HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-17 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• !» ..... ... ... ·~ • .. --.. --- . • - - .. • .. Serving the N e wport-M esa community since 1907 SATURDAY,MAY17,2003 ·so many people have asked me how I am ahle w accom plish so much fin such a .\hurt period of time/. The an swer is simple: I come from a family of doers.' Karen Robinson, Orange County Superior Court iudge SlM ~ LE.Fl uAll 1 f • Karen Robinson embraces her mother. Mildred, while her father, Ph1hp, beams with pnde after the former mayor of Costa Mesa was sworn mas an Orange County Superior Court Judge at the Central Justice Center 1n Santa Ana. Finally judged Fo rmer Costa Mesa mayor Karen Robi nson, a Su perior Court judge fo r a month now, gets a formal swearin g in. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot ...,M'< IA ANA A tl1g111fit•d hu<,h ft•ll owr I kp.irtment < I ot Lht· < t•ntral Ju..,llll' (A'nter I ndav .tfll'moon a.. Karen Boh111<,m1 donnt·d her 1ud~t'' roh1•. llol>111"on. who rt"-1g11t•d <L' the Co ... ta Me-..1 mayor on April Ir,, wa.., formally ... worn 111 during a ll'rt'mony 111 front of lwr family, l IO'>l' frimd-. aud lornwr l ollt'.lh'lll'' from tlw Lil\ Lo1111ul ~lw hJ'> hecn ... 1111ng on the bent h fur J rnunth new •. llilv1ng ht•en d fr·t11wly .. worn 111 011 \pnl I fl · Ilic dJy ha-. fin.JI) rnnw. .111d I .im thrilled.·· Hohm.,cm .,aid. "My dream hJ-. rnme tnic" lne day w.i., numa•ntou-. on per,onal anti .. y111hol11 level .... llobin ... 011 j<, the nr ... 1 African American femJlc 1udgc to he appo111tt>d or clectl'd 111 tht• t ClUtl{y. •• 1 rom tlw A ... 1ar1. I .. 111no. Ardb Anwncan .u1d other eth nit commu111u~. they hJve .111 ..,hared with mt· her allcn- 111111 to dt•r..ul. hone'>t\' a11d rmml"'-tilt' perfet.t . (()fTI· mun ground for greatnt">.., .rnd lmtory. • '-:ild Hohen Md >onaltl prc...,1dt•nt of Lhc Orangt· ( ounty Bl.itk Ch am· ON 0 f ( () 111111 l' rt l' < .ov. (.ray D.tvi' appointt•d llohm..on to Lhe Or.inge County ~upenor <.oun on March 2ti. <;he rc•plart'.., Judge \tuan Waldrip. who re'>1gned 111 July 2002. Hoh1mon wa' elt>t·tcd to tht' rnundl in November 2000. I ht• 40 yt'..ir-old lawyer ofwn u-,t'tl her leg.LI .. ~111 ... 111 grill law)'er.. repre..cntmg JP phcants lor pru1et I'> and could 4u1ck.I} rl·ton Jhollt It· gal fmdmg-. b~d. on the· city's master pla11. In Janu~ .!00..!. tht• \h-.,.1 Verde re<.1dent IJum lw<l .111 Un'>UCCC'.'>Sful >Hill' 111 tam pa1gn to un-.cat Orangt· County ~upenor < .oun Jutlgt• Honakl C. Klint' and appht•d for an Jppo1111111en1 -.0011 thereafter. .. or e1gh1 year'>. Huh1n...011 ha-. -.erved a.., 1udgt' pro tempore for the Munit ip.tl and Superior Court'>. pr1•-.1d See JUDGED, Pa&e A4 Veches talks of 'obsession' in transcripts In police interview a year ago, former Newpo rt employee said he '" 'addicted ' to sig h t of kid'-.' feet. Deepa Bh arath Daily Pilot l\;IWl'OI< I Ill \I II \ !111 llll'r f('( ft'.1lll11l ( 111111.l111.tllll '" 1 ll'>t'tl of ..,11do11g tlw 1111·' 11f 'C'\t·r,11 Im\' 1·111111lc·d 111 1h1• l ''' .., .illt·r "h1111I p111gr.111h told p11lt1 I' 1 ..... 1 \l'.H tl1c.1I lw 11.111 hc•t CH lit• ,1cJcJ1t ll•d Ill l1111l111g .11 1 l11ldn·11 ... 11·1·1 .111tl li.111 tlt-H I opt•d ,111 11h'l''-'"'" hu1 rhot tlll'rt' \\,1<, 11111h1ng '""loll .ihout th.11 ll\Jll•lll "\\h,1t tlw. bull.., d1J\\n t•i " 1h.c1 I h,1\1• J prolilt·m." I..! \tar olcJ lrl'llt1J11 \t« h1·' 111lcl '"" p111r 1\1•.1•11 11111111· '''' 111111 \11111.111 h .. 111 c11d111g 111 11.111 "r1ph lrt1111 .1 1.1p1·tl 11t1t r\11•\\ c.11 < II\ I I.di 1,11 \p11I 17 .!IHI.! 1111· d.1\ \11111 ... , ........ 11 fl"•ll'd I 111 111111 l•'d'>llll g11\ ... li·1'l don I cl11 11 \,.1 li1·' '' .1.111111c·cl 111 1111' tr,111"' 11p1 I .1111 tl1·fi111t1·I, ,11fr.t1 lt•cf lo \\lllllt'CI' 11·1•1 ,t11cl oh\11111,h. I li,1\ 1• •I 1'ft1h'1 Ill \\llh ~1d-. It···· But \1•1 lie·-. 1 ""'1'1>'1111\ ,,11d du1111µ th1· 11111•1\11•1\ 111,11 111 lll'\l'f "" ~1·cl th1 ''"., ,,, 11111• hnl 1 l11ldr1·11.., 11•1•1 1 .. 1 '\ u.il 1-'••111!11 .1111111 '( 1t1d II<, ll11t I' 11111 II 11111 1111111•-.1(\ .• 't'\\l.1! 1!1111~· Ii• ffllcl \l11C1otr1lt II" lll•H• l~t •'I -.11rrr1·1h1111-" 1lo.1r ''J" 11"1 11 ~llCI\\ h111 pl.1\ltW \\tllt •Ii• ~ltf, • \1·1111' l'tl Ii• lr1 1•nl 1111 See VECHES , Page A4 Newporter may add ballroom With confe rence center. too, in $14 -million upgrade. Newport's oldcc,t hotel could compere better, owners say. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot \.I \\l'OIU Bl A< II -I ht• nt:\'\ owm·r., ol tlw u ty\ oldt'..,t hotd lht• 1 lyatt :--..l'\\ poner. Jrt' kit kmi.: Jround the 1tlt'J of 1111 ludi11g J h,tllroom .ind tonf('rt'lllt' t'elllt'r ,..., pJrt 111 ,1 SI I 11111lw11 upgradl' Hy adcl111g tho'>t' ft'Jture ... to thl' h otl'I. whit h \\':J\ built 111 l'ffi.!. llw I lyJll '\t•v1.p1Jr11•r \\t1uld lw rnort• tn111pellt11l' 111.11111.11 hold m.1r~1·tpl.11 •' 1h.11 11 d1111i·... 1111 m·1,h 1''J• 111cl1•tl 1 .. 11110.1 B.I\ (]uh i... H1·,ort 1111 111'\\h b111h I 1\,111 l!i·g1·1u \ 1 h11 1111g1111 Kc '.11 h H1·,urt /\ '>Jl.I .111rl 1 h.11111 hcl of 1ttlll'r '\1•1,p1111 \l1·..,1lt11I•1 ... th.11 11111•1 "'··"''' 1111·1•1111,.: 'Jl·ll 1 \\1 h.111• '" lc-\1•1 1111• pl.11111g fll'ld \\Ith 11111 lCllll)l("lllfll'i ,,111! Bn1u• Hr.c111t•rtl 1111• '\1 ''I' 11t1·r, g1·1lt'r.1l 111.111.ig1·1 It ... ~1•1•p111~ up \'\llh 1lw lt11ll''•'' \\ll1th 1' lilt Ill tht· IClllrl,111 JlU,llll"'' Hr.t11ll'rd .11111011m 1•d tlH ho td.., rt•1.i111p 111 \I.ire h .11111111 thn·t• muntli... ,d11·r th1· 'Jlt 1111lw ho!l•I hy \\l\.ndh,1111 l111t·rri.1111111.1I l11t on l>t'1 r, llw IU\lll'\ hofl'I 1h.un ..,old 1lw '\1·~p11rtt·1 1•1 \\1•.,1brcm~ ll11t1·l l'.irf111·r' I\ '>1m,tom· I lotl'I lmc•,tm' tilt' See BALLROOM, Pa&e A4 Smile, you're on Costa Mesa's red-light camera Came ra installed at o ne of t he city's most d an gero us inte rsectio n s w ill be s napping pictures b efore Wednesd ay, po lice say. Deepa Bharath Oa1lyP1lot COSTA MESA -The city"> fi rst red ·light camera is ex- pected 10 start snapping pie tures of violators at o ne busy interseclion beginning nex1 week. The camera. which has been inslalled 31 the interseclion or Harbor Boulevard and Adams Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER More aun. and e whole weekend to enjoy It SeePqeA2 SPORTS Newport Harbor High swlmmen stroke for CIF tlttel. See hp Bl Avenue. will become functional before Wednesday . Col.ta Me~ Police l.t. Karl Schuler .,rud. "The equipment was in<>lall ed latl the beginning of this month, .. he said. "We put up photo enforcement warning signs as required by stale law and we were all set to begin fWednesdayl. But we ran Into another glitch. which should be wor!Ced out soon.· Rl·d light runut.'r., rnught on tap<• will not get ud:etc; dunng the fir<,t monrh of camera en- forccmt'nt. Schuler !>aid. "l·or d m -day period. they'll only get a warning," he said. "What they gel in the mail will look like a ti cket, but it will be a warning.· Co'>l.t Me.,a\ new camera docsn·t snap one picture of a violator, but actually shoots 30 frames per second. wso, a violator gets fo ur pie· tures when they get the cita· tion, • Schuler said. "There's one each or the front and rear U- cen'ic plale-;, one ol the lt~hr turning red and one ot pcr,on\ face.· After 1he lir-.1 month. \10J.1 tors will <;fan getting "n•al" uta Lions Iha! will <iel them hJt k. $306. The I larbor and t\darn., inter section was picked bt'cau-.e 11 tops the Police Department\ h'>t of the IO worst mter-.er tton., 1n the city. "Once we identified it ill> a problem intersection. we outfit· ted it with a monitoring device' See CAMERA. Pace M FAMILY TIME Costa Mesa's first recH1ght camera , at Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue, will soon be operational MAAK{. DUSTIN D~llf Pit lll May I buy it, please? 0 ne of the keys to succ fuJ sales Is giving the pro pect the permission to buy your product or service. That pennlsston may come ln the form of a lower price, a llmlted time in which to take • advantage of an off er or a UmJt on the number otthe ofti rs or producu tbar a.re available. Look throuJh thll new1paper, and you'll tee many ada «Mnt you the pennllllon to buy. For a guy. ha~ hit wife give hJm permlMlon to ao out and buy a new car-any ooe STEVE SMITH hewants - lsabout as good as it gets. That's what J got. and it wasn't even my blrthday. Myou m.yrecall. the lralUDlJISfon 01' my Ford W\nd.sta.r bit the dust on my way to a UnJe · a.earue ~ lbout • moatb 1fO. A new Of rebuilt one was going 10 co t a small fortune, so I had to determine whether it wa~ worth fixin8 and selling or fust un loading it •as I • While I was lhlnkin about • it, I referred to a mf'C.hanlc who proved wroa th~ old adage that •tf It sounds too f'Ood to be 1ru h probably TbsH d ) r I w him the WlndMar~ he mum~ lt In es.cellftlt wolking conditkm for Sl;JOO, ft l got I ·month suaran• on tht ....... Y ...... M AZ SaUday. May 17, 2003 D~Pllot FAITH . . . . • THE MORAL OF THE STORY RELIGION NOTEBOOK Seeing beauty in life:S entire palette Thank .heaven for laughter ·in our life, clU!re is a singl.e rolor. as on an arti.st's palette, which proui&s the meaning of life and an. le is the color of /cue." -MARC CHAGALL L ast Monday morning, I woke up to the meJod.ies of singing birds and the hum of a breeze gently tapping on our window shutters.. Even before opening my eyes. I could tell that the sun was clearly bright and on duty for the day. It was the morning after a wonderful week.end with family and friends and fun Mother's Day celebrations. God seemed to have painted the days with extra love. light and laughter. We also enjoyed the spectacular weather. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON "Maybe God wanted Mother's Day to be beautiful because mothers are so special,-J heard a woman say to her friend as I walk.ed by them at a nearby park. Mothers are special, but everyone is special to God. Besides. far more mothers live where the climate was not ideaJ on Mother's Day, or many days of the year, but God doesn't lave them any less. I talk.ed to some friends for whom Mother's Day and other holidays are painful times, because of loss of life of loved ones or strained relationships with family members. Unfortunately. those are days when it seems that the colors of life ran together and left a mix of muddy brown. I tallced to a woman before Mother's Day who said that although she had a great relationship with her mother when she was alive, she had strained relationships with her siblings after her mother passed away. She wanted to do something to reconnect with them. but didn't knoy.' how. ·we always had fun together when we were young, -my friend said. ·1 can't even remember what led to the distance between us years ago, but I think it's time to ask God to · bring some of his love, and hopefully healing to the rest of our family. I really think this could be our year,· she said with a new spark in her voice. I talked with that friend again after Mother's Day. She ~d that she prayed for God's wisdom about her siblings, and one anSwt!r came through an old photo album. •My heart started softening, and l laughed and cried at the pictures of some of our silly parades and art shows", she said. She also began writing lerters to her brothers and sisters and plans to mail them soon. •tr we're able to get together, we'll have to have another parade or art show,· she said excitedly. ''l'U be sure our children are there or involved and that someone takes pictures or videos." Relationships require many different attitudes and actions. If we were artists, some of the colors we would need to add Lo paint over past pain and minimize futures hurts are forgiveness, grace. honesty, humility and love. These are the very thin~ God offers to us as individuals every day. These are also the very things he is more than happy to help us extend to others when we ask him to be pan of the process. God can take any mix of colors in our lives and rum them into something truJy and deeply beautiful And you can quote me on that • CfNDV TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beadl resident Who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be readied via e-mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at P.O. Box 614-0-No. 505, Newport Beadl, CA 92658. A few weeks ago, my husband, Michael, and I created a three-day weekend so we could make a short road trip to Yosemite and stay there for a couple of days. On the way up to the national park. we stopped to relish the wildflowers near Gorman. We missed the peak of the season, bur we would have never known lf someone hadn't later told us. A blank.et of deep blue lupine and paJe blue gilia. creamy-white tidy tips and cream cups, pwple owls clover, orange California poppies and golden coreopsis covered the hills of the Tejon Pass as profusely as Oowers on any Rose Bowl Parade float. The grasses were beginning to brown, it was true, but stepping into those fields was like stepping into a 3-D impressionistic landscape born from the brushes of a painter Ii.Ice Georges Seurat or, as it seemed, straight from the hands of God. The flowers, lighted by the mo rning sun, swayed in a gentle breeze. I could have sworn they were singing from Psalm 96. MSing to the /,ord, al/ the eanh. Proclaim the good news of his salvation from day to day. Let the heavens rejoice, and lf't the earth ht> glad; FAITH CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS INTRODUCTION TO ZEN WORKSHOP The Zen Center of Orange County will offer an "Introduction to Zen Wort.shop" fro m 3 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The Zen Center is at 120 E. 18th St in Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 722-7818. 'LOST BOYS OF SUDAN' One of the "Lost Boys of Sudan· and the Sudanese bishop will be at St James Episcopal Church at 3209 Via Lido in Newport Beach for an information and prayer session from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday in Trane Hall at the church. Information: (949) 67&-0210or www.stjamesnewportbeach.org. TliE NEW IRAQ Dr. Huw Anwl will be giving a presentation asking the pertinent questions about what is to come of Iraq at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive at 7 p.m. Sunday. Information (949) 644-0463. RRST SUNDAYS AT F1VE CONCERT St Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will present "Happy Voices" with the St. Michael's children's choirs at 5 p.m. Sunday at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. 'CHRISTIAN MEDITATION 101' "Christian Meditation 101 - Leaming to Find God in a Busy Wor1d" will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal.Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information (9491 644-0463. ANTI·SEMmSM TALK The Social Action Committee at Temple Bat Yahm In conjunction with the Anti-Defamation League of ConllWltton MICHELE MARR Let the field be joyfu~ and all that Ls in ii. Thtnall che trees of the woods will rejoice before the Lord. For h~ iJ coming." In Yosemite, we were surrounded by still more or the beauty of the earth. We were blessed over the days with every kind of weather, rain, sun, hail and 'snow, and with the company or many members or our family. We hi.Iced to waterfalls and rock r~ and lakes and giant Sequoias Ooclced with new snow. We marveled at the beauty of the earth. little could have made the trek any better. When the time came, It was difficult to bead home. But the route, aJthough it was freeway most of the way. was also pleasant as it threaded though farmland, small towns and budding vineyards. ,; I don't know who first said, • AJJ good things must come to an end: but rm certain he spoke from experience, because the saying is just too true. In our case, Orange County will offer a program o n anti-Semitism, "Threats to the Jewish People Today," at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Kenneth Jacobson. national senior associate director of the Anti-Defamation League. will be the guest speaker. For reservations, call (949) ~ 1999. RUMMAGE SAl.E St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church will have a rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today. St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church at 3233 Pacific View Drive. Information: (949) 644-0463. GRAVITY IN CONCERT Music group •Gravity· will be in concert at 7 p.m. May 18 at the Center for Spiritual Discovery at 280 Mesa Verde Drive in Costa Mesa. Tidcets are $10. Information: (714) 754-7399. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is forming a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the fei91ings and behavior of their children. The group will meet from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. THIRTEEN JEWISH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service is ottering a support and discussion groop for aduhs whose children or spouses sufferJrom alcohol and drug addiction. The groop will meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G in Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is required. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Woric.shop from 3 to 6 p.m. the first DailyAPilot News asslttant, 1949) 574-4298 coral. wflaonil latimes.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Box 1560, Costa Mela, CA 92826. Copyright: No news 1torlee, lllu1tratlone, ec:llt.orial matter or edvertllementa hef9ln can be repr~ withou1 wr'ltwi permission of copyright owner. VOl. 97, N0.137 NewsEdllDn Gina Alexander, Lori Andereon, Daniel Hunt. Paul Saitowltz. Oeniel Si.v.ns '*WSITAff Crime~ a::-r-epo1t9r, (lM81'7~ d#t».bMr.m•'«lf'IW.com JuM=•· News>ort rwportet, IMl57-Mm /urHt.~ntJ.•1-fl,,,_oom ..... Cllleioft Polltim, bu:alnem end environment ,..,,.,, (948) 1M""330 Sean Hiller, Don l.eadi, Kent Treptow REAOBUl HOTUNE 19491 642-«>86 Record your comments about the Daity Pilot or news tips. ~ Our lddr ... la 330 W. Bay St., COSUI M ... , CA 92827 Office hour1 are Monday • Ft1<W(, 8:30 a.m. · 5 p.m. ~ It la the Pilot'I pollc:y to promptty oomlCt all errort of eubltanct. Pl .... call (!Ma) 784-4324. fYI HOW TO REACH US Chui.don The Time. Orange County (800) 252·91'61 ~ ~9'91 642-5878 ~(948)642~1 EdltofW ..... (M9J 642•5el0 ..,..... , ... , 574-4223 N9w9,.. (9"9) ~170 lporta,.. (949) &50-0170 e.malt: dallypilo10 1-tl,,.... com MM\ Ollce ...... Ollce (Ma) 642..&321 I•.,_. '8. 1949183M129 the pleasant spell of a pastoral time-out came to an end quite abruptly. A dog had wandered up an onramp onto busy Highway 41, right where it meets Highway 99. My husband. like a number of other drivers, came to a stop to avoid hitting it. Our car stopped inches short of the pankked creature. For a moment, the animal froze and his doe-like, bewildered eyes met mine before he bolted. In the next moment, our car heaved forwarded under a power not its own. The driver or the car behind us never noticed the stopped and slowing traffic. Her car hit ours. Another car hit the dog. We weren't hurt, and neither was the driver of the car that hlt ours or her passenger, thank God. But the vacaUon's luster was clearly tarnished, and we had hundreds of miles to drive home in our limping sed an. We rolled along for many miles, and I could have sworn all the sound had been sucked out o f the world. When bad things happen , my knee-jerk reacUon is to insist that God explain just exactly why. By the time we reached the Pioneer Truck. Stop in Delano, l needed to do something to turn Sunday of every month at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. $50. (949) 722-7818. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson srody on the life of Jesus Christ titled · Joumey to the'Crossft Is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuildor's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis groop from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free Mlectio divina" meditation group meeting is held at 7: 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that Includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The fonnat includes two periods of meditation with some Instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support groop for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety at 10 a.m. on the second and foorth Monday of each month at 260 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 4454950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m. off the why-why-why soundtrack • playing In my heart. So Michael • parked our car among the pick -ups and Mack trucks, and we went into the coffee shop. The first thing I saw when we stepped inside was a book. • ir Ufe Were Fair, Horses Would Ride HaJf the Tune.• wrinen by Wayne Allred. Jt couldn't have been m ore what I needed just than if It had been the voice of God shouting from Heaven. With it.s cornball humor, a cup of coffee and a handful or silent prayers, the world was infused with sound again. Few words ln Scripture speak all too well of laughter. I've never been sure why. Proverbs 15:13 does say, ·A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the sprit breaks," and Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is ·a tim e to weep and a time to laugh.·· Job 8:21 says. ·1codl wiU yet fill your mouth with laughing a nd your lips with rejoicing." I often have to agree with whoever said, ·Laughter is the be'>t medicine.· Thank. God for humorists and comedians • MICHELE MARR is a freelance writer. She can be reached at m1chele ~soulloodfiles com Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thursdays.. Both groups meet at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills, 24512 Moulton Parkway. The service Is also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus. 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY /USBIAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewish Family Service of Orange County plan• to present a discussion group for parents of Jewish gays and lesbians if enough people are interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL AND SPIRITUAL. The Mystical Spiritualist Church of South Orange Coumy holds Sunday services fNery week at 10 a.m. at 2482 Newport Blvd., Cost.a Mesa. Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9-.30 a.m. (949) 581-2290. RE-MEMB£RING GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-memberlng group at 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center ls at 2046 Mar Vista Drive. Newport Beach. (949) 548-3844. BREAKFAST FELlOWSHIP St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Breakfast at 1 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona def Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. •Is your churcti or place or worship planning a special even17 If so, send the typed information at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, an.entlon: Paul Saitowitt, religion editor.; f&1< to 19491 646-4170 or send e-mail to da/fypilor@latlma..com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Wlnd waves wm be 2 to 4 teet. A few more clouds are possible today, although they shouldn't keep the t.mper•tum from rising well lntothe70.. TempersturM will be from the high SO. to neer 80 ln the •beolute hotl8lt pert of Newport-M .... The winda wt• be • bft 9tr0nger •In In the eft9moon. lrlfiDmtMlon: www.nws.noea.gcw BOATING FORECAST SURF The northwest dominetn • mix of awell• today. Thia morning has some potential with the rtllng tlde. Look for ahouldef-.hlgh surf wfth tome nice llMt netr S4th Street. Waves wlll ~ e lltt .. tmaller, meybedNner, near e~ •. Sunday lhould be• carbon copy. --~ www.~rfrld-.oro TIDES 11lfte 5:0-71.m. 11::36&.m. 4'12p.m. 1o:38p.m. tWfht • 1.82 fMt low 3. 73 fMt high tnfMttow &.60fMthtgh f'llUf.dlnltott•111t1,,,.._com Lllllea ..... ~cuttu,.~. (Nt)~75 lolirll._,,.,.~a>m DlllM ....... eo.. MeM f't!POftlllr, (M) 57'"4221 ~,___•,..,,,...oom Cll Iii& a c.lllt EdUc8aon ,....,, ...,PM2el The Newport BHdVColtt Meea 0.lty Pilot (USPS-1.,..IOO) la publt.Md ct.lly. In N9WPQft 8Ndl end Cott.a Mela, iaubecrlpdol'lll .,. avallat>i. onty by tut.c:riblng to TM TlmM Otlf99 Countv (IOOJ 292-9141 In.,.. ouWlde of Newport~ •nd Cotfll M9M. tut.rlptlone to the Deily Piiot .,.. ..., .. ,..,.. onfy by""'~ melt fOr l30 pef mond'I. iP11cet ltdudl 811 ~ ..... end loc:tl ..... , POSTMASTlft"""..,.. ~to The NeWpott ~ M-. CWVP!loc. ~ Pobtiabld b¥ Tim. Communtty Newt.•~ of the to. Anter" TlmM. Ught Wfndt ln the momfng on the Inner...,.. wtll plG up'° sbout 15 moea In the .tt.moon. W.W. wtll be 2 .... or.,.,..., on• ...e twetl of 6 to&fMt. A bit rougt\ on 1tw outer Wlllllra, wftt\ wtf'ldl from 15 '° 26 tinota on • buldlna WATER TEMPERATURE .......... ~ 02ocxt TI,.,. at AN l'fOhta ,....~ nofthn .. llWll of I ID lO ..._ •de9'- ' Daily Pilot , .\ Costa Mesa honors students High school and coll ege students win scholarships for work in and out of the classroom. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot COSD\ MESA -llilary lla- vens, a senior at r..os1a Me:-.a I ligh School, has published two origi· nal theorems in number theory and lectured alongside UC lrv11u.' professors. • Linruoay Freeman. a ..c111or at Estancia I Ugh School, plam on earning a double major at 1 lar vard University in inlem.ttmnal relatioru. and govcrnme111. Shl' aspires to become a senator and ultimately an amba ... -..1dor lO a '!hi.rd-World country. The!>e are two of thl' young men and women honort•d by rht: Costa Mesa Olambt'r of <.om merce on Friday dunng the .Mth annual Scholar'>htp Breakfa.,1 For their schola-,t1l .1ch1eve men~. the '>tudent-. v.erl' hon ored with the l..e'> Miller Our- standing Student Award. "It shows you that there arc high achievers at all the schools.· said Ed Fawcett, president of the chamber. "We have nothing to be <i!>hamed of by our campUS(.'S and t!<.lucauon here. This is a mUe- '>tone ... and it's nice to M!<: the '>tudents honored appropriately." Along with honoring Lhe top 5% of high M:hool studenL'I from Estancia and Costa Mesa I ligh Schools, the chamber al'lo high- lighted the achievements of '>tu dents from Back Bay Cominu ation 1 ligh School. Orange Coa.-.t College and Vanb'llard Univerl>lly. "To me. this ts a celebration of hard wort." said David Urook.'>, a lru'>tee with the Newpon-MNi lJrnfied School Dbtrict. "It\ a great celebration. and it\ nicf' to <;ec a broad base or Lhe commu nity represented. l'hcre\ 1'0ll1l' thmg for everyone here." Student.s, repre.cntin~ the vari ou.'> educational program'> within thl' city. received a plaque alo11~ with a small scholat'>htp from une ol the -.everal buww.,_-.e., within Co'>ta Mesa. fhank... to the pdftJcipauon of a 11umbt:r or bU'>lllf.''>-'>t"'>. the chambt:r W<t'> .1hll' 'To me, this is a celebration of hard work.' David Brooks, NeWi>ort-Mesa Urnhed school board trustee to proVJde ir., honoree., wtlh $4.000 in '>Chola1'hip., for the fi,-.,t time in iU. ::!.4-year hii.tory. I ligh grade-point averages and academic award" wert•n't all tJ1e-.e !>tudent'> had aLhtt·ved. "In the Newport Mt"><' ~chool ciJ'>llict, wl' have .1n urnque graduation rt>qu1remen1 for wm· munity -.CIVlll'., and many of lhest> .. 1uden1-. rar t·xu·ed I.ht' rl'- qwremt'nl," '><lit.I l>l'bh1e 1>av1.,, principal ar B,u k Bay. "It\ ct r('· Oecuon of our t.11 ... 1m t <UJd our '>tudcnl'> <111d Lill' valut'' that we hold." "It', all .1hou1 thl' '>t1pport from my p<trent.., and my -...hool." 18 yPar-olt..1 I ret'man .... mJ "I h<tve a pa..'>'>1011 for ..,erv111g my tommu· ruty It\ nice Ill Imo\\> there Jil' (Jt't>pll' out 1herc· 1ha1 WJnll'<l ro rE'lOgJ'li/.e U'>, illld II'> Ill( l' to '>et· thl.' fururc " BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Newport starts special DUl patrol The Newport Beach Police Department has begun a rwo-person DUI Patrol Learn funded by a $75,000 grant from the state Office or Traf- fic Safety. The team wiJJ work eve· nings and week.ends. The grant will £und lhe DUI team throughout the summer and again through the holiday season. While other patrol officers make aJTeSts for DUI in conjunction with other re- sponsibilities, the only re- sponsibility of this team will be to patrol for those driving under the inOuence of aJco· hol or drug'>. ICN faces patent infringement suit A New Jer<.ey-based i.k.in- car~ company ued Co ta Mesa drug maker JCN Phar- maceuticals on Monday for allegedly intrlnging on a pat· ent for alpha hydroxy add. which is used in wrinkle treatments. TriStrata Technology, an afftJlate oC Princeton. N.J.· based NeoStrata, flied the federaJ suit in Delaware, ac- cording to an unnamed sowce at NeoStrata ICN, which makes ribavi· rin, has sold lhe products on lhe Glyn Oerm line that al- legedly include the patented substances, the source said. ICN declined to comment on the suit. "ICN has a corporate policy not to djscu~ or com- ment on litigation: com- pany spokesman Oms Kue - chenmeister said. Shares of ICN rose 20 cents, or 1.9%, on fnday to close at $10. 75. C.Ommunity lender opens its doors Commercial Bank of c.ati- Sdturday, May 17. 2003 Al • fornla opened lt6 door• Thursday in Costa Me a af. ter securing the required regulator approvals a day earlier. The new community lender took over the former Imperial Bank pace m the Oelo111e l!t 10uche tower In South Coast Metro. Lt:d by Newport Beach homebuilder William Lyon, the top investor, CommerciaJ Bank will speciaJiu In loan6 of $250,000 lo $5 million to small companies and high net wortJ1 clients. In late March, the group wrapped up d cai.h call from more than JO investors, which netted $27 4 mlU1on. Late Wednei..day, the bank secured approvaJ from the state's Department of Finan· cial lnstituuoni. and lhe fed· eraJ Depo&ll lni.urance Corp .. founder BaJa Balkrhhnll said. During il'> fi r&t day of bui..1 ne.,.,, C..ommerual Hank took s1gna1ure rard'> dnd ... pokt> to !>everal !>mall bus1nei.sei. about securing ludn~. RaJk- ri<,hna ..aJd Potato Chips Palomar ~:»~ M0101tain Continental NON-FAT ~':: YOGURT \odurilihs Wheat • JaJapeiio, Tequi~a ~ and Lime "77.,,, REG. s1 .99 5 oz. Fre8i':!ilg S.89 REG . s3_49 ......-~ 32oz 16 Flavors to Choose • Regular • Lactose Free REG.99' A DR. ATKIN'S Th« 01'14lnal Low cm Ufestyl« LOW CARB SNACKS Cmnchers =~Nacho $1' 49 •Sour Cream/Onion £ 1 oz SUGG. '2 .39 each Garden of Life LIVING MULTI VITAMIN & MINERAL SUPPLEMENT """' llonteOStatlc Nutrients • Contains 70 Whole Foods including 23 fruits. 20 ~Jet.ables, 11 tonic mushrooms, 9 ocean vegetables, 6 botanicals. plus naturally occurring probiotics & enzymes • Optimal level of e\le1)' nutrient in "Body Ready" fonn DrRped to: • t:nhance F.nergy &: Perfonnana • Facilitate Cellular Detmi6catioo • Reclaace ODdatiw StreM $ REG. '67.45 FARM FRESH PRODUCE SJ,99 lb • \.\ 111 le Chedd.ir • ~ht.1..~ J~no$IJ.9 •Cht't.~ • IMl<t.'ll Cht."t.~ REG. sl .49 5.~7oz ~BAR: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii-• . B AR B ARA'S • Fill Fn.~ ht-al Fn't' Fig Bars • \\ 110le \\ l1eal/Fal FTl't! • Kaspbmy WllCdt Fl"l'e • I IJW Fal • ..\ppk Cinnamon J.9 • Blud:>t:rry REG. s3.19 1202· SEVENTH GENERATION Liquid Latmdry Detergent • Fresh & Clean $ifl • Natural Citrus " Ef\9Jf3•:•a SUGG. '8.99 1oooz. Fi'OlltlJla• "-""' ,,,,,,,,,,. ~ SUGG. '5.49 May20 -~ 6:30 to 8.-00 pm ~ "WHY'fflE WEIGHT, DARE TO BE GRE41r' Hasted by Author Jeon Kruegar FREE Seminar & Booksigning (CM Patio) FRUrr•A•FREEZE FmitBars 2PACKSFOR AO Flavors ~ A'7.18VALUE!-~2:S~~ • Ice Cream 2PINTSFOR AOF/auors FOUC ACID -800 MCC l €~sz4• SUGG. '4.89 100 c. May21 -~ 6:30 to 7:30 pm .vrHE DIGES110N CQVNEC110N" Hosted by Author Dr. Marie Stengler FREE-Seminar & Boo~igning (CM Patio) SUNRI EWRAP Achappati filltd>,Njlh~ tolu; bnx:cOli.-mus.hroonu & ~ Strwd with brvwn net & a 5ide o( Jl\ll auct. M $1turday, May 17, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •AdMns~A commercial burglary was reported in the 1600 blodt at 5:30 a.m. Thursday. • Eut Bey S11Wt Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodc at 8:09 a.m. Thursday. • Harbor Boulevard: Petty theft was reported in the 2200 blodc at 6:46 a.m. Thursday. • Maple Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 2000 blodt at 10:40 a.m. Thursday. • Mesa Verde Drive East An auto theft was reported in the 1500 blodt a1 7:05 a.m. Thursday. • Meyer Place: Petty theft was reported 1n the 2200 blQds at 9:43 a.m. Thursday. • P9terson Place: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 2700 blodc at 12:05 p.m. Thursday. • East 20th Street and Orange Avenue: A hit-and-run was reported at 1:58 a.m. Thursday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Balboa Boulevard.; A home burglary was reported in the 1800 blodt at 4: 10 p.m. Thursday. • Bristof Street North: Forgery was reported in the 100 bloc:k at 11:41 a.m Thursday. • MacArthur Boulevard: An auto theft was reported in the 4500 blodc at 6:42 p.m. Thursday. • Newport Center Drive East Vandalism was reported in the 300 blod( at 6:17 a.m Thursday. OBITUARY Carl G. McPherson A memorial service fo r Carl G. McPherson will be held al 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Pacifi c View Memorial Olapel. at 3500 Pacific View Drive. Mr. McPheri.on. a 30-year-residenl of Newport Reach, died Wed nei.day of cancer Jle W3'> 50. Mr. McPheri.on 1s survived hy hb ware Nancy Mc Kown-McPherson. step!>on Aaron McKown and brothers Pat, Jeff and Mike McPher!>on. In lieu of fl owers, the fam ily requests that dona tions in Mr. McPherson's memory be made to: Carl G. McPherson Memorial Scholarship Fund, c/o PHCC. 8220 Katella Ave., Suite 201. Stanton. CA 90680 For information about the scholar hip fund. caJl (714) 896-0153. CAMERA Continued from Al that determined how many red light violations were occurring," Schuler said. The experiment reveaJed 259 red-light violations during an 16-hour period, he said. "That just reaffirmed our de· cision to pick this one as our first intersection to get the red· light camera," Schuler said. Bristol Street at Anton Boule- vard. Newport Boulevard at 19th Street and 17th Street are next in line to get the cameras, he said. City officials will meet with Caltrans officials next week to discu!>S installing the cam- eras at those intersections. Schuler said. The city's goal is to arm 14 intersectio ns with the VE CHES Continued from Al boys like his own brothers. "I never looked at them as a i.exuaJ object," he said. He admined he "likes feet" and reels like a "lotaJ freak, H "I mean. yeah ... I enjoy thetr feel and I enjoy playi ng with their feet," he said. "It'!> defi- nitely no t a sexual gra tification. but does it bring me pleasure? Yeah. I don't think it's sucking on the kids' feet that gives me pleasure. It's just being with the kids, playing with the kids. interacting with the k.id!> that brings me pleasure." During the interview, Veches initially denied h aving any child pornography a t hom e. But later. during the conversation. he admits to it. "ll's an obsession. it 's a prob· lem that I have." he told Mon- arch. "Maybe you can help me: The "pornography thing" BALLROOM Continued from Al hotel op erato r, launched the plan. wh ich Brainerd ha., said was long overdue. Th e 403-room hotel. for- me rly known as the Newporter Inn. would see a full-scale renovation scheduled to begin in September. Guest rooms would be gutted. The floor JUDGED Continued from Al mg over small cla1111.') cases. She ha.' also served ~ a coun-ap- po111ted arbitrator for the county ">uperior C.oun. After being sworn in, Robinwn thanked her family for support· ing her and her JUclicial amb1· lmn~. "So many people have asked me how I am able to accomplli.h 'o much [in such a short period of timeJ." Robinson S<tid. "I lle answer is simple: I come from a family of doers." Hohinson's older brother, Philip Hobinson II. looked on FAMILY Continued from Al part<> and labor. It's running just fi ne now. Ju<,t after the van was fixed. my wife and daughter went out Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes CALL US INDEPENDENT SEP'/ICE PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 COSTA MESA CA 949 2 8LKS •ic c~ THlil ... G.E SQ._;,\Rf. WWW PERFORMANCF l TD cm.• TWENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL di r'!l&-. 949.252.8200 ~-~ Biii Fallon • Purchase • ReFI • Copstructlon 15 yean In O.C. Tbt-l.ddi Group • aa.e ~ °' .1210. N9wpo11 8ec\ CA 929e0 cnmeras. Newport and 19th, in pnrticu- llll, is a "very dangerous" inter- section, Schuler said. "People are traveling at a higb rate of speed at that intersec- tion," he said. "They're getting ready to enter the freeway, and when someone gets broadsided at that speed, it can cause a very serious accident." Schuler said these cameras have been known to make peo- ple respect red lights more. "When word gets out that there is a red-Ught camera at a particular intersecdon, people do think twice before running that red light," he said. The city will direct money from the tickets to drivers' ed u- cation programs at local schools, Mayor Gary Monahan said. tarted two years ago. Veches said. "I think what'll shock you guys is how big my collection is," he told Monarch. who was geufr1g ready to sea rch Veches' Huntington Beach apartment. ·And that scares me because I have basically saved everything I've seen for the past two years." Veches' auorney John Patrick Dolan had said last week that his client was eager lo testiry in hii. defense. But Veches did not take the stand. Dola n said the taped inter- view with Monarch. which was played in court. was evidence e no ugh 10 show Veches' inten- tions to the jury. "lie says time and time again in that interview." Dolan said. "It was not sexual. It was not sexual." Dolan '>aid in his closing ar- guments that Veches denied it being sexual more than 50 times during that interview. plan. including 20.000 square feet of meeting space. would be redesigned. WaJkways. public areao; and the Spanish -style a rchitecture could a lso see change~. The hotel's restaurant and sp orts bar are also targeted for face-lifts. The hotel would install the ballroom and conference cen- ter on its existjng property un- der its allocated development footprint. II would not require a with pride as his sister received a long line of well-wishers with hug!> and i.mile& "It's very exciting." he said. ··mi.'> is something I knew was going to happen because from the ume she started tallcing. this is what sh e ..ajd she would do." Cindy Brenneman, one of Robinson\ closest friends and mo!>t ardent -.upporters. ex- pres~ her elation at seeing Robinson fulfill her dream. "I couldn't be happier.n she said. "I think no one deserves it more than Judge Robinson. And I Lh1nlc she'U bring the 'iaJTle level or faime...." and integrity she brouW'lt to the (Costa Mesa! City Council." "We're not doing this for the money," he said. "We're doing this because [the cameras! have a proven track record of reduc- ing traffic accident cawsed by red light violations and deter people from running red lights.· Monahan inJtlally had reser· vations about the cameras be- cause of privacy and liability is - sues. "There was a big legal liability before because the technology involving these cameras was poor." he saJd. "But now with new and improved technology, over time, we should be able to cut down on accidents." • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (9491574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. Prosecutor Sh eila Hanson. however. argued that Veches was "vacillating" during the in· terview. "First he said he was just wresding with the kids,· she said in court. "Then he admils he was obsessed with feet. Firs! he says he has no child pornog- raphy in his ho use. Later. he ad - mits to having II in his ho me computer." Yeches faces 25 felony counts of lewd act with minors. I le pleaded not gujlty to the felo- nies. but pleaded guilty to pos- session of child pornography. which is a misdemeanor. If con· victed of all charges. he faces a maximum sentence o r life in prison. The jury wiU continue with deliberati ons Monday morning • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts She may be reached at (9491574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath a/at1mes com Greenlight vole. Local tourism leade rs wel· corned new!> that a conference center is now on the table for the future Newporter. "That would be wonderful." said Marta I layde n. the execu- tive directo r a t the Newport Beach Conference & Visitor<, Bureau. "The groups have been getting larger. We do have groups that we haven't been able to accommodate." After graciously receiving all her supponers and taking a slew of pictures with family members. the gravity of the occasion gave way to levity. Robinson p<>S(>d fo r a picture with the bailiff and Oexed her muscles in her new robe. a robe she ~ys signifie<i the seriousn~s with which she take!> her new job. "It represents a tremendous re- sponsibility -one that I under· stand and take very. very scri· ously." Robinson S<tid. • DBRORE NEWMAN covers Coste Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman1a.1/at1mes.com. of lown for the weekend. When keeps them working too many I picked them up at the airport, hours when they could be al my wife said , "I thought you h ome with their kids. But SAFETY TIPS • Patted. occupied veNdel cont.lining one or more people are eeped .. ty elgnlflcelrt ff obeefved at an unu8U8I hour. They could be lookouts for a burglary In progress. even If the occupants appear to be lovers. •Any vehicle moving atowty and without lights or following a course that IP(.>9afl aimless or repetitive Is suspicious. Occupants may be casing for places to rob or burglarize. •Apparent business tranuctJons conducted from a vehlcle, etpecialty .around achoofs or parts and If Juveniles are Involved, coold mean drug sales. • People being forced into vehldet -especially if they are )uvenlln or females -may mean a kidnapping. R8<l0rd the license plates and call police. •An abandoned vehicle parted on your block may be stolen. Contact parting control with a license plate number. • Place gravel outside windows where you're concerned about prowlers. The noise of someone stepping on it will serve to alert you. • Seemingly innocent actlvitlea may be crimes in progress. Be a good neighbor, be observant and watdl for unusual activity. •A home window with a small break in it may mean a burglary has oocurred. Call police immediately. • A stranger entering your neighbor's house when it is unoccupied may be a burglar. •A 1eream heard anyWhere may mean robbery or rape. Be observant and notify polkle. • Arrvone removing aoceaorfes, license plates or gasoline from a car shoold be reported. •Anyone peering into parted cars may be looting for a car to steal or for valuables left displayed in the car. • People entering or leaving a business.after hours could be burglars. Safely try to note any vehlcles Involved and call police. • The sound of breaking glass or other loud ex_ploslve noises could mean an acddent, a housebreaking or vandalism. eipecialy befole ~trips. end kMP the 999 tri at !Nat hllf Mt. • Stay In well41ghted .._. II mudl .. poletble whef1 walk.Ing at night. Avoid walking elone or wf1h your hands full. •Walk confidently, dl...c1ty and et a steady pace on the side of the ltfMI facfng traffic. Crimlnels look for someone Who appears vulnerable. • Walk clOM to the curt>. Avokt dootweys, butlha and alleys whe,.. ettac*en can hide . • If a car appears to be following you. tum and walk in the opposite direction or walk on the other side of the street. • If you are In danger, scream and run. or yell "fire:' Run toward lights or people. •Always lock car doona after entering or !Mvlng your car. Don't leave valuables in plain vfew. • Have your car keys In your hand and c:hedt the badt seat area before entering your car. • If you think you are being followed, drive to a public place or to• police or sheriff's station. • Your best defense Is to be prepared -know your options ahead of time. Your safety may depend upon your ability to stay cool and calm. • Require salespeople or repelr peopfe to &how identification. • The No. 1 Id lier of teenagers. before they go to college, i. alcohol-n1lated highway accidents. •About one-third of local amms Involve alc:ohof. Alcohol abuse Impairs judgment, causes lnjurlM and kilts. • Pay attention to your intuition and instinct. If something just feel• wrong, It usually ls. • Keep emergency phone numbers handy or memorize them. • Discuss aafety plans with family, friends, neighbors, dlildren and baby-litters. • Use a purse with a shoulder strap. Carry It with the side that open• toward you. Hold your purae securely. • Part away from vans or cars with someone wafting around. keep a ·c.11 Police'" sign under the front &eat of your car. . . •• might be picking us up in buying things we want and not •People loitering around <iomething new.· what we n eed keep '> thi!> nation echools, parts. secluded •If someone signet. that , : I almost did. I went back and humming. Let's face it, if we all areas or in the something Is wrortg with , • f h b b neighborhood could be sex your car, drive to the •. on et ween uyi ng bought only what we reaJly offenders. nearest 18~ station to •. something new, something n eeded. we'd aJI have only one dledc it. Do not stop end ! barely used or 1ust keeping the pair of shoes. • Nearly half of the • • vao.D_yrir.ig n:u'.,.deliberau~·o~ns!o2&...l!...._......,.~ln~s~t~ea~d~w~~a~v~e~l~o~ts~o~f!.._~~~~~IH'Gilafii.--C01mRiWced..aq.__~g-et_ou~t-o_f_you~r-ca~~~~~~~L•.:.......~--1a- visited three dealerships on shoes, lots of shirts and lots of Harbor Bo ulevard. lots of other things -our Interestingly. my No. 3 choice garages are packed with them. of new cars quickly became my lfyou're a guy who wear!> ties No. I for one simple reason: every day, you probably have The salesperson followed up. lots of them. even though you Neither of Lhe other two routinely wear only about 20 to salespeople showed any desire 25% of them . to sell me a car once.I left the So it is with most other lot. The one who did was about purchases. We don't really need get my business. a jet ski, boat or recrealfonaJ After our little League game vehicle, we want one, and so we last Saturday (whJch was justify the purchase -we give preceded by a game I umpired ourselves permission to buy in which no one was ejected), I these things because we think even made arrangements with we can afford them or because the new No. I guy to test drive we deserve them because we've the car. worlced hard enough. It was during our game. There is irony in our however. that I made my final justification. If only one parent d ecision about my worlced, the permission based transportation needs. During on the ·1 deserve it" or ·1 can the fourth inning, a batter hit a • afford it• would disappear for ball that turned tool over one of many couples. Not all, but the fences and hit a car parked many. for there will always be on the treet. That spot was those who will spend money where my car, new or used, they have not yet made. would have been parked had I So, off to work we go. many of been paying more attention to us not realizing that the second the available spacea an h our income does little more than earlier. pay ror the thlnp we want, not At that moment, I decided to the things we need. I've done keep my Wlndstar and drive ft the math for 100 many couples untU It drops dead. Aa strange to know that this Is true. as lt may 1«m, that rout ball One or these day., perhaps gave me the pennlssion I soon, J'U be drMntte different ne~ed to 1upport my dedaJoJ\. vehicle. But rfght now, I can't 8e£ore that moment, I wu gjve m~lf the ptrmlulon. about IO pend lml o( thousand.I or dollan on 10methlng I wanted, not IOmei.fUn« I ri8iKted. The d.l&rerice In that choice l I ll'IP for mMy pemtta and • STIVE IMfTH la• Cocte Meu re&ldtnt •nd fr .. lence writer. RucMra rntv i..ve • metaG• for him on lhe 01ily Pilot hotJIM et (9'9)142.-.. without force. that is, through unlocked doors and windows. •Always lock your doors and windows, even when leeving for j\nl a minute or When worting In your own bedtyard. •Whenever you move to• new home, have the lodes d\anged. • If atrengers telephone or com. to your door, don't admit you are alone. Don't 11it -rv slraf'99' Into your ttom. -no meaer whit ttMt reate>n or how dire the ~le Mappoeec:I to be. Ma*e the emergency phone ciill ~they Mit outs&de. , • Never leave an extra key under the door mat. above the door, undef e ftow9r pot, etc. leeve one with • trusted neighbor. • Haw a light on In the room where you .,.. and heYe. light on in a room Where you .,.. not It gNte the lmpreaion of moM then one person being II home. • List your n1'"9 on the maJlbox end in the phone boolt with first In...., and laS1 name onfy. •Give your home at~ tool( by anngmg for ~and l'riell to be pidted up In your ...... • Tellch your cHldltel' '° -Wfdt·--........-00 ......... bv uying1M ,..,... .. ... flinily. • "• . . A regatta with a purpose For the first time, boat race to honor le u kemia patients will be held in Newport Harbor. June Casa1rande Da1lyP1lot NEWPOtrf HEACI I -l·m1ly Olvera wai. diagnosed with leu· kemia at age 7. De!>pite all od1h, sh e has survived with Lhe help of an innovative drug. Emily, now 14. Mil be orw of Lhe honored leukemia pa111•nh representing 1h1s year\. Volvo Leukemia Cup lunior .ind Ont· Design Regatta. Denyse Peters of the Leuk1.•rn1..i and Lymphoma ~;dery\ lri- County Outpter ..aid that thf' santa Ana young'>tcr i-. cvtdellll' of medical innovations that are helping fi~ht an otherwise deadJy d1~~. She's hving wilh ti,·· J°lt.'tPr-. -..ltd. WHArs AFLOAT • WHArs AFLOAT is published periodically If you are planning a nautical event. submit the informatton to the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627, by fax to (949) 646-4170, or by e-mail to da1/ypllot a lat1mes com BOAT RENTALS Witt. Manna WaterSports a1 1he Balboa Fun Zone, you can enioy nautical experiences from mild 10 wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo 1etboat. put you span-fishing skills to the test in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above tt all on a parasatl flight along the Newpan coast. Comphmentary ice and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals can put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayaks. electric boats. 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two hour scavenger hunts aboard the electnc bay boats. providing group activity for corporations. binhdays, nonprofit organizations and group outtngs The hunt packages include boats. trivia Questions. maps. Polaroid The promtStng new drug. Gleevac, was developed lhrough research funded In part by the society, she said. Along with 5 -year-old Irvine re'>ident Teresa Morrison, Emily wtll be a face of hope for Sun- day's regana. Though it's been around for aJ. most a decade, the L.eukern.ia Cup Regatta will be held in New- port I !arbor for the first time th1 ... year. The race Is actually two race-;: a Mjunior" event for saiJors "'K~ 9 to 18 within Newport Har bor and a Mone del>ign" regatta that will take place outside of the harhor. ·one of the nice thtng!> about 11 t'> that the dollars raised here 1n thii. region are actually uM!d for rc'>earch in this region," Peter. -.aid. The race is one of 40 Volvo Leukemia Cup Hegattas nation- wide. Last year's local event. which took place in Dana !Joint. rai*<! $255.000 for the nation..iJ '>oc1ety'!> stated mi.-...ron "to cure cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering 1s available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200 Electric boat rentals are available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats. 2001 W. Coast Highway. Newpan Beach All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CD players Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75 (949) 645 6812 Pedal boats, electric boats, boogie boards, kayaks. moat.able rafts. catamarans. beach furniture and wetsurts are available for rent at Reson Water Spons at Newpan Dunes (949) 729-1150 Gondola tours are ofhtted by the Gondola Co of Newpon. 3400 Via Opo no, Sutte 102-B. The $75 cost includes a basket of bread, FYI Members of the pubhc are invited onto a spectator boat for the race, which leaves the Bahia Connth1an Yac~t Club at 10 a.m. Sunday. Call the club at (949) 644-9530 for reservabon s. leukemia, lymphoma, I lodgldn's disease and myeloma, and to im prove the quality of life of pa- tients and Lheir families." Money ~ goet. to research. patient advocacy and other ac- tivities in service of this goal Leukemia kill" more children younger than 15 than any other disease. Lymphoma, which like leukemia and mycloma ii. a can- cer of the blood, i'> on the rise. This year. 105,000 Americans will be diagnosed with leukemia; 59.000 wiJJ die o f the dii.ease. "It's a really ..ad disease. l!hpe- cially when you ~e little children going through i1." Peter.. said. ·But progresc; i'> be mg made." cheese, salami, ice, glasses, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine is also available. (949) 675-1212 Gondola Adventures/Newport, 3101 W Coast Highway. offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises A one-hour tour with champagne 1s $70 A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne 1s $180. Pidcup 1s available at waterfront restaurants (949) 675-4984 Irvine Coast Charters in Lido Manna Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmet dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 675-4704. Gondola Romance~ daily tours of Newpan Harbor during lunch and dinner Call (949) 675-4730 The tours go out of Lido Marina Village. 3400 Via Opano, Newpan Beach <!ee.~ n t• s l a u r a n ' • C••P'"' .,._.,,. • "° leuoco or ant.tor D• 111 • ..... lffldallt • ....... .... • Custam-'1t to Your ........ MDIII ""' .......... ced ~ ........ ~ .......... a. ••• fdea1 llOME IM,.OVfMtNT Uc. No 8790680 Quality c,.,,,,.,,..,,.,,,P oua,.,,nteed 714-965·1876 • 800·433·2588 19142 Beach Blvd. • Huntington a..ct'I (8Nc:h & Oarfttkt) Koln: Mon., Wed. I Fri. W • 1IMe. I Tl'tln. M • I& M • Sun. 12-4 r111-1;,-.r,:r11rso-%-OFF-1rrroolra~1~11 I For each old window 11 On Low-J glass 11 ,or each patio door I I that we r~ 11 windows onlv 11 that we replace I I New Custome rs Only 11 New Custo mers On\, 11 New Custo m•r• Onty I I I Coupon per customer 11 I Coupon per custom-11 1 Coupon per customer I L--~~~~~~--~L--~~~~~~--~L--~~~~~~~--~ • MSRP ••••• $21 300 Robins Ford Oncount •. ·S2.._305 Sell1t1g Pric• ••••.•• fi ~~ Rtboia ....•.....• .S2 500 .... ., . 18,49& satwday May 17, 2003 A5 Art c..p ~ weeb l MIWIOWI ·All 6 weeks Science ean.., · first 4 weeks Skateboarding -f lrst 3 weeks Sklnmo.dlng • last 3 weeks Surfing -All & weeks Jtl!latl•liOO Information call '~~-1253 The Uniced Scocci!.h S<x1ety ofSourh( rn ( .1/J/urr11.1 Pre~t:nt-. the 7 I -.t A nnu.tl SCOTTISH FESTIVAL Orange c.runcy Fair & F.xpcNricJn Cenrer • G l'>nl ML..;a May 24 th & 25 th, 2003 9:00 a.m. to S:OO p.m. 0-°"" AJMissiott: .\Julh S llMI • ~"' 16)& ()\rr 1uJtnl\ SL m Oukhn •l-1 ! em f -Dtty Ath.. i.ssiott: \Juft, S.!11 r.-1 •~nion1(,) & ()\tr• cu.Jtnt, S 1 • m (h1klttn l·l!1 S-1.t~I FESTIVAL FEATURES: ' Opening & Clo,mg U:rtmon1t\ v.11h more 1han 250 ba.gp1pt and drummer mu\lciam "Uher ros, & Oth<!r Scotmh Athltun' Dam '\\und hmou~\ 'l(uw\h Enren1mtr -\ltx lkw>r1 0 W1rld F1ddhng Champion Altid11r ha\t'r 'Bui Haggis• Tmiptsc • Tht ~inn"' Band 'f.d Mtlltr "'1th John T~lor 'Scocmh hddlt" 'B<mkr Colht Demonm.11100 'Highland Fling 1 100~ H1ghi.n<l Danle:N 'RO):al Scocmh Counrl') Danctr) 'C,ran.a(b H1lh High School Muchmg Band '60 Clam (find your Htncagel 'Bnmh Goods in~ Vendor Atta 'Echn1t Sc:ocrnh Foods • Bnmh Bttr 11rtJ wuub. "'"'b 1'fOr~! AUX Ut A IHN ~ .\LA <,t>A IR FHA~Hc I:"< c ()"'( I IC I SI' IKI 1-RIOA l ' 'IGH I 0'0' -\f111 l l rJ ut I> f/11 /1,,, H1lcon, Cmta Mt'i }()50 Bns1ol Strttc, Com Mrsa, CA 916.:!b / ur lrtf-1111-( 111/ 13101 HG-9887 or (S62J98S-rni9 1,.,f,,J. \ \I 111Jtl \nul<h«lts P11,11h/, ''' f \ \ fo p.,,,f,,.~ \l11rutel. ~l\WI E 'tb }I., Lt,,,g n,.,,h < ~ '1111<114 I 'ch Annu.J ~ or1 ,.,II H .... TIVAl.. DART TOl RNAM•.N r $\.(Witt I.HI (,t ARANTEl:U Pi\'\'Ol I Tournamtnt rum in con1unct1on with che ''tfmh FrsuvaJ. Enrn fu of SI 0.00 include<, Sl 00 A IX) 'ancuoning ltt 't:ntf) fu in add1uon cu adml\~K>n ftt I or ln/,,..,,.•lttnf ( 111/ Doc ~~r 1111111 359-4117'' '>l,<11 1 MAI 1 '-<-O'H H 1 A..'> Tl''«• I"""' Fu"'"I· M"J J lrtl ar Htlron. Costa Mesa }()51> Bmtol • treec, Com Me\a, CA 9262'1 Tickets att S2>.00 taeh A tasting of somt' of SrotLuui's prt'mi" s;,1glt' malls. Call or Stnd Oiecks payabk ro U.S.S. co Btfty Ham• (818l SOJ-4771 l llll3 RUMyme<k St .• 13" North HoUpvood, CA 91605 H EAQOLARIERS H OTEL Hilron. Ca.ah ~ 8nunl Sc.. Cosu Mm. CA 92626 • r141 ~7lm $82.00pu iughc tonccor.opmonil Ml) I Ith &dedlnt rat cha ntt. Must Mtatioft Unned Scomsh Society or Sconiih Fmivai F O R l NFO RMA T I ON Rua C.Omn Oiuftn11 (9-49) 71~7540 Thonw W. Smith Daw Headty Ftrti-1 ~ Co.rJilVJw 010) 37~9887 (310) 397-3SSS --~ V'1511 us on tht Yd>: www~.com ,.. ... ""'-" ..... ~ _ _,,. _.,....,..,..,.,,.,,__.,. .... ~ Rohn Fcwd o.co...t ~Price .• Rebote ........ . ..... 20,995 M Saturday, May 17, 2003 Daily Pilot FORUM HOW TO GET PUBUSHED -l.9tt9n; Mell to Editorial Page ~ditor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ReMSen Ho1Une: Call (949) 642-00SO Fax: Sei:td ~o (949) 646:4170 E-mai:Send to daHypilot@latlmes.com •All corTespondence must inolude full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all subm1ss1ons for clartty end lengtti. Bever's withdrawal set bar high for Scheafer Congratulations to Mike Scheafer for be- ing appointed to the . Costa Mesa City Council. I do not know anything about his politics, but I hope he will be open and fair-minded in his council decisions. Eric Bever, by his heroic actions at the special council meeting, has set the height of the bar for which all of the council mem- bers should strive to achieve, setting aside personal interests for the good of the com - muni.ty. It will be a tough job, Mr. Scheafer, but based o n the public comments regarding your integrity, I believe you will be an asset lo the council and the city. JUDITH BERRY Costa Mesa Rarely has so much been done by so small an action Kudos to Eric Bever. His decision to with- . draw from consideration as a prospective council member graphically established for all to see his "improver" credentiaJs. His withdrawal improved the council, im- proved the city's bank account and im- proved my mood. Seldom in my memory has anyone had such a positive effect on the city by not participating. CHUCK CASSITY Costa Mesa Bever's withdrawal showed he was the best choice I lindsight to the council appointment from a chaise lounge council member. I don't believe Eric Bever's decision to withdraw from the council race was spon- taneous. The way I saw the s ituation un- folding was that the council was about five minutes away from a special election. Bev- er noticed this action being taken by the council and made the b est decision for the city. It was unfortunate that the Bever's supporters on council did not make an- other attempt to propose Bever at this time or call for a break. J would have to think that Councilwoman Libby Cowan would have noticed that Bever's action was be~t MAILBAG . FILE PHOTO I DAJLV PILOT Mike Scheafer was appointed to replace Karen Robinson on the Costa Mesa City Council. He is an insurance agent and the secretary of the Lions Club in Costa Mesa. for the city and with that he just proved to be the person for the job. Thank you, Eric Bever. LEN BOSE Costa Mesa Bever deserves thanks for making his decision Regarding Karen Robinson's replacement on the Costa Mesa City Council. I regret that we had to lose Robinson. Frankly, I think she could have done both her job as a county judge and as a council woman well Now with Eric Rever stepping aside, we need to congratulate Mike Scheafer and encourage him not to forget the Westside, as most h ave. We hope when Schea fer says he will look out for the entire city of Costa Mesa, he will not disrega rd the Westside with it!> daily deterioration 10 where•it is h ecoming catastrophic for some. l3ever has alway::. impressed me as some- one who would serve Costa Mesa wisely. He understands how crucial it ha'i become for the Westside. Bever has known the facts. I le'5 offered his time, ~hared his con- cerns. done his ho mework and proved himself to the entire city by stepping aside I thus avoiding! the $95,000 cost of a special election. Costa Mesa wimprovers" thank Bever for hi!. support. Without a doubt, it woul<l have been an h onor to have him as a council- man. Bever would have proven to h e an as- set benefiting the entire city. We hope Bev- er will con sider ~erving at a no ther time. SYLVIA BRANSON West!>ide Ci~y plan for Fourth of July partying needed now Regarding the Fourth of July in Newport Beach: Enough is enough! If you 've seen the Newport Beach Police Department's video, it is clear that we may be only one c,tep away from a riot, accompanied by 5eriou!> p ersonal injury and property damage. The city·~ ordinance Ito limit alcohol salesf ·is a reason able and measured response to irre- sponsible conduct and the irn:~pon::.iblc sale of liquor. PAULK. WATKINS Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sdleafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Bea<ti City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bea<ti, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffernan, Diel< Ni<tiols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ORANGE COUNTY . BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa. Newport Bea<ti), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 35th District, 18552 MacArthur Blvd .. Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Press Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (R), 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: district70 a> assembly .ca.gov Ken Maddox (R), 68th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, Coste Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; Fex:(714)668-2104 E-mail: Ken.Msddox@asm. cs.gov GOVERNOR' _ Gray Davis (D), State Capitol, Sacramento. CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • Chris Cox (R), 47th District, 1 Newport Place, Suite 420, Newport Bea<ti. CA 92660, (949)756-2244;or2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-5611 ; fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Bea<ti) E-mail: dlristopher.cox@mai/. house.gov • Dana Rohraba<tier (R), 45th District, 101 Main St., Suite 3C, Huntington Bea<ti, CA 92648, (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-2415; fax: (714) 960-7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newport) E-mail: dana@mail.house.gov U.S. SENATE •Barbara Boxer (D), 112 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) ~24-3553; or 2250 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 545, El Segundo, CA 90245,(213)894-5000 E-mail: senatonaJboxer.senste. gov • Dianne Feinstein (0), 331 Hart Building, Washington. D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025. (310) 914-7300 E-mail: senator(@feinstein. senate.gov D REXE L~H ER I TAGL Now Introducing 1 o New Drexel Heritage Collections. These lntroducrions, Plus EVERYTHING f n EVERY Drexel Heritage Collection, Are On Sale Now RJr A Limited Time Only -In -Stock & Special Orders Alike. DREXEL DR EXE L~H ERITAGE. L~t Our Expert Designers Help You Make The Right Choic~ Every Time, While Enjoying Treasures' GUARANTEED BEST PRICES. .... 8MoMta•1(M)727·1212 • 101 TechtlOlogy OrM (&ftoll-60tfMott,,.,.._) tAN DIEGO IHOWROOM: (868) 68&-1900 • 1480 Mlt*1'lll Rd. (Aolm Loi Rom~ N n.-.. ..._, HOURS:Mon • Frl, IOAJl .. Pll, $M IOAM..f ,M,Stin. llAM4/tlll llJSIT us ON THE WE'B WWW. tr•••l.IN•furnltur•. ~ • I .... . --.. .. -. ,,,,, ----. -. .. ·-. -.... . -----... -... - Dally Piiot S<ltutOdy Mcty l / ~uvJ A/ COM CLUBS Going f or H ost of the Coast JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE Harbor Lawn -Mt. Olive Cemetery's 49thAnnu~ Memorial Day Service }f Monday, May 26, 2003, llam A bout 2,000 people attended the grand opening actlvities of the Balboa Bay Oub on Wednesday. enjoying tours of the new $65-million facihry. bevemges and hountiful foo<l. At the noun ribbon-cutting ceremony for city VIPs and the media, it was John Wayne's voice) t)ial led the attendees In the Pledge of Allegiance and students from the Orange County I hgh St:hool of the Arts who provided the entertainment throughout the re<>cm. At the evening recer>tion for club member.. the m o'il popuJar place W d.'> Duke'!> Place, where mghlly entertainment and dancing wiU be featured for the pubhc and club members. The 7,000--.quare-foot Grand Ballroo m wru; well received with iti. warm color), high ceilings and 22·foo t wide chandler. For most o f the pa'>t 50 yea I"), the club W'al> the I lost of the Coast - hosting event'> for business and variety of chariuei. and civic group'>. 111 recent year!>, that role has been fillt'd by the I lyatt Newporter and Newport Center Marriott. With the new facilities and the grl'at .,taff, I su!;pect the Balboa Bay ( lub will reclaim the title. Ho-;t of the Coa...t! STUDENTS OF THE YEAR 'Ille Exchange <Jub of Newport I !arbor has honored ru. Student'> of the Yt'ar Rachel Malldn and Raymond Stockstill from Corona del Mar I ligh ~Khool. Emily Abbon and John Santos from (..O'>IJ Mesa I ligh School. Mells8a Ross and Evan Gordon from Newport I !arbor I hgh School. and Undsay Preeman and Aranth Vanna from l~tanc1a I hgh School. <h runnan Bob Klein d e'>Cnbed thl' Youth of the Year program and then a.,ked each lugh -.choo l coun~lor to mtroducl' the o;1udenl!> from his or her -.chool, Ill.ting their many ac:comph-.hmcnts. Each honoree received a plaque and a check in the amount of S500 from club Pre.idenl RJck Harris. ( onwdtula11on.., JIM DE BOOM the Corona delMar Cllamber of Commerce luncheon on Tuesday at the Five Crowns Restaurant. Networking will begin at 11:30 am.. and lunch at noon. The Corona del Mar chamber'i. networlcing mixer will be a joi1ll event with the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce at PriestJy Chiropractic, 210 I E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday. For infonnation and reservations, call the chamber at (949) 673·4050. AAl/N MEETlNG The Newport-Mesa-Irvine chapter of the American Assn. of University Women will hold a luncheon from 11 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. May 31 at Hof's Hut, 18850 Douglas. Irvine, to hear an overview of the Sister Cities Programs for Newport Beach and lrvine. Speakers will be Karen Evarts. repre&entative of the Newport Beach Sister Cities, and Stella Cardm.a. international program coordinator for the city of Irvine. The lunch will be ordered off the menu, but reservations should be called to J. Hut.cbinp at (714) 960· 5412 by May 29. Members and guests are welcome. SPAGHETTI ~NER The Costa Mesa Orange Coast Lions Oub is sponsoring a spaghetti dinner from 5 lo 7 p.m. Saturday. June 14, at the Costa Mesa Women's Oub. at 18th Street and Anaheim. At S7 a person. the dinner mcludes spaghetti, green salad, bread, dessert and beverages. Bingo begins at 7: 15 p.m. Bingo cards are available at Sl each. For more information or for tickets, call George wine. at (714) 957-5743. Celebrate Flag Day with the Lions! CHAMBER LUNCHEON BIBLICAL BREAKFAST Newport Beach Mayor Strw A complimentary breakfast Bfomberg wtll he the speaJcer .tt meeting for Ol.ristian business owners, presidents and CEOs sponsored by Biblically Based LeadershJp Development will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Pacific Oub. 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The breakfast is presemed by Marc Otteetad, president of ProSound and Stage Lighting. For reservations, contact MlDard MacAda.m at (949) 644·5552 or by e-mail at MMacAdam@BBIJ:Om111.com. WORTH REPEATING Provided by Greg Kelley of the Newpon Mesa Irvine Interfaith CouncU: ·When you invest in somebody else's success. your own is guarcmteed • -Author unknown SERVICE CLUB MEETINGS THIS WEEK MONll\Y 6 p.m. The Harbor Mesa Uon .. Oub will meet at Zubie's for a business meeung. TUF.SD.\Y 7:30 a.m.: The 40-member Newport Beach SunrL-.e Rotary Oub will m eet at Five Crowns to hear Bill Ttammell with an · ·introduction to the Boweri. Museum of LuJruraJ An-." ( newponl.wad isu n nse rcxary.orgli1uiR.x lllm). 6:30 p.m !'he Co!>ta Me!>a Newport I !arbor lJons Club will meet at the C..oo;ta Mesa Country Oub for F1c;h .. ry planning. WEDNF.Sll'Y 7: 15 a.m.: The 20 -member South Coa.'>t Metro Rotary Oub will meet at the Cenler Oub ( www.scu tliroastmRtro rotary.org); and the Newpo rt Harbor Kiwanis Oub will meet at the Universiry Athletic Oub. Noon: The 40-member Exchange Oub of the Orange Coast will meet at the Santa Ana Country Oub for the A.C:E. Award. 6 p.m .: The 6()-member Rotary Oub of Newport-Balboa meets at the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub for the Uty of Newport Beach lTack Awards presentauon. TifURSB\Y 7 a.m. The 20-plus member NATIONAL SALE 12 months, no interest •, no payments Lowest prices of the season featuring All Anso & Anso Caress products See our latest fashions made with Anso Caress featuring Karastan's relaxed look with a color palette that has traditional tones and natural berber flecks . $24.99 sq. yd. JOHN BLOESER CARPET O NE SI##,,,, 1'27 $ ...... Suiilc. c.. 'M.. (714) 7 51-2324 www.bl~one.com Eloquence Rtg. Prlet $59!?)U. Sale Price $39~yd . Costa Mesa-Orange Costa Breakfast Lions Oub will 111eet at Mimi's to hear Debble Olnton discuss Learning for llfe. Keynote Speaker James M. Ems ( u~ta Mesa Fire Chief Noon: The 50-member ( o'>ta Mesa Kiwanis Oub will nll t at the Holiday Inn; the S0-1m r11ber Newport Beach-Corona dt I M&r KJwanis Oub wiU meet al lh t· Bahia Corinthian Yacht C1ul1 (www.kitvaflis.urglcluhl costamesa); the HO m1·111lil·1 Exchange Oub of New1H11 i Harbor wiU met.>t at thl· '1 •·1 .c1n Harbor Nautical Mu:.t"u111 I 1 Ill• A.C:E Awards; a11d tlw Featunng Musical Selectio11.\ by ~' The Orauge Empire Men's Chorus "'T ---Please Join Us To Honor And Pay Tribute To AU Whu Answered 1 be Call To Arms To Defend Our Beloved C ountry. li1ucntary Hor ~ I 00-member Nt'\\ por 1 I I\ 1111. Rotary Oub wiU meet di 1111 Atrium Hotel 10 hear a 11111 .. 1t t1.l program by Warren WUlard (www.nirotary.org). • COMMUNTTY Ii ClUBS •!> published Saturdays in the lJc.11tv Pt lot Harbor Lawn -Mount Olive 1625 Gisler AH~nue •Costa Mesa (7 14 ) 540-5554 H.J. Garrett Furniture Fi n e Furniture Si nce 1960 /~ I .. mifr liru/;1io11 u(Prn1 d111g Serl'l1 rand 'value FuJI Design Consulting Service 22 15 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 I II \1, •h ."i lllto6 )u. 1...! iu 'i QuaJiry Service VaJu~ -'-- ' • El Morro Trailer Pork hos been a port of Crystal Cove State Park for 24 yeon. • But the p_vblic still can't get in ond use it. • We hove the land and bond money to moke it into a state campground ond pubtK day-use beach. • But we can't get in until the tenants get OUT. •The leases ran to 1999, but were extended to the end of 2004. •The tenants have a plan to stay for another 30 YWS. • This time, let's be sure they r1Gly leave by thi end of 2004, so we can all iqoy our park. .Want to help? M Saturday, May 11, iOOJ www.cbamplci ... tereabll.cam (714) 434-0133 We ritnt & s ell both cars & trucks! 120 2 S .E. Bristol Street, S.nu Ana Hts., CA 92707 GEmNG INVOLVED •GETTING INVOO/ED runs periodically In the Dally Piiot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organJzat1on to this list, call (949) 674-4298. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE ANO VISITORS BUREAU Tho buroau la dedicated to tho promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 722-1611. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks voluntcur::o to tutor adults who want to 1mprov.e- their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training workshops tho Central Library (949) 717 3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beach Premiere Cinemd Guild, which supports the Newport Beach Film Ftistival, 1s looking for new m1>mbers. Interested candidates should want to help furtht.r an artistll and 1..ultural hent&ge Ir the community and sh-. 1ld h.,111.; love of i..inoma and J th.:s11u to ral~e awareness of the film festival (949) 253-2880 NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation rn.eds extra hands to perform clerical duties. such as filing, organizing and stuffing envelopes, at the Central library, 1000 Avocado Ave (949) 717-3890 NEWPORT BEACH RECITAL SERIES The Friends of The Newport Beach Recital Series Guild needs volunteers to assist in fostering music appreetahon so classiCdl music will endure (949) 6444208. NEWPORT BEACH THEATRE COMPANY The company needs volunteers to help with costume design, sewing, make-up application set construction, technic:.:JI help, publicity, stage mancJyt1ment cJnO badu>tc1ge supervision (949) 759-1046 or LKSaf<!!iaol.com. NEWPORT HARBOR NAUTICAL MUSEUM The Newport Harbor Nc1ut1cc1I Museum offers " number of volunteer opportun1tws m thi: g1h shop, as docenl6 or rcc.eptJonists, with clerical w ork cJnd .vith $p~~W&a~ Mention this ad and receive free delivery from Laguna Beach to Huntington Beach! ~~/ Name B.rwu:b .utt.·h U.1 IMPACT IN'H:R~Af IONAL AMERJCAN DREW HOOK BR R£MJ PLATT COlJ..EC110N c FULL DESIGN SERVICES AVAILABLE! ) fund ra11lng e-,,enta. Training 11 provided. (949) 676-8916, Ext. 107. NEWPORT-MESA VMCA The YMCA need o variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. NEWPORT-MESA SCHOOL FOUNOArlON The foundation Is looking for volunteers to help w11h fund-raising effort:., speaking opportunities, public uvonta and occ..aslonal offi1 work (949) 631-4143. NEWPORT THEATRE ARTS CENTER A variety of jobs need to be tackled, inclu<Jiny '>et construction u,,h1·ri11g, mailings and assorted tech111cal duties. Scheduling rs flt: (1ble, w ith a two· to 20-hour cururn1trnent per month. The Newport Theatre Arts Center is at 2501 C liff Drive. (949) 631-0288. OASIS SENIOR CENTER Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared dishes to homebound seniors in the Newport Beach area. Tht1 delivery time is between 11:30 a.m and 1 p.m daily. Tile centt1r also r1ct:ds voluntt;er nurses lor its .x..1111 monthly blooll µre ... :.ure screer11ogs r h "'-•tur offers this ::.erv1c..1.; between ~ ... rid 11 a.m the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a month ur volunteer on a substitute basis. The center is at 800 Marguerite Ave • Corona del Mar (949) 644-3244. OPERA PACIFIC The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, a support gruuµ for Operd Pdc1fic, has activtt1ei. for volunteers (714) ~00. OPERATION CLEAN SLATE Operation Clean Slate, a Costa M esa-based organization for gr affiu prevunuon, 11ot1ds volunteers to paint out graff111 and other duties. Michael Howc1rd, (714) 435-0145. OCC NAUTICAL LIBRARY Orange Coast College's School of Sa1liny and Seamansf'lip needs book donations for 11i. Nauucal Lib1ury. ThouJJnd& ol volu1111:s of boa1111y-relatud titlus u111 nt:ud1.'<'.I. Tho School of Sail111y and Seamunshiµ 1s at 1801 W CoJst Highway, Newport B<.:ach (949) 645-9412 ORANGE COAST INTERFAITH SHELTER The lc1rgest family shutter in the county needs volunteers for its children's progrJrn:. It especially desires tuwrs c111cJ thus1. who Cdn take part rn dct1v1111oJ c1hc1 6 p m Tutors .viii wort w111t IJIOuµs of children or md1v1duc1lly, ht1lpmy children in their academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or btg sister during the summer Jaime Mayo, (949) 631 -7213. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY A volunteer group in Costa Mesa needs anim al-loving volunteers for two hour shifts on weekdays to walk dogs and help socialize them in order to help them got adopted. For more information, call (714) 540-2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER Th c.nter needt votunteert to wort with h gh·rl•k famlllea and chlldren, providing weeldy emotlon1I tupport to famlllea, Infant• and flrst-tlme mothera In their home Thu center la asking for a three-hour weeldy commitment (714) 543-4333. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNrTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteera are needed for a variety t>f functions. (714) 839-6199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The task forco Is recruiting volunteers for the Interfaith Council Network to wortt one on one with homeless adults 11'1 a program on ho .1 11fe skills. (949) 263-1n4. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Loam more .;bout art and share with your 0011111 .unity by ooeom1ng a docent ot tht1 Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleries and teaches about the museum's collections and exhibitions. (949) 759-1122, ext. 204 ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Downts c1re 11eed00 to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa Learn c1bout the history and the development of the Center and the workings of the back stage areas. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate in life management and employment training workshops as a success coach to foster teens 16 to 18 years old. (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF ANIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animals in the Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Corona del Mar areas (949) 722 1357. ORTON DYSLEXIA SOCIETY ORANGE COUNTY BRANCH Volunteers are needed to teach ruoding skills. work on mailings d11d coordinate tho adult group. ( / 14) 999-0118 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. PACIFIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA rhe Orange County Pac1f1c Symphony Orchestra's Volunteers rn Education Opportunities program needs ... uluntuers to dss1st children in a variety of hands on musical dCt1v111es Volunteers spend a total of soc Saturday mornings with the children. (714) 755-5788, ext. 244 PARENT HELP USA Founded by mothers and others again:.t child abuse, Parent Help asks the public for help and volunteers to inform the community on vital issues affecting children and the fami~y. For m ore information, call (949) 650-3461 or (949) 675-5271. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF which raises money to support ~1;diatric cancer research needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. THE PHARMACOlDOY RESEARCH INITTT\ITE The ln1tltute 11 looking for volunteers to take part In a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program, call (888) 774 t>7'3 PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Oynamlca, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger aet, need1 volunteers for lt1 program•. (949) 262 7300. PROJECT ACCESS Project /\c;cusa is a nonprofit organization that llnks resident of low-Income hou1lng developments with beneflclal social se1 v1Los usu.illy through resourc1• 11ors. \! .i unteers are needed '" 1tur children. teach crafts and curnputer skills at the various 1.ent&rs. Paul Shapiro, (949) 253·3120 ext. 229. PROJECT C.UDOLE Project Culldle, a nonprofit organizatior1. servos the neeJs of Jbused, abJndoned and drug-expo!.ud children. In addition to uffice help and once-a·mUI th, 12-hour hotline shihs. volur11eers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committee:. and to help distribute stickers to stop babies from being c1bandonod in trash bins. The orlJanization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies (714) 432-9681 PROJECT TOGETHER Project Togt:ther seeks adult volunteers tu establish a trusting, onC; to-one relationship with children stressed from family problems and abuse. This component of tho Orange County Health Care Agency's Children's Mental Health Services offers training and superv1s1on for the program Many of the children are economically deprived, victims of neglect or both (714) 850-8444 REAOINGBY9 The mentor reading program seeks volunteers to read to students in kindergarten thro ugh the third grJdo In Costa Mesa: Pomona Ele111entary School, (949) 515-6980; Whittier Elementary School, (949) 515-6898; Wilson Elementary School, (9491515-6995; and New Shalimar Ltic1rning Center, (949) 646-0396, need help for students in reading, writing and English. Mentor sessions may be scheduled from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m , and aher sdiool from 3 to 6 p.m ., M onday through Friday. SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses succeed by leading seminars and coaching entrepreneurs onhne. Tho corps is a nonprofit charitable organization composed of 11 ,500 volunteer business mentors. both wor1cing and retired. who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offices thloughout the country. Call (7 14) 550·7369, and ask for membership SERVING PEOPLE IN NEED Serve as a guide for homeless families by ht.lping them aet goals and maintain a basic budget 0rientation acid training provided. llleresa Rowe (949) 757-1456. Have You Lost Money in the Stock Market? Did your ~tockbroker recommend stocks based upon his brokerage firm's stock analysts' rccommendataons? Were, the recommendations misleading, premised on baseless criteria, and fai l to clisdosc a conflict of interest for che analyst and the firm? Did you suffer losses based upon the recommendations? If so, you may have ~ C2Se for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Were your investment objectives long ~crm growth, income, and safety of principal? Did your broker ' recommend unsuitable, high risk stocks? Did your broker over-concentrate your portfolio in technology stocks? Your lo~. a~ often rcco~cra~le ~d you may be en tided to punitive damages. We spcc1alttt tn reprcsenung mdjvadual investors. Please call us for a FREE consultation. "No Recowry • No Pee Marc I. Zussman , Arromey af Law U IAw School Gr3duitc 'W lWi ~5"1t3U~·mUJt Law OfFtca of Marc I i'..umwi Cha 29 y :"Jn ot J.:.iw Pracri..:.c to 1 oo Sina Morua Blvd~. Sm Floor 1_,. ~ CA 'X>C'l67 Former ui.. .Ang.!' ca D~11r, C ity At omey tl.:.mbcr ofl 11bC: Ju\ Jl" Afblt...-''n !!r _..._ --·---...... --~--;...;.;.;;.;...._ .. __ _ •• , . Daily Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN itema to the Dally Pilot 330 W. Bay St .. Coate Mesa. C A :)2627; by e mail 10 m1k -sw111 ,,, ot1me by fax lo (94~ IAb 4170; Ot L I calling (9491 f>14 4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete ll811ng is available at www dailypilot.com. TODAY Th• Sta.tight l hedtre Company Nill hold aud111u11s for Its all-student summer show. HMary Popplns,H from 1 10 3 p.m. Children 10 to 14 years old ca n .>ing a ong froni the show or tuing t.iped • 1 iun1r1 " 11" ,ong they'vt. 1 , rucJ Th theate1 is at 1125 Victoria St in Costa Mesa For more ,nformation call 1949) 645-7827 The Cosu Mesa Historical Society will host an open house from 11 a.m to 4 p.m . at 1870 Anaheim St in Costa Mesa It includes tours of the facility and exhibits of photos and artifacts Free. For more informa11on, call (949) 631 -5918 BK6I Bay Fttness will launch a virtual cycling program Come for a test drive during classes at 8·30 and 9:30 a.m Jt L675 Irvine Ave Suite A in Costd Mesa For more information, c;..,11 (949) 631 5587 ·oivorce: A Now Beginning; 1s a Norkshop for n. 11 and woml'n Nho arti divo1, 1•(1 ur getting divorced. It is held trom 10 a.rn to 12:30 p.m. a1180 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach For more 1nforma1ton, c..all 19491 644 6435 The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum will open a new e-<h1b11 featuring the work of Joe Duncan Gleason (1881 1959), known as the West Coast's premiere maritime spec1altst among early 20th century artists The exh1b1t Nill be on display unul Sept 30 For more mforma11on, call (949) 673-8915, e><1 111 Cosu Men's Recreation Division presents Family Day Out w11h an excursion for families to experience the Renaissance Fa11 tn Glen Helen M eet at 9 a m at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive. The cost 1s S 15, which includes a snack. admission and transportation Fo1 more Information call (714) 754-5158 The Newport Beach Library's Balboa branch will offer a workshop called "Tools & Tncb Rabbitt Insurance Agency Al 10 • llOMI tn"lt-R5 • llULTII ,,.,,,,,,,) ,,,,,' , .,, ~ td ~Sr)_, 949-631-77 40, 441 Old ~r1 81.d. • ~iion Beach (N.,u llo.tg llo•pi1.J) YOGA CONNECTING MIND, BODY, SPIRIT In the comf0t1 and privacy of your home Certrfted experrenced instructor Enioy the benetits of relaxatron and medrtahon Call for more information Yoga with Tom 71 ~9-2985 or emarl at pezzman 99@hotmall.com Internet 101: an introduction to navigating the World Wide Web, at 9 a.m. For more Information, call (949) 717-3816. The W11ldorf School's annu1I May F r : 1t10I ,... Ulltll" II I. d.ll 1 V J,Jll p.m. at .!JSU Cc1nyon Drive in Costa Mesa. Adm1:.a1on costs $3, end children younger than 2 get in for free. Parking is free. For more information. call (949) 574-n34. Costa MHa High School's Chetlrluul.l111y department ts hosting a one cJay cheerleading clinic from 10 .i.m. to 4 p.m. for $18 per person Squads and anyone without cneerleading experren• c are encouraged to utll• 11u clinic, taught by the I;, 111t:d Spirit Assn. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. in front of the high scnool's gym. The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve and Eoological Preserve 1s offering a dass on being a nature detective from 10 to 11 :30 a m at the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center in Newport Beadl. Tht: family program is suggested for people 5 and older The fee is $3. Space is limited, so call (9491 923-2295 to reserve a spot SUNDAY To kick off this year's Festival of Children, d Vo lunteer Day will be held from noon to 4 p.m. at South Coast Pla1<1's Carousel Court To 111truduc1:: L)r ange County charities a11d youths to eacn uth1..r, the 1 ..:stiv.il of Children Volunteer l.Jdy will allow a Vi:J11ety o f nonprofit urgarnzations to display information about their services. For more information. call 19491644-4777 The Southern California Koi Club will have rts annual koi pond tour from 9 a m to 3 p.m , 1nclud1ng tours of Newport Beach. Laguna Beadl. Corona del Mar and Santa Ana. Cost is $8 per person. For more mformatJ<>n, call (949) 548-3690. The public is invited to find out about lawn bowling and see the best bowlers tn the nation dunng the showcase of lawn bowling from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m . at the Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club, 1550 Crown Dr .. Corona del Mar. MONDAY Hoag Hosprtal's Cancer Cerrter is offering a presentation by a group of expert cltnicrans to learn about the use of surgery for trHtlng colon cancer. There will bu tlMe after the free 6:30 to 9 p.m. presentation to networlc with other colon cancer · survivors and dlscu11 common COllC( rns Reg1strat1on 11 I u11d Iv 1 uy1 lttr, 1..dll (!f4:11 760-2103. Wortd lnt.rtlllty Month w ill kick off In Orange County with a presentation called "PGD: It's Not Only for Genetic Screening Anymor " The free, educational sem111J1 will feature 1111portant discussroni. dbout the role preimplantatlon genetic diagnosis Is playing in helping parents uncover genetic and sex-ltnku l diseases. The event is open to tlw public and will take place at McJr11on Suites, 500 Bayview <.11cle m Newport Beach begmnrng at 6·30 p.m . For mformatton, call (8881917-4777. Mature drivers can sharpen their drtving sktlls tn an e1gh1-hour class 111 two sessions at Presbyterian Chur!.h of the Covendnt tn Custa Musa Classes will be from 12 30 to 4·30 p m M ay 19 and 20 and •He limned to 30 students Tht: co:.1 is $10 Advanced reg1strat1tJn requued To register, or fur more 111format1on. call (714) 557-3340 TUESDAY A free seminar and book signing of "Why the Weight? Dare to be Gm al I" by aulhor Jean Krueger will be held frvlll 6:30 tu 8 p.m al Mother's Markel, 225 East 17th St Cos1J Mesa For rtlservat1 ons. call 18001 595-MOMS. The Surfrider Foundation Newport Beach Film Night will feature surfing films, including the newly released • 3 Degrees II will be held at 7 p m dt the Surf rider public mee1111g at Margaritav1lle, 2332 West Coast Highway. Newport Beoch Come and learn what 1s going on with local water qudltty issues dnd see some cool surf flicks. For more information. call (9491 644 7443 Thomas J. Carew will discuss "How Time Flies The Molecular Arch1tecturt: o f Memory· at a fr ee 7·30 p 111 seminar at the Irvine Barclay Theatre Carew, UC Irvine's ch<111 of neurobiology and behavior Nill discuss his nisearch that <1llows a close \xammat1011 uf thu m olecular machinery that creatt:s memories, both fluetmg and lasting. l-t-1 1111 ,, ullon. call (&49) 824-42/b. WEDNESDAY A free 'on11 ar and book signing T IJ. • 1tln Connection" ngler will be held ltc.• 1.30 p.m. at Mut11E:r't. Mdntet, 225 Ea8t 17th St.. Costa Mesa. For reservations, call (800) 595-MOMS Suspense novelist Marthe UniUI will speak d a Newport Beach Ne. Nt.0111er ClulJ meeting at 10 a.11. Un1k1..t is also a member of the club, which is open to all weimen liv111g in the area (or less than five y1 ars. For more informallo call (949) 645 9722 . UC I:, 1ne .chool of biological sc1er .1..1::s o d the Howard A. Schne1de1111an Memortal Bioethics Lcture Series present ·The Goei.J Life at the End of life." a le1..r re by Dr. Joanne Lynn. at 7 µ m in lhe Crystal Cove Auditon .n The event ts free, but re~e1 dt1ons are re4uired. For ~ informa1ton, call 1949) ti,.. / • Mentor, co .. c.11 Jnd trusted adv1:.or Do • entry will speak a1 ~ PCMA n ting al •Out his se<1rch for a1 ithentic. llfe al the Westin "' Sc, ,., Coast Plaza from 5 to 8 µ.11 Reg1strollon 1s at 4 45 p.m. For 1 ore 1nfo1111allon, call (714) 637-~124 MAY24 A book .1gm J and parso11al appear< r.e 111thor Jar •C'> Balch lo 1 ""Pres 11pt1on for Nutritlu1 •ul r waling" .v1ll l>e held from 11 d111 to 2 pm at Mother's M.,rke1 225 Edst 17th St Costa M1..sa For reservation!. call (8001 595-MOM~ The Newport Coast Cares first "Spring Fhng fund ra1se1 to benefit the Cvrazon de Vid<1 Foundation Jn o rgarllldllvn thdt raises money for ch1ldr1..11 in Ba1a. will be lrom 11 a m to 4 p.m. tn the Newpeirt Co.,st Shopping CenteJ Thee 1u11t will have games and rides fur children Admission 1s $10 For more informa11on call (949) • 476 1144. ext 358 Three acclaimed authors and scholars will µresent HAfrican American Sptiech in Global Cuilure,H exploriny the t:ffect of African American speech on See TOWN, Paee AlO Saturday, May 17 2003 At Our container has finally arrived! So it's time for another House f Tik . A · Parking lot sale ~ Come check out our new Shipm <'nt t H.i mboo dlld I ropllu Uf , 1 h tn~s and dCCC!)SUrlCS. May 17th & 18th 9am-61 1860 Newport Blvd., l {949) 642-8454 Quality Furnt.\hin~s &: ·k t n\urie\ /'11r )our llome ------- Large F:nd Table ....... 'h Small RattJn Gaml' Tahh: 11 2 ( hJ11 '··· ............. \200' Pair of ~lip CoH~rtd l hair ............ \.\5W Leather 'iota................ . Rattan Re( liner ................ . Pine Hutch ................................ . .~5%' (;retn Chenille Se<.·tional. ............................... ~995"' 369 E. 17th Street #I 0. Co~ta Me,a. L1K.Jtcd hchin.1 Plum ' 1'.1110 Phone(949)76-f -1746 Hour. ~100 Fn IO 00am·5 )()pm. ~.11 10 m.11n 'HA)pm \un 10 m.llTl-W'J'm i • AlO Saturday, May 17, 2003 THESE HI FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO _EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . The soft folds of Vipttt' window sNclinss rtON tome in three new flbncs that appe1I to everyone. Come see them today. ~ALDEN'S Fino• Co.'lAl'ot. "'ll LI'""' \I:'"""' (tllHI\•,) 166:! Placentia, Costa Mesa • 1 e • t e t t I I I t t t ........ , ........ . 949-646-4838 St. John The Divine Episcopal Church Holy Eucharist Sunday Mornings at 8:00 and lO:OU, Wednesday Morning at 7:00. 183 East Bay Strut Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-548-2237 SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL 'A u-.Jly o.bW" Urilf 9' 5mlf Jim Orfs1. ~ -sm.r' The Rev. Proveen BvnyOl'I, Rector 3209 Vio lido Newport Beoch 9.49/675-0210 7.30 om Traditional 9 om Conlefnpomf'Y. 9am Chun:h SchoOI I I om ChorillTICllic and Wednesday Noclf, ST. MARK ~BYTERIAN CHURCH "Optn Arms and Optn Minds" Worship 9:30 ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, A Co11fftfahon of 1hf Antflralf (011111111111011 BUIWING OUR FAITH: WV/NG CHRIST AND SERVTNG OUR COMMUN/1Y The R.rv'd Peter 0. Hayno, Rmor SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8 am · Holy Eucharist 9 am -Sunday School/Aduh Bible Smdy I 0 am • Choral Euchari11 NURSERY CARE AVA/LA.BU: fiMPLE ISAIAH Of NEWPORT BEACH ORANGE COUNTY'S FRIENDLIEST SYNAGOGUE PRESENTS A 4-WEEK COURSE OF ADULT EDUCATION (949)548-6900 ~ 2401 llYIME AYE., M£WPOU IEAOt 9 Ltctwer: ..... Marc ........ ·ux.e rr OR NOT, WE JUST CAN'T AVOID AOORESSlNG HOMOSEXUALITY- tRomans I: 18-32) • Or. Johll A Ho#fn.a. Jr. Satarclay. May J 7, lOOJ, S:JO P.M. S.nclay, May 11, 200J, 8:.JO 6' IO:IS A.M. frHmlfll Wtdnaday NIP• Bible Sclldy 1:00 P.M. (llCTOtl frcnn Newport Hut.or HiP Sdlool et lniM aod Udl) 600 ~. Andreln ROid, ~ lludi, Ca11fNrua 926'~SJ1S ('49) 61 J-lllO l ·MAll 1nfuil'tt.iridmr.spru#J -..u .--.iandmnpra.Ofl A+ ·A;;;;7a~~~:sz:;:i; 2046 Mar VJSta Drive N~ Bach, California 92660 (949)6«-0200 Fax (949) 644.1349 Rev. Mo ' Wallilrn P. Mc.Uu&blin Pastor UJUR~: Seaudlj, S p.in. [Cantor), Suncby. 7:00 (Qukt), 8:30 (Contau~) 10:00 (Choi1), 11:30 a.m (Cantor) Md S:OO p.m. (Contan~) [)/\NSK ,, ···COOKWARE Somethin is Cooking! Ctya1 C.aw PrOODClllldt • 7'TT6 Pdic C-H.,._ • Nrwport ~(.A • ""9) 497-2014 I I r4wu1a-mefF.w111111/.sJ,mJ) o_,.......,o.-_ _, ___ _.._ __ .,,..._ -~----· ......... ~ .......... pw,_ .......... o... ............. """'Noc ....... <""f"""-....i...., -°"""' -._ ~ .... ,.....,... ......-."'°"""_..,.,. ~U>•io> ~s aii-h WORSHIP DIRECTORY i \II I llt1I ll'd Newpon Centu United Methodist Chwch Rev. Cathleen Coots, Pastor 1601 Marguerite Ave. corner of Marguerite and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 644-0745 8am Quin Wonhip Sn-via 1 Oam Worship and Childrmi Sund4y School Youth mtttint Wttlt/y Newport Hart.or Luthen1n Church OU.C.A.) 7N Dovw Dr. Newport ltwh Irt1dltlonal Lutberan Ptletor CherlH Endtet Wot'9hlp a.rvtoe with Holy Communion Sunday 8:115 a.m .... ,, ........... 11 12S9 Victoria StrHt Coste Miu, CA 92627 S11tdey •~1111119 11rvlce at 7:00 PM •••• ,., •• ,. ll1y111 TelepM.1 (714) SJ9·7727 E•1il RBMCC0 .. 11t..il.1tt FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST MllSA VllAD• UNITED METHODlST CHURCH 1701 Baker, C.M. Worahlp & Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m . (714) 979-8234 Or RlcNrd l>eorge Rev Stephanie Toon Senior Mln1S1tr Youth Mlnisttr Christ Church By the Sea United Mcthodm 1-400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newpon Beach 8:0 un A4ult ~dtv ~hool 8JO & IOLm -"«'onlup and Ouldmu Suad.t• School The Rn. Or. George R Olap, Putor (,.9)67)-3805 I I 11< I , I I \ ·,, "'-""'-~· . I : 1 . .· •• -- Come On Back Wonhlp 10:00 A.M. HARIOR CHRllTIAN CHURCH (Dlaclplu of Ctlrtat) 2~1 lrvllMI ""'· Newport IHCll, CA (949) 841·8711 Ml11la.r. Or. Owll llllrt 3303 Via Udo 3100 PadUcView [). N9wpa18Q::t\ Newpcxt Beach 673-1340or 673-6150 644-26 17 or 676-4661 Chwc:h 10ama5pm. 01Ulcb lOarn Sunclcry School 10 am SOnday SChocl 10 am ~, ~ 7 i> pm 'WlcblCIQw Mlllil(lll7 JO Cl'll tl•~l2 ~ ••• the 11me1t .,. 1:lallen el thi en._. w•lh ............................. .,ca.ti. 11 .... ls19h 7 Balda tll\t M*Olit • 1k fln(WflCJlril;SC-. • .... Mew t I .. TOWN Continued from A9 modem conversation, poetry and mu& The reception, performance reading and book · signing will run from 4 to 9 p.m . at UC Irvine'• Cross Cultural Center and C~I Cove Auditorium. For more Information, call (949) 8~4-1948. MAY28 The Coundl on Aging -On1n9• County 11 offering free training to recognize financial abuse and to help safeguard against victimization with a two-hour sesalon called "Who Can You Trust7" The aesslon runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerita Ava., Corona del Mar. For reservations, call (949) 644-3244. MAY29 Op, the origln•I C.llfomia lifMtyle brand, and Projekter: Action Sports Cinema announce the opening of the Op Summer Surf Series at the Udo Theater at 9 p.m .. with a screening of the original 3s-millimeter print of John Milius' 1960s surf epic, "Big Wednesday." For more information, call (949) 722-2219. JUNE 1 The 10th annual Balbo• lsl•nd Parade, ·ee1ebrate Balboa lslan<;t," will take place at 11 a.m . along Marine Avenue. For information, call (949) 723-4177. JUNE4 The Friends of the Newport Beach Library w.iJI host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m . in the Friends Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 book.a, will be the speaker. Reservations are required and must be made by May 28. Call (714) 596--5276. JUNES Edg•r finalist DenlM Hamilton will return to the Newport Beach Central Library at 7 p.m. to present ·The Crime Novel as Cultural Study:' The besi-selling author will discuss ·sugar Skull.· her new novel, and how her journalism badtground led to writing fiction. Call (949) 717-3816 for more information. • JUNE 13 Inventors Forum pt'9MntS a seminar on ·intellectual Property Law· by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m . in Orange -Coast College's Science lecture Hall. Registration and networting begin at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 640-2491 for Information. JUNE 18 Pamela Hallan-Glb90n will spNk about and sign her new book, •orange County, the Golden Promise: An lllu11rated History; at 7 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Historical Society. 1870 Anaheim Ave., Costa Meaa. For more Information, call (949) 631·5918 or visit www.amhlttpreu.com. ONGOING Volunteer drtvers .,. needed to help dellver nutritiously prepared mealt to homebound, frall or elderly client.a Incapable of FRFSH GARDEN SAi.ADS --s322ca. .W-J TEQUILA emus SALSA CHICKEN s1 221b . Daily Pilot ahopplng or c*lng for themselves through •Mobile Meals,• 1ponaored by F1SH-H1rbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hoapltal. Call (949) &46-8060 for more Information. Th• f-tm ,,_. -Fine Children'• Book.a, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 In Costa Mesa, offers free story time Mondays. Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m ., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. For more Information, call (949) 645-6437. I "Abstract Wof'b on C.nvu and Paper;" an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener. will be on display at the Newport Beach Central library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener's ·washed Away" series. created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing it away to suggeat the passage of time. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. Award-winning worb by Orange County artists worting in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Beach City Hall through June 27, for the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists E><hlbition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Reglstnrtlon II now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & two·mile Fun Walk on June 7. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race is $30 for the run/walk. Separate races for men and woman are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (949) 644-3151 to register. Bayside Restaurant In Newport Beach offers wane tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721-1222 lf your orchid Is too big for its pot. Green Systems lnterna11onal will show you how to re-pot your plant during their free orchid-potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant sale is held from 9 a m to 4 p.m at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call (949) 756-1211 for information. Discover the HCrwts of C.rbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Parking is $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. TNm Survivor, • nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer • treatment to e><ercise, hosts ·walk and Talk. at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Fnday of the month in front of NIKEgodass store in Fashion Island. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It Is free, and all fttneu levels are welcome. For more Information, call (949) 275-3888. Newport Communtty Counseling Center offers ' way to atop the cycle of domestic violence through th• support group In SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. See TOWN, P111Al1 CHICKEN SALAD SANDWICHES s222ca. Nit/ Jl -¥ °"""' ,, • ~~ FRoZEN ~~ $299 lb. Dally Piiot TOWN Continued from AlO stands for safety, awareness, faith and empOWennent. The group meeta Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Free. For more information. cell (949) 721-8079. ,...,.. .,. invited to drop by the city of Costa M eaa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m . M onday through Friday for indoor and outdoor aporta and activities. The Center la at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more Information. call (714) 327-7660. The Newport Beech WaJklng Club m eets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:16 a.m . and 7 p.m. everyday. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport a..cti Cab Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Aun. of &ua1n ... 5-vica hosts a networking meeting that deals with education connectlons from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805-0011. ·Divo~•: A New &.ginning; a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m . to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Cost Is $40. For more information, call 644-6435. The Newport a..cti Public library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for children in kindergarten through the second grade at the Corona del Mar branch from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays The library 1s at 420 Mangold Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3800 fT'M toura of the Orenge County Performing Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms, performer's lounge. badtstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Dnve, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. Fo r more Information, call (7141556-ARTS. ext. 833. Th• Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization 1s open eff Ewing & Lylee11 Ewing T HE BEST PRICE WhJt I!> the be~• pm.c for a puxe or re.ti C\t.llc 1 \1orttzJ1(C lcnde" appr41~~. JnJ n:.tl c\l.lte brol~ USC Whal I~ called the 'ialf marlct valuc .. tl-MVJ FMV h.I.' hccn defined a_\ "the pnce Lhal a bu)Cf I) willing 10 P3Y and Lhe M:ller 1 willing lo accept. when both parties arc knowledgeable abool the property anJ nc1lhcr 1s under any umc prc~urc 10 buy or M:ll .. How 1s Lhts pm-c dctcmuncd., The SlllrtJOg potnl for detcmunmg a rair pnce may be an opinion of Lhe value or wcomparnuvc marltcl analysis .. uch an analysts uses mformauon on similar propcrtiC$ which arc· I ) cu1TC11tly for sale. 2) already sold, or 3) ellpircd properties (those which did noc sell). Properua already sold with a clo5cd escrow carry more val1d1ty than ~ offered WPor Sale" or that expired. Loc:aJ, national and intcmatiooal tm1ds and marl.ct conditions mu.st also be evaluated By companng 1mil• properties in ach of the three calC&OfleS and the marUl condJlJOOS. ~ lenders and agents come very clo$c IO the muimum pnce dull buym would be wlllioa to pay for • houte. Since there are virtually no two propett:acs thlt are idcatical. the Clpenile or. knowledgeable qeftl with CJlperienoe i5 essential in belpina to determine n:wket value. Lyleto IOd Jeff have 31 CONCCVtive JtltS O( rul CllllC Upuitk e in Newpott Beath. For prtlmhMI .... !'Witt • ...-..... ,.. ..... ... Cllllltl ....... C.- Nt•,.r1·C.Wwttl IHlltf 1J tM) 19J1't6. ""9 ~//ft 0... Ne PDll1 ~ ,, ,...,,. FOi 2001 to all women residents In Newport Beach who have lived in the area fewer than five yeara. For more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit newcomers-newportbeach.orp. Oesis 5-lior c.n.. holds a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange j uice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. For more information, call (949) 644-3244. Macy's South Coast Plaza presents #Workshop Wednesdays: A Hands-on Cooking Class Program" hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The class is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cost, including materials, is $30. To reserve a spot, call (818) 994-5075. Yoga and rhythm. ·vogarhythmics'" combines yoga, dance and fun. The dass is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 754-7399. ·earthquakes -Not If, But When· will be re-broadcast through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beach. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m .. Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Harbor Nautical Museum offers the exhibit ·vour Majesty. There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851-2003'" through April 30. The museum 1s at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more infonnauon, call (949) 673-7863 Interfaith couples with one Jewish partner are 1nv1ted to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group 1s geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such as raismg children. observing holidays, symbols m the home and relationships with extended families The cost for three se5s1ons is $45 per couple Preregistration Is required. Call to schedule date and time. The office Is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. WOfMf'l 50 and older c.n join a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Servioes to address issues such as aruciety, depression. relationships, loneliness and famlly. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 446-4950. Friends of the Newport BHch Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodt. Books may be left al any of the three branch libraries -Balboa, M ariners, or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperback donauons, with the exception of magazines and law books, Wiii be accepted and are tax deductible (9491759-9667. The Braille Institute offers free computer classes to people with fading v1s1on who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave .• Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care class meet s at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave .• Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263 1462. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networking luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 ·45 a.m . lo 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost 1s $14 The club 1s at 1701 Golf Course Drive. Costa M esa (7141885-9090 A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p m at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach Free Reg1stratton not required. The group 1s designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness (9491574 6232 ~\96~~ MIKE'I ~:~°cARPET$ OVER 30 YEA RS IN COSTA MESA * Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • L a minate Te xture-Plus h Flooring ~arpet \-~o •20s Featuring ALLOC No Gluc· ln'>t,1//,lf1on Wood F l ooring Refinishing & New sq ft Installed Berber Carpet '~ot-A $1 69 lnslcllled sq ft Carpets • Area Rugs • Vinyls Ceramics • Wood • Lam in ates Ceramic 'r~o't-f. $1 50 sq ft Vinyl Flooring \-~l)~~ s1 H sq ft CALL NOW 642-8400 ~s ~ DESIGN CENTER #for A ll Yo ur Dec orating Needs!" FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERY • Custom-Made Furniture •Slip Covers • Patio Fu rnitu re Draperies. Shades, & Bedspreads Factory & Showroom • 1 u~is Hdrht 1r Bl\d . C( '~td .\k·--d Call for an In-Home Desi~n Con sultati on (949) 642-8400 Al2 tt.tdJy, M.iy 11. 2003 ~- ' Stnooth jazz pefforined her w~y Mindi Abair and her band will play at the Hyatt N ewporter on May 18. By Suzie Harrison S he started playing music when she was very young; she hJd an affinlty for It and has been playing ever since. Mindi Abalr will bring her musical talent baclc to Newport Beach, perfonning at the Wave's Hyatt Newporter Jazz Festival May 18. playing the jazz festival this year, having attended it as a fan in the past. •1 played the Hyatt Newporter last year. It will be the second year playing it, but the first time with my bar!d: Abair said. "I've always made a living playing. I've been in othe.r bands, my whole career being everyone else's musician, sax player singer or whatever.· The show is one of many stops she'll have this summer. Abair said "It's a fun new phase. I wrote the lyrics, the music was my vision, and we used my name.· The CD ·rt Just Happens That Way" debuted at No. 3 on the contemporary jazz chart. and the album's first single. ·Lucy's: is the No. 1 song in the nation on jazz radio -and has been for eight consecutive weeks. Tue single is about her favorite hangout on Melrose Avenue, Lucy El Adobe Caf~. where she said she practically lives when she's home in LA. cool woman. a mother figure to a lot of people, me being one." "Lucy" is an instrumental song with one line of chorus. "No lyrics were slated. It's me basically singing to the melody with music.• Abair said "When we were writing it, it sounded really cool, so we kept IL• The albwn has worked for the band ·Now, to be in a position to be out with my band to play my own music. it's pretty amazing," Abair said. "It's my own concoction of jazz instruments meets vocal and pop.· . The Oavor of the album is l mostly pop mixed with Jau~ '\ "I s tarted playing sax when I was 8 -I grew up on the road with my dad's band," Abalr said. ·I've been playing piano since 5." She's looking forward to "Since my CD came out a couple of months ago, we've been really hitting the road," "It's a Mexican re 1auran1 across from Paramount Pictures. It's around the comer." Abait said. "Everyone knows it. It's a point of interest. Lucy is this See JAZZ, Pace Al 1 Mindi Abair started playing the saxophone when she was 8. KENT TREPTOW/ DAILY PtLOT Deanna Epley sits among native flowers and plants, including sage, blue-eyed grass and marigolds, in the garden of her Corona del Mar home. native THEATER New season showcases Simon, Wilde, Sondheim ByTom Titus T he work.\ of a tno of LhcatricaJ giant!> -NciJ Simon. Oscar Wilde and Stephen Sondhl'im -will be on display at the Newport Theater Aru • Center during the playhou-.c\ 2003-04 season j First. however, the theater will close its 4 current campaign with "Camping With Henry and Tom" -the title character. ~ being Henry Ford and Thomas Edison l by Mark St. Germain. De,cribed as a comedic: drama, the show opens May 30 , under the direction or Phyllis Gitlin. And before the new i.eason can get ~ under way in earnest (with "The ~ Importance or Being Earnest"), there's a ' children's swnmer show on tap. It's ·Tue : Magical Pied Piper,· and It'll open July J ~ with Terri Miller-Schmidt again m the • director's chair. , Leading off the new season will be thi&, area's first look at Neil Simon's ·1.ost in ' Yonkers." The show opens Sept. 12 with ' Michael Ross directing. Then things get a, little Wt.Ide -as the classic Victorian ' comedy "The Importance of Being ~ F.amest" by Oscar Wilde opens Nov. 14 • under the direction or Uarlene Hunter-Otaffee. ·The Subject Was Rost'\·· ha'>n't been presented loca11y in mo re than three decades, but the Frank Gilroy drama about a family's stmin~ relationshi(>5 w1U open Jan. 30. 2004. David ColJey will direct. Miller-Schmidt returns March 2b a t Coral Wiison Daily Pilot Members of the Orange Co unty chapter of the California Native Plant Society wil(have their home tardens on display this wee~end be serving wine and cheese to visitors. ~~--il----1tb.C.~OU:tt.:.:M>.ll~WU!WOl~l~_.._~~~~--1• mystery thriller by Lesbe Sands. N ature lovers admlre the beauty and diversity of plants from around the wo rld. Bui members of the California Native Plant Society say there is nothing more natural than going native -by including California's native plants in landscaping in their gardens. And just to prove that to nonbelievers, members of I.he Orange County chapter are inviting people to their homes to enjoy their gardens on Saturday and Sunday. "When people think native, they think brown, dead and ugty," said Barbara Shelton of Corona del Mar. "I want people to see. it can be mixed and It can be beautiful" Shelton's garden includes fruit., vegetables, herbs and native plants. Some of her native plants have colorful blOAOmS, and some are ~ns. One of the thlnp she said she loves most is the fragrance. "When you walk through sages and buckwheat there ls a nice fragrance that attaches to your clothes," she said. "And then you know that you have walked through native plants." Native plants are diverse enough to match any gardening tastes, Shelton said Looking at her own gasden while cooking or cleaning the house, she said, gives her a sense of comfort and makes her feel relaxed. Most of all, she said she enjoys seeing nature at work. "There are wonderful bloasoms that you tend to love, and then they go," Shelton said; "lt'a all rlgbt., though. because then the aeeds come and then the birds come, and it is all pan. of the evolution.• Native planu make seo.e because they are easy to maintain and are perfectly adapted to the semi-arid California climate, said Deanna Epley of Corona del Mar. Her garden. called "California Seasons,". is drought tolerant and requires low maintenance, saving her money and time. "We are within the lowest 10% of water users and yet, we have a lush landscape," she said. "Everyone is planting English !gardens), but it hwts our critters and it hurts us." Todd Heinsma and Adam d>ad of Costa Mesa, who have a lot of experience worlcing in nurseries, • ruwe beeh wortdng lo beautify the concrete courtyard shared by six apartment buildings. They call it •An Urban Restoration." There, they will "I love the native plants. They fit here," Heinsma said. "They don't need so much extra work. ... lntuitfveJy, it feels right" One of the best things about planting native plants is all the wildlife and visitors It attract4, he said While many try to keep the insects away, Heinsma said he welcomes them because more bugs make a garden more natural and healthy. "If you are growing vegetables, you need the insects to eat the pests that eat your vegetables and they will pollinate,· h e said. "Insects are good for health and joy." Since be has started replacing concrete and weeds with native plants, the garden has attracted . buttertlies, ladybugs. friendly black carpenter bees, rabbits and a variety of birds. "There is a long·held prejudice against bugs because of the way See NATIYE, P .. e Al 7 One of Sondheim's earliest musicals actually, the first In which he supplied music and lyrics -is ·A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum," with book by Bert Shevelove and Franlc Gelbart. It'll arrive May 28 with Gitlin behind the wheel. Furthe r Information about the NTAC 1 season cari be obLalned by calling the boi office at t949) 631-0288. The theater is at • 2.501 Oiff Drive. Newport Beach. ' ••• • Wondering what your kids will do I.his ! summer1 South Coast Repertory's Summer Theater Workshop for youngsters In third grade through hlgh school is open for enrollment Two sessions of Introduction to the I.heater will be offered-Aug. 4 to 6 and 18 to 30-In SCR's new Elducation Center. "We offer two sessions so thar familfes can make end-of-the-summer travel plans and still have tine for the Summer Theater Worbhop before school st&&," said Laurie Woolery, director or SCR's SM THEATEt, Paa• Al 7 FURNITURE .~ • LIQUIDATORS ~ ~ 0 :E • 8966 WARNER AVE., FOUNTAIN VALLEY ..._..._~ -~---IM SALE HOURS: Mon.·Fri. 10AM·7PM saturclay 1 OAM-6PM Sunday 11 AM·5PM (714 848-1994 Behind Chevron Gas Station Comer Of Magnolia &'Warner ' .._,__ A1' Saturday, May 17, 2003 S O C I ETY THE CROWD In-stOre reception at Louis Vuitton has big turnout A triad of formidable forces joined toge ther last week for an in-store cocktail reception at South Coast Plaza that drew more than 500 guests, creating a major buzz all over the retail center. Louis Vuitton, W Magazine ..----~ and Angelitos de Oro, a support group of Big Brothers/ Big Siste rs Orange County invited their guests to "a special 8. W. COOK journey thro ugh time." Vuitton set up a garden maze in the Jewel Court of South Coast Plaza featuring vignettes of Louis Vuitton products of the 19th and 20th centuries. After a stroll through the hlstoricaJ gardens, guests were directed to the Vuitton boutique and greeted by waiters passing individual Moet Olandon splits of champa gne with corks removed and straws in place. Newport's lovely Carolyn Garrett, president of Angelilos welcomed the m idweek crowd that filled the large retail store. Robert CeUo, director of the South Coast Plaza Vuitton store, joined Kate Eastman, BonnJe McOeUan, Marilyn Wooten and Laraine Eggleston assisting with the hostessing and organizing duties. The Angelitos de Oro, W magazine and Luis Vuitton Boutique at South Coast Plaza welcomed Laraine Eggleston, Carolyn Garrett and Bonnie McClellan. Funds raised will support projects for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Orange County. The in-store cocktail party was actually a pre-event for the Angelitos' major fund-raiser set for fall. It's called "The Angelitos Card,· which wiJl be a valuable discount holiday shopping card to be used at major South Coast Plaza stores Nov. 6 to 10. The card may be purchased with funds raised from the sale of the card going to Big Brothers/ Big Sister<;. Then. 11\ shop till you drop on the specified dates with cardholders receiving discounts on their favorite holiday merchandise. Angelitos de Oro was founded in 1961 by Robert Guggenheim . To date, it has raised nearly $3 million for Big Brothers/ Big Sisters of Oran~e County. Considering that by charter the re are only 55 mem bers of the organization, the financial number-; are even RosEY's AUIOBODY You have the right to choose your repair faci lity Insis t on the Best LIFETIME WARRANTY Full Service Colliaion Center lnauronce Approved Shop (949) 642-4522 ROSEY'S AUTOIOOY 121 lnduS1rial Way Costa Meso ~ m more impressive. The crowd at Vuiuon was extremely upbeat including the presence of Newpon·s formidable Catherine Thyen. The talk of the town, the woman in the spotlight, Beverly Ray, overseeing the gaJa re-opening of the venerable BaJboa Bay O ub & Re)Ort thi' week, was ali.o on hand. Glamorous Cerise Feeley was there, as was the chic Elizabeth Segerstrom on the arm of her community leader hui.band. Henry Segerstro m. Vuitton not only hosted the t•vcning, it donated 20% of business that evening to Angelitos. SaJes were bnsk, with orders piling high for the new summer styles from the French design hou<,e. One bag is so popular. the store will only take names and credit card numbers with no prom1)e of delivery. When you mm t have the proper bag, you simply must have it. For more information on tht' Angelitos Card. please call tht• AngeLi to!> de Oro office at (949) 642-9883. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. ~ P Mlo ~ Ristora'tte A UTHf .. T•C lllZlm:ll CUIS I N E Sun«lay peciaJs t/2 Prit·t• Tuc-sdays Pasta Ni!!hts Corkage ,. ···''$1;3:9·9· '" ·, Wedne days 71 "' :n :i ii:J ~ _ ....,... ___ _. __ _ !J , I• D·•", • < 00 10 OOpon • 0,.n Tuf'edar th1o~h S .. nder I N 11 R AVl-., #37 H lJNTlNCTON BEACH CA 92647 I fH ,,,, ./ 111 I 1/,J II ,,rf,J I 11/,A fu.t t tlt11 1'4.1 F•1 An Amerlt:an r1111 bttSine::.s s/11((! J'J'; ~ n11r famill' \t'1'f'tll~ 10111' /111111~1· /ur 'lfJ '"'", Momma John We belong to the world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are the biggest flooring dealers Individually owned and operated. 4,ooo sroRB BUYING POWER NOBODY anywhere c.an beat our selection, prices or service. You 're pa.ytng too mucb lfyou're not ~ngfr!Jm us. ~~ .,,. iA·. l ' t. ' . ' .... J ennifer :,r,x.· Lifetime I: Warranty ~. f Carpet ~ $1 99 .lt;,.wo, .. Gus Lifetime • 1 Warranty · Ceramic $199 Lifetime I· • Warranty!< Wood t: $2 99 Brenda 100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day exchange. If you don't ltke It, we will replace It FULL SERVICE C1Hter Tept • Shewers • Cera•io • Steu • 9rHite • W114 Refi•ith ONE STOP SHOP Wi•4ew Ceveri1 t • Cl1Hi1 Car et & U h1ltt1 • P1i•til-l1terier & Exterier Costa Mesa lrvlne , ... , ••0·7•7• , ... , 818•0t•t t•• •-t7th '''''Main •a• MOM·FRI 9·S MON-FRI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10·4 SATUHAYS & SUNDAYS 10·4 CLOSED SUNDAY EVEMIHS IY A,,OINTMEMT Oatly~t I ENGAGEMENTS Keturakis-Clennont Mr. and Mrs. S. Kim Ketwak.ls or Laguna Beach announce the engageme nt of their daughaer, Emilie Darlene Kecurakla of Portland, Ore., to Roger Olarles Oermont of Portland, Ore. The bride-elect graduated from Corona d el Mar HJgh and the University of Texas at Austin. The future bridegroom, eon of Roger R. O ermont of Nottingham, N.H. and Charlene Takesian of Pelham, N.H., graduated from Pelham High School and Northeastern University In Boston, Mass. A July 18 wedding is planned in Laguna Beach at Woods Cove. Sa~er-Stover Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sawyer of Newport Beach a nnounce the e ngagement of their da ughter, Ouisty Sawyer of Newport Beach, to Jeff Stover of Tucson. The bride-elect graduated from Corona del Mar High and the University of Emilie Keturakis and Roger Clermont Ari7..ona. Christy ~awyer and Jeff Stover The future bridegroom , son of Mr. Richard Stover of Hatfield. Pa. and Mrs. Carolann Mash ouf of Tucson, graduated from Hatfield J-oothill High School in Tucson, Ar17.. and the University of Arizona. A July 5 wedding is planned in the First Methodist Olurch in Co ta Mesa wi th the reception at Turnip Rose, Grand Newport Plaza, Costa Mesa. •WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, please call CorcJI Wilson at 1949) 574-4298 MEPHISTGM THE WORLD'S FINEST WALKING SHOES . ,, Dady Piiot DATEBOOK Sdturddy, May I /, 2003 Al5 CHORALE CONCERT AFTER HOURS original tunes. The Newport engagement at 7:30 and 9:30 ..,.m. Beach Central Library is at 1000 June 7 In Founders Hall. Tic!(ets Avocado Ave. For more are S35 and can be purchased at • Submit AFTER HOURS items to information, call (949)717-3816. the center box office or on line at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., www.ocpac.org. Information: Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL (714) 556-ARTS. The Orange (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) The cultural traditions of Japan, County Performing Arts Center is 5744295. A complete list is France and M exico will be at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa available at www.da1/ypilot.com. showcased at a two-day Mesa. International Festival, May 31 and SPECIAL June 1 at the Newport Beach JAil.TRIO Central library. A concert by the Gulfstream Restaurant 1n OCC STUDENT ALM FESTIVAL Primavera Orchestra, conducted Newport Beach presents a jazz by Peter Fournier, will launch the trio Sunday through Wednesday Orange Coast College will host its festivities. Inspired by the as regular entertainment at 850 33rd annual Student Film and cultures of Newport Beach sister Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Video F-est1val at 7 p.m. Friday at Ct1ies Okazaki, Japan, Antibes, Hours are 5 to 9 p m. Sunday and the Robert B. Moore Theatre. The France and Cabo San Lucas. 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through three-hour festival is rated PG-13, Mexico, the event will offer karate Wednesday. (949) 718-0188 with a S5 donation for entry For demonstrations and Japanese more information about the calligraphy, Mexican arts and WEEKLY JAM festival or department: (714) crafts and French herb gardening. The Studio Cafe presents 432-5180. OCC is at 2701 Fairview The event is presented by the Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 Road, Costa Mesa Newport Beach Sister City Assn , p.m. every week. ·wanted" supported in part by a grant from mus1c1ans include guitar players, MUSIC the Newport Beach Arts bass players, singers. drummers, Commission. The Newport Beach keyboardists and others at 100 'AMERICANA STEW Central Library is at 1000 Main St., Newport Beach. Free. Listeners of all ages are invited to Avocado Ave. For more (949) 675-7760. "Americana Stew~ a free information, call (949) 717-3870. musicale at 3 p.m. Sunday at the MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Newport Beach Central library. PACIAC SYMPHONY'S Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, The Tom Corbett Band -Corbett JAil. CLUB the New Yorlc Jazz Connection on mandolin, David Ferguson on Jim Self, principal tuba player in Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 guitar and Bill Knopf on ban10 -the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 will play bluegrass, folk and and the Pete Christlieb Quintet p m. Fridays and Saturdays and country classics, as well as will perform a special at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays DESIGNER RESALE BOUTIQUE Pfea.se join us in ceCe6rating our ~iftli · .9lnniversary ~ thru Saturday, May 15· 17 Call far Detai/,s &aam.;,, PIX>ltlf',,,,n, Sina/917 Fathers Day is June 15th Giw lW • Gift Cmifiuu Orange Coast College's 120.voice chorale will close out its 2002-03 season tonight with a concert at the Robert B. Moore Theatre, 2701 Fa1rv1ew Road. The concert will begin at 8 p.m. For mformat1on, call (71 4) 432-5880 (.(JJ~l[S< I CRANr.E C0AS l C.Ot LE(,f Diana Dftri joins the duo on vocals on Mondays It's free Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nici( Peper and Kelly Gord1en (known as MPGJ perform classic rode , R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m Fridays Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 pm. Saturdays The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach Free (9491 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday The band performs from 7 to 10 p m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p m Sunday. The restaurant 1s at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free (949) 642-3431 MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p rp to midnight every Friday and See HOURS, Paee Al6 llMMt8KilON 1.1 .. ;_;; •• :,'..j so1 \KIAr\ ':" \i \llll' ,_ .. ~ l.\ .. 1'111.\ll •rlO()I ) .. -111 • • IU., \W,.I\~ ... '11¥b~ 314" GOLDEN MAPLE Ill °"'I SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~ft. • loJlllkd with Pill $ J 69 • \fillimum 60 yanh ~Q. ft . Travertine 18 .. • 18" ..................... 1 4.29 .., " Cerasnlc nle ...............•.. u.....11.• ,,.... 14 .99 .., ,, Laminate Wood ................ ,.,, ... ,,..,,. 1 4.99 .., ri ,'>upplles and Tools ror thr ~1>o II )1~ur,. .. tr•·r. ••• All prlora/produC'l4 ror a lin1itrd urn ... bas.-d ,,,, UI u tlublltlfl 1374 Loian Av~ •• Suit~ F • COSTA MESA I ._ -~ (888) ~~1~A-777 :·l*. ; ::1 MO~..f'll. 10 A.II i. 5 P'I • ~-..-, I • " ,_ SAT. 10 A.'1 a. 2,.,. ICLOSED Sl"llA)') .-. ~ L_ __ I\) ( ·' I 1'-I\) \II ll \I I I '-I)\ ( .1 I I .... I 1 I I I MUTUAL FRI END \\ ''°' I I I '. \\ I I I\ I \\ 111 I< I \I 11 I I\ I Stn-cn Hill Registered Rcpresentivc 949-646-9393 t t•fl •••• M.l'b.ml A .•.•..• (. Ft.1-K:is 11.,_I I 1·1 '"11 'Iii.Ill~111 '>1111 I llC\11' 1111 11 1 sa.• .............................. ~.,,.: ..................... - , ------'>-_. __ .,__ tt ...,.... ... ~. .... .... ~ -..c-.-.... ......,---.....,. ~ ..-. ... -...... ign Up Now For Summer Surf Cam ~ www.kanoaaquatics.com (310) 374-1994 • Certified Ocean Lifeguards Professional Surf lns1ruction Kanoa Summer Surf Camps At The Huntington State Beach (Newtand & PCH) • Birthday & Corporate Parties A 5 15 • Surfboard & Wetsuit Rentals • ges - • Private Surfing Lessons Classes Start June 23R0 (Saturday Men's Classes: Sunday Womens Classes) Four - 2 Week Sessions 1 Week Sessions Available Lifeguarding Services f;.-4ttft.4'1l• Is Our First Concern, Fun Is Our Main Goal • S.mi·Privote for Men & Women • Loti of Equipment/Fr .. Weights • Privoi. Piloi.i Studio • SPINNING Theater· lic•n..cf • 16 Full Time Penonol Tra 1ner1 • Child Core 8om· noon M • F • Ample & Convenient Porlit"I • Yoga, Toi Chi, Stretch cloaaet • Step, Power Pump, Canflo • Showers, Steam & Towels • Shof)9 ·Up Doy Spo : Al 6 ~1tu11J~y. May 17, i!OOj DATE B OOK OallyPlat 'Dazzfing Smile 'Dental yroup COSMETIC One :Jlour Power Whitening '389" ... _ ............. , ........... ,i.w1~ ... & GENERAL DENTISTRY l ... t, l1 ~ .. h•H-. M.--.~•A•••l.t.&r '""~ .. ~ .... ,.,.,. 'WelCome S p ecial Tarek Geo~ Zeitounc o.u.s., lnc . . ....... Dr. George www.dazzUngsmil~cntaJ.com :IC • X Rott',,. N~...k.J • I 0111pl1mu11.u, Muuil1 I .ore t..11 We c,1nw111cntly accept • 1 Ml I.,'""'""" '¥ I :.w1•11lt.1111111 -./I ult bpf,.11.111<w1 ul fri,1111"''"' N,.._.Jnt 949-515-8181 204 E. 17th Street, Suite 20 l Costa Mesa, CA 92627 NowONIY •59•5 A11111111l Spring Sale 1\:'\'J"IQUF R()\\1 & GARl>EN CAFE i Fine Home Furnishings 't Antiques & Colkctibks i Traditional to Cottage Gifts and i Garden Decor Garden Cafe serving Breakfast, Lunch, Tea and an Espresso Bar. 130 EAST 17111 ST. • COSTA MESA (At Newport & East 17'" Strm} bed $1300 . flll ftlClllS dresser. & mlrr or (949) 722-1177 St'I 11011.tf $950 2nightstands tree P R I N G CLEARANCE SALE [~T o ~0% OFF · ~~y ONt, ~tT 0~[ f ~[[' •fl 1 l i a il •4 ll t•• 1111• 71 4 S96 S371 · 6902 £01 NGfR AV£. HUN llNGION BIAClt I can't believe ..... . It's My Ho01e Landscaping or re-landscaping is your answer to a beautiful new look for your home. FLOWERDAlE can make your landscape dre-.ams come true, and increase your home's value, 100! Come in today and discover the people who can make a difference to you and your garden. KAY MATSON, A.A C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer (~/~ Cf)l NURSERIES, INC. COMPLETE ~DSCAPING 46 YFARS EXP. L1ccmc No. ]0855 l SANli\ ANA • 2800 N. lumn Ave (714) 633-9200 COSli\ MESA • 2700 Bns1ol Ave (714) 754-6661 Menlll Lynch, Salomon Smith Barney, Morga Stanley and other brokerage firms agreed to S1.4 Bllllon Settlement. Government attorney have called their conduct, "the largest fraud ever perpetuated on the Inv.eating publlc." 1 e-ff you have lost money or had your retirement savings devastated due to stockbrokers Investing your hard earned savings Into risky or unsuitable Investments, you may be able to recover your stock market losses. ------------ --- TERRY MEIKLE C.C.N.P. Landscape Designer MATTRESS OUTLET STORE Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT SHERLOCK'S HOME COURTESY Of ORNa COAST COLL£ GE Michael Cavinder second from left, comforts Katie McGuire as Rudolph Neimann and Megan Zuliani look on in ~sherlock Holmes & the Giant Rat of Sumatra.~ The play will run through Sunday at Orange Coast College's Drama Lab Theatre, 2701 Fairview Road. For information, call (71 4) 432-5880. HOURS Continued from Al 5 Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone. Anthony's is at 151 E Coast Highway. (949) 673·3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rode and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m . Saturdays at Carmelo's Ristorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge. 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE ONE-ACT Pt.AV FEST A dozen one-act plays, many of them original, will be performed Wednesday lhrough Sunday. May 25, in Orange Coast College's anAual Spring On-Act Play Festival. The plays will be s1aged in OCC's Drama Lab Studio. Curtarn time is 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tidcets are $6 and $7. Information: (714) 432·5640, ext.1. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. PACIAC PLAYWRIGHTS FESTIVAL The South Coast Repertory will be having the sixth annual Pacific Playwrights Festival, featuring works in developmenl by emerging and established writers, through Sunday. Fully staged world premieres by Lynn Nottage and Rolin Jones are joined by readings and workshops of plays by Nilo Cruz. Amy Freed. Howard Korder. Donald Margutles and Jeff Whttty. South Coast Repertory is at 655 Town Center Drive in Costa Mesa. Information or tid:ets: (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'INTIMATE APPAREL' South Coast Repertory will premiere Lynn Nottage'• •intimate Apparel; a drama about an African American seamstress in 1906, her divergent clients and the love she finds through her letters, on the Segerstrom Stage through Sunday. Tid:ets cost $19 to $54. South Coast Repenory is at 655 Town Center Drive In Coste Mete. For tidcets, cell (714) 708-5555 or visit www.scr.org. 'SHERLOCK HOLMES' IN SONG ·sher1 odt Holmes & the Giant Rat of Sumetre," a zany musical by n m Kelly end Jadt Sharkley, will be staged through Sunday in the Drama Lab Theatre et Orange Coast College. Performances w ill be et 8 p.m. Thursday• through Saturd•V• end et 2 p.m. on Sundey1. Advance tld:etl colt $10 for adult• and $7 for student• and eenlora. Tidtetl will be $12 and $8 at the door. OCC 11 at 2701 Fairvfew Road, Costa Meta. Information: 0 14) 432-6880. MAC HOMER The 1rvlne Barclay Theatre wlll ~bringing bldt •M acHomer. The Slmpsona Do Mtcbeth• 11 8 p.m. w.ctn-.cs.y through Sa1urd1y, May 2A. Tldteta er• $32 •nd $28. The 8trclay it at 42'2 Campus Drive In lrvfne Tk:bta: (949, 164 4ete. BEING DEAF IN AMERICA Casey Weber is directing his own play, •My World and Yours,· about being deaf in Am erica. The play draws on personal experience. The show runs Wednesday through Sunday, May 25, with curtain time set for 8 p.m. every day except 2 and 7 p.m . on May 25. It will be performed at Orange Coast Community College's Drama Lab S1ud10 Theatre. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432-5880. 'THE DRAWER BOY' Michael Healey's first full-length play, •The Drawer Boy; one of Time magazine's Best Plays of 2001, will be open Friday and continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tidcets range from $19 to $54. For tidcets, call (714, 708-5555. 'CATS' HCats,• the longest running musical in history, returns to Orange County to the Orange County Performing Arts Center May 27 through June 1 In Segerstrom Hall. Tidcets are $19.50 to $54.50. They are on sale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. 'FlORENCE, DAVID AND ARr South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory performers the Teen Players will present Greg Atkms' •Florence, David and Art; a play about high sdlool art students in Italy. The production will be staged May 31. June 1 and June 6 through June 8 in SCR's Nicholas Studio. SCR is at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. lnformalion: (714) 708-5500 '42ND STREET' The 2001 Tony Award Winner, Drama Desk Award and Outer Cttlics Circle Award •42nd Street" will be performed at the Orange County Performing Arts Center June 11 through June 22. T1dcets are $322 to $66. They are on safe at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpac.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. ART 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene that ere making a ditletence in lta evolution. The exhibition will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery, 356 Old Newport Blvd., Newpol1 Beadl. lnfonnation: (949) 648-1101. • DANCE SWING presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTEUER A children's slory time is held at 10:45 a.m . Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa M esa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's s1ory time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & M usic at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St .• Costa Mesa. Free. (71 4) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $10-$15. (949) 642 3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. $8-$1 5. (949) 642-3431. TWILIGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such es chid:en parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, Is offered from 5 10 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W Coast Highway. Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m . Saturdays. (949) 650 8463. SUNDAY BRUNCH A Sunday brunch featuring international seafood and salad buffets, roasts carved to order and breakfast favontes 1s held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacMhur Blvd .. Newport Beach. $30; $40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTA COFFEE M usical acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St., Newport Beach. (949) 675-0233. ATRIUM MARQUtS A variety of llve music Is presented dally et the Atrium'• Alrporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2770. ., BISTR0201 Jazz Is played at 8 p.m. Fridays Lessons ere given fJV8ry Sunday and Saturday• and et 11 e.m. from 2 to 6 p.m. 8t the Alf8tlt Garde •Sunday• at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Ballroom In Newpo118eac:tl by the Coeet Highway, Newport Beach. Orange County SWing Dance Oub. (949) 631-1651. All ages are welcome, end no pertnerl are needed. For mont information, \/hit OCIWing.oom or call (909) 666-6119. ARGENTWE TANGO Tango dancing la offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . the first S.turday of eectt month at 01nec.ne Studio, 2980 McCllntodt Wey, Coate M .... (71•) 841-8688. KIDS STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 v••ra old ere Invited to penlclpat4t in tongt •nd flnger-puJ>PM plev-at 7 p.m. Mondeya It the Coei. MMe Ubrary, 1865 Part Aw. (Ml) Me~. PJIMOIOOQ A c:Nldrin~ ltOt'V drM It DIN DIN AT U.MBOO TERRACE Instrumental music Is performed : after 9 p.m. Thuradayt, end pop and roca II presented after 9 p.m. I Fridaye and Saturdaye at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Coste Men. (9'9) 846-6560. DUR1Y NEUY'S Uve mu.re 19 peffonned at 9 "'l p.m. ~YI end S.turdeya at ; Nelty'a, 2915 Red Hiii Ave., Cotta , M .... (71•) 967-1961. : FOUR IEAIONS HOTEL • Uve music It l*fOrmed .. Mondeya through Saturdaye et • the four See.one Hotel, eeo II! Newport Centw Drtve, Newport a..ctl. ( ... , 7'M80e. : ' S. HOURI, hi9 Al l ' THEATER ¢ontinued from A12 foung Conservatory. "ln our programs. kids looking for new 4xperiences will have the !feedom to unlock their crealivc Imaginations, learn about theater -and have a great !Jme." 1 Courses are divided in10 Youth es 3 to 6), Junior Teen~ es 7 and 8) and Teen~ es 9 to 12). Studen~ chooM' ftom classes held from 9 a.m. 10 I NATIVE Continued from Al 2 they look.· said Dan Song~1er. presl\:ient of the Califonua Native Planl Society and lead groundskeeper al Golden We\t College. Many insects can be beneficial and native gardt•n., don't bring more bug~. ju!'!t a belier balance, he i.aid. Appreciating insectl> JU!>I requi~ a belier under-.tand1ng, and he said ..ome11me ... lw cwn ge~ on hL'> hands and knee'> with a book to examine the vaneties. "I like to prov1dc J l1db11at for the in..ectl> and bird,," hl' .,;ud "I can provide natural nectar for the hummingbird'i rather than u .. ing a hummingbird frl'dl·r " Part of the problem i., that na1ive plantl> remain a hlll<• llly<ileriow, lO many. ~ong ... 1t·r ... -tid "I here ha'> ht-en a h1g .,._, 111g among people who hkt-tlw newn~ and adven1urou.,,lt''' of a na11ve landscape:· ht• '><lid • 1 h<.'Y don't alway-. know whJt 111 l'"PCLI. and they m<1kl· 1n1,tJ~l' ... htll 11 ... OK.• Su11g,1 .. r -..ml he I'> 1101 J "native·only 'nob." I le likt•' tlw JAZ.Z Conbnued from Al 2 hJvtng lOml' from o..1 pop bJckground. rhc arou ... 11t h'llllJr and cool drum loop-. 1nter..per.cd might m11 bl' element' one would <'Xlll'rt 111 f'V".I., 'lhC '<lid ·someone -.aid when 'I Ul)' ,· rnnll"> on llw radio. i1\ a hnlt• rotk 'n' roll 1n 1he J<U.7 \n•11ar111. \o II defirntl'ly '>lanJ., apart." Abair '><lid Abair h~ pcrfonned \"Ith Jonathan Butler. Mandv ~loort• Adam Sandler and t11t: HOURS Continued from Al 6 HARO ROCK CAFE live music 1s performed Sundays at Hard Rode Cafe, 451 Newport Center Dnve, Newport Beach (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music 1s performed Thtlrsdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn. 130 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855 HOGUE BARMICHAEL'S Live music 1s performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at barm1chael's. 3950 Campus Dnve. Newport Beach (949) 261-6270 ·FURNITU 1111 11r111r 111• .......... noon or from 2 to 4 p.m. in SCR's new air-conditioned classrooms. Al the end of each session. students will present a demonstration to family and friends. This summer's presentation will take place ln 1he newly renovated 95-seat Nicholas Studio. Tuition for each two·week session is $225 (with a $30 discount for each additional 'iibling). Oas.ses fill up quickly. so early enrollment lS suggested. Call (714) 708·5577. FYI There are 14 homes on the tour, and seven gardens will be available for viewing each day. The two gardens in Corona del Mar and one in Costa Mesa will be open to the public on Salurday. There is no charge for the tour. and people are welcome to stop by at their leisure. A brochure and a complete list of addresses can be picked up at any of the homes. •An Urban Restoration· 767 Scott Place Costa Mesa Gardener· Todd Heinsma ·california Seasons· 2609 Blue Water Drive Corona del Nlar Gardener: Deanna Epley h1'>tory of planl'> from around thl' world and ha'> incorpora1ed many inlo hi~ own garden. Marncured lawns and imported pl.int' can be visually a1trJ111ve, hut he -.aid they are hke a picce of an -beau1ifuJ 10 look al. but lad,mg the natural 1nterat·11on\. "A nauve garden i., one 1ha1 " IH11Jmg with lift," he '><lid " I here I!'! more 10 a K<trden than Jll'>t Jn image 10 look at " B,1d,.\lreet Hoy-. II., fun lo play '~1th aJI the-.e pt·opll-11 .idd' depth." Ah.t1r -.,ml \he " glad 10 haw tho-.t• t•xpenence<. hecau.,e '>he tdn t.1l..1• 1hern wilh her .. llw people al lhe I ly,111 Nl•wporter know rne on \l,1gt• \\llh pink or black hair Now ii\ l>l1111d ... '\hair '>aid ... I'm 1lw girl in 1an who brca~ lhe rull'' • Ille fe-.11vaJ will nm Jll '"eelenl:I. \Vlth Abair.., r>l'rformance at I p m MJy I fl lllt.' "iC'wponer" at 1107 Jamboree Hoad in Newpon Bt·a1.h. UDO CIGAR ROOM En1oy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via Lido. Suite D. Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595 MARGARfTAVlLLE live music ts performed at Margantaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan cuisine and belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh. 1976 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384 MARRIOTT HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marrion Hotel. 900 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach (949) 640-4000. (Nut to TMOET GREAT\NC> by .OS Fwy ~ °" ....... Hftor 8h'd) 014)114-IMI DATEBOOK Sa~day. May 17. 2003 A17 l SAVE 25-500/o OFF RETAIL When You Deal Direct with the Factory www.patiomfg.com CUSTOM BBQ'S The HoneyBaked Cafe is full of surprises, not ham. Oo"'-' ~ou and ~o.ur luneh buddi.es can stop b~ The i-lone,'jBuHP~I ('<1f'e ford ::.ur•pr•U,.\.n~l~ "">\,de a!•"a.Y of dell.<'LOus, mad~ from scratch, lu~ch tempt<at~.om.. fr·.'J O\lt' i lon~e~lfo&.\ed eh~~en Cor·Clon Bl<>u, Beef WellLn8ton, or f}orlo\ Ft.llets "'-'tth J',..e::.h Bl.wl-{lwr-r'.'J c1t •• ~e. Ore~~ a fr-e~.h, <.·r·U.p,'J m~s;er C.h~f Salad. Ana, if breaKfas~ l~ t.o .'lJOllt· Ii ~l.n8, ":<· ~c<'f"'c.• i.t .all da~ lon8". ~ dh. <'hou•es Ld~e OW" l'1J'ht and fluff.'J t1one~BaJ.\Pd Omc.•l<>t l<tl<l \.<.'tlh Jiwl-\c.'.'lj' f\v<><'ado and Swiss C.heese or scrumptLous Stuff<.·d ltr•c.•m·h 'J<.>c1~t. So next ti.me ~ou do lunc.h, do l.t l.n st~le ill 'Jlic:> ilorw~BcJ.\<><I <..' df•'c.._ .. "'here 'Jou7l L fl-nd overs~ dell.cl.ous thl.n~-for lum·h, lw~i.~I"'::. 01w .irnoztn~ ham. • e,ome see us tod.B.'J· We7re r~ht next door· lo I h.111 ft.imou~ hdm :-.to:•('. Open Monday . Wednesday 8a.m • 6:30 ~ TH E Thursday Saturday 8 a.m -9 p.m. Smda)i 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Tustin llnl Newport Ave.# 13 Phone : 714-731.{,616 Fax :714-7314907 tb6igbl 8e.adl 19022 8e.adl lhl #C Plme: 714-963-6174 fax 714-m U16 l 2001 LamborahJni Murdelqo lladtlmldt )I( Mies ................ ,! cw, u•t.soo 2001 Pwsche Twin Turbo M1uollltdt SI Mies $111,5'1 .. ... . .. . . . -. - 2002 Fernri 360 Spider FI Yellow/Tan 611 Miies $135,000 1998 Ferrari 550 Mannello ltadc/lladt 6k Miies OM Of The Rnestt °"" $I 57 .soo •• .. QUOTE OF THE DAY "I'm more proud of my ef/ort than being worried about where I finished." Andrew Cole, Newport's Clf backstroke champion lpcwta Ecllor RJdwd Dunn: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fu: 1949) 6500170 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIMMING EYEOPENER Daily~Pikt SpOrtl IWI t!I,__ ~ ................... Aor• 19 honorff CARL EHMANN Saturday. May I 7 2003 Bl Sailors capture four titles i>.eirso l, Mackey spark .. Newport Harbor girls in CIF Division I finals Eriday night at Belmont Plaza. llelanle Neff Daily Pilot BELMONT SHORE -With it already predetennined before the season even began that Irvine 1 llgh was going to win the CIF Southern Section Division I girls swimming title, New· • port I !arbor. Santa Mar- garita and ViUa Park all started gearing up to race for second place. Few gave the Sailors a chance, picking them to finish fourth like lru.t season, but on Friday night they proved all the critics wrong and took home '>t.>t:ond place at Belmont Pla.7.a. Irvine won the meet with 295 JX>inlS. Newport wa.!> second with 198 and Santa Margari1a fini~ed third with 175 and Y.ilJa Park was fourth with J73. ··rn.is is w satisfying.· Newport Coach Ken LaMont said. • u is a race that more people get into ince Irvine winning is a given.· Before the event began, LaMo nt, as well as every other coach on the JX>OI deck. had the point., all figured out and what their team'> needed to do 10 reach their goal. The Sailor'> went above and beyond. Senior I fayley Pe1r.ol, who was sick at Wednesday's prelims, stepped out of her big brother's shadow and rook home rwo individual tille<i tn the 200-and 500- yard freestyle... Irvine's Courtney Cash- SEAN Hlt.LER I DAILY PILOT Newport's Nicole Mackey shows her winning form in the girls 200 individual medley Friday rn the CIF finals rn Long Beach. ion was the only other double winner for the girls. Senior Nicole Mack:ey won the 200 in- dividual medley and took second in the JOO butterOy. Senior Mai Tajima JX>Sled a seventh· place finish in the 100 backstroke and eighth in the 200 freestyle. But, in the end, it all came down to the final event. the 400 freestyle relay. Newport just needed to hold their pre- tim seed..9f second place, and they did. tiling ~ than three seconds off their time to finish second in 3:33.00. Mackey, HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL Tajima, Anne Belden and Peirsol aU low - ered their splil Lim~ in the event to se- cure second place overall. Irvine set a national public high school record in the race tn 3:24.64. See GIRLS, Pa1e 84 Tars push past Poly Newport Harbor ope n s CIF Division I playoffs by sweeping scrappy Jackrabbits. • never really dominated. ·1 wish we would have taken one game off of them. II was frustrating for us to be playing so well and not be able to get a JX>int. Their de· fense was incredlble. We're guts and gheno and, on their side of Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot NEWPORT BhA<.:t I -So vast ls the OF Southern Section, post.Season com- petition cafl sometimes bring together schoots and teams that are. seemingly. worlds apart. Such was the case Friday mght. when Long Beach Poly visited Newport Har- bor for a CIF Division I first-round boys voUeyball malch. But the gap was re- vealed more In styles than on the score- board, even though Newport Harbor prevailed. 15-5, 15-9. JS-9, to advance to Tuetday's second round at No. 2-seeded San Oemente. ·Their experience really showed," Poly Coach Steve laRusch said of the SailOJ'I (20-ll), who led throughout, but the net, it's a choreograph, like a dance. They're very pretty to watch, unfortu- nately.• There was something less aesthetic about the Jackrabbits (19-11), whose leading hitter was 5-foot-8 senior Sam EJu and whose middle blocker, stout senior Zephyr McKenzie, bore a more striking resemblance to a middle line- backer. "They have some good athletes who haven't played a lot of volleyball.· New- port Harbor Coach Dan GJenn said. "They're unorthodox.· Despite some sloppy play by the hosu, which allowed PoJy to extend the games 24, 26 and 30 minutes, GJenn had few qualms afterwani. STEVE Mc:CfWf< /OM.Y PILOT Newport Harbor's Michael McDonald, center, is ready for a tip from Long Beach SM TARS, P•• 84 Poly's Eric Kiel, bottom left, and Phann Sourm in Friday's CIF match. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Humberto Rojas Estancia track leader won two events and contributed to victorious relay to help Eagles claim league championship. Sailor senior Andrew Cole wins CIF Divisiop I backstroke title for boys Friday night. Melanie Neff Dady Pilot BELMONT SHORF. With Aaron Peirsol graduated and swimming for the University of Texas, Newport I !arbor Higb's Andrew Cole finally got to do s0mething he has al- ways wanted to do -• win the ClF Southern Section Division I championship in the JOO-yard backstroke. Cole, a seruor who is headed to the University of Utah m the fall, took advantage of Peraol's ab!.ence and clocked a 5 1.50 m the event, bear ing San Oemente's Kenny Yamamoto by 0.33 secon~ ar Belmont Plaza. Cole. the only swimmer competing tn the championship final'> for l\l'Y.J><>rt., boys team, al!>O firushed third tn rht' 100 freestyle. an event he 1001.. home the 11 tie m last year. ·rm more excited about winning the backstroke this year than la'>I yt'a.r\ u lie," Cole ii.aid ·11\ my '>lr<>kl• Ir ... a gn•ar way to end my sea<,<>n by Y.111rnng 111 rnv stroke." Cole took more than J -.c< ond otf Im preliminary time of 52 56 111 tht' hat k· stroke, swimming a LS 0 I in 1hc.• 01wn ingleg. Despite tus third-place fim~h tn the freestyle. Cole was pleased <,wtmmmg See BOYS. Pa&e 84 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TRACK Pink spot for Eagles Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot LONG BEACH -A pinlc blur bla.7.ed around the track at Vet- erans Stadiwn on Fn day in the CIF Southern Secoon 01V1- sion Ill boys track and field preliminaries. gJVlllg spectaror. a di'> tinct SJX>t to follow. Oad in pink shorts, l-..stanc1d Htgh's Humberto Rojas won both of h1'l heats in the 800 and l .600 meters. taking sec- ond overall in each event to qualify m both for the QF finals May 24 at (..em 6oDege Both fstanaa's boys and glrls cross country teams JX>rt the pink shorts in the fall, but this is the first nme during SM EAGLES, P11&• 83 t • • ~ • _Luxtiry Imports & Exotic SportS Cars · · · independent l~,aDd emt:ic dealer in o~ County • . Since 1984 we liine sold over 20,000 of the flllest aulo.Oobiles • . I invite you to ta~ a teSt drive tod,ay!" • • .. 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Only 27K Miles ... $25, 980 ; 00 JAGUAR XJ8 c1mo>~· '2K Maes-Only .. $28, 980 00 JAGUARS-TYPE (t926)~CJeom.15KM1es $28,980 99 JAGUAR XK8 CONV c192Q9)Mef 011. 0wm m $36, 980 00 JAGUAR XK8 c1a1~ 121t• Foa. w~.-$42, 980 PORSCHE 99 CLK320 119ocmDIWIMll. Great Value! $26, 980 86 928S 119laa>Dlk w/Ton lnr Auto low Miies $11 , 980 98 E320 SEDAN f19Jil)Vtww{:,oy low~~ lJpglOdtdWs $27, 980 t 98 DOX5TER (19:11a)Olk wlP.ed lntenor $24, 980 01 CLK A "0 t 117980 198 DQX5TER (1e9..s1~erwitllk. MintCondttlon $24,980 &tu < 1914j 1 > 1111 w!llll IJtv Woo<wod Phone "u , · 01 DO X5TER (1911 .. 1 You~ See Tl-.s ~ 'Wrrwy $32, 980 99 SL500 ,,...,,,..,,... "'""" °'!"""" $37, 980 I 00 BOX.STER '""''"°" .,.,, r~ $32, 980 99 SL500 11m1>1t'tl11e wlGICff SI~ $39, 980 I 99 996 (PE 119216,Red w•tllk l.ltv 1&' ~ $44, 980 00 5430 1m.1,l!lodl.~""'°Cadllon $46,980 99 911 COUPE <•~1fxlr('(Tl(>1y0eon Ole0w'* $44,980 • 01 SL500 <1~,~. LowfMolf 10K Mi $5 7, 980 I 9? 911 Conv cta664t>~ei ~ D.o\lly $49, 980 " 00 91 1 COUPE c•9*>Dlo<Mllk 161<M11es $52,980 EXOTICS I 99 911 CONV (1~)Tliplelllk Only 10KMI $59,980 s.. ~ M£D(EOt't 2'lntl $19 980 03 996 COUPE (t93S7C)Sicft Gtey Metollk, Only 3k Ml $ 71 , 980 V't n "1 w.x. c1W3>* This P.ore ~ Red. , 93 FEDD ADI MQNOIAL II $49 980 02 911 CQNV (19J&S)Gfoyw/Olkllp low Ml • $72,980 NV\1\1 (19033)f1 Sl'ilft« ... -, 89 FEMARI TmAROSSA (19367C)P.td, OM l«.OI Owntf1 $69, 980 01 FERMRI MODENA SADER Ct'*>~ .... o ~ _ INQUIRE.1 03 HUMMER H2 <•m.x)w.. 5lrlOd ____ JNQUIRE.1 OTHERS OVER 25 IMMACULATE OTHER MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM • • HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Burlillgham express Newport senior qualifies for CIF finals in three events, highlighting Sailors' 12 athletes in prelims. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot • WALNUT -Newport Harbor H1gh produced intrigue, high points. loW moments and a great deal of suspense Friday. Yes, the Sailors' experience in the CIF Southern Section Division II track and field preliminaries read like a book al Ml. San Antonio CoUege. The high points: Amy Burling- ham, the Newport senior who will play soccer for the University of Texas in the fall, recorded a personaJ record 10 win her heat in the 400 met.ers (58.19). in ad- dition, she contributed 10 the Sailors' 400 and 1,600 relay teams. which aJso advanced to the CIF finals. The 400 and 1,600 relay teams included senior Elda Hernandez, sophomore Kiley Hall and freshman Amy Klippert. Newport's fantastic four fin- ished In a season-best in the 400 relay (49.83). Then, under the lights. the four giru won their heal in the 1,600 relay and finished in 3:58.81. nearly six seconds faster than their previous best I laU. in the 400, sophomore Counney Marshall, in the 3,200 I 11 :34.2). and junior Allyson Stoltz. in the pole vault (9 feet). achieved or matched personal records but just ml~ qualify- ing for the Clf finals, which took the lop nine in each event of the prelims. Marshall also competed in the 1.600, finistung 15th over- all in 5: 18.54. The Sailors also experienced • the Iowa, but that has the po- tendal to make them stronger. Newport junior Jllllanne Whit- fteld. the Sea View League champion in the discus, had two foot fouls and her final thiow went out of bounds. Contrary to last year. she did not advance to the OF fi. nals. But she'll be back for her fi- nal sea.son nexi year. Newport senior Alec Urtusuas· teguJ, last year'( Sea View League champion in the 3,200, slightly lnjured his back in the 1,600 (4:34.96), yet It was enough to set him back In the 800 (2:12.78), and hJs season ended However, Urtusuasteguj plans to run In college, of which he has not de- cided yet The Sailors' suspense? Well. those who follow the Newport l:radt and 6efd program now have Lo wall unlil next week to see what the Sailors will do al the CIF finals May 24 at Cerritos C.Ollege. Burl- ingham. H.a.U. Kllppert and Her- nandez are planning to add to their intriguing story next week. Instead of resting and ta.Icing Lime off Thursday, the quartet decided to take In some extra work. The four girls worked on minor adjustments and hand- offs al Orange Coast CoUege the day before the CIF prelims. "Thal shows what kind of kids we have." said Lany Hirst, who coaches the Newport relay teams. "Track teams are notori- ous for taking days off. But !practicing the day before the CIF prelirns) pretty much sums up the personaJities of the girls.· Newpon Coach Eric 1\vei1 "aid Hernandez and Klippen ran their fastest 400 meters in the l ,$)0 relay. HaU led off the race, ftnWUng her 400 meten in 59.4 ahd providing the Sailors with a aJzable lead. Hemande-L went 1:00.4 in her 400 and lCllp- pert followed with a 1:00.8. Burl- lngbam anchored with a 58.4 to • help the Sailors win their heat Hall nearly advanced 10 the CIF finals In the 400. She fin- ished in 59.43, 10th overall and the ninth-best time was 59.37. Stoltz came just as close to advancing in the pole vauJt. She matched her personal record with a 9-foot clearance, which tied for ninth. Then she lost in a jump-off 10 Mater Dei's Shan- non Kelly, who advanced 10 the CIF finals. JunJor Eli7..abeth Oayton fin. ished 11th in the triple jump (35-2) and missed qualifying by rwo inches. The Newport boys continued Lo provided giimpses of their future in the shot pul and 3,200. Junior N'lck Miller finished in 10:14.3, which did not qualify for the ClF finals. yet just as the rest of the young Sailors, he gained experi- ence which should also provide motivation for next year. That was the same scenario for sophomore Jon Sucsei In the shot put (48-2¥.). Senior Jack Skahen, who recorded a personal record last week with a throw of 48-3, ended his season with a 44-5¥. matk. Szecsei (pronounced say- shee) said he enjoyed the big- meet atmosphere at Mt. SAC and is eager to return next year. ·1 was really happy 10 make 11 10 OF because its only my sopho- more year.· said the sophomore who is 6-2, 230 pounds and plays the tuba and tenor saxophone for the school band ·rm going to come back here next season. I'm going 10 work hard during the off-season." St. Geme sparkles for Sea Kings Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot LONG BEACH -Nol much keeps Anne St. Geme hemmed In these days on the track. The Corona del Mar High freshman made her own space at the CIF Southern Section Divi- sion Ill girls track and field pre- liminaries, wading through a cluster of runners at the begin- ning of the 800· and 1,600· meter races before racing toward the finish line and qualifying ln each event for the CTF finals May 24 at Cerritos C.Ollege. St. Geme won her heal in the 1.600 (5: 11.5), talcing Lhree-and- a-half seconds of her prellm time and finished third overall while placing eighth in the 800 (2:20.99), beating her previous Lime (2:21). The top nine in each event advance 10 CIF finals. ·1 had ~ rompetition. so that pushed me a litde harder,• Sl Gerne said after the I .fm. , was boxed in more than once on the third lap and had to wait until some people slipped back before I get EAGLES Continued from Bl the t.ntck season they have donned the strildng garments. "They agreed to It.• F.stancia Coach Steve Crenshaw said of the athletes' decision to wear the shorts. •it has stirred up com- ments In the stands. If you are going to wear that. you better be good enough to back it up." Rojas was good enough to mab the CIP finals, ftnJsh.lng the 1,600 ln 4:19.97 and the 800 in 1:55.52. He enten!d the 1,600 with the best quaUlylng time (4:18.33). The top nine ftnilben In each event and all heat wtnnen ad- vance to the CIF finlll. around them I SWled feeling (fa- tigue!~ the third lap. It i.s hot out here: Costa Mesa senior Sharon Day quaJified for the high jump (5 feet, 4 inches), while placing eighth In the 200 (25.83). The de- fending stale high jump cham- pion who soared above 6-2 al the ltabuco Hills Invitational earlier this year. then anchored Mesa's 1,600 relay team which qualified for the finals with a 4:02.51. Rhondi Naff. Toshia Bryant and Stacy Krikorian joined Day on the winning relay. Mesa junior Oui.stine Bjelland kep( up a consistent pace to place eighth in the 3.200 ( 11 :29.9'J), right In front of CdM senior Becky Cummins (11 :32.91 ). Both ad- vance to next week's OF finals. &· tancia's Diana Rosete doCked an 11:46.96 to place 15th in the 3,200. Bjelland ran the 1,600 in 5:18.90, good for 12th, while freshman Jasmin Day, Sharon's sister, qualified for the finaJs in ·Tue first lap. I came out slow, about 1 :09, • Rojas said of his first spUI of the 1,600. ·ey the final lap, I had a 1:02. • Rojas, a senior, qualified for the CIF finals last sea.son with a 4:23.40, but did not compete in the 800 in the prelims because of a sore hip. ·1 still want to peak next week." he said. Estancia teammate, senior Zack Novak. will be jolning Rojas at next week's finals after he tied for first In the high jump with a clearance of 6 feet. 2 inches. N<Mk, who began competing ln trac& just last year. bad n~ made It to the OF prelims prior to this J'll!C. •It (eels pretty good." be said with a wide grin. I Corona del Mar bad rwo ath· the high jump at 5-2. CdM's 1.600 relay team of Me- lissa Swtgert, Kelly Morgan, Sara Oaster and Lindsey Manning claimed fourth place (4:02.27) 10 advance lo the CIF fioaJs. Swigen, Manning, Morgan and 1<1nzie Kramer clocked a 52.03 in the 400 relay while Ca'ssey Brick. Bryant, Rachel RonquWo and Krikorian finishetl in 52.67. Swigert placed 11th an the 400 (59.85) while Morgan ran in I :00.39 to place 13th. f.stancia's Ludi Valdez placed 24th in 1:02.37 and Naff finished 30th with a 103.11. Oaster ran 10 14th in the 800 (2:24.20) while Jasmin Day fin - ished in 2:32.13. Bryant placed 36th in the I 00 (13:53) and Valdez took 25th with a 50.88 in the 300 hurdles. Brick placed 29th with a 5 1.97. Naff and Brick went I 5-6!h and 15-0!h in the long jump, re- spectively. and Bryant ran the 200 in 27.61. Naff also placed 20th in the triple jump (33·4V.) and CdM's Jennifer Way leaped 31 -1 to finish 30th. letes qualify for the finals ln indi- viduaJ events Friday. Junior Olris Ringstrom won his heat ln the 200 (22.58) and finished sixth overall while sophomore Andrew Wong deared.13 feet to finish ninth In the pole vault Rlngstrom placed 11th In the 400. Teammate Gor- don Yould also cleared 13-0 In the pole vault, but lost in a jump off and will not advance. CdM junior Kevin Artz ran the l,600 in 4:37.30 to finish 19th and placed 22nd in the 800 (2:02.49). The Fagles' Jason Johnstoo leaped 21 feet In the lor\g jump to finish in 10th IS Ul ~ Dell week. miltling tbe nfmh-iMtt mark by an lndl. and he placed 12th in the trtple jump (41-0Y.). Satwday, May 17, 2003 a ( C/~d ) Btu·n.l SCORE YOUR BEST DEAL <.,....-V !_ -/ park 0 60 lfewl(OOPOCllll 5£: Automatlc Trans BRIEFLY Estancia sweeps Century lbe &tancla High boys volley- ball team opened the CIF Southern Section Division III pla~ft'a with a resounding r:b.ree· game win over viaiting Century Friday night. 1be l!agles (27-10) defeated the Cientudons, 15-1, 15-3, 15-2, to advance to the second round, where they will face Orange t.u- theran. which swept Warren. A coin toss will determine which team will h<>fll the second-round match Tuesday. &tancia de- feated OlllDge Lutheran. 15-3, 15-5, 15-3, on March 6. 8$~cla Coach Dacey Heims said the No. 3-seeded F.agles played with great intensity from the outset to gain momentum and the advantage. Junior out- side hltter Kris Hartwell led the Eagles with 16 kills, while junior opposite Josh Kornegay and jun· ior outside hiner Brad IMsen re- corded eight kiJ1s each. Sopho- more setter Trevor Holmes contributed 34 assists. Senior middle blocker Jess Hellmich and Larsen collected three serv- ice aces each. CdM girls sparkle . •SWIMMING: In Friday's CIF Division II girls preliminaries at Mt. San Antoruo College, Co- rona del Mar High's Lexie Shue qualified third for today's finals in the 200-yard individual med- ley (2:08.50) and 500 freestyle (5:01.18), while also competing on the Sea Kings' 400 free relay that qualified third in 3:39.20 with team.mates Jordan Anae, Kim McKay and Brittney Bow- lus. Other Sea Kings in the cham- pionship finals today at 4 p.m . at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach include members of the 200 free relay. which qualified No. 1 with its best time of the year (J :40.86) with Anae, McKay, Viv- ian Uao and Bowlus. Anae qualified fourth in the 100 backstroke (1 :00.16) and seventh ln the 100 free (54.22). while Bowlus was third in the 50 free (24.88) and eighth in the 100 free (54.23). · Sea Kings advancing to the consolation finals were Tumua Anae, who was ninth in the 100 breaststroke (1:09.34), McKay, =TARS • Continued from B 1 "This was a good win," he said. "I thought we did a good job of playing within our game. 'We bad to battle for points, which is something that is going to help us on Tuesday." The Sailors offered plenty of help to the visitors in the open- ing game, committing five serv- ice errors and maldng a handful of other miscues that prompted Glenn to call a pair of timeouts. Newport sailed to leads of 8-0 and 11-1 in the second game, but Poly, the Moore League's third- place· representative, closed to within 12-8, before the Tu.rs fin- ished them off. Up just 5-4 in the third game, the Sallors, over a span that in- cluded 13 sideouts, scored nine stJaight points to force match point. It too~ nine match points, however, for Newport Harbor to close the deal. After exhausting all their substitutions, the Sailors got the clinching point on a stuff block by 6-0 senior Ryan Newell, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating the Daily Pilot's Athlete of the Week series TODAY 24 -Ronnie Uevanos Costa Mesa Football 17 -Brittany Holland Corona del Mar Glrls tennis, '01, '02 21 -Stephanie Chang. Ontnge Coast Women's tennis who was 15th in the 200 free (2:01.20), and the 200 medley relay of Olristian Hewko. Jackie McCoy. Shue and Uao (12th in 1:56.74). Mesa boys in consos •SWIMMING: The Costa Mesa High boys will compete in five swims today in the CIF Di- vision Ill consolation finals at Belmont Plaza at 10 a.m. fol- lowing Friday's prelims at the same location. Mesa's 200 med- ley relay was ninth in 1:47.99, while its 400 free relay was 15th in 3:35.0. Sophomore Adam Douglas qualified 14th in the 100 free- style (50.85), sophomore Evan Spencer was 13th in the 100 butterfly (57.25) and junior Brian Tipton captured 16th in the JOO breaststroke (1:06.43). Mesa's Dzida advances •TRACK AND PIEW: ln the CIF Division III prelims Friday night at Long Beach City Col- lege, Rosary sophomore Laura Dzida of Costa Mesa ran the girls l,600 meters in 5: l~.48 to qualify for a spot in n ext week's CIF finals at Cerritos College. UCI tied for ninth •GOLF: The UC Irvine men's golf team is tied with USC for ninth place in the 27-team field after two rounds of the NCAA a development Glenn later called Mbeautiful" Jamie Diefenbach, a 6-8 junior middle. led a balanced Sailor at- tack with 13 kills. Senior outside hitter Michael McDonald (10), senior outside hitter Michael Toole (eight), senior middle Paul Toman (eight). senior Nick Glas- sic (six) and junior setter Adam Schlesinger (six) aJsa capitalized on the visitors' lack of height Schlesinger posted 41 assists, while Glassic led the winners with three stuff blocks. Junior Morgan Govaars bad two aces and two service winners. Fllu, whose jumping ability often allowed him to look down on taller blockers, pounded 15 kills, while senior setter 'fyier Rasmussen added 25 assits and four kills. McKenzie had four of bis team's 10 stuff blocks. 1b.ank:s to a first-round bye, San Oemente (26-L). ranked No. 1 in Orange County, was on hand to watch the Sailors Friday. The Tritons are looking to avenge two playoff losses to Newport Hatbor in the last three seasons, includ- ing a second-round Division 11 setback last spring. West regional at Washington National in Auburn, Wash. UCl senior Ryan Armstrong shot a 2-under 70 and is tied for 17th place at 146. JunJor VinnJe Pon- clno shot a 73 in the second round and ts 36th at 148, senior' Jeff Coburn shot 76 and is in 49th place at 149. Senior Mike Lavery carded a 74 and is 57th at 150, while freshman Jay Oloe had a 77 and is 112th at 158. Sage finishes third • SOFl'BALL: The Sage HUI School softball team closed its regular-season Thursday with a 3-0 loss to Academy League champion Oxford Academy on the Patriots' diamond. SEAN HILLER I DAILY PILOT Hayley Peirsol wins the 200 freestyle at the CIF finals at Belmont Plaza in Long Beach on Frida~ The Lightning (10-9. 6-4) fin- ished in third place and will ad- vance to the CIF Southern Sec- tion Division V playoffs, for which the pairings will be an- nounced Monday. ,. Sophomore pitcher Cather- ine Dailey had both of Sage Hill's hits and allowed just one earned run. Highlanders top 'Eaters • BASEMLL: UC Riverside clinched ac least third place in the Big West Conference with a 5-1 win over visiting UC Irvine Friday at the Riverside Sports Complex. Irvine's Brett Smith took the loss, allowing nine hits and two earned runs in seven innings of work. UCI scored in the fifth as Jon Horowitz led off with a sin - gle and moved to second on a bunt by second baseman Matt Fisher. The runners advanced on a sacrifice and Horowitz came home on a groundout. The series continues today at 6 p.m. UC Irvine fell to 20-33, 8· 11 in the Big West 811 West Conference UC Riverside, 5, UC Irvine 1 Score by lnnlnQs UC Irvine ooo 010 000 · 1 9 3 • Riverside 020 ooo 121< • 5 11 2 Smith, Edell (8), Koehler (8) and Wagner; Torres. Hoff (8) and Emmons. W -TorTes. 10-2. L- Smlth, 8-4. Sv -Hoff, 2. 28 -Lawson (R). 38 -Grant (R). HR -Emmons (R), ROJAS Continued from B 1 GIRLS Continued from B 1 The team of Tajima, Jenna Murphy. Mackey and Peirsol opened the finals by lowering their time in the 200 medley re- lay by more than a second with a time of 1:50.13 to finish fourth. The 200 freestyle relay also picked up crucial points, improv- ing on their eighth-place p~ time of 1:41.58, to finish sixth in 1:40.97. Instead of 6nishing with 22 points, Leah Robert.son. Ashley Parole. Belden and Murphy gave the Sailors 26 points. Peirsol picked up three extra valuable points with her win in the 200 free. knocking off friend and rival Adrienne Binder of San Marcos. Peirsol trailed her fellow Auburn-bound buddy by just 0.05 seconds heading into the fi. nal 50 yards. but out-touched Binder, breaking the l :50 barrier in I :49.82. Binder finished in I :50.09. Tajima finished in 1:56.49. "It is always like that when we swim against each other," Peir- sol said. ~1 love it" The two faced off again in a highly-touted 500 free matchup. but Peirsol made this one look easy, beating Binder by three seconds. The two swam neck- and-neck for most of the race. but with 100 yards to go Peirsol started to pull away. She took more than seven seconds' off her prelim time, finishing in 4:45.57. Binder came in at 4:48.55. Mackey used some strategy in her IM race, and focused on her opponents' weakness to take home the titJe. Swimming against Irvine's Diana ~acMa­ nus. the ClF record holder in the backstroke, and Villa Park's Ash- ley Depaul, a strong butterflier, Mackey focused on the breast- sttoke. giving herself a four-sec- ond edge !lfter that leg. She won the race in 2:01.59, MacManus was second in 2:03.66. ·1 just wanted to win." Mackey said. "I know them really weU and what Lhey do. so I used that to my advantage." Depaul later edged out Mack- ey for the bunerfly title despite a SCHEDULE TODAY Besebafl College -UC Irvine at UC Riverside, 6 p.m. Swtmmlatl • High school girls-Corona del Mar in CIF Division II finals at Belmont Pina, 4 p.m. High acbool boys -Costa Mesa In CIF Division Ill finals st Belmont Plaza, 10 a.m. ..,...,... High school boys -South Torrance at Corona del Mar. CIF Dlvialon I flr9t round, 9 a.m.; Sage Hiii et Savanna, CIF the 3.200. Appell thought he could have won the race had he not injured the hip. a littJe more for me. But I'm not as tired. I'm ready for CIF." At the time. it appeared Rojas' season would be affected. There were thoughts of missing league meets so he could be better prepared for the postseason . But Rojas had other plans. He quickly rehabilitated and returned to the track the very next week. Apparently Rojas has had a standard 10 live up to. Ola.rlie Appell, Estancia's longtime distance coach. ranks Rojas among the most talented he has tutored, right up there with Appell's son, Johann. "He's probably the best runner in Estancia history." Appell said of Rojas. "He's versatile. He can go up and down in the distances, run the 400, 800, 1,600 and 3,200." Rojas competed in three events in the CIF preliminaries Friday. He advanced to the CIF finals in the 800 and 1,600 and might advance to the Masters Meet in both events. Appell has noticed Rojas' increase in strength, not only physically, but psychologically. "My recovery came fast." Rojas said. "I was surprised that I have been recovering so fast. Last year, my hip was hurting and I didn't recover as much." BOYS Continued from B 1 onty .05 seconds slower than la.!.1 yea.r's title time in 46.20. 'fyler Wilson of Santa Bar- bara won the crown in 46.00 and Fountain Valley's Kevin McCoy was second in 46.03. ~1 was amazed I went that fast." Cole said. "I'm more proud of my effort than be- ing worried alx>ut where I finished." The Sailors bad two relay teams in the consolation championships. Cole led off the 200 freestyle relay, and along with Nathan Weiner, Michael Bury and Sean McGhie finished 12th overall The 400 freestyle relay of Cole. Bury, Ros.s Sinclair and Weiner finished I 4th overall. best final split by Mackey of 29.08. Depaul won in 55.29, with Mackey cloc~ing a 55.78. Division V first round, 2 p.m.; Newport Harbor at Beverly Hilla, CIF Division I first round, 2p.m, hdl ..... fWd High IChool boys and girls - Sage Hiii in CIF Ofvfsiort IV prellm• at Mt. SAC, noon. Rojas, the Daily Pilot Athlete of the Week. remained undefeated in !J1e 800. winning 1.11 I :55.36. I le also set a league record in the l.600. finlshing in 4:18.J3 at Orange Coast ColleKe. where he will compete next season. When Rojas hear!> tallt that he is probabty the best distance runner in f8tancia history. it hardly fazes him. "Hust respond to that by trying to keep winning," Rojas said. "I keep pushing myself." Rojas' relentless, and even aggressiv~. efforts earned him a nickname. People who know him •He's more mentally prepared," Appell said. "He lcnows what direction he needs to go. [Physically). he:s stronger at this time of the year than he was last year. He can take more work. and he's more consistent with the work." Last year, Rojas went frorn rags to riches in regard to the track and field scene. He was initially an alternate in the 1,600 for the Masters Meet. but he received a chance to race after another runner pulled out of the event Rojas made the most of h is opportunity and finished second with a personal record 4:14.7 1. call him. •pepino," after the boxer Pepino Cuevas. Rojas has a fighter's instinct, yet he has gained a level of calmness that can come from distance running. Rojas' strength was put to the test after be suffered an injury at the Orange County Olampionships April 26. Rojas strained h is hip as he went into his race-ending kick in While Ma)'._ 8 was not as dramatic, it definitely bad some noteworthy moments. . w He's friendly and that makes him valuable with his teammates," Appell said. ·He's preny good about helping someone and cheering that person up. He would be a good child psychologist· ' e Call (~49) 642-5678 Oaity Pilot -""".;;..._._..._____ legal Noaca 2MO Llpl Nadca '9KIO'lkl •·Uh bu•rd ""~ ...... ...... ........ • ,.,,,,d IIDPfOYtmenh --.. .......... ~ lhe Ptopo'4fd •l•d1uni -....-'.""'f"""'"'-"uuld b• utrhzed by ,.,. .. ~IL.I. bulh ht•nlla •nd Costa IP..L.....I • ..........._ ..., Mtu lt1ich School' •nd --~ would lat1lllate inter c..,111 "holol1t •lhl•IK. •Om The Newport Mn• P•lilruni 1nc:lud1n1 Unified School Drslr tel lwtball camh and tr 1ct. ~ ptepated a M11tpltd muh A\ the ~th4:duhna ,,..._hve O.CI., ation •nd ol "huul , tl•ted usu ln1lt•I Study lo• lhe Plllflll the P•OPOHd developmtnl ot 1 'l 500 \t•d•uni would 1fso ptflOll Cllj)<M..Uy •lhl•li;. a~1<Jn1n1od11, • vu1ety 1t1d1un1 ~omplu 1 1 ''1 '"l•nued rnn1mun1ty E1t1nc:11 Hl&h Schuor l>Ull\•lf~d evtnb and localed al '3'1) l'I• tdlVlllf\ A lh• M•llkdl•d N•11•tive cenll1 venue 1n the City ll•• 1., ~'""' " •o•lable of Coda Mesa wllh111 111~ 1,. th• publu llll 6 JO County ot 0•1n1t d•v ,,..,.,, t>•t1ud be Oevelopment ul th• ~'""'"•· M,y l'I, 2003 Pf090ted complta would l.uµ1t·, .,1 the dunimenl Involve app1u~1m11l ~ly ,.,, ••·"'•bf~ lur rev•~w 11• actH on the no<th _,1 th• NPwpn•I Mu• w••l c:o1 n•r ol lh• llml1~u "''"'"I O•\t11ct ' tampu1 lhat art t u• 11,.,1,., 1 •lttii.. louted rently develop~d with ,,1 .>'ill•, K ... , '\tr•et 111 the hllh u huul'\ ""'' 1111 1 •Iv 111 1 ,,,1• M~,a ma foolball lield ... thlth• ,11,11 1 "'"' ,., HifGh 111ck, and other rrl•lt'<I ,. 11 .... t 1,,. •l•d di 'l Ul tmprovemenh f't o t·11t1.t A~t nu .. m Ute tile propoud P'""''' 1,1,,,11 •o•.tAMP-. would mdude thl' rlt 1 lir N•wi>n• 1 """'• velupmen l u l two tl,,.lud .,11.,,,1 0 , lti<.t bte1cher \lru< tu•.._ • fj.,,11 J 111 I t1oull1on will Pf'•''I bO.« a \Up~w I tu1ld ti ('UIJlu fu Of Hlj.' 00 bu1ldin1 Ii new rtlu1 lult 11 1.-11., '" 4111,,.,.. b1shed f1~ld event •"• 111• 1,1,1., ,1,11 N•edllW• end 1nvotvt\ tht ,,. .. , 11 11~, Lu 41101~ 10, lh.- lation of ei.nt•d l1•M f \t.tn • 11•111 !ithnof h&hh <I pubhl ddcJI C\\ 't•d111111 I to, ••I l h• 5oyod SYJMCD ...L..llUI h~•""' w•ll t.< h~ld 1t ~--~~- Ill• O"t!XI othce end 11 scheduled to ti.&1n •I 1 OOPM ConliH:I Peul RMd •I <714) 424 5001 tor 1dd1tional p<o~t 1nfor· mal•on Any written commenb on Ille pro P•aed new stadium complu •hould be received no later lllan 4 00 P M . ,_ 11, 2003. to lhe attention of Mr., ..... -' Anlat•t $~""-­..... ,, 11ni...a Set'¥1C•• Newpwi.M ... u.m.4 Sc"-!Dl1trlct 291S 1-SttHt Costa MeM, CA 92626 Pubh$hed Ne wporl Beach·Costa Meo Dilly Pilot May 16, 17. 200J f382 NOTKJOf MUCHIABl6 c.4eA•1 •1• ,... 2003-004 IP~ NfJllCf IS ttfRlBY c1vr N that th• City Council ol the C•ly ol Newport Buch wrll hold 4 1'Ubl1c he;;u me on lhe •PPh<.•hon ol the City nl N•wport Bu i h tor todt Amendment No ?003 ~ l\m~ndm;;nt lo Chapl~r t'U 89 (Al<.uholH.. Bev~• ,m: Ou!lch 1 ol the HewplJll IJHch Muntel' pal Cod<I to ptoloM ott ult ak.ohollC beYettll outi.t• from ulhnc Of 1lor1n& tkoholtc bever •IH OU!llde Of lbt e•letiot wells of the 9'1tblt~hmenl NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER CIVEN th1I 111" proiocl hu bttn r•v .. wed end 11 hn been cletermined 111111 11 11 cetecoflcelly eumpt und., Clau !I (Minor Atl.,tltons tn Land Un Llmthllona) of lht requiremenh ot the C1hf01nlt (nv11onmenlal Quellty Act HO llCf IS Hf RE 8 Y I URlHC R Gtvr N lh1 t uld public hewrma will be held on lht 27th do1y of Moy, 200l, al the hour of 7100 p.m. rn the Council Chsmbel\ of the Newport Beath City ttall 1100 N~w1101 t Soule vard. N~wpotl Beo1t h, C•hlorn11 11 whtth tim• ""d pl~1., any •nd dll ptl\Oll\ 111111 U led may a11pear ,;nd bt hurd tM•eon II yau <..h•llengr lhl\ pro1tcl Ill tOUI t you may be llm1ltd lu «ll\1n1 only thou 1\We\ you ur \Om<'OM tlV r~ISt-d •t tne publl1. ht•• •ne dt,u1bed 1n th1\ not1<e or tn wttttf1n turtl" ~ponden•e dthv.,td tu the City •I or P"ur lu the publH: hu11n1 f 0t 1nl0tm•llOO tall (949) 6«·3200 /S/LeV-M. .._...,. .. ,City Oort& City ef N•Wfl-' leedo Published Newpott BH ch Cott• Meu Ot1ty Pilot May 11 2003 Sa4SI CllllJJIU llO. lOOS-S AN ORDINANCE or THC CllY COUNCIL Of TH( CITY or NEWPORT BCACH. CALIFORNIA, £ ST ABLISHINC SAi ETY l HHANCCMtNl ZONES, OCSICHATIHG A POR TIOH OF AN AREA IN WEST NEWPORT BEACH AS A SAfElV EN HANCE MCNT ZO NE OURINC JULY FOURTH AHO l\Ml NOINC PROVI· SIONS or CHAPHRS I 04. I 05, S 11. S9S ANO 10 ~8 Of THE. NEWPORT BEACH MU Nl(;fPAl coor TO IN CRI ASI I INf S ANO Pl NAI t I( 5 I t>R MU NICIPAI COUI VflllA ltONS PROHllllf 1 Hf DELIVCRV or ALCOHOL II) l\lCOHOl BCVERACC ClU fl I IS INC.Rll\SI fHf HI Sl'ONSIBlllffl s or IHI OWN! RS or SHOR' II HM LODGINGS ANO REQUIRE IMMlOIAH TERMINATION or CER T l\IN ACTIVITIES UPON REQUESI OF A PEACE Off ICCR IN AN ARE.A DlSICNAILO AS A SAFETY CNHAHCCMf.NI LOH£ AND FOR THl TIME TH£ DCSICNATION IS EHECTM Sub,.c:t Ord1n•nce wH 1nlroduud on lh• 22nd d~y of Ap11I, 2003 •nd wn edoe>t•d on lhe IJlh d1y ol M•y 2003 AYIS , COUNCll MIMll•S• HUHaNAH, ,aOCTOa, •IDGIWAY, ADAMS, Wiii, NICHOLS, MAYOa HOMIHG NOIS, COUNCll MIMIHS: NONE AISlNT COUNCIL MIMHH1 NONI AISUIN COUNCIL MIMHa:NONl MAYOa: Steven 1, ....... ,, CITY CUlllt1 laV..,ne M. Hort.le .. The ~nl11e lc•I I' •va1lable lo• •ev1tw "' the C1ly Clerk \ off1< ~ 11f the G1ly ul N .. w11u1 I B1rach Publi•hed Newp1n t Be .. lh Cu•t• Mc\• O••ly Pilot May l I ?OOJ S•4'>1 ODIWKI NO. 200l-7 AN ORDINANCI or 1111 CITY COUNt.11 Of lltl Ct I y ur NI Wl'IJH I BlACH AP PROVINI.. CODl AMLNOMCNT NO 2002·009 REQUC STIN(. AN AMENDMEN T ro QIS!RICl!NC MAP lJ CHANCING THC O(SIG NAllON or 129 ACArC AVf HUE FROM COM M ACIAL TO RCSIOCN 11Al AHO OCSICNATINC Ull I RONI YAAO st T OAC..K 10 Bf Sill (6) f[f T (PA200? 244) Sub111.t OrdinaMe wo 1"truduced on th• 22nd day ut Ap11I 2003 end w•' adopled on the I )th day of M11y. 200J AYIS , COUIHll .. IMll•S• HlfftaMAN, ,aOCTOtl, alOGIWAY. ADAMS, Wlll , NICHOLS, MAYOa HOMIUIG NOU, COUMCll MIMH•S• NONI AISINT COUNCIL MIMHHt NONI AISUIN COUNCIL MlMH•1NONI MAYOa1 Steven lro ... ber9 CITY ClUtlt1 loVonn• M.H0<lileu The •nlu1• t.,t 1\ olV~lldblt IUf lt'Vll'W IR 111• I 1ty 1.t•rk ' ulli.~ ut th~ I' 1ly ul Newpur I Hrd<h f'ut1l1\htd Newpo• 1 8•"< h r.u\I• Meu 0 111ly P1lul Moty 17 200J S14S4 CJTY Of llWPOfT IUCH NOTKJ IMTltG llDS Index How to Place A CLASS I FIE AD f!l!l!t .licl By Fax H)· l'hont· Hy ~1ail/ln P<·r:-.on: ~& Id &d SERVICE DIRECTORY i<l.141111 "~'H l'lu>< ·I» .,, 11\!Jf•fi~' ~ •t' .ii."~· .... ,AClfK VllW fi.ay Vft'.W fert t r tut I 1/0 p11v•I• !••"• $1000 obo /l 4 111 144 l ,...... V1e>w M-W f..>out'* r., tlVt' f • r r-""tf IQ\.alioo W<•tt1 SI"" , I I G e/ APPLIANCES 3050 JASMIN( CRUil "'' aragei _ ----_ lur,,t.1 lb•d•nH1o~1• Yard Sales 1489 ca Moni·~'a"' f ''"A' 1,,111 l -t,,, •. ,, •. , t1nd H.1•t.I "COlllGl 'ARK ARlA" t.l•ck dr.f l'vPtl\ ilOf) I ll•"d" •llll••l tP.l•ly V•• Y • t' •fl 1'"4~1 /l.J-• lllf,7 I"* mM1ll I\• " li/1' t• f, f'f,.. It I I ff~,... W ft'lllll\ J•ot•I • ..tt I /1t1 ,,., .. , 'l>ftt c .• 11 t If •&JI t Hv o~n.-r •••11· ·• • •• • •~........ JEWELRY/ 3460 •w1 '"''i ll111 ... , •. '·I........ DIAMONDS/ I••• I ", II• 1 , 1 '"' 11 l'!llN •I I 1111 to< $'911./otio !W1 'l,. ni1 I co M s A' a. 1 o ? PRECIOUS MCTALS 'i11M '""' 4liH t 'lhll lov '-' . Nnl,.ct,uth1t .. 1IHruH1 ,,.. .urn•·tt--i. I 11•·· nnu A",.,'"tJ Kf.tu I "'''L"' ~·. I tUll • .,, M,11.. -1111 1 •1•4 ;·I Cootl Coln Need• Collectibles/ Memcnbllla 1160 ...... ...... 1'-~ 1>-<k"'1;' I lJhl I'""'' ,,,,Id "''" f...0 i .. 4r.; ~.,_ tr,4*' .-f1 ft"W',.lfy 'Ntttt~ • .1MttQlW--: 01 t'dll f tt 1lu. Ptupt·flt•·\ !14'j '>'14 lllM '°'SS 4 HCORDS nc bu Ow• lk 'l.J ti-fl• .8l M a ',.AIJ tulw WIV ""'"' '14'1 6<1'> /'ill' TOf' SS 4 alCOtDS ff( kl1 llaou' I Ii 'b\ & Ii r· lit Alla:. ..., lubP ..,,"" M1kr 949 b4~ /'JO'> OOERTAINMOO talendarof E¥llD 1310 lOUAl llOOSlt6 Of'POl1lll1l "" tell ,,.... tdVt'I h \lnl •n tht'\ n~w··r'"V' t " \11b~t I lo th• f f'O~• 11 r "' Huu'>lnl fir t "' I 'fl»< • ~ ,. m r n d,. d "' t, 11 '' m .. i.t\ 11 tll•~"I t" • •"""'''"" 1ny v,.,,,., •nl t l1mtl •ttnn nf dt,rrtmtnAhlm h•\rt1 on r 14. e c olnr r 'hfl:l•tn · "' • hand•l •ll l~nuh-1 \ldhl\ Of n•ht>n•I or 11m ur ~•o mtenlton tu nukt• .u1y 'uch ptf'ltar,..nc,. lumla tton O< d"L11min•l1on • fh1\ ""W\JlAI"' '""" not know1naly •1< rpl •ny •d•e1ll\rmtnt lnr rul tst•lt .wh••h 1\ '" v1ol.alloo nl lht l•w Ou• rt•dtr'L ate httf'by 1nlor med the! all dwell Inf' •dvtr ll'ed '" '"" newsp•1>4"t •re .au1l1bll' un o1n equal Ol'POI tun•ty burs Io tnmpla1n nl <l" cum11u1ttllfl ull 11110 tnR lrH 11 I 800 424 !r.190 1'83 WANTED TIQUES Oldef Style Funwwre PIANOS i Collectlbfet ·~--·t...,.. .... • ~'..,... 0-.-• ""' ........ .. CASH PAID $$ ............... ~ ft BUY ESTATH . .........,..,.............,_ ASTP" lcoNs1GNMmrs I . . . I .. '. ' , I CORONA HtGHlANOS ~ ... ·1e'1f1qf'• It ... 1 .. I 1M ..tt >Luu I tut' ( t ,, t~ ..... • M· "''' •·t I • (o~le M•~o ( t ide• .... Wodt w. Soe 1:00 IA Ur""'"'- I .. 11 .. ··~I· 94'1 64l' 9448 Cats 3610 New'°" lkh Odcat IUh M.....,_.dllti•~ tt..11_ . .tt• (Q (hUt• tine· U.W1l • • COMING SOON e • c ... 1...,, c ... -de! Mor (, .................. . COA S TIJHl Ill.Al TY 949 759 0117 ~ M. I 5. 1 I .lade c-. '-'"lldK·· ... """ r,a.U 'CM ~·••1a • • .r • .-~v~,1111 '"'" r-.11.~ 1..-nt ~9lf'l.'~~h Off 7Jr4fTV1ffp,/ S.-At-.~kw __,_! ·~··1 ~"'' ..,. . .....,-.8411 Costa Mesa t 00. lllSOJClD ttmtNS, NlW,OllT HACH SAT I 1 C..AI [l!r .,i.Au 11• .... OPEN HOUSI SUN I 4, t 72 t W UlaOA lah ef n•tY1hlngl II ,._..., ... °""""!.<'• 21tl C°"Y°" Dr •f102 A.)4'0>t" f 6•••......., (J ib1 l ~b.. 148Cr.I 111'1< IA111Al llllJIAAN'llll y1I 1 • ll•' h.,~ 9'991144 7119 I S l'>I "00 M•ry I •w•I v .. d Sol• O v1·1 'hor~· Rt& WAY Irv mvnma •-"1. R•ma• t49-646 9610 'i•I l I 1.,1 I tr•o1I ,.,i .. ~ 949~0411 C<JtaDeCaza ''u"' i ull r ""'""'~~ PetAdtvtffons 3660 •. tr" ~,. •• 1111 , ..... ~· h I ""'.'..... lost 1~ Germ-Shephe•4• •II • nfol\ •II "'H lor lOSt c .......... ~ .. ..twl1 •dopllUfl to QUAl•t .. d yt tal1w llf' tn.._,. '~· .. "WIA hom4K. WWW ~t'\\Uf uq~ .. ,, ... ,... N .,,.. s 1 ... 11ln UI 714 77J 59lS New•nl '14'J 717 ~999 Found 1s10 MISCEUANEOUS MERCHANDISE lOSl I ·• 1• "·" \l"'t)l'd -*-•mnl hlATI ''"I: e ........ K ,, r k•b ·~" hou<..-ltlW MD 114 9£.4 'a.:l General Amouncements 1610 COAST Yount F0011AU cw Af'IU.lA X 91\ STAIS, ........ ,....., tu r• C_, C.....mty c.a.,. J..?Un-.27 ........ C..tld:C.ds.16.. 71Mn-S113 , .. $175 ANAHCWJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MiscellantOU$ Merdlandise 3855 J .Sffll IUflDINGS 78.J() WH S8 900 \tit SJ 890 J6•48 .... , $14 900 ull S'> 9'>0 48• IOO wn $26 900 sell$ l 2 .900 C •ti Nuw1 Tom 800 'j'j2 7806 ,.IMI fSTATfS ,.t.TaKlt TfNOH NATIONWIDl USA 949-156 9705 www p41J11 i.1enu1~ ium Huntington Beach De-. ""-'Y 'IJll. .... 41:1< 4'>8.t~••'>ll1BR I INfl, IJoi'.-11 I <..11\ &, f f> fl LR lnrm..1 ~ h•ll.. .. ~urntel ~.. ' bie ....... , Yell 1"'11 rm ,. I 11 1t M pr -"' AleNI & rrw-ull.11" I t11•"-·•• w "4MI b<1~t .. ~ 1,1 f!,tf~ Mot w~ f1r t1d SI 67'> 000 •&I l11ty CYR..,.... 949-67S-t999 1lih ...,.,. ....... h.n 4br 7 !lbol oflo ~ -w"ulow~ & plumbW&- l'l!nJ .nt mou 161 ~ax> <:.ti left ~ 'J 4 w lllb N....,..n ......... l lct!ati (a!AWY v.....,, 4l!r 7 Ma OVt"f ~I N<>I ltsled 111 lof.S Umh AXJI))'.) ¥ 0ouc Clol< k 949 6.:1'> l 9'15 ~ ,...,-c 2B< £a ch lo bdl r_.ty rtm:ld tlod lift.,,. ~ Si"llnmo ~918> s.-1 n.1-10201 OrdiW Sfb>& s 58a 5634 sf SI Zll Mii 8rol\llr 949 251 944' -~., O,IN SU .. 1-S Slunn1n1 award w1nnint Brooi.held home bu1ll 1n :x>OO 3bt • olhc e ApptOJ 3100\f Sl,719,000 ,lATIHUM ,.Of'llTIU Stefanie Meu<fr 949-11!> 31% O,IN SUN 1-S llellan 11lyle 5br Sba. •w•o• 18.000 lo ,~=•.s:i~~·~s Slet1n1t Meurer ~9-715-3156 ii \\, I fl I\ \II ·1 < , t, \I. J < \ 1;• ~­ \1 ''"P'~ II Ill .\ llJI ,, I lour .. : ldcpi.llk · 11 f~~ \I •n..l.i1 I 11JJ• \\Jll In• li11~ ~ "'r', \I •r~LI\ In I 1• R€SIO(NT1Al Rf t IT Al S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula HlWl'Oln IAY TOWlfS 2 Bits from ler,.,, 18' IS. we pool •Int .,,....,.. on Bay l1v din rm unde<iull P<llc. • ~ tne.I SI 100tmo 949 675 6196 ,_. ...... wall ID bdl ~ nllild' 2llr 1 ba rtl1#ty '8n0d. own pr &. carport ~714~7'50 Supar ahar, J ,_. lw'a 3ba condo 8•1 v-. step5 to bch, 2-c pr, S3!tOOni 8kt 9$400.()471 N.1 ./IHutlf•I Sir ~ f.lmlly ho!N, mri- --from~ will!, .,, ... now $5000;'mo Q· Cal st 9$673-BIJ UDO YlAalY llASf Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS 94'-67S-6 I 6 I Bu I 768 Nntpu• t 8Hrh CA 9lfl!IS 891~ unt~ I JO p m 011 the 281h day ol May ~3 •I whic:h hmt ~ul.h bid• \haN be ~oed and •utt lot •VINt AVl .. Ul 12· INCH WA Tla MAIN IMNOVIMUtTS- SHl•GTOM lO DOVE• O«IVI, , ...... ,,.otact C-wact Mo. suo $430,000 "'9f-<'• bti...t• ~ ........ ., /'/St..tte11 G. I.._, .... w1. w .. t.. 01 ...... Pro.,pecl1ve bidders may obl••n one ~l nt 1)1d do<umenl\ 1011 $l'!> 00 al the olf1<.• 111 lhe Publt< Wo1 ~\ 01· IJ4' lfntt1tl J'M)() N .. w~1u t li<1ul ~•~• <I. N•w11111 t hud1 l,f\ 97£.6 l Gentuttl 1.· Luutr "1111 I u tn•.c r ttquu ~d for ttt1• pruf'!LI for lutlht:r u1l•ttftM tmn i .11 ........ r '1Jtr1t., h or~ll M ""Y' • .11 ('J49)f144 tJll PutJl1\htd Nl"flf'iu,r l Bu<h 1 u\t• ""••• !J.,,, Pilot M•v 17 /(JU 5•4'Jl -OIDIWK1 MO. 2003-6 AN UllOtNf\N<.l ur lttl CITY COUNI fl IJF TH[ c II y or N£ 'Nl'l•P I 8lAt.:H AMl hOINt. :.H. llUNS lO 8':dl2~ IJf IHC _____ Satw_dat. May 11, 2003 15 2MO l.epl Nadcel 2MI MUHl(;lf'Al CUOI Ml I All 0 10 GRANNY UHHS (UJDt AWNO M£NT HO 200J 0011 Subject O.d1r1•n.-wn onhoduced Oft th• l'?nO day of Ap11t <'00 J •nd wn .clopted on the l Jlh uy of Mdy 200J AY IS, COUNCll •lMIUIS: Hl,,laNA .. , NOCTOa, aJOGlWAY, ADAM S, Wiii, NICHOLS, MAYOa HOMIDO NOIS, COU NCll MlMHltS1 NOMI AISINl COU,NCIL MfMHH: NONI AISTAIN COUNCU MlMtla1 NONI MAY OR: Steven 1._ ... ,, . CITY Clllllt: loVo- M. Hort.le .. rhtt .,.tlflff"' lt:I. f I\ .dYdlidf!I.-t,,, ff"Ylfi"ft tu lh• l.1ly l lri~' ulfor ul ttit f1ty 1,f N~wµr1t1 bu•h ,.,ut•l1\t1t·d N t'#&1t1r t u,.,.., '' t .-I• Mr.,_., U.tt1 f'1l1tl M• t 11 /Oil l ',•4'l I FlditiM~ M.eS..... 1111nt1ncton 8 .. <h C•h IU11111 9?646 R•bott e llelk 10111 ~ulpo1nt l n 1107 Hunl1n1tu11 llHch Cah fnfnl• 91646 lhr• bU•lfl4ln I\ tl>lt d"' l•d by hu,b•lld a"cl .., ... HoP y vu 1l•• I~ d<ltnC bu~"'•" t•I' Yu IJJ Ol/200J OordBod• '"" , .... ""'"' ""' hl~d "'''" tn.. C..uunty tl•tk vi '"•n11• Cuunly "" 04 Ill Ul 200'694 I ~00 fJ•1f y 1'1ktt M•y 11 14 II JunP I i'OOl Sa4!Jf> RctltiMlatsa -s...... I ht lollvw•nt I"'''"'" it t5 dUlllk hu"10f'\ 11• 'o.;1yw1 Phu ) 11 ~ I J1.11 Md A11.et1•Htl 1 .. 1it1.tm• 9/tJ> I M un11 " f'h•tl I "1/IJ '· I cd•r '\I 1-'f1f ~ fu1 1_1 1. ........... 'll/0 TfH\o t,u ,,,. ,. t• 'u" <Ju< lrd b1 t1fl 01df'11•JU•I ~Ltllr. ;'UH ''°'' t,-ij •jil,;lllj/ bU\IOf*~\ 'ft'f' N,, M''"",. Ph•n I t.1~ \I •lru.r-nt NA t1l.-t1 with th.., f u ''• r lf't" .,t th Attt":t 111 ~·1 y ,., 04 ll UJ 200>694 1811 U•1ly f'1I• I M .. / )I tun• I i'Ol)J .....------Poli<·,·----~ Ralc' and <lt"adl1n<"' att'. 'ubj<'d w ~h.u1~0: wtthout notrt< The publhho:r rc,..:n'" Ult'. ri~I 111 ~..:rho!, fl·,l.t"1ly, r.:v1't or ro:Jl!l..1 an y da_'"l1o:d J1.ho:nt"'fTl<.'nt Plo:a\e report .in)' c rrnr th.ii may I><: 111 •our da-.'1ftr!d .id 1111111,·1i1Jld)' Thl· UJrl) 1'11!11 J• 'I" "" ltJh1l11~ for dl1\o <.rr"r .r, .ur JJ ... <"m .. 1:m.:n1 ll•r "'h1d1 11 111.1\o Ix fl''P'"''lPk t:\•O:pl lur tl1<· ""' 111 tht'. 'ip.t(<.' JdUJlh '"'' u('ll.'tl h• th<" o:rrnr c·r~J11 can onl\ 11< .. 1111"'.:d Im 1h..-111,1 '"'c""'" -------D<·adlirw~ ----- ,, 11111\ I , I.I\ \\ I t!,I\ I h1 1 t" I. '\.al.II )1\ \urnl '" It 11 Ir I" Ir l.s\ . , " ''ti" •• , 0 SELL your stuff ttwough class1f1ed! ••AMOAl SlaflS Of tlM S..,-W..ttltyl Ten Ttchnlqun th• the -'"1y IN~ to .,.,._ tt.. WMltil " )'OU 111/fy dllolre to echlve l1neocl1I secur1t1· You ,,,.. hl¥I tlllSf l ~-891- 32'0 S20 VIMCIOISC by Petrldl L...,_,., eulhot ot in.tnwnt a.ucs. fr• w (c:Al -scAH) Tropiul Paiadtt.e m a Counhy Club sett1n1 M1t bell• tlltt hoOM w u fNIUltd rn 2002 SI Mar1ar•b home •-end ht place wlnnet In lb• 2001 landsupe bH11tiflcalion ewerd awerd by C1hlorn11 l end>eepe Conti •don. Anoe of Of1.np Cot111t1 Ccnllldelflls 2tM I b• ept Hew beach & shops All new ~1tchen. l c 111 p-llo 11450/mo 949 7fi0 1'91 !Reach 42,IJoo g(eaders in Xeap'!r/ 7Jeac.h. Corona rlefJJrar, :XeaJporl Coasl, v ............ ,..,.. , ......... """9 1000 Neckba ' ...,..., .......... ,......,, <M/s.t t i'°-" I"'"· llouHflold ltemt, dl$n.s, le!Tlt'S, lfld lllUCb m«ttl n-.c•-'-.... ,. •.. ,. ...... ~ .................. clott to '•" Zone ere••ailM"' ........ 12 .195. OOD Carol MclaY&'l•ll llt:MAlt R .. I Estele Serwku Ml•2U0570 DISTRESS SALE Bank Foreclosures . Free list of foreclosure properties. Rca:ift a free, compuceriua printour. Dr .... ..... Uotlt 11450/mo u1Jfil11s tnet + VU of wa&het & dfyet Call 9'9 212-!177S .~1 ftr lh,. le .. , w/d 1111 .,.. conw lot. Y..m i11w-llKld ulls Don.Id "'"· COkhrefl ..... I ... ..,u-6074 cm._ Co.,la !J/(esa. ulonl.his C?''fY9t.K ~1 'Leidl . ~ • Sital:daY I May 17 o 2003 • :J ~ TODAY'S 1 CROS_SWORD PUZZLE .. . • ~ OWNet Of'fJl- ,·ATOlb Have your own • ;:tfuc117 Loot.inc for onde : pendence? Landstar has .the ~e!&fll to malle 'YOU successful! CALL t.N«>ST AA 1188-&JS. 3858 • (CAL •SCAN) .Drfwwa er-~ Sl<JX>~ ~We ~ve • lot Oxnard. CA l•ITW\al Armdln upress Lines l~. Ref • "101 (£.mail recrut· • Jnc@wmell1rn COOi) eoe : ffl/f~. (CAl •SCAN) , <o.YBla OWIEl Oft'a.. •• ,. Have '°" ~ • Ind 1 Loollln( for true Jod•f!•odeoce 7 Landstar .Ms thl toob/t"eWtt to 'INN you wccess1IA1 I- 'll» 711 7898 (CAL -scAN) =-~~: .ties Velid Calif Orlftf"S i.lc. end OMV r..,ort req. :Matt 94t-67S-0760 d3 'NOTICE 0 • l1w re- qulfes th1t conlt•c- tors t.klrtt jobs lh•l totel $500 or f'\IO'• (labor or mahwlals) be ltcenHd by the Contreclors Stele license Botfd State blw elso requil'H thll cc>ntract.ors include tbett •~ numbef on all adverbsfO& You can check the status of your licensed contr attor •I www cslb ca cov or 800 lZl ·CSlB Unll· censed conl11clors llllln1 jobs that total less th•n S500 mus t st11te 1n their edverllsements that lll•Y are not hcensed b the Contractors le License Board." •·Mm•I ......... • Mll"fMltG ,..,.., • Klttwt I Bao! I Rlrnodll ··~.,••fii•us.am '9181'5 ~ 91961692> . ,. .•. """ •• A-JNA.NOYMM ~__.,ref~ cabtnds ~ ,,.... DlllC 71"6il&-7.!I • .. .......... , -C11>tom 8111ft lnSI Cf own ,• Moldlftp, 8ne 8ow4b :lt577912M9 709·5642 ISLAND EM,lOYMEHT Two Harbor5, a unique seaside deslin1hon at lhe West End ol Catalina Island We are look1ne for outao1n1 leam · 011ented people. with eacellenl customer service ~ills tor the lollowina season•I po srhons Restaurant Sh«t order Cooks. Sefvers, 01shwuhers. Accounhn& Clerk, Gener•! Store Clerks. Janitors. Camp eround R•neers & Fuel Dock Attendant for info call• 310·510·4?04 "' 310·510-4202 In 310·510·8690 WWf ..satO-corrv1'#dlll'bcn GUISTS....... ............ for upscale y1chl club on Balboa Pen1n General office skills to assist all deparl huds req Xlnt commun1c1 Iron &. computer skills a must! Fu ,_ 9& 67J.l972 or ttr9ll to membtrsh1p@nhyc ore SAVE 35%01 ~•FumituN ~ S rbfidec: OwuaJwd ..... FIEE ESTIMA.R 23 YWSEXI'. BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-SS9·7181 EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20 520089 (714) •2007"' m.et00 Nl(t41)72H717 1•1Dfllltlllltlm 11M11m FURllACE Sl"F 50 HIDll 9911t 51 ~pwi. 52C,._, '3 ·~ £1gepg dge 54t=i- 55 Pul one 't toot 5e AclM \IOlcl9no !SQ Sn-o or rip ., 8clllon llruln ... ..... 13 t.okJo'lf hr a S--Jalit Maslei record1ne ~ 10 N.B. needs a ~personto~ in tlllO warehouse Please 1:al !MS-574-5800 or -.i Adllilll@rrnn.a..com NANNY WNftlD F/1. NB limo old ... p Mld refs I must! F H 949- 67J. I 49() Cal 6~9114 OWNH O,EUTO• TlAMSI COl wMu Mat & Oouble5 req Teuntnal I ernlll<M Orop/Hooll. HH Ofl Bonus. Hleh Miles Bro 909·5664 e~t 2 10 (CAL •SCAN) OWNU O,UATO• TEAM SI CDl w_Mal..flbt &. Doubles req Terminal T errninlll Orop(l-tool\. Hire on Booos. Hi&f1 Miles llXl 909-5664 e•l 210 (CAl-scAN) OWNH O,UATO• TUJISL CXll •"111 M.t & Doubles req T ertntna!- T ermtnal Orop/Hoc*, H .. on Bonus. Hoell Mtles ero 909-5664 ext 210 (CAL•SCAN) MP SQUAD INC. la yoor comp11ur alow? '"" lih >'°'11 at. ihcy wnt' ups. We ••NI · r.ntcmet durta • bi · spy· worm • uopn and aD mraa -cltan all drives ~ _, cbu.. We Cl/I rruuftr data to >'°'11 ntW cnmpul(f Wt lft up naworta bts and ,man. Fir~n •. Cabk/OSUt>ial up Modcm.i. Compku 1111111 busmeu tcrVico. ~ "' ,. JOI' W J"I CR ,.., rO;:;t{S\L11 NQlf DJSI ... '49-3"'-290S .. , .. nc;:. SELL Bridge By CH.W.£8 GOREN wlttl OMAR SHARIF llnd TANN.AH HIRSCH WEt:KLV BRIDC& QUIZ Q J ·As South. vulnerable. you Tho bidding has oroceccbJ: hold: NORTH F.AST' sotmf Mm' •• 20 ' • AJ 7 5 11 QJt5 0 A' • K.) •• Wbauctlon do you take? 1bo biddin2 bis IJIOCCleded; SOU11f lWSt Notn"H P.AST Q 5 : As South. vulncnblc. yuu hold: tNT .... 16 ,_ ., What do yuu bid now? Q 2 • Both vulacnlble. you hold: The biddio2 hu oroceedcd: soum WEST NOlmf KAST 10 .... 211 .... • 8 3 ~ KQJ J05 o 8J •.U72 Partner opens· the bidding wilh one no trump, what do you respond? ~ ..... .... ' Whal ICtioo do you take? 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Friendlj a. eap'd tor Calrfornill Couslne &. @ Hesal Res™"'1l ZlS-lfMrSMSe NB 949 646 2333 RE rAll Art Gal.rt on Balboa lslend, Pl Retail Sales Call Sieve 949 723 llOO "'' S•••• •••"• Halrstyllat, refttel atatl-..,all S 125/wtt. c... .. 949-650-2456 JOIN OUR TEAM and mike a difference. In the Cal1fo< n1a Army N1l10nal Guard you can eel money for colle&e and, career tr amine Call I 800 -GO GUARD (CAL•SCAN) JOIN OUf! TEAM and make • dtffl!fence In the C•hlorft11 Almy Nat10nal Guard you can 1e1 money for colle&e and tar eer luinine. Call I 800 GO GUARD (CAL•SCAN ) J09f Odl TUM itnd mike • difference lo the Calitorru Army Natlon<ll Guard you can eet mioney for CClleee .Jlld C¥-1r..q. cal l .llXJ-GO- GUARD. (CAL •SCAN) WMIHOUSl/OfFICE posrllon 20 25/hours WMk. customer _.vice lft-tefy ~!Shmenl c~ and fn aper· •lions. heavy phones lN1d wa<ehouse stodlin& and lrflln& Candid.lie must be 1 motr••led le.tm player I! 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