HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-29 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2003 Newp.ort"submits coa'stal plan to state City officials turn in draft of plan that will enable them to make decisions that the Coastal Commission makes now. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Q ty officials have taken another step toward issuing their own coast.al development pennits Police arrest suspect in assault Authorities say Costa Mesa man was involved in attempted murder of a 15-year-old boy. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Police offlCials on Mon- day arrested one of two men they say stabbed a teenager several times on April 15. by submitting a draft or their Local Coastal Plan to the state's coastal panel City leaders handed the plan to the California Coastal Commission on Fri- day. following more than a year of com - munity input and fierce debate over a roughly 150-page document that would set development standards for the coastline and public beach access. The city submJned the first draft of the coastaJ plan, which updates an earlier plan certified in 1990. The final plan is due June 30 in accordance with state law. Officers arrested Juan Gabriel-Cam~ 20, of Costa Mesa. on suspioon of assaulting a 15-year-old ~walking near 19th Screet and Wallac:e Avenue at about 9:45 p.m. April 15, Costa Mesa U. Dale Birney said. Police are still looking for the other man, See ARREST, Pace A4 Instead of offering broad or sweeping new regulations, Newpon Beach's pro- posed coastal plan mostly collects and docwnents existing material, said Councilman Tod Ridgeway, the chair- man of the commlttee that crafted the plan. "We just never put all the pieces 10 - gether," Ridgeway said about the need for the plan. "'This (plan) really put'> ii all together." The new plan incorporates the Upper Newpon Bay regional preserve and a handful of new beach access point!> dot· ting the ciry. ln January 2002, the Cily (.ouncil ac- cepted a S-foo1 walkway lining Newport Harbor in front of 1he Cannery Restau- rant. In the past, Ridgeway has said he'd like to see it used a'> a 1ourii.1 walkway stretching from Udo Village to the Bal - boa BayOub. Nineteen other walkway'> have been identified in the plan to fall under the city's jurisdicuon. If thcy were not in- cluded, they would revcn back to pri- vate propeny owner.,h1p Also notable. the plan doe-.n·1 offer ON THE RAILROAD any .wrung lhange--111 the w called Banning Ranch property. wh1ch tS marked for development. ~upponer!. of the Orange Coast Rlvcr Parle. a large re· gional open space prujeu that couJd in elude the unincorpo rated area, have called for a rezoning uf the land. The plan also dot''> not mclude the Newport ( .O.t'>l region '>mn· that area al ready ha'> a toa'>tal plan in plal e The '>Idle ( oa-.tal Au of 1972 reqwrt"> c1tie'> alon>; 1lw Cll l'.tll 10 crea1e '>Ul h See COASTAL. Pa&e A4 ., ENVIRONMENT Six trees damaged by A miniature train loaded with passengers heads through the mustard-covered hills o1 Fa1rv1ew Park tn Costa Mesa. • pruning Costa Mesa company begins artificial blood trials Why liquidambar trees on San Miguel Drive were over-trimmed is still a mystery, officials say. FDA a pproves Synthetic Blood International Inc. 's request to begin drug trials for Oxycyte, a fake blood that could be used in a short-term capacity. June Caaa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Oty staff are try- ing to ftnd out why ~quidambar trees on San Miguel Drive n Ford Road were so severely trimmed Iha may not re- cOYer. The city trees were cropped far doser than city standards allow while contractor West Coast Arborist was trimming 111 SM TREES, Pqe M Paul Clinton Daily Pilot C05'TA M1:SA -Biomedical start-up Synthetic Blood lntemational loc. has pinned down an approval from the Fed- eral Drug Administration for drug trials for artificial blood The company. which mOYed from Ohio to Costa Mesa in 1998, announced the approval April 21. By August. Syn- thetic Blood will begin a dvee--pbue testing program of Oxycyte a liquid per Ouorocarbon. If it gains ultimate approval from the FD\ Ox)cyte is expected to be used for THINKING ALLOWED Conversations with a certain Costa Mesa councilma.n trauma victims. stroke survivors and other patients who need oxygen in their blood stJeam quickly. "It picks up oxygen and sends it to the tissues... said Robert Nicora, the company's president "'It can mimic the function of blood in an acute, short- tenn way.· The synthetic blood. which would be sold to hospitals. doctors and other health care °prOYiders, would also be c::heapa than the cost of hwnan blood. Right OO't'4 the American Red Qo.ss supplies blood for transfusions for $175 per 400-milliliter bag. ~ other costs can drive the per-bag cost to be-- Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~COO'l WEATHER -- The tun wm domlMta. S.PlleA2. SP.ORTS CdM beubelt r.aled pm Celv9ry ~'°Widen b Pldftc:C09M ~ IMd.. .. ,...,. FORUM Guy Hebert deaJ 1111 .. .,_..... 2·1--...,, ......... ~ S500 and St,000. The synthetic blood would cost less than SSOO. Nicora said The syntheoc blood could also be used with any blood type; in essence. it would act as uruversal 0 -type blood. he said. Synthetic blood abo tw a two- year shelf life. Nkora said Hwnan transfused blood lasts 40 days. Arell Shapiro. Hoag 1 tospitals director of transfusion medicine. said artific:ial blood could prove benefioal at times. "'They're good.· she said. "These d~ wouJd have some uliliry in certain clinical siruations. • Nicora admowledges the tUMtles.. which are similar to early resistance the that have e~resscd interest Ul sigrung a madteu.ng pact With Synthetic Blood 10 sell the vl8ls of syntheoc blood. "It will not be an msignificant mar keting challenge.· N1cora S8ld ·But most b1g-phann comparues that haw shown an mte~ feel it can be done.· The company is also devdopmg Auorovent. a liquid ventilation product. and another drug product. The company expects to spend a.s much as $120 million to develop an thrtt. N1cora saKl Royalties could bring lo as much as $2 billion for the first ~ ymn aftrr the ttUft products are on the mmket. medical commwlity had to pecemak-• fWJl aMTON coven the erMronmerc. ers. buslnell .00 pofltiea He ~ be ruched Nicora said he has already hekl dis· • (949) 76M.D> or~~ at cus.siom with several large drug makers paut clinlon•lattne..oom. THANKS, MOMI Trial set for ABOUT MOTHER'S DAY fire pit case Moma do it ell. Celebme your mother by ~ng • pereg,..ph Of' two shout why your mom'a ao gl'Nt and • Family suing Newport photo to the Deily Pilot tot publication on Mother's Day. Beach for injuries to Send• SASE ff you want the photo "9tUmed toddler in 2001 will go to pc)9(~. The coun June 23. cWclhle for tnt1* .. Fridey. Send Yo4.tt ._..to Mod* .. Dey, Deity Noc. 330 w. Bev Jnec ... ,,._. St.. COIUI Meee 12S27; fN to Oa91yf>aot (Mt MM170; 0t......,.... to ~~1naam. NEWPORT BEACH -A trW le . BOAT SHOW ~ to bqprt Mw 23 In the c:.i ol a toadlet ~ in a In ph In 2CJOI The ,.., :pot't ln-W.W ao.e t Corona dell Ms sit.le BeecK The fam8y olMMa)la ..... "*" Sl'UW .... "'~ todl¥ the c:hy ban UI~ ....... •· """"~ 400 bollll. ... thlll lhe...... ,_.. • J ....... Al ....... permmn ,.,,, jl ...... - -------------------------- t . ............ ..,.._ .. ,, . A2 Wednesday, Aor~ 30, 2003 Datt Pilot -. LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS · AvalonBay Communities Inc. of Newport Bead) has named Sean Bfeslln vice president of • lnvestmencs for the West Sean Breslin Coast and Matthew Wlnsrygas development director for the Southern California region. The company is in the business of Matthew developing. Winsryg redeveloping. acquiring and managing luxury apartment comrnupities throughout the United States. Breslin comes from a background in the investment industry, and Winsryg has experience in real estate development. Both hold degrees from Southern California colleges ... Kristine Jo Harrington. a Davidson College senior from Newport Beach, was recently selected to be included in "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities.· Students are i.elected as members of "Whos Who" by staff, faculty and fellow students based 'on outstanding service, leadership and scholarship. I larrington is a 1999 graduate of Newport Harbor High ... In December, Jared Michael Kluver of Costa Mesa graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in management information systems ... Army Pvt. Nicholas J. Bohr, son of Joe Bohr of Costa Mesa. has graduated from One Station Unit Training at the U.S. Anny Infantry School In Fort Benning, Ga Nicholas graduated from Alta Loma High School ... Army Pvt. Antonio Cambel08, son of Jose L and Marla Camberos of Costa Mesa; has graduated from the light-wheel vehicle meehanic advanced . individual training course at Ft. Jackson, Columbia, S.C: He is a 2002 graduate of F.stancia High School in Costa Mesa ... Jan D. VandenlootofNewport Beach recently won a conservation medal from the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution on April 23. Vandersloot was honored foe her work. on environmental issues such as protecting wetlands, costaJ habitat, ocean water quality ana tree protections ... Torrance Scott Cullen of Corona del Mar recently qualified for the dean's list at Babson College in Wellesley, Mass ... Ensign Middle School eighth-grader Andrew Ward won the Blue Ribbon Essay Contest for his age group and was awarded it on April 2 a kickoff foe the Blue Ribbon Olild Abuse Prevention Campaign ... Kelly R Freeman of Newport Beach, a Dartmouth College student in the clasS of2005, studied Italian in Siena this fall as part of the College's l.Jlnguage Study Abroad Program. About 65 % of Dartmouth undergraduates take advantage of foreign study opportunities. • NEIGHBORS spotlights adlievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy lnfonnation to Coral Wilson by fax at (9491 646-4170, or send e-mail to corsl.wilson@latimes.com. DUI ARRESTS These people have been arrest6d recently on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant. They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as wffh all suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA MONDAY Juan Chaqueco-Flores, 20 Leonard Michael Bravo, 26 SUNDAY Michael John Clari<, 19 Daniel Ralph Alterio, 38 SATURDAY Dante Gomez, 23 Rafael Antonio Mendoza, 23 Isidore James Brooks, 37 Ryan Alexander Crawford, 22 Leah Michelle Hollenbedt, 21 SamuelVasquez,34 Pedro Villoso, 23 Gerald Lynn Wilson, 22 FRIDAY Kavin Jean, 20 ....;> Heidi Helen Hart, 42 Filiberto Aguilal'-Rivera, 35 Jacqueline Elizabeth Braun, 26 Adriana Maria Pareja, 21 Demetri Gutierrez-Alonso. 22 Gary Craig Comellus. 61 JMURSDAY Emily Marie Rollins, 20 WEDNESDAY Leann Maria Hendersen, ~ Angela Alexis Bruno, 19 TUESDAY Jennifer Ann Carr, 27 NEWPORT BEACH SUNDAY Jedd Stephen Char1es, 37, Seal Beach Joseph James Ryan, 54. Costa Mesa SATURDAY Patrick Dennis Calkins, 23, Irvine Jennifer Amy Catellier, 28, Long Beach Richard Joseph Cincotta. 23, Newport Beach David Gregory Galbraith, 23, Huntington Beach Denny Mclarry, 65, Las Vegaa FRIDAY Edward Francis Eaton, 44, Newport Beach Abban John Grey, 39, Coto de Caza WEDNESDAY Katrina Bowen Harris, 27. Costa Mesa Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 120 ntOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDODERO Editor JUDY OETTINO Advertising Dlreetor LANA JOHNSON Promotiooe Dlr'9d0r EDn'WO ITAff Ll.c.ttn Managing Editor, (9'9) 67.M233 •J.cM'ln• lat1mH.com .....,..,...., City Eclclor, ,.,~ ~,,._•,..,,,._com Jote.A. ...... Alt Ointd« I Newt Detlt Chief, t1Mtl57~2A /OH ... fJIOf•ledtMe.com ... Meel-.I. Ptioto~. ,..,,.. .. lil:ft""°""•~ com H9wl EdltoN • Gina Alexander. Lon Ander9on, Dani91 HUnt. Paul SeltoWltz, Oani.t Swvene Nl'WSITAR= Cl'lrM~~reoonar. (948)57~ dellf».bhar-Wi•l.rim.uom JuneC...•• Newport 8"dl reportA9r, (948) 6?.M232 J11"""CH1111rMK#eJatl,.,.,...com ...,.CIMlon P'olltklt, bullMlll end •nvlronn'*lt ~. (149) 7&4-4330 f»U/.cl/MonOIMI"* com ~ ..... Columnllil. cult\119 reportA9r, , .. )57441271 lolli..,,.,,_•1.am..oom ~--­coaM.u~.(IM9)~21 dtlird,...~•l#lti,,,...oom Qalllli4C..... Edu~ tepe)fW, CM) 174-4.291 ~·/MJrrw..ootn ,·'FOR A GOOD CAUSE Nancy G·ar.dner Making others aware of water quality_ i$sues W hen Newport Beach residents think of the Surfrider Foundation, they thinlc of Nancy Gardner. The longtime local environmentalist's name is practically synonymous with Sucfrider and a host of water-quality causes near and dear to the city's heart. When Surfrider held its ~50 in Five" rally on Coast Highway at the mouth of the Santa Ana River on Sunday, Gardner was there. When City Council members convened to hear a heart-felt pitch for an Orange Coast River Park. Gardner was there. too. When local high school students are conducting their own water-quality tests, her mark is visible there, too. It's all for the cause of assuring water quality, she said. "If we're going to ask other cities in the watershed, places like Santa Ana and 'I\Jstin, to help care for the water, then we have to set an example." Gardner said. "If we can say that those of us in the cities light at the water are doing everything we can. that's all the more reason for others to do some, too." The SO in Five campaign is Surfrider's plan to reduce poDutants at the mouth of the Santa Ana River by half in five years. Gardner said that public awareness is job one because it helps Surfrider win financial support from govemmenttftgencies, nonprofit foundations and private donors. and because-it helps individuals become aware of bow their everyday actions can make or break local water quality. Gardner, a noted surfer In the 1960s and '70s, helped fQund the Newport chapter of the Surfrider Foundation around 1990 along with Matt Gadow. In that time, she said, the dynamic between the city and Surfrider has changed dramatically. FILE PHOTO/DAILYPILOT to wolk with." "They don't just look at us like a bunch of surfers. they know we've got our act together," said Gardner, who has reduced bee water activities to bodyboard.ing in the summer ... And the city has become s0 aware and enlightened. They're wonderful The goat of Swfrider and of all her water-quality efforts is to help people understand their role In preserving the marine envirorunent they're part of the problem, so they can be part of the solution," she said. "1bat's why we always need to work for more awaren~· Cot..a W1'8on New. auittant. (949) 574-4298 coral.wllsonO/atlmes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hillef, Don Leactt. Kent Trepcow AEADERS HOTUNE (9491 642-«>86 Record ycxir comment.t about me Delly Pilot or newt tlpe. Addr.-e Our 9dd,... le 330 W. Bay Sc., Costa M .... CA 92627. Offtce hour• .,. Monday Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 6 p.m. eon. rdolle It la the Pilof• policy to promptly correct all anora of •ubstlnce. Plene call (IMS) ~4. FV1 TM ~ BNcM:om Mela Deity Piiot (USP$ 144«>0) i. publlat4d d111ty, In Newport 8-d'I itld Co9t,a Me9t, tubtertphOM .,. avel4Mle ontv by ~becflblng to The T1mM Ofqe CouMy (8001 ~.t'41. In.,.... cwtai. of Hewpolt IMch end Com M-., ~IS to die 0.lly Piiot are .,,....,._only by tif9t ~mall fOf 830 PfJf montft, (Prioea lndudt all aippfk:able .... and local JaXM.) flOSTMAS'TER. &.nd addf-~TMNewpon ,_... O.lfv Piiot. P.O. MSome people don't understand that -Story IJy June Casagraruk Box 1660, Costa Meu, CA 92626. Copvr!ght: No newt st.oriel. llluttratlone, editorial matter or , advertisements hentin can be ' reproduced without written permlulon of copyright oWner. HOW TO REACH US Cln:ullrdon The Tlmu Orange County (800) 2624141 ~19 a m.d(!M8)642-M78 Olepley (!Ml) 642~21 ....... ,.... (948) 842-6880 "°"* (949) 674-4223 H9wa'-(949)~170 .... Fu (!Ml) 860-0170 lofMI: $1/ypllotet.tll'Ntl.oom ... ()Mee .... _ Oftle (Mi) 642--4321 .. Jlnw fb (Mt) 831 7Uil -ftubtlahed by nm.a COmmunlty NeM, • dlvf1lon of the LOe AnQeleit Tl"*' Cl'.ZOOl fimee CN All tW* ...-Md. GETTING INVOLVED • GEll1NG IN\IOUfED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For infonnation ·on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 6744298. DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Volunteer mediators, case specialists and outreach assistants are needed to help in a variety of mediation cases. Bilingual language skills are needed for office volunteers and for mediatorg. (949) 250-0488. EASTER SEALS Easter Seals needs volunteers for ongoing clerical work, programs for children with disabilities and special events. (714) 834-1111. ENVIRONMENTAL NATIJRE CENTER Volunteer trail guides are needed to help visitors learn about their environment. (949) 646-8489. F~S -COSTA MESA This 188n1 of community-based orgeniz8tions. which WOfb to provide youth and families with oouneeling, family support. health educetion,mentoring,tutoring, afteHchoof lldMtlee and kfnahip servioea, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. FISH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645--8050. FRIENDS Of THE BALl£T MONTMARmE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perfonn in professional theaters. for 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian • ballet training. To help youth • develop strong discipline skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a professional dancer, call (714) 241-7424. AUENOS OF ntE COSTA MESA U8RAAIES The Friends is a support group for the three libraries in Costa Men. To join, help with fundralsing events and help promote library prograJN and services in our community, call (714) 556-4396. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF It'll be partly ctoudy early The northwest swell bedcs though mostly aunnv this down todey, but Thunidey 1ftemoon, wtth hlgh1 In the should provide ua something mkl-to uppeHIOa and IOWI .. the latnt IOUthWMt swell around60. arrive.. W. should ... It pi<* Thuredey wUt be aim11at, up from walst-hlgh to about thOUgh WllrrTlef. <Mst-hlgh. Rain may entve s.ttirdtiy It'll pidc up e bit more on end could ltr( throu9h ftfday end build to .,,. Sunday. ahoulder ~.but h won't ............. : do mud't more thtn !ha www.nws.noa..(IO!tt S.turday should ti. eimalet. The Milt eouthWllt ... , BOATING FOllECAlt thould antve on Sundly. w.w...-v: The w•lllfty _.Wll w...w..urfrld-.0111 bloW 10 to 15 llriall In .... -.. .. ftsccx .. .-TIDES f-tDOI WIWI enit a Wlill ... l1Mil ........ of 3 fMt; The iMnde .... thle .wnlng Ind the IW'll Wiii 3:A3a.m. 0.11tMtlow I bulkf ebotlt I ~ 9'Aa.m. ...03 .... ~ Out fefther. .... wt......., 3:18p.m. 1.17MUO. ~· bloWwongwlt 10 9:28p.rn. U2tMt~ to 20 ~.., 1· to S40ot WM1M and e not1lftwlit IWllll of 71ia 1hi ..... Wiii cll'op. ........... Dally Pilot Students take closer look at kelp Newport Harbor students boat over to Crystal Cove to learn about the replanting of the und~rwater forest. Christine C1rrlllo Daily Pilot CRYSTAL COVE -The gaping holes and nonexistent kelp forestry along the coast have served as a platform for educating Orange County students on ecology since September 2001. On Thursday, Orange County Coast.Keeper, the organization con- ducting the kM> reforestation project that ih- cludes student education. extended those lessons beyond the classrooms. For the first time, middle and high school students Involved in the project culminated their educational lessons with a boat tour of the kelp forest they helped harvest About 50 students spent the day on a boat moving from one teaching station to an- other, learning about navigation, bird watch- ing, pollution and marine mammals. before visiting the site at Crystal Cove State Park where marine biologists planted the kelp. Studentl> were able to follow divers under- water via live video feed, enabling them to see their harvesting efforts flourish. PHOTO COURTESY Of RANDY S'ETON Coastkeeper divers get into the water at Crystal Cove to show students giant kelp. "I think it intrigues them and I know that every time they go to the beach from now on ... they're going to see the kelp and maybe make a connection," said Scott Smith, a Newport Harbor High biology teacher who has participated in the project with his class for the past two years. "Ecology. in general, is a pretty serious part of a biology class and !this project) just makes the ecology much more real. It incorporates itself very well into the curriculum.· At the beginning of the year. Coast.Keeper introduced students from five Orange County schools, including Newport Harbor 1 ligh and Fairview Developmental Hospital, to the Wlderwater world of kelp. With more than 800 species dependent upon its exist- ence, the huge gaps and lad of kelp forests along Newport's coastline have led to envi- ronmental concern that inspired the stu- dents participating in the project as well. "I just like nature so I'm very interested in that kind of stuff," said 15-year-old Kelly Ka- ban, a ninth-grader in Smith's biology class at Newport Harbor. "It's a good thing that people care about the environment ... and I'm proud of myself. I'm proud I was able to do something with the environment also." Banding together to rebuild an under- water forest, students took an active role harvesting new lcelp forests for reefs along Crystal Cove as part of a statewide Coast· Keepers' effon. "The idea behind our project is ... to fill in the gaps and lcind of Johnny Appleseed the whole kelp forest back into place." said Nanty Caruso, a marine biology with Coast· Keeper who heads the organization's project. MThe goal is to increase the reforestation of kelp -it is the rainforest of the sea." The project began when representative1> from CoastKeeper tallced to students about the role of kelp and microscopic spores that they could harvest in the classroom's kelp nursery. Three months later. their spor~ grew about a half inch. a rninuscuJe height when compared to the 30 feet they reached when the students saw them Thwsday. "I see a definite advantage for lthe sru- dentsJ being involved in this project becaU:>e they don't really have a chance to see lcelp ... and a lot of lcids don't really have any idea that this ecosystem even exists," Caruso said. "ll really does raise their awareness. It just opens up a whole new world of learning." Boat show drops anchor tod ay FOR THE RECORD The 30th annual Newport In-Water Boat Show begins at noon today and will include the most boats yet. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH It FYI •WHAT: 30th annual Newport In-Water Boat Show; event includes live music and a barbecue •WHEN; Noon to 7 p.m. today; 11 a.m . to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. •WHERE: Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort, 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beach •COST: $10; children 12 and younger get in free; parking is an additional charge •INFORMATION: (949) 757-5959; Web site www.goboatingmag.com/boatshowslnewport2k3 der in order to make more room for the in-demand smaller boats. 90-foot range. which posed a se- rious problem for getting them in the water at the Dunes. In a Monday story about Segerstrom proj- ects in Costa Mesa (ln Business, "Overall, a re- cord of success"), one shopping center was in- correctly attributed to the family. Metro Pointe at South Coam was built by Amel Management Co. in the late 1980s and early 1990s.. Wednesday, Aptll JO. 2003 A3 Let the Name Calling Begin. Uslr19 uch,s1v' TutOf'Ald math t~stmg, w~ analyze skills a child has missed or not comprehenc1ed in S<hool. tt~n creat' a program to ~ build th~ foundation · required for SU(Cess Smarty Pan!!) Einstein! '"basic math, as well --..;.._-- as advanc((t cour~~ lik' al9ebr.i Of 9eomt'try ~m!~~atb~ If yoy're looking to lmpro¥C your child's academk outlook In llfe, naw is the tlmt' to find oyt ~- ( 949) 64s 7900 488 East i]th Str~t • Costa MP~ (Corm~r of Irvine Av~w>) Tutoring(.lub.com THESE NEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S fJ lo.ltl (OHAl'-<·~\I ( :\•\(\l;''I"'•( "~"' 1663 Placentia, Cosu M~ 949-b46·4838 ·--0.,.... k • ......, _.,,_ Oloflll • Th' soft folds of V1g~1{ I window shadings now come 1n th<ee new fabncs thit appeal to ~e. Come see ttl(m tod.ly • t t ••• ff I f 'f. I ••• h• .. •h•tlo u• .,,,, '''" ..... .,,,, seemed lilce a big deal last year that the Newport ln-Water Boat Show included about 360 boats -the most in the show's his- tory. Now, that seems Like a yawn in comparison. Because once agaln, the show -now in its 30th year -has outdone it- self. ·Last year, they were getting a little lost among all the huge ones,· Macintosh said. "This gives more room to the 35-foot · and-under yachts.· "They had to wait for the tides go down so the water would be low enough that they could get under the bridge, and then for the water to be high enough that they had the depth they needed to get to the docks." DON'T MISS THE FUN! "We're close to 400 boats this year,· said Duncan Macintosh. organizer of the annual show at the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort and Marina. "As far as yacht shows go. this is it. This is the biggest there is on this coast." Yacht brok:ers and dealers from places as far as Ft. Lauder- dale will have their wares on display beginning at noon to· day. The show bas added a new dock for yachts 35 feet and un- A handfuJ of boats in thjs year's show are in the 80· and ~ ~ ustom Home Loans ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees!! Lot cost Included. ·Construction loans as low as prime. fixed for up to 12 months. I "II [)I 1 l f ~·\ i ( I~ 4 949-252-8200 • Low rates for purthase. re·fi & no cost equity lines. ·Ground up, rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. • Increase cash flow wtth Interest Only programs. 15 Years in Orange County. THE Lf.NDING GROUP. 3848 ~ OU210, Newpo'1 e.acn CA 92660 N N H • A N N u A SATURDAY, MA\V.10TH 9AM-5PM SOUTH BAYFR~, BALBOA ISLAND ART, MUSIC, SUN & FUN FREE ADMISSION More lnfoOwww.balboaisland.com MW~, ~i 30,02003 ARREST Continued from Al besaJd. Blmey said the ~ls not being identified of his age, was at first app ooe of the men who was on a bi· cycle. "He assaulted the victim and was shortly joined by another in· dMdua.I." he said. As a physical fight ensued. the victim was stabbed several times in the left ann and in the bead, B.imey said. He said the two men Oed W\d the victim was laken to Hoag Hospital where hh injuries were detenn.ined to be non-life threat- COASTAL Continued from Al plans. Newport Beach and Ma- libu are among only a handful of cities aJong the coastline ye1 to adopt one. Newport Beach has slow made attempts since the 198 s to undertake the huge pro· t, but only really got sta d in early 2002 when the city cre- ated an ad hoc committee to eoJng. •We have charged (Campos! wfth attempted homicide be- cause we believe there was an In· tendon to commJt murder: Bir· ney &aid. "We1J forward the case to the district attorney an~ ft Is up Lo (that office) to decide what to dwge him wflh.,. Birney said both of the alleged attackers reportedly belong to a Costa Mesa gang. O>sta Mesa Police had previ- ously not released any informa- don relating to the April 1511.ttack. •DEEM BHARATM covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@lllt1mes.com. begin reviewing the issues and ' drafting the document. Mayor Steve Bromberg and Councilman Don Webb also sat on that committee. The plan has stlrr~d little controversy, In stark contrast to the city's General Plan update. Bob Caustin, a local eoviron- mental activis t, said he basn't seen the preliminary draft, however he said he supports local control of coastal plan- ning, with a caveat. uwe didn't get involved in it,. • lnstaled With Pad s 1 ee • MPTun liO ycrt1s tqft Travertile 18" x 18" .......................................................... '4.29 sq t Ceramic Trle ...................................................... nst1kt from '4.t9 111 11. Laminate V/ood .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .... . . installed from '4." 111 ~ rd Tools 117 h ·~ • YluseMn" 1374 Loa1n Ave •• F COSTA MESA (888) .777 2) MON..F'Rl.10AMto5PM . SAT.10AMto2PM ~ ClOSEO SUNDAY ~ TREES dry several months ago to ar- ra.nge for the additional trim· Continued from Al ming, Niederhaus aid. Home-ownen. dry 1ta1f and representatives of West C.oast trees ln and around the Broad· Ad>orista held a meeting at moor Sea View development. which the parties agreed to exact General Services Olrector ·nave spedflcadons for trim.m1ng the Niederhaus said. trees. The trees were being trimmed But somewhere along the line, as part of the city's aupplemen-their lnstructiona were toaed lal trimming policy. The city aside. normally trims lts trees every "Six were trimmed well be- three years. The supplemental yond the standards of tbe city ," trimming poUcy, lo some cases. Niederhaus said. "We can't con- aUows residents to pay out of ft.rm yet how ft happened.• pocket for more frequent trim· ResJdent Stephen Brahs said ming to preserve views. ' that, in his view, about 40 of the Representatives of the Broad· trees appear lo have been exces- moor Sea View Homeownera sively trimmed. Assn. began working with the "'Ibose we.re gorgeous trees; Caustio said about the coastal planning effort. •Local control has to be here, but I lhJnk we need to have some oversight ftom the Coastal Commission.• FIRE Continued from Al OIJ1Plot I've alwaya looked [onvard to Mil d.eflnlteJy wun't the city drlvfng down San Miguel be· that dJd It, and It defi.nJtdy ca~ the trees make it so beau· wasn't the field supervllor (or Uful there,• Brahs s.aJd. "There West C.oast Atb,or1st,,. Nleder- sbould be consequences for any haws said. The conrn.ctor has a Wegal actions here." long and succeuful history of Residents who have paid for woiting for the city, he said. supplemental trimming some-"We think it was an accident, times approach wott.ers to teU that maybe some folb went out them how to do the wortc:: Nie-there and convinced one of the derhaus aaJd. About three or worten to trim more." he said. four years ago, residents near Niederhaus said that IC the trees Clill' Drive Park persuaded con-don't survive, the city will re- tractors to cut more than they place them. The estimated value were supposed to from several · of the trees iB $5,000 each. trees In the area. Those trees have recovered, he said. Niederhaus said he was un- sure whether the San Miguel trees were victims of a similar communication breakdown. Attorneys for the Riverside (amlly could not be reached on Tuesday. Qty officiaJs say the city is not at faull •JUNECASAGRANOE cove~ Newport Beach end John Wayne Airport. She may be reached et (949) 574-4~2 or by e-mail at }11nt1.CSUQr11nde@l11times.com. those risks, and people who pay attention to that information are goii\g to be able to use the fire rings happily and successfully.• Once the commission ap- proves the coastal plan, the city would be able to issue bullding permits to local residents who want to mount a project along the coastline. Any city approval could be appealed to the CoastaJ Commission. lal lnjuries as a result of the city's • ~we're arguing these fire rings negligence, and that parents aren't dangerous if you use due Tunothy and Stacey Janda suf-care,• Deputy City Atty. Dan Ohl C.Orona del Mar State Beach has about 32 of the fire rings, which are .cement circles In the sand where visitors often Ught fires or burn charcoal for toast- ing hot d~ and marshmallows. The beach is state property, but the city is responsible for · main- taining i l. • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at pau/.clinton@latimes.com. ALLOWED Continued from Al strained. While he still smiles at me and throws a polyester-blend-covered arm over my shoulders when he greets me in public, h.is angry. 45-minute messages on my voicema.il tell a dJfferent story. The most recent one, left at 10:4 l a.m. April 2 1, told me I had reached •crisis-level" in misrepresenting his thoughts and comments. It is a common occurrence for the editors and publishers of the Pilot to start down the dangerous path of misinformation, Steel contends, but now I have apparently followed. And he demands corrections. OK. I give. Republicans and conservatives are not the same thing. In a Ooser Look on partisan politics, I wrote that Steel was looking for a Republican to filJ the seat of fered severe emotional distress. iaid. According to the lawsuit 6.Jed City Manager Homer Bludau in Orange C.Ounty Superior said the city's safety obligadons C.Ourt, the girt "suffered severe include posting warnings signs, bUll)S to her body, resulting in but that responsibility for chil- pennanent and disfiguring scar-dren's safety lies with the family. ring. severe emotional and men-"I thinJc the city's position is taJ distress, past and future that there are some inherent medical specialists and future risks in the fire rings at the beach loss of eamlngs and earning ca-and the city does all it can to in- padty." form the users of the beach of former Mayor Karen Robinson based on his statements in a letter to the editor calling for a ·conservative" replacement Another voicemail, left at 5:4 I a.m. April 19, started like this: "HeUo, Lolita, you·lcnow who this is, how about we caJJ it the 'Unthinking Allowed' column?" Steel said. "Lt's about ... My God. I can't believe It is 5:30 am. I haven't even been to be<I yet.• I know It doesn't sound so mean, right? Toward the 32nd minute, It gets into his feelings about my most hurtful column to date, "Where has all the rhetoric gone?" "I'm not looking for controversy," he said lo the April 19 message. "I hate to have people upset.at me. I am very sensitive about that." Steel was a prominent player in that column ln which I called to question whether views on citizenship and immigration held by certain politicians and vocal residents had changed after the tragedy of faUen One of the world's most scenic villages wm again be the backdrop for an event that will benefit City of Ne\Nport Beach youth programs and the beautification project of Corona def Mar. Registration includes a T--shirt and gourmet selection at the renowned Restaurant Row. Pre-Registration prtor to Sat. June 7 $22 Race Day reglstradon $30 I k Kids' Dolphin Dash $12 c.au 949-644-3151 fCK a ~form. Register onllne M WWW agM: cqn. Walk-In Registration at the OASIS Senior Center 800 MarOuerk• Avenue, CoroN def Mir June 4 Wednesday from noon-7:00pm .. June 5 Thursday from noon-1:~ June 6 fnay from 9:00Mn-7:00pm Marine Jose Garibay. who was not a U.S. citizen when he died fighting for the country. ~I'm still kind of ticked off about that, as pretty as you are and as lovely as you look these days.· Steel said in his early morning message. This message was mild compared to the original message he left on the subject. I would quote from it, but I've been told numerous times we are a "fam.lly newspaper.· so I don't think it would be appropriate . Steel claims I never called for comment. If any of you are avid council watchers, or you have happened to have a conversation with Steel since March 31, you would have heard him call me a Oat-out liar. ·she never called me," he says. I called the man on his ceU phone because he was In San Diego on "city business" and left a message thal was never returned. That's my version of how it went down, but there are always two sides to every story. But since many of <>ur so-called conversations have only one side anyways. I wiU stick with that theme and offer Steel's own words in my defense "If you called me on my ceU, and tha1 is very possible, if you left a message. it should still be on there and I will have to figure out how to access it,· he said. Steel said he was under the lmp~ion his cell pbooe was not set up to receive voice messages, but he would have to get over to Irvine. where he bought It, and have someone help him figure it out. "On March 27. I got a call on my cell phone, but I couldn't get to my phone because ... • I will spare you aU the reasons he gave me. "I saw the number on the caller LO. 1 will call tha1 back. 1t was late in the afternoon and I will cali that back. It may be a Pilot number, but you couldn"t have left a message. I don't doubt that you callett me. l'U take that back. but you should have left a message on my land phone.· Point taken. • JUNE CASAGRANDE.covers Newport Beach and John Wayne A irport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. Oh, and Steel said his view on illegal immigrants -whom he does not in any way, shape or form consider criminals -has n!>t changed. He has always believed they are wonderful people who just happened to get a bad deal ln life. They are hard working and will be rewarded by a higher power when they are finished struggllng here in the secular world, Steel said. Garibay was a hero and should be honored. Steel said. And be went to the family's home, on his own. to tell the grieving mother just thal He found a translator and spoke with the mother, uncle and cousins of the fallen Marine. Steel stayed at the family home for hours. even after he admittedly wore out his welcome, because he felt al ease and comfortable around such hospitable people. I le does not blame immigrants for the city's problems. he said. But he cannot support organiz.atJons and city-funded projeci.s lhat continue to attract such diligent would-be heroes. And I wonder why there is an information gap. • LOUTA HARPER writes columns M ondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers rulture and the arts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bv e-mail at lol1t11 harper ti'/atimes.com Bjorn Sedlenlek Bjorn Sedlenlek, 60, proprietor of the POSH men'a clothing store In Newport Center since 1976, died April 24th at his home In Corona del Mar. He Is awvtved by his alst.er, Vita Bennett. of San Clement• and his brothera.. Sven Sedlenlek of LaVeme and Gunnar Sedlenlek of awtott.mle,VirgiRa. A memorial wvtce wW be ~ on Wednesday, May 7th, at 12 noon at tM chapef at Pacific View Memot1aJ PIU'tl, 3500 Pacific View ~ve. In Corona def Mar. In lieu of ftowefs, plMM make a gift to your favorite ctwtty In Bjom'a memoty. I 2 Mile Fun Walk & 1 k KU:Js' Dolphin Dash Saturday June 7, 2003 • FORUM HOW 10 GET PUIUSHED -l..a.ra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cehn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meu, CA 92627 • Pu den Hot1ne: Cell (9491642-«>86 Fu: Send to (949) ~ 170 E~Send to dailypllottllatlma.oom •All c:onespondence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves~ right to edit all submissions for clarny and length. MAILBAG The CRAC should continue · At our first meeting of the Costa Mesa Redevelopment Action Committee, City Councilwoman and Redevelopment Agency member Libby Cowan suggested that we imagine ourselves as about to embark on a road trip across the United States. a meandering cross-country journey that might take as Jong as 18 "months. Committee members wouldn't just be along for the ride, but rather each member would have the opportunity to suggest detours along the way and to take an active part in detenninlng the route that wouJd lead us to our destination. our vision for revitalization of the Westside. Like most on cross-country trips, committee members encountered a number of bumps along the way, and like young children on a long trip we began to fidget, and were con tinually asking if we were there yet. We began to question the route that Civic Solutions, the committee's facilitator. requested we follow. It just wasn't direct enough to immediately satisfy our most strident members who lcnew exactly what they wanted and how to get there. Some comminee members complained to the Redevelopment Agency. Naysayers began to question whether the committee would ever find its way. Well, I am happy to report that it does seem that the committee has found Its way. Significant progress was made by Its members at the recent meeting on April 24. After being on the road for almost a year now, the committee has a new found • energy, and despite our initial impatience, our doubts and the many other bumps along the way, we will soon arrive at out vision for the revitalization of the Westside. A.8 the road with Civic Solutions comes to an end, and as we WTap up our report to the Redevelopment Agency, we must be vigilant to avoid another dead end like the one the Westside Specific Plan encountered. It is my hope that the agency considers allowing the committee to continue without facilJtators, chaired by one of its existing members and working closely with the agency and its staff to see that the committee's report is not an end but rather a new beginning. TERRI BREER Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Terri Breer is a member of the Costa Mesa Redevelopment Action Committee and was among those who applied for tha empty City Council seat. There is nothing lovely left to see here . I look forward to the faJJ, when the beautiful liquidambar trees on San Migud Drive provide the residents of Newport Beach with a spectacular annual color show before they lose their leaves. The springtime is equaUy as beautiful when the colorful green leaves reappear on these mature and immaculately maintained To: From: Subject All Jrd. .fth, 5th and 6tb pade boys and girls Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquarters Pilot Cup Soccer tournament, May lr·f une I .. trees. I was terribly disturbed when I noticed last week that approximately 40 of the trees in the clty-maintalne.d Jlledian have been cut ln haJf. After a discussion with John Conway, the' city arborist, I was horrified to find out that the Sea View H'omeowners Assn. Board, along with some of the residents. privately instructed and paid a third-party contractor to cut these city t recs in half. These city trees were a benefit to the entire community before they were destroyed. It is very difficuJt for me to beUeve that anyone would act so selfishly without regard for the remaining residents in Newport Beach or that any experienced contractor would act in such a manor. Conway has told me 1hat the trees have been destroyed and that they will have to be replaced. Ironically, the residents of Seaview will benefit from their malicious acts by replanting smaller trees that will take years to mature. In the meantime, these brazen and inconsiderate individuaJs will benefit for many years until the new trees mature. I believe the consequence to the guilty parties shouJd be more than just simply replacing the mature city trees with smaller trees. The responsible parties should pay for the fuU value of the 40 trees that were destroyed. I believe that the Seaview community should reimburse the city an estimated $200.000 for the full value of the approximately 40 trees that have been destroyed assuming a value of $5,000 per tree. STEPHEN A. BRAHS Newport Beach It's time to sign up for the most exciting soccer tournament of the year: The Fourth Annual Pilot Cup!!! The Pilot Cup is a o ne week soccer tournament which inv~ves all public and private schools in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area. It will be held May 28"'-lune J • to see which school has the best soccer team in the following divisions. • l,.. and .f• grade boya; 3,.. and 4* .,..c1e girls 5• and 6"' grade boys; s• and 6"' .,... girls Wmners will receive commemorative awards. Wuming schools will receive the right to show off the Pilot Cup Perpetual 1'rophy Award for one year. So go to the principal's office or the athletics office right now and sign up to represent your school in the most exciting soccer event of the year-The Pilot Cup 2003. All participants receive a t-shirt. This tournament is sponsored by the Daily Pilot and Youth Services Association. There is a $5 contribution to cover the cost of the t-shirt. Don't miss out on this chance to play 90CCel' for your school and win the right to the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy as the best soccer school in town. Yes, we do neod coaches. For more lnformadoa, contact your cblld'1 achool. ·-----;.----------------------------------------------~ CJ1p <' i Boy CJ Girl CJ Shirt Size: Small CJ Medium Q Large CJ . School: . .;,.._ ______________ _ ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL The streak comes to an end ~EDITOR'S' NOTE: As a special feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident end f6rmer goalie for the Mighty Ducks, will be writing .regular' diaries about the team and its experiences throughout the playoffs. defeated by the DaJI~ Stars by placing btK hudu:' Ill fronl ol the Anaheim net 1111., credit''> havoc in front of the KOdlte with screens, deflection' and rebound<. This has really been the rml> Y\-dY to solve G1guerC' C .oahl"' 110 matter how good th<·v an· 11r h11\I\ much they are 111 1lw 1111w t ,111 1 stop what they d111i't 't't" T he Mighty Ducks were by the score of 2 · I on Monday night. breaking Anahe1m"s six-game playoff unbeaten streak GUY HEBERT and leaving them with a one game advantage in the bes1 of seven series. It was reaJJy another greal performance by bo1h teams and again 1he goaltenders Mole the spotlight. On DaJla,\ fir..r go.il 111 lht· Kantt'. the team had four ,1iu1 ... 111 succession all n•hou111h Jfll·r rlw initial shot \\-a\ 1.il.1·n I ht• lourth sh ot came frorn h'n· I 1•h11m·n v.ho Jean-Sebastien Giguere of the Mighty Ducks and Marty Turco of the Stars were both brilliant between 1he pipes and kepi the game close. Giguere continued to keep his focus and continued to rely on the positioning that ha:. alluwed him to make many tough saves appear ea~y Turcp. on the other hand, plays with more passion but uses more energy. less technique and in the end is not as efficient in '>tyle as Giguere. Turco plays like kids do in the streel- Oopping around, stacking the pads. using anything and everything 10 make a save. It ts amazing to see 1wo young goalies playing at such a high level, and playing the position so differently. In the end aJI that matters is who lets in 1he fewest goals. There are no style points when you look m the win-loss column. bu1 for me it sure is nice to see both ends of the goalie spectrum being displayed during this round. I have a feeling that this is the start of a nice rivalry between Giguere and rurco. one that will be built on mutual admiration for one another's skills. • Both teams have had a hard time soMng the goalies, but a big reason for this is that these teams are incredibly solid defensively. There has been limited room to get out-numbered attacks generated, and this has pushed most of the shots to the outside, where these goalies wiJJ stop almost all of them. Dallas has adjusted its game in order to try and maximize scoring opportunities beat Giguere past h1' blm k1·r 'ult-i\nahe1111 came back with a big pm,1 r pla\ godl b\ Steve Rucchin, who \/\a., p1"111r11wd 1111 1ht· goal line to Turco\ It'll th111g \d,1rn C >Jlt'' on the back door a .. d r1.1, ... rng op111111 Rucchin stepped our <111d 111.u..11• .1 1 ro.,., crease pass 1hat bnuntt>tl olf ol lhl· defensemen. then lurro and tlw11 11110 tlw net. The Pond cam'· w '" 11·1•1 ,111tl tht• Ducks were rolling ag,11n Rucchin\ goal brought /\11alw11n hJ1 l. into that familiar t ornlon 1onl" w11h J lo~ scoring tie ganw flit·' w1·n1 10 ft·t·l 111 control when 1h1· garnt·" 11gh1 .111d hJvt• tl1t· confidence nm' to bd11·vc 1ha1 llH''t' .irt• th1• game!> thal 1he\ ran and v.111 v.111 .\lll'r .111 winnmg b contagious \\.1th tln· "a~ th1• Duck<. ha\e played during tht•.,c plJ\otf.,, there .., no rea .. on to d oubt 1hdl 1lu•\ will conunue 10 be .;urce...,ful Unfurtundtely for 1ht I lut 1,., 111 .... "·I' 11111 their mgh1 I.ate 111 lhl• 'l"• 1111tl 1wr1otl, Leh11nen .. rnred h1' 'enmc.J goal 11f the game by denecung a -.ho1 from I >l'nan Hatcher. T\l\o r>aJld\ rlayer' .ilong '"th tlw Anaheim dt•fen,emen 1ammcd the tro111 of the net and Giguere had not hann· on tht· redirert1on rh1~ goal would t•n d up he1ng the game winnel'. hlll ugam. c.1guere , .. a, not beaten by a clean '""' that lw rnuld see. Dalla~ had to figh1 rhrough 'omt• 1.i,t minute panic actad.\ d'> Imm <,1opp1·d Peter Sykora with one of I ho'>l' 'prav.l111g saves with just second<, left on tht• t lot i.. If you were at the'game or .. aw 11 on television. you certainly were ctHl·rtu1111·d can't wait to see what the boy;, haH' 1n <,ton· for game four 1onight. The Newport Harbor Nautical J.,fuseum cordially invites you to a special exhibit & hook sig11111g featuring signed limited edition printfi h_\ JOHN STOBART America's Most Celebrated Marine Artist Johll Stobut,; Ncwpon Beach-The Pav11jon 19 J 0 Gallery Exhibit Prints & Originals . Opens April 12-May 4 I Oollt. Jpm . Clo.J«i °" Mondays • • Limited Edition siancd pnn15 will be for iak ... 3o% wt II be doaaled to tbcmUKWD Saturday May 3 I lam·Jpm Sunday May 4 llum·lpm Fcmurina Mr. Stoban° MW book ofremnn · titJed "'The World of Sail ind St • ·1 Grade:.--'-'-~--~--~----~ t I It's okay for my son/daughter to sign up for the Pilot Cup t • : ·Parent s;-u.ture: : • "6~ • • t • ·------~-------------------~-~--------------~-------~------· _.__ _________________ ....., ____________ _, ___________ ~--- ' THE EWPORT HARBOR EUM ISi EaM C.-..__, (• ~ Mftri1n l Mt-f?J.116) • .... , I ' I D .......... -...., F11Wc .A'-U.riolt \ QUOTE OF TIE DAY "To be in a game for fint place and to battk back li/u that, tells you about the heart of this team.,, John Emme, Corona del Mar baseball coach M Wednesday, Apti 30, 2003' Spoe1a ~ (949) 574-<t222 • lpof1ll Fa: (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL EYEOPENER • Dlify~Pik. • 9paN IW f/IFame ( ............................. "4IY 5 honoree KURT EHMANN Sea ~ngs rall.y to ~ widen_ PCL lead CdM's clutch hitting erases 9-5 de.ficit to exact revenge on second-place Calvary Chapel Tuesday. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Emotion and momentum bounced from dugout to dugout at Corona del Mar High. 1Wo teams literally slugged it out while using the intangibles Tuesday. This, appar- ently, is what happens when two teams battle for first place in the Paciftc Coast League. CdM found something extra -a quiet confidence -and came from four runs behind to produce an 11 -9 victory over Calvary OlapeL The Sea Kings' Nos. 7 and' 8 batters, Nick Palchi.koff and Wess Presson, provided much of Cd.M's offense and showed that the win was what most coaches call "a team victory." Palchikoff stepped up with a two-out, RBI double that scored pinch-runner Ryan Rhodes for the go-ahead run in the bottom of the sixth. Palchik.off also scored three runs, earned two RBis and drew two walks. Presson smacked a two-run home run in the second inning and finished with four RBis. including the one on a single that brought in an insurance run in the sixth. CdM C.oacb Jolm Emme was -1so confident. even when CdM trailed, 9-5, going into the bottom of the fifth. "There was never a need to panic," Emme said. "Cer- tainly. we didn't want to keep giving them four runs every inning, but once Blake [Con-• the first eight batters he faced. Presson and Contant walked with the ha.es loaded and two out to score Barrett Sprowl and Todd Macklin. Sprowl went 3 for 4 and scored three runs.. The F.agles (7-11, 6-4) brought Andrew Gomez to the mound, but senior Keith Long quickly answered with a two-run double over the "We're never going to give up," said Presson. who now has three home runs. "That's the thing about our team, we have r.eally good team chemistry. So, I knew we were going to come back the whole time." tantl settled down, we knew Calvary he would be capable of shut-CdM ting them down because be has been great lately. "We've been able to (rally before!, but th.is win was special," he continued. "To be in a game for first place and to battle back Wee that, tells you about the heart of this team." The Sea Kings (12-6, 8-2 in league) scored four runs in the fifth, as Calvary's relief pitcher struggled. He walked six of HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL 9 11 right-fielder's head to tie the score, 9-9. Gomez. the designated hJtter at the No. 4 spot. led Calvary with a 3-for-4 performance that included a two-run home run in the third. "We let one get away," Eagle Coach Ryan Hllion said. "We do have the ability to put up runs. We scored 12 runs on them I.be lirit time and nine th.is time. so we know we can score, We're averag-• ing just under seven runs a game and that shQuld win a game." Calvary Cllapel defeated CdM. 12-4, March 28 and that was the Last time the Sea Kings suffered a PCL loss. To be able to rally and exact revenge made the vic- tory all the sweeter, Palchik.off and Pres- son said. "This is probably our biggest win of the season," Palchik.off said. "We lost to them the first time so we really wanted revenge." Emme explained the abillty of Palchi· koff and Presson in regard to their posi · tion in the lineup. "I could move 7 and 8 to 2 and 3 and I would be OK," Emme said. "Sometimes See SEA KINGS, Pace A7 COMMUNITY • • COLLEGES Sailors struggle 1n four Pirates Tars improve to 6-1 in Sea View League, but win doesn't come easily. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Imagine if Dan Glenn bad a lineup be .could go to that would almost surely guarantee a needed point or sideout for Newport Harbor High's boys volleyball team. After the Sailors won the final three games to defeat visiting Irvine Tuesday night. the 17-year The coach glanced over the stat sheet with a puzzled stare. "I've used 18 different lineups this season.~ Glenn told Irvine CDach Mutt Mednick after the two shook bands foJ- lowing Newport's 11-15, 15-3, 15-11, 15-2 Sea View League triumph. ·rm try- ing to get the kids to be comfortable on the court." The Turs (15-11, 6-1 in league) passed Tuesday's endwance test. gaining their focus against the Vaqueros (12-13, 1-6) after a 5-0 Sailor lead evaporated lo the first game and the visitors pnMliled. • lrvfne Newport 1 3 "W«! just made too many mencal mistakes," Glenn saJd of Newport's struggle through- out Grune l. "We missed two serves and lrvtne is a good team that capitalized. 1bdr middle blocker (Stephen Jeltema) was real good. We couldn't stop him all nlgbt We've never been able to stop him in three yeam." Jeltema. a three-year varsity player, sent home a team-high 15 kills, lfx in Game 1. Tu counter Jeltema. senior middle blocker Paul Toman and junior Jamie Diefenbadi, who stands at 6-foot-8, teamed up often alongside one another, making it diflicult as the matdl wore on for Irv1oe to 8nd openinp down the middle as wae common in the first game . ·1 told PauJ to be quick tn the middle and be executed." Glenn uid. Tuman and Diefenbach eecb had three an.di blocb for Newport. Diefen· bacb.. who made bis return to Newport'• lineup April 22 after missing the first pan of the season wtth a tom Ni. had a match-high 20 kills while Tuman had five. Senior Nlc:k lCeDy pined the praile of Glenn for bia litany Of threel In leYel'aJ categoriel to match b1a jeney No. 3. Kelly alammed three kWa to go with three cUp anc1 three .eMce 1a1. ma cUa gave funJor OUlllde bitter ~ Go· vaars the c:banc:e to let eenlor outllde hJtter Nick Glallic for a lldeout In Game 3 with Newport leadiDI. 8-5. The Seilon and v.quero. then battled for 11 corileC:utive lideouta, bUt a Dle- fenbach kil and a ~Ke ~ New- pott an 11-5 leld. ~an lMne timeout to recJOUP. The Yaqueroe camt out ot the dine-- out charged. rec:elvlnl a kll from Jelre. ma and, IA« two Newport hilq· •.; ror1t ...W~ 11·7. tmae cut ebi11-I to 13-lJ .,..., .. block ..... ~ dp ..,. eervtce bM:k to ~ Ala nine bltlnl --eddld lbolhiid ..... •.JlllY a. our~ a ibM ;• •· Ab<Ne, The Sailors' Nick Kely (3) directs a IOI attempt toward the block put up by Irvine's Brent Godfrey in Tuesday's Sea View league match at Newport Harbor. The Sailors ralied after dropping the first game to the Vaqueros to keep theW league title hopes alive. N. left, Newport Harbo(s Jamie Diefenbach (15), a junior middle blOcker recently retll'ned from reconstructMt knee surgery, 1PP1ars to get 1 piece of an lrJint attacker's kl lltempt pooling talents Women undefeated entering state meet; men could pull off surprise. L ike coming home to find a candlelit dinner already prepared, the plates filled with food on an immaculate tabJecloth. 90 Is the story or this season's Orange Coast College men's swim team. "A pleasant surprise," David Salo saJd. Salo and Don Wat.son co-coach both the men's and women's teams at Coast and have reason to be excited as the two teams leave today for the state championships, which begin Thursday and continue through Saturday on the campus or Oiablo Valley in Pleasant Hill. BRYCE ALDERTON nus season has been extremely successful on both fronts. The women's team dominated Its Orange Empire Conference competition at the conference championships, completed Saturday, while the men finished second to Palomar. An undefeated record along with an OEC championship are some of the benchmarb reached by a talented OCC's wo{Deo's team. thus far, as it loob to win Its first state title since 1997. Presbman Sheny T$ai, a member of China's nadonaJ team who came to the United States to train and decided to attend acbool at Coast soon after, has taken the community college world by storm. She seem.lngly sea records every time she competea. 1Ul. OEC Co-Female Swimmer of the Year-with Ctetbman teammate Xlmberlee Prtth -set three conference records at the three-day OEC champlonshipt. Frith won the 100-yard freeltyle in 52. 78. "Any time you pick up an athlete lite that. It mU.es an Immediate Impact.• Salo aa.ld ofnal: "She ls to venatile and kind of the anchor to our Pf08J'&JD. ~ hew a good group of klda, a lot of freshmen. That should make us strona for the next few years. Other athletes in the area are looking to be pan of the JUCCeU of this past year. Wew gotten back to what Wabon has devdoped In the last 20 yeal1. .. OCX: women's awtm teams Nil'e won 12 atate ddee. the ftnt coming irt 1984. ~came dw1os the 1990I. W.tton Colched trom 1981 ·98 before returmng thllr-,r.,..pP&oo~ •--•'11' :..a .... u». DldolW team Whld\ wm cioq>ete ln the W:>dd ~ ln &roelona. Spain ln Juty-joined Wai.on u OEC Co<oecbet ot cbe ..... followtnl the WOmeftl 752·po6nt oUdRnt at the OF.C "' I I . PHOTOS IY S mt: lllcCMHKi OM. Y Pl OT ... CCJU.IQIS, ..... A7 • - ------ ------, • • Oaly Pilot Newport Harbor High's Michael Toole swings away at a kiA attempt against the block of Irvine's Brent Godfrey in the . Sailors four-game Sea View League victory over the visiting Vaqueros Tuesday night. The win kept the Sailors one match behind league-leading Woodbridge.' STEVE McCRANI< I OAJLVPILOT SAILORS Continued from A6 sity player and is out there the whole time, now,· Glenn said. "He talks and provides that Mmior leadenJUp. He can play the bade row or front row.· Glassic came off the bench to provide three or his 12 kills in the final game. when New port jumped to a I O·O lead and allowed only two point.s. Die· fenbach led the Sailors with four kills in the onslaught while senior outside hitter Michael Toole leaped high to slam rwo COLLEGES Continued from A6 championships -227 more than secood-place Riverside. Defendlng state champio n Diablo Valley should provide the OCC women with their toughest competition at the state meet,, Salo said. The nucl~ though. lS there for Coast to dethrone the defendlng champs. ·we have a team that will hopefully dominate for awhile." Salo said. 'The [menl haYe exceeded all expectatJom throughout the season. The guys are in a good position to be in the top five in state as long as Don and I do our Job&. Salo. the Irvine Novaquatics club swim coach In his third ~r with the Pirates. acknowledges the men don't have a lot of depth. But they have received strong perfonnances from whome"Ver has been in the pool "l)'son Beamer has done a lcills from the outside and had a stuff block. Medniclc said the last thing his team needed was to get into a four or Ave-game match with Newport. · "We couldn't sustain the level we were at in the third game." Mt'dniclc said. ~we were play- ing at an ''A' level during the first game. "They started to block [Olad Hobbins) better and had m ore touches in the middle. TI1ey played at an increased level and, I guess. we played at an increased level. too. But it is tough to score points against a defense as good ru. Newport's.· nice job and Billy Jolly has done everything I've asked of him,· Salo said ·Roger Wong has been one of the most important lew; on our medley relay team and Matt Henry. In the (2001 butterfly, has stepped up from last year.· SaJo approached Jolly, a member of Coast's water polo team that finished fourth in the OEC in the fall -during water polo workouts one morning and asked if he would like to wim m the spring. ·He has got good leadership qualities.• Salo said. Jolly and Beamer swam with Billy Swanson and Paul Frankenberger on the 400 free relay team that won the conference crown in 3: 10.6 l. Newport Harbor H.igb product Mitch Probert was swimming the breaststroke earlier in the sea~n. but Salo and Watson put him in more distance events as tht' year progressed.. The result has been successful. Proben qualified for the state championships in the 500 and 1,650 free. The sophomore DEEP SEA Tuesday's counts Ne\dpOl't LMMlr'G -2 boats, 22 anglers. 1 barracuda. 8 white ... bass, 19 calico bea. 5 hafibut. 2 blue perch BOATING IEAIOll IS Bml W. ... llmla• cm,_1M11• •9'".-J•& All M11rine <Arburetori Engnu Tested Same Ownn-Since 1965, 38 l'e.an in Costll Mna TBB CARBURI I OR SBDP l•C. 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 SPORTS Wednesday, •• JO, 2003 A1 Glenn acknowledged his de- fense was more active as the match wore on. Senior outside hitters Michael McDonald and Ryan NeweU each had three digs along with junior setter Adam SchJesinger. SchJesinger coUected 52 assists and clinched the winning point in the fourth game when his dlg crossed over the net and fell to the Door with no return. Newport survived, though Glenn knows improvement must be made if his team wanl3 to repeat as league champion. • (l\Jesday·~1 effort will not get it done.· he said. finished fifth in the 1,650 free ( 17:41.02) at the OEC championships. '"It was a big shift an what we were focusing on with Mitch ... Salo said. '"He mighl not have made the state meet If he i.wam the breaststroke." ••• Sophomore Erirn Nicholson, a first-team all-conference and AD·Soulhem Califpmia selection In water polo. will continue her playing career at UC Irvine next season, according to Mike Giles, OCCs women's water polo coach and swimming assistant. Nicholson amassed 43 goals. 10 assists and 35 steals as Coast (29-9) finished fifth m the state last season. The sophomore w~ a two-year starter. including an undefeated 2001 season (35·0) that resulted in the program's first state championshJp. She finished seventh In the 100 free (56.06) at the OhC swim championships last weekend •211~- 1 IT .... LEAIE • HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF League champions cruise •The Estancia High boys golf team solidifled its grip on the Golden West League champion· ship with a 186-232 victory over aosatown and league r1val Costa Mesa Tuesday at the Co6ta Mesa Golf & Country Oub. It's the tint league title In seven seasons for Coach Art Perry's P.agles. ~o won three straight Pacific Coast League crowns from 1994-96. The P.qjes llnproved to 12-3, 7-0 In league. Perry said he WU uncertain whether his team would play its final league match apinst Ocean View, but it would not aJfect the P.agles' place atop the standlngs. F.stancia senior Ryan Brown had the low round Tuesday. shooting par 35 on the Mesa Unda course. Jason Les (39), Greg Les (40) and Nick Lettieri (42) followed for the Eagles. while junior Brian Beach (42) led Mesa scorers. · Adam Donovan (45), Billy Jack.son (46), Brett Via (46) and Joey Edwards (54) rounded out SEA KINGS Continued from A6 people may get fooled into the fact that they think they're facing an 8 hltter when they could easily be the No. I or 2 or 3 guy. That's the nice thing about hav- ing depth." In the top of the seventh, the Eagles had the tying run at the plate. But Contant put the ex- clamation point on CdM's \ the scorers for the Muswigs, who fell to I -6 in league. CdM earns title share •The Corona del Mac High boys golf team clinched at leaat a tie for the Pacific Coast League championship with a 186-231 romp over PCL foe CaJ- vary Olapel Tuesday at New- port Beach Country Oub. Senior Nick Sherman had a pair of birdies en route to a par 35 to earn medalist honors. while Tim FrohJing (36}. Alex Ollkovani (36), Brad Olamber- lin.(39) and Ben Tilsen (40) also helped the Sea Kings improve to 12-4. 8-1 in league. Tesoro, wilh two league losses. wouJd need to win its fi - nal league march and hope CdM fell to Northwood in the Sea Kings' league finale, Thurs- day at Aliso Vie10 Golf Oub, to tie for the crown. A CdM win over the Timber- wolves would give the Sea Kings their second straight outrighr comeback with a ~trikeour 10 end the game. The Calvary 01apel batter swung and missed. The Sea King c rowd erupted, while Contant raised his fis t an the air and then walked into Emme's armc; for a celebratory hug. Contant came on relief in the fourth. He struggled early, allow· ing three runs. but he recorded three shutout innings to close out the game. He struclc out four and walked two. PCL tit.le. The Sea Klngs won the first match with North· wood, 196-204, April 7 at tht' T- wolves' home course. CdM's home course. NBCC. 1s unavailable, so the match must be played at Aliso Viejo ·That will make thingi> a Litt.le more interesting." CdM Coach MIU Starlcweather wd. Warriors best Sailors • Newport Harbor High sophomore Brandon Sowers shot 4·over 40 to pace the Sa!J . o rs, but visiting Woodbridge earned a 191 -210 Sea View League boys ·golf VlCtory Tues- day at Big Canyon Counlry Oub. David Motschenbacher (41 l. Rhett Palmer (42). DaVls Pem- stein (43) and Mike Thacker (44) rounded our the ~corer'> for the Sailors, who fl'll 10 4 I 0. 3-6 in league. Woodbridge. tht: o 1 team in Orange Counry, wa ... led by medalist Billy Moon I !SJ CdM and Cctlvan ITit't'I agam rnday at J .15 p.m al Vanguard Un1vermy. Pacific Cout l.Qcue CdM 11, C.I Chapef 9 Sconi by '""lllif,' Calvc1ry 713 Xia 9 ~ , CdM 023 ()<12 , ; / Skae1r S Wolframs S Gom"l IS and Holt Bradbury Contdnl 14 and Mann Fonn. W -Contant. 4 2 l -S W1lhams, 0..3 28 -Gomez 1CC1. S Wolhami; (CC), Skaar tCCt, Long ICdM), Palctukoff (CdM) HR Menner ICCl, Gomez ICCl. Presson I Cd Ml. THE .. A• • NEW8• ..• 2001' RI 330 Now Available $17qQ5 SlCOO .... c..t 8 18,985 • ... M~ ... 30,2003 SPORTS BASEBALL J:>own 9-0, Lightning strikes with comeba~k Sage Hill digs deep to rally past host St. Margaret's, 12-9. •Sage Hill School shrugged off a 9-0 deficit to force extra in- nings. then win, 12-9, in the eighth over Academy League host St. Margaret's Tuesday. Down by nine heading into the fifth. the Ughtning scored four, then cashed in three errors 'and fow walks for five more in the sixth to pull even. After a scoreless seventh, Man Komsweit lef off the eighth with a double. Tun Wtlk:i.ns singjed to put runners at the comers then, running on the pitch, scored on Z.ach Friedrichs' two-run double to put the visitors over the top. Friedrichs, who went 3 for 5 with rwo doubles, two stolen bases and three R.Bl • scored on two wild pitches to help Sage Im- prove to 11 -5, 7-3 In l~e. Wtlkins, whO earned the win with l~ innings of shutout reUef. went l for 3 with two steals and one RBl Freshman Z.ack Shockley and sophomore David Packard aJso had solid relief outings to set up the comeback. St M~t's fell t.o 3-6 in league. ~LMp 5-oe Hll 12. St.~ 9 Seoe Hill SC:~~ 12 10 3 St. ""Marg. 2<10 300 oo -9 e e Friedrichs, Shoddev (41. Padcard (5), Wiikins (7) and Kornsweft.; Salsbury, Seabasa (5), Prone (6) arid Goldstein. W -Wilkins, 5-1. L -Protz<> 2B - Frledridls (SH) 2. Shoddey (SHI. Komswelt (SH). Pirates upset Gauchos . •The Orange Coast College Pi- rates played poUers with a come-from-behind 6-5 baseball victory over host Saddleback Tuesday in the Orange Empire Conference Tournament The Gauchos entered one game behind first-place River- side, but slxth·place OCC (18·18, 8-14 in conference) rallied with two runs in the eighth to win. Dustin Hieb came up with what proved to be the game-winning RBI single, with two out It scored lfyan Mathes, 'Who had singjed to drive in Kyle Stanley. Stanley went 3 for 4, including a two-run home run in the fitth, to lead the Pirates. OCC returns to action ThursQ.ay, hosting Cy· p~ at 2:30 p.m. BRIEFLY 0.-. .... C ... t Dt ..... •u• OCCt.I ts1t +1· occ '-:~~ ••• J S'bedc OCXI OCD 000 • I I 2 Murctv. AMen (81 end Hkb; Pherrin, S.ndoval (8) w.d Jotuwon. w- Murdy. 3-& L -Sencbl.i, 2·2. Sv -Allen (2). 28 -su.ni.v IOCC) 2. Benoit (OCC), !Capel'le (S), Mu (S). HR - Sta"19Y IOCCI. M.u, .. (OCCl. Johneon (S). the win.oen. who improved to 8·11, 2·5ln1~ Ala Piaaiikl and Jeff Waldron alao had two hJU apiece for the Mua~ (or Whoin jt.mlor ace Justin Peterson left the tying run at third ln the seventh to po1t h.ls second 81VO. Saddleback fell to 8·8, 4-4. Qotdeft WiMt l..Mpe , Co.U MMe 10, SaddW>ec* t Mesa barely holds on c. Mesa ~~"T -'° ,. , Co M HJgb bull S'badl 03t 302 o -t a 2 • Sta esa l a Cooper, Varga (4), Peteraon (7) and 10-4 lead. then held on for a N. Hunter; Valaruuela, Godoy (31 10-9 Golden West League base-· and Del.eon. W -Vargas, 4-3. L · ball victory at Saddleback Tues-Vatenwata, 3-S. Sv -Peter10n (2). d 28 -Gonzalez (CM). 38 -Moralet ay. (SI Senior fint baseman Dan Bit· · ler went 4 for 4 with one RBI and two runs, while Adam Bel-Lions fall run short tran and Gary Gonzalez each had two bits and two RBis for • The Vanguard University belebUI team gave up one un- earned run In the top of the nlAth and lost, 3-2, to Golden Swt Athletic Conference visi- tor Cal Baptist Tuesday. Scott Zine and Robert Cruz collected two hits each to lead the Uona ~25, 13·14 in con- ference). Cal Baptist improved to 25·211, 15-13. Four ems also hurt Vanguard, Including one ln the n1nth. Jason Searle went BY.. on the mound, scattering seven hits, striking out five and allow- ing two earned runs. GokMft --Adlledc Confwenc:• c.a Bilptlst 3, Vi.ngu•rd 2 Score by lnnlrim c. 8aptlat 100 too ool -l • o V.nguard ooo 200 ooo -2 e • Owens end Van Costing; Searle, Harrie (9) and Bower. W -Owens. 6-1. L-Harrl1, 5-7. 2B-Cruz (VU). HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sage Hill upends Oxford; both in tie for first Celebf'atilg the Daly Pilot's Athlete of the Week series I if i t 1 I Lightning rallies to hand Patriots their first loss this spring. Money picks Navy 2-6, won, 6-4, 6-1; Krooph (CdM) lost. 0·6. 1-6, 5-7. Doubi.s-Saida·Pham (CdM) def. Oavid·Re1d, 6-4, def. Danto-liu. 6-2, def. Loper-Stapleton, 6-2; Roberts·Koury ICdM) w on, 6-2, 6-1 . 6-0; Gingold-Nguyen (CdM) won, 6-1, 6-3, 6-1. • SOFl'Mll: Sage Hill School sophomore shonstop Alexa Shi- tanishi atoned for an earlier fielding miscue by lining a two- run, two-out single to right-cen- ter fieJd in the fifth inning 10 key a 2-1 Academy League softball win over previously unbeaten Oxford Academy Tuesday. • RECRUITING: Corona del Mar High senior boys Weiter polo standout John Money. a third· team All-CIF Southern Section Division 1 performer for the three-time defending section champions, will continue next fall at lhe U.S. Naval Academy, he said Monday. Eagles roll over Saints Jhe win pulls the Lightning into a three-way tie for first place with Oxford and Capistrano Val- ley Christian. Catherine Dailey led off the fifth with a single, stold second and advanced to third on Allison Gonzalez's infield hit. After Gon- zalez stole second, Oxford pitcher Melissa Porche induced a comebacker for the second out. But Shitanishi came through with the biggest hit of the Sage 1 lill season, according to Coach Jim Percival. Money. a first-team All-Pacific Coast League performer last fall, chose Navy over UC San Diego. He has received his congres- sional appointment and plans to major in both political science and engineeririg. He will play water polo for the Midshipmen. Money, a driver. had 21 goals, 21 assists and 37 steals for the Sea ~last season. • VOIJ..BY8A.LL: The Estancia High boys volleyball team made short work of visiting Estancia Tuesday, posting a 15-1. 15-10, 15-7 Golden West League tri· wnph. Josh Kornegay paced the Eagles (22-6, 10·0 in league) with 15 kills. while Brad Larsen (seven kills) and Scott Sankey (six kills and three blocks) were aJso big. -by Barry Paulkner CdM trounces Tesoro Estancia hosts crosstown ri- val Costa Mesa today at ap- proximately 4:30 p.m. Sage starts new streak Dailey, who allowed just three hits, earned the pitching victory, backed by a combined JO assists and three putouts by second baseman Christina Mainero, third baseman Katrina Redel- sheimer and Shitanishl. •TENNIS: The No. 2 doubles team of Brennan Roberts and Robert Koury won 18 of 21 games to help Corona deJ Mar High breeze past Pacific Coast League host Tesoro. 14-4, Tues- day. The Sea Kings (17-0,.6·0 in league) played without their top three singles players, but will have a full lineup Thursday, when they host University for an important league clash. • VOUEYBAU.: The Sage HW School boys volleyball team took care of Academy League visitor Torrance Lutheran, 15-9, 15-13, 5-15, 15-11. Tuesday to halt a four-match losing streak. The Lightning (8·4. 6-4 in league) played their first match in more than two weeks and used the layoff to get healthy again. Sage Hill is now 8-6, 4· I In league, while Oxford falls to 14· t, 4-1. ·Thursday's a big one," CdM Coach Tim Mang said. luniors Kevin Joyce (ankle) and Macsun Frederick (broken hand) were among those who s howed they are close to 100% fo r the winners. Joyce had a match-high 28 kills and Freder- ick added 12 to help junior set- ter Julian Smith-Newman col- AclldemyL.Neue Sage Hill 2. Oxfofd 1 SCore by Innings Oxford 010 ooo o 1 l 1 Sage Hill ooo 020 " 2 4 2 Porche and Taylor; Dailey and Torina. W -Dailey, 5-3 L -Pordle, 13 1 Pac:lftc Coast LNaue CdM 14, Tnoro 4 Slngi.s-Reitz (CdMI def Kordesteni, 6-3, def Sifontes. 6-2, def Fink, 6-0; Warsaw (CdMI lost, LegalNollca 2640 Legal Notica 2640 Legal Molica 2MO Lepl Notices --------ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Kern .ind Wooley llP. 10900 Wllshwe Blvd . LM Ansele~. CA 90024-6501 T(l£PHOHE NO 310 824 1777 ATTORNE Y FOR Rehence N•hon.ol In dftmn1ty Co1n1>any NA.ME Of COURT JUDI CIA.l DfSTRICI OR BRANCH COURT. IF ANY Or•nt• County Superior Cou1 l Central Judicial DISlrlct PLA.INTIFf Rell•nce lhtlon•I Indemnity Comp•ny OEFENDANT T1er•n Sodfl•n NOTKIOf SHllUff'S SAU LEVYINC OfFICt:R Or anse County Sller1fh Dept .t601 Jambor•• Rd Am 108. NewPorl Beach CA 92660 H.irbor D1mloll LIY'flNO Offectlt fU MO. M02-HHS COUllT CASI MO. 711060 By 11lrtue of • wrot luued on 9 16·02 1n the abo11e desl&n•ted Court, upon • iu(lam«nt entered I t3·99 1n fe11or of jud1ment credllor(a), Reliance Ntliontl In· ~n1ly Compeny c/o K•n •nd Wooley · 10900 Wllslllr• 8111d ., I Ith '"-· Los ~•fes CA 90074 en41 t celnat 111d1me11t de I> tor (1) Tier•• Sva4'1le11 •S tklcAKKt Orhle, ~· B each, CA 92610, ~•"I • 11tt Ml•nee of '3$0.llCU Ill e(tually dlMI Oft .. IUdflN!"' Oii the d te of tN IS..,•11« of uMI wtlt, I 11 ... e i.vi.d upon eH rll;lt. tltle end 111terut of u id 1u611Mnt del>tor(1) In Ill• proparty 1n tit• CC\Unly nf Ot•1>1•, $1111• of c .i1fe;11... delcril>ed n follow&: Cofnmo11ly llltOWll Ad • f5 ....,,, °''"· :=orl INd. CA Lefal O.crlphOn PAA CC t &.OT 10 M TRW NO 11450. AS SHOWN ON A MN' MCOfU>CO IN 800ft •91; P ... CES 42 TO 4f INC&.USM: M MIS• Cl I LAlltCOUS ~~b C:OM>S"' ~. COllMT1. CAI If ClftMA lteutd o .... n . "'• ,_. .. ,.,. r.mi11 l11n1t• ,..,,,..,...,.. Uua l'reper If I I ........ ................. .............. ,, .... 11 111m "" w..t .-. .. Gr ... ~ .. 1iino1hon, dorecllons to Its loc .. tion m;ay be ob l.imed fr om the Sheriff"s Ott•ce upon requnt. Pro spec live bidders should refer lo Sechons 701 !'>10 lo 701 680. 1nclus1ve. of the Code of Covil Procedure for provosions eovernine lhe terms. cond1hons. and effect of the sale ind the h1b1hty of defeullln1 bidden NOTICC IS HEREBY GIVEN tllel on May 8, 2003. et 11 00 o"clock A.M el 4601 J1mborae Rd, rm. 108. City of Newport e .. ch. County ol Orena•. Stele of Cahforn1• I will sell •I pubhc •ucllon to the htltlesl bidder. for usll 1n l•wful mon.y of the United Stales. all tlHt rt&hl. title end lnlttresl of nld )udament debt or( s) In the above dH<r1bed Pfoperty. or Ml much thereof H mey be necnnry to satlsly se•d •••cutlon. with eccrued Interest and costs. Oiled Aprll 10. 1003 Olv1s1on· H•rbor APPROXIM.A TE MINIMUM BIO 11,458,000 00 Mte:hMI S Ciifone Shef1tt, Or•1t1• County ly /S/ 8 . H.,p, ~~.Do not tak• down or deface • poated Mftce bef0t1 ti.. ..ie or 1thafection of jucqmtnt. Pinal Code Section 811 (ln!Sde-Of), Publl1hed Newport e.-ch Coett ~-Deily Pilot Api-11 I.. U. 3_!>1 2003 WI_,.. -· H~~T:-:JEN OAHT (AvlM> e Acuw do) OOAAlO C BEL LOl#s. end DOCS l to 2D. INl!ftl11e YOU Allt 1£1NC !CO tY'1.NNTIH: (A 04' N •I• cla!Mlld ando )! I H£1UY L•fltANCf' VOii li•ve JO CAUN OM DAYS eft11r I.Ml --.. ..,....., Oft ,.., to 1• • ..,...,.,." r~u •I thk Uwll A left• er llftone c.all will llOt llfofMI· ,w. yout trP••tltl~• te• •111onH mnt II• 111 ,,..., .... '°'"' If ,.. w.i.t tM ~' .. ,..., ,_ "'°" ...... ,.,.. , ............... ,.., fft8 your waaes. money and property may be l.iken without lurlher •Hrn1n1 from the court There •re other l•c•I requorem«nls You may want to Cilll an •ltornty t1ct>I aw.ay II you do nol know an attorney you may cell en •110< ney referrel sen11ce or a l91al ••d ottica (hst11d in the phone book) Despuu de que le entreauen est• clt•tlon 1ud1elal usled Ilene un pfazo de 30 DIAS CAI ENDARIOS pen1 ptesen t•r un• rnpunla es crlt;1 • m•qulna en ula corte Una .. .,i. o una Uameda lelefon1c• no It olreceu proteccron \u respue't.a eicrila a m•quln• t1ene que cumpflr con las formal ldedH ltaales 8Pfopi8 das st usled qu111u qu11 la corte escucht su caso. S1 usted 110 pfannl• SU rtl(lutsta • ltempo. puede perdcr •I cno. y le pueden qultar au ••latio. su d1neto y olrH co,asd• su propled•d tin av1so adlc:ional por perte de la corte Eatsten ottos requlsl 10$ lqltlu Puede que usted qultta llemar • un •bo1ado lnmedleh inanl• SI 110 conoce • Utt •l>o&•do. PU•d• n.m11r • 1111 -vlc:IO de referenda de •bollldo• o • un• ohdna ell eytid• 141pl (VII el dlfec1CHlo t ... fonlco) CAHNUMIUt <N--•4-IC-) ot~HJ The na111e end 1dclfus or tbt court Is (Cl nombre y dweccion de i.COt'teu) SUf't:ltlOW COURT Of CAl.lf'OftNIA IN AAO fOlt THF COUHTY Of Olt AHC[, .OJ JetnborM ltNI. Newpeft luc-lt, CAtzteo ~ .IUS1'lCt. COf 'TU MCWf'Oltf t ACK fAC&.fTT Ille IWlllM, ....... .nd t~nu....,of pllfntiff'• ettorner. Of 11111nUU •lllleul •" ....... It!'"~·. ...~, ......... . -~ .. ...... ..................... de111111dant• ~·• 110 ,_ . .,.....,,~ UIC V. lftAU J. , 1Hl ~MJflAWf , toO" ,, ..... ~· ...... ........ ...._AMI, CA 1rno1 <7l•>D 7000 DAU1 (feci..I Jl.ll 10, 2002 ALAN SLA na, Clerk (A<t-1•1, ~y '· IOWllt, D..-ty ~0u·:~rs~:~ N"wport Beach CoslJI Mesa Deily Pilot A.pul 30. May 7. I .t ?I. 2003 Wl.t3 ISC lmt llCmCI Of Pl'lml* TO D•EllllSTAlt Of: UIB UISI TnOI WllO.A2177M To •H hims. benefl· clerles, creditors. con hnttttl cred1lon, end persons who m•y oth l!fWise tJ. lnll!fesled IO the will or estate. or both. of KAREL LUISE l'YOOf'I A PETITION f'OR PRO· BAT£ hu bffn filed by JOHN S. WllLIAf~S. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOA in the Supertor Court ot Cahfornl•. County of ORANGE TH( PEllTIOH FOR PROBAT£ requests Ula! JOHN S. WILLIAMS, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR be llCJPC>lnled rt petaonaf r19rtMlltat1ve to ed mlnlltw the emi. of tlledec4Hknl, THE PETITION r..,ub 9'1thotlty to •dm•n~« tlle Hl•I• under 111• tndepe11dent Ad11111111 tt1tlo11 of Esl•tes Ac:t (Thit AUt:llOttty w• allow tile j)eflOftfl feofeMll t111v1 to ttkt me11r ectl0ft1 w~ ol>tNI • ln1 court 1111101111. a.IM• tAlklna clk'U1n .,.,.; i~tont • uon . however, tMI l*Mm•f repreMntat1ve will be. required to 1111• nolk• IO k\tet •tAld ,.,tOllS llllMM tlley Mvt WtlVM notlC• °' COMenttd to U. propoHd KtlOfl ) Th• lndepende11t ell 111tt11etr•t10n utwttr ... lie ........ WtlBt ... ifiterHled penon f .. Ill otl,ed.IOCI tAI the .... Jt ........ .,....,, tflOd CllllM wtl'f tll• COUtl V.Vuld not sr•nt the e11lllor1tr A HCAAJ'-G H the ,.wt!Oftwtlh ........ *~ 1~. 200I •• 1:30 p .111. Ill l'1111I 11 IOtatH ot :Ml lhe City °''" S.Ulh, 0teftlt'; cA t2M. t You oeicr u • ............ Of .... _.,,..., ltllll WMd .,..., ...... ~-:,::-:re ~ ......... C9W1 = ...... xow appearance mey be in person or by your .ittorn•y ff YOU ARE A CAEOI· JOR or cont1111ent crRd1tor ol Ille decefl.ed. rou muil tile your cl•1m with tti. court and mall • copy lo th• personal r e!>feMlnt•hv• eppointed by the court w1th111 four months from the date of the hrst Issuance of letters at f)fOYlded In Probate Code sect10tt 9100 !he time for f•lll'll claim' wlll nut e •p•r• before tout months from the hHflllC dale noticed ebon. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kepi by tti. court. If you ere • person In· l•nted m the ni..te, you may hie with the court • Request lor Sclaclel Notice (form OE· J!;c) of the llNna of an lnventOfy en41 ltlfM'alul of estate nHta or of any petition or .ccounl H PfOYided 1n rrobete Code aect1011 1250. A Aequut for Specl1I N\111« lorm I• anil•l>le lrom Ille cOUft clefll. A...,.., ...... ....._. ......... P ... lltfr• c •••• , c-... -4 J•••• C. H•r•e1, 0..-tr, 141 n.. City 0r:. ,.o. ... 44U. o.-e-. <A HtH Pubhslted Nawport l•Kh·Coeb Mae Dall) Pitot Apt-II ZJ, 29, ~..t 2003 Wflw IDftCIGf..USMI The ml11I etor•1• ttdflt1, tccordlnl to thtl Pf ov l110nt of Olvleiofl 8 of lite 8ldlft1N .llM ,rohulons Co61, Chapter 10, SHtloe 11101 (1), '"""' """ HOTICl or PUlllC SAU U fltA SlORAQ ( NlWPOltT MISA (Storeae Herae)Wlll coMIKt a ,.Ila u• of lite ~t•11b of ttM .... topKe(t) lltMll IHllew,Wlttlttlt~-- "'"' '411f IO the tlictMlt ~.for lewfUI ~ of the United St•tu of An»flU (calf!). ,r l'llitNltltllell'llleW 10 NU9fr • ....,_,. .. Md:wll ....... •t: 12!0 lfiltof St .• Cellt• -.. CA'21a•*' u . .:.. .. l IO p "' • A1t•tl•11•••'• ....... .,,..... AW!a, ,...... II· lailtl.aal AMI-: PO lo• cm.,,_,. •.CA tlll4, ...... • .,,.1 .. ...... ........... lect 44 assists. "We're healthy and we were playing with intensity again," Sage Coach Merja ConnoUy- Freund said. Sea Kings lose in I 0th • SOfTBAU.: The Corona del Mar High softball team had the bases loaded with oae out in the bottom of the ninth, but failed to score, as visiting Northwood remained in first place in the Pacific Coast League with a 2-0 win in 10 in- nings Tuesday. CdM (7-7. 3-2 in league). which would have tied North- wood for first in the PCL with a victory, also came close to scor- ing in the sixth. But a Sea King runner was tagged out at the plate. Alissa Zoelle, Kianna Jaye and Amy 'fyson had two hits each. Zoelle · recorded four strikeouts and scattered six hits in a complete game. Northwood improved to 5-0 in league by scoring rwo un- earned runs in the 10th, capi· tali.zing on two CdM errors. ln the bottom of the ninth, the Sea Kings produced con- secutive s ingles by Jaye. Meagh- an Bunney and Saiah Stem, but they were left stranded. Pac:lftc: Coelt Lupe Northwood 2, CdM 0 Score bv Innings N·wood ooo oob ooo 2 -2 6 o CdM ooo 000 000 o-o 9 l Lewis and Robtnson; Zoelle and Tyson. W -Lew11. L -Zoelle, 6-5. 28 -Tyson (CdM). Zo.lle (CdM), Lewis (NI, Roblnaon (N). 1\vo 'Eaters honored •WATER POW: UC Irvine juniors Melissa Fernandez and Erica Horman both received honorable mention in lhe All- Mountain Pacific Sports Fed- eration selections. Horman's 65 goals were a school single-season record , while Fernandez scored 28 goals to help·the Anteaters fin. ish 20-21. It was the second straight year Fernand ez has re- ceived honorable mention. Sailors held hitless • SOPTMU.: The Newport Harbor High softball team closed out the first round of Sea View League action on a down note, as Foothill freshman Sara LaRue delivered a no-hitter with just one walk. LaRue led the Knights to a 19-0 victory over the Sailors (8-7, l -4) Tuesday. Kirn Moore, who walked in the fourth, was the Sailors' lone base runner. She advanced to second on a wild pitch and went to third on a groundout, but was left stranded. foothill improved lO 11-11, 5-0. The Sailors return to Sea View League action Thurs· day at 3:30 p.m. at Aliso Niguel. S.aV.LHpe Foothln 11. Newport o Score bv lnnlnas Newport ooo boo 'fl -o o 9 Foothill 329 017 " -19 12 0 Gleason, Moore (1), Gummerman (6) and Campbell. LaRue and Hartfield. W -LaRue. L -Moore. S. 7 28-Monzo (Fl, Gastelum !Fl. Hartfield (F), Vega IF). 38 -Gilbert (Fl. Lowe (Fl. TOOAY 2A -Tobin Junowlch N-pon Harbor Boys soccer, 2002 23 ·Brad Evan$ Orange Coast Men·1 volleyball, 2000 20 -Emilee Bodiford Orange Coast Softball, 2003 17 -Kaitlyn Gentling Costa Mesa Girls aoccer, 2002 YOUTH BASEBALL NHBA hosts skills event OtiJd~n ages 7-14 may panici· pate in the Pepsi Pitch. Hit and Run competition May 4 at Bob Henry Park beginning at 11 a m The City of Newpon Beach and Newport Harbor Ba.seba.1.1 ~­ ciation will h<>lit the event. which is a youth skills competition. All players must be residents of Newport Beach or be NI 1&4. members. The event is free and winners or the competition will advance to the regional competition with thr finals being held at this year's Major League Baseball AU-Star Ga.me in Oiicago in July. Call the City of Newport Beach Recreation Division at (949) 64+ 3156. 2MI Legal Maaca 2148 lapl llotlca a ttend Terms ue caih only. Owners rnerves the "&hi lo bid A 1enenl deKriptlon of tlle proptf1y bt1nc sold. •Iona with the Hlenhly of the Occupant rentlf1& the space ore •s follOW\ FILE CABIN£T. I()" LAO DER. TABLE. MI SC BOXES. BOXINC BAG, MIRROR & WICK£A fURNITUR£; OftlATIOIS, '41111 OTT DIM fOST RI IOX 14171, CIUMl, CA m11-m1 PfllDOf ~J-. ...... fOl~Of­cma TO SllOW Ul5I fOI OWIAOf- below lo show C81Jff 11 •"1· why Ille petition tor chan1e of n~me ~llould not be 1renled NOTICE or HEARING Oat• 6/3/03 rune 2 00 pm Ot!pt l 73 ............ "-S....... file foHowlna persons are doina business as THE KAMPH CROUP 1900 0 .. n. leM. New port 8Hch. CA 92660 SPAC( NO • OCCUPANT PROf'ERTY OESCRIP HON 11267, U.S Dleanostic, Inc .• Photocople<. 8oan A272. Ellj1h Voun1. Bou•. Bike. Couch. Mkrowev1 Bl.t6, P1ul W Miiier. Boaes. HouMhold items , Luu•&• B2S8. Hsina Chen. Inc: .. Cloth••> file C1blnel. ladders C029, llnd1 S C1t1M:Jtrt. Pi.no.~ ..... Bous 0229. ChrblQ9hef l•u r•nc•. Boxes. HouMllotd items 0146, Lindy KTeutzbet1, lV, Bout. MettrtsM• E118, Joe W Mcl(lnley. fffes,8ous Publlthed Newport Beach·C01t1 Meu 0•1. Piiot Aj>tll 30, M•y , :?003 W146 I01ICI Of ..UC WI HOtlCt IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE PEii SOHM. ,ROP£AlY Of SC1tt8£D BELOW Will 8£ SOLO TO CHFOMCC A LICH IMPOSlO ON SAID rROPUllY BY P'UllUC AUCTIOH l"\M SUAJllT TO SECTIONS 11700 2&7lt lffClUSIVE Of THE. STATE Of CALIFORNIA IUSIHESS & r1tOF CSSIONS CODE. SECTIOH 1321, SfCTIOH "5, Of THr PUW. COOf Ate> ""OVISIONS or THC CMl COO( lo 8l Hl:.lO AT JI oOCI A M ON May IZ, '°°l. AT AU Sf'ACf: • HUfilTllfC TOH 8CACl4, HU KAMll TON AvtNU(, .-,,,TWOlOJll •ACff. CA ..... WHFM' ~CW UITY HM llfN STON.I) If KC. AUCMN IU· WI:. IOND •'1J •1 II ,..,. ........ UlllfT •• ~ .... """°""· 10 U. CHltlSTINA CASTllO, HOUtrHOlD QOCJOS, IAllUi11, rte Niii, .SC IOILS TOYS, ~S. Ntt SUPP\.lll, TOCll. IOa & ~ ,.., '°"" MCHOtl. ituMi mn•ss • ..,.._, tJAntll DA. fLOCMI IAW, et•J llltll a IUlfAI! ·~ fl I suNU coeo. NICOLE THUR STON. MISC BOXE S HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, TOYS & WICKER FUR· NITUR£; G084, JULIE ANTON· GIORGI. MISC. BOXES Of PERSONAi. FUft,.,lURC, HOil. OOHAlO CANTU, 2 ·STEPS OF GOLF CL UBS . COOLER . CAMPER SHELL. CRA!f.S a. MISC. BOXES. Publis hed Newpor I 8•ecll Costa Mesa Del¥. r11ot 1.pr11 30. M.1 . 2003 W145 Wl_.l211156 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS: I Petitioner Thom11S Junes renn Bannott flied 8 petition With thtJ CQ!lrt for a OtcrN ch1n11n1 nemes es lotlows- lllomn James Fenn Bannon to Thomas James Fenti '1 Tl1C COURT ORDERS th:at e• penGM Inf.,. MIN In 11111 IMtt• Wlf .,,.., before thla cowl et the ..._,Int lndblff Tiie eddrns of lllt court ts ul!MI es noted 1bove J A copy of this Ordef to Show cause Uiall be published el least once each weeli for four succen111t wMk' f)fior to llHt dale u t for h .. rin& on the petition In th• fo"ow1n1 news P•Pet of &•n«•I clrcu· l•tion. pr1nted In lhii county· DAil Y PILOT o.t .. AN 21 200J IKIWtO O. MAIH, Sl., JUOOI Of THI SUHlltOll COUllT 'ubflehed Newport BHch-Cost.a Mesa Oa011 r11o1 1.pr11 23. JO. Ma1 7, 14. Z003 W137 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • Pil6t I Jocelyn Kemph, 1900 01an• Lane. Newpotl Be.ch, CA 92660 Clof1• 1<1mph 1900 Diana l•nt. Ne•port Beach. CA 9?660 Br •d Kamph, 1900 Olane Line. Newport Buch. CA 92660 This busln..u is con dueled by • pneral partn.nhlp Heve ~ started dofn& business ret? Yn. 198!> Jocelyn Kamph Thts 1t•l•rnet1I wn fitff Wtllt the Cou11tr Cleft>. of Otanp Covnty on Oo4/181200J HOM941SU O•oly Pi6ot l\4K lO. Ma~ 7. 14. 21. 2003 W144 ' -----------~ -~ ~Piiot Wednesday, Af!ri ~. 2003 .......... -IAlllllalms ......... ............ .. LIP' ............. M llpl.._ NllW. ....... ~ Hotb la llweby lfven that tlle llfl4Wil!lned will at ~ •llCtfOn pur· suaftt to cll•tw 10, dlVltlon 8 comm.nclna with MCtlon 21700 of the lluslneu and pro-·~ code °' MCtlon 1911 of the clvil codt of 'T'IM Stst• of California and pursuant to co~ m«cl•I eo-., .-fllo11 7Zl0 (2): the foliowlo& 'mbcellaMOUs housellold ..id peraonal Pfopel"ty to-Wit lde.ntlfled by n11N and slOf•i• unit num· b«. Rita Estelle lot RS 11103 and Henry Blank Lot. HB 7802. Total of 2 tots, stord 1t Two Brothers Movine. at location of 1041 W. 18th SirHt, Costa Men, California 92627, Ounee Cou11ty. This u,. will ~ c~tltlv• blddln1 on the May 28th, 2003, at 4:00 p.m.. at South CoHJ Auction, 2202 South Main Street, Santa An• CA 92707, tzl4> z,z.8tl3 pn sajd preml•Hl. County of Or•fl&•, atat. of C•ll· lorn la . Biiiy S . Hu1119hr1H, AuetionMr, llcen11 numlllf 2.84, will cc>ftduct sale at 2202 South Main StrHt, Santi Ana, CA. S11M Is sold with limit and r911tve, the landlord r-ve• t!M d&ht to bid at the saht. Pllfch111s must t>. paid fOf at time of purcheM. All Pllf· Chu.cl CJ)ods .,, sold, •as ts•. end muat be removed by SatUtd1y, Mey 28th, 2003 5:00 p.m. This ule Is subjtct to pt for canctllatlon In the eont of s.ttlement, b1tw11n Two Brothers Movln1 and obllceted party. Publlshed Newport Beach-Costa Meu Dally Pilot April 23. 30. 2003 Wl38 UG.UllOTICI MOTICI Of Ml.IC SALi 'Of .....,PIOPlllY Nollet 11 hereby clnn thel tM undersl1n.ci will yll at pyb!lc 14ctign Policy pursutnt to S.ct1011 21700 of the But!Mas a Professional code, t"- follow I n1 dHerlbed P'oC>WIY to wH: Ellflo A. Pacana, D 15, Blkt, Rua. Rime a Tlrts, Hand Cart, Shot> Vac, Mi\c. Hous.ehold. Chris· topher Dale, Unit C97. Baseball Cards, Mq1· zlnes, Mbe. Bolin; Misc:. Hou ... hold, Susan Kim· btr·fal!rnar, Unit 810, Clothn. Computer, Lu11•e•. Mlnl·Frld1•. Cooler, Bo••• & Misc. Hous.ehold. Sale will be by com· petlt1vt (written sealed bids m1y be submitted 1n edvance) on the 14th day of May, 2003, et 9:00 A.M. It the pre· mises where u1d prop· erty has bffn st«ed, which 1$ localed at: AYRES SELF STORAGE. 1880 Whittler AYI., Cosl• Mesa. Ca, 92627. Lendlord restrns the ritht to bid at th• Hie. Purchasas mud t>. made. by cash end paid f« at the time ol purcha.e. All purch1s.d 1oods art aold, 0AS 1s· •nd rnust be removed 't tl<IM of ..... S.lt ,, aulljllct to cancell1tlon In the evellt of s.ttlMnent NlWNll lendlord •nd oblfaeted pwty. ,.ublbhed on April 23rd, 2003 end on Al>fll 30th, 2003. AYMSCROUP 80HDHUM8ER S·400-1684 Ayres Sell ~orap Anaela Russo 6 Scott l-· Resident Ma11· .... Publlslitd Newport 8eadl·Cosl1 Mau Dally f'llot April 23, 30, 2003 Wl41 ~ ..... ... s..... The followin1 persons .,., doln1 buslneu 11: THE Ul'S STORE, 2973 Harbor 81¥d.. Costa Mesa, Californie 92626 D.T. Woodwd COfp. (CA), 1853 Paros Cltcle, Cost. Miu, Callf«nla 92626 Thb 6us1ness Is con· ducted by: e corporatlo'n Hav• you 'tarted doln1 b1t1ln1u yetl Yu 08/ 17/19'7 O.T. WC>Ofttd Corp., Corel•• Prettyman, lea'tl•Y This statement WU fli.d Witt! tM County Cl«ll of Otan&e County on 04/18/03 10016'4•506 Ollly Piiot Al)f. 23, JO. M1y 7, 14, 2003 W139 flcllm .... .......... Th• followln1 persons are doln1 business 11: Basketball Uniforms Olrect, 825 Hlblacus Court, Coron1 Del Mer, CalifOfnle 92625 Char les Leander Mc8rldt, 825 H1bisc:us Court, C«on1 Del Mar, Callfornl1 92625 This business Is con· ducted by: an Individual Hen you started doine buslMSS ytt? No Charles McBride , This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ouna• County on03/18/0a 20016H7M1 Daily Pilot A4>f. 30, May 6, 2003 .......... ......... The followln1 f)lfsons are dolnc llualneu u ; Admire! c ... Sa*, 27601 Forb11 Rd. Ste. 32, L-.un1 Hif.vel, C•lifornt• 91677 Capdevlell'e kw:., (CA), 24861 Cambefwlll, l1· 1;53 Hiiis, C1tlfornla This bwlneu 11 con· ducted by; I COl'1>0f atlon H•n you 11.wted dolr1& busl!IQs y•t? No Capcltvltllt. Inc., Peter Capdevlelle, President This' st1te1T11"t was filed with the County Cltrlr. of Otana• County on 03/10/03 20016H64tt Dilly Pilot A.pt. 9, 16, 23. 30, 2003 Wl26 Adltlm ..... .......... The follow'"' per$ons 11e dolnc business as: Pleau Sl&ri Hert, 24266 Ponch..-tre11> lane. lake Forest, CAS2630 Dana Dicllr.teln, 24266 Ponchartrain lane1 Lall• How to Place A Fornt, CA 92830 lnhawn Almatron1. 24266 Po11 chertr1ln Lant, lllllt Forni, CA 92830 This btnl-Is con ducted by: co-pwtnen Hnt yOll started dolfl& business y1t7 Ho Dina Oldlsteln This statement wu filed with lhe County Clerk of Or 1n1e C4unty on04/0l/03 200J6HHH Dally Pilot A4>f. 30. May 7. 14. 21, 2003 W147 .......... ... s..... Tht followin1 persons ere dolne business as: Unlvarul Maintenance Compeny. 27601 Forbu Rd. Ste. 32, laauna H11u11, C11if0fnl• '¥lf.77 Pt~er J. Capcltv1ell•. 24861 Cambefwell, la· 1una Hills, Cattlornle 92653 This buStness is con· dueled by: an Individual Have you started doln& bUSlllllS yet? Yes, 01/ 01/1985 Ptl!f Ctpdtvitllt Th11 statement was t"-d with the County Cltf'tl of Or a11te County Of'l03/10/03 20016HHOO 01ily Piiot A1>t. 9, 16. 23, JO. 2003. Wl27 ......... ... s....... The tollowln& persons .,, doin1 business es; Jim RllC)aln, 2130 Ha· llo11al An ., Cost1 ¥est, CA92627 Jernt5 R B1Lffll. 2130 Netional Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This buslntts ts c;on ducted by en 1ndlvldueJ Have you started doln1 business yet? Yes. 1994 James R B1uell This st11tement was llled with the County Cltfk of Or ane• County on 04/04/03 200S69Stl91 Daily Piiot A{Jr 9, 16. 23, 30. 2003 Wl23 Rd!IM ..... -s...... 17th St. IA, Costa Milst. CA92627 Boni Hwen Hwe11&, 1145 Woodbury Or ., H•bor, CA 907t0 This but.IMS& Is C.On ducted by.• c0tporet1on Hne )'Oii at•ted do•na buslneu yet7 Ves. Sept. 30, 1991 Boni Hwan Hw1a1 This slatemer11 w11 hied w1tt1 the County 0*1I of Oran1a County Ofl 03/2.1 /03 2001fflt7H Dllllr Pelot A.pt 9, 16. 23, 30, 2003 Wl25 ........... ... s...... The follow1n1 .,.raons are dolnl bUStneS5 as. Smile Desian Advenced Dentistry. 210 W. Birch St. Ste. 203, Bru, CA 92821 Sahyen Dental. In<; , (CA), 769 View Lane, 011mond Bar. CA 9176!1 ThlS business ls eon· ducted by: • c0<poration Heve you started d<Mn1 busineK yef? No · Sahyan 0.ntal. Inc .• Abe SJbnn CEO fh•• w.te-nt wn lllM with ttMt ~ Clltll of Otlf!flll Cov•y on01/t0/03 !M.MH7H• Da•y Piiot A1>t. t, l6. 23. JO. 2003 w12• ......... ... s....... Thoe lollowlna persons are doirlC buslneS$ IS Loomis Pt Ol*'\Y, Ille., S323 Via Apoftne, Yorba Linda, CA 92186 CSR Ent•po•ses. Inc .• (NV), 5323 Via Apollna, Yorba Linda, CA 91186 This bUSIMSS IS con· ducted by a ~por•tion Hoe you sbrted dome buSUHtss yet? No CS R Enterprises. Meury Loomis. CCO This slalement w_. filed with the County Clerk of Oran1• Cougty on 03/19/03 200J6H7HS Dally Piiot Af>f. 16. 23. 30. May 7. 2003 Wl316 ,...----Deadlines----. Rates and deadli nes are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible e.Jtcept for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. l w I • CL;_\SSIFIEIAD Monday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tue!>day ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305-2490 Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa .Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach I I I Nane I I I aty I l.ip I Phone By Fax (949) 631-6594 (Ptra."' 1ncludc your ruomc and phon<' number and 111 c 'II cal I ' ) nu b:ack "'1lh a pncc qUOtc I l ESTATE RSAlE . Telephone 8:30arn·5:00pm Monday·Priday SOOS· SI SO D YES, SFI I MY CAR Independent to I I Cldc.m o t.c a~ o NAX reach over 100.~o '()don,... ea,. homes. Fax us this I form with your credit I card # or mail with a I .. check todayl I 1 L - ...... ._,...w.~ao....._CA_, .......... ...,.. .......... .... -- ---.... ---... .... ,. ....... ,. By .Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Pe rson: 330 Wes1 Bay Slrecl Costa Mt:•><1.. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd. & Bay S1 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursda) ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Hours Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Walk-In 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm Index ., I I I - LI nclcr the Scn'icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Genenl 3610 lrvlne 1160 Announcemenls 1610 Dlip;..... ...... www.a•1•ott...n.ors Pets In f'IAlk: ""-dr. Ol'lN SUN 1 :SO·S 10181 ....... Lone North l us tin Hills, Beau catahna, city tieht views Sb• Sba house • hbr ar y. 0,.. Sail 1-S ...... P..t.ct & .,_...,... ..... 4.51e home on I lewl w/1 Iii lot plus ocun. moum..i and city ll&tlb .-. $2.39'l.QX! Patndl Tenore. -ct. 9&&-9~. TOP $$ 4 UCCMlOS nc .llrZ. a..:. Ek. !i1$ .. fDs Jll MK. spc,., ~ An1IS Mike 949·645·7505 S.,.hlH & ( •• , .... Quantity for Seit or Eachanee: Can or Real E.stsla 800·834-009l. ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarot Ewnll 1310 All real utete edver· tlsm1 in thi~ newspaper Is subject to the F edetel Fair Houslnc Act oJ 1968 as amended whtch makes It lll11at to lctvtrtlse ·eny prefllf· tnce. ltmit1t1on or discrimination based on rece. eolor. relltlon. 111, handicap, femllial stetus Of" netional or1&ln, Of" 1n int•ntion to mah any such Pf•ler1nct, llmlta· lion or discrimination: This newspeper will not llnowln(fy ecce.pt any 1d"8rtlsement f« real estate which il In llloletlon of tha lew. OUr raiders are hereby lnf«med that 1U dwall· 1nas •dvtr11sed 1n this newspeper are anlleble on an equal oppot"tunlty basis. To compleln of db· crlmlnltion, cell HUO toll· """at l·IOC).424-8590. 14&1 GUAli HD v-w111-• •-'tty TV Star. We hive bootunp for all top rHhty based pro1ummin1. If you S'"I· dence, act or have a passion for bask entutainine. please catt us TOll FREE 800-378-7920 ut 103704 Remem· bflt EVERYONE IS A STAA. •••ANNOUIKIMINJ-• NOW Hlrq for 2003 Poml Potdbons. F edlnl Hh ~ F~ borwfitsl P-'~rd~ No exp ~ 1-U'l· 329·5268 £xi 131 (CAL~? lfGAl. SERVICES 2670 ~<.at.now. L1edin1 F lnenclel Relief law Firm S'-1Pri<• 100 II• 6000 MT/ PAIN11NGS 3060 S.tk... Dl1trthtw / lnnstor/Pertntr for Picasso, ~ M9tlsae, LlthotJIPhl ~· .._.. Artkt wttti= Art tn,,.ntory ~orr-.pat& ••aa:wzl\ . ....._ ... "" ........ lltho1rapha, sHkln1 chtflbutor Of sell rilflts 8()0.l34.0091. ....... _ .. ,..... - ~-Sft~'tll/2 ......... ..-.. dWn. 911). ,... -_....._. .... -. ~Ntl~ Fa'!hon tmr1d ~ZZJ9 111111 SPAY b rnon'WT19 at/ &Ill .. kittens ,, ... ~ 9&533-0411 ••••••••• 11-y ...... a-. ftwy ..... Y-OA .. ...-.. ~ ...... c,_ °"" $.UO. •49--21~5a1S ••••••••• 2power rm• App<oa 591Xl sf I .ac lot Ten nos courts $2,590.000 •.-.<....,Tv 949-2ts-t9U T•n-DHlp·O••- .,.... on quiet cul ct. sac abow Wood eo.~ wllll a fantasbC white water vleW 3tJf 3..5ba. 2 extra 1~. a eorrnet luU:hen and 2 -decks .. Wayne Bectiri !lot!M97 5111 ~-... ...__ PIUMllSTATU PATitlOI flNOU NATIOtfWIM USA 949-&56-9705 wwwj•IT~len«t.com RURAL PROPeITT FORSAl.f ~ Cody PrU(lllty 5115 20 Miii ...,. 19996. ,._ eoom.. D "->. Texn 195 down/199 mo nt h ly (10,/216 monh) llOlds sweyed. Free mapslpidlns. No quejllyq Gr..t location. ••celleJ1t ~ Sul..t ~ 1-«Xl-343-M44 - Run for a week! If 1 your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20e. Dail ~Pilot .Y !NDEPENDENT ' • A 11 !Wntsd!L Mr~ ~. 2003 "Employee." ''Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe." Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH FREAKED OUTI Boch vulnenbje. E.i dcW IS dlllt it ii uaWJy naht IO bid OM n10rt rather than ~. CMlidcr d\ia deal Crom • Ir.am tournament ill France. . NOR11t •AIC 1:7 Vold o A 10 9 8 76 54 32 •3 Sol/th bld ooe more. foe luck. after the <>Pr>odents retehed acvtn beauts. It miJtht seem lt\a( Weat wwld be WI· l•rted" wilh ddcatin1 xven 6pedea une Ind• by ie.tin1 the .:e Q( clllt*. but pcd id in and the player ctQc the kin1 of diamonds. Dcc:larcr ruffed. croucd to the ldna of spades and ruffed another dilllllOOd. settina I.IP the WiL The ate of spades WM the entry to the good diamonds -making seven spedcs doubled -pl~ 2470. MST •Wd ~ aGH7'S4J2 o KQJ FMT •Wit OAKQJ o~ •A • KQJ 109876S SOtJTH • 0 J 10 98 76 54 32 ~Vold o Vold •4 2 Thi was the biddi111 111 the otbcr table: The bidding: EAST SOUTH 26 4• 7Q 7• .... ,_ Opening lead: King of - &AST SOtn'll WEST NOlml ,. 6• ,. Obi .... .... ..... <?J>ening lead: Queen of • "t ba\'C yd IO find I bridge book lhllt Includes a cbaptet on (rcak handll!" writes a reader. "Om you &ive 80IDe advi(:e7' There is a good reason why you can't rand anything in bridltc litera- lW"C covering Ibis subject. Tficre is no ngtll W~.Y lO handJe dJ lribuUOnal bands! The besl advice wc can offer Nanb doubled ID try 10 ICf Soo1b IO lead a suit other than the one bid. Sooth would dearly have loved lo oblJ~c. but circumswx:cs militated a1auut that. Declarer ruffed the spade openio1 lead, cashed the ace of tnunps, returned IO hand with a dia- mond ruff. drew the !tit 1.Nmp and claimed. 1bat wn another 2.330 for a leem IOlal o( 4.800 00 the deal! RESIDENTIAL RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Balboa Peninsula O<EANVlfW /Prime P......ao .... , .... Ip, lat ~ n/$Ulll&/pets, Sl,550/mo. 949-D8450 Corona del Mar ,.,. ............ beam cells, 1850sf, skyliaflts, lrptc's. pr, prden, w/d, $2500/mo. !M9-759-0QI CostaMesa Plff I oa.t Apt... )br w/d, patio. yard, J02 Monte Vista Ave "6. n/pets ~mo 949-631-711' .....,.., c;...,, c-..Wty llr ''° .... w/pvt pr, Ire, wall lo T n Sq 18!lri.' mo Wata..1Jash peid Kleon ~'m1048649 Ed9200 EASTSIDE 28r house toed yllld, PET OK WJO hoollup OW 81 range/ovtn sin&le &•aee-Waler/tra1h P'tlCI $1475 $500 dep S2SO pet 714-545-0442 lllie new l lor 2~o i.-e. Loeht & brieht. quiet cul de sac, ocn bretzes Canyon Park $2100/mo 949 642 54-43 Newpoft Bead! * YlA.llY * LUSES Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 949-675-6161 UDO VIAil Y LEASE Bill GRUNDY Rl:.ALTORS 949-67S-'1'1 Ne_,..nl-t. Pemnsuta Studto Apartments av•ol ~1 $700 $950 949 673 7800 Penlnaule Pe Inf I br Iba, nice furn, J)ffll a boo Bay View, util incl a1Ul350949 673 7fKX> Hewly rtmod 2br 2ba c:ondo, 2 c 11r, patio, wd. no peVsmll Av•if S. l $1950 1~.949-759-1344 "'V9. ....... la 2& 2Ba, dn rm. bale. Ui50sf, 2c pr"&. oc.nvu, wall to bdl S3mn 90!Hi98·9347 s..,. ....... yl'1y rental 2 mslJ Ibis. 2.Sbil, ocn vu. ~. Ip. fil', no pet act $2400 9&673-71U> ltl Sir 2.s a. In eated comm, w/pool. spa• priv.le yard $3000/mo A&e.nt 949 856-9705 SS7SO/-{lyr lH) 3bc, Jba. ChNmine 2 sty home on lido Isle, 2 car ear & workshop. lplc 111 LR & Mstr Bdrm, 1/2 1>11 wd1 to bch & ptvt cJubhst. new p;iunVcrpl Avail 5/15 Ho pets. pp {949) 6'2-4494 Fiiiy "'"' 3&• den home. ok, htaf\ly upoaded, ale. pied comm w/pool & ~ S4000/mo Sh«t term onlx· =st 9&887-8603 Rerals Wanted 7880 W..tedi Rer11 )QI .,S tone a ~ Pron "1nol.e lH f1ls. ... m-.der hie s:tta = 9'&487 1551 VM'.ATION RENTALS Mcxnaln RertalS 79'l5 LAI(( AUOWHlAD JOOOaf 48r 4 58a. ac. Pl. 1ew1 lot w/Wle .,.... Sfii'J51Weekly Of $300)/ Monthly Bil 949 721 1721 SELL your unwanlld items llwoui;. claSS1fled • ADMIN ASSfT detAll orlllltM, ,..,... projKts, r-ch. dell enlqf end -~ Ouic:llboolls. W«cl & h eal. Access • pllJL Smel ~Id trm l'n resume 714 969-6408 AUTOMOTiVI SAUS lmmed1at1 open104. HIChhn• HS de•lersnip Is loo611n1 fOf motivated. doven & uperlen«d ules PfOfesslonal Ea ctllenl pay & benefits Fu res; 949-721-8808 DINa-Covenant Trans· port 150 i-ns nMdtd ~ ~about our J>flority dispatch Owner operators., e~ --~ soloa, '-Ill end pclrlte sUldenb. Cll 1888-MORE. PAY (1 ... 667-3729) (CAI. •SCAN) DllVHS1 TEAMS • Wl!Sl'9lf ~ Sc*! nm. pd homlS m-. competruve pay benefits packap , paid vacabon. Class A-OJL ZZ yr$ old. eood ~. 8!J8. 793 97°J'Z (CAI. •SCAN) o.tvws CT-Operation) $1000 Sllll1 on bonus ~ halrl! a lot Oa,..d. CA '•ITIINI. Arme1n r (j)ft& line 1~42.8{)343 Rel •IOI (Email recrut 1na@ anneltfl11 com) - m/ITd/• <CAL~> One pHltlon for Print & Graphic Oesi&n recn rlCilll Speaalst Send ID.me to hr@ 1lu pr1nton1 com J0111 Unlnrsal A111nclal Gn11111, a rap1dlY. expanding Na11onal Mortgage tlJllER, at our downtown Long Buch 1oca11on As a "lltd 111ortp1• ledtf we oner 1mmedia1e 1n·l\ouse ulldenomttng an'd an 1ncred1b!e processing team tllil allows our ioans lo close wtlhm 3 days Hands on d11ec1 1r.11mno Wll1l lhe ~test 111 mOl1gage 1echnolo0y allows our sales ieam to earn large moottlly c:hecb by !UflllnQ more loans with a fun specirum of products that 1riciUdeS prl!Tle. sub-pnme and FHA! Loan officers with 2+ years upentnce wi• fllld our manaotmeflt path an e1cept1onal opportuMy Call 1·8&6-262-1344 or Fu your resume to 708-671-1427 NOlllTIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN Rm IT. HALI Off h t MO RENT for move ., M.y lSst w/12 mo lease Nfow1y remodeled Cape Code Myle Commuoliy W/fWIW apps, Cit pet & ceramic. t.- Washer /ell.,.., dishwasher & 1elricetal0t lllCluded l'\Slde ._. lBr Sl<BS 2Br $1445 (714) 6SS-75t2 WISTCUff TOWNHOMI 28r. 21/IBA. 2c tu, c:omm pool, no 11tVsmll Sl700m Lse 949 642 1055 Everyday Is a great day in Cl~ified! .. c.-hwfton\. 2llr l.!iba ,...,, CXllT'n1 ~ nu l*'fl. tit. carp. 2 c pr. ICI Sl8» 96Ql.71lD Be a pan of it, place your ad today! (fM9) 642-5678 HolE, HEALTH /HJ ~ .... 0 ADE.RS· C11iforn1a law 1e· Qulr• that contrec· ton taklllJ jobs !hit total S500 or mou (Wlor or mat...,.) bt licensed by the Contractors Sta te l lc:anse Board. Stat. lew also requires tlt•t contnctors 1ncludt their license nvmber on ell ld-l.lsinc-Yov can dlKli the status of your licensed enlrac:t o1 •t www cilb.ca aov or 800-321 CSLB. Unh ctnsed conlflctors teklnt jobs thet total lus than $500 m11sl 1.l1te 1n thtw 1dnrt111111t nts th1t tttt,, ,,. net lictnud by th• Contncton Stat. LiunM Board • M•rnl Pr 1 f1ll• ..,....rmae ~ / a.1 "9modll .......... U staft IJDl'J ':'MC 986fi92i ......... AlTOllNEY Ci•ll ....... balM:al ........... '-"' .... ', COllUICU. --~ JOY91o.p. In Ne w la ,, .. , .. . ., ,,._.....,._ Svc. TH Pft~1tlon. Q11dt.8od1s ~ ,_ ........ eg'd 9&325-0250 car,.my A-ZMANDYMAN Install, rtf1ct Qblntb ~ moldrJ. Doua n4-546-7Zi8 • w;;Mu.in • Custom Bulft·ins . Crown Molclinp , B•se Bo•rds U 577982949·709 5642 C.,.Rlplr,tlla ~CAUn~CMnT~ Rtp•lfs. Patchlfll, lnsl•ll Cour l.ous. 111y .._ ;obi Wholtultl M9-492 0205 HM & IUSlllESS •trAlltS UPCfadts, Rep1lrs of Compultr, Networks. Evenlnp/WHhnds Comp41l11lve PflCH for quahty -vie 949..aU -117S 714-926-4121 t:one:ne. I Masonry lricll lledi sr-TU. Conct• PwtiO. Orivewty F .. "PIC. BBQ Rers 25Yra E•e Teuy 71 .. 557 7594 ~ ~c:-~ Lill577982 949 709 5642 n.....,,...... YOUlllMOMI tMrttOVIMHn no.11cn Call 1 plumber, plinttr. hancly1M11, Of 1ny of the lfHI s.rvicu lt\ttcl her• in OU< MO let dlf tc lOf yl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOP.\.E CAN HlLP OU TOOAYI acw11a111e 111c1r tc troublfthoolltl& sc>eCilkst -"' S«Vices. No IOI> too Sltl l'->15863 71~130 AM«lc. le l ictnsecl Electric1I Contr1etor. Smell lobs s llrtlna 1t $79.95 & .... Speclllliuna '" Rtmode.hne & 111 h,om• wlr '"I net<la, Comm/lndusVRes t..aoo..at7-IOOI •7129S9 UCE•SED CONTUCTOl No job too sm. ,. wW:esf Repelt, remodll. fans. ,.,,_we;~ Floortnttnll amoM mATM TU .....,_,...__, llWt*, ston.. .... 1t1S U16120W Jiii 71"1Ull&l iiidlM aWrm Floors. Countet• 6 Showtrs ll591315 r rH Estlm•Si!!?;.481·2097 iiiii ~ lt••eulWI & lnstalallon TU OEM M~7)IOl5 71~ 714-8113-20.11 L.. T.,rH '-4kceope Weekly trm'lt. lree hmq & lnsbHation 25 Yrs up LIC/111Sure.d 949-548 4363 Dlt1yW..._ • .,.._ l•wns. lawn Aef1hn1. SpnnklerJ. TroutJtlshoot ~ Sprina Tune ups, Rep•lrs & Up11 i des "H•'I• us do your Dirty Wor•" 1'4-1 U -2121 DOUeHUtn taOlNW TNt f N Tourll Sira 1961 ..._.l,.k.~ Inst/Repair 714 791 8746 TrM S..-Vlc1, Yflfd Cltanup, Ma1nlenanc•. SJ>ftllt(ler' lttp1lr, H•ulln1 (94')6~711 Al UP WICIA&ISf. All ty,a of r..,..,._ Elle· 1rlc1I, plumiMrJI. doors, wa11r lllllfln. 111111 • mor• 2Ahr/ldeys 714.166 1•1 anei.n~ A#\0.,.-. :::r-i ..... ""ldOWll'dooll, -. • ....... ~ Srirdlloolll.fillt --.OllJaM 7'Mmll38 COMl"U11 HOME MAl#Fl#A#Cl Ho IOO too sm•lll Evttyth•nt from Car1*l4rY lo ~ Free u l1mate cen•-"r f4f-I H -1161 JISStr ANAM'S HOMl.,,AM Sl'ICIAUST Re11on1blt Pncts 14 Yrs t1ptr1enct In •• tr1dts Speclahliona Ill raldtnt.11 lnVnl. 714-501 ...... ~ ROtt•SOM COMPANY K._., Wiil. IWhroolnt Mttk 949 650 9525 fMIMMDYMM AU WOtll auar 1ntffd ~£.limaif.~ tll'llltlarp *-~-...... ,._fOT .. DUWtU 714 9181111 -'11MlA81.1 fOOAYI .. 9 67) "66 ...... ~a-.. .... ~doil O.C 24Yll Rtf'' 949 541 OQS4949 631 4lU ..__ ci-i...,.1.r4 Wlify/81 w._ly/Monlhfy R•r s CrHt rain! Imelda 949 ~ 949 ZJ8.al37 NHti • bitt:e Hefllti ~ CLIDT9d lo9 dmrq <D, .. lrAxrll -~ 714-444..4143 t-'• lur.,.._ "--• cm.w. folll Wit. own .... ,. wort. cm. ~ -,. ... 9IM'l2 7434 ........... HST MOVHS $St /Hr Mtvlnt •" cities Insured fest. cov•teous. urtlul fl63144 800·246 2371 UBLIC NOTICE The C1hl Publlr Ullhllts Comm1ulon reQulfes that ell used h o u uhold 100111 movers print lhtlr PU C Cal T number; limos and chaulleurt print their r c. P number In all .Over llHMents It you have •ny QunlloM •bOvt lht leaahty or I 1111 v.r. 11111 0 01 ch1ulfeu1, c.11 NIU<VTUnlS <OMMtSSICMI .,, .... , JOl:SI JOISI JOISI '*1w hi! lfll/latlo& for 2003. free caf/up lo $UU 5hr. l>I"" tttiolni/ful ~lib. 1·8n~2449. u.t 645 (CAL •SCAN) Aubnoblles 9000 Automotive 9004 ACURA U GIND lS '92 •II powe1. •utn sunrnof lthr, i:d player nl'wer t11es, 1rut ~ond $6500 O•ys, 949 466 9771 01 eves 714 J89 9794 ----Audi '99 A4 Quottre 2 8 V6. 29li aclu•I m1 auto, i p.111klonr red/erey lthr mnrl, CO, looks & smells n~w V4~6721 S 17 495 fonanun1 a•••I Bt.r 949-St6-Utt -.otpeltl.c- IMW 7401l '96 Solver w/crey ll'itther 111 ter l ully lu•ded $18 000 949 67"> 6006 l ulcli l e•tl M••ter S.--.. VI, 47)\ actual 1111. """""' "~ l!ht d lf<lml! whk piemoum ·.ound buutlful 0t11 uonwt.ed condltJOn I•. ~. VIJ1J92412 Sl,9915 00 949-sa.t. IUI _.....,_ Cocllloc c. ..... '91 JSa. Metallic Buri•ndy Red Oatmeal l lhr Chrome Wheels Buuloful Ofll c ond1l 1on S8 9!15 ••n572•tl2 949 586 1888 -.0<,...a.1 ...... O.rys* se1or1 .. 1 c-v. JX '00 37K, V6 Metalh< &reen Grey int Blact. top, e .. auhful ""' new cond1t 1on $1 0 995 vin872412 949 !'>86 1888 --.ecpot.1.c- De"9e '91 Vey09er. 7 pa n wh1te/g1ey int p~t 1tns ,., •1ed non ~mi.r t.i.e new cond v457275 S!>495 811r 949 58r>-1888 WWW oq>ebo com a-..-..... ~..., Crut PrKtl Oui1nnlffcl WOtk. FrM n t L•375602 714 538-1534 7 390 2945 '-Y-'· PellOtt~ Top Qualfty, Compthfrt• lni.oor/ht L"648228 Call Jay 949 650-5056 11.AJNIOW MMfT Paln1inl fnVext, HouW~ Qualrly Jobi FrM e.sllfNl• l~9897 714~ 8888 HOUSE REPAINTING a WOOD FlNl KlNC ~ your stuff ttwOU&ti classif iedr -Wit-- P.-...SAUTO v ..... .,... ... , k.tiltY auri Onlt .121< """ <l9292> sueo IMWS40ts.M'tt Silv. wl*ll l1hr • , .. ,~~ (ldtf: .i:., UW.lnlS.-.'00 Mid~ W/fl~ lffw 1ulo piemp.Kk-ce (19240) $26.980 IMW stJt s.M '00 Wlltta w/Blldl lthr CO ~4n.­ (19269) S22.9S> IMW MS S.-.. '00 Bled! oo lrrlll'IK 81~ WY. lOk mi, l o- (19297C) $59.B '-"c:;!':' Gf S4wr w/818d1 llllr IDw ,,,. , .. power 086711) Sl4,9llO. p ......... <*Wtt'Ot Ont 0..--Only lOkMI (19151C) $59,B J.,._XUC-.'tt Bntllh RKllll Grts1 wtt»n ltht, only 22K ""* co stadll!f (19289) 139,980. .__.....;.. 2'°5l ''4 Ti. rs • real Cina: Red w/TM t.tlw Both tops 4 ~ ( 111683) $21.980 MIZ-430'00 Lor in.-Bocly & hlllust ""' ( 19348) $29 !&) P.-.dMTwt.. C..-'•A_.,... Hur1y for these petfe<;t low m11eaae. local one owner TUltlOS UASI « I UY 949-574-7777 ~AUTO ........... e . .- Fant Xl T Van '97 15 pns. &lnl rn11d. am/fm/am/cd. ¥51\/dvd ? weens SIO.<XXV obo 'M~ 722 1247 ah• 5 HONDA OOY'SSEY '96 1 owner COOd rood. lwo .,,,.... 4do Ctklfl'llMIJ'll c.ulol Ith! int. 6 pass. $10.<XXl 949 7fi0-0171 c..1~·~ ....... 00 Xll& c.w. Ollli. Mo-I••"-Rt'd. l an Ith! int hn lop, cd hli ·~· W .. I f.Mit.o..... ..,. "l'W 1~1£11\itl Conti ~Vf $J5t( S37 99!> F 111 avail ••nAO.lOJO 949 586 1888 ._ . .......,_ JHP CHHOICU '94 Whole t hf'rr y ,nnd1t1on 1 owner $6000 pr1vale p•rty949 722 1353 .... '00 Gn..d a-.i.- 6cyl ? wd 3611 •ctu•I m1, ~•Iver /11 ey ml dll11ys. l•bulous h~~ new unmarked c.ond. 4 yr dl WJlf .w..._ • 751721 s u.e form 0 Down ~•hl1td ho""' 4 6 N'ff Bu.•er 949-516 .... www.ecpe~l.c•M ~ ._.. 'YI 0.-V I r. 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