HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-20 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilott • . a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, MAY 20, 2003 ' . \.~mousing projects leave families out t : .,,,... ::c Newport puts too much emphasis on senior familyhouslng.becausethere'sa QUESTION ? need for both." What.,. your affordable housing, state says. Bann~ng The department has identified thought.a on the Ranch suggested for low-income families. the Banning Ranch property as a ~trom June CHaarand• • Daily Pilot ..,. ... .. ~-: NEWPORT BF.ACH -The city 3 • Oas placed too much emphasis • • on senior affordable housing and should make affordable housing for families a priority, state authorides say. So far, the city's efforts to meet atate requiremen ts for affordable _ ouslng have materialized only ~~ the fonn or the Lower Bayview :. -landing project. which will pro· -- vide 150 units of low-income housing that will only be avail- able to seniors. ·0ne of the comments the De· partment of Housing and Com- munity Development made in an earlier review was that we paid too much attention to sen- ior housing and that we need to focus more on families," Assist- ant City Manager Sharon Wood said. ·My position is that after we get the Low~r Bayview proj- ect done that we really turn to site where tht! city should con -the state sider building housing for low-Department of • and moderate-income familieb': Housing and Community The state agency went so far as 0.-.elopment? Call our Readers to require the city to zone the Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send land for higher-density develop· e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. ~ P1ease spell your name and ment as a condition ior certify· include your hometown and ing the city's housing elemen t phone number, for verification •tt is critical that Newport purposes only. Beach take the appropriate ac· tions to ensure that a sufficient portion of the site ... is desig- nated at densities that will en· courage and facilitate develop- ment for lower-income households." Cathy CresweU, deputy director for the state housing department, wrote to city officials. CreswelJ couJd not ·! -.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·---.. -- ..... . . . -. .. -.. HAND IN HAND DON LEACH I DAil V Pll OT A couple keep their balance by skating hand in hand down the boardwalk soon after morning fog and haze cleared along the coast in Newport Beach . z ~4N-dd . f.· ewport Harbor urged to a more pump-out stations .,• -- Orange County CoastKeeper ·finds that city needs about seven more to meet demand of harbor's 10,000 boats. : Paul Clinton ~ OailyPilot dozen sewage pump-out stations in New· port Harbor and Hunrington Harbour to dis- courage boats from unloading their septic tanks into the water. The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board introduced the Idea on Friday partly In response to a local environmental- ist's claims that boaters have been causing pollution in both harbors. "Based on our survey, we are proposing that additional pump-outs are needed," said Hope Smythe, th6 board's chJef of planning ~ NEWPORT BF.ACH -Water quality regu- lltors have unveiled a plan to install almost a ~ . THE VERDICT ....... . for inland waters. The board introduced the proposal. but postponed a decision on it until its Aug. 22 meeting. If approved. it must also ~ mus- ter with the state water board. Garry Brown, the executive director of Orange County Coast.Keeper, has been lob- bying the board and Newport Beach to in- stall the additional pump• stadons. Brown couJd not be reached for a comment on SM HARBOR, P .. e M Daily Pilot ---~=From Pasadena nobody to Newport somebody ie• .... AT A GLANCE C""_ .. : '"¥\... ny bustneu history or : .. Newport ee.dl would hlM to include a c:bapeer 4n Paul ·PlppY' Palmer. : ~early career took place In Puadena. where he WU trying cO make bla muk lo ft!8J ett.ate. .-. fQner WU & ftrm beliew!r in the ~that tuanl breeda •ICCell. Md he hid convtnced ._ pu1ner. wboee name r don't .... ol the tNlh ot tbAI. • ~Ill ctu. point. their careen could not be Cllecl •• • tul. Plf from it. He and .. .......... dirt poor. The : -~~w:!6::!1.t :~:ilir-;..-. or~-• .... __ _. ..... ~:! ______ .......... I ONlltEWEB: ww.~ccrn WEATHER 1tdoewt•t ~ g9t.,..., ttwnthla. ElCPtd hlgl'W nMI" IO. S.PlpAZ SPORTS RwldlOOtl ......... hlfpilyotf ........ ~-aF&outhem 9lclllOn b ...... Md ................ ....... Did-·· ........ be reached Monday for funlwr comment. The !>tatement was a hit of bad new. wtthm the ~uod news that the Mate doe-. plan to cer tify the city's housing element Ill its current reVlSed form. The documen1. wh1c.h still needs City Council approval. 1s a J?OrtiOn of the city's general plan that lays out housing goals for the Clty. Certification is necessary to shield the city from legal liability and also to avoid penalties that the state Legislature is consider· ing. ·Tue element now reflects stronger commitment on the city's part to facilitate the devel- opment of hou~mg affordable to lnwer-mcome hou~holds: C~weU wrote. Wood ..aid the oty is pleased that the state has offered Its ten- tauve stamp of approval. but she added that it was unusually harsh to impose condloons at t.tus stage of the p~ ·we t.hJnk (the housing de panmentl went funher than they should have in ma.k.mg that 1..0rung conditional on cenifica· ti on of the how.mg element.· Wood !><Ud. Banning Ranch is a property of about 400 acres on the city's See HOUSING, Pa1• M Council hears flowers' side on 1901 Newport Woman passes out unopened buds to demonstrate effect of condo project's shadow. Deirdre Newman Daily P~ot COSTA MF·~ -The City ( ..lllllll 11 got a les<>on tn horti- cuhurc un Munday night lOUI tl"' of Rohm l.efficr. who tned Jor the '<'t und umc to con· \1nte tht counnJ to r~:on.-.1der ''' .tppm,,iJ ol J high-den<>lly tondom1111urn pmf('Ct down Ill\\ n I .effil'r arguing on behalf of a group that promotes C'C'>pon- -.1hle gruwth. handed out un· opened flOWt'r.. to the council member'> to 'how them what happen'> when OoweT'i that re qum.• a fulJ day of -;un an• de· pnved. a fate 'ihe fean; will be fall the garden<. on Beman.I Street tf the four-story condo6 at 190 I Newpon Blvd. are al lowed to proceed. N. of p~ time. the counal had not made a deet'ilon on reheanng the project lne burden re5ted W1th Lef lier and Councilman Allan Mansoor. who also appealed the approval, to provlde nevw infonnaoon to warrant a re heanng. In addioon to offenng what -.he CO!l.'ildem:I nt"W, detaJJed mformat>on about the shadow dfl'Cl. ~e arnculated con Ct'ms about noise. setbads. proper runoff and pnvacy. On April 14. the council ap· proved the proJt'Cl. wtuch con lain.s 161 up<;eaJe cond<>!i.. The rondO'> will be hou.'ied tn four four-story huildm~ about 50 See COUNCIL. Pae• A3 PUBLIC SAFETY Officer convicted of stealing from Newport police Deep• Bharath Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A longtime Newport Beach Po- lke sergeant has been con- victed of stealing a watercraft he supposedly bought for the depanment's Explorer Scouts and misappropriating the program·s funds. Trent R. Hams. 46, who of· ficials say is no longer with the Newport Beach Police Department. pleaded no contest to l:WO counts or mis· appropriating public funds and false reporting. The charges were ortglnally felo· nies. but were reduced to SM CONVICTED, P .. • M SALUTING Police arrest FATHERS Celebrate your father arson suspect by tending • brief in apartment peregraph about why your dad la IO great. along with • photo, to tM Deity Pilot for o..,. ..... publkdon on Fatt.'1 DaltyPilot Dey.Send• Mlf-.ddr••••d .CX>SrA MESA -Police on envelope "you w.nt ~ lftemoCln wed .... the photo returned )91' ..... in .. eo.. ... ~.The Mem ll*1IDml Oft-~ ot ~for'""* la ~toeetllllllae. ......... Junel. Send your....,.. to ..... fllther'I o.y, Deity Olin Ann llnctl6d -In .. Piiate 330 W. ley St., f. ....... ....... bb*ol COllta ~CA 1212 , C-WSlllilil .............. ........ ., and•=•hrW•bir ... ! 7 ,. lr&am Of door• s,. •• 1)0 ... ., ....... ,10 . ea.a Miia .._IL o...-, 1 .................. ....... ....M M Tuesday, May 20, 2003 Datt Pilot Kl>S TALK BACK A closer look at the nation's capitol The Daily Pilot went to Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Newport Beach to ask eighth-graders, 'How did your trip to the U.S. capital affect your view of the United States?' "It comforted metoknowwe were in such good hands with the measures [the government) has taken to protect us.· HIUARY BRYANT, 14 Newport Beach "It made m e feel proud to be an American to see the way [all the veterans! protected us to make our country safe .... We11 always be free." ELIZABETH VANTHOF, 14 Newport Beach "I was amazed at how much history our country has and how the city of Washington, D.C: hasn't really changed.• NICK NORMANOIN,14 c:osta Mesa "It made me have a deep respect four our country. You can see that it's probably one of the best countries in our world." Er.tl.Y SANFORD, 14 Newport Beach "It helped Q1e realize that our whole nation is not safe when there's a threat and even our capitaJ city is taldng precautions to make UlJ safe.· TREVOR Gl.ADYCH, 14 Newport Beach -Interviews and photos compiled by Oirlstine Carrillo ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM DON LEACH I OAl.Y Pl.OT Eigh~raders Elizabeth Vanthof, Hillary Bryant, Emily Sanford, Nick Normandin and Trevor Gladych talk about their trip to Washington, D.C. Putting life into history Eighth-graders from Our Lady Queen of Angels School take a trip to the nation's capital that completes their study of American history. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot When studying American hi..iory, what better way to bring hiM ory lessons to life than to travel to where much of it has happened. For the past 17 years, eighth-graders at Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Newport Reach have traveled to Washington, O.C. The trip has become an excellent TOOAY way to cap off the students' history lessons as weU as their educalionaJ career at the school itself. "I reaUy think that what I've en1oyed the most is that they were so into learning and asking questions," said Sister Joann Oare GaJlagher, the sch oors co-principal, who has attended the trip every year. As one of the few groups to get a tour o f the White House these days. the J I eighth-graders shared their enviable experience with other '>tudents at the school. "The curriculum dictated by the state of CaJifornia is American . history. so this (trip! is a culmination o f everything they've learned," said Patricia Toomey. eighth-grade social 'ltudies teacher ... This kind of brings it up close and pe rsonal. We were very fortunate to have this opportunity." The stude nts' four-day trip gave them a more authoritative, hands-o n perspective about U.S. government. one they gladly shared with their younger counterparts. Sharing th.e1r experiences on Capitol Hill and their tours of the various memon ah Monday, five eighth-graders gave fourth-and fifth-grade student<; a preVJew of what lies ahead. ·we went to the £Vietnam Memorial!. and 11 shows how many people were there," 14-year-old Nick Normandin told a claM o f fifth-grclders. ·vou see pictures, but [the memorial I shows you how many people fought for our country, and ii makci. you feel proud to be a n American." r SCHOOL LUNCH MENU THURSOAY crisp, choice of milk MONDAY Having seen the inner workings of their government, the students wallted away having gained a newfound appreciation for their country. For mo!>! of the .1 1 '>ludents who went on the 1np. 11 was the first time they've bee n to their nation's capital. And with U.~ h1'>lory lessons fresh 111 their minds, 1he students· under'>tanding of where they traveled grew w11h every tour. "It made all of us feel really thankful that our troop'> fought for us and make us !>afe, • 14 year-old Elizabeth Vanthof <,a1d. ·11 wa<; very cool." • IN THE CLASSROOM 1s a weekly feature in which Daily Pilot education writer Chnstine Carrillo v1s1ts a camru.is in the Newpon Mesa area and wntes about her experience. honey·roeated peanuts. (•Peanut butter on selected days) The Newport-Mesa Unified Sdlool District offers menu choices each day at efementary schools. Students may choose a vegetarian entree. The selection may include a salad, sandwich or hot entree. School lunches are S2 each. Here's what's being aetVed this week; Munc::hable lunch Salad with fruit yogurt or hot dog on a bun, potato wedges, choice of fruit juice, c::hoice of milk Oriental c::hk*en salad with whole grein roll or taco chalupa, jicam1 sticks with ranch dip, strlWbenies, animal cra<*era, choice of milk No School -Memerial Day No child is discriminated against because of r-Ke, sex, color, national origin, age or dlaebllity. If It Is believed • child has been diacrimln.-d against, write Immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Wuhington, DC 20260. WEDNESDAY Munc::hebie Lunch Salad or toasted dl8el8 aandwictl, aisp green Alad with ranch df1llSing, apricots, dlOice of milk FRIDAY •Munc::habte LA.Inch Salad or "Manager's Special:" beby carrots with rancb dip, fruit The Munchable Lunch Salad contains tossed greens, dlerry tomatoes, craclt.ers end protein sources such as cheeH, sunflower seeds, fruit yogurt e nd Daily A Pilot eo,.1 Wilton Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 SURF AND SUN News assistant, (9491 574-4298 Copyright: No newt stones, coral wil1on@l11times.com illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein-can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Sean Hiller, Don l..eadl, reproduced without written Kent Tropeow permission of copyright owner It'll be sunny after some The southwest swell will VOL 97, NO. 140 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO AEAQI US morning fog and douds, with build today, but it won't THOMAS H. JOHNION (9491 64U086 Clrc:ulnJon highs In the mid-to upper-70s provide much, though we'll get NewsEditon Publisher Gina Alexandef, Lori Andenion, Record your oommenta about the The Times Orange County in Newport Beach end just some chest-highs. lONYDOOaO Daniel Hunt. Paul Seitowi12, Daily Pilot or news tips. 18001252·9141 around BO in Costa Mesa. Wednetday looks a bit editor Daniel Stewnt AddNsl ~ Expect Iowa in them~ better. We'll see cheat· to JUtl( OETT1NO Our addr ... is 330 W. Bay SL, Costa Clastlfled (949) 842-5678 ~.a:.=r ,.EWSSTAFf MeN, CA 92827. Office hours are Dlsptey (949) 842-4321 The condit.iona lhoold begin shouldeMlighs along Crime~ ~rter. Monday Fridey, 8:30 a.m. -5 pm. EdttofW cooling Thursday. south-flcing breaks. Promotlor9 Dlrec:tor (949) 57 Con-ecdons News llwfonnation: Thursday will be similar, d#tepa.bhan1th#l/11t/mM.OOm It Is the Piiot'• palicy 10 promptly (949) 842-5680 www.nws.nou.gov though the southwest awefl EDfTWG ITAff ...... c ... , •• cofT9Ct all errors of 1ubstance. Sports (949) 57<M223 will badt down . a.J,C.tlft Newport 8eedl reporter, Pl .... call (949) 764-432' News ..... (949) 54tM170 BOATING FORECAST Friday'• no better, ea knee-to M•a:· (949) 574-4232 Sports Fax (949) 650-0170 cheat-hight mum. (M5' /une.cn11Q,.nd#ltl/6tim#.OOm FYI E-mail: daifypilotO latlm•oom The westerty wlnda will ~quality: a.µ:,.M• ~m..oom The Newport Boac:h/Cost1 Mesa Ma#!Ofnoe ......... PllUIClmoft Dally Pilot (USPS·144-800l It Bu.in.. Offtoe (949) 842-4321 blow 10 to 16 knotl In the Inner www.•urfrlti.r.oro ~Editor, Politic», bu1lne11 end envlronmem pobll•hed daily. In Newpart 8eed'I BuslMM ..... (9'9) 631-7128 water• this eftemoon, with (948 '1'&iM324 reporter, (949) 764-4330 ond Co1ta Meee, aubecrlptlont ere 2-foot wavee and a southwest TIDES JMMf..lnllW•""1trtea.oom f»U/.cllntontl/atlm..oom available only by aublcrlblng to TM awell of 6 feet. The swell wfll Time ~ ......... 0.. l.Oltatt.per Tlmee Orange County (800) · ~ wetterty thla evening ~Ecltot; Columtlst, culture reporter, S:Oea.m. -0. 75 feet low 262-8141. In eren out9lde of Ind thould build ebout I foot. ~~ (949) 674-4275 Newpon 8eedl end Cotta Mele. Out farther, the wetttfiy 3:28p.m. 3.54 feet high --~=··· lolilll.haf'P'lr•latl,,,...oom 1u1>1ct1pt1one to me o.11v P11o1 .,.. winds wlll blow ltrOnger at 10 7:14p,m. 2.96 .... low M DINc:tDr I Oeek Oli.f, Delrdr9 NMmM avallltble onfy by n,. c .... m.tll for 1:21 a.m. 6.09 feet high Published by TltMI Community to 20 knots. whh 1-to J.foot CMllDM2M Cotta Meu repoMr, (Mt) 574-4221 SJO per month. IPrlcee indude all Newt-, 1 division of the Loe Anget.e Wev.t and • WMt twell of 6 to .....,...,.,,,,,...'°'" dtlkdr&MWmMl•IMlmM oom epplk:ebl• ..... end local tax ... ) Time.. a...._ The wind8 wfft blow WATER TEMPERATURE _-.c .. a.....c... POSTMAST!A: ~ eddf ... .=.;.~ Educ9tlon f11PO'tW, (9491674-4288 cNngee lO The Newpon 02003 TimM CN. All rlQhta ltrOngtrthlt ~. 9115 to 26 knots, wtth 2· to 4-foot • fJOdegre. --~••"'*'*-oom dvWIM.~Mo•t«HrW.oom ~• Meta Dell\' Pilot. P.O. ~ wewt. .: .. '• 'I -... . .. I . . I . . ;.II • • • I I ' I I I I Ticketing company in financial woe Tickets.com plans to rewrite financial statements fo r 2002 after going through tlµee different auditing firms. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot (X>SfA MFSA -Tickets.com Inc. can now count itself among the notorious. 'fbe C.Osta Mesa-based onllne ti~dng company on Friday jol.iled the ranks of WorldC.Om. Enton and countless other corpo- raijons that have needed to re- write their own financial histories. Uck.ets.com, In a Friday filing COUNCIL Continued from Al feel high. The project aJso features a two-level underground parking s1J'1.1(1Ure and a five-level above- ground pamng structure. the council originally consid- e~ the request for a rehearing on May 5, but could not reach a decision because of deadlock. l.efller rerumed Monday with more prop; to Illustrate her position. Leffler, representing C.OSta Mesa Gtizens for RcspoNlble Growth, passed out ga7,3lllas and another sucrulent Hower to discount the environmental report's assertion lhat the condos would only cast a shadow on the front yards of Ber· nard Street for 20 minutes betwren 10 am. and 3 p.m, whidl is not con.sidered significant by the oty. Using blocks. as she had at the May 5 council meeting. she dem· onsuated the group'c; opinion that the shadow effect will last two to three hours LO the same time frame. ·fille report! erroneously con- cludes that no adverse shadow ef. fea would occur. but as~ dem· with the Securities and Exchange C.Ommission, said It would need to rewrite its financial statements for 2002 and perhaps 200 I. The company's new auditor has discovered wues that "will re- quire different accounting treat· ment than that initially recorded," the filing said. The event ticketing company fingered its former auditor, Arthur Anderson, for the irregularities. Ticlc.ets.com has not yet filed its onstrated, there are adverse shadow effects on sun-sensitive uses, so the project is not in com- pliance,· Leffler said. During the public comment session that began the council meeting. many residents ex- pressed their disdain for the proj- ect because of its high density. "I feel it undoubtedly could be a nice project. but it's a .ddJcal de- parture from the general plan." srud Christian f.ric of the Westside Improvement Assn. Steering Comminee. "It's over the top and sets a bad precedenL" Mansoor reikrated his con· cems with the project. "When (the project! originally came forward, I didn't support it because or shade and density is- sues." Mansoor said. "ihe shade and shadow effects are mconclu- sive. Ill my opinion." David Eadie of Rutter Develop- ment had not had a chance to re- spond 10 Leftler's claims before the council ~ or press time. • DBRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at 19491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman E-lstimes.com Give Us Your Child this Summer. And we'll live you a student a full academic level hlper. At Tutoring Clubs of Amtrica, Most important, wt htlp wt'rt dtd1cattd to ensuring stud,nts acht'v' th' your chtld succff<ls self-Mtttm and confid'n" !:tty ntts1 uuucc~All In With our 'xcluSIV' TutorAld Justµ hours. GUARANTEED. cumculum. w' a.a ,r,at, 1,arn1ng Sum me mp eau today and find programs out mort It could bt s1>«1f1cally r ..... -th' most Important d'stgn'd for your child's nff<ls summ'r of your child's llf, (9•9) 6<4-s-7900 •88 East 17th Strttt • Costa M~sa (comer of> Irvine Awnue) MATH • READING • WRITING • STUDY SKILLS • SAT PREP eamin~ for the period ending Dec. 31. During the past 12 montN. the company has gone through three auditing firms. The company dropped Arthur Anderson in June after the auditor collapsed under the Enron scandal. Tick.ets.com hired PricewaterhouseCoopers In December, after replacement firm Deloitte & Touche resigned, citing a conflict of interesL Also on Friday, the company was mentioned in an investor lawsuit against Wall Street brolter- age firm Morgan Stanley. New York-based firm Parker & Walchman said It had initiated a BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS C.Onexant spins off Mind~peed more quickly Ncwpon Beach chipmalcer Cemex.ant Systems lnc. an- nounct'tf l'u~ay that it has sped up ilS .,pmuff of Internet infra. 'itrui:ture bu..-.mess Mindspeed Iechnologit"'- < :Onl-xant pinpointed June 27 as the dal<' it would complete the .,pi1101T. putting a finn date to the move. II hJd previously an- nounct>d th~ -.pinofT would occur !.Ometime dunng the '>ummer. After the move. the two rornpa· Ille!. wtll emt a .. -.eparate. publicly traded enuu~ Ccmexant share- holder. are -.et 10 receive one ad- di11onal Mmd'>peed '>hare for each suit against the brokerage house for promising favorable Invest· ment reports to win banking business. Investors in the suit claim Mor· gan Stanley issued "misleading and/or fraudulent research re· ports" for many companies, In· eluding Tickets.com. Ticlc.ets.com ceased trading on the Nasdaq maltet In February when the company failed to file its annual report In a timely man- ner. 1be company now trades on the over-the-counter bulletin board. under the symbol TIXXE. It dosed Monday at 57 cents per share. three shares of C.OnexanL The company has applied to the American Stock Exchange to list the new company under the symboJ MND. Shares are expected to begin trading June 30 Cc>nex- ant will continue to trade on Nasdaq under CNXT. At the lime of the spmoff, Mindspeed will receive SI 00 mil- lion in cash from 1t!I parent, with anot.hef' S50 miUion available in contingency financing. On Friday, shares of CNXl jumped 6.17%. or'20 cenLs. finish· ing out the week at $3.44. 4eer~ R es t a u rant ----Enaollsn 1n1 ----- • 0 Quality Service"0 •••Nightly Eotertainment"00 TH ESE NEW FABRICS WIL L APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS. ~ALDEN'S nOOlCl\UIM • .\,!lClmN~~s 166l Pl.acMtUa, Costa Mela '49-64(,.....4838 The soft folds o( V'&flttte' window shldlnas now come in three "'" f1bncs thlt ippul to t't'efYO"'· Come see them todly. II I D11l1• .............. '"'''''' ........... •• ,,, .. ,,, ""' llflf H oag Hospital is pleased to bring Gamet L Anderson, Ph.D., f l\! \IAR (Rl:AMill SPL'l;AOI (,()I IJ~-" CJU.AMFD CoRN ~Rl\110 5TIAMill WHm Colt" (,ARJ IC MA.smo POTATO~ co-principal investigator of the national landmark study which cawed millions of women to re-think hormone replacement therapy, to Orange County to discuss her penpccrivc of the Women's Health Initiative find.inp. Wednelday, May 28 The Beckman Center Cvnec L Andmon. Pb.D, Wo~'• Health lDiliarvc Adjacent co the University of California, Irvine 8:30-9:30 a.m. Bmdcfut 9:30-1 l:OO Lm. L«t.ure Scaring is limiled, IO all md.iy llOl10l·HOAG (~). 'lldlm aK SI 00 and be.ne:fir ffOll '«lbmm'a Hmhh Sd wica. . • •I M Tuesdly, May 20, 2003 VERDICT Contn.ed from Al their month's savi.np in his pocket. Palmer ventured forth to rub elbows and make productive contact with wealthy potential clients. Allmer mumed to their rneecer apartment durlng the wee houra. care(uUy bl1Jl8 up the wx. and tumbled into bed. The next morning. the doorl>ell to the apartment rang. Palmer was deep asleep, so hJs partDer went tp the door, looked around. saw no one and dosed the door. bnmed.i.ately the bell rang again. He opened the door, looked around, again saw no one and started to close the door when a voice from somewhere below and to his left said, "Is this Mr. Palmet's apartment?" It was a very small maa who asked the quesdon. so small the partner thought be might be a leprechaWl or a gnome. "Who are you?" be aaked. "I'm Peter Jones." the little roan answered. 'That didn't convey much. "Who are you. Peter Jones?" the partner Wed. "I'm a jockey." the Uale man said. "Last night, Mr. Palmer hired me to ride the horses ln his stable." That was caaying bis phUosophy to an extreme. and it wasn't too long after this that Palmer left Pasadena and moved down here. In 1935, be was the Udo Isle sales agent for the Griffith Co., which had acquired a bunch of lots on that barren stretch of sand. One year later, he hit his stride. He started the Newport Balboa Federal Savingit and Loan Assn .. which numbered among its founders such giants of Newport Beach's history as Joe Beek. Theo Robins, Sam Mayers, Ralph Maskey and lAW Wallace. From this modest beginning, Palmer built a substantial financial empire. I don't remember whether he ever got thal stable of horses. though: •ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. TwENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL ~ r~w.. 949 .252.8200 ~ Biii Fallon • Purchase • Refi • Construction 15 years In O.C. ~ Lmding Group • 3848 ~ Or .. 1210. Newpol1 Beadl CA 92660 314" GOLDEN MAPl.£ DENSE SOLID BAIDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~ft_ • lnst111ed with Pad s 1 69 • ~m 60 yards IQ. ft_ ~•ert.lne 18" • 18" .................... _ 14.29 -n.. Cera.ale 111e ••••.•.••••••••••• taatalle4 ,_ 14.99 ... n.. l,awlnate Woo4 ............. laataU.. ,.,_ 14.99 -n.. s_,,,,, ••• _, 7boU r,,,. th• •0o 1t YOfl:rS•lr~1- All prlan/,woducu rcw o llrnltwl '''"'• l>o.-1 on o-lhtblllt¥. 1374 ...,._Aft., SaJte F • COSTA MESA a (888) MESA-777 !_.._ (6372) ~ JIOR..nl If AJI .. I Pll ·flmll\-....... I Ml. It AR• I"' fa.osD MDAY'I ...,_ ... "OrJer 50 Years of Fine Quality" All Types of Wmdow Treatments • Valances & Cornke Boxes • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticals • Shutters • Bedspreads U>m1/i.,,,nt11ry Constdutio11 ;,, Yo#r Homt ,...,()fJ ' j -fJ 1,J,,q,\\l,1 ,llil111 <>1 :1 : ' ' ' -. ·,,, ~·~ DESIGN CENTER Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949)642-8400 ~n:~v.::. • 1 Q95 ~!ration end Brak• 1110 lnapectlon ~ • Full 8rakt lntpectlon • Aotatetm • Attet tltt pmSOf"I • Visual °'** of chas9it & IUlptflslon • Rloc:ld bflM ~ • Aold .... for pefformince ........... ..,, ..... ARSON Continued from Al They were responding to a re- port of smoke oomlng out of Xlo- calds apartmen~ he aaid. "They knocked at the door and smelled smoke as. they did so," Birney said. "But they got no re- sponse. So they made entry through a window and went into the apartment" They found that a fire bad been started in the kitchen with "some pieces of paper and other flammable materials, .. he said. "!Kincaid) was in the apart- ment, but didn't open the door," Birney said. Police detectives and fire inves- tigators detennined that Xlocaid deliberately tried to start t:be fire, HARBOR Continued from Al Monday. A survey by Brown, however. turned up a network of pwnps. which are used by boaters to de· posit their sewage. that is inad- equate and in need of repair, As· slstant City Manager Dave Ki1f said. The city supports the bodfd's proposal to add seven new pump stations in Newport Har· bor. KlfT said. "You're going to have more pump stations that are more vis- ible than we have today," JG.ff said. "We don't want people us- ing the excuse that it's not work- ing." Under the plan, four pump stations would also be installed in I lunungton Harbour. At the present time, there are about 10.000 boats docked in Newpon I larbor, Kiff said. State regulatiom. require a 500-1 ratio CONVICTED Continued from Al misdemeanors as part of Harris' plea agreement with prosecutors that he signed on May 6. Newport Beach Lt. Mike I !yams said the department can· not comment because it is a wper..onnel issue." ·AU we can say at this point is chat he does nol work for this de· partmcnt any more," Hyams said. Harris bought a jet ski for S4. l 00 chat he said was for the department's Explorer Scouts program. but kept it for himself. Deputy District Atty. Ray Arm- Mrong '>aid. Harrir, also bougtu a $12.500 Lruck with the program's funds for himo;elf. Armstrong said. Har· he Mid. She wu UTeSted on aus- pidoo of mon at about 3:30 p.m. 8imey aald Costa Mesa Police wlD submit the case to the Orange County distrfct attorney and recommend &ling anon dwges. Kincaid was not hurt du.ring the incident, and oo one else was in the apartment at the time or 'the tire, he said. Police a.re look- ing into what would have caused her to start the fire, Bimey said. Kincaid is expected to be ar- raigned at the Harbor Justice Center in Newport Beach today. She ls being held ln Orange County Jail ln lieu of $50,000 bail. •DEEM BHARA'TM cover• publlc safety and courts. She maybe reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bhsreth@lstim6s.com. of boats to pump stations. There are now 11 pump stations ln Newport Harbor. Under those guidelines, the pump stadons are accommodating only 5.500 boats. Marina operators will be re- sponsible for installing the new pump stations, Smythe said. However, some federal grant money could be made available to help defray the cost. The board lists 26 marina owners, which include the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub, Balboa Bay Oub, Hornblower Yacht Charter, DeAnza Corp.-owned Bayside Village. Lido Yacht An- chorage and Newport Dunes Re- sort Marina Spokespeople for Hornblower, DeAnza and Udo Yacht didn't re- turn calls for comment. • MUL CUNTON covers Ule environment. business and politics He may be reached at (9491 764-4330 or by &-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. ris reportedly replaced that money. but it was still consid· ered misappropriation of public funds, he said. Harris, who could not be reached for comment. was sen- tenced to three years' informal probation, 200 hours of commu· nity service and about Sl,700 in fines. He also had to give baclc the watercraft, officials said. The crimes happened in March and May of 1999. accord· ing 10 the felony complaint made by the disoict attorney's office. Annstrong said the inves- tigation into the fraud was han· dJed by the Newpon Beach Po· lice Department • DEEM BHAAATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by •mail at deepa.bh11rath@lat1mes.com. FIT FOR LIFE Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your Lifestyle ~TE.ST IN WEIGHT TRAJNING/CAAOIO FITNESS EQUIPMENT COMPLIMENTARY FITNESS COUNS~NG RACQUCTBAl..l -SQUASH -HAN08AU. -BASKET8AU. JR. OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL -RESTAURANT • loUNCE CALL FOR A COMPUMtNTARY G UEST PASS AND ToUR • UNIVERSl1Y ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 1 701 Quail Street. Newport Beach PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTAIESA •Anton~ Avehlde burglary wa1 reported In the 600 blodc at 10:28 a.m. Sunday. •Giller~: Petty theft wa1 reported In the 1600 blodc at 2:08 p.m. Sunday. • Herbor Boul9vard: Petty theft wa1 reported In the 2200 blodt at 12:68 p.m. Sunday. • ~ Awnue: An auto theft wa1 reported In the 1900 blodt at 9:26 a.m. Sunday. • NwrllcM Place: Vandalism was reported In the 1500 blodt at 2:25 a.m. Sunday. •The~ arde: Grand theft wH reported In the 100 blodt at 10:20 a.m. Sunday. • Eut 17th S1rMt: Fraud was reported in the 100 blodt at 11 :50 a.m. Sunday. • w..t 1tlh Strwt: An assauh HOUSING Continued from Al western border of which about 46 acres are within the city lim- its. The property is owned mainly by Aera Energy U.C and Newport Oil Co. ln the late 1990s, TaylofWood· row homes drew up plans to de- velop the site with 1,750 homes. retail, commercial and industrial uses and open space. The fate of the property has been in limbo since the company abandoned its plans in 2001. · In Newport Beach. low in· come is 80% of the average countywide income. To qualify as low income, a family of four in Newpon Beach must bring in no more than $60,500, which is 80% of the countywide average of $75.600. The Upper Bayview Landing senior affordable housing devel· opment will brealc ground pend· ing some environmental srudjes WU reported In the 700 blodc at 11:64a,m. SUnday. NEWPORT BEACH • EMt CoMt Hlghw9y: A hit-and-run w .. reported In the 3400 blodt at 6:10 a.m. SUnday. • '"""-~Md HMther L8nl: A traffic ecddent lnvotvlng lnjuri .. wH reported at 9:30 p.m. Sunday. • fWwport ~:Petty theft was reported In the 2600 blodt at 12:61 a.m. Sunday. • w.t ~Front: Vandall1m wH reported In the 2300 blodt ~ at 8:11 a.m. Sunday. , • S..W.rd Aoed: A burglary WH reported In the 600 blodt at 7:06 a.m. Sunday. • 25th StrMt: Grand theft waa reportftd In the 100 blodt at 12:31 a.m. Sunday. • 28ttl StrMt Md the beedt: Petty theft wa• reported at 5:35 p.m. Sunday. of the site. Local environmental: ist Jan Vandersloot held up de-- velopment after dlscoverirlg what may be wetlands on the site. Critics say that the sup- posed wetlands are only a tire track or other man-made inden· talion in the soil where rainwater has accumulated. The California Coastal Com· mission is expected to considet the matter within the next few months. The project's one·bedroo01 units will be available to seniors whose income qualifies them a.a very low income. Based on last year's estima1es, one of the one-bedroom units would be available 10 a family of· two that brought in no mole: than $36.300 a year. The re°' limlt would be S908. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadi and John Wayne : Airport. She may be readied at (9491574-4232 or by &-mail at june.cssagr11nde~lat1mes.com Francis Richard Tunney, Jr. • Francia Richard Tunney, Jr. of -. Newport Beach, Calif. and Ketchum, Idaho died traglcalty and suddenly In a car accident while driving near hi• ranch In Idaho on May 14, 2003. Frank was born in Philadelphia. Pa. on August 1 o. 1947, the son of Francis R. Tunney, Sr. and Agatha Danowskf Tunney. He grew up In Philadelphia graduating from Father Judge High School, and Franklin and Marshall College In Lancaster, Pa He mame<$ Doria Jean Fosler on September 7, 1968. Frank then completed eervice I') the United States Army Reserve. Frank earned his J.D. at Duquesne Univ8f'Slty School of Law where he was editor of the Law Review. Frank began his distinguished legal career as a cleft( to the Chief Justice of American Samoa. In American Samoa, Frank and Doris had their first son, Noah, in 1973. Moving back to Philadelphla in 1975, Frank entered a private lltlgatlon firm of Feldman & Feldman, and then became Assistant Attorney General of Pennsylvania, specializing In securities law. From there, Frank became an International law specialist at Smith KJlne Beckman In Philadelphia. Frank was then recruited by Allergan, Inc. of Irvine, Calif. In 1985 to become Its new General Counsel. He HtVed In that position for many y~ loved association with the Allergan family. He also served as. Corporate Vice President. Secretary to the Board, Chief Ethic9 Officer, and CFO. Frank retired from Allergan In 2001 . Frank also served on the Board of f>lrectora of the Hoa$ Hospital Foundation, United Cerebral Palay of Orange County1 Ocular Sciences Inc., and Auociation Gate. Frank was awatdea the Jurisprudence Awatd from the AntJ-defamatlon League lri 1997. Frank's greatest love was his family, his two sons Noah and Mlchael. They were the pride and Joy of his life. He wu planning on spending most of his retirement with Doria on hla 'ranch at Double Springs In the Pahli~ Yaney of Idaho, which he had atrong passion for and always dreamecf of dofng. Frank also loved aiding with the master's group In Sun Valley, fty fishing, and lkeet and trap shooting. ' Frank la aurvfved by hla wife, Or. Doris Tunney, his aona Noah l\Jnney of San Luis ot>iapo, Callf. and Mlohael Tunney of Newport Beach, Calff, his mother AQatNI o.now.k.l l\Jnney, hfa two alatera Daneen Snyder and Helene Tunney, and one brother Stanle~ 1 l\Jnney of tfuntingdon Yllev, Pa. SeMcea wUt be held at Pacfflc View Memorial Pn In ~ del Mer~lf. on Thurld8y, May 22, at noon. A rnemoMI. ~ wlll be In l<Mchum, rdaho at • • dat9. Oonatlont In Nec:f of flowera CM be Mnt In hit ~.to Unbd CerebfW ~ AMociatlon of Orwlg9 County« the ~ HoepftM Foundation: ~ n-. ct**-DIMlbte to one of the abcwe ~ andMfldto~.·295~~~=-1-.... tk>fl Tom 8'.mhlm, Vice~ .. Tuesday, May 20, 2003 AS FORUM ; . HOW TO .Gf! PU~ -lAttilra: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa MMB, CA 92627 • RMden Hodne: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 ~-mall.Send to dallypilot@latimes.com •All co1Tespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to adit all submisaons for ciamy and length ' I ' I I ICE HOCKEY SPECIAL !On to the Stanley Cup • EDfTOR'S NOTE: As a special feature, Guy Hebert, a Newport Beedl resident and former goalie fO( the Mighty Dudes, will be W{iting regular diaries about the team and its experiences tJvoughout the playoffs . ..The unthinkable h<b ~pened Yes. the Mighty Oucb of Anaheim are your W~tem Conference champion'\ and arc on their way to the Stanley< :up finals. "lhe Ducks bea1 the GUY HEBERT Minn~Jta Wild in yet another cla.ssic defe~ve battle. 2·1, c11 the Arrowhead Pond on Friday niWll. capturing me franchiM>\ fin.I ever confen:nce champ1oru.htp and 6~ trip to the finals. llUs was done Wlth Paul Kanya. Jean-Sebastien Giguere. Stl've Rucchin and the n.">t of the warn playing a smothering defense i.lyle, getting great goaltending ctJld timely scoring. • Oh yes. let's not forget about the broom. In three rounds. the Ouclr.s have swept their oppont.>fll cyvlce and have playt.od an NJ II record-low 14 games 10 get to tht• 6.naJs. lhe Ouch have not merely gotten to the finals, they have domir\ated their way there ' ft ~ amazing that the ~nth Seed in the West ha.s been able to bttat the Nos. l, 2 and 6 seeds to actvance. I believe. like mO'it fan:.. that this is a team of destiny. Who would become a hero in G;une 4? Not surpri5ing to really aJ'\Y of us who havt' been ~lching. It just happened to be Adam Oates. one of the grcar off-season acquisitio~ that Bryan "1urray and his staff brought in Oates was the lucky recipient of a cteDected pass for his fll'St goal. The puck deflected off rhc \katc ¥the Wild defensemen and ~rected across the front of the net right onto Oates' stick. and ht• med no time pulling it past a .funned Manny f'emandC'/_ : 'Living the channed life or a Mighty Duck. Oates was again on the door step to the right of goalie &mandez and apjn the Dude.' goa a fortunate bounce t.hal landed on his stick.. Oates ~d it ~der the outstretched pad of the ~e\pl~ Minnesota goalie. This Pl would stand as the wtnner ~r1<1 send the Mighty Ducks on to tJle finals. • 1t seems that management of the Mighty Duds tw had the l¢nad of finding pla~~ that fit well into their system. and how many times have the off-season iU"id late-season acquisitions ~ affected the outcome of ~game? ; Many times. they have: Sandis ~got the game winner against Dallas in Game 6; Petr ~ra's overtime game-winning goals; Rob Neidermayer and Steve 11if:>mas with big goals; and of dowse. Oates with his own <;onlrlbution agaimt the Wild. We oan only hope that these guys will dondnue to have sudl an effect In tbo 6nal round. and there Is no '1llorl to expect otherwise. I Minnesota gave all that they ttid. but Anaheim in the end wa.1 qe much for them. 1bo much ~too much Keith Camey, • much o( everyone. It was a .a~INplred e«on during tbb ~ round. and the coachet kept ~guys foo..S. Al we hlM seen during this liaYOft' ltmtb, tndMdulJ taltnt • DO( been Ible to win any .. Radlet It hu bt!en aod wOI liwtl)'a be a 1e11n e6'ott that wtm the Slanley Qrp. • J-: tnd rm an I'm not the .,.. ~ penoa-feel tbll .... ..,. blM Whit 11 tUel to ...... ".d'1!:. ~. 1911_...,cmmdd .-.. nm. IDd Wllh .... ... COi ..... .,..., .... .. ......... lhdd 'clralll*a.-. REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK St AN HIL l [ P [JAll' "'IL 1 Fourth of July celebrations were in full swing on 45th Street in West Newport last year. A proposal for a snoozy Fourth of Ju ly C ome orw. come all. to the bigg~t and tx ... 1 ..c:rnor l"•enl anywhere in Southern< .. ahlom1a: the lir;t annual Scnmr Ari\ a11d (.rafts Street Faire and Elder I le.uth l.x~')(). fuly 4, in We:.t Nt'Wpon ht•twt.>t•n .S2nd Street. Newpon RoulPvcirJ. C .oa.-.l Highway and 54th ~eel Yes. rm Ix-mg latCllOU!>. No. th.is IS not a reaJ event No, you -.houldn't go "War of the Worl~" on w. c111d jump out the window Ju-.t bear Wlth me; I'm genmg at M>met.lung. JUNE CASAGRANDE bi™oJd'> of partyt'r, who com e 1101 becau..e they'n: invited lo resident...' home<. but becalliie they want 10 • roam the •.trt>eLs and ultimately tinkJe in re-.1denl\ y.utl~ Counub being what th(-y are. thLo; one keep., looking afgham. google-eyed walnut '>helb that prodaun "Silver fox.es make better lovers" and i.elf-published books on their own grandchildren. A little farther south i~ the do-it -yourself section: seminars and kiosks devoted to teadung the aru of quilting, model ship buildmg and raising the perfect Olia Pet Somewhere in the rruddJe are the members of the Oasa.s Seruor Center Dance Band -reuruted as the Newport Beach Lawrence Welk nibute Orchestra -playing all the old standards nonstop: "Shuffle Off to Buffalo," the "Old Grc1y Mare" and "Olattanooga Oloo Oloo. ·· female dl1JIOnl) ~give the 1)t'ople \'.hat they Wdllt a lree mammogram lx10th for women older than 6S. with one of those pull curtain!. that never 4u11e drl'4:'> all the way (do 11 for your country. lad.J("-1 Instead ol penrung ordmance<. to forbid 'itore-. from '>t.'llmg b<.'"t:r out of their parlung IOL'>. the nty could '>Uppon tax-fret. ..alb of prunt.· JUICt' and (Jt'ntOI Heck.. get tho~ t:omparue. to '>poru.or ad..<o on cahlt-... wuo~ m the m count) area and to finant:e Ml all out marl:eung btiu. for nearly a year now, l'vt' been listening to the Newport Beach City Council strc!>.'> over what to do about the massive crowds that fill the streets of West Newpon on the Fourth to enjoy a hard-drinking holiday. And. for nearly a year now, I've kept my moum shut for the answers in the form of policy. Bui I've found a way to rain on me Wt~t Newport parade without imposing a Sll181e draconian rule on rcsiden~ Hut.her south. the real excitement begins: folding tables as far as the eye can see staffed by silver-haired volunteers stuffing senior-health-related brochures into the hands of everyone who passes by. One booth deals with mcontinence; right next to II is everything you ever wanted to know .tlx>ut regularity. OK. I'll admit Ull'> may be a tittle pie rn the sky lhe wt>akrit">.., m my plan. of course. 11> l11a1 the pdflyef') might <,hCJIN up anyway. Then you'll have ~me preny uwy rnnfrontations cl.!> Jutiw. and Benha U'>e can~ and walker. to be-at dovm ~es.~ young guy. with ruck.name... bkt· ·sud Man" and "the Olugger. • But I bet tho~ boy-. wont ht> bade next year And the word would Ket out fast that for luJy 4. 2004. \\~t Newpon is not the place to be while a perfectly brillwnt solution has been fermenting rn my bram. In recent month'>. a.., a group of resident-; ha'> cngagt'C.1 the nty rn a biner brawl over prupo~'t.I party re-.Lnction.!>, it"c; become clear rhat 11·., time to '>pe-..tk up Ille real solution lies in marl:eling. You i.ee. de-.pllc rlwir thllercnc~. the two sides have Ont' rhing 111 common. They both agree it\ the outsiders who are causing the pmhlcrru. -the There's no better way to gel the word out to young partyers that West "lewport is snooze city than by holding l11e b1~t. sobere5t. dadgum best -.cnior aru and crafts event and health ex.po anywhere this side of Leisure World. I envi<.ion a roped-off area starting at 54th Street. lined witl1 smiJ.ing seniors ..elling their wares -handmade And here's one inspired by a visit to the FreeNewport.com Web !>1te. A lmk on the site take. surfer. to a Web page that, while it contains no nudity, reveals the pro· party contingent's profound appreciation of a certain part of the • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beadl and John Wayne Airport. She mav be reactied at (9491574-4232 or by e-mail at 1une.casagrande a lat1mes com DEAR LOLITA LETTERS Don 't paint Westside improvers with one brush T he Westside Improvement Assn.w-~sfoundedin 1999 to encourage the city of Costa Me~ to address the continuing degrJdation of the Westside and to promote pride in Costa Mesa We have come a long way since then and will continue to seek solutions to the problems faced by our .commun ity. Understandably, the association iB thought of when "lmprovers" are mentioned. and as such we are compelled to address an issue the folks a t the Daily Pilot dredge up from time to time. In a recent column. Lolita Harper suggests that ·1mprovert" should censor themselves and disavow others' opinions (•c.andidate out for now, but not forever," Wedne.sday). Despite Harper's best intentions, it is not acceptable Lo abridge another's right to free fpeech or freedom of assembly. law-ablding peopJe are not to be 1Uppressed in lbelr acttvidcs. intermta. or deslre to commW\icase whh each other. ThJa It Ifill America after aD; we have a BW ot Riabta. The &AOdation ieUe9 on the local pre.s outlecl for cumnt ln(ormadon and it reeerva the right to read .u available and J*.tintnt fownlltl and to accept or deny die vlewpolnts plWOled ... The ..,,,VdM IWlllWI Iba~ (0 IHemble peeceebly and to accept Oil cNrly die oplnAona chit-. ... :111 d ~d'lmit r 1¢M11, ClCllna.....,.• or ..... If the group has a viewpoint, we will express it as ours. Otherwise, the viewpoint i~ another's and not ours. Association members also reserve the right to exp~ their own opinions. and as uch. the group bears no responsibility for. and may or may not agree with the individual viewpoln ts of its mem bers. This freedom is the association's greatest asset. as mem bers are encouraged to contribute their ideas and analysis for a more thorough understanding of the ls.sues and options. In summation: A commentator's opinion Is bis or her own; if the association joins the chorus. It then may also become the group's opinion. Association memben are responsible to remain Informed and cannot realistically be expected to rebut every piece of disapeable joumalUm. We will si.y informed. we will speak fieely when we have a me&Sage: and most or an. the asaodadon wOl endeevor to help c:osta Mea in evay way we can. 1be UIOdldon support.t a dean. ale, qWet aod enjoyab&o Cotta Mesa. and you can take that to lhe bank. For cbe Weltlkle lmptowtnent AlmL ~ Comm6aee. ln Lolita Harper's column of May 14, she seerm to continue to have a thing for guilt by association. She mentions that Eric Bever· •affiliation with the "improver· camp does cast a shadow of doubt on him.· Bever Is very approachable and can articulate his views quite well, so there,.shDuld not be any reason to have any unfounded assumptions about him. Just ask him your question, and you will know where he stands. No more guilt by association. please. The reason this concerns me is that people have saJd this about me. I th.ink people have learned what I am about and have taken the time to get to know where I stand on the W\Jes. So that being said. Harper still believes •people do fear what could happen to the Job Center.• Well, as I said ln my . cam.pa.Igo. I do not beliew' that we are obUpted to provide Job Center eemces for people who li\le outskle of our d~ We t.ve • ~-funded Job <:enter and the privately run tabor Rndy. O.uTendy. almost ~ oft.be people who uee ow ceo•cr U¥e ouu6de of our dty. Many are turned tlWaY eldt day wtaboui flndnc·wadt. at UM ol the '**" ... lmked to only C..Mlll.....-nta.tbmwe would be ........... Colla Mwt 'Li•~-.. ...... "-lld ...... bllta. ,,._ ........... , ftO ._. .. ..,., 1Panaalbll comers. as H could be reduced by more enforcement of our no-solicitation ordinance. Other cities also (leed to do their part. I don't think this is a fearful concept to the people who Uve 1n Costa Mesa. The remaining items mentioned in the column were W~tslde lodustriaJ properties. programs and charities. Many people who want to see the Westside of town improved have different approaches to these issues. lf one person speaks up for what some believe Is a drastic position. please do not assume that everyone agrees with that penon. rue the time to tallt with indMduals. Speattng of individuals. the column mentioned that ·one of the most vocal Im.provers bolds contentious views about people of minority races and has written such comments in various -ya pubU6bed on atrem11t wet> ates. Until the lmpruven completely decach thmmetYel from chat type of ~ they&n!I~ to be Judpd by it-whech« lt't. falr 1epceM01&don of dw!tr group or no1.• AJkJw me lO dmtJ ~~-:..-- .. ID .....oGI plOplt on dM W AllM1'E ~·--­lblla.M ill ••• • -• ........... 0/ ..... ., '••1111 rld..r•ane •<JlrlllltilGt•---llil cg ........... ....... _ .... ,..., .... .. anyone ebl' in the city lo ..et the record straight, there wru. often disagreement amonl!: w, a' to the best direcnon to take and what to say We all spoke individually with the collective cause of cleaning up the Westside. So 11 is inappropriate of you 10 pamt everyone with the same brush. As for tfle Individual you menaoned. I don't believe anyone can detach themselves from him and his views becawe I don't th.ink anyone is attached to him. He is his own person with his awn views. He speaks for hllnsdL Some may agr-ee . with him on some things. but that does not mean they~ with bim on ewrything. If be bas a view on a city '5lue. I am as willing Lo bear bim out u I am anyone in the oammunfty. That Is not anadunent. lnt~. lbe penon you mmtiooed WU appartntly not too happy with Ede ~· decision to pull bAs name from the llst of coundJ applk:anra. He WU alto Dot lOO happy .ttft mJ .uppon ot Mike Scbedn. l beilieYe F.ric 8ew:R dedDoa urd my deCWoo were in tbe bMt 1nll!l'tm ol the. each dlJ 1 am~ a .rd 1o wartb1' db Mr. Sdlrlhr Ind bOpi be illUle..eedlndle_ .... -..: to ........ o(eo. .... • dlla. .. ..._ paiclt•M ............... ~ auM•·~~-­Oiila ... •M&M•r•-••Cllli ......... , ... "•' QUOTE OF THE DAY "We're playing a really good team that really wants to beat us. Our kids will be excited to play." EYE OPENER II DaityA Pik>t Ill SporU Hal ol Fame ll'loollnlM'iC w ,....,.,1\1111 {) ,,..., ;I, O..Glenn Newport Harbor boys~ coach =26honoree KIRK B UERMEISTER •M . ..... ,J• M Tuesday, May 20, 2003 . ' Daily pllO{ lports.Ecllar Rlc:h8rd Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports fax: (949) 650-0170 .. t,• HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALt 1,, '·' ''I Sea Kings prepare for . extended CIF run ·:::. Cd.M at home Friday in Div. IV. Sage Hill hosts Div. V wild-card game today. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot LOS ALAMrrOS -The CIF Southern Secdon playoffs have been virtually all or nothing for Corona del Mar Hlgb Coach John Enune and his Sea IClngs. CdM went 5-0 in the 1999 postseason. Errune's second year at the helm. to earn FROM THE SIDELINE.S Crossing the paths of legends Thorpe, Warner and Stagg intertwined with those from Newport Harbor. S mall world happenings are not uncommon in sports circles down through the decades of U.S. history from local to regional and national levels. When this corner was young, we'd wind up reading about the great football figures of the day, such as Hall of Famers like Indian Jim Thorpe, his C&rllsle Universlry coach, Glenn "Pop· Warner, and famed coach Amos Alonzo Stagg, a one· time All·Amertcan at Yale. We never had optimistic thoughts of ever meeting these special kinds of people, but came to ....------be astonished as to haw close we came on a few occasions. It did apply with some friends of years past, much to our amusement The fabulous Thorpe, who was also a champion Olympian, moved DON his residence once to CANTRELL Wilmington in the early 1940s. In time, Bob Berry and his youngest brother, Charley, who were from Oklahoma Wee Thorpe, came to California with their family which chose to locate first In Wilmington, before Costa Mesa. Although they never came across Thorpe. Harbor High grid fans would be reminded of Thorpe when they came to see the Berrys in their years at fullback. In fact. one day. they started calling Bob ·Chief Wahoo,• which amused him. Still, '49 tackle Ted Trompeter once exclaimed, "Hey, let's face It, Bob was our Fonzee," although Newport kids favored the "Wahoo" term over the lV "Happy Days" hero. Ironically, one Thorpe connect came through. but not the way anyone would have expected. One day In the same '40s period, an uncle to Mel Smalley, who played superb football wtth Bob Beny in '49, took an opportunlry to drive Smalley ·over to Wilmington and cheerfully told him It was a chance for him to ·meet the great Jim Thorpe." This comer dki meet one of Thorpe's daughters, Groce, at Cypress College In 1976, when the college planned to · dedJcate lta athletic department facility called Thorpe House. And a friendly, smiling Grace was present to greet students and public, and deliver a personal tribute to her late father. The athledc director was Don Lent. a fonner Newport Harbor grid ctuef. ••• Al Lrwtn. a former coach at Harbor High. Orange Coast College and UC lrvtn.e, came to play football for Stag at c.oDege of the Plcl8c lo Slodclon. Prior to that SUa bad coached at the Unl\'enity Ol <hk:ago for 41 yean. He WU allo a ginl innovator lo coUege football. Added to loterat. the late George Yardley Si., father of two outltanding Harbor HWt athletes. George Jr. and lob. wm a champ athlete Wlder Stag ctun:IC bM ct.ya at Cllkaao· George Jt, 01 c:oune, in tlmii! became a member of ti I ..,.... Hiii of Pame -• career lbll IMIUIW OM Mmldoftal llCOdna -...... cbe NM'I Port Wayne. Ind. , the Division IV cbampk>nship. In their four other postseuon appearances dur· Ing P.mme's &ix-year tenw-e, however, they have only one win In five games. The Pacific Coast League champions (17-8) are hoping to stick a.round awhile when they begin their sixth straight trip to the playoffs with a OF Division IV first-rolllld clash with visiting Hesperia (13-9) Friday at 3: 15 p.rn. Sage Hill School. in Its second sea.son of varslry competition. learned It won~ have to wait as long to test its CIF legs. The lightning (13-8) will host La Verne J..utheran (6-13) in a Division V wild-ca.rd game today at 3:15 p.m., according to pairings announced Monday at the Southern Section oftice. The Sea Klnp enter with confidente and momentum. having won 11 of their last 12 league games to claim the title by three games over runner-up Northwood. CdM's 17 wins equal the most regular- seuon triumphs ad:lieved during Eirune's tenure, but the veteran coach is hopeful there are more to come. "We're healthy and all our pitchers are throwing well.• said Errune, who had to nurse third-year standout Nick Rhodes through some arm problems all spring. Rhodes. however, flnished the season 3-0, tnpuding a strong five-inning start In a victory over 'n!soro on May 13. Rhodes, Tudd Mackllo (5·2), Josh Bradbury and Blake Contant have also been consistent mound options for the Sea KJngs. who have also been produc- tive with their bats. Bradbury, a jun1or who plays third base when not pitching, leads the attack. He is hitting .-t27 (32 for 75) with a team- leadlng eight homers and 21 RBis and ' I 27 runs. Senior shortstop Keith Long, a fouf.' : year varslry veteran, is hitting .387 ~th '. one homer and 18 RBis. and senior Ntd: ~ red·hot lately, enters the playoffs'• at a 354 dip with four homers and 18 RBis. rtrSt baseman Barren Sprowl and out· fielders Wess Presson and Nick Palchl: koff' have also contributed consistenttf for the Sea Kings. who were eliminated · in the first round last season at' See BASEBALL, Pa1e AJ . ' HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Ann Marie Topps, left, helped lead her team to its first league title this season and now the Mustangs want to win their first playoff game. Mustangs take aim at history Costa Mesa makes bid for first CIF playoff win Friday. CdM, Sage Hill play in wild-card games on Wednesday. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot • WS AUMITOS -The Costa Mesa High softball team has already ~e history this season. but Coach Rick Buonarigo and his Mustangs hope there is more to the novelry act when the CIF Southern Section playoffs open this week. The Golden West League champ!· ons (17-10), who captured the pro- gram's first league title, will get the chance to win the program's first playoff game when they host Re· dondo (14·10) in a CIF Division Ill first·round contest Friday at 3: 15 p.m, Corona del Mar (10.10) begins its third straight postseason appearance Wednesday with a Division IV wild- card game at Notre Dame of RJver· side (17·8). Sage Hill School (10·9), in its sec- ond season of varsfry competition, makes its maiden postseason voyage. beginning Wednesday widltll Division V wild·card clash at C<Mha·based Western Christian 00-7). P1ayoff pairings were released Monday at the Southern Section of· ftce. Costa Mesa has lost Its last six post· season contests, including early exits the last three springs. But the Mus· tangs won four of their last five to edge second-place Westtninster by one game and third·place Saddle· bade by two games. Costa Mesa. ln lt.s first season in the Golden West League after years ln the Pacific Coast League, clinched the outright title wtth a 4·2 win Wednesday over Saddfeback. If the Mustangs are to succeed, they'll need to overcome a stingy Re· don do pitching staff that has held op- ponents to three or fewer runs in 19 or 24 games. The Seahawks posted seven shutouts, yielded just one run six times and held foes to two runs twice. A 12·3 loss to Ocean League ri· val Santa Monica marks the only time an opponent scored more than five runs on Redondo this spring. Re· dondo finished tied for second In the Ocean League and won the tie- breaker wtth Santa MoRica to earn the league's No. 2 playoff designation. CIF SOUTHERN SECTION PLAYOFFS Costa Mesa's ample offense. how· ever, has averaged just more than five runs per game, led by Oregon·bound senJor slugger Ann Marie Topps. Topps. a two·time All-OF performer who also sparkles defensively at shortstop. Is hitting .510 this season (34 for fi6) wtth a school single-sea· son record 10 home runs and an eye- popping 37 RBis. ln three varslry sea· sons, Topps has now produced 18 ho· mers and 85 RBis. Cost.a Mesa has also been fueled by sophomore pitcher Jackie Butler, who is 10·3 with a 1. 70 ERA. as well as Jun· lor Jane·E Yamamoto, who won sev· eral lcey games while Butler dealt wtth a series of lnjurles. Senior outfielder Jade Moss (.360) with 18 runs, has also been a catalyst See SOFT8ALL, Pa1e A7 .. .. ., ., ... . ., , .. ' " •• ,.,. , .. ... • i• CIF challenge continues for five local ~~ Three volleyball, two tennis teams seek boys quarterfinal berths. The Corona del Mar High bo)'I volley- ball team. dwnp6orl of the Padftc Cout League and Che No. 2 teed In OF Southern Secdon DMllon 0. maka lta poetwtori debut tonight after a ftnt· round bye. MeanwhBe, YOlleyball tf8ml from tanda and Newport Hllbor, .. wel • boyl t.ennls IQUldl tom Q:IM and • HA1. ... t.c1t b -.ua tn mar l9IPIC-ctwOP~dtvillola eo.dl SIM Ccdf\ QM volwbll -.n (18-UJ ...,. -lO AmMhild' Clnlllll Cl1·1J ID a~ lla:b • 7 p.m. FM.anda <i7·10), the No. 3 seed In CIF [)Msjon DJ, vllits Orange Lutheran for a aecond·romd meeting. also at 7. New- port Habor (20-11) wm attempt to puD off a DMlloo I upiet at San Clemente (Z&-1), the No. 2 eeed. . Coach Thn Ming's C.dM terum 1QU8d (20-0) pa hi No. 1 aeedl.ng on the line at Santa~ (U ·9) in a 2 p.m. eecond- round DMdoo I showdown. S19e Hll (1().8) Is II Cc:wina (20-1) In a 2 p.m. DtvWofl v tennis contest from which the wtr1nef wOl advance to the May 27 =-det'bd tam wtl N1Yt hid 11 .,. o1111nce dlopprc kl_. .... '°" .. to Newport Hlrbor. fbe ll)Uf -.-co ........... f.dc Jorlli Ind Birt ¥Mdl lO .... o« die S l'ORTS luesdal# Md; /U, :.!003 A7 BASEBALL Continued from A6 No. 3-seeded St. Paul. Hesperia tied Serr.mo for the Mojave River League lltJe, but lost the tiebreaker and had to ~t lie for the league's No. 2 playoff deaignation. The Scorpions are pacl'd of fens.lvely by junior Adam Se~. who is hitting .461 with 18 RBis. If victorious Friday. Lhe Sea Kings would face either remple City or the winner of today'b wild-card game between Cant· well Sacred Heart of Mary and St. Bernard. The second round is scheduled for May 27. Sage Hill, Lhe third-place fi n isher in the Academy League. i'i led by seniors Zach Frie<.lrith'> and l lm Wlllins. Friedrich ... en t~ the regular-seaM>n finale hiµing .464 with one homer, 2!-J ruhs and 26 runs. lie rx1.,tcd u 1.62 ERA. striking out 47 111 19 innings. Wtlkins was 5-1 with a 2.1 fi EJ\A with 53 slrikeoul'> in 151'1 in - nings, while hitting .350 with two homers and 13 RBis for fiN year cotich Bert Emer..on. SOFIBALL Continued from A6 for the Mustangs. ShouJd Costa Mei.a preva.iJ. it would likely meet No. 4-seedt'<l Western in the !>eeond rowid May 27. Mesa lost in the lir.t round to Western lru.t M!aMJn The Pioneers (18-6). who won the Ordllge League fur the Srt' ond straight &ea'>on and the 11 Lh lime in 19 ~ason..,, have held op ponenb to three or fowi:r run., in all but one gam e. induding 15 shutouts. Sta11do111 <,ophomore pitcher Jennifer McfJroy po~ted an-impres!>ive 0.2.EI l:HA. striking out 198 in 149 mrung~ with only 26 walb. She i-. 17 6 We<i1ern faces the winner of Wt-dnCM!ay\ wild-card game he1ween Nogdle'> and Schurr 111 J-nday\ fiN round. CdM won a third place playoff with Lalvary Ch apel, 8· 7, to nab the league\ final playoff -.pot. The Sea King.... co coached by Racie Giffin and 1-.d Mejia, have lost their la. ... t IWU playoff open· ers. Led by J-rc'>no \late-bound senior pitcher AlMa i'.c.ielle and relu m rng All·Cll tatcher Amy Tyson. aJo..o a .,enmr, the ~a Kings have h.ittll'd 1mons1!ttency thJi. !>t'..&.Mlll I ht·u lo11w· ... 1 "'"' ning '>ln-.tk .., 1wo .,;.ullt"'>. dt.hieved three llmt..., If <.dM um prev-...ul over N11trl" f>amt', 11 will I ravel to l>t'..,t'rt \~ \ l.t·ague cham pion &c.,111w t 17 '•I for a 11,..1 rou nd game I rrdt1 )' ";age 1 llll. tlw third pl.111• 11·p rt">Cmauve fro111 tht' \l Jclt'rt1\; l..caRlJe. wa., dt'11•akd h\ \\1 .11·1r1 0\lblldn th1ro. ~·d..,011, ,1 f, II ·l'I hack Man h LO. Wi!!>tcrn <l m ... 1 i<rn "•pl 1111111 11 t' pitcher Mel,.., .. C .111111•1 11111 lu·cl .1 two hittt·r tJ1a1 cl.1\ '111~111v 11111 l 'i. t ht.· IJght11111g '' l1 ·d Ii~ p111 l11·1 Catherine I )ail1·v. wt.11 "i. r. w11h al IH I HA. ,1., .,..di 1-. 1 1 ·. 11 11 ling awragt· w11h 11 IOil, l-.1111 rld Jkdd'tlll'lllll'f I I l \'-1111 .1 .! 111 l·HA and a {11 h.11 11 11~· ,1\1•1.iJ•1·1 and M~·t1ga11 1\11 c ut1 .. 1wh 1111 .,..11h I I ll Hf., .111 • .11.,11 I••\ 1w1 lornwr., for ( •i.t1 h J11 11 1'1 ct I\ .II \Jgt· 11111 1.11l1•d 11. ''Ill ·I , ... 11111 ..... nr ... 1 '4.'J'>llll .u 1d , .. ,lfl\11111 ... llr t•xteml "' lir'I 1rip ro 1lw pl.1\ off-.. 'M..il111g 1lw pl.1v11lh 1111, .,,.,, 'iOn wa .... t hU).'l' J tlf1111pli.,frr1 w111 bu1 we· d11111 hd11 \1 ,,. 11.i\1 owr;11 hwH•tJ l'n1 1\. I ,,1111 I WUlll pn•dll I l111v. l.11 ""fl g11 111 1he pl.svott .... hut 11111111 v.1'11 1 ,, pahlt· of 1>1.,111ng .1m 11·.1111 1\1 takt• tilt' lwld 1g.11 11'1 A Lightning win would propt'I It into Friday's first round at At ton-based Vasquez 07· il a fret· lance entry that dropped two of iur last three gam~ to No 4-seeded Arrowhead 0 1riMian K[NI lREPIOW DAIL'f PILOT Corona del Mar's Wess Presson has been one of several consistent hrtters for the Sea Kings, who play host to Hesperi a in the first round of the CIF Southern Section Drv1s1on IV playoffs Friday. CANTRELL he rt'ahtl'd th1· f11.111 '' 1111• 1111 n1·arh) wa' thl· w1d1·I\ ~ 11"" fl Warnl·r COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRACK AND FIELD Conbnued from A6 l'i'iton ... I It· broke the 'rngle·'>t'a'>on '><.ormg record Lil 1958 w11h 2.00 I pmm~. ()Ill' JnllJ'l'llll'lll I .11111• 111 mrnd n·< al1111g 1h.1l 1•11• •·I \\l,1rrwr ... d""lttn h 111 .1111 I• 111111· n .. J11ed rht· ne\' 1 ''·"Ii\\ hJv111g 1rouhlt \\1l h 1J1• lrnl1.11 gndd1·r., Pirates win three state titles lrwm rt·marnt'<.l do'>e friends Wlth ">l<l~ for many year'> belorc· the lamou<> coach dred at I Ol I le oh,t'n t·d \\,11111•r' \\ n' llOIC'd lht• rl'J \ 111111 .... 111d '" lirially told the·< na• h f111\.11t I\ that ht• t>e'>I ... 111p lht Ii.id languagt' arrd ... 1.1n 1t1«t1111~: llw player' w11h rr111n• n''lll'• I Jcba n leads wome n to a third-place Oni sh with two ihdividua l crowns. . HAYWARD -Ordllge Coa .. 1 College's Michelle lcban and Art Diaz combined for three' ind1 vidual slate champion'>h•r>' and a runner-up finish at th(' Califor nia Community College <.OA Track and Pield ll1arnpmn,h1Jh a( Olabot College fa,1 wt•c k.end. The women's team ro.corcd fil points and finished 1hird lwhrnd 'iacramento (88) and Mt ~11 An tonio f65.5). lne men\ tectm finished in eigh1h pla< C' w11h ·11 points. Moorpark won the tille wi th 96 poini.... lchan defended bolh her 11 tie-.. winning 1he 5,000· and I 0.000 meter race-.. She '<'I a ...1a1e ml't'I reconl tn lo\.1n11111g 1he 10.0<X> 111 ·1s·49 l4, mon• than 28 -.ccond., better 1ha11 wt·ond pl.tel'. llw prcviou., mark wa., lt(•fd by l.'ilanna I hgh .md OrJJlge loa'>I ( oll1·gc gr.id Ara t l'l1 Mar1111e1. ·'et 111 I 1m c;1w Wllll lht.• 5,0()() Ill 17 lllllllllt'' l4 'iJ 'l'cond .... mon• lhan 17 '>l'l'IJIH.h bl'ttl·r than 1'1lar I )clga do of t;l('ndaJc•, who fiiw.hl'd 'l'lOlld. l>1;v rnmc· up 04 'l'< omh 'hon of \\inning 1wo 111le' I It• t·d~t>d l>;m \llllc•r of \ntelopt• SOCCER Youth soccer camp on tap Nl-WPOfff BEACI I -fornwr f11glish profl"'S10nal soccer play er'\ liob McNab. Oavc Kemp and Jim I linch will lead a <,o('cer dinrc for children 5 to IR .it I Jn coin f:Jementary School 1n C .o rona del Mar. June 23-26 fhe inaugural Parent rro1~·· Pt>sitive Soccer <Jinic will ra1-,e mo ney for research at the lln1 versicy of Pennsylvania in hnpe'i of lin~ing a cure for boys w hh l),uchenne Mu:o,cular Dystrophy, a fatal genetic childhood diSt>asc. . The clinic runs 9 a.m. · 12.JO p.m. The cost is $250 for children and $200 for coaches McNab played for Arw nal 111 the 1-Jlglish Prernjer Le<1~'lll'. .i ... well as for England\ nauonal team in the 1960s and '70,. I le aho rnarhed in tht• North Amen1 .111 '-i<iu <'r I c·a1,'lu: I lint h n>mp<·ted 111 't'wral I 11gh ... h I 1r.,1 amt \t't oml f)1v1 ... um tl•am ... rn the I q;'(h llw Co rnna def '\far hu'\111t'"lllJll aho plJyt·d "''th llw < ..ilrforn1.i '-iurf .tnd the l.11' AngPle-. \k.yhawko. Kemp played fur t r)'lal 11,11 at 1• 111 h1gland and wa' .1 l<>Jl h at Wimhlt>don in tht: la11• I qqch. Neil Brandom, orw of the .-.·vent organi1t·r,, ha., a 10 year old '>On. Du<.ty. affiic1ed w11h the d1-.eaw Du ... 1y. a fourth gr<ider at Uncoln. I'> confined 111 a whed l'h.iir '-il11n' and '-«)ll er ball' will ht.• pnmdt•d for dll p.trtitip•lllh Im infurmatton, phm1t• (!J4q) f>IO 'i530 Valley in tJ1c I 0,000, po.,11ng t1 time of 3 I :25.58 In ttw 5.<XX>. Gerardo Rabelo 1<1ok tlw title in 14:48 fi9. Dia.1 W<L., 'l'< ond in 11:48 9J \andra Montoya tool founh in the 10.000 (38.22 "K>J Jnd '>l'\ ~ enth in the 5,000 (I A JO OL) Ava Jom•, \\ii' 'IXlh Ill till' '.i.000 1n I IU I 78. K1·\111 < urk·v lini,ht·d .,t•w111h in the 10.000 with ,1 llnll' 111 12··15 9'i In 1lw .t.000 ... u.·1•pleLha.w. < 111 h l'rt "'-11.l' .. plan•d fourth 101 1h1· 1'1ralt' ... w11h a 111111' or 1)'41111, aml NalalH· '-ii ''ndrc· 111ok liflh 1n tlw womc•n\ rat t• r 11 11 'i'i! Ro..,cann 1'1·1t·" toul homL· .1 pair of 1h1rtf pl.t< I' h11"hl'' for lhl' l'ir.tlt'' ..,ht 1 1111 lnl .1 ' 17 11 CIF Continued from A6 appcarJJ111">, ind111li11g" I >1,·1-.11111 II ~uml·round '>(•that k f..r...,I '>t'il "In at '\lt'\vpor1 "We'rl' play111g " rl'.1lly good tt·am that mill\ \ .. a111 ... 111 ht•.tl ll'-. \.1110" ( oach I >;in ( .knn -.aid "Our llllf.., \\ 111ht·1•\llh"<l lo pl.t} - < d \1-.. 1t•11111' 111~1·m;1111 lmunn'<-1 '>l1111h lorr.i11u'. I 1 I 111 ~lurd.iy·, hN round \\tuft• ...._,111.1 Mar,.:arita, 1he ~·rr,1 I ~"lh'lw n111 rwr-up. 1·dg1"<l ff"\llH'. 10 fl. to advam l' Ille ~a l\.rnJ.." h.1w 1101 ytddt·d mort• lh:..11 "" "'''' lo ilrt\. nppo m•nt th" 'fmng. \ < d:'-1 \11'1111"\ would 'iC'l up .1 q11.int·rfo1al lllt'l'I ing May !.7 v.llh t·11lwr I ooth11l or bpt·rarva. '>.!gt· I hll .1p1x·.1r' to h.1w 1h hjnt.Jo.. rull \ .. llh rlll' ( oh,, nllllll'I" llJl Ill lhl' \,tflt• V .... 1.1 I .(•;tgtll' in the 800 and a 4·J7.57 in 1.500. Kei nan BriAA' finished his i.ca.<>on wi th a pair of top·'\ix fin· i<;hes. Brigg'> relOrded 49-3 in the triple 1ump tor fo unh place and he liru..,hed '>IXth rn the 110 high hurdle., w11h a time of 14.lil David B.1re fin...,lll'd I Oth in lhl· pulC' vault at 11 I and Jennr· ft·r hnald1 wa.., fifth in the v.omt'n\ vault, dc·.inng 11 -1 Lauren C.w .. tty po'itt'd d sea- 'on-b1·...r .l,7fl5 po111i... to talc.e homt• fifth pl.tte 111 the hl'ptath· 11111 for < >rangt• ( .oa'I Sisters 11,mni and J;i...mmt• <.eider fin · .... hed 111 '>l'Vl'lllh and eighth place Wlth i ,n'i and 3,594 p111111' re ... pt'l 11wl~ ~ould the IJghtrung pre'\'Ull, 11 would m~I t•llher Academy 1.t"4,'1Je nvd.I h unnon1 l'n'p. Lhe '10. :i o,ecd. or Workman. in the 4uancrfinab. -by Barry Faulkner HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebratmg the Dally P11ors Athlete of the Week senes TOOAY 23 -Lindsey Grubbs ( nrona del Mdr Girls soccer. 1996 97 23 Travis Nelson N»wpon Harbor Boyo; volleyball 1998 Our ot turning '-itagg\ way m the early dayc, to help. Irwin nnu~ accepted the challenge of .,cuuling a team at a di.!.tance and expected no '>urprist">. I lowl'Vt'r, 'hock came to him a., the rnntest moved on when Warrn:r did .1111J 1li.11 1h 11 11•1 d ewrything SCHEDULE TODAY Baseball High school -La Verne Lutheran at Sage Hill, CIF Oiv1s1on V wild-card round, 3:15 pm. Volleyball Hig h school boys -New pon Harbor at San Clemente. CIF D1v1s1on I second round, 7 p m . Arrow head Christian at Corona del Mar. CIF 01v1s1on II second round. 7 p .m.; Estancia at Orange Lutheran, CIF Division Ill second round. I IT ml lUIE PIYIBT 7pm Tennis High school boys Coron" d"I Mar at Santa Margarita Cl~ 01v1s1on I Sf'con<1 roun<1 I pm , Sage Hill al Cov1nd Cl~ D1v1s1on V c;econd rO•Jf'ld 7 pm Golf High school boys Corono \1PI Mar Estancia at CIF Suuthr-111 lnd1v1dual Regional Champ1onsh1p Tournamenl ·ii Bladt Gold CC !Yorba l 1nd JI 130pm 39 • lfAIE • APPMIEll EICEUE.NT CIEHT SJOOQ foct1>1r •f'bo•• pl,.'\$] 4QQ M IO"'IP' e r} ~ll'J~ \~ A'><J t" '1"'"9 No 1.et .~, def,o.tl ·~·@d ]QQ()() • !·J ..,_ P"< i. ,. " Aft pt ~ eick.-d. ?J'•8'fntn(tli, f~ and 1o• > 'l .. • • '"'l' • pt~r OllOI' tlicJr ]e oed 'lny """"'''°" ,,.. 'ng ~ 2524•-··· COSTIMUA TAKI SS FWY urr ra a. TC KA&:ct t.;pl Noacn 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 lepl Notices 2640 1 legal Notices 2640 .IOTICI Of• tlOt-Ol IL01 llO TIMI, DATE .0 Pl.ACI, HOUCI lfestOM *RlMIDIA U S<.NOOl •A.. .... Op.ft"" n- ...... 1 14 Oeetlll•er .~.-. ,_. 24tlt, $0J1 02.00 r··· .A Piece 0 Bid A• ct1pl Newporl·Men Ulllhtd School 01slr1ct P~chum1, 298!1 B Bur S eel. Costa MHa. Ca 9 26 •B Pr oject Name MtHUrt ·11· Modern ·~•lion and Inter 1m Hbusin1, Hoface Ens11n l~ttt"'*d•tte School e PIK• Plans are on lilt raOJICT MANAG-o ·s .tfke, •c<...tty lw1141 .. , <e•r••IH, 20401 s. w. "'"" Street, S•lte JOO, Mtwrrt lted1, <A tt ... 111..!_<erttty l •tl41"t <~····l•••Mlrt .... Office, 2tl5·< ·-· "''''· <•••• ..... c •. tttit 1.01 I UMMAIY Of won, ltfojtel Description lhlJ ptojtK.t C1)nSish of 1114 lllfrtstructurt •n· •tdallOll end coordlne lien tf 8 MW PCM ltblt dnvooms end pflaMd MOdtrr11u11on ol en "'wmedltt• .c11oo1 1n tllt Ntwpoft Mest Ulll· flM School 011111<1 ~Kluttr. llH Hll ' utety cOt111>lh111ce, ADA cu1pllence, bulldln1 ..... lnteeJity llPl'tdits· ~1=:' lnterlott. tlld 11\fra ...... llHJ .. ,,.......,, h tlmat1• d ,100.00000 ...... na. 4 NOntl IS H(M8Y Cl9LN tfltl NewpcKI ..... U111fiff Scllfff -"· .ct-c .., .... ..... .... co .. -. ..,,, .. , • .,.,....w ... "' __ ..... Olllll<I fol ltlt ...._ !Md ''DJ« t UO 111 IMll nol lale1 th.in th" bid dudhnio, B Bilh ,..... lu· II ltlYl'd 1n lh• 111,HP 1d•nltl11'd •hu yr Whl'lhe1 nr nnl bid' .,I! OP"nl'd l'•tdly ~I lh• 1111,. h tl'd m Ht" noh<I' no bid '"'" be 1tn 1vrd alte• lht bid dt1•dl111e C. Pl ANS ANO SPt r lflCA llONS ARI A \I All ABI C NOW I ht' docu rnenh may be reviewed 11 thl' PROIECl MAN AG[R', olfrrt (ie~ 1ddren item I below) OR CAN BE PURCH~O I AO M IMYUNIT llU1PalMT1 US72 c .... lr•c•l•tt Ceotter, lrwlttt, CA. t 2 606 (t4t~ 552·7S.. FAX , ... 552-12" 0 ht 0.1lr1Ct Wlh be in1l1thn1 end 1nforcin1 • I 1bor Comph1nce Prorr•m in t<.<.ordtnce with the pt0¥1Ston1 •nd 1equ11emenh ol A'sem bly 8 111 I !>06 end pursuant lo Cellfornl• labor Code •eclions 1770 et MIQ All con hact01s end lhett 11p pllceble 1ubtonlt 11etou petlotmin1 on lht prof eel silt will bt requlttd to complr with 111• reqvlremenls o f the l•lllof Comt>htnce Pro p tm lrw.IVMvt ol. bvl no« llmlle4 to flt 0111ct.111 lllt 1.tbof ~net Officer or II t.,11t.,-di• li:nettd reprn1nlll1ve 1111 riaftt to conduct •eudlt" tnte,.,ltw of tllt tr•dtsmen 1>9rlo1mlnt on '"' PfOJtct •~• llll en H dtttlltd nec;eUMy b•V<l dllflnl •~Y .. ' -m•I wllflllnl hows, el 110 eddlttonel c °'' to the Of ti ICI, OI Hy of tM Oi1trkt'e ,_.~ t.et-•lll"h · hell llOOCi. lllUSt ""' • llid lloN ., oltltr WC:Ufley "' .... •!Mtll'l of 19'M> Of llle -l ol "'' 1114 "'"' ttlot ~ r. c.c11 e1oortt, 11 fl'lllfl--~ .+ttl I "'"' ulton of lhp <:011 Ila< I AKrl'emrnl will bf' rtQt111ed lo lurnl\h • I lhn1 ~nc1 MalPrhtl Ppr'°' mAnt" Rnnd '" an amounl equAI In 100 pP•<Pnl of lh• Conlrat t \Um and ll r ~llhful PPI 10< mance Bond '" an .. mount 1>qual lo 100 perc~nl of the Conlt1< 1 Sum Said Bo11ds •h~ll be Imm an ftdm1tted Cahlor111a Sur•ty \atl\ laclorv lo the 01~1t 11 I a11d hsled m lhe federal Re&l$lt-r. 1uued by the Oepa1tmenl ol lruwry and hcen•ed '" C•hlor n1a Said bond• \h•ll 1em11n 1n full force •nd ellecl lh1ou1h lhe 1u11antee IM!•IOd G Ille fflOOI R shaH be • licensed Cl)nlr•<.tOf punu•nl to the 8u•mei• and Pr ofes\tonal• Code t nd be hcen\ed 1n the eppltcable clanlltt;•lton\ fOf the tr•ll4ls lor whlCh the conlr acl0t Is. sub mllt1n1 a bid H 1 htS PfOteCI hn 3,. 01ubled \leleu n Busl ntss Enterpilse Plftlcl petoon 1oels I Qvestton1 tboul this Pi.OIECT s hould b• dwtcled lo the PRO.:CT MANAGCR COlllKI. Bonnie Mtftln. Telephone 7 14/424 8950, Fin" MceerlhJ e uiW1.f'la Co f AJI. 714/ ~4-1951, Addtns 291& c .,.., SlrMI, Co•I• Mesa, C• 9262'6 J No Bid m1y be withdrewn unlit Sh ty o~· •Her th• lld OpenM,c Otte It 1 he Olstr let ,. Mrftt ttlt rtif\t to reje(t •111 Mid lltl blft Of to Wlltn lr1eievft1it... if! .,., Md l. Nt wl'Ofl MtU UftlfiH k llool Otatrld i. .. , ....... tppOtt\lllify• ~--. _ ............. •• ••••h•4 •• •"••••"'•· r •• .,. .... llfl(•llOfl pock11 \ n plene ~·inl"d 1h .. P101ecl M•11 •~~• •I dbOn •ddreu N No lel ... ph.,n,. or bt~nuhi! m~(h1nr will ht- llV•llllble 10 b•dtlN' "" lht! OISIRICI jlrPml\,.. "' lhe hme of bid Publi~hed Nt-w~•nr I Buch Coitd Me,.,1 O••lv Pilot May 70 JI :iocn 1111 IS( 13070 MOOO Of PmTlOM TOAMRSTll ISTATIOf: --IOSl •llN90I IOSIWITWll WI teO. Atl1916 lo •" he11s benef1 c1e11es credcton ton t1n1enl credtlon •nd penons who m•y oth erw1:u be lnt111nled m the will ot est•te. o• both, o l BRANDON AOSC t h BRANDON ROSE WlfWER A PEtlTION fOR PRO BATE llu been hied by ANDREW C ROSC lft 11\to SuptttOf Co\Ht of C.11 lorn1a. Counly ot OA ANG( THC PfTITION fOA PR08AU requesb Alf DREW C ROS£ tit apf!Oftitt4 n Ptn on.i repttttn••tJve to •d m1nt.tw Ille l\ttt• of Ille dectdeftt THC PCTI"°" 1~r1 the dtc!HMnt's Will encl codlcils. 1f •111. bt tdmlUH to Ptobtlt The Wiii t nd • .,, C:ildlC.., ... H f4111blt fot U -· \;on 111 Ille t.lt 1ttt1t fly ltlet-1 Tl4C l'ElTllON ,..,..b ovllloflty to ....,..._ .. t... • late 11fldw ti.. lndtp111Cf1nt Ad•i..t. It •I• of h t • Act (this "6.tNrity ...... ........... ,..,_ ''"" ...... _, ttl-s wl\M141t tM• ,,.. "'" .. ,.. •""'"··· ----Bt·l1tt t· 1,tl-.m~ t t'tlom .,;ftfV lft1JUH l ,1111 (tl fltJfl\ h• .,,,,, "'' r 11-. pn unAI • l P•,. f"lnl '''""' w1U h .. ,. •1111t~tt tu t •vt-nnth ,. tn 1nf~, .. ~ 1 .. 11 ,, .. , uu uni""' ft1t y h .•Vf' w.uvrd noh<,. nt 'un.,ftnt,.d to It" plOJ••"rd ac lion l I hf 1ndr 11rr11l• nt •d """'"" Attnn .u1thor 1tv will hr QI ~nlrd uni"" .1n 1nlrrf'•ll'd Ill'• \nn 1111"• ~n nbl"• llun 111 lhl' 11rl1t111n and •huw\ ~oud < '"'" Wh'f th9' \..Ollf t \lluold nnf 111 •Ill tht 111thn11ly A Ill AHING nn lh~ pl'l1l111n will be hl'ld on JUNf 11 iOOJ •t I 4S 11111 1nOe pl l7l lo' ttl'd "f Joi I The l'tty Onvr <;nuth Oun11@ I.A 9?8b8 II YOU OR I C 1 lo tlw> ar Ant1na of the IH!lllt0n, you \hould a!>P*•r at the h•a11n1 and •t•I• you• obi"' lion\ or hie w11tten ob1ect10"' with the ~ourt before the hea11111 Yoo• &1>9••r •nre may be In pel\nn or by you• allorn•y If YOU ARC A CREDI TOA nr tonl1n11nt cred1t0t oC t!M °"'"""'· yllll "'"'' f!M )'OUf <.1•1111 Wiii! Ille tOllfl •nd tnltll • cut>J In lbe 11110.on•I repreMnl•t1V1 ~lllH fly lht co.HI within fow month• h•fl• IM del• of the fttal IHUl!ICI of 1ttter1 ., ptowid<od In l"rofl1t1 Code Mellon tlOO Tho tuM tot f~lfl& clelm• will not np11t btlVI• tout m011th1 from the hurtna <let• nohOG •ho•• YOU MAY fMMM the I lltpt llr tho tCMll'I If '°" ti. • por1"00I "' ,., .. ,td "' '"' ........ JOU _, ... wttll ... c-t • Request fof ~ .. I tttO ClefM OI"• I~) el .,_. fifll'I tf eft 111,,_.cwyMM...,lliwif of n &.tte MMtt • tf _, ,.!ttil:MI II 9<~ • , fWO• ..... !fl ........ rode \t'Chon I ?SO A R•que•I fnr Spt>l"l•I NolKI' form ·~ avd1lablt Imm lh• cnurl <l•rk Allorn•y IOI Ptllll<lntt G .... ,_ J. l .Ctte', l--.. 1700 A~ Ave., Ste. 20 1, (MIO ..... CA 92•2' Published Newpor I RP~rh Co•t• Mna 0•1ly Pilot May 13. 19 ?O ?003 TMl?8 SWlllOI COUil Of WOlllA. CIMITY Of SAllRW. hMrt ""1d. 144SSCMr .... Yid.nit, CA mt2 Tit l [ Of CASC (ABBRCVIATCO) IN IHf: MAffiR Of 01\Nlllll ROS£ BOYER. A Mtnot A Person who \hall bt decl•nd htt from the custody •nd control of her patenb CITATION fRHOOM FROM PARL NIAl CUS TODY ANO CONTROL (A8ANOONMENT RE AOOPTION). CASl .... I( .. VAVS ..... IHE P(Of'l( Of THl STATI or CAl.lfORNIA. lo JOHN T IOYCR, end to ttl per M 'lalllllfll to bt tllt fellltf w mottler of u• llllllOf .,.._ tlloft mtmtCI By 0<"1 of tll+I Court '°"' •• t.retty CltM tlOd tlNfMHI tllat you -1 ...... "'-• ..... Jude• rru fllfna In O.-tmt11l. 144" ClllK O.l.t . VICt•n lftt. CA tllR tf .._ *"" _.itttd cewl ... -.. 20, fOOJ. ti 10 00 o'clotk"• M .. tlwll •r. ................. c.--, if .. '" lleft. ....,_.,.._...,. llot ....... ·-·-... , .... ".., ,..,... •<c•-.. ... ~.., ... . .. -.. . " ..... . \ lh~ mleiest ol lhe m1no1 r equ11 e\ hos or he• 11r olf'dmn the Court 'h.Jll ~jlp<>ml toun,el In r•e>••<ent lh@ m1nl)I Su< h • oun,el shall M •PPOtnled whelht!• Of not lh• mm0t 1s •ble 111 •lfor d counsel II you •ppe~r w1lhoul coonwl and •1~ unable to •ff0td 1ounsel, the Court Viall appoint coun'>el 101 you 11 you requ"•t 1ppo1nled coun<fl lh• pu1p"s" ol lhl\ ar lt0n In lrtt lht! m1n0t l1om the cu•lndy ol ~. par~nh "to 1>•l!fm11 th• •d"9hOn ol ~•tel r•un0< lo • su1f•b~ •doe>hng pitrt'nt lhf' Ct>utl m1y con llnue tlleu Pf octtd1n1s nol lu r ttr<'d llurly ( !01 d•Y' •' lll'C,.,. ar V I • appo inl coun· 1 I •rtd .-n1blr 'oun""' t,, •·• f Ofllft ••m1l1Af Wtth ttu· f' ptt.c .. ffdln&\ C,1yen UOdM my h1nt1 and ,,..1 ol lh• Sur•"""' Cuu1l ol lh• Cnunty 111 San Bet n.ir dine Sta It ul Cahfnrm• lh" ?7"d r1ay of Ap11I 700) STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?. • • • • • • • • • • • llUNIY 1 lf Rto. IY /S/ AM 'I' SlUSHl• Oep;,ty f 1tf I "'" ~ .. ,,.. •I ,.,. It, t ti ..... ,,. It .... '"I' MH I , , I< I •c•ll I \~ ',,, .,,,u, ( ttr 1n ( /a ;\t/INf 1 Index SERVICE DIRECTORY -For All Your Home and Business Needs - ...................... .......... ..., ...... .. ltlCK ' CMA WlKR • 'ubllalled Newport S.edl-Cotta ..... Ody Piiot Mey 20. 21, 2003 TUI ........ ......... tlM followlftc perlOfll are dollll '*"""' as: Vwtual l'~n. 2167 V11l11co L 1ne, Coate Mtu, CA 92626 .luon It. Trm . 2867 Ve l11co L•n•, Co.st• Meta.CA92626 This buslneu b Gon· ducted by: en ln<llvldull Hne you started doin1 business )'el? No JasonTrasa Tiiis ai.tement was flied with the County Clerk of Onnc• County on 04/08/03 200Ht401 .. Delly Pilot Mey 6, 13. 20, 27. 2003 T12S ........ .. -.. ti.. ...... ,__ ., ... ~..: ITU 'rl11tm1. 11257 Mowlt ~ C:lrcle. u.-M~o.ntafft Vellty. CA !flt•~ Tteltfllell St1ffill& SolUtioM (CA), 17175 5'}' ,.,. Circle, Unit [, lrvlftl. CA 92'14 Thh bll.._. II C.oll• ducte4 by: • corp«aUon Hive JOU atatte4 cloln& IMlslMss 1etf Ho l11t1t11atlo111I Tech· nk al Sbffln1 Sokitlons, A. o.tlnls Hernandez, Gan.~cer This 1t1lement wu filed with Ille county Clerll of Or1nae County 01104/08/03 tooHt4elSO Daily Pilot ,,.,, . 29. May 6,13,20,2003 T118 .......... ........ TIMI...,...~ ere .... bu ... ~ $04.tltl COttt. 27 Olotto, Allto Vl.tlo1 CA ~ ltkll•d •• Hiiey. 27 Giotto, A11to Villlo. CA t2'66 '•trkll M Hiiey. 17 Giotto, Alltel Villlo, CA ttel54I Tiiis bllslMls II con duel.Id by: • llutJland 1.ndwlf• Have JOU started doln1 busineu yet1 Y11. 4/9/03 Richard a.. Hiiey Petrlcla M. Hiley This st1t11menl wes flt.cl with the County Clerk of Ora nc• County on 04/22/2003 to0Mt4'817 ~Uy Pilot Altf. 29, May ft. 13, 20, 2003 T999 How to Place A CLASSIFIEAD By Fax (949) 631-6594 f~ ll19dr ,__ al flktt-*"' 11111 By Phone (949) 642·5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Str«t Cos11 Mo&. CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd. & Ba) S1 Hours: fkm.9..... ..... ..... ... s..... ... ...... TM fo16owl111 pe1sons The fo1tow1n1 persona •• dolft& busJness n : 11• dollll builneu u · CutAMIC DCSIGNS BY Su.tq and Compeny, BRUCE, 17150 f!Mwtlope, 1135 Newport 81vd. rount•lft Valley. C.11· Su Al!J0.193. Cost• f0t11Ja 92108 Mull. Callforttt. 92627 Bruce leu ence TtllQ· Klftn Briltlln, I~ rlo, 191541 W1llfb111y. Newport Blvd Suite HuntlnSIOll Buch, Call A190>193, Co1t1 Meu. fornl1 92646 C1llf0tn11 92627 Thi$ business is con· Kent. Brittain, J835 ducted by an ifldlvld~I Newport Blvd Sulle Have you start~ doin1 A.190 193, Costa Miu , bu•lness y1t7 YI$, 8/20/ C111forn11 92621 94 Thia bU$1ness Is con· Bruce Terr•nce leno• -.Cted by· hu1b1nd ind rlo wife • This si.tement was Hive you sl11ted dolna flied with the County business yet? No Clerk of 011n1• County Kent Brillitn on 03/31/03 This sl1t1menl wn I0036tHI II filed with the County Daily Pilot Apr. 29. May Clerk o f Oranae County 6. 13, 20. 2003 TJ19 on 05/09/03 200Ut4415' D11ly Piiot May 13. 20, 27, June 3, 2003 Tl 32 fidlllM ..... -~ Th« followin1 persons are do1n1 business H Emporium Collecltons. 1850 Wh1tlitt A~enue, K· 202. Cosi. Mesa. CA 92627 Sun Sivak, 1850 Whittler Avenue, K·202. Cosl.1 Mesa, CA 92627 Thrs bus1nHs 1$ con dueled by an 1nd1v10u1I Have you stwted dOln& busineu yet' Ho Sean S1vat. This $lalemenl was tiled with the County Clerk ol Onnee County on 04/2S/2003 200J H424S1 D111y P1lol Apr 29, M1y 6. 13, 20. 2003 Tl 17 fidlllm ..... ... s...... lhe tollow1n11 persons ate doin& busmen " UNLIMITED Glf'TS. 1640 Newport Blvd. Loi «. Costa Mes.a. CA 92627 Cynthia In n Schrick er, 1640 Newport Blvd lot 44. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 This busoneu 1s con dueled by An 1nd1v1du1I Have you started dOln& bu~f\ess yet' Ho Cxnth1a Jun Schr!Ckef ......... : .... .......... Tiit followln1 peno11• lfe doi!ll bllSlllH I It rally Sona C1ove, 3301 Yorba Linda Blvd •zs.t, F ullefton. CA 92131 Jennifer M. Bennettt • 3301 Yorb1 Linda Blvd. • • 1254, Fullerton, CA 92831 ". This tiuslneu Is cona dueled by. an lndlvldual • Hn• you atertect dOlns · buslneu yet? Ho Jennifer M. Bennett ' • Thia si.l1nienl -Hied wllh the Coun~ Clert. of Oran&• Cou~fY: on 04/21/03 20016941794 Di lly Piiot Mt}' 20. 27. tune 3. 10. 2003 Tl~ fklllm ...... --~ ::. The follow1n1 perso111 alt. do•llC busmen ~ P•lneu F111ac1al Seti vten. 18582 BHcll Blvd. 1218, Hunt1ncton Beach/ CA92648 Ronald .lohn Robbi~- 43 Rocky Knoll. lrvtftl, Cahlou11a 92612 This bU$11111S 1$ con ducted by an H1d1v1dual Ii.we you started doul& busmen yet1 No Ronald John Robbin,. Thtt sta tement .,.. • filed with the Counly Clerk ol Ou nce C4unly on 05/01/03 IOOJH0072 Oa1ly Piiot May 6. 13. 20,27.?003 Tl2A SELL your stuff tlYough classified! -----Policy------. Rates and deadlines are subject to change w11hou1 nouce. The: publisher re<,erves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any clajsified advcnssement. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error 1n an advertisement for which it may be rcsponi.1ble except for the cost of lhc space actually occupied by the error. Credn can only be allowed f01 the first insenJon ----Deadlines---- l ,. I I'·, .... 1\1 l (11·, ... ,. l'.1•' . ~n.·~·~~ ... •.eoo Hons Eich Wrek For Only SJ2 ptr wttk (4Wttlt minimum)• C. ..... • IM'I S74-4MS ~ lllillJ T clephont 8:JOam. S:OOpm Monday Fnday Walk.Jn 8:l0am·~:00pm Monda) Fnday MonJ:ay Toc.d;ay \\.ednc..J..y Thu NU\ I nd.t) ~ C.>pm \.1on1L1~ ~ <.()pm ·1~y~( .. lpm Wcdnc'>d.ly 'UX)pm ThuNby '-lXJpnl t-nday'~ • ... md.ly ~:rosxi. can., loll.Oypb lost --------,AClfK VllW LOST LMee fN1' shiped B•y view Teo nu: lot ~ !tom rq. Balxle • 370. puvale party Bay Club open hOuse S7000/obo 714 ll'l 3441 M.WMD 714-964-5862 Collectibles/ Mlmorabtna 1160 BITTRTAINMOO 1510 FINANCW SEU lfS Of ttM ~ W...fttoyl Ten ---,0-U_N_D___ Techniques the the CW PHONE wealthy use everyday to Found IAUOA 'ININ tnerae U-WNltl1 If you t4t ... 7S-Htl truly desire to achive l1n1nclal securoly·You AN•flll'I~/, must 111ve ttlfS! 1 m ~1 VW"""'4 3260 S20 V/MC/OISC by PRO!CrOOlftll&I Patrick LeMieuK. author ~ of lnestment 8-*s. Free SERVICES S,M (CAL •SCAN) STA.IT A SUCCISSFUl 1310 Anandal home 8uwl8SS that mllles -------money Ill the fnt mOll!hl EOUM llOUSllG Plamlng 2& S5.<XX>-S20.001 '* month -m-m --------l-800-2B'l-O!lO!S two nwiute ~ -FINANCW SIC&llS Of recorded mesuae ttM ~ W.....,I Ten (CAL~) Tec hniques t he the A RCAUSTIC S200.000 wealthy use ewryda}' to TO S.-00,000 f11St year tnerese U-W9lfttl If you ux:ome potential. Dont'I truly da#e to adltve All real Hllta adver· tmn1 1n tt11s newspaper is subject to the Ftderll F111 Hous1n1 Act ol 1968 es •mended which m•t.u 1t lllu•I lo adve<ttse ·any prelet ence , l1m1lal1on or d1sc11m1n1t1Qft based on rece color, •eltl!Of\, se•. handocep. l;amohal s t1lus or national Of 111n. 0t 1n 1nlenhon to make any such preference. ltmttt lion or dlscnm1n•lton • This newspaper will not knowmcly accept 1ny adver\IMtment '°' IHI esl11le whtdl IS in vlOlahon of the law Our readers .,, hereby informed lh1t 111 dwell· 1np ldVtr ltHd 1n (hi$ new191pe1 are ev11l•ble on an equ1I opportunity bnis lo compl .. ln of d11 crimln1lion, cell HUO loll tree at 1 ·80()..424-8590 .... fJn.iictal sec:unu·Yo bel,.vt It, don'I call 1 fnU5l M\le tfla! 1~..891~-HH,._..._..,_ l-5 -N)+s );16() S20 y .IMCIDISC by (CAL• SCAN) Paltict. LeMeu&, eut11or WATKINS ASSOCIATES ot lnes"-'t Baua free HEEDED Flu1ble hou•s S/l1 (CAL •SCAN) SSOO·Sl,000/moolh PT • • S2.000-S4 ,OC»+-f'T. Sti11 I HEALTH SEJMCES while keepmc your cur rent ,ob No 1nvestme111 required Vtstl Mldlclls.Mca2515 WWW R[A7 c;om HUGE PRESCRIPTIONS DRUG Sn1npl Cell Toll Free 1(866)778 77'J4 for price quote or visit www.C1n1d11nDrup.C1 (CAL•SCAH) ASSOWTI GOlDMINll 60 vend1n1 machines with excellent loc•tions 11 1or $1o,9!:l> m~ alCHSIOM NOOfl Cob /Hershey/Wale1 ~ E·Z finenclna with $7950 <llUiN down $2k·$411. proln · -------sional vendln& route NIW 01 WASKO. Cell l ·877 ·843-8726. (CAL •SCAN) 'AID $400. WILL SIU (CAL •SCAN) ~c:-4-~~ ... ~rE~ WI MADI $ U6,2J7 last mOlllh ~ Veal· tJri1I. ~ only when GE Monoar•m J year old we wanted. We can black dbl ovens $100 positlvllJ INcl1 you lo do cell (949) 760-0162 ~:.,:/~=:J'._&f'9 6.WE1Jff/ 34IJ ,..{CAL-~-~>--- DIAMOMDS/ ··-~ PRECIOUS METALS ..._ 3111 Are you looktn, to pro lftole • Un qu• product or llf'Vlcll Ill mutt19le "''"""*' In Callforni1? St1t11w1de Classilted ad ($450 for 25-words) Sletewide DIS9ia1 lld (S 1,350 IOI •x·2.fl")ad F REC 1nlor "'•11011 p1d••1•1 (916)21H010; (916)2.D tolt. llfWW.cei.-11 .• ~ (CAL.•SCAN) Of'EN HOUSl SUN 1-4, 2 191 c~-Dr 9'1102 lbr 'l Sb1. 1480sl • lrpk yd 'l c 1a•. sharp• S3!>7. 500 M1ry f ew~I Remu 94t.,.46-H 70 cataDeCm l' .. Ml ISTATIS PATIK• TtNOaE NATIONWIDE USA t4t-15'-t 70S www p1tr1cklen0Je.tom Hunllngton 8eadl Na ........ ._ hn 4br 2.50.. office. -windows &. plumbina. 21'00sl and mor t '615.ax> Cll .ltff' Rltr 114-!lro lll6 Nnpoft Bead! a aoumn ser -. MlrwbA ,..,.... to.:. ~ hlch ce1lln1s curv1n1 ltllrcew. oubode r p, a ~ '*'-· ~ c:llrtWt &. more.SJ .19.l.cn:> Mduel emvn.n. Comirll Rt.Illy 961!.&-0ln f'RIMl ISTATlS l'ATaKl TIMOU NATIOffWIOE USA 94t·IH-t70S www pelttciltenOfe com ... ... .,._. 68<. nalll, -ulmr, pme room. pool, .,., ff>/ IJf'-I. le p , Sl.950.001 _., T1n. ~1008 UALPffOPERI Y FORULE Rlndlettfamlll Cony Pro,lrty 5915 ~~.L.-4 l er9el• 20 llDU $49900 Priced lot QUO ~ l •Ol!lent locallon. -~-t horse COUr1try Eac:elenl ~· donl min out! f 1ftanc1nc av~. Cal 1 888-432-!'>2'63 (CAI. •SCAN) SHS ACal/ 1'0 AcalS S"S ACIJ/40 ACU S P11me rench 1cru1e 1n NW Arizona, CZ no qu1hly1n1. low down httmsf Ad1aeenl to aolf cours. commumty. off his toric Routt 66. Call today! Brooili Realty 866 300·!1263 {CAL •SCAN) RESORT/ VACAllON PROPERTY FORVU" ,... ,... ... lo bd! qi.-...... 2lr Im rtMtt remod, -.,, &. c.part S2lln'lno 714-256-4150 s.,-~·--~· lba condo Bay view. stlpa to bdl. 2< pr. SJ!500rn. ~71 car..1111• 2bt lb• 1pt Hear beach &. \hop s . All n ew kitchen, 1 c I" pat10 S14SO/mo 949-760-1891 21k .... ~ U..11 Sl4SO/mo ut1fltle$ incl+ use of washer &. dryer C.11 949-222·!1715 x2!>7 Zif' lie, le pr. w/d ,. ups, comer lot, Vacant $1750/mo. lncld ulls. Don11d Pl 1tf. Coldwell Bank•. t4t-7U...074 ...... c.-........ l+-2 -:& .. • • did. ~by 52C S--d Rd. 11-r ~ lo p;t. '-=tl. t.. $XO'n.~ rtwtit tlr t .SI Hcxiw, Newly re«IOdeied, _.,..111 f p, A/C. whtrlpool tub. -$3300/lllO 949-463-8361 _Pr°""1 __ , --•-cm .... NIW MIXKO MOUM- TdfS 140 N.'. Oroly ~ G«....-.-- larocb men.. tr• -. 6JX) ft .._.lion Moult- latn v .. ws. y--fOUnd r Olds Perlect for horse loYw$. ~ lo Allionll for11$l hcalent fir.ndn&. Cell today! Tl'B won't laistl SW Prope11es of NM. Inc. 1·8 88 ·29 2 -9711. (CM.-sc:AH) MISCB.lMEOUS RENTALS ..,..... ... 11; ... --. w/belcony, cu, w1fer & trufl p1id. No pets, $925/mo !M9·6SO 3735 I Sli6t 2b 2bl 1-. dlltMr, lluncl hllup. td. petlo. stlJrll8t 2541 Eldin t( SlCXVmo.~ IASTStOI Specious 2Br Duple•. fp, encl yerd, w/d. p rec•. $15~/mo A.at Tollwl D ""' shop: M~MB-3959 'ref1 pe•SOfl to shirt ...... ..... w/I other pwMln In NB. ·-...... -,, ••sa Pvt, furn'd bt & ba $85iOnl ...., '_. ..... + 1/2 utds 949=f46=7613 Bill CRUNOY REAL TORS -t4t ... 7S ... '61 llACON IAY /MY ...,, up\lain lb< I !Iba Ip &•r wd hi.up yr he VfJOO mo 949 6/3 8A I I o.e..1, ................ JIM home 2 •cat pr. "'"' SNllO. comn1 l)OOI Y,. lie S292!> ... rlJW ~ ''T ... l luffa" H r 21e, Hu&t b"Y vtew Sll95/mo 949 2!>2 8200 or 949-851 8160 Lu~ Option Av•1I Sl4 80-SJ6 00/hr H"'"I 10< 1003 Postal posl tion~ f eden I hire with full benefits No upe rieoce n~eue< y P11d trainina and wac1tlons J 800 620 l40t 1703 (Mond~y Saturday) (CAL •SCAN) .. _ IOAT OPllAT~ Boal OP41< •loo needed for h•bo• ~lllOn\ 11 lwo Harbor~. Calahn• bl•nd H~•bor P;atrol •nd Shorebo1I with 6ot. lo SO ton license looklnc for outcoln& lt•m 011en1eo people r 111 talol • u l 310 510 42.04 ai.tw... <'-SlOO:J ~ on ~ WI-6 lllw • lot O•fW'd CA , Temw\11 fllmllltrll C wr-• epfs E :J<eaah4, () ':Readers In ~a:P~rl 23each, Corona def J'/Car, 'Xe(J)porl Coasl, · Go la !J/(esa. ., ul on I.his f/J!eJ:Jf oa;case 'lion ne 2.5, 2()()j e 'l>eadh'ne: ne J 4, 2()()j lorial1Jeadhne: 7 une 16, 2()():J AN NI · (94 ) 574-424 I " . .. .. .. .. , . .. ' . • • • If ..,._OYMlNT Tw H.vbou. • u~ destination •l IJM1l'nl End of Calalirna llUilld. We '" looluna fo~ 0111101111 1 .. "l. or At•d 1>9ople. with •• 'ftt•nt customer .. tv~ skills for the loiln1 ausonal po sll 1: Rest•uranl Sl10<I °' Cooks. S.r vers, Otlllwuh«s, Accountlna Cl9'k, General Store Clerks. Janitors, Camp- " 04.IM Ra111ers & r uel OoellAttanlbnl For info .. 11. 310 510 4204 ,., 310 510-4202 ..... 310.510·8690 -.ldco~l camrs....;......., for 111ptcal• y•cht club on• Balboa Pen1n . General o ll1ce slutls to u sr.t all d1p1rt headl 1141 ' Xlnl communoc" tloll & computer ..skill~ 1 must! FH r~ 949 67'J.'¥112 or e ma~ lo m~rshl nh c.or .... MT1ST 1--'ed fOf ~ exclusive cosmetJC studio 1J1 NB Cal ~ ' c. •• 949~ 1394 WANnD m. NB I Imo old, up .nd'Tefs 1 must! Fu 949 673 1490 c:.11673 9114 OWNU O'UATOR TIAMSI a>l w/Ha, Mat & Dl>ubles req. Terminal- T emfllllt Drop/He><*. Hw e on !Jonin, Ht811 Mtm. Im 909 5664 eat 210 (CM.~) OW.NU O'ERATOR T~SI COl w/H.u Mat & DOubies I~ let ml<IAf T • 1111f1i111 Or llPMool. Hire on Oonus. t~ ~ lm-909 5664 .. ,, 710 (CA,~) OWNER O'IRATOa TlAMSI COL wMal Mitt & OOublots req r.,11111\a, Te<P\M OropMook, lhre on Bonus. li1&f' Mlle<; 8X} 909 5664 e.I 210 (CAL •SCAN) W~'i'lllNS ASSOC IA ll S NCl DC 0 fie 11ble hotir, SS~ S 1.000/mon th Pr 'l ooo S4 ooo • r r St I wh1I~ keeping your cu.,ent tob No invnt rn•t required V1\1t w RLA / <nm •SCAN) \ 12.000 SIGNING BOHUS S.we lhtS Id ii will elwitys remind you of one of lhe belt move11 )'Ou every midi YOll can 1dllev1 l !>0,000 175.000 sohd commia slOn your ftr'I yHr Ale you • \ell motivated, posoltve per\on lookln11 for unllmlled ulu polenlo111 Are you presently 11rmn1 $1,000· S2 ,500/week poulble lrom d1y one •7 3 pre set. qu1hfled, conf,. med Inds P1f day •1n,u1 ~nee be1Ml1ls •M1n111menl oppor lunll1es •s1s 000/ ~r-t pol1n1111 income (hm1ted• only by your mollvellOn •nd 1b1hly) •No slow or oll 'leuon •Retei'9on 11rool •1mmed1ate D•hvory •No hold batk\ •sohd lo nancone •c.u•r an teed ular y <turin& 90 d4y ta111lna prc>aram Quality lead\ maktt quahly i~le\ Oui u.,erh-e I\ 11ene1 atina le~d\ I ven • ntwcomer h" th~ po lenllal lo Hiii S'>0.000 $15.000 thew 111\I yur We will \how you doc umented proof th1t S5.526 'IO t.in b,. urned in Ont' -..ttk !111d1v1du.il rt\Ult\ woll .. , y ) Some people will 1utl th1\ ad fh<l\t WhOJ l Jll ~·II iO un lo m•kr d lotlune a n d • h ., 1n e I o 1 Ille Whr1t• du you \land' A CAR I\ 1 e11u11 td 101 I ht\ I 1111 I 1111e pc>tol1on It yuu have what of I•"'' •nd 1 an ''••I A'>AP <dll now c .. 1he11n1 Mc r Ml••td 8811 '141 1/88 (CAI •SlAN) "'' s.1-;,. n;;.,, Holratylh t , rental 1tatl.., ovolt S12S/wli. Gal IC.m M9 .. S0.24S6 ilJlsON IJ Nll Ill> srHOOI OIS TRIC r ru, '"" Aotun• 2003 04 St l1uul Yt•M School P'Y' holuK"" <,t P\ I RS uk ) 01 l'I lull/pail ''"'" Sp~• o•I I"'" al1on tuchrl\ All r al•em1n 11w1 ""'1•\!(<tll\J'.d kl;> 4J"' '>2IJ 7h &ibl "~ •XNfj IOIN OIJH II AM and mAlu• .1 '11tf,.,,,.,h,. In lht C.ahtorn1 1 Army tiJ tmndl GthiHCI Y''ll ' ... .:f't money fur <hflt·~· •nd Ldree1 Ir •11111111 1..tll I 8 0 0 G () c, ll A H 0 !CAI •srAN I JOI N OUR 1£ AM ;ind ""'"~ • d11f.,•111 • 111 th~ C•l1fr11111i1 Army Nall11nal Guaf d you • df1 Y.f'f rnonty lor c nll .. &P •nd c.~reer tr J1111t1•' l.o:ill I 800 CfJ GUARD ICAL •scAN1 X* OUR Tl.AM dlld ....-.e • ,Jrtt..,.,,.. .. ho UW' Caltt<.rnw Atmy N<tf•.,w• ('.....,d J'IU c,.MI ~f'I n~ IOI ,,,.._,.. .,od r "'Hlf tranntt u• I 8» f~J CUAACI IC.AI •-..r.Alf I WAHHOUSl/OfflCI p1>\1t1on ?O 7'1 "'""' w~. lU,ton~t ~tvtc t' invent0<y r•pt•m.,hm•nt corrl(Htl,. Mid IM '""'' .ttM:\f•\, hf·,41;"y Jjt1')fH·~ Att4J Wi.Wt~hr~u'rf• \IU4' hlfl'! 4'™1 trhinR I <>n•)11l.ot' '"'"' I>' l mc1t1Y ,, .. d 1~ ..... pldy .. ,, Call 949 U I -4672 SELL your stutt through class1f 1ed! Automobiles - Automotive 9004 Audi '01 TT 2• Cou,. ll!>llP Qualro .!Oii m1 lull fact warr, 6•pd \uperb oria unmarhd lok<' new cond $27,995 v•OIJ653 hnanc1n11 .tva1I Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ocpeltl.c- lwl<li '97 ,..,. . ., Av•-• 60t. • m1. ~•Iver /&rey llhr. fully loaded beau t1tu1 01111111•1 cond, S/99'l "642376 81\f 949 586 1888 www.~.com Cad9a<. C...0 ~·II 'IJk low mi. Sllwr w/blt, tap 2 dr. llhr 1111 <Int <.Olod. S2795 919 !)4110425 PORSCttE '85 911 TARGA WM&'lan, sharp #160863 $17,900 PORSCHE '88 944 Red/blad •. 6-speed #4581 78 $8,995 PORSCHE '94 968 CONVT. Black. 6-speed #840401 $19,900 PORSCHE '99 BOXSTER Whrte. 6-speed #627865 $2.8,900 PORSCHE '99911 CAB Red/tan 6-speed #652027 $52,900 PORSCHE '00911 cou~ S1lve<'black r ipttonre #620900 $49,900 PORSCHE '91 911 TARGA Blue;grav T1ptrornc #440740 $270900 TIL.C'S EUROPEAN AUTOHAUB o-ea c-1n Ilka<* 1 8ffi799 8456 wee e1~, www. l.llocars com -'.......-SAUTO .,,.,,,.....~ Shtney Blad w;p.1ect ltlv 1n1. only 1521< rrM Buuty (19328) SZJ.980 u,.,....,n sc...,.. Blad\/dun tan lthr, lull recor<b. r•e hod (192.88) S II . 980 f•MW740#~ One o-. local new port -san . ., .. , r4Ml0f ch. chromed wtlb (19340) S22. 980 OOJer-XX• Silvi!< W/bfadl, 121\ miles. pet feel (19381) S4'l.980 ••t.•wGS..00 l'rem "iheek. CV \IM;k SUfl(OOf (19'86) Sl8.91ll 0:1 Fenl r -a1rJ only 496 mlln ( 19384C) S33.980 00.,,..., S-'n» T~~~ be.uty ( 19314) $25 980 99 MU CUC.HO bl.Kio. 'black leatlw)< clvooled whee~ ( 19J02) S2b.980 99Jor-XXI conv, ~""')' bl.Kii, met w '1mm4I<. ltht chromed whttls (19?09' SJ6 980 ···'--~-· 94t-S74-1777 Ptl1rS MO ~ Codlllot '02 OeVllle Sedan 191< mi. white rJetmeal Ith< CD On\IM. ••IJ794l $25.995 , .. , St'Olo. 1111 & Wdlf dllfy •Vdll Bkr 949 586 1881! www.ocpobt.coM Cadllloc '99S ovlno SlS 40k "'' pearl w1I• o~lmeo1I llh1 CD ~" r di:ed non '"'k' lok~ nt'wVS'l?6'1 $14 'l9S 8k1 Yi&'ff>Uff! -nqJO.um Chevrolet •t s Coprlce r:1 .. ,,ll J'>ll nu cl~Jn 111 & uul £d• .Jflrd $6100 (949) so-ao 11 Jotuot 'O 1 XJR 2 1 k ml, CO lldYl~dl1on. full ldfl w'-u r Winchester him~ 03tmul llhr . 1 ho nm~ whrrl\ l1k• n•w \AVP s lOI< vn 136 S4:> 99'> 4 !i APR tin dYdlL bruker 'NW, lllJj wwwifPi(Aa.m Jogwar '99 xJ• v .... d_ ''°' 4(). mo lull fal l -..~11 wh•l• ''"!meal llhr I (1 b('auflful l1~t' n•w ""R • nnd v8/0147 S78 'Hl Bkr 'MCJ '>% 1888 www.ocpabi.c_, Jogvar '90 XJf> Whit•/ hl11~ llh1 o hmm• whl• tit .-11 '"~ L urHJ tull ~vt df>pll'lldl" v•7S2491 Sill')'> B~r '"'4':1 'J86 18811 www.o<pob.com -.. '00 Gnncl o-..i.- b• yl l wd 36~ •dual nll '\llYt>f erey lftt """•' f4bul1•u\ llkt' ntw unm•o h.•d rond 4 y•lH .... , """' vl'>n21 Sl2.'H.i t .. m 0 Ouwn qualol14'd b<Jytr~ 4 6 APR &oh.e 949 s .. -.... www.ocpaltl.com -... '9S W-' o-.t... l 11.rdo /Ji. V8 ...... ~ dr NI' lnw pl\&, co RWll Sl9b 949 1444162 lotsday, May 20. 2003 At Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE PLAV O R OEl'l!N07 North Sou1h vuhwr11hle l!a\I tlc<al~ wn lnd,i.. n.'t!llJ\lh''' ut wh~h .,y11 Wl~l ..ck:~u.. 10 ~o 1o.11h \IA 111 dut>-. '>nice: le..Ju111 Ou!IUTI} ·, •Ull ,, l'qUal· l~ fut1li: 11 )""' deu 111 Jcknd }nu 1nu•t le.iJ " \p.ilk NOR111 •Q• 84 K87 •AKJ76J Wt-•ff EAST A"um11111 w .. ,1 •wt' "'11h !hr dt-u..c ol ~' Un. IJn-r pla)'• lo-.. from dummy JJ tnd. ''°"' dntl •upp<,.... L.i.'t tn\C.'rt.' UK-niroc of 'Jl'llk' ) uo win v.1lh !he ,..._l .&nd lc..J J J1.,muoJ h1 the-lon11 L..L\I v. "" ""rlh llk .J<.t' .tn<l ~.in 1~1 no hc:llt'r UIJll ••~11.Jnuc: v. llh J •pJtlc lo panncr ·' ~mg Jnd rnllcx;t tv.11 nl(lll' 'P"'k tnd, Sh.iuld [m1 \hth 10 J heart 111\1.:uJ. J..-..lllfer rnn me with Iii.: .JI.'!' ol ht·an, :md lllllc~t ''~duh u1d,, ,mJ ,, 'Ur<' 111 u!k In i.-.11. h 111 lht-ntlll'r """ • KS2 KJ97~J 6 2 •A 10 9 J 62 A J 9 5.J • IUK •Q• sm rrn •J876 AQ 10 QI04 .. 9 s 2 The h1Jdin~ EA\T ~H'lll t f'll,.;, .._ l "11 r-P"' l\.ORTII 2• JV! You d11 '"' h.:ucr ii ~uu "1n 1tw: "'-" 111 'PJl.k' Jllll rrtum th.: 'u11 lkdJri:r "111 ~unw: lo 0104; 1n,1,., h) plJ~lnf! a J1.unond Jl tilt: llN oppunu1lll\ .ind \llll ret hl>ll'll 'ltutf) 1hc J1J1,m1m 11t1o~t!. WtoulJ }U<l rJ!lll!r plJ) 111 lkfeuJ thnx 1~1 rrlllllr If you '''" dMWN' tilt-l)pt'llllll/ lcll\I """C\l'I, \UU \huuld l'kd '" ,i.,f••nJ Alt•·r v. 111111n)! Uk: "'-< 111 •p.lolk:• .11 tn, I.. 41!1l' 1 .. ,, mu,1,f,,11111 J hcJfl II J.:\. latt'T rl'<' "'1th Ilk .... 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CO ~l~,~~J I AT ntS PRICE (1Cll318) • OTHER AT SMILAA SAWiGS! • L£rs tM>T~ rrs rUN •••••••• 55 FRUWAY @ £00aR S>.HT A AAA AUTO MAU (UI) 123-tlOI ~ AllTOSl'Oal Wl,AY ~fott flDARi'S PORSCHIS lAMIORGHIHI ROUS-lfNTUY QASSIC CARS KAaUYS '03 Vlpw •ocl/lloclc 10 Miles (S007SO) 599,SOO '00 80fl1ley Arnoge Metwb.e/ Cotsw.M loodecl (X0428S) Slll,SOO '02 Duccrtl 998 l.oodocl. i.-MllM (015932) S 1 S,900 'OJ ford Harley Trudi o.llvety Ml&H s.rp-c:t-.... (064142) Stt.soo NlWl"Ottl AUlOSl'ottT 949-S74 Sf>OO Mertodes '00 U20 J~to. dl '''"' '111 full Id• t•Jf f wdrr turqu111\t l>hu 11t-ttm ... .tl llhr m1wnr 1111 f 0 thfomt: whl\ ,m,.._ 1>t thf" towe~I nult M,.ft edt:\ .,, thP y~dr 1n ldhf vt'l'i/?91 S/9 995 t1n•nw1g •VJ1I e ~. 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BROTHERS CMd'fT \ERVICE 800 S S9 / 181 COMP SQUAD INC. luour compum >krw' Just 11~ \"OUI ar 1hcy ncal runt Up< \1C't tt'tnm vuus llllmlel duntr ~k -•rr •-orm 1m1"' and all dm:w • Jan .ill dnvn md m:oon d.r• We an tr:uufn d.11 m )'OW llt'W compu1n Wt 1t1 up nnworli.s big md srn;aU Fi'"'11ll C&JmlJOul up Modems. Compklt> miall bwi11cu iU'/~ It} cww ,. ,.11 IH''" Mt ""' clNfij; st Kim ML EClAl.JS NOWCUSTMA.• 949-39'-290S UC IH<W'. SELL your stuff through classified! IM TOHGIN YOUlHOMI IM ... tOVIMINT 'IOJICl? Calf a plumber. paint ... hendyman, °' •ny ol lhe lfUI ~ervtces hsltd ht!re In 011< senic:e dltecloryl THESE LOCAL SVC PCOf>lE CAN HELP YOU TOOAY! CUSTOM atlATM lU lnstabbon, sllte. cer-, mlftle. stone. &No 1•1s l 161 :IOM "" 714-612 9961 & F loon. 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