HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-14 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot;. f ' , ;. ;. - Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2003 ·End of appointment debate applauded Costa Mesa council members call nominee Eric Bever's decision to step aside and avoid a special election 'gracious.' MORE INSIDE tually tumed QUESTION into a unani-Are you pleaMd wfth mous ded-th9 adcfltJon of Mike sion by the Scheaf9r to th• council. Costa Mesa City Robinson re-Coundr1 Call our ? TH INK ING ALLOWED Members of the Com munity Redevelopment Action Committee want no end to their wor1c. S..PageA3. • Candidate out f or now, but not foreve r Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot a>sTA MESA -While Eric Bever's attempt to replace Karen Robinson polarized the council, his spontaneous decision to with- draw is earning accolades from supponers and opponents alike. Bever's departure Monday night from the selection process cleared the way for Mike Scheafer to be appointed in what even- signed April Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 15 to be-or send e-mail to an dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number. for verification purposes only. come Orange C.OUOty Superior Court judge. While Be\rer's supponers who are known as Mimprovers" for their repeated effons to dean up the Westside -basked In the glow of their representatives chiv- aJry, lt was diminished by a hoUow feeling of resentment with the sta- t~ quo. "We're all still out here. we're an still frustrated. we all need to see some action: lamented PauJ Bun- ney. "We'll give Mr. Scheaf er a chance. He has some potential of doing some good things . . . I think that what the City CounciJ fails to unden;tand Is the direction the city is heading. They're drag- ging their feet. For the third time Monday, the council deadlocked between Bev- See END, Paee M ICE CREAM SOCIAL C ouncilman Eric Bever. It de>el> have a cenain ring to it. And after Monday. I can imagine we will be hearing those words in November 2004. Bever, who was one of the two finalists for the appointment to the Costa Me..a City Council, showed true leadership qualities when he broke the stalemate and generously withdrew his name from the running after it became apparent the ciry wru. headed toward a costly special election. SEAN HILLER I OAJLV PILOT Don Rispm shares a laugh with granddaughter Chloe, 4, while eating ice cream at Loogs Drugs in Fash100 Island. , Estancia teacher named tops in county Pauline Maranian, who teaches both drama and English, is one of five to receive the award. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot It was surreal It was wild And Pauline Manutlan, a teacher of nine years, bad trou- ble composing herself. In her drama cla,s., packed with 44 high school students, Maranian received the news: The seven-year Estancia High School teacher had been selected as one of Orange County's Tuachers of the Year. ·rm just doing my job ... I feel humbled by it alJ," said Ma- ranian, who also teaches English. • 1 w always felt like it's a calling. It's very honoring and validating and It just makes me want to be even better." The Orange c.owuy Depart- ment .of Education ldected Ma· ranian from a list of teachers 'I think she really represents the teaching profession. She epitomizes the best of the.best.' Robert Barbot NewportMesa lklified School District~ nominated by each of the dis- tricts within the county. Mer completing an arduous application proc:es.. and inter- viewing before a panel of Judges. the 34-year-old teacher was se- lected as one o f the five recipi- enrs of the golden-apple trophy. Ml think It's terrific. she's a great teacher and It's an honor well earned," said TuffilAntal. princi- pal at Estancia High School. "'leaching ls all about making the students better and helping them learn. Shei just singular at doing that . . . !students) grow under her leadership.. By sharing her passion. crea- SM TEACHER. P-ae M Bravo. Bever showed quah11~ beconung more and more rare m po!Juc1an\. I le actually pul the good of the ciry before hi\ LOLITA own per..onal HARPER or political agenda and -.ingle-handedly '>41\ed the c1ry $95,000 and '>lX montho, of po~1ble deadlock vo1e• .. I h'> move stunned the audience at CJry Hall and people's jaws literally dropped. Wlusper; scurried around the room !Mlymg. "Oh my gosh. and "(,ood for him." Mike Schaefer, the other finalist who was sworn in minutes after Bever's withdrawal, shook Bever's hand at the end of the meeting. The 1wo men were surrounded as handfulo;, of people rnngrntulated Schaefer and upped their hats 10 Bever. See ALLOWED. Paee M A tentative city budget unveiled Money troubles in Sacramento are repeated targets as Newport Beach begins laying out its next budget. June Casaarande Daily Pilot NFWPORT Bt-.AC..H -City Manager Homer Bludau on Tuesday gave the ciry council a detruJed overview of the c1ry·s next-year budget, the fir5t of four consecutive study sessions on the $156-rniJJion !>pend.mg plan that council members are scheduled 10 VECHES TRIAL vote on at the end of lune And If Tuesday night's talh are any indicator of thmgs to rnme. the future will include Ioli. more jabs at Sacramento "We really don'l have much trw.t for the people of Sacra· mento and what they might do to uo;,, ·· Bludau said, one of ab<Jut a dozen such com- ment'> on the finanaal threat that the state budget criSJS po~ for the city. ')taff even went so far M to document their dtsdam as part of the formal presenta· uon A shde listing IO dangers to city revenues had five 1denucal, tongue-m-cheek entnes. "state budget crisis.· See BUDGET, Pase M Boy testifies that he was told to strip DH p• Bharath Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -An 8-year· old boy told jurors on Tues- day that a former Newport Beach reaeatioo coordinator made him take off his dothes and touched him in· a ppropriately al a city after- school program. The boy, whom the pros- ecution presented as a key wimess in the trial of Tren- ton Veches, said the 32-yar- old former city employee also took off the boy'• aboel and Ucbd bis feet aneral S..BOY.PapM Newport Beach man faces animal cruelty charges Daily Pilot ATAGl..ANCE ONl'ME-.: _...,.~am Officials say 52-year-old sm ashed parrot against a boat, but he says he was reacting to the . bird's bite . .,..,. ... DllyPilot NEWPORT BEACH -A 52· fW-CJld N8wpor1 8iidl IDID It .._.two fllaDy~OI- WEATHD • AZ ~. M1Y 14, 2003 . .. • LOCALS ONLY • PET Of 'THE WEE Ninja Nlnja'a congenital hip problem makes It difficult for him to climb and jump. "He has adapted to his handicap by wa.lklng sJ~wly so not to fall, and drlnb with his head tilted to the side to prevent himself from losing balance," said OiAnna Pfaff-Martin, founder of the Newport Beach-baaed Community Animal Network. Ninja has challenges and difficulties but his caretakers agree that his loving nature makes up for everything. Volunteer Kristen Finnesson saJd Nlnja loves to be held and he needs a lot of attention. "I just see him going to a home with a little girl that would share his love and hold him all the time," she said. Many shelters don't want to spend money on handicapped animals, Pfaff-Martin said. The network cares for more than 200 kittens and more are rescued daily, she said. See other animals available for adoption at www.animalnetwork.org or Russo's pet store at Fashion lsland between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949} 759-3646 or Community Anima1 Network. P.O. Box 8662, · Newport Beach, CA 92658. DUI ARRESTS Theu people have bHn s"ested '8Cflntly on suspicion of drlv;ng under the Influence of an intoxicant They hllVtl only bHn amnted on suspicion of 11 crime II/Id, llS with 111/ SUSP«fS, are considered lnnoct1nr until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Monday •Alejandro Padilla-Ballesteros, 30, Costa Mesa Sunday • Peter Franciscus Duynstee, 32, Costa Mesa • Pedro Gonzalez, 23, Santa Ana • Ilario Laya-Ortiz, 35, Santa Ana Saturday • Raul Sanchez-Cruz, 31, Costa Mesa • Efra Rosales-Herrera, 32, Costa Mesa • David Santana-Rodriguez, 19, Costa Mesa • William Neil Jordan, 20, Costa Mesa • Robert Allen Landgreen, 38, Costa Mesa • Kelly Ray Horvath. 33. Redondo Bead\ Friday • Lauren Marie Edwards, 20. Costa Mesa • Brent Evan Pate, 39, Costa Mesa • Neeta Ramesh Sampat, 22, Anaheim • Bradley John Donnelly, 18, Irvine • Troy Gorden Schmidt, 37. Newport Bead\ • Larry McCondichie, 47, Orange Thursday · •Mike Kent McKee, 41, Newport Beach • Jeffrey David Wade, 43, Santa Ana • Kevin Perez Doyle, 43, Fullerton • Jeffrey Alan Gludter, 32, Huntington Beach NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • William E. Wallace. 27, Or1ando, Fla. • Mohammad A. Bonakdar, 36, Irvine • ~lizabeth Marie Avila, 18, Garden Grove •David William Wallace, 31, Laguna Beach •Steven Eric Gold, 31, Aliso Viejo • Navid David Matthew Javaherian,35,Huntington Beach Saturday • Julia Maria Caso, 55, Irvine • Dianna Lynn Marquez, 47, Laguna Beach Friday • Robert Scott Podraza, 22, Mission Viejo • Olga Estefania Gil, 34, Huntington Beach • Erin Joette Padilla, 42, Newport Beach Thursday • Ricardo Daniel Costa, 22, Irvine •Bobby Luis Pimentel, 41, San Clemente had 4.0GPAs. Marta ~Ms. (women's crou country); JMOn Drael, (football); Nancy Jletpwbl,(women's basketball); ee.ther Mettalf, (women's aoccer}; 1)ler' ScMc:k, (football}; all of Cotta Mesa earned 3.5 to 3.9 GPA& Denk AliplaWlll, (football); Smaall ...,, (men's buketball>; ....... Daile, (meo'a IOCCel'); Damde Gmdll. (foodNlll); .._ Gm'llr.. (foolblll); C.., Petel908, (women's -.... Daily A Pilot VOL 17, NO. 134 ..... Editors GIN AleQnder, Lori Andenon, Oenlel Hunt. Paul Saitowitz. Denlel Stewns . NEWS STAFF Crime~~ l"ePOIUr, (949) 574-422CS ~bhardleJMJ,,,...oom June= .. Newport ..,,.., (948) 57+.m2 }une.~•Mltlm-.com .... ~ Polltlc:I, bu81neee and enWonrnent ,.,,..., (Nt) 7&M330 pW/.dlnton•~ lAIM ..... Columnllt, cultuN N!pOttar, (M)PM279 lollta.,..,,_,....,,.,oom ......... CO. Meet "POftlr, C• PM221 ~,..,,,...·~ 011 c.6 ·Educ fl ,......,,c..~ ................. _ FOR A GOOD CAUSE Christ~ne Shinglet9n Scouting out the way to get things accomplished. Canady Jeremias Daily Pilot One of the requirements for the highest award in Girl Scouting. the Thanks Badge. is that the candidate give service "so significantly beyond expectations that no other award is appropriate." Ouistine Shingleton of Costa Mesa was recently awarded this badge from the Girl Scout Council of Orange County. After being with the Girl Scouts on and off for about 30 years, Shingleton said she still wants to be involved. "It had given me so much as a child The organiz.ation really gives girls the opportunities to be the best they can," she said. "It provided an opportunity to go camping and do outdoor activities. I was really into sailing. I was a Mariner Girl Seoul· Shingleton. who worb as the assistant city manager of Tustin, said she was in the Girl Scouts all throughout high school, became an assistant troop leader in coUege, a camp counselor and then came back in as a volunteer.~he has sat on the board of <1irectors for the last 10 years, serving as president the last five. Now, instead of selling cookies and learnlng leadership skills. Shingleton puts her knowledge to the t.esL During her five year role as president. she brought the Orange C:Ounty Council up to date with technology, something she said was lagging behind the rest of the country. Christine Shingleton of Costa Mesa was awarded the Gir1 Scouts' Thanks Badge. girl scout cookies available online. "We now have a Web page and access to the Internet. and access to resources nationwide," she said. Also as president she was able to take a look at the properties owned by the Girl Scouts and eliminate some .dilapidated ones to lower maintepance costs. She has also brought the staff up to date, and made After retiring from the NEIGHBORS volleyball); Giibert SU., (men'• crosa country); Br,ce Slmtdan. (footbaD); ......... Snell, (Football); all of Cotta Meta, and a,_ Wbldlrop, (men'• water polo); of Newport be.ch, all recehed 3.0 to 3.4 GPAt for the fall 2002 semester .•. AnnUal and lifetime achievement awards were ... out at the fourth ennual OraDle C.OUOcy Arts Awards, l'eCOlnizlnl ou11tVMling wodc for die yai 2002. Nine annual acbJevement lwudl and Corel Wleon Newt 1alst1nt. (949) 674-4298 corel.wll.ontll•timn.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sun Hill«, Don Leedl, ~TreptOW READERS HOTUNE (IMS) 842-eoe& ~ your comments •bout the 0.ily Piiot or MWS tlP9- Addfeel Our~ Is 330 W. Bay St., Costa ~.CA 92827. OfPice hours ere Mondly -Fnday, 8:30 a.m. -6 p.m. Con1a1lw It le the Piiot'• policy to promptly correct ell em>re of 1ui.t.l'lC9. PletM '*' (IM8171M3U FYI The Newpon 8eecM:olta MeN Deify PMot tUSPS-144-«)C)l II publllhed deity. In N9wpoft 8eect'I and Coet.e Meta,~.,.. avlilabte onty by IUbecl"lblng to The Thnea Orange County llOO) 212-1141, In .... OUl9lda of ~ 8-dl Mde°"9 MIN, .......... to .. a.ity,,..,. .. 1¥911 ... °""' ~ ... dw,,... tor .., per fftoNtl. ,,..._ Ntdudl .. ...-c•·• -• lollll w.t llOITMAITlft lend ..... ..... to The NlllpcMt NoaiJC-.... ~ fllac. fl!().. three lifetime achievement awa.nt. were presented. One lifetime achievement award recogn1zed n.om..l ad MmilJn Nlellen of Newport Beach u philanthropists and communJty leaders with the Community Viaionary award llli,woad Iobier' of Costa Mesa WU recogn1zed with an Outstanding Individual Artist award. n. Souda CoMt •• ......, WU recogn1zed U an Ouistanding Arte Orp.oizadon award, and U1 Out:atending Volunteer Award Box 1560, Cotta Mela, CA 92626. Copyright: No news etories, lllustnrtione, editorial mattef or advertilementl herein can be reproduced without wmten permission of copyright own&f. HOW TO AfACtt US Cifculet:lon The Times <mnge County (800) 252-9141 Mvert111111 Ch 11t'led (94918'2-5878 '*'*" (949) 6'2""321 &9IDfW ..... J!Mtl 642-6680 lpott9(149)57.....a23 ..... ,.., ... ,&46-4170 ..... Fa (IMll eeo.o170 E"fMll: dlllfypllofe"1tl,,...oom MelROllee lu1IR111Ollee(M)6'2""321 ..... ,.. (9411931,7129 '-'blahed by'""*~ • Nawl. • dlYleion of me Loe MttMI Timet. Cl2Cm Tlmee CN. Al,.,_ ,_...._ presidency, Shingleton said she will continue on council committees. and she has been elected for a term on the nominating committee. Her favorite post is one that gives her the opportunity to travel, meet other people and participate went to Darrel Anderton or Newport Beach.Each honoree received a sculptwe award created Mike Retcher by local artist Michael Graham ••• MJM..._.olNewport Beach baa joined Bemholz & Graham, Inc. u an account coordinator, and will be in a number of committees at a natio nal level. "My most wonderful experience has been as a national council delegate. Every three years it brings us together to vote on major policy proposals for the future," she said. responsible for the general coordination of all agency accounts. Relcher earned a bachelor's degree with honors in communJcatlons from UCLA { • NEIGt90RS spotllghtt adllevements In the com unity. PleaM direct noteworthy ' information to Corel Wll9on by fax at (9491 &46-4170, or •nd e-mail to cor•f.wilton•latim•com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST More doudy today with, yes, yet another chance of rain In the afternoon. Temperatures will ttart In the high 60t ~ rise to the mkS-60e near the water and about 70 farther Inland. The winds wtll be fairty strong, gutting to 25 mph, during the eflemoon. " rain an1vet, It should be gone by nlghthifl. ~: www.nws.noM.(IOV BOATING FORECAST Winds wll be light on the • Inner ...... blowtng from the Mlt 11 I IO 11111'°'9 during the deV Ind from the notth It night. A dWa of ihoWltft.in the morning.~ wMI be 2 '-tona..-IW!lllofl'-t. '"'-°'*' ......... h9w -----. bloWlng ftOm 10 to 20 .... frilin the ... during the day. The wlndt will increne to 15 to 25 knott from the northwest at night Wavea will be 2 to 4 feet on a 7..foot west swell . SURF The swell t>.dtt down mOf'9 today and the high tide wrecb havoc. Chest-high W.W..,. moat likely, bot IOft onee. A longboard or 64th Street.,. your belt beta . w.w...-v: www.1Utfrlc:Mr.OIJ1 TIDES Time . 8~461.m. .2:18p.m. &:•p.m. 3:21a.m. HallM 4.39fwthlgh O.IOfwtlow t.30'-thlgh -t•lfletloW WATd TEllPUATUIE __ ,_ , ·· . . ... .. • • ... .. .. .... Daily Piiot Committee wants to keep developing While discussions about redevelopment in Costa Mesa have not always been fruitful, members aren't willing to let the process rot. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Membership has splintered considerably ln the past year, but the challenges of consensus bullding have not frac- tured the enterprising splrlt of the devoted members of a city re- development committee. The C.Osta Mesa Oty Council, acting as the Redevelopment Agency on Monday, received a status report on the C.Ommunity Redevelopment Action C.Ommit· tee and voted to Invite all mem- bers bad for an ongoing study of the city's redevelopment, after the initial 18-month study is com- plete. The comminee, which was cre- ated to forge the future of the Westside, is just halfway through its vision statement. officials said. A comprehensive report is due to the council this summer. · Members must decide how they wish to present the 6naJ ma- terial. John Douglas, a representa· tive of facilitator Civic Solutions. said many members want to be actively involved in the drafting and presentation of the report - which is usually handJed by the facill tat ors. The report will end the city's contract with Civic Solutions and the initial study period. The con- tract officially end., June 30. but city officiab wiU consider an ex- tension. without further compen- sation, to allow the committee to prepare the report. • Bill Turpit. a West.side resident and committee member, warned the council the report may be "rather superficial." The commit- tee merely scratched the surface of the various redevelopment is- sues and could on!f reach con- sensus on eeneraJ themes. .such as safety and cleanliness, speak· erssaid 1bat is why the members Wdllt to continue the process. "We want to sink our teeth into what these issues really mean and gain a greater understand- ing." Turpit said. The committee began amid aitidsm that it was too large. the consultants too controlling and that "stakeholders" -which in- dude nonresidents and busin~ owners -were not being heard, or should not be heard. Despite the rocky start, those who stuck with it over the past year, about 39 of the original 75, overwhelm- ingly asked for it to be continued. Member Terry Breer said the task was a challenge and admit· ted there were hardships. "We got bogged down in argu- ing and blaming." Breer said. ·we did waste some valuable time hut we have come through it and are more effc!Ctive. • Breer was one of the few who defended the group's facilitator.. Civic Solu tions, who were hired by the city to mediate the ·con- sensus-building process." Unlike more traditional committees, the CRAC commlttee did not have a chair or vice chair and did not foUow traditional committee rules. Facilitators from Civic Solu- tions led the group to seek con· sensus instead of the majority rule. Breer i.a.id Civic Solutfons faced a "tall order." "(TI1e process) focused on in- terests. rather than demands and positions,· Breer said. "Instead of discussing the different positions, people explain why they take the position they do and you move toward consensus.· Others were not so generous with the compliments and largely blamed the process for squander- ing valuable action time. Al- though the committee learned to wort together, its time and "con- sensus building" ls pointless if the final recommendations carry no weight with the council. Resident Don Elmore said if the committee were to continue, he would want increased com- munication and involvement with the City Council and Plan- mng Commission. Member Mike Berry agreed and admonished the City Council for asking the committee to weigh in on discussions but never taking to heart what the commit. tee has to !>ay. "If you can't make a tough de- cbion . . you ~y. 'Let'!> ask CRAC.' and then never lic;ten to what we have to ..ay. • Berry said. Costa Mesa company lands mi ssile contract Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot CX)St6. M l:.SA -Continutng a strong run of military contractb, Ceradyne lnc. ha\ announced it has secured a contract to provide ceramic nose cones for an ad- V'clllced version of the Patriot Mi'>· sile System. Ceradyne, which L'> ba.'>ed in Costa M~. WJ.'> awanled the contract by Lockheed Martin Corp .. which assembl~ the Patriot Advanced Capability, or PAL-3, missile S)">tem. dyne's vice president re:.po~ible for the project. ·We are particu- larly pleased with Lockheed's de- cision to award Ceradyne the front-end funding.· Since December, the company has secured a string of deals with the U.S. military to provide high· tech ceramic body armor for M>l- diers on the grow1d in lrdq, Af. ghanistan. Kosovo and other w..ir- 1om countries. Ceradyne develops !>late-of-the- art ceramics that are harder than any i.-ubstance. except diamondl>. The ceramics have been used in rrussLIC">, engine parts. orthodontic brace-. and other products. C..erctdyne will begin ~oric on the OU\.'>tle nose cones. or ra- dome-.. in 2004 for be~n S4 million and S6 million per year. The no<;c cone<. will be con- '>tructcd at <..eradyne'" 25.000 ..quan•-fool plant in Scottsdale. Ge<>JW<1. Ilic C..o'>ta Mesa-based com- p.my ha'> -.ecurcd $26.5 million in ')Uch contract'> over Ule pac;t five month., to provide iL'> ceramic ar- mor for ...oldier. now fighting in Iraq. The miMiles were w.t.-d in March in lrdq. lllcy are designed with so-called "hit to lcilr technol ogy that enabl~ them 10 inter<.·ept incoming mi.s.sLles. 4ee.~ Rt'"s t u uranl ln announcmg the contract Monday. company officials ~d the deaJ could bnng as much as $150 mtlJjon m l"l"VeOUe to <...era dyne dunng a more than 10-yea.r period. I .ockhccd said It 'NOUJd hand the company $7 nullton up fronL "l'his i!> a major win for Cera- dyne.~ said Earl Conabee. Cera- • Semi Pn1tote for Men & Women •Loh of Equipment/Free Weighh • Pr1vote P1lotes Studio • SPINNING Theater l1cen~ • 16 Full Time Personal Trainers • Child Core Som noon M · F •Ample & Convenient Parking • Yogo, Toi Chi, Stretch clones • Step, Power Pump, Cordio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Shope-Up Doy Spo •Shope-Up Acupuncture/Mauog• 949760-5054 www.shope-up.com • www.fitnes~ 2101 East Pacific Coast Hwy, Corona Del MM, CA "The Good Lile at the End of Life" Presented by: Joanne Lyn~, MD, MA, MS D1rec.tor, The Wti shington Hom e Cn-iter f or Pall1atwe (are Studies Se~11or Researcher. RAND Health • M Wedriesday, Mey 14, 2003 BOY Continued ftom Al times. "He hugged and kissed me: the buy aald. "He told me he loved me ... Prosecutor& have a~ Veches of sucking several boys' toes md t-.klng pictures of the childttn'a feet. But this boy was their only wiltless who saJd that Veches made him undress and to-..ciled bim. Deputy Dist Atty. Sheila Han· son showed jurors graphic pic- tures of the boy taken by Veches, including one that showed a rear view of the boy bending over with his pants down. Some of the jurors shook their beads as they viewed the photographs. The boy told the prosecutor that sometimes Veches would remove the boy's clothes. "Sometimes. l'd talce off my · clothes because (Veches) told me to," he said. During cross-examination, the boy ad.mined to defense at- torney John Dolan that he did "moon people sometimes: Do- lan bas argued that Veches sucked the boys' toes, but that he didn't do it for sexual gratifi- cation. He also told Hanson that he did not initially tell all)'OM that Vec:bes bad touc:Md bJ.m ~ cau.te he wu embatras8ed about It. When Hanson aaked him if lt was hard for him to talk about "this stuff.:'.. the boy sighed into the microphone, noddl..ng bis head and saying "Yes." nvo women. who were hired by Veches and worked with him in the city's after-schooJ pro- grams, also testified !or the prosecution on Tuesday. Veches was arrested in April 2002 on suspicion of lewd conduct with minors after the two women complained to city officials that he was behaving inappropri- ately with the boys. Melissa Grimland, who is still a recreation leader with the city, told Hanson that Veches was "almost too touchy feely" with the boys. "He did not respond to girls," she said. "He'd do special favors for the boys. They'd sit on his lap and be all over him." Grimland said the select group of boys would spend time alcme with Veches and run to the parting lot when they heard Veches' car pull in. TWENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL 4fhj r~ .949.252.8200 t--~ Biii Fallon • Purchase • ReFi • Co nstruction 15 years in O.C. Tht Lmdinc Group • 3844 c.rnp.,e er .n10. ~ 8-:1\. CA 112eeO @j~ Floral & Gifts SPRING SALE 10°10 TO 50 % OFF Storewide Sale Mon-Fri JO-~• Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (Across from Ralphs) TAKE 55 rwv EXIT FAIR DR. TO HARBOR All p.-QI .,cJ.ide goy«nmeot 1-ot1d to.es. any linonce chor9M> any dealer document pt9P0rohon chorge. OM ony emlMIDll lesllllg charge. bpir9' 51161()3 'Mt" COU>sN .JWU SOLID llADWOOD ••••• .. ... ft. - "He'd lfw them Clllldy anc1 let BUDGET them brat all the nalet,.. the ~ l&ld ebe once .IOld Continued from Al Vechel to bring ln enough candy 1be 1tate'a muldbOlloo~ollar and "stufr' for all the kids, but flnanda1 ftuco will Ukety force be continued wtth ~ sped.al cities to pick up aome or the treatment of the small group of slack. city ofticiala are certaln. boys. though it'a unclear how or where. Erlca Kilgore, a former' senior Vehicle license feet. money the recreadon leader with the cl(y, state channels back lo dties, a.re saJd Vecbee would take a am.all a likely target. Though dty ftnan- group of boys aside and play clal experts who predicted lb.ls with them. Kilgore supervised shoe would drop last year wen1 the after-school program ln proved wrong. they say that only Mariners Park and West New-increases the likelihood that ll port Community Center. , will come down this year. "They'd be rolling in the grass The Education Revenue Al.lg- with him with their shoes off," mentation Funt! was used as an she said. "We dJcln't let them example of how the state budget take their shoes off (at Mariners) picture, as Bludau put Lt, "gets for safety reasons." scarier and scarier" for Newport Both women said they had Beach. Since the fund was never eeen Vecbes actually suck-started in the early 1990s as a ing the boys' reet or toes or taking way for the state to force cldes to plcturea of their feet in particular. pick up some of the tab for edu- Veches faces 28 felony counts cation, Newport Beach has paJd of lewd contact with minors and about $48 milllon toward public one misdemeanor count of pos-schools. sessl.ng child pornography. He But Newport Beach proves pleaded guilty to the misde-that sometimes it pays to be pes- meanor and not guilty on the . simistic. By bracing the city for felonies.. Veches quit his job af. the worst-case scenario, and ter the allegadons. If convicted, ratcheting down spending goals he faces life in prison without accordingly. officials each year the possibiUty of parole for at manage to present a balanced least 25 years. budget that maintains a high The prosecution is expected level of city services. to rest its case today. "We are conservative in our •DEEM BHARATH covers public safety and courta. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mall at det1pa.bharsth@latimes.com. ALLOWED Continued from Al I guess 1 shouldn't be so surprised After covering Costa Mesa for 18 months. I had formed a pretty good relationship with Bever, even though we started out on rocky tent\S. After getting to know him J found him to be fair, even when we disagreed. His affiliation with the "improver'" camp does cast a shadow of doubt on him, as many people -whether merited or not -believe the group would be detrimental to the Latino comrnunlty. industrial propeny owners and charity organJ.zadons. Councilman Allan Mansoor, who is a supporter and friend of Bever, found himself In the same predicament during his run at the council. as he tried to convince people he was not necessarily in lock-step with fellow improver Councilman Ou1s Steel Steel staunchly refutes the anti-immigrant image many have of him. saying it is an unfair judgment The improvers have long stood for a cleaner. safer, more enjoyable city and have focused much of their attention on the Westside, which they say has been largely neglected by previous councils. Their means for a cleaner, safer, more enjoyable city are not necessartly CRUELTY Continued from Al Control officials and has wracked up more than $3,500 in medical bills. TEACHER Continued from Al dvity and knowledge with her students, Maranian has made her mark on many of the stu- dents who pass through her classroom year after year. •She's reoogniud u one of the top teachers in the entire cowity, that honor ii just extreme." Antal aa.ld "She's a ll!e changer. She's the type of teacher that mabs an Impact on a-student that lasts a life time." Many students whose lives she touched jumped at the chance to talk about the teacher they've come to love. Provided with a plethora of praise. Newport· Mesa Unlfted Scbool Di.strict Supt. Robert Barbot didn't haw any trouble ftnd.lng studentl to help h1m wrlte a letter on her be-- half for the county judgel to re~ ~ •Shft reaDy an ouutandlng &eac:her. • great teacher . . . they could not lwft plded • better penon, .. IUd Berbot. who .. revenue projections.· Adminis- trative Services Director and head budget guru Dennis Dan· nee said. For example. last year the city projected about $95.4 million in politically correct. as they often scrutinize the benefits of charities and the labor of undocumented workers found largely on the Westside. Mansoor proved to be his own man and won his seat on the council with large amounts of support coming not only from his Westside politicos but from Mesa Verde. Bever proved his merits , beyond the improver camp Monday by offering the kind of compromise that was good for the entire city, not just his group. Both men took me to task for writing in a column that the thought of an "improver majority" on the council was "terrifying" to portions or the community. "Do you want me to save you, Lolitar Mansoor joked Monday. when I stood next to both he and Bever. "I wouldn't want you to be terrified.· The only thing I find terrifying about Mansoor is his Hanz and Franz impersonation. And Bever has shared with me some intelligent political arguments, which have been utterty devoid of fright My knees aren't shaking. but the fact remains people do fear what could happen to the Job Center, to the induslrlaJ properties on the blufis, to after-school and recreational programs and the charides, If an improver majority on the council were accomplished. Others, still, are not ignorant The Newpon Beach PoUce De- partment is seeking reimburse- ment of the veterinarian's charges. she said. A forfeiture proceed.lng to take the bird away &om Ellis is in the process, Emard said. even further convinced of her teaching talents after speaking with her students. ~1 think she really represents the teaching prof~on. She epitomlres the best of the best" Not used to being the focus of such praise, Maranlan was a little uncomfortable with her county- wide acclaim. But proving to be a consummate educator, she turned her ~ back on her students. For her, being able to teach and hopefully affect the lives or htt students gjves her the big· gest reward. "I think teaching is a lot like entering the battlefields,• she said. "'There are a lot or casu- alties aometimea, but you always have to remember you're fighting the p>d lcbt ewsi tbousb 10'J don't alwa)'I aee the e«ecu of what you're doing until yean later." •a • .,. CtJ"' ao COlttrt ~end mav be nNIC"4ld.,. CM) 574"4281 or by...,,...• t1tr• ... CM111o•IMl,,,.,,oom • SAVE 'MONEY I I SAVE T IMEI ----Daily Pilot revenues: by the end of Jlsca1 2002-03, that number wW actu· aDy be about $100 miWoo. 1bJa year, the city wUI plan on not getting about $2.8 million in whJcle Ucense fees from the state because, Danner said. that seems the euie.t place for Sac· ramento to go for the jugular. Tu compensate, the city will plan on having onb' about $1.5 million of general fu.nd revenues for capital fund projects Instead of the • usual $4 million to $5 million each year. The budget ta1b are also a time . when mudau likes lO lay out staff's top 10 priorities for the coming fiscal year, which is. from July 110 June 30, 2004. Tupping that list is walking toward creating and oertifying a Local Coastal Plan, followed by water quality and code enforce- ment; the geo~ral plan update; rebuild.lng the Mariners Branch library; building a fire station in Santa Ana Heights; annexing the West Santa Ana Heights and sev- eral surrounding areas; possibly rebuilding City Hall; landing a good deal with cable companies; creating an employee evaluation process; and continuing to im- prove the city's disaster prepar- edness. ·vou cenainly have been com- prehensive," Mayor Steve Brom· berg saJd. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacn and John Wayne Airport. She may be reac:hed at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. to the fact one or the most vocal improvers holds contentious views about people of minority races and has written such comments in various essays published on extremist Web sites. Until the improvers completely detach themselves from that type of venom they are going to be judged by it - whether it's a fair representation of their group, or not. That is not saying anything bad about the actual people who malce up the improver camp. Shoot, the ones I have met have been nice, for the most pan. They have come together and made their voice heard. They"\re a force to be reckoned with and with that power comes a twinge or terror from those who don't see things in the same light I would imagine it was partly a fear or having another ·1iberar council member win the November 2002 election that motivated the improvers to walk the extra miles. stuff the additional envelopes and hang more signs to promote Mansoor. So whether you are afraid. happy. indifferent -whatever - remember the name Eric Bever because he'll be arm.md in the years to come. • LDUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and covers ouhure and the arts. She may be reached a1 (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolita.hsrper@lstimes.com. •So, the bird is waiting to be placed in foster care," she said. It is up to the judge to reduce the felonies to misdemeanors. Emard said. ·But we're sticking with the felony charges." she said. END Continued from Al er and Scheafer. As the council was dose to the desperate point of calllng for a special eJection .to fill the seat. Bewr's "fix-it" mentality oouJd not let him sit by idly any longer, he aakl. He withdrew Im name. leaving Sdleafer as the only remaining candidate. PUBLIC SAFETY POLI CE FILE S COSTA MESA • Airport Loop Oltwe: A commerqal burglary wu reported In the 3100 blodt, at 7:.47 e.m. Monday. • Awcado StrMt: A hit·and-run w .. reported in the 200 blodt at 7:18 a.m. Monday. • HINbor Bouleverd: An auto theft was reported In the 2200 blod< at 9:30 a.m. · Monday. • Kllybroob a...ne: Vandalism was reported In the 3100 blod< at 7:07 a.m. Monday. • Mentmac w.y: A vehlde burglary was reported In the 2500 blodl at 1 :42 a.m. Monday. • Plecentia Awnu9: A traffic accident Involving Injuries was reported in the 2100 blodt at 10:09 a.m. Monday. •South Coat o.M: A vehlde burglary was reported In the 1100 blodt al 8:31 a.m . Monday. • SUJ*b Awnue: A traffic accident lnvotving injuries was reported In the 1600 bled< at 9'._26 a.m. Monday. NEWPORT BEACH • East Bay Front and Pllftc Avenue: Petty theft waa reported at 6:46 a.m. Monday. • West Coast Highw.y: Grand theft was reported in the 3000 blodl at 8:57 a .m. Monday. • Eutbluff Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2500 blodl at 12:19 p.m. Monday. • s.m. Ane Aw9f1u« Vandalism was reported in the 500 bled< at 5:04 a.m. Monday. • Superior and Placentia .wnues: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 5:29 p.m. Monday. • Walnut S11Mt A hit-and-run felony was reported In the 300 blodc at 6:21 a.m. Monday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Victim identified as Corona man The Orange County Coro· ner on Tuesday identJfied the man who was killed in a motorcycle accident in Newport Beach on Sacurday a.. 38-year-old Alvaro Perei- ra or Corona. The incident occurred shortly after 3:30 p.m. Satur· day on Superior Avenue at Ticonderoga Street when Pereira, whO' was traveling northbound on Superior from Coast Highway, wu hit by a 1978 Lincoln sedan driven by a 72-year-old man who was traveling south- bound, police sald. The ve· hides collided as the sedan was turning left on to Ticon- deroga Police are still investigat- ing the accident. No one has been charged or cited. offi- cials said. -Dttpa Bhamth ' . And Mayor Gary Monahan. who also supported Schearer. ex-· pressed relief lha1 Bever !iingle- handedly ended the arduom ap- pointment process. •rm very happy we were able to appoint someone because going to a special election was not my first choice,.. Monahan said "1 think Scbeafer will make a well-re· ceived council membet. mucb lalongJ the lines of oµr last ap-. pointmenl 10-12 years • with Joe F.ricbon.. And I certa.lnly bopo that M£ Bever wiJl stay lrM>Md." Bever coo.6nned that be wt*.: continue to get f.oYOIYed and •·· ptees bis feelin8I on .._ tiie: ·1 like finding solutiom, .. 8eYer said •tt did solve the deadlock lt saved the city $100,000. ll sawd a bunch of people a lot of work try- ing to run a aun~ It got the mundl back on track. That's 8Jell1. It~ lib being able to waYe a m.gic wand md have ~ auto• madcally go back tntO order. .. ScbeUer said he WM~ wkh Bever\ IUbMmadon of bis own goal b the beltammt of the ~ He apcelled bis de8&re to work wtth thoee commiUed to lm· proYlngthe~ {eels passionllely about. He -' he Is unsure at thit dme whether be will run in November, 200t, when Roblnaon'l leat Is up b" • dmcdon. .. • •rw an.cty tallczd to 10me or thoee folbp and a k>t of what they Wllnl J lhb1k Iii noc llr 6'om ~ a IOl OI UI Wint." sme.h aid •rm wry open md Wlllt to • cbwi wllh whoewlr" ...... to tllk to llM. .. • Biia\ dlOle on tm •Who did aatmppana.wra> 11111111~ dam. ......... _ _,....,.. ...... ,.. .............. ._., • n' · 1•• al .. ..... .. • ... .... Qauacl. -~-.... ........ ·1've alwayt been kind "' tom • becawe on the gn111 roo11 llMI; • you QUl relDy .. ~ Ind be : frank and add"9I tho .._ In I •. head-oo ~· Bevs .at:• When you're oo a comniltbie or•: c:on•r'rr't>i\ you're llmbd eo l•, depelri )Qlf~~ ... 1bme1t•~·~ Id. I think I eoundl Mii could : more 6cdw bec:aM k nae~ : ... ,... .... ...., .., tlllp -• ................... ,...: point flam Wl*tl .., ,.....,... : CMt ldllliL'" • • I ------- ~. Mly 14, 2003 M I FORUM HOW 10 GET PUIU8HED -Ulllln: M.il to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Deily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, to.ta Mesa, CA 92627 • At1 it.a Hodnr. Call (949) 642~ Fu: Send to (949) 846-4170 E-tn.ll:Send to dallypilottl/atlmN.oom •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verific:atton purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit atl 1Ubmiuiona for ct.11ty end lenglh. ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL Nothing short-handed about this Mighty Ducks win • EDfTOR'S NOTE: Aa a special feature. Guy Hebert a Newpon Beach resident and former goalie for the Mighty Oudca, will be writing regular diarie1 about the team and Its experiences throughout the ptayof'fa. W ell. we should not really be surprised at what we witnessed Monday night Yes, it was just another ho-hum victory for the Mighty Ducks. their 10th victory in l2 post-season games. I have to admit that I have had to pindl myself on occasion to make sure that this is really happening. Then again if ii was a dream, the goalie certainly would have a different name on the back of his jersey. Hmm, kind of rhymes with Giguere. but ... Anyway, th.ls win Safety on lrvine Avenue a matter of being safe You ran an article the o ther day regarding Irvine Avenue and several of the tragic accidents that have occurred over the past couple of years and you posed the question about what Newport Beach shouJd do about the streer. I wouJd answer your question and say that Newport Beach shouJd do nothing about the street. I have driven this stretch of Irvine for the past 35 years, and the last time I checked, if one drives the 35 mph speed limit. does not drive after drinking, does not talk on a celJ phone and regulates one's speed depending on weather was another direct result of a gmtt team defense and of cowse we aD kn<M that defense wins championships. This team. if I am not mistaken, certainly looks like a champion . I don't know what goes on in the locker room before or during the game. but my sense tens me It is somedUng like this. Hey faggy, h<M about throwing a shutout again and we1J have, I don't kn<M, anyone from Minnesota in here? Oh yea. bey Sauer, h<M about a short-handed goal for the game winner just for fun because you're a native Minnesotan, and can one of you new guys do something to tinaDy help out around here? Well, with a shrug of the shoulders, Rob Neidermayer decides that he could probably chip in and give some breathing room by scoring another short-handed goal. It condjtions, one will at the very least reach the end of Irvine Avenue safely. When will our society quit trying the place blame on everything imaginable and simply recognize an accident as a tragedy that in most every case someone has brought upon themselves by nol paying the required anention to just plain driving safely? TOMNEnt Costa Mesa Injury was not Newport Beach's fauJ t I am commenting on the lawsuit against Newpon Beach on the girl who was injured in a fire (.Trial set for fire pit case,· April 29). My heart goes out to Give Us Your Child this Summer. And .. 11 sfve you a student • full aca .... lc l9ftl hlper. At Tutorln9 Clubs of Amt'nca, wt''rt' d~lcat~ to t'nsurin9 your chtld succttds Most important, wt' ht'lp studt'nts achtt'vt' tht' ~lf-t'Stttm and confldt'nct' tMy nttd to succttd. All In With our t'><cluslvt' TutorAld justµ hours. GUAMHTeED. currlculum, Wt' as crt'att' lt'arn•ll9 Somme mp c.au today and find programs out man. It could ~ sp«lfleally ~-tht' most lmponant d~19~ for your child's ~ summt'r of your child's llft'. (com., of lrvlM AW1nue) MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP ' THESE IEI FAHICS WILL APPEAL TO EYERYDIE. nu llSIAIDS. GUY HEBERT seems that easy right nowfortbe Mighty Ducks to be able to go and win a game in any way they see fit Scaryi.srl~ il7Not100· long ago I remember a team that relied on Paul Kariya. Teemu Selanne and SleYe Rucchin to provide most. if not all. of its offense, and the goalie, rhyming with a bear. standing on his head spitting nickels. The team is finally a team and isn't it great to see that Kariya has the support of many teammates to pi<* up the scoring when he ls well-covered, and that goalie J.S. Giguere doesn't have to always be spectacular, although he still has been. It is with tremendous pride that I have watched this team grow from the bq9nning of training camp to where it is today. or course there is a part or me that wishes that I was still part of the action as a player. bu1 to have played with quality people such as Kariya and Rucchin and see them enjoying the game and the team'that they have sacrificed for, gives me a great sense of satisfaction. ll an)'One truly deserves success. 11 is these two guys. They say that as an athlete you are not really a superstar until you win a championship. Guys like Joe Sakic from the Conner Quebec Nordique. which became the Colorado Avalanche, and Steve Yzennan of the Detroit Red Wtn~ have spent their entire careers with those teams and they too had difficult years. But through perseverance and commitment. they were finally able to help their respective franchises grow and become Stanley Cup champions. I like to think that is what we have in Paul and Steve, and it loolc.s like they are on the way to becoming '>U perstars. With the Ducks using their ~ufling deferu.e they limited the Wtld'~ offensive opportunities to a minimum, and the rest was cleaned up by the leading candidate for the Conn Smythe trophy, Giguere. With control of rebounds and maintaining his focus and technique. Giguere has given his teammates a rallying point to believe that they can - and now expect to -win this -.eries, and when that }Ob is done. move onto the finals and )oak for four more wins. Teams Jove to pt a hot goalie and ride him to the finals and thal is what the Mighty Ducks have done. but somewhere along the way the rest of the guys decided also to make big contributions to the cause.. It really has been a great ride 110 far and hopefully more to foDow. Th.is is something spedal 10 behold ln the world of sports this kind of team and this kind of r'uo does not happen very often In an age or corporate ownership and big salaries to the highest bidders. teams are Wlable to create this type of chem&ry and ~1.ain it over the long term. I hope that aD the hockey fans are enjoying it u much as I am. and if you know of someone who is not a fan of hockey or the Ducb. take the time to convince them to tune In. They will be grateful that you did MAILBAG the family and their daughter, for officer.· Wedne!>day) I ir'>I Crean chanry runc11on for natural J1roce'ise'> The and I hope she has a fuU of all: Kudo~ to Oecpa Bharath '>ome big buclts. improyed water wouJd then be recovery. I lowever, the ciry of for writing this tale with an All in alt, a great story ... discharged mto the Santa Ana Newport Beach is not actual beginning. m iddle and with a \weet Hollywood River. In add1uon to cleaner responsible for that little girl end. a nd in a com pelling '>tyle ending. water fo r the nver and the being burned. her parents are. We hope the editors of the RON AND ANNA WINSHIP beaches where the river And that ls a big problem in Daily Pilot will reward her for Newport Beach discharges. there JS an society today: No one wants to the Best Feel Good Story wt> additional benefit. take responsibility for their have seen in this rag for many Surfrider program part Greenville-Banning water l<i own actions. years. of runoff protection curr~ntly being diverted to the These frivolous lawsuits are What best can be ~a.id about sanitation distnct. Diverting to running amuck. a terrific Newport Beach Police The 50 in 5. a program of the the ponds wouJd free up GEORGE LAMPtNEN officer. Jeff Lu? Commending Newport Beach chap1er or capacity at the distnct. ma.le.mg Newport Beach Lu for his caring and humble C\urfr1d er Foundation, can be room for diversions from areas Ducklings story a fine, response to the resolution or an important part of Costa where ponds are not feasible. this situation certainly can't be Mesa's runoff containment SO in 5 is just one of the feathered tale underdo ne. ("City loolc.s to prevent runoff." reasons why there has been Finally, to Sharon Fecundes. Monday). such a positive response from It was wonderfully refreshing we hope she will ~ell SJ million Urban runoff fro m the local cities about the pro posed to read the story about the six in real estate by the end of the GreenviUe-Banning and Orange Coast River Park. of little ducklings and the heroes month. Good going, Sharon. Fairview channels can be which it is a pan. involved with their rescue ("6 You can proba bly auction off dive rted into ponds where NANCY GARONER little ducklings prove no mate~ that blank.et at the next John poUutants will be removed by Corona del Mar 22 nd :\IHlll cl l Corc)na cJe I M<l r Sc ~e r1 i c~ 5 1< . ) 1\ \ i I (' ~ l 111 \ \! ( 11 k 1.\ I " ,, i cl "' I I ) ( >1 1 ) '1 i 11 I ) I l "' Ii Saturday June 7, 2003 •• Event Sponsor Runner's Bib Sponsor <ID 2 Mile Walk Sponsor II RITOB$ M:nato.lts Restaurant Row Sponsor DdilyAPilot Media Sponsor Chip ('AJstassel Awards Sponsor ware Olspo.sal Entertainment Sponsor ......... , .. Dolph In Dash Sponsor ,,, .. .-i"' c. ....... o , ... c • ... CIW91Ni a n.....,a c s.u, • Registration Sk Run $22 2 Mile Walk $22 I k Kid's Dolphi n Dash $ 1 2 Race Day Registration $30 (Dolphin oasn s 12) Rt'9m1a11on includes a M hlrt, gourmet t>rt'akfast ft'atunng tne famow llt'st.uran1 Row Mall complt'tt'd reg1stradon form wltt'I dle<t "' crt'dll CMd, to ATTN CdMSt C1ry of Nt'WPOf'( Beach, 3300 Nt'WPO't Boulevard. N~ 89ch. CA 9266) Fa X f0tm w1m cr~ft card • to 949-644-3 1 SS Reg is t er 0 n II n e at WWW amvc com Walk-In Registration & Packet Pick-up etl rht' ~IS Senior C~nter. 800 Margueritt' Av~nllt'. C0<ona del M.lf June 4 w~nesday trom noon-7:00pm; June 5 Thunday ft'om noon-7 OOpm; June 6 Friday from 9;00am-7 .OOpm Registration Form OM Fonn P~ Entrant ftorm :: t>e phOtOcoCJlfecJJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U I I I I I I! 1...aJt Name Flm Name I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Address 11111111111111111111111w111111 Ctty St.ate zjp I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I! I I I I I I w l I I I l ! e-mail •ddress UW WW!l!l l Su ~ on 8'rth O.t• aac.~ u Sit Men'a S22 Ll...LJU!Jlllll o.yt!IM f'hoM LI U 2~ •• ~.,.... $22 SU A99 C•t~. ~ ~ T.wrt S..: Muli LJIJUU UUUU J-4 A ,_. 9-to s w t Xl I I I 1-l I I l I I I I I I I I I ""'' P'a!¥.""1 !'i I ft ....................... • ,. ~. May 14, 2003 Daily Piot Newpo ·dation 2003 Grant Winners AUTOMOBILE CLUB oP SoUTH.BRN CALIF. GRANT presented by Kathleen Kramer, Manager School Programs Paige Webb ................. .Andersen School Kristin Stephenson . . . . . ...... .Andersen School lJALBOA BAY CLUB GRANT BARBARA ROTHMAN-HADDOCK KINDERGARTEN GRANT preaented by Barbara Haddock, Principal, Lincoln School · Kerry Holland ......... Newport Hcighcs School MARK VicroR AND PATRICIA]. HANSEN KIDS HAVE SOUL GRANT Diane Bonthius ................. Adams School Joy Marie Andcnon ............... Rea. School KEvlN AND TERESA BLACKLEDGE GRANT HARBOR BOULEVARD OF CA.Rs GRANTS Jamie Nye ........... Ncwporc Elementary School BOEING GRANTS Allison Loftis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Park School Leslie Murtaugh ............ College Park School Barbara McLaughlin ........... California School Cynthia Blackwell ............. California School Audria Gazzar-Cohen ......... Killybrooke School Susan McVeigb ................. Sonora School COSTA MESA/ORANGE COAST BREAKFAST LIONS CLUB GRANT presented by Marvin Kravitz President Holly Lynn Potter ............. Paularino School Cos'TA MESA WoMEN's CLUB GRANT presented by Jackie Kravitz Doreen Ross ............ Davis Educacion Center DONNA AND ]OHN CREAN GJW11'S Julpha Man.iquis ............... Pomona School Amy Bronkar ................... Sonora School Carrie Shields .................. Sonora School THE DAILY PIWT GRANT presented by Jim DcBoom Colur:irust Gordon Copeland ............. AduJc Educacion THE STEVE DUNCAN FAMILY GRANTS on behalf of sons Travis and Taylor Patricia Povcda ................ Victoria School Susan Harmon ................. Victoria School ELLISON EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT GRANTS preacnted by Liddy Paulsen Project Director Kimberly Mathews ............. Mariners School Susan Stokes ............. Newport Coasc School ]AMES T. FERRELL MEMORIAL SPECIAL ED.GRANTS presented by Bill Nunan Superintendent, Redondo Beach Karen Ko~ach ................ Andersen School Ginny McEvoy ................. Pomona School Lisa Penebianco ... , .............• Rea School Julieann Cunni;ngham ............ Adams School Jennifer Hillestad ........ Davis Educacion Center Kathleen Teal .................. Victoria School PATRJOA POVE.DA. NORM.AN l.oATS (PllESENTEa), SUSAN tiAAMON THE N ORMAN R. LaArs A WARDS THE DIANA HENSLEY GRANT presented by Diana Hensley Lucia F. A. V'tnccnt ............ Woodland School HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION GRANTS Lori Levine .................... Adams School Melissa Brigman ............... Whinier School Cheryl Roberts ................. Wilson School Julie Parkin .................. Andersen School Jennifer DeMark .............. Andersen School Carol Singer .................. Mariners School JOANNE AND DENNIS KEITH GRANT Cynthia Femald ................ .Adams Schpol GRACE MARUYAMA/CHARLENE METOYER GRANT presented by Charlene Metoyer Principal, Eastbluff School Gail Routledge .......... Davis Education Center M c CARmY BUILDING COMPANIES GRANT Jeannie PoUoC.k .................. Adams School NATIONAL UNWERSITY GRANTS presented by Dave Waller, Associate Dean Stacy DeBoom ................. Pomona School Jennifer Margolin .............. Whinier School Diane Bonthius ...........•.... .Adams School Carol Singer .......••.• ! •••••• Marinen School Karen Buckner ................. Adult Education Carol Curtis .••.••••••• Monte V'uta High School Carol Jewell .........•.....• .Andcnen School Lainie McGann ........•.• Newport Cout School Cynthia Blackwell •........•... California School Nancy Later •••....•• Newport FJcmentary School Su.an Shinnen •.......•..•• College Park Scb~e Newman ...... Newport Harbor Hip-School Peter Selby ...•..... Corona dd Mar High School John Daffron ........... Newport Heights School Cheri Sbddon •......... Co.ta Maa High School Thomas Barr ..............•.. Paularino School Tammy En.ns •......•... Dam F.clucation Center Julpba Maniqu.U ................ Pomona School Nancy Gilbauon ....•••.••.••• F.acbluJJ School Robbie Stidder •...••..•••••••••.•. Ra School Gwen Blankenship ..••.•••.••••• .Emign School Peggy Phan-Nguyen .•..••••••... .Sonora School Pauline Muanian ••.•••.••• &taacia High School Pamda Narlwn •••• 1 •••••••••• TeWmlde School Wendy Jawor ••.••••••.••.• Harbor View School Susan Harmon .••••••..•.•.•.•• Victoria School ~Slezak • ; ..•••.••••••.•• Kai.ler School Karen Richter •••...•••••.••• : .Whiuiu School Arlene Wclb .•.•.••..•••••• Killybroob School Qayl ,Rof,eru ..•••..•••••••••• WU.O. Sd.ool Greg Colbcr Jane Dick Mike Ellis Kim Farthing <, En Wagnu . : ••.....•.•••••.. Wooda.ad Sdloail Dr. Norman Lo.ti, Praicleat Pcnnc Ferrell Larry Lang Mary Lu Fissell Nancy Nunan Mac Gale Scott Paulsen Micbde Graham Jan PioCWa Geo Wines Ja Suh · F.dTonwek FonaiWcmcr JdfWiJcox Newjlo 2003 Grant NEWPORT BF.A.CH CHAMBER OF CO.M.M£.RCE TASTE OF NEWPORT GRANTS Wendy Jawor .............. Harbor View School Tracy Luth .................... Lincoln School Janet Phillips ............... : .Mariners School NMUSD EMPWYEESI UNITED WAY GRANTS presented by Dr. Rohen Barbot, Superintendent Janet Phillips ................. Mariners School Bill Peck ..................... Mariners School Chris Kemp .................. Mariners School NEWPORT RIB COMPANY/ URSINI FAMILY GRANT presented by John Ursiru and Karen Ursini Joanne Shimpock ........ Costa Mesa High School MR. AND MRS. PETER OCHS GRANT Suzie Thatcher ...... Corona del Mar High School PACIFIC LIFE FOUNDATION GRANTS Tami Fowler ............... College Park School Joanne Schwerin ............ College Park School Pam Drusie ............. Davis Education Center Bonrue Brigman ............... Whinier chool Melissa Brigman ............... Whinier School Cecilia Ordaz ................ Woodland School Stc'Ven T. Nelson . . . . . . . . Costa Mesa High School Flaine Patton ............ .Alternative Education THE ALBERT AND FRANKIE PERELSTEIN GRANT Anita Peacock ................. Viccoria ~chool ]UDY RILEY MEMORIAL GRANT presented by Mary ZiJlgit, PauJarino and Davis PTAs Jantina Perry .... Eascbluff, Newport Coast Schools STEVEN t!ND KAREN RONEY FAMILY GRANTS in memory of Harriet Okerstrom Gu-a Boyd ..................... Wilson School Jenny Dory .................... Wilson School C .]. SEGERSTROM AND SONS GRANTS presented by Dave Wilson Susan Shinners . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Park School Ann Shuck ................. Killybrooke School Jamie FJston •................ IGUyb rookc School Kdly Farney ................. Paularino School Susan Craft ...................... Rea School Pinkie Stanley 1 •••••••••••••••••••• Rea School Peggy Roberts .................. Sonora School Joi Hiruhaw .................. Whittier School Mary Becker .................. Whittier School Jennifer Schuler ................ Walson School Jon Lindfors ........... Costa Mesa High School SONS OF THE AMERIC4N LEGION SQUADRON 291 GRANTS l{jm Crook ................ Harbor View School Michde Craso~ ............ Har~or View School Edie Atdtibald . :-. ...... · .... Harbor View School UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA GRANTS presented by Julie Kramer Manager, Superior Branch Bcmdl Guy F..nkine Jr .............. Rea School Susan J. Markowitz ...... : ...... Whittier School Diana Later .............. Estancia High School THE WARE DISPOSAL Co. GRANTS presented by Jason Rush, legislative Affairs Kerri Bordelon ............... California School Karrie Burt .................. California School April Schmietenknop .......... California School JoAnn Scbniepp ............ ColJegc Park School Michelle Hanscom .......... College Park School WESTCLJFP MEDICAL LABORATORIES, INC.. GRANT .. Scott Becker ................... Lincoln School NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOLS FOUNDAilON GRANTS Alicia CoUch ............ Davis Educacion Ccncer Jaymi Ropp ............. Davis Education Center Rebecca Watson ......... Davis Education Ccnccr Jennifer Noland ......... Davis Education Cencer JoAnn Copp ............ Davis Educacion Cencer Brooke Overfelt .............. .TeWinkle School Stephanie Taylor ........... Newport Elemcncary Alisa Grim ................... Paularino School Jennifer Glantz ............... Paularino School Anita Peacock ................. Vi ctoria School Rhonda Freeman ............... Whittier School Bonnie Brigman ............... Whittier School Norma Merrifield ............... Wilson School Shcyla Brundl-Nelson} Adams, Mariners Mimi Turgeon Wilson and Ensign Schools Jared Overton ............. Escan cia High School Eva Wagner ................. Woodland School Maggie Slater-Tool ............ Woodland School Caryn Broenmale ............ Woodland School Cathie Schadler ................ Ensign School Maggie Oster ................ .TcWinkJe School Kandy Byron ................ .TeWinkJe School Jo.Anne Shimpock ....... Cosca Mesa High School Gale 0 . Kirk ....... Newport Harbor High School .Corrie Rawdi ...... Newport Harbor High School THE NORMAN El loAJS AWARDS presented by Norm Loats President, NMSF Susan Harmon ................. Victoria School Patricia Poveda ................ Victoria School . THE GRANT R&IJERS CoM.Ml1TEE 2002-2003 Dana Andtnoo • Laura Arjad • Jess Bequette • Kathy Bequette • Lisa Boler • Caroline Butler •Gladys Brown • fJlen Carroll • ~ Ouisri:uucn • Dixie Cole • Karen Cowie • Bobbie Cowley • Bo Glover • Wale Davenport • ~ ~ • Jim Dow • Susan Dow • Cindy FJlis • Joe Erickson • Judy Gielow • Evelyn R. Han • Peter HaliWiCh • Jim Hilbert • Gayle Holbrook • Mary Hornbuckle • Vicki Hant • Paula Hurwitz • Tom Johnson • Giie Jurgemcn • Kadiy Koenig• Julie Kramer •Jacque Kravitz• Grace Maruyama •Baibara Massey• Beth MilJcr • T• Money • s.ibara Panian • Hank P2nian • Frankie Pcrdstcin • Bernie Redding • Roger Riley • Gini Robins •A.my s.wbcr •fun Steaffens • Rose TomUck • Karen Ursini •Anne Werner • Margaret Weber • Sandra Weiner Shirley Willard • Kdly Nunan Wilson • Judy Wines • Granc Younglove Sl!BCW.. TllANKs ro 2002-2003 GRANT DRAWING DONORS • We<ilesday, May 14, 2003 A7 dation ·Winners DAVE 'tV1LSON (PUSf.HT'flt), MAJlY BEOCDt. j or H1N~t1AW. St""" CAAFT, jM41E EtsroN, ANN SHL"CK, KF1 I\' FAR.'"· St\\' '""'~ll\, j OHN GAJlClA (ACCEYTIJloG FOR j O' 1.J,OFOR.\ CJ. SECERSTJlQ!ll AND SO\S GltA \TS · QUOTE OF THE DAY "I don "I want to be the next {Anna/ Kour:nlkova, I want to be the next Sharapova. 11 MMalhM'8POV•. Russian tennis phenom M Wednesday, May 14, 2003 Spoftl WW Rlchlrd Dunn: (949) 57«223 • SpcN1I Fu: (949) 650-0170 TENNIS Just DON'T CALL HER KOURNIKOVA Breakers' newest star, Russian teen heartthrob Maria Sharapova, is turning heads on and off the court. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot F or all you ladies out there, Juty might be a good month to plan for your summer vacation. or else just plan to lode up your men for the month. because Maria Sbarapova is coming to cown. The hottest thing to come to Newport Beach since, well, OK. she's no hotter than 90% of the high school girls walking around town. but Teen People maga?Jne selected her as one of "20 teens that will change the world," and the hoopla has begun. The 16-year-old Russian tennis phenom, who will make her debut with the Newport Beach Breakers on the World Team Tennis tour July 8 at Palisades Tennis Oub, is touted as the next Anna Kournikova, but that is based strictly on looks, and that is where the comparisons end. "There really is nothing to say," Sharapova said during a conference call Tuesday. "I want to be myself. I don't want to be the next Koumikova, I want to be the next Sharapova" An'd the young Siberian is making sure nobody confuses her with her fellow Russian beauty. Unlike Koumikova. Sharapova can actually win tournaments. She was named the United States Tennis Association Pro Circuit Player of the Week on Tuesday, after winning her second USTA title of her brief career last week at the Ooisters Cup in Sea Island, Ga Sharapova. with her 6-foot, long-legged frame and Oowing blond hair, had a chance to dim Koumikova's spotlight in the Ooisters tournament where the two were scheduled to meet in the semifinals, bu1 No. 2-seed Koumikova defaulted at the last minute because of a thigh injury. "I was really ready for the match," Sharapova said "When I heard that lshe defauJtedJ, it was good for me because I had a really tough match before that. But I was ready to play her." Sharapova. the No. 3 seed, took the free ride into the finals and recorded a 6-4, 6-3 victory over seventh-seeded Ouistina Wheeler of Australia Sharapova advanced to the semifinals, rallying to defeat .Kristina Brandi of Tampa. Aa, 2·6. 7-5, 6-2. Koumikova's only wins came seven years ago when she won two International Tennis Federation tournaments in 1996. Sharapova's marketing machine, IMG, has her going full gear. She nas appeared in Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair and Sports Illustrated, F.sPN: The Magazine, as well as on the cove.rs of Smash Tennis, ADDvantage and several other tennis magazines. She was also featured on HOO ·Real Sports" with Bryant Gumbal. Sport Magazine nominated her as one of 2 1 athletes to watch in the 21st century and sh e was awarded the first annual ·rusing Star Award" given to promiSing young playen who have shown tremendous talent at a young age. Modeling photos and Web sites are popping up all over the Internet. Fans have started www.marlaworld.com, and although she has nowhere near the number of sites Koumikova bas, just wait, they are coming. More importantly, so is her game.~ can play, and yes. she just happens to look good doing it She movep from Russia to the Bradenton, Aa.. to be trained at the Bollettieri Sports Academy when she was 7. She is coached by Robert Lansdorp, the Maria Sharapova, who turned 16 April 19, won her fourth career circuit title last week. When the new rankings come out Monday, she will be ranked No. 140. She is the youngest player it! the top 300. former coach of llndsay Davenport and Pete Sampras. She is expected to one day be a top-IO player. She ls ranked 162nd in the world by the USTA. but when rankings are released ~ext week See TENNIS, Pqe A10 HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL EYEOPENER ·Daily~~· ~llllfl'-~ .......... M~l9hon0fet CARL EHMANN Estancia High's boys gotf team, which captured the Golden West League championship this spring, competed in the CIF Southern Regionals Tuesday. The Eagles are, from left. Jason Cassidy, captain Ryan Brown, Greg Les, Jason (es, Marcus Sostak, Nick Lettieri and Austin Serr. STEVE McCRANK I OAILYPILOT HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF - Estancia's Cassidy a co-medalist Senior's 1-under 69 ties him for top honors, but Eagles fail to advance. CHINO HJUS -fstanda High sen- ior Jason Cassidy tied for the low indi- vidual round. but the F.agles finished 11th among l 9 teams Tuesday at the CIF Southern Region team tournament at Los Serranos Golf Course. Cassidy shot 3-under-par 69 on the North course to de a competitor from Huntington Beach High. Freshman Marcus Sostak (78), fresh- man Greg Les (79), junior Jason Les (8)) and senior Ryan Brown (87) rounded out the scorers for Estancia. which could only have advanced by finishing in the top two. Huntington Beach siuJed as a team, canling a collective I-under 359, a whopping 10 strokes better than run- ner-up Diamond Bar and Esperanz.a. Diamond Bar, by virtue of a better sixth score, advanced to the CIF Southern Section team championships Thursday at the Southern California PGA Golf Cowse. Cassidy and Sostak represent Estan- cia. the Golden West league champion. at the Southern Reglonal individual championshlps. one of three regionals, scheduled Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at Black Gold Golf Course ln Yorba Unda. Last-inning lightning dooms Sage Hill Oxford erases three-run deficit with eight in the seventh to clinch league. =:-'kner NEWPORI' ~ -Before vilid.ng OJlbd /aJIJl!lrry CX>Uld Kt a precedent. It Md ID ..... one. r.aylng for the tec- ond dim ID Ill 8rlll at·bet to deleiat S119 l9ldllaol ... leMOll In an Aald-_,, ... w 11• ... .-e'n.dey. '0.., 7-4. wMa anlJ dne OUCI re. .................... rAcblAr ...................... .... • ... ~ "'*" ............... ., .......... to .... 7 .............. Apdl -... 12·7 ldllmph thM .. ....,, ....... wkh •• Gilt••··~·~" I-· ' klll! ............ tar any th.ls week. Instead. Sage Hill. wbidl. entered Tueilday'a game ded with C..pistrano Valley Ouil11an for second place, trails eve by one garoe with only Thunday'a dub at Oxford remalnlng befom the p.yo& BYeti 11 s. w1n1 and eve k>lel 'Jbunday. a.dng a tie for second, Sip HlD would eettle for the lea&ue'• No. 3 playo« deslpwdon. having loll two ot three to eve. •(The PalrioCll got the job done in the IMt bmq, .. s.p Hill <:oad\ Bert Emer- IOD llld. lbn wu Ylftl.dy nod:dng elle to •Y In ........ duplt. wheN the ln· bibMI+• -two .... YMllh, befoce ................. ........ Che ICOdnl In tbe .............. lmft Jordlli Wneef *8' i -IO eecond whm Matt IDm 1111 •• • d. lllMnced to d*d on a llillllr'I c:t-.and IC:ond on a bilk. Odord (17-3. lZ-2), wl*ll doel noc ( have a. senior on its roster, ded it in the second on an unearned run created by the ftrst of six Sage Hill errora. SenlPr Z.ach Frleddcha doQb&ed in two, then scored oo Matt loper'• RBI lbtgle in the third to pe the U1btutng lta aecond lead. But four Sage HtD enon. lndudlnC two on the ume play, helped the Palrl- ou puD eYefl apln. 4-4, in the fifth. Sage HID answered lmmecUately wltb three more runa in lbe fifth. ~ llarted the rally whh a one-out m,le and WUklns doubled him home, Cben tcOred on Prtedrtcbl' bloop llnlle to rtcbL TM bd bouncld ~the <Wald oudWder far. IWO-t.e .... -•• Prtedrk:bl to ddrdo wt-. he lcorid Oft • -:-...... Loper Cblr ... wt no .-ned nw ID h. "CZ md wilbda.:on1•*2b.tM -too much Iii lbe WCI llb, ........ . 11)'9dlllhlll.two ....... ___ • E ~,,p=.1 . t2 • t .. • -•• 1 •• . ,.....Olllt.I 1w1(7)Md I 1 Plli .... YtW. ww..-. ....... (7) Mdr.u 11.W-OIL ... L·~·· ,...,_, .. Q. ,, ...... ..,, ~ CIHt a. •' i SPO R TS Wednesday, May 14, 2003 At BRIEFLY HONORS NAC sparkles at regatta Wallis named to academic team UC Irvine sophomore Gregg Wallis has been named Lo the Verizon Academic AU-Oislrict VUI university baseball team as selected by the CoJJege Sport& ln· formation Directors of America CCoSlll'.J. and ued for i.econd in the Big Wei.t Conference with four lri- pl~. Wallis ll> also 6ee0nd on the team with '>lX sacrifice bunts and h~ dnvcn in I 5 runs while hit ung 259 on the !>ea50n. Newport Aquatic Center boasts three varsity winners at regional junior cnampionship. Newport Aquatic Center boasted three winners and two second-place finishers in· varsity competition at last weekend's United States Southwest Re - gional Junior Ownpionshlp Re- gatta in Sacramento. WIJ\Jlers included NACs men's quad (6:54.80) and singles (8:09.50), along with the women's fours (7:43.80). in a quact boat, there are two oars on each side and no coxswain. The women's eight (7:05.50) and doubles teams (8:38.61 ) each finished second in re - spective races. In an eight-per - son boat, each rower uses one oar. The women's eight qualified for the youth championshipl> in Cincinnall June 7 -8, the second consecutive year an NAC team has advanced to the nationals. The junior regional competi- llon also included intermediate and junior varsity level!>. Sage Hill shut out • SOPTMLL: The Sage Hill School softball team, in Its sec- ond year of varsity competition, made history even though it lost, 6-0, to Academy League visitor· Capistrano Valley Ouistlan 1\Jes- day. The Ughtnlng (10-8, 6-3 in league) clinched third place in the Academy League and its first berth into the OF Southern Sec- tion Division V playoffs, Sage Hill Coach Jim Percival said Capis- trano Valley Christian ( 11 -11, 7 -2) held the Lightning to one hil, and scored five unearned runs because ofSage'HlJJ errors. Freshman Allison GonzaJe-1. collected the Lightning's lone hlt. Ac.s.my LNCUt Capistnno :";. C:ristMln 6, ~~nlngs limited host Newport I !arbor High to one hlt Tuesday in a 5·0 Sea View League softball victory for Woodbridge. With two outs In the seventh inning, Woodbrldge's ICrista Seeman and Crouch each knocked in a rw1 to pad the lead to ·5-0. Julianne Bass singled to lead off the second and stole sec- ond, but was stranded. She was the only Newport player to reach second base. Kim Moore pitched ~ in- nings with four strikeouts and rwo walks. Ashley Gleason came on to strike out the final Woodbridge batter on three pitches in the seventh. Shortstop Athena Vasquez re- corded three putouts for New- port (9-10, 2-7 in league). eve ~~ 11 a 9 Sage Hill ooo ooo o o 1 E1cfiler and KrumpetJcti, Oatley alld Torina W -E1ctiler. 8· 10. L Dailey, 6·5 28 -Oe La TorTe (CVCI Tuesday's game was delayed about 20 minutes as paramed- ics tended to Newport first ~ baseman Shelby Crisp, who in- jured herself during pregame warmupl>. Sailors Coach Sharon Wolfe said. Newport bats quieted •SOFTBALL: Brittany Crouch struck out seven and Wolfe said Crisp was told to rest today and possibly be ready for Newport's final game, Thursday at home at 3:15 p.m . HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL S.• VW uqw w~ 5 Newport o Seo,. bv lnnlno1 Wood 201 .. boo "l & 9 o Newport ooo ooo o o 1 2 Croucti and Peterson, Moore, Gleason (7) and Ban. W -Croucti L -Moore, 6-9. 28 -Corso 2 (W). Singley (W). Croucti (W) Cd.M fails to advance · •GOLF: Corona del Mar 1 ligh's boys golf team shot 379, but did not advance in the CJF South Coast Region team tour- nament Monday at the par· 72 Creek course at El Prado Golf Course in Otlno. Alex Chikovaru led the Sea Kings with a l-under-par 7 1, fol- lowed by Nick Sherman (73). Rob Ury (76) and two 80s by Tun Frohling and Ben Ttl.sen. CdM Coach Mike Stark- weather estimated CdM fin- ished in either fifth or sLXth place out of 20 team~. Only Te- soro and Mj~ion Viejo ad- vanced. Sherman wilJ compete in the CIF Southern Regional individ- ual championshipl> 'luesday at Black Gold Golf Cour'le in Yorba Linda. The nominee must be a starter or important reserve, hold at least a 3.20 cwoulallve grclde- point averdge and must have reached sophomore athletic and academic standing at their re- spective insurution. Wallis, a political science ma- jor, has been a member of the Dean's List twice and IS also a cwo-time Big West Scholar·Alh- lete. The designated hitter has played in 45 of 49 games and is currently fifth on the team with 36 hits, fourth with four doubles With thl' honor, Walhs will now bt.> conMdered o n the Ve nwn Academic A.II -America national ballot The national winner!> will be announced • May Z7. ••• Junior Wkwe'>I Williams of the UC Irvine men\ tenrus team • will reprei.ent U Cl at the NCAA Ludt"'11p C.Onfe«!Oee to b& held May 25-29 at Olmey's W1de • World of Sports and Coronado Springs Resort in Buena VtSta, Fla. REDUalON SALE! ~10%':''70%"~ Errors costly for Newport Harbor OFF fVEm'llM; ......,.s .... • ¥M~i'·lt1'0 "' ............ Foothill pins 9-I loss on Sailors; Thursday is season finale for Tars. NEWPORT BEACH -root hW I Ugh's baseball team took advantage of eight Newport I larbor errors to post a 9-I Sea View League vidory 1\Jesday a1 Newport Harbor. The .Knights (22-3, 14-0 tn league) had only one batter re- cord more than two hjll>. but staner Bryan OJund did hi'> part, striking out ~ven in five inning'> to im· prove to 5-I· I. Newport (8 17, 3·111 man· aged three hits, a double by Joe Cantarella to go with 'mgles by starting pitcher Ryan I leenan and Ryan Rowe. Lcmtarella scored Newport 1 lar- hor\ run in the seventh inning. '>lealing home after foothiU'i. catcher attempted to call ume- out, but umpires did not gr.int the requL>Sl. ·The catcher ran our and J~ talked to the pitcher l>O, I ..ent !CantarelJal home," said New- port Harbor Coach Joel Des- gttin. "You can't grant timeout until the guy i.teps on the base." I leenan was on his way to first after a walk when Canta rella broke for home. Mike McLean walked and Andre Pinesett sacrificed Can- tareJJa to third earlier in the in- ning. Heenan and Rowe, both sen- iors, teamed up on the mound for the Sailors. Rowe struck out fl,gjalk ffla? ~~ J"flll!Jt',t \ two in four inningl> of relief. Newport Harbor wiJJ travel to Foothill, league champio ns and ranked third in (.11- Southern Section 01V1sion II, on Thursday for a 3 15 p.m. start. Su vi.w lA•aue Foothlll 9. Newpor11 Score by Innings F'th1ll m ,40 ll 9 e 2 Newpon ooo ooo 1 1 J s Olund, St. Clair (6) and Henry, Price (6) Heenan, Rowe (41 and Sanctiez. W -Olund, 5-1 1 L Heenan 28 Cantarella (NH>. H1clcs (Fl Au. IASDAll EOHIPllOO 30% Off ..... ......., .A.IW. s..ts • 0.. Swili•• • ...._ Almso ..... 5a.rts ........... 0 Ltr.ww's J.cbb ~)..,. Sl"-" .._ $7S.OO •Jr. llepn W feet $2'.tS 270 l 17th Street • Costa Mesa 92627 fl1. IO:OOt.a • 6:00p.a. SAJ. IO:OOt.a • S:OOp..a.. Scll I l:Oo..a. · 3:00 pa (949) 548-3323 www .team a n d beach . com Let them know how proud you are! A special page will publish in thP Daily Pilot on Frid.iv. Junt' ."!0 to honor our graduatcs For your daughter, son, tmmd o r special r,omt>om' I><' a p.ut or this tribute for only S40 .00 (2x2 ad). rill IO the· lorm belov. ,ind m.111 II to U\ \'\-Ith their photo Be sure to put the name and Jddrt'!>'i on the' bt1ck ol thf· rihoto Jnd v.e 11 return 11 to you Graduate's Information: Submitted by: Graduate's Name.------------- School Name. __ _ ~bout the waducJll' I lnl>liw~ tntt>rt>St' or luturr pl.11i- 1L 1m1tecf to 40 1\orrl mt'~\J~t·1 Address:------------ Credit Card No .. ---------E-<p Signature for credit card: ----------- 1tf you prefer. you may enclos<> $40 chtd mack fJil~able 10 "D.J1fv Pilaf. ·1 ~ii this form ~•th photo to 2()()3 l/M"'" DAILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 A.10 Wednisdly, Mey 14, 2003 SPORTS • • TENNIS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS Bear with me, I'm the new kid on the block HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratitw the Dalt Pilot's Athlete oflhe ~series CdM keeps rolling Sea Kings advance two of three doubles teams to Pacific Coast League semifinals. to the finl t round, but Nortbwood's David Eisn er and Michael Strenk put up more of a No pressure. Yeah. right. pemm1aJ favorite. "You're going to love tb.i.s beat,'" my edJtor Rieb Dunn lOld me. "It is the best beat to cawr. I wish J didn't have to give It up." I wasgoins to ask Palisades General Managerlrv Goldberg (or a recount, but he beat me to the punch andsaldbe had recounted it several But how do I fill the shoes of someone who the tennis community bas already repeatedly told me bow much they'll miss him. MELANIE NEFF "Rkb tteated us so well." said oee. "He's the best," said another. No. pressure. dmes. and even did so while we were on the phone together. I will say one thing, you guys make It easy. The phone calls have been rolling in with notes and items on tennis tidbits happening around the community, as well as weU·wlaben congratulating me on my new position. The all-doubles tournament came down to the final match in 5.0 mixed doubles, with Steve Rodriguez and Sarah Collins of big, bad Palisades defeating Hector Chairez and Vicld Peterson for the win. But you will have to bear with me. IVe been out in the Inland Valey for the pest~ where tennis ~ j\st an afterthought It's been almost four years sinre ) set foot through the gates of a CX>llntry dub. But. I am looking forward to it and meedng all of you. I might tum my allegiance to Palisades, however, after finding out it is giving away a $20,000 Silver Sea cruise at this weelcend's member/guest tournament. I haven't played in 20 years, but if any members out there need a partner, I thlnJc I could squeeze in the time to join the I 00 other teams competing, I was a little upset to learn that my hometown club, the Laguna Niguel Racquet Oub, was bea ten last weekend In the Private Tennis Oub Association Olampionship by Palisades, but J'U m uster through it. since the Niguelians put up q uite a fight before losing, 11 -10. to the I've only been working here a week. but J think a cruise is just what I need to help cope with an all-male staff. ••• I was happy to see upon my TENNIS Continued from M she is expected to climb to I 40. She is the youngest player ranked in the top 300. Koumikova is currently 70th. She won her first professional match in 2002 at the $25,000 1 even t in Columbus, Ohio. where she defeated Teryn Ashley. 7 ·6, 1-6, 7-5. She made her WfA debut at 14 at lndian Wells. She knocked out Brie Rippner in the first round before losing, 6·0, 6-2 to Monica Seles. Sharapova's next tournament will be trying to qualify for the French Open. which begins May 24. Sharapcm.. who turned 16 on April 19, began her pro career on her 14th birthday and has appeared in four USTA circuit finals. She won her first title la.st year al the $25.CXX> Peachtree G t)( Ge.. event Along with her ™> USfA titJes, she WcLS a jwlior finalist at the 2002 Australian Open and Wunbledon. She has also won four titles on the ITF c:im.til Sharapova said the last year hasn't been easy for her, as her body continues to grow. And after having a recent X-ray for an ankle sprain. she found out she is lilely to reach beyond 6-0. While it is a benefit for tennis players to be tall, Sharapova said ISC ll04S MOna Of rmTIOll TOM•asta ES1Alt0f: ntOIAS L uno, .. WlllO.A211114 To all he1ts, benef1 t ••,.es ued1lors, con hn&enl creditors. and persons who may oth· erw1se be interested 1n the will or estate. or both. of THOMAS L. LETIO, JR A PETITION fOR PRO BA 1 £ has been filed by Cl AIRr IRENE I ETTO 1n lhe Superior Court of Cahforn1a County of ORANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE nquests Cl.AIRE IRCHC tUlO be appcunted n perM>nal represtnlth•• to ad· min1ste1 the estate of the decedent THE PETITION requests lb.Lii . cod1c1ls. 1f any. be edm1tted to PfObalt. The Will and any codicils are available for eumina~ lion 1n lhe Ille kepi by the court THE PETITION requests authority to administer lhe ntete under the Independent Ad m1n1s· lr ahon of E stales Act. (Tt11s Autho<1ly will allow the personal lf•preun· tahve lo lake many acltons without obltin 1n& court approval Before talun1 certain very important tcltons however the perM>nal reptesentah•e will be required to 11ve notice lo interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the propoud action ) The 1nd1,p1ndent td ministration authority will be a:r anted unleu an interested person Oles an objection to the petition end snows eood cause why tht court !\hould not 1rant the authority A HEARING on the pehhon will be held on JUNE !I, 2003 al I 45 pm tnOept L73 located at 341 The City Orrve South, Or anee. CA 92868 If YOU OBJCCl to the you should appear at the hea•on& a"d stilt your ob1ect1ons or file written ob,ecUons wllh the court ,,.fore the hearin& Your appear•nce may be in p erson or by your att0tney lf YOU ARC A CREDI· TOR or c onl1n1e n t cred1t0t of the dec:Hsed. you must ftle your cleim with the court and mail a copy lo the personal representative appointed by the court within fou1 monttos from the dale of the fln t issuance ot letters as provided in Probate Code ~chon 9100 The lime for lohn1 claims wtll not e£ptte before four months from the hurine dale noticed above YOU MAY [)(AMIN( the file kept by the cour I If you are a person 1n tere\ted in the estate, you may file with the court a Request 101 Special Notice (form OE · 1!14) of the ltltna of an 1nvent01y and ap1><a1ul of estate assets or of any pelttton 01 account as p<ov1ded tn Probate Code H elton 1250 A Requut for Special Noltce !Olm " anilable from the court clerk Attorney f0t Petitioner 77595 1001 INlne c-.,. Dr., Ste. 157$ Intl-, CA t2' 11 Published Daily Pilot Newport Beach Costa MeSI May 7. 13. 14. 2003 W11!>2 ........... ... s...... =~~..,11111~ The lollow1n1 pen ons de,-...,... de llboglldcl9 are dOtnR buslneu IS. o • 11'11 Cllldlll de iYUd9 Women of Substance. 2 leQllf !"-II dlr.clDflo S1n1tetree, Newpor t ~·ef!d ~of Buch. CA 92660 ,. COi.rt i.: (EJ Norrer9 y I) Pamela Giimour, 2 de .. COflt .. )OF Sina:letree Or .. Newport COURT BHch. CA 92660; 2) ~CcM-ty of Patti Bellitti, 101 Hilh 8':::.:?00 CMc = Bluff. Newport 8Hch , Of1¥e ,.. S... Na, CA 92660; 3) Rhett• CA 82701 Ouey, 418 Vrsta Roma, n. -· .._ end Newport Beach, CA .......,,. _.,..,. of 92660; 4) Nancy Her ~· ~. Of r1n1ton . 1931 Port --...... ., ... ...,._,, 11 (1!1--., 111 Lautent • ._wporl BeKh. .....any e1 ,,..._ • 92660; 5) Sheron Jut tllllllflO del _.., dll censen. 2527 Buc*eye, dlN••••· o dl4 Newport Buch, CA dtiw••--ClW no lllW 92660; 6) M1Ght4e Mtl141r. m111p, KAlNI(. 122 Harbor lsl•nd, .. ,.Ho.~· Newport 8Hch. CA ., 92660; 7) Pam Muuy, LAWYEM1 tl01 254& Riviere, l..ecuna FS: .. _. Beach, CA 926!>1, 8) _ ,.,. Mery Lou Pitcher. I 30 200lt Menll Place, Palm O.s MN4 U{ a.it. art, C A 92280 ; ~ • ~ 9)Geraldlne Schlut 1, MCOOAMI ..__ 1534 AlllHlll•. Hew~l Beech, CA l2tSO; 10) TO ntE h nd.a Shu, 9 hKoft IEJWIDo You 811, ~ lkacll, CA -~ '2MO; If) Jo.Ml T0t1M. ST~OI' 1100 l"ort Cfllr lu, ~a;' =z:gort Buch, CA J:.':r~ Tiiis buuneu It con-Miila Mtecl lly: • .. ncirel r· .............. ': , ... IMnlllp Hewe rou atlrttd clo!fll llnlnut 1•tf v ... 5117 ... 00 l"MMI• Clkllc>W ,.. tbt-•l ... fllH ..... "" c.nt, ttit Clwl CJf Or .. c-t, -~ -llMttn .,.., ..... .., ,. 21. 21..·• •. mat WttO I TOOAY return to Orange County that the Adoption Guild Tennis tournament ta alive and well and ready to kick off Memorial weekend. In my 13-year sportswritlng career, It was one of the first tennis events I covered .. This year's event will be held In honor of Charles •01arue" P.aton, who suggested to the board of the Adoption Gulld that the organization raise money fol' Holy Family Services by staging a doubles-only tournament in the 1960s. 21 -Dayne Pflff Newport Harbor Football, '99 21 -Jeff Taylor Orange Coast Volleyball, '01 U GUNA BEACH -Co- rona del Mar Hlgh's boys ten- nis team kept roUing through the Pacific Coast League fi- nals Tuesday, as two of the Sea Kings' three doubles teams a dvanced to today's sem16nals at Laguna Beach HJgh. fight In the second. Elsner and Strenk forced the first set to a tiebreaker, where Warsaw and Roberts q uickly put the m away. 7-6. (7-3). The Sea KJng duo took the second set, 6-4. SCHEDULE TODAY No. 2-seeded Issei Saida and Wesley Miller had few problems, dropping only two games ln two matches. Saida and Miller swept through a telllD from Tesoro, 6-0, 6·0 In the fmn round and then knocked off Eric Tran and Jeff Ferguson of Laguna Beach. 6-2, 6-0 in the second. ' Alex Nguyen and Nick Gin· gold put up a strong battle with a team from University, but fell short, 3-6, 6-3, 5-7. P.aton, who founded the Jamaica Inn Tennis Oub, moved his players to a site on Bristol and named it the Palisades Tennis Oub. Later, .Ken Stuart, a close friend of P.aton's moved the club to the John Wayne Tennis Oub site and renamed the facility Palisades Tennis Oub in honor of P.aton, ...... .. High edlool -Saddlebe<* at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m.; Estancia at Ocean View. 3:15 p.m . Sof'lbllll High sdlool -Corona del Mar at Northwood, 3:15 p.m .; Estancia at Ocean View, 3:15 p.m.; Saddleback at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m. · Swimming High school boys and girls -Newport Harbor in CIF Southern Section Division I preliminaries at Belmont Plaza. noon. .... No. 4-seeded Bryan War- saw and partn er Brennan Roberts took a more difficult route to the semis. They easily defeated Laguna Beach's Jeremy MclCiernan and Michael Codfoi, 6-0, 6-0 In the singles semifinals to- day, Corona del Mar team• ma tes, Garrett Snyder and Spencer Reitz, will face off In one semifinal. Snyder Is the top-seeded player in the tournament. Reitz upset the No. 4 seed to advance. Thlrd- seeded Carsten Ball will play in the other semifinal. Eaton was bom in Olympia, Wash. He attended the University of Oregon, where he was tennis champion from 1935-37. He and his wife, Fran Hancock, played the game they loved together for 30 years. High sdlool boys -Pacific Coast League singles and doubles sem ifinals and finals at Laguna Beach, 1 p.m. Th e semifina.ls and finaJs in singles and doubles will be held today at Laguna Beach. Doubles comp etition begins at I p.m .. singles a t 1:30p.m. COLLEGE TENNIS OnJu1y l8.2002.Eaton passed away at 85. ln his honor. the Adoption Guild has reopened the 3.0 division in men's, women's and mixed doubles Nothing peachy for Lions in Georgia PFACHTREE CITY. Ga. -Van· guard University's tennis season came to an abrupt end Tuesday as both the men's and women's teams lost in the second round of the NAlA National Olampion- ships at the Peachtree City Ten- n.is Center. fought battle at No. I doubles to James Thomas and Hong Khoong, 9-8 (3). Chris Taylor and Brian Lay lost, 8-0. at No. 3 dou- bles. singles ma tci\es to advance to the quanerfinals. it has talc.en adjustment. MOn the other slde, it's very difficult," she said. ·1 didn't feel anything until I went out and played matches. There was a streak ar the beginning of the year where I didn't play well because of it." The men's team fell to sev- enth-ranked Cumberland Col- lege (J(y.J, 5-4, while the women were shut out by No. 5 Embry- RiddJe {Aa.). 5-0. Lumsden. Holmgren and Mardh got the Lions (16-ll) back in the contest with three straight-set wins in the top-three singles spots. but the team dropped Its matches at No. 5 and 6. to tie the score. 4-4. Olga Hlushchanka and Al ena Votavova suffered a rare defeat at No. I doubles for the Lion~ (15-13), fal ling to Sylvia Vojlisek and Uza Francis, 9-7. Silina Yohner and Sara BradJey lost. 8-3. to NataJia Kozyura and An - ge la Melito. and Stephanje Ten - len and Melissa Krohn were shut out. 8-0. She seems to be adjusting this year. and is looking forward to her second season in the WIT. She played with the Delaware Smash last year and said she greatly benefited from the experience. "It improved my game unbelievabl)I" SharapoY"a said Mlt was a great experlence for me I look forward to the same thing tlm ~and getting~ much out of the experience as I can giet out of it· The Lions' men fell behind, 2-1, after doubles play, when only Calle Holmgren and partner Phillip Mardh were able to pick up a win. Holmgren and Mardh. playing in the No. 2 spot, de- feated Kin Khoong and Alejan- dro Beiderman, 8-5. The deciding match was be- tween Bjort.l und and Beider- man. with Beidennan coming out on lop. 6-4, 6-J to give Cum- berland (21-4) the win. It was the eighth national ap- pearance for the Vanguard men. who fumhed tied for ninth place. Only Tenlen and Krohn were able to complete their matchei. in singles. as the Eagles got all the points they needed. Tenlen was defeated by Cristelli. 6-2, 6-0 and ltrohn lost 10 Jessica Anaya. 6-1. 6-0. The turning point of the match was when Calle Lumsden and Ivar Bjort.lund lost a hard· On the women's side, Embry- RiddJe (17·9) jumped out to a quick 3-0 lead with a sweep in doubles, and then need only two It was the third appearance m the NAJA tournament for the Vanguard women. who finished in a tJe for ninth place in the 24 team bracket. SUllCJIS de telefono del abo11ado leOTICITO(OlfllACTOIS (OT"-llW'UJI def demandante. o del --_ ____, demandante que no ..... --~ HOTICC TO OHCN· hene abocado. es) NOflCE IS HEREBY OANl (Av1so a Acusa ERIC V. TRAUT, ESQ GIVE N that the Board of do) OONAl.O C BEL THE TRAUl LAW flRM Tru\tees of the founlatn LOWS, and OOlS I to 200 W Santa Ana Blvd Valley School 011t11cl ol 20. Inclusive Suite 900 Or 1n1e County, Caltlor YOU ARE BEING SUED Santa Ana CA 92701 nli will rece .. e bnh up BY PLAIHTIH (71') 835 7000 to and includtnR 9 00 (A Ud le u ta demand DATL (Fed..) JUl 10, A M June 4 2003 11 thr a n d o) S tH RRY 2002 Oul roc t Operation\ lafRANCE ALAN SlATH, Clerti Otftce. 17330 Mt Her You have 30 CAt.EN (Actw.le), rmann Street. r ount11n OAR DAYS alter this l.y P. IOWll, Depvty Valley, CA 92708. scope of work wh1Lh 111 their opinion w111 but \er ve the n~•di of the 01strict Preva1l1n11 W•ae Scale wttl apply and IJ on r tie Dllted this 17th day of M1y 7003 By Petrick Quinn Direct.,., Dhtrlct Ope.otl-• Published ~ewpor I Buch Costa Mn a Oatly Pilot M1 y 14 ?I 2003 Wl61 summon• •s served on (De ....... ) Al this lime. dale, Jnd you to file 1 typew11llen l>ubltshed Ne wpo r t place. b ids will be ~(OllTOfTll response at this court Beach Costa Mesa Oe1ly publtcly opened and read STan,.. ,.1.-.. ~ A letter or phone call Pilot Aj>ltl 30. May /, 14, aloud for Btd No 03-06. " "'~""' will not protect you, 21 . ?003 Wl43 ·Modular lnslallahon• u TllCOWfTYOfOIAIGI your lypewrtllen re Indicated 1n the Btd ........ -.. sponu must be In Speclftc.ttion Btd docu -- PfOper le11I f0<m 11 you SWlll)l(OllTOf menh and specifications LOIBl~lOUDBI, want the court to hear ,.,,_ are on ftle at the O~tuct your case _........, Pu"hu1n1 0.pa<tmenl ~ If you do "ot ftle your CUTTOfOrmpC..., 17210 Oak Street . C.kA219046 response on tome, you OIAIGICOlllll~ f ounh 1n Valley. CA llOTICITOCllDfTOIS may lose the cu e. and --92708 (714) 843 324!> your wa1es, money •nd COUit, PIOIAR COUil A "M•ndalory Preb•d Nott<& " h•ftby 11ven prope<ty m•y be taken Conference and Job lo the creditor\ and wn 1 Settlor. al 6?8 W 19th SI Costa Meu CA 9?611. w1th1n Iha later of lour month\ alter (t~ dalr ol lhr ltn l pubhtalion ol nohc:e' In creditors) 01 rf nnt1c~ ts mailed or pef\Onally deltver ed to yuu lO d•Y\ Ille< lht d1lt lh1\ notice I\ rn11led or 1>e1'on<1lly deltvert d lo you A ll••m form m•y be obtained fr om the tour I clerk I or you1 prole cllon. yo u are encour aeed lo Ille your cl<um by c~rl1foed mi11I. with return r•t etpl reque\led (,5/ •Irk MclntHh, tAl, OffKfS Of ... MdNTOSH 61IW. 1'1ttSt • Cff'9 MeM, CA t2'27 Publis hed Hewpor I Buch·C~ta Mu a 011ly Pilot May 14. 16. 19. 2003 Wf Ml53 without further warnma OfllATIOIS,J41 Tll aJY Walk" wtll be held on co"tin11enl credtlor' of i.U.L_ ~~~llllfU~a.wnu~.l--ljAay~-£uu.i._..L-"u..u'41he •boven1~m~e~d'....!!.!de~c~e-l-_.llJA4llLD19Ul..M~ l here •11 oth11 l•c•I 14171 lllHllCI CA • m •I the Olstrrct dent, t hat •II persons fhe followm& m1n1 requirements You may ,--., Ma1nlen•nce Office. havln11 cl11ms acamsl sto••ee fac ihl y, •c want lo call •n •ll01ney '2613-IS71 17330 Mt. Herrmann the decedent are ..... ,,.. cordtn& to provision) of rl&hl away If you do not PfTlllOllOf Sh eet. fountain Valley, Quired lo hie them with Otvmon 8 ol the Bu)l know en alt0tney. you Ca 92708 All bidders the Superior Court. al nen and Profession' may cell •n 1tt01ney n...'-sJt.9-mu't be pritsent at lhli 34 1 lhe City Drove, Code, Chapter 10. Su referral H<Vice or • fOIOIAll&(OfllAI( lime to be considered Probate 01v11ton Ctly of lion 21707 (a) Cahl0<n•• le&al aid olfice (ltsted tn IOI this pro,ecl Oran1e Cehforn11 926611. Self. Service St or ,1., the phont book) OllllTOSMOWCAUSIFOI The Board of Trustees and m11I a COf>y to Kwk Faclhty Act. llefeby 11ves Oespues de que le OIAll&(OfllAI( resetvu the richt lo Mclnlosh Csq . law NOTICE or PUBLIC enlrecuen u ta c1tac1on ...... rtJKI any ~md all bods Offic:n of Klfll Mcintosh, SALE. 1udictal uslad Ilene un Wl-:A2117S6 and lo waive any H Attorne7 10< llM01HY Anporl Sell Slc>f.tle plazo de 30 DIAS CAL· TO All INTERE STED re1ula11ty therein lhe LOUO£N. lrustff of lhe will conduct 1 public lNOARIOS para pusen PERSONS rtehl ts also rtset'Yed by LORENE lOUOCN TRUST sale of the eontents of lar una rn puesta es 1. Petitioner Thomu the Board of TrustHs lo dated Aprtl 4, 2003. the stores• sp1ce(s) contenh being sold to the h1ahnl bidder t0< l•wtul money of the United Slates ot Amert<".\ (cuh o"ly) OwM r rewrvn lhe rtlhl lo bid the '\lie 1\ be1n1 held to uhsfy a landlord ' hen '"d will be held •I AIRPORl Stlf STORACI 3760 &. 3800 Campu\ Ortvt' Newport Buch CA 92660 on, Mey 20 . 200J °' 10:00 AM ... The public is 1nv1ted In •llend Ttrms are cnh only A eener al de\Crrpt1on ol the property be1ne 'old alone with th~ tdenttty of IM Occupanl r•nlln& the space " n lollo1n SPACI NO.. OCQWAHT, .......... ~ ?'1'10. Lampel &. River\ ll P . Ml\C bons. cop1er 1148. Scott Hoffman Boxes. 1t1:ht bulbs two taerclse mach1ries 1182, Out ol the S.ddle IA~.i.---­ bo1es. two uerctse bikes Published Newpor I Buch Costa Mesa Oa1ly Pilo t May 7 14 2003 Wl51 FIND .. -:;-~ c11ta • maquin• en esta Jame' Fenn Bannon ftled select items and/or wbeteln the decedent named l>tlow, with the corte. • pelittOn with ttus court =======~~=======~~~~~~===~======::::; Une c arte o uni for a decree chancl111 r ll•mad• telefomca no le n1m11s as follows. ofrecera prolecclon; su Thomn James r tnn respuuta ucrlta 1 Benno n to Thomaa m a quin1 Ilene que JamesFenn cumplir con las formal 2 THE COURT ~OERS ldades ltC•les •l>f'opta· th1I all pe1sons lntM du sl uslt d q111tfe que ested in this mallet sh•U la corte escuche su 19P'., befon lhl• tOUfl caM> •I the tiearlna lndi<.lted St usted no presenta below to .tlow cauM If su rft4)utst1 • llempo. enr. why the petition tor puede pe1def el cH O, y ch1n11e of ntme lhollld le pueden qulta1 su not,,. ir•nted set.lo. Ml dinero y ot111 NOTICl or Hr ARING COMSde SU l)fopleded 01te; 6/l/03 Time. 2 00 l ln avl\o adtclonal por pm Dept.. l73 parte de 11 c0tle The addrus ol the court C.lsten olros requlsl Is same •• noted 1bo¥1 tos i.retes Puede que 3, A c09y of thlt Ordef' uttecl qui.re ll1m1r • un to Show ctus• tl\111 b• a bo11 do tnmedl1t •-published et tent once Mente SI no conoce • "'" w .. k tor 10111 un 1b o1ado . pnde SllC(IQNWe wMll• 1Hior ll1m1r • un aerviclo de to the olt Ml IOf refertnc:le de Mo&•dos hlwl/la otl the petltlorl o • una oflclne de eylld1 111 Ule followlna MWS tee.el (vee II dhctof'IO ,.,.. of ttMtel cwcv ltltionl«) le&n, Jlflnled In this <AM••--COltll'lly DAILY P1l0T ca--. ... c-) ........ 21 .... ........ ...... o. ~~1 Tht ,...... -Mitt•• .... .... Of Tift of tM c-.t Is. (ll MPalCMI Co.T ~· y dhcclon de l"ubllshed Ntwpo1 I II cerl9 •> S..Ch Cot!• Mtu D1ilr SUf'HIOlt COURT OF l"llol AINI ZJ. 30, Mty CM.fOMIA lfll ANO P'Ofl 1, U, ?OOJ Wl17 1"l COUNTY Of OR· MQI, .,, ,... .. ...... • ....,., leech. CAl'2llO • ltMIOlt JUITICl CCN TtlMl(llW'OftT lfACH 'M:ILITY .,,.. -. ...... ..................... ,..,....,, ... .......,. -,........ ........ .. ....,_, .. (II...,_ ............ STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • Daily Pilot Daly Not WednesdJy, May 14, 2003 Al 1 ............ 11D11C1 • AVMMllTY •.-M .... Llpl.... -Llpl ..... -lelll ... f'IH'su•nt to Section 6104(d) of the lntern•I Rtv1nu• Co:te, not~• b htrtbl liven th•t the 1nnual report for the celendar yur Z002 of tht VINrAGE BMW HOUS€: pt(val• lounda· lion Is n1ll1bl1 11 Ill prln~ljl•I otflct dunna rqullr buslntn hours lor lnipection durln1 t .. ulll butlnns hours by 111y clt1un who reque&b It within 180 ~r: 1fl., the d1le of th s publlcat1on The tound1t1011's principal otflcl Ii loc1led 11 '5901 R1dh1ll Ave .. Ste. 203, Tustin. CA 92780. The Pflnclpal m1n11er of the foundation 1s LelandR. Houw. k .. 701 839·'601. PubtlaTled •hwpor t Buch·Cotla MIA Daily Pilot ~l 14, 2001 TH986 """-..... ... s...... fht fotlowma Plf$0ns •re cloln1 bu1lne" 11 1) David B Stanton MO r. Auoclates, A Medical Croup, Inc b) Cutro Diaanoslln, A M1cl1c11 Croup, C•hlo•nla 92660 David B Stanton MO r. Anoc111tn, A Medical Croup Inc (CA), 1140 W La Vela Ave tSSS Ouna•. CA 92868 Th11 business 11 con ducted by an ondovldual Have you ,,,. ltd doma busmeu yet' Y•~. 06/ 01/93 David 8 Stanton MO & Aucx.11tn, A Mechcal Croup, Inc . 01v1d B Stanton MO, P1es1dent Hus uaternent wu hied w1lh lh• County Clerk of Or an1e Ct>unty on04/24/03 200S6'422S• Oeoly Piiot May 28, Jun 4, 2003 Policv ~ Rates and deadlines arc 'ubject 'to change without noucc. The publti.hcr . reserves the right to ccn,or. rccla\~tfy, rev ise or reject any cla~~ifted advcrtiscmcnl. Pleru.e report any error that may he in your cltl.l>Mfied ad 1mmcd1atcly. The Daily Pilot accepts no hab1l1ty for any error m an a<lvent!>emcnt for which II may be re!o.pon~1ble except for the co\t of 1hc ~pace actually occupu:d h) the error. Credit can onl y bc a llo" eJ for 1he liN m-.crtwn. ANNOUNaMENTS N, & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Memorabilia 1160 TOP SS 4 •tCOltDS nc Im. <limll.. Ek. !Os & IDs .... All«. 5'*1. tube amps Mike 949 645 7505 Ok* Styl9 filmltwe l'tANOS ' Colltctib6tt ·~·~ • ....._ • ..,...o-c.r~ .. CASH PAtO .. .................. ~ 1419 2305-2490 fhe l0Uowin1 p11son• "' cloln1 bu.sineu H Century CoNislon Cenltf founteln V1llty, 16650 Harbor Blvd. #88, fountain Valley, CA 92708 Century Coll1slon Centet Fount1m Vali.y (CA), 16650 Harbor Blvd. •BB. F ounlaln Vtllty, CA 92708 Thts butinus ts con dueled by • corpo1 a lt0n H•ve you swted doina business yet? Yes. 4/1/ 03 Century Colluion Center fountain V•llty, Caesar Alvt1ez. C 0 0 This st1tement WIS llled with the County Cle1t. of Oranae County on 05/07/03 200Ht4S73t Oaolr Pilot May 14, 21, 28, Jun 4, 2003 W 157 The folloWltll ptr MIR$ ere do1n1 business " THE KAMPH GROUP. 1900 Dian• Lane, New Pol'I Boch. CA 92660 Jocelyn Kamph, 1900 01ane Lene, Newpot! Beach, CA 92660 Glori• Kamph, 1900 011n1 l•nt, Newport e .. ch. CA 92660 Br•d Kamph, 1900 011111 Lo1ne. Newpott BM<h, CA 92660 This busmen os con ducted by a 1ener1I partnership Ha11e yoo started dom& business yet' Yes. 1985 Jocelyn Kamph This daleme11t wn hl•d with the County Clerk ot 011n11e County on 04/18/2003 200J H4tSU Dally Pilot Apr JO, May 7, 14. 21. 2003 Wl44 lhe follow1111 pttsons 11 • dotnl butlntu as CrulJve Tilt r. Slone, 24001 Via r abrlnnte •1006. Mission Viejo, CA 92691 [dw11d Veaa. 21241 Br l1tlecon1. Mission V~jo. CA 92691 Cetherlne Miller Vea•. 21241 Br11ti.cone, Mos \IOO VtelO, CA 92691 fhii bus111en 11 con dueled by • 1•Mrel partn.n hlP Have you alerted do1n1 business yell 6/98 [dw•rd Vea• fhl1 tlalemenl WH llled with lht County Clerk ot 011n1e County on 04/07/03 200369400Jt Daily Pilot May 7, 14. 21, 28. 2003 Wl49 S•IJ ;your C11r In Chw11fled I The foltowlna per'°"' ere dollll bu11neu H Soll•l~s. 2102 Buslnen Center Onve SI• 130, Irvine, CA 92612 Tom Troupe, 2A6 Cecil Place, Co'ta Meu, CA 92627 Ion f reudenber111. 2102 Busmen Center Ouve Ste 130. Irvine. CA 92612 Thtt bu"nen os ,on dueled by a 1ene,.1 p1rtneuhlp Have you started dot"I llusin.ss yet' Ho Tom froupe This statement win hied with the County Clerk of Oranat Countv on05/05/03 200JH4140S Daily Pilot May 7. l 4 21. 28, 2003 Wl50 Sell ;your c:ar in Cl.onlfled I I-low io Place A The lollow1111 f)e(sons •te do1na busineu H TllC OPS STORE. 2973 H1rbor Blvd Costa ...... Cahforn1a 92626 0 T Woodard Corp (CA), 1853 Paros Circle. Coste Mn•. Calrtorn11 92626 This busineu 1s con dueled lly • corpor allon Have you \t..rled dolOI bu\lnan yet> Yes 081 1111997 0 T Woodard Corp Cooalee Prellym•n Secretary This \laternenl vr•~ foled with the County Ct.rk of Ot•n&~ County on 04/18/03 200JH41S06 ()411ly Piiot Apr l' j , JO. M1ty 7 14 2003 Wt39 SEU Iha lolto•1n1 p~tM>ns .,. do1n1 bu .. neu u Pltue S1111 He11, 24266 Poroc.hartnlll L•n•. Liii• Fores I. CA 9'/6JO Din• 011.ktlein. ?4i!6b Ponth••lr fin l•n• I •k• 'tires!, CA 9~30 l ash1wn Arnl\lronr l 426b Pon'h•r tr11n lane l•lt.• f OIHI CA 92630 This bu\lntu •~ con du1.lerJ by 1.0 1>•r lnH\ H•v• you \llf led doin& buun.as yet' No O•na 011.htein lhl\ slalcmenl wo hied wroth lht County Cieri>. or Oune~ County on 04/01/03 20036939129 D•oly P1l1>I Apr 30 Moy l 14 71 ?003 W14l SEU-- The follow1n1 IHI''°"' •r~ doma bus1ntt1 11 South-ti l o'k and S•ft. 360 £ 18th StrHI, Cu\I• tk~• CA 92627 C11o11tet M Sutltthekl. 3&0 [ 18th SlrHI C.o,1• Me"" t;A '126'/7 Thi\ tiu~mt'u I\ <on dU< led by •n ondmdual Havt' you IMled doin1 bus'""'~ r•t' Yn 10/ 01 84 Clwk!' M Sullf'rheld Thi~ \l•l•mtnl wH hied w1tll the County Cltrk ot 01 •n&t' l:ounty on <Y.i/!Y.il()J 20031194SS27 CJaoly P1lut M•y I 14 21 28 ?003 Wl48 s.I Y• .. 11te4 lt111S It. HSY wtyl "-<• 1 Clesslfit4. tMlyl ('49}'42-5'71 The lolloW1111 perHns a1e doilll buMIMSS at [satntlfl Gott ProchH:b, 2701 Corte A.IMllJI•. S•n Ci.1Nnt1, CA 92673 D1n111 8 t<1on1-d. 2701 Corl• Amalitl•, San Clemente, C-' 92673 ThlS bUSHllU IS COii ducted by an 1ncltvldull Have you s tmrted dome llU"f\IU yet> No O•n11l B KrO"P.,d Thtt sh1temtflt •H hied with the Coullty Ck-rk of 0.Jnl• Countr on 05/ l..2/03 2003H44H2 Daily Ptlot Mey 14. 21. ?8, Jun 4 2003 Wl~ __ Deadline, CLASSIFIEJAD -[ii \1on<lay ...................... Fnday 5 :00pm Tuc-.day ................ Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631 -6594 f ft'l<'.t"wf" tf'& luJt.: 'rtJUI 1\.Vlte .UlJ pn...,.. nunohcr .i.n.J .. c II ult ~I'll h...I. ,.1lh .& f'O<C qu.olc I ESTATE R SAU APPLIANCES 3050 NfW GE WASHta, ,AID $400. Will SIU FOil $200. '1LASI CAU 7'4~SH-US7 JOHN E fclephone K·10.i.m-5 .()()pm Monday-Fnday ~ 3010-3940 rm '°°s-saso By Phone (949) 642-5678 I lours By ~1ai I/In P(•ri;on: ''0 Wc\l Bay Slrc."ct Co,us Me">a. CA 9'!627 At Ncwpon Rlvd & Ba) ~I Wedni:,day . .Tue!>day 5:00pm . Wedne~day 5:00pm h1<lay ................ Thur-.da} 5 :00pm ~Jlurda~ ......... Fnday 3:00pm Wal~ 111 X.JOJm 5 OOpm MondJy I nJay ....... Friday 5:00pm Ind ex ~ 7402-7466 ~ IOOS-.IS10 ~ 900C>-'7SO Under the Scn·ice Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 WI! BUY IESTAn.8 . ....._....~­.. ,..,... ,... .. , 2Al6 ... , .... . _Plll __ llll_•=-----..... tu --corJSIGrmrn rs ' I r.. .... ,. ~= tixlo "'=' ~ MAflW WOBSTO ... YGlll M2·5'71 - 1-Slm luaDMOS 28x30 was Sl,900. saH $3.&90 36•48 W*5 1141900. Mii SS,9&0 481J00 WH $26,900, stllS12.900 C.ff Nowt M•.....-t l..dt Free rent fOf Mcnt.rlal swc bus1111n Will Hdltflle PIYinl r11tl few IWlt oflc:t cMm. Gr.I oftlcl. ... lo w•ltr 949-72J..148S Tom 80().. 392 • 7IOfi IAY .. OMT IXICUTM office suit• 2 oftita, Tr••••lll Consum11 rec19tion a sl01"•1e. Loe Guidi "BEST BUY"' In COM 949-718-9500 Health Club Quellty. Lifetime w.,1111ty, New HOMESFOASAlE In 8 011, COMp•tr •• Nia~ !UM $2600 Sell FAST 0!11Y us....:; .,,... SM •-tso-1200 COlllTY ~.::: :r. ........ StaJr-ter -11l1N ! 1100 tit-.,., 6717 •A< • C-l ,, • atrol llO .. CGr_ ... .__,..... ... ,..~ ....... I I 111 "'9 711 I ti 11111• ft t' I -~T -....,....--'--.-.... ---.... -... ..,..,-......,.....,,, ,. .....,, Oo111r st-. );IOO·l1t 2915 Own • .~ .... • ~_,.at•• Tutlltltf C..-c..ia ... .. fro"' 14 5 .tOO c p • D ......... •lc• C-CIMllW9-.n tc;M 91CM) .... ,....." liOI. htr9'fe11111r .............. ........... ,.. ..... ............. ~:=:2i (Olll....., ' All W.-esday, May 14. 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Bridge By CHAALES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TAHNAH HIRSCH "E m ployee ... .... Empleado." SPOT m E WINNING U NE Budl vul~. South <kl&b NORTH °""nfoj bid WIS Joubtful and the !he-diamond cuebld ~Yerly u~ ~ve. The final conlrlel 1u$ not very £OOd. ltlld the fact thal • hcatt lead WIL\ 'inuaUy ffilll'ked made it even wonc. WEST ... • K 1063 A85 •AJ 76J2 •Vold K 10743 0 10 9 5 .. • K7 6 SOUTH •QJ985 ~162 ., Vold • AQ 10 4 3 'The b1dd111g: SOUTH WE.~I .. ,_ .. .... 2• .... .50 .._ ........ Opening lead: r'Ollr or I. Wat. o( WUl'llC, )(W1Cd Lhe four of heatti. lltld. sinuc the 11ee of tnunps wa> a i;un: lo!.u, dedarer was fon:cd to rise with the 11Ce. The Ille of cba· mond~ provided a partcing place for one heart loser. Md a diamond was ruffed. East's queen wa.' a ray or hope. South cashed lhc ace or clubs. shedding a bean from lhc table:. Mod ruffed 11 club. Aoother diuinood rufT felled 1hc ling, setting up dummy'' ~uh. Declarer crossed to the board by trumping a club, fetching 1he king from WcM. and led the jack of d111· moods. Since~· could not afford 10 let declarer dhcanl 11 hc:Mrt, or ruff with the uce, the def coder had to ruff low. Decl;uer ovcm.iffed and led Lhe high 41uecn ol clubs. This lime We>t wu f<Vt'Cd Lo NIT, and dummy mer· ruffed South. pushed to a tenuous~ lam in a ream maLLh, lh.:n made the COOlr.ICI DI lhc table A flu u heJll lcud, can you ctiual th1\ feat. c~cn looking a& all four ll3nch" A good diamond was led ;ind, again. Ea5' bad to Nff low 10 ptevent a hcan dJSCal'd from hand. Declarer ovcrruffcd. cm.scd to Lhc table with 11 club ruff and led another diltmood. Whether Ea.SI ruffed with the ace or not. the '°'ing hcan would go a11o11y and the ace of trumps would be !he only trick fOf' the defellliC. The btdding was dlcwcd b)' rhc fact lhll North-South v.ete lr.llhng in the match and needed 11 good <;eOl'C With w much 1n 50fi value., South'~ JOIN OUR TEAM ind make a difference In the C1llfornta Army National Guard you can 1•t money fOf colleae and caraer tr ainina Call 1 · 800 GO GUARD. (CAL •scAN) Sell your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classified ad todayl 949 642-5678 Automobiles 9000 Audi 'O I 0 2• c_,.. 22SHP Quatro. 30k mo, full facl warr. 6spd, superb °''I unmarked hke n•w cond, $27 ,99!'> v#OI 3653 fmancina avail Bkr 949 !>86 1888 www.ecpot.l.c- IMW 740ll '96 8uutf\A Sorenl eau.tr... OTome wtll!., ni. 1111. p 9d. mu:';f ..... s;!),500 949-J78.9945 IMW 7 40ll '96 8eautf\A SorMI Bkai/T an. Ctrome ..ti5. 7211 rn. P¥d. rRAf -sal,500. 949-J78.!945 Olscevff)' '00 • VS. Certified 1242046 $20 ,995 Mercedes 'O I lenz C240 like new, loaded .014201 $24,995 Olocevery '02 SI VS. loaded Ilk m1. PrlOf Reni.I •750601 $31,995 Olsceveo '00 U VS. Leather , Dual Sun Roofs, Cerhhed 11124122 $20 ,995 Oluavff)' '01 SI VS,lt!illther.OualSun Roofs. Ce<trfled •723 223 $24,995 GMC'Ol YuAi- o....i1 Luther, Sun Roof. 9 Pnsenitcr •199120 $35,995 OIHeYM)' '00 II VS. leather. lo1ded. Cerl1hed U 42119 $20,995 GMC'OO Y .. en o ..... , 4x4, low Mr. Blk/Blk, Cusl Ch<ome Wheel~ •22146 $26,995 llOft9ellover'OS Ultimate Luaury suy 1111495 $67,995 Olue"'ery '99 Only 23K Mi, Certified 111205951 $20,995 LUelOYll llWPOl'T IWH "Arbeitnehmer." "-L, f ,<" ~.P.Uot NOllATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN FUID IT. IMW 7401l '96 Silver w/1uy lulher on ler. fully loaded $I 6,000 949 675 6006 l uldi '97 Part. Ave- 6°" .,. ml, srlv~/11rey Ith<. lully loaded, baau lof11t Ofllllnal cond, $799!'> v6'2376 Slit 949 586 1888 4 ~s C ... lllac '99 5evlh SU 40k mo. pear I wile oatmeal lthr. CO ca r aaed. non/smkr. hke newV592641 $14,995 Bkr 96!518-~ r_,mp oyc. www ........ - HoME, HEAL TH AND BUSINESS Service Dlrectofy "NOTICE TO READCRS Cahforn11 law re quites that contrec tors 1.iuna iobi lhat total $500 or more be licensed by lhe Contr4t tors Slate License Board Sl•le law also requires that contractOfS include thew license number on 111 edvwtNnl You can check the 'tatus ol your licensed contracl o r •I .,.ww cslb c• 10• or 800 321 ·CSLB. Unit censed contractors taklna lob' th1t total leas th•n $500 must state In their ad..,ettrsemenh that thoy If• not licensed by the ContrKton St•l• Llc•nw Board." ~lf.-.s Klldlln I &di I Rlrnodll ~ ....... m.am RB15 ~ 9&646.!lll5 ....... ,, .. I " ;1 .,.. ,.,..... SV'C. TH pr1P•ation, ~·~ ... _...,.,.d-~ ..., .... ATI'ORNEY C1viJ rmacn, !Nunru .... !Md ..... land· ~. c:ont1Kl$, '*''-~· lOYeanu.p .......... ,.., SBl ~~- ~ERVICE A -l HANDYMAN Ins.tall, reface cab1ne1s ~~ ~ 0oue n4-54&7258 • w U..lh. Cuslom Burlt 1n$, Crown Moldrnci. Base Boerds L'5n982 949-709·5642 () CMPIT'!:F<.UPO 1:F Repairs, Patchmt. lnst•lt Courteous 1ny size iobs Wholeulel 949 492.0205 EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (7141964·2007 HB 912-1100 NI (141) 720-0717 1•1 of 1-.11auo111 .... 1113 FURllACE $ALF R • R fumec:t & Mal!)' Code lJllQf'lda 75,• rru FM $1511 1••rrurt.S1• Plus c:lly permill, & code Ul)OrlOtS 914 2007 FRfE Ut·HOME ESTIMATES & INSPECTION SEll your stuff through classified! • filtWlll fl cnie .... .. ,.. ........ •.C•• ·~ • Vlllbl'lgt91rWV•M ·~lbllrll ·c..~ • Clglll ~ Adll. ,,_.., ·~~~.-. uc .e.i...,o....... 10 y,. CompuW hp. 714-612-2786 SAVE 35%01 ~ 4. fumilure -T11:!! s df 1 .. 111• ...... flffmMWI 23 YIAIS VCI'. BROTHERS CAR PH )f l{Vl<F 800 ))9 7181 s your stuff hough classlfiedf l#H I & •USl#ISS •El'AlllS Uparades, Repairs of Computer. NetwOfks Evtnmp/Wukends Competitive PflCH for quahl'1 serwrc lrldi It.cit St-Tiie Conaete, Plltlo, Onwway Fhplc, BBQ Rer11. 25Yrs Eap. Teny 714 557 7594 ~ IMI 0 IGIN YOutl HOME IM ... OVlMINT ... OJICT? Call a plumber, painter. h•ndyman, Of any of the treat Hr~i«s listed here In OUf Mf Vice dlrectoryt THES£ LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAH .HELP YOU TOOAYI Er.ctrtcalSetvlm S""'" JM b p«1f Dl#lcan Eloc1nc 'lfl1frs. Eap Loc:aVQutck Rr.iponse s. ... lce/Remodel5 L"275870 949 65(). 7042 ~I<• ectrh ltcensed Electrlc•I Contractor Small tobs slartm11 at $79.95 &up. Spec1ali11n1 rn Remoclelint & all home wrr int needs, Comm/lndusl/Res 1-100-197-1001 L•7829S9 UCINSIO CON CTotl Ho fOI> too llll M --i Rtt111t, remodel, fans, lflll• fWW Siii: ~3666 Aooring/flle OISTOM CllATM TU ~. slate. cerwnlt, nwblt, stone ....... 1975 l.1612044 Jeff 714-612 9961 iitihM &i41it ._.. Floors, Counten &. Showers L'591315 Free Eallmate 949 4Sl ·2097 UMY Rec>*ed 8911outln & lnstalletion T1lE DEAN 949-673 8065 7~ 714-88).20.11 = l .. T«Tff l-'s~ ~ llW1t, .. hnmir"C • lnst.tlllion 25 Y~ up l!t(lnslnd 949 S48 4363 ~ I COM,UTI LANOSCAl'ING Oesrcn. cleanups. trees. sod, sprlnlllers Maintenance n low 714 222-8425 flllclt IMrtyW ............. _ Lawns. Lawn A.r atinc. Sprinklers, Tr~ 1111. Sprma Tune·ups. Rep11n & Uparades "H•11• us do your Dirty Worll" 714-715-2121 ...... G•t your yard look nc its best far the ~. Y.,d clun·ups, sprinkler tune·up11 end ladsceplna Xtr• Ho•.t 5ervlcH 714-427 .. TrM Seniff, Y11rd CIHnup, Maintenance. Spr1nkl« Rep111', Heulin1 (949} 6SO-e711 ··--·* ~ ====--• LOl:lll & Allilllla FflE'E ESTIMATES rrt .. ....nao ...... - PORSCHE 'M988CONVT, Black, 6-speed #840401 $19,900 PORSCHE WBOXSTEA White, 6-speed 1627865 $28,900 PORSCHE '98911 CAB Adlan,6-speed #652027 $52,900 PORSCHE '91 911 TARGA Blue/gray Tiptronic #440740 $27,900 Tll...0'5 •URDP•AN AUTOHAUll Ovw90C-ln ~ 1-aro 799-8456 W¥> •1te1 www. blocars com Chevr.Mt '9 5 Coprl<• Classi< 3511 m1, clean In &. out. 1araeed. S6200 (949) 541-IO 11 ct.ry.ter s.a..1.,. Cemr. JX •oo J7K. V6, Met1lhc arnn. Grey 1nl Blacll toe>. Buulrful hke new cond1t1on SI0.500 vrnS72412 949 S86 1888 -·~···­OOOGI STIAlTH IS '93 Blue •ulo llhr. CO. loaded' 30 mpa. Smoued S4750 Moved, PP 7 14-721-6994 J....-'01 lUtt 2 111 "''· CO, n•••c•hon. lull fact werr, W1n<huter blue, oatmul llh<, Lhrome . wheel~. hke new save UOk v221J6 S.42.995. 4 5 APR fin nail. broker 96!a> J.ffll -Alqllb.<Dn J••-· •99 u· v-"•" l'1a• 40k mo, full facl wen. wh1tt1/oalmHI lthr. CO. beautiful Oke new. otre cond vS70142 $28, 995 Bio 949 5StH888 .__......., .... ...... '00~0-..... 6cyl, '1 wd, 36k •Htu•I mi. "lver /tre~ 1nt •lloy\ fabulous ht..e new unmdtf\ed cond. 4 yHr wan .tvlll. v7Sml SIZ.9.rl l11m 0 Down quahf>ed buyw,._ 4 6 APR St...._ 949·5 H · llll www.e cp•ltl.ee• COl/lf'UrE HOMI MAnt1IJIAJta No tob loo 'mall! Everylhina from CMpenlTy IX> p~ RX UP 5"<WIST. All types of rep•s Elec bicel, plumbtfll, doors, _..,, ~ tin a men 24hr/7days 714·366-1881 <.-... &~ C•ponlr'1 • PlumblflC Drywall • Stucco Palntlnc, Ttla &. more 20+ Yearr. hperloncel JI 714-969-5776 Lbl614&IB lOllNSON COMPANY KlldlrG, Wiii. ~­Mark 949·650·9525 H ANO MM All work cutrant"d =~ ......... JU .. C TO fMI OUMPlll 71 .... 968-11112 AVAllA&Ll TOO~YI M!J.673 5566 GDIDAl. IDlll AIWNllMD • lailmllll•~ 0 Joh 1bo &Mii ............... M9-J2MJ92 Luw 'ff lX HO 4w.t, blacti, lmmK, 5711 ml, ltlw, tow pl\a, r--. ,.. tlllfti, drm .... Ilk! -bodls $21.,D) ~ .... ,..... '96 CtlO b .. utlful blacVcrHm lull)' loaded, 'howroom. Wout, SlU 714-75J.2464 -~ 45°" '71 C-, low 9Jlo. ml. ti&llt bfue/na'l)I lthr' ...,, nice, f1500. 949-493-0379 Merco4n 'II 560 Sl white/tan, lmmac ~ l'\lll ,,.,_ • ., dTanwt, $WD) 7'4-151·3'64 NEW2002 MINI COOPER stNOOF, PREMlN PKG. 16'~ovs.ro i1~,~ IATTllSPRn (TCEl8) . •· . OTHER AT SIMUR SA't1NGS! ..... ~ ...... . LITS MOT~! ITS FUN ******** 55 fRffWAY @ EW«LR SANTA ANA AUTO MAU 1811) 12~9IOI WI PAY CASH fa. fOllAWS f'OltSCH(5 lAMICMtGMN ~ ClASSK CAllS KAllUYS 'OS Yi.er .... /16adi ,0 ..... (500750) $99,500 '02 Ow.ti 991 ~.._ .... (015932) $15,900 NluM '91 ~GU l 11.t-new. loaded •Uto. moooroof •Uoy,, tow 7~ mt, $~900 714 751 2464 House Cleaning Movlng&Sfafage HST MOVlU$59 /Hr senln1 all c1hes Insured fast, courteous, careful. T 163844 800-246-237S PUBLIC NOTICE The C1 llf. Public UtilrUes Commission raqull'es that all used household 1oods movers print their P.U.C. C•I T number: llmo1 and chauffeurs print their T .C.P. number In all adVtr· Usements. II you have any questions •bout th• le1alll y of I mover , limo or chauffeur, c1ll: PUe&K ln•.mas CGaatSSMHI .,, ..... , Otltxrtot ......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii POISCNI ... , IOUT• ,,.,......,.,. '-"'" Slwwy 111.d w/Plffolct lltw ... Onty 52'< ml 8-utyt (19328) '24,!8) ,,_..,ns ea.ca=.,~ lll"tf. ful ,_di rwe find (19288) $13,!8) "t:rs..:r Thill is. buut)'!Moolvoof (19314) $27,!8) MWT«# S.-'H One owner, IOc:al Newp«t Sadan, er•at rtlCOl'ds, clwomed whls (19340) $22.!lln 1en1 r..-..J w Onty4961TIM ( l9384C) $33.980. x:..,~ ~bill.met w/immllc llhr. chromed wNs. (19209/ $39,98a0. t.u.LUOO S...1IO Bi.ck w/crum llhr In tw. Onf'1 t<U< ml, $36.980 (19278) $36.980. IUZ AIL4.JO 'DO SIN white w/\oun~• lllle low m1 ( l 9348) S29.9IKI M•ZCAJ20 c.,.. 'ff Bladl w/blll lthr. chromed wt.15. (19302) $26,980 _....._..,.-..y._. 949-574-7777 PH&Ll'S AUTO ......,...,.. __ Bladl w/11•'1 9.000 ml, perfect colMI UU50. t4t-7ts-NJ• J'OltSCMI <....._. '61 ""· restored, bu 11, $20,000 Of bnt otf.-. 9'9 675 6006 • .......... '64 c ...... Stetl•" w..... Blk, inhM 6, 6411 Of'll flll, lf'Ut sllfi Wtt0n, S600C) obo 949 631 6059 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVtES BOATS Sll'SI MOORllGSI . l.AlJNCHlllG/ STORAGE 9611 HnSlWAYAAAIU rN .. l.WPCMtT llACH $2SOOUASI 949-500-IOOS Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classlfled ad today I 49 642-5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to frnd services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Community Marke tplace Painting