HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-09 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot' .•:•. • • . . . . • • a1 10 ..... -.. ........ Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2003 ••••••• ........... :·:·:·:·· ·:····· ~·=Im/Mayor ·of Corona del Mar' Sansone dies •• . :::::· ~Former councilman Sansone died Wednes- day at his home in Kana. Hawaii, leaving ~be­ hind a legacy of service to his commu- nity and count.less del Mar Residents Assn. with Sansone. QUESTION What ere your m.moriM of Phil Sensone? Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-0086 or ? Sansone's legacy and community . leader played a major ,•· .:::fple in the growth of .... ;::.:~ewport Beach. •••••• •• ••• • June C•H1r•n~• := Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEAOi -Philip Sansone, the gruff-talking former QUlyor of Newport Beach who Jlft an indelible impression on ; :-&ie city and especially Corona • : ~el Mar, has died. He was 83. •• • ·~He'll really be missed," said .... : • : . :Evelyn Hart, also a former • •IJlayor, who served with Sansone • •• .eh the council. ·He was loved so • • • ch." ;.:.;mu ,. ... . . ... . =· =·. Philip Sansone fond memo- ries among friends and admirers. MI found him to be a treasure. not onJy in terms of his knowl- edge but also his ability to relate to people and to get thing.5 done in a spirit of teamwork/ said Joy Brenner, former Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, who helped found the Corona Sansone entered public Life in Corona del Mar after retiring from long and successful careers in business and the military. Born in 1919 to llalian immi- grants in Malone, N.Y., Sansone's first big successes were on the baseball diamond. At age 18, he began playing semiprofessional ball in Canada. He got a baseball scholarship to Oarkson Univer- sity, where be me1 his future wife, Nadine. Shortly after a shoulder injury in 1940 caused him to quit baseball, Sansone,. who had joined the National Guard five years earlier, was called to active duty. He was transferred 10 the U.S. Army Air Corps, later the U.S. Air • send e-mail to dsilypilot@lstimes.com Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. Force, where he rose to the rank of lieutenan1 colonel. During World War II. he '>erved as an air- craft radio opera1or and as a communications-electronics of- ficer. He served m Iceland, Iran, North Africa, Italy. Greece and Southern France See SANSONE, Pace A4 D wing his 20 years of community involve- ment. former Mayor Phil Sansone played a k.ey role m growth and spin1 of Newpon Beach. Known for his gruff manner, he always had some- thing to say -on a variety of topics. Phil Sansone on . . • Developers: "The develop- ers, they don'1 give a hoot. They're speculators. They SLrelch our codes to the max. They're ruining the town." - 1990 • His wife. Nadine· "She was dedica1ed and supported me in everylhmg l ever did. She played loads of bndge and had a good ear for the community." -1999 • Hls 1943 All Corps servtce m Iran. ·11 was 120 degrees ITT the dayume. and by 10 a..m.. the dus1 would come up so bad the aircraft couldn't fly ITT there. You'd ta.Ice your mattress cover and throw 11 ITT the shower and throw It on the bed and hope 10 God you got some sleep before it dned out tt -1990 •Growing up in the 192~ and 'JOi. ITT Upstate New York. See LEGACY, P11e A4 . . ,...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--. Defense PAINTING THE TOWN BLUE • KENT TREPTOW /DAILY PtlOT : A worker applies a fresh coat of paint to a wall at the Pacific Amphitheater at the Orange County Fairgrounds on Wedne sday. • • • • •• •••• . ~~~oping a watched sewer never spills ·::.Newport Beach will consider spending $127,000 on a van equipped with cameras that can monitor sewage lines to prevent leaks. June Ca111rande Daily Pilot ·:-. :•: .NEWPORT BFACH -Could this ::bf the next wave of reality TVI Let's ~pe not But a new sewer cam van .•:&Si8ht be a good way to prevent :;.~r spills -albeit a pricey one. •'!•The City Council on Tuesday will ~ider spending $127,000 on a van z;!ftuipped with a special 'IV camera •:•1 can monitor sewer llnea to help :.: ... ·:·:· prevent leaks. "This would add the ability to monitor the sewer lines wtth a 1V camera. to spot deficiencies and get them taken care of before you have a sewer spill," Councilman Don Webb said. The city already owns a 10-year- old video camera system for finding problems insJde sewer lines. ·aut it's ready to be traded tn for a computer-based model that pro- vid es a higher level o f service," Util - ities Dlrec1or Eldon Davidsof'\ wrote. "The Utilities Department believes that we can save money and better protect oul' community from · sewer spills by having our own video van." By staff's accounting. purchasing the new camera-equipped van is cheaper than the present system. Right now, the city has contracts with several companies. One ·con- tract is for $125,000 a year wtth a company that videotape the city's sewer lines, covering about v. of the entire system each year. Purchasing the van would also eliminate the $30,000-a-year cost of a private contractor that ta.Ices video llTlages of "hol spots" -areas where sewer lines experience chronic stop - page or overflows, or where tree roots form 100 great an obstacle for city workers to videotape. In either case, the mon ey comes out of Wastewater Enterprise Fund, which com es from residents' sewer service fees. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covert Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be readled at (949) 574-4l232 or by e-mail at JUfl(l.c.agrande@~Oom argues toe-sucking not sexual Attorneys for both sides say former Newport Beach employee sucked boys toes, but differ on his reasoning. 0Hpl Bh1r1th Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -The defense admitted ThuI">- day that a former Newport Beach recreaoon co- orctina1or suclced on the toes · of several boys enrolled in the city's after-school pro- grams, but argued tha1 It was not sexual. In his opening statements at Orange County Supenor Coun. defense attorney John Dolan said Trenton Michael Veches sucked and some- times bit the children's toes and it was Mweird and quitty." but said it was not Trenton Veches for sexual gratification. Prosecutor Sheila Hanson disagreed. portray ing-32-year-old Vech.es asAman..M.tha~~ foot fetish who used the children for tus sexual gratification. She said the sight of childrens feet aroused him and he 1ook dlgital photographs of the boys' feet. as well as of tumself sucking the children's loes. Veches faces 28 felony counts of lewd contact with minors. He pleaded not guilty to the felo· nies. but pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of ~mg child pornography. Veches quit his job after the allegations. lf conVlcted. he faces life in prison withou1 the possibility of pa· role for at least 25 years. ·He ad.rruned himself to Detecnve Tom Mon- arch that he was obsessed wt th feet." Hanson said. referring to a taped interview between Veches and the detective. Part of it was played ln court Thursday. Vecbes initially told Monarch he did not ha~ child pornography in his computer. but con- fessed after he found out police were going to search his home, Hanson said. •He told the detecnve that the (child) porno ~-J-7'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... • :· . . :: :' Daily Pilot Advice from a former insufferable teen -: . .. •• • AT A GLANCE • ONTHEWEB: ww.~com WEATHER Herwc:omee the tun egain . S..PapA2 BEST BUYS SPORTS l.ocll .... tp9ftlle"' ._,. tr-* end.....,.,. .. ... ,.... T his la a Mother's Day column of sorts, but it ts written. for people betWMD the qa of 13 and 19. CNo. I am not advocating teen pregnancy. Just keep rading.) Plm:lta are more than ~to rad it and eaeen It for qe-appropriate content. but pleMe kindly pua th.la on lo )'OUf teen.ge o6pring. 'I know l am younc and I am far from belns the fortmolc - aped on lire. 1bere •one th1na I un ID autbodty on: .,.._an annoylng'lnadl'enble l8lftlltl£ ~ thlll Pidod ~mr• ll~andmymommdtcan loot t.:t on our moet di• DIDI --and be pwd olboW ... M\lec:ome. I am not trytng to be a self righteous columnist I'm merely a 24--yeu-old who ts not ao far remowd from her own youth to remember the dWlmges of being• teenager ln the succea-drM:n culture of Southern Callfomla. But I am far mo'Cf'l removed to share a few ..,.ttoot that mlgbl LOLITA HARPER inUe the nest to ,.rs a Utde • eMier oo you and your mom. • Thlle are --..1 leamed In ·'"fwm~tobea rebeltiolilly-C'OOI When put into e&c:t bj ';!, 'f:t Pllfli help top.. JQUr: mom a ' • • • AZ Friday, May 9, 2003 ON THE COURTESY Of BAHIA CORINTHIAN YACHT ClUB An aerial view of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Newport Beach, which will host an opening day celebration for the sailing season. An annual kickoff June C11a1rande Daily Pilot • A h, the curse of fair weather, clear skies and wann water. Sure, you can enjoy your yacht all year long, but it takes all the fun out of wait- ing six months for icy Atlantic waters and freezing winds to wane. Not to miss out on the fun, yacht clubs in While yacht clubs never close and the boating season never ends in Southern California, the Bahia Corinthian club still hosts opening day. The day's events will also include a cer- emony to commission the club's brand-new 8,000-pound-capacity ci::ane. 1t 'will be the largest crane facility of arry private club on the Southern California coast," Kovacs said "It allows the large race boats to be transferred from storage to water very quickly and safely. So we're very proud of that• warm West Coast waters demand the best of tradition of opening day.• both worlds: Superb year-round sailing con~ Thus. come shine or shine, the Bahia Co- ditioos and festive annual season-opener rinthian will hold its annual opening day fes- It's just one of the blessings Bahia Corin- thian members will be counting throughout the opening day ceremonies, not the least of which is the weather that makes opening day itself simply a fun tradition. pardes, too. tivities on Saturday. "Opening day is an East Coast tradition "Yachting season is here,• crumpets a club "We're so 0fortunate out here that we don't have to contend with th~t weather," Kovacs said "When it gets to 60 degrees out here, people start shivering. So opening day is really a formality, transferred from the East Coast to the West Coast. to observe that tra- dition." because there. the yacht clubs are closed all announcement about the day's events. in- winter Jong because of the weather.~ said eluding a ·Rock Around the Dock" fabulous Ray Kovacs, commodore for the Bahia Corin-'50s party. a color guard 'and ceremonies to thlan Yacht Oub. ·Here in California, we honor dierutaries from other local yacht don't close our clubs, but we still have the clubs. WHATS AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170; or by e-mail to dallypilot@lstimes.com. SHI Alhlng·da .... leave B•ltK>. Pavilion at 6 a.m. and return at 4 p.m . Mondays and Tuesdays. $126. (949) 673-2810. 0.. to the N9wpor't Pier Nrfy to watdl the dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at McFadden Square, an open-air marttet. Filhlng tupplies end boat charters (open party and private) are available at Davey's Locker, 400 Main St., Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing, 309 Palms, Suite F, Newport Beach (949) 675-0550. Day and night fishing charters for groups or singles are available at Bongos Sportfishing on Balboa Penlnsula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAKING/CANOEING/SCUBA lmu• Outrigger Canoe Club invites adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No experience required -they'll teach you all you need to know. Dress for the beach and bring a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (714)432-1236. B99lnnlng lff kayaking, rolling clinics and private lesso ns are offered at Paddle Power, 1500 W. Daily A Pilot • ' N.wsEdtton Gin. Alexander, Lori Anderton. 0.nlel Hunt, Pal.ti Saitowttz. Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime~ ~rter, (949) 574-4226 ~.bhanrh•t•tl,.,,..,com JuneC1t1graiide Newport Beedi 1'11PC)rW, (949) 574-<W2 /UM.t»Nfl'8nt»0J.tlffl#,CJOm ..... Clntoft Polltk:t, bu1lneea end environment reporter, (949) ~ paul.cllnton•i.t1,,,_com .......... Columnltt, culU.lrt ~. (M) 574-427& loHU.lwper•l«HMt.com DalrM ,......,.. 0ottt Meea NPO,,_, (NI) 1""'221 o.lfdN.MMNn•~com a. .... c.mo EducldOn reporter,( .. ) PMltl . ~"°.,,,,,,,."°"' Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Kayak and sea ski rentals also are available. (949) 676-1216. lWo·hour kayak tours b99ln at 10 a.m . Sundays from Newport Dunes.Thecostls$20for adults and $15 for children. Kayak rentals and classes also are available. (949) 729.11 so. Single kayak ,.nu11 (S10 per hour) and doubles ($15 per hour) are available at Balboa Boat Rentals in the Balboa Fun Zone. (949) 673-7200. Paddle Power also provides lnlyak, surf ski and canoe rentals. (949) 675-1216. The Upper Newport B•y Ecological Re serve offers Back 'Bay canoe tours departing at 8:30 a.m . Saturdays from Shellmaker Island, which is off Back Bay Drive in Newport Beach. (949) 640-6746. Cot11I Wiiton News a11l1tant, (9491574-4298 coral. wll•on Olatlmn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiller, Don leectl, Kent Treptow READER$ HOTUNE (949) 642-6086 Record your commenus about the Dally Pilot or neW1 tip9. Addw'9ee Our eddrea I• 330 W. Bay St., Co.ta Me.a, CA ~n Office houn1 ere Monday • Friday, 8:30 1.m. -5 p.m. ConlllllfCHll tt II IN Pilot'• policy to promcxly co"9Ct ell em>ra of aubstance. ,,..._ cell (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport e..avco.ta Meu 0.lly Piiot (USPS-1~) hi publllhed dally. In Newport 8eectl ind Cofl• Mele, eubecriptlone art available only by eubecflblng to The Tlmee Orange County (8001 252-9141. In ...... outefde of Newpol't hedt •nd co.ta Meea, Miblcriptione 110 me Dlffv ~ .... av...._ onty by ftftt cl.-rnelf for ao '* monm <..,_ lndude ... ~---*"'---·I flOSTMASTE": ~ ~ ~toThe~ ~ MIM Dllyfltlot. f!O. Newport Aquatic C.nwr on.rs sweep rowing (one oar), sculllng classes (two oars) and canoe • rentals. Classes run for four weeks and cost $75. Introductory clinics also are available Saturdays and Sundays for $10. (949) 646-7725. Seub1 trwlnlng, con1l1tlng of evening and two weekend day classes, are offered at the Aquatic Center, 4537 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $200 to S310. The center also offers scuba rentals, special trips, repairs and air fills. (949) 650-5440. Certification clH1n for beginning to instructor-level scuba divers are available at Dive-in Scuba, 2482 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Other services include boat charters, equipment sales, rentals and repairs. (949) 631-9288. Box 1560, Costa Meaa. CA 92626. Copyright: No newt stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisements herein can be reproduced without written permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Clrculedon The TI met Orange County 1800) 252·9141 Ad¥9'UA19 C1Melfted (949) 842·5678 Oiap&ey (949) 842~1 EdltotW ..... (Mii) 9'2-5680 "*" (949) 574-4223 ..... ,.. (948) ~170 lportl Fu UM9) 650-0170 1-fMI: t»ltypllot•1at1mn.com Meil'I Olloe ... in-()Moe (949) 6'2~21 lullneael'a (M9)831-712& Pu~ bvTI"-Comm~ Hewe. a dlvftlon of the Lot~ Tlmet. C200S Tltnee CN. All rlQhtt ,....,..,. HARBOR COLUMN Missed the rain and the checkpoints . . at the border A hoy. experimental and I men-are pf'9vided for doned that I general oceano- would let you lcnow graphJc and this week if I was boating interest. able to ride the The estimates are calm before the for swell waves storm last Friday arriving from while skipj:>ering a outside the yacht back to islands. Local Newport Harbor winds can from Ensenada. MIKE generate seas that Mexico. Well, my WHITEHEAD will result in larger predictions came and steeper waves true. and we departed the at harbor entrances than Hotel Coral marina in fuese estimates may Ensenada at 8:45 that indicate." morning with 2-foot seas So far. I am findl.ilg ~at and no wind all the way to the site underestimates the San Diego. actual swell heights, but You aJso might remember over time, I expect the thjlt last Friday was when predictions to improve with President Bush was flying to real data. The site is at North Island air station from cdip.ucsd.edulmodelsl the aircraft carrier Abraham harbor.est. Lincoln, which docked in The second site. www. San Diego that day. wetsan.d.comlwavecastl As we neared San Diego. we wc-soca/-buoy.asp. is by an could see a very unusually internet company called high number of military and WetSand Inc. It has partnered government helicopters ftying with Surf Dynamics to in the area. However. once analyze NOAAS information. again. no one was checking I am finding this site falrty the border for boats corning accurate. and it's easy co up from Mexico, and we · navigate the SWell Thlcker entered San Diego Harbor section for current without any checks. conditions and a five-day Once in.side the harbor. we forecast. did stop for U.S. Customs The site has hyperllnked clearance at Shelter Island, red dots lining the coast and the customs officer told along a map or californJa. us that we had missed Bush's You just click on any of the arrival on Air Force One. · red dots and a new window The clouds were starting opens up with that area's to cover the sky as we left data. I really like the Idea of San Diego Harbor with a having a new window open, course plotted to Newpon preserving the originel page, Harbor's entrance. We as l usually open three or docked on Balboa Island that four locations at a time. This evening at 7 p.rn. While we site has more to like, were docld.ng. after that including surf reports and smooth run up the coast. it tides, so I recommend started to rain. trying this site before you We missed the storm and leave the dock. the building seas by only an Locally. the Newport hour. We would have had a Beach Harbor Commission very rough trip if we had meets on Wednesday. The waited until Saturday as agenda that was not posted originally planned. by my dead.tine. but you can I regularly U9e the NOM'.s check it out online at weather information and the www.ciry.newport-beach. floating weather buoys off ca. us/hbr/Agendasand- our coast to predict the minutes.htm. ocean conditions. I have. There is one found two bther internet commissioner seat expiring sites that I am scrutinizing next m onth, and the city Is for thelr accuracy for accepting appUcatlons from • mariners. I am constantly on interested residents for this the search for marine position. Donald Lawrenz weather sites on the Internet, drew the one-year straw so if you use a particular site when the commission that has a good -c;tra~clc"="r;,;;.ec..;;.,.o'-r~d,;---=b~an:::..;_;l~as;;;.;t_, ear. His term let me know, and I will give it expires June 30. a test. I have not spoken with The first site I have found Don about his reapplying is called the Coastal Data for the seat, but h~ is an lnformatJon Program. and actJve member and does a this is an experimental site good job. I think.. funded by california Safe voyage8. Department of Boating and Waterways with UC-San · Diego. This site is trying to estimate the swells at the harbor entrances from Santa Barbara to San Diego. The warning at the top of the page reads, "These swell heighl esumates are highly • MIKE WHfTEHEAD is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story suggestions by e-mail to Mlke@BoathouseTV.com or vi1lt BoathouseTV.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST SURF We'll wake to a cloudy morning again, thougtl the afternoon lhoold be partly cloudy, wtth hight In the mJd.«Je end lows near 60. The swell contlpuN to bade down today, so nothing mont then chest-to ehoUldel'-hlgha will be provided. The next southwest awell •rriv• Saturday, though, •nd It should provide tome Slturdey ehould be mudl aunnler end wermer. lnfomwtlcMc www.nws.noH.(IOV -head-hlghl •nd ovwhNda. BOATING FORECAST The~wtndawtll bk>w !I to 15 knotl 9lfty In the Inner wttere. The wtndt wtll btcofM VJ I~ iac.r end wfll blow ttrongef M 10 to 20 lcnota, with 1• IO 34oot W9YM end e WMt 1W911 of 3 to I fMI. The wlndl wll 8gllk1 become ~tonlghtendwtll blow15to2S~ Out flnher, tN nonh\:u 1 .. rty wtnda will blow 20 to'° knots. with 3-to Moot W9V98 end. no11tt ........ of 4 ID ...... The Mii wtll build lbOUI•~~ f Sunday lhould ltlll be decent. with chest-to head-hlghl. Another bump In a lhould begin Mondey, with men chest-to hNd-NQh• poulble. """"' ...-v: www.~rtrl<»r.Offl TIDES l1lM 3:061.m. 11:061.m. 8:~1 p.m. 11:18p.m. ~ 4.27Mlhlgh 0.19fMtlow 3.80 fMt high 2.71fMclow WATER TEMPERATURE .,..,.. i • ' I • Friday. May 9, 2003 A3 BEST BUYS Perfect gift for mothe"r: a makeover T he 8eOJiglo Spa It Salon at Newport Coast Shopping Center is h06ting a Mother-Daughter Day of Beauty f'rom 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday. Moms and daughters can visit Bellagio for makeovers by professional makeup artists using Jane lre;dale makeup. For $.30 per person, you will receive a makeover and a professional · 4-by-6-inch picture. The fun day will also include refreshments, goodie bags and a drawing for a spa pacltage. Bellagio Spa & Salon is in Newport Coast Shopping Center at the comer of Newport Coast Drive and San Joaquin Hills Road. Reservatlo~ are required and can be made by calling (949) 720-9277. All ABOUT THE BAGS Crocheted b~ are the Sak's original design, and now the San Francisco-based company offers affordable, srytish bag:. or paper straw, leather, wood beads and cotton in crescents, envelopes, Hobos. pouches and minis. To complement the bags, casual shoes come in mules, sUdes. thongs and wedges. Most popular for summer is the Zuzu bag. a woven straw bag priced from S48 to S58. The classic Sak bag is priced from $38 to S64. and the highest priced leather bag is $160. New moms love the Sales diaper bag with bib, changing mat and bottle holder. GREER WYLDER Through Mother's Day, spend S80 or more and receive a free Sak crocheted key cha\(1. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from IOa.m.10 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m . Sunday. Fashion Island, Newpon Beach.(949) 640-0065. PUTTING ON THE RITZ The Ritz Restaurant. one of Orange County's best restaurants, just celebrated 11'> fir>t anniversary under owner Fred Glusman. Uve mu\tC and wine tasting in the garden arc now at 5 p.m. every TI1Ursday through Saturday. 880 Newpon Center Drive, Newport Reach. (949) 720-1800. OTHER MOTHER'S DAY IDEAS South Coast Pla;r.a has great Mother's Day gift ideas. At Black, Starr & Prost, there's an Aaron Basha diamond and enamel baby shoes charm; Doone & Boude hru. two new handbag collections -mini ... ignature and linen pastel; Malm Luggage offers handmade burl wood jewelry boxes by Agre ... ti: Metropolitan MW!leWD of Art has a pink or bJue Belgian Rose oblong scarf; at Montblanc, there's a handbag collection, Lady M; Talbots Woman has twin sets, cardigans and sweaters; GodJva (boc::olader otters a gift tray called "Confections and Comforts" - with chocolates and sllppers; Bottega Veneta has Cenri coin purses in fog and fish shapes; Ice Acces80rles has Isabella Fiore's black and white checkered woven straw bags with leather Oowers in Dutch, h~lcet and doctor's bag sizes. Glorglo AnnanJ has beautiful <>tlk scarvt!l>: OllUy has two per!wncs in unique bottles - b lue crystal and orange stripes; Burl>erry has plaid totes, ..carve'>. handbags. Oip Oops and beach umbrellas: Mother's Day 2003 hnglish enameled box m-.cribed "With So Much Love"; David Yunnan hcc, a o,ilver ice cuff bracelet, sterling silver edgt'd with diamonds; and "1-verybody Love<. Raymond" mom Dori!> Hoberts wiU be at Book Soup on Sa1urday signing copit.•c; of her new book. "Are You I lungry, Dear?" CRAZY FOR COOKIES Cookies In Bloom. a new Co'>ta Mt.">a '>hop, '>petializc.-s in hand dccora1ed <.ugar cookie arrnngement\ that can be pcr">onali1.cd for all mca...ion'>. There are more than 300 cookie • shapes Lo choose from, and any name, company logo or symbol can placed on the cookies. Arrangements can be glven for birthdays, births, arutlversaries, weddings, graduations and aJJ holidays. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . Monday to Friday; and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. 270 E. 17th St.. Suite 18, Co<>ta Mesa. (949) 548-8323. www.cookiesinbloom. com. READY FOR A GLAMOUR SHOOT Professional wedding and fashion photographer Tony Florez has relocated from Laguna Niguel to Corona del Mar. Aorez's work was featured in lnStyie. People. l:.legant Bnde and Modem Bride mag<wn~ Aorez has shot celebnty weddings: Grammy award winner Gladys Knight; comedian George Lope7~ who hru. lus own 1V show; Minne~ola l\vin<. second baseman Denny Hocking; and Rryan Broaddu!> of the DaJJas Cowboys. Custom photography package<, arl' available for wedding'i, engagement!. and family portraits. By appointmc·nt 011ly 2852 E Coru.1 I Ughway. C:orort(l del Mar. (949) 489 1155. ww1v.1onyflorPZ..com • EfEST BUYS appears Monl:lays and Fridays . More than just the one thing from Starr Let Us Make Quality Prints from Your Digital Camera The Easy Way! ~impl~ bring u~ you r media card or\ 1\it lli on line at www.caJscameras.com Former independent counsel keeps talk of Clinton investigation to a minimum. P•ul Clinton Daily Pilot MARINER'S MIIJ: -Attorney Kenneth Starr jovially thanked his hosts at a luncheon here Thursday for high praise as they saluted him as "Ju<>tice Starr." even though he is '>tiJJ only a judge. "Thanks for aJJ the references to 'Jusuce Starr,'" Starr 1oked. "I don't even remember the confir macion. l'U take the promotion anytime.· Starr popped in as part of a promouonal tour for tu<> new book about the lJ.S upreme Court. He spoke to local mem- bers of the California Republican Lawyers Assn. over steak-and noodles platters at the Otina Pal - ace restaurant. Promoting his book • f-irst Among Equals: The Supreme Court in American Ufe, • Starr Mt on everything from his new legal cause to his investigalion of President Bill Ointon in the mid-19905. Starr didn't spend much time during the 30-minute speech on Ointon. though he did tale a moment to blast Ointon and his. administration. "It was a moral culture of mendacity,· Starr said about the Ointon White I louse. ·u was a manipuladon of facts.· In 1994, Starr was appointed an independent counsel to in- vestigate a f'ailed Artansas land deal invotving the Ointons, which later became known as Whitewater. Starr saJd Thursday he had ex- pected the Whitewater investiga· lion to last six months. It dragged on into the late '9(}.., when 'l1an expanded the probe to 111dude Ointon''> LrySt ~1th 24 )t'ar-uld White House intern l\1onit.i I .L• winsky. In 1998. Starr submitted ·I hl' Starr Repon," a 455-page doni ment detailing Ointon\ <,cxual indi.,cretion'> and ou1limng 11 cau<>es for impeachment <.on gress later impeached cJinton. \t.irr, .u1 attomc) wnh Wash- 111gto11. I><-.irea law linn Kir· IJ.md ~ 1 lh'>. al"' d1'>cu'>'K'<l h1o; m·~ d1c111, tlw Cnah11on for I ree I rad<• I he woup i'> hattli11g to ovt.•rtum lawc, in 'mne \tale\ that ban llll' 1111ponation or Califor- nia Wint.'\, "I rt.'l' 1he gr.ipt'\, .. Starr 1okcd. Di't All)' fo11y Ha<.:kaucka!.; former i\.<,,l'mhlyman c;il Fergu- • S1uling Fai1tas Bar Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~ PaaltTrars•Go ~ Order by the Dozen ' • M1n1 Tacos •Trays of Ench1ladC1$ \ • M1n1 Taqu•IO'> • Tamalr-; ~ • M1R1 BuHites-~¥'> Sal~. Rice Beans & Guacamole by the quC1'1 ~ (· ~-Azteca Chicken Salad F.t)llas C.m1tas 6 , *6 ._WfUel Rooms ~ t &Y For• Fi..t. ~o R•,,.,.,,,ber "'~ ~. Catering • .. • (949) 645-0209 Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949) 642-1142 (949) 675-6855 (949) ~8226 . ' . ·: . ' . ' ' . . ' . :. . ' ' . • Semi-Private far Men & Wo,,._, •lots of Equift"'enl/free WelQhh l • Privat9 Pilot9s Studio • SPINNING Theater· licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Trainera •Child Care Sam-noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Porking • Yogo, Toi Chi, Stretch clotM• •St9p,Pow.rPump,Cordlo • Showera, Steam & T~• • Shope·Up Doy Spo son: and 70Lh D1<>1rict A.\\t>mbly cand1dare .. Marianne /Jpp1. C.ri'i· ti Crutich and Chuck lx•Vore wt're at the event. The luncheon wa' also ho.,tcd by 1he Republican Party of Orange Counry. Party 01.urman Tom h 1entes al'>-0 handed a ho<>· pitality award to Ouna l'alacc owner Jack Mau. No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper Firs 1N... Daily Pilot Because She Ucs rve if! Moth er's Day . of Spa Pacifica I oc .t..~ 11 M arriott''> Newport oosf Villas How qour \icfh.,,, f 'P m>n<e n d::iy c..f ~h rtn.t 4 :it Sro r 1<tf•< J ! --f-i.-JIH--'-......;:.;.........:;~._:..;....._;~ ....... ~~.,.....;...;;.:..~..;....::c_~~__.!..~~- S hf'' 11 sf Jr! h. r do4 wilh o ml rnin1 \v.1m r r o f1fm.~s w.,lk • n ""<r'Wf • rl Coosf I, llrv.J 64 a Eoucal4~ lus )II-Om on~ o rEju,~n'lltnq S.Ounu .• Her ~ 1 't'NiO\ v.111 indud o 30-minufe Bod4 Glow E"f J1ohon, o holf-hoo,. mossoqe ond o holf .J.oo,. f ociol. He. da_, will be com~ele with o spa manicuN and o hot stone pedicu.el po M Fridly, May 9. 2003 ·Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing feesll Lot cost Included. •Construction loans as low as prime, foced for up " to 12 months. • ·Low rates fof' purchase, re-fl & no cost equity tines. y 1" •• 11.'vU ·Ground up, rehab & remodel· Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. ·Increase cash flow with Interest Only programs. 15 Yean ln Orange County. THE LENDlNC GROUP • 3848 ~ Of.1210. Newport Beach. CA 92680 Don't. Pay Too Much For Your Bra~es CALL, US 1',~E;-'E\DEt>.T ~E~ w1CE PERFORMANCE LTD 2CL··. HARGOR BLVD 650 5860 COST A MESA CA 949 • :-_. '. · • .... -.: , : '. >'V'NW PERFORMANCELTD COM Jfappy Mother's _1Jay f"free 9La ss of Italian Cliampagne to all :Motliers · Noon to 7:30p.m. Inside or patio seating A la carte menu t)-llJ-)-lX--H lh() I I I I I; \I\ lbl I W ESTCLIFF DRIVE (CORNER W'DOVER1 NEWPO RT BEACH 92660 o..wn, 1bm Stronf •"" Stlw hta"Son ····••mDM I SOLARIAN' :iALADOIN ''0tk1'tfit''I . -.... __ . .._. ........ SOLID DENSE llAIDWOOD FLOORING PLUSH CARPET CU~EE$699 PltON aq. ft. • Insblled with Pad $ J 69 • M'mimum 60 yards aq. ft. n-a.ert1n. 18 ... 18 ....................... •4.21-ft. Cel'IUlllc nle •••••.•••••••••••• a-ta0 .. ,_ 14.g -"- Lawln•te Woo4 ............. butaUio4 r..... 14.--"- S upp/I-ond TooU '°' tho "Do II Youn..U-.1• 1374 ~ A9t., Salte F • COSTA MESA ~ (888) MESA-777 _,,_ (6372) ............... ,,. ~~ UI. If Ml lit I"' (CLOID I09lY) ------ • @lU1111lRA1uJJ • CONSIGN • DESIGN Quality Furnislaing1 & Accesaories For Your Home End Table ....... v-.. ·······················································$7S- Wicker/GW.. Coffee Table ..................................... $125" 1>1-op I.al Oak 11.ble ........................................ _, ..... $135" ~ c.otr'ee 11.ble •................. -.• -................. -$1691' Pille: l>e*, ............. _._., __ , ................................ _. .......... $17S- Round 'lible w/4 Slip Covered Cbairs .................. $296" Swl•d R~tt-.:-......... -.... -............ -......................... $4W S. G.-. Cbmllle StdJonal •• -..... -...... -$995" E. 17th Street#IO, Costa Mesa, ~ .............. Piiio Phone (949) 764-1746 _.....,. .....,...,.,s. ...... s-.M IOAIH. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA .. • AntDft loul.-d: Petty theft was reported In the 500 bfoc:* at 2:~ p.m. Tuesday. • a.tnoe 8tNK An auto theft was reported In the 3300 blodc at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. • Flower StNM: An auautt was reported In the 100 blodc at 6:36 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor BouJewnl: Vandall•m was reported In the 2800 blodc at 4:66 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boulevanl: Vandall•m was reported in the 1900 blodc at 10:01 p.m. Tuesday. • s.llna9 Awnue: Grand theft was reported In the 1100 blodc at4:41 p.m. Tuesday. • West 11th Str.t: Battery was reported in the 500 blodc at 2:39 p.m. Tuesday. • Wlllec. Awnue: A hit-and-run was reported in the 2000 blodc at 3:13 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • HNg om. Md West Cont Highwey: An auto theft was reported at 10:57 a.m. Wednesday. • Jamboree Road: Vandalism was reported in the 3300 blodc at 5:37 p.m. Wednesday. • MacArthur Boulevard: Grand theft was reported in the 4500 blodl at 2:17 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Cenw Drive West Battery was reported in the 800 blodl at 2:38 p.m. Wednesday. • East ac..., fTont: A vehk:fe burglary was reported in the 200 blodc at 4:24 p.m. Wednesday. • Tustin Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 500 blodl at 5:17 p.m. Wednesday. ·DEFENSE Continued from Al I SANSONE Continued from Al During his military career, be was part of six combat aup· paJgns. He earned a Bronze Star, the Army Commtndation Medal and the Air Force Commenda· tion medal In the ran of 1942, two years after be began active duty. he re- turned home to marry Nadine. After be retired from the mill· tary in 1960, Sansone worted ln management positions with RCA. Colllns ~dip and the SAN I BAR Corp. In 1966, the couple moved from Texas to Corona del Mar - a mmre that would change them and the community forever. It wasn't Wltil after Sansone retired from business ln 1980 that he· found new life in civic service. Sansone was elected to the Newport Beach City Cowld.I in 1986 as a dark horse who qui&ty won the respect of colleagues and constituents. He became mayor pro tem in 1989 and served as mayor in 1991 and 1992. He left the City CoWlcil in 1994. He was known for a gruff, no- nonsense style that sometimes ruffled feathers. but always earned respect. "The first time you met him you thought, 'My goodness. There's a gruff man. But I know of no one who, after getting to know him for a while, didn't re- spect and lilce him." former City Manager Bob Wynn said. "I worked for the city for 35 years. I probably worked with 40 council members at that time. and ,he was among the top.· One of Sansone's most impor· tant accomplishments was to unify a disparate group of small homeowners' associations and hold monthly meetings that helped build a voice for all of Co· rona del Mar. "He represented his district probably better than any council member in the city before him "'llbn --1V .... .., 11111 --Spaltf .. ..... ......... .......... _ and probably after, as well,• said Dennis O'Neil. former mayor and Corona del Mar's immediate successor to Sansone on the council. "He distinguished him- self ln representing the district so well that he was thought of as the mayor of Corona del Mar.· One of Sansone's most impor- tant accompUshments on the council was to reduce the area on lots in Corona del Mar that couJd be buiJt on. He success- fully led the effort to reduce it from twice the lot size to one and a half times. Sansone also helped win fund- ing for improvements at Corona del Mar State Beach. an accom- plishment commemorated by a bench at Big Corona that bears nis name. Sansone was also in- strumental in approving the 1987 update of the city's general plan; the Circulation Improve- ment and Open Space Agree- ment with the Irvine Co.; the new central library; the Balboa Bay Oub modemiz.ation plan; two t:ashion Island expansion plans; preserving the John Wayne Airport SettJernent agree- ment; and fighting for commer· ciaJ use or the El Thro Marine base. "He had principles. he was trustworthy," said Paul Salata. foWlder of lrrelevant Week and a longtime community leader in Newport Beach. "No matter what. he was alwayJ fair and equitable. He had the best inten- tions of the city in all his ac· dons." Sansone moved to Hawaii to be with his children in 1999 after his wife died. Funeral services have not yet been announced by the family. "He was kind or a one-of-a- kind type of guy," O'Neil said. "He had reaJ integrity and he was a line fellow. I'm sorry that he's gone: Longtime friend and golf buddy Jack Oldham added. "Phil was the kind or guy who lighted up your life." •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead! and John Wayne Airpan. She may be reactted at (9491 574-4232 Of by e-mail at june.casagrancJe~latlmes.com. programs removed their shoes and were al- lowed to be barefoot even when Veches was not around. That boy said he told his mother, who also testified Thursday. She said she confronted Veches the oext day and told him she would report him to city officials if he did it again. "It's a beach community." Dolan said. "It's not like Veches waves a magic wand and tJting started two years ago and that it has people talce off their shoes. H AU boys said that Veches was nice to them and he never hurt them physically. Some said he wrestled with them and often gave them candy. become an addiction and talcen over his Eight boys took the stand TI1ursday. and life," she said. the prosecution plans to present 15 more as Veches' attorney characteriud him as an witnesses. Most of the eight gave similar tes- affectionate youth leader. Dolan said Veches timonies, stating that Veches either sucked was a hard-worlcing. ambitious young man or bit their toes, put their feet in his mouth who came from Tucson with hopes of be-or massaged their feet Some said it felt coming a screenwriter. "weird" or._:' odd.· and others said they didn't Dolan told jurors that .tUs client worked 40-think it was strange at the lime. to 50-hour weeks and pursued a master's in__. The children were between 8 and II years business administration and other academic old. One of them said that when Veches took courses in his spare time. He said that before his foot and sucked it, Veches said. "I like April 2002, when Veches was arrested on sus-feet• Another boy testified that Veches picion of the crimes, everyone who knew sucked on his toes for nearly 20 minutes in him loved and respected him. the back seat of a bus while returning from a "He was a loving man,· Dolan said. "He field trip to Universal Studios. was this big kid and the kids loved him H "He told me I shouldn't tell anyone,· the He said the children at the after-school boy said. Veches, who was dressed in a dark gray suit and tie, smiled and nodded as he heard the boys testify or when they pointed in his direct.ion to identify him. Newport Beach Police detectives searching his home found about 600 pictures of Vechea sucking the boys' toes -digital photos in 16 file folders, each labeled under a different boy's name -among videos and mo~ photographs of a similar nature, I lanson said. Dolan said outside the courtroom that he expects Veches to take the stand. The pros- ecution will continue with testimony Mon· day morning. ALLOWED Continued from Al what she is suggesting would drop your popularity rating by a few percentage points, but its true. Remember when your mom told you n ot to couch the iron because it was hot, but you just had to feel how hot ii was anyways? It hurt. And your mo ther lovingly ran your Don't vilify your mom by thinking she doesn't understand or know what she is talking about. She does. Trust me, she does. I know you are going to need to go through your own "srutr' to malce you who you are, but these are a few things you can do to make the road a Uttle less bumpy for the one person who arguably loves you mere than anyone on this planet. really does want what's best for you. l know It seems hard to believe now, especially when -------------iiltle band under cold water, Just like with the iron. she is only trying to prevent you from getting hurt. Either way, she will be there to soothe the pain and hold you whUe you cry, but she would rather you After all. she went through X hours of labor to bring you into this wor1d, not to mention nine months of swollen ankles. heartburn, crazy food cravings and backaches. f I ET\1 J>f I I l_l_'S --H l . ( I" & ( \I{ I) I I " • 8289:-:~ 1 ATmlllAIE VIN•161543 while wiping way your tears. Your life is going to heat up in the next few years, and It will be your choice to ace on your mother's advice or learn your lessons the hard way: • never get burned. • Lesso n No. 3: Be grateful Teenagers ~ selfish. It's not meant as a slam. rather a fact of life. You are going through a time in which you need to be concerned about yourself: who you are, who you will become and who you will take to the winter dance. Your mom understands you are growing up and forging your individual Identity and Is probably trying valiantly to give you your space. But that doesn't mean her role in your llfe Is over. If you are anything lllce me, you will hold your mom responslble for many of the thlng.1 that have gone wrong in your life. Just don't forget to gtve credit for the things that have gone right I know It sounds Happy Mother's Day . • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers culture and the arts. She may be read'led et (949) 57~275 or by e-mail at lolits.harper@latlmn.com. really cheesy. but a simple thank BELASCO, you every so often goes a long Chertes, "ChMle" way. As determined as you are to 8 tt*'Y 'IW relkMnt of "be your own person" and ., ... _ N9wport a.ct. paMld W#rt U\'l: MllY 8, 2003, He W8I born In your own life," remember the s.nte. 'Walt*tgb1 In 1822. foundadon of that life was paved An IMnnl of the Unf¥..tty of by your pa.rents. (And lfyou are WW.~' he W\led • lMng in this area. they must be ~ In .._ U.S. Mlrtr'9 doing eometh.lng right) Be Cai> durinD WWII end ttte -teful they have m.-\Intl a KoNm1 WK He wat founder .,... ""' ...... 1--• end preeldeltt of ....... lteady bue. And while you build ~Ill He II gone but on that baae, remember to say not foegc*91i for ,. dMda thaob-~ now and again end COit$ r 11 Ion b hunw\ley. · -for having a aoUd •tarting He II antwct ~ hl9 _.. point L.vn; -. 8M9 811• ca. • Lalon No. 4: Don't leave Clefwt Jenica Ind Bruce...,. )'QUI' dothee Jytng around the ~ U. home lOr'lid Ind * .... niidotllllllllllcilllllll••• ~la no pbilolophlcal He Wil pl90ldld In .....,.. heartfelt aqaument f'or ... ~. ::.:-. John .. :::~.. be Jult pick up~~~ aaw 1~ p.11t., l\r••• Maw 1a, ,.,._mom .... ....._.._ 2003 Ii P.-o VllW M111olll So on~ In iildldon to ~moo,__ Vlliw Dt. ......... _, tpeeS.I bDekfut ~ .. -~ (wbk:b are.---. by the In .., of ..._ IW ...._ wmy), 1ry to 1nmrpor8fe ct.. fllql 1 • a W IJ a to IMt ........, bow'°" creet your ~ °' ,.. ... • am"*"""' "a rw. ' .. .. . - ~Piiot AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN ltema to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Cotta M ... , CA 92627; by e-mail to mlke . .wan.antllatlmn.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by celling (949) 674-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event, aa well 11 a contact phone number. A complete llttlng Is available at www.dailypllotcom. TODAY A ..,,clal members~ly preview for the Friends of the Newport Beach Library's used boo~ sale will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Membership applications will be available at the door. Hardcover books will be priced at two for $1 and paperbadts at si>e for $1. For more information, call (949) 759-9667. SATURDAY The HCOnd annual Plrws Around the Part fund-raiser, a walk that raisee money to provide dog drinking fountains in Fairview Part, will begin registration at 8:30 a.m. for $20 per walker. The first 200 registrants for the one-mile or two-mile walks at Fairview Part, starting at 10 a.m ., will receive an event dog tag, a bandana and a doggie bag. For more information, call (714) 754--6698. The~ of the Newport Beach Library will hold a used book sale, open to the public, from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Books will be p riced at "A Buck a Bag." All proceeds are donated to the library system . For more information, call (949) 159-9667. The executive chef and owner of Apron Stnngs, Lisa Parisi, will inspire all attendees to use Calphalon in a 1 p.m. class at Bloomingdale's Home Store. For more information, call (949) 729-6854. The O.sis Senior Cent.If will hold a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Sausage, coffee and O...ange juice will also be served. The cost is $3 for adults and $1 for children. The center offers the pancake breakfast on the second Saturday of each month at 800 Marguerite in Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Costa Mesa's "Women Helping Women" will host its Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Coastal Canyon Part CkJbhouse in Newport Coast from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. h will indude a special award presentation to Stella Gert for her unending dedication to "Women Helping Women:' For more information, call (949) 423-0067. Low lncome women 40 and older can receive a free mammogram, dinical breast e><am and infonnstion on breast health at the Harbc>f Christian Fellowship in Costa Mesa from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No refemll is necessary, but appointments arv required. Call (714) 936-9720 or (714) ~2037. For more information about breast health, call the Susan G. Kamen Breast Cancer Foundation at (714) 957-9157. s.a Vac:ht Charters Is on.ring a Mother's Day cruise and buffet luncheon from 1 to 3 p.m . The cost is $35 for adults, $15 for children. Another cruise will be held on Father's Day, June 15. Call (949) 650-2412 for reservations. MONDAY leam about the SMrn Cklb and its many activities at Its information meeting for newcomers and members at 6:30 p.m. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1846 Park Ave., for food, exhibits and table diaplaya. Newcomers can Join the Sierra Club for a apeclal $26 Introductory fee. For more Information, call (714) 617-2461 A community preeenta~ wtl be given at Newport Harbor High School In Loatt Auditorium at 7 p.m. Newport-Mesa Unified School District administration official• will report on Measure A plant for the high school. Atchltecta from LPA will also present plans for the new Robins Hall/Loats Auditorium. A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation. In attendance will be school board trustees, high school administrators and Measure A Site-Baaed Project Review Committee members. TUESDAY A free aemlnar on •Mu9dee In Motion· by Judith Todero will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For resefVations, call (800) 595-MOMS. WEDNESDAY The Orange County Chapt9r of the California Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists will sponsor a worbhop called "Chronic Trauma Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment" from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . at National University in Costa Mesa. The wortshop costs $30 for students and interns, $55 for clinical members and $85 for all others. For information, call (949) 645-2964. TMURSDAY A free Mminar and book signi~ of "Stop the Clock Cooking" by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martet, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesp. For reservations, call (800) 595-M OMS. LNm about th• gynecologal and surgical procedures available for hysterectomies at a free seminar at 6:30 p.m. in Newport Beach's Hoag Hospital Conference Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 514-4624. MAY16 Costa Mesa's Chamber of Commerce will have its Les Miller Scholarship Recognition Breakfast at 7:15 a.m . at the Hilton Hotel, 3050 Bristol St. Attendance is $22 per person. Call (714) 885-9090 for details and reservations. MAY 17 The Startight ThNtre Company will hold auditions for its all-student summer show, "Mary Poppins; from 1 to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can sing a song from the show or bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater is at 1125 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 645-7827. The Cost.a Mesa Historical Society will host an open house from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . at 1870 Anaheim St in Costa Mesa. It includes tours of the facility and e><hibit:s of photos an(j artifacts. Free. For more information, call (949) 631-5918. •Divon:ie: A New Beginning,• ls a worbhop for men and women who are divorced or getting d ivorced. It is held from 10 a.m . to 12:"30 p.m .at180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 644-6435. The N9wport H..t>or NM.rtlcal Museum will open a new exhibit featuring the 'NOrtt of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881-1959). known u the West Coast'• premiere maritime specialiat among earty 20th-<:entury artista. The exhibit will be on display until Sept. 30. For more Information, call (949) 673-8915, e><t. 111. THESE HI FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EYEI USBA•DS. 1"' toft folds o1 v.,.a.· window.,... rrow came in tine ,_ fabria ... ..., to Ml'°"" eome.t..~ Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGORIE 'S 1:,..7' ~M--5: Jl.~~•H/• ~ci-. • -=----..: - . ' . . ·-'' .. Say "THANKS MoM!" with a gift certificatt lrom Newport's Premier Day Sp1 Free with purchase· · "Perm1ss10n 10 Nap The art of relanuon signed by the author · '125•"""""""' putchase ul produc1 or grfl C11Ti11Cllt. ()fl,, 1t1ds S-1Sll3 Spa Gr~~orie's Hours Monday 11 am·9pm Tuesday Sunday 9am 9pm 200 Newport Center Dnve. Su11e 100 Newport Beach. California 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6672 Friday, Mcty 9. 2003 A5 @j~ floral & Gifts cS~cStketutl}~ ~ Mother's Day CU!ITOM n .. oMAl.ll -. -G1Yr.1 llO!ltt UHOIC Mon-Fri 10-6 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa• (949) 646-6745 SOFAS CHAIRS IEDllOOMS -CROOMS Wlllml'S ICCESSORIH &MORI I Anl'I" from Ralph' 1 12 MONTHS SIME IS CASH r.t.i.wui.t s1oct ~ C> C FREE lOCll DEllVERY YUST llEHTlC)I j() FOil "I& OEUVER'I' ~BE N'TI9. •O llU AAOlJS FURNITU 3030 Harbor Blvd Co111 M111 (Next to TAAGET GREATtAND by 405 Fwy Enter ott Baker 0< Harb<>< Blvd J (114) 154-6348 Open Mon-Fn. 108m-8pm •Sat 10am-6pm •Sun 11am-6pm M Friday, May 9, 2003 Dally Pilot FORUM I HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -Lett9rs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.3. Cahn at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotline: Call (949) 642·6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:S.nd to dailypilot@latimes.com • All correspondence must lndude full name, hometown and phone number (for veriflcatlon purposes). The Pilot reserve• the right to edit all subml11lon1 for cfarity and length. Geoff West is a real Costa Mesa· resident In an earlier Mailbag letter, I questioned whether the name given by another Mailbag \'{liter, Geoff West, was a pen name and not the actual name of the writer (uDaily Pilot is a place for too much ax grind- ing," Saturday). I have since learned that Ge- off West is indeed the name of a gentleman living in Costa Mesa. West, like many, is deeply con- cerned about the future of our city. My deepest apologies go to him. There was no intent to dis- parage his name. WILLIAM B. ANDERSON Costa Mesa City Council was bright on Trinity issue I heartily agree with the Costa Mesa City Council's decision on the lights for the outdoor broadcasting at Trinity Ouis- tian Center. The people in that area have suffered more than MAILBAG enough, and 1 just hope the port.com" fighting for the right council sticks to this decision. to drink beer on the fourth of They should have never allowed · July'? I hope the Newport Beach l'rin1ty to goJn there. City Council continues to pro- LYNN MERLES tect the homeowners and resi- Costa Mesa dents of West Newport. Council sided with people, not a business I absolutely agree with Costa Mesa's decision regarding the lrlnity Ouistian Center. 1 feel very strongly that they were us- ing the name of religion to push what they wanted to push with no regard for people's private lives, and that is so wrong. KRIS GAMBOA Costa Mesa There must be something better to fight for Can't Brian Qarlcson find something more meaningful to put his energy into ("Group fights for its right to party," April 29)? What must people in other countries where their freedoms are at stake think about a group "FreeNew- 1 think if they can come up with a new and better way to solve the problems of the peninsula on the Fourth of July, we are counting on the council members. CATHY WYATT West Newport People deserve to have a little bit of fun I feel that people who move to the beach area have to ac- cept a certain amount of noise at the beaches. especially at the summertime, and especially at Fourth of July weekend. And noise includes partying, noise includes people getting a little ... well. drinking. However, I feel that this is a self-contained area and the police can corner it off. They can have checkpoints, they can have local residents that allow a certain number of partygoers to each home and just leave them alone. I think people on the boats drinking and driving are more of a haz- ard. A lot of people are at par- ties and then are driving home, and there are others using the roads to get home. Not everyone can afford to b e in private clubs or fancy places, and these are young people of all ages who want to celebrate. You can't stop people from having fun. And by the way, I am not a 20-something, I am a grandmother, but I still have a good time. SANDRA BASMACIYAN Corona del Mar Smith right on the soccer field I just want to agree with Steve Smith on his putting in some- thing besides just soccer fields at the complex in CoMa Mesa High and I would like to volun- teer to help him with Little League ("Who's making all that noise?" April 26). BARBARA TOOHEY Costa Mesa READERS RESPOND Council's empty sea~ is starting to grow cold · AT ISSUE: Who should fill th~ vacant seat on the Costa Mesa City Council? I definitely want to see Heather Sommers back on the City Council. ADELE DAVIS Costa Mesa I do believe that the re- placement should be Unda Dixon. The reason is very clear. She. was the runner-up· on the last election for City Council, and I think the voters or the city of Costa Mesa have already chosen the next coun- cil member by way of our most recent election. And I think this is the most demo- cratic and fair way to pick our new council member. KARJNAHLS Costa Mesa he has always been most ac- cornmodadng. Before the holidays, 1 took my grandson and great nephew to a function at the Goathill Thain Station where you could tide the train for a donation of a sndfed animal or toy for the needy children of our community; guess who had helped put thJJ function together and was wotking un-• der a tent top cooking'l None • other than Sbeafer. If you leave a mes&age at his telephone, he will always call you back and help lf be is able or give you the ne.cessar:y re- soun:es. As president of the New- port-Mesa Uons Club. he has worked diligently to bring back the Costa Mesa Plsb Pry that, in the past, has raised more than S2 million for the youth of Newport-Mesa. l\oe probably attended all of the prior Fish Fries. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES It should definitely be a La- tino person. Given the large Latino population of Costa Mesa. they should have proper representation. I totally suppon Mike Scheafer to represent all of Costa Mesa. not just ftle West· side. CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mrtor: Karen Robinson Cound l: Libby Co-Nan, Allan Mansoor, Gary Monahan and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663. (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chancellor: William M . Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jeny Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black. Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200 Kalmus Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Permanent Sign age ,. n.a ...... pto:Alla • mlla• l••t la•....-. .. _. Dlllr uc .... , .................. .., ................ occw .. .. ..... ..,.,., ... t , .... _ .. .,..,... .... .._. .. .,.1r •4'16'• I till••---•*! IPIM& · Courtside Signage c .... , .......................................... ... tll1 it.111 ..... • .. • .......... 'IV ..... _ k Cutalll1 ..... .,. I'• I'S I nt1ll••--... 1 ........ Banners ..................... -......... ---,., ,... .... , .... M4I wedn•n1,._ ........ UC lnllM A•ldcL ,, .... _.. "1llC911f I'• I' ... . ,,_....,. ..... .._ ... ,,,,.., ................... , ....... ..... . Baseball Scorcb~ard Sign age •12111 ......... _ ...... , ... I ............ __. •• _pa_ ... -.. ... p IP 1" a• ••• 01-.rw at 11 ••• •tt'•••• .. '•1•• 11111•1 .............. .._. .. ... w. Costa Mesa, CA 92628-9050, (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY FAJR 88 Fair Drive, Costa M esa, CA 92626, (714) 708·FAIR Board: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford. Peggy Haial, James Barich, Deborah Carone, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro GAIL PERKINS Costa Mesa I've known Mike Scheafer for a number of years. f've found him to be a most knowledgeable person in re- garcls to our good city. I have repeatedly caJJed on rum for help with my activities with the St. Joachim Catholic Olurch annual parish fair and RACHEL PEREZ-HAim.JON CostaMesa I think whoever receives the greatest number of votes with- out belng elected to the coun- cil in the last elecdon. That way, the present council members can proceed with their job of making decisions for the city of Costa Mesa and not was1e time deciding who should be on the council. DONNA NICHOLAS CostaMea DON'T MISS THE FUN! N N H A N lJ A SATURDAY, MW 10TH ·9AM-5PM SOUTH BAYFRONT, BALBOA ISLAND ART, MUSIC, SUN & FUN FREE ADMISSION Daily.iPilot More Info Owww.balboalsland.com ~ NEWl'ORT 8F.AOi YA 1rrAus •tPDMI''''" ............... -..a.,., Dall't Pl.lot I American . ...... : . Brewery/Tavern Bars DUllT)' MELq'S ; 2915 Redhill Ave ·Costa Mesa • C7 141957-t95 1 ~ NEWPORT BUCH • aREWIMGCO. • 2920 Newport Blvd • Newport Beach 19491 675-8449 STUDIO CAR ' 100 Malo St Balboa Peninsula <9491 675-7760 . 1HR YAllDHOUM • Harbor 8Nd at • Triangle Square : Costa Mesa (949) 842-0090 Buffets '' . ... Indian ~~:!Ave South COlll Pllz.e VIiiage l7141 .. t010 Irish DUWIJ MDJ.rS 29 15 Redh111 Ave Costa Mesa 17141957-195 1 THE SHAMROCK BAR & GRILL 2633 w Coast Hwy Newport Beach 19491 63 1-5633 SKOSH MONAllAN'S 2000 Newpott Blvd Costa Mesa 19491 548-0099 Italian AMELIA'S 3 11 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 19491 673-6580 CARMaLO'S 3520 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mar -"M9l 675-1922 CAPlllBW 1617 Westchff Drrve Newport Beach f9491 548-4060 .. 1.•ws 901 South Coast Dnve Metro Point. Costa Mesa <7 14l 631-3000 MAMMA GINA'S 251 E Coast Hwy Newport Beach 1949) 673-9500 NICK'S RIS10RANTE 2300 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa <9491 722· 7566 SAMTINO'S 251 Shipyard Way Newport Beach 1949) 723-0621 VIUANOVA 313 1 W. Coast Hwy Newport Beach (9491 642-7880 wwwvillanova AMACHI 2675 Irvine Ave CostaMesa C949) 645-551 8 UNlllANA 4250 Birdl St Newpc>n Beach (9491 955-082~ Persian flldc1y, May 9, 2003 A7 ADVERTISEMENT ~&~! A~Q~!.~l.~M~r.~ Every Mom deserves a little "Rib'bin" and ajlqwer-especially on Mother 's Day! Located just behind the Orange County Performing Arts Center and South Coast Repertory Theater, Avo's Bistro 1s a gem waiting to be discovered. 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AIM i1cw. •..,. ..._ ...... s"-11 IU ~ lnit "-1. 88 --- on§ $ Available Niahttv in the Sushi Bar Onfy llJ&IHADA . www.benl hana.com Newport l••ch 4250 Birch Street ~ (149) 955-0822 t Celebrate Mother's Day Moro can Stylet Lunch 11 ~30 -2:30 p .m. Dinner at 5 :00 p.m . 1lnMd tablll, low IWft. palllMct doudl on the celng and h9ly bely dallC*I wl..., ....... you and your....,clrq..,..wal h uthc-ntlC MorOCCan Cul.sine and atmospt re. Our professional s1aff Is eager to make your VlSil 10 Marrakesh a memorable one Tables ror cwo and larg panie-.s welcome ca1cmg and takeotJt BV8llOOlc 1'76 ........... Colll MllCI ~~ca......-.mEI (949) 645-8384 Allo: Scudio Ory . (111) 71UlS4 and lAJoUa· (61 )4W.2'°° Enjoy our Mother's Day Champagne Brunch With Famil)1 & Fri ends at Hyatt Regency Irvine Mother 's Da\ Brunt h Sunda~, .\fa\ 11 ch 10:00 am -!. 3(' pm Fres h Seafoud Bar Carved Pnme of f3et•f Herb Roasted Tom T1ffkc?\ with all the mmmm,gs Clove Stuaded Counn;. Heim Traditional Breakja.s c Malted Belgium \Xlaffk~ Omelettes Made to Order GouiTnet Desserts to md u.de Wann Bananas Foster Children's Buff et And So Much More~ Complimen tary St lf Parking Adu1u $39 Childrtn 12 and under $ l 6 And undtt 5 tat free -... ' ·• I I QUOTE OF THE DAY "This is big." Stne Crenthft, Estancia boys track coach Al Friday, May 9, 2003 Spor11 Editor RlcMrd Dunn: (949) 5744223 • $pot'ta Fu; (949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD - EYE OPENER 11 Daity~Pik>t m Sport.I Hal ol Fame I~ tt.llllllo'fll•"'°'n M~12ttonoree BRUCE IBBETSON •• ' ' l • ' Daily~ EA INGS EEP ., ., I - Corona del Mar's boys, led by Artz and Ringstrom, capture PCL title. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot IRVINE -For the Corona del Mar High boys track and field team, win- ning the Pacific 9oast League ch ampi- onship was as easy as one, two, three Friday at Irvine. At least that's how the Sea Kings made it look, especially in the 3,200 meters, in which CdM finished 1-2-3. That would be senior Mike Rudinica, senior Bo Weidner and junior J.C. Turner. The trio secured the Sea Kings' ~ victory, which also came courtesy of Kevin Artz, Ouis Ringstrom, Blake Dil- lion and Matt Morris. Artz and Ringstrom came away wi th two PCL titles. Artz. who did not advance to the CIF Southern Section preliminaries last ·year, won the 800 (2:01.51) and the 1,600 (4:36.72), while Ring- strom won the 200 (22.57) and 400 (50.32). Junior Steven Minard won the high jump (5 feet, 6 inches) and sophomore Andrew Wong won the pole vault (12-0). They advance to the CIF Division Ill preliminaries, which is May 16 at Mt San Antonio College. Dillion (100 and triple jump), as well as Gordon Yould (pole vault), Morris (200), Eeman Jallli (110 high hurdles) also advanced. Dil- lion finished second in the 100 (11 .92) and triple jump (40-10) and third in the long jump (19-8). He also contrib- uted to CdM's victory in the 1,600 re- lay. The Sea Kings went undefeated in dual meets during the season and en- fr.red the PCL finals with a high level of ·oofidence. They won Friday's PCL championship with 188 points. ahead of runner-up Northwood {128). ·we had complete confidence (in winning the PCL title).· Artz said after his victory in the 800. ·we basically dominated in the league dual meets. We came in knowing we could win It all. It wasn't being cocky. We just knew." Coach Bill Sumner was surprised his team won by such a large margin. ·. HBlake, Matt Morris, Ringstrom, (Mark Cianciulli) and Artz. they put the load on their backs and carried us: Sumner said. Cianciulli, who plans to play football for the University of San Diego in the fall. contributed to CdM's victory in the 400 relay, whicl\ also included Brian LaPerle, Morris and Ringstrom. Sumner was impressed with the 1- 2-3 finish in the 3,200, which proved to be an example of CdM's im provement from last season to this year. RudlnJca won his first PCL title in 10:32.21. Last year, Rudinica and Weidner did not take track and field seriously. But the movie. ·Prefontaine,· inspired them to intensify their approach toward running. Next year. they wiJJ be : walk-ons for the cross country team at ' Loyola Marymount. Meanwhile. See BOYS, P•1• AlO . Corona del Mar's Kevin Artz, above. dominated the boys 1,600 meters Thursday in the Pacific Coast League finals held at Irvine High. Also, the Sea Kings' Blake Dillion, left, competes in the triple jump and Anne St. Geme, below, made her move on the pack for the final lap of gir1s 1,600 meters. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK/ DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Girls team dominates en route to a PCL championship. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot IRVINE -It has been said that trac~ and field is more of an individual sport, yet Corona del Mar High's girls squad proved olherwise in winning the Pacific Coast League champion- ship Friday at Irvine High. Freshman Anne St. Geme stepped up with two PCL titles tn her debut, winning the 800 meters (2:21.38) and l.600 (5:14 .81 ), while sophomore Melissa Swigert won the 400 (59.2Z) and senior Becky Cummins won the 3,200 (11 :41.52). The Sea Kings also won the 400 and 1.600 relays. They scored 136.5 poin1s to earn the PCL title, • while last year's champion, University. finished second with 108. •1t was very much a team effort, -CdM Coach Bill Sumner srud. ·we had a meeting (Wednesday). and I said, 'Everybody count~. and if you don"t think so. loolc baclc to last year. (Uni· versityl beat us by one point.)' I thinlc we did that pretty well tonight. Every- body contributed." Swigert. who contributed to both re· lay victories, also finished second Cn the 200 (26.91 ) to qualify for the CIF Southern Section Division III prelimi- naries May 16 at Mt. San Antonio Col: lege. , ·Melissa Swigert carried the bulk of the load for us," Sumner said. •tSti Geme, who finished third in the 3,200.l was also strong. We got points every· where." Freshman Kell y Morgan (400, 59.87), junior Sara Oaster (800, 2:23.44) and sophomore Leigh Fransen (high jump 4·6) finished second in their events ro advance to CIF. while Jennifer Way took third in the tnple jump (33· 7Y,) to also advance. Cd.M 's t.600 relay victory included Oaster, junior Whitney Weidner, Mor· gan and Swigert, whom finished in 4:04.6. . Junior Kinzle Kramer, Lindsey Man· ning, Morgan and Swigert began CdM's run toward the PCL title, as they won the 400 relay (50.41). Swigert brought home the victory, edging out a University runner by two-tenths of a second. • Then. St. Geme won the 1,600. run: ning a methodicaJ race. Sumner said she wasn't out to achieve a personal record, but rather to just win the race. Northwood seniot Ou istie Farson started the 1.600 with a sizable lead. St. Geme steadily moved to the front and extended her lead over the final 400 meters. ·Tue 11,600) didn't feel as good aS could have been," St. Geme said. "I can do a lot better than that I was ner-' vous. But, I think of all these meets th~ same way now. I'm ex.cited and at the same time nervous." St. Geme saJd she just began to take SH GIRLS, Pa1e AlO " ~Estancia shares Golden West League crown Eagles swept by • co -champion Ocean ·View, but get league's top playoff berth. : l•rry F8ulkner Dai~ Pilot · HUN'llNGI'ON Bl!ACH -The P.ltan· m High boys volleyball teun Iott an • three pmes at Ocean View High, u well ~ • the ri&bt to call hlelf m:Nltve cbam-~ of the Golden West l.elgue. : But While her team at stunned and : ll'tdiNd In the aftenJmb; fAl'ee Coech 'D'ac.y Hebnl Mkl ta 1D1Y tum : out tD be the belt thins dlll could baW : ~ IO proud of my twn, • • Hmm llld. ~ be ..,... -• leilue , • ct+•.-•wbtp ... f*'I CHO In (lhe l Pacific Coast t.e+eJ (the Eagles swept. 15-5. 16-14, 15-4 April last year, ls a great ac-9), gets the league's No. 1 postsea.son complishment And, if berth. something like this was It re{ll8los to be seen whether the lop- gping to happen. I'd sid..ed loss will cost &tanda, which won rather take a loss now lt.s last league dtle in 1984, a top-four than in the (OF seed when playoff pairlnp a.re an- Southem Section Division ill) playoffs. nounced Monday. Thia loss la going to help u.. in practice. . While the dde turned ln the flrat We need to use this to build from." p.rne. then continued to aurge in Ocean Estancia (26-10, ll-1 in league), View'• favor the rest or the matdi. the ranked No. 3 In OP Division m, built a Seahawb hollered, huged, hlab-ftved. 10-1 lead In the opening pme against ~head-butted one another on the the Sea.hawks (17-5, ll·l), ranked No. 5 court. in C1F Otvtalon m. Conwnety, the P.ac1es often leaned, But. relying on o«en8M beJa.oce. tu· Oat-footed. into puling attempta, let pedor blocking, IDd demoDltratiWI thm own .,._ ran between them· erDodoo. Ocean View. now co·cham· teJvee, and lhot puuJed loob toWard Pion Of the lelalle for the third ICn.l&ht tlW!ir bench u t.helr unbeaten ....... .->n, ~ the visitors to run Crumb&ed lnto a ~dde. ma lS-12, IS-6. 15-9 dldl6on. ".Wew eeen dUi baPPen before.• BICanda. ·by virtue of a 73-88 edvln· Hebe -'d other te1111'1 otMoue llCk Of tap In chi~ two ..... ~ eMiV "With W. eomed11• It COIW f, down to whethe\ or not we come to play." Helms was at a Joss to explain why the P..agles lacked fire in. arguably, their biggest match of the aeuoo. Heims, however, wu quick to credit the energy oo the other aide or the net. •(The Seabawbl were ftred up.• she aald. "They bad nothing to lose and evetythina to pin and they played llke IL We ltepped down (after the 10·1 ft:rst· pme leldJ and we never got up.,. Ocean View Coach Jimmy Harril WU gratified by h1s team'• performance. "We had much more detennlnadon In our det'enw, much more confidence ln our bloe:ktng. • Harrll aaJd. "Wffve t.11 woddn8 on that a lot in pncdce lftd WI did a P'ftl ~of~ tMa Into the metch. 1t WM mftfnl to tee UI play amt~ on ·c11. wrae CA 1119 er6~-::-~ = :-J::: t' three players in this league Uuniors Kris Hartwell and Josh Kornegay).• Kornegay led the Eagles with 15 kml. while Hartwell added seven kills ~ dip. Estancia sophomore setter Holmes posted 30 usl&tl and 13 dfel, but wu often frustnled by b.la team- mate.' lack of puling accuracy. Junior Brad Larem had seven ldDa for the F.aglel. while junJor Scott SanbY earned five of his llx ldDa In the ftnal game. in which the vtaltora raWed frOftl an U-S deftctt to wlthin 12-9, before Ocean View doled them out Ocean View aenlot c.ptalna . Roth ipeUbeaded Che *torJ dme betwwl Ind lltdng hid • teiun-bijb ~ wbBe ~ two In.di blocb aDd four llCt --; '!{; The Seiihiwb hid nlrie .. ~ to tbe""""" two Ind &iwld8'1 12 ... 1e1arMCM,,. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING Mustangs romp in league finale Costa Mesa wins Golden West League crown, as well as four individual titles; Estancia has two champs. Melanl• Neff Daily Pilot posted a Southern Section con- , sideration time of l :01.54 to win . the 100 backstroke. Lule Veltin and Jarrad Oever were fifth and sixth in the race for the Mus- tangs. Estancia didn't have a team title to brag about, but Frank Gamboa gave them something to cheer for, when the senior put on a dauling perfonnance in the 200 freestyle and gave the team one of its two titles on the day. SPORT~ Friday, May 9, 2003 Al ,, • " • El 1 • ~ .. AC.., CiA • P1 , T ORANGE -The Costa Mesa 1 hgh boys swim team set the tone in the first event and swam away with the team u- tle at the Golden West League ftnals on Thursday at Orange High. Trailing Costa Mesa's Evan Spencer by .04 seconds in the final SO yards, Gam- boa dug deep in the final tum and blasted off the wall, defeating Spencer by almost two seconds in a time of l :56.42. Spencer finished in I :58.49. Gamboa's lime was more than a second better than the consideration time of 1:58. Costa Mesa's Evan Spencer, above, makes a strong second-place showing m the 200-yard butterfly 1n the Golden West League finals Thursday. Estanc1a's Frank Gamboa, below, swims to victory in the 200 free l?van Spencer, Kyte Thorsness, Brian Tipton and Adam Douglas opened the meet ln the 200-yard medley relay, dropping two seconds off their preHmi-' nary time and earning an automatic berth ln the crF Southern Section pre- liminaries with a time of 1:47.70. The ~ fell behind early m the race after Thorsness had a bad tum in the backstroke leg, but his teammates were quick to pick up the slack. They got the lead in the butterfly and held off Orange in the freestyle for the victory. The P-dn- thers were second in I :48.23, JUSI llUS!>ing an automatic qualifying time. The victory gave Costa Mesa a 36- point lead out of the block.\. one they didn't relinquish. They went on to score 379 points, llO points more than c;ec- ond-place Orange (269). SaddJeback was third (258), followed by 1'.stanc1a (191.5), Ocean View (152). Wcc;tmmster (131.5) and Santa Ana (123) "I just didn't let up at alJ corning off the wall in thl' last SO." Gamboa said. ·1 realized I was ahead in the last lap so I just went faster." Gamboa tried to take home his sec- ond title in the 500 freestyle, but fresh· man teammate Olad Kunen. decided he wanted to share in some of the glory and ousted Gamboa with a time of 5:16.46. Gamboa. who ran out of gas in the final 50 yards, finished second in 5: 17 .95. Both limes were well below the cons1deraoon ume of 5:25. "My backstroker mis-,ed the turn be· cause the flags are in a different place here, so he was one and a half i.econds slower than nonnal... Mustdng C..oach Bob Shupp said. "But we made up for ll, and he'll make up for 11 in the back- 'itroke." Thorsness, a Creshman, did JU!>I that After learning the flag placement. he Costa Me..a got one other tndlvidual utJe when freshman Adam Douglru. knocked off top-seeded Ted Sewell of Orange m tJ1e I 00 freestyle. Sewell was swimming with a taped-up hand after banging it on the wall in another e\ent. Douglas took advantage. He swam a 24.15 split time and finished in 51.29. 1w.1 edging SeweU's time of 51.36. 'lbors- ness was third in 52.09 Despite the~ win, Douglas was dJs- couraged. have done belier " Dougla'>' lime bc-.1ed tbc com1dt'ra uon time of 53.00. I le abo fi1w,hed third in the 50 tree in ;!3.44. aho a rnmtd(•ra 11on 11me "I don·1 tJ1mk 11 \\111 be good eno11~~h. Dougid!> '>aid ·But '-"t' are rcalh h.ipf)\ with hO\.,, the team did We \\Or~t·tl reall} hard all year long tor th1'> I 1p10n had a strong d.t\ Im 1lw \lu~ 1.u1g' takmg !>t'Cond pla11 111 tht' 100 hrt:a'>I 1n I :06.85, an au torn.Jiil 411.ilif\ ing ume He also tii11 ... hl·d 'ot'lond 1n th<: .!OU l\1 <2:18.oh Un1r,r1ur1<11el\ he '>\\cUn against the met'I' \I\ JI 1n holh r..t<.l''>, <>range., Ph1lhp l•t·J,t: ~lark C1t'll wa'> third 111 the I 00 brea_'>I Ill 1 0'-1 .. N "ipenc.tr. ~rl{tO I lerndJlde.1, fhur'> llt''.>'> and £Jougltt.' 'lo'>t'd out Lhe mee1 tor the ~lu'>tang-. with d dominant ~wim m the 400 lrc·e r<•IJ\, a-. thl· group pcN<:J a <..on'>lderawm 11rne ir ~ J5 4fl. mori thdn I.! ..,elomh J.head 111 St!cond plal 1 ':>ctddlebilt k ·1 wanted to get an automauc t1me." he '>aid. "It's great to ~1n, but I couJd HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING l'<·aw wun the l IJ(J hrt'tt\I 111 I 0--.J and 1he 200 l\1 1n '.! I "j 07 C IJ'>lii \lt·'-J'> SCHEDULE Mesa's Thorsness clainis three titles TODAY Baseball College -UC Irvin£:: at Cal State Fullenon 7 p m Mustangs' depth leads team to ·championship at Golden West League finals. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot ORANGI: -Katie Thorsne~ had a banner day Thursday for the Co ta Mesa High girls swim team at the Golden West League finals at Orange I ugh, but in her eyes, it wasn't enough. The senior won atJes in the 200· and 500-yard freestyies and swam on the wirtning 200 med- ley relay. She also led off the 400 free relay team, which won the race. but was disqualified When a swimmer left the block early. Despite taJdng home three u- tles. as well as leading the Mus- tangs to the overall team titJe, Thorsness was disappointed. "I didn't swim as well as I couJd have,· Thorsness said. ·And I didn't get OF times." Thorsness. who led the entire way in the 200 free, lowered her time by almost a second. finish- ing in 2:09.85, six seconds ahead of the second-place swimmer. The CIF Southern Section con- sideration time is 2:08.SO. In the 500 free, Thorsness again dominated the field, clock- ing a 5:53.51, more than seven seconds ahead of sophomore teammate Patricia Shuppert, who finished second in 6:00.90. By the time Thorsness, who posted a consideration time In the preliminaries. headed into the final 100 y-Md!>. '>he lapped half the field -1 wanted to get an automauc ume," she !>aid. *But I don't like the wmd. I breathe on every !>trok.e and the wind reaUy bothered my throat today." Despite Thorsness' perform- ance, she lost out on the meet's MVP award to Wesurunc;ter's l leather Lucero. who won the I 00 backstroke and 100 butterfly. Lucero swam a consideration time of t ·06.41 in the butterfly. Thorsness was happy wtth the team's overall victory and cred- ited Coach Bob Shupp. "Every year we have a different coach," Thorsness said. "Coach hupp stayed this year and that really made a difference. We are a really close team and we work really hard for each other." The Mustangs took home the team titJe by 33 points, despite giving up 36 polnts to Orange ln the 400 freestyle relay after their disqualification. Costa Mesa fin - ished with 344 points. Host Orange was second with 311, fol- lowed by Westminster (214), Ocean View (208). Estancia (188), SaddJeback (171) and Santa Ana (53). Estancia junior Marilyn Reich easily won the title in the 100 breaststroke. swimming a 1:17.42. Reich posted a 1:15.85 in the preliminaries Tuesday. well ahead of the consideration mark of I : 17 .SO. Costa Mesa's Allison Gravis took third in the breast in 1:19.20. Reich was the top-seeded swimmer heading lnto the 200 individual medley, but was upset by Costa Mesa sophomore Ally- son Harris. Reich was in sixth '24,886 11'1111111- VIN•a.3&87427 3&873~1 38874sq, 38874~3 3aq~'.s (lf'r>j ,E.ll'"H OA • P • High sctiool -Nonhwood at Corona del Mar 3 15 om Newport Harbor vs Woodbrodge at Windrow Paril Irvine 7 p m Westminster at Costa Mesa 3 15 om . Estancia at Orange 3 15 om Softball 1 High school -St Margaret sat Sage Hill 3 15 pm Estancia at Orange 3 15 pm Costa Mesa at Westminster 3 15 pm Swimming High sd'lool boys and g.rls - Corona del Mar 1n Pac1f1c Coast League finals at CdM 1 p m Newport Harbor 1n Sea View League finals at Newport Harbor, 3 pm Tennis High sctlool boys -Newport Harbor vs Irvine at Laguna Hills 1n Sea View League third place playoff. 3 15 p.m Tredl and fletd Mesa's Katie Thorsness cruises to victory Thursday in the 500-yard freestyle, one of her three wins High scnoot boys and girls - Newport Harbor in Sea View League finals at Irvine 2 30 p m field events 4.30 pm running events Volleyban place after the butterfly leg. with Harris in second and teammate Jessica Steenhard in first. Harris took the lead in the backstroke, more than four seconds ahead of Reich. but Reich quickly closed the gap in the breast- stroke and took the lead with a time of 1 :59.68 to Hams' 1:59.93. But Reich ran out of gas in the freestyle and Harris pulled away, taking the title In 2:33.75, topping her personal best by more than four seconds. Reich finished second In 2:37.14. Gravis was third In 2:41.05 and Steenhaqj finished fourth in 2:41 . 70. Harris also took third place in the I 00 back 111 1 · 11 70 !-.Mancia freshman Carolina Barnes wru. fourth in 1.12.71. the only Eagles' swimmer be'>1des Reich to place in the top e1gh1 in any event The Mustan~< depth was what won them the m~t fa•en when they didn't wm the race. they placed se\.eraJ '>Wlmmers tn the top eight, proV1d111g valuable point!>. • In the I 00 freestyle, Je~ica Bunnell (I :01.7 41. Sarah Bowman (I :03.05) and Olristine TWohig (I :03.861 placed third, fourth and fifth, respectively. earning 45 points. In the l 00 butterfly. Sbuppert was third, ta.kmg three seconds off her c;eed time in 5.lling Pnce . . . 12 3 qq 5 t_ociory Rtbole _!! 500 Netc.t 1 21 ,486 ..... , ..... ._ t 1.08.52. Steenhard was fifth in 1:14.50. Bunnell 128.79) and Bowman (28.81 l were fourth and fifth in the SO free High sd'lool boys -Newport Harbor at Corona def Mar. 5·45 pm MEN'S SHOE SALE! Jo~)~-(otl- 20%~'40%'0FF Ecco; MEPHtSTo; TERRA Fl.ANA (9'9) 644-5939 (Ot'Oftl dn .... !'\au. 136 ·~ """ llttwpOlt lffdl ......... i 17,Q9.S ·SI 500 1 18,486 . .,,.,_ . Vlof-JOl9Q02 .. AlO frtday, May 9, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TRACK AND FIELD Rojas hums along in 800, 1,600 tDISCHOOL BOYS TEfftS l~ Khoucy captures Sea View.A Estancia senior distance standout doubles as Eagles capture first league title since 1990. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot COSTA MFSA -Humbeno Rojas listened to his roonunates. They saw the Estancia High senior try on a pair of black socks and suggested he wear them during the boys Golden West League track and field fi- nals, conducted Thursday at Orange Coast College. Whether it was the socks pulled up near his knees or not, Rojas continued to show the rest of the league his abilities, dou- bling in the 1,600-and 800-me- ter races and helping lead the Eagles to their first league title si.nce 1990. Estancia went undefeated (6-0) m the dual meet season and held off Santa Ana. wh.icb was 5· l heading into Thursday's finals. The Hagles, former members of the Pacific Coast League, scored 119 points to Orange's 91. "This is big." F.stancia boys head coach Steve Crenshaw said. "AU the kids have ~at attitudes and are hard workers. We have been consistent • all the way across. You look at the marlcs and, compared to· anyplace around, we are doing well ... Rojas broke a league record in the 1,600 (4:18.33) by four sec- onds on a wind-swept day on the Coast track. He also went 1:55.36 to beat the field in the 800 to automatically advance to the ClF Southern Section Division Ill preliminaries next week. "I was worlcing that last lap to- day," Rojas said about the final leg of the l,600. "I know next week how much I will have to work. Coach told me to go out and do whatever I feel." Rojas, a state finalist in the 1,600 a year ago, had some help from Estancia teammates Thurs- day. but now we are performing In all F.stancia's Zack Novak cap· our events. JJ. Oason Johnston) tured league high jwnp charnpi-. has been doing it all season. If he onship with a clearance of 6 feet. is not first, he is still getting sec- 4 incties while teammate Scott ond and third." Sankey came in third (5-8). Johnston also competed in the Sankey only did three of four 110 high hurdles and the 300 in· jumps before leaving to make it tennedlate hurdles Thursday. He in time for Estancia's volleyball and Ocean View's Francisco Oli· match against host Ocean View vas were virtually even through Thursday. The Eagles got swept. most of the 110 race, but Olivas Jason Johnston took second in got the final push and won in both the triple and long jumps. 15.94 to Johnston's 15~5. Novak He leapt 41 ·11 in the triple jump finished third in 17.72. and 21 ·2 in the long jump. ~Zack Nova,k stepped it up big Mesa's Danny Krikorian set a time today.~ Johnston said as he personal best in the triple jump wanned up his legs for the 300 (40-5~). his final of four jumps in hurdles. the event. Novak finished third in Johnston said he hasn't de- the triple jump (40-8) and Kri· cided whether he will race all k.orlan took third in the long four events at the ClF prelims. jump (19-2~). He finished third in the 300 hdr· The top two from each event dies. an event won by Costa automatically qualify for the ClF Mesa's Zach Powell in 41.6. prelims and a third-place finisher "I nailed the second one with can qualify by meeting a mini-my knee pretty good," Powell mum standard for the event. said. "My form is still rusty be· Versatility led the Eagles to the cause I haven't really been prac- league title, Crenshaw said. "We ticing this· event. But 1 have an- used to rely on the distance lcjds, other week, so I should be good HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD ' for CIE I'm in better shape now." Powell took second in the 400 (51.14). Mesa's Luke Sapolu threw 131·7~ to win the discus while Estanda's Joey Lindquist re· corded a 43-4, good for third In the shot put Keota Asuega. New- port ·Mesa MVP ln football th,ls past season and the district re- cord holder for tou<;bdowns scored (49), placed· fourth in the shot put (42-0). Lindquist threw 116-11 in the discus followed by Asuega's 116-4 toss. f.stancia's Nie Koreerat took third in the 100 (11.97) and the 200 (23.81) while Alex Cahuantzi placed fourth in the 3,200 (lO: 10.23). . Estancia's Abel Flores ran the 1,600. in 4:4 1.13 followed by Mesa's Marco Huipe (4:41.27), Carlos Ibarra (4:43.82) and Es· tancia's Gerardo Orozco (4:47.96), as well as Francisco Morales (4:54.55). . Huipe (10:13.44) and Ibarra (10:15.28) finished behind Cahuantzi in the 3,200. Bjelland breaks league ·record in 3,200 crown l.AGUNA HIUS -New· I• • ... . pon Harbor Hlgh ~ Robert Khoury ~ to·· upee< top-seeded Sflimpei buld ot Woodbridge, 2·6. 1-t> (4), 6-l. in the singles U· • de match lbunday .in the Sea View League tnd.lvtdual ' boys teonb championships at Laguna HW.. In the second eet, J(houry went up. 5-2, but Suzuki came back to tie it. 5·5. ln tbe tiebreaker. Khoury took. a quiet 5-0 edge, before Su· : zuJd pulled to wiLhln a point. . Khoury became the 6rsl Newport Harbor pJayer to wto a league singles tl tle lioce Geoff Ab"'"15 ih 1994. when the formtt Stanford All· American defeated Sailor teammate Jeff Thom· sen, the a.amnt Newport Harbor coach. Costa Mesa wins first league girls track title since 1974; Day also sets league mark in high jump. The wind kind of slowed me down, but it made for good running conditions.· BjeUand also won the 1.600 Thursday (5:24.50) and was one of several Mesa ath- letes to fuel the school's first league girls track championship since 1974. Mesa's Rachel Hughes in fourth (28.46) and Estancia's Erica Plietez (28.77). Mesa's 1,600 relay team took first in 4:07.44, beating Saddleback by almost 11 seconds and setting another league re- cord set by Saddleback in 1997 (4:11.79). lege about where to continue her aca- demic and athletic career, finished third in the long jump (15-7) while teammate Cassey Brick won the event ( 15-11 v.). Mesa earned 184 points, followed by second-place Saddleback (95.5). Estancia finished with 41 points. good for fifth place. At. a team, the Sailors will play Lrvtne today at Laguna Hilla at 3:15 p.m. ln a show· , down to decide the league's third-place playoff team. ESTANCIA Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Senior Sharon Day tripled in the 100, 200 and high jump while running on the winning 1,600 ·retay along with Rhondi Naff, Stacy Krikorian and Toshia Bryant. Mesa's girls volleyball team won its first league ritle in school history this past fall and the soccer team shared the CIF Southern Section Division Ill title. Continued from AA COSl~ MESA -Costa Mesa High sen- ior Oiristine Bjelland didn't want 10 eclipw the one-minute, 30-second mark on her splits in the 3.200 meters during 1he gir~ Golden West League track and field final' Thursday at Orange Coast Col- IC'ge. Day, who will play soccer and compete in track next season for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, ran a 26.30 in the 200, leaped 5 feet. 8 inches in the high jump to break a league record (5-2) and finished the 100 in 13.07. She kept it as simple as possible. "Coach just told us to win our events by as big a margin as possible," Day said. "The wind made running a hindrance, but it didn't affect my jumping. The wind was worse Monday." Bryant placed sec- ond to Day in the 200 (27.44) foUowed by Naff doubled Thursday, racing to first (1:01.911 in the 400 and leaping 32-5 in the triple jump. She made up ground on the back straightaway of the 400 and pushed past Estancia High's Ludi Valdez (1:02.71) and Saddleback's Cannen Gon- 1.alez (I :02.63) in a tight finish. Day's freshman sister, Jasmin, won the 800 in 2:25.23 and finished second to Sharon in the high jump (5-4). Estancia's Sage Otoole placed fourth with a clear· ance of 4-6 followed by Mesa's Jenny Sparks (4-2). Valdez won the 300 hurdles in 49.34 while teammate Diana Rosete placed sec- ond to Bjelland in the 3,200 (II :56.61). Brick finlshed third in the 300 hurdles in 49.97. ice errors were al'>o costly. Heims said :.he would intt'l")t'1·1 some perspecllw with ht'r play ers. "This 1s the end of the wortd for these guy') (nodding w ht-r dejected player-.1 and that\ good,·· Heim!. '>aid. ··sut we '>llll have so many opportumt1t'" thi~ season. It wouJd have bN"n nice to sweep everyone. but I want our gu~ to look more Joni;: term.· She held true 10 those words, breaking a Golden West League record in the 3,200 (11:35.301 by a little less than three sec- ond "I wasn't actually aware when I was running." BieUand said. "I found out after. GIRLS Continued from AA running seriously this year. She grew up playing soccer. but running had also been a big part of her life. Her m other, Ce- d Hopp (now St: Geme). was one of the best runners in the storied hi1.tory of Stanford Uni- versity and she is in the Cardi- nal's Hall of Fame. St. Geme also said she experi- enced hip pain during the cross country season, but overcame the nagging injury before the track and field season. Cummins, who will con- tinue her education at Dart· mouth, also endured injuries throughout the cross country season. Cummins said she is also ca- pable of a better race and plans to peak as the season ends. • STEVEMcCRANK/OALYPILOT Corona del Mus Kevin Artz dominated the boys l ,60Ckneter race Thursday in the Pacific Coast League finals at Irvine High. ·eovs ~fromNl Turner ah~ Improvement d~te tnJwy. He dJslocated hb tbotilder Tueaday In I freek IC· ddenL lut be was able 10 lln1sb In a tea0n·besl time ot lltfJ.87. ( Arter hi race, he wore a sling for hls r\ght ahouldcr. He wu aupposed to run with the l1Jn1 on, u advised by hit doctora. ,, •I'm not one who does what the doctors tell me," Turner aaid. "The· meet wu a Unle dOM bdore that race. We weren't to4aJly u~ a.bout ~ win. IO ' wanted to help OUl the team.• Naff, who stands 5-11 and played on the basketball team, agreed the back stretch is where she gained on her oppo- nents. Mesa's Beverly Aina won the shot put (34-8~) while Thida Pov threw 29-3. Vicki Pham placed second in the JOO hurdles (18.29) while Brick took third (18.32). Naff, who is still deciding between Con· cordia University and Orange Coast Col- BRIEFLY Sherman wins PCL golf t itle Corona del Mar senior comes from three shots behind to top the league field Thursday at El Prado. Corona del Mar High senior Nick Sher- man came from three shots back after one day to win by three strokes Thursday at the Pacific Coast League individual championships at El Prado Golf Course in Otino. Sherman. who shot 2-over 74 Wednes- day. carded a 1 -over 73 Thursday to surge past University senior Neno Boonyapla- nun. Sherman. fourth at league finals last year, was one of six players to advance to the CIF Southern Regional individual championships, scheduled May 20 at Black Gold Golf Course in Yorba Unda. CdM junior Alex Chikovani finished 10th in the two-day PCL tournament. Sherman said he picked up five strokes on two holes (13 and 14), when Boonya- planun posted back-to-back double bo- geys. "I hit the ball really welJ today, but I couldn't make a pun to save my life," Sher- man said. CdM Coach Mike S1arkweather was less ambivalent. "I thought he was truly outstanding," Starkweather said. ·He understands the game of golf and is very aggres.sive. He went after it today and I'm very proud of him." The Sea Kings, who repeated as PCL champions this season. will compete as a team ln the ClF Southern Region tourna- ment Monday, also at FJ Prado. Sea Kings rout Trojans •SOFTBALL: Amy Tyson belted a three-run double, Meaghan Bunney and Sarah Stem each went 2 for 4, and Allssa Zoelle pitched a complete-game two·hlt· ter to help the Corona del Mar High soft· ball team solidify its grip on lhird place with a J 0-1 Pacific Coast League victory over visiting University. Shortstop Lauren Loe also earned praise from CdM Co-Coach Racle Glffin as the Sea K!ngs improved to 9"'8, 5-3 ln league. P•clflc CoHt LH1ue CdM 10, Unlver.ity 1 kore by Innings University 100 000 o 1 7 • CdM 063 001 10 a 1 Davis, Warner 131 and Gould. Zoelle and Tyson, Stern 16) W -Zoelle, 8-6 l -Oavis 28 -Tyson (CdM), Bunney (CdMI Frrors costly for Sailors • SOPTBALL: The Laguna Hills High softball team scored two runs on three er- rors in the third inning to put away visit- ing Newport Harbor, 2-0, in a Sea View League game Thursday. The Sailors (9-9, 2-6 in league) got out of the third inning without any more dama.ge with ~ 1-3-2 double play. Newport got another strong defensive play in the bottom of the sixth , when out- fielder Jenny Daniels tracked down a double and relayed It to shortstop Athena Vasquez. Vasquez fired home to Julianne Bass, who made the tag at the plate for the final o.ut of the inning. Ashley Gleason and Vasquez had the onl)fhits for the Sailors. Kim Moore took the loss, giving up just three hJts, a single, double and a triple. The Sailors will close out the se1i5on next week. playing host to Woodbridge on Tuesday and Foothill on Thursday. S.. View LM1ue Mike Toole (.-.even lulls), Paul Toman five kills, four blocks). Nick Gla,.!)1<: (four l1ll\, two blocks) and seller Adam Schles111~er (42 assi t , four blocks) contributed tu the victory. CdM sweeps Timberwolves • VOLLEYMLL: The Lorona del ~lar High boys volleyball team capped it., un beaten run through the Pacitk Loa\! LeC!gUe Thursday by '" eeping ho\I Northwood, 15-9, 15-10. 15-':I. The Sea Kings (17-10, 10-0 in league). ranlced No. 2 in CIF Southern Section Di - vision II, had I 0 kills each from senior middle blocker Eric Jones and sopho more outside hitter Tom Welch. Senior Gunnar McOellan added nine kills, while Brandon Sherick-Odom and Kevin Welch chipped in eight apiece. Set ter Greg Gabriel had 46 assists and nine digs. ' Kevin Welch added 12 digs and McCJel Ian had eight for the winners, who fini'ih out the reguJar season tonight with their annual BanJe of the Bay against Newport Harbor. CdM hosts the showdown at 6 p.m. Lightning falls in five • VOlJ.EYBA.U.: The Sage Hill School boys volleyball team completed its regu- lar season with a 15·9, 11 -15, 15· 7, I 3· 15, 13-15 loss to visiting Capistrano Valley Olristlan Thursday. lagun1 Hiii• 2.. rMwport H1rbor 0 Score by Innings Newport ooo ooo o -o i Laguna Hiii• 002 ooo x -2 J Junior Kevin Joyce had 32 kills and four 4 blocks, whlle junior Macsun Friedenck 0 had 15 lcills and eight blocks for the Llght-Moore and 8a11; Fait and Davia. W -Fait. l: Moore (6-8). Sailors trounce Knights • VOUBY&U.L: Coacp Dan Glenn's Newport Harbor High Sailors swept Poot· hill, 15-11, 15·3, 15·11, ln the final Sea View Lague boys volleyball match of the sea.son Thursday at Newport. The Sailors (18-11, 9· 1 ln league) finish a.s Sea View co-champions with Woodbridge lfld await the release or Monday's CTF Southern Sectlon playoff pairings. nlng. Junior setter Julian Smith-Newman re- corded 52 assists for the Ughtning, which fell to 8·8, 6·8 in league. Eagles edge Lightning • MSBBA.LL: Visiting Capistrano Valley Cluistian High earned an 8·6 win over Sage Hill School Thursday ln a seesaw Academy League baseball clash. The Ughtning seiz.ed a l ·O lead In the first, but the Eagles tied It ln the second, then claimed 11 S· l advantage. Sage Hill. however, scortd five to take the lead In the ftttb George Dempsey (J for 3 wftb two doubl ) drove ln the go- ahead run .• 1. I CdM OnJshes the regular season with games at home against calvary Cllapel Monday, then at league·leadJ01 North- wood Wed.n day. 1.oeJJo ttruck out three and walked three, blinking the Trojans the nnaJ m innings. ·The kids are excited," Glenn aald . "We won aJJ of our pmes tn the aecond n>und of league and we have momentum whb our ftnt playoff game (today at 6 p.m. apintt hem Corona del Mar in a non· le~e Back Bay cluh). That'• wbaJ I'm teJ.l.ln8 them. that lt'1 our ftnt p&.yoff pme, only we get to go oo no matter wbaL" JUnlor mJddJe blocler. Jamie Olefen· bach led the Sailors whh 11 k1Ut and three ttuft' blocb aaalntt the ICnJihCI (5·5 ln -.WJ. wblle teunmatee Mlchael ~nAld <ltlh• ldlla, fWO Mnfce Ket), But eve tied lt ln the s~th and acored twice In the aeventb to avenge Tuuclay'a 13·9 ION to Sage HJU. 'Jbe Ugbtning. DOW 13-6, 9·4 ln league. dOteS out the league aeuon wjlh two games aplntt leque·leadlng Oxford ir. • Academy oat week. ' Jac:.kJe Manntn.a and Lauren Gep bad RBI l1ngl for the wlnnera. Unlwrslty fd too.a In Jequ ·t. eve. batt.linc sage Hill for HCond piaeo , ln the leque ttanclir\p, hu a double· header Satutday tplnst Odo.rd. ~Pilot l.11111 .... , .. MlllDllll .. ,.. .... ,. r-t-JSS) NotKe ii MlellJ liven that "' M1991k1tlon 11•• ~ 141bfftitt,d by w ... Sustll (Bronnie LM) lo est1bt1.tl 1n utlnc end dr1Mllfll ftell1ty Wlllllll Ille llvftt CommetCIM $110t1Pin1 Centfr Tiie f1ti11ty will include Hie •nd .., vi« of beer end wifle for on site con 11rmpt1011 fll• new 1lloppln1 center Is currently under con tlructlon •I the corner of MKAtthUf Boulevard ind Bison Avenue •nd •deQuate parl.lna tor the 1est•ur1nt I• planned The eet1blishment will occupy J.566 square fut o f the 19,694 foQUllH fMt previously 111thorl1td by UP2002 020. Th• f1.c1hty wlll not provide 1ny u clu11ve outdoor d1n1n1 arH 11 this time Tiie pr0perly 1<1 IOUttd kl the PC (Sub· 11H 15 of the Bonita C•ttyon Pl1nned Com mun1ty) !Mlrtd Property louted et l J46 Bl$Oll Avanue This PfOf&cl hH bu n revtew.d, 1nd 1t has bffn determined that II 11' ClltlOllCIHJ eumpt under the 1tqu11ement1 of the C•hlotnta Envo ronmental Qualtty Act under Class I ([ al\lln1 fac~11tn ) U.e P-ft UP200J- O II 11 M;heduled tor rev>ew by lhe Plannma Department ul the <\!IY of Newport Beach -er ..... ,., ..... ,. Moy 20, 200J. Wrtll en comrnenls ur tnput 1etaltd to the p•oie~t sho uld be ~ubm1tted lo the Planm1111 ()epartmenl by Mond•y. Mey 16, ?003. In ot der to be considered 111 lhe Plan "'"I Ou ecta<'s du1\lon If approved •I the 111n1 of rtvifJW, the appol IH'ttnd of 14 day\ will b'itln trom that d•t~. du11n1 whoth lome •ny 1nt11n ted p11 ly ot lhe11 eulho11zed •1enl •P 1r oeved Ill th•I dtK "'"" may hie a not'te nl !21!!.I!_ lo lhe Pla11111111 ".'."'"lllll.._lalcll _____ Llpl .... Commlulo11 with 1 ftfln1 f .. ol $175 00 to clef1ay t... co•t of lh• ....,..i PfOCMllfl Th• 1pplkatlon •114 d1nlop1111nt plens of the Pf090'4d Pf t .,.. u11labl1 for public revtew and ln"411Cbon al the Pl•nnln1 Oep11t Mint. City ot NtwPof t Buch llOO Ntwport Bo11l1v11d, Newport Beteh. Cat1forni1, m59- 1768 for furthei infor· m1llon conhcl the Ntwpoit Buch Pl1nnin11 Oepattment 11 (949) 644 3200 NOTl1 The u penH of thi' notoce I\ P••d hum • lllln11 fu collected flom tt.1 apphc1nl Publl,htd Newport BHl h Cos.ta Mull Daily Pilot May 9. 2003 rJ74 llOncl TO CllllTOIS OfMIWI (SKS. 61041610Sr U.C.c.) bn.W.: OOOSMOS-111 "\. Notte• " heteby 11ven to cred1ton of lht within named Sellet tha t a bulk sale " •bout to be made of the au1ts dnc11b1d below The n1mu and bu\1 neu addresws ol the Seller •rt Ry1t1 CU< POl•lton J002 Cl Camino Real Justin CA 92787 lhe l0<1toon tn Calo fnr n1a ol I he t h1tl uecullvt ofh<.e or the Seller IS SAM[ AS A80 Vl A\ hsted by lhe Seller. all nlher bus111en names and .1ddfeues u\ed by lhe S.-llf'r w1th1n lhree yurs belore the date \ulh ll\I was sent r>r dehvered to lht Buyer 11e £1 Pollo l oco Stnre #1227. 3001 El Cammo Ae•I. !11~1111. CA 92782 lhe namu ""'' bu" ness add1en es nf lh~ Duyer ert i.hon11, I LC, 18!>3? Rancho C11\1ta"°. Alln Alt Ghom1udeh l aiiun.i N1cuel, CA 91677 fh~ aneh to toe sold art cj,.".11bed 1n gen er al as F ""shtH COOdw1ll tr 1~n•me equ111m~nl f1\lu1n \t&n\ lusf'hnld 1mpro•~men1s le•\f dlld t.uultold intuol bulld1n1 end 111 other UHh uud In th• ot1«•tlo11 of the bu~ "'" end we located et. I !M!I Hetbof BouJev111d. Cost• Mesa, CA 92627 lh• builneH 11an1e U'8d b7 the Sellet at th.It loabon IS. Cl Pollo Loc:o, Stoce 15519 The a11tic19ated date of the bulk Hiit IS May 28, 2003 at the olft« of law71u Tttle Company, Attn. Kathleen Hunb· man, 18551 Von Ka1man Avenue. •100. lrvtne, CA 92612 Thts bulk sale 11 sub1ec t to C•lifo1n1• Un1fo1 m Commerc ial Code Seclton 6102.2 If so subject, the nama and address of the pers on with who m claims m1y be hied is. la wyers ntle Company. Attn· Kathleen Hunts- man, 1115!>1 Von Karman Avenue 1100. Irvine. CA 92612. and the lut day fOf hltna claims shall be May 27. 2003. WhKh ts lhe buStntss day before the ule dale ~ctfted above DATCD· Apr il 29, 2003 Chom1, lLC. A C•hl01n1a 1tm1ted habllrty comp.1ny IYs /S/ All ~la•- 4elo, M....lt.r Published Hewpor I Beach Costa Mes.t Daily Pilot May 9, 2003 C.NS 534603 Sll'lllOI com Of WOlllA. COUllTY Of OIMGf 341 n. City DIM, hip, CAtml Pm1QI Of, .. ftM., .... f .......... f9. ~-Yt6ieftlil .. .......... w.. .. .,. ...... FOi OWIGE Of WM OIDtl TO SllOW CAUSl fOI (JWIG( Of MA.II WUUlla: ll11655 10 All IN TrRESIFU Pl A SONS I Pet1t1ontr Y dhl• f •him. Ab""' f ah1111 ••ul Ad.•m Fah•m. and Y.1h1~ r ahtm and Abeef I Alum on btnalf ol Aditnt r .thtm • mtnO< lil~d • peltltun w1lh lht\ tour I lnr a dritrt-e ch•nam~ n .. m .. , ••follows Yah•a H f •h•m In >oh n II ewle1 Abet< f ahtnt lu Anty K•i-pltr Ad•tll ' ........ IU Ad~rn Ktpplf'r ? IHI C.OURI OHO! RS lt'tdt dll pt:• wn\ 1111e1 e\l~d tn lht\ m.ller sh.all ap11oar belor e lhts •our I at the h.a11nii tnd•cated bf'low lo show cauu 11 dny •hy the peltlton fv1 •hange ol n•me \huuld 1101 be ,,.11ted HOTIC[ or Hf AHING o ,1e 6 J OJ '""~ 7 oo pm Otpl L IJ The addr•u ol lht' rnu1 I 1\ '""'l" d\ nof.,.d Ahovti l A ""'Y ol tht\ fltdN 10 Show tause shall be pubh\lled a t leot onu• each we•!. tor l11u1 sot..t,..,~•ve week~ pfWJt lo lht d•le stl fur h•.0•1011 on lhe peltlton 1n the li>llow1n1 news P~c>e• ol genetlll UICU lat11Jn p11nted 111 lhl\ county Nn rl>Ur I R,..<h/ Cosl• Mt\.o ll••ly Ptl<>I HO W Ray Cu\ta Meu C.A 92627 Dcte: AH 14 2003 llKHUD O. fl.UH. Sit., JUDGE OJ THI SU'latott COUaT Published Newpor I Buth C.Od.t Meu Oarly Ptlol Apt-ti 18 15. May 2 9.2003 f 307 Publte hea11nrs will be held by the Costa Men Pl•nntn& Comm1u ton at C1ly Hall 17 f a11 011ve. Cost• Meu. Caltfornta, al 6 30 p m . or as ~oon H pou1ble thereafter on Tweoclay, May 27, 2001, r eca1 drne the fottow1ns a,>P11uuons I An Otdtn<N1Ce of Ille City Council of thl City ol Costa Mau •mendln1 nue 13 of the Costa Men MunKlp•I Code rtlaUn& lo Anldentlal Oevtlop1111nt Stand11cb and bet.I an Re~iew l'roc edure,, '"d • Auolut10n ol lht Crty Council ot th• City of Colla Mt!.i 1mend1n1 th• Ru ldenllal Oti1111 Gutclehne• (,rv11onmen tal delermmahon u empt ? Plann1na Al>Pltt.•lton PA OJ 10 for Ja mes 1'01ndu tu. author11ed 111nt 101 P•Clftt. M•n ae•menl Group/There~• S•ldan•. IOI • cond1 ltonal use permit lot 11 martial arh studio in a11 e x"tlna 1nd 1u t1 l•I bulldlns wtth o minor eondltlon1I use per mil to devi•I• from shared pa1kln11 1equ•tt m•11h bued on oltset ho urt. ot t>petatton, located •I 775 W 17111 Street. Suite M rn 1n MG zone F nv1 ronmtn l•I d1lerm1n.; hon e•empt If •n1 ot the p1eted1n11 echons .,, t h1llenced 1n court, the challln&e may be ltmtled to only those 1u uet. -e 'lllAS at the p'ub ltc h e111n1 destrtbed 1n lht\ nn1tce or 1n w1111 .. n • 011 e 'pondentP d•l1•trttl lo lhe Pbnmn& t.mnmf\•uon •I OI p1101 lol lhr 11ubltc hurtnt for lu1th~r 1nlo1m1 toon on lhe •buve ~11ph~.ilton' lrle11hone (71 4) ,.,,, 514') Ill ¥1511 the otllt~ ol tit~ PIJn n1n1 1>1v1\1011. Httttm /00 71 r .111 o.... rw.ta Mnd,f'.Jltlt11 111.t l'ubll\htd Nr wpor I Buth Custa M""" D•1ly Ptlol M3y 9 ;>OUJ r )(, I smD>ICOUITOf woau. coom Of OIMGf 341 Oty DIM, Onllp, CA '21611 Pnllth<-1 Pf11TIOtl Of DA Wll CUI· ~TUii OHUIAU Of OllSTOMI JAC.OI CW· SOii, ' ... fOI OWIGf OflWU OIDEI TO SHOW CAW fOI CJWl6( Of !Wal Wl 1111111: ll 1116' 10 All INl£RISHU 1'£HSONS I Peltl111nrt U"WN C.UAHAN TUBB ON RI HAL f 01 C.HAIS I OP~I( A JACOB rRA.-SOH A Mll'fOR ltled • peltlton With fhl\ lOUll fur • deu e• ch.1nf tni nAmn •\ lolluw\ t HRIS I() P~t[ A JACll[l 1.RAPS()N '" U IRl'ilUPHfR 111roe WRHAH ) I H( I.OUR I ORO( AS th•I all fJt'r\•JnS tnlN t'\led 111 lht\ m,1tler \hall .~Jl$l~~f t; ... t11'~ fhl\ t t1ut t 11 th~ """'"'II tnOtt 1t~d 1teh1w lo \how l411\~ 1f any why the ptl1lt(ln '''' thAttt1~ ctf ndmt' \hould n11t bt' 1r 1ntt d NO TIC£ or Hl AAI NI. 1>1te 6 l OJ Tim• l 00 pm Otpl l l l fhe llddrus of the r 0111 I t\ ume •• nolt'd abo•• l A copy of lh" 01~1 tn Show c IU\f sh~ll bt 11ubhshed .it lu\I once euh ,,,.,~ fnr four '\UtCe~,,._ .. 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I M1n0< Cond11tonal U<o Ptrmtl /A 07 69 IC>t Irwin Srhdl1man au lhOlllf'd •i""' for Robr11 M Brandy lr11 a lf'tychn11 bu"nf'\~ and lo .11.,.. '""•if' •on '"'"~' \ al lhe rur of lht p111ptt ty lou1ltd lit 946 W 17th Slrtel tn •n MG 111nt [ nvu onmenlal de I er nnnallnn eat mp I ? M1no1 Un11n Review /A OJ 34 l or Ch11s r ne1'1el, aulhoroied aunl tor Bob VCt2el to1 6 390 "I II sernnd \tory addition to• ~•n1tle OOTlCE TOCREDITOAS tan11ly rn1dtnu•. loLali;d OFBLlJ<SAl.E at 1087 Clf'n Ctrclt tn (VCC Sec. 6tOl5) an A2 MO ront! E11v1 EsltoowNo 1012SIO-OC ronmenh l delerm1na OOTlCE IS ~ 1tu11 oempt GIVEN .., I ~ 1111 II J Minor r.ond11tonal aDolA " be fiw:i8 Tl'e Ust Pt< mil ZA 03 40 to< tWnl(I) rd ~ lhendorr Robins Jr an «Mal .. llllll(S) •ulho1111d .a1ent tor ~ ~ T SAM ~ )ohn W McCray, I<> Tl1Nl4 lH NOOC SN.4 allow trmporllly stor.11e N#J BFWf P SN.4 N#J of nf'w •t h1clu •I an >CUONG Pt«J SNo4. 8116 e • 1st1n11 111du s t11a l W t9™ ST. COSTA p1~1ly (no urvtu ot llESA,CA92BZ7 1ep•11 '' proposed) Ol:t"a , ~ • locattd at 1485 Dale MAlh..._..., Wey 1n 1n MC 1one M rlt'fJT ~ tWnl(lj [nv1111n-ntal deletmt- rd an *8l 1-1 by nalt<>n uempl rw ~..., rw Piii If any ol tM prKedtnl hw~ •.-I~ 1ct1ons ~• t hat11tn1ed 1n f'e _....Ha S court the ch.allen1e may UOlXlR. 125 V1CTOAA be ltm1ted to only !hose ~TA ~ CA. tnuu 111 w111ten cone- ....,.,. .. " ~ spondenc~ deltv11ed to lJOlXlR. 11851 C>W'tMN the Zon1n1 Admmtslr alOI AVE., GAAl94 QROllE. p11or lo, the above date CA. OfWa VI.I.A r or lu1ther 1nto1matton ~ 1120 lUSTN on th• ~bove 11pphu AVE..OfW&.CA hon\, telephone (714) Ti. tJcllCrl tl Cllbnfll of 7 ~ 5 245, Of Vt st I the flt 0.... ~ Olce office ol lht Pl1nnin1 of h .... la 886 W 01v1'1on. Room 200, 77 11JTH ST. COSTA~ r atr Or IVt. Cost• MeH , CA 92!12'1 C•lifor nit n.IWN(I) lndbaiwa Publis hed Newport a:n-d ,_ ~I) Buch Co,t• Mesa Daily IMl!w: IBAAHM owrN«> P11ot M•• 9. 2003 F JSi Q.N\A M DIAB. :M810 ~Of YVCNi'A 9..VO. -·-YVCNi'A. CA 8l'ZJll8 '9.K- n. -blt'G 8'.. HOllC£ IS HEREBY flllWlltt ~..:! GIVCN that • publtc ~ .,,.,....,,...... hea11n1 wtll tit held by ~. .,."" the Cost• Mesa City NY9flOOY ~ Council on May 19. lEAS90.D 2003. el 6 30 p 111 ., In ~ tbe Council Cllambeis of ent1~ST~~ ~~ City H.11. 11 hw O<We, ~·::,;._... .. --. Oft ttie toaow1111 •t•m .,..._, MASTCll P\Al4 Rt:YIEW Ti.ta.tt•ll~ll> PA 03 01 for Ct1Hn m ~ • ,. Auoclatn. 1111t1torlze4 ._ d C8fTlW. •nt tor lt•ry MHdtnl E!ICACW, NC. lrtd .. Oran1• Count' ,., ........, • -19 fou.,1111 At It Center. tor .-v-.aa lt11 '"''°''· IPPfO•I· ~ ..... U91l 11> '"'' ty J00.000 • .,. -.-..-U9wm toot, >.~ ... t 0r • .,.. Qaltl_. Oldt ._.., Cownt' Pttf0tm111t Alb 110U. Cent• '"""'*"Y ..... Thi,..,. lrtd ..._ d louted 1t 815 lown .. PlflOl'I 111111 ~ c.,.,., Dt•" lfl 1 TC: cMl9 ,... • 1111 tt. re111 h•lronme11t1l c:emw. ~ Ott•r"'l,.1tlo fl1111 ~n: flfor-Cn•1r-t.e ~ tllQ. 1111,11~1 •oort No. llWX ('A • 10"7 _, ....... .,*" If THt ~f()ft(Mtll· ......... Clldllr flONCO A~TIOll IS • .. •~ 'II, --. CJW.UllGtt>"' cou10 • ....,. .......... , .. ~ ... , .... ...................... ...,, .... = ;~.... --, ........... _......,.,.._,._ ...... CM NG hi IN notke, • 1111 ~Ill~ "'ltM ctn••••r•anr• r:: OflG1 ....,.., le ..._ Cq == ~ C.-:1 .... .,. ... ;;;;;;~ ... ..&.:'~';Ti."° GIW ........ Friday, May 9, 2003 '" t1m1 and pine, 111 tnletts ltd person• m•y eppur .llld be heiltd by lhl City CouM;tl on 11wi 1bove 1tem rliut..th Thom•s. 31) The r icltttoU\ BustotU l" ,. "'""'' Of • lnll\4 name referred to above CA~ wes hied 1n Diane• Timothy Lew11 'l9(J8 fhe lollo wina ~''°"' County on!> IJ 99. fill 6th Avenue Los Mae*. •te tkl<n1 buMneu n NO 19996793106 CA 90018 lo"ll • H•u Studio. Oo<11 B11lly M•l•rs. fhn bu\men " con 14!>0? Oel Pr aOo Ste A 140 fer n luf Ave d"'ft d by • ltllllted Oen• Point CA92629 Coron• Otl M11, CA p•rtnusl11p Shelly Lyn lo•ell f11H With UM (.;CM1ntr Cltt'll ot Ora111• Cc.unly on04/ll/O) ,..,. .... ,, D•tlr Pilut Af,f II ~. Mar 2. 9. 200l r m JUUlfOlOK, D...,ty(.tty~ l'ubl1Shed Newpo1 t Beach·Coste Meu 01111 Pilot M11y 9, 2003 f 317 92625 !lave you stiltted dotn& 2450:.> Oel P11do Ste A l h1s st1lement hu bu,1nn s 1•t• Ku Oan• Point CA 92629 ltte foMowt,_, jHrft.uttt. IOllJOfMJC-been eae<uted pursu•nl ( ltu belh Thomas Th,. buMnen is con 111 dotltl Du\tne\\ 4' NOTICE IS H[A[BY to section 11!119 ol lhe t.t nttal P11tner ducted by an 1n4tvM1ual Lydia D•inow US/I 4Jt, GIVEN that 1 publtc Bu,meu and P1 ofn fh" •l•l,,11e11I wn Ha .. you >lllltd doonl Heltotrope $utl~ I r hurina will be held by sion\ Cude ltltd with lht County bvslfl<!s> yet> Ves 3/'/9/ Co1on1 Del Mtr (.A lh• Co1t<1 Mesa City llH\ bu\1ntu ts ton Cle1t. ot Ou nce County 99 9261!1 Council o n May 19 , dutled by an mdtvtdual on 04/?'.l/03 Shelly l u .. 11 ferry J Koen1i. l/I 2003 at 6 JO pm . 111 Charles W Mn l1ts. )fl 2003•f4267J flu• \l•l•m•nl wn Vt1l• Sue1te Ht•li•<ft the Council Ch1mbets of lhl\ stahoment was Daily P1lul May 2 9 lb, fried with the County But h, CA 92660 City H•ll. 71 Fetr DI••• hied with the Counly 23, lOOJ r 34!> Clerk ul o .... " .. County lh" business I\ t '111 on the lollowma item Clert. of 011n1e County u11 04/1'>103 dulled by •n ind Mdu.il APPLICA110H ltom onCY.1/07/03 fldltlM...... 20036940922 Have you >l1tted Ckit1tt Council Member Mona 20036943779 OatlY Prlot Apr 18. 15. buuneu yet' Ito h an 1ppealtn11 Ute 011ly 1'1101 May 9. 16. ...S..... Ma y2,9.?00J f3'lS h Hy J Kientlt Plan111na Commin ion'\ l!l.~......:'.161 lhe lollow1n1 pe"""' ri.....t..-~ Jht\ 't11erne11t • '' approv•I of Minor oes111n ''~ dome busmns 1s ~ -I tied with the 1 •1• Review ZA 02 60 tor J.fl .._ t~ B11t Bid Bu\ Unl11n1ted, ... S..... Cl•rk of 011n1e Co• 1 Mayland. '1ulhoriled --428 Mornin1 • Ca"yon (he lollow1n11 per\on' on 04119/0l •eent to• luhn Rice. lor The tollo wma persons Road, Corona Oel Mai ere do•llll bus1ne\\ H 200J69426•t' 1 second story idditton ., .. do1n11 business H CA 92615 lm•llt' Cunwltmc )00 0~11y Pilot May I 9 16 to an Ut\ltn& Stn&le Malthan family frusl. Kimberlee ( Ora~e. C.t&ney l 6ne •104 l) 2003 I,'\!) t _,1 ... th 1699 M1norta Place 428 Mornrn• Canyon Co•t• Mt>• 'A"""L) ~ ............... ilnn y res1 .... nce, w1 an Co\la Mtsa C.A 92616 • • • ... .,..,1., ~--· uemplion from llill4&• Mith••I T M.tlthan Road Corona Del Mar L•lert• I McCully JOO '-s....t w1dlh requ11emenl5 due lrusl H of M•llh•n CA926?'l Ca11ney t 4 ne •10~. to 1nadequ•le 11ara1e rannl• ltusl 11117102 lom Wt l 1•I ?b Ne w11.,1t l!eHh LA lhe tollowmc Pt• .on\ d1mens1o"s <20' re 1699 , M1norta Place Northern Pine luop 91663 •rt dome bus11ws\ "' quired, 19' t>t\h) Co\l.t Me\il CA9?6:.>6 Alt~VitjO CA 976~ Thi\ bti'.tnO\ t\ •un Oohs N Ahn IJO £ located di 'l56 Rose fh1s busmos IS ton dull•<! by .n t110t•wlu•I 17111 SI Unit H t .. ,,,, lane in an Al lllM M1chtllt A M•lth•n dutted by cu p•rtners HA•t' you llMted "°'"II Meu CA 9l627 En•tronmental Dele1m1 It usl•t ot Mallh•n 11.t•t 1ou \I.tried 11...tllt/ bu• ones. ytt' No 11111 r1anc.es Avol"""' nlllton f aempl f •mtly lrusl 12 17/02 ltttstnf'ss yet> Nu I I •l~n• MtCully 40?':> II Calle <.on•>U If THE AFORCM(N 1699 M•norc.t Plue K1mbe11u E Orah lhi< statement .,0 l aaun•Woods CA9Jt.!>l T'ONCD ACTION Is C0\11 Me'" CA92626 fomWellel ThlS bus.ness t\ ton fht\ bu\tftf'\\ t\ ton l1led with th.. C:ounly CHALLENGED IN COURl . dutled by I amtly Trust fht\ \l.tltmtnl was Cletk ,,, Orin.ir 1 .unly ducted by "" 1nd,.11l11•I the ch;allen&t may be lil•d with lhe C"unty on 04 ?<J OJ Ha.e you U•rl•d •I'""' hm1led to only tho"" H .... yuu \l•rled do1n11 Clerk ol Oran& .. (uunly 20034942643 bu\mtss , .. ,, Y~· Nu• bu""'" yrl' Yo Cl"; 04 11 OJ 17 1995 l\su1es h r a1sed d al bth11e O:l, 03 on O•tly Pilot M•y l <; I b 1 Avetoom pub IC UI '"' tSll t ~ Mil hdtl l M•llh•n 20031>940609 13 200) r $'>8 '" the noltce 111 111 Daily Pilot Apr 18 t'l .........__ ._,___ lhtS \lalrmenl w.- 11 d lht\ \l•lemrnl WI\ May 'J 9 2()0J f jJ'} ....__ hit<! wtlh lht ( l)lutlf '"" en tOfrtspon """ hied w1lh th~ r:ounty • deltvered to the Cth i.-s.....t Cltr~ of Or•n1e Cuuuty Council al. or p11or to Cl•tk 0 1 !>••11~• County fidllM~ on04 l!>10J the publlc heartnl! on 0'>1()6. 0 I .,_ S........__. rhe 1.,11nw1nr perso•I\ NOHCl IS f URHl!R 20031>94'511 - -.irt do1n2 bu•.111 .. ss n ~OO:i6940908 Ill ~ GIVEN that al the al.love Udtly Pilot M•y 'I 16. lh~ foll!lwon1 1>e"''"' SanYtdo b6!> Paulll!tnO "1f Pilot APt II"'~ ~nd pl•te •II ?J j() 10()j f J69 ar• doing bu\tnHS d\ ~2v6e"" t O\I~ Mt~ t.A May? 9 1001 I lli ~ ~ • Oft tc ~ & In du\ Ir o•I ., •u fidlt6m l ... H 1nlerestect person\ may S ....... ef Relo1 alu"' C.onwll.inh M11"iwa Corpt..1al1on appur and be heart! by Ala.~ tfUMef ';190 Stl••• l:dnyun ko 1CA1 18JS W ?lllh St ' "-S.... the City Counctl un lhe I .. Suitt G Yorba l tnd• r:A Su11e 23'> lorr•nto C.A fh• tollow1ne P~''"'" above •ltm fktltlM lusiless "-97887 90501 •• • 0011111 buw1"" ·'" JUlll JOLCIK. lto~ f'JlluWIO& PttVtn Jdl!le\ Antt1uny fluvPt 11 .... bu\tne\\ I\ 0 un Gon, 001 w .1k ""' D•puly City Clerk ha-dl1~ndctn•d the U\I' ')390 S1lvP1 t dttyoitt Rd duded by a corp11r;11ton 19'>01 Ar •1tun L111 It l'ubltshed N~wp.,11 ol lh• I 11 l1t1ou\ Bu\1 Su1I• C Vorbd I 1todd LA H••t vou \lorled dr,111~ Hunltn&lon Beach t A !leach Co~la Mes• 0Atlv O•\\ N1lnl• CIS Net 9?887 t.u\lnP\\ yet> Nu 92&46 P11o1 M.;y9.2003 f361 ""'k" Inc SOI SI l ht'. bu\tn•V·" '"" M1huwa Lulpt')ldltun lht1\ltne Kaq >1to•k1 PUIUC SAU f\ndl•w Rd NPwp.,rt duct•ll by dR ond1 .. d1J•I K.i1uh1ko HOii SPtr•tory 19';01 A1•11on C'H ,, Pursuant to C.haplei 11•.Hh tAClfbf>J lid•• vou ''•11•~ 1J..,ng lho\ ··l•l•menl wo Hunltngtun Be111 h '11 10 commencin1 with fh• I 11 lot1o1u· Etu\in•" ltu\lnl'\\ Y•I' Yr\ 01 111 .. d wtlh th" tuunly 9/1>46 ?1100 ol lhe Bus1n•\•, 11~111• t~l•tt••J l•1 •buvt I" /(.ll)t Lief~ ul l>r•n~• luu11ly Tht\ bu\tne'l t\ • "'' and P1ole,s1ons C.od" wA\ ltltd 111 UtJ1tl(e J~m•· A linl(Pt un 05 ()(,OS dutled by •n 1nd1v1<.lu ti nultlt is hereby il'"en r •• .,nty ""I ll O? I ti ( lht\ \IJl•mr11t ... , 200ll>94lSIO Hive you \l;trl~d rlrn11r lh•I A· Slora&e of Co,I• NU IQ(Jlf,IN lt96 ltl~d w•lh 111~ r ouuly 0 •1ly P1lul MJ) 11 16 bu\1nns Ytl No M.-A •kJ Slor•&• Pitt\ I l.I~ "'•''""'k' lnl 11.,k •' U1.tn11r ""''' d j() /O(lJ I Jll 1 C.h11\ltnt "-•rpttl\~ Mail I ~nter woll UU'>t ti Al '>Ill SI Andtrw\ un ()4 01 01 • • 1111\ •l•ltment ., " lo be \Old lo the e("ntral Rd ~ew1 ,,, B~A<h CA 1 20031>9391>31 Fiditi.st.sit.u ltltd Wtlh the Cuuut, pubh• by l•,mpel11tvt b•d 'n'bl>J 11 .. 11 f'<l<>I M .• y I 1 lb "-s....f tlt•k ol Ounat ' '"'''' •I 74SI! Newport Blvd lh1• tm 1n•'.\ " l'>n ?I l()(H I JC,7 Ille tollowine P"'°"' ,.,04 /9 03 I "'t" Mesa Caltforttt• du• l~ll t.o 1 • "'"' .rAltfln -. --~,. <loon& bu\onn\ J\ 2003•942674 926?7 on May 19 ;>()()] GI$ N•l fictltillst.sititu "' ALLt\\ lhe Ed&• bl Daily Pilot May l I II 11 10 00 AM lltt lul wur~\ 1111 I hol 11111-.1111 ._ s...... lht' [d(!t Stmtn•r\ 616 ?J 200J I I I ttly lh•\ ··l•lem•nl ,.J.. ht ollow1ne per\c.n' M CA 92626 lowing de\t.nbrd Pf<lll l;h,.1 lJt• IJllttrr I I 1 I 5tavttw lJnf' C.u\I• f1cllll.t.iltu I ( 1rr tlntnll bU\tRt\\ d\ t'\I l II-..........__,, Unit l'l'l Vtntenl I •kd w1lh lllt .uunly C 1 U tbb84 S lk le11 Rtlth•~ 616 Sea - -Ott~o AKA V1n <eot I lerk nl 014n~• Luuntt 1'"1 ~1 (' 1 Y 11r .itw L•ne Co\la Mt \• lht lull1>w1n~ 11•• .. ,,. IAmt\ Deleo per \un•I "" 114 11 0 I l' ;;7 lOs "0 " "'" a .. , CA <;1626 ••, doina bu• •nt ,, , ~~~~s"' ~~~m=\u\u1•;l~~.'1~ ~'.:iv3~~1!~6A~~ Pl ,., 10~117;,!',uT~'5,r1~•;rr:. du1,~~o ~~\·:~s~.,~~ •• ~·~:1 t;:;~~ A~1~";:'.11u • .': and UI '""'"'"'Y May I 9 IOU I r IH. SI F uunl•ttt V•llty CA f1ave yuu \la< lt d d••n11 D• •B Nr •l)llrl Ho .. lo Unot 245 & 740 Al I PtJIU( llOTKI 97708 bu\lftt'>\ 1,.,, Nu CA 9266J Ro11trs petSonal iirop lht\ businr'\ t\ lOn le11 Ritchie letry W lthnta" 4M llJ ttlt hou•,.huld proper llO'TK1 Of SAU !ht~ \latement w•s S•nho•t Or •I! l'>t• w ly bu-.mes\ •etord\ •nd NOJl•c• 1\ hf'r<by g1vrn du• •~d by • wrporatoon ltled w1lh the County 1w11 Bu th C.A ti/I.Ji,! o)r 1nHnlor1 PUl\UdO! lo \et ltUO\ H••t Y•IU ":~ltd dlltng Clerk uf Or Mtge County Thi\ bU\lllt' I\ "I Pur1.ha\r 111u,1 be 1071 .111d «)11 "' lh• bu\ints\iel 11 on04 11,03 duct"d br •n 1nrt1v1ot11.1I made wtlh tash only 411tJ l tv1I C.udt "' Ill• Sl~I• ln~11rc '1~uvm !>::iekr~~I~ 20034940407 liA•~ yuu \l11rf•d ''"""' at lhe flmf' ol sale SAi• nl i:.1hlr11111,1 lh• unrl•• Prt"tl••" Daily Pilot Apt 18 75 bu,ont" yel ' Y•\ 4 C, sub1ect In ~ant'll61tun 'tr••~tl HAHHOH IOW May? 9 2003 F .!IH Ol 1n lhP •vent of \•tll• INl. will .... 11 <11 ~ultlt• lhl\ •t•l'm•l'll """ flctiti.s..U.U lf'11y l ehn .. n mtnl bet .. """ 11w11•1 •Ut t1on "' 1077 ( tiled wilh llt• C.uunly lhl\ \lalemenl .,. " dndobltgatedparly C.Hl <olNlll SANIA ANA Cl•r~ ol IJt.inlle Counh ._S..... ltlf'd •1111 th!< t~11nh Publt\htd Newpur t (Al 'l//01 di 900 '"' ~n00043619S4001977 lh< lollowin• pet\Oft\ Clrtk ol OttnK• ( oouuty But h Costa Me\a Oa1ly on MAY '() :?()()! II'-• • on()tl 11 '03 Pilot May 'l 9 2003 r l•' Daily P•ldt Apr lK I'> at~ du1n& bu\IOI!:\\ as 200369""'""'" ~, lollowtn~ df'\t 1 tbtll May 7 9 200J F328 l •p•ndtd Cvt'nts 2638? .,_ ~t.m.u pruptrly to wit Yw Charlord Lake 10101 Dlllly Pilot Apr IK I'• 2IXX> MAI-• I NOR fidilm t.m.u CA 92630 May 2 9 ?OCH I 110 '-S..... Wff SA4,PVl60 YM Jl16 .._,..____. Kelly l"••lla p, .. ~., ~...-.a The follow1n1 pel\<Jn\ ~atd \.ti~ " 1111 lht --26382 Charlu•d la!.e are dotnll bus1nen ., Pll•P<>Y ,f -.alr.ly1n" hen lhr lollow1n1 person\ f orut CA 92630 "-s....t •I (lCV(N MANUf Af ol lhi> un04'•\fit04'd tnr 4'f' dorn11 bustnts\ .n fhis business rs coo lht-lollow1n1 P"" "' TIJAINC COMPANY t:it lo w•ntt tnd •lor•ae Pr•tt\oun lo win& 120 Outltd by an 1nd1v1dual art do•n& busont \\ 1• [L[V{N MFG CO 1689 t ·itelh•r with lU\I nf Wd~e r oresl Rd Co\ta tun you \l•rled dcnn& Hf'ft 600 ?011 .. I u Pal• Mt\I Ct CO\I• .cl•••ll'ln~ •rod.,.,.,, r\ Me-. C.A91676 bu\tn"s' ftt> Ye\ 4 I ctnll.t Avt Co\lt M"t.• M"'" C..tltlorma 92627 ol S.tlf! ( m1ly Marn• i.; ... , llO Ol CA 92617 811•n Joseph l1lb~t Dated lht IOth dlt QI Wlkf' ror•\t AO Ct1\la t<tlly P••lley Pett< Kr1u,,..,rt ~:'OC 2689 P1I• Mt \1 Ct Ap11l l00l Mt'" (.A 9?b76 Th1i •lalf'mt nl wn C.unltnenlal Au ! u•U fo\la Mua C11tlorm<1 S ~an lfoul•r~ k>f' llttlh Gttr //0 ltled with the County Mt\a CA 91677 'il6?7 Publt\hrd Ntwpo1 t Wdk ... I fllt\t Ad Co\tll Cle•k ol 011net County Thi\ bus1nr-s\ '' "" Htcho la' Anllre-w Bot h Co\la Mn• D.01ly M t\f C.1191626 on()tl/?9'03 dut led by .tn 1ndm•ht1l R.owhouser 1?4 we,t Pilot May 9 .'OOJ f lll 1111• bu\ontt\ t\ '"" 200369421>61 ~an you \IMll'<f "''"'' Simmons Ave Anaheim --.........__.,._ rluc ltd by • jlen••al Oll!lt Polot May l 'I lb bus1ne\\ ytl' Yr· 4 I Calolornia92801 ...._ pa1tner\htp l3 2003 f l4J 97 Neil Alan Wrt&hl 4 1~ i.-s....t Have you \ldlll'd Ootn& Rcftim..... Ptltf l\rau\fll Larwon Ave Cyprus t A lht following 11~1\0n\ bn1ne\S ytt> No lhis \llltmt 11t w •\ 90630 •• t do1na bU\tnfl\\ n lo• Ktith G•t• ... S..... filed with lhr l uutoty Th" bu\lntss " 'un QuKk Dot' J?OI Cul Thi\ \lllemelll w.s lh~ lollow1na persons t.lrrk ot Orane• t .. unty ducl•d by a e•n•r ~• ur •dCl Pl Cu\11 Mt\a I Md wolh th~ County ••t do1n11 bus1ne\s n un 04/11/03 p~rlne1\h1p CA 9?6?6 C'lr rk of Oran&t County L.•ttuna Be.1ch A<IOI'\ 20031>940599 Hi ve you slarlt'd d111n11 I hCimH Bov\man on 04i l5 03 Studio. 220 Caton Street Daily Pilot Apr 11! '1'1 buSIMSS yet? Ye\ l'lOI Color•do Pi Co\I• 200l6940923 l•tuna Beach, CA 92651 May 2, 9. 2003 111? 04 2'1!2003 Ml'\.O, C.A 9:l6'l6 D•ily Ptli>I Apt l8. l'l. lohn M•chael Lacey a-.._............__ Ntd A•whou\et Anaela Bou\ntln J?OI M2y 2• 9 2003 fJi'6 'l?O CajOn St . l•eunJ ,__. This \l~lemenl w.-Cvlo11do Pl Ct>\t• Rdt"-'"911u Buch CA92651 -~ filed with th• tuunty Me\d t..A 92626 This business is ton Tht tollow1n1 per\t>ns Clerk ol 01an1e County Thi\ bus1nns I\ ton "-S..... ducted by an 1nd1v1dual 1,. tlutnil bustne\\ "' on IY.>/07/03 rfutl~tl by hu\band and Th• tollow1n1 person\ Have you \llltted do1n& Joe Sanl1ltppn Cun 200Jl>94380l wilt ar t dotnc buStnts\ as bu\1ness yet> No •true tton 2':>A81 [\drr Dttly Pilol M1y 9 16 Havr you \larle<I dn•nR Mf!aatt'Ch M•nuf•clu11n1 lotin Lacey woud l •k• r or"' 13 30 2003 F 365 bu''""'' yel' No & M1ch1nll\& 910 N lh•s \1.tltm.,nl wn C•lt•otn1a 9'lfll0 fidlllea..... lhoma\ Bousman Pu1nuth1 Street S1nh filed with the County Anbtrl J Kamtn\kt, ... t~ lhtS •tatement wn Ana CA 92101 Clerk of °'•"II~ County 25482 [ldefwood I •lie -filed with the Counly Mtt•tech Cnetnu "n£ un IY.>•06 'OJ for.st C1t1f01n1a 9?6JO The lollowm1 '""on• •re do11111 bu\tnen as Cl .. rk ot Oran1e l:1>11nly &, M;anufaclu11nc Inc 2001694JSI& Thrs bu\tlln' " 1.on •) Cl Strvt<u b) on 04 ?9 03 CC A) 920 N Pomwtt1a Daily Pilot Mav 9 16 ducted by an 1n4•v•d11.1t 2003694267 I S•nla An;a C.A 92701 23 30 2003 f l68 H;ave you started dolOC Glob•I l•&hlhl)U" t) Daily Ptlot Mo 1 9 16 Th~ bu\lnt n 11 con AdltiM..... buMnns yet> f'lo Global L11hlhouse Ser VKU. 51 Coast.I 0•~ Altso Vte!(>. CA 92656 23 ?003 f l47 ducted by • tO<Po< •lt0n Robert J K1m1nsl11 --fidlllls..... Have you started doln& ... S.... Tht\ stalemenl wn bustnen yet> YH. 06 fh, tnlk1w1n1 IM'ISOns ftled •tlh the l:'luntr Steven Dw1yne l If b1tman. SI Coast•! Oak Aliso Vie,o. CA 92656 --~ 01/2002 lrt cto>n& bus•nes\ n Cieri. ol Ounce C•·unh Th" followme ptl\ons Mttatech Cn&lfleettnl Trop1c1I lsl•n<I \980 on 04 ·Ol/03 S.ndy l un 11.yuna Sunu loebe1man, 51 Coastal Oat<. Altso V1e10 CA 92656 ••t dome busme\\ as & Manuf1ctu11n1. Inc f tder a l Avt Co' ta 200J69J•67S Con•lruct1ve Improve Melisa Pevao C£0 Mesa CA 9'1617 Oal4y Ptlol May ? 9 16 menh J260 Idaho Ln Th11 datement wes )or 1e Perez I 980 Z3 2003 J J."i"t Costa Meu CA 9?6?6 hied with the County f eder.r A~e Costa a-.._ ..... B.trry Hell Jii'60 ldeho Clt<k of O.an1e County Meu . CA 92627 ,_ This business is con ducted by husband and wile l n Costa Meu CA on 04/11/03 Th~ bu\lneH 1\ con "-se...t 92626 200J694DS91 ducted by at\ 1nd1•wlu11 Th" followtne Pff\On\ Stoll Shani. 2615 Oa1ly P116t AP4 18. 15, Havt you Jt.,t.cl do•n1 lllt do•na bu\uto<u " Have you started 0oma busmen yet' No Cnrydon Norco CA May 2. 9. 2003 rlll bus iness yel1 No v~rb 1123 Wu t U•Y 91760 a--..... JoreePere.t Ave •A Newpo11 Buch Sandy E. Sunu l •@ bermen Thi• b1u1n~•• t\ cnn ~ This ~tatement WH CA 9~3 dueled by • aentrtl ... S.... li~d w1t1t ll>e Count1 Aicltta (CA> pa1tne1ship Th• followins person• Cletll ot Of•n1• County West Bir Awe Have yo11 \ht1led dolnl art dotna busiMSS H ' on 04/11/03 H1wport Bud• 1112) "' ("A Th15 s tatement wn flied with the County Cieri!. of Oranae Countr on 04/21/03 20016941712 bu\1neu yet? Yes. 4 15 Sllte<s Unlimited Hew 20016940611 92663 98 port BHCll/ Hunllnston Oetly Pilot AP4 18. 2S Th~ bustnn1 CN• BarryH•ll Buch A11nc y, 881 ... ,.2,9,2003 ll20 ducltdby 1nl"Ch•11tu•I Delly Piiot A94 25, May 2,9, 16.2003 f338 .......... ... s...... Thi\ t.l1tament wn Oovtf Ottve Suite 340. .......... Have y«1 tlatted ~ hied wtlh th• County Newport Buell, CA bvslnenyetffteo Clerk of Of•nae County 92663 ... .._... Alttru, Jot111 Gfat ..... o2n00~94!0216S2 Mll'y Mtc41oneld, 321 TM fo&>wlftl .-wnt ~t ... C1y\lal •v-·-Ba ... -• ... ""'--bu-t.\ u TlWs statement •a\ Tiie lollow1n1 persoM Oe1l1 Pilot M•Y 2 9 16, l~and. CA~ '"" l ittle..,....Y':1tow Cott•1• ,...,. .mi the eou...ty ate ck>fnl bvs.lftess H 23. 2003 fJSJ Tlllt bu"""s " CCWI KMh, 444 llqolMI Aw Ca.ti of °' .... C..llt't Coron• 0.1 M•t Rutty, fk91a..... chKted by en ll'dlvidval ""'· C«on• 4et...., CA ott~ 2711 E Coe1t HWY. ~ Hne you ,t.1M doMt 92615 ~tt6S tl04, CofCWll Del Miii, ... _ bulmnt )'et? Y~. 17 9 St~11te "°°'* 444 Mr_~ IU)' 2 t 16, CACI\~ W MHttn, The lollowlfll petlOllS II& S..-. A-. C.ona ll.lOOJ JJlll ...,...,. eie ck>1n1 '4nlftfoU ts Mllry~doft.W .. lilef.CA926l5 _..........._ IR . ""'" li&lltllou'9 f1lanpez. 31811 Arrway fllh st1.._t wn l'l* bvUnal • ton --~~--Del Mw. Awe Suite C. Code Med wttJI Ille Cou1tt'f ._.,.., tly 911 _....... .. ..... Mu.I CA 12625 Clefk of Or-.. e-tJ HolVe ,._ "-'"' "*'II n.. folow -~le lteN hst•. vtnit Ha. 31a Alrtt•y .. 04/1 lJOl ~ Pl'l y 10 .,. .... e\ ~ llefl"'°41M 1.-. Ave Suite C. Coit• Me.Mt..... 2002 Teietllet•Wat•, Ill Cofon1 0.1 Mer. CA Mtu CAWlM Oalt1 NrJt Afif, l&. zs. SU•h•·~ SMff ...,_0 Ir.-. CA 91'25 "'''"n Cll•u. JIU Mty 2. t . 100.l rJll Tllia stat-t wa• tazo Thta bu"""9 I COfl Airway Aw Suite C. ..... ..... fi1llM -~ tM c-IJ 1t111 t .. ,.,.. IOJ dllcttd ,,. a11 lndlvldull Coale-...... CA~ a.. ef Oni1et C"11\tJ ~ w.-. lrW.., CA He" yow slat Itel Oolfle Thfl ~I • cen ........ .. C)etn/Q) l2'l10 b11s1nns ,.11 Yu. VI!/ Mttcl 11y 1 .,_at llll19•MTI l'-._ n t• Ol,,~--s...... W ..__ I pwt-ltllp •Thee ~-~ ~ ..., t , t,. '11. ~ 1tJ ""'8lllflll ellll ...,.._ _, "''· ...... Y°" •t81ttd..... ~ .. --~ --llt ...... ~yetJ""-C1bl1 e11ll Setetllt• ---......__.._.-.-..- This ai.t.-e ... 'V";;H. ..,, rw~. lt...,...._ --............ --- ....., wjtll tM Count)' ™" tt.llttMnt •ts fooM lh111<", CA 1121l0 ......... ~ ~' ..._ ~-of 0rll'ICJI C.Unty ,....... •II.ti tlle c-... f.weteat ,...._... It C • M/'01/QJ -,, ........ ,.,.... ...... ,,. ........ ,mnMI "* ---~· .. ~IMJIM ~~~~_,. Ce\mt, CAt510 ....... ......_ •• _. _.. .. OiWtt Diiiy ,.. ..., t , J!t ,.......... "* ............ Iii (99 IOlA c:t...IM ..... Ori .. Qr ... QNMp n. •2'0C.a r.... ...., ., .. ........, i• °"' ..,..... -. •Ml'llJU ..... Olilpt.Ptet,o:r. •a.,:, ..... ,... ......... m:; .. ~ .............. . ... ' ,.,.... ........ =--,.., ~ ... CA.._ ....... -°"f~~· '\ --a..;.a.._a-;;.. ... ....._... h• ..... Vtctlt ........... «:.!, ----,._ ,......_. _ c:-a.-..itAmr1 n. ........ ,.,_ ............ ..,_ ........ C:.., ftll ........ II - .. llsAA>I .. -•• llillMI ...... a • a.rt .. Qr .... c..tf ..... 'ft -I·· lf II ..... ,--... ..-. lurta •U , ...... •MfllAll "'",.. .......,.._. -...... c:. .. o.e ...... .... l• ......... ---"" .... lJ/ .., ._.,, ntt I ..._ '1lilte t f111o °"f ,_ Ii« "::... ...... C... ""1'{, fMM._c:. h l luc•, CA ..,,,,,~ Dia , , , • ....... CA_ -I I I l 1 1 1,,0 All frldax.May9.2003 t 8 G;I ...... ~ ..... -Lllll ..... -Lllll .... -l.1111 ..... -l.1111..... .. l.1111..... .. l.11111..... ... Liiii ... ............. .......... ...... ..... ......... ... ...... n.. followt111 l*IOllt The followln1 ~on1 •• dolM bu~ as: we doln1 buslneu n : ......,._ f""rensport, 2ln Tint Muttn, 738 W. Hel'Mr, Coste MIU, CA 17th St. lfG, Cost• Mese, tlQ7 CA 92627 John Dodson, 2177 .lo(1• Reyna, 2020 W. Mllrbor, CQsta ...... CA Alem1da Ave .. ,, tat7 -Anlllelm, CA 92801 This business Is con· This buslnus It con· 4lllctecl by: en lndividuel dllcled by en lndMduel Ht¥1 you st.led dolnc Have you sllwted doi111 ~ JetT No busmess yet? No ~ Dodson Jo<ce R•Jfl• 11111 1telement wes Thts 1tetement wes llM with the County hied w1ttl the County a.ti of Ol'ance CoU11ty Clittll ol Otenae County -05/06/03 Ofl 04/11/0J ...,.,.,,,, 200S6t40606 Olllty Pilot Mey 9, 16, Deily Pilot ~ 18, 25, t: 30, 2003 F370 Mey 2, 9, 2003 f319 · Poli cy .......... ......... The followlnt j*IOfll ... dolnf b1tslneu u : Altecro. 823 WHt 81y Ave. IA, Newport Beath, CA92663 Arctic• (CA), 1823 West Bey Ave. tfA, CA 92663 This business It COft ducted by: • corporetion tuve you started dolnc buslneu yet? Yes, 1·30-03 Arctlce, John Cr efman, President This stetement wes filed with the County Clerk of Drenee County on04/Z9/0J 200UtUH6 Daily~Pilot Mey 2. 9, 16, 23.2003 F354 ......... ......... The follow n& perwns we doln1 bllsllllU u : BAO Reelty, 266S Club M111 PIKt, Coste Mell, CA92627 Brltn Aemlnaton Del Veile, 2665 Club Mesa Pltce, Coste Me11, CA 92627 This busineu is COii • ducted by: 811 indMduel Heve you stllrted doln1 bu1lneu yet? Ho Brian R. Del Valle This stelement waa fifed With the County Clerk of Dunce County on04/Z9/03 200SH41Ht Delly Pilot Mey 2, 9, 16, 23,2003 FJ.49 ..... ..... ... ...... The lollowlnt pe<sons are doln1 bulllneas 11: Banner Technolo11es, 2441 M111tlllts Way, Cos I• Meu , CA 92627 MlehHI Leon Plelacis, Merselltes W'I, Costil Mue,CA9262 This buslne11 Is con· ducted by en ind1vlclu11 Heve you slwted dolne buslneu yet? No Mtehael l. Pl1t1els This sletement wes flied with the County Clef'll of Oten1e County on 04/29/0J 200Ht4H70 Delly Piiot Mey 2, 9, 16, 23. 2003 r348 ..... .................... .... ... ................. ....... The folloW.n1 j)«IOns Tiie to11owi.t1 pweona The followln1 !*Ion• ere dolnc buslnesa es: ere doll\1 bvalneu n : ,,. clolnt , ~lneu es: land Ho lnvealment Rebecca's Scrapbooll, Oodor'I ~·••ts.<X>m. Company, 622 Mystic 2611 Re~lencb Drive, 2120 Pre&IOlnt Pl., Costa Way, Lacuna Belich, CA Costa Mese, CA 926.27 Mete, CA 9Ze21 92651 R • be c c e S t .. 1 e John C. O'Brien, 2110 M1ch11I Waldla. 622 Scflwlftz, 2611 R14hnds l'resldant Pl., Coat• Mystic Wey, L11un1 Drive, Coste Meu, CA Mae, CA 92627 Beech, CA 92651 92827 This bvalneu i. con· Thl1 buainess Is con· Thia business la con• dllcted by: en Individual ducted by: an lndtvldual ducted by: en lndMduel Have 10" st.erted dolnc He¥1 you started dolnc Have you st.n.d dolnc 03 buslneas yet? Y.,. 4/81 business yett Ho bu'"-s yetr Ho Mtdleel'Weld" Re b ec c e St .. 1 e John C. O'Brien lhis statement was Sehwertz This statement was hied with the County This stetement wu filed with the County Clerk of Drane• County filed wlttl tile County Cler1I of Otan11 County on 04/29/03 Clerk of Ol'ena.e County on CM/11/03 200S6t4267S onOJ/27/03 ~940601 Daily Pilol Mey 2, 9, 16, toHHH763 Deily Pilot ~. 18, 2S, fll9m .... ......... lhe lollowlnt .,.,.aon1 •t• clolna busl~ss ••: $tone 8ulldln1. 121 Aa•t• Ava ., Balboa lslend, CA 92662 Devld M. Stone, 121 A1et1 Ave., B1lboe l$11nd, CA 92662 Thh buslnus II con· ducltd by: en lndMduel tuve you stwted 4olnc buslneu yel? YH, 1995 OnlclM.Stone This 1t1lemenl wH hied with Iha County Clerk of Ol'ence County Oii CM/Z9/0J 200.16t U H 7 Dally Pilot Mey 2, 9, )~1 23, 2003 fJ44 23, 2003 F351 Dally Pilot ~. 18', 2S, Mey 2, 9, 2003 F314 Mey2, 9, 2003 f329 ---------------- How to Place A ---Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please repon any error that may be in your clas!.ified ad immediately. 1llC Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which ii may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. cfedit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLAS SIFIEJAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 IPI~ mclude )'OUT~. and phone number and we'll all you bliock With I po« QUOk.) By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours By Ma iUin Pe rson: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 A t Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5·00pm Monday-Friday Walle-In 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday ~nday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE 1419 BUSINESS & FINANCW 2305-2490 lllALESTATE llR SALE SOOS·SHO 1489 hdftc VI-M-W- Double Crave. One of die but locations Must Sell. 949.939.3091 Clfl I dflltat' lllmcnllilil 1160 '°"SS • llCO«OS nc -Qmic. Elc. 50s a. 8Js a Allee. Sp1ir. tube ~ Mike 949·645-7505 ~:.:feinvfisE ;:t ~ All of Mesa Verde Tract ~~ Cross Streets= Adams/Mesa Verde, Gisler/Harbor BfTERTAINMEHT c.ndlfof Saturday. May 1 O from 8:00 to 3:00 PM Sponsored by Torelli Realty See torellirealty.com for maps &Ines 1310 714.540.7355 's~~~ All reel estate adver I hlin& tn this newspaper c.M. ._ Spwhwww ,..,,_ 3610 ,. ..... "-Cm s-.,'9 s.t.. Sat ...... "9U '-'IUI 119 11 subject to the federal 190 East 23rd N1 avc11 felt Housma Act of 1968 torium (corner 23rd/ as amended which Dranll'!) slurts, sweaten. mekes ii 1lle&al to kntts, leathers, and more!! edverlll'I "any prefer ... ce. l1mlhtion or COSTA MESA I SIDI diM:rim1nahon based on ~ • SAT 1-12 • raq, colot, reh&lon. su, SPftnll Clean1n1 movlna henchc:ap, familial status 1ar11e sale lots of Of netlonal orrein. or an househOld stuff 216 Intention to make any Kno1 Place. X st Dran1e MICh J>(eferenc:e, lim1t1· '""'••I Treasures S. •-°' d1scrrm1nation: Tronlleh Rumma11e sale This newspaper will rrr Mey 9th, 6pm 9pm mrt knowm&IJ ·~ Se+ftl Mtctteel & A _, ecl'iertlHment for An1els Church 3233 reel estate which rs 1n P1c1lic View Dr CdM vi.tetion of the law. Dur Something fot Everyone! reeder• are hereby 1 _. 1505 lftformed that all dwell LUM lnp advertiHd in this -ap•per ere evailable Oii en equel opportunity besh. To complain of dis· crllNnation, cell HUO toll- "• •• 1..al>CM24-8590. 14&1 ow..-Style fwnttln "ANOS l Colledlblet ................ ,..,...._ ............... ~,""""" .. CMHPAIDM ....................... •IMIYUTATU ·----Metd,-,., -FAlftll"' fCMe SM.I.DOG COSTA ll5A CA&UMD DISCmMUSl-*I FllWICWJ PROFESSIONAL SBMCES FINANCIAL SlCl lTS OF th ~ W..itt.yl Ten Te chnlques the the -lthy use twrydey IQ Iner-u-walttl. " you truly dftlre to ec:tWe f1nenc11I security You musl ,_ lhGI l .vJ•I· 3260 S20 VMCl(ltSC by Petridl LeMleu a. author of en.cn-t e-. Fr• S(!f <c:AL•sr.AN) ( ••••••••• 11iey ...,..._., TMy Need Y-. CZA ,......., ""-· a.4, er-o..ty $350. 949-21a-Sl1S ••••••••• l'tiMllSTATIS PATIKIC TINOll NATIONW1Dl USA 94t-I S6-t 70 S www.patr1cktenore.com Hlnlngton Bncl1 T1ih .......... a.-~ .. 2 5ba, office. -window~ a. plumbtn11, Z700sl and more $615.IXXI c.-Jeff. Rlr n4'!JOO. ll6 390S NewportBadl FtNANCW SICllTS OF th. S"P"f W...tfttyl !en lechn1ques t he the weatttiy use eve< yday to onaese INw we.,lth. If you ltuly desJre to ach1ve f1nanc1al security You must have lhtsl 1-877 891 3260 S20 II/MC/DISC by Patnd! leMoeu1, author of lnestment Bu.cs free Sl'i (CAL •SCAN) STAil A SUCCISSFUl home eus.-thll "'*° l'l'IOlll')' ., the !QI month• $5.~S20.ln> ps month 1~2B7.(81[) two~. recorded m1u11t (CAL•SCAN) WI MADI $1H ,217 lllsl lllOlllh eotf111&. vac:a· ·~ wortl ... only whirl we wanted. We can posltlvety teKll you to do the same R.-slott proof. lnter"'8d? 65().867.e I 9 (c:Al~) Index ' . ...... r . • I -' UOOISU tOft ON IAY St.tMIWON AGT.94t -71a-2744 OCEAN PANOLUlA H IATHTUING VllWS $4tt,OOO I STATISAU AGJ. t49-21t-2SSt 01-c.n.--. r ""'-tlol Catlf a.atty t4t-IH-37SO ESORT/ VArATION PROPERTY FOR SALE GOU NOl'fllllO SMes & wwrter rentals Palm Spr~ Palm er-1 Abel Wuh1n11on Waterfront Relerrals MIClllel Anter ladter a '-"'-ltE MJO-SS0-3.SZ$ ATIN1 DfSUtT lOYaS JtU VAN WIOtfN DYSCMI & DYSCMI IOO-STt.-"SS 7"1--ZTS-n Sf U.STSIDI Spacious 2Br Duplex f'p. encl yerd. w/d. gara1e Sl59S/mo near shops 949 ~ 3959 ~Beadl IAYntONT ON LIDO PENINSUI A NEW 21r 21a con Aon Private Beath Pool and Spa Walt. to Ocean. Shop\ and Re\t.auranh lea~ 6/mo 2 yr+ Boal Slip Available 710 UDO l'AJI• DI. 949 673 6030ot 949 723 !183() UDO YEAal Y UASI Bill CRUNOY R(AI. lDRS 94t-•7S-•1'1 Newpartl ._11 Peninsula StudlO Apartments an1I. Act S6S0.S950 949 673 7800 .. Hrs 1K lbr lbe ,.. -~·. -· """fTllTy/ ~ PY1 j)9bo, ~ Ow & Ir Iii SICB> 96642 2!i60 Mll'l'a I aueous Pe11l11111lo ref11t lbr ~ Iba nicely lurn1"'8d, RENTALS ~hared laund, ulll Incl aat S1350 949 673 7800 Rtntlf To Shft-~111+-.LMu i.1 J10 U.1111 lor move '" M.y 15$t W/12 mo lease ~ remodeted Cape Codt! Uyte i.ommuMy w/new .apps. carpel & cer amoc IJe. WatJ\e/ /dtryet, dn.hwnll« & refrie-ator rncluded N1side iopt I Br SI 09l5 2J3r Sl 445 (7 14) UJ-7St2 CtlM Share 21r I lo Trrplu Walk lo buch, Ip. w/d. pdllo. pool Male prpf $650/mo + S500 dep 949 760 0678 1'.t.4e CM 1 • 21r 21a ,.,, pvt prkna. near colleee. n/peh, S575/ mo + utl1 949 400 8047 RESIDENTIAL RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY ..,.,..... " u... pgbo, '*-'or. secued er1Cl5d prlr&. ... -. llOlll dodl Hw4'!' ~120 ,... .... wall lo bdl qi.-t ,. 2b lbe newly rsnod. own II' & cwport 13Xl¥mo 714-~ COIWdtlMlr J. '"''"""' 2br 2be close lo pier. shops Patio, I ur ear. wdht. ups As1 $1600949 673 7800 ~ 2Br lBe """ ~ Bayfldte Lt & brWll do!e lo fast.Jn b.. $16'J(llmo. Ill. Kse 9&291 '.1JTl ._ .., Piii lmdl ,,_ Hlrbor 1111. 2Br l&. 200ll ~ bay, ....... f\rr\t\.rNn S1700m lse 949-718 1400 ,., Crmt twinn ptltio, comn 2b l.5bt p6. pooV spa, ,., 1*11. lillcsP 2 c aar.1111« s 1775 1)6.673. nm .. c..... 2b 21111 Condo. l:IO+sf. firHI*. 2 petlOS, newly decoteted, w/d nsocl! SUB5rn 714-39MIMI N-ly remod 2bf 2ba condo, 2 c car. patio, wd, no peVsmll Avell 6-1 $1950 lse. 949-7~ 1344 ~--..,2Bt. 2 full ti.It!, bile. beec'A, peril, .... Ho Pits. l2200lmo. I )'IW leele. AvllG/15. 949-51l&-99t18 hly ...... JBr+ .., home, ~ -ofc. ~ upcreded, e/c, ClASSlflfD pted comm w/pod S. ..,a $4000/mo. Short term A.DMIN ASST PT Costa only, act 949-887-8'i03 Ifs the solution Me.a craft dist Calalor dev . up d, MS word. I.We ....... , v.. Clr'Mto E.acel lnternel Call 4& 2.SBa, Jc pr, fp, you're searching 10 12am 714 641 4808 ~d. upUNs v-. www l!e1ntonlools com m6 949-~ IOAY CWllATO.S for-whether Boal operalotl needed ~.:e~;; tor harbot e>pi!feloons et Two Harbon Catalina you1r~seek· Island Harbor Patrol and Ii i--W44 6pk_to. 50 ton hctnn l ooll1nr VM:ATlON home, apartment, for out aoin11 team ot1enled people r or 1nlo ROOALS cell 310 51~204 pet or new c:.r,...te Party PlanrtMlfl .......... 7125 a. Cal•lna Co Now Hlr111& Serven a. B•lencltfs for occupation! PIT Work Ce• 800l742 l.ulAnOWHUD 8858 lo Mt UC> N11tfVlew JGOOsf 48r 4!i8e, IC, p . level lot w/lmM v.w sm $6951Welldy or $DX).I ,.. ... MontNy ct !M9-n 1.1n 1 .... STARTING A·NEW BUSINESS?r • • • • • • • • • • OllVBti OWNIJt A TtM: tuve yoi.w .,_ 11ucU loc:iM1c tor ... penclenc:91 Und5br -the loob/frecttt lo .,,... you 1.UCctt$1ull CACl , LN«>Sl AA 1181Ul5-3851 , (CM.~) f ~ . • • • " • OW~H OPHATH Tl~tl all wJHc-Mllt ' OciUf>les '*'· T •min• ftfriyil. Orop/Hooll, Hire Ql1 8onUI, HWi Miiia. 80(). 9091!16'4 ot 210. (CAl.1CNC> oW•H OPIRATOl TIAMSI all W/HllZ·Mat '~ req. T•minll· T •nlill& Drap/liOoll, Hh Oft .,....., Hllh ,,..,. 80(). 909·5664 ut 2 10 . ~CAl.~l__ rT '6,,,;:;;,;y. Work from ~r hotM. Rul ilf' rthlttd, conwnls- -562-856-1614 ..... OUR TUM and "'*• ~ dlffwenca. In th8 Catfotnil k lff'y "9tional c-d J'Oll can pt money lor tolllp end ~ tr *"Ill-cal 140).G(). CUAAD (CM. •SCAN) Join Ulltmal R-lal Gltlf, a rapidly e~p4ndln_g_ ... 14Jflonal ~ umR, at our dtWfllown long Beath location. As a A'ld .._....,weoner triunedlate in-house undervm11ng and an uitrtdlble processing tefm !NI alloWs OU< tori 111 close within 3 days Hands on dlrtct training with !he lal!SI In mortgage tethllology allows our salK lam to earn large ~oi~~I~ ~ ot products !NI and f~:s= wilh 2 + yws experience will find our rNNoerntnt path an uc1pl lonal Ol)l)OltUnlty. CaU 1 .... 212-1344 orfu roar raum1 1Q71M7M427 Cetlfornl• lew re· quirn that colltrec· ton tMIJnt )obs tti.t tot.al S60() or more (labor « materials) !>.-lic.ns.d by th• Contractors State L~ense Board. State law 1fso requirn th1t contr1cton Include tlMlf' Hc.n11 number on 1111 mdYertWna. You c111 check th• status ot -fOUr licensed oontr1ctor at www.cslb.ca.aov or t(oo·J21 ·CSLB. Unll· 1l41..-d contractors nllitla lobs th1t !"less thin $500 t st1te fn their rtl11m1nts th1t 111 not llcenud the· Contr1ctors l icense Bo1rd." JOIN OUR TEAM a11d m1h 1 dlfftrenc1. In the C11ifornl1 Army N1tlon1I Guard you c1n tit money for coll•a• and c1re1r tr1lnlna. C111 I 800 ·GO ·CUARO . (CAL•SCAN) ...... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Aldomoblla 9000 AMI ... A4 Qwttr. 2..8 V6, 2911 actual ml. nto, 'Perkllna nd/arey lthr. mnrf. CO, looks & 'mells new V456721 $17,495 linanc1na avail, Bkr t4t-Sa6-1 aaa .. ;-;;:··~ Sor.-.t BUVT.-i. Owome ...... 73< rn. ,...s. nut --SZ>.500. 96.J78.9946 IMW 740I '96 8-Jtful Sorerrt Bllt/T on, CIYome ....._ 73< rn. Plilld. l!\A1 see. $20.500 9119-378-9945 Ce4ilec 't9 Sevllle SLS 40k m•. pearl wile, oetmul lthr, CO, a•· 'aaad. 11on/smllr. like newl/592641 Sl4,99S Bkr 96518 -.cqllDam Clwyaler S.'-ri"11 Cenv. JX '00 37K, V6, Matelllc veen. Grey int. Blad1 top, Buutllul ~ new condition SI0.500 v1n872412 9'49·586 1888 -.•cptoAtl.•- ,...,_ •01 xn 2111 ""· CO, nevl&allon, full fact wur, Winchester blue. oatmnl lthr, chrome wheels, toke new u ve in v22136 S42,995. 4 5 APR fin eva1I. broker 919&-1.888 -.otllllM:an J~ '" XJ• v-.... rle. 40k m•. full f1ct w•rr, wh1te/oatme1I lthr. CO, beaulrtul like new, ona cond v8701 4 2 J28.995 8"r 94~586-1888 PHIWPSAUTO IMW XS 4.41 '01 Si1wr w/Grty ~= Owned! fully (19334) $45.980. ~ ...... . C.wfW Shlney Biid! w/perfect lthr lntr ~ 521< ml Beauty! (19328) $24,!8) ,.,..,z.s , ....... B,llck w/clMn tao lthr, full records r•• find (19288) $13,!8) i.,.-s. r.,,,. ~ This 1$ I belutylMoooroof (19314) $27.980 IMWT4'JI ~"' Oneo~loul Newport Sedan, VNt records, c:ttomed whls (19340) $22,980. "'"' T .fllofl 1>2 Ollly 496 miles (19384C) S33.980. x:!w~ Shlney btk. met wfimmac lthr, chromed whb. {1920'3) $39, 98a0. '-wLUOO S.....'00 Blad! w/crum lthr in· ter. Only 14K ml, $36,cal (19278) $36,98). IUZMU30'VO WV white w/lorlnzer pita. low ml (19348) $29, 980 MIZCJlrJZO C..-'Yf Biid w/bll ltbr. chromed Wills, ( 19302) $2fi, 980 949-574-7777 '03 Yi.-Red/llodi IOM ... (500750) $",500 '00 1-"ey.,.....,. ·-*'-! Co......W~ (X042H) $133,SOO --~ .. ... '00 '0 2 Duuatt ... 6cyl, 2 wd, 36k actual ~ l..ew M.._ mt, s1l v.r/11rey int . ' '(015932) $15,900 1lloy\, fabulous hke new unmarll1d cood. 4-yur ....,. 11'ni1. vr.iml SIJ,e firm 0 Down qualified ~ 4.6 N'R Br<*ar 949-516-IHI ·-·•<p•"•···· u,..9'1 '02 Nevl ... w n m1. full feet w1rr. Sliver sand/tan lthr. CO stacker, chrome whts. •• tre se1t. v6725 I 8 $27,995 hrm, fin & werr 1v1ll. O·Oown qu•flf1ed buyers. 4.6 APR Broker 949_5 ... 1au --!!fM6>1.<- '03fw4tt.t.y Trudt DelNery ... s.,.,ca.. .... (D64 14 2) $)9 ,500 . 949-574-5600 P lac e your ad today! (IM9) 642-5678 DlaCMety '00 II va, c.rtlfl•d 1242046 $20,ffS M"'ctHIM'Ot leg (240 Liiie new, Loaded .Ot4201 $24,tH Dlscev..-y '02 H V8. Lo1d4id llk ml, Prior R1nt1I •75060t $Sl,99S Dlacevery '00 II V8.Le•th•r,Oua1 Suo Roof1, Certified •24 122 $20,tt5 Dlscevery '01 SI V8.Lealher,Oua1Sun Roofs. Certified '72S22S $24,99$ OMC'OI Yutr- Denall LHthtr. Sun Root, 9P1n1naer t.199120 sss,tt5 Dlacevery '00 II V8, Leather. lo•ded. Certified 1242189 $20,tt5 GMC 'OOY,lllton De....il 4•4, low Ml. Blll/Bfk, Cust Chrome Wheels 12214• $26,995 •-.·•-••'03 Ultimate Lu• ury SUV •111495 $67,995 Discovery '99 Only 231< Mr, Cerl1f1ed 1205958 $20,995 LAllDIOVB llWPOIT IUCH 949 640-6445 NEW 2002 MINI COOPER .aoF, PREMIUM PKG. 16. Af.LOYS, CD . i1~1~% I AT TltS PRICE (lCEl8J ... OTHER AT SIMILAR SA ~NGS! • LITS MOTal! rrs FUN ******** SS FR££WAY @ raNGCR SANTA ANA AUTO MAl.L (SUI a23.9aoa Mercedu '96 C280 bu ullful black er um fully loaded. showroom. w\fout. Sll.5 714-7Sl·246f MlaCIDlS 3001 '90 Bur1undy. I owner eic.ellrnt cond, new ti• es, records PP $6500 949-631-8540 Mercedea '99 U20 LWB 5.211 ml. 3 yr werr av11I, silver /blk llhr. bHut or•& cor>di v875241 $24,99<.> hn•ncina tvaol Bkr 949-586-1888 -~-·-Mercedff '18 560 Sl wlute/tan. 1mma<: ~ "" .. ,_ salt ~ d'rO'Nl5. S14tXI> 7\4751·3E4 Friday, May 9, 2003 Ats ~ridge By CHARLES GOREN wlth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH -~......,...~T·O~D1.a.1A"' Y'..&.S...-.. ..... ....__ I~ CROSSWORD PUZZLE _ MIND THOSE BROMIDES Neither vulncr.ible. Sooth l.lcuh. and 1 ruffina v&lue I! a t>euef than minimum. hence I.be invitational Jump lO three )pades Nonh l1U.nchcd into Bl1aekwood and, ~•nee the hand> did nOI fit well. a ~ltgJnly aggre»1vc ~lum was the rc•ult NORTH •AQJ(JY8 K76 3 WE.'11' •32 •A 1065 EA~I West let.I the queen of heilru. woo with the king. 'The fa.t.c of the slam hinged on locating the qucet1 of clubs and. rather than guess, declarer elect· ed to ~ whether the enemy would prvv1de a helping hand. Trum~ well! drawn in two rounds, the ace of d1a-moods w~ cashed and a diamond wu ruffed in dummy. Declarer con- tinued wilh a heart t.o the ace and then exited with a heart. West winning. • 7 4 QJ IO S J8 764 •72 982 KQIOB •QYll SOUTH • K J 6S ., A43 A2 • KJ 43 The bidding: • SOUTif ~'IT NORnl f.AST Feating IO yield a rulf·and-sluff. a bridge no-no. the defende{ switched u1 a club. A grateful declarer claimed the rcs1 of the tricks. INT P-l PllOOS l • .._ 4NT 1•-Had WC$t bothered 10 COUOI !he hand . <ledurer would have been m111kcd with four \padc\, three heain, two diamo nd\ (a thud dia- mond could have been ruffed before the endplay) 1111d. therefore, four cluh,. To conllnlk' wnh a red canl. allowing declarer to rutf in one hand while discarding a club from the other. would be of no help w South De.:larer would \till have had 10 loca.tc the queen of club\ and there ww. a 50-50 chance Souch would go s ~ "-6• p- """' r- C)p.:nmg lead· QU«n 111 A> with lll<ht .:li..:hc~. lhu..c in brnl!(t hu' c a '""d 'fuunJauon. Hm, ~H·r. that doc\ 111)( nicun you \houlJ pl11y b) rote: mhcr than try to \Ol~l' the prohlem Wh~n Nonh trJn,ferred hi 'Padc>1 !\()IJth tkl'tw 10 wat Im .pnm1~ti holdint: wuh good four-card 'uppon wrong. · Automotive 9004 BOAT REPAIRS/ Tell Us About Nlnan '98 Sentra GU SERVICES L•~e new. loaded, auto. moonrool alloy\, low 7411 YOUR "11, $5900 714 751 2464 BOATS SUPS/ l'ORSCHE ·01 1oxsn• MOORINGS/ GARAGE SALE! Black w/&rey 9,000 mo. LAUNCHINGt perfett cond SJ9,9SO 949-723-0370 STORAGE 9680 In l'l CRUISIR '02 Umlted, 8-~to 451t~ lc. .. ded. 8000 mo Crnn1 ClASSlflED amon. perl cond PP bean• LC> to l'J/,. Crt Loci SI 7 .500 949-631-8540 Bay ~ eo.i.. Piii 6t:tdll water elect. etc_. 949-922· (949)642-5678 Ramlifer '64 Clat1I< Tm"' 673-1943 Station Wa9on Blk 93 FT SUI' AVAILAIU 1nl1ne 6. 64k Ofli mo. IN NEWl'Oat HACH &•u t surf waaon. $6000 S2500llASI 949 631 ·6059 949-500-1005 TOYOTA CAMRY WANTED for pr ovate ClASSlfllD P•rly 199S to 1997 Or Corolla rn 1ood0 cond1t1on NO DEALERS• Call 949 It's the solution !>15 0337 after &:00 AUTOMOBILES, you· re searching MISCEU.ANEOUS Wanted 9045 for·whether ,.,..,., Op.r.-i ~ you· re seeking a 0vtr 40 ye<n ••P1 W.-Pll'I ,; 'lf:IY fiw j:.<U foJf your C.lJI Vllll 1Y trudl paid IOf ·home, apartment. ur nut Call OU Rey )f Tomatc. Auto S.ies 7 437 19-ll Of 714 32S1228 CASH fOR CARS pet or new WE NHD YOUR Ult occupation! l'AJD FOlt Olt NOT l'HIWl'S AUTO ASK fOlt MALCOLM 949.574.7777 14 17 20 f? "Employee." Everyday is a great day C in Classified! Be a part of it. place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 ·'Empleado." "A rbeitnehmer. '' •'Employe." "~ 114 HtncW myldc OS Pwtol l CO 88 Dr•-IJ',lll 119 Ooudl t OOUtin 10 UM"Tne Twillah4 ZOIWI. 71 To bi 10 Hwwt 12 Cullhlolls n Copya d .. gr 74 Wdhhoid DOWN I Twiec;tl 2 'Nor• Z..ua 3 Big Foou cou9ln • Re!resh"1ents 5 Mu&ICll ""'81 e Magntrlile e g 7 Cal>oo6e s p<a~ e Belote II Almy 'Tl<Atr " 9 10 Pewo 11 neoown 12 Maxw• Of Lii~ 13 Cott 21 Hui pen 23 Ul<r-CllOltaJ OIS Oterice al :>e -Soulld '/1/61'1 28 OllCreel "'"'"""" ?9 Ho 0. "4"1fl • cjfy 30 AMg 5&11nglly PAEVIOUI PUZZU: IOLVED 'l 1 l'lome ~ """' 33 FeJlboc»' airalAIQy (2 WOI 3" Acid "" • 3 7 Baf'lOOO S\All<S 39 NIO"t an.r~ 41 E••'Y "'ttier, 43 S·lllneu 46 -d etat ~6 Tall gra56 . !>I Egg 011>11 ~:l G18'18d P'l'l'I'• 55 V1l•run 5 S"1ff ') 7 F•uy drink 58 "GOOCI grief" ~llF~ lll""1.ell0fl &· i>anou M 6? tow• crop 63 rooiow !tie rues "4 eo..poi.e • ~"'~""· 06 lnate Revet "'' GOii baQllem NOMAnER HOW YOU SAY n. CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT • .... r j . Jo . i HOME, ffEA£TH AND SUSINESS , .... ~ ... ll"IOdrJ, DOU1 714-546-7258 • w .. u..1 .. • Custom Bullt·lns, Crown Moldlnp. Bese Boerds Lfl577982 949-709-5642 c.,.t Rlpllr/Salts -0-CAaPIT~CUl'IT~ Repeln . Patchlna, fnstall Courteous. i"l siu fObS. Wholeulel 94 -492-0205 EFflOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 114·2007 HI M2-tl00 NB (Mt) 720-0717 1-. tt 1m111t1oa -.1. IUlllA'CE .,.., R +A Filrnec. & M.lny Code Upgl'ldtl 71, .. ITU fnMI St• 1•.•nur.11• ""'' dly Plrmlll. & ~lll)Ofadel IM-2007 FREEIN·HOME EltlMATEI 1 INIPECTION SELL your stuff ttwouah classified! Concnta & Masonry Irids lledt St11t1 Tiie Concret., Plltio. Or1V1w1y Flrepk:, BOO. Refs. 25Vrs Exp. Tezt 114.557.7594 CornplMr Servlca Oelldap Publ1shlng lMI OllOIN YOUl HOME lMnOVIMlNT nOJICT? C11t a plumber, painter, handrman. or 1ny of the ereet services fisted here irr our service directory I THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN ~ELP YOUJOOAY! Drywall Sefvlces WITTHOln DaYWAll All phases s m/lra job1. CUANI 20yrs, feir, fr11 est L«Xl!m 7\4-639-1447 Elatcll Services ......... lkenMd Electrkill Contredor. Smell fobs atertlna 1t S7t.ts a •. Speci1Htln1 In Remodtllna • att home wlrlna n .. lb, Comm/lndust/ftes ,....._.,,_I .... • Floorf no/Tlle Estimate 949-481-2097 UAl<Y ......,, Rec-eel Rearoutin & l11stallation TILE DEAN 949-673-806~ 71~ 714-88J.2031 l.., Torre& l°"cbcop• ~ maint. Ir• tnmnq & Installation 25 Yrs u p Lie/insured 94~~~4363 COMl'UTI LANDSCAPING Oes11111. cleanups, trees, sod. sprlnkfer5. M11ntenance as low as $9/week. Licensed 714·222-8425 Nick Tree Service, Yard Cleanup, M1int1nan<:e, Sprinkler Repair, Haullna {949) 650-8711 Handyman/ Home Repair COMl'UTI HOME MAJ#Tl#A#CI No job too smell! Everythin1 from Carpentry top~ free est1mat1 '•"•-"r •O-tfS-1161 FU UP SJ'lOAUST. All types of rep1in. Elle· trlcaf, plurnbi... doors, wllter hulss, Ills ' lllO"e 24hr11c1ee 114 .. J66.1ss1 G»CDAl. lmll 'IWN1!.NAN(E ...... ~ No Job Ibo $#ellll Dafta....ltt- 949-Jll-8292 HandymarV Home Repair ,..,.. Clrl>9ntrY • Plumbinc Oryw1ll • Stucco P1lnti111. Tiie ' more 20+ Yeers Experience! JI 11 ....... _5776 JfSSIY AUAM'S HOMl•E"AM S,,CJAIJST · R11Soneble Prices 14 Yrs npef•enca In 111 trlldes. Speciahzina In residlnti1l lnV••l 714-SOl-M66 ~ PUBLIC NOTICE The C1llf Public Utillt1u Commission rtQUlrH th1t all Used househo ld a oods movers print I heir P.U.C Cal T number, limos and chauffeurs pt1nt thelf T .C P number 1n all adver · tisements. If you have •nr questions about the le11111ty of a mover. llino o r chauffeur. call: ru1uc UTIUTiu COllMISSIOH aoo an ..... 1 aOllNSOll COMPANY D.wi- Kild'rens., w-. ~ ·-'-.,.,..._-=-"'----- M1rk 949·650·9525 CiMMt'• ~ 'Z1Vn op Grut Price! Guerantnd THI HANDYMAN _,.._ Frff est. l~75602 All WOl'll 1uer1ntMd 714-Slll-1534 7.390-2945 f'Unbrc, EltCicll, 0Dan, I '-P-'e ,........_ F'1lsh mp *-9&3M Im T 09 Quality, Competitive Hiiiing lnterlof/E•t L'648228 Call Jay 949·650-5066 JUWll TO THI DUllPlll 714· 968-1882 AVAILA8LE TOOAYI 949-673·5566 .... ,.c..-a.-.. """~ O.C. 24Yrs. Ref'a 949· 5.-.-0054 949-637·4113 el•< er a 01¥•9'0" o' MllTJ 89ng@rt SEWER J£TTINC ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAll DETECTION f roendly Ser vice • t49 -•75 -9304 PLUMBER L'506586 free E.stl Sm r~~ OCTfctl Oise. 714-~9150 ...lCISl nUMllNG Repal" & Remo6elrn1 FREE ESTIMATE Lll687J98 714·969·1090 ~. 9, 2003 ..... .., ..... .__ .......... ctwie. mid any emission tmina charge.REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL O'l> FINANCING UPTO 60 MOS. 1 At This Savings (JlS018) Plus govanmcnt fea and wea. any f111111Ce charges. any de.tier documcn1 preparation charge. and any emir.sion ICSUng charge.REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL O'l> FINANCING UP TO 60 MOS. 1 At This Net Cost 020371) P\us p tf'lllllCllt fea Md tua, Illy finance charges. any dealer documern preparauon charge. and any emiu1on 1es11ng charge. REBATE IN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING. 1 At This Net Cost (Jl0209) ....._....,.., ..... .._. prepll"ltion charJe, llld any emlwon 1estin& chArge. MUST PROVIDE CURRENT AARP MEMBERSHIP CARD. SJSOO REBATE IN LIEU OF SPEClAL LOW RATE FINANCING. 1 At This Net Cost p1ep11mon ctmse. llld IJllY anillloa 1esting charge. MUST PROVIDE CURRENT AARP MEMBERSHJP CARD. $3SOO REBATE lN LIEU OF SPECIAL LOW RATE FINANCING. 1 At This Net Cost (666400) 96 FORD CROWN VIC LX 209621 Xlnt Condition Full Power 02 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 661131 Leather, Full Power '7 880 •ts 888 02 FORD F150 SUPERCAB XLT {A06597) Short Bed 4 Door, V6, Auto, Full Power, Bedllner, Alloys 't 8 888 02 DODGE DAKOTA QUAD CAB {S2S539} VS, Auto, Full Power *t 81 780 02 FORD MUSTANG CONVT. (179515) Auto, Leather, CD, Full Power, Showroom Fresh •te,8eo 02 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVT (222406) 6K Mlle, Sharp Bl~ck with Black Leather, Auto, Full Power . . 01 LINCOLN LS (601455) Sport Pkg, Moon Roof, CD, Loaded •te,888 02~LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (665897) Leather, CD Stacker, Showroom Fresh 00 LINC'OLN NAVIGATOR 2WD {J14153) Sharp One Owner with Nav System ( -- til"l•"'t I .