HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-02 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot4, 'I, •• • Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2003 kousing Project ..... . ~ . . races against the calendar B:nvironmental studies could mean another $1 million to cost of affordable c;cni or housing. June Casaerande Daily Pilot Nl:WPOlrr RIA(]I -A ... en 111r aITorJ.1hle hou .. 111g proJt'l'I 1 ould to'>I up Ill $I nulhon more 111 worker.,· wages if la'>l· 1111 lltlll' l'flVirOlllTil'lllal '>IUdll'\ fl"'h tlw 111<1llt'r pa't d deadline lo gl'l 1111 ,1 ( Oa\tal ( ornrm'>!.wn .1g1·nda 111 hml' in added costs if work doesn't start by December. But to get all 1he necessary approvals. permits and funrung 10 start work by December. staff mem· ber; say the mauer mus1 make it onto the next Coastal Com· nw;-;ion agenda. ulf we don't make it by June. and gel 11 approved, then the project probably will be sub1ec1 to prevailing-wage law!>," A::.· '>i'>tant City Manager ~haron \o\ood ~td. ... . ... <'•I} \fall have lwen <;tram hhng 10 mo1.e tht• pro1ec l fur \\ .rr<.l lo h1•a1 th1• \late'<, 1111 p1•nd111g pr~vatl111g wage law., 1h.11 \\Ill 'Pell ah11u1 $1 m1lhon rtw Lower Bayview Landing -.eniol' affordable housing proj- ect got bumped from the com- mi .. .,1011\· Apnl agenda af1er en· vironnwnlaliw. d1'>covered that . Lhe '>lie mighl conlain pro· tt'lled wetJand-.. Preliminary env1rnnmen1aJ '>tud1~ djd not PHOTOS BY S£AN HLLER /DAILY PtlOT Henry Segerstrom, right, and Paul Folino, chairman of Emulex. share a laugh at the site of Emulex's new offices. See HOUSING, Paee A4 CITY HALL Redevelopment committee content Di sgrun tied members will abide by process, but plan on post-committee meetingc;. • . Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot · ( 0\ IA \11 ."iA • 1>1 .. gruntled mf'mlwr., of a 1 ommi11ee to 11nproVI' 1 hr Wt•,1 \It.le realiJ.cd la-.t \H't'L thac 1h1ry can work "-lth1n lht• larger group IO gel 11 wi r nmt cm'> rnt·t FYI The Community Redevelopment Action Committee will next meet al 6 p.m. May 22 at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. cum111111ce,. which ha-'> shrunk to J4 member<. from it\ ongmaJ AO. ha'> been meeung ~mce June to create a bluepnnl for the Westside. Standing at home Two of city's biggest businessmen watch walls of Emul ex's headquarters go _up at Home Ranch. S.J. Cahn Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Hard hats perched atop thetr heads. two of the city's leading businessmen stood in the middJe or a dusty construction sjte on Thursday. broad smiles building across their faces. ·That's what's fun to wa1ch, • said I lenry Segerstrom, manag· ing panner of C.J. Segefl\,trom & Sons, as a crdlle slowly lifted a 22-foot·high, SO·ton concre1e wall into the air. As it dangled, Emulex Olair· man Paul Folino put e band on Segerstrom'<; shoulder, a gesrure he would repeat every few min· utes as the duo. dr~ in doi.ely ma1ching pinstriped suits. watched the wall fall into place. Thursday marlc.ed Foljno's I 0th year with the company. Fi111 tht• handful of Commu llll} At'C.lt·H~lop11wnl AL·uon l urrHllllll'l' memht•r-\till wam to met'I alter llw committee {Jresenl<, 11'> linal rt><.·ornmenda· tum to erl'>ure lhcir propo'idh are het"ded. I he redevelopment Ille dtSgruntJL"<i member;, who hdd is.-.ue<. wtlh the facw· 1a1or-led pro<:l'l>.'o las1 month, are now content to work wilh the facilita1or<. to gel thing.s '>uch ai. rezoning the bluffi. to rel>1dential, member Janice Da- vidson .-.aid. Before them arose the reason for their enthusiasm: the first walls of Emulex's new corpora1e headquarten. at I lome Ranch. ·it's a special day." he said. "I can'1 think of a better way to spend it than with Henry at trus site, watching the walls go up." . See HOME, P•ee A4 Workers raise Emulex's first walls Qn Susan Street and South Coast Dnve. See CONTENT, Paae M Plans to serve the whole community MICHAEL BUCl<t£R/DM.Y PILOT Mike Scheafer, a resident of Costa Mesa for 47 years, is ruooing for the City Counc1f seat vacated by Karen Robinson. Mike Scheafer, who has lived on the Westside, in Halecrest and in Mesa Verde, says he can see what Costa Mesa needs. Deirdre Newm.n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Mike Scheaf· er found out he was one of two remaining candidates for the'va· cant City Council seat while luxuriating on a Caribbean auise to celebrate his 30th wed- ding anniversary with wife Sandi. "I was thrilled." Scheafer said "With 26 people. you have to be surprised.• The 47·~ Costa M~ resl· dent, who is still tan and relaxed from his trip. will be considered for the seat along with Eric Bever on Monday. The council is trying to replace former Mayor Karen Robinson, who resigned April 15 to become a Superior Court judge. Scheafer and Eric Bever are the last two of 26 hopefuls who survived the first round of the se- lection process to replace Robin- son. If the council is not suc:ceSs- fuJ In picking someone by May 15, the process will automaucally become a special election. Scheafer grew up on the W~t· side, lived in Halecrest and now resides in Mesa Verde. That has given him one of his strongest a1tributes, he said: the ability to '>eC the big picture as far as Lhe C:llY is concerned. ·Some candidates over the past few elections focused on one particular thing,• Scheafer said. "I see the wider picture of how the neighborhoods can work together. You can improve one area. but you need to do a lot more with the city as a whole.· The walls of his office reOect Scheafer's passion -working with youth through LattJe League baseball. which he helped bring to the city in 1986. He also served on the city's Patb and Re- creauon CommtSSJon until be re- signed under pressure from the city attorney after he wrote a let- ter to the Daily Pilot criticizing the commi.ss>on's plans for a skate part on Oiarle Stteet. "Should I have restgnedf Scheafer 8sk.ed. ·Maybe OOL But u seemed like the right thing to do.· Scheafer has also hem a member ·or the Uoos Oub sillCe Cllase suspect arrested twice ·by 2 agencies THINKING ALLOWED DHP• Bh•r•th OatlyPilot NF.WrORT BEACH -A 36-year-old ~rt Coast resident arrested ~ 11\.er reportedly IMding CalUomia Htat!· W-'Y Patrol ol6cen on a hlgtHpeed chlie WU reaireated \\ledneect.y .ft.er aJleiedl>' ~ to Ile.I 1 ~ the CHP · wanted u eWlence, O«idi.lt Mkl. I CHP Oftken awted ~ Mic:Nel . MancUlo. P~l IPd dUef euadM 11e•1P1CT,,.M Daily Pilot · AT A GLANCE ONllEWEB: ~~COO) WEATHER FORUM FOrmilrMlgl!IY ~~ GuY Hlbeftcllctl1111tt.llCIOnd round ol ....,Ai. The Oudce Clouldend ....... ~ ... ,.... SPORTS CdM's boys' t8"nis uoo.fNtM wtth .12~ wtn over Unlwntty; S..PllpM THAN~S, MOM! Moms do It ... from llCCOUnting to hug&. c... ... your moehtr by Mndng • per11gn1ph ~ why your mom'I eo grMt end• pt-*> to .. Olly Plot for ~°"°"~~ Send• SASE If you_..._ pt\Qtobec* ..... ~ The delcl' .......... fttdlY. llndY'G'lr ...... ~ ... , o.y,~Plat-W.lliflt.. COlll ...... CAml7:•to .-MM1'-•9'm.lto -..1•1mam A loss for Cos~a Mesa LoltteHar,... OaityPiot " ... ... . ,,_,,.., ...•. i A2 Friday, MC1Y 2, 2003 THE HARBOR COLUMN ... Newports boat show has becom.e . one· of the be sf ... , , ,. Ahoy. am hoping catch the calm before thestonn. One of the nice bonuses of being in the boating business is that I am invited to attend boat shows, and throughout the years, I have gone to boat shows across the nation. Thia Is important for thoseofyou hea4lltg off the dock this weekend, as you need to watch out for the building sea MIKE conditions and r With that being WHITEHEAD gusty winds. In last week's FU PHOTO /DAILY Pfl.OT Fiberglass yachts can be seen from the wooden pilothouse of a 1929 Fellows & Stewart cruiser at last year's boat show. said, I have to admit that the Newport Boat Show is getting better every year and evolVing into one of the best shows I have seen in the nation The show has already captured NBest on the West.~ I think that the Newport Dunes is the perfect setting for a boat show, with ample on-land display area. a huge tent and a well-protected lagoon for the maz.e of temporary docks accommodating the boats. Virtual boats What amazes me is how 8ome of the larger yachts can fit underneath the Paci.fie Coast Highway bridge to reach the Dunes. The bridge is the reason why there are not many sailboats on display. At the show, you are welcome to actually walk through the boats ranging from Duffy's Electric Boats to mega-yachts under 100 feet in length. June Casaerande Daily Pilot S ure, you could go to the 30th Newport In-Water Boat Show, checlc out the Horizon 92 Motor Yacht, the Johnson 87 Raised Pilot House or the McKinna 65. But unJess you're prepared to purchase one of these top-of-the-luxury cruisers, the day could turn into quite a tease. After all, you can't talce them all home and if you're like most people. you can't even afford the Daytona 36 Eliminator speedboat, much less the Ocean Alexander 860 Cockpit Motor YachL But now there's a way to talce in some of the boat show without carrying your credit card within striking distance of a yacht salesman. This year, show presenters have WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dailypilot@.IBtimes.com. SAILING CLASSES Orange Coast Coll4tfl8 is off9'ing new cntdit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. -sailing Fucination offers da~in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orange County employers can bring their employees out to Newport Beac:ti on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a c:tiance for groups to work with the on-board instructor on different sailing techniques ) while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. ' Those unable to take in all of the 30th annual Newport In-Water Boat Show can check out a live Web cam parked a Web cam•near on e of the boat show docks. From the safety of a home computer, boat-buyer wannabes can check out some of the action www.goboating · america.comlboatshowslnewport2k31. Ult's the first year we've done this - gotten a live Web cam up and running on the Web site," said Duncan Macintosh, one of the organizers of the annual show. BOAT RENTALS With Marina WatetSports at the S.lboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells In a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasail flight aloog the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all elect.ric bOat rentals. S.lboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit-organizations-8Ad1JroUfHMJtings. The hunt packages include boats. trivia questions. maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673· 7200. Et.ctric: boat rem.ls.,. .vailtlble by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beac:ti. All boats are equipped with' window enciosu~nd CD playe rs. Ice and cups are providea.- Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 645--6812. FYI \ •WHAT: Th&JOth annual Newport l~ater Boat Show continues through Sunday •WHEN: Hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. today; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday • WHERE: Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort, 1131 Back Bay Drive, Newport Beac:ti •COST: $10; c:tiildren 12 and younger get in free • INFORMATION: (949) 729-3863 But the at-home alternative has hardJy talcen a bite out of the show: This year's is the largest show ever with more than 400 boats from all over North America descended on Newport Dunes. "Jt"s an attractive location and a great way to spend a day." Macintosh said. P9dal boats, 9'ectric boats, boogie bo•rds, kayaks, inflatable rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent ·at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondol• tours ere offered by th• Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212. Gondola Adventures/Newport. 3101 W. Coast High.,..ay, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and c:tiampagne is $180. Pickup is avatlable at waterfront restaurants. (949) 675-4984. Local yacht broker J.R Means of Baypor;t Yachts is pleased with the show and will debut a new design class. (;arver Yachts has released the new Marquis Class with an impressive 59-footer at the show. The Marquis is a 30-knot yacht with Italian styling, though it is built in America. I asked Means about the show. NBayport is off to a good start in the show ~d confident that we will have a very successful show,~ he said. The show not only ~ about 600 boats, but also hundreds of display booths on land with anything you need for your boat or your marine-related desires. The last day for the show is Sunday. You can get information onllne and see the live Web cam at www.goboalingamerlca. oom. I will not be at the boat show today. A little after sunrise, while you are sipping your morning CRUISES ____ _._--=co=· ~=ee=-=an=d=-c~ _ Electric Boat Tours of'htrs two-hour cruises column, I will be arriving in of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). Ensenada, Mexico. I had Round-trip hotel or off-the-water planned this Saturday to restaurant shuttle service Is available. deliver a yacht back to Pick-up from restaurants with dod<s is also Newport Harbor from available. Chartered and catered tours. r Eosenada. but there ls a (949) 291-1953 or storm system moving www.wsttsonthehsrbor.com. through Southern c.alifomia The Newport Landing a.le ii llvallal¥ for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost is $600 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. tb1s weekend. So.. after studying the approaching weather system. I decided to moYe the trip up a day. I column, I mentioned how a low-pressure system can affect the seas off our coast and what boaters can expect in the ocean. Also. I mentioned the swell patterns coming from Point Conception to our north and, in addition, how the OWlnel Islands help to shelter our coastline. Might help Shelter in case of a tsunami. too. However, when you read the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather reports, you will notice that San Mateo Point is the dividing line between our inner waters pred1ctioos and San Diego's inner waters pred1ctions. San Mateo Point is close to the San Onofre Power Plants, and the point is below the protection of the Olannel Islands. So while you are trying to interpret the weather reports, keep in mind where you will cruise and how the weather is in neazby areas. This is important. as we may experience westerly swells, but there might be building southerly seas off San Diego that will arrive here in hours. So I moved up my trip becaus~ the system is expected Friday evening. creating 6-foot seas from San Mateo Point to Ensenada and 4-to-6-foot seas off our coast for Saturday with a chance of thunderstorms. Will I beat the storm system by leaving early Friday morning and run in the calm before the storm? I will let you know next week if I came back by boat or train. I am glad that my weather predictions were accurate for last weekend's Tummy Bahama Newport to Ensenada Race, and that the race was another record brealcer. Roy E. Disney must have read my weather prediction. as be regained his ovem.11 title that he wasn to last year. Safe voyage.a. • ..cf WKTEHEAD It the Pilaf. boating and hal'bof columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts end story ~ion1 by e-mail to MllceOBoathouse TY.com or visit Boattiou.61Y.com. ·' Daily A Pilot Col1ll Wlhon News assistant, (9491 574-4298 coral.wils0ntllatimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news storlea, illuatratlons, editorial matter or ed11ertlsements herein ~n be reproduced without written permluion of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, N0.122 TitOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher . TONY DOO£RO Editor Jvr:N OElTING Advertising Director LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director Newt E'ditot's Gina Alexender, Lori Anderson, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saltowitl, Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime ~co~rter, (949) 574-4228 d#pll.blut,..thO/at/,,,..,com .lune c-:r-• ~rt Be f9.,orter. (949) 574-4232 }IJ~an<#Olatl,,,_oom ,...Clritoft ftollCa. ~ tnd environment ~. (IM8) 7&M330 .p.utdlrtton•tatlme-.com .......... Cofumn1'\, cultu,. re.poNr, (IM8tl7"""275 lolita.,,.,,,.,•lllfi,,.,...oom DelldN--.... <:peta Me9e rtp0tter, <Ml 57iMU1 t:#lnh.~tl,.,,,,_,oom a....c..-. • Educetiott repottlr, fM) PMm ~wnWo•,.,_,oom Sean Hiiier, Don Leadl, Kent Treptow READE.RS HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. Addl'9A Our eddrasa i1 330 W. Bav St., Com MeA, CA 92627. omce hours ire Monday -Friday, 8190 a.m. -6 p.m. ConecdoM It Is the Pilot'• policy to promptly correct 111 8n'Ot"I of 1Ubstance. Please Qll (949) 764-4324. FV1 The Newport~ M ... Otily Pilot (USPS-144-800) la publi.hed dllly. In Newport 8elldl ..... end eo.t. ~ *'bteriptlone.,.. ~only by *'becrfbfng to The Tim. Orenge County (IOO) 252-8141. In ertN o\ll9fda of NMpol't Beed'I tnd COet.a Me98, eublcriptlona to the Oalfv Pifot..,. ~onty byhoi..meMtor ao,,., month. 1P11cea lf'lclucte .. , ~-•ndlocaltDea.) POITMAST£A: Send eddl'9ll ~'°The NMpoft 9NcM:Olta M9N Deity PlloC. P.O. HOW lO REACH US ~ The Tlme. Orange County (800) 252·9141 ~tlllnt , a1111fted (!M9) 642-5678 o....v (949) 842"4321 EdtecNtel Newa (9'8) IS42-5e80 ( ~(949)57 ...... 223 Newa fa (949) &tM170 ..... ,.. (949) 860-0170 E-f'Mlt dall'(Pllot•latlff'W.oom MllMOMee ..... Ill Ollot (t48) 842-4321 •r.rA-,_ (941) 831-7121 Pubtllhed by Ttmee Community Newt. t dlvl9k>n of IN LOI Angelee Tlmea. Cl2003 Tlmee CN. Ml r'lg'*! reMIWd. f ... WEATHER FORECAST The day will be pertly ctouctv earty, bot will prog,....,vely get cloudier and, by late afternoon, ft should start reining. Hight will hover above the mkMICM, and lows will hang around 50. It'll continue to rain on Saturd.y, bot It lhoutd die down throughout the dey. By ntght, It should be over untlt the next llOnn •nivea. lnfonMdoft: WWW."""8.nOM.(1'1'11 BOATING FORECAST Thi IOUtheMllN1y wtndl wll blow 1510 20 bMJCa In the Inner wmr.•demoon. with Mooe W.W. end.~ ..-o1afMI. Tht..-w11 buld to lbcMlt ......... . Out ........ ~ ...... "to 21 llnotl. .... z,. to 4.foot---•. .......... ofltolllll EJllPICll ........... .. ·-.... .-, ..... SURF The IOUthwest swell will present aome chest-to lhoulder-<hlghe today, making It a good one to get out thefe. But doing eo aooner than llter would be wiM In that the r8fn should antve late this afternoon. Thi ~swellwill contlnut proYlding todly, : :; though niln ahould condnue to • -.,, fall tNa moming, ao we won't ' ~ 8"fov"h molt hMlthfut of • ",.I condtdonl. , ~ --queley: ; ~ WWW.IClrfrldM.org TIDES ,..... 4*a.m. 11:031.m. ~p.m. 10:12p.m. Hallht ..0.1tfMtlow U8fMthWt t71fM&hlgh . • '-•Mlhllt' : ~ WATER TEllPDATIME : • ' D~Pilot Friday, May 2, 2003 A3 BEST BUYS Find out Nicki s Secret sooner than later A going out of b uslneM at 453 sale st.arts Saturday at Newport , Nlckl'a Secret. It doses Center Drive. Jllb' 31. Prices are substantially At 6 p.m. reduced. It specializes in Wednesday. consigned, high-end women's May 21, the apparel, handbags, shoes and students are accessories, but it bas som~ hosting the men's apparel and shoes. too. fourth annual ~signers av-dilable include ~A Taste of " &cada, Giorgio Arman!, St John, Newport Vei"sace, Oianel and VaJentlno. GREER \1iarbor High M~y Items have never been WYLDER ' School" at worn and some still have price ' Evening of tags. Also a selection of fine the Arts. Tastings can be jewelry and a large inventory of purchased at the school anchor hifi quality costume jewelry for SI to $2. Newport Harbor with genuine jade, malachite, 1 ligh School al 600 Irvine Ave. amber, turquoise, lapis lazuli and grained marble gemstones. Open from 11 am. to 5:30 p.rn. Monday to Saturday. 177 Riverside Ave., Suite G, Newport Beach. (949) 574-0099. A PERFECT TASTE Newport Harbor HJgWa great Culinary Afta.Aaademy has !WO upcoming events for the program. Roy's of Newport Beach will host a fund-raising dinner for the academy on l\Jesday. Reception begins at 6 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. The cost is SSO per person and includes reception coclctaiJ, passed appetizers and three-course dinner with wine. tax and gratuity. Roy's donatel> $30 of every ticket to the academy and gives the attendees a $100 dinner for JU'>t $100 per person. For mformation and re~rval1ons. contact Hennie Sondel at (949) 548·4044. Roy'i. Fashion Ii.land 1s BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCTA will host light rail open house The Orange County Transpor· tation Authority wiJI hoM an open house in Costa Mesa on Tuesday to provide the public with information and to answer questions on the CenterLine light rail project. The public open hou~ are part of a process called prelimi- nary engineering for the planned 11.4-mile Centerline project that will run from downtown Sama Ana through the South Coast Plaza area to John Wayne Airport and ends at UC Irvine. The preliminary engjneeril)g phase of Centerline provides in- formation for route aJigoment, station locations and types of ve- hicle technology. and developi. a strong. detailed financial plan for • .... • I I ~ " ' II •I ') I" "· I I I I) 'I I I I ' GlASSYART Sou th Coast Art Gallery h01>b a show from 6 10 9 p.m. Saturday for its new one-of-a-lcind signed glass art, as well as new paintings by Mark Jacobuci and new worlcs by Mark Watpin. "We have also just acquired contemporary figurative works by Latin American artist Vladimir Corn." owner Fran Williams said. "We wouJd like to invite everyone to help u~ celebrate our third year at 344 1 ·B Via Lido. Newport Bcat:h, ~ well as to view our newly acquired worlcl> of art." Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday 10 rriday; and from 10 a.m. 10 8 p.m. Sarurday: (949) 673-0771 . EAT WELL, AGE WELL If you're obsessed with agmg. you can a11end an anti·agmg coolo.ng demonMr..iuun .md cookbook signing of "Stop the CJot:k.! C .ook.ing" at Macy's Sou th the pro1ec1 Residentl> and busine<>s people can attend the open hou~ at tht.' I ILhon I lotel, 3050 Bri'>tol St. an Co~la Me..a, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuel>day. Parlcing co!>tl> will be validated at the hotel. 8269:r:..- 1 ITmll.EISE special prices. On May IO will be the Balboa Island Art Walle. On May 11 . Mother's Day, there will be a drawing for grand prize winner. Open from I 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. 307 Marine A,ve .. Balboa Island. (949) 566-9173. BIG APPL£ JEWELRY Blackman Ltd. Jewelers has a C.O.t Plaa Home Store at 2 p.m. Saturday. Author and registered dietitian Clmyl Forberg believes that eating the right foods can help lessen the effects of aging. Her book has 110 recipes and Is a guidl!on antioxidant rich foods. Forberg will sign copies after the coolclng demonstration. Books can be purchased at the event for $17.95.111e Cellar, Level One. (714) 708-3333. ., special vie-.ytng through Sarurday of Jean Vitau creations for Gemloclc. Vitau, a French jeweler. moved to New York 33 years ago and helped create the setting trademarked as Gernloclc. ·me collection includ~ DIVE FOR PEARLS Plack Peart Gallery. a chain of Hawaiian fine jewdry o,tores, has a new location on Balboa Island in the renovated Jubilee Plaza. far the past 20 years, it'<; speciali.?ed in rare and exotic rainbow-colored Tahjuan black pearls '>Ct in onginaJ de<>igns. Owners Don and Mary Kelly attend pearl auctions twice a year in Tahiti to hand-'>Clect each pearl. Pearls are set in la·lcarat and 14-k.arat diamonds and platinum jewelry. The grand opening wiU be celebrated through May 11 wi1h daiJy events, pnze drawing., and '>pccial price' on all lahitian pearl jewelry. From I 0 a.rn. to 2 _p.m . today through Sunday. there will be a honk signing by "Path of the Pearl" author M.iry 01 .. en Kelly. On 'i<11urday. there~ a waffle la'>Ling at 11 a.m. From May 6 10 !:I. thert.• will be continued "Diving for f't·arl'>" No tndlll·r wh.11 yo J rt· d01'ly your hometowr n1wspop(-r ~ Daily Pilot necklaces. bracelets. ringl> and earring in 16-k.arat yellow, while and platinum settingi. with diamonds and color gem'>tone'> The fashion-oriented Jean Vitau collection was inspired by the beauty of nature. Umque pin-. include dragonflies, be~. tlowers and animaJs. Blaclcman\ aJso has gifts for Mother\ and klther's days. graduation~ and weddings. Hand-engravm~ offered on premise-.. Open from 9:30 a.m. Lo 5:30 p.m . I ucc;tlay lo Saturday. 3408 Via Opono. Newport Beach. (949) 673 !:I.I ~4 •BEST BUYS appears Mondays and Fridays. Send information to Greer Wylder at greerwylder a yahoo com, at 330 W Bay St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627. or by fax at (9491646-4170. Nt w Jhipmt nts of Accessories for yQur Home Including Lamps and Shades With custom op1ion1 at-•ailablt Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street 113, Costa Mesa • 1949) 646-6745 (Aero:>)) from Ralph') DON'T MISS THE FUN! N N N N ll -SAllJRDAY, Ml(( 10TH 9AM-5PM SOUTH BAYFRQNT, BALBOA ISLAND · ART, MUSIC, SUN & FUN FREE ADMISSION More info 0 www balboalsland com • NNroRTB ot YA<Ht Otn "'"DM'I'''" -·-···· ....... .... "" .. - I . • • . I ' M Friday, May 2, 2003 If \\ant ) our I _o,t ' t o l ' I, I 11 '. l' ' 1 n l l ' 11 t I ~ a l' I, · _, PUBLIC SAFETY !Kl: Many investors.have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable · investments or unsound advice fin: 56% of all stock loss claims are won by investors <NASO) "ltH 1,I t l""I \\\\ 11\.< tl \I _,... . , "'1 •11 L \JI) .Let Us Make Quality Prints from Your Digital Camera The Easy Way! Simply bring ~s your media card or visit us online at www.calscarneras.com BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Fi.re sparks $1,000 in damage at yaeht club A slngle-alann Ore at New- port Harl>or Yacht ~ Thursday afternoon caused about $1,000 ln structural damage. Newport Beach File o1Bcials said. Firefighters responded to the call at about nooo at the yacht dub ln the 700 block or West Bay Avenue and found that a fire had begun lo an in- terior wall ~d mended up the side of the building. said Donna Boston, public infor- madon officer for the Fire De- pa.rtmenlt She said the fire originated after maintenance wort re- quired by the Fire Depart- ment was perfonned on some copper pipes. The 6re was put out in about 20 min- utes, Boston said. The yacht club was put on ~-h~ur 6re watch" on Wedn¥8Y after a routine in- HOME Continued from Al The road to this day had, at times, been as rougti as the hard- paclced dirt the two strode across ln their polished dress shoes. It took nearly two decades for a development to rise from the lima bean 6eJds of Home Ranch. There were three different proj· ects. including designs for higb- rise buildings.. There was a failed · referendum. And fin.ally, this. Along with Emulex's 180,000 square feet of office space, the Home Ranch development at Susan Street and South Coast Drive includes an Licea furniture store -which loomed, partially painted, ln the distance -other industrial buildings and 192 home¥ Segerstrom, who has watched many walls rise as he helped de- velop large swaths of Costa Mesa. from South Coast P1aza to the Orange Colinty Performing Arts Center, said seeing the first moments of work never grows old. "This Is wonderful," he said What : 24 Hour Team Walking Event Daily Pilot When : Friday, May 2 -Saturday, May 3, 2003 6:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. .J Where: Newport Harbor High School Relay for Life Team 330 W. Bay St. Why: Because you get a really cool Daily Pilot T-shirt and help raise money and have lots of fun as we unite in the fig ht against cancer. speaion by--Fire Prevention officials ftM!8led that the building neither had a water supply nor a Fire Oepartment connection. she said The dub complied and was lo the process of reconnecting the water supply when a plumber doing the job noticed signs or a fire and called the Fire De- partment. Bpston said. She .said the plumber's prompt actiop helped limit the damage to the club. Sewage spill closes Crow's Nest Marina The Orange County Health Care Agency closed a section 9£ Newport Harbor on Thursday after raw sew- age leaked Into the water. The Crow's Nest Marina section or the harbor was dosed down to swimmers and divers. The agency an- nounced the closure at 5 p.m. The area will remain closed until bacteria levels in the water return to ac- ceptable levels. while surveying the land. HThis is what community development and flOWth is all about H It is also. for the Segerstrom family, an end to growth. Wjth the Home Ranch development. essentially all of their land is now developed. But Segerstrom seemed littJe inclined to begrudge any notion or the past being lost "I t.hinlc at the end or the line, so to speak. they are exceUent land uses." he said, stressing the prestige of having Emulex & a tenant and its importance for the economic health or Costa Mesa. Emulex is planning an Octo· ber or November move into its new home, Folino said. "'Illis will be the Emulex for the next several decades. ft he said. Having checked out their fu- ture together, Folino and Seger- strom thea went ahead with a quid lunch or salmon and salad, laid out under a white canopy on the construction site. • S...I. CAHN is the managing editor He can be reached at (949) 574-4233 or bv &-mail at s.j.cahn@latima.com. Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 I Attn: Promotions Dept. .._ ____ ~--------~~----~----~------~~--~~---' Fill out the registration form and dip it out. Mail it to: Daily Pilot, Relay fo r Life team (see above for add.re~). Or drop it by our offices between 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Monday -. Friday. For more information, contact Lolita Harper, Dally Pilot Team Captain at (949) 574-4275 or e-mail: lollta.hwper@latimes.com ~-------------------------------------~----~· IEGISllATIOll FOU 1 YESI I wmt to ,.11dpat1 ii tile Dlly Pitt I., t. Lifer-. Pleese •ted •., 0 ..... 0 ..... I I ...W .. ft .... I ....... ef $ , .... ..., te fetll A•Ull $ _____ _ ......... c.. Sedety). ,. ....... Is.,; 0 c..11 0 <I.ck ... dttcts piyilil. to AMbn ~ saty ,._. .... my: 0 VISA 0 llC 0 AMII 0 DISc I ,,. ' HOUSING Continued from Al · Include any lnformadon that wetlands existed there. · "There are three areas that look as though they may qwillfy as wetlands that may be pro- tected under the coastal act," said Jan Vandersloot, the New- port environmentalist who dis- covered wetlands plant life at the site and called It to the attention or city officials. After Vandersloot said that he observe'a willows, ~t marsh bit- I Uotrope, alkali heath and other~ wetlands plants at the site, .the Coastal Commission postponed voting on the project to conduct, further environmental studies. : lf It is detennlned that the sJte1 contains wetlands, planners could wark around protected ar-I eas, perhaps Incorporating them. Into a pft already planned at l the site. I The project will help the city1 meet state requirements for pro-l vldlng affordable housing by ere·: ating 150 apartments for low-; 8hd moderate-income senJors• near the Intersection or Jambo-l ~ Road and Back Bay Drive.. : .....,.. __ __: __________________________________ ~: CONTENT Continued from Al But they don't want their hard work. to experience the same for- saken fate as the Westside Spe- cific Plan, which city officials abandoned two years ago after two years of community invest- ment, Davidson said. HEverybody would like us lo keep a finger on the pol and just see nothing happens to it,· Da- vidson said. "The laat one got tossed in the crash.· The Redevelopment Agency - the City Council wearing another hat -created the Community Reqevelopment Action Commit- tee in January 2002. The goal was to engage competing factions or the community to find common ground for the furure or the neighborhood. In February. the committee created a tentative vision state · ment for the Westside. with de· scriptors such as physicaJJy at- tractive. safe, socially vibrant, economicaJJy desirable and ac· ct:Mible. Al its March meeting. SUSPECT Conbnued from Al of Oear World Communications Corp. in Santa Ana. after he drove through the toll plaza at Newport Coast Drive at about 4 p.m. Tues- day. CHP Officer Paul Pines said Mancuso's silver Porsche lacked license plates and a visible transponder, he said. "I le clid nol stop and was go- ing at a very high speed.· Pines said. Mancuso ran four red lights. driving 120 to 130 mph, he said. Mancuso lost control of the car at the intersection of San Joaquin Hills Road and Newport Coast Drive. "missing a loaded school b~ by 6 inches." Pines said. ·All witnesse<, we talked to heard him before they saw him, h Pines said. "He had a twin turbo on the car and uner clisregard for his own safety and the safety of the public." Pines said he and other officers watched as cross traffic came lo a screechlng halt as other drivers spotted Mancuso speeding down the street. "At one time, he made a left tum from the right side curb." he said. "Went right across the lanes.ft CHP officers lost Mancuso for a while, but found him after a se- curity guard outside Mancuso's gated community on Via Dia- mante identified him. "The guard s8id he had a videotape of !Mancuso) going through the gate,· Pines said. CHP officers arrested him Tues- day evening on suspicion or redc· OBITUARY Cllarles V. Ecc lestone Jr. Services for 40-year Newport Beach resident Otarles V. Eccles- tone Jr. will be held at l p.m. May 21 at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Oturch. 600 St. Andrews Road, NeWport Beach. Mr. P.cclestone died April 18 after a brief iqness. • I the committee began devising' action statements to achieve• these attributes. Last week. the committee members came to conclusions on a few issues, but did not com· plete the entire process. They are expected to finish in one to two months. One of the smaller group's memt>ers, PauJ Bunney. has grown discouraged with the long process. "I'm one of those people who' keeps pushing to get things mov- . ing and accomplished." Bunney• said. "I'm real frustrated with how long it's ta1ting and how we' don't get council support for something like the 19th Srreet bridge." Terri Breer said that at first , she thought the problem was the commJrtee's large size. Now she is hopeful about the larger com · mittee's ability to reach consen· SUS. "I just felt that as we were hon- ing in on our vision, that we were finding are& of consensus and that we were basically mOVJng things closer to finaJi7Jng a vi- sion," Breer ..aid. less driving and felony evading. - But Mancw,o made the $25.000 bail at about 6:15 a.m .. Wednesday morning. Newport: Beach Police Sgt. Steve Shulmarl' said. Less than two hours after ha got out or Orange County jail~ Mancuso walked up to the secu-' rity guard and said he wanted th~ videotape from the previous day~ Shulman said. : "The guard refused to give hin~ the tape.· Shulman sald. HSo h~ walked into the j,'Uard shack. too~· a tape he believed was the video tape he wanted. left $500 on th counter and walked out ft The guard caJJed the !Newport Beachl Police immediately, h sald. "We took the tape from him arrested him and aJo;o took th $500 he tned to give the 'ieCUri guard. -Shulman sald. Newport Beach Polke ~t Mancuso on. suspicion of com rnercial burglary and offering bribe to get the tape. which to be used as evidence in th Cl IP'i. case against lum. "We believe he look the ta either to destroy ii or lo preven the CllP Crom getting it." Shut man said. He said Mancuso was trans ported from Newport Beach ct jail to Orange County jail after arrest Wednesday morning, bu he made the $10.000 bail an was out by 10:45 a.m. Wedo day. Pines said Mancuso had the wrong tape from the shad anyway. "Newport Beach has that as evidence for their case." said. "We bave the tape we looldng for." He was 93. He is survived by Marian; four children; six grand children; and three great-grand children. •The Dally Pilot welcome• obituaries for residents or fonnet i residents of Cotta Mesa and Newport Beac:tt. If you want to hav an obituary printed In t he Pilot. aek your mortuary to fax us the lnfonnatlon et (949) 646-4170 or ca the newsroom et (949) 764-4324. t . Diiiy Pilot ·~ Sharing faith over Interfaith breakfast f · Hundreds attend the sixth National Day of Prayer breakfast. Lollt• Huper Daily Pilot CORONA OE.L MAR _: As the sun· made its ascent Thursday morning, local reli· gious leaders and parishion- ers gathered to give praise to the higher power that made its climb possible and refiect on the many other blessin&' Americans have. People from more than 18 area congregations gathered Thursday for breakfast to tee· ogniz.e the National Day of Prayer, in which the theme uHow America Prays" was ex- plored. For Its sixth year run- ning. the prayer breakfast was hosted by the Newpon Mesa ln(erfaith Council Hundreds of people paded into the hall at St. Mi· chae1 & All Angels Church to hear guest speaker George Saint-Laurent discuss prayer in out modem and often hur· ried society. Saint-Laurent. who re· ceived his doctorate in sacred theology and has taught comparative religion for 26 years, gave an address on how Americans must cope with the fast-paced world of change around them while remembering their spiritual· lty. While the annual ·series has proved wildly successful - last years event was standing room only because of many last-minute attendees - many left the breakfast with the feeling that a piruuicle had been reached. Jim de Boom. executive di· rector of the Newpon Mesa intedaith Council, said he thought the address by Saint· Laurent was a crowning achievement. He gave the overall breakfast a rave re· view. "We had a good turnout. a great speaker. It was probably one of the best of the six years that we've done it.• de Boom said The event was a mix of various faiths and denomina- tions. with a wide cross sam- ple of the area's religious lead· ers: Rabbi Marte Miller of Temple Bat Yahrn in Newpon Beach; Dennis Shon. council president of Harbor Olristian Church; Rev. Karen Stoyanoff of Orange C.oast Unitarian UnJversallst; and Lane Calvert of the Bahais of Costa Mesa. UThe environment of this morning's breakfast was, as usual, permeated by a spirit of goodwill mutual respect, a desire to build bridges and understand one another," Miller said. uoften. religions oQsc:ure, rather than reveal God and it was a blessing to transcend denominational lines in our common rever· ence and love for the God of humankind." ot1i:l ~ ustom Hom~ Loans ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees!! Lot cost included. ·Construction loans as low as prime. fixed for up to 12 months. ·Low rates for purchase, re·fi & no cost equity lines. ' "" rm 1 u'i 1 ' lf\J 949·252-8200 ·Ground up, rehab & remodel · Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs. IS Yea,.. in Orange County. THE LENDING GROUP. 38'8 Cempus Dr#210. Newport Beach CA 92660 • Semi-Private for M41n & Womflfl • Lota of'Equipment/f rM Weights • Prival9 Pilol91 Studio • SPINNING Theater· lic•nM<f • 16 Full Tim• Peraonal Tra iners •Child Cor• Sam· noon M • F • Ampl• & Convenl•nl Parking • Yogo, Toi Chi, Stretch clou•• • s..p, Power Pump, Cordlo , t • Show.ta, S..Om & To...11 ..... Upl>oySpo e Shcipe•yP /V.Vf!NMN,./Milt I 189 PLANS Continued from Al 1985, following in the footsteps o( bis father. Scheafor has been president three times and has been a district governor oversee- ing 60 of the clubs. The Costa Mesa club has formed the uLeo division" at &itanda High School to inspire younger members to participate in community serv· Ice. "I believe in community serv· Ice to the Nth degree," Scheafer said. 'I believe one of the thin&' our society has lost is commu- nity service.· While he ran for the council in 1994, he said, he didn't run last ALLOWED Continued from Al professional promotion. I put a call into Mancini as soon as I heard she Wc1S leaving. She is usually really good about getting back to me, even if it takes up the last five minutes of her day. I never received a call bad. which disturbs me. I remember desperately needing to talk to her about the po6&bllity of a skateboard park. and just before I had resigned myself to having to write the story without her, my phone rang. fall because be WU world.ng 50 bard to get the Flsh Pry back on ita feet alter legal problems side- lined it foi a few years. Owing the ftrst selection round on April 21, Councilman Gary • Moriahan . nominated Scheafer. He touted Scheafer's middle-of-the-road ph.Uoeophy. MQ\Ute frankly, his political ideology is on neither side of the fence,· Monahan said. MHe cares about the whole dty, and that's what you're looking for ... MIKE SCHEAFER AGE.:49 foAMLY: Wife Sandi; three ION; one daughtef'oin-faw; two grandd'llktren EDUCA110N: Bac:hefor'1 In political ldence from CaJ Sate Fullerton In 1977 ~SERVICE: Lions Club member since 1985; L..ittie League since 1986 CONTACT: (714) 435-0300; mllcet/lmllceldleafer.com MIKE SCHEAFER ON: Fndly, May 2, 2003 M l hu come out 9nd. not hevtng teen It. I'm .tw.ys going to look It things to ... how thev m9ke MnM or how ttW( benefit the city, If I ... lliomethlng thet"1 a big benefit ... wh<He. t'd ....UV lb to ... whit that coneultlng fhm hadto..,Y. DEAUHG WITH THE STATE BUDGET CRISIS: "Obvl0ti1ly, I thfnk th• city needs to be fiscally 10tind end I think we have to look et things that are not going to relM teXes. Of course, economically. that's always a struggle. I think we need to Jeke a look et making Scheafer said the slcills he would bring to the coµncil in· elude being a good listener and being open-minded. MI envis1on µlyself as a tea,m ·player/ Scheafer"said. "My back· ground in baseball has to do with that" , sure that the things thet ere POTENT1AL ADOfT10N TO THE contributing to the city continue DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT to contribute and heve 1 good ZONE b1l1ns:e of what we get from ·1 would like to see the reP?rt the1 · housing and buaineH ... to roake sure your story had dty, but also very happy ·that she everything it needed I would have has a chance to realize her gotten back to you sooner, but professional goals. there were a dozen ~ I "She brought something to needed to get done first Costa Mesa that created She could have shined me off community and that we will and cal1ed me bad the next day forever be grateful for.· Cowan -or never -shaving a good 20 said "We have some big shoes to minutes from her work day, but fill.· she didn't She effectively Cowan. who has known conveyed to me that her job at Mancini even since before her City Hall was her priority, but she stint at the city, said the recreation also understood the responsibility manager had no plans to leave of getting information to the anytime soon, as she had only community through the local been on board for a few years. The newspaper. city manager of fl Segundo (Not uncommon at Costa Mesa aggressively sought out Mancini City Hall. I might add} When faced with such an offer, Now, I am not disturbed she simply couldn't say no. because I think she is ignoring me. ''When someone calls you and I am disturbed because I fear · tells you that you are the one and Mancini. aJways graciously only, that is pretty ha(d to ignore,· humble. does not see her Cowan said is going to be-a tremendous lo6s to the city of Costa Mesa and to the people both young and old· Dixon said Doom credited Manaru with promoting a skate park. expanding summeJ programs. including teen programs. and fashioning family sleepcmr nigttts. •She has been an absolute ... wha(s a good word to desaibe her vision? Genius!" Dixon said "She is just outstanding. I can~ tell you how many people are gotng to be brokenhearted. .. I remember her telling me how busy she was and apologizing for getting to me so late in the day. I understood. I said. and was ju.st happy to have her voice in the story. . resignation as an ism.le of Former mayor Linda Dixon Councilman Chris St.eel also praised Mancini, although l caught wind of this secondhand because he is still not speaking to me. Paul Ointon, the Pilot's business reporter, said St.eel went on about Mancini's conoibutions to the city and urged that a story be written. What she said next spoke volumes about the type of civil servant she was. I can~ quote directly. but It was along these lines: I know huw unportant this issue is to the community and I wanted . importance. echoed Cowan's sentiments, Quite the contrary. adding that Jt.iancini not only Mancini's contributions to the brought synergy to the city. but a city were highly praised by each vision that bolstered the city's local leader I spoke with Thursday. reputation for the arts. Councilwoman Libby Cowan uunless someone steps up to said she ~ exrremeJy saddened the plate and carries on the vision that Mancini will be leaving tl'le and tenacity in that department. it Don't need lo lell me twJCe. • LOUTA HARPER wntes columns Mondays, 'Nednesdavs and Fndays and covers culture and the arts She may be reached at 19491 574-4275 or by e-mail at loltta.harper "g;/atlmes.com. BOATING SEASON II BERi! THE ••ALL NEW"• 2004 RX 330 Now Available RON HERMAN • MISS SIXTY • JIMMY CHOO D&G DOLCE & GABBANA • TRAFFIC • TOD'S DIESEL • PUMA • CLUB MONACO • GUESS DKNY • EMPORIO ARMANI • HUGO HUGO BOSS ROXY • TSE • LAUNDRY BY SHELLI SEGAL OILILY • POLO RALPH LAUREN • J . CREW CHARLES DAVID • AGN~S B. • L.A. EYEWORKS PARTIAL LJSTING QualitY. i1 SAN oaeao FWY (•O&) AT BRISTOL ST., COSTA MESA 800.182 .8888 WWW.80UTHOOAllTPLAZA.OOM --------- --. I . .. J M Friday, May 2, 2003 Daily Piiot • FORUM ' . ... ... ' . . . . . HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -L..u.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RHden Hotline: Call (94S) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (94S) ~170 • • E-mml:Send to dai/ypilot@latimes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, t)ometown.and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length.: . . . ~ MAILBAG Newport is reacting smartly to Fourth of July parties ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL No. 11lis is no overreactiob ,[by Newport Beach to Fourth of July activities]. I am a longtime resident of Costa Mesa. I wish this city would get the ~e message. The entire city is put at risk annually for. the goal of Comfortably in the driver S seat "making a few extra bucks. Costa Mesa is known for putting the quality ofUve of its citizens second to generating revenue. I am proud that Newport Beach stepped forward. This is very future looking. JOANNE A. CURREY Costa Mesa Who ever said journalists are pushovers? Joseph N. Bell, please be assured that the liberal press Is alive and well (uJournalists shouldn't be pushovers," Thursday). Thousands of leftist reporters, newscasters, anchormen, wire services, newspapers and majority of publications are continuously promoting the ideals of socialism, some of which include redistribution of wealth, secularism and the dumbing down of Americans. Ln addition, you have the tens of thousands of voices in education that have tried to · destroy free enterpr_ise and discredit most everything our country stands for. This huge bod y has aJways risen to the occasion when it feels threatened by another point of view. The typicaJ approach is that there is a threat to our constitutionally granted freedoms caused by a tyrantJike, in your opinion, the Bush administration. Others h ave included such fears as establishment of a state religion, starvation of school children, censorship of the arts and, the all-time favorite, suppression of free speech, which is Lruly incredible, because you cannot stand the tiny amount of conservative opinion that a miniscuJe segment of the media has voiced. Be assured that the majority of Lhe media will dQ everything possible to destroy this threat and give its wholehearted support to th e defeat of President Bush and su ch eviJ doers as Secretary of Defense DonaJd Rumsfeld. If you're s till looking for a champion to challe nge at the Pentagon press sessions, try Pete r Arnett. GILES Al.USON Newport Beach • EDITOR'S NOTE: As a special feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Ducks, is writing regular diaries about the team and its experiences throughout the playoffs. E veryone was talking al?<>ut game four. What kind of Mighty Ducks team would show up? Would the Ducks unlikely run during the playoffs start to unravel after their first loss and the ~bener Dallas Stars" team take charge? Surely, there must have been many questions in the minds of aU Ducks fans, because this is uncharted water for the franchise. Although back in 1997, w~ had advanced to the second round against Detroit, and the games were veri close, we were never in the position to win the series. That is the difference right now -this team is in the driver's seat. Mome ntum is the factor that makes and breaks games and teams .. The Ducks certainly would need to keep this friend on their side if they were looking to advance any further in these . playoffs .. As Coach Babcock has stressed repeatedly through the post-season, the Ducks would also need to concentrate on the task at hand. You never really want to put too much significance on one game and you like to approach each ~ame one at a time. Focus on the game at hand, do ow: jobs and the Th e Newport Harbor Nautical Museum cordial~)' invites you to a special exhibit & book signing f eaturing signed limited edition prints by JOHN STOBART America's Most Celebrated Marine Artist John Stobart. Newport Beach-The Pavilion 1910 -We have the last oflbcse prints for sale. ' Gallery Exhibit. Prints & Originals Meet The Artist Book Signing Wine & Cheese Reception GUY HEBERT outcome will be positive. Being tJiat l am now on the sidelines in a seat up ln the ptess box, I can think out of the box. Game four would either put the Ducks in the driver seat up 3 to I, or they would have to face t}\e possibility of being even in the best of seven series, tied at two games apiece. This brings me back to what team would show up. Well, it didn't take long for any of us who were watching this game unfold to see that it was going to be a very physical, . defensive-minded game. · The first pe riod was a classic demonstration of defensive zone coverage. Not many shots and even fewer scoring chances. The second period followed in that same footprint'; again, n o room to maneuver and ve ry little offense. When coaches taJk about being solid defensively, they are tal.k.ing about time and s pace. A player has to take the time and space away from his o pponent, and in doing so. that offensive player has no time to make a play and no room to do it in. .Adding to the sporadic offense was the ineffectiveness of both teams' power plays. Although there were a few good scoring chances, Jean·Sebru;tien Giguere Opens April 12-May 4 /Oam-5pm Closed on Mondays Limited ~tion signed prints will be for sale ... 300/o will be donated to lhe museum Saturday May 3 ~Jam-Jpm . Sunday May 4 / Jam-I pm Featuring M•. Stobart's new book of paintings titled "The World of Sail aqd Steam" of the Duck:s and Marty Turco of the Stars knew that this was a game in which they must be sharp, and as in the other games before, they were. As the third period got underway, there was the underton e that it may take yet another overtime to decide Lhis game. However, after a few penalties to start the period, the game began to take on a different look. Turnovers started , and Anaheim and Dallas were finaJly able to capitalize on these chances with out-numbered attacks and ~ome high-quality shots. Paul Kariya picked up the puck as Sergei Zubov fell at the Anaheim blue line and cruhed down the wing to btast a shot that Stars goalie Turco sto pped with his blocker. Then Samm y Patrlsson !<>nuck in behind the Stars defense. m ade a great tjp on a shot and had twu more chances o n the rebound, hut was ~topped by Turco. Then, a two-pad ~tack by Turco from point blank range stopped Anaheim winger Mike Leclerc. Al the other end of the ice, Giguere and his legend began to grow even more. A Dallas player cam e in on Giguere's right. made him commit to goin g down and then passed a nice feed to Mike Modano in front of the net. Modano got off a weak shot at the wide open net, but Giguere som ehow got back in tim e tu m ake a skate save. When a goaJie m akes a !><Ive like tJ1i~ it ~eems so lucky 10 most ~tag · people. Sometimes it is lucky, but the real reason for the save is because the goalie neveF gave up on the play. There is always a little more time to react than you think, and Giguere with his confidence and drive never gave up and in the process made a game winning save. Would anyone be able to score on one of these goalies? When Dallas wing Jason Amott took a cross-checking penalty with three minutes to go in the game. the Ducks knew that this was tJ1eir golden opportunity. lbe power play for the Ducks has been their weakest area so far. 'and its production is crucial to long-term success in the playo(fs. As the p ower play got underway, Duck:s defenseman Huslan Salei was able to keep the puck in at the blue line intercepting by a weak clearing a ttempt by OaJlas. He passed the puck. over to Sandis Oz.olinsh as he cruised into the zone o n the left side, who then slid a great cross-ice pass to Mike LeOerc. With on e quick fli ck of the wris t, Leclerc sent the puck flying LO the top of the net over a sprawling Turco. The crowd e rupted and they knew that t.he game was Lheirs. What more could you want from a hockey game than a finish like th b one? l bis w~. in my opinion, a m ust-win for the Ducks and they ·prod uced . Now, as they head to Dallas for game five in the series with a 3· I lead. they are clearly in the driver'<> seat. · Wednesday, May 7 Prado Olympic Shooting Parle Chino, California 7 Official Events Sporting Clays I & II Trap Doubles Tabor's Doubles Continental Trap Duck Tower Flurry Optional Events Olympic Trap 2-Man Flurry Five Stand •• Proceeds benefit Hoag Hospital. THE NEWPPRT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM IS I P..ut Cout IU&bw.y (the Rlvetb<i.t), Newpot't ~. CA 92663 949-673· 7863 • email; ltOblrt@nl.mm.ora • www.nhnm.Ol'J Fru Admi.fslon • To partklpot~ or for more Information, ~... p/tCJSeaJ/1 949/574-7208. .. .. ... •L .. - OaitiPilot rvine Avenue- COIY Mesa rC949' 646-7944 ·NEWPORT Illa COMPANY , 2196 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa (949> 631"2110 LANDI• ater . • .... : . Brewery/Tavern Bars Irish DUmyNBq'S 2915 Redhill Ave Costa Mesa 1714> 957-1951 THE SHAMROCK BAR & GRIU. 2633 w Coast Hwy Newport Beach 19491 SS.1 -5633 SKOSH MOllAllAN'S 2000 Newpqrt Blvd Cdsta Mesa 19491 548-0099 Italian AM•llNS 3 11 Marlne Ave. Balboa lsland 1949) 673.-6580 CAWLO'S 3520 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar (9491 675-1922 CAPlllaW 16f7 Westcliff Orrve Newport Beach • (9491 548-4060 ..... 11'5 801 South Coast Orrve ~ Metro Point. Costa Mesa 17 l41 631-3000 ~GINA'S 2 5 1 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 19491673-9500 NICK'S RIS'IORANTE 2300 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 19491 722-7566 SAllATINO'S 251 Shipyard Way Newport Beach 19491 723·0621 VILLANOVA 3 0 1 W. Coast Hwy Newport Beach 19491 642-7880 www. vitlanovar AIUCRI 2675 Irvine Ave CostaMesa (9491645-5518 ANlllANA 4 250 Birch St Newport Beach <S..91 955-0822 Mexican ADVERTISEMENT _e~,. NEWYORK in NEWPORT at Arnie's Manhattan deli. Amanda &. Souria take muc.h pndc in their pastrami along wich cheu iop lhef' Javier &. Robcno. JSv1cr nuka the best Reuben &. Philly Steak. while Kol>fno C, is 1n thugc of all rhc armng .u well as making all the sandw1chn up front AnundA &. Souna ma.kc 1urc every cwwmcr rhat walk's in will kJvc ~uh J smile on their face We work rogcther as a ream. We care about our rn1t11n1cr' and we want rhem to have tlm "NFW YORK" cxpcr~nu her, Jt Arni<' Manrutw1 Deli. lake no cxher 1n Ormgc Couniy Simplv the hot /'.11~ open ~turtby 1hm-8pm. d.t1ly 8am-8pm 1660 Dove St, Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.252.8646 l!l~ j AV..9.1!.R~j,~H~r.21~ ~ ·=:=..":.:".::~. lOo/oOFF rej ~c::;;~) DINNER ENTREES rej •tllrDlndn!Show ANY NI GHT! rej ~ Slilll'cf9y ~ W'rttl This NJ Good ThN 5131/03 rej "COME FEEL THE WARMTH OF THE MEDITERRANEAN rej ON OUR BEAUTIFUL PATIO OVERLOOKING THE LAKE1" rej OPEN FOR LUNCH AND DINNER rej EASY, CONVENIENT PARICING! ei S80 ANTON BLVD. COSTA M ESA (714) SS6-6SSS www.avosbistro.com Authcnt MOroccan CUiSlne and atmosphel'I our pr~ lonal staff Is eager to make your vts11 to Mormkesh a memorable one. ~ for ~ an<J larg · part welcome. calef1ng and takeout ovatiabk- 1'76 ............. COlll ... ~~llL4M!il~ (949,.645-8384 Allo: .., a.,.<•••> 71U3~ and 1.aJoll · f619)4~2'00 Friday, May 2, 2003 A7 • NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WHY NOT TRY ••• Homemade Ravioli's, Fresh nsh, Fresh Steaks, Veal Maraal• & More! BEST MUSSELS IN TOWN! Yllaud~ are nre • this uafoad I e for baacb or dbuler! NICK'S llSTOlllTE 8 PlllEBll OUTDOOR PATIO IN H ARBOR CENTER Mon-Thurs. 11 am-9:30pm 2300 Harbor Btvd., Sorte K· 1 Fn -Sat 11am-10:30pm Costa Mesa CLOSED·SUNDAYS (949) 722_ 7566 c&alATlll n YUU ._____,_ _________ _, Enjcry our Mother's Day Champagne Brunch With Family & Friends at H yatt R egency Irvine Mother 's Da-v Brunch Sunday , Ma) 11th 10:00 am , 2:30 pm Fresh Seafood Bar Carved Prime of Beef Herb Roasted Tom Turke y with all the tnmmin~ Clove Studded Country Ham Traditional Breakf asr Malted Belgium Waffks Omelettes Made cc Order Gounnet Desserts to include Wann Bananas Foster Children's Buff ec And So MucJ. More ! Complimentary Self Parking Adults $39 Childmi l 2 and under $16 And wndeT 5 eat free • r • • • ; QUOTE OF 1HE DAY "We're deep and no vne has really challenged us so far." Gin.et Snyder, CcN senior tennis player Al f.ridaoJ. May 2. 2003 5t*11 Phone: (949) 5744222 •• Spotts Fax: (9491650-0170 \ Sea Kings (18-0) defeat University, last year's PCL champions, in compelling fashion Thursday. Brye• Alderton Daily Pilot HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS about the set he and SaJda lost only two · points in. "That's the best we've ever played together.· Mang concurred. "That's the best they have played this year. if only they could have kept h up,• he said. Senior Garrett Snyder. Cd.M's No. l singl~ player bound for the University • of Texas. swept his three sets Thursday, CORONA DEL MAR -Corona del defeating University's Jack U, 6-3. U was Mar Higb's doubles team of sophomore 20-3 entering Thursday's match while Wesley Miller and partner lssei Saida Snyder has only lost once this season ~ painted a portrait of efficient. high-call-to TuJy's Jeff Das in a grueling three-set . ber tennis that Coach Tun Mang bas· match in the semifinals of the Ojai Val- seen all too often during an undefeated ley Tennis Tournament last weekend. season so far. Snyder recorded numerous aces Miller and Saida -CdM's No. l dou-against U, eliciting a response from sec- bles team for Thursday's Pacific Coast ond-year University Coach John Kessler. • University 6 CdM 12 League match "Wow. that was unbelievable,• ~er against visiting said of Snyder's serves. which rocketed off University -dis-his racket and foWld various pans of the posed of the first service box. "Those are some big serves.· team they faced. "(Snyder) is getting stronger,• Mang 6-0, in 20 minutes, said as he walked by Kessler. setting a . com-Snyder said his serve is now aroWld manding tone re-110 to 115 mph, a 5-mph increase from pealed sporadi-the beginning of the year. I le credits the calJy throughout added velocity to worling with a per- CdM's 12-6 lri-sonal trainer two days a week for the umpb. which gave past six months. the hosts at least a "l work on weight training. endurance share of the league and on the tennis court a lot,• Snyder title with Northwood. said. CdM (18-0, 7-0 in-league) wraps op After the match with Li, Snyder didn't league play when it travels to North-lose a game to his other two opponents. wood (5-1 in league) for a match Mang Sophomore Spencer Reitz took two of said is scheduled for Thursday, but one three sets at No. 2 singles for CdM while he is trying to move to Monday. North-Nicholas-Gingold won one set. wood plays University, which won the Miller and Saida took two of three league last year en route to winning the doubles sets, as did the rest of CdM's CIF Southern Section Division 11 cham-doubles teams that included the tan- pionship, on Tuesday. . dem of junior Brennan Robens and . EYEOPENER ·Daily~Jlli· ,.... ... _ .... °*'"'*" .. ........ Miller and Saida displayed tennis senior Bryan Warsaw along with sopho- worthy of a championship in their first mores Carsten Ball and Alex Nguyen. DON LEACH I OM. Y Pit.OT See SEA KINGS, Pace A9 The Sea Kings' No. 1 singles player, Garrett Snyder, rips a serve toward his University opponent Thursday. set Thursday. "We hit everything hard,• Miller said TENNIS HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Abrams • coming -full 'circle Marshall triples but Newport Harbor falls • Foothill sweeps Newport Harbor in Sea View League dual-meet finale Thursday. • sity high jump victory. Former junior phenom and All -American at Stanford is accepted to medical school. hen Geoff Abrams first appeared on my tennis radar as a 13---old. be Alec Urtusuastegui won the boyS 3,200 in 10:36.0 and was second in ' the 400, while fellow Sailor senior Rhett I la.rt.sfield won the triple jump (37·4~). It was Urtusuastegui's ' first 3.200 this year, as coaches had limited" 51\NTA ANA -Newport Harbor High him to shoner distances due to lingering sophomore Courtney Marshall won the 800 back pa.in. l quickly inherited the •phenom" label as a junior player. But what I remember most about him was his intelligence. I mean, this kid was sharp. Well spoken. Maturity beyond belief. . meters, 1.600 and 3.200 for the girls and Elda Hernandez. who was second in thlf sophomore Jon Szecsel was a double win-girls 100 and third in the 200. was joined on ner for the boys, but both teams were de-the Sailors' win~ing 1,600 relay by Megan _ _,. __ __ During one of our early conversations. Abrams, who trained .-------. once a week with the RICHARD DUNN UC Irvine men's tennis team as an F.nslgn eighth grader in 1992, told me he would love to play tennis professionally one day and make a living at it But he also said his goals in*ed atten~g Stanford and getting into medicine, one day becoming a doct:OL ' Abrams retired from playing the United States Tennis Aslodadoo men's eateWte circuit last year, following an All·Am.erlcan career at Stanford. md now. aocording to his mother. Nancy. bu been KCepted to medical ac:bool at ucs.o~ Abrams. who wW atart medical IChooJ tn September, baa been woddng In drug ttudies for Presatptfoo Solutiona In Coeta Meta for the past year. while apptyt.ng to medical IChoola. A former Newport Harbor HJgb ltaDdout who WU ranked No. l ln the nad.oo by the USTA In the 14•= .. junJor aueer. Abrams had of the slobe-trotdng llfeltyle on the pro ..... drculc. wbDe berely earning ...... ....,to ....... He ...,... on three NCAA ctt.••rlonlltdp -·Stanfold belore ~-pro ~I • Hll dtw adwnlln tbOuld be Qlalte a host Foothill Thursday. Marshall topped the 6eld in the 800 (2:28.8), went 12:27.5 in the 3,200 and clocked a 5:30.3 ln the 1,600 to post half of the Newport Harbor girls team's individual victories. Szecsei won the shot put (48-2~) and the discus (142 -2) for a Sall or boys team that won only four events. Both of Szecsei's marlcs were personal records. Foothill won the girls meet. 83-43, and was victorious, 79-55, ln the boys meet. Sophomore Kiley Hall posted a solid win- ning performance ln the girls 400, going 1:00.9 on the dirt track. Ally Stoltz was second in the pole vault (8-6) and Lauren Celek was runner-up in the discus (88-11) for Coach Erle lWeit's ~ . squad. which wrapped up the league dual-• meet season with a 2-3 record. Newwrt's Keith Eldridge WM second in · the 100 and the 200, while Nick Miller was • second in the l,600 and third in the 800 for the Sailors (0-5 ln league). Rick.y Nott was second ln the high jump ' and third in the triple jump. while senior· Jack Sbhen was second in the shot put for theThrs. •I STEVE McCAANI< I OAllY Pll.OT Newport Harbor's Courtney Marshall, shown here in earlier action, won the 8()()., 1,6()(). and 3,200meter races against Foothill. Junior ElJ.zabeth Oayton won the girls tri- ple Jump (33-4~) and Shannon Forsythe rounded out ffarbor's individual girls win- ners by producing a season-best 5-1 mait in the high jump. It was Forsythe's first var- The Sailors' boys and girts teams will ~ ' tum to competition Tuesday at the Sea Vi.eW League preliminaries, which begin a l~ p.m. at Irvine High. Tbe Sea View League ftnala are scheduled for Friday, beginning at 3 p.m., also at ll'· · vine. COLLEGE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Pelzel earns :Rational first-team honoli::: UC Irvine junior standout set school record for kills, while leading 'Eaters to their best season ever. UC trvtoe junior Jimmy Pelzel was named ftnt-leem All-Amertca by the American Volleyball eo.chea Alaoda- don at its 13ch annual AVCA AU· America awarda for men·• wlle)'ball. With-a. ... -.n ~ PtWI becotld • mlMI h1IHY deconaed me.m Yilleybel ..,_ 1n ua ~The AJ 1 • ., .... bed three ~ Al- A.rnerk:ans (f.rick Hdeoihi. 200 l; Donny Rafter. 1999; Ollis Har:gJer 1991), but they were all aecond- team telecdons. Pelzel, a 6-foot-5 right aide/ . opposite hitter, helped propel UC Irvine to Its belt aeasoo tn school history. The team earned Ill ftnt Mountain Padfic Sporu Federation Tournament victory and ended the ... ton 20-11 overall, shattering the ICbool (eCOcd for wtns in a teaO:D. Pe.lzel earned °'1t-team All·MPSP alter a.I· log the Anteaters on a 10--0 run to at.art lbe seUon and the ~ 1 rulkin« In the USA today/ AVCA Coaches Thp 15 Poll ' for two weeks. Nationally, the junJor ranked second ln point.a (6.37) and fourth 1n killa 15.16) per pme, while letting the lh\gle-eeason school record for kills wttb 593 th1a year. He earned MPSP Player of the Week three times and AV- CA Nadooal Player or the Week o~. He became only the aeventb Anteater player to break the 1,()()0...ldD p&alttu and curreotJy ranb alxth (1, l 25)--aD· time. · Pelul led the Ant .. ters to their ftni· tftr MPSP lbumanient victory. upwt· line f'ounh-nnbd Stanford Oft the road ln the quanerllnaJs. He recor4ll4 bis third career double-double wltb "29 ldlJs and 10 dip In the 3-1 defeat of the · Cardinal. Pelzel spubd ua with dMf ecore 24-21 in the fourth pme, ~" Ing cloWn rour of the nm • kill to et Up match pobtt. 30·29. h WU the lid\ time tbla ~ he "9ldwd 20 or moni kllla In a maid\. He Nid __, erroa on SI attempts for a .431 hlatril penieMlili .,Ml, added one block.-.. '" When top·ranbd Peppetdlm hted UCI ln the MPSF temMIMk, m 1ee1 an p1ayen wtth 2e kllll. Che 1 dme Pelr.el nMliched the 20-kll atone. • ' SPORTS' def Mar sophomore standout Carsten Ball hits an overhead at the net for a doubles pomt wrtti ft.Jex Nguyen against Urwersrty on Thursday, a 12~ \llCtory for the undefeated Sea Kings NNIS · ued from AS ' f ••• fhe Costa Mesa Tenm'> Center will once again ho!>t Jn ppen com munity pre-quaJ1fy111g t ournament for the ATP lour\ Mercedes-Renz Cup at UC:IA ' co.,ta Mesa ic; one of IO \Ill'' ~n c;ix counues throughout 6outhern California. and the p nly facility in Orange County. ~o play hosr to a pre-qualifying Journament. ·1 he Co'>la M<>'>J cvcnr is Sarurday and <;unday and May 10-11 Ille 'lingles winner and rndlist and thC' winning double~ team from each pre-qualifying 1ournamen1 wall '1ave the opportunity tu ~nter ~h~ Wild Card Tournament July 117120. The winner of the Wild ~d Tournament earn<> an pu1pma1ic ('ntry into thl' Mercede~·Ren:r Cup July esiAug. J. Detail'>: i:-1I01 tw~-3838. ext. U4. ••• r 1 Jhe PaJasades Tenni!> (Jub ,., &c~eduled to face Laguna _,Niguel Racquet Qub on ~~urday in the finals or the \~ate Tennis Oub Association Orange County Oub b!tllenge Cup. fop-seeded Palisade~. the fl)Jenge Cup's two-ume detending champion. knocked btqlidgeline Country Qub in •he quarterfinals. 18-3, rolJowing a first-round bye. th~n topped Rancho San b emente Tennis and Fitness P ub in the semifinals, 17-4. in t'Pfil. · , The four-month PTCA team ~ofripetJtion begins in February ~a is played o nce a monLh thmugh May. Play Is in ~o'rnen's, men's and mlxed ~oubles, with o ne team in each of the seven rating d ivisions - !J.O. 3.5, 4.0, 4.5. 5.0, 5.5 and open. ··f,has u1mpe11L1on ac; .the mo.,t cxnting leam tennis event in the area because it involves men and women in seven different playing level!>, from beginner to open player.· IYf'CA PresuJent A.G. Longoria ~ad "For example. after four hours or play. the deciding match in la!\t yea{s l>emifinal between l'ali\ades and Laguna Niguel wruo. detennined by a beginner :I 5 mixed double<; match that went 10 three sets." · l..:1KlJna Niguel will ho.,1 Palic;ades in Saturday'!. final at I p m. rhe public is invited lo .111l'nd with no charge Detail .. : (1"49) 496 4665. ... "ipcakang of the Pali .. adc., Cluh. Lhe private Newport Reath facility is taking member/guest eventc; to another level. Any member playing in the event May 15 18 ha' a chance to win a drawing for a cruise aboard Silvcr1'ca Crw'le ljnes. In addition to men's and women's double~ lhampaonships. the club will hoc;t a d inner and dance Saturday, May 17. aod a barbecue Sunday. May 18, during the member/guest finals. Details: (949) 644-900. ••• Beginning in January 2004, the USTA will be using a Points Per Round Ranking System to detennine year-end junior national singles and doubles rankings and monthly standing lists. The Star System will n o longer be used to d etermin e junior national rankings or national seeding/selection lists. "It will mruce a huge differen ce in how kids enter tournaments, because it's based on the match es you've won. The USTA has stepped away from the bead-lo-bead thing," said Annette Broersma. tournament dJrector fo r the Quiksilver (boys) and Roxy ' (girls) junfor 1en111s . tournaments headquartered at the Balboa Bay llub Racquet CJub May 24·27. The USTA has concluded that a Points Per Round ranking system best addre~'>C' the overall goal of helping player'> reach their potential. Ry u!>ing tiered levels of importance. the USTA can weigh the events. assign regulauonc; that help juniors 10 compete often. and put the emphaw; on advannng through the draw. I.he Mm pie concept or havinK J player capable of categor11.1ng an event, determining at' level. and underManding the ranking 1mpac1 of <>ucce'>'> 1n that even I allow!> the player to undeNand what need., to be done rha.. i., an invaluable asset 111 developing tangible .and mt'asurable goal'> that al<;o help lhe player.,· preparation and motivation. While 1he new Point., Per Round Ranking Systt•m will not be implemented until Janua ry 2004, all Level 1-5 tournament rc~ults from Thursday through December 31 will be counting for points de1ermjnt'd by the Point'> Per Round ranlong logic for the first Monthly National Standings Lists. which will be pubbshed January 15. 2004. I he QuikSilver and Roxy tournaments are Level 3 events. It's essentially two tournaments in one. with tflotal of 512 juniors entered in the I 2s. I 4s, 16s and 18s. Rrocr.,ma received some 700 entries this year and predicted that next year the tournaments will be larger than the Easter Bowt. DEEP SEA Thursday's counts Newport Lending -, boat 7 anglers. 9 calico bass, 10 sand bass, 1 hali- but. 5 blue percti. PHOTOS BY DON LEA01; DAILY PILOT CdM's Spencer Reitz eyes a backhand ~eturn against University on Thursday. CdM won, 12-6. SEA.KINGS Continued from ~ Mang u..ed Ball and Nguyen as his No. 3 team Thur'><lay and they gave University\ Mau 01ol) and Michael I laier a scare. · 01ou and I laier -each a part of University's team which won the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion II championship la·.,, year - normally p lay .,anglt.><>. but Ke\'>- ler teamed up the 1wo Timr)day and they produced a ~weep. Nguyen and Rall led, f>-5. but University (6-9. 1 1). which lo'>t seven senior<> from la'>t ">Ca'>on. held serve w force a uebreaker won by I laier and 01ou. 7 ·5. "I Died to keep it 111, hut mi.'>.o,ed some easy volleys." Ngti)'Cn c;ajd. "University tit'<.I 11 up and then took over in the riehrcaker • Nguyen moved up into the varsity top IO at the end of last seawn and is slowly climbing the ranks, learing along the way. "Seeing the way !Balli plays. I can learn stuff from him and, hopefully, that makes me better,· Nguyen said of playing with Ball for the first time this season. He usually plays with Gingold. Miller and Said.a. on the' contrary. have been playing together for the entire ~a.<.on and faced Haier and Chou in lh~y's finaJ doubles ..eL The Uni\.<eNty duo prevailed. 6-3. in what Mang said was most likely for the lop seeding when league finab beWn at I ~ Beach m a ~-and-a-half. 'That's a good doubles team,· Mang !.aid of Chou and Haier. .. rhey played together last year. We n eeded to he more aggres- '>ive, which you have to be again'!>t good team!> bke Uni. Carrell wa!> good al> u!>uat· lbe !:>ea King-. have won two other matches Liu.., !ieaSOn by 12-6 counts -to Peninsula and Bev- SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball College -Cal Poly San Luis Obispo at UC Irvine. 7 p.m. Community college -Fullerton at Orange Coast in Orange Empire Conference MmHournament, 2:30p.m. High sctlool -Corona del Mar vs Calvary Chapel at Vanguard University, 3:15 pm .. L.aguna Hills et Newport.Harbor, 3:15 p.m.; Costa Mesa at Orange, 3·15 p.m.; Santa Ana at Estancia. 3:15 p.m. Softball High sd'lool -Costa Mesa at Orange, 3:15 p.m .; Sage Hill at Whitney, 3:15 p.m ., Santa Ana at Estancia, 3:15 pm Swimming Community college men and women -Orange Coast in state championships at Oiablo Valley, all day. High sctlool boys and girls -Sage Hill at Estancia, 3 p.m. Tennis College women -Vanguard vs. Point Loma in NAIA Region II title match.at Point Loma, 10 a.m. Community co:I women - Otange Coast of 16 of Southern Califomla egionals at Cuesta, singles. 8 a.m ., doubles, 9:30a.m. High sctlool boys -Sage Hill at Oxford, 3:15 p.m . Volleyball High school boys -Newport Harbor at Laguna Hills, 6 p.m., Uniwrslty at Corona del Mar, erty l lilb. ranked Nu. 2 and r--.o. 4 m Ul Dt\l\.'>lon I. rt'!>pet-UVely f-v. ery other ma1cl1 ha!> been by <1 margin greater th.in 12-6 ~nyder, who won ha., !>t'cond straight ( II double., 111.lt: with BaJI la .. 1 '>ea.,on. '><l.ld he plan.. tu play only <,angle .. thts year a., CdM continue .. 11.., que!>t for a Division I th.imp1nn.,h1p. "We're dt•ep .md no one hJ., really challengl'd u., .,o far." \ny der said. "\Ate hJ\t' a grt'at team. but 11 "-On 1 be t'J"J" Pacific Coast LN&ue CdM 12. University 6 Singles -Snyder ICdM I def Li 6 3 def Gordon 6 0 def Thomas 6 0 Re112 (CdM lost, 0 6 won 0-0, 6 1 Gongold (CdMI lost. 0. 4 6. won. 6 2 Doubles Millttr Sa1da (CdM1 def Mok Yoo. 6 O lost to Ha1er 3 6 def Vaughn Furukawa, 6 3 Warsaw Rooorts ICdMI won 6 '} lost. 1 6. won 6 2 Ball Nguv~n ICdMJ w on 6 2 lost 6 7 ~ 7 "':in 6-0 HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Da1ty Pilot's Athlete of the Week senes TODAY 21 Aaron Yarn.ii Newport Harbor Boys basketball 00 5:30 p m . Westminster at Costa Mesa. 3·15 pm .. Sage Hill at St Margaret's, 5 p m , Estancia at Redondo Tournament. THERE'S A NEW GA E IN TOWN flllllEN ROPt. /I DllR TRAINTNG SUCCESS HAS BEEN FE.ATURED IN: e,~fjortlhnn ft,~ ~ii !;S*zi:::' 11'1111111 FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER is proud to announ ce o ur GRAND OPENING o n Saturday, May 3rd from l l am-8pm at ou r Irvine, CA location. • Vuu.tl rucncng • 01.tmond Strength Tr.unmg (pi1ch rccogn111on. u;iclong) • Born 10 Play Program • Showmn< Tr;immg (.2-Syr olds) (menial slulls) •VIPER (Video analysis) • lnstruction.J Memberships • Vircual Picching Machines • Jndiv1du.tl & Group Instruction (runnel rcnu..ls FROZE N ROPES TRAINING CENTE R 19028 MCGAW AVE . IRVINE, CA (949) 250-1 1 99 www.ini.ne@frozenropa.eom Log on lO ,.,..,.,..,,.,.. to view our nario~ wdi.Pcc Check our full Sdlcdulc of Events '18, r AlO Friday, Mey 2, 200~ SPORTS .. BRIEFLY .. ·Sweep-Sets up PCL showdown fcir ·cdM Undefe~ted in league, Sea Kings' boys volleyball team will host University today in what coilld decide title. With another victoty ln Pacific c.oast League play 11\ursday night. the Corona del Mar ffigb · b<Jt'a volleyball team' set up a first-place showdown with Uni- versity today at 5:30 p.m., after the Sea Kings swept host Tesoro, 15-0. 15-3, 15-11. Corona del Mar, ranked No. 2 in CIF Southern Section Division II (behind Valencia), improved to 14-10, 7-0 in league. University is 6-1 in the PCL Leading the way for the Sea Kings in their road sweep was 6- foot-2 senior Gunnar McOellan, who· contributed seven kills and two sqlo blocks, while teammate Tom Welch, a 6-foot sophomore. added seven kills and 6-4 senior Brian Brinkerhoff had six kills and two blocks. · Lions in region final •TENNIS: The No. 3-seeded Vanguard University women's tennis team upset No. 2-seeded Westmont, 5-3, Thursday to ad- vance to today's 10 a.m. title match at the NAIA Region II Oaampionships at Point Loma Nazarene. Olga Hlushchanka, Silina Yohner and Saran Bradley UC Irvine Baseball Three-game series with Cal Poly SLO Toniglllf 7 p.m. Mini llMcHll ...,... -•• first 500 fans will rudve • fr•• ....., NHtN911, courtesy of Soudt County llallk. Saturday May 3, 6 p.m. ...,_"....,card Nltllt-...... SM fw • rccdve • c ........ Ht of p1.,. traclllt cards, sponsored br C.11.P. Sunday May 4, 1 p.m. Alllotr ... Day -.. fw .. •••d1ace • ....,_ • appCl41B •ltr to ...e die .... -4 recdve free, ............. ....,., ... ...,cards....,......... >- .... ..,. ~ ,_, IMys -.. ,.... ................ ,.,...,,..ill,,... Al otlla llh4I tct ill ........ $1. all won in singles and doubles for the Uoos. who i{pproved to 14-11 . Westmont fell to 15-6. Vanguard will meet top-seeded Point Loma in the final. WR .... la.ttplolllNpe &em...,,., v.nauarc1 a. w.tmont i Sfflele9-lilu11)dl1nk1 (VU) def.· Renfer, s-o; 8-2; Yohner (VU) def. Whiting, 7-5.._8-2; Bradley (VU) qef. Otlake. H• o-7, 7·5: Qultorleno '(W) diJf. Tenlen, .6-0, 8-1; S1lln11 (W). def. Krohn. 8-1. 6-0. Ooublee-Hlu1hc:t11nke-Votavove (VU) def. Whitifl9·lange, &-1; Yohner·Bredley (VU) def. Renfer-Ouitorieno, 9-7; Goebel-Ot1uk1 (W) def. Tenlen·Krohn, 8-0. OCCs Nelson advances •TENNIS: Orange Coast Col- lege sophomore Ashley Nelson won second-round matches in singles and doubles Thursday to advance to today's Round of 16 in the Soulhem Califumia womiem reglonaJs at OJesta c.oDege. Nelson defeated M~ Ander- son of Q.syamaca. 6-2, 6-0, then teamed with freshman Leah Bec.k- er to knock off a doubles tandem from ADan Hancock. 6-1, 6-1. 8ed'.er lost her second-round sin- gles match to Mona Noa from Los Angeles Q ty, &-0. 6-0. Sage Hill wins again •TENNIS: Greg Solodko swept at No. 1 singles and Eric Burton and Tristan · Cordier swept at No. 1 doubles for Sage Hill School as the visiting Ught- ning defeated St. Margaret's in an Academy League boys tennis match Thursday, 14-4. · Acedln!Y lAleut Sage HUI 14, St. M•rv•m'• 4 Slft9les-Solodko (SH) def. Huang, 6-2, def. Fujii, 6-3, def. Swelden. 6-0; Milovantisev (SH) won 6-0, 6-1, lost 3-6; Chin (SH) lost 1-6, won 6-0, 6-3. Doubles -Burton-Cordier (SH) def. Waller-Dunlap, 6-0, def. Limb· Afshar, 6-1, def. Maken·Martln, 6-2; Ramadan-Montekab (SH) won 6-1, loet 6-7, won 6-0; AoMr.Kuren (SHI won 8-1, &-2, loet '"8. Sailors' errors costly • soPrB.u.t: A pair of un- earned runs propelled host Ali- so 'f'.Jlguel to a 2-1 Sea Vlew League softball victoty over Newport Harbor Thursday. .L ., Zoelle rnrson lead CdM ... ; t .... , ,_,,., • SOPTMU.: SenioT •tando~ Al.l.ssa 1.oelle of Corona del Mar~,, High tossed ~three-hitter an~·. went 3 for 4 with three' RBJs ar.; the plate aa the bosf Sea Klnp1 hammered the Breakers, 15-li"~ in a Pacific Goaat tieque soft,;<\ ball game 1bunday, shortened " to five innings because of tile.:'"" mercy tule. . '*1 ABlo Nlluel 2~ 1 The Sea J9ngs (~· 7., 4-2 in th.cf " Newpoft aci:-,:--·r--1 a a PCIJ scored seven runs in the. 1 Allio N. 110 ooo • -2 e 1 second lnning, then added ~ Gle110n. Moore (31 and Campbell; in the third and six in th~ 1, Skaare and Voight. W -Skaare. L-1ourth. CdM catcher Amy '''"'"'D· •·1 Gleason, 1-1. SB -Coudl (NH). 1' .,..., went 4 for 4 with three run~~: Tars tied for third •TENNIS: Newport Harbor Higb's boys tennis team must pllif a third match against lr- vine to decide which team fin- ishes third in the Sea View League and receives an auto- matic bid for the CIF playoffs. The Sailors secured their thiid match with the Vaqueros by losing to visiting Foothi1L lo-8, in the fi- nal league match Thursday. A coin toss Monday will detennlne when and where the match will be held. sometime nexi week, Newport COach Jeff Thomsen. Robert .Khoury and Tyler Deck each won two of three sets in singles for Newport (7-5, ~-5 in league) while the No. 1 dou- bles duo of Cllarlie Farmer- Brian Ho~hwald, along with Dylan Espley-Jones-Brandon Lutfy. each took two sets against Foothill (7-3 in league). S.1 View l.Atque · Foothffl 10, Newport I Si"9._ -Khourf (NHI lost to 1Roybel, 5-7, def. Surf••· 7-43 (5), def. Katlmen, 6-0; Dedt (NH) lost, 2-6, won, 6-0. 6-0; Tweena (NH) lost, o..a, 0-43, 2-6. Doubles -Farmer·Hochwald (NH) lost to B. Himber·J. Himber, 4-6, def. Meakell-Dudcor, 6-3. def. Lo-C.Roy- bal,6-4; Espley-Jones-Lutfy (NH) lost, 4-6, won, 6-2. 6-1: Seryduk· Lund (NH) lost. 1-6, 6-7 (4), 1-6. . BASEBALL scored and two RBis. '""' · .. PKHlc Cout LM&W CdM115, l.Agun• a..dl 1 . Score by Innings Laguna B. 100 oo -, 3 4 CdM 012 e. -115 11 o Turner end Frimond; Zoelle and • \· Ty10n. W -Zoelle, 7·5. L -Turner. 2B -Tyson (CdM I. Zoelle (CdM). :> .. . CdM clinches PCL title ~ ~ •GOLF: For the second con"\' secutive year, the Corona del Mar ' • High boys golf team i.s the outright;°" Pacific Coast league champion. ' .. The Sea Kings defeated visit·· ·- ing Northwood, 187-206, Thurs· " day at the Aliso Viejo Golf Oub. · Medalist Nick Sherman shot: 36 with two birdies to lead CdM' (14-4, 9-1 in league), followed by Ben Tilsen (37), and 38s from Alex Chilcovani, nm Frohling and Brad Clla.mbertin. · Sailors end with ~ loss •GOLF: Newport Harbor- High's boys golf team con: eluded Sea View league play with a 193-200 loss to Foothill> Thursday at Big Canyon Country '.. Oub. ., Brandon Sowers led Newport ~ (5-13, 3-7 in league) with a 38, ~ followed by 4PS from David Mot-~ schenbacher and Davis Pero-• stein. Rhett Palmer and Jeff Ler-• ner each shot 41 for the Sailors. ~ Cypress outwits Orange Coast, 9-3 ~- Pirates will conclude season today in final round of conference mini tournament. ·Jason Vargas allowed three runs and struck out eight in 7 ~ innings of work while going 1 for 3 with an RBI at the plate to lead visiting Cypress to a.9·3 win over host Orarige Coast Thursday afternoon in the second roWld of the Orange Empire Conference Mini Tournament. The Coast defense didn't do staff ace Kyte Allen (6-5) any fa. vors. committing six errors, which led to three unearned runs. Allen was chased in the eighth inning with one out after a pair of errors brought in a run and allowed another runner to advance to third. Matt Fry did the majority of the offensive damage for the Chargers (28-13-1, 8-15), going 3 for 5 with four RBis and one run scored. His triple to right field was the final pitch that Allen and gave Cypress an 8-3 lead. Jason Crissman came on to pitch the - final 1 ~ innin~ fo r the Pirates. Sage Hill prevails, 8-3 ~:· Vargas (9-2) allowed nine hits ': before getting pulled with two • Host Sage Hill School ha~ outs in the eighth, but was able only three hits, but combin~ to thwart any extended scoring two of them with six straighC: rallies by the Pirates. After four walks in a seven-run third t~ consecutive hits in the fifth in-help key an 8-3 Academ~ ning. Vargas recorded a pair of League baseball victory over St, , strikeouts to close the door on Margaret's Thursday. : the Coast scoring. Down, 3-0, entering its thir¢, OCCs Kyte Stanley continued Inning, Mart Loper followed sill" his recent hot streak., going 2 for straight one-out walks with a ... 4 with ·two doubles, one run . three-run double, then scored: scored and one RBI. Greg Benoit on a single by Zack Shokley to. and Brad Miller also had two hits give the Lightning all it would- apiece for the Pirates. Waldo need. . : Sauceda had a pair of singles and Loper also earned hi& 6.ftl(~ scored twice for the Cllargers. pitching win in six decisions~ Orange Coast (19-20-1, 8-15) striking out four in four innings... will wrap up the 2003 season to-Sage Hill (12-5, 8-3 in league)- day, hosting Fullerton in the final dropped St Margaret's to 3-8 lJ'I>., game of the OEC Mini Touma-league. ment at 2:30 p.m . Cypress 9, Orange Coat 3 Cy~ess ~~~ · 9 10. o OCC OIO 020 000 • 3 lO 8 Vargas, Greenwalt (8) and Garcia; Allen, Criasman(8) and Hkb. W - Vargas, 9-2. L-Allen, 6-5. 28 -Smith (Cl. Stanley (OC) 2. Piukowski (OC), Miller (Cl. 3B -Fry (C). Sage Hill I, St. Marg. 3 -.• ScON bv lnnlna1 • -St. Marg. 003 boo ~ -3 e o,. 4- Sage Hill 001 010 " -a 3 o,; Bacon, Au1tln (3), Porazzo (6) and. • ... Goldstein; Loper, Friedrlcha (5), : "' Packard (6), Wiikin• (7) and Korneweit. W -Loper, S-1. L -f,. Bacon. 2B -Thomas (SM), Loper #'" (SH). . J ..... -~ .. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD SUMMARIES . ..: ' • See va.w L!egu! 8oyw Foothll 79, ~ 55 100 -1. Rohrig (FJi 11.3; i.l(i~ (NH), 11.3; 3. Nguyen (F1. 11.9. · 200 -1. Rohrig (F), 23.0: 2. Eldridge (NH), 24.3; no third. 400 -1. 8ef'lj14ltt (F), 52.7; 2. Urtuauastet)ul (NH), 53.2; 3. Bronaon (F), 55.4. 800 -1. ~I (F), 2:10.9; 2. Wright (F), 2~12.4; 3. Millef (NH), 2:14.2. 1,800-1. Wright (F), 4:41.9:2. Millef (NH). 4:A3.3; 1 Hayes (F)j 4:44.6. 3.200 -1. UrtueullteQui NHI. 10-.36.0; 2. Hayes. (F), 10:62.4; 3. Cummings (F), 10:6"A. 110 HH -1. Uti (~14.6; 2. Alba (Fl, 17.4; 3. Hartsfield (NH 17.8. 300 IH -1. Albe ( , 45.3; 2. 8roll90n (F), 46.3; a. 8ennd (F}1 47.4. '400 relay -Foothlu, 46. 7. 1,800 relly-1. Foothill, 3:48.3. On ly bidder• who partlcip.te In both ttHt Pre·Bld Conhnnce and the Project site vitlt In tllW entirety, will tit •llolffd to bid on the Prolect .. prn ~on· trec:lora. For f11tther lnfonn.tlon, cont.ct UCI Contracts Oepert-t withM o.illl • Con· stnUIOll Setwlcn: lOMY llepytA •• (Ml) 12'-4)75. Tiie aucceufut ......, ... lb ~ectota .... , ... 94 ....... "'9 "41d11cr1"'i..1tletl ,... .. _ .. "' .... '-ttle 8Wdllll .,. •• 111111tt tnd lo ''' ~.,. ... ~ 1'1M aucc:euM ....., .... , ............ ................. c ...... ·.~edir'I HJ -1. Meyer (Fl. M ; 2. Nott (NH), M ; no third. W -1. Rohrig (F). 20-0; 2. Nguyen (F), 17-9; 3. M.yer (F), 17-6. TJ -1. Herufleld (NH), 37-4~ 2. Meyer (F), 37..0: 3 Nott (NH), 36-814.. PV -1. o.;nibone (F). 9-8; 2. Meyer IA. 9.e; 3. Fe~ tN.~)1 8-0. SP -1. SZICMi (M'll, 48-2',t 2. Sbhen (NH), 48-11: 3. Uti (F), 4&-3~. OT -1. Szieceel (NH!, 142·2; 2. Goto (F). 129-3; 3. Sbhen (NH), 11~~. · c:.ta FootN1 a , Newpol1 u 100 -1. JeMen (Fl, 13.0; 2. Hemlindez (NH), 13.2; 3. Seerden (NH), 13.5. 200 -1. ,,.,_, (Fl. 27.1 • 2. Henderlon (Fl. 27..5: 3. Hemendez tNHl. 21.a. 400 -1. Hell (NH), 1 :00.9; 2. Hender'lon (F), 1:01.4; 3. Randell (NH), 1:02.7.. 800 -1. Merllhlll (NH), 2:28.8; 2. Mc- Kllbol"I (fl. ~ 3. Hoct1Wlkl (Nf), 2:3&.A. 1,800-1. Manhll1INH),5'.30.3; 2. Strldlen (Fl, 6;40.7; 3. Brown (F). 5:43.6. ~ • 3.200-1. Mtrahtll (NH), 12:27.5; 2. Brown (Fl, 12:51.2; 3. Md(lbbon (F), " ' 12!57.1. '"'· .. 100 H -1. Fitdl If), 18.6; 2. Oebeny (F), '!' 18.9; 3. Bitch (NH), 19.8. .": 300 H -1. Crvicbhlnlt (F), 51.2; 2. Atc:h .,. : (F), 64.2; 3. Ruder (NH), 66.4. -.. 400 relay-1. fi>ottrill, 52.8. -' , ,800 relay -1. N9wOOl1 Hetbof' -. (Hernldei, Rendall, klippt11. Hall), :~ •:30.8. ~ HJ -1. Forlvthe (NHI, 6-1; 2. Howe (F), ••· 4-10; 3. Biad'I (NH!. 4-10. w -1. ,,.,_..(fl. 1$-0; 2. McG~ (f). .... 15-7; a. Atctt (F) 15-0. • TJ -t ~ (NHI, 33-<4~ 2. McGr-• lfl. 32·10; 3. Bellde INH), 31-3~ ·"' Pl/ -1. eenn.t (F), 10-0; 2. StolU (NH), : M; 3. o.lna (F), M. • SP -1.Lltl (F), 31..et'.; 2. Crvk*ahlnll (F), ... 30-0; 3. Lawrence (NHI. 28-e. OT -1. Crvlcbhenk (F). 10Ht'.; 2. Celell ... " (NH),88-";3.Utl(F).~1~ -· . 1 • ,I Friday, M9 2, 2003 &II _Gill ___ ..... __ .. _ lllll.... .. l.11111..... .. ""'..... .. ""'..... .. Liiii .... ii Ulll ..... ............. ......... .. =--= p~"::"to~h... ..... ...... .... ..... The ......... ,.,_ lf~:r::1~a....:: ~--· <1111 •• ... ...... ottw thtill • ~ Have rou •tltr1M doiftl blllifteu yatf llo JUdlthl.DeMe •• dolq ~ ..... ; •114 Pr..L...·•--,. ..... , -" ~·-The followlna ..,,_ Cel6ns .o...-. ... p v•-..._ u •• ,...._...__ ,.,.,~.._ IA dolnf busl._..s et: u... 500'";i1ta'Z:. :::. ~ ....... -"!, atvtn .. _,.....,_~ .. ....., Lori• od lhomu 'flt(s •tat-t WU flied with th• County C~ ~ Ot•nt• COllnt) on°'10llOJ :MeM•.cttff C.on1 o.t Met, CA -· . Cotti a... ..... ..... lnlMA Gr~; 1290 925 =~ :~·::-c:.:: .._ ... ,. ....... llMn Suite 9 '7C,_. llalne It. Wllll•m• to be told~o h el ............. -....... ,.. =:.egort Bucb, CA Tr ... tM of tN Wllll•IJI• ~Illy I.IA nn11111111 --I • Ttutt. 500 Afcilllta Of., 9t iA&8 Newport et.:6.', ....... Nil.... --·-Of ( IJMWI Tholftft, 313 D~ PllOt AfK, 11, _l!t 25, Mey 2, 2003 Fzm Corona def Mer CA Co.la Meu Clllf &e.......1...LL.... .... _. PW •• --Liiie• ~u OI'" tr vine, .. • t2moi1.,19.= ~~ .. -----., ... _ .. Irle ,. . Wllll•m• 1t 10:00 AM tile tot· -~· • •A-MOU. 6~=~\'.;:1~--= ...... ..... .... s...... Tnllt .. ot the Wllllam1 low"1f described prop· •a.111-Of-CA 90018 ~-. f"Ulll~ Tru1t A, 600 ~ ""' lht follow1n1 persons •r• 4olnc business 11: •-• "'-I c · _10_,.._ _____ ,.__ This buslnus is con· ... _ a ... ve, orona nit ~. v1n~·t1t J. -__ ,_ "' __ ,_ deflbt CA 92625 '"" -ducted by: • llmlted Mti•tech Mtnufwcturln1 &. M11Chinin1, 920 N. PolnseW1 Strttt, Sant• Ant, CA 92701 O le•'· Wllll•ms Otho AKA Vincent OU.OfM OIMaOf-pwtnershlp TmtH 01 the w1111ams !~':;!,~.1"~o!:S::rJ Wl~AU165S Wl-A21176' b.!!f'~!o;',:i:!•d dolna n111t, 500 Ancehte eoods. business records TO ALL INTERUTED TO All INTERESTED Ellubeth Thomes, Drlvt, Corone dtl Mar, 1t14/or Inventory. , PCRSOHS: PERSONS.; G-•l Pertoer Me11tte11 Enclneerlnc lo Menuf•ctw'lnc Inc. (CA). 920 H. Poinsettia, S•nta Ana, CA 92701 CA 92125 Unit 245 & 2AO Al E 1. 'etltlon11; Vahlt 1. Petitioner: DAWN This statement was l)lls buslnes& 11 con· Ro.-s, ptrtonal prop: fahlm, Al>Mr F•hiln and CURRAM·TUBB ON BE-filed wlttt tht County ducted bp: • ftMrtl erty, household prop«-Adam Fahlm; •ltd· Ythla HALF OF C*iltlSTOPHEll Ptltntl'lt!lp ~ bu"'"9u records~ f"ehlm and Al>eer flhim JACOB CRAPSON, A Clerk 01 Oran1• Couoty This business I• con· ducted by: • c;orJ>orttlon Have you stt<ted dolnc busineu yet? Yes, 06/ 01/2002 Waw. you •IMtld dolnc or Inventory. on behalf of Adam Fanlm MINOR liltd • ~tltlon ;~~f,3673 business yatl Yn, Oct. Purcht1t mus t bt •· mlf\ot filed • "tltiOn with this eowt for • Dally Piiot May z. 9, 16, 1. t997 mtdt-wltti cull only and with this cOllH for ;a l!ffrte Chanalna name1 23 2003 FJ.45 £tic P. WlHl1m1 at tht tlmt of ult. Seit clKret ctltncJna ntJMs IS follows: CHRISTO· ' Mec1tech Encjnee1in1 lo M1nulacturin1. Inc., Mellu Pavao, CEO This 1t1ltmtnt WIS subject to cencellttlon as follows: PH£R JACOB CRAPSON ............ hied with tht County In the event of aattlt· Y1hl1 H. fthlm to to CHRISTOf'H(R JACOB --.s..... Cleft of Oranp County menl betwttn owner Jolltl Keppltr CURltAlf on Oil/08I03 end obllJated party ~tr F thlm to 2. THE COURT ORDERS Th• followln1 per\ons are doln& business as: This statement wts flied with the County Clerk of Or 1n11• County on 04/11/03 206Ht40Stl 200Mt40Ut Published ·New.po rt AmyKec>Pltr ttlat •II person\ lnter- Delly Piiot AfK. I l, 18, Bttth·Costi Meu Daily Adtm fthlm to ested In this matter shall Bia B•d Bus Unllmlted, 428 Mornlna C1nyon Road, Corona Dtl Mar, CA92625 25, May 2, 2003 F'292 Piiot May z 9 2003 FJ.42 Adam t(ec>Pltr appNr baton this court ~ 2. THC COURT ORDERS at tht hHrinc Indicated Darty Piiot AfK. 18, 25, May 2, 9, 200l F 311 Ac-.. ..... ... ~ Tht followln1 persons are dolnc busintn u : Eltven. 2689 Pela Mtu Ct., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ~lcholu Andrew Rawllou5'f, 12A West Simmons Ave., Anaheim. CA92802 Nell Alan WYictit, 4158 larw1n Avt., Cypress, CA 90530 Brien Joseph 1 albert, 2689 P1l1 Mesa Ct., Costa Meu, CA 92621 This bu:ilnas II con· duct~ by: I cenerel partnership Hlw. you started dolna business yet? No Nicholas Rawhou- Thls sttttmtnt wes filed wlttl the County Clcfk of Oranc• County 'on 03/17/03 200S6tJ7172 Daily Pilot AfK. 11, 18. 25. M1y 2. 2003 F283 r......,., thet all persons inter· below to show c1use 1f "·+' ... IL • .1. esltd In thi' matter shall any, why tht petition for ... _. 1--• tppet< btfore this court ehana• of ntmt should ~........ at th• hterlnc lndictted not be cranted. Tht followlna person below to show c~usa If NOTICE OF HEARING hes abindontd ttlt use tny, why the petition IOf Datt: 6/3/03 Time: 2:00 of tti. Fictitious Bual· chance of name should pm Dept.: L73 ntsS Namt· GIS Net not be eunttd. The tddreu ol tht court works Inc: SOl St-NOTICE OF HEARING Is umt as noted tbovt. Andre;., Rd• Newport Datt: 6/3/03 Time: 2:00 3. A «>PY of this Ordt< Buch CA 92663 pm Dept.: L73 to Show cause shell IM The Fictitious Buslnus Tht addrns of the court published at lu st onr.e neme referred to above Is same u note~ above. each week ror four wes filed In Orence 3. A copy of this Ordt< successive weelu pl'lor C~nty on 2-22·02 fllf to Show UUH shall be to the dele s.et for NO 20026893296 • published et least once hearina on the petition GIS Networks Inc uch wnll for lour 1n the follow'"& news- (CA), 501 St A~drtw~ succtUlvt weefls prior paper of a•ntul circu- Rd., Ntwpoft BHch CA to the date set for latlon. Pflnted in this 92663 ' hearina on tht petition county: Dally Piiot ~ This busine" 1, con-In tha lollowlna news· o.te1 An ti to03 ducted by·• corporation paper of ceneral circu· IKHMD O. ..utl, GIS Net . latlon, printed in this R., JUCHH OF THI l\lmbtrtee E. Orakt, 428 Morn1n1 Canyon Road, Corona Dtl Mir, CA92625 Tom We t zel. 26 Nor lhtr n Pine Loop, Ahso Viejo, CA.92656 This busineu is ton· ducted by: co·pertners Heye you started dome business yet? No Klmbert.e E. Drake Tom Wetzel This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orene• County on 04/11/03 20036940609 Dally Pilot Apr. 18, 25, May 2. 9, 2003 F315 Rdllllll ..... ... s..... worb Inc Phil Timson county: HeW$)0(1 Buch/ SUPutOl Coutlf Chlefiuc.'Olficer ' Costa Mua OaUy Piiot, Publishe d Newport The follow'"& per!>ons This statement wes 330 W. Bay, Cos1a Mesa, BHch·Costa Mtu Deity are do1n11 bu~neu as· Ill d Ith c CA 92627 Pilot April 25. May 2. 9, (Thomas and Cynthia • w tht ounty o .... Al'll t 4 2003 16, 2003 F 337 OBA) joyfltes Unlimited, Cieri\ of Oun11e County IKHARO o faAZU 24271 Cataluna Circle, ;~~~~:Os SL, JUOGI. OF THi IOTKIOf M1ss1on Viejo, CA 92691 Dilly Pilot Apr 18, 25• SUf'uttOll COUU AVAIAlllTYOf Thomas falsey. 24271 Ma• 2 9 2003 F316 Publlshtd Newpor·t •-1&1 --Cataluna Circ~. Mlulon ,... .... --.s..... The followln1 persons are do1nc business as~ Sitters Unlimited New· port Buch/ Hunllncton Beach Aaency, 881 Dover Drive Suite 340. Newport Beach, CA 92663 Maty Macdonald, 323 Cryst&I Avtnut, Balboa l.sland, CA 92662 This buslntSs 1s con· ducted by: an individual Have you started doinc buslntss yet1 Yes, 12·9- 86 Mary Mttdontld Thls st•tament was tiled with ttle County Cler~ of Oranae County on 04/11/03 20036940600 Daily Pilot AlK. 18, 25, May 2. 9, 2003 F313 fldlllM ..... --.s..... ' · • Beac:h·Costa Mua Dilly -M•-\/oeio. CA 92691 The foliowinc per$0ns ================== Pilot 11.prll 18, 25, Mey Pursu1nt to S«tlon Cynthl• Falsey. 24271 1re doin1 business· u : z. 9, 2003 FJIJ7 6104(d) of the Internal Cetatuna Ctrcle, Mission a} Carl$0n Sates and The lollowona persons are do1n1 business as: The Howard Company, 20101 S W. Bwch St. 11276, Newport Bellcil. CA92660 Robert S. Howard, 20101 S.W. Birch SI 11276, Newport Buch, CA92660 Ttt1s businen 1s con ducted by· an indivldual Have you st..rted doln& business yet? Yes, AfK1t 1973 Robert S. Howatd Thll stelemtnt was filtd with the County Clttk of <>ranee County on 04J08,I03 2003694otn Daily Pilot Apr 11. 18, 25, May 2. 2003 f296 The followln1 persons are dolna bullntu u · Ceteto Ctassico, 2756 [. Coas t H11'1wey, Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Ntloofar Mohammad, 3100 Awway Av• .. Cost& Mesa. CA 92626 All R. Faramandl, 3100 Airway Awe., Cosh Mesa. CA 92626 ThtS buMntu " con· ducted by: hut.band and wife Ha•• you started do1n1 buslnns yet1 Ves, ~/4/ OJ Nlloofat Mohammad This statement was hied wrth the County Ct«k of Oran11 County on04!08/03 200J6940U7 Delly Pilot AfK. 11, 18, 25. M1y 2. 2003 f:zgt Rnenue Code. notice IS \/ttjo. CA 92691 AcqUISlllOM, b) Fr .. dom hereby civen ttlet the Th~ busirius ~ con-of Speech, 21170 Buch annual return tor the ducted by· husband and Blvd., Hunt1nrton Beach, calendat year 2Q02 of w.lfe CA 92648 Peuie R. Shedd Merine Have you started doin& Luke Ct<lson, 21170 Educ 1 ti on and En business yeH No Bt1ch Blvd .. Hunt1nrton hancement Trust, ,. Thomas falsey Buch, CA 92648 prl .. te foundahon. is Cynthia F alsey This business os con· avallabla et the loun· This statement wu ducted by. an 1ndivtdual dalton's principal office filed with the County Have you started doina for Inspection durinr Clerk of Ounee County bus111ns yet? No reeular bus'"ess hoU<s on 04/03/03 lull• Carlson from 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. 200J6t J9S9S This statement was by any cit11en who Dally Pilot Apr. 11, 18, hied with the County ·requests 11 within 180 25, May 2. 2003 F286 Clerk of Oranre County days after the date of ft..olW-L....L........ on 03/13/03 this pubhullon. ,..._ -20036937025 Tht foundation's prm· ... s.....t Daily Pilot Apr. 11. 18. clpal olflu Is loc.tled 1t Th I II 25, May 2, 2003 F303 17351·B Murphy, Irvine, • 0 owina persons CA 92SU, 949.66()-8757 are do1n1 buslneu n · ~ ..... Office & Industrial 11.-t~ The p<inc1p1I manaaer Reloution Consultants. --of the foundation IS 53'.IO Silver Canyon Rd. Tht lollow1n1 persons Wilham D. Shedd. Suite c. YMba Linda, CA .,.e do1n1 bu~'"ns es: Published Newport 92887 C.able end Satellite Beach-Cost• Mesa D11ly James Anthony Boeer, Promotions. 19 Morelli. Piiot May 2. 2003 F 356 53'.IO Silver Canyon Rd Foothill Ranch. CA 92610 ~..... Suite C, Yorba Linda, CA Everest Bullon. 19 ....__ ,~ 92887 Morella. Foothill R1nch, - -This bus1neu Is con CA 92610 The followln1 peuons ducted by. an ondividuel This business 1s con are do1111 busintu as: Have you startMI do'"ll: ducted by· an lndlvtdual Quid< Doc's, 3201 Col· bur.ineu yet? Yes, 03/ Have you started doina ado Pl .. Costa Mua. 15/2003 busoneu yet? Yes. June A 92626 James A. Bo1er 1996 Tttomas Bousman, This stttement wu EvenstBuUon 3201 Coloudo Pl., Cosll hied witti the County This statement was Meu, CA 92626 Clerk of Orane• County filed with the County An11•I• Bousman. 3201 on 04/03/03 Clerk of Orance County Color ado Pt.. Cos ta 20036939631 on 04/11/03 Mesa. CA 92626 Daily Pilot May 2, 9. 16. 20036940610 This bus1neu 1s c.on· 23. 2003 F357 Dally Piiot Apr 18. 25, ducted by husb•nd •nd ......._ ............_ May 2, 9. 2003 F 321 wife ,__ ,._......_ Have you started do'"I ie-S...... business ytt1 No The followlna persons ... s.....t Tllomas Bousrrutn do b The followlna persons Th'• • •atemenl wa• are '"I usineu as. •· •• • Get It Out. 16684 Silk are doinc business u : filed with the County tree St, Fount.in Vellay, Adams Con,truclton, Clerk ol Oran11e County CA 92708 I 537 Pondtrosa •C. on 04129/03 s t 1 1 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 ......... 942671 pee rum nter ors. ,_..., Inc. (CA). 166M SUktree Jason Adems, 1537 Dally Pilot M.y 2. 9. 16. St , Fountain Valley, CA Ponderosa IC, Cost. 23, 2003 F'347 92708 Meu. CA 92626 ·fidlllm..... Thi$ bus1neu Is con· ThlS bust0tss ls con-" ....__ ~ ducted by. • corporetion ducted by: •n lnd1v1du1I " - -Ha ·-~-A do Have you stlrted dol .... StM,:-• ... (_.......... . ..... ........ -... .. .-....... n you s ... ,..., •n& ... 5n14'';.. -;;;;-., ~boll';, !tie 'Qiii': The lollowint persons bustneu yetl No business yet7 Vn. 4-1- -...,...,.1 ol dh~Fleooldlttor at• do1111 business u : Spectrum Interiors. 03 .. ..., ~ 2St2 .. ~ o1 Orrot Construct••• Improve· Inc ,• Joy Stockwell. Itson Adams ~ Bey Loop, ccm Plll'Cl8I 2 an l.f'ldMdild ments, 3260 ld•ho Ln.. President This statement was Miu,. 9 _ 821!12'7-MH "-"' In lw -Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Thll stetemtnt wes filtd w1tll tht County APH........,.; 837.-.o48 -= A ~ (1128) Bwry Halt. 3160 Idaho Med with the County Clerfl of Onn11e County n. 111C1tr'911d TNllM l.rwlvtdld .__ In 8lld ln.. Costa Mesa, CA Clerk of Onnc• County on 04/0IVOl clldllrrw flPI illblilY for to al ol .. l'lltl OIOOll!v. 92626 ,,. 15/03 200H940US -lnoonedrw cl .. ----'-.......,., U. on.,.../ -·• .........._ .......... ...._. -=-::::!.. --~ Scott Shank, 2615 20016940977 Daily Piiot~. II. 18. ~~--"' ... _ii :_::_,,-.rln• -.. ~~_....., C d .. c• ..,. ""· 2 3 F""~ -···-· _ or oryc on, norco, " Daily Piiot Apr. 18. 2S, =· .... y • · ,,,., "1Y· ahclwn l'taireln. ~IMM. ol 91760 Mey 2. 9. 200~ F328 ~...-.. piq1111y ,.,...,,. Sllll ol This busineu is con· dMcrtlild It bell'1 IOld ._ dMcrtled • ducted by: a 1eneraf fkllm..... ... s.....t 11' 0.: Aoll 22. 2003 Loi .. .,_.. partnarship ... S...... Tht loilowlnc "rsons ~ ~ ~2!:.:· .,:=, : Have you stwted doln1 The followinc ""'sons are doln1 businns as: ~. "" Parcel 2 ol .. ......, buaiMu yet7 Yes, 4·15· .--Lovt lrs Hair Studio, ~ to Sonoma , ,... , --~ U.· 98 are dolnc business as: ...., .... Adam O. ProboWly & 24.502 0.1 Prtdo Sta. A, • TNMM 81H>'7, With II Bwry Hell Auocletts, 3001 Redhill Dant Point. CA 92629 1918\J!'• ~~ =-~••1n..,_... This stttement wn Shelly Lyn Lovell. 573--CqndonilUn PW) llled with the County ~OS~utc!~~1~!.Su~: 24502 0.1 Predo St•. A, ~~a. tlAljeQ to .~ tolOwlr'C Cltn·ol Or an1• County 92626 Dana Point, CA 92629 ~ It a _,. IA)· lw rtdlt wNdl re on 04/2911)3 Adam D. Probolslly. This bu1lntss Is con· CIDlldDt ~ to ~ •~ _. toOM•416St 2306 Crescent Oak, ducted by: an lndMduet =-: :::.:a ~ =.:::: :-:"..O:.J: Delly Piiot May 2, 9, 16, lrvlnt. CA 92618 Hm you started dolllf loC*d Plll'P"1Y 23, 2003 F353 ThtS buslntSS ls con· business yet? Vts, 3/'a/ be1Md~e41!'* C:-~ -.11e .,_2 ............ ducted by: en lndlvlduel 99 Ttw 111111 ......,_, to In HI '"'"* Have you surted dolnc Stielly lovtll ~It_..., In ==:.,ID ': ~ ... ~ buslneu ytt7 Yts, Ol/ This statement was h :': OI ~ Dec:tWMott tr-.cl The tollowlnc person. Ol/1992 flied with tht County ~ .::.,.li1:1.. ·~ OI ~ •• dolnc business 11: U.m o. ProbolV.y Cltrk of Oranc• County dllOlled•lolowf.: = ~ falan ... 1, 1188 AlfwtJ This statemtnt was Ofl04/15/03 f'Wllll t : The __._-==::-.,:: Ave. Suite G, Costa flied with tht County JIOH940t2t ~ UNt tMt -· Mina,CA92626 Cl•ll of Ol'•n&• Covnty Dally Piiot AfK. 18. ~ 22 • "-! on fllf uni on. !7#t, and 11C10M Ymh H•. 3181 Airway Oii 04/0tl03 May 2, 9, 2003 F SD °"'*' ~ ~ b OOlmlOll .,.. °' Ave. Suit• G. Costa 100Ht40174 ~ twJ:=~i ==-~=.!; Me&a,CA92626 Dally Piiot AfK. ll. 18, -... ~ ,.. ... ~ __ Nell-On Chau, 3188 25,Mey 2,2003 F'288 -~1 : rn-tarfllc~-= =:'.:.~CA~ G. ......... -~~'b'~'°!~ No. 115-982S7 hc::i.: • tllOWll Ill Thi$ buslntu b con· ... SMmllf Im• Consultlnc. 300 ~ ~ : .,. .8}:"':,.::: ducted by: 1 pn«•I Tlle followlnc person• C•t"•J Lene 1104, """"'*"No.ta lllllt. •~lnfltO.:"*'' ~Ip are dolnc bu~ n : CoataMona • .CAtaU bol\Ola.clll ~.J! Qt _.,.. OI ....., "-"~•tarted dolnc Prec:ltlon Tow"'&, 220 LlllaM l . McCutty, 300 =='.""°'"~~ =~ .. ::s ~yeUNo :::.~~4'.,Ca.t• ~?,t L:::c:h~l~A --This 1tatemtnt WH (tnity Metia ~. 220 JO II ---=1,,.,_ ~ fltff with tM Ceunty ... , F~•t ltd., Cosbt Thill 11111.tMu t. Cot : In~ _.....,,. "* oii Ci.ti of Orllftlt CountJ .._,,CAftlZI dUetM ~:Ml~ .. ,. :.-:. _.... :.. =-~to =~-:.. ~= :;:, t". ·c!: 11=.!"£ ... =---_, ,_._:. :".#::::'C..W:.:. Dtlf1 Piiot '-· 18. 25, Meu, CA 92118 L.-a -Hl:.~ .....,. -,.,:= Mlf 2, 9, 2D03 . flll7 Jllla ~ fa COii• nMi ............ WU m Oii • -........... Ill -............... -,.. __ ~ = ........ dllcrtM by: I ...... ,_ '""' ,_ ............ ., ml ... _It 4: A P.. '""'*'" Cwtl of Or-. c-.ty ~ ·11¥ .. ,.. =--~t:"I n.. ._.,,_. Hev.rou•WW.,.,_ ~ .... ~-~ •.•• ,. --•• .:::..,.."""'°=-~yet,... ~ ...... !. ... " 0.. 2t. t ,_ -!! ....._ Jee Keitil Gw -., .. - -TM WI Shirt ,_., Tiiis ......_.t .,.. -,r: r:• ...---1-~~Ste fled-"".._~ ..... .... ~ -.-• =c.bl-..CA ~t~C-'Y ... ...... L'!iflp' ... ':~ u'nt. Ci.!: .. ~ ===·ta. a, .~ •• ;.~:-: •• ,.. .... .._CAIZM !!tl,t.-· ,.. nn' . a.. s. :. 'M 11'ii.. ~.:=:: ...... ~"-· ,.... .... ·i.,sii iiMll :St•:l!c:. .. ~~:r':-: ~~~·.=: ::i !l!!!UC .I 71 -:..---i:n:.:.:-::: ..::, •• ..:.: ;;;;,--,.• -•••IMHJ;,ll YH, c.e....._CA_ • ....... :;:-.... ............ L.•·-"' caa,:t ..... -,=., .. =-~ n.:r' lllll t, ' w -..ca-,...~ -. ii:t,t iirl~'Ola'! iYr·-- ........ ... ...... Tht fottowlftc .,_,_ ,,,. dolflt ~.. w. C1111J1 Vlt1ll Mlalc. 140 Woo4oreat UM, N"6 Vlelo. CA 92'56 flilfthtw Cllarlu (111tttl111, 140 Wood• c:r11t Lene, Alflo vi.i.. CA l2J&5e n.1t 11us1,..... 1s con· ducted by; an lndivldllal Have you started dolne builn.ss yet? Yes. 4/'1JJ/ 02 Matt Emtrilan Thia statem,nt wn flltd with ttlt County Cltrk of Ounce County on04/0IV03 200Mt40146 Dally Pilot Apr. 11. 18, 25, May 2, 2003 F290 ~ ..... ....... The fpllowina persons art doinc business as: •) Access The Ede•. b) The Ed&• S.mlnll'1, 616 Se .. lew lane. Costa MHa,CA92626 Ttrl Ritchie, 616 Sta- view lane. Costa Meu. CA 92626 This bu1.lness is con· ducted by: an 1ndlvldual Ha•• you started dolna business ye t? No Teri R1tch1e This statement was filed with lht County Clerk of Or •nee County on 04/11/03 20036940607 Daily Pilot Apr 18, 25, M•y 2, 9. 2003 F318 .......... ... s..... The followinc persons are doln& business es: [apanded Events. 26382 Charford, Lake Forest, CA92630 Kelly Loretta Paskey. 26382 Charlord. Lake Forest, CA 92630 This busmess Is con· dueled by: an Individual Have you s~rted do'"ll: business yet' Yes, 4 · l · 03 11.elly Pasl\ey This statement wu filed with the County C~rk of Oranee County on 04/29/03 20036942661 Daily Pilot May 2, 9, 16, 23, 2003 f 343 Fldillm ..... ... s...... The follo w1n11: persons •re do•na businus n . f>opoc•I Island, 1980 rederal Ave . Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Jorie Perei, 1980 f edertl Ave . Cos II Mesa, CA 92627 T111s business os con· ducted by. an 1nd1v1dual Have you started dotn& bus'"ess yet' No Jore• Perez Thos statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranc• County on 04/11/03 20036940411 D•1ly Pilot Apr 18. 25. May 2,-<J, 2003 F320 RcllllM ..... ... s.....t The follow.ne per sons are do'"& business as· little Yellow Cottaae Kids, 444 Be1on11 Ave nut. Coron1 del Mar, CA 92625 Stephanie Hooper. 444 Beaon1a Avenue. Coton• det Mat. CA 92625 This busmen 1s con- ducted by· an indov1dual Htve you st1<1ed do1n1 business yet? Yes. 10. 2Q02 Stephanie Hoeper This statement w•s filed with the County Clerk of Or a nae County on 04129/03 200U942'72 Daily Pilot May 2. 9. 16. 23,2003 F.346 .......... ...s...... lhe followlna ptnons are doln& business as: SOLA Crnhve Croup, 1801 Dove StrHt, suite •104. Newport BHch, CA92660 Suunne Butman, 260 Victoria Street. •C3, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ThtS business Is con- ducted by: an Individual HIVt you started doinc bustntss yet? Yes. 12/ 01/01 Suunne Butman This stetemtnt w1s hied with th• County Cltrll of Orance County on04/ll/OJ 200S6t406t7 Dally Pilot Apr. 18, 25, Mey 2. 9, 2003 r322 • fkllll.-..... ... s..... The followinc persons art dot11C bUJl!ltS$ as: Lydie Dalnow · USA. 436 Heliotrope Sult• l ·E. Coron• Del Mar. CA 92625 Terry J. Klenzlt, 31J Vista Suert•. Newport 8t11Ch, CA 92'660 This l!us!nrD 11 con· lh• followlna parsons ttt doln& bullneu es. M.G. Flnanc1al. 2058 N. Busti St., Santa Ana, CA 92106 Gabritt M. Montoya. 2068 N. Bush St., Santa An1,CA9Z706 This business 15 ton· ducted by: an individual Ht•• you darted dolnc busln~ yet7 Yes, Feb. 2002 Gabfltt M. Montoya This staltment wn hied with the County Clerk of Or inc• County onD4/09/03 200U940404 Daily Ptlol Apr. I I. 18. 25, May 2, 2003 FlOl ,..... ..... ... s..... The lollowlna 1>4rsons are do1n1 business u . Oohs·N·Ah u. 130 E. 17th St. Unit H, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 L!Ha Frances Avetoorn. 4025-11 Calle Sonora, Laauna Woods. CA 92653 This business Is con· ducted by: an 1nd1v1dual Have you startad do1na business ytl? Yes. Nov, 17. 1995 L. Avetoom This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranat County on 04/15/03 200J6t40t08 Delly Piiot Apr 18, 25, May 2, 9, 2003 F324 Adltllm .... ... s...... The folfow•nc per~ons are do1n1 busin~ n Gone Doe Walk1n1. 19501 Aracon Circle, Hunt1nrton Buch. CA 92646 Christine l\up1nsk1, 19501 Ar111on Co"le, Hunt1nrton Buch. CA 92646 lh•s bu"ness '' con· due ted by an 1ndivldual H;ive you started do1ne busmeu yet? No Christine l\arp1nsll1 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ot anee County on 04/29/03 200Ht42'74 Daily Pilot May 2, 9, 16, 23. 2003 f 352 Rditlmlldllu --.s..... lhe follow1na persons are doona busmeT.s •s. Amerlc:an Wood Bat lucue. 4816 Setshof• Dr-'8. Newport Beach, CA92663 Jerry W Lehman, 4816 SuShore Dr •B. New· port Buch, CA 92663 This bu.!.lness 1s coo ducted by· an 1nd1vidu•I Have you started dom11 bus1neu yet' Yu. •··5· 03 Jerry l ehman This statement was hied with the County Clerll of Orenee County onWll/03 20036940604 011ly P1tot Arx. 18. 25. May Z. 9, 2003 F310 Rdllm ..... ... s..... The tollowone persons are do•ne business n Herr 600, 2013 6 Pia cenha Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Peter 11.rausert, 2238 Continenttl Ave .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This buslneu Is con· ducted by: an lndivtdual Have you started do•na businn.s yet' Yu. 4/V 97 Ptter Kraus.rt , :!_his ~tatement was f11ecr-w1th the County Clerk of Orana• County on04/11/0J 200S6940S" Daily Piiot Apr l8. 25. M.y z. 9. 2003 f312 ........... ... s.....t The lollowin& persons are doln1 t>uslntU n . Joe Stnflllppo Co11 str uc lion. 25482 E Ider · wood. Lelle Forest. Cahlor11l1 92630 Robert J. K1mlnu1. zs.c&2 Elderwood, l tk• Forest. Callforn11 92630 This buslneu Is con ducted by: an individual H•vt you st.wted do•nc !Mnlnesa yet7 No Robert J. Kernlnslt.1 This st.ttment wu fifed with tilt County Cltr1I of Orenct County on 04/03/03 20N4Ht67S Delly Piiot May 2. 9, 16, 23. 2003 F359 ..... .... ... ...... fll.a tolloWlft. pel'IOM lrt clolnl bllflNM U: Ven, 1123 W•t lay Av.. IA, New,oft ee.et\, CA92663 Arctlca (CA), lW West 8ey Ave. •A~ Newport 8 each , CA 92663 Thi. buslneu i. con· duc:tt4 by: an irulivldual Heve you stwt.d dome business yet1 No Arctk:a, .lohn Gritman, President lhls sl•ttment wu filtd with the County Cltr1l of Orant• County on04/29/03 200HH26'S Daily Piiot Mliy 2, 9. 16. 23. 2003 f355 ~ ..... --.s..... Th• follow Ina persona are do<111 business " Toaethe• Ware. 103 Shedy Wood, Irvine, CA 92620 Ron Bocdanow1ch, 103 Shady Wood, Irvine, CA 92620 This business 1s ton ducted by husband and wife Have you slatted dotn& buSlneu yet' No Ron Boedano•ich This statement w.s filed with the County Cll'rk of Oranee County on 04/1 l/03 200S6t40612 Daily Pilot II.pr I 8. 25, May 2. 9, 2003 F 323 RclliM .... ... s.....t The foftow1n1 person~ are do1ne busineu as land Ho lnvutment Company. 622 My•t•c Way. Lacune BHth, CA 92651 Michael We1d1e 622 Mystic Way, Laauna Beach, CA 92651 ThlS business IS con ducted by· an 1ndiv1dual ttave you stJtrted doin1 business yet? No Michael We1d11 This statement wu filed woth the County Cti:rk of Or •n11e County on 04/29/03 200J6t4267S Daily Pilot May 2 9 16. 23,2003 F3~1 Rdttlm-...U ... s.....t The follow1n1 persons are doone business as M.-cro Consult1n11. 6882 PreSldlO D< • Hun1 '"1ton Buc:h. CA 92648 Ricllard Dennis G1ace, 6882 Pres1d10 Or . Hun tineton Buch. CA 92648 Thos bu!>HIUS os con ducted by· an 1nd1v1dual Have you started dotn& busoneu yet? No ~hard Oenms Crtu fhos statement was filed with the County Clark ol Or a nee County on 04/08/03 200U94013G Oaoly Pilot Afir 11. 18, ZS. May 2. 2003 r291 Fldi"--...U ... s.....t The follow1n1 perwns ue do'"& bus1neu as Tint Masters . 738 W I 7th St llC. Costa Mes.I. CA 91627 Jore• Reyna. 2020 W. Alameda Ave •8J , Anahe1rn. CA 92801 This business 1s con· ducted by' an 1ndtv1dual Have you st•rted do1n11: bu~iness yet' No Jorae Reyna This statement wn flied with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 04/11/03 20036940606 Daily Pilot Apr I 8 25, May 2. 9. 2003 F319 Adl!IM....., ... s.....t The followonc persons •re do1na businns as Al~cro. 1823 West Bay Ave. IA. Newport Batch, CA92663 Arcllca (CA), 1823 West Bay Ave. IA CA 92663 This business is ton ducted by· a corporation Ha .. you stetted doin& busmess yet? Yu. 1 ·lO OJ Arctic• . .tonn Gralman. PreStdent This statement was hied with the County Cltrk of Or ane• County on04/29/03 ~··"" Dally Piiot M.y 2. 9. 16. 23,2003 F3$4 Aclll. ..... ... SW-. The followina parsons art Ooln1 business u . Benner Technoto1ln , 2"8 Mtl'Stllles Wey. Costa Mau. CA 92627 Micllatl Leon Ptetac1s. llotarMllln Way, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ThtS business Is con· ducted by: •n Individual Havt you started dollls bll}!ngs nt? Ito STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • ........ ........ Tiie lolto•lfl& PltM>nt .,. clolnc 11ua1,.... n : Rebtcca't Sorapbook. MU Rtdlandt Dtive, CMla Mesa. CA 92627 Rtbtcca Steelt Schwwti, 261 l Redltnds Dtive, Costa Mesa. C1' 926V Thi& business 11 con ducted by: an 1ndividu•I Kave you 1tarted do1na buS1ness yet? Ho Rebecca l>he le Schwem · ThtS statement wn flied with the County Cletll of Oran11e Col.lilly on 03/27/03 2003'9U7U Daily Piiot Apr 18. 25, May 2. 9. 2003 f 329 .......... --.s..... The follow1n1 person~ are do1na busmen as Doctors ~"""1ts.c.om, 2120 President Pt . Costa Me:s.t, CA 92627 Jolln c O'B"ton. 21 ?() President Pt , Cost• Mn.a,CA9'lf.27 Thi!> business ll con ducted by itfl mdo~ldual Have you start~ do1n11 business yet' Yes. 4181 03 lohn C 0 811en This statement was fil.d with !tie County Cleflo. of Oranae County on 04111/03 200Ut40602 Oa1ly Pilot Apr 18. i"J. May 2 9. 2003 r llA FidltiM leliJins ... ~ Th• followor1a per\on~ art do'"& busmu s u Sh,ne Bulid1n1 l 21 A&t1I• Av• . Balt>o• Island. CA 92662. · Oa.od M Stone 121 Aaale Ave Balbo• Island. CA 92662i 1 hos business 1s Lon ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Have you slarted dotni bu>iness yet? Yes 1m Oavod M Stone lh" statement wu hied with the Count; Clerk of 01ana• Count; on 04129/03 200U942H7 Daily Pilot May 2. 9 16, 23. 2003 fJ.44 ,.._..._ --.s....... The follow1n1 person• are doine business h Probolsky Re s.u rc.h 3001 Redhill Avenue Bu1ld1n1 S Surte 105, Costa Me~. CA 92626 Adam 0 Probolsky 2306 Cr escenl Oak. Irvine. CA 92618 Th" business os con ducted by an 1nd1v•dual H•ve you starled doont bus1nesJ> ytt? v~ l l 01/2002 Adam 0 Probol....._y This statement wn hied with th« Cuunty Clerlo. of Oranee County on 04/08/03 2003'940173 Dally Pilot AfK. ll. 18. 2S, May 2, ZOOJ r 287 Rettil.s~ ... s.....t The follow1n1 person~ •rt dotne business as 128 Mark.,t1n1. 2549 8 E•stbtull D• 1420 Newport Buch. CA 92660 llen Y1 l\ausler. 2549 B E astbluff Or U ?O, Newport Betel!, CA 92660 This bustneu os con ducted by an 1ndiV1dual H .. e you started dome bus1nt n yet? No II.en Y1 11.austu This st•tement was filed wit h the County Clerlt of Or an&& Count1 on 04/16/0J 200J694HS7 Dilly Pilot Apr 18 25. May 2, 9. 2003 F330 Re-.. ..... --.s..... Th• follo•lne persons are do•n1 bus1neu as BRO Realty. 2665 Club Mesa Place, Costa Mesa CA92627 1lr11n Rem1neton 0.1 Valle, 266~ Club Mesa Place, Cost1 Mesa, CA 92627 ThtS buSlntu i$ c:on ducted by an lndlv1dual Have you &1.rted Ootr\I business yet' l"o Br 11n R 0.1 Valle This statement _.., Med with the County Clefk of Or anc• County on04/'a/03 200U94t669 Deily Pilot May 2, 9; 16. 23, 2003 fl49 !!::!!::!!!!....!!:!!!~~~E::::::::..'~ "-,. ....... 3:.,n;,r. &Si ')I • • •;:a..:1::11o1111.11:i:::i:;._..:;.:::11:11...-. .................... .;.:...;, .... .._ ................ ~ ........ ..; .................................... ~ \, • ~ . • - Policy How to Place 'A ---Deadlines--- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to .censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be· in your classiijed ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the .space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be alfowed for the first insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD • ·[ii Mooday ...................... Friday 5~00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pl'Jl ' . By Fax (949) 631--6594 (Pleale include your rwne md phooe oumbu 111c1 we·u ca11 you bid wilh. pnceqlll*.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Wedoesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm • ·Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Cost.a Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. &: Bay SL Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Ho urs Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walx.In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Frida~ 5:00pm Index ~m ' MISC. 101CHno ---GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCW 2305-2490 llALESTAn II• SALE soos-saso -· ·- -._, - ' I .. "'5-1510 .... ,so ~=---..: =· 1.j ~"t.. 1•I=• 1• .cmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 361 iiiiiiii 0 ca::= ... Pn -molred wit Sill ~~~~iii~~iii·iii~fii~iii~~iiiiii~~~~~~~ • • •• • • • • • VIUAOl, CompaNon·2 crypt La-S: ~cll.ew, OrlNSAT·SUN l-4 gur1llas Cod1 512·~3661 /) / .!=.. ~ ~ Sona f1m home. So ol ~~ii. -ri. -Di· ~ ·/~ vlllft~. "-°"" $350. p;~r!~:e~t~":ii:::x:r _,"".,."' 1160 / ~ Ui Vi t 4t ·21a-sa1S w/dual Ip. Sl.299.000 ••••••••• T. AND ... ~S R UMMAGE SALE au~~rs .. _..rm TOf' SS 4 UCOltDS nc Kr. w .. __ ~, illz.. ClilsSIC. Ek 50s & 00s N~porti bi1nest and be$1 sak to bmJ:t /.oC41 ehariti 96-67!>-5l85 9C!Ml2..J22fi .Ill Allee. Sc*r. tube 8"11$ -~1· "llll:CI: • Mike 949·645-7505 p · "'-' F · · L ~ JASMINE GUil sona ._. so ..... lr• & l••rolcl ~ renew --..c: or scnow anuq~·nunccrs stOfy 2br 2ba den Roaers Qu;~llly ID< Sale or and bargain shoppcn Wed., May 7, 3-6 p.m. o-.Me O...._. Terrier Gardener landscaped bchanie Cars or Real ($3 Doruuion at PttVi~ Sale only) · Al<C Champs. r.,e breed. Handoc apped ready Very Eslsle 800 834-0091. Salei Thurs., May i , 9 a.m.·7 p.m. and 12 week Female puppy low mamt Assoc F · Ma 9 9 2 S1050 714-777-6950. w/lennos. pool EOUAlllOUSllG n., Y • a.m.-p.m. Call for appl By Owner orPOll1mY STAN D~'S 949-640 8777 All real estate adver-PustYTU.JAN C H Ul CH _....... Cn.ei Fabulous ltsm11 on !hos newspaper locallon on .the peenbeltl 1s sub1ecl to the Federal 3905 3br deo/WOtllout room. f at< Houson1 Act of 1968 e•l1• la&e Irv/room w/fp. a s emended whoc h ~, .A/e-~~ 6 ~8tt/e-t f ... A.H<W SlatO S OF ac. aate iiuarded. pools. m akes 11 1lleaa1 to .... S.,.-W..tttiyl Ten spas & lennos AJCty Kola. ad•erhse ·any prefer-~ COSt'A MESA Tec hniques the t he Bkr 949-37~5576 doscrommalton ba~ed on onaese ttie.-wulth If you l llAND NlW Siii e nce , llmolalton or ~ II wealthy use e-yday lo race. color, reh11on. :Ml&, NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE ~ truly dewa lo llClvve HOMISCM!rsized C:om• handicap. lamihal status ~ ~-l1nanc1al • security· You CdM Volaee Loabon O• nallonal oroa•n. or an Halecrest and Mesa del M ar Tract must have this! H l77-89l-.:;.~;2 mtenloon to make any C B k & F • • 32.60 S2.0 V/MC/DISC by such prelerence, hmola· rOSS Streets are B er alrvleW Patrocll LeMieua. author Prudential Calif Rutty hon or d1scrominat1on • Saturday, M ay 3 from 8:00 to 3:00 PM. of ir.stment Basics Free Coltl Mesa This new59-i>er will $ ed B -r: A ~ (CAL •SCAN) not ~nowm1ly accept ponSOr Y 10relli ealty STU T A SUCClSSfUl MWe '-"9 :Jir 2.Sba. any advertisement tor ~ See 7 to 1 re 4 11i.re 540 alty.co. 7 m 3 fo 5 r 5 maps home Business tnat mat1es .,. .. , toe.,_ belore on real estate which 1s on money in the first month! the marMt. appora 1500sf. wolallon ol the law Our S:S.CX».$20.000 per month $419,000. a&t 949-Q9.7800 r eaders are hereby l-llX).287~ i-minute - informed that all dwell· recorded mesn ae Coll OeCIZJ mo adverhsed on thos .a.._,_ ~ -s...... ---~ ..a..._,_ ~: (CAl-SCAH) newspaper u e au1lable ~~~ 'atMllSTATIS on an equal opporlumty Wl· MAOl 5 136•2'7 'ATtlCll TIHOltl basis. COSTA MISA I SIDI last month ~ vace· 'MATIONWIO( USA l I I d • SAT 1-12 • t!OfW11. worluna orly when t4t45'-t705 o comp aon o is Sprmii Cleanma mov1n1 HOME we wanted We can tr kt cnm1na1too. caN HUO toll 1 _ ......... leadt ....,, lo do www.pa •C enore com Im '1 1 l!QQ-4?4-!Ml h~~s!t~~~~':t~ :16 RJRNISHINGS h~ ~ proof. nine Auc:tions 1a3 Knoa Place, X st Oranae tnllllestlld? 650-867-4351 9 c..-11.-"HI: (CAL~) CM W.; I Ir Iv-.. ........... -WANTED ,_ Sclulh eo.st l'lllza Rnmdll o...m -. 5 1t 1orc wn <a.a ~ 4540 ANTIQUES x~~1~ Planning 2465 un llMs + ~ + t Older S~ Furniture PIANOS & Col~ ~ ::f10Mn. ,.,ANCW sacans Of := ~ Sofabed ~ .... Super W.......,1 Ten ~ lrudl 714-546-SIC7 -s:rsAT MAY aD 7-11~ Techniques the the ,rlvtrte efflce O•l•t, prome Newport Bch loc by fPf CIU18. DSl../lds incl SJfJ(Vmo 9'&6«>-7883. OrlN SUN 1130-S 10111 lr*'-Norlh Tustin Hills. Beau utahna. coly l'lfll views Sb1 Sba house+ hbrary. 2 power rms Appro1 5900 s l I ac lot ten ms courts $2.590,000 a-.ci-eT• ·--·-·-·-·Of"o»-Slellh day bed. futn. WNlthy use ff'lfr/day lo W..._/Dryw $200/ TVs. Trombone 11111¥. tnerese u-~ If you ...._ I.ta w/4 chMs. HOMESFOA SALE t 4t -2tS·ttU $$ CASH PAID M -~-...... ~ WE l!IUY ESTATES •l"""""'-tefr...,..,,_ Al11JI" ; ~~~~~~~.~,EN·~J "' • • • t ~ 1, ''l''''" • ! . I ~ - ' S:64M922., SOUTHC8AST AUCl'I N NI/Sot & S-a..s. furn, electronics ancl morel 1512 Lincoln Ln ... l!rty 11r•1 childr ens tlefns, slu rack, truly dlwre to achrve 11011 clubs, chandelier, financial securoty You S:SO.. ~·Sized bed. model tram perts. mo· must have this! 1-877·891-S:SO .. ~-desk. $50. crowave. electronics -" 3260 S2.0 V/MCIOISC by Cal 949-7122 ••• .. ••rel Gated Patndl LeMieu•. euthor Newport• Canyon. nar of tnestn.lt 8aics. Free Univ..-slly & Jamboree ~(CAL •SCMt) near Bonita Creek P.,k. • • NfT/ PAllfTlNGS - E#BJff/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c-tCMIM..4s PUTAFIW WORDS TO WORIFOI S LI DI 1 1L... I Old Comsl Gold. silver. ••11 "I • ' '""er inwelr le'-, Ucit-1 n vest o r /Partner tor co11ecrib: 94~·9448 YOU! (949) 642-5671 Pialsso. cn.ptl. Matme, LJlho&raphs ID).834-0091 Clll t-• Anfst wltti .... Art inventory 5elkin( ~ or ,._ 96T.15-&Jl6 -~ ••• Art a..lls wttt. U thoaraphs. seekina dlstnbutor or sell riahts 800·834·0091. 3111 ORANGE COUNTY 5400 llgunl 8adl O"N SAT 12·5 21101 '-'"'·-Custom & hlply uptraded. S200.000 on remodels. 4br 3 5ba Sl.350.000 Terry Herner City Hall Realty 949-422 0124 F I ND an apartment through classified T .. c_ DHl...-Oc•-Vlews on quid ail de SK lbove Wood Cove With • hwlt8Sbc white wit• view. 3br 3.Sbe. 2 eatra room. • aormet kildlen Ind 2 ~ dedls. act w..,... ~ 9&-497-5111 ,,,. ,..rt.cf •• ,, ... remodeled 2br 2ba home w/aourment kitch en, secluded patio. 11-••c wallways. ocean -and more! 9&J2D.J900 .,...._ ,.,. ... 28r 2h. lotaly r9f!IOCI. Nd With .. ~ tloors, al new tole baths, new kitchen. custom paint, turn-lley. $287.000 act. E!Wa !M!MG&-7'536 l lllkt till' SL'n ice D ircct <J r.\· B~11111cr Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 AlONh THI COASTI llAtl ANDI $7SS,OOO Enchant your senses tn your ppous & dr amalt· catty ue1J aded 38r be.1ch vila iust one. house to sand & surfl Your sUunc ,,_ ol a!HsY waves be- low stunnroa ocean sun seb from Ult rn;ister ~oom & balcony will prOVlde dally relaxation & mc>".t.lon' Proudly en terblon auet on your om maculate ltvon11 room! Cozy up lo your cradd1111- W¥m hr~ ..-VI CALL NOW IDOU rT'S TOO &ATll CALL (aU) W 4661 Un Ito Newpert 1-'i IOI $165.000 De Anza 8ays•de 'Viii•&• mobile homes. •3 W•lerlronl. b1cltbay view. Cozy, charmina. C•b•n• mo· boi. home Ip. 23 yr lse S2237/mo Call Colla&e Homes WP SUNDAY ....... 714-'24-1342 '--'cVlew OftJI SAT-SUN 1-S OYIW1oolt.lfll pwk beaubful turn key lwnhm. ueer~ lhruoot. lwdwd firs. bev eled atHs ch . .,-anrte, new peb windows. 2 marble tp•s. heh ceils RUMd pled $849.000 ~Ul& O'lN SAT-SUN 1-5 1 $01 Cerww .. laae WALK TO BEACH1 2br 2 Sba lownhome. vut loc 011 Dover and Westclttt Uparaded lt1tchen and bath 2 c aar Century 21 ProlesslOnals P•lrocoa $499.000 100.707~ St•1111 l"I VIII• '" Newpert Heltltt• ,__ 8utlt 38r 2-Sba. aoormet Ii.ii. Oii! librart w.I. Fp. FR. ~ tount.I ., c:rtyfd, lwdwd lh . 2c in&. S?"o69.000 'Cl 949929-9566. 949-675-2225 Turn·ltey Hort..r Vie'" Clrde hpanded 50r 4 5bJ home on a I& lot. sunset & .,if ccuse VleW\. L& down- stan Br idnl for 11-lew. nanny or home office Sl.195.000 L H Anchor PrOf*bes 949~.DX> lewttfuiy I I• I ...... 2Br 2Ba Exec Townhome. ~ l)lltlo OYer1ooks 9th laorwey of N.B Col#'rtry Oub. iu-d-pted comm w/pool. tpa. c:U>- house. ss:l>.000 Anchor Pl'oporties 9& 721). 3900 th G.1uHI 2br 2ba w/11brary. Hew windows, doors, new appls. tex· ured walls/ce1ls, crown mouldina. desianers tile. parquel lloorina and lftOfe aat 949 584·5811 w.....,_ ~ JBr & w/lovely Bay V- operi lloorpqn, lots ol wondows. S9K'OUS krl. onclds W!1>. Sl~,<XXl/obo Mliry Wood, . -' 9&584 5811. 717 9816 ,.IMl ISTATIS ,ATIIKll TlNORt NA TIONWIOI USA t49·156-t70S www palrltltlenore com OClANBONT 110 · OClAN VllW S6S9,t00 AGT 94t-ltS·7222 A€SIDENTIAl RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Batboa OCIANVUW /'rl•• , ........ llr , ... Ip a• Pl'k&. n/smkc/pets. Sl.560/mo 949'JOO..M50 Very L 1 2br 2b• 2lw 1 a..., l4ll* wlb.lk: uir. 111ed. le sp on pr .....,. now r\/peb,I~ Sltirl()n !M9 'l12 577!> ·~7 21r, Sle, Apt Recenlly rehabbed w/I CM 1ir 1 block lo bn ch no pel$ S2200/mo 949 854 1680 ·~bew11 cm. lllSOsl sltyhctob llpk's pr pden. w/d S2500/mo 949 m <MOO Costallaa Ch•• mona. ~leps lo ~ ,._ c 2Br 2Ba. be.ch $1590 yrly. 154' ds to bch. newly remod Munw [) 96-67'>1358 • elld • .U p , ~ ,_., ......, w;il< lo heh ~mo ~961 <JJlet ne¥i 2b lbe newly 1 &211r ........ l mo lo i-:t\ ltM ~ \llM "-Olli bn. rrae. S8<Dmf IBr & Sl2!nool2Br ID E 16th Sl ~ fa Specuok! 9&5.s24?1 C.t ~ 0,.. Sat 1-S ....... ,....., & ....._ ..., 4.slo home on 1 ~ w/a I& lot s*ls OCNn moun'-1 lllld City lid>ts -sz.:m.ooo Patrd Tenon•. act 949'856-9705 c..lfw .... ~ , .. Ml lSTATlS 'ATtlCll TlNOtll NATIONWIOl USA 94t-IS6-t70S www palrlcklenore com SlnJlran Ca,bhno OrlN SAT·SUN l-S 27222 ,_,.,...... 4br 3ba 3 c 1•r. l G.000 sl lot ocn views S l ,29S,OOO l e1ry H•rner Coty Hall Rulty 949 422-0124 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY F-ORSALE oa.t'"""' 5960 CAntl'DUI. CJTY $285.000 10 mon lo PS Awpcrt zm sf. lllUch Ca5ltlr/1r1cl bldl house 4br :Ill c::sana: tit, .... en. .,_ IJlodl/ r odl showef. f8C tub. uparad! Larae wal un.1. llltdsc. RV,iboM plwc. a:d waflCca.s1 yd ,.,,... Dq ee, M«i:Z-29«> MISCEl.lANEOUS REJITALS Rooms tar Rent ... remod, ~ pr & awpor1 S3XXVrno 714 ~ ...,.._, II iilr, paw. elevator. secured enctcn.ed Pfkc. .,-eat views. Ideal al $2alOm e9-675-8120 s....-,_ .,;. lba condo Bay voew, steps to bell, 2~ pr . UiOOln 8lu !M9-400-047 l 'w= •~w,...,, ~ bay lbr w/d. )'d "IP Moote Vl!ila Ave 118. ~. Slll>/mo 949-631-7113 Conina def Mar S...,._ w/lulche1te. ta b.Jlh. brlf.1lt open, pvt enll. So of Pch. S825nV oncd uth a&t 949"Sl3-53l2 Stvffle Ap1. Buublul. 1"'11 .... cm. OD! vu ..... 1¥1. ~ H:P S.·S... 1-4 s1ann no pet 9667J.8)78 M(Wf'OllT HllGHTI 2br Iba n•w lllf" lloor1. nice no peh. S 1295/mo 94t-6 S0 -22S6 PLUG ·1N Plug into the Pilot Cla5sif1ed section to find services from electro nics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. """"'°"T llU(H • {0S1A ... .,.. Daily Pilot (f.1\\lflC'd ( •)lllllllllllt-., r/1.trkPtpl.1<1· I • . • . . . . . Call (949) 642-5678 t .. •YIMlY• UASIS lllU CRUHOY REAl TORS t4t-67S-6'61 INt W. 117 Via On lelo ~r 2.58a. 34: &Ill'. fp, coll(lyd, upslaifs wiaws, 5000/mo 949-595·6035 ............ &.4Dr+ Pa,-I-Pie. &Of&eous IJHnbalt naar CdM. •&t SaU~ 949-219-2414 YOO YlMl Y LfASI Bill GRUM>Y REAL TORS Ht-67S-6'61 ....,..._. Pemnsul1 StudlO ~artmants avail. ~t $650-$95() 949-673· 7800 • Mr'• ll Ur U. r• ·cdlDfll', -. _,"'*'II ..... pwt pMJo. q.M, cM ' ... 11<8> 9'9-642-2560 l'a .. IHula l'al"t lbr l ba , nicely furn~hed, shared laund, ut1I Incl •at Sl350 949-673· 7800 HALI Off ht MO Ulf'f for -In May ls.st w/IZ mo tease.~ r~ C. Codl sl)lle conwnuntly W/MW llflCll. mrp!lt a. cs.-.... w....,1r,..~ ' •tfr.-.tor included ... .,._ J.1lr S1Q95.-2Br $1445 (714)'33-7St2 l'..t....t. 2br 2ba close to plet, shops. Patio, I car 111. wdhk ups All $160<> 949 673-7800 car... 2Br lBa unit ., ~Lt & brVil dote lo f ast.in a. Sl6!'JO/mo !Ill. Kan 96 291 'J1l? ..... ..,l'Yli-ti ... Hlrtlor Ml. 2Br 1Ba, i!Dt '\obmy • ....._ ~n Sl700m Isa 949-718 ltOO WUTCUff TOWNHOMI 281 2'/>8A, 2c . 11r, comm pool. no pet/smk SlJOOrnLle~-1~ HP C1111I l'#rfWT1 pare. ogmm 2b 1.51» palm, pool/ ipa, nu i-..t, tilVcap 2 c cw ... $\T15 ~711Xl .. c...,. 2l:r 2t. ConOO, 11X).sf fupc, 2 patios newly decorated w/d lade SUB5m 714-~I Newly ••mod 21>< 2ba cl>ndo, 2 c 1•• palK> wd no pet/&mk Avail 6 1 Sl950 tse 949 7S9 13« .,,. ........ I.& 2Br 28.. cln rm. bilk, lllJOd. 21: pA;a. oc:e.Ma. ... lo bell. S2.0Xlm. CJ».99347 s..,. ........ yrty r"'1lal. 2 mslr Diii. ?Sha. ocn vu. ~.~p no "" lid S2Gl 96'673-7llXl IMCON IAY /IAYVfEW upsla•n 2bf I. Sba fp pr wd hllup Yf lse $2l6p)/mo 949-613 8411 ............ .._:b 2!19. t.n rrun, pwt pool.' • ~dllrw t1d. lease S1J9!in, 714 57).2!11) 8kt -CMY'ON VII.AS 2 ~2.5 +derl, .. COlne veW S29IQfrno a.-Saf..S- 1-4 • •mnoo lt Jlr 2.Slo in rited comm, w/pool. ~pa• private ytrd. S3000/mo ~tnl 949 856.9705 "NO TO Calltor n1a law re· quires that cootrK tors taklna tol>s that total S500 or more (i.t>« or mal•tals) be llc;enwcl by the Contractor' Sl•I• L1eense Board Stale lllw .tso requ•n that con tr actMs include tlMw llctnw f!llm1* ! .. lld~YOll check the status yo ur licensed ~n tr a ctor a l www.e1lb.ca cov or 800·321-CSLB. Unll cansed contractors t1t.in1 lobs that otal lets than $500 must slate In tht 11 adwerltiemt nls that lhtJ .,, not llct11sed ~ the Contrecton Stat. licensa 8owd.- Jtf•ma "' 1f1lq =.-•nws /a..t/~ MllDra ....... bsaim e:Bl5 ~ .-m lll't1111lq )UTORNEY Ori! llllllln. ....... ................ ~1111~ • • --·-2 .... .,. '11¥1.-. ,. SJ7SO/-Ur l") 31w, Jbil, Ctliwn*'C 2 ''' llotna on l.ldo We, 2 cw .. • -kshoc>. tplc in l A & Mltr Bdrm. l/2 bll Will to bc:ll & Pf'VI clubhM, new painVcrpt Awall 5/15 Ho pets pP 4 632-44'4 '--.. er,.... C- A-CX-VC.te.ltna Views 48r 3 !i8a snav mo 'f 949 718-Z742 ""*llWnd 7880 w-"' ,_..~pg lmll CJ ci{AeA Ptoll ltmiLe o• rrh. l<.t andlr ta 0 ,.IOfl 949 487 -1S51 VAl:ATION RENTALS McuDln RelDls 78'lS WIA .. OWHEAO 3000sf 48r 4 58a ~­ Pl. 1tvt1 lot w/lalle .,._ $696.IW•ty Of SDX>/ MonthlJ 949 n1 t m Employment 8500 ... DMIN ASSIT do-ta• urlH!lf'd moll~Wof"(I' 1~.irch. daLI Miry ..nd \t>flW' ll(.A ,, Ouldlb< ..... ~ Word & hrtl Ao.c ...,., 1 '*" Sfn<lll ~Ml f•m f • • , f'Wmt' 714 '169 f>40! Coclitoll S.rvor , /T ~ lion• ?am !> Y'' fnr dln#ia ••P .,... r a• r ""'°" to 94'1 M l 00 7 4 DR Iv flt I c D l (A) Hoz-1 ... SIOaxJ aft.,, !I ''""' sotos tu · 19 uiot~ Te.tn1 In 41 c.ents· ContrattO\ to 8J \.Mh tuel SU'dw~ rot. C'.r l(t\ weic-coc ID}~ 5556 or KllM rum (CAI. "SCAN) ...,... OWMJt Ol'Qt- ATOlt: II.Iv• your own It utJ. 1 l oc!ll lfll for lnde ~I? llWld-.t.or ""' the toe* •II l!lfll11 to n1..i.e you \•lt•<'"full CAI l 1.NC>Sl AA 1188 8.'l> B>8 (CAL •SCAN> ~ (T-Op..arion) Sl<XX> \Cf! on borlm We lvYe /1 lot Ouwrd CA T • minM Al ""4hn1 £ •pr~ LIOl!S I .ID) 418 OJtJ Rd 1101 llm11I •••rut IOl@M"l('lhn11unO Wle mt1Tdlv <CAI. •SCAN1 DmVD: OWNIJl-Ol'Qt-:: ATOli IV,.. .......,, o..,. 1Tuc.k1 l~ I•• llUC' tndeven<lforlc ir1 l ;and,lar hb the loob/if...... In mae..t you "'"""'sftA' I ID> 111 7898 ICAl •SCAN) 0... pa•ltl°" Ir>< P11"t & Craphlf Ou1an ltdl ngj ~ Send l'ft'.Hlll! tu h1@1tu p11ntrna tom S'11,Y<>ur C:ur 111 Clonlfi!:!!..!.__ OW•H Ol'llATOI TIAMSI all w/ttl• Mil & ~ req TerlllllW T..._. DroClt'Hoc*. ... on Boni-. ltF W.. IOI). 909 5664 u t 210 (CAl. '"SCNC) OWNH Ol'UATOI TlAMSI COL W/tW-Milt & Ooubllrs req T ermlnal Ter .... Orop/Hoqk, Hh on Bonus. ~ W.. 80)- 1109 5664 u t 210 (CAl.•SCAN) OWNU O,llATOI TlAMSI all W/tWMlt & Doubles req ter"""'* Terrmn81. OropMool\. tin on Bonus, ... Mm aro 909-5664 ••• 2 10 (CAl. "SCAN) Pubhsl11n1 ,ROMOTtoNS DIPUTMINT Coti111JUnrty ~· "1 <>ranee County sellks r u1 'T'me PC!il"50ll lo lnttrvlew and WI lte slor teS, pwtJu pale 11'1 commuM)' .....,.,.~ q~ta and ~·· IM8lll and $9diom [. celenl commincatlc.ln ~. work well With the Pllbllc Know AP Style. 0-UPJ-. Photoshop. MutlJ ""' C<t -1tor Proficient on t.W: and PC, CCI du11n e •Perre11ce pr ~fen ed Proofrtadu1& last Drue 5aeenlf'll/pl1~ rrqused EO£ Excellent benefit ~. [m<1• IMUITIC!, wnllng san~ and s.ii.y 1e,qu1r emen t ~ l o lana.pmon@lili.tle\.com a ,r -~.,.., ... Bll5Y Newport a.di Rall Eslate olfice SMwv Ullll mensurate w/up ru rtWme to ~112'7 JOIN OUR TEAM i nd make a difference In the Callforma Army NaUonal Cua1d you liR eet money IOI <ollr&~ And ta!f·~1 lr•1n1ne r 111 I' ROO CCI GUARD <CAl"SCANt IOIN OUR Tl AM •nd 1nalo.e ill d11f~1 ~nl ~ In the C•lrlorn1• Arn1y N•hon.,1 Gu•• d yuu c •n itl mllnrr for """'~ dnd •••Hr 1111nrnc C•ll I 800 GO CU ARO (('.Al".r:ANJ .I<* OtJR TlAM and m.>l<r a dlff..,.ffit~ ko ll>t' Cillllforno.t Anny N.il~,.,.,, Gu.vd you ~&et money l•lf C°"'i" MM! lMttf II ffl.W1& Cal I lnl GO GUARD (CAI. •Sf:M) Joti U.!Ytnal Aulldal &r.,, a rapidly e1pand1na. Haoonill Mongaoe WIER. at our downtown lono Buch locauon As a lflrtcl mOftlalt lett4tr we oner rmmedi att IO·house Ufl<lerWritlng and an incredible prottSStng team that aJIOws our IOanS to close w1t1110 3 days Hands oo direct' 111tnlng ,.,th the tates11n ~ technolOOY allows our ~•es team to earn taroe :'i~o~.~~ Speclrt#TI al IHodUC.15 tllat lllClliOes pnme sob·onme and FHA' loan officers w1111 2 + years upeneoc:e will !ind our mamoemef11 path an t)tep11onal ooportun11y Call 1-866,2fi2-8344 or Fu your rt1um1 to 704-171 ·1(27 Fnday, May 2, 2003 All Bridge Bv CHARLES GOREN whh OMAR SHARIF Md TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE - NdflTH •12 ... K96 A643 SHOW AND TELL •ICIO'l'S h11i lead wouJd be lhc quoc:n of dub., doubly unfonunwe Mnce, Od any other lead, dcclam has Poly eisl>c tncu. Afltr the lead, however. decllftf Will he able to tale I f~ fot' the jack of clubs •~ the fulfilling tnck WF..\T • •J .J IOI 75 0 91 f QJU4 S<>l'TH • I09 65 .i\QJ KQ7 4A6J u sr •AK Q J 8 432 J IO S2 •2 When lbe llf'PJM'll:nl!> hlavc noc 1!!1.1 a \Ult, how can a double be lead- d1rel1.in1'' On 1h1~ sequence 11 (lfllfl'll.W:) 1 long • ..ohd suit.~ panner CWl Nite OUI MY '>1111 thal IJICfllde~ .a hiah honur Here. lb.Ill chminate~ cluh<. Smee II •how• a long •Ull unJ lhe b1dd1ag wggew. lb.Ill neither North llOf South has MgniflCalll -.hon· age 1111ywtw.m:, hcaru. can W.\oll he ruled OOL Al*lmoeM -The bidding . --~~~~-SOU'l~ W~·NOlITTt Au41 'tt M Q-. IN'f r.. JN'r tAsf . Dbl 'That lcllv~ $plldC\ and <lulrnond~. and the odds slil!htl)' £aHll' the lllilJO' 'tiil Why? With spade length South nu&hl bitve opened one of tht \UJt And I ( Nor1JI held a fouH.-anl or longer nllJOr lhcl'C "'outd iu~c b«n I ffiO\C lO pl.a)' 111 lhc "1aJO< 2 8 V6, 2911 ectual m1, ,_ .._ ,_ auto, sparllhna red/v;ez ltht, mnrf, CD. looks smells new V456721 $17.495 f1nanc1na avail 11111 94t-sa6 -u11 -.acpal>l.c- ,HIWl'S AUTO IAIW .JUI s.dan '00 whtto w/blacl< llhr CO playl'f 4211 ml4e\ (19269) 22,911) J.r-XIU 'H ButlSh Racrna Green w/t.n lthr. onl; 22K mdn CO slacXC!I' (J 9289) S39 98) ,._,,_ HZ 'O.J Black w!Whl?at Haw TV/VCRNldeo loitded wheel$ (19372C) IMW UOI '96 Perll'(.t one_, Chrome whttls A 1eal bo:<luty ( 19.l40l S22,911l ForJ Mwrong. c...,..w l uw mlles BuutJful 119167 $8 !a) "9-s-r,... w mr_.,oof blue w ll ~ Inter'°' 2111 ~ lrnmoteulate (l'}Jl4) $27 9111 llAIZ rur .JZO "99 l:lf.tf to. w/Bladl. low 1111les. 11rea1 va~ '19j)'/) S26.911l f'ondte-916 s.c...,.. ·u Rl.o<to. w,tao tnl autn, 1o ... ~. R•e' (19?881 SIJ 98l Alt1«etln S500 '99 S4ver w 1Blacto. moon roof must see MINl (19197) $34 911) f'endt. .. JU1w '9• BLK.li. w 'RC!d "''"'"" pr•"l ~-low m1 (I lj Ill!) 114 911> IMW XS 4.41 '01 ~1ty Owned S.lvf!f W/Grty ?JI< mt I 19lJ4) S4S.911l f'orwlt. ,....., c...,..·sA....il>M Hurrt fur lhbe l)efletl ktw miW~ local ~ o-Ti.wbos. -'-•..,,- . 94 ... $74-7777 l'tta1'S A&ITO , ....... CaM Opcrung leall 1 U\cr the years. the doubk f\11) 1iequ1red -..:\Cr.al mcantng' nut )U'<I pu~ pcnallk'\ In many ~ ... 'IC). 11 1s kad.J1nx:11ng Con~1der this hand Tlie 11114.IJOll I\ U fOUlHk' P'O'"(f ..equc~ Howc\cr. Ea.,1·~ Joubk: 1s wiyth1ng but orduwry. Suppose East were 10 J>ll.'>' Wl!l>1·~ probable open W~t lcJ the (our or '>!)atk"> anti the lkfellekrs ruled in the fir\I ll~o: lnd.11 What 1f l:,a,,1\ >Utl lwd l:io:cn JtaillOO<h and JcdW'l:'r cwkl run 1111 rnnc tnl l.' \Orth J 'p..Jc lc•kl' lh.11' hie Th.: dc.Xlblc " .i \mall pnu· 111 pu~ for an Jllcmpt lU tlcfc.it the rnn tr.tc:'l 9004 BOATREPAJRS/ ....., ..._ ... °'-'Y SERVICES LE S8k+ ml, white/tan tthr. dual mnrf be•u --------l1ful 0111. 3 yt'a• w•rr NEW 2003 MINI COOPER LEA TH£R, CO & MOR£l ml~J I ATlltSPRn (lC4120C) • OTHER AT SMllAR SA'mGS! • LffS MOT~I ITS FUN ******** S5 FRUWAY @ IDNClR SAHT A AHA AUTO WU (888) 823-9808 IMW 740I ... &.ut1lA Slir"11 BU!, 'l... Owoml! ..tr, T'lA lfl p"""" llUit ·-Si'() 'JO) 96 178 99"5 ava~ SlJ.995 vl7'.i7624 Broker 949 S86 1888 ..... ._ ... ~ LE 58k• m1 whtl <'tlan tthr, dual mnrl. heau t1lul 01111. 3 Y"., watt avail $1 399'> v•7'>7674 B•ok~• 949 586 1888 www.ocpo.<- luu• •99 RX JOO 4wd, bl•tk tmmac. S7k mt. llhr. low pka. rad. ~ ~ ctwm wttl5, hl.d 'lb. bcXAs S?l.Dl 949-~~ UncoL. '02 Nevl90tw )()!. m• full fact warr "Iver wnd/lan ltlu CO 'tackl!r. cl>romt' whl$. ~,tu \HI w672518 $17.995 form ''" & WIHI olVatl, 0 Oown quahf1ed buyers, 4 6 APR Broku 949-516 1111 www.ocpot.l.c- Morcedoa '99 SS20 l WB Slll mr, J vr warr avail silver /blk 11111 buut oue cond •8l'>l •I Sl•.995 l1n.,l<.10R a•11I Bllr 9'9 S86 1888 --.ocpaltf.<-I l'ORSCHI 'OI IOXSTH Black wr11rey 9 000 m1 pl?rltcl LOnd U9 9'><J 949-723-0370 ,ORSCHl c.i..1oi.1 '62 IMW 1 401l '96 red. re•lurrd l>~•u <;1fv~r w ~"Y Ira I her S?O 000 01 b,.~I 111fr1 int~• fully lo•d~d. 949 67!> 6006 Sl 8 000 949 675 600& Toyota Cronldo '87 • good P"'"l l1ll .-.. 10 1d Dodge '91 Voyager. 1 .u.eo lllll\ ikll. wsy P•" whit• '&ttt tnl pvt reUbl!;. SZili() 714 7..691'J> &I•" K•" ·~"rl non ~mkr likt uew lnnd AUTOMOBm v4S1?7'> $>49'> 8k1· 949-MISCBJ.ANEoUs SHI> ISRa w-oc~l>t tom J.,..-'93 XJ6 4 ouor 331. m1 ••lremely cle1n I owntr Sl4 ODO obo 949-S33-23S3 -.,ww..ia....i... 6ql, '1 wd ~ actual ml 'liver &•~1 Int alloy,, l•bulou' hke new unm•rked cond, 4 year w•r .wilt v7'Sml Sl3JR, ltrm 0 Oown quahf1ed bu'/f'f~ 4 6 APR B<nktl 949.s u . 1111 www.ocpolll.co"' ......, o,.w.I ~ fM!r «> ~ W wll IYY .. _., ,.. pnct for ,... ur v-.., or Ind s-l lor '" ml Cal Old\ Aly (ql lomato Auto S*5 7fl. '37 1931 or 714-J'lB.322JI CASH FM CAJIS WI MUD voua CA• PAID FOR OR NOT l'HIUll'S AUTO ASK FOR MALCOLM 949-514-7177 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE Un Slit' AVAIUIU IN NEWPORT BEACH S:ZSOO UASE 949-SOO IOOS * lad ~"al lot' Bay kland <".ov• P11v4te dod< Waler llN.t. ett. 949-922 7n7 OI 673 19'.J toA T SUPS ttOW AVM c.. lot ,,,_, IOt.aln1 and detllls. W'Jbr and ix-- n:bleti MM7~7 ··Employee.,, •'£mplP<L<W. ··Arbeitnehmer." "f mployl .. , 29 Alpaca kin 30 PIQO Pago eite '.l) Rtiunton ~ jJ A.011«1111 .. • au.<.....-1 :l4 EMlwOOcl ol ,_ 31.>UJ~ •1 ~ •• lllps 4-4 Place IO _, • S CIOUCI ' '4111'°" •7 Omlff •9 a..an region ~filot NO lllTTEll HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN FOii iT. HoME, HEALTH /8J Buftss ~ ...... A -Z HANDYMAN Install relKt cab1neh ~~ ~ ~ 714 !)41>7B! • ¥1Unlta • Custom Butll Ins. Crown Moldjnca. B•s• Bnards LtSn982 9'9 709 5642 C1r,.e Repalr~les O CAJll'O ( CAJll'n r> Aepao P1l>h•n11 ln~•ll Courteou' any sue tobs Wholesale' 9'9 •92 0205 CGmflllr Strvlca HO f & IUSJ#6S l"AllS Uparact.s, Repairs of Computer. Networks E van1n1VWHkends Competlhwe prices tor qu.alilt serwic t49-tH-117S 714-'26-4221 Concretl&~ lrkli It.di Sl-ni. Concrete Patro. Or-y F lf'eplc, BBQ Rers. 25Y" C 1p Terry 714 557 759' ConstnldlVCof*d HUD MOtll ROOM? MlOOlJN.S & REt.UlCLN; L •577982 949 709 5642 DeDmp Plbllstllng TIMI TO llGIN YOUtHOMI l .... OVIMUIT ..-PJlCTl Call • plumber. patnte<. h1ndym1n, or •ny of the areal services lrs ted here In our service dlftCIOJy! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HCLP YOU TOOAYI WITTNOlfT DttYWAU All phHH srn/1rc )obs CUAMI ~s. lelr, fr .. at l«nm 714 65-1447 Ellatcll Inell ~~b:l-11 Ouncan Electr le 'S1irs hp Loea~ RetC>OllM ~~ 1.1275870 949.650 7042 Actla•U"a Uactrlc troubteshoolJIW IPCIC9h l .. WW.. No "1111> 'too 1111. 1.1515863 n"561JO 0112~ ....,..... c L1eensed Electrteal Contracl0t Small tob:utarhna at S7t.ts&.,... Speclalmna m Rtmodelrnl & •II home"'""'" needs, Comll'l/ln dust/Res I .aoo-.i91 • I 001 U7112959 UCJNSID CONTUCTott Ho J011 k1o vn. M -i Repaif, remodel, tans, ,.. -M: ~J6li6 Aoaftng/l'lle ~s...c.1n ... -.. L--. wM< y.d ~. llWDt. b't'e lm1. ....... Comm/Rn 714 ~ 1518 l-TwrHl-JK .. Wett<>t ma.rt. llee lrWmq & mslallahon 25 Yrs exp u,/1nsur ed 949 548 4363 DlrtyW .... 14 ... -lawns l 1wn Aer ahn1. Sp11nklus Troubl!!5hool ine. Sp11nc Tune ups Rep1rrs & Up1radu Have us do your Drrly Wor•· 714-715-2121 DOUGHmn llOTHUS Thee r Nf T ot.d1 SR:a l96I 1..-drapt r .. k ~ lnsl/RfPH 714·791 8746 frH S..-wlca, Yard CIHnup, M11nten,nce, Sprinkler Rtpall. H1uhn1 (t49) 6SO-U81 COAl'UTI HOME MAlllTlllAllCI No tob too small! Every1hinc from Carpentry lo PMltq Free es1tm1tr '•"•-"I f4'-2U-I •• RX W' Sl'IOAUS T. All types of r-s>•rrs [lee tric1I ~ doon. .,..~Mes & more 24nrfldays 714-366 1881 &~ Catpentry • Ptumllloa Drywall • Stucco Pllntlna. rt1t & mew• 20+ Y.-s Ellperlenc.J •714-Mt-5776 JISSnAMMl'S HOlll .. Aa PJCJAUSJ RtaW!lible Pncn 14 Yrs uptl1tnc:t i11 .. lrada. Spetlllfitlnt In resldenllll tnVert. 71~, ...... ldliiilGID IOIHHO• <O•PA•Y Mdwll. ...... ....._ .... 949-650 9!125 TMl ...... 'f ... ,,. .... l'*"...t.M .......... c.-.-Dlllln. , .... , ...... ..... ......... ~o....i... Sw.~~ 0 C 24Yrs Ref's 949 5'3 0054 949 637·41l3 H-e clffll1...-ixr'J Wkly/81 wkly/Monthly Refs. Great rat""' Imelda 949 ~ 9'19-278-C837 N o He ? MbdltJle WlbrmB! tn8" dmnrw ~ "" i;1xl'd. our~71......._41~ T-·· 1......-"--• ~ Talll W!l °""" ICMl ,. Wirt ctn by --,., 964Z 70. MoltftglSU-. HST MOVUS $5' /ltr sefvm11ll c1bu Insured In t, courteous, careful Tl63844800 246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Publlc UhMIH Cornm~Slon requlfes l:llal all used household 1oods movers print lhttr P.U C. Cal T numltar, "-end cllal&lfeun print t hen T C P nUlftOef rn all lt4N« trwrmants. II yo. !lave a111 CIUHtiOltS •bolll tflt l11ahty of • mower . limo or challfftvr, o ll. NIUCUTUIU COll.s-.,,....., Pailting C"-t'•,.... lJYrs OP Great Poul Guaranteed w0tk frtt ast l l 375602 714 538 1534 7 390 2945 ...,. ..... ,.= 1 op Quahly. Co lil11tl! lnlenor It; I l 28 C1ll lay 9'9 650 S066 llAJNIOW aKlJ IUIMT P1111llnt '1t/etl. ~Ape ~Illy IOI>' frft estimate l •569897 714 636 8888 T R~ NTAllW WCllSTO ... • Ml-5611 i; ... . ' J ·LINCOLN ·--MERCURY Plus pei~ r-11111 Wft, lllY r- c1uqcs. any dealer documenc prqlU'lllion charJe, and any emilllOfl testing charge.REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL O'I> flNANCINO UPTO 60 MOS. 1 At This Net Cost (J20371) fl!Wl(:e charges. any dealer documtn! ,..._ ...... _, .., ,._ f.ft'l*llllotl chqe. Ind lny ~ tesun& charge MUST PROVIDE CURRENT AARP MEMBERSHIP CARD. $3~ REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE ANANCINO 1 At This Net Cost (644259) • pn:pmalicln charJe, and any CtTIIUIOfl ~e:-REBATE IN U EU OF-----..· SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING 1 At This Net Cost (J 10209) (666400) 1;:::::::================:..--l!lllm.;....;... __ ....1 .... ________________________ __ USED CARS 96 FORD CROWN VIC LX 209621 Xlnt Condition Full Power •7880 . 98 CADILLAC CATERA (001645 Ori lnal 14K Miles, Moonroof, Leather Chromes, Loaded •11 8 .88' 0 MERCµRY COUGAR (623240) V6, Auto, Full Power, Only 19K Miies •ta 488 02 MAZDA 626 V6 (187345) 10K Mlle, Auto, Full Power •111,888 02 MERC~RY GRAND MARQUIS (661131) Leather, Full Power 00 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (892272) Moon roof, CD, Xlnt Value • •t e,88.8 01 TOYOTA TUNDRA LIMITED (201147) 16K mlle, Leatlier, 4-Door, Full Power -~ . 02 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR ~665897) Leather, CD Stacker, Showroom Fresh 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (J14153) Sharp One Owner with Nav System ..