HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-28 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 2003 Newport council maY rebuke colleague City leaders will look into comments made by Councilman Dick Nichols suggesting that the Planning Commission might have taken bribes. INSIDE Councilman CJick Nichols addresses his comments to the Planning Commission. See Forum, Page A6 each of them is trying 10 do a good and honest job. My remark was mean1 to ask.: Can the Planning Commission reach equity in their decisions?" QUESTION Should Newport~ have a~,. pof.icy7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send e-mail to dallypilot@latimes.com. ? • June Casa1rande Daily Pilot Nichols' comments and to consider whether Nichols shouJd be punished. no factual basis for saying so.· But Bromberg said that Nichols' apology comes up shon. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. NEWPORT BF.ACI I -Councilman Dick Nichols' w1founded suggestion that Planning Commissioners mlght have accepted bribes couJd resuJt in sanctions against the councilman. Bromberg said he was withholding judgment until after the city attorney prepares the report and after the tran· scripts have been reviewed, but he noted: ·Possible sanctions might be ap- propriate if Nichols did suggest or imply that planning commissioners had taken bribes and if it's found that Nichols had Nichols has written a lener apologiz· ing for the incident. •I am sorry that my remarks may have implied improper behavior; I truly do not believe any zoning com.nu!>· sioner is being bribed,· Nichols wrote. ·I truly respect individually each of the zoning commissioners and believe that •l( the transcripU. show that he actu ally accused them of 11llproper behav- ior, then apologizing for 1ust implying it doesn't really do it," Bromberg i.a.id. Mayor Steve Bromberg on "1\Jesday asked city staff to prepare a report on KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Nichols addressed the Planning Com- mission on Thursday lo weigh in on a request for an add.won IO a private home. He disagreed with the comrru!>- sion's decision 10 deny the n:que<.t, add· mg: "It <>Ure doesn't look. good. It looks llke you·re talc.mg money for this one.· Lornm1!>'i10ner.. and council col- See COUNCIL, Pace M Newport-Mesa home prices rise April price tags show a 22% hike in Newport and a 14% in crease in Costa Mesa over last year. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot NEWPOKl -Ml·.SA -Median home pnce!> continued to !>oar m April. a '>lalewide real estate trade group !'.aid Tuesday. In Omnge County. mid-level single-family home values h11 S448.4 I 0 for the month. a 20.6% increase from last April. the Cali- fornia Assn. of Realtors reponed. With condos and new homes included, the median value came in at S329,000. the group reponed. are 5elhng. luxury home!> have alw remained at the hean of '>Orne Of the most robust in- creal>t''>, '>aid Steve High. the pre<.1den1 of !>trada Propemes. I hgh'~ company has closed Ii ve '>a.I es '>tn ce April I that croSl>ed the $7-million tag. he '>aid • 1-vcrything on the water nght now 1<, really outperfomung the marketplace." Hlgh said. "It all come~ down 10 our lack of m· ventury.· lligh and others said the ht!>· wncaJJy low inlerest rates, sparse supply of how.ing and desirable locatfon have been fuelling the ho me-value juggernaut in a gen eraUy weak economy. A 30-year fixed rate mongage. m the nation. rested at 5.03, on Tuesday. according 10 Web site Bankra1'.com. Rates haven't been thb low locally since 1958. !>aid Bill Sinclair, the president of Tim Cromwell is a former planning comm1ss1oner who would like to see Kona Lanes saved. Home prices in Newpon-Mesa continue to ~pike. local real es- tate agent~ '>aid, mirroring the countywide trend. And while le!>.'. See HOME, Pae• M Not a gutter ball yet Bowling alley operators say they can save Kona Lanes if given a chance and some time. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot A s demolition day approaches for the landmark Kona Lanes bowling aJley. accusations are flying that CJ. Segerstrom & Sons did not make enough effort lo keep bOWling anaOiher enCerlafhmem uses at the Mesa Verde Center. Kona Lanes, a distinctive bowling facility renowned for its googie architecture, closed May 18. The F.dwards movie theater and the Ice Capades Ola.let closed within four months of each other in 2001 . The Segerstrorns. who own the shopping center, had intended lo replace all three with a Kohl's department store. But the City Council shot that down in April after residents cried foul about the loss of recreation and the prospect of another boxy, cha.in departmen1 '>lore being plopped onto Harbor BouJevard. In their efTon to get Kohl's approved. Segerstrom spokesman PauJ Freeman said in February the market for bowling m Costa Mesa did not support the ailing Kona Lanes. whjch the Segerstroms were keeping alive with Tent cuncesmons; Bui not everyone agrees with that verdict. · Severdl entertainment operators say they wouJd take over Kona Lanes in a heartbeat if a long-term lease or the right price 10 buy the land was available. "It's a goldmine,· said Joe Roussin of AMF Bowling. ·1 don't care what anybody says on the Segerstrom side. I have several people that are interested in that facility, al the right price ... (The Segerstromsl don't even want to look at it. They're just THl~KING ALLOWED 'It's a goldmine. I don't care whatanybodysaysonthe Segerstrom side. I have several people that are interested in that fa cility, at the right price .. .' JoeRousm Nlf Bowling saying it's dead and they just want to lear-it-down:-- Segerstrom officials d eclined lo comment for this story. The balls started rolling down the lanes at Kona in 1958. But a drop in league play and Kona's outdated scoring system both contributed 10 an unalterable loss in revenue. Owner Jack Mann said he had discussed renovation options with the Segerstroms. He estimated that he would have 10 invest about $3 million for a return or only $175,000 See GUTTER, Pa1e M Not a bad example for us to follow N ewsOa.sb. Rowdy, foul -mouthed partyerf are not Just a problem In Newport Beach. There Is just IOmethiilg about the ocean. sand end aummer beat -mixed with your favorite alcohol -that brings out an lncreaalng need to get together and wreak havoc. AlthcJuRh the towns are wpumd ~ 3.000 mllel; Newpon 8elth and Vlrglntt 8elicb -.e the ..... liphlfl bltde LOLITA HARPE ft °'~ lherowdy ~ Vlrpua 8tiildi hit clllC<Mled a tactic: tbM willb beUet dwD more unlbmed olkm lild heftier Mlon twtnp., The vtsltor'a bUreau. "You would ask 10meone to DMM and they wouJd aay, 'v.h right. ... The eutem beach town did men8Ye reeeuch bodl in town and out. 1Jn11e and members other committee uUgned to study the altuadoft apote with bulinal ownen, relktenlll. police and tbc.e wboee bebniorl they were trying to aab: lDOlt.fy 18 to 2S-)"'ll-ddl. City ~ talbd to ll:idl ftom a local aJid'nMlldnn ..... tcbool llnd .... al -· • ind uaMnllda ~--tD be CINi:t. .. tbml ~ ...................... ... .... to..,, . .....-.w. -:!hill . .,.... ... _ -............... ....,_ ... .u:aa, .... M ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Curtain call for OCC conductor Alan Remington, a music professor who has taught at the coll ege since 1977, is set to retire. Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot OU: CAMPUS -Alan Rem- ington is about 10 take his final bow as both conductor and pro· fessor al Orange Coast College. Only the second conductor to lead the OCC Symphony Orches- tra in its 42-year history, Reming- ton began his career at the col- lege as a full-time professor in 19n and took over as conductor of its 00-piece symphony orches- tra in the mJd-1980s. He will re· tire next month. "I'm going 10 ~ it W!rf Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE tn be• t.cj wannei thin on u.dlly. S.PllleA2 SPORTS ColoftedetMer'll•• ... ....... ~ '° ........... Clly In .. ............ °'O#OMeloft IV .. z .. _.wlw Alan Remingtoo much." Rem· mgton said ·rm gomg to miss my stu· dents. my col- leagues . . . it's going to leave a big whole in my life but it's time to lea9e." With a bach· elor's and mas· ter's degree from the American r.onservatory of Music and ~an of experience as a bassoorust with the OUcago Symphony Or· chestra and the Houston Sym· phony. Remington bas made his mark as a musician. He has also worked as an orchestra!.fr for Paramount Studios and"I free. lance composer and arrangeT' for many years. which bas added to SM CONDUCTOR, Pace M SALUTING DADS AIOUT FATHER'S MY ~yout ..... by Mndlng • .,,.., ~Of two ebout~~~ .. ., grMt. llong .... photo. tD 1he Olly Plot for pilblc..S0t1 on FMNt\ Dev. Send• Mlf ld1tu 111f ~Nyou_,.b s>hc*> ........ P<*i" .......... ,,. ..... fot ..... 11.Junel. Sencf Yo"' ...... tD,...,.. O.,.o.1¥ ....... .., 9'..C-Mzillm:l7; .... •da\s? •I 11 cmtor .. '° .. -..-~ ....................... ..... ...,.....,. ....... A7 • pa Ill ' r- 1 A2 Wednesday, May 28, 2003 LOCALS ONLY NEIGHBORS Dave Elliot Dave Elllott was appointed assoclate vice president of university relations at Vanguard UnJversity. Blliott wW focus on expanding the university's influence thr.>ugh business, community organizations, church and government ... Louise Belllstmo and Jo Corbett of C.Orona del Mar and Debbie Hobmen of Newpon Beach completed 30 hours of state-mandated training for the C.Ourt Appointed Special Advocates, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing intervention and advocacy services for abused children through trained and supervised volunteers ... On Friday. Orange Coast College will honor 2.025 students during its commencement ceremony. Associate in arts degrees will be awarded to 1.524 students and 501 students will be granted certificates of ~----. completion. A Tyler Magnusen crowd of more than 6,000 is expected to anend ... Tyler . Magnusen, 12, of Costa Mesa won second place in the children's 12·and·under championship strawberry pie eating contest held during the founh annual Su:awberry Sunday Funfcst and Oassic Car Show at the Orange C.Ounty Mark.et Place in Costa Mesa ... Orange Coast C.OUege's social science honor&J)' society. Phi Alpha Mu. recognized students for outstan~g scholarship. Students from C.Osta Mesa were Bva Cadez, Victoria L Davia, Mlo Pnkuablma. Andrea GMpar, Martha J. Hernandez, l9*lle Huguet. Unh C Huynh, Marl8ela Mendon, Barmak Nantgb1, Montgomery Norton. Sua M. Stelnfurth, 10b1M w.cker, Dorothy Wadlewlld, Marlena IC. Wellbrotand}lng1Jleng.From Newport Beach, Dawn L Brlcbr, Rebecca S. Poster and Katerina A. Sorrell were honored ... Nine students were named winners in the annual Americanism Fssay C.Ontest sponsored by the Newport Harbor American Legion Auxiliary Un.it No. 1 291. Winners who wrote on the topic of" America the· Beautiful" were Krissie Adnoff of Newport Elementary. Ryan Jacobs of St. John the Baptist School and Savannah BeU of Newport Elementary. Those who received recognition for writing on "Who Keeps America Safe" were NJchole Slykbous of and Andrea Dumovtch of C.Orona del Mar Middle School Wmners who wrote essays titled "My America" were Kevin Whitaker, Evan Basurto and Mandie Marquez, all from Davis Education Center. • NEJGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please direct noteworthy information to Coral Wilson by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e·mail to coral.wilson@latimes.com. PET OF THE WEEK Sylvia Sylvia Is an a1fectionate 9-year·old long hair silver gray cat who can't find a home because most people are looking for kittens. "Sylvia is a lap cat rbat • hugs," said DiAnna Pf'aft'-Martin. foWlder of the Newport Beach·bued C.Ommunity Animal Network. "But most everyone ts wanting a kitten this time of year, forcing eudwwd.a rates to soar at shelters.• a "Pet for Seniors• program. Camilies still prefer kittens. The oeiwotk discourage seniors from adopting kittens because the pet often outlives Its caretaker and can't adjust to the aowded shelter lifestyle later on. Pfaff-Martin sa.id. •u com ss,ooo to retire a cat in the Newport Beach-based National Cat Protection Society and most aeniora are not prepared.'' she said. Having more than one cat living together also makes it easier for them to integrate later on, P!afl -Martin said. "Saving lM!8 is what rescue is all about.• she aaid. •it ls not fluff; it ii bard work and emotional. The animals are dying (or our help.• See other animals www.animalnetwOtt.org or Russo's pet store at fashion llland between noon and 4 p.m. on weekends. Information: (949) 759-3646 or Commwlity Animal Network. P.O. Box 8662, Newport Beach 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 148 THOMAS H. JOHNSON N9w9Edlton Publllher Gina Alexander, Lori Ande1110n, TONYDOOERO Oanlet Hunt, Paul Saitowltt. Editor Daniel Stevena JVOV O£TllNO A~~ NEWSSTAFf' Cflme~~~· Promotlonl Dlrectot (949)57<M ~.bhamti•l.rlnw.com June=·· EDITIHO STAFF S.J.Cahn Newport reporter, Mal~ng Editor, (949) 67.M.232 (M9 574-4233 Ju~.C11Nfl'1'ndtl•111t1,,,...c:om a J.catin• l•tl,,,..,com ,....Clntolt ~Meler Politic:., bu•lneee end .nvlronmem City ~dltor, (Ml~ repotW, (949) 7M-4330 """*',,,.•""""-com paul.cllnton•,.,,,.,,_com NdwdDuM Lollll ..... Sportl Editor, Cotumnl«. c:ulb.lre fWPOl'W, (949)574-'223 rldlM'd.duM•,,.,,__oom (!Ml) 5'7'-4Z7& JoMJ. ...... lollra.~IM/nw..oom M Director I Newt Oeelt Chi.f, .,... ........ (949)~ Colt.t Meu f'9PONr, ,.., ·~221 Jo-Nnto.•lfltf"*-com ~,,..,.,,•1e11me&com ..... MICe .. Ct ..... c... ~!dttor, Ml7'M..u&e (ducedon reporter,, .... ~ ~.ml!Jt;lri.ll/fftMl.ciom ~cetrl#o • ...,,,,_com FOR A GOOD CAUSE Adeline Cohen F or Adeline C.Ohen, volunteering is not about getting recognized but about providing sustenance for her soul. Cohen has been volunteering at Girls Inc. in C.Osta Mesa for the past year. She says she cherishes the opportunity to help young gjrls with the tangible topic of homewotk and the more intangible issues of self-esteem and identity. During her time at Girls Inc.. the enthusiastic 83-year-old has worked with P3tancta High School students in an after-school tutoring program and with junior high girls in a summer program. "It's a pivotal age, they're just beginning to define themselves," Cohen said in reference to the junior high girls. "The thing I had to give them is awareness that adults are not in a world all by themselves. They are connected by their experiences." The Laguna Woods resident got Involved with Girls Inc. through her association with Working Wardrobes. which assists survivors of domestic DUI ARRESTS Thess people have been arrested rBC8ntly on suspicion of driving under the influence of tin intoxiet1nt They have only been affested on suspicion of t1 crime and, as with all susP«fS, are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday Adam Garcia-Alcantar, 26 Raymond Alexander Amadeo, 27 Saturdey Elizabeth Brandi Zakar, 28 Gregory Scott Nicolle, 32 Amanda Noel Bartz, 23 Helping girls find direction violence and other adults in crisis to help them get a job. Sh e worked on an event that supplied prom dresses to students at Estancia. One day, after the event, she went to Estancia to see the girls in their dresses and "never left", she joked. Over the summer, Cohen worked with the Eureka program. which focuses intensively on science, math. technology, sports instruction and career preparation. Her interest in worl:ing with students evolved from her career as a high school guidance counselor. "I loved helping kids find their direction in life." Cohen said. When she volunteered to work with Eureka, she offered her counseling skills as well. To have the greatest impact on the girls, Cohen shows interest in their music and asked them to bring the words to their favorite songs. Through music. the girls would Jason Michael Staley, 26 Richard Daniel Woodward, 35 Jodi Jerome Jarek, 43 Friday Jade Robert Giangiulio, 38 Michael John Reddi~ 23 Jesus Cidena. 21 Edward-Aldaco, 43 Andreas Christian Schleuu, 39 Scott Cooper Daniels. 32 Thursday Travis Ryan Hubbard. 23 NEWPORT BEACH SUNDAY Scott Richard Mortensen, 25. Huntington open up about boys. make-up and things they did that they might not tell their parents about, C.Ohen said. "The greatest compliment a kid can give you is not to accept you, but to let you in," C.Ohen said. "For all their bravado, kids need to feel safe.~ Orleda Roa. volunteer coordinator for Girls Inc. praised Cohen's lbility to foster the girls' independent thinking skills. "(She's) always talking to the girls about really thinking about what they want to do with their funues, what qualities they possess as individuals and how that will help them achieve their goals in life," Roa said. Cohen said she gets as much out of the volunteering experience as she gives. . "I can go home at the end of the day and feel like. 'I know why I'm here.'" Cohen said. "That's important information. I know it's corny, but that's what people need to hear.~ Beach -Story by Deirdre Newman, photo by Sean Hiller SATURDAY Aaron Daniel Stamper. 20. Newport Beach FRJDAY Jose Natividad Delarosa. 28, Riverside THURSDAY Paul Steven Godson, 33, Upland David Matthew Perry. 39. Costa Mesa WEDNESDAY Brian Leverett Buesklng. 41, Frisco. TexH Jared Evan Ritchie, 25, Newport Bead\ MAY20 Nadja Christine Berger, 23, Costa Mesa Suzanne Marie Kempf, 37, Allto Viejo Coral Wll90n Box 1560. Cotta Mesa, CA 92628. SURF AND SUN New1 auistant. {949) 574-4298 Copyright No news stories, coral. wilton latirne..com illustrations, editorial matter or PHOTOGRAPHERS advertisements herein can be WEATHER FQRECAST SURF Sean Hillel', Don Leedl. reproduced without written l<arlt Treptow permission of copyright owner. While we're still a few days The southwest swell that READERS HOTUNE HOW TO REACH US lhy of June, you may have arrived T~ will peak {94916'2.eoe& Clrcu&etlon noticed that the month's gloom today, ao we can expect wavee Record your comments about the The Times Orange County hH already arrived. That'll be head-ftigh to about 2 feet Delly Pilot or news lipa. (800) 252·91' 1 the cue the rest of the~ ovem..ct. ~ Ad'lllf1Wnt with early morning fog and The IOUthM9t ewell wlU Our eddr998 la 330 W. S.y St., Costa C11ulfled (949) 642·5e78 MeN, CA 92827. 01f1C11 hours are Dfeptey (949) 6'2""321 d oud cover, followed by loM atMm on Thur'ldey, but Me>nMy • Fridey, 8.30 a.m. • 5 p.m. &Moriel afternoon sun. still leew ua with lhouldw-to c.on.ctlof• ..... Highs will be In the lower ~lghe. It le the Pllot'I policy to promptly (949) 642-5680 809 today In Costa Mea end In Frtdav loob to drop egein, correct ell enora of 1Ut.t.noe. lport9 (948) 57<M223 the upper 70. In N9wpot1 wtth chest· to~ ,,,.... call (949) 7&<M324. ,.,... Fu (949) 648-4170 lport9 Fu (9491650-0170 BNd\. Expect Iowa Miii' eo. W. could ... 1lfight11211 lnfonnedon: lncrMM on S..Urday, but FYI E-mel: daflypllot•l•tfm'n.com WWW.IMIS..rt()H.QOV todey lhould prcwlde the ..... The Newport 8eedllCottl M8l8 MMl'I Oflloe Deity Piiot (USPS-144-800) la ....._. Otlloe (949) M2-4321 w.....-er. publllhed deity, In Newport Betdl halnw Fu (IM9) 631-7128 BOATING FORECAST WWW'*'rfrld#.Otf1 end eo.ta Mele, tubeori'ptlont are evellable only by tubecriblng to The The wMteftv wlndl wit TIDES Tlmee Orange County (800) lhneli btow 10 to 16 llnota In the Inner 252-9141. In.,... out9lde of --. tNe dilmoon. whh Time ........ ~~end CosUI M ... C6iiiliffllii 2·foot weY9I end • Mbc9d WMt 9:081.m. S.llfMtNgh IUbecriptlone to the Delly Pilot ere awell of 3 to 6 fMt end IOUd'I 2..'08p.m, ,, ..... low 9YelleOle onty by ftnt ct ... NII for Published by Tltne1 Community twelof3'91t. 8:21p.m. &.11•"'9f'I t30 per month. (Prlcw lnc:tYde .. , Newt. • dlvt.lon of the Lo. Angei.. Out...,..,, the WWMit wtet 3:32a.m. -O.t1 .... tow ~._end local t.ua) Tim-. POSTMASTER: Send~ btow 10 to 15 llnoll, wtd\ 2-foot ~ erid mad nofth\W9( WATER TEllPUATUIE ~COT'he~ C2W3 Tlrnes CN. All rightt """" of ..... erid '°""' IW9I ~ ~ Otlty Plloc. P.O. ~-of4'9M. Gd19w . •I . .. Daily Pilot ~. Miy 28, 2003 Al ICN assumes investor lawsuit The Costa Mesa pharmaceutical company will fight for its investors who initially sued to recoup about $48 million in bonuses. Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -ICN Pbar- maceuticals Inc. has embraced an investors-led lawsuit agajnst its former directors, including founder Milan Panic, to recoup $47.8 million in bonuses paid out last year. The company, in a nearly un- heard of move. took over the suit, which was filed in the faU of 2002, Olief Executive Robert O'Leary said at the company's annual shareholder meeting on Thursday. O'Leary said the bonuses, which were given to past and present directors. were paid out in compensation for spinning off' 20% of rubapharm, a sub- sidiary that owns the rights to the company's popular hepati- tis drug. Panic announced his retire- ment from ICN in June. A hand- ful of other top executives have also left the company. O'Leary took over Panic's post as chair- man and chJef executive on June 20. The bonuses have caused a ·significant cash drain· at ICN, O'Leary said. Last year, ICN appointed a special Litigation committee to look Into the investor suits. Richard Koppes, an attorney at the Sacramento-based furn Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue. served as chairman. After reviewing the bonuses. the Independent committee de· cided to take over the suh , which was filed in Delaware, Koppes said. The company is BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Students will compete in engineerin g event More than 500 middle and high school studenLs from schools in Anaheim and Comp- ton will test their engineerin~ capabilities at a "Leaming with LEGOs• competition al UC Ir· vine on Saturday. Those students, who have participated in the competition. are participants in the Math· ematics, Engineering and Sci · ence Ach ievement Program. and have spent the past month working on their individual proj- ects. Leaming about structural engineering and archilecrure. the students have built aesthetJ· caUy pleasing and resilient strucrnres that will be tested on the university's shake table. Winners will be selected b~ed on how their structures, made ouL of LEGOs, are affected by the vertical, horizontal and rolling effects experienced dur- ing an earthquake. TI1e competition, organi7.ed hy UCl's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . Saturday in the Struc- tural Engineering Test Hall in the National Fuel Cell Research Center buiJding on the UCI campus. Corona <lei M ar race anives on June 7 Registration continues for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & 2-Mile Fun Walk, taking place June 7. TI1e day includes separate race., for men and women and a incorporated in that state. "We Celt the directors did not deserve the bonuse& they got," Koppes said Tuesday. Calls to Paruc's attorney were not returned Tuesday. Pierce O'Donnell, of Los' Angeles· based O'Donnell and Shaeffer, represents the former leader of the Czech Republic. In April 2002, ICN's 10-mem- be r board approved the bo· nuses for themselves and two former duectors for the public offering of shares in Riba· pharm. Shares of ICN are up more than 21 % so far thls year. The stock closed Tuesday at $1 3.22. I K Dolphin Dash for children ages 3 to 10. Participants are also invited to pana.ke of "Res- taurant Row." booths '>et up at the race site by local restaurants offering free sampling~ of their menus to runners. Preregis tra- tion is $22; $12 for the Dolphin Dash. EnrolJment is limited. Registration on the day of the race is $30: $12 for Lhe Dolphin Dash. RegisLration forms are avajlable through the Newport Beach Recreation ~crvice' at (949) 644-3151 or online at www.active.com. I or Hr•1·1 ''"'"" • t ,, /. 19.f9) (>-'•<> -9 .... Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • ... Quality Service ... • ... Nigbdy Eotertain.mcnt" .. lh1)~ 11\lrh. \\I· ( H'l.t \11'' d·"•" . ~.. . @j~ Floral & Gifts 50o/o OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids Home Decor • Furniture Mon-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 (A<..'TO!>S from Ralphs) • HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Newport e>each P oLice Department Teen Ac:ademy CfTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor. Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor. Mike Sdleafer and Chris Steel CrTY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Be&dl City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor. Steve Bromberg Coundl: Gary APams, John Heffernan, Didc Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb COAST COMMUNfTY COUEGE otSTIUCT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave .. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chancellor. Wtll1am M. Vega Board: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz. George Brown, Jeny Patterson and Watter G. Howald; student trustee Derek Shelly NEWPORT-MESA UNtAED SCHOOL otSTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St .• Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 424-6000 Superint9ndent Robert Barbot Boent: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blade, Clerk Serene Stokes. David Brooks, Tom Egan. Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER otSTRtCT 1965 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. (949) 631-1200 Board: President Jim Atkinson, Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohlig--Hall, Fred Bodtmiller and PaulE.Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY D&SJRICT P.O. Box 1200. Costa Mesa. CA 92628-1 200, (714) 754-5043 Board: President Arlene Sdlafer. J im Fenyman. Art Peny, Greg llF\IPlllLL'S --' u ( I\ '°"'-( \I{ I' I I " • Woodside and Dan Worthington Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 904-5200; ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF regional office m Long Beach. EDUCATION (310) 590-5071 200 Kalmus Dnve, P.O. Box 9050. Costa Mesa. CA 92628-9050, (714) GOVERNOR 966-4000 Gray Davis (DI. State Capttol. Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 Newport Beach ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza. Santa Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (714) 834-3220 • Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Board: President Ruben A Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haidl, James Barich, Deborah Carona, Ueslie A Ray and Frank Barbaro STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (R), 35th District, 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Press Secretary Pat Joyce. (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (R), 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319-2070 E-mail: districtlO@assembly.ca.gov Ken Maddox (R). 68th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; Fax: (71 4) 668-2104 E-mail: Ken.M addox@asm.ca.gov STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St, Suite 2000, San ~· COi.DD MIU SOLID llAIDWOOD •••• ..... ft. U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES •Chris Cox (R), 47th District, 1 Newport Place, Suite 420. Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 756-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-5611; fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Beach) E-mail: christopher. cox (@mail.house.gov • Qana Rohrabacher (R), 45th District, 101 Main St, Suite 3C. Huntington Beach, CA 92648, (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Rayburn Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-2415; fax: (714) 960-7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newport) E-mail· dana @mail.house.gov U.S. SENATE •Barbara Boxer (D), 112 Hart Senate Building. Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 2250 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 545, El Segundo, CA 90245, (2 13) 894-5000 E-mail: senator@boxer.senate.gov • Dianne Feinstein (D), 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd .• Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: senator@feinstein.senate.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House. 1600 Pennsytvania Ave .• Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: DllNK PUJSB CAIPIT ·'-liw•,..•1•• ....... ...a. ................. · ••"·-... ···---·11 ... .. c....ae 'Ille ·-··--·--........ ._ • ... .. ··-h• ...... ___ ........ ._. .. .. ....... -"' ,_., ..... ..,_ .......... .... .... _...,,...._.~-.. --,. ·-~' ·--..... l lC'·'lm!J l ·-= --· .... ·-. ,, president a1wh1tehouse.gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Didt Cheney (R), Caprtol Bu1ld1ng, Suite 212, Washington, D.C 20500 E-mail: vice.president iilwh1tehouse gov Fax: (202) 456-2461 FOR THE RECORD An article Monday on the Balboa Island Parade, "A communj[y keystone.· gave the incorrect start time for the parade. It begins at l l am.. on Marine Avenue on Balboa Island. ,,,,.,, !d.~'4 tll a&c.tt~~l!.d Hl(l,fdoeolid .June 2nth Augu~ 14th !Aw Enforcement Careers "Police Ride AJong Carune Dernonslrabon ·Shoot.mg Range Helicopte r Demonstration c~ ~(fets Tinui:dtiy Everrnigs f.roin 600 p1n 900 pin StlJdentS ~n earn UP tO rJ hOt.arS Of communitY Service Credtt! Indulge Your Palettes J oin The St. Regis Monarch Bea c h Reso rt & S pa this Wednesday May 28th from 5-6 pm, for an exhilarating Art Exhibit & Reception at Motif. Featured artist. Janet Mackaig, describes her work as "a visual haiku," and has been featured widely in the US and Japan , and is in cl uded in the permanent collection at The Los Angeles County Mus eum of Art. Meet the artist and view her work, while enjoying complimentary samples of Motif's signature "small plates;' aromatic wines, live music, and valet p arking . Art Exhibits w ilJ continue throug h September 3, 2003 Please call Motif at 949-234-3320 fo r further info rmation. Presented by The Dana Point Coastal Arts. June 4 - v~­ Home to a certain world ST. June 11 Kevin Short & Robin Hall Joy Patterson MONARCH BEACH Dana Po.Int. Ca.llfomta M Wednesday, May 28, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA..U • ....,...._Amanwn am91ted on 8Utpidon of un'-wful ca,,.,.ng on the street In h 3100 block .. 10-AO a.m. s.tufdey. • ~loull'UW'd Md Vlctotla S1rMt: A men WU arrested on auspklon of being drunk In public at 8:66 p.m. Saturday. • w..t Brook S1rMt: A man was emtlted on ausplcion of receiving stolen property In the 1100 blodc at 7:43 p.m. Saturday. • w..t Wiiton S1rMt: A man was arrested on suspicion of violation of a protective ordinance in the 300 blodc at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. • w..t 18th StrMt Md An.tteim Avenue; A man was atrested on suspicion of vandalism at 8:45 p.m. Saturday. • West 19th Strwt: A man was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence HOME Continued from Al the Corona del Mar Olamber of Commerce. ·People continue to buy a uto- mobiles and houses.~ Sinclair said. Both median-price homes in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach registered robust increases in April, when compared to a year ago. according to the report, which counted single-family homes, as weU as condomin- iums, in the two cities. CONDUCTOR Continued from Al his knowledge of music. At OCC he taught courses ranging from fundamentals of music to orchestra. and has acted as musical director for two ofOCCs summer shows, "Pacific Overtures" and "South Pacific." ·He loves his students and he's demanding of his srudents, but he's inspired them and he has their best interests at heart," said Sylvia lmpert, dean of the fine arts divisio n. which in- cludes visuaJ and performing arts. ·11e·s very passionate about what he does so he really im· parts that passion to his sru- dents." Not seeing his presence at the college as anything exceptional, the bumble professor sees his ALLOWED Continued from A 1 just behavior.-. we would rather not see. Posted directJy on the comer of each intersection on the strip are the No Bad Behavior signs, which has cartoon symbols for curse words with a red circle and slash acrOS5 them. The symbol is also on buttons and T-shirts worn by area employees and shopkeepers. The city also posted ·rules of common courtesy" that list suggestions to ensure a safe and enjoyable beach experience for everyone, Lingle said. Ungle said the two years invested in the research of the public decen<.-y campaign were well worth It. ' ·The results have been tremendous," he said. Ungle said they expected three types of responses: those who would never curse or llash or drink In public in the first place; those who do but simply need to be brought back to the real world; and those who wOJ blow It off and continue their drunbn merrtment "We haven't had many of that third category.· Ungle said. ·Most of them arn Just down here to blow off some team and they might let loOM • UttJe, but once you remind them. it's fine.• And who, euctly, It golf\g around ~ndln1 peop6e to watch their mouths and teti> tbeir dothefl on. ~ Ptteodsblp • Patrol? Yes, the PrlendlhJp Patrol Oh, .net the Youth lntervendon 1Mm. M kl nune lncticltee. the -.um biterwneioo 1Mm lt --up ol 18-to ZS.,_r-oldlJ Who .. lO their _peen .... ~II COOL 1beJ ..m.d ...., to tab It= oa lhe tioaU8ad• ........... ._Wbo-bwunllnowa _,_...,noe ..... ID-• ............... of alcohol or dNga In the 500blodtat3;341.m. Sundlly. NEWPORT BEACH ~..._9oul...,d:Atrafnc ooltlelon WM reported In the 300 blodt at 12:68 p.m. ~. • &It C.-lllghw.y and MMMhur'ICM~ Reddeu driving waf reported at 3:45 p.m. Monday. • N9wpoft 8ouleWfd: A structure fire was reported in the 2900 blodc at 2;61 p.m. Monday. • Proepect Street and CeNll S1rMt: A hit-anO-n.ln collision involving a par1ced vehicle was reported at 6:08 p.m. Sunday. • West B9Y StrMt: An abandoned vehicle was reported In the 1100 blodc at 3:02 p.m. Monday. • West 11th StrMt: A commercial burglary waa reported in the 800 blodc at 1:15p.m. Monday. The mid -level home in New- port Beach soared 22.3% to $816,250 from $667,500 a year ago. In Costa Mesa, the median price hit $400,000, a 14% rise from $350, 750 in April 2002. ·1toca1 home values are) play- ing precisely the way lhe county is playing, albeit with higher stakes, .. said Richard Luehrs, the president of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. • PAUL CUNTON covers the environment, business and Politics. He may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at paul.clinton@larimes.com. stint at OCC as a wonderful run that has now come to an end. Others around him see it as much more than that. The symphony "plays a hugely significant role as one of our big- gest community events and, as far as performing arts go on this campus, it's one of the premier thin~" lmpert said. "We hope to have Alan Remington come back as a guest conductor. He's really going to be missed." And he will definitely miss it. ·1 did my job and enjoyed do- ing it and just had a tremendous amount of support from my col- leagues and my students." Rem- ington said. ·rve done every- thing I could, I think. and l've enjoyed iL • • CHRISTINE CARRIU.O covers education and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.carrillo@latimes.com. They have been trained in conflict resolution and are also on the street to assist people in finding a local hangout, store or place to eat "They are not just out there to patrol,• Lingle said. ·Tuey are among their peers and they are helpful It is really nice to have these people out there.• Older people volunteer for the Friendship Patrol, Ungte said. lbe more seasoned volunteers have no problem telling.rowdy kids to tum down that racket or mind their Ps and Qs. Lingle called it a remarbble program that has done more than crack down on rowdy behavior on the strip, but sparked an overall "awareness ol how we speak and act in public." The overall success of the Vtrginia Beach movement is In the attitude of the enforcement, Ungle said. Simple communication. Perhaps Newport Beach City Council members can take a page out of the Virginia Beach playbook. Council members could Start by being direct wfth members of Fn!eNewportl and otbed who say they are being ign~ Signs along the bead\Side streets to Wett Newpon could explicitly hen cataln behavfon llJce thote found In Vlra1Jlla 8eacb. 1be euta:n vuatioo destination hu the no c:unin8 Ggn-WJy .unpy m...iratect to Jet~ mow tt 11 lmpollte to haft 1 pony mouth. In Newport Belch. a lack ot po«iee teemt to be put of the problem. eo Pftbapa a no udnatlng...., .. in order. Hmmm ••. wOnder what tbal • would k>Ok Ubl • LCJUaMCS a .-cloMMe . Mofldl .... ~Md ,,.... ..... OCMW'I cutMw end 1he .._ ... MIJ M reecNct M {Mil PM2'7I °' br Hnlil"' .... ,..,....~ GUI IER Continued from Al per year. He said the only opdoo they came up wttb was for a largu entertainment plan that would involve the defunct F.ctwa.rds movie theater and cost abou1 $10 million. Barlier tl1ls year. Freeman also alluded to rehabilltation attempts that failed due to ecooomJcs. "We looked at something like three to four detailed, conceptual plans for expanded theater use. expanded recreation use," Freeman said in Febnwy. "One scenario had a rink with the alley. There slmply wasn't the financial support to commit to iL Nobody wanted to make the long-term commitment to spread over some time the cost of a major renovation. and nothing short of that would have made it a viable use.• But some say the Segerstroms failed to provide long-tenn lease opportunities. Daw Osborn, vice-president of operations for Fountain Bowl in fountain Valley, said the partnership that owns Fountain Bowl tried to negotiate a long-tenn lease with the Segerstroms five years ago, to no avail. "The landJord would not give us a long-tenn lease," Osborn said. "Without it, you can't renovate the center, [you) can't atf ord to do iL (Tile SegerstromsJ gid not want it to be a bowling • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mike.swanson@latimes.oom; byfaxto(949)646-4170;orby calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number.,A complete listing is available at www.dailypilotcom. TODAY The CcM.ndl on Aging -Orange County la offering free training to recognize financial abuse and safeguard against victimization with a two-hour session called "Who Can You Trust?" The session runs from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. For reservations, call (949) 644-3244. The Mu1uat UFO~ al Orange County presents Newport resident Bob Wood, who will show and comment on the production of ·Tue Seaet; a recendy aired television special. Wood will present evidence for the existence of a covert CfUh recovery program at the 7:30 p.m. show at Costa Mesa's Community Center, 1846 Par1c Ave. Admission is $6 for first-timers with this clipping. Call (714) 520-4836 for more information. THURSDAY Op, the original Catlfomla lhstyle brand, and Projekter. Action Sports Cinema announce the opening of the Op Summer Surf Series at the Udo Theater at 9 p.m .• with a screening of the original 36-millimeter print of John Milius' 1960s surf epic "Big Wednesday.• For more information, call (949) 722-2219. Medarn Juatice LcMM Arbour al Canada's Supreme Court will /" present -Waging War Lawfull~ Who Will Enforce the Lawr at UC Irvine's 12th annual Julius Margolis Lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Social Scienoa Lecture Hall 100. Arbour will diSClUa• the use of national and International courts for prosecuting war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Admission is free. For more information, call (949) 824-6410. ~Chet.den School'• Middle Schoof Theater Clua will present "Mary Popph\a" at 7 p.m. May 29 and 30. Tidceta are $4, free for chlldntn vounger than 6. The ac:hool ia 8t 300 Atcher Ave., Cott. Meaa. C..11 (714) 437-1700, ext. 188 for tidteta or infonnation. ~y The ...... tncldol• of ....... Ft9nce end Mexico wtM be ahowcewt at. two-day lntllmedonef 1-dval at the Newport~ Centrat Ubrary. ~~of afl tuee•re lnvtt.d to the,._ 9Wf1ta .,,....nted by the Newport Beectl Sla'9r Cfty Aun. For m«e Jnfonnatfon, caM (..a) 717~. SlllDAY ,.... ...................... Perede. ·0111brttl 8el)oe ~: wt1 ..._ p1ece .. n a.m. elong M.tne ~For lntonNllotl, cell CM> 72.Mtn 8t.180tdaMM__. Eptee~ ~ P'Jl I • • Jm W. ISll I for h lcMll• •I p.m. 11'1 .. tnd he conaerf In ... 2002-03,..... °'Mill* Arill ~-Aw--The centeL They wanted it to be aomethlng else. .. And u recetJdy u • week ago, Bleda Cohen, maNlging pwtner of Sports Center Bowt In Studio Oty, Mid the Segerstroma wouldn't give her any price for the land. Cohen sald her busines,, has increased I 04Jf> each of the last four year& "A pJece of property 1n Costa Mesa is a prime piece of property and It would be great to have a bowling center there." Cohen said. "l dJdn't have anything to go on.~ And the Segerstroms' clalm that the market for bowling ln Costa Mesa is lackluster isn't entirely correct. Roussin saJd. While league bowling throughout the industry has dropped in recent years, nonJeague ~g has picked up, keeping attendance overall steady, Roussin explained. "It used to be 70% league and 30% open," Roussin sald. "Today, it's about 50-50. There's a decline in one area. but entertairunent and open play has picked up and (we're) still at 100% plateau. Overall, it's doing extremely well" FoJmer Planning Commissioner nm Cromwell also believes the Segerstroms could have done more to save Kona lanes and the other entertainment uses. Putting up a "For Lease" sign would have been a good stan. he said. Cromwell, who develops shopping centers, said the Segerstroms can make more money converting the AROUND TOWN church is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For information, call (949) 644-0463. AIDS w.ic Orange CcM.nty wiA hold its opening ceremonies at 9 a.m. and will begin at 9:30 a.m . at the UC Irvine Administration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden. Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS prevention and support services. To form a walk team o r support the event, call (949) 955-1400 or visit www.aidswallc.orploc. The ProfMsion.I Dance N.twortc will host the fourth annual "Celebrating Young Talent• at 5:30 p.m. in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coalt College. Tidcets are $10 for general admission and $25 for VIP seats. Free ti<Xets are available for select community-based organizations. For more information or tidcets. call (800) 323--0267. The Ash Fry a.by eom..t wil a,. held in Costa Mesa's Downtown Community Center in Lions Park. J udging begins at 1 p.m .. with stage announcements at 2 p.m. Baby registration and information forms are available at Cal's Camera and State Farm Insurance in Costa Mesa. Registration is $5. Forms must be mailed by May 23 or faxed to (714) 436-0191. For more information, call (714) 54S-4961. TIJESOAY P.K. Odle al the AIMrican Feng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are impfemented to complement your decor at a 7 p.m. seminar at Visions & Dreams in Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more information, call (626) 288-1669. JUNE4 The FrielMll al the Newport Beach Library will hos1 a complimentary br\lnc:::tl and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. In the friendl Meeting Room at the Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of mo,. than 70 boots, will tM the speaker. Reservations are required and mult be made by May 28. Call (714)~276. JUNE5 Edes ..... 0-.. Hemllon will retum to the N.wport Belch Centnl Ubrary at 7 p.m. to Pf9Mnt "The Crlme Novel n Cultural Study;" The best...nlng Mlthor wtll ditQ.-.. Suger Slculf;" her new nowf, and how her joum1Hem be«ground led to wl'ftfng ftdlon. Call (Ml) 717~18 for more lnfomwtlon. ,.,.... Hlfp UIA wll hold an op.n houee and "*"'"'1 ml,_ from 4 to 7 p.m. to lfM)W tM ~Its newhdley 8t 330w..t 8lly St., Suil9 120 In eo.t. Meu. The°'*'~ wftf fwtul'9 muelc S*fonMd bv °"'" O'ltrf ind Rkl ShenNn. The pubflc can l"Nlk9 ,._ wUI donedoM 8t 1he dOor end perddpMe In en IUdlon wfth....,., chwtnoe for.,... hmlOC:lll~Cal(MIJ llC).M81 fof more infonMdon. ..... uc .......... , ...... WDitdO..-. ........ or-..~•t••v tdllOGI. •• ·~ .... floa ............ 11 .. entertainment to other usea. But he woukl. Ulce to see the Seger&troms keep K.ona Lanes and use It as a bargalnin.g chlp wfth the city tor furure entitlements on the property. Oomwell would also like to see a city leader act quickly to dedare the bowling 'alley historical to prevent demolition. "lfl was actually a city councilman, knowing what I know right now about the Interest in Kona Lanes from legitimate operators and people who have the money to renovate and operate it and run it as a first-class bowling alley, I think I would loo.k into declaring Kona Lanes as a historic building in the city of Costa Mesa and stop the wrecking baU: Cromwell said. While the movie theater and ice rink have not generated the same groundswell of nostalgia. there is evidence that there is strong support for these uses in Orange County. Krikorian Theatres just opened a new movie theater in Buena Park. For renovation opportunities, amenities like new screens, staclium seating and no competitlon within three miles would be ideal but not absolutely necessary, said Jeff Kristoff, a real estate consultant who works with Krikorian. ·we·re always looldng for a good site to expand," Kristoff said. wlf there's a site that makes sense, we'll take a crack at it.• And the Ice Palace, which owns a rink in Aliso Viejo. opened a brand new rink in Vietnamese. European and Native American rultures. The noon event at Aldrich Par1c on the UCI campus is free. For information, call (949) 824-8942. JUNE 7 Mllc:y's SouUt to.st Plaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy. Hurley, O'Neill, Billabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Plaza's women's store. For more information, call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Someone Carn Soup Kitchen will celebrate its 17th anniversary in memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 West 19th St in CoS1a Mesa. The Aag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon Mathews. Tidtets COS1 S45. All proceeds will support the Someone Cares Soup Kitctlen Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs. Make reservations by May 27. Call (949) ~1. For underwriting opportunities, call (714) 801-2354. Join Susan Goldstein, one of the authors of "Healthy Dining in Orange County;' for a session about healthy ruisine at your favorite restaurants in the Bloomingdale's Home Store in Newport Beadl from 11 :30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The $15 admission includes a signed copy of "Healttiy Dining in Orange County.• Space is limited, and tldcets must be pun:ttased by June 1. Call (949) 729-6854 for more information. The Adema School Country Feir will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2850 Country Club Drive. The fair will have a silentauction.-a. 50-foot inflatable obstacle coorse, a 3(>-foot inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games, prizes, food, drinlts, a bake sale, a DJ, a guest band and more. Call (714) 424-7935 for more information. JUHE8 The Orange CcM.nty Women'• Chorus present its 2003 spring program, "On thla Island; at Newport Harbor Lutheran Chun:tt. The concert of island-themed music begins at 7 p.m. and will include the chorus directed by Eliza Rubenstein and "Man in Blaque; an ensemble directed by Joseph Huszti. Ticbta are $12 end can be,purdlued In ~•nee et (949) 461-8&90. ~alhe~muaie ... trMt9d to "The Summer Knows; •free musicale 8t 3 p.m. at the Newport Beadl Central Library. Mignonne Profam and a guest ~!st wtll pr-...nt the final program of the library'• music:lle Mfies, fMturtng tunes of Gerahwtn, Joblm and LeGrand. For more Information, call (949) 717-3818. .... u ............. ....._"'-~· A.aan. wtll ~ "Focutinv on Memory Lou'" from 8;30 to 7:30 p.m. at the o,..eo... Unkltten ~~rd\, 12Y Vktofie St., Cotta Mesa. The sw-sltllllon wlll 9ddrm vM<>us '*-of memory to. Inducing ~Dlelne.in~ eo..,_.tnd~ For men '"'°""91on, eel(•) ...4812. Yol'ba Unda last November fn ao abandoned Ralph's buJJdlng. Th~ rtnk offers • uaUoa ecbool. a hockey school. skating compeddons Wld other events. said Dominlc 8llSl i. rink employee. "We're doing very weU, .. Bassi said. "We're above averQge for O rin.k." Councilman Allan M:msoor said he believes recreational options are still viable at Mesa Verde. but the onus ls on the Segcrstroms to provide them. wThere's n o doubt in my mind that a recreation.al type of use could work there and that there are people that are interested in such a use, but the bottom line is that it's going to be up to the Segerstroms to bring something forward,• Mansoor saJd. As far as Assistant Development Services Director Perry Valantine knows, the Segerstroms have not yet appUed for a pennit to demolish Kona. But once they do, the bulldowrs can start immediately, Valantine said. A step Cromwell would like &o avoid at aU costs. WWhen the wrecking ball hits Kona Lanes. it's gone forever and they're probably going to get in there within the next couple or weeks and start demolition ... Cromwell said. ~As long as that building is stilJ there, that has value to someone el~." • OEfRORE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newman a latimes com COUNCIL Continued from Al leagu~ have expre:.sed ouuage al Nichol<.' remarks. "The lOnte:xt of my metaphor wa." not perfect," Nichols told colleague~ a1 Tuesday n ight's cou ncil meeting "I did not want to imply improper behavior on the part or the Planning Com · mi~'>ioner-.." •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers NewPort Beach and John Wayne AirPort She may be readied at (949) 574-4232 or by e·ma1I at 1une casagrande a la rimes.com SALATA, Beverly Stahl Born November 3, 1925, In Los Angeles. Passed away May 23, 2003, following a lengthy Illness. Bevel1y Is survived by her husband of 52 years, Paul Salata of Newport Beach; son, Bradley Salata of Newport Beach; daughter, Melanie Salata Fitch (Edwatd) of Newport Beach; granddaughters, Alix, and Mane Fitch. Pr1vate Internment at Pacific View Cemetef)' prior to service. Funeral MNtces Wiii be held on Friday, May 30, 12:00 noon, at St. Andf9ws Presbyterian Church. 600 St. And~ Road, Newport Beach. In Heu of ftowers donation• may be made to the Trofan League of Orange Coonty for USC Schofarshlpa or Clipped Wings for the Chlldntn'a Special Olympa. Donations can be malled to Bever1y Salata Memor1al Fund, 3723 Birch st., &"'-11, Newport BMch, CA 92860. Funeral 9eMcee under the direction of Rllhet Montebello Mortuary, 323-728-1261. • • PLUG.l I I ~ ~i PIUg Into the Pilot Classified sectJon to • find seMces from electror lies irld ~to tandsC.aperS ind pillter5, !8llOIJM.>l •<CIPA MB.\ Dail Pilorl y . Daily Pilot TOWN Continued from A4 JUNE 13 lrwenton foNm pt"Hentl I Mmlner on "Intellectual Propeny Law" by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney. et 7:30 p.m . In Orange Coast College'• Science Lecture Hell. Reg istration and networking begin et 7 p.m. The colt i1 $5 for member•. $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 640-2491 for Information. JUNE 14 full Spectyum Voge hH pertnwed with New Directionf! for Women to host "Celebrating Wholeness," a yoga end healing arts festival benefiting women and children terved by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission is free, end donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 955· 1965. JUNE 18 Phil Brtgendl, Orange County archivist, will discuss what is in the archives as they relate to Costa M esa's history at 7 p m at the Costa Mesa H1stoncal Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave . Costa Mesa. For more information. call (949) 631·5918 or visrt www.amhistpress.com JUNE 19 Th• Nstional Muttiple Sclerosis Society will present an Internet educational program called "El Cu1dado Clinico de la E sclerosis Multiple; a Spanish-speaking broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis, at 5:30 p m To connect, go to www.nar1onalmssoc1ery org select •Living with MS" and then select "Webcasts and Conferences.# JUNE 23 Children 5 and older are invited to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps offered by Newport Beach Recreation Services The camps run through August, with numerous morning and afternoon options avc11lable from HSa1hng and Tennis Comp' to ·surf Camp." Call (9491 644-3151 for more 111forma11on, or register oniine at www c1ty.newport beach c.1 ui; ONGOING Volu~ drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound. frail or elderly clients incapable of ahoppmg or cooking for themselves through #Mobile Meals,# sponsored by FISH-Harbor Area Inc. and Hoag Hoepltal. Call 1949) 645 8050 for more Information A vart.ty of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer at the M a nan Bergeson Aquatic CentN at Corona del Mar High School Options include one-on·one instruction on Saturdays, as well aa Monday through Thursday program for all ages and levels For session dates, times and costs, call 19491644·3151, or register in person at Newport Beadl Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd Children, tMns and 9dutu can now register for summer recreational boating classes offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services Classes begin July 12. Fees vary Calf (949) 644-3151, or v1s1t the Newport Beach Recreation dnd Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more information Prof9uional and licensed soccer trainers with the All-England Socoer Academy are available for one-on-one, small groop and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395·5103. J9wtsh Femily S.Mce 11 sponsoring a teen sup~rt group tor high echool ttudenta that meet.a Monday• from 3:30 to 6 p.m. at Tart>ut V'Torah Upper School In Coate Mesa. For information or to regl1ter, call (714) 4454950. Pre-registration I• required. Th• Rrwt P9ge -Rne ChlldNn'I Booka, at 270 E. 17th St, No. 10 In Cotta Meta, offer1 free story time Mondays, Wednelday, Friday• and Saturday• from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesday• and Thurlday1 from 4 to 5 p.m. For more inform ation, call (949) 646-5437. "Abl'tnct Worb on C.1M11 and Paper:' an exhibit of art by Janet Rosener, will be on di1play at the Newport Beadl Central Library through June 30. The exhibit will feature selections from Rosener'• "Washed Away" series, created by dripping, splattering or pouring additional paint and mediums onto an original painting and washing It away to suggest the passage of time. For more information. call (949) 717·3816. Award-winning worb by Orange County artists working in an array of two-dimensional media will be on display at Newport Bead! City Hall through June V.1or the Spring 2003 Orange County Artists Exhibition. For more information, call (949) 717-3870. Registration is now open for runners and walkers of all ages for the 22nd annual Corona del Mar Scenic SK Race & rwo-m1le Fun Walk on June 1. Pre-registration fees are $22 for the run/Walk and $12 for the Dolphin Dash. Registration on the day of the race 1s SJO for the runlwalk. Separate races for men and women are limited to 1,500 runners. Call (9491644-3151 to register Bayside Restaurant in Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday night for $15 per person. featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (949) 721-1222 tt your orchid is too big for its pot, Green Systems International will show you how to re-pot your plant dunng their free orchid potting seminar every Saturday at 2 p m A plant sale 1s held from 9 a m to 4 p m at the 20362 Birch St facility Call (949) 756-1211 for information Discover the secrets of C.rbon Canyon Regional Partc as you walk through groves of beauuful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8·30 a m Parking is $4 Call (714) 996-5252 for more information. Team Survivor. a nonprofit organization encouraging w omen who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts "Walk and Talk# at 10 a m. the second and fourth Friday of the month in front of NIKEgodess store in Fashion Island Members meet for lundl after at Atnum court It 1s free, and all fitness levels are welcome For more information. call (949) 275 3888. Newport Community CounMling Center offers a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In S A F.E Hands SAFE. stands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6·30 to 8 p.m Free For more information. call (949) 721-8079. Teens are invited to drop by th• city of Cost a M esa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for indoor and outdoor sports and activities. The Center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information. call (714) 327-7560. The Newport 8Hc:h W.lklng Club meets at the corner of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. THESE NEW FABRICS Will APPEAL TO EVERY ONE . EVU HUSBUOS. "* lpp9I to~· Come ... them todl,. BEST BET . ..,,., I~ Wednesday, May 28, 2003 M Cotti M .... $10 per p«aon, per Halon. Pr.reglatnrtJon r.qulred. (714)~. The Jewleh ~ SeMce of Orange County h11 a weekly parenting l\lpport group. Pa~ leam ltrltegles for euoceasful parenting and for dealing with the feellngt and behavior of their dllldren. The group meet.a from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 260 E. Biker St. Suite G. Cotta Mua. The group v.111 cover managing anger. anxiety and peer pre11ure children experler\QI. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Th• Costa Mesa~ c.m.r ha• ballroom dancing with live mu11c from the Com Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuelday night at 695 W. 19th St. Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Orange Coast College will hold its 55th commencement ceremony at 6:30 p.m. Friday m the college's LeBard Stadium. About 2,000 students will receive associate marts degrees and certificates. Faeulty and administration members will lead the procession. Jewish Family Service of Orange County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically ill. The purpose is to provide partletpants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences The groop meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jew!Sh Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Costa Mesa. Attendance 1s free. but registration is required. (714) 445-4950 everyday. For more informativn, by chef Alexx Guevara. The class call (949) 650-1332. is held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 3333 Bnstol St, The Newport Beach Cake Costa Mesa. The cost, including Decorating Club meets from 7 to materials. is S30 To reserve a 9 p.m. on Thursday nights at spot, call (818) 994-5075. Supenor and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more Yoga and rhythm, information, call (9491650-1332. "Yogarhythm1cs# combines yoga. dance and fun The class 1s held The Assn. of Business S9"'ices from 4:30 to 5·45 p m. Tuesdays hosts a nerwortung meeting that at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. deals with education connections Suite 111 , Costa Mesa. For more from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second information, call (714) 754-7399. Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bnstoi St., The Newport Harbor Nautical Costa Mesa For more Museum offers the exhibit ¥Joe information, call (949) 805-0011 Duncan Gleason: Rediscovering California's Manne Art Master,# "Divorce: A New Beginning," a through Sept 30. The museum is workshop for men and women at 151 E. Pacific Coast Highway. divorced or getting divorced, 1s Newport Beach Free admission. held from 10 a.m to 12·30 p m at For more information, call (949) 180 NewPort Center Drive on the 673·7863 third Saturday of every month. Cost is $40. For more information. Interfaith couples with one call 644-6435 Jewish partner are invited to participate in a discussion group The Newport Beach Public at the Jewish Family Service of Library hosts an hoor of stones Orange County office. The group and crafts for children in 1s geared toward dealing with kindergarten through the second issues between mterfarth grade at the Corona del Mar couples, sudl as raising children, brandl from 3 to 4 p m Tuesdays observing hohdays. symbols in The library 1s at 420 Mangold the home and relationships with Ave. For more information. call extended fam1hes. The cost for (949) 717·3800. three sessions is $45 per couple. Preregistration 1s required. Call to Free tours of the Orange County schedule date and time. The Performing Arts Center take office is at 250 E. Baker St.. Suite guests to the dressing rooms. G. Costa Mesa. (7141445-4950. performer's lounge, bac:ttstage and on stage at 10·30 a.m. every Women 50 and older can join a Wednesday and Saturday at 600 discussion groop coordinated by Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Jewish Family Services to Group toors can be held by address issues sydl as anxiety, special arrangement. For more depression. relationships, information, call (714) 556 ARTS, loneliness and family. The group eX1. 833. meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the agency offices. The Newport Beach Newcomers 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Club holds a general meeting on Mesa. Preregistration required. the third Wednesday of every (714) 445-4950. month. The organization 1s open to all women residents in Friends of th• Newport e.ach Newport Beach who have hved in Public Library Used Book Store the area fewer than five years. For are asking for patrons to donate more information. call (949) books to replenish the dwindling 645-9922. or visit stodt. Books may be left at any of newcomers·newportbeach org the three branch hbranes - Balboa. Manners. or Corona del 0.sis Senior c.nter hokh a Mar -or in the book doset next pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 a.m. on the second Saturday of Avocado Ave., Newport Beadl. every month. Breakfast includes All hardcover and paperbadt pancakes, sausage. coffee and donations, with the exception of orange juice for SJ. $1 for magazines and law books, will be dlildren. The center is at 800 accepted and are t8X deductible. Marguerite, Corona def Mar. For (9491759-9667. more information, calf (949) 644-3244. The Braille 1Ndtut9 o«... free computer classes to people with Macy's Soutti Coast Plaza fading vision who have difficulty presents "Woruhop seeing the computer screen. The Wednesdays: A Hands-on Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Cooking Oass Program" hosted Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six Give Us Your Child this Summer. ... .. 'U "",...at .... I ftlll ea•1•k 18"1 lllaMr• f\t. Tuton119 Clubs of Amfflc.1, ~·re dt'dlatt'd to ensuring your child SU<CttdS (949) '4S·J900 488 E•Jt 17th Strttt • COSU ~ (.aomtf f//f IMnt ~) MATH • alAOING • WUTING • STUDY MULLS • JAT ,_., sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A spiritual care dus meets at 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beadl. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1402. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networtcing lundleon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf Course Dnve, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain tumor support group meets the first and third Thursdays of eadl month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Registration not required. The group is designed to help patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays in D1erenfield Hall C at 600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beadl. (949) 574-2236. The Jewish Femily 54KYice of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Scrabble Club No. 350 mMts from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Borders Books. Music & Cafe at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bear St. in Costa Mesa S3 New players are welcome (9491 206-9822. The Coin and Sump Club mHb from 1 to 3 p m. Mondays at the Oasis Senior Center New members intere61ed m trading. buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to 1oin these informal meetings. There are no fees reQu1red. (949) 644-3244 Jewish Family Set'vice ofhlrs ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share ~ expenences, hear how others deal with gnef, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea 1n Laguna Hills The third group meets at 1 p.m . Thursdays at the Ezra Center in Anaheim Free. but advance registration ts required (714) 445-4950 Jewish Family Set'vice of Onnge County provides a support and discussion group for persons recovenng from childhood or teenage sexual abuse The group meets from 8 to 9·30 p.m Tuesdays at 250 E Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance reg1strat1on 1s required. (7141445-4950 GIVE YOUR DAD THE TIME OF DAY, FATHER'S D AY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 1 SrH. ISN'T IT TIME TO REMEMBER DAD? " RO LEX M Wednesday, May 28, 2003 FORUM HOW TO GET PU1U8HED -L.a.rs: Mail to Edhot1al Page Editor 5.J. C.hn et the Delly Piiot, 330 W. Bey St., Coeta M .... CA 92827 •AH den Hodne: C.11(949)642-8086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mlll:Send to dallypllot#llatim..com •All correepondence must Include full Mme, hometown and phone number (for verttk:et:lon purpoeee). The Pilot reMrvea the right to edit eU aubmluk>nt for derfty and lengdi. MAILBAG Clarifying a student investigation I was saddened to read Orange Coast C.Ollege President Gene Farrell's comments in the article •ocx: paper takes on student government.. Satwday). As the cun-..nt editor of the Coast Report, I would like to clarify a couple of points. First, the paper did not make any inquiries or allegations about Brown Act violations for monetary reasons. lf Farrell asked fellow administrators at the school. Including Kate Mueller, he would find that the paper was inquiring into the nature of the meetings prior to the budget being made public. The paper had even contacted lawyers with questions about the meetings before it knew how much money it wouJd receive. FU PHOTO I OAl.V Pl.OT Mike Billings, right, the editor in chief of the Coast Report at Orange Coast College, sits with copy editor Matt Ballinger. Oh the silliness of the "Around Town,· we attended a Friday morning performance of For public knowledge, the funding the Coast Report receives from the Associated Students does not fund the printing of the paper. The advertising in the paper funds the printing. Rather, the funding is for a journalism conference the students attend each semester -a learning experience. A decrease ln funding does not hamper the paper's printing or ability to function. Second, the Brown Act does not have an exemption for students to learn. If the students want to be part of allocating real money, they need to follow the Jaws, no matter how hard that maybe. city mottos Thanks Peter Buffa. for reminding us all how goofy city mottos are C-ltme to trade up motto," Sunday). C.OSta Mesa Is not. nor was it ever, "The Hub or the Harbor." That's Newport Beach, the whole universe knows that. So now we are going to swap that motto for a new lie. Now we are "The Qty of the Arts." as if saying it makes it so. not unlike the fabuJous Baghdad Bob. the Iraqi m.isinfonnation czar. Laguna Beach is the uaty or Arts. .. Always was, probably always will be. The whole universe knows that Google tells me that a motto is a "short pithy saying or phrase." OK then, how about this for a motto for our town. Costa Mesa. "The City That Has Everything"." Then an asterisk. and In tiny print. "Except a Beach." (Thanks Newport, for always letting us use yours.) Orange Coast C.OOege's fourth annual Fiesta Latina. We an reladve strangers to the college and know nobody there. What a delight everything about the performance was extraordinarily good -the dances, the dancers, the costumes, the lighting effects and the commentary of artistic director Jose Costas. We were so excited we felt we had to write this Unle report. The performance was free, but as milady Annabelle said afterward, "It was good enough to be worth a $50 ticket." Bravo to C.Ostas and his very talented and enthusiastic ensemble. The Robert Moore Theatre was crowded with lucky schoolchildren. Apart from lhelr teachers: the two or us were the only adults there. Too bad. So many other seniors like us would have enjoyed It. Many I also believe the public should be wary of such behavior by public officials. The Associated Students allocate nearly $1 million of public funds. The public shouJd not take this lightly. GARY DRIES other grown·ups also, but of All the paper is asking for is the law to be followed. I do not O>sta Mesa course they don't have the wonderful freedom to attend a 10 a.m. performance. believe that is too much tow Quite a find at OCCs for. MIKE BIWNGS Fiesta Latina We'll be there for the fifth annual edition next year. With many others, we hope. • • Editor of the Coast Report Thanks to the photo and To: From: Subject Huntington Beach blurb that we spotted In your All 3rd. 4th, Sth and 6th grade boys and prls Pilot Cup Soccer Tournament Headquarters • Pilot Cup Soccer tournament, May 28"'-June 1 • JOHN GAlY LAPlNfTE Newport Beach It's time to sign up for the most exciting soccer tournament of the year: The Fourth Annual Pilot Cup! 11 The Pilot Cup is a one week soccer tournament which involves all public and private schools in the Newport Beach.Costa Mesa area. It will be held May 28"'-June 1" to see which school has the best soccer team in the following divisions. l "' and 4"' grade boys; l"' and 4"' grade pis 5"' and 6111 grade boys; s• and 6111 grade girls Wtnners will receive commemorative awards. Wmning schools will receive the right to show off the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy Award for one year. So go to the principal's office or the athletics office right now and sign up to represent your school in the most exciting soccer event of the year -The Pilot Cup 2003. . All participants receive at-shirt. This tournament is sponsored by the Daily Pilot and Youth Services Association. There is a $5 contribution to.cover the cost of the t-shirt. Don't miss out on this chance to play soccer for your school and win the right to the Pilot Cup Perpetual Trophy as the best soccer school in town. Yes, we do need coaches. For more lnformadon, contact your chiJd'1 ICbool. C11p Boy a Girl Cl Shirt Size: SmalJ a Medjum a Large a School:.~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grade: ~--------------------------------- It's okay for my son/daughter to sign up for th1 Pilot Cup Parent Signature: ___________ _ ·----------------------------------------------------------· COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Speaking up where challengers are needed I believe our dty goyemment lhould treat all residents equitably. I have become lnmmlngty &uscnted by what I percetYe as a lack of equal treatment of residents by the dty government Nowhere was this more evident than at the May 22 meeting of the Newport Beach Planning C.Ommiss.ion. A party who had replaced two three-story maxi-duplexes with a beautiful two-story home with a full patio roof at the 20-foot level was W>.falmeu of the process. I am IOIIY tba1 my remades may have impUed improper behavior; I truly do not be1ieYe any Aann1ng Commilllooer is being bribed. I respect eadl one al them and be1ieYe tha1 they are trying to do a good and honest job. My choice or worda was really meant to ask; Om the Plannlng Commmion reach equity in their dedsion's apparent inequities ln the DICK modi&ation. plann.lng and council NICHOLS revtew process. This 1.s what led me to malce this rem.art. denied an oa:upancy permit because they waterproofed an elevator outlet and endosed and incorporated an authorized shower Into a mlnirnal toilet/ shower room. The 100-square-foot addition was incorporated into a Oat-roofed structure with minimal view hindrance compared to the three story previous duplexes. The additional construction, although Newport Beach Inspection signed off. was apparently not authorized. and with a Oat-roof design presently exceeds the height limit The addition could have been made legal with a slant roof: This would have onty further ~tricted conummity views. The neighbors nearly wUversaDy supported the application for a variance from the dty. When buildings were ob9erwd from across the channel. Lt is dear numerous three-story slant roof view blocking homes and several homes with cupolas have been allowed. Vartances are so prevalent the situation is called "mansionizadoo." The denlaJ of a variance ln the present case. denies an occupancy permit and causes real hardship, but still the permlt was denied J am afraid my frustratio.ns showed at the Planning ~on meeting, to the point of my stating that. "the Inequity of our zoning results, looJcs to the casual observer, like someone is getting pak1 off." This metaphor was an attempt to call attention to the utter City C.Oundlmen actively participate in and head the majority of our city's commtuees. They chair the important Aviation. Hart>oc. Economic. Environmental and General Aan. Update and Advisory C.Omminees among others. None have yet been ~'llgned to the Planning C.Omm.ission. I have attended the Planning C.Omm.ission ~ to better understand what is going on and the basis for the Planning C.Ommission decisions.. Hope{ully we speak. if there are inequities that can be prevented I am new to the dty government Previous!y I have been the president of the C.Orona de! Mar C.Ocrununity Awl. and currmdy a Senate director of the California Republican Assembly. I ran for office to ttuly represent the residents. This requires making waves that aie unpopular with the entrenched powers--that·be. I have a PhD ln chemical engineering and specialize ln aspects of mecba.nicaJ construction and poOudon cootrol ln my engineering equipment and consuJting business. I am lnaeasingty becoming involved in pollution issues ln the dty while maintaining my strong support for residents as evidenced by my 20 years of youth sports and community activities. •DD< NICHOLS It a Newport Beldl City Councilman who representl Corona del Mar. Let them know how proud you are! A special page will publish in the Daily Pilot on Friday, June 20 to honor our graduates. For your daughter, son, friend or special someone be a part of this tribute for only $40.00 (2)(2 ad). Fill in the form below and mail it to us with their photo. Be sure to put the name and add~ on the back of the photo and we'll return it to you. Gr..duate'1 lnfonnation: Submitted by: Graduate's Name:-------------------- School Name:------------------------ About I~ gradudte: Hobbies, interesl5 or future pldns (Limited lo 40 word message) Name:------------Phone:-----Address: _____________________________ _ Credit Card No.:--------------Exp.: ___ Signature for credit card: ------------------ (If roo ~ roo 111.1y enclose S40 ch«k ma<k payable to •Daily Pilot "J Mail thrs form with photo to: 8()()9 l'JM"'"' D AILY PILOT 330 W. Bay Street • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 DNdlinc; FricMy. !unt: IJtb • QUOTE OF 11tE DAY "Talk about a gutsy performance by {Josh Bradbury/." John Emme, Corona del Mar basebal coach DalyPllot Spot1' Edllor Rk:hwd Dw1n: (949) 574-4223 • Sporb Fu: (949) 650-0170 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS SEAN HILLER /DAILY P1LOT The Corona del Mar High boys tennis team captured the Pacific Coast League championship this season . The Sea Kings are, back row left: Brennan Roberts, Carsten Ball, Garrett Snyder, Alex Nguyen and Nick Gmgold. Front: Spencer Reitz, Sean Pham, Bryan Warsaw, lsse1 Sa1da and Wesley Miller. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL EYEOPENER Dai 1)1.4 Pik>t Spol1e .... olf- # """' ... - June 2 honoree JERRY DeBUSK Wednesday, May 28, 2003 A1 HONORS Day claims honor Costa Mesa senior standout is named Orange Co unty Female Athlete of the Year. ANAJIF.IM -Lo.,ta Mt•'>a lltgh i.enior Sharon Day wa., nJml:'d the Orange County 1-emale Athlett• of the Year Tues· day night by the county's Athleuc D1rcc G tor's As--.ociauon at thf.' Anaheim Convt'nllon Center. I It I'> beht'\ed to he the fir'>t unw J (..(J'>ta Mesa female athlete ha., ever won the etward. Pm l.t•dhy. the school'<> girl<> athJeut dm·< tor .... ud Day. who wa<, al'><> voted the (.olden West League 1-emaJc Athletl' of the h·ar by the clfl·u11\ athlc11<. director.. 1' a soccer. volleyhall Jnd tr.:1< k .rnd field standouL 4'he\ the rnunty record holder in lhe high iump at 6 feet, 2 inch~. Mesa '>t'nior Danny t-.nkon.111. Yoho competed 111 ba-.ke:hall. volll•yhall and track, earned <.olden We'>t I A.'dh'lll' Hor• Athlete of the Year an olade'> at the meeting. Bradbury ignites Sea Kings on the road Corona d el Mar holds on for 4-3 win over Temple City; will play top-seeded La Quinta in CIF Division IV quarterfinals. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot TEMPLE CJTY -Corona del Mar Hlgh's baseball team could only keep its emotions in check for so long. YOUTH SOCCER P ilot Cup opens today Costa Mesa Farm Complex will be a busy place this week. Today Is the day many grammar school students have been waiting for: Art opportunity to play organized soccer for their school in the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Fann Complex. The fourth annual event. the brain- chJld of tournament director Kirk Mcin- tosh, will Ceature 95 teams representing some 23 schools within the Newport- Mesa area in the five-day tournament that runs through Sunday. About 1,800 to 1,900 kid will be in- volved in the aingte-ellminadoo tourna- ment for third-and fourth-grade boys andgtds and fifth-and sixth-grade boys utl gtds. Kaber has the ~t entries of ~ IChool with 10 team& 6eeking repeat champlonsbip1 this )"irwW be Rea's boys ln both d.Mslons. JeaOaer'• s-6 girls and Andenen's 3--4 pr_ts. \llrtuaQy every public grammar "*>oi In CDroria del Mar and Newport B8lch. Costa Mela's Eatbide and pri- .... ~ euch M Cardeo Hall. ft.r-bcJ ~ Maiften Outsdan. Our lAldy C)leen of Aft8lll. St. John The e.pdla. S.: Joriqulm'• and Prince of PeM:e. are pttidpednil • When second SCOA£BCWI> baseman Jeriu Thayer waved his • arms and watched the meager pop Oy fall softly into his glove, the Sea Kings had held off CdM 4 the final surge and Temple City 3 earned a 4-3 vic- tory over host Temple City in the second round of the CIF Southern Sec- tion Division JV playoffs Tuesday. CdM fielders threw their gloves up. troned toward one another and shouted exultations after holding off one last rally by the Rams, who had the belSe"> loaded with one out in the final inning and CdM clinging to a 4-3 lead. But junior left-handed reliever Blake Contant induced a groundout as Thayer lipped the ball to senior shortstop Keith Long for the force at second. Then Con- tant, who pitched the final I Yi innings in relief of junior starter Josh Bradbury. in- duced the pop out 10 Thayer sending the Sea Kings into the quarterfinals for the first lime since 1999. when they won the D1vis1on IV champ1onsttip. CdM faces top-seeded La Quinta of Westmin- ster (27·2) on Friday at a site to be de- termined today by a coin flip. CdM ( 19-6 and champion of the Pa- cific C..oast League) had gouen out of jams in the first and second innings when the Rarru., who left seven on base. had runner. at first and second with no more than one out in each of those two innings. "We had three sacrifice bunts we didn't exe<:ute and we never got our 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD CLASSIC • Nos. 3 and 4 h11ter"> up ""h fir.t ~ open to where Bradbuf) Y..ould ha\e had a lot more to thmk about. lemple City Coach Ban) Bawn '>cild "But don't take anything Jwa~ from IC.dM They won faJr and <;quare • Bradbury struck out eight 111 5-,.. 111- nings for his founh win thLS ..e~n. I le also belted tus team-h:admg 10th home run on the year -a '><>lo \hot over the left-center field fence -to begin the fifth inning. which turned out to be the See BASEBAll. Pae• A8 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS TENNIS Sea Ki ngs advance to semifinals Top-seeded Corona del Mar knocks out Foothill, 13-5, and will face old nemesis PeninsuJa. CORONA DEt MAR -The Corona de:I Mar High boys tennis team. on the cusp of an undefeated season. lcnocbd oihisiting Foothill. 13·5, in the quarter- finals of the CIF Sout.bem Section OM· lion 1 playo«s ~ arid Will face longtime nemeUs Peninsula in the eemifina1s Thursday. °'1b1s ls when it gets ledous.. CdM Coecb nm Mu\& said. folJowing hit telm'• oonvindDg 9..() IW9Cp in ..... bet*ld No. 1 pla)"!f Wesley Miler. No. 2 Genett Snyder and No. 3 Spencer Reitz. The ~-y of 'lmil-~ Sny· -Who wW plly Pdmy In the RoUnd ol 16 In the OP lndMdull ~ dmn· piolllbipl at s.aul' QMmay CJub .. ~ 9-dl. ~..,.No. I ..-b the sea ~ (22-0), but ...-ID~No.26ncbll..._ n.: :•;M Sea 'fr.._ waa .. ..., ...... .............. Jlatllla. *1111111 1111111 • 1' 0 .... ..... ,,,..,,,, ...... ....... ms';••• .. , ... J Al Wednesday, May 28, 2003 SPORTS 2003 ROY EMERSON ADOPTION GUILD TENNIS CLASSIC · SATURDAY RESULTS Men ••••••• Open/I.I Roundoff6 Bryan Juinlo ( 11. kelno. def. Tony Bujan (101, Laguna Niguel, M, fH; Ryan Moore (5), Fullerton. def. Vladislav Molenda, Rancho Santa Margarita, 8-1, 6-2; Oren Motevaslel (3), Huntington Be8dl def. Dann Battistone. Lat Vega, 6-1, 6-3; Jade LI (11), Irvine def. Andrew Cheney (6), Chandler, Ariz.., M, 6-2; Brendon Fallon, S.n Clemente, def. Br.ct Van Linge, Irvine, 7·5, 6-1; Ryten Rina (41. Rancho Pelot Verde, def. Wltold Cudny, Valley Vlllage, 7-6, 6-2; Jason Coot (7), Van Nuys, def. Brian Battistone, Ln \legal, 6-7 (6), 6-1, 7-5; Brett Hamen-Oent (21, Newport Beac:t1, def. Matthew Baer (9), Santa Barbara, 7-6, 7-5. D••tllee Open/U Roundof16 N. Grover..J. Heine def. T. Kronneman-B. Van Unge, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4; P. Aldrich-£. Riley def. J . Endrikat-B. Morton (4), 7~5. 7-6 (6); J. Letta-8. Man-Son--Hing def. B. Casas-G. Welu. 6-3, 6-2; B. Battistone-0. Battistone def. P. Oavidson-B. Howie, 6-2, 6-2; B. Hansen-Dent-A. Moore (3) def. S. Cric:t'llow-S. Amadin, 6-3, 6-4; E. Un-A. Stewart def. T. Bujan-R. Horsch, 6-1, 6-2. 4.0 Roundof 16 R. Flynn.J. Sappla def. M. Green-H. Yu (1), 7-5, 6-3; M. Glazer-T. Hoffman (5) def. C. Conkey-M. Padore, 6-4, 6-2; M. Newell-L S.vala (4) def. A. Hanson-G. Parker, 6-4. 6-2; M. Shows·M. Smith def. E. Lowman-D. Reddle. 7-6, 6-2; G. Cox·D. Howey def. J. Olep-V. Tran, 6-4, 7-5; L Curet.J. Latham (3) def. D. BedfOfd-0. Bird, 6--0, 6-3; A. Griggs•B. Matheny (2) def. B. Millsap-K. Nasonghkla, 6-3, 6-2. 4.5 Round of 16 A. OuHler-J. Nelson (1) def T. Boyd-J. Jones. 3-6, 6-2, 6-2; B. Bowen-J. Ohland (6) def. K. Hansen-L. Hieu, 7-6, 7-6 (6), 6-2; M. Capuano-M. Miller def. G. Oavis-0. Vieira (4), 6-2, 7·5; R. Ford·R. Moore def. 5 . Blair..C. Gleiter, 6-1, 7-6 (4); W. Hahn-E. Pader10n (5) def. D. Salene-B. Smith, 6-2, 6-7 (4), 6-3; D. Matsuyama-T. Wong (3) def. J. Nguyen-P. Weber, 6--0, 7-6; T. Ouddy..J. Gray def. R. Alvarado-A. Covey, 7-6 (5). 6-0; R. Bisson-R. Renko def. J. Griego·R. Shively (2), 1-6, 6-4, 6-4. 5.0 Roundof16 R. Myers·R. Trager (1) def. D. Hoesel-M. Hoose!, 3-6. 6-2, 7-5; M. Bailin-T. Cohen def. J . Kao-S. Lisa, 6-1, 6-3; R. Adams . def. G. Diaz-S. Howe, 6-2, 3-6. 6-2; S. Morto~. Weed (5) def. B. Crook..C. Cyga, 4-6, 7-5, 6-1; B. Parente-B. Valparaiso def. P. Finch-L Fracalosy, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2; T. SCHEDULE TODAY Vohybtill High school boys -Estancia vs. San Gabriel, OF Southern Section Division Ill semifinal, at La Quinta High, 7 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celelxatin the Daily Pilot's Athlete ~the Week series i 1 l i 1 i I TUESDAY 17 -Joe Cantarella Newport Harbor Baseball. '03 Clul"G. Mayer (3) def, T. Bryan-ft Hextell, 6-3, M; K. ~O. Meyr def. M. Cadilll·V. V.lcanlll, 8-3, 8-2; G. Dol-T. Unn (21 def. M. Feldman-S. ~!gen. 8-3, 6-0. I .I OuattwflltM P. tUmilton-P. Hamilton def. S. CoUlns-M. RoMt (11, M. 7-li;. M. te.1ty.P. Manola (31 def. L Davld90n-P. Wemerrnir, 6-1, 6-3; T. Hyman-0. JunMu def. J. Hardln.-M. tUrdin, 8-3, 6-2; D. Brown-0. GrilCOm def. 0. Cor1ey-R. MllllOp (21. 8-7. M , 8-1. Mixed doubles u Roundof16 S. Kina~. Peek (11 def. S. A~. Cestaric, 7•5, 6-3; L Conov&N. W... def. T. l<odenl-S. Maki, 3-8, 7-5, 8-1; L Alva-IC. Takahashi (3) def. O. ~ Santopadre, M. 4-fJ, M; S. 81omstrom-M. Holzmann def. B. Montgomery-L MontQ9melY (8), 7-5, 6-4; R. Ngu~ T. Nguyen def. It McOonald-S. Pi,.t, 6-1, 6-1; T. Cotten-H. Gustin def. J. Devie-M. Davis (4), 3-6, 6-1, 6-1; L Kleln-K. Sutter def. J. Mang.J. ~ff (5), 5-7. 6-4. 6-3; R. DePeu~B. Wein (2) def. L DeVllllng·K.. Romero. 3-6, 6-2, 6-2. 4.0 Round of 16 J. Browo-L Curet (3) def.M. Balber-K. White, 6-3. 6-3; R. Bowyer-R. Kahn def. 0. Mlles-B. Rorie*. 6--0, 0-6, 8-2; C. Hallum-¥. Singh (4) def. W. Etwell-E. Lowman, 6-2, 6-1; C. Ruhlen.J. Sekely def. F. Castellanos-A. Garcia-Cruz, 4-6, 6-4, 6-1; M. Arnen-Nehr1k:h-M. Mihalco (2) def. A. Bartlett-A. Uvanavage, 6-7. 6--0, 6-1. 4.li Roundof32 M. Oddo-L. Vega def. C. Bricca-G. Mancuso, 6-1, 6-0. Round of 16 G. Chow·5. Chow (1) def. C. Emerzian-K. Emerzian, 2-6, 6-1. 6-3; L Oobos·B. Ric:t'lardson (6) def. B. Goodman-T. lsoda, 6-2, 6-2; B. Bezme-C. Morgenstern def. B. Kerhoulaa-D. Kerhoulaa (3), 7-6 (4). 3-6, 7-6 (41; R. Covey-K. Spear def. J. Gray-J. Meece, 6-7 (O). M , 7-6 (10); M. Oddo·L Vega def. E. Paderson-5. WatTen (5), 6-4, 6-1; G. B1ncroft-S. Eperthener (4) def. C. Taylor-A. White, 7-6 (3), 6-4; S. Oelong-M. Secora def. A. Henderson-M. Nell, M. 7-6 (31; W. Hahn-N. Neptune (2) def. J. Weaver·S. Weaver, default.. 5.0 Roundof16 K. Lemons·B. Valparaiso (51 def. M. Feldman·S. Feldman, 7·5, 6-4; K. Parham-A. Roof (3) def. M. Jonea-M. Sigman, 6-1, 5-7. 6-2; A. Nic:t'lola-S. Sutherland def. J . Kao-J. Louie, 6-4, 7-5; L Fracalosy-S. Nidlols def. C. Wallace-W. Wong, 6-4, 6-3; c. Cyga-D. Parente (4) def. A. Bergmann-V. Peterson, 6-4, 1-6, 7-6 (6); A. Davis-G. Ooggrell (2) def. C. Hoover·G. Jones, 6-2, 7-5. 5.5 Round of 16 J. Bezmallnovic:t'l·M. Gilman def. A. BASEBALL Continued from A 7 winning run "Talk about a gutsy pelfonn- ance by [Bradbury)." CdM Coach John Em.me said. "This is the toughest game he has ever pitched in. Josh keeps his emo- tions to himself. He jwt went af. ter [the Rams) ... With one out and two on in the first inning. Bradbury got cleanup hitter Tommy Bullock to swing at a ball in the dirt for the strikeout and then retired Mark Payne on a fty out to right fielder Wess Pres- son. Temple City (17-7-1 and cham- pion of the Rio Hondo League) got the first two banen on in the third inning, but a diving snare by catcher Danny Marin-Hon on a bunt attempt and two subse- quent strikeouts by Bra&>ury kept NEW 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO ~289:-:..- Tt,H : IWY ! XIT l>.IP 011 TO >l:.111.l)ll 'OOFORD FOCUS SE Vwy deoo. most- 12861081 •9,976 'OOMAZDA 626 Auto, otr, deon 11323661 '10.976 '01 JEEP CHEROKEE Ar, auto, ~~tl •15.976 '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Sporty econo car, ciert1fled (2152341 110.976 '97FOID AEROST AR XL T A.Ao. ale.. lood.d IA92058J 116.976 MARK C. ~/DALY Pl.OT Top-seeded Bryan Juinio rips a powerful backhand during his match against 10th-seeded Tony Bujan Sunday morning in the men's open singles division in the 42nd annual Adoption Guild Teoois Classic. The Newport Beach Tennis Club is th~st site. Horton-L Seeman, 6-3, 7-5; C. Angl&-Olson-S. Kesner def. L Davidson-C. Scanlon, 7-5. 6-2. e.o · Roundof16 S. Denson-W. Marino def., wittidrBW; R. Anlay-R. Mont def. P. Marto-S. Marto, 6-1 , 7-6. Women ....... Open/8.5 Quarterfinals Enca Sauer, Som11, Calif. def. Kim Nguyen (1 ), Orange, withdraw (injury); Stephanie Lansdorp (3), Rolling Hills Eltates, def. Lauren Pascoe, Huntington Beach, 6-2. 6-3; Cristina VtSico 1•1. Long Beacn. def. Danielle Brandlin, Newport Beac:t'I, 6-4, 6-1; Elizabeth Exon (2), Irvine, def. Lauren Jones. Coto De Caza. 6-2, 6-4. CdM ahead, 1-0. The Sea Kings increased their lead to 3-0 in the fourth inning when senior third baseman Bran· don Kurtz hit a slow roller the second baseman hurriedly threw past first. allowing Presson to score from third. Presson. who had singled earlier in the inning, alertly advanced to third from first when a pickoff throw eluded the first baseman, which also scored CdM left fielder Niclc PaJ. chi.koff. Palchi.koff went 2 for 3 with a double and two rum ·scored. while senJor Niclc ~ singled twice in four at-bats and first baseman Barren Sprowl added an infield single to contribute to the seven-hit attaclc. a stark contrast from c.d.M's 19-hit, 19-run out- burst again.st Hesperia in the first round De•lllee Open/U Roundof16 J. Gat...C:. Romero def. S. Deneon-F. OeVera, 6-3, 7-5. 3.li Roundof 1tJ B. Honrath-B. Morang (1) def. A. Bktwell-K. Patlenon, walkover: E. Snow-'-W.Wn def. C. Chung-L Segala. 7-5. 4-6, 6-3; C. Mc:Namee-K. Sherwold (31 def. G. Cariin·M. Roshan, 6-3, 6-1; V. La-N. Truong def. 0 . Sulllvan·D. Sampson, 6-4, 6-3; H Freelin-S. Young def. J . Beach-It Ales, 7·5, 6-3; K. Comelius-T. Matheny (4) def. 5. Ayres-M. Hollmann, 7-5, 6-2; K. Huynh-S. Tran (6) def. E. Aeming-M Mola. 6-2, 6-2. 4.0 Round of 16 M. Arnen·Nehrlic:t'l-S. Wolfe 11 I def C. MarT-C. Seunders, 6-3, 6--0; D. "When your pitcher is throwing strikes, you are going to be in the game." JohnEmme, CdM coach got bener as the game went on ," Bacon said. "lf we play defense, we win this game, 3-0. • CdMs defense. on the other hand. shined. especially at third base Kurtz dove to his left to snag two groundballs and threw out each runner at first "We did a good job behind Josh and he did a great Job in front of us." F.Jrune said "When your pitcher is throwing strikes, you are going to be in the game.· Temple City cut CdM's lead to 4-3 in the sixth inning when pinch-hitter Derek CUilen whacked the second pttdl he saw Sappla-J. WaUet (8) def. R. Faul-A. McDonald, 6-1, 6-4; D. Howard·N. Wagg def. S. Sc:t'lulman-M. Thigpen (4), 6-4, 6-2; P. Lambeft·R. WuVBf def. C. o.vt.t. Vieira, 8-3, M ; B. Swarberv-J. Young (5) def. B. L..Kwan-0. Zemon, 7-5, 2-6, 6-1; H. How9-M. Philpot (3) def. J. Baynes-J. Brown, M , M ; 0. Mile9-0. Rori<* def. D. L.ewis-T. Machado, 6-3, 3-6, M ; It Hernandez-J. Petrik def. C. Ruhlen-K. Sekely (2). 7-6. 6-3. 4.5 Roundof16 C. Morgenstern-K. Sanders def. D. Ehlers-R. Reznik ( 1 ), 6-2, 7-5; G. Klodte-N. Wilson def. L Kollar-S. Warren (5). 6-3, 6-3; R. Brown-0. Williams def. L Abel·S. Foley (4), 7-5. 6-3; C. Oolan-C. Shaner def. K. D'Eliecu·T. OatN, 1-6. 6-3, 6-4; M. Contei-5. St. Clair def. E. Coe-M. Danae (6), 6-3. 6-4. L Dobos..C. N.tlibon (31 def. G. Bancroft-S. Hagstrom, 6-4, 6-2; 0. l(Jmbfo-C. Rugglo def. L McNabb-N. Rietveld, 6-2. &-0; N. Neptune-L Waggoner 121 • • def. A. Uoyd-lt Sp9w, M . M . • • I.I Oua""'11nal1 A. Oavis-K. Lemons (1) def. L Cortez•S. Stenzel, 6-7 (8), 7-5, 6-2; B Hoffman-M. Van Unge def. A. Glenn.>J. • P9teraon, M , 4-6, 6-1; L Hirwb·A. Wilder def. G. Jones-S. Nlc:t'lols (3), 6-3, 6-3; F. Burke-J. David (2) def. N Honda·B Johnston, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. 5.511.0 Ou11Ifflrfin11/s J. Bezmalinov1c:t'l-K. Anderson def. A. Etc:t'legaray-R Monk ( 1 ). 6-4, 6-4; G Gtasgow-B. Thomson 141def.5. Colhna-N. lser1, 6-7(31,6-1, 6-3; T. Wor1ey-L Seeman def. E. Hendricb-N. Hill (3). 7·5. 6-3; J . Canfietd-0. Wilson (2) def. K. Meier-B. Recavarren, 6-3, 6-2! HIGH SCHOOL BOYS GOLF Cassidy, Sostak end season Estancia duo comes up short Tuesday in CIF. PALM SPRINGS -Es- tancia High freshman Marcus Sostalt shot a 78 while senior teammate Ja· son Cassidy flfed an 80 on the par-72 Canyon Coun- try Qub Tuesday at the ClF Southern Section boys golf inwvidual finals. The two Eagle golfers missed the cut, listed at 72, which takes the top 22 golfers to the ClF-SCGA finals Tuesday at the SCGA Golf Course In Mur- rieta. Cassidy birdied two holes and was I -under at one point in his round. while Sostalt had several birdie opportunities. Eagles Coach Art Perry said. "I'm happy with the whole year," Perry said. "They were excited just to be here.· Cerritos Gahr's Garrett Sapp shot 66 for the low- est round am~g 80 golfers Tuesday. The Sea ~. who were aver- aging 7 3 runs per game th.is sea- son. held the high-powered Rams to only three hits. The hosts came into Tuesday's game averaging 8.5 runs a game and defeated Cant- well Saaed tleart of Mary. 13-0. in the first round Friday. from~~--"""",.......------=-......,==,,,...----~~~~~~~~-f-~- Bradbury's mound opponent. sophomore Ryan Tucker, lost for only the second time this season. but struck out 12 Sea Klngs in a oomplete game. CdM loaded the hues in the top of the seventh iDnin8 only to see the rally end with a stribout and force out at aecond. "nuckerl is acary, .. Fnune said. -io put four [runs) on the boa(d wltb the way be was throwing was gOOd." Tucker's velocity hardly waned as the paw. wore on. He threw 121 pitches. "He is in such great sh.ape and ter field fence. But Bradbury re- grouped and induced a pop out to Thayer two batters later to get out of the inning. CdM left Thmple City with a victory and oow faces Ui Quinta. which WU ranked No. l In the na- tion for part of this 8e8IOfl and has won 10 ooneecutive Garden Grove League titlea, going 115-9 In that span. CHf CK OUT THIS HOT DfAl! 2002 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVEITllLE TENNIS Continued from A7 Mang said be will continue to me eopbomore standout Car- steo Ball In doubles to bolster his llneup. sillCe most schools staclc their doubles teams against the Sea IClnga. Ball won the boys l 6s open singles title Monday at the QulbOver tournament at the 8aJboa Bay Qub Racquet Oub. C.dM led Foothill, 4-2, after the flnt round. then drllled the Knights. 5-1, In the second round for a 9-3 edge. The lnlghta fell to 17-5. Peninsula's Panthers, whd have been at home in each or the first three rounds of the OF play; offs, will travel to C.Orona deJ Mar on Thuisday for a 2 p.m. Sta.l1j Peninsula is 20-3. I CFOhWalll au.-.. Corona def Mer 1J, foottim 5 I ~ -Miller (CdM) def. Gonda, 8-1, def. lo, 6--0, def. Meskall, 6-0; I Snyder (CdM) won 6-0, 6--0, &-0; Reftz (CdM)wonS-1,6-2.6-2. , OcMAb6ae -Waruw-S.lda (CdM) def. 0 . HlmbeN. Himber, 8-1, lost to It Roybe~Surlae, 2-6, def. c. Roybe~6-3;~ (CdM) won &-0, IOllt 4-fJ, won 6-0; ~Ingold (CdM) lost 4-fJ, 6-7 '96 FORD E150 High lop '01 TOYOTA COROUA 'OOMERCURY MOUNTAINEER conV9rllon van IA43loot •11,976 Auto, olc. deon IS-4067ot •11,976 V«ydeon U~8-451 114,976 '01 CHEVIOlET 2500 M> PIC1Cli' ~-auto. Ole 12111131 SEU yout unwanted item\ throu&fl clanohed SEU youi unw1nled olem\ lhr nu ah rfau1l1ed _,l.1111 .... -lall'Mcll .. "-.... . IMIOJICI 8eacil, CA 92660. 2) oonoot 1 111 m P1ttl 8 •1l1tu, 1431 Hl&ll ~ .._ t 111 NOTICE IS HEREBY Bkltt, Hewc>«1 Buch, • ....... dlt CIYCH that Ito. 801td of CA 92:ee0. 3) Rhett• Malm/ EducillOn of the Hew· Duey, 418 Vista Rome, j)M·Mnl Unified School ... ........ .. District of 01an11 Nt wport BHch, CA .., -"' 92660: 4) l'Uncy H1t· County •Ill rectin 11n1ton, 193 1 Port _ .~ FE"--.)~ sealed bids up to 10 DO Laurent. Newport Buch, .,, .-....._ .• , .,. • m on the 5111 day of 92660, S> Sharon Jur L ' ) .Mlloe lune. 2003, at Ill• &•nsen. 2527 Buckeye, You Niie IO N4 c.r. Nuttihon Sefvic:u · offlee N1wpo1t BHch, CA DAYS 8ftllf tw Nllll'Clf9 lel'llll Na. of U ld School Oistnd, 92660: 6) Mlchfl• Miiier 11 M1wc1 on you 10 .. a 1 .............. ~ loctltd 1t 2985 Bear 122 H b I I d ~ at -. ---... Slretl. 8ulld1n1 E, Cost. ar or •an • OOW1. A ...,. Of • IVl'Dar Cl Mesa, CA 92626, 11 Ne wport Buch. CA •not P"*d ~. Of which t•m• seld bids •Ill 92660; 7) Pam Muuy, ~ ~,, ... e·· l1 =1M,~ bt publicly ~n•d and 2S46 R1v1era , Laauna ·~-mull' be In Btech . CA 92651, 8) proper 19g111 tcHm you Y runaro di read for Ille lollowlna: Mary Lou P1tcher, 130 Wini .. cowt to hMf Y'DI' dill 8tlogadO dll 'rQ etl f"4 cue. It you do not tlll deli•.,., o dll l r-4 Menll Place. Palm On YGI" 'MP9l'M on il'n9. ~ qi.-no ..,_ All bids ate lo be In 8 ' 1 · CA 9 2 2 6 O · you mlY ICM fll cut, >p KA-•ccordance with t ondl 9)Cerald1ne Schlulz. IOd ~ "'""' morwy • , •m"' 15.34 Anloqua. Newport ~~vbelaMn g•No .;?TN~.· lions, Instructions. ind 9.,,,,,~,.. 0 -·-' _....._ "" I( "'" "' Speclhcallons which are B0 '11· CA LV<IV, 1 > ll'om .. OOl.f\. n,;;;·;: LA ERS. 11101 NOllh contejned In the bid Lynda S.hea, 9 Beacon ..._. 8enfll ,.,_,CA Bay. Newport Beach, CA <**Y-· ,,:-_,,.,_..to-· AA evoe: i4)6'7~ packet •nd on hie'" lh• 92660; II) Joan Torru -.. _, .... ,,_ -· DATE ,,......._, J<A 26 o ffice o f Nulrttoon dOmey ~ llW9Y H ~ 2002 ,...,_,: • Servk:ts of uid School 1800 Pott Ch1rlu, do nol 11/v# In aeon.y, loL>H SLATER. C1eftl. Olstnc t, 2985 Bur Newpotl Buch, CA :n.,~1n0t17i ~I 8y' ~! Street. Bu1ld1n~l. Costa 92660 ~ .._, This busln•u 1s con lid ofllo9 (-..d In ~Oeleaado) Me11. CA 926 . phone ... b 1 llhonl boo1Q SE.A() no (7 JC) 424 5090 duct.... y 1 aenera ~ di q1a le TICE TO Tl1E Interested vendors may partnen hip ~~ ~ PERSON SERVED You PICk up a bid packet •I Have you slatted doma ~~ ;;;-30-.. 0IAS _ _.... the above 1ddr1t11 bu $1ness yet? Ves a•"'""'&"""'" -ST~OF A Perlormance Bond S/87 .......,_........,.,, ..--Pamela Gilmour ~ uiw ~ I~"*"'°' m•y be requited at the This statement wn _,. • ~ .,, .... Wronr:lllA Cledl) d•Ktehon of IM Dt1tric:t filed with the County OOt'1t Uni C111t1 o -To Undl ~ No bidder may woth· -.r'llllda llllb1k:a no le ~ MM9 MendMI draw his or her bid for Clerk of Otanae County '*------.... au __.._ ="! In ..... on ""/JO/OJ rwquee11i "'-;;;;:iii' 1 -... a period ol FORTY FIVE ""' "*llJIN Ilene q1a ~ =:: ec90f\ .. (45) days after the d•le toou94297t QOll lal lolnllllcMdM Genatll dlmlQM 111 for the openina Daily Polo! May 14 21 = lj)lopiladM ti N.tOIJHT thereof 28 Jun 4. 2003 Wl60 ~C::.~= =-~.OOO~ Ille Board of [duca ,._...._ loon of the Newport· :.:;:-~ '::'.:': ~ dlllnlQn Mm Unofoed School ... S...... cuo. 'I 'Iii pueclln ql"8f ~ ·~ (ID District reserve~ the au ullrlo, au dlr19tO 'f ~ H~11 00 ro1hl lo re,ed any or all ~-tin di...,.:: NOfu.W.J ~· ~IK b•ds and nol necessmly lldldotlll por Plf'9 di 11 Ol!o/l4i03, 06/'2!/03, accept the lowest bid. COf11. EJdMen OVOI 06/2~~ and lo w11ve any on· r~ lloalM. P\l90I CNS-formality ot 11reaul1<1ty QUI Ul'9d ~ lllllw I NEWPORT 9EACK-1n any bid received l.f'I ~ C09TA MEIADAILY NEWPORT MESA UNI =~~~~~~iiSl~noiij=~"'jiiiLOT~~~~~~~ I mo SCHOOL DISTRICT j 01 Oran&e County Can'lsttmlo SELL /S/ Rlchord A. G•••-i>lrectOf' of Nutrltl-gttloalJ lftOSt s..,,,, .. rtpairjobs your Stuff Publoshed Ne wpor I th gh Buch Cost' Mu a Daily aro"ndtlttho"lt~ roU Pilot May 21 28. 2003 Lt11lttCkmifitd classifie d! w 168 Stniu Dirutory '::-~ lttlp 1oufind ---Th~ tollow1n1 per~on\ rtliahlt lttlp. t'lan ) our ad ••e doina business n todM) ! Women ot Subsl•nce 2 19491642·567 11 Son&l•lte~ Newport Buch CA 92660 l he follow1ne per\on\ art do1n1 business u Century Colhs1on Ctnter fountain Valley 166SO Hatbor Blvd 188 fountain Valh•Y CA 92708 ' Cent ury Coll"ron Center fountain V.tlfty (CA}, 166SO H•obor Blvd •B8. r ounta1n Valley, CA 92708 This businen ·~ con ducted by a torpo•ahon Have you star led du1nc busoness yet' Yu 4 II 03 Century C.nllr\1on Center F ount .. 1n Valley Canar Alvarez CU 0 this statement wa\ hied ,.olh the Cuunly Clerk of Oranee Cuunty on Cl'> 0/ OJ 200J69U7Jl Iha tollowlna peoons .,. do1n1 bu''"'" n a) Nationwide Loans & RN I Estele b) Vova Amerio Adver ll•ln1 c) Ho,,,. Sa vii' l oen• ~ E 17th Street •?10 Costa Mese. CA 92627 R1eha1 d Redmond 2565 Santa Ana Ave •3. Co•ta Meu . CA 92627 This butlnu • 11 con du<:ltd by 1n 1nd1v1dual H•v• you st•rted doine busontu yel7 Vea, 1998 Rlch•rO Redmond Thos sh1t1menl wu filed with the County Cieri\ ol Orana• County on 04/21/03 200S.t416U Dilly Pilot May 21. 28 June 4 11. 2003 WI 73 lh• followm1 per .. ons are doona busonns as a) Dhld B Stanton MD & Assoc.ale. A Medl(af Croup Inc bl Cutro D11anost1u A Medoc1I Ctoup Cahfo1n119266() Oav1d B Stanton MD ' Auou1tu. A Med"•I Cruup Inc (CAI 11'° W L1 Veta Ave •!>SS Or1nae CA 92868 lhos businen os con due led b1 an 1nd1v1du1I H .. e you \tarted do1na businen yet> Yn 06 01 9J David B Stanton MO & Anr1<1aln A Medical G1oup In• Dn1d B Stanton MD Poesodent lh1s \latemenl wn filed w11h the County Cler~ ol OranKe County on 04 '24/0J 20036942256 Daily Pilot M1y 14 ?I. 28 Jun 4, 2003 WI 'Xi Inn freud,nbtr&~r 7107 Bus•n~\S C,nt~r D"•' Slf llO Ir.int CA <j?f>ll WednHday, May 28, 2003 Al -------'"""!'""!' 2Ml l.lpl .................. PlflMUhlj> H•ve t0ti started 6<Mlll busloM&s yet? Ho To"' T rolll)e lhlt •••temen1 ., .. f...O with the County Cieri! of Oran1• County Oft 05/05/0J IOOJ .. U40S Da1ly Pilot M1y /, 14. 21 28. 2003 Wl50 ........... ... *'-' th<I foli.>wlft& ~sons at• OomJ bu"n•u •• Cr .. llve Tole ' $1111i. 24001 V1a f 11>r1c.nle 1 )006. M•UIOtl VMllO CA 9269J (dw.ord V•11 212•1 811Uletone M1u1on Voeio CA 92691 Catherine Miller V•c•. 71241 Bflstle,c.n• M" sion V1ej0 CA 9?691 l h" bus1ne u " ton dui.t•d b~ • e1ner11 partnership Htve you \tor led dc.1n1 bu11neu y«-17 6198 (dw1rd V¥&a fh11 sl•lemtnl wu ltled woth the C.ounly Clet'll of Or an&• C1t11J1fy on 04/07103 200SH40039 Oa11y Pilot M•y I 14 21 28 200) W1'9 FldttlM-...U ... s..... the lolluwon& 11•rs<Jn\ are doma t.u\lnt\\ •• Southwest Lucll and Sate J60 r 18th Stout lO\l.a Meu CA 92627 21 June 4, 20QJ Wl62 ........... .......... TIM fotow1n1 penons ••• doMe l>vti"9~ o flle Ho•p•t•I Croup 2621 s B11•tol t .J01 S.nte Ana Caldor n1• 92704 Alan CllMi.. $d1wMU 2626 8HHl00d New por1 e .. i:11 C1llf0f 9" 92660 Tho\ butJn .. , I\ con ducted by •" 11\d1v1du1I H .. e )'OU started doona busrnus yet? No Al•n C Sch1urtl lll1s llat•ment w•\ loted 1N•th Ille Cou"IY Clerk of 011na• County on~ 21/03 200Ht45UO Daily Polol Mar 28 km• 4 II 18 200J Wl78 The lollow1na 1,1~r><1n> "' dn1n1 bu&onu\ •• [ ..-ento•I Cl!lf f'tc.duch 1701 lollf Arn11,.t1 S•n C.lerroenlo t A 9161) Oanotl B l\ron~•••d llOI c,.,,, Am•I sl• S•n c1,fn.,nte CA 'Ubl J ===-==::::===I-I) Pamrl• Gilmour 1 S1n1lelree Dr Newport D11ly Polo! Mly 14 71 lh1. bu\•Ot'\\ 1\ "'" 28 Jun ' 1003 WI'>/ duclrd by • &entral PAOfKVlfW Bay.,. .. ., r errau tot I 370, ptov•I• p•rly S7000/obo 71' 772 3441 Coltdlla! -...Uta 1160 1310 (GUM llOUSllG orfOIMITY AU rul tsl•t• advet tlsona In this newsp•per os subject to lhe rederal f aw Hou sin& Act of 1968 as amended which makes 11 1111111 to advertlw ·any prefer e nce , llm1h t1on or d1sa1m1n1tion based on race. colof. ret1c1or1. s.~. h1ndocap, fam1hal status Ot n1tlonal ot ic1n, or an 1ntentiot1 10 m•k• any such preference. hmot. hon Of d1sc.r1m1n1hon • Thrs ne•'fltper will not know1n&IY accept eny adve<tls.ment for real tsltte wtuch 1s on vlolohon of the low Oui rta "' ... • •• y 11\formed that a ll dwell ones adver hMd 1n 11111 newspaper are avlllable on an equal opportunity bUIS To complain of d" crlmlflotion, c .. HUO toll ""et l IOC).424 1590 1475 OV£RSTOCkED AIRLINE TICKETS Only 149 t /t, H•••ll. Cerlbl>e •n. Florld.e. C1ned1. South wut, South, Roc kr Mount11M, Midwnt. 1nd Ent Coast 1.eoo..zg. 2'23nt.101 RNAHCWJ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Ptnonlll.oanl 2490 NEED S FOR •Debt Con\ohd•loon •Home Improvement\ •C•• boil RV C1ll Not thport Landin& t I 1n cuslomer Mtrvoce lo• 19 yhurs I 8 8 8 89 4 6688 (CAL •SCAN) 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Ger"'-Sh•ph•r"' all colors all \Iles for adoption 10 Quahl1td homes WWW ISIHCMe org or 71' 113 ~I!> HEAL TH SERVICES-MISCEU.AHEOUS Medical semces 2565 MERCHANDISE AAA VtND1NG ltOUT1, 8> \don1 unrto. ProtN' loc..aliom S9'>~ lnv..sl 25.,, clown WM: !IX) J96 9311 ICAI. •SCAN1 HCISSION PROOJI CoMM&-Vtl!'f IWlt"' C l f 1Nn<q wrtl1 S79!i0 dowT1 0 $411 pro~wrwt ~route Cll I flT7 Ml 8726 (CAl •SCAN) WI MADI S IS6,2S7 t.st month tolf~ UC~ t--._ wctkine .,,,,,. when .. , ... nt'd w~ t•n povtl'ffl't ttOKh you to do the ~ Rec~ proof lnte-estlod" 6!!(}86/ 4351 9 (CAI "SCAN) AISOlUTl GOU>MINll 60 vendona muhint s with e •cellent 10,•toons Ar• Yev Lo.lil"f lo promote a Uf1l(JJlt proO,,ct Of 5.efVIC'f on mulllpfe ~ on Caillorn11' StaleWlde Clawfled ad <S4!>0 for 15 words) St1tew1de Display ad (SI Jl'J() IOI 4X"2 !>")ad rru•-mn~ (916)28$9)1~ <916)- 6019 wwwcal KM1corn HUGI PIUC.lf'TIONS HUG S-lfopl Cal Toi r •• Hll!i6>7?8 n'J-4 tor prrce quote or v1111 ww• C1n1d11nDru1' ca 3155 (CAL -sc.Aff) Ral&tlte J-snn I UILDINGS Semca l8al0 w11S8900 sell -SCAN w~ Wuhet/Dr)'er. larp u pKlty, •Int cond '3001 tor both 9'9·6'2·1811 MT/ PAlflltGS 3060 Sl4 900. ull S!> 950 '81100 was S26 900 n11$ ll' .900 Call Howl Tom 800 392 7806 WANHD JAPANtsl SWORDS AMO U &ATID ITIMS .......... _,," Olcllat.-a IA't'JlONT utl CUTIVI office suite 2 olf1cn. reception ' stor•a• Loe In COM 9'9 718-9!')()() PMtl HCl PAINTINGS An Newport Harbor scenes 30 X 40 oil. 16 X -LOTS/ACREAGE 24 w/c. 10 X 13 w/c _T_--.. -..,.....,..._,..-.,.,._..,.,-,..-rt-1-IOO-IH-9111 - ------.. C.. inddJlt accts. SD• mo potential, low ovsne.6, ofhnlcl •t S25K 7 I 4-41 '"66C2 4730 1• Ftmlln ~-~---~-- Lerae ttrden waaon, doc house. double stroller 9'9 SIS 9312 =:t.:::= :a: 1000~ ...... ... ~, a. 1• MIST Codlllll WWJ, ..... ,.., ... dllllli, .. ......._ ...... ~ltti.t "•:tr• Mlt-232-5999 ... t I 1• 1111 Ma~ei. a.ctM ~ of h .. ored I llOW I loflWf • llHrt of Jnvt Pf•• '°' va. Stlflt .11141 ..... "' llllndn "''' fOf °"'._..,........ ~ & c..llitA' I .,,.,,.,... . ..._ .......... ~ ............ •CMMMID .. ------..... ...,.. ........... ...,..._ 2, ................ si- on pr~ Laguna Beach ocun ~-vo-. streel Concept~ pl.M1s by Tm ~ol tor 2 ~. ~o· ~ e.x:h ~ v..iue '" land 8...id both ~ flw on one 5"' !hi! other Current '81 home ~ ~ ""~ [asy .,.,., on flat Ion' Cal L ll Comer1ord @Coklwd ~et for mote Oe!Hs on LM>ll 'M9-464-~ I 4 S l,6S0.000 Newport Beach • b. ... •lte Costawoyo Tht Best of E-ythtnlf on tM 5()8l.IOU5 48t 2 56.t w / 1 -cellar. llbr at y ~ p.tnotlllTIIC ·~!tom tM bluff lop home You mus I \ee this onf! _.$2, 799,<XX> lt&1 . Joan 9'9 707 '440 A o owsm s. s. ~ ,._. br pilri. h1ah ce1hnes. curvm& Sl.m~. oubim f p, I p.nriet lull:her> QJSb'n cb1fty ' minJl '1'.BJJD Mict1ll!I Br..,,._, !:oaslirll? Rmlty !MS-~177 ~ ,............ DX>5f flon'te on I ~sized lot with scenic -4& ~ J8a Jc pr fR le ""IP 1tound Y" d Mlrtllt panrte ~ ritys Itel NIWOMTHllllUIO 0,....S.t2·S O...F ... 4R4.J V ....... Dr 5br Sba. 2 c ear. Sl.795 000 By Owner 71•·J57.f>450 ......... 58r2Ba.c~ u c loc•hon w/pool Prindpals or1ly pleaso $67!111 I t1~d OoilC Bulley. 8llr 96 72(}. l J04 Nice Newp«t u.tta Fast Sat. As Isl 8e~t offer ov1< $880,000 9'9•290-8120 Act/Owner Bridge RURAL PROPERTY FORSAlf Randlel,fanns/ Country Property 5915 COLOMDO UHOt W1 100 .aa SJ9!nl Oriy '621 wl< Saw $$ now and OM1 some al Colonodo ' best r~ [nJOY llllulous VltW\ al tht Rodues ""1tl s.turwrc ~ Accf!M to IUXI cres al reel Rec 1rea YUi round road Wllh tel'elec CH owner f1n.tnanC. Cal loll !tee I 8f6.elt> !1263 • •Sr;eo on ~ fiAt•d nte of S96'\ IS yr amort w/21)'t. down <CAL •SCNf) RESORT/ VM:ATION PROPERTY FORSAlf I CALE 1.11wqut & OOTf double wide moblle home Call anytime Jri9( Kiri ~ 797 ·2.833 Renlal To Shirt 6030 ~~'*' T wr> 11: Br w1s dllls, ...,. """' ... -llnwl a1s. sax>. (,...) Cll for """' 714-5.16-2010 ,,.,. Sill ==-IAYV11W HllOHTS (6) lo.20 szoo (2) ~ S2!l(l. fM prop., WC pie, ... Ctnty 9&50).3648 lkiOt vulnenblr.. South de.aJ,_ NOlmt •AU -•l l o KO •7SH ~a,. I NewpoftBadl Space For Rent 6060 uDo nut Y u•s1 CM-GAUGE STORAGI ONl YI S 100/-. t49-64S-S247 RESIOENTl.AJ. RR IT AJ ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island Bill GRU~OY RlAl TORS t4t-67S-6161 N_,_,,__,. Pt"non\ul• S1ud1u l.p•• I menh 1va1I A111 S700 S9'.>0 9'9 6/ J 1800 21r 1.Slo, w•I~ Ir. b•a• n 474') H1lar '" nt'ar Ho4& e,;r W d hkUjl\ Sl400 mv 949 64S 368.3 mt c.-'-"" I AYVll W HEIGHTS 11 old 12 .,...., rem... "I'S 20101 rvPt~ ::.t 2br 01, Cllf,\,~ r"'" u. ., ~ Bt'W kit "' d S2250m Iv SccJ1 I~' lf:f, 4'."I :IAI di! OY~ty ~'AO~ 1 ••llv@rr • '"m NPI P ... ln1ufo 2br STUDIO APT, dun •nd yearly rentals a&I Sl400 cult ""''" ~•lthen I 19SO mo 949 673 7800 IUCON IAY /UY MONT .,PSI••" 2b• I !iba Ip aar .. o hkup yr lu 12EOO mo ~9 t.IJ 8"411 To st.-. 21r• "--? b<T1•l' l n \mlu 1~ •II dll ~"" r;tX> <.a• Da~ ll''>'ill'>ll blnr~ to buch S7S0mn 9'9 6/ l 7800 1n(lutol323-~ ~ .................. ~ hClme 2 •\.ill fiM prr. patlO comm pool Yr hl' $1SZJ ~ruw~ Balboa Peninsula su.,. •• ...,,_r ....... .lilt Jba condo 8.ty vl('W, st"ll'S to bell 1 t vr S3.JJOrn Bllr 949 400°'71 Coo:ina del Mar 1._ \uper dun lutn 2br 7ba 17 msll 'Utes w/pvl drd.s) town lnlY 4 blu from bdi ~ no pet no vnahe I ca p $V'bn fJlJ Nlra!.'llA 1~1_..n l rl1ht J l r 2 .S I• HouMI Newly ttmodeled Fp A/C whitlpool tub. SJJOO. mo 949 463 8361 CostaMaa STUDIO 11'T. S795 mo utololes near 1'.W. .. , .. '*4*• ~ remocWed Fp wld i.1.c> le P 111411 1M yard, pet ,,._ Sl100rn I yr 154 ~I 1131 Bob •21tie tn. ~ ·~ '-1 ol £'Ide SI !liCVrno ,,n /Wtt ll'dS, ~ !M'J.meJ HurldftllDrl 8eadl 21r 11• Apt. Newly ••modeled ps & alt* incl S1200mo no/pets ~ bdl 714'!m l&!M HAU Off I •• MO aun for llllWt'"' am" I w/12 mn~~ ~r~ C...,., Cud style comm w u~w doshwnher & reh1&erator carpet & teumot I~ WMhEr dryet ~ @ 110L lBr SI~ 78' Sl'45 Call ora <949! 646 'lZJ4 Of 114-633 7"f.J? Te ~. 2lr+ ...._, \ 6m.I' , I u "'1111 Pl Qfl Comp r ~nov $br lb• • all prov~ S'JCXI C..M OM 700sf lofl 7 I& ded\ 1 714 r,•.7 7 .. 37 14' Crat twflhm patio tDrm> m I ~ pilCJo lklOI -"" pWll. tR,. tip 2 < p aet SI 81 ~293-4631 encl parlun& • I wdl~ tu bell S2950 949 6/'l 4610 Sara Ana N-S-tt. (0011 Ploro Gated 2 bedroom ~ d,n "" yth•n& n~w• Poul S:?OOO. mn 9'9 •97 '1883 FIND .:;-~ TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Mu~I 63 Cur"oe< '"° &;, t<odP ,,_'9 116F~ s~~wcd arw-...1 6tl 811. tr s lcto 519-..~ ~A 70 Fores~ 71 ""°""" AlO Wednesday, May 2_8,'--200_3 ___ ....., Prefect <-•• ... ~/ .......... /TCA nan ...... A.111/Gortml , /1 non pro61 ora ,_. ..,_,. ollQ IS'T.J. ~ haw Jllllt ~ .................. ..... ~~ dl:n~e ,_ t-=hG. Database manan&emetll uporietu a musl ACT pref'd bolt no1 fM8'lltal Fax resume and salary re- 'l! IDlf!l!._ !)t9 67J. fJ56. DlllVUt...cov-.t ·-port-r e11ms. 1 eam s l eMllS. We need te;wns lor th!' lortt! haul Owner UI>~' "'"' s raverienced ~-'· 'IOI!.<. tearm iWld t:r<tdlMI!' ~htdcitl• C..I I 888-"'lllf l'AY ( l-88S'667 l/?9) (CAI •SCAN) ORIVDt: OWNOt Ol'Ut- ATOlti llJ.r your own IJULk 1 l.CJOlunc for lflde l~lC,.I lMlCMdf Ns ""' 10.~vlt Mahl to mai<e 1•11• 'illlt l\sful• CALI I AND'>! AA 81111 8.lS 3858 ICAI •St'ANJ Driven (T_... Operation) S l (XX) ''II" "" boous We have a lol Orn.11 d. CA lei1n111.~ "'""'..," f•poess l lfW'<' I IJJJ 1/8 03'13 Rrl •IOI 1£111.tll 1111 1ul Ht~~._ttut\.'t1nu c t..m) "°" rn I d v «Al ·~·AN> ATOil: II.I•~ y••ir own true~? l1M1l11n11 I•• ''"" 1rnt•·J~u·n+J,...,H r> L,mdsldr h•s tho too!Ylmght tu m.tkff you , .. , l~~uP 1 IUI 11 I /lffl <r.N •scl\N) SumnMrJob D~ r .... Ull '"hone yacht'" I! ,,,.d 111 Nl'WflOrl flpach f .u ,,....irr .. In 9f.Hl0-Cfal OWNU Ol'lllATOR TlA.MSI COl w;H.a-Mat & Doub~ rf!Q T!!r11111\al Tel'l1fllilf Ooup~. Hire ,,,, Boom, I llgtl Mlle\ IOl 'J09 !>li64 UI 710 I CAI "SC /IN I OWNU Ol'UA TOR T(AMSI 1111. w H.tt Mat a. 0.~·b""' ... , 1 ... ~ ferm111:l1 0.•'IJ. II••• Hn on 8Mus I kQtl ~ IOl 909 '>664 t•I 710 tCAL "Sll\Nl OWNU OPUATOR TIAMSI UJI w/llaz Mal & Douhk.. rf'<I lt'f1no11al TerfTlllldl Orop,Moul" Hire un Bonus, Htch Wes Im 909 '>664 e •I 710 • r 111. •sc fl.Ni SELL your stuff through classi fi ed! Service Olrtdofy Accounttng "NOTlrt 10 RtAOERS. Cnhfurn1n law re llUlff'' lhll Lonlt&C '"' I \k111g l'•bs lh3t l•·l ll S'JlX> ,,, mo<e l.nnlo di lnr' Stale l tten• ~ Board Stale law dl\o r f't(Ulrtl5 that LOnlrar ln" include lht11 hf NlW number on All 11dvrrlr\1ng You u.n < he<.k lhf' sllltus of your l1cl!nsed 'onlr.trt o r lit www r.~lb ca &O• or 800 J?l CSL 8 Unit tenvd c onlrticlors h~lnK fObS that lnlAI It\' lh.tn SSOO rnu\I 5l•te 1n lheu .. dvN lt\elOenls that llwy are 11111 111 •n,ed by the Con Ir a• Inn Stale I ot.en~ Board · Additions& Remodeling fMTIINO lmllOm Kitchtn I Rilll I Asnodlll Mfkftl .... e .. ~ ~ '=lf:C 9f.l645.9l15 c.,.nlry A -l MA.HOYMAN IMla". r.tK• ceb1Mts KM~ 714-541>-7258 .w • Cuitom Owlt,ill\, Crown M@ldtnp, 8ese 8o11ds L1577981949 709 5642 ~---- profit Oii '*°' fJtwtMI lenl 1dml11 ual&I W~Qlll•d ~· pr.I coord1nlltlo11 ~ tia11e alnt ~-. Of'plllCll tloNI ll'!d n lUlti t•q Lil* 111 Word, [•Qll, ,._ Point .. ACT e phn. 8usines1 ~ war\ lflWOM*!l n8M ~ach, potentlel to llMecofnmute Of work from hon• will be ~ Hi 1 '95Ultlll end salary history to !M9 673 2J!i6 Publlshl111 PaOMOTIONS OIPAHMINT Community ~ In Or .... County KO.s Fill Time j)«SOll to ints-illld WI lie Stories, ll#tia Pille 111 c:ommu111ty evtmb, etU te and PaeJlll!l8 PllCll$ end MCbons Excellent communution dlils, w«1' well wrtll the public. Know AP Style. ()uwkXl"ress, Ptlotoshop. Muttl Ad Cre am.. Pl'ohcent on MAC •nd PC. CCI deslan oper1ence preferred Pt oofl e.'ldlo& let Drue sa8WlrCfphyslcal req.wed. EO£. hcelleot b<!nefit pado.aae Email resume. wi1lwia samples and salafy requirement s to i.ia ~mon@latinws.com Pal-SCHOOl TlACHla needt:d to work m well established pre·school l\pphc•nl need I 'l unit~ uf I Cf and a clear unllerslandm& ol child developm~nt £•Per req. 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Jw ome whee~. 6 ~ ilUtO Save I SK, SJ!l. 995 ~HI m5(;955 949 S86 1888 Bkr Joeuor -o 1 _1U_R_2~1 k-m-I, C.O n~voaallon lull lad wM• W111the~le• blue u.tlm~.il llhr Lhromp wht(•I\ h~' n•w SdVI' SlOlt vi'?I 16 $41.000 4 !> APR fin av.t1I broker 96$1116-~ Japar ' 9 XJ8 V n l'la• 40k mi, lull lacl Wftll wll1le/oatmeal lthr. 1.0 buullful hkt new. Ort& lOnd v870147 S28 c;oo 8lu 949 586 1888 _...,... ___ .... '00 4.0 Sp.rt Rf'd 4 w'1I ct. at Cb h;» d tw \Oil top. sa- n• SIS 'XX> 949-64&8582 l0nd •ov.r '98 0 11- 1.0ffi V l ( 4/k m•. 4yr warr av41I d1k m~ldlhc 1.11«•11/l.i11 llhr. ltealPd \e111,, dual mm f beau lolul n11p cond g•••ged non 'mkr mu\I \e" In App1 Pl 11tlf' v •9S874 I Sll 'ffi U~1 949 586 188R www .• .,..1 .• - COMPUTER HELP! • ""*or°"",_.. •M,_llo.orellll • llCor• ·~~ ·-Pq~·-·~looQlirot ·ca.~ • Dgilll °"'WI"'--·-.'!~~ ... UC 0.--. 10Tra~l:ap. 7 14-612-2786 COMP SQUAD INC. Is mtu w mpu1n dow1 Jwc hlc.t ~" ur. chty l'('C'(f rUJl< up< \l't •rrw 1nct1Mt dun.a h;ac,k 'PY Y>orm uopn ind ~u 1hmau dnn all dnva and ll'WY'tf <bill. Wr U11 run•ftr cbca to your 11tW compum We WI up N'l...,rb INg 2rtef •m.al.1 1 1~· c~hkll )~ it)c.al-up Modnm. (,omplnc amJI bli.1.nn. in-"1a'l. ii; ,. JfH' ,, ,,,. ,.,. """ nfNF.rH/iw ~ -· 1111. UPJQALIS NOW JUSI Ut.111 9.f9-39'-290S "' ... « SELL your stuff ttl'ougfl classified! ....... -lllUS MOSC 't2 fornt "'""· tan lthr •••la, CO, Sunroof, •If pwr loaded. •Int cond J'J,900 obo 949-721-5049 ••• 11 ••••• , ••• Conll 4511 mt, auto, allffr, ten top, pw. pl, A/C, CO, supetb nae MW cond vfl19743 $21,99'5 flnancin1 I werranty •••II Bkr. 949-586·1888 w-...-..c- ............. S60Sl ... W«tll $151(, dine Sl3.!iCXVobo nit c:ond. .... ~. m. i.w lwd top. 1111( ""' 9&B-3091 Mere.ti•• '96 CHO llHul1ful black/Crum fuHy loaded, showroom, WolA. Slo.D n4·151·2!1i4 MlaCIDH JOOCD 'IS Rare Coupe. Blue/nalu· 111 look.I and runs &rult $4500/obo 949-515-5882 llhrcetiH '00 U20 1611 eclual m l, full IKtory warr. turquoise bhu/oa tmeal lthr • moonroof. CO, chrome whls, one of the lowest mile Mer cedes of the year In Calif. vl557291 $29,995 tinancma avoll Bkr 949 586 1888 ·-·!CfMllt·<-MwcM.s 4SOSQ '75 SiYer, clnlic. at. K. rm/ In•. wrwool. bladl 1111. $2200. (~ llised S«Ol.) eocxl cotld 949-Sl9-8432 Men e4;9 JaOSl '82 fwd top and near new 50ft top, 6QI ml, lljlW en&. black $5700. 949-574-5653 Merce4!;1 J80Sl '82 hat d lop and near new soft lop, SO. ml, new ene. bladl $5700. 949 574-5653 Menedff '88 560 Sl white/Ian, 1mmac ~ IVIS .... r9V d qi. d'nmllo. swm JlA.751 2'fj4 NEW2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF I PREMIUM PKG. 16' M.LOYS, CO i1~,~J IATnlSPRn (TCJ8318) . . OMR AT SNLARSAm LET'S MOT~ ITS FUN •••••••• 55fREfWAY@ axraR SNfTAAN.OUTO MAU (Ill) IU-tlOI Ckssif*is CONVENIENT .,,,., JOfl'rt bu,U.11 stllint, or just lookiltt, clasrifitd lw wltat ]Oil nut/! CUSS/PIED (949) 6'2-5678 l#HOM & •USl#ESS lfll'AMS ll1111ndes. Repairs of Computer. Networks [ ventn&\/Weet.ends Compehhve prlee!> lor qu1hly servlc. t4t436-1175 714-92 .... 228 Concnte' Masonry lrl<li ti.di St-Tiie Concretl!, PallO, Orrveway rlreplc, BBQ. Ref's . 25Yrs Eap Te1ry 714 557 7594 ~ NEID MMI lOOM? MXlfl10NS & RDOE.IC l•577982949 709 5642 Room RMnOJel • N.w Consfrvcfion • r-....,cn..~ Dmlall MHlliHI YC>UaHC>tll tMNOVIMPT NO JI en C•" • plumber. paintw, tltnOyman, or •nr of the out MfVlc" Hsled ,,_.In our hrVICe dweclOty'I lHlst LOCAL SVC P£0Pll CAN HELP YOUTOOAYI ............ '"""°"' HYWAU All ,nun m/ltc lob•· WM~rs, lu, ltM Ill L 114-G-1441 .. ,.. ......... ~..,. ..... .. ....,. ""' .. , . ..,. .. AlllDmalM ... iiii-----· TOYOTA 2002 SEQllOIA Limited, 4ll4, sltvlf. fully AUTOSl'OltT ............ WIPAY<ASM~ f9UWS POlllCMIS LAMOHt• IMM.LS-IDnUY QASSlt<MS HAIUYS .......... '020vc..i"8 a-w,a--.. IOUtJI) $15,too .. ~ AUTOSl'Ottl t4t-574--S600 lo1ded, 9600 ml, pert eond fJ1 f.Jl) 9'1Mi.?l·391) v•.....-·001 ..... 211t 1111, 11>1BJ1na b~V oelrl\eal, auto, moonrl, CO, pw. pl, 1Hoy whts, hlle new. ¥1470055 $13. 495 fin & w.,ranty avail, B~r 949 581;.)888 www.eqM6il.c- AUT...us, mcruMEOUS W.-1 IM5 ~~...- 0. «> ~ •1.PI .. lll!Y a -Y r. price tor 'JIU CW. Vin OI We* i.t tar Of nol Cal Od; Rey @ TOmllo A1Ao S.S. 7~ U7 1931 or 714-J28.J'l2B CASH Foti CAaS WI NHO Youa CAa rAID FOil oa NOT PHii.UPS AUTO ASK FOil MA.LCOUI '49·574-7177 ...------. IOATS rHtU..SAUTO fl•MW32$1 Coov. Luther lnler10t, A beauty. 093301) SlS.!8> OO•MWM._.#W Blad\ w/••Y premium wi-1$ ( 193118) S28.911l " u.w• ,.,,,,,,_ Blad\ cht ome wheeh. ed1.1 clean (19397) $28,98> 01 ,._,,. rtrie n,. Only 181< Ml'. HRE Pet· formitooe wtieds ( I 9J!M) INQUIRE .. ~•2• sc...- 8bldv'clean tan lthr tut recO<cls. rate find <19288) Sll,911> H •MW T40t H<lan I owner, loc:lll Newµorl Sedan. weal records. c.111 omed wheds (19340) S22. !8l 00 J.r-XK• Sllvt'I w/blilck. 12'1 rnrle'i. pe<fecl (19381) ~.911) •• ,_.,. GS 400 Premium wi-15. CO 1ladl 5tmroof (19286) Sl8,91ll 02 Fertl r-•lnl only 496 moles (I 9384C) S33. !8) OOJ.r-s-r,,.. 12k ITll, llhr rnoon roof ( 19314) S'l5.!8> HMIZClKU'O black w/bl.Kk ledtflt,f. ell! omed wheels (l!WZ) $29,!8> t4t-S74-7777 ~AUTO ,.......___ Electrtcal SeMces s .... u Jet. ..... "'' Duncan Flecttic 'lOYr'i ( xp loc:11VQudl R~ Set vice/Remodels l•275870 949 650 7042 Attl••"•• llectrl< ttoublnhooltn& 5'1flt.lalist Ill Mlf YtceS No JOI> too vn LM51386.l 71~1.D l1ce"sed Electriut Con tr actor Small 1obs star 1tn11 al $7t.t5 &,,,. Spet1ah1ma rn Remodehna & all home wirlna needs. Comm/lndust/Res I 4004t7-1008 l•7829S9 LKINSlD COMTIACTotl No 1nC> too sm. M •Wi::e' Rep•lt. remodel, fans, =· ,_ ·~ 949-64!>-3666 F1ocJrlnWTile CUSTOM CJl(AlM lU ntllltion .... OlfllmC, ""'1111. Wine &M. 1975 L"612064 Jiff 714-612 9961 ., Rlllfoulln & lnstallatron HLE 0£AH 9'9 673-«J65 7 IA-846-8!i26 714-883-2031 a..Dlan * * ~ ::=::-- •l.OCll& .... TIU lS'llMATlS pt --..YM _Sai_llJ ______ _ • SIONIY SAIOT • COMPUll $750/010 714-606-2H 5 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9J n SUP AVAILUU IN NIWPOaT HACH $2500 LIASI t4t-500-IOOS 18ft ltaO lUCTaJC DUFFY hatd lop. $9000 prtvat~ parly 949 673 2636 CUSSIFIED It's the solu- tion you're searching/ or- whether you 're seeking a home, apart· men~petor new occupation! l-TerrHl411Mht .... ~ n-.t. lnle trsmq & 1rt\lall1l10n 'l!I Yrs up L•c/in•ured 949-548-4363 M11nhmance as low n S9/weell Ucenud 714 ?22 8425 NICI! s,..... u, Get your yard looluna rts best for h umw Y•d~...._. llnlCJllnd~ wetllrnd & .... quota Xtre H-4 Mnll<H 714-4V.- TrH S.rvlce, Yard Cleanup, Ma1nten1nce. Sprlnk* Repn, Hauhne ''4'1H04781 .. ......., Home ... ~Helldynwn FHlhe.-. ==-brt. 114'IClowtldocn. ... fllllcl bani I pSq. "'*' ...... "---.011.1rn1 71~ f.f1D.U. DJlll A.IWNllJW«E STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?~ • • • • • • • • • • • Tbt &gal Drp11mnmt 111 the Daily l'i~t is plea.std to announu 11 nrw wvict now available to ntw bUJmtsS(S. Wt wi/J now SE.ARCH tht naffU for you 111 no txtr11 cha1ft, anti 111w you the r-mtt anti tht trip to tht Court Hou.st in Santa Ana. Thtn. of rouN, efttr tht searrh is compkttd wt wi/J jilt your fic1itioUJ bu.sintSS flllmt statnnmt with tht County Cltrlt, publish once 11 wttk for four wttlts /IS rrquirrd by law and 1hm file your proof of publirarion with tht County Ckrlt. Pleast ftop by 10 fib your fictitious businns sta1nnm1 111 tht Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Corra Mts11. If you camwt swp by. pkau caU us at (949) 642-4321 anti WI will makt 11rr11niemmt1 for you to handle this proctdurt by mail If you should havt any farthtr qumions. pk11Jt c11JI us and wt wiU bt mort than glad to llSSist you. Good iuclt in your 71tw business! Daily Pilot 7<each 42',000 ~eaders in Xewp~rl YJeach, Cor ona d'ef!Jl(ar, 'Xewporl Coasl, Cos/a !!Kesa . 7>on 'I m/ss ou I on I his chancre lo 7!1).ole.yq.l/r exp er/is IJH's field/ • Our 72Jeiflfin!J Ohowcase '?ubhcalion 7>ale.: ~une 25, 2003 ~ace 'Deadline: f/une I~, 2003 7/duerloria/ Oeadhne: !/une I 6, 200:J Daily RESTORE •REPAIR & REMODELING COMl'&ETI HOMI MN#rl#AIKI No job loo small! Everythma from Carpentry lo P-tinc fr•• esltmate c.n•-"r fO-ZfS-1'11 FIX UP WIOAUST. All types of repairs E lee tr lcal, plumbtn&. doon, wn '-lss. th & me,.. 24111 /7 eta Y' 714-366 1881 U:lllPClll ao11•sore COMPANY K._., W.. e.hoom& Maril 949-650·9525 TMI MAteOTMM All wor" &Uaflnt"d "'-~ oalclf. Doors. flnilh esp & ~ ,._ TO TNI DUMPlll 11• .. 1182 AVAll-A8lf. TOOAYI 949.873 M66 A NNI[ Pilot ({)4 ) 57 4-424 .._.e cle-1,..-lap'il aA.INIOW C9ICU MMft Wiiiy/Bi wkly/Monthly Paint1ng-ln4/e•l Hou5'11/~ Ref., G1eal rates! Imelda Qu1hty !Ohl free ntimate 949 l>Ct! 4285 949-278-007 l •!>6989/ 114·636-8888 Masonry * JaG MASONaT * l\ny lype, Best PrKf'S. Rl'Pll" Oil Quality wart. • /'DB) ._ /14-!;l I .1643 Moving ' Storage HST MOVIH $SS/Hr. S«vq ,., c~ lns..-ed 116.ll44 IDPt& Zl78 323 6.X) 9971 c:e1 PUBLIC NOTICE lhe Callf Public Uhhhes CommisstOn requites !flat all uMd h ouuhold 1ood1 movers r""' lhth PUC. C• l number, limos and chauffeurs pr Int the11 T C P number in all 1dve1 · hsemenb II you have any questions about lht le1ehly ol a 1nova1 , l imo or ch1uf111H . can PUIUC UTIUTIIS COMMIUM>N 100 177 ...... 7 HONlST & UASOMA.IU PlUM6CRL~ rrw Ull Sm repan ocrrru 0sc 714-:z:l>.9150 PHCISI PWMllNG Repairs & Remodehn1 rRH CSTIMArt L'687398 714 969 1090