HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-13 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing th e N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 Scheaf er sworn in as fifth councilman broke another deadlock by tak- ing his name out of the running. Bever formally withdrew his name from the applicant pool after it became clear the coun- cil's stalemate between himself and Schafer could not be re· solved. .. .. 1 .... was formally withdrawing With the pool narrowed to one applicant, the council voted unanimously to appoint ~haer­ er lo the position left empey by former Mayor Karen Hobimon. who resigned afeer hetng ap pointed to a judgeship. After City Council deadlocks again on appointment, Bever bows out, leaving Scheafer unopposed. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NI will step aside for the good of tl}g.city, • Bever said. NI don't think it is worth beating this dead horse any longer. II will save us a lot of grief and time and money." Mike Scheat er Eric Bever Schaefer said Bever\ move was Ntotally unexpected." COSIA MESA -Mike Schaefer was sworn onto the City Council Monday night after candidate Eric Bever. In a surprise move, Bevers move stunned many in the audience. as welJ as his most loyal supporter and friend, Councilman Allan Mansoor, who asked Bever to confirm he NI look.Jorward to being pan of the team that will benefit the city of Costa Mesa," Schaer er said just after taking his <>eat on the dais. 'Why shouldn't students cake control of their own s111dent rights? Even beyond stude111s, I think it's important for the community to support community college.\.· MadeUne Levy, OCC student body lllCe 1><esldent ft9S E JotN Ouft M&MOP.IAL. SE~~\CE fll e00CATI01'A Ol>PORTU KENT TREPTOW I DAILY P1L 0 T Orange Cbast College student Ravin Kohli lies in a coffin as fellow students Madeline Levy, left, and Salvador Manzo encourage students to sign petition cards during a mock memorial service on Monday. The service symbolized the death of educational opportunities in California because of budget cuts, the students said. Lamenting lost education OCC students create mock graveyards to drive home that sta te budget cuts are killing community colleges. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot C:X:X: CAMPUS -Shouting euJogjes for lhelr educational opportunities through a megaphone, students at Orange Coasc College held a banage of memorial services amid a mock grave- yard on Monday. Thlnsfonning a portion of the cam· pus's quad into a cemetery for commu· n.ity college education, members of the student government tried to grab the at- tention of students as they walked to and from ~ Wrlh signs posted chat preached the studen ts' plight. organ.iz.ers encouraged their c:hwma.tes to fight bac.lc against the state's budget cuts that may force OCC to cut about 1.000 course sec· lions for the 2003-04 school year. ·u·s hard to get people's attenuon. so we decided on this.· said Madellne Levy. student body vice p~idenl. "Why shouldn't srudents take control of their own srudent rights? Even beyond students. J think ifs imponant for the community to support community col- leges.· -USing neaastones reaamg -R.1.P Education~ and students in black cap and gown lying in a coffin, more than 1.500 students took time out of their See LOST, Pa1e M Schaefer will serve the re - mainder or Robinson's term. which is up in November 2004. Robinson said a tearful goodbye 10 the C,osta Mesa City CounctJ at the April 7 meeting and for- mally resigned April 15 Iler seat hru. been empty since. deadlot.ked Apnl J. I c1fwr hour'> of public t·o111rm·111 Jnd-poltucal deltbernuon The l ounnl nJrruwcd the field IO two c and1dale'> lkver and ~chaerer. ..ind dcuded 10 c onunue lht' prou.''>'> at the next meeting An appointment of any '>on '>eemed a far way off. after re- peated deadJock.'>- rhe council initially d ecided to appoint a replacement and received 26 application .., for conc;ideration. The cuunul f'ir'>I I wo wt'e~' later. the c.ount 11 was '>1111 unable IO hre..ik a J. ~ <,taJemate, with Man'>oor and Councilman (Jin, ...,tt:t'I .,up porung Be\'er and rww Mayor See SCHEAFER , Paee A4 Partyers plan protest at council Residents opposed to a city crackdown on Fourth of July revelry face one major obstacle tonight: the Laker game. June Casaerande Daily Pilot NF:WPOHl Hl:ALH -fhe '>trength of the pro-dnnlung. pro·panying pol11ical rnn· ungent I'> that there's never a shonage of people who want the government lo keep ll'i hand' off their effo rt'> w have a good ume But their \.\eaknesc, 1s that someume-; having a good lime today ts a higher priority than fighttng for 1he nghr eo have fun 10- morrow. Tomght's City CounctJ meeting wiU be a case in point ~ member~ of rree- Newport com rally '>Upport· er., to coml' out lo lht· nw1•1 mg nght 1n tlw m11.ldll' 111 d Lakl'r game. "It\ going 111 lw J l hal lenKe. um,\denng tllf' I .<1l..er game." ..aid Hnc111 ( larl...on, spoke'>mJJ1 for tlw group thae\ fighttng l It\ rf'\lm uon'> on Wt•\I 't"\'l.'J)Ort 1-ounh of Jul} p.tre 11•., -v.e hopt' the) gee orr lht (ouch. take a few minutf'" dunng the game. and rurn out at thl' meeting" lumoue or no 1urnoue, ()ark.son \JIU he \.\OUld '>Uh mrt to the city clerk ., ofTit e before wmght\ nwt'trng See PARTYERS, Paee A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Police search for 2 in shooting Two men wounded in a partment complex carport o n·the Westside on Friday night. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MF.sA -Police are searching for at least two men after numerou..., shoLc; were fired in an apartment complex carpon on f-nday night. htmng twO C<Na Mesa mm. offioah said Monday. A 24 ·year-old wac; shoe in the calf and an 18 year-old in the stomach m 1he 1900 blocl of Maple AVC'nue at 10 p.m. f-nday mghc. Costa Mesa Pohce I l Dale Birney said. See SHOOTING, Paa• A5 l A2 Tuesday, May 13, 2003 Kl>S TALK BACK M aking the world go 'round The Daily Pilot went to TeWinkle Middle School in Costa Mesa to ask prospective engineers, 'What was the best project you ever made?' "The cars, because they were fun to build and you got to pick how you built it and you could totally do it yourself." DANIEL ROSS, 11 Costa Mesa "The catapult, because you got to choose where you wanted to position, where you wanted to shoot stuff out of it" CHRIS QUINLIN, 12 Costa Mesa "The electric circuit, because you got to build your own electric motor." ERIC ENGLE, 12 Costa Mesa "The catapult. because you could see the balls Oyand maybe you could hJt someone." JOSE CONTRERAS, 12 Costa Mesa "The cars, because you could make your car how you wanted it and then you could compete to see if it'll be the best." ADDISON TROM, 12 Costa Mesa -Interviews and photos compil.ed by OtrlstiM Carrillo ON CAMPUS 1m~a ora 1~i ngs you do \'nnn~ 'iou, Moro~Y· 1 \o'lt 'iou \ • IN THE CLASSROOM DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT Eirka Vasquez sings a Mother's Day song through a karaoke machine as her teacher, Carol Mansukhani, holds the microphone . Today.'s lesson: . Mom, 1n a word "because she takes mes· Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot A ttempting to read sentences they helped concoct. kindergartners at College Pait fJementary School in Costa Mesa used their mothers as their muses. Creating senLences like *My mom is special because she takes me to my grandmother's house* and "My mom reads me stories every nighl." these ld.nderganners got a chance to brag about their mothers while they learned a thing or two about reading. .Preparing for the momentous Mother's pay hoUday, two kindergarten classes honed their LUNCH MENU The Newport-Mesa Unified School ~-Diltrtct~ offers menu dtoice9 eactt day et elementaty adloofs. Students may moo. a vegilerian entree. The Mlec:tion may Include a salad, ~Of hot entree. School lunc:Ns .,. $2 eactt.. Here'• whet's being Ml'Ved thilweet: For kindergartners at College Park Elementary, Mother's Day proves a source of learning singing talents on Wednesday while they practiced a little ditty for their moms. Whether they sang as a group or sang a solo with the aid of a karaoke machine. each of the 18 students was learning more than just a song for their moms. "We really stretch them. but they have a lot of phonemic awareness," said Arlene Trask. one of the kindergarten teachers. "One of the things ldds need to know are reasons for reading. This gives them a TODAY Munc:NbM Luncft Selad whh fruit yogurt or pepperoni and d*9M pizu. bebv carrots with rand1 dip, deed peers, dlok:e of miMc WEDNEIOAY MuncNble Lundi Salad or dle8M • burger, leauce and plddee, st.rewbenies, dlok:e of milk ~ Vegetarian heahh Nndwid'I or c:Ndcen tenden, baby caf'TOtl wi1h reason. .. The students started off by high.lighting words In the song that they recognized and finished by singing encore after encore. all the while getting lessons on blending sounds and reading words. While the kindergarteners got these l~ns without their lcnowtedge. they were aware of the subject matter they sangabouL Mother's Day ~is about making your mom sped.al," 6-year-old Jackie Villalvazo said My mom is special Incorporating dilferen · ys and occasions into the ·ru1um has become a regular proce5.' for the two kindergarten teachers. Enjoying their enthusiasm has been an added bonus. "Your mommy's are going to be so happy." said Carol Mansukhani. the claM' other kindergarten teacher. "She's probably going to squeeze the stuffing out of you." • IN THE Cl.ASSAOOM is a weekly feature in which Dally Pilot education writer Christine Cerrillo visits a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. The Mund\lbie Lundi Seled conlaN toeeed ...... tMfr'{tomMDee, cncMn and p;oeiln l0Uf09l eui:ft. c:heeie, ......... fruit YGl'lft 'nhol..,,roau d~(~ bua.r Oft I II ctad d9ya) • No cMd la claar'.rnWtlla d.... • -.. or rw.-. color,""'°'"' ortglit. ege or.Alli~ Ill la 11111 M • d*l hel beers dlacrln••lld ....... wrtll '"""9dl1I tr tD .._ le.I,_ f OI ~. WMHl•t.OC 2Q2m; Daily A Pilot ConlWlllorl Box 1560, Cotta Mesa. CA 92626. SURF AND SUN News nsistant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright: No news etorie., ooral.wilton@latlma.com illuatrationt, editorial metter or PHOTOGRAPHERS adverti.ements herein can be WEATHER FORECAST afternoon. The ~II from the Seen Hill9', Don leach, reprodooed without written Kent T AIJlfOW perminion of copyright owner. aouth will be four feet et 12 seconds. It will drop to 2 feet A few clouds might hang VOL 97, NO. 133 READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US around in the morning, with lat.. lltOMAS H. JOHNSON Newsfdlton (949) 842-eoe& Cifcutatlon temperatures In the high 50s. P\lblist'Mw Gina AJeunder, Lori An<Weon, Recof'd vaur comments about the The Tima Orange County av the afternoon it should be SURF lONYDOOaO O.niel Hunt. PIM.If Seftowhz, Deily Pilot or neWt tips. (800) 252-91' 1 aunnv and warm, with Ecfitof Daniel Stewns AM.a Adveit1ei11'19 tempereturee down by the A drop In swell today, with J(JIU'( OETTINO NEWI~ Our edd,.... 19 330 W. Bay St. Colt.a a..ll'led (9491642-6678 ~:.~ Crime °.:f9 ~rter. M ... CA 92927. Offloe hou,. are DtepCey (949) 642-4321 water in 1he high eo.. Farther heed-high Mt9 at times Monday -FricMy, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. &MDtW Inland, the tllmpentUret around 64th Street. Weaker, PromotJone ~ (!Me) ea.. ..... New9 thould dlmb lhto the mld-10a. chNt-high Wlvea Will be the dMJpa.bhllnlfh•tMJnw..oom It " the PMoc'a policy to promptly (949) 8'2.5e8() There ... be. f9w gusty norm c:loeef' to the Newport --=--• col1'9Ct atl 8ITOf'a of aubatanoa. lpoft8 (SM8)57~3 Wlndl In the ehmoon. Pier. The high morning tide "-'e call UM&) 7&Ml24. New9 Fu tM I 848-4170 ........... n. will afow things down Ind ~ niportM, 8poft8,.. (SM8) lll0-0170 (949) 674-4232 FYI £.mell: t»11YP11ot•tatlrr>M.oom www.nws.nOM.flOlll then ludc lway the swell'• /une.c-.g,.m»•t.dmn.com The Newpoft 8MdVCom Meu MelnOlloe ~r. ... Clneoft BOATING FORECAST Wltllr .-etY: Polltice, butlneea end environment Daily PMot (USPS-14WOO) la ...... OllM (SM8) 842-4321 publi1Md dally. In N9wport ee.cti ....... Fu ("8) 831-7128 www.surfrldw.org '91p011er, (948) 7&M330 end ea.ta M.u, eubaorlptfona .,. Ught.weet Winek thlt f»Ul.dlnton•~oom evalleble onty b¥ aubecrlblng to The momin9 on the Inner w.ters, TIDES ~ ..... Tlmee e>ntnge County 18001 lmU bec:omlnl lbcMll 10 knoca In T1IM ......... Columnhlt. culture f9PC>l'W, 2&2-1141. In.,... out9ldil of the demoon. The swell from (848157+4215 ~ IMd\ and C:O.. Meaa, the IOUthMlt WIM b9 3 feet et 8:631.m. 4.40 fMt high lol/ta.,,.,.,_.,.,,,__oom ~-to the OellV Pilot.,.. 12 MCOftdl. Swell Wlff drop 1:0ep.m. 0.101-llow ~Nau-.vallllbte Oftty bV h eta. malt for • Pubtlehed bV TlrMa Communky durtng 1he dlly. 7:34p.m. 1.281-lhlgtt eo... M9e4I NPOftW, (M) 11.w.721 S30 per moncti. (ftric:ee lnduda... News, 1 divleJon of the Loe Mgelea On the ouw--.. wtndi 1:M1.m. 0.211-llow "-ltdN.•"'""'*'•""'"-com epplicebte ...-end .Ioctl ...... 1 Tlmea Wlfl be ..... ltr0t191f, Cl I aac--. POSTMASTER: Send~ Edl.-on,...-. .,~ ~to The Newpoft C2003 Tlmea CH All t1ghta blowilig from the wt et 10 to WATER TEMPERATURE .......... ...,,,....,, ~ Meaa Deily Noc. P.O. l"Mefwd, 18 ... tillfty .... ~to 10 to 20 llnGll In ... . .. ,... NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW BUDGET DISCUSSIONS The council wiJJ ha~ its first public talks on the city's budget at the study ses.sion before the council meeting. This draft budget Is all abou.t the status quo: no new spending progr.:1m.~ and no serious cutback6. ·flle most striking item is a reduction In general fund capital programs from ab6ut $4 million to about $1.5 million. This wiJJ give the city some CU$hion against the uncertainty in Sacramento that could cost the city millions In revenue. WHAT TO EXPECT The status quo spending plan leaves little to fight abouL l'he council will consider the details and discuss minor changes, but no vole is scheduJed for tonighL June 24 is when the council i!. scheduJed to vote on the final budget CITY PARKS A policy that no city park shouJd ever be named after a person couJd become law tornghL Sta.If svggested <.Teating the policy after several residents suggested naming city parks in memory of notable members of the community. The idea behind the action is that there are many ouu.tanding individuals in the area and not enough parks 10 honor them all. WHAT TO EXPECT F.ven family member. of the late Rosalind w~ who requested a pan be named after her, say they understand the need for a policy. So 11\ likcly this one will pass. ResidenL'i will stiJI be able to honor notable indaviduab through dedica11on.., of item.l> within city park.., ~uch a'i benches FYI WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beach City Council WHEN: 7 p.m. today; study session begins at 4 p.m . WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. INFORMATION: Ageodas and staff reports are available onllne at www.city.newport-besch.ca.us or call (949) 644-3000. and trees. FEDERAL GRANT MONEY A public hearing tonight will review the city's request for S426,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant dollars. The one-year city plan includes details of where the money will go. For example, $4,000 is slated to go to WISE Place. a charity that assists horn~ women; Sl0.000 is earmarked for the Orange Coa.st Interfaith Shelter; and $20,000 will go to FISH Harbor Area lnc.'s mobile meals programs. The bulk of the money, though. will stay within the city's control: $50,000 will go to making improvements to public facilities for people with disabilities. $214,020 wj1l go to repay the city's Section 108, which Wd.'> used to help fund public improvements in Balboa Village; and $25,000 will go to salaries for code enforcement officers to conduct housing inspections in designated low-and moderate-income area'> of the c11y 10 ensure health and safety cod~ WHAT TO EXPECT If the council approves the action plan. staff will submit Lhe request for funds to the federaJ department of Housing and Urban Development -CompUed by June Co.sagmrulR • Semi Privote for Men & Women • loh of Equipment/Fr~• Weight, • Privote P1lotes Studio • SPINNING Theoter Licensed • 16 Full l 1me Peflonol Tro1ners • Child Core Som· noon M · F • Ample & Convenient Parking • Yogo, Toi Chi, Stretch cloues • Step, Power Pump, Cordio • Showers, Steam & Towels •Shope-Up Doy Spo •Shope-Up Acupuncture/Mouog• 949760·5054 www.shope-up.com • www.fiitn.1sa:J1ncm._. 2101 East PociFk Cocut Hwy, Corona o.l Mi:JI, Tutsday, May 13. 2003 Al Ditech won't have need of mortgage services Online lender could have opted out of its lease at Two Town Center, but officials choose to remain in _south Coast Metro. Paul Cllnton Daily Pilot SOlfll 1 COAST METHO -Oi- tech.corn, one of the fu~I online mortgage lender~. has elected not to puJI out of ilb head- quarters using a trigger-clause in its lea.\e. ln!.tead, the company. owned by GMAC Mortgage Corp., will stay at its highrvisibility offices overlooking the San Diego Free- way. "With the CUITent state of the lcommerciaU reaJ estate market. there were a lot of options," Oi- tech General Manager Michael McCarthy i.aid. "We're ideally lo- catetl hl•re It\ a great centralized location." Adding perhap'> another silver lining to the new'I for locaJ civic leaders. CMAC: Mortgage has also decided to ha'>e a new unit, CalDircct I lome Loans, at the Costa Me~a office. The company considered a handful of location!. outside of Costa Me..a, induding Anaheim's Arena Corporate Center. at 1400- 1600 Dougla!.'> Hoad. After weighing the costs and benefit'> of a move. Md:ctrthy '>aid the tompany detennined to '>lay at it'> location at lwo Town Center, tlw twin 15-i.tory. .~.000-...qu.uc-foot office tower; 111 South Coast Metro fhe FOR THE RECORD offices are owned by LA. ba-.cd ComrnonWealth Partneri.. "We're thrilled that they're staying,• said Ted Baschak. the senior vice president of property management with Common- WeaJLh. "They're an excellen1 tenant" Ditech Fw1ding Corp. occu pies about 50% of the tower that bears its name, McCarthy 'Kud. Ditech holds a lease that run., untiJ 2006. II Include'> an eally termination window that lap'>ed In April. GMAC launched Cal1Jin·c1. whJch began offering loan ... May I, to tap into a favorable lt'nding envi:ron.ment that ha'> !.ecn inlt'r· est rates remain at hi.,tonc low. A 30-year fixed-rate mortgage 111 Orange County avernged 5 l4% on Friday, accordmg to tht· Hank rate.com Web site. Ditech in 1999 .,1grwd a ll'd'>t' for space in Two !Own C.cnwr. which was developed hy C.J ~g erstrom & Son~ and 1hcn '>old 10 CommonWeaJth Partner'> llw lender emploY'i f-n!Jre than I, IOO "I'm pleru.ed to hear tJwy'rt staying." said Ed I awn·u . 1 ht• president and chief exl·t·u11ve of the Costa Me...a < liarnhl'r of Commerce. 'Their Vl'>ih1l11y .md profile from Lhat frec>way ha., got 10 be hard, if not 1mpo'>'ihlt'. 10 replace anywhere in On.111ge County." Last year. GMA<. I >1rc·c t I .1.·nd ing. whkh indude., Dlll'C h\ busi11ess. originatNl $18 I h1lhon in loans from 174.000 1r.i11'w1t lions Ahout 30% of the anhound bu'>ine~ is now uirn111~ Imm equity financing. During the liN quarter, l>i1ech .1lone ltmdt•d SS.3 billion from lO,hOO 1 r.in'4.ll uons KfNl 'kfPTOW/DAILYPl..OT Onhne lender D1tech will remain m Costa Mesa One of the moves 1t was considering was Ui Anaheim's Arena Corporate Center. Celestino's quali ty M E 1\ TS Produce • Seafood • Deli Svvinx tht Community for 30 ?an NttJ • QMic• Mtlll? S111tt1 0-]11~ Try uu1tirwi F LEMON HERB ROASTED RUIT CHICKEN SALADS $599 ea. 99 ¢ <:J. FRESH GARDEN CHICKEN SALAD ·SALADS SANDWICHES $3 99 ea. $2 99 ld y,.. • .-. .. UUlflllOI TEQUILA CITRUS fROZl:.N SALSA CHICKEN MEAT LoAfS T11rltty or Buf The -Looking Bacj(H feature in Sunday's Pilot misstated the location of the old Bank of Balboa. It was on Balboa Peninsula. not Balboa Island. $1 99 lb . V..111 "" th. GnU $2 99 lb. a.J.t ,_,.,. ( -~ ,., ) ,,,,.,,, I RI \II '>I \ltHlll • 11 \I 11~1 I • "' \I I 1 11•-., •-..\I \II 1', ~ee,~ • '-111< I \I I' • > \\ "I' I >I I 'It • I 11 I h 11 I< I Jt-/11'"'"d I J,11/r R es taur a nt -----Established In 1962------ Fresh HanJ-ChoppeJ Salsa • ravo Cbips t!r Tortillas • Home Styk Tam11ks 32 Vamties o/Ho~ 54.u.uzgts • ukmng '.s &,efr:!in-*:tf!:tl Wt Can,1Jo4r s It__ Q_~ts 270 East 17th St. •Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 8 OOAM to 7 OOPM Mon · Sat • 9 OOAM to 6 OOPM ~ Hoag Ho~pitaJ i~ p leastJ to bring Garnet L. Anderson, Ph.D .. co-principal anw!lt1gator of Lhe nauonJI landmark \tudv which <.:all\cd m1lliom of women ro re-chink hormone replacement therapy. co Orange<.. ounty co di~cuss her perspective of che \Xi'omcn's Health lniciat1H· finding'>. Wednesday, May 28 The Beckman Center Adjacent ro rhc University of Cal ifornia, Irvine 8:30-9:30 a.m. Breakfast 9:30-I I :00 a.m. Lecture Seacing is limited, so call today 800/701-HOAG (4624). Tickets are $100 and benefit Hoag Women's Health Services . Garne1 I . An~™>n. Ph D. Women~ H~lth l_n111a!'c I . I I I I ' I M Tuesday, May 13, 2003 FIT FOR LIFE Enjoy Fitness as a P~ of Your lifestyle LATEST IN WEJGtfT TRA1NING/CAA010 FITNESS EQUIPMENT COMPLIMENTARY FITNESS COUNSELING . RACQUETBAll -SQuASH -HANDBAU -8ASK£TBAU • J". OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL -RfsTAURANT -LOUNGE CAU FOR A COMPLIMENTARY GUEST PASS AND TOUR • UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 . 1701 Quail Street, Newport Beach Give Us Your Child this Summer. And we'll pva you a student a full acHMlk level hi per. At Tutoring Clubs of Amerrca, we're deodrcated to ensuring your child succeeds Most Important. we help students achieve the self-t'steem and confidence they need to su«ttd All In With our exclusive Tutor Aid justµ hours. GUAAANTEED. curriculum, we rib create learning Summe mp eau today and frnd programs out more. It could be specifkally Enn>1-the most Important designed for your child's nttds. summer of your child's life. (949) 645-7900 488 East i]th Street • Costa Mesa (corn"r of Irv In" Av"nu") 1 MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EYEN HUSBUDS. ~ALDENS R.Ool ~ANO 0.m"IM WINoolr (.o\UL'll..~ 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 The soft folds of Vptte' window shadirlp n<NI come in three MW fabrics thit appeil to everyone, Come see them today. 111 DllR • f •••••••• t ••• ." ......... ,1 .... . ,,,,, ,,,,, '"" "'" • V.Jaaca 8c Comkc Bosa • Ito...,. Sbadu • Bfuacb .......... ---·.- LOST Continued from Al day to stgn cacds to various members of CallfomJa's Legisla-tutt. .. "I think It's very cool what they're doing, and it's definitely true with all the budget cuts,• said Jake Brown. a second-year student at OCC. "It's going to dis- courage people from pursuing an education.• Gov. Gray Davis will release the long-awaited revision to the budget this month. Students, however, still feel they need to do all they can. "I think we're going to make a difference," said Ravin Kohli, a second-year student and mem- ber of the college's Associated Students government "It's im- ponant because so many kids aren't golng to be able to afford Ian education)." That dedication has pushed OCC students to educate their community about the conse- quences of the state budget cuts PARTYERS Continued from Al about l ,000 signatures opposing two council motions to crack down on drunken mayhem in West Newport on the Fourth of July. The council will consider adopting an ordinance to estab- lish a "safety enhancement zone" in West Newpon -a slight variation on the city's an· nual practice of increasing fines, adding a police presence and tightening laws in West Newpon Beach. The zone refers to the area within the Pacific Ocean on the south. 32nd Street and Newport Boulevard on the east, Pacific Coast I lighway on the north and 54th Street on the west. From 12:01 a.m. on July 4 un- til 3 a.m. on JuJy 5, tougher- than·normal laws exist in this w ne. Fines are stiffer, deliveries VERDICT Continued from Al various bands were an imponant pan of ow lives. We knew all the musicians, went to their jam sessions, partied and drank with them. Freddie F.astman showed up during that period. Freddie was very quiet, very reserved. a thoroughly decent, nice guy. Everyone llked Freddie, especially the musicians. Freddie was a true jazz aficionado. It seems to me that I can remember Freddie at every party and every jam session, just sitting there and listening. TESTIFY Continued from Al intently to the boys' statements as each of them described how he sucked their toes or made them pose for digital pictures he allegedly took and filed away in his home computer. The defense has argued that Veches did suck. the boys' toes. but that it was not sexual. On Monday, the second day of the trial, the prosecution brought about 10 boys to the witness stand, seemingly aiming to establish a consistent pattern of behavior on Veches' part - that he had a foot fetish and was specifically obsessed with young boys' feeL The boys who testified on Monday were between 7 and 12 years old and each about a year younger at the time of the aJ. leged crimes. SCHEAFER Continued from Al Gary Monalun and Council- woman Ubby Cowan suppon- KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Orange Coast College student Salvador Manzo sets up a grave marker during a mock memorial service at the college on Monday. The service symbolized the death.of educational opportunities in California because of budget cuts. and how to do something about them, a school official said. "The students have been working very bard all year long oo lessening the budget cuts at the state level.• said Kate Muell· u, dean of students. "'This is just one of many efforts they have of liquor shipments are not al· lowed, and it lncreases ·the re- sponsibilities of the owners of shon-tenn lodgings and require (s) immediate termination of certain activities upon request of a peace officer." Qarkson takes issue with the council's emphasis on activities on private property, noting that most of the out-of-town troublemakers are the heavy- drinldng revelers walldng the street But city officials believe the move is warranted. "Many of the serious alterca- tions have resulted from the interaction between partygoers on private property and persons wi the street, and officers need cl8 effective way to maintain control of persons on both pub- lic and private property,· City Attorney Bob Burnham wrote in sla.ff report. The second Fourth of July-re· lated action will be the first reacting of a proposed ordinance to forbid stores from using their Come World War II and the end of the Swing Era, Freddie seemed to lose interest in music. Uke some of us, he couldn't make the transition to modem jazz so he bought a small boat and became a commercial fisherman. One day during the albacore season. they found Freddie's boat dead in the water, fueJ exhausted and lines dangUng. but no Freddie. A commercial albacore fisherman trolled with about ejght hand lines. fow direct.ly off the stem. two on each side extended away from the hull by outriggers. When a commercial fisherman hit a school of albacore, he became very busy Trenton Vee hes One 8·year· old boy said "everyone" at the city's after- school program he went to saw Veches sucking his toes. "The grown· ups were there," he told defense attorney John Dolan, who was cross·examlnlng him. •Tuey saw it Everyone saw it" The boy said he told his father about the toe-sucking. "My father said it was a bad thing to do." he said. "So the nm time he did it. I told him to stop doing that. I told him It was a bad thing to do. And then [Vech- es) said 'OX."' Another 8-year-Sboy said Veches made him se for pic- ~s ldnda confusln " he told ing Sthaefer. . The council postponed the decision Cor Monday, Including it as a apedaJ item to be dit- cusaed after the regular Redevel- opment Agency meeting, whJch ls the Chy Council meeting as a teparale entity. Again on Monday, the council was deadlocked on the two can- didates and nearly called Cor a wte to proceed to a apeda1 elec- don to be heJd ln November, in put forth to get students' atten- tion ... and (this eventJ is cer· tainly getting people's attention.· • CHAJSTINE CARAILLD oovers education and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or by e-mail at chri5tine.carrillo (fJ latimes.com. • parking lots to store and sell Uq· uor -a practice that has al- lowed a lot of retailers to do more buslness. If the council p~ the ordi· nances -which seems likely - Oaibon and company have vowed on their Web site to fight to take them down in the next City Council election. Mayor Steve Bromberg said that the group's objection hasn't changed his mind about sup- porting strict rules for the area on Independence Day. ·we are absolutely committed to protecting person and prop- erty in West Newpon and on the !Balboa PeninsuJaJ on the Founh of July," Bromberg said. ·1 think what we're doing is ap- propriate and responsible under the circumstances.· • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@>latimss.com. tending those llnes. He put his boat on a circular course and hanled In the fish as fast as h e could. The best guess is that Freddie fell overboard while tending his lines. and the boat sailed on without him. There's a chilling passage in "Moby Dia· in which a cabin boy or someone falls overboard. When his absence is finally noted, they tum the boat around to search for him. and when they find him, he has gone mad. overwhelmed by the immensity of the sea The thought of anyone drowning ln the open ocean has always bothered me. Drowning in the open sea with yow boat sailing on without you must be prosecutor Sheila Hanson. ·He'd sud on my toes for some rea· son. I didn't thin.It It was cruel. But It wasn't right. somehow.· When Hanson showed the boy a photo and asked him what Veches was dolng in that picture, the boy shook his head and frowned. ' "Sucking my toes." he replied. ·1 dJdn't really like it either." One other boy sajd he liked getting piggyback rides from Veches, but was nervous when Yeches put ·my foot in his mouth.• • Another 7-year-old boy said Veches would be "mean· to him lfhe didn't comply. "If I wouldn't let him suck my feet. he wouldn't give me candy," hesald. Veches faces 28 felony counts of lewd contact with minors and one ml5demeanor count of pos· sesslng cbild pornography. He pleaded guilty to the mJsde- whJcb any candidate would be considered by the electorate. The special election suggested by Cowan would have cost about $95,000 and would have left the ftfth council seat empty for another six month& Steel held Orm to the idea of a apecial eJectlon, aaytng It was a decl&lon for the votera to decide. "ThiJ ia ao auclal as to what dlrection and where (the city ls) golng here.• Steel 181d. • WhUe Steel wanted an elec- don. he cut his vote for Schaef- er to lhow consensus. "He'll have no problem• with me up here." Steel N.ld. After being awom In, Schaef'er took h1a ... , to the ri&ht of Steel, which wu puDed out f.or hJm by .hie new~ · • LCKITA ...,.._wrtt. columns Mondeys, Wtdt'tedtva end F,_. end OOl*t ~ ef'ICI *t .... hrMy be,...,,... ..... , PMmorby~• ,,,,,,..,,.,,,., ... 11 .. com. ·--~ ----~·· - --~ _:: • ', ~• r ~-• • PUB~IC SAFETY POLICE FILES OOITAMESA • ,.,...... ol the Arts: V.ndallltn WU reported In the 3400 block at 12:18 p.m. Sunday. • CenW 8trMt: Auto theft wet reported In the 800 block at 7:28 a.m. Sunday. • GoidenwMt Avenue: A 67-yeaM>ld wa1 arrested on sutplclon of embezzJement and petty theft, with a prior charge, In the 13100 blodc at 4:26 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boul9wrd: Auto theft was reported In the 3100 blodc at 2:39 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boulevard: A 34-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of violating his parole In the 2000 blodc at 7:55 p.m. Sunday. • Harbor Boul9wrd: An assault was reported In the 2.200 block at 8:44 p.m. Sunday. • W.st 20th Sn.t: A 23-year-ok:t man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk in public in the 800 blodc at 12:02 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • W.st Coast Highway: Grand theft was reported in the 3000 blodc at 8:67 a.m. Monday. • Eastbfufr o.tv.: A suspect was arrested on suspicion of commercial burglary in the 2500 blodc at 12:19 p.m. Monday. • Irvine Avenue end 18th t>t.ce: Police assisted with a small car fl re near the intersection at 10:51 a.m. Monday. • Irvine AvMtue: An assault with a deadty weaQOn was reported in the 800 blodc at midnight Sunday. • Walnut Sn.t: A hit·and-run was reported rn the 300 blodc at 6:21 a.m. Monday. one of the most lonesome experiences known , .. just !reading water and gerting more and more tired and more and more cold. · It was onJy when Freddie wa'i gone that we found out the F~tman in his name was the Eastman in f.astman Kodak. Freddie came from a wealthy. background, but none of us had suspected it, he was such an unassummg guy. We all have to die som e ume and some way, but Freddie Eastman didn't deserve to dje the way he did. • ROBERT GARONER 11 a Corona del Mar re11dent and a former judge. Hrs column runs Tuesdays. meanor and not guilty on the felonies .. Veches quit his job after the allegations. lf convicted. he faces life ln prison without the possibility of parole for at least 25 years. · The prosecution Is expected to rest it!\ case today. • DEEM BHARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mall at de6pa bharath ~latimes.com. f Dady Pilot NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEETING PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA 1 lcre arc '>OOll' or the items the ..chool hoard wilJ he d1..cw..'>mg tonight. BORROWING OF FUNDS ' Ilic Nc'Wpon Mt'\a lJrufied '><-hoot board will propo-.c .i n:'>lilutfon lo allow them to horrow ca. ... h to can y them from July thruu~h t•arly I ><-cc•rnbt!r. wluch is nonnJJly a "lax dry" period. 'Ilic amount borrowl'd in 2002 03 Wal> $11.0:1 lllillinn. South Coast LocaJ f.ducation Agtmcies Pooled Tux and Revenue Anticipation Note llrogram, which the district participated in 2002-03. The program is sponsored by the Orange County Department or Education. Through preliminary 2003-04 C<ll>h Oow forecru.~ based on Z002-n.1 and roUowing ln1emal Hcvcnuc Het,'Ulalion1> and dirt•ctiuns from finandaJ advbon. and bond counsel, the d1stricl ha:. detennined its harrowing need.<. will not ex.ceed.$20 million. Staff i!. recommending the hoard approve the resolution. WHAT TO EXPECT • pre.entatmn and d.i.M:uss1on on the propo~ rewlution and L' expected 10 ctpprow the pro~. READ 180 PROGRAM Arter rt•v1t•w111g reJd111g '><ore., ol nuddlt-ctncl l11gh '>diuul i.tudcnL'>, hrL-.t•d 011 IL~ling rL~Ult'> lie.I '>pring. t ht: d1'>trirt ~tablishcd a !leading Initiative Tai.k Por<'c to hl'lp '>trnwmg readcl"'>. ~ll·cted M:hool and d~tricl offinah. found that the most c!Jcc11w p1owam W-.t!> 1J1e Schola'>lk (,ompany·., HEAD IHO program. FYI WHAT: School board meetiny WHEN: 7 p.m. today WHERE: 2985-A Bear St, Costa Mesa INFORMATION: 714 424 5000 1mplernl'nted on a pilot ha ....... at tv.n 1rndtlle -.chool\ and two lugh '>l hooi.... I ht! pilot program will < O'>I tlll' middle '>l ltool\ 'SZH, 1r,(1 per 60 lke11'>t..., .u1d thl' l11gh :.<:hoot... $ZH,500 pt·r ()() ht l'll'-t'\ WHAT TO EXPECT Ilic hoard I'> t'>.p1·1 ll'tl 10 approve the 1mpll·nwnta111m ol the progr.un un J pilot h<t\I\ for the 20<rl 04 '>< hool ye.ir MEN'S SHOE SALE! to(~jse,.{or_t 20%:·40%.0FF t , • J • f .._ j • -~. f I ~ J I , • • Ecco; MEPHISTO; TERRA FLANA (949) 644-59)9 (Ofoni ~I Mil< PldZd • 836 AtdU<lo A.r Nl'Wfl()rt 8,...:~ __ ,_ lne borrowmg uf U10'>4.' tumh would he done through thl' d1'>lrict'i. pankiJlalmn. along w11h 14 other '>thool d"tnn ... 111 thl' Inc board will hear a Thl' propo...U rccornmt•nd'> that the program he -(mnl'tled /JV< ltm1111e < tfl 1/111 SHOOTING Continued from A 1 tJlkcr\ in the <>tabbing were '>US pet·ted gang me~ber'i, police '>aid, while Friday'i. '>hooters have not ht·en dt:1>ignated ru. such. C:rime on the Westside has I Ill' victim'> rem.u11 ho ... p11aJ1n·d. hN_.n a hot topic for a political .ind their namt''> l1<1vt' not ht-en group who..,e member'> biU rl'll'.t'>Cd. thcm~lve!. a.<. "improver ..... • Pol1le art• '>1111 1111 .... urc ul tht• Councilman Allan Mansoor, who 1 ati....t· of the ~hoo1111g on llw wai. <,upported by the improver 111y\ Wc'>l'>ide, hut '>.t1d prC'lir111 lamp, ran on a plaLfC>rrn of elimi· n.1ry IOVt:'>tigation tlot''> not po1111 nating crime throughout the city, l(J gang violence. l''>pcciaJly on the We<it1>ide. "All the informJt11m w1• haw Ma.nsoor could not he reached rt't l'IVl'd at thi'> point doe'> 1101 for comment Monday. pornt 111 any type of gJng rl'l.ilrtl l'he number of violent crime'> t n111i11al atlivity," H1rnt•y '>.lid. 111 2002 plummeted :I0.8% in llll.' two VH um ... wcrl' h.ingmg C O'>la Me<.a. accordmg to pre- 11ut 1n till' CJrpon I ndJ~ 1ugh1 l11111nary cnme '>latistici. relea ... ed \\hen tht.· '>hoott•r. 111111pl'tl tlw h} California Any. (,eneral BiU '11m11111d111g fl'mt· Jnd o~1t•m•d l.ockyt·r late la~t month lllo'>t' tin-. .... 1nl111g t·a1 h \.1111m om 1-. numhl'r'> were Ill ~harp conli-ctst l11rnl'Y ,,mJ M.u1> '>t1rround111g to the preVlow. year, when cnme 1 .u, wl'rt' JI'><> h11 and tla111Jg1·tl. numbl'r'> climbed 111 aU catego- h1· "11d m...,. leJving polit:e especially 1 lw v1ct1m'> Wl'rc IJl..t·n lo wornc.-d about the ril>C in '>lrcct \-\1''>ll'fll Mrd1rnl Lt'llll'r 111 \.mt.i cnme. \11.1. whl'rt' tlwy w(•rt· lrl'Jtt•d for • llw t\'vll cnme<> that expen· 1 ht·1r 111111m· ... I l11'>JlltJI '>po kt·, pt· t•nn·d thl' b1ggl">I drop wcrt· rob uplt· wl·rt· ur1Jhlt· tu rele.i\l' thl' lwr,. which tlecrl'a...t't.I .16.8%. rilt'n\ < 011d1111111'> without .i Jnd aggravated a'>....ault, wh1d1 11.11111· dropp<'tl 2.1.2%. 'lhoo1111g., rt·,ult111g 111 111Jllfll''> ~inn· 200 I. Lo .. ta Mc..a police .ire ran· rn C 0,1,1 M1•-.... llirm·y have aggre-.s1vcly targeted v10 · .... 11tl, t•,11ni.11111g It·....., than .i lent rrinw by targt·t111g prohlt•m h.111dlul 111 .my gwt•n Yl'Jr If thl' an·a' v.'ilhm the· city. 'U'>JlL'LI'> .ir1· l'illlWll, they will "Your Newport-Mesa Flooring Experts!" at1J;-LM.J F !!4iA .;l w; LEAIRJIP'l.ET ......... UI \'t. PLUSH CARPET • lnsulltd with l'id $ } 69 • 'linimwn 60 yards sq. ft. Travertine 18" • 18" ...••....•.•...•....• 14.29 .., n Ceramic Tile •••••••••••••••••• tna1aJJc4 r ...... 14. 99 .., rt Laminate Wood •••.•.•...... 1 ... ,.11.,.i r"'m 14.99 ••· n ..... uppffr, untl T""1ls For the -ou II •<1ur<etr .. r.! .. /\If prlt"t'•/f>ro<fuet. rur Q fin1i/4!d finlt', bu,t'd ON UI UtfUbtfl/fl. 1374 toiao Ave., Suite F • COSTA MESA ~~-lJ (888) MESA-777 ~ .. m :i (637'.ll : \.t .. ) ,3 MO/t.f'IU.10.Ut teS l'M AY -~ ........ ~ .•~• .. .,_,, SAT. 10 A.It 11 2 l'M ICLOSED st'Ntl I ~ 1a.- Oassified ads work for VILLA. NOVA /111/i1111 ( 1111i11f' Twilight Dining on the water Entrees fron1 $7.95 Sen1ed until 6pm ( exupr "'1 rurt:ILrys) I lomemade f'aslll fresh Seajood \ '1>11/ '>perin!ties h1u· d1.1rgc·, of ,Jttt•mpll·tl mur •LOLITA HARPER wntes columns der Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays llll' 'hootrng tCJllll''> It''>'> th<111 and covers culture and the arts She a month aftt•r tht• '>t.thh111g of J may be reactied at (94915744275 or teenagt'r 1111 'lhJl11n.ir I >nvl'. Jho bv e-mail at GET THE POINT? I YOU! ···- THE Daily Pilot For Reservations 949-642-7880 3 131 W. Coast Highway 1111 thr t 1ty\ Wt'>h1cfr> rt1e .it loltta harper 11 lat1mes com Class1f1ed Community Mariletptace Permanent If' Sign age "'*••• ... .....,. prouida • mdDm lo•I •• c,.a n • llM _., UC IMM\' .... , ... ,_.., ....... _, Md ........... ou. .. .. ....... • ,,. .. d 1-.IC11MKert1.n.pa .......... .,.1., • ., • .,. I ····--.. =·I ....... Courtside Signage C0.1Ild1 ....,_ .. ......,. ................. a ,._., ........ __. ..... ,.._.TVWJM'sll ca1111ld1 ....... J'n r· •••••I'-.,.=•• 1....-. Banners Baseball Scoreboard Sign age 9sull .......... _ ...... II .. ..._....., .. ....., ... wpw• ........ _ ... _ ..... .. .. , .. , .. -. .... ..... •11 wtt'1t_. ... , ... .. ......................... ... a ..... ..,pr:m, ........... , all 8lelle 1•11111, (Mt) IM-7187. Daily~Pilot Supporting 1he NBPD Explorer.Police rolumeer. and C.E.R. T. Programs WHEN: MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2003 Check-in: 7:30 a.m. Tee Time: 8:00 a.m. HARP-!----'--...:.--' OAK CREEK GOLF CLUB I Golf C lub Dri ve. Irvine FORMAT. 4 PERSON " SCRAMBLE" SHOTGUN ST ART COST. $85.00 PER PERSON DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT IS: MAY This tournament will fill up fast ... first 144 golfe lf you have questions regarding the toumamen~ p Sgt. Steve SbUlman at (949) 644-3662 M Tue!>day May 13, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PUBLISHED -lAttiln: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, CostAI MMe, CA 92627 • Reait.rl Hotlne: Cell (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send ~o (949) 646:4170 E-mail: Sendro da1/ypjlotl1Jlatimeti.com • AIJ correspondence mus1 include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriflaltk>n purpc>Ma). The PUot reserves the right to edit all submlaa1ons for clanty and length READERS RESPOND MAILBAG Remembering the 'mayor of Corona del Mar' AT ISSUE: The community shares its memories of the late Phil Sansone. A s I sit here at this moment after hearing the news, the tears run down my face. Phil s.insone was one of the people 1 loved most in the world. We spent so many hours working together on activities related to Corona del Mar and the city of Newport Beach. I found him to be a treasure. not onJy in terms of his knowledge but also his ability to reJate to people and to get Lhings done in a spirit of teamwork. When his dear Nadine passed away. and my divorce wru. imminent, we spent many evenings together tallting about restructuring our lives. He was a c;oun:e of inspiration and strength to me. I told him so often that l would be over to visit him in Hawaii and never made it -which was a big mistalce. Phil Sansone I know this is a tremendous loss for h1s family, but aJ"o for 1he rest of us who loved him. My prayer is that he has gone to a peaceful, restful and wonderful place to prepare for the rest of us. lf God has any i~'>ues that need to be resolved, I'm sure Phil wiJI be able to help him work them out to everyone's benefit. JOY BRENNER Renefactor Program Manager I ioag Hospital .. oundation In ~pternher 1990, Mayor Phil Sano;one closed a Ciry Council meeting with a tribute to my father, Joseph Carolan, who had recently died. My father wa'> the crossing guard for the Newport Beach.Police Depanment at Mariners Elementary School for 24 year... This was a class act from a person of da''· It was not until I read of PhiJ's pru.smg 1hat I realized that I had more in common with him. since both of us were aJumni of Oarltson University in Po1.,darn. NY. lltanlt you. Mr. Mayor. nLE PH010 I DAA.'1' Pll 01 Finding a replacement for Karen Robinson on the Costa Mesa City Council has turned out to be a tough job for the other members. Ju st pick a council member from a hat The politics of electing a replacement for the Costa Mesa Ciry Council is becoming more entertaining than a TV reality game show. ln the spirit of entenainment, let me suggest a reawnable solution: Write down the names of each qualified candida1e, c;eal i1 and pul in a bowl. Then have one of the council's audience (randomJy selected) pick a name from the bowl. Done. s1raigh1 and simple. 'I he $75,000 saved on special elt•ction shouJd be marked for future salary increa~es for the :.en1C1r .,taller at Ciry Hall. This is entertainment. Al.MOREW Costa Mesa Paring down the council farther is a possibility Today. I sent a Jetter to the Costa Mesa City CounciJ suggesting a one-time fee of SI per household to rctise $40,000 fo r a special election. It occurred to me that there is a less expensive way to settJe the dbpute. My motion is to not count the vote of any member of the City Council who has a photo on the ciry's Web site, but does not list hi5/her biography. I second the motion. CalJ for the question. 3 to 0, the motion carries. After watching the last meeting on Monday night, it was obvious to me that we do not need a replacement to break the deadJock. What we need to do is get rid of the guy who did not know how to set the timer. I would be comfortable with the other three until the next election is held. BARRY SAMUELS Costa Mesa Not the balance that C.osta Mesa wants Four guys and one woman sin ing on a Coi.tJ Mesa ( nv Council is tontrary ru 1he \t1t111g pattern of the elt:<:torate UWANE GORBATY Costa Mr.,a C.olumn right on the counci l target Regarding -1 hmkin~ Allowed. - Monday. Amen and anwn Righ t 1111. Wow, i.traighr 1h1nkin~. and aloud. and 111 rnnt rhal I\ ran· these days. hut very. very refreshing. Certainly hope aJI the players are payin~ attention. Keep up the ,::ood work. GENE BEAVIN co.,ta Mt'><i ROBERT CAROLAN Newport Beach COM MUNITY COMMENTARY Al> a young man. I had the good fortune to live next door to Phi!and Nadme Sansone. Their warmth, kindness and generosity sho ne through from first day that I met them. Olatting tn thl' alleyway. being invited over for one ol Nadine's chicken cacciatore dinner>. long discussions on the nature of government, politics and public '>Cl"VICe • • there are so many great rnemorie-.. Site of senior housing project carefully chosen 8e'>t of all. if I ever wanted a straight amwt·r 10 a question. 1 knew Phil was right neX1 door. NORMAN L. BEBERMAN Corona del Mar R ecen1ly, 111 a letter to the editor, Robert ~peed attacked the City Council and stall relat.ive to the current plan for our affordable senior housing project, and it was disturhin~ to see inacl·uracies and the om.i5.s1on of some important informal.ion as well as a clear lack of knowledge of the facts in Speed's letter ("What's going on at Lower Bayview Landing?" Thursday). First, the only ·rush" on thi!> project Whtie we 'itJfJparted anchdmired.J?hil,_ __ .. ili-to""i§'ge .... t..-i"'l o ... n,._ ... an~agi;o""""nwd .... a ..... nlLf.uth .... e;;,___ San!>One as a Newport Beach ciry California CoastaJ Commission o;o counulman. we didn't get to know him that tax-exempt state financing for very well until 1993. We knew that Phil the project can be approved in time ~ l(etting mterested in genealogy. and for the project to begin construclion he wa ... aware that we had a love affair by this December. with Italy. particuJarly Sicily. where we The reason for this l>CheduJe i~ a traveled qujte often. new state law that requires the So on one occasion, when we were payment of prevailing wages for any getting ready lo take off another trip, he project that i11 using public funds. Our asked if we'd heard of the tuwn Termini senior housing project wouJd be lmerese (a town of historic Greek origin) subject to that law because the ci ty in Sicily. and we said we had, and that has agreed to make a Joan of $ I we expected to be passing near there. million from our affordable housing I le ask.ed, if it wouldn't be too much in-Ueu fund (money paid to the city trouble. woulu we stop there and see if by developers of market-rate we couJd find anything out about the housing). Prevailing wages will Sansone famiJy, because this lo; where increase the cost of the project by they originated. about a mmion dollars. and the city So we did go to Tennini lmerese and has agreed to increase our loan 10 pay to the town hall. In walldng around the half that increased cosL records department, we noticed a Although the Legislature nameplate on a door, G. Sansone. So we recognized that the law wouJd impact went in and met Mr. Sansone and told the reasibillty of affordable housing him about out friend. fillpo Sansone In development. which other state laws ~rica. (My husband speaks ltalJan require , and provided an exemption CairlyweJI.) We were given information for affordable housing projects, that'o; on the Sansone family and directed to good only for projects under the family plo1 In the local cemetery. We construction by December 2003. took photo of Mr. Sansone and the This ls not a new or ru hed pro jet t. monuments In the family plot. though. The city and the Irvine Co. Upon our n:.1:um nome we provided have been working on ii for a very Phil with the lnfonnadon and the lor11 time. Stale planning law requires photo . Mer he moved to Hawail, we that we have a "hou lng elemenl'' "'' rncl"fv('(f an e·mall Crom Phil; "Guess pal1 of our grnmtl plan. and that it wbac' That RUY that you phot~phed make provbJon for the development In Sicily\! really a cou ln or mine. I've of housing dlst ll affordable to all ~ talking to distant cousins In Income levels. Cl> C1$;0• nnd after I 5mt thtm tht' photo Newpon Beach's primary program lht-y t·onf\nned IL~ lo 1CCOmp&h t.hb goakcquirh It wa r"allv a pnviJege to have know dewlopen of m&ReH1ue bous ng to Pit' Mtinr also develop aO'ord ble ho\1Sfn8, or to RON ANO NOVEU HIENDM:*ION pay an •1n.1Jtu" fee eo that the city Newport 8Mch can ... , affordable hou.U.n~ projects. STEVE BROMBERG As part of the cicy's Circulation Improvement and Open Space Agreement, the Irvine Co. was entitled to deVelop some 800 housing units in areas like the Castaways and Harbor Cove. They did not provide affordable units ln these developments, but have been worldng with the city since at least 1995 to develop a senior affordable housing project. In fact. '-Orne people may remember that an earlier Qty Council conl>idered putting the senior housing projl'rl at Newport Village, but rt'jerted that because of concerns fmrn the environmental community, a\ well as a d esire for a passive park in Newport Center. As a resuJt. we have focmed our efforts on Lower Bayview I.anding fo r the past two years. I .ower Bayview Landing Is the lower portion of the vacant land at Coast 1 lighway. Jamboree Road and Back Ray Orive, and the city's general plan has long d esignated it for retail and service commercial use, with the optfon of senior alfordable housing. The bluff portion. or Upper · Bayview Landing. is designated for recreational and environmental open space. ThJs is another site that the Irvine ~-is dedicating to the dty for open space as part oropen apace 8~ment. and it wm have mln1mal grading Md Improvements to setve the pubUc as a view part. · The city dtd conduct environmental 1tudJe. on th1a project. and they Wl!re available for written comment during a 30*<1ay pubUc review period, as weU u at bearlnp t>erore the Planning C.Ommlalon and Oty Council. We~ tatlmony at both httrlngs from let\lort ln our communJty who ue experiencing a need for afrocdable houl1na, concerned ndghbon ln Wla Point. membtta of our local environmental community, and residents who and C..Ommunll\ l>t'\elopment. we support development of the view rece1\ed their certification of our park. hou!.ing eleme111 JU~t last wet>k. Thie; It is true that staff of the Coastal certHicauon of rnmpliance with 'late Commission is raising more law would not have been granted environmental issues than were without the ury\ .,trong comm.i1ment raised in our local review and public IO con,tnJction of the '>enior housing hearings, largely because the projecr a t Lower Bayview Landing. If commission uses a much broader we fail to co mplete thi.s project, the definition of wetland than do other city would need to find another site to state and federal agencies. accommodate 150 hou~ing units, or We are working with the certification would be in jeopardy and commission and its staff to reso'-'-lve __ ~th~e~city could be '>ubject to a lawsuit. this issue. as well as their concern (t s appene<Jl>efOre:T - with the grading proposed for the Too often. emor.. arc eitht•r housing project. The area to be forgotten or must wttJe. at bt>st. for graded has been significantly altered second best. We have never treated for things like the former gas station our senior popuJation like that and and the original route of Jamboree we are not going to start now. Road (which Is the route we are In a community a!> fully developed proposing for the bicycle trail). The as Newport licach, where would we proposed project limits grading to find another o,itc? Would we need to these disturbed areas. mlnlmil.es reconsider development of Newpon grading where the natural bluff Village? Probably. remains, provides pro1ectlon and 1\vo yean. ago. I worked very hard replacement for coastal sage scrub. to be sure that Newport Village and includes a water-quality basin to became a park. It was very much an clean runoff from both park and adversarial process and it was my housing sites. ·baptism under 0re· so to speak as a The residents of the howilng then new councilman. and to this project will be 55 years of age and day. I am convinced the effort was older and of low income. Although worthwhile. I lowt>Ver. so there is no many of the residents will be young misconception. as much as I do want and active enough that tl1ey will be a part at that site, an affordable driving. experience with low-Income senior housing project will. in my senior housing ls that the residents level of prioritJes. exist there if for any tend to be older than 55 and less reason LowE'r 8ayv1ew does not pan UkeJy to •<1.rtve everywhere,• M Speed out for the senior project. worries. P.xperlence with senior It's difficult in uch a brief housing projects haa also shown that communication to explain the genenlly. the majority of the seniors complexides of this project, the in the housing project do not drtve at competing state Jaws the city is trying peak hours. So much for concern.~ of to rouow, and the needs of our senior •congested atreeta. • residents that we are trying to meet. J Data used to prepare om hope I hnve conveyed the balancing Community Development Block act the city has had to do wtth th1i Grant appUcattons and our houaing project, and lh.o.t om dtl1.ens will element show that Newpon Beach recognlie that due con~deration wu tm several hundred tenk>r gJven to all ucs. ewn tf they may households tn need of housing not agree with the Bnal outcome. For IMlltance. Mote than half of them ant my nat. th18 ls very rcspom1b1e considered very low income, and and most Importantly. an emnplaJJ more than 300 ue payLna more than project. halt their Income on hol»il1g. AAtr monthe of dty Mn wortd"I with the State ~t olHoullng • • ITEVI lflOl\mRG la the JMVOr of N9wport Belch • QUOTE OF THE DAY "We decided to m ake sure there was no co-in f ront of the word champions." John Emme, Corona del Mar baseban coach Sports Editor Rlclulrd Dunn; (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: (949) 650-01 70 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL EYE OPENER Daily .. POOt • Spol1a Jlal olFMle «.+-(.-............. M'Y 19 honoree CARL EHMANN Tuesday, May I 3. 2003 A7 I Sea Kings, Eagles earn top-four seeds. CdM No. 2 in Division II, Estancia No. 3 in Division III and Newport Ha rbor unseeded in Di vision I. 81rry Faulkner Daily Pilot LDS AlAMITOS l:..stancia t ligh. which claimed a share of ttl> first boys PREPS Spring ·winjall special Newpo rt-Mesa stakin g claim on designation as the land of champions. T he recent run of playoff \uccess by the Mighty Ouck.c,, on the heels of the storybook 2002 season by the Angelo,, has spawned coverage of Anaheim as a destination for championships. The city whlch pinned iL' early identity on Disneyland, however. hru. nothing on Newport·M~. especially in the aftermath of an unprecedented two-day title barrage that produced enough league utle ------. banners to blanket an entire gymnasium wall. Thursday alone, Newport-Mesa athlet~ secured no less than eight team titles. as weU as myriad indrvtduaJ champ1onsh1p'>. Costa Mesa won BARRY titles in boys and FAULKNER girls swimming and girls track and field. while Estancia won a boyl> track crown and wrapped up a co-championship in boys voUeyball. Corona del Mar l>Wept the Pacific Coast League boys and girls track and field team titles, while Newport capped a co-championship run in Sea View League boys volJeyball. Also on Thursday. Newport I !arbor freshman Robert Khoury (boys tennis) and Corona del Mar senior Nick Sherman (boys golf) won individuaJ league championships. to go with dO'ams of lndlvidt.taJ league champions in track and field and swimming. For good measure, the CdM girls swim team won the PCL championship Friday and the Sea Kings' baseball team secured at least a share of a title Friday that became theirs alone Monday. Not to be forgotten were previous league championships won this spring tJorCdM ~.~boys­ golO. and CdM (boys volleyball). And now ... the playoffs. We'IJ cry to keep up. ••• Costa Mesa High senior Hilary Havens, the Golden West League girls See PREPS, P11• A8 voUeybalJ league title since 1984 and has not been to the CIF Southern Sec- tion Playoffs since 1994, will join the fa- miliar Back Bay tandem of Corona del Mar and Newport Harbor in this year's Cl F playoffs. beginning Friday. The Golden West League champion f.agles (26-10) are the No. 3 seed in Di- vision Ill. and CdM 0 7-11), which claimed the Pacific <;:oast League crown, is the No. 2 seed in Division II in the pairings released Monday at the Southern Section office. Newport Harbor (19-11 ), co-cham- pion of the Sea View League. is un- seeded in Division I. F.stancia was swept in its final regu- lar-season match Thursday at feUow co-champion Ocean View, the f.agles' only Golden West defeat in 12 matches. Bu\ third-year coach Tracey Heims said it may help her players focus a-. they enter the postseason. The F.agles. led by junior outside rut- terl> Kris I lartwelJ and Josh Kornegay, will open at home Friday against Cen- tury, the third-place representative from the Orange League. The F.agles l>hould not lack confidence, since they beat the Centurions, 15-3, 15-5, 15-3, in the nonleague season opener March 3. CdM. which saw its run of five straJght section title-match appear- ances mterrupted last year. when it lost 111 the Otvil>ion IV semifinals, received a fir'>Hound bye. Not having to play until HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL May 20 couJd be a welcome break for the Sea Klng.'> and Coach ~teve Conti. who saw 6-foot · 7 sen1oc nudd.Je blocker Eric Jonel> leave Friday's four-game nonJeague loss to Newport Harbor after aggravaung a l>pramt:d nght ankJe. The Sea Kmg'>. who have battJed tn· juries all !>eal>on. are alw hoping seruor Bart Welch, out the lru.t couple weeks with a sprained dflkJe, can return See VOLLEYBALL, Pace A8 PHOTOS BY DON tt.ACH DAln PIL01 CdM's Kianna jaye (holding bat) is congratulated by teammates after hitting a grand slam in the fifth inning of a key Pacific Coast League game Monday. Jaye's slam nOt e_no_ugh CaJvary Chapel scores I 0 in first to pull even with CdM fo r third in PCL • third and final guaranteed berth into the ClF Southern Section playoffs with just one league game remaining. CdM (9-9, 5-4 in league) committed six errors. but it was CORONA DEL MAR -Corona del Mar High junior third baseman Kian- na Jaye belted a grand slam in the 1--DJrm-llUlltnK.-bu~ it-proved !a be too. little. too late for the Sea Kings. who dropped a crucial Pacific Coast League softball game to visiting Cal- vary O\apel on Monday. . The P.agles scored 10 runs in the first and cruised to a 12-5 trlumpll to pulJ even with CdM for the league's a walk and eight first-inning ingles that got the F.agles (7-14. 5-4) off to an explosive start. CdM scored a run on 'one of three Calw.ry errors in the second, but was down. 12-1, by the time Jaye. the team's cleanup hitter, stepped to the plate with the bases full in the fifth. Annika Gaar, Amy Tyson and Alissa 7..ot?Ue all singled to set the table for See SOFTBAU, P11e A8 Sea KJngs' infielder Jackie Manrnng turns a double play as a Catvary Chapel baserunner tnes to break it up fl the _Eagles' 12.-5 victory that left both teams bed fOf third fl the PCL standings. OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK HIGH-SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS Unbeaten CdM seeded No. 1 Sea Kings might not be tested until at least semifinals. Tars, lightning also open Saturday. hrry Faulllner OailyPilot LOS ALAMn'OS -Corona del Mu High boys terulk co.dl 11rn MAu18 be- ... hit t~eeecled S. 1Clnll ue :,~~4"m.":~ lhlP.But.heiilllloNallltic..,..., know he mfcht not al upon dm ID be • W ... ..., b allldi more thilrl two ...... -. daa\ -mum ~a o wd the ...... ·..... " .... I*- , ...... . ----~---------~ ~ -- • " Al Tuesday, M~ 13, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL PREPS . beginning soon, the Corooa d.d Mar offensive bnlintrust la making plans to unveil a blast from the past BRIEFLY CdM clinches Contllued from A7 tennis 5ingles c:bampion last fall. has dt!dded to continue ber academic and athletic career. in that order, at Harvard. Coach Dick f'teemMl. largdy based on input from running backs coach Tuny Naranjo. sald che Sea Kings are planning to utilize a direct snap to a running back after sending the quarterbaclc in modon. The aiet. which Freeman likened to the old slngle wing. will, he believes. help maximize the abilides of a talented collection of sldll·position players. Reitz pulls upset . outright crown A gifted mathematician who bu invented two new theories in the 6eld of nwnber theory-they involve concepts so fumgn to my consciousness, I am unable to •TENNIS: Corona del Mar High sophomore Spencer Reitz upset No. 4-seeded Andrew Cllo from Northwood, 6-3. 6-l, to ad- vance to Wednesday's semifinals on the first day of the Pacific Coast League individual boys tennis championships Monday at Laguna Beach High. Outs lltylor won his match ar No. 5 singles to give Vanguard a 6-2 lead. Lumaden'a match wu not completed. Bradbury homers twice in rout of Tesoro. •Corona del Mar High clinched the outright PaciOc Coast League baseball champi- onship in impressive fashion J\Jesday as junfor Josh Bradbury and senior Nick Karp~ had huge offe~e days and senior Nlclc: lthodes ~sharp on the mound in a 12-2 triumph at Tesoro. Bradbury launched two home runs. his seventh and eighth of the season, Including a grand slam in the fifth. He also doubled to finish 3 for 5 with live RBis. ~ was 3 for 5 with a pair or doubles and a two-run clinger. Sophomore Wess Presson was :i for 4, and junJor Blak-e Contant was 2 for 4 with two doubles and two RBls. CdM's 12-hit attack was more than enough to give Rhodes his third wu1 in as many decisions. The third-year var5ity standout,· de&crfbe them in further detail- who has seen limited lnnings she settled on Harvard after due to a sore arm, scattered six considering Princeton, Yale, MIT, hits in five shutout innings. He Cal Tuch and Scanford. struclc out four and walked one. "Harvard probably has the MNiclc looks stronger than he best theoretical math has all year." said CdM Coach · departtnent and I thlnlc I have a John Emme. who also sald his shot to make the tennis team team was happy to cUnch the there," Havens said last week. outright crown with just one MMy goal ls to get a Ph.D., so it league game remaining. really came down to Harvard or "We decided to make sure Princeton. I liked the Harvard there was no co-in from of the campus a lot more. - word champions.~ Emme said. Havens, not surprisingly. has a The Sea Kin~ improvet.l to 4.4 grade-point average and 16-8, 11-3. The Titans feU to ranks No. 1 in her class. And. I 7-17, 3-11. hear, her ground strokes aren't bad, either. Padllc Cont Leacw CdM 12. Tesoro 2 Score bv lnnlna C<lM 002 \41 l 12 12 o Tesoro ooo on o 2 e l N. Rhodes, Dunzer (6). Bradbury 171 and Presson, Hiii, Mclarty (61 and Jacobs. W -N. Rhodes, 3-0. L -Hill. 2B -Karpe tCdM) 2, Bradbury tCdM), Contant (CdM) 2. HR -Bradbury (CdM ) 2, Karpe ICdM). ••• It may be blasphemy to start thinking football with the embarrasment of riches still competing in the spring sports, but with spring practice ••• With a deep and imposing field in the OF Southern Section Division I boys volleyball playoffs, Newport Harbor Coach Dan Glenn is, rightly so, reluctant to forecast an extended run for his Sailqrs. Genn, however, WdS quid lO point out that CdM. the No. 2 seed in Division n whim his team de/ea1ed in four games Friday night. ~ a prime candidate to play tbrougb the end of~ The DMsion n title match ~scheduled May 31 al~ College. Glenn sald the first-round bye !he Sea Kin~ will receive will help them rest injured standouts including Stanford-bound senior Eric Jones. Reitz will square off against CdM senior Garrett Snyder. the No. l seed. in one semifinal at the same site. Snyder defeated Braden Tran of Northwood, 6-1, 6-0. in the quarterfinals, after receMng a first-round bye. Reitz defeated Dieter Schmits from Laguna Beach. 6-1. 6-2, in the first round. CdM sophomore Carsten Ball, the No. 3 seed. defeated Kevin Kordestani, 6-2, 6-2, in the quarterfinals, after sweeping past Brian Thomas from Univer- sity, 6-0, 6-0, in the first round. Snyder and Ball teamed to win the PCL doubles title last year. On the women's side, the U- ons cruised to a 5-1 victory over Region XII champion Virginia lntermont. Vanguard will play fifth-seeded Bmbry-RJddle (Fla.) at 10 a.m. today. Olga Hlushchanka and Alena Votavova picked up a.ri 8-3 vic- tory in doubles and SiJlna Yohner and Sara Bradley won, 8-2, at No. 2 doubles. Hlusbchanb and Yobner Jost only one game in singles. Brad- ley clinched the match with a 6--0, 6-4 win at the No. 4 spot. &rors cost Mesa a win • SOPTMIJ..: Costa Mesa Hlgh's softball team committed five errors, leading to host Santa Ana's 4-3 Golden West League victory Monday. The Mustangs can win the league title outright Wednesday with a victory over visiting Saddleback at 3:15 p.m. Mustangs fall to Saints TENNIS Continued from A7 vance to the second round, it would meet either Servite or Northwood. H Sage Hill can win, it will play either Beaumont or Covina The doubles tournament be- gins at l p.m . today at Laguna Beach. The singles and doubles semifinals and finals are sched- uled Wednesday, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Lions sweep first round AU four of the SainlS' runs were unearned Monday. They scored the winning run In the bottom of the seventh on an in- field error. Santa Ana took a 1-0 lead on three errors in the first inning. They extended the lead to 3-0 in the fifth when a rwo-base er- ror allowed two runs to score with two outs. •Costa Mesa Higb's Gary Gon- .1.d.le-z blasted a three-run home run in the sixth inning. but the rally ended there as host Santa Ana won the Golden West League ba.-.ebaJI game. 8-4. Monday. lne Saints scored all eight earned runs off starter Justin Pe- 1erson (5-4) and improved to 13-12, 4-7 in league. *He's our best pitcher, but un- fonunately he ju..1 had an off day: Costa Mesa Coach Doug Deats '>aid. The Mustangs took a 1-0 lead in the top of the second Robert Ro- drigue'/. was hit by a pitch, reached second on a sacrifice and <,eared on a RBI triple by Steven Doerr. Saota Ana scored three runs in the bottom of the second, one in _.~1e fourth and four in the fifth to take an e-1 lead Alex Pisarski singled to lead off the sixth for Costa Mesa and Ro- driguez reached on an error be- fore Gom:alezs home run. Manuel Gome-z ( 1-1) earned the victory for Santa Ana. pitching a complete game with two stlike- outs. He also hit one batter and walked another. The M~ who dropped to 9-16, 3-8 in league. will finish the season ~y when they host Saddleback al 3; 15 p.m. Golden Wint l..Mlue s.rta Ana 8, Cos1ll Mea 4 Costa Mesa Scote ~ ~ 0 4 6 1 Santa Ana 031 040 " a 1 1 Petereon, Cooper (6) and N Humor. Gomez and Ramirez. W-Gomez, 1-1. L-PeteBOn, 5-4. 28-Ruiz (SA). 3B - Doerr (CM). HR -Gonzalez ( 1 ). Sage Hill, in only its second varsity season, finished 9-8. Coach A.G. Longoria's Ughtning lineup includes Eric Burton and Tristan Cordier, who combined to finish third in doubles in the Academy League. Should Newport Harbor ad- SOFIBALL Continued from A 7 Jaye. whose blast cleared the center-field fence. Jaye and Zoelle went 2 for 4 and Tyson finished 2 for 3 to pace the Sea Kings' eight-hit at- tack. CdM visits Northwood on Wednesday and Calvary Otapel plays Tesoro. CdM and Calvary Whibley, the Academy League champion. i.s the top seed in Di- vision V, where M.L King or Riverside, Academy League run- ner-up Fairmont Prep, and Don Bosco Tech, respectivety, round out the top seeds. split their two league games this spring. so, should they finish tied, a third-place playoff would decide the league's final guaran- teed postseason berth. Paclftc Coast Leape Calvary Chapel 12, CdM 5 Score bv Innings Calvary 110>02 boo l> 12 10 3 CdM 010 040 o 5 88 Paino, Wilt (7) and Merrell; Zoelle and Tyson. W -Paino. 4-8. L -Zoelle. 8-7. HR -Jave (CdM). •TBNNIS: Vanguard Univer- sity's men's and women's tennis teams both advanced to the second round of the NA.IA na- tional championships with easy first-round victories Monday at the Peachtree City Tennis Cen- ter in Peachtree. Ga. The men's team, ranked No. 10 in the nation. defeated un- seeded Walsh (OhJo). 6-2, and will play seventh-seeded Cum- berland College (l(y.) al 8 a . m. today. The Lions took a 2-1 lead af. ter doubles play, as Calle Lums- den teamed with Ivar Bjorklund for an 8-2 victory, and Calle I lolmgren and Philip Mardh won, 8-3. Holmgren, Mardh and Bjor- lclund also picked up the three needed wins in singles, but ln the top of the sixth, Jenni- fer Jordan singled to center and Ann Marie Topps hit a two·run homer for Cos1a Mesa Jade Moss followed with a single and later scored on a fielder's choice to tie the score. 3-3. On the mound, Jack.le Butler struck our six and walked two for Costa Mesa (16-10, 8 -3 in league). GOl.D£N WEST LEAGUE Santa Ana 4, to.ta M .. a 3 Mesa ScoO: ~"1"1 1 e s S. Ana 100 020 1 • 7 , Butler and Miiier. Flores and Delgadillo . W-Flores. lo-Butler, 11_. HR -Topps (CM). OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK VOLLEYBALL Continued from A7 ball of !he season. opens at home Fri- day against Long Beach Poty (19-10), the third-place team from the Moore League. The JaclcrabbilS won the Divi- sion II title at the Orange County Olarnpionships this year and stand be- tween the Sailors and a postseason rema1ch with No. 2-seeded San Oemente. SCHEDULE 11WP01T 11A01 an CWICl"8eA SUMMY --.;,_~-=r::;-~;=..::::;-==~ ---4:00,.a -.,u,2003 CURRENT BUSIHCSS 1003 04 BUDGET Rf VICW l'UBI IC HtARINGS Rf Vtf W. APPROVAL . /IND SUBMISSION OF THE ry 2003.2004 ONE YlAR ACTION PLAN TO lH[ US O(PARTMCHl DURING JtJL Y FOURTH Of HOUSIHO ANO UR-AHO AMfNOIHC CERIAIN BAH DEVClOPMENl SECTIONS IN CllAPTFRS (HUO). 1.04. 1.05. S 11 S 95 CONTINUED BUSINESS AHO tO 58 Of THE fRO.f0.&12. RlYJS!Q~ RLm.AC.tl Mil TO CITY COUNCIL POU· HICIPAL CODE l O IN· CY 8·9 · N~IHG Of CREASE F INl S AHO CITY PARKS PENALTIES FOR MU ORDINANCE ESTA8 NICIPAL COOE VIOLA LISHINC SAfETY EH TIOHS. PROHIBIT THC HAHCEMCHT ZONE S. DELMRY Of ALCOHOL OESIGHATIHC A POR TO AlCOHOL BEvtRACC TIOH or AN AREA IN OUTLETS. INCREASl rnc wr sr NCWPORT BlACH RESPONSIBILITllS OF AS A S AfETY CH THE OWNERS OF SHORT HAHCEMENT ZO NE TERM lOOCINGS ANO REQUIRE. I MME DIA TC TrRMINATION or crR TAIH ACllVITIES UPON REQUESl or A Pl AC[ Of(IC{R IN AH AREA DESIGHAHD AS A SAFETY CHHAHCEMEH1 ZONE. AHO OURINC THE: TIM£ THE DESIGNATION IS EFfECTIVf. CUltRCHT BUSINESS COOl AMCHOMfHT CA 2003 004 ABO AMEHOMEHT (PA 2003 090) AMENOS THE ALCOHOUC BEVERAGE OUTLET (A80) OROI HANCE (CHAPrER 20 89) TO PROHl81T Off· SALE ALCOHOLIC 8CV£RACC OUTlCTS fROM $£UIHC Ott STOftlNC Al.OOl10l.IC BEVlRAGES 001$10t Of THf CXTt:RIOR WALLS or THC UfA8USH MCHT l'ubllshtd Newport Buell-Cott• Mt1t 01111 ftllot Mey 13, 2003 T131 IS<IM •111•..-tolJ .. ISU110fi .... ·-... <Al•At1M ,. ... '*'•· IMIMfl• r tt crt4itor1, c•· tlflCtllt fl ....... tltd .,._ wM ll\lf etll tt•IM M IM•-*I ht bo th, of BRANDON ROSC eke BRANDON ROSC WITWER A PETITION fOR PRO SATE hn been filed by MORrw c R.Os.t 111 ..lb.a Superlot Court ol Cell- fOf nte. County of Oft· AHCE. THC PETITION fOR PROBATE rt.qunli AH- ORE W C. RO S[ be appointed 11 person1I representative to ad· minister tht Htata of the dececi.nt THE PETITION requttli the dtctdent'a Will •nd codtc1ls, If 1ny. be admitted to probete The Will and •n)' codicils ere 1va1leble fOf eumln•· tton 1n th• 1161 ktt>l by lhe court TliE PHITIOH requests euthorrty lo adminlst• the esl1t11 under the tndeptndtllt Admlnls· tratlon of Eatalta Act. (flus Authoflty wilt •How the 1141110flel reprtMn tet1ve to tekt meny utlona wllllout obtalfl ln1 court eppronl 8ef0fe tektnt ~ttln wery Important t dlons, hoWIYlf, the pet toll .. r"1f-t•tlff wltl bt required to ctv• notle• to tntero ltcl '*'°'"' untus they 111119 weWed notlu C)r t11nMnlM to llM proposed K tiOn) Tht htdtii.nclent ed mine.tretlon 1utll0tlty w111 bt 1t•11ttc1 untea• •n 1nteruttd peraon flies •n objKOon to tlM petUlon ""'...,.,Sood ca1119 wft)' tlM COtlft allollld" not 11'•-nt tlM 1utllotlty A HCMINO on llM Pthttofl Wilt " MW Oft JUI« tz, ?OOl •t I :49 p M 111 Oe•t l11 loutt4 at .Ml Tiie ()(y °''" S.ttl. Oflftte, CA t2MI. If YOU OlllCT to tt111 • ffl,..,. of ... ,.. .... . ,.. .............. .. ......... "' ..... ~ ~tleMOttillM .... during the postseason. CdM will face either Citrus Belt League champion Arrowhead Oiristian or Canyon of Ana- heim in the second round at CdM. Can- yon. which won the ClF Division UI ti- de last season, is coached by CdM graduate Man Wmterbum, who played on the Sea Kings' 1989 CIF champion- ship squad, then went on to play for a state championship team at Orange Coast College, before playing profes- sionally on the beach. Winterbum, a first-year wal.k:-on who was an assistant to former CdM Coach Joey Fusheni with the Sea Kings before Conti took the helm, said Canyon lost five starters from last year's champion - ship squad. He also said 6-7 senior John Parfitt, the CIF Division Ill Player of the Year last season, has battled knee and shoulder injuries this season, though he has averaged more than 30 lcills per match. Newport Harbor, which Coach Dan Glenn believes is playing its best volley- obiections with the <ourt A PHITIOH FM PRO before the hn11n1 Your BA TE hH been filed by appuranct mey be in CLAIRE IRCHC LCT10 1n person or b7 you• tl>e SupeilOI Court ol attorney Caillo1nla Countr ol l[ Y..OU ARLA _cam..,_. +u'lAnl""-· TOR or cont1n1ent THE PEllltON roR cred1l0f (1f the <1Ke1sed, PROB AT£ requesh you must hie your cl11m CLAIRE IREHE LETlO be with the court end mail appointed n pe•sonal • copy lo Ult personal reprttentallve to ad reptesenlalrve 1ppointtd minister th• Hl•I• ol by the court within lour the decedent. months from tl>e datt of THE PCTlllOH requests tht first Issuance of the decedent's Will ind letters 11 provided in codicils, II any, bt Prob1te Code section admitted to probate. The 9100. The time tor filln& Will and 1ny codicils 111 cl11ms will not uplre 'v11l1bte fior taem1n1- bef0te lout months from hon In the Ille kept by lhe hH11n1 d•I• noticed the court 1bowe. THE P£TITIOH requesli YOO MAY CXAMIH£ tilt aultlortty to tdm•nlster file •t9t by the court If lht est.It• undtf tile you lrt • person In Independent Adminls lerested In lht Htete. !ration of Cat1tn Act you mey lilt with the (This Authority will •flow court • Request lor the penon1I rtpfeMn Spec..! Notice (form DE· tetlv• to t••• many 1 !'14) ol the Illini of en eel Ions wlttlout obt•lti lnffntory •nd 1pprliYI Ins court 1pproul of ntate usets Of ol 8•1or., t•••n1 cer t .. n t ny ~t1lt0t1 ~ eccount very lrnc>Ofl•nl 1Clt0n., 11 provided lfl Prot>ttt llowe·wer, UM perlOlltl Code Mellon 1250. A r~nenlatf\11 will bt ftequnt lor Sptclal required to liv• not~• Notice form tt ew11tllb1t to llllMast.it peno111 from the court ctetll 1111ln1 they Ill•• .... ,,911 Allttnt)' for Petition•. notice Of conMRltd to ...,... J. I . C-', ~ UM Pfot'OMlf KtlOft.) t 7to A4-ra A"'-s... 1111 lnd1,111dt11t td tel, mlftlatration 111tllorotr C.... • ..._ CA tHI• wlll be 1ran.tad unleu l'ubllalled Newport 1n lntflfUled P•tton 8 .. d1 Cc.t. Mae Delfr fUn 111 objtdloll to tt11 ftllot 1111, ta, 19, 10, pehtll>ft end ahowa tood tool nu21 c.ua why the collf1 · • ...... •'*'Id not O*"t t_fae -tutflorltt .... .._ A H£ARIHQ 011 Illa " 11 • ,,.Utioft will be Mid on •• .. ~. 200) •l l 45 -· p.111. In 01pt. l13 -L..._.. **'tel tt l4l TIM City .,..._ Orm Soutlt, Of••· CA a1au... ..._ to 11 ..,,, MMfi• " YOO OIJlCf to the .... _,.;... ------&JMt'"& of tfle pttm.rt, ·--· ... _., COii• JOll ~.,..., ll the ,..,., cndlt0tt. IM ._,......, •llf a.tab 1_ ,.,_ .... ""' .... .. . • .... lie lftUr•t.4 In ~Of fMt ..... tM .. « ....._, OI ~--tlllcowt .... ef. lNOIMS L ....,_IM ... .,lfll Y- b(l1A. M. .....llllU lll'f M lit Newpon eUminated !he Tritons in four games in the Division D second round last season. Newport also ·knoclced San Oemenre out of the play- offs in the Division I second round in 2000. This season, however, the South Coast League champions boast a 26-1 record. Valencia of Valencia is the No. l seed in Division II, where San Marcos and Santa Barbara are seeded No. 3 and No. 4. respectively. Camarillo is the top seed in Dlvtsion Ill, where Downey is No. 2 and Ocean View is No. 4. Loyola is top-seeded in Division I. San Oemente, Hunllngton Beach and Westlake, respectively. round out the top four .. person or by your attorney tr YOU ARE A CREDI TOR 01 conlln1enl cred1to. ol lht deceewid you rnvst hit yOI# c:JMm with the court end me1I e copr lo I ht per sonat repruentahvt eppolnled by the court w1lhin lour 'montll1 from lhe d1te ot the lor~I luuence ol letters H provided In Ptobett Code section 9100. Tht time fot filln1 claims will nol eaplte btfOfe lour months from lhe hHrlns d1le notlcad ~bove YOU MAY f XAMIHf IM foe ktpl by the court II you are • ~son In· lett,ted 1n tht est•t•. you mey hit with the court 1 Request tor Spec11t Nollet (fOfm ()( I !>4) ol lhe flhn1 of en inventory end tppr11ul al Htelt eu.h or of any petition or ICCOUnl 11 provided 111 Ptob1te Code wctlon ltso. A Requnl tor Speclel Holice form Ii 1011.tble from the court clet~ AllorMY for l'tlltlolltf .....,_...._., ... SM ,,,., IOOI ~ C.-tw ~ .. s ... ,,,, 8"1r-,C.At2'11 Publislled Dtll~ Pr60t N1wpott 8t1cll·Coat1 Mesa Mey 7, IJ, 14', 2003 Wfl52 51191COllTOf cu.. a.rYOf saa=· .............. 144SS<Mc .... , YklrA, CA t2Sft TllLE OF CASE (~BBREVIATEO) IN Tll[ MAnER OF DAHICl LC ROSE BOYER, A MlnM A Ptr10n who shell be dect1red free from llle custody and control ol het p11tnh CITATION fRCEOOM rROM PARENTAL CUS· TODY ANO CONTROL (A8ANOOHM£NT RE. AOOPTION) CASIMUMlla. 'IAVSOMM THE l'E Ol'l E Of THl SlATE Of CAllfOflNIA. To KIHN T IO't'£R, end to afl l)ef'IOns c lelmine to " UM r1u. ., motn. of a~ lftlftOr Pfll''°" 1bo¥1 ne!Md IJ ercltr of tMI Cowt Yolit Ill ,_ .. , cited .... ~ ..... you 111•r _... Ntor• tM Ju4ae ,, .. 1111111 In ~Nftl. 14455 CWlc Oflwe, \'lctOfWlnl. CA 9Ul2 of tM Moft· 111Ut1M court on Jllne 20, 2001, ll 10.00 o'dodl e.111. of tllat dlJ, tlMn and IMr• lo atlow C:IUM, H ... , ,oll lt•ft1 wtlJMN ,_~ ~ Mt M ,_WM fnle fl'OI" tM coittrel °' w ,,., ..... Wdf .... ... ,.u ........... . ... c:..t ... .... .................... ,...." .,. ., .. ..... ~':.'°i, .. c.1 ..... ....... .. .....111 ....... , ............... ""'' .......... . .... _ ...... .. ~---... ................... .................... ~ ... c:.t .... 'rt 5 dlw• TOOAY BNeball High adlool • Foothill at Newport Harbor. 3:15 p.m.; Oxford at Sage Hill, 3:15 p.m. . Golf High school -&tancia at Southern Region team tournament. at Los S.rranos CC North, 7 a.m. Softbell High achoo! -Woodbridge at Newport Harbor, :t.16 p.m.; Capistrano Valley Christian at Sage Hiii, 3:15 p.m. Tennis College men and women -NAIA National Championships, Peachtree City, Ga., second round: Vanguard men on. Cumber1and, Ky .. 8 a.m.; Vanguard women va. Embry-Riddle, Aa .. 10a.m. High school boys -Corona del Mar at Pecific Cout League finals. at Laguna Beach High, first round doubles, 1 p.m. H you r~t appoint~ counHI The purpou of this action. to "" the minor from the custody ol Ml p-b, IS to IJ'ITITllt the adoplton of s11d mlnOf to a su1t1blt 1doptln1 parent. The Court mey con t1nue then procndlnp, not to exceed th1rty (30) d1ys, ts necea11ty to eppolnt counsel end eneblt counsel lo bt· come familial' with theM proctedlnp. Ginn undef my ~nd and &eel ol the SUI* ior Court of the County of S.n 81fnerdino, St1te ol Cellfor nl•, thla 22nd di y of Apftt, 2003. COOHlY Cl[Rt( IT /S/ AMY SlUSMU. ·~slltd Newport BeeGll..CO.tt Mete Dt_ify Pilot Mey 6, 13, 20, V , 2003 fl26 ...... ...... ••••...n NoUC. ....... , .... llllt tM ............. .. ........ tvetlCMI, pur111Ht te ltctlo11 21700 of tM ---Ind ,.,......_., c:He. tM ........ 4-Ylbe4 pr..,.ny .. wtt: OWAM SCllOIHSK Y 0·21 I••. wntVtltt..,_, e1ttt, tflf. tl>I, tloltlu, TV, Ila. tnllc. WIU,IAM ~Tif, OOTT J.81,... "'*'-· lllltl., ..... WM, ~l lof1 inllc. JOM IOO•n !( •• , ...... ~ "'..,· NIH, .....: X>ttN llHU1 l ·l' ... . ~····~ ...... . ... ..,., .. di • SOlllA ADMll H·M lu••· ptaattc •&1 . C ....... f .. 81 ......... .... , ...... .. '°"Ml, ... , .. .................. ......... ........ ~ ...... ? ~ sHltd bids m•J be submlltad In 1dwtnce) on the 21st d•y of M•y 2003 et Z 00 P M 1l tht premises where u1d oroperty h11 bun stored , end whlcll " locet•d at AYRES snr STORAGE. 7012 Ernest Ave .. Hunt1n1ton Buch. Ce (714) 8"8·73t4 l1ndlor d reserves the rtsht to bid at tilt ule. Purcllnn must be mede by caah end p11d tor at the time of purchese. All purchued 1ood1 111 sold as Is ind mual bt removed at lime of ult. Sal• Is 1ub1ect to c1ncellatlon In tht event of Mtttement betw"n llftd!Ofd and obli&1ttd {>lflJ. Publllhed on 05/06/03 and 05/13!03 Auctlonn r W1nd1 Hott.II f™ld t S-400· a ... ,.,_. (714) 148 7314 Ar r11 Self St1r111. R"'*11tMaft11Wt l'ubllalltcl Newpo!t 1.-ctl-c.t• ..... Ody 'llot Mer I . U , lOOJ Tl21 CWSIFID ~s the ~ution you'reactq torthether JM'reSlekq1 ---~ pet«• Olly Pilot ;. ...... ~ .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim_-.1.ii, ..... ~11·~·16~*._.;;•~ Liii'"*" NOTICE OF TRUS. on ._ 491y of .:_ ll01kl Of AVAUlllTY lU'9 IALE T.S. No. TNMor. •AMARA w. OU-.t_ .,.,_ L.GM No. TRAINOR, AH IJf+. P1111uant to S.CllOll :::1=-:a.~oo°=i MARRIED WOMAN 6104(d) of the Int''"'' IN ........... ·r I..-. .. Duly ~ r.,,. Revenue eoo.. notice Ii .,......._ ,,,........, ,. '9r. 00U>EN WEST hertl>y &i'len that Ille DEl.D OF TRUST SAVINGS ASSOOIA-•nnual relutn for the DATE> OllUW'1-. TIOH SERVICE A£2:&._A ulenda• yur 2002 of UHLIU YOO TAKE CALIFORNIA ~ the Jack and Adele ACTION TO PROTECT RATIOH "-did Mason family Found• YOUR PAOPERT'YT IT Olnaf1... • ~ lion, Inc.. 1 private lllAY IE IOlD A A "*" No. 1lll0301~ found11ion, 1s ... llablt PUIUC IALE. F YOU In book , 11999 of om. 11 the foundation's NEED ""' EXPl.AHA-dill Reconfi In the pr1nclp1f office lot TIOH OF THE NATURE office of h RecOfdef in!ijle(lion durina re1utar OIF THE PAOC££DING of ORAHGE eounty1 bus1ne51 llou" from AOAINIT YOU, YOU ClllttonW. 0... Of 9 00 AM lo !i 00 P.M IHOULD CONTACT A Sllt:Wi#noo:s at 2:00 by any cll11e n who LAWYER. A public PM Pi-of Seit: AT requests 11 within 180 MICltlof1 .... to the THE NORTH FRONT days alter the date of llllt'IMt bkidlt tor ENTRANCE TO THE this publication ceeh, calhler'1 chedl COUNTY COURT· Tiie foundahon'\ p11n dr9Wn on I l1MI Of HOUSE, 700 CIVIC clpal ott1ee is louted al nlllionll blink, chedl CENTER DRIVE WEST, 1000 Quail Street. Suite dr1IWn by I 1te• Of 8ANTA ANA. CAU-230. Newport Buch, Ca ....,.. crMlt IA'llon, Of FOANIA Amount of 92ti60 949-752-8265 I ctiecll drlwn by I unpekl balance and fhe pr 1nc11>al man1aer ..... Of tldlrll NVlngs oth9r Chargee: ol the foundalton 1s Jac:k encl lolln ...oc:lltlon, $351,253.41 Sttwt Muon C/0 John l Of IM9 ... eoci. AddNu or other Ry chel. CP A . 1000 Uon, Of Mvlnge .,_,. common dHlgnetion of Qu•1I Street, Suite 230 . "'9dfled In Section AMII ptoperty II put· Newport Buch. Ca. 5102 ot the Flnllnclll pOl1lld 1o be.· 9 SEA 92ti60 Code encl euthortz.d to COVE LANE NEW-Pubh~lled Newpor I do ~ In ~ POAT BEACH, CA Beach-Costa Me\a D11ly ..... wlll be lwld by U,. 92t10 A.P N.. ~ Piiot M•Y 13, 2003 T 129 cMy mppolnted INll... 402 The undefsigned Adi"-..... • .._, below, of .ii TruslM dleclllma any t1ght. tftle, Md lnWHI ll1bll1ty tor any lncor-... S....... ~ to end now l'IClneu of the attwl lhe followona persons lwld by b lnlltle In lddrffa Of other com-are doini bu\ineu as IN ~ ct. mon dHlgna-tlon, " lfSS P11n1on1 18251 Kttbld P'OPlf1Y under any, ahown above. K no Muunl Bdldy Core le Unrt lfld puraU9l1t to a Deed atl'Mt IOdrua or Olhef 11. f ounl•on Valley CA of TF\191 dMctlbed common dfflgnatlon la 9?708 be'oW. The .... wlll be shown, directions to lnlern1honal I echn1ul midi, but wlthouc lM loeltlon of lhl Stall1n11 Solultons (CA) CO'l9nlnt or Wlmlllty, PfC>perty m1y be ob-1781!> Slo.y Part. Corcle ~ OI lmplled, talned by sending a Urool £. Irvine CA 92614 rwgerdlng tldl, poete9-written r~t to the Thos busmn~ 1\ con lbl, Of encumbnlnc:e9, ben.llclary within 10 dullt-d by a cor pOr •llon to pey lhl ...mainlng daya of the dalil ol first Have you \t•r led do11111 ptlnclpel lum of the publl-catlon of Ihle bu\lne\\ yet> No rM*i(I) MCured by the Notice of Sale Diie: lntern•t1onat lelh Died of Trwt, wtth Aprll 25, 2003 AGENCY ni<:al Sl•lfong Soluloon,, lntlf'M1 encl ... SALES ANO POSTING A Dennis lier nan du C'*VM tMnlon, II Aa 1199n1 for GOlDEN Gen M•na11er prcMded In the notl(1). WEST SAVINGS AS-!hrs 'tateinent w;" ldVllnc:IM, und9r lhl SOCIATION SERVICE filed with the County llrme ot the Deed of CO., A CALIFORNIA Cieri. ol Orange County Truet. interMt lher9on, CORPORATION 8801 on 04/08/0J ...... ctwvff and FOLSOM BLVD, SUITE 20036940 I SO ....,._ of the True-230 SA~AMENTO, CA Daily Pilot Apr 79, Mdy ... fOf b toe.e amount 95828 Telephone Num-6 I l 20. 2001 I 118 (ll lhl ..,. of !tie Initial ber. (llOO) 840-3547 putlfk.clon ot IN No-Sale s .. tua Ll111: (t16) nND 11c1 °' a.i reeeone-387-7729 Nett s.ncwa. n Illy ...,,..., to be M l ANJstant S.crai.ry for1tt below. The ASAPS3S492 06/06, M10UN mrt be IP'Mfilf 05/13, 06.'20 Polic·y Re-.. .... ......... The loltowon& pet sons llf• do1n1 bu11Mu H Harbof South Coe.st, 27 Giotto. At.10 v .. io. CA 9265e Atehllfd B Hll .. y, 27 GN>llo. Aliso V,.Jo, CA 92656 Palltetll M H•ley, 27 Glollo. Aliso V1eio, CA 92656 Tll1' bu$1nen 11 con ducted by • husband and wife Hive you ''•rl•d doon1 bu11nni yet? Yes, 4/9/03 RIChard B Hal•y P1lrlclit M Haley This sl1temenl was filed with the County Cle1k of Oranae County on 04/22/2003 2003H41117 D•lly Piiot Apr 29, Mey 6. 13, 20, 2003 T999 RdltlM .... ... s...... I he follow1n1 per \On\ •re doin& buS1nen n CERAMIC D£StGNS BY BAUCE 17150 Newhope F ounl••n V;alley C•h ICM,,IA 92708 Brule l errente reno flO. 19!>41 W•lttbury Hun1onaton Both C•h for noa 916'6 fh1' busmt\'.\ 1s con due led by •n 1nd1v1dulll !live ,ou \lllrled do1n1 bu\lnl'\\ ytl' Yes 11/?0t 94 Brute I ~"'"'e 1 eno 110 lht\ \llll~inenl Wd\ llled with thr County Cler~ of 01 an Ke County Oil OJ/31/0J 200369'9111 D,11ly Pilot Apr 19. Moty 6 IJ,20.200J Tll9 RdltiM lurilllss M..eS"'-t lhe lnllowina per \On\ .ire doona bu"""\' <I\ s I AR<; KUS roMAU ro MOBIL 184 M.rnll Pl #A, Cu\lot Mn.t C:.ah "'""" 9261/ A\la N Wotld Int <rAi 184 Merrill Pl •A ( •1\ld M"\.t C.tlol"'"'" 926/1 H.ve you at.rt.cl dolna busll>ns y•t7 Ho Asia H World, Inc , Takuhl Takahashi. Ow Mt Tlit. •latement •n h .. d with Ille County Clerlr. of Oran1• County on 04/16/03 200Ht41 , .. D1tly Pilot~ 22. 29. Mo6 !l ~ Ill! Re-.. ..... .......... The followin1 person• ue dom& builneu u Suzdo1 and CQmf>Any. 183!> Newport Blvd Suite A190 193. Cost• Meu. Cahlorol192627 K•11n Brtttain, 1835 Newport Blvd. Suite Al90 193. Costa Mesa. Cahlornra 92627 K•nl Brllla1n, 183!> Newpor I BIYd. Suite Al90 193, Costa Mesi. C•l1forn1a 92627 fh1s business is 'o" ducted by husband and wofe Have you started dorna bu\iness yet? No Kent Brill••n TlllS statement was hied with the County Clerk of Or•nee County on O!i/09/03 200369UIS6 Daily Pilot May 13 20 27 June 3. 2003 I 132 Ad!HM .... "-S...... The lollowin1 pers.on\ ., e dorna business a. MOM Construet1on, 21332 Sand Dollar lane. Hunl1nrton Brach, Calo for noa 9?646 M1chhl D•vod Meye1 ?1332 Sotnd Dollar lotne . Hunl1n11ton Beach Calo forn1a 9<>646 This business 1s con duded by .in mdov1dual liave you started doing business yeP Yes, 11 t 02/02 Mrke Mey401 f hl\ s lat•menl was hied with the County Clerk of Or an at County on 04/14/03 20036940132 Daily Piiot Apr ?2 29 Ma y 6 ll 2003 rtlO .......... ... s...... The follow1n1 persons llf t dolll& bUSIMU II EmpMlum Col .. ch on.s. 1850 Whll1iu Avenue K 202, Cosl1 Meu, CA 92627 Sun Sink 18SO Whtll,.r Av1nue, I( 202 Costa Men. CA 92627 This business ts con ducted by an 1nd1vldu1I Have you 1tlfled dom& busmen yet• No Sun Sivik Thos s tatement WI\ filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 04/25/2003 20036942431 Daily Pilot Apr 29. May 6. 13. 20. 2003 fl17 fidltlm t.Meu ... s..... fhe followm1 persons a1e doina llusinen n Virtual Perfeclton. Z867 Veluto Lant, Co\la Men. CA 92626 ~son R Trash. 2861 Velasco l•ne. Cust• Meu. CA 92626 Th ts bu\lneu 11 tun ducted by •n 1nd1v1du1I Have you !>tarted dome bus1neu yet? No Jason Trask Thi'.\ stlltement wn ltled w1l1\ the County Clerk of Ou nae County on 04/08/0l 20036940111 Daily Piiot M•y 6 I J 20. 27. 2003 fl 25 ~~ ... s..... The lotlow1ne pe"o"' are doma busines• d\ UNLIMITED GIFTS, 11>40 Newport Blvd Loi « Costa Men. CA 92627 Cynthia Jean Schrot~ er, 1640 Newpor I Blvd Loi «. Co•ta Mn• «A 92627 This busines\ '' ton dueled by "" ond1v1du~I Have you !>la• led doing business yd? No Cynthia Jean !)(.hroct.er This statement wn hied wolh the County Clerk of Ou niie CO\lnly on IY.>/O!i/03 20036943510 Daily Pilot Mlly 27 June 3. 2003 How to Place A Tuesday, MIJ 13, 2003 At ......... ... s...... flM lo1Jow1n1 petM>ns ate doln1 bu11nen n P•tlnetl rlnK l.11 Sef 11tcn , 18582 Bead! Blvd 1218, Hunhncton Buch CA92648 ltonald john Robbins, 4J Rotky Knoll Irvine, Cahlo<nia 9261? Thii bu"""' 1' con dueled by •n mdm duat Have you ~IMled doNI& but1nen xet' Ho llon•ld ~n llobl>tn\ This tlal•m•nl was hied wolll flle Co.inly Cler-ot Otani• Co.inly on OS/01/0J 200S6t4J072 Daily P1tol M.ly 6 13. 20 17.2003 11Z4 PUTAFIW WOIDSTO WORIFOR YOUI {949) 642-5678 STARTING ANEW BUSINESSff1 • • • • • • • • • • • PUTAFIW WODSTO WOllFOI YOUI (949) 642-5671 /hr I tt,.il l>rpamnn11 a1 the Dady /'i/(I( tJ p/r.1,,/111 "''""'"'"" nru f'rvut now aM1lable to ntu.• bimntnt> Wr wrl/ now 5f.ARf'H 1hr namr for you"'"" r:>.l•u 'I .irx,r .inti ull'f you 1hr 11mr and fl)( mp to tlu Coun Housr 111 .S,wt11 A11.1 Thm nf. fllmr .ifur tht mu rli u compkrrd u·r will fik _your fia1110u1 bu.1nr 1 ,1.imt 11.11tmtru U'llh thr lounry C.krlt. pub/uh oncr 11 u.irrlt for four u·uks .i rrqurrrd by l.m and thnt fik your proo/o/pub/1c1mon wuh thr (ounry f lnl />lrau stop by 10 fik your fimmm.s b1mnm •tntrmr111 .11 il1r I Jai/y l'tlot 3 W W !J,q \1, Cnita Mna. lfyrm r11nT1ot itop by. pkaJt c.1'1 u• .11 ')JI)) (-,./}-4 ~.?I and U'f u•1/I make 11rrangrmmr1 for you to handk rlw praudurt l'l 111111' If ynu 1hould hat•r any fimhrr qurmom. pltt1u call 111 .Jl/l/ wr wtll br rnort tha" f./ad 10 /JJJIJI JOll. (1ood fuck tn _Ytlllf l/l'U hu<lllt'll 0 DailyA Pilot ---Deadlines -- Rates and dcddlmcl> arc 'UhJe1..t 111 c~e w ithout notKc . The putih,hN reserve!> the right 111 cen\or. rcch~-.1fy. revise or rcJCll any cla~'1ticd advenisement. PleJ...c rcpon <Ul} error that may be m your c.ld~~1ficd Jd immediately The 0dtl) Pilot au:cpL' no hahihty for any error 1n an adven1~ment for which ti mdy be rc\pons1hlc citt:cpt for lhc co'l of the space ac1uall} ou·up1cd hy 1hc error Credit can onl) he all11\\ocd lur the fi N m..ert100. CLASSIFrn AD Mnnd.1) .... . .... ... . h1tht) 5 OOpm V1onda) 5 OOpm Rv Fa>. 19491 6 l 1 M9-l t l'l«-· .. ~ mduJit 'tour °"""" J.ud r'•..,.. nurnt...-r .i.nd ,. < II ull \t1'1 tu..l v.tlh a Pftu' ~4u~"c I l di:phltnl' I! "\Oam S.OOprn Mond.iy-Fnday By Phone (949) 6-l2-5678 II ours Index By 'lail/1.n Pt•rson: l '0 w .... ,t B.iy \tret:t Co,La Mi:...a. CA 92o:!7 Al Ni:wpon Rlvd & BJ) ~1 Walk-In ~ _,Oam 'i OOpm Monday Fnday 'Wed11e-,dj~ .. . . ..... Tuc-,da) 5·00pm Thur-,Jj~ ... 'Wnlne ... dJ\ 5 OOpm Fndj\ ............. Thur,da~ 'i OOpm Sjturd.I\ .................. rnda) HJOpm SunJ.1\ h 1d.t) 'i OOpm ANNOUN<IMENTS N J & MISC. 1010-1110 ~I 1ili1 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collldiblal MlmcnlMlla 1160 TOP SS 4 UCCMtOS n c -a..:. [le. ~ & eh a Allee. SI*. t1A>e ~ Mrlr.e 9~49 645 7505 emRTAINMBfT catenda'ili EVlllb 1310 (QUAl llOUSllG utfOlrmrt All rHI esl•te 1dvet ll11n11 rn tll1i newsp1J>i1r 11 subject to the r edenl felt Houslna Act ol 1968 11 1mended wllrch mt~IS 11 llle1•f te 1dver1ise "an, prefer ence, llrn1l •llon or d11arminelion beitd on rke, color, rtllalon. Ml. handlc:aci. l1mllT•I 1i.t111 or n•llOMI orleln. or an ifttentJon lo meb 1ny ~II pteference. ltmlta llon or dtSUlm1natlon • fhlt MW1Pll* wlH not 11"41wtnctr 1ccttil •nr IMtveftlHment '°' rNI nltlt wtllell b In w1ollhon of the la• Ouf readers ''' llarebl lnfot-4 that •II dwtl lnp .,.., ...... , In thll n1W191C1W ere •vllt.tblt Oii ell tel\ltl Oj)flOflUlllly bath To cofllj)ltln of Ills crlflllftahon, cal HIJO , ... ""al 1-IOO 42• IS90. MARW wcmsTO ... ' • "2-5671 ~ 1489 $ 230S·2490 1413 ... ..... <OSTA•Ull• ... ....., .... l ESTATE R SALE RNANCWJ PROFESSIONAl SERVICES .... ... A 1111• 1111 RR•lllSI .......... ., .... ... Y•I lhlM ,_ ;;:;...::~-J-ii 11now w11o ,ou ••? Y• N I ..._tie wwy ._,...... ....... ---.. --... --• ...... ,., ,, ..... ' ........ ... 1011lfHtHt rocer•. ;:L,, ....... .. c.,., ..... -......... ,.., ..... ,.. .... ,,.. ..... -... . ....... ,.,, .. , .. .....,n fCM<.MMt :r=: Sil .:;~. ~ Jili.L .......... . . , : ·\> ·.,, • . I • , _'-L - 7402·7466 IOIWS10 soos-saso ~. I & . ........ . ' 3460 MISCEUMEOUS MERCHANDISE JEWELJIY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECK>US METALS CentC .. nN• ... • Old Co1nsl Gold. 51IVM iewelry, walcn., antiques collecbblts 949 641-9448 OFFICE FURNITURfJ BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 3515 AIOUT IUCUIC 'MlllLOIMtS Hew no co.t lo )'1111 ' ....,.. Medic.,, 1c cepied Wllllllotilh and p-- c:t.s.. (ICOOWI'·•> 'We lrMI )'1111 rW!lf Cal 7 tl•y• (800)83 5 3155 (CAL•sr.Nf) ca a111 ••••••••• ~~ ..... ..... c-. ..... ...... ~.11 ••••••••• 3155 SHOP WATICIN e ~ line of !hi! f1iPst ~ Pf~ HNIUI. nubrtion. iPJrmel toocb and per SONI are. OUts ..... quil1ty s ince 1868 www walkoo5onlone com/ rllflCllrson (~ -sl:AN) 3-snn IUllDINGS 2813() WIS $8,900, sell SJ,890 36148 wn Sl4,900. sell $5,950 481 tOO WllS $26,900, sellS12,900Call Howl l om 800 392-7806 Tr••"•lll Consumer Cutdt "BES T BUY" Ht1lth Club Quality, Lilthm• Warranty. N- in Bo a. Comp1lr •l S2t100 Sell f AST 0..ly $995 -950-3200 ... ..... ,so FIMANCW srcans Of the S.0,.-W-""yl Ten Techniques t he the wultlly use ewrymy to l'ICf1l5e tt-wealtt> If you truly des.a'• to «hM! l1n•nc1al securoly· You l1'llAI hlw this! l -Ul-891 3260 S20 V/MC/OISC by Patrd. 1.AMtua, author ot tnestment 8UICS fr• s.M (CAI. •SCAN) suu A sucassf'Ul home euv-lllat ~ money '" the fnt montM S5.(XX)-$2011XXl I* monlll 1-800-287-0lli two "*1ute recorded mess11e (CAL•SCAN) Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Hom es Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ~sF<JA SN.£ RURAL PROPERTY 5400 FOR SALE ORANGE COUNlY 3-~ IR ll. t/M \l ~ .. ~ lt1 .,.,. s.--.d lld ~ ..u.r"" It> ,..,, '-h t., s;>«»n 'Jfi~ncn:_, ... ...,._,._. Ppn1n,ula Stud>O Ap~•lmt'nh n•ol "&t $60:.0 lW> ~q 67l 7800 Corona dtJ Mar a,.. s.. 1-S. ' .. c-. ~ .. 481 pool. 1'>e l)8llOFamlC ocean -· S?Jm.(Dl. "' "*di Inn 9&«£9711!> CcaDICm l'llMl HTAns PATltKlt TINotll NA TIONWIOI USA t4t-IS ... t70S w•w pair !do tenOf'I com , .... ladl n. .............. .. 4br 2..5be, oflice. -windows & plumb1n1 ZIOOd and more. 161.5.<XX> Clll Jiii, .. 714 m.Jl!I& .......... RanchalFannsl Cosbl Mm Counlry Pra,et1y 5915 1-'Y o-4 c.-...., l'eo•ln•wl. l'el"' 1 br Iba not Pl~ lllfn"hed, •hared laund ul~ onc:I act SU!i0949 673 7800 COlOaADO aANCH SW Vetec C " Ownef lwtallC9' Cd lol flee I 1166.§196-5263 (CAL •SCNf) RESORT/ VAl:AllON PROPERTY FOR SALE ATTNo DISaT UWlltS JIAJIYANwwnN DYSC*&DYSOM ....ST...SUS T.0-ln-"Sf llr lie .... •11'>'1 p lr'tl ..... to T"SCJ ~ mo Wal .. 'b "5h INfd iu.. ~1m11>t~ lat 92fX) ~ ... It. Ille "1Jt. w ballony e••. w1ter & I• Hh p~1d No peh . S97!>• mo 949 b!>O 37 lS IASTSIOI Sc>•ctOU~ 28r Duptu fp encl 1•d •Id aarace. StS95 mo '"-'•shops 9'9-~3959 ntne ....... llr, pr • d tlow to ~Kh 501 16111 \I io-untl vwy cpet. SlHl/mo 949~ 36113 MW O" 111 MO UNY for move in M9y I 551 w/12 mo IMM ~ l'lftlOdll9d c..,. Code ~t)lit Communll)' W/,_ IPP&, cwpel & '* amc Illa WWW./dlyet *'-"* & 1•ftr19nlor wd>dtd ..... ipl l& $10'.6 2llr 114«1 (114) ...,_,Sft ._ 2llr ............ ~Lt&"-'*­llD f.,_ IL Sl~ tCLK.. »n ,..._.bt2bll c lo .,_, IMpt l'alro l caipr,.-..,. ~ ,...._ •Wt-brend ,... $1600 M9 673 7IOO 21H 2 ~h wd. tn a ,. 0... ..... .._ w/\oft. Siii yd, 2 c 1tl -:!Is 1.!1111 .... ..... Row•Rltl .. 1., $Z1009ot9-376 1197 ._ ., .._ ~ 2 c .._.._. .-1111111mt1M1J. PW CoesVOct911 •tew, tt1tN -. ZN ''' r.0111 & batll 11P U90 YIAll. Y UASI N.wly ' .. .., stwa.,. & ~,. M IU CllruNOY RUl TORS ~ ~A.::-i 1Nb/llftlllr."'1. ~ -:'!M~t~-6~7S~"4~1~6~t~iiSil950~1M~ Mt 111 lMC 11650 .., 111 1412 r RESIClENTW. fOlT Al.5 OMIE 1• COllfTY A 10 Tuesday, May 13, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Newport Beach 82AeollCIMf lltrd• 113 f>ley'ono millblt 88 fllOi..... blldl 87 MIMe!Cr.- 88 log homl 89 Tet111*1 -· 70tM~ 71 v...., 12 MlcMttl .. di91 DOWN 1 PYma ooms*'<ll 2 G•or~ 3 PkNlef 4 Oumponlhe ,,,.,. .. 5 OrNn't IS Alona token 7 Sitcom planec IS Boundl~ rnU1 i Who's on -1· 10 Stl•UI• ot )111ns 11 Uvy'•r* 12 Satt-91 13C --'* 21 POik IC)\jfW 23 Pueno Atc:an p0<1 25 Snort al dillgu9I 28 Pvt V CIOAOy 26 MoYle .. ..,.,.-on 29 FWUNll 3 t eon.. m1111 .. Spcodous ._ Boy 2&, 'l tun bath. bale. beach. 1>.wt.. leflnr<. N<1 pets. Sl20(Vmo I yedr leaSA!! llvatl 6. I'> 949 566-9988 S ... to _..., yriy rental, I nl511 ~I.es.. 2 !JOO ocn vu, l)lltw>/bllcony Ip P no Jl''I "Ill S?«X> ~781) ~29r lBa. dcu to be<ll h nrwty , emodeled an il"'Wd~I\~ S?'{l'I 11'•• 949.0r.>· 946() 8EACOH BAY/UY AtOHT up,11111\ 7br l 5ba Ip, p.lr wd hkuµ yr fst- \?600tmo 949 673 841 I lg 38 r 2. S8o in eated <t11nm w pool spa+ 1111v.itc yard SJOOO/mo ll1~nl 949 856 970!> ~l 17 V1.1 ~irto 48' ? 'i& 3c ear fp COUltYMd. ups!Mr~ ~~ SS<XX> mo 949-~ Newport Coast Crfnd Cove wall to the bMt.h '""'ry ocean VleW'i & "in<.Pts tit -. ... y home 'I& J 58a. rR S7200lmo llvllli mw aiit 949-nS.2742 32 AaDf -R•-33 Oung.hO 34 Olil011$ 39 Chal1191' •om ~ Olyo<• 41 ICnol 42 GooCI on llMI podium 44 --l"MJ _IOUS., 48 T11m 49 5Mpl;nol tAk6r SI Truce rMUll 12 13 EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY, AND RESUME SERVICES 8020 AWESOME CARUR $13 21 S38 00•/hr . Post•I Pos1t 1on~. H1r1n2 For 2003 I ull Btonef1h. Nu eAP "q , Call Now 1-«)C). 87S-9078 bt 118 8500 ADMIN ASST PT Costa Men craft dist Cat~toe dev up d MS ,.ord Ca eel Internet C•ll 10·121m 714 ~I 4.808 www pa1nt1nlools com Everyday ls a great day in Classlfiedl Be a part of It, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 Bridge By CHARLES GOREN wtth OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WHAT'S mE OIANCK? Ouch vul~bk. South iJeuh. wti a11apinsHhc-OOcb11wnc. WF.S'r • /\7 r; OH NORTH • 853 .... 10941 <> K 963 .. 74 Dech1rer "'on 1he dub opcnina lead in hand and matte" crew &)oomler when the 1ee and klnt of l1asu were c:is:hed co re veal 1 tnlmp io.c:r. Declam cooccded lbc lnlmp lnd. II.I West. wholoe only we CAii was 1 club. ruffed in lbc c"*'d hAnd.. /72 085 lbrre WU I (aJJJC chance fot lbc COOtnlCt. It roquiml Wci.t to hold specincally a doubleton ace or spades. To cakr tu thh pos.\ibility. doc larer now led a low l)ll(le 10 lhe ciati1, loslns 10 E&t's nine. Back Clime a spade. declurer ducking and Weot winning the trick wil,h lhc nee. .. J 9 8 s J • I( Q 10 6 2 so um • KJ42 '\>AK86 3 A 104 •A MH<Tl I EA.'fl' Tilt defender now hlld a chorce uf l113ing llClions. Since 1 club would allow dcx:lascr to ruff in dummy while discarding 1 diamond from h.ind. lhcn take 11 winrung ~ or the jnck of ,pades, West exited with the Ja<:k or diamonds. Declarer played for split honon by winrunc wuh dummy's king. lbcn nna~ing the ten. After Cll.\hing lbc ace. declar- er had se•eral wayi 1.11 Ulke the l'C\t ot lhc 111Ch South could CJLUI the king or :i.pade~ and ruff the Jack on lbc table, or cro.~~ to dummy with u 11ump and take the murked line~"' for the 4ucen of ~padc,. or di1oe11rd the J!td. of 'padc~ on lhc good d1amood and the closctl hand wouJd be high. All Jcclurer lo-.1 w~ lwo i.pil(le. und .i trump 11\'T ~ ) "-,._ PIM Opening lead Five of• If there i.s ooly one dw~'C tor )'t1Ur <Allllr.K:t, play w. if tlwt di~tnbu11on c ~ 1~t~. Here is an eiuunple of what we fllClln. l!vcn playing one-no-trump fort:· mg. Nonh'~ hand i• wuefull)' wo::.lk for .iny action. HoweYer. ITI<hl l:lf!Cn' dcte'I j>a.'-'ing tuul<.I\ w11h luur ... ·.inJ \upport for op.•ner·, rm11or, Whllh allow~ the Oj>JlOMllOO fre< rein m rnn~t the '1Uct.lon. "° the "''uh IOAT Ol'ERATORS Bn•I o~rators needed for harbor operations at Two H;ubors. Cataltna l~land H•rbol Patrol and Shoreboal wrlh 6pk to ~ ton hcense looking for outgo1n2 team 011enled people. for 111fu 1.all 310'510·4204 C...-porate Party Plannina & Galer1112 Co Now Hirlfl& Sfor vers & Bartendefs for PIT Work Ca" 8001742 88511 lo set up !flier view 1Mt1VUt: OWHOI Of'Ol- A TOR! Have Yo'a' own truck, Loc:iluni for !Ode pt'fldeoce 1 l Mldst• h.s1. the lools/h ell!hl to make you \UCCe\~fut• CALI LMVSlAA 8118-835·3858 (CAl. •SCAN) on....n er-()penllton) $1000 si&Jl on bonus. We have a lot. Oxnard, CA lt!f'minal. Armelin Express Lones 1~0343 Rl!f •IOI (Email recrut 1112@armd1nu:om) eoe nl/f Td/V (<:Al •SCAN> ORfVa: OWNER OHll- ATOlb Have yo<.w own 1Judl1 loollq for IJue independence? Landstar tin the IOOls/ltetdrt to ma11e you SUW!$$lul'1 I ID> 711 7!!l8 ( CAl •SCAN) COMPANY DltlVUtS & Owntlf ()peratcn Solo & Team..' Hai M;ir reqmred. hn on bonus. htgh mrles eood home hme 800 ~ 5664 [•t 210 (CAI •SCAN) Se I your unwanted items the easy way! Place a Classified ad today! 49 642-5678 ISLAND EMl'lOYMENT Two Harbors. • unique sns1de dt!slln1hon •t the West f nd ol Calahna Island We <11re looktn& tor out101n& .. a•n onented people with eac.ellenr cusromer se1 vice skills for the folluwinit seasonal po· s1hons Rest•u••nt Short· order Cooks. Servers. Dishwasher\, At• ounhne Cle• k. Cener al Store Clerks bn1lof1. Camp e•ound R•n&er• & fuel 001.1' Attendant for info <111 310 510 4204 or 310 510 4202 lu 310 510 8690 WWW'ICIDU~ GOVERNMENT JOIS- Wtldllle/pMtal Sil ?I ID $4&+-per Iv Pald tr Mllf1&_ F ul benef rts No e< per 1 ence nee. l\ppit<.allon & exam informatJon Toll !Tee I 888 778 4266 1850 (CAL•SCANJ 1-ldne ... 0 s..-- ,_, M.i\let rec«dnie '>4.ipply "' N B needs a dependabloo person to tielp tn the w• ellOtl5e Please cal 949 S74 511X1 or ~ Adr110@mr""9dol com OWNER Ol'ERATOR TIAMSI alt w/Hn Mat & Dou~ req T er monal Tenltn81 O.op/Hodi Hirt! nn Bonus. ~tell M~ IO> 909 5664 ut 110 (CAI •SCAN1 OWNER Ol'IRATOll TlAMSI COl w/Hai Mal & OoublM r~ fernllnal TernW\81 Drop/Hoot. Hn on Bonu~ He! Miles ID> 909 5664 u t :no cCAL•SCAN1 OWNER OPERATOR TEAMS! COl w/tW Mal & ~ req Terl1W1al T errnrnal 0. op/Hodi Hire on Bonui. Hell Mlle$ IO> 909 S664 eat ?10 (CAI. •SCAN> Co 949)642-5678 l'ut •few werd1 lo work for ou. Pubhshrne PROMOTIONS Dll'ARTMENT ~ neW51>apfn rn 0r.,.. Coonty ~ ful r rme per$00 to interv- olfld wrl1e stories. p;w t1tt pate '" comn-IUOlly events. create aind pae10ate ~ •nd sec:bons ( xcellent CO!MlUlllCllbon sluts. wort. well with the publlc. Know AP Style ' Quar11XPrMS, Plloloshoc>. Multi Ad Cte alor Prohccoent on MAC ;ind PC CCI dn11n e•periencr pr el erred Proofr~ t~t 0u"'2 "1--.,fphysal r9(J#9d EOE E xceUent benefit ~ [ma.I rf!SUfllr wrttJne umples »nd ,..i.y requirement\ t o lana.jOt!nson@liltmes com SERVERS & COOICS nee~d Apply In person 217 Main St Hunhn1ton 84!ach 71 4·960-1896 Secntery/Re.:1f' .... '' tn N8 Real Cstate olflCt! CorrciukY & rml ctaee exp Ho he nee. 949 677 5680 ~ HDtOS WANnD• S... e ~p· d dyl\llT'eK. ~ Manaeers to fOlf1 1n !!Ille idwtl"'"C co wl1h hlClt &rowth polenbll Auto tndustry eap a plus 6 f)OSltlons to be hied Nil meclate4y' 714 414 6642 JOIN OUR ICAM .ond m1k1> a d11ferencc In the Cahforn1a Army N3ttonal Gu;i1d you ldn &•I moMy tor 1.olle1e ~nd career tra1n1na Call I 800 GO GUARD (CAL ·scANI J09f OUR TUM Md malo.e a dlttt!rM<e In llw c.Mlorn&a "'my l'QIJOMI Gu.wd you lAO ~ money for <XJll&e .tnd ur- IJ aonine C.I I In> CO GUARD (CAI. •SCAN> s.I f"' 11W.rtt4 Item tlM t1SJ ftfl Pleet I Cltsdfit4 141 t.4.y I (949)642-5671 HOME, HEAL TH AND BuSINESS semceo1~ Accounting NOlK.( 10 Rf ADE RS Cftl1fc1rn1a law re qu11•"• lh•t contra(. IOI\ h1k1na 1obs th~t tntal $c;()() or more (labo< or matemls) br' 11<.•n~•d by U1e ~onlraLIOr\ State I 1ten~,. Boa1d State law alw requite\ that contr1ctor\ include their hcen-e number on 111 .tdvf'ft ~n& You 1;1n <heck the status ol your hLen~ed contr.tLtor •I www C\lb ta aov or 800 J?I CSlB Unit Lf!n•ed con tr actors li1k1n1 jOb5 that tolal len lh•n $500 111usl dRt,. rn thetr ~dvMllHments that they .,e not ltcensed by the Contrac.tors Stale Lrcense Board " fAa'l"HltG INr...s KA<.hln I &th I Remodil ~ .. ~ "'58Jl7.> ~ ~ Boollbepfng ATTORNEY C1•iJ lnXlcn, bl.lstne» la•. l.wl • I.MCI ~~. <idla' llf'll'll'ltGU1 20 Yanup. RCMOnable nrce. Iii ~ ........ A -2 HANDYMAN lnsl.tll reface cabtneh ~'bllhl~ moldsJ Doug 714 546-72i8 • Wa" Unlto • Custom Bu•ll in~. Crown Mold1nas. BaH Boards l#577982 949 709·5642 Carpet Repair/Sales CARl'ET CARl'IT '1 Repa10 Pal<.l1rn1 Install Co11r l1>ous any 11Ze 1obs Wholewii.• 949 49'l 0205 EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 964·2007 HB M2-HOO NI (941) 7Z0-0717 1 •1 ol lnstallatloa alnc.1913 FURNACE SALE R • R Furnace & ~ Codt UPQrades 75.000 BTU ffom $15M 100,00ll BTU From $115' Plof City f)tf"mltl, & ~ UPOt-.cltl 964·2007 FREE IN·HOME ESTIMATES & INSPECTION SELL your stuff through classified! --- ERVICE SAVE 35%01 1i$9 ~o... ..... ......... Fiii f STIMAJI 23 RAISED. BROTH£R~ CARPET ~fkVl<f 800·))9 1181 · SEll your stuff through classified! l#HOME & •USl#ESS ltEl'AJltS Upcr ade\, Repairs of Computer. Networlls [ venrnes/Weekends Compeltl 1ve p11ces for qualltl serv1c. 949-83 -'' 75 1 14-926-4228 lrf~k It.di St-Tile Concrete P1t10, OrNewa1 F11eplc. BBQ Refs. 25Yrs Exp Tury 714-557-7594 ~ NHO MC>aE ROOM? ADDfmNS &~ l l577982 949·72?·5642 Deatop Publllhing 0 EGtM YOUltHOMf IMl'aOVlMINT l'aOJICTl Call a plumber. painter, hendyman. or any of tilt crut servtces listed II«• in our ser11oce dwec:toryl THESE lOCAl SVC l'EOPl£ CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI Eledrtcal Semces smo" Jot. E11.fort1 Oun< an [lecb IC. 20Y~ [AP I C>CMIQuK.k RMf'OR'le Ser vic;e/R~ls l •?7S870 949 650 7042 Actlonh ne Uutrh troubleshoot1n2 'J4)eet1hsl all M!rYICH No job 'too sm l"515863 714 846-61~ Amerlco E ctrl< licensed [lec1r1e111 Contr attOf Small 1obs sle• ttna <11 $79.ts & "ft· Spe~1•h11n1 '" Remode1tn11 & o11ll hom<! w111n1 nuds. Comm/lndui VRes 1 ... 00-897-1008 ll1829S9 UCENSID CONTUCTOR No lob too sm, Al S«vicesl RepaN. remodel, fens. If"• MW SVC 9&fJ45 Jm6 Floor1nt'f11t CUSTOM Oii.ATM TU lnstlilbon, Wle. CSM11t, mlrl*, stone. ... 1975 U6l20W ..ldf 714-4»12 9!161 iJtd;l;&iiill ...... floors, Counten & Showers l•591315 Fret Esllmal• 949 481 2097 llMY eel R~oultn & lnslalfahon TILE OCAH 949 673·8065 714-846-ll!S26 7 lA SRJ.2031 l-TwresL-th< .... WedtJy man. ln!e Ir~ & 1nsten1toon 2S Yrs up loc/1nsu1ed 949 548 4363 COMl'UTI LANDSCAl'INO Ou12n. cle1n119s. trees, sod, 5prtnkleu Ma1nten1nce u low as S9/week licensed 714 222 8425 Nk:ll DlrtyW;\191. nspe.- lawns. lewn Aerallna. Sp11nklers. Tr~ 11&. Spnnc Tone up1, Repa11s & Up1redes "Hue 11s do your Otrty WorAI " 714-11$-2128 s,.. .... c Gel your yard loaf\ n1 lb besl tor the umw. Verd clun ups, sprinkler lune ups ind ladscaplnc Xtr• H••4 Ser•lce• 714-417 ... Tr-~e,Yaid Clnnup, Maintenance, Sprinkler A9911t, Ht ul1111 (949) •s..178' IOtN OUR TIMI 1nd mallt • dlff•~ 111 tM C1ltfornla Almy H•llonal GU1rd you c•11 1•t money lOf c:olhtce and CMfff tr11nln1. 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