HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-11 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotJ COMMENTS& CURIOSITIES Mother s Day got away from he r I t's alJ about mothers. As well it should be. Fathers are nice, more or less, but mothers are essential. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it When is the last time you saw some poor soul in a movie, who is delirious on his death bed. take one last breath. PETER reach out BUFFA toward no one m particular and say. ·0ad, 1s that you?" Never. that's when. The hnc 1s "Mom. is that your always. t•very time, no excepuons. Mother's Day rager!> are not new. They date back to ancient Greece, the earliest being a yearly tribute to Rhea, who was Lhe mother of all the gods, and boy was she tired. The Roman festival of I lilaria, which must have been very funny. dates back to 250 B.C and honored the goddess Magna Mater, who was Alma Mater's cousin. (No she wasn't. I made that up.) To honor Magi1a Mater (•Great Mother"' in Latin) a temple was built on Rome's PaJallne Hill. where people would bri.og gifts to offer Maggie on the big day. A holiday called "Mothering Sunday" popped up in England in the 1600s, celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor England's mummys, which sound like F.gypt's mummies except they're different. But in this country, it all started with Anna M. Jarvis. Jarvis was born in 1864, at the close of the Civil War, and died in 1948, the year I was born. The idea that someone who was born during the Civil War lived until the year I was born is neither lost on me nor very amusing. I might add. At any rate, Annie's \tas a hard-knocks life. (Some of you got that, some of you didn't.) The daughter of a strict Methodist minister, she graduated from the Female Seminary in Wheeling. W.Va. and taught Sunday School in the Andrews Methodist Omrch in Grafton for 20 years. She never married and was extrem ely attached to her mother, Anna See COAWENTS, Pace M INSIDE TiiEPILOT - LOOKING BACK Never heard of th• Bank of Balboa? WeH, it used to be there. S..hgeA3 LR& LEISURE CtMf Roy Yemaguc:hl, of RoY• rMtM.frn in N~ Biectl, het e MW ~outendaMW • cooldlig lhOw on '85. ALIC>. Coetl Meee ............ c:ruiMto Ewftllde1rtT...wlTlla ......... . S UNDAY EDITION Serving the N ewpo rt-Mesa community since 1907 MAY 11, 2003 Joan Perry with daughters ,Stephanie and Lindsay. COURTESY Of STEFrlE 0£ LA CRUZ SUNDAY STORY Members of the Perry family live close enough that any day ca n be Mother's Day. A Costa Mesa mom Lolita Harpe r Daily Pilot T he hvely chatter and hearty laughs coming from the picrure!>que home on Fullerton Avenue are typical when the Perry family gets together. On Thul'iday. the large family came together to honor their mother, and among the good·narured ribbing and loving teastng w.c. genuine graotude for Joan Perry's hard wort. "The neatest thmg about her was that !>he raised all sue lad<. by herself." daughter Undsay lver..on said. ·Andjuggledtwoiobl.."daughter Stephanie De I .a Cruz added. u And we all gave her hell." daughter Allison Kha.demi said. And so went the conversations in the bustling Peny home. \Vi th four of the six grateful children sitting m their mother's slrillfu.IJy decorated living room. the dialogue was as colorful as the decor. Peny sat qwet.ly, receiving the praise from her children. while adding her own accoWlts. #AD you can do b be the best mother you can be,· Perry said ·And If you make a mistake, just go on and make a new one." The mother of six has hved in Costa Mesa all her life. She recentJy inherited the family home in the 1900 block of Fullerton Avenue. The house. originally built by Oiarles TeWinlde. was her aunt's home. then her mother's and now it is hers. she said. She was one of the first Orange Coast College cheerleaders. her children said. "'Well. yes. I w.c. a song leader.~ Perry said S£AN Hll~ER DAILY Pl I Joan Perry, center, 1s surrounded by her children: from left, Jennrfer, left, Jon . Nhson. Lindsay and Stephanie De La Cruz. Perry, who has hved m Costa Mesa for 63 years, now lrves ma horne built by Charles TeWmkle. She owned her own modeling agency. and the Doobie Brothers. Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield would always visit. they said. lhey would entertain there regularly," the petite blond said. She used to hang out with movie stars and surf with them. her children said The first Thrzan. Johnny Weismuller. would meet her by the pier. "Wei.I. we bodyswf ed," Perry said "We used. to meet at the pier and jump off at the T. which we weren~ supposed to do. He would come down with his cronies and we would surf together." A UTTlE BrT OF EVERYTHING After her exciting youth. Pmy turned her attention to child-rearing and business. She gave swim lessons. owned a cosmetic line. had an antique store in See MOM, Pace M LEI IERS TO MOM Dear Mom. I like my mom~ she takes me to parties and we dreM up. On Mondays my mom rakes us to Ice skating. My mom is my favorite skater. She is pretty when she skates and spins. 1 love you. COURTENAY, 5, MD CATHERftE, 8 TOP STORY • Artwalk gets the good life to pose· Seascapes and still lifes at sale refl ect Balboa Island's atmosphere, participants say. J .. c .. a1r•nde OailyPilot who paused to appreciate a painting of a Yorkshire terrier that reminded her of her dog Buck. •We think this place is para- dise,.. hu.8blt.nd Mike Shap iro added. Art b~rs and appreciators ~re out ln force. even creating ~estrlalf uamc jams u they perused works lined &long the 8A1..SlA ISLAND -S&UOO.ta island~ South S.yfront. and eeucapes, flowert Ind col· •This ls a great turnout, .. said olfUl &.h. lbe n~ 100 Utiab Tuay Moloney. a Costa Mm iDd cnfti people who lhotir· i'etklent and artist exhlbiq It -...--'*'~ thelhoW. .._ Jlllncl AnW9lt mcon· MoloneYt OU palnttnp on ecbllly ~ 8 Wal ~Included a Colorful rm• ....... .... ... didon al se.1 a.ch\ Glider -n.. .rt ...., run IDd k Inn md Slln'I Seafood on HUn· l'lllal die ca 1 \.:9 dM -... leech. The owner al ••!Jlt........ ..... •••• 7 ll1M11111U1 •' . . \ A2 Smdey. ~ 11. 2003 SUpervisor announces he will seek Assembly seat Newport Coast supervisor Tom Wilson $d.rred up the 73rd Assembly District race on Monday when he revealed that he would seek the seat Before Wilson's announcement, which came in an e-mail to supporters. Laguna Niguel Councilwoman Mimi Walters was the highest profile candklate in the race. Walters has secured endorsements from current seat-holder Patricia Bates CR-Laguna Nlguel), As.1emblyman John <Mnpbell and Rep. Darrell Issa CR-Vista). Fonner Rep. Ron Paclca.rd CR-Carlsbad) has endorsed Walson. It was revealed th.is week that AMembly IC.en Maddox had quietly moved to Dana Point, out.side his district, but stayed registen!d in Garden Grove. John Campbell, Maddox's opponent in the 35th District state Senate race, raised the issue. A Campbell campaign consultant said Maddox's decision raises a credibility quesdon. A Maddox consultant said his boss wasn't engaging in any behavior that other legislators haven't done. •PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and politlca. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at -paul.clinton iJ /atlme11. com. COSTA MESA Council still can't agree on Robinson's replacement For the second time, the City Council deadloc.ked on appointing someone to replar.e former Mayor Karen Robinson. At a spedaJ meeting on Monday, they will try for a third time. They will probably expand the choices beyond Erk: Bever and Mike Scheafer if they can't decide again between them. On Wednesday, groups that work to prevent teenage pregnancy got together to be more strategic about reducing the hlgb teenage pregnancy rate in Costa Mesa. The 92627 ZJP code has the dubious distinction of one of the highest percentages of teenage pregnancies in the state. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached et '949> 67~1 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@lstimtts.com. PUBLIC SAFETY Defense admits former city employee sucked toes The defense in the trial of Trenton Veches admitted that the former Newport Beach recreation coordinator sucked on the toes of several boys enrolled in the city's after-school programs, but that It wasn't sexual. In bis opening statements on Thursday, defense attorney John Dolan said Veches was obsessed with feet, which was "weird and quirky," but that he didn't useJ11e children for sexual -gratification. Prosecutor Sheila Hanson said the 32-year-old Huntington Beach man was a man with a serious foot fetish and that the sight of the children's feet aroused him. He took digital photographs of the boys' feet and of himself sucking the children's toes. she said. Veches faces 28 felony counts of lewd contact with minors. He pleaded not guilty to the felony charges, but pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of poaessing child pornography. If convicted, he would face 25 years to life . in prison. The prosecution will continue with testimony on Monday. . ~EKINREVIE PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'TANDEM DOGGIE PADDLE' S£AN HILLER I D~Y PILOT It seems like my specialty Is photographing kids and do~ I could probably set aside a whole section in my portfolio just for them. make me late to the school. I th.ink what makes children and pets such good subjects is they go a.bout their business so candidly. They're not afraid of the camera. Even if they know their picture is being taken. it's not long before they forget and go back to what they were doing. Adults are just too self-conscious. There's nothing wrong with these typeS ~f pictures. Actually, they usually make the best photos. It's something everyone can identify with. So when I was driving over the Santa Ana River to an "In the Oassroom" feature and saw these dogs swimming in the river mouth. f had to turn around, even knowing this would So the next time you see a kld or pet photo in the paper. check the photo Cf'edjt It's probably mine. -Sean Hiller EDUCATI ON UC Irvine srudents celebrate Cinco de Mayo Srudents at UC lrvine celebrated Cinco de Mayo with dances, music and Mexican food. The holiday madcs the Mexican army's victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Members of the Sigma Pi fraternity at UCI, who were accused last week of racist behavior, met with members of the univemty's Oticano communJty on Tuesday to resolve the conflict. The success of the community forum, which was mediated by a university ombudsman, remains to be seen. The fraternity distributed lliers and wore T-shirts that were considered offensive. One of the items deemed highly offensJve on the fliers, which the fraternity made to promote its Cinco de Mayo party, UDrinko.for Cinco." was the ·promotion of the fraternity's "Dirty Sanchez Look-a-like Contest." Vanguard University will offer its first women's studies minor ·for the spring 2004 semester. The new minor, offered through the school of humanities, will focus on women's roles in Uterature, courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail st deepa.bh11rathtllatim#.com. NEWPORT BEACH 'Mayor of C.Orona del Mar' Sansone dies at 83 DON LEACH/DALY I'll.OT Folklorico dancer Melissa Hernandez, dressed in traditional attire from tlle region of Veracruz, Mex.ico, draws in a member of the audience during a Cinco de Mayo celebration at UC Irvin~. history, leadership and religion. It will be offered as an interdisciplinary minor. The Harbor Council Parent Teacher Assn. hosted an meeting for parents in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District to discuss drug and alcohol use and abuse among teenagers and the ways died Wednesday at his home in Hawaii The City Council got Its first look at the city's proposed 2003-04 fiscal budget, a $165-rniWon draft spending plan that reflects the city's fear of Sacramento's budget crunch. The council will discuss the plan at Its study session on Tuesdat and are scheduled to vote on it at the end of June. parents and the school district showd respond A variety of speakers gave parents different perspectives on the Issue. ' •CHRISTINE CAJa.1..0 covers • education and may be reeched et (949) 574-4268 or by .mail at chriBtlne.carrlllot§/srimes.com. for protecting water quality. Staff' made a compelling case why the council should approw purchase of the $127,000 van to monitor city sewer lines, showin3 that within the first two years It will save the city money on contracted services. Fonner mayor Philip Sansone, the •DEEM IHARATH covers public safety and unofficial "mayor of Corona del Mar." A new camera-equipped van could soon become part of the dty's arsenal •JUNE CASAGRANDE OOVe1'9 Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She mev be reached at (949) 674-4232 or by e-mail at /une.casaorandeOlstime•.com. '"'· NOTABLE QUO TABLES "For a lot of thcu women, It's a way to gtve a 110l.cl to IMlr personal journey. It's a way to enab~ tMm to say, 'ThU ls a way I've grown personally. and I want to help others grow.'" -Kelly Walter Carney. chair of Vanguard University's division of modem languages and literatures, on the college's new women's studies minor that will begin in the spring 2004 semester ·How many people have to die here before the city tat.es actionr' -Andrea Burkhart. a Newport Beach resident, on the S-cwve on lrvine Avenue, where many car accidents have taken place "We are Orange . County's best kept secret, it seems Ulce." -Laura t,om, nursery manager at the UC Irvine Arboretum, on the school's gardens 'This is not life or death for me. I am commitud to improving the dty, and it d«.sn't matter if I do it from the dais or the podium.· -Bric BeYer, one of two Costa Mesa Qty Council hopefuls. on the council's 2·2 deadlock while trying to appoint former Mayor Karen Robinson's replacement on the council lhis isn't my whole life. As much as I am committed to serving, life goes on." , -Mike Schwer, the other City Council hopeful, on the same thing "We're rrying to divemfy it by having different performances and weie trying to tducau people about the culture. We're trying to educate them about the history and signlfica~ of anco th Mayo. .. -Karina Bnrlqua., co-cllair of the committee that planned the Cinco de Mayo festivldes at UC Irvine, on Its purpose DailyAPilot Conl\Weon Box 1560, Costa Meu, CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News e .... nt. (949157-M298 Copyright No news ltOtMt, oorat.w11aon•1at1,,.,..,com lllultrlltlona, edltoriel ~ or ~ adYertiaements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST 1 to 3 fMt. The~ ltartl out 5-'I Hlllef, Don LAech. ~without wrm.n KMlt Tl1lpCOW J*mlaak>n of copyright own«. IOUthweat Ill 81-t end lt'1t be IUl'"V· with highs nOfthwMt Ill 4 feet. The VOL 97, N0.131 READERS HOT\JHE HOW TO REACH US beM:Mn. end 77 degrecia. not1hwelt IWllf won't twrw THOMAS H. JOHNION ,._.Yaa (949) &42-eoM CiN:ullltion lt'U be mody deer In the receded thl9.., by the end of . Pubtither Gina Aleunder, Lori Anderlon, Aecont your oommenta 1bout the The Times Orlnge County w.Nng. wlltt ..... of low the ct.v. but the IOUthwe9t l'ONYDQOIRO Denlel Hunt. hUI Slteowttr., 0.lty Piiot Of news dpe. (800) 252-i141 ~9'dtog.lowlwfHbe swell wfU drop by • foot. Editor o.nw~ ~ Adlf ...... bMls•••• end. JUt/'I OE I llNQ Our eddr91le330 W. Bly St.. ea.ta Q111wr.t (941) M2-M78 NIWllJNIF ......... ~~ ~--. ~. CA t2827. Of'llol hours .,. ~(948)"2..c:J2l SURF 01me =:rw· MondlV • ~. ~301.m. • 5 p.m • ......... . ~-onc.w , .. , c ........ .... M the nofthli.,... M91 bedm ~.bhBnltlt.,..__com It le the fltlot'I po11cy to prompcty (IMI) 842-MIO BOATltl FOIECAIT down, the~119ytln IDITNI~ . --=·· OOfT9Ct ,.. errore of eut.t.nca. ..... (Ml) 174-4223 the <Nit· to hMd-Hgh ninge. ...,, Clllll Pl-.. clfl (Ml 7&M32.4. Newe'-(MllMM170 Ughl ....... beoome Some .... could be• toot ~· ~.~· .,...,_ C9411t1Ht70 Mii wlrm• •llnoel lnh overt.w1Mlt8ndout FYI ...... dallyplfo:t•~ •n rm /uni.• .... ...,,,,..Dam The Newport Beec:M:otta MMe MMllO.. lftemooftanh W....,., ~ ....... .......... .... CIMlll ~Not (USl'S-~) .. ....... om.. .. M2-G1 but die ..... clowit In .... .........-: ~11.·~ Potltice. ~end lnWG4'"*1t pullllehld...,. In ........ ~ • ·-,_ , .. , 911·71• ~---·-... www.~Off ,...,,..,,....... enc1c_. ...... ........,..,.. thln=lheliflllll ~ ,,..,,. ..... ,..,,,.,,.,,,, 9Vll1lrt1•1a¥•* 1Mv•TM mllald .. ., ___ TIDES .... =- ............ llnmorMll~--.12 ................ ~ .............. ....,.,, ... ._ Oulllde ftA _ ..,. ............... ,.... ........ .. DMDI ............ endC....M9M, •eun. 12:22a.m. ue•eow -·&&a.. ti .. ,. .......... -••11 ••-·-Delly"'°' .. ,.,.., ........... Mla.m. ue ... ....,. ....... • Jlr"a ~ 1J¥ lril cllm l'ftlll tor ......... "'Tllw ~ -..--~·-1~p.m. o.nweow c.-.. ... ,......, ... .,..., ............ "*-........ ,...., e .... of ... Loe~ _ ................ 1: pJft. .. .,. ... ....._ ,...,_ .... ..., ~ ........... ,,. lfp-lftdfolll-.) nn.. -ed1 2 10 ... ~ ........ OUtc.119 POl'IMM1llt llfld ......... ~ .......... lllrtlllAlll .... WA'lll TllmlllATUll Ed11111ii.t,.._.,, .. .,..... =·.,......,,. Cl3DOI nm. CN. NA ..... llfUJ __ .. .. ..... ". .... .-.... •••••• J -..... Dllv "'°"' fl!().. ,_,,.,, . ... .. • LOOKING BACK '/Jalboa Island:S long-gone bank LollU H•rper Daily Pilot I n the center of a bustling little island, a banking tradition wu born. Balboa Bank wu opened Sept. 27, 1922, by George Edwards on the northeast comer of Central Avenue, which la now Balboa Avenue, Balboa historian Jlm Fournier said. The bank stood at that location, now occupied by Pavilion Real F.state for six years, until a new building was built lcitty·comered to accommodate the newly organized and prominent bank. In 1927, the bank restructured Its board of directors to "read like a who's who of BaJboa," said Fournier, who is also the editor and chief of the newsletter Tales of Balboa. The bank was successful through the roaring and lucrative '20s, but met Its fate in 1932, during the Great Depression. Wrongdoing by the bank directors was never considered, Fournier said, and all of the bank's depositors received falr market value for their accounts. State law required any falling bank to be assessed at 100% of the cost of their stock. Bank officers lost not only their investments. but had to pay that amount lo the state as well, Fournier said, which doubled their losses. Fournier sald officers Olarles TeWmk.le and Joe Beek were the only men able to pay the assessments. In 1934, the building was sold to Bank of America for S27,000, he said. The large bank chaln had a good run In the location for a half century, leaving in the mjd-1980s. A local restaurant owner bought the landmark in hopes of turning it into a restaurant and bar. but found opposition from the nelghboring condominiums. . ·They raised a fit and blocked the liquor license," Fournier said. The business owner walked away from the struggling project. and'the building was ADVANTAGES OF ADJUSTABJ...F.S By!MH W01tt When inlttt:sl raus d«:linc, far fewer bo~ &how any interat in taking oul an adjusuble rate mortgag"t". Afttr all, when rues a.re low, molt of us WU'll lO nail down I fixed·rate .loan • ., dw 'ft'U mjoy the low rate in the fu~ when rues rix again. And whlk that is eudlent reasoning. thett arc still muons for JOme borrowcn lO consider a.n adj~blc rate mortgag"t" •.. even when rates att low. •Generally •peaking, bcca~ the initial mondtly payment ia lowu on an adjusuble, borrowcn who wiJJ be qualified It the lower payment rue may find they can buy mott of a ho~ than they could with a fiud·rate loan. •Tbotc who know they won't be in a houre longer than about th.tu years a.n generally count on paying lea out-of·podra for their home lo.n O¥Cr tboee three years (or fewu) if they haft an adjustable rare mortpF that swu lower than• fixed-race loan. Bd'ott dUcountina this poaibilicy, be Nft to ait down and do the math cornp&riton. • UJU&lly, an .djusu.blc loan it £u cuia the buyer of your home to uswne than it a tmd-race loan (which may l«Ul1ly be im~ to UN.Ille). The buyer will baft to ..,PY for an U1Wnption and pn>b.bly p.y a small *· but die rau1:i.. io.n /MY prow co be a deal~ for you. the edler. Quadom about real autd Jusc call me at 9"9·S33--1100 or vWc mywd-. • dl~.com or oocfurdft>.d.ciom. DtnM WWr IMI lwrt #llirw .... ;,, ~ 8-tll ... ,,,, ""'i, ~ ... ·c..,,..,.,, ~" "'.IWliw. .......... The original Bank of Balboa, built in 1922, stood on the corner of Central Avenue -now Balboa Avenue -and Washington Street. Modern storefronts and apartments have replaced rt. ultimately destroyed. Modem storefronts and apanments now stand in its place. • LOOKING BACK runs Sundays. Do you know of a person, place or event that deserves a historical Look Bade? Let us know. Contact James Meier by fax at (949) 646-4170; e-mail at 1ames.meier @lat1mes com, or mail him at c/o Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 JOLll: 8alon 68pa • H~lr, Scalp Treatment •Nalls--.- •Mabup •Wu & BnzlllWI Wax •ncials • Mterodermabrulon •Massage •Body Wraps ... .... 9111111 ....... .... O RANGE COUNTY If ~ PERFORM IN G ARTS CE NTER @ 1:11111 llEI SEGERSTROM HALL aox OFFICE IOAM-6PM WWW OCPAC ORG SW!day, May 11. 2003 Al . -. (7 14) 740-7878 ~~--­ (71A) 755-0236 GROUP SAL£S (71AI 556-2787 INFORMATION (714 ) 556-27.46 m • • • I .. Slmay, May 11,.-2003 MOM Continued from Al Victoria Beach and, of coUrse. the modeling ageocy. Jo Jordan's. Her childrm said they learned many trung., from their motherl energedc business ventures and watched her suoceed In practically every aspect. "l'w done everything, .. Perry saJd. "You name ll, I've done IL" As her children showered her with compliments. she tried to return the gesture by bragging about the multitude of .accomplishments among them. "Mom, this Is about you not us," Jon Perry said. "It's a Mother's Day story, and you are my children," she said ·or course. I am going to talk about you.· And Joan Peny has a lot to talk about. The 63-year-old has six children, I 0 grandctuldren and five grear-granddtlldren. The ~knit family members live within blocks or each other - except one who llves ln Beverly Hills -and get together often for balbecue& "See this patio out here.· Perry sakl while ~vtng a tour of her quaint Fastside home. "when we get together, this is where we all are. I keep making this (tile area) bigger because there are so many ofus.• Outside of the beautifully decorared home, which Peny calls her cottage, the matriarch has transformed her large back yard into a serene haven. "Mother has a green thumb,• De La Cruz said Stunning flowers, nestled in decorated pots. adorn the tiled , portion of the patio. as does a bubbling fountain. Bistro sets are arranged throughout the patio area plac.ed for optimum socializing. Beyond the patio is a beautifully manicured lawn bordered by various £ruit trees and a vegetabje garden. Perry ls oot only a great cook. decorator and gardener, lbe wu a wonderful parent. her chOdren said. The Pmy famBy ~in the Newport-Mesa ma-neYer far from the beach. "We were all raised as water people,· Jon Perry said "We have so many generations here (in Orange C.Ounty!. This is still the greatesr place ln the world to live.• Her love was also tough. as the mo ther or six was quick as a fox. with eyes In the back of her head. "You couldn't sneak back: ln at nighL She would be right here wailing for you," J<hademi said. "I can testify to thaL .. "She would lock the door and just wave at you, .. Iverson added. "Oh. are you cold1 Have a good night." Peny sald she is very lucky to have raised her children when the world was a little safer and she could allow them to have freedom without worrying. "They really got to enjoy their youth," she sald. Dally Piiot ,.. PUBLIC SAFETY "She bas always made it so warm and homey,• De La Cruz said "Just comfortable. This is home." TRYING TO SNEAK AROUND, WITHOUT SUCCESS Through it all, Peny said her advice to others is simply to enjoy. "Enjoy your children while they are kids because they grow up way too fasL" SEAN H1lLER /OMV Pll.OT Newport Beach police officers investigate the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident at the intersection of Superior Avenue and nconderoga Street on Saturday afternoon. The home is where the family always gathered for holiday feasts aeated by Perry. She enjoys serving her mother's grandmother's.famous potato salad. ~Our mom makes incredible salads. .. De La Cruz said WHATS AFLOAT •WHAT'S-AFLOAT is published periodicaKy. If you are planning MEI'S SHOE SALE! I•(~)~<or.t 20%~'40%.0FF Ecco; MEPHISTO; TERRA FLANA (949) 644-5939 Corona~ Mtr ,..u • 836 Av~ A~, Newport B~M <-..-1-.J THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . ........ ..,._. ___ .,.. .. The soft folds of Vignette' come in three new fabnc1 .............. ••• •utuh ttftt u• .,,,, ""' "'" ""'· • LDUTA AARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays acd covers culture and the arts. She may be readled at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mall at /olita.harper@latimes.com. a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfaxto(949)646-4170; or by e·mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. SAILING CLASSES o,.nge Coest College 11 otr.ring new credit and noncredit sailing classes this spring. Most classes are five weeks in length, and boats range from Lido 14 dinghies to large ocean racers, even keelboats. Cruising seminars are also being taught. The OCC Sailing Center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412 or visit occsailing.com. SaWng fHcfnation on.rs clHsH in boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with disabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. Orenge County employen can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Sailing and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to wortc with the on-board Instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Mertne WaterSporta at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport·fishing skills to the test In a fully i B ton whaler or soar above it all on a parasail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Electric boet rentals ere available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental la $76. (949) 645-6812. l"ut ·sda~. \la~ I :~. :!OO :~ '\,." p1111 B•·.i, 11 I \ ANTI-AGING TRF..A TMENTS FROM HEAD TO TOE This Informative heaJth emlnar features topics featu!lng State-of-1.hMrl Prnentlon & T~atment of Atflllf. • Tbe SdeDce of And-Aglnt Ufatyle Management •Inner-Age™ System-Sclentlf1c Measurement of Biological Age • Wetgbt Loss/Management & Nutrttloo · • Human Growth Hormone to reverse aging from the "inside out" • ........,.. from Had to Toe • Treatment of Baldness • Facial Plastic Surgery . ! Cosmetic Dentistry • Photo-A&tna • Botox Treatment • Body Cosmetic Surgery • Breast-lmpkjn1$, Lilting c:I Reduction -Body Upotuctk>n l Motorcyclist di es in collision A mororcyclisr was k:iJled in a collision with a car on Su- perior Avenue at Ticonderoga Street in Newport Beach on Satu rday. An investigation was under· way Saturday afternoon. The name of the victim, a 38·year· old Latino, was not released by Saturday evening. ~Fault is unclear," Newport Beach Police Sgt. Thomas Fischbacher said. ~Speed may be a factor, bur that h~n't been determined yet.· The accident occurred shortly after 3:30 p.m. Satur· day. The motorcycle was trav· eling northbound on Superior from Coast Highway as a 1976 Lincoln sedan driven by a 72· year·old man was traveling southbound, name Jnves1iga· tor Mark fbher said. POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bristol Street: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 block at 4:44 p.m. Thursday. • Fairview Road: Grand theft was reported in the 2700 block at 12:23 p.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boule,,.rd: Vandalism was reported in the 2300 block at 3:48 p.m. Thursday. • Iowa Street: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 1700 block at 8:09 p.m. Thursday. ARTWALK Continued from Al the Costa Mesa-based mural and faux-finishing firm My Art and Soul, said that the art walk is a good opportunity ror artists like herself. "I want to start dolng more with my palnt~ngs in addition.to . "It's easier to paint at home than it is 10 paint on somebody else's wall." Music was also part or the evenl The Don Ross band played to a small but appreciative crowd from a makeshift stage on the pa- tio of a private home. Though oo head counts are available or how many people attended the show, participants say it's growing every year. Artists are encouraged to hand out ruers for the event. Word of mouth at· tracts the crowds, while the COMMENTS Continued from Al Reese Jarvis, who worked tirelessly for mothers who had lost sons in the CivU War. Mrs. Jarvis dled ln May 1905. With her father already gone, Anna Jarvis was left alone to care for her blind sister, Elsinore. This is depresang me, and f dJdn't know the woman, other than that ahe dJed in 1948, which I atill retenL I WU aolng to 11y flllnore'a Jut wilh wu to h8w her..._ 1eattered owr a lab IOIDeWhere In tho wet(, but I'm not. . Anna,.,. inlMed .. • Photo Rejuvenation • Lisen for S~n Rejuvenation, Hair Removal. Removal of Veins & Removal of Tatc;>ot • lnfectable FHJen -Body S urgery " • Treatment of Lea Vein• • Cosmetic Foot SuraerY -Bunl0n1, Hammertoes -Birth Defonnltles : =~~~I lf«Mly?" ===-~ ~ W1aat YCMI Could Loolt Ulff .. mcJCls eornethinl'awf\d and ..... ~~ camp.ip Iii 19'17 IO mUe ~ o.y. holldaJ ICl'OM the llnd. IP 1914, Plelldent W80dlow WllcJft .._.,did ....... ,, H. ~ ...... MD. FACS, DMI IM. OPM. Alex Mellm. MO, FACS. SimcJl'l Oultan, MD l Jonahn ~IM. MO ---IJ. .. n..tSpa Lwc11 H,.a~wpme.,,..,.._.IMch.CA '' ; ' ... /Wuz!'wlwila CaB toda fOr seminar reservation 94M7Z..1819 .......... '°~ ...................... 1:'34 ............. Sunday ...,"Ha. no.,nb .... Cll~ .......... But :.::r::: •• •d, Anna ........ . ...... un. She bec#M more and men...,..-.. me The vehicles collided as the sedan was turning left onto Tt· conderoga. No one has been arrested, charged or cited, Fisher said. Boys with BB gun draw several cop cars A call of a pos.'iible armed confllcl at the intersection of Irvine Avenue and 17th Street ended without incident after Driver arrested after striking jogger An Irvine wo~an was ar· resred Sarui'<Tay morning on charges of felony DUI after she struck and injured a jog- ger. . several Costa Mesa polite unils arrived to Ond two mi· nors armed only wirh a BB gun. Julia Maria Nash, 55, was being held on $25,000 bail Sarurday af1ernoon after striking and hitting a 49·year· old woman who was jogging near the inlersection or East· bluff Drive and Vista del Oro at 8:15 a.m. Police did not release the narne of rhe victim. who was taken to Wcsrem Medical Center for treatment. • Pomon• Avenue: A robbery was reported in the 1900 block at 9:36 p.m. Thurs!ay. • Wett 17th StNet end Superior Avenue: Drinking in public was reported at 4:26 p.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • S.yshore Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 2800 block at 11:03 p.m. Thursday. • Dove StrMt A commercial burglary was reported in the 1600 block at 9:17 a.m. Friday. • Geluy Drive: A burglary Vl(as Police received a call shortly afler 3 p.m. Saturday from a resident who reporlt!d seeing two teenage boy'> 111 the parking 101 or a Blol'k bus ter Video, one or whom appeared to be aiming a gun at the other. Numerou~ poht <' c ruiser' arrived on sce11c, and lhl' boys were taken 11110 <:mwcJy pending their releru.e 10 their parents. Nu shot'> were fircJ and no one wa~ hurt. polit c: said. reported in the 2000 block at 6:02 a.m. Friday. • Iris Avenue and Ocean Boulevard: A person was reported brandishing a weapon at 7:07 p.m. Thursday. • longboat: Annoying phone calls were reported in the 100 block at 8:16 a.m. Friday. • Momlng Canyon Road: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 block at 9 a.m. Friday. • Santiego Drive: A vehicfe burglary was reported m the 1900 block at 7:39 a.m. Friday. SEAN H!llER /DAJI.. Y Pl.OT Visitors walking along South Bayfront pass artwork by Howard O'Donnell at the Balboa Island Artwalk. high-quality art, stunning see-ter year, participants said. nery and friendly atn:\osphere ~It really is nice out here." keep them coming back year af-Moloney said . commerciall7.atJon of Mother's Day. She got some more paper, refilled her pen and sent a blizzard ofletters to ministers. politicians and editors far and wide. She was particularly irked with Oorlst.s. "What wW you do to rout charlatans. bandits, pirates. racketeers, kidnappers and otbef tennJtea." abe wrote, *that would undennlne with their peed one of the finest. noblest and trueat movements and celebntJonar' 1Wo tblnp, Annie -no more cdelne, and how dJd termites pt lmdYed in this? In lhe 1930I, th\ eo.w 5erYlce announced 1 Mothe(s o.y ICamp r.turins WbMden Mother and a vue Of white cemedom. llld Anna Jar* went poNI; She cam.,.aped day In and day out ........ the swnp. and.::: caivlnced ·PJwklenl IO ...... ... .... Madalr't.,.,,. hm dw...,. .......... _ ...... balllll• .._...._ Clll'W'a • -...11, •a.D120811 ...... :aW-.an W.Mu WMc:beold ..... ~ .. Modaen.,., •• ,.. ... ~--........ . (, started going through two reams .. of paper a day. She <.°f'JShed a meeting of the American War Mothers, shouting about the desecration or Mother's Day. She bad to be forcefully removed by the police. According to the "Florists Review," a Doral industry trade journal, *Miss Jarvis was completely squelched.· But even though they sparred for years. the OoraJ lndustry never forgot their debt to Anna Jarvis Cor aeating Mother's Day. She spent the lut months of her life alone and pennU lo a nursing home. Unblown to ber, a Ooral Industry trade group paid all her medJcaJ Uld nW1lng home expen1e1 ln fuU .• So there )'OU have it. the r ltrallg'e _,. of Anna Jarvil, Ml8Jl8 Mater and Rhea and the MWnmyl, which WU a rock group ln the '708, I think. 11 you're~ enouah to ldll have lO'a' mom. .... the daj. Oo ~you CM, In the ~..,.,..... .• don't ....... . •M"llliordllam.,dd1"91he ,... ... v _ _..,lhml ...... .-:L ..... b .. )Ull IDO ......... Mothlin~ ...... CHECK ITOUT A day for more than celebration A fter all the hugs. gifts and gustatory pleasures of Mother's Day, there's plenty food for thought in books about some of the most com plex relationships of our lives. Long after they've stopped being children. celebritie~ reminisce about the women who raised them in "I Love You, Mom I" CoUected by KeUy RJpa of "ljve With Regis and KeUy" fame, their storie!. reveaJ gratitude for emotionaJ !>Upport after '---------' bad haircuts and prom disasters. ns w<.'11 ~ more '>erious tmumru.. r:rom .. uch luminaries as Sally Jes<;t> R.1phael, Diane Sawyt'r and Carole Black. find word'i of appreciation for moms who buffered adver'>ity and helped shape dreams in thi'> in'ipirl'd lre<l!>ury. for those ju'>t l>t.'Kinning rhe parental journey. Lauren Slater '>hares her internal dt'batc about having a child tn"l.ove 1:.t1llt'I< 11-. WorbUke lltls: Moving from One Kind ofUfe 10 Another." In diary· like fonnat. '>he charts the physical and t'motiunaJ rnur'>e of a prC'gnancy romplicated by bipolar disorder. Kathleen A. Kendall lacket rurtJ1er dispels the myth that motherhood 1s an in'>ttnctivc. always joyful endeavor in "The !Odden FeeUnp of Motherhood." Suhtitled ·coping with Stres ... Depression. and Burnout." her trt'atise abour the ambivaJem:c new mothers sometimes experience focuses 011 overconiing angt'r, feehng.s of tx·ing trapped. and diminished intimacy with a partner. New moms wiU lind additional Insight Into gaps left by child-rearing books in "A urn Work." With unsentimentaJ honesty. Rachel Surtddy, M<ly I I 200J A5 • ezsure 'Going to all the specialty shops to find the ingredients and preparing th e food is an event. If it's not fun, you shouldn't do it.' , Roy Yamaauchl, chef 0 can coo Restaurateur Roy Yamaguchi has a new cookbook and TV se ries By Lolita Harper Daily Pilot T hl' invitations asl gue'>h to arnve promptly at 7 p m for a dumer party. Seven hours bcfort', the table has yet to be '>et. the host is in jeans. the oven is cold. hut the event has already begun. Preparing a feast i'> an event in itself. acclaimed chef Roy Yama~1chi said, and his new cookbook and TV senes will outline the step., to participate in such an occasion. '"Going to all the specialty shops to lind the ingreJientl; and preparing the food is an (•vent." Yamaguchi said "If 1t"s not fun. you .,houldn't du it." Pearls of wi<>dom !>uch as thl'>, and many other tip'>. aboWld in hi'i new book, "llawa11 Cooks." and the fV show of lhe snme name. ln his edt•c11c l'ook.ing style, Yamaguchi. tht• arrnmplii.hed chef behind the '>U<-cco;o;ful chain of Hoy\ restaurantli, 'laid he trie'> to incorporate the three e.,sentml elements of flavor. teKture and appearance. Born in Japan, Yamaguchi\ I lawaiian con11ection goes bal'k ro hi' grandfather, who ow11cd a tavern 111 the '40i> in Wailuku, Maui Whill' growing up in Japan and ah.,orh111K the f~stern culture. Yamaguchi wa., largely influenced by frequent trip'> to the Pacific: l<,lan<.lli The cook.mg in his family wa-. done by the men. aml Yamaguchi wa<, eager to follow in lht'ir foohtepo;. I le complclt>c.l e1CtensiVl' culinary training and wa'i olTered prt'rnien• po<;itioll', al atda1111ed rt''itaur.111h 111 1988. he opem•d the first Hoy\ 111 I lawaii. TI1e thain took off, and rhe restaurants arc now all over rhe country. The crowd at the entrance of rhc Hoy's in Fa!>hion Island is a te-.1anw11t to itli popularity here 111 Newport-Mesa Yamaguchi hope' 10 appeal to the Southern California ·, [A Renowned chef and businessman Roy Yamaguchi cooks a drsh at his eponymous restaurant in Newport Bed< t Yamaguchi has written a new Hawa11an cook~k and 1s starting a new cooking series on PBS. culture wirh hi'><. omprchcrt.,iVl' new rookbouk. ·For mr, l'allng and t:oolong arc C'>'cmiall}' the !>amc: I like to rnok what I eal and I likl' to eat what I lUok." Yamagud1i write'> tn the introduction to the book.. The pages that follow highlight the refreshingly bold and flavorful di'ihe!I that lavishly mix Wei.tern and 1-.a.,tern influence<; and fre'>h ingredients with hench cookmg techniques. 'amagucht not only h!>IS the compom•lll<,, hl' explain'> the fundamentab of hi'> cooking !>tyle. for a more rnmpll'te knowledge of the rec1pt'. I le eKplarns the need for sweet. '>ally. !>our and b111er tasres and tht· proper halanct' herween them. Sp1Lt', texture and vrsuaJ appeaJ are al<>o discu~cd ar length in the colorful cookbook. Recau.,e Yamaguchi cooks with iu.•m'i that may not be familiar IO mo.,t. he explarno; the items and their NO PLACE LIKE HOME importann' lo lhl' th .. ti 't.1111 also give~ rt•Jdl·r., J h111t 111 , 11 exotic food'> tan be found ti venrure' out.,tde rlw .. 1wh1·"'" ordinal) 'UJH'r marlet., The rv 'l'nt''· "I lit\\ .111 1 ""~ highlighl'> till' 'am1· t'\jll'rl t,,. ,vividly '>howrn~ rhe 1111nrl.ll111t1 chef\ enlt'rla1mng rwr.,1111 .il11\ sixth '>ea.,on, YalllJh'll<. ht\\ tll I culinary expertr'>t' w11h \ lt'\\t"r' home and hl.'lp hohh\ d11 '' 1 " t1 their own • evt>nh • ~~:~!i~~ Food with a new attitude r!.lrr1r.::p~le=as=ure::::~s~--;------------~:=:.-~~~~~~-!...-'~~~-=-=--....: known before Baby and those that Baby bring.s. When Mom returns to work. conOJcts can multiply-a dilemma outlined in '1be Third Shift.." Combining her experience as a working mother with those of more than I 00 Silicon Valley professionals, Mich ele Kremen Bolton analyzes wom en's anxieties about balancing career, home See CHECK, Pace A9 T he Culinary Ans Academy at . Newpon I lrubor High School is like the mmt.ard seed. It started smaD and througti a leap of faith and has blossomed Into a program with unparallefed breadth and depth. Janet Ou.k.e,, ls the founder and director of the program and her coordinator, Hennie Sondel (who is an angel of a volunteer), have created a su~ niche at I lalbor High and have eve11 taken their show on the road as they compete ln culinary conteslS throughout the state. Goneare thedaysof making applesauce ln foods cW8 -these women have turned up the heat. so to KAREN WIGHT speak. to include ' regional cooking. pastries. sauces. fondants and garnishes. You have to see it to believe it. and tasting it Is t'Vell ·better. The Culinary Ans Academy has rerumed from its trip to San Francisco. where members spent 16"dolng hours of hands-on cooking classes at the famous California Culinary Academy. Program participants went last year, too. TRAVEL TALES Not only did the group create food. it was introduced 10 the business aspect!> of hotel management and hospitality. 11le group spent four nights at the Fairmont I lotel. toured the kitchen and had a chance to be tourists. l1le academy al.so attended a ~ lunch and tour of the Culinary lnstitute of America at (~~lone in Napa. Days later. the group competed In the ftrst California Restaurant Assn.'s Culinary Competition and Knowledge Bowl 11le competition included preparation of a three-<:ourse meaJ in one hour. The NHHS contingency placed second In the state' in the Knowledge Bowl Not bad for a Oedgling pmgr.im . ._11d1,., The pmgram graduah.., \l\otll 1 or111111t1 their educauon'> rn lhl• cuhnan li1•l1I Jaime <..orv.alt"> ha-. het.·n .tn rp11~l 1111l1e· Cahfomta C ulmary Al.:adenl\ 111 "''" Franci<;(O, I >-avid r-..1o<,qm't!J Jnd l\·11• Madison will attend the 1u1111.in-J.11' t:>rogram ar CX,(. wh1d1" mnkl-d '4.."toml in the nal.ion 1he Culmary At-adt>m~ h<N' .111 annual fund ra.L'lt'f to ht-Ip ddrJ\ till" COS1 of actMtles for the panl\1p.1ling studenL'-llU!> year I.he fourth 3.llnlhll event. ·A 13..'iU.; of Newport Harbor H~ School.· at I.he b'l"rung of th<' Art., wdl See HOME. Paa• A9 Ladies still Go-Going on annual cruises to Fnsenada For 10 years, women teachers from Costa Mesa schools have been making the trip. - moved la'OS.'l the country, but sdll mum for the annual auJ5e when they can make It. We are no Ion~ the "Go-Go Girts.• but rather a "Ya·Ya nhood• of dose friend\. •CAROLE fl.#NMHt:/18 is• com Meaa '9lldent • 11UWll; lN.Elruneon ~ Ht¥9 you, Ot IOIMOM you knOW, gone on*' 1t••io "~1 a"'~ Y'0'.11' ~ 1n ~ 400 Woidl, MICO't'I*.., ~. ~of.,....'°""°"*"°"" ... ,......,. ... OlilV "'°'"' Nm. end .... thM\ to .Tf.w.I 1*1, J:IOW. a.,a. COiii.._ CAmD;or ...... .......... ~--­.. ~JO. I m: I am growing older; l am rtarilina.to underand what a bolJldW lml*t )'OU ha\te blld 00 lite. I do not think enough ,vords could expn!A how lhanktul l am for you. You have modeled me how to be ttl8ea. how to how to~ and most all how to try to do your best at l!w!!rvlhinfl. You are the most person I have eYel' met, give so much to so many ~ ... .,. .. t people. Some may say t you are not successful use you do not have a lot of dal invesanents or because u don't have a high paying job. ut. mom. I view YoU as a very ful person, you have gted so much into your usband,children,grandchikken, all of the studen11 you have at ewport Harbor High School I so thankful that you would me to all of my volleyball and will continue to do so. am so thanlcfuJ that you are for my college education; a t of parents would not make at commianent to their dren. The one thing that you taught me that I will never rget !s that money isn't -•"1f'hi"n g. What's on the inside tters a lot more then all the ions that you have. Your ove for people pours out and etrates into peoples hearts. I forever grateful for you mom d you have definitely made this rid a better place. I love you. b~. . love, I MARISSA G. COTHRAN I My mom is great because she j::ares about and loves my dad, my buppy and me. Rachael She heJps ~th sruff that is hard for me because she cares. My mom Feves in me when I get uraged and I like that a lot I the ludciest girl to have a m like mine. RACHAEL SALAS, 9 arMom, pe you have a happy Mother's My mom is special to me use she loves me. I EVAN Our mom, Pat lnsley. in the principal at Paularino elementary School in C:OSta Mesa. M busy and stressful as her job is, she still finds time to be the best mom tmyone could ask for. Not only she our mom, but she is our best friend and certainly our biggest fan when we play sports. We feel that we can confide in her and tell tier our troubles and concerns. being normal kids. we don't J}ways give her the respect she fUld love that she deserves, but we could not imagine our lives I "thout her. We love you very uch, mom. Hugs and kisses on our special day always! EMILY, 14, AND COLLIN, 16 mom is our best friend . asttion consultant, caregiver, chef d cheerleader all rolled into one t person. · DANtEUE AND LARSON HARLEY kathy Osterling: the world's most wonderful hiother and grandmother. I don't ~ow what I would do without ~. The kids and I count on you much. I know that I don't show my appreciation or my dmiradon for you as often as I ould. but I think you are such amazing woman. My hopes or one day, my kids think or as highly as I think of you. PY Mother's °!'Y. morn. I I TINA • For Sallee Smith: mom deserves all the fine S'§ that this wortd has to offer. e taught me, by example, how be a good person and to a.lwayB ¥true to myself no matter how ard thing'§ might be. She Is a very loving, thoughtful and ess person. I low Mal JENN AND SAM, TOO Mom, you for being a positive ln my life that I can talk to t anything and look up to. I so happy that we are dole. for an you do. Hope you a great Mother's o.y. ANTHONY WALKER, 12 married fur 20 years. She came to Newport knowing very little F.nglish and successfuDy survived She ts part of National Owtty League. was a Gilt Scout leader for may years, helps at swim team and at our schools. Our mom ls always there for us whenever we need anything, Including a friend to talk to. motherly advice and a hug. Our mom ts always there to bejp UI get through hard d.mea. lt ls true what they~~ ewiryman. there ls a great woman; and behind great kids. there ii an ewrl better mom."~ QUtietDOi maml BIANCA, Wl"WE.L MO VAi.SM AVl.A llWiB OF ta MC1l1ll!ll I 11D an W. otmy moths I wonder If l wtl llYe up 10 her tiiillllOtdk•f IODOmpllahmentl I tmr her wke bl my 1-s -.,. _..mewt..n dabt l wmt 10bemble10 return Che '°'8 ~ lbcMll me • I am an imlle at my IDOdlS I pdfmd f know aae diln hs IW•needame•llu:b•I ...... I tlDUdl hs hmd. Ind linaW nD .. 1....,n ...... blr.,. fay wbm ... citli I -m ..... tlmJ iaOlbiir l•*.+wflc.alMlllll• .... , .... ,_ .... _ . . LETTERS TO MOM understanding, just likll her I try to ~ the favor of her being my mother I understand I can't llve this life alone I dream I am kind and undencandJng, just like her I try to ~ the favor of her being my mother I hope I've become what &he bad lnmlnd I am ut image of my~mother ASHLEYBECk FJgbdl grade My mom ft really the beat mom ever1 She drives me everywhere, whether It'• aoc:cer or volleyball. She tu. care of all of ut (even my dad). Bwry day lhe come home happy, mm thoup tnalde l know the It tired from her Ions ct.,. She tr1• her beet to be a ... t mom IDd-. ii. So I Jutt wut to -.y I lo¥w you mom aDcl HappJ Motbe(a o.,t a.Y ..... Marwloul 0i •• .._ 'Dlntlc """ P.xddng Really fun She always takes us to our many activities. She ls the best cook and always hu great meals and snacb for us. Most or a1J she Is nice, independent. funny and we are so lucky she Is our mom. CASSIE MO R.J. D'CRUZ My mom Is great at making meals. She la the best cook In the whole wide world. When I need help on my homework. she always helps me the right way. When I cry or fall off my bike or s~oofer, she always comes to my rescue. Whenever I'm aJck. •he alwa)'I takes care of me. I Jove my mom beuUH ahe'1 my mom. Sometimes 1be doea to many bard thing• that I would tell her that 1be should tab a break and let me do the work. My mom lan't lib any other moml I love my mom more and more each day. Happy Mother't Day to a tpeclal mom from a IJ'ltefuJ ckuahtel'I r..nt. . . IKHEU.l~,I she's the best! MEGAN KEYS, 5 My mom Is great! Not only is she thoughtful and caring, she ls also my ftiend. My mom ls a great explainer; I'm growing up and my body ls changing. but she ls with me l~ to explain things and comfort me. lf I ever have problems she ls always with me. I am more like my mom ln many ways., she likes being tall, havtng big feet, being better at arta than ma.th, we a.re the goofy ones In the family. We can sh are experiences together. Often times my favorite times with my mom ls when we are atttin.g by the flre with her an my dog. I love my mom very much. She la a great wtfe, woman and of coune ..• moml 1MYN PATTON, 11 I love my mom bec:auae I lib to give her h&lP and kltlet, and &ecauae lhe giWll m.e hup and ldMel. Thia It my Uttle brother David loY9r her, IOO. X11andO'I, homework. She pull UI to bed and then we do It .gain. Wet~ our mo~ .. _,. CHEN GIJ.. 7, NW# HEATHER GILL. 3 Happy Mother's Day to our Non al You are the best Nona In the whote world and we love you · verymuchl We wmt to wish our mom a "Happy Mother's Day" because we love her so muchl · Love, SHANNON, MICHEU.E AND EMILY We have much to be proud of ln our "mom.• As we grew up, her primary concern for us was educadon, and that drive carried her Jnro many years or public service. She has been a wonderful example to all of us abour working hard and living each day to Its fullest. She's also a tough act to foUow! From jumping out or airplanes, to llfting weights more than her own, she Is not slowing down a bit Her strength of character. spirit and body has been a true inspiration to us. We salute our mom today -Happy Mothers' Day.Momlll Also, our mom Is Marian Bergeson. Love, NANCY, GARTH, JULIE ANO JAMES Dear Mommy: My mom Is simply wonderful. She does many things for us, from folding our laundry 10 calling us 10 see how our day went. It's miraculous 10 me that she can spend so many hours at work. maintain a clean house and stiU find time to watch our favorite 1V show toge ther. She spends hours helping us with our homework. So many children take these things fo r granted. but this Mother's Day I would just like to let my mother know how much she means 10 all of us and how much we love her. Have a happy Mother's Day! I love you! · Love always. . JOANNE MATUUCH Usually on this day children write about their mothers. but this day another writes about her daughter. who is a special mother. My daughter Karhleen wacino Gallant was on her way to a promising.career as a publicist account executive when her first daughter. Lauren. was born. Her love was so intense that It overshadowed the job, which she gave up for the unponance of motherhood. Natalie and Nicholas followed. Natalie was hale and hearty, but Nicholas was handicapped and required constant care. She has dedjcated her life to her producer husband Michael, helping hJm with his projects. Lauren is a USC graduate and Natalle the University of Pennsylvania. Kathy has continued to care for Nick In spite of suggestions to place him In a faclJity. She started her own company, Scripts Unlimited. Th.ls mother is very proud of the sacrifices this mother has taken for her family. SUZANNE SARACINO Erin Locke Is the best mother in the world. She takes care of me and my brother Josh, who IJ almost 2 and never stops running. She gives us Iota of hugs and kisses and good food. She takes me to school and helps In class. All my friends llke her too. I hope I can be as good a mother when I grow up. We love you Mom! KM.EEN ANO JOstf Dear Mom, Elsinore Tigers; Stealing watermelon on the patch on •Ace"; Having Olris, Stephanie. Juliana and Jeffrey; Oleerleadlng coach;Bestfrlend;SpUUng lemonade ln Palm Springs; High school; Oleerleading: Knee surgery; Helping me through heartb~ Months of worry, me our Angel -Andrew; Jumping ln the fleezing pool with Andrew; Badng kle; Days at the beach with our angel; Pitching ana1ls on the street; Moving far away; Showtng me the joy of motherhood; Happy Mother's Day -I love )IOU more t1*a lbe moon and staral Stephanie and' Andrew. Thank l'O~·-...... . · STIPHANIEM.GOOFWlY • Th our Mom, Pat CuhJon: You haw taucht \t1 the value of t\ln by your t.auahter and unlle. You have tauaht ua work. by , woctl.nl hard in all you do. You' haw aaupt U9 MCrtftce by gMna ot yoUnell. You hlrw .. tauebt UI peCe by )OUr kJVe of the lord. lbu Mw taueM UI how to be frilnde Ind ..... ,..,,... lul .... ot ... JOU ...... ........... .., ....,., ...... OUI IDOBL ... :::=.., S.Liii_,__ 1 Dally Piiot ·LETTERS ~ontinued from Ai;, Why our mom is 110 great! We both love our mom more than anyth~ Our mom mabls the best dinners, and tells us the . funniest jokes. She Is easy to talk to and gives us all we need. We are lucky to have a mom like ours, and we will love her foreve~ HILARY ANO EMILY HEINKE ·The reason why my mom is the best Is because she takes care of me when I'm sick. She also !>upports me and takes me everywhere I need 10 go. That's why I tbmk my mom is the best! MORGAN BOWATMER, 9 I l<M! my mom because she ruddies with me when I'm lonely. She makes me laugh when she acts silly. My mom reads book!. to rne at bed time. She lets me be mysel( She takes me to Ruby's and huyc; me chicken Hogen.. My mommy takes me to pre5Chool, mul>ic, art and drama. Shes great! I.me, LILLY AND JEANNIE WILLIAMS HARBOR VIEW ELEMENTARY ,FIRST-GRADERS Dear Anni(•, 1 lo\t' to hug you hecau'>e you .m· a niu: mom ,\ml you love to "''"· '>O dm•, me KYLE Dear Mommy. 11.iµpy Mutlw1 \ I )ay and you h(•lp me by makmg my lunch JrHJ din11c1. You alway., ruck me 111 the blankt'I<, You are a nice mom You dr(' a lwautiful mom. I ov1· MARILYN CHAN ~y M11111 ;ilw<1y' gel'> my clothe'> '>he gt'I!> mv lm·akfa\t. My morn rnJke<; rny lunch . ..,he always -<ooh Ill\ d1nnl'f ~v mom .llWJ\'> help'> llll' With my h1 lnll'WOrl.. PADDY CONROY Dear Mom. I \\Jnl to 1 I a.tnl.. y1n1 for t•l.(•ryth111g I ha11k vou for making mv hrt"1~ra .. 1. and thank \OU for makmg my dinner 1 lovt' when you gt•t rn~ dothe<> out for me. t,.ove. AINSLEY Mother know' I love her very rnuch_ She take' cart• of me or ..omebody el'>c '>he hkt"'>. She 1s very mtelhgent and thinks '>mart. But on Mother's Day I \yant to do '>Omething for her. 'inte she 1' '>O met' to me and otht•r!>. l.OVt', CHRISTINE l><'ar Mum. Lnank ~ou fur all of the games! fhdnk you lor the very cxvem1ve computer. Thank you '><> much for being a volunteer and volunteering n1ank you for the movies you got u . Thank \'OU for 1he pencil 'harpener and vour .-,o thoughtful love. Love. MADISON CRANE Dear Mom. I llJ\t' vou You make lunch, hrt•.uda<.t and dmnt>r' Mv mom IUl"> t·are of my brothers. You're the beM mom in the universe! You drop me off at chool, you pick me up from '>chool. t.ove your son. TATE JJ1ke my mom because she helps me on my homework. She leis me nde shotgun often. If I lo!>e something sh!' will help me find ii. She make.; all meals. 1'.hat's why I like m y mom . BRAD HOSTETTl.ER Oeiar Mom, I like you because you help me on my homework. It Is fun l;taving a mom. Moms pay for ~ouses that you need. My mom takes m e to fun places. She lest me have a lot or play dates. She organized evel)'lhing. MEGAN OUNHOLTER Dear Mommy. t.like the way you help me when I get hurt or when I'm scared. When bre&kfa t for me, and if you make what 1 don't like I stUl ,lave you. I like the way you tuck me In bed. And Mommy. I like the way you tell me ttorlel at rught. When you &hawed • pk:ture of when you were a little girl. When you take care of me 1 ~ytso h•PPY· Happy Mothe~s 1.-:M. ""'RINERS ELEMENTARY A'HIRD-GRADERS 'fl mom W IO part bec:8u. ibe hlm tYte m fh m r nf!fitJ tt. ~ LETTER S TO MOM At 19 )'al'I Old. Marie Gi1ftlth of Newport Beech ii. the mother of rour grateful Sia.ten, mother-In-law to three IOM. grand.roomer of nine and pat grandmother ot three. But thole are jult IWi8da, what makes our modler great is who lhe ... what she does and haw she does lL ~ la our comfort, counael, frlend and leader. She bas inspired us and entertained us: championed oW-causes and mourned our losses. She ls naecf, elegant, funny, fierce, though.d'ul. protective, generous and prudent Her energy amazet us, her falth us. There Is nothing she would not do for her family, acept put herself first. Her k1v'e for us makes miracles happen. We love you mom. PEOOY NORMANDIN on behalf or her sisters Jonie in ·Manta. Kade In Dallas and Mary L¥n.ne in Huntington Beach ·THE WYNN FAMILY We love Mom.Sheleu us have Popsicles in the bathtub. She makes the best.. macaroni and cheese. She puts us in ' our room ff we scream or don't share, but she helps us catch lots of roly-polles. Mom doesn't mind if we get dirty in our play clothes or ride OUT bikes in the house. Mom plays bombers with us and she takes us lo school. swim l~ns and singing class. She Bus lunch in our Spidennan and Superman lunch boxes. She makes Dad happy. Mom sings to us and tells us Monce upon a time" 1>tories at bedtime. She gives us a hug. Thank you, Mom! MT'Rtct( AND NtCHOlAS WYNN,3AH02 TAY SIMMONS She is also nice when he takes me lo Jui ce ll Up. Also she buys me ma.keup. My favorite thing about my mom Is that she Is trying to buy me a dirt bike so I can go to the desert wtth my cousin. I like my mom. Sincerely. JADE PRisoon My mom Is a good mom because she gets me movies. food and takes me to places. My mom cooks me good food. She helps me with my homework. She takes me to soccer pra.ctioes and games. She lets me sleep next to her sometimes. She takes pictures of me holdlng my sister. That's what I like about my mom. L.ove, My mom Is the best penon on earth. She plays with me when I'm t.k>rtd. and helpl me wlch my homework. She also taket me to the doctor when I'm lk:k and hUft me when I'm Md. Sbe'a truly the best pe:rtOn on .rth. Ul'mWA!t B Mymonall.,.....,_n WOlb her tll oa "* ID nilllrlil me ~,...,_...., .... ............ dllm my fOOll\ Ind blcueiheinlliil meloOd. .. , p'1yq klndl Ind dllllilr. 'lbll\ wt., lllJ mom II plllt LM. I My mom Is the best My mom·~ name ls Sue. She is an awesome cook. Sue is an interior designer. She's realty fun. My mom is Irish. She takes my sister and me to sports activities. I love my mom! GRANT WENSLEY My mom ts great! She helps as much as she can. Every night she cook.1 special dinners for me and my family. She ta.kes me places, and always goes and supports me at my soccer game~ She Is nice as a bunny! She aometimes takes me to get a treat after ~ool. But most of all she lova me and I love her too! My mom Is so great because she helps me wttb my homewoct and she reminds me to bl'U!h teeth.. do my ba1r and put lodon on ql1 face. Sbe takes to equarhuns. theme parb. Mammoth and June MountaJn. SbA Nee and • realty great belpft.:. She cheen me on In all r,.,. ot 1p01tL Mr mom ii • r-PYINltmoml NCl.DTCIWQO . . HELEN ANN lANGMADE •ldmAnn ~e. Happy Mother'• Day! You have no idea what th1i 80-year-old Newport Bead'I native bu done for me and the entire Langmade famOy. Helen • Ano has five children and 15 grandch.ildt'en. Our ramtJy would aay we have never met anybody in our lives with so much patience. Recently she has experienced a lot of ups and downs, but as always she handled them with love. grace and patience. You're amazing mom! If I can make It to the age of 80 I hope that I can be jUSl like you! Thank you for everything you have taught me and for what you still are teaching me. 1 lmieyou, CAROLE MORTIMER CLAUDINE GEISER This disease snatches more memories from my mother each day. Occaslonaily, I have to remind her that she is my mother and I am her child. The dog and cat have become favorlte children. since they don't try to interpret sentences and words into a cohe.renl conversation. The gift I want to give my mother on Mother's Day Is the peace of mind that I can fix this problem. But I can't fix it; I can only help her cope. Instead, I will try to remember her World. Mom, you rule! ZACK TASOYA My mom is so nice. She is as nice as a flower. She is so nice because she helps me with everything. I love when she helps me with school. She does so much wort around the house. like dinner and cleans the house. My mom buys me presents even if It's not a hollday. I'm so grateful to have my mom with me, because If I dJdn't I would be so sad. I love my mom. Love, M-.olSON WOOTERS My mom Is so cool! She Is cool MQ.use he comforts me when I am Md. She gt~ me wann food. I love the way she tucks me in ar night. She 8Jws me hugs and kisses f:'laY ~ She always gt\.leS me greet ht& hup. She c:heen me up,.._, l am mad. She maka me IUnCh f!'lf!fy cky. Sbe always '*Pt me when I am In trouble. I low ber IO much. MCJl.LYMDIMON My mom le cool. ii yourat My IDOID tak.a me IO~ My mom 19 lleo cool._.• lbe ...... to ......... when ltllw Thll 11 hirMCDOI ..., ......... i.... Lifo's stories and pa.sl> them on lo my daughters, so her life can become part of the collective memories we share as a family. GAY GEISER SANDOVAL My mom 1s as nice as dtamond in the sun. She 1s very nice. I llk.e 11 when she picks me up at school. Also she always helps me on my homework. I like when she reads me stories at night. Also she is nice when she packs my lunch for school. My mom is as friendly as a puppy. I love yo'! mom. Happy Mother's Day! Love. KATE YAMAMOTO My mom is spedaJ to me because she plays catch with me. takes me places and watches my baseball games. She helps me with my homework. makes my meals. ta.kn care of me when I'm sick. Sometimes she gard«ns with me too. 1 llOYC youl ~ Th1t »why mom b IO peu. Mom 10 .-a b«;auteahe ~me loca OI~ She IMa me.,., ........ h W IO.,_ 111J •mom II cool She le IO cool d..r lhe look me Ill> c:.wornia AIMonn. n..11 wby mom• IOp.a. ..,,. W W Sooday, May 11. 2003 A7 great she even takea me out of the state. She watches out for me, IUes me to idlool early and makes my days happy. I love my mom as much u she loves me. Sincerely. DYLAN SP£NGLER My mom Is sj)eclaJ because she ma.kes me wonderful meals and loves me. She IB a.s wonderfuJ ab a blossoming blossom. My mom takes me places. like lo my fnen~ house, theme parks and more. When my &iste r Nicole and I are good. she truces us to one of those special places. My help!> me when I'm 11ic:k, hurt or need help with homework. I especially love my mom when '>he spends lime with me. I'm glad I'm her daughter' ALEXANDRA FARAH My mom i!. the best! She 1s really nice and she buy.-, me treats every time I do good in school. My doesn't work My mom takec; me to lot'> of places. like .-.chool, Mammoth, Lake Arrowhead and Palm Springs. I love my.mom! LOGAN FRIEND My mom 1i. )pec1al because i;he i<. alway'> there for me My mom come) 10 school to help out Mom I'> good at cook.Ing. dnvmg and being my mom' Mom's favome computer game 1s MIST. I really like my mom. ~incerrly. BRIAN MORJCCA My mom 1s very '>pec1aJ If I am '>ltk or have a cut i.he's alway!'> there for by my c,1de as quick as a 1ack rabbit. If I had a bad day '>he\ always there 10 make my day cheerful. If I'm stuck on a prohlem. '>he'i. there w help me. If I'm scared she's there to ma.ke everything bener. She's nice. lund and funny But mos1 of all. she's \weet. She's a perfectly good mom. LOITEMARTIN \.1 y mom 15 great, She 1s always ht'lptng me. She always ma~ my lunch She always takes me when she goes to St Louis. She showr, me how to wr11e leners in cur;1ve when I forget them My mom I'> alway'> there when I need her. She alway' wake<> up early and make-; m~ bn•akfai.t. I love mv mom WILL JOSLIN Our mother Dem ... e Mcphee. 1s the world\ be'>I mom! She 15 an tn'>p1ration. She help!> U'> wuh our homework. chort.-'> and also makes us laugh. Our mom 1s a psychologist. and she helps people every day. Then r,he comes home and give my sister and me advice. She wiU always be there for us. and love us no maner what. We love our mom and she deserves recognition for her constant hard work and love for her family. We love you mom' Happy Mothec's Day! Wrinen by COURTNEY, 13, AHO LAUREN, 15 Fran Maran is the coolest most en1oyable mother m law a person could ask for' She has get togethers at least twice a month at her house m Newpon Beach -which has a trampoline fo r her growing brood of grandchiJdren. ·Nana.· as she 1s called by the kids. i5 a fun-loving, life-loving go gener who volunteers at Hoag Hospital She is always up for vi'ltll> and baby·simng. Happy Mother's Day Nana Fran! Love and hugs. KEVtN "'MEL• THOMAN MO. Of COURSE. TASS MO Kl.Alt£ Our mom is great because of so many things. She kMeS taking us on vacations and to Angel games. She's always there to ~ us to ow friends' houses Of practices and games. She IOYeS havmg our friends come OYel' to the hOUR for the day. She kJYeS reading us boob at night and then always tucb us in and gtw:s us a good night kiss. When we're s.k:k. she's a.lwaY5 th.ere to oomfon us. She atways w a smile on her face makes time to 8f\'e us kisses and hup. Have a greet Mocher'I OS)'! We k1'le you with all our hmrtL romf N(f)..,.. ' . .. Al Sunday, May 11, 2003 .. ustom Home Loans LE I I ERS • Construction to permanent loan with one qualifying process and one set of closing fees! I Lot cost included. ·Construction loans as low as prime. fixed tor up to 12 months. ·Low rates for purch'ase, re~fi & no cost equity llnes. ' 'I II I I r , 9"19-252-8200 Continued from A7 We tried to keep Mom ln her home as long as posslbJe. We had ·a succession of caregivers come to the house, but it became increasingly more difficult as her ·Ground up, rehab & remodel-Primary residence or 2nd home allowed. • Increase cash flow -.vith Interest Only programs. · need for longer hours of care expanded. My sister, lrene Engard, and I began to look lnto Alzheimer's facilities and we · finally decided on one that was in Costa Mesa, close to our homes. 15 Years iii Orange County. THE LENDINC GROUP• 3848 Campus Dr.#210. Newport Beach. CA 92660 SUNMI8T SPRAY TAN SPA Spray on your tan . in seconds! 50% OFF 1st Session $15 Value Expires 5/31 /03 .., ____________ .. CaO today to schttlule your appointmpil (949) 719-2896 ' 27 44 East C.oast Highway, #7 · ."second ftoor"' Corona del Mu, CA 92625 When we took Mom ln for the intake Interview, she was asked what it was like having Alzheimer's and she replied that it was ~like being on the wrong streeL" After showing her around the facility, she was asked if there was anything else that she would like to see and she replied, "the exit" However, she finally agreed to go for a visit of three days. After the visit we asked her what it was like and she said it was like Oturch Camp. Later she told my sister that it was like purgatory. When we decided to put her ln the facility full time, my sister told her that they were having a party and she wa<> invited and could bring two bears. When they arrived, my sister hurried her in, gave the facility her marked clothing, left and then burst into tears. We were told not to visit her f')r one to two weeks so that she could get adjusted to the new faciltty. However, we could call anytime and ask how she was doing. When I called days later they said thal she kepi wanting to go home because she had sorne naughty children thal she needed to discipline. After a week. we went to visit her and her eyes lit up and she asked if we had come 10 take her home. To distract her, we waJked around the facility gardens. I remarked that this was such a fun place and there was so much to do that you could never get bored. She said, "That may be I true if I wasn't so hungry for home." Earlier that day she had refused to play Bingo and called one of the directors a "compulsive gambler," suggesting that she gel help for her addiction. Gradually she became more settled and would say things like, ''I'd like you lo keep in touch so that I can find MIND, BODY & Jo(t.. Sizzling Fajitas Bar Strolling Mariachis Margarita & Cerveza Bar ~ I Pai It Trays• Go 6; Rejuvenate your Sole with style ond lomfort . .!!{~) coN\\ort Order by the Dozen • • M1n1 Tacos •Trays of Enchiladas • Mini Taqu1tos • Tamales \ ~ • Mini Bumtos • Chingotingas Salsa Rice, BPans & Guacamole by the quart' ~ . ( f ~ Aztcca Chicken Salad, Fatttas, Camtas 6 • tr' lmaquet Rooms ~. I For a Fiesta ~o Remember· ~,. ~ Catenng '(~ • .. • (949) 645-0209 ~ Costa Mesa Newport Beach Costa Mesa (949) 642-1142 (949) 675-6855 (949) 644-8226 • Cr•r:Jr 1 dP1 M v • ~JP\•,[i irt R••d(I • r 1'_,f,1 r .. A ' ' • S.1' t<J An I • ._.unt1r.qt{ln Pdr" • ! -,.,,_l ~· • \,tt lH fO ..-;-;-. ,,,, Olooge Coooiy's Premieie Comfort Shoe Slore for Men en! Women fealUnng IOtyn Rose, Mqnqo. lmto. [cco. Hoot, Alen E~. Pomm en! mooy moie. (949) 644-5939 Colona del Mil l'bzo 836 A'llXIJdo Ave t 1iewpor1 8ecxh Neer 8ns1ol f Ollrn out what's goi"8 on in your life and you can find out about my boyfriends.• later that same evening she mentioned that she needed to go back to kindergarten so that she could learn about sex. ~continue to take her out once an week to Souplantatlon and each time she says, "I haven't . been.here in years!" She joins u,, each Sunday for our extended family dinners SWTOunded by her chiJdren, grandchildren and great grandchildren, It was a difficult decision to make (putting her in the facility) but I know she Is safe and cared for by a very Loving staff. Every time we come to take her away, the staff always says, "Have a good time." and Mom replies, "Better than I'll remember!" PEGGY ENGARD My mom is the best mom any k:id could ask fort She ls always willing to talce me wherever I need to go. She does my laundry and helps me if I have a problem or if something Is bothering me. She has taught me to be considerate of others, and that helping people brings lots of joy. ANDREW GORDON, 13 "Paris Firsl-Oass international" is the opening line from the commercial for tJ1e "Vlew from the Top" movie. My mother, Sharon Johnston, is not onJy Paris, . first-class, but Frankfurt and London as well. While most parents spend about 20 minutes driving their daily commute to work. my mom flies to Pennsylvania. After landing, her job begins. talcing her to France, England or Germany. She makes the trip twice, back and forth, ln a week. Wilh two daughters I am surprised she has time for herself. Even with all this she takes the family around lhe world first-class. I am so proud of my mother, so mom if you read this, I love you so much, but I am sure you already know. Happy Mother's Day from a very proud daughter!!! JACKY JOHNSTON I am a mothe r of a 20-year-old U.S. Marine tank driver who is somewhere in Iraq. This Mother's Day will be one of reflection and gradlude fof me. I S 1,9</Q CUSlomer cosh plus lox & ~canse due ot leose s>gn1ng No security depos.1 requtred 39,000 lotolm.kn pe< lease !e<m 1()c pe1 mtle ther.oh41' TAKE SS fWY EXIT FAIR DA. TO HARBOR ... -= --,, , .... .-.-., .......... I I l r_.._,J I .~ ~· .... __ ,, She is inaedlble. She is wonderful. We watch her with curiosity: 1be constant modo.n- mvolved. committed, driven She does so much for us, how can we ever keep up? Her love is eodJes8 and we need to understand. It is the fuel of her spirit Her laughter Infectious, we long to be with her. Hercbarm~ people flock to her. She stands alone have accepted the fact that I won't be able to hear from Ian, but he is always in my heart and prayers. If he were to come home for Mother's Day. it would be the greatest gift that I could ask for because his very existence is my Mother's Day present This Mother's Day ln particular, I realize that it is not about the cards, Pally Plot sometimes, ahe worries for us. We are ahehered from the pain of life at times. For she btes without condition, in a wodd full of conditions. Our mom is unique and we celebnlte her. She bas set a standard for love that we strive for.. We love you. Mom. ~. KATIERINE, AlaA OSSIPOFF flowers or presents. It is about love and caring for each other. Sincerely. Dear Mommy, MARSHA (VOSS) STEINBRENNER You are the best mom in the whole world! I love you, NATHAN FRANK bella bella SALON _., __ OFFE R I NG Great lengltl hair extensions I Altemo Ute S!Tolgltenlng Sv5fem SALON HOURS 1 MIJrcJav. 5oluoc)f ~ XklJ'I\ '°~ m • Oleed St.rclor 2721 E COOS1 Highway SU1e 204 C0tono del Mor CA 92625 949 723 4048 • Using the Latest Copying Technology • 600dpl Xerox OigltaJ Output • Quality Color Coples .39~ • B&W Coples Small and Large Volwne •Laminating • folding • Cutting • Stapling • Binding • Rubber Stamps ~ BLUEPRINTING • Large Vellums • Cad Plotting • Lg. Bond Coples E-mail your plot flies to us at lagunaprlnt@eorthllnk.net Pick up & Delivery• Fast Quality Service Proudlv Smlng You Since 1984 o/J; .~,.,. ~ o/IW~~ .1NV7wM.I .~/ Now Open Saturdays LagunaPrint I t ' '\ ( ", ... 1 "" 1 I I 1111\. IL ,. I ('_J 19) lJ 'J7 -60 I <> 11 /lltl IJ•lll I I! I '" ' Ill MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF • california's lepding underwriters • New offerings available •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bond~ RBC Dain .. Rausctier . " :. KAAEN WIGHT I DAil Y PILOT Pete Madison, left, and David Mosqueda, center, help Chef Toby prepare a rack of lamb. HOME Continued from A5 be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday. May 21, at the hJgh school, 600 lrvine Ave. The menu will include swordfish with mango lime salsa. f.ajun gumbo with spicy black beans. chicken satay, baby back ribs. southern sherry chicken, CHECK Continued from A5 lamb chops. pasta bar and a dessen table, which will include chocolate dipped strawberries and a variety of cheesecakes Tickets are $1 and $2, depending on the dish. I am not proud of my having eaten, or at least tasted, everything they had to offer last year. Uiey have my hearty endorsement Its a great WdY to have dinner, in 1be Common Thread: Mothers and Daughters." While daughters may never outgrow the bond with Mom. and personal autonomy, and sons can find a soun:e of offers constructJVe confidence, toughness and encouragement fefr listening to resilience in her, says Bonnie an inner voice. Angelo. author of "First No relationshtp ~ the M~" With portraits of 11 capacity to be more fulfillmg or women who gave birth to frusttating than that of mother 20th-century presidents. the Ttme and daughter, psychol~t magazine writer give5 new Manha Manning ~Yb-For those meaning to being a ·mama~ · looking to heal or enrit.h ll. !>he boy· In a highly readable volume. offers tools to butld stro nger LI~ '1 she show.. how chief executivt"> AFTER HOURS MUSIC • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Piiot. 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to ~949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. A complete list is ~ailable at www.dailypilotoom. BAVARIAN RADIO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The PhilhafTnOOic Society of Orange County presents the Bavarian Radio Symphony Ordlestra playing a whole lot of Brahms in Segerstrom Hall at 8 • Kim's Alterations • 949.675.6270 •Udo Diner • 949.723.87n • Mail Boxes Etc. • 949.675.0941 •Pavilions • 949.675.3791 • Pearls by Emiko • 949.673.3500 • Regana Cafe • 949.675.1878 • Regency Udo Theatre • 949.673.8350 • Salon Udo • 949.723.5372 •South Coast Art Gallery• 949.673.0771 •Starbucks C:Offee • 949.723.5425 •Via Udo Drugs• 949.723.5858 • ZJggy's Optical • 949.673.1883 • Z-Piu.a . 949.723.0707 Coming Soon ... Abstract Hair Studio ·-------------------------------------· I I I I I I I I ' I I FREEGIFf wmt AHY PUllCHASI : ("69) 723-5151 i-----------------------~~-~--~ !lee a few neighbors and enjoy other srudent visual an displays that are included in the evening. Eat. dish. i.uppon ... it's a win-win. Mad your calendars. bring the family. bring some dollars and I'll <Jee you there. Bon appetite. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach r8Sldent. Her column runs Sundays. from Franklin Roosevelt to Bill · Ointon were devoted to their mothers. and how presidents can be made. as well as born, by women like those we celebrate today. • QiEO( rT OVT IS written by the staff of the Newport Beacti Pvbhc Library This week's column 1s by Meltssa Adams 1n collaboratJon wrth Debbie Walker All trtles may be reserved from home or office computers by accessing the catalog at www newportbeachlibrary.org. p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. The first night's program is Brahms' Symphony No. 3 in F ma1or. Symphony No. 4 in E minor and Symphony No. 1 in C minor. On the second night, the orchestra will perfonn Brahms' Symphony No. 2 Tldcets are $19 to $69. Information: (949) 563-2422. ·---------------------·---------------••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••••••• 20%0f1 Bndre 11cUc Wkb AD M9.Tl311T/ Iii 'Mel..ilda•OIDll ' . i SALONUDO i ' . : ..,.,.,,.,_. a.mm : i .... i : ---Nf/1114111 .... • l ..................................... J for Every Moml -?*' ~ ... 2196 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa call (949) 631 -2110 for Information & reservations www.rlbcompany.com ''• Foortlf· SOLUTleNS • Feet Hurt? • Feel As Though Your Shoes Never Really Fit? 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I MU77.l1IO IAYIHOA•I U,7H,IH l.cMly. ..,.,. home "' bll)'shorea. t1uw downstairs. 3 '21'..,... l bedroom. TtMI .. Mt.111.1n1 IMADr CNftON New CUltiOm home. French Proww1e1. 1 n acre 1oc. f.ff.7St.l7ll ........... 9060 aONITA CANYON ti ,Ht,IH Eloquw 4 bedroom. 4.5 bectl plus bofu and den. l aw ..,..... Gated. Ht.7St.l7ll . ... •• .. A B F ~ H J K L QUOTE OF THE DAY "My heart is melting, this is tht happieJt day of my life." Sherry Tul, occ swtm standout Daly Pilot FROM THE EASY CHAIR Jeopardy can go only so far I'm back, and you'll be seeing even more of me these days -every Sunday, in fact. T hey say, you know, you can't have your cake and eat It, too. My mom told me that when I was a 6-year-old and eyed that second piece of blrthday cake. It's not necessarily true. After a month of spending all day genlng set up for the 7 o'clock showing of Jeo pardy. I find myself returning to the real reasons for 7 p.m., as In kickoffs. tipoffs and ..__ ____ __. show time. ROGER No longer saddled by the lime CARLSON constraints of tolling In The Bunker at the Daily Pilot as the sports editor, I find myself returning to the area which I've sorely missed since the mid-80s. In the press box and on the sidelines with the people who have meant so much to me. I'll be here each Sunday, with something from.the past, or more often than not, of what's going on around us today. See CHAIR, Pace 82 COLLEGE BASEBALL Fullerton responds to 'Eaters upset UCI comes up short of another upset, losing to the Titans, 6-4. FUUERTON -The UC lrvine base- ball team, which upset No. 4 Cal State Fullerton Friday night, fell victim to the Anteaters 6-4 in Big West Conference action Saturday in froot or l.910 at Goodwin Field. UCJ (20-31, 8-9 In conference) col- lected 10 hits to Fullerton's sJx. but a costly three-base error In the outfield SM UC1, Pie• 82 EYE OPENER · ~12honotM BRUCE l8IETION Spor1I Edbr Rk:twd Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 Sunday, May 11. 2003 11 DAILY PILOT COLLEGE ATHLETE OF THE MONTH err Orange Coast freshman phenom spearheaded team's undefeated season, state title. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot As much as swimming can be categoriud as an ·individual· sport. the idea of a cohesive team clings to the heart of Orange Coast CoDege's newest wonder in the water -Sheny Tsai The 19-year-old came to the United States for the first time last summer and recently helped bring the championship feeling back to Orange Coast. which won the state title at the women's community college state swimming fin;lls in Pleasant HiD May 3, cap.Ping an undefeated aeason. on the international leYel and competed at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. set six state records ln winning four individual events and two relays while capturing three national records at the state championship.5 as OCC won its first state title since 1997, gaining 533.5 points to runner-up Oiablo Valley's 370. Tsai set state and national records In the SO-yard backstroke (26.06), JOO bac:kst:roke (54.86) and 100 individual medley (58.23). She swam a 51.11 in the I 00 freestyle to set a state mark and was a part of the winning 200 and 400 medley relay teams for Coast that each set state standards. She joined Kimberlee Frith, Sara Natalizjo and Ashley Lowden In the 400 medley relay (3:56.88) while teaming with Stephanie Wood. Jennifer Nelson and Natalizio In the 200 medley relay "It was the happiest thing ever because not only did I break records, but everyone showed teamwork and spirit for one another.· Tsai said about her experience at the state meet. She :# DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT • Slll championships. One of liai'a coaches. Don Watson -Dave Salo is the other -speaks more frequently of her likable persooality than the records she h&1 set. Both Watson and Salo were named C&Coaches of the Year as Coast woo its 13th state title. Watson recalled one night in December when the team gathered at his home. As the swimmers talked among themsetves and voices bounced off the walls, Tsai sat up and exclaimed. "My heart is melting. this Is the happiest day o~life. • She was referring the - companionship her t tea lxtnl. "My wife broke Into tears." Wauoo said. "That is the reason I got into coaching. fTuai) is a wonderfully talented person who l'lCOgJlized a special experience inwMng •ea-mmares • Meeting new people has come euy was named Co-~ of the Year for Tsai. who rents a room from a along with Sierra C.OUege's Renee Dyer family living in Santa Ana. and earned Most Outstanding Pm'ormance at the state See TSAI, hie a CATCHING UP WITH ~c• Alderton DlittPilot Blair Jones Heralded Newport Harbor lineman's hip condition ended his football career, but along· came rowing. I ' I 12 5'ilday. Mly 11, 2003 CHAIR Continued from 81 And I'll be doing It like I never could before. I want to spend a Friday with Corona del Mar HJgh tennis coach nm Mang and watch Carsten Ba1J mop up the field at Ojai. I want to teU you about one of uses greatest moments when the Trojans stunned Notre Dame in the Coliseum, 20-17, with a quarterback named Craig Fertig in 1964. 1 want to travel with Orange Coast's men's soccer team and · find out why It's such a ta.skat Santa Ana College. 1 want to spend time with one of my favorites, Bob Serven, while he cracks the whip in boys basketball practice at Costa Mesa High. I want to eat some ribs with Fran Ursini and the winners on a Friday night at 10 o'clock.. I want to find out some of the mysteries of •The Pit• at Vanguard University, and check out Crawford Hall and the Bren at UCI. Heck. I mlght even ride on a boat and see what's the auraction of the Ensenada race UCI Continued from 81 in the bonom or the seventh in- ning helped the Titans (40-12, 12-5) win the game. Fullerton shortstop Justin Smyres smacked the ball to right field. where UCl's Gary Dudrey com- mitted an error, allowing Ronnie Prettyman and Kurt Suzuki to !>core. Smyres later scored after a Justin Turner single that gave the Titans a 6-2 lead. UCI third baseman Bren Dal- II I can hitch a ride. 1 want to spend a day with Newport Harbor' football team as it gets ready for the CIF Playoffs, and I'm definitely golng to put some time in at the Pilot Cup, the. Tea Cup and with the Newport Beach Breakers. l have a lot of ideas, but I can always use some help, too. If you have something on your mind, please don't be bashful. Give me a can at (949) 642-4653. . The great thing about calling it a day was the relief of the day-to-day pressure of°' _dally newspaper, but after a o'lonth of Alex Trebek. I've found myself musing of more important categories, especially when the subject is poems, Gaelic mysteries or delicacies of the aborigines. A legendary community college soccer coach who also dabbles as an official in the NFL ... Who's Laird Hayes! Known as 1he Bird• he was the first to score OYer 2,000 points in a. •• Who's George Yardley! Irrelevant Week founder ... Who's Paul Salata! Newport Harbor's bull elephant... Who's Hal Sheflin! ton led the Anteaters with a 3- for-4 performance that came with one RBI , while designated hitter collected two RBis. First baseman Matt Falk and center fielder Jon Horwitz recorded two hits each. Sophomore starter Glenn Swanson struggled early allow- ing four hits and three runs in the first inning. but he settled down and produced live shut- out innings. However, the Iltans struck for three runs in the sev- enth. lason Wtndsor improved his pitching record to 8-3 for SPORTS Already I have a $2,000 lead. This la just too easy. And I'm having no trouble at all with my imaginary cUcbrt So. after a month of R & R, I'm back. with my second career at the Daily Pilot A number of folka have sent messages and comments since I retired Crom full-time duty and I'd appreciate very much if each of you took this message as though it ls meant strictly for you, because it ls. Thanb so much for your kind and gracious words. In virtually every endeavor which I was involved in, I bad a lot of help from people Ob• Sporu Editor Richard Dunn and Sports Writer Barry Faulkner, and Editor Tony Oodero, and Publisher Tum Johnson, who always seemed to give me enough rope to hang myself with. And many, many others. from publishers Bob Weed to Bob Page, edJtors Tum Keevil and Tom Murphine to Bill Lobdell, from photographers Richard Koehler and Lee Payne to Steve McCrank, and the loyal personnel at the Pilot Thanks again, and we'll see you next Sunday. Fullerton after he allowed six hits and two unearned runs to go with five strikeouts. The two teams close out the Big West series With the rubber game starting at 1 p.m. C.I Stat9 f\lllertlon I UC Irvine 4 Score by~ UC Irvine 000 a!io-·-~--4 10 2 Fullerton 300 ooo 30lr -s s 1 Swant0n, Koehler (7) and Wagner; Windsor, Martin (8). Cordero (8) and Suzuki. W -Wlndlor, 8-2. L - SwaOIOn, 2-8. Sv -Cordero (6). 28 - Wallis (UCI), Horwitz IUCll. TSAI Continued from Bl "l\'e made rdany new friends, 90 I feel aD rWlt now.• nai Wd when asked if it was dltftcult transttioning into American culture. Homesidcnesa does aeep In Crom time to time for~ but she taJb to her immediate family, consisting of mother PJena and father Wah, along with brother Gary. every two clays and sees them when they Oy in for vacations. \\bdd cultures hardly make naI• nerves rattle. She ftniahed 33nl in the l~meter back at the 2000 Olympka, where she alao raced In the 50 free. She has her sights set on the ~and 2008 Gemes-the latter scheduled for Beijing, OUna -as well as dm ~s \\brld Ownpionships in Bai"celona. Spain. Salo, In his 13th year as head coadl for the Irvin.e Novaquadcs swim club, aloog with being the as&stant coacb'for the U.S. national team, will ttawl to the \\bdd Championships with Tsai in July. Salo introduced Tsai to club swimming in the U.S. She heard about'the Novas from a fr:iend who teamed under Salo. "Competing at a hlgh level has given her a lot of oonfidence." Salo said. "She is training in a competitive environment, which might not have happened lin JONES Continued from B 1 chance. "l got to see (Brooks) row all the time and be helped so I thought. 'Why not try Irr Jones said Progress has come steadily for Jones, who sits in the sixth seat, near the boat's stem where he said "the bigger guys" are. Hong ICoogJ ... 'JUI ~ted to come to the U.S. ao lhe. could awim and go to school at the same time.. "The ualYersity IChedule in Hong "°'l8 Is too tWit. so 1 wouldn't have been able to • be}> up my tra1ning, • sakl ~ who plans to major in business management. ideally translerrtng to UC Betteley sometime next year. "l also wanted to ttain with some of the top club swimmers in the U.S." A steady wodc ethic has been the key (or Tua.i's success, Salo said "She is kind of an UDl8flllJMg swimmer," he alld. "She is not real emotional. but she works bard to i.rnproYe her skill level She is an Ideal atbJete to wmk with and still has room for imprOYement. "Both the c.oast men and the women appreciate her skill level. Somebody that good in the water raises the expectations of the school " Swimming in the U.S. ~ its differences from Hong Kong. she said .. [In the U.S.) I focus more on my stroke and the workouts are more intensive tbaO in Hong Kong." she said "In Hong Kong, I swam greater dlstances, like 7,000 !meters) compared to 5,000 in the U.S." Tuai hopes to transfer to Berkeley by next spring. She his body. "It was pretty devastating," FOR THE RECORD DEEP SEA Trimmed down to 235 pounds from his abbreviated college football days. when he reached 300, nearly 40 pounds heavier than he was at Harbor, Jones now does anaerobic and aerobic exercises in addition to weight training. ·Jones recalled of realizing he would not have a chance to make it to the NFL as a player after suffering the hip injury. "I had hopes and dreams of someday gening to play in the NFL. Out of high school. the coaches build you up to be the next p?atest thing. One of the doctors said even if I got through the surgery, I would never pass the physical to reach the NFL "It was tough at the time and it took months afterward to learn to accept it.· A caption of a track photo in Friday's edition misldenci· fied Corona del Mar's Chris Ringstrom, who was the sprinter in the front-page photo, not teammate Kevin Aro_ The publication also re- grets the error of Kurt Eh- mann's last name being mis- spelled in the h~ading of the Daily Pilot Sports 1 lall of Fame article in Monday's edltion. UT\JIDW'S OOUNTI Newport l.wlnt-3 boats. 86 anglers. 10 calico bea, 78 und best. 3 halibut. "!Rowing) is on the complete opposite spectrum lfrom football)," he said. Crossing that spectrum has tested Jones' mind as much as With that acceptance came another opportunity for Jones to maintain ties to football. For up to eight hours a week. Jones, 21, reviews tapes and makes sure potential recruits have filed the correct paperworic for coaches in uses football Warner Bros Pictures, Regal Cinemas, Edwards Theatres and Hoag's 552 Club Presents Michael Douglas and AJbert Brooks Wednesday, May 21, 2003 Edwards Big Newport 6 300 Newport Center Qrive, Newport Beach 5:00 p.m. Light Dinner 7:30 p.m. ~ovie Screening Proceeds benefit Hoag Wom en's Pavilion For ticket information, please call the Foundation at 9491574-7208 .. needs te complete 18 more units at Coast to earn her associate's degree. After she graduates from a university. Tuai, who started swimming when she ~ I 0 and competed for the first time internationally at 12, plans on returning to her native I long Kong. For right now, she is living in the moment, enjoying each hour spent with teammates, friends and anyone else around her. "lo the U.S., people are open-minded and friendly, which has allowed me to make friends easily," she said. Several have befriended a champion. offices ln I leritage Hall. During Trojan football games in the faJJ, Jones was on the sidelines, helping in any way he could. He got to Oy 10 Miami in January for u ses victorious Orange Bowl game agalnst Iowa "The I coaching staffl knows you are helping out. so ii wor~ out well." Jones said. ·r ml!>!> (football!, but still get a bit of 11." Since rowing is more of a vertical motion with the legs rat.her than a lateral movement, Jones' hip feels just fine in the boat. "It is the same notion ~ running or walldng, your leg.<> go up and down.· Jones said. Jones has endured both Lhe lows and the highs of a promlsing football career abruptly halted. But he hardly sto pped and now he moves on the water, no matter the direction. • ' SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Tars advance 12 .to CIF prelims Sailors' CIF qualifying times official now after computer glitch at league finals. IRVINE The who successfully de- Newport Harbor High • fonded her dtle in the track and field teams discus (124 feet. 9 featured 12 athletes inches), also finished who advanced to the second in the shot put OF Southern Section (34-3¥.) to advance to the Division II preliminar-CJF Division II prelilm ies after their performances in friday at ML San An1on10 Col- the Sea View League finals fri-lege at 3:30 p.m. Sophomore day night at Irvine. Because of Courtney Man.ha!J aJso ad- computer problems at the vanced in the 3,200 (I 1.41 .61 J meet. some times were not The Newpon I !arbor gJrb available for Saturday's edition. , Miu.ad finished third at the '°lea Here are the times and marks View League finals with !:IBY, not included in Saturday's story points, while Woodbridge won of the Sea View League Final'>. with 117. Overall, the Sailol'l) Senior Amy Burlingham, who aJ..o finished third in league. qualified for CIF in four events, On the boys side, junior Nick won the 200 meters in 26.78. Miller won the 3,200 in 10:33.J5, Newpon Harbor won the girl'l while sophomore Jon \1.ecc,1 fin- 1,600 relay in 4:05.79. Burling-ished second in the .,hot put ham anchored that event (50-4Y.) and ..ensor Jade Slcahen which also included sophomore finished third I 18-3) Newport Kiley Hall, freshman Amy KUp-Harbor, which hatl won or pert and senior FJda l leman-shared the ~a View League dez. That same relay learn aJso championship the pru.t three qualified in the 400 relay, finish· years, finished firth al the Sea ing third (50.53). View League finab with 57 Junior Jillianne Whilfield, poinls. Newport's Alec Urtusuastegu1 moves into second place m the boys 1, 600 in the Sea View League finals Friday at Irvine High. PHOTOS BY SEAN HILLER OAX:r PILOT Newport's Amy Burlingham won the girls 400 in the Sea View League finals Friday at INine High. BRIEFLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mustangs clinch CIF pl ayoff spot Costa Mesa defeat~ Westminster, secures at least a tie for league softball title. Costa M~ High's softball team clinched a playoff berth aqd at least a share of the league tJtJe with a 3-1 victory over V1!.1t Ing Westminster in a Gulden West League game Friday. The Mustangs moved into sole possession of first pldce with the victory. rwo game'> ahead o f SaddJeback with two games remaining. Costa Mesa (16-9. 8-2 in league) ended a scoreles!> tie in the bottom of the fifth when Jane-E Yamamoto doubled off the fence with two outs, scoring Alejandra Gallardo. Kelly Popps followed with a double that scored Yamamoto and gave the Mustangs a 2-0 lead. Yamamoto went 2 for 3, with a stolen base, a run scored and an RBI. Cost.a Mesa picked up an- other run in the sl.xth after Paulina Rodriguez doubled and acored on a single by Katy Ren- ish. Westminster (7 -4 m league I aco~ lta only run m the top 111 1he !>t'Wnth un a lwo·out .,inglc Jackie Butler ( 11 -3) wt·111 d1~ 1a11ct' for the l\tustang'i, '>triking ou1 four and !>Cattenng five h11s. Cu.,ta Mec;a will Vl!>ll Santa An.s. at 4 p.m. Mond.iy. anti close ou1 tht' M~ason playing ho!>I to <.,adtllehack on Wednesday. Santa Ana beat ~tldleb.ick on l·nday. which put' (o'lta Me.,a 1wo games up w11h l'M> game~ left GcMden West Lup Costa Mes. 3, Wntmlnstef 1 Sco11t by Innings West 000 llOo , 1 !'> 1 M<J'!a 000 021 J 11 o Betancoun and Estrada Butler and Miller W -Butler, 11 3 L Betancoun. 11 9 28 -Janee Yamamoto (CM), Kelly Popps (CM ), Paulina Rodnguez (CM ) Sailors qualify for CIF •TENNIS: Newport I farbor I ligh''> hoys tennis team won a playoff with Irvine for third place in the Sea View I .cague with a 12-&. victory Friday at La- guna Hms High. securing a s pot in the CIF Southern Section playoffs. Robert Khoury only lost one game lo sweeping his sets at No. I singles and l'ytM I.Jeck also won all three <>f his ~ts Newport's doubles team of Blanllun Lutfy and Oylan-Es- pley Jones won the onb' two '>Cl~ the\' plJ\.t'tl \ailor' l "·ll 11 Jeff Thom'l'll .,.i1d 'llt•\• p1111 11.td won 12 game' ro11m .. t11g tht' COmplel IOn or tht.' 'E:'C Ullll tlllll· ble:. 'iet and ho1h ICJlll'> Jgrcl'd to end th(• ma1ch. Li gh tni ng ml:rc1e~ St. Margaret\. 15-5 • SOFTBAJ L: t....1t1l· l\lt t...11t1:r 1d. went J 1ur l w11h d 1wo-run home run. fiH· llBJ... .ind '" 11 rum .. um:tl "" hu<,t ...,agt' 11111 defeated At .idt•m) l t•aguc fot: St. Margart't\. I'• r,, 111 <;1x in- ning'> l·nd.1) < .11c ht'r h''>'it:a ronna wcn1 J lor 1 with J dou ble. two BBi<> Jncl four run~ scored for \agl' (I 0 7. fi· l Ill league). ~tnna HrdC'l\he1mt•r pitched a LOrnplelc g.irne for Sage. Sinking OUI IWO Jnd al· lowing no t'a11wd nin'> All of 0.,1 Margaret'!> run' \\fl'll unPJrnt'd f'1>m1ng J tt·i.t•r ol IOI dt'grees, < o .. 1a \11•.,a' l.clura Dnda de- lt•nded ht•r \erra I eague l1Lle in tlw 11100 rm•tt:r.. 15· 18. I l Friday ,11 tht· girl' ll•Jgue track and lield finaJ... ,11 ~nta Margarila. I h1d.1, n111mng for Rosary of rtsllt'rr11n, qualified for the CIF \oulht'rn ...,t·t·t1011 D1vi'>1<>n Ill pn·l11n1n 1111·' I ritl.t)' al Long 'Beal h l 11~ C ollcgt· UCI\ Lee 61\t • GOL.F: lJ< lrvme sopho- more ~tl'llJ I t•c• liiw1lwd 61 st in the NC .A/\ Womcm·, < 1olf West lkgiontll 1ha1 l onclutled Satur - day a1 "'ar\lt'n (,olt Cour~e in rempe, l\ri1. Lee, who q1Jdhfied for the re- gional a<. an rnJ1vidual, \hot a 6-over par 78 rn 1he final round to fini<>h with a 54 hole totaJ of .!35. UNIV' O.,unny Oh won the 111d1v1duaJ 1111£' ~1th a 5-under ~Y LH&u• total of 211 . two ,hots ahead of Sage Hill 15, St Margaret's S Wa,hmgton ~t.i1 e·~ KJm Welch. St Marg Sco~y 1~~lngs ~ 4 1 USC led tht' list of eight Sage Hill 521 c,o1 1~ 11 4 team!> 1ha1 q11.i.lificd for the Aodelshelmer and lorina W -NCAA (hampsonc;lupi. in West Redlesheimer, 4-3 28 Yodlir L!!e Th (SHI, Torina (SHI, Redel~ho11nnr Lafayeue, Intl .. May 20·23. e (SHI. Dailey (SH) HR McK•nendt Trojans fi 111.,hed with a three· !SHJ. round t<.>tal of 873, OkJahoma Dzi<la wms 1.600 agai n •TRACK AND FIE.U>: Over- State wa5 'econd at 880. UCLA wa!> third at 892 and Pepper- dine fourth at 894. ----------- Celebratng the Daay Pdot's AthJete oflhe Week senes TODAY 18 M1ch1101 McDonald Newport Harbor Football. ·02 SATURMY 21 Abe lnouy!' Estancia Wrestling. 00 21 -Brandon Mel.am Newpon Harbor Boys war•ir polo 00 19 Greg Pemne Newport Hart>or Basketball. volleyball. '02 11 Cttrlol Pinto Estancia Boys ~8'.bell '02 ,. -a.1,. Alten Corona de! Mer G11is volleyblil, '01 ~.May 11, 2003 .. YOUTH BASEBALL Dominguez deal s no-no D-baoo' pitcher strikes out 16 in 8-3 victory. Joeh Dominguez pitched the first no-hitter of his young ca- reer, striking oul 16 Dodgers in six innings of an 8-3 victory for the Oiamonabacks 1n Costa Mesa NationaJ LmJe League Mi- nor A play The 11 year-old struck. out the ~•de 1n four of the si.x in- nings and added three tuts and rwo runs i.cored. The l>·backs pounded mne hits including two by Tony Campo, a double by Stephen Hlldebrand and singles each from Marc DeFrenza, Angel Blas, Shane Butler and Ou1a· tlan Aguilar. Shane Butler caught the en- tire '>UC innings for Oomingue7, who received the game ball signed by all of the 0 -backs' players. In Newport Beach Lmle League Majors play: •The Dodger~ beat both the Yankees and Angels last week to mamtain a two-game lead over the CardmaJs with two games remammg in the reguJar sea- son. Brad Heu and Doug Wan each had muJ11ple tuts and RBis in the 8 2 wrn over the Yankees and a 6 2 lflumph over the An· gels. Grant Johmon and Andttw Watt pitched well against the Yankees while Kyle Hill and Ben CapaldJ handled the An- gels. Hunter AdJer and Matt Mor- ris each turned in strong per- formance!> on the mound against the Yankees and Angels, respectively In Newport I !arbor BasebaJI Assoc1a11on Pinto (7 -8-year-oldJ play: •A '-lrong h1ttmg auack pow· ered the Blut' Jays against the A\. Jeff Kohlschmidt, Roger Mann, • RemJngton Weiss, Christopher DlNatale. lacob WhemJtt, Shaun Vetrovec. Uam Whelan and Rusty f.d- wards all contributed to the of- fense. SCHEDULE TOOAY BaMbllU College -UC Irvine at Cal State Fullenon. 1 p.m . SOFTBALL Black Attack advances AJeundn Steiner, IClnten Rohan and Brooke SdJmon each had two singles and rwo RB~ to lead the J>acifu: CoasL Gsri'i Fastpstch Softball Wlder-8 D1vil.ion Black Attack to a 9--2 victory aver the second-seeded Red I lot Tamales Thursday at Ar- royo Park. Delaney Owal singled three nme<> while Courtney Brown t.aJ- bed cwo singles and an RBI. Megan Hhtdna added another stngle and RBI for the Black At· tack. who advanced to the semi- finals of the playoffs. held Satur- day. Th~ Tamales and Attack com- bined for 14 hJts.. Hawkins. Reepn Dmnll, Naralle O'Nelll and Hmna v.n- Vool'hll each bit well and showed strong defense for coaches auts Rohm and Miiie Stdntt. WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD 'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport · Mesa Co~';'"'1 unity Ford Deal er •99es &UP 4TIRES .......... ...... 111171111 111na1ua tlll1Glh4 Moton:~ 011 and Fiiter. Change -. -~ • l \.\I· ---- .......... ...., ........ ..... ........... _ ....... .... "tftHltul •IF .... llL lsrmzl Policy How to Place A --Deadlines--- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, rev ise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error tba1 may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • • CLASSIFJEAD -iii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 (Pleue include yow -aod phone numbe:r aod we' II call you ti.cit wub a pncc quoc.c.1 Telephone 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Friday By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Index By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. &: Bay St. Walk-ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm I Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCOAOO'S & MISC. t01CH770 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINAN CW P'oclfl< View •-W- Double Crave One of the best locat10ns.. Must Sell. !MS.939-3091 Collectllltell MemcnltUll 11&0 TOP $$ 4 ttlCOIDS nc .Im. C8sslc. Elc. !'Os & 8Js .Bl Mic, 5'W. bA>e ~ Mike 949·645·7505 ENTERTAINMOO Cllendltof EVlntl 1310 EQUAL HOUSllG OPPOIMITf All real estate adver llsm11 m t111s newspaper 1s sub~c:t to the Feder•I Ft1r Hous1n11 Ac:t of 1968 as amended which makes It llle11al to •dvert1se ·any prefer ence, ltmlllt1on or d1~1m1n1tt0n bnad on race, color. reh11on. set, handicap, l1m1h1I st1tus or national or1111n, or en 1ntenl1on to make any such preference, hm1t1· hon or d1S<rim1nat1on • This newspaper will not llnow1nely accept anr advertisement for rul ntate which is 1n ~ 1olat10n of the law Our re1ders are hereby mformed that all dwell 1np adverhted m this newspaper •re available on an equal 01>9ortun1ty bHIS. To complain of d" crlm1n•llon, c1U HUD toll· free at 1-800·424-8590 " 1419 2305-2490 Crestbrook Wr, Stanton, Cahf 90680 Michael Oou11las. Huehes, 1329 E Isl St. 11. Lona Buch, Calif 90802 This bus1n1u 1s con· ducted by a ceneral partnership Have you started doln11 business yet? Yu. 1·1· 03 MaryK Yuzva This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 03n.8/03 200J9SH79 Daily Piiot Apr 27, M•y 4, 11, 18.2003 Su016 HOME FURNISHINGS FINANCIAL SICttns OF tt.. S..., W.......,1 len Technlques the the .....ithy ""' avr;day to mer-II*' Mllth If you truly dHlre to achtve fin1nc"I securit y·You must ,_ tlllsJ l.g'f7-891· 3260 S20 v IMClt>ISC by Patndl leM114n, author of lnestment 11.sa. Free SIM (CAI. •SCAN) STAllT A SUCUSSFUl home 8uslms ttwt ,,,.. money In the mt month! $5,to)-$1(),000 per month l-8X)..'18/ .(B)S two mnite recorded mess•a• (CAl..-sc:AN) ~.tt ... •-r• Ea.rn Sl ,800 to 2,500 1 wk now? Restock a local BATH & 800Y RTI. 4·6 hrs/wk. No S dn 0.A C. Call 8»3» JOM, 24 tn. WI MADI SI S6,2J7 i.t month ~ VICa· lionin&. work.,. only when we wented, We can poSllJYely leach you to do the-. R_. Pfool lntsetld? li!"J0.867-4351 9 (CAL-scAH) AAA VINDtNG ttOUTI 8l ~~Prime 11>- atlons. SSi5EJ(l '"-' 25'\ down MC ID).B-93} 1 100 WOttHttS NHDI D ,_,.,.. aft wood 9111. Mat e111I provided. To ~Free Information plla. 24f'hr 8>1-428-48116 AISOlUTI GOl.DMINll 60 vend1n1 machines with excellent locations ••JMO Stu1111l"t VIiia I" Ne~Hel9'1tt Ne­ BUilt • lBr 25ba, p>t.Wmet kit. Olll librr; wll, Fp, FR, bubbllns fountain '" crtyrd, l'Wdwd th, 2c prll&. $569,(D) aet 9&09!i66. ~7S-.2225 TLrn-11.ey r., ,,.,......,. ~I hcwl1e on a OYlrSWld lot with --48r, office, lBa, le p , FR I..& Wfap around ywd. Marb6e. ~. copper MY'. flat saeen pl9arna l\I 'It Sta" MMSO..tO !r':tr!·-~ br /bl downsbn, 11.ei lot. Gal COlnl ' ..... ~ •A;, how to -S21Xl,(D) lisau'lll act g&r.!).BXJ PttlMl ISTATIS PAT'RKI( TINOll NATIONWIDI USA t4'·1S6-t70S www.p1trldlt1nore.com OCIAN••otn 110' OCEAN VllW $639,900 AGT t4t-lts-7222 ...,,.... ,._ C2Br <!N, ds to bdl. newly remod *!. lllt ... Ill~ $250Vmo ~ Di-cettr--• • C .. f., Uatl"9• • • Pr ....... tl.t Cellf lteelly t4t-U6°J730 OCIANP'ANOltAMA lltlATHTU .... VllWS S4tt,OOO ISTATI SAU AGf. t49·21'·2SSt 111or s10,m IIDZ34-elll2 RESORT/ Ral E-. ~'Jell VACATION Services -PROPERTY 't:t::. =':, FOR SALE ... ,~· ' : ... _J,.._ 11 :.. ··.--- ' ' ~ J... I I m'""9 le-Ur Ille ,... w/balcony, eas. w•ler & trash paid No pets. $925/mo 949·6~0 3735 ,._,.,, ......... b9dllicr hoolSe 11.Wn, ps,IWaler p-1 $885, 2br Iba ~-~ .-. No pet $1&> ~Z256 IASTSIDl Spacious 2Br Ouplu Fp encl r1rd. w/d, 11ara11e. $1595/mo near shogs 949·548 3959 IMne Twtt. lt14p b11nd new 2br 2 5ba wd, fflC. w/lolt, sm yd, 2 c alt gar $2100 !M9 376 I 797 Uclollle IAYFltONT TillPUX 3lt 2a. $J200/-,.ty 626-112-f7U 626-2'7-6262 IAYF•ONT ON LIDO PENINSULA NIW 21r 21• COTT AG IS P11v1te Beach, Pool and Spa Wal~ to Ocun. Shops •nd RHtauranls Lene 6 mo 2 yr• Bo11 Shp Au1l1ble 710 UDO P'UK Dlt. 949°673-6030 or 949 723-5830 UDO Yl.UlY llASI BILL GRUNDY REAL TORS t49-67S-6t61 "·~··adt Per11nsula Studio Apartments avail Act $650 S950 949-673 7800 AllCtianl 1m Ftmltllrl --------f4f.N7.4~7• o..t '"'9fty - .. Hr'o Iii lbr Iba r- •cott19e•. -·""entry/ iN'C. pvt pWo. cµel. dw & frc SICB> ~ 25fJ() WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Fumitln l'IANOS a. Colledibtft ·~·t~ ·-·-·O'l'ce-.. CASH PAID $$ I CONSIGNl\1ENTS i • I . I ~= tooo NedlU. a Hltldbap 'rrf· N9-65CMU7 Liii 1515 ... SIMI.DOI cosu llSA ( •• .. ,.,..,, .. Fii~ - HAND NIW Pltl.w- T., 0Mlft•SIH4 le41 Pel4 $1,SOO. Muoi Sefl $700. 94'-673-1002 Olmlbl.w 6'00 GOU ,....IMJ S..111$ ''"'"""'• '•Int lbr Iba, nicely furnished. Na.,..n •-• Fru rent fol secratarlal svc business Will uchanae pay1n1 rent for !Wit office dutla.. Cr•t office, sltpl to water 949·723·8'8S c-t., < ..... & end llbles, killc white 4 poster bed, nWrt stands, lltnJK, aome d9cor" 96-7S-0422 HOMESF<JfiSALE JEWELRY I 3480 ORANGE 5400 DIAMONDS/ COUNTY -------PIBKMJS MEJAlS -Carn MlMar- C-.CHoMH4k Old Co1nsl Cold, sllv11 , jswetry, Witches, 1ntlques collectibles 949-642·9448 3110 ••••••••• ........ ..... -MTWlWMS JASMtNI CUii( Sine story 2br 2ba den Roaera Gardener landKaped. Handicapped ready Very low malnt Anoe w/te11nts, pool Call for appt By Owner 949-640·8777 OPINSAT 2-S 2UPotNSmlA SpaclQUI 4BR 3.58A by Noted erchitact Brio~ Jeannette. Sl ,795,000 Anaela Kraus Ocean P1clfk Propertiu 94g,644.7064 "*llnATIS ,Ant<K TIMOIH NATIOMWIOI USA ....... S6-t10S www.e•trlcktenore.com llllll1111111ac1t lo Wl'lt• rentab. P1lm ~ Palm Desert Mso Washlneton Waterfront Rftrllls. MkNel Allr.r ....,,....,"' .00-SSO-JSn ATIHt DnOT lOVUS JUUi VAN W1Dt1M DYSC>tf & DYSON IOO-S74-"SS 7M>-17S-."sr MISCB.lAHEOUS ~ RentllTo Sharl 6030 C4M ~. 21r lie Trlpln. Walk lo buch, fp, w/d patlO, pool Male pref $650/mo + ssoo dee 949·760·0678 RoomstorRn IMO NP Coast/Ocean view, pvt room a bath up st11rs, sar & laundry, no pets/smokln&, pool/spe. $1650 949·718-1412 ~RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY shared l•und, uhl incl qt SI~ 949 673 7800 lsp It., C•< W/d, ck>Y to beach 502 36111 st lower unrt. vety quiet, SIJ95/mo 949-645 3683 HAlF 0,, I at MO ttlNT for move "' May lSst w/12 mo luw Newly remodeled Cape C.ode style c:.ommunrty w/Mw llC>l>S. cwpet L c:.eumic Ille Wultef /drys, ili5hwa!.her & reffteer1t0t tneluded mlde 1191 !Br SlO'JS 2Br $1445. (714) 6SS-7S92 PenlMllle 2br 2ba close to p111. shops Patio. I ca1 ,., , wdhk ups Act S1600!M9 67J.7800 Great 2Br 1 Ba unit "' Bayr~ Lt & hr~ dose to Falhlon a S1660/mo Ill Ks• 96-291-lm ._ ... Pvt '-fl -HlrtJor ... 2Br !Ba. 3Xlft liO 1-y, tems. f\rf\llWlll.rn Sl700m lse 94g.. 718· 1400 ,... Crest twmn jl9tJo. airrm 2b-l.5tie .,, pod/ 111J9, nu PIS'll. _,cap 2 c pr lit Sl 175 !MNT.l-JID> .. c-w-i :air 2111 Condo. l:ln+J ...... 2 patios. newly decorated, w/d nd1Sl8!1Srnn~1 Newly remod 2br 2b1 condo, '1 c II". patio. wd, no peVsmll Avail 6 I $1950 lse !M9'759·1344 fpellMM ..... .., 2Br. 2 IUI bath bale, beac:h, p1111, tennb No .,.ts . ~mo I.,_ 1use AVll 6,115 ge&.5616-9988 .......... "rrill Stdl• w /"tcllette, 2 ,,.. • z.st.. ocn vu. ,.,,e beth, brlcht. open, ~. Ip, . p , no pvt 1nlr, So of Pell, Piil "' CMOO ~JID> ZldO -•i!OO• MM 13.llOJl•w•tt 114,900, MM fS,950 .. dOO wts s.261~ MllUJOO Cell rtowl T Ofll IOO:Jt2· 7IOI .... lllWP09T '695m Ap M9-53J..S312 ....... 211' 2B1. dole tD IAClllAY Br 9'1, derl, pdo, w/d ta.fl.~ l'Wl10dtlld. Ill °"91UT·SU9111·1 l'tkupa. lc ..... rv'Plb,-~ ... ~ l r••ll•IH Co111umer H07 Vhl ..._ Plint. ~ &'l. Sl6150/mo. Gulde "I CST BUY" HICll Oll l0,0001flot. ~ml £-. llMat IAY/IAY...., Htellh Chlll Qv111t1. V•rllfl¥tlt. ...... ""-~ ...,., •• 2br 151>.t "· Lifetime W1tr1llf11. Ntw 3 le llr 2 Ml k . W .... k ... ll .._ p_, __ wd l*up '/f _ 1M Ill 801, Compa r at 18'24,IOO ..._ ~ 5a1 ~ M mt-. Mt-t7J.MU0 J2800 W f AST Otlly Br 0.-eo-op wltll ..., '996 lll·ll04200 Rtttton M9·5457M IClr --~ ...._ ._ ...._ 3llr c;;; i. ................ lJI ft!._ a.. llln 1W11. 1M = c..,111 .. .._.,. .. 11'5~ o. Mu cm... ~~ .. Weicht MKfllne, Bi.e, :::=:-O.,.wt:::: 1 a 11r ...... 1 11'1 ...... • .......... Stalr111111t.r MY• llMd • • tD n=-......_ a. ....., !.cir ,... ._..., !1100 Mf.7!0:!717 lttc~bl1 view, Co11: 11'8.tll --."'llD; P9lo. CIOllllll ~-~ .. I dw .... CMtN -16 ' ll lJI ..... _~ I • II :W'i::· 'l;.21 " .... t. •a M..,....., ii .. t.• 111 ptN IHJ 1 In ..._ ... ~ ••am o.t<». t ot1t111, •/poo_tc__., •• I ' .. 1~WM-•1U llldw;,..~ •"'• ,., Pl80lw. F1 1td111 -:..; / 9 ··~ ::. :: tr. c.: .... =-== WI I ........ ~~----..., .......... ..._ Hlfl,_.,_. ... ..._ w/I ... Cllllt, .,.., ... f $ t• I 11111 .. WI 7·1 In '--~Ct.... ............... .. .. ~_.;. JO.l-7lMl'ml ,........ ... ..,... .. _....., .... v. ,.. ..... ,==· w; .... ,., * rn •••• ... 11111 ....... ~ ..... 2.9a. It .... ''· ........,..~... . ,.,,_ ~ ...... .... ....... . 1at& ~ --- J Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week POr Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Everyday is a great day in Classified! . Be a part of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Dog 1n ·eeeve Bailey" 5Glve 11 Gallefy 17 Shaggy arllmal 21 'Weaver's frame 22 511Ck 23 Galm down (2 was } 24 Tnek 25Flus~ 26 -del Fuego 27 51UOIOUS·looieln0 28 New Yorlt canal 29 Letl out 31 A«noved the peel 33 Succee<led (2 WdS ) 35 DIStrlbute 36 Pitcher's spot 37 Like aty real estate 38 Benin pronoun 41 'The· to Wolfgang 42 Mother's sisters 43 Fuel «Swarms 48 F~lowed dosely 50 Lead-in 51 Sbage unit 52 Small pet 53 Pnsola's John - 5'4 Total agreement 55 Bring 57 Haller 58C8ps 59·-up?" 60 Ray of hgnt 61 Edict 62 Clncn a deal 63 Moon goddess S. Hint at 65 Be contmgent on 66Resume 68 Ry catcher 69 Musk: Of dlllnoe 70 Move<I sltghlly 71 Sock part 72Cost 73 Computer key 74 Thln coin 75Wide11eS 78 Nonvetbal OK 79NBC rival 80 Attorney's conoern 84 Fibbers 85 Metal wol1le11> 87 Element 54 88 DC gun lobby 89 Bllssl\J spot 90 Wlllngly 91 Top of a wave 92Custard 93 EA st8fters 94 Fnsky let nes 95 ·Tyger l)get" poe1 96 Lower leg 97 Pekoe portion (2Wds) 99 Joule fraCllOn 100 Shallow eontAJners 1O1 Pos1l.J re 102 wame topping 103 USCG officer 104 LOUd noises 105 Letter bef0<e sigma t06 Biiiy -Wiiiams 107 Old Norse lll8Cflpll0ns 1 Cl& casual shirts 110 Whodun11 suspecis 112 Flower box t15Grea9ed t t!Unconven!ional ones 120 -on (reeerve) 121 Brolte the peace 123 Actr99S -Santoro 125 Kazan of lllmdOm 126 Walki.takle word 127 CMal City 128 Mutua.1-tuno type t 29 Comrrul&-"'9hlcies t30 Ryen and Tiiiy 131 Blaekboetd aocessory 132 Vlsttors 133 Wool prOducerl DOWN t Norwegian monarch 2 Fast.food orde1 (2 wds) 3 Excursion 4 Fratemrty letter 5 Fought 6 Blue·pendler 7 Ptywood unit 8Small gull 9 Boston Bruin 9rea1 10 Arms 11 Oak prOducts 12Pulled11\e oars 13Snowy 14 Mutwrmacl - 15 Nighldut>s 16 FICUona1 -Frome 17 Kennel cit.a member 18 Francs replacement t9 ·vean ngntr (2 WdS ) 20 Atoll 30 Ol ltle pall 32 Coope or ledan 3'4 p atll Ing - 38 Mixed breeds 37 Goofiest 38 Slanted type 39 Colorful labnc <40 Vetted 42 Wrtter -Loos 43Sullivans collaborator ..swan~ 46 oesen ·1ake· 47 Sd\eQJled 49 Glitar1st -Paul 50 Really stupid 51 Ctnclmatl team 52 Spertcler 54 &and ot trailer (hyph.) 55E>aw ted. 56 l.Mge 1anlc SQ Dinner t>ewrages 80 Benett warmer 61 Cuban prwnler 53 S~<n5 dO#fl 64 Gat tne p.cture 65 Hatt of Mr Spocll 67 Sharp sp.ne 56 Happy event 70 Into era'lt person 72 Fi e cabinet rtems 73 Stomadl muscies 74 L11ee pea·SOllP log 75 Warrlngs 76 Aaor -Poitier n Fnend Brutus Detrayed 78 Puls In order 79Sned 1ears 80 Sall ons k•,, 81 Awtty from tne coast B2 Da1e 83 New Englander 85 Damp 86 Metro RAs 87 EA pictures (nyph ) 90 Big b'ud< 91 Ouanogs 92 Horre-1oan agc:y 94 Not WOfking 95 Adlno moody 96 VIOient weather 98 Stow paJ1s ioo Paml«l Unware 101 Sheriftl blldges 103 More creepy 104 Cheekier 1-06 Do a rnte:fOWave la.st 106 Daredevtl"s need 10& Fragment 110Tramps 1 11 Kitchen gadget 1 12 Spring IOrmal 113 Velenlne word i 14 Take down - - 115 Elevator Inventor 116 Collon unll 117 --unto Itself 118 Three 9QU!lled 119 Bede tall< 122--whim 124 Low·vak.le COin ftlUsAbolt YOUR GWGESAU! 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Work from your home Re11 Estste related, commts "°" + S!la!y 562-856-1684 Pubhsh1na 'lOMOTIONS OIPAITMINT Comm-iy -5 '" Or..,. County 5"l>.s r ... Twne person lo tnl~vtew end wrrte stories. pattit• pate '" commuoify events. a aale •nd Pil&'Nte ~ and s.ctions E•c•nt . communcatlon 51\llls. work wtll wrth the poblic Know N' Style. Qua1kXPr~ Photoshop, Multi Ad r.re ator Pfohce•t o" MAC Ind PC CCI dUt&ll uperten,e preleired PYoofT~ l«S1 Drue ~phvslcal req.wed EOE C.citllent b«nef1t paduiet. 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Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 Audi '99 A4 Ouattre 2 8 V6 29k actual rn1. auto, sp.11khn1: red/arey Ith•. mntl ID luok~ &. smell~ ntw \14!>6721 SI 7 49!> l1n•nt11111 <IVitl Bkr 949-586 I 111 W-.eqtobl.COfft IMW 74()1 "6 8-Jtfuj Soren! Slo.'TMI. 0Yome ...ig ,,,. mt p 9d """' -12()~ 9&J78-9946 IMW 740I "6 8eaJlhll Sorent S..1an O..ome wtg 11';1. "" prlfllllld mN 'lt4! 12() ~ 9&378-~ BMW 7401l '96 S1h1., w ~rtv leather 1n IN lully l<J•ded. $16 000 949 67'> 6006 Codllloc '99 Seville SlS 40k m1 pe•tl wttt l'l•tntHI llhr CO &• r a&td non \mkr ltk• new\1592641 $14 995 Bkr 9'l&S 11111 -.llqllh.cDn '*""AUTO IMWXS«.41 'Oi 'Sit-w/C<.., c.brlty Owned! Fully l.oededl (19334) 145.911> ,.,.......,., ,_,.,. Shiriey Bladl w/'*"9ct lthr 111tt Only 52'1 mi Beauty! (19328) S24.980 ,.,...ntJ 81.lck ~ "!i tttw ful records rw1 find (19288) Sl3.911> ~s..rw­~-ThiS is a buuty!Moonroof (19314) 127,980 •MW740I ~ ... One OWlllf, local NeWport s.dan, .,..,I records. chromed whls (19340) S22.f8l '-' r..-.1 w Only 496 mt6n 0 9384C> S33.!8l x::..,-v StwMy bit, met wfommac tttw, dvomtd whts. (19209) S39.9811G. t.JrW ISfOO ~-BIKll w/uum ltlw In· ttr Only l4K mi, $36,!8> <19278) $36.980 MIU ML4JIO '00 SIN whit• w/\.orwu. pile low mo (19348) S29.!8l IHZClr310 C.,..."" Bild< w/bll lthr, c.Jlromec:t whls. (I !002) S26.!8l _.i-..-.,,_. 949-574-7777 ,..U.SAUTO ,._..,, .... _ CltrysJer Seltrl"t COftv. Jl '00 37K V6 Metall1e. WI y111nn•tM lttm areen Grey int Bl .. co .. 1... -i .. __ top Buut1lu1 hk~ new metay .... ,.n.tl cond1t1<Jn s Io '.>00 Cloulfl.4'4t*'tl win872412 ~!I '·llb IR88 (949)642-5671 www.e<f10bl.com _ I -------- PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters .. .. ....... · Daily Pilot Cl.1ss1f1<>d Community M.~rk Ptpl.u ,. Aom1nWflle . OJSTOM CJllATM lU ~•ta.c.­nwblt 'IDla .... lt75 Ll6120M .lrft 71~12 9961 iltCJO;;&hilli;;;;w;; Floors Counters ' Wl(Y~Rllpiwed Reitroutln &. lnst11l1t1on TILE DEAN 949 673..SOSS 714-346~ 714-M>2031 COMf'UTl LANOSCAPtNG Oesfln, clu11ues. • tr11s. sod. spnnlli.rs Memltnanct as low u S9/w11ll. LlttnM<I 714·222·8425 Nkll 'DlrtyW.+t t ' -l awns. lawn Aeretina. Sprllltlleu. Troublallhoot· ... Sprln1 Tune·ues. Rtpeirs & Upsr•des ~t yovr yerd r.-lnc b i.tbh- Yard clttn·ups.- spri"kter tune-ups end ledsceplna ltnt "-' '•"'''" 714-427 ... '"'-ert'Ot•. VI. C.llfltd •242046 '"·"' .......... ·01 ..... CHO lib new, Loaded lll014tol SM,"S 01"1J'¥wy 'Ot SI VI, Loaded Jlk ml, Ptlot R1t1tll •7S06tl SS1,"S ...._.., .... V8,LtttlMw.Ou•ISun Roofs, Clf'tlf11d •24122 $20,"S Olau .. ry '01 SI VS. Leathar. Dual Sun Roob, Certified •72J2U 524,tH GMC'OI y .. .., De_.. Luther, Sun Roof. 9 Pusen1er •itt120 sss,"s , Dtac-•ry '00 n VS, Luther. lo•d•d, c .. trflect '242119 $20,"S OMC'OOYllll-D...U 414, l ow M1 81k/81k, Cust Chrome Whffb •22146 $2',"S a ..... a-er'OS Ultimate Luxury SUV *'111495 $67,"S Otac-..-y'tt Only 231< M1. Cert1f11d 1%05951 $20,"S LAlelOVll llWPOIT llACll 640-6445 ,....,. '01 lUl 211t ..,, CO, nn1aation full fact warr, Winch9$ter blue. oatmeal llhr. chrome wheels, ltt.e oew save SJOk v22136 $42,995, 4 5 APR hn nan, broiler 985U!lll -.aqlllb.m'n Jopw '99lU"V_.._ ,... 40I! • m1. tull fact warr while/oatmeal lthr. CO buutrtul like new. 0111 cond wS70142 S28 995 8kt ~586-11118 -~-.leOtp'OO--~ 6cyl 2 wd, 3611 ectuel mt s1lv11 /11rey· int, alloys fabulous lllt.e new unmarked cond, 4-yeer wan avail. w15ml $1.3.1!95 ftrm O·Down quahf1ed boyon, 4.6 N'ff 8rc618' 949-5H-11H www ... , ..... c •• u.c.e. '02 .. .,,,,..., JOii m1 full tact warr. silver uncllt1n ltllr. CO su cker chrome whls, ta tre SUI. v67251S $27 995 firm. fin &. warr av11I. o Down qualified buyers 4 6 Al'R Broker 949-S .. -I ... -.ecpe4t.c- ,.,,.,41.. '96 (210 bHut1lul black/cream fully lo1ded. showroom, Wout. Sll,S 714 7!>1-2"64 MllCJDIS .JOO( '90 Bur 1undy, I o wner, excellent cond. new lrrH. records PP $6500 949-U I -.I S40 ,..,,...,.. 4~l '71 C-. low 93k mt ttet>t blue/navy tttw. vwy oa. S7SOO 949-493-0379 Merce41.. '99 S.J20 LW13 ~211 m1 3 'fl w1rr 1va1I. ~1lv111blk lthr beaut Oft& cond. v87S241 $24,995 f1nanc1na aw•~ Bkr 949-586-1888 -.~.~ Bridge ~ Ott.+.'M IS GOMN wllfl OMAR SHAAlf • Md TANNAH HtR8CH • .. .. ,.. THE VANISHING TRUMP 1llJ(;J( .. .. Boc.b vuJncrablc. Nonh dc&ll. NOR'lll •K9 3l o Al o A74J •AK6 WEST EAST • ~765 •It Q 743 J Jt65 v ••• 2 9 • ' • Q J ••• , 4 J SOlFTH • AJ,4 K98 KQ.65 • 5 2 The bidding . NOJl'TH EAST 10 .... l • .... 4~ .... SOUTH •• 4 4• WEST ,_ ,._ .... ,_ 7 •• 5• .... ,. ,_ .... ~a leld· NUIC of • •Q7 J ·-·-J •Ill The l'lll"CSl plly Ill bndJe is ~­ bly the Smodler Coup. m which an appercotly SUie ll'UIDp llld " made to diiappear u if by rnaek. Star of this deaf is perllap. the irea~ plllt· er never 10 win a worid champK1n'lh1p -the lale Swm 1nU!mltionalisi Jean Besse. The a.uc:uon ~ off routinely cnou&h Nunh valued tbc hand as betng too good l<X" one no ttump. then l1llde an mvuauonal Jump l2l5C d South's one·spade responJC Diamood support by Soulh wa. fol- lowed by two~ from North after which South .)Udgal the holdmi Dumm) •club w;u led and dccliir· er dtM;arded the lo.mg dlUlllUllll from hand. Jlhw.1n1.1 WI to wan the 1.nd Mnct We\I ru.J IO dJ"Catd a diamond. South ruffed E..if\ pla.UMWt rctlll'll With the c:1eh1 "'1<f Wcsc had DO ... counter tr tbc def~ o,cmitfed '"-Ith the queen. dumm> '"-Ould O'ref· ruff \O.lth tbc Ii.mg and dcx:llt.rcr ~ JK'k of INmp. would ~ dx Last tnck If V.e,t undenutfed. dummy's dwoood ... ould t>c dl~an.led .nd the ma d 11\J mp. 14 OU Id be the hJ lfilhng tnck. : M ... co4ee 'II 560 SC· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii " ClutSOI '02 u.tt-4, . loaded 8000 mt Cinni 1mon. pert cond PP , $1 7 !>00 949-6'1-IS~ while/ti n. 1mmac rWLt. Ml,.,_ .. q,, cho'!a S14'W 7}4. 751 21164 NEW2002 MINI COOPER SlNlOOf I PREMllN ~G. 16' M.l.OYS, CO i1~,~ IATTllSPRn (TC33l8) • OllERAT SIMI.AA SAVflGS! • LETS MOT~ lfS FUN ................... S5 f!fiWAY @ Elim SMTA ANA AUTO IW.l (lll)lu..1111 • SELL your stuff through classified! PUBLIC NOTICE Tht C111f Public Ulllltlea CommlsslOn requwtt thtl an 11$141 llouuhold a oods moven print their ' U C. Cel T number. I'-• end chnffe.wt prl"t lhtlr T C., nvmW '" ell lldwt· ~"ts If ,OU .. _ 111r .,ntloll• t0out tht t11ellt1 of • mov1r, llmo or cllauffevf. u•: ,..,. llft.l'MS comaa,.. .,, ..... , Nl:WPOlt'T AUTOSl'OllT W( ,.y CAStt fOlt. SlltJWlt'S POttSCHIS l,A#IOKHN lltOUS-IDmfY Cl.US4C CARS HAal.EYS 'OS Vlper .... /lledt IO M ... (500750) . S".SOO '00 leodley.,...... •-b.e/ c.tswold l.-.Mcl ()C042a.s) SI SS.SOO '07 o...tl "' ~LewM ... (OIS9n) SIS,900 'OJ ,_.. Hort.y Tr...t. Oehvy .... s •• ik ..... (1>64 l 4 2) S.J9 .SOO NIWPOltl AllTC>wo.T 949-574-5600 H1 .. -•f1 s ... tTO ou l1kt ne., loaded auto moonrool alloy~ lnw 74' m1 $5900 714 751,?464 ,OlSCHl '01 IOXSTla Bt.ac~ w erey 9 000 "' puled cond $39 9'>0 949-72.J-0'70 ,OltSCHl Cot.rlalet '62 red rtslllrtd b•I" S20 000 or bt\1 of-fer I 949-67!> 6006 ~··""'""""' Top Qu•hty CO"'PfllltH Interior/h t l~ Call .t.y 949 650 S066 ltAIMIOW CllQI MMfT Pambr11.wi'ol Holmt~ alt bl Frn •lmeta It-bier '64 ci.ulc ' Stetleft Wot•" Blk tnhne 6 64k or c m1 erut surf waaoo S6000 949 631 6059 AUTOM08l.ES' MISC8.1MEOOS Wanted .S ....., ~ D"* °""' 40 1'99'1 ·~ .. l>'Y • ~ ,.. pnct for 'JCAI ca V11> or Ind ptld b A llr not. Cal DO Rey (ZI) .. 1 OtN1o A&llO S.. 7fl. •• IJl 1931 tir 71433228 CASH FOtl CAltS WI NltO YOU11 CAl 'AJ0fOltC>eNOT 'tta.wis AUTO ASK fOlt MAl.COlM 9~9-574-7777 BOAT REPAJRS/ SERV1CES BOATS SUPS/ MOORJNGS/ LAUNCKING/ STORAGE 9680 93 fl SU, AVAllAlll IN fit £Wf'otl T II.ACM S2SOOllASl 949-500-1005 Place your a d today! UM91 &42-6678 -------- PUQSI f'l.UMH•O R~s &. Remocte rRU CSllMATl • l f687398 714·96$-1090 SIWll ... a... .. .. -..... ---..... --..,-~-.. -~: & Rep111s ll~ • Comll Since l!Bl l.Ml931 • 949614 5IMO ~ .. : • t' • ·-.