HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot·• S.erving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, MAY 19, 2003 IN BUSINESS SEAN ttll LE R DAil Y PIL 0 T Fletcher Norseen, 9, center, wrth his grandparents Suzy and Geoff Gruber, all of Newport Beach, en1oy Angel Dogs wMe watching the opening of the an Angel game at Edison Field. The hot dogs are supplted by Wienerschnitzel, a Newport Beach company. Blessings of Angels. Local companies enjoy growing success having hitched their wagons to the World Series champions. 1999 when the hot-dog chain, owned by Newport Beach-based Galardi Group lnc, began serving food at F.di'>On Field. "It really has helped in term'> of our brand awareness," said Am berger. the Galardi Group'!> mar- keting director. "It has helped cu'> lomers have an awaren ess of Wiener:.chni17.el." for fans who drivP to the games , local companies are selling their goods and -.ervic~ and reaping the benefit5 of their associauon with a champion "I thinlc mat's why they're in it," 'KUd Richard Mdlemmy. the dJ. rector of adH•rt1Mn~ ..ales. "In spom., you have up years and down year., and some years. you have super.tar year:.. . . . !This year! is going to be big for the club and big for our '>pon!><>r>." Paul Clinton Da1lyP1lot Tom Amberger can't help but smile when he sees me Anaheim Angels' World Series logo on a WienerschnHz.el drink cup. In addition to me hot dog giant, a handful of other Newport-Mesa busine-.-.es have signed deals to provide services LO me Angel<;, a team now defendjng its title on the. field. A HOT AUOfENCE Wienerschnitzel il> perhap~ me He's now rjdlng a winner, some- thing that couldn't be said back in Be it Fe!Y.er wine or a safety net highest p rofile Newport-Mesa Head to the mall to volunteer South Coast Plaza hosts festival to bring together nonprofits and young people who want to help. DH pa Bharath OaityPilot SOlITH COAST PLAZA -It was an event about helping peo- ple help others. The first Festival of Oilldren Volunteer Day held Sunday afternoon at the Carousel Court of South Coast Plaza Ceat\Jttd more than 50 nonprofit orga.ni· i.ations that distributed lnfonna· don about themselves to young people, mostly high school stu- dent~. eager to volunteer. This volunteer day is the brainchild of Sandra Segerstrom- Oa.niels, a managing partner in South Coast Plaz.a and CJ. Seger- strom and Sons. She also founded Festival of Oilldren, a similar day for children-oriented nonprofits, held for the first time last September and to be held this year, as well Sunday was an opportunity for participating groups "to get to the pubUc: Segerstrom-Daniels said. ·1r·s a difficult lime for char- ities financially,· she said. "We hope to make this an annuaJ event, like the Fadval of Chil- dren.· Segerstrom-Daniels added that the event is intended to give young people me motivation to get involved in volLmteering. "It should begin at an early age.• she said. ·And my opinion is, what children do has a lot to do wim what meir parents do.· Several teenagers flocked to the tables that offered candy along wim information about the various grotJps that need vol- unteers. Carly Flynn. a junior from San Oemente High School, said she was •impressed." ·There's a lot of groups here,· she said. ·Hopefully, I'll ftnd someone I can beJp. It'll also SM MAU.,P .. e M THINKING ALLOWEb company tJ1at sell'> it~ food at Edi- son Field. The company expects a solid year again. as Lhe Angels re- main near the top of ~ball's a t- tendance list Las t year, more than 1.2 rnillion Wiener!>Chnitzel dog~ were ~Id to 2.3 million vi!>iron.. Through 2 1 home games. the ll'am i~ awrag- ing J7.189 visitors per game -up more than I 0.000 from a year ago From Wiener..chn1vel. fans can munch on a Regular Dog. Jumbo Dog. \/.-pound Grand Slam Dog or an Italian Sau~ge. Rrarwurst or See ANGELS, Paee A4 Grow on, Newport-Mesa. achievers I sat in the banquet room at the Hilton Colta Mesa on Friday with my mouth wide open and my had shaking from Gde to skle. I wu a guest at the Cotta Mesa Ownber of Commm:e Academic All·stara BreUfut and l could not beliewmyeal'I. The ea.adenCI who W!1'e boftoled lbat mom1ng were lncndible. 1be6r b60gnphlm were n!i9d and thilr' llCtMtMlj ratded ia IO:e I~ lilt ~ Kl'Wtftil, . r AolL LOLITA HARPER A CLOSER LOOK Colleges face a difficult year Latest sta te budget will hurt UCI and OCC less than earli er vers io ns, but there's s till much uncertainty ahead. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot NT'\\ PORI \11 .\A \\1111t· '>pcillilg higher Klu<.:c.1tmn Crom thl· drvcc.t<tung l.-UlS anno unced in January. lci.'>I \11.et!lc\ revision<, to Ull' <,tale budget for tht> 2003- 04 fi.c,caJ year wnfirml'd v.tlar hxal edu- caoon offindl'> already km""' 11·11 be a diffiQ..alt ye-M d!wad. · Ahhough me <,late\ financial '>hortfall fell doscr IO $JH btllmn man me SJ5 btl· lion a.sse<i.'t-d tn )dnuary. ( r(J\ C.my I TdVIS rew;ed p mpo<,al \\till give commumty college. SJ04 rrulllon more 1n \tale funruo man prupo'>t.'<.i earlier mL\ yt'ar and will not requ1n• me I Jruver..1ty of C ..ahlorrua or California Statt' Uruver.ity -.y.tenl!> to make any additm nal cul\. In m e t'yt"\ of commurury <olll>ge offi - aah. me ll:'VL-.ed prop<N}J '>part"" mem from me 1.'n OITTIOUS CUI.!> propo'ied in January. but will ~tiJl demand '>Olm' fru gahty on their pan. "It\ a much better plan. but we would still have to cut about $8 m1lhon out of our budget, .. 'iaid Enn Cohn. director of public affair. for the Coa<.t Commuruty College D~lnct. which mclude.. Orange Coast C.olle,.,>e "We've been plannmg for a wor.e-ca'>t' ..cenario. . ln January. ~ were lookin~ at curling ahou1 SIS millJon dL'itnctwide. Now. our highest prionly for the remainder of the fund-. will be punmg rhem back inio the cla'>.'>roorn5 " After £.>aVL'>' budget propo...al tn }dnu- ary and before hLc; rt"VISed proposal re- leased la.-.t week. OU. President (.ene F-.urell worked wim college offiaals to prepare for whatever the revt...ed budget might bring. While offiaals woric.ed to rut a pro- Jected S.1 m1Jlion for me upconung year See COl...l.£GES. Pae• M Doona Wager. nght, of ttle Braille Institute explain s some brochures on volunteer servtees to Henry Hsieh, 15. of Irvine. The Braille lnsbtute 1s one of many organizabons that participated in the Festival of Children Volunteer Day at South Coast P1aza on Sunday afternoon. MAAt< C DUS™ I DM.YPl.OT Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ONntEWElt .ww.~com WEATHER Monil19 .............. be "'""Y.-,. S.hpA2 SPORTS UC INllw loll Ill .... .. w..eo. .......... . ~M•UC"4t?I ........ A7 --A2 Monday, May 19, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT' SEAN HlilR I OAll..Y PILOT Bruce Ross, president of Express Air and primary pilot for the Costa Mesa-based delivery company, flies over Downtown Los Angeles en route to Burbank Airport on a routine delivery out of John Wayne Airport. Take wing and deliver Costa Mesa company promises to meet tight deadlines in the Southern California area. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot CTJSfA MF,SA -ln some CaM'!'>, overnigh1 pack.age de· IJvery JUSI ~n·1 fa.')t enough. !:><> 'Id}"> Bnice Ross. who ha<. -cmroduled a ~e-day drhvery M!rvtre based in a )mall office near John Wayne Airport. Ro~. a former police officer. promi'>t"> to deliver any package weighing five poundi. or IC'-'> in le!>!> than four hours. fhe i.ervice is the center- piece of ROS!>' relaunclung of his f.xpressAir Delivery Sys- tem.'>, a mes.senger service that has floundered since Sept 11. Under the ExpressA.ir ban- ner. Ross will courier a pack- age anywhere from Orange County 10 the three sur rounding counliei. -Los An· gel~. Riverside and San Ber· nardino. And he'll do it for $25. Last week. Ross picked up a paclcage in Tustin and flew 11 lo Woodland Hill'i with two hours and six minutes tu !>pare. "At 4 o' clock in the after· noon. we can get a package out,· Ross said. "We don't deal with the traffic." Ross is aiming hu. busine~. early on. at medical lahorato ries. hospitals and doctors' of- fices who need to ferry medi- cines. blood or organs quickly. EYE ON BUSINESS •Got an interesting tidbit. or story idea about a local business? E-ma1l 1t to Daily Pilot business reporter Paul Clinton at psul.clmton(@ lat1m~s.com. lie has also deliv- ered legal filings, tax documents. llollywood ~·ripts. pay- roll chedcs and various device. and paru.. "There is a need for an exp~ delivery !>e IV1 ce t.ha t does proVlde mpid service." !.aid Ed Fawcett. the president of the Coc;ta Me.a Ownber of Commerce. "From the medi· cal <,tandpo1nt. I could ...ee the need." Ro s ha'> run a messenger serv1ce !>111ce the late 1980!.. In 1989. he opened i.hop in Newport Beach, near the air- port. Ros.'> bought existing service Aerograms. in 1989, and renamed ii B-<)uick m 1990. In 1990. he merged with competitor American Flyer. Hos.'> relaunched his m~n­ ger service as ExpressAir in 1991 and then tried to take the company public. That ef· fort was shelved in 1996. Ro!>.S moved the -.erv1ce 10 Costa Mesa in 1999. He now has th~ plane-. and a helicopter at his di<; po!>al. He employs 12 dnver.> and office stall member.. I le has signed a rnmrc1e1 with USCO l.ogisu~ to delJ\cr computer pans for Sun Microsystems. I le ha., al'>O bt• gun final negotiation'> wtth OHL Logisti~ to deliver parts for the bomb-dctooion ma · chinery at airports. He also hopes 10 add Nonhem California 10 hi-; network. BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS American Vanguard's profit streak hitc; 16th quarter Newport Beach-based American Van- guard Corp. p osted record quarter1y earn- ings Wednesday. logging a 449' increase in sales and 53% increase in income from a year ago. company's solid start in 2003 and arc con tident that we will meet our previously s tated goals to achieve double-dJgf t sales and net income growth,· said Eric Winter· mute, president and chief exec\Jtive. sel truck manufacturer 10 produce ce- ramic engine part&. The deal could be worth as much as $26 million during a four-year term. An initial order i'> worth $1.4 million. Ceradyne announced in a news release. Sales of diesel part!> to the truck cus - tomer in 2002 were approximately $2.7 million. These results give American Vanguard Its 16th consecutive profitable quarter. The company develops and markets agricultural chemicals 10 keep insects from damaging turf and cro ps. Shares of AVD rose 30 cents. or 1.75%, Friday to $17.40. Ceradyne gets diesel truck contrac~ 2nd deal in a week Ceradyne Inc., a Costa Mesa high-tech ceramics producer. announced its second deaJ in a week Wednesday. On Monday. the company announced it had been selected by Lockheed Martin Corp. to supply nosecones for an ad- vanced version of the Patriot misioile sys· tern. That deal could be worth as much as $150 over more than 10 years. The com - pany received $7 million upfront. Net sale~ during the first quarter rose to $27.3 million from Sl9 million a year ago. Net income grew to $ l .2 million. or 20 cents per share. from $799,000, or 13 cents per sha re, during the Brst quarter o f 2002. NW~ are extremely pleased with the Ceradyne secured a deaJ witJ1 a top die- Ceradyne shares fell 17 cent'l, or 1.1 1 %. to $15.10 in Friday trading. 1 Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, N0.139 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYDOOERO Editor JUDY OETT1NO Advertitmg Dif9Ctor LANA JOHNSON PromoCiona Director News Editors Gina Alexander. Lori Anderson. Dantol Hunt. Paul S.itowitz. Daniel Stevens NEWS STAFF Crime~ ~rter, (949157 .... 228 ~.bllar•thO/atlma.com June=-• Newport repooer, (949) 57-M232 june.~rt1ndeOllltlmtM.oom ,...Clnton Polltlca, butlneu and tnvlronm.nt rwpotter, (949) 7M-4330 pwl.cflntonOlallrnucom l.oll9tt.per Columnist culture reporter. UM81574-4275 1o1~•,.,;rrw com .,....... ......... eo.. ~ ~.(9'9)57~1 dWdr9 MMNn i.tkrw.oom a..1sdcaC... Educ:atiOn ,..,, .... , S7 ..... drilltltW.CINrlllo•"""'-.oom Cor.IWDeon Newt assistant, (949)...574-4298 coral. wft.an•t11tlmn.oom PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean HUiet, Don IAecti. Kent Trepeow READERS HOTLINE (9491642-6086 Record your comments about the Datly Pilot or news tips. AddlMa Our eddr ... ls 330 W. Bay St.. Cotta Mesa, CA 92927. Office houri are Monday -Frld.y. 8:30 a.m. · 5 p m. ConwcdoM IC 11 the Pilot's polk:y to promptly oonect all error• of 1ublltance. Pl .... cell 1949) 764-4324. FYI Th4I Newport 8udVCotta M ... Dilly Piiot IUSPS-1""800) It published dally. In Newport Beed'I Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92826 Copyright: No news stories, illustrations. editorial manor or advertiaementa herein can be reproduced without written permission of COPVflght owner. HOW TO REACH US • Cltculedon The Times Orange County 18001252·9141 ~ Ci..elfled (949) 642-5678 ~ (949) 642-4321 EdttotW News (949) 8'2-6680 ~(949)&74-4223 .......... (949) 646-4170 lpofta ..... (9491650-0170 • E-mell: dallypllottll•t;,,,...com Mlil'I Olllce ....... <>MM (949) 042-4321 ......... ,.. (149) 831-7126 end Cotg MeN, eubecriptlone are available only by eubtcf'lblng to The • l1mee Orange County (800) 252-9141. In,,.... ouulde or Newport BMd'I end Cott.a Meea. eubtlerlptione to the 0.lly Piiot are evallable only by ftrtt eta. rNll for S30 per monUI. (Prlole Include all applicablt ... •nd Ioctl in.e.1 POSTMASTER: Send~ ~ tO The Newport ~Meta 0.lly Piiot. .. o. ' Publt.hed by Tlmee Community Newt •• dM1lon or the LOI Angel .. TllT*. C2003 l1met CN. All nghi. ~· Dally Pilot BEST BUYS Tradition of Yves Saint Laurent continued . T oday. YWll Saint l.anntlthe Gmacbe belongs to the Gucci Group, with 1bm Fonl as chief designer and aeative d.lrectoL Ford is 8 great admirer of Yves Saint Laurent, who Introduced pret-a-porter in the GREER early 1970s. so he brings compared to the standard 106 inches) have a 1,020 thmld count -referring to the number or hodr.ontal (weft} and vertical (warp) threads in one aquare lncb or fabric. s.ndra md,.... Man. who own and operate Between the Sheets. baY that tluead counts in most sheets range from 180 lO 320. "We worked back the rich heritage of WYLDER Laurent's designs in a closely with mW operators in Italy to develop tlm product line that features the finest in luxury. comfort. beauty and durability - it's really the ultimate woven F.gyptian cotton product ln the market.• Sandra Marx said. modem way. Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche focuses on fashion and color -very feminine and sophisticated elegance. Ruffles, rusching and Ouid silhouenes are made Crom beautiful fabrics: silk george11es. cashmere and cottons. Women's and men's lines available induding handbag5, shoes and accessories. The honest handbags for spring are the Nadja, with Oower Oap in suede and Napa leather from S845 to S915, and the Mombasa horn handle bag from S695 to $795. Open Crom 10 a m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. 10 8 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 am. to 6:30 p.m . Sunday. Level 2. acrms from Versace, South Coa!>t Plaza. (71 4) 429-0101. NEW NAME AND STYLES 8. Magne19. a women's boutique at Newport Nonh Shopping Center. has changed its name to Bella Mare, meaning "beautiful sea." It still carries all of the fru;hionable lines that B. Magnes!> was known for. while introducing new European designs. ro celebrate the name change. Bella Mare will have a l'l'Ceptfon from 5 to 7 p.m. June 5. fhc event will include informal modeling. a trunk show of the late<>t summer fashions. refrc.,hmenti. and door p rizes. Abo. d portion of salet. from Thur.day. June 5. through ~twday, June 7. will be donated to the Soptuslicates. which ~uppons ~ment and l'reaunent Se1V1ces Center in Newpon Heach. fhe shop's new owner. Nancy Ohon. is the president-elect of this nonprofit group. which provides profeg.o;ional ev-.Uuations and cowiseling to at-risk youths and rheir families. The latest spring fashions and resort wear are offered here. in feminine fabrics and colorful prints. Chiffon d~ to casual athletic wear arc available. Summer looks will amve soon. Bella Mare carries designs by Votre Norn. Buffalo Jeans. Allen Allen. City Lights, l~ndl and Wayne Rogers; dresses by Rebecca Taylor. Nicol~ Miller and Sharagano, a fa<JUon-forward line from Paris; and shoes Crom designers such as Onyx. Sllc:ha and Diego Deh1ca The shop is at 1280 Bison in Newport Beach (949) 644-44n. HIGH LUXU~ SHEETS Newport Beach-based Between the Shem. a high-end linen boutique. now offers unprecedented l,OOO·plus thread count sheets. The oversized sheets ( 118 inches wide There are also duvet covers and shams with the high thread count The linens have a distinctive double hemstitched style, available in white and ecru and in California and eastern king. queen and extra-long tWUl slus. The linens should be machine washed and drled. Since 1986. Between the Shee~ has offered the worlds fines1 linens. The sophisticated clientele here chooee European quality sheets. bedding, tablecloths, napldru. bath towel-. and accessories. Personalized services include altering/tailoring. monogramming and custom linen designing. Open from 1 O a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday. and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Ground level. Atrium C.OwtatFashion lsJand.Newpon Beach. (949) 640-9999. wrvw.betwttntheslitttsinr rom NICE PRICE FOR SHOES Cathy Jean. one of the oldest slores at Fa.sh.Ion Island. carries its own brand of women's shoe'> under the Cathy Jean label. Prices are reasonable for the qualiry. comparable to Nine West or C.harles David. There are weekly promotions for extra 'Wlvings o n select styles. Oow.10 one hundred choices of casual to formal shoes. Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. (949) 640· 7680. FOR THE KIDS lmaglnarlum, now a division of Toys R Us. remains a specialty store for educational toys. It's ideal for children 6 months to 8 years old An extensive preschool selection offers building kits. games, dress-up accessories. Legos. Thomas the Tanlc Engine and Groovy Girls Items. Boob. music and science-related kits are available. 100. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Fashion Island. Newport Beach. (949) 644-0788. WWU(imaginarlum.com • BEST BUYS appeara MondaY'I and FrldaY'I. Send information to Greer WVld• at greertvy~@yshoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Coeta Mesa. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Don't let the morning douda end areas of fog foof you. tt will be sunny today ... and warm: High1 will be In the 70.. • The clouda and fog will C1'MP badl In at night. low9 will be In the mld-&>a to low eo.. ~ www.nws.noN.gov BOATING FORECAST Out to eea, too. t"-d/lf It bootendtd bV fog. Ught wlndt In the monWno give way to• W9llt wind 8t 10 knots In the ett.moon on the Inner w.ten. W.W. wMe be ameflef men 2 fMt on• Wllll lwMt of 2 to 4 W. The llgttl wlndt rwtum .. ntght. NOf1hwMt wlndl blow 10 '° 20 ~~out ell dey. The W8WI will be btt\4W 1 9"d 3 fMt on• nonhvMC ew.-oft to 10fMI. The .... to-down • foot .. night. • SURF The northWMt awell contlnu• to fade. If you like d\est-higha, todey'1 your dey. Pr.ny much wherever you go, that'• wha1 you're going to get You might find eomethlng bigger It w.t-feclng brub. A IOUthw.t awett comee In Tuesdey, but the northWMt hu ~nged the meen weve cfil'WCtion to woft egefnst that IOUthw9lt en.rgy. The aftuldon wlfl lmpt'O'Y9 • bft Wedneedey. w.w.-r. www.1Urfrltw.0rg TIDES nm. 7:03e.m. 2.'01 p.m. 5:51p.m. 12:1te.m. WATER TEMPERATURE IOdlgl .. l Concert hall goes before council Application for Pacific Symphony's new home at the Ce nter up for final approval Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot COSU\ MESA -'lbe ground has already been broken on lhe Orange County Performing Arts Center's symphony hall, but lhe • cacophony of construction can't be cued until lhe design details are approved. Tonight, lhe City Council will consider an application for lhe hall, which will be about 297,000 square feet and contain two auditoriums. In February. center officials broke ground o n lhe $200 miJUon Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall, which is the first major expan- sion of the center since 1986. The Segerstrom.s donated the land to the center and contrib- uted a significant amow1t of funds to the effort. The design for the hall has been five years in the works, so the culmina- tion tonight ought to be sweet, saJd Kerry Madden. ru;sociate vice president or theater op- erations and facilities for the center. "It feels great," Madden <wtid. "We've been worlcing very closely with the city on the project.• In addition to the two aud1to - riurru.. the hall will hou~e a 4.000-square-foot restauran1 and space for dres!.ing room~. stom.ge, offices and mi!>cellane- ous technical areas. The building. designed hy Caesar PeW, includes a full. height. curved glass wall facing Town Center Drive. The creamy Lan of the symphony hall will be similar to the color of the adjoining South Coast Reper· tory buiJding. The design phase took so long because of lhe challenge inherent in buiJding a concert haJI, Madden saJd. "flt( is a very complex build- ing with sensitive acoustical properties and design features," Madden said. "Additionally, we !>pent extra ume on the dc!>ign end so we wouldn't be faced with a multitude of change or- ders and changes at the end of lhe process. I think lha1 !>trategy will :.ave, ultimately. both time and money." The Planning Commission approved lhe !>ymphony hall on March 10. One of the condi· lions is Lha1 lamhcaping be provided withjn tht> LO foot deep front <ietback u1t•a unlc"'" lh1s ponmn ol lown l t•ntt·r Drive is abandoned Cente r official\ .art· working on vacating I own C l:'lltl:'r I )nve to create a umtcd .trh l ampu-.. with a p<,'<le<.tna11 pl<v.a l111lu11g the new concert hall \.',llh the current Seger.trum l lall. Mad den said. The Planning Com mi!>sion will <.·on'i1dcr tht• ron· cept on May '1.7. ':>1m1> 11 "-.1111 in tlie conct.'ptual plMw. nty plannel"i wiJI wall until Lhe symphony haJI I!> clo'>e 10 oprn ing to ask for an t>xu·pt11111 to the land-.cap1ng n·quirt•nw111 "It look\ prt:tty 111n· to mt• · Councilman Allan "-1.in'>oor !>llid. "1.vcrything lli.11 the "1.·g- erstroms have d11111· ovt'r thl'rt' has been bcauuful .• md I'm op· timi!>tiL 1ha1 tlll'. will lw tht' S<Jme. COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA l lere are some of 1he item" the Costa Mesa City Council will consider Monday: SECOND -STORY ADD1TION APPEAL On April 3, lhe Zoning Administrator approved a -.econd-Ooor addition to an eXJsting single-family rc<i1dtmt·e for John Hice al 256 Hose Lane. Mike Snyder, tlw property owner behind the property, appeaJed becaui.t' of privacy issue!>. On April 28, the Planning Commi!.~ion approved the addition 4 to O. with Commissioner Katrina 1-oley ab!>t'nt. Th e commission's approval included the conditions thC>t Rice agree to install landsrnpl' ~creening along the rear wall 10 a height of9 to 10 feel and increase the wall height to R feet along the rear prori:rty. Mayor Gary Monahan appealed this approval because of hi!> concern'> with privacy issues and placenw111 of wmdow!>. GETTING INVOLVED • GElllNG IN\IOUIED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and earn up to $1 ,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN .. ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn .. whicn helps individuals who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. needs volunteers. (7141 375-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers. family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may woft( on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. • Child Care Sam· noon M · f • Ample & Convenient Porki"I • Y090, Tai Chi, Stretch clOaMt • St.p, P'ow.r Pump, Cordio • Show.n, Steam & Towel• WHAT TO EXPECT ~-a. Staff has found that although there are no two-story homes in tht' vicinity, lhe addiuon would not hurt the s11rroundi11~ properties or aesthetic'> of tht• neighborhood becau'>t' lht' majority of the <iecond Oour " '>et back furlher form property lines than tht' fir-.t noor. The pro1eu mt'el'> or exceeds all applit:ahlc re'>ident1al develop111t•111 \tandards and dt•'>lgn guideline'>. WESTSIDE BLUFFS REZONING UPDATE l111s 11em was con11nurd from the May 5 rnu1m l meeting becauw uf 1h1• late hour and becau'><' thl'rc wt' re only four t:ounul mrmher.. JlrC'>t'nl. The goal of !he projct'I "111 t hange 1 he m am ly mdu-.1 rial land u .. e paucrn '><>ut h of We'>t IHth Street and wc-.1 of !\.lonroVla Avenue to a AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261 -9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The Amencan Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods sucn as clothing, furniture 1ewelry, accessories. antiques and collectibles to fund the society's researcn, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona ,re~idential neighborhood 1 h e council ha'> maclt: ii a community ohject1ve 10 analyze the rezo,ni!~~ WHAT TO EXPECT .: Staff ha!> two con'cern., with the project -'>inn• only o ne firm rec;ponded to a l>1d for the work, there\ IHI t hanct' 10 compare the propo'>al with other-. based on .-. ... ue'> .. uch J'> cos!. Al'io, the bid prin• l'xceeded ..,taff\ ong111.il t·o..,I t''>l imate'> of$ I 00,000 to $150,000 by aho 111 $I 0.0011 to $15,000. dcpendinK on including one optional ta.,k "That\ prcll}' lntert•'>llng hetau.,e there ~.1.., only Olll' rC\flOllSe," Mayor c.ary \fonahan said ~l.t} l "I think there\ going to he -.onw lJUt''>llons. I think Wl' nt•t•d to move on the \tudy. I think 11 '-.ome1h1ng of h1Kh 1ntl'fl''' m the commun11y .111t.l net•th 10 he !>tud1ed. • REHEARING OF 1901 NEWPORT CONDOS I his ilem aho w.1., del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportauon program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of cnarge The required commrtment ts a few hours each week or month Dnvers must have a valid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25 Volunteers may use either their own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans (949) 261·9446 or seamer aJcancer org TwENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL 949.252.8200 ith ~ Bill Fallon • Purchase • Refi • Construction 15 yt!ars in 0 .C. ~ lending Group • 31<18 Campis °' 1210 111ewpo<1 Beild'I (;A 9.?f>OO FYI WHAT: Costa Mesd City Council meeting WHEN: 6:30 p.m tod.iy WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive INFO: (714) 754 5223 conllnut•d lrolll till' \l,t} r, counul mt·1·1111g ht·t .111,1 ot the late hour ..ind h1·1 .111-..· there \'\l'rt' onh four 11111111 ii memlwr-. Pfl''l'lll < .ounnlm.111 \ll,111 \l.111,1111r and the ( ll'>lcl \h--..1 ( 111/l'll' for Ht·-.pon-.ihlt· < 1ril\\ th appe.ded till'< llY < 011111 ii\ approval of" I Ill 111111 develop men I ,11 140 I :'\t•\". po11 Bl\d . 111,11111\ h.1wt.l 1111 COllll'rll' .1bt1lll tht• (lllllt'I I\ den ... 11 \ WHAT TO EXPECT .\rough '1•111111""'1111 1• 1h1· rna111nt\ ol tht• < 1111111 ii 111 l hangt• 11-. 1111nd "l 1h111I._ II\ ii 1-(lt'ill JHOJt•11," l\lonJh,111 ... J1d l\l.1\ .' ''I'm 10011,:, romlort.1hh,-~11h tilt' 'env111111mc111.il n·polll 1'111 looking forw,11d 111 1lw t 1111d11-. being but II '11111111/etl ln I J1•1fllri• \1•11•1111111 Mondil)', May 19, 2003 Al <!ea.~ fl f"'s t a ur u nt •••Nightly Entcnainmcnr•H 1 M Monday, May 19, 2003 MARK C. D!..'STIN I DAILY PILOT Kevin McMullin, president of Collegewise, gives his presentation, MSelecting the Right College," during Sunday's Festival of Children Volunteer Day at South Coast Plaza. MALL Continued from Al help me look good for college." Jonathan Goldberg. a sopho- more at Woodbridge High School in Irvine, said he has had trouble finding organizations to volunteer for. "This is good because I've found what I wa.\ looking for," he -.aid. For the participating groups, the event was one more way to ·spread the word," said Martha Treadway, volunteer for I labit for Humanity. ·we need a lot of volunteers L''Uhn • rLDOt"J 314• COLDEN MAPLE SOLID HARDWOOD s4~~ft. because we work almost entirely with volunteers," she said. "But a lot of times, publicity is not easy." Treadway said that just one hour into the event, she was talk- ing nonstop to visitors to her ta· ble. "A lot of people have signed up already," she said. "But the opportunity just to display what we have and tell people about ourselves is wonderful." • OEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be readied at 19491 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@latimes.com. ._,. DENSE PLUSH CARPET • lnaUlltd with Pad $ J 69 • ~um 60 )Vis 1q. ft.. 'l'rawertlne 18" • 18" .•••••.•••••••••••••• 14.29 .,..;. n. Ceramic nae •••••••••••••••••• 1-tall-4 ,,..._''·BB -ft. Laminate WCHHI ••••••••••••• ._..... ,..._ 1 4 . ~-"- S uppl/•• 11nd 7bolJI For tit• •Do It YoUr6ftl'-sl• All prl~lprodut:ltl For " llmlt..d tlm•, lxuftl on lllJfllbtbll/41. 1374 Lqu Aft., Suite F • COSTA MESA a (888) MESA-777 ·-- (6372) MOl'l...nJ.. 11 AJll te s "' ~-...... lat. II AM t. I "' ICLOSID SlD.lJ) ._, .. SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! With the Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 1 ~ ..... $21.300 Robins f01d OiscOllnt . ·S2 305 ~Price .·~ Rebate •••••••••• ~l2:m ..... 18,495 ALLOWED Continued from Al your life's course flt age 17, and one cou}d really start to believe they know everything. They must, rigbtf II not, bow would they be capable of accomplishing such tasb. I thought I was busy in high school -with my rigorous athletic schedule (in school and club sports) honors classes. srudent government and clubs -and my Ust of extracurricular activities was barely half that of this year's Academic All-Stars. I remember my uncle telling me how all he had to do in high school was show up and get Cs. He told me then, in 1996. that he didn't envy me. Now, kids need to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they show up for their first day of high school. From the moment they step foot in freshman English class -and even before -teachers are talking about coUege COLLEGES Continued from Al and prepare for the loss of 1,000 course secdons, the d.ivioion deans aJso prepared three contin- gency plans that would allow them to add more classes as quickly as possible. SOME TOUGH CUTS Based on to the revised budget, OCC estimates it ·will have to cut about St million, nearly 500 course sections. and will have to offer those sections at a higher cost. The fees will in- crease from SI I to $18 per unit, which is projected to make com- munity coll~e unaffordable to abou1 34,000 full -time students statewide. N>r the Coas1 Community Col- lege District, that'i. just part of the problem. The district must also find $2 million to S3 million to cover the increase in health in~urance benefi~ for its em- ployees and meet the increased percentage of fees added 10 its retirement system for 2003-04. "We're being cul on one end and also being required to put more in on the other end," Cohn said. "111e state cuts are certainly the largest cuts ... but the laddi· tional fees! do play a significant role in llhe distm:t's budget!." lhe University of California WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627;byfax to(949)64&4170;or bye-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. CRUISES EJec:trk: Bost Tourt off9n two-hour cruises of Newport Harbor ($75 per cruise). ANGELS Continued from Al Polish Sandwich. Corndogs are available in the children's bag meal, and chill sauce can be found at a handfuJ of locations around the ball yard. WienerschnJt.7,el also provides hot dogs for the Anaheim Mighty Ducks, San Diego Padres, San Di- ego Chargers, Sacramento Kings and Golden State Warriors. ln April, Wienerschnittel sold Angel Dogs at llb Orange County fast-foot restaurants for 99 cents a piece, Amberger said. A combo even Included a pair of Halo Stieb. The deal will return in Septe mber. The company signed its first three-year deal with the Angels after the 1998 season. The Angels I requirements, entiance exams, etc. I mnember my math teacher. Mr. Knapp at Labakle Middle School, who told my class if we wanted to get into a Yale or Harvard. we needed to start racking up Ivy League grades now. The competidon ls so tough at chose schools, they look at your middle school grades to determine acceptance. I remember being nervous that I was only in the basic. seventh-grade math and not pre-algebra lilce the other GATE srudents. I remember being scared J would never make it to Harvard. I was 12. I hadn't even reached my teen years and I felt I had the weight of my entire future riding on my shoulders. I know the forward-thinking. highly motivational tone of Southern California contributes to the success of its residents and their children, but when all the attention is focused on the future, it is very easy to ignore the present system faces slightly different concerns. Although the sysrem won't have to adjust to additional cuts, it will still face abo1,1t $360 mil- lion in base budget cuts. In tenns of tuition fees, which already increased for the spring quarter by, $135, the cost could jump another $265 per quarter for the 2003-04 academic year. UC regents have not yet deter- mined the exact fee increase and are awaiting legislative approval or the revised budge I. Davis' budger will provide the University or California system an additional S l.5 million to backfill student fee revenue losses for California National Guard members, but will also re- quire substantial cuts on each campus. "We're grateful that there were no additional cuts at this time,· said Roy Dormaier, vice chancel- lor or planning and budger at UC Irvine. ~There's a lot of worry that one of these adclilional cut plans promoted by some of the Repub- licans in the legislature might be accepted. If so, lhey wouJd se- verely hurt the university and its programs.· AN UNCLEAR FUTURE As a result of the cuts pro- posed in January and reaffirmed in the latest revise, ua will have to make substantial cuts in its re- Round-trip hotel or off-the-water restaur.art shuttle service is available. Pick-up from restaurants with docks is also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291 -1953 or www.watt:sontheharbor.com. Th• N9wport U.ndin11 a.tie .. available for weddings and receptions. cocktail and sightseeing cruises. and meetings. The cost is $600 fo r the first two hours. plus $160 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. Nn1 • 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; renewed it for another three-year term before the championship 2002 season. Also notable, Brown-Forman Beverages Worldwide's Newport Beach branch provides a line of Fetzer wines to the Angels. These wines are available at stand- alone carts dotting the stadium concourse. Brown-Forman sells the wines to Young's Market Co .. a bever- age distributor that, in tum. pro- vides them to Aramalk Corp., who dispenses them at the park. said Bill Ellerman, Brown-For- man's regional marketing man- ager. Aramatk employs all the vendors who sell food at Edison Field. A DRIVE TO WIN The Southern c.allfomia Auto Club. headquartered In Costa High school atudenu can't wait to be In college and on theU' own. And coDege atudenu can't waJt to graduate and start making 10me "real money." But ii you don't tab the time to be grateful for where you are at that moment. you will wish you could go back. a would personally like to go back to hJgh school and college.) OK. so now I know 1 am getting old because I am a.bout to type the words, "enjoy your youth because It will be gone before you know it" From whal I saw of the Costa Mesa Academic All Stars this morning. they seem perfectly capable of pursuing their dreams while enjoying their reality. I wish them the best and remind them to have fun while they are out saving the wodd. • l.Ol.ITA ~writes columns Mondays. Wednesdays and Frid3Ys and covers culture and the arts. She may be readled at 1949) 574-4275 or bye-mall at lolita.harper@latimes.com. search and community outreach programs. UCJ's research devel- opment has made the university a major economic player in Orange County, having a $2.1 - billion effect on the county through the various business op- portunities created, Dormaier said. With a proposed guide to their fiscaJ futures in hand, higher education officials have fallen baclt on their prepared plans for making cuts, but do so with the uncertainty of its approval in mind. While university and college officials realize that more cuts or higher tuition fees oouJd lie ahead, they believe that lobbying efforts by students, faculty and staff throughout California and on behalf of public education has forced state officials to take a closer look at how their propos- als would affect the srudents' educations. "I th.ink the lobbying by stu- dents and facuJty has been in- credibly effective," Farrell said. "We've never really done any- thiJ1g like this in the past. but this is when the lobbying by sru- dents and faculty can make a huge impact." • CHRISTINE CA.RRIUO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at chnstme camllott!latimes com. children, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, SS; children, $1 ) deperting from Balboa Fun Zone wery 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adults. $6; children, $1 ) leaves th9 FunZoneat1 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. 1949) 673-0240. c.tallne Pauengtlf s.mc. NM 45-mlnute harbor cruises (adults. $6; children. $1 ) and 90-minute cruise• (adults. $8; children, $1 ). departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 1 p.m. (949) 67~245. Mesa, also provides services to the Angels. The Auto Oub handles the travel arrangements for the An· gels' annual fan cruise in Janu- ary. Devoted fans can book pas- sage on a cruise from San Pedro ro Ensenada The Auto Oub also provides a truclt at each home game to troll the parking lot for stranded mo- torists. The truclt will jump-start dead battenes or unhook latches for fans who have loclced their keys in the car. One local business no longer on the client roster Is Oayton Shurley. The Newport Beach res- taurateur, who runs Oayton Shurley'& Real BBQ, sold bar- becue food to the stadium in 2002, but the deal went sour af- ter the season ended. McOem- my said. .. PUBLIC SAFETY Daily Plot POLICE FILES C~MESA • w.tt laker Street and o,.~ Lana: A parson WH reportedly curving • conceited weapon at 12:32 a.m. Sunday. • Ba., Stt'9et and South CoHt Dftva: A hit-and-run WH reported at 3:60 p.m. Friday. • Brfatol Stt'9et: Petty theft wa. reported In the 3300 blodc at 3:40 p.m. Saturdey. • Brfatol Street: Grand theft WH reported In the 3300 block at 8:10 p.m. Friday. • Maple Avenue: An auto theft waa reported In the 1900 bloclc It 8:38 p.m. Saturday. •Newport Boulevard: Poaaeaalon of drug paraphernalia waa reported In the 2300 block at 7 p.m. Friday. • Tullp Lana: Drinking In public wH reported In the 100 block et 3:14 a.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Welt Coeat Highway: An auto theft was reported in the 2700 bloclc at 12: 18 p.m . Saturday. • Crestview Drtva: A hit-and-run was repqrted In he 2400 block at 8:38 p.m . Saturday. • Merguefft• Avenue end Coeat Highway: Petty theft was reported at 11:49 e.m. Saturday. • Newport Bouleverd: Petty theft was repo rted in the 2600 block at 1 :49 a.m. Saturday. • Port SHboume Wey: Tr~spaaaing was reported in t~e 1900 block et 6:08 p.m . Saturday. •11th Street and SH Gutt Lane: A hit-and-run was reported at 6:53 p.m. Saturday. • 3Sth Street: A loud party was reported inthe100 block at 10:23 p.m. Saturday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Plane lands at JW A after engine failure A twin-engine al:rcraft with one failed engine landed safety at John Wayne Airport Sunday morning. airport spokeswoman Ann Mc<:arley said. The two-engine piper Seminole with two peopje on board landed at a.bout 11 :45 a.m. on Runway 19, she said. "The plane lost one en- gine. but landed without any problems using the other engine," McCarley said. No one was injured in the incident. she said. "He's not in good standing with the club 6nandally," McOemmy said. ·1·m uncom- fortable discu.ssi.n8 that· "He was a sponsor last year and we terminated our arrange- ment with him.· McOemmy added When contacted Friday, Shur- ley defended his business deal- ings, saying he walked away from the Angels when McOem· my refused to renegotiate the conuact. "There ~ some lMues that they didn't handle," Shurley uJd. •They didn't see eye to eye. and we pretty much parted ways." • MIA. ClWTOH CCMltl the environment. buelnaee end polltlc:a. He tn-v be raadted et (948) 7&M330 or bv e-meil • f»Ul.c/lnfon .,.tkNM:om. MSJP . . • S23.n5 RoblN ford~ sff 9'° Wna Prtc.. . . . S Rebate . . ....•... -SJ,ooo ....... 17,885 . .,._,_ .,.. ... 3836]"q41, 3830667 Daily Pilot AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92827; by e-mail to mike.SW1Jnson latlme•.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. A complete listing Is available at www.dail'(pilot.com. TOOAY Hoag Hospital'• Cane« Cant.r la offering a presentation by a group of expert clinicians to learn about the use of surgery for treating colon cancer. There will be time after the free 6:30 to 9 p.m. presentation to network w ith other colon cancer survivors and discuss commo n concerns. Registration is required. For more information and to register. call (949) 760-2103. World Infertility Month wlU kidc off in Orange County w ith a presentation called "PGD: It's Not Only for Genetic Screening Anymore." The tree, educational seminar will feature imponant discussions about the role pre1mplantation genetic diagnosis is playing in helping parents uncover genetic and sex-linked diseases. The event 1s open to the public and will take place at Marrion Suites. 500 Bayview Circle in Newport Beactl beginning at 6:30 p.m . For information, call (888) 917-47n. Mature drivers can ah•rpen their driving skill& In an eight-hour class in two sessions at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant in Costa Mesa. Classes will be from 12:30 to 4·30 p .m . May 19 and 20. and are limited to 30 students The cost 1s $10. Advanced registration required To register or for more information. call (714) 557 3340 TUESDAY A free Mminar and book signing of "Why the Weight? Dare to be Great I# by author Jean Kruegar will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. For reservations. call (800) 595 MOMS. TheSurfriderFoundation Newport Beacti Film Night will feature surfing films, including the newly released •3 Degrees." It will be held at 7 p.m. at the Surfrider public meeting at Margantav1lle. 2332 West Coast Highway, Newpon Bead\. Come wlll be fro m 11 a m. to 4 p.m. in present "The Crime Novel 81 Exhibttion. For more and learn what la going on with the Newpon Coast Shopping Cultural Study.· The best·selhng information. call (949) 717-3870. local water quality Issues and see Canter. The event will have author will discuu "Sugar Skull; some cool surf fticb. For more games 1nd rides for ctllldren. her new novel, and how her Registration Is now open~ Information. call (949) 644-7443. Admlulon is $10. For more journalism bac*ground led to runners and wafkers of all ages fOf Information. call (949) 476-1144, writing fiction. Call (949) 717·3816 the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Thomn J. C.www wtl chcuu ext. 358. for more information Scenic 5K Raoe & two-mile Fun "How Time Flies: The Molecular Walk on June 1. Pre-registnrtio Arctlitecture of Memory• at a free ThrM ecdalmed .uthors and JUNE 13 fees are S22 for the runlwaltt and 7:30 p.m . seminar at the Irvine scholars will present "African Inventors Forum pNMnU • $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Barclay Theatre. Carew. UC American Speech In Global seminar on "Intellectual Property Registration on the day of the race Irvine's ct.air of neorobtology and Culture; exploring the effect of Law" by Epward S<:hlaner, patent 1s S30 for the run/walk. Separate behavior. will discuss his researctl African American speech on attorney. at 7:30 p.m. in Orange races for men and women are that allows a close examination modern conversation, poetry and Coast College's S<:1ence Lecture limited to 1 ,500 runners. Call (949) of the molecular mactlinery that music. The reception, Hall. Registration and networking 644-3151 to register. creates memories, both fleeting performance reading and book begin at 7 p.m . The cost 1s $5 for and lasting. For information, call signing w ill run from 4 to 9 p.m . members, $15 for nonmembers Bayalde Reataunint In Newport (949) 824-4275. at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Call (714) 540-2491 for Beach off ff rs wine tasting every Center and Crystal Cove information. Thursday night for $1 5 per WEDNESDAY Auditorium . For more person, featuring five new w ines A frM Mmlnar and book signing information, call (949) 824· 1948. JUNE 18 each week. f o r more of "The Digestion Connection" by Pamela Hallao-Gibson will speak information. call (949) 721 1222. Dr. Mark Stengler will be held MAY28 about and sign her new book, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at Mother's The Council on Aging -Orange "Orange County, the Golden If your orchid is too big for its Market. 225 East 17th St., Costa County 1s offering free training to Promise: An Illustrated History," pot, Green Sy stem s M esa. For reservations, call (800) recognize financial abuse and to at 7 p.m. at the Costa Mesa International will show you how 595-M OMS. help safeguard against Historical Society. 1870 Anaheim to re-pot your plant during their v1ct1m1zat1on with a two·hour Ave., Costa M esa for more free orchid-potting seminar Suspense novelist Martha UniOI session called "Who Can You information. call (949) 631-5918 or every Saturday at 2 p.m. A plant will speak at a Newpon Beach Trust?· The session runs from 1 visit www amh1stpress com sale 1s held from 9 a.m to 4 p.m Newcomers Club meeting at 10 to 3 p.m at the Newpon Beacti at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Call a.m. Unikel is also a member of Oasis Senior Center, 800 ONGOING (949) 756-1211for 1nformat1on. the club. which is open to all Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar Volunteer drivers are needed t.o women living in the area for less For reservations, call (949) help deliver nutritiously prepared Discover the aec:rwt.s of Carbon than five years. For more 644-3244. meals to homebound, frail or Canyon Regional Park as you information. call (~) 645-9722. elderly clients incapable of walk through groves of beautiful MAY29 shopping or cooking for Coastal Redw ood trees every UC Irvine's school of biological Op. the original Califomia lifestyle themselves through "Mobile Saturday at 8:30 a.m . Parking is sciences and the Howard A. brand, and Pro1ekter: Action Meals; sponsored by $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more Schneiderman Memorial Sports Cinema announce the FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag information. Bioethics Lecture Series present opening of the Op Summer Surf Hospital. Call (9491 645-8050 for "The Good Life at the End of Life,• Serles at the Lido Theater at 9 more information Team Survivor, a nonprof'rt a lecture by Dr. Joanne Lynn, at 7 p.m., with a screening of the organization encouraging p.m. in the Crystal Cove original 35-millimeter print of The Arst Page -Fine Children's women w ho have been through Auditorium. The event Is free, but John Milius' 1960s surf epic, "Big Books, at 270 E. 17th St , No 10 in cancer treatment to exercise, reservations are required. For Wednesday." For more Costa Mesa. offers free story time hosts "Walk and Talk. at 10 a.m more information, call (949) information, call (949) 722·2219. M ondays. Weooesday, Fridays the second and fourth Friday of 824-7252. and Saturdays from 9·30 to 10·30 the month in front of JUNE 1 a.m ., Tuesdays and Thursdays NIKEgodess store in Fashion Mentor. coactl and tNsted The 10th annual Balboa Island fr om 4 to 5 p m For more Island Members meet for lunch advisor Dave Gentry will speak at Parade, "Celebrate Balboa information call (949) 645 5437 after at Atrium court It 1s free. a PCMA meeting about his search Island," will take place at 11 a m and all fitness levels are for an authentic life at the Westin along Manrte Avenue For "Abstract Wortis on Canvas and welcome For more information. in South Coast Plaza from 5 to 8 information, call (9491 7234 t 77 Paper; an exh1b1t of an by Janet call 1949) 275 3888 p m. Registration is at 4:45 p m Rosener, will be on display at the For more information. call (714) JUNE4 Newpon Beac:ti Central Library Newport Comm unity 637-5524. The friends of the Newport through June 30. The exh1b11 will Counseling Center offers a way Beach Library will host a feature selections from Rosener's to stop the cycle of domestic SATURDAY complimentary brunch and #Washed Away" senes, created by violence through the support A book signing and personal annual meeting for members at dripping, splanenng or pounng group In S A.FE. Hands S.A.FE appearance by author James 10:30 a m 1n the Friends Meeting add111onal paint and mediums stands for safety, awareness, Balch for his book •Prescription Room at the Central Library, 1000 onto an original painting and h and empowerment. The for Nutritional Healing• will be Avocado Ave Local Nancy washing 11 away to suggest the meets Mondays from 6:30 held from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m . at Robison. author of more than 70 passage of time For more Free. For more Mother's Market, 225 East 17th books, will be the speaker information call (949) 717 3816 a ion, call (949) 721·8079. St .. Costa M esa. For reservations, Reservations are reQu11cd and call (800) 595-M OMS. must be made by May 28 Call Award-w inning wortis by Teens are invited to drop by the (714) 596-5276 Orange County artists working in c.1ty of Costa Mesa Recreation The Newport Coast Cares' first an array of two·d1mens1onal Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday "Spring Fling# fund·ra1ser to JUNE 5 media w ill be o n display at through Friday for indoor and benefit the Corazon de Vida Edgar finalist Denise Hamilton Newport Beach City Hall through outdoor sports and act1v1t1es FoundatiQn, an organization that will return to the Newport Beach June 27, for the Spring 2003 The Center 1:; at 1860 Anaheim raises money for ctlildren in Ba1a. Central Library at 7 p m to Orange County Artists Ave For more information, call (714) 327 7560. Warner Bros Pictur~s. RcqJI C in 'ffidS. Edwdrds Th~dtr~s Llrid I lodq s 5S2 Cluh Presents Michdcl DouqlJs and Albert Brool\-.,. Wedn esday, May 21 , 200 3 Edwards Big Newport 6 300 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach 5:00 p.m. Light Dinn er 7:30 p.m. Movi e Scree ning Proceeds benefit Hoag Women 's Pavilion For ticket information, please call the Fou ndation at 9491574-7208 \ Monday, May 19, 2003 A5 The Newport a.ach Walking Club meeu at the corn.r of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach •t 9· 15 1.m and 1 p.m. everyd1y. For more informatt0n, call (949) 650 1332 Th• Newpott a.act. Cao Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more information. call (9491650 1332 The Assn. of BusJnns Services hosts a networking meuung that deals with education connections from 6 to 8•30 p m . on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa for more information. call (949) 1$05 0011 "Divoru: A New Beginning,· a workshop for men and w omen divorced or getting divorced 1s held from 10 a.m to 12 30 JJ m at 180 Newport Center Drive on the third Saturday of every month Cost 1s $40 For rnorr: information, call 644 6435 The Newport Beach Pubhc library hosts an hour of stones and crafts for children 1r1 kindergarten through tht-st:c.;ond grade at the Corona dcl Mar branch from 3 to 4 p m Tuesdays The library is at 420 Marigold Ave For morr- information, call (949) 71 7 ]1$00 free tours of the Orange County Perfomung Arts Center takf! yuest:. to the dressing rooms 1$'rformer's lounge, badtstage and on '>td4t: at 10:30 a.m fYVery \Ne<Jnc.~d.iy and Saturday at 600 Town Ce1111•r Drive. Costa Mesa Group tours r.~n be held by special arrangerm·r,t For more information, call 1714 SSS.ARTS. ext 833 The Newport Beach Newcomers Club holds a general m1> ... tinq ,r. the third Wednesday of • vf!rv month The organ1zattor is open to all women res1dPnt:. " Newport Beach who hav1, 11.,cd in the area fewer thdn to11" Y~drs For more information r dll 19491 645-9922, or VISll newcomers·newporr/J1·acn org Oasis Senior Center holds 11 pancake breakfas1 tron1 7 JO to 10 a.m . on the second S.1tur<l<iy of every month. Breakfd'>I includes pancakes. !><ttJ'>d4' co Hee and orange 1u1 1• !cir SJ S 1 for children The cont••r •'> it 800 Marguerite, Corond d•·I M<1r For See TOWN, Pa&e A6 M ~. Mly 19, 2003 •2ae ~- TAKE SS FWY EXIT FAIR DR. TO HARBOR All pt!Cef ••elude ~nment 1-and lox~ any finance chor!19'> ony dealer document ptepofolion charge ond ony ttm4nion lesltng charge E.pns 5122/03 THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS. ~ALDEN'S l'tOOll Co.•u1~ Ml• l t HIN W!'IOC~ C"Jl\'flU"·' 1663 Pbcentia, Costa Mesa 94'"'646-4838 The soft folds or Viptte• window sNdinp f'tON come in thtee ~ fibncs thlt ~ppeal to~· Come Sft them today. v~ + . .J...L~ ••• .............. ................... '"" '"" "'" .,, .. .. MKy'a South Coeet ..... presem. ·Worbhop Wedneedays: A Handl-on Cooking a ... Program• hosted by chef Alexx Guevara. The claa la held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The cott. lnduding materials, It $30. To reMfVe a spot, call (818) ~75. 'tbga and rhythm, "Yogartiythmlca" combines yoga, dance and fun. The clan la held from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Meu. For more information, call (714) 754-7399. ·earthqu.ba -t+Jt If, But When" will be re-broadcaat through April 12 on Adelphia and Cox cable systems for Newport Beadl. The show has been edited to 30 minutes and runs Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. The Newport Harbor Nautlcal Museum offers the exhibit "Your Majesty, There Is No Second: The America's Cup 1851·2003" through April 30. The museum is at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free admission. For more information, call (949) 673-7863. Int.rt.Ith cou.,._ with one Jewish partner are Invited to participate in a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. The group is geared toward dealing with issues between interfaith couples, such aa raising children .• observing holidays, symbols in the home and relationship• with extended families. The cost for three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration is required. Call to sctiedule date and time. The office Is at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 4454950. Women SO end old9r a111 join• discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness and family. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Pre registration required. (714) 445-4950. Friends of the Newport Bw:h Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate boob to replenish the dwindling llodt. Boob mtiy be ..a at tnv of the three bnNlCtl......,.. - Balboa,~ or CofoN del Mar -or In the book c:I09lt next to the Ftiend9 Book Store, at 1000 AVOC8do Alie., Newpoft Beed\. Alt hardcover end pepetbllcl donadon•. wtth the exception of magazine. and Ir# boob, wtll be 1CC9Pled and ere tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. The .... lnatlluea ..... ,,.. computer da .... to peopfe wtth fading vision who have dffficulty seeing the computer ecreen. The Oaai• Center at 800 Marguerlta Ave .• Corona del Mer, otrera ab< aeulona. Call to algn up for da-. (714) 821-6000. A ......... *9 ... m..tsat 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suit& 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. The Com Maea Ch.mbar ol Commerce hosts networtdng tuncneon meeting• Wednesdays from 11:46 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The dub Is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor auppott group meets the ft rat and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group la designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with tha Illness. (949) 674-623.2. St. Andnlw'a ~ Churdl hosts a mental lllnea support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in Oierenfleld Hall C at 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beadl. (949) 574-2236. The Jeiwiatl hmly 8-vica of Orange County sponsor• a discossion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m . two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per peraon, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Famffy 8-vica of Orange County has a weekly parel'lting support group. Parents learn strategi89 for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and The c.... .... 8tnlorCentlat' t. bllroom dlndng wfth Ive ""'*from the c-. Mele Mu* MakM from 7:30 to 10'.30 p.m. ~"-day ni9f1t lt896 w. 1Wt St •. c-. Meu.k (948) ~ J9wt9h fM'nly ~of Orange County aponaora en ongoing heallng aupport group for the chronk:ally Ill. The purpose la to provide participants with emotional and aplritual support to manage lllneaa and ita consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance is free. but registration la required. (714) 446-4960. Scnbbla Club No. 360 mNta from 8 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books, Music & Cate at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St in Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (949) 206-9822. The Coln end Stamp Qub m..ts from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested in trading, buying and selling stamps and colna are being sought to join these informal meetings. There are no feet required. (949) 644-3244. Jewish Femlty 8-vica offws ongoing bereavement support groups for adults ~•II atage& of lou. Group membets share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support a nd learn ways to cope with sadnes.s and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In Irvine. The aecond group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea In Laguna Hills. The tliird group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim. Free, but advance registration is required. (714) 446-4950. Jewish Femlty s.rvice of Orange County provides a support and dlacuuion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Advance regi.stration is required. (714) 445-4950. 1Wo-hour k.apk toun with • trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Badt Bay Drive, Newport Beadl. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife ·--.... ··~~--.... 911 . Campaign and Newport Bay -----------------------Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. 22nd Annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK 2 Mile Fun Walk & 11< Kids' Dolphin 0,1sh Saturday June 7, 2003 Event S on sor Runner's Bib Sponsor <ID MAJUNl!a.S BSCROW 2 M i le Walk Spo n sor -REIOB,k:NS~ Restaurant Row Sponsor Daily A Pilot M edia Sponsor Chip (~}Stasser Awards Sponsor Ware Disposal Entertainment Sponsor ··········· Dolphin Dash Sponsor ? ptesented b)' C.-.... .. llllilr 0 Q IF f//I CI W and CJW., Nlia,_t ..... A I Edi I t.n• W Registration Sk Run $22 2 Mile Walk $22 1 k Kid 's Dolphin Dash Race Da in Dash s 121 Reg1ura1ton 1nclude1 a t-sh1rt. gourmet bre.lknfr featuring the famous Restaurant Row Pre-Registration prior to Wednesday May 28 Mail completed registration rorm with cheek or aedlr cardl to. ATIN CdMSk City of Newpon Beach, 3300 Newport Boulevard. Newport Beach. CA 92663 Fax form with credit card • to 949·644-3 155 Register OnUne at WWW aa.vc com Walk-In Registr ation 4a Pack et Pick-up a1 the OASIS Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Avenue, Corona def Mar June 4 Wednesday t'rom noon-:7:00pm; June 5 ThUfsday from noon-7 OOpm; June 6 Friday rrom 9:00am-7:00pm · Registration Form One Form Per Entrant (form m:y be rhotocopledJ l I l I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I J_ I _I I I I I Last Name f'lrst Name I I I I I I l I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Address 1 1111111111111111111111w111111 City St.ate lip lllllllllllllllllll!l!IWlll 11 e-mall address UW WW!llll LLUU..Ulllll Sex ~on Birth Date Daytime Phone O't u u u Partfclpatlng In: Sir W~n's Sk Men·s 2Mlle Walk U 2 522 $22 Age C..tegory: Sk and Wal• u OOloNn 0.sh St2 UUUUllLJUUUUlltlU ~12 1~18 I~ lS-29 »34 .)S..39 4()...44 45-49 50-64 Ss-&J 6o:64 65-'69 70+ A9e C..tegory: OOlphfn Dash T·Shlrt Mle! Aduft Chlld , uuuu yuuu uuu .J-4 S-6 7-8 9-10 M L XL S M L U U 111 11111111111111 WW -urd 1 up O.te ElilSI OF lNIJTY rht ~ ....... .:::::.1 I Aauhlt h artOI ~ .0. f'OJ\"'I. lM ~. #!dcc.:N\00.1 01 ClOhf •Cl roWJ ,..,_,. Glllgllorl ID ..... ,.,....,.., .... lldl a .. llnll ,,,.,_. CMllw M ... fCllNt •,......,. 1"*'1111nj ..... ~-·--•--..it ..... _... ....._.~ lhr~9'1-'lid\hso.'llt .................. ,.....-..n r. _,..,.IHlb'll\l"" .. llDr~•,... ....... .., ............ . ~ -·~..--elllllll .... ,,,.-~,,, ...... ,...... • .....,_~_ ..,,,..."'.,_.,.,..,,..,....... .. c.cw...,,1d1fl'ol~ .. ~ ,.._$.,_ .. ,..,_ .. aw,-. ..., .. <Ben ... ~ "':Z:...... .,...._. ... ., ....... . .-i•"fl'1• ...... -... ......... ...,,,. ... 6 ........ ... . . A~ and ct.nce class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. The Rw Connie Rydanan leads a diacutsion group using the book "Conversations with God" from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. Bring a lunch. (714) 764-7399. Marshal'• Taa Kwon Do k'I Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classes to air11ne pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St, 574-0122. A o..Mng wtth DM>f'ce support group is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor ahd meet>i at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campua, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Meu. (714) 445-4950. The S.. Scoub' ahlp Del MM 711 of Orange County offera a progntm for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 lntenttted In sailing, aeamanahlp, piloting, navigation and en.riling. Meeting• are from 6 to 9 p.m. Wedneadeya et the Sea Scouts s.a ea ... 1931 w. Coast Hlghwey, Newport Beach. (949) 842-6301 or (949) 651-8591. O..SeniorC..1•~· ongoing eaeiatance, couneellng end MMal MMce9 for eenlora. (948) 844-3244. The c.... ..... ...,Cllllllt Square Ind Round Dlnce Club ..... ~ dencets to join Its 9fO"P from t to 11 1:m. Thul'ldlys .. the Co«a MMe Senior c.nt.r, 191h Sn.tend Potnonl Awnue, Cocta MeN. (714) 54Mee8. than ftw yean. For more &nfomNldon, ctll (948) 86-9922 or vfalt the Web alte ~.org. Tha l"hund9y ~Woman'• Club, 1 ~ friandahip dub, Is ..-Ung new members. The dub, which Inductee golf, bridge, waiting and gourmet eec:tlona, meets at 11 e.m. on the second Thursday o1 every month at the Radluon Hotel In Newport Beach. The luncneon 11 $23 end lndudea entertainment The hotel Is at 4646 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-6863. The Nwlport..,, w.lklng aub meeta at 9 a.m . and 7 p.m . Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m . Sunday. Walkers should meet at the intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The AIMflc:an Legion m..a .. 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran luues and community aervioa. will be held at the Costa Meu Air National Guard. The national guard i1 at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 646-2m; or Bill Mimiaga, (949) 650-0894. Nightfy meeting• fof thOM who want to overcome nicotine addiction are offered In Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. (714) n4-9106 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport Sports Museum, a nonprofit organization. operates a free muaeum at 100 Newport Center Ortve, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the wor1d's largest collections of sports roemorabilia, Is open from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . weekdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.n~wporrspom· museum.org. The &tandll High School Patent Teadler Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the school's northwest partting lot. on the corner of Estancia North and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and thidt magazines are not. Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month. All funds raised go to the association. Free. The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 515-6500. O.sia SaNor CenW oftws a daly telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer ongoing computer classes that teach the basics of 'Nord, Ouidten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 644-3244. TheCoeu Maea ~ Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays at the Orange C-0unty Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meeting• are open 10 anyone who wants to Improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Newport Bw:h Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays in Sgt. Pepperoni'• meeting room, 2300 Bristol St, Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Jewtah Femity s.vlc:e of Orange County holds group meetings for younger women lo discua life passages and changes, body images, family, relation hi mmunication intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 1 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office is at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration la required. Marcy M iddler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The Maea MMMngara Toastmasters Club 691 In Co.ta Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St, Costa Mesa. (714) 640-4446. · The Zlngan ~Club 615F meet• for breakfast on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village. 3851 S. Beerl81l The meeting Is free for ftrat·tlma vi~ora. For more Information, call (714) 2AM109. The Nswpof1 c.n... ToatrMster1Club231 meec. from 7 to 8;30 a.m. Mondrp at the Irvine Co., 810 Newpoft Ceflt9t Ot1ve, Newpoft ~. (948) 7&8-1026. Thel ........ -·-···a.. ,,__ .. 7 a.m. Thul"8d9ya at Cooo't Mery Rauu,.nt, 3'48 E. Coelt ~.Corona del Mar. (948)~. Udo ........................ 8:30 to I p.m. Mottd8ya • ~Jonte Mola,.., l300 ...,,.,,_ Roed. N9tapon leiid\.. (7Mt 181-UM. ftea.t ...... c.. ..... ....................... ...... ••••• .-v .,,,,-., n. ...... 111o ... iW .. ltDN--.CaltD ..................... ...... .. - QUOTE OF THE DAY "I had a great t;me and, basically, everything I wanted to accomplish, I accomplished." Charle Blelller, retired teacher<oach EYEOPENER Daily.4Pi~ SporU Hal ~Fame , .. bt ... ttl• •tMUt.1111 ... May 26 hOOOtH KIRK BAUERMEISTER Dail Pilot Sports Edftor Rk:hard Dunn: 1949) 574-4223 • Spor1a Fu: (949) 650-0170 Monday, May 19. 2003 A7 SEA VIEW LEAGUE CHAMPIONS EDITOR'S SCORECARD Starting with the big6-0 Senior Spotlight debuts today with few requirements, but foremost of those is age. M y predece'>-'>Or, HoRer CarlM>n, called 11 Ilw Bunker and he\ ab'>Olutely nght about that '>CJmetlJ11e<> it's more of a foxhole. Neverthele..•,, I m here to 1n1roduce today\ Senior Spollight a!> a new regular '>pon ... ft'ature on this page wilh former tenrw, t oach Oiartie Ble1ker. who qual1fit•d bt•t dU\e he's over 60 That~ right Sixty·and over I'> the requuement. This isn't golf. I have many friend., SO d.Jld older and lo thmk of them a., c,enior< .. would be db'>urd. Illus. the emphast~ on Lhe big 6-0 There are rea'><.>n!) for every change and this one '>Imply come'> from Lhe heart, where folks ID RICHARD DUNN K£.NT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT The Newport Harbor High boys volleyball team earned a share of the Sea Vtew League championship. Front row. left to right, are Michael McDonald, Morgan Govaars, Michael Toole, Gavin Galey, Paul Toman, Ted Slater and Jon Langford . In the back row, from left to right, are assistant coach Bryan Cottriel, assistant coach Russell Gan, Nick Kelly, Ryan Newell, Brett Perrine, Jamie Diefenbach, Nick Gtassic. Adam Schlesinger and head coach Dan Glenn. The Sailors continue play in the CIF Southern Section Drvis1on I playoffs with a second-round match Tuesday at No. 2-seeded San Clemente Lheir 60'>. 70'>. ~and ~. and mdybe even I 00'>, will be profiled ID tht golden yeat'>, reflecung on a sponing hft' pa">I and perhaps pr~nl wh1lt: addmg 1nsigh1 from an experienced .. ourc e. .. It I!> the province of k.nowlt'dgl· to speak and II I!> Lhe pnVllegt' of wi .. dom to listen.· Oliver Wendell 1 lolnw., I H~:.'. For Lho'>t' grdying and bclldmg md losmg cl lmle off their gamt.> Mld bod) mechamcs. yet still plu~ng a\.\ a\ or loolang at thmgs now from cl d1flt•rt.>nt Vlewpo1nt. Lh!s fearure'-; for you COLLEGE BASEBALL Anteaters drop Big West finale It's 60 and over. Thal., tht• agl' requirement for the seruor surfer-.. tennis playen.. golfer.;, lawn howlt·r.. swunmers. et al .. and we·u 1rv to unco\;er as many as we can t"'-t'I"\ other Monday wuh crack "P<l"""'ntt•r "ile\-e Virgen at Lhc conLrols. ILontao \'1rgen if you have a good cand1dat<' al st eve. vi rgen@latim~.com J UC Riverside sweeps UCI, which completes season Wednesday at home. RNERSIDE -The UC Irvine base· ball team outhit host UC Riverside Sunday, but the Highlanders claimed a 6-4 Big West Conference victory to sweep the three-game series. The loss drops UCJ to 20·35, 8-13 in the Big West, with only one game re· maining-a nonconference clash with visiting Hawaii Wednesday at 7 p.m . The Anteaters took the lead after three scoreless innings, when fresh· man designated hitter Mart Wagner homered down the !eh-field line with one out, his second of the season. Riverside (40-15, 14-7), which en· tered Sunday one game behind sec· l ond·place Cal State Fuller· ton (the Titans hosted conference champion Long Beach State Sunday at 5 p.m.), tied it in the fourth. Kevin Mangles doubled in Tony Festa, who had walked with one out, for Lhe equaJ· izer. The Highlanders then took the lead with a three· run sixth, chasing UCI starter Paul French, who ua UCR took the loss to fall to 2· 7 this spring. Jason Collette had an RBI single and Aaron Grant followed with a two-run double to put the hosts on top for KOOd. UCI scored in the seventh, when senior center fielder Jon Horwitz sin· gled through the right side, advanced 4 6 to 'ietond on a wild pitch. and scored on sophomore third ba5eman Bretl OaJton"; RBI s1Dgle Lhrough the nght side. River;1de answered right back wi1h two in it'> seventh. but lJU scored two in the eighth to, once again. pull wilhlD two. Junior second baseman Mall Fisher singled to start the UCI rally in the eighlh and advanced to second on a throwing error. He moved to Lhird on senior Oiris Klemm's groundout and scored on freshman Matt Falk's single up Lhe middle. Falk then scored on sophomore Jor- dan S7.abo's pinch-hit triple to right· center field, but after reliever Brian SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Hoff came on. d groundout ended Lhe threat. I loff worked a scoreless ninlh to earn hi'> third ~ve. preserving Lhe vie· iory for staner Julio Fernande£, who improved to 5·3. Fisher, Falk and Horwil7. each had two h its for UCI. which won Lhe hit battJe, I 0 9. rive lJU relievers failed to give up a rurT to keep the visitors 10 it Bic w.s1 Confw9nee UC Riverside 6, UCI 4 Score by Innings UCI ooo 100 120 4 10 o UCR ooo 103 201I 6 9 2 French. R11ullna111s (6), Schroer (6), Tripoli (7), Nicoll 171. Edell (7), Krise (71 and Werhun, Fernandez. Winter (7). Shaw (8), Hoff (8) and ~ W Femaodaz._5-1 L frenc:h.. 2·2 Sv Hoff (JI 28 Wahlbnnk (UCAI. Mangels (UCRI Grant IUCR) 38 · Szabo (UCll HR Wagner (UCll Whal we're looking for 1., '>onu.•one retired or at retirement age who has been (or c;ulJ isl a coach. alhlete nr admimstrauve figure. F-.nJoy the "it'mor Spotlight. ••• May has always been '>Ul h .in intere!>ting time of year. \\llh \lhoul windmg down and folk.<. gt·arin>( up for summer, while many on 1hc count!"\ club golf courses are loolang 10 win men's and women's club charnpion'ih1ps and gam entn or invitation~) to Lhe Tea C up < la""'l ,inJ Jones Cup. The women's Tea Cup Cla-...,1c scheduled to be played at Me<-d Verde Country Club Cr&\}. will. for Lhe fir.t ume, havt> two~ at the t'Yent - See DUNN, Pace A8 Charlie Bleiker Though coaching tennis is no longer his racket, he enjoys the game from a different perspective. 28. at the <>Jal VaDey 1ennis TuurnamenL He dined at the Ranch House resunnnt and watched the Sport m.t hll always hem a b4g part ol bis lifie. MIS al. be tw been anmdJng the Ojai toUm&l'DeOl mnoe 1'¥11. -nmlit ls d big.• Bleiker uJd • I don\ p&ay it anymore. but I watch It. Wht.n aD my p.odkids oornr <Mt", they aD want lellont. Bui \Ne have a rule out here: We don\ P-l'. 8lelka appai~ learned a burnblq .,_.. ~ lbt montba He_.~._...ooeolba ......... whB1 he needy ln;.sed .. llnee.So. now. bejUlt-... o.e..-. ..... he9'°'* it toa.. ~ .. I"'~ In ... Mid. be._ IOWtl .. ... a..111. ""° ..... $ ... Raddll..., •w• Ulllis .,. ... ......... ii ..... .,,_. • ... . , ..... Aa Monday, May 19, 2003 SPO R TS STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar Hrgh shortstop Keith Long and the rest of the Pacific Coast League champion Sea Kings will learn of their route rn the CIF Southern Section Division IV playoffs when baseball pairings are announced today at the section office. YOUTH BRIEFS Griffin to coach All-Stars • MSEMll: Michael Griffin has coached a Newport Beach baseball team on a national level, now he gets to gulde the best from Califo rnia o n an even grander M:ale. The Newport Beac~ resident has been chosen to lead the California 12-and-under All· Star team, which will compete with the best in the nation, when tournament play begins Aug. 2 in St. Louis. (,nffin led the Newport Wave<>. an 11 -and-under travel ball team to the World Series last '>Ummer as they weni 54· 15 I 111 thetr first year of exist· ence I le IS coaching the Waves 12 -year old travel ball team again 1his season. Fir.t baseman Ouistopher Griffin and third baseman Gar- rett Gallegos, both Waves' playeri., have made the team and join sho~top Josh Lee CLadera Ranch) as the three Orange County players to have BLEIKER Conbnued from A7 the NA.'>IJ\Q I 00 Open, where Andre Agas.\i won his sixth straight title and Serena Wtlliams won her second consecutive champion.<>h.ip. For lileilcer, it seems he has always been at the right place at the right time. lhat theme began when he played high school summer league basebalJ for a certain coach named George Bush. who now resides at the White Ho~<.e. Bleiker. a Vietnam War veteran, played tennis for the Anny and comreted with the great Arthur A.'ihe. Later, Blelker started coaching. and he began at Pennian High. I Je coached tennis and football at I.he Odessa, ~-based school that was depicted in the ~-selling book ~Friday Night lights.~ While at Pennian, Bleiker qualified so far. Catch er Marie Mendez (Los Alamitos), pitcher Justin H1Uer {Cypress) and shortstop Tommie Oieeks (San Diego} ~ave all made Grif- fin's roster, which he said will not be finaJized until June. "This is the first time a team from California has done thh." Griffin said. .. Everything worked out so (the all-i.tar toumamentl will not conflict with the World Series in July." Each team can bring 15 play· ers. but Griffin '>3Jd he might trim down thr number to 11, so each all-star might have an op· portunity to play. "We want all the boys to play," Griffin said." Ted Houston, an assbtant to Griffin on the Wave~. will join a staJT thal also features coaches Jeff Lee and Thoma'> Oleeks. ln e team has been holding tryouts the pa<>t 45 day'> in lo· cations throughout California and will continue to do so until coached two All·American'>, Stephanie Webber and Bmce Banisky. I le then moved to California lo earn a master\ degree at Long Reach Statt•, and, soon, people started 10 caLI him Tex. In search of a coachmg iob, he latched onto the Newport-Mesa scene, fertiJe ground for tennis. At Costa Me<>a High, he followed the fooL'>teJ>'> of Ken Stuart. And, when the Mustan~ played other local schoob. he met Pat Wilson at Newport I lart>or. which would eventually bernme his home. During his 28 years. he created great memories. I le coached Brett I lansen-Oent and Geoff Abrams, who both went on to become NCAA AU-Americans. Bleilcer also taught at the school. in various subjects ranging from his1ory to driver's education. "During aJJ the ye-MS (at Newport! I was known more as a coach.· Bleiker said. "But, what I the team is finalfaed. Interested players may call (866) 928-3743 to set up a con- venient time and location. The American Amateur Youth Baseball Alliance is host· ing the week.long tournament and can be accessed at www.AAY8'\ I .com. by Bryce Alderton Red Wings top Blues •ROLLER HOCKEY: Rusty Sary and Logan Newett each i.cored in the first half for the Red Wings in a 5-2 win over the Blues in fifth-grade roller hockey action for the Boys & Gi rls Club of the llarbor Area. Hannah Toohey, J.P. Muller, Ha.rrlson Rolfes and Corbin Kay pitched in for the win. Sary :.cored two more goals and Jared Cassidy tallied one 111 the second h alf. have found out now. is that I probably got more out of teaching. I hear my former lstudentsl come and tell me, 'lk>Cau..e of you, I went on to hecome a hi.story teacher.' The people who come see me are the people from my classes. But I do keep tn touch with Geoff Abrams.. Bleiker said he enjoys seeing his former students. The encounters add 10 the fun he is experiencing in his 60s. Bleilcer also spen~ time woridng around the house and cherishing moments with his wife, Karen. u0vera11. every day is a great day." said Blelker, who still lives near Newport Haibor. #Newport Is a great place to be retired in. I enjoy the sunshine and wolking in the yard. I enjoy not having to go to work. That's the way ir should be. I retired with no major injuries, which is unusual I had a great career and I would do it again." SCHEDULE TODAY No events scheduled TUESDAY \loffeyball High scttool boys· Newport Harbor at San Clemente, CIF D1v1s1on I second round, 7 p.m.; Arrowhead Chn11ian at Corona del M ar, CIF D1v1s1on II second round, 7 p.m ; Estancia at Orange Lutheran, CIF Division Ill second round. 7 p.rn. Tennis High school boys Corona del Mar at Santa Margartta, CIF D1v1s1on I second round, 2 p.m .• Sage Hill at Covina. CIF 01vision V second round, 2 p m Go# High school boys Corona del Mar, EstanCla at CIF Southern lnd1v1dual Regional Champ1onsh1p Tournament at Bladt Gold CC I Yorba Linda I. 1 JO p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CelebratJng the Da~ Pik>rs Athlete of the Week series TODAY 2.4 -Jill Black Estancia Girts basketball, 1996 97 22 · Jon Cantrell Estancia Bovs basketball, 2000 DUNN Continued from A7 yours truly and brand·new golf writer Bryce Alderton. Meanwhile, I'm busier than ever in my entire Hie at the moment, but I'm detennined to keep writing columns under the Editor's Scorecard, based largely upon the fact that, hey, I got into this business because sports writing sounded lilce a lot of l'un, which it is. But editing Is completely d.ltJerent In fact. with the myriad d etails of house management from Th.e Bunker, ii is a d.ltJerent perspective. The handshakes and ballgames are fewer. The big picture, however, grows bigger. Thanb for your time. 1111 Daily A Pilot 1111 ports Hall of Fame Celebrating the 1nillenniun1 CARL .,f EHMANN .; Corona del Mar Former Sea King baseball star never found peace in the game, like he did on getaway. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot T here was a time in Carl Bunann's life when he came to a realization, wbidl led to a transfonnation. About 10 years ago. Fhmann, a fonner Corona del Mar High baseball standout. pun:hased an open-ended airline ticket to New 1.ealand, where thoughts of the past and present visited him. in the Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame. ""The offer they made for him was substantially more than they wanted to give me. So. I decided to suy close to home.· 0unann decided to play for Orange Coast College Instead. However. at OCC. he became disenchanted with baseball He was a reserve and he never found his place on the team with the Pirates. He transferred to Saddleback. That's where the party life became more attractive Though 9unann felt as if he was on top of the world, be said he realiud there was •a huge hole in my soul· In the past, baseball. the Cart Ehmann ·party life and swfing ·1 was an athlete in the daytime and quite the party animal at night and on the weekend.s," 9unann said. "That way of life started to come out in my actions on the could not fill that hole. So, there he was. on a surfboard with a backpack in the South Pacific, searching for a new way of life. ·A series of events took me to a place for a spirirual awakening." Ehmann said. •At that point. I became a Olristlan. It was a transformation. The guys that know me. they are goin.g to fall on their face when they hear that· Baseball ~'ied to be a big part of Carl Bunann's life, especially at C.dM. where the good memories of the sport were created. Back then, in the late 1970s, Bun.arm dCtuaJly loved the game. But, Cl.'> he put at, the technical side of the b'affie, including perfonnance and winning. evenrually took precedence. "Baseba.U to me was everything." Bunann said. "I grew up knowing I was going to play professional baseball and you couldn't convince me otherwise. So, it was a big pan or who I WdS. But I began losing the love for the game as I [ocused on the performance. I lost having the smell of the grass and the love of hearing the pop or the leather. Performance really comumed me. I certainly had some .._ wonderful times. but that was kind of on the back burner." Phrnann graduated from CdM in 1980 after playing three years playing short.stop and center field on the Sea Kings' varsity squad I le was then drafted by the New York Mets in the 14th round. "I was asked to go to Kingsport. renn. with Darryl Strawbeny.· said 0tmann. the latest honoree field I broke my hand and that really set me back. I started to get disillusioned toward the game. Here I Wei.'>, this kid who knew he was gmng to play profe6SionaJ ball, but I didn.t lovc the game anymore.· Bunann later became involved with business trades, including ceiling contracting. leamwork and hustJe, values he learned while at CdM, became useful. Ehmann did not point to any specific highlighlb of hi.' ba.<.eball career, but said I~ ume at CdM wa:. l!XLcllclll He abo gJined inspirat1011 a11d direction from a few L'Oachl'l>. "Tom Trager sldncJ... out as. by far. the ~t coach I've had." fhma.nn said "I le was a fnend to me. He had a firm hand. but a respected hand ·1 ligh school baseball wa .. excellent and great.. aunann ~d. "ll13t's where I wuJd go and find unity and the camardderie. I have been able to apply tho!>e slcills -working together for a specific goal One other individual who was an inspiration for me was Jerry Jelnick. who WdS the freshman coach (now the school''i boys athletic director}. I le Wd.S a super guy, a uper coach and a super man. He was a huge inDueucc for me." For the past three years. Ehmann, 4 I, and his family have been living in Valley C.enter in Northern San Diego County Bunann and his wife. Jackie. have two daughters. Jenna. 6, and Cia. 3, who both celebrated their birthdays this month. COLLEGE ROWING Pirates complete season SACRAMFN1U -The Orange Coast CoUege aew finished it sea- son Sunday at the Pacific Coast Rowing OwnpioMh.ips at Lake Natoma. The Ptrall!S' varsity eight fin- ished fifth in the finals of the jun- ior wnity divWon. completing the Z,000.meter course in 6: 12.2. OCX:S novice eight was allo fifth In its final. po&dng a dme of 6:12.8. The novice eight wm battling even with UC Davis and Stanford for third place when the boat ran Into a 8odc of geese, OCC Coach Larry Moore said. The oommotion Interrupted the Pirates' stroke and it could not recover. •tt was a real good race for third Into the Wt 250 meters." Moore said IS< IM llD1ICI Of Pl1nlll t0llnntrta ISTAllOf: llAl9GlllOSI .... IOSIWf1Wll WUO.AJl .... lo •II hen, IMtnefl cl.,ln, ctedllon, con tln11nt cred•lon, •nd penons who rn•y olh .. w1sa be lntlfested 1n the will Of Ht.le, or both , o t BRANDON ROSE •ka BRANDON ROS£ WITWER A PETITION FOR PRO BATE hn been hied by ANDREW C ROSl 1n the Superior Court of Cah· lotnl•, County of OR ANGE fHE PETITION f OR PROBATE requesb AN DREW C ROSE b e llC>OO•nted as perwnal representallve to ad· rnmistet tM u tate of the decedent fHE PETITION requuh the decedent's Wall i nd t od1c1ls. If any. be •dm1tl1d to probate The Will 1nd any cod1C1ls are av•ll•ble tor 1um1na t•on 1n the hie kept by the court THE PE TITIOH requu ls •Ulho11ly to admonosler the estate unde1 t he Independent Adm1111s tralion ot ht.le~ Act ( fhos Authouly wilt allow the pe1wn.11 represen l•l•ve lo lah meny actions without obtain 1n1 court approval Before la~1n1 et!f la on very 1mpot1anl a~t101'1\ how1ve1 lhe ~l\onal repn senlatove woll b4' 1 equu ~d to &••• nnto~e to interested p~•sons unleu they have waived not1~• or wnsMted to the prnpo'8d ac lion 1 The independent ad minislr1l11in autheirity will be a• anted unit\\ an 1nternted pu son folt\ an obitctocm to the pellloon and shows eoud <•u>e why the cuurt should not e• •nt the •uthllf1ly A HI ARING on the pet1tonn wilt be held on JUN( 17 /OOl Al I 4'i p m 1n O~pt l / l l11t aled ~• i4 I 11,.. Coly Urovt South, f)r ~nil• CA '.111168 If YOU IJBJI Cf In lhr 1rant1n1 of the ~l1t1nn you \houkl ,~., at th« huron1 •nd , .. t., "yuur llbf'!lhon\ or hit wrotten ObJ«hOM Wiii! the t.OUfl l'ACIFK VHW B1y v,.w 1 e1t1<e lot . II ,\10. proo le patty $1000 ot>o II.\ 172·3"«1 ....... vi-......... ~ Co.. C ac.ell!nl to<Ation Worth Sl'Jll '14 It• $911./oOo 949 9JIJ D!ll Coltdbla/ Memcnbllla 1160 lCW S$ 4 •tcottDS ETC .Ila. <ll.wc. [It. ~ £ 81\ &.Alta~··~ Mike 9.\9 ·645 750!> ENTERTAINMOO Calendlrof Ewnll 1:t10 IOUAl JIOUSll& OPPOITmTY All rul n late &dvM tis1nc on lhis new>P•PI!• ~ SUbfe'I lo the r edt!r.11 r '" Hou"nR Act of 1968 a s amended which m•~t\ rl 111e1a1 10 advtths-".ony Pffle1 enc.e . 11m 1tat 1on of dlscromonatoon based on r•c•. colof, relj11on. so . handlu p tam1h•I •t.1tus Of n1toonal oroaon. or an mtenllort to m•h• any such Jl(efetence, l1mrla lion Of d"c11m1n1tion • This newsp1pe1 will not i.now1n1ly accept any advethument tor re•I nlate which '' '" VIOlatH)n of the I•• Our readers are hereby tnformed that 111 dwell 1np advetlrsed In thk naws.pal)ti are .ve1t.1ble on an equ1I opportunrly basts I o complain ol dis· crlmlnatiOn, c1M HOO toll· ''"at 1·800-42.\ 8590 1Cl3 Liii -... Cldl* ....... !r.ii: ·=. T-..U: .......... uz 1111 befOt• the 11e .. 1n, y- •PPtllfMICe m1y be 1n p111o n or by yo ur •ttorney Ir YOU ARE A CREDI T OR or c ontrn1 ant creditor ol the deceased, you must tole your cl11m with the court i nd mall • copy to tile per son•I repru ent1Uve •Pc>Omlad by the court w1lh1n four months from the datt ol lh• 111,1 '"uanca ot lellen H provided on Probate Code s.cllon 9100 The tune lot ''""' claims will nol .. p111 bef0<a lour month\ fr om the hHt1n1 date rootoced above YOU MAY ( X-'MIN[ the file kept by the court If you are • per\on on terttsltid in the n late, you may hie with the tour I a R~quul for Special Notou (form OE 1!>4) of the flhn1 ol an 1nvento1y •nd •P1>ra1ul of estate UHh Of of any pehf1<1n <11 accuunt n provided 111 Probate Code uchon 17!>0 A Request 101 Spetial Nulou IOf m " •va1l•ble from the LOu•t derk Allor ney for Petotoonrr G-.. J. I . (ole', hq. 1700 A.....,• Awa •• Sto. 201, Co.to Meao, CA 92626 Publo\hP1I Ne wpor t Be.rch Cu\l~ Me\• Daoly Pilot May I J 19 20. 7003 IMl78 ISC UOM llOOO Of mmMe TO MlllSTll lSTA Tl Of: IJOllt smwm. •a.smum Wl llO. A2 l 90S3 In dll hen\ b~roefo c.1ar1e\ c. t@dtlO,\ ton llnR•nl tr~doteir \ and per\Q(M, who may oth f'!rWt\~ b .. tnlt•t'~h:d m lhe woll "' r\t.1tc ur bulh u f HJOR N S£0lfNlll\ •~• B '>IOI f Nill\ A Pl llllON I OR PRO KA fl h• · b•,n fll•d by CUHNAR SCOL ( Nill\ 111 th• ~Ull~• •)I Cuur I .,1 Cahlurno• Counly of ORANGE IHI Pl llfiCJN I OR PRUH" II r ''I''"'"' lhdl GUNNAR SI 011 NII II b• -1ppu111l•d " ~·'""'"' ''11roen1 .. 1o .. , tn •d mono\ltr lh• ~\lat• of tht dHederot 1111 Pl flt ION • rqur\ts lh, delt d•nl ' Woll and 1 ud"ol\ 11 •ny b, •dm•lled hi p•ob•te 1 h~ Woll •nd •ny lud1c1ls ••e 4x1d1btc tor 'A'"""' LOST I • ~ I "" ""'P'd ltan1Md frl;#TI r~ 8alJod B•y Club ll9ftl houY lllWAllD / 14-~'H>l Genenl Anrlolftcemenls 1610 TalM '""-"''-""'4 ,...,.,, -" ""'" ,.. r•lrt reu, If ., . .,," .... ,, .. effw f., • ,,.,.. .,,_,,...,., WIM ,,_ .. to rlN ,,,_ w1,.-1 •• MOI' AIADtKAS HOMl- USS CH&OUNI OV8 400 ynuth wit.en nalinow..W llffd ynor Wf)CINt Send don.ttOOM to ~ Yool'1 Slwoltet\ ""'3nu!. 2117 l SI NW s...te 123. Wnh1nil<1n Dt.. 200.l I (CAI. •SCAN l ANANCWJ PROFESSIONAi. SBMCES SSCASHSS lmmedl<1te Cash 101 s.tructured ~. fllWIUl4Jl5 re.ii estate, note\ 11<1o te rnor'P119 noll!l IC(.ldlnl cu es. •nd 1nsu1ance pit~ (IQ)) 194 7310 (CN..-sc:AN) lion In tht hie kept by lht court l HE P£ TITIOfll raqu.sts eut.houty to ~minister the u tate undlf lhl Independent Adm1n111· tration of h talts Act (This Authority wlll ellow the ~rsonal reprasen lahve to lake many aclJOns without obtarn In& court a ppront. Before l•km1 certain vety 1n1portanl ecllons, howevlf. the par sonal representative w~I be 1equued to a•v• notice to interested persons unless they have w11ved notice or consented to the proposed actio n ) ftoe independent •d m1 n1sl1 at1on 1utho11ty woll be 11ra11ted unleu an 111ter 8'ted per sun folu an ob1u.tron to the pet1toon and shows aood cause why the court should not eranr lhe 1uthot1ty A HEARING on Ille pehtoon woll be held on JUN£ 12 2003 at I 45 pm on Dept t 13 loc.ated •l 3A I I he Caty Onve South. Or a nee CA 92868 If YOU 08,(Cl lei lht e• ant me of the petol1on, you ~hould appear al the hearona ""d stale your ob1etloon., or lol• wrofle11 obiectaon\ w1lh lhe court before the hurone Your appor•nte may be 1n person or by your a ttorney ff YOU ARI A CRI 01 IOR or con11ne•nl ued1to1 ol lht drtt•>ed. y11u nous! hie your tl•1m woth lh• ~our I •Rd maol • copy to the per>onal t ept e\e11t .. h•e •ppoonted by lhe court w1th1n tnur month' lrom lhe dale ul the fo"I l\\UdOtf: 111 letter~ "' pr uv1ded 111 Probat~ C<1d~ settoun 9100 The tome 101 filone t l .. oms will not op11e before lour months fr om lhe he<1ron1 date not1c.ed •bov• YOU MAY EXAMINE lht frl• ~ept by the <nurt II yuu 4Jre a per'\nn m tere\ll!d rn the f'\l~I• you may hie woth th• •no' t it Rf"flU"'' Int 51Jeual l'Culo1o e ilor m U[ I S41 of the lohnr nl •n mvenlo• y •nd •llP' •• •I nl u tale an •I' nr nt .fny prt1hnn 0' dtLuunt A\ 11ruv1ded on Pr11b.1tP C..ode ""loon 12'>0 A Rf'Qu•>I fur Sp••< ••I Nolote form 1\ avarldbl~ hum th• tourt tl~tk Attorney 10< l'atftl-: NOUEU •• IUNT, ESQ. (CSI• 043260) er I MllRf OONf With lht tome vuu h•vel Now thtre t\ • l~thnotuu th1t m•~~\ l>'OPlt" mnrt t tlec lrvt au, ~nd ... c1 'Ooanel1t' C•ll 1800/)H '>411 rCAL•SCAHJ JEWS.RY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS ,_,, ........ ch Old Coins' Cokl. \llvrr iew..-y. wat~ .intlQ\)f"o coltecllble\ 949 647 9448 o-~1.a11 colon •ff .,,,,. tor adoption lo quahtotd homes WWW JS'e'l'-\le Ofl or 714 n J 591S flnBlll ,...... 28 =· rwwecw uams or ._LOO__~ .... ~ W..tfttyl Ten --ltc hn1quu the the fflndlisa weellhy uw e-yd•y to ==-==c-=-~-::c--:­ lner-u-we111tt1 "yo11 S2S,OOO Cnh Cr•nh tru11 dnh to eclwe GUARANT'HDI All Cell t1n1nc11I secu11t1 You tornl• rn1denls can mud IYw 111111 1-111 891 quahly• Use your mone1 3260 S20 VIMCIDISC by fo1 school. bus1nen . Petro LIMilua MlthDr penoftal bdfs, etc Don't of tn.trnlnt 8aQ ftw mas out' <:-'I I '*10 353 $1H (CAL •SCAN) 6 7 H u t 0 I 8 • • (CAL •SCAIO LEGALSERWB :-r.: ..... AMU.... ................. = ....... .... .,_.,..~-""·"'-"' ... -I ...... ... tH•t•ef •UUte (Qll..:#1) LAW O"ICIS o• NOltll'IT It. IUNl '61 ... PAMCINlH "-· sunr 101, SANTA ••A. CA n1os Published Newpo rt BHch Costa Mesa O~llw Pilot M1y 16. 19. 23, 2003 f M380 ISCID2 llOTia Of mmMe TO ANlll5Tll lSTATIOf: IAITll Glr. WllSll Wlll0.A211t6S lo 1111 he1n benef1 cui11e\ credotot\ con torrcenl tr ed1 to" •nd perwM who m<iy roth erwist be interested on Ille will or estate. 01 both. of MARl lH lH YH WI I Sii A PE 111101'1 FOR PRO B.A TC hu been flied by MARY JAN( WI t Sii on the Supe11or C:our t "' C•hforn11 Lounly of ORANG( I Ill Pl 11 llUN I OR PROBATE •~quests MARY JANE WU SH be AP pu1nled •> persun•I tepresenlatove In Jd mmostet lht ut~te .,f the decedent IH£ PETITION 1equr~1> dothouty to •dmonl\ler the nl•te under lhr Independent Adno1n1\ f,.torin of l \l•lt~ Alt (I hi\ Autt1011l y woll allow lht p.rsonaf reprr~en lalove lo lake mdnf •• loon~ wolhvul obi.tin 101 l DUI I •pjJr(IY.tl lltfo1" tak111e '"''"" very 1mportctnl d:ltu1n' howrver lht ~t!t\H11al repre\entdh•t will be requortd tu i"' nur.._,. to mtereited p~r ~fJ"' units\ they h•v~ W.tlV•d not11 e or Lon-eroled Ill the 11•opO\td ar.11011 ) 1 hr ondtp~ndrnl ~d •tlorney If YOU ARl A CRCOt- T OR o r con t tn1ent etedll0t ot the de<used. yciu must We your ct11m with the court •nd ma~ A c0py to the Plf\Onal r ept6\enlel1ve01pp0lnled by the tourl w11Jlln lour monlJls from the date of the hn l iUU.OCI of letter~ u provided rn Prob•le Code H c:hon 9100 rho hme for fthn1 ll•1ms will not aiplft balOfe four months from the hu11n11 d1te noticed Above YOU MAY [XAMIHl the file kepi by the court If you ire 1 pe•'4>n In· t•rnled 1n the u t•le. you rnay hie with the ~our t a R•qun l for Specl~I Hohce (lotm OE l!>-4) ol lhf llhn11 of an inventory 1nd 1ppra1ul of estate UHi\ Of of •nv petotoon or account n provided m Proba te Codr udoon 1250 A Rtqursl 101 Special l'Ceitou• ti.rm 1\ •v•1lable from the court tlerk Atturney lor PeloltOner l'•lotl, lrlot, Wlo-"o'. w 11tooi.. & w.a-4,.., UI' J-" l . WllholM, h111. (CSll 0715) 260! Main St., Ste. I JOO. Ir vine, CA 9 2614 PoJIJfo•hed N•wpeirl Be•rh Co\la Mesd Oaoly P1lol May I? 16 19 1003 Mf 109 SlftD>I (()WT Of Tll sun Of W10111A JOI Tll COOOY Of OWl6I .... llllltw., loml Vl6llA LOUOa, Dtc...t c .. Mt.All'°46 NOOO TO CllOl'TOIS rr1u11slr1t1on .1uthoroty ,.. .. t111• '" hereby lll•••n woll lot· 11rdnled uni .. ~\ lo. Ito• r r.dotor\ and dn 1nlen·--te'1 ver,ou t 1111t1n~rut u~d•tor •. ot tilt-• •n obJt·t-tu1u tu lht-lf•r .Jhov.-ni:tmt•d df'ce prt1hon •nd ~huw'" ituc>d I 't .. nt th At ttlf pe-t sons t au•... why lht-1 uttr I t•.lv1n~ ''""n~ .. ,a1n\t 'hould "'ll i.f .tot tr1r lht> tlt<t r <1fi'nt .,,. f~ dUth·u 1ly I qu1r ,.,, h• tilt-th~nt with A Hf AIONC, "" the tht ••Jw.,vo Cuurf di 111 loloun woll b•• h~ld un 14 1 fht f oly Drove JU N£ 'i 'l.IUJ .ti I 4"> Pru1J11~ 0,.1\oon r.1ty ul p no '" U•til t I q llrMRr (. tlof0<m• 9?6b8 Im 'It'd .11 ~I Jf1t-( 1ly ,..,rl rfld•I ,, , .. ,J)' It') Kuk U"V"' S;111th lh.ot, .. t A M1 lflf1nh f \Q l dw 'Jl Bf>lj 111111 r' rol Kuk Md11lo>h If YOU tlfil(l 1 lo "" Atrurnev fur llMOIH'I' 11r in long nf 1111' 1>rt1t1 .. 11 I OIJOf N Ir "'t~~ of lh~ y11u \hould ipp~ar ~I Ill• l UHi Nl I CJUO( l'C IRUS I hn11n11. dn'1 .. 1 .. 1. ''"" dAl~d Ap11I 4 ?OOJ obtf't hon\ ru t1lf' w'1tt.-n wh""'"'" th,. dfl't ed@nt t>bl"" llftn\ woth lhr , '""I w~\ t \rtllor di 678 W lo•lurr lh• loo<11tn& Yuu1 l'flh ~I <.raid M•\a CA •ppr .. rdnH 111.iy I• '" 'J'X>'ll ""'thon lhf latei ---~~-b_v_y_g_u_r 111 !uu1 myoth> aller ACCll'TlffG CAU~ 7 DAYs••l'.,,t~l l'o""'tlOO\. IPCh-r•I H11e l l4 '>0• 136 OO•hr PO lr•orune.. r,,.,.,,, < .• ord ~ 80) 818 'J48'> ArH111unt. ,.m .. nt • I ()i(;.AAf.. I CAI •SC.AN I ACCll'TING CAUS I OA' '\ • • P o\l•I 11u\1l111n t~rl~'" h,,,. l l4 8Cl•l1r PD lt•onon~ ,,, n~l.l\ flOO 1!18 !>48~ A nnoun~ ~mt"PI ,r A'll'J • C Al • ,(.AN I AAAVINDt"G •oun. ISO ulhne unoh Promr ''" """1" S9S5!l ln•nl 1'> • down WAC 8'lO l96 9JI I (I Al •<,rAN1 AISOlUll GOLDMIHEI f>O v~nd•ni mMhoroo woth uullent 10<.~loon\ .-a k# SlOSRI IJ'G Z.1" &38? Wl MAD( S 136,237 IJ\I month f!Olhni •~a h "'trlt ,... .. ~ 00\\ only -n w~ wanttd WP • "" 111Nltvdy le.to h yw t" ~ U• ...,,_. RllCl!UIOll is •••f lnterl!!lled' tXl() 867 4..151 '1 (CM,·~· IAYf•ONT IXECUTIVl ofhu \uote 2 otlocn 1uepllon & stora&t I eic. 1nCOM 94~/18-~ HOMl::S 1'00 SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY 50l lmt -.,. Ccitmwc.aat. rl'llderttMI mul!d lt1tW1&. close to run /on• S199,IXXl 8111 ~2'>1 9444 Corona del Mar oACz -••'--&..<..-...Stroll to Big C0tON •nd lookout po11tl 48t 4 58• custom home C .......... 200J Offof.11 .. $2,tS0,000 COASlw.nMTY t4t-7St-0117 JASM ... CltlOi llnl st0f1 2bt 211• don R019'\ Cwdener landsuped H•ndK~d ready Vety tow ma1nt Anoe w/tennll. pool C1ll t0t 1ppt By Owne< ~-8777 o • COMIMO SOOff • • c.....c.-.. ... c ' .... . COAS'l\M llAln .-.1.tt-e177 -- 0.-. ~ lw;.ar> 48r 4 'is.. ,IJ.ody 1• 5Ch BR. 2 ~ be.Mn leok & FP " IR ""n...i ~""-hu&I? 1IOU'""' "~ ' br Y<hr!:t • .. ,., I~ rm w1p lc¥ 11"' -"' f)(.,.., & ""ountaino. I 'U1la1 w -bu.ti on B6 O former Mo..... C..wte*tllly r ...,,.d SI 67'> 000 •&l L1rr y 011 .. nu-9494'7S-1t" "* 1.-tU ...... ~ 4br l ~ olfltt -windows & plumbtn& 7 IOOd and more Si£11 '!>JD) c.a ....,. . Rib /14-'im 33156 Newpoft Beadl •A s..,,..r\ Naw,.-t """"" r e'\ldenu 4bf l~ll fir g:1nw room.·offK.e dv"'"''"" >) 5 so. touted "'' ~ <!Uotcl ,,._ lot '" lono le•lL11es u"'"'"'"""' s 1 .m IXXl COAST\al ltlALTY t49-7st-4177 A EXOU51Tl S. Slie Maveh"" "-11 hir i*Jf\ h•&h teohnt' t u1 vonr ">l•C-i-.~ fp • ~ mt'I ktldlen custom ...-ll'lly & more.Sl,799,IDl M1dllld °'""™'"· C-.U.. Re.ollv 9419 r:JJ.-Om s•-~"""'-4 •PPrll• J ';77 \f 4bl + drn 4b• drco,.lot p~rltct 24 hf 1uard r•l•d comm Sarah Gokl•chmotdl Bk• 949 l'l4 J/00 A IUUTIRA Residlnce .... p. ~ Iha "".. 5flr 5 58.1 Wlltl • wooc1ett111 flowine floor plan S 1 750,CJXI MdlMI Btll'ill'Ml'I, Coastlnt Realty. t49-7st.0177 HIMIHTAns PATaK• llMOal MA TtONwtOI USA t4t~l.S.-t70S WWW pair ICllltnote com .............. C.2Br .. m to bd\ ......., ,_,_ ~ .... ~ 2m'mo ~MD s...rl 1*1--· OroMI S.h<& s~ S5iJ4 d . Sl ~ Ml .,,._ MUSI ,... -..-....is ...,.cm (the date ol tM tttat publ1Catoon ol not1c. to creditors) or, ti nolK• IS m11fed Of ~~n•ffy delrHfed to 1ou. 30 d1y1 11te1 th• d1t• thb notice 11 m•ll•d or pononally Mllverad lo 1ou. A c!.1m lou n r!l•J be obi.lined from th• court claf i. r or your ptolec tro n. you •re encouraaed to f1i. your claim by certohed maol wit h return receipt requeited (:,,/. Kirt. Mclwtooll, LAWOffKHOf ll•K MdlftOSH •ta W. , .... St. (Ht• ..... CA 92•27 Publis hed H•wport Beach·Cosla Meu 011ty P ilot May 14, 16. 19, 2003 Wf M15J lKAl ll011CI NOTICE IS HER£ BY GIVEN that th~ Bo•rd of f duc.otoon of the Hew po<t·Meu Unified School 01s t11ct o l Oran1• County wo ll receive s.ealed bids up to 10 00 • m on the 271h day uf May. 2003 •I the Nutnllon Servoc•~ olhlt of ~aid School 01slroc1 louted •l 2985 B,d, Slfeet, Bu1ld1na [, Co\t~ Men. CA 92626 •I which time u1d b1d\ woll be pubhc:ly open•d dnd rod for the following , .... , .... s-u •• S-Cllo All bods •• • lo b• '" 1ccordancl' wolh Condr !tons Instr ull10M •nd $pecr11calt0n> whot h •re cont11ned on Ill~ bu! pack•I •nd un lolt.' m the o floce of Nu11111u11 Serv1cn of uod ~cho1JI D1strocl 7985 R~•• Street. Bu1ldonf1 I l,o,la Mf!~a CA 926?6 f'hroM No (71 4) 4l4 '>O'lO lnternted vtondor \ m•y pock up a bod P••krl •I the •bov• addr.-\ A P~lormanr ,. Bllnd may be rpquued •I lllr do\Cretaon nf th,. Uo<l•1• I Nu boddl'r "'"Y 1folh d• dW tu> ur hf-t t.ud fut a perood of f OR fY llVl 14'>J dAys .. 11., lhr ddl• set fur I h,. r,p,.noni thl'llL'Of lhe B<>a•d of I don d loon of the Newvur I Meu lJnofoed Sl hol)I Oostroc.I rtHrYt \ the roght to ,,.icrt any or ,111 b1d~ and nor n~r ,.,sar1ly accept the lowest bod and lo waov~ any 111 formality ur 1rre11ul1roty 1n any bid received NEWPORT MESA UNI RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY R>RSAL£ ATTNi D68T lOVDIS JUUi YAM WllllDt DYSON & DY'SOH .oo-s1 ... uss T~Z7S-"Sf MISCB.l.ANEOUS REHTALS ""f1 pet son to shart w/l ofhet person 1n NB Pvt. furn d bf & ba S850m • 1/2 uto~ 949 646 1613 ==- rllo SCHOOl OISIA1CT 01 o .. nce County ' S/ belt.ti A. lk- IAcfft ............. Sefvk•• PubHshed Newpor t 8 nc'1 Co~I• Men Oaoly Pilot M1y I? 19, 2003 M71 i' llOT1CllMl9518S Nohu 1$ lle11by 1iv•n l h•t the Board ol lru•lees ot the Cont Community (.oll•&• O"t11 ct of 01 •n1• Coullly Cafllotnoa will "' PIVt! ~allld bods up tu but nu later lhiin 2 00 11 m . WednHday, Jun" 4 ?003, •l the Pur chu1na Oeparlrncnl of the 01slr~I located at 1370 Ad•ms Awenue. Bid¥ 0, Cosl• Me~•. Cahf0tn1a, •I which tome bids will be publicly opened and read lot lmplementeloon Pt..ro IOI Ille N•bonal l'oHutant Ol\ch1r1• I f11J11n1t1on Syat•rn (HP0£S) fnvo 1onmenl1I Oetu rnon1 t1Un f u mpt If lit[ Al OAf Mf N TIO HI 0 AC llON IS CHA.1.lEHClD IN COURT lht ch•llen&1 may b• llmrted lo only t~c IUU8\ •••std al the publfl heer1n1 de>crobed on the not1ta or m wuttan corrnpondent" delivered to th~ City Count~ •I or JU I(}< lo the publtt hu rtna NO flCf IS f UR 1111 R GIVC N lh•t •t Ill• •htl•• 11\rJt And pl•<• •II 1nternttd P•"'"" "'•Y .tppur and be ht•rd by the City C.ountil 011 thr .tbvo olem JUUi Jot.Cr•. D.,...1y Ctty ct.,i. Publo'h~d Nt"'f"" I Buch Co•I• Mu" U•ol~ Pofol Ma1 19 200J Mllf llOOO IMTllGllDS B•rnaf 3?1 AvouclO SI •D Costa Mu i CA mu I"'' bu~meu ts LCln dvt t~d by hu\b•nd and Wiit Ha.., you ,,., l•d lkitn1' bu•onen yet' Vu, 4/1/ 1003 C1un14111 All.,., Y•n•1 lhl\ \latem,nt wn follrd woth the Ct.unty Cltr k of o .. nc• C.uunty on 0411810i 2003''425'4 0.11ty P1k1I M1y 12 19 L6 lunt-2 IOOJ M710 fldlliM ....... ----I h• follow1n1 9<1rwns "'" rtnma llus1ne'\\. •'Si MA', ti R'S PIAl'CUS RlS lf1RA l lllN 1020 E if,,,.., 11 Ave An•llcorto t. .eMw 111 t 'JlkOb '"' JArH1'' M at tin I"'''""' 11 •t, Hlll'\W"1 Hill Or it1f" C•1•<>0• ( ,..ht11r r "'t/880 t ht\. bu\1n~'\ t\ c vn 'hH lrd t t .. ,, md1vtdu•f ......... 1 1u "''~., ttt'I Ott•na COU.IC'f\NG AHD Dtsl'OSING Of SOUD WASTI wnH u .. TO fOU• (4) 12 MONTH •INIWAl Ol'TIONS; COAST COMMUHRY COWGE DISHKT fh• O••nt'" f 1H••• 'u\111,. • , .. ,, ,,.,. All bods ••e to b4' 1n •ccordance wrth the Bid oo.ument~ whoch .,. now on tole •nd may be \e,ured 1n the otfoce l)f lhr Oorectnr or Pur <h~\lnl Df lh" 01sl11LI Sanolaloon 111•.ltt r I 1!4 01 •II Otanaf> rriuutf t tl•t ,, Alt•t,u11J1u ~ r ,,,_.u, n1• w 1tl , .. , ll"IY.. ... .• 1..-. ,,,, \1;tft'lf\I "' w ... Bid\ until Jvn• 10, r I,.. ti 1t1th lh.-(ounh 2003, ol 2:00 P·"' I 1~, • ,,f 1 h -"~" l ounfy Btd\ mu•A tJ,. ,.,, ,.,.,l.'J ' ''' '->"> 1-, (J f al Qt.SD\ A<1111111"to •I""' , 2003•944160 Building "' l'u•• h.O\oro~· I fJ .. 1y l'oif)l MAY l'.I 76 No bidder may woth did w h1\ bod for • perood 1,1 \l•IY 160) days dlter the d.rt• >rt fur the upenm1 thereof Oovl\lon rjlf,. • lry 1111 '""" ' 11 tt•JS M718 d•lt aott 1111,r ti• 1r11' fiditieutlwsintu .ebO \#t" • t I H ff• .11 !he Bo ard of Ir us ten r esrr ves the pr tv1ic11r of reiect1n1 •nt •nd •ii bid\ QI tu waove any ure&u l111toes Of 1nform.1hhe\ in any b•d or on tht bodd1n11 Sl91,.cl: /S/ IOGl• W. DAVIS, Director ol l'urcho•ln9, Cooal Co"'"'u"lty Cotte9• Dtotrlct AclwartlH: Moy 19 & Moy 26, 2003 Opo1t: J..,.. 4, 2003 2:00p ..... lld Na.: lllS6 Publo\htd Ne wpur I Bt.-h Cllst• M~s• D••lf P.rot Mdy 19 lb 7()1)'\ Mil'> ll011Cl Of MlKllAmG NOTICE IS HlREllY wh1t-h lllfh u, .. , _...,11 ti• openf'd •'*d ,. , 1ni1r to,I .,., OCSO Pu1 ,__. 11~ t If 108A4 f It. Av"' • I ountaon '•"•• lornoa 9l/OI' /OIH Mwfne MOf'lltodng V•,••I Servhet 5'lCfffO rtON NO S 2003 t39 111'1\ ffhl' t ''" \11lw11t lt'rl 4,n Hh· ,,,,, 11ll(.l1 ... 1 bv 01 \fJ in ti m rttuil •· w 11t1 dll CHuw11• 11111• .f llu ~µ("l.lfll-lhH I' ... tdltUll' f UJ I, 111• f 11LI tit d -., "I tlr t h l , ,,.. Mi-.. '" l I I M,, .. CIVl H thal a pub lo· ' •1' ., ' 1 1' heat 1n1 w1H b" hrld by ,., .. '''II''• ' 11 '" the CtJsta Mn• Crl1 r,RI I NW•11(~ Cuunul on lune l lrJOJ 1 ·' AP! '· MAIN II t;"N I •t 6 jQ p m m tht' S. I Avw 11111 t •(t Council Chambers ut ',, •. 1 t M, .1 1 A 't 'J,lJ C•tt H. ~II 77 fair Dnvt' I ''""'' 11 Alt"• ,. . .,.~ on th• followon& 1teno R .. rn.11 I 'I "', •I.I .i C l NE R Al P l AN •() I • " • M· ·• A AM£1'COMf NT GP 03 01 '.l'J!,// •nd the 20Q3 Looi ~c.-...-. ).. ? 1-.sc. 2r: ,,. Ii ~ a,... by S24 Seaward Rrt 11.ev aocess t.o pvt_ be.toJ1 Lse S2«nn 96673qrfj .... s ..... fht tull n¥tn• fJf"I V,n~ J •• r "'''"K t.u.,•0'"'•\ •\ ¥ •uJ Ru •1 f ttm• .. , h<Jn l'</1 M1<Arll•ur Hlvd ~·'~ ) 1h ''"""" r •" I ff)tt '• t I/ .I-! C r tlll~ UH fl:•) I t/ 4 M •· Ar ll1ur Blvd uth l 11J r .,,,,... (•h fJ•r111 •• I t II ltu r 1 u1 .. ' •• r nn fq1hrt hy .. 11rtwt.tt1on -f.tV.,, 'ft •U 't .. , l,.d rtrlrn~ r .1\H1• \ r -1' N,, I k (;ffwi1 h11 Ir .. flf' ~,,ti., t '"•,1J.-n1 ft lAtem .. 111 -Nt". ! ,,. ,.. ft1 thr I ouftfy' ·• fir .. nK,. f ountt I 200369431111 A.·ulr Ir-•I M•, lq • UJ I M I fJditiovl ~' 11-.Stat.....t lh t t "'Int Vt'''"' t•r J11111l t1v· 1t11 \• ,., MA•, i'ffllMll 111 IN , .' /11; S...,..anre 1 Gr._, u r,, Maw Vwda Apt DIJ•. Costa Mow CA 92'l6 This bldlll"" ,. con ducted by huabend and ... ,. Heva 1ou started dolnt buSlflft& 1at? Ho Mid\MI A C<1uom l h11 state-11t wM hied woth lhe County Cier• ot On nao County on ~/01/03 200MtUOSS O•tly Piiot May '!> 12. I 9 26 2003 M70S .......... ... s...... !he lotlow1n1 per.on' are do1n1 bus1nen aa l[C IHTCRHATIONAL 660 W 17th St •37, Cost• Meu CA 92627 Ju1e1 Luna 2130 Pumona Au Cost. Meu CA92627 l mm• Li.na i'IJO Pomona Ave Cost• Men C.A 92627 Th~ busmen rs con ducted by husband ano w•f• Have you st.vied dotnt bu,•nn$ yet' fllo Javoer I un• lllr~ \la tement wa\ filed with IM County c;1.,1k of Clr1n1• Count1 on 04 30/03 200Ut4299S Oaoly Polot May '> 12 19 26 2003 M706 ~ ..... ... s....r l he foltow1n1 pe1 \Ori\ ., • durn1 bu~ness n Sl•r Motot C•rs 3100 Au *•Y Ave Sre •l If> C1n!• Mo• CA 92626 R•mun• laqu~\ 831? Rn1denc11 Newporl Buth CA 9?660 Tho" busonr.s" " coll dut t .. d by an 1nd1v1duel Havr you started dOona bu\one~\ rtP Yes 4 l OJ Ramona Jaques lh°' \l.lle,..,.,nl Wa\ lrl~d with the Ceiunty I.I••~ ol Oranae Ceiunty un ()'j I'> 03 200J 6t44140 Daily Ptl•1f M•y 19 76 Jun" l 9 l(X)J M7 ll SELL your stuff through cla ssified! flDlUl IMl'1.0YMllfl f'tow l-llr"'I (ntry.Pr~ \OOl1al l ewis $ 19 S72ll. Yr • benef•ts p11d Ir •onona ""'1Y lliow' F Of info on avaMl>tr. PQSlbOn5 I a» ~8!> 9024 C•t 41 S1 tCAl •SCAN) ISLAND IMf'\.OYMINT l wo H••bors a unoque \USode destonation •I ~ West £1\d of C1tahn1 lsl•nd We ate lootoona lo • outco•n11 ltam onenl•d pe0ple wotll eacellent cus to mer 'etwlCC \llolls fOf the follow•n& u:a\On•I po srtoons Restaurant Stlo<"t order Co<*s Serven O•shwn hers Account1nc Cler~ Gen•ral Store Clerks Janrt0ts Camp arou"d Ran1ers & fuel 00<.~ Atte ndant r 0t onto ult 310 SIO 4204 or 310-510 •202 faa JIO SIO 9690 .._ lOC'D Cll:llT\ltwolwt GWSTS-...~ for upHa le yacht club n 81lboa P e n 1n Gener al ofttet sk•lls to l'\1\I •II depart hU d\ reQ lOnt commun1c1 loon £ computer skills • mu\11 Fu ~ 96 673 Hl2 Of e rr.t to membersh1p@11l'lyc or1 ~-·'­....,, Mast• racordof'C MlflPIY II fUl ,_. a ""'*icWlior ~ to help "' "" .......... "'-" Co.II 9"9-S74-511X> or .,,,.. ~@,,.,,.... COfft ~WMTID r If NB limo dd. exp lf'd I t'f s I """" r n '6 6n 1490 Cal 613-9114 OWNH Ol'HATOI TIAMSI CDl. w'"9a MM & ~ req. Ttn!Wnll ,..,... Or'~ Hn on Bonus.. '¥ Mfla Ill» 909 5664 ••• 2 10 (CM.-scM) OWHI OPllATOI UAMll all w.Mlr...W £ Doulllol ,.._ T...- T.....,. ~ Hn onBcna,141tf1..._D 909 !>664 ••t 210 (CM."SCM) AlO Monday. Ml'/ l 9, 2003 TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Publtshmc ... OMOTIONS OH'AltTMINT Communrty ~~ 11'1 Or.,. County ~ ru1 r me person lo onl~YM!w and write slof ies. partic1 pate on community evenb, aute and ~ paps end sections. £aceknl communlc.tlon ... work ... Wilt! IN public. Know N' Style, QulfkXPress ~. Mulb-Ad Cre .tor. Prolictent on MAC ind PC, CCI des110 experience preferred Ptootread!<lg tesl Dru& s:r~physic.al reqund EO£. Eac:etlenl benefit ~ Em.a rnume, writq ~ llnd s.Mary requirements lo llN.flhnsal@~ s--n w.....i Friendly & e•p' d for Califot1111 Cousme & @ Neu1 Restai.nnt. 21S-Rivenfdl NS 949-646-2333 RCTAIL Art Gttll.f'y on B1lboa Island, PT Retail S11le~ Call Steve 949 723 1100 Nl'8 Solon "••'• Hol r 1 ty Ila I, r on tol 1hltl011 ..,,..1 s I 2S /wt.. Gal._. MM~2456 JOIN OUR TEAM 4nd make a difference 111 lite Callfo1 n1a Al my National Guard you can gel money for collece and c.aree< tr11nm11 Call I 800-GO GU AR O (CAL•SCAN) JOIN OUR TEAM <1nd make a d1tterroce In the California Army National Guard you can 11et money for collece and career tr amine C•ll I 800-GO CUARO (CAL •SCAN) JOet oua nAM _, malle a dlflerenc:e. In the c.llfor oo Iv my N.tllu<1.tl Guard you Clf1 set ITIO(ley fOf college and C¥fll!f trainiog. Can I 800-G<> GUAAO. {CAL "SCAN) ,. •2 13 WARIHOUSl/OFFICI pos1t100 20 25/hours week, cuslome< service, 1oveol0<y replen1shmenl computer and tu Oller .1l100$, heavy p~ and warehQus.e slock111a dnd htt.in11 Candid.ale must be a molrvated tum pltyer !I Ca• 949-631-1672 TeOUsAbout YOUR GWGESALE! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 Bridge By CHAN.ES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH ANSWERS TO WEEKLY BRIDGE QUIZ Q I · IU Soulh, vutncnblc, you l'lok1: • A J 1 5 "-' Q J 9 5 o A t • K J lO The bidding ha.~ llf'OCCt'dcd; SOUTH WE!l"'f NORTH EAST INT ,_ 2• .._ ? What do you bid oow? A -1bm: arc thrtie l'ClbOOllble wa_ys 10 resDOOd lo a Scaymao inquiry with two tOut-canJ mll,jon.: I) Bid ~ fil'Sl; 2) Bid hcans first; l) Bid' your suooger 11111jor. We don't mind which you cl1oosc L~ loo& as you have 11 part.nenhip agrtemcnL The ooly method we abhor 1s any bid tbal !JloW) boch 01Jjon. Thal prcvenb you from e~er playing llf the cwo- level with a very \I.cal hand and a 4- 4 lit Q 2 • Both vulnc!'Tlble. you hold: • 8 3 K Q J lO 5 8 3 • A 8 1 2 Plumer opcni. th.o bidding with ooe oo !l\lmp. what do you respond'! A· Lob uf uphun.. TJ'llll)fCC 10 hcaru, lhcn make a game-forcing nanmtJ n:btd or three clubs to ~g­ gest wealoel>~ in the utber two !>Wt5 Jump to three heart\. Or stllrl by bid· ding cwo clubs planning 10 ;ump 10 three hean~ neu ~hould partner deny a majOf. Bccuui.c of the: ~ujt t1.uali1y. we can ll\llke o ca.-.c foe insi ~ung on the heart game rej!ardle~~ of how p;iJtner '1.'llt'I\, bul WC \l.OUfd prob;i- bly abide by panner·~ tkc1sioo to play in duw no !l\lmp. Q J • Vulnemble. you hold; •543 QJ6 A'76l •KS2 Partner open' the bidding with one I~. What du yuu re.puod'' A · Ywr h.'lnd ,, .il~t v.onh rm ir- ing game H0\1.1.'\cr. "nc:r your Ila! di~lllbullun " J nav.. \l.r would be \:OO!rnl v.1lh a rw-.c tu two be.ins. This is a mwwnurn for a '111gle 1'111..C "'ptlUlet'• ~..wit opcnlna. Q 4 • Both vu.lnmble. OS South you bold: •K651 Q t5 o JIJ •Q'54 The blddina lw lll'OC«ded· NORTH tAs1" sount ~ l• Jo ? Whll ICtioo do you tllce? A -You do not have much except '°' aood four-card wppon for partner'• ~ suiL We have often suessoo hoW Important ii is to tell pe!1nCt about that featwe ol your hand. and WC doo'I inlend cbanpng our~ oow Bid !WO sp9des. Q 5 • A. South. vulnenble. you hold· •II •">A K 76l o KJJ •KJ.54 The b1ddlnJt has orocecdod. SOUTH \\'FS1 NORTH I Pam l~ 3• .... JQ ? Wtwt llCtlOO do you take" A • Yuu have ~uggc>tcd ~ lbp1111· 11~ by making a uial bid of thrtt clu~. Nonh tw declined the inv1ta- 11on Why \hoold you even cc111,1der doubting pa11ner's me~sage? Pa.~~. Q 6 • B<1th vulnerable, u South you bold •AKJ74 ";" Kt32 1116 4 114 'The b1ddm1t tw Pl"OCCCdcd· SOUllf WFSt' NORTH £AST I• ,._ 11. ,._ ? Whal do you bid now? A • TheM: day~. a JUmr tu four h.:arb. the Prindplc o fll'>( Amvlll. \l.OUld ~w good suppon bur oo inlm.''>I lxyond game. and Iha( \l.OUld Ix uur ~. lf. 00..~cr. ~ou ~till play that the 1ump 10 1tamc " 'tron1tcr than a r:u~ to 1hrcc llc:arb. mnk the sunple rw~ luldl '97 l'ort. Av-• 60k • m1 "lv1t1 /1rey lthf. fully loaded beau- tiful or111nal cond, $7995 v6t2376 Btu 949 586-1888 ,...,_.. ·01 XJa 2111 "''· CO. oav11atron. lull fact warr. W1nche,1er blue, oatmeal lthr, chrome whcel5. hlle new save SJOk v22136 i.42,995, 4.5 APR fin .... ,1. broker 949$ 11111 -.oqlllba:l11 A...tl '01 TI 2• c....,.. 2~P. Qualro, 3()1< m1, full tact warr. 6spd, ~uperb 01111 unmarked hl<e new cond. S27.995 vll013653 lm1nc1n11 av•ll Bkr 949 !>86 1888 --·~·.(- --..w-c..AorC..-... ~ low mi. S"'-w/bll tap, 24. ltlw int. xlnt cond, Sl7'915. 949 548 0425 Codllloc '0 2 OeVllle Sedan 19k m1. white oatmul lthr, CO. On.iar. v•l3794J S2S.995 s.eve $20lo., fin & warr anly av1il Slit. 949 ~ 1888 -.ecpelll.c- C-4ilec '99 Sovllo SlS 4011 m1, pe .. rl wile, 01tme1t lthr , CO, a• raced, non/smkr. l1~e newVS92641 $14.995 Bkr !leBt.1111-.cqllbarn Cltevrelet '9S c,...k• Classic 3511 m1, clean in & out. car aced $6200 (949) 541..-01 l 0rty.s. s.IH"l"I (....,. JX ·oo J7K, V6, M~lallic green. Cre'-int. Black top, Beauhful llh new condition $1 0,500. v1n872412 949-586·1888 -cZ:.··- J09Vor '" XJ• Vend.., l'los 40k m1. lull fact warr, white/oalmeal llhr, CO, beaulilul hke new. oric cond v870142 $28.995 a., ~586-1888 -~ J..-'to XJ6 WWte/ blue llhr. chrom~ whll . beaul 0111 ~ond, lull svc. apprec11te v•752491 $3995 Bkr 949 586 1888 -... ~.·- .... Gnnla...k.. 6cyl. 2 wd, 3611 1ctu11 m1, silver /&r•r int, alloys, fabulous like new unmarked 'ond, 4 re .. r Win .... vr:.rm $12.!lEl> flfm 0 Down quahtied tiuyw~ 4-6 APR Br<*er 949-SH-llll www ••• , ....... ... -.-.s~a-... lorlldo ~. V8 .. whl ~ tow '*" a>. msrt sm!l5 949 2444162 • M ERVICE "NOTICE 0 Rf AOC RS: California law re quires Iha I con Ir ac lors lakmc tob\ that total S500 or IYI04'e (labor or materials) be ltcensed by the Contracton Sl•le License Board Slate llw also requires that contractors include their hceo\e number oo all advertis1n11 You can checl< the \latus ol your liccn\ed contractor at www cslb ca cov or 800 321 CSlB Unh censed contractors liking IObl lh1I total less th111 $500 must st.le 1n their advertisements Iha! they are nol llctnstd by the Contracton State L1CenS41 Board · ..... ........ _ ,....llnmOIS Kllchen I BMll I RlrnocW MID& .. ••••us.am ll9DP5 V!irtC 9'9.6459325 ........ ~. c., .• , EFFICIENT AIR SYSTEMS C·20 520089 (714) 964-2007 HB 962.f900 NB (949) 720-0717 1•s ol lllS1lllatlons sinct 1913 FURNACE SALE R + R Furnaee & Many Code UPOracleS 75,• ITU From $1580 1•.a rru From S1151 Prus City permits & code uPQradeS 964·2007 FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES & INSPECTION c.,..a... SAVE 35%01 t:rz!t~e~ -T.:°:3 s "' .. ... d ... ..... flff ISJMWI 23 RAISUI'. BROHIERS < ARPE T \H~VIO 800 ~'.>9 1181 COMP SQUAD INC. b your computer <low• J1111 likr ~r ur !hey IWI<'~ We •llW • inrtm<1 duuu hx* -apy worm UOI~ and all lhreau · don all dmu and ~ d11a. Wt 0111 uirufcr data 10 yow nrw compurcr w~ ttt up llftWOriu big and mWL fim-ilh CablelO'ilJT)t~ up Mockmi Complcu llNll bustnm 1m1a1. lft ,. r .,-,.. ta-., ~=IS NOY !UST SH.00 949-394.290S UC. INOC. SELL your stuff through classified! & •USINISS Ul'AMS Up1tr•des, Repairs of Computer, Networks E vemnas/Weekends Compel1t1ve prices f()f quahly UIVIC 949-a'6-l 17S 714-926-42U Irick llMk St-Tllo Concrete, Patio, [)'rveway F11eplc, BBQ Rers 25Yrs Exp. Terry 714 557 7594 ~ Tl I YoutlHOMI IM,ROVIMINT ... OJICT? Call• plumbef. painter. handymen. Of any of the ., .. 1 servlees listed hen In our service dweclotyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HCLP YOU TOOAYI BedrtcllSlrvlca ~Je6t~on1 Duncan Elec:trlc 20Yrs Eap Locat/Qud Rnponw Sefvice/Remodftb L•275870 949-65().7042 Actlo1th1H Uectrlc troublahootine scieclahsl a• -No job too am l'51!if!fi.l 71~~ "-le. le licensed Electrical Contractor Small 1ob~ sterhnc at $79.ts&..,. Speciallxinc m Remodellnc & all home wirinc needs. Comm/lndust/llu l...oo4t1-lOOI U7129!19 UCIMSIO COffTUCfott Ho jab too sm. ,, Mnfces.I Repair. remodel, fans, Sf'• MW SVC 9&645-3666 floartnt11ll CUSTOM OIATM 'fl.I lnsblltian. .... --. n.-sb!e.,.... 1'75 L'61.2DM ,.,, nu12-9961 i.iidlM &illit ....... floors, Co11nl1rs & Show••· l1591315 FrH Esliin•t• 949·481 2097 ....., ...... Rlpilrld Recroutin & lnstallttlon Tll£ DEAN 949-1173 8065 ~71 ... 2001 COMl'Ull 1.ANDSCAl'tNG O.s11n. cleanups. trees, sod, lPf ink lers M11nt1nanc:e as low as S9/weel< Licensed 714 222 8425 NKk OlrtyWwtli=• .... -l•wns, lawn Atrahnc. Spr111kle11, Tr~t il1fl, Sprin11 Tune ups, Repair' & Uparadu "H•v• us do your Orrly WorA" 714-715-2121 TrH s.nrke, V1rd Clean119, Malnlena11Ct, Sll'lftl!llf Repair, it.ulina (t4t} 650-l711 .. ,. ..... -Alll•llw .. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ·-~ ... ... Sl POASCHEWM4 P.edlblacl<, &-epeed #458178 ••• PORSCHE '91BOXSTEA White, 6-speed #627865 $28.800 PORSCHE '91911CA8 Red11an, 6-speed #652027 $52,800 PORSCHE '00 911 COUPE Sitvtwitlaci< T rptrontc 1620900 $49,800 PORSCHE '91 911 TARGA Blu&'gray Tlptronlc #440740 $27,800 TIL.0'5 •URDPllAN AUTDHAU• o--eoc...1n.._ 1-8ro799-8456 W~Blc.t www.blocars.com WI ,AY CASH f<>ll flltUllt'S l'OltSCHIS 1.AMl<MtGMNI llOUS-IPflUY ClASSK CMS HAIUYS 'OJYi.-.... /81ndi IOM ... (S00750) SH ,SOO '02Dw.tlt98 ~.i.w ... (OUUl) S IS,900 'OJ ,_, He..toy Trvdl o.11v_., .... S..,.,c:i-,..1 (1>64' 42) $39 ,500 COMl'tl11 HOMI MAIN11NAllCI No job too lmalll Everythma lrom Carpentry lo Paintq Free eshmtlt ,_,,._,y fO-fH-J•" AX UP SHCiiiiST. All types of repain [lee· trical, ptumbina. doon, wlllllr ~ tills & more 24hr/7days 714 366 1881 '-" c.nctlll &~ C.penlry • Plumbtnc Orywlll • Stucco Pamtlfl&, r111 & more 20+ Y _,. E apel' iencel •1••-t•t-577• G:iiliii8) a0811HON COM,ANY ~ ~ BlllYooms Muk 949 650·9525 TH Y Ml wOfll su1r•nleed "amlWc. £.lltfrtc:m, Doon.. .... c:p .. -*81f) ........ JUMl TO TMI DUMl'lll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE 100AYI 949-673-p ....... c..e.t a.... hc.Ou*Y ~ O.C. l 4Yra Rtf't 949· 541.0054 949-637-4113 lllMJll•nJ .......... Cif.NDAl.llftll AIWNllNAPD • ....,.c-a.i oJolJ1bo,,,_. ......... M9-JJM2t2 ~AUTO .. ,,.,.... ........ ~ 8tldl wt..-t Mlw Int. only ~ ml Beauty 09.121> m.• .. ,,..,...,. sc...- Blldl/dHn tan lthr, full rec:otdl, r11re find () 92Jl8) s 11.980 NUW1«11S.- One -. local new· pol1 .ian • .-..t records, thr omtd whls ( 19340) 122.980 OOJ..,_XP Silver w/bl6c:ll, 12K miles. perfec:L (19381) $42,980 H a..irw OS .fOO Prem wt.Mis, CO 5tadl, sunroof (191116) $18,980 oz'-' 1-lllnl only 496 "*' (I 9J84C) $33,980 oo_,_s-rw- Thb 1' • t>Muty (19314) $25,980 HM.ZCUIUO blac:IV'blac:k luther. dwomed~ (I ill2) $26,!Bl nJ,,._,U• coov, slwMy blildl. mel W/lmrnk lthr, chromed wr-b (19?09) $36, 980 -'-•..,., .•. t4t-S74-7777 PllW'SAUTO , • ., ... cm CREYIER ,~ ~·· .::- NEW2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF, PREMllN PKG. 16'filOYS,CO i1~,~J lATTltSPRn (TC38.318) • OTH£RAT SOIJRSA~ • lfT'S MOTli' IT'S f~ ******** 55FRE£WAY @CIMR SANT A ANA Al1T 0 MALL (111) ltJ..nOI Loa" .,, aJC JOO 4w4, black, 1mmec 57k mi. llhr low pll&, r~ ,... SO!.ftl. dYm """5. htd 5b. bool.s S21..Dl 96 ~'>202 * JaG MASotelY * Any Type, 8tsl Procts Repairs Ok, Qu•hly Wor1l tl7DB JalSil 714-531 7643 "'°"'1111b-. HST MOVllS$St/"' serv1na •II cities. Insured fast, courteoua. r.1reful Tl63844 800·246 2378 PUBLIC NOTICE Th• Calif Public Utllil1es Comm1u10n requrres lh•I ell used household 1oods movers print their P.U.C C1I T number: limoi end chaulfeurs print th111 T C.P number 1n all adver- tisements If you hue 1ny questions about the l•c•hly o f e mover , ll m o or cllauffeur. caN· "'9UC U1-.n.S CCNllUUMMI 177-1167 WI ,,.., c.AIH !IOI f9Ulr'S POllSOtn "MMDII• ~ QASSKCMI HAil.in ........... "OJv._._./ ... ,, .... (500750) $H.S00 '02 hC>tlll ... ~a..w .... (015912) $15,toO ···'· '99 Ml•t• Conv 45k mi, IUIO. silver, tao top, pw, pl, A/C, CO, superb ht.e new COl!d v#ll974J $21,995 flnancmc & warranty 1va1I Bkr 949-586 1888 -...... 1.c- Morco4oa 1-.1 S60Sl '16 worth S20K. as.kine SI 7,500/obo ltlnl coo· d1tion, have hard·loP. 87K miles 949 939 3091 whlle/len, lmmK ~ nn .-. _, d '-~ #40D 714-151 ... v .............. ... 28k ml, 9""1111111 blKV Oftmtaf, e11to, moonl'f. co, pw, pl, 1Jlor whls, lllle new, vN 10055 $13, 495 fin & w1uenly evail, 8kr 949-580 1888 -. .,.....- ..... .. ,...~hi* 0.... _, ..... up! .. P9Y • .,.,,., lw price lor 10" -· V111 or truck plid b or nol Cal Didi Ray @ Tllmllo Auto Siii&. 7P. 437·1931 or 714-J28..l228 CASH fOI CAas Wl NllO YOUI CAI I' AID f ott ott lltO T l'Mtl..Lln AUTO AS« fOI MAlCOUI 949-574-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES www.S,oclelfl,.nitco. TV Special f1n1nc1 pr•· approv•I auto loan procram tor P•oPI• who hne problem c 11d1t A prem1e< second chance Au lo loan Ser vice (CAL •SCAN) Merce4H '96 C210 L01111 1225 beauhful blaclt./cream -------- lullr lo.tded, showroom. HOME MOaTGAGI f\/i:M, $1(),!D) 714-J!il "'64 LOANS LOMSI interest Mere•~.. '00 U20 ratm.. Al credit lypa. No 161< actual mi. lull pre-pay"*lt penillies Best factory warr. turquorse service 1n the stile b tu e/o a Im .. 1 Ith r, Caldocnia ORC. [mpyrean moonroof co <.hrom~ r~ Cll now om whls one of the lowest 8969 alOI (CAL •SCAN) mile Merudu of llw! • • yur m C1ltl v•557291 BOATS SUPS/ $29.995 ""'"""II llYill MOOR~~/ Bkr 949 586 1888 "'UGf LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Men -450Sl '78 c-. low 9311 rn1, liehl btoe/n•ll'f lthr VflfY ntce, $7500 949 493 0379 Men o4-JIOSl '12 hiltd loP •nd ,._ new soft lop fa IN. new enc. black Sb/00 949-S/4 !l65J U FT SUP AVAllAJLI IN NIWPOtlT HACH SlSOOWSI 949 SOO-lOOS PLUG IN Plug rnto the Pilot Class1f1ed section to find S'erv1ces from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot PLUMBER Lt506586 Fr• £sll Sm r..,.n OC'Tf<ll Dile. 714 23!'191ft0 l'tlCtsl rwai .... Repews & Remodehna FRCE ESTIMATE Ll687398 714 969 1090 SIWll ... au. (!4t)MS-IHI