HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. • • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,MAYS ,2003 U.S. Coast Guard Lt. John Kidwell will be leavmg the cutter Narwhal to return to school at San Diego State University. Going ashore Paul Clinton Daily Pilot U.S. Coast Guard Lt. John Kidwell 'itep aside for O'Mara. Kidwell. who livel'> m Laguna N1· guel. enJJSted in the Coast Guard in 1991. He grew up ITT Oklahoma. A fter an almost two·year tour of duty in Corona del Mar, Narwhal com · mander Lt. John Kidwell will trade his captain's quaners for a classroom. will leave his commanding post in Corona del Mar for lessons at San Diego State The Oklahoma legislature hon- ored him on Nov .!. 2001. creaung a ·John Kidtvell Day." In a May 30 ceremony. Kidwell will step down from the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Narwhal in a change- of-command ceremony. Lt. James O'Mara has been named to re- place him. Kidwell didn't come to the deci- sion easily, saying he wouJd miss a community he has protected with the Coast Guard cutter. "It's going to be hard 10 leave: Kidwell ..aid. ·rm always ·going 10 have a place in my heart for the :--;arwhaJ. the crew and the com · munity." In the summer of 200 I, Kidwell announced he would lead the crew of the Narwhal on a 41 -day 1oumey from New Orleans to Co- rona del Mar. The Coast Guard had selected the Narwhal to re- place the cutter Point Studrt. As Lhe first captain of the 87 · foot Narwhal, Kidwell became, in Coast Guard parlance. "a plank owner.· Kidwell. 32. said he en joyed his llme in the area. but de· cided to return to graduate school. The Coast Guard wiU send Kid well to San Diego State to study educational technology. A master'<; is his endgame. Lt. Cmdr. Bill Rospars. Kldwell's immediate supervisor, did not re· turn calls for comment about the move. The Coast Guard has scheduled a changing-of-the-guard cer- emony for May 30. Kidwell will After the 5ept. 11 terromt ctt tacks. the Narwhal \Ya!> tht.' firs1 boat 10 patrol the Lo'> Angelt.'c.- 1.ong Beach Harbor area Rep. thris Cox also honored KJdweU at a Nov. 2. 200 I. comn11s~1onmg cer emony for I.he Narwhal • PAUL CLINTON covers lhe environment, business and poht1cs He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul chn(on a lat1mes.com Fraternity, Oiicano students meet over charges Members of UCI fraternity will take sensitivity training in response to charges of racist behavior. Christine Carrlllo Daily Pilot UC DMNE -Members of the Sigma Pi fraternity. who were accused last week of racist behavior, met with mem- bers of the campus's Chicano commu- nity and an impartial third parcy lue1>· day. But whether the community forum, which was mediated by a university ombudsman, was successful remains to be seen. "I think in terms of dialogue, those goals were reached, but in terms of a solution thats far off and just. I think. needs to be solidified,· said Sunny Lee, assistant director of the cross-rultural center within the dean of students' of· fice .. "The Latino studenlS . . . feel that there'.s no clear resolution becau..r,e they feel like they've been down that road and there was no accountability. In Sigma Pi'.s mind, they feel what they're going 10 do is enough. This was mainly an opportunity for people lo taJ.lc. and hear each other.· On Friday. about 40 students. mosl.Jy Chicanos, pro1ested the fraternity after they distributed Oiers and wore T-shins that were considered offensive by m any of the university's Chicano community. One of the items deemed highly of- fen. .. 1ve on the 01er... ·which the frater mty made to promote its Cinco de Mayo party. "Drinko for Cinco." was the promotion of the fraternity's "Dirty San· chez Look-a-like Contest" The students pointed to early con- cerns abou1 Sigma Pis use of images of Mexicans often considered negative at the beginning of the year as exacerba1- ing the problem. They demanded the fraternity members not only stop dis- tnbuting fliers and wearing the T-shirts. SH CHARGES, Pa11 M BELL CURVE Win some, lose some -without lawyers T hinp did not go well for athledc ooeches last week. The new Alabama football coach wu fired for pubUcly exposing an exceutve amowtt of Interest ln lap dancing and the ladies who perform Lt. and the Iowa State bubtbaD coach «Waits • limilar fate for partying too enthusiudcally with coeds. been filed in the U.S. in the past year, so the C.orona del Mar flap is not an iaolated example. 1 have no knowledge of the merits of the local case, ln Which the father or I baleliaJl pitcher, tn 6ling suJt, said. "l didn't think I had any other choke.• MeuWh.Ue. back at the ranch, ~ buebaD coed\ at C.orona del Mar Hl8h Sc:hool and the father of one of bil fotms ........ afhletm JOSEP.H N. BELL That suJt wu thrown out of COW1 by a ~perlor C.ow1 judge ln Sep(ember of 2002. The father. Marc M*1ioer., then fUed another suit apinat the COIC:h, John~ and the D.lly PDol. which ran a stoiy on the Odllnel llwait, ~be Uld me m-.. .._.-a ltor)' the Diiiy Piiot bM ~and a trend thlt WU~ up Oft in • &Ont.,. llory In the Lot Angl!lea :r1mei on MOr*J AiccGI .... to the 'I""-eoa'9 20 lawadll In wtddl .,._..ex ibadlnla dlim d\lt Cl09dw ICICUJSd up a pM•fM llbWdc <*IJlr .... hie eon. J.D. Mardner.. Wl!l'e ll>eled. The llbel lull ..... P.mme Wll alio dillnl11 Id, and Martina WU oniend lO pey EmnWt lelal -.1beut .-me D1Dy POOc 11 ~ buc attumeys ror mes-a>« Daily Pilot -SAT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~can WEATHER ~ Amde from cert driving on the right tide of the '119et, It loob Ilk• London. S.hl•A2 TEEN PREGNANCY GnMapt Cttcull the l.ue In eo.. MIM. .. .,.. wltt'I one of the hlghtlt ~ ,.. lmOnl ... in1ht ..... ... ,...A3 Newport tightens belt for 2003-04 The city's finance experts play it safe with this year's proposed budget, preparing for wors t-case scenario in Sacramento. June Casaerande Daily Pilot :-.;rwPOHI BLACH -It\ thdl ume again I 1me for city leader., to play theu annual game of "Dodge the ~uamento Ax.., .\nd. once again 11 appt·i.lf'> tha1 1 '" financial planncf') have man aged to put together a budget that cover.. the ClfV" <l'>'><'I'> agdJO\I \'\Ot<;l ('cl'>t' sta1e fi'>lal new.. "We don't knrM what the 't..ite'> ~om~ to do to u' \ l't 'o \\e \ t' tnt•d to ht.· urn· 'K'f\illl\l' In our prcdll QUESTION Given the mte's financial crisis, are you worried about 7 • Newport Beadl's budget7 Call our Readers Hotline at 19491 642 6086 or send e-mail to dadyp1/ot a lat1mes com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number for verif1cat1on purposes only uon'>. • '>illd Denru& lrct.nner, admm1'\trd· cive ~n~cec; director. Danner who\ pul toi.:ether the ell\"'> See NEWPORT. Paae A4 " PUBLIC SAFETY Gun maker told to pay $51 million Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot < O\I.\ \ll-'l..\-..\n Odkland 1un on \\edm:,dJ\ a" arded S.'lO. 4 m1lhon ITT comp<>n<.atof\ damage.. to a teenager. holding a lcx·al gun maier responsible for a 14q4 <1cc1dental shooung that left tum paralyred when he was 7 years old. The Juty decided on Apnl 21 that Bry· co Arms of Costa Mesa was 10% liable for what happened to Brandon Maxfield because 1urors believed that the com- pany manufactured a defec~ weapon. A famil). fnend had accidentally shot Maxfield in the jaw while trying to un· load a .38-caliber handgun. commonly dubbed a "Sarurday Night Special" SM GUN, Pqe A5 Trial set for man accused } of molesting several boys 011pa8hat8ttl DlllY Pdot_ SANTA ANA -0pemna qu· men are apecied w ~ to· dly tn the mil of 1'rm1loll Mi· ct...& ~ .... form« • NIWpolt lwh recn.dorl COOi'· clklMof' Kll'\lled of tnlppiopri· ..,,, ... dq ..... ,.,...boJI .-ho win .voled ift &ht dC;'a pnww. ~ 32. of Hul"9 ._TM..NllM • \, AZ Tlusday, May 8, 2003 • I POLITICS ·~ • . • THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE A Starr comes to Newport Beach P.ulCllnton Daily Pilot Former BW Olnton nemesis Kenneth S&arr will speak to a local attorneys' group today in Newport Beach. Starr, who works for the Washington-area law firm Kirkland & Ellis, will be in -town to discuss his Jess well-known book. "First Among Equals: The Supreme Court in American We," at a luncheon hosted by the California Republican Lawyers Assn. Starr's olher book. which became an instant bestseller, came out in 1998. ·The Starr Report• listed 11 Impeachment counts against President BW Ointon, along with a litany of explicit details about the White House tryst between Clinton and 24-year-old intern MonJca Lewinsky. FU PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Former President Clinton visits in 1996. former special prosecutor Ken Starr visits today. Starr's report ultimately led to the impeachment vote against Clinton. Starr had been investigating Ointon and the Whitewater land deal since 1994. Today, Starr will discuss the highest court in the land's "pervasive influence upon American culture,· a release from the group said. The luncheon will be held at noon at I.he Otina Palace, which is at 2800 W. Coast Highway. It costs $75 at the door. Starr's appearance, which will include a book signing. is also hosted by I.he 1 RepubUcan Party of OrclJlge County. Before his notoriety from uncovering the Ointon/Lewinslcy scandal. Starr served as solicitor general under President George ff. Buth. a U.S. Court of Appeals judge and clerk 10 former Supreme Court Olief Justice Wa.nen Burger. Group questions C.Ox commitment to health A group of health care advocates held a rally on April 30 to call on Rep. Chris Cox to step up and deliver more tax dollars for health-related causes. The rally was held at Santa Ana nursing facility SPECIAL EVENTS Assembtyman Ken Maddox will hold a kldc-of'f reception for his run for state Senate from 5:30 to 7 p.m. today at Silky Sutlivans in f.ountain Valley. The special guest will be Aaaembfy Republican CaU<:Ue leader Tony Striddand. Information: (714) 731-2233 Cristi Criatlc:h will hold a kldc-off .fund-raiser for her Assembly run SunBridge. Members of the SunBridge staff, the Gray Panthers. AA.RP. and Latino Health Access anended the goontime rally. The group. in a press release, said more than ·s1 billion in federal a.id to protect California health care depends on Rep. Ouistopher Cox and U.S. House." Group members urged Cox. the fifth highest ranking member of the House, to secure more money for health care in the state. M As I.he chair of the House Republican Policy Committee, Cox can provide leadership on the urgent issue,· the group said. Cox defended his voting record, saying Medicare spending has increased more than 70%, from $180.1 billion to $256.8 billion , since his election to Hou e leadership in 1995. ·1 have worked hard in the House to ensure that senior citizens in California and across the country are protected and receive the health care they deserve," Cox said Wednesday. "Two times now. I.he I louse has passed a prescriplion drug bW. 1\vice I have voted for adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare. I am confident that next week, the I-louse will again vote to add a prescription drug plan 10 Medicare." at 6 p.m. today at Scott's Seafood Restaurant. Information: (949) 111-nss Assembtyman John Campbell will hold s kidc-off reception for his state Senate run from 6 to 8 p.m. May 29 at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach. Information: (209) 847-6200 ore-mall dstoneoalc@sol.com Chudt OeVore will hold a kidt-off Daily.APilot VOL 97, NO. 128 ,... Edllllwa Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, Daniel Hunt. Paul Seitowltz. O.nlel Stev9nl NEWllTAff Crime~ c::-rtl)Ortaf, (IM8) 6"74-4.22e dNJ».bhlnth•"1tfttW.oom .-..=.. ... Newport leecJ\ rwport«, (MtPM232 june.~•1«1"*-oom ..... a... Politlc:s. bus!,.. end environment 1'9POf*', (948) 784-4330 P«Jl.t:11mon•1m,,,.oom Lolla ..... ColUmnltt. cultura reporter, , .. , 17-Mmi JoHt,,.,_,,.,.,.,,,,_oom .,.... ... " .... eo.. Me.a repotttr, (148) 17'-4221 ~.,...,,..,,.,_,_,oom Clwlsllt •C..- Edueltlon rwponat, (..., ~ ~·~ Wi Ison is running and is endorsed After announcing bis intention to run for an Assembly seat, County Olairman Tom Wllaon unveiled a handful of endorsements this week. Walson, who represents the 3,500 residents in Newport Coast, has pinned down support from former Rep. Ron Packard CR-Carlsbad) as he seeks the 73rd Assembly District seat now held by Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel). NTom's a uniter.· Packard said. • 1 can't think of a bener candidate for this seat." Laguna Niguel Councilwoman M1mJ Walters is also In the race. She is endorsed by Bates, Rep. D~U Issa (R·Vista) and Assemblyman John Campbell. Who is the reaJ 'hoser' in this race? Sparks continue 10 Oy in rhe race to replace Sen. Rosa Johnson in I.he 35th District. On May I, M$emblyman Ken Maddox called out Campbell wilh a missive titJed: ·Assemblyman John Campbell Hoses California Firefighters.· Both men are seeking the Senate seat. Maddox singled out Campbell's "No" vote on a bill that would have provided compensation to the families or firefighters who lose their relative to asbestosis, a rare, potentially deadly disease caused by overexposure to asbestos. "lf we're going to ask these guys to risk their lives. then we'd better be willing to cover them if their lives are lost,· Maddox said. Campbell's campaign consultant, am. Wylodd. said the statement was "a cheap shot.· ~It's absolutely false that John Campbell is hosing California fuefighters," Wysocki said. ·This bill is five Lines long. There's n o burden of proof that the firefighter obtained asbestosis on the job." Also on May l, Campbell attacked Maddox in a "Ken Maddox Trulh Alert" for voting against spending cuts. Maddox opposed four bills that would have cut more than $1 billion. ·ey voting against these much-needed spending reductions ... Ken Maddox has shown his true colors that he is in no way a fiscal conservative,• Wysocki said. Maddox said he opposed the four bills, but supported about $2.35 billion in other cuts. •The items I refused to support were for the blind, indigent senior citizens and public safety.• Maddox said. MThere's a lot of fat still in this budget.• POLITICAL CALENDAR oelebration for hia Asaembty run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. June 12 st Chinatown in Irvine. More details to follow. MAY 14: The Costa Mesa California Republican Assembly general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. st the home of Kellie and Jim Bieber. Information: (714) 549-9838 14: The Orange County Young ecw.tWlhon Newt anlstant, (949) 574-4298 coral.wllaon@latlmn.com PHOTOORAPHf.RS Sean Hiller, Don l.Mdl, Kent Tl'llPtOW Republicans will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the Westin Sovth Coast Plaza Hotel. Information: e-mail president@ocyr.org or call (949) 475-5559 15: Board of Equalizatloo Member Claude Parrish will have a funckaiafng reception from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the-offices of the Inland Group Inc. In Newport Beach. More details to come. 17: The Orange County Box 1560, Cotta Meu, CA 92626. Copyright No MWI ltoriea, illustratlona, editc>NI ~Of edvertlMmenta hef91n can be reproduced without wri1len permlalon of copyright O'N'Mf'. HOW TO REACH UI RfAD£RS HOTLINE (949) &62-8086 • CirCUletlon Record your comments about the Delly Pilot or news tlpa. ~ Our eddreu II 330 W, S.v St., eo.te Meu, CA 92627. Offioe hours.,. Monday • Friday, 8:30 e.m. • 5 p.m. Con9cdof• It la the Pllot't policy to prompcty QOn9d •11 enw. of eubealnce. PtMH.Cllt (Qllil9)'~4. FYI The Newpoft BeedVCoeta Me.a O.lly Pilot (USJIS.144-900) le pt.1bllthed delly. In NMport hectl and Cotta Me.a, eubecr1ptione ,,.. av•llable only by eubeeriblng to The Tlmee Or.nge County 1800) 252·1141. In .,... outalde of Hlwpoft hectl end coec. Mt.., "'~ '° ~ Dtltv Plot.,. av•Mabte ontv by h ct.. melt for "°'*month.,,.....~ .. , ~-andloc9f taw.) l'C>STMAST(ft; s.M addr9lll dw-. IO :n. Newpoft IMCM:-. .... Dllty ~P.O. The Times o,..ng. County (8001252-91'1 Adw•11111• C' 1 IAed (9491 842-6878 .,......, (Ml) 842..-321 ~ ,... , ... , Ml-6e80 ...... (Mii 57"""223 ,... ,.. (9481 &4M170 ...... ,.. (IM8) 8&0-0170 £'4MI: Mllypllot•hltt,.,,..,oom r::::-Ol'loe (IM81842~21 ......... ,.. (IM8) 831·7128 Pub1'9h«t by Tlmee Community Newi. a di~ of the Lot~ 11,,,.., C2003 T"'-CH. All~ ,.... .... POLITICS ASIDE ·A pointless proces s, but a good show T he NBA playoffs OD Monday night had nothing on Costa Mesa City Hall. • 'The awkward . silence after Steel had called for a motion on choosing Scheafer or BeYer. Fool's rush in. after all. Bad decisiom by the officials? Covered. Squandered scoring attempts? Plenty (both OD the ~and Out in the public). The drama ol winning and loslng1 Well. maybe just loQng in Qty HalL • lbe audJence's reaction after Bewr received a deadlocked 2 lO 2 vote, and then Scheafer the same. S. J. CAHN • Steel then trying "'· . Absolutdy oo one seemed happy with how~ went as I.he city's four COWlcil members -Libby Cowm. Alan Mmmoor, Gmy Monahan and OuW Steel -tried, unsuccessfully of course. to appoint a fifth member. Justabouteveryonelheard lalking during the meeting was going on with some version of "We all knew they wouldn't be able to compromise, so why are they wasting our time?" II may have reached its most lud.iaous when Eric 8ewr and Mike Sdwwh the last two or the 26 residents who bad applied to fill fonner Mayor IC.wa1 RoNnmn't seat -stood facing each other at the two public speaker podiums. h ~ almost a debate. But it more resembled a debacle. CAa an aside, It was quietly pointed OUl to me that Bever and Sc:heafer had. ar one point. resigned from a city committee. Bever quit I.he Community Redevelopment Action Committee. and Scheafer several yean ago resigned from I.he Parks and Recreation Commission.) Heading into the meeting. the City Hall watchers I had talked to seemed convinced a compromise would be reached Monday. But Steel. ~ acting mayor (but in charge for only a few more boors. as Monahan would be named mayor during the meeting) appeared intent on holding off a decision for a week. He succeeded. but not without some moments for the higblight reeb: • lbe back-and-forth between Cowan and Steel about the dcd. and Steels failure to start It when Bever was giving his four-minute ·why you should support me" speech. Words are inadequate to describe the t~ of the moment It was. of course. pric.eless. • Monahan sitting a seat away from his colleagues, which sent a nice metaphorical~ about where he was corning from. whether he knew it Federation of Republican Women will hold It.a 2003 Western Night from 4:30 to 9 p.m. et the home of Colleen and Budt JohM in Newport Beach. Information: (949)498-n44 11: The Republlcan Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast P1a:ze Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admlulon le free, and all put the decision off fqr a week and not getting a second • The total chaos that occurred after Monahan raised the specter of appointing • someone to serve only until a specia1 electlon. Any semblance of order was l~ Now, to keep anyone from thinking I.he Top 10 moments of I.he meeting were all related to·: the ·appointJess• process. here· are a few from the rest of the meetinf; • Resident and roundl regular Doug Sutton complaJning about aD the talk of •panban.VUp· and the council. Only Ma.nsoor. he itreS8ed. had been actiJl8 anythingtike a Republican lat~ Monahan and Steel must have enjoyed that •A SI~ that the coundJ reduce the size of its agenda -because it leaves them wl8ble to give adequate time for issues -rec:eiws rave applause. • Resident John Peerwy discussing his long bal.tJe against gan~ in I.he dty, wilh particular focus on I.he city's drive for an anti-gang ordinance. My eyebrows rose when he suggested that the Pilot. at one point. sald ii would welcome murderers to Cost.a Mesa. 1hat can't be irue. can it7 Well l 'U let readers judge for themseJ\les. From an ed11orial In this paper, July 15, 2001: ·If a landlord wants to rent 10 a convieted murderer, that's the landlord's prerogative. Ju.st because the law -and much of society -I~ down on airnina1s. doesn\ mean everyone should be forced to. After all. if everyone abided such a law. where would the criminals live? The streets?" F'mally, a last note about the. council chambers. Someone really ought to fix I.he front door so it W!\ so loud • s..J. CAHN is the managing editor.. He can be readied. 81 19491 574-4237 or bv e-mail st s.1.cshn@lsr1me11.com. • . . •. . '• .. Repobllcans are welcome. (714)': 556-8555. - Jl:JNE --. .: 11: The Republlcao Party of . Orange County Central Commiaee: witl hold • gener1ll tneedng at ., : p.m. at the South Coast P1aza Westin Hotel at 688 Anton Blvd., : Costa Mesa. Admlslion II free, enc( alt Republlcana are wek:ome. (714~ 566-8566. :: . . . :: SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST tt'lf be another ugly day. though we should aee the sun peek out a bit more In 1he momJng 1han on Wednetday. tt'll problbfv dear a ted this afternoon. Hight wil hoYer In the mfd.«>e. Lows wilt drop Into the lower 50I. Ffidey ehoutd be elmller, but eunnief. The WMtend loob much eunnier. .......... a: BOATING FORECAST The WMtertv wtnds wlM blow 10 to 20 lcnoel'" 1he fnMf' Mllt'l thit lbmoon, wtth 1- to 3-foot w.vea end ..... .... of I IO ..... The .... buMdl •footthit~. Oul ........ " .... r+; wtnciJ wll bloW 201D 21 llncM.. wtlh~ID Moot~ end I "°'11t:Jo• .... Of 7tML SURF The aouthWMt swell will bo09t slightly today, IO expect • chest· to heed-highs. The IWefl drope Thur9day. INVlng us wi1h waist· to d*lt~ The Mell contlnuee to drop Frtdly, but tht ~ eouthwect swt41 errtVM SMurdey to pldc usbldtup. That llW'll lhcM.ed bf1ng eome~end ~ w......-: www.turftlcNr.Otg TIDES """ 10;0le.m. 8:21 p.m. •.21p.m. 3:05a.m. WATER rEllPDATURE Groups discuss pregnant teens Problem acute in Costa Mesa, which has one of the highes t rates of teen pregnancy in state. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot a>STA MESA -Groups that are involved in preventing teenage pregnancies got together Wednes- day to find ways to focus their ef- forts in an area that has one of the highest teen birth rates in the state. -he discus.5ion were the need for more volunteer opponunities for Newport-Mesa students to do their required service learning hours at the agencies represented and for more emphasis on parent· child communication. -1 thin.le it's (a Lad of} family conummlcacion that's causing teens to join gangs and become pregnant.• said Dolores c:astane· de of Girls lnc, which hosted the meeting held on National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Day. The issue b an wgent one. since the 92627 ZIP code h~ the dubious distinction of producing one of the highest perc:entqes of teenage pregnancies in the state. ln 2001, nearly 8% of girls 15 to 19 in this ZIP code gave birth. About 30 representatives from groups such as Planned Parent· hood, Girls lnc. and Save Ow Youth huddled together to share their ideas and experiences with preventing teenage pregnancies. The group identified cultural and gender differences as contrilr utlng to the hlgh pregnancy rate. "I thlnk it takes two to tango," ..Wd Oscar Sarftoyo. executive di· rector of Save Ow Youth. "You have 10 focus on the male slde, as well The male is just as respon· !>ible on this issue .... It's all about respect. Sometimes that's lack· ing." The representatives also em- phasized that volunteering at their agencies has the potential to change srudents' lives. but ex- pressed difficulty in getting stu· dents to choose their organlza· lions. Santoyo suggested making the experience as productive as pos· !lible and giving the students '>Orne practical skills. like learning a computer program, to take with chem. "Students see (the requirement] more as a negative chan a posi· ttve," Santoyo said "We need to rum that around.· The various representatives said they had gleaned valuable infor· madon that will be useful in the future. ~It was very infonnative to learn what other agencies are doing (to prevent! teen pregnancies.• said Georgina Maldonado. who wprks with Maternal Outreach Manage- ment Systems, known as MOMS. Leda Albright. the executive di· l'e(.10r of Families Costa Mesa. said the · discussion expanded the range of organizations she can now refer her clients to. Dl.scu.ssion leader Donna Flem- ing. executive director of C.amp Fire USA. said her personal goal is to find common ground among the various groups. "It's easy for people to split aver approaches to teen pregnancy prewntion. where people get caught up in abstinence only ver- sus comprehensive sex educa· tion." Fleming said. "People get polarized where they don't really need to get polarized." The group doesn't have any plans for another meeting. but member.; will continue to share ideas. l-1emmg said ' Parents take a look at drug use Meeting offers information on what teenagers might be doing and how to keep them away from t~mptation. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA They party on the drug tcstasy. have ta.lten hallucinogenic trips on Jim· !>On weed and construct mari· Juana pipes from apples. While only a minority of today'!> youth fal.l5 mto thC> category. a group of parents w1thm the New· pon-Mesa community !>pent Tuesday. evening learning how to keep their children from entering that drug world. too. During a meeung hosted by tJw Harbor Council Parent Teacher Assn •. five guest !>peakers gave parents tips on how to deal with teens facing drug and alcohol i<,- !>Ues. issues frequently associated with end-of-the-year festivities. . With isliues ranging from ex· pulsion to legal consequences im· posed on parent and du.Id. the meeting provided parents \\ith a brief synopsis of the Newpon- Mesa Unified School Distnct\ policies. the vanous trends \\1th teenage drug and alcohol use, the l~'lll ramifications and the ~t ways for parents to intervene. "This is a difficuJt topic for par· ents ... but we're all m the bust· ness of keeping kids safe.· said Patty Olristia.nsen, Harbor Coun· cil president. "If we only change the way 10 people look at what 1he11 c:lu.ldren are doing and'they intervene. it wtl.I make a differ- ence." Co..,ta Mesa Pol.Jee Officer Ron ~tone and Newpon Beach Police Officer Uoyd ~nant gave the audience a look into the danger· ou'> acUVlties of some teen'>. "I thmlc thJ5 IS a great idea and we need to do more of 11." Stone 'kud. ··we need 10 get more par· enl!I involved becau'>t' a lot ·of limes, we're preaching to the chem." W'lule the officer'> revealed the problem.'> with the U!le of alcohol and man1uana among teens, and the constant problems with teen- agers dnving while under the in· Ouence incident'\, they high· lighted how the use of such -.ubstances can eru.ily lead to much more. Ecstasy, GHB (com- monly lcnown ru. the date rape drug) and Ketamme were just a few of the ··c1ub dru~ -that of&· terr, tone and Wlw.enant dl5· l'W>.'>ed. ),,, ··A lot of these drug.<, are relat~ to '>exual assauJt and rape," Whl- -.enant said. Parent-'> "need to ~ow wl1at !theirl kids are gerting into." Pepe Montenegro. coordinator for the dlstrict's outreach counsel· mg program, ... uggested that par· ents adopt an active role. an idea that lingered in the nundi> of many of the parents and other audience members. "I thmk !parent!.] often over· look" or forget to loolc at the ba.!.· 10.:· said Vanessa Oncivero!>, a Costa Me!la resident who work.!. at a homel~ shelter. "I thmk it's imponant to bring 11 to their at- tentfon. IL would've been ruce if more parents came." While the goal was to help a!. many parents as possible. the I !arbor Council wasn't deterred b) the fairly ~mall turnout. A<, far as they're concerned. it's a '>tep m the nght d1rect1on. "I don't lcnow if we reached a!> many people as possible." <;aid I j..a llt:0rge. Harbor Council event chau. "Hopefully. n'U have a npple effect."' We belong to tbe BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Oast district group created . Five Newport ·M~a residents have been ap· pointed to the Coast Community College Di!>· trict's Measure C Cni· zen's Oversight Commit· tee. The group wiJI ensure that the bond's $370 mil· lion are spent as the public voted in Novem· ber and that the district complies with all legaJ requirements. Katrina Foley, Jim Garmon and Ron Linlcsy of Costa Mesa, John Lindgren of Coro na del Mar and Lisa Silbar of Newport Beach were among the nine peo ple appointed to the com- mittee. They will first meet at the end of the month. The Measure C fund'> are expected to alleviate overcrowding through expansion and upgrade aging fac11it1e!>. One of the first project!> will be a new transportation cen- ter building at Orange Coast College. Ornrch will host unity event Harbor <J1r1.,11an Oiurch 111 :'\e" port Beach will ho!lt Vi~1om of· Unity. a one·day .-.eminar that will dl'>CU~!> peaceful coexistence of d1fft>rent culture!> and rehgiom Th e fret: event. from 10 a.m . and 2 p m. Saturday, will feature speaker!> and spirituaJ leaders of differ ent faith!>. Participant'> will also engage in !>mall group d1c;cuss1ons Lunch and a mu'>tCdl performance are 1n · eluded. Donauon!> will be accepted. f-or information, call Michael Junge at 1949) 887-6085 or Rev. Denni'> Short at (q49J 645·578 I Mother's Day Brunch world's largest flooring lifetime Chef Daniel Jimenez Presents ~ S..t.i. '*' 'Ddt ~ ~ ~~~ ~~LI ~~~--~e-..~ ~""'"'°~~II-' 'JtMu..u 5-a .... "' ~ ~-llM ~~~ ~~ ""'"'''' I ••""• ~ ~-·"""' e-. ~' e--.... t>... ~"--St.ti-~~ s... s.. .... ,. "''"'*" n. ... , " ~ "''"""" r. ... ~ ..... , .. ""' ~ ~ ~ SerwdJ'Tom 9am · 8pm $2~:1HJa4ulD •12.95 clatldnn ~12 Clalldrwn ......... IJ MT nta Cot19-ICment.GrJI -V JHUfd.ng ._. ••• ~.., Cf&rt. ,,.... dae ... r .8alloM lfGft • JJaa • ~ ro. 8111 vadolaa M•729-11~ 1111 ...... Qslft ...... •••ala .................. retail group -co-op. Warranty • We are tbe biggest Carpet flooring~ lndlv"""'1ly OlllMd $199 andop.t"IZIM ~ooosro.-. avnN&POWDI Lifetime Warranty I.aniiaate $299 Ttusday. May 8, 2003 AJ l 44~ Restaurant ----StabllS In 1N2----- TRUE BLUE Going Out of Business ITALIAN CHARMS 30°/o OFF FOR MOTHER'S DAY Entire ln.,entory Still Drastically Reduced hl~~t\tFlTS 102 ~CALlfORNIA & i¥1fDll fRRANEAN CUISINES Served In An Eclectic Atmosphere for Mother's Day 8 us .~ ,__ ,.lJ \o''<' ~~ "c-IJ Serving tantalizing brunch favorites that Mom is sure to enjoy complimented with specialty items and Champagne! $33.95 per person Children < 3-9 year~ of Agel 50% oh AARP Drscount5 Welcome IRVIN~arr1ott. For Reservations, Call (949) 798-2323 Complimentary Valet Parking 18000 Von Karman Avenue, Irvine Brenda Lifetime 100°/o Warranty FREE Ceramic $199 No Questions Lifetime Asked Warranty Woocl $299 I.. f ~ Tlusdly, May 8. 2003 • Fine furniture at designer prices! Everything at below warehouse prices! New merchandise arrives daily! m I .,..,,.._.~ SOLJD DENSE HARDWOOD FLOORING PLUSH CARPET lS YR. $699 CUA.RANT££ FROM sq. ft. • 1111wted with Pad S J 69 • Minimum 60 yuds sq. ft. 'IYavertlne 18" • 18" ••••••••••••••••••••• '4.29 -.. ft. Cera.mlc '11.le •••••••••••••••••• t .. taU•• m.m 14.11 -.. n. l.amlnate Wood ............. t .. taU .. ,...._ '4. -.. f\. S upp/I•• 11nd Tbol,s For th• ~Do It You,-.•IFn-t1/" 1374 i.o,aa Ave., Salte P • COSTA MESA ~ (888) MESA-777 :_.._ (63721 llOfl..nL 10 ~ .. ',,. .~.......... l 14 11~a.2 PM (CLOID RIXDAY) 1.-a _. St.rt 111ith: CURVE Continued from Al have 61ed a motion to atrlke it as well Meanwhile, the coacb responded wtth a $1-mllllon countersult that claimed the father had "granttiose ambitions• for his son as a professional The cowu will sort that one out. What concerns m e is the spllling <Mr of a growingly lltlgious society Into the field of allegedly amateur sports. where risk ls simply built into the system. Millions or young men and women have learned their first survival lessons in the world lSf competitive sports. Somebody wins -and lt isn't always the good guys. Authority figures are subject to the same human frailties as the rest or us. leading sometimes to unfair choices and bad decisions, complicated by the vicarious needs of parents. Winning is too often held in higher regard than character building. And the sporting life sometimes seems full of injustice -just like regular life. Exposure to these lessons can, at one extreme, warp a young person's psyche and ability to cope and thus breed cynicism, or at the other extreme. provide a tolerance for the complexities and shoncominp or the competitive system and human behavior that prevents overreaction to· setbacks and suggests -if not solutions -at least perspective and means of coping. Either way. there's no feeling quite so exhilarating as edging up to a bulletin board outside the coach's office to look at the final cut for a high school team -or as devastating as not finding your name there, even though in justice you think it should be. It may be missing for a variety of reasons. You may not be as good as you -or your father - think you are, and the better players were chosen. The coach TRIAL Continued from Al Beach, was arrested in April 2002 and faces 28 felony coWlts of lewd contact with minors and one misdemeanor COWlt of pos- sessing child pornography. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Veches quit his job after the allegations. A jury was selected on Wednesday. The ttial will begin today before Orange County Su- perior Court Judge Richard F. Toohey. Newpon Beach Police said in- vestigators pored aver hundreds of Images on Vee.hes' computer and identified about 50 photos that involved children who par- ticipated in city recreation pro- grams in the last two years. Sev- eral of those pictures showed NEWPORT Continued from Al $165-millioo draft spending plan for the 2003-04 6scaJ year, said the state budget gap could hit lo- cal governments in unforeseen ways. Besides li.lcely cuts to the vehicle license fee revenues that the state refunds to cities, the state might also choose to tinker with sales taxes or property taxes in an effon to sotve c.allf omia's $35-bllllon deficit To play It safe, city st.aft' mem- bers have chopped the general fund capital improvement budget to about $1.5 million from the $4 milllon to $5 mllllon typical in previous years. 'This pot of money Is used for many wished-for im- provements, such as upgrading city facilities, drainage projects and some road projects not cav- CHARGES Continued from Al but also publish a letter-of apology to the Chicano commu- nity in the unfventty's paper and attend a diversity sensitivtty wock- ahop. ·1 did fee a gienu.lne apoJogy &om a feW of them, but I feel that ~' -. ~ . . -·'. might not lib you for reaons we had to warm up and then sit that have little to do wtth your on the bench through both athletic sklDs. Or the ooech might glme8 In an agony of prefer someone else for other bumiliadon. A lot of character equally unjust reasons. was bullt those two nights. AD possible. AD risks you take My greatest concentration of on~ you try out for any sort coaches came about dwing of team. AD risb that put your three months at the Navy succesa or failure tempomrily in Pre-Flight School In Iowa Oty. the bands of a coach. And not, It Iowa. early in 1942. Former seems to me, risks that should heavywefght boxing champion end up in a courtroom. You wtn Gene Tunney had been given the some, and you lose some. wk of turning soft 20-year-old Coaches, by the nature of their coqege kids into supermen in 12 work. are authoritarian figures. week&, and he surrounded I've had a fair amount of <(On tact himsell with the nation's with them-good and bad -at highest-powered coaches to various stages In my life. bring this off. But r donl recaJl my father They not only had the normal ever interfering in the bad authoritarian power of coaches, patches -or wandng him to. they outranked us as well. Maybe that was because I knew I The ulcimate punishment was was a mediocre player. good being sent to boxing, which was enough to make the high school presided over by several noted team. bu t marginal. at best. for professional fighters who built any athletic scholarship. And also character by beating up on us if because this took place many we dogged IL And then there was years ago, when fathers let the the Minnesota football coach coaches coach. who once -for what he deemed I can think of a few Instances an effon to beat his system - when my father could have ordered me to do 10 laps around called a foul on the coach, had I a quarter-mile track in full chosen to clue him in. football gear in Iowa in July. There was. for example, the Character almost lost out to most bizarre punishment ever dehydration. inflicted on me by a COilCh that Compassion isn't the leading happened on a weekend trip of edge of most coaching styles. I've my Miami High School had cinder burns from knee to basketball team· to play high hip from falling over a hurdle schools in St Petersburg and and was once laid out on a Tampa. Aa. As was the practice • football field with a possible in those days. we were put up in concussion from trying to tackle the homes of local volunteers, a guy twice my weight. where the coach would drop us ln both instances. the coach off and tuck us in. didn't bother to come out and It turned out the player I was have a look. since I was no rooming with had once lived in longer of use to him. But a this area and had made plans I lawswt never occurred to me. Or knew nothing about. As soon as my father. the coach was out of sight. my I didn't make it past the roommate told me to get freshman basketball team at the dressed, and we slipped out a Uruvers1ty of Missouri. lllat's window to a waiting car that where my civilian athletic career included two unanached girls. ended. But I sure learned a lot. Local cheerleaders, if I recall And if any of my coaches ever properly. got into lap dancing. I never Our evening ended at a heard about it. We just won hamburger joint about 2:30 a.m.. some and lost some -without when our coach also decided to the help of a lawyer. end bis evening there. Instead of sending us home, • JOSEPH N. BELl ls a resident of he made us give him our athletic Santa Ana Heights. Hts column supponers and 5We<;il pants, so appears Thursdays Veches sucking the toes of boys between ages 6 and 10, investiga· tors said. Investigators said they found a stack of 36 photos in Veches' home that showed him sucking the toes of several young boys who attended the city's programs. They also said they found more than 3,500 images of chlld por- nography on CD ROMs and lip disb in a cardboard box under bis bed. Police said all of the vied.ms were young boys who attended several or the city's after-school. day-care and recrealionaJ pro· grams that he supervised at Mari· ners Park. West Newpon Com- munity Center on 15th Street and the Community Youth Center on 5th Street in Corona del Mar. Detectives who testified at a preliminary hearing in Septem- ber said one of the boys they que!ltioned told them Veches would take pictures of his feet and of him lying on the pool ta· ble making funny faces. Another boy told Investigators that Veches would ask him if he could suck on his toes and would do it even tf the boy said "no.· If convicted. Veches faces life in prison without the possibility of parole for at least 25 years. He is being held in Orange County jail in lieu gf a SS00.000 ball. Parents of three young boys whom Vech~ is accused of mo- lesting also filed a civil lawsuit against the city on Dec. 11 for negligence and negligent hiring. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readied st (949) 574-4226 or by e·mailat deepa.bharalh(9!/stimes.com. PUBLIC SAF~TY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • legonil Awnue: Petty theft WH reported In the 1000 blodc e1 7:27 e.m. Tueaday. • Fount.In W9y: Vandell1m wes reported In the 2200 • block et 2:63 a.m. Tueaday. • Harbor Boultrvard: Freud was reported In the 3100 block at 4:07 a.m. Tuesday. • N.wpot1 Boulevard; A vtihlcle burglary w11 reported In the 1800 blodc at 12:69 p.m. Tuesday. .~~:Atrafflc accident involving Injuries w11 reported in the 2300 bloc!* at 7:54 a.m. Tuesday. .,.EWPORT BEACH • Blue Gum Lane: A vehicle burglary w11 repor1ed In the 1200 blodc at 6:26 a.m. Tuesday. • ... mborM Road: Petty theft was reported In the 4600 blodc at 3:39 p.m. Tuesday. • l.Nward Lane: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1800 blodc et 4:48 p.m. Tuesday. • San Jo9quln Hiila and Ridge Palic ro~1: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 4:14 p.m. Tuesday. • San Mlgu.I Dttw: An auto theft was reponed in the 300 blodt at 6:1 p.m. Tueiday. •8th StrMt A hit-and-run was re11<>r1ed in the 200 blodt at 2·40 p.m. Tuesday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS UC Irvine holocaust memorial defaced Vandals srrudc a holocaust memorial al UC lrvine on Monday. causing temporary damage. The fence aroWld t.he tem- porary memorial set up on Sunday for Holocaust Re· membrance Week • was knocked down and a num· ber of repre.entative tomb- stones were scattered across Aldrich Parle on campus. Wich no leads, but con- cerned that another incident will occur. UO Police have increased security. The van· dallsm has been labeled hate-based. Pol.Jce are still in· vesuganng. Toxic algae bloom kill s sea lion lWo more sea hons af. f}jcted by IOXIC algae bloom swam ashore tn Newport Beach on Wednesday morning. one later dying, official!> at the Friends of the Sea !Jon Marine Mam- mal Center in Laguna Beach said. The first one catne in at about 9:30 a.m. Wednesday near 15th Street, and the second was found at 10 a.m . near 34th Street. cen- ered by the gas tax. time. ter officials said. They said This year's draft spending plan, $164,502,372 to be exact. is only slightly gieater than last year's $158,930,430. But Danner warned that this figure is not the best way to measure annual growth be- caU&e projects such as Balboa Vil- lage improvements that appear on several years' budgets blur the overall financial picture. The operating budget. which excludes such projects and also excludes debt-service expendi- tures. is projected at $129,292.181. Of that. about $100 million is the general fund. Last year's operating budget was $124,451,944. An even better snapshot of the dty's financial picture Is seen in revenue streams. Thia year, budg- eted revenues are estimated to be $143.5 million. up just $1 million esdmated from last year at this some of the people played it down.• said Marla Malagon. out- reach chair for Mavimlento &n.1- dt;mtil OUcano de Al.tlan. one of the Ladno student organJmdoru involved in th1s mue. "In a way, I think it was good {pr us as a com- muntty to vent and to express the difti:rent opinions on bow we aD felt and how we ~ hurt and I think it WU a good opportu.nlty (or the htem1ty IS I wflOle to '8'd educated.• • Prabmlty memben said the conflk:t. wh.lcb they ltteaed IU!Dll\ed /tom lp>rant behlvtof, wll arve • a comentone upon which they can build a more de- Wlloped --of cultural aware-oea •1 )\Ill think It Wit a genenJ lldc ol ~ and • pmrll ** ol a.aln.nl ~. Mid ~Amin. Pfllldem d!ipa Pl. 'n lblnk ~ "bmlon Ml In .. , ... "bow ...... t-. .... .. ...... wllb '9ld to the ~-~dti ... &pcm· ·It's pretty statu.!. quo," Danner one of the sea lion1 died. said. "There's not a lot of new The center is still treat- stu.fl in there __,...__.,.~'"'-"C-¥'-".:..-+-_!i~n&.-~tw~o!__!'sea lions~tha=t~-- grams." swam ashore near 5 rst Councilman Don Webb, who Street on Tuesday. Those serves on the city's finance com-animals are still struggling mJttee, said he's impressed by to survive. officials said. how well the oily handles its 6-The animaJs are all vtc- nances dwing tight times. tims of algae that contain "I think our budget is very con-lethaJ biotoxins that anaclc servative and wise. yet It's a baJ. the creatures' brain and anced budget· Webb said. "Staff central nervous system. have done an excellent job.· Several dolphins and sea ll- The council will examine the ons were killed last year draft budget in their study ses-because of the toxic algae. slon on Tuesday. They are sched- uled to consider adopting the budget at thelr June 24 meeting. •JUNECASAGRANOE cove~ Newport Beadl end John Wayne Airport. She may be reectied at (949) 6744232 or by e-mail at /une.caugrande@lstimBS.com. live stride in the right direcdon, toward growth and p~ and wtll hopefully promote awareness so these types of situations don't happen in the future.. While Amin stated that mem- bers or Sigma Pi will start their cultwal awareness seminars on Monday and are in the process of putting together an apology to nm In the Wllve:rslty\ paper. some membm wttbln the Ol1cano community expreilsed skeptid&m about the fraternity's new pledge. •t'm &till really troubled by eome people still not understand· lng." Malagon aaJd. ·rm a little blt llc.epdcal J know maybe within the Dell couple of ymra. It prob- lbly won' b&ppm. but Im ebpd- c:al or tho Mure. bec:auee lt• IO~ tbll bepe ocam1ngat other unhtmhier. .. . • aMTN' CNN 10 CCMll't •~Ind rrwv•fWINd • (M)~or~.mlil • cMldnt.airil'O ~ ' COLUN8 • Helen A. Coltlnt =away May 4, 2003 6rl a..ch, CA. A fomw of S... Mlftno, lhe la auMved by dalghtera, Mra. Joseph (~) EhrW and Mr•. OanliT (Mary Ann) Pollaro; aona, JOhn J. CPMM. Patrtok F. ~. ~· (Shella), Jo..ph M. (U and ThOmu A. (Roaanne CofMna; Ind • grwldohti•t and 21 ...... ldc:Hldl••· She WM pNdeCl I Mid by Mi. ~JarMIF.~~ • '°"• ~ J. Cottlna. Ii.. Funeral MaH wlll br o•D'llflld todllv. Mlly 8th a( S:OO AM. at Our Ladv ~ Mount Cennll Churtlh. t .,.,, WMt 8lllboa IMt. ~ Beach. 1n ...., of no ..... . .dandCM• may be .... to Loyola Htah lchool or Mavfteld t.Nor 8cttool.~ CAIOT a.,.., l'rEFt1 .. Dlucwa. _ _ , L _ ,j LEMON AID MARI< C DUSTIN I OAILV PILOT Trying to make some extra money, 8-year-old Trent Zimmermann yells, •Get your fresh lemons, only 25 cents each" to people passing along 19th Street in Costa Mesa. COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL MEETING INSIDE CITY HALL Here are some of the tS'>lle'> that the Costa Mesa City C .oum ti decided on Monday- HAMILTON STREET COMMUNITY GARDEN This issue wru> ~ pulled off the !.! .. consent calendar. ~..,.. .... where items are usually approved without pub!Jc dl.scusswn lne uem caUed for awarding d contracr for about $71 .000 IO upgrade the propeny al 52J l lamilton St. Councilman AJl,m Mansoor said he wee. concertll'd about spending -;o much in light of the budget constm.lnts the wy Is facing. WHAT HAPPENED The council voted nor to award the contract and to bnng the L'><;t•e back LO the cowlciJ for further ~n Cowan di.s-.enwd WHAT rT MEANS The contract v:as nm awarded. WHAT WAS SAID "I'm amazed," said dearl}'. GETTING INVOLVED • GETilNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298 PAAENT HELP USA founded by mothers and others against child abuse, GUN Continued from Al Wednesdays decision was a "wake-up call for gun malcers to act responsibly,· said Victona Ni, en attorney with Trial Lawyers for Publk Justice. Ni works with 'Mameld's attorney, Richard Rug· ~eri, on the case. Ni said 8ryco Arms ls one of slx Southern Califomla compa· l11et that form the so-called :"Ring of Fire," responsible for the disttibutlon of millions of vnaller caliber guns or Saturday Night Specials. She said the gun Jw "an inherent Oaw" because U> unload It. a user must first un- ~ the trigger lock. whJch can )>e quite dangerous. Bryco officials were not avail- &ble Wednesday to comment on. )Nhetber they would appeal the FYI WHAT· Special City Council meeting WHEN· Immediately after the Redevelopment Agency meeting, which s1arts at 6:30 pm Monday WHERE: Council chambers, City Hall INFO· (71 41754·5223 dJ'><tppumted (ounnlwoman IJhb} Lm\an. "I 1h111k II'> a '>hame that rwo ume., the C.11y Counul ha'> cho'>en 10 dt'>mai11Ie l\\O projects '>lated for 1h1., <,Ile \\1thou1 regard 10 11me. cnerb'Y and wmrnuruty nrl'tl'> • COMPLETION OF LANDSCAPE MEDIANS Th1'> llem wa'> rnJ pulled from the 3-1 con.,ent calendar OlNE> I)) re~1dent \fartin ~hllard Mansoor complamed thar the overall look or the landscaping '>0 far ,., "broY. n and dead ·· Ilw medians are on Coolidge AH•nul' between Haker Slrce1 and Paulanno Avenue. Millard .,aid hr wanted to <,ee more colurlul land-.captng Parent He lp asks the public for help and volunteers to inform the community on v11al issues affecting children and the family. For more information. call (9491650-3461 or (949) 675· 5271. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. which raises money to support pediatric cancer research, needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. decision. Ni said she was "very pleased" with the verdict. "I think Bryco's utter disregard for cw.tomer safety came out during this trial, K she said. "They didn't spend a penny on (re- search and developmentl. and the jury heard that loud and clear.· Fonner owner Bruce Jennings said in an interview with the Daily Pilot in 1999 that, at the time, Bryco was named ln more than 20 lawsuits filed in cities across the nation. Jennings gave the Costa Mesa business he founded to his wife, Janice, as part of their divorce settlement The lawsuits. he said, claimed manufacrurers like Bryco are liable for gun-related deaths. As recently as October 2001, a New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that Bryco Anns bad a duty to make _and sell handguns with WHAT HAPPENED The council approved the completion of con•.trucuon for Lhe medians. CO\ .. an d1'>'>t'nted. WHAT rT MEANS f'he contractor \\Ill he pcud IO complete lhc rt.''>( or the work.. WHAT WAS SAID "I du not .. upport not paying our b1Jl'>," ~tayor < .arv ~lcmahan <,aid. "I under.,tan<l yrJu're not happy at \\hat., out th<>re, but the contrau wa., h1lfille<l I don't 1h111k th1' 1s the l..111<l of mc.,.,age \\l' want 10 <,end 0111 there CONTINUED fhe":>e 11e111., wnt· 1.·ontinued becau<.c of the late hour or a pattern of ?lead lock among the four rnuncil membl'r'>· • Statu., report on \\'C'>l'>1de bluff5 re10mng. • Selec11on of ne'' offic1aJ c11y flag; •Trash endo-;ure ext•mptton for recycling program<,, • Shopping rnn ordinance: and • Fiscal yedr 2001 4 budgN development -,1rall'g1c.,. -Compiled by /)t'trdre .\t'wman THE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE The institute is looking for volunteers to take part 1n a study on quitting smoking To learn more about the program, call (888) 774-4673 PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. (949) 262-7300 safety fearures. That ruling up· held the Appeals Coun's deci- sion, the first such appellate court ruling in New Mexico, that guns without reasonable safety mechanisms can be unreason- ably dangerous and, hence, de- fective. The case in New Mexico was brought about on behalf of Sean Smith, a 14-year-old who was unintentionally shot and injured by one of his friends after that friend got ahold of a Bryco J-22 pistol. The ammunition maga- zine was removed from It. but the boy did not see a round hid- den ln Its chamber when he pulled the trigger and shot Smith. • DEEM BHARATM covers public ufety and'courta. She may be rNChed at (949) 574-4228 or by .-mall at dHpa.bh•r•ttt•latlmn.com. • c.i.r1ne Al1 SluGrou~ •Family &Oper11ied • &t.ak•, Fre•h Fl•'1, Chlc:bn, S.lad, SandwkhH • &arn\uet Room (20-90) • Taka-oui A~na afUr10am --.-Ln.-A Complimentary for Every Mom! 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa call (949) 631·2110 for inf ormaUon & reservations www.rlbcompany.com . ''• Foortlf· SOLUTleNS • Feet Hurt? • Feel As Though Your Shoes Never Really Fit? FOOT SOL UT/ONS carries a complete line of stylish comfort footwear for dress, work and play that look as good as they feel! ri- 1 I I I I I I I I Tl'IW'sday, May 8. 2003 A5 PickUp a Docket or Puty Pak! ~ f>dllli lrrl.idc b;tlf; ! ... K kit"' bBQd Chkkm. WJ1'ilana tu~ ~rn lnM. 2 'th ani fn'.ld. Harv !Ula ..n1 .d •fr Ulm5ilil . Bucket Party PW of Ribs fie PU Bag PU t :.' .::~ I 'jt'fd. ~ lftda g. I s2s96 s59se V/ 4 96 I I I I ~---------------~-~ 1835 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa (corner of Har6or & 19th, near Mimi's Cafe) (949) 734-2020 0 en Mon-Sat. 1 Oam-6 m • S.mi·Privoi. for M•n & Womefl • Lota of Equlpm•nt/f rH W•i9ht1 • Privot. Piloi.1 Studio • SPINNING Theot.r-licensed • 16 Full Tune Peraonol Trolnen •Child Core Som· noon M • f • Ampl• & Conv•nlent Porliing •Yoga, Toi Chi, Str•tch dcm•• • s .. p, P~ ,ump, Cordto • Show.n, St.om & Towela • Sh•·Vp Day SpO 949760·5094 www . .hape up.CDm • WWW ...... 2101 Ea.t,.. COOlt ...,., c... ·' M Thnday, May 8, 2003 •@lJJ1IJllRA1uJJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnishings & Acc1ssori1s For Your Home Elld 11ble .................................................................... $7S- Wicker/Glas,, Coffee Table ..................................... $125• Drop Leaf Oak Table .............................................. $135• Glass/Iron Coffee Table .......................................... $169" Pine Desk ................................................................. $175• Round Table w/4 Slip Covered Chairs .................. $296• Swivel Rocker .......................................................... $400- Sage Green Chenille Sectional ............................... $995* 369 E. 17th Street #10, Costa Mesa, Locat.cd behind Plum's P..iuo Phone(949)764-l746 H0011: Mon-Fri 10:00am-5:30pm, Sat 10:00am-5:00pm, Sun I0.00am-4:00pm OPEN HOUSE Saturday May 17th 11AM-4PM S.e the HISTORY OF COSTA MESA and Santa Ana Air Base Including: • Collections of Antiques • Carpentry Tools • Irons • Old School Books • Howdy Doody Coll ection •Old School Annuals • 1953 Boy Scout Jamboree Materials COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1870 Anaheim St. (Near Lions Park) (949) 631-5918 wcbs.lansct.com/ cmhiscory AROUND TOWN • Send AROtJM> TOWN item• to the Delly Piiot, 330 W. Bey St., Cotta Meta, CA 92827; by e-mell to mlkt1.llW8naonfl,.tlme-.com; by fax to (949) 64&-4170; or by calllng (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date end loaltlon of the event, ea weU u •contact phone number. A complete lilting la avellable st www.daitypllotcom. TODAY SATUIDW • The MOOnd..,,.., .... ANllnd the Part f\Jnd-ralter, e w8'k that rel ... money to provide dog dr1nldng fountain• In Felrvlew Part. wfll begin regia'tretion It 8:90 a.m. for $20 per webr. The first 200 ~for the on.mile or two-mile Miki et Fehvtew Pattc., atartlng st 10 1.m., wfll receive en event dog teg, •~end a doggffl bag. For mote lnfonnetion, call (714) 764-6898. The fltendl of the Nlwport ....... Library will hold a uted book sale, .. • lnfonMtlon medng for newcomera and memberl st 6:30 p.m. Mwt at the C<*8 Mela Communfty Center. 1846 Part Ave., for food, exhibits end table dlaplaya. Newoomen can join the SletTa Qub tor. tpedal $25 Introductory fee. For mote lnfonn811on. call (714) 617·2A67. A oommunlly pc-~ wll be given It N.wport Hafbor High School In ~Auditorium st 7 p.m. N9wport-Meu Unified School Diltrtct adminlltration offtclal9 wfll f'9POt't on Measure A plena for the high ad\ool, An:hltecta from LPA Will also preMnt plan• for the new Robins The Alzhetmer'9 AMI\. of O...nge County and UCI lnltltute for Brain Aging host the first ruean:t'I and education conference at the ·Newport Beach Marriott May 8 and 9. The conference begins at 8:30 a.m., with registration end breakfast. Exhibit.a begin et 7:30 a."'. The cost is $60 for one day. $100 for two. For more Information, call (714) 283-1111. · open to the public, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. et iooo Avocado Ave., Newport Bead\. Books Will be prioed st •A Bude a Bag:' AU proceeds are donated to the library system. For more information, call (949) 769-9667. The euc:udve dtfl Md OWi* of Apron Strings, Lisa Parisi, Will inspire all att~ to ul8 Calphalon In a 1 p.m. da11 at Bloomlngdale'a Home Store. For more information, call (949) 72~ • Hall/Loeta Auditorium. A queation-end-anlwer session Will f~low the preMntation. In attendance Witt be ad\ool ~rd trustees, high tchool admlnlatretort and Measure A Site-Baaed Project Review Committee members. More U..n 300 proud pwenb end 250 children will join Dr. David Diaz and his staff from West Coast • Fertility Canters and Centro Latinoameticano de Fertilidad to cefebrate ~ys of parenthood from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children who represent the miracle of assisted reproductive medicine for the one out of six couples that seeic infertility treatment will Join Diaz for the 15-year baby reunion at the Hyatt Newporter in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 215-0417. ~and others who want 10 get a grip on their inventory are invited to "Unclutter Your Life" at 1 p.m. in the Newport Beach Central Library. Personal organizer Kathryn Brodcman will present the free program on how to distinguish between cherished memorabilia and space-taking clutter. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. The International Coech Federation will present two wortcshops, "Highland's Ability Battery" and "Applying the Core Competencies to Wortc.ing in Organizations; from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in Costa Mesa. For registration and pricing information. call (949) 623-8247. FRIDAY A special members-only preview ....... for the Friends of the Newport Beach Library's used book sale will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Membership applications will be available at the door. Hardcover books will be prioed at two for $1 and paperbacb at six for $1. For more information, call (949) 759-9667. The o.11 s.Mor Cer1tllr wll hold a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Sausage. coffee and orange juioe will also be served. The cost is $3 for adults and $1 for children. The center offeni the pancake breakfast on the second Saturday of each month at 800 Marguerite in Corona del Mar. For more information. call (949) 644-3244. Costa Mesa's "Women~ Women" will host its Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Coastal Canyon Part Clubhouse in Newport Coast from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m . It will include a special award presentation to Stella Gert for her unending dedication to "Women Helping Women:' For more information, call (949) 423-0057. Low~ncome women 40 end otder can receive a free mammogram, dinlcal breast exam and information on breast health at the Harbor Ouistian F-ellowship in Costa Mesa from 8:30 am. to 1~ p.m. No refemll is necessary. but appointments are required. Call (714) 935-9720 or (714) 806-2037. For more information about breast health, call the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation at (714) 967·9157. See Yecht Ch•l19rl i. o«wring • Mother's Day cruise and buffet luncheon from 1 to 3 p.m. The cost is $35 for aduhs, $15 for children. Another cruise will be held on Father's Day, June 15. Call (949) E>ro-2412 for reservations. MONDAY LNm about the Sieml Club end its many activities at its ~ -, J-lappy Motlier 's 'Day for tlie perfect gift visit Three Friends l,,lrtl ... ICCHHriH ftr ttt•U i~i WHtellff Plue -·~ IM•• • Ht .SU. tUt 11tli .,.4 lri!ot • Mon It Slt .... h F11terl19: '1fU TausfFom Luc.fj/ 'Denim, -- :Hartf'Tail, 'Xf,nzu, ;tngu 'Dresses, 'Billy 'Bfru & Swtt "1<.Jtro-Picnic •wear. Y.r•• Ll11~1 (714) 69J-0967 -T11tl1 R1111lt (114) ~4-9Jl4 u~tt1 R111lt (949) 147-6901 -M1wp1rt (949) S41·9111 lEJ~~~ Givt him a gift that both of you ' will chniJh for a lifetime. ' I Gift <:ertifiu• All•"""1. I (949) 67S-31JO J?Jl PwJiflcC... .....,_, • ~c,.._, CA t~ ,.. _ _......._ ... ~II I •• ,_ • • TUESDAY A free eemlner on •Muac1e91n Motion" by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 695-MOMS. WEONESOAY The o..ange County a,.. of the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists will sponsor a wortcshop called .. Chronic Trauma Disorders: Diagnosis and TreatmentH from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . at National University In Costa Mesa. The wortcshop costs $30 for students and interns, $55 for clinical members and $85 for all others. For information, call (949) 645-2964. MAY15 A free Mmlner end book signing of "Stop the Cfodc Cooking" by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 East 17th St. Cost.a Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. Lwn about the ~al and surgical procedures available for hysterectomies at a free seminar at 6:30 p.m. in Newport Beach's Hoag Hospital Conference Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 6144624. MAY16 Costa Meu's Chamber of Commerce will have its Les Miller Scholarship Recognition Breakfast at 7:15 a.m. at the Hilton Hotel, 3050 Bristol St. Attendance is $22 per person. Call (714) 885-9090 for details and reservations. MAY 17 · The StlNtlaht ThMtre Compeny will hold auditions for its all-student summer show, "Mary Poppins; from 1 to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater is at 1125 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 645-7827. The Com Mesa tlistoricel Society will host an open house from 11 Re ·b·e ·I ~ ux Jeans " Juicy Couture Seven • Diesel Theory • Trina Turk """ Womyn •Joie James Perse 1528 Mori:lne ....... SlrltaMonica 310451-3BSB e.m. to 4 p.m. st 1870 .Anllt*m St.• In C<*8 Mela. It lndudee touf'9 of the fedllty end exhibits of photoa end 1rtlfactt. Free. For more ' .: Information, cell (949) 831-6918. •ONorot: A New 819lrwq• II 1 worlClhop for men and wornen who .,.. divorced °' gettlng divorced. It 11 held from 10 1.m. to~' 12:30p.m,et180 Newport Center I Orlve, Newport Beech. Foimore t .. lnfonnetlon. call (949) 644 8436. The Newport HMt>or Nlutbl Museum Will open e new exhibit featuring the wot1t of Joe Duncan Gleeson (1881-1959), known aa '.. ~ the West Coast's.premiere maritime apedallat among eer1y 20th-<:entury artlata. The exhibit Will be on dlspfay until Sept. 30. For more lnfonnlltion, call (949) 673-8916, ext. 111. The N9wport Bw::h Ubnr(• Balboa brancti Will offer a worbhop called "Tools & Tridca: Internet 101; an Introduction to navigating the World Wide Web, at 9 a.m. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. .. The w.ldorf School's ennual Mey Faire, an Imagination CeJebration event will be from 11 a.m . to 3:30 . p.m. st 2360 Canyon Drive in Costa Mesa. Admission costs $3, and children younger than 2 get in for free. Parting is free. For more Information, call (949) 574-n34. Costa MeN High School'• Cheer1eading department is hosting a one-day c:heer1eading clinic from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for $18 per person. Squads and anyone without c:heer1eading experience are encooraged to attend the dinic, taught by the United Spirit Assn. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. in front of the high school's gym. MAY 18 To lddl off 1hls yur's Festival of Children. a Volunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at South Coast Plaza's Carousel Court. To introduce Orange County charities and youths to each other. the F-estival of Children Vofunteer Day will allow a variety of nonprofit organqations to display information about their services. For more information, call (949) 644-4777. The Southern C.lifomie Kol Club will have its annual koi pond tour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m .• including tours of Newpon Beach, Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and Santa Ana. Cost is S8 per person. For more information, call (949) 646-1685. MAY19 Hoeg Hospimf's Cancer Cents.. M offering a presentation by a group • of expert clinicians to team about the use of surgery for treating colon cancer. There will be time after the free 6:30 to 9 p.m. presentation to netwof'k with other colon cancer survivors and discuss common concerns. Registration is required. For more information and to register, call (949) 760-2103. See TOWN, Pa1e A7 . 4 I .. ,• . . '\ Dally Pilot TOWN Continued from A6 M9tan driven CM Iha.pen their driving sldll1 In en eight-hour dau In two eeulons et Presbyterian Church of the Covenant In Com Mesa. Cleases will be from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. M ay 19 and 20, and are limited to 30 studentl. The coat is $10. Advanced registration required. To register, or for more Information, cell (714) 657-3340. MAY20 A frM Mmlner and booll signing of "Why the Weight? Dare to be Great!" by author Jean Krueger will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Marttet. 225East17th St. Costa M esa. For reservations. call (800) 596-MOMS. The Surfltder Foundetion Newport 8eadl Alm Night will feature surfing films, including the newly released "3 Degrees:' It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Surfrider public meeting at Margaritaville. 2332 West Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. Come and learn what is going on with local water quality issues and see some cool surf flidcs. For more Information. call (949) 644-7443. MAY21 A frM 1emlnar end booll signing of "The Digestion Connection" by Or. Martt Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Marttet. 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. 5uspenM novelist Mar1h1 Unikel will speek at a Newport Beadl Newcomers Oub meeting at 10 a.m. Unikel is also a member of the club. wtiidl is open to all women living in the area for less than five years. For more 1nformat1on, call (949) 645-9722. UC Irvine's school of biological sciences and the Howard A. Schneiderman Memonal Bioethics Lecture Series present "lhe Good Life at the End of Life; a lecture by Dr. Joanne Lynn, at 7 p.m. in the Crystal Cove Auditorium. The event is free. but reservations aie required. For more information. call (949) 824-7252. M9ntor, c:oac:h end trusted advisor Dave Gentry will speak at a PCMA meeting about his search for an authentic life et the Westin in • South Coast Plaza from 5 to 8 p.m. Registration is at 4:45 p.m . For more information. call (714) 637-5524. MAY24 A booll ligning end penonal appearance by author James Baldl for his book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" will be held from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m . at Mother's Marttet. 225 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. Th• Newport Coast ear.· first "Spring Ring" fund·raiser to benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation. an organization that ralMs money for dllldren In Baja, will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. In the Newpoft Coast Shopping Center. The event will have gamee and rides for dllldren. Admlulon is $10. For more information, call (949) 476-1144, ext 358. Three llCCIMned Mlthon Md scholars will present •African American Speech in Global Culture; exploring the effect of African American speech on modem conversation, poetry and music. The f9C8Ption, performance reading and book signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m. at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Center and Crystal Cove Auditorium. For more information, call (949) 82~1948. JUNE4 The Friends of the fWwport 8-d'I Library will host a complimentary brunc:tl and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 books. will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by May 28. Call (714) 596-5276. ONGOING VoluntMr driven .,.. Meded to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping or cooking for themselves through "Mobile Meals:' sponsored by ASH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hospital. Call (949) 645-8050 for more information. The F"trSt Page -Rne Children's Books. at 270 E. 17th St.. No. 10 in Costa Mesa. offers free story time Mondays, Wednesday. Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. For more information. call (949) 645-5437 "Abstract Worb on Cenvu and PapeC an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on display at the Newport Beadl Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's "Washed AYvay• series. created by dripping. splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggest the passage of time. For more information. call (949) 717-3816. Awerd-winning wortts by Orange County artists w orking in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beadl City Hall through June 27. for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For m ore information. call (949) 717-3870. Registration is now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two-mile Fun Walk on June 7. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the runlwalk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on Jhe day of the race is $30 for the runlwallc. Separate raoes for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. I Th e Origin a I MIKE'I I llJ\1PI 111 1 'S --l{l <,'i ~ < \l{l 'I l'i • YOUR DENTAL HEALTH by Deedreea Rich. D.D.S. E.NlYME OEFIOENCY lJNKED To POOR GUM Hl'.All"H I lou. lmuh, .mJ ,.n,.. 111 11101:«~ yuur w1n111n11 •mole " •1111 w1unJ ..Jv,.... Yn • new •1uJy lpuhluhrJ 1n N;uurr (..-nn10) tUggt"U th•• gum Jac·;ut may •h" 1.-.uh Imm rrdU<.CJ Ind• ul • key cn1vnl<'. on J,!:lli._.1 he cn1• rm ~"""'n .u l .• .u~rn < .&rJX.io to tllt1,Tr .& ""omp4c:a \llrlrh ut unmunulug1t. .J rc.h.cu1n\ thJr J.""'11' J,.,.,cJ •rll• .. nJ cl1m1n.ic 1nfa.norn m tht muuch I "n <h!(hth r<Ju. 1J Intl• ol •••hrJ"lll ( mAV rrJlK< J J'•:rvtn\ •holm I" w>rJ tttf ~ruJ••flll\h 11r Jnp P'-..k.l·o 11t .nk.,r111n h. lu,. th, icum l111r kn.ml HuJH.'\ h.oc \ho"'n th.u or.al h;w ltrtJI \.UOtuhuH lu .ttlotl·nr' r.anging hum hr.lrt J,,..._,.. tc. prm1.iurr honh, Kcunreng chc rn1~tnt" tu nurm.af kvch ~uulJ he p.irt .. 1 ' """' 'flfl"'·"-1' w pr<Wn11ng •nJ H<•11n~ ~um J,,., .. .,. anJ prucn.tml( .a pt'"'"\ o\c.·r.atl hr.a.Ith u vuu h.tY\ 'IU\ \Uun\. rq.~.aulm~ \UUI Jrnul hr .. hh lrd wtl,umc 111 ,.11 fur .an .IJ'~'°'"'"H ru "'uh I lt H.1t-h .at (')49> Mii ~him ~< '" 1,.,..111·J ,, 1441 i'.vrn ;Ju '"' . \111t< ~1111. Nr-.fllorl ll<M.h 20°/o off WITH THIS COUPON LUNCH & DINNER Offer 19th Thursday. May 8. 2003 A7 TOTAL LIQUIDATION! ALL MERCHANDISE MUST· BE SOLD! E ARE MOVINGI 35°1o•50% OFF ALL CLC)THES ThisWeek@UCI Arts May8&10 Latin American Film Festival. fo1111 .!IHI/ (Vc11C7Ul'IJ). <.,uht1tlcd. 7.W p.m. Thur,dJ). l,avo1m1 \r1111111f/c1th1•I1•/t of tlie l·atlier ( BrJ11l 1. ubtitlrJ. 7: mp m. \,11un..IJy, I lumantllt'~ I rn.t rul111in.il Building, Rt111m I 00 S ~ S5 May 15-17 UCI Dance. 1'/1vH1t1/ c,n1//111 Annual c.:onccrt nl nc\' \'>Ork' ln undl'r gradualt' lhurco~rJpher ... 8 p.m 1 hur..d..1v and h1JJ\, ~ & 8 rm <.,.itur<lJ}. •f.!MPl"'-'"·~--~t--t---t-Tiltfc The..11 re SR S JO OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA •Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL·CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 6212-8400 ~s .~ DESIGN CENTER l 11For All Your Decorating Needs!" . FURNITURE REUPHOUTERY • Custom-Made f urniture • Slip Covers • Patio furniture Draperies. Sha.des. A &edspreads Presentations May8 Center for the Study of Democracy. The 2002-03 Ptltason /,ect11re on l>rnwcracy With Jeane J. Ki.rkpatnlk, former U.S. amba:.:.Jdor to the United Nations. 3:30 p.m., Social Science Pla.7.a A, Room I I 00. Free Bookstore. A111hor Smes. With 0.8. Weiss, author of I ucky War1der Boy. S p.m., Bookstore. Free Humanities Center. The K1llir1g Fi~ds Rtvisrted: The Death Ptnalry 1n Amtrica Today a11d Tomorrow. With Hugo Adam BE'dau, Austin R. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy Emeritu , Tufts University. 7 p.m., Humanit1~ lnstructionaJ Building, Room 135. Free M ay 13 ~ Discover the Physical Sciences Breakfast Lecture Series. fo~tj., <.arl>on and th~ Futun!. With ~ Trumbort, professor of Earth syswn scimce. 7:.30 ~.m .. llruvtnity Club. Free May 14 Univetsfty Cub Forum. n l..onAA: T1umd of ~di pity. With Dowtt~ I lahn. 1 l :30 Lrn., University Oub. $6.17 mnnbcn, $7.50 non-mm>bcrs (includes lunch) Al Thursday, May 8, 2003 . .. . FORUM . ' • HOW TO GET l'lBJ8ttED -LA1111n: Meil to Edltoriel Pege Editor S.J. Cetv\ at the Deity Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Meu, CA 92627 • R11dln Hodne: C.11 (949) 642-6088 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 f4iil:Send m dallypilot•IMJma.com •All comltP<>ndence mutt lndude full Mme, homMown and f>!'<>ne number (for veriftcetion purpoMI). The Pilot ""9Mlle the right to edft all 1ubmlulon1 for clarity end iensitt:: EDITORIAL Some mistakes • are hard to understand P eople make mistakes -some more understandable than others. The Sigma Pi fraternity at UC Irvine seems to be guilty of a few mistakes that members of the campus' Movimiento Bstudiantil Otlcano de Aztlan pointed out last week. One mistake the fraternity made was calling its Cinco de Mayo party "Drinko for Cinco." While one can understand that bit of bad judgment. the filer the fraternity distributed to advertise the party crossed the line. It contained a caricatme of a Mexican man holding two pistols and wearing a sombrero with Sigma Pi's logo on it Students at a University of Qilifomia school should know better that such stereotypical images can be hurtful and will draw fire. If that weren't enough, the fraternity also promoted a "Dirty Sanchez Look-a-like Contest" What part of that concept sounded like a good idea at any time? In this day and age, there are no acceptable excuses for such insensitive stereotyping on any college campus, especially somewhere as ethnically diverse as UC Irvine. What's worse is, the fraternity has a history of bad judgment specifically related to Latinos. In the fall, Sigma Pi members wore T-shirts of road signs depicting people crossing the road similar to those signs found near the border. ~. it crossed the line. As punishment for the latest incidents, Sigma Pi members will have to attend cultural awareness seminMs and may have to issue formal apologies, including one in the school newspaper. These punishments are the least they suffer to appease everyone on campus, not just those who saw the fliers. One would hope that Sigma Pi -with its members now or those in five to 10 years - would give every flier they plan to disseminate in the future long consideration before doing so. There are many people and cultures on this Earth, and it would behoove everyone to treat each other with respect. It's the least they can do. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Condo plan a shadowy one for Costa Mesa By Paul Flana1an $91,000. For 14 units, that amounts to $1.07 million and for 28 unit.s, it The Costa Mesa Citirens for is $2.54 million. But our city Is onty Responsible Growth has asking the developer to pay an -ln asked for a rehearing of the lieu~ fee of $245,000. Should the environmental report and the developer choose not to build the general plan and master plan units required by state law. then amendments for the proposed the developer can deposit the Plaza Residences condominlum $245,000 or 20% of the project at 1901 Newport Blvd. oonstruction cost and let the The group Is not opposed to residents pat the remainder. property owners' realizing full While we have a municipal code benefit of their land; we believe that is designed to protect that development must balance inhabitants from Wldue gloom of the lnterests of the developer. the shadows from tall buildings. the neighbors and the community as a coundl granted a variance so that whole. Further, whenever a the inhabitants of Barnard Screet community bas evolved a system should dwell in shade. Several of of procedures for development. the applicant's eihibits gfv'e the lie those procedures must be foJJowed. · to the voodoo claim that the The public bearing portion of shadow is not significant Despite the process for the project has the developer's junk 9dence, the been lawed. The City CoWlcll and sun does cause buiJdings to cast Redevelopment Agency allowed shadows at noon. speakers onty three minutes each No evidence bas been presented to discuss complex. cognldve to j~ a variance for the 40 Issues. 'nwe-minute sound bites paiking space deftciency in the are inadequate to elucidate project. The council allows this problmm and omissiooa ln project to have fewer paddng oompUcated and technlcaJ spaces per dwelling or per equare docwnents and to educate the foot of office space than it mqubea decision makers. of other properties in the dt)t Those who hope to tmproYe the State law requires the applicant project and to reduce the troubling to present ~ supportill8 deal ~t to be given suftident evidence to justify varlaooel. The time for• comprehensive P'87.a Residenc:es pmented no ptaentadon. The coundJ did give such evidence, and the council aach time to the residellts' group granted it a building befgbt 209' before approval of the Home pater than that llloMd to ocher 8anch protect. We were given fair property owners. Without that opportunity then to make our variance, d:Mn ~ not be pobltl. abadow probleml for the Bmmd The CXlUlCi1 approved the Plat.a Str!iet nelghborS. P temce. project prior to the It would appear th8t our mundf 6cdve data o1 the amendments ha badtmed to the old~ ·eo bl 1111 councO pa*<i at the tame ~ eYaJ If It"~ ""'°"" The ooundJ ought at.. The l'llllklerdl ol COiia Mia to Mii Llldl there WU a lepJ buls lhould watch the Plot b Che Qy .. the lppftMl CcMmdl .... ~the coundl S.:-• the project doeln't ~and .. the coundl bldt ~ iilordlble Musing. the on m. tndt ~lootlng out h ......,.,,,... pl)'ln ·1n lieu" fee ielldeoa' lntereltl. tD the dcy for the day to build aJdl =:~~by ......... not~ within the !•* .... "••ame.lben2.8 ..... ..,.,.~bf -...... ~-..,bald IUcb ••• • t I 2..., .... '*" ~ ~ • IDl'IOln NOii: Pll-' Aenegen ... ~of COiia Miiii. lht City Coundl on~ mede no dedalof\ *"" ......... .., ...... .... ~.91 Na:,~--...n.-.... ...... .., ......... up .. ...... maftlh.; MAILBAG ~ HLLER I DAii. Y PILOT Andrea Burkhart and daughter Bianca, 3, with their IO-year-Old golden retriever, Nugget, live on Irvine Avenue, where dangerous road condition s have led to many accidents. Another reason for deaths on Irvine Avenue After reading the letters on the 'aa:idents on the ·s CUJVe" on Irvine Avenue. J would like to add my two cents' worth. Most of the letter stressed the fact that it was mostly a people problem with speed and the lack of wearing seat beJts adding to the fatal injwy column in the aashes. One problem was not mentioned that can be added to the people problem and not attributed to the street. Being a member of the Newport Beach Pi.re Department for many years and going on many of these accidents. one other problem is quite evident to the members of the department. especially the ones stationed at Station No. 6 on Irvine Avenue. Firefighters who used to work Friday and Saturday shifts would grouse about their pos.$ible late-nigtll rendezvous at the ~s CUJ"Ve~ on Irvine Avenue,-usually not too long after the bars closed You can add alcohol to one of the contributing factors in some of these accidents. MIL1MEEHAN Newport Beach Don't blame Irvine Avenue for fault of drivers I have lived on the East.side of Costa Mesa or Newport for 25 years and in Costa Mesa for more than 30 years, and the MS curve• on Irvine Avenue has been an ongoing lssue. There is nothing wrong with Irvine Avenue; the problem la with the drivers. The issue only comes up when someone is seriously injured o r killed, which should tell us something. There is a posted speed limit on the road, and if you observe the speed limit, I cannot see any way in which you can even have an accident, let alone kill yourself. The speed limit is 35 mph. and virtually no one goes that speed -I have had people pass me at 60 mph like they are at a speedway. I have a sports car and can well manage the road at more than 35 mph. but I follow the speed limit In the cases of the car full of kids that crashed. or th1s woman recently who went off the road, I think both were driver error. Let's not blame the road ltaelf. People need to take responsJbllity for their actions. If they want to speed, show off or dri~ without due .J care and a ttention, should the road be responsible for that? I don't think so. Thousands and thousands of people drive that road each day and year. If the road is not dangerous. it is the drivers that are dangerous -to themselves and to others. If you choose not to observe the speed limits, that Is something you are responsible for. VICKJ HINES Newport Beach What's going on at Lower Bayview Landing? An open letter to the Newport Beach City Council: So, you're in a big hurry to push through a development of low-and moderate-cost senior housing, comprising 150 three-story rental units, at Lower B~ew Landing (on the bruffs and Oat to the south of the intersection of Jamboree and Back Bay Drive)? . Where were the public inlormatfon sessions and dlscussJons on this proposed development? To whom among Newport Beach residents was the city's Inadequate environmental study revealed before submission to the Coastal Commission? Why do you give in to the public wish to vote on the conversion of a trailer park to a hotel at Marinapark. but evidently consider that a resident census to convert open space at Lower Bayview Landing ls not of equal Importance? Residents of Newport Beach are belng trampled and deceived by the dty to get legi&ladon through and concrete poured for strictly economic reasons. Lower Bayview Landing is an inte8Jll:I part of our Upper Newport Bay estuarine system. It includes estuarine bluffs, a former wetland· and stream embayment, features that elsewhere are included in the Upper Bay Ecological Reserve. Tbe plan by staff will~<te the blufts and part of the te ce above them to insert the ren unita and connect a btke path with the one at the Dunes. Such grading will destroy much of the natural estuarine habitat. Lower Bayview Landing ls one of the last pieces of open ground witb Newport Beach. It should be preserved and added to the Upper Bay Ecologic Reserve, where It belongs. Moreover, the renters can be expected to drive everywhere. The increased traffic will affect the already snarled Jamboree Road and Coast Highway and Jamboree and San Joaquin HUis intersections. If the city has to have affordable housing. it should present Newport Beach residents with a set of alternalive sites and their pros and cons and collect the vote. City planning of the Lower Bayview Landing development has bien covert, opaque and dictatorial. We asJc for some transparency and the chance for residents to weigh in on alternatives. Converting environmentally sensitive land tha1 should be protected into concrete and adding density to existing high density area needs public approval. ROBERT SPEED Newport Beach An embarrassing moment at City Hall I anended the Costa Mesa City Council meeting on Monday night. I am embarrassed for the city by the conduct of some members of the council. Mi.Jee Scheafer and Eric Bever were both very professional and dignified in their public appearances; perhaps the council members should review the tapes to see how they appear in public. From the audience, I noticed that at the beginning of Bever's presentadon the timer was beeping, indicating that the time was up for Scheafer. If I noticed that from 10 rows back. I would assume that the council members also heard the noise. Apparently, Mayor Pro Tern Ou1s Steel neglected to set the timer when Bever began his presentadon. Councilwoman Ubby Cowan, lo the middle of Bever's presentatlon, began to chastise Steel for not setting the timer, not once, but three times. She was sitting next to Steel and could have reminded h1m politely that the timer needed to be set and not wait for an opportunity several minutes later to interrupt the speaker and ridicule the mayor pro tem. Do they realize how they appear in public? Maybe a course with Ma. Manners would help? Or la a public apology in order? JUDmtlURY Coata Mesa • .. LE 11 ER TO THE EDITOR What was commentary writer thinking? 1 ... ' I be WU joldng, OCherwlle I would : -.-...ionhll-'""00~ I -.-9"..., WAUM:I W000: ea.ea~ • B>Uat'S NOl'I: ,_., Jimel a.twin .. ~•"fon~w,....,.•e pleoe of..., TM1 hi deV"'°'*I nat bt NllPO' .... '°t. cMd't ...... -• , ... '°" .... ,....,, ... .., ..... Oft .. OUllDOIMfll• .......... __ ... ,, t ---• .... tlMl---.A ....*'Y ..... _........... ' ........ ...,. • SOC I ETY Thursday, May 8. 2003 Al .. THE CROWD One women S experience with cancer ' 'G Ive me health and a day, and I will make \, the pomp of emperors rimculous." Ralph Waldo P.merson sald. The 19th·century philosopher and writer was quoted by~ Julia Sweeney as she began ---=~--, her address to the sold·out crowd attending the 16th annual Circle 1000 Founders' Brunch. Sweeney. perhaps best known for her B. W. COOK rote on television's Saturday Night Live as • Anctrogynous Pat." came to !'JeWport Beach last week to share her life story and help raise funru. for th;e Hoag C.ancer Center. · Circle 1000 organizers chaired by Vldd Booth. brought m the bommunity and the doUars foUowed. The crowd in the ballroom of the Four Seasoru. Hotel in Fashion Island cheered with joy as the announcement was made that more than $500.000 was raised, bringing the overall dollar amowit donated by brcle l 000 to more than SS tnillion. The cheers over the fund·raising success rumed to· toartng laughter and then tear.. as keynote speaker Sweeney took her Newport· Mesa audience on a wild romp sharing her pel"iOnal and family struggle with her own cervical cancer and her brother Michael's non· Hodgkin'!. lymphoma Cancer claimed Michael's life at the age of 31 . Sweeney took the podjum and began by telling her audience that her experience with cancer began some seven years ago. after a divorce. ·we told all of our friends chat our divorce was made In heaven ... Sweeney sald, getting her first wave of laughter In the Four Seasons ballroom. After her divorce, she moved from New York to Los Angeles with the hope of starting over, finding her own space and settling in to a home of her own that she planned to share with no other person. Soon after, younger brother Michael was diagnosed with cancer. He also lived in Los Angeles. Michael moved In with Julia. and then their parents joined them. coming down from Washington state. Soon her perfect life of solitude became the recreation of a family unit brought together under dire cimunstances. . For nearly an hour at the Four Seasons Newport. SWeeney had the crowd in the palm of her hand, sharing insight after insight on the relationships between parents and children. The laughter she generated was infectious. She was wann and candid. Many in the crowd related to her often outJandish stories. ln their own way, so many had shared the experience of dealing with cancer. The audjence knew exactly where Sweeney was coming from. ln lhe end. her m~e \VdS one of hope. Sweeney's brother Michael passed away, and she c,hared her final moments with him. "My parents called a priest to administer last rights to Michael m the hospital: she said. holding hctclc her awn tears. "I was agamst 11 because I fell it would talce f'J.e. PIZZA "ProudlJ Servinc Cotta Mea Since 1974" r------------------1 I 25% OFJ; I .. I ~OllX-LAWPtt*A I •-111111-•L----~wl_~~..t.~~2.-___ ...J 1420 Baker Street #8, Cost.a M~ CA 92626 (Cost.a Meu Square -Target Center) (9411) 548-5523 or (714) 545-6328 away whatever will he had to continue living.· "When the priest arrived, MJchael turned to me and said, 'This is really cool,' and to my amazement, the experience gave him final moments of peace," she said. Laughter In the ballroom had been replaced with silence. More than 500 Hoag Hospital supporters including Circle I 000 founder Sandy Sewell, and donors including Sheryl Andenon. underwriting chair of the day. Arden Flumon. Hyla Berta. Un Auer, Nora JoatpetdOn Joh.Mon. GJnny Ueberroth. Mary Buddngham, Darlene and Walter Gerken. Jllcquelyn and Rober1 DtDnwi. Ruth Feuerstein. JodJ Greenbaum. Mary Lyons, Mary Kay and Louis VanderMo&en. ~ Curry and EH:r.abeth Colyar' Vincent. silently wiped their tears. rising to offer Sweeney a standing ovation. The 16th annual brunch puts Sweeney in very distinguished company. Pclst speakers were Nancy Reagan. Geraldine Perraro, Peter Uebenoth, Scott Hamilton and Harry Belafonte. A significant portion of the funds raised by Orcle 1000 L'i eaIT1'laded for the Hoag C.ancer staff to use in the creation of specific vaccines for pauents. The special vaccine treatment. while very costly, has shown results. Some major underwnters and benefactors were Stephanie and Ken Grody. Mary and Dk:k Allen. Jo Ann Hertel-Koontz. Pinkie and Dennis Terry, Bob W<:as, Julia and George Argyros, Janet and Don Ayres and Nora Hester. •THE CROWD appears on Thursdays and Saturdavs Home Equity Line of Credit With a First Bank Home Equity Linc; of Credit, you can put the equity in your home to work for you. Whether you're dreaming of a new car, a college eductaion or an addition to your home, you may get it with a First Bank Home Equity product. And the interest on your loan may be tax deductible** .J Contact a First Bank Representative to4ay for more information. Costa Mesa Office (Corner of Harbor Blvd. and Baker} 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste. C 714-668-3080 :~ Fht&.*& TNlt From left, 16th annual Circle 1000 committee chair and underwrrter V1ck1 Booth, keynote speaker Juha Sweeney and underwrrter and committee member Ginny Ueberroth . Above, attending the Hoag funck'a1sing event are underwriters and committee members Arden Flamson and Leshe Moore. Right, supporting Circle lOOO's annual brunch to raise funds for Hoag Hospital are underwriters Susan Graham. Dr. Paul Kuhn and Linda Ensbury "1& _. ~.!'JI ustom Home Loans · ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees! 1 Lot cost included ·Construction loans as low as prime fixed for up to t 2 months. ·Low rates for purchase re·h & no cost equity Imes "'"' BILL FALl CJt J 949·252·8200 . Ground up rehab & remodel-Pnmar1 residence or 2nd home allowed ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs 15 Years in Orange County. Ttil LE:-.Dl'll GMull' • 3848 CatT10f,;S Or 1211, .._ewpo11 &a:r CA 92660 ANNOUNCING THE HARD SURFACE FLOORING SPRING SALE 12 months , no interest *, no payments WOOD • CERAMICS LAMINATES & MORE JOHN BLOESER CARPET ONE "Southern Californta's oldest flooring company." 2927 S. Bristol St. • Costa Mesa 7'.14.751.2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com ' AlO Thursday, May 8, 2003 %other S 1Jay a special gift f or, tliat special person ... Mom Orchids can -bloom up to 4 months! •OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • Orchids S500 and up 1,000'S IN STOCK Newport Beach's only ()rchid Nursery 20362 BIRCH STREET • NEWPORT BEACH J.. \jH Flt l/I f !flt fJt f/ltfi/11/ • GRAND OPENING 2forl 50°/o or OFF nuo•ll TUlllNI 'l'lift iOIW-llft~ ftt C~··; ,,a '''J·N>< o•od •" ~ .ic IU:. ~·'.l ') prcq '.)!'"'~ 1()1 • ~j,~ rr.o• ,,. .id,•; N<fl"t ond "Ue r .. A' I C<VJ .0../ ~I '1q l\;o me"1beist p le<>~ f'r.dv 'Xu p1 "9 I" .:iies ..L{ Back Bay Fitness hteplionol F11nes~ 1n Orange County's finest Facility . • • 1 Back Bm; (enter .. ,,, ~. -"' • 949.631.5587 • I j ~' now serving sandwiches ... and salads catering platters available , Purchase Any Whole Sandwich or Salad And Receive A Free drink. Must Present Coupon At Time Of Purchase. Limit One Per Customer. ~pires 05/22/03. -- DA TE BOOK . DINING REVIEW I KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT, Baked delights await at Let Them Eat Cake on Newport Boulevard. Clockwise from bottom right are: a chocolate pecan truffle torte, a chocolate flower, a lemon bar, a strawberry tart and a green tea cake filled with passion fru it, Italian cheese and raspberry cream. -, Treat your mom to a fabulous meal By Kathy Mader Ahhh. mom. Mother's Day. ll's 1mponan1 to celebrate Mom, everyday and aJways. And in my family. there is no bener way to celebrate 'than 10 eat Moms -at least this one - love 10 eat. You !HlY your mother is no longer with us? Eat in her memory. You say you never had a mother?. Eat to wha1 could have been. You say you never wanted a molhel1 You have to eat anyway. This Mother'i. Day, I'm offering you an opportunity 10 think both inside and outside the box. Let me explain. When I say "inside the box.· I mean "inside the pastry box." Picture this: never getting out of your brand new pajamas and barely even lifting your head off the pillow but to sample some of the most righteous chocolate . cookies and brownies o f a.Qtime. Send someone who calls you "mother over to Let Them Eat Cake, a bakery and cake shop on the com er of Wilson and Newport Boulevard, and have them go straight for the chocolate decadence cookie. This monumental cookie has five kinds of c;hocolate and is a biJ cri.spy on the outside and PlACESTOGO Let Them Eat Cake, (949) 646-0542 Pluma Cafi, (949) 722-PLUMS Hyatt Newporter, (949) 644-4445 El Ranehito, (949) 642-1142 Back Bay Cafi , (949) 729-1144 melty-gooey on the Inside. Let Them Eat Cake is a first come, 6rst served bakery unless you have the presence of mind to call ahead. Needless to say. I have been left without way loo often. The five-pound browrues are my second choice (People have been known to take several days to eat these). Put them in the .microwave for about 45 seconds, and you have pecans swimming in molten chocolate cake. Simply to die for. The lemon bar is In a league of its own, with a fresh lemon sJjce right on top. You cannol -I repeat -cannot go wrong bringing home a box of these treats for your mama Their address is 2346 Newport Blvd. c.au (949) 646-0542. They will not be open Sunday. so plan ahead and pick them up Saturday. Now, outside the pastry box. While dressing up for a fancy brunch is quite nice, and the Hyatt Newporter always makes It THESE NEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS. The soft folds o( Vptt.e~ window ~ t'tt1# come In tine '*' fabrics M appell to .....-yone. COIN• hril t~ worth your while with the mother or all brunches (definitely call ahead!), don't make your decision until you have considered some of your more casual choices. Maybe mom doesn't want to wear a dress this year. Maybe she can't fit into her dress this year. Whatever. My all-time favorite breakfast or brunch place is Plums Caf~ on the comer or 17th Street and Tustin Avenue behind Jack in the Box. For Mother's Day thi<i year, it is offering a brunch that is the regular outstandin.g breakfast menu, with cocktails, coffee and juice. Salmon hash, crispy coconut French toast, apple-honey sausage and the unbelievable Dutch baby. a jumbo •pancake~ sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with lemon and marionbeny compote ... everyone will be happy. Don't make mom share, and she will be the happiest of all Another option outside the box is FJ Ranch.ito on Placentia in Costa Mesa. In a casual and lighthearted atmosphere complete with live mariachis playing requests. you can enjoy all of the specialties -fajitas. omelets, camitas and chicken mole, a Mexican delicacy made of chick.en in a rich and spicy sauce with a hint or chocolate. Best of all. the tortillas are handmade. Can\ beat that wtth a stick. mi mod.re If you really want to take It easy. and at the same lime enjoy some California sun and atmosphere. try the Bade Bay Caf~ next to the Dunes. Prom 9 a.m. 10 3 p.m .. it will be offering a major brunch QUI on the patio with a view of the water and the boat docks. You are definitely in Southern California and the belier for it The brunch will include raviolis. salmon gl37.ed ham and carved roast beef for en trees, with you name it on the SJde - garlic mashed potatoes. cheese board. salads, an order-your-own-omelet stauon, breakfast meats, various desseru ... and mimosas for all older than ' 21. -Obviously. th~ are only several of the many choices you have th1s Mother's Day. Many of the loc:aJ restaurants have Something special going on. But it really is fun to try something different. and sometimes. a relaxed atmosphere is best. Whatever you choose to do. take this advice from me. r~ your mom. Happy Mother's Day! : IT'S NOT TOO SOON TO START INVESTING .. FOR COLLEGE. Before you know it. college will be here. Sta11 plnnmng for it wuh the help of someone who's al"Olys been there for you. See me about the pocentilll tax benefits of a Coverdell P..ducation Savings Account. WE UVE WHERE YOU LIVE~ t lkt A Gc.100 NftGHIOl, STATt: fAltM IS TllUll: .......... .-.. .... ...._~ ........ .., ...................... ~ ...,..._ C-..0. ,_ ,_ ...... JI I tlllMOOI 14i0f).M7"'lt ._. .. ................. _ ............. ....,,... ......... o....,. ...... . ..._ .............. ...... .... DATEBOOK ~sday. May 8. 2003 All • RE~L CRIJ"ICS L!Jr:_j Dunn-Well .. t dentity ' takes ai~ at the psyche, 'X-Men ' marks the spot · ~ Many allegedly new movies jepac:kage old fonnulas by ~ideas and plot devices ~ other films. "Identity• is that ~ l1lCNie that contains a t.Jndred Hollywood clic:Ms, but b:ansloam and adds to them to aeate something remarlcable and '"1P~ I ' JOHN bEPKO John Cusack and Ray Liotta are perfectly cast as the cencral figures in this gritty psychological thriller and aimedrama that Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud to have directed. ; The clicMs are myriad: a cold and stormy night replete with OlWlder. lightning and endless tain. Bridges. phones and power Ines go OUl A group of 10 seemingty unconnected travelers are all breed by the stonn to stay at the $a.me Isolated motel. A middle cJas,, couple with a quiet child, a cop transparting a shackled killer. a movie star with her limo driver, a hooker from Vegas and two young newlyweds are thrown together for one night under the watchful eye of the creepy moiel clerk. One by one. untimely deaths befall the traveler; under increasingty bizarre circumstances to the siru..,ter musical score. While this all sounds very familiar. Michael Cooney'!> outstanding screenplay takes these often used elementS and losses them with enough mind-stretching rwi.sts and rums to catapult the viewer on a roUer coaster ride that had me rwnpmg out of ~y seat more than once. This edgy thriller takes aim squarely at the psyche with relen~ suspense that ~ into doubt all tha.t seems obvious. While there is violence, n's mostly off-screen and used appropriately 10 increase the tension of the tale. Great direction by James Mangold creates an imaginative mystery that requires intelligence and attention to detail to figure oul U this kind of film is your cup of tea. and you have the emotional stamina to ride it out. i(s a rollicking good time at the m<Mes. • JOHN D£PKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office. Singers ' 'X2' new and improved hero flick When I was a little girl and my only concern was reachmg the top shelf where my mom hid the Baby Ruth!> and Butterfingers, I would si1 doe-eyed watching • Mighty Mouse · I knew tha1 he JULIE could do LOWRANCE what 1 couldn't. To this day I still love the larger-than-life character!> that live in the pages or comic books: the unusuaJ heroes. born of humanity. resembling you and me. but poSl>essing extraordinary powers. In their worlds, good triumphs over evll even agamst extreme odds. And in these uncertain, turbulent times. everyone needs a hero -and sometimes -only a superhero will do. The innovative "X·Men" movie opened the door for future comic-book based films. During its blockbuster-opening. weekend, plans had already begun for a sequel. Sequels can be ri!>ky. Fans expec1 bigger and better, but most sequels pale in comparison to their original prints. It's a balancing act. remarning true to the essence of the original fiJm whtle making improvements for the 1>equel. I suspect that Bryan Singer, the director of "X-Men" and its sequel, may be Mighty Mouse in disguise. strealong across the sky proclaJming, "I !ere I come 10 save the day!" Pulling off a nearly impossible feat. Singer's "X2· X-Men United" 1s refreshingly new and improved. ·xi· opem with the attempted assassination of the president and the introduction of a new teleporting. deVIl -tailed, blue-hued mutant, N1ghtcrawler (Alan Cumming). who whooshes through walls. leavrng spectacular trail!> of smoke. Once again. Professor XaVIer In HOnor of Sean Fenton* we are Dedicating a New Football Scoreboard at CDM WE ARE WELCOMING ANY DONATIONS TO ASSIST WITH THE COST OF THE NEW SCOREBOARD. DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND ALL DONORS WILL BE HONORED IN THE 2003 FOOTBALL PROGRAM. · ANY DONATIONS OVER $500 WllL HAVE TH E NAMES OF THE DONORS INSCRIBED ON THE BACK OF THE SCOREBOARD. PLEASE MAKE DONATIONS PAYABLE TO · COM FOOTBALL AND MAIL TO: BRENT OQ~ .IR. 1809 YACHT ENCHAHTRl88 NEWPC>lli BEACH, CA l2llO THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SU~I *eubjec:t to School Board APPfoval COMING SOON The kids are alL right, but not necessarily the grown-ups. Eddie Murphy, left, and Jett Garhn team up rn the family comedy MDaddy Day Care," set to open Friday rn theaters. Mystique (Rebecca Romijn·Stamos). New 1s Iceman, a.le.a. Bobby (Shawn Ashmore). Rogue's new boyfriend. Although "X2• easily stands on Its own, like an episodic comic book, there are msights to be gained from viewing "X·Men," especially about the subplots. love trianglei. and innuendos. When Magneto snidely compliments Rogue on her striking coif, did he simply wake up on the wro ng ~•de or the cell? And the most pressing question of all: Will there bed third "X-Men·? Considering the clues in "X2," definuely. Ho\\- does "XJ: Phoenix Rising" sound as the title for the nex1 episode in mutant man1<11 •JULIE LOWRANCE •s a Costa Mesa resident who works a1 a Newport Beacn overnight a1rcraft advert11ing agency \\'ant \:our Lost (Patrick Stewart) and h1s band of X-Men will battle against evil and protect the very mankind that fears them. With their arch nemesis, the metal-manipulaung leader of the rebel group Brotherhood. Magneto (Ian McKellen). incarcerated in a plastic bubble, there is a new villain to battle. St oc Ii Invest n1ent IJac k '! The president establishes a special task force, headed by the military mad-scientist William Stryker CBnan Cox) to find the assassin But Stryker has a personal agenda: to annihilate all mutants. He's able to control Magneto, extracting information that solidifies his evil plan. When the telepathic Xavier is kidnapped. the X-Men mus1 form an alliance with Magneto to combat Stryker . "X2" wastes little time m re-introducing the wad characters on the o'l:ld chance that you didn't see its predecessor. Reprising their roles are the brooding, metal-clawed Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), telekinetic Jean Grey (Famlce Janssen). weather-manipulating Storm (Halle Berry). fiery-eyed Cyclops (James Marsden). life-suckmg Rogue (Anna Paquin) and shape-shifting Fact: Fact: Many investors have suffered serious loss due to unsuitable investments or unsound advice 56% of all stock loss claims are won by investors (NASO> < STO(' ''Loss I. \ \\ ' I·. t{.('() \I ,,.,... l -S77-S I 0( Iv\ I I' RON HERMAN • ST. JOHN BOUTIQUE B OOK SOUP • LOUIS VUITTON • LALIQUE B OTTEGA VENETA • COACH • TROQUET • AVEDA D OON EY & B OURKE • BVLGARI • SEPHORA B LACK, STARR & FROST • DAVID YURMA"N PINOT PROVENCE • STILA • SMITH & HAWKEN ' ICE ACCESSORIES • GEO RGETTE KLINGER SALON THE SPA • DU PUIS • B URB E RRY Quality i SAN DIEGO FWY , .. os; AT BAISTO~ 8T., COSTA MESA 800. 782.8881 WWW.80UTHCOA8TPLAZA.COM \ , .: .... Gifts From: • Starbucks Coffee •Star Nails • Pure Beauty Great Clips for H • Souplantation • FastFrame :; • Casual and Fast Food Eateries •Shops •Services ENTER TO WIN A Mother's Day Gift Basket from Mesa Verde Center Name: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simply complete and mail to: 69S Town Center Or. , Suite 930 • Cosa MeQ. CA 92626 No~~ •&.cries nut be~ by Hly ISdl.1003 wm.n ... be noah4 llO ""-dM Hly 310., lOO) Oddi ol~ ....... ..-numberol-- --·- ... . , .. DATEBOOK .. Oaiy Pik>t t Acapulco Mexican Restaurant Cingular Wireless Costa Mesa Federal Credit Union FastFrame Gina's Pizza & Pastaria Great Clips for Hair Hollywood Video Juice It Up! KB Toys Pick Up Stix Pure Beauty Sav On Souplantation Starbucks Coffee Star Nails Submarina Vons THEATER REVIEW flob:p.es and a large rod~nt invade OCC next weekend By Tom Titus Between them, Jack Sharkey and Tun Kelly have performed basically the same services to the theater as Mad Magazlne's "usual gang of idiots" have rendered to serious Uterature. Sharkey, the late Orange County playwright -so prolific he wrote under several pseudonyms -was the first to envision turning "Dracula" into a musical. Kelly did a number on Tennessee Wllllams with his satirical "Murder in the Magnolias." Both bypassed the jugular vein on their way to the funny bone. When these two manic minds merged, they concocted a Sherlock Holmes mystery that Arthur Conan Doyle never imagined in his 61 stories about the master detective. They called it "Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra." with Kelly furnishing the script and Sharkey (also a ski lled pianist) supplying the music and lyrics. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 w. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is available at www.dsilypilotcom. MUSIC 'RUSSIAN BEAUTY' The Pacific Symphony will play a program of Russian worts today at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The divertimento from Stravinsky's MThe Fairy Kiss.# written on the 35th anniversary of Tchaikovsky's death, and Prokofiev's Violin Concerto No. 1 precede Tchaikovsky's MSwan Lake" ballet suite. Ti<*ets cost from $19 to $59. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 755-5799. MARC-ANDRE HAMELIN Canad~n pianist and composer ,Orange Coast College has selud upon this work by the celebrated "masters of musical nonsense" and will offer It for a two-weekend engagement opening next Thursday under the direction of Alex Golson. "There was but one Sherlock Holmes story that was never written down by the meticulous Dr. Watson, and that story was 'The Giant Rat of Sumatra.' Golson said. "This engaging Victorian spoof provides the explanation as to why Dr. Watson failed lo capture the story on paper." The cast of characters is a who's who of the Victorian era. In addition to Holmes, Watson, Professor Moriarty, Inspector Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson. playgoers will encounter Mata Harl, Jack the Ripper and Queen Victoria herself. Impersonating these real and imaginary characters at OCC will be Rudolph Neimann (Holmes), Michael Cavinder (Wa tson), Sean Gray (Moriarty), Marc-Andre Hamelin will perform at 7:30 p.m. today in Founders Hall. Herbert Glass will give a preview at 6:45 p.m. TI<*ets are $49. Founders Hall is at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 755-5799. NEIL SEOAKA Pop legend Neil Sedaka joins the Pacific Symphony ops in concert in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Ti<*ets cost $26 to $80. Segerstrom Hall is at the Orange County Performing' Arts Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 755-5799. PARISSA AND THE DASTAN ENSEMBLE The Philharmonic-Society of Orange County is presenting the Pari1$8 and Dastan Ensemble in concert at 7 p.m. May 11 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Ticbts cost $100, $59, $55, $40, $29 and $19 at can be purchased at the Center's Box Office at (714) 556-2787. The Harriett Whltmyer (Mrs. Hudson), Teddy Spencer (Lestrade) and Sean Engard (Jack the Ripper). Others ln the c(lst are Heather Leanna. Megan ZuJiam, Katie McGuire, Andrew VooderschmlJt, Emily Rued, : Jessica Barnes. Lauren Kushin.: O.anel Panagiotopoulous, .David Reider. HaJ Golson and Jeremy Spandorff. The property list also is unique -a jeweled dagger, miniature chamber, opium den. some lmmobiUzing gas and a hideous idol. Despite these ominous accouterments. the college describes it as a show "suHable for the entire .. family.· "Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra" opens next Thursday and will be staged at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and at 2 p.m. Sundays. II will close May 18. • TOM TrrUS' reviews run Thursdays and Saturdays. Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. OCC SYMPHONY The Orange Coast College's Symphony will close its 42nd season at 7:30 p.m. May 11 with a performance featunng worts by composers Mussorgsky, Ravel and Beethoven. The concert is in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. Ticbts are $10 to $6 and are available at the Community Education Office. Information: (714) 432-5880. OCC is at 2101 • Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. SOPRANO ISABEL BAYRAKDARIAN Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian will debut in the Orange County . Performing Arts Center's Voioes in Song series at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in Founder's Hall. She won first prize in the prestigious Placido Domingo 2000 Operalia competltlon. ric:*ets are S60 and are available at the Center box office or online at www.ocpac.OfP. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. lnfomlation: (714) 755-5799. QUOTE OF ntE DAY "It was the kind of game where a play here, or a play there, and the outcome could ha ve been reversed." Jon Green, Estancia baseball coach Sporb Edtor Rlchlrd Oum: 1949) 574-4223 • Spom Fu : 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL EYE OPENER Daily~lfu Sporu llall ~Fame- ' h .-.II .t I '"1f •U.111' Aorll 12 tlonol ee BRUCE IBBETSON ThurSday, May 8. 2003 81 Peterson, Mustangs ring up Estancia Mesa pitc her posts third win over Eagles as Mesa sweeps fo ur-game crosstown series. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Not long before members or the Costa Mesa High base- ball team began to ring the beU atop the Troxel Trophy that goes to the annual crosstown series winner, m ore than a few Mustangs had lo answer the beU in a seesaw 6-3 Golden Wet.I League vic- tory Wednesday at Estancia. Not the least of those were junior left- handed pitcher Justin Peterson and sen- CostaMesa 6 Estancia 3 ior designated hit- ter Robert Rodri- gue7.. Peterson pitched five strong innings of relief to earn his third victory over the Eagles this sea- son. He struck out the first five he faced, yielded just two hits and walked one to im- prove his record to 5-3. Rodriguez went 3 for 4 with two dou- bles. He doubled in two runs in the third inning to give the Mustangs a 3-2 lead, then doubled and scored in a three-run seventh. after the Eagles had pulled even, 3-3, with a run in the sixth. Other Mesa heroes included: senior catcher Nate Hunter. who reached four times in five plate appearances and drove in a run, without registering an official at-bat; senior left fielder Derek Garcia • who was 2 for 4 and scored a run; sophomore shortstop Alex Pisarski who scored twice; and junior center fielder Gary Gonzalez who singled in the go-ahead run in the seventh and later scored to add insurance. Estancia (3-18, 1-8 in league) wa.) not without a heroic effort of its own, in the person of junior Jeremy Hauser. Hauser, whom Coach Jon Greeh said had pitched only four or five · innings all spring. battled gamely into the seventh. Mesa's first four runs were unearned. "This was an important game for our lcids and Jeremy wanted the ball.'' said HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING Seniors set tone forCdM Sea Kings go according to schedule in PCL preli minaries, wh ich features tigh t battle with University. Steve Virgen Dally Piiot CORONA DEL MAR -When Corona del Mar High girls swim coach Doug Voiding thinks of his seniors. a smile comes to his face. There are eight of them: Brittney Bowlus, Danielle Carlson, Danie- la DiGiacomo, Jessica Harkins. Oiristina Hewko, Niki Hendricbon. Kelli Kline and Jackie McCoy. They have been swimming for Voiding and CdM for the past four years and now, to- gether, they want to reach their goal, which is a Pacific Coast League championship. The Sea Klngs' quest for the tide began with the PCL preliminaries Wednesday at CdM. They qualified first in six events and had 13 advance to the championship finals. which begin Friday at 1 p.m. The CdM seniors set the tone. as they helped Voiding make sure every swimmer was prepared for the league finale. Bowtw led the Sea Kings, qualifying first in the 50-e . an me Green, who cited p itching depth and Hauser's value at shortstop as reasons for his limited mound appearances. "It was the kind of game where a play here, or a play <here, and the outcome could have been reversed.• Mesa· Coach Doug Deats was also im- pressed by Hauser's pitching perform- ance. "He did a good job of not giV1ng into US," Dea LS said. rh.e Mustangs and F.agles appeared to be m a giving mood earty, as five com- bined errors, four by Cost.a M~. helped produce five combmed un- earned runs the first three innmgs. Cullen Crom reached on an error, went to second on a passed baU and M:ored o n a play that featured two er- rcm. 10 give the hosts a 1-0 lir~t ·inning Alexandra Shue. above, won the girls 500-yard free style in Wednesday's Pacific Coast League prehms. Christina Hewko, left. 1s oveqoyed after Ryan Moore asked her to the prom by making a water proof sign. PHOTOS BY SE.AN HILLER I DAILYPllOT (54.45), as she collected season-best times in each. Freshman Alexandra Shue also qualified first in two events, the 200 individual medley (2:16.38) and the 500 free (5:14.51), while sophomore Jordan Anae qualified first in the 100 backstroke with a lea.SOn-best 1:01.85, and her yoWlger sister, fresh- man Tuntua Anae. qualified first lo the 100 breast- stroke (1:12.03). "'Ibey have been important (to CdMJ in every W&J• Vokling said o f his seniors. "With leadership and }u.5t who they are, they have been important This is truly a group I will ~ and not just be- cause of their athletid.sm. • also vying for the title. The Trojans 13-0· l in l~gue) can win the championship outright, if they win the The role for the Sea King seniors has become a bit more important since PCL rival University is SH SEA KJNGS, Pase 83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK lead. An errant p1d:off throw LO ..econd al- lowed an l..tgle runner to reach thtrd. then score on l:m ~heaferc; infield lut for an unearned run m the f..'>wnc1a ~ ond. But in the la">t or the thud. Pe ter son. who had thrown twu complete game-; agam!>t 1 • .-.tanc1a ttw, -.ea-.on, strode to the mound and, '>t't:'mingly, m10 the colletllvt' ron\t 1ou ... ne-.\ o( 1he 1-,agl~. "When IPt>ttr.onl tame in, I thml our kids went Uhg. here "'-t' go aga.1n " Green <>a.1d "I think our 111wn-.1I\ on of- fense dropped a huJe hit " · Peterson. v.ho \tnid. •JUI 1·1 111 ctn April 4 win over 1he I .a~le'>. retired I 0 111 the firsr 11 ht> fatt'd. hefort> l\lt·r I torr See MUSTANGS, Page 82 GOLF Mesa Verde adds s tyle to practice Revamped driving range. practic e facility should provide golfers with any shot possible. There will he \0 many targt•t dtH.l p~ctice green., at Me-..i Verde< ountr'\ Oub that one c:ould .inually pfd\ J nine-hole par 3 couf'.t' wit.tun the confines of the practice facilit\ ·we will be able to mow down uw target greens and play on them You couJd (play a modified nine-hole roundl becaul>e they're close enough together,· Me~ Verde head golf professional Torn Sargent said. ln addioon to the six target greens on RICHARD the reconstrncted. m-1eve1 driVlng DUNN range. wtuch is scheduled to open to members by early June. Mesa Verde will add rwo USGA primed practice green~. One '"'" have a bunker complex around it, wtule the other will feature high lip bun.lers Another pracuce green is two lt'\t>I'> and shaped like an hourglass \\-1th c;omt• undulation and ad1acent gra.s.s bunker-. ·vou should be able to create iust about any ~ot you want betwet>n the practice tee and practice greens,• i---..;:ICU.KClll..sauL "You can even h11 \lde-luU lies. that kmd or r;tuff. h's pretl) cool There aren't many clubs. to my knowledge -cenainly no club u1 Orange (',ounty -with th!S kmd of practice fac1bty. Shady Canyon has a lop-notch practice facility, but I don~ know if it's got everything we've got. It's pretty neat • Mesa Verde, which opened its remodeled clubhouse at the begmmn~ of the year. has alwa~ resonated as a See GOLF, Pap 83 Jane-E Yamamoto Versatile Costa Mesa junior's impact has spilled into pitching .circle to help Mustangs remain in contention for league title. ' 12 Tht.ndly, Mly 8, 2003 Sailors spoil no-no HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Cantarella's two-out double in seventh lone Harbor hit. NEWPORT BEACH -Newport Harbor I Ugh junior Joe Cantarella <toubled with rwo outs in the seventh to break up a no- hit bit by Woodbridge junior left-hander Jack Rye, but the visiting wamors earned a 1-0 Sea View League baseball victory Wednesday. Ryan Rowe reached on a two-out error before CantareUa's drive to the gap in left- center field, but Sailors Coach Joel Desguin said Rowe had no chance to score on the play. Rye. who homered twice and earned the pitching victory in the Warriors' 18-5 trouncing of Newport in their first meeting April 2, got the final out on a Dy ball to complete the one-hit shutout YOUTH BASEBALL Rios, Red Sox. edge Angels ~ Alex Rlo9' triple in the bottom scored two runs along with ~ or the sixth inning proved the Blower. ~ ditrerence in an 8-6 victory for Tyler YanMa scored three the Red Sox over the Angels in runs while Joel Dlceme-Tenon Newport Harbor Baseball singled and doubled for the , Asaociation Bronco Division Angels. Luke Dewlon had an ,, . (11-12-year-old) play. RBI single and showed solid The game saw three lead defense. changes and two des, with the In Pinto (7-8-year-old) play: ., Red Sox pushing across three •The Red Sox and Mariners runs in their half of the six1h played at Newport Heights inning. Monday. The Red Sox led. 4·2, after QuJnd Holgate, Auatln three Innings, but the Angels Smith and Dub Monalee all came bade with three in the fifth continued their hot hitting to take a 5-4 lead Outldan while Bryan Shollln made Andenon led off with a double some strong plays in the field. ,., and Blab DPey later knocked · Robert AJnandtt. P.ttevan , him in with an RBI single. Ned Muniz and Spencer Buchanaq Lyon also had an RBI in the all added solid play. inning on a fielder's choice. ln Shetland National The Red Sox got on the board (6-year-old) action: . in the first inning on a single by •Cory Kennedy'• hit with the Daniel Nonie, who later scored bases loaded drove in Hant.on on an RBI single by Joeh Vandenort to spark the Philllei Bowman. Denny M09kovtts hit in the first game of coaches a sacrifice fly and Rios walked in pitching to batters. the inning. Joey Faria made some The Red Sox broke a tie with catches in the outfield and MaU rwo runs in the bottom of the Valeriano caught Uam Rowe and Cantarella were the only New- pon runners to get past first base. Rye had three strikeouts and did not walk a batter. lbe Sailors had one runner reach in the first and second, but was retired in order in the third through sixth. MARK C DUSTIN I DAJlY PILOT Newport Harbor shortstop Dave Erickson connects for a base hit in a game earlier this season. The Sailors lost to Woodbridge in a Sea V~ League game Wednesday, 1-0. third inning as Moskovits drove Ogburn'• throw from third base in Arturo Vaquez with a single. to record the first our. Garrett Morgan knocked in Grtftln Sharp played strong rwo runs with an RBI double in in center field. the fourth. SeaV"-LNpe Woodbridge 1L~ 0 the sixth inning. but 'TnM>r In Pony play: Noon fielded a sharply-hit ball to •Newport River Dogs 12, end the game. Corona del Mar Athletics 5 Cantarella also made a tine defensive play for the Tars (8· 15, 3-9), fielding a Oy ball in right field, then throwing o ut a run- ner trying to score from third. Sailor starter Ryan Heenan gave up three hits in five innin~ and Rowe threw rwo scoreless innings of two-hit relief for the Tars. Score by--. Woodbridge ooo 100 o 1 5 3 Moskovits also starred on the The River Dogs produced 16 mound, strildng out eight in , hits, four of them by Nathan ... Newport ooo ooo o -o 1 1 three innings. Todd, who clubbed his fourth Woodbridge's lone run, scored by Rye, came on a first-and-third double steal in The two teams play again Friday at 7 p.m. at Wtndrow Park. Rye and Sandzimier; Heenan, Rowe (6) and Sanchez. W -Rye. L -Heenan. 28 -Cantarella (NH). Andrew Taylor contributed ho me run of the season en two walks and a run scored. route to knocking in four RBis. MUSTANGS Continued from B 1 man singled with one out in the sixth. Hoffman went to second on a passed ball and advanced 90 more feet on a groundout Jose Jauregui then singled to center to tie the game. The Mustan~ (9-14, 3-6 in league), however, didn't wait long to reclaim the lead PisarsJcj reached on an error to begin the Mustangs' seventh, then, waiting to see if the ball would fall in shallow left-center, wound up at third on Rodri- guez's second double of the day. Gonzalez followed with a sin- gle to center, which was bob- bled in the outfield to allow Ro- driguez, who had stopped at third, to score to make it 5-3. Gonzalez went to second on Steve Doerr's well-executed Sac- rifice bunt, then trotted into third on a wild pitch. After walks to Jeff Waldron and Dylan Hunter, Gonzalez scored on Nate I lunter's sacrifice Dy to right for a comfortable three- run cushion. Peterson retired tJ;le side in order in the seventh to cap the Mustangs' four-game sweep of the Eagles this season, includ- ing both league meetings. "We stNted Coop today, be- cause Justin threw on Friday and we wanted (Peterson) out on the hill at the end," Deats said. "We got two innings out of Cooper and we brought Petey in. I don't know if (Peterson! is in (the Eagles'! heads or not I;~ think he just does a good job of com- peting and throwing strikes." Cooper and Peterson com- bined for 11 strikeouts and a three-hitter to outduel Hauser and overcome four Mesa errors. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF · , . Corona del Mar's Chikovani, . Sherman advance to finals Sea Kings tee off for last round of Paci.fie Coast League tourney in Chino. CHINO -Corona del Mar High boys golfen Nick Sherman and Ala Chikovani both made the atl and will move on to the final day of comped don of the Pacific Coast League finals at £1 Prado Golf YAMAMOTO Continued from B 1 hitting .346 and had 15 steals in J 7 attempts. She was also 5-3 as a pitcher; with a 1.65 ERA. • Sbe was really a surprise for us last year. especially hitting four home runs." Mustangs C.oach Rick Buonarlgo said. "'This year, she's more into base bits. Shel a very good athlete who bas really come around at aecond base. We really needed aomeone to play aecond last year and she really pkbd It up quJclcly. I think abe'1 an aJJ-league secood beeeman and hu the potential to be an AD-OF (Southern SedionJ player." Yamamoto said Watchln8 Course in Ollno. Ury each lhot 81. 11m Sherman shot a Frohllng carded an 83 U>ac 2·over-par 74 while with an 88&om1.Kb Ch.lkoYan.l fired a 77 on the Rablnowfdi and an 88 bf par-72 O:lino Creek Course Brad Ownbedbi. Wednesday. The cut for _ The top ais flOm ~· today's final round was 79, round will qualify for die GdM Goadi-MiU----Cl.E.SOU&lllieal.Selcdat~,...._ ........... .l Scalkweadler said. Sherman and Cllikova.nf join 10 other golfen on the Bunerfleld Coune at £1 Prado today beginning at noon. .SUtter 1.acbman, called up rtom the junior varsity, shot 80 while Ben TUaeo and Rob fnNn lbe du&out u an djnb-gnder created a 1tf0111 cWre to cootribute on the ~. ~ rDlde the Imm tn ~ aade. but l aat the benda." lhe ~"I dlddt &.w much fun, but I cOuld Me Jt -·...,cool .,rt a I bleW ..... _..betoaiUdablfl~I diedlr•to 1ryau111a :::-w11 wu I* b d U) wadac tD'-CMi." • .. .. ............ ,. •.nd A'rpw eo....,.., .. mm IDlde her an .............. ....,a-labron Uhl. "It was a little ugly," Deats said "If we play good defense. I'm not sure they score any runs and if they play good defense, it might have been the same way for us. We left a lot of guys on base (111. but we got a couple big hits from Rodriguez and Gonzalez." ; Goldell w.. LNp Cosb ~ 6 &tanda 3 Mesa 5c:c::~~. 6 7 4 Estancia no 001 o . l l 3 CooP8f', Peterwon (3) and N. Hunter; Hauser, Hoffman (7) and Crom. W • Pet8f90n, 5-3. L • Hauser, 0-1. 28 • Rodriguez (CM) 2. Vasquez, Moskovits and Rios Todd went 4 for 4 with rwo each scored twice for the Red singles and a double and got Sox while An~erson and Lyon the save for Spencer Smith. crossed the plate twice for the Todd struck out four in 1 y, Angels. innings in relief of Smith. who In Mustmg (9-16-year-old) play: pitched three innings. allowing •Indians 10, Angels 7 three runs on six hits with seven The Indians came back from a strikeouts to get his third win. 5-0 deficit with 10 runs in the· Smjth finished 3 for 4 with a fourth and fifth innings to win. double and two RBis. Logan Prlmd ha<ttwo singles. Dan WlnkJe went 3 for 4 with. four RBis and rwo runs scored an RBI while Peter Hapke. for the Indians while Tyler Jac:Uon Masalnglll and Porteom tallied a single and the Mk:hael Thagrand all tallied game-winning RBI. one RBI. Jack ICanen added two singles, Brett Adame and Glen rwo RBis and two runs scored Ouiltlamen each singled for along with Teddy Stdfel'I two the River Dogs. singles. a double, two RBis and Massingill threw out his sixth two runs. runner of the year trying to 1ACb Porteous pitched and steal. HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL DON l..EAQi I DAILY Pl.OT Costa Mesa's Pauli Rodriquez chases a foul bal earlier this year. Mesa beat Estancia, 13-2, Wealesday. Mustangs find their swing Flores shuts down Mesa until the fourth, when the hit parade began in Mustangs' 13-2 win. as they seot 13 batters to the plate. Four of the five hitters who walked came around to score. "We helped (Mesa! with a lot of errors ISi and 14 wallcs," F.s- tancla Coach Marc Rod.lg said l!stancia sophomore Hillary COSTA MESA-Estancia High larlen sent a Rn8ie up the mid· pitcher evelyn Flores carried a die to plate leadoff hltter Re- no-hitter through three innings becca Kaplan and ftores tn the until visJtlng Costa Mesa finally Orst lnning. K.aplan led off with a f'oWld lta stroke ln the fowtb and wdt and Flores was hit by a fifth inn1ngs 10 post a 13-2 come-ptu:b for the Eagles (10.9, 2-8). from-behind Golden West Mell second baseman fl;ne-B Lague IOftball victo.ry Wednet· Yamamoto went 2 for 4 wt.th a day. double, three RBis and two runs "(Flores) pitched three very ICOred. Her double in the ftfth good Innings." Costa Mel& IKlOled two and ber llngle ln the c.oach Rick Buonartgo said of fourth pw t.4-tu lb:th run. f1ores' performance. Ant buemlr1 KeDy 1bppe alao MeA (15-9, 7-2 tn leacue> ecored two .,..,, econ!d etaflt runa In lht bsth Buds limJMd the e.glel to 1nn1ng anc1 nve 1n tbe 6fth. c:bu-iwo hlu. ICrikq out threle fD Ing~ after tile Elllel ICIOftd eam her 10th~ two nma ln the bottom of the Meu defeated .e.t.nda, 5·2. ' services of freshman Muriel Ma~ son, the team's No. 1 pitcher. ~ Mason, who is 6-5 this season, suffered her second concussion after she wu bit in the head wlda a thrown ball u the fAglea w4 warming up in the 6fth ~ against Widng Santa Ana Prldlll Santa Ana WU leecflng, 5-0. ii the time ~ WU hit and to forfeit the game. : Muod Wll nMbed to the bot• pltal .nd lt remM» uncenabi whether lbe wtl ,..,. apAn cb6' seuor.. Rodis Mid. : Wllb lbelWln. Mela mowe int' lole po• 11"00 ot lrlt pl9C9 ~ the-...bymueotVJa~ .-'a 7-3 wlclOly owr SM..,_ w.d.......,, .....,llAd; . ! I ............ "'"' Oillt!!!!! =·I • M.-..... • ·•. ~ -. _,,. In lddtllon to ....... frOm Uhl and . ftnL Ea.:a..: ..... __ IMt month In the b!Un'I ftilC ' Tbt~ rMniittd fJW matcbup. bib ... '" walb in die fOunh e..da ~ wllbout the ...... .-r; ....... -... Aoo111Mt.W-..a.~M.tl •M91 ...,...CC'Mt. 8~ Yamamoto bepD ... to I • SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING Sailors hope finals bring sun shine . Subpar times plague girls at Sea View League prelims. M•l1nle Neff Oaity Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The overcast, rainy day I~ to some dismaJ times ln the pool Wednesday at the Sea View League girls swim prellminaries at Newport Harbor High. Unlike the boys event Tuesday. very few swimmers improved on their seed Limes and were just content to qualify for Friday's fi. na1a. "It hasn't been a great meet for anyone,~ Newport Hamor Coach Ken I.a.Mont said. "It's a gloomy day and everyone i5 iust kind of dmgging. I think friday, when the sun comes out, you'D see a much belier meet." Nicole Mackey and Hayley Petr'lol. who both swim with the Irvine Novaquatic11, were the only Sailors to bring home top qualifying spots. Mackey posted the fastest times in the 200-yard individual medley and 100 breast· stroke. Peirsol took top honor. Ln the 200 and 500 freesty1e. Peirsol was one of the few Sailors who was lible to cut some time off her seed time, win· ning her heat in 200 in I :55.11. f !er previous best this season is I :55,35. In the 500 free she finished more than 50 yards ahead of her closest competition in 4:54.30, almost two seconds faster than her seed time of 4:56.22. Peirsol will also swim in the 400 free relay and the breaststroke leg of the 200 medley relay. Peirsol still wasn't overly impressed. ~, think maybe It's just not a big deal since it's onJy the preliminaries,• Peirsol said. ·1·ve been kind of sketchy all season. so there is room for lmpwvement. I've been traveling so much and focusing on the wodd's this summer." Mackey'a time of 2:08.14 in the, JM was weU off her seed time of 2:06.53. It was the same story in the breaststroke where she posted a 1 :08.18, almost two seconds &lower than her seed time of I :06.37. Mackey will join Peirsol on the 400 free relay and will swim the Oy in the medley relay. Senior Mai Tujima, who also swims for the Novas, battled through sickness to qualify ln the top eight in both of her races. She strug· gled a bit ln the ftrst event of the meet, post- ing a I :59.62 in the 200 free, more than three seconds slower than her seed time. She made up for it in the 100 backstroke, swim· ming a 59.72 to earn the second seed. In the process. Tajima, who will swim in both free· style relays Friday. shaved some time of her season's bel.t of 1 :00.09. Ml was pretty sick today." Tajima said. ·rm not sure what It is. But I've been real sha.lcy alt day. But as long as we come back strong on Friday, we are going lo be fine.· Seniors Jenna Murphy and Ashley Parole each earned spots in the top eight in their races for the Sailors. Murphy took third in the 100 breast with a time of 1:11.23, beating her seed time of I: 11. 71. She was fourth in the 200 IM In 2: 16.27. Parole was the only Newpon swimmer to get a berth in the top eight in the 50 free. clocking a 2.6.66. Neilsen earned the top spot ·in 25.01 Alex Anderson and Annmarie Har· vey qualified 12th and I 4tJ1 for lhe Sailors. Parole snagged the eighth position in the I 00 free in 57.75. Jessie Ball (lj)th) and Hilary Karges (15th) also qualified (or Newport. Sophomore Anne Belden earned one top· eight spot and just missed a second. Belden grabbed the fifth spot in the I 00 free In 55.89. Irvine, which has won sue straight Southern Section titJes and is expectea to swim away with the league titJe, grahl>ed the top two spots in the race. Tanya Nielsen clocked a 53.85 and Cciurtney Cashion, who wa11 dis· qualified m the 50 free. was i.ec.:ond in 53.92. in the 100 backstroke, Belden -.warn a 1 :06.35, placing her ninth, JU'>t behind Th Kennedy-Donahue from f oothill ( 1 06 02). Belden's previous be'>t this year Wa'> a 1:05.97. Belden will also '>Wlln in the 200 and 400 free relays. Sophomore Ashling Taylor had c1 -.trong performance for the Sailor-.. lUtllng almost four seconds off her 200 IM ttme ;u1d quali· fying in Lhe 11 Lh spot in :n:l.47. lier '>eed time of 2:27.35, would hdve m1.,-.rd the mt. In the I 00 breast she 4ti..1hfi<.'d I :lth in 1:19.47. Karges and Paige La.n-.m~ 111-.t 1·dg<.'d into the top eight in the 100 butll'rfl) when they both posted times of I 06.74 l'coo Beebe was 11th and Kalie Enck.<.on was 15th Beebe also earned the eighth '>J10t 111 tilt· r,oo tree in 5:47.21. Lansing and < amlvn I omvay were I 0th and 11th. Anderson (ninth) and Hal•lyn fhtchle (13th) qualified for the 200 tret', Annie' Wight (10th) wiU swtm in the JOO Im·"'' r.111d Je<;-;ica RaU wall 10th in the IOO lrt·c Pf<CTOS Bt Si Ar-. t" fl DA ~ P ,_ 'JT CdM's Kim McKay in the 100 butterfly, above, and Jordan Anae in the 100 backstroke, below, won their respective races Wednesday. SEA KINGS Continued from B 1 PCL Finals. CdM !2 I I an league) and Uni tied, 85 85. an the regular-season dual m eet March 26. The Sea Kings won the 400 free relay and also finished third in the event to force the tJe. With the way the 3CUOn IS playing out, the PCL title could be determined by the final t'vent again. •It's probably going to come down to the final race," sa.Jd Uru· versity first-year coach RQbin Ja· cobsen, who swam for CdM un- derVolding in the late ·aos. ·nne lfojans) know the seriousness of winning these finals. I didn't have to say much. I don't see it impossible for us to win league. We just have to do our best." The Sea Kings, however, feel the same way. ~u we all do our best, we won't have any problem." said CdM senior Jackie McCoy. who figures to be a key component as she will compete ln the final individ· ual event. the 100 breaststroke. ·it's kind of nervous. especially since l'm ln the last (individual event). But Mr. V has been pre- paring us and he has us set up for what we need to do.• McCoy qualified fifth in the 100 breaststroke in 1:15.JO, yet she Is capable of finJsh.ing the event in 1:10 and will attempt lo do so Friday. Junior JCim McKay qualified third in the 200 111dl\·1Llual med- ley (2:17.69) and third in the 100 butterfly (I 03.57). whill' fre~h· man N.hley 01andlcr (200 free. 2:06.18). Jllmor V1via11 I JJO 150 free. 25. 7!:1) and Jordan Anae I 100 £ree. 55.lJ all qu.ihfied fourth. (h andler beuered her previous best by m ore than a ~econd Tumua Anae qualified fifth with a pe!">onal reLOrd tn the 100 free (56. l41 and I lewko ah.o qualifiea fifth m the I oo back Cl :05.83). I lewkol hound for tanford on ;i scholar')lup for wa· ter polo, aho qualified in the 500 free. firushlng seventh (5:40.06). As she came out of Lhe pool sen· ior Ryan ~toore wa-. wailing for her with flower.,; .ind he asked her to the prom. <;he 11a1d Yl"i and the two shared a hug. Harlons 12(Xl free. 2:06.19). Chandler ( 100 bad .. I :06.47) and McCoy (50 free. 26.45) qualified sixth In their event'>. while Uao (JOO free, 57.72) and sophomore Ann Wmners (100 breaststroke, I: 18.29) qualified seventh for the Sea Kings. Junior Katya Eadmgton quali- fied eighth in the 200 frtt (2:12.79) and 100 butterfly (1:08.86), while llendnckson also qualified eighth in the 200 IM (2:31.63). Overall, CdM qualified no less than two swimmers ln each event. Voiding said the goal was to advance four to the champi· on.ship finals in each event, which happened in the 100 free. However, the 'n'ojans also quail· fied four swimmers in that event. GOLF Continued from B 1 picturesque coastaJ Orange County country club with one of the most refre:i.hlng natural element& -a cool ocean breeze. But 1t11 legacy com es frQm havtng hosted a county-leading 12 professional golf tournament-.. from the PGA Tour. Champions Tour (formerly the Senior PGA Tour) and I PC..A Tour. The tree-lined. 6,72b yard golf course with narrow fairways and plenty of teeth has also played ho~t to d U .~ Open Regional Qualifier (1973). the u.s Junior c .• r1., Champioruh1p I'll i <lnLI the Juruor Girls Amenca\ C up (2001). The third annual IJU A Orange County (,ult< ]a..,.,1c. which rai~ c,cholar.,l11p funds, will be held ~IJ) I~ returning for tilt' 'eumd urne to Newport Al•,u h < ou111~ Oub. Dan Guerrero. l H I A Athletic Din•t tor. Jnd KMI Dorrell, nt·wly c1rpo1nt>'d UCLA footbal1 t 1Ja1 h ~' 111 bl" among the giiltt-r., Jll<.l <1re scheduled to t1tll·nd the dinner tollowing the t'\t.>nt Mau ~teve11,, lornwr l H I.\ <.,tarung quarterb..iL~ (1983 l'IBh l and Jlll\o\ m h1'> seventh w.i-.011 ..i-. c1 nwrnbt'r of the UUA font hall broJdl J'>t team. \\ 111 di.,., at1end lhm Rohen-. ol Xl R.\ Sport~ Radio. c1nd the official voice ol the Hmm.,, wt.II be rna'>tt.'r oft ererno111e~. The eve.mt, wh1th ra1,es ')Cholar">h1p fund'> for Orange County 'itudtmh ..st11~11d111g UU A. a~ \\ell d'> lrir t.h<.' lJLl.A Fund. ha' .1 noon -.huti.,'lln stan \'\Ith an lfi ·h11lt.- <>cramblt.-( 11d..t,1Jh, dinner and tlent ducoon begin at 6 pm. fhe cost per player is $200. Thb lncludeft golf, tee pdck.age, pri.L.e drawing. tonte~t), IWlch, silent auction. dumer and program. A dinner ucket 1s S50 per person. TI1e one-of·a·lmd UCU. t rud, wtll be on hand. Cht'Vrolet p~nted a new, 1500 fl 4 ·wheel drive truck to UC IA m May 1999 as a ttophy for llC I A\ 1968 bru.ketball team bt>tng named by Sport!> llJuc,trnttd <1'> .. fhl' Greate)t " Na11on<1I D1amp1onstup Team of All ·1 lnll' . II IS the only lrut ~ of th lond. produced tn true UC I.A blue and gold dlld Hrum Rraph1ts designed all u ... er Legendary lormer UUA bJ')ketball lOdlh John \\ooden further enhanced the \thiclt'> uniquenes'> when he perwnally autogrdphed the I rm kc; hood in 2000. rhe Bruin.. (,olf Oass1c IS '>ponsored by the UCLA Or.1nge C .oun1y Alumru Chc1rtt·r. thl' UC LA C .ham ellor.., A!>Wt'ldtes of Orangt· County cmd the UCIA •\Jum111 A.,...ot ldlJOn Detail!> 800 H~'l 2i8b ... l\o\ci Cl1c1.111p111n'> lour pla>cr'>. !\I Iller Harber and Bob C.harlt--.. -,hot their age lru;r \o\l"ek HI the Bruno'> Memonal c la.'>'>IC lfarhcr 172, had an opentn~·rounJ 71. while < h,arle'> tb7 hc1d il -.el 011d· round 65 \\hen !om lt'nkin'> \\On la">t \\tek 111 H1rmingham he u•nt1nucJ t1t1.o '>treal'> ()flt', hl' Wd'> till 12th d11fer1·nt \o\llllll'r or the e\enl Ill 12 '>l'd'>On-. anJ n .. o. he \o\a'> the I 01h different w1n11cr 1r1 I 0 l"~i:nt' thi'> ">eac,on on the < .hamp1on' lour, a rct.ord tu '>lart the }ear I ht Jo,h1ba <..,c111or C la'>"1l helped with tha1 rHord \\Ith .\u'>trahan Hodgl·r l>J\" "inning in :\c\' port Ht'dt h CINDY CRAWFORD~S CHOICE n... t>mcJ• ( ""'1<11•1"~' '' • rart' bln>J "''"le •nd <kg•n-< • •ul""rh ., .. mplc <>f IM "•l•hf'lla .. <f \ Dl1 Thi\ I• ll<' 1>ondcr \lno.C ( ll'l<h ( ll"fllfJ l•\O•lt<f C~fl "' lh <k"I" u.-•11na 1hr nnh "Ill< h .1.., " J'f'J\IJ '" ,..,., T'JtA1>f1W~Al1 ~eettl•tt ... ........,.._.,...1 •• _..._ MWT••_..,. ~-.~ .. ....,_.,,. ...... ~~~ ... ,, ..... ,.. ........... . 0 OMEGA WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS y N M ( 't F d D I ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! our ewport. esa ommuni y or ea er Motorcraft9 011 •nd Fiiter Ch1n1e Up 19 five quertt of Motorcratr oil. Tu• and dtioOllll ..-1 otra. SM ~ t1or dttllla. Offer Y9lld with coupon. EKPlrtl 51 4J03. Motorc ..... ,.. Br.ke Service THEODORE ROBINS FORD wm MEET or BEAT Your Beat Deal on NAME BRAND TIRES Front End & Brake lnapeCtlOf! .· SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SOCCER Khoµry reaches final Nt-wport Hntbor I Ugh Creshrnan Robert Khoury, the No. t seed in the Sea View League bays tennis indJviduaJ dwupionships. de- leated FoolhIDs Jay l limbe(. 6--0, G-4. in the singles semifinals Wednesday at Laguna Hills. falling to a Saddleback duo. 7-6, 4-6, 2-6, Wednesday. Cacho and Valdes were seeded third while the Saddleback team was the No. 4 seed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrativl the Daly Pilot's NHete of1he Week series I 1 f i I 1 I Burlingham named to : All-Americari team ,. Khoury is facing Woodbridge's Shirnpel Suzuki. the top soed. in the finals. The match began Wednesday but was postponed w1til today because of rain. 111ey're tied in the firsr set, 1-l. In doubles, Foothill's Kyte Roy- hul and Morgan Serfas defeated Nt'wpon Harbor's Oiarlie I ur111er and l'yler Deck. 6-3. 6-3. I .u mer and Deck are both jun- 1111, Lightning duo talces 3rd •The No l. doubles ream from Sage Hill School, Eric Bur- ton and Tristlan Cordier, took home third place in the Acad- em y League boys tennis finals Wednesday iOd was named to the league's first team. TODA .... Z3 -Ryari Achtorberg Corona del Mar Baseball, '98 SCHEDULE Newport Harbor senior earns Parade Magazine's top honor for second straight year. • der-19 United States national team, which sh e trained with last week in Chula Vista. "I didn't de- vote as much time to the high school season lhis year, so that was disappointing.· Burlingham said. teams at the event, whfch will in- clude competition from Ger· many, 01.ina, France and can- ada. Jn early August, Burlingham will travel to' the Dominican Re- public to compete with the na- tionaJ team in the Pan Am Games. Burton and Cordier lost, 6-l , 6-2, in the semifinals to Jason Lee and Howard Lai, the top- seeded team and eventual champion from hosl Whitney. TODAY ......,.. High llChool Cap1streno Valley Chrtstian at Sege Hiii. 3:45 p.m Golf Newpon Harbor High senior Amy Burlingham leaves little tloubt about the level she has risen to. ' Braunsdorf ousted In the third-place match, Burron and Cordier battled out a tough three sets, rallying from a 4-6 loss in the first to take the final two, 7-5, 7-6 over Whit- ney's second:seeded team of James Lhi and Parag Parekh. High llChool boys Corona del Mar at Pacific CoHt League finels et El f>Tedo. SoNlel High ldlool -University et Corona del Mar, 3:15 p.m., Newport Herbor at Laguna Hills, 3·30 p m For the second consecudve year, the University of Texas· bound soccer player has been selected to Parade Magazine's 2003 All-American High School Girls Soccer Team. Newport finished 5-10-7, 3-4-3 in league and missed the OF Southern Section Division I play- offs this season. She is also pan of the So Cal Blues club soccer team, which will play in the s tate quarter- finals this weekend in San Ber- nardino. Not onJy a star on the soccer field, Burlingham is also a stronghold on the Sailors' trac.k and field team. She returned U> the track this season after a two; year ab&ence because of a busy soccer scheduJe and has made her presence known. • 1~,tancia High freshman ...,, c111 Braunsdorf came up just ho11 m the Golden West I l·,1gue buy'! tennis s ingles fi. 11.11, Wcdne'iday, losmg to lop- 'l't:dcd Jason Nguyen of West· 1111mter, 6-1, 6·2. Swimming High Khool boys end gtrls Costa Mesa and Estencia 11 Golden West Lellgue finals at Orange, 1 p.m "hdlandtwd ·1 was completely shocked: The previous year, Newport rolled to its best postseason in girls soccer, earning a berth in the CIF Division II quarter- finals. Braun<.dorf, the No. 2 seed, loc,I thl' fi11>t set m h11> semifinal match luei.day. 0 -6, but re- houndcd to post two consecu- 1ivi> 7-S victories against Ocean View\ I humru. Nguyen. Burton and Cordier will be first alternates for the CIF Southern Section individual sectionaJs that begin May 22. In the Southern Section Divi- sion V finaJ ranlcings. three teams from the Academy League .were ranked in the top five. Sage Hill was No. 5, with Whitney at No. J and Fairmont Prep at No. 3. High sdlool boy1 a nd girls Corona del Mar at Pacific Coast League finals at .1n1lne, 5 p m.; Costa MOlll and Estancia at Golden Wast league finals at Orenge Coast College, 2 p.rtl Yoleyt>al Burlingham said. "It is a huge honor to be selected out of so many high schools in the na- tion." Burlingham's father, Jim, gave her the n'ews. The three-time All-Sea Vi ew League first-team selection and AlJ-CIF ~honoree during her sophomore and junior season s, Burlingham missed a couple of games during the season to play for the un- "She is a great player who will be missed at Newport," Newpon girls soccer coach Jason Sorrell said. "She has done well for her- self." Burlingham will rejoin her teammates on the national team for the Adidas Cup in Houston at the end of the month. The U.S. will OeJd its under-19 nationaJ team, aJong with two all-star She placed fi.rst in the 200 ·an(! 400 meters at the league pre~ narles earUer this week and w$ race in the finals Friday. The l.uglei.' doubles team of Lou11> Valdeis and (}Iris Cacho look lourth plc1cc m league after High adlool boys Estancia 81 Ocean Vtew, 4:30 p.m.; foothill 111 Newport Harbor, 5;45 p.m .; Corona del Mar 111 No rthwood, 5:30 p m ; Saddlebo<ic 81 Costa Mesa, 3:15 pm., Cap1~-trano Valley Christian at Sligo Hill, 4 JO p m Burlingham will also join PJd( Hernandez. J(jley Hall and Amy Klippen in the 6.nals of the 400 and J ,600 relays Friday. :: -Bryce Aldmod Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices . . 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal N~ces 2640 legalNotices 2640 l.Jgal Notices 2640 Legal Notices fictftlM hslltss "-~ lhp lllllowine p~r'loM di• do1ne busmn« as r: .. 1hotiv1dl0dtama\ lOm 1110 Plua clel Norte Newpo1t Beach CA 92661 Palnc.h G 0 Neill 1110 Pld1' del N0tte Newi>Oft BeM h CA 9?661 lh14i bUSlnt!S\ IS <.On ducted by an ind1~1dual H.v~ you \l;n ted <lo•ne bu\1nen yet' Nu Palnch C 0 Neill I hi\ stalemenl was tiled with lh~ rnunty Clt:r ll of Or•nee County on 04/18/03 20036941398 Daily P•lut Apr 24. May I. 8, 15, 2003 Th361 I he follow me per sons •re dome buslnen as. DP Associates I 77 R1vers1de Ave #I 060, Newport Beach CA 92663 Ric.hard l P11ce 1221 W co;s1 Hwy •414. Newpor t Beach CA 92663 lh1\ bus•n~s• I\ con 11111 led by •n md1v1dual II~•~ you •l•tl,.<1 dn1ng llu•.111e'' yet' No R1th~r d T P11ce I ht\ •Ultmenl WH lilrd with lhe County Clrrk of o,,nee County on 04 ?5 03 2003&942301 Daily Prlol May I 8. I!> n XX>J l h391 RctlllM llsiins Mmes...... Thr folluwon11 persons are do1na busmen as Newm~n Properties. Inc . 1884 l"lacenha. Costa Mn11, CA 92671 Newm•n Proper11u. Inc. (CA). .1501 Marcus Ave . Newpor I Bedcl•. r.A 92663 This busrnr\\ 1<. 'on ducted by a corpnrahnn Have you \IJrted domg busmen yel1 Nu Newm•n Pr ope1 ties. lnl kllrey 0 Newman. P1e\1denl lh1\ slalemenl wn hied with the County Clerk or Oran&e County on 04118/03 20036941400 Daily Pilot Apr 24 May I 8 I!> 2003 lh3S9 llOOOOf MJCAla SALE ....... ,. .. tllft I , .. s.. 21,..21707 Notice 1s hereby e1ven by the unde1s11ned th•t a pubhc sale of the under hsted described personal property will be held •I lhe hour of (I I ) o"clod AM. on the C15) da y of MAY. 2003 County of Or anee State or C.ahl0tn1a The Prgperty is Stored By INSIDRAG( COSTA M(SA, located al 2038 N(WPORT Blvd .. Costa Me\a, CA 92627 The lfEMS. to be sold are eener ally de'\Crtbed as follow~ Ctothine. I ools and or other houuhold items stored by the lollow1ne per sons. Unit No. Name B267 Annto1nnette Cal 1aehe1 B368 Patt• Wayne B208A Really T111111n1 Cenlet B2l4 Judy M0tales. B355 Dma1 r lot ts B263 Fernando Miranda Roman B 121 Paul lallt't B372 Bob Stevens B375 RuhllO Olivera L. B324 FRAZIER MEREDITH Cl37 USBACH ENSll Y [ 83!>7 ARIAS MARI( LA Dated Apul, 28/2003 S11ned Manuel Salameh This Notice IS e•ven '" accordance w1lh lhe prov1s1ons of S9'tion 21700 et Seq ol the business & professions Code of the Stale ot California Sale, Subiect to prior cancellat1<1n 1n the event of settlement between Owner and Obhaaled Party Published Ne wpo1 t Beach·Cosla Mesa Dally Pilot May I and 8, Z003 Th393 SUPlllOI COllT Of womA, CCMllTY Of OIAll6( 341 n. City Drht, Or.p, CA 92161, ~WctC... PmTl)IOf ,_.MrtzMt · FOi OWl6I Of IWll ODii TO SHOW CAB fOI CIWIGIOfUll Wllll&A.211747 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS 1. Petitioner Pamela Dutr11 McGumness r.ted a pelllton with thrs coU<t IM • decree chane.na names as follows Pamela Dut11z McCuin nen to Pamela Dutrn 2. THE COURT ORDERS thal all persortJ inter ested tn this matter shall appear before this court al the heuinr 1ndicaled below to show cause 11 1ny. why the petition for ch•nae of neme should not be aranted. NOTICE OF H[ARING Date· 6·17·03 Time· 2·00 pmt)epl · L73 The add<ns ol the courl is ume as noted above. 3. A capy of lhts Order to Show cause shall bl pubhshed at lent once u ch week for tour succt1sive weeks ptlor to lht date wl for hutlfll Oii the petition In lhe follow1n1 MWS 11..-of .. nenl cwcu- l1bon. pt1ntff kl this COUflt,: NewPQrt 8ffcll/ Co\ta Miu 0•111 Ptlol o.tei .,. '. 200I 110W19 O. fUZll. sa., ,_,... or '"' SUPUICNt COWT Published Newpor I BNch-CMta Mesi Dally Pltol Mty 1. 8. 15, 22. 2003 Thl9S .......... .......... Th• follow1na per9'ns •• dolnl llUtlneu u . a) HO~ 2 YOU. b) 8HltS TO YOU, c) 8ctRS 2 U, 18!54 Pit· cent11. S..tt1 209, C:O.t• '"'9,CA92127 w...., J. G#lab, HOI 8eWnre. Unit C. Gerdwt Ctove, CA 92945 Mich ... M fllftll. JtlJ ,._._.°'·· COlb .... CAm21 Todd D. a,one, e&2 S H_..,, AMhaltll, CA .... lNa a..u-• CAMI ' partnet\h1p H•ve you star led doine bus1Ms\ yet? No Wesley J Carlalt Th1\ sll1lement W4\ filed with lhe County Clerk ol OrAne., Cnunty on 04/~/03 20036942296 Daily Pilot May I 8. IS 22. 2003 TH376 Rdltlws--.U "-S...... The lollow1n1 per\1.tn\ '" <101na business ll\ Apple Prornohon' 38?8 S rtower St Apl II Sanla Ana. CA 92707 L1~ Satu. 3828 Soulh rtower St1eet Apl B Santa Ana, CA 9?107, B1ll1e e~renhen. 3101 Soulh F a11 view Ro•d •83. Sanl• Ana. GA 92704 Rocky Allen. 16982 81h Stree t Apt .C. Su11~el Beach. CA 9014? lt11s bu\1ne\\ I\ con ducted by a 11•mer al p4'lne1sh1p Have you \ldl led d1.1me bu.,nen yel > No ltsa Sal11 Th" s111emenl w"' filed w1lh th~ County Clerk of Orane.e Counly on 04/IS/03 20036'40907 Daily Pilot Apt I/ 24 May I . 8. 1003 I h3!>0 Rditlea llsMns Mmes..... The loltowina person• ate do1n& bus1nen n a) fopp1ne £vent\ lnl b ) l one Beach Cycle Show ~ R.andolllh A~e . Costa Me\a. CA 92626 l oppme £~e11h. lnl (CA). 2950 Randrilph Ave . Co\t" Me\a C:.A 926Z6 This busin~s' ·~ con ducted by a corporallon Have you .ia1 l~d doin11 business yet? No T opp1n2 I venh. Inc litson D~l ~o l'res•dent This statement wo filed w1lh lhP County Cle1k of Oranee County on 04/25/03 20036942298 Daily Pilot May l 8. I~ 'l'l. 2003 THl89 Adlllm ..... ... s...... The follow1n1 pet sons are do1n11 busine'5 n All About You Merhelme 220n Islander Lane, Hunhncton Be•lh CA 92646 KCMD Enlerp11\u. (CA). 22072 hlandri Lane ttunhnaton Beath. CA 97646 Th" businfln 1\ cnn ducted by • Lorporalton Have you star led doin11 bus1ne\s yet7 No KCMD E n lerp11u\ M1thele Butler. Prts1denl rh1s statement WO f1ltd with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 04/18/03 20036941424 Dally Pilot Apr ?4, May 1. 8. Hi, 2003 Th365 FldlllM ...... .......... The tollowina per5ons •re doma bu11neu u · Awport S.11 Sl0ta11. 190 Newport Center Dr •too, Newpotl Beach CA92660 3800 C1mpus LlC (CA). 190 Newport C.nle1 Or 1100 PMw port Buch. CA 9264iO Thtt. bus.In.ti "' con ducted by l•mlled L~blflty Co. Ha ... YOll \tatte4 dofflC business yet? Yes, 12/1/ IWl 3800 CH1pus U C, Ka''" H•lad A'soc1 aln Int n ... ,d I Robon\nn p,., Th.i •l•l•n1rnl wo filed wrlh the Cnunly Clerk of Or•nRt r..,unty on 04 18 '03 20036941426 D•1ly P1lol Apr 24 May I 8. 1!> 2003 Th367 NOTICE Of' TRUS- TEE'S SALE T.S. No. GM.-J.C Loen Ho. 003892379 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A OEED Of TRUST DATED 5113193. UN- LESS YOU TAKE AC-TION TO PROTECT. YOUR PSOPERTY, rT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EX.PLANA· TION OF lliE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A pub41c euctlon .... to the highest bidder for cash, euhlaf'• cheek Orewn on • state or naUonal bank, ehaeti dr-n by 1 Ital or ~I e'9dlt union, or I dwell dr9Ml by I atate or 19daral U\llngs and ioerl HIOC:iaUon, or l8Vlngs auoclation. qt Utll1191 tier* aped-n.d In Section S 102 of die Flnandal Codi and eu1horlad to do ~ neu In tNa ltaW, wlU ba hald by lhl duty appaloled trusltM. The aale will be !Mdl, but without covenant or warn1nty,eaµRsaedor Implied, f998'ding title, ~.oreneum­bnlncu, IO ullsfy Iha oblloltlon aecured by u kfDMd of Trust. Tha unc»rtlgned Trua-. I he follow1ne persons are dome business u R & H fence Co 20371 Sommetvrlle l n Hun tincton Beach. Cahl0tnia 92646 Chr1stopher Ryan Hamgan 20311 Som me.rv1lle Ln Huntington Beech C•hlorn11 92646 This business " con ducted by an 1ndiv1du•I Have you started doini business yet' Ve\ Jan 2003 Chri\lr:>pher Ry,,n Harrie"" This st•lt'me111 was filed w1lh the County Cieri. 111 Or anee Cuunty on 04/18/03 20036941396 Daily Pilot Apr ?4. May I. 8. I'>. 7003 lh.l63 The lollow1ne persons 11 e dome bus mus H Onenlal Allure. 11186 Blue Athum Ave F oun lain Valley CA 97708 Brian tioope1 11186 Blue Al hum Ave r oun tam Valley CA 9?108 Klly h t..ako l\Aw•n• ha 111116 Blut Allnrm An F Ollnl••n Valley t A 92/08 fh1\ bu~'"""' is con dulled by a ittntt ~I PMl11e1\h1p Hoe y1>u sl•• led dome busineu yet" Yo Ian I 2003 B11.itn Hooper I h•s Sl.tlemenl was fil~d wrth the Cnunly t:lerk ol Orante C.nunty un 04118/03 2003694 I 423 Darty Pilot Apr 24 May l .8.1 ~2003 lh364 dlec:lelma any lllblllty a....._ 8_.__ for any lnc:ofraqneu nw-- of the~ lldhaa Nme S...... or othar common dee-· lhe tollow1na: persons lgnatlon, tt any, shown ~ b haf91n. TRUS-ar~ "'""& usmen n TOR· DONALD R JO-r oi.t lrmt r11mmak&r~. HANSsoN AND . GI.A-7339 W Mall Ave , DYS L JOHANSSON Anaheun. CA 92804 HUSBANO AND WlFE Ray Sharp, 2339 W AS COMMUNITY M~ll Ave . Anaheim. CA PROf>ERTY Recorded 9?804 Sl'2W3 M lnalrUment Mu Fraley. 2063 Se• Ho. ~117 In Book Cove Lane. Costa Meu , po9g8 ol Ottlelal ~ CA 92627 ClOtda In Iha o1nce of W4yM Zimmerman tha ~ ol OrM08 430 St Joseph St Lona County CallfonU. Be•ch. CA 90803 Data oi s.ir.5'221200:i flus bus1neu ~ 'on Ill 2:00 PU P'8cl ol dueled b y ' 101nt S.: AT THE NOA™ venlu1e FRONT ENTRANCE TO Hive you sta1led do•nc THE COUNTY COURT· bu\lnen yef? No HOUSE. 700 CIVIC Mu D Fraley CEHTE.A tmlVE WEST This statement wu SANTA ANA, cAU'. hied with the County FOANIA Propeny M-Clerk or Ononee County ctr-. .. purJIOfiad '° ""04/18/03 be: 32 oeEAH VISTA 200Ht41421 NEWPORT BEACH, CA Daily P1lol A(>I 24, M•y 92MO APN t: ~ 1. 8.15. 2003 ThJ69 017 Tha teal amount 9ltC\lfld by A6d ln- ltnHMnC M ol ltle time of lnltlal publation ol ltll• notice .. 153(), 113.54, wtllctl lncludet the totM amount of the unpeld == .Jlne= lntwelt) and ~ .... ..UIMtlad c;oeta, • ..,....., end ad- VMCll9 Ill tha lime of lnltltl publlcMlon of thle nodct. 0.: -01, 2003 EXECUTIVE TftUSTD! SERVICES. INC. 15455 SAN FEA· NAHOO MISStON BLVD IUffE noe MIS9'0N HIU.I. CA t1Mi tt• ., .... 0.. on.a- TRUSTU SALE OfFI. CEA ~ CIM>1, °"'°" Olll15 The lollowlne persons are dc>1ne bu~tneu u · a) Pavillion Compute• Cons ult1n1, b) Pollllon Cons ulline. 1601 Easl Bay Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92661 Warren H11r1neto n Allen. 1601 Eut 81y Avenue. Newport Beech. CA92661 n111 bus>ness ,, con ducttd by. an individual HAve you star led dolne bui.1ness y~t7 Yes. 4/1/ 2003 Warren Allen Thi' st1t1me11t WI\ lu.c! with UM County Ciefl ol Or•na• County Oft 04/25/03 200Mt4HOO Dally f'llot W.y I. l . 1$. n. l'003 Otlat Jlmu M Krue1er , fldlllB .... Mambel/M•ncer lhis atalement wu _.... S...... ftlH witll the Cou11ty Th• fOllOw1111 .,., ion• Clerk ol Onnp Ceunty •r• dolna butlMu 11 Oii 04/lOIOl •) Auto RV Btcllltr•, b) toeM• ... u I Bro ker £qu1l1n •u. 01lly Ptlol Mer I, .. 15. 20M2 Swansea L11 , 22. 2003 fh375 Hu11llti&ICH\ BU<.h. CA ..... 9264& a...;;..~ Ka thy L 8'11no. --1oot2 Sw•ns11 Ln • llle lelvwl11t peraon1 Hvftllf\&1CH\ Buell, CA '" doillf " .... ". • ... 92&M KMMI ftoed Auocl1tu, lh1' Ol1trn IJ COii• lfto .. U C«'°'tlt 'i..t• ducted by• en lndlwlclu1t Sh 100, New11•rt Hfvt 'I II $tt1lfd dot'ftt 8NQI, CA t2t10 bu.Mlle • yet? Yes. 4 20 l<-ltaiN, ADCKI 03 tt•, lllC' • (CtltfOtnle), Katlty l Berna 13 tor,.,.ale hill lt1 Thlt ltt4fllttl1 Wit 200 .... "'"". ludt, CA filed Wltll ttll COt111ty t2teo C:ltfk of °''" .. C011nt1 Tilia IMlM:A le Ctl'I • Oft G4l2SIO] ' dllctH bf 1COffl8'.tioft ... '"4Qte ..... ,... ...... .... .,.., ......... , 1 a, 15, ........ ,.., '( 4111 27, ~l TllllO Q] Rt-..tw.u ... s...... f he lollow1n11 Pt"f•ons ••t cto1111 busine\\ n I 1tnt\• Concepts XO Newp0rt Cente1 Drl'ie Su1le 300 Newpor I Buch CA 92660 M1111ic Movement Inc (CA) 260 Newpo1 I Center Ot1vt Suite 300. Newpo1 t Buc.h CA 92660 Thi\ bu\ints' 1\ con ducll'd by a LOtporahotl Have you sl•1 ltd dQ1n1 bu•1neu vet 1 Yu, 0 I/ 01/?000 Ma&•< Muvement. Inc • Robert Burns, Pre•1dent Th•• •latement wn liled w11h the Cnunly Clerk of Orance County on 04/18/03 20036941347 Daily Pilot Apr ?4 May I, 8, JS, 2003 Th3l3 RdtllM ..... "-""'-' I ht follow inf per\ons are doinc bu\inn• u Mortc•&t Adv1:wr Nel wo1ll, 24261 Rue De Gaucuin Laeuna N11uet. CA 92677 Lender I 1ve Nelworll Inc (1 N) 4'>00 Chttt y Creek D11ve South •200 Cltnd•lt' CO 80246 Th1\ businns " t on dueled by a cmpor•hnn H•~' you started d•11nc bus1nn, yet> No I ~ndf'tl 1v1 Network Inc Rochard R Hol\d•w Sccrel.,1y lh1\ •l•lemenl wo filed w1lh th~ County Cler!. Ill Oranae C:ounly Oil 03/19/0) 20036U7714 a Daily Ptlot Apr I 7. 24, May I. 8. 2003 ThlSI S......tf ... n I ttfUMtf fkffM ......... The loll1.1w1n& per :wn has abandoned lht use of the r 1ct1hOU\ 6 us1 neH Name !> Slat CIHnets. 1215 Ballet Street Co\la Meu. CA 92626 The F 1tht1<1us Bu\lnen name rtleutd lo •bo~• wa~ ft led 1n Or a nee County on 3 21 03 f ll( NO ?003693805/ Chten V•n l •. 12698 Dalf' Sttu t. Ga1den Grove. CA 928'1 !his bu~mess •'l con due.led by an 1nd1v1dual Chien Ven I t Thi• statement wn hied w1lh the County Clerk of Oranae Counly on 04125/03 2003H42J02 D••ly P1lol May I 8. I!>. 22 2003 rti386 s.l pw ""'9h41t ... tlM MSJ nyf .... I Oenltw.!t.4eyl (Ut)M2-S'71 Rdltll. ...... ... s...... The lollow1n1 per~un• a•• doin& bu"neu u Newman f 1nanc.1al Mortcalt' Corpor alton 1884 Pl.cenl1i1 Ave Costa Me~. CA 92627 Newm•n f 1nanetal Mort1a1e Corporation (CA) 3~1 Marcus Ave N•wport Be.uh CA 92663 This bu\ion\ 1s con ducted by • co1 por llhon li1ve you 'l•r It'd dome business yet' No Newman r 1nanL1 ~I Morte•ae. Corp . ~tfrey D Newman President Thi$ sl•tement wn hied with lht' County Clerk of Ounce Counly on 04/18/03 20036'41401 Daily P11Qt Apr 74 May I 8. l!>.2003 ThJ58 RdtllM--.U llmtS...... The lollow1n1 pe1wns ate <loin& bus inns •• Atl0<d•ble Conc1ete ' Construction 1111 Tuhp ln •C Costa Meu CA 9?fi?/ Demetrin V I o l•. 7171'> 67'> W Apt I .JOJ 6ounhlul UT 84()10 Pen1on1 l ollolu1 178 Tulip ln •C Costa Me\• CA 92627 lht'l bu~s '' ~on due. led by a eener al P•rlnf'rship Have you star led do•nc bu\lnns yet' No Demet110 V r oh This statement wn filed with lhe County Cte1k of Or a nee County on 0412!>/03 20036'42306 D•1ly Pilot May I. 8. IS. 22. 2003 Th38A Rtti!IM .... ... s..... l he folluwine per sons arc do1ne busmen .as TRACY O', 1731 P1k<11rn. co,ta Mesa CA 97626 Glen O'Connor. I 731 Pitcairn, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Th1'l busmen 1s con ducted by an ind1v1du•I Have you ll•r led d1.1ma bu"""' yeU No Glen 0 Conno1 lh1s s tatemt nt wn hied with tht' County Clerk of Orance County on 04/18/03 200J6t41427 Oa1ly Pilot A(>I 24 May I. 8. 15. 2003 1hl68 Ac-.. ..... "-S...... 1 he lollowln& persons .,, dotnc buskins as rSP (Hnls. 413 San Leon, Irvine, CA~ Trrsha Francine Pol lod . 413 San Leon. Irvine. CA 92606 This busmess Is con· ducted by en lndhlldu1I Htyt xoy JI!! toe! !folna b11s1nrss yt't> No Irish• Polloc.k 1 hi\ '1•l•menl wu filed with lhe County Cler II ot Olin Re County on 04/?5/03 20036t42J09 Daily Pilot May I 8 IS 22 2003 Th381 Rdlllm .... ... s...... The follow1n& per\ons art <IO•"I! buSlllU\ u MARC[ PAINTING 871 Wnt 16th Slrttt. New pq<I Beach,CA 92663 Mil"elo A. Caradonna 14~1 Southfield Or Westm1nsll". CA 9268J This busmen is clln dueled by an ind1v1dual Have yllu started <101011 bu!Mness yeP No Marcelo A C•r •dnnna This \latemtnt wn filed with th• (.uuflty Clerk of Oranet County on OS/02/03 200SHUU4 Daily Ptlol May 8 I!> 22 29. 2003 1H400 Adlllm .... ... s...... l he follow1nr pe1 \on\ .,., dotne bu\lnt\\ o FUSION YOGA 2700 l Co•S'1 Hwy !>u•lt I Cornn• [)el M•• C.A '126~ Ma• well hie \ /'JO Griflith Pl I a11un1 Buch. Ca 92651 This bus1ne"' 1\ con ducted by •n mdhti<lu•I Hue you s tar It'd dotnR bu"""' yeP Nn Maa well l\I~\ nus statement w~• hied wrth tht County Cleth ol Orant1t' C1111r1ty on 05/02/03 200l6t4311S Daily Pilot Mty 8, l !>. l2.29, 2003 TH401 Adltiels ..... ...s ....... The lollowtna Pt'rlOn\ are doln& bus111en I\ Society, 6000 W PCti Newpotl Buch CA 9266.3 Ambet Dobson, 27l0 Chtf D11ve, Newport Buch. CA 92663 This business " co11 ductt'd by an 1ndlwi<lual ltave you s t• led dornc busonesvet '.Ho Am~obson This statement was filed with thtl County Clerk of Oranre County on 0412!>/03 20036t42311 Oaily Pilot May I 8 I!> 22. 2003 TH37 / .......... "-*'-" The lotlow1na persons a1 e dOttll business as NATIVE SUN WOOD WORKS. 2M Monie V1st •B. Costa Mes . ~ 92627 David Allen Casey, 284 Monte Vn.la •B. Cost• Mesa CA 92627 STARTING A -NEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • Pilot l hos bu\inus " ton ducted by an 1nd1¥1dual llao ynu started dome bu\ineu yeP Yes !> r, OJ D1¥•d Allen r .uey lhl\ >l•l~ment wl\ filed with tht Counly Cle1k of Orancl' County on 0'.>/06'03 2003H43Sl7 Daily Ptlnl M•y 8 15 :l2 29. 200J TH41 0 ,..... ...... ... s..... lhe follow•nc pe1'0n\ ere dome buw1e\\ o . lemonade M11111nt 1001 W 17th Slr eel. •P .. Co•I• Me.:o CA 92677 Rober I L •n<le r een.' 1001 W 17tti Streel IP.: Co-.ta Me-.a. CA 97621 I his busmen ts t on· dut ltd hy an individual H1v1 you st•lled <loin& bU\lflU\ Vf'I' Ve> 4/1/0l Rnb'<t I andgrun I h" \ldlf'm~11I wl• tiled with the Cnu"ty Llf'rl• ol Ounae Cuunly on 0412!>/03 200J6t422t S Daily Ptlot May l . 8. 15 71 200) Ht)<}() RtfillM lmns --~ I hr lulluw1nc pa1 suns •re dome bu\tnos u suRr St0£ Sil Vl R 603 I . 6 albo1 Blvd •A Balbo1 CA 91661 Wtfltdm Anthon y Cto11e 194 C St . Hawlho•ne. NV 8941!> I h•s bu,.nen 11 con du' led by an 1nd1v1du<1I !lave you \l•lrd Mm& bu\•nU\ y~t? Yu. 4 14 OJ W1ll1•m An t hon y Ceor11• I hll \lalement wai flied with the County Cltril ol Oranee County no CY.>/02/03 2003H43117 Daily P1kll M1y 8, IS., 22. 29 2003 TH397 ~ ..... ...s...... I he follow1na pe11ons •re 1to.n1 bu••nen as Im•&• F>rst. 6 Perch• roll. T11buco Canyon. c( 92679 Malissa (llert 6 Per cheton. Trabuco Canyon, CA92679 ' This business •s con ducted by an 1nd1v1duat Have you 'latlltd do•nc bU'llrntn yet' Yu, krM 1994 Mel1su £nert Th~ st1t1mefll ••~ hied w1lh the County Clerk ot Orancf! Cou"ty on 04/23/03 200Ut41tU Dally P1loJ "'1f 24. May l,8,IS,2003 Th374 • ,/! / Dally Pik>t l.11111111111 -Lepl .... -. -... --.-l-~-11-......... The followlna petsona are dolna buSI-H CHICAGO 81Kf., 4525 W PC1i IA, Newport Buch, CA92663 Anthony I' p au.,, 4.525 W PCH IA, HewpcH t BeKh, CA 92663 Tht,t b111lnns IS con· ducted by· an lfldtv1du1I Han you start.ct doln1 buMMH .,.n Yes, 11 92 TrlsJ\• PoHoct. This 1l•l•mcnl w11 filed w1lh lh• County Cl•<k of Otani• County Oft 04/25/03 200S .. 4U07 Dilly Pilot M1y 1. 8, 15, 'l2. 2003 Th383 ~ ..... .......... Th• fotlowlne peaons are dolna buslneu 11 Av1lon Home loans, 2700 Newl)Oft Blvd , St 164. Newporl Buch. C•. 92663 Dan S Hayn, 2700 Newport Blvd St 164. ;~011 Buch, Ca This bu"nns 1s con ducted by an ondMdu•I Have you slatted dotnl business yet? ~ Dan S HayH This statement wn filed with the County C.terll. of O.an1e County Ofl 05/02/03 200SH41 lt2 aaity Pik>t M1y 8. 15. 22.29,2003 1H398 The followin1 pe1sona .,, do n1 buslneaa H C luih. 255 B Roadway St , Cost• ,,._.,, CA 92627 Ch11 IH lush, 255 8ro1d111111 SI • Cost• M.u, CA 92627 This busmess ts con duded b'I an lnd1v1du1I Have you started dotnl business yet? No Ch.tries lush lh1s statement WH !tied wtth lhe County Clerk of Ottn&e County on 03/25/03 200H931SS4 Dally Pilot Apr I 7. 24. May I. 8. 2003 Th349 Mlm .... ... s....... Ille followonc penons ue do1n1 businHs as Monrovia Storaie. 1!>17 Monrovia Av. , Newport Buch, CA 9266J louph l\lln11er. 179 [ 17th St 116!>. Costa Meu, CA 92627 !his business 11 <.on ducted by •n 1nd1v1du1I Have you started do1n11 bus1nu1 yet1 Yo. 04/ 01/98 Joseph Kloneer fhos statement wn !tied w1lh the County Clerk of Oranee County on 04/18/03 200) .. 41402 Dally Pilot Apr 24 May I. 8. I!>, 2003 ThJS7 Policy . Th• lotlowm1 per'°"' ". dome bUSlnHS IS RS . ELECTRIC, 1037 PwkhJN Ot • Costa M.u , CA. 92627 Slllcy Sllllln•n, 1037 P¥khtH Or . Costa Mesa, CA92627 Tiiis bus1nns 1s con ducted by: an lndovldu•I Have you slatted da.n1 business '1•11 No Sl•cy Stillman This st.11tement wH tiled with the County Cler .. of Oran&• County on 05/(16/03 200S6t4JSH Oa1ly Pilot May 8, 15. n . 29, 2003 lH407 FldtllM ..... ...s...... The followln& persons are doln& business H Odds and [ nds Paper, 3062 Club House Rd , Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Jaime Beth Bennett, 3062 Club House Rd , Costa Mesa. CA 92626 lhts business 1s con ducted by: an tnd1v1dual Have you \l•rled doma business yeH No Jaime Bennett lh1s statement •n hied with the County Clerk of 0.an&e County on 04/24/03 2003694212' Daily Pilot May 8. 1 !>. 22. 29, 2003 TH405 S dlyourCar in Ckusifi'd ! ........... ... s...... The loHowllll !)tr sons .,, dolna bus1,..n ts ._M Hill CONSTRUC T10H CO • 22052 Susan lane, HunlHtcton lleKh. CA9264S C1le Weyne HUits 22052 Sunn l>ane HunUn1ton Beach. CA 92646 l'us bu"nns 1$ con d1Kled by an tnd1vldu1t Have yoo ,..., led cloonc business yet? No C1yle Wayne Holli\ lhl• •!element wai. filed with the County Clerk of Or1ine• County on05/06/03 200Ht4JH7 Delly Pilot May 8 l S, 22.29,2003 ltl.406 RdltlM ..... ... s...... lhe foltow111& pei \On\ 118 dOIO& bU\IOt'\\ d\ ARMORCOM 16 R~tn ln&lon. Irvin.,, CA 9?620 Patrn.k c .. 1 McCul loch, 16 Rem1n111un Irvine. CA 97610 This bu\lne\\ I\ lon ducted by an indovodudl H•n you \la• led dOtnR bustneu yet> No Paluck C McCulloth Th1\ \l.tlement .. u toled wolh the County Clerk of Oun~· Cnunly on05/06/03 2003694lSU Daily Polo I M•y 8. IS 22,29,7003 111409 ,.... ..... , ... s...... The lt>llowtnl peuons 11 • C1oon1 busineu u SUNRISE RC ALTY & rtHAHCIAI.. &248 Elltot GrMn. Buena Par.. CA 90621 Mr .IJIS•~ Shah '82'8 Elkol Ct.en. Bu<tna P111fl.. CA 90621 nu, busoneu 1s 'on duded by •n lndtv1du•I H•ve you started <lotng busoneu yet' No Jagesh Shah !'his statement w.s 111.,d with the County Cle1k of O••nge County on <Y.1/02/03 200J694SH3 Daily Polol May 8, I!> ?2,29,2003• TH402 RdltiM .... ... s..... The followone pe1son1 a•e do11111 business n RU IANCE SALES. 2632 •B S•nla An• Ave Co1la Meu CA 97627 PC Reloar•~ti Inc (CA) 7632 •B S•nlil Ana Ave . t:osta Meu CA 92627 I hi\ busontts " con duded by "tu<PO,.tion tl.ive you st11 ted doon& busonf'\\ yet' Yf's ()!> 01/2001 f'C Relo•nu hoc lrh•n Demorc1 Prnodenl lh11 slalrmrnl was toled wolh thr County Clerk of Or•n&f' County on <>!>. 06/Q3 2003'94lSl2 Daily Polot May 22. 29.2003 Ac-.. ..... ... ....... The lollowln1 pet son• are 4o1n1 bu!M,..H ll\ Aft•• burners net 701 Promontory Or W. Newport Beach CA 92660 S lu•rl Sanborn Hutchin\, 203 Prmontory Or W . Newpo<t Beach CA92660 The, bu•tn•ss " ~on ducted by •n 1ndmdu•I Have you \tarted doma business yet' No Stuait S Hutcht"' .... fh1s 'ta1emeot w~-_ llt~d wtlh the t1.1unty Clerk ol Or•n&e r:ounty on 04/18/03 20036941421 O•oly Polol Apr 74 , May i.8.15.2003 lhHO FlcitiM lusirless "-S....... fhe lollowon& 11•r~1.111\ are do•n& bU\llle\\ •\ K ~nd G A111Jll•nLe IO 11 ( Vone Av~nue •A 01dn1e. CA 921169 And•~· Kh<1vr1o;h JOI I E Vine Avenue •A. Ot .i nit~ CA 9?869 1 hos bu\one~' I\ ton ducli;d by an ond1v1dual Have 1ou \l•rled c1<1111e bu\me\\ yeP No Andrew Khl'.lvll• It lho~ st•l•m~nt Wd\ liled with thl' (uunly Cle1 ~ of 01 an~~ r uu11ty on 04 Z'i OJ 20036942308 Oaoly Pilot May I n. 2003 I low to Pla<·e A Ai-. ..... ... s....... The lollo'""nl petSOnl a1e do1nc bu•m•u es Royal Solution• 7326 Rntd•nct• Newport Buch, CA 92fi60 Helen Hun1. 1126 Ru1denc11, Newport Bueti CA 92660 Th11 bus1nen •• lUn duded by an lndMduat H•ve you SI.tried dotn& bu11nns yel1 Yn. •1211 03 Helen Huna lhl\ ~••tement was hktd with the County Cler fl. ol Or an&• County un04/2!>/03 ' 20036942299 Ddlly Polo I May I 8, I!>, 'l7. ?OOJ I h l88 RdlllelS l18tu "-*--The tollowm& person• are dome business n AN lllONY'S PAIN llNC & DC SIGN ?948 ti Ci dte Ir• Costa Mtu Ca 92616 Th" bU\1111\\ ,, (Oll ducted by •n 111d1v1dual H,ivf' you \tarted doin& bu\onen yet' No Anthony l om• lhl\ sl•l~ment was f1lf'd woth the County Clerk ol o,.nae Cuunly on OS 02·03 20036943116 Daily Polo! M•y 8 IS n. '19 2003 I H403 CGl~lodoy ~..,..., .. ,. ........... ... s...... The follow1nc person• .,, do1n1 buS111eu " PIHllc:a Investors 400 C11totta. Newport Buch CA 92660 Cwlyle lewonson 400 Culoll• Newp1>1I Buch CA 92660 Tht1 busonns 11 lOn dll4:1•d by· an 1nd1vtdual Have you •l.rted doln& bu11nesa yet? YH, 4 I 03 Carlyle levtnson This •t.atement wn filed with the County Clerk ol 011nce County on 04/18/03 200H94142S Daily Pilot Apr l 4, M.<Jy I. 8. I!>, 2003 lti~ fktMM~ ._si.t..t !he followma person\ ar • do111a bus on~" a\ 2 EXPORT l TD 850S £ H1ll•dale Dr 014n&~ CA 92869 John 8 Lynlh 8~ I H1llsd•le Or Or •n"• Cahl 92869 1 hll bU\IOe\S I~ Con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Han you \lartl:d doona busoneu yet> v.,, I ' 03 John 8 l ynth Thi• •latemcnt "4\ filed with lht' l:•;wnly Clerk ol Or •nt~ !.uunt, on 04/18103 2003 .. 41399 Daily Polol Apr I 8, I!> 2003 ThUtsday, May 8, 2003 The follow.ne "'"''n' are d0tn1 bustneu n ~ Sbr Cle.one!\ 171 !> 81-e• Costa M~-.. 0 92626 QCl In' CCAJ IDnl A111ndel An Wr>lnnn s let CA 9268J Thts. bu~.uw,., , .... 'on due: led by • r "'Po"''""' ~ve yuu ''"'ltd dome bu11n..s1 1•11 fr' 4 22 OJ OCL h'< ()uytt Van le he~od.,nt lhl\ •l•lenient was 111.,d "1th lh• tounly Cluil ol 1Jr•n¥r tuunly ()II 04t/!> Qj 20036942303 O•oly Ptlol M•y I 8 I !> n :?OOJ 111JB5 Ac1it1Mlwsiitu ... s ..... ..... ..... ....... The followlnc P«• wits •r• dol11t bus1.,.u u Ne•port M.H M•ti.tt Arh 488 (HI 17th St 1>Utle 8 IOI CAKla MeM CA9'1677 (.,Ill\ I UI 1760 Pomona Ave e 12, C°'t• ,,..,,, CA 9?611 1 h1> busH1ess " cun due led by •n 1nd1v1dual H•v~ yuu 11•1 led doonc bu",..ss yet 1 Nu Carlo\ L ut lho· •t.ltement Wh hlecl w1111 the l:q!lnly rt4!rh of 01 •nc~ CJ~nly on 04 18 OJ 20036941401 O•oly Pilot Apo 14, Mo I ~ 15, :t003 I h3!>6 ffdltiM ..... ... s...... I h~ fojtowon& pe1 ~uns lht tc:.llowm~ pt<\11n\ ••~ doon11 bu\on•n .n ~,. dr11n11 bu\oro~,. •' lh~ t111l1\ C1.1mpany U \ Oo •per l. 'i~r Vil~ l 1119 <-•• llun l'I Ste A 424S f I 6 l"'.lm• Ao I .o\td Me\4 I.A 9/627 An•••••m I A 'Jll(}l Rub••I lty&•f' Curt~ ltarul<I II .itlOro 1 111!9 (., llun f'l•L" 4}4S f I" PJlm4 A•~ <;1111• A to'I• MH• CA An.h• .. n I A 9?11117 'Ut,n ltH\ tiu"..lllt:\\ ,, Cl)H ( ftw~ t;U\IMf"'.1\ I'\ <.On iJut I Pd L f an mJ•-t•duof dudfl'd t..y •n 111d1¥•du4I Hdw..-f&Ju .. ,_., lrd tto1t1( H.tw ... rou \lArtt"d dumc t.u~1u1r\._, yrt 1 ft'\ M<i 1 liu\mr\\. '"' > .,,. D~t :1'9H I 9d0 I '199 H .. told H '"idi(J•rm1 lh,, "tdlt:mt-nt N.f\ loltll Nlth lhr I r.u•••v (l,.rlri CJf lJf •111t• 1uuty "" 04 HI l)J 20036941397 Daily Polol Apr I 8 l'J ?OOJ Nob+:1 t I I. ur lo\ fhr,. !.l.ttf'mt'nt ••~ lolrd w1tl1 tllr I r.unly 1 I••" I IH •nlf' I uunty un 04 '/', OJ 2003 .. 42Jlt Cl.toly f'1~ ,, M•y I n 700J r----Deadlines --- Ratei. and dcadltne~ are ~ub.iec1 to change w1lhou1 notice. 1lle pubh'>her reserves the nght to censor. recla!>~1fy. revise or re.JCCI any cla.)stfied advertisement. Please report any error 1ha1 may be m your clasMfied ad 1111med1:11cly. 1lle Daily Pilot accepts no habthty for any error in an advenjsemenl for which it may be responsible excepl for the cosl of the space actuaJly occupied by the error. Cred11 can only be allowed for the first msenion. CLASS 1F1 mAD Monda)............ .. r-nd,n H.IOpm Tue...da) \11ondJ) 5 OOpm Hv Fax <9~91 6 \I -M94 r l'ka.,.. 11 .. luJ< ~uur '""""' .i.J phuoc nurnt-«1 .nJ '"" II, 111 ''"U hr.al. ¥.Hh .t fW''r 'fll''(C I Bv Phone 11;4111 M2-'io7l< I lours By ~1ai 1/1 n P<"rso n : BO Wc\I Ra} ~lrcct Co,ta Mc,a. CA 926:!7 At Newpon BhJ & BJY St. Fnday ........ .. . ... Thur,day "i:OOpm ~aturday l·mlJ) 1 OOpm Tclcphon~ X 'Oa.rn 'i OOpm Monday h1da~ Wall. In X 'O·Jm·'i OOprn Mon<lay-Fnday Sund a) Fnday "i OOpm _ ANNOUNCIMINTS ~ & MISC. 10H>-1110 GARAGE SAll BUSINESS & FINANOAl ~ 3010-3940 SOOS· SI SO l'edftc View •-W- Double G11ve One of the best locations Must Sell 949 939 3091 1486 Vitt:£::': Furn. 3460 Real Emte Services JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS tOilectiblell Mlmol'lbllll 11&0 JOf' SS 4 lllCottDS nc Im. ca..:. [le. !Ol .. f.Vs .8l.Nac.~.~~ M1k; 949 -64'' 7505 EmRTAINMEJfT Cltll*of &Ila 1310 lCMIMllOUSll5 OfPOl'n.Tl Alt r eat ulale advtt llSHll in this newspaper 1s subiect to the Feder1I FeN Hous1n1 Act of 1968 •• amended wh"h makes 11 1111111 lo •dvertJse ·any prefet ence. l1m1tat1on or doM:rlmmalton based on ••ce, color,"""°"' se•, handicap, femoh•I status or national or111n, or an 1ntenllon to m•ll• any such Pf•fMence, llm1ta lion or dm:r imlnetlon.' Thi$ <l*WIP•P*f Wiii not l\nowlntlY "cept '"Y advertisement fOf r•el estate which ti In violation of the lew. Our reeder• are hereby ltiforrnecl that all dwell i.,. aclwetl1$9d In this M~ a.e en1l1ble .-. an eq11tl GPl)OftunttY llnls To c~111 ol clA •wninotielfl, cal HUO tol "• •l l-800-424 1590 ..... 1• 1000 Shirts 1000 No!dlbes & tQndb<es ..... 94t-6S0-63S7 htot• Sole Sat only 9 I Am111n1 \luff' Quote v1nle1•' 2340 Bayside Dr. CdM Crou St Carnation 1489 "COUlGl l'•U AHA" w .. lo 0-2!>--Gar• S.S.. Slit I Olfl &.m 2pm Nortti of r w 0r ~ Harbor & r__... Don't mm lht b¥pons QM/Sit 7 3l "611. ...... ..,, 11111 woodld ... tary. -a.. -Mom.-c C=;:lld t '' CO<Ht(elnNH41 Old Com\' Cold. ~•Iver. ~y. wak.hes, anhqun collect•bln 949-642 9448 3610 100. m<UCB> ll1mNS, CA TS. OOCS lh*ls on lone -~Grit ~ f mhmn...,,., JO OAY IEAL.llf GLWWmI 9&644-2279 fm SPAY for momnv aA/ Id II lunPm. 9&!>.D-0411 ••••••••• n..y ...... .._., n..,.._..Y_OA , .... ion... .... "-CWy ssso. 949-211-SllS ••••••••• Rmdal 2Al5 =· _Pm __ • __ ,___ Busil111111 lnll HMANCIAl SlClllS Of f11lldllla - .... 5-W..tttiyl Ten --------lechnlques the lhe F9NAJKW SIQITS OF wealthy ow ewrydly to ...,. S.-WMltttyl Ten Iner-lhH ..-Ith. If you Techniques t he the truly dew• to 3dM wealthy use evf!lyd•y to tlnancl•I security· You tncrese tnw WNfth If-you mud have ~I 1-877-891· truly dewe to IChive 3260 S20 V/MCIOISC by l1n•nclat security-You Patrklll leMIM11. authcw must have ttW 1-817-891· of ~I Basics. fr .. 3260 $20 V/MCll)ISC by SIH {CAL~) Pwick LeMleua, author • • of tnestm.nt 8atica. f .... Im SIH (CAL~) nm...e~ STAIT A sucassfUl ~ home~lfwt ...... rnorwr ., 1t1e first rnon011 15,,(D).$20,(0J per -6 1~217.o!m ._ "*""" recorded messe1• (CAl.~) (' ~ MKKIY IWOJT C-"'w•#•-4.,. f0.H1.0 T6 HOMES FOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY · CoronldelMar JASMIN[ CRUK \one \IOI y lb• 2ba d~n Ro1te•s Cardenet lllnduap~d H1nd1caPPf'd ready V~• y low rnainl Anoe w ltnn1s pool C•ll fM appl By Own~• 949 640 8717 OPIN SAT 2-S 2» l'OINSOTIA Spacl0u$ 4BR 3 !>BA by Noted •rch1tect Broon Je1nnetle SI 795 000 A111et1 l\11us Ocean P•c1hc P1operhn 949 6'4 7064 0,... s.t 1-S. I W. c-. ~ .. II& pool. ..., pencnnwc OC8Wl -· $2.1.m.(Dl <Cl P•dl T91C1re 9&856-9'1'.!i ColtlMal ,...llSTAns PATIQTINOal MATIOelwat~A t4t..as ... t7DS -w p:trltlttenore com 1111 .......... SIU ..;::... Index 91.0YMfNT mtOl11IOTllS Laguna Beach Tutton o .. 19n-Oceon ~ on <l'""t cul Oto ...,. above Wood CIWP with .o f.,ntiKIK wllrte .. ,,..., .,..,,. lbr 3 51ld ? ••ll a rnnm a k\lflnt"I Mtti.,n and l ...,., deo..k\ "i:I W~y~ B•§l:n 949 •97 'l 111 Newport Beach U,,.lR NtWl'ORT IAU IAY Ol'tN SAT-SUN 12-S 2S07 Vie Mori- Hoch on 10 000 \f lot Ve1 y pr ovate 11& br 2 lull ba S82' 900 Ry Owner Co Op woth RullOf\ 949 !>'8 Sl~ live ltt Newpe<t I-ti I<>< Sl6!>.000 De Anu1 B1y\1de Voll•ae mobile homn •J Wateitront, h•ckbay Ytew Coty, ch1rm1n&. Cabana mo bole home Ip 23 yr he S22l1/mo Cati Cottae• Home\ Ol'lN SUNDAY 1-4 ..... 714-624-1'62 • h...,iMt• (ootow.ys nw. Best of [ vtirytfq ., IM ~ 48r 2.56a wl• wiM LelLv. tillrary Mid~"""'-"°"' lhcs bluff lop homt You mus I \ee this one s:?.791JIXX> lllZI . Joan g,tg. 707 ."444Q ~ 900C>-97SO UOOISU 90h ON IAY S9.9 MIWON AGT.949-7 11-2744 OClAN PANORAMA IRlAlHTAKING VtlWS $499,000 ESTAU s~µ AGT. 949-219-2Sh RESORT/ VAc:ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE Desert Property 5960 GOU l'ftOl'anES Sale\ & _,t,.. ,,.,....... Palm Sp~ p..,,, ~· Aho W•sh1n11ton Water Iron I Refl!ln• Mlc:1-I Ant. ............ MJO..SSO-JSU MISCWANEOUS REMTALS Rental To Sl1are 6030 CcfM S ..... e 21r lao Triple• Walk to beach Ip w/d, pallo pool Male pref S650/mo • SSOO dep 949 760 0678 l'sl4e CM/._• 2• 2a. ,.,, pvt p<kna. near con.ice. n/~s. $57!i/ mo.+ utls. 949-400-8047 AESIO£NTIAL AfM ALS OIWIGE 7400 coum Under the Sen·ice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 H omes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S ~I+ 11 .. 11 .. -.... w/batcony itn. wal~r & ltdSh PAod No Ptl' S92~, mo 949 6SO 373!'> .......,..,, ......... ~ houY "-n. ps.IWJtw f)Qld Sll6 2b1 Iba ~· ~ r-Nn pe1 Sl/95 ~ 'OY> tASTSIDI SpdCOOus lB1 Duplo r p. encl Y•' d, .. d c••~&•· Sl59!> mo near st:ogs 949 548 3959 Newpolt Bueti IAY,.ONT ON LIDO P£NINSUI A NtW 21r 21• / COTIAGlS P11V1te Buch Pool and Spe Walk ~ Ocean Sh0111 and Rutau1ants leau 61mo 2 y1 • Bo•l Slop Available 710 UDO l'AU Da. 949 673 6030 °' 949 723 !18.JO Ude hie 117 Voa Orv1tto 4Br 2 !>Ba le 1•r Ip cour tyd upslll'1 wlew1 'iOOO/mo 949 !i9!> 603S UDO YlAltlY UAU BILL GRUNDY RCAllORS t49-67S-• 1' 1 Ne_,..,l_h Pentn\ula Studio Ap111tmenh avaol Act S650 S950 949 673 7800 .., HI'• 11 If)' lbe rtS "aJCll9(. -· ""' ~/ .... 11¥1 ....,. "* "" ..... $1!8> 9&642 ml l'enlrn11la Zb1 /bd close I lido Iii• loyfr~t hl Plf'I, ShOj)S P•loo w/dodi.. h :l>d fur n 1 Lar 11ar wdh~ ups Art o, pets vrty lse S7UXllnu Sl600 949 673 7800 ag1 949 718 n~ DllVU /COl (A ) Haunot.. SIOOCO Aftl!I ., ye.~··' <,tJL OS to J9 rf'nb. l"'""' lo 'l lf"n~ tuntr""t'" ''' Rl 'enh 11~ ..... U\..,~ en vMi> ~ 2Bt 18'1 unrt .. 0.y.. LI & bngt1t tlow to r r.hnn I\ S16'lQ..mo •tel l\.w<i 949-291 Dn ._, ..., ~ beildl ,_ HM-ID Isle 2& 18'1 2Wt to bay ttwrr. ""1/unllln S l 700m tse 949 718 1400 NP Cl"'51 twmm l>olbo:i roirm i'b I St. p;1111o pOOL ~ nu p,iS1l ...-arp 2 c p ~ SI"-> 96671 Ml) .. '-2b: 2ba o...oo. 1m.1( lwf'l)lc 1 p.tbo5 n~wly de.;<>< alf'd w d ....,... SUB5rn 71' .:94-4911 N«wft> remod lbr lb• condo 2 ( e•r patio wd no peVsmt< Ao~ 6 I $19!>0 kt 949 7!>9 13'4 SpedMoo ._ hr 2Br 2 1111 battl belc be.lldl. pri tf'ORG No pets S2200 mo l ye. lease Avai 6/15 96566-9988 S..,. • -.4 yriy reral l m* ms, 2,!ita oc:n YU, ~.~.pr.no poC fl&I J2«I) 9tMin 78X> ...... 2& 2s.. cbe to i-tl. newly rwnodlll!d. .ttt p . w/d. .... ~ 2JCXVmo 9&675-!MOO llAalN IAY /IAYW.W upilalrs 2br I .!Iba Ip. car wd hllup YT Isa S2600/mo ~9 673 84ll .................... ... home. 2-pr. ,,,.,., pebo. comm poal ~ Ill S2!ll5 ..... -9IMif>M73 t~ 2.Sh tn 11tecl com"'. ,./pool. Sf1a• puwate y•d IJOOO/mo Aceftl 9t9-856 91t'-l VMaJDI -IWtD ~ ,__ ~ hrll l.!illr ) "" Ill bdl 7-1 In 1~1 um n4'12~ ..., ........... ._.. .. ..., ......... l/c. .... _. . ..,.., .. $GJl>lme. Sllort •m MN17.-U Rentals Wtnted 7880 w ...... , RIJ1 "' IP"i' '"'" .. .....,.. ~ !Krdt .re ffl'I.. ... oT9lJ ,... 0;11on949487 l!>Sl .. ~""" 11.i ~ 92!> ')'>'16 "r 1\1 LM '"m II .Al •SC.JIN I DtllVOt: OWNIJI Of'OI. A TOil; H.tVf' 'ff.., ,,..,, ..... ~' 1........ lot rldt ~"' Lll!Ostar ~ VACATION ROOALS I tilt trx"' ""'Chi to <NII• y•>U •u• r #\,ful' (All I Af«lS T AA RR8 8!> ~ Mourain RefDls 7925 CAI •\LJ.N1 lAllt AUOWNUO I Dri¥en CT-~ JOOOd 4A< • !iaa ., SllDl "I" "" ..,..,.~ Wt r• ~ lot w '-'• ._..,. haw a lr.t l.h-d CA S6'.l> Weekly "' SJCnl lflnw\M Ar!Tllln £ •orea Monthly ael 949 n I Im l..... I IJl).428-0.'14. I Aef •IOI ff maol r.crul 1111~•,,,,.lont com) -m. 1 d. v .Al "'SCAN) omva. OWMllt <iiii= ATC.. Ha.,. Vo1a °"" •ucV l 00111•'1 for lrut ondep«nden< ~ 1 l ancbt.w 11.H 11'11! ..., ,,..,.. to """"'' you wcc>Mldul" 1 Im 711 7898 (CAI.~) ISUHD laPlOYMIWT I wo Harbor\ 1 uniqlH: SH\lde dnht11loon II the Wnl lrtd 1>1 Cettll1na l'tand Wt are looll"'I for out101n1 team or Hinted people, with e•cell~l'll cu\lo me1 Uf'VIU r.111111 tor the fall!)wln1 S11oon11I po s1tl0fls ltest..U<•nt Shott or df>f Cooks s.t ""' Dl~•H'-''· -"tountlOI& Clerk Ce11tul Store C..,h Janitors CllftO 1t01tnd Ranpn & fwt Dodi Altenda11t F0t N1fo call 310510 ~ Of 310 510-4202 tu 310 510 Eto -..cb OWNH OPUATOa TlAMSI all. w/Hu·Mllt 6 Doubles req. T•rntnel- T efNRll. Crop/Hook. Hn on Bonus. 1¥ Miles. a» 909·5664 ut 210 (~•SCAN) Service Dtrectoty TO Cellfornla l•w rt· quires thet contrec .. tors tek1n1 jOba th1t total $SOO or more (labor or meterlels) be licensed by the Contractors Shi• License Bo11d. Stilt few .tso requires thet contrecton Include tht1t license numb« on 1U ltdVtrltMn& Yoo can check the stelus of your licenud contractor et www.cslb.ee.aov or 800·321 ·CSLB. Unll· censed con tr ectors teklna jobs the t total less then $500 must st•l• In th11r •dvert1Hm1nb thet they are not licensed by the Contractors Stele License Board." Additions& Remodef Ing I " ;' ..,......,._.. Svc. Tu preperetlon, Quidl8ooks ....... • .. ..... •xp'd 9&32S-0:250 AllDmly Slrvlca ATTORNEY Civil mal.lerl, busuiesa law. land UJe, J.and. lord/lalanl. conlrletl. other llfCICITICOU 20 Ye111 t11p. Reuonable ratu. OWNU OPIUYOI YIAMSl all w,Maz-Mat 6 Doubles req. T trminal· Terminal OrcWHook, Hn on Bonus. Hi&h Mm. U>-909-5664 ext 210. (CAL •SCAN) . A -Z HANDYMAN lnstell, reftc• c•blnets l<*:twv'WV~ mdJ. ~ n 4-546-7258 • vtU..lh. Custom Bu1lt·1ns, Crown Moldlnss. Base Boards Lll577982 949·709·5642 Carpet Repair/Sales (t(.AIPIT(tCARPIT~ Repeors, Pelchlna, lnsten Courteous. eny size 1<>bs Wholes.lei 949.492.0205 Air~ EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) ~2007 HI 962-llOG NB (149) 720-0717 1 m'1 If lllltlllatiotll lhlCt 1113 FURNACE SALE R + AFumac.& ~Code Upgradta 71,• ITU fftll S1MI 1•.•1TU•S1• Prut city permits, a. GOclt upgracl• 964 2007 FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES I INSPECTION SELL your stuff through classified! I 49=10lhe ~ 50~ 51 City on lhe TNC!cff 52 Kiin 63 Ma. Tlllltdlle 5" Preolpll81e ee OJ'• IUPPIY 67 A grMI many OWNU OPUAYOI YIAMSI all. w,Maz·Mat 6 Doubles req Terminel l •mirW Drop/Hook, Hirt on Bonus. Hcf\ ""6ls. SX>-909·5664 ext 210 (CAL•SCAN) IN 0 & •USINISS ttgAMS Uwedes. Repeirs of Computer, Networks EvenenlJ./WHkends ComptlitlVI pr1CH for quallly StrVIC. 949-aJ6-117S 714-926-422• Concnte & MllOllY lrldr lltdi st-Tiie Conam. Pltlo. Dnveway f'ireplc, BBQ. Refs 25Yn Exp. T:zy 714-557-7594 Comp4lllr Services ~ . IOOM Adlllilfans IMltOdJ • ,_ <:onslrudlon • w........;o-~ Bridge ' . EXPERT DISASTEJl North-South vulnerable. South dealt. These days, West would not dream or doublina one no o·um1>. but 11.ould eithtt make • two-lulled takecxJt bid or bid one rA the llllts. Nor1h. whh a perfectly balanced hind, hid no rca· 100 to try co wrigle ouc of one no uump doubled, and tbac became the Onal contnlCl. NOR'rn • J 102 "'10 54 0 10 84 2 •J52 EAST • 8653 o Kl Weat led the si.\ ol clube and. in view ol the double. declarer ml&bt have tried the jlCk from dummy Sut the nine io band wu a ~ effective red bming, so Tru.cl played low. then Ciptun:d East's cc:n with the acc. ln an effon co &et 10 the table. declar- er led a deceptive seven of spades, but there ~ oo way 10 fool Wez.1 on I.his deal. The defender won w11h the klnJ. and ca.shed four club tricks, on which dee larcr di.!carded two pades and a diamond. Next Ume I low bean and, with the heart return. the defcnden cubed five cricks in dw sulc and thc ace of diamonds. 0 765 J • 1083 The biddi :, soum ~ NOR11f EAST lNT Obi .... ,_ .._ Opening lead: Six of • The"' arc so~ o uastrophes that could only befall an expen. Sitting South w~ former world champion Roger Treul. and he reported chis delll bimsclf. Ac chc end, dcclMCr had to lake one more trick with eithcr the jack of spades in dummy Of rhe king of dla· moods In hand. Still. that was down live fOI' a l~s of 1.400 points. Publishina PIOMOTIONS DIPAITMINY Commumty newf4l'llPll"S in 0nqt County SMka F ul lime person to Interview end wrrtt storle$. particl· pete In community ewnb, crute end paemte PllC'S end sections. Ea:Cthnt communbtlon dUlll, work .... with the pubic. Know N' Style. QunXl'ras. Photoshop, Mufti.Ad c:r.. etor, Prufident on IMC a nd PC. CCI dulan e xperience preferred. Proofudll test. Oruc sa~ rtQIWed. EOE Excellent benefit peckeae. EmaW resume, wrltq ~ end sallry requirtmtnls t o i-.;amson@i.t1rrm.mm SUVHS & COOIS needed. Apply on person 217 Mam St. Hunllncton Buch 714-960-1896. s.cr-yjlt.wep ........ "' H8 Ral Estete offic.. Corrciutllr & rml estMe exp. Ho lie nee. 949·677·5680 J09ol Otlt YUM and meke • dllf•enct In the Californla Nmy Ne1JONI Cuwd you cen aet money for colece end c.-trlMWI&. C.it I~ GUARD. (CAL •SCAN) NUD MOU IOOM? AOOmlHS • REJoOlElNi l f577982 949-709-5642 DeslllDp Pubfiltino TIMI 01 GI YOUa HOMf IMPaOVIMINT PaOJfCJt Call 1 plumber. pe1nttr, hendymen, or any of the &rHt 'erv1cu listed l)en In our service directory! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOtJ TOOAY! Drywall Servtces WfTIHOEn DalWAU. All phases sm/lrr jobs. CllANI 20yrs. leir, fret est. L«m:Jl 71~1447 5...nJtlolxptrtl Duncan Electric 21JYrs Elp LoceVQuick Rtll>O"MI Servlct/Remodth L"275870 949-650-70ot2 JOI N OtJR TEAM end mah • difference In th• Celfforni• Army Hatt0naf Guerd you can &•l money for coll•&• end certer trelnlna. Call l · 800 -GO ·GUARO . (CAL•SCAH) JOIN OUR TEAM end meke • difference. In the Californle Army Hatlon1I Cuerd you cen 1•t money 'for collt&• end CttHf tnlnina Cell I 800 -GO ·CU AR O {CAL •SCAN) Au41 't9 A4 QIHlttre 2.8 V6. 2911 ectual mo, 1uto. spukhn& red/arey lthr, mnrl, CO, looks & smells new V456721 $17.495 ltn1ncln& t vt1I, Bllr tO-S .. -1 Ha -.t<peilll.c- IMW 740I "M 8eaJtfU Sortnl BUV'Ten, OTOmt .... 72k "' prl8ld, rruR -. S2D,500. 9"9-378-9946 llJtd.n & ... ._... Floors. Counters 6 Showers. lit591315 free Estimate 949-481 ·2097 UMY $ll;WW; ~ Reerout•n 6 lnuallatfon TILE DEAN 949-673·8065 71~ 714-183-2031 Glldenlncv landscaplng t.. Ttrrtt a.-4sc .. WW>/~hetnmq ' 1nsteltatlon. 25 Y" up Lie/inwred 949-~ COMP'llTI LUIDSCAPtNO Oesian. clonups, lrHs, sod, 19rlnkl•n . M•inten1nce as low es $9/wuk Licensed 7L4·222·M 25 Hick DtrtyW;tliO ... ~ -L•wns, L1wn Aerehnr , Spronlllers, Tr~· '"" Sprln1 Tune-ups. Repelrs 6 Up1redn. "H•v• us do your Dirty Wor*" Actl••""' liectrlc 714-7U-2a21 troubltshootlna spec18hst G-n..- •• S«Vices. Ho )Db too -.... UVUt• SI!\. Ul5151163 7l~Ul Alwtrk• em c licensed Electnul Con tr actor. Sm•lt jobs startlna 11 $79.ts&up. Specl1llzln1 ln Remodellna 6 111 home wirlns nteds, Comm/lndusVRts l-900-at7-1 OOI L•7829S9 UCENSID CONTUCTOtl No Job too Im ,. wvi-1 Rtp8ir, remodel, fins, 'f', MW SVC 949-64f>.J666 Aooftng/Till •••lllCAll* ~~ :~ • LOCll & Rellltlle FREE ESTIMATU (114) ..... HO Autoodvl .. C ... llec 'tt S.vlllt SlS 40k mi, purl wile. oetmu l lthr, CO, a•· r •aed. non/smtv. 1111• newV592641 $14,99S Bkr !M9$lllll -~ Chryst ... Stltrinti c_.,, JI '00 37K, V6, ""•teltlc crHn, Grey Int. 8111Cll top, Buutiful Ilk• new condition $10,500 von872412 949·586·1888 --~1.u. D ..... 'ta Vey ...... 7 pass, white/erey Int. pvt Cl•n , 111111d. non/ smkr, Ilk• new cond v457275 $5495 Bkr 949- 586-1888 WWW Dcplilll com J....-'01lUI2111 .... CO. n1v111Uon, full feet werr, Winchester blue, oatmeel lthr. chrome wheels: Ilk• new uve $30k v22136 $42.995. 4.5 APR lln av11I. broker 9'l9$-lllll -~ J...-'tt XJ• V-'en l'fft 40k m1, lull feet ••r. wh1te/01tmu l lthr. CO, buut1ful hkt new, ori& cond v870142 $28, 995 8kt 949-586-1888 -~.~ DOUGHRTY HOTHfllS n. Fhll Touch gg l961 l.6dlapt T,.. Slic. ~ lnst/Repaif 714-791 8746 Trtt Stf'Vlct, Yard- Clunup, M11ntenence. Sprlnkler R•p•if, Hautinc (949) 650-Ua I HandymlfV Home Repair COMnlTI HOMI MAINTINAJICI No tob too smell• Ever)'th•na from Cerpentry to Paintln& FrH estimate C•ll•-ily P•P-2fS-llU me UP SHOAUSY. All !YJ>t" of r epalr s Etec trocal. pklfl'lbinc. cloon. -W ~ Illa 6 mort 2"1r/7deys 714·366-1881 GFNFJW. IEPIUI 'MAINl'ENANCE • ltambal * Qmmdal No Job 7bo Small Da•e Hamilton 949-3224292 . - Wullh -AllDll .... ..._..., .... YI, C.,llfMld ., .... 110,"J Mwce4. 'O I ._ <240 lib Mw, loeded f01420I $24,"J DIMwwy'OtSI va. lo•cltd 1 lk ml, Prior Rental 1750601 •at,HS . Dl""..-Y '00 I YI, lttthtr, Duel Sun Roofs, Certified 124122 Sto, HS Olaceve.y '01 SI V8, LHth.,, Dual Sun Roofs, Certified 1721223 $24,ttS OMC'OIY .. et1 Denell LHthtr, Sun Roof, 9Pt&Mn&tf •1tt120 $35,tts D1"'..,..-Y •oo • V8, lHther, loeded, Ctft1fied '2421H $20,ttS OMC'OOY .. tt1 Dtnell 4x4, Low Ml, BIVBlk, Cust Chrome Whttls 122146 $26,ttS ..... ... .,.03 tJltimate lu•ury StJV 11114'5 $67,ttS Dlacevwy'tt Only 231( Ml, Certified '20Stsa $20,ttS Wl)IOVll llWPOIT IUOI 640-6445 .. "00 ..... a..bt 6cyl. 2 wd, 36k itctual mi, ~liver /1rey int, elloys, lebulous Ilka ntw unmuked cond, 4·yur WflT ...... v 75T12l $13.1196 firm O·Oown qu1l1fled buyers, 4Ji N'R BrcU' 949-SH-IHa -.tcptltl.ctM '-' .._. ,. Dlt-v LE 58>.• m1 , white/tan llhr. duel mnrf, bu u llful or11. 3 year warr 1va1I, $13,995 vt757624 Bro ker 949·586·1888 -.tcpo.c- '-" ....,_ ... '*-Y LE 58k• ml, white /ten lthr, du1I mnrl, bu u Ulul or11. 3 year wur 1va1I. SIJ.995 vt757624 Broker 949 586 1888 -·!<f"'"-Merc1do1 '96 C210 buutllul bleck/crum fully lo1ded. $howroom, irV'oot. Sll.5 714-751 2A64 Handyman/ Home Repair 6-tlC...... u.,.n Cerpentry • Pklmbln& Oryw1ll • Stucco Pe1ntJn1, Tole 6 more 20+ Yurs Expenencel JI 714-969-5776 JESSEY Al~'S HOMl•9AJ• Sl'ICIAUS1 Reasoneble Preen 1• Yrs ••peuence In ell trades Spec11lll1n1 In resldentiel lnt/ut 714-501-64 .. l..d67(18j IOllNSON COMPANY ~ w .... e.tlwooma Merk 949 650-9525 TNl HANDY All work 1uaranlt~d PUTCq. a.ctr1all. Coors Fnlsh esp C.. 91&~ Hauling JUNK TO THI DUMPlll 714-968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949-673 5566 House Cleaning P-...SAUTO MW.U4.•I 1'1 S::.:1':~ (19334) ~ ,.,........,. ~ ~ Bi.di wt'Ptrlw:t lthr lntr O!lly 52K ml 8-ltyl (19328) 124,980 ,..,..,Jn Blad!~~ lthr, ful r-ds r•• find (19288) $13,980 -.-s-r~ :S...'00 This". buutylMoolvoof (19314) $27,18) MIW74'11 .s-1.t'N One owns, local Newport Stden, crut r-ds. chromed wllls ( 19340) $22.980. hnl T..Mrtl 'In Only 496 mlla (19384C) $33,!8l. x:!w~ Shinty blk. met w/lmmec ltlw', dlromed whls. (19209) SJ9.98IO. t..wtuOO .s-1.t "00 Bledl w/csum ltt1r 11'1· ter Only 141< ml, '36,980 (19278) $36,980. MUMLUO"OO SUV wtwte w/lorin- 1*&. low ml (193'8) S29. MUOrl~ C...,'ff Bledl w/blk lthr, chromed whls, ( 19302) $26, 980 -'--... "'r-· 949-574-7777 l'taLPS AUTO .......... ~ Uftcol" '02 N.vlrter 30il ml, full f1ct w1rr, silver sand/tin lthr, CO sleeker, chrome whls. utr1 snl v872518 $27,995 lt<m, Ion 6 w•rr ave11. 0 Down qu1hf1ed buyers, 4 6 APR Broker 949-SH-laH --•~l.c- Moving & stonge llST MOY HS SH /Hr serv1n1 ell c1t1n Insured fast, courteous, cerelul l 163844 800·244·2378 PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Cattl Public Ut1ll t1n Comm11ston requ1ru lhet all used houuhold 1 oods movers print tht1r PU C C1I T numbe1. hmos ind ch1ulleurs P"nl lheor T C P number 1n all adver t1sements II you heve •ny queslt0ns •bout the lea•llly of a mover, limo o r chauffeur, cell. PUauc UTIUTllS COMMISSION aoo u1_.,., Pal~ sm ,.. ... .... ~ A GOOD AD! Call (949) 642-5678 • '02o..a.tt"a ~Lew ..... (01S9S2) $15,toO NEW2002 MINI COOPER SlHlOOF, PRDlll PKG. 16' ALl.OYS, CO i1~,~J I ATllt.SPRll (TCE18) ...... OTHER AT SNll..AR SA~NGS! ········• ... LEfS MOT~ lfS FUN •••••••• 55fRllWAY@ Eooru SAHTA W. AUTO MAU (Ila) UJ.tlOI Palnllng J.y.-'•P•lllftne Top Quehty. Compet1t1 .. Interior/Eat Lt648221 Cell Jey 949-650·5066 IAINIOW Ciidi W Pelnt1n1"1C/ut. ~~ Quality iobl free estlmll• L 111569897 714·6 'l6 8888 Plumbing ,cs;..,~-of MllTJa.llfl~rt SEWER ~nlHC ELECTROHIC SLAB LEAK DETECTION f roendly ServlCI t4t -67S -fS04 -.~.-n L•?W91 lntur.o Palnllng HOUSE IEPAINTlNC a WOOD flNlSHl1'IC ~ Uclf 3$8$28 949-64 -99S7 SEU ,.. .... ......... UQt 'ftUMO....._ blaclt,1 lmtNC, 5711 ml, lthr, tow 11111. rd, ,.. IOUfld, dwm ..... '*9 .... boolll S21.D> •B6D MMCIDIS 10ot 'tO 8ut1u11d[, 1 owner. excellen cond, new tlrn. records PP $6500 t49-41l-IS40 Meret4ta 'tt U20 LWB 5211 ml, 3 yr wur 1nll, allver /blll lthr. bHut orlc cond. vl75Z41 $24,996 flnanclnl .av•h Bkr 949-5'6-1188 __ ....,_ a ... h4te 'II HO Sl whlt1/ta11, lmmac nbl, nn-.... ,..., tel 11¥1. dlanm. IWDl 7s.151-* Niu-•ta '"""° OU Liiie new, lo~d. auto, moonroof alloys, low 7411 ml, $5900 714 751·?464 POIS<Hl •01 1oxsn.a Black w/1r1y 9,000 ml, perlect cond, $39,950. t49-72S-OJ70 " CllUISllt '02 u..ttt4. loeded, 8000 ml, Clnnl· 1mon, pert cond PP $17,S00 94t ... Jl-H40 TOYOTA CAMIY WAMYIO for pl'fvelt pert)' 1995 to 1997 Of CO<oll• In aood condition HO OEALERSI C1ll 949- 515-0337 efter 6:00 AUTOMOBlES. MISCEWNEOUS Wanlld " IMS .... o,...d ...... Owl' ~ ,,.... up ... .., • wy .. prlCt tor .,,.. cs. Vwl or Wdl pM1 fur or not. Cll Didi Rey «1> Tonwlo AlltD s.111. 7~ CM931 or 7t4-32.8-JZIB CASNfOtl<MS WI NHD YOUll CAa PA.ID roa OI NOT PHU#'SAUTO ASlt fOtl •Al<OlM 949-574-7777 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 ... ~ IO 45ft lrcfV 1>eam 1c> to ll' /1 en Loci Bay ldend Cow_ Pvt dod\I wets/~ etc 949-922· 77T1 or 67> 19'3 9l fT SUP AVAU.AaU IN NEWPOWT HACH $2SOO LIASI 949-500-1005 Plumbing HONIST & 11.ASOHAIU PlUMBERL~ Fr• Est! Sm r~ OClfCU One. 714-23>9150 f'lf(ISI PWMllNO Rep11rs ' Remodellna FREE ESTIMATE L"687398 714·969 1090 SlWll MD DWI CWl9l6 (94t) U S-2JU W1llCMttnp w ... ._..= ....... Strip, "'6* 6 F eua:. llW1llt ... wor1l. 9aMBJ~ TMISTWPRI Speclellilns In Wellptpt Remov1I L"588241949-l60·1211 Window Clanlng u• wt..4tw a.-i.., Allidlnllll Mllnt, :":: • ~~ )