HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-03 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community s ince 1907 SATURDAY,MAY3,2003 UCI fraternity accused of racism Chicano students protest fliers for a 'Drinko for Cinco' party. Fliers depict a Mexican man with pistols a nd a sombrero. ruty's HDitty Sanche7 Look-a-like C.Ontest " "They have a nghl to ~y what they want. The problem is they also have a responsibility." ~d Leo Chave-14 a UCJ profes:.or of anthropology and director of Clli- cano and Launo studies. "We're all pan of this community and (Clli- C-dflo Mudent.!.J also have a right to learn. to grow. Hy revcrnng to thi'> sort of racial taunting. they're bas- ically rep~nting what you see a<. a sociery. Rather than criticizing lthe Chicano community! as scholars, they're falling back onto lstereotypesf. It doe~n't bode too well for the betterment of our ~- Members of Mt-Ov\ conwcted Sigma P1 with their concerm at the beginning of the week. but feel that the fratemJty has not taken the nee~ '>lt!p'> to rectify the sHuation, '>aid \lana Malagon, a fourth-year student md outreach chair for Mt-CllA Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot UO CAMPUS -The Sigma Pi fraternity was accused of racist behavior on Friday for distributing filers and T-shirts that displayed 1;1ereorypes denigmting Mexicam. About 40 students. mostly Ou- canos, protested Friday after the fra ternity began distributing fliers 10 promo1e its Qnco. de Mayo party. "Drinko for Cinco." The lli- ers contained a caricature of a Mexican man holding two pislols and wearing a sombrero with Sigma Pi's logo on iL Members of Movimiento faru- diantil Chicano de Aztlan, a Chi- cano student organization, said they organized the protest be- cause they felt that nothing WCI.!> being done about Sigma Pi's ac- tions. While both of these depic- tions rdised concern among the Cllicano community at UCI, the 11em they found most offensive was the promotion of the frnter-. .. ' oety. "We want to diaJoh'Lit' with them, and they're not underMand ing." '>he '><lid. " fhcy thmlc we're being overdmmauc bu1 I would Uke to tlunk' that ~e'rt~ all educated enough to nor pcrpetu ate the5e funds of '>tereotype~." Sigma Pi'., preo.;ident. Ya'>haar Arnin, '>lalt>d t.ha1 the fraternny\ act.ions were not m1cnded w of fend nor P\:rpetuatt> 'tt:rt'(l!VJ><.">, " .• SEAN HILLER DAI 1 P Otto Gubser, 2, with the team ·city Slickers" representing the crty of Newport Beach. keeps dry on the course for the Relay For Life Friday evening at Newport Harbor High School. The event raises money for cancer research A ni.ce long walk Deep1 Bharath Daily Pilot A Un.le rain was not going to dampen their sp~ Hurlaieds • gathered at Newport llarbOr Hlgh's ath- letic 6eJd Frlday evening,· waterproofed and ready for the weekend's Relay for Life in honor of cancer victims and survivors. There was a nip in the air, and people huddled cJo,,er to their tents as dark clouds hovered over them, threaten- ing to burst at any minute. "Weve survived a lot/ said cancer survivor Norman Loats, a Corona del Mar resi- dent. "We'U survive the rain." Loats is the former New- port-Mesa Unified School Participants in the 24-hour Relay for Life event at Newport Harbor High waterproof themselves for a good cause Friday District superintendent after around the ~tadmm. Keeping ~...t}9m Newpon Harbor up the tradition. cancer i.ur- High's auditorium is named. vivors walked the fir..t lap. Over 10 years. he has sur-. Pat Smith. event co-chair, vi~ cancer of the skin. said the girls' gymnru,ium pfostate and throat would be open in case peo- "l'm here: ht; said with a pie needed shelter from the smile, "rain or shine." rain. The event that ~ "But you can teU from the -money for the American tents that everyone has come Cancer Society moved to prepared." she said. eyeing Newpon Beach for the first the grounds. "They're here to time last year. For 24 hours, stay." beginning at 6:30 p.m .. about Barbara Sloate. who was 45 teams walked nonstop handing out luminaria can- FAMILY TIME dies that werl' lighted t-nda~ night in honor of rancer vic - tims, said <,he Wa.) prepared for the dmvnpour "We have glow sucks 1f we can't have candles," she ~d • "We're gomg to be lighted one way or the other · Sloate said she staned vol- unteenng for the event last year. Her husband died of cancer rwo years ago. she said. "I saw him suffer through everything.· Sloate said. "This is the least I can do to honor his memory." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public aafety and cour11. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail et deepa.bharath •latimes.com. Living is all about quality of life Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONTHEWEB: ~.~com I n a dlscussJon with a friend, I was asked what form of d!Jdpllne I use and when It ls applied. "Most parents would restrict lV watching," said my friend. "but that's not an option for you.. Asto when discipline ls applied, the d.lffenmce ls patterns. I look for pattern.sin their ,__ ____ _. behavior. u oppoeedto .. .. are amdl.ng the m~ that the quality of their lives Is more tmponant than ever before. The terrorist attacks on New York's World lhtde Center had sornettlini to do wfth the belgbtened concern over the quality of our ~ but I noticed It eYen befoni Sfpt; ll, 2001. WEATHER That rafn Isn't done y9t. Expect It to fell off lat111hl1 .ftemoon. Hight will Just topeo. S..P.al•A2 DATE BOOK • No. ft la not an option. Sadly and curiously, one of the moet avtilable opde>n• la to restrict reading. Both our kids love to .-S. and while I know that a.itdrll Oii their reedln& ptlYdepl would ...my eencl • m 111 ••• my wife and I tww .,...... ....,__IM IMdil'I card STEVE SMITH events. co determl\le myreecdon. lw a.en ooddnc patterN tn local~ IOO, and •t -ID-Iba& IDOft iDd mnnpeopltln~·Mllt. The pattern theory aot a blg boolt when the coW11y't voters dedded once and for aD dMlt we woWd never eee,en 16rjKJn down ln El lbto. In mr OplNon. ahl ~ IUpparten Mt the ¥Ote becW9e lt.y llled IO Co«a MMa'I OIYid....,.. dilOLJlll I~ •)(-Mtft 2: X-Men Unitiad~ ........... 1'111 '°good ....... ... .-.v .. -M ... ,....All but rdther '>temmed from bad 1udgmen1 on their part. "We are a muluculrur.J orgam- 1.auon and are very aware and compa'>!.1ona1e to the 5eMIU\'ltie-, and 1ntncaoes of all cultures · Amtn '>Clld. "\\.e are constant.I\ evaluating what l) appropnate and we attempt to be as com~ <;1onate ~ po~ible. Unfonunatel}. thi ... one wasn't seen a-. offem1ve hy the V"JIIOl.lb member> of our chapter." \o\lhile many Chicano., wen:• per. '>(mally offended by the U1er, uth· er'> were more up!>et wilh the u. ... e of racial Mereotype<,. "It wa.<,n't '><l much that I found It oflen'>IVI:' <iS It \\CC, lht.' U!>t' Of ra · cial '>tereo1yping for a pcut,, 'id.Id Ramon Munu1 a UO cow1-.elor in both '>Ona.I ..c1enc.~ and C.hJ c..ano '>tudi~ "'rou <..an argue on thi: ground'> ol fret> speech bu1 \'1th the nght to free '>peech come.. re-.pon .. 1b1.hty to lhe com munH\ 111e commurutv has eve" nght to feel sale at thetr campus dl1d lree trom hdra.'>!.me.nt .. nie lllll\t'r'>ity\ admJnJ'>trdOOn agree<. and hcb al..'>lgned an om bud.,mai1 IO dJd b<Jth group<, m criming to d r~luuon "We hke 10 thuU.. that thl' learn mg curve on t.he'>e 1s.<,ue-, and the level of '>t'n'il0\1t) on tht!">e l'>'>Ul"> See FRATERNITY, Paee A4 City attorney files claim against city Jerry Scheer's claim contains 29 allegations against Costa Mesa and estimates $5 million in damages. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot CO'i'l"\ MESA -~ mon~ aJ. ter 1akmg 1ck leave, (11) Act) Jer- i) <,cheer has taken the fir..t step toward filing a SS-rrullion lav.'Swt agam.'>t the my. making 29 clalrn5. mdudtng VIOla!Jon of the Fanuty and ~ledical Leave Act. <Jander. Li- bel and retaliaoon ~ht.'er. 63. filed a ton drum on Apnl .!4 that IS required as the first step of a law-;wt agamst pubhc enUUI:'\. me City Counol will con- <,1der the claim on Monday. Dan ~tormer. 'xhetr'> rt-prt' ~ntau•e. -.aid tlw claim 1., nt.'te'i '>ilfY becau'>t' of chi: dt">p1c-dble treaunent ~heer rt't.e1ve<l at tht hand., of cny leader<.. "'lney have publicly dt.'lamt>d him. not followed th~1i own pro Ledure... med to hum1hale hlJTI, rumed tu,., 1ob .,nuauon «nt hun home withoui any appropnate procedure. treated him cl'> '>hab bll) ~ anyboct) LdO t'Vt'r treal an employee. and h.l\'e done'>(> mall· ciously " Stormer '>Cl.Id Peter Bl'O\,n. ~,flo h.t..' re- presented the Cit\ m 1L'> dea.lm!C> with Scheer. di.<,counted tht' mvnad dauru. -.., ve anatyt.e<l the cau...es uf ac uon and the acnon'> of tht-( II) Council. and I behf.'\.e tha1 tht-ac oons of the C.11'\ < ount'll. ~om~ back to Septemher .!00:.!. M.'re lt- giuma1e and were in their d1'>t·re See CLAIM. Pa&e AS Tougher watch on water possible Newport Beach might c reate new city divisio n to enforce water-quality rules. June Casaarande Da1lyP1lot NEWPORT BFACH -The aty might create a five-person team to ticket busines.5e5 and residents who violate rules for keeping pol- lutants out of storm drams. part of Its response to stricter regulations put in place last year. City staff have proposed aeaf'. ing a new dty division respollSlble for pacrolling the city Lo catch vio- lators in the act. and also to re- SPORTS Coron. .. Mir~ bOyll' ~----dln!Md .. ........ -....... WN\M91P~""" • ... ,....1 '>pond 10 rt'pon.'i of -;1onn dram VJolaoo~ "'The firsi toh will be educallon. saymg heres .,.,flat the new laW!> sa)~ and here\ ho-.' you can ho...e down vour c;1dewall. or water your lawn correctly," Assistant City Manager Daw Kiff said "But the second pan L'i enforcement Re- peat Violators will ge1 ot.adons. .. Fmes would start ar SIOO..A sec- ond off en.st" would be S200. a thud $500. Cnnunal offenders could face up to S25.000 in penalties if COnVlcted. The proposal would more than double the number of field ofli- cers enforang the ~ to five staff members within a new dJvi. See WATER, PIP A5 Screeners to be laid off atJWA DHpaBltarettt 0 tyPdot ' ' , ' A2 Saturday, May 3,' 2003 Daily Plfot FAITH I ' RELIGION NOTEBOOK ' THE MORAL OF THE STORY Easter still seems to be in the air A r},ay fO pray if.we choose "Blue skies with whi:te clouds on summer days. A myriad of stars on clear moonUt nighls. TuUps and roses and violets and dandeli.ohs and daisies. Bluebin:ts and /aughJer and sunshiM and Faster. See how he loues us. .. -ALICE CHAPIN E ~ter was two wee.ks ago. but its holiday message lingers c;m like a sweet perfume. Easter lilies are still in bloom, and I wish they'd stay that way all year long. Easter candy is on sale in the markets and offered for consumption at friends' homes. I still see Easter banners flying happily in the breeze. Easter items in the windows and assorted Easter baskets in the stores. That's fine with me because I love Easter, all that it is and all that it means. I haven't yet put away the Easter decorations in our home, and I'm in no big rush to do so. I walk past or through a park several days a CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON week. It's up a hill from our neighborhood. and it always malces me smile. It's wonderfully green and ~ a great swing set and other play equipmepl Occasionally, children swing with such enthusiasm that I'm afraid they'll be catapulted into the sand Sometimes, little people play there cheerfully with their parents while d~ romp and run on the grass after balls their owners have thrown. Many times, I p~ two Women or two men chatting on one of the park benches. Frequently, the sidewalks have chalk figures, cartoons and even hopscotch diagrams that I've jwnped through. About a month ago, chalk drawings started appearing that related to Easter. There were several rabbits with happy faces, and little yellow bunnies. too. One sign that was dialked in read, "Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way.~ There were also several little golden chicks decorated with smiles, blue eyes and little hearts mside. Some had the captions, "Oieep, cbeep.~·and others just smiled There were more cute pictures and happy faces, I'm sure drawn by happy little girls and· boys. Written in extra ~ bright blue Letters was the message "Happy Easterl~ The drawings were nearly ~ colorful as all the flowers in bloom. I walked through the park this morning before writing this column. Nobody was there when I went, but a patch of sunny daisies danced in the wind and greeted me. Looking up, I saw skies that were wildly blue with bright white clouds .racing through them. Then I looked down for the colorful chalk pictures. Despite rain and many days of sp~ers, I are gra<fually fading or beiiig washed away. and I'm sure they'll be replaced wi1h something else before long. Some less happy drawings and negative phrases have appeared, but they'll disappear in time, too. . P.aster still seems to be in the air around here, and it sounds like the birds are happily singing just as they did then. and we've already hopped into the month of May. F.aster is more than a single day and more than just a holiday. We may have celebrated Easter two weeks ago. but the mes.sage and the meaning of that day carry a significance that Is everlasting. And you can quote me on that • CWt:1I TRANE ORSTESON is a Newport Bead! resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be read\ed via &-mail 8t cindy@otithegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Bead\, CA 92668. "' T oward the end of March, with· our nation at war, the Rev. ' Ignacio Castuera. pastor of Sl John's United Methodist Ou.tech in Watts, stood in. the pulpit and told his congregation, "The most important and first thing we can do as a religious people is to go to our knees and pray." Thursday was a day that calls us, as a natiott. to prayer. It was our annual National Day of Prayer. The tradition of setting aside a day for prayer is older than our nation. In 1775, it was the Continental Congress that issued a proclamation to designate "a time for prayer in forming a new nation." In the early 1800s, President James Madison proclaimed a day of prayer then later decided tha_t such a proclamation implied and fed the idea of a national religion. Thom~ Jefferson also opposed the practice. · "Fasting and prayer are religious exercises; the enjoining them an act of discipline," be wrote. "Every religious society ~ a right to determine for itself the time for these exercises, and the objects proper for them, according to their own particular tenets; and right can never be safer than in their hands, where the Constitution has deposited it" But Abraham Lincoln signed a Congressional resolution that called FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS INTRODUCTION TO ZEN WORKSHOP The Zen Center of Orange County will offer an "Introduction to Zen Workshop" from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The Zen Center is at 120 E. 18th St. In Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 722-7818. 'LOST BOVS OF SUDAN' One of the "lost Boys of Sudan" and the Sudanese Bishop will be at St. James Episcopal Churc:h at 3209 Via lido in Newport Beac:h for an information and prayer session Sunday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Trane Hall at the church. Information: (949) 675-0210 o r www.stjamesnewportbeach.org. THE NEW IRAQ Huw Anwyl will be giving a presentation on what is to come of Iraq at St Mic:hael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive at 7 p.m . Sunday. Information (949) 644-0463. St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will present "Happy Voices" with the St. Michael's children's c:hoirs at 5 p.m. Sunday at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - learning to Find God in a Busy World" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesdays through May 14, at St. Mic:hael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) ~· ANTI-SEMfTISM TAU< The Social Action Committee at Temple Bat Yahm and in conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League of ConlWllson MICHELE MARR , for a day of fasting and prar:r. I ve talked to people who agree with Madison and Jefferson. I know one woman who gets worked up about the National Da,-of Prayer every · year. She tells me it violates her freedom not to practice religion. lf she could, she says, she would abolish the day, which she thinks is unconstitutional, I tell her no one is forcing her; or anyone else to pray. She·tells me it's a slippery slope. I tell her it must be a long one. The first day of May was designated as the National Day of Prayer in 1988. But It was a unanimous act of Congress signed into law by President Harry S. · lhunan in 1952 that first established the observance. Thursday was th.e 5Znd annual National Day of Prayer. As far as I know, no one ~ ever been arrested. fined, beaten or sued for not taking part in it · Last year, my prayer-phobic frl~nd insisted the day was a Republi~ contrivance. So. I dug Orange County will offer a program on anti·Semitism, "Threats to the Jewish People Today; at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Kenneth Jacobson, national senior associate director of the Anti-Defamation league, will be the guest speaker. For reservations, call (949) 644-1999. RUMMAGE SALE St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will have a rummage sale from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, May 9, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 10 .. St. Michael &All Angels Episcopal Church at 32~ Pacific View Drive. lnfonnation: (949) 644-0463. GRAVITY IN CONCERT Muaical group Gravity will be in concert at the Center for Spiritual Discovery at 280 Mesa Verde Drive in Costa Mesa. The concert is at 7 p.m. May 18. Tidcets are $10. Information: (714) 754-7399. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Servioe of Orange Coumy is forming a parenting group to help parents understand and deal with the feeli sand behavior of their children. group wi meet to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month 8t the center, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 44&4960. Pre-registration is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY _ Jewish Family Service is offering a support and discussion group for adults whose c:hildren or spouses suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuudays at 250 E. Baker Sl, Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 4454950. Pre-registration Is required. BAHAJ F1RESIOES Members of the Bahal faith hold Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. DailyAPilot News esslstent, (9491574-4298 Copyright No newt etorlet, coral. wllson@latlmeu,om illustt1tions, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS adllettieementa herein can be Seen Hiller, Don Leach, reproduced without written • Kent Treptow perml11ion of oopyrigllt owner. VOL. 97, NO. 123 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US ntOMAS H. J0tWS0N ..... ldltorw (949) 642-6086 C#l:uladon Publisher Gina Neunder, Lon Anderwon, Reoord your comments about tt'le The Timet Orange County TOHYDOOIAO 0... ~ ,.,, Saltowitl, Dally Pilot or news tips. (800) 252-81'1 Editor == Add.-~. JUf/'( OETTINQ Our addrut ls 330 W. Bay St., Costa· c ........ (9'8) 842·5878 ~~, ~;.~rt9t, .. M .... CA 92627. Off'tee houra are DleplllJ (IMt) 8'2-4321 Monday · Friday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. ......... Promotions Di~or ComK1k>tie Newe ~l«ifntluom It 11 the Piiot's policy to promptly 1948) 842-seeo ..,_..=··· oorTeet all errors of 1ubctanc1. &pom (948) 5'1 ..... 223 Pie ... Cllll (949) ~24. ........ (849) ~170 ~ '9POf11tr, lpo.u ,._ UM8) 650-0170 EDmNQITNIF CMllPMm l.J.CaM Jun..o•no •••~com f'YI lomell: Mllypllote latf,,,.,.oom ~ngEdltor, ........ The Newport~ MeN ...... Olroe (t48157~ PofltQ,~-~ 0.llV Piiot (USPS-1"'800) 11 ... ,,.... 09loe (948) 8'2-4321 9,J.o.ltne ~com ,._,, (M) *-4330 • . publlthed deity. In Newport 8..c:h ......... ,.. (IM9) 831-7128 .......... Ind Cotta Meta, toblcrlpdont •rt °'Yfdlor. ,_,,...,..Alf#l'rw.oom ewlleble only by subecrl~ to ni. Lell9....., llM! tMl79MSM ~ ..,,. rwpQl'l*, Tlmet Orange Coumy llOOl }ltmamtifrll"""'*'1om 2S2'9141. In.,... out.aide of ..... J. ...... .. PMm ~rt hedt end~ Mela, M~/ ..... 0.-a.f, ~·,,,,,,,,_com tubtel'lpdotil to She Delly ftilot,,. . (Mt~ ............ evai~ only by.,,. c1 ... mell '°' up some quotes from Bill Ointon for her. Bill Clinton sald, ~1 encourage the citizens of this great nation to gather, each in bis or her own manner, to recognize our blessings, acknowledge our wrongs, to remember the needy, to seek guidance for our challenging future and to give thanks for the abundance we have enjoyed throughout our history. . ·Though our citizens come from every nation on earth' and observe an extraordinary variety of religious faith and traditions,~ he said. Mprayer remams at the heart of the American spirit• The day is not designed to favor or advance any particular faith or religion. It is a d~y for all the people of the United States to celebrate their faith, if they have faith. through prayer. Ronald Reagan, in 1968, proclaimed, ~0n our National Day of Prayer, then. we join together as people of many falths to petition God to show us his mercy and his love. to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of his justice and thanlcful for His blessing." Just last year, President Bush proclaimed, "The Congress ... has called on our citizens to reaffirm the role of prayer in our society and to honor the religious diversity our Informal public dlsousalona on spiritual toplca 8t 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last SundaV of the month. The talks include brunc:h or dinner. Also, Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (9C9) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (9491 ~28 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Wortshop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday ofevery month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $60. (949) 722-7818. A SPtRITUAL JOURNEY A 2~esson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled : Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Churc:h. Thytudy parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Aduh Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2048 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beac:h. (949) 219-1408. MEOO'ATION LESSONS A free "lectio divine" meditation groop meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beac:h. Lectio is a 81y1e of meditation that Includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wedoudays of each month at the center. The form8t includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discu11ion. (949) 219-1408. freedom permits by recognizing annually a Natioi:ial Day of Prayer." The day ls nonpartisan. Every year, our leader in the White House issues a proclamation for the day. The day is a chance to exercise our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and practice of religion, freedoms heJd by every citizen. The day does not transgress those rights: It fulfills them. · Last year, an estimated 40,000 events were held nationwide to commemorate the day. Some were prayer breakfasts, some concerts, some rallies, some vigils. Some were marathon Bible readings. Some gatherings were so large they were held in sports stadiums. 1n other places. students gathered around school flagpoles to pray. Some people gathered in twos and threes in living rooms or over coffee. Jesus taught that we "alwayi. ought to pray and not lose heart" (Luke 18:1). / I do my best to trust him on that. On Thursday. I gathered with others who pray and remembered what Jesus said about prayeL I remembered what the Rev. c.astuera said, too. And I said, -Amen.· • MICHELE MARA Is a freelance writer She can be read\ed et mid>ele@soulfoodfiltts.com. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as an1dety at 10 a.Jn. on the second and foorth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Femlly Service of Orange Coonty has formed a beteevement support group that meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays end a Challeng~ of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea In Laguna Hi111, 24512 M'ootton Partway. The service Is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /LESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of . . . MYSTICAL AND SPIRrTUAL The MyJtlcal Spiritualist Church of Souttve)range County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd .. Com Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 e.m. (949) 581-2290. • Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so, send the typed Information at least two weeks before the event to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. attention: Paul Saltowitz, religion editor.; fax to 1949) 646-4170 or send &·mail to dailypilot@lat/m111.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF Rain will continue Into the With the rain and all, county early to mid-afternoon. Highs health officiels suggest th•t will drop Into the lower 60s, evetyone stay out of the water and we can expect Iowa in the fof the next thllle dtYf, But if lower SO.. By night. the rain you can hold your brMth welt, will c:eate. ~rh•PI you can still make the Sunctey shoYld prnent bMt out of the ax~~-rn-f1ty cloudy aklee, with hight to ahourdef.higha. n the mkMIOI. We'N gntdually On Sunday, tt)e ,,.>et wenn up throughout the week. aouthwelt swell hits the thot'9, WonMtlon: compfttt wtth more cNll· to www.nwt.noe•.QOV •houldefl.hlgha. Mondey'a aimllar. BOATING FORECAST ·w...r.-v: www..urfrlder.org The~wkldt wtll .-W 10 to 20 knoll In the TIDES tnner ..... whh 1· flD S<toot ..... ........ WllWl Ind. W9lt e\Wll of 3 to 5:21 a..m. .o.JDtliltkM 5 r.t. The ... wffl bufld •• faol d"8 evening. 11:ea.m. UIM~ Out......,,.,,. <1:17 p.m. 2.GI flil laiW 10;37p.m . IA11111hlgl\ PublilMcl ~ Ti"* community ....... ...... wtndl wffl blow .......... ~ COlllli ... ,.... .... )~1 ao ptr month. CPnoes lncktde au Newt.• dl~n oflM Loe~ 10 ID 20 .,_., wtth 1· to Moot .._awe* ~•,.,,,_com IPt)flcebl• ... •net locel ca... Tlmee. ~and lwell M9'I of Ito WATER JEMPEIATURE .......... a, , Cll6 POSTMASTER: s.nd .._ . , ..... TheMlll .. build ID I Mtllilim Eduallll9n ......,, -·~ dltne-to The Nfwpoft Cl200I fl"* CN. All ""* ...__ .. ._,_oom ........... ~ ~ Mee4I Deity flllot; "°' '--*· ID1 ..... ~·•io. 17dlgrw SatUtday. Mat 3 2003 Al .Youth Expo kicks off at f aif grounds BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS PTA will discuss zero-tolerance policy The 1 larbor Council Parent teac:her AMn will host an in· formauve event at 7 p.m. Tues· day that will focus on drugs. al- cohol clfld the Newport-Mesa Unified '>rhool OtStrict"s zer.o·tol eranteq)ohC} · The 24th annual ·event has something for children of all ages in Costa Mesa. . C11aady Jereml11 Dally Pilot FAIRGROUNDS -Water buffalo. pro- fessional skateboarders and a gigantic in· Oatable saber-toothed tiger slide can all be found in one place this weekend -at the 24th annual Youth Expo. The Costa Mesa expo began Friday and ends Sunday. attracting 1oddlers through teenagers. many eager to see how they placed in competitions. and some tU per- form in talent and music shows. Friday was field trip day, wilh bu~loads of students at the fairground'i. The week- end promises to be more family oriented, fairgrounds spokeswoman Pam I fighwart said. . "h's a fair just for kids," she said. "They get 10 compele in things and win prizes." The Youth Expo's theme. "Once Upon a Vine,· plays off the Orange C..oumy Fair'~ tomato theme. There are echoes of the the[l!e every- where, In the 4-H Oub and Girl Scout buildings. with home-grown tomato plants. and In the arts and crafts building, which features art from students of all ages. More than 500 science and engineering projects are on display. on which lipstick lasts the longest and whether gender af- feets shon-term memory. . Free surf lessons on the grass drew a line Friday afternoon. Kip Jerger, owner of Kanoa Surf School, was teaching children how to get up on the board. "OK. come on up, bend the knees, lean forward," he said. "Now, try a wipeout and jump off into the ocean.'" he inMruc1ed. as one boy jumped off into a full combat roU onto the grass. Olympic gymnll!.t John Macready gave demos on the pommel horse Friday and will be replaLed by local gymnasuc groups Uili weekend. Also drawtng crowds lS the Glory Skate- board ream, with five professional skate- \tuWfllts held town meeongs to briilnMorm how to ~tier the '>l hool d1stric!'s respome to alco- hol and drug abuse at the high '>t.houl'>. Now parents will get t.he1r thance to ~hare !heir thouKht'> and hear the thoughts of a \ar1t:ry of expen.s . ~~~ nw t•vent. purposely sched· uled JU'l before prom and end of the vt·ar ft:'>llVlll~. will have 'petiker'> dt'>CUS'>lrlg drug trends dfld \<\-dfntng '>IWl'· the legal IJ1l· plit a11om of drug and alcohol uw and ahuse for students and parent'> and hov. to deal with l l't'll'> l.tl 1ng drug and alcohol 1s- '>Ut"> Pupils from Wilson School in Costa Mesa reac:J to a huge soap bubble at the annual Youth Expo Friday. The expo continues through Sunday boarders providing demo-. at noon. 2 and 3 p.m. today and Sunday. School 1au. bands will perform for judges a1 fierilage Stage. Judge ' Dana Wheaton, Orange COa!>l CoUege's chair of the music depart- ment, \Clia he has been impressed so far w11h the Junior high school age group he has seen 'To .,ee thei.e kids stand up and play .. 010, as well as a cohesive unll, 1~ really great ~me of these songs are 60 yeac. Juices ·~ut • Blade Cheny • Papaya Delight • Cran.beny Delight • Prune ·~.29sI~ old, and lthe ~dsl .irt: redlly rernptunnl:( ja7..z sryle ... he '><Ud. Blue ribbon winner'> lrom the band .it La Pa7 lntermed1al<' School in M1-. .. 1on \, 1 ejo were proud to d1'>play theu ribbon'>. but \\ere aho t'\Cttl:'d about the mon'>tt'r truck bu'> nde "I got tu '>Crt:ani dll I \\ant <.llld I tl11nk we"re going to do !ht: '>hde next. '>did !kn Rtxford 14 t•11:(hth-~radl'r and drum player. I he meeung. wluch is open 10 tht· puhhc, ""'ill be held from 7 to Y p 111 dl the Costa Mesa Neigh borhrmd Commumry Center. uw; 11 JJl AH· Frontier • er,staJ Geyser Bread Sprin'1\Water REG. '4.39 32oz Boalodat the S..-4 ==·~ ~ .. ONCE AGAIN HAAGEN-DAZS Organic ~ Ice Cream Peanut Butter a-~,p ZPDmfor ~ .. :=. szs9 AO Variety $ ~e . '2.49 10 oz. of Flavors Reg. '3.99 16oz A '7 .18 VALUE! ~~ lf-Brown Cow Far~ Organic Yogmt ~-... Mix WW FAT I WHOLE MILK ...... • Buttermilk t= ::i:i SI99 REG. '3.35 26 oz. Ultra Hair & MSM Sustained Relea.w Supplement for Men&Women Yeast Free S 4S 2._ 99 SUGG. '17.70 ~-* L R ffi A S &Bea. Cleansing Bar Free of Soap 9359 and Harsh Ingredients REG. '4.49 Uaz. Babd Albacore alke.s with Green OniooAioli A delicious combinabon of seasoned tuna cakes over a bed of o~c greens. Topped with a liaht garlic· green onion sauce. Choice of bre.ad . .... I i I l ' l • I I A2 Saturday, May 3. 2003 ' , .. • OlllY Piiot FAITH ·~ RELIGION NOTEBOOK TtiE MORAL OF THE STORY Easter still seems to be in the air A day to pray if.we choose ~sides witll White clouds on summer day.t A myriad of stars on clear mooJUit nights. Tulips and roses and violets and dandelions and daisies. Bluebinis and laughter and sunshine and Faster: See how he lofJtS U.S. .. -ALICE CHAPIN E aster was two weeb ago, but its holiday message lingers on like a sweet perfume. F.as1er lilies are still in bloom. and I wish they'd stay that way all year long. Easter candy Is on sale in the markets and offered for consumption at friends' homes. I still see F.asrer banners Oying happily in the breeze. Easter Items in the windows and assorted F.aster baskets in the stores. Thar's fine with me because I love Easter. all that it Is and all that it means. I haven't yet put away the F.aster decorations in our home. and I'm Ill no big rush to do so. I wa1lc past or through a park several days a CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON week. It's up a hill from our neighborhood, and it always makes me smile. lt's wonderfully green and tw a great swing set and other play equipment Occasionally, children swing with such enthusiasm that I'm afraid they'll be catapulted into the sand Sometimes. little people play there cheerfully with their parents while dogs romp and run on the grass after balls their owners have thrown. Many times, I pass two women or two men chatting on one of the park benches. Frequently. the sidewalks have chalk figures, cartoons and even hopscotch diagrams that I've jwnped through. About a month ago. chalk drawings staned appearing that related to Easter. There were several rabbits with happy faces. and little yeUow bunnies. too. One sign that was dlalk.ed in read, "Hippity, hoppity, F.aster's on its way.· There were also several little golden chicks decorated with smiles, blue eyes and little hearts inside. Some had the captions. -01eep. cheep," and others just smiled. lhere were more cute pictures and happy faces. I'm sure drawn by happy little girls and boys. Written in extra large bright blue letters was the m~e -Happy Easter." The drawings were nearly as colorful as all the Bowers in bloom. I walked through the park this morning before writing this colwnn. Nobody was there when I went, but a patch of sunny dalsies danced in the wind and greeted me. Looking up, I saw sides that were wildJy blue with bright white clouds racing through them. Then I looked down for the colorful chalk picrures. Despite rain and many d~ of sprinklers. I can still make out some of the drawings. They are gradually fading or being washed away. and I'm sure they'll be replaced with something elv before long. Some less happy drawings and negative phrases have appeared. but they'll disappear in time, too. • Easter still seems to be in the air around here, and it sounds liJce the birds are happily singing just as they did then, and we've already hopped inco the month of May. Easter is more than a single day and more than just a holiday. We may have celebrated F.aster two weeb ago. but the message and the meaning of that day cany a significance that is everlasting. And you can quote me on that • CJINl1V TRANE CHRISTalON i1 a Newport Beactt resident who speaks frequently to perenting groups. She may be readied via &-mail at Clndy@onthegrow.oom or through the mlil at P.O. Box 6140-No. 505, Newport Beadl, CA 92il68. T award the end or March, with our naqon at war, the Rev. · Ignacio C.S.Stuera, pastor of St. John's United Methodist Oiurch in Watts, stood in the pulpit and told his co~tfon, "The most important and first thing we can do as a religious people is to go to our knees and pray ... Thursday was a day that calls us, as a natiop, to prayer. It was our annual National Day of Prayer. The uadition of etting aside a day for prayer is older than our nation. In 1775, it was the Continental Congress that issued a proclamation to designate "a time for prayer in forming a new nation." In the earJy 1800s, President James Madison proclaimed a day of prarer then later decidM that such a proclamation implied and fed the idea of a national religion. Thomas Jefferson also opposed the practice. "Fasting and prayer are religious exercises; the enjoining them an act . of discipline," he wrote. "Every religious society has a right to determine for itself the time for these exercises, and the objects proper for them, according to their own particular tenets; and right can never be safer than m their hands, where the Conscituuon has deposited it" But Abraham Lrncoln signed a Congressional r~olution that called FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS INTRODUCTION TO ZEN WORKSHOP The Zen Center of Orange County will offer an -introduction to Zen Workshop-from 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The Zen Center is at 120 E. 18th St in Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 722-7818. 'LOST BOYS OF SUDAN' One of the #Lost Boys of Sudan" end the Sudanese Bishop will be at St. James Episcopal Church at 3209 Via Lido in Newport Beach for an information and prayer sesa1on Sunday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Trane Hall at the church. Information: (949) 675-0210 or www.stjamesnewportbe11ch.org. THENEWIRAQ Huw Anwyl wlll be giving a r presentation on what is to come of Iraq at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive at 7 p.m. Sunday. Information (949) 644-0463. FIRST SUNDAYS AT RYE CONCERT St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will present "Happy Voices" with the St Michael's children's choirs at 6 p.m. Sunday at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'CHRISTIAN MEDrTATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - Leaming to Find God in a Busy World" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesdays through May 14, at St. Michael & All Angels Episoopal Churcti at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (949) 644--q463. ANTI-SEMmSM TALK The Social Action Committee at Temple Bat Yahm and in conjunction with the Anti·Defametion League of MICHELE MARR for a day of fasting and prayer. • J 've t.aUced to people who agree with MaW.Wn and Jeft'erson. I know one woman who gets worked up about the National Day of Prayer every year. She tells me it violates her freedom not to practice religion. If she could, she says, she would abolish the day. which she thinks Is unconstitutional. i tell her no one is forcing her. or anyone else to pray. She tells me it's . a slippery slope. I tell her it must be a long one. The first day of May was designated as the National Day of Prayer in 1988. But it was a unanimous act of Congress signed into law by President Harry S. Truman in 1952 that first established the observance. Thursday was the 52nd annual National Day of Prayer. As far as I know, no one has ever been arrested, fined, beaten or sued for not taking pan in it. Last year, my prayer-phobic friend insisted the day was a Republican contrivance. So. I dug Orange County will offer a program on anti-Semitism, -Threats to the Jewish People Today; at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Kenneth Jacobson, national senior associate director of the Anti-Defamation League, will be the guest spe29~er. For reservations, call (949) ~1999. RUMMAGE SALE St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will have a rummage sale from 6 to 9 p.m . Friday, May 9, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, May 10. St Mlchael & All Angels Episcopal Churcti at 3m Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. GRAVITY IN CONCERT Musical group Gravity will be in concert at the Center for Spiritual Dtsoovery at 280 Meu Verde Drive in Costa Mesa. The concert is at 7 p.m. May 18. Tid<et.s are $10. Information: (714) 754-7399. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents understand and deal with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. lnfonnation: (714) 44&4960. ~registration is required. THIRnEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service ia offering a support and discussion group for adults whose children or apooaes suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. The group will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G In Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. BAHAI FIRESM>ES Members of the BahaJ faith hold Daily.A Pilot Cortil Wilson News assistant. (9491 574-4298 corel.wi/aon~latimn.com PHOTOGAAPHERS Stan Hiller, Don Leecti. l<Mlt Trep4ow Bo.IC 1560, Com MNa, CA 92826. Copyright No newt ltOrlM, illustration1, editorial matter or advertisementa herein can be reproduced without wrltlen permlallon of copyright owner VOL 97, NO. 123 ™<>MASH. JOHH80N Pub119h« lONYDOOIAO EdrtOf Naiw9 .... READERS HOTUNE (949) 6'2-6086 Record your commenta about the 0.lly Pilot or newe tips. HOW TO REACH US Clrcul9tJon The TilnN <Hange County (800) 252 914'1 JUf1Y OET11NO ~~ Promotlone Director Gina~. L.of'I Andefeon, ~ ......... '*" Sehowltz, Dllrlitt~ .. ...., ':a .... ~ ... ~r, ~ Our addr ... Is 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92&27. Office hou,. ate ~v-Friday, 8:30 e.m. • 5 pm COMctloM Adwidllll .. C1 .... (948) °'2·"18 °"'*'¥ (Ml) 8'2"321 ........ New. up some quotes from Bill Olnton for her. Bill Ointon said, "I encowage the citizens or this great nation to gather, each in his or her own manner, to recognize our blessings. acknowledge our wrongs, to remember the needy, to seek guidance for our challenging fucure and to give thanks for the abundance we have enjoyed throughout our history. "Though our citizens come from every nation on earth" and observe an extraordinary variety of religious faith and traditions,· he said, "prayer remalns at the heart of the American spirit· The day ls not designed to favor or advance any particular faith or religion. It is a day for all the people of the UnJted States to celebrate their faith, if they have faith, through prayer. Ronald Reagan. in 1988, proclaimed, "On our National Day . of Prayer, then, we join together as people of many faiths to petition God to show us his mercy and his love, to heal our weariness and ·uphold our hope. that we might live ever mJndfuJ of his justice and thanliul for ffis blessing..· Just last year. ~dent Bush proclaimed, ·Tue Con~ ... has called on our citizens to reaffirm the role of prayer in our society and to honor the religious diversity our Informal public discussions on spiritual toplca at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Alao, interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-536(), for Sunday meeting, and (949) 646-6328 · for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zan Wort.shop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first Sunday of every month 81120E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. ... A SPIRrt\JAL JOURNEY . A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled •Journey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a .m. Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at LibeCW Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free.'(949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angela Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m . Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219· 1408 MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divina· meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdaya at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beadl. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wedoesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk end a discussion. (949) 219-1408. freedom permJts by recognlzl.ng annually a Nadonal Day of Prayer.· The day Is nonpartisan. Every year, our Jeade.r in the White House issues a proclamadon for the day. The day is a chance to exercise our constitutional rights to freedom or speech and practice of reUglon, freedoms held by every citizen. The day does not transgress those rights: It fulfills them. last year, an estimated 40,000 events were held nationwide to commemorate the day. Some were prayer breakfasts, some concert&, some rallies, some vigils. Some were marathon Bible readings. Some garherings were so large they were held in spons sradlums. In other places, srudents gathered around sch®! flagpoles to pray. Some people gathered In tw0s and threes in IMng rooms or over coffee. · Jesus taught that we "always ought to pray and not lose heart" (Luke 18:1) . I do my best 10 trust him on that. On Thursday, I gathered with othe~ who pray and remembered what Jesus said about prayer. I remembered what the Rev. Castuera said. too. And J said. "Amen.· • MIC..a..E MARA is a freelance writer She can be l'Ndled .i mlchele soulfoodfil-.oom. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR Ol.OER WOMEN The Jewish Family Sarvlce offer. a support group for women older than 50 to•address issues audl as anxiety at 10 a.rn. on the second and fourth Monday of eadl month et 260 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. · Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Femi,Y Sarvioe of Orange County has formed a ~1 support group that meets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays.. Both groupt meet at Tems>'e Judea in Laguna Hills, 24612 Moolton Plricway. The service is also fOfTT'ling a parenting support group to meet the flrs1 and third Mondays of eadl month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St, Sui1e G, Costa Mesa. Preregll(ratlon required. (714) 445-4950. GAY ,ll.ESBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plans to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gaya and lesbians if enough people are intereS1ed. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPtRITUAL The Myatical Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m . at 2482 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starta at 9:30 a.m. (949) 581·2290. •Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so, Hnd the typed informauon at leatt two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, attention: Paul Saltowitt, religion editor.; fax to (949) 646-4170 or send e-mail to dallypilot@/atlmes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Rain Will continue Into the early to mid-<aftemoon. Hlgha will drop Into the lower SO., and we can expect lows In the lower 60a. By night, the rain wlllCUM. Sunday should pment PlfttV doudy "*· wfth highs In the mkMOI. We'll gradually SURF With the rain and all, county heahh offidats suggest that everyone lttY out of the water for the next three deys. But ff VCM.1 otn hokf your brMth w.11, pemape you can still make the b..i out of the~ c:Mlt· to~ d...-~••WJm..oom h It th4I P11ot't pollcy to promPtlY COl'Tect all em>rt of substance. ,,..... c.11 (SMi) 76iM324.. CMl9'2"880 lpoftll (SMi) 87U223 warm up throughout the week. On Sunday, tM next toUthwMt tw.11 hila the ahore, complete wfth more~-to ehouldef"hlghL ~ llmHar. ..... =··· ~~· /uM-"'' .,. • ...,.,,,_com ... ~ Polltk:s. t. 11 -end 9"1/tronment fWPOf*, (M) 1&M330 • llN-"""*"'•,,,.,,...ciom a..1119 ..... ~-.....,.reporter, .. 111M%71 .....__,....,.,,.com ............ e.. ,.. ...... ~PM221 ~•....._oom G 13 IC.. ldll CA I,.,..,, ..... .,,.... .................. rn The Newpott INdlJCoet.t Mela belly ~lot (UIPS-144-800) It P'Jbllthtd dally. In Newpott 8Nd't end Cotta Meta, .ubectll)llone al'e awllablt only by .ubecrlbfne to The Tl"lM Orange Coumy (800) 252.J141. In ar .. outlldt of Newpon IMd\ and Cotte Mela, IUbecr ptlone to IN 0.ily Plloc ar. evall*' otoly by ftret d .. melt few ao""' mond\. ''"°" lnolude e11 ~b6t litet9and Ioctl ...... '°8TM4m": lend addrlM "*"-'°The Newpon ~ MIM D.ity "'°"P.O. ( .... ,.. (SMi) 84M170 8pcNU ,.. (Ml) 86().0170 l-fMI: Ml/'fpl/of•1.trtrrw.oom MelftOMM .,,.,,_ OMoe (M) IM2-<U21 ...... ,.. (Mt) 831-7121 Pubt'9hed by"""-Com'"""lty NeWI, a dlYftion of the Loe~ Tl"* ~ WWW./'MS.no#.(/Oll BOATING FORECAST The~-Mnds wlll blow 10 to 20 knOll In .,. inner ...... weft 1· 1D J.foot WW. Md. welt 8Wll of' to a...._ TM swa11 w111 bulld • foottt.m~ Out flnher, lhe '°"""'' 1111 rty wrlndt wtll blow 101D 30 llncMa;., ,. to MO« ~end ......... of 11D 11111. TheMllwllbuldtDI .. , ..... ..,...,... W.....quelty: ..WW,.UrlWdtt;atp TIDES TIN 5.:21 a.m. n:•a.m. 4:17p.m. 10:37p.m. WATER TUPUAT\111 17deglw Youth Expo Jdcks off at fairgrounds The 24th annual event has something for children of all ages in C~sta Mesa. Ca11ady Jeremias Daily Pilot FAIRGROUNDS -Water· buffalo. pro~ fessional skateboarders and a gigandc in- ftatable saber-toothed tiger slide can all be found in one place this weekend -at the 24th annual Youth Expo. The Costa Mesa expo began Friday and ends Sunday, aetracting loddlers through teenagers, many eager to see how they placed in competitions. anc;l some lo per- form in lalent and music shows. Friday was field trip day, witJ1 busload<i of students at the fairgrounds. The week- end promises to be more famiJy oriented, fairgrounds spokeswoman Pam I lighwan said. "It's a fair just for kids." she srud. UThey get to compele in things and wm pro.es.· The Youth Expo's theme. "Once Upon a Vine,· plays off the Orange County Fair's kt • ., Qpam REG. 49' tomato theme. There are echoes of the theme every- where, in the 4-H Oub and Gi.rl Scout buildings, with home-grown tomato plants, and in the ans and crafts building, ~ch features art from students of all ages. More than 500 science and engineering projects are on display, on which lipstick lasts the longest and whether gender af. fects short-term memory. . Free surf lessons on the grass drew a line Friday afternoon. Kip Jerger, owner of Kanoa Surf School. was teaching children how to get up on the board. "OK, come on up. bend the knees. lean forward," he said. "Now. Lry a wipeout and jump off into the ocean," he in!.tructcd, as one boy jumped off into a full combal roll onto the grass. Olympic gymna\I John Macready gave demos on the pommel horse Friday and will be replaced by local gymnastic groups llus weekend. Also drawing crowds 1s the Glory Skate- board team, with five professional skate· !)at111ddy May 3 2003 A3 BRIEFLY IN TH~NEWS PTA will di scuss 1..ero-tolerance policy The Harbor Coundl Parent reacher Msn will host an in· formauve event at 7 p.m rues- day that will focus on drugs. al- cohol and the Newport-Mesa Unified ">chool De.triers .t.ero tol· t:rante pohcy ')tudenu. hdd town meetings to hraml>lorrn how to bt>tter the \Chool distnct's response to aJco- hol Jnd drug abuse a1 the !ugh '>chuul'> Now parenrs will get 1he1r t hance to share their thought'> and hear the thoughl5 of d vane(} of e>.pen.s. • DON £ ACH DA • ' P , ' fht: e\enr. purpo~ly sched- uled JU'>t before prom and end of tht: ~e<LT (r!>llvtUt-5 \<\-111 have '>peakt·r'> dL'><U'>'>mg drug trends .rnJ warrung '>lgl1~. 1he legal un- plttJllOll'> of drug and alcohol U'>t' and ahu-.e for ~rudents and parenl'>. JJld ho" to deal with 1eerl'. luun~ drug and alcohol 1s- .,ut"• Pupils from Wilson School in Costa Mesa react to a huge soap bubble at the annual Youth Expo Friday. The expo continues through Sunday boarders providing demos a1 noon. 2 and 3 p.m. today and Sunday. School jan bands will perform for judges at Heritage S1age. Judge Dana Whea1on, Orange Coast College's chair of the music depart- ment. '>aid he has been impressed so far with the Junior high school age group he ha.'> ~een "To ~ee these kids stand up and play \Olo, ~ weU as a cohesive unit, as really great Some of these songs are 60 year~ Juices 59 32az. (\~t \DI\\ F\lnl . --~ old, and !the lld'>I are reall} rernptunnK jazz style." he !.aid. Blue ribbon winner., lrom the band dt La Paz Ln1ermed1a1e ~chool m ~1i'>!>ion Vi- ejo were· proud to d1.,pla) 1he1r rihbon-.. but were J..l<.o exuted about the mon-.ter truck bu~ nde. "I got w .. creum J.11 I \\anl and I think we're gmng to Lio 1ht: '>hde ne~t. ~d Ben Ruford. 14. eighth grader and drum player. Frontier Bread REG. s4,39 ONCE AGAIN Organic I ht' rneeung wtuch 1!'> open to tlw puhltc. will be held from 7 to Y p m di the Costa Mesa Neagh- horhrmd <..ommururv Center. 1~1 Park Ave ~ a..-~~ Peanut Butter HAAGEN-DAZS _.Ice Cream 2Pbmior := 8'959 Reg. '3.99 -...... .l/Jll 16 oz. SlrauJberrr & ~e . '2.49 ioaz. 1--~ ~J-.;lii A Pancake .. !-·,.. ·'" !YU& • Buttermilk :~ $1r99 REG. '3.35 .IL 26 oz. AOVariety $ of Ffarors A SJ .18 VALUE! tf= Brown Cow Farny Organic Yogurt WW FAT I WHOLE MILK rov: • Thu 1t11tmwnt hu not bnn 1r>1/U61.d 6r tM PDA. Thl.s product Is nol lntmtkd to dioptM•, trnt, pt"ft)ml or cruw •'9 du nu. Bl\l'-'NCE ... BARI Ultra Hair & MSM Sustained ReJeue Supplement for Meo&Women (•Wl'IO BAI: TOMATO ZINGIRI Fresh tomato, celery, ~ ginger & cayenne blend. Yast Free $ ... 2 99 SUGG. '17.70 ~-'* ·~ Free of Soap 9359 and Harsh ingr'tdinb REG. '4.49 Um. Baked Albaoore Cakes with Green OnionAioli A cklicious combanalton of seasoned tuna cakes over a btd ol organic greens. Topped with a light ~lic­ green onion sauet. Choice of bread. SW.-M I ' ; I I \ I f t I M Satunlay, May 3, 2003 • BIAftlll IE1 1111 II BICRE! POLICE FILES • OPEN To THE PUBLIC • EVER~ ATURDAY 9-41 P.M. ·orchid Sale Orchids $ 500 and up Orchids can bloom up to 4 months! 1,000'S IN STOCK Newport Beach's only Orchid Nursery . WltOLESALE TROPICAL NURSERY ITS NOT T<..X') ~N TO \TART l!\.'VE.)TJNG FOR COLLEGE. Before you J...no w 11. college will be here. Stan planning for 11 wllh the help of i.omeone who's alway~ been there for you. Sec me abour the potential tax benefil~ of a Coverdell &tucatJ011 Savings Accounr. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE~" Steven Hill Registered Rep~ntathe 949~9393 ·········~ A .......... c, ft.sl<ls. I lkJ .. LOo.lO 'fl(,llDOR '>l .. H l ... RM I\ fltl flf "'*I Mm M\lt\lrll f \.tld\ 1Hl ,.. ... tn"W .... ,. rn~·-and'" '"lc~d b) ~tu• dW\IUJh "'* f •m VP ~<·orp l.l!l<\t111<IMml~u• 111<.•"'1•,,,i.11 ti ~PIUllAll l.Jlllµ.,7.011111 kudlhr ~u•. •h~ 4uN.tthi. ''"lfr t tlfl•rk·t.. inlomu.o.ifl. ~.,tfwlh· Mutt: sn•nl11'1t < u·1,11t1 ..,,~ 1.0. k1.i1I or ~I'll tr.hiw• fUJ !fn-lhl ahk..t P02996 ~\~~~ MIKE'I ~~~°cARPETI , OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• Laminate Texture-Plush Flooring s:arpet ¥~o •2u Featvring ALLOC N o C lue Ins tallation Wood Flooring Refinishing & N ew aqft ·installed Berber Carpet ~~o~ $189 Installe d Sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Laminates COSTA MESA ·~~Indecent exposure was reported In tti. 1600 blodc at 3:09 p.m. Thunday. • w.t ..._ 8w.t: A hit-and-run w11 reported In the 1600 blodc at 12:12 a.m. Thursday . • w.t .... Straetwid MendozAt Oriw: A traffic accldel'lt lnwMng Injuries-was reported at 3:03 p.m. Thu1'.9day. • CenW Strwt: An auto theft was reported In the 800'blcx:.t at·9:06 e.m. Thursday. • Ha.rbor Boulewlrd: A commercial burglary was • reported in the 2800 blcx:.t et 4:02 p.m. Thursday. • Scott Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 blodc at 9".20 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • Canc:ha: A home burglary was reported In the 500 blodc at 11 :38 a.m. Thursday. •Clay S1rMt A vehicle burglary was reported in the 3300 blodc at 10:42 a.m. Thursday. • Newport c.nt.r Drive w.st: A robbery was reported in the 700 blcx:.t at 8:27 p.m. Thursday. • Plitt Avenue: A hit-end-run was reported in the 1700 blcx:Jt at 1:43 p.m. Thursday. • Ruth Lan•: Battery was reported in the 1600 blcx:.t at 1:17 e.m. Thursday. • Unlvenlty Drive and JamborM Road: A hit-and-run was reported at 4:24 p.m. Thursday. Ceramic ~~0~$1 so sq ft Vinyl Flooring 0~•1° ~~ aq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 'S?lte4a, ~ESIGN CENTER "For All Your Decorating Needs!" fllRNITURE REUPHOLSTERJ • Custom-Made Furniture .. •"Slip Covers • Patio Furniture Draperies, Shades. & Bedspreads I 1 • , I ' '-' ·, 1 I • , 1 r ~ 1 • . '.i' ' h-l 2 -~ ;4 () () -w Dait'/ Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY SEAN°HIU£R /r».JlY Pl.OT A tow truck driver prepares to right a sport utility vehicle that rolled over on the transition road from the northbound Corona del Mar Freeway to the northbound San Diego Freeway Friday morning. Restaurant sewage spill closes Newport Harbor The Crow's Nest Marina in Newport Harbor was closed to swimming and diving Thursday because of a sewage spill at Billy's at the Beach, Orange County Health Care Agency offi- cials said. A line blockage in a sewage collection system at Billy's at the Beach Restaurant caused the 30- gallon spill. officials said. FAMILY Continued from Al understand exactly why people live around here. They were so focused on jobs and the economy and rational maners that their only strategy was to try to bully people into believing that the sky was going to fall if we did not have anolher airport. The anti-airport forces, on the other band, made the airport a quality-of-life ~ue, an emotional one. o"ffering the •Great Park" as a way to expand upon the very reason why folks love Orange County. It matters little whether one believes that the Great Park was the "Great Tuck." The point is that their public rela.tions people had their finger on the pulse of the people. Features and benefits, folks .. features and benefits. People make decisions emotionally and only justify them rationally. Some airport supporters just won't admit defeat and move o n. ln a recent letter to the Pilot, one writer was busting a gut trying to tell us all that if there are new Oight patterns from John Wayne Airport over Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa. it is strictly a result of the lack of an airport at El Toro. FRATERNITY Continued from Al is more refined than this would suggest." said Randy Lewis. execu- tive associate dean of students for ua. "While the members of this fraternity orpnization really are quite ethnicalfy diverse, there's a difference between diversity and a levd of consciousness." Members of MEOlA aJsO had a problem with the fraternity in the fall when fratem.ity members JWA Continued from Al the 'Jl'ansportatlon Security Ad- ministration in Washington, O.C. The job Cuts will gradually be- gin by the end of the month and wiibe completed near the end of September, he said. "We based the number of posi: tions to be eliminated on a nwn- ber of factors," Turmail said. "We did an airport-by-airport analysb and matched that to the number of checkpoints, peak times and soon." 1be cuta wiD save the federal govmunent more than $30 mil- lion this ftlcal year and abo\(t $288 mlDion ~urtng the next year, be Aid But the reduction in the nwn- ber <X ICftellen will not aff.ect 1e- curity in any way, 'l\anpaiJ aid. "We simply hid to blalance our job. which la to proytde eecurlty with being stewarda of public fuodl, .. be Aid. Fedml oftlciala wlD allo monJ. tor wait dmel around the com- try to make IUJ'e ........ are noc left bJgh and dry; 1\amld Aid. "We~ Chat then .. limes when dMn't ....... rn.t- lc: In eewrlll ~ ........ ·~ .. , .................... . ta11 lnAlllka, ........ ... ................... .... ll1rpotr'9 ........ ....... ~--.· The affected water will remain northbound Corona del Mar closed until the water quality Freeway's connector to the San meets acceptable standards. For Diego Freeway, Callfornia High- more information, call (714) fi67--way Patrol officials said. 3742 or visit www.ocbeachin-"Traffic was backed up to fo.wm. To report a sewage spill, MacArthur Boulevard right af- call (714) fi67-3600. ter the crash occurred at 11 :18 Woman injured after truck overturns A woman was taken to the hospilal with injuries Friday af- ter her truck overturned on the This pathetic attempt to say Ml told you so· underscores the point I want to make. The defeat of an airport at El Toro is not about the flight patterns over Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa. It was an entire county saying, ·we don't want this big, noisy, smelly airport anywhere near· us, thank you very much." If you live under or near the John Wayne flight paths. you should understand this bener than anyone. We do not need an airport at El Toro, and if I had my way, I'd get rid of John Wayne Ai.rpon, too. I Oew out of Ontario international Airport a couple of weeks ago on a trip to New York anq found it to be accessible, clean and weU o rganized. They want our travel business. and I'd like lo see us give it to them -. all of it. Another piece of the quality-of-life panem was seen in the vote by the Costa Mesa City Council to deny the construction of a KQhJ's department store at the Mesa Verde Center at the comer of I !arbor Bouieva.rd and Adams Avenue. I was told about 12 years ago that the intersection was lhe city's busiest I took that as gospel, as it was delivered by a Costa Mesa Police officer who wore T-shirts of road signs depict· ing people crossing the road simi- lar lo those seen near the border. MEOlA members ar& now ask- ing the fraternity to do more than just stop its members from dis- trlbuting flim; and wearing those T~shicts.. They're now asking them to publish a letter of apology to the Chicano community in the university's paper and to attend some sort of diversity sensitivity wolbhop. "I just want to focus on the fact that we're moving forward and Turmail said r:hey have the "ability Lo move around people as and when necessary." John Wayne Airport bas Uttle to do with the security administra- don's decisions, sa1d Ann McCar- ley. the airport's spokeswoman. "Our main concern is that it does' not have any adverse effects on our passengers," she said. a.m .. and a SigAlert was issued for about 45 minutes after two lanes were closed, officials said. A light pole was also knocked down. The accident is still under in- vestigation. was writing me a ticke1 at lhe time for just missing a green light. The intersection is still busy. and I shudder to thlnJc what it would have been like with a department store there. · Some people tried to make this an up or down referendum on 1.he Segerstrom family, as !hough all of their incredible contributions to Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and the reM of the coUJ}ty were \llilidated or diminished by lhis one vote. That's nonsense. The Segerstrom legacy has already been established and we are better for their involvement and interest in our community. In the end. the KohJ's vote was strictly about the quality of life of the people of Costa Mesa. The cost in quality of life of a Kohl's store exceeded the vaJue of the tax revenue it would have generated. I'm glad that the Costa Mes.a City Council continued the quality-of-life pattern with its vote. I was afraid I was gomg to have to take away their 1V privileges for a week. • STEVE SMrni 1s a Costa Mesa resident and freelance writer. Readers may leave a message for him on the Daily Pilot hotline at (949) 642-6086. malcing everyone aware there was an error in judgment on our part,· Amin said. •Hindsight is 20/20 and. admlnedJy, we employed bad judgment. Now. we are doing everything we can to rectify the situation.· Both groups are expected LO meet early nex1 week to resolve the issue. • aiRISl1NE CARAIJ..O CXMlf'I education and mey be readled et (949) 574-4268 OI' by &-mail et c:hristine.carrillotilaDme&co<n "But we're confident that the TSA will evaluate their staffing levd.s constantly to make sure that doesn:t happen." •DEEM BHARATii covers public safety and courts. She may be readled at (949) 674-4226 or by e-mallat · • de6pa.bh•rtlthlllatlmtts.oom. · Dally f>tlot CLAIM Continued from Al don a'>. a mJller of law." Bruwn said Sdwer''> 1rnwtl'> ~ m July 2001, when 51.'l)ior Deputy City Alty. Marianne Reger made a wnt- ten complaint a~nsl him con- taining a nwnhcr of accusations, Scheer\ da1m ">tale<.. Scheer was evcnrually dcnmd ol the allega- tioru. by an independent counsel and independent investigator in April 2<Xl2. In September 2002, Scheer wa<t placc.'C.I on administralive leave pending an invesli~don. TI1e counciJ tfocidcd the matter in a dosed· ~ion, without Scheer pres£>nt, and did not le t him aslc to have gncvances against him di.scu~ in an open session. lltat meeting was det-med a violation of the Brown Act. the <;tate's open meeting law, by Acting City Atty. lbrn Wood. AJ.so in St.'f>tember. the City Council initiated iL., own internal inve.tigation and financial audit of the Ollke of the City Attorney. the claim stal~ Rue Scheer wa., rwver mfonned about what the 111\lt><iuga11on en- tailed. Slonner :.aid. illld to the l:x..,t of he. knowlP<.lge, no mvt"!tr· gation or audit ewr hdppcntd. . ··111ey have c-..<.cnually mined hi'> legal carl'Cr hy rnnucmlo," !'>1onner said. nrown said he wa<,n'1 at libcny to wmmcnt 011 the invc'l>tigauun ~rm:t• it ,., a pt'NJlln<:I matter. On Oct. 4, l002, lhl' council vott•tl ag<\m m do"''<.l ~ion. to WATER Conbnued from A 1 .. 1011. < JfY \1anagt'r I lomt•r Blu· dau\ prup<Nll would pay for the addL'tl .,tafl paruJlly wiLh fund., -.cl d.'-lde fur vacant p<Ntrorl.., m other departmenL'-llll' IOtdl COC.I of the new d1\.1 ... 1on i., c-.Cimate<l at $70,000 to SttCJ.O(~J .1 year .. re~i.ate Scheer. He retumed to wort Oct 7 against his doctor's orders, since the city's treatment had created severe emotional ~his claim states. Scheer returned to wort part· time, but could not complete his responsibilities because be was unable to log onto his computer, the daim states. The computer division had al.so downloaded everything from his computer while he had been suspended. the claim states. Later in October, Scheer re· ceived a letter from Brown that ne had to work full-lime or re- sign. Scheer chose to take sick leave on Oct 21. When Scheer was informed that he had ex- hausted all permissible leave un· der the._&wi)y and Medical Leave Act. he sought a reason- able accommodation for his di'>· ability that the city rejected, the claim states. Scheer has suffered losses. in· duding past and future income. damage 10 his reputation and at· Corney fees esµffiated to be in ex· cess of $5 million, the claim '>tales. Current City Council mem· bers said they can't discuss the claim. Fonner Mayor Karen Hobin.son, who is mentioned in the daim, did nol rerum phone call5 for comment. Jerry Scheer's phone nwnber on the daim is not a worlcing number. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at {949) 574-4221 or by 8-'fl'la1I at de1rdre newman la la times. com. The council is expected to vote on the matter at their May I S met>ting. The m(}V(' i'> 111 ~po~ 10 stnct" rules for '>tonn dr.um. that went into effect last year for about 21. c11je, in Orange Ci>unty. The rules forbid residents and htt'>I· nes...es from ~ding poUutanL'> mto stonn dram.-.. mcludmg through a number of common ac· I can't believe ..... . BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS UCI researchers reveaJ stem cell study resuJts 1Wo UC Irvine researchers presented promising results of a preclinical study or human neural $lem cell technology as a means of regenerating dam- aged nerves and nerve fibers in patients with spinal cord inju- ries at the 10th annual Confer· ence of the Ar(lerlcan Society for Neural 1'ransplantatio~d Repair in Plorida on Friday. Ors. Aileen Anderson and Brian Cummings or the Reeve- lrvine Research Center worked with Stem CeUs Inc .. a Palo AJto blotech company, on the tech- nology. In jured mke transplanted with the technology .showed improved motor function in quantitative tests measuring functional ,recovery from com- plete hind-limb paralysis to nonnal walking. in comparison with controls. Also, the technol· ogy does noi contribute 10 scar· ring. which normally prevents neuronal cell growth and recov- ery. The next step is to repeat the studies and evaluate the tech- nology at different dose levels, Cumming'> ~id in a press re· lea..e. Sharei. of Stem Celli. experi · enced a 140% jump after the news wa., announced rriday. uvioes <.uch .!!> car washing and' '>ldl>w-all cleaning. lnfonnauon dlld llp<, are avail- able at tt'Urt11<J.eanWawrNew· port.com. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newpott Bead'I and John Wayne Airport. She may be read'led at 19491 574-4232 or by e-ma1l a1 1une casayrande 0 lat1mes.oom It's My-Honie · ~ Landsuping o'r re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. KAY MATSON, A.A C.C.N.P. Landscapt Designer FLOWERDALE can make your landscape dreams come true, and incrca.st your home's value, too! Come in tO<by and discover the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. ~/~ J ._X NURSERIES, INC. COMPLETE' LANDSCAPING 46 YF.ARS EXP. L1cc:nsc No. '08S53 MNTA ANA • .:?800 N Tu.stin Avr (714) 633-9200 COSTA MESA • 2700 Bmtol Avr. (7 14) 754-6661 NOTICE OF VACANCIES TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer 1llE CITY OP NEWPORI' BF.ACH IS CUIUtENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS TO FO..L TIIE FOIJ.OWING VACANCIES ("-YF.All 'JUMS)s BOARD OP LIBRARY TRUSTF.ES (TWO SP.ATS) CITY AUS OOMMmlON (ONE SEAn OVIL SERVICE BOARD (ONE SEAT) HARBOR OOMMWION (ONE SEAT) PARKS, BEACH.ES ac RECRFATION OOMMmJON (ONE SEAT) PUNNING COMMISSION (TWO SEATS) 'OfE SF.A.TS WW. BECOME VACANT WHEN THE EXJS11NG TERMS EXPIRE ON JUN£'°' 200). THE OF.A.DUNE FOR FIUNG APPUCA.110NS IS 4!!00 P.M. ON W.ONJVMY. MAY lj, ml· APPLICATION BLANKS AND ADDmoNAL DOOIMA.TION A80lTI' nut IOAJU>S AND OOMMISSJONS CAN 81 OITAINED l'IOM nu arY a nrs Ol'PIC!. lJOO NEWPORT BOULBVA.l.D, Oil WILL a MAD m oa MXID"IO 'VOU IY CALLING 94M'6 5005, 11tE APPLICA110N AND INJIOIMATION AIOt11' TIU IOUDS AND <X>MMISSIONS CAN AUO U AO:J!W-1• 11DOUGH 1111 a1TS WD Sift A1i ......,~-·· FOllMOUl~ONOONTACTTH!aTY 'Fun' event set for C.entral Library Oilldren can enjoy music, magic, face painting and juggling at ·Fun for all Seasoru.· ell the Newport Beach Centrctl I jbrary from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday. There will also be !>pedal per formances: "Stories Come AJ1ve with Southland Opera" at noon; ·spring Into Stories with Barbara KJein" al 1:30 p.m.; and "An1> and Imagination with WonderfuJ Puppets" at 3 p.m. The event i'i part or the countywide lmagina· tion Celebration. For more infor· mation, call (949) 714-3816 or visit www.n.ewportbeacl11ibrary.org. Ancient Mayan cities topic of library program Cities rich In hil>tory and beauty. some threatened hy ur· banization. will be dri.cu'>sed by Cameron Walker. an archeology and anthropology teacher at Cal State FuUenon, a1 7 p m. Thursday at the Newport Beach CentraJ Library. The discussion, "Remote Capitals of Ancient Maya." in- clude!> C6pan. Tikal. Yach1lan r-----------, I PAIN I I Free Spinal Exam and X-Ray I I Value up to S300 I I ' · I 'S (866) OR. HEWKO I &.; .:.. _ - - -~ ~-~9~61..-_J Pa.len4ue and Bonampak.. W~er !'>vice president of the Socie11es for the Archeological lnStJIUIC or America. I-or more informauon, call (949) 717-3816 or log onto www.newportbeachlibrary.org. rhe event u. free The library is at IOOO Avocado Ave. Free workshops offered to navigate the Internet "Tool!. & Triclu.: Internet I 0 I ,· an introduction to the World Wide Web, will be offered at I 6 a.m. today at the Corona del Mar branch or the Newport Beach Public Library, 420 Man- gold Ave. II will also be offered at 9 a.rn. Saturday. May 17, at the Balboa Branch a1 100 E. Balboa Blvd .. and at 7:30 p.m . Mondays at the Balboa Branch. For more infor- mation. call (949) 7 17 3816 or Vl!>lt .uww.newportbeacl1library.org. A. y..,. LMM T-.ntUllU Afr"' CALL US! Rabbin Insurance Agency Al 'TO• HOMH)WNFR.S • UE:AI m \wbil1f'f \mu /'I~ ~ Id ~S r)-' 949-63t-7f4<f 44 I Old Nrwpon BM • ~ Bead:i (NcaJ Ito~ llo.piltl) DID You SUFFER LOSSES IN THE STOCK MARkET? Were your investm<·nt ohw< 11vt•s Income. Satl'ly ol Prinnpdl and Long: Term Crowtht Did vour >lo<. khrol..1.•r r('«immt-nrl un~u11ahlP. h1gh-mk ~locks' Did you hrol..N CJVf'MOn<t-ntr.11t \Our ln\l..,lffil'hh 1n technology sl<x l..'' \'\'nt· vou J v1ct1m flt th .. \\.111 -.tn·PI ,10Jl\'1 scandal' IF SO, 'rOU MAY HAVE A CASE fOR FRAUD A'O BREACH Of flUU(tl\R' DUTY ANO All OR A PORTIO°" Of 'OU LOS lS MA\' BE RECOVERABll. " ... , fllf( L "\\ ()IF I• , , ,, KRISTIN M . CANO Tclcphont:: (949) 759-1505 NWW ~ur~ies-law corn Saturddy, May 3. 2003 A! . . KENN Y , PRINTER elf EwinR & Lyleen EwinR COMPUTERIZED LISTINGS Computm have re-.olunoou.cd the v. a) home'> are being )Old toda) Al the lt)ltng appointment. )Our agent will a~k 'ou man\ detail!. about )Our.home When tht: hl>t1ng I agret:menl I\ rtnahzed, lht~ information " added 10 the compu1er11c:d "-iuluple L1!1tmg Sen rte Thi'> >en 11..e make!. mfonnallon aho111 )Our home. \uch a' l1x.Jtton. pnte. \tyle I and room arrangement'>. I ava1lahk to cvel) part1c1pa1tng j Realtor 1n the market area I An~ Realtor' v.11h 1n1ere\ted hu)ef\ tan -.ho v. )OUr I profk:n) I Your h\t1ng agent ha.' I I he pnmat) rc-.pons1btht} for rrwlt111lg )our home. but v. orking v.11h a Realtor who I paniupalc:' tn the MLS rntam I thJt ) ou Jho c:mplo) all of the other ~1LS J~enL' in )our area. \i1L) promok' c.oopera11on Jlll•JO!! J••ent' and '' a 'aluahk tool ~,,, i: the trade v.h1ch c:nahk' ReJhor' to 'ell \our home J.' yUK kl) a' po"'1hl( I 'Inn and kif h,n e 31 lOn~(Ull\ e ~ear' of real e\late c:'pc:nenlt: 10 ~t.'"'pon Beach f or prof es~ional ~n ice or ad, ice v.ith all }Our real I I e'itate need\ call the Ewings at Coast \e" port-Coldwell \Banker at 19491 759-3796. I The Ewings Are Coas1 Newport Property's •1 Team FC>f 2001 * In Honor of Sean F e nton we are Dedicating a New1 Football Scoreboard at CDM WE ARE WELCOMING AN Y DONATIONS TO ASSIST WITH ll:iE COST OF THE NEW SCOREBOARD. DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AN O All DONORS Will BE HONORED '" THE 2003 FOOTBAU PROGRAM. ANY DONATIONS OVER $500 WILL HAVE THE NAMES OF THE DONORS INSCRIBED ON THE BACK OF THE SCOREBOARD. PLEASE MAKE QONATIONS PAYABLE TO COM FOOTBALL ANO MAIL TO: BRENT OGDEN; Jfl 1909 YACHT ENCHANTRESS NEWPORT BEACH. CA l2l80 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORTI •subject to School eon Approval M Saturday. May 3, 2003 Daily Pilot FORUM "OW 10 GET PUBLISHED -a...ttien: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • Readers Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mel:S.nd to dallypilot@latfmes.com • AJI corTespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. Mort; to City C.Ouncil hopeful than m~ts the press · . MAILBAG Have each of the city's division managers submit questions that vehicle for this mischief continues lo be the Daily Pilot. · I've lived in this town '3 years. Each year, Costa Mesa h as slid In the direction of Slwnsville. Little skid rows abound -and not just on the Westside. Apparently, there is big money in the slum and charity business. And each year, honest efforts to make Costa Mesa the model city it HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES . . . · sh quld be answerable by any While I recognize and appreciate the many pot.itive assets <:o6ta Mesa has to offer. I am also cogni7.ant of its ~t unmet potential. As a result of m} love of Costa Mesa. I have spent several years as a grass-roots Costa Mesa "booster. -Contrary to the comments made by sonte of your readers, my efforts and interests have been citywide in narure. ' candidate for a position on the City Council and the one who scores the highest is clearly the best choice. Knowledge of budget, planning, land use, terms and acronyms, etc., should be expected. Every job in the world expects some level of competency, and many require licenses. I have contributed, or consulted on the following citywide issues, just to name a few: lack or city unity; signage bnpnM!ment programs; preservation of Noguchi Garden, also known as the c:alif ornla Scenario Garden; Eastside small Jot subdivision ordinance; Fairview Parle; traffic Issues; skateparb; Huscroft House; airport is.'l"Ues, including ovedUghts; Mesa North gang issues; Megan's law; and other law enforcement Issues. My activism, networking and interest In serving the people of Costa Mesa are the result of my desire to See our entice city be the best that it can be. I am not suggesting that we emulate Irvine or Newport Beach. Costa Mesa ~ its own unique Oavor that should be preserved, while a!Jowmg people freedom to improve their residf'ntta.I or commercial propertit-<. 111 suit the changing needs of their lamilie. and businesses. One of the main challenges facing our city leaders will be to gwde our city's improvement and manuation. while retaining its specraJ char.u.:rer. While I am not an entrenched politician, I believe that my knowtedge of city ~u~ and sustained interest in the eno.re city make me a wliquely qualified candidate. ERIC BEVER Costa Mer.a A simple solution to City C.Ouncil vacancy There's a simple solution to the present dilemma facing the Co'ita Mesa City Cquncil to tiU the va1..an1 seat. a test. BE Testing for the position of council member is an objective scrutiny of the people who not only decide direction fo r our city, but alio set policy and make the laws by which we must a1J abide. · It probably wouldn't hurt to have the test given every two years regardless of an election -just to ~ee if our members are really staying on top of the issues that affect all of us. WILLIAM C. KUHN Costa Mesa nilly Pilot is a pl ace for · too much ax grinding /anice Davidson i'> correct in every statement she malces (Mailbag, April 22). Mariy have long been watching the onslaught of political demonizataon in the Daily Pilot. In issue after issue, we see interminable hit p1eLes by a writer with the 1mµrobable n.tme of"Geoff We!>t·· (the name nngs of a Hollywood si1uatton comedy) The Daily Pilot should identify Geoff West and give its readers an idea ot how he grinds his ax. Next in the Mailbag comes another hit piece by a Michael Szkaradek. who apparent.1y follows Ciry Councilman Qui, ~tet>I around with a surveillance cam<.'ra. <i1Jcaradek has tried every which way to "get" Steel. He first filed a civil ca.se, which, lacking any legal merit ""a" qUJcldy thrown out of court. I le next tried to pin a felony on Steel to disqualify the elected official from public office. Failing again, Sz.karadek continues his ax work in the Daily Pilot Mailbag. The next tarl(el Is ob\ioui,ly another elected c11v cown.u111c:U1, Allc1J1 Ma11sou1. 1 lil· houJd become have been thwarted. No wonder neighboring communities refuse to be annexed by this town. The voters have been correct in electing people with the will to move Costa Mesa toward the 2 1st century. They should all stay the course. • WILLIAM B. ANOERSON Costa Mesa Past party politics are a clue to present character The Daily Pilot editorial on Sunday. "Talcing issues with this attack,~ understated the significance of Cristi Cristich's support of Bill Olnton in his presidential race with Bob Dole. If, as a prominent Republican in our community, she had qwet.1y decided Ointon was her choice and voted accordingly. her brealc wilh the Republican Party and Bob Dole would most likely be a moot issue today. That was far from the reality of the situation. Lnstead. the opportunistic Cristich used drum rolJs 10 get attention, invited the media to broadcast her departure from the Republican ticket and flaunted her new and very controversial role as an activist for Democratic candidate Bui Ointon. ln stark contrast, her current opponent, Oluck Devore, remained loyal to the values and people within his party and worked tirele&sly during that same election for Republicans. The choices each made give us a glimpse about their character. Olaracter matters, and it remains a strong indicator of an elected official''> future actions. BONNIE O'NEIL Newport Beach cnv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Coste Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 764-e223 Mayor: Karen Robinson Coundl: Ubby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chril Steel cnv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beadl City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beadl, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 Meyor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Hen.man, Olde Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Web~ ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Piaza, Santa Ana, ~ 92701 • Jim Sliva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, NeWs>ort Beadl), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson. 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3650 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Boatd: President Rul:>en A. Smith, Vice President Patrit:ia Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Heidi. James Baridl, Deborah Carone, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro STATE SENATE Rosa Johnson (R), 35th District, 18552 MacArthur Btvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833 0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Press Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (R), 70th District, State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: distflct70@assembly.ca.gov Ken Maddox (R). 68th District, State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; OVER 70 DIFFERE NT BEDS .FROM BERNHARDT'S COLLECTIONS ARE NOW Sale Includes Special Orders Also \take Huge Savings On Companion Bedroom Pieces. 100s OF BERNHARDT SOFAS ON SALE NOW Here Ar e Two Examples Of The Savings You Crn Have .. SPEOAL PURCHASE 3-Pc. Upholstered Sofa, Chair ct Ottoman (Only Sofa Shown) • Elegant raised Oamisk J)fttem. Sofa: 100"W x 44"0 x 39.S"H. Sale Price Was $2,897 ... NOW s1,799 A/13 pc:s. J..k FUii-Grain Luther Sofa, a..lr t Ottomln <Sof• ~ Top fult..greff\ ie.cner In rkh brown tones with nallhe~ trim. Sof1; t2S'W x•15"0 x '40.S"H. Slit l'rlce Wts $4,097 ... NOW •2,799 Al J pa. ~·Mon.·Rf..10AM .. '1i~Jw 10AA14,.At.;., lfAll<fftl Vl$IT US ON THI WEI WNW .t,..uunt tumlfu,. net . . .. .. Fax: (714) 668·2104 E-mail: Ken.Maddox asm.ca.gov STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St, Suite 2000, San Frenclsco, CA 94105, (415) 904-5200; regional office In long Beadl, (310) 590-5071 GOVERNOR Gray Davis (D), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4833 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES •Chris Cox (R). 47th District, 1 Newport Place. Suite 420, Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 766-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20516, (202) 226-5611; fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Beadl) E-mail: chrlstopher.cox@ mail.house.gov • Dana Rohrabacher (R), 45th District, 101 Mat•, ~t. Suite 3C, Huntington Beadi, CA 92648, (7141960-6483: or 2338 Rayburn Building, Washington. D c. 20515 (202) 226-2415; fax: (714) 9so-7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newpon) E-mail. dana 4ma1/.house.gov U.S. SENATE •Barbera Boxer (D), 112 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224·3553; or 2250 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 545, El Segundo. CA 90245, (2131 894-5000 •Dianne Feinstein (D). 331 Hart Building. Washington, DC. 20510, (202) 224·3841; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd., S~te 915, Los Angeles CA 90025. (310) 914-7300 PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvarna Ave .. Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline· (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 .. . • • • .. • l • . • • • • • • • • • • . . .. • • • • . • • • • • • • • . ' .. • Jil! .•· • • i l • l • • • • • • • • • ~ROUND TOWN . nd AROUND TOWN Item a to Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., lt8 Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to ) 846-4170; oi by calling (949) 4-4298. Include the tJme, date end location of the event, 11 well •• a contact phone number. A tomplete lilting la available at ~.d111/ypilot.cpm. tOOAY The UC lrvlne Arboretum holta !ta annual Spring Perennial Sale, featuring unusual perennial• from South Africa and around the Ebe, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ay and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. nday at the erboretum . peru will be available to enswer question•. Admlulon Posts $2 for adults. Children younger than 12 get In for free. ~r more information, send ,_mail to ldlyon11@ucl.11du. bc..ns of Orchkh. • lhow end ule sponsored by the Newport f.arbor Ordlid Society, will take ace today and Sunday from 10 m. to 5 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Community Center. General edmission is $3, seniors' edmiUion Is $2, and parking is free. Call (949) 515-9538 for more Information. the KahnM Ta Nation. o,.nge t oast YMCA'a Indian Maidens, 1s hosting a recruitment for new mothers and daughter§ kindergarten through third grade lh Bosswell Hall at TeWinkle Intermediate Sdiool from 9 a.m. ~noon. This ls the Kahnee Ta's *'>th recruitment season In the fOmmunity. It has members from Costa Mesa, Newport Beacn and Irvine. For more information, call f9491425-7132. ~eglstered dletttian, chef ~ndjournalist Cheryl Forberg will ~epare an anti-aging dish from er pew cookbook and dlacoss e benefits of an anti-aging diet ~ 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coa1t f>taza's Home Store. Forberg will +1so be available to sign copies of • Privot. Pilot.• Stvcllo • SPINNING Theot~r· U~en..d her new book, •stop the Clodtl Cooking," after the demoMtratioo. The book will be on sale for $17.95. For more • Information. call (714) 666-0611, ext. 4230. SUNDAY Three young ~Ip. winners will be part of the Calltomla Women's Chorua' 34th annual Sdlolarahlp Benefit Concert. The muaic students will join female vocallstt from throughout California when the 200-voice chorus presents "Surf 'n Sing" at 2 p.m . in the Sutton Place Hotel, 4600 MacArthur Blvd. In Newport Beach. Tickets are $16 ln advance and $18 at the door. Call (949) 262-0579 or (714) . 840-4568 for tickets or information. "Happy Voic:esl" from Saint Micnael's cnildren's cnolra, the Cerubim and Seraphim, can be heard at St Micnael and All Angels Episcopal Church In Corona del Mar at 5 p.m. For information, call (949) 644-0463. •The N.w Iraq.• • presentation by Huw Anwyl, will address what's next, who will be making decisions, and whether democracy will w ork in Iraq af1er the war at St. Micnael and All Angels Epiaoopal Church in Corona del Mar at 7 p.m. For Information, call (949) 644-0463. TUESDAY An lna1Juctor from the American Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are Implemented as elegant accessories that complement your decor to improve health, relationships and prosperity. Reservations for the 7 p.m. seminar at Visions and Dreams in Costa Mesa are required. Call (626) 288-1669 for more information. A free seminar and door prizes on "Skin Care. Health and Beauty .. will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at M other's Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For • 16 Full Time Per10nol Trolnen •Child Core 8om· noon M • f • Ample & Conv.nlent Porkint • Yogo, Toi Chi, Stretch clo•M• • St.p, Pow.r Pvmp, Cordio .• Showen, Sttom & Tow.la • Shope·Up Dery $po reaervatlona, call (800) 695-MOMS. WEDNESDAY St. And...Wa Preabyt.nan ChurV- la holding its 38th annual rummage sale from May 7 to 9. The preview aale 11 May 7 from 3 to 6 p.m., with a $3 donation required at the door. The main sale begins at 9 a.m. the next two days, ending at 7 p.m. May 8 and 2 p.m. May 9. The churcn la at 600 St. Andrews Road in Newport Besen. For more information, call (949) 642-3824. A tr.e Mmlner end book signing of "Stress and Disease" by Ht1rb Lewis will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m .. at Mother's Market, 226 East 17th St., Costa Mesa:For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. THURSDAY The Alzheimer'• Aun. of Orenge County and UCI lns11tute for Brain Aging host the first research and education conference at the Newport Beacn Mamon May 8 and 9. The conference begins at 8:30 a m., with registration and breakfast. Exhibits begin at 7:30 a.m The cost is S60 for one day, $100 for two For more information, call (714) 283-1111. More than 300 proud parenu 8:30 a.m . for $20 per walker. The • firat 200 reglltranta for the one-mile or two-mile walks at Fairview Pait, starting at 10 a m .. will receive an event dog tag. a bandana and a dogg1e bag. For more Information, call (714) 754-5698. MAY12 ~m about the Slefn ctub end its many activities at its informa1ion meeting for newcomers and members 111 6:30 p.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., for food, exhibits and table displays. Newcomers can Join the Sierra Club for a special $26 intro'ductory fee. For more information, call (7 14) 517-2467. MAY13 A "'8 Mmlnar on "Muscles in Motion" by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St .. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS MAY 15 A free seminar and book signing of "Stop the Clodc Cooking" by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. and 250 cn1ldren will 1oin Dr. MAY 17 David Diaz and his staff from The Startight Theatre Company West Coast Fertility Centers and will hold auditions for its Centro Latinoamencano de all-student summer show, :'Mary Fertiltdad to celebrate the joys of Poppins;· from 1 to 3 p.m. parenthood from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can• Children who represent the sing a song from the show or miracle of assisted reproductive bring taped accompaniment to a medicine for the one out of six song they've prepared. The couples that seek infertility theater is at 1125 Victoria St 1n treatment will toin Diaz for the Costa Mesa. For more 15-year baby reunion al the Hyatt. information, call (949) 645 7827 Newporter in Newport Beach. For ...,._ more information. call (949) 215-0417 MAY 10 The MCOnd annual Paws Around the Parle fund raiser a walk that raises money to provide dog drinking fountains tn Fairview Park, will begin reg1strat1on at See TOWN, Pa1e AS ., Saturday, May. 3, 2003 AJ ® ~ Ullom Home .ILAIWAll~ ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualrfying process and one set of closing fees11 Lot cost included. u II • Construction loans as low as prime, fixed for up to 12 months. • • Low rates for purchase. re-ti & no cost equrt-1 Imes. I ' 94Y i''>:I 8:!00 • Ground up. rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed • Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs. 15 Yea,.. In Orange County. THI LEMJING GROUP. 3848 Campus Ot •210 Ntwpo<t Btecn CA 92660 Jlappy Jvf otfier's 1Jay ·'Free 9/a ss of Italian Champa_qnc to all J(otlicrs Noon to 7:30p.m. Inside or patio seating A la carte menu Thank Youl We appreciate your generous support. Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's Home & Gar~en Tour such a great success! Thanks go to all of the sponsors. donors and count1ess volunteers. A special thanks to Coldwell Banker and Coast Newport Properties for their generous support. COLD Wei.I. BAN~eRO Al Saturday, May 3, 2003 Mother's Day Brunch Chef Daniel Jimenez Presents . ~ S.t.-. """ 'DdJ, ~ &w ~~~ ~~'&4 ~ ~ Su.d"""" 'P~ ~ ~ 'P4414. .d. 'Put. !'I.It ~ ~ ~~~"" tjMtte ~ 'Pd141M4 ~S4t44 ~ & ~"'Hiii ~ 1~~~ ~ ~ ~ ()""'4te Sl4Uu ~ 7M41 ~ S."44~ "'~ ~ & 'P4'Nu ~~ ~ .. "9"! "'""' ~. ~ 11(,.,u./ Servedfrom 9am -3pm $23.95 adults $12.95 ch ildren 5-12 Children under 5 EAT FREE Complimentary self parking People painting by Chris Fredy the Magic Balloon Man • 11 am -3pm For Reservations 949-729-1144 1131 B(lck Bay Drive• Newport Beach www .newportdane..com TOWN Continued from A7 The Com Meu HlnHbl Society wlU host an open house from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1870 Anaheim St. In Costa Mesa. It lncfudea tour• of the facility and e>Chlbita of photos and artifacts. Free. For more Information, call (949) 631-6918. •Dfvorc:e: A New Beginning,• Is a workshop for men and women who are divorced or gettlng divorced. It fs held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newp'OrfBeach. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. MAV 18 To kldc off this YNr'I Festival • of Children, a Volunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.ni. at South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court. To introduce Orange County charities and youths to each other, the Festival of Children Volunteer Day will allow a variety of nonprofit organizations to display information about their services. For more information, call (949) 644-47n MAV20 A hee seminar and book signing of "Why the Weight? Dare to be Greatl" by author.Jean Kruegar wUI be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother'• Mattet. 225 East 17th St., Coat.a Meta. For reservatfona, call (800) · 595-MOMS. The SUlfildw found9don Newport Beech film Night will feature surfing films, Including 1he newty releaaed •3 Degrees:" tt will be held at 7 p.m. at the Surfrider public meeting at . Margarltavllle, 2:b2 WNt Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Come and team what Is going on with tocsl water quality issue• and see some cool surf flicks. For more information, call (949) 644-7443. MAY. 21 A 1'" seminar and book signing of "The Digestion Connection• by Dr. Mark Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. MAY24 A book signing and personal appearance by (tuthor James Balch for his book •Prescription for Nutritional Healing• will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 596-MOMS. . ONGOING Volunteer driven are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, SAVE 25-50o/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory -----. -. .· frail or elderly dlentl Incapable of •hopping or cooking fbr themeefvel through .,Mobile Meal•:' aponaored by FtSH-Hart>or Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more Information. ~la now open for runners and walkers of all agM for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scl8nic 6K Race & two-mile M.ln Walk on June 7. Pte-reglstratio fees are $22 for the runlwalk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Reglsmrtion on the day of the race la $30 for the runlwalk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3161 to register. &.yakle Restaurant in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person. featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. If your orchid ls too big for ha pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting semin~r every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the aeaets of C.rbon Canyon Regional Park y you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking Is · $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. T .. m Survivor, • nonproftt organization encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to exercise. hosts ·walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the second and fourth Friday of the month in frQnt of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lund-i after at Atrium court h is free, and all fitness levels are welcome. For more information, call (949) 27!>-'3888. Newport Community CounMling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awareness. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ,...,. ............ bytM cfty of Costa MeN Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . Monday through Frid'Y for Indoor and outdoor aporta and ectlvftJM. The Center Is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Information, call (714) 327-7660. The Newport 8MCh w.ltlng Club meet• at the comer of Superior and Hospital Roaq In Newport Beach at 9~15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 6S0-1332. Th• Newport Beach Caka Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m . on Thursday nights at Superior and HoJpital Road In Newport-Beach. For more information, call (949) 6S0-1332. The Newport Bead'I City Hall la displaying watercolor paintings by Juan Casado, Ned Parsons, Raymond Otis and Jim Teegarden through March 28 at 3300 Newport Bl~. For more informatio n. call (949) 717-3870 The Aun. of Buslneaa Ser:Ylc:es hosts a networking meeting that deals w ith edllcation connJM:tions from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the seoond Tuesday of every m onth at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more informatio n. call (949) 805--0011. •oivorce: A New Beginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or gltting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. al 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport Beach Public Library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade al the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays The library 1s at 420 Mangold Ave. (9491 71 7-~. / Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. perfonner's lounge, bacbtage and oq stage al 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For moni information, call (714) 556-ARTS, Free. For more information, call (949) 721-8079. • ext. 833. 1 IT'lml.EUE VIN•.588748 TAKI SS fWY EXIT FAIR DA. TO HAABOI Aff pl~ e1clode governrnefll fees and la•.s any linonce chor991 ooy deole< documo!lt pieporahan charge and any emt'510n lesfttg charge E•P.•fl 516/03 Mother's Day Brunch at Hyatt Newporter Sanday, May J l 10:00am-3:00pm MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH ftaturinx Mouthwatering Carving Stacion Garden Fresh Salads Brcakfist Favorites Pastries & Confccrions Chef's Gourmet Enuees Special Children's Buffet 1101 . ~ "Chilled Seafood & Sushi & More! Complimnr14ry Cham1>4t;nt Family Fun Balloon Artist, Magici2n , nee Painter and Petting Zoo 11 :OOam -2:00pm Live Music Brunch is $42.95 adults S 18.95 for children t 2 and undtt, children under 3 m free. Indoor and Outdoor seating available. Racmiic>ru arc highly ~mended. Pie. all (9'49) 729-o6 I(,() ... • Sdll.lfddy M;;y 3 2003 A.9 COMMUNITY & CLUBS Six selected to attend Girls State S Ix young women have been selected by the American Legion Auxiliary of Newport Harbor Unit 291 to attend Girls State at Pitzer C.Ollege, Oaremont, from June 22 to 28. JIM DE BOOM They are Lauren Kiser of Corona del Mar High School; Erin CosteUo of C.Osta Me..a I ligh School; Britta PlttJ of f.sl8Jlcla I hgh School. YumJ Nam of Irvine I ligh School; Naslrn Khaden of Newpon I !arbor High School; and Dlana Rosen of Nonhwood High School. The delegates were !>elected becau!>e of their academic excelJence, as well as their involvement in extracurncular -.chool and communi1y activi1ic!>, !>aid Cynthia Culp. Girls 'itate chairman for the po'>! They will join 500 young women fro m throughout the -;late for the conference. The young ladies were honored guests at a district. luncheon and they will be fearured gue<.~ at the May bU!>me..\ rneeung of the local auxiliary CongratuJation'> tu one and all VOLUNTEER RECOGNIZED WUUam Fundenberg Jr. po'ithumously received <1 Volunteer Merit Award from the CaJifornial>arlc and Recreation Society for service to Newpon Beach yowh programs and the Orange County Special Olympic:.. Accepling 1he award for her late brother at the Dii.tric't X Awards and lnMallation Banquet held April 30 a1 the Centre at Sycamore Pla7a in Lakewood was Louise fundenberg. ·For many year'>, Bill WCI!> instrumental in helping with "llewport Beach Recreation Semces' Special Olympic., liaskerball Tournament and Winter Wonderland," '>aid Jim Gubser, Newport Beach recreation leader. "A:. You1h Activities Oiairman for thl· ...i; Newport Harbor f:lh No. 1767'. he w~ also an integral part of many priva1ely funded youth · programs, including AY\< ), I I arbor Area Bo}., and c 11rl' Club'>, and Co'>ta Me-.a Jnd Newpon Beach I 1ttle I eab'Ul''> .. The city of Newpon Hein h Park.'>. Beache'> and Rene.111011 Commission will al!>o honor Fundenberg ar the Newpon Beach City Council mee1i11g al 7 p.m. Tuesday in City I lall Council Oiarnber'>, a1 .1100 Newport Blvd. The me1•t1ng I'> open 10 1he puhhc. CONVENTION PLANNING I he :"\ewpon I !arbor < <Na Me~ l.Jom. will mee1 .11 b IO p.m. Monday a1 1he C O'>IJ Mt•\a Counlry Club to pl.in for lht• May 15 to 18 Lion's District 4 IA Convention in Oxnard. Member Barbara Haywa.nt will announce her candidacy for vice district governor at the convention. I layward is a charier member of the Harbor Me<1a Lio ns and has been president, secretary, treaswer, tail twis1er, and a member ol the board She ha:. also held positions in the dis1rict cabinet. ._,he was named 1he Melvin Jone~ 1-ellow by the club in :WOO. NEW SERVICE MEMBERS Welcome to the world of !>ervlce P.rlc Patterson , William Pedrante and Brady Price, who joined the Rotary Oub of Newpon Irvine. SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK TUESDAY 7.JO a.m.: fhe 40 member '-:ew-port Beach ~unme Hotary CJub will meel at hvc Crowns ( 11ewportbeachs1mri\erotary.org/ uulex. h Im). 6:30 p.m . The <.0~1a Me'>a Newport 1 larhor I mn' <Ju_b will meet at the Co..,ld Me-.a Country Uub. WEDNESDAY 7:15 am . Tht: 20 member ~ou1h C.oac,1 ~fe1ro Hula!) Oub will mee1 at the Center Uub ( www.soutllcoastmetro rotnryorg), and the Nt!'"port Harbor K1wan1'> CJuh will meel a~e Un1verr,11y A1hlc11r CJub. Noon: The 40 member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will mee1 at the Uah1a Corinthian Yacht Oub 6 p.m.-The 60-mClnbt•r Rotary Oub of Newport· BaJboa will meet at the home of member Nan Raney 011 Balboa Island for a club sociaJ. THURSDAY . 7 a.m. The 20-plu'> me'mber Costa Me'>J·Orange C osta Breakfast I.Hin'> Club will meet at Mimi\ Noon: fhe 'iO·member (,o.,1a Mec,a Kiwanis CJuh will meet at 1he I lohday Inn: the SO· member Newport Beach-Corona dl'l Mar K1wani'> Ouh will meet at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht < Juh ( www. kiwa11i~.orgkluhl costamesa). the AO mt•mber tcchange C.lub of Nt-'"P<HI Harbor will meet JI the Newport I larbor !\au Ill JI Muc;eum for a progrnm h} Dan Ardell on Charier <.,chool-.; and 1he I 00-member Newport·lrv111c llo1ary Club will meet at the Atrium 1 loll'I with the c..roup Study l·xd1<111~t· Team from Franct· (WWII' 11/fOltlf)' or~) • COMMUNITY 8r CLUBS is pub)rshed Saturdays rn 1he Darty Pilot Send your service clubs meeting information by fax to 19491660·8667 e mail to jdeboom "au/ com or by mail to 2082 S E Bristol, Suite 201 Newpon Beach CA 92660 1740 Tu ~sda,·~ Pa~ta '4ight"' "l'ul• I U $1:t99 --_... : u , II' & <i • 2.c.!"" T~, t 11t;,, i' IUftl!1y 7561 Ct.N 111{ AVI . #37 H l r... 1 INClON 8 4\C..tf CA 92647 / ,,, ,,,, '' "' t JJ,/ II""'' I,//, , 11 .. 111 llu· (J.S ,~ '' J.. {),/1wwtl f,.,J, {J,,,1, • t1 1.,.., s,,,,. U11e1 (AU us 11bo11r OUR flESDt CATERJNG · Ru~ & BtA" • ( ~f(\11" ( tl~IllllllJ CRJSP CRH~ SAL\DS $3 99 t:.l. '""' 1 ()rdrr Our FRESH T AMALf.S EARLY! $6 99 . lb. HH·Sll SI· \H >«>I> • 11 \11111 I • -.c \I I cw-. •-.,\I \11 >'. • -.. I II< I\ II' • -., \U >I< I 111-., II • I 1111-.. II I< GETTING INVOLVED German student and earn up to $1,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST RosEY's AUIDBODY /)~fil'l'IW'f / J,ti/y Frtsh Hami-Chopptd Saisa • GEmNG INVOLVED runs penod1cally in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For rnformatron on adding your organization to thrs hst. call (949) 574-4298 AlS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER _..c; 'b_ . -"" t ~ ...... -- You have the ri ght to choose your repair faci lity Insist on the Bes t • ravo Chips & TortilLas • Homt Styl.t Tam11.l.ts 32 Varittus o/Homt]1111dt Sausagts • Ctlmmo 's Bufor Turko.Jn:./!J ~'?Boar's Head Dtft' P~ The Amyotroph1c Lateral Sclerosis Assn., which helps individuals who have the drsoroer that 1s also known as LIFETIME WARRANTY ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA 1 Costa M esa families can host a See INVOLVED, Paee AlO Full Service Cofli1ion Center Insurance Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 Fact: Many investors have s uffered serious loss due to uns uitable investments or unsound advice. Fact: 56% of all stock loss claims are won by investors. (NASD ) ROSfY'S AUTOIODY ~·;, . ; ~ 121 Industrial Woy . Costo Mesa . • 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642· 7191 ~ r ('9 6 OOAM to 7 OOPM Mon Sat • ~ UOAM to 6 OOPM Sun ":t , \ I -~················~ ... ,:)'!l •~ • .,. a a •~•~r•~• ._!I • c......., IMtat..,. • No Stucco or """* Daruge • Enwn 1mc1ent • No Pamtlnl • Custom--'1t to v...r Home • ~t • lnhanced SecurttJ • .. lntenance-Free• i.nJ C.._.. I Quality Craftsmanah#p Guaranteed deal 714-965-1876 • 800·433·2588 ~~--....-..j HO ME IMPROVEMENT 19142 Beach Blvd .• Huntington Beach (Beach & Garf .. ld) r • -_., Uc. No 8 790880 Hours: Mon., Wed. I fr1. i-5 • TUH. I Thin. M •Set. 9-4 •Son. 12·4 r11s-f ri1e:r 111 rso-%OFF-1 re r oO:frade~iil : For each old window : : On Low-E glass : : ror each patio door : that we replace windows only that we replace 1 I New Custom ers O n ly 11 New Custo mers On1y 11 N~w Cusrom•rs Only I I 1 Coupon per customer 11 1 Coupon per cu~tomer 11 I C oupor> f)<°'' • usiomer - L--!::~-.:.<?V~'-'.o.a_ __ -I L--!.:~•.:_O~~·-'.o~--.J L--!.:~-.:..~2.'-°i.---1 Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did yo ur stockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' re1.ommendat1ons? Wer~ the reco mmendations misleading. premised on b~elcss criteria, and fui l co disclose a conflict of interest for the analyst and the fi rm? Did you suffer losse~ based upon the recommendations? lf so. you may have a case fo r fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long term growth , income, and safety of principal? Did your broker · recommend unswablc, high risk tocks? 0 j4 yow broker over-concentrate your portfolio in tcchnoJogy stodc.s? Your losses arc often rccbVcr:lblc and you may be t>ntided to punitive damages. We pcciali'l.C in reprcsctning individu21 investors. Please call w for a FREE consulacion. ·No~..,,.. No,.. AlO Saturday, MtY 3, 2003 INVOLVED Continued from A9 Lou Gehr1g'9 dlMeae, neede volunteers. (714) 375-1922. HOSPICE PREFERRED cHolcE Volunteere ,,. needed to hefp make e difference In the llvN of termlnelly Ill persona and thefr famlllea. Volunteer• woold 111l1t them with nonmedlcal need• auch es providing respite for the primary caregiver, running errend1, reeding to the patients and weekly social visits. The organization 11 also looklng for clarlcal end bereavement volunteers to eaalatwfth office dutiea. Training la provided. (71 4) 980-0900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization aheltera, counsels and educate• abused women and children. It is looking for volunteers. (949) 737-5242, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF ORANGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provides socialization and cultural experiences to the Jewish SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL "A c.-.Jtr. Wt.I" le tnt., -' S.W., J.m Orfst 111.d -5"flr"' The Rev Provten Bunyan, Recto< 3209 Vio Udo N~Beoch 949/675-0210 7.30 om Troclitionol 9 om ContemporolY, 9om Church SchoOI 11 om Choriamotic ond Wednesday Noon ST. MARK ~BYTERIAN CHURCH "Open Arms and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 residents end othe,.. et Felrvtew Oevelopmentll Center In Coctl M .... Volunteera ·~· e fllclllty to prcwlde pr0gremmlng of Jewtah cOn*1t to the reeidenta on e monthly bell9. They mutt take e T8 tMt end undergo e fingerprinting bedtground dMc:k. Volunteere ,,. ei.o needed to provide comfort •nd support to the Jewtth terminally Ill end their femm ... The group apon90t1 en ongofng Jewlah heeling .upport group for people with chronic lllneu at 7 p.m. Thuredeya et the Jewish Family Service, 260 E. Baker St., Suite G, Coste Mea41. Free. Preregistration requif'9d. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF'ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women end Improving communities throogh the wort and leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (949) 261-08~. KAISER PERMANENTI HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers ere needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for A u111vrg11M11 11/ rht Antfmm Q,,,,,,,,lnl011 BU/WING OUR FAITH: WVTNG CHRIST AND SERVING OUR aJMMUNTTI. Th~ R.cvC! Peter 0. Haynes, Rector SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am · Holy Eodwin 9 am · Sunday Sc:hooUAdult 81bk Study I 0 am · Choral Euclwin NURSERY CARE AVAIU8LE TEMPLE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUNlY'S FRIENDLIEST SYNAGOGUE PRESOOS A 4-WEEK COURSE OF ADULT EDUCATION (949)548-6900 ~ 2401 llVlllUVE., llWPOITlfAOt • Ltctwtr. l.Wlllrc ....... "WORSHIP DIALOGUE" Uohn 4:16-26) ~~'S ,.,,.,"""'Cm ~J1 Saturday, M1y J, 200J, .S:JO PM. Sunday, May 4. 2001, 8:.lO & 10:1S A.M. "a!Mtday Niall« Bible ScWy 7:00 P.M, + •A God"()CtltatG parish conununiry, inmuc:ud by the Word of God A and ttnCMd by the Sammcnti Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vasta Drive . I Ncwpon Beach, California 92660 (949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rtv. Monaipor William P. Mel ••~!in Putor .. U11.IRGIES: Slnuday, S p.m. Camor), Sun4q, 7;00 (Quift), a~ (CAo«rn'f'O'UY) 10:00 (<Aoir}. 11:30 a.m.·(Cucor) IDd S:OO p.m. (Contanponry) them or their cereglvef'8 In Cotta Meaa. For mo,. communhiee nur votuntM~' lnformatJon, cell (949) 461-3272. ~ (662) 822-3805. MASTER CHORALE LAGUNA GREENIE1J' INC. Of~COUNTY VoluntMrs e,. nMded to ealat The performing erta oru-nlutlon Laguna Cout Wlldemea Perk needa votuntMre for C¥>mput•r ateff end Jemea Dilley PNNMI Input, tk:*etlng, flllng end ateff end docents with hiker handling phone-.. (714) 668-6262 •• reglttretlon and general public or1entltlon. (949) 488-0287. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Service. LAGUNA SHANTI need• mentors to make e leatfng Laguna Shantl,oen organlzellon effect on e yoong person'a llfe. that wortc.a with persona with HIV Students 10 to 18 yeara old are or AIDS, la seeking caring matched with mentors to volunteers to e .. llt with running Improve their lc:hool the front office, delivering meala, pe~ormence end self-esteem providing trenaportatlon and wh le developlng positive peer providing complimentary. and adult rel1tlon1hlP9. (714) thereplea auc:h ea meaaage, 649-9622, ext 36. acupuncture end chlropreCtlc care. Llaa Toghla, (949) ~1446. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to LIFELINE LMNG CENTERS help deliver nutritioosly prepared Mentally Ill adults refy on the meala to homebound, frail or Newport Beach center for elderly clients incapable of reaidentlel houalng. It needs •hopping end cooking for profeuional fund·reiaers to themselves. For more aupport and maintain this information, call (949) 645-8050. resource. MOZART CLASSICAL LUV-A-PET CENTER ORCHESTRA Volunteers who love to wort with Orange County's only nonprofit cats and kittens are needed at the resident chamber orchestra Luv-a-Pet Genter at PetsMart in needs volunteers for ticketing, WORSFf IP DIREC110RY \ 1 I I 11< l ( l( \I Newpon C.enter United MethodBt Church Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Mvgucritc and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 Bam Quirt Worship Serviu 1 Oam Worship anti Chi/drmi Sunday School ~uth mming UJ«lt/y Newport Haiobor Lutheran Church ('LLC.A.) TM DoV9f' Dr .... wport -..Ch Traclltlonal Lutberwn Pntor Dntd Monge Worehlp a.rvto. with Holy Communion 9undey:i:. AVAILA8L.8 .... ,, ... , ..•... ~ 1259 Vlettrla StrHt Cette Meu, CA 92627 S .. 4ty tWHl19 HrYiH et 7:00 PM ...... ,..,. .. , ... Telep• (714) SJ9-7127 . E1all RIMCC0..1 ... all.Nt MESA VllRD• UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worahlp & Chun:h School 8:30 end 10:00 e.m. {714) 979-8234 Or Rlelwd George Rev Step11&n1e Toon Senior Minister Youtti Minister Chriat Church By the Sea Uni1ed Mechodist I.WOW. &lboa Blvd., N~n lk..ch l:~S a.m. · Adult Swid.y SdlOOl I:}() 6: 10 UI ~0ti111p and 0.Jdtmi ~1 Sdlool The Rev. Or. George R CrUp, Put.or (9'49)67J.380S Yours And Your Family's WOnftlJ 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclptes of Cl1rt1t) 2401 lrvlnt Atte. Ne.,.... .. ecll,CA (149) 145·5711 •lllldlr. Dr. DIMle Alff FIRST CHURCH OF SE ND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHRIST, SCIENTIST • 3303 Via Udo 3100 Pacl1lc View Dr. Newport 8each Newport Beach 673-1340 or l>7J..6150 644-2617 or 675-4661 O'IUJd\ 10 cim a 5 pn. ChuJd\ to am ~ Scbool 10 am SUnday School 10 am Wedi_,.,, ~7 lOpD .....,, ...... 7'1011'!1 • ta Wlcbiduf lhoa ......................................... ,. ............. ~ ................................ .. ............................. ...... ... ,4 ..... 11 lilDilll\eM*rQID •1'tFnl Oldaf ' Scirllill • .... II • -_. --, ---. ~Pilot u1her1ng, phones, malling end NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE hefp with ~tlona. (949) CINEMAGUILD 83().2960. The N~rt Beed\ Premle,. Clneme ulld, which aupporta the NEWDIREC110NS N~rt Beedl Rim FNtlvel, rt FOR WOMEN INC. lootc. ng for rieW membera. Interested cendldetea ahoold Tt\e recoverv center for women went to help further en ertlrtlc wjth elcohof or other chemlc:el end oolturel heritage In the dependendea aeelcs volunteers. community end should have a (949) 648-9927 between 10 a.m. love of cinema end e c.te.11'9 to and 6 p.m.; or Joy, (949) 648-8764. relae ewaren ... of tM ftlm NEWPORT BAY NAlURAUST featlvel. (949) 263-2880. The Upper Newport eev Nature NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC Preaerve la looking for volunteers LIBRARY FOUNDATION to aaalst with na\j.lrellst-led toura The lib111ry foundation need• and programs, special events and extra h~nda to perform clerical habitat restoration projects. The· dutiea, such es flllng, organizing lnterpretlvd center Is at 2301.J and stuffing envelopes, et the Unlveralty Drive, Newport Bea~. Central Library, 1000 Avocado (714) 973-6829 .. Ave. (949) 717-3890. NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND YISITORS RECrTAL SERIES BUREAU The Frienda of The Newport The bureau is dedicated to the Beach Recital Serles Guild needs promotion of the city to potential volunteers to assist in fostering visitors. Volunteers with music appreciation so classical extensive knowledge of Newport music will endure. (949) ~208. Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611. NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY THEATRE COMPANY LITERACY PROGRAM The company needs volunteers The program seeks volunteers to to help with costume design, tutor adults who want to improve sewing, make-up application. set . their reading and writing skills. construction, tedmicel help, Volunteers will be certified during publicity. stage management and training worbhops the Central backstage superviaion. (949) Library. (949) 717-3874. 769-1040 or LKSaf@aol.com. TRUE BLUE We're Retiring SALE STARTS MAY 1 Doors open at 1 O:OOa.m. Entire inventory drastically reduced Thank you for the last 16 years SOLID DENS£ HARDWOOD FLOORING PLUSH CARPET lSYR. $699 CUARANTE£ ,. f'ltOM aq. 11. • IDJUDed with Pad S J 69 • Mlnimul '°yards 14. ft. 'l'ra••rt1n•'18" lit 18" ••••••.•••...•••.•••• '""·11 ... ft. Ce-ram.le nl•··············-·· .......... ,... 14. ..,. ft. ........................... ,_.,.... ,_ '4. ... ft. SwP11ll-•ml 7boU ror th• .. Do II Youn•tr-.r 1374 Lopa Aft., Salte F • COSTA MESA a (888) MESA-777 . 16372) llOILftL llAMtitlN ~-~ IA!. 11 AM• I"' ICl.OID UNY) 1.-. 1-.. The Jewish Learning Institute OC's Networlc al Aduf Et:*JcetJon Naw~COU98 "Unleashing OurSoul Power'' -· ---- .. ' .... -· • Dady Pilot Satutdly, May 3. 2003 All 00 What's Greek for women athletes? Costa Mesa woman and OCC professor have a winners. so there was no way they FYI new book that describes their search for women didn't see the name of a woman: Anne Reese and lrm1 Vallera-Rickerson said. "But I th.ink among the sports matches of antiquity. purposely they would Ignore it Vallera-R1ckerson will discuss and sign their new book, • Athletries: because it was not important, !t The Untold History of Ancient Cor1I Wiison delight as they described the was a woman." Greek Women Athletes.# at 2 p.m. Daily Pilot series of adventures that led them While Greek men are weU-known Sunday at Borders Books, Music to write the first boolc of its kind, for their athletic ~deavors, and Cafe, 3333 Bear St. at South M ale Greek athletes have • Athletries: The Untold History of through the selective recording of Coast Plaza Shopping Center m been idolized 1>ince their Ancient Greek Women Athletes." history, the names of women were Costa Mesa. days of glory in ancient "Oh no, there's no women," ignored and eventually forgonen. lri" Greece. But Greek women athletes. Vallera-Rickerson said she was the Victorian era, the only part ideas," Vallera Rickerson 5a.Jd. "And or Athletries, were reduced to a told repeatedly in Greece and in women played in athletics was to this happen'> qwte often in the mere myth in the modem world America "When it came to clap their hands, the women said. academic world." For two authors, the existence of athletics. 11 was absol\Jtely Even today, people initially Over the course of seven years. Athletries became an irresistible unheard of that women would be laughed at the thought of ancient people from un1vers1ues, !Jbranes. rnystery. Playing detectives, they !>et a part of sports ... Greek women athletes. But as more mu..eum'!> and ne~paper'> JOined out to discover the truth and set the But the names of women evidence was coUected, in on the .,e,uch. They played a record straight at last. recorded in aacient sources inteUectuals started to believe. cruciaJ role in collecting. rranslaung Anne Reest> of Costa Mesa and proved otherwise. "Sometimes, lscholarsf are so and inwrpretinK information. Orange Coast CoUege pmfe!.'>Or "We found inscriptions together busy in their academic ideas that lrini Vallera-Rickerson. giggled with with the inscriptions of male they are not willing to hear new See GREEK , Pa1e Al4 The fury of Wolverine is unleashed when Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters comes under attack in -X-Men Unrted, • wntten by David Hayter, below. The accidental screenwriter Performing at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse was the start of a career in show business for 'X-Men United' screenwriter David Hayter. By Jennifer K Mahal C omic books were David • Hayter's closest friends as a chiJd. Because of his father's job as a troubleshooter for a large bfotech compan)i the 34--ymr-oJd ec:reenwrlter spent his dUklbood moving fNf:tY &ix months to a ymr. Kl don\ want ft to eoond Ub a sob story. became it WM a pmty good life. But I didn\ haw a k>t of friends because I didn't have time to get to know people. .. said Hayter, who has sole screenwriting aedit for "X-Men" (based on the Marvel comic bOOt about a band or mutants) and shares story aedlt on lta aequel. "X-Mert United." which opens today. Comic boob became his way of having familiar faces around. Everywhere be moved. Hayter would cart an ever larpr number ol bma wlth comics sud\ u "X-Men. • MDaredevil• and "Batman. lmlde. "I think it's an incredibly undervalued genre.· said Hayter. who ~ worked on scripts for "The Hullc" and "The Watchmen.• "Uke the movies. they offer us extremes of fantasy and worlds in which anything can happen. I dUnk that lw very much fueled my attitude toward wort and toward life. which Is that anything Is possible-. Al. 9, the brown-haired. brown-eyed boy and his boxes moved to PJ 1e>ro; n was while living iliele that Hayter got Interested ln abow buslnesa, after landin8 a part ln the Costa Mesa Civic Playboule'I version of "Pinoccbio. • He plllyed 1b1evlng Weasel No.· l. "h wu a very fun kind of character part. I had this weird little weasel voice," said Hayter, who is now the voice of Solid Snake in the "Metal Gear Solid" video games. "I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to play Pinocchio. but ooce I threw myself Into it. it was my first experience understanding how important the cbaracter roles are and how much more fun they are to play. usually, than the lead.· Hayter remembers he bad to wear a felt costwne that was hot and that he had a a\.ISh on the girl who played 1bievlng Weasel No. 2. "She was very, very cut-. but we SM X-MEN. Pqe Al5 Anne Reese. left, and lnni Vallera- Rickerson are ccrauthors of the new book, "Athletnes: The Untold History of Ancient Women Athletes.· CORAL WILSON/ OAJLY PILOT THEATER New hits, old favorites dot Center's next season By Tom Titus F rom the show that changed the face of the Amen can mUS1cal !"Oklahoma"I to Broadwav'c; latest mega-hit ("The Producers" the-Orange Count) Perfomung Ans Center will offer something to swt Just about every taste next season It all Stans SepL 2 with the revival of the first hit show by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, ·Jesus Ouist. Superstar.· This 1972 rock opera. seldom produced locally. recounts that last week in the hfe of Omst and includes the hit single ·1 Don't Know How to Love Hun.· Followmg ··Superstar" into the Costa Mesa showplace. operung Sept. 23. will be the first of a pair of Rodg~ and Hammerstein revTVal.s. ·Rower Drum Song." l1us IS the revitalized vemon of th.e Chinatown comedy that began its new life two years ago at the Mark Taper Fonun in Los Angeles before movmg on to Broadway to become a sold-out success. Michael Aat.ley will bring his record-breaking producoon "Lord of the Dance· to the <:enter cr.oer Thanksgivi.ng weekend for a four-day. ~performance engagement Nov. 25, 26, 28 and 29 (dart on the holiday) It'll be the show's first time ar the Center, wtuch has hosted a sunilar show, "Riverdance, • on two occasions. Webber returns to the Center on Christmas Day with "SWlight Express." a high-velocity musical built aroWld a locomotive race -with its cast resembling "Stac Wars" droids on roller skates. This revival ran for 7,400 performances in London. dosing last ~ as that dty's second-Ion~! runrung musical (behind Webber's "Cats.· which V\Slts the Center May 27). Estancia Hign School graduate Spencer Kayden was featured m the oHbeat Broadway tut "Urinetown." due at the <:enter April 27, 2004, but n's unclear whether she'll be rerum.ing to her home town with the tourtns production. Thia Tuny Award winner centers on a dty running so short of water that private toilets have been outlawed and public facilities carry a hefty tarif[ When "Oklahoma. hit the Broadway Salge in l 943. it altered the art of dance in American rmWcab and Introduced the team of Rodgers and Hammentdn. This bigbJy fliniliar and popullr dMlk wll Witt the Cents beginning~ LS. 1be Roaring '20l nm epln .._My 27 u ~ModemMiml.. lnif*ed SM nuJ0. hp All Al2 Saturday, May 3, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD • Biggest and brightest celebrate the arts T he fourth annual Arts Orange County Awards brought together some of the best and brightest oflocaJ d tlz.eru> dedicated to outstanding achievement ln the local arts wodd. More than400 guests converged . upon Newport's Sutton Place Hotel ballroom. greeted by Bonnie Brittain Hall B.W. COOK ArtsOrange County eM1:uuve director. A lively reception was followed I~· an outstanding dinner and program presided over by leilicated local Chairwoman Patrlda Posa. Her team of voluntee~ solicited a number mflucntial r;ponsors. including Keith and Judy Swayne, Phil and Mary Lyons, Carl and Pat Nelsser. Ouutle and Margie Bunten, Hany and Mary l lamllton, Betty Steele, and David and Flalne Krajanowsld. The sentimental evening W"dS hu'ited by John Forsyte and'leri Ralston. Many of the guests have long been noted as leaders of udrural activities in this county. n1e ;!003 honorees were JoJm A1r••!der, artistic di.rectoi; Pad.fie Chocale: Ropr Armmong. visual artist and teacher; and 1bomM and M.nlyn Nlellen. philanthropists and communJty leaders. . South Coast Repenory and Fullerton M~um <:enter were lauded as outstanding arts organizations; Raymond 1'ob&a' and Ramya Hiutlbukar. outstanding individual artists; Paul Folino, outstanding patron; Darrel Andenon, outstanding · volunteer; and Ma<lson Elementary School. Santa Ana. Capistrano Unified School Disnict and Art' & Crea.tMty for Healing. outstanding arts educators. Spotted in the exuberant crowd were Mmnba md Dmftll Andenon, Marian and Garth Bet ..... Dmd end lCeDy FmrnN, Jim and Catbertne Pmm1. teny Goldfmb.Lee, Mike and llJemm' Gordon. Marlene Hamoobee. BID and CaroJyn lOeln. Leon i,on. Donna Phelps, Mel and Marcia Rowen. George and Marymn \\eltworth. and Robin 1\Jmer. Richard SdJwiek:brt serves as pn!Sident of the board of directors for Arts Orange County. SHARING WILD TIMES It was another Wild and Crazy Theo Night in Costa Mesa, Share Our Selves' 10th annual special chef's taco demonstration night. Among the 450 local guests at Share Our Selves' Wild and Crazy Taco Night were Ann Stawicki, Mary Kay Payne, Eric Alcouloumre and Sheri Hughs. -This year, not 10, but 13 of drivers collect food from 41 Orange County's finest chefs !~dons and bring It to SOS. demonstrated their community aOther volunteers paclcage the spirit by hosting SOS's kick-off food for needy families. Other celebration that precedes the volunteers then give out 200 bags annual elegant dinner held in the of groceries each weekday. with fall at the Robert Mondavi W111e 60% of that food coming from the and Food Center in Costa Mesa," Orange Ald project. said Karen Harrington, director The Wild and Crazy Taco Night of development for SOS. was co-chaired by Mkhael Kang The event aruacted enormous and Max Wood. with support community support. ralsing more from Phil CampaneDJ. Emily than $18,000 that will support Evans and Maik WU.On, to name SOS's Orange Ald Project. a few. Orange Aid ctille~ retrievable Local founders of Orange Aid food from restaumnll>. grocery indude Hal Roeoft', Marta Bird, stores, bakeri~ and cat~rers and John Martin. Jonathan Bhun, then distributes the food to Karen McG.lrufand MJchael low-income Or..tnge County Kang. For more information on residents. Share Our Selves, please contact Six morninW> a week. volunteer . Harrington at (949) 642 ·3451. Ttwsday. \1ay I :t :!OO:~ '\1·\\ pot1 B1•;11 h . t \ ANTI-AGING TREATMENTS FROM HEAD TO TOE Forum Consultation with Cosmetic Surgeons Orbe-Shumway Mr. and Mrt; 'lOm Orbe of Newport B..m announce the ~of tbeirdeughter, Mar)' Pitrlcia Orbe o( Newport Beub. to Outstopher Shumway of DUxbury,.Maae. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High and l..llfayeue College in Easton, Pa. ' The fUture bridegroQm, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Lawrence Shumway or Duxbury, Mus., graduated tram Duxbury High School and Dady Pilot l..afayette College in Bas.ton, Pa. Christopher Shumway A July 19 ~ding ls planned ln and Mary Orbe Our Lady QUeen of Angels Olurch in Newport Beach. Rogers-Bobrk Lawrence and Julia Rogers of Cedar Rapids, Iowa announce the engagement of their daughter. Anne Marie Rogers of ' tong Beach, to Bill Bob.ck of Fountain Valley. The bride-elect graduated from Regis High School and Cal State Long Beach. The bridegroom, son of Ernst and Betty Boh.r.k of Newport Beach, graduated from Newport ~ . . , .. ' .... ,,:f(J . .1 • . . ~ \~ ~ r I' 1 ,.,, I ~ ' ' ,. Harbor High ~nd Cal State Long Anne Marie Rogers Beach. and Bill Bohrk A July 26 wedding is planned In St Andrews Olurch in Newport Beach. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call Coral Wilson •t (949) 574-4298 ' 230 Eo11 17 St • CoJto Meso (949) 722-7224 www •!:19SOndcor ta com ~nl()-¢. I This Informative health eminar features topics featuring State-of.th e-A rt Prevention & Treatment of Aging. • The Science of Anti-Aging Lifestyle Management H.J. Garrett Furniture • Inner-Age™ System-Scientific Measurement of Biological Age • Weight Loss/Management & Nutrition • Human Growth Hormone to reverse aging from the "insidP. out" • Beautiful from Head to Toe • Treatment of Baldness ' • Botox Treatment • Facial Plastic Surgery • Cosmetic Dentistry • Ph oto-Aging -Photo Rejuvenation • Body Cosmetic Surgery -Breast-lmplaf!~S, ltf11ng & Reduction -Body Liposuction -Body S urgery -Lasers for Skin Rejuvenation, • Treatment of Leg Veins Hair Removal, Removal of Veins & Removal of Tatoos • Injectable Fillers • Question & Answer Session • Personal Consultion of ':4m I Ready?" • Cosmetic Foot Surgery -Bunions, Hammertoes -Birth Deformities • Computer Simulation of What You Could look Like • Sun Dumage Report Card Panel l'h>•.klana: ti (jl "'II' llrt nnnn MU rAC.:, Ua\1d Lee DPM Alex Martin MD. FACS. Simon Ounan MD lit l1mc11ha1 '-h1tr .. n \Ill Dalt" '•• \1J) 11. :?OIJ:.I .:nme: ti.JO p.m Locatloo: Hyan Newporter, Newport Beach CA Admlaelon: FREE Relrr,hm1·11/\ Call today for seminar reservation 949-472-1819 1 24,995 '" ......... VIN•• 3887427,,. 38873914 3&87 <459 3847 <4v3 38'i561.5 240 Ncwpon Cenw O~ . Suite 110, Newport 8cac.h 949.644.6933 Fine Furniture Since 1960 A Family Tradition of Providing Service and Value [T~~-. ~ l llOW 11wtl/abk Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275. O pen Mo n. thru S.it. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 to S Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~ Pr1ee . • . $23 QQS Foetory •.bate . . . . . . ·S3 000 NetC... Quality Service VaJue .:. $17QQ5 . $1,000 1 20,995 •• 111111 ... '18,995 VIN• .. 3A78940 3A887.s.5 3AQ3083 3A93159 (' , .,,..,_ ' Mo;iw..frl. IOAM 7PM ........., IOAM6FM 1un.-, 1 IAM-IPM "' . DATE BOOK GREEK Continued from Al 1 "You coulddt write a book lib thJs without the support from a lot of other people ... Reese said. RecalJing countless stode:s of Gteek hospitality, Reese and Vallera· Rickmon said that while conducting resean:h in Greece, they were taken out to . lunch. invited inside homes and escorted a,round the city by taxi drivers and local people. They never paid to enter museums. One day, when they were out of cash and couldn't find ao ATM, the taxi drtver even offered to lend them the money. wit was the craziest thing I have ever heard," ·Reewsaid.. "I have never been anywhere where"anyone said. TU lend you the money. Just send it back.'N The Greek people take their heritage seriously anc;t are enthusiastic about academic research, Reese said. WThey wanted to show us everything they could possibly thinJc of because they wanted it to be documented foe people to know and leam,N she said. "They were all into the academics. even the cab drivers. They were all into promoting the heritage.~ The authors found that women competed in bl,lll-jumping, wrestled in the nude alongside men and competed in full armor in chariot races. ln Sparta. the women were expected to have fit bodies and excel in athletics, with the Idea that they would raise healthy babies, Reese said. With the upcoming 2004 Olympics to be hosted in. Greece, the discoveries may have redefined the history of the games. But Reese and Vallera-Rickenon. friends for 24 years, said mOlt of the ·time they were just having a lot of fun.. "Every ti.me~ fo\ind one name, we got so expted and we were jumping up and dawn," Vallera-Rickereoo said. "I think if you want to do eomething that becomes succeasful, you need to ha~ fun with It. too.• The women said they documented and double·cbecked every fact in the book. Fluent in ~k and Engli&h and a nayve or Athens, Vallera-Ricke.rson said that ~ce information ls often lost -and misinterpreted in translations, it is essendal to consult with original sources. Mission accomplished!.... the book was published in Greece in 2001 and was just released in America It-received hlgh revi«:WS in both countries. Reese and Vallera-Rlckerson have reveled in personal satisfaction after solving the mystery that consumed them for years. Expecting that many more names or women athletes will be revealed with time, they . said their research wilJ begin the process of redefining history and revolutionizing a worldwide misconception. Recalling a previous comment made ort a 1V appearance in Greece, Vallera.JUckerson said the same double standard of the past is still prevalent today. "When a man does something extraordinary, they call him.a hero," she said. M And when a woman does something extraordinary, they call ber a goddess - she couJdn'1 be a human." RESTAURANT ~FISH MARKET J i "We' re fanatical about freshness" This Mothers Day treat mom to only thebest! Take her to The Original Fish Company for a succulent l 4oz Australian Lobster Tail or buy her a beautifully boxed Gift Certificate. Happy Mothers Day from all of us! (562) 594-4553 11061 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, Calif. Gift Certificates available onli.be at www.originatfisboompany.com Gus Brenda ~ Lifetime Lifetime Warranty Warranty Carpet Ceramic • $199 $199 ~·-~ . Lifetime Lifetime Warranty Warraaty Lam.iaate' Wood $299 :; $299 ,, -~;;,;~ :;;-y,...... '"" ··1~ lr ..... AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS items to the 0.ity Pilot 330 W. BaV St., Cotta M ... , CA 92827; by fax to (948) &16-4170; Of' by calling (9'9) 67~296. A complete lilt It available at www.c»llypilotoom. SPECIAL Daily Pilot • I program of RuMlan worb on Wednesday end Thu'9CMy et the Orange County P9ffonnlng AIU Center. The divertimento from Strevinsky'a •The Fair'f Klu; written on the 36th annfvenary of Td'lltlk~a deeth, and Prolcofiev'a Violin Concerto No. 1 precede Td\81~1 ·sw.n Lake" bellet suite. Tk*ets c:ott from $19 tD $69. The Center la et 600 Town Center Orfve, Cotta Meaa. lnformetlon: (714) 755-5799. MUOO MAKE.UP 8aiOOl. ARTIST AT OCC .- S.nlor mak.up al1fst Instructor uanc.· .... -U&&M:.'UN .. Paul Thompeon, will epeak at 10 ---""""" ~ a.m. Tueectav at Orange Coast Canadla(I pl•nllt and compoeer College'• Green Room, Thompeon · Maro-Andre Hamelin will la a fonner OCC TheQtnr perform et 7:30 p.m. May 8 In Departtnent student end a senior . ' . f":c>Unde'9 H~JI, ~rbtl't Gia• :-"!II! makeup Instructor and panner at give a preview at 6;46 p.m. MUDD Make-Up in Burbank. TtcketlJ are $49. Founders Hall It MUDD Is one of two acaeditttd at the Orange County Performing make-op sdlOOls in California. The Arts Center, 600 Town Center event is frM. OCC is at 2701 Drive, Cotta Mesa. Information: Fairview Road In Costa Mesa. (714) 755-5799. MUSIC CUBA'S ORQUESTA ATAGON Hear the rich sounds of Orquesta Aragon at 8 p.mttoday at the Barclay Theatre. For more than 60 years, this legendary ensemble has introduced the sounds of Cuban jazz to countries around tt\e w orld. Tidtets are $35 and $29 ar'ld are available through the Barclay box office at (949) 854-4646. PAM!SA N#O THE DASTAN ENSEMBLE The Philharmonic Society of Orange County Is presenting the Parissa and Dest.an Ensemble In concert at 7 p .m . May 11 et the Orange County Perlorming Arts Center. Ttdceta cost $100, $59, $55, $40, $29 and $19 at can be purchased at ttfe Center's Box Office at (714) 55&2787. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. IL TROVATORE °"-. OCC SYMPHONY Opera Pacific presents Verdi's "II TrovatoreH in Segerstrom Hall. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. through Sunday, with a Sunday show at 2 p.m. Tidtets are$120' to $25. The Orange County Performing Arts Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Information: (714) 546-6000. 'RUSSlAN BEAUTY' The Pacific Symphony plays a Re ·b·e·I ux J ean s Juicy Couture Seven • Diesel Womyn •Joie James Perse 249 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach 949-64().7300 1528 Montana Avenue Santa Monica 310451-3699 The Orange Coast College's Sv.mphony will close its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m. May 11 with a performance'featurlng worka by composers Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven. The concert is in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. Tidtets are $10 to S6 and are available a l the Community Education Office. Information: (7141432·5880. occ is at 2101 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Delly Pilot X·MEN Continued from Al 1 were 9 and I thW: our . relationship was doomed from the stan, •he saJd with a smile. ·1 ba...e a pkU.tre or (us) signing my first autographs. which was really cool From then on. I was hooked 1'hal's what put me in the-business.,. • Eleven years later, I layter , moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting ~r. l le had modest success lo commercials, character pans and In the movie "Guyver, Dade Hero." His big break came ln_ IU) U:Oexpected way. Hayter met director Bryan Singer and screenwriter Christopher McQuany at Domlano's Pi7.Za ln I~ Angel~ Neither man was famous yet "The u uaJ Suspects.. "lbe incident IS remarkable in that neither Bryan nor Chris had enough money for a i.hce of piv.a on their own, so they split it." Hayter recalls. "We were all Jll!>t a'> broke as broke could be. and Bryan was ln debt. A few months later. Bryan's film 'Public Access' won the Sundance Film Fei.oval, and he got the money to do · fhe Usual Suspects.'" Singer executive produced Hayter's film, "Bum.· about a man with writer\ block who~ best friend tum!. up with a completed manuscript. a publishing d~al illld a girlfriend. After touring the fe<.llval c1rcujt and winning a few pr1zes, Hayter found himself nearly bankrupt He called Singer. who was dolng "X-Meq. •and asked rorajob answenng phones. "During the coqrse of that job, (Bryan) started to tallc with me about the script. Whlch he was having some problems with at that time, and I provided some sugg.:stions, which he put into the movie," Hayter saJd. 1ben over the course of the next 13 months, he began to ta.Ice all of the script problems to me and we would work them out together. J;brough a remade.able course of events, I ended up with sole credit on that movie, whiclnws technically my first writing job. .. "X-Men" tells the story of a band of mutants led by Professor Charles Xavier who must fight terrorist mutants led by Magneto and save the leaders of the world Intertwined are themes of prejuruce, racism and finding a place to belong when you're rufferent Hayter said that for him, S<..reenwriting is an organic process. "Once you have the basia; of the story, the story will tell you where it needs to go.· he said, which is why "X-Men Uruted" opens where "X-Men" left off. "Jn the first film, we really se1 up that there's a war coming. ln the second film, the war comes, and both MagJ'lelo and Profes.sor Xavier. with their two dpposing viewpoints, fight it in the ways THE ... , • •er· 2004 Rl330 Now Available \~'ant \' ou1· Lost S toe Ii In \'CS t 111c n t IJac Ii'! E!£!: Many investors have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice 56o/o of all stock loss claims are won by investors (NASO) ,' SI<>< 1,l.<>"'"I . \\\' l·ILC C)\I ............ I \ --·"' I • I( 1, \ I I \ DATEBOOK they deem worthy," Hayter said. "in 'X-Men 2.' part of the intention was to take~ we bad 1ee11 In ·x-MM: everybody's characters. an their motivations. and tum them on thei.rhead" "X-Men United• Introduces some new characters, most notably Nlghtcrawier, Pyro and Deathstrike, to the stable established in the first movie - Wolverine. C¥:lops. Or. Jean Grey, Rogue, Iceman. Mystique, Stonn, etc. His intention with "X-Men United" was to "sort of illustrate. the ambiguity of good and e'1J . . and Ul4St1Ute how difficult a ' highly charged political Wue, lllce this theoretical mutant (registration) i.Mue, ls and what it can do to people and their actions.· •JEN~ K MAHAL ls a freelance writer and former features edrtor of the Deily Pilot. She can be reached at 1/cmahal "'Btt.n« THEATER Continued from Al 1 by the movie of the same rwne, comes to town. 'The show. billed as "frothy and atrectionateJy irreverent." includes a ttbuilt score and three numbers from the screen version. "Springtime for Hider" may not sound like the title of a hJt musical, but as ihe centerpiece of Mel Brooks' "The Producent -Broadway's blgges1 cumnl smash, based on the movie of r the same name -it's an unanticipated .success, wtUch means big trouble for the title characters. We'll get a look at the touting veriiion from Aug. 3 to 22, 2004. Still to come in the 2002-03 campaign are "Cats" (May 27). "42nd Street" (June 11 J. "Aida" UuJy 2) and "Mama Mia" (July 29). • TOM lTTVS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES LAMPs3oo/~ OFF • Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! s.tufday, M1y 3, 2003 ~S I - Cr,..i C-,,__.. • 7'P6 P.:ifx C-Hwy.•~._., CA•~ 4'1.»14 ,. • IJ I J1 ff wu1a..u11.(r..i-"'-" o.. FCtoryOIAlll ..o.--....--..-.ocaa~ .,._...,,'""'*' ..,,._ C-. .... 09 P_.ed • I_ ()II Pl"-l.M ON Pl'-..... ..., °" 0-.... poct.aa~ NOi _, ,,~....,, ~ -0... olW OOo.pof\-----p<-.a ~,,_ OI ~-..... bpw•9'31"l'I •~ • --------- THESE NEW FABRICS W I LL A P P EA l .-TO EV E R Y 0 N E . EVEN HUSBANDS ~ALDEN'S ~ • ("' .. 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In the driver's seat Sea Kings struggle at times, but stave off University in three to win at least a share of title. • Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Throughout a tumulruous .. season of one injury after another, Corona del Mar High's boys volleyball team maintained stability in its most meaningful fonn -winning. The Sea Kings maintained their per- fect league record and secured at lea.st a share of the Pad.fie Coast League cham- pionship by sweeping vlsJting Univer- sity, 15·9, 15-11, 15-8, Friday. CdM (15-10. 8-0 in league) had swept University (9-7, 6-2) earlier this season and leads both the Trojans and Laguna Beach by two matches in the loss col· wnn with two left in league play next week. The Sea Kings clinched the league's No. 1 spot in the CIF Southern Section playoffs. "W.tt:h siL of eight seniors. out for two weeks or more, to be 8-0 lo league says something about til ---~ character," CdM c.oach Steve OJnti said. .Guys have stepped up when Wf!ve needed them to. 'ibm Welch had never played oppo- site before, but now be wants to do well and improve. We've put Miles (Yow- manl in the middle and be usually plays outlide-bJtter. He baa the mental makeup for (middle blocker). Now we might need him to play out- side a bit· thought we blocked reaUy well, but we just made too many mistakes. "The firs\ match (against Cd.Ml we didn't play well and (CdMJ rolled over us. I think we surprised them (Friday!." Yowman. a 6-foot-2 senior. spent the ftrst 2 ~ weeks or the season -Out with a broken band and switched to middle blocker in the absence of 6-7 senior Eric Jones. Jones missed nearly all of the pre- season with an ankle injury, but bas come on strong of late and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon Fri- University 0 CdM 3 Conti acknowtedges the Sea Kings were lucky at times, but mentioned bis team also caused its own problems by committing 22 hitting and 10 day. He Jed the Sea Kings with 10 kills. four service aces and four blocks, while tying ~nior sener Greg Gabriel for the team lead with five digs. Gabriel tallied 31 as- sists. setting up Jones several times for kills off of back. slides. "Gabriel set weU an'crted us to vic- tory,· Jones said. "He has really been doing well. (Conti! is tough on us all, but Greg battled through it and it has paid off huge in the last two weeks.• The Sea Kings withstood a trying first game to prevail and the Trojans led, 11-8, in Game 2 when a Jones kill swung the momennvn beck to the hosts' stde. WMb senior 'lrmdon Sherick-Odom aervtng. Jones hammered two more kills u the Sea Klnp tied the 'lrojans, 11 -11. The hosts then powered their way to victory after the 'lrojans made four hit- ting errors to close out the game. "We just lost our focus and gave It away in the eecond game with four points in a row," Univasity Coach Jo Ann Byars said. "I never Celt like we were out of It untiJ,we gave up those points. I service errors. "University's unforced errors bailed us out in the second game,· Conti said. ·(The referee) called a lot of nets when we would hit it out, so we got lucky. "I was a little disappointed with the way we executed and the level of emo- tion we played with. It wasn't good vol- leyball on either teams' pan, but .I'd rather play bad volleyball and win rather than play bad volleyball and lose.# CdM seemed to feed off the momen- tum gained from the second game as the third game unfolded. CdM posted a 9·3 cushion before University pulled to within 9·7, with Younnan slamming one of bis seven lcWs and adding a stuff block in the rally. Sophomore Kevin Welch served seven COQ$eCUtive points to give CdM a 7-2 lead "The lut game we bad some trouble ~ [University) got some points in spurts. but Kevin dJd a great job with those seven points right away," Jones SM CdM, Pqe 84 HIGH .SCHOOL BASEBALL Torrey's big hit provides victory Newport Harbor senior's two-run double in third is difference in 4-3 triumph over Laguna Hills Hawks. Sttvt Vlr1en Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Ryan Torrey is a senior. That means he's a leader. Yet. on the Newpon Harbor High baseball team, seniors are more than just lead- ers. They must lay down the ground- work in regard to rebuilding the Sailors and they must meet their coach's chal- lenge of playing all out in their last prep games. In Torrey's case, seniors rpust also come up with key hits, and that's what he did Fndcry. ln the bonom of the third inning. with two out, Torrey produced a two-run double to the gap in left-center field. The imponant hit proved to be the game-wumer as Newpon. al.so Jed by juruor pitcher Joe Canw ella. defeated visiting Laguna Hills, 4-3. "We just wanted to show that we're not that old Newport team," Torrey said "We're improved and we want to spoil some or the other teams in the league.. A year ago. the Sailors finished win- less in the Sea View League. However, they have won three league games this season, with four remaining, u Aside from the wins and losses, our approach and work ethic are much far- ther along than last year,· Newport Coach Joel Dt''>gu111 SCOREBOMD ~d "Ir'~ gomg to take awhile. but • t:he<>e gur-are ~t nng the ground· work and hopefully we can get back. to some respectabUlty and ~UCCe5'> In the lag. Hills 3 (Sea View Newport 4 League!." The Sal.lor'> (8 14, 3·8 in league) entered the bonom of third mmng trail· ing the Hawks, 2· l , but ~ewport c,cored three runs with two out to ga.111 a 4-2 lead. Sophomore catcher Jeff ">anche-1 singled to right field and an error m tht' outfield gave him an extra ba..e \,<.>w pon senior R.J. Muller put the hall ui play, a ground ball to the pncher ~h1ch Jed to a throwing error. The thro" wa' an attem pt to tag ou1 <ianchet. ~ho wa., trying to slide back to -.econd Then. with tw o ou1 '>t'OJor I )aH· Erickson singled to bnng m ~n ht't Torrey followed fJJclc.son'!> clutch hit with the aforemenuone<l doublt- lbat (double, gave ~ the momemum and it gave (CantareDaJ the COnfidffit l' 10 go and (get} them out.~ Tom-y '>dJ.d Cantarella earned h1!> fourth pttd11ng win of the season after dt-11\ t.'nng a complete-game performantl' 1ha1 came with four strikeouts and tv.o walk!. on 116 pitches.. He sca11t:red fiH· hit'> and ~three runs !one unearned See SAILORS. Paee 83 G<lM downs Calvary to close in on crown Sea Kings' win ups their PCL lead to three games with four to play. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot . COSTA MESA -The fact that Corona del Mar H.igh's 7-3 victory over Pacific Coast League host Calvary Oiapel Fri- day at Vanguard University was less than pristine. may have made it all the more appealing to Sea Kings Coach Joltn Emme. Emme used CdM's last trip to Van- guard. a 12-3 loss to Calvary Cllapel March 28, as a reference point 10 indi- cate how his team, now one win away from clinching the league's No. I spot in the CJF Southern Section playoffs. h as progressed. "'The last time here, we gave them three runs early and that turned into eight runs," Fm.me recalled. •This time, we nipped it in the bud This was a great win, because we never panicked." There was. perhaps. room for at least some self-loathing in the Calvary Cllapel third. when the F.agles (7-12, 6-5 in league) parla)"d three hits. two offi- d.al errors and two additional CdM mis~ plays tha1 d1dn 1 male the t•rror col umn. mlu J HI • lead But iuruor .dM starter fodd \tack tin never t11m heJ and M>me lOntrol trouble<i o\ <.a.Ivan pitcher., hl'lpt>d the CdM 7 Sea Kmg.., I i 6. Calvary 3 9·2J rctll'r for their eighth · 'ltra1gh1 league Win The Victory give'> CdM a thret>·Rame lead over Calvary. Nonhwood and I Im versity (all ued for second) With three league,,garnes left. CdM has alttadywun the league series over Calvan' and Urn· vers.ity. and also knocked off "lorthwood in the first round ltus spnng So a VlC· tory over the Tunberwol\t"> Tuesda) would give the Sea Kings the uebreaker advantage CJYe'T all three. even if 1t lost it<o final three league games. two of which would be against last-place T~oro Emme. h~r. is not rnncemed about such scenanos. onl) that tu., team remain playing the way n has '>Ulle the aforementioned lo~., to <...atvary. a set· See SEA KINGS, P11e 83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Eric Jones ' t . . • ' . Luxury lmp.orts »& Exotic Sports CarS ' . ) . . ~~~,__~ "~me visit J>hUlips Allto-and experience a level of service and commitment to euellence that has made us ·the #1 inikpendent lupirf and ~tic dealer in Orange Countr- .. Since 1984 we have sold over 20,000 of the finest auto•obiles. I invite you to • a~ drive today!" · . ~1'~ * Fully Equipped Service Dept. * Consignments Welcome * ASE Certified Technicians * Cash Paid for Your Car . * Warranty Included .* Competitive Finan~ & Lease Jt1~ (on Most Vchida) DMW MERCEDES PORSCHE 00 323 SON (t9'lb9J\Vhl Low Miles Foaory Wrnry $22, 980 99 CLK320 (t~)Glk/lllk Greor Value' $26, 980 I 86 928S (t9'lM)Dlk w/Ton lnr Avro Low Miles $13, 980 97 328i CONV (19'277)Whlte wfTon Leoltler AU!o $22, 980 99 5320 <t9t~)Sn"loke Silver Low Mi One Owne.r $27, 980 I 98 BOXSTER (t9J2e>Gl~ w Red lnrellOI $24, 980 98 740i (t9:MOJ0ne0wnef OuomeWhls Must~e $22,980 93 300CE CQNV (tll9m)Gll< lmm0< On1y'6KMi $29,980 01 BOXSTER (t9t64>YovM!.Y~l°hisGeO\lty 'tlrnry $32,980 00 ZI\ 2 B CQ._.V • t.24 980 1 00 ML430 (t93'al Whlre loonier Pllg' Geouiy' $ 29, 980 'l p t 'lL,980 v . I~ (19:l04)20k Ml. Auto foCJoiy Wmry lJ , 9 5 99v CAB Tl c19'292>n..,.!)i~ NPw Top l>\JU . . 99 CLK 320 CAB <t~'WhrteG•P.y Locof Owt1et $33,980 00 3281 SON (t9'240lFocrory Wmty $25, 980 99 S500 t "" 980 99 996 CPE (t9'21c.iP.ed wtlll< l.Jhr •8' 1/hls t>eotr.y $44, 980 c19191>lll-.'SM Moor.•oof l>~, 98 7 40i (1931ai!llk'llil\. Cemfied $26,980 ' 00 SL500 ci93JO>S4rver Mi'" Cood low Miles $46,980 99 911 COUPE c 1~>f.xlie<11elv Cleon O'lt' 0....,.,.. $46,980 00 328 SON (t9t93Jlmmoc WhreWITon AUlo 25K $27,980 01 S500 <19342>\lhr lmmoculo•e 0~171o.M es $64,980 00 996 CAB (19'2e100loclr.'Oloc~ ~~ Hod!op $58,980 99 328i CONV cmn)Glodl Auto $27,980 EXOTICS 01 996 CAB (t91s10P.o nfo""\1Gt~w'OOI 1Ql.M4 $59,980 01 330i SON c19'2~>Glod<llllodl.AU10 Wmry , $29,980 96 993 TURBO c1mxi\Vhl•e1mrrcx. 19KMJoe.s $67,980 01 X5 4 41 t ,. I: 980 64 MERCEDES 23QSL (1868.ll~ This P.ore Gt>ouiy' Red $19, 980 I t • Ct9~>Celeb Owned• Low Miles l>~, 93 FERRARI MQNDIAL II cm~ir1 Shtflef $49' 980 Q3 996 COUPE <t93s10Sl01e Grey Melollic. Only Jk M4 lJ 71, 980 J A Ci UAR ! 89 FERRARI TESTARQSSA (t93C>JCJP.ed One Loco Owner' $ 72, 980 01 TURBO COUPE (t92"~C)Glk wtnlk lotDI Cort INQUIRE! 00 JAGUAR s~ TYPE (193t•)Glue, Only 27K MJles $ 27, 980. I 99 LOftJS ESPRIT (t9:>26)P.ore Trtol)lum w'Onty 8K Mi INQUIRE! . 0' HER s 00 JAGUAR XJ8 (lmo)'W'hire 42KMifes0nly $28,980 01 FERRARI MODENA SPIDER (190C>e)~ Na 0111\1 INQUIRE! OV~R 25 IMMACULATE OTHER MAKES 99 JAGUAR XK8 CONV (19'209)Mel lllk. Ovm lf'hlS $39, 980 03 HUMMER H2 (t~mai.-~ ~. ivv~V~-loodld~l INQUIRE! AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM • Dally Piiot SP O R TS .. BASEBALL Anteaters lOse third straight UC Irvine comes up short again in opener of three-game series. The UC Irvine b~baJI team lost its fifth-straight opt:ner of a Big West Conference three-game series aft er dropping a 4-1 deci· slon Friday night1.o visiting Cal ~PIY. San Luis Obli.po. UCI sophomore pitcher Brett Smith went !>even inning'>. scat· tering four hits and aJluwing four runs, all in the fi fth to take the loss. Marie Wagner, the Anteaters' freshman catcher, "-Cnt 2 for 4 with one RBI. UU fell to 17 ·29, 5-8 m the Rig West, while Cal Poly 1mprovt'Cl to 23·2 I. 5 H BitW...Cont~ C.l Pofy 4, UC ll'Vlne 1 Score by Innings Cal Poly ooo ~ 000 c a 1 UC Irvine 100 000 000 1 b o Frtch. LeOuc (7) and Taillon. Smith Sctlroor (8) and Wagner W F11ch, 5-4 L Smith. 7 3 Sv LeOuc 131 28 -Herbert !CP), Leavin (CPI. Stollmeyer (CPI, Wayner IUCll OCC fall s in lin alc •COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Gary Alexander h11 a one-out, !>Olo home run 1n tht· top of the 10th inning, Im. i.cumd '>Olo 'hot of the game. to IPad vi~1t ­ ing Fullerton ( 17 l.'i I':' 9 I SJ to Jn H-6 w111 11vt'r ho't Orange SEA KINGS Conbnued from 8 l back he tcmH.><l "l'mbarra,.,ing " "We JUSI ne<'d to take l:are of busines.'> next Wt'ek." I nune 'Mild Macklin h.indll'<.1 hi.s bu'>lllt~ with aplomb en route to h1'> -.et· ond 'itra!ght completl'·g'JJTie ,,, tory. I le sum'fldered JU'il '>ix tu~ and 110 earned runs to improve to 4·2. I le fanned four, w-cilked three and 'ltrnndcd eight 1.ugle runne~ Ca.lvary starter P.-a111c:k ~purgm, however. !>uppht'<l '>Ome moW1d rna.'>tery of hb own the fir.I four tnnin~. blanking tht:' vt'>ilor. 011 just thret:> hllo;. fanning 'tix and SAILORS CDnbnued from 8 l I.a.gun.a I lilli> (9-11 ·I. 4-fi· I), wfuch had defeated Newport 5 I. on Wedne<>day. -.<:ored one run m the fifth. but lt:'fl rwo runnen. stranded. Mullt•r made a mte grab of a lme dnve for the <;e('Ond Ollt and 1un1or '>t'Cond baseman Mike JONES Continued from 8 l sprained .mlde. ha'i con11nued to polish the i.kilh that, along with hir. mu-.cular 220-pound physique, makt.> him an impo!>ing pre'>Cnt.:e for CdM. And while the former standout hockey defe~man acknowledge.. hL'i '>llA:' a'i a J>O'itive. he does not co11.'i1dcr indmldadon one of his attributes. At least one teammate clearly disagrees. ·After we hit in warm ups, (CdM sophomore! Tom Welch usually comes up to me and tells me 'Dude, they're scared of you.'· Jones said. "He tells sne to go out there and Coast Friday in the season fi- nale for both team s. Alexander dellvered the knockout blow and sent the Pi rates (19-21-1, 8-16) to defeat in the final game of the Orange Empire Conference Mini Tour- nament. He also ho mered In the fifth inning. Both home run cleared the left-field fence. the first tying the game, 2-2. Oranae Empire Conference Mini Tournament Fullerton 8, Orange Coast 6 Score by Innings Full 010 010 130 2 8 1~ J occ . 101 004 000 0 & 17 3 Sarver, McMillan (101 and Morales. Treece. Johnson (81. Farias 181 and Hu:b. W -Sarver l -Farias. 1 2 Sv -McMillan 28 -Gingg (Fl. Miller (QC) HR -Alexander IF) 2 Mesa llU cues costJ y • HIGfi SCHOOL· The Co.,ta Me~ High basebafJ team com· milted sue errors. allowing visit mg Orange Lo po'>! a 4-2 Golden West Lea~e victory l·riday with· out the benefit of an earned run. !:>teve Doerr douhled and scored on an error in the third for Me.a\ first run, then belted a leadoff homer. hi.'> firs1 of the year, in the !>eventh He W"cL'>·2 for 3 to le-ad the hosL'i' seven· hit attaclc. Nate I lunter singled with two out<, in the wventh 10 bring the tymg run to the plate, hut \v.illong none. ~urwn. ohv1ou.-Jy tmng. wrt!Ked the fir;t IWO Ill tllt-fifth and Keith Long foUcN1ed with a two-run double. Long la1er ..cored on a double-pla~ grounder and five more waJ:k... helped c..dM pci..t a four-run stxth. P-.uicer Ferguson .,in~ed 111 a run in the ~1xth. while I o ng and Nick Karpe received ba.'>t''- loadtid walk." 10 drive m add1 tiori.tl runs. Barn•11 l:iprowl plated the fourth run with a fit•lder'!J choice grounder l1mg. a senior shoru.top. went 2 for ] with two HRL'i, one run and one ~tolen base, while 1unior catcher Danny Marin-hnn wa' al"° 2 tor 3 wi1h two steal'> ctnd ~d.ean dO'>t'CI out the mnmg after he gatheMJ a ground ball and made the thrtJ\\ tu -.cnior Ryan Hl'enan at fir.t. Newport jurnor Karo Mctk .. '>er Jian doubled in the ..axth. I le also scored Newpon·., first nm after '>teal~g se<.ond m the '>t'C' and uuung. The steaJ attempt led to a throwing error by the catcher. and M<OO.ef)1an ad vanced to third Another throw- ERIC JONES Orange pitcher· Alex Morones struck out the next bitter to p~ serve his complete-game victory. Golden West ua1ue Orange 4, Costa M ... 2 · Score by Innings C. Mesa 001 l>OO l -2 1 6 Orange 100 030 • -• 7 2 Peterson and>N. Hunter; Morones and u wrence. W -Morones. L - Paterson, 4-3. 26-Doerr (CM). HR - Doerr ICM). . .Eagles' Scheafer shines •HIGH SCHOOL: Visiting Santa Ana erupted for eight runs in the ~nd Inning. built an 11 ·0 lead and coasted for a 14-6 Golden West League baseball Victory over Estancia Friday. Eric Scheafer went 2 for 3 with two RBis and Brad Young was aJso 2 for 3 with one RBI for the Eagles (3-17. 1-7 in league). l)rler I loffman ~e in an Es· 1anc1a run with a triple, while Malt RonquLllo and Jeremy I fauser aJso had one RBI apiece for the hO!>~S. Golden West Le•1ue Santa Ana 14, Estancia 6 Score by Innings S Ana 080 120 "'J 14 11 o Estancia ooo 01s o s e J Mendoza, Jiminez (6). Carrasco (6) and Deleon, Hoffman, McDaniels (2). Gleason 161 and Crom W - Mondoza, 5 3. L -Hottman. 2-4. 28 - Hauser IE). Young (El. Sebreros (SAi. OeL11on \SA) 2 38 Hoffman !El one nm for the winner.. I t'r),'U'>On, cl <.enter fielder lut·. 11ng ninth. provided a 'ipark. ln addition 10 the ctforemenuoned RAI !.tngle, he wallccd. reached on a wild p11ch third ~trike and wa.. ruJcd out on an infield ground ball he appeared to easily beat out I le -.cored twice C.dM helped IL\ CJllM' with five <,tolen ba'>e'>. P.clfic: Coast U que CdM 7. Calvary Ola 3 Score by Innings CdM ooo OJC o 1 s 2 Calvary 003 ooo o 3 6 1 Madthn and Mann Finn, Spurgin, Abrina 151. Moort! 16) Skaar (61 and Holt W Madlhn 4 2 L Atm na 28 Long ICdMI tng t·m>r to third ba...e re5ulled and Mak.~·')trul took adv-dJ1Lage by '-POntU1~ a~ the plate Newport 4, Laguna Hills 3 Score by Innings Laguna 101 010 "l> 1 s s NPwPort O•J 000 4 6 2 Cunanan F1l1p1ak 151 and Rochon. Cantarella and Sanchez W - Cantarella 4 6 l Cunanan 28 - Torrey INHI Makseq1an (NH) HR - Larson (LH1 year. he\ getung oil the net and getting hack up 10 hit a lot more con~i'>tentJy. I le can be ~uch a big weapon for U"-" Conti acknowledges Jones· devotion 10 volkyhaJI. including playing club, has helped make h11TI an enticing prospect at the collegiate level. But, still playing catch up with the taller. more seasoned plalfrS that congregate in big· lime college program s. both Jones and his coach reali:re he has a way to go to reali.7.e his potential. ·1 sat down with Coach Conti for about 35 minutes earlier this week and we talked about aJI the things I need to do to be able to compete at the college level.· Jones said. "It's such a higher level, I know I have a lot of work to do.· lntimJdate them. I 8tJes.'i there is an intimidation factor, but I don't see it.• What CdM opponents, and Conti, have seen this pring. is more developed coun aW&rcness from Jones, whose fntelllgen ce is aJso reflected in W. 4.1 grade-point average. ·He hM continued to improve as a hitter. not only on serve receive. but tn transition.• Conti said of the Dally Pilot Athlete of the Week. who helped CdM wtn two league matches. then ftnlsh fourth in the prestigious Santa 8albara Tuumament of Olamplons Wt week. ·!...Mt yea.t he had a tendency to eomedmes gt!'l lo5t in the mJddle of the play. This Jones' wor1c. this season. Includes playing the en tire rotation, whlch allows him to contlnue to pound sets from the back row. In the front row, his agility and improved recognition, l!llows him to hit quick sets in the mJddle, as well as back sUdes, which involve t>,ginnlng his approach toward the middle. then veering to the outside, rutting the ball after jumping off one leg. But while 'he enjoys thumping kills, Jones said he is even more pas&onate about stutBng opposing Ntters. "Blocking Is my favorite thing to do.· he said. • "That'& good to hear,· Conti said. "The name o( the poaltion ls middle blocur." Saturday, Mly 3, 2003 13 Our Fine Mercedes PTOgTam aLso applu?s w 68 ntw 2002 models and Dem.un.srrcJU1T' - S..Class, SL's, CL's , ML SUV's, SUC), and C..Cla.ss -as u!t!U w a great Jelecaon of low nuleage. Srarmark Certified, Mercedes,Benz. ffim 't miss rna on a .2001 C240 Sedan -a creme puff \lllUt a dream payment Reuer lum-v 14 ~. May 3, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Mesa notches first league Win Bagwell's 19 kills pace Costa Mesa's 3-game vic~ory over Westminster. with Woodbriqge Tuesday. The Sailors (11-6, 7-l ) swept host Laguna Hills, 15-8, 15-2. 15-8. and dealt the Hawks their e~th straight league ~oS& Sen- ior Nick·Kel.ly led Newpon with seven lcills. while senior Paul '10- Costa Mesa High freshman man and Mike Toole provided opposite Ryan Bagwell had 19 six kills each. Nick Gla.'>sic, also a kills and blt . 708 to lead the senior for the Sailon.. conuib- M~to their first Golden uted five lcills. and junior sener West League boys volleyball Adam Schlesinger recortled 23 victory Friday night over visit/ assists. three stuff blocks and Ing Westminster. three servjce aces. BagweD's performance, Junior Jamie Diefenbach which Mustangs Coach Dave played sparingly in preparn- Sorrells called the best by a tion for Woodbridge. Coronadel Mar's Gunnar McClellan (7) deJivers a kill past University's Matt Miede m Friday night's Pacific Coast League f!1atch at home. Corona del Mar won the match in three games. SIEVC McCRANK/ DAllYPll OT SPORTS COM Continued from B 1 I said. "We didn't let the panic set ln. .. Welch · slammed eight kills while Gabriel and Yourman each had two blocks. The Sea Kings rattled off five conse<.-ut..ive polnf:S in the third game to build a 14-7 lead qn the serving of junior Dominic Rubi- no. Jones blasted two kills and secured a point with a stuff block down the· middle, through Uni- versity blockers. Jones had to adjust to Univer- sity's blocking scheme, which he said featured a couple of combi- nations. to find openings. WI was forced to hit it 10 the right instead of the left," he said. ~Their blockers ran to where I was pushed to." University senior captain Olarlle Nutt led the Trojans with BRIEFLY Dady Pilot ftve ldlls and five blocks, teaming up wtth &rry Mir to deter many Sea King blt attempts at lb~ net. ·our mJddJes were runrung so slowly and that's the easiest way for an opponent t<J' 'ger11 lcill," Conti said. MThat's not taking anything 'away from University ... they are preny physical. We just have to be more consistent. w With the exception of senior Bart Welch, who sprained his left ankle and is a "day-to-day" proposition according to Conti, the Sea Kings are regaining their health and just in time for the CIF playoffs. • Seniors Odom (ankle) and Gunnar McOellan (shguJderl. along with sophomore Austin Brawner (torn ACL), are all back and gjve Conti added fuel in for the crF titJe drive. WThis i.s one of the deeper teams I've had and having these guys back makes w. better in practice with a lot or compeu ti on for spol.l)," Conti said. Mesa attacker in his three sea-The Sailors, the defending sons at the helm, Jed to a 15-Sea View League champions, 12, 15-10, 15-11 sweep of the will host the Warriors (8-0 in Uons. Westminster won the league) Tuesday ar 6 p.m. first league meeting with Mesa with the chance to become this spring in (ive games. league co-champions. "We really, really needed this "We just have to eliminate win." Sorrells said. "No matter our unforced error.. and we what the coach does and no have to fight the whole time," matter how hard the coach Newport Coach Dan Glenn works, It's reaJ tough to keep said of1\Jesday's match. ·•we're the confidence level up, no in our home gym. h's still our matter how the kids are play-league titJe until someone ing, unless you can get a W. H takes it away. Hopefully we ae1 Barnett tops Sage Hill qualifiers . . Senior Danny Krikorian like that on the coun." chipped in 10 kills and setter · John Santos collected 33 as- sists for the winners (2· 14, 1-9 in league). Sorrells also singled our the passing of Darrell Wa.se Sailors sweep Hawks •The • •Newport Harbor High boys volleybaJJ team did not look past its opponent Friday in preparation for its Sea Vi~ League showdown Lightning falls in three •Sage Hill School 'hJ' swept at Academy I ea~uc leading St. Margaret\ hiday night. despite another \ohd performance from iunior Kevin Joyce. The Lightning fell to 1:1 6, 6-6 in league, dropp111g ou1 of the top three in the leagut> standings. Spa Sales • Supplies • Setvice Shot put champion shines Friday in Academy League track and field prelin1inaries. Defending Acad~my I eaguc boyc, shot put cham pion Braden Barnett led a hu\t of \age Hill School ath- lete.., to qualify ror the finai... at the Alt.1demy League boy-. and girls lrack and field pre - l1minarit"> h1day al Saddle - back College .. Barnett, a junior, qualified first in the discus (127 feet, 10 inches) and the shot put (43-0) He 1s undefeated in both events this c,pring and hi., discus mark rriday topped his previous besl by 17 feet. Sophomore Laura Gordon had a busy day for the Lightning girls. qualifying !>ccond in the long jump ( 14-4), second in the triple jump (3 1-8). third in the 100-meter hurdles (17.4) and third in rhe 300 hurdJes (53.2). S<1phomore Amy WerbHn qualified second in the girls shot put (24-3) and discus (74-3). Sophomore Kevin [mamian quaJified third tn the boyi> long jump (18-4) and sixth in the I O<I' (12.0). rreshman rim I t·fler ran a personal record 5 09 to qualify seventh 111 the boyc, t .600. whiJe freshman Kebey Rose qualified -;eventh in the girls LOO C28.2J and e1gh1h in the high jump (4 -0). The nine c,chool leai,'l.le will reconvene for the finals Friday at 3:30 p.m .. also at SaddJeback College. Lightning tops Whitney •SOFTBALL: Visiting Sage Hill squandered a 3-0 lead. but went on to claim a 12·3 Acad· emy League '>oftbaJJ victory Fri- day at Whitney . Catherine Dailey allowed just one h11 in five mnmgs to earn her sixth victory in nine pitch - 111g decisions and was also 2 fo r 4 with one run anct two stolen bases. Alexa Shllanishi was 2 for 3 with two walk&. four stolen bases and three ,runs for the winners (9·6, 5· I in league). who also received two hits. two 'ito len bases a nd three runs from Katrina Redel- sheirnc r. THERE'S A NEW GAME I ftlllZENRDPt. " OUR TRA.INJNG 'SUCCESS HAS BEEN FI!ATURJ!.D INt --~1-t--!QJM I f'1'M11''1 FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CENTER is proud to announce ou.r GRANO OPENING on Sarurday, May 3rd from l lam-8pm at our Trvinc, CA location. • V11ual Training • Di~mond trcng1h Tr.lining (pitth ~fion, ux:king) • IX1rn «> Play Prognm • Showtlrnc TD.I rung · (2 Syr oldJ) (mcnw akillt) •VIPER (video anaJr-i•) • lntttuCtional Mcmbmhlpt • Vin:uaJ Pitching Machino • Individual & Croup INtruction (tunnd rcocals fl'ROZ•N ROP•S TRAINING C E NTllR 19028 MCGAW AVE . IRVINE, CA (949) 25<> 1 1 99 ww.lniac"~ ~om• J -'° .W... ow ut.iMll 'Mh&itc a..11 .... Sew.Ir it[ &ma . SCHEDULE TODAY e .. ett.11 College -Cal Poly San Luis Obispo at UC Irvine, 6 p.m. High sdlool -Capistrano Valley Christian at Sage Hill, 1:30p.m. Rowing eom·munlty college men - Orange Coast at Western Intercollegiate Rowing Championships at Lake Natoma In Sacramento, 8 a.m. Academy Lea1ue Sage Hiil 12, Whitney 3 Score by Innings Sage Hill. 300 i 50 } 11 ~ 4 Whitney X>l ooo o J J 1 Dailey, Redelshe1mer (6) and Torina. Goncal1es and Park W Dd1loy, 6 3 L -Goncalzes 28 Sh11an1sh1 (SH) Mesa holds off Orange •SOFTBALL: Junior Jam• I· Yamamoto 1hrew 4 1 .... hu1ou1 111 mngs in relief to help ( o'ta Me:.a I hgh\ !>oft ball team lie feat ho!>t Orange. 8·], 1n .1 c;ulden Wl''>I League game I-rt t.lay. Yamamoto c.1111e on w11h the haw'> loaded ;mJ ont• out 111 till' third 111111ng ant.I Orangt• having trimmed ~kc,a\ lt'ad to 4-I Hut Yamamoto. S 4 , got a .,1nkeou1 and grnum.lou1 w end tht· 111 n111g Onl) two r.1111ht•P1 reached ba'>e aher till' qurd Ill ning. Me!>a ba11er.,collec1t•d 111ne hits, including senior Ann Ma· ne ropp~; 10th home run of 1he season Uyen Mat i.ingled in two runs in the first ai. Mesa ( 14-9, 6-2 in league) built a J ·O lead and led off a three-run i.eventh inning with a .,ingle and later c,cored on Jennifer Jordan's bai.e hit. Mai went J for .I with two run~ '>cored. two RBh and 'ilX stolen bases, while Jade Moss doubled en route to going 2 fot 3 w11h two walks, a run scored. one RHI and a stolen base. .. Golden West Leasue Costa MeH I , Orange 3 Score by Innings Costa 310 010 l 1 g J Mesa Orange 003 000 o 3 • 1 Butler, Yamamoto (3) and Miller. Zboril and Calderon. W - Yamamoto, 5-4 L -Zbonl 28 Moss (CM) HR -A Topps (CM) Lightning handle Oxford Academy •TENNIS: The Sage 1 lill School boys rennis team closed out its regular season with a 14-4 Academy League victory over host Oxford Academy Fri- day. Eric Bunon and Tristan Co- dier, as well as the Sage 11111 duo of Marte Ramadan and Ara Dl- mirijian, swept in doubles, while ran Livingston and Dan Olin earned two wins each In lngle. play. The UghtnJng, ranked No. S ln CIF Southern Section DivtsJon V. Improved to 9-8. 8-3 ln league. Oxford dropped to 7-10, 3·8. Acedemy Leapt S.. Hil 14, OJl'fon:I 4 Stnea. -[lvlngaton (SH) IOtt to Ang. 2-6, def. Ahn, NS, def. Jain, 6-2: Chin (SH) won, 6-3, 1011. 2·6, won, 8-0; Montekab tSH) won, 6-4, 1011, 4-6.1-6. DouMet -Burton-Codler (SHI def. Ptrk·Nguyen, ~.def. Wong-Youn. e-o. dtf. T1blquln-Ool, M : A1madtn-Olmlrjlan (SH) won, 8-2, 7-6, 6-3; Aot.r·Kuran (SH) won, M , e-o. lost. 1.f, Eagles def eat Lightning •SWIMMING: &nlOr Frank Gemboa won l'1fU even11 and achleYtd 1 l*'Onal record ln the 200·yud freestyle to help ~Id. t &tanda .. ban • Swimming Community college men and women -Orange Coast at state champ ionships at Oiablo Valley, 9 a.m. Tennis Community college men and women -·orange Coast at Southern California Regionals at Cuesta. Tntdc and field College men and women - Steve Scott Invitational at UC Irvine, 11 a.m. <,w11n team 10 an 87-58 non- lcagut' vicwry owr vii.iring Sage I lill l-nday (,;1m boa won the I 00 free (54.371 and the 200 free (2:0 l.!iYt. 111 whit h he finished 1hret: ... erond'> fa'>ler than hi.., previous be.,t. Gamboa at..o contributed l<J two of 1-.stancia'!> thn:t· ,Jelav vi<:torie~. while '>Ophomore. !'.can Goodman wun tht' 100 hutterOv (1:09.74) c111t.l lre-.h nwn Clrnd K-unerr wun thl' 500frt'c 15.JO 81 ). I .c,tallLld dO'>Cd UUI I ht' rcgu. lar '\l'Json with a 7-4 dual·m eel reuJrd and will compcte in the C .olden Wt'~I I cague prelimt· 11.trlt'' I ue,day al l p.m .11 Oran~l· NOfllucue ---Boys Estancia 87, Sage Hiii 58 200 m edley relay l Estancia 'I Kunert, Marsteller Goodman, Gamboa) 2 03 55 200 free 1 Gamboa (El. 2 01 59, 2 Kunert IH 2 03 62. 3 Walter& I SHI. 2.08 7 200 IM 1 Kim (SH). 2 25 65, 2 Goodmon (E), 2 30 59, 3 Hermann (El. 2 44 56 50 free 1 Caltovene (SH). 22 77: 2 Collier !El. 25 08, 3 lvan1tsk1 (SHI, 2702 100 fly 1 Goodman IE), 10974, 2 Logg ISHl. 1 18 34. 3 none 100 free -1 Gamboa (El. 54.37; 2 lv11n11sl<1 (SH). 5797. 3 Wailers ISHJ. 58 78 500 free 1 Kunert tE). 5 30 81; 2 Caltovette (SH) 6 02 44, 3. Logg (SH), 6 42 87 200 free relay -1 Estancia (Alderte. Hermann, M ellin. Huelett), 2:09.93 100 badi: -1 Nguyen (SH), 1.06 61, 2 Mellin tEl. 1 40 05. 3 Huelett (El. 1 4~81 100 breast-1 Chin ISH). 1:09.74; 2 Marsteller (El. 1·15 22, 3. Hermann IE), 1 16 74 400 free relay -t. Estancia (Gamboa, Goodman, Collier. Kunert), 3.69 0 Vanguard denied in finals at Point Loma • TENMS: The Vangua"td University men's and women's tennis teams came up short in their respective NAIA Region II championship matches at Point Loma Nazarene Friday. In the men's final, top-seeded A£usa Pacific improved to 22-6 with a 5-0 victory over Van· guard. Vanguard's Carl Lumsden and Carl Holmgren made the All-Region II team that was an- nounced foUowing the champi- on hip match. The Uons, 15-1 o overall and ranked No. 8 in the NAIA. will receive an at-large berth to the NAJA tournament on May 12-16 In Peachtree City, Ga. ln the women's champion- ship match. Vanguard lost, 5-~. to Point Loma, which Is ranked No. 3 ln the NAlA. Point Loma won Jts fourth-straight Region JI championship. Olga Hlushcbanb and Alena Votavova. both tophomores ror the Uoru, were namf'd to the elght-membcr NAIA All-Region ll team. Vanguard, 14·12, quill· '1ed for the NA1A Nadonal 'lbur· nl\lllent (Peachtree Chy, Ga.. on May 12-16) by vtrtue of an at· lq bt-rth, while Point Loma hu arned an automatic berth. OCC women in lca(J • SWDPONG: The Orange COi.ii left women.. 20(); • yard medley relay team of Sherry Tsai, Stephanie Wood, Jennifer Nelson and Sara Nata- lizio .. e1 a ~late record with a I :49.26 d ock.ing Friday in the second day of the !>late '>Wtm - ming and diving champion !.hip'> in Plea.,<ml I lill. Coa't lead' with ~6l 5 pmnt!>, followed hy 'E'cond place Dia blo \'alley (267), the hu .. 1 of 1tw three-day nwet 1hat conclude' 1oday r .. a •. who'>('{ a <,late retord ICl the 100 bad.-.1roh· lhur..d.ty ~'on the lOO IM 111 l 03.49 t-r1 day. while NeJ..on touLhed w t ond 111 the 50 butterfly (.lf>.lOJ. K1rnb<:rh:e rrnh. who took \ernnt.1 in the 200 free..,1yle (I ·54.56). teamed wtth Na1aJ1 zio. r:n ca Nithol,on and Ashley Lowden to place \ccond 111 tht• 800 free rt.'lay (7:56.8h). -iy,on Mangham. Rogt'r Wong. Billy 'iwan!.011 .111d Ty'>fm Bt.>amer placed ~econd lor Cot1'>I\ ml'n\ team 111 rhe :mo mct.llcy rt'l.ty (I .JH.46) while Zak 'i1mpo;on fi1w.hed sewnd 111 thc on1• mt•rer d1v1ng 12 69.45) Cua~• men trJ1l Di.1blo V.t lley by .WO (4LS·22SJ 1hrough 1wo day'> Me\a wrap\\ up year •TENNIS: ( O'>ta Me\a I l1gh\ Huy Pham w1111 two of three '>eh al -.:u 2 ... mglt'' .. ., the hu'" IO'>I IO Vl\lt1ng \addlchcH k, I f>-2. lo wrap up C1olden West l.t·agul' boy' tc.>n n" action lhur,day Mei.a'<.. David I e won four gaml''> ealh ag.ttn'\t 1wo o f h" thu•t• opporH·nt., wh 1l t• Me.,c1\ double'> ll'Jlll'> of John Dang Daniel C.ornt>t and Albert Nguyen Andrew Ngu yen each won three game'> during o ne 'el. Mc'"<\ finishe.., the ~cc1,on 0 - 17, 0 14 in leagut:. Golden W11t LHSUI Saddlebadl 16. Costa Mesa 2 Singles -Le (CM ) lost to N Tran, 4 6. lost 10 T Tang. 1 6, lost lo S Tran, 4 6, H Pham (CM) lost. 1 6. wo n. 6-2, 7 6 18 6). Duong (CM ) lost 0 6, 2 6. 0 6 Dou.,.._ -Dang Gomez (CM ) lost to Trung Lung, 0·6, 1011 10 Hua Vu, 3 6, lost to T Tang Ng, O 6, McNulry-Sneen ICM) lost, 0·6, 1 6. 1 ~. Albert Nguyen Andrew Nguyen ICM) lost. 0-6, 3-6, 0 6 OCC's Om advances •TENNlS: Orange Coast Col- lege's Robe rt Olu defeat~d a ruverside opponent lllursday. 6-4, 6· I, to advance to the Round of 16 In the Southern California · Men's Community College Regional Tennis Championship~ at the Barnes Tennis Center in San Diego. Chu aJso teamed with Den- ny Le to defeat a San Diego Mesa team. 6-2, 7-5, before losing In the second round to a College of the Desert duo, 6-2, 6-0. OCC's Chris Trepte and Jared Haley won their first · round match In three, 4·6, 6-2. 6-4, before faJllng in the second round. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratiig the Daily Pilot's Athlete oflhe Wee#( serle$ J 1 I I J 1 I Poli(·y llow to Place A __ Deadline Rates and dcadltnci. arc '>UhJCCI ti,> change wnhout notu.:c · The pub I b her rcservcb the right to ccn.,or, rcd:b!.ify. revise or reject any das:.1fied advertisement. Plca..e repcH-t any error that may be tn your da,~1ficd ad immediately. The L>a1ly Pilot accept' no hab1ltty for any error Ill .m advcrt1-.emcnt for wh1th 11 may be respon!>tble CM.cpl fur the l.ll\I of the space actually ou:up1ed h) the error. Credit can olll) tx: allo'.\-cd tor the hr.t insertion CLASSIFIEIAD -Monday ..................... Friday 5.00pm Tuesday .. .. .. .. ...... . Monday ~ :OOpm . , .. Uy Fax (941)) 6l1-6'i94 1 l>\("J\.C Uk lwJc \llyt II.ill~ JoliJ phone nun~r JJtd ,..e II ".-II HJU h«-~ \\llh .. puu 4uuh· i . .. By Phone 1949) <H2 5678 II ours Hy l\lail/ln Pt•rson: l lO Wc'I Bay Slrcc1 Co~ta Me~a. CA 92627 Al Ne~pon Blvd & Bay S1 Wedne!'>day ........... l ul',cJJ) C\,()()pm Thur,cJay Wcdnl',<la) C\ OOpm Fnda) .. Thur,<la) C\ ()()pm Saturda~ ............... h1<la~ l :OOpm rckphonc 8 l O.im-'i OOpm MondJ) F-mtJ} WJll. In X '0Jm· 'i {)(~ml MondJy f-r1day Sunda) ................. r-ndj) ~ OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ~l 1010-1770 lf1111 -1J 1489 I $1 230S·2490 MERCHANDISE FOIWI REAL ESTATE FOR SALE L~ 3010-3940 soos-saso ,odfk V'9w M-W P.-i.. owner ,,........, w• .... ~noun l •11>1 l • £..tr• l"Aut '>II ff.> llbl Garage/ Yard Sales Garage/ 1489 Yard Sales Garage/ 1489 Yard Sales 1489 Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 \ i s . .; ----.... ~........._"'---- Tk 8/ ol(~ I! eoMt°K/l 'fr. ANDREW'S R UMMAGE SALE TO, SS 4 HCOROS nc JiVI. aw.. [... ''1\ ' UJ· Bl Aller ScJiv tut,.. 111 ov Mike 949 1>4'> 1r,11•, ,\r11 p11ri 111/(Jl.t'SI 1md hr<t ;.i/r r11 hr11r/u l1111tf .l111r111r• s.,.,i.lro & ("'orold Qu•nllly lor S•I• •·• f I ( h•lli14! (;41 > Ill Jlr II I \hie 800 8~ ()()<JI lotW llOUSllG OfPOIT\llTY All •e•I t\ldl• ddvn 1 t1•, I I tht .. ll,.•\IJf'J"'t t• • 1r< I to lhr f rdr 1 11 '1ANDl'fW'S rllll i , • J .~. \ Jfl -I •t r~iCW ale: l·uc 'lflUll\ HlllljllC' hUllllf\ JnJ hugJ1n 'h"P~" \\l·J M.av I (l p 111 ($' L lon.1111111 .H l'rc:' ll"" "o.alc univ} Sal~ Thu" . M.i~ x. •1 .a m ~ p m .rnJ ht M.1y '), •J" m .! pm c,oo \1. Amir.·'" lt<I I I 'i1li & lnin,· ""''' '.\:c\\ port Bcdd1 • 1'I 1'1) <d I I X'i 1 ~ -...;1;1;;,;,,,,, •••••••• ,,.,,.,,.,;.,,.,-,;,: t '" lt••u"n~ 11, t nl 1'11>1! < CL.1_ -~ c::L..1_ " Hl•rnllrd whlth ':-' ~ ;,"-' !-" ~~ ,~~:.~0 -~ mttt•~ 11.11tte11 f «1 ~:,. ""~•I•\• Jny , ..... , COSTA MESA ~~~ ... ., .. ,,:::.·:.:~ ... ',~·j-~d ::.',I 'it ,,.11.,. colnt r.-11~11m ,.,., ~ h•ndh ...tP f•1t11h•I M •tu '-' f lld(lolltll Ufli(lll llf U• .,.; • 111t .. oht..o•l l11 m11 .. r .. n, I •.,* tJ\ h 51rrft:ft"Uf f" ltf0tl41 ltu' nt-W'41 t'1-r·t will NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE ,. ... Ind ex ~ 1111. 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"·"'' Business Opportunities Businesses and Franchises JASMINE CllHK ··"'I' I )t'f ?t>r /hd ""'' H .. ., •. , .. t.,,lr drnn land·' tpt'd ttA"d1t ..t'1t•f"•l rrM1y y,.,, low m.11nl A\\•K. 3905. "" t ... n111• "'t'•' r d111 ,, "P''' li1 (J.,.,11..., f•on or d•·.umun .. twn • ~ not kn '* n.;fl' u 1 ,.01 Jll't .fdv .. rt1 ,.n11•ttl t.1 ~ , .. "' t"\.tdh *'"" t. '" u1 v1nto1f•f1n ul th• 1.-"" 11u1 Halecrest and Mesa del Mar Tract Cross streets are Baker & F arrvrew Saturday, May 3 from 8 :00 to 3:00 PM Sponsored By Torelli Realty See torelhrealty com for maps flNANCIAl SlCltlTS Of ')44 Mio 8711 ,..., . tho Super Woolthyl 1... ~ -c,_. --;-;r,.,i.,; ' I*' Mdt f '\ .ti f' h t"f rhy 714.540. 7355 1nl 1rm.-rt tt},tl •II 1..-, II '' Ill~'\ f\IYtflt't'J H 01'. ~:,~,,. ..... ~~-4""%~_J""~ ~~_. n~\1111'\(·A~f'"f ,, ,. •v•1IJMP --.... un UI f'QU 11 U'lVOf hJn1tv h.t ... lo l ompfa1n ut d1\ u 1m1n•fl()ll, • dll lllJO lull t ' *W 'ii1 our Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Styi. Furnitu,. PIANOS & Coll•ctiblo• ·~ ·'-· .. .......... """ ....... S$ CASH PAID $$ ... ...,.. . .-....... WE BUY ESTATES ·~ ... ~.....,-· .... ASTDr COSTA MESA (SIDE • SAT 8 12 • \p11na Clr•nrn~ m '""~ ~di •a• \di• l11ls ul h"u-.rholrt \full 716 Knr11 f'ldle X •,I Orange CM W'••• dun ~ ,_ Soutll~l'lal,1 \AT IP 1141 !Mr ..... 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CleH '" 949-295-ttll f.,.con Do1l9n·Ot•- Vlewa on quiet £ul Oto-~ above Wood Cove wilt\ a tanlaslte wtirtt water VltW 3b< 3 ~a 2 utra room a (!IX met krtd1en .md 'l .,_ deck' art Wayne ~ 949 497 5111 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Fot Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S Tire l'erletl Relreol l9C1Utlht!W' .model.d ft"fT.,iodr-lr•J Jbf 7Ld hontr-/fif 'h.J T.... J v.nt•'"1t' w k. r n t '' ., I .-,.,.., P""·,. .. t. p.tfw ••trlO<As ·xll>o!o-<11,MIWJ "''"""""""'1 '111 IA''"'•< o l NB ""ttlii#d'f' •rm ""~,.,--c,."'°", Caut1 .,,.,,'1 tt.itf."Cj mcJ ""'"' <J4'J //0 HXJ "'""'' ., Po« 'i4>d <lull Ando. f>r:p:rri:: "'"'... s<i,;i m ""'-"'• RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FORSAlf Stud•• Apt h•~ul·' ~'' ••• ,4 •fl ,,., .... f 1 ~ 'P~ ... t ')Ull I .. 11 IJn 11 i.'1 ~~ 2irr lba. ......... ., , .... it-•• t1 I ·.i. • ~· .. _.., '"'"" ".,...~ vr•. SllHkn i4'1 '.'I ' l l't •·"'I I Laguna Niguel •··""'•1..... <Jot'J 'JO f'JJJ Its Gorgoou•I lb• ?bd Desert Property 5960 21r 21o. lot.iMy 1 Hnod ~IH'l """" k.otdw•l<ICI tlu<"' 111 ,,..., 1.... WUo, ,,..., w 1t)r.uv ~tw w 1ndo#\ --- d'"''" ..... •PPI' 1-· I CATHBMtM. CJTY ~ . .(() ur.•11 Ndil' cerl\ UIJWll 10 ITWl tu f>' Alpur1 iJI'• 21r, 310, A'-'I Hrr ,.,,11, ,,., •'I.. ,,. I .. , •• , ' "' lo.. t t,.r..tlf ,., v .. t \. k1h.hf>ll c;.U\lom P.tllll muutdmi:, dt\l&Ot"f S ,,.... ~ tttldc..t• r...."'1..t •• t , ... .,,_, S !/(}I "' l4 I 1<'>4 lb!W lu1n ~. 1 $281 <Xl> .agt µa111ur1 lluu1111e •nd "'"""' 4br ll.l ._.. "1• t., Jlr Atch.,.... • ...._"' '" l I••·• 949 466 l'>:lb m<11• •el 949 '>84 '>811 ~·"'-'" 11•. 1(1.o\.~ bid· "''° ltt'.r> 1 ·.i.,1..;ht NewponBnch AlONG THl COAST I RAlll flNOI S73S,OOO I "' hdnl your ""''""'\ 111 ,om Y,hf ~. eou~ & dt .tm.ttl '.,Cly U{•tl• aelfod l6• ht-d• 11 Vllld IU'\t Ofk..e hf1lr..t tu ... nd & •.utl1 Y!l111 '"'""K \I..,..., 11t a:Q~~y ~dvr-. tw ~.w .tum .. na u• .. ,.,. um •I tr mttw· 'M'ft-t tH-c1f •rtl & bttk «~uy w1U ~-, .. ~._,. ,,,. .. ., , ............... & 1'1 4.J• 1flon1 f',hud11 ,.n l .. t l.Ht• li(lk°"I Ml V M.lf tm n, • ol.tlt' tt ... tt'L r 111!'fl11 .1u1 hV 11 't' l'OI t -1' ... ,.> w urn f• .,,titt ,., HURaYI c.AU NOW llf<Mll n·s TOO I.Arn u.u caaai JOl~66a lh•• In Nowp«t looth I ,, Slh'> UOQ 0~ Ant• t· '' 1t \1111 t~t' ,, •• h1lfl tit.1ff1• ~ I J W•tl"f t,, nt 11~'-tt,b-'Y VlfW I (1/y • h•• •,,•na ( .tbdnA mn 111lt hon1' Ip 23 yr l\r in 17 mo C.tll fnllA&• H11mr' O,EN SU NDAY I 4P"' 714-624 U62 '•rt0remh View Of'IN SAT-SUN 1-S 11v!'fltioi<1n11 pMll ~auhful tum ke v I wnhm. U1>if aded lhtuoul htdwd II'> bt-v •!Ml lllJ\\ dr\, Iii 31111• ,,..,. l)f'lla Wllldl/W\ I 1nd1bC. Ip s. hratl ltll' itU•rd ldl.cl $849 O'.lJ 949640U>6 O,EN SAT-SUN 1-5 I SO I C•r,,well Lint• WALll lO Bl ACHI lbt '2 !Iba lownhum~ ll' rat Im Off Dri•rr dn.1 Wnt•hll Up11 •cled I.oh hen ~nd b•lh l t ~·· C~ntuty 21 Prolen1Un•C\ P.t ...... $499 000 I00-707..00ff Stunnlnt VIiie 1,, Nowpert H•ltftt• Ntwo lk"'1 381 2 5bol ~ ,,,., lut °"" lobf.wy wal rp r R. bobb11r11 1oun1-rn atyt d hr dwd fin.. '2l pr1I& Rim.OX> 11111 !M9 929 ~ 94%7'!> '2275 lurn "ev Herl>M View• Clr<lo l<c>andtd '.>hr 4 !JO• hooll' NI 4 ljl lol WOM't & eulf tourw \lll!W'> lf cluwn \Ian Bt ode.ti lor Ill law ndnny 0t home offict SI 111.l.<XXI l II AndlOf Pr QPl.'flte\ "49 720 DX) W-""-......, b 2B.i w 'k>ll't'ly Bav v .... Ol>l'f• tloorplan lob "' w111<111w'. waciou· k•1 •ocld<. W't> $\llHXXl •.t>U M.v y Wood de\ 949-'>84 '>1!11 /17 ~If, 'Tho ltufh' Compirle re ITllr<ld b 2~ rR e<ICI uflfl .KJO'>S !Tom pool p.1'. & Cul ~1! £ Hil.Nllt-l61Jrti f-11"'-Univ dg\ 01~n" w .... nr ~4144 r!llME l STATlS P'ARK.ll UNOtll NA TIONWIOl USA 949-156-9705 f\M lio. °lhuNt"f fd4 tutJ ffµ~ '• , tf .., .. ttdt>ft ..., d up~r •d' l d• 2" WdlllUl' I S?.i!Xl "' 1 94'1 ~ (14f1) wn-... RV'b;,.it "''' B~•• w-4'C<u1 yd ~ti Ot•4' I Costa Mesa ~---'&~t"6 11&29r d.t ...,_I " A TTM: OlSutT lOVutS l•o ti""' 1, • ,, , '"" ,,. ... JUUE VAH WIOltH fltK, •I'll 1 .. ,,.,. sg;u1,. DYSON & DYSON !Iii & 11 "O••• ·'\ii 1 , aQ0..516-SJ55 I l II.ct• .1 A.·" 1, • ... ,,r l60-Zl5-9959 <jll<J~.'411 r,., 1• MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rettallo Share 6030 CclM 21r llo H-•• t 'w .. oec1 ~ ..,.,. t...~ ...... .,, .. ! .! t Mt•fh vrl ~ Av+ -t-~·' Sitt> • 949-431 78 lS Nww 1-1oi1tr1 ._lt"n •'f" .m '1'a•.. SHOO m l • 1.-'Y c-....1 c---, 1• llo ...... '"'' ~ "'-.,. ... I ;.J 'S1fh fYllJ W~t-s tr rJ p.tld f\Nt M.t1• •·...,.""''~ ~' 1 7UI ~ 1 •l 'H f uhl~ d"t•• ,., 1 .. "' ,., t ... '-' J~ 29 I 'J l r~~t mo, .. ,.~ OClANJllONT 180 OClAN VIEW S639,900 AGT '49-395·7222 ~ESl-.t: • 7400 loyridgo ....., c i'Bt 2& ORANGE ,,.. 10 ti..h ~ '"""" COUNTY ~ .., ,;.. n pm. .,,,.., I S2Mn mt/ 949-61!>9'!60 -------- OClAN ,ANORAMA Balboa ::::~A~~~~~·~~ a...n--. AGT. 949-291-2559 (94, ...... tm 01 .... c.i .. -'rv"•••lal Com 11..,fty 949-U6-S7SO 0,.... s.t 1-5. Model p.,._ & f"rlveto 414- 4. Ho "°"" 00 1 ..,.,.; w .. le lot ~ oct.tn. "10Ulllatn Mid Crty lilhts vii!~ S2.J99.CXX> Patnd< leoore. • 949-856-97ai Cal ...... .._ f'tt .. l lSTATlS PATaKI TlMOU NAT!Of4wtDE USA 949-&56-9705 www e:trldlenou t.om San Jan Clplstrlno MlN SAT -SUN 1·5 27222 ,._ ......... 4b1 lb• 3' •• , 10 000 · ~I lol ocn views s 1,295,000 l 40rr y H.11ner City H.oll Rully 949 4 22 0124 SELL Balboa Peninsula O(EANVU W /rrl•o , ............ llr Ilk. Ip pr pr~g n ~mll&/pel\ SI S50 ""' 94'1 J:Xl 8450 Vrtry li 'b• ?ba Clu• mini 'l'IJ' lo bu< h S 1590 yrly 1'>'4 Mlomar () 91661"> ~ ~ IAY TOWots 2 S..-h"'11 l~tY ll3t !Ba .,... po.J •l11C ,,..., on B • y II• din • m I Ulldefiird ,,._, caoi.. ""I SJ l(XJ ""' 949 b7<> bl% ,.., ....... w• l•I j;i; qa.r """' 2br lb.I ·~ remocl ._, p ' c.A(l<71 S2!IXVmJ n4-B>-4~ ....,..._ • ""· P<ff• ~.UW wcurNI tndo'i< . .., P<"&. (!Jt.ol •lrW'o ..,.. ... •I S2(!"JOrn ~ g.t<). 6 75 8120 s..p.r •"-'? 3 --~. lba <.ondO a.., ..... ~ to bUI ll r• Sl500m &.r ~4001)111 Corona del Mir Stvdt. w ~,,, h•tt~ •1 Nth br"-i11 '""°'' ~·•I entJ So nl P1 '1 W>n• lAS TSIO( Chon.olf>9 I Ir Hevt• ' .... t1 ._.. .. ~ ... ~ ... '"'"lhtfl(M SI • • W~ '>41! 19!>9 N(W,OllT HEIGHTS )t f lt, II t ... f 1t .. f! f 11.r n ,,, S I~ m 949•650 2256 lido tsle IAYfllONT TlllP'lU s• 21a ss2001-y,+y "26-212 77S3 62 ... 297-6262 Newport Beach IAYJRONT ON l 100 l'l NINSUL A NEW 21r 21• COTTAGES P11••t• B"''" Pool •nd \1 • W.ollt. tn O<: "'•" 5hup'--tnd Hf':'\t•ur .. nt-. I e'•U b ••• I< •I ~"I' llw411l.1bl• 110 UDO ,AJll( OR. 949 I> fiOJI., 01 949 ll ')kl() * YlAll1Y * UASlS Bill 1.RUNOY Rl Al TORS ... 675 ... 161 U ... l.t. 11 7 "'" O.v .. 10 4Rt ? ~-\t C_., fp ''U•hd u'-1'1...-v•••' '>!JOO m 94'l '>'f'> 6035 UOO YlAJl1Y LIASl Bil t,RllNO~ RI Al. lOl!S 949 61S 6161 your stuff through classified! ""-d utl\ ag194<1 !>H '>!17 New~ 1-h STUDIO A,T. Sl'><l ""' P""'"'"'• \tud1<1 ul•llles 1mluclt'd "" """ ~·· l,...n1, ''"''' 1'Cl smllt /14 J'l6 67 'll 1650 $'!'>0 94q bll 7Q .,,- Call (949) 642-567 ' I \.!.... I· M S1ttlfday, May 3i 2003 "Employee." "Empkado." "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe. " "Ml 0 Calllornla law ra· quHS that eonlrK· ton ta111na lobs that total $500 or mor• (i.bor Of materials) be flctt\sed by the Contr1ctors Shit Llc1ns.t Bolfd. State law also rtQUWH that contr1ctor1 Include their license number on all adverllslna. You can check the atatus of your llc1nsed contra c t or at www.cslb.ca.1ov or 800·32J ·CSLB. Untl- cens.td contract«• tallln1 Jobs that tot.al loss than $500 must stat• In their ad .. rtlsemt nh that they ere not llc•nsecl by the Conttectora St.ta Llcemo Sowd. • :M•111& ........ A · Z HANDYMAN lnsl•ll. reface cabinets. ~doorttM'dows mddrc..;;J n~7'B!. • U..lh. Custom BuOHns, Crown Moldlnp. Base Bo11rds l '577982 949-709-5642 Clf'9l Repair/Siles 'CMf'fT~CAaPIT~ Repairs, Patchin1, Inst.II CCM1rteous. any 'lie jobs. Wholeselel 9'9-'92-<J20S c.n,mrSlrwlca What do you btd now'/ 10 11 12 Q S • A~ South, vulnenblc. you hold: • KU. <:'J A Q 10 t A Q 4 + A 7 $ J ~"~ •• Dbl ,_ ! Whal do you bid now'! EAST I Q' · BOth vulnerable:. IL\ South )OU hold. The bidding ~ proceeded WfS'f NOR11f £A.<;T SOL TH •• •• -r.s.. ~ What do yoo bid ~·1 Q 4 • As South. vulnc:nblc. vou hold. . Look for ll/IS\<"3 °" M 0011'11. P••l .. 1110 Pel"t lbr Iba, nicely furnished, shared laut\d. uttl irKI act Sl350 949-673·7800 HALI Off hi MO alNT fer move WI May lxt w/12 mo luK. Newly remode6ed cape Code ~ COfl1ll1\.l1'ty W/nitW ~ est* .. mramlc .... Wesher/dl:y•, dishwasher a. re"'9r at Of lncloded m.de llP\. I Br $1095. ·21k $1445 (714) UJ-7Sft P-1ea• 2br 2ba close to pier, shops Pe too, I c;ar c•r. wdhk ups Act $1600 !M9 673 7800 0.-28r I Ba urwt ., Ba~ LI a. b¥lt daM lo F w.itl Is.. Slfll(Vmo act. Ka-a 949-291·~ llO•TTER HOW YOU SAY fl, CWSIFDCAll •IT. & •USlllESS arrA/ti Uwedes. Repa~s of Computer, Nltwor11s. Evenlnrs/Weehn<ls Com1>9titlve prices for quality servlc. t49~6-11M 714-926-4221 ConaW&Mllolly 9'1di II.ck s--. Tll. Coocrelt, Pltio, Drlvlw\y Flreplc, BBQ. Refs. 25Yrs hp. Terry 71•·557-7594 ~ MID MOlll aOOMt MOTIONS & REMOO£.l.Hl l l 577982 9'9·709·5642 .,.......,. YO.NOMI IMNOVlaltlT NOJl<n Cell a plumber, plllnt•. hlfldymon, « eny of the peat -•~ llsta4Jw1 In OIW -vb dir td« yl Tl«SE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI • l lc1ns.ed EIKtrlcel Contr Kt«. SmaU Jobs startlna et $79.tS&tjp. SPKlall1ln1 ln RemodeNna & all home nln1 llffds. Comm/lndust,IRu 1..aoo-.tf1-10M ~ ._..,Pvt~,... -------t9rbor .., a ie.. mt VAr.ATION lo i.y, ..... tuiv\a'Nn Sl700m IM 949-718-1400 RENTALS WISTCUff TOWWHOMI 2Br. 21 /tBA, 2c a•r, ~ Rentlll 7925 comm pool, no pet/smk Sl700m Lw 949-642-laiS lAICI A.UOWHIAD ,., ()est twmm pebo. 3000sf 48r •,SB•, a<., c:iomrn 3r lSbl l)ltio, pooV pr, level lot w/laka .. lflw ..,., ,... plint, Ill/carp 2 c S6951W•ty Of UXXl/ pr. $177'5 9&673-7SJ) ~. 949-721'1721 .. c-.-211' 2!J9 Condo, 1300+sl, firlplc, 2 patios, newly decorated, w/d midi SL8!l5m n4-J!M..f)Cl Gre ........ Vlew2Stwy Townhome. 3Br. 2'/tB•, 2·c aaf, no pet/wnk, Sl895/mo 213-359·6765 Newly ramod 2br 2ba condo, 2 c car. p•lJo. wd, no pel/smk Anti 6-1 S 1950 lse 949-759 I J.U s.,.. ....... " ..... 2 m5lr sa-. 2.5b.. ocn vu, ~.Ip. pr, no pd 'f S2CX> 9'1Mi73-71Dl llNX* IAY/IAYWW up$laWS 2bf l Sba Ip, I*" wd ,_.up tr Isa. S2600/rno. 949-673-8411 ................. lbr 2ba, .... room. pvt pooV .... prdllw nd, ... s:zn;n, 714-5n2!l00 lk -CMYOll VUAS 2+2.5 ..,_ Fii ause ~ S2!0Vmo 0..-S.S.. I~ 'f 949-1$-TIOO i9 Jlr 2.S .. In rated comm, w/pool. 1pa• pr1nte yard. SJOOO/mo ,.,.,,, 949·856-9705 Mllj& I q .......... ••. I-Pl.,. aor 1eous .~ ,.. CcM. UXXl.' mo. -ct. 949-219-2•1' l8r + den home, ofc. l!W1IY 149aded, ale. pi.cl comm w/poaA a. spa S4000/mo Short letm onfy• 'f C}fi.887.800] ~Coat Employment 8500 • AOMIN ASSIT dela~ oraent.ed. multiple projK't:.,, r-ch, <Ula entry IOd some .uta fluickbook>. Word a. h~I Ac~~ • plus Small ~&d r .. m Fu resume 714 969 6408 Codrtoll Sarver '/T t--., 6e>m·bm, 5 yn fine ~ up ~ Fu resume lo ~ 0674 o.twn(T-~ sum ~-on bonus We tuve a IDt. Oa-d, CA T'"'*'81. k,.,.,.. hp-- l ll* l~ Ref •Ull (fmMI: recrut· ~ • Crp1'll c-111(@.-.ni C(llll) - A-~ m/fT.r.. (CAl-sr.Nf) Views '8r 3.58a J7'200I ..va QWMm Ol"Ul- mo. :gt_ 949-718 Z7'2 ·A.,_ ttr.ie 'Pl OW'\ Rerals Wllleld 7880 tnd1 , LOCJM-c 1or !rut ICltdi.. & .... ._.. Floors, Counters a. Showers. Lt591315 Free Cstlmat• 9'9·481-2097 UMY .,...; "4til*ad Rqroutlll & lnstall•tlon TILE DEAN 949-673-8065 71~ 7144183-2031 = ~siw.1n=: '--wor\. y.-d ll1llnb*\ Ina lrYn, Comm/Res 71•·06·1518 c;; Ten-" &;;;&;c.,.. WMllly malnl, ... ~ & lnstallatlon. 25 Yra up Llc/lns1ncl 949-s.48-•363 OiltyWoltiiAIJi ... -lawns, l awn Aet alina. Sp1-lnlllus, T~­tr., Sprlna lut\e·ups, RaP.•ln & Upar•das. 'H•n us do your Dlr~Wor*" 714-1U-H11 iOUeu•n iiOnos ~nc;e1 l.anchtar '-the toobllr.,.nt to IMtla )'Oii ~ I 0.711·7898 (CAI. •$(.AN) Ci£J HandymatV Hllmt Repair COMi-1.ETI HOME MAl#11NAJICI Ho iob loo smalll [verythln1 from C.-pl!t'llry ID PMllJtll Free estimate c.11•-"'I f'9-1'S-1'U nx W SPICWJST. All l'J!HIS of repair,. E.lec lrlcal, plumbina. doors, WllW t..tmn, tills & mere .24tw-/7dlfys 714 366 1881 c.nc.. '~ Cwpet\try • Plumblrte Orywllll • Stucco Paint•,._ rn1 & ~• 20+-Y_.s hpttienctl JI 71._. ... _,,,. CENf.IAL ID'All AIWNIENAMZ • laidailill • O:mmtill 0 JolJ 70o s...an .,.. .......... ,..._S2W292 t • 1 DalVU/CDl (A) JOI~ OUR TEAM and 0-'""'-for Pr Int & Gr aphlc Otslan Ttch- IDl~ s..I ,_.. lo hr ltu lnlln ,c;om Aast.t n.. I Help !:ht lo stty 11 ho"1e. Alt scile11Ule' av11i.b1e ln- cllldina wtellet\d and l1Ve 111. at competlthle ,.1 ... Silver Anallls Home c. •. LLC 71' 3"75 66n OWNH Ol!HATO• Tl.AMS! COl w/HH·""'I & Doubles req. l•m1IMll- Teminal Or~ Hori on Bonus, ltiltl Miiis. IJOO. 909 56&• ut 210, (CAL •SCAH) OWNU OPHATO• TUMSI COl w/HM Mli a. Doubln raq l • rninal T•ITIMI Or~ Hn pn Bonl6. I~ Mias IJOO. 909 566• e•I 2 10 (CAl •SCAN) OWNU OPUATO• TUMSI rot wflta M1t a. OoublH r aq T •tnlnll- T •ITllNll Or op.l'Hool., HH on BorM.. Hlcll Mlle!.. ~ 9 09 5664 •• , 2 10 ~·SCAN) PubllshtnC HO MOTIONS Dl,UTMINY- Communlty ~' In Or an&• County ~, r ull Time I*"°" to intwww and Wl 1111 stories, par1K.I p.'lte '" cornmunlly events. crute and IHl&kiate Pil&ts and \411.ll<I~ E•1.elle<1t COIM'IUlllcllllon s.l\tlls, Wor .. wel with th• public. Know AP Style, ()uiwlo.XP1ess. Photoshop, Mulll Ad C.re ator. Prufw:ient on MAC and PC. CCI dn1rn ••P•"""'~ p1 eleri ed ProolrNCIM)ll t~I Drue sa..-.ne, phvM(.411 I eQIJltoid EOC (. •u ,n.nt benefit ~Em"" r~ wn1.,. ,,.~ M>d '*Y requ1r e me 11 t i lo ~.1!...ff'./J/l~la~~· ..... fl'--...... BIAy ~" lleall A.I E.-.. 1111>..r ...... y '''"' ~n~oute w1 .. p I•• rl!!lmf In 9'9~7'>21Zl ........... ~ :• -I per u1n 0: 1;e Pl (4 'i) SaWy run"'•""""~ w/e;p r a1 rmume t11 _ill bl., 1111 SWIMM9tG INSTMJCTO. Meded mu't bf! r-.flf14'd .S20 ·~ Pltl lklUI Call 949 836 6114 JOIO U11lmul flaanc111 ar.,. a raptd l~ exp1nd1n11 .. ~allonal Monoaoe PIMEfl. at our do1Vntown long Beach loca11on AS a dlrtd llltf'IPtt I,. wt otter immediate 1n·house uncle1wr11tno and an Incredible processing tam that allows OUf Ion to close wftt11n 3 days Hit*°" Clirfd lf111110Q • t11e lateSt in mortoaoe tectlflology allows our sales tum to earn l11ge ~~~n:1fuff spectrfjm ttl Pf oducts !NI llldUdtS j)(llle, ll.lb-1lf1lllt and FHA1 Lou ~ with Zt yt&ri ~ wiU hnd Ollf m~ palh an excep11onal opportunity Call 1·166-262~ or FH rour r11um1 to 708-t71-1427 Hand'fmatV Home Repair JESSEY AIMM'S HOME•Ei-~ sncu.usr Re1<on•ble PricH 14 Y" upw18nc1 In all tr eeks Speclalulnc In umdet\llal •t\Vot 714-SOl-6466 ---Wl67•18l •OllNSON COMPANY IOtdlens. Walb, 8allY OOlll$ Mark 9•9 650·9525 Hlullng JUHi TO THI DUMPlll 71• 968 1882 AVAILABl( TOOAYI 949 673 5566 JOIN OOR TEAM end l!Mlke 1 dtff•eMe In the C1kl01'nl1 Atmy PUtlonal Guard you can ut money fer ~Ilea• and cww tr.it11n1. C1ll 1- 800 ·GO• GU A ff 0 . (CAL "$CAN) Automobiles 9000 AIHll '99 A4 Qfft1,.o 2 8 V6. 29k •ctu•I m1 auto, sparkhn& red/arey lth1. mnrf, CO look\. & ~melts new V4 56721 $11.•% ltnancine a¥a1I. l:lk1 9•9-516· I 118 -·~·.c­IMW7•-.t ~ Sor en4 8Mtlf an, O.cmo ~-1'2k n-. P18ld. nut -S2D.500 96378-'lMS IMW740ll'H Stin t w/fley lealtle1 tnhr fully loaded $18.000 9'9-615 6006 0-'ta •91 Yey .. er. 7 po' whrte If ey tnt pvl ,1.... c•uved non \ml<• hke new 'ond ••'>111., ™9!> B .. , 94g. '>8& 1888 WWW oqMbl tnm ........ '9J XJ6 4 door H .. m1 "•ti emely <lean. 1 owner .114.000 obo tO-SJl-2JS3 ..... '00 Grwod' a;.;..... 6cyl Z wd .1611 <tllu•I m1, ~1l41rl&Jey on! alluys, l.1buluu' like ricw 1 unmarked Lund, 4 y~ar WlW1 "1111, v1S7121 S1 1$'.> lttm 0 Down QU•l1l1ed b<'Ytf"\. 4.6 N>P. a .. ,.. .. 90-SU-1811 •-·••poltl.co"' 1..-1 ._ ..,. Diw-y l l 5811 • m1. wh1te/t •" lth1 dual mnrl be~u td ul 011a. 3 t••• ... ., • avail, SIJ,99!> v•7.,7b24 Br o~er 'J49 ">116 1 llRR www.ecpe.c- '-"" ._ ..,. ow--y LE ~8k• m1 whrt1/ten lthr dual mnrl. bo u t1ful or•c . l year wau ••••I. Sll,995 v•757&2• Brn .. er 9 49 586 1888 -........ -laaw ... U IOO 4w .. , bl.ck, ommac S7' mi. l1h1 low pka •.odl. ,.._ lOUlld. ctf m ......_ l'rtd m. blOs S2J;D) 96 ~5al2 Marca4u 'tt SJ20 LWB !>211 m1 ) yr w•rr 11;a1I \tlver/blk lthr ~•u1 0111 <Ond, v875l41 $14 99'> f1n•nc•nii •••~ Bkt 949·586 1888 -__ _..,....L._ Moving & Stonge HST MOY HS $59 /Hr •~rv101 •II llll~'I ln'lur"d ln1. courteous. c•relul T 163844 800 2'6 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE flit Ce ltl Pu blic Utiht1u Comm1n1on •~qulfH that all und household aood' move" print th11r PUC C•I I numb"'· hmo~ 1nd th•ulfeur s print lhelr T C P. number in all •dver· tlsemenh II you have any question~ ~bout th• le1al1 ty of • mover . limo 01 chaulfelK, call· PUIUC UTWTIIS COMMISSJON IOO 177-U67 a-.· ...... ll"lrs up Gtaar Price! Cu.rat\tHd WD'lr. Free es1 lil37560:2 71' 538-ISl' 7-J!I0.2945 Dilly Pilot • It •11u•• jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - PHIU&'$ AUTC> IMWUMl .. I $"-w/GH'J c.lebtlty Owned! f lilrt LotldlcJ (19334) ~.-,..,,.....,_ <-f'N ~~ (19321) '2•.• ,_.fits c..-w Blec;k w/clean tin lthr. lull recOf lb r 11 • find ( l92.88) $13.980 ~.;.:r ll!is lu buutylMoonroof (19314) . $27,911) .... ~;.­~'fl One OWnef. local Newport s.dan. put recor~. civomed whls (19340) $22.98>. ,._. H-1 ... ,., B ladl w/wllul ltlv chromed wllh TV/VCR/ Vtdao/l'Uv/8.c.t.up (I 9J72C) 154 !&) XX•'--c...,719 Shoney bl., ""'' w/1mmac lttw dvumed wl>k (19209) SJ'j '900 L.1'w LSfOO ~"00 Blad w/u eme ltlw lfl · let Oftty 1411 m1, • $J6,9Ml (19278) • SJ&.!&l MIZ MLUO "00 SUV whttt w/I °' """' i*ll low 011 (19 3'8) S7'l. 9lll MIZCJU10 c..,..•tt 81acll w/blk lthr chlonied wh". , (19)()2 I S26. WI ·-.I.--luy .. _ H9-S7' 777'7 l'.....-sMITO ,...., ___ NEW2003 MINI COOPER LEATHER CO& MORE' ~l~,J4J !Ames~ 1TCA1204J • OTHER Af SIMUR SA~NGS~ . . LffiMOTll<I ll'SFON ******** 5S fRUWAY @ mr«iO SA.'(f A NiA AllTO MAU {888} 823-9808 u.c.a. '02 ... .....,. n ml full fat! warr, \fiver ••rid tan llhr CO >!•Ck•• rtwome whk. ul•• >UI. •67Z!>18 SU 'l'1.> '"m. l1n I. wart -va1I 0 Down qu•"'"" buye" 4 6 APR 8rt1kM t49-SH -llU -.eqoeltl.c- Painting J.y·-·· Poi ....... lop Qu•llly, Com~1111v. lnterlOf/l•t l "648218 Call l•Y 9'9 &50 5066 WNIOW C9QJ MMfT P•inllne-lnC/ett. lbM'AllC Quality f()bl Free nt1m.11te LtS69897 714-636 8888 Plumbing l aclM~IOn11I MOfJ a.noen SEWER )( TTINC ELECTRONIC SLAB LEM DETECTION f11endly S11 vice t•t-•7S -9J04 -.~.awn LI 7$2•91 ln"4tr>'CI tle-.woty"Ot• VI, tertlfOetl 114'9U HO,ffl .~ .. ··-(140 like nt•, l otcled ,.,.20. .. .. "' 91Mewtty .. 1 SI 'va;t~d 1111 ""· '°''°' lltM.al 17fM01 •"·"' Dla<*YM'f '00 • V8, Luther. Dual Sun Roofs, CtfOfled 124122 $20,ttS DIHevery '0 I SI V8, LHther, 01!11 Sun Rl>ofa, Cet llO•d '7U22J $24,ffS GMC 'OI Yllll .. ..D....tl l Hlhtr, Sun Roof. !I Pan en111 '"" 20 us. tts Dla<evwy'OOI vs. lt •th«, lo~d<td. Cetlllled '24211t S20,ttS GMC '00Yo4." D ..... I '•' Low M1. Blk/Blk, Cuil Chrome WhMls '2210 $2',ttS •""99 •aver 'OJ Ulumal• Luaury SUV •11 IOS 567,ttS Oluev•ry 'tt Ot\ly 2ll< M1 Ctr tlhed 1205951 $20,ttS WIDIO'lll llWPOl'l llAOI 49 M0-644S POUCHl '0 I IOXSTll l:llat k w/aiey 9,000 m1, 1rnrleU cond, s ·l9,950 949. 721 0'70 PO•SCHl c•rlelet '•2 r~d. ·~·.lortd beau, S?0.000 ur b•~1 ollet 9'9 fi7'i b006 '•v••• c.. ... 14-·11 IDOd ~ no a. 10 cd stWIO, rum llH_ -y ,.....,.., ~ 714-23!><9150 AUTOMOBllES, MISCB.l.AHEOUS Wanted 9045 ,...., o,..-4 De* <Mr 40 -~ et.V ,.. i-y • -1 1 •• pru tor ~ <.M Vw1 • !11dl -lar <JI ··~ (.bl 00 H..y (~ I OIT\lllt '°"'O 'iate>.. 7a, ~" I '-0 l • • 11 • J28. .J728 CASH IO• CAaS Wl HUO YOUI CAa ,A.10 fO• 01 NOT rHtWPSAUTO ASI fott MAlCOUI 94t-S74 -1777 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE tJ n SUP AVAl~U UI NIWPottT HACH S2SOOUA.Sl t4t-SOO.IOOS IOA f Sl..s tflYlll AYM C:.el , .. .,.... ~ft] ~ w... anti i- •uldi!c1 t49-67s-4141 I PlumbfnO HONIST & ansc>MUU PlUMOCR l "506586 fr• Ul1 Sm rtpen. ocrr cu O&. 714 Zlf>.9l!i0 ,HCISl PUIMltN R~"'" a. Remodolln1 fRH ESTIMATE l t687398 '" 969 1090 SIWll AND DWI au.G {t4t) US-2JS2 Leather SeatinJI , CD Changer, Dual Sunroofs ~~§~ .. ~f._llH,. s399.· Total dttve-oft. SO Security deposit 1 OK miles per year/'1.()¢ 9XC9S8 mi, charge, Ad 9ltpireS 04/27/03. • mo. I 5 at this payment • 48 months • '00 DJSCOVERY II 'DO DISCOVERY II . vs • VS, Leather, Dual Sun Roofs CERTIFIED 41321242046 CERTIFIED 411 91'l41211 .$20,995 $20,995 '01 MERCEDES BENZ C240 '01 DISCOVERY SE like New, Loaded VS, Lthr, Dual Sun Roofs 4143/014208 ·CERTIFIED 40921723223 $24,995 . $24,995 \• '02 DISCOVERY SE '01 GMC YUIOll DEllALI VS, Loaded, 11 K Miies, Prior Rental Leather, Sunroof, 9 Passenger 4084nsoeo1 . 4141/199120 s31,995 s35,995 4X4, Automatic, V6; Power Package, Moonroof, Premium Sound, Tilt/Cruise Etc. PRE-OWNED s23 SERVICE LOAN CARS 1 1 Only AT This Price (382940) 'OD DISCOVERY II '99 DISCOVERY VS, Lthr, Loaded Only 23K Miies CERTIFIED 4117/2421S9 CEA~ r E 4045120595S $20,995 $20,995 '00 &MC YUKON DENALI '99 RANGE 110VER 4X4, Low Miles, Blk on Blk, Cust Chrm Whls 4.6, VS, Luxury, Loaded 4136122146 • CERTIFIED 39761426094 . $26,995 $29,995 '03 RUGE ROVER WE NEED YOUR Ulttmate Luxury SUV TRADE IN! . 4143/111495 -~7,995 PAID FOR OR NOT! ' • ' , .. t I t ,.,,, ZfJIJ3 Buit:k c.taty Manuf. Sugg. Rt1t.il Price ............. $21, 780 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $2,792 • Sellinn Price ............. ' 1 ~fJBB FACTOllY REBA TE .................. ~,000 t.d..... •15988 r,=/ MET C06T • - N.w Buit:k R111al Manuf. Sugg. Rt1tail Price ............. $25,252 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3,884 Selling Price ............. '2 ~JBS FACTORY REBA TE .................. ~,000 , • tllli• s19 388 price MET CO$T • (149313) N.w 2IJIJ3 Pontiac Grand Prix Manuf. Sugg. Rt1tail PrictJ ............. $22,960 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3,H2 Selling Pries ............. s 1 !!t§BB FACTORY REBA TE .................. ~000 1 ~rt}J: wrco.r$16.888 'II POll11AC ..... Auto, Air, CD. POWK SfMrlno, .. ClllYILB --Jll R(Mr Spoller & Low,.._, Auto, Air, PO't'#r Groc.,>. Prwnlum (812389) CD '--tl»r I Moysl (2~) •P11111C--•• V•A&*>. Ar. "°"' ~. co..,... Low,,..., ($10615) -59950 ._.._llEULU Ful PO't'#r, CD, '--tl»r & Premium WNMI (248352) 511,750 ._ POll11AC FllEUID Auto, A.fr, PO't'#r Group, CD, T-Bar & Pfflmlum WNMJ (2180<») 512,880 .......... "' V-4 3.8L ~ A4M>, LMl#w. Aloollloof. Prwnlum ~(216775) 913.865 .. tdtl .. u;:~ 'MClllW-••u FIJI~~· Onl)telJK ~(MT10) 510,970 ; ._ CllUAC IRl1E DIS Premium ~ & Socndl (361#1) 520,775 '00 CADl1AC llVl1E RS Full Poww, L .. tMr. CD I Only~ MllHI (1~) 520,845 '00 CM' I AC DEVll.E Ful Power. LMtllM, Trect/on Control. Alloys & Mcnl (184014) 520,885·. '01 cam•ac IRIUll11 Ful Poww, CD s.otw . ~. ~' "'°"""""' (118233) 524,635 '02 UM I¥ DEVI.LE Full Poww, L.Mllw, CD, ~•Alloyst (25»08) 526,950 'OZ Cff'' K llW.LE Ful ~ l.Mllwt, CO. On.91111' • AlkTjtl (25411111) S27,840 'II"" I K llW.LE NI Poww. LMlfl«; co. <Wlw, AloJ9. Low .... {1"1m) 534,960 ._ CHEVY IL.'DI LI Ault>. AJr, Power~. CD, Rod Rd. Alloys I Only 31K,,,,, (27f316) 510,960 '01 POll1IAC AZTB Aul?, AJr, Power~. CD Stllc:hr, Moonrool & Moytl (5016ll2) s ........ CllEllNll Ulla ~ AJr, Power~ CD, Alloys ' """""°"" (2$1137) 514,650 _ .... t .J , I • Cl v• Powr Gnq>, co• Mot9I (JOaaO) s17,795 'It--·· .• tltE,.....,.. Powr(Jnq>, AiAD. Ai.--· a.ana,,.,.,• . ,.,.,,..,, ..,...., («ltltll1) 519,940 Exceeding Ex~ations Since 1967 Man~ugg2!'f!a~.~.~496 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. ~607 Se/lino Price ............. ' 1 ~pBB FACTOlfY REBA TE .................. (1.J,000 1 n tll.ls $9988 =J MET C06T N.w ZfJIJ3 GMC s.t.ti C.,O V• Manuf. Sugg. Rt1tail PrictJ ............. $22,819 NABERS DISCOUNT ................. $3r831 Se/lino Price ............. s 1 ~pas FACTO!IY REBA TE .................. ~,000 1 ;:.::•• MET COIJT $15.988 (611914) •CBYl•U-1•LT ,..., AJr, Power~ • L.edter, CO, Tow PlqJ. • A/loyll (n1162) 519..965 .. CllYf • CIBI CM LS Ful l'ottlw, CO. s.dlrw, Tow PlqJ. & A/loylJ (! 1 SWll) 521,875 .. CllYf ..... ,. u ,..., AJr, Power~. CD, 3rd S-. Tow PfiU. & A/loySI (18tltl11} s22,aso .. Cl" I AC EICILIDE ,..., AJr, co Slldlllr. OnSlw. Vll*o S)'l9m. l.Mltw, Tow• Morel (1 tltlltfl) 524,875 'MW~DEIULI FWtr Air, Fiii PO't'#r, CO, ~. L.Mllw, Tow PlqJ. & Only 23K ,._, (11 llOtJO) 526,950 •a.:,... XL ar LMlll#, O!Aid 8Mtlg. Tow PlqJ. • Low~ Fldofy&lc ~ (1115Z1) s35,970