HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-01 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotY, " Vanguard begin'S. s~ven-year • expansion Gro und broken o.n Heath Acad emic Center, the first of eight new structures that will be built by 2010. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot VANGUARD CAMPUS -Vanguard Univer- !.ity took its flrst swing cil a -,even year m~ter plan on Tuesday. breaking ground at the first of eight 5ites where new buuding-; will be completed by 2010. The new building. the I lcath Acadenuc Center, IS expected 10 houM" the university\ religious and bl15ine<» '>tud1e~. and will in elude 10 cl~room5, 38 faculty and depart· ment offices and an institute room un the 35,000-square-foot lot. The center was named after its lead donor... Elmer and Grace I lt~ath. who made a SI million donatmn in honor of their son and daughter in law P-clul and Rar· bara I leath are both gradual~ of the co.,1a Mesa school. 1Wo of the classroOTli' will be auditonum style and seat 104 Mudents each, while the re- maining eight wilJ be much 'imaJlcr. All have networlc capabilitiel> for the .!>tudents. The three-story building, including the under- ground basement for '>torage. is expected 10 be completed in January, in time for the spring semester. "We have a vil>IOn which build'> up the cam· pus and ... this !l> the first academic buuding in our master plan," ~id Murray Dempster. president of Vanguard. "!laving the capacity to give students acc~'i to education 1'i la goal throughout the state. not just simply at Van- guard.· The new building. an the works for the past three years. will foUow a Mediterranean-Span· ish motif. slro.ilar to the <>tructuraJ style pre· dominant among the eclectic buildings on campus. Future development will follow a similar motif. As the.first major redevelopment conducted at the university's Costa Mesa campus since it moved from Los Angeles in 1950, university o fficials have taken preemptive step~ toward expanding the campus to house the influx of students they expect to see within that seven· year span. See VANGUARD, Paee A7 v. • a1 Ser ving the N ewport -Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,MAYl,2003 \ Cl ' f PHOTOS BY MARK I' DUSTIN DAIL v P!t"'l Sgt. Aaron Wintterle, second from left. visited Rebecca Olson's kindergarten class at Woodland Elementary School on Wednesday. Sollleone to look up to Wintterle says the Pledge of Allegiance with the class.· Kindergartners at .w oodland Elem entary School in Cos ta Mesa ge t a visit from a Marine wh o's hom e f rom figh ting in Iraq Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot M arme Sgt. Aaron Wintterle b a man of few worth. A~~ him a qu~uon. you'll get a succinct answer. Praise his heroic deeds in lrnq. you'll get J humble reply. Give thank.' for Im <;afe return to the United States, you'll feel hi'> ambivalence about not being in Iraq with hii. fellow marines. Since his homecoming at hlS grandmother's house in Costa Mesa on Easter Sunday. Wmnerle. who was ..ent home after being shot m the mouth ".hilt• fighting in Baghdad. has been greeted Jnd welcomed with open arms. On Wednesday, his greetm~ wa.' ~IJghth different. The arms th~ 6-foot·S Manne walked into could barelv reach hie, waio;t They were the arm~ of kmdergartm•r. 111 h1., aunt's clru.s at Woodland Elementary ~chool in Costa Mesa. See LOOK, Pa_Je A4 Looking to fix the Westside and council ' Longtime Westside activist Eric Bever says he wants a cou ncil seat to further assist the city and its Westside. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot destruction. the Westside 1"('<;1· dent joked, but because he at· tacks projects with a dogged de- COSIA MESA -If the eyes are tennination that leaves others in a window to the soul, an e-mail awe. address can be a window to ~When I am given a project, I someone's dem eanor. • • · go out and work like a madman ln the case of Eric Bever, his until it's done," Bever said. "ll's business e-mail address is "mad-all consuming." mandsgn," short for Mad Man Bever, who has invested a lot Design, the graphic design part of that determination in lmprov- of his busin~ Ing the Westside. is hoping to Not because he is hellbent o" parlay bis grass-roots efforts into Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: ~-~com WEATHER Planning Comm1Mlon approves• aeooncHtOfY addition. S..PIPA7 SPORTS • ... an appointment to the City Council He is one of two candi- dat~ whittled down from a gang of 26 candidates to ..erve out for- mer Mayor Karen Robinson's !>eat. His competition is Mike Scheafcr. the Co'>ta Mesa-New- port Harbor Uons Ouh presi- dent. On Monday, the council will have one more chance during a regularly scheduled meeting to choose between the two. If it Is not successful by May I 5. the process to fill the seal will auto- matically become a special elec- tion. Robinson resigned April 15 to become an Orange County 'It would be my goal to .help brid ge some of the gaps that exist on the council ... ' Eric Bever Superior Court judge. Bever and wife Tammy have lived in Costa Mesa for 16 years. 13 of those in the Marina High· lands area_ Because of his civic involvement, he works part time with a business he created called SEAN H1U..EJt I DAILY PA.OT Eric Bever is one of two candidates up for appomtment to the See COUNCIL, Pa1e M Costa Mesa City Cound. THE BELL CURVE .... Journalists shouldn't be pushovers l .... A2 llvsday, May 1, 2003 POLITICS 'I. :™E POLITICAL _LANDSCAPE . ( Swapping ball9ts f Of bullets. Paul Cilnton Daily Pilot After a week of meetings with rival factions in A(~stan, Rep. Dana Robrabecber unveiled a disarmament plan for the troubled, war-tom country. Leaden oC the Northern Alliance Ethnic Armies, who led opposition against the Tullban before the U.S. military overthrew that group, agreed to the plan, which was announcect,tpril 24. ·The so-c3.lled warlords have agreed to lay down their weapons and substitute ballots for bullets," Rohrabacher said U!aders of the three to.e ethnic groups in the northern sector of the country agreed to incorporate themselves into a new national army, Rohrabacher said. The groups joined U.S. forces in the overthrow of the Taliban regime in the final months of200l. During his trip, Rohrabacher, who represents Costa Mesa, conferred with' interim Afghan President Hamid Kanai and leaders of several clans as a way of halting the bloody ethnic feuds that have riled the country for hund.recl of years. Rep. Chria Cox. who represents Newport Beach, also offered'a proposal to help rebuild Afghanistan. During a speech at UC Irvine on Sunday. Cox discussed the Village of Hope. an initiative to build homes for Afghanistan's homeless. Newport Beach architect Masum Azlzi launched the plan about a year ago. saying he would work to begin rebuilding villages in his homeland country. "Orange County is fortunate to have so many concerned citizens who are focused on building the necessary infrastructure to establish peace," Cox said. "Together, we are laying the groundwortc for livable conditions for the people of Afghanistan.· rrs THE EtONOMY. REMEMBER Rep. Cox on Wednesday met.with President George W. Buah in the White House's Cabinet Room to discuss the GOP's upcoming legislative agenda. Bush laid out the next phase of milltary operations in Iraq. "He also provided details in the continuing campaign against the Al Qaeda terrorists," Cox said. "But the bulk of the discussion with the House and Senate leadership was dedicated to the nation's economy." Bush urged congressional leaders to pass his tax-cut package, which would reduce taxes by $726 billion over the next decade. FIGHTING GRJOLOCK IN SACRAMENTO Assembly Republicans led by Minority Leader Dave C.OX (R-Fair Oaks) and Budget Comminee"Vice-Oiairrnan John CAmpbdl, who represents Newport Beach, unveiled a comprehensive state budget proposal Tuesday that they say offers the best chance to end gridlock by June 15. The California Constitution requires that the state Legislature approve a budget by POLITICAL CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS ~blyman Ken Maddox will hold a lddt-off reception for his run for state SenaJe from 5:30to1 p.m. May 8 at Silky Sullivans in Fountain Valley. The apoclal guest will be Assembly Republican Caucus Leader Tony Striddand. lnfonnation: (714) 731-2233 Cristi Criatld\ wlll hold her kick-off funckaiser for her state Assembly run at 6 Pl"· Mey 8 at.Scott'• Seafood Restaurant. lnfonnation: (949) 111-nss i ustain unity industries rick· fac torie s t n s MARK C. DUSTIN/OAJLY PILOT Rep. Chns Cox spoke about Afghanistan at ~C Irvine on ~day evening. that date. Fuentes Jas sworn in Friday in Santa Fe, With the plan, GOP leaders proposed a N.M. He'U serve a.term that expires July 13, spending cap, a multibillion-doHar 2005. ~mancing plan. pro~ cuti. and The corporation, a federal agency increases m"'rommumty college fee~. bu1 created by President Richard Nbon in no Lax increases. 1974, worlcs to provide social justice for ".We can't move forward without poor communities. implementing f'el)ponsible structural "I'm really grateful and appreciative of reform measures to the budget process.· the president's vote pf confidence,· CampbeU said ·ru, we move forwclfd, it':. l-uentes said. "It will require considerable critical that ~e . . ensure lha1 California travel and wortc in the days ahead, but it is does not face a future multibilhon-dollar an organi7.ation of the federal government deficiL • . · thar is ·committed to providing equal As the·cen1erp1ece of h1!. legi!>lauve access to justice for the poor of America· package. CampbelJ introduced a Fuentes serves as the chairman of the constirutional amendment that would cap board at Costa Mesa's Whittier Law School. spending by tyinK ii to increase~ in I le is also a senior vice president with population and inflation. ~ta Ana engineering firm TAIT & CHAIRMAN ADDS TO HIS BOARDS President Bush has appointed Tom Puentes, chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, 10 the board of direct ore; of the Legal Service!> Corpurntion. Assemblyman John Campbell will hold his kidt-off reception for his state Senate run from 6 to 8 p.m. May 29 at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach. Information: (209) 847-6200 o r e-mail: dstoneosk@sol.com MAY 14: Costa Mesa California Republican Assembly general meeting will be held at 7 p.m . at the home of Kellie and Jim Bieber. Information: (714) 549-9838 15: Board of Equalization member Claude Parrish will hav& a fund-raising reception from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the offices of the Inland Group Inc. In Newport Beach. More detatls to come. Associates. An often brash and outspoken conservative, Fuentes bas served as chairman of the county's GOP for l9 years. I le won't need to step down from that r<>sl . he said. 17: Orange County Federation of Republican Women will hold its 2003 Western Night from 4:30 to 9 p.m. at the home of Colleen and Buck Johns in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 499.n44 19: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the Sou1h Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anlon Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Admission is free. (714) 556-8555. JUNE 16: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission is free. (714) 666-8556. Daily A Pilot Coral Wll90f't News assistant, (949) 674-4298 < cora/.wl/son@lalimn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don l..e8ch, Kent Treptow Bo.IC 1560, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news atoriel, illustratJoM, editorial matter or advertisements herein cen be reproduced without written permiaaion of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 121 News Editors READERS HO'TUNE (949) 642-6086 HOW TO REACH US an:ua.don ~H.JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor Gina Alexander, Lori Andefwn. Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. The Timee Orange County (800) 252-9141 • .AX1Y OETTINO ~~ Promotiona Director ,. Daniel Hunt, Paul Saitowitt, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAff Crime ~co~rter, (948) 57 ..... 226 ~th*l•tlme..com Junec ...... lde Newport ~rter, 1949) 574-4232 /u,.,..~Olat/mn.com ..... ~ . Polltlca, bush\m9 •net environment repol't«, (948) 7'M..wo f*.1/.dfnton#llMitnd.com ..... ...,., Cofumni.t. culture reporter, (Ml) 574-4275 lolb.,..,.,,.,.IMJIY*.com .,... ... MMll C:0.C. MMI NPC>fW, (IMI) 874--t.221 ~•IM.lme&.com Ct 1 Ilse C.-. Educ8d0n ~. (t48) 57~ ~·~cont . . Addr9M Our address 11 330 W. Bay SL, CoSta Mea, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday Friday, 8:30 e.m. -5 p.m Conection9 h 11 the Pilot's P<>llCV to promptly oolT9Cl all enore of substance. PINl9 call (949) 764-<4324. FYI The Newport~ M ... Deily Pilot IUSPS-144-800) 11 published dally. In Newport 8Mctl end Cott.t Meal, 1ublcriptlone are eveileble onty by aublcriblng to The Tlmn Ore~ County (1()()) 252.91,1. ln MM out9lde of Newport Be.cti .net to.ta MeM. 1vbtcf'lpUon11 to ~ Delly Pllqt are tvellabtt onfy by ""' daM mall for . '30 per monctl. (l'rtole lnctude all ~ ... tnd loc.e --· POS'TMASTUI: '-'id~ cNngM '° Tht Ntwpon e..dVCo«a Mele Dlllty ""°"' ~o. .-.. ...... Cl1111'1ed (!MS) 6"2-5678 Dllpl9r (9"8) 6"2""321 Edlorlllt N9ws UM9)642-5680 Spofta (IM8) 57-M223 N9ws,.. (949) ~170 '9otts Fu UNI) 8f50.0170 E-mel: tJM1yp11ote1«1,,,...com ~Ollee ....... Ollee (841) 142-G21 ~ ,_ (841) 831-71 29 Pubffeh9d by Tlmee Community ...... dMelon of tN Loe~ Tlmel. e2003 Tlmee CH All ritf* , ... Wild. ,/ .... Politics Aside Get the party started A monthago. I wrote l\bl>ut the lade of dynamic political debate in Newport-Mesa because, for all intents and purposes, it's a one-party town (yw:s. towns, of course, but that fails to make a ..-------. Steel said were original founders and delegates of the U.S. Republican Party Jn 1856. Still. to play fair. Steel also once told the Pilot: ·1'9e always been a Republican. ln my · family, I'd better be. S.J. CAHN But rm fulfilling image): We're seeing effects of that single-party perspective on two political fronts, one that may end within days, one that promises to stick around for a year. In Costa Mesa City Hall, no matter how much they will admil it, Republicans · have to be trumpeting their good luck that Democrat Karen Robtmon has moved on, leaving her seat empty. A number of residents are wishing there was a mute in their trunk. though. because city races are supposed-to be "nonpartisan." ln reality. as anyone who has received City Council campaign literarure knows. they aren't Political affiliation (along with support from fire and police depanments) is a mainstay in Oiers and mailers. It also was obviously a serious requirement -in political lingo, a "litmlis test" -for anyone hoping w replace Robinson. It seems experienced Democrats - former Mayor Unda Dhon and Planning Commissioner ICatrlna Po.ley -need not have bothered applying. . Uk.e them or not, anyone should be able 10 see that cutting down on the pool of talent for reasons wholly unrelated to dty issues wguld hurt Costa Mesa It wL an automatic reduction in the diversity of the candidates and their ideas (maybe with 26 hopefuls, that was OK. when I think twice about ii). It meant that possible unusual pairings were Immediately doomed. For instance, I think most people would have been surprised by the work that would have been done by a council that included Gary Monahan and Foley (perhaps themselves included). Now, the city may end up with a Councilman Eric: 8eYn' or a Councilman Mike Scbeaftt. unless the deadlock from two weeks ago proves unbrealc.able. Not everyone agrees that the litmus test was simply to weed the donkeys from the elephants. Councilman am. Stea contends he's looking foy someone "conservative." not necessarily Republican. Of course, this comes from a man who claims as great-grandfathers John Steel and Chria ~. who conservative before I'm a Republican. I'm conservative across the board." Anyone remember when em Olnton ran as a conservative Democrat -in the sense of being middle-of-the-road? It's kind c:Jf hard to Imagine Steel supporting someone in that vein. Of course. today it might be hard to imagine Corona def Mar Republican Cr1stJ Cristk:b supporting Ointon. But, as has been pta~ almost ad nauseum already in the GOP primary race for the 70th Assembly Distnct Ca race to be decided 11 months from now), Cril.tich did back Ointon against former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. a move that's become the first grcar issue in the primary. Cristich, not surprisingly. is trying to distance herself from this party swapping. and one of her opponents, OnJCk DeVore. is doing everything possible to remind people of her unfaithfulness. Setting aside the argument that there must be more p ressing, current issues to debate (the state's budget, reduction in college classes), the question LS whether this unfaithfulness is unforgtvabte. One side sees Crisdch's vocal and public support of a Democrat through the lens of the ·character is.sue." From this point of view. her Ointon-backlng (rather than the more familiar Newport-Mesa Ointon-bashing) shOWh a lack ofloyalty. trustworthiness and commitment It will be hard to convlnce them that her actions don't deserve a divorce. The o ther sees Cristich holding firm to moderate social vaJues and the pro -business policies Ointon held There is a consistency there that argues against the idea that she ·rup-Ooppe<t.• Is there a meeting ground in the middle? rune might tell, but right now the only thing that seems certain is that voters will have ample time to decide which side they are on. • S.J. CAHN 11 the managing editor. He can be reached at (949) 574-4233 or by e-mail at s.j.cahn@latlmes.com. SURF AND SUN . WEATHER FORECAST EnJoy today because it's looking wet on Friday. We'll see pertty sunny sldee today, with highs hovefing llfOUnd 70 and lows In the upper 60a. On Fftday, doudl will glther untJI they'll able to teem up for qu"9 tMrWnatorm In the late ebrnc>on. trtt lti eround through Stturdev momJng. ............... ~.nwl.noN.fl'N BOATING FORECAST The ... bloW 10 llrK>ta 1n1nner--. ....... .....,,... wtlt'I 2.foot WllV9I ... . IOUlhwelt .... o11-. n-. ................ ..... "" Out...,,., f'9 WI ll8Jtv wlnde wltl ~ 10 to 11 tnots: wtlt'l 1· to Mooe W9we end. ~IWllof3to6 .... Tl-.--•bemme ~ .. ~ SURF The latest aouthwat swell arrives today, bringing us some waist-to chest-highs. The swell will pkt up Friday end provide us dMrlt-to lhoo~hs. but hft the ~ eerty, .. •storm'•• brewing. h lhould antve bv late e1temoon. Seturdey should be 8'mller, but health offidala would ICM" ateyfng dry efter e relnatonn. W.W.-lty: www.a1tfrld-.oro TIDES ,.... 4:14e.m . 10:261.m. • 3:37 p.m. 9:49 p.m,. ........ -0.19 fMt low 3.SlfMthigh 1.71 .... low 6AlfMthigh WATER TEMPERATURE Mdlgfw I Coritractor at root of bad trim New crew members a re responsible· for . severe cutting of trees on San Miguel Drive. June Casaerande Daily Pilot About 29 trees near the Broad· moor Sea View Oev~lopment were pruned so closely that it's possible they won't recover, which that has upset residents who live near the trees. City staff m embers reported earlier Lhll> week. that they' thought about half a dozen trees had been af- fected, but-a review on Wednes- day showed that 29 were over- NEWPORT BF.ACI I -Liquid· pruned. ambar trees on San Miguel Drive Staff members conducted an were severely trimmed because investigation and announced of a mistake by inexperienced Wednesday that new crew mem- employees of the city's con-· be rs of West Coast ArbQrists were tr.icted tree-trimming service, responsible. · General Services Director Dave "We found olit there was a hew Niederhaus said Wednesday. set of tree trimmers woddng for BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS . Ceradyne 's s~ock soars 19% on Wednesday River conservancy bill continues A bill that would ~tabhsh a wild lands conservancy for the Santa Ana River pCll>Sed an N.· sembty committee on Tuesday. Assemblyman Lou Correa ff). Ceradyne lnc .. which produces Santa Ana) proposed, Assembly ceramic body annor for the U.s., Bill 496, which ~uld put in place military, logged record quanerly an agency that could p~rvc profit and revenue on Wednesday. land for open space o r apply for . A.<, a rosult, shares of the com-grant funding. pany's stock soared 19%. The bill passed the Na1uraJ Re· The war in Iraq drove stronK sources Commi1tee on a 9-3 vote. '>ales of the C"..osta Mesa com· IL next heads to the Assembty'i. pany's lightwei&Jlt persunnd ar-appropriations committee. No mur, Ceradyne said. date has been set for that hearing. Sales for the first quarter of With a watershed that cover> LOOJ increa...ed 31% to a record more than 2,700 mil~. the river SIY.2 million from the $14 .7 mil-stretches 96 miles from the Pacific hon in revenue from the 5ame pe-Ocean lo Big Bear I .ak.e. nod a year ago. Net income, or Th e bill sparked ~me contro· bo1tom-tine l'C'>Uhs • ....Uled in at ve~ after the Orange County Sl.5 nullion, a 161% mcrea.<.e Board of Supervisors opposed iL from the $579,000 net income in A.c;semblyman Ken Maddox. who 1he fu'lt quaner of 2002. rep~nt.s Costa Mesa. supportl> The company also raL'>ed ex· it; Assemblyman Johr Campbell pectatioru. for the year, saying 11 uppo~ 1t. would see 2003 sales come in "We've gol one-~txth of the en tugher than expected. tire state population LMng within "Due to a convergence of s1g· the Santa Ana River watershed." nificantly higher flows of new ·or-Correa said "These residen~ de· del"i .. !'('(.'Ord backJog and par· serve access lo parks and naturt, West U>as1 Arboh'>ts, • Nieder- haus said. "One of lhe fellow.. must have misunderstood their directions." The contractor ha& accep1ed responsibility. The company will reshape the tree-. and then the clry will wait slx mon1hs to see if they grow back. If 1he trees don'L recover, the company will pay the cost of replacing the trees. Niederhaus said that the replace· ment wUI be the largest li4uid- ambars avaJlahlt:, perhaps up to 15 or 20 feel tall. nlc value of all 29 treei. b ei.timated at al>uut S52.000. Niederhaw. said that rhc city ha'> a long and succ~.,fuJ rela- just like everybody elM: ' New children's store opens in Costa Mesa A Newpon Beat:h woma.1 has opened a children\ hoohtore in Costa Me'>a. Ouisry Coyne opened the door!. of the Fir'>t Page on the Eai.tMde on Sa1urday The new .,rore is al 270 F. 171h St., No. 10. l'he store i~ marked by an open floor plan and boob that all face out on tlw '>helvei. so children and parcm~ can more easily see the book.., <L., they .,hop. Coyne, a former t•dur~on law attorney, hao; 1wo t hildren .. Al Yo.,. l«IJ 1""""1Ue Af ntl . CALL US! Rabbicr Insuran ce Agency Al '10 l-tt0\1Hl\ll._!:R.\ • IHA1 fll \1Jl11i1f) f,,,., I I ucularly ' improving margms. managemenl feels there is grow- ing potential for 2003 sales and earrungs 10 surpass expectation.\." . Sharei. of CRDN closed at S 11 .69 in heavy trading Wednes- day. -Shoe thle weetcw for my CINCO DE MAYO -t*ialer [!]~Dunn-Well 1820~A .. ~ ...... CA92627 Cwpea&~ :;'~~ Robert Dunn -~ [;yn,J T_.: M9.648.8373 r.-~ 714.!Me.3434 ..... 0.-.W •• °"" .. ,. First ~ank offers competitive and innovative asse t-based lending and structured fi nancial solutions to small and medium size d m anufac turers, distcibuto rs, who lesalers and se rvi ce providers with fin ancing needs fro m $150,000 to $2.5 million dollars. We offer: • Receivable Financing • Revolving Lines of C redit •Term Loans • Real Estate Loans Contact a First Bank representative today ~or ~ore information about how we can help customize financial solutions for your business' sho~t-and long-term needs. Costa Mesa Office (Comer of Harbor Blvd. aod Baker) 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste. C 714-668-3080 •• Fhta.1't&TN1t Mlmblf fOIC W'ltfl hnlttllnb.com uonhl11p with the wntractor and that thi$ Is the only significan1 exception to Lhe compCiQ)l's quality service. "!l's j~1 one of those th1ngi. thal someum~ can happen.· Niederhaus said. . nus inc1den1 wa... lhe only Lime thal treei. were overly trimmed by Lhe fault of a lOll iractor. Several yean. ago. a handful or trees in the OilT Orive P-ark area were drastically trimmed a.her a resident who helped pay for ~up plemenLal trimming ordered workers to trim the 1ree~ more than the city allowed. rno .. c tree· ... did recover. MARK C DUSTIN/OAIL't' Pll QI Residents say the trees in the median of San Miguel Drive approaching Ford Road were tnmmeo too much The Saturday . o pening feJ 1Ured face-paint111g and -.wry telling by Sieve L. a former lltl dio Disney radio ho.,1. <!ee.~ H e-H laur·a n l • .. Quality ~rvicc· .. •••Nightly Entcniinmcnt'""• OUR TRAINING SUlCESS HAS BEEN FF.ATL'RED IN: lllt~!!ottlimn ~3U ftl!1 c=arii !tr~ Baseba11 Weettr [t4m11m FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER 1s pro ud co announce our (,RAND ( Wf ;\;I;\;(, on ~arurd,n. May 3 rd from I lam-8pm ar uur lnrn1.. C ~ lrn:a11on. • Y"u~I I r.unm!:! I p tll h IClllj,:lltlllln If .Kkllllt) • Shuw11mc lrdtnmi: (men1~l 1k1ll\I • lnsu uu11m.1I Mcmhcr1h1p' • lnJ111Ju.2I & < .mup lmcrmti.111 • I >1Jf11"nJ '1rt·ni:1h l r Jlntn~ • H11rn '" l'IJI l'r"l?.'"m 1.1 "IH ul.I, I • \ II'! f{ "1J~,, .. ,, .. 1\\,, • \'1rtu.tl l'1tch1ni: \I .. , l1111n I 111nnd rnu.11• FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER 1 9028 MCGAW AVE. IRVINE C A (949) 250-1 1 99 www.irvine@frouoropes.com Lo~on IO~()'ft to 11cv. our n~ttonJI wcbmc Check our t\UI ...,1.hc:dulc ol I vcn11 · AJl . ...,1.ir Mariano Rjva-a lp11.turcJ) Leah O'Bricn·Amjco 1 Qh mp1c ( 1old \lcd.l11\t t .mJ LA ~n Al.a Con uulu:.c I r.11cn R11pt' tC1.hn14~ Share·Ouc Selves expresses heartfelt gratitude to o ur 2ee~ W sQJ ff @rm'f JV;i'JM Chefs & Sponsors Franco Barone -AntoneUo Ristorante Lau rent Brazier -Picayo Dominique Bria.ire -Aucnu at Sutton Place Hotel Chris Garn.ice -Roy's Newport Beach Alan Gftdcy -The Golden Truffle C-arlito Joaon -Ya.rd Hot14C Louie Joe.son -Karl Strauss 8ttWCries Michul Kang -5' Jean Pierre LeManissicr -Big Canyon Counuy Oub Jason Pdia -S' Anaheim •t Anaheim Marriott Suites Craig Rouse -Taps Fub House 8c Brewery & The Catch PauJ Squicciarini. -Bacchu.s Inspired Cui1inc Andrew Sutton -Napa ~ ar the Gra.nd c.alifumQ.n Hotd BaybawkAle Da-.i.d 8allard Ekaric Cdtn~ de la CUnc RY.1. -Huntington Bach UCON Oflicc SoludoN Cbef Spoosoa Match~ 8c Jill Stewart Anonymow Event Spouon Karl Stnws &cwma P.cific ltt PACTIV Papenource . Paul G"IUUlibtti 8c A.oclata Pufta~C.O. Regal Rates TM» Bell The Co8'ee CompMy YoW:lg'a ~ t ... • '· . ' M Thursday, May l , 2003 ·D~n't m:9•Y Too Much F.or Your Brakes ... CALL US 1•,~~;!",~,.-, .. . t. . ' ' \_ ~ 'Pfta.st COtnl otuf su our SfwwinB otuf Saft of L'PETRI JEWELRY DESIGN As seen "In style· and Olher Fashion Maga.zines URSOAY, MAY 8"' • 2.-00 P.M. -7:00 P.M Come. Enjoy and Meet the Artist! TRUE BLUE We're Retiring SALE STARTS MAY 1 Doors open at 10:00a.m. Entire inventory dras~all:y reduced Thank you for the last 16 years • OPEN To THE Pueuc • EVE Y 9-P. Orchid Sale Orchids $ soo and up Orchids can bloom up to 4 months! 1,000'S IN STOCK Newport Beach 's only Orchid Nursery WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY Soy thank you to Mom with a bow and a wave Mother'• Day arunch CNi .. 1 Sunday, May 11, 2003 Morning Brunch From 10:00 o.m. • 12:00 noon Afternoon Brunch .from 2:00 p.m. · 4:00 p.m. $10.00 OFF When You ReMrft Onllnel Type in dil<lount code TDP03 wh.n making reset\'Otlons -HORNBLOWEK C &Ulflt a IYU•Tt -~com Morino cW R.y 310-301 ·9900 ~Beod19'9·631 ·2A69 .. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Man stabbed after robbery ~ "Th.• ~cUm ~'!!:I~ ~~::; FILES man his wallet," he said. "He COST;I~ took the mooey out; thre:w the • lementen.t end Herbor wallet dawn, slashed lhe vie; BcM•ewrct: A 35-year-old man tim on his abdomen and fted. WH arrested on .usplcion of · The vfct:U:'1 was treated at defrauding an ll)n keeper near Hoag-Hospital a.nd released. the lntereection at 6 p.m. A 34-year-old Costa Mesa Blmey said. He said a descrip· Monday. f1Wl suffered a Cut to his ab· tion of the alleged rob~r is • BaW Stiwt: An assault ~as · domen after an armed robber not availabJe. reported ln the 600 bl<><* at ~ reportedly took his money The incident is being 8:53 a.m. Monday. and brandished a knife early treated as an anned robbery • ~ Street Identity theft was Tuesday morning, officials case but It Is likely that an as-reported in thlt 300 bl<><* at 'd :u1.' with d dly 2:53 p.m. Monday. sru . . $ll t a ea weapon • LM Arena Wey: An auto The victim had parked his charge will be added on later, theft w81 report~ in the i100 ~hicle and was walking Birney said. ,._ bl<><* at 9:23 a.m. Monday. towa.rtl his home in the 1900 The incident was not gang-• M.c:Arthur Boulewtd: A block of Wallace Avenue at related or connected with the commercial burglary was about 5: 15 a.m. when the al-stabbing of a 15-year-old boy reported in the 1500 blodc at leged robber approached him near.19th Street and Wallace 8:28 a.m. Monday. and demanded money from Avenue on April 15, he said. • ~ldBouleverd: A ~ed · '--'' in Co M 4..,-year-o man was arr ..... him at ""wepo . t, s~ esa on suspicion of possessi11g Police Lt. Dale Birney said. -Deepa Bluuruh and transporting a con1rolled LOOK Continued from Al "I always talk about my family with my kids. It helps them get to know me, .. said Rebecca Olsen, Winnerle's aunt. "So they all new about Aaron and they we~eally concerned. They reallyl>egan to feel like they knew him ... · After writing words of gratitude and drawing pictures to accompany them, the COUNCIL Continued from Al Modern Artifact, which 1s In· volved with buying, selling and trading antiques and art. He al so provides restoration serv- ices, an apt analogy to what he will bring to the council, if ap- pointed, he said -the desire and ability to restore things to their former brilliance. "I have always been a person who likes to ftx things, .. Bever said. "I find things I believe are worthy and I endeavor to fix things and bring them back to their original glory. I am now looking to help restore Costa Mesa." Bever embodies the trials and tribulations of efforts to im· prove the Westside over the past decade as a fo unding member of the Westside lm· provemtnt Assn., involvement with the defunct Westside Spe· cific Plan and a stint as a mem· ber of the Community Redevel· opment Action Comminee, which he resigned from in March. I le said he resigned because he felt the process the consult· ants used was leading members to a predetermined conclusion. "It's an insidious process." Bever said. "I didn't feel com· fortable continuing to be In· vo lved with that ... Bever's supponers laud his intelJigence, dedication and work elhjc. ~He aJways had the energy to go the extra mile and get the get the necessary information," said Mike Berry. a Westside resi· dent who supported Council· man Allan Mansoor's . City Council campaign. "I was im· pressed by that." In the opening rounds of the City Council selection process on April 2 I, Mansoor and Councilman Chris Steel nomi· nated him for consideration. Mansoor said he is impressed with Bever's commitment to all aspects of Costa Mesa. "I just thJnk that anyone that's ever taken the time to talJc with (Bever( knows that he's very reasonable and ... that his goal is the best interest .of the entire city,· Mansoor said. students presented Wmtterle with the book they made before bombcµtling him with questions: •were there any tigers in Iraq?" "Did you fight with swords?" "How did you get food?" For the 5· and 6·year·olds, the 23-year-old Marine was a superhero and a man they wanted to relate to: After one student gained enough courage to stand next to him, so did another and another, until the whole class surrounded him, wanting to tell him their ERIC BEVER -AQE:'3 fi\Ml.Y: Wife Temmy;1Wo cell B>UCATION: Bee:tlek>f'• from Cal State Fullerton In 1986. ' Majored In grephlc design, minored in photography, wfth e ~ mtere.t In physk:a COMMUNTY IBMCE.: MVft.dw..ide lmpoyement effol1s; hat been a volunteer for th/Whittler YMCA'• d\lldren'• a.mp •Ince the late 1970t CON'IM:T: (949) 378-9262 ERIC BEVER ON: CURVE Continued from Al models I looked up to during those years, such as Harrison Salisbury of the New Yort Tunes and &!ward R Murrow of CB5, would have done their job in that situation. I th.ink I know. I was once in Detroit doing a magazine profiJe of Henry Ford Ill when I was told that a scheduled lunch interview would have to be put off until later in the afternoon because U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon would be arriving from Washington for an urgent So I was hanging out near the executive dining area when Nixon and his entourage amve<l. followed by the press corps that traveled with him. Salisbury was one of those reporters. The dining area was cleared. and Nixon and Forci, with their aldes. entered and shut the door behind them. stories, ask their questions or · show him their boo boos, which were similar to his in their eyes. "It's really neat because they're seeing somebody now that they've heard about for so long." said VirJean Olsen, Wmtterle's grandmather and a frequent visitor to her daughter's kindf!narten class. "It's so nice, but I've been in perpetual smiles since he came home.· From the moment Wmrterle stepped onto the campus, his presence garnered anention. To oonsuttanta to ftnlsh their weft b9t0'9 we can make e · judgment on (eddlng 434 ectea to the downtown redevelopment zone). We were .a.mptlng to do that wfth the ptellmlnary ~ area that haa been held up. They're really in e 8tudy phue, end I support ltudytng the area and the IMuel. Once ell the lnformdon,. ~.it'• Incumbent upon the Redevelopment AoeftCtl to tit down whh the ltd and figure out What we h8Ye to wort with, ....uing what the reeUtiel ere, end I fully support~ •Of.A.I ING wmt THE l1'Jd'E IUDQET CNllS: "I thlNt the dty thoukl exercile t\ec:aA reepontiblfl1y. tt we haw badly need them? The panel members I hoped might deal with this question were Arianna Huffington, Jonathan Schell and Eric Alterman. All have distinguished a-edits and were hawking new books. They were literate, a~rbic, frequently funny and supported their points With facts and reason. All have rattled a few doorknobs of their own, and intend to keep at it. which I found heartening. Less heanening were the reasons they set forth for the virtual disappearance of an effective opposition. 1llree reasons, all supported by m~tiple specific examples. panel: First. the concentration of political power in the White House. supponed by the military d accompanjed by the parallel ·on of power in Congress. nd. what Schell called "the coUa of the Democratic party to pe rm its role as the loyal opposlciOll.that leaves the media virtually standing alone against the J>OWe! of the White House.· And, third, the failure of the media to do follC¥·Up stories on the plethora of misinformation used to support the policies of the Bush Administration. Bever is confident that his creaUve background will serve hJm well if he is appointed to \the council. Salisbury would have none of that When he rattled the knob and found the door locked, he pounded on it until security appeared He explained that N'ixon was about the public's business, and it ~ the business ()f the press to report it Negotiations followed, and Salisbury persisted until a pool reporter was admltted. How very much I would like to have seen him go up against Rumsfeld. Same thing with Murrow. ~e the whole Washington establishment WM running scared from the reckJes,, and random accusations of Sen. Joseph Md:anhy, Murrow took him oo and provided a firm beachhead for the counterattack that finally broke McCarthy's stranglehold on the throat of America. They might have added the steady buildup of fear. J wonder how many of the people who obedlentJy heed~ the call for smallpox shots are C~g pretty fqolish now? Tbere was much more, but this will suggest the tone and Oavor of the discussion. The panel membeB will continue to •rt would be my goal to help 'bridge some of the gaps that ex· ist on the councU, to try to . make it a more constructive • body and bring more creati~e solutions ro the table to help re· store Costa Mesa," he said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covert Costa Met• ind may be reldled 81 (949) 574-4t221 or by e·m•il et deirdre.newman@latlme1.c0m. OBITUARY Gwenda Watson Mn. Gwenda Watton. • New· pon Beadl ""6dent named Cld· r.en of the MlDmnium and ~ dlUJ ActM8t. died SWrday after •lone an-: She w.e as. Mn. W.t1on eerwd on the bol.rdl ot '"911 dutit and or· So where are the Murrows and Salisburys todaywben we so publish their boob and write their columns in a literate nlagazine and on the op-ed paget or our new5j>8pel'S read by a tiny fraction or our citizens while the Wltlte House and mllfwy dominate the front pages and the talk ahowa' seen and beard by millions. together the Udo Island Players and of the Califomla Federadon and took lead roles In oommu· of Junior Women's Oubs. She has nhy theater. She wu eaected to selVed on the board5 of the <hlJd the board of the Udo tale Com· Guidance ~nter of Orange munlly Mio. and wu al8o editor County, the Mudan <;enter (or of the Udo Wander. F.ducadonal Theqpy and Youth Mn. Wat10n'1 wort lo the ar· &nployment Servlcea. ea1 ol mental health and family Mn. Wat.IOn ii IWVfved by ..W. won her lhe Cdfomja huaband of 65 yean Nonnan Govwroon ~ and Che Pan· wu.on and rwo dauchten. S.O· beDenic ~Alhena AMld. ctn O'Connell and Katberlne Sbe hal -Mlved u .,... ,WallOI). . ~~ "' Qmll' ~ ·.--"'Y"""'~ ........ ----lllilm---.. Sh \ reapol\lible for ~ denc of the Onnfe °'9tJ1c( Ped· Prtvata tl1'Vlcet were held mdon of JwUor meo't Oubt ~ , Diiiy Pllor ' substance, esweltu reslsttng an officer ln the 2500 bl<><* at 8:24 p.m. Monday. • N.wponlloule¥llrd: An auto the~ was reported in the 2600 blodt at 11:06 a.m. Mo'hday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eut Pn>montofy Drtve; Vandalism was reported in the 400 blodi at 4:08 p.m. Tuesday • trvine Avenue: Loose livest<><* was reported In the 600 bl<><* et 3:13 p.m. Tuesday, but police reported the livest<><* was gone once they arrived. • Newport Coalt o.tve llnd s.,, ~In Hilts Roed: Redtless driving was reported at 4:16 p.m. Tuesday. • v .. Undine: A driveway was reported bl<><*ed by a car m the 100 bl<><* at 9:38 a.m f uesday, but palioe were able to convince the car's owner to remove 11. faculty, adrmnU.trators and students, he represented all lhl' men and womt'n involvt'd in the War in Iraq. He's an Amencan ht'ro a title he's not entirely cornlortJhlt· with, but appredall':. aJI Lhe l>arrre. . "It's reaJly nice hut ... I just want to.get better and get back to [being a ~arinel." he o,aid. •CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be readied at (949) 574-4268 or by e mail at dlrist1pe cam/lo o latm1es com to cut the budget, it wUI be a difficult procea to weed the wheat from th4t c:haff, but it'• a proceaa the council and staff will endeavor to achieve - aaeuing the budgetary needs end the basics need to stay funded -public safety and things like that. I haven't loo6led et the budget, I don't know where the staff ia suggesting cuu. If any. Another approecti might be to increaae the amount of residential housing we have to Improve our property tax base. We rely very heavily on a sales tax bate, and the state may be tatcing a chunk out of that. h won't be a thort·te"" fix, but In the k>ng run, it will help to stabilize our income base; nus w~ a matter of deep concern to the panelist<;. ScheU said that "tf Lht' opposioon ~ to bt· ht>ard an tht.s leadership vacuum, we must build a movement that will get anendon from the Democrats..· Alterman added. "When we have constructed a :.ystem l.ikc a beautiful Rolls Royce, we should get in and drive it" I left the UCI campus with a good many mixed feelings. 1Wo essential par1.) of Lhc Rolls Royce constructed by the founden. of this country were the division or power.. i11 whk h < onh'fe..,, .tlmw. could declarl' a wJr. and tht· prott'ction of rn111ont1e-. imd di.s:.ent that guarctntee<l party m power. A free pre.s c.ui't fill an oppo.,111cm lt!adcrJup vacuwn: It Cdll 011.ly (ully and fairly repon Lht! act1 vitJl" and view.. of tht> opp<NIJun wh1lt- refusing to allow Iles or mi.sinfonnalion from any M>urce to go unchallenged. But. that sai<J. a free pre.,_.. coilld certaloh'fire up the process. And I'd feel a lot mo rt• hopeful if Ed Murrow wa'i 'icilJ around to make ~ure the fire stayed lit. • JOSEPH N. BEU 1s a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column apf>eara Thursdays. Bjorn Sedlenlek Blom Sedlenlek, 60, pn>pftetor of the POSH men'• clothlng •tore In N•wport c.nter mnc. 1978, d6ed April 24th at hit home In Corone del Mar. He It IUMved by hl9 liltar, Vita Bennett, of San Clemente and hit brothet'I, Sven Sedlenlek of LaVeme and Gunner Sedlenltk of ~Vlrvlnla. A memortal Mf'Vloe wlll be heed on Wedi~ Mlly 71h, at 12 noon at the cMpel et PMfftc View MemcwW Pn. aeoG P80Hlc View Oftw, In Corona .. M8r. In lieu of tlowwl, pee..~. -'° 'Pl~ dw1ty In llfam'a .... Daily Pilot Tlusday, May 1. 2003 A5 ·' .. I' •' .stock up. comets c;ome around more often than this. / the 11IKEA hardly ever has a sale~'. sale event. save up to 50% off select items througho,_,t the store. • sale ends sunday, may 4th · ' . . . • 1C1A ..... ., Mdo Clly C.... 600 N. ~ F9malldo Mlid. (8181 M2 ~2. ICIA C.-40.5fMwoy10 ~ Mlid &I f3Mlt 5Vl~2 ICIA 0, el b6 • ,. 60 F,.._, to Aa.lfO lt.ict 162619'12~. 1UA 0..-.. c.-tys JoMbor'M BM. Exit, Tvttln ~ 171.q 838-4000, .._. ..._... Moll • Fri lOoM • 9pn, Sol 9Clftl • 9plll, 51111 lo. • lfll'I WI nA.00!9 . bdud. Son oi.., o i..tw llCEA ~av 2003 *-~ ~ ~ ., .. M ~sday. Mey l , 2003 As seen "In style" and other Fashion Magazines 'T'UlllDC'ftAY, MAY 8™ • ?:00 P.M. -7:00 P.M Come. En~y and Meet~ ArtisJ! We're Retiring SALE STARTS MAY 1 Doors open at 1 O:OOa.m. Entire int1entory drasticaI\}Jeduced Thank you for the last 16 years • OPEN TC? THE PUBLIC • ., EVERY STUD. 9-4 P.M. Orchid Sale Orchids $500 and up · OrchJds can bloom up to 4 months! 1,000'S IN STOCK . Newport Beach 's only O rchid Nursery WHOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY Soy thank you to Mom with a bow and o wave Mother's Day lrunch Crui .. s Sunday, May 11, 2oo3 Morning Brunch from 10:00 o.m. • 12:00 noon Art.moon Brunch from 2:00 p.m~ • -4:00 p.m. $10.00 Off When You leterve Onlinel Type In ditc01Jnt coct. TOP03 wh.n molting reservotk>nt -HORNBWWEIC e •llttff • rYllllTI www.~.CIO'ft . . Marino del Rey 310-301 ·9900 Newpon ~ 9 .. 9~1 -2'69 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Man stabbed after robbery "The vicllm then gave \be man his wallet," he said. "He took the money out. threw the wallet down, slashed the vie· tim on his abdomen and Bed" A 34-year-okl, Costa Mesa man sutrered a cut to his ab· The victim was treated at Hoag Hospital a,nd released. Birney said. He said a descrlp· tion of the alleged robber ls not available. · domen after an armed robber reportedly took his money and brandished a knife early Tuesday morning, officials said .. The Incident ls being treated as an armed robbery case. but lt is Uk.ely that an as· sault with a deadly weapon charge will be ad<ted on rater, Birney said. The victim had parked his vehicle and was wallcing toward his home in the 1900 block of Wallace Avenue at about 5: 15 a.m. when the al· leged robber approached him and demanded money from him at knifepoint. Costa Mesa Police l.J. Dale Birney said. The incident was not gang· related or connected with the stabbing of a· JS-year-old boy near 19th Street and Wallace Avenue on April 15, he said. -Deepa Bharruh LOOK Continued.from Al "I always talk about my family with my kirJs. It helps them get to know m~." said Rebecca Olsen, Wmtterte's aunt. ·So they all new about Aaron ·and they -were really concerned. They really began to feel like they knew him." After writing words of gratitude and drawing pictures to accompany them, the COUNCIL Continued from Al students presented Wtnnerle with the book: they made before bombarding him with questions: "Were"there any tigers in Iraq?" "Did you fight with swords?" "How did you get food?" For the 5· and 6·year-olds. the 23-year-old Marine was a superhero and a man they wanted to relate to. After one student gained enough courage to stand next to him, so did another and another, until the whole class surrounded him, wanting to tell him their ERIC BEVER AOE:43 Modem Artifact. which 1s in· volved with buying, selling and trading antiques and art. He also provides restoration serv· ices, an apt anaJogy to what he will bring to the council, if ap-' pointed, he said -. the desire and ability ro restore things to their former brilliance. MlaY: Wife 'Tefnmv;1Wo mll9 EDUCAl10N: BlldMllor'• from cm Stm Futlefton 1n 1•. . Majoredln~~. minored in~. wt1h • ~ ....... in phvsb co••-...rv a&MCE: Mydedw.ttekte~ elof19i haa been.~ for the Whittler YMCA'• cH&dntn's camp llnce the I• 1970I ·I have always been a person who likes to ftx things.· B~ver said. "I find things I believe are worthy and I endeavor to fix things and bring them back to their original glory. I am now looking to help restore Costa Mesa.·, Bever embodies the trials and tribulations of efforts to im· prove the Westside . over the . past decade as a founding member of the Westside lm· CONW:T: (949) m.&282 ERIC BEVER ON: provemeot Assn., involvement CURVE. with the defunct Westside Spe-_ cifk Plan and a stint as a mem-· Continued from Al ber of the Community Redevel- opmeot Action Committee, which he resigned from in March. He said he resigned because he felt the process the consult· ants used was leading members to a predetermined conclusion. "It's an insidious process," Beve r said. i.1 didn't feel com· fortable continuing to be in· volved with that. r Bever's supporters laud his intelligence, dedication and work ethic. "He always had the enei:gy to go the enra mile and get the job done and did research to get the necessary information," said Mike Berry. a Westside resi· dent who .supported Council- .man AJJan Mansoor's . City Council campaign. "I was im· pressed by that.~ ln the opening rounds of the City Council selection process on April 21, Mansoor and Councilman Ouis Steel noinJ- nated him for consideration. Mansoor said he ls impressed with Bever's commitment to all aspects of Costa Mesa. · "I just thJnk that anyone that's ever taken the tlflle to talk with !Bever) mows that he's ve~reasonable and ... that bis go\U Is the best lnterest of the ·entire city,· Mansoor said. Bever ls copfldent that his creadve background will serve blrn well if he is a ppointed to the council. •rt would be my goal to help ·bridge some of the gaps that ex· 1st on the council, to try to make it a more constructive body and bring more creative solution to the table to help re- ttore Co ta Mesa.• he said. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covera Costa Me .. end may be reeched et 1949) 57~21 or bye-mall at delrdr•.n•wm•n tll•tlmH.com. 'OBITUARY Gwenda Watson Mra. GWencla Watlon, a New· port 8-dl "9llclerlt named Cid· ""'al dw Mllllnaium md Bella· dful~clld~lftlr .......... _. Mn. WllllGll ISwd on cbl ..... fJI ....... dutie IDd •· models I looked up to during those years. such as Harrisen SWisbury of the New York Tunes and Edward R Murrow of CBS. would have done their job in that situatiOn. -T think I know. I was once in Detroit doing a magazine profile of Heruy Ford m when I was told that a scheduled lunch inteTView would have to be put off until later in the afternoon because U.S. Vice f're$jdent Richard Nixon would be arriving from Washington for an urgent meeting with Ford. So I was hanging out near the executive dining area when Nixon and his entourage arrived, followed by the press corps that craveled wilh him. Salisbury was one of those reporters. The dining area was cleared, and N"DCDn and Ford, with their aides. entered and shut the door behind them Salisbury would have none of that When he rattled the knob and found the door locked, he pounded on It until security appeared. He explained that N"ixon was about the pubUc's business, and It was the business of the press to report It Negotiations followed, and Salisbury persisted until a pool . reporter was admitted How very much l would Wee to have seen him go up against Rwnsfeld. Same thing with Murrow. While the whole Washington establishment was running scared from the reckless and random lft:CUSations of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Murrow took him on and provided a 6rm beachhead for the counterattadt that finally bro.ke McCarthy's stranglehold on the th:roet of America. So where are the MWTOWI and Salisburys today when we IO . POLICE FILES COS1UESA ......... Md...._. loullWll'd. A 36-y .. l'Old man wa. e!TMled on suspicion of defreuding an ll)n keei>er near the Intersection at 6 p.m. Monday. • Bebr StlMt: An assault was reported In the 600 bl<><* at 8:53 a.m. Monday. • S.V StrMt: Identity theft was reported In the 300 bl<><;k at 2:63 p.m. Monday. • a.. Arena 'Wf!r". An auto theft we. reported in the 1200 blodt at 9:23 a.m. Monday. • MecAtthur Boulevanf: A commercial burglary was reported In the 1500 blodt at 8:28 a.m. Monday. • Newport Boule'lant. A 46-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possessing and transporting a controlled stories. ask their questions or show him their boo boos, which were similar to his in their eyes. wit's really neat because they're seeing somebody now that they've heard about for so long.• said VlrJean Olsen, Wtntterle's grandmother and a frequent visitor to her daughter's kindergarten clas..c;. wit's so nice, but I've been in perpetuaJ smiles since he came home." From the moment Wmtterle stepped onto the campus. his presence garnered attention. To ooneutt.ntl 10 ftnlth their WOl't , before we Clln IMk9 • judgmerf on (adding 434 ecr... to the dowtllOWn ~Cf>~mneJ. We wef'9 8Mmp&1g do 1Nt wilh the prelimkwy .,..1Nt ha• ,bear'I held up. They're rNlfv In a~ pheee, ~I aupport studvtnu the .... and the -...Once .. lthe 1"fomwdon .............. Incumbent upon the Redewlopment A(ll/ltCV to tit down with the aeff ~ lgute out ...... hw910 woct wfth, •n 11Jnuwtmthe,...... ... end I fully eupiJoft 1hM." • dlAUNG wmt ntESUO'E MJDQU~ "I thinlc the dt9 ahould exerdtle flacat l'wepcMllllllity. Nwe haw . badly need them? The panel members I hoped might deal with this question were Arianna Hu.ffington. Jonathan Schell and F.ric Alterman. All have distinguished credits and well! hawking new books. They were literate. acerbic, frequently funny and supported their points with facts and reason. All have rattled a few doorknobs of their own, and intend to keep at it, which I found heartening. Less heartening were the reasons they set forth for th~ virtual dlsappearance of an effective opposition. Three reasons, all supported by multiple specific examples, were cited most frequently by the panel: FU'Sl, the concentr.ltion of political power in the White House. supported by the military and accompanied by the parallel erosion of power in Congress. Second, what Schell called ·the co~of the Democratic party to perform lts role as the loyal opposition that leaves the media virtually standing alone against the power of the Whlte House." And. third, the failure of tl(e medJa to do follow-up stories on the plethora of misinformation used to suppqrt the policies of the Bush Administration. They might have added the steady buildup of fear. J wonder how many of the people who obediently heeded the call for smallpox shots are feelirig pretty foolish now? There was much more. but this will suggest the tone and flavor of the discussion. The panel members will continue to pub&h their boob and write their columns In a I.iterate m•pzine and on the op-ed· pages of our DeWISJ>llpeR read by a tiny f.racdon of our dduns while the Whlns House and military dominate the front pages and the talk &hows seen and heard by millions. ..,, ,, ... ~~ --~~"""""""~ .... --..-----' She WI.) f1!IP'MJl'h" for ...... \ substence, at well at reslstll)g an offloer In the 2600 blodt at 8:2• p.m. Monday. • Newrpcwt ICM__. An auto theft was r8C)9fted In the 2600 blodt at 11 :06 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • East PromontOrY Otfw) Vandalism wai reported In the 400 blodt at 4:08 p.m. Tuesday. • Irvine Avenue: Loose UvNto<:k was reported in the 600 bl<><* at 3: 13 p.m. Tuesday, but police reported the livestock was gone once they anived. • Newport Cout Ortve end San Joequln Hiiis Roed: Reddess driving was reported at 4:16 p.m. Tuesday. • Vie Undlne: A drhteway was reported blocked by a car In the 100 block at 9:38 a.m. Tuesday, but police were ~ble to convince the car's owner to remove it faculty. adminll>t.rators and students, he represented all the men and women involved in the War in Iraq. . He's an American hero -a title he's not entirely comfonablc· with, but appreciates all the same. *It's really nice bu1 ... I just want to get better and get back 10 [being a Marine I.· he '>ald. • CHRlSTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be readied at (949) 574-4268 or by e mail at dlristine.cam/lo a lat1mes com to cut the budget, it will be • difftcult procesa to weed the what from the cheff, but it'• • ptOCaa the council end sta1' will endeavor to achieve - aaeaing the budgetary needs and the buica need to lt.rf funded -public aafety and 1hinga like that. I haven't looked 11t the budget. I don't know whete the staff la suggesting cuts. n •nv. Another epproactt might be to iocrene the amoum of residential housing we have to Improve our property tax base. W. rely very heavily on a sales tax bate, and the state may be taldng 1 chunk out of that. h won't be a ahort-tenn fix. but In .r the long run. It will help to stabilize our income base." Tius was a Olaner of deep concern to the panelists. Schell said that ·if the opposition ~ to be heard in this leaderstup vacuum, we must build a movement that will get attention from the Democrats.· Alterman added, "When we have constructed a system like a beautiful Rolls Royce. we should get In and drive it• I left the UCI campus with a good many mixed feelin~ 1\vo essential paru. of the Rolls Royce constructed by the fowiders of this country were the division of ~ers in which Congres. ... aJOJle, coUld declare a WM, and the protection of minonu~ and dis.5ent that b'llaranteed resporu.ibleo.oppo~1tion to the party m power. A free p~ l<m '1 fill an opposition leadership vacuum: II ectn only (ully and fairly report the acuviti~ and views of the oppo 1tion while refusing to allow lies or misinformation from any soun:-e • to go unchallenged. But, that said, a free press could certainly fire up the process. Mid I'd feel a lot more hopeful if Ed Murrow was stiU around to make sure the fire stayed lit. • JOSEPH N. BEU. 11 a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His column appears Thllradays. Bjorn Sedlenlek Bjorn S•dle nlek, 80, ~of the POSH men'a ck>thlng at°'9 In Newport c.m. ~ 1978, died Apf1I 24th at Na home In COfON dal "-· ... la auMved by hle .._, Vita Befiltett, of San Cfement• and Na bf othata, Sven Sedlernek of Lav.me and Ounnar Sedlenfek of ~~ A fMmOftll MrWie _. be hlld on~ Mmr 71h. at 12 noon at the ~ at P9Clflc View Memol'W ... MOO P90lftc View DrM, In ea.a.. ...... In ... of .................. .-..~dwtlylnllam'9 ... llusdly, May 1, 2003 A5 .. i .. • ~· stock up. comets come around more o~en than this. , .. the 11IKEA hardly ever has a sale'' sale event. save up· to 50°1o off select items throughout the store. sale ends sunday, may .4th ~ . ICM ........ M.dlo Oly C.... 600\f. s.:.i hnlGndQ IW. ltlll 842-'532. ICIA C.... 405 ~lo""'°" 9loict Ed lltq 527-'532. ICIA ~ fll >+ .-,. 60 ~lo Alilttb .... ~ 9'12-'532.. KIA 0.-. C...,. JoMbol-.. lhd. bit, Tllllln Mo-ti 1'f'a ce (71~ 131...000. -.. ..... Mon · fn 10.. · 9pfll, Sot: 9°"' • 9pll, S-lo...• ..... Ylea llCEA.Clllllll • • E.w. Sail °"80 0 .._ llC!A ~IV 2003, SOiiie ptodwctt ~ ~ . R ,,, ' M Ttutday, MtY l, 2003 Diiiy Piiot F·ORUM ,-' • HOWlOOETPUIUSHED -LeaiMs: Mail to Editorial Page EdltorS.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RHder9Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mel:Send to daflypllotOhltimn.com •All ~dence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoees). The Piiot re.eNes the right to edit all submissions for clarity end l~ngth. EDITORIAL River cleanup tinle has ·come W h.at for too long was a trickle seems finally, thankfully. a flood. Each week. 8Imost, there is news of yet another bill, group or plan designed to clean up and keep clean the Santa Ana River and, by short extension. Newport Beach. In February. Huntington Beach Assemblyman Tum Harman introduced an amendment to state law that would require two-thirds voter approval for any new fees or taxes. Importantly, the bill would add urban-runoff to the list of water fees tha1 could be i.qlposed without a vote and could generate miUions of doUars to pay for cleanup efforts. His colleague. Assemblyman Lou Correa CD-Santa Ana), has proposed creating an umbrella agency similar to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy as a means to set aside l~d for open space and parks. The bill has the bacldng of Hannan and Costa Mesa Assemblyman Ken Maddox. though local officials-including the Board of Supervisors-are balling about loss of local control. It is a plan that deserves support and the effort of all to find a solution to the disagreements. Newport Beach is intent on cleaning up a concrete drain along Coast Highway and Seashore Drive that dumps a "bacteria stew"' into the river. an obvious step that should have quick. clear benefits along the river and Newport's beaches. And across the river, Huntington Beach officials thls summer will receive specific plans to handle urban runoff that includes a detailed map, drawn with a global positioning satellite, of the l , 700 catch basins in the city. All of these efforts come on top of $424 million in work completed by the Army Corps of Engineers two years ago that helped reduce the number of people in the river's flood plain. If all goes well, the Army Corps will return aext year to dredge the river near the Adams Avenue over-crossing. Obviously, it is not easy o r cheap to clean up the river. And there is an understandable amount of complaining that NeW]>ort and Huntington officials are having to carry the weight of the work and the brunt of the cost. But it is the "downriver" people, those fortunate to live near where the river meets the sea. who benefit most from Clean water and clean shorelines. Having both is worth I.he effort and the cost. . READERS RESPOND Fighting party politics AT ISSUE: Are Newport Beach oflicials overreacting to parties and problems during the Fourth of July? T o even attempt to draw a comparison between Newport Beach's Fourth of July policies and those of Saddam Hussein's rule and the hammer and sickle of Stalin's Russia is completely offensive to those who died during those regimes. And for the Pilot to lead its top story of the day by alluding to I.hat in the first graph is beyond ridiculous. As a veteran of many Fourths of July in the "War Zone," I've managed to survive unscathed. It's all the morons who come in from the "909" (area codel that cause the built of the problems. You can still party and have a good time while acting responsibly. If the police have to arrest the drunken knuckleheads, so be IL The additional wvenue certainly doesn't hu.: :.he city, and maybe it will discourage the out-of-towners from coming down and ruining the fun for everyon~ else. MIKEMCNIFF Costa Mesa ..-Brian Oarkson's bloated rhetoric about alleged parallels between the Newport Beach Police Department and Saddam Ha'lssein points to a badly diseased mind. He and his fellow jerb ought to find a better way or a different place to ltlve thelr destructive fun. I totally support the city's poUcy. DAVID H. WAUACE Newport Beach It ii banfTor me to understand dill group't point Have they fotp>tt.en what happened In Huntqton Beach when to-clllled pmy peoa1e went wOd from al ot the drinkl.ngf The Newpon Bach aty c.oundl abowl .-eat JeadenhAp. .,.... do not change your mliidl on d1lt *"8e: you have myeuppon. miserable tradition of Fourth of July in West Newport's ~war zone." I lived for three years al 33rd and Seashore. I spent my Fourths of July not picnic.king, enjoying the beach. watching fireworks or barbecuing with family and friends, but protecting my home and property. I have had my yard urinated on, my barbecue lighted by strangers "° cook I.heir food on, my shrubbery used as garbage cans, my front porch and side patio invaded by people I have never met. Last year. my upstairs balcony was barraged with M-80s. l, too, oppose further ordinances and laws and restrictions on residents and their freedoms. However; freedom is not free; ii comes with responsibilities and a price. The police, highway patrol and sheriffs office has tried for years to control the ·mob" and what comes from hours in the sun. drinking and drugging. Unfortunately, we cannot •cJose .. West Newport off to nonresidents; it is illegal to do so. Therefore. we need to make it a less desirable place for nonresidents to come to on that day. It is just like they did in Palm Springs for Spring Break and Huntington Beach for the Fourth of July. This may inconvenience some residents who choose not to plan ahead and by their liquor in advance, or only inVite responsible guests and refuse to take responsibility for the behavior of their ill-mannered guests. Perhaps the landlords of these summer rentals will now more carefully select their week-by-week tenants if they are heavily fined for their tenants' bad behavior. AJ5 f said, freedom is not free! I visited the Web aite of Brian Clalbon's group. It is very weU put together and they have a lot of good information; however. no where on that site do they talk about solutions to this problem or talk about the real luue: ufety. It ls just a matter of tiine when tlUt "party" produces a trqic COMeqUenee. WlW then w0J be the f1!tP01* of Carbon and his groUpf .. Sue Newport 8ach and lt' leederl becaute they didn't aotldpete lt'"f ., a. w.y. J do ... with C1llbon met ... poup lboUt cbe~ ...... , .. °" NeWporl Co.ii • • I t •'• " MAILBAG rt LE PHOTO I DAILY Ptl Ol Comedian Scott Day will hit the road on a world expedition, documenting the whole experienee. Laughter won't make the world go 'round The Daily Pilot article on Tuesday about the Costa Mesa man, Scott Day, and his plans to use laughter 10 bridge the gap of language on a trek around the world is amazingly nruve, as weU as his travel plans (MCue the laugh trek•). Americans are not in favor in many places around the world today no matter how big your smile or how funny you are. Asia. Europe and South America are not welcoming Americans as they once did. I was in Vietnam when the OUnese shot down the American spy plane a few years back, and the chant was MKill Americans.· American tourists have been spat upon in many parts of Europe recently. And $200 in ransom m on ey wouldn't free a big toe in Columbia Day's trip to Vietnam will be easy as far as entering the country is concerned. but there are many countries thal are not allowing people into their countries if they have visited Vietnam. and then there are other co~tries that will quarantine travele'rS from that country and others that are in the throws of the Severe Acute Resp iratory Syndrome outbreak. for which there is no cure. Tu travel and think that laughter will bridge cUltural and lingual gaps is mistaken. A sense of humor is a distinctly cultural attribute that changes froin place to place. What is considered funny in one place can be considered offensive in another place. A big honest and sin~re smile. at the wrong moment or in the wrong place, can be considered aggressive or rude. No matter how pervasive American television is around most of the world. American humor is seldom · cherished or respected. My advice to Day is travel, see the world. enjoy and learn. But there is an old axiom: "When in Rome, do as I.he Romans do.• If you can read between the lines on this one, you will be better off. Rather lhan imparting your humor and wisdom on your host countries, I suggest you listen and learn, and of course film your documentary or whatever. Very good ad\rice indeed when traveling to many countries, and good advice not-to travel to others. PAUL JAMES BALDWIN Newport Beach C.Ouncil needs to keep voters in mind Call m e crazy. but I still believe in the electorate deciding who represents me at the local level of government. Having stated the obvious. I also believe that the current Coste Mesa City Council should not use personal agendas to annuence whom wiU represent the voters 10 serve out the balance of Karen Robinson's term of office. I don't want someon e who has not fulJy debated the current city issues in a public setting to represent me until the next election, the n ext election for that seat being November 2004. Nor do 1 want som e one who was barely on the radar screen in some distant past election. If there had been one more vacant seat to be nUed in the last e lection. the person representing me would be Linda Dixon. Arn I a big supported of hers? Not especially. but having those currentJy o n the City Council d o the righl thing with regard to representative government does mean a lot to me. Com e on, City Council. compromise and d oing the right thing for Costa Mesa should be paramount and be more satisfying than ignoring thousands of voters and pushing your personal agendas forward. Do this on e strictly for I.he voters. MARKAU..EN Costa Mesa Waiting for an electio n wi 11 hurt C.Osta Mesa It is time 1he Co"ila Me">a City Council shows that It is working for lhe good of I.he city and nol the personal agendas of it'I memher'>. If I.he council fail'> to '>elect from among 1he two candidaH.''> remaining to fLll the vacant 1>ea1. 1hen a special election muc;I hl• held, costing the cily lhou!'.and'> of dollar'> thal could be heller r.penl on i1w1rovemen1s to 1he ciry. Mike Scheafer would '>ee m 10 be an ideal candidate given his years of community service and concern for the future of Co<,la Mei.a. As a family man wilh kids growing up 111 the City. Scheafer. in my opinion. would represent Lbe needs and 1..oncerni. of Costa Mesa families. Scheafer has worked w11h all area'> of the city and doe'> nol have a wt agenda to concentrate on only one area. Allan Mansoor, on 1he other hand, is backed by a Wcs1.,1de group intenl on redeveloping 1he We!>l.,1de I le has already faced one conn act o f in1eres1 charge. and now. he i'> backing a campaign volunteer. Em· Bever. for lhe open City Council seat. Is ii a coinc1dcnt:l' thal lhc most qualified candida1e he ran come up with is "omconc from ha~ own campaign who!ie political agenda parallel'> his own? I do nol see Mansoor changmg h a\ support, which leaves llrns Slet>I a'i the swing vote 1ha1 can prcvenl the city from wasting thousand' of doUars. If Steel con1111ues to bad. Bever, then we are loolong al a speciaJ election. If Steel in<>tead agrees to a compromise by ')t>lccttng Scheafer. then we will gel a neutral council member with a real concern fo r the future of aU of Cm.la Mesa (including the Westside). Do the right thing. Councilman Steel. MARK LES Costa Mesa COMMUNITY COMMENTARY • Costa M,esa condo plan is not ()K ·- \ Daily Pilot MA~CHING ALONG VANGUARD Conbnued from Al ·we sorely need it.· said Jeny Clarke, director of planning and construction for the university. "We're so out of space. We're just very anxio~ tu get 11 on board. i:rom an impact standpoint. this b the large§1 thing we've done.· Anticipating a jump of about 1,000 students, the umversity plans to expand a.-. much as pos- sil* without losing thl' campus' small, intimate feel. The university's master plan rnnsisb of 15 building!>. eight of w~id\ will bf! built a!Jd !">even of which will be renovated. To have all construction completed by 2010, the universiry will neea to build one new building each year -a difficult t~k since con- Thu<sday May I. 2003 ~7 !>cruction of new facillo es is based o n private donations. Oark.e said. The uruversily plans Lo began con!>cruction on ~ second aca· demic building, lhe Townsend Academic Center for Science and technology, within three yecm. Right now, uruvermy officmh are focusing on lhe project at band and pleased to ~ cheir plan m action. "ll w~ a mom1mt of great Joy because 1t meant that all of the hard worlc that was done by the dev~lopmenl office, the generos- 1ry ol our donors, was finally go- ing to make a difference,· Demp- ster l><!id. "It wa .. a dehghtfuJ moment of JOY • • CHRJSTINE CARRIU.0 covers education and may be reached at 1949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at chflstme cam/lo a lat1mes com ' KENT TREPTOW I OAJLY PILOT ~nnque Gaspar, right, cheers janitQrs marching along Anton Boulevard on Wednesday. The 1anitors are asking their employers to provide family health care. COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL I lere are some of the ttems the Planmng CommM1on di'>CU~ Monday. AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE In 2002. an A~mbly bill wa'> signed into law that elimmat~ locaJ d1scretmnary review of -.ec.:ond-un1t (acceS..'><>ry apartment) applicationi.. In July, the c.:tty ha-. to accept the'>c applicatmm. without the dbcre11011ary review. If the city's zoning code I'> not changt.'d to reOect the state Law. state c;tandards of acct.~'>ory apanmt•nl'> will prevail over the city\ standards. WHAT HAPPENED The comm1~1on approved Lhe change. WHAT IT MEANS It wtll now go to the U ty Council for revit.·w MASTER PLANS fhe fown Center Drive Master Plan and a change to tht' North Costa Mesa !'lpt!c1fk Plan were on the agenda. The lown Center r>nve Master Plan is a conreptu!f'I plan for the future improwment of the poruon of 'IOwn Center Drive between ~.irk< .enter Drive and Avenue of the An'> as a pedestrian-oriented pubhc plaza linking lhe major ans venuei. within Lhe South Coast Plaz.a Town Center n1eatcr An\ D1~trict. fhe commission will conc;1der incorporating the 111eater Art.'> District Plan for the South c..oa ... t Plaut Town Center into the North Co'>ta Mesa Specific Plan. WHAT HAPPENED Both items were continued because the Theater Arts District Plan is not ready for commission consideration yet. WHAT IT MEANS The Items will come before the commission at a later date. APPEAL OF SECOND-STORY APPROVAL On April 3, lhe :wning adminlstrator approved a second-story addldon for John Rice. Mike Snyder. ..,,.,.. lhe property owner and resident behind the RJce's property, appealed the approval based on his concerns with losing his family's priwcy. WHAT HAPP£NED lbecommissionre-approved the addition with the provtsions Put a bug in someone's ear Call the 'Daily Pilot ClASSlftEDS ------- that the Ri ces agree to inst.all landscape screening along the rear wall to a height of 9 to I 0 feet and increase the waJJ height to 8 feet along tht' rear propt'ny, under direction of stall NEXT MEETING •WHAT: Costa Mesa Planning Commission •WHEN: 6:30 pm May 12 • WHERE: City Hall. 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5088 WHAT WAS SAJD ·1 think. we were trying to find of the n.•ar neighbor," C.hairman M>me common ground between BnJCe c • .irhth ..aid lhe two to i.ati'lfy lhe de-.1re or the applicant and the concern'> -CnmfJtil'rl lly I>t-mlre Newnum IBEBf1 LllJvr t.#""1 ... .QilMo"', (HllO. .-.... I""(. Q/latld ©pettltlgf The Pqpet-House I nvrtatrons Stationery Greetrn~ Cat~s Baby Accessories .:PP.ASOl\o0t3fd Stot1011"k~ ... ffip cpe1t6Pcl Q~t 60" vUoml 15% o(( cverythin~ the entrrc month o( M1y t uc.itnl 1r1 l...ltlll<'')' Voll i.y- ~ 17 ~1' \tr~ Nrwport ll<-1 ,h '149 566 YllM Mother's Day Brunch at Hyatt Newporter Sunday, May 11 10:00am-3:00pm MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH fta1urmg Mouthwatering Carving Station Breakfast Favorites Garden Fresh Salads Pastries & Confections Chef's Gourmcc E~trees Special Children's Buffet 1107 Chilled Seafood & Sushi & More! Complimm111ry Champaf!'t Family Fun Balloon Anise, Magician, Fact Painccr and Petting Zoo 11 :~ -2:00pm Live Music Brunch is $42.95 aduhs $18.95 for children 12 and under, under 3 arc frtt. Racmciifti are bigbJY ra:.onuntiMkd. Pkale call (~9) 729~160 NOW SERVING Sandwiches &Salads ThisWeek@UCI Arts May 2 & 3 UCI Orchestra. Tlrt• Nl'w Roma1111, u m. \tcphen Tu~kcr wndud\ work' by ll.1rb<.-r, Becthown Jnd Briuen. 8 p.m. f.rtdJY and \aturday. Ua1rl' Trevor Th cat re S!!-S 12 May4 UCI Music. lforwrs Concert Muste St:d1on of Town and (;own presents pcrforman<;cs by mus1l ~holar'>h1p winner,. 2 p.m .. Winifred ~mith llall. St>-$ I 0 Athletics May 2-4 Baseball. UC/ vs. Cul Po/}· )LU 7 p.m. £ m1clv. 6 p.m. Saturday and I p.m. ~undJv, Antec1tcr Rall park. S4 -S7 May3 Track and Field. Steve Sron lm•1rat1011al. JO a.m..-4 p.m .. Anteater Stadium. SJ-sc; Presentations • May2 Institute for Software Research. Disringuishftl S~ktr &ries With Carlo Ghcui, Department of El«tronics and lnform~tioo, PolitKnico di Milano. 2 p.m., Informatio n and Computer Science, Rooms 432, 438. Frtt Mays Canter for the Study of Democracy. TM lOOJ-OJ Pdtason Lecturr on Dtmocracy. With Jeane J. Kitkpatridt. former U.S. ambassador to the United Nitioos. 3:30 p.m ., Social Science Plaza A, Room 1100. Free • NEWPO~T TO ENSENADA YACHT RACE RESULTS NEWP"-ORT ENS EN A 'D A ANCIENT MARINER 1. South Pacjfic; 2. Rejoice; 3. Dauntless; 4. Fairwind; 6. Oirigo II; 6. Curfew; 7. Jubilee. CRUZ-GA 1. Incredible; 2. Enctianted Lady; 3. Firelight 4. Trojan Conquest; 6. Tranquilo; 6. Full Circie; 7. Zoa; 8. Mahalo Ill; 9. Sea Scape; 10. Karisma CRUZ-NB 1. ThankfuH II; 2. Zuma J.y; 3. Island Time;~· Wevelength; 5. Maeva; 6. Oeliefto l\t 7..Uberty; 8. Snafu; 9. Bluefin; 10. Fair Havens ' 1. Voyager II; 2. Lagniappe; 3. Green Dragon; 4. Dindlngwe; 6. Blind Date; 6. Comet 7. Ahsante; 8. Aleaaandra; 9. Escapade;10.Pegasua CRUZ-SB 1. Day Dream; 2. Faith; 3. Gamelot IV; 4. Sailor; 5. No Y No; 6. Pasado Manana; '!. Nanka; 8. Stargazer; 9. Meny M ; 10. la Marquesa ORCA 1. Lei loe; 2. Freestyle; 3. Zeke; 4. CORAL WIL~/OAILY PILOT CRUZ-GB -Delta Vee; 5. Mental Floss; 6. Seth Morren and Tom Burton struggle with the spinnaker, which had a twist in it, causing it to tangle. / Kaaskopje; 1. Tyger Tyger; 8. ------------------------------------------· ___ · 1 .. Sky; 2. O~io11; ;_,Jubel; 4.~ Bete\geuse; 9. Afterburner; 10 . S1su; 5. lntngue; 6.,Tsunam1; 7. Catatude Attitude Adjustment; 8. Dueness; 9. Legacy; 10. Fly Girl CRUZ-NA 1. HMFWIC; 2. Hana; 3. Sea Dancer; 4. Island Time; 5. Flying Free; 6. Arcarea; 7. labateau Avoile; 8. Dynamic; 9. Po'o'ino Roa; 10. Zabuloot 'PHRF-A 1. Chicken Little; 2. Jumpin Jade Flash; 3. Tera's XL; 4. Stealth Chicken; 6. Innocent Merriment; 6. Natazak; 7. Lina; 8. Paddy Wagon; 9. Maitri; 10. Whistle Wind PHRF-B 1. Matador; 2. Caper; 3. Ouctil; 4. OuetzacoatJ; 5. Fee Event; 6. Sneakers; 7. Resolution; 8. Funatic; 9. Doctor No; 10. Patriot PHRF-C 1. Prime Time; 2. Colt 45; 3. • Belly Dancer; 4 . 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Dou1ilefGX-Ft98 ..,,...._ Monthly Income DMdends • lnvestnwlt GnJde PCM1folio FRAN KU N TEMPLETON INVESTMENTS <GAU• F•OM ou• 'IU,ECTIV(. > ' Coll today for o FREE brochure. Diversified Securities David B Davis or John L. Bennis (714) 560-9656 ffor inmlon wb1ect IO the oltemohve minimum lax, o smoft portion of these dMdends '!"'Y be lmtoble. O.s1r1btmons ol cop1tol ~ins ore generally laJCoble Pleose coll for a free prospec1U5 conto1ning more com~ 1nfonno110n including soles charges, expenses, and nsks Please ~eod corefu!IY befor~ 1nve"1ng or tending money. Blues; 5. Bolt; 6. Swordfish; 7. Showdown; 8. Martela; 9. Voodoo; 10. There & Bade Again PHRF-D 1. Bold Forbes; 2. Cheap Sunglasses; 3. Whiplash; 4. Headhunter; 5. Midlegaas; 6. Mischief; 7. Kathmandu; 8. Sweet Caroline; 9. Notorious; 10. Strategem PHRF-E 1. Puka Wai; 2. Firelodc; 3. M ighty Mouse; 4. Miss Informed; 5. Arrogant Bastards; 6. Sheezaliedee; 7. Moonshine; 8. Mac's; 9. Seaya; 10. Wooly Bully PHRF-F 1. Windswept; 2. lady Blue II; 3. Austin; 4. Checkmate; 5. Pursuit; 6. Salty Dog; 7. Tranquility; 8. Allegra; 9. Plan 8; 10. Mistress PHRF-G 1. Between the Sheets; 2. Gypsy; 3. Freebird; 4. Ch&-Cha-Cha; 5. Mimi; 6. Passage; 7. Gator; 8. Abba-Zaba + Dally Pilot RESULTS Continued from ~ Dad; 9. Maleficient; 10. Sidekidc PHRF-H 1. Pioneiro; 2. Sorcerer; ~· Baatante; 4. Wind Dancer; 5. TNT; 6. Sirena; 7. Charlie; 8. Pipe Dream; 9. Serai; 10. Anonymous PHRF-1 1. Persephone; 2. Sea Maiden; · 3. Starc:kweather; 4. Elan; 5. Bilbo Baggins; 6. Foggy Notion; 7. Stray Cat; 8. Hassle; 9. Aries; 10. Flying Cloud PHRF-J 1. Golden Sl(ye; 2. Everfit { Campaign II; 4. Rambunctiou.. 5. Fat Ch~nce; 6. Second Love; 7. Survivor; 8. Cambell's Sloop; 9. Friction Loss; 10. Lost Bikini PHRF-K 1. Spartan; 2. Se;tdragon; 3. Blew By You; 4~ Elusive; 5. Pnme Time; 6. El Tigre; 7. Fiasco; 8. Relentless; 9. Cardinal Sin; 10. Midnight Run PHRF-L 1. Valkyrie; 2. Latitude, 3. Sojourn; 4. Bon Vivant; 5. PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot ., Neale Hickerson, Tom Burton, Steve Washburn and Seth Morrell sail together after many years apart. Washburn put together a special crew from years of sailing experience to work his new boat, Gypsy. llusday, May 1. 2003 M I Oliver; 6. Aurora; 7. Windid; 8. It's OK; 5. Ragtime Easy Reach PHOTOS BY COAAL WILSOH I DAILY PLOT The sailboats were everywhere in the early dawn light just before the sunrise. · UL DB-A 1. Wildcat, 2. Cita; 3. Vi per, 4. Nemesis; 5. Iceman From Zenda; 6. Max 0 ; 7. Schodcazulu; 8. Gimme Shelter; 9. Medicine Man; 10. Pendragon IV ULDB-B 1. Chayah; 2. Velos; 3. Falcon; 4. ULDB-C 1. Firebird; 2. Horizon; 3. Ghost II; 4. lllusian; 5. Braveheart; 6. Cantata; 7. Eclipse; 8. Tuesday's Child ULDB-D 1. Magic Light; 2. Defiance; 3 0 n A; 4. Spinout; 5. Pet This; 6. Blade Runner; 7. Seventy Two; 8. XS; 9; Wilderness; 10. Cutie Pie 2945 Randolph Ave (Bristol & Baker) 949.642.8286. 714.556.2181 <fl u Q s t s CW t t K I ~.II LUI~ JO Q U.11 LITU. '" KC8'1mo1 ••• l.alllOl I~ llKPITIL UILUTt~ m MUMH" nau. w1111 • iaa • cm111mro 1UM11" acawcl \ . 2 0 0 3 ' l' ... "'-./" AIO ~. May 1, 2003 SOCIETY OW/ Pilot .. THE CROWD • • A week when irrelevanctt matters • ' 'I twas born and railed !n Newport Beach at the ¥boa Bay Oub. ........ ...... said, referring to bis internationally. recognized football post-draft event known u 'llrrelevant ~ .. · The28th · ' annual event. led by Salata and his tearh. which ~· includes' dedicated daughter Me' ..... Fitch. providing produ<:ing -. B. W. COOK and . organizing support, and a host of close friends, have created a weeklong extravagama in Newport Beach, recognizing the football player chosen in the last draft ~pot · each year by the National Football League. ~ta. a former USC and pro football player, is recognized for bis wit. and "Irrelevant Week" ls surely the height of sport& sat'<:MDl. ? ")'m the champion of the underdog." Salata said · Underdog or not; the ftnal NFL draft choice 1s ~ Ulce a king by Salata for a week of festivities that will: begin Thurs'day, June 26, with • reception and dinner set this · year foi the Anaheim Marriott Hotel Salata is calling the event "Heisman Meets Lowsman." "The spirit of this event ls simple,• he said. "It's about doing something nice for someone for no reason.• Over many years ef creating this speclal week, Salata has joined forces with some of the legends of the American sports scene. The national advisory board of Irrelevant Week mcludes Bobby Beethard, Art DoruMUl, Jack Fiv•lkner, Daryl Gata. John Hall. Sammy Lee, Jack Undqulst. MertJn Olten. The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ .. OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • · ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff ' lMgh Stet ....... BmUy ~ Jlm'l'uaney, .... Ueba1oeh, -W.W.. Ron \'my andJ-*~ Local support in Orange Q >lmty comes from commµnlty leaders JtmDlle. ~ Paula J)cwelde, Daily Pilot Publlsber'lbm~ BID Pierpoint. ~Purcell, 1lm . Quinn. lt«Jf ReDw, 1lm Riiey and Dm ..,.,..., to name only a few. nckets to the ltrelevant Week banqttet are $150 per'person with tables of 10 available for $1,500. Please call (949) 263-0727 to reserve your spol CULINARY PUND-RAISBR Roy's Restaurant at Fashion Island is hosting a fund-raiser for a very special department at Newport Harbor High School. It's called the Cu.Unary Program, which introduces students to the art of the kitchen. It's led by Janet Dukes. On May 6, Roys will host a reception at 6 p.m., with dinner At last year's Irrelevant Week arrival party, Kirk Dawson joins Irrelevant Week founder Paul Salata, to follow The whole event. his daughter Melanie Fitch arid Chief Tim Riley. The 28th annual Irrelevant Week will begin June 26. including a three course menu equipment and supplies used in . Yamaguchi is also busy resta~t. alM> at Fashion • with wine, tax and tip, costa $50 the vocational training program. promoting his new cookbook. Island. . per}>erson. Funds raised will.be Some big names in the food "Hawaii Cooks.· lo support the Newpon turned over to Newport Harbor world gathered in Newpon Also spotted at Roy's were I !arbor 1 ligh School dinner next Higb's Culinary Program to be • Beach 10 promote next week's team members of the Dallas week. you may make your used for scholarships, field trips, dinner. Master chef-and· Stars. in town to battle the reservation by contacting Vinylf • ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 restaurateur Roy Yamaguchi Mighty Ducks at the Anaheim Hennle Sondel at (949) graced the restaurant that bares Pond for the Stanley Cup 548-4044. his name, joining KABC radio playoffs.. personality chef Jamie GWeJ1. The Stars made the Four Gwen has moved to Newpcin Seasons Hotel their residence of Coast from Los Ahgeles, and is choice, and held their arrival thrilled io be a pan of the night dinner at Roy's, delighting Newport scene. the local crowd. Last Monday's "I feel so privileged to live post-game supper surprised the here," she said. local crowd at Fleming's ONE MORE THING A dedicated Ncwp;on contingellt Joined force!> with Los Angelei. wciety to suppon the Doheny Fye l~titule at a benefit at the Regent Beverly Wilshire I lotel. The spring IWlcheon and fash.ion show. with clothing by St. John, wa!> produced by the l..um.inant'!t, a women'!> suppon gry>up of the Doheny Eye Institute. ·The afternoon was chaired by Sonia Hathaway and Barbara Nielsen of Newpon Beach. Other Newpon women spotted irl the crowd were Lou.lie Brigham, Galle Patrick and Marton Webb. Bea Stathatos. president of the l..um.inaries, welcomed the crowd to the annual even!. • TliE CAOWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. DESIGN CENTER ... ''For All Y~ur Decorating Needs!'' w I ' FURNITURE REUPBOLITERY " ,.. , , ·' •\ DATcBOOK Ttusday, May I, 2003 All l .' REELCRmcs 'Wind' is folksy, 'COnfidence' is. f ruillliar, both are fun 'Wind' is breezy an~ wann-hearted C hristopher Guest seems to have found his niche in pseudo-documentary comedy films. He co-wrote and acted in the classic "This is Sp inal Tap," which mo.i:ked heavy metal bands. He CQ-wrote, directed and acted in TRICIA BEHLE ·waiting for Cuffman,· poking fun at communiry theater, and ueest in Show," l;impooning dog shows.. Now, in "A Mighry Wind," Gue'>t takes on the world of folk ·-rnu:.ic. Irving Steinbloom, a legendary manager of 1960'> foUc music groups, hill) died. Hi '> children organize a memorial concert. featuring three of the a cts their father managed - the New Ma:in Street Singer~. the Fol.kstnen (Olristopher Guest, Harry Shearer and Michael McKean) and Mitch a nd Mickey (Eugene Levy and 'Catherine 0'1 laraJ The s toryljnes. about the Folksmen and the New Mam Street Singers arc a hit choppy and really could have u'l'd more fo cµs. The Folk.<.mcn are <;tiU a lot of fun to watlh. mainly because Shearer. < 1ue\t and Mc Kea n have worked together so often, their improvised humor i'> effortlel>s and natural. The New Main Street Singers provide' one of the best performances in the film -Jane Lynch as Laurie Bohner manages an unnerving blend of perky and creepy. The storyline about Mitch and Mickey is the most cohesive and actually ends up being quite touching. They we.ro opce partners romantically and musically. until If bitter breakup that . neither of them has completely .recovered from. Levy (writer) and Guest (writer and director} obviously have a 101 of affection for folk mul>ic, because they have crca1ed such a kind-hearted '>poof of the subject ·A Mighry Wind" could have U'>cd some more bite to its humor. but there are Mill plenry of laugh-out-loud moments. It would also have been nice if there had b een more full -length songs in the film, ">ince the few we get -"Old Joe\ Place." "Kiss. Al 1he l:nd of th!' Hainbow" and "Wandenn'" are great "A M1ghry Wind" doe'\n't reach 1he giddy heigh1s of "Spmal Tap" and is no t a!> '>harp as "Best in Show." but is a funny, gentJe take on the fo lk mu'>ic world. • TRICIA BEHL£ lives in Newpon Beach and works as a software valtdator ·ennfidence' is an amusing diversion U .,1ng variation'> on 1hemeo; from many 01her movies. "Confidence" is. .i dd'>l>IC 1 lollywood r nme caper Oick. It dul>ts off 1he old formula of a con game wi1h 111 a (li':l ~'fl ustom Home Loans • Construction to permanent loa~ with one qualrfying process and one set of closing fees!! Lot cost included ·Construction lo~as pnme. fixed for up to l 2 months. I ·Low rates for purchase. re-ti & no cost equrty Imes. I 111/ BILL FA:...LfHJ '949-252-8200 ·Ground up. rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed ·Increase cash fl~w wrth Interest Only programs. 15 Year'$ in Orange County. T f Lf.Mll'l· GRCll I'• 3&48 Campus Dr •210 Newport Beacn CA 92660 COMING SOON The full fury of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) is unleashed when Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters comes under attack in "X-Men 2.~ con game and leaves you wondering who i'> reaJly pan of the 'cam and who is the viCtim. Beginning al the end of 1he !>tory, the ltcreenplay uses a sene'> of lively Oashback!. to reveal 1he twist'> and 1urn<, 1hat bmugh1 lhl' players to th1-; final l>itua11on. The '>IOry center-; on a team of con artal>h led by the very '>harp Jake Vig. played with snappy diaJogue and voice-overs by Ed Rums. Rachel Weisz is the sexy Lily, the team\ femme fatale and manda1ory "skirt" in 1he con. rwo rogue cops worlung as undercover narcs assist Jake an exchange for a cul of 1he action Andy Garcia adds. comphca1ions. a!> a my<;tenoul> fedcraJ agent on thr THE .. Ill.I. NEW9• 2004 u 330 Now Ava ilable OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE GREAT PRICES GUARANTEED tr1iJI of the whole cr(•w. When Jake s.unr,..,fully d efrauds $150.000 from an accountant who is "~·cretly 'JOHN DEPKO working for a mobbou called tbe JCing. he finds himself thewget of dangerous , . and 'Wtwanted attention. · The King. 'played with sinisCer verve by a griu.Jed Dultlm Hoffman, runs a strip club as. a front for h is criminal e nterprise. To save his skin, Jake agrees to a SS· million scam on one of King\ em:m1es.. The rest of the ~tory cen1ers on the many complications in the elaborate scheme to take down the mark. Jr tha'\ all sounds familiar, it l>h ould Thjs movie Is full of elcrnentl> seen before an fiJms '>Urh a~ "The Grifters," "C.et Shorty" and "House of C.ames." but Jach their gritty edge With a '>lightly com ic feel to 11s film noar pre1cns10ns, "Confidence" 1s. more akm to Lighter fare such a ... "Oceans I I" or "The Sun~." , Sht k and well made, ir's an amu'\ing diversion for.an even1n~. even if it's aiJ been done before. · · • JOHN DEPKO 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange Counry publtc defender's office. Tl.KE SS FWY UIT FAJR DR. TO HAHOR AJ ......,.~ ~ "' PTlfY: ~ P'I/\ 70"!<...,,_ 1~ ond IQMI'\ ony ~tho'~ any oc<Jic< ooumc:nt <>' .t.o:Y :11 ~ ,•.:ir:ic arid O<'Y ~~~ IC1htlQ c.harqc EJCC11~ :,/0A/f13 Seas.onally inspired C\lJlisine ~ / oa1y Pilot I eCenterLine A light Rail System f~r Orange County Center Line \Vill provide Costa Mesa with an additional transportation system and give commuters from throughout Southern California a direct link to the business · IJ>ping, and cultural hub of Costa Mesa. -. ' . • · Kee~Costa MeSa. Moving The J>hase of CenterLine will connect South Coast ... Plaza. Performing Arts Center, and Cost.a Mesa's B~~<Jenter to 415,000 Orange County resident.s who l1'e fiithin two miles of the route. Dat.e: Tuesday, May 6, 2008 '11me': 6:S0.7:30 pm Co8ia Mesa H1lio11, PacUlc Ballroom Three · .AaNM: 8060 Bdltol Street, Costa Mesa PaddDIP \faUda*ed at hotel • THEATER Black experience amplified " itt SCRS 'Intimate Apparel' By Tom Titus ,, I n 1905, barely fouc decades after the CMJ War. most emancipated . African-Americans had little cause fur celebration. For the most part, they found themselves working twice the hours for about half the pay of their llght-sJcinned counterparts. Playwrigbt Lynn Nottage pays tribute to her ancestors of a ceotnryago in her Jatest work. "Intimate Apparel," which Is receiving its world premiere on the Segerstrom Stage of South Coast Repertory. It's a moving, engrossing, lf ultimately uneven story beautifully depleted under tbe direction af a-.te Whoriskey. In this amalgam of history ~d fiction, Nonage's characters bum brigbdy as representatives of a time .and place -a New York City garment factory and, as a significant appendage, the Panama Canal in the midst of its construction. In this background, P.sther Mills, a Negro woman unmarried and still virginal at 35, sets out on a determined course to avoid approaching spinsterhood. She can neither read nor wrile. but with assistance from friends black and white, she conducts a long-distance correspondence with George Armstrong, a West African man laboring on the canal -also illiterate, though each keeps this shame from the other. A sight-unseen proposal, an awkward marriage and the AFTER HOURS • Submit AFnR HOURS items to t'he Daily Pilot, 330W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATAGON Hear the rich sounds of Orquesta Aragon at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Barclay Theatre. For more than 60 years, this legendary ensemble has introduced the sounds of predictable disappointment that follows are depicted with heartfelt emodonin the SCR . production, which reaches repeated ~ab and valleys. It is on the latter plane that "Intimate Apparel" closes, ' . however, leaving Its audience yearning for a more satisfying denouemenL One factor that definitely does not disappoint Is the outstanding performance of Shane Williams as P.sther, whose lifelong d etermination to better her station dissolves in a moment of Irrational optimism. Williams draws her audience into her h eart and soul, sharing her hopes and dreams~ a mixture of stNOglh and naivete. As the charismatic canal work.er who woos her by mail with unbridled enthusiasm, Kevin Jackson is charged with the difficult task of turning his character around 180 degrees in the second act. That he succeeds as well as he does in his presen tation of alternating · strength and weakness is a tesd.mony to his performing skills. Erica Gimpel has the play's showiest role. dw of a hooker in the city's seedy Tenderloin district, and she takes full advantage of the opportunity in a richly robust interpretation lhat deftly avoids the taint of cUche. Sue Cremin impresses as an upper-class matron who offers P.sther a surprising and shocking aJtema,tlve lifestyle. P.sther's one true supporter. through Sunday, with a Sunday show at 2 p.m. Tidcets are $120 to $25. The Orange County Performing Arts Center Is at 600 Town Center Drive. Information: (714) 546-6000. 'RUSSIAN BEAUTY' FYI •WHAT: •1nt1m•te Apparel• .-WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Segaratrom Stage, 666 Town Center Drive, Costa Met• · · •WHEN: Tuesdays through · Friday• at 8 p.m .• Saturdays at 2:30 and 8, Sundays at 2:30 and 7:30 until May 1J •COST: $27-$54 • CAll: (714) 708-5555 her longtime landlady, is played wilh homespun heartiness by Brenda Pressley. Steven Goldstein contributes an interesting performance as a Jewish garment maker who, like Esther, Is betrothed to someone he's never seen and maintains a tight rein on his true feelings. Walt Spangler's sprawling, mul.ti·unit selling allows for multiple usage. particularly the bed that serves as its centerpiece. The period cosrumes of Catherine Zuber and Scott Ziellnsld's intriguing lighting designs further enhance the physical charm in a sepia, vintage photograph a tmosphere. Nottage has a potentially important work in ·intimate Apparel." once she polishes lhe play's inconclusive second act. As it tand!>. lhe history -and Williams' immaculate performance -are qujte enough to merit a recommendation. • TOM TITUS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays. $49. Founders Hall is at the Orange County Perfomiing Arts center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 755-5799. NEILSEDAKA Pop legend Neil Sedaka joins the Pacific Symphony ops in concert in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. May 9 and May 10. Tidtets COS1 $26 to $80. Segerstrom Hall is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 755-5799. r-;:;;-;-~~:;-~~*......._ _______________ _;;~~~~~~:.Q.iban jazz to countries around PLUG I 1he world. Tidcets are $35 and $29 The Pacific Symphony plays a program of Russian works on Wednesday and May 8 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The divertimento from Stravinsky's •The Fairy Kiss; written on the 35th anniversary of T c:haikovsky's death, and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 1 precede Tc:halkovaky's ·swan Lake· ballet su~e. Tldcets COS1 fTom $19 to $69. lll8 Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (71 4) 755-5799. PARISSA AND THE OASTAN ENSEMBl£ The Phltharmonlc Society of Orange County Is preaenting the Parlssa and Dastan Ensemble in concert at 7 p.m. May 11 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Ttdtets cost $100, $59, $55, $40, $29 and $19 at can be purchased at the Center's Box Office at (714) 556-2781 The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Plug into your cooV!"i~. Find out what's 9°'"9 on in your City, Daily Pilot parks, churches, ~ entertainm0'\t and spam Read the ... " . ' Jennifer Lifetime Warranty Carpet $1'' . Lifetime warranty Cerai:nic • and are available through the Barclay box office at (949) 854-4646. R. TROVATORE Opera Pacific presents Verdi's ·11 Trovatore· in Segerstrom Hall. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. MARC-ANDRE HAMELIN Canadian pianist and composer Marc-Andre Hamelin will perform at 7:30 p.m. May 8 in Fmmder$ Hall. Herbert Glaaa will give a preview at 6:45 p.m. Tidtets are Mother's Day Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Pram ts 9:0011m -3:00pm M.Ua; $23.95 • a,;u,.,,, 5 ... _12: $1295 anu,.,,. 4 11u •Mn-All£ PR.EB ,...s.t... ... ~,.., ... s...., ~~,.. ~ 9'.,.t ~, .... , ,,., jl-'s..iM ... ~ ..... s.... ,,_~,t'-'~19-JM-..W~,~~ ''"Jt "'....,.'ti.. ... •' t'-' ~ ~ S.11rut ?ii-r ~'I-...,. 0.. I,_-.,._. '""""" 5'*'',...' '---'-SttltllJ ';# f'' f '... • • SttltllJ 'fMfM ~' --,_ s.1-' .-.. :. QUOTE OF THE DAY "We were picked to finish third in league. Now, we are the [boys] team to beat." . • Sumner, CdM High track and fiefd coach GOLF Khaiat dynasty begins Mesa Verde CC women's champion repeats with 20 -stroke triumph. A k.emi Khalat has a personal l:ralner at home -her son. Anthony, who is 27 months old and a load 10 lug around. "By picking up Anthony, my muscles are getting stronger," said Khalat, who won her second straight Mesa Verde Country Oub women's club championship Tuesday, and whose length on the golf course has increased the past year, thanks to new equipment and her added brawn. "This year I'm a much , much better player and I'm hitting the ball much better.· RICHARD DUNN Khaiat, who won last year's Mesa Verde title at 84-79-79·80-322, captured this year's championship with a blistering 73-74-74-80-301. which is believed 10 be the lowest four-round tot.al ever recorded in the Mesa Verde women's club championship. This year, however. the ladies played from the red tees Instead of the yellow tees, which are 333 yards longer. So that made it nice. "I was surprised they moved them to the red tees." Khaiat said "They just decided to make it sho rter." Khaiat, who played in last year's Tea Cup Oassic with a new driver, has a new set of irons and feels comfortable with everything in her bag these days. ·It's not just golf," said Khaiat, who will rum 39 in June and is also crying to get in better shape since having her first baby. After playing in her first Tea Cup Cassie, Khaiat went on to tie for first-round medalist honors at the 2002 U.S. Women's Mid-Amateur at Eugene Country Oub in Eugene, Ore .. in September. Prior to winning the Mesa Verde title by 20 strokes, Khaiat trekked back 10 her homeland, Tapan, and won a prestigious state tournament in a playoff against Sally Okazald, a former Japanese amateur champion. "It's kind of fun to go bade and play with aU the great Japanese players.· said Khaiat, whose resum~ can hold up against anybody's. Khaiat. the medalist at the 1996 U.S. Women's Mid-Amateur Ownpionship at San Diego Country Oub. has been a member of the Japan national team numerous times and was elected co-aptain of the 1998 squad at the World Amateur in Santiago, Oille. She's a former member J&t Riviera Country Oub and Newport'Beach Country Oub. She won women's club championships S.. GOLF, Pace 82 Sports Phone; !9491574-4222 • Spor1s Fax: !949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD PHOlOS BY KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PILOT CdM's Anne St. Geme, second from right, breaks for lead on a turn en route to posting victory m ttle 1,600 meters. ~ CdM drives the bus Visiting Tesoro has the numbers, but Sea Kings get PCL sweep Wednesday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Quality prevailed over quantity on the Corona del Mar High uad Wednesday. Even though visiting Tesoro brought five busloads of ath- letes, CdM showed who was boss in the final Pacific Coast League ttack and field dual m eet of the season. The CdM boys improved to 5-0 in league with an 89-38 victory while the girls scored a 79-48 margin to pull into a tie with University -also 4-1 in league -headlllg into the PCL preliminaries, Monday at lrvine I hgh. League finals will follow Thursday. The boys hold a slim margin over sec- ond-place Northwood (4· I ). Tesoio's girls beat University. which defeated Cd.M, malc- ing CdM Coach Bill Sumner even more perplexed. "How could It be?" Sumner asked as he glanced across the infield gr.w where Tesoro's approximate 200 athJetes set up camp. ·Just look at all those buses.· It was Cd.M, though, that went on a joy ride Wednesday, sending a message to feUow PCL teams that it is a force to be reckoned with. Freshman Anne St. Geme continu~ her assault through thi'> season by tripling in the 800 meters (2:3J.5), 1.600 (5:30.4) and 3,200 (11 :57. l). It was her first 3,200 this sea- son. "I used my sprinting ability in the fifth and sixth laps, but [Sumner) didn't want me pushing it like that." St Geme said about the 3,200. "I was thinking the pace was slow the first lap, but it picb up.· Sophomore Melissa Swigert doubled for CdM. winning the 200 (25.8) and 400 (59.7). She was on the victorious 400 relay team (522) with Kinzie Kramer, Undsey Manning and JCeUy Morgan. Swigert switched to pushing off with her left foot last week and the result. so far. has been favorable. "I feel more explosive starting out,· she said. The boys also showed their prowess Wednesday. glving Sumner added optimism. CdM's Blake D~hon swept ttle long 1ump and triple 1ump. ·we were pided to finish third m league.· Sumner said. "Now, we are the team to beat: The boys .won 11 Individual event.s and both relays Wednesday. with juniors Ouis Ringstrom and Kevin Artz. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK EYEOPENER ~rux Sparta .... olFame ,...., .. ....__ 1Qy5honofee KURT EHMANN Thursday, May 1, 2003 81 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Barnum .muffles Sailors Cantarella produces three of Newporj\'s four hits in setback at~guna Hill s. Steve Vir&en Daily Pilot LAGUNA lllUS -: Newpon llarbor High senior pitcher Ryan Heenan was son of a master of unprovisalio n m a Sea View League ba.5eball game at IA· guna I lills Wednf™iay Unfonunatety for the Sailors, they could not ad-Lib at the plate.· Newport r7-14, 2·8 m league! pro- duced four tut.s and faded to co me up with timety tutting. Coach Joel Desgum said. as Laguna Hills won, 5-I. The Jiawks (9-10-1, 4- 5-I) scored three runs in the stxth to b reak open a 2-0 game. Newport senior Ryan Rowe was scheduled to pitch against Laguna Hills. but he woke • Sailors Hawks , 5 up with a sore neck. De~gum ~d An· other pitcher, <>emor Ryan Torrey, nursed a sore arm and could only play the outfield. So. Desgwn turned to Hee· nan about 15 minutes before the game "We thought he would give ~ only two innings.· Desguin said "I le dtd a great job. I figured he could frustrate (the Hawks! because they h.k.e to go after the ball. And. he did frustrate them • Rowe. who used off-speed pitches to keep the Hawks off balance. ~truck out three in his complete-game perform· ance that included three c;hutout in- nings and n o waJ.k.s. Laguna Coach Pere Tereschuk nooced Rowe's ability to de ceive his baners. •tte did a good 1ob of changing speeds." Tereschuk sa.ad. ·11e had c;ome mystery pitches that were hard 10 solve. .. Rowe actually matched up rather weU against Laguna Hills' pitch er Kevin Bar· nurn, a senior bound for UC Bericeley. Barnum. who was backed up by a few stellar defensive plays. struck our suc and wallted none. Junior Joe Cantarella seemed to be the onJy one to figure Bar· nwn ouL CantareUa went 3 for 3 and coUected an RBI m the seven th for the Sailors. Newpon's only other tut came from sophomore Man E:.nckson. v.+.o led off the fourth Wlth a double that tut the left-field fence. Barnum. however r" tired the next three. batters. "(Barnum) made the difference. but he can actually throw harder than he was throwing." Tereschuk said. "But he kept us m rhythm and we played some good defense." Barnum reured the firsl six batters he See SAILORS, Pqe B2 Ch~istine Bj~lland .. Cbsta Mesa distance-running standout overcomes hip injury that terminated her cross country season . . SteveVlraen Daily Pilot ·1 don't~ u much~ last yeu, • Bjelland Aid to her regard to her amount of~ which started ln~ "l WU only M> teCOnds olf my (penonal ~ iii the (3.200 • metenl on Saturday (II the Oranae Cooney 1ndt and Add ~onablpt}. I WU IO exdled ebout that.. Bjelland Mid the key to her comebeck hat beerl padmce Ind u ~Oil Senuday whmtbt lldltild ah lo the~ Sbe lllo ...... ..... tn ..... .., ,... ... (5:21.G),. llepbloWChe~bml. It I ldbMlillo,...S• ........ ,.... J .... 12 llusd.v, May l, 2003 . . I SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD SUMMARIES '9clk C.. l!!p!p!! C...11, 1ieolo 48 100-1. ..._ rn.. iu; 2. ~ ICdMI. 13.3: 3. ~ ICdML 13.A.. 200-t &wlgM (CdMI. 2U; 2.. L.wla rn.. &2; 3. ~ ICdMI. 2U. .00-t. ~(CdMI. •.1: 2. a.er ICdMl. 1~: 3. WlncMldl m, 1~ 800-1. SL Glnw IOMI, 2:33.lll 2. ~ ~ ~ 3. ~ (CdM). 2:34.9. 1.eoo -1. SI. Geme ICdM), 5:30..t; 2. Cl.mmlnt (CdMI, 5:30.9: 3. Qlvter ICdMI. 6:38.A. 3,200-t Sl. GemelCdMI. 11:611; 2. Cummlne (CdM), 1~.5; 3. K.lwel.a (CdM). 11'.22.6. 1QO H-1. Mlz-ICdM), 18.6; 2. ~ (CdM), 18.e; 3. Cofpuz ICdML 18.9. 300 H -1. Wlnovltdl Ill. 51.'6; 2. Sllzer ICdMl, 54.8; 3. Andetlof1 m. 5'.e. 400 ..-Y-1. CdM (Kretn41r, Menning, Mofgln. Swlgett). 52.2 .. 1,800 rele'f-1. CdM (C~. Wlldnet, Mol'g9fl. ,..,..,, 4:29.8. HJ ... t urleh m. 4-10; 2. ~ m .... 10; :u~tCdMl,4-8. w -1 • .._.. rn.. 1M; 2. 6-n (T). ts-5)\; 3. ~ (CdMI. 14-7. TJ -1. 5_, m. 31-7: 2. W.V (CdMI. 31-6)\; s. HMedMn (CdM), 2M. SP-t. StlMn Ill. 38; 2. Blec*bum Ill. 27-14.; 3. Wllbum (CdMI. 2$-9. OT-lJ. W>odlCdMI, 116-11; 2. S'-l m. 94-<t: 3. ~ ICdMl, '7-<9. Pllcllc Coast l.!!g!I! boys CdM •• Teeoto 31 100 -1. Moma (CdM), 11.A; 2. 8eneon m. 11.5; 3. Clenaulli ICdMI. n.&. 200-1. Ringlltl'Om ICOMI. 22.3: 2. Moma (CdMI. 23.3: 3. '*-m. 23. 7. 400 -1. Ringltrom ICdMI. 61.2; 2. ~ m. SJ: 3. Dillion ICdMI, 63.1. 800-t.Mz lCdMl. 2;oe.1: 2. Hovtm. 2.:12.2; 3. J.C. Tumet ICdMI. 2;111.3. 1.800 -t Mz ICdMI. 4:411.8; 2. ' Rudlnk:e (CdMI, 4:49.4; 3. Weld,_ ICdMI. 4.'53.3. 3.200 -1. Rudinlca ICdMJ, 10:36; 2. J.C. • Turner (CdM), 10:36.9: 3. 2. Weidner (CdMI. 10".38. 110 HH -1. Jelili (CdMI, 17.t; 2. Mcl<ee (CdM), 18.7; 3. Lee Ill. 18.7. 300 IH -1. McKee ICdMI, 45.A: 2. Lu m. 45.1: 3. Arin m. 47. HJ-1. Mlnaro (CdM), 5-10; 2.. Harmon m. M: 3. Nlelten m. s.a. W-1. Dillion (CdMI. 20-3Y.; 2. Benton m. 1a.a~; 3 Moof-e ITl. 1M~. TJ -1. Dillion (CdMI, 37-10; 2. Nielsen (T}, 37-4Y., 3. WHMe<alT), 35-tt~ SP -1 Delin m. 49-e~; 2. Roble (CdMI. »-5~; 3. Willhengl'8d (CdM), 39-4~. Golden w.. L!!p! boys &taim-. o... v..w a JOO-t ArrNndla (0\11. n.1: 2. icor-.IE), 12.1;3.BnlunlCM.12.1. 200-t. Annindlz (OV), 23..t: 2.. ic.or-. IEl. 24.A; 3. Hemet ICM. 24.& 400-l. Ro;. <E.I. 52.1; 2. Himel ICM. SU: 1 ec.iyuni IE). 515.l 800-1. 8181(E),2:09.1; 2. 8udlmenn (El. 2:10.1; 3. f'lldlou (EJ, 2:19.9. 1,eoo -1. Aoj8e <El. 4:29.3; 2. Ellel IEI. 4'.~ 3. Orozco IEI. 4:55.6. 3.200-\. Monll9s tEI, t1 :01.1; 2. M. Zldl IEI. t1l06.9' 3. CehuenUHEI. 11:0U. 110 tfi-1. .John.eon (E}, 18.!i; 2. Nova IE), t8.3: 1 Geft>er (OI), 19.0. 300 IH-1 . .Johnlcon IEI. 44.1; 2. Novell (El. 48.2; 3. Gelber (OI), 48.4. 400 IN(-1. Ocean Vlew:..>~~--1, 800re1ev-t.EUide1-vvm. lludltnllnn. Elm. Ro;eel. 3:38. ~ HJ -1. Novelt (E), &-2; 2. Hllrer (OV). 5-8; 3, Cedlol• (El. " • U -1.Armindez(Oll.18-7;2. Johl'lllOl'I IEI. 17-10; 3. Hllrer IOI), 17..S. TJ-1. Nova IE), 31-1; 2. Harer (Oil, 37·2: 3. K.lrenzin IOI), 35-11. SP-1. Undquilt (El. 42-1)\; 2. LN I OVl. «>-1: 3. Donald IOVl. 37-3. OT -1. Undquillt (E), 106-1; 2. Betbour (OV). 92· 10: 3. !Capko (E), -.S. s.m. Ana 85, CCl9tll Meu 50 100-1. eem.. (SA). 11.8; 2. Gonulez ICMI. 12.0; J.1<8ned9 ISAJ, 12.t. 200-1. Ceman (SA), 24...3; 2. 0. Ruiz (CM), 25.3; 3. Nishimln (SA). 25.6. 400 -t. Ramo9 ISAI. SU: 2. o. ~ (CM). 56.8; 3. ~(SA), 158.5. 800 -1. Ramirez ISAI. 2::0U; 2. flod.. rlgueJ (SA), 2:04.7; 3. L ~ ICMI. 2:11.A. -1,l!oo -t. !WnirtOZ ISAI 4:40.6; 2. Huipe '-'CMI. 4:46.8; 3. lbeml (CMI. 4:48.6. 3.200-1. lbetre ICMI. 10:18.5; 2. Huipe (CMI. 10:51.1; 3. Hemendez(SAI. 11:16. 110 HH -1. F. OIMl9 (SA), 15.7; 2. Genola ISAl. 17.2; 3. 0. OliY8S (SAi. 17.3. 300 IH-1. F. OIM19 ISAI. 41.8; 2. 6onl.llez ICMI. "5.2; 3. O. OliV91 (SA). 48.e. 400 relay-1. Costa MMa (0. Ruiz. A9uege. Gonzalez. o. Krikorian), 46.8. 1 .eoo Nlev -Not contested. HJ -1. Silvas (SA), 5-8; 2. Pwaz (SAi. 5-6; 3. Garrola (SA), 5-2.. W -1. Perez ISA), 20-9; 2. 0. Krilcorian ICMI. 18-9; 3. t Kri11orien ICM), 18-1. TJ -1. P8f'ez (SA). ~v.; 2. O. Krikorian (CM), 38..J~ 3. Silva ISA), 37·11. PV -1. Nishlmure ISA), 10-0: 2. Valencia (SA), 10-0; 3. none. SP -1. AMlega ICM), 44-4~ 2. Manin (CMI, 41-4; 3. Lopez ISAl. ~ Golden W.. l!!p!tl!I! eo... ..... -.a....AMJ1 100-1. 't..,.,. (CMI. 1U; 2.. '1Wm CSA), 117; 1 ftonqYllo ICMI. 1u. 200-1. l:..,... (CM), 213; 2. Aonquilo ICMI. 21.Z; 3. Hoghel ICM~ 2U. 400-t. NllflCM). 1:1>2.5; 2. eu.icm110 ISAI. 1:0:U; 3. Krikot1en ICM), 1:04.8. 800-1. S. Dev ICMI. 2:1U; 2. Bjelend ICM), 2:2lA; 3. J, Dey ICMI. 2:21.8. 1,800 -1. 8jellend (CM), &·23.2; 2. Munoe ISAI. 5:38.A; 3. A'fl!ll (SA), 5all 3.200 -1. Fior. (CM). 12:37; 2. Ton. (SAi. 12:58.6; 3.,..,.. (SAl, 13.'0U. 100 H -t Ph-. ICM), 17.8; 2. l.opu ISAI. 17JI; 3. Bric* ICM), 18.9. 300 H -1. Brldt (CM). 51.0; 2. t.opu • (SAi. 53.2; 3. Sendlel ICMI, 58.3. 400 relay-1. eo.i.,,.... (Hughel. s. Dey, llrid(. t Bryentl, 60.5. 1,800 ..-v-1. eo.i. M.e IT. ~end. G..Bjellend. J. Dey, s. Dey), 4:11.2. HJ -b S. Oey(CM), 5-10; 2. J.Dey (CM). 5-2; 3. none. • U -r 1. Naff (CMI. 15-9; 2. 8ridl ICMI. 14-9;3. V8Mll(CM), 14-t. tJ -1. Helf (CM), 31-8; 2. Munoz (SA), 30-0~ 3. Spelb ICM), &1. SP-1. Ak\8 ICMI. 34-81t 2. Tabb ISAI. 30-7; 3. Poi ICMI. ~11. OT -t. Alna (CM), 9Mlt 2. Tebb (SA), 98-1; 3. c.n...1SA1. ea-& OcMn Vl9w 11, &tanda 35 - 100-1. ~ (OV). 13.7; 2. "*- (El. 13.8; 3. 8olltJle ICM. 14.2. 200 -1. St.llwoff't (OV), 28.S; 2. Plmtez IEl. 29.5; 3. Aoj8e IOI), 30.8. 400-1. Vlldm (El. 1;04.4; 2. WQfnelt 1ovi. 1 :04.8; 3. Aolm IOVl. u1e. 7. 800-t. Miller (Olf). 2:38.1; 2. Rodriguei !El. 2:At.1; 2. Rincon !El. 2:46.3. 1,800-1. Giiio (OV), 5:33; 2.. Mdler IOVl. 6.'68; 3. Lomeli IE), e:o&. 3.200-1. Gallo 10\fl. 12:112; 2. Rincon IE), 1"5.8: 3. SendoYel IOVl. 13:45.8. 100 H-1. Joli. (OV), 20.1; 2. Hulen (OV), 20.8; 3. - 300 H -1. Valdez IE). 63.0; 2. Hulen IOVl. kl: 3. ~ IOVl. 58.5. 400 ,.gy -1. ec-.. View. 54.8. 1,600 ..-Y-t. Oceen vi-, 4:29.0. HJ -1. V't00\lo6t (OV), 4-4; 2. O'Toole (El. 4-4; 3. Ledlter (OV), 4-0. w -1. Mcleughlen (OVl. 1 ..... Y.; 2. Heneon (El, 13-7V.; 3. c.mpbell (OV), 13-5. TJ -1. Mcl.aughlen IOV), 31-0Y•: 2. Abbott IE), 38-0¥.; 3. Campbell (OVJ, 27-4. SP -1. OlivM (0\11, 30-4; 2. Cheng 10\ll, 29-1Y.; 3. Ceatro (E), 26-1 V.. - OT -1 ~in(T}.151-1;2 RobMtlCdMI. 12J-10. 3. Mdnteem. 121.9 OT -1 Sepolu (CM). 1~ 2. Rives (SAi. 117-9; 3. Toaceno (SAi. 117-8~ OT -1 OlivM (OV), 93-4; 2. Chang IOVl. 90-4; 3. Ces1ro IEI. 89-8. , .. .,, •• lea.•••••it•r& ••Hll 848/711·8010 WW~ Tr e d•t.tone lJ•w•l•r • c:om GOLF Continued from B 1 all five years she was at Riviera and produced similar results at Newport Beach, where Khaiat claimed three club titles from 1992 through '94. "At that time. they didn't have lhe Tea CUp O assic," said Khalat. who ended Sandi Coffer's streak of five straighl Newport Beach club championships in '92. Khaiat, who ended Denise Woodard's unprecedented Mesa Verde streak of six consecutive titles last year, finished this year's title run ahead of Woodard (321), Sue Jane OU (346) and Debbie Brown (353) in the championship Oight She also ~s possession of her own parlcing spot at Mesa Verde. ••• Elsewhere in the Mesa Verde women's club championship. Unda Schwartz won low gross in the first Oight at 265, one shot ahead of Tommye S1einmeyer. Marion Wtlson won low net (216). Olie Wiclt.ham won low gross SAILORS Continued from Bl in the second flight at 283, foUowed by Lollie Destatte (288). Kristine Morris won low net (223). Janice Yu captured low gross in the third Oigbt at 295, trailed by Bonnie Cosgrove (299), while Jeanne Johnston won low net (226). Sandy Eberhard the fourth Oighr's low-gross winner at 304, while Masako Omaru (309) was second. Young Han won low net (220). ••• The Tea CUp Oassic was launched by this •sports section in 1997 to determine an overall women's champion in the Daily Pilot circulation. foUowing a slew of large margins of victory. It was intended to promote women's golf, bring the golf community closer together and celebrate the area's four women's dub champions in a special one-day format The four private country clubs rotate as host site each year.' Mesa Verde is scheduled to host the event this summer. Khaiat is the second player this spring to qualify for an invitation to play in the Tea Cup. following Big c.anyon Country Oub's Sally Holstein. la t1ounced slowly toward first base. The Hawks' first baseman, Brent Baskin, gathered the ball and quickly tossed it to Barnum, but Cantarella beat Barnum to faced until Cantarella came up first base, while McLean crossed with a base hit in the third in-the plate. nin_g_. Cantarella was left strand-While Laguna Hills came up ed at thlr([ Cantarella was-al.SO wi some-uf aefensrve plays. stranded at second in the fifth af-Newport Harbor also stepped up ter 1 Li:. :;in;te to right field. with a few of its own. In the sec- "We didn't have the middle of ond inning. sophomore catcher the lineup stepping up with any Jeff Sanchez caught Davis Corley hi~· Oesguln said. •The late in-stealing. as Sanchez made the nings have also been a problem throw to first baseman Nick for us. We give up runs and we Sacco, to catch Corley off the just can't string together any hit-bag. Sacco threw to Erickson, ting. That's been our problem all who tagged Corley out. 1Wo bat- year." ters later, Barnum homered. Barnum helped his own cause Newport Harbor will host La- going 2 for 3. He smacked a solo guna Hills Friday at 3 p.m. The home run over the fence in left teams have split their first two field in the second inning and games this season. had an RBI double ln the sixth. After the Hawks scored three runs in the sixth, the Sailors were able to avoid the shutout With one out, junior Mike McLean reached on an enor, then stole second, sliding to the bag before the Laguna shortstop could tag him. Then, with two outs, Cantaiel- L.guna H• 5, Newport 1 Score by Innings . Newport ooo ooo 1 -1 • 2 Laguna 010 013 • -!I 10 t Heenan and Sanchez; Barnum and Rochon. W -Barnum, 3-6. L - Heenan. 28 -Eridtson (NH), Lar10n (LH). Latino ILHI. Barnum (LH). HR - Barnum (UJ). Join th Daily Pilot Relay for _Life • • ~0-Team!! ,,.,~ Daily Pilot Relay for Life Team 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, Ca 92~27 Attn: Promotions Dept. o~ G'>~ -<'~ ~~llit:y E Ti ~~~~~ ~ ~of.I. ~en&: o ~o~'b"' rs You 'II Ne""el'. What: 24 Hour Team Walking Event When: Friday, May 2 -Sa turday, May 3, 2003 6:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. Where: Newport Harbor High School Why: · Because you get a really cool Daily Pilot T-shirt and help raise money and have lots of fun as we unite in the fight against cancer. .._ ______________________________________________ ~ Fill out the registration form and dip it out Mail it to: Daily Pilot. Relay for Life team (see above for addres.s). Or drop it by our offices between 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday -Friday. For more information, contact Lolita Harper, Daily Pilot Team Captain at (949) 574-4275 or e-mail: lolita.harper@latimes.com r -·-- - - --- - - - --- - -- -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - --- - -- - - - -- • 1 · REGISTRATION FORM YES! I wmt to pm lidpate ii tit• Daly Plot Relay for Uft r... Please COltad -by 0 ,.... 0 ..... I w..W •• to _., 1 •1111tit1 of S (lldose4, to ' Total Allollt $ _____ _ ""'-bl c.c. Society). bdostd is !IT-0 Cast. 0 Check Make cheds payable to American Cancer Socitty I I Plean chsge lily: 0 VISA 0 MC 0 AMO 0 DISC I 0ty .. I I c..d Ho. J T·slllrt Siu O S O M O l O ll I Exp.Datt ., -----------------------------------~--------· WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORD S • ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer Motorcraft9 011 •nd Fiiter Change $7 995 r::: ...... THEODORE ROBINS FORD Service w111 MEEr or BEAT Your Beat D••I on I • NAME BRANDTIRES Moton::rafr' Pl'9fefT9d VU. pach, front « ,..,, on moet c:.a °' light tn.leb. EJcduct.• ~ roeora « drume. lnepect m '*'-towtlree.,.... mra. -~Jor ........ °"9r ..... with ooupan. bpllW 5/14'W. •5es Front Incl &BNU lnepeotlon .. SPORTS Tlu'sday. May l, 2003 13 BRIEFLY · Costa Mesa girls cap 6-0 league ca~paigh • TRACIC AND FIELD: Senlor Hhondl Naff tripl~ to lead a dominating effort by the Costa Mesa H.igb giru> track and field team.. Which defeated Golden West League vishor &.tnta Ana, 95-31, al OrcUlgc Coast College Wednesduy. With the victory, the Mu!>tangs complete an unhealen league dual-meet season. Sharon Day (800 meters, high 1ump). Beverly Aina (shot put, discus) and Toi.h ia Bryant (I 00, 200) won two events each for Costa Mesa. The Mustangs al&o won both relay<,, which included a pairing of the Bjelland sister&, Otris11ne and Tracy. and the Day siste rs. Sharon and Jas- m ine, 1n the 1,600 relay ( t.11.l). Christine Bjelland abo won the 1,600, whUe Kyla Flores (3,200). Vick.i Pham (I 00 hurdlt'&) and Cassey Bride (300 hurdles) also won. On the boys side, Costa M~ (2·4) loM. 85-50. Carlos Tbarrd won 1he :t200 (10:18.5), while Luke Sapul11 won the discus and Keota A!.11t>ga topped thr tield in Lhc <>hot put. OCCs Murray commits • R£CRUmNG: Sophomore Lauren Murray. who helpt>d the Orange Codst College women' ba,ketball team win the i.tate rhamplon!>hip 111 MJrch, will co11tmue her carcer cit Concur t. t lniversity. ou· Coach Mike 111 1rnton announct'd Wetlne!>· ol I\< \lurray, a 6 -foot forwdfd who ··r.iged e1gh1 po111t~ and .1rly .. even rehound~. will 10111 11 < .. ophomorl' po1111 gt1<trd 'lldlll"Y I laL'IU'ihl .11 the Irvine hJ,ed NAIA l>IVl'ilUn I !>Chool ..,ht' rhol>e the l:agJe .. O\t:r ~n Dll'~ll State OC{, wa~ J l0n1h10t>tl 5:i·l6 dunn~ Murray' lt'nurl' BJELLAND Conbnued from B 1 extrdort hnary .ipprt'datum for running after 'he had to sit 0111 for \O Ion~ "I didn't h.ive a t·ompll'te rro-.s country *d....on. • B1eUand '>Clld 'I had d KOOtl \ldrt to the -.ea\(Jn and 11 would have been n1tc to o;ee how 11 woultl h.wt-turned out. I gue-.., '>Omt· thmg' happen for a rea'i<>n. "But now, I've ht"t!ll t.rymg 10 give my aJI, ht-rau&t> I rnuJdn"t tlo anythm K before.· 'he con1111ul't.I. • 1 don't w.mt to take any opportunity for gr.mted. • Estancia tops ~awks •SWIMMING: · Estancia I ligh's Britta Pitti. Marilyn Reich and l~yme Fay were the lone in· dlVidual winners. but the Eagles !>llU managed a fairly one-sl(fed to I -67 Golden West League girL'i swimmJng victory over Ocean View Wednesday at Westminster High. Pitti won the 200-yard free· style (2:28.33), Reich won -the 200 Individual medley (2:41 .35) and Fay won the 500 free. The trio was also on one of the l:.agles' rwo victorious relays. Estancia completes Its league dual-meet season with a 3-3 re- cord. ln the boys meet, &tan· cia's Oiad Kunert and Sean Goodman each won two even ts as the Eagles (6·4,2·5) con· eluded its Golden Wsest League dual-meet season with an84-79 victory. Kunert won the 200 free (2:04.19) and 500 free (5:30.83) while Goodman won the 200 IM (2:30.06) and 100 butterfly (1:09.66). Paul Collier won the 100 free 15A.20J and teamed with Good· man. Kunert and Frank Garn· boa to win the 200 free relay (I :48.24). Golden West League girl• btencie 101, Ocean v-tr1 200 medley relay -1 E11anc111 (811rne1, Rtl•cil Hess. Mahenl. 2 15 69 200 fret1 1 Pini IH 2 28 33. 2 Berry IOVI 2 32 61 3 Fay IEI 2 33 200 IM I Heu::h IE), 2.41 35, 2 Gilder rnan !OV1 2 C3 97. 3 McCandleu IOV I. l 5101 50 lree 1 Brode IOVI, 2709. 2 Bctrnes 1El 29 09 3 Mahan IEl, 29 90 100 fly • 1 C'evda (OVI. 1 09 90. 2 Gilderman IQVJ. l 14 83 3 Pm1 (El. I 23 87 100 free I Brode !OVI, S9 89, 2 Hess ff ) 1 0767, 3 Mahan IE), 1.1139 500 free l Fav IEI. 6 50 72. 2 Brad shaw tEI. 1 16 80. 3 Dalton fEI. 7 3755 200 free rellf'( -1 Ocean View 1 59 !>6 100 bad t c,evda IOVJ, 1 16 07, 2 OtRIS11NE BJEU.AM) Co~ta Ml~::.a Coach Clenn Mitchell i.aid HjeUand ha., hecn a llreles.'> wurler and hd-. shown m1cm11y in her attempt to get bark to full strength. Mitchell ha& a.bo noticed Lhe amount of fun Hjelland i\ having U11' !>eason ThP Mustang-. are wldefeated rn Colden we.,t "The winning is fun, but the team has more people this year and that's why it has been so great:' Cbristin4 EijellMd Bertlff IEI. 1 1738: 3 Keenawtnna IE), 1 •23 11. 100 b<Ntl 1. NIA, IOVI. 1 28.81, 2 Cloud (El. l 27.33, 3. Br9V IEI. 1·30.80. 400 free relay -l Eatanc1• tic.e.newln ne, Plttl. Fey. Heu), 4·41 58. Frohling keys CdM win •GOLF: The Corona del Mar High boys golf team rallied from a two-stroke deficit after nine hole1t to claJm a 387 ·390 nonJeague win in an 18-hole match against Cypress com · pleted Wednesday at the New· port Beach Country O ub. CdM's Tim Frohling was the 18-hole medalist (74). Including I ·under 34 Wednesday. Nick. Sherman 'ihot 33 Wednesday, while Alex (lukova- nj (78), Brad Chamberlin (83). Rob Ury (80), Ben Tilsen (84) and Zack. Rabin ovich (8J) also helped CdM Improve to 13·4. Tesoro surprise~ CdM •SWIMMI NG: Ci>rona del Mar High junior Kim McKay WO~ two individuaJ Pventi>, in- cluding an ~utomalk CIF- qu:tlifying time ol 5:24.02 in Lhe 0 500-yard freeMylc. but visiting Tesoro earned an 82·8 1 Pacific Coast Leab'lle girl~ -;wimming upset Wedne'iday. An early relay d1s4udJifir-dtion rendered four Sea King& out for the meet. &everely depleting the lineup. McKay also won the I 00 but1erny CI 04 171. while Brittany Bowlu., 150 dnd 100 free in 2t; 57 and 5&.09, re· 'ipec11velvl. Alt-xd Shue (200 1ndiv1dual medley in 2:15 .Jfil. Ka1 ya l:admgton (200 free in 2 11 .95). Jordan Anae CIOO balk-.troke m I :OJ .6bl anti lamua A11ae (100 brea~tstrok.e in 1:13.40) were abo 1ndividuaJ w111ners for C..d M (2 I · I in league am.I !>Cill Tracy BjcUand, a fw.hrnan. "This sea:.on ha.., been a lot of fun," Bjelland 1><tid. "1 he wmrung 1!> fun, but the team has more pt'ople this year and that's why it ha!. been so great.. Costa Mesa's depth has allowed BJeUand'-. comeback to unfold -.moolhly. She is on the verge of retummg to form. as eVldenced 111 her performance 10 lhe Mustangs' 99·2.1 league duaJ-mcet Victory owr crosstown rival l:.sta11t:1a ApnJ 24. BjeUand tripled. wmning the ROO (2:34), 1.600 15:36.2) and 3,200 ( 13:3!:1). She was not totaJJy impreSS<.'CI will1 the Victories. When she was told she was selectt'd ru. the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Wede. &he :.aJd "Really1 But IF.stancia standout Diana Ro!>etel didn't run last week.· Bjelland offered words of encouragement last week at the dual meet at F.stam.,a. Rosete did the same when Bjelland m issed the cro&S League dual meet" t.hu. ~ason and they are poist>d to wm the league utJe. In addition. the Cosl<I Mesa squad 1<; up 111 participation numbers. and that 111cludel. her younger sister, country season. ' ·1 hope she'll be able to run in the league finals.· Bjelland said. "It's her senior year and I want her to do the best she can." wtthin striking distan ce for the league title). Pacific Coast Leque Tesoro 82, CdM 81 200 medley relay · 1 Te!tOro, 2:06 4e. 200 free -1. Eadlngton (CdM), 2,.11.95; 2 Winners (CdM). 2·12 81, 3 FulleniCdM), 2;22.34 200 IM -Shue (CdM), 2 16.36; 2 O'Brien Ill, 2·28.19: 3 Hendncboh (CdM), 2:31.71. 50 free -l Bowlus (CdMJ. 25 57. 2. Aung (T), 2&.89; 3 Dz11nd11ra m. n86. 100 fly -1 McKay ICdMI. 1.04 17, 2 Schenk (T), 1 08 82, 3. Klmo (CdM), l 12 07. 100 free -1 Bowlus (CdM), 56 09, 2 J. Anae ICdM), 5705, 3 T Anae (CdM), 59 06 500 free -1 McKay (CdMI, 5 24 02, 2. Yamaguc:tu ITl. 5 41 57. 3 O'Brien (TJ. 5 47.03. 200 free relay -1 Tesoro 1 54 83 100 back -1 J Anae ICdMI. 1 03 66. 'J Yamaguchi ITl l 09 35, Hahn ITI. l:12.29 100 breaS't l T Anae (CdM), 1:13 40, 2. Aung ITI, 1 18 36. 3 Dzandara (T). l 18 27 400 free relay -I CdM I McKay. T Anae, Chandler. Winners), 3 58.13. Vaqs handle Mu stangs •BASEBALL: Vbitmg Hancho AlamiLos broke o 2 2 til· with three runs in the fifth and Wl'nt on to an 11 ·4 nonleagut> bd'>t'· ball victory Mer Lo'>td M'c<,;i Wednesday. \ Adam Behr.in went .I lor t;, while Robert HrJdrtgue1. Alex Pisar.,kl aml (,ary (,on1ale1 al<:.o had twu h11' <tflll'le for the Mustang!> fl IL Rodngue1 drove in a run Im Co'\td Mt"•d, wl11ch return'> to (,olden We!>t League play f nday at Orange Noolearue R. Alamitos 11. Cos1a M esa 4 Score by Innings Rancho 010 l• !> " i l Mesa coo 111 1 ' " • Cummings Shawrer 171 and Song, Gonzalez. 81Jltran 151 P1sarsk1 17 J and N Hunter W L Gonzalez 0 4 26 -Wilson IAAl 2. P1sarsk1 lCMI Eagles' q1eason shines • MSIIBALL: Estancia !Ugh &ophomore Ryan Gleason doubled in a run and pitched I ¥1mnin8!> of quality relief to h.i~hJight the Eagles' 8-1 Golden West League loss to vii.iting SaddJeback Wednesday. · C,1eason's double plated Matt RonquUJo in the sixth to allow the ho&ts (3· 16, I· 7 in league) to avert the shutout. Ronquillo reached on a smgle. Gleason took. the m ound wilh two oub 111 the sixth and left runner~ &Lrand ed at second and third He then worked a score · less seventh. Tony Ippolito also singled to round o ut thr Eagles' three·htt attack against the Roadrunner&, who improved to 9·8. 5-4 in league. Golden w.a Laacue Seddtebadl 8, Estancl• 1 Score by lnninga S'back 010 12• o g 9 2 Estancia ooo ocn o 1 l 2 Lopez and Valverde, Young, Gluaeon (6) .ind Crom. W -Lopez l Young, 0 6. 28 -Gleason (EJ. Flores 151. Sailors lose tiebreaker •GOLF: Newport I I arbor I hgh and Los Alam110-. fini'>hed lied at 396, but the Lnffim earned . the nonleagut" victory ny Virtue of it' 'il.JCth player Ill an 18-hole mJtch completed Wedne'iday. Newport., Rhe11 Palmt'r I ib) <;ha red medals't bonor'> wit h I 0'> Al., Ryan Murphy while Brandon !:>owi:r., 17/J. Davi., Pem!>le1n (771. Mi- l hael Hemcnu11 (791 and Mu.:hael Valker (79) aho '-l'O red lor the ~a1lor .. l'i 10) Palmer 'hot I under J5 Wedne.,day. Eagles drop the balJ • SOfTMU..: Estancia High ~tarting pttcher Evelyn Flores was V1Ctimi.7.ed by 11 errors and v1s1t111g saddleback prevailed , 10·3, in d (,olden West League !'>oftball gam e Wedne!>d ay Flore& '>truck out &ix 1n sue in· ning.<>, allowing s ix hit~ for the Eagle~ I 10·7. 2-6 in leagueJ Flores went I for .i with an HBI dnd twu rum while Muriel Mal>On wen1 2 for i w11h two RBI'> for f'stanna Golden W.st LN&ue ------Sadda.bedl 10. Esuncle 3 Score by lnninga s·badt OllO 2~ o •o 1 3 Estancia 100 007 o 3 o 11 Fernandez and Ramtrez Flores Ockey (71 aM Acosta w Fernandez G ') l • Flore5 J 3 28 Flores IEI Lion~ lo~ 4-0 lead • BASEBALL: fhe Vanl{Uard Unn .. er!>llY bawball team built a 4 o lec1d .tfter three in111ng&. h11t Loltll'rt O..,tatt· At hletil Con lerenct< 1111'1 Po111t l.uma Naz.a rt•ne r.dla·cl fnr a 5 4 win ·\.\ednl·'>d<iv rhe ( ru-. .. der!> IL!:! 18, 16-121 '>tort·d lhrt't.' run' 111 the fourth. tied ll in tht• '1xth and went· ahead when Jud H1Charch ~lOred on J wild pitch J~on Searle weni I. for 4 wtth three HBI' and a run '>lOrt:'d to lead the Lion ... !24 26. l \ 15) Golden State Attffbc Conference Poin1 Lome S. Venguerd 4 Score by Innings Vanguaro 10.. 1" 000 • Pl Loma OO'J J07 oo. !> ~ o Caston. Klein (6), Franco 8 and Westerfield Gu1man Hoover 141 Emp10 (6J Jame' 71 J1mene1 8) Marabeas 191 ctnd Killen W Emp10 L -Caslon S11 Marabeas 28 Searle IVU1 2 Brunen IVU) HR Venc:ker PL I HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Estancia sweeps Mustangs, again Junior. Kns I lan\o\<ell and Jo'ih Kornegay recort.led I 0 and rune kills. respectively. to lead Lhe f.s. tanc.ia lligh boy<, volleyball team to a 15·3, 15-4. 15-4 <...olden West League vic.10ry owr Vl\tting Cm&..\· town rival Costa Mesa WednC'.da) Brad l..af'ten addetl <,1>; loll., to help give the t-.agles' <,en1or\ a victoriou) '>end otf in 1he1r final regular-seai.on home match th1i. spn ng. Setter I revor Holme& had 25 a!>Sists and four k.ills for the Eagles (23-6. 11 o in league) Co'>td Me'>Cl fell to 1-14, 0·9. Li ghtning faJl s in five •Sage 1 ltll School was de· SCHEDULE TOOAY Baseball Community college -Cypress at OCC, 2:30 p.m High sd'lool -St Margaret's at Sage Hill, 3·15 pm VolleybaH High school boys -CdM at Tesoro, 5:30p.m. Softbell High sdiool -Laguna Beadl at CdM. 3:15 p.m., Newport Harbor at Ahso NJguel, 3.30 p m Trad! and fle6d High school boys and girls - Newport Harbor at Foothill, 3 p.m Tennis College men and women - Vanguard at NAIA Region II Toomament, TBA Community college women -OCC at SoCal Regionals at Grossmont, all day High school boys -Un111ers1ty at CdM, 3 p.m.: Foothill at Newport Harbor. 3 p m • Saddleback at Costa M esa. 3 p.m.; Estancia at Ocean View. 3 p m .• St. Margaret's at Sage Hill, at Park Newport. 3· 15 p.m Golf High school boys -Foothill at Newport Harbor, at Big Canyon CC. 3 p m , Northood at CdM. at Aliso Niguel GC, 2:30 p.m.; Don Lugo at Estancia, a Mesa Verde CC. 2:30 pm Swimming Community college men and women -OCC at state meet. at D1ablo Valley College, all day. • ' • feated. 10·15. 7·15. l'i·IO. 15 4. 15· 11, b} Academ) Li:al{Ue boy' voUeybalJ ho\t Whitney Wedne~da} Jun tor Kevin Joye<· had I~ kill<., Mat.,un f redenck added 11 and Julian ')m1th- Newman had 37 d'>'>l'>I'> for Sage 11111. which fell ro 8·5. 6·5 tn ledKUe HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Daily P11ors Athlete of the Week sertes IOlllW 22 -R1dry Marttn Costa Mau Football. 1998 22 -Jordan Frednltsen Newport Harbor Gins SOC011r. 1999 • Call {949) 642~567~ ' 1 >., I I I• ' .'• ----------·. ____ . _________ _.,\;..,. ___ , f1 lbtarsd!y. May 1. 2003 , Dally Pilot ."'=llii!iiiiiii ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. iiiiiiiiiliil llllliiiiiiiiiiiii .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. iiiiii Liiii ..... -• ..... auch othet taclllbts 1.1 follows: Clothlnc, Toota Wutmlnlw. CA 92183 ........ bus!MM Y•t7 Yu. 12+ ........... ............ ............. Dem1trlo V. Foti, 27275 62$ w "'1t r-303. Bountiful, Uf MOlO ''"Ion\.. Lohtlli. 178 I --'ffl"1 .. CICU' ··-.. M•Y bt r~ed fOf •nd Of OtlM• houHllOld ,... ~ Is COii ... .........___. Z002 9holJld nCJi Pf 111 -Vktwt9$weet/....._ Items 1torad h UM Ml'H ~y: •n ~ti -Rot>tftl.Cwtlt ""'°"'· UI • -• -, .. ,.,,.,,. 1-.r•V•· tollowlnc '*sons ltllve you started ,._ The followMt persons Thi• 1tate1Mn1 ... ;• . : A. HElAIHa on h •aft. _ -..-Pr+ct, •· H -Uftff No ,.._ lll>tlSIMU )et? Vie, !/17 •• dolna MlflMI • ._ tllW with th41 C.u!!ty ~ ... be held on ,_ _. 1 I, wltl be recefvtd ~Y 8217 Annloillnette Gel· 2003 If. t I 111 t •. 2 10 2 2 Cltfk Of Or~ County ~ • t'30f'M In ... ~ -tlM City ol Costa Mesa lqMt Ooll11d D.W. , ~roolllllurst St., Hull• on 04/25/0J Deot. L:n loalllld .. -• -"it ttMt Offln ol the City 1361 Pettl Won• Tllb 1llte111tnl Wit tl11Jto1t IHCh, C•llf. .... .. ~,. .. • :Mt THE CfTY DfWE ,_,_ CleHI, 77 h lr °'"''· 8208A RHlty Tr1kll11C filld wltti ttMt c-t'I 91.1146 Dally_l'iJot Mey l, .. 16, Tul!J ln 4fC. CKll Mtaa,CA92'27 Tlilt b~nt.. Is eon· ducted by: I llMl'll P•rtllll<1.lllp 11141 follOWlf\I ptflORS lrt ~ butl!WU IS. C Lu,,., ZS~ B ltoadwl) S!'l Coata Meu, CA 9"'111 Cherltl L111h, 255 8roadw•l St , Cotta ~tu,CAUG?7 ,10 .. i.n. .. ' -~ Cotta ...... C•NfOH1I• Ctllltf Cletk of Orana• Count, EKJ Inc., (CA), Zl022 22,2003 Th3711 ~~~ ~· ORANGE. CA -un.tfl the llour of 10.00 8214 Judy Moreles, oft 04/04/03 ~rOOkhllut St.. Hun• .__.._ Have you 1tlfled doi111 buslntU yttP.No Dtmttrlo V. Foti --...... ~ • .,.., IF' YOU 08J£CT to tie ...... ......,, aey 5, 83S5 Omar tl0tes t OOH t H H t tln1ton BHch, C1llt. -==. ~ .... Z: --ol tie -A. IN o,..me ,..,. IOOS, et w'hlch llme B26J i:.t111ndo Mlt•nda Dally Ptot A{H. 10, 17, ~ ... ~ This stat1menl ••• filed with th• County Cllfk of Or1n1e County .011 04/25/03 H OH t4H 06 Thlt bu\lntt.1 ls ~on ducted by 1n 1nd1v1du~• Heve 'fOU 'tarted doltll buslneu yel7 No CtwltlLusn ..., "' __ .., ....,._. ••4 114 De•ill••• they wlll be opened Roman 24, Mey l; 2003 · Til32I This b!ISIM" It con-1 to "h .. "' -"' ~or~== ,_.,,, .., ..._ pullUely end re•d •loud Bl2lP1ulLllktf '/"1oncted by: an corpora • .,,'doin'!°':'~'°:S~ ilotl'I of NERIA _ "°'' f .oe ,_. Ill \lie Council Cl\amb«s. 8372 Bob Stenns ~..... ferrarl s.va ol Costa VOMT'OUBtAN. ..-tie _ _. 8. 'Place of Bid 11 .. Soled ptoposels &11•• 8375 Rutllio 011ver1 L. • --~ ttave y0111tarted dc*w Men, 21q "•wport Thi• sllttment wn ftltd with IM Collnty Ci.rk of Orense Co11nty on 03/Z!w'03 200IS6tHSS4 A. PETITION Fa. -~ -y-.. ' ctlpt: . Newport·Mtaa beer t11e Utll of the 1386 GAJESKI MIKE --blmoNI yetf YH, 3/!IJ/ B I 9 C PAOeATE ,_ been •• ·-•.., -U11lfild Sdlool District • w0111 ind n._ ol the B2:2l WIHSCHEL AUDREY The foltclwinc pw&OM 03 · . Jvd. Un t . ' osll Dilly Pi4ot flt1y l , .I. 15. 22. 2003 lhlM 'llld ~ MA.Nil.HEH ~ ""Y be In Pufcllasina. 29IS 8 B•• bidder but no other B324 FRAZ£R fA(REDmt -dotnr buslnen •s: 00 Inc., ~II LerM11, ~h: 9:~ui Ro· YOMTOU81AN f\ fle penorl or ~ \Qlf Street CQSta Mtt1, Ca. dist1n1utshin1 in~ks. tl37 ELSBACH ENSLEY 1} TOl)l>inc henls, Inc~ Pra . &enstreten, 21u Hew· Court al "8tlomly. 92626 Any bid r8"llled 1fter E b) Lon(_~h Cycle This sllteme"t wn ,.... • .....,E. County of If YOO A.RE A. C. ProJ1ct N1me: the sch1dultd clot.Ina als7 ARIAS MARIELA Show, 2950 R•ndo~~ Cfl~ wflth the 'County ::!.~:!'le~~ B, Costa Dally Pilot Al>' 17. l4. Mty l. 8. 2003 111340 ~ CREDfTOR or a Newport Herbof Hlah time tor the rec•lpt of Oiled: A{Hit. ~3 Atto., ~sll MIN. ...,. .. k o Oronp Count~ Tiils buslneu Is con-~ PETITION FOR ==~,r,'~lt c:recMor Of= School, l11lttlm Houslnc bids' '11111 be retU(ned to Sl1ntc1! Manuel SAiameh 92626 °" 04/04!03 ducted by. an lndMdu•I The followin& person\ ere dolnl business I\ TRACY O'. 1731 Pitcairn, Costa Mell, CA 92626 fldllM ..... ....... TE~ flat •)IOU lllUlt Sitt Prep111tlon & bidder unopened. It a.11111 • Tiiis Notice Is 11ven In loppln• Events, Inc. 20016tstltl Have you fbrted dolna MAN0i£H ~ dllm Mil Ill court Tenenl l/npfovement be the soll rH90nsibilot)' 1ccord~ne1 with th• (CA>. 29SO Rendolt>h Oe{ly Pilol ~ 10, 17, busln ... yet? Yes, July The foltow1111 penon.s are dom& buiJllH.I> II Monrovia Storaa:•. 1511 Moniovuo Awe , Newport Beach. CA 92663 'fOMTOU8IAN be Md mil I OtJfl'I to tie D. PIK• Plans '" on of lh1°b1dd« to'" that provisions of S.ctioll Ave.. Cost• Mtse CA 24, May l. 2003 Thll' 21, 1995 ~ .. penar'8I pereotW •tpl-ildile file: AVMAIU AP.a his bid rec1iod In 21700 et. Seq. of the 92626 fkllm..... MichNl l Roltnstriten Glen O'Con11of , 1731 PitcaH'n. Costa Meu , CA.. 92626 ~ lo ......, ~ the court I W 20H COHTRACT P'09ti time biainess & profeulons Tiiis buslneas 11 con· ... ir......._....o This slite~nt .,,1• ldninilMr tw 91ta11 at .... tour monlW from flU.NMIER'S office, Mc A set of Bid Docu· Code f the Stale of ducted by· • corporation -,,_ • Irle deolldent. flt dl'9 of ftr1t IMuanCe Clrthy 811itdin1 Comp•· ments may b• obtained Callfor~l• Sal1. Subltct Have~ ltwted dolna Th• follow1n1 !*Sons E::'k :;'~,t~;, g~~~:~ This business Is con ducted by: en 1ndtv1du•I Hatt• you started dolnt business yet? No THE PETTTIOH ,...a of ~ as PiOYidld In nlfs, 20401 S.W. Birch 1t th• Office of the City to p<ior c111tellalion In business y1t7 No ire doin& buslness es: 011 04/04/03 flit deeedenl'• wl and Problll8 Codi MCliorl Strfft, Suitt 300, New· Enainetf, 77 fair Drive, the event of settlement Toppin& Eve11b, Inc., a) Auto R.\I. Brokera, b) 200JHJtlOt Joseph Kllncer 179 [ 17th SI •16~ Costa Men . CA 926?7 <COdlc:lis, If lf'I, be !.!.~ ~Nt1me ...... 1or.= portCBeacbh.CAB92MOlldl Costa Mesa, Cellfornla, between Owner and J11so~Dtl10,Prestldent Broker EquJtles 4U. Deily Pilot A{H. 10, l7, 1ldml1led lo probele ..,..,~ ..., "'" Mc ert Y u 111 upon ... ,.,.f11114•ltl• Obh&aled P1rty. h11 1t1temen was 20062 Sw1ns" L11., 24, Mey l, 2003 Th325 Thi -wil and enycodic:lll beb'e tour monlha lrocn Comp1nle$/MM1ure 0A" ,.,.._. ef $20.00. Aa Publlshed Newpott hied with the County Huntin&ton Beach, CA .....-.._ ..... Glen o·connor This statement was hied with the Co(rnty CltKk of Orence Cou"nty on 04/18/03 to0Ht41427 This b11a1neu 1:1. con ducted by 1n 1111hv11tu~I Hive you ,tarted d<lma busmen yet• Y~\ 04 01/98 ..,. IYaillbit b the hMl1ng dPe nolloed Office, 2985·C Bur ...,....__. ct.... ef Beach-Costa Mua D11ly Clerk of Or•nte County 92"6 - 4llllll•'911on In ,. Ne ~. Strt1t, Costa Mesa, CA. $4.00 will be madl If Pilot May l and 8, on 04/25I03 Kathy L B1111u, ... SW.. ~~ lhecourl )'OU MAY EXAMINf tie 92626 h1ndled by mill. Bid 2003 Th393 2MS6t 41ttl 20062 Swensu Ln , The followino --sons ~E Pe'TTTIDION ~ ft6I qpt ~ lt'9 ccut n 1.0 2 5UMMAIY Of Documents 1nd othti D•lly Pilot May l, 8. HI. Huntil\ston Beech, CA • ,._ ~ ~ .,. 1 '*'°" WOltl( c;ontract documents m•y SUfmJICCllTOf 22. 2003 THJ89 92646 art doma business n Dally Piiot • 14, M•r 1,8, l5,2003 Th3611 IQs.eph Kl1n11t Tht\ \taiem"nt WH tiled with the <:.ounly Cieri\ of Oranae County on 04/18/0l 200UH140! .. es11te under lt'9 ~ in lw etllllll, Pro)ec t Description: also be eum1ned at th1 ~ This business ts con· Alchway Salv•1• Sal· ~ )Oil mey .. wilh Ill Project ~slsts of work Office of the City Cllrk .......... ducted by: .,, Individual vices, l041 W. lBth St. ~C:,,,of Estates court a Request for to prep1re Newport of the City of Costa CMTYOfW ... SW.. Have you started doln& fl08, Costa Mtu, CA -,.,., rn.:.. authority ...-.. ~ u......._ (..._OE· Herbor H·"" School for Me••, Bid Documents ua 11.... ti............. business yet• Yes •."" 92627 Dally Piiot Apr 14 May 1.8. 15.2003 Th357 ,._. I...... wm ,...,..... '""" .... -.... '"" .... , """'• The tollowlno persons • • .. '1J> Boric and Salazar, Inc., •llc>W "' ~-1 ) of the filing of an tho lnst1ll1tlon end wlll not be milled unless • 03 ~.:..-..... ID-... ~-. lrMlnby and ~ connection of (60) sl•ty the additional S4 00 °""P,CAt2161, "' doina business n : Kathy L. B1rnes (CA), 1041 W. 18th St The followin11 per sons •re doin& business u TSP E.vents 413 San Leon. Ir wine, CA 9~ ,.,;:::_ ~ of estate assets Of of'""" porteble student cl1ss· ch111e 1s included wltb ~W.C... Johnnie's Towln&, 788 W. Th1.s stateinenl wu '108, Coste Mesa. CA ......,., ..... ....,1 -·1 Tiier (3) 18th SL, Cost• Mesa, 92627 llctltlM a...u ... s....... -~court............... petillon or accounl as rooms. • are peyment. ...-Of Californll 9262·7 filed with tllt County ThtS bu••A•ss IS c;on =:'"'t.1.i-~":. prOlldad In Probate lhr" chemistry porta Each btd shell be made nm-Cilfk of Oranp County • ·-Trisha Francine Pol· lock, 413 S•" Leon, Irvine, CA 92606 The fo1tow111c 1•r1wnl are dOtnl bU~llUt H DP Auot1al"' I 77 R1ven1de Awt • 1060 Newport 8e•1 h I A 92661 .....,. -.. ...,_, Codt .,.....,__ 1250 a bin allcl (1) one food on the Pr.....,..••I f~m. ll-L ........... ., + Johnnie Ellis Godby, on"" nc.H\.. ducted by·• C0<P01•t11>n .._ ..__.... adiorll .........,., " -.. ---,.__. r111 • 28!>4 Androa , Cost• .,...,_.,..., Haw rou started do1n1 _, ··--· • -..-tor Specill .nice portable thet will shells P·la throucti p. ro1-•-0f ••-· 200J6t4ts10 • ~. tie l*.anal NOi:iil"torm ii attUable htv• specific ten1nt 91 prowldtd in th• ~ -Mtse, Californl• 92626 D11ly Pilot M1y I. 8. 15, business yet? Yu, 2·1· .....,UM wll bl ,__-.,_.,........_ jmprovements associat c;ontract documents end -TO,_,.&.tlttfOI Parnell Mery Godby, 22 2003 Th380 03 This business rs con ducted by 1n tnd1v1dual Have rou star led doina busonen yet? No • _...,..._.ID ..i.-............ to """' u..,......., • .,_,. i • -.,.,.,,,,_. 28"'• Andros. Costa • BOf'lc ind S1l11a1, Inc . ,_....., yo•v ,..,..... a-. tor Pellt!Onlf ed with the lnslall1t on. shill be accompan1td by l\IHl~j! Of 111u111 "" lnterested p«IOllll MORRtSoN NORAH M The site work includes 1 certified or ceshier·s ~ -Mesi , California 92626 flcMm..... Jesus Sll11ar / Presulent unlels they hatte waived 8840 WARNER AVE , demolition of ulstma check or 8 bid bond for CASEllll&A211747 This business Is con· .... S...... This statement wu ,notice ex C003enled to ,303 playtields. ucavatlon not less thin 10'.\\ of the TO All INTERESTED ducted by: husband and hied with th1 County T nsha Pollock Roch11d l Ptt•t ll'i'I W (;fM\i Hwy •414. N•wpnr I fhoH h I A 9?<>6J the proposed action) d di f fj PERSONS. wife The followln1 persons Clerk of Onnae County :The oldepejldelll ~.,:' VAU.EY, :~cu~"ro~~. oundtrre ~~:~Y:~ .. ~:e~ ~:~; ~i Petitioner Pamela Have you started doln& :reed ~~n::t't1:':."' 50~ on 04/04/03 ThlS slaiemeni was hied with the County Clerk of Onna• County on04/25/03 200Ut42Sot 'adr'nir81ralion authority ......... -.... -. &round uUhties •ltd lmal of Costa Meu No Dutr11 McGu1nness filed business r•t1 No IOOH9Jt111 •_,. ~ -_..._. ............ ...,,__ .,.. • .,,.,,. t t• '-'"nnM Et'-G-.. bv Carnet.on Ava · Coron1 0~11v Pilot "~ 10. 17. ·-... .,,_an OISIOIJO:S points o connec ion, proposal $11•11 be con· t t th th t ""' '" "" • • 1 .,..... Thi\ bu\tnr•>' t\ ( c>n duclf'd bJ ~" 111tl1vKJu.1I H•vf' yno ''•' l•lf dolrtl bu'lneu y•t' Nn • ,_.,,,.. l1'el ,..,.., -new lenc111a. slurrv coal sid~ed unless •ccom· af pt 1 '° .. n_~' h<S cour This statement was del MN• CA 9?625 24, M1y I. 2003 ThlJO ...--· ...,...._,_ • , -or a ~ree c an1•n1 filed with Ult County J1mes and Sheila :~ ID the HEWPO«T BEACt+.COSTA ind stripln& of uislina panied by such cuhltr"s namu as follows Cl 11 f Or C t Kaviani. 505 Cernition Rell. ..... Daily Pilot May I 8. 15. 22. 2003 lhJ81 ~·and shoWs good MESADM.YPILOT ~:~~:~to~L w~r~:u:~1 ~:~~· mh, or bidder's ~::et'!P~::i~;!o~rtu•n· onefu~103an1• oun Y ~~~mt;ona c1e1 Mar "-S..... 590ns1ble for coordln1· No bid shall be con 2 T•t( COURT OR""RS 200l 6tSI U2 The tollow1n1 persons Rte It•• cl T p,., • This ~httmrni w.os hied w11h lhc Cuu111y Cieri\ ul Oran1« i:,,.,,.h on 0417~ 01 llOOO TO COlfllACTOIS CAUJI& RJI 9S School District· COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Bid Oeadhne June 3. 2003 at 3•00 p m Plice of Bid Rec:elpt Olhce of Doreclcw of Purchasm1. Coast Community Colle1e District, Bldi ·o•. 1370 Adams Avenue, Costa Mna, CA 92626 Pro,ect ldenllflcation Name. Golden Wast CoUeae Repatr /Resurf1ce Tr eek, Bid No. l855 Pl•ce Bids a•e on hie and 1vailabll at· Ottice of the Physte1I f' aclliUu Coordinator, Aldith Richey, Cont Community Colle1e District. 1370 Adams Ave , Bid&. ·D·. Costa Mesa. CA (714) 438-4673 Web Site www cccd edu/fec:1hhe.s NOTICE IS HERCBY GIVEN that the above named School 01Slr1Ct of Or1n1e County. Cahfor "''· acbn& by and thl'oulfl its Governina Board. llete.inaftef' relerred to as "OISTRICr, will receive up to. but not later than the above- stated time. ~uled bids for the aw11d of a contract for the pfo1ect desc11bed as: Rep111 and Resurface Track There will be no char&• required for one set ol bid docume"ls Bid~ shall be received m the pl1ce identrfoed above. and those bids shall be opened 1nd publttly read •loud 1t the abon-stated hmt 1nd ptaee. In accordance with lh• provisions of C1htornil Publie Contract Code Section 3300. the Dlstrtct requ11es that the bidder possen the lollow1n1 classilicat1on of contractor's license at the time that the contract 1s 1wardtd: Contr11ctor: C·l2 or A license PU8LISH: Ap11124, 2003 and M1y l, 2003 WALK TJiROUGH Walklhrouah IS NOT Mandatory D•te May 7, 2003 at 9.00 1.m .. Golden We~t Col~&• Maontenan<:e •Itel ()pet1tloos Fecrhty. located oH Mcradden Avenue between Colden West and Goth11d Streeu. Hun1tn1ton Beach. CA 92646 C•ll 714·438~ !Of' map BIO DATI June 3, 2003 11 3.00 p.m BOARD OA TE June 18. 2003 No payment shall bt made for wOf'k or m1tw ial under the conbacl unless and until the Re11strar of Contractors ve11fles to the DISTRICT that the C~TRACTOR was properly hcensed at the time the contract wn awarded Any CONTRACTOR not ~o hcenwid ts subiect lo penalhes undtt the l1w If the ltcense class1feubon specified httfe«11bove 1.s th1t ol • 'speciality contractor• as defined '" Section 70S8 ol the Ca hf or n11 8us111t1SS and Professions Code, the specilhly contrector 1w11ded the Contract for this Work shall itself const1uct 1 majority of the WO<k, in accordance with the p<ovisions ot Callf0f'ni1 Business and Protns1ons Code Sect.on 7059. All Work musl be completed w1th1n 60 conAcutrve days Time 1s of the essence. F11lure to complete the Work w1th1n the bme set forth hertrn will rnull 1n ttM unpositJon of l1qu1dattd dama111 for eech day of delay. 1n the amount set fOf'th tn the "lnfOf'matlOn fOI Bidders • heh b1d must conform 1nd be responsive lo the contract docum1nts. h eh bidder shill submit, on the form furnished with the contract -ts, a list oUha pt09011d s11bcontuctou on this pro,.c:t aa required by the Sublettln& a nd Subcontr1dJn1 f •ir Praclicea Act Government Code Section 4100 et nq. heh Bid shall be accompenled by • certified °' usn1e1·s chtdl Of' bid bond in an 1mount not iess than ttn percent (10S) of the tofltl bid Pftc.e, P•Y•blt to the Otstrtct es e auerantH that the btdder. rt lb prc>po»I is accepted, shall promptly eaecule the Acft1ment, furnllh 1 saltsfactcwy f allhful PerfOf'manu Bond In 111 •mount not less thin one hundred percent (IOOS) of the tot•I bid p<1ce, furnish a P1yme11t Bond in an 1mount not less thin one hundred percent (100!.) ol the total bid pttce, ind furn11h certificates evldencm1 thet th• 11quwed 1nsuunce •S ~n effect 1n the 1mounb set forth 1n the ~tnl!fal conditions. In the 1vent of fellu11 to enter into the c;ontr act •nd uecute the reqt11red Ooc:uments. such bid security will bt forf11t1d The f •lthful Ptrf0f'm1nct Bond shall ftmlin In full fcwce and effect lllfoulh the. 1u1r1"tN period H specif"led in the 1•net1I conditions. Tiie DISTRICT r IHf wes the rl&Jlt to reject any or all blcts or to walvf 1ny irreaulerrties or i11form1litles In 1ny bids cw In till blddln1. • As re.cp1irtd by Section 1773 of th• Caltf0111ie l•w Code. the Director of the 0ep.,tment ol lndultrf.11 Re&etlons ol tllt Stitt of Califor1ti. ~· dtt.rmlned the ~aly prevaitinc r•ttt of Wap$ In the loc11rty In Which tllt WM .. I• to be perfOfmed. Cop.et ol thes. ••ce ret1 determinations, entitled PREVAIL.INC WACl $CAI.(, .,, INMteined 1t tflt OISTittcT otflc• lec:ated •t: U70 Ad1m1 Ave.. Costa Med, CA 911112.6; Pll~I fl(lllU .. Pllnnms. •nd •• 1vait1bi. to any illt-llld pwty ..,on 11quest. lhe eontt.ctor 1'Mlll llOtt 1 con of tMa -""*"t et udl 100 tile. TM CoatrKt« alld any aullaN!tre<tOt unw It .,._. 1111 "411 lta• tJle.n tM ~led prevaifml raln of w..-to .. wotkws ~ In tlle utc11hon of tM Cofltteet. No bidder may wltMraw eny bid fOf • petkMt of t.My (60) cl•1• after the d•l• set f0t tM °'"n•ll( of bids. A P•11Mflt l>oftd ahlll be r.-ed ptlor to execution of the contract and tl\all lie In tM fOt 111 Mt fOfUI In the e0tttrtd docunMnta. ,.UfSllMt to hcllon 22300 of tN PllOllc IContrac;t Cod., tlle contract will c0tttaM IJft1WblclM l*Mitttna tM MCC"'111f b~ .. rtllhtllute MCUfitift fvr INl1 -In wtlMleN llt1 ttM Olltllct to M141'• PMftflftlftU 11...,. ... ' ~lid. • b ell .,... tolHNttH In '""'* to tlllt Nottce itAatl conlelll ... •bid"-· adlquet• ..._.., iltiWIQI. 8114 -.raclnc. et ... aleftt ......... fer ~-,,...._ .............. .,_ .... -~ oavattoll, ..,... llllal cet1f«• , .. ., ,.=~:S..."i~a • 1 • I C...'I --~ ....... I , ............. ~c.etti ... Dallw .... "" Daily Pilot Apr. 10, 17. This busmen " ton d 1 b . lion with modular Stdered unless ii 1s made that all persons inter-2 M l 2003 T 339 ducted by a limited tre o n1 usineu u bu1ldmc supplier for •II on • blln~ form fur. esied in this matter shall 4. ay . h partnership Fitnen Concepts, 260 The lollowln& persons lnshlletion requue mshed by the City of appear belore this court Rell...... Hive you started dotoa NtwPOft Centtr Onve, 1re dotni busme\\ u ments. Costa Mesa ind is made at the hearin1 indicated business yet, Yes, 12 I Suit1 300. Newport Ivy Rou Cottaae le.a Schedule. Proiect 11 lo in accOf'dance w1tb the below to show c•use 1f "-S...... 00 Beach, CA 92660 Room, 810 [lech1<. Ave bt complete no latttr provmons of the l'ro· any. why the pehttOn for The follow1n1 persons Shella Kavian• Ma11e Movement, Inc Seal BHch CA 90740 than Auaust l5th, 2003 poul requirements cha111e of name should are do•n& buslneis as fhts statement was t CA)· 260 Ne wpor 1 Danielle Bonilla Alim All accelerat.on co9ls ii (•ch b1d6et must tiave not be panted All About You M1thtln1. hied with the County Center Dme, Suiie JOO 11n. 9J6 w 18th St rr()) any to meet ttus d1te • Class 'A' (General NOTICE Of H(ARINC 22072 ls.lander L1n1, Clerk ol Oranae County Newport Bueti. CA Costa M~• CA 916:17 Ire lo bt included within Contractor) hcense and Date. 6 ·17 03 lime 2 00 Hunlln&fon Beach. CA on 04/04/03 92660 ThtS busmeu 1~ <On the bue bid. Nohce to 1lso be prequahhed n pm Dept. L 73 92646 200S6tStl 16 This busoneu '' con ducted by an individual proceed will be issued requ11ed by law The address of the court KCMO Enterpttsu, Daily Piiot Apr 10, 17, ducted by 1 corporation Have 1ou slo1tled duln& on M•y 28th. 2003 The Cont11cto• shall is same as. noted above (CA). 22072 lsl1nder 24, May l , 2003 Th336 Have you s.tarted doln1 bus1nes~ 1et7 No Cost Es t 1m1 t • comply with tho J. A copy of th11 Clfder Lane, Hun1tn1ton Buch, business yet? Yes 01 / Din1elle Bonlll• A1tm11n $2,500,000.00 prov1s1ons of Section lo Show cause shill be CA 92646 ..... ..... 01/2000 ThtS sll11enien1 was 1.0 J NOTKli 1770 to l780. 1nclus1ve. published at least once This bu\lness Is con "-S...... MallC Movement, Inc flied with thl' ~ounty A NOTICE IS HEREBY ol the C..1hfornia labor u ch week tor four ducted by a corporal.on Robert Burns. Pres.O.nt Cieri. ol Oranee County GIVEN that Newport Code; the prevaihns rate s ucc:t$Sive week\ p<lor Have Y!>U sterled doH1& Th~ollo';1"1 persons Thts stalfl(Mnl was on 04/04 03 Mesa Un1f1ed School and scale of w.111es to the date sel for business yet1 No ~re 1111 uClnesioJ1 7"j hied with the County 20036939121 DtStrlct actm& by •nd estabhshed by the City hea11ne on the petition KCMD [ nter proses. S &. H r~, l 0 ' H Clt<k ol Oun1e County Da.ty Ptloi Apr 10 J1 lhrou&h ifs Govl!fnln1 of Costa Mtu. oih1ch in the foflowin1 news. Mtchele Bulltr, President ommetBI ~ 'rt un on 04/18/03 24, May I 2003 lhlJ I Board w1ll rece1ve Miiied are on Ille with the City paper of aeneral c11cu This statement wn ~=n u ch. al ornia 100S6t41347 --- bids for award of • Clerk of the C•iy ol lahon. pt11tted in this hied with the County 011ly P1loi "'" 24. May Rdlflea ....... contract for the above Costa Mesa· and sh.1111 county. Newpori Buch/ Clerk ol Orans• County Christopher Ryan 1.8.15,2003 ThJ73 n1med Projlct. All bids, forfeit pen~llies pre C M 0 p lo Harrl1an. 2037\ Som· 1111-~~ h d d osta esa a1ly 1 I on 04/18/03 meru11•-Ln , Hunt1n .. on ......... - -s •II be ma • •n ·cr1bod therein for o~ A,. 11 2001 20016941424 • ,. •• T f • •••: Beach, Cahfornta92646 ... ~ he ollowm& persons p<eunted only on the noncompl11nce of u1d l lC... ..... O r•• '"II o 1 p lot • 2• .. -do b .._... • ...... • at Y 1 "I>' "· .... Y This busmess rs con are 1n1 us•neu n forms presented by the code sa., JUOG( Of YH I I, 8. 15. 200.3 Th365 duded b• an indiwkkial Th• follow1n1 P«sons Socttly 6000 W PClt 200) .. 42)01 Oatly P1lnt May I 8 1'-' 2' 1001 lh ... , Rcttti.s --.SS ._s ....... I II• tollow111c """''"' •1 • doina bu\mh• • THI BOOf< ~ rnm I I() r 11111 st !>le 1 t "'1 • M"\d I II 'l?f>JI B11dlt•lll W•vne W11 son I t.4 l A l """'"'r• 01 . t;o\I.; M•··• t A 91bl6 I ht) bu\1n•' '" t u1• Ch.H lf"'d ,b'( Af1 intt1\11tft1" tt•vr ynu '' u trtJ 1k11111 ~U\tnf' •, yrt I t.. M41 l<J9? hr .tcjh111t W W1I ·'-•f1 1111\ •.t 1ltfJttlll w•~ ltlt'd with lht I '"'"IV Cit.•~ ol Or.1ni1r I •hHll y on04 01Ml1 200lH40141 Oi11lr 1'1lo1 Ai'• I IJ 11 :l4M•rll1J01 IHP) school district Bids will The City Council of the SUPRIOI C~T Have y~u started dolns are doln11 bu.s•ness H 9 Newpor t But h CA be pubhcly OfH!ned ind City of Costa. Mesa Publisl).U Newport Ac-....... buMllHS yell Yes, Ian Mort1•1• Adv1SOt Net 2663 read at 2115 •-· " reserves the 111111 to Beach·Costa Meu Dai~ "-s....f 2003 won.. 24263 Rue De Ambet Oobwn ?no NOTICE Of TAUS. tloe 20tt. '-'I .t Mey, reieclan'J0<allb1ds Pilot May I. 8. 15. 2 . Chr1Stopher Rvin Gau&u'", l a&una Niau.I, Cilfl D11v~. Nt.,porl TEE.., ., .. ,., TS. No. 2001 1t the above place J.lle feldli, 2003 Th395 The follow1n1 persons • CA 9'lfi77 B C 9"""'3 ~ .......,. f b d t ddr b H•rrtl•n each, A L"" GM.......,-C Loen No. O I rece1p a eu Oep<lty City Clerk Rdillm..... ~::p~'S!1t S~~1:,•,s:. 1;; This statement wes lenderl1ve Network. lhis busmen " ~on 003892379 YOU ARE IN Alty M• ,...1-4 .ttf ~ City ef (Mte MH• filed with the Countv Inc ., (TN), 4500 Cherry duc:ted by an md1•1duAI DEFAULT UNDER A tlie ti•• !/:eel I•• Publ1sh1d N1wpoll "'-~......___. Newport C1nter Dr ' Cre..._ Drive South 1200 H - -Clerk of n-an-County "" • •v• you sttrted dotn& 0£EO Of TRUST "'""• « ., -.Y Beach-Costa Mesa Daily The lollow•n& persons •100, Newport B11ch, on 04/ls/OO •· Clend1le, CO 80246 bus'"us yet? No DATED 5113113 UN- e ateul••• 4•• t• Pilot Apr~ 24, May I. are doina buS1neu n . CA 92660 200S6t• 1196 This busmess rs con· Ambet Dobson LESS YOU TA.KE AC-~::::..:a•111 ~ 2003 Th354 •> BttRS 2 YOU, b) 3800 Campus llC Daily Pelot ,._ 24, May ducted by a corporation Hus rutement wn TIOH TTO PROTECT .. ""'" ,,.... BHRS TO YOU. c) (CA), lt~ Newport I, 8, 15, 200l Thl63 Kave rou started doNll f11td with the Cooniy YOUR PriOf19ffY, n B Bids shall be r11-IOTICITOCIEDfTOIS BURS 2 U I~ Pia Center °' •100, New .,,____..._ busmessyet7No Cle-rk of Oranir" Co11nty MAY BE SOLO AT A c11ved In ti,. place Of Ill WI cenlta, Suite 209 Cos la POf't Be1th. CA 92660 ,_ l endtr l 1ve Network on 04/25/03 PU8UC SAl£ IF YOU •den I if• e d ab ove Mesa. CA 92627 This busonns is con· "-S...... Inc . Rtthard R Holsclaw 200S6t42111 NEED AH EXPl.AHA· Wllethl'f' or not bids are (SK1'1M,'10SU.C.c.) Wesley J Ga1lalr, 5901 duc ted by Limited Th f I Secul••Y Daily Pilot May I ti l!i TION ~ TliE NATURE to1~nefd1··eed1.1acn lthly•s 1ntot1tche•. haw .. J107021 ... Xl6 Belarave. Unit C. Garden l11Hb•1~1etyyCouo sta.rt-.. doi"• • oi ow1n1 persons This st11emeni wu 2:2., 2003 THJ17 OF THE PROCEEDING .. _ ~ Grout, CA 92,0•5 • "" ... 111 dolnc businHs as. liled with the County .,., .. ,....,,.. YOU YOU no bid will be •ec:elved Notice 1s hereby l)~en • .,.. bu • 11 Yes 12/1/ Or11ntal Allure, 11 186 ,......,,_, • after the bid deadline to creditors of the "''thin Michael M Funk, 1613 86 smess ye · Bl Alli A r Clerk of Oranae County ~t.lleu SHOULD CONTACT A C. PLANS ANO SPEC named seller that a bul~ Ponderosa, Cosla Mes. 3800 C•mpu• LLC, ta~n\111:,~c/9z)08oun ~~1:~3714 "-S...... LAWYER A ~ lflCATIOHS •"E AV•IL ule 1s about to be millde CA 92626 J M K B11an ........... r, 11186 auC'lion .. to the "" "" Todd O Crone 682 S a mu rue1er , • ..,,,..... D•tly Pilot A4>< 17. 24. The l0Uow1n1 Pf"O"~ .,......... bidder for ABLE 04/22/03 I h1 of the assets described Member /Mln11er Blue Alllum Ave . r oun May I, 8, 2003 Th.351 • ...,.-~ d ocuments m•y be below Helhday, Anaheim CA This statement was tatn Velley. CA 92708 are do;na bu\lnt\\ 0 caah, ~· chectc reviewed 1t the CON· The names and bust 97804 hied with the County Katy Takako Kaw.11n1 S........ lemonide M•cat•ne ~ Ot'I • ltatl or TRACT MAHAGCR'S of· ness addresses of the This businu~ •S con Cl k f Or C t k1. 11186 Blue Alltum It f g .... .. 1001 W I 7ih Strut ep national IMtnll. check fie• (see •ddrns •bo..,•) seller are MAKKI f AM ducted by • 1enera1 e~n0/03•nc• oun Y A f t . V Ill CA Cost• M.,u CA 92627 ctr..n by • •1atte or OR CAN BE PURCHASED ILY ENTERPRISES. INC. partnenlltC> ~~J6t44S11 9Vcis oun atn • y fkmm......... Robert land11een i.dlfll Cf9dtt union, or f R 0 M ·. t N T 11 NIT 80 HAWAII DRIVE, ALISO Have you started dofna o p lo M I 8 15 This business 1• con· Th I It • 1001 W 17th Street •P • cr.c .. drawn by • b t1 N Illy 1 t •Y • • • d b J 1 e 0 owin1 person Costa Men , CA 92627 1tate or ....,_. M¥1-llUIPltNY 1 16S72 Vl£JO,CA95656 u\messye 0 22,2003 Th375 ducte y a 1enera h11 ab1ndontd the use Thi• busin•ss ,, ,on ...... '-n ... -181;:-:, Ce .. strvctle" (eftter, The loullon m Ceh Wesley J GarlatJ pertnenhip of the f1cutlous Busi • ~ .,,... ...,. -""' ,,.,,,,.., <A. t260 6 lorn•• of the chief This sllltemenl was .._..... Have you started doinc ness Hime 5 St1r dueled by an ind1vklu11 or NYlnge .. aoci.uon, f.4.t 552-7561 f '"" eucubve 0H1ce of the hied with the County b i t? V •· Cleeners. 1215 Baker Hawe you si•rted dome or M¥tnoa berlk eped--Clerk of Oran1e County "-*'-" lu2003s nns ye H , -n busonen yeP Yes r ....... In .............._ 5102 of t 4t 552-12" ulltr IS SAME AS Street. Costa Mtu CA _, _..,...,., D ach BIOOER MUST ABOVE on 04/25/0J The follow1n1 pefson• Brian Hool* 92626 4/1/03 the Fltwldal Code and post a bid bond or other As lrsted by the seller 0~·~•1o412~ .. 1 8 15 are dotna businns u This •t•lemcnt WU The r1t1ttious Business ~oh~ .. \~:~:~~~t" WU ~In .....,._ "",::. bW-. wtll sac:IH'rty 1n the amount •ti other businHs names 2;."~] ay fKJ76 ~:;,.ma;:~~•t.iesi:~':t~ hied with the County narM refeued to abov' !tied wiih tht Cnunty ~held •;y the duty of IO'Mt of the amount and addreswis used by .... CA .,.....27 Cllfk of Oran&• County wu llled 1n Ora nae Cler~ of O•anae Count• ~n44 ___ The of the bid with the bid the seller within three s..t..dtf ....,,a. nu on 04/18/03 County on 3 21 03. rtl[ • -., __ E.. h eh BIOOER. SI· years before the date *A ' d..JtL • ..J Newman Properties, 200Mt4142S N0.20036938057 on04/25/03 aa will be midi,~ mult1ntously with th• such hst wu sent n1 • • _.,_., l"c · (CA). 3501 Marcu, Daily Pilot A4>f 2•. May Ch1tn \Ian le. 12698 ~s;::~~! L 8. l5. ~. ~: •tr'1ct "-e-eme"f ntt11,lw" 'ClllJ~~ llltartlve. ereis ~o the buyer Adllils......... ~~3Newport e.ach, CA 1. 8. 1,-, 2003 fh~ 0G .. 1e "SUCA 9•2•!~1 Onllwn 22. 2003 THl90 Implied. regardl"9 tltle, ""' ' .,.. The followin1 person IUlll-..... rove, ""' ,,.,....ion, OI enc:um-requlr1d to furni$h a The name.s and busl has ibandontd the ull This business is con ,_ lhii buslnes.s Is con-~ to ..._... the L1bor and M1ter11I ness addresses ol the of the ftthltous Busl dueled br • corPOf•lton ... S...... ducted by an 1nd1vtdua1 ~....... :1c::: ~ by Perlcwm1nee Bond In 1n buyer are· fs CORPO ness Ni me rirr art Have you ,t1rted doin& The fc;11owins persons Chien V•n Lt ... ~.~ ..._.. ~ T-_, '""'-t I t 100 RATION business yet7 No Th t t I --"' ,_ .. "• amoun equ• o • Sefv•ce of Costa Mesa, .. p t 111 dotna bu11ness n : 15 s a imen was The lollowina persons ,-.,..._. Trun.e Ptfctllt ot the Cont11ct 20300 SOUTH VERMONT 2148 Newport Blvd Unit ·•••man roper 1"· fnt n me fllmmlllers, f"9d with the County :::.:=......:!:.--1....-. d f thf 1 AVENUE SUIT E 200 Inc., Jettrey D ,.._man, C'-'" f "-c t are do1n1 business as _,. -·• -·• sum ·a~ • •1 u • • 8 Costa Mne. CA 92627 2339 W Mall Ave , ..... 0 .,.enc• oun Y tmMO• ftnt 6 Pl'fche· tor eny lncouecei_. Pw1orinance Bond in 1n TORRANCE. CA 90502 l he fictitious Business Preskknt Anatlttm CA 92804 on 04/25/03 -. ~ ---~- 1mount equal to 100 The assets to bt sold name referred to above This statement was R1y sharp. 2339 W 200Mt42S02 g~]~rabuco Canyon, CA ; ';;,:;~.;;'. percent of the Contract are described in aeneral wu filed '" Ounae filed with th• County Mall Ave , Anaheim, CA D•ily Pilot M•y l , 8. 15. Melin• Ellert. 6 Pei ignlltlon, " any, .,_ Sum. Slid Bonds shell 11: furniture, UK lures County on 7 10 98. flLE C0nle~~/ol~~~1n1e County 92804 22, 2003 TH386 .__ .. n. TAUS. be from an admitted 1nd equipment only ind ~ ..,.,.,, c;heron. frabuco Canyon. ,.., California SUfety sells· ere located at •250 NOM.JRl~l764E205t , 200M t41400 CoMuLfraleCoy, 2063 1 .. ~• .......... CA92679 !,~~AL!> ...... R·,,t?" .. u o n erpr.ses, Oaily Pilot".-24. May ve an1, '' ........ ...~ This buslnns " con ~ """" ......,. ftc!Of'y to the District BARRANCA PARKWAY, Inc., (CA}, 2148 Newport l S 15 zoOl' Th3S9 CA 92627 -ducted by an indl~idual OYS L. JOHANSSON =:~!~!~d i:U~ ~~d';',:: SUIT£ f . IRVIN( CAL.I Blvd Unit B. Cost• · · • Wayne Zimmer min, The lollowlnc persons Have you started dome ..us&AHO AHO Wff .~ , fORNIA. Meu. CA 92627 a...w.-..... 430 St. Joseph St , Lone are doinC business es blKlntss yet? Yu; June Al C0MMUNrTV Deplf'tmtnt of TrtlSUfY The busmen neme Thrs buslntM Is -con -Baech, CA 90803 C1nlne Th111peuhn. \994 PROPflfn ~ ind licensed 1n C1hfor used by the seller at ducted by. 1 corpO(atlOfl "-*'-" lll11 bvslness 11 con· 6641 luc11nto Drtwe, Mttiua Clltft 5n1113 M lfwtNITwnt nia Said bonds 1h1ff th1t locatt0n IS Culver MIR Auto Enttrp<tsa, The followina pen~na duc ted by 1 joint Huntln&fon 8ta(.h, CA This stetemtnl w•• No • .,._..117 lrt I«* re111a1n 1n f\1M force and R1~h Market Inc .. Michael J Roten tre dohlf business n : nntlH'e 92647 hied with the County , s-ge d Ol'fldel ,... 1ff1tl throuah th• TlHI •nllc:ipeted dale of straten, Pres. Rainbow Consullln1 Have you slMted dolnc lilllem C Milteer. Clerk of Or•n&• County corde In lt'9 ontce ot 1u1r1ntH period. the bulk »I• Is Mey 20, This statement was Senlces, 2354 Herbor business yet7 No 6641 luciento Orlttt, on 04/23/03 lie~ d Orange F. TheBIDO£R sh1lfbe 2003 at th• olfic11 of filed with-the County Blwd. 1103, Costa Mt». MnD.Fraley Huntln&ton 8t1ch, CA 2001•t41tll County, CalitQrnra, • licensed contr•ctor Chlc110 Tiiie Comp1ny, Clerk of Oran&• County Californle 92626 This statement w11 92647 Daily Pilot Ai>r 2.e. Mey Dell ol S.:ll22/200:3 pursu1nt to the Business 700 S. flowtt St . #900, 011 04/04!03 Hader Kokhavl, 2354 filed with th• County This busj,_, la con· l , 8, 15, 2003 Th374 at 2:00 PM Plllce d end Profeulonals Cod• Los Anaeles. CA .. 90017 200M•H l10 Hlftlor Blvd tl03, Costa Cltfk of Oranp County ducted by: INI illdMctual Ille: AT THE NORTH ind bt lictMed In tilt This bulk salt IS NOT Delly Pilot A{H lO, 17, Mae, C11ifornle 92lll on 04/18/03 Have you started doiftt n.-_..... FROHr E)(TMHC€ TO 1pplicable dass1flcatlon1 aub11ct to Ctllforn11 24, Miy l, 2003 Th326 Karin• Mercele 0omu, 200Mt4t419 hs1ness yetf Yu, ,_ THE ~ CiOUf'T· for the tradt.s few wtlich Uniform Commerc11I n.-_... 2lS4 Harbor Blvd H03, Dally 'i6ot A{H. 24, Mar !/2'00() • J ... se...t HOUSE. 100 CMC the contrectcw Is sub Code Section 6106 2 .._ Cost• Mau. Callfof"'9 1, I, lS, 2003 ThJ69 Lilllln E. Melt-Tiit followini ,,_\Ons ~NTEA ONVI! WEST, ml"i... a bid. If so subltct, the name ... ~ """'""' Thi t t t • ,... • .. _,. .&w & ,. .. 1. .... ,. -.. ,,"v ..__ ......._ s S • '""" w • att doln1 buslMU as _..,.. ......, _.. G. This project 1111 3' end 1ddr11a of 111' The follqwlni 11«sons This business Is toft· ,__ filed with the' County CHICAGO BIKC. 452!5 w. 'FONIA. ~Ado ~:~r.:;::np.!'~i!:: ~.:~,::n~:! ,:,~o: ~:0~~,!~=•38•~ ~~:;ec1 by: htKlland ancl r~r;::":!sons ~~~1n1• County ~~~3Nawport 1 .. c11, C"aa"oEi&'Wn-'% P-.:~n8:::j0111 lb0tit ~~~ ~in;, ~Jo1\0 S Floww St. ~I. B, "9ve 1011 started dotns "' ;;;.:u~ 11: IOOHtHl:lO Anthony, '"'r'f. 452!5 :c=. '::~ ~~:J:~~r.~o'M~ ~~=-.~hoo~· Los 5t'.!!~~TQ~~louUl ~:1:TJ:!~I'° C!n::...,. .. )~ t~tt~. l~ ~~A;:.,HtwpOtt ~ ~ TllACt MANAGER. Afld the 1._1 d•t• for n o-StrMt Aclt. B. ThlS st1t11Mnt wu Cont41ftlnc. 1101 C.1t ........ Tllil 1>11\lnns b con· ___ • ~ _ -... s.nta Alie CA 9%707 rlltd with tM Co.nty '81y A•-, ltewl>Ot t ductad by an lnel\'lckAI -· "" .. -Contact: Ct~ Scwln&I, flline clelms •halt bt 9111,. &.:rentMtl. 3101 Cletll of Chnp Cou11t' Boch, CA 92161 ........ . t 94 doinC Gt ..... 11''1 11 llfl of Teleptlofte '14/C?...SO. M•y 19• 2003 wlllch Is South hlnlew Road Oii 04I04i03 WerrH H1rr 1n1ton TIM tollowilll perSOl'ls '!t:.JOil '1 ~t 11 92 tll9 now. 11 f lr111: McCMtfly tultdlna the bu1intu day beloo ,13, Sent• Ant, CA ..,..Matt Mien, lfOl C.it lay •• dolfta ~ n : ~ tia",l'~" '580.t~ "'*" ~~~~ 7~~.nsle~ t~ s ... dite sp.clfled 92704 D1i17_ Not A{H. 10, }!i. Affn~J Newport l1acll, Newmu "nenclel Titt~ 1~teme11t wn ....... .. .~ ,.___ ... .,.,..., -t';~ l I, toOI Rodly Nltn, lf4182 Ith U , lllly l, 2001 fhUJ CA llOGI Mortpp C.orr."tlon, flltd wllll the COi.iniy == °'..re= .. --::6~· Costa Meu, ca. y, ( note, Str•t Apt. C, St1nMt Tiils bullneu Is COl'I• 1114 l'l•c111t a Ave., CW~ of Ofan .. County ~-- I. No Bid Ml'I be a.. ....... .....,_, 8Mdl, CA 90742 ......... ducted by; tn Mdl~ldllaf Cfft1 Melt. CA 92'U7 Oft 04/n/03 = .., Jt Thil busiMu ~ con• ........ Haft~ •tarted doilll Nurintn r•n111cl1I ... Mf4U07 ,, _ _., ~ :::•:,~.,""~. Sti:= ~~~~:~.·g:M; ~:::,.::,; • ,._., !"-~'e.\:'°: ~~ ren v ... 4tv =~~1 ::::~!:.~ ~~1tot ... , 1.fiJli :~.:;:.~ ~~ictr-~ CNU.530746 Thl92 tl.t1tty0iiltw1ed.._ 11 W1nt11Mtll ; Newpoft Buell, CA -....:..i:-.... "',_.,... --..-~-rwtl... KallMr ,_.... -..-...... Yhh 1tatllllltfll was '2113 ..___.._ --• h ~ ti ~ M1 • .... LIN,,.,. Ille., ll C.,.etl '1aa flted _. tM c....ty TNI ~' II _. -1,... .. ... Hit bldl °' • WMt Ns sta'-tlt wn It•. HO, Newpett ctwk fllf Or-. c.nty ~ ~y • cor,....... .......... 11~ Irr...._,,_ Ill_, bW. fWUt.mWI llttd _. ltll COVtlty leacll, CAt:MO MMl2SIOS . tWw _, ~... TIM ~:t:',IOnl m -· . ...., IC Jllewport Me11 .....'..ii I f Or c K-. lto14 ~ --..... •~ ...,.. -_.. UllfflNSet!OoCO..trlctla ..... _Filt_'_\ Clerk o Mlllil Ollftty IQt Inc (~"'9) _... ~JftfNo are lilifttl I 11: --cm.Tix: .,. • ._.. otlPOffMlty. "'9S..21•111" ... ~.fl69S'1141lM7 l3 ifore*• ft\ui ste'. ~ l'llot Mey l , I , 16, Ntwt11en 'l1111tcl1I Hott*. ,.,. '°"Wlft. 1(113 --i• -..... t -.~.. ,.. n . 20Cll f"317 Mortpp. c.11 • Jtftt•r Wiilt•(A-" . Cotta ,. ........ tt• ~~ Notte. Is ""-.. ""'ltfl l\allw , ... ~ "~ =:.... ........ ........ .... -o. ,.._ ,,..,.... -----.... ·-, •• lshd New~t ..... , • ~, __, .......... -· -· .,._ Ole ar... hedt..c.t• ..... ., .. ..,.,...., ttlet .... '· •• '• "'" ~ .. ... ,.. ......... .., ......,... o.w. ll1' ,.,.....~ ,.... •• i. . .., . ~ .... _. lll4 .__..._ .....,., •• _,.,..... ....._. ,.... ... 1111 c-.ty --~--"· eo.ta ca ZGU M72 ....... ~-== .......... ~-~ -e:.7 -~: :s ,_-: :--~-~ -=-..:: la COit• Gll9t, llM an• • ........ o4 m> n. ,......... ,. ..... 03 ,.. ., c:.tt1a • ......, ,, ..... , ... , .-w .,: .. ........ --- ... :~M.:V.~\~ .. ~~ 8': llMw "°" ~ :::.:: ~·~ rr.~, 2•t= ..=.:.:--,.:::_w..... Sill -_..,, . = .. Of ...... ,.... ~.:J.;.:m;-:: :~:.: .!:«.:h!.9"1' ' Car9lll Pl. -l c..ea nm-e-n_ i .... o-.1 _. i~"l';ii5-;~ "• ~-..,_, =:ct;~t c..t. ti:' ••• • ~ -===-c.-. ---· ,: ...:11.:.-eo::; Y:!._'!ff71 --··-1:.... ~-_ ...... , .. ' • 'ltl-r"r.t .. ama Dua•~ lh•r•:--... c;;;119 c.,....,...._ ........ ..-~ .. or .... '""" --.· _ ~ •• • • ! llTlll._.!.J!I!!.! c-. 0 .... 1 2111 ..... • ll!r.A. ..... ..._. n -~ • .. .,.,. claslifledl ; ...... _ :a Ji ..... ::;-.--:; -=-~JM=.:C::.;m·c..e.:.._.Nrt':'1t.•1:!:.. .... ,e:-r""~a::=-&1~J!t ~ '• 1~!!!!..~~~ ...... !!!!!1!.,.!!!!!__ ~· ... " ,, ...,.., ._ -;! ;~.~!~ 11,11,w -,._ ,,....-;;;~.:..':!!::! ~c.e11t--.Cl ,.J._I, ,...,. _ - -. ~ . I . ~ ...... •, ' ---..;;;' - -·....;,,;. ·-,_ --- ' . Daily Pilot l.1111.... .. lllll .... ........... .......... ......... Tiit folowl"I persona .,, ~ bualneu u; ~fterb1H111rMet, 203 ,.romontor; Or. w, Ntwport Buch, CA 92160 Sharl S1nborn HutctMtls, 203 Prl!l'Ofltor7 Or. W., Newport Beech, CA92.660 Tiiis bltslntn la con duct.cl by; •n IMlvlcluaJ Hive JOU I tarted clolnt buslneas 71t1 No Stuert S. Hutchins Tiiis 1tetem1nt wH flied wltll the County Clwll of Or1n11 Count7 on 04/l ll/03 IOOM'4142' 01117 Ptlol AIH. 2A, Mey 1, 8, 15, 2003 Th370 .......... ... s.._ The follo••na perJons ,,. dolnc bualn .. , es: K end 0 Aj)pllence, 3011 E. Vine Avenue, IA, Or1nce, CA 92869 Andrew Khovflch, 3011 E. Vlne AtHnue, IA, 0,.nce. CA 92869 This buslnHs Is con· ducatcl by; ID lod1xkbitl Hne )'!Ml alerted dolnc buskleu 7•1? No Andr-Khowkh Thia 1tettment w11 (Jl.d w th tll4I County Clwk ol Ortna• Co1.t11ty on04/26/03 lOOHHUOI O.il~lly l. •• 15, l!i,-....:1• ... s...... The followhit petiw>na •• doln1 business 11: Rytn Community Con· sullanh, 635 Sprln1· brook ~r~lne, CA 92614 " Nt ncy A n Prosser. 635 Sprln1brooll N, lfvln•, CA 92614 This busloess l.s con· ducted by: •n Individual Hev• you started doln1 bu$lnesa 7111 yes, 11/ 97 . Nanc;y llflln Proawr This stet•ment wes filed with th• County Cieri\ of Or1n1• County on 04f04/0J 200S6Uta17 Delly Piiot AtH. I 0, 17, 24, Me7 I, 2003 Th3l5 Policy ........... ... s...... TM fOllowlflC IN'flOllS ... doln& blllineu as.: Cetholcrlldio6'1NMS.com, 171 O Plau del Kon., Newport 8Hch, CA 92$;1 Petrldl G. O'Htlll, 1710 l'laLt dal twt., Newport lleectl, CA 92661 Thb buJIMA Is con· cluc:ttd by: en mdividull lta¥e you start.d dolo1 buslnen yet7 No Petri<* G. O'Neill This slltemant wH filed with the Cqunty Clertl of Of •nee County on 04/18/03 200Ut41J .. 01ily Pilot ~· 24, '9tey I, 8, 15, 2003 fllJGl flctlM ..... ... s...... Have you stetted clotnc business ytt1 No l\tlstle It Hatcer Thia st1tement wu fllecl with the County Clri of Oren,. County on04/04/03 lOOMUH07 Oail~l7, i4,~3i1 ... s...... Tht followlnt pe,.on• ar• dolnl buslntu es. llo7al Solutions, 7326 llulde ncla, Ntwport Be,ch, CA 92660 Helen Hun1. 7326 Anldencla, Ntwport BHch, CA 92660 This buslntH Is con ducted by: 111 mdMduel Have you .at•rted do1111 business yet7 YH. 4/21/ 03 Hel•n H11n1 This atetament wn flied with the County Clerk of Or•n1a County 01104/25/03 200H'4229t Oall7 Pilot May I. 8. IS, 22, 2003 Thl88 Place your ad toclayl (IM9) &d.-6678 .......... ... s...... Tht followln1 P8rWM art dofnt bullnt» as· C 0 Automo«1ve. 3018 M1nltoba, Santt An1, CA. 92704 felb Mwt1nez, 1930 Plecentla Ave., #8·S, Co~ta Mesa, CA 92627 Th" business la con- clucttd by· an tndmdual Have you sl~d doln1 buslneu yet? No f eh• Marltne1 This statement wn hied with the County Clerk ot <>Bna• County on04~/03 200HtHI08 Delly Piiot 114>< 10, 17. 24, M•Y I. 2003 Th324 :::-:r The lollowlna persons are do1n1 buslnu' as· PIHUcs lnveston, 400 Ca1lotla, Newport 8uch.CA92660 C•rlyle Levinson, 400 C11 lotta, Newport Beach. CA 92660 This business Is con ducted by &n 1nd1W1duel Have you ~tatted dotnl bu>IOU\, vet? Yn, 4· I 03 C.lyla Levinson This st1ttmenl was hied with the County Cltrt. of Or•l\I• County on 04/18/03 200Mt4142S Daily 'iJol "'1f 24, Mey 1,8, 15,2Q03 Th366 ~ ..... ... s...... The foltowln1 petsons are clo1ne busmeu es 2 EXPORT l TO, ~ E Hiiisdaie Or . Or •nee. CA 92869 John e. Ltnch, 8505 [. Hillsdale Of., Onnae. Calif 92869 This bustnen Is con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started doillt busloen yet? Yes, 1/3/ 03 Jobn 8. Lynch This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oren1e Co(lnty on 04/18/03 • 200H94Utt Daily Pilot /14>< 24, May I. 8, 15, 2003 Th360 SEU your unwanttd items thfo\Ch cfau1f1ed How to Place A The followlne l*MftS er• doi111 buslnest as 5 Sitt CIH ntrs, 1215 Bllkw, Costa Meu, CA 92626 QCL, Inc (CA), 10221 Arundel Avt., Westmln sler, CA 92683 This bull~ " con doct.o by.• C«l>Ofahon Hive you started do1n1 business yet? Yes, 4 22·03 QCL, Inc .. Quyet Van Lt , Pruldtnt This st•l•ment was flied with the County Clerk of Oun119 County on04/25/03 200Ht42SOJ Dally Pilot May I, 8, IS, 22,2003 Th385 FktllMw.ia ... s..... Have you 'tlrted dolnC business ,.11 No Jame~ Kev1et11 lh1s statement wu l!led with the County Cl"'11 of Orenp County on 04./04/03 200MUH1S Oail~, M. , ..,I ... s..... The foflowlnt perM>ns ., • doin1 buslnesa as O's Onptry Service, 42•5 [. l e Pali"• Ave . An1helm, CA 92801 Htrofd H. Saldf!nt, 4245 C Lt Palma Ave . Anaheim, CA 92807 l his business Is con ducted by· en 1ndlv1du11 Ha•• you st•rt•d do1na business yet? Yu, May 29th, 1980 Harold H Said•""' This statement wn filed with the County Cltrk of Ou n1e County on 04/18/03 200SH41H7 011ly Pilot /14>< 24, May I. 8, 15. 2003 Th362 Place your ad today! {949)642-5678 Thursday, May I, 2003 IS fklll. ..... ...s..... TIM lol4ow1n1 peuons we doine busk>ea as l aw lobratr S.11rc:.s. 2443 f Of dham Ou~•. C05t• Meu CA m26 C1tust11nne Clu•th lllrll. 2443 fordh•tn Orlllt, Costa Mesa CA 92626 lh!\ b-H I\ <On ducted by. an 1nd!w1du1I Have you •t• ted do•ns bu.Mneu, retl Ytt J/I/ 03 Cht1sl!1nt Krl Th" sl•l•m•nt was flied with the Councy Clerk of Oun1e County on04/04/03 200S69StlU D11ly Piiot Ap< 10. 17, 24, M17 l, 2003 Th 129 ........... ... s....... Th'e follow1n1 1>41r ~tins are do1n1 bustneu u NewPo!:t Mesa Mart11I Atl$. 488 l•st I lt/l St suite 8 IOI, Cosh M ... a CA92627 Carlos Lui, 1760 Pomona Ave •12. CO)la M•sa. CA 92621 Tiiis bUl!f!U) I> -ll1Kt.d b7 en ~\ ... ,,. '°" atwte4 ... bltt.IMU 7etl ... C1tlMlH I Thia •l•t.-nt •H l!Md W'ltll the CountJ Cwik ot o ... nc.• Count1 on 04/lllOJ 100Mt4140J 0•117 '•lot "'1t 24. M•r 1,8, 15.2003 Th.J56 ~ ..... .......... TM followlftl IN'fMlft) •r• dolfll IHnltM'U .. The CLlftl• Comp•n7, 2389 C•ltOfl Pl Ste A, Co~t• Mew. CA 92627 Ao'*1 Tr7cw• Curtl&, 2389 Cerlto11 Pie ce Suite#, C.•tli MMa, CA 926Z7 Ttm busln... la con duct.0 b7' en "lnOh•ldu•I H .. e you at.llUCI dollll bUW18U 7etl Yea, 0.C 1999 Robe< t T CLlftli Th" \tatement •n Med ••th the Count7 Cl•rk of Or •n&.e Count7 on 04/~/03 200Mt4U1t Oa•ly Piiot May l 8, 15. n. 2003 th379 ___ Deadline s-~ Rates and deadlines are subject 10 change without notice. 11le publisher reserves the right to cen~or, reclassify. revise or rcJcct any classified advertisement .. PleaM: report any error that may be m your classified ad immediately. 'The Daily Pilot accept'> no hab11i1y 1 for any error in an advert1~ment for which 11 may be rc~pon~1ble eJ1cept lor the cost of the: sp~ acrually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir..t rru.crt1on CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Fnday ·s:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 6l 1-6594 f ..,....._..., !Al. lu.k }OU! lld!fk' .U.J ph.'°" numl'on ...i .. c II '"II }'>ll "-1.. "'1th • pn,< LjUulC I Bv Phone 1949) 642-5671! I lours By Mail/In Pt>rson: 110 Wc~t Bay Suect Co\td Mei.a, CA 92627 At Nl!wpon Alvd & Ba:r ...,, • WedneMJay ........... Tue-.day S:OOpm Thursda}. Wetlne-.da} S·OOpm Fnday ................... Thur-.day S:OOpm Saturda}. . ............. Fnday ~ OOpm Telephone X JOam 'i <Xlpm MondJy I ndJy Walk-In X ~Oam 'i lX)pm Monday 1-nd.t)' Sunda) .............. Fnday 5·00pm AHNOUNCIMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 SE S010-3t40 GARAGE SAi.£ 14" ·mil BUSINESS & FHWICIAl ..... V'9w ._... P.n--~ ..... Companoon 2 crypt L• ,.. ec..n 512 :156-366• Collldlllla/ Memorlllilll 1160 TCW $$ 4 U<OltOS IT< a.a. a...c. lk. 5th & IDs Ill Mac. Sl*t. t1be ~ ...... 949 6.45 7505 S ..... lr• & l••ral4 Qu•ntlty for Sile or t •ch1n1•: Cat\ or Real Estst• 800·834 0091 EmRTAIMNT ClllMlraf him 1310 IQUM-- OPfOlnEY All rHI Hlelt edYef ttslnc In tht~ newspepet ts subject to the federal rair Hovslnc Act of 1961 •• 1tn1nded which mellu It lff•c•f to •ctvertlM 0 1111 prefer· enca, tlmlhtlon or cliscrlm1n1bon baMCI Oft rec•, co6or, reNcton. st•, handicap, lemilltl slat~ Of n•tlon•I Of lc1n, or en Intention to make 1ny such pref.,ence, limit• lion or dlict lmlnetlon. • Thi• newspaper will not knowlncly •ccept •ny tdvartlsemerrt few rt•I eatate which Is In vloletlon of the law. Ollt re1de,, 111 hereb1 Informed tllal •II dwell· lllJS edvartlsed In 1hls ntw1""'8' ,,. 1v•ll•ble on en equ•I opportunity basis. To compleln of dis· ethn!nllt-, eel HUD toll· fret et 1 ·800-424·1590. .... ,. I I SOOS-SI SO 230S-2490 =les 1419 1 =-1419 1 =la 1489 ~ .... ~~w~ .... ~l ~ NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE (J.) Halecrest and Mesa del Mar Tract Cross streets are Baker & Fairview Saturday, May 3 from 8:00 to 3:00 PM. Sponsored By Torelli Realty See torellirealty.com for maps 714.540.7355 ~T MA'Y .-7-11~ Sleill> ct.y bed. li.n. TVs, Trombone curtw, children• items, $111 radl, coif clubs, dlarwlaliar, modal lnlin parts, ml· CfOWlff, efectron!CS .... ••"• ••r•I G•l•d Newp«t Canyon, ,...., Unlvenlty & Jamb« .. ne• Bonrte er.-Prt MeAJKW ncam Of .... S..-W....,1 Ten Techn1qun the the WMlttly llM1 everydl1 to Iner-~ weelltl.. If yoll truly desire to ICltM flnancl•I securltr·You --,_ tlllsl l-u'l-191 • :mo i:a> v~ 111 Pltridl leMlau•, IUthor of.._ ...... 8Mb. Fr• g <CM.·= HOME FURNISHINGS Dnm ... s ft -.. w/2 ·~ llllls • lt*1I + 4 dw'L '9D. Safa '511> madL IWno¥ll lied tar ~tn.d 71~9W W.,._/Drpl $200/ ..... bible w/4 Chan. ~. qwen·Slied bed, S5't, oon..,wr --· .-ic>. <:.ii 949-JOS. 7122 o-4le 0...... T.m.r AKC l:namp1., r •e brMd, 12 w .... female puppy $1050114 177-6'Y¥J am.s ~ ...... -Ftllldltla ntlAIKW sacam o• .. s.per W......,I Ten Techniques the the WNlttly UM e~y to n:r-~ W9lllttl. If yoll truly desire to edwvt fln1ncltl securlly·You must hew this! l-u'l-191 3260 13) v .JMCA)tSC by P•trlck laMleu•, author of ~t 88'b frM S/H(CAI.~) Index llAilSTATE l8ITlls Corona del Mar coaouon•Aa VIUAGl, Of'lN SAT-SUN 1-4 Stni lam home So of PCH 3br l Sb1 m\11 br w/retreat. otfoce/hb w/dual Ip SI .299.000 CALL fOR SHJWH: Tm W..,. TS Realty ~5llf>~l2-~ JASMINI CHUC stnti \tO<y 2br 2ba den Ro1er\ Gardener landM:a1><1d Handtcapped ready. Very low m11nt. Anoe w/tennl\, pool Cati for appt By Owner ~9·M<l 8777 -..-er..-F abulotn lo<.atton on the er~ 3bo Oen/wort.out room. utr• taree llv/toom w/fp, ac. 1•te ruerdecf. PQOts, 'l9llS & ltnn!S Jucty llolar ~ 949--376 5676 ~NfWSla HOMlS Overwed Corner CdM Volace locelton e J Johnson. 94f·721~U2 Prudential ~ A.alty ComMaa nw. ~ lbr 2..5ba. 1re11t IDc, ,.,,. before on the mlfMl 8'Jllll"l 15005l, .-19.(XX) ., geQ&.7890 CcltlOtCm f'tllMl,IUAHS PAftKK HNOlll NATIONWIM USA 949-8H-t70S www.patrlcktenote.com lrvlnl OPIM SUN hSO-S 10111 lrler'-8 North Tustin Hilts, Betu u tatlna, city lltht views. 5bt Sb• house .,,,(brery. 2 power rms. Aj)proa 5900 sf. 1 ac lot. Tennis COllfh $2,590,000 1-0..T• t4t-2ts-ttN rm 7402·7466 ~ IOOS-1510 ~ tOOH7SO , __ lc Vlaw ~SAT-SUN 1-S OVeftocll'"lt 1)-1< buutlluf 1 .. n-key twrllm, 14>1Jaded tnroout. ht dwd In, be• tied a"""' dn., iJ Mllle, new pea. wmdo~ 2 mll<t>le lp's, hl(ll cerb auard pted $849.IXXI 949-640~ <WIN SAT-SUN 1-S 1501 < ........ L.t. WALK TO BEACH• 2br 2 Sl>a townhome, &real loc Off Dowe• and We$lcllfl Up11r aded ~1tchen end bath 2 c 1••. Century 21 ProlHsronals Patnc11 $499,000 I00-707 -0009 St•tt•l•t VIiie ltt Ne~Helfhts ,__ 8utll 38< 2-!Jba. IOU',,..., ~ ~ lttnry -a. fp f'R. ~ fount-.. at)lf d, lwdwd th, 2c prlll. $569.m> ... ~ ~2225 T .. n-by Herit.r VI•-<Wd. Ctt;Yllded si.-4.5ba home on a Ii lc>l sun5et & aoll coo.no -Le down stan Br .,.. for IHttw, nanny Of ...,,,. office s 1.195.<m l H. Anchor Pr~ 9$72().~ ........ , •········ 2llr 28a hac Towmome. puaiful j)lltio O¥Wlook$ 9th la1twa7 of N 8 Country CMb. ~~ comm w/ptd. IP!. c:U>- housa. ~ Anchor PraportiB 96-720-3900 th a.., ..... 2bf 2b• w/llbrary. New wmdows, doors, new appls, tu urecl walls/calla, crown mouldin1o duianen tile, ptrquet lloorln1 ind more. •rt 949-584-5811 w ...... ......, :II< 281 W/ltMll/ a., VWw cpel1 "-'*" lob of Wtlldowl, ~ kit. nddl W/O, lUO.COVobo Miry Wood. l&l ---5811. 717-91116 "'-.... ~,. ...... lbr 2.k f'R. .. ... .,_ hftl pool pd &ll!ltlllil.~~ MIC a.. l&l 0-. YmllM ,....., .. .-1mans f'ATllC& TUOll ""now•• ""' ...... ,..,,.. www..Od~­ OCU __,. ••"eGMft'W ,.., :::'..itTnu Under the: Sc:r\'icc Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 San Juan cap1strano O"N SAT-SUN 1-S 272%2,_,.,..._ •br lb• J t I" I 0.000 ,, IOI o~n ""'" Sl,2'5,000 hrr y Harner City Halt Rultr 949 422 0174 RURAL PROPERTY FORSALf Ranc:hntfarms/ Counlry Propefty 5915 ...ZONA IUT MAGMt, 36 ecru $24,900 Border \ Slate l and Beaut:Jfuj r IWICh Ill WllUrm. ftapteH 1rea, ptlffKI 6.1 ro cltrNte Sp«tacula' mountM1 ~ Alfordllble f~ AllA I 817 282 5263 (CAL •SCAN) Classifidu CONVENIE{'{f wlattlla JOI' 'rt bvfotf, ulliAi. Of jvsl lookiltf. clmijidl..s 11lttlt""' iud ! CUSSIFIED "'U2~5'18 RESORT/ VAr.ATION PROPERTY FORSALf Desett Property 5960 CAntBJIAI. OTY S2B5.m> 10 ,..., to PS ~ 2315 9' attach c.siwtnct bado. house 4br ha annw: *· ., ~ dn. ~ bfodl.I rodt shower, tac tub, U1>&7adl Laree waluns, ..._ AV/llll.t ~ 8ko. ~yd ... Clq Balo& 1ID8i2 29lf> ATIM: OlSaT lOVDtS MJI VAH WIBIPt DYSON & O'Ysoet .00.ST'-SUS 1'10-ZTS-HSf ATIM: OfS80 lOYaS MaVMWIBIN OYSOll & OYSC* .oo.s1 .. sus T'10-Z1S-"5• MISCB.WEOUS RBITAl.S Rooms for Rm 6040 •/O-View room. Oceanffonl/22nd pvt rm. unl\a'n, "1.lrt bath, u1h pd, 11/~ ~rtchef>ette lrd'v. I b4o<J. In ~wpor1 Plef S12!Mn c;.,a S-at 949-Z78-7!nl (btwn 'la %' RE Sl DENTIAl Rf r"; Al ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa O<IANVllW /'rl•• , ........ 1• lh. Ip pr prl\l n smklf !M'b Sl.560 mo 94~ JOO.M60 Vuy l t 2br 2b a Charmine ~•~P' to boch SIS90 yrly ISiW Mnms () ~11511 ~ .. ·~.patio. alr#etor. seu.ed encto.d irut-.o».iat S2aiOITl ., 94~75 8120 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ •••••••••••• Corona del Mar s.:4k ,...,, Buul!tUZ hcflt,,... t:llllllCJ1 .v Mlll WI. ~ Hllr 5-Soll I~ !!(D)n..., pel ~ aw ,,_, '4ll* ,..,,.. utts nd It "' ., IJ" .vatl ,....... "'pet3.,,,.,..,, S I ®" <.iq Z12 5TT'> • 2!> 1 2t r. sa •• Apt Recentlf rth•bbed w I ,., &•r. bl0< ~ '" buch. no "*'" SU001mo949854 168G ij;"""~~ tt•k, 18(,()o,f, U.vtct>U.. IT pin. pr. paen. w/Cl SZ,00-mo 949 ~ ,... ~ ...... lbC ., d P•lto y•d ~ lo\Jntt \l{gJI A,.. 16, fVPIO Rl6b mo "4~1 -7all ~Q-4( •• .. , ....... ·~ ..,_ lr.i, _. to Tn Ser Slll!t' mo W.W .... i-1.IUlllll .......,..m ~ £•1~ IUWPOllT HllGlfJS 2br I b1 ,,.. hie ltoon. nou no peh. S 129!1/mo. '49-•S0-2256 t . Costa Mesa Uh .... "" 2a.. holne. ll&hl &. bn&hl. quiet cul de ~ac ocn breezes Canyon Park $2100/mo 949 642 54A3 Newport Bead! tAYFaONT ON LIDO Pf.NINSULA NEW 21r 210 COTTAGES Provale Be&ch. Pool <1nd Spa Walk lo Ocean, Shops and Re~taurants Lene 6/mo 2 yr • Boal Shp Available 710 UDO PAllll Dlt. 949 673 6030 or 949 723 5830 * YlAltLY * llASES BILL CRUNOY REAl TORS 949-675-6161 UDO YEU l Y llASl Bill CRUNDY RlAl TORS 949-6 75-6161 "·~·-Peninsula Studio Aparlmenls avail ~ noo S950 949 673·7 .......... 1. ...... , lbr Iba n1u furn, peek a boo Bay VH!w. ut11 incl a&t S 1350 949 673 7800 "NOT O REAOCRS· C.hlo1n11 law re· qu!fa lh•I contrac ton talune robs lh•I total SSOO or mGf• (labor Of m1leflafs) be l1unMld by the Contrectors Stilt Ltcen'e Board Stilt law al'° requlfes that contractors include lhei< ftcense number on all 1dvertl1hl& You can check the ,talus o.I your llcensed con t ractor a l www nib ce 1011 or !00·321 CSLB Unll t ensed cont,.ctors t1k1ne 1ob1 th•t totel less then S500 must state In their adv1r11sements th1t they 111 not licensed b1 th1 Conlrectora State ltcense Board ~ fMTl91G ll1WS ll*twl I Mh I Almudll ~llil•tfi•usaim l9IBr.> ~ 9'W&9JZS .., __ ATTORNEY Civil ""'"°'·~ law, IMd-. lmd· ~ c:onll'ICU, *'~ lOYMtlup. R&tilCIMblt ,.._ TODAY'S HALI Off hf MO lllNT lot mow l'I May 1551 w/12 mo leme. Hnoly remodeled Cape Code style commoolty w/rww ISJPS, arpet &. ca a1111C ca. Wdtel/dr/9. dishwasher &. • etr ieerator included lnMde apl 1 Br S 1096 2Bt Sl445 (714} 633-7592 °'*81 2& 1 Ba ul'll ., S.ICl&e Lt ' brvit. doee lo r.w-i Is. Sl~mo. act. Kara 96-291·:1172 ._. .., P-.t i-:t1 ,.. IVtlor Isle. 2Br l&. 2IUI to bay, ....... fln\lllnfl6n SI 700m lu 949-718-1400 WUTCUff TOWNtfOMl 281, 21/?BA, 2c ear. comm pool, no peVsmk SI 700m Lse 949-642 1055 .. er... twmom. 2llr l!iba l)lllo. -PoOV!c>I. nu c-rt. ta. arp, 2 c r;ar. -et sum 94!MWJ.71Dl Newly 1emod 2b1 2ba condo. 2 c e••. paoo, wd, no peVsmll Avarl 6-1 Sl950 lso 949-759 13" "Wa ...... l& 2& 2Ba din rm. INllc. 16505f, 2r 11'1'&. ~. wall. lo heh S2IXXlrn !m-598-9347 S..,. • ..... " rS'lbl, 2 IT6b sis. 2.5ba. ocn vu. ~._,,pr. no pet ... $2400 ~71Dl • 't , • ..,.,...... Svc. Tu prep1rabon, QudlBoGlls ir.... ,_ .,,.... up'd 98-32S-OZ!O ClfPll*Y A -Z HMIDYMAN Install. 1efec• c1b1nots. ~~ rnolcq. DouJ 714-545-nsll • wtil'Uilit1. Custom Bu1ll·in1, Crown Mold1np, Bes. Bo11ds l 1577982 949-709·5642 Carptt -.1r111111 'tl>CMf'll-A-CMPIT~ Rtp11rs. P1tchln&. lnst1tl Courteous. eny 11ze jobs. Wholesale! 949-492·0205 eon....,snc. Bridge At11 , .. -,.,, Isa If 12 13 By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ... TOMMY Tt1llNS UP TRUMPS North.SOU1h vlllna\ble. Soudl dealt. 10 lhc occuioo. This is ooe or ~ WF.ST • 104 ~ J 10 7 3 0 9752 • 864 NORTH .,.n 0 841 1> AK 101164 •A EAST • KJ5J 1;1 K o J J deals. ~ ~.;:r~~ enoustL •J 10 97 53 Tummy cuo-bid ctut. llld ~ in rour be.u after Nonh's diamond cue-bid. Nonh's five beans inviJ,cd dam ii Tommy held JOOt1 WJnP' - a wasie of time '1nce Tommy had never koown a bid trump suiL Since North had not cue-bid •pades. whkh meant there was a posslble loser in l.ha1 JUlt. Tummy'rslam bid Was I.be JOIN OUR TEAM end mall• ' difference. In the Celifornl• Army N1tionel Ouard you c en e•t money tor colle1• end cerHr trelnln&. Call 1· SOO·OD ·GUARO . (CAL•SCAN) NORTH 10 JV' 4v 5,;i ,_ hclahc of optim!Sm. "' West led a club, ~ perf oroe in dummy. The dtuoe of tn11nps brouaJn the ltl111 from Slit. lllld Tommy ud-dtnly bcc:amc alive. Two ~pedc! were .JOIN OU~ TEAM • aond discarded Crom dunun¥ on I.be Icing make • ditfttellCe. In the • and queen or clubs, the aoe of Sl)8des C11tfornl1 Atmy l'lltlonel wu ctihed and the queen o( dJa-Guud you c1n &•I moods was unblocbd A spede ruff money for collel• and in dummy provided the enll)' IO dis-c11eer trelnlo&. C•ll 1· card two spades 00 the top diamonds. 8-0 0 • G 0 G U A R 0 . and the hand became an boot (CAL •SCAN) Opcnmg lead: Four of • when East di!carded a c::r" on the JOet QUI TUM Ind lhitd round of diamoods. mllle • cifhHnce In the ~ ~CM had lillrud ~lowly fof- 'J'rump Coup TOIMly. Card diW\bu· tions were. for the most pan. normal which mcanl l.ha1 Tommy had butcheml his r11r shire or mabble wnll'ICb. But once in 1 while tnlmp' had behaved bldly. which ~sn1 uut Tommy's peculiar l&lem of rismJ Tommy 5honeAed bis tru.mp> ro lbe Calitornit '-""1 ~ same length L'i Wesc's by Nffing 1 Guwd ~can lfl ,_, diamond. thco led I tromp rowW for oolllil 11111 carep dummy's eight. West was rorooc1 co "..... Cllll 1.a.~ split the heart booots 10 win the tricJt. GUNID. (CAL -SCM but lbeo had IO lead from J 7 of hearts inro Tommy's Q 9 1aWf..-e. AllOther" routine ~lam for Tommy -in the bq. D .. YU/CDL (A ) Mulllwf.-$10.000 efter 5 ytlfsl SOL OS to 39 ~ T...-n lo 41 cenb. ContrlCtDI Co fIJ ~ tu.I twdwlflS. rot. Grads ~. EOE D-92S- 5556 or KLLM com (CAI. •SCAN) OWNH OPHATOa TIAMSI CX>l. wtliax·Mat ' OocJb'8s req. Ternwnal-T emlnaL OrocVHook, Hire on Bonus. Hiett Miles. C- 909 -5664 ext 2 10. (CAl."'SCAN) OWNU OPUATott TIAMSI CX>l. w/Haz·Mll ' Ooublm. req Terminal• Termtnal Orop/Hooll, Hire on Bonus. Heh Miles. ~ 909-5664 ut 210. (CAl"'SCAN) OWNU OPU ATOlt TIAMSI COL w/Hal.JMC ' Ooubll!s r eq. T et fTW\11. TermNI. Or~. Hn on Bonu5. Hidl Miles. C- 909·5664 e&I 2 10 (CAI.~) - ftm&IPIAUTO •wna .... w _.... w,i1ilecll Mtlr.CO i*Yw-Omla (19211e) 22.llO. ...... .,. llf'lbitl ~ Ct.i W/tM ltlw. only 22K mlla. co •tacMr (19"') S3UIO ,....., ... lhKllw~NllY> TV~loeded wt.a. (19372.C) .... , . ..,. Perfect one o-. avome wtlee8. A,.., (W«l) bollty $?2.!8> '-"•• 1 c...,...w- Lowm~tlful (19167 • .. •. ..... $""9 •• rooonrooMilue wll. Sldcle 1nW1ot. m mills. lrM\lculala. (19314) SV.911>. ' IUZ aJC ,. '9t Blldl w/tlllck. low mles.creetvlllut. (19302) S26,.91JO. ,,.,..fn s.c...,...w 8lldl W/bln Int, auto, low miles. Rare! (192118) SLJ,!8>. ....... u. ... 5'vtr •/9111d1 --roof. must -MINT (19197) 134,!8> ,,.,......._ .... Blldl W/Red tnC.ior, prem ....... low ml. (19328) S24,.91JO. •WXSf.41 'VI c-.iirity Owned. SIYw w/C11y. Z3K mi. (19334). $4.5.911>. ,..,..., ... C...'•A ...... Hl.ny for these perfect low mila&e. locll one o-Turbos. ... ~-~­ t4t-574,.7777~ Pt9J.sAUTO .... -~ _,CANYON V11AS 2+25 ~ ~. .. a>l.ne \lew! Ul"l""JU"'ta S2!XlVmO. 0.-. ~ 1 ...... Ill 96-$7700 0.. ,...1t1-'°' Prtnt & Gr aph1c Des.en Tech- .a~ SS'ld rs.me to hf@1tn·ptinl1111.com PubltShtn& PltOMOTIONS DVilTMENT Community ~s l'I Or-.. County se9\s ful rme penon 1o .m--.. Ind write stor-. pwtJct- i.c. "' cornmunrty -ts c:reet:e and pacwllle P1CJ1S and secbons.. Eaullent communication ~. wor1' .... wrth the public Know f.P Styte, ~)(.f'yts:., Photoshop, MultJ.Ad 'Cre-ator, Profiaent · on MAC and PC. CCI des11n 11pe11ence preferred Prootreadln& tesl Drue sa~ rec,.wed. EOE. Excellent benefit ~ Emal 1esume, wrltlne samr*s and $3lary requ11 emenls l o '--f)lw!son@latmes.mm la :qllu **1'1-tn ... .,. Busy ~ 8-:fl Rell Esate office S.V com mensurale w/up. Fu res.me lo 95Q5.21ZJ Ai.41 'tt A4 Gvettr• 2 8 V6, 191< actual m1 1uto. S9••1ihn& fld/1rey llhr mn1f CO looks ' smells new V456721 $17,495 ftn1nc1ne avail, Blr.1 t4t-51•· 1111 '-"...,.. ... ~ LE 581>.+ mi, while/tan llhr. dual mnrl. beau lllul 01111. J yur warr ava~. Sl3.99S vl757624 Broiler 949 586·1888 "9 31r 2.51o in eated comm.· w/pool, spa+ pnvate yud $3000/mo A&ent 949-856-9705 $3750 /-(lyY' ls•} Jbr, Jba. Charmine 2 sly home on lido Isle. 2 C9r Pf & WC)(kshop, lplc In L.R. & Mstr Bdrm. 1/2 blk wa• lo bch & prvt clubhse, new pamVcrpt . Avail 5(15. No peh. pp. (94t) 632-4494 hit fum ~· den home. olc, hllhlY LIPtlJ'aded, ale. pted comm w/pool & spa $4000/mo. Shorl term Mr· :st 949-887-8603 Renllls WIMld 7llO Monlln Rentals 7925 LAU AUOWHIAD 3000sf 48r 4 58a. ac, pr, lltvel tot w/l•h ..-. ~Of PD>/ Monthly Ill 949-nt · 1721 l#HOMI & •USl#ISS Uf'~S UP&radn, Repan ~f Computer. NetwOfks E venin1:./Weellerids Competitive puces fOf qualrty !>«VIC '49-IU-1175 714-926-4221 Conatll & Maanry l rldi ll+dl St-Tiie Concrete. Patio, Orrveway flreplc;, BBQ. Rers Z5Y" Exp. TMTy 714,557.7594 ~ MUD Motil aOOMt AOOrT10NS ' REJ.ulE1.N: ll577982 949-709-5642 DlllllDp PlllllllNng TOI Gt YOUltHOMI IM,.OVIMINT NOJKT? Call • plumbef. pelnter. handym1n, Of eny of the &rHt _..cn lbt9d h+fe In ow awlHce directory! THESE lOCAl. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI • ADMIN ASSIT deC..~ onented, molbple protlC'b. research. dau entty and '>O(llt • acct& Ouclr.boob, WOfd & heel Access a pkA Small delen/ed firm r11 resume 71 4969 6408 AUTOMOTIVE SALIS Immediate open1n1 H11hhne NB dulershlp 1s looll1na for mohV1ted, driven & eaperlenced sales professional E • cellent pay' benehls ru res 949 721·8808 ,.,.,... s.,.,., "/T ~ 6prn 2.am. 5 yrs line dontoa e ~P '* f 11 resume to 94~-0674 Ortwn (T-~ Sl<XX> sien·on ~ We have a lot. Oxn.d. CA TernWlll '-melllr11 hpre:u Lines I C-428-0:M3 Rel •101 ((m•ll recrul inc@w-'llnl com) -m/fTd/v (CAL •SCAN) IMllV'a: OW'Not Ol'Ol· ATORI ttave yo<11 own trudl' lodP.l'I& lor true 1ndepefl<lenc17 Landi!¥ has Ult tootVfreVrt to !Nile you ~, I 8»-711 7898 (CAI. •SCAN) Acfl•"''"• llo<frlc trouble$hoolN1& ,._ .. 11s1 .. ---No JOI> too 111\. l.151511163 n~13l Ice k l lct11sed Elclclr1tal Cont.act~ Small j<>bs 1tarttn1 al S7t .ts a..,.. ~11ll11n1 ln Remoclehn& ' 111 home wkml needs. Comnl/lndu,t/Res 1-aoo-at 1-1 ooa L• lKlN5lD CONTllACTott No ~ loo 11'1\ Al .w.! Repeir. remodel, f1n1, ,,., MW SVC !)49.645 3llJ6 Aoortnt'flle CUSTOM mAlM TU ~.u.ta.cs11T1E, nwbll, SU-fdll\ 1t75 U6120M Jeft 714-612·9961 iiidl;l &hili ........ Floors, Counters ' Showers ll591315 Free Esllmtlt 949·481-2097 UAiY ........ 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Fi1111t!c:p&98'*8115 ""'-JUMTOTMl .... 111 71"8'8· IMZ AVAllA8LE TOOAYI MM7S·55ee , --.-e-•.- UIW 740ll 'H S1lve1 w/r.rey lulhei inter. fully to1ded, Sl8.000 949 675 6006 D ........ v.,... .. 7 pass, wtule/11rey 1nl: p•I &fan, aara1ed. non/ smkr. hke new cond v457275 S$495 Bkr 949 586-1888 WWW ocpllbt com HOM>A OOYSSIY 'ff 1 owner. a<>od cond, 1wo mtiuae.~.~ colot, lltw 1111, 6 pas, SI0,000 949 7fi0.0171 c.t ....... 10..-.,.... -.+qML<eM u.c.-. '02 Nevlptw n m1. lull facl warr. t.1lvet und/lan llhr, CD s t1eker. chrome whls, extra seat, v672518 S27 .995 firm, fin ' warr 1011. 0 Down qu•llfted buyers. 4 6 APR Broker t4t-5H-1111 -.eqoea.1.c- Morce4H 'tt SS20 l WB 52k m1. 3 yr warr avail, 11IV1r /blll lthr, buut O<il cond. v875241 $24,995 fln1ncln11 •v•1I B~! 949-586-1888 --...w.- PottSCHI C*'+lfl •n rtd reltored. beau. S20,000 Of best otter , ....... 'ts XJ• 4 dOCI'. 949 675 6006 3311 m1, eatnmely clean, POltSCHl 'tt CAltllUA I owner Sl4.000 oho 94t-533-2J 5S Ai>ltc s.lver matalhc, all -.-~~ 6cyl 2 wd 3611 actuotl m1 s1IYe1 /1rey int. 1lloys f1bulous hilt ne* unm11ked cond, 4 year Wilfl ...... v7!>m 1 $13Jlll5 f11m 0 Down qu1hhed ~ 46 ~Br~ t4t-5H -IHI www .+cpet.I.<•• "-a-~~·4 Wiiiy/Bi wkly/Monthly Refs Greet "las! Imelda 9&54M285 94&-ZJ8..om NH4 • liftl4i H;ip? Mlrdltit WllDl9d Ina diln'I 3¥' lllll lrAxnl our supplies 714-444-41 '3 ,_ .. ~ ...... ~ Tolll ~ _, ....,. ,. -" ... by -.. ,.. 9842"1·70 Mowlrigl .... HST MOVIRS $5t/~ sorvln1 all cltln. Insured fest. courteous. ce,.ful. T163844 8()()..2.4$.2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The C1llf. Public UtilltiH Commission requires lh•t 111 used household 1oods monrs print their P.U.C Cel l numbet; IUno• ind chauffeurs prl11t their T C.P. Mm!>« In 1U 14ver • tiMm111l1 tt you have 1ny que1tlon11 1bout th• lt111tty ot • mo¥er. llmo or chauffevr, can· PWU< UTIUTIU <GallllSIOeil 171-N67 w,. ..... ... .. ..,..,. .... . ............ ("'IMl·M llhr 1r1ph1te &r•Y Inter. pw1 seats. h1·f1 sound system w/•m-fm CO. lo llC 6'I mt, I o- 1111&ed. Immaculate S54.5'00 949-675 2869 Toyete v eHI ... '1 7 llllOd .-11. no ac. 10 al ltlweo, r\ftl •Int. _., ,....,... S25(J() 714-~l.50 0.-.'• ~ 17Yrs up G<uf Pttee! Gu•antnd worll F1M est l 13754i02 714-538 1534 7.JgG.2945 '-Y-'•"~ Top Qtlaht)'. Comc>ebhve lnttnor IE at l '648221 Call Jay 949-650-5066 iiiilOW Ciidi iUliii P11111Jn& ........ t. ~Apt Qu1ltt)' jobf FrM amwta Lf569897 7l4-6J&.8888 HOUSE l£PAJNl1NG a WOOD flNISHINC ~~ 9'9-64 7 CREVIER -, . NEW2003 MINI COOPER lfAllD, co &d! i1~,~~ lATntSPllI (Tt41314) ................. OllOAT SllJRSA~ ........• ·•······ LET'S *IT!Wt! rrs~ ******** ....... .......... .. www.Sfecleffl• ... <•· TV Special finance pre appronl 1vto lo1n P'ott em lor people wllo hoe problem credit A premief ncOf'd cll•nc• Auto loen Service (CAL•SCAN) BOATS 9515 'ti 11ft C>vffl.W new double &el ot b1tterles, prof'I m1intained $8,495. Ht-US-MIS 55=~= BOATSSUPS/ (811) 123-9808 ~ ~ STORAGE ~~ ...... °""' «I ,_s .. wll pwy • ¥ll'Y br prb b 'fOAI '* · V8ft or trucll PM! far or not. c.I Od1 Rey @ TOIY'llllllD ,,_, S.S. 7R- UT-193l or n'-D.3228 CASHfoaCM5 WI NHD YCMMl CAI PAID fott CM NOT f'HU9'SAUTO ASK fM MAl.COlM t4t-S74-7777 SELL your stuff through classified! 9680 ~~~~~~~~ tJ n SUP AVAILUll IN NlWPCMtT llACM '$2SOOU.Ul Ht-500-1005 * .... sa.-<:t• Loci ~ llllllnd Cove f'lr"'ate dodl W1C. /Olct. etc 96-922 1177 or 673-19'3 IOAT Sl.s MOW AVM c.I lcr -. IDaltlorl Ind !iet*. wnir and ~ lncb1ld. ...... 75-4147 Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Class If led ad todayl 9 642-5678 PLUG IN -Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot (f,)c;c;if1Pd C ornmun1ty Marketplace PLUMB£R ll506586 Frw Ell! Sm r~ OCTFCU Dile. 7l'-Z35-!llli0 Paiasl PWMllM Repairs ' Remodelin1 FR£E ESTIMATE Ll687398 714-969·1090 SIWll ... a.um (Ht)6U-IH2 MAFEW WODSTO .. FCI YOI 642-5671