 H11hline NB dealership •s loolun11 for motrv1te<1 driven & experienced ulu profession•! Ex cellent p1y & bemifits Fu IH 949 721·8808 IMllV'Ub OWNll OfU. ATOlb Hlv. YIU own trudl7 Lool!rna lor 1ncle pend9nce 1 Lend:sUlr his the loob/tretahl to mah you succeufull CALL LANOSTAR 888 835 3858 (CAL•SCAN) Call 1 ·868·282·8344 or F11 your resume 10 708-871-1427 .. o-'""'-fOf l'rlnt & G11ph1e OUip T.:b nal ~ S9r1d /IUl'll lo llr@1tu·f'lflllnt - OWIUI OPllATOR TlAMSI alt: w.Mal Met & Doubles req. T w min.Il- l •"*'-I. OrQj)/Hooll, Hirt on Bonus. HICl1 Mias. 800 909·5664 ut 210. (CAI.. •SCAN) Publiihln1 P.aOMOTtoHS DIPAllfMINT Community ~· Ill 0-... County .-S Ful Tint lltfSOO lo im.ww Ind write atones, ,..-IJcl. pet• In comniunlty ev.nt"' er.-encl PIPlllb .,.- Ind sec:llora. E•c:delft COIMlUlllc8IJOn Sl\*s, work well with the pubtjc:. Know AP Styte, QuarkXJ'r-. Photoshop, Multl Ad Ci• a tor, Proli<:tent on MAC and PC, CCI isulan uperlence preferred. Proofr~ test. Drua scr~ required EOE. Excellent benefit f)Kklet. E,.,... resume, Wlitlrc ..,,. end ullry r equirements to lllN.JO!!!!On@lat.t.s.corn • ;t .. /aww ....... Busy Newport Bttch RHI Estate off.u SIO pet hr Fu resume lo 949 675·2127 -...... /I 14n.ilvl I Pll'90l1 Oflice rT (4-5) $10 per i. r .. resume to 9'1!Mi7'5-2127 JOIN OUR lEAM and make • d1lference, In the California Army Nal1on1I Cu11d you tan aet money for colleae and cereer tram1na Call I 800 -CO -CUARO (CAL •SCAN) A&ltomoblles 9000 AutomotM 9004 ACURA UGIND LS '92 ~II power ~uto ,,u.·rnot lthr. r.d player nrw~• tore s. erul cond S6500 Oay". 949-466 9771 or eves 714 389-9794 Aulli '99 A4 Ouottre ? 8 V6 29k 1clual mo auto. war~hn& red erey llhr mnrl, CO, lno~' & \mells new V4%1?1 SI 7,995 li11an,rne dv.111 Bkr 949-586 · I 988 w-.o< bl.<om lulc Rao Mo1ter ~ '96 VI, 47tl ;i1..lu.il m. wtwte11rey lthr. throme whls premium sound. beautiful DI 'Ill unm.w ~ed condrtlon. Cllf n/~i wr792•12 $7.99500 949-586-tua _.,...._ CADIU.AC CATtltA '91 6 qi el ac. llhr, I pwr \urwool. e1tended w~rr SI0.500 562·J97-7&SS CGd1ROC '°'"'·ta 3511. Mel1lhc Buraandy R~d. 0 Atmeal lthr. Chrome Wheel" 8uutrlul 011a 'ond1t1on SB 995 von57"412 949 586 1888 WWW.!<JIObl.com Daily fllot .. AUTIIUUJ, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~~~~ -...n1&Mblll• .. -.-ooxuc-.~ o.1111 Meldc Red. '"" 1ttw mt, T 111 top, CAI, 1111 ,HIWPSAUTO V._ 940 Turioe '92 8-lly ClltMI Only 82Km1i.. (19292) S8.980 IMW J40I s.d.n 'H Sliver W/bllCll It.hr, , .,. 6 ICIMd sport pdc 55li ,,.. (l 9231) $29,980 IMW Int~ "00 Mid 8lua w/•ey tttw • llUlO 1lf em Pldllo (19240) • az6,geQ IMW Jnl~'OO WMe w/81.0. ltJv.a> t>lly• 0 miles (19269) S22, 980 IMW MS Sedan '00 Bl.Kk on lmm1e Bliek IUv, lOk ml, I OWriet (19297C) $59,980. ' for.I M.,.,_.. GT c-..-oo Sliver w/811d; ltlw ·low moles fuM P0- ( 186nt) $14.980 Penche994 CaWJolet 'OI Ont a-.-Only lOkMI (19151C) S59 980 J...-XKI c-. '99 Brrhsh Rac111a Green w/t..in lthr. only 221< mlle$ CO Sl<lclc.et (19289) $39, 91K>. Mtt'cecleslenl 2JOSl '44 This IS I real Cla"". 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IT'S F~ ******** 55FREEWAY@ IDMIR SNC'TA AHA AUTO WU (888) 823-9808 PORSCHl '99 CAUIU .t.1t1c \11¥er m•l•lloc •fl lthr er •Phrle a• ey inter. pwr \His. hi Ir sound s ystem w/am fm CO lo 1at 6k rno. I owner HOHDA ODYSSEY '96 ear aeed lrn1na1.ulate I ow11rr &U<Kl mod lwo S!J4.500 949 67~ 2869 n!dr.111• 4dr. Ct-.n~Ml!rte '"h• Ill• Ottl 6 l>d'~ I Toyota c .... 1c10 '17 $10.0CX> 949 760 0171 Goud p41u1l no "' runs <albetw.. I~ •Int very relr1ble S2SSO 714 235 91~ .. CASH Fott UIS WI MU• YOUI CAa PAIO fOtt Ott MOT PtM.UPS AUTO A.Sil fotl MAlCOlM ••t-574-7771 AUTOM011VE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES www.Speclolfl•ance. TV Spe<ltl lin•nt• pre· approval 1uto 10111 p1oar1m for peopl• -wllo hive problem tred1l A premier second cll1nce Auto Loan Service (CAL *SCAN) Loans HOMI MOUOAOI LOANS Lowest rnterlSt rates. All credit types. No P<. payment penillles Best service m tile slate t.allforne. ORE. E.~tm1 r~ Cal .-a»m 8969 1101 (CAL •SCAN) BOATS PowerBoals 9515 '91 l lft Dufflel4 new double sel ol b11te11H, prorl m1ontarned $8,495 949-41'..0915 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 9J FT SUI' AVAii.AiU IN NlWPOaT HACH $lSOOllASI 949-SOO-IOOS Tell Us About YOUR GWGESAU! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a part of it, place your ad today! 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Ta• prepar•llon, QurcllBook\ IJ l'll'lq. rea ~ e•p'd 949 J2!H);'SO Carpentry A · l HANDYMAN ln\hll rel~ct cabinets K~hrr\,~11\~ ~ Dote 714-!>t&-7758 •Woll Units o Cu\lom Buol! on~ <'1011rn Moldone' Bue BoeJCk l •577982 949 709 5642 tarpet Repair/Sales CARPU CARP[l-Qo Rfpairs. P~l<.hon1. Install Courltous any size Jobs Whole51lel 949 492 0205 Computer Setvtces • ERVICE l#HOMI & IUSl#ISS •El'AllS Uper•des. Rep1ir~ of Computer. Networkl (veninas/Weekends Compelllive pr N:n lor quality U!f vrc 949-136-1175 714-924-4221 Concrwte & Masonry lrldi lled1 st-• Tile Concrete PatJO. Orrwway fwf!!>lc BBQ Refs 2SY1\ Exp Terry 714 557 7594 ConmvdJVContrdn NUD MORE ROOM? ADOfllOHS & REMCUUNG L,577982 949.709 5642 Deatop PUbllatllng a YOUltHOMI IMPIOVIMUfT PlOJl<T? Call 1 plumber. P••nter, h1ndym1n, Of any ol the IJUI HtYICH listed here In our servlee directoryl THESE LOCAi.. SVC PEOPLE CAN UELP YOO TOOAYt AMerlcal le Licensed Elec11lt1t Contractor Small jobs startrne 11 $19.95 & Uf• Speclalizlne 1n Remodehna & 111 home wifin& needs. Comm/lndust/Res 1-aOO-at7·1008 l 97tl2959 UCINSID CONTUCTOR No IOO too sm M wwesl Ra.,1rr remodel. fans. ,., ,_ $\IC !M9-646-31li6 FloorinW111e CUSTOM ClllATM lU lnstlflatlon. slete. ll8'amk, marble, stone.~ 191S li\1612044 Jdl 714-612-9961 Kit ... & ............ floors. Counters & Sllowen. Lt591315 rr .. Estimate 949·481·2097 iiii'i g;;;;;;; II.std R..,outin & lnsta.lliiuon TU DEAN !M!Mi73 8065 ~714-&l-31:11 SELL your stuff ttvough classified! DOUGHrRfY HOTHIRS llw Finll Touch Sn:e 1961 ~ Tree lM.. 0Sln1Q!lr Inst/Repair 714 791 8746 THI DllURINCl HTWHN llAUTlfUL & lXQUISITI ... • Laoot-•-c.. • '"" T-•nt ·~&~ ........ 949-515·1124 Tree S.r.lce, Ytrd Cleanup. M11ntenan'e SprlnkhH Rtpalr, H1ulon11 (t49} UD-8781 tlanc1yman1 Home Repair flX UP SPIC1AUST. All types of ~.;.s Elec: Ir lttl. p4u doors. .... ~ Illa .. """ 24tw/7days 714 Jlii..1881 Gf.NBAL ID'All ·~ • * No Joh Tho Small Da.-BamOtoo M9.312ra291 for al yoUr needs ... Handyman/ Home Repair COMl'tlrE HOME MAl#rE#A#CI No rob too small! E verythona from Carpentry lo Pa<nq r ree eslrmale Coll •offf/y H9-ffS.,.U '-"~ &a.,.n Cet pen try • PltHnbin1 Oryw.W • Stucco Pa"1tlna. l rte & mclfe 20+ Years hf*llllC•I JI 714-969-5716 JISSIY A••AM 'I HOMl •El'Alll Sl'f CWISF ReHOfttba. Prac:u 14 VII Upe<Mlnc• In 111 lrldes. SPKI It.uni In reaadentaal inVut 714-501 ..... l.d61aJ AOllNSOlt COMPAi" l(ildllns, Waoh, Wlroomt Meth 949 650 9525 THI HANDYMAN All work auer•ntMd Pbnb• U.Cltul Door\, Flmh C!J> Ilk. -~ Hiiiing JUN• TO fHl OUtaPUI 7U 9U 1882 AVAllAll E TOOAYI 949673~~ ........ c.e.I a-.. ,.,.._~~ 0 C, UYn f'9f'1 949• 548 0054 M!t Ul 4ltJ House Cleaning "-· 0-1,..u,•4 Wkly/Ba wkly/Monihly Rers C1e1111tnl Imelda 949 ~ ')19.:z78.(837 NH" o httle Help? Nblilbl aJlbred m-.... 3¥ tDIP lrlbnl. OOf wppltes 714 ....... • t 43 T-'• hr~en HeuH ~ Tdlll 11U1t CJMl 9CM>-"' WIS1' cb'e by °"'°' ,. , .. 984Z2 7Q Moving I Storage HST MOVIRS $59 /Hr un1n1 all crlres Insur •d Int. c:our teou,. careful 1163844 800 2'46 2378 PUBLIC NOTlCE The Call! Publlc Utlht1es CommlHlon 1tqulres that 111 used llouuhold 1ood1 movers prml their PUC Ctl T number, kmos end clltufftun print their T C P number In all ad•tt llsements If you lllY• tny ~llOM 1110UI th• l•t•lltJ of • mo•tt, I Imo or cM11fl1ur. uu: PUIUC UTIUTIH <OMMtlSION a11 .... 1 Ch-1'• .... 'lJVta "II CtHI P11c~I Guaranteed work r ree e$1 l•375602 714 538 1534 7 390.2945 Joysen'• Pelntmg Top Qu11llly Compe!llrve tnteroor/E at l•648228 Call lay 949 650-5066 RAINIOW ClllCU MAINT Pamtrnalntiut. t~ Qu1ht1 aob' r ree es!Jfnate l •56989 7 714 636 8888 I your stuff through classified! lSf & UASOMAIU PLUMBER l#506586 FreeE<tlSm~ OClTQJ Dae 7l4-~9150 PRICISI PlUMllMG Repairs & Remodehn1 FREE ESTIMATE Lf687398 714 969 1090 RooflntGuDn '· \. Serving th e N e wport-Mesa community since 1907 . TUESDAY,APRIL29,2003 I Group fights f o·r its: right to party Residents mainly from West Newport say City Hall is acting like a totalitarian regime in cracking down on Fourth of July revelry. nothing short of prohibition " and city policies they say are de signt:d to drive bars out of the area are also raising the Free Newport's ire. leaders det I) '>ta tis tic;\ like the 162 arrt">I'> dlld 1.344 rnauon'> handed out in Wt">t Newport la...1 Independence IJay. Oarbon satd thh patnL'> a skewed p icture QUESTION Arw Newport a..ch offidals~ to Fourth of July? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) ? • June CH•&r•nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Do some city policies parallel the brutal rule of Saddam Hussein? Do a hammer and sickle on a red Dag make an apt symbol for Newport? The Web site FreeNew- port.com answers yes 10 both. The site and a Oedgllng group of residents by 'Lhe same name appeared on Lhe local poUtical scene about two months ago to fight what they see as some ill- conceived and iron-fisted city policies. Topping their list of gripes is the city's aatkdown of Fowth of July panying in West Newpon. But spokesman Brian Oadson said the group plans to fight for its version of freedom on a num - ber of fronts. Noisy police heli- copter patrols, aJcohol sale and delivery restrictions that ·are "Our mission is to infoml, educate and motivate rhe ~• dents of West Newport as to what's going on," C1arlcson said. For example, he said, the city''> approach to Fourth of July prob !ems is all wrong. While city ·con~1der the peR"entage:.." he ~1d Ry his math. of the 50,()()() VlMlon. who de'>4..end on We\t Nrwpon for the hol11Jc1y. arrt">t., rl'preM'nl onlv O.J2%, 642-6086 or send e mail to da1/yp1/ot aJ/st1mes com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only Crime in Costa Mesa drops 15% in 2002 Police chief says his depa rtment worked to decrease crime aft er it increased 16% in 2001. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot . COSTA M ESA Setting goals has paid off for the Police Department. Out of eight Orange Couoty cuies wilh popula tions of 100.000 or more. Costa Mesa showed Lhe largest drop in crime in 2002 Wlth a 15.4% decrease. according to the state attorney general\ report released Sunday. The plunge occurred because of con· crete actJons Lhe department took after be- mg pummeled Wlth a 16% increase in crime in 200 I, Chief Dave Snowden said. ·What we deoded to do was put our heads together and teU our area com- manders specific goals to achieve to reduce crime," Snowden said Mon day. ·All of our people rvet and exceeded those goals.· Violent crime as a whole dropped 30.8%. The rwo categones that expenenced the biggest drop were robbery, which de- creased 36.8%, and aggravated assault. down 23.2%. . Solid polke work sparked the downturn in robhery, Snowden ~d. See CRIME, Pase A4 PUBLIC SAFETY R eport finds JWA security breaches County Grand Jury s uggests more security cameras and fencing. Officials need to rework budget, too, it says. JamH M•l•r Oatly Pilot JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT -Security at the airport meets or exceeds Cederal man· dates. but till tw holes It needs 6lled and funds lt needs to find, the county's Grand Jury reported Monday. The wdy that began in August found that su.rveilla.oce C8.l)'lefa ~ and renc1ng at the airport need closer loob. The Jury did not want to reveal the specl.ftc breaches in eecurlty. eo they ~re not listed. the repon Mid. Ann McCarley. tp0k0swoman for John Wayne Airport, at.Id the report pleaJed and encow-.ged airport omdala. but u.ld none of lt came as a utprlse. •everything &hey mendoned, we h.d 11· ready been looking at.• abe -.ld. ·0ur ae- curtty plan const.tUldy updated." The report alto~ that while te- curlty WU hetgbtened by removl"8 217 putting ...... It raulted in a loll or about $1 tnllUoo In annuaJ revenue. Another $3.2 mllllon II now tpent annually.to UM a new ~ ~ aystem. The airport bu ibo added about 450 MCUrity em~ ....... ,...M See PARTY, Page A4 DON L£AOi I OM..Y Pl.OT Wrth digital vtdeo camera in hand, comedian Scott Day will go on a world expedrttoo. starting m China, documenting the whole expenence Cue the laugh trek Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot W hile most people are staying away from China because of ~Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Scott Day is anxiously awaiting his planned trip to Beijing. And he's not even packing a face mask. "Do you think I got where I am today by listening to the U.S. State Department?" Day asked sardonically. The intrepid stand-up comedian 15 andd pating leaving May 7 for a trip around the world to film a documentary, using comedy to bridge the gap between various languages and Costa Mesa man is ready to start an around-the-world trip, with humor as his universal language cultures. He has already given up the tangible trapp ings of day-to-day life -bis Costa Mesa apartment and his cell phone -and is spending the remaining days with friends in Newport Beach. Before he leaws, he will also sell bis car and give away most of his clothes. He is taking the trip because he knows that life in olher parts of the world is vasdy dilferent from the cushy existence or Newport Beach. He wants to immerse himself in foreign cultures. capture his trip on 61m and &hen tum 1t mto an e-cpo~ of how people around the '"°rid perce1\ie Americans. ·11'<; gping to be educauonat: Day said ·ft'., gomg to be funny. as weU. lt's bnd of h.ke reabty TV with a brain. Ille 1oumey ~ merety an excuse to ~\le some social commentary -what I learned about my-.elf and other pe"Ople and the pen·epuon of Americans abroad.· And this .., the opportune time to travel, he <;.ald, desp11e the rll>ks of being an American . : "I want a lime capsule to see what's gotng on in the world.· Day '>3.Jd "For me peNOnally, tr'<, intere..ung beocaw.e 11\ <;uch a fleetmg thm~ • Da) "tile a tall Denru!> tht Menace with a inuJar mischievous grin. tufts or hair flying t"\>-ery which way and current!. of rt">tless enetgy I.hat belie hie; 35 years. When en~ed m l-Onversauon. he n1I on whatever .. ~ tu.c; fancy, g:ivmg any subject a viciously funny twist. I lis opinion of Newpon Beach's ritziest shopping center? ·1 would chew my leg off tf I had to spend two hours in Fashion lsland ~ On driving in I ..A.. 7 THE VERDICT Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB; ww.~oom WEATHER ~ There'I. v.,y .. lght d\ance of lhow9'9. ~ ... It k>ob doudy, wtlh hight,,.., 70. S..PllpA2. SPORTS COtU Mela"i IOftbetl .-n ........ Ooeeri Vlllw ..... "' Gotdlf\ Wiie L.eegaat r#f, ........ A7 THANKS , MOM! ABOUT M0THEJrS DAY Momia dO it an, from eccountlng to being the hlmlly ~,to providing the hlJQS to reading bedti~ 9torieL ~your mottlWby •dng. per9gnph OI two about why your mom'e eo grwt end• photo to the Deitv Ptlot for publlcidon on Mocher .. Dey. Send 1 SASE tf you Wint the Phc*> reMMd ..... publc9don. The .... for ...._ • fridlia¥. Send your .......... ~ o.y, Deity Nat.llOW. '-It.. COlltl ...... CAna7;flDt llO CIG) ...,.,10: Of e-mll tD d!IM• rii a ••can. I met them during the war ' 'r A2 Tuesday,~ 29, 2003 .. ". -- ... , ,, .,. .,. ,, J I •' , . . '• '• ,. ':: KIDS TALK BACK .. ' •• .. ~inging ,• •' . . songs .and . ' . .. • ... learning .• -... -.... .. :. The Daily Pilot.went . to Woodland ·, · Elementary School in · Costa Mesa to ask · kindergartners, · 'What do you like _ about singing as you learn?' ,. "It's fun ·~ because we get to learn a Jot more words." ;:. KEITH r,. MARSHAU., 6 Costa Mesa " "It's important to ·r learn about •' . singingin ·"" .• . case you want .... tobea teacher when you grow up. ... You can teacher your .~ kids and your ~ class." STEPHANIE JONES, 5 Newport Beach "You have to listen when you're learning how -to sing or you -don't know -the words --when , everyone else ,_ is singing it" .--AMANDA SHEPPARD, 6 ~ Costa Mesa ·~ ·- 4. "If people ... sing, you , have to )()()Jc - " at them or .. you might not , mow the ~ word"s to it." ,_ MADDI -:-ARCURIO, 5 -~ Costa Mesa . --. ,_ -~ "It's fun . because , rybody' : eve 18 ·-singing • .,: together." ·-HUGO JaENEZ.5 -CostaMesa -· ·--~ ..... -' ·- -Interviews and photos compiled by Oiristifll! Carrillo Daily Pilot IN THE CLASSROOM KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Kindergarteners Keith Marshall, left, ·and Amanda Sheppard wait to be called upon to name the 50 states at Woodland Elementary School. Leaming by note Christine Carrillo Daily P.ilot T heir voices rose in partial unison as they sang-"We the people of the United States. in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice. insure domestic tranquillity ... " -the preamble to the United States Constitution. Singing about promoting the general welfare of che country and securing the blessings of libeny and posterity. kindergarteners at Woodland E1ementary School enthusiastically took on the challenges of American history Friday. From singing the preamble to singing songs that teach them about the geography of the states, the 5-and 6-year-olds learn how to rely on the music and lyrics to remember challenging lessons. ~You have a greater percentage of them learning when you put Oessons) to a song." said Kristin SCHOOL LUNCH MENU The Newport-Mesa Unified School District offers menu c:hoicel eedl day at elementary schools. Students may ctioo.. e veglrtarian errtree. The eelection mey lndude • sated, salldwich or hot entree. Sc:hool lu~ ere $2 each. Here's wtlet's beil'lg seNed this week; TODAY Muncheble Luncti Saled with fruit yogurt or two mini cheeeeburgera or macaroni end cheese, lettuce and piddet, choice of fruit, choice of milk Kindergarteners at Woodland Elementary learn the states, geography and the Constitution with the help of a little music Battaglia. who bas taught kindergarten for five years. ~ lt goes to their brains and their hearts." Students in Battaglia's class learn nearly every lesson with a song. "I think It's important to learn about singing in case you want to be a teacher when you grow up," 5-year-old Stephanie Jones said. They began their geography lesson with MThe Northern Border of the United States" song. The students, each of whom sat in a designated square on the rug. sang cheir way across America from Washington to Maine before getting a pop quiz WEDNESDAY Munc::heble Lund'I Seled or turby fryz, beby cerrota with ninc::h dip, nacho dlMM chlP' dlOice of fNft, choice of milk THURSDAY •Munchabte Luncti Salad or pesta with martnare MU~ and mutbatls, whole gqin roll, criap green aaled, atr8Wberriea, choice of milk FRIDAY Munctiebkl lund'I Selad or hot dog on a bun, pm.to wedges, sliced.,...,.., choice of milk • - from their teacher. Anxious to shOW-Of!Jkeir memorization and hoping for another sticker to show off their accomplishments, the students threw up their hands hoping to be called. Although a few students got some of the pronunciations and locations confused. each of chem expressed an interest and a desire to learn about their country. wvou've got to have high expectations ... and you can't expect anything less." Battaglia said. MThese are very big concepts that they're understanding at a 5-and 6-year-old level. They're much more sophisticated than people give them • credit for, but they are still kids." • IN THE ct.ASSROOM ia e weekly feature in which Dally Pilot education writer Christine Carrillo visits a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. MONDAY ~.Lunch Sated or queudiHa, green bean., choice of fruit. Clnoo de Mayo coolcle, choloe of millc The Mund)9ble lunch Salad conlaiM ~ grww,. cheny 1onMllDel. c:ndcen and prollllin aourcm .ud'I • ct... tunftooNer teeda,; ff\At yogurt and honey-nJ I •rJ peenuta. ("Peenut bulller on 1111 ct8d dlya) No child s. di«:riminat*1 •1Mt ~,..of race, ... CJC>I«, ndOMI origin, age or~ If It i. b-'i.v.d. t:hHd,... b9ef1 di«:limlntltMI .,,.,. --~to tMs.owt.aty of~ltu,.., KWhlngton, DC 20260. -.-,,_ -. -..... -DailyAPilot Coral Wilson News 1ulat1iit, (S49) 574-4298 coral. wll.an@l11rlmn.com PHOTOORAJIHERS Seen Hiller, Don l..ead'I, Kent Tl'e9lOW Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Copyright No newt stories, llluatratloM, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permiulon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST More of the same today, with clouds end low 609 to alert the dey. Don't expect to aee much eun, end don't expect the temperature to rise pest70. SURF A bit of northweat swell erri\tes lete today, which won't do mudt good along our beeche$. Waves atey pretty aoft, with the best breatlng neer 6o4th Street. Thureday la salvation a. e southwest errivet, bringing chest-high wavet, maybe• tittle m0'9. -.. .. ,_ .. ... VOL 97, NO. 119 N9wsEdhon Gina Aleundet, Lori Anderaon, Daniel Hunt. P.ul S.ltowltt. Daniel StewN NEWS STAFF Crl,,,. °:rc:o~rtef. (949) 674-4226 d#f».,,,,.,.th.latlm.com ....... =··· N.wpo11 reporter, (949) 57"""'232 /u,,..t:ttNg,.nt*•lati"*-com '*'atneon Potttb, ~nae1 and environment repottw, (IM9) ~ p1Wl.d1nton•l«lmM.oom Lolta ..... ColufMlat. cultu,. reporw, (141)57~ ~.,,.,,,.,•llttimea.com ~NNmM Coeta ~ reportef, (948157.WU1 tlWdra,,...,,,.,,•llltlmea.com CMldlwC..-. Eduoetb\ ""°""' (M) S~­~CMrll/o·~ r . READEM HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Record v<>ur comments about the 0.ily Pilot or newt tips. ~ Our addrees la 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Me.a. CA 92627. Office houra ant Monday · fflday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. ~ .. It it the Pilot's policy to promptly COfT90t 111 errora of eubatance. Pl .... call (IM9) *"'324. FYI The Newpon ~Mesa O.lly Piiot (USPS. 14'-«>0) la publi.hed dally. In Newport Beadl and Co.tll Mesa. eubacriptione are tvallable ontv by eubacl'lblng to The Tlmea Orange County (800) 2tS241141. In,,....~ of N9wpoft a..ct'I and eo.ta Mesa, IUbecrlpdona to tha 0.lly Pilot .... ~only by flNlt ctau mall fof S30 per month. (Pl1clM lnduda ell applQble .-. and toe.I taxe1.I POSTMASTER: Send~ Clhangej tO :n.. Neiwpoft ~•Mete Deity PllOt. P.O. HOW TO REACH US Cln:ul9tioft The Ttlha Orange County (800) 2tS241141 Ad.-.tfllnt ClaMlfted (9'9) 642-6678 Dflpley (949) 1142-4321 fdholW fMws (9481642-5e80 8poftl (948) 674-4223 fMws Fp (SM9) MMl?O ~,.. (9'9) 660-0170 E-fNI: d•i/ypllot•l.rimH.oom aw.tOlloe ....... Olloe (IM9) 842-4321 ........ ,.. (9'8) 831·7128 Publlthed by TI"* Community Newt, e divitlon of tM LOt AngeW T11M9. C2003 Tlm. CN. Alf t1ftita , ... rvec1. lnfor'mrion: www.mw.noaa.(ICV BOATING FORECAST Light winds on the lnntr. waters todey, moatty 10 knots or .... Mfty, building to 16 knot9 In the .ttemoon. W.,,.. will be 2 fe9t on weat awelf of tt feet at 10 aeconda. The awell will drop and alow later. Expect relatively light winda on the outer waters, ioo. Ear1y the guata wtll be eround 15 emota, bullclng to 20 knoll In the efMmoon. Wave. wtll bi , to 3 fwt on a northw9st .welt of. to. feet at , .. aecondt. bPect llttle change late, pa 11tblt redUctlon 1n the ...... ~----------------~ Good newt la the wtnda Mefn to be c:elmlng down, which ahould ,., .. the Wiiler tefnp4QtUre to a t"NaONble ........ W...-qualty: www . .urfrlder.org TIDES 1'lllM 3:08a.m. 8:061.m. 2:SOp.m. 9:03p.m. ........ 0.31 .... low .i181Mthlgh 0.71 fMtlow 5.23 fMt high WATER TEMPERATURE - I o , . ·- I . I I I ' I I I ' ' •' . . -- Dady Piiot Club gives a taste for engineering Students at TeWinlde Middle School add to their learning with weekly bouts of trial and error. Christin• Carrillo Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Staying after school for a little extended edu- cation Monday, a group .or slxth- and seventh-grade students at TeWmkle Mlddle School got to tackle concepts and curriculum beyond their years. Delving illto the world of civil, electrical and mechanical engi- neering. these students or the school's Future Scientists and Engineers of America Oub have learned the true meaning of trial and error -an essential to engi- neering life. The club "gives them a chance to really practice science and manipulate it,· said Usa Olfion, who has acted as the club's advi- sor for the past five years.. "It's very much hands-on learning.· DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Jose Contreras, Kevin Monroy, Darnel Ross and Chris Quinlan, from left, race their wooden model cars during a meeting of the Future Sc1enbsts and Engineers of America Club at TeWmkle School. The students, d espite the con· Stant competition among them, work together to overcome the numerous obstacles of each project they take on. Whether they work on an electrical circuit or a catapult, the students have found that learning from their mistakes can be the most benefi- cial tool. "Failures are much more inter esting, and that's a hard concept for kids because we're uaming them to get the nght answer,· said Duis Ludlow, a parent men· tor for the club and a retired en- gineer. "In engineering, you often ge1 the wrong answer be· cause 1he answer isn't alwa~ ob· vious. It's trial and error, and it's more about the process." Although being a pan of the dub, which meets every Monday afternoon, requires students to put in more clac;sroom lime after school. they don"t VJew it as a ~crifice. They <;ay they enjoy ladding l>UbJCCtS U\Ually inlro· duced at college "We try to offer a lot of after school programs and dubs.· !>aid Jeff Gall. pnncipal at TeWin- kJe "I think this one"s great be- cause it reaJJy reqUJres them to w,c a higher level of thinking '>kills. It offers an opportunity, an experience, I gue!ll>, for kids who want a litllc bit more." From getting to hear about the real world of engineering from work.mg engmeers to working indepcndenlly with thetr hands building ca~ and catapults, tht:-.e '>tudems, pnmarily boys. gel to te-.1 their creauvtty and 1hetr mtcre'>t with the guidance of profe.,-.1onal'>. lne o,tudcnts first vote on what 1n b111kl. lnen. they go over their project goals, and finally commence construction. Through this four-to six-week proces..'i, the students get a feel for the engineering world with- out being bombarded with all the physics. math and science behind it. "I like this stutJ and I li.ke working with wood.· said 11 - year-old Stephanie Buraaga, a sixth-grader and the onJy girl m the club. "I like that it's hands-on and you can experiment with things . . . take them home and show your mom.· Festival brings war and peace to library Poetry festival at the Newport Beach Public Library has a timely theme. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -War and peace are on the minds of many in the community, and 1orught a group of poetry aficionados will share the words of acclaimed wnters whose works "}'l1lbob.ze that theme. Participants or the ~ooh annual Poetry Festival al the Newpon Beach Public Library on Avocado Avenue will selecl poet!. they wish to honor and poets who have influenced their own crea- tive wrtti~. organi7..ers said. Jacquelyn Beauregard Dillman, the founding chairwoman and underwriter of the poetry festl· val. said the festival was created as a gift to the rnmmumty to <;hare creauve worlb, 1hough1- provok.i.ng idea~ and a mt'C.litative night of enter1.1inment. It .tl1>0 corresponds with National Po etry Month, which L\ April. Dillman. who bc.rclll Lhe ~n~ wtuJe a graduate poetry -.tudent at UC Irvine, ..aid the f~uval hru. become an event that people look forward to. draWIIlg about 100 to ISO attendants. The timely theme or war and peace was not cho-.en to be po- litically d1vts1ve. but provocative and inspiring. DiUman said. While it may or may not pruve con troversial, poetry can alway<, be a soothing influence. she said. "Sometimes 11 ts helpful, Like meditation." o;he '>a.Id "It 1!. Let the Name Calling Begin. Using ('XclUStV(' Tutor Aid math tt"stm9. we analy7<' skills a child hcH m1ssl"d o• not comprt"hended 1n build tht" foondatron ""°"' th<n """ "'09"m to ~ r~u1r~ for SUC(l'SS sfflarty Panty 1n .,,.,,< math, as well as advanced courst"S llke alqebra or grometry. Amazin.atlt ,.. ... , ..... a... If you're looking to Improve your child's Kademlc outlook In I~. now Is the tlme to ftnd out~. (9+9) 6'f s-7900 .SB East 17th Strttt • Costa Mf'W (Com~ of lrvlne Avenue) !.omethmg vou tan lean on in uncen.un umco,. • Newport Beach resident and UU poetry gT"dduate student Joe Goev '><lid he wtll 'iharc two con· trru.ting pocm1> 111 an interpretive way. l 111> 1>elct:uon!., '"The Rebel" by Patrick Pear'>e and "Easter 1916" by WB Veal!. offer clis- unctJy different viewi. on the Irish rebel upn ... ing of 1916. he said Pedr.e. thl' In~ nauonalist who led the famou.'> upri\ing. in his poem contends he was in- '>Ptred by <~od "It gives tn"Kht into the mind of an extremist." c.oetz said. "lt o;hows how tenadou!-these peo- ple can be. I low those who feel they havt• hecn oppressed will not be bought orr " GOC!l7 will al\o '>hare the Yeats piece, winch I) much better known and taught m high school FY1 •WHAT: The sixth annual Poetry Fes1ival ''I •WHEN: 7 p m. today •WHERE: Newport Beach Public Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. •COST: Admission is free literature clas.se!>. • Ea!>ter 19 I 6" takes a very ambivalent view of the upnsmg and tls necessiiy. Goet7 said. It quesoons the bloodshed and offers balance to the extreme view of Pearse. Worts to be read at the festival are not limited to those that di- rectly apply to a call to arms, but incorporate other "warring prin- ciples." Dillman said. "There is the war of the sexes. war within oneself. warring fami· lies.· she said. "Wha1ever the theme may "}'l1lboli.z.e to the pre- 'iCnters is what they will share.· GET IN SHAPE Make Fitness a Part of Your Lifestyle LATI sr IN Wuwrr TRArl\llNG/CARDIO FTTNE9'i EQlJIP~fNT C'0\1PLIMLNTARY FITNESS COUNSELING RAUJllfTllAl l -SQUASH • H ANDBALi • BASKl:T BALL JR. 01 YMPIC SWIMMING Pool • RESTAURANT • LOtrNGE CALL FOB A COMPLIMENTARY GUEST PAss AND TOUR • UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 170 I Quail Street, Newport Beach "Over 50 Ytars of rint Quality" AU Types of Window Treatments • Valanc.cs & Cornie<' Bo1e5 • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutte rs • Becihprcads Complimnrtary Consu/Jation in Your Home 2(J ';/:~" I .d1or !\: \dldnl I .1l•r1.' 0 FF 11.1:1 :i11• JJ t1I \l.11 (1d, 2111 ' Y11k4a~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd , l.o~ta Me<.a ~""~ (949)642-8400 ~~ .. "':=~ Travertine 18" x 18". ..... . ........... ..... . ....... '4.29 lQft Ceramic Tile .............................................. 'ISZJl'eC:"1:itr' '4.99 lQt\ Laminate Wood .. .. . ............................. ns:.wc"' '4.99 tC" 1374 Loaan Ave.'uSuite F COSTA MESA (888) rn§ff; 777 31C MON.-FRI. 10AM to 5 PM • • SAT.10AMto2PM ~ CLOSED SUNDAY .. Celestino's Pro<lu<T • S(•afoo<I • Deli Snvinx ti~ Comm11mty for JO ~an PAPAYA SALSA flSH KABoBS $6 99 lb. ROAST BEEF SANOWICHF.S 299 ea. ~ RMSt °"7 Owi. uiatmoi CRISP GREEN SALADS OU/ Ftubill11ed Mf..An.oAF MIX . '°' G,.,,,,J Sa'-. · !S G.....J ,._. • 15~ w...J IMI • $3 99 lb. c~/nrrno's H OT FOODS To-Go f.nnon & Herb Roa.1uti Chultnu < ool c:-Suotn FRLlT ~AJ...A.DS 99~ea . II-'. I 'II 'I \I rn >I> ••1, ••l\11••1•, ..... • , , e ' \' I ff •I I • ' ,,,.,,, , . .,.,( /),,,,, frt:JJ HAJ-<:bof'Pd s.ls4 ro s,.. Chips tf TortiJJAs • Ho* St,u Taula M Tuesday .• ii 29, 2003 PARTY Contif\4led from Al which he bays isn't so bad. The group also challenges lhe Icy' em phasls on, the cost of po- licing the area for the nolJday. TI1e $90,000 cost of extra poJJce U. easily offset by the sales tax n?Vt!nu~ and fines issued on the hofjday, acconting to estimates o n tlte group's Web site. HThey're misinforming the resident~." Llarkbon said, adding thar the group has dorens of ~upporters. "Thi\ really isn't ~ reason 10 go putting all LAUGH Continued from Al "l:very ttme I dnve down the (Santa Monica Freeway!. I ger cul off righl by the Museum of ·1olerance Mgn." On anti-Americanism thruughoul the world? "~me people aren't thrilled to i.ee Americans. I say ... they're !ucky I don't ta.Jee their women.· Day grew up in Lakeville, Minn .. 20 mile'> south of the Twin Cities area, and had the dubious distinction of bei,ng the only non-Catholic in an all-Catholic military school. One uf hb coun~lors at a church u unp ~ Joel Hodgson. who went on to create the cult lV show "My:.rery Science lbeaier 3000.H A ,l'lf-proclaimed comedy add ict, Day spent high school nights watching Oavid Leuerrnan. another Midwe:.terner whose comed y provided a passport out of the Midwe.,1 After graduating from high '-Chool, Day was inspired to lry '>lcmd up by I fodgson, who is aho d corruc. "I did really well the first time bet·ause it wa~ pure adrenalin." CRIME Continued from Al "We caughl some people that Wt'r<' perpelrnting tho!'te crones dnd we put !hem in jail. and they didn't corne back." Snowden '>aid Snowden also commended the lOmmunity for staying vigi· lanl C .ouncilman Allan Mansoor '>aid the statistics pleaJ>cd him. ult !'tOund'> good 10 me," Man- '\uor ... .ud. WI certainly lilce cJ1e idea of hearing that Costa Mesa LS <1 -.arc plaet.· to live. I would like to l onunut• to improve on that to gt•t even better." · l'ruperty crimes dropped as well, with H·hicle theft!> down 11.8%. · Burglaries decreased ... Quality Service• ... •• 0 Nighdy Enterta.inmCAt° .. tha.e la Into eft'ec:t. 11 &he problem II the outaldaa, then why a.re they attting lawa that resUict raidmts?" FreeNewpon debuted oo the local political front at Tueaday'a City Coundl meeting, Oarlcaon and eeven.I S'-'PPC>rtent came out to oppose a couodl item on Fourth of July te5trfcroons. The restrictions included prohibiting alcohol deliveries to liquor stores on the Fourth of July, forbidding stores from using their parldng lots to stoie or sell liquor and des.ignatlng a portJon of West Newport as a "safe wne.~ The council approved the first reading of the restrictions, pass- Day said. 4 ft's an addiction. Then I put dawn the adcUction foi; a while, but something was missing." Like many comedians, Day culled his corruc nuggets from pain. "You have to experience pain to be a comedian," Day said. You can't do chat when you're l 8. You're just doing a version of what you've seen: I le eventually made the trek out to Los Angeles where Louie Anderson, another La.Jceville success story. hooked him up with Mitzi Shore, owner of the Comedy Store. Day said he was impressed with Shore's passion for comedy and interest in developing young talent Aher performing for a while, Day became the club's talent coordinator. He was bombarded with bizarre requests from stand-up hopefuls. "I got the weirdest packages, H Day said. "People would tell me, 'I'm getting out of prison in two weeks. People tell me I'm funny.'" He also dabbled in comedy development, but was not keen · on working for a studio. After I 2 years in Hollywood, Day said he eventually got to the point where he was making money, but wasn't that thrilled with his life. That's when his wanderlust 'I certainly like the idea of hearing that Costa Mesa is a safe place to live. I would like to continue to improve on · that -to get even · better.' Alla'l Malisoor Costa Mesa COOlCtlman 7.8%. The onJy categories that rose were larceny theft and ar- son. There were 25 more larceny thefts and one more case of ar- son in 2002. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail al de1rdre.newman@lst1mes.com. Ing the matter on for a ft.Dal vote their May 13 meeting. PreeNewport will be there. ·w~ hope to get douns of people out to shaw them that Ibey' don't repre.eel)l the resi- dents." Oamon aid. lddlng dW che fP'OUP is conductio8 a petition .drtve with the help of tome local b~ Oty leaden don't 1eerD ~ ' ·Wba.i we have down there la a aignifk.ant problem and its just a matter of time before someone su1fm a serious injury." Council· man Tod Ridgeway said. "The city bas an obUgation to protect the residents." kicked in again. He has traveled extensively in the past, mosdy Oying first class, one or the benefits or being the son ofa pilot This trip wilfbe very dilferent, he empbastzed. He is going on a limited budget and will try to crash at various Nilerican embassies, he said. Once a month, he will stay at a nice hotel and have clothes sent to him so he can give away his old clothes. "Kind of like the shirt off my back.,. Day said. "It's an anti-material.ism thing. I'm not defined by my clothing.~ He will film extensively using a new hlgh·quality Sony digital camera that he bought with the proceeds from his car. And he's nonchalant about any possible language barriers. "Laughter will connect people," Day said. Day's route stans with Olina. From there, he intends to go to Vietnam. Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. From Thailand, its off to India. On the way, he plans to have a t~te-a-t~te with the Dalai Lama in Tibet and impart some advice of his own. · "I want to go tell the Dalal Lama to get away from Richard Gere and pull him away from the throngs of Hollywood," Day sa.id. "I'm going to go enlighten him.w JWA Continued from Al The repon suggests that John Wayne Airport officials wtak.e into account" these costs and review the airport's budget. TWA was the only one of 50 large airports required to install VERDICT Continued from Al Oaire McEJway of " New Yoder" fame. I got on weU with most of them because I took a pretty liberal view of what I let through. The only one who gave me a hard time was Frank Tremaine. He worked for one of the news services and he was always pushing the line. Almost every day, there was some violation, and I would cheerfully have tossed him off the ship except he was bigger than I was. instead, I spent Idle hours plotting bow an artfully placed banana peel might accomplish the task. We were getting ready for the big push on Japan, the battle that was golng to end the war and oost us. as we were told at the time, a million casualties. I was being sent to WashJngton · for a briefing. and then I would return to the fleet, where I hoped I wouldn't be one of the million. THESE NEW FABRICS Suddenly, my orders were changed I was going to have a day off to be with my family in California, and then my wik wa.s going to be allowed to accompany me to Washington. Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EYU HUSBANDS. The sof\ foAdJ d Vptta' window thtidinp ftON Comt in three new fabrics 1hat ippell to~· Cetnt ,.. tNth ,oct.y, Whom did I ha~ to thank for this? My old nemesis, Frank' Themaine. He had pulled s~ to make it happen. I was very glad then that my nefarious plotting against him had never gotten past the drawing stage. M we boWlced around the Pacific, r ended up rooming with a nwnber of differeni people. For a f~ days, I bunked with Adm. Raymond Spruance. He spent most o(b.l.s dmc moving dny modeJ shlpe around a big map of the ocean. He would tet I.hem up in one conflguratlon Ridgeway aha dden~ I.he dty'a approach. aaytna that dty po~cles are dealgned to protect reslclenLL "Then! are bans up in L.A. whete )'OU ~ advetdiements to ride a bua down .to Newport for the day for tbe Fourth or Juty. 1bl.n&' are gettlnc wone, not better. We're ttjing to create a deterrent for future visits ol thls type to Newport kach,. Ridge- way said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE coven Newport Bead\ and John Wayne Airport. She tn-v be reached at (9491574-4232 or bv MNll at }unt1.caugrande.f!l•times.com. Arter India. Day's navels wflJ tab him to Egypt, Lebanon and other places in the Middle EasL Then it's oo ro South Afriea and South America. where he will worlc his way up the coast, culminating in his return to the u .s. walking through Tijuana. In addition to bis camera. he is taking a Global Positioning System. And he does have a plan for emergencies. ~1 talked to my mom, and we do have a $200 ransom fund: he said, half-jokingly. And what does Day's mom thinlc of her son's round-the-world odyssey? wl'm pretty excited for him because this is something he's wanted to do for a really long time,· Judy Day said. "After I named him, I found out th41 his name was 'Wanderer.' This Ls something that's been Scott's dream for many years, and I'm totally supportive." Ultimately, Day said, he hopes his trip will answer the timeless questions that have mystified humans for eons. "It's about spirituality-why are we here? Why are we fighting?" Day said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman(til/arimes.com the baggage Screening system that did so by the Dec. 31 dead· line. Airpon officials have since sought federal reimbursement for the system. McCarley said. ·0ur security has tripled since [Sept. II, 20011,· she said. ·our security went from $4 million to over $12 million." The report also recommended thar the airpon keep updating its and study that. and then reanange them and ponder his new set up. He was widely admowledged as a naval genius, the one who would craft the plan to win the war, so l tried not to think of how much he looked like a boy playing with his tin soldiers. Another time, I roomed with Olestie Puller, recipient of four gold medals. We were on some island or another, and there was one woman on the entire island. Tu say she was homely would be kind, but a woman is a woman. and Otestie and I set out to vie · for her attention. Olestie was a big man with a chest like a pouter pigeon and a bona fide war hero. I was a skinny guy who drew lines through writers' copy. Didn't mattet She had no use for either-one of us. and we left the Island with our virlues intact. I also roomed with Gene Tunney, the boxer who took the championship from Jack Dempsey and then won their rematch in the bout famous for the long counL They were doing a goodwill tour in the Pacific, and at the end of tbelr bit, to gtve it that extra oomph and to show his confidence ln our fighting men, Dempsey said, "OK. you guys. See you next week in Okinawa." Somebody had told him that was our next target. They'd forgotten ro tell hlm It was top secret. and eveeyone scunied around beating the bushes in case 10me Japanese spy wa.1 biding in them. Fortunately, our lnltfal landJng was unopposed, and Dempsey didn't have to be hung as a tJ111tor. • ..-,.r GAADHER It• Corona del Mar niekSent end • former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. WHATS AFLOAT . ~Al.DEN'S fulcw~ A.ld>O 91 OIJ~UlHl.6 ... l~C...Mea ,.., 646 4'31 ............ ' . ...... di ....... "'" .. ,., .,, .. '""· <Ja•'fted ads WOrk ror llll lll111iv2~ THI Daily Pilot • WHArl AIVJAT .. pubhhed ~lfy. tf you are planning 1 NUtJctt 9VWlt. eut>mlt the lnfonNtk>n IO tM Oeltv Pflot. 330 W. e.y St.. COila Mela, CA 92927; byfu to (Mt) Ml-4170; or bv•MaUto dMlyplkJt •""*"-c:iom. 80.\T aJllTALI . -.. ..... w .......... .. 8etboe Fun ion.. you~ 9*v nMJc:.l ..,.,....IOll hin mtd to wttd.. ... llff1JtJldedtour ~ ...... Y'O"'ddiil Of pOWlf end ... WltMCf8'"""".,. Daily Piiot PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newpcirt not at fault in jail cell beating brobn eye socket and con cussion. M)cbad Cully. Teter's anomey, ·aaJd the beatinJJ left his clJent per· manent)y scarred and with vision problems. An appellate court ruled The state Supreme Court . in Man:h 2002 that Teter on Monday nM!tSed a pre-was a detainee and not a vious court's ruling and de· prisoner, and faulted the dded that the city or New-city, ordering Newport port Beach wu not Beach to pay Teter $175,007 responsible for injuries a in damages.. The court man suffered while Jn po· deemed that since Teter ' lice custody. was nileased without CraJg Teter was arrested charges, he was In civil pro- on suspicion or public in-tective custody. J toxlcation and then lailed to The supreme court on ~sober uP on June 8, 1997. Monday disagreed, ruling The next morning. another that Tete(s arrest made him prisoner, arrested for sleep· a prisoner and that the city ing on the beach, joined the can claim immunity, as it same cell and severely beat did. Teter had sued the city Teter, leaving him with a for negligence. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • S.119r Street Auto theft was reported in the 600 blcx* at 4:27 p.m. Sunday. • Fairview Roed: Auto theft was reported in the 2900 blodt at 9:48 p.m. Sunday. • Faitview Roed: A robbery was reported In the 2700 blodt at 10:21 p.m. Sunday. • Gibrattar Awnue: Elder abuse was reported in the 3100 blodt at 12:29 p.m. Sunday. • Jo8nn Street A hit-and-run resulting in property damage was reported in the 600 bl<><* at 12:25 a.m. Sunday. • Monrovia AV9nue: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1700 blodt at 12:13 p.m. Sunday. • Prine.ton Ottve: Vandalism was reported tn the 200 blodt at 9:15 a.m . Sunday. procedures for acces.., badges and advanced technology sys- terru. McCarley ~d the airport has been working on facial or iris .scans for employee~. As well as Sept. I I, an incident in which two people were c;hot and killed a t Los AnReles Inter- national Airport last July spaned • Sunfloww A!tenU9: Malicious misdllef and graffiti were reported in the 1600 block at 8:49 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Birch Sb'Nt and U.. Con>nll del Mar fTMway on,.mp: A speeding, racing vehicle was reported near the Intersection at 11:37 a.m. Monday. • Cout Highway w..t: An urgent disturbance was reported in the 2600 bl<><* at 11:21 p.m. Sunday. • Dotphin T~: Vandalism was reported in the 1100 . blodt at 10:50 a.m. Monday • Eatt 8-v Street: Grand theft was reported In the 2000 bl<><* a110:14 a.m. Monday. • Ocffn Front West: Illegal firewortts were reported in the 3000 blodt at 9:26 p.m. Sunday. the grand jury\ mve~ugation into JWA\ ~ty. The airport has 90 dayi;. to re- -;pond to the report. Mc('..arley srud. • JAMES MEIER is the city editor He can be readled at 19491764-4324 or 1ames rtlft1er€l>/a(Jmes.com Eleanor Shreve Fisher Eleanor Shreve Fisher passed away In her sleep, Apnl 21 st, 2003 In Newport Beach, CA. Betoved wife of the late Wiiiiam Ellsworth •em• Fisher. Devoted mother of Diana S. Fisher, Carol Lynn •pinky" Fisher, the late Stephen S. Asher, and Dr. James W. Fisher. Devoted grandmother of James P. Wooldridge, Andrew Young, Chlshawna Fisher, Wllllam H. Mcinerney, Brandon Fisher, Michaef, Sean, and Megan Asher. Eleanor and Bill Asher moved from North Hoftywood, CA to Balboe Island, CA in 1946. They both became r&aJ estate brokers and em was also a general contractor. They moved Into the first, of three houses in Shorecilffe Corona def Mar, CA designed by Eleanor and constructed by Bill In 1950. They continued through the years to buy, build, and sell homes and commercial real estate. Eleanor was one of the founding members of the Newport Beach, Col. Wllllam Chapter of the daughters of the Amet1can Revolution. She also belonged to, supported, and wu President of at one time, numerous chaJftable organiz.eUons among them, the Nat'l Charity League of Loa Angel ea and Orange Co., Las Mar1naras, Share Ourselves Auxlllaty (SOS). The Museum Council of the Orange County Museum of Art, The "Center Stars• of the Orange County Perfonnlng Arts Center. Also a sustaining member of the National Republlcan Congressional Committee. She wfll be dearly missed by her family, her friends, and all who were fortunate enough to know her. The memorfal a8Mce will be held Saturday, May 3, 2003 at PacJflc VJew Memorial Pat1(. 3600 Paclftc View Dr., Corona del Mar, CA at 9:30 a.m., followed by a famfty but1al at sea POLLOCK, John Howard A resident since 1959 of Newport Beach, Balboa Island and Costa Mesa, John Howard Pollock, our Dad, passed away Apnl 13, 2003 In Anchorage, Alaska. He peaoetully released his hold on this wortd for his Journey Into the next. John. a native Californian, was born on Aonl 19, 1937 In Inglewood, California. He and hls wife of 33 years, Barbara, recently relocated to Alaska. John, an actfve member of the Church of Christ, Scientist, la survived by his large, loving family: His Wife, Barbara Pollock (Anchor•ge, AK), and hls M'len ct\lldfen'e famHles (Ben and Dawn POlloc::k • Laguna Niguel, CA; Bill and April Polloci< • Tustin, CA; John and Louin Pollock • BOurnemoulh, England; Steven and Ana Lffh Pollock • Costa Mesa. CA; Jenny and Larry Cl'Oll • Newoott Beacht.. CA; Wftltdy and Lawrence Coker · O'Brien, OR: and "Tracy and t:d Oeeaan - Grand Rapids, Ml.) He I also survived by 13 grandchllOren: Brandon, Tambra, Ashley, Madllon, Sydney, ~nzle, Juna • Jennifer. Mellua, Kevin, Mellasa, Cory, Mlct'IHI and a grandpuppy named P.O. Included In thla marvek>ue tamrtv ant tlla llbllnga; Chechl and Ray Palmer-Bumsvllle, Mlnnete>ta and Elizabeth Wllllal'ht • Wuton, Texaa. Hll extended fa~lty alee> lndudu Madie Mutray, Phll and Patty Sue G~. Sally Wld Bil Stelta, and numerooa oc:>ulJna, ~· nleCet, aunts and uncles. Our Dad wae prtdeoeased hit mother, Contuelo Mafia Anaya PadiMa Poftoc:'*, his father, Jack H. ~ and hla .... e.r&wa Sue Pob:lk Uoeoomb. Thole who kntw him, loved Nm. He wu an~'-*· • dedicated husband and • 11'\Je friend ........... lnep1fllllon • one who'• patience outlaattd tht most stubborn and detennloed. With I ~ remark .net an a 111*. OUf o.id k>olCed at Me• a..,._ Of~ IN OOtNCt .,...., and the rtgttt Piil" ~ UNotd..... to. OUr fa.mMY has ~ that In ..... of ~ donattona be iMlde to • charity « your: dtolce Of the ctiuteft 0( CMlt, 8dlf* ..... be,nlli I mllMd, . .. .. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Item• to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa MeN, CA 92827; by fax to (949) 846-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. lndude the lime, dete and location of the event. aa well H a oontact phone number. A complete Ii.ting 11 available et www.dallypllotcom. TODAY Julia SWMney of "Saturday Night Live" fame will 1peak at the 16th annual Clrcle 1,000 Foundera' Brunch from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Foltr Season• Hotel In Newport Beach. Swetnev will ahare her touching, humorou1 and heartbreaking account of the lou of her'brother and her Incredible turvlval of cervical cancer. Coat It $160 per person, and proceedt benefltthe Hoag Cancer Center. Call (949) 674-7204 for more Information. "Smart Women Anlsh Rich" Is a free workshop with complimentary gourmet catered dinner at 6:30 p.m. et the Art Gallery International in Coata Mesa. Limited seating. For more information, call (800) 876-0353 or send &-mall to bob. voorhees@agtJdwards.com. WEDNESDAY A tr.. aemlnar a'ld book signing for "A Portrait For Healing" by Richard Manley will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Join Newport S..ch city INdera, students from Harbor View Elementary School and a state forester for the 13th annual Arbor Day celebration at 10:30 a.m. at Grant Howald Park at 5th and Iris avenues in Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3164. The 8Choot of bioloval ~ at UC lr..ine presents "Victim, Vector1. and Vaccines: The Battle Against Malaria in the 21st Century;' a lecture by ICI 1mmunolog1st Dr. Anthony James. at 7 p .m. in the Crystal Cove Auditorium in the Student Center. The event 1s free and open to the public. but reservations are required. For reservations or information, call (949) 824-7252 FRIDAY The second •nnu•I f"ewport Beach Relay For Life, a 24-hour team walk.ing event, hopes to raise money and Increase cancer awareness In the Newport-Mesa community. Ten· to 1&-member teams can register for Sl 50 before April 28. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at Newport Harbor High School Stadium and ends the next day at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call the American Cancer Society at (949) 567-0634. SATURDAY The UC Irvine Alboretum hosts its annual Spring Perennial Sale, featuring unusual perennials from South Africa and around the globe. from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. today and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at the arboretum . Experts will be available to answer quettlont. Admission oosta $2 for adulta. Children younger than 12 get In for free. For more Information, aend e-mail to ldlyons@uci.«Ju. OcMne of Orchids, a ahow and Nie sponsored by the Newport Harbor Orchid Society, will take place today and Sunday from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. at the Coata MeN Community Center. General admlaslon 11 $3, Mnlors' admlaslon 11 $2, and pt1rtdng Is frM. Call (949) 516-9538 for more Information. SUNDAY ThrM young IClholanhlp wlnnen will be part of the Callfomla Women'• Chorut' 34th annual Scholarthlp Benefit Concert The mutlc ttudenta wlll Join female vocallata from throughout C.llfomla when the 200-volce chorua pretentl •surf 'n Sing• at 2 p.m. In the Sutton Place Ho1el, "600 MacArthur Blvd. In Newport Beedl. TidcttJ a,. S15 In advanct and $11 at the door. Call (9'9) 262~ or (714) M0-4688 for tktttl or Information. •ttappy Yoloetl. from a.Int Mk:Nel~ ddldren't cnolrt, the CeNt>Un end s.r.phlm, can be heard at St. Mkl\MI and All Angett Epltc:opel Church In CotONI del Mar et II p.m. For Information, call (IMI) &M 0483, Ill \11>11111 .'°' -I~ l I ' ·.., ' t \ I: I ' I I ', . . . ' . "'TM N.w 1req,· a .... ltatlon by Huw ArMyl, wlll addrMt what't next. who will be making dedalons, and whether democrecy will wottc In lreq after the war et St Mictleel and All Angels Epi9copal Church In Corona del Mar et 7 p.m. For Information, call (949) 644 0463. MAY6 An Instructor from the AmMcan Feng Shul lnttftute will e)(J>laln how elemental remedies are Implemented es elegant accessories thet complement your d6corto Improve health, relationships and prosperity. Reservations for the 7 p.m. seminar atVlsiona and Dreams In Cotta Mesa are requlred. Call (820) 288-1869 for more Information. A frM Nnllnar and door pdzel on "Skin Cerc9, Health and Beauty• will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's M artet, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservation•. call (800) 595-M OM S. MAY7 A frM MmNr and book slgnJnil of "Streu and Disease• by Herb Lewis will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 59S-MOMS. MAY13 A frM seminar on "Mutdes in Motion• by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 59S-MOMS. MAY15 A frM seminar and book tignlng of "Stop the C1<><* Cooking• by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) ~MOMS. MAY20 A frM semlMr and book signing of "Why the Weight 7 Dare to be Greatl• by author Jean Kruegar wlll be h8'd from 8:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Mar1i:et, 225 East 17th St, Cotta Meta. For reservetlons. call (800) 696-MOMS. MAY21 A frM eemlnw end boo6I signing of "The Digestion Connection· by Dr. Mark Stengler will be held from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mothe..-. Mar1i:et, 226 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 691>-MOMS. MAY24 A book signing and ,,_.onal appearance by author James Balch for hit book "Prescription for Nutrition el Healing" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . at Mother'• Market, 225 East 17th St., Cotta Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-M OM S. ONGOING Volun-.r ~are nMded to help deliver nutritloualy prepared meals to homebound, frail or elder1y clients incapable of •hopping or cooking for themselves through "M obile Meals;' sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. Reglstredon Is now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 7. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race is S30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. If your orchid is too big for its po1. Green Systems International w ill show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m . A plant sale 1s held from 9 a m. to 4 p.m at the 20362 Birch St facility Call (949) 756-1211 for information rti~ ~!;JI ustom Home Loans • Construction to permanent loan with one quahfying process and one set of closing fees!' Lot cost included. • Construction loans as low as pnme. fixed for up to 12 months. • Low rates for purchase, re·f1 & no cost equity Imes I r,// Bil L FALLON 949-252·8200 • Ground up, rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs IS Years in Oran~ County. TH£ LENTIL"(; GRnl 1' • JS.48 Carnpu1 Dr •210 Newpof1 Beach CA 92660 BOATING SEASON IS HIRE! ••••• ar1n.ear11ar~wa All Marine Carburetors Engine Tested ~ ~ Same Owner Since 1965. 38 Years in Costa Mesa TBB CARBURifOR SBOP INC. 294 5 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 8269~ .. - 1 ITmlllAIE N~ lltlp•all of Accessories for your Home /ad~ Lamps and Shades Wit*~.-.;..,.,,..,, Mail-Fri JM• WJN • 89 lM 38 £. 17111 Strwt ID, c.... ..... • ('9) MM?e (Aaa. ..,.. ) TUMdJ'/, Aor• 29, 2003 Al THERE'S A NEW GAME IN FllDZEN ROPEs OUR TRAJNING SUCCESS HAS BEEN FF.ATURED IN: ll)t~fjor1t61Rtt Men~ ~ii ts*~ II rt1TM!9AIJ MQ11ml'N FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER 1s proud to .lllnouncc our GRANO OPENING on Satur<hy. \-1.n ~rd from 11 am-Rpm Jt our Irvine, CA location. • \'1,11.11 l111111ni: • D1.imond Scrcngth "Jr;urung •p1tlh rct11i:r111111n. tud.in~I •Born 10 Pl<1y Program • \h • .q1111c I 1J111111g 2 c;H uld$) 111cn1 .. I ,kilhi • VI Pl R (video arulysu) • lihtrl1<1tt•nJI \kmhcr,h11" • Viruul l'11chmg Mach me~ •I 1Jiv1du~l I\ ( ,ruur lmtrUllHlll l11111nd renuJ, FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER .1 9028 M CGAW AVE. IRVINE. CA (949) 250-1 1 99 www.irvine@frozenropes.com I''): •in ru ~rvpa.<JU!l H> v1~ our nauonal websue I hcd, 11ur lull ~chedule ol i:vimu All-Sw Mariano Rivera (p1c1urrd). Leah O'Brim-Amico IOlvmp1l <,old Mcdalml and LA DodgftS Ala Cora uultu Froun Rope> m .hntquc .. UC Irvine Baseball UCI vs. USC Tonight, 7 p.m. UC lrvtM llascMH T-sldrt...,... - th• tint S00 fMs wlll NCdw a he ua .... MD lhla1, courtaJ of UGMedkalC...... I, I I Three-game sales with Cal Poly SLO .... .,,..,., 7 ..... ....... , ........... ..................... , .. i*•I: Wlafel .... ~ .... ' FORUM HOW 10 GIT"• •B -L..-.: Mall to Editorial ~ Editor S.J. C.hn et the Daily Piiot. .330 W. Bay St.. CoN Mela, CA 92827 • ftr dr,. ttotll• Cetl (948) M2.W ~ Send to (IMS) 84&4170 &.Ml:s.nd IC> tJMt;pllol•,,,.,,._oom. Alf ~ must Induct. tull name, hometown end phone number (for wriflcltlon ~).The Piiot ,...,..,.. the right to eclt 111 tubmlalona for d•rftv end length, • STUDENT OUTLOOK L<?ok beyond standards to judge college admissions By Cellnd• Sandov.I S bouJd race or etbnk::lty be c:onadered a factor tn determining college admisslona poUciesf I am a senior seeking admJaaion to coJlegea. So bow should a llChooJ decide whether to admit mef How do I decide which college to attend? Jl college was just about books and lectures. therewould be no reason for college campuses. We could order a tf!!!book on line and watch the lecture on videotape. lt la not. The most important learning is from classmates. lbe debutante needs to hear the realities of poverty from the aop picker's daughter.. What better way to compare rellglaba than when the Jew, Muallm, Chrtatian and Buddhist break bread In the commons? 1b test our own prejudices, we must be faced with those unllke C>UneMs. A campus diverae In all ways will lead to the broadest education. I know, because my high schooL C.Osta Mesa High. la like that At my rchool. I have learned so much about different cultures just from talking with my friends. lo my seventh-grade PE c1us, we started comparing feet. A classmate who lmmJgrated to America three years earlier said someone's toes looked Chinese. When we aked how she knew, ahe provided a history leaaon on the Olinese and French control of Vietnam, her natiwland. During water polo season. I knew euctly what time the IUD set because one of my team mJtes was Muslim and could not eat until sundown during Ramadan. We agreed that being in a pool was not the same as drinking water and ao did not break religious stricture. I have seen authentic Polynesian fire dancing from a guy in my ctioir. My golf teammate taught me bow to say hello in Korean. her natlve tongue. Another friend speaks Afrikaans. My mock trial team is made up or l.mmlgranta from almost every continent Bxplainlng American constitutional rights took on more meaning when I realized my friends dJd not have these rights in their native countrlea. lUpayers fund public universities, so the criteria for entrance must be fair. Fairness la determ.lned in the eye of the beholder. RJgbt now, waya to gain admission to college are called fair by some and unfair by others.. For instance, is it fa.Jr for one stl..ldent to have an advantage wer another just because a pa.rent wait to that college? A student can't tnJluence. that factor any more than he can inft:uence bis race and how it affected bis life. Most colleges use a student's grade point average as an important factor for admittanoe. But not all schools have advanced placement classes that boost grades. ~teacher in every school uses different atterla to arrive at each grade. What if a student woi:ked much harder and learned mme for a C grade at one IChool. and would have received an A pade at another1 Grades are not fair and impartial. Th solve that problem. a standardized test waa devised. so personalities and differing standards wouldn't enter into the end result. However, some kids go to adtool with 12 yean of wonderful teacberl md tab expensM! test pnpe.ration cluaes before taking the test a number or times. Anothtt test taker ml8bt be stuck in a school where no o ne wum to be. tnclud.ing the teachers, and not be fluent in English. Students may not have bad the necesaary boob and supplies to learn and prepare. Some work loog boun to IUJllport their families, ao don't haw adequate ltudy time. ls that falt1 Jn a fair world, each college would get to know all about each applicant. IO It could tell what •1tn1111ea" bad aftected the fKtma tar A IMfon &bat WI now call •rmr. •Wida thOI..,,,.. of ~ta for e.cb public~ spot, that may oove: ~ Stnce ltlldenta of some lllCl9 h8ft tfwUdoneDy raced more ·ICNllJlell~ to -~ In the facton uKd by cob.-co dedde entnnce, ace bu been Ulld ... CODJpeJWdng fllctor. 1be ~Court wtII 100D deddo II nm can be Uled u a r.c:tor at all when Mdrttna ldmllllon into a pubUc school Undl chete .. a lawsu.lt cha.Denglna the .whkdtn of a $1·mmlon donor'• ...... wtlb. --pade potnt , .... and tM ecDl9 than 1 lellow' ..,... ••nae 1d11ilalid, let'l lfXt'Pl the 6lcC ........ iNdeDc ii cli&nnt arid iilflaill midi ilUdlnt.,, ......... and .,., ' ....... hearlbewm bitas., ...... aunpue. tndledlr'C . .., •Ai0Rlmrl:~a. .... 11a ..,.Clll ..... High 9cN01, MAILBAG From the upper level of their Costa Mesa home, Vance Ito and son Jason, 1, can see Trinity Broadcasting Networi<. Council decision a matter of quality of life Regarding Trinity Broadcasting Network's outdoor cameras and lights: We are bombarded every day with more and more disruptions to the •quiet life" we were Dying to achJeve by moving away from Los Angeles County and into the suburbs of Orange County. Bigger freeways with more commercial trucb. more cars and SUVs. bigger airplanes flying over with more flights, more people. closer spaces, smaller houses and little yards. I now have ffights from the Long Beach Airport going over my house, and I am in the flight pattern fo r the heUcopters that roam the skies. The most lmponant thing we have is the quality of life we can come home to after a long day at worlc o r school. But little by little. we are losing it to the people and busine!>ses who want chelr profit over our comfon. When \~ill it end? I have notlung agam!>I Trimty. but I am happy that the C11y CouncLI votl•d to preserve the quality of life of the neighbo~ who were there long before Trinity wa.-.. For once. money and power did not wm out LINDA KEARNS Costa Mesa Red-light cameras are a signal of safety I just want to comment about the red-light cameras being put into C.Osta Mesa. It is a great idea. I am a resident in the French Quarter on I !arbor Boulevard and Giesler Avenue and I think they need one there. TIM LANKFORD Costa Mesa City Hall should be free of party politics I am completely taken aback by the interelit the Republican Party Is taking ln Costa Me a filling a council seat. It is sad that they are interjecting their influence about the pany affiliation of the candidates seeking the po~ltion. I have always voted for the person I felt would serve Costa Mesa best. It seems now I have to know their party affiliations. This city should be run by the most qualified individuals no matter what party they belong to. Since the Republican Party h as shown an interest in this matter, C.Os1a Mesa will not be free of the Republican Infl uence, and the council members will not be free to do their best for Costa Mesa. After seeing what the Republican Party did to one candidate with their telephone campaign about her party affiliation and the sneaky triclc that Councilman Ouis Steel and former Mayor Karen Robinson pulled to keep Councilman Gary Monahan from becoming mayor, I cannot ln good conscience vote for a Republican. I believe in fair play, which Is something the Republican Party knows nothing about. In future Costa Mesa elections. I will vote the blank spots because It will not matter who gets elected because they wiU be Republicans and they all must march to the party ideology or else. KATHLEEN TRACY C.Osta Mesa • EDrTOR'S NOTE: Councilman Gary Monahan is well known for his Republican Party affiliation, and former Mayor Karen Robinson is a Oemoaat. A poetic finish to a surprising crash Daily Pilot reporter Deepa Bharath wrote a story on April 18 tnat treated my accident with good taste and good humor c•BoomJ Crash! Smash!) I try to reJpond in kind to her creative remarb. Reporters on the job today Look for special th1np to aay About unusual or bizarre topics, even about a car Whose driver went to sleep Just 100 yards from home. Hia message, now, la one big deal: Each time you get behind the wheel, You may live or you may die Depending on how bard your try To stay awake. Luck and God were with me then But l suggest to you that when You get behind the wheel at all You treat it as a ·wake-up" call! I am gratefully appreciative for the timely and professional services of the Newport Beach Police and Fire Departments. ROBERT M. WOOD Newport Beach Egos not needed near Newport parks We love Jaclc Faulkner .... He's been around since Norm Van Brockli.n and Bob Waterfield were the quarterbacks of the LA. Rams C-Salata deserves a park in his name, and much more·). Doesn't he live in SL Louis now'l We thought the naming or parks and buildings and such had been taken care of recently by our present City C.OUOdl. Didn't they just say no to overactive egos and self·agrandlztng chest beating? We thought they already learned the lessons or the people of Mission Viejo in what they had considered and repealed. Hey, we love Kurt Warntt, Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana. too, but we probably don't need to name a aporta park after them. since we already have true aupentan living rtght here in Newport Beach. What's wrong with Kobe Bryant Sports Park or Dennis Rodman Sports Park'l Jim Thorpe or JessJe Owen• probably deserve that honor, Walter Payton more, a.a the belt examplea of detmnlnatlon, persistence, struggle and achieved exampla of excellence for ow youth. Bu t since our kick probably don't know who most of thoae people are, LETTER TO THE EDITOR . FU PHOTO I DAILY PILOT maybe It should be someone from the WWE Ulce, the Rock. RON AHO~~ Newport Beach No third choice for . Robinson's replacement After read lng the letter from Geoff West in Sunda y's Daily Pilot, I wonder how he came to the conclusion there can be an alternative or compromise candidate to fill the empty seat on the Costa Mesa City Councll c·There won't be anything special about this election·). The list hu been narrowed to two candidates and the others who were on the list are no longer available candidates. They have been eliminated. So we have only a ch oice of either Eric Bever or Michael Scheafer. I have lived in C.Osta Mesa for 27 years and have been an activist for the past 10 years. I have never been Involved in baseball (or any sports activities), nor have I been involved in the Boys & Girls Cub In C.Oata «: Mesa. l never beard the name ~ Michael Scheafer until he was on ~ the list of candidate. for the vacant:....~ council seat. If Scheafer Is so well ~ known in Costa Mesa. why have x_~ most of the activists never heard o~ him? If he ls so interested in being council member and wanting to make Costa Mesa a better place. ~ why was he not present at the :--,.. ~ council meeting when they were ·~ deciding who would replace Karen ~ Robinson? S'.~ I have read and heard many " -. comments that Bever ta only interested in improving the ~ Westside. This is absolut~ly not tru '· I have known Bever for five yean now as an actlvist. and he has always been for improving all of C.Osta Mesa, not just the Westside. I would suggest the councU members serloualy conalder Eric Bever for the council seat and get with bu.slneas. Solution needed to all that Sports traffic T his lener l5 in wppon of the letter from Olatles Massingill concemin8 th u of fteldll by JocaJ &port teams ("'llaiMew Park needs to be a pot for sporu, too." 11lursday) nd t.ne citywide problem for resldttits abo\Jt o;.pon OeJd w Over the ~t raJ ~we have btto ln(ft!a9ln~ inundated With more tia!Bc and pa/king problems due to di number of actMU! o.t both Ka r · hool and me~ & Ciliti Cub. Th OCCW1 after tchool until ndown and all dlY Sltuiday end Sund y. It is our undc!fatandtn lhu th fl d 11 to be lclx!duleJ fl only two pmes 11 any gM!h dm ahd that lhe ICailer parldns Jot.a and school gatee lhould be open for the parentl to use. Mwinglll &ugesu ln bis letter the members of the c:o.ta Mesa City Council ahould drlw by any afternoon or ~d to eeo the cars pubd on Tult1n ./wenue and 21st Stre«. We concur. The Cotta Mesa · Planning COmmilidon baa policies that pruvkle lhat Off· ueec peddri1 mUlt be~ for an ewnw. The Co Mall Pirb and Recreadon Oepanment condnualy CMt1oob th.la J>01kY ~umeroua .wnta In °""' OI P"rttnr. QWllng the IUrroUndlllc l'lllklenta to bear die bt-.w d di* ct.dlkm. There are tolutlone Chat may applr -' ' . . . QUOTE OF 11tE DAY "/plan on being in the (CI F) Finals." Tim Mana, CdM boys tennis coach Daily Pilot 5pcN1s Phone: (949) 574-4222 • Sports Fu : (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL lane-E r: l a winning remedy M.ustang jun ior sh akes off illness to help lead hosts to 6 -4 Golden West I League victory . Stew Vlrcen Daily:f'1lot -. ~STA MESA -The 1as1e of victory pro~ to be the perfect remedy for Co~ Mesa I ligh junior Jane I Yama- moto. The Mustangs' '>tarting pitcher experienced Ou-like symptom'> the pasuwo days and nearly vorrnwd dur ing the game Monday. I lowever. the Ocean View Scahawk'> we~ the ones left feeling ill after Yama· mot() delivered her fir-;1 Golden We'>I League pitching win or lht• .. ea-.on, helpjng lead the MuMang' to a h·4 vit Ocian lllew eo.taMesa 4 6 IOry. "The learn needed nw, .,o I had to play ... .,Jid Yamamo10. who wa., work.manlike in -.mk.ing ou1 om· and allowing live hits. "I would do anything for thi'> learn. I would Jlt'VN h•1 I hem down· I hr Mu,t.tng'i ll 3·9, 5 2 in league> have to depend on Yamamoto'!. pitching more than 111 the pa.st, <;mce sophomore l..iduc !Jutll'r 111 jured her ankle last week aftrr .,he tripped while walking up ... ta1r-. ill 1.chool, Co<;ta Me-.a Coad1 Ru k Buo11a rigo i.aid. "Jane·F. has been <;1ck ''nee ~11ur day." Buonarigo said. "Hut 'ilw got out of bed. She wa'> so '1ck. Hui .,he <>tepp ed up." Senior Ann Mane lopp,, who smacked two solo home nui.... I'> thl• most popular player for co,ta Me,a. yet Yamamoto showed lhJI tht• Mu., tangs are about more than 1u ... 1 om· player. Mesa built a 3-0 lead aftt•r two innings, but Ocean View amwered with a four-run fourth In takl• till' lead. I lowcver. the Mustangs m 11 ... corc•d the Scahawltb, 3-0, the rel>! of the way. a' they displayed their be'>I a'i,el team· work. . Costa Mesa has endured tnjune'i ..ind mishaps thi!. seru.on. Yamamoto tn jured her elbow the las1 llml' the '\.tll'>· tang ... played and defeated Oce.tn View, OONLEACH OAILVPILOI Costa Mesa's Kelly Topps slides into home plate under the tag of Ocean View's Jeweha Cruz for a run. Mesa won. 6-4 . 5-1, March l6. !'lt•n1or Katy Renish had lu si1 our for a few gamei. in late March becauM' of ,1 mild lOncussion. One player at...u qu11 th<' learn earlier in the ... ea!'>on Rut that ha'> secm111gly ...1rengthened the Mu.,tang .... Yamdrnoto went l for~. 'cored a run. .. wle three hil'l'' and wru. hit by a pi1ch, wh1ll' Renic,h rnllt•ctt•d an RBI srngle in I.he <,etond 11111111~ "The in1une-. h.1w only made U!> ')lronger," '"id !opp.,, who will play for the Un1ver...1ty of Oregon neicl year. "We were ncrvuu... when we had people playing ou1 of tlw1r normal po'iitiom. But that juc;1 gaw w • ..i lhallenge." In the bouom of the fir'>t mning Wlth two out, I opp., got ..i hold of a 0-2 pllch ..ind '1!11111over1lw ft'mt• m right-cen ter field. When the Mustangs were trail· ing, 4-J. tn the bouom of the third, Topp'> went for another homer, th!!> ume of the inside-the-park variety, which was her I 0th home run of the c,ea'ion. Topps popped a fly ball to the nght field comer. The ball dropped hefore the Ocean View right-fielder could get 10 it and 11 rolled toward the fence ai. !Opp'> rounded second base. By the time 1he throw came toward the 111 field, Topps had already rounded third "She\ held the team together," Ruo narigo said ·she's a great, all-around player ... Ocean View Kathy Ponce sajd "She\ hard to p11d1 10. llus is my second ume ... eemg hcr and the great thing abou1 her i:. that i.he's not cocky. She just plays the game and you can tell that '>he aJways has good sportsmanship.'' The Seahawk...<. 16· I 2. J 4) U'>ed 12 hw, to score an 11 3 win over f-..l>tancia Wedne:.day. but they were hmlled to five hits Monday. C.o'ita Mc<>a. on the other hand, l-.une up \\ollh I 0 h11:., led by fopps. Yamamoto and .,enior des1g· nated hitter Jennifer lord.in. who aho had two hit:.. Sophomore Kelly li>pp.,, Ann Mam•., younger sis1er. 'cored the Mu.,tang<> go-ahead run in tht• fifth. She ... ingled to lef1 field to lead off the mning %e advanced to ..econd on a Wlld pitch. i.tole third and <,cored on ..i wild pitch See SOFTBALl. Pace A8 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS CdM continues to hold court Sea Kings go through another opponent Monday as they improve to 16-0 overall in 2003. CORONA DEL MAR -The Corona del Mar High boys tennis team. unmatched as the 2003 campaign moves forward. gobbled up another opponent Monday~ the host Sea IGngs defeated Laguna Beach. 18-0, in a Pacific Coast League make-up match. tea.ms, and they put their No. I player [Pat DoOOonJ in double-. against lL'-• With sophomore sen.-.allon Carsten Ball sitting this dance out. the~~ swept across I.he board. indudmg at No. 2 doubles with Junior Brennan Roberts and freshman Robert Koury and at No. 3 with sophomores N'icholas Gmgold and Alex Nguyen "'We're still No. I m the state, a<.'COrthng to our national tournament. which had the top three teams in the state and we went undefeated in our national invita· lional." said Mang, wh~ team will travel to Tesoro today at 3 p.m. EYEOPENER Dail~Pib Sporu .... olfarnie ........ "°1IC If• tt.U. llltlll•f M~!>honoree KURT EHMANN Tuesday Apr~ 29 2003 A7 MEN'S VOLLEYBALL P·oia earns all-state honors OCC's kill leader among six Pirates named All-OEC. Fre<.hman out.,.dt> hmer Poyer Po1a was ~lected by thl· Orange Empire Conference rnad1e' to the all-'>late tournament warn for h1'> performanct' in the Orange C Od'>I < ollege men' vol leyball team\ nm 10 the '>late sem1fin als, where 11 w<t., defeated by three ume defendmg d1..impm11 I.A. l;ierct> 1n five games Poli! led 1 he Bue' in lull<. wHh l I again ... 1 l'ier<.t' ..tntl 11 Lamino !23) dur ing the playofl-. Po1a. who aho h..id 17 digs aga.111 ... 1 Pierce. a.long w11h < X C. fre<.hman sener Mike Murphy \H'rt> -.elelled 10 the OH first team \1urph'f talht•d -11 d'>'""'" and three ...c~·l'\·1t l' ,1<. t."> 111 tl1e .,late -.em1finaJ 'iophomort• oppo.,llc l>-Jul Pomroy fre<>hman middle bind.er l.ev1 Lu'iter and .,ophomore hbt·ro Kaione '>coll gar nered .,et ond tt•,1111 .JI conference hon or... <.><:011 had 12 dig., agam\t Pierce hl'..,hman n11ddlt' blocker Dane < .11 han\ earned honornble rnenuon. The Pirate-. I I 7 7. 11 5 111 the CH CI fiiw;hed ...eco111.l to c .olden \\.e'il 111 lht• tonfereme HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Sea Kings humbled by Lions CdM drops plenty in game a~ Arlington posts 19-7 win Monday in m ake-up game from early-season tournament . < ORONA DI I \.t ~ -In a wild and cr.vy high '><.·hoot malce-up game Mon da~. Southland powrrhouse Arlington defeated ho'it lA>rond del Mar. 19 I, in the final round of the early-<;eason New pon Elk!. Tournament. ta.lung advantage• of 10 Sea King l'rmr.. "TI1ey re a real good 1eam." < dM Coach John I rnme "3.Jd of 1ht> RNe,...,1de ba:.ed IJon-.. ranked 12th m the t..o ... An geles T'lmt•\ fl'WOn;d poll Arlington 'lored e1gh1 run' in the lir.t mmng and added al lea<;t one run in l"V· ery inning except the thtrd In the bot· tom of the fifth. however. the Sea Kings ( 11 · 7 and a league· ll·admg -; · 2 in the Pa cific Coast l.eaguel r<>')ted five runs ~ they rallied to wnhm I 'i 7. led by the of fensive attack of 1umor outfielder Parter Ferguson. who wa.., 1 for 1 with three runs scored Keith tong wac; 2 for :l ~1th a double and a run '>Cored for the Sea Kmgs. while Nick ~ wa.' 2 for 4 w1th a dou-• ble and two RBis. Arlington had thn'E.' doubles. a home run and I 0 singl~ agamc;t CdM. Sea King Staner Griffin Owv..er. a semor who suffered the loss with some haky defense behind him,·~ picked up m the sixth by senior Ryan Rhodes.. Coach Tun Mang's Sea ~ ranked No. l in Orange County and OF Southern Section Division I. improved to 16--0, 4-0 in league. Laguna Beach fell to l ·3 in league. OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK K(Pft TIUfOW/DMl Pl.OT SoMomore Carsten W is among Corona del Mar's standouts. •1 pl.an on being in the (OF) Finals.· Mang saJd. "We've beaten everybody (in our d.Msionl exoept Cot one team and thaJ's Harvard Westlake. and (the \\\Wer- lnes) finished fifth in our tournament (the CdM National High School lnvltntional last month).~ CdM senior and UnlYerslty or Thxas- bound Gerrrtt Snydet. who nonnaDy plays No. I singles fot the Sea J>l¥d doUbks ar No. I with aopbomore Sean ~ while aopbomore Speoar Rdt1. senior Bryan W&rsaw and .mor lei Said.a hlndled the ..,. dudes for Corona dei Mar. .My I.Op l'i)'I haw always beer\ wry pd.• ~Mid. ,'"1liey llways IUd on US in the ·doublM. IO my doubla ~ bound to trt beta. ~ UIUIDy pa.y. q the top ... ..,... In ... dmtieL Odlet '-"' dwW d* 10I> ... plly> 9'1 In dlleuip cb.tbaN..,.... I'm an d.i. w9 be the ewe..,..,._ we plaJ • tWwt te.n •.• OUt '**" aWdl Miii l2-&. Ind OYI w. ~..._....one of die IOI> . . ... . .. Al T\Jesday, AprU 29, 2003 S P ORTS BRIEFLY TENNIS . - . . . Stockstill to join Vargas at Stanford Collins Wins CfOWri Com ..... ToumllllMnt Beau Stocbtill, a fint-team All-CIP Southern Section Divi- sion I goalie for last Sea.son's Co- rona del Mar High boys water polo team, will continue his ath- letic career and education at Stanford. be ~d Monday. Consolation pnM . Score by Inning• . Eatancl• 11, S't. MatPNt'• 0 Estancia 641 1 -11 e 1 lsh l.n the 100 free (59.67), while Robertson placed third in the SO butterfly (30.65) . ln the 500 free, P..stancia's Cllad Kunert came out on top in 5:28.91 to highlight area indi- viduals, while Danny Parhan enjoyed the best day for the Sailors, taking second ·place in the 50 (23.93) and 100 (53.23) freestyle&. Adam Douglas or Costa Mesa placed third in the OJAI -Fonner Corona del Mar High standout Padcer Col- lins, unseeded and unranked for the USC men's tennis team head- ing into the Pac-10 doubles championships at the Ojai Valley Tennis Tuumameot. partnered with 'liojan teammate Daniel Langre to stun the field last week- end and capture the dde. Pac-10 6na1s on Sunday at Ojai, became the first USC pair to win the conference doubles champi- on.ship since 1995, when Brett Hansen and Fernando Samayoa captured the crown. Hansen. a Newport Harbor High product and 1990 CIF Southern Section singles champion. is now an as- sistant coach af USC. the .Pac-10 champion.ships. uf>set each of their opponents f>'ith solid play. while improving tn f!V- ery round. : St. ooo o -o , 1 Stockstill phoned Cardinal Coach John Vargas, the former head man at CdM, Monday night to tell him the news. Stockstill record~d 272 saves, 32 steals and 13 assists.in the ran. h~lplng lead the Sea Kings to a 20-8 record and a CIF Division I final berth. Margaret's C. Kaplan and Acosta. W -C. Kaplan, 1-0. 2B -Larsen (E) 2, L. Morton (E). Sage Hill dominates •GOLF: Freshman Josh Oien , 100 free (53.52). earned medalist honors with a In the ~ free relay, Newport 42 to help lead the Sage Hill Harbor's Telford Cottam, James School boys golf team.to a 217-Jackson, Dan Furman and Eric 274 Academy League victory ~Ison . finished second in over Saddleback Valli[ Cllris· 3:39.98 behind Fountain Valley, tian at Shorecliffs Go Course while the Sailors' 200 free relay in San aemente. 0:40.24) was third with Carl- Collins and Langre, who de- feated Stanfords K.C Corkery and James Pade, 8-3, in the Collins and Langre. who had played only six matches together this season prior to the start of MThis i.s such a gieat W1lf to end the year, especially for PmkeJ" (a red.shirt junior)," USC <:Oach Peter Smith said MPark.er Jllld Daniel played. great tennis ,ius weekend and now they're Pa.c-10 champloQiS. That's som~g they will treasure the rest of fleir lives. H COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD , . .. Stockstill.µso collected first- team All-Pacific Coast League honors, as CdM won its founh straight PCL title. In 2001, Stock- still combined with Sherwin Kim in the cage and the duo provided the defense in the Sea Kings' third straight ClF Divi- sion II title. John Ness (4~. Brian Korn-son, Jackson, Brett Auer and sweit (44), Alex Cochran (44) Cottam. VU's Hall claitns two GSAC titles . Stockstill was accepted aca- demically at UCl.A, USC: UC Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Notre Dame. Berkeley and Princeton also showed in- terest in Stockstill for water polo, but he said Stanford, uof- fered everything I want in col- lege." and Jeff Cruttenden (44) also contributed to the win for Sage Hill (5-8, 5-6 in league). ace advanees • GOLF: The Orange Coast College men's golf team fin- ished fourth in the Orange Em- pire Conference Tournament Monday at Los Serranos Golf Qub and advanced to the Southern California RegionaJ Mays. 'Eaters claim ninth place •WATER POW: The l 7th- ranked UC Irvine women's polo team (20-21) upset No. 9 San Jose State, 7-3, to claim ninth place Sunday at the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Oiampionship held in Stanford. The Spartans are the highest ranked opponent the Anteaters have defeated. The Anteaters opened the match with three goals in the first quarter to take a 3-1 lead. Junior Erica Horman Jed the Anteaters with two goals. Junior goalkeeper Sun Oiarnblee had five saves for UCL The 20 wins th.is season by the Anteaters is a school record. POINT LOMA -Senior Sarah Hall or Vanguard University claimed individual titles in the women's 1,500-and 10,000-me- ter races at the Golden State Ath- letic Conference track and field championships at Point Loma Nazarene University. Hall won the 10,000 in 37:30.6 on Friday and 1,500 (4:39.25} Saturday. men's 1,500 with a personal best and automatic national qualify- ing mark of 3:54.84. The VU men's 4 x 800 relay team took first place in 8:09.95 with Meyer, Robbie Jones, Mikael Larsson and John Nelson. freshman Alex Castro and jtqtior Kristina Rojo had personal .best.s in the 400-meter hurdles: in 1:01.07 and 1:14.44, resJ>ecih1ly. Hall, Meyer and Thune ant the only Lions to record oadc¥ta1- q ualifying times this season. ~ Eagles win in four Brad Oiampion shot the low- est in the first round, a 5-under- par 72 and finished at 145 to help OCC beat out Cypress. 771-775, for the fourth and final qualifying spot Kelly Wicks 151 (73-78). David Kendall 152 (71- 81 ), Jared Bruce 159 (79-80), Ryan Peaslee 164 (79-85) and Shaun Vickers 165 (79-86) aJso contributed for the Pirates. Azusa Pacific won the men's team title with 258 points and the women's title at 268. For the VU women, sopho- more Jenny Thune finished fourth in the 800 (2:19.32), while freshman Uz Huipe ran per- sonal-best times in the I 0,000 (40:11.6) and l,500 (4:56.48}. Sophomore Bridget Lonsdale also recorded a persona] best in the 10,000 (42:24.9), while VU HAPPY BIRTMDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete oTthe Week series • VOLLEYBALL: Juniors Josh Kornegay and Kris Hartwell re- corded 14 kills each to lead the Estancia High boys volleyball team to a 15-13,15-13, 6-15, 15 -0 Golden West League vic- tory over host Orange Monday. Summaries BASE8ALl Other Vanguard highlights in· eluded freshman Matt Meyer capturing third place in the SCHEDULE I ii Tennis TODAY Kornegay also added five stuff blocks. while junior Scott Sankey contributed seven kills . Sophomore Trevor Holmes amassed 29 assists to help the Eagles improve to 2 l-6, 9-0 in league. Sailors win four relays •SWIMMING: The Newport Harbor High frosh-soph girls and boys swimming teams, re- spectively, finished second and third in the final team stand- ings of the Estancia Frosh-Soph Invitational Saturday. while Fountain Valley woo both sides. Newport Elka Tournament Artington 19, Corona del Mer 7 TODAY ..... College -USC at UC hvine, 7 p.m .; Cal Bapti8l at Vanguard, 3 p.m. Community college -Orange Coast 8t Saddlebadt. 2:30 p .m., Orange Empire Conference Tournament. High school -Calvary Chapel at Corona def Mar, High school boys -Corona del Mar at Tesoro, 3 p.m .; Woodbridge at Newport Harbor, 3 p.m .; Costa Mesa at Santa Ana, 3 p.m .; Fairmont at Sage Hill, 3:15 p.m . VolleybaH High school boys -Irvine at Newport Harbor, 5:45 p.m .; Lutheran Torrance a 1 Sage Hill, 4:30 p.m .; Santa Ana at Estancia, 3:15 p.m. 19-Leslie Damion Corona del Mar Girls tennis, '99 Score by Innings Arlington 110 141 4 -19 14 1 CdM 001 Olfi o -1 10 10 Sandavaf, Acero (7) and Bouchie, Billington (4); Dunzer, R. Rhodes (6) and Kelly. W -Sandaval. L-Dunzer. 2B -Rinlon (A) 2, Bouchie (A), Ferguson (CdM), Marin-Finn (CdM), Karpe (CdMI. Long (CdMI. HR- Zincola (A). 26 -Soeren Schneider Orange Coast College Women's volleyball, '01, '02 Eagles win, 11 -0 3:15 p .m.; Costa Mesa at • SOPTBALL: Sophomore Hillary Larsen went 3 for 3 with two doubles and four RBis to highlight the Estancia High softball team's victory over host St. Margaret's Monday. The game was a consolation contest made up from the Costa Mesa Tournament earlier in the sea- son. Newport Harbor's Bryndis Klein captured third place in the 50-yard backstroke (32.42) and 50 freestyle (26.97}. while swimming the opening leg in the Sailors' winning 200 free re- lay (1 :49.85), which also in- cluded Blair Zeiser, Melissa Wheeler and Kally Lucas. The Sailors also won the 400 free re- lay (3:58.86) with Zeiser, Aman- da Barto, Wheeler and Leah Robertson. Saddlebadc. 3:15 p.m.; Sage Hill at St. Margaret's, 3:15 p .m . OCC .ATHLETES OF THE WEEK The Eagles ( 10-6) won in four innings, as the game was called because it exceeded the time limit. Senior Laura Morton con- tributed a three-run double for Estancia. SOFTBALL Continued from A 7 Uyen Mai, Mesa's sophomore second base player. scored the Mustangs' finaJ run. She reached on a bunt and stole second. She advanced to third after Ann Ma- Barto added a third-place fin - rie Topps' ground ball induced a groundout. Mai then scored on a throwing error. Mesa sophomore Paulina Ro- driguez held off an Ocean View scoring threat with a dazzling catch in left field in the bottom of the seventh. A fly ball was about to drop in shallow left field, but Rodriguez left her feet to glove TENNIS Peclflc Coast i..aau- CdM 18, L9Qune BellCh 0 Singlet · Reitz (CdM) def. Gahenender, 6-0, def. McKieman, 6-0, def. Codini, 6-1; Warsaw (CdM) won, 6-2. 6-0, 6--0; Saida fCdMI 6·3, 6--0, 6-0. Doublet · Snyder-Pham (CdM) def. Ferguson-Tran, 6-3, def. Kovasevic-Paxton. 6--0, Burger-McMahan, 6-0; Roberts-Khoury (CdM) won, 7-5, 6-3, 6-1; Gingold-Nguyen (CdM) won, 7-6, 6-3, 6-0 . the ball for the second out. Golden West leap Costa Mesa 6, Ocean View 4 Ocean View <KM ooo o -• s • Cost.a Mea 121 011 • s 10 i Theophilus, Cruz (4) and Mclaughlan; Yamamoto and Miiier. W -Yamamoto, 3-4. L -Cruz 2B - Cruz IOV). HR -A Topps (CM) 2. Goff High school boys Woodbridge at Newport Harbor al Big Canyon Country Club, 3 p.m.; Calvary Chapel vs. Corona def Mar at Newport Beach Country Club, 2:30 p .m .; Estancia vs. Costa Mesa at Mesa Linda, 2:30 p.m . SoftbaR High school - Northwood at Corona del Mar. 3:15 p.m .; Newport Harbor at Foothill, 3:30 p.m .; Oxford at Sage Hill, 3:15 p .m . Swimming High school boys and girls. Sage Hill at Garden Grove. 3:15 p.m . MA1THENRY 2640 I Legal Notices 2MO Legat NoClces 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Lepl NoClces 2640 Legat Motlces 2640 Legal Nolie.a 2640 Legal Notica 2640 Legal Natica ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;4,;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ADVllTISllDfT fOlllS Conference end Pre·B1d bid opemn11 dele IOf this lnltrom Olfoce Bu1ldine !>'Haihna waee rain at re$ponse on tome. you l•w Ofhcn of NOTICE Of TRU!> reel property deecribed Job Walk will be con Proiect The license UM!d (ma•hna eddress) 19172 the locatlon of the WOl'll maw tou the cue, and l Thomas Mu1~hy. 472 n1;·5 SAU Trustlle'• 11boW19 le purpot'9d to Subject 10 conditions ducted on THUlSDAY, to Htrsfy th11 require· Jamboru Bouteurd Tiit successful Bidder yo.Ir waee~. money and South ClasM!ll."'0,.n&e. SM No. 03-19872.CA be: 3181 COLL.EOE prescribed by the un· MAY9,200S ment shall be of the (phy"c.I address) will be required to have property may be taken CA92866 TIU. Order No. 1549571 AVE., COSTA MESA, ~e•sien~. s.e;led tds beaonmne p•omptly at tame type •equued by Irvine. CA 92697·5444. the fellowma State of w11Aoul lurtAer wanuna DATL (fedoo) MAY l S, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT CtllltOmla 92629 T'1e or 8 ump ~m on 1:00 PM Participants the contract (949) 824 1404 Calif0fnl1 ConlractOf's hom the court. 2002 UNDER A DEED OF undllnlgnld T~ tract are Invite 1°' the shall meet •I F•c1hhes 2 Tile Contractor shall Checks for a ..-. license cunent at the There are olhe• l•11•I AlAN SlATlll, Clerli TRUST, DATED dleclalme lnY ltebllJty 10110't.1':ow:~k. T Manaeement, lnter1m provide a m1n1mum of 3 , • ..........,. t .. will be time of subm1noon ol requ1tements You may (Actvwle), 031'19/'2002. UNt..ESS f<K any l11cor'l'9f.tl-~ .. llA~MHI Office Bu1ldina. Confer· refuences '°' projecb requtr"ed 1n the amount tlleBkf· wanl to call an altorney "• V,P. S<HUNIACN, YOU TAJ<.£ AC'TlON TO Of the etrwl ~ ence Room 128. Um· s•m1lu 1n sco.,.. and stre of $25.00 ,.., set of LKfNSI ,. .... t away II •ou do not De-(Dei--...a..) PffOTECT YOUR end ottWf common llPlACUHNl .. -.. -.... • ...-· • -.---PffOPERTY, IT MAY BE lgnllt)on " PlOJlClN0.999979 ve<s•ty of California, to this Pro1ect which B1ddlnaDocumenh «ASSWKATION• know an atlorney. you Published Newpo•l SOU> AT A PUBLIC =.n ~ :li UNrYllSITY Of CAU-Irvine hive been succeufully Checks 11re to be made UCINSI COOlt mey ~II an atlorney Beach·Costa Mesa Da1ty SAl.E. IF YOU N£ED .... wlll be nwid., !Mn fOaNIA. taVINl (Bu1ldina 11 9:l on North completed in the State p1yeble to "The Re11ent~ General Ene1neerm1 teftrr1I service or a Pilot April 15, Z2. 29, AN EXPLANATION OF wlthoul ~ Of llV1Nl,CAUFC>aNIA Campus Map) of Cahfor111a dunn& the of the University of ContreclOf. A lecal aid office (hs t"I •n M1ty 6. 2003 flO.l THE NA~E OF THE -rrwtty. ·~Of 92697 19172 Jamboree Boule past 3 ytats. The protect Califorma: Cene.11 the phone t>oot.). PROC£EDINO lmptiM, ~ lltte, PlOJICT DlSC .. TION: Vlfd. Irvine, CA. total cost of installation Se1led Bids will not be Build'"& Enalne ... B Oespues de que I~ SSC 1"'9 AOAINST YOU, YOU C':lon, Of enc:um-Wo<k mcludes. but ts not 92697·54~. (949) 82•· must b • o ver accepted after 12.00 0..... Prete<t S.-ClflCSJ e11trecuen n te cttac1on tK>TKIOf PlllTIOIJO SHOULD CONTACT A ... -I I t h f II 1404 SZ!'J0,000 00 NOON •" TUISDAY, 114.itM O-llllcotl~ 1udtclal U•llld t1ene un LAWYER. On ....-nino.., ~ ·r;~~d.,~: t~.°e~l;~r~~ ATIINDANCI AT THI THE REGENTS Of THE MAY IS,200S celle4 for ......... plaza de 30 DIAS CAL AllmmmAnOf: 06f12f2003 91 2:00 p.n1., eurn Of the •-= fire alarm system on the PIU-ltD CONflllNCl UNIVERSITY Of CALI Bid Security In the •lne4 ot ti-.t 111141 CNDARIOS p1ra p1uen UIS.UISUTDOI PREMIER TRUST eecUNd by Mid two Brandywme/Com · AND Pll-110 JOI FORNIA amount of 1011. of the ,........_, Mt we -• tar una respuesta es <ASUIO.AJl77ff DEED SERVICES ~.1 of Truat, with 1""'9ee mons bulldlnas end WAH IS MANOATOlY /\piil 2003 lump Sum Bue B•d. IMCftewlty 11Mlte4 ••• ~rrt. a maqu1na en este • duty ~ o-.on. • pnNided In seven residential buikl· fott AU PtuMI CON-Publlshed Newport ucludlne alternatn, I. The ContlKtor shall cotte To all heirs. btn1f1. T"""9 under lf'CI Mid"°"'(•),.,,,.,_, •nas with a new fire fl.ACTOU. THl MIO-Beech·Cosla Mesa Daily shall accompany each h•v• !Hien in bu1crness Una carte o una ciaroes, cred1ton, con puf'IU9nt to Deed Of K eny1 .undllr ttw ..,_ alarm system The fwe INO Will CLOH AT Pilot April 29. M1y 6. Bid The Surety 1uuln1 undw tht .. JM n1me llJmtd• t~l11fonlu no le tm1ent creditors. end Trust ex.cueed by of -Deed Of Truet, ·n I 10S PMANY CON-2003 Tll5 the Bid B<ind shall be. and Calltornl• Conlr1c ofrece,. protecclon, su PlfM>ns who rn.y oth· MARK D. DONOVAN -., ctwvM end :::;m 0:Y'~r:;'pl:~ b~:~d TIACTOlS AlllVINO •~•1M1 f0119S on the Bid Dudline. an tor's License tor a respuuta ocrlta 11 '"'1'"' bti intarnted In AND JAYNE DON(). • .,.._. Of the True-equipment end no sub Anh THIS TI.Ml WIU -•••._, 1dmitted surety fn,urer minimum ol 5 conhnu maqutna Ilene que th• will °' est•t•. °' VAN, HUSBAND ANO Ille end of the ttuete slltullons will be •I NOf II IUGtllt TO Subject to conditions (u defined In tht oul yurs priof to lht cumplir con IH fo1m1I hoth, ol KAREL LUISE WlfE AS JOINT ~ et..eed by ea'd Deed Of lowed PA•TKJPATI IN THI prescribed by the un CehlOfn•a Code of Civll bid CJl)enlnc date for I.his ldades le1eles epropt. TYDON AHT'S end f'IOOf'dld Tnat. The toClll-.nt lSTlMAfEO llD PIOClSS AS A dersl1ned, sealed bids Procedure Section Project. The llceJTM uMd des s1 usted qu1e11 que A PCTITION rofl..PRO· o:ll2W2002. II lnelnr Of the unpiW ....,_ CONSTIUCTION NtMI COtcTlkACTC>a. for a lump Sum Con 995 120). to satisfy this require I• corte u cuche su BAT£ hes been flled by ment No. too202l'74431 Of the obllgtltlon -COST $J•A,.ooo OO Only bidders who ttact are Invited fOf the A mend•tOry Pre·Bld mtnt &hill IHI of th11 cno. JOHN S Wll I IAMS, Of Oftlclal Recotdll °' cUl9d by the pnlflllty ' '"' ' p1rticip1te in both the foHnwlna WOfll: Conference and Pre·Bld seme ty1141 required by SI ust1d no present• PUBLIC AOMINISlltATOft ~~ WICountvU.. t Clll~ to be eoid end '9MOn-'!:. .. ..:'::': ,.!!,"":: Pre Bid Conference and HUMANnlts HAU Job Wilk wlll be con· the conlt11et. su r1spuest• a Uempo, In the Supeflof Court of '"'''Lk rtU. SELL A ..,.. Nllmeted C011ta. .-llflwtle11• '" .._., the Job Welii In their ClASSlOOM IM-ducted on· WIDMH-2 The Contractor ah"ll puede Pf!rde• ti cno. y C1lllotnla, Cou11ty ol PUB .AUCTION TO _...,... Ind .S. (efltt•ct Dec.,.,.,.,. ent1rety will be allowed PlOVIMIMTS DAY, APIJl ao, tool prov~ a mlmmum of 5 It pueden qultar su ORANOE. HIOHE.ST atDOEA f'Oft -M ltle time Of Ille lltlltl f to bid on the Protect as f>llOJICl NO. fftlOI btJlilninJ ptomptly •t r•fwences fOf pro!ffts selarlo, su dl.-o 'I otru THE PETlllON f!OR CASH I~ IC time O. lnltitlll pullllcellon of ...., 4' • • • prime contractors For UNIV£R$1T't' Of I hOO ~ P1rtklpanh slmlltr 111 scope •nd l•ll cosasde au ptQP141d8d PA08/\Tt requ•ttt th•I Of .... 'In llwt\ll money ltle NotlOe of Siie le -• ' further Information, CAlfFORNtA, IRVIN( shill meet •l: '•cllltlff to this ,,o._. whkh aln avrlO adtdonal """ JOHN S WILLIAMS, ....... ,.. • be eva•l•blt 10 Bidder• conl•cl raclllties M•n-IRVINC, CAllrvnNIA Meneaeme11t. Oftlvtoit1 h•va bttn aucceufull'I parle de 11 COftt PU II _,.., RAT"" of the Unl'9d-...., by 5Cf1.2t TN -.. BlddlnJ Documents will "'" ,..~. ,,... 8 c ....... , •t """' • ~I undw Mid Deed fUlso•y .,. .. 29 •aemenl Contrects Oe· 92697 of C1Ufornl•. Irvine. compkltd 111 the St•t• C.bt.n otro1 requlsl bt •Womtt<I "personal =:Jc= : :.C: Ind"= ~I and ...;11jb11 :Sued t••tmtnt, Attn. Brenda 'IOJfCT DISC&Wfeotlt 19172 l•mb« .. Soule of CallfOfnl• durlnc th• to1 kc•i.t. 'u•d• que repnsentallve to 1d ::--~ a.j 1 :.: =!111gned .! •t· fecilllies Mantee· .:u~l"'~.nhull al (!M9) This pt0lect Is lo Y9fd (phy,lcel eddtett). put&}'ttlfl, uattd q11ler1 llam1r, un mfl'll•IM the .. l•tt of ... _ .. ..,.,. --Inion .,. mellt, University of "''" ...,. rtfurbith ulatln1 lrvlnt,C/\92897·"" THC ltCOCNTS Of TllC 1bo1•do 1nmtdlete-tlltdec:edanl. .,,.. ._. ••OCllllOft, Def91111Mdo.nendf0t C•llfOflli•, ltvlne, 201 The succeuful Bld<ltr clu11oom1 •nd corrl.-Anueowt AT nc UNllJtASITY OF CALI mente. SI "° cone>« 1 TH£ PETll'°" <ll(l!Hlits ~we==''"°'' Of ..... Md 1 ...-.., lnt"lm Office 8uildini •nd lta SubcontttdOfs dart on ttw .. floof of NI--COMJPDKI fOflNIA un •h1edo, pu•d• 1uthofltJ to 1dmln~t., .,... .,.,,. Nocloe ot Oita&* Md (m.Jlln& •<kkut) will be rt(IUlfed to follow the tfumanltlt1 ttfll A•D Pll ·ltO JOI ~i112003 llam•r • un hnklo dt the utatt und« tha In ..olOft 11 ., f'9 El8!:90n lD 9111. TN 19171 Jtmbortt Boule· th• 11ondlsulmln1tlon bulldlna. Worll l>KkldM, WM.II IS llANDA1'MY ,uDllshed Newpo1t rtfwtncl• de •botados lndtpendtnt Admlnla· ~ oocil and .,._.,.= ~ .,.,d (physkel eddteaa) rt(lulrttMnts Mt forth but b not llmlttd to tht MMt AU ,.., <OJI. B.etll.CO.tti Mtta Delly o • un• ofoelfl-dt •rud• t"llon of bt1tes Act ~to tllc> ~ 9lilCI OI ~ lrvlne,CA92897·6444 In the 81ddln1 Doeu· followl111: reMO.,•I efld ftACTOIS. THI •m-Piiot A~rll 22, 29, lq1I (vea el clhc 0110 (This Auth«lty w~I allow .-In""'.-.,• Al .,.. llN90n IO 811 to (i49) 1124 1404 m•nll and t o P•'I raplacement of floors. ... W1U. GAKI At ZOO) TlO/ talefonlco). the peno111l n1or1M11 f'9 "°"" fl'Olli -119 t800l'lllcf In ,. Check• '°' • -pttv•Ulnt •• ,. r•t.1• at b•M, celll.np, ~t1n1. 1 hOO AM aUfT '°'9· CASINU.lta. tetlv• to ltk• m•n'I ~to._ County CClldy ..._. .. ,.., , • .....,. fee will bt tlltlocattonoflti.Worll. Oor1 111d ffamu, TUCToas AlllYINe ... ~..,.C..) •clloM without obtain• ~ 100 CMc 5Jr" ........_ r-•!rtd 111 tht imovllt flle tuccffttlll Bidder electrtul 4tvku •rid' An• nm TIMI waa. ~·-~ otHUtU61 Inc court apptont OW... DfM ..... 17'r'lltlllllllUIT T .. Y will ba ltqUlftd lo hive wlflnc. •nd ell•• rill\: llOT .. IUMIU TO H r=-ro DE CN The n1mt end lddrHJ 81tOl"e t•llln1 cefbln ......__._ ~ .. ..._ of Sts.OO '* wt of Utt followln~ St.tt.e of fh elarm modiflcal!OM; PAHKIPAH • fMI ,..... f the t t (fl v11y lm-t.ant •di0111,, ---.,...., Blddllll Documents DANT: (Avlso • Acus11 o c:our t ,.... ._ ..., °""' DaD iiiituY"-..,iCD ..... '"°" Checka '"'to be mtdl C1hforrlla 011tr•ct«'• ramonl of HbntoJ 11• f>llOCIU Al A Oo) CA ootl L COM· llOmbfe y dhc:Clon de howt¥9', lllt 1>«.onal ..,,-IO .., "°" ...., M TM.wTD TWfenv payibte to '1'1141 Ylteenb lk:t!IM cwrent •1 the conlel11l111 mtter111e: ,..., CCNITIACTOll. ,ANY. CALVIN OOEll, la cortt u) repruent1tlv• wlll k wlil W9llllf...., Dlef ot fWwOIMMI. • .....,. of th• Ufllv•r•ltf 01 time of svbmlulon of peilltlna. cit.tin&. m.\11 011ly bfddtrs who .IOHN HICASTltO OflANCE COUNTY SU· tt•hd to 1ilr• notlee ~In~ ~~. c~°'i!:as~ w111 flOI be the~~·-~"?1--, ~~:.:, .. :.::. t:" ~::! ~~·=·~n~!:! ~:;: o%t>~r5at1HG SOEO ~Mbo\t~~~:r·o/.~ ~~,.!~t=t~~v.~.: -----.__ ,_. e«41>llcl art.· t.ot PM _,_,..,.. dence wJUI Con•tructlon the '°' w..-lfl tlltlf SY., •""If''· WUT. SAME. SANlA notice or con.tflttd to M ...... """'1 • 011 TNUaSOAY, MAY flKtrlulColl'trKlor Ooc11f'l\t11tt. tllllftly 11'111 be 1llO .. d ''4 Udht' nta dem.illd AHA, CAUUJRNtA l:UOl, ttie Pfopostd action.) _.., Ill .. .._. ATTl.IPTlllCa TO OQl, t• -· UCUtSl c-., HTUIATID to bid 111 Ule p,. ....... , 11 ' ,... • ..,.r C"'"......., c..... Tiii lllde1p111dult •ti -, •-• ..,.... ando)· JAVl(ft l:>l[R"'•"'· """""-. """'' ""' 1........ DIM ti ..a::T' A DaJT AHO llcf Security 1" the C-10 CoeKT'IU<Teott f:ilmt contrtelon. fot OU •~""' SOUOAltD COlMTS m11111ttet1.1)11 eutlUl•llJ :-:0.41t:t~~ =~"= amou11t of ln 01 the =~ ::.!''~-=-ca!i~::: r~tmri:•~~~: OYOll hlff 30 CAUN• .,!,":.~n=~j :::' 1~,!!::i::d p~~~-= ...... ..... _. u.D """TMT ""'-Lwmp Sum a-lld, .... fw tit M ..... we.. • _, .-t Ae ecemenl Coflttttb De· NI GAYS efll:tt thl• plalnt1fr.-.ttOfMY, °' flltl 1n objectlOn to the ..., .............. Z ..., II Ill u cludlflt •ntr11•t1t, :::L, .. ...., llf...., r-:~ tit ,.. 'artmenl, Atlll': 8re11da lulYlr'lltlnl Is -ffcl on I I 1 u It"' t -11tio11 •lld howt ......... --I _,,, ....., .-.... e1\d at;COf!llMlllY elKh ""II t• fllt e t~llt-p I fl I w uOll All ,..... ,..,..... ~ ""• .. -.. _ -8ht. TM ~.t, llll.llnt .. •• ... ... , ..... •.;..: ~IM'lllvn •t (Mt) :;... .... tltl• COlll'l -· .ttor11ty ... (l I 110mbte. Out• wit'/ lflt COUfl ~~ ~!' 11::"c!.:.:! ':'ii i.~=:' !:11 ::' 12 f'h!4:cceafwl llff# A i.tt. or pfloM un ::. ~:e :er•=: =~ot p-af!t llW edmltt.cl \Ufll'I Jn . .Wer ll•vt IHltfl HI llllllnUs 81ddlttl DocUIM!lll wll 1n4 ILi lub<onlrtctcu Will llOt llfobKt fOU, dlil dtlf11nden'9, o dtl A Hl ARING 011 the (ea d•fl11td 1,. Utt ""°* U. ...,,. Mini fie evlliallle to llMer-1 wlll llt rtQU(tH to f._ yow trpewr1tt111 rt• dtm•n••"lt qu• 110 11ttll10t1 will 11t htl<I on e .... • ..... c111.-111 ,....... f Cl K and C91rfotnle Conine Clfl TUIWA'f. All& H. the 11011dl1erl111h1ttlo11 1"01111 muet h In tte11t ibopdo, •> MAY l!I, 2003 •t 1:30 ''" 1 ....,... • v f1r'1 lfnnH for I tteJ 1n4 w!M M ~ r1qulnt-11b Mt rorth Pfl;plft lepl '°'"' If '911 l Tho Mlllptl p lft Ill 00t l 7l t!.,oc:,.dur• Section 1111nif,111111 of ~ centlltil• •l flcllllltlt ,..,._,. i. tlll lld4ilfll Decll• '""' the cowt to hMr 114•1n~ 'I· located •t .Ml The City 7·1.;:~dalorf ,.,., aid ova fHn pr!Of lo tllt 1111nt Utdur•ltr of l"tanll ud to 11•1 ynut CllN·L..4.:l--.:.~u: .... ;::.-1>• 711 •'3(0 Don $outll, OtAl\P. CA -Mwp!f kflM ZDl -.!U1t!!....tt _ ,,_ ' If YOU OBJECT Id the ar•nlini of the peli,lon. you should •Piii¥ • the hur1n1 end st•te rour objections °' file ..-ltten objectoons with the c."Outt before the hea,.n1 Your -s>1J9ar.,1Ce m•y be In ptrton or by your atto1n1y. · tr YOU ARE A CAfDt lOR or cont1nce"t crad1t0f of the de<:ebed, you must file your r.la1m will! tile court and meil • copy to the i>«mn•I •ttpttwntative •ppoinled by tli• cou•t within 'folH' months from the daft of the !Int lssu•nce of letters as provldetll '" Prob1te Code section 9100. Tiie time '°' fllina cla1nu wm not •~Pir• before four monlha from the hHrtna dale nollctd above. YOU MA'Y E>CAMl.NE Iha hit kept by the court II you are a person •n· teruted In th• estate, you may flle with tht court 1 Req11111 f0t Specl•I Nollet (fOfm OC l!W) of the fllln1~ en lnvantOfy •fld •PPf•lul of utatt use1a Jiii of any petttlof\ ot e<count •• ptOvidtd 11'1 Prob•tt Codt sectlo11 1250. A At!l_UUI 101 Spacltl Notice IOJm Is 1v1!1Able ftom tlll cowt derk. A.._, fw P•tfthun ........ ,, ... .,. C.-ty <-wot -4 l•••e c ...... ~ l>..-tY, ... ' , ... 0r:. ,,o. ... . °""'99, <A UMJ 'ublllhtd Hewport 8-(11 Cott.a ..... 0.tly PllOt "Pfll 2l. 2!9. JO. 2003 Wft•2 TtlUsa..t YOtl 6W&IWll I CWSllD ('49 '42-5671 "'" 0.My Pilot rl.lllliiiiiiiii ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iitii~iiiiii;i~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•2140iiiiiiil. ... Ufollcll 0 *»11CI TO fCIU9S • • w.t llifllttt ......... Sot00l 11519CT ,....._.,OMI Cm s ......... ,, ;' ,.y ........ .._ ; ........... .,H,211S,n.MOP1,'-l .. ..,27,2003 ........ '-'l*,..... .. O,..... 2'1S ... -.... ...... '4C... .... <Att626{714)424-7SJO .;P I .................... pkb4.S-e .... ...,....., M"'"ft4llW .. tt.J....i.1 MandllOfy meetina/w1lktllrou1h Is 1' • schedut.d for Ma~4. 2003 1t 2·00" PM ProS1>41ct1ve tiiddtrs 1r1 to mfft J faclfltln ind 1llons Oft~•. Newport Mui Un11i1d' School DISlll(l, 8111 Street, u11d1n1 £. Coat• Meu, CA 92626 C1ll (714) 424-7530 for dtt1lta. lllft will not be accepted from cont11cto1s not 1ttend1111 this r ~~ IS HEREBY GIVEN thtl the 1bov1·named School D1stnc t of ••• .. , Otanre County, ~A. 1cttn1 by ind throuah its Coverruna 801rd, here1n1fter •' 1f1rred to n DISTRICT; will receive up to. but no1 111e1 thin the ~." 1bov1-1t1t1d lime, ualed bids fOf the award of a contr1ct tor the proj9'1 , duc11btd H ; c-nm1-e1 •-1 aepolr / aeplocement -Vnrl4W• ;,• • •i.mct LecntMtt• t 1• Thlft will be 1 Twenty Five (S 25 00) dollar non·1efundable fee required f9r each aet of t,1d documenb Checlo.1 should be made payable to ',I" fttwport·MtN Un1f11d School Djslrlcl 1• ,1 Bids shall be rtc1jv1d In the place ld1nt1fttd above and shall be opened end publicly 1ud aloud at the above·1t1t1d Umt 1nd place " In 1CCMd1nc:e with the prov111ons "Of Cal1forn1a PubllC Cont11ct Code Section 3300, the DISTRICT requires that the b1dde1 possess lhe lollow1ns classifiutlCHI of cont1•ctor's llcense •I th• time that lhe contrat l 11 1warded: (.,.trtKt.t U~en .. Clots (.39 Ho payfllenl &hall bt made" fOf work or mater 111 under lhe contract nlus and unlit the DISTRICT verlfln th•I the Con tr actor wu properly licensed at the tlmt the conlracl was •werded Any contractor not so licensed is 111b1ect lo penalties under the l•w It the license tlu11t1c1Uon 1h1d h11tln1bove IS that of a ·spec1elty tonlractor' as defined In lion 7058 of the Calllorn11 Business end Profusions Code, the spec111ty conttector aw1rded the contract for th•s work shall ohelf construct 1 majOtity of the work in ICCOfd•nce with the provisions of Calll0fn1a Busuwss and Profusions Code Section 7059 feolurt lo complete the work w1th1n the time •et tor tll herein will result ~ U.. unposttoon ol hqu1daled dama1es for each dily of delay, 1n the 1mount HI forth In the "lnlOfmallon for Btdderi • •Each bid must conlorm and be responsive to lhe contr.ct documents Et ch bidder shell submit. on the form lurn1shed with the contract 1' ltocuments. a list of the proposed subcontractors on lhts pro1ecl u ••. equirtd by the Sublett1ne and Subcontractma Fair Practices Act (iovernment Code Section 4100 et sf'q Cech bid shall be 1ccompan1ed by ii cert.lied or cHh1er s check or bod bond in en amount not less than ten ~ 10'\ > percent of the total bid pr~e. furnish ii Payment Bond 1n an amount not less th•n one hundred (100~) percent of the total bid price and furnish cert1hcales ev1denc1nt t"hat the requtred insurance is '" tiff!< I on Ille amounts set forth 1n the ,,n.,.al Cond1t1ons In lhe event of latlurr to enter into the contract end ••tcute the requir~d dO•umenh such bid stcuroty woll bt forfeited The Fellhful Perlormence Bond shall rem .. 111 1n full for'9 and tffut lhrouth lhe t u•ranlee perood n spoc1f1ed 111 Ill• Ge"eral Cond11tor>S rt1e OISTRIC I re\erve1o the riettt tu aw.,d tht bid to mort lh•n one (1) bidder The DISTRICl rtservrs the 1111ht lo re1etl any 01 .tll bids or to w11ve any 111e11ulartl1e1o or 1nfo1 malt Ito •n any bids or '" th• b1ddtn& As requtred by Setlton 1773 of the Cahfr;rn11 Labor Code !ht Dttrctor of the Department of lndustrt•I R•latoon\ ol the Stale of C11tt"""• hn determined the aenerally prevaihnl rat" of wa1u ,., the IOtAhly .n Whlth the work 1s to be performed Copies ol lhoe waae ••le del~rrr11natrons entitled Prtva1hn1 Waae Sole are n1a1nta1ned at th• District 0111 e '"' eled •t 2985 Beu Street Bu1ld1n~ £ Co1t• Mesa CA 92626 f •c1ht1u, M11nten•nu •nd Operation\, anil •re ava1l•ble In •"Y 1ntere1oted party 11pon requHI The contrdclor shall post a copy ol this do,ument Al each job site The tontrat tor dnd any subconltallor under 11 shdll pay not le..s than the \pec1fied preo11tne r.le\ I'll waap•, to dll workers ~111pln,,ed in the eucul!Qn of the tontract Holtday 141rs slldll be paid •> \Ptll red 1n the collectOYP IJ••&a1mn11 aereement applt"ble to ••ch pat lttula1 crelt cl.ss1focahon or t'(Oe ot wor~ elT'ployPd on th~ 1•M1ell Nn h•dd•r may wothduw any bod for • period ol '"'i 1601 d1ys aller the dale \ti tor the open1n1 of bids A Payment Bond snall be •eQuore<I p11or l<• e •• ulton nf lllP '"'"act and shllll be 1n !ht form ut torrh 1n the cont•" I dt)t uments Pursuant to Sectton 22300 of Ille Publi. Contract Code the unlract will contain provisions per"'''""£ th• \llfl ts\ful b•ddPr tn \ub\l1tut1 tecuritlu for any monlt\ w1thhtld by tllt OISJRICT lo ensur~ performance under the contract Euh b1d submitted on re•pon\~ '" 1111\ Noltlf! \11~11 conli11n d\ • bid item aOequ•I• \htelrna \hortna •nd bro,1n11 or tQu1valent mttl>vd, fur the protect1n1 of hie and ltmb tn Ir entho •nd npen exc a.•l•on "'h1ch shall conform to apphc;able sal•ty order\ GOVHNING IOAAD, lrlc H. Jett:, C.P.I. Direct•, fncllltle•, Mnlnt•nonce -d Oper..,lon1 Publrshed New Oft Buch Costa Mesa Dail Pilot A ril 29 Me 6 !IJOJ 1114 Policy . w.t IWrtd: llWPOIT-llSA .. SCMOOl lllSTICT Pt+ct._ •t OMS ,_...,.,.. /! 11 r.v .... lllltltda... ......... .,2',20D3,n.HOP1,a.'4tlllcllrV,2a ........... ,.... .. o,..11.. MS ... Sh.tr ..... 1, C.. leM, CA t26t6 (714) U4-7SJO "-t"-.. 0..... ............. .... MM4etlf'Y Metth19/W ... tlir__.,, Mend~to1y meetlns/walkthrou&11 11 scheduled tor Mey 14, 2003 at 8.00" AM Pro.pecllvt bidders ire to meet et Facll1tlH 1nd Operetlona OHICt, Newport Mesa Unified School Ol1lt1CI, 2985 e .. , Street. Bu1ld1na E, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Call (714) 424 7S30 for dat11ls BMIJ wlM not be accepted l1om contractor$ not allend1n1 thts m11t1n1 • NOTICE IS HER£BV GIVEN that the above named School D1st11cl of an11 County. CA. achna by and throu1h th Govern1n1 Board herem1fttr referred to u "DISTRICT." will receive up to. but not liter than the 1bove stated lime, soled bods tor the award of • contract tor the project dncribed IS roam Roof Repatr /Replacement Varlo11s Distrtcl Loc1tions Ther• wtll be• Twenty F1v1 (S 25 00) dollar no11-relundable let requ1rod for tlch set of bid documents Ch,cks should be m1de payable to Newport Mesa Un1l1ed School Dtslr ICI Bods shall be received 1n the place 1dent1hed above •nd shall be opened and publicly 1ead aloud 11 the above stated ttme aQd place In accordance with the provision$ of Calttwn1e Public Contr1ct Code S1c1ton 3300. the DISTAICT reqwes that the bidder PoHtu the lollowin1 ctustfKallon ot contractor s lrcen~• at the lime that the contr•d IS awarded c ... 1racl0< Llceftse Cleu C-Jt No p1ym1nt •hall be made for work or ro•lettal under the contract unless and until the DISTRICT ver1f11s that the Contractor was properly licensed al the time the contract WH awarded Any con Ir utor not so hcenHd 1, •ub .. ct to penaltlllS under the law It the ltcense clau1t1calton specified heretn1bove •s that of 11 •specially contractor· H defined tn Section 7058 of the Cehlornia Business and Professions Code Ille specialty contractor awarded lhr contract tor th" wor~ shell itself construct 1 maionty of the wo•k •n accOfdance with the p1ov1s!Qn\ of Celtlornlil Bu11ness ltnd ProttulOn~ Code Settoon 7059 r11lure tu complete lht wori. wllh1,, the t1m" set forth hereon will result 1n the 1mpo\llton ol 1tqu1d.ated d•maees tor eath da'/ of dellty 1n Ille amount set forth 1n tile "lnformalton tor B1ddel\ • [llCh btd rnu" conform and be responsive to the contr<1ll documents Each bidder sh.ill submit on th• form furntlhed with the contract documents. a 1t1ol of the proposed subcontractors on this proiect as requ11ed by the Sublettina dttd Subfontracl1n11 Fatr Prlllltces Act Governrnenl Code Section 4100 el seq Each btd 'hall be accompanied by a rert1lied r>r cashier s <heck or bid bond on an amuunl not less tll•n ttn 1 IO'fo) percent of the tot•I bid prtce lurnisn • Payment Bond 1n an amount not less lh•n one hundred ( 100 •> perto.nt 01 lhe total bid priu and furnish urt1ftlalts ev1denc1na that the requottd rnsur.Jnce 1s 1n effecl 1n the amounts set lorth 1n the General C~ndtlt •n• In tht: event of l~tlure lo enter into th, conlrltCI end uecute the requ11•d documents such bid .. ~,urtly woll bt torfetltd Tiie Faithful Perlormante Bond shall remain 1n lull forte and l'fftct ttvoul/'t the auarantee per1od as 'pec1f1ed'" the General Cond1t1ons T~e DISTRICT rner.•s the 11aht to dward the btd to '"'"ti than one (1) btddor The OISlHICl rese1ves the 1111ht to rt1ect an'/ ur all btds or to w•r•e an'( 1rte11ula11t1es or mfnrm111tl1es 111 any bids or 1n the b1dd1n11 As requlfed by S•ll•On 177 j of Ille C<1hforn1a labor Cod~ th, Otreclor of the DepArlm,nt of lnduslrtal Re11t1ons uf the State of Calrfornia hes determined th• ~·n••ally preva11tn1 rates ol ••au 1n lhe 10,alltr '" which the work " to bt perlo•med Cop1n of these waee ••le determ1na1tons entitled Prev.,ltn~ W•&e Sule are mil1nt11ned •t the Orstnct Off1te located •I 2985 Bear Slteet Bu1ld1n1 [ Cost• Meu CA 9262& F 1c1hlln Ma1nlenan• • •nd Ofl•r•hons anO .,~ av11leble to any interested party upon requnt Tht CtJnlractor shall post a copy of this dnrumrnt 11 each 1ob site The c••n!rartor and any iublllntr•ctor under 11 ahall pay not less than the sp,c1fted prevA1hn& rates of waars to all worker•, employed 1n the e\tlUl•CJn ''' the 1 ontract Holiday rates shall be paid as wn1f1ed 1n th• calle1 ltv• b•raa•ntni Ai)reement appltc•ble to u• '1 pa•l•tular craft cl1n1f1c.•llon or type nl work rmployed on the protect No b•dder may wtlhdraw 1ny I.rid hr 1 period nf sir ly 1601 days after lhf' dale ul for the open1n1 Ill bid' A Paymenl B~nd slrdll be 1equired p11or to e•e..uhon oll the contract and •h•ll h, in r~e lo•m \et forth tn the contract documents Pursu1nt to S•dton ~2300 ot the Publtc Contrfet Code Ille contract will cont din prov1• • ns perm1lt1n11 the succenful bidder to \ubshtute secur1t1es "" ~ny mM11t' w111111e1d by the DISTRICT to en\urt' perlorman<e under the cont1 •• t (.ch btd suhmotted m re~ponse to th" Notice shall lr>nta1n n a bid item 1d1quat, sheet1ne shor1n5 and brac1n11 or equ1valtnl method tnr lh~ prolecttna '' lolt and lrmb tn trenches and open e.cav11t1on wll1Lh •hall conform to •PP'" .1ble safety order~ GOVERNING IOAaD, lrlc H. Jett:, C.P .I. Dlr•Cf•, fa<IJltlff, Mnlnt-ce ..... O,..ratl""o Pubh5hed New '''Be .. h Costa Meu Dail Pilot rl 29 Ma 6 ;>OOJ Tl ll Ho\\· to Place A Ph t626) 791 6261 The pubhc •• 1nv1t1d to attend Term• are cash only Ownei reserves th<! "lhl lo bid A l"tlfal dHCllC>llOn ol the p109trly betnl sold •Iona w•th the ldenllly of the Octupent 1entm1 the 'P•U are H lollows SPACE NO OCCUPANT PROf'£RTV DESCRIP TION B 276 JAMIE KEENAN. LA MP fURHITURE Ml~C BOXES RADIO TOASTCR OVEN MAT TRESS Publt\h&d Newport BuLh Cosu Me\I Dally Pilot A11r11 29, May 6 2003 1116 FldltiM..._s "-S....... use Tuesd.1y, Apf ~ 29, 2003 -LtpfMallca At I Th• lollow1n1 per\Ons are do1111 buttntll H Harbor South Coast 27 Grotto Ahtl> Vieio CA 92656 R"hard 8 Haler 27 Giotto Altso '119to CA 92656 P1tl1 11.11 M Heley 27 Ct0tto, Alt)O Vieto CA 92656 Th" but•n•" 11 ton ducted by • husb11nd and wife H1Ve vou uarted do1n1 bu1meu yet' Yu • <J 03 Roch•rd 8 H•••r P1trrc11 M H4ley Th" tlahrmenl W•' forn1a9~ MKhHI DIYld Me)'M 1 21332 ~nd Dollet tan~, Huntln1ton Buch C1h torni. 92646 This bu••neu '' to11 due led br an md•v1du.ti Ha-t )'OU ll•ltM doona busone\\ y111 Yu 111 011()2 Mtkl Me'/er T htS •lal1mtnt #IS filed .. uh the Countw Cletil of Of an&• County on 04 1•103 100S6t40U2 Da11r Prklt At>< 22 29 M•r 6 IJ 100.l T 110 filed with the C11unly Tit~ fullr;w1ne pt>r\011) Clerk ol Oranie County I ar• Oo1n~ butiness n on 04/22/2003 Pou Hydrnfo1I lour 940!I 200S6t4 ta I 7 Plattnt•• Unit C. Pia D••ly Pilot Apr 2'J Ma1 <tnl•• l..A ~2870 6 13 20 2003 1999 l<0nn Clem'llon• 9405 Pl'''""' Unit C Pta ten I 1• ('A 9l'870 Thi> tnn~me~~ t\ ton tlu<lerl br art •ndtv•dual li••t V"U ~tarted d<>1nl bu~,1.,,..,.~ y•t' No· Jr.hn C'.lrnrntQos Thi•. -.1.t .. menl *~H tlltd with lhe C<tun11 tlor• rol 011nar Cuunt1 on OJ II OJ 20036'37423 D111, P 1 Apt I~ l2 2"J M•; f, ?00.$ TI04 t ..... , Cou1·tw c;u,,t t In CLASSlflED (949)642-5678 .----Dead lines----.. RaLes and deadlines are ~UbJect to . change without notJce. The publisher : reserves the right to censor, reclassify. : revise or rc1ect any cla..\~1fied : advertisement PleMe repon art) error ·that may be m your cla'>~tfied ad CLASS IFIEIAD ~onda} ................... Fnda} 5:00pm Tue'>da} ................. \fondJ\ 5:00pm 1.mmediatcl). The Daily Pilot actepts no liab1l1ty for any error in an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the ·space actually occupied b)' the error Crcdn can only be allowed for the first mscn1on. ANNOUNCIMINTS & MISC. GARAGE Slll BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2SOS·2490 B\' Fax (9~91 631-651.)-1 t f'lf'&'\C'" 11"k+li.kk" \•lUt f\..lltW' 1n..J 1>h<•te number "'1d .... II <All \VU 11.td ... 11h > f"llC ~U\"f I B, .. Phone • ~qi fM2-5678 I lours 8\ \lai I/In P~r~on: . .no \\.e,t Ba' l\t~et ('o,IJ ~t:\J, (A 4~t>:!7 Ar Ne~pon 81\.d & Ba~ St Fnday ... Thur~da) 5:00pm Saturda} ............. Fnda) HXlpm Telephof)e R 30am-5·00pm \.1ondly-Fnda} Walk-In R 30am-'i OOpm Mond.1)-FnJa\ Sunda) ........ Fnda~ 5 OOpm Y-w11a.c-11 IMllty 1'V sr-. W• have boofllnp IOt 111 t091 .. 1tty bued pro1r1mm111s If yo11 slnL d1nce. 1ct or have 1 ptsslon for bask 1nte1 talntns, pie.,. c .. us TOLL f'ME O-m-1'20 H t 1Q310tt fi- b« E'tUYOK IS A STAR SE ~ 3010-3940 mn • SOOS.5150 Index -~ -. . . r I . --' ~~ ~ Alff/ PAINTINGS 3060 Se•lil•• OlstrllHltnr I Investor Partner lor Prc:uso. Chltpll. MatllM. L~ l!00-834-0091 &..c.i Artist wltll= Art Inventory .- buylls ,. , ... -..... ~ ... Art .......... l1tho1replls, Htlllaa dlstrlbutOI OI ull rllflb 800 Ut 0091 - & f!l!l!t, JiliJ. 7402-7466 MOWSIO 3110 o._.~-... WWWMWl•iilll......._O'I I ...... ""* ....... F.,.,,. llllnll ....._22'J!I ... •• ., b fTllllTWM aA/ ..... kbllll .. ,__ 9e6.J.l.0Ct 1 ••••••••• nieyNe..t'-, "-9...,_Y_OA ,.....0.-.W C.-o.trSlJO. Mt-llt.:SIU ••••••••• •Ra• ,. -..... _., .... MC~,,.,,..,.-, 12 ..... _..,..,, !IMO 714 :7174'50 I i 11 -·••11 I ' 1111• , 1118111 - AYOM. "t11p11-.ur .................... ............ ,.. ..... .,.._ ...... ..., ....... .... ~~ICGJ Linder the Scn·irc Directory Balllll1l' Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S H-e lnseol ....... . Put your compttl8 to worll Step by step nnw '*" time or lull t.nt. f rtt inbmalol I &» 2fiO..a2 (CAL •SCAN) AISOlUTI OOlOMIMI 60 vendtf!S maci.1nes wit.II u cert.nt loc11.10ft• el b Slo,!l> f!2.:M4l82 Rlal&elll '-*" 48 111a1Ya.uon ~ ...... NfM7.4Jr. NtMlfSTAfts PA'fltKK TlNOU NAnoMWIOI USA t 4t-ts+-t70S ww• eattklltenort com llgnllldl NtMI lSfAUS ,ATIKIHNOn UnotfW101 U1A t4•4H-t70S WWW ,.tr ..... len0tO toll\ oc~ t• OCU•YllW ~ .... MfNt-ns~7JU ....-cm .... IHTATU PATIKll.flllOa UncNl ... lfl.A . ......... , .. ... ,amnt ... w ~ W.lD&llY FmUU RfSORT/ VACATD PROPERTY FOR WE - Alt Tuesday, Ae!ll 29, 2003 AESIOENT1AI.. RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Bllbol Peninsula OCEAN VIEW /rrlrne ........ llr !lo, tp, &ar .. prk&. n/smka/pels, $1,550/mo. 949-300 8450 ............ Clean, quiet. Jbr. Iba, new c:rpt/pnl, Ip, """~pr.~ SZl!r> +dee Agt 949 c22 6611 Corona del Mar Stv4Je w/lulchelte, 12 bath, brW'I. cpen, p\11 en1r, So of Pch. $l2lml lnCd uth .. 94'}.SJJ ~12 .. ~beam eels, 1850sl, slr.yloahts. ~:·~~ HAU OCEAN & IA Y VllWS 28r 2Ba m1ddl• duptu. I c encl a•r $2795mo 714 998 0948 "NOTICC TO REM>CRS Calltorn11 law r• qu&-n that contrec tors talunc )obs th1t total S500 or more (labof Of mateuats) be licensed by the Conlractort Stale llcenie Board Slate llW also requlfes that contractor~ tnclude their lteen51 numblf on 11l 1MIYertrslne. You c1n check lh• status of your licenud contr1c to11-at www.calb.ca.aov or 800·321 CSLB. Unll· cenwd contractor1 !air.Ina fobs that tot1I lau lhtn S!'>OO must slala In their adwertlnmenli that they are not llcensed by the Contrectors Stata llceMe 8-d • ...... .......... IWlft••MIW IC*'*'/ a./.._., M91'& ....... ..._ __,, vs.te w · qpr. Newp«t leech Peninsula Studio ,..,,.,. S..... ._ T,,..._ Apartments avail Act Sq .. 55 twy Cozy, qi-. $700·$950949-673-7800 n:f plllo, lilD'¥. P. ........ Penhuule Point lbr no pet S750 949-642-2818 Iba. nice turn, peek e .. ., .............. lbr w/d, patio. y•d, 302 Monte VtSta Ave #(j, rl/pets $865/mo 949-631-7• ts &.-.ty o-4 C---'ty llr '" • w/pvt p, "'Ii-walk to frl·S<, $895,' mo Wilttt/lrash pad. Kllwl ~ment m 704-8649 [d 9200 EASTSIDE 28r hc>uw-lncd yard, PET QI( W/O hool1111>· OW Bl 11nc•/oven mile 11ar aee Watw /trash paid· $1475. ssoo dep-S250 pet 714 54$-0442. Gr-' E'slcle ltlr, 2.51• Twhhs, 2~ 1ar. pool/spa. n/pet/smk av11t 4/25 $1800m ls.e 949.955 3156 like .... llt.r 211• ........ L11hl & b11ahl. quttl cul de u c, ocn breezes C•n'Jon Perk $2100/mo 949-642·5443 Newport Beach •Yua.LY11t U ASIS Bill GRUNDY R£Al TORS boo Ba'/ View. ut1I met aet $1350 949-673 7800 HALI Off bt MO IENT tor move 111 May IX! w/l2 nto lease. Newly remodeled Cllpe Code $tylt community w/new lllJPS, c:.pet & CfJl'lllTllC tile. W-.sltel /dryer. dishwasher & retrleentor 1ncludtd inside apt. IBr $1095.·2Br $1445. (714) 6S3-7St2 .. c.r.t lwthlm. ~ l.5ba pebo, airnm ~ nu paint. tie. arp, 2 c pr, act $UO> 94%73-JID> Newly remod 2br 2ba condo, 2 c ear. pallo, wd, no pet/smk Avail 6-1 Sl950tst 949 759 1344 "'V9. ........ La 2Br 2Ba. cin rm. b9lc, 1Ell0sf, 2c: Pf1ll. ~ Wiii! ID bdl. $2IXXlrn. ~598-9347 s..,. .. ...... ,i1y rantll. 2 mm stes. ~ ocn vu ~.Ip, pr, no pet .. S24XI ~JID> 9'9-675-6 161 God.I. -...... ....... UDO Ylill.Y LEASE 3ba home, 2-+ar ... pnv Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS pabO. mmm pool Yr lie 949-675-6161 S2925-'now~ . RF.AD THR I.FAD Both \'1llncnil>lc. South deal . ltlCt for 12 ll'icb in ~ NOR11i •J762 v AU o Jf •AQ'3 W&tt !Mt,. ObvlOUSly, the problem 1' IO 1void IW bean to.en. Si.nee the oocoiJ11. ae.cJ altnCl5I NrCly pi..c. the (1111 ot chlbr. wilh Ea&t. dee~ can win with the ace, dn11r tNlllpl lllld then set up I dub with I n1m111 nncue IO ~ care. of one bean. lf Ea.1 hokJa the kin& Of bean.Ji llll \\'elf. 12 Irids arc lbere f~ the llklna. Howc~er. &Ince Hast has toqg clubs. 11 i.~ likely lh:lt w~ bas 1on, hearts and so i• t-f avorit.c to hold the killj. •43 •15 o KHH o It 0 Q 188 "J <> 1' 5 ":J •Kl76542 SOUTH •AK Q 10 9 Declarer ruse with the ace of club!! and dn:1w tsumps in two rounds, end- ing on dlc table. After niffin& 1 club, on wbkh Wesi ~ 1 diamond. the ace un<l kfog ol diamonds were c'a.\hed and a diamond was ruffed. both defenders followin,. Now 12 of East'~ canh wcte knOwn -two i.Pildes. three diamond5 11nd 11even clubs. It made n<fdiffemice whether tht 13th card is a llCAl1 or a di.amood -the cooltllet could be claimed Q Q872 o AK2 • 10 The bidding; SOUTH Wl£.\'T .. .... 4¢ .... 46 ,_ ,. .._ Operung lead: Jack of • Declarer led a heart from dummy . Tiie greal Terence Reese once wroce: ·'Tilere ·~ no such thing as a blind opc:rung leiicl !" ln 1 good game. thetc is a lot IO be &leaocd by both the defmdcn and declarer from the btd- ding and the card ~ Nonb'i jump 10 tbrcc ~pades WL'> :a limit rme, showmg 10-12 poinb anti four<a.rd trump suppon. South cue bid the diamond cootrol in rei.pon'ie and. after !WO further COOU'Ol-~hoW· ing bids fTQm North. elected to coo- If 001 produced ~ king, thal WIS that If WI dtscarded ~ folJo....,ed wuh • low bean. South W0111d ilUCtt the SC\'Cn to eodplay West If East played 1hc ttn or jack. declarer .. -ould ro"er to endplay WC!il again. A hea/t alto-.~ dcclwu to lincs<i.e the nine. On a duunond lead. declarer ruffs in dummy. discarding a heart. ruffs out the king of club\ and can dh.card another heart oo the nme or clubs No matter what, the dcfcndcn. would ~·ore only one bean tru.k. '9 Hr 2.sa. In 1•ted comm, wxool, spa+ private yar • $3000/mo. Acenl 949 856·9705 $3750/"'• (lyr be) Jbr, Jba, Char mlna 2 sty home on Lido Im. 2 cir iar & WOflr.s/lop, fplc 111 l .R. & ~tr Bdrm, 1/2 bill walk to bch & Pf'Vt clubhse, new palnl/crpl Avail 5/15. Ho !M!IS. pp (949} 6'2-4494 Rentals Wanted 7880 AUTOMOTrYE SALIS Immediate openone H11h1tne NB dealership " loot.me 101 mollvated, drtven & eaperoenced sates professional E• cellent pey ' btnellts faa res. 949 721 8808 0... ,...1t1-lor Pr ml & Graphic Dcs11n Tech rtcal ~ Sttid ,__ to hr@1tss pr1n1tna com Publish Inc ... OMOTIONS DlrAaTMENT Community ~s In Or.,. County Sft4<s full Time P«10f1 to 111\t!l'Vll!w end write stor-. p111hc1· pale In commUntty events. crult and ~tnllt P3i'!S incl HCtlons. lxcellenl communlcaUon slttlls, work wd with the publlC. Know AP Style, Qu•kXPress, PtlOtoshop, Molt• Ad C.e- alor. Proficaent on MAC and PC, CCI dfsi11n e•penence preferred Prootreadlrc lest On11 ~reQl#ed. EOE. E ac:ellent benefit ~· Ema• resume. ~~and sal8ry r equirements lo t.na.pllmon@&m-nes.com ft ,. ,,,,..._ ...... Busy Newport 8each Real Estate office SIO per Iv Fu resume to 94~75 2127 .............. 11 I 1 l)ll'SOf1 Office PT (4-5) $10 per IT F11 res.me lo ~2127 Join Ulll"f111 FluDdal Group, ll rltpldlY. txpllndln_g .. Naltonal MOrtoage JMXER. it our downtown long Buch location As a dlrtd mortt ... ltflder we offer Immediate In-house undet'Wrihng and an Incredible processing team that allows our IOins to close within 3 days. Hallds on dtrect trilnmo wM the latest m mor1gage lechnology 1llows our sales taam to earn large ~o~%~ru8 spedr\#11 of products that :15~~~ With 2• ytm experience Wilt find our managemtnt path an exceptional opport\IWly Call 1-Ml-Z62-1344 or Faa your mumt to 7oa-t71-1427 JOIN OUR TEAM and mike 1 difference. In th• Cahfornta Almy National Cua1d you can ·1et money !Of colle1e and career lralmn1. Call I 800 CO -GUARD . (CAL•SCAN) JOISI ..I09SI JOUI Now h•nn&/testina for m3. free caJV141 to $18.lShr. paid tralntne/full benefits.. l-877·J09.2449, ext 645. (CAI.~) Automobiles 9000 Autom«ive 9004 ACUIA UGEND LS '9 2 all powef. auto, sunroof. lthr. cd player, newer ltres. ertal cond $6500 Oay" 949 466 9771 or eves 714 389 9794 A .... I '99 A4 Owettn 2.8 V6, 29k M:t111I m1, euto, ~arllhn1 red/lf•Y lthl. 111nrt, CO. looks ' smelli nt1w V456721 $17.99!> f1nancm1 avlll, Blr.1 949-516-Ull -··~.C- HOME, HEALTH AND BUSINESS ~ ...... ~ERVICE ...........,...,..,.._ Svc. Tu prep•ralt0n. QtDBoalu -..... ,... .,,..., e19fd 9&~ car,entry A • l HAJIDYMAJI Install, reface cabinets. ~darn/wnl!Ms inodrJ. 0oi.., n~7258 • w;tu.u,. • Cuslom ButlHns. Crown Moldtnp, Bue Boerds l'5 77982 949. 709-S642 C.,et Repair/Sales ~R-'1CMPIT-A- l#HOJAE £ lllSl#ISS •n~ UwadH. Repan of Compulw. NelwoOls . E vemnp/Weebnds Competitive prices IOf qu1hty SlfYte 94t ... u -1115 714-t26-42U CGftCRtl & Masonry lrklc lledt S.._ TU. Concrete, Patio, Ortvtway Fireplc. BBQ. Rers 25Yrs hp. Terry 714.557.7594 ~ Rep1lrs, Patcllln1. lnst1ll NID •ottl IOOM? Courteout .. any size lobs. AOOfTllNS " RDOlEUNG Wholesalel 949 492 0205 lt577982 949·709·5642 FIND I I 0 N YOU.NOMI ..... OVIMllfT rttOJKT? Cell I plumber, palntw, llanctyman, °' ~, ol the peel l*''tllces llstad lief• In -urvke dtrtctoryl TitESl LOCAi.. SVC P'{Of'\.E CAH HE.lP YOUTOOAYI Actl•11ll11• llectrlt lr~tJnc specbtl~t OOUGHDTY UOTHOS .. ~No ;ob loo sm. L'515863 n~1~ n. r..i Tou:h Snct L961 Lntape frwe Stor.. ~ AMerke -·· llcenied Elect11cal ContractOf Small lobi 1tartln1 1t $79.ts&.,.. Spect1tlun1 \n Rtmodthna" all home wwtn1 nffds, Comm/lnduit/Rn l..-00Aa97-10N l IJ1f.29'\9 UCINSID CONTUCTott No ~too sm. NA -~ Repair, remodtl. fa~A ,.....w.wc9&646.- Aoortnt'f11e lewntl lewn ~ ~Ina en, Troo trc. Sl>f lRS fune•ups, ltep11ra I UP8"lllfH "H1111e u1 •rout Dltt.t Wot " 1"•7U~tHI tnsl/Rep11r 714 791 8746 THl DtfHllNCI llTWllM IUUTIFUI. & (JtQUlSITL. . ...,....,_,_, •JhMT .... •o....,.&i_..~ 949-SU-H24 Tr•• S.rvke, Y1rd Clfoanup, Maintenance, Sprlnklet Rep1lr, Haulln& (949) 6SO..a7a I HandymarV Homo Repair Clm.U. ll1All 6JWN'l'E1WU * Wlmlil. O:llmmW o Joh 1bo Sm4ll Daft R...Utoe 949-.J2~8292 co•nmHo•t MA.l#TfltAIKI Ho )ob too smallt Ever.,th1n1 from C.ptrltry ID Plllrltq Frtt estimate c.n•-"r f4'-1H-16U &.RC--... ,..,..,, Cerpmlry • Pkambln& Oryw.iiU • Stucco Ptllnllna. Tile ' mon ~ Ytats El1>«itf1Cel JI 714-969-577• JISSEY MUM'S. llOME•llAa UICIAIJST RtHonai.le Pric.- l<l y,. Upetienc:e tn .. traOe&. Spedalvlfll ill rttJct.nllal Int/Ht. 714-SOt-64M ~ IOllllSO .. COMPA .. Y ~W .. e.h- M•k 9411 6$0 9525 Tifl MADYMAll All wor11111.era!'t.M4 ,....,..... C1te'lbl. !loin, fNll c:p *--~ ...... .-. TO THI DU•lll 714 9611812 AVAILA8lf TOOAY1 949 fi7l 5564 -........ ....... ~AUTO v ..... , ...... , ~Only (19292) ·-•WS4m~'99 Slv. w/lllac* lthr, tlf"el::CIOl't ciJtar -=-.. ws·~­ .i Biia W/s~ .ulo-prtm (19240) 126. IMWJUl~'eO wtllta wl81Kll ltfv.CO player-4211 milts (l~) S22,91Wl.. •WMS~'eO Black oo lmmac Blldl lthr. lOll ml, l owner (19297C) $59,99). ~~·T SM'~ tihr·low mles-Upower. (181mp $14,980. ............ ~'01 · Ont Own. Only l<».MI (19151C) '59,980. J..,._XUC-.'99 8ntlsll R.anc c;,..., w,.1an lttw. only 221( mies.a> stack• (19289) SJ9.9llO. Merce4.hm 230Sl'M Tha 11 I real a.sslc. Rid w/Tan leather Both to,n-4 tpetd. ( 18683) $21,980. MUM&.QO'OO lOfins« Body .. Eahaust ""' (19348) $29, 980. ......... T ..... , ....... ,,..,... Hurry tor these !*'feet low IJ'lile1Jt, local ont1 owner nmos LIASl.-IUY 949-574-7777 ~AUTO ........ _ lwlck lee4 Meater ~ ... va. 47'K actw1 "'~ • ., lllw, cnome whls, premium sound. btautJtul cw. unnwMd condrbOfl. c•. rl/~ 1111792412 SJ,99!;00 949-sa.-llU ..... , ··- CAOIUAC CATQA 'ta 6 eyl. al, ac:, ltlw. l/pWf. sunroof. utendtd w•• $10.500 562-397-7155 Ce4llec c.t-'91 l51r., Metalhc Bur11andy Red. Oatmeal ltht, Ch• onie Wh'eets Buutltul 0111 c:ondH1on, $8 ,99!> vm572412 949 S86 1888 -.•cpeill.c- Clvyaler S.llrln9 ("""'. Jll '00 3711, V6, Metelhc 11 een, Grt'/ Int, Black top, Buutltul hke new LOOdtllon $10,995 vilt872412 949-586 1888 -.ecpea.1 ...... DODGI NEON '2000 SOii• m1, IOOK la<. warr, 5 sp, blue, l'•Y interior am Im ed. i-i Uf1'n cond Sf.Hi """' fin ... 8lu Wl457'l2 949 5116 18811 -,.,_ D ..... •tt V•,99«· 7 pass. wll1ta/1trtJ int. pvt 111n, 1ara11d, non smkr, hke new cond v457275 $549!> Bkr 9l'J 586-L888 www ocpalM com fenl nT Van '97 15 pas• xlnt cond. Ml/fm/~cd \11\/dlld. 2 '°-SI O,<mt obo !M9 n:z 1247 alt• !> H.weO.-......... 'd Wkly/Bi wkly/Monthly Rers Creal retest lmekl.t 9&.548-42815 9&Z78®7 .. . ' ..... um.I tu.. dllrw'c 3¥ .,.,. bbnl. cu IUPPlltll 71 4-444-41 "3 T-'• (~ "--• a--. Tc*' Nit. CMn ....,_ M Wlll1' cbw by -... ,... 91M?l 7.U. McMng & Storaoe llST MOVutS $st /HI servtna 111 cihn. Insured fa,I, c.ou1teou1, c.,eful f163844 800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Tht C1llf. f'Ubllc: UtlhtlH C11mmlsslon r•quifes lh1l ell uMd houuhold 10011• movers rrlnl lhtlr P.U.C Ca T num.bw. limos ind a:llautfeu,.. pr 1111 their T C P nvmbet In an edvlf llseffttnts.. tt 'tOU have any qvntlons aboul tlle le11llty of • rllOW•r, llmo or chauffeur. cell PWl.K UruntS <CNllllSIMNI .,, ..... , CREYIER , . ~ ·-... ' -... ., • 0200.1 11tcm·BRG· leathlr ' Premiml ~G. LEASE FOft i1~ PER MONTH + TAX 1 Al Tia Terms On ~Otte! Credit ······•········ OTlf.R AT SltlM SAYINGS! •·· ... +.98e 13780 due et sl1nln1 48 month closed end luse no security "ffpOSit, lOK miles per· year. Elcess mites@ .20e per m11e.(TC:4Z279) ......................... LEfSMOTOR! IT'S FlW •••••••• S5 FREIWAY @ £ll«D SANTA ANAAIJTO MIU (188) 823-9808 ...,._. OOYSSIY '96 1 owner. &ood cond. two ....... ~.~ color. ltlw int. 6 ~ $10,(m ')49. 760-0171 c.l"-'-1 -.-00 XU C-. Dtrlr. MelaNIC Red, Tan lthr mt, Tan top, cd, 11111 llM:t wan. lantaslc l•e riew Ofi&llWll c;OOd Save S3Slt S37.995 ftn. avail. vlnAOJ070 949-586-1888 llW oe.olll 'M White, c:wry 'CHWtltJon, 1 OWMt, l45QOO jlfiYale pa1t1949-722·1353 ~-.... a-.. &cyl, 2 wd, 3la actual ml. 1tlnt /1rey Int, alloys, fabuloua IM MW unmetlr.ed cond, 4-y~~ WWf _., '11SITJJ llJ,M mn Iii-. 949 58&-lUI --~··'­..... .._. ... .__, LE 5811+ ml. wlli11/t1n llhr, dual mnrl, b11u tlful ot11. J YH• warr •l(•il, SU,995 vf757624 Bro~•• 949 586 1888 --er--la.c.la 'Ol ....,....w n mi, full t1ct warr, silver aand/t1n llhr, CO stacker, chrome whls, ulra seat, v672518 S27,99S firm, fin " warr 1vall Blr.r 949-586-11188 -.ecp ..... - Mffce4•t '99 SJ20 LWB 5211 ml. 3 yr warr av.II, sllvtt/bl" lthr, beaut 0tla cond, v875241 S25.49S fina.nclna 1vt1I 8kr 949-!)86.1888 -~-POISCMI '99 CAallU Artie Sliver m1t1hlc. all ttht ar•phlt• pey inttr. pWY' Mets. hf· II sound syslem w/am·fm CO. lo·jec 61< ml, I owner, 1wa1td. lmmKulate. $54,500 949-675-2869 T •pte Cr.nl4e '117 pxl s-'11. no ac, 10 c:d Slseo, runs d1t, _., r ..... $256() 714-m.9150 SELL your stuff through classified! BOATS Powlrlolll 151, '91 lift Mft.U new double HI of bettlfl!!, prof't maintained '8.•~, 949-'7J-09JS BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES IOATSUS/ MOORlt6S/ lMJNCHING/ STORAGE U tanSUPAVALUU IN NIWPOllT llACM $2SOOLIASI 94t-S00-100S C111'1111•lo 1t1tull tlto11 rqolrjobs oro•M lllt ltout ~ ut tlat Clarifit4 Stnkt Dirtctory Jatlp JD•/iM rtlicbltltt . PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section t o find services from electronics and plumbers, t o landsca pers and painters. NfWPORT B£AC 11 • COSTA MESA Daily Pilot Classified Community M arke tplace a.-.·· ...... ll'fn. !!JC> Crut Pr1cet Cu•anlffd wOfi. free ~st l•375602 714 538 1534 7 390 2945 Jeyse.' ............ Top Quahty. Compet1t1ve lnter1e1t/Eal L'648228 Cell lay 949 650 5066 RAIMIOW c.<11 IUINT P amttna tnVut. Hauw'lopt Quahty )Ob' frM nbmate L•569897 714 6.36 8888 your stuff ttvough classified I Plumbing ... Plumb1n1 repa1n. OYlf 25yrs up AU WOflr. p.w n-1. si.ve 714 ~ ltOMlST & llASOMMU PLUM8£R ll506586 r rw uu Siii r..-n ocrrcu Dl'Ic. 714 zr> 9150 PHCISI rt.UMllNG Repairs" Remodellna FREC ESTIMATE Ll687398 714 !169 1090 SEWll Al9IUllO.U. {949) 645-2152