HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-07 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.... .. .. . . ... ~ . Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY,MAY7,2003 / candidates' home not so sweet to some Keeping a move to Da na Point quiet suggests a ch aracter fl aw in Assemblyman Ke n Maddox, his opponent for sta te Senate seat charges. the 70th Assembly, which 1m lutle., ('.;c•\\ port Beach. \\.y.,111 k1 tlm·.,111 dgTt'C with the J11ltn .,on t 01111>.trt\<Hl QUESTION What should be the main issue in the race for the state Senate? Call our Readers Hotline at 19491 642 6086 01 s~nd e md1l 10 7 Paul Clinton Daily Pilot 111 the mmd-. of voter'>. ~d Olrt'> \\!\ socki. a campaign consultJnt for A., semblyrnan John (..ampbeU Maddox's campaign co11'ultc1nt-. -..1y 1he1r boss' move 1<,n't ou1 of lht· onlt nary. w·nu~ sort of thing happt'll'> l'\l'll year," said Wayne John.,on 111111 rt'lall'tl . Maddox's consultant. "!here ,m• a I irg1· number of legislator<, \'ho don'1 ll\t' 111 '\ 1111 of 1wople drdllk kool .\1d ,11 J11111•-.1m"'11 \o\ly'>O< lJ -..ud · lu'>I he< .111w ,J l11t of llt'oplt· du II dut"in't m,tkl• II right .. • dd1lyp1/01 ldl1mes com Please spell your name and 1nc;lude your hometown ond µhon!! nurnoor, for venf1cat1on purposes only COSTA M 11.SA -Assemblyman Ken Maddox bought a home in Dana Point m 2002 bu1 quietly maintained his vo1er regi!>trnlion at an addre~ In his Garden Grove dil.lricl for a year. a move his .,Late !>cnale opponent says raist.'S que...tions about character and credibili1y. "It goes more 10 charallcr." Wy'>ot ki ..aid. ·If you '><IY you live thl'rt', you should [live lhert.'I. • Maddox and Carnphell are faung off in 1he race Ill replace J'ith D1 .. 1nc1 Sen. Ros:. Johnson. who b tt'rmed out in 2004. Maddox now rl•prc'><'lll'> the 68th J\s!.embly Ui-.trkt, which 111dude-. Coo;1a Mesa. Camphell is in Im "l'l'Ond tt•rm in their disLrict." - Senator Johnson. for example. 'Pl'lld'> much of hls time 1n Sacraml'11to. 1>111 has maintained a re!>idenc:e in lf\111t· since 1994, l>Clid Mru.-. Ho<,<.. the '>l'llJIOr\ ~pokesman. John!>on uwll'> a hor111 111 Gold River. a nei~hborhood oui..1dt till' state capitol. I ht• um of 1111, halllt' datt·., h<1d. 10 J,1nu.iry 111 .!I.NU Maddox ownl'<l J 1 •111 d11rn1n1um 111 < .arden < .ruvt'. t 1111111\ pro1wny rt'lord., '>how On Jan 11 lit· .,old tht' condo for $208.000 On JJll IH 'l.t,11.ldox purc;ha-.ed a home 111 IJ.u1J I 101111 tor SJfl0,000. the record\ '>ho"' 1 ,L.,. 1 b,tll111 111 tlw '\II\ 'i clt"CUon lo rl·ll1t•th thJt, \faddox rercg1-.ien.•d to an .tddrt'.,., Hl (,Jrdt·n ( 1fllVf• rhar addrl">.'> .., 1tw homt· of tht· p.i11·111'> of Maddox\ While not a violation of state election law, the move should raise wclrning nags 1\fln he purcha-.ed 1Jw l>Jna 1'111111 llmm· ~faddox could no lonKer 1 IJllll thl' hH1h D1'!1nr 1 a., hornt• and, a., J n· 'ult. \o\OUld not haw het·n .tllm,t•d 111 See HOME, Paee A4 TEAMWORK sr AN HILLER DAil y PILOT Callie. a 5-year-old boxer and pit bull mix, and Liberty, a I -year-old black lab, share a stick whrle wading through the Santa Ana Rrver. 6-little-ducklingS prove no match for officer Newport Beach Po lice Officer Jeff Lu leads the webbed youngsters a nd their mothe r to safety after they get separa te d on Sa nta Barbara Drive. Oeepa Bharath Daily Piiot NF.WPORT BEACI I -Officer Jeff Lu normally has his ducks in a row. But last Wednesday was an excep- tion. It was a tactical challenge for the Newport Beach cop to gather six tiny duclclin~ that were lost, their little webbed feet scurrying all over Santa Barbara Drive. apparently looking fo r their mom. Lu, a patrol officer who has worked with the department for more than 14 yean., said he nouced something was not quite right near the intersec- tion of San Oemenle Drive at aboul 2:45 p.m. when he saw cars stopped dangerously in the middle of the road. Among the people stopped by the little quaclcers was Corona del Mar Realtor Sharon Fagundes, who im· mediately feared for the blrds' safety. "I jumped out of my car, but Offi- cer Lu a8ked me to get in,· s he said. Fagundes obeyed, but didn't have THINKING ALLOWED thl' heart to leave without helptng. ~ -.hr parked her car at a ho1el nearby. grabbed a blanlet she had Wlth her and mn ba(k lo the duck.lings. I u, meanwhile. had hi~ hands full "I got the car; moving. but kepi my pohcl' unit parke<l up front so no one would hit them from behind.· he "<lid. The mother duck was on one side of the '>lreet and her ducklings were on the other ide. Lu's task was 10 get the babies to the mother. I le herded three or Chem to the curb near the mom. but they were so tiny 1hat the curb was too tall for them to climb over. So Lu put a box by the curb tha1 they got into. He was able to drop those three off to the molh<•r HuJ llll' otlll'r thn>t.• rnn hl'I tcr .,kehi:'r nghl Jl nt'>\ the I.me<,. ~ ragu11cle<, t"Jllll' Ill the re-.cue. handmg I u the bl.111l1.•1 "I genlly IO\\e<l lht• blanket over the duclltnM'·" I u ...iul i:agunde'> then p1d,ed them up with 1he blanlet and brought them safely to the curb But then the mother dude and thrt•e duckling:;. were gone. MWe walked up and down lhe sid1.> walk looking for them.• she !>aid. Finally, they found the ..cared mom hlding hehind a bush. ~She let out one loud quaclc on seeing her babies,· Fagundes ~d. See DUCKLINGS. Pase M Soggy and sore all for a good cause M y blisters are finally healing. I have regained feeling in my feet And the soreness ln my legs lw subsided. away: escalated enthusiasm for this community. was completed, It started lo rain. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: It has been three daya since the clo Ing ceremonl of the Newport Beach Relay for Uf e and I a.m adll ' U')ing to catch up on tlleep. Oetpfte my FotJ1Y demeanor and LOLITA HARPER This year' Relay for Ufe, d igned to raise funds and awaren in the fight against cancer, combined charlty, · entenalnrnent. great food, the unparalleJed spirit of cancer survivors and the gusto of thls beechlide community to aeate tender toe1, these ls one llde effect rema1nlng from the charity relay I hope neYer pa •me evm.t • oh.be )Ur. Murpt\y't Law would baYe h chat the lnleant the opening lep Call me aary, but I think the raln added to the fun because we were sbaltec:l. we were muddy, we were lired and we didn' care. We laughed as we rung out our drenched T-d\Irt&. We cackled when one of us slipped on the weU·wom track. Arid we howled when our umbtttlu were blown ins.Ide-out by the wUd winds. (Lana!) 1bere are 10 many tunny memon. (tam laucNng aloud whBr typing, much to tho ... M.u.D,hpM WWW.~CMI WEATHER ~ Don't ~ for the sun today. SeePaaeA2. SALES TAX Deadlocked council to wa~t a week Co~ta \te~a C ouncil members soften their ~ta nee~ against a special election a~ they fail to decide hovv to fill their ranks. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot l<l\I'\ \ti...,.\ \\.l'li<11111· 10 l>l'<1dlix.l l l'.A ,1 torl11m lrll,lr 11111~ pl<1u· "herl' u1m pmllll't' I' llOl p.irl flf t}H' \Ill Jbt1l.1r. I or thl' '-l'l 11ml 11mt 1111' < ti\ < .ounul wa-. undhlt> 111 hn·ak ·.1 dt .1dl111 k 111'1\.\l'l·n \1tkc ...,, h~.ilt·r Jlld I m lkwr J., J n·plJ< rrnt·nt for forrnt>r \l,1\tir k.Jrl'n Hol1111.,on l<11h1n'<m re- .,,gy1ed Apnl Ii 111 h•·l onw .11 Or.111gl' < <1unt) '>upenor ( ourt 1udg1• \londc1\, lilt' 11nh 1l11ng 1lw 111t11H ii 1 ould du.tdl• on J 1111 I \111t· \\tth 11111n11l\\11man I .thb\ ( 11\\,111 \ llllll).. 1111 \'\,!'> Ill I llllllllUt' lhe J..,1 u"'""1 111 \l,I\ I.! I >11r111g th Jfread\ "l l!l'tl11l1·d Ht•1kwl11p1111•111 \g1·11n \ 1t•t•tmg. thl' l Ol1n1 ii \\ tll l llll"dl'r J rJltgt' llf Opl 11111\, 111t lud1ng .1ppo11t1111g .in 11111•11111 rq1l.J1 l'ment u1111I J "P<'llcll 1·lt·111011 10, lwld 111 '\11\t'mher 111l' cnunul m1·rnht•r' 1111 r,m..,gt•m t• re .,11flt·d 111 more d1•.idlm L on ollll'r 1.,.,m.., Ult'\' l On.,,dt.'rcd \ tond<1\. ,me.I 111.tl..t•' tht' 'Jl('Cter of a .,pecm.l elerllon more likely "I don't nC'ce.,.,<lnl\ want 111 -.pend the monl'y for a "penal rle<·111111. hut 1f 11 comes to 1ha1. 1ha1., what tt comt·-. 111." -.:llll t ounnlman Allan Man<.oor The deba11· '>taned mnoc:l'nlh t•nuufdl Wlth Bever and ~c:he.tlt'r pre<.t'nltnl( '>latt•menl '> to the council ahou1 thetr de<.tre 10 ..en.e the city "itandm~ a1 oppo-.llt.' l'nd~ of lht• d.w.. the pair looked hl t· hool endc; 111 thl'tr .. 1m1lar dan-col rm•d 1al let' In their .,tJll'llH"nh ,111u n·.,ponwo, to qu~ ttllfl., lhl' 1\\0 '>l'l'nlNI lllltr(' "Ultlilf than d1f tert'nt h111h t•mpha.,11mg 1lw1r 1 omm11ment 10 ttw t·n11w 1 ti\ Both .11"' ha\f rt'"lgf)ed from prior ul\ l ornm1tml'lll' ~ htJft•r from the Park.., and Ht•1 n•a11011 < ommr.,,ton over a <,ka1eh1>c1rd pJrl anti lkH't trom the C ommu nirv Retfr\l'lopnw111 '\l 1111n C ommmee be- caw.e he dtdn t hlt· tht• d1rl'l'l1on it was headed The prepond1·rc1m t' of public comment supportt'<l Bevt·r. but th.11 hc.'C ame moot when the coum ti dt'.i<.llod .1·tl fir'ol m -;uppon of Bev- er and Llwn 111 'luppon of <;cheafer Cowan evoked boos "l'd hiSM><. when 'lh~ proposed former Plann111~mm1'lsioner Walt Daven- pon as a comprom!M' cand1da1e. Iler peers on the council weren't any more supportive. After a shon brcal 10 regroup. Councilman See COUNCI., P ... M SPORTS Amv Bur1ingham and Alec Urtutuutegul top Newport Harbor ~iflenet Su View Lague tr.ck 9ndfteld prellmlnen.. ... ,... Al • I A2 ~. May 7, 2003 . .. LOCALS ONLY . '• . NEIGHBORS Gery HID. a longtime supponer of the Boys & Girls, Oub of the Hatbor Area in Costa Mesa, won the 50/50 raftJe at the annual "Bid for )(jds" dinner and auction. Hill opted to take his winniop of$1.223 to buy the club a new air hockey table. The proceeds raised at the event are gjven to the club's Lou Yantom branch at 2131 Tustin Ave .... 1994 F.stancia High graduate Deb Mamas has been accepted into the Rabbinic program at Hebrew Union College. She will begin her studies in Jerusalem in mid-July and, after a year, will return to the United States for four years of study ... Marine Corps Lance Cpl Nlc:bt>las B. Zeramby, son of Sherry A. Zerunby of Costa Mesa. made his way through the Straits of Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean Sea last month while assigned to the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit in Camp Lejellne, N.C. Zeramby was one of more than 4,000 Kristine J. Harrington Paci.fie Fleet Sailors and Marines aboard the ships of the lwoJima Amphibious Ready Group ... Newport Beach resident Kristine}. Harrington. a Davidson CoUege senior, was recently inducted into the school's Ph.I Beta Kappa national honor society. Harrington is a DUI ARRESTS These people have been a"ested r9Cently on suspicion of driving under the Influence of an intoxicant They have only been arrested on suspicion of a crime and, as with all suspects, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunct.y • Romeo Rivera-Tiaseca, 27, Huntington Beach • Christopher Michael Steams, 19, San Clemente Slltufday • Ruben Apriaga-Gasca, 42, Costa Mesa • Horacio Atilano-Salazar, 27. Costa Mesa • Bernard Cyril Carpenter, 54, Costa M esa • Nikole Wood, 28, Newport Beach Friday • Matthew Donald Cartier, 26. Costa Mesa •Anne Catherine Lodtemy, 19, Costa Mesa • Hiroshi Suzuki, 44, Irvine • Stephen Douglas Lind, 33, Santa Ana • Ignacio Timoteo Salgado, 44, Gary Hill, right, receives his check for winning the 50/50 raffle at a Boys & Girts Club dinner from Harlan Alderton. Newport Harbor High graduate ... Orange Coast CoUege welding students David Miiier and Jab Roglck were recently awarded scholarships by the Long Beach/Orange County Section of the American Welding Society. The scholarships are valued at $300 each. Miller is an advanced OCC welding student who aspires to become a welding engineer. Rogick is taking OCCs orbital welding course this spring ... Jeremy Matthew Katz. a senior at Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania. achieved honor roll status for the winter renn. Katz is the son of Dr. and MIS. Stanley G. Katz of Newport Beach . • NEIGHBORS spotlights actiievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 64&-4170, or send e-mail to coral. wilson@latimes.com. Santa Ana Thuncbly • Rolando Hernandez-Cruz, 40, Costa Mesa • Phillip Anthony Jadtson, 26, Costa Mesa • Robert William Pallotto, 27, Costa Mesa • Elaine Ballard, 45, Costa Mesa • Sergio Becerra, 29, Santa Ana NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • Matthew Daniel Ludtey, 32, Newport Beach • Douglas Henry Weber, 44, Newport Beach Sllturday • Remee Channing McNulty, 26, Newport Beach • Amy Patrica Drexel, 24, Lake Forest Thursday • Matthew Bryant McOueen, 28, Irvine • Elizabeth Brandler, 55, Mentone, Calif. Wednesday •Reza Sarem Aslani, 23, Tustin Ranch • Brian James Dunlop, 31, Los Angeles • Joseph Neil Dietrich, 24, Newport Beach GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. COSTA MESA POLICE DEPARTMENT Seniors 56 and older are invited to help staff the Westside substation. Volunteers are asked to wort two four-hour daytime shifts per week. They would be responsible for answering phones, bicycle registration, fingerprinting, data entry and assisting with other citywide projects. Seniors who can speak Spanish and English are also needed. Fred Gaedder, (714) 754-5208. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 127 News Edlliof'I Gina Ale>ulnd«, Lori AnderlOn, Deniel Hunt, Paul Seltowitz. O.nlel Siev.ne NEW98TAff Crime ~co~reponar, (!M91 574-4228 ~•lllfl,,.,.,com ... = ... Newport '9pOf19I: • (9481574-4232 I /un&~lde•ltldm-.oom ... QMDft Polltk». ~end~ ,.,.,.,, (941) 7&M330 l*JLdlnton•~com ........... ~culture,...,,..,, (M) l74-tZ7I """11.,,.,,,.,.,,,,,,.,._oom .............. c.. Mlle,..,, ,..,~1 r»lrdte .• _,,,_ • ...,,,__.,, aw•s•C:.... fdualdon ~., .. ,.~ driftl&tMrf#o·~ .. FOR A GOOD CAUSE DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Elaine ·'Izzie' Izzo . V olunteering comes naturally to Elaine ·lzzie" Izzo. Mixing up chores for the chamber has been Mentor for the Day for the last two years and the chamber's ambassador, which means she welcomes new members into the organization. She has also worked with other organizations including Young Professionals Against Cancer. York. The Irvine resident is a private. image consultanr and runs her business out of Costa Mesa. She also volunteers with the Newport Beach Cllamber of Commerce and helps organi7.e chamber events and mixers year round. "The first time I ever volunteered was when this little boy I knew asked me lf I'd help hlm collect donations for muscular dystrophy," she said. ·He had muscular dystrophy, too." She went that Sunday and every Sunday after that with her friend door to door in Creezing temperatures. For her service to the community, Izzo will receive the chamber's Silver Anchor Award during the organization's annual luncheon on May 16. ·For me, it was the righr thing to do." she said. "It was the way I was brought up.· l.zzo spends at leasr I 0 hours a month volunteering with the chamber. Izzo has volunteered ~ince her days as a little girl ii;i grade school In Upstate New ConlWllon News assistant. (949) 574-4298 coral.wilsonfllatl,,,...com PHOTOGAAPttERS Sean Hiller, Don l..e8ch, Kant Trept0w READERS HOTUNE • (949) 642-«>86 Record your comments about the Deily Pilot or news tips. ~ Our tddrlM it 330 W. Bay St., Costa M ... CA 92627. Ot'fice hours are Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. ~ h it the Pllot'I policy to promptly OOITKt •II 9fT'Of'9 of substtnce. ,,..... c.11 (949) 764-432A. FYI Tu. N9wpot1 ~ MeN Deily Piiot (USPS-1"4-800) i. publlthed deity. In Newport hed'I end Coeta MM.I, .Obecripdone .,. .vii,_. onty by eubtcrtbing to Tu. T1mes Ortngt County (IOOI 2N .. 141. In .... ou"6de of ~...,..end eo.c. Meta, ..... lpiot'9 to the o.lty Piiot.,. ~ ontr by .... cl.-mtM for l30 pet mond\, ,..,. lndude ... epptloet>te.,...nct!oetti. .... 1 POSTMASTtA: Send~ ~eon,.~ ~Meeeo.Mv ..... ,,0. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright: No news stories, illustnltions, edite>NI matt.M or advertiMments herein can be reproduced without written permltalon of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US ~ The Times Orenge County (800) 25~·9141 ~19 aur"'led (949) 642·6678 Dlepl9y 1949) 642-4321 EdltotW News (949) 642-6880 ~(949)&7...a223 ..... ,_ (IM8) 646-4170 ...... ,_ (IM8) 850-0170 E"4Nllt t»Ryp11ot•'-lm..oom MllltOMee ........ OMee (949) 642-4321 .......... ,.. (IM8) 831·7128 ClOOJ TllM9 CN. All 1'19hta ~. • 1 started wortcing with them because I just loved those people," she said. "It's a great group lo work with." If they needed her to be there by 6:30 a.m .. Izzo would be there. she said. "I never ask any questions," she said. "If they want me there, l'U be there.· She has been at almost al1 even~ hosted by the chamber, lncludlng the miurs and networking meetings. Oui..strnas Boar Parade. PoUce Appreciation Breakfast, Firefighter Appreciation Beach Party and other annual events. She Izzo says she feels good just knowing that she can help. •1t's always a good reeling when you give back to the community,~ she said. "I'm fortunate I have a Oexible schedule and can make the time. r absolutely enjoy it· -Slory by Deepa Bharatli . PET OF THE WEEK .. w • SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST There'• a very alight chance of lhoWet'I thla afternoon, though we can mottly expect cloudy~ and morning drizzle. For the most part, it will be murty, with hight in the loww 80s and Iowa near 50. Womwtlon. www.nws.noH.gov BOATING FORECAST The n1st1rty wtnde wHt bk>w 6 llO 16 knob in the "'* W9t9f'l 1hla afWnoon. With 2-foot wwee and a IOUthwelt IWell of 6 fMt. The wtndl wll bk>w ttronger 8110 to 20 baa ttlle ~.with 1-to Mooe Wlwa and. wtlll IWll of 5 to , .... Out ..... the tu ••"1 wlr*wtl~15to20~ wMt 3-foot wewe and• Wiit IWllOflfML The .. Wll bloW ..,. 191' .. 20 to 21 lrnOCI. ... WllV9I of ....... ,......, .... IWll of 790" .... SURF The IOUthwest ewell will lncnue a tad today, but we'll still ... mostty chest· to head-hight. A few ovemuda ahould roU In. On Thursday, the eouthW9lt awetl becb down Into the wefat· to cnest-hlgh range. Ft1d8y wtll condnue to drop. Thi next .wea thllt lhould .. --s.tutdly "~to . ~80fM hMd-Nghe and ~ Wllar.-lty: WMlUIUtfrlder.otg TIDES ..... 1:5Za.m. 1:21e.m. 10:04e.m. 8:21 p.m. ........ G..atlltloW 4.Altllthlgh 0.27fMtlow s.ASfMthW\ • WATER TEMPERATURE ....... I .. Dady Pilot Condominium project is held up A deadlocked Costa Mesa City Council cannot decide whether to give downtown housing development a second look. Pelrdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MesA -Robin Leffier gave an impassioned speech Monday to City Council mem- bers about why they should re- consider their approval of a high-density, downtown condo- minium proje<."t. The Costa Mesa resident im- plored, she pleaded, she even µsed blocks to make her point about shade and shadow effects. She might as well saved her breath. The council, with only four members, could no t come to a consensus on whether to rehear the item. So Leffler will be back on May 19 to try again. And she expressed l'rustr.llfon at the council's impasse. ·we have a reaJly tight legal case and we did present new in formation." Leffier said. ·1 don't understand why two of the City Council members didn't under- stand that it was in the city's be'>t interest to rehear this, a t least as to go so far as to fix the·environ- mental documentation." Leffler, representing the Co!>ta Mesa Citi1.ens fnr Respomible Growth, and Councilman Allan Mansoor both appealed the council's April 14 approval of 161 upscale condos at 1901 Newport Boulevard. The property cur- rently hosts the Spanish mis' sion-style Newport Plaza build- ing. and a Vegas-styte nightclub awaits further approval from the city's fire marsh.al. The condos will be housed in four, four-story buildings mea- suring about SO feet h.igh. The project also features a two-level underground park.Ing structure and a five-level above ground parking structure. The citizens' group's main contention with the project is that the report created to assess environmental effects is incon- sistent and contradictory. "You can love this project or hate this project, but one thing you should not do is let the lre- pon) stand ," Leffier bel>eeched . "It's inadequate." Leffier honed in on the '>hadow analysis in the repon, which states that o nly 20 min- utes of a shadow e ffect would on-ur in the front yards o f homel> on Bernard Street, be- hind the project, between I 0 a.m. and 3 p.m . -which ls not considered-a significant problem '4JY the cl.fY. l)slngl' blocks. she demon - strllted the group's opinion that the shadow effect will last for two to three hours between the same lime frame. Former Mayor Sandra Gems also presented an analysis she did 10 supplement the environ- mental report examining the shadow effect at other times of the day. "We had repeated re-' quests that we get some addi- tional time periods shown be · cause all (the reponl had was 10 a.m . and noon and 3 p.m . and . . . then!'i. a whole lot more to the day than that," Genis said. Other residents oppose the project becau~ it would require change-. to the city's general plan. •1t\ '>elling a precedent on piecemeal zoning.· ~d Sandy Johnson. The burden of proof wai. on the ci111.ens' group 10 show that new ii1formation Wa!> available that wasn't considered during the approval process. That put developer !)avid F.ad1c of Ruller Development in the unfamiliar pol>illon of having to defend himself, instead of making hii. ca.'>e for the project. "I believe the staff ha'> done a thorough job," F.adie said. "I 'You can love this project or hate this project, but'?>ne thing you should not do is let the [report] stand. It's inadequate.' Robin Leffler Costa Mesa reS1dent don't believe the shadow il>l>ue 1-; true. In fact, I know it isn't." The request for the rehearing fared as well as the council ap pointment allem pt as motion'> to rehear it and not to rehear 11 both failed because of d eadlock. Councilman Chris Steel. whu supported the project when lhe council approved it, voted to support a rehearing. ru; did Man soor. Steel ~d he continue .. to favor the pro1ect, but want<, IO make sure any discrepanciei. in the environmental report are cleared up. "There's '>0 many con~ultanb -everyone ha., tl1eir own take as to the environmental impacts whether 11 be density, '>Unligh1, open space and '>O on ... Steel said. "There\ '>O rnuch contcn lion there. The que'>lion I'>. 'who do you believe?' If tht.'re i' a question there, let's look at 11. let'5 do 11 nght. .. Department stores were slu ggi sh in late 2002 Newport-Mesa officials are still relatively optimistic after seeing data showing the fourth qua rter's sales tax revenue. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPORT·Ml:..~A -A !>lug- g1sh economy dampened sale-; ta.Jt revenue nowing into the two c1ues' coffers during the fourth quarter, city data rt.'leased la'>I week: show'>. Bolstered l>y a juggernaut auto dealer, in 1 letcher lone<; Motorcars, Newport Reach fared better. Hut department stores langu1<>hcd even in that city. losta Me<;a'o; revenue from the 5aJe of good" came in 0.7% more than the fourth quarter of 200 I. which retailer'> have said the Sept. 11 terrorist allacks dampened. With out including accounting anomalies, revenue fell 2.6%. fhe city pulled 1n SI0.04 mil- lion for the quarter, compared to $9.97 million a year ago. "I tend to be very optimistic about the economy in general becau .. e we have such a diversi- fied t'rnnomy," said Fd Fawcett. Lhe pre.,1denl of lhe C O'>ta Mesa Chamber of Commerce "Even if you .,ee a dip, we haven't seen the results on the after Omst- ma., !>ales ... Four of Co'>ta Mci.a·i. top five BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS former U.S. Ambassador wi II speak Jeane J. Kirkpalrick will speak as the 2002-03 Peltason Lecturer on Thursday at UC Irvine. Kirkpatrick served as U.S. Am- bassador to the U.N. from 1981 to 1985, and was a member of Ronald Reagan''> cabineb and the National Security Council during that time. She was also a member of the prt>1>1dent's For· eign Intelligence Advisory Board and the DefenM! Policy Review Board In 1985, !the returned to teaching at Georgetown Univer- sity, where '>he holds the Leavy Professorship. Jn March, Presi- dent Bush announced that he will appoint Kirkpatrick: as the U.S. representative to the U.N. Human Rights Commission. The lecture wiJI be from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday at 1100 Social Science Plaza A at UCI. Number of JWA passenge rs increases ll;i.!>Senger traffic '>lightly in- creased at John Wayne Airport in Apnl compared to the same pe- riod Ill 2002. In April, there were nearly J,000 more passenge~. for a 0.4% increase, than in April 2002. JWA officials reported ·1uesday. 'll1e airpon saw 660,3!:12 passen- ger; in April and 657,598 passen- ger. last April. Meanwhile, there were les!> commercial carrier Oights in ApriJ compared to last year. There were 6.5% less nights. Commuter carriers, or air taxii.. showed a I 50.6% increase in April. General aviation activity dropped 4%. TolaJ operations decreased 1.9%. There were 28.822 takeoffs and landings in April where there were 29.386 in AprU 2002. bu'>lllt''>'> categorie' -derart- ment \tore'> (· 1.9%), auto deal· ers I ·6.5%). spec1.Lll y 'ltorec, (-5.1%1 and home furm'>hmg'> (-I%) -registered drop'> during the quarter Only farrnly ap- parel. at No. 3, ~aw an inrrea'le (3.7%). Ounng the quarter, L<>'>la Mel.a pulled in SI 41 million from department '>tore•., SI 12 million from auw '>die'> .ind S564.7.l4 from fanuly .1pparel Dt'partrnenl store' 111 Nl'W· port Beach aho <,11ffered during the holiday quarter, rt·Vl'nue manager Glenn EVl'rroade \aid. Yet, the city sa\o\ '>trong per· formance'> in it-; .-1u10 and res taurant 1ndu.,1ne-. "I'd rnn'>ider it a favorable quarter." 1-verroade said. "II wa5 not a'> l'ncuuraging for depart· FOR THE RECORD A secondary headline in the Tuesday Daily Pilot misstated the name tor the representative m the 73rd ~rnbty District. She is Patricia Bares CR-Laguna Niguel). not Ruth. Put a bug in someone's ment '>tore'>." General merchand1~e and ap parel accounted for $788.'iOJ. ci 3.6% drop from the fourth quar ter of 2001. Auto ..ale!. conmb uted $755,683. a 16.8% me. and restaurant<> k.1cked in S679.J2 I. a 5.5% increa-.e. Overall number'> for the quar ter are not yl.'l available. I\ er" roade said By state lav.., c1t1es ren•1ve ont' penny of e\cry doUar. or 1%, spent 1m.1dt' their border'>. Thie; area bendil'> from two high-profile shopping <.:enll'r'>, South Coa'>t Plaza and l-ash1on lc;land. Costa Mesa receive'> .11 mo5t SI 0 mil hon per year from South Coa<,t Plaza, while Ne\ .. port Beach pull'> m about $4 5 million from l·a..,hion bland. Wednesday, May 7, 2003 M Dru g maker ICN reports revenue drop But Costa Mesa-based pharmaceutical company's profit rises compared to a year earlier. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA Mf~'iA -Wilh it.. hepatiui. (, treatment facing stiffer competition, locaJ drug maker ICN Pharmaceu- ticals saw a 14% drop in rev· enue m the ftrM quaner The drop 111 revenue WCI'> largely due to falling profit'> from the .. ale of nbavirin, which the company markt'I'> via a partner!>hip with Scher ing-Plough Corp Royalt1e'> from the drug feU to S-tR f, rnilhon from $57 million .i year ago. Still, JCN reported a profit of $13.7 million. or 16 Ct'nl'> per share, compared with SBA miJlion, ur 10 cent'> per !>hare. a year ago Hut rc\ enue fell w S 11 0 I m1llum from $128 million The 63q;, 11nprovcrne111 111 bonom hne profit over tht• past year WU'> due lo an ill wunung charge that hurt the company m the fust quarter of 2002. During the Idle quarter, which ended March JI, the company abo cxpenenced a drop in roy dlly revenue in North Amenca and ex<:<.-S'>t''> m n havmn capacity "We continue w make progre-.-. in execu1tng our '>lratel(tc dLiec11on in the '>peualty pharmaceuucals hu.,ine'>'>." IC.N 01a1rman <111d Cluef Executive Robert () I .eary '>a.Id I he rnmpany still uwm a .,1gmficant piece of R1ba · pharm In<: .. a former d1VJ- '10n Lhar was '>pun off lru.t Yl'ar After releasing the news. prior to trading un lhe New 'ork \tock l.xchange, ICN '>piked 5.8ci,, 10 S~ l8 On I ue'>da}. !>hare'> of IC "'.: ro'>e agam. thJ'> llmt.' 4.6~. to $9.71 JOLI~ 8alon 6 8pa /, //// . /,',.,/ . /?,~/,/ ( . //,.,//•,n / •Hair. Scalp Treatment •Nails ·--• •Makeup • Wu & Braz,Jltan W1.J1 • Faculs • M1crodermabns1on • Mas~ge , Receive a FREE Grft with any Mot~r'1 Day Gitt Certifiute purchase ·Body Wraps -... ~._.... ( ... ,., 949 376-9950 6 I 0 ~ ·-= ' '· .. ' H ,.·I h I.. : : ... I ' ;.. ~. · ~I/JI Custom Home Loans • Construction to permanent loan wrth one Quahtying process and one set of closing fees" Lot cost included """ • Construction loans as low as prime fixed for up BILL FALLON to 12 months 949·252·8200 • Low rates for purchase re-Ii & no cost eQurty lines • Ground up rehab & remodel-Pnmary residence or 2nd home allowed ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs IS Years in Orange County. Tttt U'\lll't. G1t1 ll I'• 3848 CaMpv~ O• • 1 Newpon BPa r CA 9?f-A:IJ cause h Deserve~ i I ! Mot her's Day of Spa Pacifica I '" 1lc·~ 1t ~1a rridfs wporl Coosl Villa~ Have 4 ur "10th r f ltpenen< o do4 of f'r' 11114 of Spa oflf 1<0. Sh 'II ,fort hf'r do4 wilh " m&ninq \wim or o fitn '!> walk en '"fJOl'f Coo·d f <Ill w..d btl o eucolljl lu!I \t...am on I o rejuvmo fing souno. H~ po s rvit.es will includ~ 30-minufe BJ4 Glow Exf oliofion, o half .hex,, massoqe and o hotf .. ~. foool. ~ da'I will be complete witb a spo manicuN and o hot stone ped1cu,.. I · lk o of t.reniltt Moth ,:., lf ad oq forts ol $135. M ~. May 7, 2003 l:'UBLIC SAFETY PHOTO COURTESY Of DARCEY DU BOIS Friends of the Sea lion Marine Mammal Center on Tuesday helped rescue two sea lions in Newport Beach. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS 2 sea lions in serious condition 1\.vo sea lions that swam ashore near 5 I st Street Tue6~ day morning are in serious conclition, said a velerinar icm at the Friends of the Sea Lion Marine Mammal Cen- ter in Laguna Beach. The sea lions are victims of"a toxic algae bloom. con- taining harmful, often le- thal. bioloxins that anack tJ1e creatures' cenLral ner- vous system, said Richant !:vans, the center's medical director. The cenrer was del- uged with dolphins and sea hons affected by the same problem the same rime la'\t y('ar, he said. Evans said the sea lio ns that washed up in Newpon are in "bad shape." "The survival rate in such conditions are less than 5%," he said. "The toxin de- stroys their brain." Men teal motorcycle at gunpoint Costa Mesa Police offi- cers are looking for two men who reportedly stole a motorcycle from a 32-year- old Huntington Beach man al gunpoint Monday after- noon. officials said. The man was riding hii. motorcycle near Bear Street and Yukon Avenue at about I p.m ., said Lt. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol Strfft: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 block at 3:54 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: Vandalism was reported in the 2400 blodc at 8:59 p.m. Sunday. • Hytand Avenue: Trespassing was reported in the 3300 blodc at 11 :10 a.m. Sunday. • Mendoza Drive: An assault was reported in the 2900 block at 8:47 p.m. Sunday. • Paularino Avenue and 'Mflowstone Drive: Possession of a controlled substanoe was reported at 4:30 a.m. Sunday. • Smalley Road: An assault was reported in the 3400 blodc at 4:32 p.m. Sunday. •West 19th Street: Graffiti was reported in the 600 block at'6:46 p.m. Sunday. Dale Birney. The man had put a "for sale" sign on his vehicle, he said. 1\.vo men in a white car a pproached the victim when he was stopped at a Lraffic light asking lf they could look at his motor- cycle, Birney said. "When he pulled over, one o f the men displayed a handgun and asked (the victim! to hand over the motorcycle," he said. The man then took the motorcycle and the helme t from the victim <tnd rode east on Paularino Avenue with the other man in the car driving sou th on Bear, Birney said. No one was hun in the incident, he said. Sailboat destroyed after crashing A sailboat returning from Ensenada after par- ticipa~g in the Newport to Ensenada yacht race crashed near Crystal Cove, about four miles off the Newpon Harbor entrance, Monday morning after its operator set it on auto- matic pilot and feU asleep, officials said. A Sheriff's Harbor PaLrol fireboat and Crystal Cove State Beach lifeguards re - sponded to the incident I.hat happened at about 6:35 a.m. Monday, said Harbor PaLrol Sgt. Karl Von Voigt. The boat was completely destroyed. he said. No one was hurt in the incident. NEWPORT BEACH • Apolena Avenue: Grand theft was reported in the 100 blodc at 11 :05 a.m. Monday. • e.ypointe Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 400 blodc at 9:28 a.m. Monday. • West Coast HisJhway: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2900 blodc at 9:61 a.m. Monday. • Haven Place: A home burglary was reported In the 1700 blodc at 11 :59 a.m. Monday. • Undo Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 300 blodc at 9:03 a.m. Monday. • Newport C4Nrter Drive &st: Petty theft was reported in the 400 blodc at 9:24 a.m. Monday. • 41st StTeet: A home burglary was reported in the 200 blodc at 2:52 a.m. Monday. THESE NEW FABRICS WI LL APPEAL TO EYE RYON E. EYU HUSUMOS. . ALDEN'S Tht soft foids ol Viptte• ~~(°ON COl\'le in three MW fabrics that appeal to Mr)Qle. Come Me tfwtl ~ .......... ' ... -· I t1 .. 11-flttl ....... , ........ HOME Continued from Al wife Crystal, Johnson said. "He registered at the secoJld home because he was on the ballot: Johnson said. •He rented a room at his wife's par- ents home. That's establishing legal residency." According to Johnson, Mad· dox bought the Dana Point house because bis family had outgrown the Garden Grove condo and ~e looking for a COUNCIL Continued from Al Gary Monahan suggested the in- terim appoinirnent, for which a special ordinance would have to be drafted. Monahan said he mentioned the proposal to give the council one more alternative. "I don't know that's necessarily the best way to go," Monahan said "It's just another option, It's DUCKLINGS Continued from Al "And oh myl What a happy re- union it was. They cackled and shouted. They were so happy to be back together again." ALLOWED Continued from Al befuddlement of my newsroom colleagues). I can't wail until next year. I had a blast hanging our with m y bosses, Publisher Tom Johnson, Editorial Director Tony Oodero and Managing Editor Steve Cahn, who brought their families out in the pouring rain to show suppon not only for our paper, but the community in general. Tom and his wife Vicky came back the next morning, with loyal dog. Vera, in tow. Vicky's daughter Victoria (Turi) also proved to be an integral team member. (More to come.) Most participants were on site between the hours of 6:30 and 11 p.m. Friday and again from 7 am. to about 2 p.m. Saturday. Those times were great. as sheer numbers of people helped pwnp everybody's spirits, but allow me to give you a glimpse of what went on during the most delirious hours of the event. I I p.m. to I :30 a.m.: Daily Pilot promotions director Lana Johnson, Tori and I broke out our high-tech disposable cameras to take snazzy shots of us on stage pretending to be rock stars and posing fashionably in fronr of the giant high heel, purse and perfume bottle that decorated the SL John's campsite. O can't wait to get those developed.) Costa Mesa Community Service Officer Nicole Freemans boyfriend. who was walking on behalf of St John whiJe she walked for our team, was lovingly dubbed "purse boy" for his affiliation with the oversized handbag. He took it in stride and made us all eat our words as he lapped us repeatedly during WHATS AFLOAT · • WHArS AR.OAT is published periodically. tf you are planning a nautical event, submit the Information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meta, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or bye-mail to dailypilot@latlmes.com. SAILING CLASSES Or-.. Coast College. oflMtng new credit and noncredh sailing daaes this spring. Most classes ans five weeb In length, and boatl range from Udo t4 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keefboatt. Cruising seminars ere alao being taught . Tht OCC Selling Center 11 et 1801 W. Padfic Coatt Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) MS-9412 or visit occaillng.oom. ...... Feeclnedon ......... In bottlng safety end Nllfng Y91"1round for pef'tOne Wfth diNbllitiM. m.. (9491 M0-1878. ~c..nty.....,..an bring U*r em~ out to Newpori 8Ncn on WMlcdayt to tnJoY I cMy of llitlng COUrttly of Orange Cont Cottege. The SdM>OI of s.&Nng end s-n.n.Np now offwr'I • d\IN:it tor groupe to wo.twlltt dMI ~~on dlcM1t11111111111• .. 11ttt ..... tedriqUel wt"'9 Ny (191 ecMCll on how 90 pertonn well In bulinell. No ....... IOI '*Ill I ff. One4ly ... coet fwom S100 90 S12L (Mt ..... ,2. bigger home. Maddos's move also ap- pean to have a polilicaJ moti- vation, said Jim Toledano, a Costa Mesa at- torney and for- Ken Maddox mer chair of the Orange County Democratic Party. Maddox ap- pears to be setting up his run for the state Senate, he said. "He probabty wants to live closer to the voting weight of the 35th District.~ Toledano quite obvious to me that we have to get someone in that seat" Staff will outline a few differ- ent processes to the council on May 12, which will Include blind, numerical ran.kings, City Man- ager Allan Roeder said. Some of the other 26 hopefuls that origi· nally applied to replace Robin- son may also be considered. If a special election is part of the process, it would cost the city around $95,000 and would take place on Nov. 4, said City Oerk Fagundes said it was an in- tense. tension-filled few minutes for her. "It was an ordeal." she said. •And when it was over, I hugged the officer. I le did such a great job." Lu said although this kind of "rescue" was a rare occurrence those midnight hourc;. 2 a.m.: Lana went to bed. Tori went home and I was left alone with our wonderful propane hearer. ·m e heater attracted many people to our Uttle rent . and we all warmed our feet by the portable fire. I tried to walk the entire night bur had to i.top periodically to thaw out and give my feet a rest. 2:30 am.: 1\.vo large canopies were ovenumed by the wind and went rolling like tumbleweeds toward the tents in the middle of the track. Luckily, members of the City Slickers and St. John team caught them and dismantled them. The giant purse made a very entenaining comeback as I.hose who trekked on through the wee hours used the five-foot prop~ a relay baton. 3 to 4 am.: The propane ran out and I returned 10 the track full-time so I wouldn't freeze to death. I found great company while walking with two gentlemen from Orange, who carried a radio wrapped in a plastic bag with the dial lone fixed on country station KZIA 4 to 6:15 a.m.: My country fans wenl home and I stepped in stride with Arch~ restaurant owner Danny Marciano. I gained some helpful cooking and overall life tips from the forthright entrepreneur, who sponed a stars and stripes leather jacket and a tough New Jersey accent We walked as the sun came up and painted a beautiful picture of contrasting pastels and dark grays that mixed to form a violet lining around the storm clouds. 6:30 am.: Lana woke up. and so did life around the makeshift tent city. The N&.rport Beach Pire Assn. set up its grill to cook some Oapjac.ks and Starbucks replenished its supply of caffeinated walking fuel. (I went home to take a shower.) BOAT RENTALS Wfth Matlna W.tefSpot'b et the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, f ump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a paraaail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and bevereget are Included with all electric boat rentals. Belboe ao.t ~ cen put you on the Wllter In many w.ys; wi1h single and double byllb, eleclric bolts, 14-holder .allboats. pedal bolts end runlbouts for ofl'shore Ul8 or cruising the bly. Balboa 8oet Rentals aleo hotda twc>-hout IC8\l81 Igel' huMI lboel'd the eledric bey bo9ca. pnMding group ICtMty tor corpomK>ns. blf1hdalva, nofipfoftt ~end group CMlnga. The hunt'***' lndUde boles, O'MI qullie>it, ,,.,..,.. Pollfoid cat•--enc:1.-. The COit of. hunt begine .. $226 per bo9t Ind altering • Wllilable 8t en tdcldonel ""-for hunt ~call (!M8)6?3-?200. ...... boet ............ ... bv the hour 8t Duffv Electrtc 8oets, 2001 W. Co18t Hlghw9v, NMport ~AM boec..,. eq.~ wlltt wtndoW .......... end co pl9yen. lcl end c:upt.,. ~. A111 ......,. • .,. •tggllU r:f AA hour,.,.. II Pl-.-, S64112.. .................... ~bo9rdl.--.~ aaid. "Rlght now. he could tell Garden Grove voters to go jump in a lake. He'U never have to {ace Garden Grove voters again." On electJon day in November. Maddox secwed 65.1 % to Democrat AJ Snook's 30. l %. Ub- ertarlan Douglas Scribner se- cured only 4.89'. Before ascend- ing to the Assembly in 2000, Maddox held a seat on the Gar- den Grove City Council. State law requires that a can- didate live in the district for .at least one year before first being elected to a state office. That Julie Folcik. Since no fifth council member was appointed Monday, it wasn't clear that the council would chose a new mayor. But once the council moved past the appoint- ment debate, Mansoor immedi- ately nominated Monahan. That decision turned ouc 10 be the easiest one of the night as the nomination was swiftly ap- proved unanimously. "I was surpnsed." said Mona· han. who has ~rved as mayor for h.im , it was something he fell he had to do. "But more imponantly, no people were injured and no ani- mals were hurt during this epi- sode," he said wit11 a laugh. It wasn't funny al the time, I .u said . "Bur thinking about ii now, it 7 am. to 9 a.m.: II rained. Hard. Knocking down more canopies. 9 a.m. to noon: I ate leftover pi7.7.a, fueled up on coffee (spilling much of II aJJ over my T-shin while trying to walk and drink at the same Lime) and made friends with Al~ka Ai rtines mghr attendants, Ol.nssy and Natalie. I p.m.: The rain stopped, the sun came out and sheer adrenaline took over for the final hours of t11e event. I to 6 p.m: These five hours made the event. By t11is time, those of us left were all on a first name basis and were craclc:ing jokes and telling stories. The sun was out. people were giddy, spirits were high -we knew the end was near. Everyone had a blast. Tori returned and the da.uling Daily Pilot trio was bad in action. Great bands rocked the stage and people were dancing around the tr.ick.. Membe~ of the City Slickers and Council Criuers teams started throwing the football and free massages were still being offered over at the Priestly Chiropractic Group tent Lana, Tori and I were on a roll and simply could not slop walking. There IS somethiug about lack of sleep, festering blisters and the feeling of domg something positive for your community that amped us up. We picked up the pace and cheered on I.he bands. The chiropracto.r, who I know on!y as Doc, challenged me to a race. We sprinted a half-lap around the track -nearly killing ourselves-and I am happy to report I was the victor. (Rematch, anytime Doc.) We ran the final two laps and were joined by relay public relations director Peggy Fort, who like Lana, has an absurd amount of energy. rafts, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits ere available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1150. Gondola toure ere o«.Nd by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $75 cost Includes a basket of bread, cheeH, aaleml, ioe, glassea, a blanket, mu1lc and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 676-1212. Gondola~ 3101 W. Coast Highway, offerlone- and two-hour gondola CN.._ A one-floor tour with champagne is $70. A two-hour tour with di.oner and champagne i. $180. Pidcup ii avaHabte at Wllt8rfront re.taurante. (949)~ IMnt Coast Che,..,. In Udo Marina Village offera two-hour electric boat CNIMI with 11 goumMt dinner. $180 for two pereone.. (949) '7M704. Gondoee "°"** .... d9ly tourw of NfW'POI' Harbor during lundl and dinner. C.11 (949) 67M730. The toura go out of Udo M1rfn1 Vlllege, 3400 Via Oporto, Nowpott hecn. CMml ................ two-hour CNleea Of Newport Herbor cm.,., c:Nlte) • Aound-tl1p "*or°"""'._ .. .,....__....,., '9IUUr'lnt ....... ...vtct ii ~"'*~"°"' ,....,....,.. wtd'l dodai .. ..., ~"' .... °"""*'Md CIWld tours. (Mlt 211-1113 or www.~com. candid te must also live in th U.S. for at least three y.:a.rs. "You gee elected by your dls1 trlct. but once you're working lrl Sacramento, l don't see wby he should be limited," said £ileell Padberg. an bvine-based con sultant. "He's represenun; everybody (in the state). Ht:'• not just voting on issues that rt>- present his district." • PAUL CLINTON covers the environment, business and politics. He mav be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.c/fnton@latimes.com. before. "I'm honored to do it Ifs going to be difficult timewise, but I've been there before and I have a pretty good handle on what's involved." Monahan said one of his top priorities would be ending the nororiously long City Council meetings at a "decent hour." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reltdled at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com wru. really funny how fast 111~ little thin~ were," he said ·Realty hard to keep up with." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She m11Y be readied at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa bharath &.J/atimes.com. At 6:30 p.m .. City Manager ltomer Bludau declared the end of me relay and was happy to report a prclin1inary count of $65,l71 ra1i.ed by Newpon Beat..h fur the American \,ancer Society. Nationwide, llelay for IJfe 'iUrpa. M'd its$ I billion fund-mi' ing goal. The O ty Sliders team, made ur of Newport Beach city employ~ and their friends and fan11ly, m.ised the most money. adding more than SI 0,000 10 the pol. And "Peg's Friends" and "Luau for Ufe" teams rook home the awant~ for t11e besl decorated campsites. I am happy to repon the Daily Pilot W-dll given the 24-Hour Sptnt Award. Thal award goeb to all of our reader.. who came out in support of d good cause. Thank you ~o much. We'U see you all next year. • LDUTA HARPER wrttes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Fnd1ty9 and covers culture and the arts She may be re&ctled at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lo/118 harper a /ar,mes.com. COLLINS • Helen A. Collins passed away May 4, 2003 In Newport Beach, CA. A former resident of San Manno, she Is survived by daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Peggie) Ehrbar and Mrs. Daniel (Mary Ann) Pollaro; sons, John J. (Patty), Patrick F. (Betsy), Timothy C. (Shella), Joseph M. (Ubbl) and Thomas A. (Roseanne) Collins; and 35 grandchftdren and 28 great-grandchildren. $he W81 predeceased by her husband James F. Collins and son, 'Michael J . Collins. A Funeral Mass wlll be celebrated Thur9day. May 8th at 3:00 P.M. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 1441 West Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. In lleu of flowers, donations may be made to Loyola High School or Mayfield Senior School. CABOT & SONS , Paadene Dlntetora. HARTMAN, Bette Jo Bette Jo Hartman, bom on October 18, 1925 In 08'1at Tex.as was u bMudf\JI u the was courageoua when IM auccumbed to the b9ttte of ranal failure on May 3, 2003. ~~~~ atm>unded by her loving famly. She waa a c:MYoted wife \o her hulb9r1d KenneCh for S9 yeera and a kMng mother to her daught.,., P1m Brown ~ Katie Root. SM la atao auMv9d by her 5 gnindchltdt•• ~ 3 QNll· rve::;.. be held on ~May a. ftOm 12:00 ... 1 :45 p.m. wtth graVffkM ===ltowtt at 2:15 p.m. Ill ~ .. P90fllc v... PMt In ConN dlll Mllr. tn Heu of fto~ .. ~-.-..1nw : Jo'a name ~ be ,.... to : th• Natlonal Kldn•~ • ,oundatton of 8oueMrrl : C&M:rtlll.·lm-...a....,. BtYd., &utte 14IO, Lo« ; =i:• •• CA 80046 Cl'Cll Mt• • .. .. Wecilesday, MiY 7, 2003 M Vanguard logs success with online program MEI'S SHOE · SALEI t-:'f..J.~~ . University will only offer early education courses online during its summer session that begins Monday. Christine C1rrlllo Dally Pilot VANGUARD CAMPUS -Van- guard University climbed onto the Wo rld Wide Web with Its ftrSt , certificate program In fall 2002. The success It achieved offering onJy rwo courses that semester resulted In a fuJJ-scale pledge to offer all seven e~rly education courses· fo r the bprlng 2003 se- Jl)ester. Monday kicks off the summer 2003 semester, the first that onJy o.ffers early education classes onllne. a testamen1 that proves the first year of the onJtne certifi- cates program at Vanguard was a success. "Early education IS i.o mething that's very often overlooked. yet it's the platform for developing a chlld for future lt!aming. • said Bren Manin, a..-.sociate director AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fa x to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete hst is available at www.da1/yp1/ot.com. MUSIC 'RUSSIAN BEAUTY The Pacific Symphony plays a program of Russian worts today and Thursday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center The divertimento from Stravinsky's ·The Fairy Kiss~ wntten on the 35th anniversary of T cha1kovsky's death, and Prokofiev's Vt01in Concerto No 1 precede Tchaikovsky's ·swan lake· ballet suite rldcets cost from $19 to S59 The Center is at 600 Town Center Dnve. Costa Mesa Information: (714) 755-5799. MARC-ANDRE HAMELIN Canadian pianist and composer Marc·Andre Hamelin will perform at 7·30 p m. Thursday in Founders Hall. Herbert Glass will give a preview at 6:45 p.m. Tickets are $49 Founders Hall is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. Information: (7J4) 755-5799 NEn..SEOAKA Pop legend Neri Sedaka Joins the Pacific Symphony ops rn concert rn Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday Tickets cost S26 to $80. Segerstrom Hall is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Cente r Drive, Costa Mesa. Information· (714) 755-5799. PARISSA AND ntE DASTAN ENSEMBLE The Philharmonic Society of Orange County is presenting the Pariua and Dastan Ensemble in concert at 7 p.m. May 11 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. T1dtets cost $100, S59, s65. $40, $29 and S19 at can be p)Jrchased at the Center's Box Office at (714) 556-2787. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa OCC SYMPHONY The Orange Coast College's Symphony will close its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m. May 11 with a performance featuring worts by opmposers Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven. The concert ia in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. TIQteta are $10 to $6 a nd are available at the Community Education Office. Information: (714) 432-6880. OCC is at 2701 f=Jlirvlew Road, Costa Mesa. SOPRANOISABEL .YRAKDAAlAN Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarlan will ~but in the Orange County Perlorming Arts Center's Voices In Song 1erio1 at 7:30 p.m. Seturday In Founder's Hall. She won first prln In the prestigious ptacido Domingo 2000 I' of early education certificates. "We're able to offer something that's really needed for people, for their careers. as well u giving them some really high acadernJc instruction.· · Students following the onllne program will have the same op· portunities to earn certification in one of three areas the univer· sity offers. Those areas include the early childhood certiftcate, the infant/toddler certificate and the early childhood education administration certificate. While these onllne courses will a.id students in keeping the costs of textbooks, materials and tuition low -a third of the cost -the goal of the program is 10 provide students interested In the field a more convenient way to meet the t:rai.ni.ng require- ments. "This is a way of expanding. In "Operalia~ competition. Tickets a re $60 and are available at the Center box office or online at www.ocpac.org. The Center la at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 755-5799. TCHAIKOVSKY'S 'SWAN LAKE' BAU.ET Conductor Carl St. Clair leads the Pacific Symphony Orchestra in excerpts from Tchaikovsky's "Swan lake• at 3 p.m. Saturday as part of the orchestra's Classical Connectio ns series. T1dtets are $32 to $50. Orange County Performing Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive. Information: (714) 755-5799. occ·s GUfTAA ENSEMBLE Orange Coast College's Guitar Ensemble, under the direction of Joe Poshek, will perform a concert at 8 p.m. Saturday m OCC's flne Arts Recital Hall. Tichts are $7 to $5. OCC is at 2701 Fa irview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (7]4) 432-5880. BAVARIAN RADtO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Philharmonic Society of Orange County will present the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra playing a whole lot of Brahms in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. May 14 and 15. The first night's program is Brahma' Symphony No. 3 in F major, Symphony No. 4 in E minor and Symphony No. 1 in C minor. On the second night. the orc:hestra will perfonn Brahms' Symphony No. 2, Debussy's ·la Mer" and the suite from Ridlard Strauss' ·0er Rosenkavalier.' rldcets are $19 to $59. lnfonnation• (949) 553-2422. OCC VOICE£HORALE CONCERT Orange Coast College's 120-voice chorale will close out its 2002-03 season with a concen at 8 p.m. May 17 in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. The concert will feature Schubert's beautiful and moving Mass in G, and J.S. Bach's Cantata 4, ·christ lag in Todesbanden.• Tidtets are $8 to S10. Information: (714) 432-5880. MAURIZJO POlLJNI PLAYS CHOPtN Italian pianist Maurizio Polllnl will be presented in concert by the Philharmonic Society of Orange County in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. May 21. Tic:teta are S 19 to S 59. Information: (949) 553-2422. JAZZ.TIU() Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 860 i Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wented" mualclana include guitar players. Seling Price . . . . . . . . S27,995 fodory Rebate .. . • ·S3,000 MltC. •21t,886 .. -~It 3187~27 38£.lJ}, 3'97459, 3117fi3. ~s a sense, our commitment to early education," said Mwray Dempster, preaideol of Van- guard. This program "was se· lected because or our commit- ment to children and the Importance of giving children good healthy self lmages, self worth and dignity, and (we thought) this would be a great program to put onllne first." As a first for the university, there was concern about whether or not the onllne sys- tem would benefit Its students. Since most of the students en- rolled In the certificate program are busy professionals them- selves, many of whom would be taking these courses at comrnu· nity colleges. h seemed like the best way to provide a much de- sired education to so many peo- ple. • 1 think that it has gone very well and I really see how it has great potential for continued growth, especiaUy in light of the cutbacks that will be occurring at many community colleges.· bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675· 7760. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZ1. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. h's free. Information: (949) 673-9500 MUStCATntE GRIU The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rodt, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rodt, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Partc Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT ntE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through S unday. The band performs fro m 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Bead\. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUSfC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP~OCK ANO FlAMEHCO Tate 5, a funk, rodt and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante. 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs clauical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. STAGE ONE-ACT Pl.AV FEST A dozen one-act plays, many of them original, will be performed May 21 through 25 in Orange Coast College's annual Spring On-Act Play Festival The plays will be staged in OCC's Drama Lab Studio. Curtain tlme is 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tldurta are $8 end $7. Information: (714) 432-6840, ext 1. occ ,, .. 2701 Falrvtew Rold In Costa Mesa. said Debbi Keeler, adjunct pro- fessor at Vanguard and Santa Ana Community College. "I'm very encouraged with the dlrec· tion Vanguard has gone in want· ing to make these Courses avall- able and I just feel that it really is offering the education Instruc- tors and administrators need 10 go Into the field." :Z0"-40% OFF Ecco; M EPHISTO; TERRA FL.ANA (949) 644-5939 Cofone del M• ~ • 136 Ava<.ldo Avt . IMwport k.cj\ ............ Federal Consumer Protection has confirmed the accuracy of these fue l saving claims.• Device may increase ·gas mileage by 22 % BOSTON -National Fuelsaver engine is pollution, this 22 % Ga!> Saver than the 22% Corp. has developed a low cost of each gaJJon normally bums claimed by the developer." automotive accessory called when it reaches the platinum In add111on to the fuel the Platinum Gas Saver which of the cataJytic converter. savings. the Gas Saver has is guaranteed to increase ga<i Unfonunau:ly. the convener's received patents for cleaning mileage by 22% while meeung platinum bums th1!> fuel 1n the out carbon and rais ing octane. all emission s tandards. ta1l·p1pe, where the heat and making higher grades of fuel With a siRlple cormection to energy produced from this unneces~ for most vch1clcs. a vacuum line, the Gas Saver fuel cannot be harnessed 10 Joel Robm\00. the developer. adds microscopic quant1t1es drive your vehicle commented· "We have sold a o f platinum to the air-fuel But when the Ga., Saver adds half m1ll1on Ga.' Saver... To mixture entering the engine. plaunwn to the air-fuel rruxture. our <;urpn<,e, a.'> many people Since platinwn ha\ the wuque 22'*: more of each gallon buy the Ga..' Saver because it ability to make non-bwmng fuel bums inside tbe engine 'iO that extends engine hfe (by cleaning bum, the Gas Saver's plaunum 22% fewer gallons are required out the abrasive carbon) as increases the percentage of to drive the same distance. buy it to increa'>e gas mileage fuel burning in the engine from After a five year study, or raise octane." 68% of eac h gallon to 90% of the government concluded: For further information c all: each gallon, a 22% increai.e. "Independent testing shows 1-800-LESS-GAS Sinceunbumtfuelleavingan greater fuel \avings with the 1-800-537-7427 "'To recc111c the 11uvcmmen1·, wri11cn <.ondu\100 .... cm.ul \Our name and tclcohonc numbo:r 10 na1100.tltuch,."cf(ct~u'.nct ~ 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa call (949} 681-2110 for tnformatkm & reservatlons ..... ribcompany.com • Semi·Privote for Men & Wom•n • loh of Equipment/Free Weighh • Private Pilotes Studio • SPINNING Theater lteen~ • 16 Full Time Penonol Tro1nen • Child Core Som noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Porlung • Yogo, Toi Chi, Stretch clouH • Step, Power Pump, Card10 • Showers, Steam & Towels • Shope·Up Doy Spo • Shope·Up Acupuncture/Mouoge 949760-5054 www.shope-up.com • www.fi~-.. u. ...... _..lli., 2101 East Pacific Coast Hwy, Corona Dal,,_, PlckUp a Bocket or Puty Pat! F>,u'!\ Paks lrdldr- Bai:J, Brrl Rb.. IJEIQ'd ~ttr. ~lb~ ~ 81M. 2 ~<:mo !ftad. lb'r\ fUltr ....., .a itr IJlab.9 Bucket Party Pab of Rfbe Pig Pat Bag Pit [.!,:_.:'.,.! ~ ~ fiords !HI 62898 s5gse 87 4 98 \ Al Wednesday, May 7, 2003 .. FORUM .. HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -t..a.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • Reect.n Hodlne: Call (949) 642-6088 Fu: Send to (949) 646:4170 E-mel:Senc:I to daJ/ypilotlllatima.oom • AJI oonespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserxes the right to edit all submissions for clanty and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Chahges need to be --made to Irvine Avenue I t is lhe law breaker and speeder on " \ .. . . to be effective in other communjties. Regular and visible police speed patrols on the curves would slow some travelers. Improved Irvine Avenue that is the danger, but it is our governmental leader's responsibility Lo slow them down as much as possible in order to protect their passengers and other travelers. Travel the length of Irvine Avenue at the posted speed limit and count the w signage can be done; more flashing lights and bigger and brighter signs can be added with little expense. We need to think outside the box. maybe re-naming the streel, as VICKIE BRIDGMAN number of cars that pass you: ll will be painfully dear that too · few drivers remember the lessons that Jason Rausch highlighted nearly six years ago as he speed down Irvine Avenue, changing the path of so many Uves and taking my son Donny's life. Speed kills on Irvine Avenue, and last week it lcilled again. We do nor have 10 have a "Dead Man's Curve .. in our community. For at least the last six years, many have known that speed is the danger on Irvine Avenue. We have lcnown that tha1 the results are horrifically tragic, and, that it was just a matter of time before another person died on this roadway. Despite this, our leaders have no1 done all tha1 could be done 10 prolect our community from the lcnown danger. Our representatives have failed 10 make simple cost-effective changes to remind the speeders of what they are doing al the moment. We do not have to "straighten the roadway" to cause change. We need at least one more speed-control signal on Irvine Avenue; two would be better. A permanent devise showing the speed of the traveler has proved a reminder of those who have died there would catch the attention of some. Not all will head the warnings, and admittedly, maybe even these changes would not have prevented the death of my son and Susan Rausch. But isn't the possibility of one less person ~th brain damage. one life spared, one less set of screeching tires heard by a sleeping parent living on Irvine Avenue worth the minimal cos1 of these suggesled changes? I am just one person living in this comml1JUty; I do nol have the power or position to bring abou1 these changes. I have tried and failed. However, our elected leaders can change the path of lives yet damaged. If there are changes to WDead Man's Curve." we will never lcnow the name of the person whose life was saved, but maybe it will a be child with a gentle spirit who loves Newport Beach like Donny did. Isn't ii time?. • EDITOR'S NOTE: Vidtie Bridgman is a resident of Newport Beadl. Her son, Donny, was killed in a May 1997 accident involving Newport Harbor High students in a Chevy Blamr. READERS RESPOND ·CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES . Driving the point home CITY OP COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 M-vor; Karen Robinson Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and AT ISSUE: Should Newport Beach straighten Irvine Avenue, the scene of several high-profile accid ents? friend. Can that road be straigh1ened? I don't lcnow. Even if It could, it would be years from now. Accidents and prayerfully no fatalities will continue; families will be broken hearted. Chris Steel • CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (9491 644-3309 Meyor: Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb T hls past April 21. upon arriving at the airport in Oakland to help out my daughter at San Francisco State. r turned on my ceU phone and saw voice mails waiting for me. I, of course, expected love, lcisses and missing you from my wife. What I received instead slapped me into fear and trembling. My son and his girlfriend were in what appeared to be a terrible accident. On the MS curves" coming home from school. His jeep had rolled over and was upside down on the side of the road. He was bleeding and the paramedics were taking care of him and his girlfriend. I was assured that he and tus girlfriend were OK; but r wasn't there to make sure. I wasn't there. And r couldn't get a hold of my wife. Newport's ~Dead Man's Curve." Sure, r bronco-busted those ws mares" many a time and smiled every time I broke them. But this was our son and his gin now, in a paramedic unit going to Hoag Hospital. I had just seen and blessed rum in the mommg before I left. Would r see him again, and if so how? Seriously injured? In a coma? Worse? I was shlvering and sweating with anxiety. My wife called me at last and told me the best news r was praying for. Our son and his girlfriend were OK. Our son had lacera1ions on his wrist and leg. Four sti1ches for each. I lis girlfriend was sore with no sustaining injuries. Apparently, while traveHng at approximately 50 mph approaching Santa Isabella, tus rear tires sJcjdded from under him and initialed the tumbling. until ii rolled over upside down on the edge of the road. He was able to escape and pull tus girlfriend out through the shanered widows. They were wearing seat belts. Seal belts, seal belts, thank God they were wearing seat belts. My wife reached him whUe the paramedjcs were strapping him down. I felt her relief when she realized the lcids were going to be fine. Special love and heart felt thanks to all the officers. medics, civilians that were there to help. The foUowing day. at almos1 the same spo1, a life was lost. Another rolJed-over SUV. Alcohol and speed presumably not involved. Seat belts not worn. That damn twisted road twisting the lives of another family. May God's comfort and strength be their closest For my and my families part, I'm never going to bronco busl another ws mare;" neither will my son. AL ENC1NIAS Newport Beach Doe~ Newport Beach need 10 fix the curve on Irvine Avenue? My answer is no. I IClving driven this i.ection of road for aJmost 30 years, I can say tha1 in my youth, it was sometime5 a challenge to drive over the speed limit around the curves. I now travel daily in both direc1ions and find 1ha1 if I wa1ch my i.peedometer and go 35 mph (the posled maximum) there is no trouble at all navigaling the curves. This goes for wet or dry weather. Seems simple (and ~uare) but it works· Follow the laws that are in place already. TREB HEINING Newport Beach Do nol Mraightcn ii out. Lei people be responsible fur their own ac1ioni. for once and eith er driw ~fely lhere or accepl the consequences. RHODA FRIEDMAN Newport Beach NEWPORT-MESA UNIAEO SCHOOL otSTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Clertt Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY FAJR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 708-FAJR Board: President Ruben A Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez. Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haidl, James Barich, Deborah Carona, Leslie A Ray and Frank Barbaro U.S. SENATE • Barbara Boxer (D), 112 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3553, or 2250 E. Imperial Highway. Suite 545, El Segundo, CA 90245. (213) 894-5000 E-mail: senatorl!Pboxer.senate.gOlll • Dianne Feinstein (D), 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Santa M onica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: senator mfeinstein.senate.gov i I THANK YOU • • I I I • • I • • I I I • Thanks to the following organlzattons and oompanles for supporting caltfomia School's science program. I . I 'lbVerdePma CJ•= i ~1 ROBERT STERN I ARCHITECT alff om ia School Edu ation Foundacion Par,.. w. .. -. .... aaa•• Sctm ~,..,..... •••a •c••--11!¥•••1• WP PCF&&Mlll•C7"11Wt• nos •••••1 •r -·•E •••••r•r --. . AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Co.hi Mea. CA 92627; by e-mail lO mllce • .wanson@latlmtts.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the tfme, date and locatlon of the event. as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilot.com. TODAY St. Anchw'a Preabytettan Churd'I la holding lta 38th annual rummage sale from M ay 7 to 9. The preview sale is today from 3 to 6 p.m .• with a $3 donation required et the door. The main sale begins et 9 a.m. the next two days. ending at 7 p.m . Mey 8 and 2 p.m . M ey 9. The dlurc:h is at 600 St Andrews Road in Newport Beadl. For more information, call (949) 642-3824. A frM Mmm r and book signing of "Stress end Disease• by Herb Lewis will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th SL, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Vwa Wang will gl'Mt her many admirers and sign alltographs for those who purdiase her fragrance at Nords1rom South Coast Plaza at 4:30 p.m. Wang is celebrating the fragrance's first year on the market. For more information, call (714) 549-8300, ext. 1071. TffUR$0AY The AlztMlmer'1 Aun. of Orange County and UCI lnS1itute for Brain Aging host the first reseerdl and education conference at the Newport Beadl Merriott May 8 and 9. The conference begins at 8:30 e.m .• with registration and breakfast. Exhibits begin at 7 30 e.m. The cost is $60 for one day, $100 for two. For more information, call (714) 283-1111. More than 300 proud paNnb and 25C ..nlldren will 1oin Or. David Diaz and h11 staff from West Coast Fertility Centers and Centro Latinoamericano de Fertilidad to celebrate the 1oys of parenthood from 11 e.m. to 2 p.m . Children who represent the miracle of aaaiated reproductive medicine for the one out of six couples that seek infertility treatment will join Diaz for the 15-yeer baby reunion at the Hy~tt Newporter in Newport Bead't. For more Information, call (9491 21.,5-0417. Pw:knita and others who want to get a grip on their inventory are invited to ·unc1uner Your l.Jte" at 7 p.m . in the Newport Beach Central Utnry. Personal Of'98niler Kathryn Brodcman will present the free program on how to cistingu1sh between dlerished memorabilta and ~taking dutter. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816 The ll1t1111•do11 .. Coed'I FedeHtioo will Pf'9Mnt two worttshops. •Highland's Ability Battery• and "Apptying the Core Competencies to Working in Organizations; from 5 to 9 p.m . et the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Coste Mesa. For registration and pricing information, call (949) 623-8247. SATURDAY The MCOnd annual Plrw9 Around the Part fund-raiser, a walk that raises money to pr<Mde dog drinking fountains in Fairview Park. will begin registration at 8:30 a.m. for $20 per walker. The first 200 registrants for the one-mite or two-mile walks at Fairview Park. .iarting at 10 a.m .. Wiii reoeive an event dog tag, a bandana and a doggie bag. For more infonnation, call (7141754-5698. TM Ouis Sen6or CenW wffl hold a pancake brealcfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Sausage, coffee and orange juice will alao be served. The cost ia $3 for aduha and $1 for cNk:tren. The c:enter offers the pancake bnNllcfast on the second Saturday of eadl month at 800 Marguerite in Corona del Mar. For more infonnation, catl (949) 644-3244.. Cosb MllM'• "Women Helping Women" will host Its Volunteer Af>Jweclatloo luncheon at Coastal Canyon Part Oubhouse In Newport Coast from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m . lt will Include a special award presen.tatlon to Stella Gert for her un'lr'IUing dedication to "Women Helping Women:' For more lnfoml8tion. call (949) BEST BET PHOTO eotmESY Of ORmGE COAST COLLEGE Orange Coast College's fourth annual fiesta Latina will be staged Thursday and Friday in the Robert 8. Moore Theatre on campus. ~our performances are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, and 10 a.m. and . noon Friday. The free performances are open to the pubhc. 423-0057. low-incom e women 40 and older can receive a free mammogram. dinical breaS1 exam arid information on breast health at the Harbor Christian Felk>wlhip In Costa Mesa from 8:30 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. No referral is necessary, but appointments are required. Call (714) 935-9720 or (714) 806-2037. For more information about breast health, call the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation at (714) 957-9157. Sea V.cht Ch.,,.,. .. ofl9ring a M other's Day cruise and buffet lund'teon from 1 to 3 p.m. The cost is $35 for adults, $15 for dl1ldren Another en.tile will be held on Father's Day, June 15. Call 1949) 650-2412 for reservations. MONDAY J LMm about the Sien"8 Club and rts many activities at its information meeting for newcomers and members at 6 30 ,p.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Pant Ave .• for food. exhibits and table displays. Newcomers can join the Sierra Club for a special $25 introductory fee. For more information, call (7 14) 517-2467. A community presentation will be given at Newport Harbor High Sdlo()I in Loats Auditonum at 7 p.m. Newport-Mesa Unified Sdlool District administration officials will report on Measure A plans for the high scttool Ardlitects from LPA will also present plans for the new Robins Hall/Loats Auditonum. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. In attendance will be school board trustees, high sdlool administrators and Measure A Site-Based Project Review Comm ittee members. TUESDAY A frM Mm inar on •Muscles in Motion· by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M ottier's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa M esa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Orange County Chapter of the Cahfomia Assn. Of Marriage and Family Therapists wrll sponsor a worttshop called •Chronic Trauma Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment• from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . at National University in Costa Mesa. The worttshop costs $30 for students and interns, $65 for clinical members and $85 for all others. For information, call (949) 645-2964. MAY15 A frM seminar and book signing of '"Stop the Clod Cooking• by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's M artet.. 225 East 17th SL, Coste Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOM S. LMln aboc.rt the SJYMC01o9lcal and surgical procedures available for hysterectomies at a free· seminar at 6:30 p.m. In Newport Bead't'• Hoag Hospltel ConfeN9008 Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 514-4624. Commerce will have rts Les Milter Scholarship Recognition Breakfast at 7:15 a.m. at the Hilton Hotel, 3050 Bristol St Attendance is $22 per person. Call (7141885-9090 for details and reservations. MAY17 The 51.lfight TheatTe Company will hold auditions for its ell-student summer show, #Mary Poppins," from 1 to 3 p m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or bring taped a<X:ompan.rment to a song they've prepared. The theater is at '125 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 645-7827 The Costa Mesa Historical Society will host an open house from 11 am to 4 p.m at 1870 Anaheim St. in Costa Mesa It includes tour~ of the facility and exh1b1ts of photos and artifacts. Free. For me><e information, call (949) 631 -5918. ·onrorce: A New Beg1nni09; is a w or1itshop for men and women who are divorced or getting divorced It 1s held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 pm. at 180 Newport Center Onve, Newport Beach For more information. call 1949) 644-6435. The Newport Harbor Neubc:al Museum will open a new exhibit featunng the work of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881· 19591. known as the West Coast's premiere mant1me spec1ahst among early 20th-century artists. The exhibit will be on display until Sept 30 For more mformat1on, call (9491 673·8915, ext. 111 The Newport Beactt Library's Balboa brandl will offer a w orttshop called "Tools & Tnc*s Internet 101; an rntroductron to nav1getrng the World Wrde Web at 9 a m For more 1nformat1on, call (949) 717 3816 The Waldorf School's ann.;11 May Faire, an lmagmatton Celebration event, will be from 11a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive in Costa Mesa. Adm1ss1on costs $3, and dlildren younger than 2 get in for free Parking is free. For m ore infonT'ation, call (9491574-7734 Costa Mesa High School's Cheerleading department is hosting a one-day dleerleadmg clinic from 10 a m. to 4 p m. for $18 per person Squads and anyone without dleerleading experience ere encouraged to attend the clinic, taught by the United Spmt Assn. Reg1S1ration will begin at 8:45 a m 1n front of the high sd'tool's gym. MAY18 To kJdc off this year's Festival of Children, a Volunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. et South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court To introduce Orange Coonty dlarities and youths to ead't other, the Festival of Children Volunteer Dey will allow a variety of nonprofit organizations to display information about their services. For more information, call (949) 644-4777. The Southem Catifomia Koi Club will have Its annual koi pond tour from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m., including . tou,.. of Newpor1 Beach. Laguna Beach, Corona del M ar and Santa Ana. Cost la S8 perpef'SOfl. For more I~ call (949) •211~ I ITmlllllE YlN•~8748 ' 646-1685. MAY19 Hoag ~r. Cancer c.nw ls offering a presentation by a groop of expert clinician• to leam about the use of surgery for treating colon cancer. There will be time after the free 6:30 to 9 p.m . presentation to network with other colon cancer survivors and discuss common ooncerns. Registration is required. For more information and to register, call (9491760-2103. Meture driven can ahatpen thw driving skills in an eight-hour class in two sessions at Presbyterian Churd't of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes will be from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m . Mey 19 end 20. end are limhed to 30 stuqents. The cost is $10. Advanced registration required. To register, or for more information. call (7141557-3340. MAY20 A frM Mmlnar and book signing of •Why the Weight? Oare to be Greet!" by allthor Jean Kruegar will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's M arket, 225 East 17th St .• Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beech Film Night will feature surfing films, including the newly released •3 Degrees:' h will be held et 7 p.m. at the Surfrider public meeting at Margaritavitle, 2332 West Cbast Highway, Newport Beadl. Come and learn what is going on with local water qualtty issues and see some cool surf ft1dts. For more information. call (9491644-7443. MAY 2 1 A free seminar and book signing of "The Digestion Connection" by Dr. Mar1it Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7·30 p m at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (8001 595-MOMS. Suspense novelist M artha Uniit.f will speak at a Newport Beadl Newcomers Club meeting at 10 a m. Unikel cs also a member of the club, which is open to all women living 1n the area for less than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9722. UC Irvine's school of bio'°9k:al sciences and the Howard A. Sdlneiderman Memorial Bioethics Lecture Series present "The Goed Life at the End of Ute; a lecture by Or. Joanne Lynn, at 7 p.m . in the Crystal Cove Auditorium. The event is free, bu1 reservations are requtred. For more information, call 19491 824-7252 MAY24 A book signing and personal appearance by author James Balch for hrs book •Prescnp11on for Nutnt1onal Healing• will be held from 11 a.m to 2 p m at Mother's Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa M esa. For reservations, call 18001 595-MOM S The Newport Coast Cares' first "Spring Fling" fund·ra1ser to benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation. an organization that raises money for dlildren In Baja, wrll be from 11 a.m. to 4 p'.m. in the Newport Coast Shopping games and rides for dlildren Admission is $10. For more information, call (949) 476-1144, ext. 358. Three acclaimed authon and scholars w ill present •Afncen American Speech m Global Culture; exploring the effect of Afncan American speed't on modern conversation. poetry and music. The reception. performance reading and book' signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Center and Crystal Cove Audit orium. For more information, call (9491 824-1948. JUNE4 The Friend• of the Newport Beedl Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m . in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 books, win be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by May 28. Call {714) 596-5276. ·--·----._. ..... ,_ .......... Wednesday, May 1, 2003 A7 <{jj~ Flora l & Girts 0~cS~&~ ~ Mother 's Day Cl!''"f0\1 Fe OK o\t..\ -·- Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10~5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa · (949) 646-6745 1 "'"'" Ir •m K.ilph" Give Us Your Child this Summe r. And we1l give you a student a full academic level higher. Mo~t important ,,...,. h .. ti; students ach1Pvf' thP - At Tutonng Clubs of America wP re df'd1cate<1 to ensur ng your hold succ~ds \ell PStl"f'm dnd onf•den<P they need ro \U f'ed All In With our Pxrlus1ve TucorA1d justµ hol.lrs. GUARANTEED curriculum we ~ crPate learning Summe mp C.ill toddy drld find programs JUI m1.>1f' It •ould b.- spec1f1cally r-"'-thf' m1>st 1mpondnl dl.'s19ned for your <.h1ld°' ne<'ds summPr of your rh1ld \ llfP (949) 645·7900 488 East 17th Street • Costa Mesa ({Of"nf!'r of ,,,,.,n~ Av,.nu~) MATH • READING • WRITI NG • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP 1 I QUOTE OF THE DAY "It's going to be tight between us and Irvine." Jnon Lynch. Newport Harbor boys swim coach Al Wednesday, May 7. 2003 Sporta Editor~ OuM: 1949! 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (94916500170 EYEOPENER Daily~· May 12 honorff BRUCE IBBETSON HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING Newport Harbor's Keith Eldridge. above, sprints to the finish in a lower~evel heat of the 200 meters Tuesday at Irvine High. At left, Newport senior Arny Burlingham sprints to victory in her 200 heat at the Sea View League Preliminaries. She was among three Sailors to qualify in two events. posting top times in the 200 and 400. Sailors need to bounce back Irvine secures edge going into Friday's league finals. Melanie Neff • Daily Piiot NEWPORT BEACH -The Newport Harbor High boys swim team has tallied the nwn· bers. and right now they don't add up. After Irvine snagged four of the top five spots in the IOO·yard breaststroke, the final race in the Sea View League preliminaries Tuesday at Newport Har- bor, all the pressure was put back on the Sailors. The Vaqueros out.scored the Sailors. 63-8. in that one event. •it's going to be tight between w. and lrvine." Newport If arbor Cooch Jason Lynch said. ·They just killed us in the breaststroke. We are going to have to win both of the freestyle relays. because they are going to taJce the [individual medley relay)." lf every swimmer finishes exactJy like they did in the prelim..'I, Irvine holds a la-point edge. without the relays. So the Sailors need to pick up some extra points somewhere. They dominated the Vaqueros in the 100 freestyle. with Nathan Welner. Sean MciAlie, Bryan Auer and Dan Punnan all finishing in the top 13. Irvine quaJj- fied only two swimmers. Burlingham shines at prelirns \4kiner. who qualified third (49.78) be- hind Joseph Levyssohn-Sil (49.31) of La- guna H.ills and Sandy Bohener (49. 71) of Foodl.il1. can pick up some valuable points for the Sailors if he can grab the win Frida}( ·That's going to be a close race.· Weiner said. "Look at those times.· She'll lead heavy Newport field in 400 meters at Friday's Sea View track and field finals. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot for Newport Harbor Hlgh's Amy Burlingham, Elda Hernandez, ICiley Hall and Amy Klippert after what they did in the 400 meters in the Sea View League track and field prellminaries at lrvine High Tues- day. Call them the Fantastic Four. The Newport quartet all qualified in the top seven in the 400, to move on to the Sea View League finals Friday. The relays and field events. which feature juniors Elizabeth Oayton ijwnps) and Julianne Whitfield (throws), will also be Friday. Led by Burlingham, a senior bound for the Uni- versity of Texas on a soccer scholarship, the Sailors showed their depth in tJie 400. Burlingbam quali- fied first, finishing in 1:00.52, while Hernandez, also a senior, qualified fourth (1:01.59). The sopho- more Hall qual1fied fifth (l:Ol.62) and Klippert. a freshman also of soccer notoriety. qualified sev- enth (1:02.62). The four girb will compete in the 400 and 1,600 relays Friday. · Burlingham also qualified first in the 200, while • HIGH.SCHOOL • i BOYS VOLLEYBALL t ' f ~ ! Corona del Mar ' . . l gra~s PCL title : <X>RONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar High ! ctinched the Padfic Coast League boys~ ti· : lie Tuelday whb a 15-7, 15-2, 15-6 victory over visit- • t log Catvaiy Olapel. It ii the fourth league title in ftve t ~ for the Sea Kings. i Scan.font-bound aenior middle blocker Bric Jones lid the way for CdM with 11 kiDI. Milea Yourman ·ldded~ : GUiins' McOellltn had teWll kills and two aca, ; Blaodori Q>eitc:t-Odom edded aw killa and two • tirJdla and Prian Bdnlcaboft hid teYef) ldlll apd • , ...... blOcb. : ... Gill G*W pkdied"' wttb 37 ..... and :o , • ....._ldllldll. • : 111t Ill ma., lmpoHd to J6-10i M . • Jennifer Ryder qualified eighth in the 300 • Cal Blues. a club soccer team based in San hurdles (50.8). Juan Capistrano. On the boys side, Matt Tracy (200 and Next year. Hernandez said she plans to 400) and Alec Urtusuastegui (800 and compete at Orange Coasc College, where 1,600) also qualified in two events. Nick track and field coach John Knox L' assem- Miller qualified third in the 1,600 and Joel bling an Impressive list of Newport-Mesa The edge in the 50 freestyle went to lrvine. McGhie was the second qualifier in 22.69 behind Aliso Niguel's Austin Lu- ther, but ~e Vaqueros earned the third and fourth spots, as welJ as I 0 and 12. Senior Andrew Cole, the only club swimmer on the Sailors' squad, did his part. earning the top seed in the 200 IM and JOO baclcstroke. He cruised in the medley, but was still able to beat the rest Wallcer qualified eighth in the 100 (ll.97). athletes, including &tancla's Humberto •tt was really cool to see the four of us qualify." Rojas. Urtusuastegui saJd he mlght compete for . .. . . an two pie have been working. It's going to be a really fun event fQr us on Friday.· Coach Eric lWeit said this is the first time the Sailors have qualified four in one sprint event on the girls side. Newport might have actually had five runners in the Sea View League finals. as lWeit chose to have sophomore Megan Randall compete on the frosh-soph level. Randall runs just as fast as Hall and Klippert in the 400, l'Weit said. "The 400 is a really good event for us,· l'Weit said. ·There are six places for scoring in the finals and that's our goal for Friday, to have all four girls finish in the top six. It's interesting for us because we have two senlors in the event, but then we have a sophomore and a freshman, so we're OK.· Burlingham was smiling and feeling OK Tuesday. She said sh e arrived in Newport two days ago after training for a week in Omla Vista with the un- der-19 national soccer team. She also maintains a busy schedule because she competes with the So Urtusuastegui has been one of the few bright spots for the Newport boys squad. which has endured a season or injuries. The Sailors are al9o adapting be- cause of youth. first-year coach Nowell Kay said Ur- tusua.5tegui has also battled through injuries. He has had to ~me back and hip pa.in. which have led him to concentrate on the middJe...d.istance events. rather than his usual 3.200. He won the Sea View League title in the 3,200 last year. but he has only competed in the event once this season. winning in a dual meet at Foot- hill Thursday. ·He has been really strong In the (800). • Kay said. "We've been happy with that event for him. Obviously. (Woodbridge standout Michael Had- dan) is a strong runner. If he can get close to [Had- dan!. he could get a good time to qualify for CIE" Kay has also been pleased with the efforts of Nick Miller and Matt Tracy. Tracy qualified third tn the 400 (52.76). Miller will also compete in the 3,200 Friday. with a time of 2:00.57. Armstrong was also impressive in the 200 IM. cutting six seconds of his seed time and qualifying sixth in 2:09.51. In the 100 backstroke, Cole blistered the rest of the fieJd by more than five seconds in 53.95. Irvine and Newport Harbor swept the backstroke, taking the top eight qua]jfying spots. For the Sail- ors, Brent Armstrong was third (59.57). James Jackson was fifth (I :00.67) and Weiner was seventh (1:00.86). in the I 00 butterfty, Michael Bury can pick up an extra point If he can edge out second-seeded Nate Wtlcox of Irvine. or even better, Irvine's top-seeded Josh Clark. Bury swam in the same heat with Wilcox and held the lead in the final I 00 yards. but Wilcox pulled ahead in the final 50 and got the win In 56.22. Bury came In at 56.49. {]a4 \WO his heat in 55.n. SM SAILORS, P81• A9 OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK HIGH SCHOOL GOLF Eagles ' Cas s_idy No . 1 - Estancia senior golfer tops the field at Golden West League individual tourney. OOSTA MESA -F.atanda High aenlor Juon Casatdy lhot par 70 Tuetday and. wttb a two-day 18tal of 138, won the Golden Well Leaaue individual boys golf champlonabip at the Colt.a Meea Golf 8r Country Club. Ceuldy. whoee .,..,... belt ftnllh In three F9dlc C.ollt Uii!ilue lrlAla WU *b, ftnMbed M\Wl lhota better dMD .8ltanda 6-llrNn Man:ul Soak. c-tdy and 5-ak .. ~the ...... bar plljlrj CD ...... CD lbe aF Southern Secdon indMdual re-ponaJs, tcheduled May 20 at Black Gold Golf Coune in Yolbe Unda. Soltak shot 78-n-145 to Join Ca.uidy, u well u t~tee Ryan Brawn (78-75-153 for fifth) and Greg Les (78· 7&-15' for lixth) u ftnMeam aD-1-gue honorees. Juon Let. who did not play ~ dUe to advance-place- ment teltlng. la eecond·teem 111- ie.p. P.ltanda. ~ dalmed me Golde Welt ~ team tide. competel in • one-day Southern Secdoa n&locllll n-111 at Loa Sen.-COi Cowie In a.a Hm.,bePaq•7Lm. l I Daily Piiot S PORTS BRIEFLY HIGH SCHOOL Sa • 1 . SOFTBALL 1 ors join .Woodbridge atop Sea View . •VOUJ!YIWJ.: Th• Newpon Tars. Khowy moves on CdM look a I ·0 lead In the quallfie<Un !WO evenlS bad (I " :161 and '<Cond •n s all 0 rs Harbor lllgh . bnyi.. volleyball top of the fi rM inning. but the Katie Thorsnei.~ qualified the ZOO IM (2.J9.86) and Alli teamavengednsApriJ IOJo~to •TENN1S: Newport Harbor Timberwolves added rwo of first in the 200 free (2:17.16) son Grav1s, lourth 1n the JOO t V; WoodbridgewiU~ a 15 IJ, 14 -1~. lligh freshman Roben Khoury their own in the second. (.dM a nd the 50~ free (6:03.15) to breaststroke. (l.W 4.il. dt1d op aqs 15·9, 15·4 Sea View League win and the Sailors' doubles team of took the lead back with two lead the Co .. ca Me~a girl'> third 1n the 200 IM 12·4.l 52) Tuesday on lhe Sailor~· floor. Otarlie Farmer and fyler Deck runs in the third, but North-team, which had e ight other al1>0 qualified. Quyen Nguyen The victory .moved the two .... each a dvanced to today's semi-wood lied the i.core with a run girls who also qualified in 1wo al<>o qualified fifth in tht• I O!J • lulianm· HJ."-'; mil' 0111 ""Ki" teams into a tu.• for first place finals of the Sea View League in the b ottom of the Inn ing. events each. breast'>troke (1 :22.2~). drow in Kirn Moore with tht'• ~th one league match rrmain-boys tennis champion ships ar Keith Long and Josh Brad-Patricia Sch uppen , i.econd t-.stancia's Marilyn llt'11 h only run ol thl' game a'> Nt'w mg. Woodbridge i.wept the fin.1 Laguna Hills High. bury each went 2 for 4 for the in the 500 free (6:03.15) and qualified fire.I 1n tht' I oo pun I IJrhor I ligh cfrfe111ed roundme~ting.15·10, 15·5, 15·5. Khoury, the No. 2 seed, de· Sea Kings. Nick Karp~ was t. for third in 100 Oy (1:10.14 ), le'> brt'ISl!>troke (I 15 85) and v1i,1tingJrvlne, l -O, mSea.Vww Jamie Diefenbach had l:l kill' fcated a Lagul'la Hills opponent, 2 with two RBis. sicu Steenhard. fourth in 100 200 IM l2:35 6:l). while ( <m1 League !W>ftball action ''lul''> and four bloc.:b and Nick C~c fi-0. 6-0, then earned a 6-0, 6·1 The Sea Kings (14·9, 9-3) can ny (1:13.29) and fourth in 200 lina Harnei. ul'>o 4ualif1c:d tfay added II kills for the Sailon. (17 II, quarterfinal' win over a Wood· clinch at least a share of the IM (2:43.49). fourth in the 100 hJt k "1oore 1mprov1·d 111 ~i 7 with IO 8-1 inleague).Mik.e'foole (rnnt:kill'> bridge foe. Khoury faces Foot-league title, a'> well as the Mesa boys Mall Jaro1>lawk.,1 II 12 29). 'tnh,out., and four aces), ?dul !Oman (t.'igh1 lull\ Jay Himber at 12:30 p.m . league's No. 1 berth in the CIF (seventh in the 200 IM 111 . 1\,1·\ ... pon 1rnpruv1"' 10 'Hi, L·5 kills) and Mike Mel ~)llak.l (five ki.ll'>J tod~ Southern Section playoff!> with 2:30.0 I). Sergio llernande.t Mesa falls tn five Ill ll•Jg\Jt• also chipped in. Farmer and Deck. the No. 4 a victory over Northwood (7-5 (sevench in the 50 free in •VOLLEY&\LL: Thi:' <.11-.1,1 Se•V-LN&ue Morgan GoV'dar'>. Nick ~lly :.eeded doubles team, lost only in league) Friday at 3: 15 p.m . at 25.76). Tyler Choi (fifth Ill thl' Mt''>d High boy'> \.Ollt'vhall team and Adam SchJcs1nger combined three gam·es in rwo matches Corona dt:I Mar. I 00 ny in t ·06 29). Chn <> Me Jropped a :.eesdw (,oll,len \\t•,1 N~y1in=• O for seven service an~s. ~hie luesday and face the top dina (seventh in the 500 free 1.eague clash at \anta /\11a lur.· '"'"" Of' "° 1l 1 , singeralsopos1ed'i5 dl>'>ISlS. '>l'CdedduoofKyleRoybaJand PacificCo•-L•·•u• in 5:55.10). Jarrad Uever day, 15-1. 157. 14 lo I) 17, N ....... f.>l,M 'JIY' Jr M s rf r F th'll . .. -· LOJ'\tim ~nd P1·t .. rwn, Moore an<l The Sailon. will clo'>t' out organ .e as rom oo t tn (fi fth in the 100 .bad. in 17 15 cdmpbf·ll B.,ss 6 w Moore.hll league play ThuNlay at 5:45 today'i. '>emifinals a t 12:30 p.m. NS~~:~1~~~';1 3 I :09.6Q). 1.uke Yell1n ''•xth 111 ~en1or Dann> KnkunJn had il ~,''(Im p.m. when they ho't l·oolhill. /\ In '>tngles. Jonathan Tweena CdM 102 1>oo o· 1 a 3 the I 00 back in 1 ·09 6 71 dnd team ·h1gh 18 k.111' fur \fl·-.J !.. v;ctory Wlll mvc thl'm at lea-.t a won hi'> fir.t m atch. 6-0, 6 ·2, N'wooct 021 050 8 9 2 Mark Geil (thirJ 1n the 100 15 I 10 m lea•NPI T~-.oro blank~ CdM fY' b f II d d Sh' · Deloacne and Villanueva; Bradbury, ,, share of lhe league 111le. ut e IO top-see e impel Contant 151 and Marina·Finn, breaststroke in I 11 17) aho Swulu from Woodbridge. 6 -0. Presson 15) w Deloacne. l qualified for the (,olden We'>I Sower~ ju~t mi~\eS • I L·...riro I hgh., '\ ll tilt Lightning sei1,es second • BASeBALL: Ille Sage 11111 School ba.S(.>b.ill team moved pa..,t host Capistrano Vall(-y Christian into 'iOle poS.'l(.">'>ion of ~'f.:ond place in the Academy Leagut' Tuesday. defeating 1he l·.agt1.,, 1:1 ·9. The ljghtning ( l:\·5. 9·3 in league) trail., 011ly Oxford Arud · emy In the leah'llt.' '>landing'> with three lt•agul' game'> rt' mctinmg. Oxford cnlt.'rl•d I uc'' day's clash with la<;t plal l' Whi1 ney with an H· 1 ll•.1gu1.· rnark Oxford was tht: la .. 1 lca1,'lle team to defeat :..age I hll. \\-Im h has now drf(·J~u eight '>lra1~ht Academy I ..cdguc fol'' Zach Friedrich., and Matt Loper each had two hit'> m an eight-run <,eco nd inning fur Sage. I riednchs ~.i~ J for 4 wJth three RBl<i and I oper was l fo r 4 with dn HBI l..opl·r al-.o earn ed the victory 111 rehl'f. 1m proving to 6 I thH1 spring. Tim Wilkin<> had one tut and drove in four run~ for the win ners. who hoM CV(. lnur-.day. before fini~hing the rC'h'\llar 'e.i son with two gum(''> nt.''' week againc;1 Oxford. Academy lH&ue Sage Hill 13. eve 9 Scor9 by Innings Sage Hill oao )JO ll ./l -1 l eve 101 e10 o 9 11 i Willu'l!.:,loper 12). F11ed11t11s 161 dnd Kornswell, Hughes T M11cne11151 C. Mrtcnell (51 and Shapuo W -Loper, 6 1 l Hughes 5 3 2B -Shapiro (CVCI 2 Juhas1 (CVCI. Carey (CVCI, Fned11cns ISHI Loper ISHI 6·l, in the quarterfinals. Brian Bradbury (3 21 JB Bradbury League finals fhur-.day al I •GOLF: Bram.1011 '>mo\l'r'> -, l lochwald lost to Himber, 6 ·2. lCdM) p.m . at Orange. over par 77 It'd d quarlt'I o f 6-2, in the first round Tuesday. Estancia\ Paul < ollit•r Newport I !arbor I llgh hoy., Brandon Lutfy and Dylan f:.s-Dozen Mesa finali sts qualified fifth in thC' :wo free ~olfor' .,n thl' ,l·rnnll and li11JI r ley-lones fell to a Woodbridge •SWIMMING: Kyle Thors-(2:03.32). while po,11 ng a day <)f 1he ~t'a View I eagm· r1 team, 6·3, 6-2, while Ruslan Se· nt.''>'> qualified first in the I 00-57. I :l, good for wven1h 111 the nal-. at Oak Vallt>v I 1011 Uuh 111 ryduk and Ja..,on Lund also loM yard bachtroke II :01.91 ) and I 00 free. Beaumont ~owt·r-.. howevl'r, lO a Warriors' d uo, 6-1, 6-0. third in the 100 freestyle (53.67) Anchony ller111.11111 quail-mic,c,1td qualily111g for lhl' < H L. h · d d 10 lead 12 Co'>la Mesa I ligh fied fi fth in the I IHJ hreai.t ind1v1dual '>l'l 11011.il • hamp11rn lg ntng UQ a VUnCeS boy'> '>Wimmer'> 10 advance IO stroke in J ·I l .77, a pcr-.onal <,hip'-by '>IX .,lru~l'" • TENNIS: The !>age I lill !'>1.hool doublec; team of senior l·nc Burton and o;ophomore Tri'>lan Cordier advanced to the 'em1finah by wmning 1wo matches lue<>d.iy at lhe Academy League mdivtd ual bo}"> Lennis 1ournamen1 al Whitney I hgh. Burton and Cordier defeated a double'> team from Oxford in the fir-.t round. 6-0. 6·0. Then, they scored a 6-1, 6-3 vic1ory over a double' 1eam from !'air mont Prep rn a quarterfinal. Hu non and Loruier will face the top-'>eeded duo from Whitney today at I p.m . Ian Living1>ton. fodd Monte k.ib and Greg Solodko each lo'il their firi.t ·round c,inglt''> ma1che!> 1\Je<iday. CdM clincher on hold • HASl·.HAl.L Northwood I ligh scored fi ve runl! in the bottom of the fifth inning 10 break open J lie game and d e· ft•a1 v1~i11ng Coront1 llel Mar. fl.J. rn Pacific C.oast l..cague ba'>eball action rue .. da) l he lo-.., ended an e1gh1- game PC I wmnlng 'itreal for tht' <iea Kings. 1he championship fmaJs at the best by more 1han four o,ec IJJ\I\ l't>m"ll'ln .,ho1 74 fnl Golden WeM League prelimj-o nds. while Na1h.111 Mar'itell lowed by an H7 from (,arrc·11 narie'> lue ... day at Orange High. er qualified '>even th ! I I l 841 Wh11f1l'ld Jnd Jll HY ll\ \t1 t·or lhC f·.siantia boy'> team, in the .. aflll' eH•fll c hal'l lkrl\1.llUll on lhe p.tr 7.:. hank (,amboa qualified first Sean Loodm<1n 4ualil1ed cuur'l' 111 1he 200 dnd 500 frcec;tyle eighth m 1he 100 hullc:rny ralt'>. (I I 0.63) C.amhua clocked d 1.58.61 in Kalle Tho r<ine,., 4ual1fit:d the 200 free, su <>econd1> better firs1 in the 200 free 12 17 161 than hi!> prt:Vlouc; be'>l, wlule and thl' 500 frl'l' (b OJ 151 tu ractng 10 fire.I in the 500 free in lead the ( O'>la Me'>a g1rh 5:21 74, a Clf· com1derat1on swim ream, which had e1gh1 lime, £.Mancia C.oal h John Car-other grrt.. who al<to qualified pentcr .. aid. in two even1.-.. each <Jiad Kunert quanfied second Patricia Schuppert, wc.und 1n 1he 500 free 1n 5.24.16. i,hav in the' 500 free (6·03.15) and ing four '>elonds off hts per-third 111 I 00 ny 11: I 0.1 ·I). le'> '>Onal hci.1, while get ling fourth sica Steenhard. fourth irt I 00 rn the 200 free (:l:O l.76). three ny (I: 13.29) and fourth 1 n 200 '>Cco11d'> fa,tcr 1han hi'> prior IM (2:43.49). be~I. Je!>sica Aunnell quJlil1l'd I van 5pencl'r qualified 'ec-rifth in 1he 50 frl'e (:l8 .9~) anu und 111 the 100 bullerfly 157.95} 1hird in the 100 free (1 :01 Oil. and third in the 200 free while Sarah Bowman qu.ili (2:00 45). while Anthony Ada-fled seventh 1n the 'iO free mow1c;r qualified six1h in the {29 19) and fourth in tht· I 00 200 free 12:03.65) and third m free {I ·03. 19) the 500 free {5:3J.63J. Adam Chri!.tine Twohig. fifth in Dougla~. third in the c;o free thelOOfrec(l·04'iJl and'>t.'l 123 75) a nd wrnnd in 1he 100 ond in the 200 free !2 17 571. free (5'\ 271. and Brian fipton. Annie l.t'. 'e\.enth in tht' LOO .,econd 100 brea.,htroke free 12:2fl 091 and 'e\en1h 1n Lightning -.wc:pt •VOLLEYBALL: \agt I 1111 5thool didn't ha\•e enough 10 gel pac;1 \hllrng Brethren <lin-.- llan Jnd fell. 15-5, l"i -10. 15-1 1n an Alddl'my I eague ho»" rnl leyball mJllh ·1ue,dJ~ mght Ke\ 111 Joyce and ~ar.,un I rt·d1.·nt k t'ach h<td .,,x loll'> 111 the lo.,., for the Ligh1111ng. wh1th ft:ll 11>8·/, fi·/ 1n leagUl' UC I trounced by ASU • BASEBAU.: IJC lrvint'\ IL'fl Wcrhun -.mgled in u·nlL'r fil'lder Jon I lorv.itz in thr "t'\ l'nth inning for the team\ onh run in dl1 11 I non1 onfcrenn· IO'i'> w ho't Ar11.1mJ "•ate I Ut'\- day night fl1~h1 fit'lder c,ar\ I >udll') went 2 for 1 for the Anteater~ < 18-291. ..... ho managed '>IX hii... again<.t .\.\tJ p11<.:her Hen l hur- mond. who 1111pro\t'd 111 b II on lhC '>l'd,Oll t..n' Kn'e leU to S .!. lor lJI Ir 11 oq 471 and fifth in thl' 200 in tht' 500 frt:e to 52 7 1 \lly'>un d1ndual rnt•dlc) 12:27 421. at..o llarri'>. -.econd in llll' I 00 \111l' \cHIJll\1111 qu11.·1ed ( IHllnJ dl•I ~1.ir-. l>J t'> 111 a thret• h11 tom pkll· g<11111· J'> tlw ho.,1 111.in'> 1irc·\ail1·d l O. in Pa1..1f1c < od<,t I t·Jgut· ,ofthall action lul''> di!\ '>1x of /\.irrm'oon\ t'l>(hl '>trike oul., came 111 lht• IJr.,t thrt'l' 1n n111g,, .ill 'll•. lon11n g on lalll•d 1l111d '>lfl kt'., I rt'.,no "l.sle hound 't.'lllfH . i\11.,,a Z1wlll· \lfll( ~ OUI IWll Jlld walll·d IU!>t one Ill '>IX rn111ng-. tor < d\f H Ii 4 ~ 111 l1"<1J.:UI' CdM Pacific CoHI LH&&i• Teso,-o 4. CdM o Score by Innings Tesoro Y'< • • ' Zo<illP. and Tv!ion Aaron!oon ar d Carnell w Adron!>CJn L z~, f: 7 6 2B CIPn • nts T Cardell l Lightning edged • \agt' Ifill \d11111I\ 'ot1hall tedm '-lOrt·d 1hn·t· nin-. 111 thi:' \t'H'r11h inning agam.,t \tada m\ f t'h'Ul' h11-.1 Bri:'threh (hr" uan. hut IO'>I. 4 ·I. I ue., dJ)'...,J>(l''> Anihrl' ...,m 1th d11uhll•d in '"" run., <hr1 ... 11nJ \J.111H•rn\"'1·111 ' tor \ ~1th 111w RBI I Jlht•rim· t>.1111•\ 'trut ~ ou1 thn·t· tor -..Ji,:t I till 'I 7. :; .!. 1n leJgut· "1c9d_,,. L....- Brethren 4. Sage Hill 3 Score by lnnin9s 5d!l~ Hol1 Brf-tt ret • • • Da•I• v ano ~o, n., Nori' '!:! <1n'1 J11,Jre1 V'O Wor torn 2B Sm11t1 SH SAILORS SCHEDULE Continued from Af3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK BILLY SWANSON *llom: Ml)' 5, 1982 e =s-toot-8 160 s,.rt Sw mmlng IWnls Fre.styte. 6utterlty -.: '§mlill()lmc)l't! VENESSA LARA .a., 9om: Nov. 9, 1983 IJ Height: S.foot-4 . .. .... 1: 122 Sport Swimming c hwtb: 1.650 free, 100 butt.f1ly ~Sophomo(e TODAY Baseball High school -Costa Mesa at Estancia, 3:15 p.m.; Woodbridge at Newport Harbor, 3:15 p.m . Swimming High school girls · Newpon hosts Sea View League prelms, 2 p.m.; CdM at Pacific Coast League prelims atCdM. 2.p.m._ Tennis High school boys -Sage Hill at Academy League finals; Newpon Harbor at Sea View League finals at Laguna Hills. 12:30 p.m. GoH High school boys -Sage Hill at Academy l eague finals at El Niguel CC; CdM at Pacific Coast league finals, El Prado GC. Volleyball High school boys -Estancia at Ocean View, 4:30 p.m. SofttMlll High school -Costa Mesa at Estancia. 3:15 p.m. Celebrabng the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 21 Krista 0111 Newport Harbor Volleyball. 1998. 99 21 Ro<*y Steven Tovar Orange Coast Football, 2001 21 John R Cam1.>bell Orange Coast Volleyball,2001 TUESDAY 22 · Menu Tanielu Estancia Football, 1997 Call (949) 642-5678 In the .!00 lr-l.'t''>tvlt', Hryan -\m·r ,1111•d .drno'>I 1hrl'I 'oernnd., off hi!. ..i·ed lime. w.imming a I S<J t'i lll qualify third. Irvine:\ f.i..,on Kun tool top honor-. in lht• l'dl 1· Jt I ··17 O'i 'The do'4.'c;I rcic e ol lh<• prehmc, < ame ti) a ht·a1 of lht• 500 free't)1t' NPwpon I farhor\ o\nclrl:''*- Relden and Jlo.,., ~mclair "wam IO>(t>tht•r and wt>l"C' necl-and·net l from wire to Wlrt'. With &Iden 1u-.111ut toucliing ~1ndtm Bekien clocled a <;·02 2-4 . \1rn Id.tr d 'i.Ol.J5 l \\ Krumphol.t of l·o<11h1ll won h1~ hc•JI IU ta~e lht' top 'l.'t>d 111 4 5.1 .kl and ln1ne\ Ja..cm ~am won h1' heat 111 4 'iJ 'l7 fnr the '-'.'Cond 'r<ll f)(...,pll l' the numbel"'. Bun hl e., h1'> 1e.m1., < hdm e of keeping Ir \.1ne from winnmg 11 .. nmth .. 1ra1gt11 l<"JKtJl' title "We kN R\dfl lean and ;\.tron l'M>NH. ht11 I think a k>t or our juruor-. Jll' '>lepptl'lg 11 up. -Rurv 'i3Jd. "I ttunk ~ haw more hmn U\dll lrvme JJld th.ti mwu-. for a lot· The "-ailor-. Jnd \'aqu£'ro' ue<l in dual meet acuan dunng the ...ea'>tJn lr.1m ~\on the ll•aKlJe title la.st sea ..on, bul tht· \a1lor-. \\('Ill on IO win llw \outhem 5ec 11on Oiv1.,1on I tit.le fhe guh prrhm' .ut' 11xla't al ..! p m at Newpon I !arbor Tiw hoy' and ._,..r1, var..lt) finJI' will tw at 3 p.111. 1-'nday at ,'\,ewpon 11.irhor ' e .. 2A~lt::;:W:edn=:;~sda:::v=,M=~~7.!200325:;::;;;:;;;:;;;:i=:;;;:;;;::::r:'==::::'i=~>;;::;:======:"j::;;;:;;;::::::::;;;;;jj:=========:j:=::;;;======:i======:==::::-i=:;;;:;;;:;;;::::;:-j==:;::=-=D=~~y;p~i6ot 1 llpl.... .. llpl..... .. Upl.... -Llpl.... .. llpl..... -Upl..... -Upl.... .. Upl.... .. Upl..... -l.1111.... - ~~~~~~~~ MClJMS IOft(IOffllD 1Hll 1a ISTA110f: TieOIAS L lmO, a. WUO,U1m4 lo 111 htln, beneti c1a. 1es, crtdttof1, con On1ent credttors. end petaons wllo may olh· erw1se be lnt1rested In the w1M Of estate. or both, of: THOMAS l. LHTO,IR A PETITIOH FOR PRO BA TE has been tiled by CLAIRE IREHE LETIO In the Superior Court of C1llforn1a, County of ORANGE. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests CLAIRE IRfiN£ lETTO be appointed u pefSonal reprtsent•lhtt to ad· "minister the utate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's Will and codlclls, if any, bt admitted to probate. The Will and •ny codlc11t are 1vaflable for eumlna· hon In the flit kept by the court THE PE TI TIOH requests authority to adm1nrster the estate undef the Independent Adm1n1s· tratlOR ol Estates Act. (This Aolhor1ty w1ff ellow the personal represen t1t1ve to take many achons without obtain· tnl court approval Before lakina certain very important echons. however, the personal rep<esentahve will be required to 11ve notice to inlaresled Ptr5ons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed aclton.) The independent ad· mlmstratlon authority will be 111nled unleu an inter uled person Mes an ob1ection to the petition and shows eood cause why the cour t should not er ant the authoroly A HEARING on the pelll•on will be held on JUNE 5 2003 al I 45 p m 1n Dept L 73 located al 341 The City Drove South, Ounae. CA 91868 tr YOU OBJECT t.o the If lftlJll& Of IN pttltlon. )'OU lhoukf ICJC)eW at tht ht11l111 •ftd st•l• your obellons or hie Wflttefl oa tions w1tt1 the court b4I or• the hearlfla. Your •PIM., ance may be in person or bit yo111 ettorney IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or contlnaenl creditor of tn. ~. you must file your cl.aim with the wurl and mall • copy to the J*'SOllal repteMntatiYI 8ppolnted by th• court within four months from the d•l• of the lint Issuance of letters u l)fovided in Probate Code section 9100. Th• time for flllna elalms will not uptre before four months fr om the he1rin1 d1le noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kept by the court. If you are • person In· teruted In the estate. you may file with the court a Request for Special Nolle• (form 0£· 154) of the f1lin1 of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code sect10n 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is eva1lable from the court clerk Attorney for Petitioner. J.a..f.N.-,1~.SaN 77StS 1001 lrvS-C-tw Dr., Ste. 1S7S ,,,,,._,CAt2'11 Published Daily Pilot Newport Beach·Costa Men May 7. ll, 1', 200l Wll52 suuoees IOTAOOM AllkW) NOTICE TO DEHN· DANT (Av1so a ACUH· do) DONALD C BEL· LOWS, and DOES I to 20. Inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF· (A Ud le esla demand· ando)' SHERRY laFRANCE You have 30 CA.LEN· OAR DAYS alter th1$ summons is served on you to hie a typewritten resi><>nse al this court A letter or phone call will not protect you. your typewritten re Policy Ratei. and deadlines are subject to change without notice. 1ne publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. revise or reject • any classified adveniscment. Please repon any error 1hat may be in your clas~ified ad immediately. The Daily Ptlot accepts sponst must be In proper ltpl fan" If you want the court to hHr y-~se. tf lfOll do not Ille YOI# rnponse on tilne, you ma}' lose the eas.. and }'Out W81ft, WIOney 8nd property may be tal\tn wltbout further war nlna from the court. There are ottiar lec•I requifements. You m1y want to call an attorney rtaht IWay. If you do Mt know an attorney, you may call an ttlorney referral S«vlce or a le11I 11d office (llated In the phone book). Oe:w>ues de qut It entrecuen ult crtack>n judicial usted to,ne @ plato de 30 DIAS CAL· ENDARIOS para presen· tar una respuesta et· crote • maqu1na en osta corte. Una carh o uni llamada telefonic.a no It oftecera proteccion: su respuesta u crih a maquine tlene que cumplif con las formal· 1dades leaales apropia· dH s1 usled quiere que 11 corte escuche su caso. Si usted no presenta su respuesta a t1empo. putde perder el caso, y le pueden qu1tar su salano. su d111ero y otras cosasde su propiedad sin 1viso adicl0f11I por parle de ta corte Ex1sten otros requlSI· los lecales. Puede que usted qulera llamar a un abocado lnmed11ta· mente. S1 no conoce a un aboeedo. puede llamar a un servic10 de referenc1a de ab11141dos o a una ohcma de ayuda lecal ( vea el dlrectorlo telefonico). CASINUMIEas (Nw ... ,.4e1c ... 1 02Hl0Hts The name and address of the court 1s: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN ANO fOR THE COUNTY. Of OR· ANGE. 4601 Jamboree Road. Newi>o<t B'*ch. CA.92660 HARBOR JUSTICE CEN· TER·NEWPORl BEACH FACILITY The neme, eclclrtul and le~ numMI' o plaintiff's •tlO[My. °' plaintiff wltl\out an attorne1 II. (El noMbtt, la dncdon )'et numtfo 4e telelono del ebopdo d4ll Mmlndentt, o dtl dtmandante que no tJene abolado, es} ERIC V. TRAUT, ESQ., THE TR~T LAW FIRM, 200 W. Santa Ana Blvd . Su1te900, Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 83"7000 DATl1 (fedMo) JUI. 10, 2002 ALAN SLATH, Clerk (~el, ~ P. t6Wll, D.,tv ru•~r.::~ Newport BHch·Co1t1 Mesa Deity Piiot ~II JO, May 7, 14, 21. 2003 W14l llO'llCI Of MU( SAii The mini 1tora1• tacmty, eccordinc to the provisions of Division 8 ol the Business end Professions Coda , Chapter 10. Section 21707 (a), hereby elves NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. EXTRA STORAGE NEWPORT MESA (Stora1e Name)W1ll conduct a pubnc ule of the contents of the storaae space(s) named below, with the contents be1na sold to the hl&hest bidder, tor l1wful money ol the United Stain ol America (cash) The Hie is belna held to satisfy a landlord's hen and wlll be held 11· 1250 Bristol St , Costa Me». CA 92626 on May 13, 2003, at 1.30 p. m , Auctioneer's Name Dennis Avina, Phone I . 626· 791 6261. Address· PO Box 40285, Pasade n1, CA 91114, Bond# 146637301335 The public is invited to attend Terms are cash only Owners reser vu the dcht to bid A 1ene11I description of the property belnc sold. alon1 with the identity ol the Occup1nt renhnc the '\l)ace are as follows SPACE NO OCCUPANT PROPERTY DESCRIP TION A267 U.S Diacnosf". Inc., Photocopier, Bo•ts A272, Elll1h Youn&. Bons. Bike, Couch, Mlctowave Bl46, Paul W Milltf, BOHS, Houffhold lleim. Lua a,. B258, Hsln& Chen, Inc., Clothes, File Cabinet, l1dders • C029, Linda S Cathcart, Plano, Ch11fs, Boxes D229 Chrlslophet Lau renc,, Bo.es, Household Items 0146. l 1ndy Krtullbera. TV, Boxes, M1ttresstt Ell8. Joe W. McKinley, lifts. Boan Published Newport Beach·Cost• Meu Daily Pilot April JO, May 7, 2003 Wl46 ll011CI Of NUC SAii NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN WAT THE PER· SONAL PROPERTY DE· SCRIBED BELOW WILL BE SOLO TO ENFORCE A LIEN IMPOSED ON SAID PROPERTY BY PUBLIC AUCTION. PUR· SUANT TO SECTIONS 21700·21716 INCLUSIVE OF THE STAT[ or CALIFORNIA BUSINESS & PROFESSIONS CODE. SECTION 2328, SECTION 535. Of THE PENAL COO£ AND PROVISIONS or THE CIVIL COOE lo BE HELO AT 11 00 A.M ON May 12. 2003, AT AlLSPACE HUNTING· TO N BEACH 8564 HAMILTO N AVENUE , HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92646, WHERE PROP· ERTY HAS BEEN STORED BY K.E AUCTION SER· VICE. BONO 1723-41·19. PHONE 909·289·9192 UNIT I , NAME, IN VENTORY: BOIS, CHRISTINA CASTRO, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. BASl\ETS. PIC· TURES. MISC. BOXES, TOYS. MIRRORS. ART SUPPLIES. lOOl BOX & CABINElS. f098. POPPY NICHOLS. 2 MING MATTRESS & SPRING. LEATHlR SOFA, rLOOR LAMP. DESK. SKIES & GUITAR W/CASE. FI05. DALE SUZUKI, fllE CABINET. 10' LAO· DER . lABLE . MISC BOXES. BOXING BAG, MIRROR & SURFBOARD. G080. NICOLE THUR· STON, MISC. BOXES, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, TOYS I WICKER FUR NITUfl{; G084, JULI( ANTON· GIORGI, M.ISC. BOXES Of PERSONAi. !TE.MS; H081, DOf'IAlD CAHTU, 2·SUS Of GOlf CLUQS, COOLER. CAMl'O SHELL, CRATES & MISC BOXES: Published Newpor I Be•dl·Costa Me11 Dally Pilot April JO, May 7, 200l Wl45 SUPlllOICOUITOf CAllOIM, (MJYOf hpC..., 01A11G1 cowm SUP11101 COUil, PIOIAllCOUIT OPIUTIOISw 341111 Oil OMI POST Offkl IOX 14171, OIAIGI, CA t2t1J.1S71 ftnnoe!Of ...... ,.. ... fOI OIAl5I Of Mii OD8lOS1IOW UN fOI OWl&fOfUll Wlllll&A2117S6 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS· I. Petitioner Thomas nmes Fenn Bannon flied • ~•hon with this court fDf a decree chan11n1 names as follows Thomas Jamn Fenn Bannon lo Thomn James Fenn 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons Inter· esled 1n this matter shall appear bel0<e this court at the hearinc indicated below to show cause 11 any. why the petition for chance of n1me should not be er anted NOTICE OF H[ARING Date· 6/l/Ol Time· "l 00 pm Dept l73 The address of the court is same u noted above l A copy of thos O•der to Show cauH sh•li be pubhshed at least once each week for lour successive weeks prior to the date ~et for hearont on the petition in the lottow1n1 news ~per of eener •I rncu lation. pronled on tho~ county: DAILY PILOT ..... ua2120H IKMAID O. nMll,. H ., JUHi Of TMI SUPUHOa COUllT P11bhshed Newport '"'" Coste Meu Dally PiloltApril 23, 30, May 7, 14. 2003 Wl37 llO'llCI Of .-K WI The followlna mini stor11• laclllt)', 1c· cordon.& to provisions of Division 8 of the Busl· ness 1nd Profusions Code, ChilC)ter 10, Sec Uon 21707 (a) Cailforni1 Self Service Stor•1• Facillty Act, heteby e1ve1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. Aorpor t Sell Storaae will conduct a public ule ol the contenh of the storaae space(s) n1med below. with the cootents bemc sold lo the h1e11esl bidder, for lawful money of the United States of Amer1t1 (cash only) Owner 11serves lh• rl&hl to bid The sale Is bemc held to satisfy • l1ndlord's lien and will be held at AIRPORT SEU STORAGE 3760 & 3800 Campus Olive. Newport Beach, CA 92660 on, Moy 20, 200J at 10.00 AM ... The public is 1nv1ted to attend Terms are cuh only A 1enerat deKript1e>n or the property be1n1 sold. alona with tha 1dent1ty ol th• Occupant renlina the space Is as follows WACI NO., OCCUPANT, l'llOfVCTY DU<»TION 2220. L1mpel & Rivers LLP, Misc. boa es, copier 1148. Scott Holf.,an. Bous, h&hl bulbs, two uerc1se machonn 1182. Out ol the S•ddle Inc . Chair, cabinet. boxn. two exerc1u bikes Pubflshed Newpor I Buch Cost~ Mesa Dally Pilot M•y 7 , 14 2003 Wl51 SELL your stuff through classified! ........... ... s...... The followin& l)tfsons er• dolq buslnus as: rH£ UPS STORE, 2973 Herbor Blvd., Cuti Mesa, Calllornla 92626 0 T Woodard Cofp. (CA). 18S3 P11os Citcle, Cost• Mesa, California 92626 . This business ls con ducted by· a corporetion Have you started dolna buslnus yet? Yu. 08/ 17/1997 D T Woodard Corp . Coralu Prettyman, Secretary This statement was filed with th• County Clerk of Orenae County on 04/18/0l 200J6941S06 Dally Pilot Apr. 23, 30. May 7, 14, 2003 Wl39 Fldf"-..... ... s..... fhe followina persons are doin1 business as· Sollsllu. 2102 Busineu Center Drive Ste 130, Irvine. CA 92612 Tom Troupe, 246 Cecil Pi1ce. Coste Mesa, CA 92627 Jon r r eudenber 1er. 2102 Business Cenle• 011ve Ste IJO Irvine, CA92612 Thos business os con ducted by 1 1ener1I p11tnersh19 Hive you started dome bustness yet1 No lom Troupe Thts statement wn hied with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/05/03 2003'9U40S Daily Pilot May 7, 14, 21. 28. 2003 Wl!>O Fldftl. ..... ... s....... !he lollowine persons are dome business as Ptene S1&n Here. 24266 Poncharlram I ane. l•ke fornt, CA 92630 Dana OIChtetn 24266 Pont har tr tin L•ne, lake r or est CA 92630 Lashawn Armslronc 24266 Ponchar tr11n l•ne lake fore•t CA 92630 lhis bu\lneu rs con ducted by co partners Have you started dotnl business yet? No 01naOlc:ht"n This sl1tement wH hied with lht County Cletk of Orin,. County on 04/01/03 200S6tsH2t 011ily Pilot '°"' 30. Mar 7. 14. 21, 2003 Wl47 ........... ... s...... lha followlna parsons ara doin1 business u THE KAMPH GltOUP. 1900 Dian• Lane, Naw port Beach, CA 92660 Jocelyn Kamph, 1900 Olan• Lane, Newport Beach. CA 92660 Gloria KamRh, 1900 Ohl1n1 Lane, Newport Bhch, CM12660 Brad Kamph. 1900 Diana lane, Newport Beach. ~A 92660 Thi• business 1s c;on ducted by. a 11ener1t partnership ,.. H;ave you star led doin1 business yet? Yu, 1985 Jocelyn Kamph This statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Orana• County on 04/18/2003 200Ht41SU Daily Pilot Apr 30 M1y 7. 14. 21. 2003 Wl44 ,... .... ... s..... The lollowma perM>n• are doma bus1neu as Creative Tile & Stone. 24001 V11 Fab11unte •1006. M1suon V1e10 CA 92691 [dward Vfll 21241 B11•tlecone M1n1on V1eJO, CA 92691 Catherone Mitter Vee•. ll241 Bmtlecone. Mt• 51on V1eJ0, CA 92691 This busonen •~ con ducted by a aeneral partnenhtp Have you •la.led dn1n11 business yef1 6/98 Edward Ve1a This slatemenl w•• hied Wtlh the County Clerk of Or•n&t Cc1un1y on 04/07/03 2003't400H Daily Ptlot May 1 1-4 21 28. 2003 W14'l ~ Mllll ..... ......... Th• followln& penona ere dotnl bllslneu es. Southwest Lock and $111, 360 £ 18th Sb"l' Costa Mesa, CA 92527 Cherie$ M Sutterlleld, 360 E 18th Strut , CoJI• Meia, CA 92627 ~Ii b11S1ntu Is con ducted by an M1d1vldual Have you st11ltd cloint bus1neu ytt1 Yes, IOI 01/84 Charles M Sutterheld This statement was filed with the Count)' Clerk of Orana• County on05/05/03 20036'43527 Dilly Piiot May 7, 14, 21, 28, 2003 WIU ~ ..... llmtS....... The lollow1na per aons are dome business 11 Basketball Uniforms Doect. 825 Hibiscus Court, Corona Del Mar, Cahlornla 92625 Ch11 las leander McBride, 8.25 H1brscui Court Corona Del Mar. C'1tltlornta 92625 Thi\ business 1s con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you star led dom• busmen yet' No Charles McBflde This statement wn hied with the County Clerk ol Orance Countt on Ol/18/0l • 20036937'41 Daily Pilot Apr 16, 1l 30. Mey 7. 2001 Will RdlllM .... ... s..... The lollow1n1 personJ are do1nc busmen " Loom.. Properly, Inc .... S3?3 Via Apohna. Yotb .. l md1. CA 91886 CSR C n111p11,.,s Int (NV) Sl23 V111 l\pohna, Yorba l md• CA 9,1!86 lhts bu'9nn• '' ton ducted by a torpor •lion Have ynu SI.tr ltd do1n1t business ytl' No CSR [nl trprosu Maury Loomis CEO lho\ slaltmenl wn filed wtlh the Counly Clerk ol Ounae C6unty on 03 19 Ol 2003'ts7HS Da•ly Ptlol /\pf 16 2l JO May 7 2003 WI l6 How to Place A ___ Deadlines---~ By Fax ( 949) 63 1-6594 ll'ka...r rrw:ludt )•>Ur~ ..nd ~ numl>n anJ ""' II ~•II yw1>oc\. "'"h .J !""• qu.-.ce 1 CLASS IFIE AD - Bv Phone (9~9) IW2-5678 II ours By ~1ail/ln l't•r son: '\ '0 Wc,1 R.iy S1ree1 C'o1,1.i Me,a, ("A 92627 At Newport Blvd & Ray St . no ltab1ltty for any error m an adven1scment for which u may be re.,pons1ble except tor the co~t of the space actually occupied by the error. Cred1t can only be allowed for the first ini.ertion. Tclt:phonl! X '\Oam-5.00pm Monday-Fndjy Walk In X 'Oam 'i OOpm Monday Fndjy ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL "eclflc View M-1 ... Double Gr ave One of the best locations Mu\t Sell 949.939 3091 Collectibllll Memorlbtlla 1160 T<W SS 4 alcOltDS ITC lm. llmic. Ell' !"Os & 00\ Ill Mee, Spkt, tlbe 11111PS Mike 949 645 7505 ENTBrrAINMEHT Cl...," Ewnll 1310 EQUM .. OPPOIJmY All real estate 1dver t1'9n& 1n this new'Paper Is \11biecl to Utt hderel r a" Houstna Act of l 9lil a' amended which maku II Hleaal to advertlM ''"'" pr•I• ence, llmlt•t1on or dlur1mln1tlon baud on race. CAJlor, rtli&loft. ,.. , ht11dlei19, llflllllat 1tah;1 Of national Oflcln, 11t an 1111~ntlofl to 111akt 1ny such prelerenu. ltmlta tlc>fl Ot drttflmln1tlon • Th~ newsplll"f wlll 11ot knowincty 1ccept 111y 1dvertl1ement for re1I nt•I• wflkfl It In VIOl•tlon of the l1w. 0Uf r11der1 11e ~•rtb{ lnf(l(mtd tll1t ell dwel tnp ~., littd lfl 1111• new-.>•P« er-e ev 11111>11 11n In equal Ojlt)Oftllfllt~ l>etn. To comp4etll of ..,_ a........,..,,._.HUOtol ,,. st 1 9424 «ilJO 111111111111 - r..1••: = -----~ .......... .....,. ' ~ 14&9 2305-2490 BUSINESS SERVICES ANAHCWJ PROFESSIONAl SERVICES Misc. Business s.vtca 2340 Financial ~~~~~~~~ Plannlng 2465 fRH S250 a•ft cerltfi· cate 1ust"'tor tr ym1 our l ocal Phone Service with flNANCIAl srcans Of F RH lone d1stancel the Super Weoltt!yl Ten D1•t11butors wanted too. Techniques the the Call loll free 1-877 302· wealthy use everyday to 4743Uon, views, boauna incnse their wultll If you and fishmc Excellent truty desn to ac:hrve opportunity, dont mrs' financ11I' stcurity You oull flancm1 available must have~ 1-877-891 Call I 888-432-5263. 3260 S20 V/MC.11)1.SC by CAL •scAN) P~t11ck L~x. author iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~.lnestlllentBnlc~r,... FINO CAL ·SCAH Oldw Styte """"- 'IAHOS l Colectlif • . ......,._ . .._ ............. ~~ .. CMMM.ID .. -----.. llUY DTATB ·~'"-'It­.. Ef/Blff/ -Dli'IDD/ PRECIOUI METALS c ... c ........ Old Coifttl Cofd. silver, ~.wetdMe.ent...­eClllettlbln "9 642-94411 ra 1111 .............. CATS. 000$ ,.,._ onw -......... ...... ,......., ,,,,,,.,,. ...... .II ~Y iu:nt wcccnu ... 2'ZJ'I .... , ....... uAI ... ..._.!m-Olll w,. .......... =.~=· ,...,....,. ~ 3010-3940 ~ .liiil. 500S-5150 3610 ••••••••• TlwyNH4t.ft, TMy Nee4 Yw. OA , ........ 0.-...... er-. o.ity SJSo. 94t-211-SllS ••••••••• nNAN<W ucans Of the St1ptr W..tthyl Ten Techniques the the wealthy int _.ydl)' to Ina-ttlw wealth If you truly desa"e to 4Clwe hn1nc11t secu11ty You must have ttllll 1 UI 891 3260 S20 "IMCt1>ISC by Patrldo. leMev•, author of lrlest!IMnt 8ISCS Free S/!f(CAl~) Index HOMES FOO SAl..f ORANGE 5400 COUNTY 0,.. s.t 1-S. J Ja'9 c-. ~ .. 4&. pool. '11)1, panorlW!"K tXei11r1 -· $2.(!1),(D) act PalJd< fllnOre ~97m CoDMISI l'SWt """'-3bt 2 ~. srut toe, -before on the nwlt.et. ~· 1500sl, $419,(D> 'II 96689 719) CallDtCm PllMI ISfAUS PAftKI TIMOaf NATtONWIDI USA ...... ,.~705 www e•trkkl.nort.com *"••ladl IOOS-8510 ~ t000-9750 ..,....,... ,., I I I 5br 45tw, esh fl~ br/tla ~ lave .. Coll ~ & SlaMI -•As1< 11001 1o 111!1 sao.<Dl dl5ccult! _. 916-Tlf). :JU'I ,RIME ISTATIS l'ABKK TINOll NATIONWIDI USA 94t-IH-t70S www.p1l11cktenor1 com OCIANFIOMT 110· OCIAN VllW S6Jt,to0 AGT t49-J9S-7222 .......... C2Br 2Ba. ds to bdl, newly rll'llOd .,, alt ... ~ SZBVrm 96es 9481 D .... t•-• • Call fer Uet .... • • ,.,,.,,.., ... <•• • ....., ..... ,.,.,,. l.M Gee M WAla IPK'9 rwnl llfOn 2.br u. mot* "°"" m.on 2" ollbCllll'tMJ57....ili2 • UOOtsLl._ ...... ~ St.tall.UOW MT. t4t-11a.2744 OCIM PAllOIAMA HIATNTM .. VllWS S4ff,oet OTATI WI AOT. f4t•t1t·2S~t DS-C....,_ ,, ....... ~......., ....... ,,,. ..... llfTAfH PA...:lftllOll MAnotlW• ISA ........... ,.. www.pelrldltellof1.com yow stuff ~ classifledl Under the Sen-ice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call--Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 RURAL PROPERlY FOR SALE Randtes/flnnll Cony Property 5915 COLOaADO aANCH SAU S39.00! lhOU'S;)(ICI$ below appulsal Save $$ now llOd own some ot Colorlldo'~ l!MI r MlGl'wi$ [nfCIY lllb!Jlom ..,._, of the Rodon with shJ1111111C 'Wm!Jbl l\cCt"D to 60XI M:r es of F fJd rec. ltf U Y-round road wrltl t.V elllC E ac Owner finanana C111 tol free I 866 696 !.263 (CAL •SCAN) SOUJHfaN SllHA'S LAND Baraaln 20 ecrH $49,900 Prleed 10< qu1clt ule Eacellent location, views. boal1n1 and hsllln1 [ "eltenl oppor1un1ly, donl m1u oull rtancln• an1l1bte Call I 881 432-5163 CM. •SCA!lf) Balboa Peninsula .......... _.. Penon,ul.1 Sludto O C (AN V tl W /,. r I"'• Apaflments 1va1f A&t ,...,._. llr tlo. fp S650 S950 949 67l 7800 1a1 prka n/~c/pets ,.. Hr• fl lbr lb.l r- St .!>50/mo 949 m 8450 "<Xlltlert'. -• ""' ..m,1 Very L 1 1br 2ba ~ P'V1 pebJ, (Jll!l. <M ChJrn11111, steps to &'"'1Sllm~l!i60 be.tell Sl590 yrly. 15'4 "•nhuulo "•Int lbr Mrlilflw Or 94961'!> 1:!'111 Iba. nicely fur noshed. ....., ...., wall to bdl ~hued l1und, ut11 incl (Jll!l nlilld1 2tJf Iba newty 11et S 1 l!Xl 949 6 7 3 7 800 reri•xl. C1WYl P & urport HAlf OH 1st MO HNT $3).ll,lnlfl 714-256-47.iO for move 111 May 15'\t hyfr-.. llw, patoo. w/11 mo ~ Newly elell1tor. 1eeured enclosed rl!fTlOdded Cape COde 5tyle prlo.e. areal v~. Ideal al community w/.-lllJPS, S2050rn llfl 949 675 8120 urpet a cer-t• Wuhtlt/....,.., dnhwW- &. refripntOI 1neludlld flSlde apl I Br SI 095 2Br 11445 (114)U..7St2 Conmdet .. C.-., -2Br lBa plln deA 2ur pt S22SOI mo 401 Harbor Woocb acent 949--21!3.(12()6 ................ l>lem cells. 1850sl, slt#b. w:·~~ CodlMm ,_._...._ 2bt 2ba clon to peer , ~ Patoo, I C¥ 11r, wdhlo. ups A&t 11600949 673 1800 Newly ,.mod 4'br 2ba • 'ondo, 2 < 1~r p1l10 • wd no PO!I/"'* Avail 6 I : Sl9501H 949 759 1344. ....,.._hy2Br.· 2 f\J4I bath. bM:. '-di. P¥t., lllOOl!o No pets, SZlOO/mo I ~ lease Ava~ IV! 5 949 5li6 9988 s..,. .. ~ ..,ty rencM. 2 rmtr .a 2.Sbi. ocn vu. ~. fp, p . no pet -at S2ACX) 9&673-7SX> • ....... 2Br 2Ba. dcle to. ti.di, nl\llfy remodlllld. lilt pr, W/d, .... ~­ $25(XVmo. 94&0-~. llACON U.Y/IAYW'W • upstairs 2bt l.!lba fp ,.,, wd 111\up 'If IM S2600/rno 949 673 8411 • CMY'ON WAAS 2•2.5 ..-. .. cnne ~ ~ a...s.s. 1-4.11t9&1'-noo ................... • ,,_.,2-... flfft pno, tomlft pool ~ • S2!11l .... '°" 986ltW3 Dlily Pilot I :_ ........... ._T.&.,lOl.,,;ID"'A1.a1l'~' ... S~~..__ _ CROSSWORD PUZZ~E r..ey ...... :& • dwl htWT>e olc, ~ 14911ded • t pl«I LOl1llTI W/pt,0 ' ...,, SAOOO/mo Shofl lerm ,. :If' 9&887 BOO:l Rlnllb WIMlct 7880 w-te4, Rln "°' l).id tote a de*&. Ptd1 l!m.u .... ,.,,,, .. (0...... tl'lll ~ MJ.4117 1561 •t«ma: TO RtAD£RS C•hlorn1a law re Qlllfes that conlr ac: Ion l ... 1n1 !(lb\ lhat tol•f SSOO or m0<e (labor °' mat .. 1.1ls) be ltcenHd by the Contrecton Stele lic•nse Board Stale law ltho requites that conlraclors 1nclud• lhff llcense numbef on all adv•l""'I You can chec~ lhe sl•lus of r our hcenud contraclor a t www.cslb ca eov or 800 321 CSlB Unh censed contractors lalilna 1oh lh•t total leu lh•n $500 mu•I sl•I• tn their 1dvertosemenll l h1t they tre not licensed lly the Con tr ectors Stall license Boerd • M••I· R1•1•1n II ...., ...... A1TORNEY CM..n....n,..._. '"· IMd -. llftd. loN,'t••',~. <*' .......... lOVilrl•~· ._,,.,.. • Employment 8500 ADMIN ASST Pl (;jnla Mo.o er •II d1~1 Cal•ki11 di'• up·d MS word E Hel lnlern•I c .. 11 10 ll•m 714 641 4808 ....... e••nltnlooh com C.,--PMty Pl.Jnntnt ' c.i.'"" eo Now H<rooe S.-fvet~ & B.., IM«ler\ 10< Pfl won. ~ IDJl742 11858 lo Mil up tnlerv- IOAT Of'HlATottS Bo•I 11per elor' needed 10< h•r bor OJH!I aho1n al lwo Hubon CalahM lsl.ond Had>01 Patrol and Sh111eboal wllh 6pk lo 50 Ion he enw I ookma 101 outa•,.n& leao1 011 en led 1>r.oplt r or mlll< m.thon 1dll JIO !>10 <1?04 COMPANY DRIVE RS & Own•r 0 11Pr •f or\ Sop•IO\ ' le•rn\' Hat M•I requu"d hnl' on bonu\ hf&h mole\ ~o<>d home lime 800 909 S664 C.i 210 (CAL "SCAN) D .. VIH WANTlD ~ ' Hlllll•ll!un Bd• ul youc uwn \lht!dule! P .or I or lull limp ••••lable Sl'> • d•y full lorn• t "H 888 DOI WORK (Jf~@ -DOloan A· I HANDYMAN lnst1M. relace cab•Mh ~ "rifrJ Dq 714 ~7258 • W .. U.lts • Custom Built ins. Cro•n Mold1np. Bue Boards L•!l77982 949 709-5642 C.,..Rtp6r1'*' oCAaPnouarn~ RepHs, Palch1n1 Install Courteous any sin jobs Wholesale! 949·•92 0205 EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 114-2007 HI 112....0 NI (Mt) mMJ717 , ................. .... ,. WACE IA•• A •A~& MlnyCoell~ 11.• ITU ff9 S1• 1•.•rru•• Plul dly pennitl, & code "'"""" 914 2007 fftEE IM·HOME EmMAm I HllPECTION SELL your stuff thrcqh classified! DRIVERS COMPANY & llASC All 10<1d\ lead to \uun\ ai CPnlr al Rel11reraled Servu ~'' Soln\ lum\ & cot Cr•duale\ wdcom~ Creal pay benef1h lu<,e purch•l.e 800 127 5ll6S <CAL •SCAN > DttrVU: OWN8I OP(JI A TCJa: HitYe 'fl'.llll own trud1 lool11ng 10< .W pendtnce) l MldslM 1..- lhe tuols/fT~t lo ITIMI• you \Utteulull CAL l lANOSTAR 888 Rb 18!>8 CCAl "SCAN) on-, {T-Operotiooft) Sl<XXl "II" ort bonll\ W• h•vt .t lol OJOMd CA 1.,,IOA'\31 1Ymtllrr11 l~jll'I!!>\ I lllK I flX) 428-0~3 RPf •IOI 1fma1l 1e<rul 1n&@>aimellw11 tom) - m/f, d. • c CAI.• SCAN l DttlVQ: ()WMJI Of'Ol. ATC.: H<tv" 'fOIJf own trucl\' l "°'lflfl tor true •ndependfonce7 l .. nckl"' h.r. 1111! loob/tr f'fOll lo mMle Y"IJ sucte5$1ul1 I In>-711 1898 (CAL~> l#HOME & •USl#ISS '"A/ti Uparacles, Rep••rs o_f Computer. Nelw0tlis E ~en1n1:1./We~ends C-Ompetrt1ve ptlCH fOf qualfty S.VK 94t-U6~ 1175 714-92t-4211 c.a...1-, 8rkli llecft s...,.. ~p-~ F""'6c. 880. Wa Z5Yn £ap. T:rg 114-557·75lM C1 • ltC•ma ... ......, •NlwC1 ....... ~-.... 71 Bridge By CHAA&.ES GOREN wtth OMAA SHARIF llnd TANNAH HIRSCH • WHICH surr -D? Both \'ulnierahlc South deal' Sittina North-South. ru.pecuvely NOR11 I wen: the lalC Edor ICapl.wi ~ Bnan • A Q 116 5 1 Glubock K.iiplin'• Jump \hlf1 In 5 ~ pronu~ cat.her 1 Klf-wtri- oait suat or ao00 Jpildes and I WOO& A K 7 6 fit for opener'~ nail, and four dui- WEST • IO 4 FA<;T mnnds clanraed which The jump to • Vo6d • J 4 J five no INmp wu the Gn&Dd Slam • 9117' 4 J Ko 10 ~.~king llbw1 the three top hon· ~ J 5 10 9 1 on in the agreed uump Wit, an Ull\ • K 9 5 J2 • Q J ~ 7 case diamonds, and M:vcn dub' SOUTH • proms~ two of the thrtt • K 10 9 7 II nught l'«m au101T11111~ 111 had !ht: A J 1 gnuid slam an s~. bu1 Glutxd. Q 8 4 .\ WI) worried· 11bou1 a dub lo-.cr • A 6 Although he knew l1w hi> \1dc h.ld JI Opcruni( le.id. I hr"" of • leut 11 nine-card spiidc tit, he ..clccwd diamond.~ II.'> Ult INmp \Ull \lll4:C. hi\ losing i;lub i:ould be d1M.11rdeJ on u pade in the North hand. The I JUI trick would come from t'alher .i ,j.-.th 'pode in the North hand or 1hc I.mg in ea I.her hearts or clu~ YC\ICni.sy ~l' poanwJ llUI when II •• w1..c W for~o J .i~ Iii 111 favcw o( pla)'mg an 11~ 'truo~i:r wmbsnc:d uump iUll I uJJy. v. c hl~hlaghl the puwer of the -' .i tit Eveo with the dub lead, 13 tn._._, were ell))'. Dccl~r won wuh the ~c drew lhnlC n:iwwb of uump,, da .... 1'td cd a heart and a dub on dummy·, loog ~and rufTc:d., he.an un lhe Ulblc (or all the llld\ , D•IVU /CD L (A) Heuitot ... SIO.<X.O alte S ~s' SOLOS to J9 C8t1b lum Ill 41 c.enk ContlillclM lo 87 ltnl\ fuel '411 e;twr ~ llll c,, .od'I welcome ((I( ID.> 92'.> !IS!l6 or Kl l M 1 n"' (CAL •SCAN) DttfVOt-Cove<l3nl Ir.,,.. port le•m\ lum• leatm Wt ~ le.MTn l0t the lofli haul Owrl<'r operator\ "'"""tnttd drover). M>k". le.trm <1nd llJ.00.le sl~b. C.i• I 8118 ~ PAY(I R88 667 3729) (CAL 'SCM) ISlAND IM,LOYMINT I wo H•rbur\ •unique sea\1d~ de\t1nahon •I lhe We\I End ul C•l •hnd Island W~ arf' lonk1n11 lo• out1101n& tum "" ented peaplt w1lh n c~llent c u\lon1er .e1v1ce s"-•11\ Im lhe lollowtn& \e•\Onal '"'"' '""~ Re w\ldurant Sh0<I orde1 Cn11k\ Server\ 01\h Wd\hf'r\ Auounhnr Llertk 1.~n~••I Slure Cltrk' 1.in11111\. C.•11111 truund Rantt~I\ & f utl Ou<~ All~ndanl F.11 mloc•ll 110 ~10 4?04 '" JIO !'>10 4107 ''" illl ">10 l!l;'Jll) -~UJlf~b<Jf". JOtn U111Ytrsal Fl11uclal 61911J. a rapidly expanding Na11ona1 Mo~ WKfft, at our downtowr Long B~ach locallon As a "red mortga1e ltllftr ¥ie otter immediate 1n house uo<1e1w11tino ano an 1ncred1ble proctss•ng team that allows our IOans to Close w1tn1n 3 days Hands on duect 1ra1mno wi1h tile l.11es1 in mortgage technology allows our sales team to earn 1a1oe monllltv chttks bv 1urnmo more fo;n~ wuh a lun spectrum of prO<lucts lhal 1nclu<les pnme su~onme and FHA' Loan officers wnh 2 • 1ea1~ tx~rien« Wiii fond our m;inagement path in exceptional oooonuMy Calf 1 ·866-2G2·93-44 or Fu your mume lo 708-671-1427 NHD MO•E •OOM? lollOOlONS ' RI.MD: l IHC l •~77982 949 709 !1647 0-. Publishing Tl l TO llOIN YOU•HOMl tM,.OVIMlNT ,.OJlCl? Call 1 plumber pa1nler. handyman 0< any of lh• creal services hsled hi'•• on our HfVKt dNKl0<7t lHESC LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAV! Wl1T1t0fn H YWAll All phues sm/lta lobs CUAMI 20yn. l•lf. free est. L«XXm 714-639-1447 eatcal Sentca UC""° CCMnUCTOll No Jllll ton"" ,.. ...... ""'". fMIOdel. 1-. ,..-IKMM&Bll f1llltll'lll GOVHNMINT JOIS- Wlkll1~PMUI Sl321 to $4<per tw p .ttd tr MW1lt F ul beoeflb No eXpet~ .nee nee ~boo & e«1m Wllornwbotl Toi ftee I 888 778 4266 •850 !CAI. •SCAN) O..e ,..1t1... 10< Pronl & Craph1c ~"&n r.n-,-... ~ s..s ,.,..,,... lo hr@•tn p11nhn1 c.om OW•l• O,UATO• TlAMSI COL w/li91·Mal & Doubles r eq T et rrwtal r ttnona1 OropMooll, Hn Qn Bonus, Hli&h Mlle$ IKX)- 909·!1664 e•I 210 (fJ\l •SCAN) ow•u O,UATO• TlAMSI COL •/l'W~I ' Doubles req r .minw T erlTWlal OropMooll. Hire on Boom, Hli&h Wes ln>- 909 !1664 e•I 210 (CAL "SCAN) ow•u O,UATO• TlAMSI COi. w/Haz-l!Qt ' Doubles r eq 1 s rrwtal hr,,,..., Oropftiook. Hire 00 8ont.n ~ Miiis In). 909 5664 ... 210 (CAl.•SCAN) Pubhshon& ,.OMOTIO•S Dl'AJtTMlNl Communrty ~s l'I Or <lf1lll County seek\ f ul r""" penon to 1111«v- "'1C1 w.11e st0<e. paroo JMle 111 uxnmunrty ~b UUlr dOd P"P'i'le ~ and \eC"ltom £ • cellent UICTIITUllc.lbon slul!.. wot1o. "'"' Wllh !he publlc Know M' Sl'(lt. QuatllXPfeu Pilot'""°" Multi NJ Ct e .ilor. P1 oftoenl Oil MAC dOd PC CCI du1cn ••peroenle preferred f'rool!e.;dln& lat Drue %1--11/physol;.ol ·~ed l Ol (. .rellenl beneftl p.k.llaP,e (m.-.4 r~. w.itsne .....,.,..,,. """ """"' ••qu11emtnls lo """'e·~@la~com II ;tt .. ~ .. &l'>y ~ ~ Reill l ,.i.,,tr cllfu sa-y Qlnl- n1en-,ut a I~ w •'P Faa re'UT"ll' ID ~'ll77 .......... ~ • I I P~• >On ;;;f,:e P11 t 4 '>' ....... y Ull1lll1tft'H""' w t'"'~ f 4a. re5U'Tlt 10 9C'J G7S 2127 IOtct-& ... .__.. floor~ Counters ' Show~" l tS9131S f rtt C \lorn.tit 949 481 2097 llMY flecm-ed Reowlln 6 lnslalbllOl'I Ill( OlAN 949 673 8065 714 fM6.8S2li 714-8113-2001 = t.. T ...,.., l.eelhc .... ~ ,,......_ lnll nm-. 6 1nstaU.lt00 25 Yrs up Uc/1nsurtd 94g.S48-4l6J COMPUTI 1.ANDSc.vtNG Du•an. cleanups, lreu. aod, S(>f'tnkl..-s. Maintenance as low es $9/wffk LicenHd 71•·222·8'2!1 Neck Dlr1yWertl&. f1 r .. I - I awns. Lawn Aenllna • Sprinkle"· lr~­rc, Spranc Tune·ups, ~epa11'' Upcradts .• "HI~, IU do your D11ty Wor.11" 714-7 U -2121 SALES Sales Man•ae" One ol ll)e h•&hl'\I paid iobs on Aml'roc• H1&hly successf ul nallonal company Woll Ir iun Wt provide appo1nlmenh Can Don I 800 322 4103 ,emca(@vencorrmcap wm OfllV[ Ifs COMP ANY & L£AS[ M rclilds leoad tu ~ at Cmtr.. Relf& euted Se<vices1 Soler, r-& <n. Gr~ welcome G1ea1 pAy henefib. lease pwdWM IID7Z7·511ffi (Clil •SCAN1 Secr--V/1l•••"-"'' lf1 N8 Real hlate office C.0.,.,.18 & reel est..te tll> No ht net 949 6 77 5680 JOIN OUR flAM and make a dlllerente In lhP Calolorn1a Army Nallon•I Guard you tan &~I money lor tolle&e An<I career Ir a1n1n1 Call I 800 CO CUAllD <C.Al"StAN) JOIN OUR l[AM and mue • drtftrence In thP Calrforn1a Army Ndhon•l Guard <fOU tar1 &~I money for colleae •nd career lr.a1n1ne Call I 800 CO GU AR O CCAl •SCA~) JOIN OUR TUM and malle • dlff"'MCI' In ltMo CalilfTlt.... /ltmy ~lion.I Cuat d you "'" eel """""" lot c:ollece atld CM eer 11-., Cd I !DJ CO GUNID (CAI. "SCAN) DOUGHlUY HOTHUS Tia FNI Tw:h SStao 1!1.1 ~ r,... Soc. Sen*' lnst/llt!pH 714 791 8746 Ttff Sonlw, Yard Cleanup Matnlenanu Spr1nlllet Repair, H•uhn& (t4t) 6SO-Ul 1 COMrUTE HOME •AlllrElfA#CE No fC)b loo small! [verythin& from Carpm\17y to P-q fru nllm•le c.11 ,_,,., •••-i•s-1••• hi W SPKIAUST. All types of ,.,,.,,, Elf!C: trlcal. plu1'111>4rc. doon. ..,.~tln'man 24hr /1 dllp 714-366 1881 a.....ftll~ Fftlh o.pns. ::3"'-.. .. ~-.... bcl9dl • .._ SilO CllaMC. 11-..,.., Cll~ 71~ ....... -_Aatat_2 .... ___ .. _ WDadll ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ......... -a.... '" AA °""""• 2 I Y6, ~ acluel ma, •ulo. 19ttkhn1 rect/arey llllf m nrf. CO. loolls ' amella new V456721 $17.•95 lonanc1111 •nil Bkr Ut-s••-1111 -.ecpe!H.~ .. w1aw ~ Sorn BIUllT.,, <home Ma. 1211 rn. ........s. l1"Uil -S2D.5(Xl !M!). :J18.994!) C!!'l•ler Set.rt .. (...,. JX 00 37K. V6. MetaMic 11reen Grey int. 81Kk lop, Buul1lul hke 11ew cond1llon S IO,SOO v1n872412 949 586 1888 w-.e<,.~l.c- Dltce¥ery '00 II V8, Cerl1l1~d #242046 $20,995 •••~•'•• ·o 1 1 ... ,. C240 l •ke ntw. l o•cled .014201 S24,9ts Dlunety '02 SI V8 Lo .. ded Ilk mo P1111t Rtntal •750601 Sll.ttS Dluovery '00 II V8 lulhe1 Dual Sun R1mh L~r l1f·ed •24122 S20,9tS Dls .. vefy 'O 1 Sl V8 l e.ilh•I Du.ol Sun R1111f\ I Prlol1ed •123223 S24,99S GMC "01 Y11t.- Denoll l r.-1h1-1 ~un HtlOf 9 f •' «cn~~r •199120 $15,995 Dfuovery '00 II '18 I ••lh•• I oaded r ••llfl•d •2421 89 $20,995 GMC'OOY111i- Denoll 4,4 I uw M1 Blk'Bllo. l.11\I th111n1• Wheel~ #22146 S24,99S aong• •• ., •• '03 lfll11tMI• I u .ur 1 SUV •11149S $67,995 Dluo¥•ry '99 Unly }JI\ Mo Lnlll1ed •205951 S20,9tS WIDIOVB llWPOIT IUOI 94 M0-644S l.eJWt '" U )00 4w4, blm, 1mmac. S7"-ma lthf, tow pq, ~ NM tourld.. dwm ,,.,., lfd -. boob m:m •B51D? u-.lot '02 .. _....., n mo lull ••cl iw•rr ..iv., und/lan Ith< CO 'teck•r Lhrome whb elllra sul v67l'>lll S27 99'.i fwm hn ' wMr av11I 0 Down qu•kf,.d borers 4 6 APR Brok•• t4t-SU-1UI --.ec:pea.1.c- ••rce4u '96 C210 buu11ful bluk/<re•m fully lo•dtd •howrooin u... Sil !J 71•1!>1 ~ ClDU 300I '90 ur 11undy , • I own••, ~H•lltnl rond new tire., record\ PP S6'>0<l t4t-U 1 -8540 M•tee4u '99 S320 L we 52k nu 3 yr w"1 AV ill, ~•lvtr /blk lthr be,ul 01111 tond. •87">?4 I 524 99"J lon•n"n& •wail Bkr 949 '>81, 11188 1 www.ocpcd>I.'"- Merce4u '88 560 SL while/tan 1mm•c t\«•J. nn. ..... ,_ ..,.. q, i:hurl!I. i:l4JID n. l"JI .-.., NEW2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF PR£MJUM PKG 16' Af.LOYS CO i1~,~~J 141 IHS ~R([ (!CIDl81 • OTHER Al SIM!lAR SA\1NGS1 • LITS MOT~! If ~ l \ *****••• ~ f RUWA'f @ HA'i1R WfTA w. -..iro MAL (111)813-9808 NI•._ '98 Senl•o GU , I ••,. n.-w 1!ld• 1 , I a•••• ~d••ltd non - - ~AUlO UIWU 4.41 01 ~ •·C.•1 vlellrotr Owntd4 f ult I wded' ( I 93J4 J 'M!I <JflJ ,end. ...... ~· si-v 81..k .. '*'"'"' IUw 11111 rJnt1 5711 ,._ 8-.olyf ( 19J<'fl) $74 WJ hndtefUS ' '86 Blad• ,.":t:,,. IM> "I• luM •rt·~d-. ""'~ hnd I 19?8111 SI J 'llfl i..,.s '~ s.don'OO rtu\ 1~ • t,,.,...tuly•~.>Hrtii.i1f ll'J3l•· $2/'M) IMW7'40I i.d.n'91 Uf\f •J~I~ Ir.It ti N ... #pud '>to<Mr• ~· tt ft1 l lfd-tfi' .o wflr ll'H4CJ1 Pt 'Ml H--H 1 '03 tilx.lii "' wh• dt m (..t., ofl.,.riwtl,. flt ~ ~odl:ti N . ., tict lil.111> t tllw--t ( ('~ 11" I 1' .A ;It Xlfl >ogu-c_,, •99 .• htf~f ,,. nwt "" "'~ ,.., r ' , ( .Otf:d "' '" ,.,t{fj , ...... ~ t.xw tS.00 s......·oo t ~ " ,,. "' •I ,,_.., ftt•I., ~ ~ • IHI l~ II<. \II, "'' MIZ MlOO '00 '"JJV Ntuh .,. I ,, 1 r• 1 ~~lo., t.JW 011 l'i t4$':1 \/'t :11 M6Z C'llt310 (...,.. 99 hlc)I ~ ff t , .. lfhf 1h1on~wt\I d'Hll ',. +4 .. .t .... •« Ivy 949 S74 1717 PHii.UP<; AUTO phll~o.com PORSCHl 'O I IOXSHR k t .. ~ ... ' • 'If l•• f, I \ 949 173 0370 SEU -Pl CJIUCSDI 'OJ u.w-1. lu4ded 8000 1111 (;1'"11 oiltlOll )>4'f f I und Pf" 511~90 6Jl H40 TOYOTA CAMIY WAHflO 101 Pl••••• P"IY 199'>1>19970. Cornlt. 111 l"'>d •011d1t1Uo NO Of AH RS• C•U 94'.l 'H '> OJ37 •fl•• 6 00 Al1TOM08lil, MISCe.J.MEOUS Wanted ao45 ,...,~~ '""~ 40 ,....,~ ~·1~ ... ~ .... -1 >1f:IY f# lJI•"' fur 'f'•• "' v .. 1 •i b•• ~ jMlfl h 011 nut C.11 IM~ k•y (u• lcvnillu A.It o ,.>lo• 114 41/ 1'11l ,, IJ4 (Jl< (•'l! CASH ro• cus WI HUD YOUll CAtt ,AID fOll Oil NOT 'HILU,S AUTO ASIC fOll MALCOLM 949 574 7777 I BOAT REPl,iRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGSr LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 9-Sip ,. 1 •Nt •• 1fl ., '"' tu ' lt1t I -I I ,.,,. I , I vt \ • .. ,. •'rt ...... t ... , -1 1 j/.J I 11 ' "' I'~ q3 f I SLIP AVAii.AiU IN NlWPOlll llACH SHOO UASI 949 SOO IOOS Jell Us About YOUR GARAG( SAL(! In CLASSlflED (949)642-5678 D..tg. 98 Voy099t. 1 "'"""""'1 41 ,. 1 . .., 11> P•" whol• ~'"Y ml P•l 1 mo SS'J!.lt 7H 7'>1 141.4 ~mkr . hke new lOnd ;:====:x:=============;:=======::; •4S7?7S SS4~ Bkt 'JC'.j !>86 1888 WWW ,._p.obt 00' ----J09"« ''3 lU6 c dll<>< JJI.. m1 "' 11 rmely tl••n I o wn., Sl4 000 ubo 949 S3J-2JSJ -----..., ,., '""""' a...... 6cyl ? wd 36k arlual mo \11•~· v1~y '"' alloy\ tabuluu• hke new unmaiketl tond 4 Y'"' w•t """"' .~1n1 StJ.lffl lum 0 Down qu•hftf'd buVfJ\. 4 b N'R lltull"' 9h-su 1111 www.ocpobl.com 1.-d ...... ~ oac--y ll '>811 • mo who Ir Ian llhr du.•1 m11rl btau l1lul 11111 J y•a1 *"" av1ol SI J 99S v•7576?4 Brnker 949 ">86 18~R WWW.OCf'O.C-··F,mplnufo. ·· 1.-d .__ ~· D'9c-v I ( ">8k • mo wh1lr Un flhr •Ju.ii ""'r I br•u t1t u1 or •i J yP~H wan await 1 I I 'II)', •• 1'>76?4 Br,.._., 949 S81> 1888 'Empl(J\ t> •• Handyman/ I Moving , Storage HomeRtpalf HST MOVlU SS9/Hr p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; serv•n& •11 ut"'' ln•ured ~~ fut tuvrl~nU\ .,Plul ' ..,.. fl 6J8441100 246 7J711 C.w~ntry • f'lumbtn& PUBLIC NOTICE Oryw•H • Slu<'cn lhf' C•lll Pub « Pallllll\i 1*' l!l<lfe Ut1hlln C11mm"""" 21)+ Yf'MJ C tPf'flf'tW.•' JI 714_969.s776 requ1u•• lh.al •II u•ed hOU\t'hOld ~nod\ mo•~" pnnt th~11 PUC t:al I number JESSCY A .. A.M'S HOME•1'AM srtcWJsr Renon1ble Pr tees 14 Yrs e1peflen~e on 111 tr.ades Specralmna 1n rwdenll•l 1nt/e1t 714-501-MM ld61418! •011•soN COMPANY Kttd_,., Wais. Balhtoams Mark lM9 650 9!12S THI HA•DYMAJI All w0tll cuaranlHd ~a.me.I. Doors.. r...,,c=p *-•~ ....... JUM TO THI IKl•'lll 714 968 1112 AVAILAllLC TOOAYI 949 673 5* hmo~ tnd chauflru" p11nl lhror I C P numtH!r on •II •d•<'• h!IA!mf'nh If you h••• any qu.-1t,1n' about lh• l•&•llly ol • moYtr, hmo or l haulfe"' t •ll ,UIU< UTIUTIU COMMIS$IO .. IOO 177-H67 °""'"''. ,_,..., "/lYr's exp Great Prll*' Guaranltied WOt"k fr" nt l 137'560? 7 I 4-SJ8 l SJ' 7 390-294!> ,.,... .. , ....... Toe> Qu.thlr. tompetrhvf' lnleiKH/[ cl L""'8228 c.n ,., 949-650-5066 Painting RAIHIOW alClf ~T l'au•< nc Crlt/PJI ""'"' (\ fJu• 1, tob r,~ ~'!§' t l •'>6989/ 714 6Jf WY- HOl E REPi\J•m'-<.. & ~D ro.1'1111'<, T •clilvt~-'' f MllTJ8e"""'1 stwrR JCTTINC Cl ECTRONIC: SL A8 l[AI( DETECTION f ftrndly Sflr •IC• 94t-67S -tS0 4 -~ ...... lftn 1 •1"24'1t '"'"""' PlU"'8CR l~ I,.., lst' Sm 111.r.. ocrrru o... 714 l~ 9150 ,.lOSE "-UMIJ9HO Rep.an ' Rernoclelonr FREE ESTIMATl L '617 J'lil 714 969-I~ \ NOMAntR NOW YOU SAT n. ClASSfAED CAN FINO rr. Plumb mo 5{WlJ llll owe WAl9tG (94t) 64S 13S7 Roofing,tutters your stuff Uw<M.lfl class1ft d! AU Wednesday, May 7, 2003 SEEKrf!=tOFIND FIND THESE W ORDS IN T H E PUZZLE ~ELOW. CHE6TAH OIRAFl-"l? RHINO CltOCOOlLB HIPPO SAPAJU eL.EPllANT LEOPARD TIOBR OAZ&.1..6 U ON ZEBRA rH• WOCDe Jt~AO Vff OOWN ANO ACltO.•. R E c H E E T A H w c A G s D H I p p 0 R F A G N M G z v B 0 M z L p 0 E I y s c L E 0 p A R D w A 0 Q L w s z H x A F D R L T 0 E 1 p u A 1 B E K J B N F M R L 1 0 N w R 0 c w I E L E p H A N T A E c K G I R A F F E L WAFIR AIR081C5 AQUA FONI FIFNISS For Info 714.969.7474 -.....-~~ Dawnette Lowry Why did the cat go bowling? l21l24 l22l2o l 14 l 12l24 I I 1 l24I l1sl2ol 12I I 20 171 I 20 I 5 I 5 I 24 I 1 a I I 22 I 20 I 13 I ST. JOACHIM CATHOLIC SCHOOL • Pre-Kindergarten to 8 1 H grade • Qualified, credentialed teachers • School accredi red by WAS C • On-site extended day care available 1964 O RANGE A VENUE, COSTA M ESA (949) 574-7411 Contact: Cathy Dressler ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL HIDDEN PICTURE Color in each space that contains a letter. 5 1 .20 1~ .21 17• • e 23 13 19 . •24 • 16 . 22 12• 1~. :25 27 •11 15 26 • •28 5 • 6 29• 35 4 • • •10 • 7 • 9 e • 8 • • 47 48 • 30 ~ ••• .,..,. •36 • 32 ..J..J • 31 37 •38 • 40 :, 42 •4 3 • 45 •44 PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL OF COSTA MESA Kindergarten through middle school &talJlltled In l966 Pmdpal Suzanne Lamonct M.A. Ed. REAOING/l.ANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAM EMPHASIZING PHONICS STRUCTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & TWO-YEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. ' OPEN HOUSE May 17th 9:00 -1:00 Christian Montessori Schools ancl Academy EXTENDED CURRICULUM TEAOtERS FOR: •Computer Education • ~nish • Swily1ming (pool on premises) • P.E. • /Vt • Mus1e Internet Connection in Computer Lab and Classrooms. Classroom comP.Vfers & comP.Ufer lab on premises. Reader, Releren<• & Audio Vasual Ubra:s premises. Credentialed teachers. SmoU single-grode classes. Sibling discounts. Care Before & After School. 6:30AM-6 P Non-Aaldemk Summer Comp 2'1 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ........, ............... .......,.. 949-645-5171 www.PaltcPrfvate.com 'S A NEW GAME IN FROZEN RDPE!I FROZEN ROPES TRAINING CE,_,TER is proud co announce our GRANO OPENING on Saturday, May 3rd from 11 am-8pm ar our lrvinc, CA location. • V'irual lrainfoa • Duunond Sucnph Tra.ining (pitch rcc.ognjtlon, uacking) • Born co Play Program • Showumc 'Tfalning (l·Syr old.) (mc:nc.il alulli) •VIPER (Video ana!ysia) • fnwuctt0nal McmbcNlipa • Virf\lal P11ch1na Machina • lndMdual ec Croup lnsrN«IOn (tunnel ttnWa ~ROZKN ROPK• TRAINING CIENTKR 19028 M CGAW A VE. I AVINE, CA (949) 2!50-1 1 99 www.lmae9 fiiworopee ~m l.nt, on co .fr .._ '" .,jcw cmt n.t1on11I ~1tc Ch«k our ruu hcJuk M'f-~nrw .. We Accept Children 18 Month to 12 Years • Sports •Foreign Languages (French & Spanish) • ~. Ballet, Gymnastics, Music • T~r/infant Program Available •Alt, Music, Science ! Newport Orange lrvlne Orange 2591 Irvine Ave. 1130 E.Walnut Ave. 7000 Trabuco Ad. 1539 Mayfair Ave. 949-631-9749 71 4-744-1578 . 949-653-1091 71 4~631 -9749 Full 11nie • Part Time 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Afllllated Ages 2 to 8 Bzick lzay llJo~ri 398 UaMnity Dr.,.~ Mm (949) 548-3771 -