HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot· .. ~ .. SUNDAY EDITION Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MAY25, 2003 SUNDAY STORY NEVER SAY 'NO' Oasis Senior Center in Newport Beach thrives by making sure it has something for everyone who walks through its doors. June Casa1rande Daily Pilot I t's 9-.30 on a Frlday morning. and the Oasis Senior Center is teeming with life. In one room, members are learning French. Next door, a ceramics class is underway. Across the pleasant courtyard. Judy Aprile is teaching an exercise class just for seniors. 1Wo men play pool in a bllllards room. Another is harvesting kale in the Oasis garden. 1bree volunteers bustle with the work of planning senior aavel adventures. And everywhere you look. people are smiling. "The programs here are wonderful,· said Ray Gootgeld, a member of Oasis since 1997 who, like many, has become active as a volunteer as well. ·11 keeps the mind acdve. It gives seniors something to look forward to each day.• Gootgeld, an active 80-year-old who holds the title of first vice president of Friends of the Oasis. takes exercise classes three times a week at the center. He has also taken Spanish coovenation classes and Is signed up for a writing course. Oaaes are a big part or what Oasis is all about. center Director Celeste Jardine-Haug said. But to fuDy understand what Oasis does. it's almost simpler to ask: What don't they do7 lf a Newport Beach senior needs a ride to the doctor, yes, they do that. If aomeone needs a referral for housing, yes, they do that, too. If a senior wants to go on a junket to Vegas, learn to write a Ufe history. or play mah-jongg or bridge; if someone wants to join a computer club or a garden club or even a aaillng club with its own boat if' someone needs information about how to get their insurance company to pay for health care -the answer to all those questions and more ls, Yes. they do that The one thing they don·t do? •No blngo, •Jardine-Haug said. For Beach. For another thing, there are so DWlY more eru1ch.lng ect:Mtles that seniors can enjoy at OUis that bingo. by comparison, might seem like a waste or time. CLASS ACTS A quick gllmpse of the ceramics class and lt'a dear what &he means. Here. an emeritus clasa of c.o&stline College has Outs members woddng alongside other 1tudents to create some Impressive ceramics pieces. "I find It vety relaxing and stress-reducing,• II.Id Dr. RJchard Tester, a member who has taken three gardener, waters his vegetable garden at the Oasis Senior Center. James has been taking care of his garden at the center for five years. At left, Oasis Senior Center members participate in Judy Aprie's exercise class. Judy has been teaching the class at the center for three years. PHOTOS BY MARK C DUSTIN I DAILY Pl.OT TOP STORY COMMENTS & CURIOSITIES Time to trade .up motto l.adies and gentlem en, your aneotion please, if I may. Thank you so much. Now then. it as my honor and pnvilege to announce. notify and otherwise declare tha1 the official city of Cost.a Mesa ~al ~ no longer bear the mono "The Hub of the Harbor Area.· but will proclaun the ·city of the Ans." Further, by o rder of the ~ Mesa Ctry C.Ouncil (at thts week's meenng). the new appeUauon shall be memorialized o n a to tally cool flag. effective June 30. in addition. the a ty . what's thar7 Can you see the Oag? No you can't see the Oag. Whaddayounul!>? ti's not ready yet. Stop bothering me. Al any rate, that's the word and 11 comes from the top. Consider yourself notified. H's out with the harbor, in with the arts. Be honest with PETER me. Did you lcnow there was a city seal? BUFFA I say most of you did noL How about the city tree? Don't peek. It's the Indian laurel. a species of ficus tree. Yikes. the.,.. word. The official Dower? Tick. uck. ud, tick ... the fuchsia.. Official song? ·At Last, My Love HM Come Along" by Ena James. No it ISll't I ma de that up. I love that song. But wait Does any of this really maner on a Memorial Day weekend. with the terror alert rising and more reality 1V shows in the worts everyday? Probably not. But every time this mono business comes up, it's d~A vu all over again, and that "Hub of the Harbor Area" thing always jumps out at me. Return with ~ now to a simpler time. June 29, 1953, the very day (it was a Monday) on which Costa Mesa became a city. I suspect there was great celebration, jubilation and anticipation. along with much gesticulating. speechifying and who knows what all. I can't say for certain. I was not there.. In 1953. I was five years okt. pQllted firmly in front of ~ ve.!Y small te&eYision in Ollie" and "Dmg Dong School with Mill Frances.· an early version of "Mr. ~­ except her real name was Dr. Frances Horwich and she was much chubbier than Mr. Rogers.. Ku.Ida. the one with the huge front tooth. was the patedami!ias ol the "Kukiapolitam.. which coo.sistlJd ol Ollie, Beulah Witch. Reccher Rabbit. Ced1 BiD and Madame Ooglepus& What does any or this ha~ to do with "The Hub of the HaJbor Arear Not a thing, as far as I can tell. The truth is, the city seal has needed updating for many moons. And tr you put~ moons together, what do you get? Years, that's what ·INSIDE ·THE PILOT Fun forfids here helps orphans there :LIFE& : LEISURE Cllllforn6l erdlll ....... OIMiragell..cm~· 1he county of .... ....... ,. ~~ COMMUNITY FORUM ,...._ .............. • •••••• .. CIF--lnd ... .., ... , . ....... ~ Newport Coast Cares holds its first Spring Fling carnival. ' Victoria teachers honored with ballgame PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'THE CUP RUNNETH OVER' Victoria Elementary School In Costa Mesa honored its 32 educators with a mini-baseball game in front of the entire school before Supt. Robert Bar- bot and Trustee David Brooks of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District inducted them into the Victoria School Hall of Fame. Vanguard University held the first in a series ·or substance abuse tonferences on Wednes- day, using a portion of the nearly $100,000 it received from a contract with the federal gov- emm.ent. The contract is the first partnership the federal Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration has made with a private,· Christian university to assess the effec- tiveness of Teen Challenge, a worldwide organization that takes a faith-based approach to rehabilitating drug users and others struggling with life-con- trolling problems. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo@latimes.com. NEWPORT BEACH City needs more family housing, state says A state agency has said that Newport Beach puts too much • emphasis on senior housing to meet its low-income housing requirements. The state's De- partment of Housing and Com- munity Development is requir- ing the city to rezone a portion of the Banning Ranch project for higher-density housing, where affordable homes for families could be built. Newport Beach resident Kay Ziplow was the only woman competing in the Best Western People vs. the Pros Tournament in Las Vegas last week.. She could get to play against pro John Daly the first week of June. City, county and resident leaders are moving forward to buy land for a fire station to serve Santa Ana Heights. Some residents are hesitant about footing the entire $3.6 million for the station and say that. in return, they want help getting a community center. The Balboa Island Parade will celebrate its 10-year anniver- sary as it marches all of 21h blocks along Marine Avenue on June l . This year's celebration will include a rededication of the fire station. When the Stanley Cup entered the Sears store at South Coast Plaza, a loud cheer went up. Hockey fans from Canada to Rorida were wearing their colors proudly. Some families were encouraged by the crowd to put their small children in the bowl of the cup for a photo, but NHL reps were quick to say . : . well, no. Fans were given a few secollfls to touch the cup, get a photo of themselves in front of it, and move on. The line snaked outside and around the building-an hour wait for 10 seconds of glory. COSTAaESA Kona Lanes bo~ling alley closes before last frame Bowlers despaired after Kona Lanes shut its doors two weeks ahead of sched- ule on SUnday. Those who missed getting a last round in can still scoop up pins, shoes and other mementos and make of- fers oo larger pieces of equipment from the land.mark bowling alley this week from noon to 4 p.m. The alley closed because of financial difficulties. The City Council deadlocked again on whether to reconsider its approval ofhigh- density condominiums downtown. With Councilwoman Ubby C.owan absent Mon- day, the council split on whether the Citi· rens for Responsible Growth and Council- man Allan Mao.soar, who appealed the approval for the project at 1901 Newport Blvd., bad provided enough new informa- tion to wanant a rehearing. The issue will be considered again at the June 2 Qty Council meeting. OOH LEACH /DAILY PILOT Ooe man proposed to bis wife in front of it, hockey teams posed around i1. and others kissed it Scot Ross did what other dads didn't have the guts to do. He put his boy in the cup for quick photo as the crowd cheered him on. Ross was reluctant, but peer pressure was too much. His boy was the perfect size. And the mini-hockey jersey was too cute. Luckily, I moved away from the cluster of people for a better look when the moment happened, and It made the perfect picture. -Don leach •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. •DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimes.com. SEAA HIU..ER I DAILY PILOT Jon Peek of Costa Mesa holds a bowling pin he bought to remember Kona Lanes, a place he says he had been bowling at forever. ENVIRONMENT Plan calls for seven County Coast.Keeper. more pump-out stations There are 11 pump stations in --~th~e-'harbor for aQQ.ut 10.,_000 ater qu ty r tors un-boats. veiled a plan to install seven ad-Oo Wednesday, Santa ditional sewage pump-out sta-Monica-based Heal the Bay re· tioos in Newport Harbor to leased its Beach Report Card. discourage boaters from evacu-Most Newport Beach and New- ating septic tanks into the wa-port Harbor beaches got good teL grades. Thirty-eighth Street and The Saitta Ana Regional Wa-43rd Street beaches were sin- ter Quality Control Board gled out as "county bummers." floated the plan at a May 16 board meeting. It was prompt· ed by an investigation by New- port Beach-based Orange • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment. business and politics. He may be reached at # (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. PUBLIC SAFEff New Costa Mesa Police chief begins June 16 John D. Hensley, head of the Cypress Police Department for five years, will succeed David Snowden as Costa Meea'a police chief, City Manager Allan Roed- er announced Tuesday. Hensley, 47, is expected to begin June 16 as the dty'a fourth police chief, at a salary of$138,588. The search for a new chief began in January. Snowden, Costa Mesa's chief for 16 years, has worked part-time for the city since retiring in June 2002. The jury deliberated for about a day and a half to con- vict Trenton Michael Veches, a 32-yea.r-old former Newport Beach recreation coordinator, ol 22 felony counts of perform- ing lewd acts on children and three misdemeanor counts of eexual assault The defense ar- gued that Veches, found guilty of sucldng the toes of boys en- rolled in the city's after-school programs and camps, didn't do it for sexual gratification. Vedles faces 300 years in prison, but could become eli- giole for parole in 15 or 45 years. He is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11. • DEEM lttARATH covers public ufety and couttt. She may be r~ at (949) 574-4226 or by e-meilat ~pa.bharath•1at1mn.com. NOTABLE • ·' QUOTABLES . "Th me. )'OU WP\1ld need to put an asterisk in · that report. People should not be swimming In the Santa Ana River." -Dae m. Newport Beach assistant dtf man- ager, on bJgb grades that Heal the Bay gave an area near the Santa Ana River mouth ·1 can't be Dave," be said. "I have my own style. I'm not saying it's better or wone. It's just different It'll take some getting used to .• -John D. llenaley, Costa Mesa's new police chief. on how he'll be dif- ferent from retiring chief David Snowden "[My SOD) bowled his first game here. My first [game) was here. too, so at least I got to do that with him. It's sad. I don't want this place to go." O.Mffe Lipari. ~ beJpq tear down Kona laies Oil~ "My kids have the right to breathe fresh air. I'm sorry to shout. but this is ridiculous." -Martin Miiiard, Costa Mesa "9ideot. sup-- porting 1emning the bk.dis to residential "lhougb it's a dilfereot situation and we're cer- tainly not In the same grouping, what's she's fo- cused .on is playing the game and doing her best, • and that's what I'm fo- cused OD, too." -JCay lJplow, Corona deJ Mar golfer and the only woman competing in an amateur event in Las Vegas, on Annika Sor- enstam. who competed in a PGA men's tourna- ment this weekend "'lb.ls is not new infor- mation. it's a difference of opinion that bas been eq>resaed since day one. Just because you don't lib the project. or you : : voted against it, does not , : justify a rebeartng." • : -Guy Momhan, Costa Mesa coundlman, on a resident's trying to demonstrate that the coostructioo. of condo- miniuma at 1901 New- port BMl. would aeate too much lhlde Daily A Pilot Conl Wllloll Newa ........ (9481~ oora1.wa.on•,....,,..,oom Box 15«>, Ca.ta M9u, CA 92626. Copyright No neM llOrles, lllum.tlona, editorial mebr « ~ hefwinc:an be reproduced without wriu.n SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. XX . PH01"0QMPtBI s-i Hiier. Don t.dt, ~T,.._ READal HOTUNE (9481642..eoe& Aecofd \'OUf oommentll ~the Deily Plot« MM 11pa. ~ Our eddr.a .. 330 w. 8-v St.. Costa Meea. CA 9282'7. Otftce houf'S .. Mond9¥-Frtdey, lt30 a.m. -& p.m. C JJllU I It .... l'llCIC\ poAcy '° prompdv CIDflWdallfToncl ......... .... cal CM>.,.. 432A "' n.e Nllwport ~ M9le Dmlf .... (\1911-~ .. Pl Ill ... dlly. In .......... .... ... co. .......... .. a n ti on1r-, • • mllll• to :n.e nn.~eo..­...... _.,...., ............. Cilll ...... ••• •• .... Mr ... .. • Put'1 onlr11¥ .. tllaa .... 1Dr .,.,..-....; .............. .. ........ _ ....... _, llOITIMITllt .... .... =.-::=.·:1: .... Ml • pennilalon of copyright owner. HOW lO REACM US ClnMieloft The Timea Orange County (800~ 252-91'1 MMl11a I " um.I UM8) 642-5678 ~ (941) fM.2,.4321 ~ ... t .. )642..-.0 __..( .. )~ ...... ,.., ..... 170 ......... ,-.o110 lellt ~•,.,.,,._oom ........ Q e ......... )liU-«121 Pti1lll 111.-. CMl 131-712'1 WEATHER FORECAST The day begint wfth low douda and P*l'IV tog, but It should be penty doudy ~ d9moon. .._,. wll be from • to 75 ........ AJ night, 1he low doudl and pllldty .. spreed Wend. folowlnlpeaplt hol'Mfrom ....... ~ LOWlwll be,,..._.,...._ lif 1 ••rt .I ~ night. Stronger f'IOl1tftMt ~ wtl.,.,.., f'IOl1tftMt of Sen NldM>IM lllend bv 1he ~ .. The Wlwawtl be 2 to 5 fMt on• norths._ and 1f'9n I W.-IMll of 5 to 7 '-t, SURF tt'aaweelendof northuMt .... Look tor~ and lhouldlP-Ngh WIWM M Mii '-ing ........ lfyau.mn, mMI II out._.todly. Menwlll ~ww.wll be • high Ind mGreOOl ..... lt ......... ..,...,,.,.,,°" 'TIDEI .. ,.&In. .. .... 12'ap.M. ?:IOIMft, WA111 ......... "' ·- • Sonday, Mdy 25. 2003 Al l.OOKING BACK Days at the old Balboa Island fire house By Gay Wa11all-Kelly Ring! Ring! "Fire! Fire!" was re- ported to 22-year-old Keith Aaby. :a "paid catr firefight.er on night 1duty at the Balboa Island Fire :House No. 4. "I run over to the •horn, give her four blasts so the :volunteer firemen will know the : fire is on the island," Aaby said. "We volunteers would hear : those loud blasts, jump out of a 'sound sleep, throw on our cloth- es, then wait for the next series of ; blasts telling us where 10 report," :former volunteer fire6ghter JCen ·Lindahl said. "It's 1950, and this particular night. we knew It was a drUI," ·Lindahl said. "We ran 10 the fire house on Marine Avenue, jumped on the fire truck riding 10 bare Lido Isle 10 1es1 the fire "hydrants, speed up our pull of the hoses, hook. up 10 the hy- drants and squirt down the sand." lf walls could talk. this Hille fire house. built in the 1920s with stucco and a tlle roof, would tell you the wonderful camaraderie between the fire families who served Balboa Island. For a time, the polke shared one side of the building for a substation. Usually. one or more paid firefighters slept In the fire house with a large volunteer contingent on call. The little fire house gave the residents of the island a feeling of security, since many of the homes were wooden and built very close together. Aaby remembers their first - rate fire captain, F.d 7..ube, who lived just behind the fire house. "Zube was a real character,· Aaby said. "His wife wouldn't let him sleep al home because he snored so loudly. So he slept in the fire house most nights. I was going to school and working as a boat maintenance guy and needed sleep. Thank goodness our shifts were only 24 on. 24 offl" "In 1955, when Zube, a good friend and problem sotver 10 everyone, turned 6.5, the rule was you could not ~ork pasl your 6.Sth birthday." retired Capt Milt Meehan said. "So just before midnight, I had to send Zube off. Even after his retirement, Zube slept In the fire station on bad snore nights. "I had the dubious distinction of being Zube's replacement," Meehan said. "II was a hard act to follow." In 1958, Capt. "Dutch" Van I-lorn, after a cutthroat chess game with Meehan, answered a 3 am. call. "Car fire on Coast Highway." On the way down Bayside Drive, Van Hom suddenly slowed the engine down to a crawl. Meehan wondered what his plan of attack was. and to his surprise, the ·slow-down· was for a family of ducks crossing the road. The two guys ·quacked" a1 each other and proceeded. Right In the mjddJe of Coas1 Highway bridge, a huge gas tanker had run Into the back of a car, rupturing the car's gas tank and igniting its gas. Both men had just been drilled on such a happening. They didn't know at the time, but the truck and car driver had escaped and were probably stiJI running down the road. lWo more engines arrived just before the relief valve in the tank let loose, igniting the stream of gas vapors that sounded Hke I 0,000 bJow torches had been lighted at once. Meehan knew he would have to continue cooling the tank with water from the hose. Suddenly, the relief valve closed and it be- came ghostly quiet again. "We found out later that both drivers were safe," Meehan said. "Boy, we were sure relieved.· By 1992, the island had o ut· grown the lirtJe fire house, and the city auctioned her off. In 1994, a new and larger high-tech fire Mation was designed and constructed on the comer of Ma- rine Street and Park Avenue on 1.he island. Today, the original fire house remains empty. The Balboa Is- land Historical Society and Mu - seum, along with the commu- ni~ rontlnues an ~tiw campaign to save the original fire house for a future museum to display Balboa Island's rich his· tory. At 11 am. June I. Balboa Is- land will put on it I 0th annual "SaJute to Balboa Island Parade" on Marine Avenue. Follow the parade to Marine and Park Av- enue for the new Fire Station No. 4 rededication by Newport Beach 'Brta Rf a st , "L unc li l~ 'Dinner ltoc:als Favorite! Since r99s - -- - - -- --- A~emi 1 ru1nua Sale 20-50% Oft1 Spring & Sum.mer Shoes and Accessories Save now ... wear now! The latest European influenced designs • Scsto Meucci • Raogoni of Florence • Van Ell Sizes 4-12 ln 5 widths super~ to wide Fit, fashion and fritridly service! Cororui ~ Mtw Plaza • 96' Avocado AftftUC, (comtt o( MacAnt\ut IOd POI) • 949-721-1325 www.manilllboa.com -- --- ----- The Balboa Island fire station and police stabon as 1t was. F1re ChiefTtm Rdey at 12.30 p.m See you there. • GAY WASSAU.~EUY 1s the editor of a Balboa newspaper and 1s active in tne community. •LOOKING BACK runs Sundays. Do you ltnow of a person. place or event that deserves a historical look badt7 Let us ltnow Contact James Meier by lax at (949) 646-4170; e-mail at james.me1er a /a/Imes com; or mail at r:Jo Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails ••"Quality Service'"• ... Nigbdy Entcrtafomcnt•• • for Reu 1 l'lltiuns l'11// (949} 646-7944 16'.IS 1 ..... in( Ave .. Co••• M~.i l),,,.., ;. """4 'IN \or t-\ IO • I• • .,.. " • IQ bella bella SALON O F F ER I N G rµ.;• t~ igtt-t .JI , .. ,t..,1.Jfl'IS A 1u,r ii) ~.._.. '''J :T '"' r ,.l .Jr.•~r SAlON HOUllS f M.:1•1'J •• r-' >1t ~ f 1 < • c;· • ,,,>J., 2 '21 E Cr;;~• H'\jl N '' '•;•If• "J4 ( r;,i~ J,., lvlo• ,. ?7011 949 723 4048 at 1rst si ht is possi&[e .......... .. C\\lten you date 20 peopk in one evenin~ cJ Spectacular C{)mues \) Speciaf ~terest Groups Q Specipc Aae Group ~arties NOW is the time to take control of your love life! y (888) 3 I 8·3312 Since 197 1 ============== Factory Direct Showrooms \) ~~ ffi[j'ff?lfiij/j!AYJ (r:;:\~'f:}J Reupholstery JJ 4 ~~ & Slip Covers for Existing Sofas ~ Lowest Prices in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES • A2 &may, May 25, 2003 EDUCATION Victoria teachers honored with ballgame Victoria Elementary School in Costa Mesa honored its 32 educators with a mini-baseball game in front of the entire school before Supt. Robert Bar· bot and Trustee David Brooks of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District inducted them into the Victoria School Hall of Fame. Vanguard University held the first in a series ·or substance abU$e conferences on Wednes- day. using a portion of the nearly $100,000 it received from a contract with tbe federal gov· ernment. The contract is the first partnership the federal Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration has made with a private, Christian university to assess the effec- tiveness of Teen Olallenge, a worldwide organization that takes a faith-based approach to rehabilitating drug users and others struggling with life-con- trolling problems. • CHRISTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.can#/o@latimes.com. NEWPORT BEACH City needs more family housing, state says A state agency has said that Newport Beach puts too much • emphasis on senior housing to meet its low-income housing requirements. The state's De- partment of Housing and Com- munJty Development is requir- ing the city to rezone a portion of the Banning Ranch project for higher-density housing, where affordable homes for families could be built. Newport Beach resident Kay Zlplow was the only .woman competing in the Best Western People vs. the Pros Tournament in Las Vegas last week. She could get to play against pro John Daly the first week of June. City, county and resident leaders are moving forward to buy land for a fire station to serve Santa Ana Heights. Some residents are hesitant about footing the entire $3.6 million for the station and say that, in return, they want help getting a community center. The Balboa Island Parade will celebrate its I 0-year anniver- sary as it marches all of 21h blocks along Marine Avenue on June I. This year's celebration will include a rededication of the fire station. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at ' (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. ENVIRONMENT Plan calls for seven more pump-out stations Water quality regulators un- veiled a plan to install seven ad- ditional sewage pump-out sta- tions in Newport Harbor to discourage boaters frorµ evacu- ating septic tanks into the wa- ter. The Santa Ana Regional Wa- ter Quality Control Board Ooated the plan at a May 16 board meeting. It was prompt- ed by an investigation by New- port Beach-based Orange PHOTO OF THE WEEK 'THE CUP RUNNETH OVER' When the Stanley CUp entered the Sears store at South Coast Plaza. a loud cheer went up. Hockey fans from Canada to Florida were wearing their colors proudly. Some families were encouraged by the aowd to put their small children in the bowl of the cup for a photo, but Nlil. reps were quick to say ... well. no. Fans were given a few seconp to touch the cup, get a photo of themselves in front of it, and move on. The line snaked outside and around the building -an hour wait for 10 seconds of glory. COSTA MESA Kona Lanes bo~ling alley closes before last frame Bowlers despaired after Kona lanes shut its doors two weeks ahead of sched- ule on Sunday. Those who missed getting a last round In can still scoop up pins, shoes and other mementos and make of- fers on larger pieces of equipment from the landmark bowling alley this week from noon to 4 p.m. The alley closed because of financial difficulties. The Qty Council deadlocked again on whether to reconsider its approval of bigb- density condominiums downtown. With . Councilwoman Ubby Cowan absent Mon- day, the council split on whether the Oti- zens for·Responsible Growth and Council- man Allan Mansoor, who appealed the approval for the project at 1901 Newport Blvd., had provided enough new informa- tion to warrant a rehearing. The issue will be considered again at the June 2 Clty Council meeting. OON LEACH I DM.Y PILOT One man proposed to his wife in front of it, hockey teams posed around it, and others kissed it. Scot Ross did what other dads didn't have the guts to do. He put his boy in the cup for quick photo as the aowd cheered him on. Ross was reluctant, but peer pressure was too much. His boy was the perfect size. And the mini-hockey jersey was too cute. Luckily, I moved away from the cluster of people for a better look when the moment happened. and it made the perfect picture. -DonU!ach • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 674-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman@latimBS.com. ' S£N4 HILLER I CWLY PILOT Jon Peek of Costa Mesa holds a bowting pin he bought to remember Kona Lanes, a place he says he had been bowting at forever. County Coast.K.eeper. There are 11 pump stations in the harbor for about 10,000 boats. On Wednesday, SanJ,a Monica-based Heal the Bay re- leased its Beach Report Card. Most Newport Beach and New- port Harbor beaches got good grades. Thirty-eighth Street and 43rd Street beaches were sin- gled out as "county bummers." • MUL CUNTON covert the environment, buaineu and politics. He may be reached at (949) 164e4330 or by •·mail.._ paul.clinton@latimes.com. PUBLIC SAFETY New Costa Mesa Police chief begins June 16 John D. Hensley, bead of the Cypress Police Department for five years, will succeed David Snowden as Costa Meea'I police chief, City Manager Allan Roed- er announced Tuetday. Hensley, 47, ls expected to begin June 16 as the city's -fourth police chief, aLa saJacy of $138,588. The search for a new chief began in January. Snowden, Costa Mesa's chief for 16 years, has worked part-time for the city since retiring in June 2002. The jury deliberated for about a day and a half to con- vict Thenton Michael Veches, a 32.-year-old former Newport Beach recreation coordinator. of 22 felony counts of perform- ing lewd acts on cbildml and three misdemeanor counts of sexual assault. The defense ar- guecl that..Yeches. fowid guilty of sucldng the toes of boys en- rolled In the city's after-school programs and camps, didn't do it for sexual gratification. Veches faces 300 years in prison, but could become eli- gible for parole in 15 or 45 years. He is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11. • DEEM IHARAnt covert public safety •nd courts. She may be reached 8t (949) 57._.228 or by e-mail at dNpa.bhar•ttt•tarJmn.com NOTABLE QUO TABLES "Th me, you would need to put an asterisk in • • , ·. tbat report People ·· should not be swimming in the Santa Ana RJwr ... -Dae ICHf, Newport Beach assistant dty man- ager, on bJgh grades that Heal the Bay gave an area near the Santa Ana River mouth "I can't be Dave." he said "I have my own style. I'm not saying it's better or worse. It's just di1ferent. It'll take some getting used to." -John D. Hemky, Costa Mesa's new police chief, on haw he'll be dif. ferent from retiring chief David Snowden "(My son) bowled his first game here. My first (game) was here, too, so at least I got to do that with him It's sad I don't want this place to go." Oencff• Uput. while helping tear down )(ma lanes Oil Wedne!lday "My kids have the right to breathe fresh air. I'm sorry to shout. but this is ridiculous." -Mudn MB1ud. Cosla Mesa resident. sup-• portq ~the bluffs to residential "Though k's a dlfferent situation and we're cer- tainly not ln the same grouping, what's she's fo- cused .on is playing the game and doing her best. and that's what I'm fo- cused on. too." -Kay 1Jplaw. Corona del Mar golfer and the only woman competing in an ~ event in Las Vegas. on Annika Sor- enstam. who competed in a PGA men'a tourna- ment this weekend '"Ibis is not new infor- mation. Lt's a difference of opinion that has been exp~ since day one. Just because you don't like the project. or you : : voU!d against It, does not • : justify a rehearing." · • -Gey Monehan, • Costa Mesa oouodlman, on a resident's trying to demonstrate that the oonstruction of oondo- mf.ntwns at 1901 New· port Blvd. would create too much shade DailyAPil~t Box 1580, Co.ta~ CA 92826. Copyrtght No newt titorie9, llluatmlone, edlton.J INttef' or edwftJMmentt Mrein can be ~oced without writl«I permlulon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. XX Newslidleolw Gina~. Lori AndeBoo. Denlel Hunt, hut Settowitz, DenMllSC.V.. NIWllTNf cm.ii&-· .... ,,,. ... ....,,,.__,,, .-.ex.,. ..... "'°"...,. ,.,...,, (Mltf74.4m jun..,,,,., ... ~ .... ca.. '°""' ....._ lftd ..,m,....,. ""'°""·CM) 'JIM3IO ,..,. ....... ~ ........ uODll..,.••••• CIUllln "'*"'· .. ..,...,. ~·p J ... , If_.,, ......... c.111 .... .-... DMll1 ..... a:_ ... , ....... es z 1•• M Ill ...... ...... dll-J I ....... .. HOW lO REACH US ClrMedoft The Tlmea Or•nge County (800) 252-91'1 .-..1111111 arr r"'lld (948) M 2•tl678 Dllplly (941) 642-4321 ........ News 11411642-8880 ....... CMl 174-4223 ......... , ...... ,70 .......... (141) llG-0110 lo..a daltypl1ot•lllflmaoom ... a.. .... " •• om., .. , 6U-4121 ........ ,. (9411131•712' WEATHER FORECAST The day begins with low clouda end petdwy fog, but It should be l*ttv cloud'( thit 8ftllmoor' .. ttgt. wll .,. from 88 to 7& degrMt. At night, the low doudl Md petdwy ...... lnllnd. folawlrl9.,.. home from the heed\~ lowswll be from •to.,_.... ••n lll1n: WWM!tlM9.nGM.80" night. Stronget nonh\.-t QUiii wMt.,.., no'1tmlelt of Sin Nk:.holee llland by the aftemooo. T'heW8WI wMt.,. 2 to SfMt on• northwMt, end 1hen •MIC IMll of 5 tlO 7 f9lt. SURF 111 ..... Daily Pilot ..... Sonday, May 25. 2003 A3 LOOKING BACK Days at the old Balboa Island fire house By Gay Wa11all-Kelly Ring! Ring! "Fire! Fire!" was re· ported lo 22-year-old Kellh Aaby, :a "paid call" firefight.er on nlght 1 duty al lhe Balboa lsland Fire :House No. 4. "I run over to the •horn, give her four blasl8 so lhe 'volunteer firemen wtU know lhe : fire is on lhe Island," Aaby said. "We volunteers would hear : lhose loud blaslS, jump oul of a 'sound sleep, throw on our cloth- es, lhen wait for the next series of blasts telling us where to report," former volunteer firefighter Ken ' Lindahl said. "It's 1950, and this particular night. we knew it was a drill," . Undahl said. "We ran to lhe fire house on Marine Avenue. jumped on lhe fire lruck riding to bare Lido Isle to tesl lhe fire hydranlS, speed up our pull of the hoses, hook up to the hy· drants and squirt down the sand." lf walls could talk. this littJe fire house, buill in lhe 1920s wilh stucco and a tile roof, would leU you lhe wonderful camaraderie between lhe fire families who served BaJboa Island. For a time, lhe police shared one side of lhe building for a substation. UsuaUy. one or more paid firefighters slepl in lhe fire house wilh a large volunteer contingent on call. The linle fire house gave lhe residents of lhe island a feeling of security, since many of lhe homes were wooden and built very close logelher. Aaby remembers lheir firsl· rale fire captain, &1 Zube, who lived jusl behind lhe fire house. "Zube was a real character," Aaby said. "His wife wouldn'l let him sleep al home because he snored so loudly. So he slepl in lhe fire house most nights. I was going to school and worling as a boat ma.'1tenance guy and needed sleep. Thank goodness our shifts were only 24 on. 24 offl" "Jn 1955, when Zube, a good ,friend and problem solver to everyone. turned 65, lhe rule was you could not trork past your 65lh birthday." retired Capt Milt Meehan said. "So just before midnight, I had to send 7.ube off. Even after his retirement. Zube slept in lhe fire station on bad snore nights. "I had lhe dubious distinction of being Zube's replacement," Meehan said. "It was a hard act lo foUow." In 1958, Capt. "Dutch" Van Hom , after a cutthroat chess game wilh Meehan, answered a 3 a.m. caU, "Car fire on Coast Highway." On lhe way down Bayside Drive, Van Hom suddenly slowed lhe engine down to a crawt. Meehan wondered what his plan of attack was, and to his surprise, lhe "slow-down" was for a family of ducks crossing lhe road. The two guys "quacked" a1 each olher and proceeded. Right in the middle of Coas1 Highway bridge. a huge gas tanker had run into lhe back of a car. rupturing lhe car's gas tank and igniting its gas. Bolh men had just been drilled on such a happening. They didn't know al lhe time, but lhe lruck and car driver had escaped and were probably still running down lhe road. 1Wo more engines arrived jusl before lhe reUef valve in lhe tank le! loose, igniting lhe stream of gas vapors that sounded lilte 10,000 blow torches had been ligh1ed al once. Meehan knew he would have to continue cooling lhe tank wilh water from the hose. Suddenly, the relief valve closed and it be· came ghostly quie1 again. ·we found out later that bolh drivers were safe," Meehan said. •Boy. we were sure relieved." By 1992, the island had out· grown the linle fire house, and the city auctioned her off. In 1994, a new and larger high-1ech fire station was designed and coru.lructed on the comer of Ma· rine Slreet and Park Avenue on lhe island. foday, the original fire house remains empty. The Balboa Is· land I listoncal Sociery and Mu- ~um, along with the commu- nity. continues an active campaign lo save lhe onginaJ fire house for a fulure museum to display Balboa Island's rich his- 1ory. At 11 a.m. June I, Balboa Is· land will put on ii 1 Olh annual "Sa.Jule to Balboa Island Parade" on Marine Avenue. FoUow the parade 10 Marine and Park Av- enue for the new Fire Siation No. 4 rededication by Newpon Beach· Str v in g 'BrtaRfa s t , L uncfi & 'Dinner !Locals Favoritd Since 1995 - -- ---- --- A~emi 1 .n.11nua Sale 20-50% Offl Spring & Summe r Shoes and Accessories Save now ... wear now ! The latest European: influenced designs • Scsto Meucci • Rangoni of Florence •Van Ell Saa 4-12 in 5 widths supcr..sUm to wide Flt, fashion and fricridly service! Corona~ Mar P.llu:a 964 Avocado Atenue, (comet' of MacAribUr and PCff) • ~9-72 l • l 32S www.~.mm - -- - - ----- The Balboa Island fire station and police stabo11 as rt was. Fire Chief Tim Riley al 12:30 p.m. Sec you there. •GAY WASSAU-KEUY is the edator of a Balboa newspaper and 1s active in the community. •LOOKING BACK runs Sundays Do you know of a person. place or event that deserves a historical look bade? Let us know. Contact James Meier by fax al (949) 646-4170; e-mail at fames meter a /atimes com; or mail at c/o Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails .. •QuaJicy Service .. • •••Nigbdy Entertainment••• For R~u1 t•fltinn1 C.tll (949) 646-7944 IM15 Irvin~ Au: .. Cmt.1 M~u O•oct" ,.,,.4 \IH \o, i-\ II• l.u •er• 11 • IO bella bella S A LON OF FERING ...,~,_,.,J, .._ .;rtt r JI. • ,,t.,t5r .,,r~ A t~r.(.) 1µ '' J"T '•tf tr.qt ~h-:..t"r SALON MOUllS I "f•Y.1· 1"tt.l>J·" ~ *I( • ;• I )"1, 2 ':71 E r-r-~r ... ~ tW .• F''N''' ; •• "A ( UO<t<'J :JI< Iv' Jr P. 'J1f'I' 949 723 4048 NOW is the time to take control of your love life! y (888) 318· 3312 Factory Direct Showrooms \) ~ llilfiJJlfJ!JYJ/J!} ~~ Reupholstery <f/j, 4 ~@ & Slip Covers for Existing Sofas ~ Lowest Prices in Town THOUSANDS OF FABRICS TO CAOOSE FROM CUSTOM ORDERS WELCOME CRAZY PRICES • M Sulday, May 25, 2003 FUN Continued from Al dangling feet Brave "future offi- cers" roamed the pace, with sticker badges from the Newport Beach PoUce Department Oill- dren bounced off of each other in the sumo wrestling ring. And" hundreds of chiJdreo in Baja will be fed because of the festivities. "We have over 300 people, and it's not even I p.m.," said Jim McAJeer, executive director of C.Orazon de Vida. "This is fabulous, considering the weather." just for the youngstets. Adults had their share of revelry at the carnival. David Janes stood in the mid- dle of the event posing proudly in a red Speedo. wen. the Spee- do was part of the sumo wrestler suit he was wearing, which in· Oated so its wearer couJd bounce around an opponent It was for a good cause. and his big smile lndicated his amusement Newport C.Oast Cares co-foun- der BergitteTehranchi got in on the dress-up action. as she pa- raded around the carnival in a Oowing skirt, peasant top and Doral crown. as t.Qe May Fairy. "I am blowing all the gray clouds away," she said. All around were large posters of the children from the orphan· ages in Baja Mexico. Their smil· ing faces and dancing brown eyes illustrated the mission of the carnival Gloomy gray sides did not dampen the spirits of the New- port C.Oast residents visiting the various booths. The carnival of- fered tons of fun with Laser Tag. a large lnOatable slide, rock climbing. pony rides, a petting zoo, sumo wrestling. food, drinks, a police display and more. Oilldren hurried excitedly from station to Mation. "We keep their images up to remind them that this is really about helping other kids,· Giffin said. SEAN HILLER I DAil Y PILOT Makena Matesky, 6, rounds a tum on a pony at the first Spring Fling in Newport Coast. "There is just so much love and good energy here: Newport C.Oast Cares co-founder Laura Giffin said. Mc.Aleer said the Newport C.oast Cares group is one of the best to woD: with -and he works with organizations all over Southern California. The gener· osity of the Newport C.Oast resi- dents is unmatched, from ticket sales to sponsorships. The rides and games weren't '9.95 ~ ~ SETUP SOFTWARE ~ makes connecting lost & emy1 FIVE email boxes, Webmail, Instant Messaging and more! Unlimited Access • Sign Up Onllne www.locoInet.com 949-642-4645 • Panics for All Ocru1ons • Catad Teas to Go • Imported Teas and Briush G<>o<b • ~po«~ Didi Lunch: Mon-Sat, I J .tm -4: 15 pm 949-645-4860 TwENTY LENDERS ONE PHONE CALL 949.252.8200 fh j ~:~ Bill Fallon • Purchase • Refi • Construction 15 years in O.C. Don't Pay Too Much For Your Brakes INDEPENDENT SERVICE CALL US PERFORMANCE LTD 2037 HARBOR BLVD. 650 5860 CO STA MESA CA 949 2 BLKS NO OF TRIANGLE SQUARE WWW PERFORMANCELTO.COM ' THESE MEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERYONE. . EVEN HUSBANDS . Tht soft folds of Vpne• window shadinas (ION come in three tt1tt1 fabrics ht~to~. Come Me them todly. Nearly every retailer in the Newport C.Oast shopping center donated generously to the cause, he said. About 75 volun- teers also pitched in man hours to put the event together. ~They make my job so easy," McAleer said. NEVER Continued from Al In the fall, the Newport Coast Cares group helped raise more than $25,000 for C.Orazon de Vida Foundation with its 1 la!low- een festival This year. the Spring Ring was added to their arsenal to fight hunger at the orphan- ages in Baja. The tradition of giv- c.erarnics classes there. ''I've made cups and vases and figurines. A favorite of mine is a little locomotive. It's a fun piece." fhe coUege's emeritus program brings classes to the center that are free to seniors. though state budget cutbacks mean that Oasis may have to begin providing some of the classes in corning years. UC Irvine and Orange C.oast C.OUege also hold a few classes on campus. Other classes are taught by volunteers, such as Nancy Lieberg and Sue Hersch, who lend their expertise at the Friday morning ceramics class. Other classes are presented by instructors paid by the center to teach things like computer skills. Oasis has about 6,000 members and about 4,500 active members. The center owes its success to a mix of professional city staff members, Lhe Friends of Oasis and olher volunteers. On average, the center serves about 400 seniors every day. Friends of Oasis is an auxiliary of mostly volunteer members who do raise funds and plan events for Oasis. They run the Oasis Travel Office. which offers trips for seniors, members and nonmembers. "There's usually at least one gambling trip a month," said Sheila Hatchell, president of FnendJ. of the Oasis. "Then, there are olher trips all over the place.· A huge calendar on the walJ at the busy travel office lists upcoming trips to Canada's Atlantic C.oast, Pechanga. Montana and Las Vegas, nicknamed "Viejas" -Spanish for "old women" -on the big board. The trips raise about $20.000 a year for lhe center. The travel office is run by volunteers. some who've been at ii for about 20 years. NThe volunt~rs really help make the place run,· Hatchell said. The Friends of Lhe Oasis budget is about $320,000 a year, some of which is raised by the Friends, much of it coming from grants and other outside sources and is managed by the friends. NO 'NO' FOR AN ANSWER The ciry has six full-time and two part-time staff at the center, paid for from a budget of $499.428 last year from the city's general fund. Transportation services at the center include four vans shuttling seniors al ing back is something they plan 10 continue, Giffin said. Ille people in this community are just great," Giffin said. "Their energy and pirit is just awesome. It is amazing what you can do when you get people together. You can move mountains.·· cosrofabour12 eactJ""""ra,-n... ........ tn-t-+nncr-n-· .--f-----~.i--....;;~~.-.:..:.:~~ Newport Beach. One of the vans is funded by Hoag Hospital; anolher is provided by South C.Ounty Senior Services. The city budgets $146,899 from its transportation fund for two vans. drivers and maintenance. "Whether you're frail and homebound, or whether you're active and looking for more of those types of services, we have something to offer," Jardine-Haug said. "We tell our volunteers who answer the phone that there is no 'no' answer. When someone calls looldng for any type of service, no matter what it is, we try to offer whatever information or help we can. "Our philosophy is, you come to us, tell us what you need or want, and we'll do what we can to get it going." Jardine-Haug said. "That's the biggest secret of Oasis' success.· BUFFA Continued from Al By the way, the credit for offida.Dy changing the motto to "City o(tbe Arts" goes to former Mayor Linda Dixon. who led the charge on the name change in 1999. But the origlnal. now obemete, dty aeal has a charming, innocent quality to tt. much Wee the times in which ft WU born. Then! ii a bu.Vly thing et the bottom of the 10ene CCMred with~ I think they're CJIW1lll. Oddlyj lhe mcJlt promlneot fllu* are two paduatea in caps • and pm. oae rule, one fmude-. nod to Southern CIJi!oiml C.oJltp (now ~ t}nMnky) and the tdll-!MW or.op COllt c.ollege. m.o ew. ,_...old ID 1951 Al die center o( dae ..... sunny harbor scene, with a sailboat heading toward what appears to be the bridge at the Arches. Was anyone bothered by the fact that no such scene exists in c.osta Mesa? Apparently not At the top of the scene is a building that's efther a steel mlll or the First United Methodist Olurch on 19th Street. 0 ru go with the church.. Running through the heart of the aeal is that enigmatic motto, "The Hub of lhe Harbor Area." Yes, an enigma. or, to borrow Winston Olurchill's phra.'le, "a riddle wrapped ln a mystery, lnside an enigma.~ Perhape. but it was also very c:leYer-n:wtedng on someone'• part. And 1 do appreclate cltMr mutedng. A brand new city crying to pt Its name out there and eecabHsli lrielt Then and now and llways. you gotta have .• -..: Whlil em:dy. "The Hlrbor An!ar The nor1h end Of Newport Beach and the sou them end of C.OSta Mesa?" Maybe. What about Huntington Beach? They have a harbor. Is that the Harbor Area, too? C.OuJd be. Why stop Lhere? Look at a map of the coast Whether you're talking about the area arou11d Newport Beach, or everything from Dana point to Seal Beach, Costa Mesa ls roughly the mJd-point on a north-south line. Pretty clever, eh? It's like the "Bennud~ l)'langle." Do you know why It's so hard to anaJ)'7~ what If anything. ts ao darkly unique about the Bermuda Trtangle? Becaule everybody J.:!tcb a big patch of the IOU Adantk and eds It "the 8ennUda Triangle." whJc:h. ti)' now1 bu had more ahapea and ..... than Oprah Wlnby. .. Colla Miiii the hW o( die POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • lltRol lbMt: Gr1nd theft wae reported In the 3300 blodt at 12:50 p.m. w.ctneeday. • ,. ... .on Plllce: Vandalltm was reported In the 2700 blodt at 10:38 a.m. w.dnesday. • '-' Diego ff'Mw.-, end H8rbof ~Vandalism was reported at 2:34 p.m. w.dnaday. • South Coest Dttve: Petty theft was reported In the 900 blade at 7: 14 p.m. Wednesday. • &st 11th Straet: Fraud waa reported In the 100 blodt at 6:40 p.m. Wednesday. • West 11th StrMt end ttomon. Awnue: A hit-and-run was reported at 3:56 p.m. Wednesday. NEWPORT BEACH • Avoaido Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 800 blodt at 12:23 p.m. Thursday. • B.abcNI ~:A burglary was reported in the 1000 blodt at 10:20 p.m. Wednesday. • Cliff Dttve end ANef'lida Avenue: Vandalism was reported at 12:09 p.m. Thursday. • West Coast Hlghwey: Vandalism was reported in the 900 bk>dt at 2:59 a.m. Thursday. • Man:us Avenue: Loud music was reported in the 3400 blodt at 2:49 a.m. Thursday. • Newport Coast Dttve: A commercial burglary was reported in the 21000 blodt at 10:41 a.m. Thursday. Top, Lewis Davis plays a game of Cowboy, a type of pool, in the game room of the Oasis center. Lewis, a Newport Beach • resident, has been coming to the center for 20 :ars. Veda Ricketts, left, concentrates on a kitchen utens~ she is drawing in a Pencil& Sketching class at the Oasis Center. This is Veda's first class in drawing at the center. PHOTOS BY MARK C . DUSTIN /DAILY Pl.OT harbor area? Sure. why not? But 50 years later, we're past all that Our municipal lmecwity complex about not having a coastline is over. done, out, yesterday's'hews. In the intervening half-century, there's been a whole lot of moving and shaking going on -like the most suooes&tul regional shopping ; center in the world, South Cour Repertory, the Perform.Ing Ana : CA!nter and Segerst:rom 1 lall - reoognJzed u one or the premJet arts venues In the world. and that's world, u to "world: So Itta · goodbye Had>or, heOo An. The new dcy ftlg, IOOO lo be , unfurled. trumpea the "Oty ot the Arts" perched on a 11M1& on • the couc. No gradue4ee. no ateet mm.. not one onnp. Slmple. cleln, mabl --.1 lib IC. l<Aakla Mbl h. and J'I bit • ewn~._lt. ·--~ , CHECK IT OUT Eye on the British Isles C an't make It to the 17th annual Scottish Festival this Memorial Day weekend? Enjoy the pleasures of overseas travel without venturing even as far as the Orange County Fairgrounds with books, videos, DVDs and CDs from your nearest library. You can get a taste of some of the world's most bucolic spreads with James Bentley's "'l'he Most BeaudfuJ Vllbiplof P.npand." With 285 photographs or countty lanes. matched cottages and weathered churches, this is a tribute to the scenic diversity or our motherland. Also in the series are volumes on Brittany, Burgundy. France. Greece. Ireland and the Dorclogne. For a more comprehensive tour of the British lsles, browse lhrough "Portrait of Brttaln" from the DK lfyewitn~ Travel Guides series. Intended as a pictorial soµvenir. this t.olfee cable-worthy come captures the essence or the iSland. from the streets or London to the patoral Lake District. Daxl.llng photos. informative maps and cutaway illustrations make it a must for visitors and armchair tra'llelers. Ha cerebral tour is more your style. tum to Simon Schama's ,. A 111Mot'y of Brttaln," a three-volume treatise covering the Norman conquest. struggles or the Henrys and Richards. the reign or Elizabeth t. civil and world wars, and the rise or England as a global power. It's also available on OVD. The series includes five ltiscs with l 5 hours of fQOtage offering an overview or Great Britain from 3100 BC through the 20th century. Geared more for tourists' sensibilities is "Dl8c:owea Ing Bngllmd. • a two-hour DVD from the Video Visits Travel Collection. With views or c;Mtles, cathedrals and universities from SM CHECK, Pqe M , Sunday. May 25, 2003 Al • ezsure '/Nathan Oliveira's work] caused a lot of consternation. It was viewed as conservative, or anti-modern ... but Oliveira stayed with his vision.' \ Brian UN111ton, Orange County Museum of Art spokesman DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT A sculpture and painting by Nathan Oliveira, one of the Bay Area's most d1stingu1shed artists, are part of a retrospectrve at the Orange County Museum of Art. Figuring in the abstract Lolita Ha rper Daily Pilot B road brush '!toke'>. texture and color collected u1 conceptuaJ forms 1hat i.pcaJc. volurnb about the human condition mark the work of one of California\ mo'>t acclaimed arusts, who!>t' work 1l> now on display at the Orange County M~um of Art. The works of mtemauonally dcdauned artbt Nathan Ohve1ra can be seen at the Newport Beach mll-'>eurn now through July 27. FYI WHAT: Nathan Oliveira, a retrospective exhibit of works WHEN: 11 a.m . to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday, now until July 27 WHERE: Orange County Museum of Art, 850 San Clemente Onve, Newport Beach COST: Admission costs $5 for adults; $4 for seniors and students, children younger than 16 and OCMA members get in for free. There is no admission fee every Tuesday thanks to the generosity of Robinsons-May. INFO: (949) 720-0030 The county museum of art is presenting a retrospective of California artist Nathan Oliveira "He was the fir<>t California anist recognu.ed on the mtemat10nal artJst scene,· museum spokesman Bnan Langston said. "He rocked the international an scene." A family of artists -a mother and her three grown daughten. -who mited the exhibit Friday afternoon said they especially enjoyed Olivei.ra's use 1>f color and texture. ·We are color people.· daughter Anne Christensen said. -We like his use of paint.· matriarch See FIGURING, P .. e M KAREN WIGHT NO PLACE LIKE HOME Your garage: the final frontier ur home includes three big So even though I love them wife's sanity? I tJunk you know the Foosball table; a karaoke mac.tune; --+-----~... busy -ki<b. I'm always--JJliilQl1!'r--<llAG-WiV&--UWMoi. l'---D;ic· mCJ$-~ ~ ______ d..,an-....s,_: .._a _.,lY.L:L.Jan ... d a f'rid~e ... m addl- looking for extra space to well. sometimes they just need a So, with plans in hand, the ga-lion to the requisite tools and stor- put them and their teenage entou-place to hang lhat's off my beaten rage ha!> become something of a age area. And ince all of these ac- rage.. I also covet extra space for path. A place where the Doritos teen nirvana. When we added the tivities can be loud, or loud and their activitJes like Playstation, and dust won't get wiped on my sofas. A pool tn the back. yard and moved bad (karaoke}. insulation is impor- space for keeping cases of drinks place where they can scream and the garage forward. the garage be-tanL cool Basically, I need space for lots yell and I won't shoot a dirty look came a part of the housP, literally, Before all the city inspectors get of bodies to make another part or their way. and not just for the tool bench. or their knickers in a twist. the garage my house dirty. And where does a person find the 1V that has F.sPN going non-is m compliance. It bas room for I know, I know, when they're such a place in their home sweet stop. two cars. the appropriate electrical gone, I'll miss them. In the mean-home? In our world. the space is The garage became a place for and setbacks in sync with c:odea.. time, I oeed to find a way to cope the garage -the husband's inner the kids to have fun. The garage with them. sanctum. Hubbie's sanctum versus now hosts an an hockey table: a TRAVEL TALES See WIGHT, P .. e M Letting dogs lead across Nevada back country Dog sledding was on the must-do list of a Newpon Beach woman. An Internet search led her to Hope Valley, where they don't say 'mush.' Penny Fleming, her husband and~ two ctlildren went doi sleddina in Hope V*t, Newda. ... .... •. ,. Suridly, May 25, 2003 50% OFF: I '- TRAVEL Continued from AS . hugged my daughter • Annie and saJd. •1 canno• believe I am ftnally doing this.• I started to cry. I really liked dog sledding. I asked Dottie about the word mush, and she said. "Only ln the : movies.,. I didn't have the, heart to tell her that we had watched •snow Dogs" to get ready. "Geel" she yelled, and the dogs made a right tum. "Haw!" and they went left. 1st Session $15 Value ' ' Expires 5131 /03 I DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT A visitor to the Orange County Museum of Art walks past Nathan Oliveira's Windhover r./. We traversed the valley with amazing speed. Our guide told us stories about the mountains. Once neat the lake, it was time for w to drive the team. Annie, 8, and Michael, 9, were ready. .. ____________ .. 814" COWEN MAPLE DENSE FIGURING Continued from A5 Joan Ouistensen said. "I can tell he has lnOuenced a lot of people." Oaire Christensen said his worb were bold for the time they were painted, but they still read beautifully today. "Still quite abstract, but not quite enough for the times." Langston said. Oliveira began his career as part of curator Peter Selz's insurgent exhibit in 1956 that Oew ln the face of the New York art scene. Langston said. When the art worid was enthralled with the abstract, Selz's exhibit emphasized the figure. "It caused a lot of consternation," Langston said. "It was viewed as conservative. or and-modem ... but Oliveira stayed with bis vision." The Oliveira exhlbi t at the Orange County Museum of An, also curated by Selz, "closes the circle that launched his career," ~ton said. Born in C>akla.od of Portuguese heritage, Oliveira ls internationally known as a painter, sculptor and printmaker, ~on said. Oliveira. active in the Bay Area for more than 40 years, ls a professor emeritus of art at Stanford University, where he taught for more than three decades before retiring in 1995. The acclaimed artist studied at the California CoUege of Arts and Crafts, where he received his • graduate and undergraduate degrees, ~ton said. He taught there and at the San Francisco Art Institute before joining the faculty at Stanford in 1964. Oliveira's works are divided into four sections: Figures, Sights. Wmdhovers and Stelae. Figures highlight the human shape with large brush strokes and striking color. The large canvases feature abstract fonns that blatantly contrast with their background. "Oliveira believed art was about the human condition and the SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4~~ft. • 1nswted wtth Pad S J 69 • Minimum 60 yards aq. ft. CHECK Travert.lne 18" z 18" .........•..•.••••••• 14.29 ... n. Ceramic 111e •••••••••••••••••• 1...un-4 r .... 14.99 ... n. Continued from A5 to the Norman conquest. Included are stories pieced together from archeological evidence and Celtic myths. from before writing arrived In Ireland with Olristian missionaries. Laminate Wood ••••••••••••• 1aata1Ja<1 r ..... 14.99 -n. London to Cornwall, this virtual tour foUows the paths of Shakespeare, the Bronte sisters and Wmston Olurchill. Suppl/•• and TooU For th• -0o It Youn.Jr.nr• All pric.•lprot/uct• For 11 11,,.lted 11,,.., luu«I on a-llabllllfl. 1374 Lop.a Aft., Salte F • COSTA MESA la (888) MESA-777 :_.,_ (6372) JIOll.nl. II AJI .. 5 ,,. •""""'•......a ' SAi. ti AJI .. 1 nt IWIS!D SUNDAY) liM!il W. An equally colorful portrait of the Emerald Isle is &om "In Sean:b of Ancient Ireland. .. a PBS documentary on DVD that covers Irish history from 3000 BC For those interested in Oora. the Royal Horticultural Society offers "Wisley 1brougb the Se:Mons, .. a video series staning their famous garden in Surrey. Along with stunning views of meadows throughout the year. ' Art in Motif Indulge Your Palette s Join The St. Regis Mo narch Beach Resort & Spa this Wednesday May 28th from 5-6 pm, for an exhilarating A rt Exhibit & Rece tion at Motif. Featured artist, Jane t Macfca ig, d escribes her work as Na vis ua l haiku," and has been featured widely in the US and Japan, and is included in the permanent collection at Th e Los Angeles County Mu seum of Art. Meet t he a rtist and view her wor~ while enjoying complimentary samples of Motirs s ignature "small plates," aromatic wines, Live music, and valet parking. Art Exhibits will continue through September 3, 2003 · Please call Motif at 949-234-3320 for further information. Presented by The Dana Point Coastal Arts. - -..~:;:-.-­ Home to a certain world T h e ST . REGIS Kevin Short Joy Patterson & Robin Hall MONARCH B E ACH Dana Point. CaUfornJa C..U Mt·aJ4.JJM www.1tre1l•••.ee• ASP! 1'I HOUSTON LOS AN f.W MON ARC II 81'.ACK, CA NP.W VOfllC WAC:HIN ~ 0 r: 8FUING l,C)NU()N ROM6 HANCfW REFINANCING = BUYING ANEW HOUSE By D11H WOnt There is one elcmenr ro a home loan refinancing that most of us don't tbtnlc about very much. We look at rhc lower __ ,__._=in=1e=rcs=1'--'r=•1t=e--=that"s available to us and the resulting lower monthly payment we'll have to fork over to the lt>ndcr, and we rejoice rhar lower intercsr rates allow us to rdiRancc our cxining loan. We can usually even tac a bit of money out of the house and invcsr ir in home impr~mcnts, a new business, or the cducarion of a child. If we've been paying a home loan down for quite a few years. though, the effect of refinancing that loan is precisely the wnc as what would happen if we were buying a new home. The end rcsw.lt us that we have a new 3().. year loan, and maybe it won't be entirely lO our bcoeiit to tadc. on another ten )'Q.l'5 or fifteen years to our payment rchedulc. R.emc:mbcr this odd &a about home loan amortization scheduks. ~ way they work mabcmadc:ally ii to fronc-loed t:M inteftl( pomoo of the loan, eo that we r-1 &r mort interest a.nd .. COWlid dw priocipaJ b.lanci in cbc ""' JQl'1 of the lo... ind dac max in che lalt ,_,.. If yo4lrc pmsy fu inro .,.,t .. o/f 'JflUI home loan. thu is tomeehing )'OU inay want to m~ rour mmna 1oan may pin a ccn:ain luster u a rault. If )'OU need help with real -.uea.11 meat9'49·'33-1200 orWilffJIJ..._•~ "'oadonlroed.(Oln.. human figure,• Langston said. The Sights collection contains landscapes and places, Langston said. Wtndhovers comprises large paintings with a theme of the world &om above. Oliveira wouid often hike the hills of Palo Alto and watch the haWks, Langston said. "These almost appear as lf he bas the vision of the hawk." Langston said, polnting to the large curves. "It is the vision of the world from above.· The Stelae were inspired by ancient architecture. he said. The final coUection is best classified as "other," Langston said, as it features some of his more recent works. watercolors and prints. "Hike." and we were off with lditarod speed. My husband and I were cuddled under the wool blankets as we watched as the kids handled the dogs. I knew that I wanted to do this again, so it went back on my list of must dos. But this time, I want to go for much longer, and maybe do It ln Alaska. • PENNY R.EMING is a Newport Beadl resident. A small girl with curly blond locks had a distinct interpretation of Oliveira's ·Allegorical Drawing." The piece, done in ink. brush and pen, combined black. grays and neutral colors in the form of a figure with wings. •TRAVEL TAl.E.S runs on Sundays. Have you, Or someone you know, gone on an interesting vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, aa:ompanied ~ a couple of photos to dloose from that do not have the Deity Pilot m them. and send them to Travel Tales. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or e-mail "It's a Oy. momma.· the gin said. . the series illustrates ideas and techniques for closer-to-home spreads. When you're sated with intellectual and visual stimulation, fire up the CO player to capture the essence of British folk music with the King's Singers' "Watch.Ing the White Wheat.,. These 16 ballads, ditties and hymns (including nine a cappeUa renditions) wiU transpon even the most WIGHT Continued from AS It's just that I like to park the kids. not the cars. It has bright colors, weird lraffic signs (love that EBay), a big chalkboard wall, and enough bottled water, Diet Coke and roo1 beer to go around. Remember those things you said you 'd never do . . . before you had kids? I used to think I'd never feed the kids cheese puffs or carbon- ated beverages or have bright plastic toys. Oh yeah, and I'd never use food as a bribe for potty LraJ'ning Oove those M&M's) and the kids wouid aJ. ways take a nap until they were 5 years old. Can you bear my coral.wilson@l11t1mn.com. or fax to (949) 646-4170. reluctant traveler to lands of clans. tartans and haunting glens. • CHECK rT OUT is written ~the staff of the Newport Beach Public Library. This week's column is ~ Melina Adams In collaboration with ctaudia Peterm•n. All tfttes may be rneNed from home~ office computera ~ acoesaing the catalog at www.newportbeadl library.orp. dry in your garage. think about getting the under-counter washer/dryer models. They al- low for extra counter space on top for laundry baskets, an iron- ing board or hampers.. Or, you can defer to the kids and add a television and X-Box. It's just ·a maner of priorities. I like using laminate swfaces (like Formica) for counters and storage cabinets; It lessens the need for maintenance. Lamt- nates come in dozens of colors. My neighbors thought I was crazy when our garage built-ins were installed. We have yeUow, green, red, black. all Ln gre•t quantity and all very ... shock- ing. Kind of looks like a Jamai- can bobsled. Am I nuts? You bet. Do we have fun? You bet. Will I always use my garage as a home for laughtl . ------,..,,,...,·r..·gimrm,onesf Probabtynur. Sometimes, you need a place to let your balr down. And the garage ls a great spol I even sneak QUt and catch a tune or two on the karaoke machine. Does your garage need to multi- task? You can incorporate a vari- ety of functions. If you do laun- But for now, it's good. And lf you have lot of young, blg bodies ln your home. it could be good for you, too. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach resident. Her column runs Saturdays. Is your money workipg this hard? I lmrtst hill a..t.ty I A+ lbl ly St•••• & Pw's e111 ......... OPJIEl.SHAW>M ~ Ncowpon Cmcer Or., , 112 Ntwpon Bach, c.. 92660 ~717·1'62 t , PA'ITY HARVEY (949) 219-Z517 & MARIANNE NA HIN (714) 269-7851 BUYING OR SELLING A HOME? THE VALUE OF TWO PROFESSIONALS BACKED BY THE STRENGTH OF THE ROCK! Work with the Best Specializing in Closing Deals ~ Prudential California Realty 23 Corporate Plaza, Ste. 190, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Diane Coltrane, Broker (949) 836-3730 cell Kathleen Dennis Assistant FRANK J. GRUVER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL CALL FOR FREE SAi E8 INFORMATION IN YOUR AREA.HOME ENHANCEMENT GUIDE TIPS OR MAPS. Ready to serve your real estate needs. Please call me at: 949.233.2392 MARY Lou KIEBLER BROKER Lido Park Realty "Lido Park Specialist" 60 I Lido Park Dr., Suite 2-E Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 675-~700 · www.Udoparkrulty.com ' ~ BROKER ASSOCIATE IC KEY \(/LLIOTT 949.887.4376 CELL ,MICKEYELLIOIT@COLDWELLBANKER.COM. It Pays To Consult A R~altor! • Free no obligation market value • Fru bll)U shopping sp~ . • • appraisal and analysis ($500.00) upon buyer signjng" F Li _____ ... h . __ 1 • •Free new listings update hourly • rec uaucu P ys•~ anspec-via emaiJ tion for buyen $400.00 value• • Free sales and market condi- • Free home warranty pol.icy for tions in rour neighborhood, seUers $400.00 value• hourly via email • Providing value to my clients in • Free seller shopping spree real estate for over 15 years ($500.00) upon listing signingu • Satisfaction guaranteed! "/11 11/I nb11111 you.'! 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Hart , ;;V llff'f' fllf/h a JJJlf(r, R&'Mtte REAL ESTATE SERVICES Newport Beach (949) 760-5000 (949) 378-0513 dhart@homesoc.c m MAXINE MINK CRS, SRES Relocation & Seniors Specialist Office: 949.722.8609 Coastal Cottages to Mansions JB Back Bay Realty A F•ndllll Stacy McCullough 949.887.1 199. 949.644.6200 StaqRealtor@aol.com -.CoutaJConagaToMansioru.c:om • Ml'> 'w:•rch from m> wrh frr1n1 p•~• • 81-wttkl) onlinc IU·•I h!Jt< "1..,.,1~1rr • l h1h/wcckh tnu1l 11<"" P"'f'<'"' '"""It-' 1.-~J • Rt'al Mtaic <jU<"llOm' l,1Jt1nu,. thrcrful •"'""" • R.dtmah 10 other ><"'''"N hu"ll<'\' o-.nc" ;nd hu11™""1 Prudcnrul C~ifonw Ralr" + Nt .... ·pon hshM>n 1,bnd Office PAM WARD BROKER ASSOCIATE "SATISFYING CLIENTS FOR OVER 10 YEARS" 949-235-2228 e-mail: pamwardnb@aol.com 881 Dover o..m. Swu 380 Newport Beach Alice Brownell -Broker Associate /,/,111cl •' I , ', Specializing in Balboa Island Direct Linc: (949) 294-6495 Home Office: (949) 673-4547 Email· alictbrowntll@mail.com .'4f RE~~RR~D 2«l2 Mlc:t*9on ~ u. m ........ CA92612 8J Lora Vance R~ .. ~r •z Sp ecializing in: Sales & Rentals throughout Newport H arbor u kbrating 26 Yean Lora Vance Marlys Vasterling (949) 673 -4062 (949) 55 1-67 89 Fax (949)673-4062 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, Ca. 92662 Dayna Pettit for vour "Sew around the neigbbOrhood." "Covering BaJboa Peninsula & Newport Beach" Bus. (949) 673-3899 Cell/Pgr. (949) 433--0998 Fax. (949)673-6805 Cannery VIiiage Realty Inc. JACOBS REALTY John & Carol Jacobs, GRI Brolttn 29 Y~4N ;,, Nn11J>Ort Bw: 949-642-4400 John's CeU-463-9100 Carol's Cdl-463-9400 joh 11 l. .t rol. jacohsC11 'hcglohal . net M Swldey, ~ 25, 2003 EDITORIALS Take a moment to remember When you wake Monday lllOt1ling, please lake a moment to think of your fellow cowitry- men and women for whom this day bu been set aside in remem- brance. Ju,U like you. they rose from their slumber amid familiar set. tings. and in the stillness or the morning kissed their loved ones goodbye. They walked to the door, took one last look at all the familiar things whose ordinari- ness had brought them comfort, and said goodbye. They said goodbye to their families, their homes, their com- munities, their nation and to everything else that had nwtwed and kept them through the years. They wallced away from all things famillaJ and benign. Then they took their places on the ships and planes awaiting them. and were gone. Most of them would return, but many -too many -would never return. Not alive. And most of these died not as we all hope to die, swrounded by loved ones amid the still sanctity of home, but in abject misery and fear. They died far away, among unfor- giving strangers in a foreign land, amid the shrieking chaos and violence of war. Who knows what might have became of them, had they lived? They were the first fruit of our harvest. They were our brightest and strongest and most coura- geous, the backbone of our fu- ture.. Had they lived, who knows what they might have accom- plished? They were heirs to the fortune of America. children of a rich and bountiful land How might they have spent that inher- itance? It is a question almost too heartbreaking to contemplate. They were our best. our finest. Surety, they would have aa:om- plished great things -their minds opened by the bright light of demoaa~ Surely, some would have become (Pants in the scien- ces, in the arts or in philosophy. They were our pride, the best among us, our golden stars. How much more proud of them might have we become, had they liwd? It is almost too heartbreaking to contemplate because their laughter and beauty were taken from us. 1be wars came. as wars always come, and took them away. They set aside their dreams of family and fortune and picked up a.ans for us instead. And they man:hed of( our leaders urging them forw.ud, off to the wars. They went because they knew that freedom is not a right of na- ture, but of spirit It is a voice of the spirit that must be brought and kept in this wodd through action. They went because they were the doers, because they knew the task had fallen to them and no one else, and they did not shirk from this. They stood and were coWlted, and were marched off to war. And when we saw them again, if ever, they were still and silent. their bodies draped in the flag for which they given everything. They traded the safe comforts of home for the deprivations and danger of God-forsaken places.. They gave up the bounty of America for the scarcity of hostile lands. They gave up everything for their nation. for their cities. for you and I. It is an wmatura.I thing, for par- ents to bury their children. A ter- rible thing. for a young bride to bury her man. Lamentable and unkind, it is a sorrow unliJce any other. These brave souls -our servicemen and servicewomen -looked upon this sorrow as an acceptable risk. They looked upon the specter of death and lamentation for tMir loves. and concluded that America was worth the risk. It is almost too heartbreaking to considet', but please. for just a moment. consider what was sac- rificed so that you might have this day. ·Enjoy your day and be happy and carefree with your family and friends.. But please. for just a moment. take time today to remember those for whom this day has been set aside in remem- brance. Remember that they gave up everything for you. Let's give kudos to good teachers Pauline Maranian loves her job and does it well That became evident last week when the Orange County Depart- ment of Education awarded the nine-year teacher one of 6ve golden-apple trophies county- wide. The county department of education decided to award the Estancia Hlgb drama and P.ngl.lsh teacher after receiving rave re- views from her students and Newport-Mesa Unified School District staff. Mamrlan ml.ISt deserve the award. When she learned or the news. she was teaching drama to 44 students. PJther the class is overly packed or the 1tudents really wanted her as their teacher. Either way, If Manulian can get through to aD of tho9e students in a lb:lgle dua. the 34-yar-oJd is cWlnttely the lOpl In her pro{es· 8'oli. "I'm jult do~ my job. ... I feel bUmhled ht' it all.. Mamn.larl said before pointing out that the vall - ddon o1 • woctc ·Jult rnam me want to be eYe11 bena. • M molt people ~ teechen aren't the millionaires in this world There are few who make six figures annually at any point in their lifetimes. They do it beouase they want to teach. They want to make a diff2renoe in dlildren's lives.. Most teachers will never be honored with a golden apple. They1l be lucky if they receive a trophy of any sort Teachers could use more validation. and it's wonderful lhat Manmian re- ceived hers. But parents and stu- dents, too, should go out of their way when possible to tell their teachers how much a difference they do make. Just lllte in any profession, there are bad teachers out there, but whate\'el' can be done to ap- plaud the good t.eacben can keep them going and encourage them to continue to improve them- selva.. After an. there are many other jobs out there that psy a lot more that teachers could Just as euilyftll. Mara:nian sounds like she's found her niche and her atudents pat. praeot and 6.dure wiD be better off as a result THE LAST WORD Have pity on Piloteers ' ( \ Memorial IAly is not all about sales and sleeping in This ls not a guilt letter. It is not meant Lo cause band-wringing or sleepless nights. Think of It as a Light touch on the shoulder, a friendly rerlilnder, a gentle whisper. The dead cannot hear us. Memorial Day is approaching. The most sacred of American holidays is a few days away. I look to It with silent sadness for it reminds me of so much lost; so many lives-so young. For me it is a day of reOec- tlon as it asb the questions: "What have I done with thJs freedom, purchased by those who passed before me? Have I served their memories well?" A few years back. my kids came home from school and cheered at the prospect of a three-day weekend. Curiom, I asked each of them what they were told on the Friday preceding Memorial Day. Each one saJd they were told to "enjoy the three-day weekend.• Nothing more. I waa shocked. BOLTON MAILBAG Needless to say, my three children spent the weekend learning about what Memo- rial Day really meant. They vowed never to forgeL I thinlc of aoldJers who stepped off boats into waters thousands of miles from home, facing horrific artillery fire. realiz- ing they will never come home; of soldif't'S jumping out of planes into the darkness, wondering what awaited them; of Marines and infantrymen charging up hills in countries foreign and hoatile, fighting Cor footholds in the land. They did lhese thinga in the face of gnat adversity, with courage .• and honor, and m.lghl It's not about the sale at the department store. It's about remembrance, prayer, and reOection. War lJ tngic and brutal and horrific, but there are those wt\o gave their lives to uphold the vaJuea of freedom and democracy for generadooa or Americans they would never know. 'Ibey aacrificed ao that we could •enjoy our three·day week- ends.• J try to celebrate life and all ill wonder. I will wort bard to remember the aacrtflce • • of those who allow us the gift of freedom. It's been paid for, dearly, by those whose memories we should honor. CARLE. OSs.oFf Newport Beach Cities eross 19th Street bridge when they come to Gisler Why would Fountain Valley have any In- terest in the 19th Street bridge? They don't have any use for it, so coupling the bridges is not a good Idea C-Clties haw UttJe time In bridge fight," May 15). Newport Beach would have no interest in the Gisler bridge, so why would they vote on ltl Be- cause both bridges should not be coupled together, they are two dilf'ereot things. If C.Osta Mesa officiall were at all far. sighted, they would have thought about the t.ralllc that they generate when they OK'd the Segeratrom project, the Home Ranch project. I think they didn't help the city at all. MM ftlJJRGrON Coec.aMeea HOW TO CONTACT YOUR RERRESENTATIVES CfTY Of COSTA •SA Cotta Mesa etty H•ll, n Fair Drfve, Cotta Meu, CA 82828, (714) 754-5223 M9yor: G•ry Monehen C.Undl: Ubby Caw11n, Allin Menaoor, Mike Scheaf9r end Chrt1Steef COAST~ CGU.IQI Dlll1ICT Ol9tr\ct Offtcr. 1370 AdetM Ave., Coste MMe, CA 12129, (714)432-1891 Chen 11lor. WNtlam M. Vege loMI: flreUdent ............ "'°' ,.,..... .. Armendo Ruiz, George Brown. Jerry ,...,IOn Ind Weltw G. Hotwld; ltUdent .,.,... Der9k Shely IMI* PrMklent M8f1he Auor, Viol f9rMldent OeM llec*, Cfertt Serene ltok•. ~ ln>ob, Tom Ea-n, JtMtY Franco end UndelnMft OMllm COUNTY IOMD Of IDUCA1'ION 200 KMmue Ortve, P.O. lox IOIO, Colla MMe, CA .......,, (714) • ilOOO Mr 1t• D. ,.,._, _,._, ,__..Nell~C... ...... ............. ....... ,,,, Center Ptue, Senti! Ane, CA 92701 • Jim SUve, 2nd Oietrtc:t (Cottli Mele, Newport &Md1), (714) 834-3220 • Thom• Wltaon, &th Dl1trlct (Newpot1 Coeet), (71~) ... 3&60 .,.. CCUftY ... • Felt Dmli, to.ea Mele, CA 12121,; C7M> 10l-FM .... P'i111d11•--..A. ~va...,,. ...... ....,.... _. ...... ......, '"'""· . lmNY~~H,lcl,. ~ .......... ,.. Cif1 ....... A.._ ... ,,.. ........ . BIO Age:49 Position: Costa Mesa City Councilman ~: Mesa Verde for 17 years, though he grew up on Westside and has lived in Halecrest <>ccup.1ion: Agent for State Farm Insurance in Costa M esa since 1983 Ectuc.tion: Bachelor's in political science from Cal Sate Fullerton Famlty: Wife of 30 years Sandi; three sons; two grandchildren lnvotvem.nt: Lions Club president; former Costa M esa Parks and Recreation Commissioner; founded Costa Mesa Little League and has been invofved since 1986; secretary of board of directors for the Boys & Girls Club of the Harbor Area Hobbies: Golf; surfing; baseball; grandchildren THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY 'Every year about this time, the phones are ringing: "Why aren 't you doing the Fish Fry?" I caught a·Little flack from your paper last year because I really went out strong. I really thought we were going to d o it. ' FOR U M ~. May 25, 2003 M Giving it th·e ol' L ions try New Costa Mesa City Councilman Mike Sc heafer has one m eeting under h is belt and a few weeks until the Lions Club's Fish Fry c ost.a Mesa Councilman Mike Schearer anended his first meeting on Monday. It wasn't the most typical of meetings, in that it ended at 11 p.m., an earlier than usual finish. But Scheafer got a taste of what's in store. The Mesa Verde resident has somethJng else on his mind for the next week: the Fish Fry. The once annual event ret\Jms to Lions Park on Saturday and June 1 in a toned-down form. On Tuesday, Ciry EdHor Jama Meier caught up with the new councilman and Lions Oub president at his State Farm lnsurance offi ce to discuss the recent events in his life. How was your Ont offidaJ City CouncU meetlngT It was mteresung. I actually enjoyed it. Did you opect to not enjoy ltt I did expect to enjoy it. There really wasn't much that I didn't expect. (City Manager! Allan Roeder made the comment, NYou won't have any trouble. You've i.at up here before.~ Was that reassuring'? Yeah, it really wa.-.. Was what transpired throughout thJs month how you expected to land a City CouncU seatt No, I thought the process would go a Little differently and realJy wasn't sure I'd be the one selected. TI1ere were some really qualified applicants. Not that I'm not qualified . I think I am. obviously. ·n1ere were some folks with some really 1rnpre<iS1ve credentials. What issues do you think need to be addressed most in Costa Mesat I think. first and foremost, we have to make sure the b udget fits whatever programs we're going to have for the neX1 couple of years. Not knowing what the state and governor are going to do, I thinJc we need to make sure the budget is fi.sca1Jy sound and balanced. After that. I think this whole idea of improvement.'> that need to be made all over the city. We need to co ntinue to loolc at what they're doing on the Westside and make sure that that doesn't grind to a halt. What spedOcalJy drew you to the City Councll to begin wttht I have a preny lo ng record of serving the community and felt that this was the ultimate place to serve in the community. I thinJc that. more than anything, tha t service to the community is what drew me to it. How long haw you been lmolved with the I.Jona Oub nowt f've been involved with Lions most of my life because my dad was involved. I joined in 1984. What are your proudest moments In the I.Jons Oubl My proudest moment was joining the club, the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa club, and becoming district governor in 1997. Hopefully. my proudest mo ment will come in two K(NT TREPTOW uAJLY PILOT Lions Club President Mike Scheafer 1s the new member of the Costa Mesa City Council weeks when Y>e get the h-.h l·rv h.11 l. How has It been for you over the last two years not to have the Fish Pryf It's been a little d1sheanemng. I wry year abou t lhi~ time. the phonel> are ringing: "Why aren't you doing the I t'>h Fry'?" I caught a little nack from your paper last year becaui.e I reaJly went out strong. I really thought we were going to do it. But from a legaJ standpoint, from a logi-;uc. c;1andpoin1. we just couldn't do it. So I was \cry disappointed. Obviously. not (having to do the worlc was som e relief, but that's secondary to no t being able IC> do the event. What changed thJs year to make It happen? l11e fatt that tht' rnmmumly center 1., done .it IJom Park opened up the p.irk 10 u .... We ha\'e '\Orne reney,,ec.J vigor fro m the member. of our cluh A lot of the KU~ -you taJkl>d to Hollo IMcClellanl -he wa.\ rcaJly pa'>'>tonate ahoul this thing. I le wa.\ rea.lly the one tha t kl ck-'>larted me. Any thoughts abou t expanding next year's event? I lopefuUy. we can ex:pci11d 11. gel 11 bat:k 10 more of what It was before We'd ltl {' 10 get more commumtv mvolvt'ment next year More group'>. Back to the council: ls It too early to ask whether you'll seek l'ftlectlonf Its nor too e.irh to "-''-· It·., too t'arl\ for mt to deude Obvious!}. I am coru.1denng tha t. h ut I wani to make '>Ure that \~hc11 I m doing 15 the nghr thing Any final lhoughtst I macfr a rnrnment (at Mo nday's { 11y ( ounul m t'elln gl tha t I'm going lO mal e decl'>Wn'> tha t folks aren't going to ltl t' dnd I m gorng to make dec1!>1on' that folb are going to hlce And tho'>t' a re d'\ im porta nt. and I hope I can L'arn the re~pect of the community Obv1ousl} ever) deu,1on alfeth different people d1fferen1 way,, a nd a., long as I'm re'>pt•c tcd for what I do and can do what\ be'>I for the city. then I will be 8 '\UCll''' FROM THE NEWSROOM Frank talks about a scanda lo us event By now, the Jayson Blair incident should be old news to all of you. IC it isn't. let me reflah your memory. Blair IB the now-fired New York Tunes reponer who lost his job amid alleptions that he fabricated quotes and details ln stories. He's evel'.l on the cover of the latest edition of Newsweek. While most Daily Pilot readera probably don't stay up nlgbtl wolT)'lllg about bow this aflects the world of jouma1iam. I can tell you that your loyal st.afters at this paper are worried. They are worried about how th.la scandal will stain them. They are worried that our readers wlD me this .. proof that we get quotes wrong oc; fM!l1 wone, that we make up stories out of thlnalr. So. lellainl aome arudety among the aatbM and editon and phototPPhen, ~ f.cti1or S.J. Calm cded-two meedl• lut week 1n lbe bopel or ~ ...... The Jm;.m llllr Meetb• .. m.y haw C01D1 lO be mled, would be cbe ~ ~ cllaiil MMIOOID ~ conecdoa polk'- _..,, ... pOlky ........... ...... ...., Mid, Ciba Doled An• ....... ~ '*"" ................ ~ ....., polce md courtl "'°"" 0.. Bhatath dropped this little bombshell in an e-mail of her own. "Yesterday, during the closing arguments at the (lientonJ Vec:hes trial. the defense ~--..JmL.....:.......J attorney told the jury TONY DOD ERO ttow they must never trust anything that's written In the oewspapen and referred to the 8la1r lnddent u ._ aD know what I'm talking about ii we've read about a recent tnddent ln the ~'" lhe WT'O(e. -.0 hear that from an~ defmdlna an allegied toe-«der, WU Yety dilasb(ng to me. And the wont thing W11. I ndDed lt'I not Pnl to be the ftnt or lllt time I'm t:f to haw }9JIOl1 Blllr chrown at my I mmed cbe llnC ~ ........ on~buldec*9tollllnaalbe 1luldlj ~ cionllb. ....... 901Molwt.ll ...... ..... ,.,... .... Alian ----Olllf71ywaold. ... .... -.--.yollbe ...,. .. . .............. _ ... ...... .......... hull......, .-.V n'm ..S ~Jaur1illllll \I because there is a common misconception by some that minorities and young people get handed jobs they aren't qualified ror. Now hi8ger news conglomerates will hesitate to promote or hire these journalists. they said. ln the news gathering aspect. Blair's sins give more credence to those who say they have been misquoted, even though they really haven't. was one message ln the room. Others said that Blair being a print joumallst. and one at the New York Tunea at that. made it the worst or all. Many of us ln the print media. souJCty. look down our noses at 1V news reporters. Geraldo Rivera and thole who cbue cars ln ttelicopters aren't real joumaUlts. we say. They are the ones who gfw us the blemish in the pubUc~eye. Now the blerrilih lt blurred with °:':public petteiYCS that OWi ii amons Che 1euc U\JltWOrthy and .... dllbllJIO'lbll prof.-iona around -we -*wWb&e oem Uled car 11111,.,.. and...,.... This wUl only aillltJl-.cu.....,..,. Howdldlbmb ISIHf How clil • .. °I I "' chit Wiii con1l l1 Nlll-=:r, ihe bmcUng ........ How did a professio n recogmzed in our very Constitution as a protection of democracy, liberty and freedom of peech get so off kilter with the public it serves? ·we need a 'Got Milk' campaign: 'in.id Alicia Lopez. a city editor at our sister paper in Laguna Beach. "to give people a better image of journalists.· Of course, we do have o ur periodic "Gol the Pilot" ad campaign. but that has more to d o with getting our name out than it does with keeping our name dean. She's right. we need to reecquaint oW"Selves with those who mtd us and p~ to them that we are in th.is for a noble cause. But 6l'Sl we need to know. Do our rcaden trust us? Most in the room beUew that Not readers do, and they bel~ that It would be very diftlcult for ' )ayloll Blair Incident to bapptO btre bec&u.. our mlllerl are too .-wy. If IOmlCh1nc doest't q true to our readers. they Rt \II know,....~ 'Dull me on cbll ooe. Nlll)t Sdl. rm~ our...-.. few help. 1\111 UI wt.a WI CM do ID blip )llDUl' U\lll. M ua whll wet... dooe m ioet IL ,,. .erycolurnn cm..,.. becllil• t ..... to .............. TEll rr TO 1HIE mrn:.l TONY DOIJBIO le tl.eedlar. tt. welcofnea your CGiiWI•• Gn ,._ ~.~ ....... ~ ........ ,. hswemu11geou....,•1hl ecltor, cell hie dncl IN•-l>Mmorh ftl I ..... . ...... ....,."" .... .. '°""'''I ..... II I Of MUJlll .... I I I ........ 1JV fNit to330W. a.y SI.. C- Mim, CA.12Gt chance to communicate with the editor. to give them a coo~ soundi.nc board Cor their p1cYan and • p&.ce to tell me when they think~ are aotDI estnry. It hasn't always woft.cd. but In many I th.i.nl 11 has. And stay tuned u wa come up wUh new kleal and ways to c:oooed wtch om~ MNnwbOe, ml'Jbe,.,.,,, ..... nialy be chle bllt ..... ID bippel\ IO lbl ..... M.,.,e ecleion..S ...... ........ ...., ... .,.,..._ .... Va' ... CCII'\ ........ .,. "'-~---..... -Juli ... Dwrdldlt ..... '11mtWll ... bul ............. Cll. • ... .. Alo Sooday, May 25. 2003 111\lPI1111 'S --1{ l ( . "-,'\. < \H I 1 I I \ . . . I ~: • VOWMI SElECl10N • OUTSTMONG CUSTOMER SERVICE MIND, SOOY & joft.. lefuvenate your Sole with style and comfort. Jo ~Jse~{otl_ , ...... ,. '••• ,,,, Onwige Cl»ly's ~Comb! Shoe Saw fol Mell mid Women Feauilg: lartn Rose,~. tmsto, E<eo, Hoot, Aleti E~. POl!nl Gld 111C11'f lllCle. (949) 644-5939 (mono del #a Pbzo 836 AY!xllio Ave. I Hewpori Beach Neer 8'is1ol f CllllS AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURI ltema to the Delly Pnot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170: or by calling (949) 674-4296. A complete list la evallable at www.dailypilotcom. MUSIC INTERNATlOfW. FESTIVAL The cultural traditions of Japan, France and Me>elco will be showcased at a two-day International f'.estlval on Saturday and Sunday, June 1, at 'the Newport Beach Central Library. A concert by the Primavera Orchestra, conducted by Peter Fournier, will launch the festivities. Inspired by the cultures of Newport Beach sister cities Okazaki, Japan, Antlbes, France and Cabo San Lucas, Me>eico, the event will offer karate demonstrations and Japanese calligraphy, Me><ican arts and crafts and French herb gardening. The event Is presented by the Newport Beach Sister City Assn., supported In part by a grant from the Newport Beach Arts Commission. The Newport Beach Central Library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. FOREVER BRAHMS JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant ii\ Newport Beach pretents a jau trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave., Newport Beach. Houns are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM The Studio Caf6 presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. "Wanted" musicians include guitar players. bass players, singers, drummers, keyboardists and others at 100 Main St, Newport Beach. Free. (949) s1s-n60. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ. Watter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Ditri joins the duo on vocals on Mondavs. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500 MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rock, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant is at 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. MUNICIPAL BONDS ONE OF The Pacific ~ymphony Orchestra, under the direction of Car1 St. Clair, welcomes pianist Christopher O' Riley, a Van Cliburn medalist. for its season finale at 8 p.m. June 4 and 5. The program Includes Brahms' "Symphony No. 1" in C minor; the Prelude to Act Ill of The band performs from 7 to 10 "Lohengrin" by Wagner; and p.m. 'A'.ednesday an~ Thursday. •California's leading underwriters • New offerings available Chopin's "Andante Splanato" and fr?m 8.30 p.m. to 12.30 a.m. "Grande Polonaise Brillante" in J Friday and Saturday and from 2 E·flat major. The concert will be J !O 6 p.m. Sunday. Th~ restaurant given In Segerstrom Hall. A is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, preview will be given an hour Newport Beach. Free. (9491 before. Tickets cost $19 to $59. 642-3431. •AAA Bonds • Non Rated Bonds RBC Dain ,....i19iii". Rauscher 7b Set an Appointment, Please call LANTZ E. BELL Branch Manager 610 Newpon Center Drive. Suite 900 Newpon Beach. CA 92660 (949) 72o-8901 lantz.~O@rbcdaln.com For tickets, call (714) 755-5799. PACIF1C SYMPHONY'S JAZZ. CLUB Jim Self, principal tuba player in the Pacific Symphony Orchest.ra, and the Pete Christlieb Quintet will perform a special engagement at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. June 7 in Founders Hall. Tickets are $35 and can be purchased at the center box office or online at www.ocpac.org. Information: (714) 556-ARTS. TheUrange County Performing Arts Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Orange County Track Club 61 H cake C E 0 Sunday, June 1 8:00 a.m. Fairview Park, Costa Mesa 0 Benefiting Estancia High School Cross-Country ENTRY FORM Req1ster online at active com • Print leq1blv 1n blr!Ck in~ Mall ent r v form & fee to OCTC. P 0. Box 1307, Cost a Mesa CA 92620 CHtCKS OM.Y, MADE PAYUU: TO "OCTC" 5K Racr & Brrlkfast S 20 Brrakfast Only s AnER May 20 ADO $5 S 5 can't run, but plNff Kids' 1K Fun Run & Brrakfast S 5 accrpt my donation of s 5 (Don Not lncJudr T-shirt) Racr. BrNkfast & Mrmbtrship s 50 TOTAL Ft.£S EJICLORD s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IWI( (lnt) l1rs1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mm· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CIT't' STATL Zif': SU:_lll -AC( Oii RAC( Di\t. LJ_J l-SHllT SIU SM _ Ill _L _II.,_ I I I 1-1 I I 1-1 I I I I HOM( '9tOlf( I I I 1-1 I I 1-1 l I I I '°"" PMOfl( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CIMll ADOUSS MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646·5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents Jesse on the sax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorites on the sa)(ophone. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673·3425. POP-ROCK NtD FLAMENCO Tate 6, a funk, rode end Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturday• at carmelo's Rlstorante, 3620 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs clesslcal flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. SAT\JftDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and A&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 M acArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE ONE-ACT PLAY FEST A dozen one-act plays, many of them original, will be performed through today in Orange Coast College's annual Spring On-Act Play Festival. The plays will be staged in OCC's Drama Lab Studio. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 and 7 p.m . Sunday. Tickets are S6 and $7. Information: (714) 432·5640, ext.1. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road in Costa Mesa. BEING DEAF IN AMERICA Casey Weber is directing his own play, "My World and Yours,H about being deaf in America. The play draws on personal experience. The show runs through today with curtain time set for 2 and 7 p.m. It will be performed at Orange Coast Community College's Orama Lab Studio. OCC is at 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 432·5880. 'THE DRAWER BOY Michael Healey's first full-length play, "The Drawer Boy," one of Time magazine's Best Pleys of 2001, will continue through June 29 at Segerstrom Stage. Tickets range from $19 to $54. For tickets. call (714) 708-5555 'CATS' "Cats,· the longest running musical in history, will return to Orange County to the Orange County Performing Arts Center on Wednesday and continue through June 1 in Segerstrom Hall. Tickets cost $19.50 to $54.50. They are on sale at the Center bo)( office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpsc.org. The Center is at 600 Town Drive, Costa Mesa. 'FLORENCE, DAVID AND ART South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory performers the Daily Pilot Teen Players will present Greg Atkins' "Florence, David end .. Art," a play about high sdM>ot •rt student. In ttaly. The prodUctlon will be staged May 31, June 1 and June 6 through June 8 In SCR's Nicholas Studio. SCA la•' 655 Town Center Drive, Coste : Mesa. Information: (714) ,. 708-5500 .. '42NO STREET • The 2001 Tony Award winner • 42nd Street• will be performed • at the Orange County Performing Arts Center June 11 through June 22. Tickets are $322 to $66. They are on aale at the Center box office or by calling (714) 556-ARTS or www.ocpsc.org. The Center is at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. ART 'ORANGE COUNTY TASTEMAKERS' Bradford J. Salamon will unveil his series of 36 portraits of people within the Orange County art scene who are making a difference In its evolution. The exhibition will run through June 15 at the Blue Square Gallery, 355 Old Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Information: (949) 548· 1101. DANCE SWING Lessons are given every Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. For more information, visit ocswing.com or call (9091 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 am. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintock Way, Costa Mesa. (714) 641 ·8688. KIDS SOUNDS OF SUMMER Mignonne Prof ant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the Newport Beach Central Library's 2002·03 musicale series at 3 p.m June 8. The free musicale. *The Summer Knows,# will feature a • stroll through the tunes of Gershwin, Jobim and LeGrand. The library is at 1000 Avocado Ave. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. :.. :.. 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David Prince f4t.7II.I110 ONI flORD llOM> ft,Ht,MO Excepdonll custom~ Plan 3. 8eaudful upsrades. 949. 759.370I NIWPORT 81ACH Sl,stt,000 Balboa P.nlnsula Point home. steps to sand. Larie l bd. l ba. home with larp family room. 949.644.9060 HAUOaVlew HO ... ''·'" .... Scunninc 5 bd. 4.S ba. custom home with bonus room, and pool. 949.644.9060 Jim Klbs 94t.759.l711 NIWPOltT COAST f I, I It, ... Upcraded 3 bd. 2.3 ba. OMce, bonus room. Cut. de-tae locadon. f4t.159.31l9 HUNTINGTON 8mACH $1,t7S, ... LO¥ely sinafe story .. bd. 3.5 ba. home, two fl,..p.c.s. Pool, spa. pool house, 3 car ~· 949.644.9060 r QUOTE OF THE DAY "The 1,600, that's always been my race." Dally Pilot Humberto Rojas, Estancia's CIF champt<>n $portl EdltorRk:lwd Oum: (949) 5744223 • Sports Fax: 1949) 650-0170 HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD EYEOPENER I>.Wy~ Sportl Hal alF- 1~ ....... 111 d • ..W....111u.n ~26hoooree KIRK BAUERMEISTER Sunday. May 25, 2003 Bl ~ovak, Rojas • Will titles Estancia seniors com e home with high jump, l ,600 ch ampio nships in Cf F fin als Saturday. Steve Virgen Daily Pilot MJRWAJ.K -l.'>LJ11c1a High seruor Zack "-:ovak cleared 6 h:el, 6 mche!> in the tugh Jump to wm the D1\1'>1on Ill championship at the CIF Southern ~cuon crack and field finals at Cemto\ ColJege Saturday That was enough to make a grown man cry. When Novak recorded h1.1> per..onal best to win his fir'">t Cll· lllle, ht!> father, Ben, wept. "I'm JUSt .-,o c,tolced," Zack :\ovaJc ~d afterward. ·1 lrne\' I could get 6 4 but I never thought I could get 6-6 • Novak wasn t the only 1~1anc1a ..en1or who won a CIF 111diV1duaJ utle. PHOTOS BY STEVf McCRANK /OAJLY PILOT Estanc1a's Humberto Ro1as makes his move to the inside lane as he takes the lead in the boys 1,600 meters. which he won in the CIF D1v1s1on Ill finals. Humberto Ro1a.'> al'>P became a t hamp1on, after winning the 1.600 meters. He finL';hed in 4: 14.28 to break h1'> !><:hool record. Rojas fin1.1>hed ..eventh overall, wtule Novak tied for thlrd overall. and both ad- vanced to the Masters Meet Fnday at tem- to'> CoUege. The Ma.\ters Meet ~ the top nine, regardJec;.s of dtVJsion. in each event Another podium Day Novak began competing in track and field JU'>t one year ago. I lowever, h e did not be· come senous about the high jump until this ..ea.son. He bad spent most of his wne train· mg for basketball Next year he plans to compete in track and field at Orange Coast College, where Roi~ wiU aJso go. Costa Mesa senior captures fourth straig ht CIF title, while setting Divis io n III record; CdM's St. Geme s tuns field in 1,600 . Steve Vireen Daily Pilot NORWALK -11H.•rc was !>omethtng different ,1bout Sharon Day'c; victory in the high jump. It <,eerru, she ha.. d nJ1r for tJ1e dramatic. She proved such at tJle Cll· ~uthem Section track and field finals at Cemto'> C ollege Saturday. when Corona del Mar High ~hman Anne St. Geme also found wcress-. Day, the Costa MC!'.a senior star, won the high 1ump title with a clearance of 6 feet in CIF Divi.sion Ill, for her fourth straight division championship. And, she did it with sty1e. She broke the Division Ill record, which was 5-10, set by Yleana Carrasco in 1985 . Day cleared 5 10 1 on her first attempt to break the record. She deared 6-0, aJso on her first attempt. "It feel!> good 10 win (a fourth straight CIF division 11tll'(." Day 'Klid. "It feels even better by breaking the record.· On Day's St>Cond .1nernpt at 6-2. she seemed nil>hed. After her st'Cond an ernpt, she immediately changed shoes and took her place as anchor in tl1e 1.600 relay. During her first attempt at 6-0, the 1.600 relay had already started. ·1 barely made it to the 11.600 relay(," Day said. Day also achieved a personal best in the 200, com - ing across the finish line in 25.37. She finished sixth and received a medal, but did not advance to the. Masters Meet The top nine. regardless of division, advanced to the Masters Meet Friday at Cerritos College. where ~ ' ·I was really nervous !Saturday rnorrung) and I had a stomach fiche." Novak ~d. • Af. ter my first jump. la 6-0 clearance!. I started to get relaxed. I JUM started to feel comfort· able. It seem ed no one came with the11 best jump because people were scratching at 6·2 and 6-0." The Southern Secuon:S top mark in the high jump was 6-8. Novak nearly cleared 6-8 on his first attempt. After his JunlPS. he col- lected his fin.t-place medal and went up to the stands to warch his teammate. Ro1as. Estancia boys coach Steve CrencJtaw said Novak continually took out his medal and <;tared at it, and then put it bade in tus pocket. "I le was alJ smile.. from ear fo ear: Cren· shaw said. "His morn. dad. grandparents. brother, everybody wru; there. And, everyone was happy.· Rojas. too. was also quite joyous. lluough- out half of the race. Rojas was boxed m. but be overcame that. He found a hole and sped out of the pack dunng the final 800 meters. F.stancia distance running coach Owile Appell described Rojas' race as tactical yet the &Lancia senior was still able to bruk through with his personal besL Mesa's Sharon Day has no trooble clearing 5-foot-6 m the gir1s high 1ump at the CIF finals Saturday. She entered the competition seeded No. 1 and has cleared 6-2 this season. "It was scary." Appell said. describing his reaction while watching Rojas run. ·He's normally never been boxed in. and they had him from behind. too.· Day and St. Geme will try to move on to the state fi- nals. ·1 was a little more calm," Day said of her ap- proach for the CIF finaJs. "I was more comfon.able Mesa freshman Jasmin Day. Sharon's younger sis- ter. placed third in the high jump at 5-2. and is a third alternate for the Masters Meet. However. Ro1as. a state finalist last year. seemed detemuned to advance to the Mas- ters Meet, the prelude to the state finals. Last year. he had to play the waiting game be- cause he was an alternate foT the Masters and I what to expect." S.. GIRLS, Pace B2 S.. BOYS, hp B2 THE BIG EASY Havoc IV on the horizon W Ith some 48 hows left before Havoc IV begins. Costa Mesa's Kldt Mclntoah appears to haw It aD together, and perhaps dealing with Ow daugbterS bas been a good thing for a man lo bis position. It gave him a good head start on the experience one needs to cope with the ups and downs as the~ or the Pilot Q.ap. On Wednerday the Pilot Olp. ~th Miity 100 teamr rep1te1eO.dng eome 23 Khoclk whhin cbe Newport-Mera.,.... lboUt 1.200~ In .n. .. to the eoccer fteldl for tbe ~don IOUn\l.mel\C (or thlnt· and foUnb·tftde boya and ...... and lftb· Ind IPtfi.pte bc1" lnCI girls. with the 6na1a on Sun~ Masaiwlsan understatement. ButMdritoeb continues undaunted in hk role ol comm 'r 'oner and coech. refmie __ _, and Khtdule ~ ROGER CARLSON otlk:WI director Ind ~.~ met clira1or, Jlr*or andleldl ........ m.uranc. and lekl ti I !l"llldOlll "99 tM.a ewe ol In J-.usy. Hettartedd* ............. the 1orcUm¢ Uolll OIP die a ftllMin donnml fDr two Of ..... ~ PILOT CUP Lec• 1 n: Costa Mesa F 1tm Cosrcllea n..: Glrnes on Wedneldey ~ Fridl) start~ 3 p.m.: pmes on SIU'dlj lftd Sll*y stlrt ~ 9 IJn, He's done it by simply fumllbq. teun T·ahllt for SS per~ md rdytng on~ CMll arid ...... And, Q)Of~ the one-dail PIOt newwootJl punch ol 8il Lobdel Ind Stew MmtJle k ~be. p>d .... llO IPOOIOf· laniemlmy.--• ..... 11 dnirt inlo ......... ~ ... ..... but than a,......., .. , .... .. .. cm-. I .. .. 82 Sunday, May 25. 2003 SPORTS BOYS Continued from B 1 Meet, but a runner pulled out and he made the most or hJs opportunity by fin- ishing second and setting a school record in 4:14.7l. ThJs year. Rojas attacked the 1,600 with a calm ap- proach. I le also read the Bible to draw more inspira- tion. ul just wanted lo go out there and have fun, and then see what happens," Rojas said. "I didn't get too nervous this year. I already lcnew who was going to run in this race. And, I relt a lit- tle stronger this year." Rojas a!so competed in the 800, but he was plagued by sideache. He finished in I :58. 75. Besides, if he had qualified to the Masters Meet in the 800. he most like would have pulled out of that event. "The 1,600, that's always been my race." Rojas i.aid. "It's what I've been doing every year and I want to keep doing it." Corona del Mar jun ior Ouis Hingstrom fini,shed ninth in Division Ill in the 200 (22.30). He was the Pa- cific Coast League cham- pion in the 200 and 400. CdM sophomore Andrew Wong could not clear a height in the pole vault. He advanced to the CIF finals after clearing 13-0. which wa!> good for ninth last week at the CIF prelims. I IT Tm lfAIE PAYIBT GIRLS Continued from B 1 Sharon Day attempted to de the national record. which is 6-3 set by Amy Acuff or Corpus Ouisti in 1992. But she only had one attempt at it since she faulted twice Ill 6-2. RJ,ght after her failed attempt at 6-3. Sharon Day walked quickly off the Oeld because she bad to be at the Costa Mesa High prom, whJch was in Yorba Unda. "Everybody was a little iffy about running in the l,600 (re- lay)," Sharon Day said of Rhondl Naff, Stacy Krikorian and Tushia Bryant ·of the relay team. "But we knew it would be the last time that we would be able to run to- gether." Each or the girls had to go to the prom. In fact, Bryant did not compete because she was too ahaid she would miss the prom. Rachel Ronquillo took her place in the I .600 relay. CdM's quartet of Sara Oaster, Lindsey Manning, Kelly Morgan and Melissa Swigert placed fifth in the 1,600 relay, finishing in 3:58.20, while the Mustangs fin- ished eighth in 4:02.84. St. Geme provided the Sea Kings' highJight of the day after she earned second place in the 1,600 with a personal-record 5:00.10. Her previous personal best was 5:07. The CdM ~eshm ran a smart race, re · the strategy she has been wor ·ng on for the past four weeks. She acjually be- came more in tune with her race plan, created by CdM Coach Bill Sumner, just Monday. Sumner put St. Geme through a race simulation that included 39 ... IEASE ON APPRllED f.ICFll m mmT i J 000 loc!0ty rebate plus S2 4W cllSlomer cash Gql,IOis ~ 4W l)M lox & lie-ckie ot leow Mgntng No_.,.., dop0it ·~·ed JQOOO total mdet pe< leoM! term 20c P1f <NI. the.-eolte< TAKE 55 rwY un FAIR DR. TO HARBOR A• pr1tes ••clud. go..e<~t lees ond to•es any lononce charges ony dealer Oocume<\I poepo<otoon choige ond ony 4tml\5IOll Pe9ong d>o<ge fxpotes 5/30/00 • 1,200 meters last week. She was supposed to finish in 3:25, but she f3.iled to do so. J lowever, that motivated St Geme and she came back the next week (Monday) and con- quered the challenge. "You always have to work hard." Sumner said. "But in these races, you also have to have a little luck. I have a saying that goes, the harder I wortc. the luckier I get. So you have to work hard." Sumner was thoroughly im- pressed with St Geme's intelli- gence and her attention to detail that she has displayed in the past four months. Sumner said St. Geme came to him with plenty of athJetic ability, yet it was only a matter of refining it. "Talent is like a lot or money,• Sumner said. "If you don't lcnow how to use it, you'll end up broke." SL Geme was the only fresh- man to advance to the Masters Meet in the 1,600 and now she hopes to move on to the state meet. She continued to gather motivation since i.he nearly won the CIF Division Ill title. She finished less than a sec- ond behind Jenna Kingma of San Luis Obispo. 2 Mile Fun Walk & 1 k KJds' Dolph In Dash Saturday. June 7, 2003 f ( ICingma. a jwlior, ended the race with a better lean across the finish line. "lt felt lib everything was in slow molion," St. Geme said of the final SO meters. "I felt l1ke I left it all out OD the track. I felt I did my best. Of course there are always improvements to make, but that was a really fast race. Yet. it still felt a lot easier than when I did a 5:12 or 5:15. • St Geme also competed in the 800, finJshlng seventh in 2:19.13. In the 3,200, CdM senior 8eclcy Ounmins closed out her prep career with a 11 :43.98. finishing in seventh. Costa Mesa junior Ouistine Bjelland collected a sixth-place medal after finishing 11:34.96, which is qulte remark- able because she has been re- covering from an injured hip that cut her cross country season short In ClF Division II, Newport Harbor senior Amy Burlingham broke a school record in the 400. She placed fourth, finishing in 57.83, which was 16th overall. Amy Johnson had the previous school record, which was 57.94. set in 1981. "That was exciting." Burling- ham said or breaking the school One of the world's most scenic villages will again be the backdrop for an event that will benefit City of NE"Nport Beach youth programs and the beautification ojea e1 Corona del Mar. Registration includes a T-shirt and gourmet selection at the rerlO'Nrled Restaurant Row. Pre-Regist ration prior to Sat June 7 $22 Race Day registradon $30 I k tods' Dolphin Dash $ 12 cau 949-644-31 s 1 tor a registration form. R'9ster onMne at www,agtvc.com. Walk-i n - Registration at the OASIS Senio r Center 800 Marguertte Avenue. Corona def MM June 4 Wednesday ft'om noon-7 :OOpm June s Thursday ft'om noon-7:00pm June 6 Fr10y rrom 9:oo.tm-7:00pm record. Ml wasn't really sure what my time was aft.er the race. I felt that I didn't go out hard enough. I son of wish I had more time with the 400 because I seemed to learn more about it each time I raced." Burlingham, who holds the school record in the 200, also helped the Sailors achieve a school record in the l ,600 relay, which also included senior Elda Corona del Mar's Annie St. Geme, center, took second (to Jenna Kilgma from San Luis Obispo High) in the CIF Division 1111,600 meters Saturday at Cerritos College. PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK I DAILY Pl.OT Hernandez, sophomore Kiley Hall and freshman Amy Kllppert. Burlingham anchored the l ,600 relay terun that finished third in 3:56.64. They are a second alter- nate for the Masters Meet The Newport Harbor quartet also competed in the 400 relay and finished ninth ln 50.32. Their time in the CIF prelims was 49.83. Newport Harbor's Amy Burlingham. top, powers down the final 100 meters of the CIF Division II girls 400 meters Saturday at Cerritos College. Below, Corona del Mar's Becky Cummins and Costa Mesa's Christine Bjelland compete m the combined CIF divisions I and Ill finals of the 3,200 meters. COLLEGE TENNIS Johansson gets his 1 OOth win COSTA MESA -Mattias Jo- hansson celebrated hJs IOOtb win as the men's tennis coach at Vanguard University during his team's recent Florida road trip. JohanssOn. a native of Swede11i is in b1a seventh year as the Van- guard men's tenn.ls coach, and third r!!'!_ u the school's HAPPY BIRTHDAY womens tennis coach. . ' The teonJt program at Van- guard UnM!nky bu found suc- cell during }obanuon's time at the helm. 1be men's team has quaUtled (or the NA.IA Na.lionaJ 'lbumament m of the past seven yean, and ftnWled u bJgb u No. 3 In the nadon in 2000. Johan.I· son hll KCUmulated a .658 win· mna perc.nflle coaching me ~ men u they enter the NadoNI Tuumament. which ...,.Mooda)l Mir to -cmdl-lirl""'~-Johlr.an In 8ddhiori to hU eo.ddnl du· -~-~.No.r...-~ "-JohinniOa Iii .~.·~ b two n• Na>t*•••t-18 ..m.•tbe-diilPOltlld· __.Ill' dll Uom. Ht lm*1 a ence 4'1*w 11 u.c I' =·::..-.::.~: 4 -=:......::-....::: w •••• 4kll1 • .. -In dll MAIA "NllkGll , ..... Ht*»..-aa 11 \._.In mn tbM inondi tn rz lte• ....... NllflDrill ~Inti Cb Ga. , • • • • r MAAS Continued from Bl lhouldera after ~ compleUon, appredadog hia dedication IO return lo the field for Cd.M's biggest game. Maas then competed In the teiun's opening 28-7 victory over Thoy In the OF Southern SectJon C'.entral Conference playotk Cd.M opened 1-5, but rettled olf five stralgtlt victories lo advance to the OF playoffs. ·nie following spring, Maas squat behind the plate ~ the Sea Kings' cat~ in ba.'ieball, enduring pain he felt each timt' he threw the ball. Once the b&eball sea<.on ended. Maas -nuw 33 and living with wife \..ari and their twu children In Owndler, An7_, a subwb of Phoenix -had the shoulder examlnt!d and fow1d he had tom all the tendons and ligaments around the bone, which would require MU"gery, perfo~ a year lacer. When doctors operdtt!d on the shoulder, they also found M~ had broken the tlp of~ collarbone, which they ...ud caw;OO the ronstan1 pam. lwo more houn. of !>W};ery rt'pctrrcd the break. All the whllt-Maas never scopped competm~ I le played baseball for Ont' year <11 Fullerton College before ane11dmg Mendoano College in Nonhem California with C.dM leamrmtte Kurt l:llmann. Maas and 0unaru1. along with high l>Chool lt!aJTUnalc:. lodd KatOVll.idl. Andy Jonl ... , '><:Oii McCarter and JeffThoma._-.on, a 10-year NFl w1er.m w1iu ha.' spent the last thret· -.e.iMln.' "l'> the Philadelphia t:.agtes' ught end. formed a dol.e-knit group whlLh still gets together at le-~t once. If not several times a year Ma.i.s never made it to tht' profesi.ional mob like "lhum.1.'>0n. but managed to 1 rldke the University of Arizona bcc.t-t>all learn as a wdlk-on in Ju, freshman year. "I asked the coach Uerry Kendall! if I could give 11 a l>hot and he said I could be une ol rwu players to makt: the ltrdlll," Maa.-. recalJed. "It Wc1.S a thn:.-e-day tryout period that startt'<l with about 150 people. The ~ond day they invited 40 prople back and on the t.h1rd day there wt:re 15 of OS. They posted the re.ul~ the foDowing day. "I ~' Cl..">taUc when I -.aw my name I t.:al~ my Jlc.lfl'llL'> .i.11d d few fncnch I got d -.t.'t.'und dldllu:' to play ball J.nd rompt·tt .11 that &evtl- ~ who playud thud lld.'>C and shorts(op dunng ~ freshman and l>C>phoniore seasons at c.dM before l>Wllthing CARLSON Continued from B 1 timing with little thought pwd to organi7,ation gomg in. It would not take a lot of hm~ however. to rcaliw the po,itivL-i., from grateful parents to the anticipation and performa.11ce<. or the younger set In lluec i.hort years the l'ilot Cup has grown into a major ende..ivur for the J>i)ot's sports coverage Seeking repeat chm1pioru.tupl> -this year will be Rea'!t bur.> m both divisJons. Kaiser's 5-6 gU"b and Andersen·., 1-4 guh Virtually every publ.rt £ramrnal school In Corona deJ Mar and Newport Beach. Co!tta Mesa's Eastside and prlvatt' schools. such 2l> Carden 1 lall, Harbor Day, Mariners Olril>tian, Our Lady Queen of Angels, St. John The Baptist, St. JoaquJm'i. and Prince of Peace. In addition, Costa Mesa's }Vest.side powerhouse, Rea, will be In the hunt, among others. Rea sends just one team ln each category. and probabty oould aend 10 teams In each, but Jogi.stica (coaches, for starters) dictate the clrcumstances. The allee1 volume of 6rst-round match~ remct.lm the s99es &UP - to catcher ror his junior season. went up again.s1 10mesulJ compet:ition behind the plate. He spent m<>'>t of his one i.eason a,) the Kevin Maas Wildcats' lhirchtrlng catcher, mostJy warming uµ pitchers in the bullpen. CdM baseball coach Jerry Jelnk k approached Maas at the beginning of the '87 season dbout pulling on the mask since lhe team was slim on talent at the position after &0me graduation.'>. HI liked to be ablf' to ~ the whole field and 11 \'I'd.'> much more interu.e to ~y the least,* Maa.o. !ta.id about catching. • 1 lik.cd bci11g the guy m charge and being involved in every smgle play. I w.i.-. pretty honored that C.OOch Jelruck asked mt' lo fulfill the posiaon. Ir ~uwt!d he had lnl!.t in my talent and leadership." ·m e mCM! to ratd1t:r made all lhe difference for Ma.a,, who rode lili newfound posioon for a:. long ell> he cuuld before doc1ding it w<L'> umt: 10 wll 1 qwi.:. dl ArV.on.i. "It 111olc. all year ICJ tigur11 out there were d lot of people with I 0 tim~ my talent and I wuld not lU make a career out of (ha..'>l'balll," Maal> said "I made a c.tret:r out ol grades and dt-gree::. in!->lcad " Maal> gT"dduate<l fro111 l\rvrn1a with a oochelur\ degr~ Lil rcgional development .md L' .1 gener.1.I cuntr.iL1or fur Mc<A.!rlhy Building Cornpru1y. wh1th forn'-t"'> on tomrnercial con!>tn1L1jon for ho-.p1lab.. parlon~ '>lfUllUrt"> dl1d oflke t~er.. I hough he .idm11' Arvvna I.'> "a tar cry lront hvmK next LU the bt-alh. · Ma.t.'> 1•111oy-. lrVlflg m the dt..~·n .md '>pt:llllutg ume with ht' c:haldrl'n 2 }t'ar uld !>On Kendall a11d 7-mo111h uld daughter Coop<:r. ·t:.wry wakmg momt.>nt I!> put Luw-dfll my lc.J1.l-.."" Mdd!> '><I.Id "~h hobLtt!) are t<1lmg my ...un 10 l>wim cla:.:. and domg y-..trd\\or~ wrth him folluwmg nw around and mimidong what I do.· Maa.-. get.:. 10 en1uy Lill' w.11er of the u>lomdo H.ivcr With h.L .. lat1ttly when they gu Wing dlld IUhmg. which 11> whl·re ~ L' .. p.·11d111~ 1111, Mt:rnorial l>·..iy wet:lu•11d. 1'<..urn: J ~rt and Maru. ha' pruba.hly tnl'd iL I le bt-gan little lt:ctKUt' di ') .mJ played~ Socter u1111l Ill' entcn.>d high '>Chool l11t">l' 11. \ '· he pl1y .. Ill d rene<LUOll "llth.111 ll-.ll;lll'. H..1.-.eh.JI \\~' ,J\\J\ '' J><L"1u11, LhouKf1 110 llU:tlll'r luL-. J~1-.t 111111 ~I hJd J gu111..f llllll' pl,I ) Ill~ footbJJl, but my ~11e hampered 11w J h11 " MJ,,, SJ1d · Ra~eh..ill \Ila' ,,l\,..i)' Ill} prtn1dry '>port • --- :> P 0 I, I !) BRIEFLY Sea Kings on the road L CdM baseball team loses coin flip and will travel to Temple City Tuesday in second round; E-;tancia will ho~c San Gabriel a t La Quinta in volleyball -..cm is Wednesday. . 'llw Coro11J del Mai I ligh ba1>ebalJ team will be on the ro,1d llw.,day Jgcun<,1 lemple City in tlw 'L't1111tl 10und of the Cll- Southtm !lt•1.111111 I >1vi..io11 IV playoff!>, whrlt' btam 1J\ hoy'> volleyhalJ tl.'am wa,o, dl">igmHt·d the hornt: ll'Jm ag.111h l ">c.tn t • .i - briel and wrll pldy .it l.J Quinta w1 Wt:<lnt!!>· day 111 till' 1>1v1 .. 1un Ill '>t:rmfinah, following rn111 Orp'> ~.11urd<1y al I.he ( II· So11Lhem '>et ll<Jll offil e i11 I .o'> AJ..1111110 -.. Horman l!am~ All -Amern.:an • WATeR POLO: I rlCd I lorm.111. d JUll 1ur 011 tht' IH . I rvrrw "omen' \II att:r polo tedm. rt'l Cl\ed \II l\rnt:rtl.Ul honorablt.> retug1111to11 h ) tlil' \ma il.:.111 '-"'<ttN Polo CuJl he' I lorrn,lfl ., thl' .JI 111111.: lcJd111g 'LOrt'r lll UC I w11h 17 I 1 JH'l.'r go.ti'> 1 lt·r tu\JI uf 65 ~oab th1., 'l'<l'>llfl hnikt· ht'r 0\\ 11 'l houl rl"I u1<l ul 'i .. WI Ill .!(JO.! f hJrllHlll \11 .i' 11.11111'<1 .-\II Ml''>I hu1111r ahll· nwnt1c111 t Jilter 1h1' 'p1111g aftt'r le<1cJing tilt· A11 lt'.1l1 r-. 111 th1.·1r nl•hl 'lh ll''>'>ful 'l'a'1111 \\llh .!O w111-., the llr'>l·l'Vt·r w111 over a lop Ill 11pptllll'l1I J111l J 11111111 pl.1rt-lini'h 111 tlw Ml''>I-U1amp1on,h1p-. ') ht.• 1\llll"tlt'I' 1LO .! I, 1-9 111 the ~ll''>l 1 finro,hed tilt• 't"''"" r.inh·<.l 14rh u1 1h1 1.111111try Jllt•r h t•tng r.inket.I J' high ..... l l lh 1h1 .. \l'ol ... 1111 YOUTH SOCCER Thune, Hall do not advance •TRACK AND FIELI>: VanKUdrd I J111 \t'f'>llY ru1111l·r.. 11•1111~ I hum· a11d \,11.111 I ldll n•pft''>f'1t1t'd lltt· I 1011., trJc l J11d ltdd ll'Jlll ,,, 1!11· "J1\ll\ "l.it11111.tl 0111d11111 Cl 1.i111p1<1n'>lllJl' I hur .. t1.1y 111gl11 111 <JhHht, II.ell\'•'" In tlw WIHI H II\ HOU llll'll'f'> prt•l1111111Jf\ I h u1w rt·t 1ird1•d .1 llllll 111 .!. .!. I fi111,h111h 17th I h11111 111"'"'1 .1dhllll lllK Ill 1111' Ill \I rou11d d' llit 11 p l h ru1111t·r, 11111\l·J 1.i1 111 111, 1\111111·11·., 10.IJUO llH ler' h11.1cl J l,1111 1111,lwd 11111t 11111 ul -h runnt·r' tJll\ mg J lllllt' 111 Ill l'I I he r .11 t' 111.irl..t'd 1111' end ol .1 gn•,1 1 , 11ll,·g1.11t· t Jrl'l'f lrir I I.di \\Ito hr11~1· 11111·1 llHh I 1011 n·u11th 111 d utl1111' fill' \II •J111t•11, ~,.ooo \\Im It lt.:tf ''''°ti f11r llll' p.1 I I I \t·,1r-. 1 lw I 11111 111111wr '"" tt 111111 lo 1111 lf,ll ._ 11t.I •\ I\ 1111 I liu11l' c 11111p1•1111g 111 1111 w111111 "' I .1111 .111d 1111 11\ l•·.i11 1 llll"l11ln r M<111 '\.lt·\1·r111 1111111g 111 1ht I. )(J(J Vanguard tu h<hl camp • \01· I lii\l I : I Ill' \,111g11.rrd ()111\l'P .. tl} '>ufll><1ll 11.·.1111 \\Ill h11'1 11'> l1r .. t -.u111111er '>OfrlJ,tlJ 1 .111q1 I lw 11\f• tl1I\ I dlllfl >\Ill 111 de ... g.11 ,1 I••• g111, ··~··, 1 Ill .1110 1\111 hi lu ,If 1111 1lfl1,1ll l1t•ld 'I I lllljlll' If \.Ill gu.ud R oot leads I he camp \II 111 ht' l11rl'< lt:lf U> Vaugudfd J.,..1.,lanl toa t h '-,1111~ 1\1111. ht·U Wllh tht' ..I\ '>l'>ldllf l' ol plJY<"" 011 tht: I 1011 ... '>ulth..i.11 •1-.ir11 I h1· l <.1111p ,, ill lit• 11 11111 Ii IO d Ill !CJ i 00 p.111 bt:.:rnn111K Jullt' .!. I, artd t'llll111K )Lllll' n J\1<1ri1111g .. writ ht· '>Cl J \ldt· lor Van 1-;llillU pl<1Yt'r' Ill ll1'tru1 I .111d dt'llllJll ... 1r.it.l' ulle1 1-.1~1· ,kflb 1t1111111g dlld '>l..ip p111g1 11.i,t· 1111ir11ng (11•1 l11 11qut: 'Pl'l'd, ,111d 'hd111g/, pill h 1t 1g l !JU~t·f J ltd lllCJVl' 11w111 1 J11d dt:lt·11!>1H· \l..Jlh lu11da111t'11 r..ih .111d 11HJ1\ 1if11JI po-.1111111 Y1 111k 1 I Jt h t.l.t\ .1ltl't lufH 11 1hen ,,,11 ht ,J ,, • .,.,11111 of 1 111,111ra111111,1I IJU . .,, lullc m n.I II\ J.:Jllll'' cir J<dllll' 11i t• ... u11.1t11in' l'l•1~t·r, .11t· , 11t Ollldl(t'd '" hr111g lht•u ""'11 h1·lt11l·I b. l lJldwr' 1-:l'Jf, Jilt.I wJ 1t·1 l>111 1k \\ h ... 11 IHt' rt'Kl,lt'rllll( pli-.i-.i 111111· till"• .1m1wr., p •l'>llllJll' dK•'. 1111111ht'r 111 ', .1r-pl.i) l'd int.I ,i ill .1·H·I l'lt-Jw .1l-.i1 11·,1\1· Jfl 1•n1t·rgt·111\111111;1111111111lwr I lw Lll'>I l1Jr llu l11r tl,1\ t'\1•11 11., ~I ~r, tr 1 t '111glt p 11111 1p.1111 •H \I ,..10 I"'' pc r l•lt !1,r ~r Jllfl' Ill thr1•1• 'II llllllt' 1111 II ,,111,,j,•1,.. 1di...1 1111111 tor d.111 ghtt·i... 111 ' .. 111g11.11 d I rH u 11 \ .. 1.tl f "1111 .ii 11111111 I h1• 111 H 1· Ill lt1dt' .1 l .flllf' I 'lttr l. lu111 ft 1111 l':1111pu .. 111t..I •fl 1111J1\ 1d 11JI photu 1111 fl·g1,lf.1t11111 \\1111ld 111 .1pprn 1,1tl'U , ''·' t 111.111 ... 1111t1 ht· II(•' \,111g11artl 1·tl11 111 pho 111· ~ I l 'JI.Ii ~1-1 i l < hn lo.' .,huuld bt ll1Jd1· 11111 111 \.111g1 IJIJ \oltl!,111 1llld I .111 lw 111.i.lluf lti \ .111g11.11d t l11f\l'l'>ll\' '>1111 b,iJI. I ' ) ,Jll I If I\ I l lo'>(•I \lt•'d ( \ Newport to 3-1 v ictory Let them know how proud you are! l lw l'-1'\\ por 1 ho>' lHltlt•t IO llt·g1on I.Ji -.111111g 'd 1•1 I 'rn t n ll .. 1111 eJllWd 11 ll'l ell! """' J I I dt·t t,1011 ovt•r ~111 < Jt•1m·1Ht• 11mmy Hoot 'um•d '"o go..il' .ind !>tevie ..,Uler t..Lll11.:d 1111l· 101 :"l'\\ port ti II John Barton, "'11 .. ha J>akv-ct...a Oirhtlan tk.hoa J lld lonuny 1'1d1.t'll t'.tt h 111.11h 'lrrn• p . .-. .. t·' lva11 ~t'rnt, Ure" Diller .mJ faytor WUdman pru\rdt•d -.1ro11g tldt•ri-.t· "hilt· l.ogw1 Newell .ind Od111t1 t•ad1 111Jdt' rnullple "'1\l''> 111 go.ii ·\ 'I''"' 1.il p.i. I ,,111 p1il1lo-.h Ill 1111 I 1,.,1, f'il1 I ,,,, I rid.I\ 111111· 111 1•· 111111111 tllll ~1.idu.111•' I 111 \IHH d,111~t,11 r •lit\ •r,.·111! •r 'I'', 1 ti '''1111·111"' 1 .. 1 p.in ••I 1111., t11li11l1· 1111 • nh ~·Ill 1111 ·''.! o1d1 f di 111 1111 1ur11: Ii• 1.,,., .11111 n ,111 11 I • 11 """ •h1 1f plurlo Bt '1111 "' 11111 th•· f1o11111 .11 d .1dd1•'"' 11n ttw h,11 ~ 111 tlw J1h11t1 1 1nd ..,..,.11 fl llHI' 11 Ill \II I Graduall"'> Inform 111011: t t t J • ,• • 11' "".t ~(h1• .. .., tP • I • . ,, (I ' While the goal of 100% participation may never be realized, (the Pi lot Cup) really is a tournament that a lot of youngsters can fill a page in their scrapbook and recall with fondness as time goes by . ~ubmitted by: biggeM hurd.lt: anJ Mdntu'>h '' hupeluJ each .. ,choul will 'upply d rt:fl'ree with t-Jch l'ntry. at ll'<L't for I.he fin.I two round ... ~c. al..u1-JJl-11nw htl(h Jruund the Newpon "1t'"d o,tumping grow1d,, but Lh1.·n' Jrc )ull hoke; which dft' h..ird to fill. "Wt-'ve tried tu C1Jllnt't 1 with Whit1ier, Wilson, Pomo n.1, and Victoria (and other.,J, 'ard Mcintosh, "it 1us1 talc.t:-. a .couple of aduh1> at edch .,t·hool to get it done.* The We,t'iidt• rl'ma111~ d quandary wllh no dn.,\wr JI this point. While the goal ol 100% participaoon ma) nt.-vcr be reali7.ed. it really is a touma111cn1 that a lot of yoWl~ters can till a page in their i.crapbook and recall with fondnes.s as lime goes by. ~clntosh. a longtune AYSO coach. has coached hb Ka1M't Elementary girls to rw1l championships and a nmnc1 -up finish ln the pru.t th1t:1 vedfS. Kaiser. a.Jone, sends I• Cf'lllm to the tournament, thrt-e in each 5-6 classification and two in each 3--4 division. i TIAE :ilw~~ ~ ttlnllHa tnnoRta tlll10l14 I hM Ion..: 1 .m Md11111'h gu1d1· t.lw 'hip? Wrll, lw h,L, J d.su!Q1tl'f 111 Ull' thm.1 grm.lc. wt111h111t-.11t.. .it lt'a"t tllrl.'t' mon· ~'l.'<11' J l tht· hl'1111 After t.J1Jl. pcrlwp:. ~CI~ pnn11p..it '-,t,1 n I l11!111t·'· Y..111 drJlt him for ,ul1H ht·1 l\\O 111 three yt•Jr n·1~n Wt• II '>l't' Ht•,ide!>, Ml 111111.,h '' 't1ll 1n .1 '>lipping ..i.lunK mode aJler Lh.11 t hJut1t \tart, .iltho ugh II ., 1101 Jll rO,P'>. '-,ornc '>1111 tl'll h1111 ru take a lukt• Othel'> .1rc \t:~ <,uppo rtr\l' I \en di 1h.-. l..ilt.' -.1..igt-Mtlntuc,h Im m·ed' help, 1·~p1·u..tlh lit I hl· ,.lfl'J ol \ 'l ~() rrfr1et·'· .ult.I .1 h111ltm' JI "a1.,l·1 L:lt!lllt'lllMY l'i 1 fl h f'"1l}fl) JY..JJI'>. If vou gt:I .1 dldlll t:. w.1nder over tu tht• F<trrll ( .0111plf'X . IU'I north of ( o!tla Mel>J I lr~h amt aero,., from OranKI:' < IJ.1!>1 LOllt'gC on Fairview Ave .. ctnd let the teami. know just how 1111purtJnt they are IOU\. You11g peuph are \·<'ry 1rnpre...,1011.:thle. fwo thing-. of wl11d1 I'm sure: I I) rl l> J nicl' t ha11ge ol pace; (2) you'll 'iurcly "' h !>Omellung hlt' thi~ wa.., ctV"ctJlcible when you were a thinJ·~rJder 9 ~.1otorcrane I'.. .... , • •9'ir:: r-nt~.­ Ch•nu• VP to •t\<O L :t• of Mot~oll. Tax.• and CMtOO-• •• ,. txtra S.. O. Ip for dttallt. OffW "8lld With coupon Sfl 1 I03 'I \dd11•'' l f I I Ill ( , 11.I \,,1' '1;;11.1111•1 h 1\1 •• d111 .11d ' '' . I {.j • t 1• r1 \ • 1,p -, -,-,. -,~, ,~ rrr;r 2003~· DAILY PILOT i ~(I \\ H.I\ \treet • ( O\l,1 \1p,,j ( \ •J2h2- I h .1 I "' I'"' II (I! II FREE 100 POINT SAFETY INSPECTION "JOU ...... ,..., .... Mew ..... rour w •••• w wllft • .., .. ' ,. ..... ,, ........... .... lmml V.tued ........... O.•reNp for det8M9. Ofter "8lld wtth ooupon 5'31!Ul. l t .. .. .. tiff.MW SERVICE DIRECTORY ... For All Your Home and Business N_. - How to Place A CLASSIFIEJAD By Fax (949) 631-6594 {11mlltWe'fW-......... By Phone (949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street C05ta Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvd. 4 Bay SL Hours: ~-~·-~ -;;..l~l1_n.;....;.f.adi_Weet __ For_On1y_:._Sl_2:..per_•_edr__;.(4_W'ttk_~ __ ~· ~_ ... __ •_ltfft_Sl_H_MS_, ~ ~ I I I ' ' "' I ' I l I Ii" '" I . I ' Telepbooc 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Wlllk·ln 8:30&m·S:OOpm Monday-Friday C....,L*°Yllb PActncYllW BmRTAINMBfT Calendar of i:iiiA11•*=-"•iiiiiiiiiii===1413i:Si =t. 1411 APPUANCES Bal view Terrace lot I 70, private party S7000,obo 714.772.3441 Colldllltl MemanlllUil 1160 TOP SS 4 UCOltOS nc .llllZ, 0..C. Et 50s & 00s & Mee. sp.r, tooe an~ Mike 949-645· 7505 TeUUsAbout YOUR . GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 Ewra 1310 ~-­om.n.m All rul est1t1 adver· t1sina in this newspaper 15 subject to the r ederat fan Hous1n1 Act ol 1968 •• amended which m•kes 1t 1lle1al to •d~erll~ 01ny prefer- ence llm1ht1un or d1scrim1na11on b1sed on t ac1. color. rehaion. sea. handicap, l•mthal sl•lus or nallonal 01111in, or an intention lo make any such preletence, hm1ta· t10n or d1sc11m1nallon • This ntW$1)aper will not lo.now1n1ty atcepl any ad'l.,rllsemenl for teal estate wh1th " tn v1olat1on ol the: law Our readers are heteby 1nfor med that all dwell 1n1s advertised in this newspaper are a .. 1lable on an equal oppottunHy basts lo complain nl dos crim1nat1on, c1ll liUO toll free at 1·800·424·8590 --------- Old« Style Fvrnltln ..w.osa.~ ·~·,..,..._ ·-·-·OM<e-$$ CASH ~AID $$ orw .,._. °' .,.. • .,__. W£ BUY ESTATE8 ........... fnendly_ ASTDr ToNs!GN ~EN S ,\,, '".'.' ., , . i o1rl , ,a • l1 J I 1 '~' ' " ' I I ·--J ~~ SOUTHC8AST AUCTI N Vlftt:T:r!:.: fw,.. 1000 SMrts I <XX> "8ck bes & Hlndl>a&'s Arft. t4t-65CMJS7 TODAY'S CROSSWORD ANSWERS '"HO llC£ 0 READERS Cahforn11 l•w rt· quires that contrac· tors tali.I"& iob~ that total $500 or more (labor or m•le<uils) be licensed by the Co"tractors St•I• Ucenu Bo.,d. Sl•I• law ~lso requ11es th1I con tr actors include thelf loc:ense "umber on 111 •dvKllSHl&. You can chedl the status ol your ltc1nsed con lr•Cl or al www cslb ca cov or 800 321 CSLB. Unll censtd contractors t•ktne 1obs th1t total ltss than $500 must slate 1n thttr • advlfllstmenls lhet lltey .,. not licensed by lh1 Co"t:taelon Stale License Board • .. : M••I : ....... . ,.,..lfT-.s : Mdwl V BMtt I A.nodll • M9iara ....... bs.am : aP.i '5t:C 9efi4\9J25 . ....., ll ·I MMDYIUN • Install. reface e•blneta. ·~ ~ ....._Dole n~1158 • . . ........... • Custom 9wtt 1111, Crown ~ Moldiflp, ''" Sowels : .;;L_r.i .. 7..,1812iiiiiio,.Miii9>"""7""'og.""'564itioii2m : ._..,,,.~ ... • • :. •u.tT•c.u.tt• • • ..... htchlftt. IMttll • C-teova .,., sbe '"'. I WIN>Jeulel Mt-A92·Q2M • • . . • • ,, , • • • • • • • • EFFIOENT AIR SYSTEMS C-20 520089 (714) 9&4·2007 HI 912-t• NI (941) 720-0717 t•a ol latlllltloa aa 1113 FURllACE $ALE R • R Fu"-' & ~ Code lf PQrldts 75,• ITU me $1511 1•.• 11U fftlll $18 Plus city permits, & codt UPQradet 964 2007 FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATU & INSPECTION ear,1ta.a. I 35% 011 § ,,_.,. I•• flflmMWI 23 RAIS ID. H h' 1 IT IH P' C ,', R f'f 1 ', ! !.' V I < ! 800 )">'" 1181 SELL your stuff ttw-CMA&h classified I --------------W"'ltll'OOl CMTA MISA SAMPll Washer/Dryer. lirae ca· SAUi Huie lnventorv of it 1 I d •"""' &rfflln& cards, st1tlon· pee y, • n con · ...,.,.,, "Y items, rolls of for botJI. 949 6ot2 1811 ribbon, er aft Items, collectibles. boob a. more. Gr11t Pf icesi/buys Sat Si.s1 8-1 :DI E 21st Sl -al 2lsVTLlllSI. 1585 LOST Codlabll ~. wtlile, yelcl'#. or-. dlllks. Ml wt.sltt. N1me Skittles. Reward !M9-232·5999 MT/ PMmNGS 3060 PMtt D•l PAINTIHOS All Newport H•rbor see"es. JO X 40 oil. 16 X 24 w/c, 10 X 13 w/c 1..aoo..au-t I IS HOME FURNISHINGS J-snn IUIUHNGS 281l0 was $8.900. sell $3,890 36148 was $14,900, seU $5,950 48-100 was S26,900. ~llSl2,900Call Now! Tom 800 392-7806 WANTIO JAl'ANISI SWOUS ANO lllATfD ITEMS t4t-4t4-l 7SI IAYfaONl IXICUTIVI office sutte 2 offices, reception a. slot11e. Loe in COM 949-718 9500 RESIDBfT1Al. INCOME PROPERTY te/trt 4-f*a mtn lo ~ :b 2.Shl. owntn unit. 12 11111& SC-SllB.00> ., LOST la°lt owl Vwped dlemond from ..... a.... Bay Cklb open house raw,_ 114-964-5862 1511 Buslnlll S:ssy Ltey ~ 3435 Oppclltlnllles --~-----~---sll.dlnl~ ...,_..... LOTS/ACREAGE fCK*O ClUPMONI IALIOAPINlN t4t-67S-Utl May Ule sac1ed he1rt of Jesus be •dored & elorifted now & loroe1. Sacred hurt ol Jesus pr •Y for us. S1inl Jude worker of miracles pny for "' MOOW NUOU> lemi1le 18+ for website c1e .. 1 opmenl. hnpfie. swim wart Paid nSllflme"u 714-839-7550 FINANCIAL ncans or flM S..., W""9tyl Ten Techniques the the wufthy uw evwyday lo Sw:rest1 U--.Ith II you buly deve to KhM f1n1nctal security· You must have lt'G! 1-877-891 32fiO S20 v /MC/DISC by Patrlcfl l eMeua. author ol ir-tment Basa Free S/t1 (CAI. •SCAN) AND • •CISlllESS llUAln UP&r•des. Repaws of Compute< Networks henlnp/Weehndi Competitive pric .. IOI qu11ity setvlc. t4t-U6-' ' 7S 714-926-4221 lrldl lleck S'-, .. Concrete, Ptltio. 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Ul5151J63 71~ k4I k licensed Eleclricel COf'ltnclor Small jobs st1rtin1 al S7t.H&top. Speclall1m11" Remodelln1 & 111 home wlrlnc needs. Comm/lndvst/Rea l-800-H7-ION l.I 9 Udiiso coiiTilCTOi No jib lDo ""' ,, ww.i Repair. remodel, fa"s, r. NW WC 9&645-3666 Aooltllt'JMI tt.e W,.., W ....... yl Ten rechn1ques the the wealthy use everyday ID tner ese It. wealU!. If you Ir uly desll e ID Klwe flni1nc11I security You most MW "'61 l ~ -89 l 32fiO $20 v /MC/t)ISC by Patrldl l ttMleut. •utnor of lnMtment Basics r re. S/H (CAL •SCAN) STAil A SUCClSSJUl home eus-n that INllft tnone)I ., .,,. fW'st monlh! $5.IXX).SZO.ax> per mon1n 1 800-'lHJ am two nwu. rtcorded mesne• (CAt. •SCAN) roaen THI STOCK MUICITI ~,_.. 1>eeds only o"" 1round level par Iner on truly prom'""I product fines Sky s the hm1t Serious call 949 295-~8?4 meeton1 appointment only. AAA YINDING IOUTI 8l ~ lhts. Pnmt II>-~ ll5!l() .._ 2!>S '*-'WK. m~11 WI MAOI S U6,2S7 mt month tolfwll. vaca- bonq. worllq orrty when we w1nted We can posrtlvely teach you to do the same. Aecmslon proot lnU!re$ted1 650867 .. 151 9 (CAt. •SC.NO AISOLUTI GOU>MIHll 60 vend1n1 machines withe •cellent locations al b SlO 'B> m234-8Bil l-TwrH "-'sc .. WedfJy msll lrw nmq & >MlelbtlOll. 25 Yrs up LIC/msured 949 548-4363 COMPUTI LANOSCAl'tMG Oe"an. clHnups, lreu sod, sprtnlllers Maintenance IS low H $9/Wffll LtcenMd 714m11425 Nici! f,_ s;t;;ac., Yatd CINnup, Malntananc:.. Sprln•ler Repelr, Haullnc {Ht)H0-1711 •r1e 1arden w•aon, dOK house. double stroller 949·515 9312 HOMES FOR SAlf ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balboa Peninsula Ill , • " • ,. 2.Ho CUl .... IW*1 home on ~ \.' Sl Prt f"r..at 0-. man1ttf! limeslOf'le fir~ ~. ""'° kA. '-itlflJf l)9bo wtya. own tr~ Sl.!9l.00> aet 9667l-Jm °"' ... -... '-MA .JI< 3 !)6a homo w/elev81or pool be.autlhJI lo.It LR w/""'1ilewllter -ol Gold ~ ~ $4.!J00.00> illl ~ynol 9«l'67 3 3119') ,..., "· oripwl catt.aee. 7br lbi1 LR. upd.ited tited hrt pvt front ~llO le • ., ~.11tt lot Ofl l St S975.(Xll •et OaYJU 949 673 3899 S03 .... ~· Cormwu.t' relldenbal mt<ed ~ CIOH lo run lune S799 <XX> Biol 'M9 ~1 ~ Pl~eyourad today! 1949) 642-!167H fllSTORE • REPAIR & RCMOOHl~G >Ol,,tlTI HOMI MAlllTlllAJtCI No job loo smaHI Cverythlnc from C. pentJy to Pillntln& rree eatim11t1 Cfllt•-4y f•f-ZfS-r••• RX W SftQAUST. All lypn of rtll)8h. Elle· t11c.t, ~ doors, --.....-s. -& l'flCft 24kw/1uys 714-366-lllll ~ IOlllHOM COMPANY Qdw-.. Wall.~­ M1rll !M!H50 9$2$ TMlllAllOYMAN A~ WOf k CUlf lfllittd """ ..... a..u. Dour" ' ....... , • -~"'! Ha11111 JWIJC~TO_nt_l_D_U_M#_ 111 714·9611Ul AVAIL.AIU TOOAYI 14117l·"8e ....,.~a...... hr. Qullltr Hoe•l'CI I •• O.C, 14Yrt. lt1f'1 Mt S4I OOM Ml-617 41U ----Policy---_, Rates md dcadl1.oe1 are·allbject to change without notice. The publl her reserve1 &he ri&ht to CCll.IOr, reclassify, revise or reject any classified ldvertitement. Please report any error thiu may be in your classified Id immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement ror which it may be respomible except for &he cost of 1he SJ>KC actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for lhe f11st insertion. ----Deadlines----.. MOll<by .. .. .......... Friday .S:OOpm Fntby .... . ... ThuNby :\«>pm Tucilday .................. Mooday S:OOpm Sa1urd11y ..... ..... rriduy l :OOpm Wodnesduy ............. ~y S:OOpm SunJ;1y. .. . ......... rnd11y ~:<X)pm Thurt.day ........... Wednesday .S:OOpm orauAt-•1_. 615 <AllAUJI AYE. AOl-4-..tlte o-s11 .. efPCM. SpaclOVs 3bf 2.Sb• ... fl>i1l.R.FR. MIPlrMa brelklmt ... 2 c ,,. . -ll99.999 9&581.Q'Sl .._ UdlRt !i6t plus bonus rm In ~ HI. Custom pool 5P• & ~· 10 the la viewwlQ deck on lht upper level· meas £ ••-use of fl'llMe, mMble & lots of love SI ,950,000 Judy l<o&lr Biii 949 376-5576 View• Oeler•/ ••• 4.Sh. OcHn vrein •nd llJeMbell '+'lt!W\ of Bullo Gully ()pM floor plan, bftQflt and tteflt 3 la decks. er•mte counters, marble llr ~ •eh Hassana a 185 and Hady Cl\aNne 1108, 31~376 8811 ........,. ~ r llbulous locabon on h IUMflllelt' :b dell/WOlllOut room. eatH II hv/1m w/Fp, ac eate-""°"ded, poob. ~·s & Ulnn45. Sl.950.00> kj(jy Kol.. 8"r 949-3/~5576 OPIN SUN 1-4 4Jt AVOCADO 211 Office retr-t w/ec-vle wl lt,.,,. y4. A9t "°"-Mvli-evldl 714 40S-IHJ • •COMING SOOM • • <-1-C.-.... C I A I •• COASTUNI llAl TT Ht-7st.~nn 15/7 RAl\LR sr MC SA Vl ROC CC smife lam home Spac hvrm Upri adt!\ lovely bach )'Jlrd ? c c•r cvrner IOI. $450,000 Lor• Vance Realtor t4t-67J-4062 IA.ST SIDI CcaDtCm - l'tNlllSTATIS PATllKI TINo.J NA TtoNWIOI USA t4t..aH-t70S www e•trlcklenore com Llllla ltadl 2,......... ..... 51'- on pr'"" LaeuN Bueti ocewt v-,,...., sheet Conceptull plans by I"" Nicol tor 2 homes, lllelf O l 2!JOOsl ucll Huet v.tuP ., land. &id both homPs live ., -· .. the oltw Current 48r home U54!d 1n tncOme Easy bUl6d on 11.lt lobl Call Lil Comerlor d @Colclwttll Britt for more details on land 949- 464-3014. $1,650,000 ~Bad! llWPOIT IUOI OP8I Siii i.s &IOll-S 1221 IUllAle •. #4 ~waded 21r 2ba condo. Weslciff aru $393,00J By Owner ~2962 A lXGlmint Yr sa. Mlrwba bq lbw !lb\ h•Ch ce1hn1s. cur vine si-ane. outsim r P • ...,,,.. "*'-.. CU5tom ~ & nua.$1 J'll,lll) htdWlll llrrMwl, c-dir1e Rally 96-l':a-OI 17 OPEN SUN 2-S & MON l·S 1228 IUTLANO 1 0. •4 H11hty upoaded 2br 2b• co"do Behind Westchll U9J.000By0w"" 949 400 2962 PllMl ISTATH PATltCIC TINOll NATIONWIOI USA t4t..aS6-t70S WWW P•lricUenore LOm ................. Ocuot ~ -48r 2 r.ia. over ~ Not ~t"ll ., ,,., s Under $900,<XX> act OoucClri ~I~ ...,,..... ..... c 2Br 2&. ct\ to bd\, ,_iy rtom•ld elld .ti pr 11/peb,...., ~'lJl> 9&6h9"9'.J MIN SAT 1-S 23 rerrand 24 hr ~d pied oomm. 411' a 3 • offlce. Views al Saitlebadl .. C'l.y ills TholanlJ ol ...... ,,....,.,....,as SW.-.Munr 9&7~3156 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE oa.t""""' -ATTN: OIS8l'T LOVlltS JlJlaVM~ DYSON & Onotl «10-S76-"SS 7'10-US-..S. ~ Un.Jie .. OOlY double ... mobtle home Call enyllme ~ lla'I 91& 191.2833 MISCB.lANEOUS REJfTALS R..atToShn a CM Ree• fer •••f w/d ~itch pr1v, no/'>IAk/ pet, ff!m pref, .. ~ 167'lm • ~ 714 '.:tfl'>.27'n teMewly 1"'6behed ..., h 1n II fir w1'1! dsb, _,. "'"' .. -W.m crtL S8ll (<q.) Coll b .. 714 !>3&2010 lwll Vll ==-IAYVtlW MUGHJS (6) I~ S200 (2) ~ S25Q. pvt irop. 9K pie. , = 96-!JC»l&tB RESIOENTIAl ~ ALS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Of'IN SUN ,_. 2121 IAY St HI 21A Buu cu~tom remodel on •quiet St $733,0UO BY OWN£R F'OR Al'Pl TO VIEW CALL Moc.hael 949 280 7633 ~ n.t.1-20201 OrdlW STUOIO A'l, clenn and St.6+Bt 5.58a. !6)11 ~. CUIP With k•ICllen I SIZJS Mil Bioller 9$251 hln• h to be•rh S/!>Omo 9'44 wwwt~y <•ll in<.I uhl ,123.?64.()]iO .._, ......... .,.,4 Wkty/B1 wkly/Monthly Refs. GrHI 11les! lmeldll 9&548-4285 9&278007 ......, * .HIG MAl OQY * Any Type. Bu t Prices. Repatt s Oii, Quality Worto. f"llllliJ .. 714 53116'3 .,.., .. HST MOVIRSSU/Hr. Pn1n9 S.V.,. M 00.. lrsnd. ----'----------n63844 0262378 ASPMAl.T PA VINO, UM. ~9971 eel COATING, STalPINO, PUBLIC NOTIC The C1lll Publlc UtJlllles Commission requlfes lh•t all used household coods movers prl"t their P.U.C C1I l "umber; Umo1 and ch1ulf1urs print their T C.P. numl>ef 111 all adver · llsemenls If you have en1 qwttlor" about the l11ality of • mover . llmo or ch1ulfeur. call. PUllK UTIUTllS COMIUSIM* ....,, ..... 7 Quality work. he e:tim* c a. c e:g.a n..anv.s ,.. .... SIWll • ... QIAm5 (t4t) MS-2JS2 lrl1'• Sir 2.Sh House, Newly remodeled f p, A/C, whirlpool tub. SllOOlmo 949-463 8361 COlll .... ...... ~-Tr ... Sq ' 56 fwy Coiy. ~ rd Pllo. .... "" ..... no I* S7'50 9t9-642 2818 imiiillil'9-1'1r , .. .,.. w/belcony, au. wa ler ' trn h p11d No pets, $925/mo 949 650 3735 r .... , .. dul*a. bel&lbluly remodlllld, r p, w/d ~. Jc pr, t-.. pvt y.wd, Pit 1111 s 1100-n I yr lie. 949-631 I 131 Bob bee Jbr 3ba hsil, ocean -· pi.ct. new crpV PMlt. 2c pt. 1049 r~ run S22lnTI 562..8fl6-16&t E side. 3br 2b• re mod hse, 2 c a•r, wd llra, Ip, lancbc yd w/founlaln & aardener. CJ.at caA de-s.ac ~'lf.'Il~l'I t4t-442-7146 ,.._ ..... tlr lie ~-Newly remodeled p I. Cllblt incl Sl200ono no/peh • ~ bct1 714-AB). IQM .... , ......... .., - 2tJr 2.St.. w/d. "-loft. wm ,.S. 1J; .a ., no Plb IZl!J!Vrno 91&3Jf> 1197 LI*lllll WATa FIC*T latae ?bf Iba duple•. 1111 no or.moh Ava~ Now S2850/ mo 949·631 7998 ~on 8ab>a .... c.lfpel, -y delln. f\A kll utb peod, n/vrM/ ,,m S8S6nl 9"9 fF:l7 n31 UOO Yl.Alll Y UASI Bill GRUNDY REAL TORS t4t-'7S-61'1 ... .,..,,1 Pen1n1ula Studio Ai>•rl merits n••I Act S100 $950 949 673 7800 21r I .Sle, welk to beach. 4145 H1l•11•. nor Ho•& aer. w/d hkup1, Sl400/mo 949 64S .)683 Nf'I , ......... 2br yu1ly renu h •11 Sl400 1950/mo 949 673 1800 949 673 7800 HAll Off ht MO HNT ror -111 .uw I w/I? mo i.-New remodl'!I (Ape Cod 1tyll! comm w/new d"hwuher ' refucer •10<, Catpel ' -~ tie WW./..,_ ._.@ ~ Ill• Sl<RI 26r SI~ IAfl lore (~) 646-222• Of 714413-7592 i,.dw 1• / 1 .. tcndo w~ pe11o, J bl<s ltorn tho ~. cw'd prq, comm pcd. -.. ' O'" Sl«i£1ITI _.. "'" 61~ 3248 "' ·-~ I ._..,f'lott.dl,_ .... ... 2Bt Ula. i!Ut " ID t.y, 11rn1. Nllw/OfMint : Sl700mbe94C)./IS..1.00 ... er. twrfm p!llllo -2.br l.5be ,...,. pcQI : 3'111. nu ...._ tlt/cwp 'l c I ,,. ... S\750 9&2!0411 .. -c...,.. 2.br 2m Condo. l~ ..... 2 pabM, newly IMcoretecl, w/d __,. SllfiOm n .. J:M.4MI i,.dw .__ ~ 2Br. 2 u bltll, belc, i-cn. ~ ..,__ "° peb. S1900in I ~ ...,.. ,,,,.. f¥15 9&!166-99118 &c:..-.Oi ... CMl-71 ........................ h home, 2--p , priY petJO, comm pool Vt he S2!l1!) Mil now~ Comp r tnov 3br Zba • 700sl Iott. 2 I& decks, 2 encl parllln& +-1 walk to bch $2950 949 67!>-4630 ...... ..,..,. .._ 4Br 281. ..,,, rm. 119 dbhse, scta. .,.., •Int loc SlliOnl l&l 949-7!J&!JOl l u•o..n..w .... 381 28a. ear+~ w/d, bu~t HIS, sm pet ok. Huae de~ tacin1 ""' channel Poss slip 6mo ltHe !yr SJ500m a&t. Sherry (Ji> C.nnety, 949- 723 Sll0/881969 9667 NOMI SWUT HCNlll Ueaie ... Newport. beyond ctwn-.. 4Bf+ den, •• -Clllw and··~ tarr.-.t prdlns w~ S!JOOO/mo ye.,I)' •ct. Devtd Prrn 949 718' 1521> .... ,.."__ ·-de ocean VMlw 3br lba ? c.r a•rl11e ~?!>(}/mo 714·SU-U27 "-S-tll c ........... Gated 2 bed• oom • den, everylhln1t new• Pool $2000/mo 949 497 5883 Rentlls Wrild 7880 WANTTOIENT COSTA MISA. HI, Nl'I Ila TIA HAVI A DOG. $1000/Mo.aus. C.UOl t4t·S74-4248 ..-c--.~ wild 'ZJ ~ rMtll Pftl CDM/8llllOll from Mie 5 ID Sept 151h. fll6.429.fil7 t1h erol'l com JOBS WANTED orrsrn ADMIN ASStsT. I \ity ~ lwJnw' offu I~ dlta rntry AA N' ~-,,,,..,ottww ,_, \'O'I ~ Cont.let ,.... 949 U> UJ6 ltldo!. wbmly@rmn tom ~ oww.a onit- ATO.: Hllw JO<M' own trudl J l ooll.11111 for ~ pende1Ke1 l~,_ ~ the lools./tl~I to ITWlle you succeulul1 CALL LANDST AA 888 835 3858 (CAL •SCAN> Mwn(i-~) Sl<nl !.II" on bonUI We have a tot Oanard. CA lermtMI Armeln C.press l..s 1~28-034J Ref 110 1 {E mail recrut ina@armellin1 com) -m/fld/'I (CM. •SCAN) DmVa: OWNlll Oflfa. ATCJa: tta... yot11 own truck 1 L~ lor bue 1"dlpenclence' lends llll has the tooblfr-'1t to n\IM you S&ICCGSful" I ~ 711 7898 (,CAI. °SCAH) lfll to tAP l-=-'rm 4 r..... N'S )CW <Qlty. ... styllt/mllll pea .,,.. Qerits ...... ~5818 OWMH OPltATOI TLUISI all. wJKu Mil a. Ool*ta ,.._ r • ..- TM'linll Or~ HA on e-., 1¥ --. llX). 909·5664 eat 210 (CM.•SCN() owiiii OPllATOi TLUISI all w/ttal Mil & ~ reQ. ,.,,.,.., TernWnaDr~H'h on Bonus. HWt ...._ 800- 909-5664 ... 2 10. (CAL~) OWNll OPiUTOi TUMS! all w,IHaz•Mlt C. Ooub6es reci. Termlnef. Terminal ~~. ttn on Bonu5. Hi8tl Miln. 800-909 5664 eJl 210 . (CAl•SCAH) ....... , ........ w..-. for ., home .. Ill JYOl 11-.. "'8st be cnfled. fall rt!llU'flll 949-51~51111 Publtshma ... OllllOTtoNS D.,A&TMINT Commufldy ~s ., 0r.,.. Couoty ~ f ul Time penon to ll'llerww and wnte stories. .,.rtiu- pate ., community ewnb, aullt.nd~~ and sedxim [ I c.delll ~~.wen wel wllh the public Know /IP Style. QuarUPr e5$. PTlotoshop, r.Mb-M Cle at.or. Prot.:.nt on MAC; and PC. CCI des1en e~peroence pre ferred Proolrelldlne lest Or Ufl sa_..,~ •e<JAWed £0£ E 1ce~nl ~nehl ~-EmH resome. wrltlne ~ and satar y r e quireme nts to IM.t.pmoti@i.lal-.c.on1 Rnl[slale ....,~lk ~ llGSMS GlfAT lOCATIOM [,labhshed sub pr1me broker /lender 1n the market for the Ion& haul We ilfe loolung for u 'pd & motrvated ~ub prome •ah. with a proven tratk record ol 011&1 n•l•n& and fundina loan~ We offer a d1'ten marketin& approach and •n en'l1<onment des111ned for success C mail your resume today tft@marnenCc>UI u.m All 1nquir1es are IOO"- 'onl1denl1•I SALIS ASSOOAn_. /T l9llNG IMMlDI ~y at 6902 Edlneer A'te. H 8 or call 714 596 ~I Nl'I So lon ftootla Holrstyltat, rent a l n.t'-ov.USl2S/wfl. c.. w Mt-650-2456 JOIN OUR l[AM and make a d1tf@ren<e In the Cahlorn1a Army Nehonal Guard you can 11e1 money tor colle1te and career lld•n•n& Call I 8 00 GO GUARD {CAL •SCANJ K>IN OUR TEAM •nd m1lle a d1fletence In the C1hlorn11 Army N81iunal Gu•rd you can aet money for colleee and career lra1n1ne Call I 800 GO GUARD ICAl •SCAN) JOIN oua TUM .ond maile a dl1l!!f tote In ~ Calrforr"" Atrrry N<lllon<tl Guard you tM1 ~ money for <oitce and CM- 11 "*"lfli Cdl I 800 CO GUARO 1 CAI •SLM) .loon Utiftrsal Auoclll Greif, a rapidly e1pand1n~ . National "'°'1gaot WKt:R. at our downlown Long Buch 1oca110~ As a "'9d llOllPlt lt1!4tr we oller 1mme<f1a1e 1n·llouse uOdenmting and an incredible processing IWTI !NI allows OIJI loans 10 clost w1tnin 3 days ~nils on !111eci training w11ll the latest in mortOdO' t&chnology allows our sales team to earn large monltllv clleW bY tumlllil more loans with a tun spectrum of products Iha! lnclodes prime, SUb·pnme and FHA' Loan olf1cers with 2 + years e.a.penence will ftod our manaoement path an exceprional O(l9D'tunity C1111 ..... 212·1344 or Ftx yow mum• ~ 70t"t11 ·1'427 AuDnoblles • Amnoavl ... AAHll '01 " 2• c...,. ??!>HP, Qu1tro. JOI! m1 full fact warr 6\pd superb OflK unm~rked ltke new cond. S27 ,995 vlOl.3653 ftn;onc1n1 11¥•11 Bkr 949 586 1888 -· ·~ ul '971' A•- 60!< • m1, 11lver/11ey llhr luHy lo•dtd, buu hful 011e1nal cond, S7995 -.642376 8lu ~ 586 1888 --~.c-CliliiDlc...a .. 5.1< tow n• s.i..., w/bll lop 'l ~. IUw "' •lnl wnd S37'J5 949 '>48 ()125 Ce I oc '0 2 DeVI e Sedan 191! m1 white oatmP•I llhr CD Onstar v•J3794J S25,995 '.ivt $20k, fin & wm •nly avail 8 kr 949 586· 1888 ---< 1 ...... CAD SlVIUI 'U 27 51< mllei. dark red. ed. $1000 P'1V81e P•r ly 949 673·2636 •r ·•s ........ .. Con'ttl t1bte 011111n1I owner \Ohd cir S 19 99'S obo949 119 294l J...-. '01 XJa 21 1. ml, CO n1v1g1t1on lull lat I w111 W1nchf'ster blu~ o•lmeal llhr throm~ wheel\. Ilk~ ntw ~•n SlQI. v??l16 ~I 000 ' ~ APR Ion 0111 broke1 ~UH! -Alqllll:aam PORSCHE 185911 TARGA Whrtellan. sharp #160863 $17,900 PORSCHE '86 944 Redl'black, 6-speed #458178 $8,995 PORSCHE '94 968 COHVT. Black. 6-speed #840401 $19,900 PORSCHE '99 BOXSTEA White 6·speed #627865 $28,900 PORSCHE '99 911 CAB Redltan 6-speed #652027 $52,900 PORSCHE '00 911 COUPE S1lverlblack Tiptroruc #620900 $49,900 PORSCHE '91 911 TARGA Blue/gray Tiptronte #440740 $27,900 TIL..0'5 •UROPm.AN AUTDHAUB 0--llD Care "' ..... 1-8(D.79s-a456 W9b .,_, WWW blocars com .... ....,.,.,.,..., ....... ,... 40ll ml. lull fKI ,.,.,, wllltt/oal!ftffl lthf, CO, beautiful Ilk• .iew, Ofll COlld ¥1701 41 121.~ Ollr !MC).~Ulll8 _,, ... ,_ ,...... 'to XJ6 Wltlto/ bl119 llhr. chrome whl~. !>Nut or11 concl, 11111 "'"· a ppnclate v•752491 P195 Bllr 949-5116 1188 -.-cpeillo.~ ............ a-..-6c)'I, 1 wd, 3611 ectual ml. silver /arey int . alloy1, fabulou1 ltk.• new unmarked cond, 4 year _, ~ vl'Sml Sl2.!1.Xi firm 0 Down qualified buY'lf'· 4 6 N'ff &oiler t49·SH -IH8 www.ecpoltl.com Jeep"IS GrwldO-.eo Lor ado 7 J., V8 l)fl wheel ~ Nt. f (lW I*&. C(I MINT! fl@> 96;>44-416" .... w...,,... '00 4.0 st-1 Red 4 whl c.-,;t. a> hard ~ ~ lap ~ m Sl5,9:Xl ~8!82 LOfttl a.,,., '91 Dlt · lOv~r v ll 4 fk m1 4yr wa11 •veil drk metalh< &rten/l"n llhr healed ,~ .. h dud I mnr I beau llfUI Oft& Lund aar•&ed. non \mkr mu•I •ee lo appre,i<tle v•9S8?4 I s 13 99'> 81.1 9'').5116 1888 ___ _,,..1 ...... L.-1 ._... "00 Dhc-v 5(). • nfl 1fr -• avaoil. wnne/~ey lttlf !>llV<Ky &lass bl'dut1lul 0111 unm.rked tood SI 1 'J.li vl79'4102 ''°""'"" avall. 8lu 949 5!l> L888 _.....,..._ Mo zdo '99 M loto Conv '5k m1 •lrto 11lvM. l•n lop, pw pl, AW CO wperb Ilk~ new cond v'l 19143 $?1,99S llnont111~ & w•r•a11ty ~V••I Bkr 949 S86 1888 www.ocpobl.com ...._...I.a~ '84 .. .,. th s I 5K •91'"11 $ IJ.500.-i>Ou )(Int UM id liCJ'tdl C• CO ti.Iv!' h;trd IOP 8/K m1 949 91'}. v.11 1111........ '91> (210 bt•ulllul bl .. • r t •m fully IOddf'd 'h•JWt 1•flffi svtlLt SIO'l.O /14 I' I I~ PMaU"S AUTO , ..... "' Comr. L•U. intenor A llUilty 093:X>l) $l8 980 oouw ..... w 8t.dl w/r1.y pr.,noun, ""-" (I 'l3118) $21 980 :91ack"':"~ e111a cleell ( 19397) 0.980 01 ,.ndto , .... '"' Only UI< Ml URf PM lormance wheel> ( 19394) lNQUIRt. ., f'wulte f 21 SC-r Blac"/c"'..an Lan Ith• full 1etA>f~. r Me lwld (191.88) S II 980 98 IMW l 40I s.d.. I owllf'I. locdl NoowPQ<I Sed<ln gre.tl • e;.ur IK cllf~ wh"t'h ( 193401 $12 CM> 00-..-XICI Slivl.'f w lblM.~ 1 :!!< m~ perlat (19381) S4SB 91 ,.,,.,. GS 400 Prer111Um wheeh. CO ~wnroof {!~) $1898) NIWPOaT N/Towotll ._....._ ... - Wt PAY <AtM HJa raaaMl"I POaCHIS t.AMIOMt• ~ QASW'.(MI$ tWllnS 'OJ .,....-;-.. ,0 .... (S001SO) '",soo ·oo 11-'ty AMote ............. / Cotaw.W Leo4H (X0428J) $133,SOO '02 Oucotl 998 Loodecl. Lew ..... (01$t 32) SIS,900 NfWf'<MtT AUTOSl'Ottl 949 574-UOO AUTOMdiil£S. MISCEUAHEOUS Bridge By CHARLES GOREH wtth OMAR SHARIF and TAHNAH HIRSCH Buth ., ulllClnlbk. North de4&1> WEST NORTH •AJ . Q71 .4 QJ • A Q 107 l • 1098652 J 86S EASf .,. 94 911 75 3 •J862 164 •S SOl'Tli • KQJ AKIOJ K 62 • K94 1;0UT11 WFST JVT .._ 7''T .... <>p<-111nr lc.i.d !en of • Pc'"ITll\b m.d~ good dee~ llle\ .UC pn:p..rcd foe the v.or.t • ..nd k.wJL. l11r •<IUOIA:nlk.L\Ule> The .. ud1un " rouu~ South'' 1umr t11 thrt:c no trump \hov.cd a 11.1111.1111 It> 11' poinb aod. spccifical- lv . .i 4 ' 1 \ tl"mhuooo '1orth"s fhe 02 F...I T -Wrtl only 496 mrlor. (I 9384C) SJ l 'HJ 00 J.,.-S-Type 1 ltl m1 ltht m<un ""'' (19314) Sl'S~ Wanted 9045 BOAT REPAIRS/ ~' ~ ~ SERVICES • My f.if' ,_.,,. ff,, '(OU --------'-"' l/.+11 •• IH1tll .....,i lr• 99MIZCUU20 black w 'bla< .. lut/1'!1 chr1w""d wi-.. <19m> SJ<J98t• 949.574.7777 f'..U..SAUTO ~-'°'" • •••• 1 ... 1)1,k R..y @ ''"'""'' ll<n" ~ 114 411 l'IJI ,. 714 ~ Il.28 CASH fOI (AIS WE HU D YOUR CAI PAID FOii 0 111 NOT PHIUIPS AUTO ASIC FOR MALCOLM 949 S74 7777 IOYOIA ~rou11111. BOATS l1m1ted 4)(4 ~ll't~• full1 , ·p---Boa-ts---95-1-5 loaded, 9600 "'' I"''' ower •Ond $31 (JJ) 919.~.t' fH• I SO Nt W & USU> 80 ATS 0-P•t IOAT SffOW Volk1woge n '00 leetle 78" m1 \pdr kl11111 fol.• k ,_,,1me:al •ulo rn1( tirl r.o .,... "1 d""Y ,.f,1 11~ ~ n~w v#4 l00'>'> ti I 4<J'.> l1n & Wdtl •t1l f J"i'J , Moy 29 Juno 1 Toi f,_ 146 ·374 ·21>28 Sailboats 9520 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 93 FT SUI' AVAILUU IN N£WPOaT HACH S2500 LIAS( 949-SOO-lOOS 11'1 1980 EUCTllK DUFFY t•••d lvp S9000 p11vate party ~9 673 'l6J6 UDO ISU l)()(J( Uo to )4h ., bo:<wn ""°"' I ?h _... • ~ .... "'"'*' po-'id'! hH /f,fl <wj 'JOO 6714 ~. May 25, 2003 95 llO inunp • .. ron:i.s lo """' 111'.ld lftYticd a annd &Jam if SoutJI WU ma.umum. Soush ~u happy to ~ led the wp o( the ~ lll!(jUellCt!. llDd tht optJllUM 4."0UO&t .. I.cut 14 tncb The pe11mmt ra!ua dus is so only tf er~ btellt ).2 ('JI Wc.11 1w club lcn¢1. r.od &oob (« • way to da.t:mune tht ddcnbuoon Declan:J 'lhould win tht optnmg lud with dummy's lee r.od cuh two mon: ~l*ir IJXlh. diicanlin1 » dub fl'l)fTI dllmmy aux! nouns F~·~ dU muod <Sue.rd nn the dunJ round NeAI comes lhter round.\ ol beani-. l:.a.>t ag111J1 dt'4.:wdm& 1 di~ on the llurd When boch dcfcodcn fol k>"' 111 lhr •c ""d l.1n1 of du1mond•. the count " l<llllplctc West !llal1Cd wtltJ lO Clt<1' Ill tbe IDll}Otl aBd 1d ~ ""O d&llJJ'IUOd\, loll atlllO( ba\C ruom f oc mun-th4l1 one 'lub llle rat I\ C<i\) A dub 1' led U> Ul&: acc. Jim 1n ••...: Wl.''1 '\1niJCM'ffl clut> I) lhc Ji1Ll V. hn1 \ltnl f\illo ... , k.r'" declarer t.AJllllnuc' '"11h • duh frum dummy '1llil fine..~' the nine It " • 51mplc nun.et 10 , .i.\h the IJntt "' clubi.. , n.M tu th.: table •Uh the: quec:n of dwno1xh .nd "'"~' the quertl of duh-. lor the I Ith 1.nd. ~ PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed sectton to find servt<es from electronics and plumbers. to llllercedet •oo f320 B•• 94'1 '.>lfi l>U'.I' 16> •< ludl m1 full www.oc,.t.l.<om • SIDNEY SAIOT a COMPUTE S7SO/OIO 714 6S0·591S IOAT SlrS NOW AVM ... ~-wts. loc.lbon ~ """"'· w-~ pcMer landscapers and painters faLtory wltr torQU<>t'~ blu• r>11me•I llllr mnonrr11>f CO i hrome whl\ on• ol lh~ lriw•~I mile Mert el!« of lh~ ye" on l •hi v•S57291 S?'} Cf9'> l1nan< on~ ao1I Bkr 949 '.186 1888 w _.oc,.b.<om 1111 ...... 4SOSQ 75 s.MY '""'~ "' ... dll\t Im. wnr ool l>tk k 1nl S/700 Cdfi!l'•IV'd S4IXX) J eood wod 94<\ 689 S4J2 Morcecle• 380Sl '1 2 hard 10\l and n••• o~w "''' 11>1! r..o. nu new ~nit. bla.. .. $5700 949 '>74 56bJ ... ,..<lff 380Sl '12 h<lfd tup •nd l>f:dl new wll fop 60I mt rw,.., en11. bl.or .. V.700 94':1 574 ~3 llllercedH '81 S60 Sl white tan 1mmcu. n\IL nn. it'M llfW .... ~ ,,.ure. st4Jll) n• 751 2'llitl NEW2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF PREMIUM PKG. 16' Af.LOYS. CO i1~,~J IATTltSffiU (TCEl8) • OTHER AT SMllAA SAWiGS! • LHS lll)T~ lfS FUN ......... 55 FRffWAY @ axrGR SAHTA NIA AUTO ltWl IUl)12J..tlOI ~94W7~ Everyday is a great day ~~~ in Cl~ifledt Be a part of It, place your ad fodayt (94-9) 642-5678 Daily Pilot Class1f1ed Community Marketplace TODAY'S SUNDAY PUZZLE ACROSS I Ciurt'pltrs up 5 Aetra vi Ldi.~t;Jl !) NUISll'lCC ~ 14 Emoarror,s JQ Pay Oy ....,'I 20 Gmy "' ~'l'Dn ;> 1 R0trilllCP. 1n 'vr-r rr- 22 >Jerrn1r.eo 23 Gar•u 0.JS 2~ ... '2. o.1se 2;, !:>elh ~o .. .;>t; Pr11e 21 Ntuscie• rio.1'.l y 28 Prune 30 Divers .,,lt<tvl> 32 Tattered 3t1 Crusty dal>sorl 35 Wallet l>h .. f'e• 36 Par1 of mpg 37 Gu c tt as a11 ala•rr 38 Brick worker 39Honey 40 K1'11'.1 of cxp•n•rr 4::> Conce<t hall f1;rn1<,ti1ng 12 Nd'!) 45 -ch· Ch UB" 4 /Murmur soot"•nq•y 49 UK -:ountry 50 HalT'burger ex« a ~2 Atwnal with a shell !">6 L ke a house cat 59 Droplet 61 SIOrmy gusti. 62 1'1fanl s ou1111 64 Befo<e to By on 65 Eno C'e 66 Half oondlb0.,91 670ulll 6880ldcr 70 Gossip 71 Chewy taMy 73·_ -seeing th•ngs?" / 4 Belly button 7 5 Ponrait plllfltet 77 Aetir"s k1:tres 78 Society b11et v 79 Papeete n1111ve 82 <.;a111• ~ 65 G:>a sc.unles 8A f-t:•.d I•"' ~ tty 89 -.>ti lg<JC •t:dl.IY1 91 S .... m1 .. s: 95 011-t;;:Jfll(.t; 9F. 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