HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot'111 ................ ~--------------------~---------r---~---------~~~ - A 0 • --------------.-------------------j-.----------------------------~-------------- S~rving the Newport-Mesa co1111nunity since 190~ MONDAY, JULY 26, 20()4 Woman dies· after small apartment ·fire Costa Mesa firefighters find the 21-year-old in full cardiac arrest and the blaze o ut upon arriving five minutes after receiving the call. Jeff Benson Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA -A 21-ycar old woman died Sunday after a firt' scorched the bedroom of her apanment unit at the Sundance West Apartments. on the 1900 block of Maple I >rive. nounced dead by h ospital staff, Hiley said. The victim's name wasn't re- leased because her lll'Xt of kin hadn't yet hccn notified, an Orange Counly Coronds official at the scene said. There were no otlier injuries reported. Hiley said he did11'1 lmu~ who ren1oved her from till' lx•dmum or who put the fin· 0111. "lnvestigators are i11ws1iga1i11g as we speak." Rilt•y said Sunday night "It will be a while bl't allM' it's a fatality, and it'll bc a whik until we have a condusiw rnu~c 11f the situation. lht:y'rc• lll'111g ,,, thorough as they can ... IliJey said he antidpall·d that invCl;tigators could rc•lea~c 11w11· information by today. Stmrturdl damage and 1la111 age to the building's cu1111·111:. were estimated to lw $:1.000, Iii ley said. happcrw1I. Flt•ven -year Sundam:e West rt•sid(•nt Gcorgt· l.abastida said he arrived home lo a calm and quil•t M"CJle ahuut an hum after tlw lire was put out. "'Nobody was mukinH noise or nothing," he said. 00Sonwbody .,mdled rlw smoke and l:alled aho111 the fire. But 11uhody I talkt•d 10 knew about that." Tht• manager of rlw apartment n11npll'X wouldn"t l·omment on his 11·11;int or on Lhe fire. I le did ""Y· howewr. that it was the first tirl' sinn· he"d heen then'. Rescuers found the vil'tilll in full cardiac arrest and began CPH and advanl:ed life support treat- ment on her. Costa Mesa Fire Hatlalion Otief lliristopher Hiley said. She was then taken to 1 loag I lospilaJ, when: ~he was pro- Six engines and 21 lirclighters responded to the· scene, the lirsl arriving within five minules of the 3:58 p.m. call. Riley said. The vktim had heen removed from the bedroom and the ftre had hccn extingui:.hed wllh water before they got lhcre, hc added. Onlookers outsidl· 1he aparl ment building shortly aft(•r tht• fire said they didn't know Lhl' vlr· tim and weren't sure· what had • JEFF BENSON is the news ass1sran1 and may be reached at (949) 5 74-4298 or by e-mail at 1efl bt•n:.on ,, la11mes.com. DOUGLAS llMMfRMAN /OAllY Pit Or A paramedic enters an apartment at 1998 Maple Ave., where a 21-year old woman died of an apparent heart attack after a fire. ~------------IN BUSINESS Shopping center on the coast filling fast Crystal Cove Promenade is nearing no-vacan cy status as s ix more tenants sign up to sell at the seaside spot. Alicia Robinson Da1lyP1lot < .l!YS IAL C:OVI· -h1rnmi11H 11·11an1' <ii CryKtal CnVl' l1ro111l'lladt• an· hoping IO h-iVl' Orange County ~hopping 1i1;111s h 1.-.h ion 1-.larrd and South Coa'l l'l.11.<1 a n111 for I ht•1r lllOlll'Y. OOUGIAS /IMMr RMAN I DAILY P1l 0 I Sourdough Jack, left, Ham Solo and Kobuk, right. race in the Al~Alaskan Racing Pig tournament before a packed house at Pig Meadows With .,ix rww -.ion•.-. ~latt'd lo 11111•11 111 th(' rwxl 't'Vl'ral 11111111 hi.. I h(' n•nl l'r will hl' dow Ill full nlTUpamy 11m'l' of till' six llt'W rl't:uh·r., ;ire· Ill'"' 111 the an·a: Mirdwll < inld. a furn1111re Vl'mlor opl'11i11~ it~ 1111ly -.tore in California: Eric llanan. a jewl'lt·r 11pt'ni11g hi.-. fir.-.1 ·C'Vl'I nanw ... 1kc <;Ion·; and thl' one-ul .1-kind at the Orange County Fair. Kobuk beat the competition by a long snout to claim first place. a cookie . in the 3 p.m. race on Sunday. Pigs in a blanket finish INSIDE For moru business news, see P•ge A2 i\11dav1. ~111111 and Skin l°lll'rapy. Stort• o.llidal~ s.1id llll'y dllM' ( :ry-;tal (:ow l'romenad<· for it., lurn· I ion rm t Ill' roa:.t and thl' ~hopping v1·1111e's The young All-Alaskan racers are fair favorites Jeff Benson Daily Pilot C h ildren anxiously humped up and down on hay bales in antidpatiu11 of Supday's scwnd All·Alaskan Raring l'ig toumament, their parents quietly roasting in the sun al l'ig '>Oris of snorts aru.l ''l"l'als and oinks and grunts werl·11·1 audihlt• for anyone silting beyond the firs t section, hut they wen• thl'r('. Trust the handlcrs. the rut.:kus is alwJys there. 00When the pigs lwar till' tapl' start up, they start to ~ct HCarc•tl." trainer Steve Scnern s.1id. "Thcy'rt• in there squealing. and thcy try 111 lel'I. \.\lhar i.tarted as an in111na11• m·iHhhorhoo<l n·nlt'r is now ;il- l rar1111~ a wid1•r c·rnwd, i\ndavi Salon di- rl·rror l>avid llartholonlt'w ..;1i<.I. "1\t fir..,t I thou~ht it was a lot of lol·als. hut now I can .-.ce that it'.' more of a dl•sti · nation hl'l:ause ol the shops," he said. Whal shoppt•rs st•1•m 10 like about Crys- lal ( :oVl' Proml'nadl' is that ii·., not a nwga· mall. Meadows. Then the l:alchy pig·radng jamho~c music dro11rd out all the white noise. In the air-rnnditioned pig tr.tiler at thl' Or,mge County fair, it was a different story. All jump out. Am.I thcre'vc been a couple ti11tts where they have jumped out. They'lfeven chl'at once iii awhile and go to tJ1c front of lht• See PIGS, P•&• A4 Pig trainer Steve Seneca holds Soapy Smith, who finished last but was the fans' favorite. "I n11nt• herl' l'VCry Sunday hernuse I t.:an walk from Coronu dd Mar." said Shir- k y Mari:mi. who was doinK a nos:.word pu/./.ll' at an 11utclo11r tahlc Sunday. "It's ju,1 Vl'ry pcacl'ful 10 sit hert· und look at the coast. It's nm all hustll! and bustle like going 111 South C:oa.~r Plaza." Unda i\lcxandcr sloppl•d by the prom- t•nadc to L·at at thl' l'acifk Whey Cafe with THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Eureka, a non-Eddie approach works! M y cal, Eddie, has finally confronted his greatest demon, overcome a lifelong fear and learned lo stand up 10 an oppressive power. After nearly 12 years of cowering. Eddie decided recently (perhaps inspittd by the 1058 of his brother, Stevie) that life's too short to live in fear of the vacuum cleaner. Eddie, born a stray and abused by ne~borhood boys before I took him in, still runs in terror from every friend who walb In my front door. He still keepa a safe distance when my boyfi1end of three years offers him m.ts. He still hJdes every time the doorbell rings. Rut I'm proud to announce that when ii comes to the r0aring·Eweka that emerges from the closet less frequently than l care to admit. Eddie has discovered hls inner tiger. Now, Instead of JUNE runnlng. F,ddie CASAGRANDE auack.~ With awe·lnsplring. Davld-and-Gollath·Uke courage, F.ddie lunges at the black beat, viciously swiping his needle-sharp daws. lt"s enough to scare the housecoat off of me. But unfortunatt>ly for Eddie. the vacuum cleaner Is not impressed. When I think of the courage it must take for Eddie to stand up to lhe roaring monster, my heart aches. When I think of how much belier his life would be if he applied that courage someplace more constructive -say by accepting treats from my boyfriend or maldng friends with a visitor who wants only 10 pet him -I discover a lesson we would all do well to remember from time 10 time: Pick your battles. Soon l plan on sitting down and lhink.ing long and hard about hnw I can ariply this lesson to my own life. In tht: meantime, however. I've stlU got a few bones 10 pick left over from last week's column. Last week featured a back-and-forth between myself and a reader over the question of when to and when not 10 hyphenate some prefixes, especially "non." I told this reader, called PM, that AMoclated Press style says in general don't use a hyphen to connect "non" except before proper nouns or in awkward combinations, such as I See SHOf'PtNG, Pa1e M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~.com WEATHER After morning clouds, ii should be a clear, hot day. S..PaaeA2 SPORTS Coet. Meu High coadiea IOUnd ofT on the joint-use agrMment in the NOOnd edition of• th""1>•rt """· SMP .. eA5 _____________ _....... ____________________________ ......, ....... ..._.._ __ .............................................. ~ A2 Mcmday. July 26. 2004 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT, DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT l enny McConnell shows oH some ot the specialty hair extensions he provides at his new, one-person salon in Corona def Mar that offers the utmost personal care. A quaint cut above Alicia Robinson (),11ly Ptlnl C 1111111.1 tll'I ~1.1r h.11r .111t.I rna~l'llJl '"'h't I 1·n11) ~kConncll wanb '"11·h ol "" d1t·11t~ tu feel hkt> the 11111'1 1111por1.1111 p1·rM111111 h1' ..alun. < 1111• \\,1\' lw\ l111111d to do that i' hy 111.1~1111: 1·.wh 1h1• 011lv otlwr prr~on 111 1h1· .... 111111 \111·1''"'l..111.:111h1'11.111w ScotlamJ. l1.1n' .uul ll1°\1•rly I hll,, ~kCunncll 1•,11111•1 thl\ llllltll h ll(ll'llt'd .. 1111,1,1.:1· ,1;1111p 'iJ,c•c.I wor~ 'pare oil of I·,,,, ( 11a .. 1 I h~hway. I h1· ,,tf1111 hold~ ,, """" a l'ha1r for 'h:11np110111g hair and,, rhair for cuuin~ .1111 1 ... 1yli11g 1·111 '111111· hu~int•t-scs. such a ~p.1t 1· wo11ld lw 1111po!>sihly small. but Ml'< unnrll -,,11tl ii pro~C''-hi' dit•nts BUSINESS CALENDAR • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St.. Costa M esa. CA 92627, by e-mail to 1eff bonson "lst1mos.com; by fax to (949) 646 41 70, or lly calling 19491574-4298. Include tha 1tmo. date and location of the event, as w ell as a contact phone number. with that pncele!..' rnmmodity - priv-Jcy. "'Jhe downside of biK salont-is it's crowded.· Ml'C.;onnell said. "If 'mneone's a celebrity, a model or just an ordinary checker at a grocery store. what do they value most? Privacy.· A ~ist with 18 years' experience with hair and makeup, M<:Connell specializes in hair extensions, high-quality hair color and "maquillage,'' or dramatic, haute couture evening makeup. I le doesn't do "natural" makeup. he !klid. A ha.sic cul costt-$55 for men amt SRS for w~men. but if you want hair t•xtens1ons, bring your credit card. McConnell said the German and Italian extensions made of human haJr that he offers range 111 cost from S 1,500 to $4,000. a.m . at the Costa Meu Orange County Hilton, 3050 Bristol St.. Cotta Mesa. Reservations are requlr.t. lnform1tion: (866) 235-4872. WEDNESDAY AfrM~. •ttowtobm 10-12'. in Monthly Income,# 11 held from 5 to 6 p.m. at the Cotta Mesa Orange County Hilton. 3050 Bri9tol St., Co1ta Meta. Reservations ar9 required. Information: (866) 235-4872. TUESDAY THUASOAY A frH preHntatlon, •How to Eam 10-12% The Aatn. fof Women In ,....wlogy's 1n M onthly Income;· is held from 10 to 11 third annual Wine Tal11ng Event runs "People around here do not mind spending that much on their hair at all." he said. "This is the Beverly I lills of Orclllge County." The extensions come in any color imaj1Jnable, including purple and green. "You'd be amazed at how many people ask for hot pink." Mc\..onnell said. Ills intimate, Ewopean -style salon has already drawn customers, including 'ume who remember him from when he worked at or ran other salons in the awa. Chloe Blom. who runs a Corona del Mar photography studio, started going tu McConnell about 20 years ago and followed him 10 several Southern California salons. "I liked the way he colored my hair. from 6 to 9 p.m . at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Btvd .. Newport Beach. Admiulon is free for members and $25 at the door. Information: http:/twww.•wtsocal.org. ONGOING The CoN Meea Chembef of Comm.re. host• networking lunctieon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Co1111 Meu Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. The Costa MMe Communicators Toastmasters Club meets.from noon to 1 and I liked the way he cut it because he's such an artist,· she said. "Thats what really sets him aJ1art from other people." A multitalented man, McConnelJ also has written several books on health and beauty, and he regularly attends seminars to keep his knowledge of hair and makeup trends up to date. He loves his new location, though he expects to eventually outgrow it. But clients may make it hard for him to move if it means leaving Newport Beach. "I think f lhe salonf is darling,'' Blom said. "I told him. 'You have to stay here till I'm a little old lady.'" Salon McConnell is open seven days a week at 2333 E. Coast Highway. suite L Corona dcl Mar. For an appointment call (949) 673-0225. p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve h is or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The N9wpott ...... Oi9tlngui9hed Toa11mHters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Sgt. P9pperonl'1 Pizza Store, SE Bristol. Newport Beadl. Information: (MS) 64&-1274. The Newportc.rwtllf ~Club 231 meets from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at the Irvine Co .. 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beacti. (949) 756-1025. BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS ·. · Local restaurant gets website nod ReNato Ristoranre, an Italian eatery in Newport Beach, announced last week it was named one of the lop 200 places 10 dine in Ordllge County by OC Spols, an enter· tai nment information website. The restaurant re- opened Friday after a brief renovation and serves lunch and tiinner seven days a week. Finn completes $19-million deal CT lleaJty Corp.. a Newport Beach firm. re- cently announced it has sold a 130-unil gated apartment development in.Orange for $19 mil· lion. The Strada Apart· ments were sold to the Rudy Mariman Trust of Newport Beach. Before lhe sale. CT ReaJty in· vested SI million 10 renovate the develop· ment, which is 95% oc· cupied. The deaJ was brokered by Hendricks & Partners of Newport Beach for CT ReaJty. a IO·year-old firm that in· vests in industrial. retail. oftke and multi-family housing properties. New stores to pop up at malls Fashion Island shop· ping center in Newport Beach has announced ii wiU add seven new stores by the holiday season, five of which will be the first of their kind in Orange County. The new stores will include Lululemon Alh- letlca, an athletic cloth· ing store; Jules Allen and chJoe & jack b.. whjch sell adults' and chil- dren's apparel: Oliviers & Co.. a specialty and gourmet food shop; Lola Rouge, a women's cloth- ing and accessories re- tailer; teen fashion store Hollister Co.; and per- sonalized jewelry store Yours Only. Five new stores are scheduled to open by this fall at South Coast Plaza. New tenants at the Costa Mesa center will be women's apparel shop Agnona; Brooks Brothers, selling men's and women's clothes; sports product store Nikewomen; lhe Orange Lounge. a d igital and video art space operated by the Orange County Museum of Art; and a new Ralph Lauren cloth· ing store. Daily A Pilot SPORTS SlAFf sub9Cfip11on1 to the Delly Pilot ere available only by first clHt m•il fo• S30 per month. (Prices include all epplicltble 1tet1 end locel t111ea.1 POSTMASTER: Send eddrna cnenget to The Newport BffcttJCost• Mesa Dilly Piiot, P.O. Soll 1560, Co111 Meu, CA 92626. Copyright: No MWt llorlea, llluetr.tiona, editoriel mener or edlfertlMmema herein cen be ,.,,,odUClld without wrtnen penninion of cc>pyfight owner SURF AND SUN VOl.98,N0.208 THOMAS H. JOHNSON 9-wMcetri P11hl1shor TONYOOOEAO Ed•tor LANA JOHNSON Promut10111 OtrflctOr EOmNGSTAFF S.J C.hn Ma1Mq1ng Efl11or. t'WI 5;4 4;>33 i. / rahn ·• l111tmtJs com O.nette Goui.t City Editor. (9491764-432• cJltllt)lf 6.flOUi.t l!t~rf me..com Rldlercl Dunn SporU Editor, (9491 67 ...... 223 "chard. dunn ~lllflfflft.com RyenC.- As••st•m City EdltOf, 1949157""'286 ry11n.e11rtrN~latim#.com JafMILM Foaturee Editor I Newl Editor, (9'9) 5744275 11tmoe./fJfl@latlmes.com Photo Editor. 1949) 764-4358 sttNe.mocrM>lr~,.tirrw..com JoeeJ.SenlDI An Oiredor I ~ 0.U Chief, 19'91 574--t22• joM.untottJi.tim..com ,._.&lbw Gine Alexander. Thomae Griggs. Psul Sei1ow1U, Mike Sweneon NEWllTAff 0..-... Crime and couns ~. (9491 57~ ~.Mll,..,,,•lllHma.com Dllldl9......,.,, Costa Meu repolt9f, (94815~2t dtlirdt-..~•..,,,._com MllllllO'Mll Ettuc.tlon tlPOIW. IM>~ m.ttW.onell.,_,_.com AIWl"*wc• Politlcs, buli,.,.. and envlrot tmenl '9f)Oltef, , .. , 184-'330 Ill~. robl,.,.,,,•ldmaa.com ......... Newt.....,.,( ... ,~ /fllf.,,.,_,,, • .,,_com 8-ny Feulkner Reporter, (949) 574-4227 bany. f•ul~ner@!l1ttlme11.com Stew Virgen Reporter. (9491 764-4325 fl eve. virpen@lerimes.com Bryce Aldltton Reporter, (9491574-4222 bryc..11ldertonl!ll1tt1mes.com ..... o.wr.u. Reponer, (949) 574-4225 r1ct.devetfll.l1r @telimn.com l'HOTOOAA"4EM Mark C. Ou.tin, Don Leadl, ~nt Treptow, Oou;let Zimmerm1n RIADaS MOT\JNl (IM918'2-eo86 Record your comments 1bout the Deily Pilot or news tips. ~ Our addr ... la 330 W. 811y St., Costa Meta. CA 92127. Office hours era Mondey · Fflday, 9:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. Coc1111•11 It II the Piiot'• pollcy to promptly correct ell enors of subetence. ....... CllllM81~•. m The Nawpoft 9MdVColta Melll Deity Pilot IUSf'S.. 14'-8001 hi publllhed daily. In Nawpoft a.edl end Cott. Mau. aubacrlpclona .,. evlilebla only b¥ aublcr\blno 10 The TlmM Ofanga County CIOOI m -1141. In .,... outllda of Newport IMdl and Coau Mesa, HOW TO MACH US Chllalh•• The,..,. ar..,.. c-.v 180012S2·91.t1 t\ich ..... a.,,.,., 19491 S.t2-se111 _.., (94816'2"'32 I ,,...... ..... IM916'2·5e80 ...... (MSll 57"4223 ,._.,_(MSll ~t70 ,._.. ffllll (Mtl eeo-ot70 f-tMI: ~·IM#,.,,..com ...... Ollle ...,_ Ollle IMl 142~2' ...,_,.. tlMll 131·5802 Publilhed by Tll'MI Community New., II dlvl8ion ol the Loa Angele& Tl!Me. aOCM Tlmae CN. AM r19t* rlleNed. WEATHER FORECAST A partly cloudy moming with are .. of fog should clear by the afternoon, with highs of 74 to 82 neer the COHt 1nd 87 to 95 inland. Some clouds should retum in the evening, then become mottly cloudy with.,.... of fog •filer midnight. Expect lows from 81 to 87. ........... ; www;nws.noN.flOV BOATING FORECAST On Inner WMer'I, expect a varleble wind of 10 knola or ,_. to tum~ bit the 9bmoon, rMklng Mwe of 2 ,_.or i..e O(I •mixed welll M'91of2 to 3 fNt •• MOOnde end IOUlh ewell of 3 ,_et 15 eeoondl. Winds lhould NV W911terty In the evening, lMf'I become verteble egeln lete at night. Fenher out, expect • northwnt wind of 10 knots, becoming WMltettv et 10 to 20 knoc .. nd 15 to 20 knots north Jll9IC of Sen Nlco4ee lslend In the ebmoon . . -·~ Wind waves should be 2 feet or 1911 early and 3 to 4 feet in the afternoon on a mixed northwest swell of 3 to 5 feet st 8 MCOnda and eouth swell of 3 feet et 15 MCOnda. Winds should be northwest8fly at 10 to 20 knots at night with gusts up to JO knots, making wrvn of 2 to • feet on a mixed northwelt and IOUltt swell. SURF Expect dlftt· to lhouldeN'ligh Mtl et standout south·feclng breeb but \Wlst-to d\Mt-hlgh .i mo.t 90Utherty lp01s. w......-v: www.eu~org TIDES "'"'8 5:1511.m. 1o:oee.m. 5:14p.m. Height 2.98 feet high 2.27fNtlow U8fNthlgh WATER TEMPERATURE .deg,.... -.. . - ' Daily Piiot Residents to assess utility options Homeowners in two large Newport districts can approve fees at Tuesday's City Council meeting that put power lines underground. Allele Robln1on Daily Pilot nelghborhoOd and will include 550 properties, city A._-..wdute En- gineer Patrick Ardnicga said. NEWPORT BEACI I -The city ·1be cosl to pul utilities under- is fasr becoming a mole's nJghc-ground there wiJI be $6.6 million. mare, with more and more u1ili1y F.ach property owner will be lines going underground. charged between $3,466 an<i The City Council on Tuesday $69,281 with the averdJ:e asscss- will hold public hearings about mental $12,487. whether lo establish two of the lbc other .dis1ric1 includes larges!-undergreu'nd utility as-more than 600 lots in West New- !ieSSmenl districts in the city, and port, from 56th Slreet 10 the residents wiJI have lhe chance 10 . northern part of the peninsula, vole for or ag-clinst it. 'The spe'Cial Arciniega 'sai'd. That utility huriaJ tax assessment districts are ere-work will cost $10.I million with ated IO charge residents for the assessments ranging from $8,053 cost of burying utility lines in to $297,964 and the average cost their neighborhoods. at $15,339. The projects are requested by "They're huge," Arciniega said residents who must submit a pe-of the districts compared with tition to the city, which then other utility-burial projects. holds a public vote for affected ·'fypically, projects that the city property owners. Residents are has normally done have been taxed for the wort based on their 200 properties or les.-.." property values. If the districts' residenls ap- One of chc proposed utility prove the assessmenrs l\1esday. districrs is in the Newport Shores the city wilJ co1Jec1 money from residtnts who choose to pay up front and sell bonds to cover residents who want to sp.read payments over ts years. Southern California Edlwn power company will cont:ntct out the work.· which An:ink~a said will be flnished hy 1he end of May2005. Construction is expected to last from fall to sprin~. < :rewt. will close off work areas in smaJI sc,·. tions during the day and rt'Opcn them al ni~ht. HDuring the time of 1hc year lhat they're · working, I think lherc will be minimal disniplion Ito residentsl.H he said. Som e property owners haw opposed previous unde~roumJ utility projects. Property uwners in the Ralhoa business di!>trkl voted down the creation of llll assessment district In January but approved it in April after Mayor 'fod Ridgeway pusht•d 111 revive it. HJ think it's a great thing," C:iry Councilman Steve Rosansky said of the proposed urilily·lini.• burial. Ro1J1 projecrs arc in thi.• district lw represents, h111 he said he will re<..'USe himself from any council votes on them because . he owns three properties thal will be affecled. HI know there's concerns among some 9f the residents about the cosls of lhe under- groundini.:, bul In the long run I rhink it'll impmve the propeny values al least as much as rhe t·osr if not more," he said. "Speaking •!.S a resident, rm c:cr· tainly in favor of it." Community leaders appear confident the asscS:Smt•nt dis- 1ric1S will he approved. ll9sansky said. t{e added that the Newport Shores projer l also Will improve a-.phaJt alleyways in poor condi· tion by replacinK Lhem wilh con- crete. Also on 'l\wsday, council members will vote on whether to front the money to design ulility· huriaJ projel'ls farther south on rhe Balboa Peninsula. The uLilily as.'i<•ssment-distric:I projccrs will he disn.issc<l during the City Council meeting. which begins at 7 p.m. 'f\Jcsday in the council charnhers. :noo Newport lllvd. GETTING INVOLVED FLIGHT OF THE LASERS • GETTING INWLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information about adding your organization to this list, call (9491 574-4298. ACADEllllC YEAR IN AMERtCA Costa Mesa families can host a German sludent and earn up to S 1,000 loward a number of travel-abroad programs. Information: (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., whid'I helps people who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. needs volunteers. lnformalion: (714) 375-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. Of ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders. family resource consultants, special event volunteers, office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may wont on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Information: (8001660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunleers. The society also seeks volunteers lo answer calls for the unit's Helpline Info Center. Information: (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Oisco11ery Shop needs unwanted goods sue.ti as clothing, fumilure, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's researd'I, education and patient-services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers ages 16 and older are also needed to help sort clothes, cashier, decorate, and do computer wont from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Information: (949) 640-4777. AMERtCAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volun1eers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of ctiarge. The required commitment is a few hours ead'I week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Information: (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Aun. is looking for volunteers lo perform various general office duties In the main office and implement educational and fundraising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. Information: (949) 856-3656. AME1tlCAH RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to addreu community groups •bout Red Cro .. tervicet •nd to tct as liaisons with lhe media In disaster and emergency situations. Information: Lynn Howes. (714) 481-5376. DOUGLAS /IMM(RMAN I DAILY Pll 01 Two women aboard a laser boat are propelled by a breeze near the Fun Zone rn Newport Harbor during the Flight of the Lasers Boat Race on Sunday afternoon. The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce hosted the 69th annual event. Find rt fast 1n your hooletOMJ fteMPaper Square ft. installed (80 colors) -Granite Countertop ...• ~49°' 18X18 Travertine .... '211 Square ft. TWo LOCATIONS 1363 S. State College Blvd., Anaheim, 92806 (714) 999-5522 1536 Ntwpoct Blvd., Cos1a Mesa. 92627 (714) e&1-4757 cont. Lie. 18t2t 2 t • Relerenoes LDM600C . +. ··qu.11cy 5.rn-1tt•• .. Nilllidy f.11ten•ln11Wt11•• Sn,A 1t•SF AJ11001 "'°1n<TA11.\ Monday, July 26. ?004 Al ~OSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the issues the commission will discuss Monday. HOUSE APPEAL The commission will considec an appeal from •. resident tori McDonald on a project. approved by the zoning admlnlatrator. The project, for 281 Walnut St., is for the construction of a new two-story house with a detached granny unit to be built over a garage. McDonald ls appealing the project for reasons including what she says is its invasion of the priv-clcy or her property ac~ss the street. WHAT TO EXPECT Planning staff members recommend upholdJng the project's approvaJ mainly ~use ii meets or exceeds al) relevant parts or the city's zoning code for residential development Staff also recommends approval because the only method of eliminating the project's negative effect on McDonald's property is to take out windows on the front of the house, which would create an austere facade. FYI •WHAT: Next P1annlng Commiuion meeting • WHI~ 9:30 p .m .. today • WH!RE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFO: (714) 754-5245 I BUSINESS CHANGE The commission will consider a request frOm Daniel Carlton, representing the properw owner Carl Reinhart of P.I Camino Partners for a change in his permil to discontinue a car wash and gasoline sales al 1045 El Camino Drive and become solely an auto repair facility. Th.is ilem was continued from the June 2lJ commission meeting so the property owners could attend a study session before the comnussion ht!ard their rec.1ues1. WHAT TO EXPECT Planning staff members recommend approving the change with an added requirement limiting hours of opera1ion to 8 a.in. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. lo 2 p.m . Saturday. They also recommend changing one of the requirements 10 say thal derailing work on the property is not allowc.'<I. ~ified ads work for 11 11111 •v2u; rHE Daily Pilot Weekend Sale We have the Lexus You Desire at very affordable prices Es111h/11h,d i 11 I %2 . FiMst Prime Sualts and Buf in Orange County • Freshest Gri/kd lobster, Crab and Seafood in the area • liw Tribute· to Franlt Sinatra Monday and Tunday Nights from 6:00 p. m. to 9:00 p. m. BAR Orf.NS AT 4130 rM DINNF.R IS SERVED MoNOAV-SATIJRDAY FROM 5:30 rM For Retervation Call (949) 646. 7944 1695 /,.,,;.u Aw., Con. M,,. CA I HOME OF TiiE PF.AR.L DUST MARTINI \ ~ -----------------------------------------------------------_:.;~~ •• '1 ' ' M Monday, July 26, 2004 PUBLIC SAFETY Ride scare at the fair turns out minor Fair offidal'I shut down a ride Cur ll<'atly four hours Sunday aftc·r it had to be 111oppe<l ahntptly by the ride operator nml ra11;;4.J three. aboard the Orbiter 111 rc•J>Ort to fil'lit aid. All 1hrt•1• who wt•nt le> lht' first aid .. t.1ticin at 1h1· fair. among :.!4 aboard the "lift and spin" ride• .. wt•n· quickly rell'a..,ell will111111 i11j11ril"•, fail offidal~ "'"''· "Suf1•1 y i' our No. I pt i11r· ily.'' fair 'Jl11k1•,w11111a11 11am ll'ighwurt ...uid. "Ii .1lway' ha ... bet'll and alway' \'\'ill IH'. and POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • F9'Mew Ro.ct end Newport Boule¥ent: (lrov1nj:j um1or 1h11 influence of alc:ot>ul or d11 rsts was rupor1"'1 a1 1 15 .1 m Sunday. it continues to be 10 this day.· A metal door housing an electrical panel opened at about 3:20 p.m .. and lhe ride operator. upon seeing ·!he problem. stopped lhe ridl' to rnsure guest safety. fair offi· rials ~d. llw lift medta· niJ>m hit the opened door panel and hmke some of the ride\ light ·bulb housin>;i.. Investigators found no nwchankaJ malfum·1ip11 and no s1n1c1ural danlagc lo the I 0 year old ride. Fair officials rt•opt!m'tl the ride at ah<mt 7 p.m .. after anotlwr panel door w.tS rnstallt'd a11d an in· 'il.lt.'t:lion was n>rnplell'd. IJludc at 2·25 a.m. Sunday NEWPORT BEACH • Alc8nem: Terrorist threats were reported in the 1200 blodt at I 24 p.m Sunday. • CM o.tv.: A racing vehicle was r11p0rted rn the 2400 blodt at 9.27 a.m. Sunday. • bit N9wpclft cenw o.tv.: ' --- •Newport Boulewrd Urona11ng In public was 101>1•rtf'tf 1n the 1800 hlodl at 1 JO 11 rr t 'iunelay • "-'tia A--and West 11th Street· 1)11vrr•q 11rnl1•1 lt1P mfluo111ool11h 1111111 ,,, rln1t1~ was r•i1x•11nd .11 t 1 ·111 p '" Saturlloy Petty theft was reported in the 100 blodt at 12:07 p.m. Sunday. • Tustin A~ Vandalism of c:ety property was reported in the 700 IJlodc ar 7:32 a.m. Sund11y. [)( ll ll.l /\ <; l\MMf RMAN I DAIL V Pll 0 l Viewers rooting for Kobuk in the Al~Alaskan Racing Pig tournament erupt after he finishes first at the Orange County Fair on Sunday. •Superior Avenue' /\~·""'1111f anti twnory w11•; 11•porl•·d 111 11111 I 700 • 16th 8trMt: Commercial hurglary was reported in the 1700 bll)d( at 12:22 p.m . Sunday. PIGS Continued from Al lrdilcr." Vt•s, even the pigs have found a way lo beat the syi;tem lately. Hui just what can inspire so mm:h panic among a do1.en swint• that enjoy relaxing all day in an air· conditioned trailer? Is it bt.'Cali.'e they're Alaskan and can't Mand the Qtlifomia heat? "h's not the heat. They're farm piw., just like any other,· Seneca (Left) Paul Hahn. head professional at Newport Beach Country Club and Fletcher Jones Jr. welcome you to the Stti Annual Jones Cup. 5TH ANNUAL JONES CUP In thl' Fktdu:r Jones Motorwrs/Daily Pilot Club Championship Series to <lcci<le the Pro-Am Club Championshi p. " ' .. NJ: W.l'Utt 8UAJi , ,. • .. ' • t ' • ' • • Wednesday, August 1 Q, 2004 Tee-off at 1 :00 p.m. at Newport Beach Country Club Come and join us for this exciting competition Daily.A Pilot said. Tite Ir.liner added that as much as 1he pigs adore the thousands of raving klds sporting racing pig T-shirts, pink sweatshirts and Ouffy key chains, they'd never upset their fan base either. lhe object oflheir affeclion lies in cookies. Ah yt'S. food, the ·basis of surviv-dl. They all get to eat. and quite well of course - but nothing beat~ the tantali7.lng texture of an animaJ cracker or Oreo OoublcStuff cookie. And 3-l racing odds are good enough 10 drive a dozen lazy pigs around in a SO-meter drcle, trampling lheir brothers and mters in pink piles of pork -all for a snaclt high in carh<t. 11lat's life smack-dab in the middle of the food chain. Darren Noll, 19. annoum:es for the show that his father began 18 years ago in Fairbank.ti, Alaska. I le and Seneca team up to do nine fairs per year. from May lo October up and down the West Co~t. "We love making people laugh." Noll said. "That'i. the thing. We know we'll draw maximum crowda e¥ery time we perfomt, and you'd be surprised SHOPPING Continued from Al her daughter Hobin on Sunday. She !>aid sht· likl'' the rcn lf'r'S lo · cation on thl' coast anti shop' there once ur twice a wct·k. "It's obviously ea~it.•r lo park and a 10 1 more plt•ai.ant, • she said. "It 's j11s1 hard 10 l(el in and out or or her place~ ... Retail experts ;;aid even with the new stores. the ccnt<'r will likely retain it~ n eighborhood dien1cle and won't he a lhrt•al 10 its hi~er cornpetilion. "I don't belicvt• (ii will be m m · pt'litionl because they <le>n'1 have thl' critk<tl ma~,:· Nt•wport Reach (]mmh of ( .ommercc Pre<;idenl llich.11d 1 ul'ltr., ~aid. "They dmi'r have thl' depart· 11w111 -;lore anrhor\ that d raw a trernendou<; amount nr fool traf- fic." The i.hopping n·11tcr over- looking the sea opened in 2002. The new stores, announrcd thl'I month. will join three re'\tau - rants announC'l'd in April and slated to open over the next year. Other stores new to the center LANGUAGE Continued from Al non-nuclear. I aJso conceded, however. that some -most notably the I .os Angeles limes -might agree with him that I had been wron~ to use the 'wurd "nonword" the ~ before. I pointed to M."Veml examples fow1d in recent I.us Angeles nm~ art.Ides that supported hia side, including "n on ·proOt" and "non-threatening.· So, I surml<sed: ·Apparently, the Los Angeles Times atyfe rules beg to dlll'er wilh Associated Pres.\. (Uke most big papers. The Tunes has Its own style guide. and I don't haw a copy. 'Spote I ahou.ld get one. beauae the Daily PtJot la Aupposed to follow Tunes ltyte rules.> ... It II fair to say that you busted me.· Wftl, that UttJe note about not awning a copy of the l.ot Anceles 11rnes Style Guide proved more important than I reallr.ed. BecaUle It tum& out thal l..A. 1bnee Style was against hy how many 1woplt· 5ay 1h1•y rnnw 111 tlll' fair ;11~1 for rlw pig race~. II nmkl'S it all the mon· fun to dil this joh ... Noll, who has been around carnival lif1· ,f11n· he was horn and has lrairll'cl pigs sinte he wa~ I 0, al(t•<u.ly has a long rarl'cr in lltt• hiz. Bui thc put1cri11g porkl'r'>· n trt'L'rs will he short livt'd. Ilic l'ight "oldd' pig:. will "r<•tire" 10 <luh Mud la11 acttrnl plan'. Noll i.ai<l) in Ala!-.ka after 1his \t•as1111, each al the tender a~t· of 4 m onths. faking their plat·c·"· ~cneca said. are four 5-wcek ·(lfJ rookies who debuted at the Orange C1111111y i:air 011ly day'i ago. 'l11t• littlt'!>I piru,rics havt' a Wa)''> to Hll hcfnn• g<1it1ing that profe'lsional cxpericncc. Tlwy'w not supprN~d lo pile i11tu till' same• startinK Kale likl' tht•y di<I Sunday. and tlwy're not all suppo~rd IO strut l>rion Samlt•rs like down thc backslrccch ;1fte•r worki11g s11 html tu get tlll're -especially the leaders. Scnel'a said tlwy most likely haven't appreciall'd the fine conkiF cuisine enough to get it right. l<lverside residenl 1 lanna Weaver, 9. said she apprcciatt·d include w1111wn'o; and childrt•n\ du1hin~ anc.J at·n•s.-;oric~ <,fore· lrio, h:ii r aml l>l'auly i..alon l radt· S.•nel and rnsual home dfrr1r s10rl' l'in I Imports. "With tlw addition of the•"' 'ix 11wn ha111,, it'" the pl'rll'1 1 rn11mJi11g out oft lw mt·rclt;n 1d1-. 111g 111ix at lht• l C'rtlc•r." .1id in.r Hohi11M111. vice prl'~iden1uf1nar kctin~ fur the lrvirw Co.\ n·t.iil prnpt•rties. Tllf• Irvine ( .o 11w11' .. Cry .. tal C.ove Prontt•rwdt-. lust 1111<• t•mpty ~pare lor ,1 free -standing <;fem• will re111ai11. F.xpa11sio11' abo i\l l' planned hy lwo l'~i,l ing \IOrl'" at thl' n•n11·r. l'011kwan· "'ll<·r William-So noma and furniture vcmJ11r /uxtapo'\il ion I lume. ll11iq1tl' .,tort· decor and pn· ~onal attc·nti1111 111 <'\lstonwr' an· hallmarh of .. ome of tlw new n•- lailt·r,. I lanan. a fourth-ge11era ti11n jewelry lk'\ignl•r. will 'ihm~ case his wart'' in a curved wall ernbl'ddcd with river rocks. An davi Salr111 llin·crnr !>avid Har 1holonww i..aul he will in.!>tall a state-of· lhe -;ut, water·•mfl1·ning \~lem to 111inimi1.e hard waler damage to dic·111s' hair. Hather than comµ1·ting w ith nearby rl'nt1•r,; such <ts Fu,hio11 l'M. 11111. II 'aY'· "Non-In gn1c-rnl. d1111'1 hyplwnale this prefix ur1lcs.-. the ru•xt word is uppercase. Recausc the designated Webster's hyplwnatcs primarily compounds that include proper names, follow the solid style evt•n with words not found there. especially those that ure in common use. Nonleague, for eiuunplc. is common spons U.~l(e." Bolled down to a simple rule. lf yuu want lo folluw lhe KUideUnes of most major news outlet&. avoid using a hyphen with non whenever you can. and only add II when somelhing looks too odd wilhoul It, such as "a non-f.ddle approach to dealing with vacuum cleaners." Now 1r you'll excuse me. r believe that Mdle (which, by the way, ls short for f..ddJe Puss, which Is short for Oedipus because he's a little mommy lover), Is trylnK to teach me somethb1g. •JUNE CAIAORANOE la 1 frMlance wmar. She can be readMtd at JuneTCN@aol.com. FAIR ATIENDANCE Attendance at the Orange County Fair 11s of 6 p.rn. Sunday was 37.587. e·adt 111 tht• pig:.., and t•1111ugh to voh111tl't'r 111 lw a 1 hl·t•ri11g .. 1·rti11n lt·ader for her pig ... I l:ir11 Solu." "I pkkl•t.1111111 hen111w 1•wryh11dy wa~ d1el'ring for him and lwn 11i..i· I always t•at ham." .;he :.aid. "Tlw kid~ ht-hind me didn't dwrr loud cnouKh. M 'I ht• lcrd'> <lid11'1 i.neam loud c111111gh for W1·,1111in~tl'r resident '\;1man1ha Agarnaifl'"• tastes, l'illll'r l\11t thr• tt yt•ar nld's dad wa~ prowl of ht•r and lc l hl'r 1.1h· hl'r pir111r1• with "Soapy Smith.'' tlw hi~l''' pig anti Lhc I raitlt'r\ d11 m·c for " Mu~t l'hol ogt•rt il'. ·· Thi' All /\ln,k;111 Pii.: Hares ar(' hdd al f. :t. !i. 7 and~ p.rll. l tw~<lay th rough Sunday near the IJve'ilock Arena. • JEFF BENSON 1s the news <1ssis1ant and may be reached at (949) 574-4298 or try e ·marl al 1eff ben:;on ., /<1t1mcs.com . 1,l;mtl a nd C '.11ro11a del Mar Pla7.a -whkh the• lrv111t' C:o. also 11w11... C:ry .. 1al Cow l'rom- e•nadl' 111111plt·nwn1' lhem. ltohi11..,1n ,;r11J. "\\lhar t•r1th up happening i~. wirh <.ryc;t:tl <.ow l'mmenad1· and C.nn111.1 tfrl Mar Plaza, yuu'vl' gol lit•~ irun·dihlc collt•c" lion of rt'lml all within a fow mim1tt·' of (':lr h oth('r all along 1 lt1· Cllil~I," 'ht• <,aid. l~vC'n with lhl' t•xplosio11 of m·w ''"rt''· the relail market dot·,11'1 !.how any signs of sa111ra- tio11, \JC lrvilll' marketing pro· ft·~:-.ur Mary c;illy o;aid. In addi 1io11 111 tlw growth al C:ry~tal < :11ve Prnrnf'nadc, seven new ~tore~ arc 'cheduled to join Fas hion l~land and live are to be added at South Coast Plll7.a hy lhl' holiday '('(ISOrl. "If the popul:11i11n weren't grmvi11i.:. lhl'rc mi~ht he that l11tl!'1•rn," -;Ill' i.aid. "Al 1hi~ poirtl. llw 'lrpply ic; keeping up wilh thl' dt'lliand." • AUCtA ROBINSON covers business. iiolitic:s and the env11onment She may be readlod a1 (949) 764 4330 or bye mail al allcra.rotJinson "/arimes.com. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e·mall to jeff.benson@latimes.com; by fax lo (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time. date end location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. TODAY The 2004 Bank of the WMt IMdl Games, an action aporta end music festival featuring the Honda U.S. Open of Surfing, runs from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. through Aug. 1. All eventa ere frM and open to the public. lnfonnatk>n: http:llwww.t>.nltotthewestbMdl ,,.,,,..com. TUESDAY MMMr't ...... wtl h09t "P9riphere1Neufop9thy(PN)•nd Pein; a frM aemlner given by Dr. Doneld Jolly end Whlttatcer W.llneee Institute from 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. The marbt It loc.t9d et 226 E. 17th St., CON MeN. I~ tnd reeefVltk>ns; (800) 59MM7. .. . .... .. ,. 2 tr t 0 • Dally Piiot $t>ortl Editor Rlctwd Dunn: !949) 5744223 • Sports F•x: 1949) 650-0110 Monday July 26, 2004 A!I INVESTIGATION ••• Joint~use miscommunication ABOUT THIS SERIES Red flags went up following a spike in coadling vacancies at Costa Mesa High. including all of its high-profile sports. After a three-week investigation by the Daily Pilot. today we continue with the second in a three-part series to find out why this is happening in our community, an$i. if you were the parent of a potential student-athlete at Mesa. wouldn't you want to know? From April 3 to July 23. Costa Mesa endured the firing of its football coach, Dave Perkins, along with the resignations of the basketball. baseball and track and field coaches. as well as the end of Perkins' post as the boys athletic director. The Daily Pilot conducted interviews with Costa Mesa coaches. administration, as well as district and city officials shortly after the school announced the resignation of its boys athletic director, Dave Perkins. on July 1. Since then. Costa Mesa fired Perkins as its football coach. the Daily Pilot learned Friday night, forcing us to make 11th-hour wholesale changes. This series entails why there has been chaos at Costa Mesa during the past four months. Bob Serven. who is now an assistant with the Mater Oei boys · basketball team. said he resigned, in part, because of the lack of summer pay for coaches and his frustrations with the joint-use agreement for fields. In January, Perkins was told to resign as athletic director because he was so adamantly against the joint-use agreement and because he took exception to the payment process to coaches, he said. The following three-part series will anatyie the joint-use agreement and the summer pay for coaches. with today's concentration on the joint-tise agreement. THE CHAPTERS SUNDAY •C~I The Mustangs' whirlwind -An introduction, which features what has occurred within the Costa Mesa High athlettc department during the past four months 511 VI McCkANK • llAll Y 111( 1 I Former Costa Mesa boys basketball coach Bob Serven was known to clean the school's gym regularly. TODAY •Chaptlff 2 ~---~-~--------- Joint-use miscommunication -A look at the joint-use agreement for fields and facilities from the coaches' perspective and that of the city and district officials. COSTA MESA TIMELINE TUESDAY •Chapter 3 •April 3 -Bob Serven resigns as boys basketball coach. Summertime blues -Coaches have sacrificed their love for their profession by not being paid in the summer. nothing like the coaches at Corona del Mar and Newport •June 18 -Last day or school at Costa Mesa High, where resignations of baseball coad1 Doug Deats and boys and girls track and field coach Glenn M itchell are given to the school's administration. •July 1 -An11ou11ccmnnt of res1ynation of boys athletic director Dave Perkins 1s delivered, a move that was apparently 1n the rnak111g since January •July 2 -The Daily Pilot beg111s its investigation of the resignations •July 23 -Perlons is fired as footlJall coach at Costa Mesa. Harbor high schools. '-----~-~-~--~--~~ TRIATHLON Reich wins her division Recent Estancia High graduate comes in first place in the women's 17-19 division of Pacific Coast Triathlon. For the past four years. while excelJlng In sports at P.stancla High. Marilyn Reich became a natural ftt for triathlons. Reich, the Estancia Female Athlete .of the Year, who gradu- ated from the school last month, competed In trade and field. crou country. water polo and swlmming during her four years with the F.agles. On Sunday, she used her versatility at CrystaJ Cove. the fall , finished ahead of K<tthe- rine Gordon. who came in at 1:23.57. This wasn't the first time Heich won her division in the Pm:ilk Coast Triathlon. which is in its seventh year. lwo years ago. Reich won her division hy finish· ing more than five minutes ahead of her nearest competitor. lhis year. she finished 300th overall. in a field that Included, ~around 1.100 to 1.200." part\ci- Jlants. race director RiJI I.each said. Reich was one of many locals who competed in the Pacific Coast Triathlon. ished IOth and 15th ovc•rall in 1:14.14. Luke McKen:r.it' won tlw ml'n'!> pro elite division comin~ in al I :08.2.2, while Michelle Junes won the women's pro elite 1ltJe In 1:15.25. "Ille race began with a half- mile swim in El Moro Cove. then on to a 12·mile bike ride on Pa· cific Coast Highway to Laguna Beach and ended with a thret>· mile run that included a half- milc or running on the beach . Aside from the competition, the Paclllc Coast Triathlon also included Its annual Award of Ex- cellence presentation to Al Irwin. a fonner Newport Harbor, Orange Coast College and UCI coach. for hJs servk:e In the com - munity. · Costa Mesa 11 igh coac h l's h ave h ad many problem ~ ->haring its fi e lds a nd fa c ilities with the city. ....... ,"""ill(/ 1/111•1• /1111/ "'"'" Steve Virgen Da1lyP1lot \Vh1·11 I >011g I >1'.tl' \\rn1ld 111111.. .11 lib 11111lit·hJ al t111H'' tlunrig thi' p.1,1 h.1"·ho1ll ""''011. lw would he· c111111· up,1·t ju't '" 1111"1 g1111111d.,l..1·1·pt·r, would ir 1111'\ 1101111·d llwir h.illpa1k 111·1·1li·d lil'lp. 111 .. -.111 .. 1· Ill' \\t111ld 'l'•·rttl "1 1111 11 Ii 111111· ;11 tJ1l' ha!>l'" h.111 lil'ltl ;uuJ h1·1-.111"· Ill' \\,t' '" l'·'''"""'h' ahou1 hi!. 11111. I k.lh \voulcl 11.,11,1lly t.1!..1• 11 11po11 h1111"•lf HI mow 1111· gr."' al tlit· ( u .. 1.1 l\lt-.,,1 ll1gli 11111 lit'ld. Deal .... a <·'"I" ,._,,.,;i 11lt1111111", lwc .11111· 11111· will> hi' fit•ld and. 11.tltir:tlly, 111111.. c·a11· 11111 ;" 1111 1\1 ·11· 111,, 11w11. \\'lil'll lu· 11111\\l'd tlli· 1:1.1'' ho · parl..l'll hi ... truck 111·;11 1111· n .. 1t1 . "( h 11· 111111· I li.ul tho · p11l11·1• c.tll1•tl 011 1111., .. I Jt-,11' ,,11cl "I \\ 1111ld ... r.... 111\ 11111w1·1 ln1111 h111111· .11111 ,.1 fidd .11111>a, .,,1clorl 1 .rlktl lw ca1t'I' I Ii.id "'> 1-.11 11111 tllt'rt'. I ddi11i11•h think 1lw j11i111 ,..,~. a~n·t·1 111·111 ,., ,, had cit-al 1111 1111' 1·0.1dw., ill tlt1· ~1'1111111. \\1111•11 )'Clll 111111.. .11 a 1 ·11.11 h whu i., 1ryi11g lo k1·1·p 111' lanliti1•' 1111 t· ,111rl v11u have• 1111' 1l1,1r1t·1 1111 111111, I 1h111I.. 1h.11\ \\lt111g I lh111k llll' J j.,1111 I w.1111' 111 g1·1 0111 •11 11>1 · fidtl ma i 1111 · 11.llH"l' 1•11tl 111 1111• agn•1•1111·111. l'rohlt•t1 t' 'le '111 11iing lrn111 1111' jrn111 "'l' agn•t•1111•111 l11r lidth .111d fanht ic-' For mer Costa Mesa football coac.h D .. .ive Perkins wa s asked to enu his prac tice early more than once. '"''II' n-.1">11' a1111111g 111.111v 111«11 1h11\1· I>,,,,: l't'rl..111' tu n·"g" '" 1111\ ... 1tltl1·111 d1rt•ct11r July I .111tl ll11h S1·rv1·11 111 n ·.,1g11 ,,., h11\' 1>.1,kr·thall 111ad1 1'111 11 I, 1111·~ loltl Ilic• I latly 1'11111 111 11tt1·n·i1·w., 11111 dtll ll'd Ill lhl' ;tllt'llllolllt 111 ftJlll ll''lgll,1111111' \\'llhlll 1h1· .,p.111 11l 1h11•1· 1111111th' ,11 <••''"~It·'·' l'l'rk111., \'"' 11..-1·111ly li11·d ·" loo1h;ill t'11a1 h. lkah , .. .,1g111·d ·" IJ.1,1·h.ill 111,11''1 and (;11 •1111 l\litd1 di l11llc>W1•d .,llil 111 l>t1\' ,111d g1d ... 11,.11 I.. ;trtd fi('!cl Ill 11111 · It 1111 '. I kill.,, wli11 n111t111111·' 111 l\'.11 h ,11 tlt1• ,,·hrn1I. .1111t ,._I 11 dwll, .... 11t1 1 ltt·) rt ·.,ig111·d t 11 'I 1t·11cf 111ow t i11w \\o ii I> llwir rt''fll't"lt\'l' f,11111111·' 1'1·rkt11' 'aid 1>1· 11''-lgtlt'tl ·" 1111\'' .11llk1i1 dtrt·c 101 h1·1-.11l'>t' hl' w,.., 11rltl 111 clo '11 111 la1111:i1y hy prinnpal I 11·1.i Navarro and ,,.,.,;,1.111t prtt1c1pal Kiri-ll;u1l'rlll<'i' 1t·r .• 1 lonnt'r ha,1·11.111 r11.1d1 .1ml h11y., .11hl1•1ic diret .. tor N<1varrn du! 1w1 n·1t1m ph11111· 1·all' 111atk to hb 11111111· during tilt' 1w,1 th11•1· w1·1·r.. .... ll;1111·rnwbll'T .,aid lw 1h11ugh1 1'1•rki11.,, Navan11 a11d h1111,l'll tame to an agrtTlllPlll 11ta1 1'1·1k111,, "l1acl 11111 11111d1 1111 hi.; plat<'." d11ri11g a lllt'f'li11g 111 la1111itry. 1'1·rki11' .. aid 111· \\'ii' wlrl 111 11•...,gr1 h1·1 ;11N' 111 hii. '11 1111).: kl'11ng., .1g.111t.,l lfll' 1111111 1"1' .1g1 l'l'llWlll, See MESA, Paee A6 Reich won the women's 17-19 age division by finishing in I hour, 22 minutes, 57 seconds In the Pacific Coast Triathlon. Reich, who plans to try out ror crew at Orange Coaat College in Tuley Kubas. who recenlly graduated from Corona del Mar. finished fourth In the womens 17-19 division. Kubas was part of Corona del Mar's CIF Southern Section DMslon II wa- ter polo championship earlier this year. In the men's pro elite division, Brent Lorenzen. an assistant swim coach at UC lrvlne. fln· WI had so many kid'l who I have helped and so many of them were there." said ITwin, 86. WThat just blew me away. When I was given the award, boy, they SH TRIATtl.OH, Pqe Al DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAll.Y Pl.OT AJ Irwin, a legendary coach at Newport Harbor, OCC and UC Irvine, who was honored Sunday at Crystal Cove. watches competitors cross the finish line with his daughter, Mareia Maze. .................................................................... _. ... ________ i J • 'I ,- M Monday, JtJy 26, 2004 SPORTS BRIEFLY ,; Johnson not punting for Vikings ' Eddle Johnson, a former Newport Har-time here, but because of the sltuat.lon, this bor High and Orange Coast College stand-is best for me." 11u1, was releued by th.e Mlnn6ll0ta Vi-' Johnson said he was packing and prepar· linl(i., whu grwlled the punler'i. requei.I ing H> move Sunday nil(ht. mer Gustavus Ad.lophua standout, was last year's Mr. Irrelevant picked by the Oakland RaJdets.. tie also spent some time with the New York <;ianls last year. 111<1de ,hor1ly aft er tht' lca111 ~1~ncd veh•ran ·ru find mu tomorrow or Tuesday what\ llarrc11 lknrwtl in March. going on ," Johnson said. ·rm ready Ill hu Johnson, a sixth -round pidt of the Vi-the road and go. If not, J'U head back 10 kiniti. In 2003, is expecting to be claimed off Idaho. wort out and waJ1 for that phon e wa1ven; despite having min or surgery 01r caJI. • Mann scores 20 goals for USA h ill lower body. lie said he will likely be John~on was replaced late last season hy able IU rl·sume punlinl( in ahuu1 two l~-o Ara~uz after Johnson dropped snaps i11 weeks. Among the-NH. teams 1ha1 need a three consecutive games. The Vik.inies re- punh·r include. Cincinnati. Dallas. l>etrolt. portedJy allowed Johnsoh's agent. Ken Har· Kansas City. San Frandsi.:o and Arizona. ris, in April to gauge trade interest Johnson •WATER POW: John Mann. a former Corona del M~r High standout. led the U.S. men's junior water polo team with 20 goals, guiJlng the Americans to a gold medaJ in the Junior Pan American Games in Sa.ir5al- vador. El Salvador. The U.S. men's ream won the gold by de- feating reigning lunior Pan t\merkan <iames champion Hrazil. 10·6. "This could ~ a ble~idnK in disguise." said he was told there would not he a com· luhnson said in a te!cphoMl' interview Sun-petitio n for punter in the Viking!!' training clay. "ff~ weird. I don't know if you're sup-camp. po~ed 111 reel good aho111 being released. Minnesota signed punter filip Filipuvk hut I d id. Nor that I havc11'1 l'njoyed my and ret:eiver Ryan Hoag Friday. Moa~. a for- 111e U.S. junior women's team also won KOld Sunday. MESA Continued from A5 which h~ resulted in lhe dl• tcriora1ion of the fit'lds, he lklid. "Our fil'lds have !(Olien worse.• ,u1d worse." Perlcini. !>aid. ·011 1h1• WCCl'r field or foo1hall field 1ht•r1: is ha{t' tlin. fher6 dl"Jd ~ra ...... II\ had and it\ dan.:t:r· 1 lllll. While l>eal!> said he wanted lo h1• with his wifo and c:hildrcn 111or1· re>:1.llarly, lw did have lll(lny prohlt·mi. wilh lhe jui 111- 11,t• a.:n•t•m1•111. the arra11>:eme111 lw1w1·t·n 1he d1y of < :0Ma Mc!>a :111d 1hc Newport ·Mesa Unified ~ hool r>i'trit:I that 111volv~ lhc 11,l' or the field'> and fadlitit'S of 1hc whool and the d1y. St•wral C:osta Mesa c:oacht:'ll. 111duding Serven, said they were 1111aware of who is in chlll);e of llw mainlt•nance of the field!. and facili1ies. Ken Sipl'l!, the dty'i. 1t·rn·a1ion cuordina1or who b in dial'}le or the schedulinK of 1hc lacililies. ~ud, once a week, a rily·paid worker mows the• gm!\.,. I >ca ts di~grl't.-d with that. l>uring intervif'W'i with Co!.la Mt~ coacht•i., ai. wt.'11 as d ty and 11istrk t uffit:ials. ii becam e evi· dc•nl. misn1mmun1rn1ion ww. a kt')' problem why 1hc coache.. .ire upst.•1 with the jolnt-u.-.c a~rL'l'ment. 'll1e niacllt's are also lru!.lrall'd wilh the ladt. or rnaln- lt•nancc. a!. well ao; the sclwdul· 111.: of the field~ and fadlilic' lo 11u1i.idc user Kn>UJ~. ·nw flchh at Costa Ml'Stl I Ii.ch have nntkeahly dt'tl•rinmtcd tlurln~ lhc past two yean.. Mu' 1a111e!> .:irl' !><K"t"t•r r11a1·h I )(111 loh11i.111n. huY" '<Kl'l'r ruad1 J:u- ~c·nt• l>ay, Pcrldn!> and I >c<1t' 'aicl. Kirk Mdntoi.h, thl' dirt'l"IOt of 1lw Daily Pih>I 1:up. uli.o no tirt·d till' fit'ld~ tll'prt•dalion. 1111' rt•cc•111 I >aily l'ilot Cup. un 111111\lill youth St)lTl'r tollrt\11 · llll'lll, had 1 W teumi.. and if 1hat numher int:rt·ases tht• 1C1unwy will nccd more fields. Mclnloi.h was cnrn·crnt-d abut the chil· autllo11ty dn•n's safery on the fields al t:osla Mesa I ligh. "'llw quality of the field' is awfuJ. ~ Mdn· tosh told the Daily Pilot in a Doug Deats story published June 15. Tlw Farm Field Sports Com- plex next lo Costa Mesa I figh ha.'i consistent rt'11t and renovation pt'riuds. but the fields at the M:hool do not, Perkins said. Be- cause of that. many coach es at Costa Mesa are upset. ··n1e coaches are caugtlt in the middle.· said Day. lhe girts soc- cer rnach. ·we s1aru-d 10 tell the city to help us with the d eaning. II w~ an excellent idea. But the l'ily is using the fields 90% and 1hey"re not taking care of it prop- erly. llie agreemen1 has 10 be properly impoSt'd." Perkins rnncurred. "Why shouJdn't the fields al Costa Mesa l ligh he treated the same a!i 1he fields at the Farm complex?" Perlclns said in regard to maintenance. "They !the city! net.><! tu maintain the same level a'i the Fann. lhey have no re· spon.4'ibility. They just pt!m1i1 fields 10 the users." While Peruns and l>ay voiced their opinions. 11m Marsh . the director of mainlenant:e and op- cmtions for the school district. said he has not received any offi- dal complaints, but he knowi; there b disapproval. ·I haw heard 1ha1 there are rwoplc grnmhlin~ lahoul tht' joint-uSt• ahrrt•ementl: Mar..h i..1iil. ·nwrl' atl' iwoplc com- plaining ahuut ii." laimc Castellanos. the dislricl°s cL'\..,isUUll superinlendent for sec- ondary education, said bemuse waches take care of the field and fodlity maintenance they some- limrt. feel as if the land belon~ to 1hem. Man.h agreed. "1l1ey have that fet'lit1g or ownership." Marsh said. "Hui I hose are public facilities. - SerVl'n treated the Costa Me!>il I lit<h baslc.ethaU gym as if ii were a chapel, Deals said. So ii was of little surprise that Serven would continually d iscuss his problems with the joint-use agreement wilh < '.asteUanos and Sipes. lWo -¥e.ars ago. Serven made a discovery. He made Castellanos aware custodians employt.'<i by the district were 1101 cleaninl( the gym after ouL'iidl' user groups. such as adult ba.'lkctball leagues. played in the gym. It was dis- covered that custodians would go in.side the gym and hide until the user group~ were d one. Serven helrwd llll' diMrict be· come aware, lhe custodians were paid overtime for not work- ing. "Bob would d ean ii up by hJmself," Castellanos said. "Voes he have the right to complain? You bet ht' d oes. I would be an· gry.100." Castellanos said the joint-use agreement has improved over the past two years and it contin- ues to get bener. He said he aJ- ways appreciated Serven's pas- sion for coachJng and cleaning 1hegym. "llr I'm a principal!. that's the kind of coach I always like to have on my s1aJT." Castellanos said. While Serven left . in part, be· cause of the joint-use agree- m ent, Castellanos said he was not worried more coaches would leave. "Am I worried? No." he said. "Am I concemed? Or course I'm concerned because you don't want to lose l(ood cm1t'ht·~i In addition lo field mainte- nance. the Costa Mes;i coaches have been frustrated with the scheduling of the fields 111 out- side user groups. In the joint·U.'ie agreement. the school was told ii has top prior- ity for USC or its fadlitles and the dty, or outside group~. i.uch as AYSO or W tle l.e;ague. srhcdulc~ around the Mustanl(s' teams. During the !.<:hool year. 1he school has pos.'lt'ssion or the fa - cilities until 5 p.m. Deat'i said tht> city took 1lw time allotted to his rreshman baseball team to an extreme level twice during the pas l sea- Mm. Field ambassadori. work rm the dty and enforce· 1lw n11t•, 10 all user groups. "I know for a fact my freshman learn w.tS kicked off lhe field at 5 p.m. by I field arnba-.sador~I. - Deats said. MHut there was 110 one there coming w ui.e ii 111·x1. II was ludicrous." Peruns also had a nc~<itivc 1·x· QUOTE OF THE DAY "Our fields have goue11 wo rse and wurse. On tlte soccer field o r f uothull fie/ti there is bare dirt. There's dead gra.'is. l t'.v bad and ii 's dangero"s." Dave Pertdn1, former Costa Mesa High football coach perience with Sipes and the schedul.ing of 1he football field within the track at Costa Mesa during the fall. Peruns said he made Sipes aware the Costa Mesa High foot - ball team would he using the pr.ictice 6eJd o n a Saturday. Per- kins made the city aware three weeks prior to the pr.i<.1.ice be- cause he knew AYSO would be holding a toum.ament at the school. Perkins made the request so the city couJd adjust accord- ingly. But Perkins' requcsl was de- nied, Pemns said. "Ken Sipes gets had to me and said AYSO has httn holding the tournament for a long time, and that, 'they have p recedence CNer your foorball practice.' " Perkins said. "My comment to him was Costa Mesa has had a football team since 1948. I could have went out there and made a prohlem about it. but I didn't." "'That's the way it is: he said. "AYSO d oes pay to use the fields. Costa Mesa High does not pay. We lost out a day of practice." Maintenance and scht.><Juling are not the only problems. Coaches or people within athlet- ics have also caused conflict, Castellanos said. MPeople duplicate the keys and everybody has kl'ys. ~ ( :ast<'llanos said. "It will alwayi. happl'n. It's really a waste of linw tn rc·kt•y a gym. A~ lnng a~ wt.• have a1hl1·1- il.::.. we're alway:. i.;011\~ tu have those kind!. of pmhll'm:., bur that'.o; why you haw a joinl-use agreement. so lhat bolh sides undl'rstand whal lht' gam1• plan is. What makes it not work Is when com:hr'> don't ahidc hy it." --------......... ---~----··----- DOUGlAS ZIMM[Rt.IAN I DAil. Y PILOT Barbara Castmo of Corona del Mar crosses the finish line wtlile receiving cheers from supporters at the Pacific Coast Triathlon. TRIATHLON Continued from A5 started hollerin~ all over the plan•. II w.is great." Next Yl'aT, l.t'ad1. the race di- rector. said 1he Pacific Cua!>l Tri- athlon will IX' Sept. II. ai. op- po!>ed to usually occurring in late July. I.each said that had to do with the schedule changes at Crystal Cove State Park. It is rnindtlcntal that next years tri- athlon will be on Sept 11, said Lcarh. who also mentioned he expect~ there will be, ·some type or memorial or a moment of si· lt'nct:'. • 1ha1 day. TRIATHLON RESULTS PACIFIC COAST TRIATHLON Men Pro/Ellt• division 1. Luke McKenzie. 1:08.22. 2. Levi Maxwell, 1 :08.38. 3. Craig Alexander, 1 :09.09. Boys 13-end-under 1. Anders Hamborg, 0:51.38. 2. Man Hebeler, 0:53. 12. 3. Ryan O'Connor. 0:56.49. 1&.and-undet 1. Zade Paris, 1:17.28. 2. Christopher Vorllcek, 1 :27.24. 3. Bobby Bedford, 1:34.17. MM\11-11 1. Eric loaak, 1:19.35. 2. Anthony fogelstrom, 1 :21.46. 3. Trevor Tompane. 1:28.36. 20-24 - 1. Keith Ryan. 1:15.14. 2. Jordan Haggard, 1:16.59. 3. Enrique Flores, 1:22.01. ZS.21 1. Austin Jackson. 1:12.45. 2. Patrick Baldwin, 1:14.03. 3. Andrew Baldwin, 1 :15.17. 30-34 1. Todd Menzel. 113.28. 2. Wayne Brandt, 1: 14.33. 3. Patrick Flodd. 1 :19.27. 35-39 1. Michael Collins, 1:13.39, 2. Sean Boyle, 1:17.22. 3.ScottWegner.1:18.14. 4CM4 1. Jason Campbell, 1: 14.07. 2. Craig Zelent, 1: 19.00. 3. Keny McKay, 1 :20.42. 45-41 1. David McAtee, 1 :20.26. 2. Daniel Yeager. 1:21.22. 3. Brian Smallwood, 1:21.38. 50-64 1. Kevin Smith, 1:17.53. 2. Scott Endsley, 1:23.25. 3. John Wallace. 1:26.20. 55-59 1. Mike Morey, 1:26.54. 2. Tim Hughes. 1: 27. 12. 3. Karl Masch, 1 :32.19. 60-64 1. George Toberman, 1:25.13. 2. George Wright, 1:25.46. 3. Carl Kuhn. 1 :29.38. 65-8 1. David Stuart. 1 :35.33. 2. Andrew Bailey, 1:44.16. 3. Bill Haines. 2:05.37. 70-end-oldef 1. Art Frede rides, 1 :47.32. 2. Gerald Ankenbrandt, 2:30.24. Women Pro/Elita division 1. Michelle Jones, 1 :15.25. 2. Kale Major, 1:19.53. 3. Jacque McKenzie. 1:23.10. Overell 11p-11roup t.m.le l Barbara Sullivan, 1 :23.23. Junior Elit• women 1. Julie Hoppe, 1:20.14. Girts 13-and-undet 1. Kelsey Parsons, 0:56.49. 2. Sarah Hebeler, 1 :01.46. 3. Lindsey Wilder, 1:1512. Women 17·19 1. Marilyn Reich, 1:22.57. 2. Kathenne Gordon, 1:23.57. 3. Rachel Wong, 1 :32.08. 20-24 1. Lara Coppinger, 1:12.26. 2. Kattuyn Donovan. 1:13.53. 3. Allyson Marquand, 1:15.06. 25-29 1. Christen King, 1:11.55. 2. Erika Aklufi. 1:13.19. 3. Kimberly Brown. 1:14.16. 30-34 1. Jennifer Padilla, 1:13.33. 2. Diana Lovejoy. 1:16.07. 3. Kristen Thorkelson, 1:17.24 35-39 1. Marni Battista. 1:15.34. 2. Christine Brown, 1:16.50. 3. Kristin Mayer. 1:17.19. 40'"'4 1. Sherry Bos too, 1 :24.27. 2. Kimberly Robins, 1 :26.00. 3. Tatjana Eggink, 1:27.11. 45-Q 1. Elizabeth Bulman. 1: 14.18. 2. Claire McCarty, 1 :21.02. 3, Dana Ryan. 1:22.37. 50-54 1. Sandi Malone, 1 :24.47. 2. Julia Van Cleave. 1:28.33. 3. Helen Briglio, 1:31.50. 55-59 1. Ann Fordiani, 1:26.02. 2. Trish Kimper, 1:28.21. 3. Glenys Jones. 1 :40.24. ISCl .. n llOna Of PlllllDI TOIJ Ill mAllOf: ~a..n c-. • _,a.... Wl•.AttM41 Io all 11~11 '· ben~h t 1.11 lf!S , l'f edtlnr ~. f HU 1111~e1•I cred•tul\, and per w ns ,.ho ni1y dth r• Wl)e bt 1nlcreslod 111 thr ,.,11 o• ul1t•. 01 bolh Of ROSI RT r M Ml I I CORlllCAH a\.t 1108[ IU COftAtC:AN A 111 Alll~G "" the pelll1on will I>• hrld on II /b /01!4 ~I I 4!> u m "' O•tJt I JI ICX.•l•d ~t 141 lhe t.1ty 011v~ Soolh 111 .,,Kr 1'1' 976 IJ I Anllll ••u • hi\ toce Center 1r YOU 0 1:1.11 Cl lo th~ itfM1,1f1.: (')f lttt'I p"t1hor11 VOii 'h011hf olllJIHI •f th~ he-.t m.: ahd ,, "'... VOUI nbtr< t1nn' 01 Ill• wtlll#.rl obie<IO{ln• wolh lh~ 1.11urt b•IOr r th• huo •nR Ynut •&>Prdr .mi t may De '" pr,:f ~(Ill '" by YOOf •llotnry --((JTACJDI~ HOllCI 10 OlHNONO 1Av60 4 Acl&Odo) ,,,... , ... "'. Oun.old Adllnt\, .nd, and Ix:. S I ttw OUif\ ~ ~Juswe YOU ARf YllNC Stl:D BY "-Al'fflfl (A Ud le ""ta do!mellCI •ndo) '°""""' ~ .tlld 11 ...... ~ YOU hit.., :.l CAI. f NllAA OA.'t'S all" th!$ ,...,,_ 15 wrved ''" you to t• a ~ puedio ~a un se viclO de 'elel """' ck lllloiltdo. 0 .. """ ollctni de •yuda loflAI ( ..,. el du e1ore> 1ei.,to111col CASIMUMIH1 ("-re4elC-J OJ(Cl0712 CHIMfSSIOltll lllAllOl M. 'AUi DI". CU lhr n~me and •ddr.,.-.\ ot lh~ tour I " ti I nombre y d11el~ttll• do 11 lOtle U) lol•d with lh~ l.nunly Ctork ol 01.in~• C,nunty llh 011011104 2004H•US4 Od•IY P1l1ot loly I/ 19 7b Aut 7 1004 Ml\31 fldltlea-....U .......... I h,. lnllow1n~ '""""~ .. u •· d•J•rl•f b11\11H1r\~ .1s n ,.n1t• ' lnh11tu1 ?'l88 N~wf)ltl I 111•11 If\ r.o~I~ M~· .. t CA 4'/61/ STARTING A NEW BUSINESS?? A Pl It llON I ()A PRO 8All ho bun llled by LAIN l C()f!AICAN tn IM Supelllll Cou1 I of Call lot n1• Counly of Ot 1n1e IHl Pl' rtllOH fOR PllOBAIC 1equesh 11111 C ltlH [ CORRIGAN be 1ppo1nled aa penonal rtpro1nl1tlve to ad· mtnlst•r Ille eslale of Ill• decedent THC l'CTITIOH raquesh the decedent's •ill and cod1c1ls. ti eny. be aelmllled lo llfObate The ,.,11 end any codicils a<I n .. lable fOf eum1na hon tn Ille file ktpt by Ille cowl THl l'C TITIOff rtciwsh 1utlloflly lo tdm1nlsl1t Ille 111•1• undtr Ille Independent Admjnls l11tk>n ol lsl•l•• Act ( ""' I Ull\oflly wHI tllow Ill• ptnonel repftsen· l1t1ve lo l•h• m1ny •c1ton1 without obtain· 1na courl 1pproul Btlort t1hln1 c1fl1in '", lmpottenl ecllons. llOwtHf. Ille .,., son1I ltjlftwnllliYI will bl rtQlllrH lo t1we notic. lo lnl•HIH ptftons untna Iller lltH wllftd notice or cOf!MfltM to tlMI Pf otlOMd KllOn ) Tiie Independent ad· m1"l1lr1Uon •utltMltJ wlll be If 1ntecl 11nleu an 1ntart1ltd ptnon hlH •n objection to the petition 1t11d "'°'" IOOd CIVH wfly Ille C-t Ww!d DA\ M yl 1111 II YOU AHi A CAI U1 IUll "' 1.on l 1ncen l ued•lu. ol Ille cle<H'ld. ynu mu•I hie your cl11"' with Ille Cou1t and m11t a copy to Ille Pl•M>nal tflllfeHnllhve ~•nlecl by lht! cou• I ••tllln lour monlhs hom lltt dtlt ot the l11st 1uuanc1 of lellet s o provided in Prob•I• Code H Chon 9100 Fhe lime 101 llhn1 cl•oms will nol upilt be101e lou• montlls from tht! lle411n1 date nollcecl al>Ove YOU MAY CUMIN( Ille hit kept by llMI cowl H you "' a Pl'IOfl Ill· le11sled 1n tht t1l1tt, you may Ille wtllt Ille cou11 • Request fot ~caal Nohce (fotm 0( I~) ol the lolln1 ol an inventory ind •Pllf•i•af of 111111 useh ot ot 1ny petition or account H provided In Prob•I• Code sec lion I 250 It ltequul for Spec111 Jtfolice IOftft II IUll1ble from tllt court clefll :r.:1.7~· ~·~=-= AW .. ~ CAtttta ............ , ,ublltlltd lh•pDt t 8t1c:ll/Co111 ...... OlilJ 'llol July 21. ZI, Aulvll z. 20CN MM>l7 Sill ,. ... .... ~ '-""""" ·-., ltllS ~ourt A lrttor or photll' c411 w• not p1ot«1 )'OU. ~ t ypewutten 'f5llOMe must be on P'llC* llpl lotm ti yoo wlfll the court to lie•""" .. .,. II yoo do not hie \'WI reiiponsc on lme. you lftllY ~ tile cae, and ~ •IC'llS· money ""' prCJl*ty may bo! tllhen wllfllM lurtlw ........ hm "' court. n.. •e .,._ ..... rlell*~ You "1e'f .. .,,. to call '" aftornrt rWlf -V II you 4o not "'-en ... ..,. you may call an attorney rttlwrll •·wee or • lllpl 1111 ofllt-. (lBtld In .. --bodl) O.sp1111 de que It ... ..., est. dleclon lldl:ill Ullld •-un pltllO de :II DIAS CM. t!OWOS .,.,. pr-W -r9lpWSbt actttl • ,,.... '" .. corte. UM carte o .,,. ...,_. ~no II olr-• pro4'ccion; "' r..-. ..,.. . ~""" que cumpllt con 111 fouuHdadu l11e1u ....... Ultld ... que II ~ _.,..,.. .., -· SI l"'9d no ~ su ,....,... • """"'°· ""'* l*dlr ti c.o, y II ........... 1111 .... lo, .... 0' ... cOMldl ........... '*' Mio ....,,., por l*ledlll-.. hltten otroa ,.........,. ....... ,.,... "" ..... qvltre fl1n\lr 1 un .... ••••tu••·•· St DO c;gopc1 a yo SUl'I RICIR COUR I 01 IHl SIATl 01 CAii I ORNIA 700 Crvoc Cen ter Oro•• W•sl Sant• Ana. CA 92701. Cenh1I lu\hce Ce"ler lhe n•"'e 1ddreu. 1nd lclephon• numb•• of plaonhtf'' allorney or plaonlrfl wothoul an •ltnrney 15 (Cl nomb1e. ta dneccion y el nume•o de letelono del •bo1ado det dem1nd1nte. n del dtm1nd1nl• que> no Ilene aboatdo, es) Gordon C Pholhps. II .. 81t Ho 9023?. LAW orncc or GORDON c. PHllLIPS, lit , INC .. 260t Main SI , Suite 340, lrnne. CA 92614 "'9· 250.5990 •Ana (f~ AM II, ... MAM SUTll, Ca.R ~:/, .. ...., ........ I 1111) fullrt1lled Newport 8te<ll/Cost• ..... o.~"' ,1101 Jiiiy lZ. 19, ft, Au1111l 2, 20IM M02t ......... ....... Tiit followill1 perton& .,, _.... bllSIMaa as: ltHtlf ltomu, 1177 S.-lor Awe., S411M G. c.t1 ftltN, CA 12117 ltMer 0-tl Cell· tractint. Ille. (CA). 1m S.-lor Aw!:l Sllle9 O. Coll• ...... """tlll7 1111\ llMttiMM la ~· dllctt4 •r: 1 cotp«.ttoll H1v1 JOU 1larlt4 dolnc bu1lner.1 yel7 No ltt11t1n 0-11 Con· trtct1n1. '"c.. Mer• lteuter. l"rHWlnt TIMa lllleeMl WU SlllS INC.: II.A), 714!>0 GnlUe n Spr 1n11~ Ot , fl1•1nond Har CA 9116!> 111" bu"'''~~ " con duded by d ~nrpo•Alrnn "••• YllU \IJ•led dOml buw 10n yel 1 No SJll S IN C ltu e ~n kpal110., Cl 0 fh15 slatemenl was filed with the Cnunty Clerk of Q,.n1e Ct>unly on 06/29/04 2004t"ISl2 011ly Pilot July!>, 12, 19, 26. 2004 M027 Th• Cosla Mt" lonlnC Admonish alo• "''" render • decision on ..........,, ....... S. ICMM, °' at soon u posstllle lllert· atlei on Ille lollowlnc items M1n01 Otsien Rtvltw l A <M l8 lo• Alen Ad· 11111. •ulho111tcl ... nt lot M•llh•,. Adams, to demolt•h an 1111Un1 llouH and 1a111e 1nd lo con•h uct 1 ne•. 2· slory !>.012 \q, ft. 41111111• wltll 11tacf11d 2· cer 1w..... loc•l•d •I ZJ2 Oste Str1tl, 111 en RZ·HO zone, Envlton· me11t1t •termination: ........ '11•llal1t• Newport ~--·0•"1 ,.... Jiiiy a , 1004 "'°" LL yu stuff ~ classified! The Legal Notices Department at the Daily Pilot is pleased to provide services to new businesses. The filing of your Fictitious Business Name Statement is an important first step. We can save you valuable time by making the trip to the Orange County Clerk-Recorder In Santa Ana to file your statement (often referred as a OBA-wooing Business As"). We will publish your fictitious name statement once a week for four weeks as required by law and then file your proof of publication with the County Recorder, as well. We can fax, e-mail or mail you the forms with instructions for your fictitious business name statement, or stop by the Daily Piiot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. It's easy and only takes a few minutes. If you have any questions. please call us at (949) 642-4321 . We're open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Good luck In your new business! Daily A Pilot ·····----~--•L • • t t • • • • ,._ .-• .,, ----------------------·-~----- Policy How to Place A ___ Deadlines----. Ratea and deadlines arc subject to change without notic'c. The pliblishcr , reserves the right to censor. reclassify. · revise or reject any classified. classified display or display advertisement. Please report any e'rror that may be in your class~fied ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advcnisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. • II CLASSIFIEiAD -iii Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm Wednesday .............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday·:·········· Wcdnci.day 5:00pm By Fax Hy Phont• By Mai I/In lierson: (949) 6.l I -6.SIJ.$ • 1'1~•"< ondu<k > "'" nJn..-.111J p/l<>nc numl>o.'r and .. .-·11 • Jll \'t\,I t\.kl v.1lh ;& pn,._• \lUtlof~ t (IJ.$91 tw~-~67~ II ours ·.HO WcNt Bay St~et Costa Mc\a, CA 92627 At Ne"wpon Alvd. & Bay St. Friday .................... Thurl>day 5 :OOpm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone lS:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In lS:30am-5:1X)pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:0Upm Index .'~ , . .. . ' ,!,..\ '· ~ '. . . .. I ~ . .~Ji .. ' .. CallectllMll HOME _Mll_mo1_1111_1_111_1_1&0_ FURNISHINGS HOME FURNISHINGS Cltl 3610 Business SPlllNG IJUTT(MS & CA TS °'90ftunlttes 10f' $$ 4 HCCMIDS nc Dog s 0 11 1111c Busineaesand an. ~ Elc. !Os & 00s ~ Ill Allee. Sjlllr, lube amps www.arwn;ih~1-"-"1: H.S'IOO Franchises 11 11111 hn1"'°' lJ !Aly tllllolh __ 3905 Mike 949 6'5·7505 jliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiii.l.iiii_iiiiiiiii_iiiiiiii:ii;;;;;;;;:; ~ Ind ~ nwlued ASSCJt:IA II ~ NI ll)f 0 <1•!15. '*""$lttld. l'V ~ SIOO lu SI 000 l'Pt Day. •IJl~Bul t> Yttwlds 11111 ret111n111i: t•ho•h 1 .tll~. or"-l?'\11T1 ~7ll'! No s~11111v N" ~·l)ldln 1310 fQUAl HOUSllG OfPOll1llJ'f All real estate 1dverl1s one in this newspaper os sub1ecl to lht federal Faor Hous1na Act of 1968 as amended which makes 11 1tte2at t o advertise ·any prefer tnce, flm1tal 1on o r discrom1n11ion based on <ace. colo1. rehaoon, su. handicap. lamohat status o• naloonat 01111n. 01 an 1nlent1on l o make any such preference. hmola· loon 01 d1scr1m1naloon • This newspaper wolf not tutowon&IY 1ccept any advertisement for reel estate which os '" voolallon of the law. Our readers are heo eby informed th1t 111 dwell· in&s advertised m this newspaper "' available on an equal oppor lunoty basis To compl11n of dl5· c11m11111toll, call HUO toll· free al l ·800·4Z4·8590. WANTED ANTIQUES 014w StyM F11mlbn rtANOS ' Collectiblet . .....,._""-_.,....~ • ,,..,,... • ....._. ()ilrl,r·· ·~fllll\'wN .. CA9H~AIO .. ~,,._.or....c...f'IOwMi nauYUTATU • lm.inedi.te friendly ..,..Ce .. . ' 1 COfJSIGtJf,1ftJTS NEWPORT CONSIGNMENT GALLERY NmQUES a COU£CTIBUS • UPSCAl£ f\JRHmlRE PIANOS6ART • R<1iil l'n<r< Re•hwl •We Make lluu~ c,11, • C..A!lll RUY Olrr\ • One r1ru nr b111rc hwe • c.,nsognmcnu blrp<cJ 1> .. i. • &wr ~In I~ Ari''''"'' • Bonded & I 11.en<e<I • IUOQ H fRH\I(',\\ ~llll'<:.IAC:I \lltl\l:"IU l\ )\I •In C.is~ Mc .. ; h1J ul ~~ ~ .. , IOU.111E£ 888-434-0722 9'9·650-•4110 , ,. •J• 0717 19' I NEWPORT BL COSTA MESA www ammdlnetwork oqc Dog-. On 1111e !149 <M n /'J QUAUTY IOTTINS & <Ant CwPd I IV 111 Ptl\/dhl ttomes. M1~101.h•P1>td. Blood leo.11><1. I f<l l'1C111""" I oor:f-... N._..,f~.,d. Shot~ Oewoi m•d & 1lt Head. ft" Al f'H f.UARANll I I ue<. N'llf•l5 & W1..,...eoch l:> 4 IRVH Sf1 C IRUM frld.ly Nl!ihM lpm & Wt't'lll!fld\ 17 4 I l\.SltlON ISi NCI 3615 a...... .... l"r"'tr 9 Mldl• llllC w11 .. t "11()t' pure bread Rroll~ '*'ooc musl !d $fill 714 ll7 ll:Nl •uu Cats 3610 MISCEUJNEOUS ~------JEWEUIY/ Dl\MOllOSI PRECIOUS METALS <-t<•MH4h Old Coons! Gold. silver. ,ewelry. walcheS. antiques collectibles 949·6-ti.'·9448 •MlnMI '*'"'' MERCHANDISE WANTIO J~11Swerd• _., .... , ......... . (t4t) 4t4-I 73 I rng No Couvut1 rn~ tdll 800 ?47 O.lli I '"' IOIO !CAI •stANI OVO Rf NIAi ~ llHI •I Bl/ OPP I ~.td•. 01111 k Sp11invr1 l 'M111 tov•r View I 1\111 111~ 1 ~04 Gf't '" tnd,,~ d''" t nu~s. ""'' $149 "·tu1• I ll<lO 975 71 19 Wo1i.. w•lh l<1p ledd•r 1C.11 ~CAN I SHU T SHorrus NtlOIO. 1111 ·.l ure •vafuJllOrl\ f:1•t IM•ll lo <hnp to~al <ttu .. ,. ·~~ ta111dnt' & thuatu" l1a1n1nR P"'v•ded f I•• ,btr hour'. •• mc.ut 1 e qu11 f d I 800 !>II~ 9024 P•t &7471CA1 •sc11N1 AISOlUTl GOU)'"Miiit 60 v .. ndm2 m•1.honts/ e•1.ellent locattnns. all for SI0.995 800 7J4 6911Z WIN! WIN! WIN! nc11ets to Th e 1r~"l l>~mJ~()V Comedy Club & Restaurant Win A Night Of comedy For You And 3 Friends! Just Mail this ad in for our weekly random drawing along with your name & phone number. Businea Opportuntty Services 3910 TOO MUCH OUT? nn11·1 I tiuo"' Un· WI ong W••Y 11ut Om ~er VIU!~ hdwt~ he•lso•d n11t11on~ ~'" i.. Ill • 11l•n. !(el oul 111 tleht & '"V" lhuu 'o.lllt1<1\ t ri·~ l Ol1\11Ua lton f Rfi!i4106191 f rnH.lornµoint t IOdm.1.lt !CAI SCAN) ,,,,... Olftu s .. 11. l\ppro• 106J~t & 1"73\I _, $1 ll(t SI !lllhK ne.n Newport C~11le1 Avail able 211 /41) fiJOO LOlS/ACREAGE lncomt 4720 $$$$$ GIT CASH NOW. Wt buv \lrUL tured settle1111·11" and 111su1 ance ~nnu•tie~ Call Structured A~sct I und '"ii Now•t I (81/ J 966 8669 mu (Cal SCAN) HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY OPIN SAT-SUN I -S .. , W.WIUON 3bo I ba sonal• family home. $889.000 By Owner 949 ~-1099 I ~ 0,.. Sat·Sun 12 4. Leaal non oooformq. 2br hu11 ~ un~ Out ol state owne• 949 637 2'Y37 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week .,., . f ~Only $32 per week (4week minimum). Call Donna at (949) 642-4321 ' Run your ad in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us this form with your credit card# or mail with a check today! Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20 .. -, 0 YES, SEU. MY CAR Name 0 AMX Please~-~I Bo.res V.--~e Mooet---- 8:~,..._ 8:::::::. g;:.:;~ Poc:e ____ , o...., ,..,.. o---o-eo. .. a._ o--..ol.,.,..,...., a~-a-.. ...._ o-.-g~c:=g =.,.ec.-• g::...,~.,,.-~~-·\· .. ~ .... Ori.A~ O ~'\lol O~e.c..w.~ ",,,,. "'• ~ It 1. INDEPENDENT Daily A Pilot ~Pilot .... 1tl11Ce lnt11e-•• to alhrertl .. I C•ll t .. •f to .. eoe JOllF 1M1 Cl ... lflH M2·M78 ' e Call (949) 642-5678 GET TH ' • • A8 I = TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS , ,., .... ~ 6 Pu 1• 1trwng 10 ''••ttl'f t4 ·va,.. · tf} t89f IG Siio on Pa••• " '' 811"1~/flotl l'J M•ulllwl h lJlt(lyo• ~··ttfWI,.¥\,...., ,Jt "' ~ ~ ... , '.''•'I 1111w •,• 10,, ., I,;,, ""'"'thor'o ti I~ pf 1)1HI '' "'''' ,.,.,. •) 1-1'"1•1 """••11i) ... •f MOf1Yht• tC i oll i., t I H q fht••l,h '" I" l'l1tllti1I ,,. 01'•1\, I '1 H l'i"-,11Wl ....... Sil P..,a.c ' 111110 ,~*<Is) ly ) a..co. .... l•t<• .,,,.,, .. • 61 l<tn,..rui. 61 "'*~ 6J Old ltMlal1 cu1l.eocy DOWN I fjt,-C,,"' "J Wn,;! C..;<•· J l\f\l(,tt U< llllllU .. )/•.'61111"} ., 'ftAJ•litf ,, .... n Bow•. I f t.ff! llu•J•mt tf '-tlO II lfl'ctf) '' Not f• 10l'l'Y I I 0._>JI \tl~lO. (...\'5utf W•tWltH ' .......... ,,."''"-. .,. •,l. "''" .... 1' t "'tf lt11t~lit_'W1'f•, 1 . ·~•'lo••''"' ,'II .... ,, ...................... , ... .:i...... .. . ~,1· ~ ".' .~·:.'r..~:~;~ •. I I tf !J • ,._, tl•t ; ' ht .. .,, lltt• '' •.111.a.ll 1f\ll" I t4 •lt•'t1"-h ! "lt4k •• 1 • .., k.1•l l1'-th11t•"t .•t i •l1 lu~11 t4 .>a1t1y OJ IJpllQtol t.;t Muwom '"'"""'' ~I rrunoe.µ'WtHU ' !JJ L;.e t>e lr"UU" '>I r;n•lllJly"""""'• •.it Vflt'fV kir V..-n ... lo ,,' •• ..: ,.! h """IMUd 'I j\f o~ ··~·•,tf t0" 11 I r,1_J"\M Flf\of"' ••, < A.Jvrr,. ~ ilO '.Sl{l("f-J)f•"C.e""'tt ~' caw. m P6'V>"" -' I• t•' ,t 111111• ........ •'HI ~"•"' H .'•• Hl''••"~' •' ,,y .. 4 1 c lfn>u,11 .,, °'""""'° "'~' •I '1'11•1•IJ0 "" SonrM<t ~.ult~ 4•1 '"'''"' Ind t ·'; ''i IJ1 ·'""'' ht ''t1:.'4 tt•w1 '" .. ,. l•'t f(•ft ._ot•t It tf A11 t• •u1 t'°11.1cuy J , w.1~» , . ..,,, •"· 4~ f;.t1r1 ... •. t,' lt1qd '' I \t Wit' I•' I lflr1•1t .ti .IHJl•Yl-t'..-~ !t(tt.lli llunllngton Beach ttUNllNC ION BlACH I .• ! I •• '" ljl "" 1 1 , I ~ I f ! t f111 1 t ft \I hit• t, NO MON! Y DOWN " • I'• I ·•' I ifl '!I •t •' 1•.1'1°JUh(1 I 1'! I +t t •I 11 f 1 81111 4 11 not. Sell your unwanted ite ms the easy way! Place a Classified ad today! 949 642-5678 I OPlN SAT SUN t eftftft tnm t f • t ;llt '•t11 liilliillliiill•llil-iiiliiit lif1.1 dppr••• ftUOO'ol 1111 Newport Beach NHDTO SEll YOUR PROPERTY OUR HOMES Of THEWHK PAGE ON SATURDAYS CANHUP CAU •GOelOIJS t4t-S14--4749 lOllAll OOOlllll t4t-S74--424S SEU 'lfll 1111 .... '"'' ,, 11•·111 fln1uu•ft 1 l.1•, .1lo•1J ' 'I ,111r Nt t .••,tuu11 I U1. ·•It & h 1tf ..,tt'W"l Ht1l0Vt< M,u k"t Vdlut> $I /'ill 1•~1 f'.,111 Patrn ~ 11•111111• NM1fH1w10e IJ!'./\ 'Wt 11~1, 11/011 MODll HOMl 3000• ,,,. I • h•'.t' '" I ·•'.llhtU 1\l,.ucl 111 ,1 ,.,.,,._,., 1h·v1• $i /tMI OOfJ ,, • ., nu1t • 111fn 1.tllhtt•"-t-t /l'1 '1IH O>i'•t Mt pullk:soc•.,.,..caift Vl\I( 11tH W.-1,•.ilf' t111 t1uo Mid u11 furn h Hf1t•11, 111 Ntw11111 t Ut·d• h 111 • ,111 ')4'1 "'" 4h lfl lalro lctr .. 31r "" llw lfl'HHl,lll•t f\vfot.1hlr ·,,•pl \, tOUlfltH '"' fll'.ht'i1 t .111 'J.4'1 //I 0 ')4 FIND Bridge By CHARLES QORE.N wltti OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH . ,• ""S\H.ll"i m Wt-:f.k l.\ muuca: ()t w Q I • ~11hcr •ulr..-r .. hlc. )llU 11 .. IJ •Qlt 4 . 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"u'llU\IUll p11v u" (,fP,1t ,,,.,.~ t111w· v1•'""" II···•' f It.. llrn \t'11t11u \ •J• 1•.101 f ,.,, It •l, ~r .tvtl t 11,1d• $1'19'1'> Sui>1·1 I• 1111• Wt•\tPff1 N M tt1I• ht111• P111.t 1.11n1 KH8 x1 1 •,xm 1 •t...il ~1.f\N', AlllZONA llS T IAllGAIH. 16 ... ••.• '14 '•011 l~1fft1d fi\fll h tll Wfll4.Ulr, I ldg<ot.1tt illl'tl 1u•1 f1·1 t b Ul t I '*'~tit• Sih""i 1 .... 01,,, llMtUHl.tHI ".-.W, l\tf,., 11,tftlit fw1omr m,• All H 1 K/ I "K.1 ~1.ltt~ it 1tl ',( f\N t 'MltllNIMN kl 1111 AI S' •, /0 ''''' &Ml t ••I' utp t 11t1I t.1 A1111111,1 ,,.,,, • 1111111.tf '"""•" 11111111 I ,, 1•111 ul ,,, t 1•1,, f'ho1u r1lr-1 1•11 ,,..,,,.t,1t1h1 tro111 StJKOU IH'I 1t.11 • I' I ""' Uvw11 I XlKI '•'•'• '1'1/1 t f itl ',( ANI ,,.,, vour ( "' ,,, ' '"" ;1,,.,, , CountryProperty 5915 MISCELLANEOUS NlW MDKO 20• au .. S 19,900. IAou<•l,••I v .. w ,,.,Nt., I.di h,... • .. ctt .. ., .• 111""1'• I m1:•' t•·.,, •:.to>. .w.11l11,1h• lf•J '. ho.u .. 1111~ 1J .. tl)1w f .. IJl'f'ltl f(1Hl4h f,., l>forw' Ill/>!.'.' I llNI I ti 11 .. llN1 SO. COlORADO RAHCH ··••· llfl IHt". $M'UI t ltflH'f flf',11 li'll0f1 oll 11• ,,. ·.t• {\,,, .... , t•• ,, • ., •• 11t IUM H•f•'1th1,_1 l.0111 '(,.,., t11tJH1I .~ ,,.~·. 11k1 11 I IHI lllif1•1I '•f't'l l,lo 111 tf H111 "v Mt 111•w·. ·""' •,lurnMU•t •AJll'.t:I·.• I •\rtt.111 tu1,11t' "'¥ lnw \J•1wt1 l"'Y"M.'111 CtJll to'11•Y' I lfob b~· '•"'·I '1..11 !-.CAN I W"l'()MINt, I llNll I IHl1 /fi.1 IP' Utl fH'ol llf tfllj (.,1•.pt·r M uuul •t•fl S: 0011 fllMI 1\1111• """"I I vr ,,., otr,(• l ,tit t ul.t lh v.11~ kl MAii lht•(1fOllfl WWW (.,11l11tJeV1lh t OHi I !Ill(> /4J O/V'1 1C:lll ~C1"N ) RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 NI '.1111••"• iht t111u•.1· tlll lu• I 11t tv,111 At111H.t 111111 1't1'1U 111•1 •t111t ••ft'• 'I l.'4 "' .1111 ·i1 .. •11111 p /.J' ORANGE COUNTY Corona del Mar •'.tu011;• 7400 Sll'lO, tlut I Oh lml''' ot111tw•.) t't.t•I k 1'1 •:.11 •• 111 S toll111'1 1.1~1 t14tl/ a..-. Garden Apt lllo h•w 1,e.., I•• I• h tlYl qu•1I 11i1 ·.11\)i ttl• I uh ... t i lllllu 1)'Ylf•/', ~t;\1J 1f(U ll/11 I ;: ,1t11 /11.t 111101•-.• lh'W ll11tir1t1~• Wil I 1l,lU1ft ''"' 1h 1 k 1 t'tc)U ttto Av.ul ll11w 1Mtj 114i /{).11'1 c-Hlglilonck. 4tu .'11,1 t\11tt111 •'11 Ylt•W l'611t1I I'·' ~··•• 'W1I • ..,, .. ,. l'.tf.lt '"'·"' llHW 1 '-'tl• '"''• I'~'' HOME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS _ .... _. CCllll ... Wl1a Stuclo AU. llTI. PAV Avali -· renc'd y ... d. 111 ~ ~ I ....., $11l!Wmo $2!IO Olp 1 •$2()relfl&)714-~ ..... ~.. lbf "' lri >Q ~' b~1 crpt. ups!"· l41 pu<t ~..tad $975 llleN> M11mt 949 642 1800 WANTING TO aCNT, Costa Meu or NPB lookmil lor condo or •Pl 7br • yMd Sl?OO 0 1 It·" 'Jb/ 4 Ill 5934 IASTSIDI 21 r, llo, 11rJt 'IU•UPlllit 4~dtlttbl~ Au.eu't SI 115 mo CJll 949 U 0 -433 I ,., I d'f\ul• CM .?br Iba l Ult' lloU," hOU~t" 7 l &ar 4•••' 1111~ h t cl11~e by lo"! 11!4 l 701h SI "i.:1 SIWU 9'\IJ 673 7800 l Slcl• 111 lldck bd~. 2 11,, 7 ~bJ 7 ~ 11••. pool/ wa. 11~1 uk 'w/d•P Avail J I SI IUl ~~Jl56 /h1 ~hro I lrvel towrl/1111 111 V1ll•M1· r1e~k. b@au ••·mud w.1lk lo !.o Coa\I 1·1.11.1 I r altJ, it"'. ~RI $I XOU 44"1 trlJ 71100 (oU•lcle 'iltrnl t-.m. Ii• n~J1t'd ltJI I b• iueal '"'""' I~ v.vd. dlJIJ"" 3 ,.., .• \/Mn qiig 7CJ 4!Rl M"'d Vr•I ti• 4bt 7bd '·l•·JI tu1w-.I" & v.:1rd t!lm & du1 flll\. ht"tber t.l)I, tr •ll 1111 I W I) hkup,, agl \/7110 'M!I 611 7800 Humlngton Beach l g• l ltAND NI W '\t·.1l.H 1d~W e.cl!t sluc1u1 in i:atrd 1111tornun1ly. clo•e 111 bc,11 It. Win I l pk11t1? u11111 lf~lllund ? 111t<tfo. '1 ••'* lllfl' 4 lt'fll1~ t.Our t~ . t1r v ••• 1u11• & gym. ael $1'100 'llt'l b/'.I ll!OO Laguna Beach 01 Cdlf h t,H lf bit.lg. IUllllt! loll w lt(.11 YteW\ JJO Chit. l & ?hr avatl l I '.UJ \l'i(Xl fl kl ~'J 494 IOI.I Newport Beach YIAltl Y UASIS r1Nl NIWl"OltT ltOMl S llU GaUNDY ltWTOltS 949 675-t> 161 2br Ibo opt, "''"ll' hum IH f'._t11ft n11t lf'1°._t,\)f\ ,tViUI "''IN '\1'1t'J\Hf •• &, bi'lld •,t $I '1/'l ')>l'l I II 'II tU /h• 111.1 I ,1u1 Y. t 10"' ti1 H.•lht1.• 111t>t 2 "" M_., IJt'l"k ... tui11 ,,. l.'.1n view .1;•t l I 1'11) 'J4'l b/ 1 /HOU 21k ......... 2 c1oc11 •• • .,,. tuHI M<\~ hum • .... md r.tn •• , ... n v .. w. R1e.it lli111 iw t ,.,,fl y '1eJn .. tnl 1 ··•.NJt.i11h.tl .u e.a nt Udal>o.t lllVtl Sl''Jli" ':El 4i'6 <IH:ilJ NP CrHt tw .... m, 7bt .'IM '/ t V.111 Wdlk to hlh Ct1od j 1 P<1tt M~tdlnt' Vt.t00 'J4q /IJ/ 441)8 20212 Orct.ld SI. 1fl1 lll.1 I , ~·". SI k y.1111 O••w lh1ltleuo11t, pallfll.1 ~l-••I s;i1m ""' '149 48/S lb~ J M' ~ 7 '.IOty 1<•1<~1 I nr,tr lw •\, • Iott I.Ml•• wt1 1•1~1 I i. 11.• V)(X) 11va• :,.,,, 1,1 9'1q !:tCll c.11 J l i..th, 1111 7 5bJ <011111 11•n10d ucw aded .111 Jl~>r• I 11 Iv, t••I t•dhO. ? 1 Rd• I""'' No .mi. IJ('I S7l'l<J 'Jr\\! tAO ~I Bt.r C11/<~ .... 4br 2.~ .... _. to bd\. Ire. wd ""41 • pool. l•nnii. =·-'· I 'I' S29IDro ·'621 3llt l b• low., oc:e.n flonl. 111 ,,,."'"· on the blh. close to H8 I c 11•1. 1&1$3000949 673 7800 ,_.....c-.a.. ..... 2!. ~ -.. $321XYm "'l/nwt 6 mo wm Pool. sp;t. tyn• e!M>oP"'bdl~ .,,........,,,..., dl!clls. library. I I? bl. llorn bo!ltl.11 Ofl Cdl\.lllblnd tofllt ~~n SJIJXh1 949· 1..i7 2!')91 M new eat..U\M! Cllnnery loll on 11'11.' 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N.·w 7¢ lie n11~· IMY .. ..._,,.,,.,., 'I• •~w for ,ti• U1v1,1ufl\ A·1.., ,11.Juut llo"{llr ~It"(! & k.,,. •• ~ I (•W l .. ~.1 C..t.N lld•mu~: .w,1ti,1l>I.· It Ir 11 I I I K 8 0 I WWW •,w1fth1M,kltt.~it.l'\inm ICo\ISCANI DttlVUI. SSOO StGN "" hu11u\ ,uul t u~t· lra11111t'!~ No 1 n•<ht t hf'•..,,, Clit\.\1··. -,1~-a•t111v. 'iiW•U' Al'4t tltf'nl~~ f"'tlW"fl,.fllPt1 (I lk 'lflVt'r'. f.u.tritrlh .. •tt 1tt1H'>·,* IU) /Kl ~I/It tC.11 SCAN) ettYIU WAMTIOI OAVIS "•""'°'' •s11n 011 Bonus! •Lone ll1ul •e-ftts •( acellenl Pay •Ho Hu Mal ·P~1d w.-1y -rw bed h•w.r .....,.-o...~·' wek:omel 1166·728 0120 www davu.tr1n51>ort.com (C..SCAH) IUCtllKIAMS needed, ser vQ & new (onsllu<: hon [nlfy lo .loot11eym..n C,;M 714 5IJ6 1225 ...... C.... 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Sdl r\Q 40 hr ~/wk t ,u , t"Sun"1 h an 949 615 ~171 Ammobiles 9000 Automotive tu~l 1111111e~d ( *'' V••l It• Uulo• •, 'l1tl•·d X. th tlh·ct ftH l1eltt11 IUJf tor Ul1tfl• I' \7:10 " '"' I 14 n •, O 1111 DOOGE DUIANGO Sl T •fl 4X,, 'I II ~"" • r1·tlu1 1·11 \H/'t(J \1lvt'f I uwru' 7'1Km1, l'f' \1411 JUI, bO I~ ~ -MITSUBISHI MIRAGE 'OD pwr wind, CO, AC. auto. 60K ""· S6500 080 949 57t-4244 Wllltf TO Ill\' _, -· fllH~t CJ rd 111.lA'>. \l.n. l~ty ON• I ru· I°"" -.t W~ Ulll-.! to y<IJ w'ca'!H l'ay $ IW.ssD.S lllll.uXX> 949·29 S-9 7 t0 BOATS Sailboats DOOG( GUHi> CMAV/JM HAHOlt 20 ;l{X)} WI•~"''"" v'1y , ~··•• I JI.Cl 11 I NI CONDI llUN kldlled, iU1 "" ~I' •1()(1 Ml ~ I 0111 R !WI 6/~ 1550 1·1· 'l49 6/ I ~/411 JAGUAlt lU6t .,, '*"-"" J...c'A.· Gn.oe11 .1 t;.·;wlrful 'ftf IU 111'11 ftlwllt'W 1111\(f S/O'l001'1'1"4'1 X'>l llM'1 Kio Sport ... '99 avlo, A (. I II d<I~. Im ,1,.11·11 ,., '"'"'· l~k "''· 1•11 S'•.000 714 '1!>1t XIMIU MacJDlS 1NZ SlSOO '01 I '"" ttt'W /<M IHI Ut•J··~ w1trr1tntv t11.u k h1,uff.-d S'i ttK){l / 14 % I 1181 C'llusifitd is UJ,\.VENIENT M'hl'lhtr ~·ou 'rt huyit1K. stUit1K • or just lookiltg, rlas.fijitd has .,..haJ you 11ttd ! OASS/FlfJJ (9.llJJ 6-11-56711 ERVICE for all your needs... A.~ Service Directory Accounting '4 I I 111 f'I /\Pf It o I o1111 • 1 ,w 11 1•• II 11 ••Hh I• I 1ir-, I" Ill II t I 1 "11 II • t111l1 ••I • IHfdttl t I It ft.1 f If t , ,,,. I +tll • 1111 I 1!1+ 'l ilf ti • '' q11111 f11 ,, lfll• f. I 1111• It, fl 11t1t I •II 11,.111 !•I, f u t i 111 ti, lllo !1111 t I 1 I t i ¥\ V't lit Ii I ~ • 't • 1 I KH'I +)'I I It Httff •J• + f +111ilt I It I I ,.,. II t·dl Ill d I I 1' " "'Ill l '1UO 11111 I ' ,,. llt 1111 If 1,lw1·t '' • 111• ttl th ti llt• \ U1 Ht I 111 I II',• d Ji, llh j 1111h 11 ff•I ' 'I 11• I, , •1 ,. U11 1111 Additions & Remodelino IMTl9NG OfVllOPMlNI /\ llh "• lt rn 11\ "-'•fl Htltt I 11111111, dt v1•1\1p1111•11I 1111n "'llW o/',M '•1ll"•'ltl11 Auto Services 111101 IMPOftllNll lntpOJt\ & ~tin C 0"1ptllltlve late\ Conveniently located on ltle P..Wmulo 407 lht \t . ....,..t .... '4 . SEll your stuff through classified! ' I Car,entry TRIM EXPERTS •Crown Molding •Baseboard • 0001 & Window Cas111g • Wa111scot1ng • Wood flooring & more ,i, l\AJ.11!181 949.916.1748 Carpet Clnnlno ......... c.,.. *""'• IU I '/fl /1111 ·~,.,. I)'\ ••• ,,. \f.,Y'• ''"• ''°,1tf'\l1t1 hun >'"'" mh .. "lt ."'1 Y''·"' ,.,,, Carpet Repalrt111ts UltPlT CAltPll , t<~111.111 •• ff .111 llltt)! ""I ,t II ( 11111 "'""' 1lllV ,,., .. IHht.. Wl111h .... 1. I '14«1 '1lt~ UIO'> Cer1mlc Tile ,_,.& ...... 141 lvrr• tic.ti• 'h"w"'' .,, • .,,,'f'\ f 1.-.. l •.t N• Y'' r•c• l"iN\1 'Ml) 7'ft 4440 Ctanlno ------- Hou~a Cte,1n1nq t he Way Yo11 l1~r II ,.,._,,__ _,, ..... , .... , W.AIMC-~1 lie_ . ._, ...... 11·1 Mtn c11 C (Ml)Ma-4111 fll'",..""' ........ Computef Semces MICROSOFT PROGRAMMING Access •Visual Basic SOL Robert A. Heu 949.642.3351 •>K .... fV9U••i •\\HlP,Y,~9•llJI . ~..,. .... {~ ..... ......,.,., . , .... ,_on'"'*" •1'*1"""'""-*'"'' ... ·-~ec.,,...,,flm-""' uc ..._.,o...-. 10 v ... C....-l.ap 714 -612-2786 TIM (~tor Deeter A hll"aly PC " tu ...... ~,...,,.... ~OM! 96722·17.f• Collcr'lll I MaOllry l rlcl ltectl StoM Tllo Conc-rete. P•tt11. D11YeWdY I llf lJlc. BBQ Rers 1!JY1 ~ I •ll letry 714 5!17 7!>94 eon.-anc. AYC WCllOllCS flll ISTIMAn ........ Pl ..... C.....-n lllllln, l<J .. ...... ,P( ..... I 1111~ '11l 7M lllli/ ~-. 14........, i 5349 714.41 lOSl7 Rrmodrl • Re1tore •Build Walerproolmo • Rep;ms Crank lros. De~ Co. Free Estimates 949-646-9356 c:.11 --• ,,111mh•·1 p.11nter hdndym.rn l•f tHlY uf lht 5t'""I j,l"f VH ~\ fl\ led h1•t,. flt uur '~'"" t dirt-' fufyl llll SI 10<.;AI WC. l'I UPI I l;AN Ill 11' YOU IOOAV' SMAU JOe lll'HT I"'·"'· Qu"k Re~o"'~ ltmn~ Yard & Dock 11•1 I ?U VI\ I •ll l~tOCan I tt.. tr' I lf/NVO 949 Utl JOA/ l .l .C. lloctrlc low r .. ~ i(ll.lll tonl1,1Ctnr. no ,.., l•)I) "'ldl. no 1(111 tuo !MK. H•h utton '"''""" l lllCIO 8101111 (714)142-1410 lKINSID CONTRACTOll No~ loo Yfl /Ill <oetYll·M! Reparr. 1enw~I t"'"· !C)a. ,_ SVC ')$£>«> Jrt66 flll S-vlco We deltve1 & $lal h dny q11•nl1ty Call tod•v' 94t-toJ•JSSJ • Floorint'file UMCYsi...... Rf'l~lllNI Rr~t11ui1nv. & 1n,tall•llot1 111 I Ill AN 949 t./l XOli':t /141W>~IMlllll.'flH Troo SerYlco, Y.11 d C.h•,111110. M.Jrnlenan~e. 'i111111kh•1 Re11a11. 11,iultnl? (949) H0-1 7a I ~~·1 .. .111• {.;.._t.1lJAJl11 "4 636·823!) RESTORE • REPAIR & REMOOHING SMAU TO MEDIUMJOIS Con<rttt, Stuao, Windcm, Cabinet\, Plumbina. 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