HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-15 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. . Serving the Newpo rt-Mesa community sin ce 1907 THURSDAY,MAY 15,2003 Cities have little time in bridge fight County postpones a decision on study for Gisler Ave nue bridge for 30 to 60 days to give Costa Mesa a nd neigh boring cities a chance to work out differe nces. to R>umain Valley to !>tudy the ( 11.Jcr bridge. - n1e delay Wd.) tO give the thret! t111<."'> that wottld be affected one la!.t chantc w come to a con-.ensus. Costa Me<>a and 1 luntington Beach oppose the bridge. QUESTION What other solutions to traffic, besides bridges, should Costa Mesa officials suggest7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642 6086 or send e-mail to ? • Deirdre Newman Datly Pilot COSTA MESA -City officials are re- doubling efforts to get two long-planned bridges deleted from county map!> to avoid having a decision on the controVer- !>ial construction made for them. The two bridges al Lssue would con- nect Gisler Avenue to Garfield Street. which divides I lunungton Beach and Fountain Valley, and 19th Street to Ban- ning Avenue in I luntington Beach. On Monday, the Ordllge County Trans- ponation Authonty po<itponed for 30 to 60 days ilS decision on providing funding The only way to agree to elimma1e 1lw Gi5ler bridge i5 to agree to elimmaw tlw 19th Street bndge. since both remuvah have been examined previouhly. C,c1,1.i Me!>a Mayor Gary Monahan said. llw. rl· qwres rnrrung up with ways to le<,.<K•n tlw tnillic 111 the region without bridg<."'> drld '' da1/yp1/ot w/at1mes.com. Please spell your name and include yo ur hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. .11-.. 1 prt-chrated on the apprwd.I of Nev .. pon Beath, since n '>upp<>rt!. the I <Jth DON LEACH /DAILY P!LOI From left, Dan Wooten, chief executrve officer, Beverly Ray, board chairwoman, and Henry Sch1elein, club president. cut the ceremonial ribbon to officially open the new Balboa Bay Club & Resort. Renovations on the club have been 12 years 1n the making. Bay Club breaks out Paul Clinton Daily Pilot Once exclusive club officially reopens as a resort with a $65-million hotel I r the soulful !>OUnds of R&B legend James Brown had cued the grand reopening of the BaJboa Bay Club & Resort, one !>Ong might lead the soundtrack: Papa's got a brand new bag. Instead. a chamber quartet bowed uu elegant strains for longtime Bay Oub members, civic leaders and other leading lights in lhc business community who celebrated the luxurious new re- sort and hotel. Bay Oub leaders, led by Chair- woman Beverly Ray, toasted champagne and enjoyed a lush spread of sushi, beef, oysters. cheese and other delectable foods at the resort's three-hour premier. About 2,000 11w1ted guests were expected to '>how up to usher in a new era for the 55 year-old duh that wa'> onte a regular haunt for such celebrities a.'> I lumphrey Bo- -&M!.. 1.auren Bacall and Ronald Reagan. Ray, club Pre<iident 1 lenry Schielein, 011er 1-.xecutive David Wooten and otllerc. welcomed the crowd to the new SGS-million, 132-room hotel. ·At the risk or bragging a bit. I'd say we've done this grand old place proud," Ray sajd. "Thank all or you for being here lo celebrate with us." THE BELL CURVE A JO-mmute t·eremon} kic.:ked off \.vith l\11.0 longtune Bay Uuh emrloyt'l'' ra1<,ing the Ament.an flag at tht• duh's flai..'Pole After the Bay <Juh hra..,., spoke, Newpon Mesa auto dealer and lifetime club member lncodore Robin!'. pre!>ented Ray with a crystaJ w l shaped trophy made by Tiffany & Co. Daily Pilot columnist B.W. Cook emceed the event. After the speeches. a cannon shot boomed into the harbor, fol- lowed by the Orange County Har bor Patrol\ fireboat shooting off its water rannon<1 outside the new Betting against hypocrisy sf all T he sudden and dramatic descent of William J, Bennett Into the ranb or us nm-of-the-tnill sinners last week WM timed perfect.ty to our monthly oeigNx>rhood poker game., SinCe I have found Bennett~ best·$dling literary preachments extremely Irritating. I WU dtllghted Ill hit (aJJ from grace. So. lt aeemed. In ~ degreell. .... the other playen. fJ'Yef\ though two we openly ~and 8IMfal othen ate llllpett. But rw:ticKl lO ~ i tppeatS. eYell a'Ollel '*'>' Ina. In CMe you\ie been toO • lnVolwd In the .-di for JOSEPH N. BELL re,nrt < 1llt'"t" then c.:onvened to the hutt'I' ballroom and mecung room ... for llll'ltculou,ly rre'>t'ntt•d plalll'r' of hor' d 'oeuHI:"> and food \.t·wport lk'ach ( ounc1lman lod R1dgt•wa) ...aid the ne\\. rE.">on ''mild prm1de an e<."onom1c boost for tlw .1rC".1 ,1m.l the nty. ·It\ a nit e .idd.1.11on to Manner\ Mile." Ridgt·way said. -n wtll pro- v1d<• th.it .,hot 111 the arm" the area nevdo, hm dl' liomn, longtime club member ;md " Daily Pilot colum- nist, -.aid ht.• w-a.' impressed by the new cluh .ind re!>On. "I ve IX't.'n 10 the Momage and the ~t Reg..,, dnd tJu.s has a much warmer .111d co1Jer feel." de Boom ..aid. Dai ly Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~can WEATHER ~ ,. W. were right abou1 the ram P9rhape we'11 be right ebotrt the afternoon sun. S..Pll•A2 A SOLDIER'S STORY Cpl. ca. $ptfM)8 recountl dashing with Huaein loy ...... wt*-ellCOf1ing I ~OOf'N(llf. leePaPM ~bndgt· I ou111ain \Jiil'\., n-qut><>t for lundmg I!> furnng d dN·l\1011 on thorny t..sue.. that have '>lillk'<.l for Yt'<lf'>, whtch L"> a p<><>1Uw .,tep, Monah.m '>did. "( .11'>ta Mt....i dcx..., not ht.-heve the bnd gl"> net·th to ht> huill and L., doing every tlung .,..e utn IO delete them," Monahan 'Ml.Id ·· T1wrt• will ht-give <tnd talce on both '>Ide'>. T11t~n· 111111 IX' '>Oml' ffilllgi!llOrl mea '>Uft><, v.t' mav not be lldpfJ\ \II.1th, but tht"\ See BRIDGE, Pa1e M Guidelines tightened for Fourth in Newport Fines will go up and libertiec, will be fewer in West Newport this July 4 in an effort to curb partying. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot '\IWl'Olfl Ill AC It \Vhen \iJl) pul \.ouN:lf u1 Ull' mlwr f,'ll\ ·., ... hcit:'> 11' t"'1S\ 10 undt>r.tand ""h\ the debatt" U\er \\t"'>t \.ewpon f-ounh of Juh pdIUe.. Kot "'' heated at Jut-...<ld\' C 11'! Counnl met.'UnK < >n thl' cml' '1dt· .in· '*'"en counnlmen who\e h<'t·n mt l mg their hram .... !or v.a'" to rt.".(<Jt• \\t"'>t "l:ewpon re.u.kru. ... lri.m efJ~ of lht• drunken hrdwb, puhht. un nation, cnmt' ,md late·m¢1t noL'ot' thdl are par tor lht' mt1N' every July 4 On the 0 1hl0r ..idc 1-, a group ol rm,...tl\ See FOURTH, Page A4 ENVIRONMENT Wetlands .. rev iew gets more time Paul Clinton Oatly Ptlot NrWPORI Bl A( II -The lmne Ranch Watt•r I )1wn-t has extended a deadhne for pul..Ul tornmenl!. about t:ht 8-mrh th1t l come that analyzes envuun mental effect., or a sweepmg. wetland.-, fiJ tenng prn)<.'C't In extending tht.> deadlme to ~ay JO. the agency L'> bowmg Lo water regulat~ who say they need mol"l' nrne.. The Santa Ana RewonaJ Water Quality Control See WET\..ANOS, Pace M - ---~------ -------=-----=------~ ----- - --~--------_ ----------------- •• A2 Ttusday, May 15, 2003 Oalty Piiot POLITICS POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Gµn control a hot topic on the Hill Paul Clint• Daily Pilot Ou18 Cox bas been in the news lately, stumping against two gun control bills and vocalizing support for a gun industry exempdon. Doesn't ring a bell? Perhaps that's because it's not Rep. Ou18 Cox. Newport Beach's congressman. This Cluis Cox is the executive director of the National Rifle Assn. Both, however, could very well see eye to eye on a handful of gun-related proposals now circulating in Congress. Rep. Cox co-sponsored H.R. 1036, which would protect gun manufacturers and dealers from civil liability claims brought by victims of shootings. The House, with Cox voting "Aye." passed the bill on April 9. Sen. Lury Craig CR-Idaho) introduced similar legislation, known as S. 659, in the· upper ho.-. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY P1LOT Rep. Chris Cox, pictured, shouldn't be confused with the other Chris Cox, the executive director of the National Rifle Assn. But both may be in agreement on a few gun-related issues. party." DON l£ACH /DAll.Y PILOT There are also two proposals in the works to extend a 1994 ban on assault weaPons. Sen. Dianne Feinstein has introduced S. 1034, which would extend the ban beyond the Sept. 13, 2004 expiration date. If the ban expires, manufacture of Uzis, AJC-47s and other semi-automatic weapons would be legal On May I, a third gun-related proposal came out of the offi~ of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-New Jersey). With S. 969, as it is known, Lautenberg wants to dose loopholes that have allowed terrorists to acquire firearms and dosely monitor handgun transfers during periods of heightened security risk. Cristi Cristich is running for the 70th Assembly District She has been hitting the campaign trail. Reps. Carolyn McCarthy (D-New Yorlc:), Ou1s Shays CR-Conn.) and John Conyers (D-M.icb.) have introduced a similar bill, H.R. 2038, in the House. Scorecard, meaning he has sided with that group, on Boor votes, few times on notable gun-related bills. former Assemblywoman MarlJyn Brewer. Cristich said the event netted her $50,000 Crom about 150 business donors. hold public office in Orange County, raised more than $75,000 at an event in Huntington Beach on April 27. Cox. the fifth highest-ranking House leader, could not be reached for a comment on the assault weapons ban extension. House Majority Leader Tom Delay CR-Texas), on Tuesday, said the House proposal isn't expected to reach the Ooor for a vote. Cox was not available for a specific comment on that bill, but, in a statement from his office, said he supports efforts to limit gun violence. Cox is also used to running across others with his name. F.arlier this week. at a speaking engagement in New York. Cox met another Cox. President Rkhard Nlmn'a grandson by way of Patricia Nlmn and Edward Pinch c.ox. "The enthusiasm out there shows that my pro-business message is resonating well.· Cristi ch said. ·I spoke extensively on the need to focus on the economic malaise that has faced the state." The event was held at the Huntington Beach Yacht Qub and was attended by Assemblyman Ken Maddox, who has endorsed Tran, and Rep. Dana Robrabacher. More than 300 supporters showed up for the event. "The votes in the House are not there," DeLaywas quoted as saying in the Washington Post on Wednesday. .. Also, as you can see from the NRA and Gun Owners of America rated votes, J part company from their organizations whenever the issue is California's right to enact gun control laws,~ Cox said. "The 2nd Amendment does not restrict the states, onJy the federal government." Cristich hitting the campaign trail hard Cristi Crlstlch has been using her shoe leathet on the fund-raising trail in a bid to win the 70th Assembly District seat to replace John Campbell. On Wednesday evening, Crislich held another fund-raiser. this time privately. at the Santa Ana offices of accounting firm Singer. Lewalc. Greenbaum & Goldstein. "Van Tran is hitting on all cylinders,· said Wayne Johnson, his campaign consultant. "He's wrapped up key endorsements early and is now one of the leading fund-raisers in the state." Garden Grove candidates set to take over Feinstein lashed out at Delay for it on Wedneaday. "Yesterday, Tom Delay said that . House Republicans would let the assault weapons ban die," Feinstein said in a statement "If Republicans want to be the party in support of assault weapons, let them be that · While gun-rights groups don't rank high on his list of financial donors, Cox clearly isn't popular with the Brady c.ampaign, a top gun-control group. The group rdtes him an 11 % on their Legislative Cristich held a fund-raiser on May 8 at Scott's Seafood GriU & Bar in Costa Mesa. The event was hosted by Dwight Decker, the chief executive of Conexant Systems Inc.; former state Sen. Marlon Bergeson; and Van Tran, the Garden Grove councilman and Republican who is seeking the 68th District seat to represent Costa Mesa. also held a fund-raiser. Tran, the first Asian American to Mark I.eyes, another Garden Grove councilman, has also declared his intention to run for the seat. No Costa Mesa candidates have put their hats in the ring as yet. Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan, who is a Republican supporter, has said he won't seek the seat. .· SPECIAL EVENTS Brothers and Dean Torrence of Jan & Dean, will be from 1 to 4 Assemblyman John Campbell p.m. June 21 at the home of will hold a kid<off reoeption for his Wendy and Scott Baugh in state Senate run from 6 to 8 p.m. Huntington Beacn. Information: May 29 at the Hyatt Regency (714) 969-7457 Huntington Beach. lnfomiation: (209) 847-6200 or e-mail MAY dstoneoak@aol.com Chu<*: Devore will hold a kldcoff Today: Board of Equalization member Claude Parrish will have oelebration for his state Assembly a fund-raising reception from 5:30 run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. June to 7:30 p.m. at the offices of the 12 at Chinatown In frvkle. More Inland Group Inc. in Newport details to follow. Beacn. More details to come. Rep. Dana Rohra~• Saturday: The Orange County F-ederation of Republican Women Birthday Bash, featUrtng Jeffrey will hold Its 2003 Western Night •Skunk'" BaxteroftheOoobie from 4:30 to 9 p.m. at the home of Daily A Pilot VOL 97, N0.135 TMOMM H. JOtMON Publllher TONYDOCJaO EdlliDr Nlll Oil llNG ~=:r Fmmodone Director ...,1wwws•,._.• oom ..... Edlllor9 Gin. AleXander, Lori Anderson, Daoiel Hunt. Paul Sait:owltt. Denlel Stevens • NEWISTNF Crime'=9oo~er, (IMI) 67"""22t _,.,,,,_.,,,.,.,.,__com ...... =·· Newpott ~. IM)IM-4232 Ju,.....,,,..,...,.,,...com ..... ca- Polldc::a, ~Ind elWfronment ,.,,.,.( .. )~ pM.dlfrlon•~ ~ ..... Col~ .... NPCHW. ,..,~ JolltJt,,.,.,.,..,,,_,com ............ eo.ta Mee9 f'IPO'tlt, IMl 17-M22' dllrdN.w•.,,,_com Clwl • ac-llo Educ9lloft ,.,..,, (M) ~ ..,._..,., • ..,.,_,com POLITICAL CALENDAR Colleen and Bud< Johns in Newport Beacn. Information: (949)498-7744 Sunday: The Corona def Mar Republican Assembly will hold a meeting at5 p.m. atHof's Huton Douglas in Irvine. Guest speaker will be attorney and former IRS agent Edward H. S1one. Information: (949) 497-1341 or (7'4) 637-3019 Monday: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa. Admission is free, and all Republicans are welcome. (714) Coral Wil9of1 Newa assistant. (949) 574-4298 conJl.wilson@fatimes.com PHO'l'OGAAPHEAS Sean Hiller, Don l.eactl, Kent TreptoW READERS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your comments about the Dally Pilot or news tips. Addr9e9 Our addreu 19 330 W. Bay St .. Costa MeN, CA 92627. Office hours are Monday • Frid1y, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. ~ It ii the Pilot's policy to promptly COtNct 111 em>,. of substance. PleNe cell (949) 764-02A. · FY1 The Newport Beed'll'Cc>N M ... Dally Pilot (USPS-,4'-800) II published dally. In N9WpOrt 8eed'I tlnd Cotta Meu, l\lbecriptionl 11"9 evall1ble only by .ubecr1binu to TM Times Orenge Qx.incy (800) 252 •• ,,,, "' ...... outalde of Newport 8Mdl end eo.t. ...... IUbecf ~ to the Deffy Piiot .,. wlMeble only by flM dell l1\8lf for t30 per rnonlh. (1'ric91 lndude 111 IPPlcabte .._end ioc:.i .. xee.l POSTMASTER: Send lddf'MI ~to TM Newpott ~MMe OetfV Pffoc. P.O. 556-8555. Tuesday: A fund-raising reception for Cristi Cristicn for Assembly will be held, with 5:30 p.m. codctails and 7 p.m. dinner. Information: Rene Croce (949) 717.7755 29: Newport Harbor Republican Women will hold a general meeting at 11 :30 a.m. at the Bahia Corinthian Yacnt Club. The guest will be David Maricovitz impersonating President Teddy Roosevett Information: (949) 769-3086 JUNE 5: A fund-raising reception for Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No news stories, illustrations, editorial matter or advertisement& herein can be reproduced without written permlnlon of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cln:utatlon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 Adwfdllng a.Mlfted (949) 642·6678 1>19ptey(949)642-4321 EclltotW ,.,... (949) 642•6680 .,.... (949) 57 ..... 223 ,.... Fa (8oe8) ~no lporta ,_ (149) e60-0'l70 E-melt: da/fypllot•t•tl"*.com MelnOtlloe ........ OIRce (949) 642-4321 ........ fU (949) 631-7128 Pub1'9h.d by Tlm11 Community ,..., • dMtfon of the Lo.~ Tlm11. 02003 Tl"* CH. All tlgtill t'llMIMd . Cristi Cristicn for Assembly will member Claude Parrish holds a be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. fund-raising reception from 5:30 Information: (949) 717-7755 to 7:30 p.m. at the offices of the 11 : Orange County Young Inland Group Inc. in Newport Republicans will hold a general Beacn. Information: (949) meeting at 7 p.m. at the Westin 856-2200 South Coast Plaza Hotel. 18: A fund-raising reception for Information: president@ocyr.org Cristi Cristicn for Assembly wlll or call (949) 475-5559 be hetct.from 4 to 6:30 p.m. 16: The Republican Party of Information: (949) 717-7755 Orange Cfunty Central Committee will hold a general JULY ~eeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel. 686 9: Orange County Young Anton Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Republicans will hold a general Admission is free, and all meeting at 7 p.m. at the Westin Republicans are welcome. (714) South Coast Plaza Hotel. 556-8555. Information: president@ocyr.org 18: Board of Equalization or (949) 475-5559 SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It will be cloudy in the morning, with temperatures rising out of the 60s. By the afternoon, the sun will be pushing through and so will that afternoon wind. Highs will reach near 70 Inland, but will be In the low 60t by th• water. lnfonMtlon: www.nws.noa..gov BOATING FORECAST ,\.palm day on me Inner W9tert, with variable wfnds of 10 knott or ..... The swell wflt be from tM weet. 6 Met. There may be periods of~fog. It llto wtll be '9111dvtly qufilt fanhef out •fter I rough night. Wlndt hom tM nOfthwest will~ 10 '° 20 knots. with..,,., 30-btot """' ... In the dly. The northwest swell will be 8 feet at 8 or 9 seconds. SURF The swell drops evpn more, with the best waves mainly cheat high betwffn 52nd and 66th atreett. The waves Will be cloMr to waist high toward Newport Pier. The high tide won't help much. W..quellty: www.aurfrlder.oro TIDES . Time 3:28a.m. 9:..0a.m. 2:66p.m . 9:1,.p.m. ........ ·1.16fMtlow 4.2 .. fMtNgh 0.88teetlow e.eoteetNQh WATER TEMPERATURE Hdtgfw ·' Datly Pilot Schools hit less by latest budget <#',, School officials say they are unsurprised by revised state budge t. 'It's bad , but we knew it was go ing to be bad,' one says. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NEWPORI Ml·.SA Som ewhat hccdang the pleas of Californian<. to spare public education from the deva .. 1a11ng cuts announced 1n January. Gov. Gray Davi., announced Wednesday his revh1ons to the c;ra1e bud~ct for the 2003-04 fhral year, which kept the stall'\ dedication to education. for the most part, intact. Rut local l'duc<itmn offi - ci<il<, said they will '>till face a difficult year ahead. Although thl' Mate\ fi - nancial 1.hortfall fell doM!r to s:rn billion than the $35 billion as11essed in January, Oavis' revised proposal will give K-1 l srhool<, $700 mil- lion more 111 <,lalt' and local funth th,111 propowd earlier thl' year C.o mmunity rnl- lege<, will n•tc1ve S.104 mil lion more in fundang. anti the University of California and California State Univer- sity system s managed lo e<,- caped further cuts. While the proposal pro- vides educational official!> with a barometer for their financiaJ futures. they will still have lo wait for legic;la- lure to pass it. •1t's pretty much as we had envisioned and as we had planned for." said Paul Heed, assistant superinten- de nt of business service' for the Newport-Mesa School District. "It's bad, but we knew it was going to he had Now we need to figure ou1 what the specific program- m atic impacts are." The ·governor\ budget continues the Male\ em- phasis on clas'> <,ize redut lion. accountability and <,pecial educauon and will fund Proposition <f8, wh1d1 guaran1ees m1111mum level<, of .. chool funding. Rut school<, will no1 go unscathed. They will be ex- pected to make ahout $2 billi on in i-.ac rifice .... Community colleges, which were expected to take the biggest hit, were given <,ome relief. The propo!>al to increa'>e the fee per unit from $11 to S26 was reiected and redutctl 10 SIB per unit. "I hi'> wmmu1111y college budget " halfway there." 'aid I nn Cohn. director of publit affair., for the Coa!>t C.ommun11y College Di<,- lnct. which includes Orange C.oa'>I College. "We'll '>1111 have IO lUl about $8 mil1111n out of our hutlgc•1 "Our board la'>t '>ummer <,aw lhl\ coming and they anticipated the cuts," Cohn <,a1d. "We've been ba'>ically planning our budget for a wor<.e-cal>C <,ctma rio, so any additional S that we find our~el vc' wi1h wi ll go back into the cla'>'>room!>." Although higher educa- tion won't have to adju'>t to add111onal cut<,, the Univer- <,ity of C allfonua ..,y.,tcm will '>till face Jbo111 S WO million 111 bJ ... l' budge• CUI'> BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCPAC announce\ dance ~eason lineup The Orange wunty P<'rforrnmg Arts Lt•ntcr ha'> armmmrctl 11 ... 2<X>J-04 lntt•rnatum,ll 1>.111u• ..ea \on, which official<, an· tou1ing a' "one of the· fine'>I progr.im., to be: enjoyed anywlwn· in tlw mnn1h .. ahead." fhe M:a.,on will mdudc tlw Ki rov Ballet. the American lhlllet ·111eatre. th(' Wt•.,t C.oa<,t debut of the I lambu~ Halle1. 1he C.cnll'r debut of Ballt•t rrJnlfun. Neder land-; Dam 11l£'all'r I anti 1he Hoyal Rallet. i-:or more informauon, call the <A·n1er at 17 14) 5~ 2121. IX>g days for Performing Arts Center c;ue<..'> who i'> coming 10 the Om11gt' County Performing An' < .en1er? Need a clue? It\ Blue. Blue\ Oues Uve! -Blue\ Birthday Party will be al llll' < A-n· tcr for 111ne perfom1anet•\ he 1ween June 25 and 29. the lov able blue dog, '>lar of 1he popular Nickelodeon preschool IV .,how. ~111 takt• 1lw <,lagl' w11h the new ho ... 1, Jol', for her h1g birthday h<L'>h llw ... how will feature familiar -.cmw-and chamuer. mdudmg h<...,t buddy Magenta, neighbor l"triwinklc. lkkcty fock. ~ippcry ~mp. Mr. Salt an<.I Mr.:.. Pt.·ppcr. I 1cket' will go on <,ale at I 0 .1.111. Sunday for $16.50, $21.50 and $.l9.50 al the Cerller box nf- fke. onlint• at 111111111.ocpac.or~ or hy phone 1hrough I trkt•tma'>tcr ,11 (711 ) 740 7878 I or more in- form,111on. call tht• Center al (714 ) 556 2i46 't Fine Home Furnishings 't Antiques & Colkctibles 't Traditional to Cottage Gifts and 't Garden Decor Gardm Cafe serving Breakfast, Lunch, Tea and an Espresso Bar. 130 EAST 17"' ST. • COSTA MESA (Ar Newport & &sr 1 r Smet) (949) 722-1177 S e r vi n g . 'B r eak..fas t .£.. u n c fi l,..i. 'D n n e r ILocah favorite! Since 1995 Thursday, May 15, 2003 A3 Tickets ON SALE Now at OCFAIR.COM & TICKETMASTER.COM Th e Newp ort Harbor Nautical Museum cordially in vites you to a special exhibit M Thursday, May 15, 2003 OBITUARY Clarence Edward Nelson A memorial service for Oarence lktward Ndson, an 18-year resident of Newport Beach.. will be hekl at noon today at the P.aciftc View Mortuary Olape1. at 3.500 PacUic Vlew Drive In Co- rona del Mar. Mr. Nelson died on Fri· day of natural causes. He WU 88. He is survived by his wife Ula Ne'8on: sons Michael, ·1~ff.rey and Don· a.Id; daughter Lisa; elght v grandchildren and two great -grandchildren. BRIDGE Continued from Al will be better than a bridge and less expensive. and the cities need LO sit down and harruner it out so it's not hammered out for them by I the authority!." llle Gisler bridge pilS Fountain Valley against Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa official<> and some residents are concerned about cui-through traffic racing through their neighborhood to the C.OSta Mesa Freeway. Residents on the FOU ONE PHONE C '1 A"". The 949.252.82()G; l'--,u __ J l5~ Bill Fallon : • Purchase • ReFi • Const;+n 1 S years In O.C. ~ r----------, I 25%0FF I ILAllOll °" x~ NZZAI L~~wl~_JOl~J!YIOJ _ _J 1420 Baker Street #B, Costa M~CA 92626 (Costa Mesa Square -Target tcr) (949) 548-5523 or (714) , -8328 Many investors have su ered serious loss due to unsu;table . :c;;, . mvestmenls or unsoun vice 56% of all stock loss eta s arc won by invesro Hoag Hospital is pleased to bring Gamet L. Anderson, Ph.D., •. co-principal investigator of the n ., landmark study which caused m · women to re-think hormone repl rhcrapy, co Orange C.Oun ty to disc perspective of the Women's Healtb fi nd ings. Wednesday, May 28 The Beck.man Ccnrer A~jaccnc ro the University of Califomta, lrvine 8:30-9:30 a..m. Breakfast f 9:30-11 :00 a.m. lc.'CtUrc Seating is limired. so caJI rod_af 8001701-HOAG (4624). ,.. Tickets arc $100 and benefit Hoag Women•, Health SCrvia:s. months to find a way to 6x the problem aJld prevent future catas- trophes. They've held numerous public meetings, worbbops and study sessiqN. aod they sent out no- tices to residents about how they could get Involved. They puz:tled and puzzled and purded some more. What they came up with was only a slightly stepped-up version of previous years' solutions: Cre- ate a "safety enhancement zone" during the holiday that gives cops more power to break up parties and issue citations. This year's twists are that fines for most minor infractions go from $100 to $300 and that land- lords might. In some cases, be held responsible for tenants' be- havior. A study of the bridges, the Santa Ana River Crossing Study that the four cities commissioned to re- search the effects of removing the bridges from the county master plan, was completed in June 2001. But none of the four City Councils have approved iL Now is the time, city officials urge. The next step is for representa- tives from all four cities to meet and try to fast-track a solution by taking a broad perspective. Costa Mesa City Manager Allan· R~er said "I think that the goal is not. if you will. to bridge or not to bridge." Roeder said. "l think the goal is: How do we meet the traffic demands? How do we meet the transportation demands? I think that is the principal focus. It cer- tainly needs to be the focus of our conversations with our adjoining cities of Fountain Valley and New- port Beach when we talk of the bridges." Yet Fountain Valley's request for funcling to study the Gisler bridge does involve various options, said Michael Utschi, media spokes- man for the aansportation authority. Those options include a bridge, the status quo and how to improve traffic flow on congested streets without a bridge. Fountain Valley is requesting $125 million from the authority for the preliminary engineering, environmental work and design &'tUdy, which costs about $1.S mil- lion total, Utsehi said. Authority chairman Tun Kee- nan said the board decided to hold off on the Fountain Valley re- quest and is urging consensus be- cavse it "doesn't want one city jamming something down an- other city's throat. theoretically." That said, Keenan added the board can still vote on the Gisler bridge srudy in the next two months if a consensus is not reached because the authority staff and technical expen.s from all three cities recommend the study be done. I luntington Beach Council- woman Debbie C..ook said she is not pleased with the prospect that funcling for the bridge study could still be approved when two out of the three cities involved are against it. "What it looks like to me is that if everyone doesn't agree to re- move a bridge. they're going to build a bridge, which I find amaz- ing," 0.>olc said. "Why would you fund this if you've got Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach's [popula· tionsl far outweighing Fountain van~· • OEJRORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at 1949) 6744221 or by e-mail at defrdre.newman@latimes.com. Women's HC4\lch lnitiuve P.lrty proponents bad plenty of reason to be appalled. The Irony that the reduction in indlvlduaJ rights takes pJace on Independ- ence Day WCWt't lost on the crowd of about 20 young men who packed the cowicil chambers on Tuesday. Not the types to follow city government too closely, many of them said that the city's actions came as a complete surpme. "This is unacceptable and un- American," West Newport resi· dent Matt Olson said. Though some opponents pleaded with the council to post· pone its decision to allow the community to participate, council members reacted with frustration at the lateness of the group's ln· volvement After all, they'd been trying to gather just such input since September of last year. CURVE Continued from A 1 thc,refore cannot be regarded as a black mark against Bennett I thought about that during beer breaks and bad hands in our poker game last Friday. It's true that gambling is deeply programmed in many of us. ln the midst of the Depression in junior high school, I was playing poker for pennies with my friends. One of our main sources of income was to draw the father of a household into the game, tell him the stalces were higher than they really were, and then gang up on him and split the loot later. I'm sure every father knew be was being had, but found this an amusing way of getting us movie money. In the military service. we played everything for money. When we attended compulsory chapel at Pre-Right School, we used to bet on whether the next hymn would be an odd or even number. High-stake hearts wdS more often than poker the game of choice in the ready-room. Sowa<> bridge. We used to welcome visiting P"an-Am pilots ove~ because they had lots of money and thought they were becter bridge players than they were. I remember running into two of our pilots on some remote island waiting for repairs on their plane. They had been sitting m orosely for a week in a tin Quonset playing gin rummy, and one owed the other $140,000. There were always two quite disparate elements involved. The first was winning, The other WciS the exhilaration of the game. When winning became all-encompassing. then gambling rumed compulsive and, finally. deeply troublesome. I finally had to meet that head-on in Las Vegas, set myself a limit that wasn't critical to our well-being. and stick to it. When I hear Bennet1 telling a New!.weelc reporter that over this I 0-year wallow in slots he broke even. it remind.5 me of what amateur gamblers tell their wives when they drag into their Vegas hotel room at 4 am. after an all-nighter in the casino. Bennett may need to believe he broke even, but l don't believe that for a minute. Our neighborhood game is nickel-dime-quarter three raises. A 20-buclc tum either way is a big evening. It is also the equivalent of one bet at a blackjack table. But WETLANDS Continued from Al Board requested the extension. said Norris Brandt, the project's manager. "They are short on staff time. ft Brandt said about the reason for the extension. "They've got four or five people looking at it from dif. ferent perspectives." Paul Jones, the water district's general manager. announced the extension in a May 5 open letter to the public. The agency first cir· culated the document Man:h 12. Despite the extension, local en· vironmentalists offered different opinions on the district's review of the $41 ·mlllion wetlands project, in which the agency will install natural wetlands at 31 locations along Upper Newport Bay and San Diego Qeek. The wetlands would act as filters to rem<Ne oil, animal waste. grease. pesticides, and odlet' waste in urban runoff that flows down the watershed and enters Back Bay Newport Beam has a1so siarted aafling a response to the analysis. The dty't Bnvtronmental Quality Affair$ citizens' committee on Monday submitu:.-d an ll ·J>88'! commentary on the report to City Manager Horner Bludau. The Qty Cound1 is echoduJed to cHea.118 the proJea. and the rtmarb. at a May'Z7~ City leaden have .,..ay IUP- po~ the proj«:I. Alllillant Oty ~Daw Kif tMd. ·~ IUlte ol Che .,. In tMN rA ..... I dMlft a NU1ll WI!)' ID tnllll Nld beb't II pll, an.o a water bod;. DI' .... "tea ... t1wom.• "I can't undentnnd ~ we coukl have done more by way of public outreach to try to get peo- ple engaged," Councilman Gaty Proctor said. Unfortunately for opponents of the ordinance. nobody was able to come up with a better idea to prevent a repeat of last year's 162 amsts and l,344 citations. And af- ter all 36 residents on elthet side had come to the podium to speak their peace, the council was un· swayed. The motion passed unanl- mously, as did a later agenda item to ~ on to second reading an amendment to the city's alcoholic beverage ordinance that, if ap- proved In two weeks, would for- bid stores from selling liquor out of their parlcing lots or storing it there. though it is imposmble to bluff in such a game, we fight like gangbusters to be on the right side of that 20 bucks -and resist suggestions to up the stalces. So why is our gambling something Nonnan Rockwell might paint as heart-wanning Americana and Bennett is catching all this heat for his? The first difference is the most obvious: the size of the stakes. The distance between 20 buoo and $8 million dramatizes the difference between the common foUc and the very rich, whose tax break. in this instance. is coming back into the economy through a slot machine. The second is that seven guys sitting around a table over a beer &-weating out a $10 pot contrasted with a white-haired guy sitting hours on end in solitude hunched over a slo1 machine. Rut still. if he can afford to risk $8 million as comfortably as ow risking 20 buclcs, where then is the sin? Not in the gambling. surely, but in the hypocrisy. None of the players in my poker game have had the arrogance to tell olher people how to lead moral lives. If you are going to write books tided '·Tue Book of Vtrtues." "The Death of Outrage" and "The Broken Heanh." and appear all over TV talk shows critiquing debased morals by exhuming ow private lives. then yours had better. by God, be squeaky clean. To steal a page from a favorite Bennett source, Jesus once said: "Judge not that you he not judged Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye. but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" Bennett might better understand the log in his eye by checldng out a current art house movie called "Owning Mahony." It's about a banker who almost destroys his life through compulsive gambling, while all the while denying that he is adclicted It made me very uncomfortable because I recognized some of the signs. and it oould perf onn the same service for Bennett unles.s his level of denial has become impenetrctble. I suppose the next time Bennett is in town for one of his $50,000 speeches. we could invite him to a special session of our poker group. We might even up the stakes. just for him, of course. I don't think he'd notice. • JOSEPH N. BEU is a resident of Santa Ana Heights. His oofumn appears Thursdays. liowever. the citi7.ens' commit· ree has suggested some retine- ""l'nents to the plan. The oommittee criticized the re- port for failing to address runoff from the John Wcl}'Oe Airport area and Sant.a Ana Delhi OwmeJ. for not fully addressing runoff' from two redaimed water reservoirs and for not being written in a way that Is fully~ to the public. Local environmentalists Jack Skinner and Bob Caustin echoed these concerns. Skinner, a surfer and dean wa· ter activist. said the report needs revision. He said he'd like to see more in-depth analysis of how se- lenium, a naturally oocuning sub- stance In the groundwater, is treated. High levels of the metal are hannfuJ to humans Caustin, who has won a siring of court victories against the dis- trict for their environmental analysis of previous projects. said be agreed thiit the voluminous re- port isn't review-friendly. Caustin. howevet, srud he ts still rev1ew1ng me document and couldn't offer an appraisal of It yet. '1'lley abould be able to bo.O down their arguments tn 80 ~" Caustin said. "It does dis- suade public pal1idpa.tion. .. Skinner also c:r1ddad fhe planned locadonl of the 81ters. 'Tm concerned thll not all ot thefle projedl m png to be el• ~. Slclnner-*l. ~not nee m 1ly put In lhe looadon thlfly'ni needed moet." • MUl.a.ION CCMrt 1M er'IWGI.,,.., ....,_and pollticis, Ht nwt be r9ld'9d. Mt 7'4-4330 . ~ ......... ,,___,~ ' PUBLIC SAFETY Daily Pilot POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anton Bout.v.td: An auto theft waa reported in the 600 , blodc at 3:28 p.m, Tuesday. • 0.'"'1 StlMt Petty theft was reported In the 800 blodc at 6:06 p.m. Tuesday. · • Donnybrook Lane: Petty theft was reported in the 3000 blodc at 10:34 a.m . Tuesday. •Joann StlMt A vehicle burglary was reported in the 500 blodc at 6:20 p.m . Tuesday. • La Lind• Pt.u: Vandalism was reported In the 2300 blodc at 11 a.m. Tuesday. • M•rtc Lane: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2500 bl<><;k at 6:34 p.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Dove Street: A commercial burglary was reported in the 1600 blodc at 10:03 a.m. Wednesday. • Dover Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 blodc at 3:16 p.m. Wednesday. • N•ples: Battery was reported in the 2300 blodc at 12 a.m. Wednesday. • 11th StJMt •nd West S.y Avenue: Vandalism was reported at 8:52 a.m. Wednesday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Veches jury may begin deliberations Jury deliberations are ex- pected to begin today in the trial of the fonner Newport Beach recreation coordinator accused of sucking the toes of several young boys en- rolled in the city's aft.er- school programs. Trenton Veches. 32, was expected to testify in his de- fense. but he clid not take the stand Defense attorney John Dolan had said when the trial began that his client "wanted to tell his side of the story." Dolan has argued that Veches suclced or bit the dill- dren's feet, but that it was not for sexual gratification. The prosecution rested its case Wednesday morning. The defense was done by Wednesday afternoon. 'Ille trial began a week ago. The prosecution put sev- eral boys on the stand who testified that Veches had sucked their toes and talc.en digital photographs of their feel Veches facet 25 felony counts of lewd contact with minors and one misde- meanor count of possessing dilld pornography. He pleaded guilty to the misde- meanor and not guilty on the felonies. He initially faced 28 felony charges, but some of those were dropped before the trial. officials said. Veches quit hi~ job after the allegations. If convicted. he faces a maximum sen - tence oflife in prison without the possibility of parole for at least 25 years. The attorneys will present their closing arguments this · morning. -Deepa 8haroth THOMAS, Carlton F: Cartton F. Thomas of Coo:lfla del Mar, California died on May 10, 2003. He was 86. Bom on August 17, 1916 In Chicago ttllnoi., he was u..: ton Of Harold Thomu and• Jean Hang Thoma. • He G!'&duated ftom Steele. High School In Dayton, Ohio In 1933. He an.nded Ohio. State ~ and Unlwrllty of Callfoinla at Loe ~1n"f~~ JllOCll*Yn Godwin. Mr. Thoma .wet In h =~and~-=· fOf AA Aow8I\ and CO., toc.ted In Loe Anallle. .... lndultrtll ,. .... brobr from 1946-1988. &ntvora Include ,,.. ..... Thorw "' NNpcwt a..oh. hie ... T.-ry~d ~ co and two s=: ~ .... be mlde: In .. ,..,. :'It: ~ .,.~~-­ .... \1lif ~ ea.. dll ._CA-. ;State of the city is 'good' In his annual address, Mayor Steve Bromberg addresses Newport Beach's many successes :June Ca111r1nd1 paityPilot ; NEWPORT BF.AC! I -Mayor ~Leve Brombf:rg has been look- ~g forwan:l to delivering a Mate of the city address for a long time just so he could say this: "The state of the city is good. The slate of the city is real good." His wish came true Wednes- day as the Newport Beach Oiamber of Commerce held its jUUlual meeting and State of the City address by the mayor. "The people in this city want ~e best. ask for the ~l. de- mand the best, are willing to pay for the best, and it's our pleao.ure to give you the best," Bromberg said. A skilled lawyer and a peren- pial cheerleader for the city, Bromberg presented plenty of evidence that things arc good in Newport Beach. The John Wayne Settlement Agreement extension wa~ at the lop of his list of rea&onb. "There will not be open bkici. over Newport Reach and that was a real danger for a whilc." he told the crowd of more than 300 chamber members and honor ees. Al'>O no ~maJI feat. he 'Mud. tJw ctty conunu~ to come up w11J1 a balanced budget each year, de spite the tough financial tum.·'> that make balanced budgelb a rarity m c1ry halb alru'>'> the country. "We have about SIOO nuJJ1011 In reservel> -100-mtlhon buck... sitting in the bank becau!>t: we are conservative in how we han die your money," he !>aid. Of courbe, you can't have a talk on the state of Newport Reach Without mt•ntionmg water VOLUNTEER RECOGNmON ...._ DewlopmentCoundl • GecNge aa.nc, majof contributor towerd the Butlnea Development Council, 2002-2003 • Bii ...,,, major contributor toward the Businee. tt the Beacti Expo2003 • UncM RMnge, mejof contributor towerd the Business et the 8eect'I Expo 2003 • te.vtn Prleldliy, chairman, Bu.iness at the Beed1 Expo 2003 •Rey~. d\alrman, Ambaaadorl, 2002-03 • l.Jnd8 ......._ Ambatudor of the Veer, 2002-03 CMc AIWrs Council • Roger Albd, major contributor toward the GOllemment Affairs Council, 2002-2003 • Phllp a.n.icourt. master of ceremonies, Police Appreciation Breakfast 2003 • Debfll Lepn, majof contributor toward the Govemln3nt Affairs Council, 2002-03 • P9ul w.ddnl, major conJrlbutor toward t?ie Government Affairs Council, 2002-03 • Lloyd llfenf, major contributor toward the Government Affi.ira Council, 2002-03 • Marlon Halfacnt. co-ctialrman, Newport Beadl Are Sc Lifeguard quaJtty. Though the ctty Mniggle-. 10 keep pollutant~ out of lhe hay and ocean. Bromberg·l> speech rook ume tu pau.<.e and apprec1- Jte the beneliL'> of the '>lruAAfe thUb far. -if you don't look at 11 oght al - ter it ram!>. the bay right now t'> cleaner than 11\ been in 20 year'>." he ..aid. ·· 1 hat\ hecau\l' wt• worl at 11." Bromberg concluded ht' talk by atk.nowledgmg volunteer., in part because the chamber met'I· ing abo serve., a.<; the group\ an nuaJ awards ceremony. ~~fl'Mv2002 ............... ~. Newpoft '-di Fire • Lltlg&.wd ~ 8Mc:t'I ~2002 • JMy ...... cNinNn, Educdon ComrN ... 2002-03 • Mll9 ~. Educedon CommhrM, 2002..00 • l..,.y W... Ectuc.tlon Commit:llle, 2002-03 • ~ ...... dllirman, Clean Harbor Dey 2003 . •Ml* 91wi¥, ClM!rman, ~rlne Committee, 2002-03 • ftultt H9, major contributor to the -&lldlri'g TMl f'oroe Commhlee, 2002-03 Memba ............ c.... • ...-.. o.... coordinetor, c:Eo Progrem 2002-03 • M.aae ~. major contributor to the~ of lnfonNltion Technology • lbm Wldl. c:ti.irTNn, CommunlcatJonl Commftlee, 2002-03 • MMe ea.. chair, Membership SeMcee Council, 2002-03 a.,... Ewne. Councl • Kirt o.w.on, ctlalrmen, lmtlevant WeM 'Nelcome Reception 2002 •M~d\alrm1t1.I~ Week Welcome R9ceptk>n 2002 • Den tumllton, chalrm.n, S.ndcMde Contest 2002 •~..._chairman, Right of lfle l...uefa 2002 • DuncM Fofgly, chairmen, Ring of Llghts2002 • U Mountford, parade control chairman, Newport Harbor °Chrl1tmaa Boat Parade 2002-03 • P9t Swope, parade control, Chamber President Richard Luehrs took the microphone at the end of Bromberg's speech 10 hand out lrophies recogmzing about 35 voluntee~ whose work ha-. helped the chamber with eve!'lts like the Taste of Newport. the Poltce Appreciation Break- fa<;t, the Ouistmas Boat Parade and nearly a dozen other events. I le l>aved the best for labt: The (,olden Anchor Awa.rdb given to !·Jaine "114" lz1.0 of Future Im- age Make-Up Studios and to Kev111 Pri e-. tJy of Priestly Qi i ro- p m t·u c. NMpoft Hlft>of Chrl9tmee Boe1 ......2002 • Ni:ila ICM ... 1, pitrede control. Newport H9ftlot Chri«mle Bott Plnlde2002 • .... ....., perede control, Newpot1 H.nior C1lMtmaJ Boat Parede2002 •Mehdi~. co-chairman, ChrfatmM Boat,.,,._ Awards Dinner• Auj:tlon 2003 • tElle IDD, mtfor contributor toward the ~al Evenll Council 2002-03 • Didi~. m1jor contributor toward the Speclal Events Councll. 2002-03 • Chdldne lfown, major contributor towtrd the Special Events Council, 2002-03 • M GUIMllnoft, maJor contributor toward the Spedal Evenll Council, 2002-03 • .Ant llocwnquilt, major contributor toward the Special event. Council, 2002-03 • Joe Woldef.....,.. major contributor toward the Taste of Newpolt. 2002-03 • Piil Smidt, •Hosteu of the Most.esa:' Taste ot Newport liolpltality Tent 2002 • L.ue9 Hllllcn, chair. Taste of Newport 2002 • Hel Pleon. Newport Harbor Christmn Boat Parade 2002 • Dwld ...,,_,chairman. Newport Harbor Chrittma Boat Parade and co-chairman, Christmas Boat Parade Awards Dinner & Auction, 2002-03 • Noftn Witt, chairman, Athletic Awards Breakfast 2002 & Scholarship Awards Breakfast 2003 luo wru. honored for lt>ndtng a hand m more than a do1en ca paciti~. including voluntt>l"rmg to do the hair and mak.e up of young women leavmg the Olive Cre~t home for abu'>ed children m Santa Ana. Priestly'!. many rnntnh1111on., indude donaung ch1roprac11c services 111 e~c.hange for .,luffed animals 10 give to needy c.htldren and X-raying I lalloween candy "The business communll} does contribute a ht•ck of a lot 10 the welfare of Lhti. nJ111rnu111t\." Luehrs said. NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL AL.ARM SYSTEM UPGRADE The police department will soon get a new alann-morutonng syi.'tem to help officers re.p()nd to calls from lhe 4.905 homes and l .359 bu.<un~ in the aty. The c:ouncil approved the S 130.000 upgrade on Tuesday without discussion on the ht.>els of la'>t rnonth's srudy S{";.c;ion on maucr WHAT IT MEANS The new system will improve 1.he city's ability to monitor the alarms. improve the city\ tracking of false alarms and lmprove revenue potential of the 11ervice. PARK NAMES Anyone who want<; to name a city park af1er a Hosahnd Williams ~ or Gluck Jont'l> 7 -0 must kiss that ~ dream goodbye TI1e council approved an ordinance 10 pmhthll naming ctty parks after people. TI1c idea i~ that there are 1ui.t 100 many notahle residents and not enough parks and other i.ignificant Mructures to go around. WHAT IT MEANS City-owned facilities that arc operated by out~ide agencies, such as the Balboa Theatre. will '>till have the option of naming the theater after a large donor. The Mariners Park Library will still bear the name of Donna and John Crean, who donated haJf a million doU~ for it. But no city parks can be named this way. SEWER CAM VAN The purchase of a new $127,000 camera-equipped ~ van will actually 7 -0 provide substantial WRCMD saVlllgs over three years as city staff can perform a service that has in the past been done mainly by contractor... The camera sy;;tem FYI NEXT MEETING: 7 pm. May 27. City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd Agendas and staff reports are available online several days before the meeting at www.city.newport-beach ca us Information is available by calling (949) 644-3000 will allow the city 10 monitor sewer lines to prevent lea.ks -Compiled by )ufle CasagraT1d11 .,., "' r. Lifetime ~ Warranty Carpet ~ $1'' Lifetime Warraaty l••in~ $2'' C09ta Me•a , •.•.•.• ,.,. , .... ,, ... Thursdcty. May 15, 2003 A5 t now ~erving ~andwiches...and salads catering platters available FREE DRINK Purchase Any Whole Sandwich or Salad And Receive A Free drink. Must Present Coupon At Time Of Purchase. Limit One Per Customer E>.p1m 05/29/03. 427 E. 17TH STREET I (OST:\ \1E S\ I (949 1646-1440 \lo\-f RI 7:00-6:00 • S-\r 7:00-5:00 • Cl ( l\l l 1 \'. \:' \'1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday May 17th 11AM-4PM See the HISTORY OF COSTA MESA and Santa Ana Air Base Including: • Collections of Anriqucs • Carpenr ry Tools • Iron ~ • Old Sc hool Book.c, • Howdy Doody Collection • Old School Annuals • 1953 Boy Scout Jamboree Material\ COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIE1Y 1870 Anaheim Sr. (Near Lions Park) FREE :\d m j,,ion & Rcfrc,h 1nc11t' (949) 631-5918 webs.lanser.com/cmhis cory Lifetime 100% Warranty FREE Ceramic $1'' No Quellti089 Lifetime Mked Warranty Wood '$2" • • ' A SOLDIER'S STORY • , MoVing through the desert • EDITOR'S NOTE: This 11 an update on the tour of duty by Costa Mesa resident Chartes "Can• A Spence. The Dally Pilot profiled Spence and his family when he was shipped out to serve during the war In Iraq. The Dally Pilot will continue to update readers with reports from Spence as they arrive. By Sst. Charlea •ca11• A. Spence F lnally got a little downtime. ... You are gonna have to forgive my spelling, punctuadon and run-on sentences. I'm just too damned tired to proofread this. Where do I start? We closed the line of departure on none other than my wedding anniversary, March 20. What are the odds? I clid win the pool though, $200. Everything went smooth. A little DESIGNER RESALE BOUTIQUE Pfease j~n us in cefe6rating our I !Fiftli Ji.Lnniversary Thursday thru Saturday, May 15-17 Pl'CICDt du. M aDd ~ · 10% SAVINGS on all pwdtues 2850 East Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar (949) 718-0476 ThisWeek@UCI Arts May 15-17 UCI Dance. Physical Graffiti. Annual concert of new works by undergraduate choreographers. 8 p.m. . Thursday and Friday, 2 & 8 p.m. Saturday, Little Theatre. $H $10 May 17 Chamber Series. Les Dew: Amis. With Richard Savino and John ~hneidcrman, guitars and lutes. 8 p.m., Winifred Smith Hall. $8-Sl 2 May21 Baseball. UC/ vs. Hawaii. 7 p.m., Anteater Ballpark. $4 -S7 Presentations May 15 Social Science Dinner Club. France -Old Frie11d and New Adversary? With Will iam Schonfeld, professor of social science. 6 p.m., University Club. $30 (includes dinner) May20 Irvine Health Foundation and the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. How Timt FliQ: TM Molecular Architecture of Memory. With Thomas Carew, Bren Professor and Chair of Neurobiology and Behavior. 7:30 p.m ., Barclay Theatre. Free May21 Biologic.al Sciences. The Good life at the End of Life. With Dr. Joanne Lynn, di~or, Washington Home untcr for Palliative Care Studi~ and senior rcstarcher, RAND Htalth. 7 p.m., Crystal Cove Auditorium, Student u nter. Free. University Club Forum. It 's Not Chads; It's Voting Paradoxes Which Havt Affected History. With Donald Saari, OiJtioguishcd Pro(eaor of Economics and M1thtnu1tiC1. J 1:30 a.m., Univcnity Club. $7.50 Uncluda lunch) Information: Mt.UO.WEEK (Ml.A~. 5) .......... ~~ ................. ~ ~.,,,.,,_ .. l ( f 1 \ : • ', J I I I I' opposidon initially. Ar. we pa.Med through Al Nauryah, that's when things got intense. It was a full-blown gunfight, and my fellow Marines performed as I thought they would -outstandlngl Our job during this time was to provide safe passage for a log train (convoy) of supplies. Fuel, ammo etc. We are also taken to clear the "Baath Party Resistance" along the way. This part or the job was, and stlll is, a little tough. These guys are cowards. They wear civilian clothing over their uniforms, terrorize the loca1 population with acts of murder and torture. There is no age limit to their victims. This I have seen first hand. During an operadon against the enemy ambush (the locals informed us) these fighters were beginning to swrender. At the last second. they ran into a building and began to throw children -yes children - out in front of them while they grabbed their weapons and began firing again using the kids as hwnan shields. If you have heard how the USMC trains us to be expert shots, that day was proofl The hectic rate of fire slowed as the Marines took careful aim and eliminated the enemy -one well-placed shot at a time. I am proud to say that only the enemies were lost by our hand that day. I must admjt, I was very, very angry at what had happened and had to control myself when dealing with the prisoners of war that were caught From here, we cleared a couple more towns. all with the same results. We saw the enemy and destroyed them. I don't like to make it so routine, but after the first three firefights, thjngs just kind of meld together. We had a bad truck accident on our wdy to our current location. One of our trucks went crashing ofT a meclium-sized bridge. Out of 20 Marines, 18 were injured . No deaths, thank God. The wounded were Medevac-ed out by helicopter to a trauma cen ter nearby. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e·ma1I to mike.swanson@latimes.com; byfaxto(949)646-4170;or by ca lling (949) 574-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event, as w ell as a contact phone number. A complete listing is available at www.dailypilor.com. Word got out among them deep inside them that matters.. that they would be flown to And she has the most honest Kuwait Cor the remainder of the and loving eyes that I've ever war. They would have none of seen. I truly am lucky. that Those that could wfilk got I kind or had to take a break • up and rejoined the company. \) with this letter, otherwise I'll get' 'JWo of my Marines, who didn't all wound up. catch wind that they'd be held in I caught 18 deserters the other Kuwait. managed to slip out of night .. That was pretty funny. I'll - the hospital and hitchhiked all tell you about that when I get 200 miles back to the front back or ln another letter. Wfire wOnly in the Marine Corps!" listening to the BBC right now. I That ls a tale all by itselfl! I guess some idiots in WashingtoQ• think the guy from Stars and are complaining on how the war Stripes already interviewed is taking too long. -Not like the them . GulCWar." Kuwait was the size of l.Ately, we have been Riverside county, while Iraq is conducting ra.lds and destroying the size of California If these weapons' caches. We are uuly freaks could actually see what making life miserable for the lc:ind of lmpact we were malcing enemy. · here, they'd shut their mouths. Our company's 1st sergeant When I say Impacts, I mean speaks Arabic Ouently, and so we humanitarian-wise. get a chance to experience the I forgot to mention that these local culture. The locals tend to kids love Skittles and M&Ms!! I be very standoffish at first, but was a t the trauma center once hands are shaken and checlc:ing on my Marin es. and blessings given and received, there was a little boy. His mother they are some of the warmest had been wounded by enemy and most polite people I've met. fire (she's OK). He was all sullen, They continuously talk of the so I approached him with a bag atrocities committed by Saddam of M&Ms after an approving nod Hussein and his operatives. They from his mother. One minute, he call us angels and kiss us on our was crying and stuffing his cheeks while reciting prayers to mouth with M&Ms, and the next Allah. ting you know, I am playing The poverty here is peek-a-boo and chasing him unbelievable. No amenities that around. we are all so accustomed to. No After talking to the Navy amount of peace talks wouJd corpsman on hand, I found out have changed Saddam Hussein's that this little boy's father had behavior toward his own people. been shot by the Baath Party So let"s think about it Not only earlier that day. now get this, do I get a chance to make the because he complained that world a safer place against they were taking too much food terronsm and weapons of mass from him and how could he feed destruction. but I also get to hi!> family. I found out this kind help an entire country out of a of trash happened a lot, even heU they have been forced to live before the war. in since ISaddaml has been in Oh. some good news! The power. papers we recovered after the I know, watch the language. other night's ambush provided ... Man. a cold beer wouJd go us with some very useful good' right about now. Man, do I information. We knocked out miss my wife and kids. four Iraqi tanks the o ther night. There isn't a day that goes by They tried to be sneaJcy, but they that I don't thank about them. weren't sneaky enough. You know what really caught my WeU, my hand hurts and I eye about Carrie? She has the need i.ome i.leep. We are moving most beautiful set of eyes I have out soon. to Baghdad hopefulty. ever seen. Now here's the thing. lt'1. not that they are just preny CASS to look at, it ti. what you see Semper Fi! TODAY A frM seminar and book signing of "Stop the Clodc Cooking" by Cheryl Forberg will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Martet. 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOM S. Lnm about the gynecological and surgical p rocedures available for hysterectomies at a free seminar at 6:30 p.m . in Newport Beach's Hoag Hospital Conference Center. Reservations are required. Call (800) 5144624 Chef Martin v.n will be st the Bloomingdale·s home store in Fashion Island to hold a cooking class at 1 p.m .and then sign books. The class is free. For information, call (949) 729-6854. FRIDAY Costa Mesa'• Chamber of Commerce will have its Les Miller~ See TOWN, P11e A7 The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA *Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery• ALL CARPET & FLOORING Vinyl~ Ceramics Wood • Laminates CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30o/ooff \ ~s CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER #for All Your DeCorating Needs!" . \ ;/ FURNITURE REUPBQllTERY • Custom-Made PurnJture • Stip Covers • Patio Furniture • Draperies, Shades, 4 Bedspreads TOWN Continued from A6 Scholarahlp Recognition Breelcfaat et 7:16 e.m. at the Hihon Hotel, 3060 Bristol St Attendance la $22 per person. Call (714) 885-9090 for detall1 and reaervationa. SATURDAY The Su.tight ThMtN Comp11ny will hold auditJon1 for Its all-student summer show, "Mary Poppins: from 1 to 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old can alng a aong from the show or bring taped accompaniment to a song they've prepared. The theater la at 1126 V'tetoria St. In Costa Mna. For more Information, call (949) 645-7827. The Costa MMe Historical Society will host an open house from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1870 Anaheim St In Costa Mesa. It Includes tours of the facility and e>Chlbita of photos and artifacts. fTee. For more Information, call (949) 631-5918. Badt Bay Atneu wil launch a virtual cycling program. Come for a test drive during classes at 8:30 and 9:30 a.m . at 2675 Irvine Ave., Suite A in Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 631-5587. "Divorce: A New Beglnnhtg." la a workshop for men and women who are divorced or getting dtvorced. h la held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. For more Information, call (949) 644-6435. Th• Newport Herbor NMrtical Museum will open a new exhibit featuring the work of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881-1959), known as the West Coast's premiere maritime speciahst among early 20th-<:entury artists. The exh1b1t will be on display until Sept. 30 For more information, call (949) 673-8915, ext. 111. Costa ~·1 RecrMtion Division presents Family Day Out with an excursion for families to experience the Renaissance Fair in Glen Helen. M eet at 9 a.m. at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive. The cost 1s $15. which includes a snadt, admission and transportation. For more Information, call (714) 7!*5168. Tbe Newport BNcti Library's Balboa branch will offer a w orkshop called ·Tools & Tndts: Internet 101; an introduction to navigating the World Wide Web. at 9 a.m. For more information, call (949) 717·3816 The Wakiorl Schoor1 annual M-v Faire, en Imagination Celebration event, will he from 11 a.m . to 3:30 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Dnve in Costa Mesa. Adm1ss1on costs $3, and children younger than 2 get in for free. Parking 1s free. For more information, call (949) 574-n34. Costa M ... High Sc:hoo4'1 Cheerleading department 1s h9sting a one-day cheerloading clinic from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for $18 per person. Squads and anyone without cheerleadlng experience are encouraged to attend the clinic, taught by the United Spirit Assn. Registration [';]~Dunn-Well 11EI\1PI Ill.L'S --IH '( I" ~ ( \Ht> I I "' . . YOGA CONNECTING MIND, BODY, SPtArT ;i the comfort and privacy of your home. Cef1ffled experienold instruclor. E1*>Y the blnefits of relaxation and medtatk>n . • Call for more Information. Yoga with Tom 71 ...... 2118 Of email at 'pem•• ............ .com will begin et 8:45 e.m . In front of · the high ld\ool'• gym. SUNDAY TO lddr -thit YMI'• FenMI of Children, a Volunteer Dev will be held from nQOfl t~ 4 p.m. et South Coast P1aza'a Carousel Court. To introduce Orange County charftieaandyouthatoeach other, the F-eatival of Children Volunteer Day will allow a variety of nonprofit organization• to dlaplay Information about their services. For more information, call (949) 644-47n Th• Southem Califomla Kol Club will have its annual koi pond tour from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m .. including tours of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Corona def Mar and Santa Ana. Coat is $8 per person. For more Information, call (949) 548-3690. The pubtic la invitl9d 1o find out about lawn bowling and 999 the best bowtera in the nation during the showcase of lawn bowting from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowrmg Oub, 1560 Crown Dr., Corona del Mar. MONDAY Hoag Hoapibr1 Canl* c.nur 1a offering a presentation by a group of expert clinicians to learn about the use of surgery for treating colon cancer. There will be time after the free 6:30 to 9 p.m. presentation to networ1c with other colon cancer survivors and discuss common concerns. Registration is required. For more information and to register, call (949) 760-2103. World lnfwtility Month wi.U kJd( off in Orange County with a presentation called "PGD: It's Not Only for Genetic Screening Anymore:" The free, educational seminar wilt featureimportant discussions about the role preimplantation genetic diagnosis is playing in helping parents uncover genetic and sex-linked diseases. The event is open to the public and will take place at M arriott Suites. 500 Bayview Cirde in Newport Beach beginning at 6:30 p.m . For information, call (888) 917-47n Mature driven ain sharp«i their driving skills in an eight-hour cfe11 ln two MSalona at Pr .. byterian Chu n:h of the Covenant In Costa Mesa. Clauea will be from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. M ay 19 and 20, and are llmfted to 30 atudenr.. The cost 11 $10. Advanced registration required. To register, or for more Information, call (714) 557-3340. TUESDAY A frM eemlnar and book signing of "Why the Welght7 Oare to be Great!" by author Jean Kruegar will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 Eaat 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. The Swfrider Foundation Newport Beach Film Night will feature surfing films, including the newly releasecl.1'3 Degrees." It will be held at 7 p.m . at the Surfrider public meeting at Margaritaville, 2332 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Come and learn what is going on with local water quality issues and see some cool surf fticb. For more information, call (949) 644-7443. Thom H J. C.rew wiU diacuu "How Time Flies: The M oleetJlar Architecture of Memory" at a free 7:30 p.m. seminar at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Carew, UC Irvine's chair of neurobiology and behavior, will discuss his research that allows a close examination of the moleetJlar machinery that creates memories, both fleeth 1g and lasting. For information, call (949) 824-4275. WEDNESDAY A frM aeminar and book signing of ·The Digestion Connection# by Dr. Mark Stengler will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at M other's Market, 225 East 17th St, Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS. Su~se novelist Martha Unikel wlll speak at a Newport Beach Newcomers Club meeting at 10 a m . Unikel is also a member of the club, which 1s open to all women living in the area for less than five years. For more information, call (949) 645-9722. UC Irvine's sc:hoo4 of biological sciences and the Howard A. Schneiderman Memorial Bioethics Lecture Senes present "The Good Life at the End of Ute; a lecture by Or. Joanne Lynn, at 7 p.m . In the Crystal Cove Auditorium. The event is free, but reservations are required. For more information, call (949) 824-7252. Mentor, coach and trusted odvisor Dave Gentry will speak at a PCMA meeting about his search for an authentic life at the Westin in South Coast Plaza from 5 to 8 p.m. Registration is at 4:45 p.m. For more information, call (714) 637-5524. MAY 24 A book signing and personal appearance by author James Balch for his book "Prescription for Nutritional Heeling" will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Mother's M arket, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595-MOMS. The Newport Coast c;.,..· first "Spring Fling" fund-raiser to benefit the Corazon de Vida Foundation, an organization that raises money for children in BaJa, will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . in the Newport Coast Shopping Center. The event will have games and rides for children. Admission is $10. For more information, call (949) 476-1144, ext. 358. Three acclaimed authors and scholars will present HAfrican American Speech in Global Culture; exploring the effect of African American speech on modern conversation, poetry and music. The reception. performance reading and book signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Center and Crystal Cove Auditorium For more information. call (949) 824-1948 MAY28 The Council on Aging -Orange County 1s offering free training 10 recognize financial abuse and to help safeguard against victimization with a two-hour session called ·who Can You Trust?# The session runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar For reservations. call (949) 644-3244. Thursday. May 15. 2003 A7 .Jtn .Km~~les for all • .s-tfapes & .>ffes of BEAUTIFUL WOMEN See what's NEW for · Spring & Summer FLAX ... t«aJ ... LIB ... l:t\Rh ... Wbtnl nm ... Gifts d-Acce11orie1 369 E. 17th St 121 , Com MeA (949) 642·>459 -~ <1:1v, May 15, 2003 FORUM HOW 10 GET PU8USHED -1Atti1n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cost.a Mesa, CA 92627 • Rt1clera Hotlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 ; E-mel:~nd to dailypi/otOlatim•oom •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and lengtht EDITORIAL Splendor on the h arbor I t is one of Newport Beach's many landmarks. John Wayne, HoUywood couple Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, even Rorulld Reagan walked its halls. For more than 50 years, it has provided a harbor-front lifestyle that was the envy of, well, even other people in Newport Beach. On Wednesday, that lifestyle opened to the public with the unveiling of the new, expand ed and upgraded Balboa Bay Oub & Resort. The Bay Oub's $65-million expansion adds a 132-room hotel, a restaurant. piano lounge and banquet room. There are 300 new employees ready to greet guests. At the top -literally, for it is perched on the third Ooor, above the harbor -is the $3,000-a-night Presidential Suite. Another $500 gets you a third bedroom, but the view, from almost every square foot, comes with the room regardless. \ This vision of splendor, courtesy of Beverly Ray. chairwoman of International Bay Oubs Inc., is expected to fill a needed niche in Newport Beach. Now, only the Four Seasons has earned a top-of-the-line Five Diamond rating. The new Bay Oub is aiming to join the Newport Center hotel and provide a luxurious spot for vacationers and a spectacular location for business meetings. The Bay aub is entering a crowded field of competition that includes other high-end resorts stretching along the Orange County coast Newport residents shouJd be rooting for its success, for a winning resqn will translate into doUars for the city, which relies on such revenue to maintain the quality public service residents have come to expect. How many nights in the Presidential Suite, do you suppose, would pay for a repaved road? LETTER TO THE EDITOR Nothing shadowy about condo plan Paul Hanagan's communiry oommenlary that appeared in the Daily Pik>I on May 8 ("Q.mdo plan a shadowy one for Co5ta Mesa 1 concerning lhe approved oondominium project at 1901 Newport Pla7.a is a cla..'»ic eicample of how factually inoorrect infonnadon is imparted to sway public opinion as ~u a'> !hose in lhe decision-making capacity at Ory Hall An exttn'iive environmenlal repon was prepared and several exhau.stive public meeting'l took place before the Planning Corn.mis.'iion and Ory Council each approved the development proposal. Yet, as president of Otizens for Responsible GnMitb. Hanagan sub6equently filed pepe:m seeking to oompel a oompletdy new hearing OD the matter. oontending that the public hearing~ had been flawed. The facts in !his matter do noc square with Flanagan's profoundly inaccurate views. C.OOtrary to ~ assertions, there were no master plan amendments, lht.>re was no "in lieu" fee for atrordable housing approved. there was no Vdrlance granted so the inhabitants of Barnard Street could dweJI in the shade. The exhiblt.s relied upon ~not the applicant's; something he calls lhe de\eoper's "junk sdence does not exht -it is actually true adence found in the Independently conducted envlronmerU.al lq>Ort (the developer had nolhing to do with Its 00111posidon) that was pmduoed for and <Bti6ed by the city of Costa Mesa. Purtber; and quite the oontnuy to ~ Mll!rtions. these was a dear legal ba b the project's apprnvaJ. And. finally. the variance lhal was approved after much thought by the city was to allow for the placement of garage doors and had nothing remotely to do wilh added building height as asserted. Aanagan never~ testimony or produced wrillen oommunications to either the Planning Commission or the City Council during the noticed public hearings that took place before approval of the project. Importantly.~ did not oomment on the environmenlal report. If be had. those axnmecits would have been answered facruaDy. and Planapis mmnfOaned views ~ The city planning smfl'. with many decades of oollecti't'e eiq>erience. emphatially seated to the aty Council that there was no new relevant evidence to juWfy a rehearing of the matter. Ye!;, two members of the Oty Council voted to have a rehearing. One can only speculate about the effects confusing infonnation had in the outcome of this proce5.' as the Oty Coundl deliberated. The~ of the city's vety oocnpetent team of pro(essiooals should be relled upon in technical mattm penaining to project designs and efJeas. Meanwhfle. an innoYa~ plan of deYelopment that furthers the pk of the dty and wiD ~ ou:h-needed ownership bou!iing to the dawmown aRa l!lllains in limbo eYel1 after~~ al .. and iipptopjale approvals. MAILBAG SCAN HLLER I OAll.V PILOT One reader thll'lks Eric Bever did the iiooorat>1e• thing by ~~g tus'name from consideration for the Costa Mesa City Cc.rnd. Bever proved he cares about Costa Mesa by withdrawing Tiiank you to Eric Bever for doing an honorable thing for the city of Costa Mesa. While I wru. concerned with his "ideological" alignment wilh Councilmen 01ris Steel and Allan Mansoor, Bever has proven hilru.elf 10 ht! a guy who really does care about the dty. Mike Schaefer will do a great job and wilJ provide a nlce balance on the council, !>O it's truly a good day for the city. MARK GLEASON Costa Mesa Did the wrong. man do the right thing? Returning on Mother'i. Day from a shon, but much-needed vacation I had my fingers crossed. hoping w find that lhe members of our Ciry Council had M>mehow managed to resolve theif: deadlock in April and had appointed a new council member during their meeling on May 5. Alas. it was not lo be. I read my accumuJated Daily Pilots for infonnat.ion about what must have been a contentious hearing !hat evening. lhen hunkered down before my 1V set to view my videotape of lhe meeting -more lhan a Utlle depressed because I already knew ll1e outcome. When searching for words to adequately describe my reaction to lhe proceedin~ that evening many come to mind-"anger" and •frustration" lJre but two. For me. !hough. the word most descriptive of my reaction to that meeting is "disappointment." I am disappointed that our remaining four elected leaders had been unable to arrive at a decision on this issue. despite having previously put it off for two weeb to •see what 1:fevdops.• I was extremely disappointed that they put it off again, until today, apparently assuming some kind of dMne intervention would occur in lhe nexi seven days. I was disappointed lhat lhe attendees and viewers were again subjected to MaY,Or pro tern Chris Steel's incompetence while conducting the mooting -the "lowlight" of which was Councilwoman Ubby Cowans frequent inLerruption of applicant Eric Bevers discourse to remind Steel that he had forgotten. once again, to start the clock. Disappointment turned 10 embarrassment as Cowan had to instruct Steel -who was oper.uing in his usual state of perpetual wide-eyed befuddlement -on how to operate !he timing device. I was also very disappointed when. once the Bever/Mike Sclleafer deadloclc was again as.wred, the oouncil once again rejected Walt Davenport as a compromJse option -even thO\.lgh he may wen be the most highly qualified of all the candidates for th1s posJtion. My <&appointment was amplified as lhe council memben. seemed more than willing. in this time of fiscal distress, to subject lhe city and it's residents to !he cost and trauma of a special election to fill the council vacancy. There were a couple highlights from that meeting. however. Among !hem were lhe professionalism displayed by both Bever and Scheafer as they presented !heir case for appointment. I was abo impressed by supponers of both applicants as lhey calmJy and eloquently extoUed lhe virtues of lheir favored applicant. For me, however, lhe single mos! encouraging event that evening was the election of Gary Monahan as mayor. Ttus means !hat an experienced, steady hand will be at lhe helm dwing lhe twnultuous times ahead. No longer will !he ciry council meetings drift like so much debris from a shipwreck on a stonny sea. as has been the case with Steel at lhe wheel. So, Monday I prepared to watch lhe proceedin~ live, fully expecting it to be a replay of last Monday's council meeting. Things went as expected, including the obligatory 2-2 votes on bolh Bever and Scheafer. My di<;appointment continued as, after listening to Steel offer up former Planning Commissioner Eleanor Egan as a compromise candidate and falling to receive a second, Cowan moved to adopt the resolution sending the process to a special election -wilhour anyone filling the spot in the interim. This, of course, wouJd have been disastrous for the city. Then -in a remalb.ble display of integrity and citiwWlip -up stepped Eric Bever. With a few well-chosen words. he validated his upporters' confidence as he intenupted the discussion of Cowan's motion and offered to withdraw from consideration for the good of the city and to avoid the cost of the special election. You coukl-hear a pin drop as his most ardent advocate. Coundlman Allan Mansoor, confirmed with Bever his intention to withdraw. Cowan then withdrew her motion and Monahan again nominated Scheafer, who was appointed on a 3-1 vote, with a flummoxed Steel voting no for some unfathomable reason. A second vote oonfinned Scheafer unanimowly. Although this trauma Is now behind us and the Oty Council may finally be able to move forward on issues critical to the city, I remain uneasy. As Scheafer, following his sweartng-ln, took his seat on the dais and thanked the ooundl for their support and confidence, he neglected to mendon Bever and the sacrifice he made. At that moment. I found myself wondering whether the wrong man had done the right thing. GEOFfWEST Costa Me!'a Holding up moderation against extremism loUta Harper la always an interl!sting read for me. ~ though r Uno1t a1way1 disagree wilh her. You see. I value diversity of opinion and practJce tolerance Iowan.I opposing (a.k..a "extremist") views. liopefuUy, Jlarper does also, so I am writing 10 take exception to almost all i.he had to say m her "Haven't lhe voters already spoken?" column of May 12. First. she states only five people took th e initiative to run in November but 26 "suddenly'' have a burning desire to serve lhe city. Many of these 26 people already serve !be city, in some cases for severctl years. on vario~ cumminees and wilh volunteer wort. Perhaps 'l<>me of !hem would have nm for council in November (1 1)1.ink around 15 people pulled nomination papers) but decided that another candidate who had already Bled shared similar viewpoints. So !hey decided to campaign for him/her rather than split the vote. In any case, all 26 people followed the law and c;ubmined a lener seeking appointmenL Those who djd not have a track record of service were quicldy dismjssed. Where\ the harm? Why does it bother Harper? As a conservative. I am used to having those who disagree wilh me ~ terms such as "hate speech: "dulling effect." •extremist" and, when they are desperate, "racist." (Where is that tolerance for diversity they preach7) But I larper describing lhe thought of an "Improver· being appointed as "terrifying" b a little overboard. Our-of-control borders and invading masses not screened for !heir intentions or communicable diseases are more apt to cause terrifying results. don't you th.ink1 To apply that term to a group that wants to improve the qualiry of life for Costa Mesans is ridiculous. Halper says that we couJd run lhe Job Center at twice its siz.e wilh lhe money a spec:iaJ election would cost. Hmmrn. Just a thought. but Wit could stop f'wlding the Job <:enter and have paid for the special election. The Job Center has a noble purpose. bur It could be privately run by a company such as labor Ready. Also. It would teach assimOal.ioo by withholding taxes from employer and employee instead of under lhe table payments. One argument against a oompany such as Labor Ready Is that they are adept at screening workers for legal status. Don't tell me our city uses ~yer money to fmd illegal immigrants jobs? I guess next you would want me to believe that ~ use federal grant dollars to fund services to Wegal immigrants rather than tab aue of needy legal residents? Harper says the majority or Costa Mesa voteB might have need to get smart and back one candidate against an "impta'm"' in the special election (that ended up being unnecessary! and we would end up with a moderate. I guess ahe implytng that law abiding, improvement minded candidates are ex1mnlst1 One penon'a moderate is another's extremist. was flSl.EJt Costa Mesa ·\,_ COMMUNITY COMMENTARY South Coast Plaza remains an economic rock for Costa Mesa " retail c:enttrs ln the county. <Mca Maa't ~nerll f\.and recel¥ed mont tu reYmue In the fOUrth quaru:r of 2002 JUit from Soulh eo.t Plu.a Ihm the combbMd C:oncrlbudon from dM! dWN ....... ehoppq cena.s "' lhe dda Of NNpol1 lletb. """ __ _ . ' " • I I • I • •• • • • I • J • DATEBOOK Thursday, May 15, 2003 A9 THE CROWD Philharmonic Society holds Chelsea Manor gala I t's called Olelsea Manor, the 2003 Philharmonic I louse of Design. The P.nglish-style maNk>n in the hills of Orange Palk Acres has been decorated, 6J,mished and appointed by local design feUows of tlle American Society of interior Designen.. Tile public open house was showcased May 4 to local society and will remain on exhibition through June I. The premiere night gala WdS created by Newport ladies associated with ilie Udo We committee of the Philharmonic Society of Orange Cowuy. The dynamic trio of Maureen Ramer, chair, Mary Manno and Muy McCarthy welcomed the arriving crush. anxiou.or; lO visit Olelsea Manor. indudmg very invotvecl Udo Isle residcntl> and members Marion Pk:kens witll husband Dennis Pk:kens. Debbie and Don Benedkt. l'.la1De Gonion. Ga.II and Ira Rosenstein, Jo)u Boghosian. Varta and Kurt ~ Diana Miner, Joyce Merrltt. Allegra Stol~ and Sul8nne Buck. After a grand tour of t11e home and grounds gu~L' tnivclt>d to the Bowers Museum in ~nta Ana for a bladt-uc diruier and danc:ing under tlle star... Susan Qaqu.ndah. pn.~1dent of the Philharmonic Society Committee, addrt•ssed the reveJers wiili generow. thank.!> for the support tllat made tJw lOOJ design house pos,.,1ble. The monthlong ewnt rcll~"':'> fund\ oece.sary to provide mll\ll educauon program.l> 111 local schools m a.-.sooa uon wuh th<: Orange County Perfomung Art\ Center. Nora and Hal Lehman, Alegra and Raga' Brown. Marion and Brad Smith. Judith and Willis long)ar. CynthJa and Derek Nlblo, Anne and Stan Angermeir. Anita and Don Dabney .ind Jean and Olde Gruver all supponed the event. For infonnation on ilie I lou'>t' of Design, plea...e t'all (714) 840-7542. FESTIVAL Of CHILDREN VOLUNTEER DAY Newport Coast ho'>ll"'-' ~ Stge:strom Daniels will put on ~Festival of Oilldren Volun tei-r Day" on May 18 at South C.oa'>t • Semi-Pr ivate for Men & Women f>la7.a's Carousel Court. This is the second year of the event sponsored by South Coast Plaza, Oilldrens Hospital of B. W. COOK orange County and KOCE-Tv. Segerstrom-Daniels created the volunteer day to inspire local you th to become involved in community affairs. "'We l>oive to attract young people from Orange County willing to volunteer time to nonprofit organizations that make a difference right here at home," ..aJd Segerstrom-Daniels. wife or local executive John OanJek and family partner in the Souch Coast Plaza dynasty. "I had the opportunity to volunteer with Special Olympia. when I was in tlle eighili grade,· '>he added. "The value of helping otJ1en. and ilie personal growth I experienced ilirough giving was of tremendous reward· Segef'>trom-Daniels is working witJ1 local school districts as well tll> parenL'i. teachers and organi.zatmns to make the volunteer day a succes.o;. Call me ~uval ofOuldren at (714) 546-0110 for more infonnauon. BAHAMAS SUNSET the falluJoll\ 1rop1c-.tl houu4ut' and l'l">taurant Tommy Rahama.-.. Newport Reach. hosted a or;unc;et gc1thenng la<>t weel fur the OuJdren\ Bureau of Orange County. Jne evening wa .. a pre-event "tllank you" for underwnteror; and patron'> of the upcoming John and Donna Crean Clambake -.el fur June 14 at tlle ltyatt Nt'Wporter benefiting the ( hildren'<, Rureau. ont' of the olde.t child-t'are agencie. in California. and a favorite cause of J )onna Crean. Peggy Goldwater Oay wa,t, a l the helm, busing guestl> including Sharl Ciko, Lana Chandler and Barbara and Jay Magnefis. along wiili very generous sporu.or Crevier BMW/Mini-Cooper I donor. of the use of a Mint for ont' year to a Wlflning auction • Loh of Equipment/Free Weights • Private Pilotes S1ud10 • SPINNING Theater licensed • 16 Full Time Personal Troinen • Child Core Som noon M · F • Ample & Conven1enl Parking •Yoga, Tot Chi, Stretch clones •Step, Power Pump, Cordio • Showers, Steam & Towels • Shope·Up Doy Spa •Shope-Up Acupuncture /MosS09e 949760-5054 www.shope-up.com • www.fiitn.t•Vllllnlllllll 210 I East Pacific Cocnl Hwy, Corona Oii ··~ Foor-W· SOLUTleNS • Feet Hurt? • Feel As Though Your Shoes Never Really Fit? FOOT SOLUTIONS carries a complete line of stylish comfort footwear for dress, work andflay that loolc as good as they feel ,, I Attending the opening night gala for the Philharmonic House of Design are Ed and Rosie Haughton and Manon and Dennis Pickens bidder at tht' June 14 l'Vl'flt). Also l'llJuymg I orrnny Bahama.•." coconut o.,hrimp and chardonnay on tht' patio at du.'>k were Jack Matthews of AcrA Aem,pac:e. Steve Skelton of Wa.-.hington Mutual. Mehdi Fftlkari. Maureen Zehntner, Beth Shlekts. DarlJy ~ M.l.s8y Seem and Margaret Kirby. ll1e annual darnhake 1!> one of the ma1or '>Unlm<.•r paruc-. on the En1oying dinner and dancing are Allegra Stoltz. Mary McCarthy, Mary Manno. Joyce Merritt and Leslie Larson California Rivera. Featunng a lobster dinner with .ill the Lrimmings. the clambake rat-.e<. fw1ds for more than 3.000 ahu'>e() and at-risk children in Souilicm California For ticket mfom1aoon, ple-..L-.c call Phil Beaukema at (il4l 517-1900. ext. 213. • TliE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays The ladies of Lido supporting the House of Design are Jean Grover. Diana Miner. Pam Nestande and Nora Lehman Home Equity Line of Credit With a First Bank Home Equity Line of Credit, you can put the equity in yo ur home to work for you. Whether you're dreaming of a new car, a college eductaion or an addition to your home, you may get it with a First Bank Home Equity product. And the interest on· your loan may be tax deductible** Contact a First Bank Representative today for more information. Costa Mesa Office (C.Omet of Harbor Blvd. and Baker) 3001 Harbor Blvd., Ste. C 714-668-3080 • Oflir .... llOcnidic ~ ~ "-" t0Wlur •~Ola-~ Oft MW.._~ liM:iJOf Cftdil. 'llit--....... (APIQ Will ht,....~. '.l"'. e/ l lfl/Ql:.'J'\c AP'R .. ....,.._ .. M¥a aciiell In.. t..... ..a, pafll a •flt lk IO'Jal ._ ~ ltA die CDll ol dw pcrici4. 'J"O'I 1M1 paJ 4..,rm =; • ....,..,__. • ..,..,..... .... 1s,_..r...r,i-maia11' 1,,._ l.- .... ,n..y.;•1 c...,.MMll..,....,._,_,s50ooa,_~ ~,.. .. ...._. A10 Thursday, May 15, 2003 \!ILLA NOVA lt11li11n Cuisine Twilight Dining on the ~ter Served until. 6pm (except SanmJtlys) Homemade Pasta Fresh Seafood \teal Specialties •@umnwA1ull • CONSIGN • DESIGN QU4/JJy Furnishings & Accessories For Your Homt Large End Table ....................................................... $75" Black Game Table ................................................... $195• Small Rattan Game Table w/2 Chairs .......... -....... $200" Pair of Slip Covered Chairs ................. -....... -... -.$350" wtber Sora .............................................................. SJ~· Ratta.n Recllner .. _ •..........•...•.....•..•.•••••..•......•.••.......•• $375" .PIM Rutch ................................................................ $59"- C..-.n Chmllle Sectional .........•................•...•••.•..•.. $995" E. 17th Street #I 0, Costa Mesa, I .oaililllt beluftd Plum · 1 PltJo Phone (949) 764-1746 HGm: Mm-Fri lO:Cllll-~ Sii IO:OOlll-S~ S. l~:OOpm I ... DATEBOOK - DINING REVIEW Bluewater rings of New England fish house • By Stephen Santacroce I grew up in New England and have many good memories of summer trips along the C.Onnecticut coast. driving up to Cape c.od or Long Island, or taking the ferry to Marthas Vineyard or Block Island, Most of these trips involved at least one stop at a seaside fish house, a typically understated New England establishment usually close to lhe fishing doc.ks and featuring fresh fish, savory chowders and deep-fried shellfishJn an unasswning buc picturesque aunosphere. The setting of most of these restaurants is so quinressentially New England that it's hard to imagine lhat lhey could be replicated anywhere else. I'm pleased to report. however. that aside from lhe sun setting in the wrong direction, lhe Bluewater Grill in Newpon Beach has captured lhe atmosphere, friendly service and fresh menus of its New England counterparts. FYI Whet Bluewater Grill When: 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach When: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. dally; Sunday brunch, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. How Much: Moderately expensive Phone: (949) 675-3474 ($19.80) season, and lhe Bluewater Grill has lhe mild white fish Down in daily. The I I I portion I sampled was simply • perfect. The mild filet was gently seasoned, grilled over the hot coals and simply served wilh a •• small cup or homemade tartar ·sauce, which augmented the fresh Oavor of the halibut Alaskan king salmon ($16.25)" also in sea.son, and it's just as · good as the halibut (I've never considered hijac.lcing, but if I could find lhat flight coming in from Alaska with the halibut and· salm9n, I might be persuaded 10' a life of crime). SdentislS with an atomic clock couldn't have cooked thls fish lo a more preci.M doneness, leaving lhe filet moist, but not undercooked. as is lhe trend in some restaurants. All of the grilled fish dishes arc served with two sides. The selection includes steak fries. rice pilaf, vegetables, cole slaw and sliced tomatoes. The original Bluewater Grill, in Udo Village next to the Cannery on lhe old Delaney's sice, was founded in 1996 by Jim UUclcas and partner Rick Stanton. Although the site was known as a difficult spot for a restaunmt, parking was limited, and summer traffic could be daunting. UUclcas and Stanton were convinced that if lhey could serve fresh caught fish in an attractive but casual setting. lhey'd be successful. Eight years of operation have proven lhe partners right. and lhey've expanded lhe concept to three more locations: Soulh Coast Pla7.a, Redondo Beach and, most recently, Menlo Park. Their success is based on the simplest of premises: buy or catch fresh fish, cook fresh fish and serve fresh fish. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT One of the speciatbes available at the Bluewater Grill is the shellfish marinara, center, featuring New Zealand greeo-Up mussels, black mussels from Prince Edward Island and Manila clams from Washington state. Also featured are sashrmi of ahi, left, and seared ahi, rear. The slogan of Bluewater Grill I.I. "eat fish -be healt.hy", and it~ Web site, www.blueuwergrillcom. boasts about lhe heallh benefits of fresh fish. An order of crispy friend whole clams ($16.55) might not be exactJy what lhe doctor ordered, but lhe batch of fried littleneck.'> I sampled (a food writer's euphemism for devoured) was as good as anything I'd had at any seaside shack from Maine 10 Connecticut. Share an order if you're too guilt ridden to cat a whoieone. Freshness is lhe mantra of this chain, so much so that the original Newpon Beach restaum.nt boasts a water filtration system made by Aqua.k.Jeen to ensure lhat even the tap water tastes as fresh as possible. Ofcourse,freshingredientsis only one element of a successful restaurant. Add a friendly staff. reasonable prices and a waterfront sening. and you've got all the ingredients of success. Bluewater is at lhe beginning of Newport Bay next to lhe historic Cannery. The restaurant capitalizes on \la.seaside location wllh a large oufdoor deck that affords diners the opportunity for true waterfront dining in spectacular surroundings. Five guest' docks are provided for visiting boaters, and the deck is espedally popular in the summer months. lnside. lhe restaurant sports a full lounge with live entertainment, an oyster bar where fresh shucked oysters and clams can be enjoyed with the full dinner menu, and a casual dining room wilh whitewashed walls and ceilings, ceiling fans and an array of sport fishing photos adorning every free spot of wall space .. The simple wood tables and chairs are decorated wilh nothing more complicated than paper placemats and lhe requisite silverware. The menu at Bluewater Grill is printed twice daily, ensuring that lhe fish selection is up 10 date, and boasts about 100 items. prominently on lhe menu is lhe oyster bar selecdon, which offers fresh oyster ($8.95 per half-dozen, $17.90 per dozen) and clams (9.75 per dcr1.en). as well as steamer po~ of clams or mussels ($ 11.75 and S 11.50, respectively}. Anolher favorite from lhe oyster bar is !>eared a.hi ·1chiban~ ($9.95), sushi-grade ahi rubbed wilh a combination of spices and quickly seared to create a cooked outer crust around a tender rare center .. It's as good as any ahi I've had in town, and lhe perfect complement to some smoked albacore ($6.95), fresh caught tuna lhat's smoked in house over aJderwood coals and served wilh a tangy tartar sauce. No respectable New England-style fish house would be complete wilhout a selection of hearty chowders. and lhe Bluewater Grill is no exception, DIDfM PWSBWU'IT ........... ,...1•• ......... ...ft. ~ ••". 18" ··················-· ·11 .. .. eel =le ft.le·-··············· ......... ,._ • • ... .. ......................... ........... . .. .. _____ ,_. _.,,.. "'0.11 ....... ,., .. "-"•-.....tt,___....,_ 111• .,....-., ._... • • conamu (888) MESA-777 IIE=illlc:;:ll (1371) ............. ......... a-_, serving up a thick New England clam chowder and a red Manhattan version (S3.25 for a cup. $4 .. 25 for a bowl). I'm a fan of lhe creamy New England style of chowder. but lhis was perhaps one of the few disappointments for me. The chowder was almost too thick. and I had to fish a HttJe too hard for the clam piecett. Seafood cocktail lovers i.houldn't miss eilher of the shrimp cocktails (small bay shrimp for SS.95, or larger prawns for $8.95), or lhe dungeness crab cocktail ($7.95). All lhree are adorned wilh a tangy. homemade codaail sauce and fresh lemon wedges. All of these starters are only a prelude, of course. for lhe fresh fish featured on each day's menu. All of lhe fish is caught locally or Oown in fresh, and the menu even mentions whelher the fish was caught or raised on a farm. O:>ok:ing lhe fish at Bluewater Grill is lhe culinary equivalent of walking lhe high wire without a net. There are no fancy sauces to mabk any Oavor imperfections, no artfully arranged vegetables or olher garnishes to distract from lhe main selection. The bean of the menu is the fish grilled over the mesquite grill. This is Alaslcan halibut Bluewater GriJJ offer~ a well-rounded selection of mo!>lly Califomia wines to augment yow dining choices. as well as a selection of beers on tap. I should probably offer a word of caution at this poinl to people who don't eat fish· you're choices will be limited -a rib eye steak_ rosemary grilled chicken breast • and a few salads that can be topped with grilled chicken breast. I've often criticized Newpon Beach for having few restaurants that combine waterfront dining wilh good food. The Bluewater Grill is clearly the exception, , combining lhe freshest seafood. • sldllfully prepared. wilh a ! picturesque bayside setting and C friendly, casual aunosphcre. Add• a few good friends. and it's really:! hard to aslc for much more. :'" • STEPHEN SANTAa.oce'S restaurant reviews appear every •. other Thursday. Send him your , comments at sdsantafa)ade/ph1s nA . . • 54.nniversary Party -Cefe6rating Our 'Eiglitli ~ear - !FrUfay, May 16t~-18tfi Three Friends .,..,., ~ ...... ,. .. hf ..... i~t 'J{f,w Summtr !Mercliandise from M1'4tlll, .......... s..tt N4 IMlty ..... S1vi1191 up to 70% off • .......... .....,. . c. .......... .. ·~d 'tr: ....... ,,,.... ........ ~ ...................... . ............. -- • . ' REEL CRITICS DATEBOOK Ttusday, May 15. 2003 All l JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE Harbor Lawn • Mt. Olive Cemetery's 49th Annual Memorial Day Service 'Family' a bit contrived, 'Dlycare' offers bathroom humor M embers of three real-life generations of the Douglas acting clan play three tlcdonal generations of the Gromberg attorney clan in this modest effort -----. on family valu~. Kirk and Michael Douglas translate some ofUle dynamics lhat might be in the11 personal u........i....mr.1..1-:.....-......._, relation~ip JOHN DE PKO LO thi!> on screen portrayal of Uberal New Yock lawyen. coming to tenns with the fanilly'~ ~functional side. Reflecting reality, Kirk Douglas is courageous and feisty as the Grouiberg patnan:h overcorrung the effects of a recent '>trokc dlld the death of his wife. fo hr~ credjt. there is no maudhn sympathy for Kirk's conctiuon. I le bulls forward with hL'> lines and the situations tha1 an~ w1tJ1 a spirited determination without regard to his handicap. Ille moments of emotional truth tl\at exist in the film come Crom tlle few poignant scene!> that cen1er on Kirk's handUng of the circumstances that befall him. His interacooru. with tlle utJ1cr two generalloru. are I~ satisfying. The M:reenplay Wdlll!> to present seriow. ~<,ue<. for the characters Lo deal with. but the treatment lads cunv1ct1on. Michael i.eerm 10 bt• throwing dialogue softball<, for hi'> father to tut out of the parll. I LI' M>n Cameron·s role a .. the pt>rpetwl partying coUege student 1' ltgbtwe1ght and fo~elldhle Tbough we know we are -.eemg a real father, '>'m and >,'lClfld.son on the screen, tllere i<, too much that is connived and nut genume for us 10 laXe them wnowJy. But there are still '>Orne l'llJ<ifdhle moments. Bernadene Pt'tcr.. doe~ Jn excellent 1ob as Mll:hael''> hamed wife. Rory f.<tUJk1n a'> the youngest son do~ .m adm1r.1ble tum as an 11 ·Yl'at·old boy 011 his first date. Overall, "It Hun!-. in the 1-amtly~ is a bit or Ouff wuh a nice touch of sentiment that would fir ru<.cty ---' ----- SCOMING SOON m!~.,..~~JiiiS:-;::::::=s1:~~~J;;;;;:;;:;::::;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;--:;::--~ Renee on the small screen as a made-for-lV movie. • JOHN DEJ't(() is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office. ·~ddy' takes the easy path to laughs I r you·re a 6-year old. then tddie Murphy's latest comedy, "Daddy Day Care," IS the mavte for you -lots of kick.'> to the crotch. pratfalls and bathroom humor. Think of the Three Stooges crossed with • Jackas...." and you get the idea fhis is not so much a bad movie as a disappomcment that a talented cast was used l>Lrictly for dumb laughs and our money. Uke Robin Williams. Murphy needs to hold out for bener !;Cnpl!> that play to his strengths rather than just go for a promising concept Murphy plays a newly unemployed ad man, Owlie Hinton, who adores his UttJe boy; but doesn't really SUSANNE make time for PEREZ tum. Cllarlte·s pal and former co-worker f>tuJ (Jeff Gartin) IS a weekend dad with -;enow. ll>.'>U~ about porty 1rammg. No longer able to afford the fancy preschool led by lhe aptly named Mil>s I lamdan (AngeUca I lu'>ton. m fuU Cruella De Ville mode), and with his wife n..><,urnmg her career as an a11omey, lharlie comes up with the abl>urdly natve idea of starting luJ.. own day care center in his Zellweger and Ewan McGregor star in the romantic comedy "Down With Love; in theaters Friday. home. After all, he ha... a college degree and likes lei~ How 1ougtl can it be? What ensues is every parent's worst nightmare and every child\ dream. But of course. since lh1'> 11> Murphy's movie, somehow lhe.e guys manage 10 tum thmgs around and gjve Mis.'> Hamdan'<> school a run for their money. They even hire a doofus from their old agency, Marvin (Steve Zahn) who IS as ver.>ed m Mr. Spock as Dr. Spock. ML-.s Harridan is ultimately reduced to being a cros.smg guard m '>Olerto heels (again. more 'iCat)' than funny). Exinng the theater. I overheard comments like, ·weU. 11 wasn't quite as awful as I thought 11 would be." The popcorn wa...n't bad, either. •SUSANNE PEREZ lives 1n Costa Mesa and is an executive assistant for a financial services company. }f Monday, May 26, 2003, llam Keynote Speaker James M. Ellis Costa Mesa Fire Chier Featuring Musical Selections by 'W..., The Orange Empire Men's Chorus T Please Join Us To Honor And Pay TribUte To AD Who Answered The Call To Arms To Defend Our Beloved Country. C.om f mentar Hot and Sodas Proftded Ct&t Harbor Lawn -Mount Olive 1625 Gisler Avenue • Costa Mesa (7 14) 540-5554 THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE. EVEN HUSBAND S. ~ALDEN'S f I),'" ( U\f). .,, ' .). e J I., 1663 Placentia, Costa Mesa 949-646-4838 The soft folds or v~· window Wdlnss noN come in lhrtt rtf:# (~bncs tNt~to~ Come Stt them t~ ............ ,, ..... ,,,,, .,,,, ..... .,,,, Meet the Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Banking Team p I l ' • 0 u r l t» ! I n I (_ I 11 l I l' h . h.. II d' () f ) r \ ah rt I ';I J l' I ' I d·d Our experienced Wells Fargo Private Mortgage Bankers live and work in your community and excel at providing sound solutions for upscale home financing. Our unparalleled selection accomodates a sophi sticated level of needs and preferences, and our unsurpassed service ensures the Jerry Gardner 877-227-6329 Branch Manager u.. Rayes 949-251-4409 PriY1te Monpge Banker complete satisfaction you expect and deserv e. • Specializing in jumbo and super jumbo mortgages from $300,000 to $3,000,000 • Primary, second homes and investment properties • Interest-only loans Oarid Kravitz 949--251-4902 PriVlllle Mortaaat Banker Jar Kuklt 949-253-43S4 Privllt Monpge Banker Main Ofllce (949) 251-'047 Gary Parker 949-253-4221 Constructioft Manager o'A TE B 0 0 K THEATER REVIEW 'Giant Rat' at OCC offers inspired performances By Tom Titus W hen you scan the program and find character names such as "Caped Fiend," "Vicious Rascal" and "IMI Doer." it's pretty evident that the show in question Is not to be taken seriously-even if the names of the creators (Jaclc Sharkey and Tun Kelly) haven't already offered an advance clue. Tu be sure, "Sherloclc Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra" was not among the many mysteries from the master wordsmith Arthur Conan Doyle -he even merits an apology in the program at Orange Coast College, where this farcical mystery with music is playing through Sunday. Sharkey and Kelly, separately and together, particularly enjoyed taking potshots at legendary fictionaJ characters (Sharkey, of El Toro, has long since passed away). so a satirical slice of Sherlock would seem. weU, elementary. And that's prelty much the level of the piece, though it receives some inspired interpretation from OCCs enthusiastic performers under the direction of Alex Golson, with Beth Hansen at the piano. To begin with, in the locaJ r-------------------------, e;~ eo"""' ~ ~~ AFTER HOURS Certified Farmers' Market Every Thursday Now Featuring Corn & C herries! 9:00 AM -l :00 PM COSTA MESA FAIRGROUNDS Fresh Produce Directlv From the Fann to Yo~ $1.00 OFF • Submit AFTER HOURS items lo the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 640-4170; or by calling (949) 5744295. A complete list is available at www.dailypilot.com. MUSIC BAVARIAN RADIO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Minimum $5.00 Purchase) Expires June 12, 2003 L-------------------------~ The Philharmonic Society of Orange County presents the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra in Segers1rom Hall at 8 p.m. today. The orchestra will perform Brahms' Symphony No. 2, Debussy's ·u Mer" and the suite from Richard Strauss' "Der Rosenkavaller.' Tickets are $19 to • - -I NV"ESTING IN EDUCATION CoNGRATUtATION NEWPORT-MESA'S FYI WHAT: "Shertock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra" WHERE: Orange Coast College Drama Lab Theater WHEN: Closing performanoe1 tonight thro ugh Saturday at 8 p.m .. Su nday at 2 p.m. COST: $8 to $12 CALL: (714) 432·6880 version, the master detective ls a boyish-looking sleuth (Rudolph Niemann) attended by a continually miffed Dr. Watson (Michael R. Cavinder), who overestimates hls own importance -at least in Holmes' opinion. The reason given for Watson's never committing this adventure to print is groaRingty specious. Niemann has captured his character's incredibly egocentric nature and understated authority beautifully in a finely articulated performance. Cavinder simmers with a fine blend of admiration and discomfited envy as the second banana. Holmes' archenemy, Professor Moriarty, doesn't have much to do until the second act except toss in a melodramatic fackle every now and then. But when the plot thickens, Sean F. Gray brings his character's evil genius $59. Information" (949) 553·2422. OCC CHORALE CONCERT Orange Coast College's 120-voice chorale will close out its 2002-03 season with a concert at 8 p.m. Saturday in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theatre. The concert will feature Schubert's beautiful and moving Mass in G. and J.S. Bach's Cantata 4, ·christ lag in Todesbanden." Tickets are S8 to $10. Information: (714) 432·5880. FRENCH PtANIST JEAN· YVES ntlBAUDET Italian pianist Maurizio Pollinl has fallen ill and will be replaced by French pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet in the Wednesday concert presented by the Philharmonic Society of Orange County. Jean· Yves will be , to the fore with a vengeance in an outrageously zealous performance. Gray, Indeed, is the most watchable element of the show, but he's aptly challenged for that honor by Emily Rued as a slinky Asian femme fatale called Oolong. who uses her hypnotic eyes much to the same effect as Jaclc the Ripper (yes, he's here too, son of) employs a dagger. Rued 'is a familiar figure on the OCC stage, and her wor.X in this show, while all too brief, is memorable indeed. The aforementioned weapon is the central element in a rather outlandish plot lnvoMng a cuh of Sumatran rat worshipers, but it's Moriatry's scheme for world domination and Holmes' elimination that are brought center stage. Along the way, the large OCC chorus of colorful background characters belts out Sharkey's musical message (including one snJppet borrowed from Stephen Sondheim). Harriet C Whitmyer doubles as I lolmes' giddy landlady, Mrs. Hudson. and a surprise character inserted as a red herring late in the show. Megan M. Zuliani is property aristocratic as Holmes' desperate client, while Katie McGuire scores as her queasy (J performing a program of Chopin, Debussy and Satie in Segerstrom Hall at 8 p.m. Tickets are $45 to $35. Information: (949) 553-2422 JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a Jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 610 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Cate presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m . every week. ·wanted" musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. (9491675-nso. -~·. T T E companion. Heather Leanna cutely plays a ditsy damsel In distress, and Teddy Spencer is -' properly clueless as Scodand Yard's Inspector Lestrade. All this inspired craziness Is carried out against an imposing baclcdrop designed by David Scaglione that Includes a glimpse of Big Ben and a fiendishly designed Mshrinking • machine" ... and eventually th• gargantuan vermin of lhe titl~. ~ Cynthia Carley's creative periOO: , costuming further enhances the production. ! : That this particular Sherlock : Holmes mystery is also a musicaJ may not advance the : plot. but it does enrich the ' proceedings. panicularty durin3 the sequence in which Holmes and Watson perform a vaudeville-style buck and wing while warbling MWendy. the Winsome Wench from • Worstershire." "Sherlock l lolme5 and the • Giant Rat of Sumatra" may not • be great theater, but at cenainJy. is great fun. OCC may be facing c;ome severe budget curs in its theatrical program. but the coUege hru. puUed out all the stops for this production. • TOM TITUS re111ews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His rov1ews appear Thursdays and Saturdays. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina al 251 E. Coast Highway m Newport at 8 p.m. Fndays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m Sundays and Mondays. Diana Drtn ioms lhe duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673·9500 MUSIC AT TliE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordien (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B_. and swing al 8:30 p.m. Fridays. .,. Marvin Gregory and MPG will .., perform classic rock. swing and ~ R&B at 8:30 p.m· Saturdays. The restaurant 1s at 630 Lido Park Dnve, Newport Beach. Free. (949J .. 675-3474 I ' . , I ·1 I I . , Their significant accomplishments are matched only by their impressive life goals. With dreams of becoming a physicist, actor, lawyer. senator, engineer and college professor, these outstanding high school seniors are now bound for the top universities in the country. This ambitious group is headed to MIT, Stanford, NYU, UCtA,USC, Dartmouth and Duke. each with the hopes of fulfilling their dreams. • 1 I ' ' Although they may travel different paths, they h.we one thing in common -an appreciation for the educational foundation that has fostered their aspirations and creativity, and has provided them with the ski lls they needed to continue on to these prestigious universities. The Irvine O:>mpany is committed to investing in the outstanding schools on the Irvine Ranch -schools that are consistently ranked among the finest in the state. The Student Leadership Awards Program recognizes high school students in the Irvine, Laguna Beach, Newport-Mesa, Orange and Tustin school districts who demonstrate outstanding leadership skills and the potential to make a difference in our community. These eight studen~ are competing with 22 other high school seniors for $96,000 in scholanhlp grants. The top four winners. who will each receive $10,000 in college scholarsh ip fund$. will be announced at the annual awards dinner May 22; 2003 . • 1Hli IMNICIJIRHf c.ood Plannina Goes A Long Way ------------- QUOTE OF THE DAY "I always ~ove beating CdM teams." Michael tWer, University doubles player Sportl Edlelor Rldwd Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: 19491650-0170 DON LEACH DAILY PILOT The Orange Coast College women's swimming team, coached by Don Watson and Dave Salo, captured Orange Empire Conference and state champ1onsh1ps this season, the Pirates' first state title since 1997 and their 13th overall. Sherry Tsai, second from right on bottom row, set three national records. HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS Li stymies Snyder in PCL final CdM senior dropped in title match against upset-minded University foe, 6-4, 6-1, on Wednesday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot lAGUNA BEACH -A chink In Garren Snyder's ar- mor became larger and larger Wltil the Corona del Mar High singles standout found himself in a bole too deep to clJmb out or against University's Jack U in lhe Pacific Coast League singles final Wednesday at La-SEAN HlllER/DAll.Y Pl.OT guna Beach High. Garrett Snyder lost to Uni's Jack Li 1n the Pacific Coast League Stngles final at Laguna Beach on Wednesday. FolJowing a grueling first game that produced effec- tive shot making by both players. Snyder -the top the first or four deuces. u prevailed to taJce a lead he seed -began to rush his serves, commit several un-Wouldn't relinquish whtn Snyder double faulted forced errors and lose his composure just enough to "I didn't feel comfortable on my strokes and had no give U. the No. 2 seed, the fuel to produce a 6-4, 6-1 momentum," Snyder sa.id. "I wasn't on my best game victory. and Jack played well• "I Just tried to take the ball early and make (Snyder) Snyder broke a string on his racquet during the sev- move as much as he could," U said. "I kept him away enth game of the first set and used another model the from his strength. which are volleys. -rest of the match. Snyder, who lost for only the second time in singles ·1 couldn't find any rhythm after that," Snyder said. play this season. said the match turned after he broke '-Every racket is different with the strings. grip ... to de U. 3-3, tn the first set weight• Snyder went down, 15-40, but battled back to force U burst to a 5-0 lead in the second set before Sny- der, who has defeared lJ tWlce this year by 6-3 counts. rook one game. ·earrett was frustrated and tried to hit winners on every ball where the percentages were low.· CdM Coach Tun Mang <1aid. ·vou've got to lake the o ffen- stve against Jack." Snyder went away fTom fast·paced ground strokes at the baseUne and anempted to drop volley several balls. but many found the net or sailed wide. U an- swered back with fierce cro~-court winners. See SNYDER, Pase 83 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK R~bert Khoury Hard-working Sailor sensation's sterling prep debut includes unexpected Sea View League singles title . .............. EYEOPENER Daily.4Pab Sporil Hal a/F- l .-w.. p;ii11~.tnli•D ~19honorH CARL EHMANN Thursday, May 15, 2003 Bl GOLF Tea Cup taking shape P arts of the Tea Cup < la'''l puzzle ar. e beginning to fit 1ntu place -like who the compeorors will be Santa Ana Country Oub\ ~ananne Towersey won an unprect>dl'nted 19th women's club champ1omh1p, J Tl. hole Oigh1 completed 10 da~ ago. 'wild ~11ke Reehl, the club·s director of golf Towersey averaged 76 oVt'r the four-day tournament 10 win ht•r ninth club title in a row. Un Stafford too~ second. Towersey. winner of la.'>t yl•ar' I t·a Cup. joins Big C'Alllyon Country< lul>\ Sally Holstein and Me<.a Vt·rdt· < ountry O ub's Akem1 Khaia1 to quaJ1ry for iln invitation in the stroke-play l'Vt'llt for the four wome n·s club chctmp1011' 111 the Daily Pilot circulatio n. lov.l'N.'Y ha'> won four of SllC Tea Cup Classic~ The fourth and final spol for Tea Cup VII will be detemuned toda} for Newpon Beach CoWltry Oub's women's champion Defending club champion Deb bie Albright has a BRYCE four·stroke lead (247) heading into ALDERTON the final 18 holes over Janic.e Sauter (25 1 I and l\i;trH"\ Curci (252). The fir..1 and .. ernnd rounds were held May 6 and H ,.,hilt• the third round was complere<l I Ul..,<l<t\ Play begins roday a1 ff a .m UEveryon e m the champ11Jn,h1p 01gh1 hasn't played to their po1en11al vet th.-. year," said PauJ Hahn. the club' hedd professional. ·111s anyboc..I)' 111 \\Ill." ... It's official. With final accoWlung complete the 2003 Toshiba Senior Qa.<,s1c ra1-.ed SI million, the founh con-.ecume w.u thl' event has reached or excet'ded 1h,11 amount in charitable proct't'<h ln the six years since Hoag Memorial Hospital Pre'ib)1ena11 became the tournamen1 ori~ani.rer and lead chariry. the evenr's prun •ed' have exceeded SS.7 m ill wn in La'h donations. Including m k.md donatio ns. six-year cha r11able contributions have exceedl'd $7 million. Both figures are the mo<,I for any PGA Olampiom four even I Hoag will receive S881 .3 I 5 of lhl' proceeds. helping fund tlle I loag Women's Pavilion. a seven-'ito ry 309.000-square-foor faoJ1ry scheduled to open on the Hoag campu'> in 200"> 1\velve local students wdl rece1w part of $24,000 in grants as pan of the annual Toshiba Senior aa .. s1r Scholarship Fund. UC lrvine athletics will receivl' SJ.600 while S 1.000 is eannarted for the Corona del Mar High golf ream Irvine-based Toshiba (.om p11tl'r Systems Group has ..erved a-. the tournamen t's title spomor s1m e the inaugural evenr m 1995. See GOl.F, P11e 82 • 1 IZ Th.nd1y, Mly 15, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL GIRtS SWIMMING Newport sets sights on finals Sailors qualify for CIF Division I championships in all but three events. llet.nle Neff Daily.Pilot BELMONT SHORE -New- pon Harbor Higb's girls swim Coach Ken LaMont was all smiles Wednesday at the CIF Soµtpem Section Division I pre- liminaries at Belmont Plaza. And he had good reason. The Sailors placed swimmers in the 6nals of all but three events, and even in two of those races. impressive swims kept the smile on La.Mont's face. The usual suspects dJd their job, as seniors Nicole Mackey, Hayley Peirsol and Mai Tajima. who all swim for the Irvine Novaquatics, qualified for the fi- nals in each of their two individ- ual events, as weU as two relays. The finals will be held at 6 p.m. Friday at Belmont Plaza Mackey posted the best time in the 200-yard i(ldJviduaJ med- ley, taking almost two seconds off her seed time by swlmmlng a 2:04.29. Ashley Depaul of Villa Pa.de was second best, winning her heat in 2:05.63. Depaul, who swims for the Aquaz.ots, will be Maclcey's big· gest competition Priday. The two will also meet in the finals of the 100 butterlly. Depaul swam a 56.40 to earn the top spot fn the event Mackey won her heat in 56.67 and will enter the finals as the third seed. 'Elliko Heimbach of Irvine was second in 56.50. "Usually io the prelims I just lay back." Mackey said. ~I'm go- ing to try as bard as I can to win on F'riday, but Ashley's Oy is awe- some." Peirsol, who was suffering from a bad cold, was still able to post the second-fastest time in both the 200 and 500 freestyles.. Peirsol won both her beats, but was a second off her seed time in the 200, swimming a 1:52.87, and more than two seconds slower in the 500 (4:52.75). Adrienne Binder of San Marcos. who will join Peirsol at Auburn next fall, won both her heats, setting up for two anticipated finals. ·wa are uch good friends," Peirsol said. "It's going to be really exciting." Tajima was sixth best to the 200 free, taking more than a sec· ond off her seed tlme with a 1:55.75. She also bettered her time In the l 00 backstroke by more than a second with a 58.39. "I was preny swprised with my clme (in the 200 free!/ Tuji- ma said. ·1 injured my back a year ago and l was finally able to get my time back." Mackey, Tajima. Peirsol and sophomore Anne Belden put on an impressive perfonnance in the 400 freestyle relay, cutting more than four seconds olf their time and placing second in 3:36.18. l.aMont told Belden, a water polo player, moments before the race she would anchor the three club swimmers. Belden held up her end, swimming a personal- best leg or 54.42, holding off HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIMMING Santa Barbara to win the heaL 1\ljJ.rna. Jenna Murphy, Mackey and Peirsol quallfled fourth in the 200 medley relay In 1 :51.68, almost three seconds better than their seed time. GMng the Sallon a gllmpse or their future, freshman Leab Rob- ertson, who swam on the junior varsity this season, led off the 200 freestyle that flnlshed ad- vanced to the flna1s lo che eighth spot in 1:42.09. Senior Ashley Pa- role. Belden and Murphy rounded out the team. Robertson was also the only swimmer in the SO free for the Sailors, after she earned a con- sideration time .in the Sea View League junior varsity ftnal. Rob- ertson. a water poJo player, just missed the consolation champJ- onshlps with a time of 25.26, .<n seconds better than her seed time. "For my age, it's just fun to be here.· Robertson saJd. "It's a good experience for me. but it's a litde awkward swimming with all these older girls who are so good.· Sailors' tank on empty at prelims Andrew Cole keeps Newport from getting shut out of championship finaJ s. Melanie Neff Daily Pilot BELMONT SHORE -The Newport Harbor High boys swim team put everything it had into trying to upset Irvine at the Sea View League finals last week. On Wednesday, at the CIF Southern Section Division I pre- liminaries at Belmont Pla7~. the Sailors ran out of gas. With the exception of senior Andrew Cole, the only club swimmer on the team. the de- fending Division I champion TAACK AND FIELD UC Irvine's Turpin leads Sailor were shut OU( Of the cham- pionship finals. They did, how- ever, pJace both of their freestyle relays in the consolation cham- pionships. giving Cole someone to cheer him on in Friday's finals at 6 p.m . at Belmont Plaza. Cole. who swims for the Novaquatics, swam the fastest preliminary time in the JOO-yard baclcstrok:e, taking 0.25 second off his seed time, finishing in 52.56. Only 0.42 seconds sepa- rated Cole from the fifth -place qualifier Scan Spansail of San Oemente, who finished in 52.98. setting up for an exciting final. In the 100 freestyle, Cole, the defending dwnpion, tied with Doug Ciolli of Santa Margarita for the day's fifth-fastest time in 47.15. 'fyler Wilson of Santa 8art>ara ~ corded a 46.30 to lead the quali· KHOURY Continued from Bl tiers. Cole's time in the freestyte was almost a full second faster than his seed time of 48.10, but was a full second &lower than his title swim last year or 46.15. "I'm pretty happy with the time," Cole said. "It was a mod- erate time for me right now. Last year I was a lot faster because we had (A.aeon( Peirsol and (Ryan( Lean, and that put a lot more pressure on my shoulders to go faster. This year is my senior year and I just want to have fun here with my team." Despite the rest of the team failing to qualify for a champion- ship final, the boys all seemed to be pleased with their effort. The 200 freestyle relay or Cole, Na- than Weiner. Michael Bury and Sean McGhie just missed the championship final by 0.06 sec- 0ROI I ICHCUIY ~Apl1lt, ,. ......... ,_~ ~ catch-up with his prep peers, ~~foot many of whom have been ~ 110 b~noing from a baseline since PlpM:lll TennNls t -•--i---o-·a-sn· o. ,..,,. .... they were able to swing a C'IMilll; Jeff ThomMn racquet, the combination of de-le allu ._.. CWc*en C.. Nied termination and natural talent ,. ... _.."'fhe l'odl• .... _...I ......... onds, recording the 10th fastest time in 1:28.59, aod taking more than a second off their seed time. Los Alarnltos clocked the fastest time in 1:27.20. Cole, Bury, Ross Sinclair and Weiner will swim in the conso· talion championship of the 400 freestyle relay after posting the 12th best time in 3:16.70. ·we aU tapered last week for league," Weiner said. ·That was our big meet. We can definitely feel it today. But we definJtely weren't sJacking today. I think everyone is happy with what we did this year." Newport Coach Jason Lynch agreed "IA'lt week was our peak. ~ ~ this dose (from lhe league d- de)," said ~ holding up his tbuoD and fDrefingl!r an inch apart ing. • Khoury said. ·1 just want to improve and continue to wo rk harder and harder. If I play someone who has alrudy beaten me, I want to come back and beat them. If I play the way I can, good things usu- ally happen." has made him a rising force. .._ ... ..._....w._......, UC Irvine junior Annmarie "He has been unbelievable w "°Slit Iona•• c:.un.r Oper\ Turpin is the first-day leader of aU year." said Thomsen, whoae =~•·•-1111...,_ Khoury. the No. 2 seed in the Sea View singles tournament, bad never played top-seeded Shimpei Suzuki of Woodbridge until last week. the heptathJon after the first four Sailors earned their first trip to ...... ._ ....... "'.._.. events in the Big West Confer-the CIF' Southern Section play-..._ .. _.. .. ..,. .... ~ ~But he bad beaten a guy i bad lost to, so I was fired up to beat him," said Khoury, who prevailed, 2-6, 7-6, 6-1. to be- come the first Sailor to claim a league singles crown since Ge- off Abrams in 1994. •it felt · good to beat a good player, "He beat me pretty badly in the first set. but I felt much better in the second seL It took me a ence track and field champion-offs in at least 13 seasons by ~._ ... .,._..,. ships at Cal State Northridge .beating Irvine in a third-place ==-...::..·~~ Wednesday. playoff Friday. .,,.,. '° .._. '° ._ 01 Turpin leads the 13-alhl~ Khoury lost only one game ~ ~ field with 3,242 points, Idaho's in sweeping three sets in the OllJ Nol Dacia Fernandez is second with crucial 12-6 win over Irvine to Colleaaupons rMd..,. 3,144, UCI senior Jessica Stafford secure Daily PiJot Athlete of t..==================:::J is third with 2,998 points and de-the Week recognition. "lie has fending champion Katie Farner had big win after big win." while to figure out what to do with him." of Utah State is fourth with 2,929. A big serve is part of the winning equation for Turpin had a career-best time Khoury. who at 6-foot. 170 pounds, is bigger than or 14.55 in the 100-meter hurdles most of his fellow ninth-graders. But there i~ as (No. 7 in UCJ hislory), went 5 much finesse as muscle to his game and his men- reet. 7 y. inches in the high jump. tal toughness has also been key. Thomsen figures Khoury has what it takes to earn a college tennis scholarship. And. while Khoury has such aspirations. he is reluctant to think that far ahead. threw the~shot-put 37-5 ~ and •tte's basically an aggressive baseliner who is '1lJ1 the 2<le meters in 25.4 I. Stal-willing to come to the net,· Thomsen said. ·He ford recorded a career-best time has a huge first serve and it's only getting stron- of 14.59 in the 100-meter hurdJes ger. But his bread and butter is his down-the-line (No. 9 In UCI history). bad a backhand. And, he's very mature for his age. He mark of 5·5 in the high jump, really keeps it together on the court." "I just try to go day by day," said Khoury, who never expected to be a league champion his first prep campaign. "I try11ot to get too excited about things, until they come." Thomsen said Khoury's humility is genuine. but the coach. who played at Newport alongside Abrams, did not hesitate when discussing his emerging star's potential. threw the shot put 31 -0 !h and Khoury admits few things rattle him and his ran 25.83 in the 200 meters. The competitive drive helps him maintaJn an uncom- heptalhlon concludes with the mon focus. final three events Thursday. "It really doesn't matter to me who I'm play- "From the first day I saw him two yean ago, I knew he was going to be a great tennis player," Thomsen said. "He's well on is way to doing just that" GOLF Continued from B 1 ••• ••• Saturday at Las Vegas Golf Oub in Las Vegas, Nev. Wt.I.son, who pitched for P.stancla High and Long Beach State. sent bis llth drive 347 yards. 7 inches, to take top honol'!I of an estimated 6eld of 50-60. By winning the competition. Wil~n bypasses the first round and will compete in the district final.s, encom~lng Gallf omla and Nevada. September 13-14 in Mesquite, Nev., with a chance to move on to the wor1d championships in October. That Is. if he doesn't play In Thxas first. WtLwn. who at.ands 6-foot-3 and ~ghs 200 pounds, said he may put h1s 52-lnch driwr to the l t ln lune et another district-final quallfyf ng site. W1nnera of the local qualifim haw the optJon o/ competing In other dJscrtcts lf they c:hoole, W11son·srud. ••• Gteetlnp to one and all ln the golf communfry. ' I wUI bt wrftlna golf colu.mna alonpide lbe watcht\al •and befplUI band of l\lch Dunn, who handed W« tome or .. ~OlftMUtJ to atterid to new eodeavon ueditor. I have bad &ht p"aauro ot 'f>Hk!ng with a ft of yc)!.I ~ llitd Hahn) and look bward to mMt.lng many membert of lhe goll communky u lime progrie 11• Golf II~ 1\-e ollftd ltnc:e I Ml . l. 13. I'm now 24 and even though I can't go out and shoot in the 80s on a regular buis like I did in high school, walking the fairways and smelling the hshJy out 8JaSS remains the best stress-reliever I lcnow of. I love the people at a golf course. I worked as a can attendant at Mission Viejo Country Oub for four years during high ICbool and formed some suong friendahlps wttb 11\embers and oo~wotken ln the middle of racing up and down hills, mrlmng the cart1 and bap. I also played for two eeuom, boch at the lower levels on Santa Marp.rita Hlgh'I t(am in the mJd-19909 when It ~ found itself vying for a OP champlomblp. We were also in charge orftlUna the cti¥Otl on the drtvtng range wltb And eech nAght, occuionaUy using a ftah.llpt to battle tbe datkness that of\en crept in. That~ Ilona with deaning 400 hip on the buliciet n.lah" often t~ted my padenc::e. But an encouraging word from my boa or a member •trolllna through tbe bis room to hll or her car could tale the trMal ~bwdena of lite at a plf coune ind mike cne lftllt.e I wu In 1 ~wt.-""'* were, for the mott pert. carefftit and JowW. It ii. in fact. a aolf coune. A pa.ce piiaple come to~ the burdeM of_..., only for a few houri. l wekOme an opportUnky co loin ... communJty again end lhe people Chit ... hto~ Daty Pi6ot OUTDOORS Cool temperatures slow down fishing S pon angjers off Balboa Pavilion are hoping the area or wann water currently holding off Baja Norte will move up into channel waters and bring with It schools of yellowtail. albaco1e, bluefln tuna and hopefully make the white sea bass bite become more predictable. lemperatures along the coast aM holding in the mid-to-high 50s and these cooler than nonnal sea temps have slowed 6sb1ng for bass and barmcud.a for the half. and three-quarter day trips rµnn.lng out of Davey's Locker and Newport L1lnding Sportfishing. A trip eadytbis week aboard thefasc six-pack charter boat Bongosll. operated by Bongos '-'------' Sportfishing JIM NIEMIC Ow:ters (949-673- 2810) ba.5ed in Newport Beach. produced only fair 6shl.ng at Catalina Island as the open party dlarter worked the front side or the island under the helm of <:aptain Chandler 8eJJ of Newport Beach. . f.arlier in the week <:aptain Bell had anchored in a couple of the right coves and returned dock side with a several legal white sea bass and a double digit yellowtall taken from under a stringer kelp. The Bongos IJ departed the Pavilion docks at 5 am. and set a compass course right for the slide area off Avalon to meet up with the squid boat, Uttle Jack. This short stop was made to top off the bait tank with ·candy"-livesquid whlc:b ls the best bait for catc:blng tea bass. 1be first couple of tmdltlonal sea bass fishing gJ0\1Dds only produced a few small calico bass and assorted bottom &h of which most were released by the group of conaervation angiers on board. New bottom fish regulations impoeed by the Department of Fish and Game also made it mandalwy to release a number of large sculpin and lingcod. A move to Junk Beach looted good from the stan when a nwnber of sub-legal white sea bass were caught and camuDy released. Unfortuoately the bite never developed for any of the boats fishing the island but oondJtlons look good and wblt&eea bass fishing could break wide open any day. Along the coast there are some breezing schools of log banaruda that are popping up a few miles oft' the beach. Artificial reefs and stringer kelp are holding some calico bass but the sand bass bite hasn't gotten off to a very good start. Despite the cold water, bait conditions are good with a mix of anchovies and sanlines to go along with squid. COURTESY Of M NIEMIEC Cole Misetich of Newport Beach was proud of the 4-poond rainbow trout he landed at Irvine Lake Lagoon with hi.s dad, Mike. The bait barge Is now operating inside the ~t jetty for those planning trips out to the fishing grounds. When beading out or the halbor switch to channel 11 to make arrangements to pldt up a scoop or two ofUve bait San Diego boats are fishing yeUowtail off the nonhem coast of Baja and some pretty good scores were reponed this week before the wind came up. Captain 8Ul2 Brirendine of the sportfi.sher Prow1er, operatingoutofFishermans Landing. reponed a recent trip produced quality yeilowtail fishing with iron and Uve bait for yellows m the 15-to-22 pound ~ l11ese M:hools of breezing tails could move up quick:ty and be fishable by Memorial Day weekend. The latest word on albacore is that schools are stacked up some 125 miles south of San Diego and they don't seem to be in any huny to leave the area where water temps are in the low 60s and there is plenty of bait Most boats that are catching albies are extended day tri~ with I !I· days on the water being the minlmwn time required to reach the longfin tuna. Locally fresh water lake fishing has been very good for trout, bass and cat.fish. Irvine Lake is being stocked weekly with trophy trout and recent catches of Brook and cut-bow trout weighing over I 0 pounds have been keeping angler.. happy. Young C..ole Misetich of Newport Beach fo;hed with his father. Mike. in the I ..a.goon at Irvine I alee last week and both came home with limits of trout lopped by Cole's J. 75 pound rainbow caught on Berk.Icy Power Bail. Fishing at the Sama Ana River Lakes has been fair for trout and this chain of three small lakes has ~tarted stocking channel catfish to add 10 the trout fishery now that the water temperature is on the rise. Oso Lake. located in the foothills of Saddleback Mountain, reports fair fishing for largemouth bass weighing in the 2-to 4.5-pound class and'lots of action on catfish tipping the scale in the 10-pound range. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Mesa ends season with win •Robert Rodriguez and the rest of the Costa Mesa High baseball team ended the season ln style Wednelday, sending visiting SaddJebact to a 13--0 de- feat In Golden West League play. Rodriguez led off the game for catcher Na te Hunter was bat· tling Wn~ Hunter started at catcher Wednesday. "Robert WM the best guy ~o lead ofJ and l'm glad he did.· Deals saJd. with a home run, his first of the CW11eri-..LAi1p9 year, en route to going 2 for 4 ec.c...._ u .eii· ar• 1 with three Nnt ICot'ed for Mala .._. '\io...,. (10·16, •-8 In ,1eacue~; .. ~~ ~ :: '°° • : ,~ ~ ~ Gerda went 4 1or 5 Wh11 u.._, Lopez, INeneo (3). eerr (5) end runt acored and an RBI whUe ~; eoo.-. V.U. lel end Alex P\Mnld tallied MO bill ln' HunW. W -Coo9w. 1-3. l • Lopea. rwo at-ball to go wtth a coU,ple 3-3. 28 -<*de (CMI. Ptssnt1 (CM~ olRBll.. HA-~ (CM). The eq>loeM Mesa oJfeme pve 1Wter Daniel Cooper more than mouah MippOl1 for hit ""' win of the eeaeon. Cooper no-bit tho Roadrun· ..... (7-1 .. 5·9) b 3'S .... befol9 GeGCll ~ cmne on :.::.."::..=..loch w....-..aa ... 1aihe :-.... -:.. a:=~·.: ~ ·==···, ... --·~., .... '~-..,.... __ .. .,..In the ....... ~ ... Gldir. bul ,.._ COllda DDul 0.. ..... him In ......... ..,. bl!caJiiifi "'1• l Eagles close with loss • The F.ltucl• 1iJCh buebel.I team doled out It.I MNOn with a S.-0 Golden Wett ~ IOM at Oceeo View Wednetday. • Eric Scbillfer met Cula.n CrOm hid cbe kme bits for die l!qlee. who ftNlh 3.20. •·n rn leque. Ocean View, whtcb WW iil- YllK:e to tbe CJF Sotalhein s.ctlon DMl&on Ill .... ,... that begtn nat WMt. tceNd · two run• In each or the ftnt three lnntnp, •dded -. In the fourth and two In tli• Ofth. , SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS • Miller, Saida fall in doubles final Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot LAGUNA BFACH -Just like their singles counterpart, Corona del Mar Hlgh's doubles team of Wesley Miller and lssei Saida fought gallantly In a first set, but then came the second !ilretch of games. University's Mart Olou and Michael Haier. the top ..eeded duo, survived the first ..et, 6-4. before applying greater pre:.sure to secure a 6-1 triwnph in the i,econd set 10 win the Pacific Coast League double., final Wednesday at Laguna Beach lligh. MiUer and Saida's teammate. <;arrett Snyder, also suffered a Ii 4, 6-1 letdown in the league -.ingl~ final WedneMJay. marlung the first lime since CdM entered 1lw PCl. m 2000 that the -.chool did not wm either a '>mgh.•'> or double<, league title. Miller and Saida, seeded Nu. 2. d(•feated a Nonhwood duo, 6 2. Ii :1. in a semifinal earlier Wednesday. hut met their match i11 Chou and llaicr. who had won .111 earlier ..et against the C .dM 1.1ndem, 6-:l, when the team' faled each other earlil'r tlm month. CdM won the PU. wtth t Jn1vers11y and Nonhwood fin l'>hing in a tie for orecond ·-rney are really good. thl" toughest doublt.-s team we haw l.tted this year," Said a '>:lid. t h ou and I laicr played to 1.:i-ther last year while Miller, a '>ophomore, and Saida. a senior, began playing this season. Both teams held serve midway through the first set, but Univer- i.ity gained the edge when CdM lost its fire. "It could have gone either way in the fin.t set, but in the second '>Cl we weren't as aggressive on -.ome balls as we should have been.• Saida said. CdM Coach Tim Mang <ihoolc h~ head at times, often shouting. "Move your feet." "When you play in champion· 'ihip doubles, it is all .ibou1 mov ing." Mang i.aid. "You can't get away with walling from the ha.'>eline." Cl1ou and Haier. part of Uni- veri.ity\ CU: Division II champi- on.,h1p team last year, ended CdM''> three-year run of doubles dominanct.-in the PCL Snyder won tht' league doubles crown the la!.t two year'> with two dif rcrent partners. ·My '>Crve wa'> going for me today and I wa'> consistent with ground Mrulces," I lail'r ~id. "Mall and 1 have 1hat extra level of umfide nce every lime we play. I alway' love beating CdM tl'.ims." CdM'!> Brennan Hoherti. and Bryan Warsaw gave Chou .md I ljier J tough time, bu1 the Uni ve"llY duo prev-..uled 111 J w n11fi ndl Wednc..day. 6-I, 7 <;. Rohen -. Jnd War'><lw lo-.1 in the third- place malch, H-7, played under c1gh1 game profc!-'>IClnal rule-.. A.i, Miller and Saida walked oft sr AN ~tlll[fj DAIL y P1tCJT Bryan Warsaw, left, and Brennan Roberts teamed up tn the Pacific Coa st league semifinals Wednesday. The duo lost to top-seeded Matt Chou and Michael Hater of Unrversrty. 6-4. 6-1. SNYDER Continued from B 1 Despite the loss Wednesday, Snyder qualified for the CIF Southern Section Individual playoffs by finishing in the top 2 in the league. "Getting into the CLF play- offs is the imponant thing.· he said. Li made It three years in a row a University singl.es player has tak.en the PCL singles title over a CdM opponent Aaron Yovan 't>JOn the last two titles over (onner c.dM counterparts Erik Aisbee and Cameron Ball in 2002 and 200 I, respectively. the court, Mang rt•Oet·tl·d on hi-. strntegy for the Cll Southern Section Di vhio11 I playoff,. whith begin ~turday at 'I J m aga111't vi~iting South lurrann:. Ball, who will return later this week from a three-week stay in Jamaica where he is competing ln satellite tour- naments according to father. Syd, defeated Yovan for the 2000 league title. the f11St year c.dM inhabited the PCL Balls -younger brother, Car- sten. the d:tlrd seed. IO'>t to Li, 6-2, 6-2. In the 1.emifinab Wednesday before l>t'CUJ'ing third place with an 8-1 win over teammate Spencer Reit'I-Reitz and Ball played under eight- game professional -.et rules. where they aJtemate each serve. Snyder defeated Ht:1tz in another t>emifmaJ Wedne!>- day, 6-2. 6-3. 'Thi'> m.tkl'\ llll' 11l'rvou'.' he '><lid. • 1 ni.1y havt· 111 hn ng Ollt' of my '>U1~Jc, playl'I'' 111111 double-. fur the later rourllh of Lii. I hke to keep my playl'r" J.,'\ll'""'K .. HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Estancia lets it slip away HUNTINGTON IU:ACll -fa tancia High's !>oftball learn lim · ill'tl host Ocean View to one hit Wednesday. Problem wa-., till' 1..agles couldn'1 score mun• than three runs as the !>cahawk..'> m ded the game with a run tn the '>Cventh inning to wcurc c1 ! 2 Colden West League victory ·me ')ea.hawks' fmaJ run came ,1uoS11 on an Estancia t•rror 111 the <,1,•vcnth. one of five commilled hy the 1-.awcs. I lilary Ockey and llehe<.ca Ka· plan '>Cored F.o;tancia's two run'> 111 the fifth, Kaplan w-ounde<l 10 third a.'> ... .,tanc1a's Be Diep ht.><:an w caught m a rundown bctwt.'t'll thinJ and home. Alertly. Kapl,111 advanced 10 sernnd and when lhc throw ..ailed into center field, -.he came around to ..core. Diep, a freshman. -.uigkd up lhe middle for her fir!>I hit of the season and !.tole -.econd and third before Kaplan\ n m. Sophomore I lillary I .a!'>Cn went 2 for 3 for the l:aglc:~ (I II 11, 2 I 0 in league), who gol a rnmplt•tt· ~ame from '>till"lt'r l:wlyn I 1on" Flo~ rallied fivl' -.1rikeo111' Go6dec'I W.st Leacue Ocean View 3, Estancia 2 Score by Innings E S1anc1a ooo 110 o ' 4 !> OV 1-00 010 ' I l 1 Flores and Odtev Theophilus and Mclaughlin W -Theophilus L Flores, 3 6 28 J Walker tOVI HIGH SCHOO,L SOFTBALL TODAY Baseball High school Newport Harbor at Foothill. 3 15 pm . Sage Hill at Oxford Academy, 3:15 p.m. Softball High school Foothill at Newport Harbor, 3·30 p m . Sage Hill at Oxford Academy, 3 15 pm . Calvary Chapel vs Corona del Mar in thtrd place playoff at neutral site to be determined today, 3 15 p.m. Corona del Mar overwhelmed by T-Wolves Northwood caps fourth straight unbeaten PCL season , but Sea Kings still has chance for playoffs. Steve Vlrcen Daily Pilot IRVINE -Even though the Corona del Mar High softball team was shut out and used as a steppingstone for Pacific Coast League champion Northwood, the Sea Kings took solace that they received a second chance Wednesday. CdM lost to the nm - berwotves, 6--0, but the Sea Kings remained ln a tie for third place in the PCL because Calvary Olapel lost to Tesoro. 5-1. • Cd.M will face Calvary to de- Cide third place today at 3: 15 at a ,neutral site to be detennlned this morning. The winner will gain the league's final guaranteed benh into the CIF Southern Sec· lion Division IV playoffs. The Sea Kings (9-10, 5-5 ln league) defeated QUvary Chapel. b-0, April 24, and the l'aglt"' (7 14. 5-5) answered hat k w11h d 12-5 victory at CdM Monday. "I'm excited," CdM co-coach Ed Mejia !>aid after hearinR Cal- vary (}lapel had lo'>l. "We're go ing to get them. They owe u~ be- CaU5e they beat us on our fi eld. But we have a second chance and we get to prove ourselves. It's a big sigh of relief for me. We have a chance to create our own destiny. I know the girls wtll be excited." The Sea Kings could have earned third place with a victory over Nonhwood, but the Timber- wolves (20-4, I 0-0) also had a lot riding on the game. Northwood was seeking to dose out its fourth straight Wldefeated season in league. The T-\\btves did so led by senior pitcher Allison Lewis. who threw a one-hiner that came with 12 strikeouts and no walks. CdM senior Alissa ZoeUe. who plays on the same club team as Lewis. broke up the Northwood pitcher's no-hitter. leading off the top of the seventh and final inning with a double. Lewis, as wen as Northwood seniors Teresa L¥en. Amanda Garza. Melisa Ota and Kimiko H!rrante played in their final regu- lar-sea-.cm home game. llw 4uin- tet ha., been with the v-Jr.i ty team since it!'> inaugural '>t'a'>on and helped lead the limbt·r-wolws to fo ur -;trarght PCI . 11tlt.">. l.£•y<:ien. Garza and Ota aho play on the '31Tle dub team, lhl' lrvinl' Song. ~ 1.oelle. Blrur Ota. the i..,1mg\ head coach. and tl!>M!>tant Jlm Knapp were at tht• game Zoelle. who U!>ually plays first ba:.e with the lrvme Sling. pitched for CdM Wednesday. . The CdM -.enior bound for Presno State sC<Jttered six hits and struggled in the third inning when the Ti mberwolves scored four runs. after Amanda Smith's grand slam. Before Smith'!I grand slam, Me- jia came out of the dugout to contest an umpire'!> call at third base. after CdM junior Kianna Jaye fielded a ground ball She ran to tag third base for the fon:e, but the base umpire saJd the Northwood runner was safe. That loaded the bases and prompted Mejia to come out. ·1 didn't understand,~ Mejia said. •They told me if 1 argued again I would be out l don't get it But right from the start. the umpire-. put u.., dm\n. 11wy wok away the rnrncri, fmm my pi tcher and IN1111hwoodl Mb gelling all tlw rail'> .. CdM nearly dclealt'd North- wood April 21.J, wlwn 1hc I 1mber- wolvl"'i won. l O. 1n 10 inning<>. l.ewi'>. who will play at Ch apman next year, allmwJ nme hll!> in that game, ·and had the hao;es loaded in t.hl' top of the mnth. But she allowt.>d only four run- ner.. on bast.> Wedne-.day. Senior Amy ry-.on reached o n an error in the· fi r..t inning. She stole second and advanced to third after a thrOWJng error. In the sixth inning, sophomore Heather Lohrman reached on a error after her well-placed bunt caused problem-. fo r Ll'wiS. Sen - ior Melame Coif' al-.o put the ball in play and indul·ed an error to get on ba~. But tht.-y were both left stranded. PKMc: Coa• Leecue Northwood S, CdM 0 Sconl by lnnlna1 CdM 000000 ~ 013 N'wood '°" 100 • e e ~ Zoelle and Tyson, Stem 14), Lewi• and M. Ota W -Lewis, 19-3 L - Zoelle, M . 28-Zoelle (CdM) 38 -E. Ota (N) HR -Smith (N) Thursday, May l ~. 2003 13 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL Mesa wins first league crown Mus tangs top Saddleback to fini sh atop Golden West League standings. COSTA MESA to'>la '\k-...i I ltgh scored single run., tn lht' fifth and !>lxth inning'> to pull away and defeal (,olden We-.1 League visitor ">addlebad• :t 2 Wedne'>day and da11n lht· pro gram\ frr'>I lt.>ague rh.1mp1011 - ..,hip. A los!> could haVt' drnpp1•d the MuMa ng'> I 17 I 0. Y .I 1n league) into a 1hrce way ttt• with Saddlehack and \o\'t''>lm111 '>ter, but a booming .,111glr off the fem e by Ort'g11n hound .,enior '>hOrt'>top A1111 \lartt' fopp' stort•d lt.>n1111l'r JrmJ,m Jll the way from lir'>t 111 h1t'.1~ d .! .! lie 111 the fifth Me.,a added .ir1 111,1ir.t111 t· run in the '>IXlh. \'\ht·11 ll\1·11 \1.11 reached on ,J droppl'd 1l11rd !>lrikc, advanted to "l't1111d 1111 J '>acrifi1:c hunt, '1ol1· thirJ .rnu -.cored on an 1·1 ror. Junior Jarll' I Y<1111.tm1110 1\ ,., al-.o key fur till' Mu,1.111g, \h1· l•lllll 1111 Ill ll'IWI \.\11111111' ll.l'>t"' ltJJlkd Jlld 11111· 11111 Ill lllt' lrr'I Jlld ,dlo\'\ed "Ill> 0111· run 111 .. lOll' Y.1111.111111111 J1d 11111 KIVt up .in l'Mlll'U run 111 11 i1111111K' Jilli '>llrtt•11d1·r1•d jll'>I lhrt•l' hll'> Ill llllfHllVt· Ill h I I lw 1111.tl 11111 '!>•" kt•cJ <tll t·mo111111JI 1 d1·hrallf111 . \.11·,,1 C CJ.Jt h Hu k B11111i.1ng11 ''wl I Ill' gtr I' U11g plll-'J Ill tilt" n11dtlh 111 llw pill h111g urdt•, ht• ... ud \\1• H ' 1 0111t' 1 lu'>t' w ,, ll'<1g1w llllt• l111"h111g '>{'ll>llU IWlt l' HUI llt1 I' 1h1· Ill 'I llllll Wt .. Vl' \'\Ill! II I ht· Mu-.1.111g., .trt· .tlmo'>t d'> .,, trl·d 111 .1 lt1 ir111· garne 111 1111 l1r..1 111111Hl 111 tlw < II i..,ou1bt·r11 \et 111111 1>1"''"" I\ pla,orh. lor wh11 h p.111111g' ~' tll hC' an 11111111( t•d 'l1111d.I\ \,11ltllt•b,I\ ~ 11111,hl'd 7 I 111 It·'!.:"' Golden We't League Coste> Mesa 4 Saddleback 2 c; "·" • Score by Innings M 1·•,.1 Ff tf 1ifH1t I Hid J fl' ''I 9 .! • f ftt"I ,,,If l 1 I J ti..1 1ft ' 1,/\J Y.1!lldt1•ti!O ' rh I }8 fi i ll <IJ/ 5 M I • r HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL CdM finishes strong Sea Kings trounce Tesoro for 11th win in las t 12 Pacifi c Coast League ga m e". ( ORO:".I\ 1>11 '\!AH 1 lw Panfil C 0 • .-.1 I t•,1gul' t h..imp111n Cornna del M..ir I ltgh IM'>t·h;1ll team fit11,hed ''' ll·ague 'e.ivrn w11h a n·,11111H.ll11K 10 2 triumph over \1-.i11ng lt·\oro Wt'dnt·,d.n· Alter J I ! lt•Jgue -.tart, 1h1· '>ea t..1ng-. MIO II of 12 lt'agut· gamei, lo tumh 17 H. I:! l 111 league I 11l' I-; rl'gul.ir 'l'.t'>on \\-Ill'> e4u..il-. lht• mn'I at h1t:H·J hy J { .dM tl'<HTI d11rtl1K ( .OJt h John l.mme\ ''"·VC'Jr tt-nurr· The LOO I P< I l harnp1on., a Ji,., won 11 regular wu.,on game' I he Sea ~illg'> now havt· t'1gh1 day'> off hdore opening tht· < II <iouth<'m ~l'l't11111 Di111s1on IV playoff, May .! l PIJyoff pJrr 1ng., "111 lw <11rnounu.:d \!011 dd) Junior '>t.trtt·r lodd MJlklin ,111rtlldt1t·d 111 .. 1 1h11•1· hit-. Jilli 11" •'.tr11 d 11111., 111 1 .. u1 11111111>:' !fl I ,lfll Ir'> li11fl ptl1 ht11g \II 1111 \ Ill 1 \ t 11 1f\ I 1'11111' I ht' 'I'' 111g '\11 ~ 1'.al1hr~11 11 1,,..., .: hir 1 \\Ith l\\ll 11111' l•>'h l\rJdhur \ 1 ... 1·111 .' t111 -, \\ltll 11\11 UHi' .111d l'Jr~r·r I 1·1g11"111 1,.1, .: l11r 1 \\tilt l\\11 lllfl' Ill l1•,t1l 1111' ho''' \\h11 It.id I I hit-. .met 'l 11rt·d 111 1·.11 h 1.1 th1· 111,r 111111 11111111).: ••ti \\,I, .1 \\.Ol~f1\,lflh~1· \\,1\ Ill ltn"h 11..-11•gul.ir '"·""" i,,wJ I lllllll', \\ho 11•p1111' 111' I• .1111 I' IH•Jllll\ ,11nt re.uh lur 1li1· 1u1 .. 1 't'.l,Clll Pac1hc CO<Jst LH&Ue CdM lO. Tesoro 2 Score by Innings f .. ) IH 01 CLIM Tru11llu r v.ins l) 1 S""" <!> 5 Craddur~ •fl anrl p,.µ,tuno, MHl<l111 Co1111•111 ~ Br,trlburv 7 an•1 Prt•~<.c,r Krllv Ii W Maddin ~ } l Tru11ho <'11 E!r.,•Jt "'• CctM 51'."CINI COM Macl hn lM Pru~50'1 1C1IM REDUCTION SALE! Frtd.y, -.Y 16, S.t•clay, May 17, s-lay, May 18 o.ly 10%. 70% OFF EVEIYTHING llmmwy • sa,111 AU IAsoAU ~aen 30"-Off ............. ·~5'Mtt;:c,..s ........... ._ . .._...,.. . ... ........ ... • ...... w '1Jmdreti ~ ... SIM." .. S1S.00 ...... ( •• , .... ,... $29.ts 270 l 17tll Stntt •Costa Mesa 92627 flL lttka.; ~ S.V. 10:tk& -S. ........ S. I l:Ok& • l:Ol p.a. (949) 541-3323 w .team and beach.com WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ( • F d D I ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa ommun1ty or ea er Motorcratt- 011 •nd Fiiter Ch•n1• Motorc,.... Pr9fen'9d ""'-'*"· front Ot ,...,., on mott cars 0t light tfuekl, THEODORE ROBINS FORD Wiii MEET or BEAT Your Beat De.a on NAME BRANDTIRES Front End &8 ... k• Inspection Exctudn ~ roeora or d"'""9. ~t and rotae. f0Uf 1'f..:.,.... ..... See DMiMND for ...... 0"9r wild wtth ~ &plrw 6'31t03. -· • I -I 2141 ........... -........... -......................... ~ 14 nuwiav. Mev 1 s. 2003 llpl..... -'!""' ................ -----l.tlll ..... I ' . 2141 Llpl .... ii ............. ... 11 IS(,.. ,..lllltal U I .......... bUSlftftS ~11 YH, •"20· ......... ........... on 04/25/03 ... (Mf Of 111 RIO.Of-......... OJllathy l BtrnH -~ ... ....., =1~:,1:.: I, I. l~. bu':':;,~oy~:::!" clotlll SflllOf~fGI 09alO.,.UISlfGI lht followln1 penonJ Tiil 1telt1ntnl wn The fottowln1 e>et10111 lht loll0wi111 peuons 22.200J ntJllO The tottowiflt oet1011s Andfewl<lloYrkll •a.nTOfOU151 OlmOf-,,. dol111 butkltu ••• ltltd with tM County 1re dolnt bu-u n . we dolna businen u · ere 6oln& bu'linua H 1111~ 1t1tamenl was ~-com. 125 C Clef\ of Of•lll• County Well Street C1plhl Younc ldlu , 2522 S.nu .......... DP Auocletu , 177 !tied wltll 111, County ............... CASl--Altl741 8M.tf Slllta 13!>, C4tt• on CM/2SI03 M«!f P •~. l l S.. Ana Ave IA, Cost• ......... ltlv•r~ldt AvL 11060. ct.rll of Of1n11 County u.iltfnlfW/tfT.... ~R~~· INTCRESTCD ~·t~=tc•n ~ ::.a;::,1~!: l, I, 15, ::=h. J:~iw.oHewporl ~~h~!,2!21Yount. fltt fottow~sons ~ort Btacll, CA ~/.':~JOI ~Ur ltlt,w 1 Petitioner Pamela ctptance Corporet1011 22. 2003 TIIJ80 Well SlrHI Ct~lttl 2522 Senti Mt Ave.. aft ~ bus ' H RlchMd T Price. l221 Dally Pilot M•'I 1. I. 15. ............... Oulrll McCulnness hied (CA), 3 1!'5 E 8aktr. Morta111, Inc., (CA), Cost1Mtsa,CA92627 :~elbo•Sll.8YfRd. :OA3 W. Cont Hwy t.414, ~H,.,481~·~__:__:4MM1 a petition wlUI this court $u1tt 1 ... Costa MIM, .......... lWl V111ture Blvd, Thia bu~ It con• · v .. • Newport Buell. CA 'fliilm ..... CASI.., AllttV 1 d CA 92626 Suite •20. Encino, CA ducted by· en ltldh11cNel lltlboa. CA ~1 92.663 --w.aa Of °' • •erM cllencini This busl""a la con ._ .._.. 92"0 HIV• you atM'ttcl doltw W 111 1 • rn A nt h 0 n 'I Tiiis bu1lneu II con ... ~ ':--'=!-Of ~!.:'.~.· D~t.z'~:~: dueled by:• corporation Tiie follow1n1 pefsons Thi• business Is con· builneia yet7 No Geor11, 19• C St., duct.4 by· 111 lndtvlduel The tc>llowin& personJ _._ '" _,_, ntss lo Pemela Outrlt Have you started doln& IA doln1 buslnua H : dueled by. • corpontlon Shwyl Mlf It You11t Hewth0<n1, NV 89415 H•v• you slMled dotni ere d01n1 buslnns in Mlll&-ilftWMOf 2 THC COU .. l nDN<<>S business yeU Yes, R & H rence Co., 2'0371 Hne you staited doln1 Thi" 1l1l1ment wu Thb buslneu Is con· b I 11 H C•tllOlk.rlldlodr•mn ~. ~-··-" V"'""" 05"""/2003 s ill l H b i t7 N flltd rth th "~· duclecl by: •n lndMdu1I utntuye 0 1710 Pl•t• .. _. w--·-. --.a•u-~ that 111 per~ons intu i v.-ommwv • n . un· us nt'\S ye 0 w • ...,..nty Rlch•rd T Pr1tt1 ~ '"" '"",. ••-Vt'-••11 nted In this miller shall North Am11lc1n Ac• Unaton 8each, C111fotnl1 Wall Street C1p1tal Clefk of Oont• County Hev• you atef'ted doln1 lhls statement wn Newf or t OtH h. CA '""C..S.C.. lfMOt i\ppnr befote thl$ court ceptance Corporellon. 92646 Mort1•1•. Inc.. Jerry on ~/13/03 :u;.r8~' yet? Yes. liltd with the County 9266 file undtnlaned, JANA •t flit hurh,11 indicated Mer co J. Ruic, Presl C hr Is top her Ry en Almstron1. V.P. 200J6t4•4•1 Cleik of Or•na• County Pallick C 0 1 Ne11t, 1710 o HACK En iend DON w below to show cause if dent H1ul11n, 20371 Som This statement wu Dally Poot M•y 15, U{ W 1111 • m A" tho n Y on 04/25/03 Plat• del Nor le. Newport OllPHANl . 0 Co Trust iny, why the petition tor fllTedhis ~·'thtate1hmtenCtouwn•tsy mtrville Ln. Huntln1ton filed with the County 29, June S. 2003 Th43 0~1~• atalement w•s JOOJttUJOI Beach, CA 92661 IH of the Oliphant llhariiie ot "'""' should -· BHch, C1llfornl192646 Clerk of Oren1e County ~...... O•ily Pilol May 1. 8, lb, This buslnns '' ton llVlna frost U/O/T dated not be lllllnled. Clerk ol Or&n1e County This buslnesi Is con• on ~/09/03 Cliltd with the County 22. 2003 Th39I ducted bf, en 111d1vldu.I "-lob.er 27. 1,,,.2. ., NOTICE Of HEARING on 05/09/03 ducted by: 111 lnd1v1du1I 200S6t4•00I ... se....I lerk of Oren&• County "----.._.___ Have you started e1o1n11 ~Id Tiu't he':' be;n Date 6 17 03 Time· 2.00 20036944010 H•v• you started doln& Delly Pilot Ma1 15, 22. lht followlna persons 2C:Sa1ffl~17 ,__ busmn~ yet? No •niended and restaled, pmOtppt l73 Oaily Pilot May IS. 22. business yet? Ves. Jan 29,June5,200J Th417 are dotna bualneas 11• Oally Piiot M•y 8• IS, ... S...... Patr1<.kC O'Neill propose to pubh\h th• Thi .-ddress of the court 29, June S. 2003 Th416 2003 t'.......___... Myra Accessories, 8132 Z2 29 The fotlowln& per •ons This st4l•n•enl wu follow1111 notice pursu· is urne n noted 1bove. ............. Chrlslop~er Ryan -Foah1ll Onve. H11nt1n1 • •2003 THJ9J ire doln1 bus1neu u ltlt>d with the Courtly ent to C.hforn1., Prob1te 3 A copy of this Ofder H.,rla•n ' · M ' teflltef ton BHch. CA 92646 ftc9M..... RS HCC TRIC. 103/ Clf>ok uf Oren11• County Code Section 19040 to tu Show cau~e shall be ... SW.. This statement wu a..-_ ..... ._ Myra B Sonnenber1, ... s...f Perkhlll Or , Cost• Meu, ~/~~291 the uedilori ol RACHEL published at le.ost once The followln1 per•on• hied with the County ,_ -8132 Foahall Orin, CA. 92627 CllZA8ETH OllPUANT uch week for four are dome businen as. Clerll of Ot•n1• County h!"~b~~J:,=:f tre':,";; Hun1tn11on Buch. CA The followln~ persons Stacy Stillman. 1037 Oatly Pilot Ac" 14· May the decu st-d wrv1v1111 successive week$ prior lhe Ca11111 C.C., 137 t~/i~st• 01 the focli't'-··s Busi· 92646 ~':, 1~\~ld b':;~s3111'• P11khlll Or . Costa Meu 1 • 8 • 15 · 200l • lh36I Seltlo< of the Ohphenl to the date H1 for lndustn1I Way, Cosll """ This bus1111Ss 1s ton CA 9262/ fldllim ..... l1v1n1 Truit. who d1td • hear ma on the pelrtion Mtg, CA 92627 Oiily Pilot Alt< 24, May ness Heme S Ster ducted by tn 1nd1v1du1I Tratnln&. 34S7 tr ch Thts business ts con· .._ ,....___. re•uM.nt ol the City of in the lollow1n1 news Klass.c Kais Inc • OBA I, 8, 15, 2003 Thl63 Cleaners, 1215 Baker Have you slwted dot111 Street, Htwpo<t BHch, duct1d by an 1nd1v1dual -- HewpOfl Buch. County paper ol eenenl cir cu The Care11• CC (C•hf). Street. Coste Neu. CA business yet? Yes, CA 92660 2660 Heve you slerted do1n1 The lollowlna persun\ are do1n11 bu,ttlt'n " S UNRISf Rl Al 1 Y & FINANCIAi. 82'8 l lllOI Creen. Buena Park. CA 90621 of Oranee Sl.olt ol lahon. pt1nled 1n this 1436 Beach Blvd • fldlll...... 92626 04 01 2003 Roti.rt Erick Jonu, busmeu yet' Ho C.bfornia on January county Newport Buch/ Westminster CA 92683 ... ~ The FIChbous B~iness Myr• B Sonntnbera 307 35th St · Newport St<1cy Stillman 29 2003 Cc>sta Mest Oa1ly Pilot Tiits busmen Is con name refeued to ebove Thrs sletement wn Beech, CA 92663 This statement wn N tic h b D.i.1 A,. II 200J ducted by.• corporatton The followrna persons wu filed in 01anet ftltd with the Countv This buS1ness ts con· f lo ot .. _e is tdr~ Y 111v~~ l.,....... 0 .... "l' Have you st•rted dotn& ue dotnl buslneu u : Counl.1 on 3 21~03, fllE , ducted by en tnd1~1dual tied wtlh the County ,,. ere ••e><s ••"' sa...._..JUDGl• Of~~,·H·": b t• N Orient.I Allure, 11186 NO 200._9....,,.,7 Clefk of Oran11e County Hne you sbrted dollll Cle<ll of Or•n11e County conl1111tnt credlton of " ~ US1ness ye 0 Blue Allium Ave .. Foun· Chien ve;'l .. ,, I"""" on 05/09/03 bus1nns yel1 Yu. on OS/06/03 RACHEL £LIZAB£TH SUPEltoacouar Klasste K .. s Inc . OBA lamVallty,CA92708 ~V;>O 200Jtt4400S 200JttUS9J OllPtiANT (he•••n Publt\hed Newport The Car•ee. C.C . Cary Br1an Hooper, 11186 Otle Street. Carden Oaily Piiot M1y 15, 22. S R7o~rtJone• O•tly Pilot May 8, 15. ·d Cl t•) th t II Buth Costa Mesa Oaoly Kat5a11s, Pres1Clenl Grove. CA 92841 29, June~. 2003 fh419 ua • 22 29 2003 T•.un7 ece en • ' T Blue All1um Ave . Foun· This business rs con This stelement was . • """' personl. hivtna daims Pilot May I. 8, 15. 22. his statement was lain Velley, CA 92708 ffctl...... Rell. ..... apinsl the decedent are 2003 Th395 hied with lhe County Kaly Takako Kawana ducted by. an 1nd1V1dual ~=d wf1t110 lht CCounty .._ •~ required to hit lhPm Clerk of Ora nee County ka, 11186 Blue Alllum Chien Van le ... S....... rk o 11nae ounty -- with the Supe1101 Court on05/13/03 Ave .• Fountain Valley, CA This statement was lhe follow1na penons 2ogs~~22 lhe lollowma per~ns of CakfUI 111•. County of lllOWST FOi PIOPOSALS t OOJ694444 I 92708 flied with the County are do1n11 business u are doin11 buslnen u 01anee. at 341 fhe City Oun11e County Sanl Oaily Pilot May 15. 22. This busmen I\ con Clerk 01 Oran11e County STYLZ. 72 fortune O..tve. 01tly Pilot May 15· 22• Odds •nd Ends Papet. 011ve. P 0 Ro• 14171, latron 01slrot l (OCSO 01 29.June 5. 2003 Th424 ducted by· • 11enerel 2~°!.zi~302 Irvine. CA 92618 29• June 5· 2003 Th421 3062 Club Hour.e Rd Drane• Cahlornl1, 9?613 lht 01\lrtcl) c>I Oran11e fldlllels..... partnership 0 p Alpa S Savdha11a, fktlll....... Costa Mesa. CA 92626 1511 and m&1I 01 dehv9! Counly, Cahlorn1a. will llsve you started do1n11 "1k0Jlol May l. 8· 15· 25951 Oundoe 011v~. "-S...... J11me Beth Bennett. • 'opy lo JANA 0 r11ce1ve ~toled proposals "-s..i...t bu\lnen yet? Yes. J<tn 22• THJ86 lake f0tcst, CA 92630 3062 Club llouse Rd . WICKHI ~nd OON W until June 17, 2003, al The lollowi1111 persons I, 2003 Rdlllews "99 This business os con !he lollowtne persons Co, la Mesa. CA 92626 OLIPHANT al 3 Royul SI 2 00 p m Propos111s ar11 Clo•ne bu$1ness ts B11an Hooper dueled by· 1n md1v1dual Mt Cloml[ bu\lnen n · Thts business 1s con CeOfjte, Newporl Bedt h. musl be received al All Aboul You M•rketme. Thi\ slattment WIS "-S...... Have you \larled dum11 lrnaee rirsl, 6 Percha dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Cahforn1• 92660, a\ Co OCSO s Adn11n1slrat1on 'l'l012 Islander lane, hied with the County The lollowine persons busmen yet' Yes. ron. lrabuco Canyort, CA Hoe you star led dom11 Trustees ol the Oliphant lobby 111 Purchn1ne Uunlineton Buch. CA Clerk of 011n11e County are dome bustneu u . Ap11112. 2003 92679 bus111ess yel' No l 1v1ne lrusl U/D/l d.tl~d 01vl\1on Otf1ce, by the 92646 on 04/18/03 Ne wman F 1n1 n c oa I Alpa S S1velhar1a M~hn• E.llet 1 6 Per la1me Benne It ~lober ?I 1982 •' dale .ind l1111e herein KCMO Enlerp11ses 20036t4142J Mnrt11111e Corporation lh1s statement was ~heron. Trabuco C41r1yon, This sl1tement was •mend~d dnd re5ldltd abuvt: sel forth, 108-44 (CA) 22072 Islander Daily Pilot Apr 24, Mey 1884 Plectntla Ave filed with the County CA 92619 hied w1lh lhe County whertm the dt~t'denl Liiia Avenue fountain lane Huntington Beach I. 8, 15, 2003 Th:J6.t Cosl1a Mesa. CA 92627 Clerk of Onn11e County llus busine'5 " (On Clerk ol Onn11e C11unty wn • Setllor, w1th1n lhe Valley Cahlornoa 92708 CA. 92646 Newman F1nanc1al on 04/t:,/03 ducted by an individual on 04/24/03 laler ol lour monlhs 7018 This business 1s con fktlt.s"'9ess Morte•ee Cor1101allon 20036941035 Hav" you sl•rled C1o1n1 20036942126 ellrr May l'J 2001 (lh~ HQUU TFO• ,.o. dueled by a corpor•hon M-S....... (CA). 3:,01 M•rcus Ave 0111ly Pilot M•y I!> 'l2 busmen y•P Yn. June Daily Ptlot Mlly 8 I~ dal~ ol the l11sl 11ublt POSA! COlUCTION Have you sl•rt•d domt -Newpor I Beach CA 29 June~. 200J rh•JA 1994 "/? 19, 2003 TH'°" ~•lion o l noltr~ In SYSTlMS S.,HON & busmen yet? No The followina per~ns 92663 MehsY I llerl ued1lo1\) u• 11 nol"~ rottCIMAJNA.SSlSS· KCMO Enterp11Hs Jre do1n1 buStne" ias fht!> busmtss 15 con fldlliM..... Thos '>latemtnl w•' Rdll.s...-.SS tS tnAtll'd 01 µcrsun .. lly MINT SPlctn<ATION Mtehele Buller P1H1dent I 101 lune r11mma-ers dueled by a corporatron "-*-"' filed wolh Ille C;ounly "-*-"' Clt>l1ve1eel lo you JO NO. CS-2003-t 361D fh1s statement wn 2339 W Mall Ave Heve you started dome lhe lollowine peisons l.lerk 01 Or•n1• l;ounty The lollow1nc 11erson' Mr J11esh Sh•h 8248 lllH>I C1een But'n.1 Park CA 90671 lh11 bus"'"' I\ con ducted by 11n 1nd1v1dual Hne you ~tar led dom11 busin~> tel' No lagush Sh~h lht\ \t1t~111~nl wn hied with th,. I 01mty Clrrk nf Oren~t t.uunty on O'>/OMJJ 200JHUIU 011ly Pilot M.ty 8. I!>. 22. 29. 2003 IH402 -FictiliM l.st.---S .... s ....... lh~ l11llow1ne I'~"""' .rr dn111p ltu\ln~'' ,;~ SI Abdnull~ Re•lly '>'JO Pauldlll)O Av~ IN 109. Cosl• M•··• I A 'li't.76 Ay111dn r \d3dall• 5~0 P•11la1111n Av• •NIO'l L•ald M1·,,1 CA 97626 lhl\ hu\tnf'\\ '' ron du• 1~11 hy .111 111(kvulu.il tt4•o you • t.J• t,_d dotnr, b11•.m.. yflt ~ Yt 01 JI OJ days •11er lh" diale lht\ A Pre Propos.al Meet· filed with lhe County An•hetm. CA 9lt!Q.t buliness yet' No •le dot"ll bu~neu u un 1).4/23/0l ,.. <10101 btmne<.s ~' nnllu " mailed o• 1n1 h•n been u heeluled Cler~ of Oranee County Rey Sh•rP 2339 W Newman f 1n•nc1el MARC( PAINTING. 821 7oo3•t4 He3 II AN lllll CONSTftU<" Aym.m f s .... 11 .. 11 .. Pl!•sonally Clellvetf!CI hl for May 2'/ 2003 •I on 04/18/03 Mall Ave An•helm, CA Mort&aee. Corp Jettrey West 16th Street New Oaoly Pilot Api 24 M.ty HON CO 2?0!>'/ ~"'"" lh" >1J1~"'"''' w•\ you A tl•1m 101111 m•y 9 00 am on lhf' Pur 20036941424 92804 0 Newman PreSJdent porl Buch. CA 92663 1 8· l'J. 200J lh31' l"ne Hunllnelon Bu<h lolf'd with lh• t .. unty bf' obtained from lhe ~hi\Stni! Conlerence Oa1ly Pilot Api 2' M•y Maa rraley 2063 Su lhts sl•lemenl WM Marcelo A Cet•Clonna fktltl....... CA92&'6 ll••I< "I ll•A"f' 'n1111ty court tle1k For yuur Room Orang" County I 8. I'> 2003 lh36S Cove l•no Costa MeH . tiled with lhe County 14!>61 Southfield Ot Calt W11yne Hill" on O'> I• OJ 11111le< lton you Ar t San1t <1l1on 01st11ct. fidlllelS"99 CA926?l Clerk ol Ounce County Westminster CA 92683 "-S...... 270'>7 Suun lane 20036944426 •ncnu111:ee1 In l1le youi t Ot!U c llis A~•nue Wayne Z1mmerm•n. on 04/18/03 Thts busmen is con lhe followme pet sons ltunhnrton Buch CA D•tly f'1l<•I M11y I'> /7 t1~11n hy 1rrl1f1ed mail f ountain Vallt'y, Cah "-*-"' 430 St Joseph SI Lona t0036t•l401 duded by •n ind•••du•I ar.1 dorna bus111eu u 97646 29 '""' 5 200J lh4711 with 't'tur n 1 rr eopt lnrn•• 91708 Ple;ne lhe tollow1n1 person, Buth, CA 90803 011ly Piiot Apr 24 May Have you ,tar led oo•nr C.filCACO Bll<l. •s~ W lhl\ b~\tneu " , nn -fiditi.sleirlai rcque.,l~d me<'I 1n th~ Purch•smg are dome bus1ne\, as Tht\ busmr~s ts con I, 8, 15. 2003 lh3!>8 bu$1nes, yel' Ho PCH IA. Newpotl Buch ducted by •n 1nd1•1dudl Co-Trvatoo• 01vl\1onlobbylo<.tledal Airport Seit Storage 190 due led by 1 roinl MaitceloA Car•dnnn• CA92663 ti•veyouslartedl1u11111 "-se......f JANA 0 tiACK[l I •nd 108•4 f ll1s Avenue. Newport Cenler Or ventuie fklltlm"'9ess This slitlem11nt wn Anlhony P P•tr'J. 45~ business yet? No lh• lollnw1111: prr\•ln' OON W 01 IPfiANI Co f ountain Valley, Cah #100, Newport Buch, llave you sl•rted doine "-SW.. filed with the Counh W PCti IA, Newl>Qfl Gayle Wayne 111110-Ate do1111t bu"""' .s lrvs lef'\ Uhph<1nl l1v11111 fornoa 91708 CA 92660 bustness yet1 No Clerk of Or 1n"e Counl Beach, CA 92663 I his slatem nt , R"'"""" 1;.1m11011r11t, I ru'I J Ro y•I SI All 'prospective Pro· 3800 Campus l l C Mu 0. Fraley The followtn& persons on 05/02/03 Y lhos buionen " ron hlud with lhee C:uu~;;Y C:11111v I/ti.I ~ ""'""' Geo•11f'. Newport 8f'ach posers are urged to (CA). 190 Ne wport This statemenl was !tt doin11 bCniness n 200S•t•3tl4 ducted b'f •n ind1v1du1I Clerk of O"'"'e County Ulvll '.1111~ I :.•nl• An~ CA92660 .ill~nd lh1s Prt-Propos11i Center Or •100 New hied with the Counly ord&ble oncrete & Daily Piiot May 8, I~. ti••t you started dorne on05/06/03 r .. 1111;1n • 91iiM . ~.~:~~ys1forK~;;,•'~~q ;1.;~e~~fy :~P~~·~u;.:1! ~~ po;~,~e:~~;,~~:71~0n ~~~/~~~'.i"n11e County ~~:?'cJ:s~a ~!salu~~ 22, 29. 2003 IH400 buT~,~~~s,l:,:.:C~es. 11 92 ~:.,u:.~~S~~Y B. I'>. M~;,a~11011:Y o'!7;:~·~ .. n~ GIBSON. OU NN & v"1llhti<>b "lr duded by l1m1ltd 200J6t41421 ffdllllls""-ss This statement wn 2? 29 2001 rti406 Ori M.tr C.tltl111111• CHUI ClllR llP 4 PMk Propnuls mu\t be Liab1l1ly Co 011ly Pilol Ai>• 24, May Oemelllo V Foti. ie-S...... !tied with the Counly · 9761'> Pla1<1 SI~ 1/00 ltv1ne , bm Ir ed o th f Hftv u t t d do I. 8, IS, 2003 Th369 212/!> 6r., W Apt r .303 Clerk of 011n11e County Ac:tllla-...U 1111, bu''"~" " 11111 CA 9i?614 l!'J':I/ u 1' d n OCeSOo<m b e yo s7 'v' t 12/'"lll Boun\11ul. U I BA-010 The fullow1n1 person\ on 04/2'.>/03 .._ ,......__. dut ta .. by tn inelt"t .. 1111 OAllO Aprol 74 700) ~~~~:~an~! w1lh ;~ M smenyet es. I Ac:tlllallllmu Penton• lollotut 118 ~~S~~"~o~~slnz;&•c 20036947307 Tll~~:;:::'r ,nn\ ll1;~y1111 \IA1led·d:;,.,, ~So ~~~~l~e U~f-11C1~lt· r,~~~:~~:'\~,~~i:a~~:~~. J.,3!~ ~·m~ursue~~~ llmts.....t ~~l~~.C~n926;~ Cn•la Coa-.1 Hwy Su1le I ~;•l~~ol May I ~h:i'ij ar~ dnon1 bU\tn~\~ "' bt~r·::;~v;:,~~: .. ld Olioh&nl I 1v1na I rust prnpn\dl hl.tnks dnd MembertManaeer The lollow1n1 penons Thll bustnH., " (On ~~~~" Del Mar CA :~11~~111 S~~aS :::7 11..-. \tAlr111~111 wn ~~ ::!e~~:~~~' ?~ :;r~~7At~~~r;:~~~n • .::: fl~~I'> Wl~~··~~een~ou~~~ :;e ::~~l~to~us~no~u~~ :~~II~!~~ a llenml Mu well l\ln /'JO = s: Co\la Mesa f A 926l/ g~?~ ~1•1~1111~, : ~~~:: teslalf•d adelrn\ IH-hone 0 14) Clerk of Or•n•e Counl• Consuthnr b) Pav1lhon ltave you \tarted dome C111f1lh Pl . la1un1 Th 1 11 PC Reliance Inc ffA> onO'> O'I 01 /SI OOH w OllPH""T .,. 04/IO/Ol • • Consull1n1 1601 (HI busineu yet1 No Buch C.o 926'JI • 0 owin1 per,uns 26J2 •B ~nt• An• Avt tooJ•9 ~4019 Co Tru\tu u l lhe 96:u~~~~h"d Nt wport ;~J6940S l 1 ::!chAcln;~/lfrwporl OtmehtoV foll This busmess " con :'v .. 11l~1n~tob~~111~s:,A~~ C~~~M:u~~;:,9~7:nn Oa1ly f'11:r M•y I'> II Ol1ph•nl lt'1tn( trust e~ .. , h I"''" Mt-s.o O•tly 0.01ly Pilot May I 8 15 W Tho\ stalemenl wa> dueled by an individual 'l/00 NP wport 81vel SI 19 lune'> /OOJ Th4 I 'J u O/T dal,.d <k lub~• ll p,1,,1 M.•y l'J l()()J IH4l3 2l. 2003 ThllS •"en H•rr 1n11ton hied w11h IM Cvunly Have you ~•••led do1n11 164 Newport Beach C• dueled by "corpot•IHln _ 1982 n ,.m•nel•d •nd ~llt'n lli()I Einl B•y Clerk of Ouni(' County bu\Jnr•\ yPI' Nn 92663 Hnt you \:arteel 11mnrt Rdiflllt .... u rotattd Rdll.J IBilfs.s .. vf'nue. Newport Ruch on 04/25/03 Muwelll\le\ bu\lne•s yet Ye\ ._ S....... Publtshed Nr wpor I fidi16'1slllilieli "'-•~ CA 92661 20936942~ Thi\ sl•l•ment wn D.tn S Hayes. 1100 OS10I 2003 !k-M.h Cu\h Mt·u Daily --lhts but1nen ts con O••ly Prlot M•Y I. 8 15 hied with Ille County Nl'wpoot Blvd St 164 PC Rth.tn~t> Int lth•n lh• fnlln••"nl IH'l\nn' Pilot M .. y I'> 21 2l "-se......I The totlowm1 persona dueled by an rnd1v1du1I 22 2003 1hl84 Cieri. of Oo n1e Cuu11ly Newpc>r t Bt.tch t.a Otrn11c1 Pru1denl •r• "'"''t bu·.1n•'s ,. 2003 lhW414 lhr lollow1n2 per,0n, are dome busmen n Ha•e you sl.ttltd dome on0!>/02'03 9~ lhl\ \lalement "'"" I .111 l\•nu ll'> rcon•n ., ~-dome bu•oness as Newm;an PrOCM'•l•es Inc bus1nets yt'I' Yn 4/1 fldlllm lllillss 2003694J llS This buJtntss I\ con hied w1ltr lhi! c .. unt<y do H 1lll•14 l ~ 91&6 I IOOOTOCDJOIS •I BHRS 2 YOU. b) 188' Placentre Co\ta 2003 ... S...... Daily P1tol May 8 l'J ducted by an mrl1v1d11•I Cler-nf 0<a11re r.ounly V•••• f 1 olp fl'J OfMISAU :u:ss 7 T3 i~~ Pl~' M~.;.~~~26~:operl1es f:.~re:~1::~enl was lh• follow1na pmo111 22 29· 2003 TH40I bu~~::,~oy~t':~!td doll\& ~~,'~4~3512 ~x;,·:"d" H•lhul 1 A (SIC.'104,610SU.C.t) <~nit~ Suol~ ?09 Cnsla Inc (CA), 3501 M.,<.us filed wolh lh• County are doin11 bu'llness U fidllllls..... 01nS Heyes Oll1ly Polol M•y 8 15 llw llu 1n~• "111n ftCJttWllt. ·~ M~-.. CA 9l6'l7 Ave Newporl Buth. CA Cltt~ of Otani" County 111£ lEAOlRSHIP FARM. --~ Thi$ statement '#H 22, 29 2003 TH408 rh11 l•CI hy 10 111d1•odt1dl Wesk y J Carl.tll, 5901 9?663 on04/25/03 783 PromonlMy Drove lhe lullowonr peo.on\ hied with lhe Cnunty Actlm"'9ess ""•"' 1"" ''"'"" dn•nr Nohcc I\ h~reby 11vcn Belfr•ve Untl C, Carden lh" bu"nen is ton 20036t42300 West. Newport Beach. "'-doing busineS\ •l Cle1k ol Oran11t County 111,_.,1,." yrl' y,., 1981 to tredilol\ nl 1~ w1th1n Grove, CA 92845 ducted by a corpoutton O•lly Pilot M•Y I, 11. 1:,, CA 92660 SUPl RIOR llMOUSIHC 011 05/02/03 ie-s..e..... Votl" f foh n•med l~lll'f lh11I ~ bul~ Mtthael M Funk, 1613 ltBve you \tarted dome 22, 2003 Tti387 Sbnlnrd Green. 183 SlRVIC(. 2'166 ounee 200U9431t2 The tollowme PP"""' lh1\ ,,,,t•mrnl WA\ Ult'" dboul to bf! mad" Ponder on. Cosl.t Mesa, busmes~ yet' No PromontOfy Drive West. Ave Costa Mn•. CA 011ly P1lul May 8. 15. <1re dome busmn\ 0 1o1 .. 11 with th,. 1 ounty of lhl' J~\el' df'\dlbf'd CA 92676 Newman Ptoperlie\ fkthl.I~ Newport Buc h. CA 92627 77, 29, 2003 rtl398 Aflerburners net 7(>' Cll'tl ••I 01.ng~ r .. unly below lndd 0 Cron,.. 68'/ S Inc Jeffrey 0 Newman ... se......f 92660 M1ch<1el C fe1n1ndet. fklllM..... Promonlnry Or W 0 11 0'> IMH TI1e n1rnn ,md bu" Uallrday An~h~im, CA PreS1dfrnt This busineu " con 2566 Ounll• Ave . Cost• Newpor I Bea'h r A 20036944 442 nr\' "dl!tf'"es ul lht< q2804 lhos statemenl w~\ lhe lollowln11 ptnon\ dueled by an 111d1v1Clu1I Mesa, Cahfornt19'l6?! "-S...... 97660 £1~1ly Polul M~y l'i n \ell&r .,,., NABIL ~ASRE . Tht\ buslncu is con tiled with th• County ere dO'"ll bu\lnlJ\\ al\ Have you started dom11 lhl\ bu\tntn ., con lllt IOllnw1111 per\ons s I 0 • r I s an h.,, 11 ?9 lo11c ~ lOOJ lh4JO I> V M 21632 Nl Wt ANO du< led by ~ renPral Clerk of Oranee County •) Cu1tis Graphics, b) bus1nu\ yet' Yes. d 1 art do1n1 bu\lntH H H I h 20J p 1 •,I llUN ll N G ION p•rln•r\h1p on04/18/03 Ro ber I T Curio s 04/29/1003 uc ed by •n mC11v1duel Monro • Slor-· 1!>17 Ou lwtn\N. rmon ory Rcliflewl~ Ill /\!'It Cl\ 916411 v ' Creph1c Ou1on 2389 St•nf0<d Green Ha~e you started doma v1 -.." r • ewpor I Beach .._ ,.____. '"" lnnlton '" C'alt ~t .. veyou statleddom& 20036t4T400 Ca1ltonPl,s1: A Cosra This statement wn bus1neuyeP No Monrovia Ave Ntowport CA92660 -- lor nt• o f lht c 111-1 bU\IOU\ yet' No ~·~.yt~'.l~'j'» 24 Th~;, Meu. CA '11:621 hied wrlh tl•e Counly Michael Fernwndu Benh CA 92661 lhts businu-. " c.on lht lnllnw1nr. pt11•1on\ raer ul1ve oft" i ot lhf' ~:.~ley,:.~ea~I:~ was u..-_..... Robert lryrve Curt". Clerk ol Oranee County I This slalemenl wn I 7~hHPJ: Kl~le:;· ll~,~a Clu~ttd by a~ t~Cl~v~~ual 41• oJ01n11 bu\1111"·' o .~""' I\ SAMI A'i ,.._ 2389 Cerllon Plac.e on~/13103 tied with the Counly ave you\ 11 e ""'"It G.11A1• lnrt•"'"~' Ill AROVI f1lt'd wtlh the County "-S....... Suilt A Co•I• Mt\a CA 20036944421 Cler It. of O<tnp County M~~~~ c:u~~?:s 11 ron busonen yet1 No lndu\ln~I W•y r "\ta A' 11'\ltd by lhf' -...lier ~~e~ ~/ilance County Th!! follow1ne perwns 92627 Delly P1lol M•y I~. 2'l. 2~~::,~34 ducleil by in ond1v1Clu11I ~~~:''s~.~:~h~~ w•l MGu c:9i'67/ lU •II olh~ buS1ne1' nerm•\ t0036942296 are do1no busmen ., Th!S business is con 29. "'"' '>. 2003 1"426 0 I p 2 Hive you slarhtd dolfl& I I Cl th th C I ••! .1hMt\ I I •nd addtnsn u\l'd by "' ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I a• Y ilol M•1 14. I. 1 • WI • oun Y ll>th rl •B Co"I" M<-'• lhe 'lllef withm lhrf'I' Oa1ly Pilot May 1 8 1:,, Ta~e Two Consull1n1 Have you started dome Rdllilalllillu 28 June 4, 2003 Wl62 0bu1~ess yet' Yes 04/ Clerk nl Oran1e Cnunly CA 'Jlf>l7 VH•s before the dal• 72 2003 TH376 1706 P•lom• Dr New bu&1ne'' yet? Vu 12 1 Ill-~~ n..L-L..L-. '"° on04t 18/03 fhl\ bu\111<'\\ " •nn lrr-~~~~~~~~~::~:--;:~~:;-t===~~~~~~==~"°'~~1:B~e~ac~h~ . .c~Ar92660~~:?-fJ200~~11ii'iTT""tinri:S-~~~:;?~ .... ~~~,.......;;~~~t--::-j~~~·~~ ........ ;;;;:__~f-r.JJo~se~c>h~K~h~n~1~er~~~~~200;;~'~•~9~•~1~4~2~1~~~~d:•E·~~·~~d hv ~"'""'••dual d;;t;~ ... ·~d 10-lhe buy;, flctllt.l..... : · • ~ ~ •.. ;. • 1 lfol>irl r Cums ., '-"---·· This st•temtnt wn Oa1ly Pilot Apf 2• ~Y llave you Ulfltd Cloina itlt NONI. Tha&ltfd 1706 Paloma Th" statement WH ere dome busmen as The followina perwns rnou wnn ,.... ""u"'J' 1.11. I!>.,..,.. 1 n.J1v bu~1neii.~ yifTHli The n1n1n llnd bus• ... se....I 0<. Newport Buch CA ftled with the County TRACY O'. 1731 P•lca1rn . ..re do1n1 business as ;~~/j~~•nre County ~"'9ess Cffy K•l•er" I I • I! nt-n addreuu ol llw lht followm1 persons 92660 Clefk ot Oranee County Co,t• Meu . CA 92626 Society. 6000 W PCH 2001694 ,402 Thi\ \lalen•l!nl •n buyer llffl KARLA S MP do•ne bu'<tneu u Jodt J1cob1 flemm1. on 04/l!>/03 Clen O'Connor. 1731 Newpor l Buch CA D•r"' P·•-t •~ 2• ..... v ... S...... hied w1lh the Counly NICHOLS. O V M 2630 lhe r tench Compeny, 1196 Irvine Ave . Hew 200S•t42320 P1lcalrn. Cosl• Mf!\a 92663 •1 "" ..,... • .... , The lollow1n11 perw n\ Cl"r~ of OrA"C' !'ounty •vow ST p 170 Newporl Center porlBuch.CA92660 o 1 Plot .. _ I 8 , .. CA 92626 Ambt-r Dob!lon 2220 1•8• 1:,·2003 Th357 ere do1n1 bu"nus H one>!> ll/OJ " " • NEW ORT Th11 business 1• •on •1 Y 1 .... y • • "· lh1• bu·1~.,. 1• con " d JO too••t44~.,. 6f Artl CA 9?663 O..tvo Suol• 240 Newport • ~ 22 2003 Th378 • • ·~ • • Clttl Orin. Newport e_. ,--a "en C Appliance. 11 .. ,,....., lhe ui.ets to bt \nld 8tarh CA92660 ducted by. • eeneral • · ducted by an 1nd1v1duel 8uch.CA9?663 _,__._ [ Vine Avenue. •A. Oa1ly Pilot M1y t~, U lhe l et"hlon French parlner!lhtp n..-........... Have you start•d do1n11 Th., business is con =....,. lllL...... 1 Ofen1e. CA 91869 29 June S. 2003 Th429 •r•rle~rtb~d tne~neral • H1veyousl11ted do1na ,_ bus1ne•s•et'.No ""'"f',_ •&dr Kho 3011 .I All flxTUR(• Company (Gen Partner) • ... S....... • , ducted bv, an 1nd1vldu1I .. ....,. "" · tw Vrtch. ... busmeuyel?No ClenO'Connor ' E Vi • C"-"'••••fl\&"'""-"'6·9 •1 CQUIPMENl STOC" IN (C.A) 1?0 Newport H1veyou !lltrltddoin1 ne ,,venue, •A, ·-.--:1•~•·1·"• lRAOL BUSINC SS Center Or 1240 .. New 1EhubelhM Th11erC1 1h• follow1n1 peisoni Thl<s statement was bu\ineuyet?No (MttM2~5671 Of~nee.CA92869 Pvtofeww.,tlt NAM(. l lAS(HOt 0 IN 11or t Bilich. CA 92660 h~ statement wu are dolna business u ltled wllh th• County Amber Oobaon Thi~ business is con te wer\ f• •-· rtR(ST ANO IMPROVf RocPac Investments ltled with the County Trudell Auto Cl1n & Clerk of 0,.nee County lhts t titiment was dycltd bv 10 mdbldu1I MtNTS AND CllfNT llST (Cen Partner)(CA).120 Clerk of Onnae Counly Othll Inc .. 17281 onl).4/18/03 hied with the County and art tooted 11 2630 N~wpor I Center Or ~ogs,160994/~~20 Nichols SI . liunlin1!1011 20036941•21 Clerk nf Oran&• County AVON S1 Nt WPORl #?40. Newport Be&el\. ._ Beach. CA 92647 01ily Pilot Apr 24. May on 04/2!>/03 SEACll CA •92663 CA92660 Oa1ly Pilot May 15. 22. lrudell Auto Class & 1.8.15,2003 Th368 200JHUJll The · bullnus nemo This business is con 29. June 5, 2003 Th420 Oetatl. Int • (CA). 17281 ,.._ ~ Oa1ly P~lol May I. 8. 15. '"'d by th" '>fifer 11 du,ted by • 1ene11I ,......... Nichols SI . Huntlneton 2?, 2003 IH377 th•I loc1tlon '" AVON pArl11.,rsh1p ... ~ Be1ch .CA92647 ... S...... ............ H CW PO R 1 AH IM AL 1t1n you stllfted dolnt ,........ This bu•lness 11 con Tht follow1n1 penon' HOSPITAL bu,tneu yeP Vt\, Th~ lollow1111 persons ducted by • c:orpor•tion art dolna busnlh\ ,, ie-se....t The intk.ipal'd date ol March 1gsg. ere dotnl business u · H•v• you started dolnl e) rtowen by Alu" b) Tiit lollOwill& pet'SOllJ ere dol11& business u NATIVE SUN WOOO WORKS. 284 Monte Viste •B. CHlt Mn.t. CA 92'27 1111 bulk sale " Jun.. 1 RC)(.Ptc lnveslmenh Karur Road Anoc11tH. bUSlnt!ls yet1 Yet. Alu ls f'lotalt , 167S 2003 •l tht olfrce of (Gen Partner) By Inc . 13 Corporate Plata I I 03 Irvine Ave Ste "·Coste GROVllllSCROWCDRP , Pett• l French. Prest Ste 200, Newport Trudell Auto Cius t. Mtsa,CA9267/ 111 $ It lll'fOIS ST • dtnl Beach, CA 92"0 DtteW Inc Merk Trudtll, Al•J is A Snowb•ll, ANN* IM. CA 9180';, "'" stelernent wn 11.arscr Road, A»OCI Pr~nt 1810 C 16th St . New This llul" HI• " ftltd With the County tits, Inc .• (Ctltfornll). Tltts sl.tttmtllt WH pott 8Mcll. CA92663 111llJ1d to Callforntt Cltfk ol Or11111 Count) 13 Corporate ~ $14 ftlef wltll the Covnty Thi\ b11MntH Is con Unllorm Commerc i•I on ~/13/0J 200. Ntwpo<t ltedl. CA C..k of Dn1n11 County duettcl by '" lndlVidu•I Code Stctton 6106 7 100Mf4Uts 92660 on 05,/09/03 14•" you stvted c101ft1 "$0 $Ub~t tilt ... ,,,. Otltr Pilot. --ay IS 22 Tiit• buslneM II COii· 100Mt~IO b141DeU t1 No end eddress ol the 19. June S. 2DOJ TMiS dllcttd by • <OtPOf•llon O~ Piiot May 15, 22. Alt11t l 1 snowhll per 1011 •1111 wttom Hawe YCI¥ s&atttd cloinc 29. June~. 2003 TM13 Thi• tlaltment w" d11tm' rney. ti. ltltd 11 ~..... ~sinus yell Yes, 4111 .......... filed with the County tiWttOff CHAM8£1tS, C/O Kllur !toed Auocl Cltitk of Oranp County CftOVC1' CSCftOW CORP.. .......... l tH. lot . Oevtd T, ......... on()M)9/0l 111 s lt.llfrolS ST • lht fonow1111 P•Uolll Robinson, "" TIM f!Hlowln& ptflMlflS IOOJ6f4441e6 ANAllUM, CA ~. ¥• fOtDI bu"'1t 1 •a: Thh al.tttmenl wu '" dotnt bll'IM$1 a Ot111 Piiot M•1 IS. 22. [\C Nll90~ 194 th4 a> foppln& (vents, 111c:., flied with lllt Cot.tot" r 1tlldtt Concept., MO 29, kln4 S, 2003 TM ll lql dlt1 loi tllinJ <litllm It) tone hAA Cycle ' Newport C.ntw Otrwe, ...-__..._ shell 1>11 Ju11e • 7001 SflOw. 19!11> Mandolpll ~~~n~•nt• County Suite 30~~ewport - wflldl 11 tllt buJ•nut Ave . Cott• Me'•· CA 2'0J6'4IA26 lt1ttc:11.~t~ ........ cl.ty befOH tht It (111• 1212' D 1~ plot .. _ 2~ .. Meile Movtlfttnt, Inc., 1'tt followlt1~-eon• .-rfjtdtlbovt T.....,.1-•-11t•, 1-a y 1 ...,,.. '"• "'8J (CA) "•O N t ,..T. --r:· ....... ... • or • .... 1 8 )& """3 T"""' • ~v •wpot .... ......... .... .. as• Oal•d AP~R I•. ?003 (CA), 850 h11dof9h • ' "1 cvv """" t.flt.r Dun, ~ JOO, 1V '7W':.1~ 413 San IS/ t!Mtt.A ! NICHOl S Ave.. 00.f• Mtu CA ........... Newport Buell CA L Ir ,.._ ,. • ......,,,., o v M 926'6 .... .._. , meo ' -::,;..,:;· .... ;-;111 Pllllfl•llld Ne wport Th•• bu11M,. .. COii• ... _ ....... -.,111 ·-·~· fMI bu-. .. COft ~" .. ,r':'!,. L-A ...... C~ ..._ Olfll; dlKted II; 1 c:orpofetlon .,~~ ~~ ~~ ductM by,• «tl'Ofellotl trvtM, CA 929'; .~ .. '*" llw I~, 200) I/ HIMI ,.... lat19f ~ ... -~ Ir Helle ~ ttwW ..... Tllfoa ~ ii COii aa,,~ r.-u tMrMMu ,.,,No •> AMte ·"'· ..... 11> tMnlneta ,.cl v ... 011 IMtM ...................... .. r ' lro .. r ,..,,u .. •u. 01/2000 ., ............ ..... .__,. .._!!f'tnt ',',',.'lt!:~r<t ., ?oot1 S••n•H l.n . ..~ .. _ t .__ tfew you ltlfttcl ...._ -Ill .. _.Ott.. -· H ,_ D---11 c.. _ ......... .-n ........ ~,,..,No ,...1 II;,. Th a 'l•le"""t Wd ..... on ....._ '" ftolltfl flltllt, P'r"'41eftl Tr"lte ,oftock emf•-ftlMI _.Ill tM Co1tt1lj "•tllr L. larl!U, nMs lhl.-t WM 1Mt at•~ wn .' • ..._...._ ' ~~~l~"llO c-•y 20CllZ Swen.ea ln , ,.... Wltfl .._ c....tr Hied .,.. ti. tetHttJ -r--"!r _.,..,4'1' _ ~-•-· C6-il of Or~ eo....1, C*'ll Of 0r ..... Co11111r ....... , MnM41Ht .-~·°" ,._fl, CA onCM/1"3 8'11Mm,.1Jl . _ .... C... ~ Mir l I. I~ ...._ ......... 11 ""' MJ6MtM1 .. HHI .. ~-n T.._ MIN W:•......,. t:'ar."~ 1\:J ~..,'·!..~• -""' ....... ,. ·-·! -' • J I Devld Alltn Ct*"Y• nt Monte Vnta 18, Costa Mna,CA'n617 Thlt bvWMISI l1l con· ducted by· '" llldlv;ckiel Heve you started tlolna 11ut.1neu ~u Y•, H-03 David Nitti C•M1 Thie 1t1i.-nt was fllH wlUI the C.l'tlt Chfll ol Orl'fll• Co11nty on05/0SI03 J0016tUS17 Oa111 'ttot M11 ti, I S1 22. 29,2rol l liAlll ............ ........ The followlet. !Mf"IOllt .,. dOlftt tllltlMn .... l 1mon1d1 1111111111, 1001 w 11"' s" .. '· lllP, Coat. Mltu, CA '2121 "ob•r I l.tfl41fHft. 1001 W, 11ttt SlrMt ••'. Cb\UMna CAWl'7 TIMa IHltllllns It c ... ductffWM....,.11 Have ,... ...... .,.. IHltillft.arefJ YM .,.,J'Ol . ~,......,_ ' fMt .... ~ ... ......... c...-'*" " ·-r..w+ STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • Pilot ......... ... ...... Tiie toltowlnc penons .,. dOlf\t bu,_.t es: Roial ~tlonl, 1S2t N11Jd1111c11, Newport 8tKh, CA 92teO titl•n Muna. 132f N11ldtncl1, ,.ewp ort 8HCll,CA~ lltlt bvsint-' II COft duct.d by· an lndMdwl H•vt you •laf ttd doirll ~lneu yet? Ves, 4/21/ OJ Htltn H11n1 This t ltltmtlll wu llled with the Countr C~t. ot Or1n1• County on04/~/03 200J•9'22tf 01111. Pilot Me~ I. I . 15, 22. 2003 Thllll flctllll ..... ... s...... The lullowlna perJOn• are doln1 buslnen ts. ANTHONY'S PAINTING t. !)(SIGN. 21M8-H Greet l n . Cost• Mtu, C•. 92626 Tht> busineis Is co~i duct.ct by •n 1ndlvkl1AN U•vt you st.er led dolna buuntss ytt1 No Anthony l Im• fh1s statement wts hied with lht Countr Cltrll ol Oren&• Countr on05/02/03 200SHUIM Deily Pilot Mer 8, I!>. ?2.?9.2003 THA03 NOTICE Of TAUi- TEE'S SALE T .S. Ho. QM.-.r7.C LA*! No. 003mJ1't YOU ME IN OEFAUl. T UNDER A DEEO OF TAUST DATED !i1WS. UN- LESS YOU TAKE AC- TION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP£RTY rT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. fF YOU NEED AH EXPUHA-TIOH Of THE NATURE Of THE PROCEEDIHO AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOUlO CONTACf A LAWYER. A pubtlc euc1lon ... '° .. ~~tot cuh. caeNef'• cMctl dl'llWTI on • "*,. netioNtl .... dWctc dreM\ by I atlilll "' ..... c'9dlt ""°"' "' • checll ~ bJ • '""' or tedw8I Mvlng8 end to.I woc:l8Ckll1, or tn1r9~. or uvt1191 1** ..-d- nad In sectton 5162 of the Anend8I Codi Md lMlthoftmd '° do ~ ,. .. In Ihle ...... be held by the cMy ::t::r t."':.:: wlltloul ~ or wlfT8l'!Cy, e....-ct or lrnpll9d, reo-clng ltlte, ~Oftncum­brencM, IO 8ldlfy tl9 obllgmlon 8'CUl'td by ~ OMc1 of Trust The Ulldll''ligt'9d T.,,... dltld8lmtl any ....,..., fOf any lncan'8ClneM of .,. PfOP8l1Y ...... Of ott.r common .._ lgtletion, II llfY, thoWl'I hlf'tln. TAUS-TOA·DONALO A. JO. HAHSSOH AHO OU. DYS L J0HAHSS0N HUS8AND AHO W1F£ AS COMMUNfTY PROPERTY ""°'did snwJ -...,,,,.. No. l'34J5ot 117 In .. • peoe al OMdlll ... con» In Iha olloa °' the Aecordw= ~. DIN o1 S.: .. 2:00 PM Pt1c1 d ,_. AT THE NORnt FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURT· HOUSE, 700 C1V9C CENnA DRIVE W£ST, SANTA AHA. CALJ. FOANIAomM-cir.-la ID • be: J2 VISTA NEWPORT HACH CA 9'2llO APN t : -.0: 017 The tot.i _,. MandllyM6d~ ·~-°' ....... ol lnl1lll p!lblc8'ton °' lhl• nodcl .. $$31), llG.$4, wNdl lnctudN the IDtllt amount of .... ~ ::=.JI~ "*'-l) ... .....an- ... ~ coMll. •xptNM, Ind -¥encM ...... °' lnltW ~ ol tH8 no&.. o.a: ..., 01, 200) EXECUT1Yt TAUSTE.E 9EIMCU, IHC. 154S5 SAN F£R.. NAHOO MtSSION Bl VO lt.#TE l20I .....,.. HILLS, CA ttM6 11~ .,.-Oli9 Or-. TRUSTE.E MU ~ CEA AMftM111. __ OM>1, OMll, Olfl 5 SELL your stuff tfyough cla ssified! J~ " . ( J •. I I " • I • 1: I t • t I· 11 ' • y 1 i, 8 .. l: • " .. I· ii • " J 1 .. 3 ., .. • > r r ' ' a , ' • , ' , ( , , • • , • I , • , • • , • • , ' i ' I ' i • • ) ,. ' ' t • ' • ~ • :f ~ .. &. • • ! .. ) ~ ... I ... • _, .. ~ .... ~~---l.1111 .... ........ ........ Tiit foMowlnt 1*10111 .,, dolfll business u . NtMORCOM. le Rtm lnston, lfyifM, CA 92620 htrlck C11 I Md:ul loch. 16 Remln1ton, lnlne, CA 92&20 Thlt blnlnfts ts con ducted by· an IM1vl6ual "-"' you sblr led doillc bus!ncu yet? No P1trlcll C. McCulloch Tiiis 1t1tem1nt was filed wltll llM County C..,11 of Or1n1e County on05/08/03 200Ht4HIS 01lly l'llol Mey 8, 15, 22. 29, 2003 Ttt409 Ac-.. ..... ... -.... The followin1 penona 11• dolna buslnen es. C1nd1ll1 Siles, 117 C Str11t. Newport BHch, CA92fi61 Metthlw Fbhm111. 117 C Strut, Newport BHch, CA 92.661 I hll IHillfltat ' COfl· dueled by 111 lllclr'IMhlal "'" )'OU •tMlld doilll business yet? No Matthew ri.nm1n This it1tement wu hied with the County Cllfll of Orin,. County on05/13/03 200J6t444Jt DaUy Pilot Mey 15, 22, 29, June 5, 2003 Th432 The followlna penons 1r1 clo1n1 bustneu as· PlasUcs lnvnlou, 400 C1rlotta, Newport BHch, CA 92660 Cerlyle Levinson, 400 C1rlolh, Ne wpo rt Beach, CA 92660 This business ls con· ducted by· an 1nd1vldual H•v• you started doln1 Policy Rates and deadlinei. are subject to change without notice. Tile publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement Please repon any error that may be m your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an adveniscment for which It may ~ responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. CredJt can only be allowed for the first inscnion. AJINOUIKIMENTS & MJSC. GARAGE SAll IUSINESS & FINANCIAi. 230S-24to '°'SS • ltlCO.OS nc m. 0..:. Ek fOs & Sh a Mic. 5-*t u. ~ 1111111.e 949 645 7!>0!> All rHI utile adver tis1<11 in this newsp1per is subjecl lo the r ederal f '" HouSina Act ol 1968 es 1m1"ded which makes 1t 1lle111 to advertise •any prefer ence. llm1tet ion or dlscrlmm•tlon bned 11n race. color, rek1to0. sea. hendleep femllial st•tus 0t n1tto0al uu11n. Of en 1<1tenhon lo m1lle any iuch preference, ~m•la tion 0t d1scnmin•lt0n • This MWSPle>er Wiii not •now1n11y eccepl 1ny 1dvert1Ument for rul eslete whtell " 111 viol1Uon ol the law OUf rea4ers '" hereby 1nf0t1Md lh1t 111 dwell "'IS aO.... trwd 1n th1' 1MWS4>1per are IVttlable on an equal GP9(lftun1fy buas... To compl11n ol 4~ crwninahon. cell HUD toll ""at 1 800 •24 1590. .... 1413 Oldtf Styte Fumlbn rcAHOS&~ . ........_.,...._.,,. • Ii..--• .-.-,. ()Mm~ .. CMMMID .. _..,.. __ _ WIMJYISTATD . ..........-...~ ..... .. ,,,,_...,.. "COUJGI Pilll AalA" Walk to 0-2!>+ C.9 s.n. Sit 17th ..... 2l>iTi North ol r .. Or bet_, Hirbor &F..,._ Don't mm the IMrpns COM SAT l :JO.? (~) ... ...,San MM> Wey t.W M!t. <*'euers. d11911, beddq. bedl. ~ h'JPj*1, • coaONA HIGHLANDS Ne1chbofhood sai. CdM Sat .. Sam lpm, @ POV S--d 1:1 ~ c.n,on Y•4 Sele Dover Shofes $11 , 1·1. Loh of lfHI stuttl 1318 Cambfode& lane, Hewpert BeKh Ult 1515 rem ... COSTHISA UIU• llcmlMMSl-M FllMCIAlJ PROFmlOlfN.. sewm .. Llpl .... buslneu y•tl Yn. ' I OJ Cltlyle l•vlnMn This st1ttmtnt wu flied Wllll tftl County Clerll of 0t9"CI County Ofl 0../18/03 20036'41425 Dilly PAol ~. 2•. May 1.1. 15,2003 Thl66 ........... ... -.... Thi followln1 p1no11s .,, doi11& business u · St. Ab1nobl f ln•nciel, 550 Paul.,lno An. I N109, Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 V1clly Meh1ny, 550 Paula!lno Ave IN109, Costa Mui, CA 92626 This buslneu Is con- ducted by: 1n lnd1vldual H<1ve you atarled doina business yell Yu, 01/21/03 VIClly Meh1ny This st1tement was filtd with the County C'4Hll of Or1n1• County on05/13/03 200Ht444t1 Dally Piiot May 15, 'b, 29. June 5, 2003 TM27 Hot!« IS twlby 11ven lhat thl undloltnecl w1U bl aoW •t public Auction on thy 30. 2003 St1rv1n1 SchOlll"• Mini St0t•CI· 1957 Newport Blvd , Cost• Mna. Ca 92627, (949) 631 3379 t.c>/14'004 laurel lun dquist. Household llems L1ndlord reserves the rlcfll to bid 11 ule Caih only. Sal• I• 1ub1ect to c•ncell•tlon 1n the event of settlement belween landlord and obh&•ted party Starv1n11 Scholar's Mint Sto111e Published Newport Beach·Costa MeH Daily Piiot May I!>, 22. 2003 Th~ Th• follow1n1 penons .,, dofn1 bu11ness H 2 EXPORT l TD. 8505 E H1ll$d•le Dr Oun&<' CA 92869 John 8 lynch 8505 ( Hiiisdaie Dr Or an1e Calif 9?1169 lhls businn~ 1s con ducted by an 111d1v1du<1I Have you star led dOlnl business yet? Yet 1/3/ OJ John B lynch Th•~ statement was hied w1lh the County Clerk ul Dr•nar County un 0../18/03 200J H41'99 Daily Pilot Apr 24, May I. 8. I!>. 7003 lhJ60 RdltlM....., ... s....... Bitler. Cosu Mew. CA 92626 QCL Inc (CA). 10221 Arundel Ave , Westm1n st er. CA 92683 Thti bus1nns " 1.on ducle4 by • corporetion Hi1V• you SIMled do•nc bu~meu r•l7 Yes 4 22 OJ QCl Int Quyet V •n le. President Thts slllement was hied wtlh lht' Countt Cieri. ol Or•nae Countr on 04/7!1/0J 20036HUOJ l>a11y Pilot May I 8, I!>, n 2003 th38!> RctitlMt.si!IHs ... s...... Tilt lollowlna persons are dolna business as M5 ENTERPRISES. 25045 la Man11usta. L•auna Niguel, Cahlorn11 9267 / Marlo Nab•. 25045 l 1 Manausta, l•1una How to Place A Nl&ull. c.t.tCHnl• mn fhl) bu~at Is COii ducted by en 1ncl1w1du•I H.we you t.lMted dotnl bus•~• yet? Yn ~/11/03 Mat10 Nab• I hi\ \l•ten1enl w•s hied wtlh lhe County Clerk ol Or•n&t County on <>!>/lJ/03 2003'9'44H Oa1ly Pilot May I!> 'l'l 29 June 5, 2003 TM33 Ac-. ..... llmlS...... Tho lollowmc persons ate do111g business 11 O'\ Orilpery Service. 4745 I l a P •Im• Ave A111h111n, CA 91801 llarold H Si1ldt1n1, 424S E la Palm• Ave , An•h~11r1, CA 92807 Th" busmen IS 1.on ducted by an 1nd1v1dual ltave you st•rled dom& business yet? Yu Mey Tiusday. ~ 15, 2003 • '!""""'-------l.1111.... -Llpl..... .. 29th. 1980 Harold H S&ldlttnt Th11 slltement wn flltd with the County Cletll ul 0.1n1e County on0../18/03 200369'1'97 Oally Ptlol A9f 74 May I 8. 15,2003 Thl62 .......... ... s..... I he lollow1n1 persons •re ooin1 bu~ness as The Wheel Gran Ma11 12n tondende<ry St Cusl• Meu. CA 92626 D•v1d Allen Eckul 1222 londondelly SI Cost• ..... CA 92626 This busineu 1s con ducted by on 111d1v1du•I Hawe you started doma bu11nen yet? Yu, c 1/1/88 0<1v1d A Ecker I This statement was flled with the County Clerk of Oranie County fkMlll ... ... s....... The lolioWHll l)el\01" ••• doon& bu..neu u Newport Mna MMhal Arh 418 fest 17th St suite 8 101 Costa Mev CA 92627 C•llo' Lui 1760 Pomon• Ave •I/ Cos•• Mcu CA92671 lh11 bus1ne's " 1.011 ducted by •n 1nd1v1dui1I H•ve rou sl•r led C1u111a busmen yet? No t.•rlos Leal This slalemttnt wo hied w1u. the Counly Clerk of Or•nce County Ofl 04/18/03 200Ht4140J Dally Pilot Apr l' May I, 8, 15. 2003 lhl!i6 ,...... ..... ... ...... 1 hi follow•flt I*'°"' .,. dotfll bu~nns ., The Curit\ CGmpeny. 23'9 C#tton Pl Ste A' Cwt1 Meu, CA 92627 Row t I• YI"• Ciwt• 7 J89 Cerllon Piece Suite A ~la Mer.1 CA 91627 T11" bu""'" is con du<.led b~ •n tnd1vtdual Have you •IMted dotnc bustMU yt11 Yes D<K 1999 Robert I Curhs Thi• sletemt'nl wu llltod with I~ County Cl<ttk ol 011n1e County on 04125/03 200>6942319 Daily Pilot May I 8, I b, 22 2003 l h379 .-----Deadline CLASSIFIE iAD -Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................. Monday S·fX)pm By Fax Wedne~day .............. Tue,day 5:00pm By Phont• By Mail/In Pe rson: Thur~day ............ Wedne,da:r 5·00pm (949) 631 6594 lf>k•"' uw.l,;dco WUr f\.,Utl(" •lld p/l<'<l<" 11u1nbc-r and W< II ull ~uu b.11.~ "''lh • l'flH ljlM~< I (<Wll M2-'ifl7X I lours \ lO Wc\t Bay Street Cci-tu Mc\a, CA 92627 Al Ncwpon Blvd & Bay St Friday .................... Thur,day 5'()0pm Saturd::t) ................. Fnday H)()pm Telephone M 10-.m1 'i OOpm Monday f·nda} Walk In I< ~Oam·'i OOpm Monday l-m1.1y Sunda) .............. : ........ Fnda) 5-C>Opm lllAND NEW I'••· ,.., o---si. ..... ..,, P.U $1,JOO. Mwt Sell $700. 9•t-67J-1002 JEWB..RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C-.tCel"N...._ Old Cotns1 Gold silnr. ~y. watches. anliqun collecttbles 949 642 9448 3610 100+-moKJD mnNS, C'.ATS. DOGS phaa on lie -···•11twa11.ori ~ f a!ilwon l!lllrld :Kl Dl\Y ft:Al. 01 GlJARNffiI ~'1'.Il9 NII SPAY for momm1 a4/ ..... ..._.~II ••••••••• T'-Y ...... '-'. n.., M..41 Y-a• ....... .,,.... ..... c.-. cw, ssso. Mt-21a.sau ••••••••• ~~·all 'olon. all sizes for •doplton to quahlied homeS www.prncue ora or 7lt-nJ.591S s-snn ewotltGS 28•30 WH $11,90(), Hll $3,890 36a48 WIS SJ•.900. sell SS,950 48a 100 WH $26,900, s.KSl2.900 Cell Howl Tom I00-392·7806 l~••4•UI Conaumtr Culdt "BEST BUY" H11lth Clula Qu•htJ, L1r.i-W1n111ty. New 111 Boa. Co11111•tr 1t 121500 Sell f AST °'1tY $995 m-ts0 3100 C I le ...... e,.. w•1 M.tc.111111. 8i1, St•--•• ,_..., used !)lOO Mt 7IO 6717 I , r•, , '.:.. Fl $'[ Index I•~ 1iliL soos-saso WI MADI $13',237 fast month eo'f'"C-Vaut IJORlllC. workq only ...._ we "''"led w~ tan p()Sllrvely tuch you to do the ~ Recewon proof lnten·stecf? llJ0.86 I -0!> I 9 (CAL•SCAH) •CM/.,.,••· 1la16\I 1500 blocl. ol Nl'WPOfl Blvd $?00rno 949 ?99 1777 Clun, •nd Awe \Onie lo< N•-.....t •••ch rru rent lo• seuttiir111 \Vt bus•neS\ Will eathan11I' payinr rent lo ._,... ~" dulMS r.tut office. 'lt'V> to w.ater 9•9 7'l3 848!> IAYJIONT UICUTIVI ofl1ce suite 7 office\. reception & ,,Of a11 l oc 1n COM 949 718 %00 HOMESFOA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY eA C •IA•C..-.........__.troll to 811 Corona 11'<1 lookoul point 4& 4 58a cvstom home Cl llw200J OHwJ • SUS0,000 COASTUNI a.ALTY Ht-759-0177 JASMMI Cltllll ~'"I story 2br 2b1 din Roeen C1t den« landsc1ped Handic:ape11d rudy Very low malnt Assoc W/tlfl-, pool C11l l0t eppt By O.ner 949-640-8717 233 POIHSfTTIA Sp&elous 4BA 3 58A by Noted erchllect Brion Jeannette. $1,795.000 Anpt1Kr•us Ocun Pecific Properlte1 M9-64t·70&I • •COM ... SOCHI• • C.....C.-411-c I ~llMTY tff-7St-0177 IULESTAn ..u •A S.....,.. Newpert Kelthh r~e 4bt l'>lh Br tt•me rourn uHK.e Oown~lde•> S ~a locatl'd oo • uuiet corr~ lnl Cu •l u n1 le•l'l•r~s lhtw&t>uul Sl.599001 COASTUN( RIAL TY 949-7S9-4177 OPIN SAT I -S 220 Tustin Ave., Newpor I He1&hh hon1P Cbr J Sb• w• •11 •round view• ul NP Ha•bOI U<.n & C•lahna \un .. el' S l 8'Y.> 000 Ael Sylv•a 949 230 1111 IHCBOtSSC@AOl COM 0...,. s-I .s. Stvn· 111111 VI.. In Newpert Hel ... h Newer BUiit Ilt 2.5ba. eoormet k1l ooi. hbrar y well. Fp, FR bubbllre tuuni-'" c.rtyfd hrdwd fits. 2t. p•ka $!Jfi9 IJX) 'tel 949 97'1-9tSi, ~75-222'!> r .. n key A DQl&Tt • Sh ~ lbvq ~ pjar\ h11h ce1hn1s curv1n11 SU.cast' oot5ldle f P. • ~ Ud1lf\ cimom c:atino;y & mara.Sl.79'.UXl> ~&....,,_.~ Rally 9$M-Ol 7 / IONn A CANYON MIN SAT-SUN 1-S IOWt.tlwep 48R J !)8A home Incl seperale ott1ce/1uesl w ile a.,..ow-a.. duced to SI IJS.000 949 6'A 8288 ..., ,........., ~· home on " ~'lolled lot With !iC9lllt -48t. office 381, 3t p. FR lt ...-1111 •ound ,.-d Marl*! arwwte. COAi"" ~ flat ween i*stnl TV eat Simi t4t-4SO-a10 21 ST TIIOPEZ OPEN SUN 1-S 3br lba. 3 ft pie's, 3 car 111•1• .• Sl.200.ooo Oc11nP1c1hc; Properties . ..,, ...... ..... 40-0179 $,_,... ........ , IPPfO& 3,S77 lf tbf ~ den, 4bl, decof•lor pwfec:t 24 hr CUM1f 11ted comm SMah Coldschmildt 8'r 949-.254-3700 8anlt Foreclosures. Free list of forcdotun: propm:ies. Receive a frtt, compumiud printout. rm 7402-7466 t ~ aoos-as10 ~ 9000-9750 W-*-~ l8r ?ti.a w 1cM!fy IU• v- ...-ftuorlJUn lob al windows \fl<KIOU\ k1I '"'!Os W 1:1 S IS)(XXl 'ob<I MiW y Wood act 949-'l84- ':tR I I 111 <Jll6 PRIM( ISTATIS PATRICK TINOU NATIONW10l USK H94S6-'70S www pi1l11ckten0<e com .._...., ......... Oc-. C.t..wia -4& 2.7'5& over ~I Nol listed WI "'-S Under S9IX> <XX> ~ Ouu& Cliilrk 949 636 I~ llaoyridge .... c. 2!lr :is. d5 lu bch OIMty I wood elOO. dtt ear n/~ $2500. mo 9'f.Hil'S 948) Dl-e Coltr-• •• Cafl FM ll•t"'r •• Prvde11tlel CeUf .. olty 9'9-IJ6-J730 Newport Coast OPIN SUN 1 ·S Stunnma •ward wtn"'"K Bt0okl1eld home built 1n 7000 3br • oflK.e Appro • l/OOsl $1.719,000 PlA TINUM PaMHTllS ~telanlf' MeUfer 949 715 31!>6 Oll'tN SUM I -S llah1n style 5br !>ba IPPfOi 18.000 lo 19 000.1 $3,0 S,000 PLATINUM l'aOPHTllS -sntlllMI~ 949 1~!>-Jl!>6 ......... ,..._~ aalom eslllte Wiit! Qn)'Orl & ~-Oftwed Ill S6 500 000 C1ntt1 .. '=='¥ .. 9~7st-Ol77 Siii.ian~ T ropieal Par•drse 1n a Country Club Hlltnl Marbella this home wes featured In 2007 St Mar1arets hom@ lour and lat pl.ce winner in the 2001· landsc1pe beautification awerd awerd br Callforn1a l •ndsupe Contr act0<1 Anoe ol 0. •net County S2.89S.OOO C11rol Mclau1h1n RE MAX ltHI Estalt Sefvic:IS 949 212-0570 Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Rental To Shale 6030 IMne NI' c .. ~t/0<-Vl~W furn d P•t ruum & bath up\IOK s R•• & l•und1 y no pth \mol>uit Pt>OI \pa $16'i0949 118 141? Pref1 f)t'r_,;;;, ~ w I 01,,.,1 pe"on 111 NB Pvt furn d bt & bi S850m • 1/7 urn\ 949 646 1673 ~ Space For Rent 6060 GAUGES 10a22 $340 or 22122 S6SO 01 4()()(hl •1tport Med pvt W ht1h security 949 646 1106 AESIOt:NT IAI. RENTALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula ~. '"'· pato ••tor ~ed erld5d pO.a. w °"' _.... boll <*JO. .... aet 9119 67$.8120 ,..... ,..... ..,... to bCfl CJ-' """1 i'IJr I bl ~ remod. ._, P' ' <Miut S2IJl} Im 714 256.4~ s..p. ..... , J -..,,, lb. tundo ll;ty 'Ollt'W Slt!ipS IO b<J1 2 ' Pf U"iron Bkr 94'1400 0471 N.l ./l•e•tlf.,j J l r 2.He, lllmfy flume ..... oc-. -from m&Slll 1'.lt• anti "'1W ~mo r1z c.1 =r 960/3-JIS9 Conlfll dlt ... nt Ilk. le c• w/d ,. ~ rorM< lol. Vecent $1750/mo inclc:I ulls Don1ld Pf•tt. Coldwell 8ril!f, 9'9·7SS-t074 , ........ br_, ,_ 2br 2 '5lw wd .. ~ ... bit vn yd. 2 c at! e;w no peo. SZIX) 949-.374-1797 Newpof1 BeadJ IAYF110NT ON LIDO P£NINSULA ' NIW 21r ?la COTTAGES P11 .. tt Buch Pool and Spa wan. to Ocun Sh09s and Rtslaur •nh l rase 6/mo 2 y1 • 8011 Shp Available 710 UDO PUil DR. 949 673.0030 or 94 9 72 3 !>830 unaoNT ON l tOO PC NINSUI A NEW 21r 21e COTIAGIS Pnvale Beach. Pool •nd Sc>• Walk lo OcHn Shop• and Antau,.nls l uw 6mo7y•• Boil Shp Ava1l•bte 71DUDOPAH Da. 949 673 6030 Of 949 723 S8JO UDO YIMlY UASl Bill CRUHDY Rf:Al TORS .......,-$-6-l.~ .. ...,..,._. Peninsub Studt0 Apartments avail Aat $650-$950 949-673 7800 r ... 1 ..... ,.... lbr lb1, llte•fy fur111shed. Vlared leund, util ltlCI •at s 1350 949-673-1800 21r 1.See, w1lll lo beech. 4i45 Hl11n1. - Ho•I lllf. w/d hk\tc>S, $1400/mo. !M9~645-l6BJ HAU °" 1.1 ao II.NT for -.. ..., l5lt w/12 mo .... New!) r9lllOdlllld C.,. C.. ~ c:ommuNty wt-IPll' ca'1Jllll & --tie. Wf/!ltrel/r,., ...... & refr...,.tor ~ ... llll l8r SlO!IS. 2Br Sl"'5 (714J ._,fn ... 2lr 1811 llllll Ill .,...ua.-...~ lltf ......... ~ ..., .w. •21l-3PZ , I 1 llW a. "8le ........... , .. l cat ,.,,.-.._Aft $1tcl0 .... 7S 7IOO He•pert Hel9ltta 8P•ul1lul rtmC>dtl ?br Iba Ip it6SO n• ... u 4JO """~ 949 £.41 ~ ...... ear Pvi tr&J"I ._ H1t1n .... av 10.1 ?<Dt to bay ltnY. ~tm unhln S1700m 1\t 949 118 1400 "*' er...... ....,,,.... '*"' o..-rm ~ I 'Oi IJlilO • IJ004. SPi ,..~ llitwrp'l c pr "Ill SI m 9'96TJ 18X> ---Newly rt'muJ l t.< l b• condo 2 c 1•1 p1lt0 wd no pel ~mk llw11I 6 I $19!>0 lse 949 /~9 l 1'4 ...,..._9.y 2Br. 2 lull batli boa be.1dl P• k lef'nl\ Nu Pf'n l22!X> mo I ;-"'- Ava• 6. 1 !> 949 5Ei6 99118 ......... 2& 2Ba. ck'5t lo beiildl, newtw .~ .ti p w'd. fl'~~ S22Wmo 94'.Mi/'S-9400 s..,. "' ...... yrly rl'llUI 2 mstr st"' 2.st. ocn vu. p;rtJo 'biilt.ony Ip pr no pd Ill' P400 9&6/l /fl1.) lfACON IA Y /IA Y AIONT upsl11t~ 71!1 I ~ Ip 1a1 wd hkup 'If ~ S2600 mo 9"19 673 841 1 6-ol, ............... lb. home 2--ut pr II'" 1»tl0 comm pool Vt R S29ZI ........ 'M966M73 Lt Jk 2.Sl e 1n c•ted comm w pool 'P•• ..~~ uooo.- Aaen.i.;.. 949 856 9705 •-n,. IMf." Jlr 21k. Huse bay view '3195 mo 949 2S2 8200 or 949 851 8160 Luu Option Avail We ....,_ condo 2Br. Etecant encl lmmKulate. VIOWed w/llPllfCM!d credit. n/peb S41001mo yrly o..-1111 9& 118 m1 U. We-I 17 Vie OrWlll> 'Bl 2.58a. Jc pr fp, CCllJl1yltd. lllJ'lln -,-.m;vmo !)lg.~ TelUsA*t YOll &AIA&EWll II CWSRD 9)642-5671 Emp'°"1*11 - I OAl OftUlottS Boal oper •Ion nttded to• h.,bor ooerahon\ al T wu Har buf\ Calahna l\1'1nd Har bOr P 111 ol and ShnHboat with fie>~ lo '>O Ion '" ~nu l oolunr t a • o ulao n1 •~am nr .. nttd ~pie I or '"'" ••I JIO !>10 42'M c.....-_p ___ ry_Plar--.-...,-. & Cat.inc Co Now ..... ....,._, & S.t~ for P, 'T Wor11 WI Bron'2 8858 lo tel up .. i.-.w Oll\'9t OW9a --A TOlb HIM "°"' own .,..,., loolun& b ..... perlCllrtat 1 lA*UI ,_ the lootlllr..,. to """- you \uccu,lul• CAll l N«lST M 81!1S.e-l11511 (CM. -scNI) .. lhutsd3y, May 15. 2003 ------llplllllcll -l.lllllllllca . , .. ... (OllTOf 111 sun Of CAllOllA fOI Tll <amt Of 01A1C1 "'" ..... "" ..... U... lrwtU/l/T ._, °'*rt7, 1Mt• ...w•....i Wl~lJ1"27 ....... Of ll01kll0<8WOISOf MOAsatm\OI Of llVOCAll IMIG llUST ,.....C ... W.19CMO) Tti. unde.1sianed, JANA O. HACKETI and DON W. OllPHANl , as Co·Tr usl· ees of the Ollphaot Lillina Trust U/OfT dated October 27, 1982. as said Tr u,.t has been amended and rt\latcd, propose to pobhsh the followrna notice pursu· •nt to C•llfornia Probatt Code Section 19040 to tho ued1ton of RACHEL ElllABETH OLIPHANT, the dece.tsed &UI VIVlll& Settln< of the Ohphant l 1v1n11 lrust, wtio died a rn ldent of the Crty of Newport Beach, Count1 of Oraneu. Stale of Cahfor nia, on January 29,2003 Notice 1s hereby erven to the creditors and contlfl11ent credlton of RACHFL EL IZABETH OLI PHANT (hereon "decedent") that all persons hlllvm11 claim~ against the decedent are required to Ille !hem with the Supe11or Court ot Cahfur n11. County ul Orange, "' 341 The Crly Orrve. P 0. Bo~ 14171 Or111111e, Cahfornla, 9?613 t 511 and mail or deliver e copy to JANA 0 ~IACKfll and OON W OLIPHANT al J Royal St Get1rae. Newpofl Bead1. Cahlorn1a 92660, n Co 1 ru$lees ol the Ohphant l1v1ng lrust U/Dfl d1led October 27, 1982 as amended ~nd 1 estated. wher 11m the decederol was " Settlur , within the later ol lour months after May I 5 2003 (the dale of thr for \I 1.11•hh· c.1t1on nt nut If" tu ued1tor\) ur. 11 roolot• •~ m .. 1led or prr\On•lly delivered to yuu. I() da~ alter lhe date U11s nolrc r. " malled or personally delivered to you A claim form m.J~ be obtained from the cour I clerk Fur your prultclrun you ar~ eneo•JI agf'd lo fol& you1 claim by cert1fted marl. wo lh return rtceopl requested. Co-Tru1t••1 JANA 0 HACKETT and DON W OllPHANT. Co Trustees, Oliphant l 1v1ng Trust. 3 Royal St Ceor ge. Newport Beach. CA92660 Attorneys lor T rus 1e1 Timothy J Kay. Esq GIBSON. DU NN & CRUfClllR. llP. 4 Park Plaza Ste 1100 Ir vine CA 9?fit4 8!>'11 OAHO Aprrl ?4 ;>003 /S/ JANA I) llACKl TT Co lrus tee of the Ol11>hant l 1v1ng II ust U/1)/l dated October 21, l982 and ilmended and restated IS/ DON W OLIPHl\ffl . Co Trto s lee ol the Oliphant living husl. U1 O/l d1ted Ot lvbn 27. 1982. as amenrf~d aud reslat&d Published Newpor I Bealh Cosld M~sa O.t1ly Pilot M.iy 1c;. 21, 22. 2003 ThW414 *>00 TO CIOOOti OflWSAl.f (SK. 6104, 6 IOS U.C.c.) bcrow ... 421~ Nufoce IS her~by e1vcn to creditor\ '>f the within "amed seller that a bulk sale rs al>oul to be made (If th .. Assets descr ih11d below The names ~nd bu\1 npss addresso of the \eller are NABIL flASRE, 0 V M ?163;> Nl WI llN[l S I , HU NllNC:ICJ N C!! llCH. CA 92646 Thr location 111 t:all turn•~ of lhe c hoel e,;ecullve office of the Sf'ller 1~ SAM( AS llROV£ As hsted by the \ell~• all other bus111es\ namPs 11nd addresses used by thl' ,.eller l'fJlhm thre~ years before the dJtle such hsl was uni or .4111-ed to the buyer ere NONE. ............ fOlOIAl&IOfU Olla TO 5llOW UISlfOI OU.Gf- Wl~A211747 tO All IN1LRCSILO PfRSONS: 1 Pelthone1; Pamela Out11i McGulnntss filed • t>tlillon wit.ti this court 101 a cS.cru ch1nelne 011.m u 11 tollo ws: Pemtl• Oolrl1 MCGuln· ntn to Pamela Dutr11 1 THE COURT ORDERS lh~t •II pet sons inter ISied In thls matte1 $hall 1111pu r befoui this court at the hearrn1 1nd1c1ted bftlow to show CllUU rf ,.1y. why the petition for chanse ol nall14 should not be &ran led. NOTICE. Of HEARING Date· 6-17·03 limo: 2:00 pm Oept.: L73 The address of the court is same u note d above. 3. A copy of tl\ls Order to Show cause shall be published al least once 6ach week for four successive weeks prior to the date i>et for he.a1 me on the petition in the lollowine news paper of eener al cu cu lallon. printed 111 this co'unty Newport Be1ch/ Costlll Mesa Daily Pilot Dat.•AI'• 182003 ateHHD O. fllAlll, sa., JUDGI Of THI surERtotl COUltT P ublo~hed Newport Beach-Costa Meu Daily Pilot May I, 8, 15, 22, 2003 Th395 lfQlllS T fOI PIOfOSAlS Or •nae County Sam· talmn 01st11cl (OCSD or the D"l11cl) of Orange County. California, will reLeove sealed propor.als 1111111 June 17, 2003. at 2 00 pm Proposals must be received at OCSO's Admrn1strat1on lob by or Purchasing DIVl\IOn Otfou by the date and time herein above ~•I forth. 10844 [lhs Avenue. Fountain Valley, Cahlorma 92708 7018. RlQUlSl fOR PRO- POSAl COlllCTION SYSllMS SIPHON & fORClMAl.N ASSISS- MIHT SPfClnCATIOH HO. CS-2003-I 3610 A Pre Proposal Meet mg hn been scheduled for May 'l2 2003, al 9 00 a m 1n lhe Put· ~ha~1n11 Conference Room. OrA1111~ County SAn1tdt1on ll1strtct 10844 rlhs Avenue. F ount;1111 Valley. Calo l ht followln& p.r1011s 111 dolna bui1nus ei: ()p11lCheck.com, 125 E. Bak" Suitt 135, Cosla MeH . CA 92626 Horth American Ac- ceptance Corporatron (CA), 12S E. Beker, Suite 13~. Co•lll Mesa, CA92626 This busineu la con- ducted by: • COfJ>OI ation ~ve you started dolna business yet? Yu. 0!>/05/2003 North Amerrcan Ac· cepllnce Corporation. M"to J, Raslc, Presi· dent This statement was fded with the County Cll!fk of Orane• County 0110!>/09/03 2003 .. 44010 Dally Piiot May 15, 22. 29, June 5, 2003 Th416 ,.... ..... '-S...... The followlne per sons are doine business n : The Car aae c.c.. 137 Industrial Way. Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Klassic l<ars Irie .. OBA fhe Garage C.C (Callf.). 1436 Beach Blvd .. Westmins ter, CA 92683 This business Is con· dueled by: a corporation Have you started dolna busrness yet? No Klassic Kars loc .. OBA The Cara11e. C.C .. Cary l<alsaris, President This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 05/13/03 200S694444 I Daily Pilot May 15. 22. 29, June 5, 2003 Th424 Rdllm ..... -s ...... The following persons are domg bus1ne~ as All About You Marketing, 2207? Islander lane. Huntington Beactl CA 92646 KC MO Enterprises. (CA), 22072 Islander lane. Hunl1nglon Beach CA. 92646 I hos busmen rs con ducted by· a corporation Have you star led doing business yet? No KCMO EnterpriHs. Michele Buller. President This statement wn foled w1lh the County Clerk of Oranee Cou11ly on 04/18/03 20036941424 Daily Pilot Apr 24. May l , 8, I!:>. 2003 Th365 fktltlMa..ess ..... *--fornra 97708 Please The follow1111 persons meet 111 th~ Pur~has1ne ~re do1n11 business as· D1v1s1011 lobby localed at A11por I Sell Storage, 190 10844 Ellis Avenue. Newport Center Dr. rounla1n Vall~y. Cali •IOO. Newport Beach, forn1a. 92/08 CA 92660 All prospective Pro· 3800 Cl!I mp us ll C posers .ire ur11ed lo (CA). 190 Newport allend lh1s Pre Proposal C~ter Or #100, New· meetma, as th1\ will be por I Beach.~ 92660 the only op11or tunoty lo This bus1ne.ss rs cun Vl\lf the iobs1te ducted by Limited Proposals must be l1ab1hty Co subm1lled on the form Have you started doing 5uflpluid by flCSO 1n busmen yet? Yes. 12/11 <>Lcor d~ncr wr lh all 86 prov1s11>11\ ol the spec1 3800 Campu\ LLC, f1cat1ons Spec1foc11ho11~. JMnes M Kru1:11e1 . prnpns.11 blanks. and Member /Manage< further mfo1maloon may lh1s !'>lalement was be obt a111ed "' the above !tied with the County addre,.s t~lcphone (714) Clerk of Orange County 962 24 II on 04/10/03 Pubhs hed Newpor I 20036940511 Brach Cu,l• Ml.'sd O~rly Daily Pilot May I. 8. 15. Point M•y 15. ?003 IH413 22.2003 Th375 Rctitlous tvsMs f1dilills lwsiless "-S...... "-S""-" The followme penons !he followrng person~ drP dorn1e business u dr c do1n1e busmess as Newman Properhes, Inc , JI BEERS 2 YOU, bJ 1884 Placentia. Costa B£ERS TO YOU. c) Mesa.CA92627 BHRS 7 U 1954 Pia Newman P1operl1n. tenha, Suite 209 Costa Inc .. (CA), 3501 Marcus Mesa. CA 92627 Av~ .. Newport Buch. CA We~ley J Garlall . 5901 9?663 Belgrave. Unit c. Garden lh1s business 1s con· Grove. CA 92845 dueled by a corporahon Michael M Funk. 1613 Have you started dome Ponderosa, Cost .. Me"• bu,.1ness yet? No CA 976?6 Newman Properties. l'>dd 0 cr.,ne, 682 s Int . Jeffrey 0 Newman. Halliday, Anaheim, CA President '12804 flus statement was Th" busmen rs con flied with the County dueled by a general Cieri< of Oranee County partner shop on 04/18/03 ttave you \tarted dom& 2003694 I 400 busmen yeP No i)>a1ly Prlot A.pr 24. May Wr•lry I Garlatt I, 8, 15. 2003 Th359 lhi. ~ldtement wa~ RctM~ lolr•<I wolh th~ County Cler~ of Oranet County '-S..-. nn 04/J".:l/03 I he follow1ne persons 20036942296 are doing bus1nes~ u : Daily Pilot May 1. 8. 15 Take Two Consulting. 22. 2003 TH37S 1706 Paloma Or , New· port Buch,.CA 92660 Elrtabe t h M.ry The names •nd bus1 "~~~ addresse~ of the The lollowrne persons buyer 11e. KARLA s are domg business as NICHOLS, o .v.M., 2630 The rrench Company Al/ON ST. NEWPORT l?O Ne wport Center Bf llCH CA 9?663 Drrve Suite 240, Newport rh" nsets to be $Old Bea~h. CA 92660 Thagard, 1706 Paloma Or . Newpor I Beach CA 97660 lod1 Jacobi rtemine. 1196 Irvine Ave.. New· port Beach. CA 92660 This business 1s con ducted by a &ent!r al par lntrsh1p •r~ described in 11eneral fhe Leighton French o All FIXTURES. Company (Gen Partner) lQUIPMEN1, STOCK IN (CA). 120 Newport TR AO l , 8 U SI N[ SS Center Or. #240. New NAMl , LEASEHOLD IN· port Buch. CA 92660 TFRl:.ST ANO IMPROVt· RocPac Investments M£NlS ANO CUCN'l USl (Gen. Partner) (CA>. 120 And are localed at 2630 Newport Cenh r Or AVON ST . NEWPORT #240. l'fewport Beact\. BEACH, CA 92663 CA 92660 Tht busmtss nenJe Thn business rs con uHd by the sellt1 at ducted by a 1ene1 al th&I loullon " AVON 111rln""h1p Have you started dome busmen yet? No E liubeth M. Th a ear d This s tatement was fried with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 05/09/03 200'6,44020 Daily Pilot Ma1 15. 22. 29, J\.lne 5. 2003 Th420 ........... -S....' N( WP ORT AN IMAL ~l11v~ you started dohlJ HOSPIT"1 buslntss yet? V11s Thf! lollowina p~rsons The anlrc11>ated d.tlt ol Morch \989 are doln11 businen as. tht bulk \81<' ,, Jon• .J, RocP•c lnvnl n1e11h l<erser Road Assoel1tes. 2003 at the olflct of (Gen P•rtner). 8y lrK'.. 13 Corpor1te Plaia GROVER lSCROWCORP . Peter l french. Prl!~i Ste 2 00, Ne wport 111 S 11 ttHOIS SL dent 0111ch. CA 92660 ANAHf lM, r.A 9?llOI> Th" s t•teme11t wn lbl14r Ro•d, Anocl rhls b ulk u fe 1s fifed with tht County etn, Inc., (Cthfornlt), a11bleet to C1ltfntnlt Cl•'" of Oran11e County 13 Corpoutt Plau Ste. Unllor m Commerc111 on 05/13/0J 200. Ntwpo1t 8Hch. CA CA AA ,,_ t 6106 7 20016'44A2S 9~ "'"' ·"'' ton o Thi• bu· 'nt•• '' Co"· It so wl>~, lhl nt lll4! t.ily Pilot May l!i, 23' • ., ,. " an11 •ddteu ol th• 29, June !i, zooa f h4'Q ducted by: a corPofallon person w1tl1 wllom Htve you 'lMted Mlfll cl•ims "G• be filed Is. buslnen yet? Yu, 4/l/ fie*'-..... OJ MNt10H [~1.£'0 ... or...........:. Kal:r.tl' Ro.od Astocf. CROVER £.S.CftOW l,;Ut(P • -etu. Inc.. 01v1d f tt l S lll!HOIS ST • \.h• follow1~ oeno11s Roblllson •• f>rn. AM HEIM, CA 9180S, 91e dOlnl bur.tl\Ms H Thk •Ute.rnent wH l.sc.,.28!J0.09 tlld llll · 1) Topp1n1 ('ttlntl, Inc., hied wrlh UM County '-" dell 1111 tilln! d••~ . ..) l-y;•-·" c .. ~... C'A 0 " ...... , '""" ,~.. ,,.rk of 1•111• County 111111 be lunt< • 2()1),) Show. Randolpll on Ot/18/03 Wtrith ~ tlll bldlntSlt Ava., Co ft Me,a, CA 200J6f41426 01 before th1 Mk dttfl 92626 .,_,f1ed •ve T()t)9i"' htnl~. Ille Dally Prlot Af)f 24, MaJ D1ted' A"ftll 14. 2003 (CA). 2950 Randolph I.I. l!i: 2003 Tiil$ N llNILA S Nf<;lfOU , A¥•., to.It Me\t CA ....... ov • 12.628 ._---..... , r u•tr111td •••onrt Thi .. ··~ i... -,.,,. .. _,9 ,.. ~ Thi ...... ""''°"' :::1' :.~ = Dally lluc!W by· a COfporetlon tft ~ MIMte '*' CS.SJtDI Jlllll? ~~~~t~;:c' doilll •) MfAt «.Y. lfolten, b) -· T..,tflt htlltJ. Inc lltnller hvltlu 4U. _, tuonO.UO,l"laWrrflf 10091 Sw1n111 ln . W \ Thtt alatl"'"'l wt• ~ill&tOll h K h. CA emf•-frltd ""th tlM Cn1mty K1tfly L, Bunn, .,,.,.,..._ Cler\ ffi O.an19 C<'lll!t~ 70062 '"''""' l", ... -r....., .,., D4m 101 H1111U111tim B11c11, C9' ...,,... ... ..... "' t2N6 ........ ,.., DMtr Pllvt .Mew l, 8, I~ Tiii• .,........ 11 *' --v .:*4 mm • .., ~ ,11 ......... Hm DMMlad 1 •'- .. l.11111,.... -...... -1.1111 ... ............... butlntu yel1 Y ... 4·20· 03 Kathy L. B1rnea This •t.l•rMnl wn flied with the County Cieri! of 01•n1• County ono.t/25/03 200MHHIO 01ily Piiot Mt~ 11 8, 15, 22. 2003 Tll380 .......... ... s..... Tiie followln& persons •re dolna buslnns 11: R a. H fence Co .• 20371 Sommerville Ln . Hun· ~Z£6" B.uch, California Ch1lsto p her Rran Harrlaan. 20371 SOfll merville Ln., Huntinaton Beach, California 92646 This buslntss rs con· dueled by: all Individual Have you star led dolna business yet? Yes. 11111. 2003 Ch rls to pfler Ryan H1rrl11n This statement wu fried with the Countv Clerk of Oi"anee County on 04/18/03 20036941St6 Daily Pilot Apr. 24, May 1.8, 15,2003 Th363 ......... .....--... ----onOt/25/0l IOOMt4Hts ........... ...,....., • OallyPllOtMay l,8, 15, ni. fol10wln1 peraonr. The followln& peraon• 22. 2003 TH390 111 dolnc buslnen as: art do1111 bualnn1 as: Wall Str .. l Ctplt•I Younc I~•. 2!112 S1nt1 ...._ .... M!>'~ce Inc:., 81 s.. AMnea• .•• Acva'i:i. ~~.;7 Cotta ._......, ltl•nd Orlvt , Newport , .... v .. BH ch, Cll 9~ Slmyl Miila Youn-. l h• foll11wln1 persons Wall StrH t Capital zsn Sant• An• Ave ate dolnt bualnest H . M0<ta.a11. Inc., (CA), Costa Mesa, OA 92627 ' SURF8StO£ Sll..VER1 603 lU21 Venh111 Blvd.J Thia bllalnns It con• E. a lbo1 81vo .. •A. Suit• 420, (nc.lno, Cl\ dueled by· en lndhllClutl Balboa, CA 9:661 92660 Hava you s.tlrled dolni W 1111 am An I ho n y This buslneu b con· bu•lntuytt7No Geor1a, 194 C St .. ducted by: 1 c0tpo1atlon Sh1ryl Mt rlt Yount HewthOfnt, NV 8'415 Have you started dolnf fhlr. stat1m1nl wu This busineu Is con· business yet? No hltd with th• County ducted by: an lndMdual Wall Street C11pit•I CllH'k of Or1n111 County Heva you started cloifla Morljia11e. Inc.. Jerty un 05/13/0.1 buslne1$$ yet? Y~. Arm•tronf, v,,., 2001694440 4-14~03 This s atement wH Daily Pllot M1y 15. 22. W' 111 am An l ho n Y filed With the County 29. June 5, 2003 Th43l G4TI:1~' statement wa$ ~~·~~~•nee Co14RIY ~.... tried with lhe County 20036944001 ... 5'lllmll Clerk of Orana• Co unty Dilly Pilot May 15, 22, The followlna persons ;~~~17 29, June 5. 2003 lh417 aro dolne business n : p I s......" M•ra Accessories. 8132 Dally 1 ot Ma y 8· t5• , 22, 29, 2003 TH397 fox hall Onve, Hunt1n1· M f ltfU.uf tonBeach,CA92646 ffc9M ..... ~.................. Myra B. Son11enber1. ...S... -~ 8l 32 Foxhall Drive. The followV11 perso11 Huntinaton Beach. CA The followin11 per ~ons hu ab1ndoned the use I 9.2646 .are doln11 business as: of the Fictitious Bus l r-''rhis. business 15 con-Cert1f1ed Mor tea ae neu Name: Ii Star ducted by. an lndlllrdual Tra lnina, 3857 Birc h Cluners, 1215 Baker Have you stat led dolnj Street. Newport Besch, Street. Cost• Mesa. CA buslneu yet? Yes. CA 92660·~ 92626 04--0 l 2003 Robert Erick Jones, The F1cbhous Business Myra B Sonnenberi 301 35th St . Newport name refemed to above This statement was Beach, CA 92663 The following persons fll · o Th'* bu was ed 111 ranee filed with the Coun"' •• s.rness rs con· ere doina business as: c 3 21 03 FILE ., d cted b • d id I ountt on · · Clerk of Oran111 County u y· an '" iv u• Oriental Allure. 11186 NO. 20036938057 on 05/09/03 Have you started dolne Blue Allium Ave .. Foun· Chien van l e, 12698 20036944005 business yet? Yes. tarn Valley, CA 92708 O I SI G d 5 7 03 Brl1n Hoo--.r. 11186 1 e reef. ar en Daily Piiot May 15, 22, · · "" Grove, CA 9284\ 29 June 5. 2003 Th419 Robert Jones Blue Allium Ave .. r oun-This business 15 con· · Tllrs statement was lam Valley, CA 92708 ducted by. an individual ............. filed wrlh the Cou11ty Katy Takako Kawana· Chien van Le llmeS....... Clerk of Oranee County lo.a, 11 186 Blue Allium Th rs statement was The on 05/09/03 Ave .. Fountain valley. CA filed with the County followrne per sons 20036944022 92708 are doing businen as o I p I t M 15 22 Clerk of Oranee County SfYL Z. 72 f 0 ar Y 'o ay • . This business IS con· 11 04/25/03 Oflune rrve. 29, Juno 5, 2003 Th421 ducted by: a &enera l 0 Ir vino. CA 92618 partnership 20036r42'02 8 1 Atpa s Savdharia, ~ ..... Have you s•·rted do1 Daily p 101 May I. • 5· 25951 Dundee Drrve. ..__~......____.. business yet? Yes, J:~ 'l2. 2003 THJ86 lake Forest. CA 92630 --1, 2003 fldllNwa...ss fhis bus1ness rs con lhe followlnt persons Brian Hooper ..._ ~......___. dueled by: an 1nd1111dual are doing business as· This statement was --Have you swled doone lmaee r1tsl, 6 Perche- foled with the County The followrna pe1sons bus111ess yet? Yes. ron. Trabuco Canyon. CA Clerk of Orange County are dome busine:.s n April 12. 2003 92679 on 04/18/03 Ne w ma o r 1nanc1 a I Alpa S. Savdharra Mehssa [llerl, 6 Per 200U94 l423 Mortgaee Corporation. lh1s statement wu cheron. lrabuco Canyon Daily Pilot Apr 24, May 1884 Pl1ce111ia Ave !tied with the County CA 92679 I. 8. 15. 2003 ThJ6.4 Custa Mna. CA 92627 Clerk of Or a nee County This business is con Newman financial on 04/15/03 ducted by an 111d1v1dua1 Mor t11aee Cor por ;at 1on 20036941035 Have you started dome (CA), 3501 Marcus Ave . Daily Pilot May 15. 22 bus1nen yet' Ye~. June Newport Buch CA 29. June 5. 2003 Th434 1994 The following persons 92663 Mehsn Ellett are doing bus1r1ess as This busones\ I\ cnn·, Adl"-sa...ts lh15 "tatemenl wn first Time filmmakers. ducted by a corporation .._S....... filed with the Crountv 2339 W Ma ll Ave Have you started domi: lhe followrna per~uns Clerk of Oranae County AnahC!rm. CA 92804 busmeu yet? No are dorng bustnl!s.~ as on O.C/2J/OJ Ray Sharp. 2339 W. Newmirn f1nanL1al MAflCl PAINTING, 821 7003't41tl3 Mall Ave .. Anaheim, CA Mo<lgage, Cor P . Jeffrey West 16th Street. New Oaoly Pilot Apr · 24• May 92804 D Newm1n ·President port Bedr.h. CA. 92663 1 8, IS. 2003 lhl/4 Mu Fraley, 2063 Sea l h1\ statement wu Marcelo A Caradonna. fklltlMa...u Cove lane. Costa Mesa, hied with the County 14561 Southheld Or. CA 92627 Clerk ol Or •nae County Wes tmon$1er. CA 92683 "-' S....... Wayne Zimmerman. on 04/18/03 This bu\lness 15 con fhe followrn11 persons 430 St. Joseph SI . long 20036941401 dueled by an mdi~odual are doing buslneu H Buch. CA 90803 Daily Pilot Apr 24 May Have you ~tar led doing CHICAGO Bii((. 452') W This business " con-I. 8. 15. 2003 Th358 business yet' No PCH #A, Newport Beach, ducted by a 1ornl M;,rcelo A Caradonna CA92663 venture Adlliealllliless l hls $lllemenl was Anthony P Parry, 4525 Have you started doing "-S....... filed with the County W PCH IA, Newport business yet? No Clerk ol Orange County Beach. CA 92663 Mu o Fraley The followrna persons I hos business 1s con This statement was are do1n11 busrness as· on 0!>/02/0J ducted by an 1nd1v1dual filed with the County Allordable Concrete & 20036943 184 H Clerk ol Orange County Conslrucllon. 178 Tuhp Daily Piiot May 8, IS, bu~~~=~o:e~!a~~~ ~)'~~ on 04/18/03 ln. •C. Costa Mesa. CA 22· 29· 2003 TH400 T11sh• Pollock 20036941428 92627 fictlllls -....U This staleme11t was Daily Pilo t A.pr. 24. May Oemetrio V fot1. .._s....t llled with the County 1. 8, 15, 2003 Th369 2727') 62') W Apt f ·303 Clerk of Oran11e County 6ounliful. UT 84010 The follow1ne persons on 0.C/25/03 Pemon1 Lol<otu1 J /8 are dome businen •s 20036942307 Tulip l n •c. Costa FUSION YOGA. 2700 E. O<tily Pilot May I 8. 15. Mesa. CA 92627 Coa1't llwy, Suite I. 'l'l 2003 lhJ83 The lollow11111 persons This bus1neu rs con Corona Oel Mu . CA are dotna busmeu as dueled by a eeneral 92625 ,.,_..._ a) Pavillion Computer p;utnersh1p Maxwell hlu. 120 ... S..... Consullinf, b) Pav1lhon 'tlave you started dom2 G11ff1 lh Pl . l agu11a Consulting, 1601 last busmen yet? No Beach, Ca 92651 The lollowma persons Bay Avenue. Newport Oemetno v, Foll This business rs con are dome busmou as Beach. CA 92661 Hus statement wds ducted by an indlVldual Av11lnn Home Loan~ Warren Hart1neton loled with the County Have you started do1n11 2100 Newport Blvd SI Allen. 1601 East Bay Clerk of Oran&e County bu\rnes\ yet' No 164, Newport Beach. Ca. Avenue. Newport Beach. oo O.C/2!>/03 Maa well Isles 92663 CA 92661 20936942306 lhrs statement was Dan S Hayn. 1700 This busmen I\ con-Daily Pilot May J. 8. 15. tried wolh lhe County Newport Blvd St 164 ducted by an 1nd1v1dual 22 2003 Th334 Cieri\ of Oranee County Ne wport Buch. Ca Have you \tarted dorna on 05/02/03 92663 business yet? Yes. 4/1/ fktlll.s......., 2003694J11S lhr~ busmess rs r.on 2003 ... ~........_____. Daily Pilot May 8, I!>. ducted by an lnd1v1dual Warren Allen -22. 29. 2003 TH401 Have you started do•na This statement was The followina persons ~ ...........____ business yet? No tried with the County are dornt bus1neu as ~-O;an S l~eyes Cieri\ of oranae County THE lEAOCRSHIP rARM. '-se.-f lh1s statement wn on 04/25/03 783 Promontory Ot1ve l he lollow•n& persons Med with the County 20036942300 West. Newpurl Beach. are doing husrne\s as Clerk of Oranee County ~il~~ol May I. ~ii] C~~~d Green. 183 SUPlfllOR LIMOUSINE ;~/~:~~3192 ' Promontory Orrve We\I, SfRVICf. 2~ Orilln&e Daily Pilot May 8. 15. ~..._.__ Newport Beach, CA Ave · Costa Me!.a, CA 22. 29. 2003 TH398 ~-92660 92627 llmes.....t This busines\ rs con Michael C fernandel, Actltlm ...... lhe following persons ducted by. an 1nd1vidual 2566 Oranee Ave., Cost• ... S...... Mna, Cahfornra 92617 are dorng business n · Have you \larled dorng lhrs busrness 15 con· Iha tollow1111 pef\ons a) Curtrs Graphic\, b) bu\rness yet? Yes. d d b are dorno business as· Robert T Curtis 04""'/2003 ucte Y an rnd1v1r1u•I ~ "" H •yo t t d .... Monrovia Stonoe, 1517 Crl!lph1c Des1°n. 2389 Stanford Green •v~ u \ ar e uvlnK • Carlton Pl . Ste• A Costa This stateme111 was busrne\s yeP No :::::vcaA ~~ New0<>rl Meu. CA 92627 tiled with the County r~chael F ernandct Joseph Klroaer 179 [ Robert Trygve C111t1s. Clerk of Oranae County f I$ ~l•lement wu 11th St t l65, Cosio 2389 Carlton Place. on <Y.>/13/03 •led l"•lh the County Mua. Cll 92627 Suite A. Cost.i Me~a. CA 200S6944428 Cte04rt../ol~/OOr3anre County Thrs business 1s con 92627 Oarly Pilot Ma• 15. 22. on .. This businei.s is con 29. June 5. 2003• 1~ • .,.. 20036940834 ducted by an indMdu11I '"'"' O I P f"I M 14 21 Have you started doln° dueled by an md1v1dua l 31 Y ' ., ay • ' • a..-_.._.____ 28 Jun 4 2003 Wl62 busmus yet? Yes 04/ Have you starlfid dorna ,..._ -' c · 01/98 buS1ness yet? Yes. 12·1 -~ ~lllliless JosephKhnge1 2002 Th f 11 · ..__ r.......____. This stetemanl was Robert T Curtis e o owrna persons - -This statement wl are do1n1 busmen as The followll'lfl persons hied wrth the County filed with the Count 5 TRACY O', 17 31 P1tca1rn. 1141 doine business as Clerk of Orange Cou11ty Cl k f 0 C Y Costa Meu, CA 92626 Society, 6000 w PCH, on 04/18/03 er 0 ran11e ounly Glen O'Connor. 1731 200JH4 l402 on04/2S/03 Newport Buch. CA 20036942320 P1tca11n. Costa Meu . 92663 01lly Pilot At>f. 24, MJy 0 I p·1 t M I 8 15 CA 92626 Amber Oob1on. 2220 I, 8• l !t. 2003 Tl\35l 22: !003° ay 'ritJJS Thrs business 1s con· Clllf 011ve, Newport ducted by• an rnd1v1dual Beach. CA 9?663 ,_ ... fldlllls..... Have you shrled dome Thrs business 11 con •=..,C"-• business yet? No ducted by. "n 111chvidu11I .. ...._. ... S....... Glen O'Connor Have you started dolnll ....,1 The followln11 persons This Sllltemenl was business yet! No '42-5671 are dom11 buslneu as fried with the County Amti.r Dobson Trudell Auto Glass & C~rk of Oranee County This sleteme11t wes Deh rl In c. 17281 01104/18/03 filed with the County Nichols St., Hunt1n11ton 20036941427 Clerk of Oranae County the followln& pcirson' are dolrta l>uilnus H ! OP A11oc11tn , 177 Rlvar t klt Av1. • t OGO, ~~rr 1 Beech, c" Richard T. Prlct, 1721 W. Coaat Hwy 1414 • ;::rrt euch, CA This business ls co11 ducted by: an lodMdu1t Have you ste1 led dolnfl buslneu yet? No Richard T Price This statement wn filed with the County Clerk of Or 111ee Cuunty on Ot/25/03 200S6942S01 Daily PilOt M1y 1. 8. 15. 22, ?003 Th391 ........... '-S....... The followlna persons 1re dol11& business as· RS ELEC TRIC, 1037 Parkhill Dr . Costa Men. CA-92627 Stacy Stlllman. 1037 Parkhill Dr .. Cosl<t Men . CA 92627 This business 1s con· ducted by· 111 individual Have you started do1na busme" yet' No Stacy Shllman This statement was Iliad with the County Clerk of Orange County on 05/06/03 20036941593 Daily Piiot May 8. 15. 22. 29, 2003 TH407 Ac*-llsiless ... s....... The lollow1n11 per sons are doln& businou .is. Odds and Ends Paper, 3062 Club llouse Rd . Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Jaime Beth 6e1111e1t. 3062 Club llouse Rd Costa Mesa, CA 976?6 This bu\lne•s t§ con ducted by. an md1v1dual H<1ve you star led du one busines' yet? No Jaime Bennet! This staten1e11t wo filed with the Cou11tv Clerk ol Or1nee Cou111y on 04/24/03 20036942126 Daily Pilot May 8. l'J 22. 79. 1003 Tlt405 ActltlM IMtss - '-*"-" The lollow1n11 per ~On'\ d•e do111e bus•Mss d' If AN I till CONS TRUt l ION CO , 220!>2 Stt••• rl line. Huntineton B~.i< h CA92646 G<tle Wayn~ 111llts. 22052 Su.an I anP llununaton Beach CA 92646 This buvne\~ 1s ""' ducted by an md1v1du~I Have you star led 11011111 business yet? No Gayle Wayne 111111' l hos statement was llled with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 0!>/06/03 20036943567 O<t1ly Pilot May 8. 15. n. 29 2003 111406 fidlllM "8lm -s..... The lollow1n& per •On\ ar ~ dom& busmes' as Rflll\NCC SAi f S 7632 •B Santa Ana Avt Costa Mesa. CA 92621 PC RelianL~ In< ICAI, 2632 IB Sdnl.i Ana Avt: . Costa Me~. CA 92627 T hos business 1s Lon dulled by a torpor.tltnn Have you sl.ilr l@d dOtnR bu'!nC'S yet, Ye\ 05/01/2003 PC Rehanle lr1t E rhdrr Oem11c1. Prrs1denl Thrs sratement was filed with the County Clerk ot Oran11e County on <Y.>/06/03 20036t43S8 2 Oa~y Pilot M•y 8 I'>. 22. 29. 2003 TIWJi! fktilM~ -s..... The lollowrnt per son\ are doln& bu,.ne~\ "' Afterburners n~t . 70l Promnnfnry. 01 W Newport Buch Cl\ 926fi0 S t u•ll Sanborn Hutchons, 203 Prmonlury Or W , Newport BNch CA 'l2660 This bus1ness ,,, lnn ducted by an 1nd1v1d11AI Have you st1tll'd <1011111, bus1ne~s ye!? No Stuart S. Hulchn" Thrs sl.itcm~nt wo fried with the CnuiltJ Clerk ol Or ana~ Cnunty on 04/18/03 2003694142 1 D•ily Prlol Apr 24. May I, 8 , 15, 2003 Th370 AdfllM~ -s..... The lollow1n11 person~ ere doln& business u K and G Applrance. 3011 E. Vme Ave11ue. •A Or•nae. CA 92869 Andrew Kh<lvrich. 3011 E Vine Avenue. •A. . Oranae. CA 92869 This busrn11n 15 con duotcd bw· an mdtvldual ~lave you stlttt•d doln.a bustn1H yet1 No And1ew Khovrk:.h Thb l l4.lt1t1ent WU lll•d· with lht County Cl., k of Ouna• County on 04/25/03 200JH4UOI 011ilE •y 1. 8. 15. ff, ....:'-... ~ the followi111 11•rtons "'' dolna buslneu n Cathollcradlodt<1ul1ts.com, t71D Pl~ta del Not te. ~for t Buch, CA Patnck C. O'Nerll, 1710 Pl.ttd def Notte, Newport Beath. CA 92661 This buslne1.s " too ducllO by· llln lnd1v1d11•I Hlllv~ vou started doina bus1"""~ yet7 No Patrrt.k G O'Neill Thi\ i.t.a tement wn filed with th County Clerk of Oran11~ Co1111ty on 04/18/03 200S6'4Uta D11ly Ptlol A1H 24. May I. 8 15. 2003 • Thl61 RctltiM ..... "-S....... The followlna persuns are dome business as SUNRISC R[ Ill TY & FINANCIAl . 8248 llhot G1een. Buena Park, CA 90621 Mr Ja11nh Shah. 8248 [11101 Green. Buena Park. CA9062t lh•s bu~mes\ " con dueled by an 111d1v1dual Ha•• you ~tarl•d dome busmen yet> Nt1 Jagcsh Shah !hr\ stalen'"'ll wu fried w1lh th,. l'n1111 ty Clerk ol Or llnR• Counly on 05/02/0l 20036943193 Daily Pilot Mdy 8. 15, 22.29 2003 TH402 FiditiM ...;;- .... s ....... lhe followinR pPr wns 41 ~ Join~ bU\•ne's d\ SI Abo11obr Re•llY 550 P~ulAr 11111 Ave 1NI09, Coslo1 Mt'.·l I'll '126?6 Ay111o1n I s .. d31f,1 !>!:>O tt .it11l"1 tun Avr MN l(l'J t u·.1,, M•· ,, CA !i2iilfi fhl'. hu~in~·~·· " ton dut lt'rt hy i•n 11ut1v1thrnl Ho",. 'f''" ·-.t.u ,.,.,. ftflut~ bu~me" vrt' Y-. Ol 'Zl tH Ayno.•11 r Sd.1ddllo Th" \laleroll'nl w~s liled .. 1th t hr ("•uni y I l~rk ol Or anv• r.111111ty on 11.J I it03 2003 6944426 Daily P1l11I Mdy 15, 22. 29 IUll" 'j 2001 fh471! flditiM..-U -s ...... Ill< f'>llow111p per~on' llf e Jfllntl bU~llll'\' I\ ~P,OUt lf' C1flt1po11enh Crnup 7161J \ !Id• bo1 Blvd Suot~ I S.1111,. An" f'ahlnrn1J 97104 C:rarll I flodt'w.ild 8 Mnrro Bay Orrv• t.nrona O"I Mdt C'•l1tur111" 9262~ Thi\ bu~1n~H 1\ 'oo duclf'd bv .. n 111d1v1ll11•I ttnr Y"" \l.-rt .. 11 (1"111g bU\ln4'\\ y~P Nn Cr"'~ l Rnrlt w,1ld Th11. •lat.n1<nt wn lill'd wolh 1111• f11u11 ty Clt•h of 01~11cr t'nunty (Ill 0'1 O'I 0 l 20036944089 o .. 11y 1•1101 Mav 19 June 5 lOOJ 15 '/'/ Th415 FictitiM-hsi.ss ... s ........ lh~ f11lluw1n1t p!'r snn\ ..u" ctntnp tlttsme\'\ ~s hod K1·11u. Jl5 f~rn•n do lol;0lbn.1. (.A 92661 Ver 1.. I r;,,1,. 31 !> I e111.111fln llalbu.t CA '17661 Thi• hu"'"'~~ 1\ tnn t11ir !rd hy ·'" 1ndrvodu~I 11,, ... v1111 ,1 .. rltd dmn11 bu~1111 '' Y•'tl Ye\, 1981 Verl.1 r l"I" Jh1-. \l.lfflm .. ut W-'!. hied with th .. ruuntv Cl .. rk uf Or .... ~~ I 1111nly un O'J '13/03 10036944442 O•rly P1lnt Mdy l'j, 22. 29 Jun!' 5. 200J Th430 ~'4nitm-.... ~ lilt lollowrnR pcrsuo' "1 f' dOI02 IJU!.llU!\\ d!. C•r.tlll' lnd11st11"~ 137 h11h,.troal W<ty t:nst;a M•~a t.A 'li>fi? I CAI 1 Kahan~ nu I 16th Pl #B, C<)\I' M1"•· CA 92627 1111\ bu~'"'" " 1 on dudrd by· on mdlV1dual lfavf' you \l11rlnd tl<11n1 bu,1n•\' y~t' No Garyl\nt, .. th This 'l•lemeont was loled with the County Cieri! of Oran11e Cnrmty QO <1.>/l l/03 2003694444~ Oatly Pilot M"Y I!>, 22. 29. June 5. 2003 Th0 C 949 642-H I Pvt• l•w wor~ t•wwlifor .._ Buch. CA 92647 0•111 Pilot Apr 24. May on 04/25/03 Trudell Auto Glass & 1.8.15. 2003 Th368 20036t4U11 Detail. Inc .. (CA). 17281 ti..a&-..._,____ Daily Pilot May I. 8. 15. Nichols St., Hunlin11to1 ~-22. 2003 TH371 STARTING Bnch.CA92647 -S...... This business Is con The follo.,1111 person' ftdMlels .... ducted by: a corporetlon are doln11 bur.inen n ... 5- Have rou stllfttd dolna a) f lnwert by Alu rs. b) business yet1 Yu. Alu is florals, 267!'> I I 03 Tiudell Auto Cius a. ltvint Ave Stt. t<. Cost• M4tsa, CA 92627 The follow1n1 persons arc dolna busine.s as NAT IVE SUN WOOO WORKS, 284 Monie V1sl• •B. Costa Mesa, CA 9?6?1 ANEW Oetail Inc., Mark Trudell Alta ls A Snowball. President 1870 [ fhis at.atement WH • 16th St • New· po1t e .. ch. C4' 92663 tiled with the County lh , busineu ~ con· et.flt of Oun11 County duc;ttd by: a11 i11dMduii11I on 05/09/03 Have you •tarted doln11 100Mt440a0 bu•ineu yt.17 No Oa1i, Pilot May IS, 22, • 4'1ola A Snowbill 29, AIM 5, 2003 Tl\423 This s tatement w-. flied with lhl County Cletll of Orana• County on05/09/03 HUM.._. 01111 Pilot Mly 15, 22, 29, June 5, 2003 Th4 l8 ......... ......... Thi followin1 peuon• trl dollll b11th\tu H : TU Cn nll, 413 Sin LIOll, Ir ... ~ 92&06 TrisM r111Kl111 l'ol locll, 4U S.11 Lion. ltrint, ~ 92909 TlMe '"' ...... (Oft• Mt.ii by e11 illdWlduel Hwt 10lf st......, C1o1nt '""""'" yetf "° Tfi..111 l'OflOcll lhlt t latH!ent Wal fllptl Wltll ti. Collfi., Clwll ot On11tt CoMlltf ;:~m .... o.tw ,._. .. ,I,&; II; n.~ Ml) . ' O•vld Allen Casey, 284 Mo11t• VltlA •a. Casi• Mn e.CA92627 lllllr. blH.lneM 11 eon ducted by• an ind1111do•I HI v• 1ou Sltfttd dohll business yen Yes, !'>·5-03 Dnld Allen Cese1 This tl•tetntnt wu filed with lhl County Cllrll of Or•l'IP Count~ on 05/0t/03 IOOhf4H'7 O•ilr . Pilot M.y 8, lf>. 22.29,2003 1"410 ........... ........... The IOlloWlflC PtttOll •• ..,..,. bwlMta --' 1inon1i1 M11111ne '. 1001 W I TU. Stt .... W C:oata Men , C:~ "'921 ltob,rl La1ut1n11, 1001 W. J7tll Str ... W, Co'u Me_., CA tm7 Tlllt ~la C• dut1td ., ....... .... , •• ,,. .,... ...... OOllll lttltlftD1pt1'fu 411/0l ltuM!t !flit ..... "d lf B USINESS?f4 • • • • • • • • • • Pilot ..... ..... ........ 1 ht foffowtnc Pllf1C1ns •1• dol111 t>utlMU ..: ~oy'11 SotutloM, 7S2t RHld•ncl•, H1W'port Beach, CA 92MO Helen Huns. 732f Resldtncl•. Ne wport Be1ch, CA 92660 Thl:l buJtness It co•· ducted by; •n lndlvldutl Hive you at1rted doln1 bt.tslnesi yeU Yes, 4121/ 03 Helon Hun& This sl1tem1nt WH flltd with th1 County Clerk ol Or an11e County on OC/25/03 200169422" Oally Piiot M.y l, 8. 15, 22. 2003 Th388 ~ ..... ............ rho lollowlna persons are dolna buslneu as: ANrttONY'S PAINTING a 0£SIGN. 2948-H Grace Ln.. Cost• Mui, Ce. 92626 This business is con· dueled by. a11 indMdu.J U1ve you st1.rted dolnc business yet? No Antho11y Lim• This stateme11t Wit hied with the Count) Cieri! of Onnco County on 05/0Z/03 20036943116 • Daily Piiot M1y 8, 15": 22, 29, 2008 TH403 NOTICE Of TRUS- Tll'S SALE T .S. Nd. QfiMMf7.C L.oen No. 003882379 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UHOEA ~ DEED Of TRUST' DATED 5'1&'13. lJN.. LESS YOU TAKE N;- TlON TO PROTECT YOUR PAOPERTY IT MAY BE SOl.D AT A PUBL1C;SAJ.L IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANA- TION Of llfE HAT\JAE Of llfE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public tuetlon .... '° .. h6ghelt ll'ddll' tor caah, eaM!lw'• checll ~onaWJllot naUonll blnk, dleCk dnrwn by .... ot t.defllf cf9dlt unMln. °' a chec:k clfwwn by • atlte ,,, ...,... ..W.. 111'\d loen ~ ,,, MVlt'lgll ..aodldon, ,,, uvtnge bet* ~ tied ln Sec1lon 5102 ol the Flntndll Coda and llUlhoftdd IO do ~ -In ttlla ........... be he6d by Iha duly appointed ~ The .. will be tnede. buC without cownent ()( we".my, 111p1'9N9d 0# lmpfled, ~ tltla, poNMalon, ,,, ~ brancM. '° utllty .. obltaation Mewed .,, Hid" Deed of TNst. The underalgnad Tn.-dlldalme .,,, llllbllty for lnY lncorrectrw al lhl ~ addt'99e ,,, oChw COfTlmOfl ... lgNltk>n, " .,,, • .,.,.,, '*9lf'I. TAUS- TOA:DOHALD R. JO. H.ANSSON AND Ql.A.. DYS L JOttAHSSOH HUSBANO AHO WF£ AS COMllrlllHTY PROPERTY~ Sl2M3 .. "'*""-" No. 93-4354117 "' II«* • pege of omc.I --conte In the offtce of lhl Aacordlt= Ccx.rlly, Dall of s.le: 81 2: 00 PM Piece of Selor. AT 'TW£ NORTH FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURT· HOUSE, 700 CMC CENTER DRN£ WEST. 5"HT A ANA. CAl.J. FORNIA omM-dl.a 11 to • be: 32 VtST A NEWPORT BEACtf~ 92MO APH t : 017 The .... -"" aecured .,, uld ~ ~-of ........ ollnltill~d Ihle noac:. ta $530,193.54, wtlldl lnc.tudN the ... emount CIC the unpeld =.J~ mtlN'Mt) and ~ .,.. M1ffnnld coela, ·~ and ... .__. .. the ... " lnltW pubActlllon of thl• notlce. ~ -01, 2003 EXECVTIV£ TRUSTEE SERVICES. INC. 154S5 SAN F£R- N.ANOO MISSION BLVD SUITE t20I MIS.SIOH HUS. CA t1M6 It .. 311.... o.e °'111111 TAUSTeE SAl.£ Off? CE1' ASAPSM1T1 OM>1 • IJM)I, Ol5lt 5 SELL your stuff through classified! t thUr$day. May 15, 2003 • -------_Liiii ___ ..... _____ Lltll ..... .. LllllllllCll 2141 Upt--2MI Llllt ..... .. Llpl ...... • ........... .......... TIM f0Mow1111 persons If• clolnt bustn•a H NtMOftCOM, ffi "•m in.ton, Irvine, CA 91620 ht1lcll Ce1I McCul loch, 16 Remln1ton. hint, CA 92620 Thl9 bu$lneu Ii con dueled by· •n lnd1vlduel Have you •lef led Oo1111 ~na•r•t?No P1lrlcll C McCulloch This •l•t•m•nt WU filed with Ille County Clelll of Ounae County on05106/03 200hf 4JSH Oally Pilot M1y 8, IS, 22. 29, 2003 TH409 ........... ... s....... Th• followrnc persons ere dolna buslneu n . Candella Siles, 117 C SlrNl. Newport Buch, CA9216l Matthew flsllma11, 117 0 StrHt. Newport Bach. CA 92161 Th" bu&JM&s i. CO*· ducted by• an lndrvldu..I Hive rou 1t1tted 6oinc business r•l? "° M1tthew Flshma11 This atalement wH lilllcl with the County Cler~ of Ofana• County onOS/13/03 100Mt444H Oelly Piiot Mey IS, 22. 29, J\lne 5, Z003 Th432 The lollowlna pet sons are doto& business u : Plntlcs Investors, 400 Carlotta , Newport BHc.h, CA 92660 Carlyle Levinson. 400 Carlotta , Newpotl Buch, CA 92660 Jhl1 busrness is con· dueled b1 an lndMdual Have you started doin( Policy buslnus yell Yn, 4 l· 03 C.,tyi. Ltvlnson This atat-nl wn flied with the County C._.. of Ouna• County on04/lt/03 200J6'4l42S Diiiy Pilot AJX 2•. ~y 1.1. 15.2003 Th~ ,..... ..... ... s..... The followlnc pe<sons lfl dolnl bUSlllH'I H :lt. Abanobe Flnanc1al, 550 P•ululno An •Nl09, Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Vicky M1h1ny, !ISO Paultrono Ave. •NI09, Cost• Mesa. CA 92626 This businus i• con ducted by. an Individual Have you slarted dolna business yet1 Yes. Ol/21/03 Vidly Meh1ny This statement hied wilh the County Clerk of Oren1• County on05/l3/03 200hfU.27 Delly Piiot Mey 15. tz. 29, June S, 2003 TM27 Nollce IS hefeby aJven th1t llM undelll1Mil will bl aold at public Auction o n May 30, 2003 St1rv1nt Scholar's Mrnr· Stor .... 1957 Newport Blvd • Coata Mesa. Ca 92627. (!Mi) 631 3379 140/14004 laurel lun dquttl, H011sehold Items landlord reserves the r11"t to bid al uile Cuh only Sale rs subject lo c1ncell1tron rn the nenl of '4111emenl between l•ndlord •nd obll11ted party. St11 v1n11 Scholar'i Mino Sto,.a• Published Ne wpor I B11ch Costa Mesa 011ly Piiot M•y 15 , ?'l , 2003 Th346 ,.... ..... "-S...... '"' foHow1n1 IHIU.On• •r• .-oln1 businesa u 2 EXl'OflT l TO, 8505 E H11bdale D< Ouna:e. CA 92869 John 8 lynch ~ f Hillsdale Or Oun1e Cahf 9?869 l hrs busrneu 1~ con ducted by ~n 1nd1v1du~I Have you sl1H led dolnl busrneu ytl1 Ye~. 1/3/ 03 klhn 8 lynch This slatem~nl wn hied with Ille County Cl~rk uf Or•nae County on 04/18/03 200H941H9 011ly Pilot Apo 24. May I. 8. 15, 2003 111360 nctttiM ...... ie..s...... Baker, Cosl• .....,, CA 92626 QCL Inc (CA), 10221 Arundel Ave , Wulmln \let CA 92683 I ll1s buSlnau is con ducted by 1 corponhon H•v• you started do1n1 busrnen yel1 Yes 4 22 03 QCL lnL Quyet Van I e. Pr•sldenl lll1s statement WH hied with the County Cle<k ol Onn&e County en 04/25/03 200S6t42SOS D•1ly Pilot M•y I, 8, IS. 22. 2003 lh~ I he lollowln1 pe"ons are do1n1 business o MS ENTERPRISES. 25045 la Mangush La1un1 Niguel, Cahfornoa 9?6/ J Marlo Nab1, 25045 la Manaush, Laauna How to Place A Nial*. Cehfoull1 '2677 fhiS bu.U1ess is con ducltd by en 1nd1vldual Have you 11¥led c1otn1 b11$1M\I yet? h•. ()')/11/03 M1r10 Na01 lhl\ \l•l•menl w•1 hied wolh the County Clerk ol Or•nce County on 0!>/ 13/0J 200Ht444 .. 011ly P11QI May I~. n. 19 June S 2003 Th43l flcllllell ..... ... s...... Iha followon1 pe"ons •• • dome bU\IOHS ., 0 \ Drape1y Service 474!> l I~ P1lm• Ave An•herm, CA 91807 Hao old Ii Saldr 1n1. 424~ £ l• Palma An , AndhH1m. CA 92807 lh" busmen Is con ducted by an 111d•••dual llave you Jterted dorna busrnen yet? YH1 M•y 29th, 1980 Hlwold H S.ldetino lbts st•ltrnenl wn hied with the County Clelk ol Ot1n1e County on 04/llVOJ 200S6t41H7 Oatly Pilot A/>f 24. May I 8 IS, 2003 lhl62 ,.... .... ... s...... lhe lollow1n1 penons ••• do1111 buSMen n lh• Wh111 Gtau Man 1122 I onci.ndeHy SI Costa Mu•. CA 92626 011v1d Allen Eded 1222 Londonderry SI . Cost• Mau CA 97626 T "'' business 1s con ducted by •n ond1v1dual Hawe you started do1n11 busmen yet? Yes, c 1/1/88 Oev1d A hkerl lhll statement wn filed with the County Clerk ol Orange County on05/0910l 200Ht44021 0•11) Piiot ~y IS . 22. 29 June~. 1003 Jh411 ......... ... s...... lhe lollow1n1 perM>n' ,.,., do1n1 bu111nen o Newport Mesa Martlll Arts 488 hsl I /lh SI suite 8 101 Co1ta Me" CA 92627 Carlu' LUI 1760 Pomon• A•e •12 Coit• Mesa, CA 92671 lhis bu'.IJneu 1\ ton ducted by an rnd1v1duil Have you sl•rll'd doon1 business yet> !tu C•rlo\ Leal llus \lillemenl ... , tiled with lhe County Cle<k ot O.an11e County un 04/18/03 20036941403 Oa1ly Pilot Apr 24 M•y I. 8, IS, 2003 llol56 .......... ... ..... Ille follow1n1 ,.._ <If e dot"' bu"MU U The Curt11 Co"'l'any 2JS9 CMlt~n Pl Ste A' Cod• Meu CA 92627 Rowt lryl"• Curt" 2399 C.,fton Piece Su•lt A Costa MeH CA 92621 Thb bu~neu " con dueled by •n 1nd1V1du•I H1we you llillf led dolfll bu11nen yet' Yes DK 1999 Rober I I C.urli\ This sltle,...nt wn lokld with the County Cletk ol Or .. nae County on 04/25/03 200J6'42Jlt Oaoly Pilot M•y I 8 15, ?2 200J f h379 ---Deadlines --- Rates and dcadline1> are subject to change without notice. 1be publisher reserves the right to censor, recl~sify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your cla1>'1ified ad immediately. The Oa1ly Pilot accepts oo liability for any error in an advertisement for which ll may be responsible except fo r the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can onJy be aJlowcd for the fin.1 insertion. CLASSlFIEJAD -[ii Monday ...................... fnday 5:00pm Tue!>da}' ................ Monday S:OOpm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010.1110 GARAGE SAll 1ut BUSINESS & FINANCl.Al 230S-2490 1l10 IQUMP5115 OfPOl1WTY All reel nt1te •dver lism1 on lhos newspape1 •• subject lo the r ede• al f •Ir Hous.n1 Acl ol 1968 as amended which makes it lllea•I to adver llH ·•ny preler ence. llm1tallon 01 discrimonallon bned on race, color, rtk&IOll. sea, handicap. lamlhal sl•lus or n•hon•I or1111n or an 1nlenl1011 lo mah any such puler ence, hmol.i lion or d1scr1m1nation • fh" newll)aper will not know1nlfy accept any adv8'tbemenl lor rul estate which rs on "IOlalion of lhe law Our readers .,, hereby lnlormed that 1n dwell '"I" advttt1sed ,,, th" hewsp1pet tr• 1nrlable on an equal opporlunoly b1111 To compleln ol dts crimlnellon, tall HUI> toll lr" ,, 1 800 •24 8590 .... 1413 WANTED "(OWGI ,UK AUA" Wall ta 0-2!>+ C...,e ~ Sat 17th .... 2pm Norttl of fa Or. bet-1 tt.bor &F•..- Oon'I mn.s the barpns, CDM SAT l 1JO.? (~) tlll f5 San Mlltao Way blrbel -drcsws, de5ll. ~ bedl..~.-.S.ek <OaONA HIGHLANDS N.1ahborhood Sale CdM Sal., 8em lpm.@ POV S.W.d Of Moryq c.-.yon Y•4 Sele Oover Shores ~I . 7 I. Loh of 1nat stuff! 1318 Cambridfl& lane, NewpClft Beach. lGlt 1505 - By Fax By Phont" (Q4Q1 642·'i67l< Wedne~day .............. Tue<,day 5:00pm Thur'>day ............ Wedne-.da} 5:00pm By ~lail/ln Person: • '\ '0 We\I Bay Street (94Q) 631 -6594 I PklL"' inc. iwk your '"'"'" ..,oJ ~number ""'1 ,..·11,All Wu "-o.~ "'olh a Pft<.C qu.Pk I C:o,Ut M.:,a, CA 92617 Al N~wpun Blvd & Bay \t Fnday ................... Thur~da) 5:00pm II our~ SaturdJ). ... Fnda} 3:00pm l ESTATE R SAll lllAJIJ> NEW , .. ,.,. T.,. o--s11e4 ledl r.14 S1,JOO. M...t s.11 S700. t4t-67S·l002 JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECK>US MET Al.S c ... 1c.1 .. N...h Old Coms1 Cold. S1lve1. iewelfy, w1ldles, anllQUft collectible 949 642 9448 3610 100.. llBQJCID ICITTINS, CATS. DOCS phob mh WWW.alWl~Ol'll AdopCJora. fest.Jn ..., :ii DAV tt:Al 01 Gl.WWfil[ 966'4-2219 AIR PAY b morm\11 Ult/ llll!talMtim.~11 ••••••••• n.., .... 4.._, n.., ...... Y-aA , .... ion-.w c.-°""' $S50. '4f-211-S8U ••••••••• -0-sa..,.i-• ell colors, all s11u lor adoption to qualrhed llomes -• pcscve.or1 or 7l4-n3·5915 J -SHR IUIUHNGS 28x30 w11 $8,900, sell SJ,890 36x48 wn 11•1900. sell SS,950 48u00 was $26,900. seltSIVIOO Call Howl Tom 8()(). 392 7806 Treo4•111 Consumer Culde "BEST BUY" Health Club Que lily. llfetllN Werranty, New In Bu. Compalr at $2600 Sel FAST Onty 1995 111-950·3'°° ':;''" ..... .,.. W t MKhlne, Bike, StMMUltf _,,.. ned ftl.00 -.1'01711 I I °'' 9 711 I ' 1111m '11 I°' I Telephone 8 30am 5 OOpm Mon<l.ty l·nday Walk In li l()am 'i OOpm MunJ.i)' l·nday SundJ) ...... Frida~ 5 OOpm lndrx 3010.3940 m SOOS·SISO WI MADE SI U ,237 !Ml month ~ VilU tlOtWIL ~ only ~ we w.inled Wot tan poWvt'ly lt'iKh you lo do the _.,. R~ prool lnterestecP fd>861 43!> I 9 (CAI. ·sr.AH> • <M/Ofirea. I 16.,t 1500 block ol Newport Blvd $?00mo 949 799 1717 Clun . •nd Awt wme Loe Ne..,..... leach fre~ rent for ••<rel•n•I svt bu>IRU\ Woll u chan11e paylll& rent lor "'11 ottu dubts C'"eal office st~ lo w•t•• 949 123 848~ IAYfaONT EXECUTIVE olhce suole ? olficei., reception & ''oraae I o< 1n COM 949 718 %00 HOMES F-OA SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Coronldllflllf •A Cu ... C..- ~lroll 10 811 Cotona llflCI kM*out l)Olnl 48r 4 58• cinlom home (' t'-200S Offw.J., S2.ts0,000 COAST&N HAI.TY '4t-7st..0177 JASMIN( CRUil \1n1 slor'f 2br 2ba den Roaen Gardenef landscaped Handoc•pped rHdy Vttry low malnl Assoc w/tenrn, pool Call for 11p11t By Ownlf 949-640 1177 233 POINS£ mA Spacious •BR 3 SBA by Holed e1chltect Brron Jeannette. Sl,795.000 Angela Kraus Ocun P1c1lkl ProjHlfllei 949-644-70&.t ••COM .... SOOf .. • C..-C..-4elM• Cr ' l I n1 ~MMn •••·7St..0177 ap.. s. 1...S. 11 w. <-.. Sc>!lllls .. •• poo1,.-• ....-- -· S2..Cl6JXD. "' ...... T..,,. ~ CGllDIClll ,_.ISTAHS ,.,.. TIMOlll UTMNIW•UU .......... , . ., •-·r:tr1t• ltMrt .COfll II l ....... m&OYlllNT MGlnmlS •A Wp.rt. Newpot1 ........ '~" (l.M ( Sth Br g•me rnom otf1<.r dow"''""'' S 'Jb3 1< .. ~1~ 00 • QU!f'! LIM'""' ltl! Custom lf'd t u""I lhrou~l SI 'fl1 C»J COASTUNl UALTY 94'·759-0177 O'lN SAT 1-S 220 Tu•lln Ave., Newpur I He11hl• hom~ 4tir J Sli• wr •P •• uund view• ul NP H"' bm CJ< n & C11lahnio wnsels SI 89!> 000 A11t Sylvia 949 ;>)() /1 l / lllCBOISSA@AOL COM o,.,. s-I S. Stun- tllfltl Vlh i.. Newpert Hel ... h ~ BUlll & 2.!>ba, !l(lllltn!!I kl1. wk l1br.11y wall Ip rR bubblori& loun\.t«f"' u l)'ld hrdwd llr\. 2t prk~ S569 cm aat 94'J.m ~ 9t9 61'> '/7l':J I urn kl'y A ()(Qt&n S9r S&a ~~~plan h11h ce1hn1t~ r "' vong st. C4ie out3'ICle f p, " on-t ~ c<Num ~&motdl~<.00 Md\ad Brriomln. c-.llille Reily 961"»-0l / 7 IONnA CANYON OPIN SAT-SUN 1-S 10 wi.rew.,. 4BR 3 !>SA home Ind Sl!l>I!• ate otf1ce11uest suite By Owner Re duced to SI IJ'j 000 949 644 B288 .., ........... ~I home on • o-sand lot wtth ~ v.-s. 48t ot11ce. lea Jc car FR l a wt ap t1oond y•d Matblot &rllO!la COl.'l>« llllays. ti.ti SU-' pQsrN TV -.el Steve 94t-4~10 21 ST TaOf'EI Of'IN SUN 1-S 3br, Jb1, 3 trplc'r., 3 car 1ar•1• .. $1,200.000 OcHn Pac1f1c PropertJH MertyM._. '4t-640-017t St-Y'f'Mll ..... 4 appro• 3,577 sf •b• + den. •ba, decOf 1tor pertect 24 ht 1u11d 1•l•d comm Sattll Colcbchmoldt 8kr !M9-2S4-3700 Bank Foreclosures. Free list of. fOridosu~ properties. Receive a free. compuccrmd printout. > ~ 7402-7466 w.....,_ --, Er 78.> w 'loVl'ly &y v-' '°"' t\.upqn lob Di wu·tdo«s \j).teo<>US kit 01Cllh w '1l Sl8J CXXl ooo Mao y Wood aet 96 !184-'>8 l I 11/9816 ------,.IME ISTATlS ,ATltlU TlNOU NA TIONWIDl US .. 949-U6-t70S www patrocktenore cum ~~~ c..1-..-.4&2.~ """ ~ Nol lftled "" Ml s IJndef S'900 <XX> .tit Clout; LU.k '}49.636 I~ ~ ...... (?er 281, L... IU heh newly rernJd elt'Clattp,I\;~ SZlOOtrro ~~ 9'IS> DIOft• (oftr- • • Coll for listing• •• Prvdenllol (ollf aeolty 949-U6-J7SO Newport Coast OPIN SUN 1-5 Slunnrne .tw•o d winn1111 Broukheld l'lorM built in 2000 Jbr • olf1ce Approx 1700-.f Sl ,719,000 PLATINUM ,..O,HTIES Slelan"' Meur•1 9'9 71!> 3156 O'lN SUN 1-S llah•n ~lyle Sbr Sba appro• 18.000 lo 19 000\f Sl,4'5,000 'lA TINUM raOf'ntTIES Stefanie Meurer 949 71!1 3156 .... .._ ,..._ c.-t ~ estate wdh anyort & 0<.-1 ~ Offered at $6.500.000 c ••• , ..... R:llty M 9'-7Sf.0177 SanJanca,tm!IO l roprcal P•r adlse In • Country Club sethne MMbella th" home wn featured on 2001 SI Mar aarets home lour •nd 1st 811ce wonnti' on the 20 l land1cape beaul1f1catlon 1w11d awud by Cal1fo1 nla l endscape Contractor• Anoe ol Or1nce Counly S2.89S.OOO Cllfol Mcta111h1n lt[MAX R .. 1 Estate S«'voces 949 2120570 lllORT/ UCAllJI Ml'tiilf FmUlf .......... a.--..... .... .. -........ _.,....., Under the Service Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) S74-424S n....._lf t'i.....-6030 i...i~ New,ert He l9h1t nc11M1 0 '1tMNV ll'l'Mllll B"•uhful oPmOdfl 7br "' (eotl/Oc•-•1ew lur n d pvt room & bath up\ta1n i•tl & l•und< y no pt'I• •mokon& pool sp~ $16~949 118 l•I? ,, • ., ~r\.Un to sh•'" w I olh•r ptr ">On rn NB Pwt fut n d br & b.t S850tn • I '1 uhk 949 6'6 7673 Storage,(iarage Space f« Rent 6060 GAUGlS 10•?2 $3'0 or 11,22 S6SO or ~f aorp•>rl •••• pvl w httll ••rnnt r 949 646 1 l 06 Rt$1QtN TIA.. RV'1 Al.5 ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula ...,,.._ " "". p;tllrJ elevallw set ured enc:NI inc. •&" -. bu.11 clodl .viii .. !M9 6JS.Bl20 ,_., ...... .,,.IO heh ca.c 1'111"11 ?br I lw newly •ernod ~ p & urpor1 Sl(XD mo 71' zt>.47'JO s..,.., J;.., s _.,. ...... )ba <undo Bay --\~ to bth 2< Pl Sl500m !l~, 949 400-0411 N.l ./leo"ll " Jlr 2..sa.. lamily home. mn ocun V11eWS fl-om ~111 wote. ev..,. now ~ mo rly Cat " 949-6n 3899 Corona dtl Mir -T .... --...,.---br-and ____ Iba Ip Sll;C,O m" Set' 2br 2 SO. wd Ire_ w'1ofl 4 )() Ir vine 949 64? ~ vnyd 2<..ct p ,.,~ ..._...,,P'llllM11,_ szm Mt-376-1797 H11r1>:Y ..,a., ~ IS. i'CDI IAYfaONT ON LIDO PENINSULA • NlW 29' 21• conao1s Pnv•lt 8ea<h Pool and SpA W•tt. ,.., O~ean Shops anll Rntaur•nls l e•se 6 mu 1 yo• Boal Slop Avaolabt. 710 UOO ,AJUC OL 949 6/3 6030 or 949 113 5830 tn b;Jy ~ furn uniu'n Sl700m ht q.tq 718 J'()O ,., (1.-;t ........,., ~ QJ'1'l'O 2b I 'it. Pl*> llrdl ~ nu post! Ille. IA1I ? < p aet SI T7S ~ 6n 7ln> N~wly r~mod 1br 1b.t condo :> < 11•• P•llO wd nl' pet, \ml< Avail 6 I Sl~lse 949 /~9 I~ ~---loy lB<, 2 lull bath .... bc-.ctl p.i.k tennos No Ptb S220Q..mo I r-~ Avail fu IS 949 !166 9'l88 ...,...... 2llt 2Ba cn.r lo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l~ Ol!Wfyl~"" p w d. Ire. f\.'pd:s,'snW IAYHONT ON l IOO PC NINSUl A NlW 21r 2ao COTIAGCS Pr 1vate Buth, Pool and S,,a W<1"' lo Ot ean Shops and Rrslaurant" lu\t' 6/mo 1 yr~ Boet Slop Avaolabt. 710 UDO ,AH Dlt. 949 613 6030 01 949 723 !>8JO UOO Yual Y UASE Bill ORUNDV REAl TORS t4t-67S-6161 Newpert 1..0 Penlllsula Sludro Apartments av.it Aal $6!!0-$950 949-673-7800 S2'all ""' 949 67'!> 948) s..p. .. -Ill yrty •olta. 2 !TM \te 251» "'n vu ...... 'ba.ony Ip p M pet .. $?@ 'M%n JID> lfMDI IAY/IAY ~ UC>' latn ?br I '>ba Ip 1a1 wd hllup YI 1'41 $2600 mo !M9 613 8111 ~ .............. '!bl home 1~ pr "'"' p.bo rnmm pool 'l'r llr S2!li5 ..,., mw 9'96681173 Lt JSf 2.sa. '" 1•trd comm w pool spa• PflVlll' y .. d SJOOO. mo Aaenl 949 8S6 9705 Dr 2lo. din. pelJo w/d 1*14>'1 le p 11lp!!b. ,_ LA-we 11t, pr. w/d paon!, av.all 6,ll Slfib()(mo clow lo budl. 502 l6th 949-613 17?1 hes St lo-unit. WIY quoet "TlM llwff•" Jlk 21e, Hup b1y view S319S mo 949 2'!>2 8200 Of 949 851 8160 lnw Optoon Avail t.w. ~ condo 2Bt [il'pnl MlCI lmmKIMlt ~ W•llPIJ'Oll'ed Oedit. nlr>«ts $4200/mo yily Owner '1111 949 118 ?nt 21t lh, le pr w/d hi! ~. cnrr• lot Vacant $ t 7!>-0. mo rncld utls Donald Pt•tf, Coldwttll Bani>.•. t4t-7ss-6074 ComMlll Sl3!JO/mo 949-64>3683 ,.,.1,..,.1. Polt1t lbr Iba, nrcely furn1slled, shared leund. uhl incl ast s 1350 949-613· 7800 2a r 1.Sl e, wall! to beac.h, 4245 HRerte, near Ho11 1e1. w/d hllllJ"$. $1400/mo 949 fi4S.3683 HMI Off ht MO ltl1n hll -in ...., ls.t w/12 mo ....._ ,.._., ,..,...., c.,. Code ~ commwity wt-......, _.,.. & -* Wllflttl/dr/Wf. dlltM .... • ,.~ ilddld ,..IPl lBr Sl<a·Blt $1445 (714} US.Tftt .... 2Br Ille I __. .. .,.,...... u. ~di.a .. ,..,_ ... ~ .... Kara a.291..-z , •• d 2llr 2M .. , ............ Ptt ... 1 c. pt, ... llf&. ~ llOD .... 7) 1lllO \Mot W..117 Vie OtV!etD 48r 2.5Ba Jc .. fp, COl.l1yaf d. ups.lM's VteWI, ~'mo~~ TtlUsAt.t YOll 6AU6EWll II CWSRD ~9)'42-5671 • EmplcJymelt - IOAT OPllATOltS Bn1t opeftlon nttded lor harbo• op~ul1001 al lwo Herbot\ Calehn• hbnd H•r~ Petrnl 1nd \hnrrboal woth 6pli lo 'lO Ion lu "'" l oolunc for uu1101n1 lt'em "',.nled prur•~ I or 10f<> till JlO !>10 4204 ( .• ,. ... p.,,, ~ & c.1 .... (..o Now ttw,,. s.-en & BM~ !or P11 Wnrk c.I llC0'742 88!Wl to YI up ontet_.. ~ OWNlll Of'9.. Al'Olb t~ ,o.s °""" 1ruc111 looi.rc t.. .,,. '*"*"*l l.Mmtar ha the loolJl.ihl&M lo ....... tCH.I •ucceutul' CAll l AIC>ST AR 888-33!>-ll!M (CAl-scAIC) • TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Lo.lint ,_ • s- .,lol,? Mailer recotdio& k41P1Y in N B. ,,_. • dcpendable per son to ,._, ... the -ehouse Pie.. cal 949-~7 4-!iSX) OI .,.,.. MUln@ITW'Smtdle c:om OWNU OPUATOI TCAMSI cot. w/Hou Motl a. Ooubie5 r eq T er m1nllf l eminill Clf ow'Hook. Hire lln Bonus. I tei Miles 800- 909 5664 ut 2 10 (CAL •SCAN) OWNUI Of'HATOI TIAMSI cot. w/Haz·Mat & Double$ req Tet1n111al Termmal Clfop,.,iooll. Hire on Bonus. Heh ~ im. 909 5664 t•I 210 (CAI. •SCAN) OWNU O'UATOR TIAMSI COi. w/Hal Mat a. Double$ req T w mona1 lernW\11 Of~·Hh on 8onlp. Hll'I Mila. IQ). 909-5664 esl 210 tr.Al. •SCM) 0 California l1w re· QUll'9S lhal tool/ K • tors tak1n1 iobs that total S500 Of mooe (labor Of materi.ts) be hcenwd by the Contraclon St•I• license Board Stale t.w also reQU!res that contrectors include lhw license number Ofl an Ml-tnina You c1n check the s!Jttin of your h censtd co nlrector 11 WWW Ulb Cl 1011 Of 800·321 ·CSL8 Unh- cem.ed con Ir eclors talllna jobs t hat tol•I IHI lhan 1500 mu'I slate In their 1dverllsem1nt1 thet they are not llcented b't the Contractors Stale L~llM 8o81'd. • ,.,....,Will MIMI I WI I ,_,... AMllr& ...... bsalm 1!111115 '9tC 9&M'9P5 ....... ,, .. A-ZtwlDY&M lnataa, r.fet.• etfMMh "'*' ........... ,. ... ~0..,1~1'.l!il ...., ..... ATfORNEY Qyil ...... ....... llw ........... . ~. CClllWllllU, ...... ,. 20v...-. ,_ .,,_ • Pubhslunc ,.OMOTIONS Dlf'AaTMUfT Community ~ '" 0r-. County ~ f ul Tma penon to .,terv_ and wnlAt ~ partla· pala in community events. crate end pllplll:e lllllllf'$ end sections. Excellent conwnuniallion ~ work well wrth the pubic KOO'# AP Style, QuatllXPtess, Pholo5hop. Multi-Ad Cre- etOI, Profiaent on MAC ,and PC. CCI des11n experience preferred. Ptoofre<Jdint tesl Drua scr_..,,physal requeed. EOC Eacellent benefit pack• Emel! resume. writJnc samples and salary requirements to '-john!on@latmes.com -SUPa HmOS WANTID'" Saekinc up' d d'fnanwc S-.S~IOfllM'llln '*le~ co. wrth hlce •owlh poterlUll. Allio anduslry up. a plus 6 po5lbom to be filed ,,..,. ~ 714-414-ai42 • W .. U..lh. Custom Built-ins, Crown Moldinp. Base Bo81ds l '577982 949-709·5642 c.,.ca.-. SAVE 35%01 Carz!: Fumiture ~~ s.ir ...... ...., ...... fllf fS1IMA1f 23 YWSE». BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-SS9 ·7181 EFFIOENT AllSYS1EMS C,,20 520089 (714)tM-m7• ...... •(M)72H717 , ............ . ... 1. FUMACE ..... 12 13 IOIH OUR TEAM and make a difference In the C.hforma Almy Nallonal Guard you c.an cet money for colleee and career tr a1nmg Call I 800 -GO -GUARO (CAL •SCAN) )OIH OUR TEAM and malle a doff et ence. In the Ca hf or ma AI my Nat1on1I Guard you can eel money for colleee and career tra1n1n1 Call I 800 ·GO ·GUARO (CAL•SCAN) JOM Otlt TIAM IOd malle a differ eoce In the Celdorma Almy National Guard you Clln cet -Y l0t coleee and c.eer tra~ CaM I .ax) GO GUAAO. (CAL "SCAN) SELL your stuff through classified! carpet Repalr~les 'l)(Alf'(T~(Alf'(T'I) Rep11il's. P1tch1na. Install Courteous any ssu iobs Wholesale' 949-492 02()!) ~Semcts -' Oe!lyfllOt ••••••••••••••••••-iA1taiiiiiri;ioii1;i.~1iiiiii 1 c h Bridge • iniii,;;miial-;•iiii1 a 11 1tu • 8Y CHAAL£S OOREN with OMAR SHARF and TAHHAH HIRSCH PLAYEDWml~I! N<irth.SOUth \l\lhlenb&c. NOl'ltl deals. West led lhe twO o( clubc. 1111 Ubvi- CM allllk*la in U&bt o( Ille biddiQg. The blad ~ fMY until Wea lhowed out on the second ~· bodina ill rot a )-1 bean div1 ion. Declan:rn1&hed the table'• mnalnlng sf*le honor, came IO hand with tho aoe of hearts and drew the las1 uump. Not uneJ(peetedly, East &bowed out art the second heaJ1. lllld declarer had a problem about sett.Ina up and u in£ dummy'f beans to take care of 11 club NOR11I •AKO 0 109lr6.J ~ KJ •753 WE.'IT FAST • .. • 11651 o J 742 0 5 o Q JO 87 U 2 o 5 J • l • KQJ 1084 SOl!fH • ,,., 3 o AKQ o A' •A'6 The bidding; NORTH &\Sf II;> J • 4• ,_ ,_ ,_ Openina lead: 1Wo o< •· lolcr. ' Alter some lbought1 declarer unearthed the winnin&_ line. The play 10 far bad l'JW'ktd East with four ~ ooe belrt and six clubs, leav- ina room for j1m two diamonda. If that holding did not include the queen. the slam was comlna home. E'en the llOUNbt COO(J'aCtS cu be wnrlcd by bed brcab. But aome- cunc;, there are Wll~ to OOUl*r tbe wh11ns of di>b'ibudon. The remaining high heart was cleared from the cloSed hand, the nine ol diamonds was led and. when West followed low. the Jatk was ftneS5Cld! When that held. declarer continued by leadina I.he ten of heart ... from dummy, jeuiloning I.he ace of diamonds from hand! Down to llOlh- ing but c:ti.emonch after wiMina I.he jaCk o( hearts, Wear was forald to reswicita1e the table by leadini a dia- mood to the 1tJna. and dcclarcr01 ~­ilia cluh. went away oo tbe diamond kina and nine o< taearu. Six ~ bid and made. EaA '1 prcempc.i~ jump IO three clubs effectively robbed North- Soulh of lhe room to C.\plorc po11i- bilitics. Al a rcwll. South 1oot a lboc al lam, koowin& that lbe fl!*t lJllil was hkcly to prQduce discards. -AllDlnallvl ... AnNnabHes -AldomaltVI .. Au41 '01 TT 2• c .... 225HP. Quatro. lOk ml, full fact warr, 6spd, superb oric unm11rked 11111 new cond $27 ,995 v#Ol3653 llnanc1n1 av11f Bkr 949 586 1888 -....... •.~- IMW 740I 't6 ee.JlllJI Sorent 8'NT.,, Chonw ~ 1211 "' ,..,..... rTUt -S20.500 !M9-378-9'!M6 IMW 74GI 't6 ee.JlllJI SOtehl 8'NT Ill, Chrome ~ 7211 n-.. ..,..,.s. l'YUlt -$211.500 96-3184M6 IMW740ll'H Silver w/r.rey le1lh11 In· let. fully lo1dtd. $16.000 949 675 6006 auldi '97 '.tt Av- 60k + m1 silveJ /1Jey llhr. lu"y loeded, bHU· trlul OflCJftal tOtld. $7995 v642l76 8lr.t 9&51!&-18118 __ ....,.._ • IUSl#ESS ltl"Aln UPCr •des. Repairs of Computer, Networks C ven111cs/Weellends CompellllYI PflCH for quality servic t49-U6-tt7S " .... ,. ... 22• C......&-.,Y lrldi It.di $._ Tiie Conatte, Pltio, OrlYew1ty r1rep1c. 88Q Refs. 25Yrs Exp. 1enr 114.557 7594 ~ YOUllHOMI IMf'lOVIMlNT f'lOJICTl C.11 • plumber, pelnter, h•nd'tm•n. or 1ny of the OHi 14rv1e:es l11t1d,h«• in Ollf Ml'Vlce d11ect~y! THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOO TOOAYI ____ ___. __ ~C...-o.6'• !S.11 low ni Slv9' w/blt liap, 2-«*' • Int. Ult c:ond. S2M. ~ C-...C 'tt S.vlle SlS 40k ml, purl w1te, oelmHI llhr. co. ea· fl&ed, non/smkr. hlle newVS92641 $14,995 Bkr -.1888 -.oqJlti.alm ci;;;;r;a;t •ts c...,..1ce Cluslc 3511 ml, clHn 1n & out, c•111ed. $6200 ~)s.--eo11 ~S*t .. c-v. JX '00 37K. V6. Metallic areen. Grey int. Black top. Buut1ful lib new condll1on Sl0.500 vln872412 949-586-1888 -.ecp4111tl.cem DODGI STU.I.TH IS 'U Blue. auto. llhr. CO, loaded! 30 mpc . Smoaed, S.4750. Moved. PP 714-721-6t94 .,.._,01 JU12t1i..i, CO. nav11atlon, lull fact warr. Winchester blue. oalmnl lthr, chrome wheels. like new uve $JOk v22136 $42,995, 4.5 APR fin n111I, brolla 98!8>1.1111~ ,..,...,ttxrv......, Ptn 40k ml, full fact warr, wh1te/oetmeal lthr. CO, beautiful lib new. oric cond v870l42 128.995 8111 9$5811-1888 --····-~ ...... ~ 6cyl, 2 wd, 3611 actual ml. 1ilver/1rey int. elloy•, labulou1 like new unmerked cond. 4·yHr -!Mil. 11757721 Sl2,9li fwm 0-Down quallf'led ~. 4.6 N"R 8rdwr t4t-SU-1 .. I •-·•c,.t.l.c- t...-'9t IX JOO 4Wti, bledl. lmmK, 5711 mt ltlv, tow I'll&. rd.. Nb Dnl. dml ..... htd lb. boob SZl.D> ,.350-52112 UCINSID (OiifUdoe No jab too ""' Al ..... Repeir, remodel, 1-. ,., ,_SVC ~3666 AoGltllt'f1ll CUS10M QIAlM YU lllltllltian, ... CW'8lric. llllri*. *"-. ..... lt7S Ll613* Jiff 714-tlZ-91161 .................... floors, Counlers & Showers. Ll591315 frH Eatlll!ate !M9·481 2097 ™ ............ Rllfoutln & lnlw.tlon Til£ DEAH !Mt-67 l-8065 7JA.815&21 7141B2DJ1 ::: !! •• A • Dlscev•ry '00 N VB. Certified #242046 $20,995 Men.des '01 lens C240 like new. Loaded f01420I $24,HS Dlscevery '02 SI V8. Loaded Ilk m1, Prior Rental #750601 SS1,99S Dkcevert '00 II V8. leather, Dual Sun Roofs. Cert1f1ed #24122 S20,HS Dlac..,ery '01 SI V8.lealhe1,0ualSun Roofs. Cert1hed •72J22S S24,99S GMC '01 Yull- D--'1 Leather. Sun Roof 9Paueneei •1tt120 sss,tts Dlnevert '00 II V8,Leether.Lo1ded, C~11ed "242119 S20,t9S GMC'OOYuk- 0-11 h4, low M•. Blk/81k. Cust Chrome Wheels 122146 S26,HS 1. .... a-.,•oJ Ulllmale Luxury SUV "' 11495 $67,995 Dlscevery '99 Only 23K Mi. Cwhlled #20StSI $20,H S Merca4es '96 C110 buu11ful btack/crum tu ly loltded. &howr 00111 .vaA. sus n4'151 2464 COMf'UTl lANOSCAl'tNG Onicn. clunups. trees, sod, spunklers M1111tenance u low es S9/weell licensed 714-222-8425 Niet1 IMrtyWeftl·-·~· -L1wns. Lewn A11al1n1, Sprinklen. Trcdllallool W.. Sprin1 Tune ups. Repa11s & Up11•des "H1~e us do your Dirty Worll" 714-715-2121 Gel your Y•rd loollln1 ilS !mt b the surmw. Y1rd clun·up1. sprinkler tune-ups and l•dscepln1 Xtn H-4 ServlcH 714-421 .. Yr .. s.rvac., 'Y1td Cle1nup, ~lnten•nce, Sprinkler Repelr, Haullnc (t4t)HCM7at maAl. IEftll 61WN1!1WD • leldailill• c-dll No Job 1bo S...S .,.............._ ,.._J2M29J TIL.0'5 •UROPllAN AUTOHAUB o...r llO c... In 8'-* 1-800799-8456 w~ •ta• www.alocars.com NEW2002 MINI COOPER Stmf, P9J.I PKG. 16' &l.OYS. CO m,~o I AT TllS PRKt (TCJ318) .. OHERAT SIMILAR SAVWGS! • LITS MOT~ IT'S F~ •••••••• SSFRUWAY @wr«IR SANTA ANA AUTO M.U IUl)atl-• COMnETE HOME MAl#FutAllCE No job too sfNll' Everylh1n1 trom Cerpenb'y to p~ f rH esllmele ,,,,,._,., fO-ZfS-1161 hi ur SHCWJSf. Ai types of repairs Ctec- lt tell. plumbir1I, doors. "'* t..i."S. lits & men 241v/7da'tS 714-366 lll81 c..... ·~ C•penl1y • Plumblnc Orywan • Stucco Painllfll, t• & more :zo+ Y &lfS [a perience! a 714-t6t-S776 Ld61Ci81 IOllNSON COMPANY Kitch911, W• e.b-.s Mark 949 650-9525 D All WOfk pwentHd ~ Olmail. Doors, F'lllllh C!P ... 98-3'48i ....... J1UMl TO THI ~II 714-9'1·11182 AVM.A8U lOOAYI ~67355M ~-=·;·.~:; 0 C. 24Yn Ref's t49 548 0054 949 137 4118 .•. , ......... AUTOSf'OltT ........... 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IC..,. ~--· lulr-.. rw•lllld (19211} $11,• NMWUtll .... °"' O'MW, loetl --port 19Citn, ..... reoordl, chromed wNs (19.140) m.• oo,.,_xa Slwr w/bledl. l2K mies, perfect. (19381) MZ.980 Na-es ... Pr""wi--.co sbdl, SUIVoof (192.86) St&• tnlw'l/T~ ~-,,.. c19.JMC> m.• -~$-fp (l931r.) • 'i:l.a "llUGDlf ~ ...... chromed ...... (19302) S26.• ...... a. comt,thlaM,blldl, met w,/llnlMc llhr, chromed whelk (lWO!J) S36.9IO -'-•.,.- f4t..S14-1111 M&fSAITO ;'9; -- f'OttS<HI 'O 1 IOXSTla Black w/crey 9,000 ml, perfect cond. $39.950 t4t-72J-.OS70 POltSCHI c.lort.i.t 'U red. restored, beau. $20,000 Of besl offeJ 949-675-6006 S•UyourCar in Cltu11ifl•d I .......... a..ec ............ 1111, ............ 1111, ... t Miff WllFft, llOIJO 611loMt631toM ........ :\,__..... ..... • _., I:"~~--~ cs. VII\ or he* b or not Cll Cb C1P TOllllllo A1AD Siiia. 79- U/ 1931 or n~ CASH fOI CMS WI NllD YOUI CM PAID fOI Ol ltOT PMUMllAUTO Al• JOit llM<OUll Ht-514-7777 IOATS ,.., ... •15 t•-&-IOATS ... ,.... .... ,_ -.,tt..-.t T .. "-....S74-M• .,, ........... ~ !4tt ouu.ee loedH, well mainlalMct, "'*" ~ y...,. '* 9eC73DIO ts n stW AVAILAaU IM NIWPOIT llACH $2SOOU.UI f4t-S~100S IOAT A.-s t«M AVM Caal lar ... balllon ..., dltlllla. w... end ~ RWld ~s-4147 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Cl.t\\if1t·d ( """'"""'v fJl .11~ ··tpl.01,.