HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-05-30 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• ' . - Serving the N ewport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2003 ~~~Newport Beach adopts new council districts Old Corona del Mar stays as is. but Newport Coast. Newport Ridge will break up. June Can1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Old Corona del Mar will stay in one City Council dis- pict, but Newport Coast and Newport Rldge were not as lucky. After a long and painful process of ~onsidering ways to balance out the • cfty's lopsided elections districts. the council on Tuesday approved a plan as : ~ les.ser of two evils. . . .. . . . . . Wetlands verdict holding up Old Corona del Mar will remain in Dick Nichols' District 6, while the Irvine Terrace area will move out of District 6 and into Steve Bromberg's District 5. Newport Ridge will remain in John Hef- feman's District 7, but the remainder of Newport Coast will now be part of Nich- ols' district. Bonita Canyon and the One Ford Road neighborhood will now be re- presented by Gary Adams instead of Bromberg. · .~-s enior homes Newport officials wait for Newport Coast Advisory Committee member Al Willinger asked the council to keep his area as one unlL "We have a goal to d evelop a sense of community." Wtllinger said. "We wouJd like all of the Newport Coast -Newport Coast and Newport Ridge together -to be in one district." The council unanimously approved a scenario to make the spUL "I think this is the viable solution given the alternatives,· Heffernan said. A second alternative wouJd have kept most of Newport Coast and Newport Ridge together, b ut wouJd have carved out an awkward slice of land surround- mg Big Canyon Reservoir tu add 10 the Corona del Mar district. TI1e city had to redraw 11., d1">tncu. be< cause the 2002 add111on of Newpon Coast nearly doubled D1i.tm 1 7 Atcord ing to city rule'>, the council di!.tricb should have roughly tht-...ame number of people. The new boundane-. were drawn based on the projection th•il \\e\t \anta Ana I !eights and other nearby area-. will be incorporated into the t lly. though that annexation remain\ untt'nam Tlus ~ not a pred1ct1011 or a c:ommll ment to annexing. RromlwrK '>aid Ille approach wa-. chosen to mall' lOUJl• ti ? QUESTION Wh8t do you 1hlnk about the new Newport 8-d'I City Coundl ddtric:ta7 Call our Readers Hotline at (949) • 642~ or send e-mail to dailypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and include your hometown and phone number, for verification purposes only. redi<itncting easier and more logical. be \aid. If the area t5 not annex.ed. the city might have to adjust the new districts. See DISTRICTS, P ... M ·- -Coastal Co mmission to decid e if Lowe r Bayview La nding can be built on . June Casacrande :· • :oaily Pilot ·: .. .;:· . ·: NEWPORT BEACH -Environmentalist Jan •• • Vandersloot calls it mitigation, but Mayor Steve .?omberg calls it a quid pro quo at seniors' ex- ;~~-;::;~A group of environmentalists led by Vander- '""""'" ... ,9v\t have temporarily put the brakes on a sen- lil'lllliiftllll affordable housing proJect at Lower Bayview • .~ng by asking the C:Oastal Comrni.s.sion to :•:!o'e on whether portions of the site qualify as ~~lands. ,.41!···· ~. :a::: •ii!···· ............ See WET1AHDS, Pa1e M ·~"'· ~· HOMECOMING :·: .. · _: ish Fry ~~~~~caled back .~.·.~. ' . . . ~·~·J?ut not gutted ·~ ... •»:· !=!~on s Club tradition is back !~!ibis weekend after a 3-year :•~sence. Alaska beats out ..... ~ Iceland to supply the cod. .-. .... : : : ~ lltlrdre Newman •: · • l))ity Pilot .. -. . . :::· COSTA MESA -The Fish Fry returns Satur· •!•:day, three~ after a lawsuit put It on ice. ::::··hie community event will be held at Uons : •: • ~ where it started 57 years ago. The lawsuit :::•1'at put the Fish Fry on hold was settled last •:•: ay, clearing the way for the event to return. :•! ·: 1.Jons O ub members. the event's organizers, :::•JIJ they are anxiolL' to establlsh a longtime tra-..... • . • •.•.·. •--FRY P M ........ -' ... : .. :·:· ........ ·: ~: Daily Pilot : AT A GLANCE KENT T'REPTOW /OAA.YPl.OT Kevin Russell, a student at California Elementary, takes center stage during an acting showcase children presented for parents . Honing their craft Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot K evin Russell embraces an audience. He thrives on being in the spotlight and can't seem to get enough of the applause. For 10 weeks, he and 12 other fourth-and fifth-grade students at California Elementary School in ~Mesa-ha\'e" had the chance to hone their skills on the stage by participating in a Netghborbood Conservatory acting class that South Coast Re~ory funds and teaches. While some of the students in the class naturally gravitated toward center stage and others found more comfort hidden in the baclcground, the after-school acting class has cbaDenged each of the students to be more at California Elementary fourth -and fifth-graders learn to act from t he experts: South Coast Repertory and overall acting abilities.. ·1 was kind of excited about !the class! because when you do plays, you're not learning.· said 10-year-old Tess Berglund. a fourth-grader in the~ ·11's really helped me to be a better actor and not to be afraid. just to be your;elf and not be mtirrudated. • ease on stage. ·1 want. considering how the arts are getting cut in school, to tum these kids on to something they may not have otherwise been turned on to,· said Steve DeNaut,-the..da.ss' ~"I love this age mainly because they're wide open. They will take direction and they don't have any preconceived notions. These kids are the dedkated ones.· On Wednesday afternoon, the students participated in their final class of the year. The students showcased their new acting skills for their paren ts with a performance that SALUTING DADS MOUr FATHIER"S DAY ~your~by .nclng. bMf '*'8Ql°9ph Of ewo abcM.ft wnv YOAJ1t did 1a ao er-t. elong with a photo, to the Oeityflot for~ on hthen o.y. Send • ...,-eddt Ill Id -""'• "you """"the photo,.,.. .... ~Oii. Thedwlit•for ....... .AIM .. Send your ..... to,..,... Dltj. Diiiy Plot,., w. -SI:. ca. ~CAllG7;"'91 •9'~• • 11Aa11torlllc ... .._._.110.E ..... la pl--- included all of the t·~eru'><.'., they had learned The exercises the young actors performed often evoked --we·re JUSI bl('<,.'>t.-d 10 have this program a\'atlable," -.aid Abby McGuire. a parent of one of the snident!> m the da~'> ... I think its 1usLa wondt>rful opportunjry for tht> ltd., to participau.• m. It \ a httle bit more wort.. but 11., fun • ---1fil!ghter among the small audience. but, explo a range ·Mon.key See. Monkey Do an exemse in which the students m1m1cked each other'!> gestures to a comical rendition of· rve Got You Under My Skin· as a lip-syncing exercise led by 10-year-old Kevin helped the students enhance their memori.1.ation skills. confidence of acting capabilities. they also explored the seriousness of Shakespeare. Reciting soliloquies Crom Romeo and Julie-t. the students tried to tackle tragedy by engagmg one-on-one with their fellow student actors. As challenging as that may be, THI NKING ALLOWED A day at IKEA I I A2 Friday. Mly 30, 2003 ON THE Budget cuts mean fewer lifeguards Other operations at Crystal Cove State Beach will remain the same. 0Hpa Bharath DailyP.ilot S tale budget cuts will not affect opera.dons at Crystal ~ State Beach this summer. officials said. "Public safety is our top priority," paik Supt Ken Kramer said. •And we're doing everythlog we can to make sure we're ready for the summer.• This summer, however. the number of seasonal lifeguards stadooed at various State Pam beaches will be less than full strength. In 2001, 628 lifeguards were hired statewide. That number dropped by 72 to TOPlOWATER SAFETY TIPS • learn to swim • Swim near a lifeguard • Chet* water conditions before entering • Never swim alone •Roat with the current • Don't dive head firat • Never swim after consuming alcohol or drugs • Wear a hat and sunscreen • When boating, always wear • life jadcet •Encourage children to join a junior riteguard program 556 last year. This year, no more ruts are expected. but beaches will still be short-staffed. ·Kramer said all towers in Crystal Cove are expected to be staffed in the swnmer from 10 Lm. to6p.m. "\Wreoot going to be able to hire too many aeasooal lifeguards.. be said. "But we're going to make IUle evf!l'J dollar we spend will enhance public safety." lbek.eyto having a safe time at the beach is to make sure you are close to a lifeguard tower, Kramer said ·1n Crystal Cove, the towers are 800 yards apart." he said MSo it's important if you're swimming or body boarding or surfing. make sure you're within the lifeguard's view." About 85-million visitors came to CalifomiU 273 state pub last year, according to the California Department of Parks and Reaeation. That is a 48% ioaease in visiton CM:t the put five years. State park lifeguards also performed 6.969 rescues in 2002. There were 22 c:trowninS' statewide. but statistics show that none of those WHATS AFLOAT • WHAT'S AFLOAT is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dai/ypilot@latimes.com. CRUISES Electric Boat Tou,. offers two-hour etvl ... of Newport Harbor ($76 per cruise). Round-trip hotel or off-the--water restaurant shuttle service is available. Pidc-up from restaurants with docks la also available. Chartered and catered tours. (949) 291-1953 or www.wattsontheharbor.com. Th• Newport Landing ...... 8¥9ileble for weddings and receptions, codctail and sightseeing cruises. and meetings. The cost is $500 for the firat two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. Fun Zone Boat Co. nana • 46-mlnute cn11M (adults,.$&; children, $1) and• 9()..mlnute- cruiae (adults, $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. dally. A 60-minute showboat sunset cruise (adulta, $8; children, $1) leaves the Fun Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are available. (949) 673-0240. Cat.-llna Paaeenger s.rvice NM 46-mlnut. RU PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Crystal Cove State Park lifeguards John Magner and Nathan Casey treat a girl who suffered a possible neck injury after a wave slammed her against the ocean floor. occurred in guarded area.1. That is where public education comes in. Kramer says. harbor cruises (adults, $8; children, $1) and 90-minute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa Fun Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. dally and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. CIViH th• harbor aboard the EJac:tn, • 100-foot Classic Fantail vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to .145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A tht'94H:ourae dinner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, iwtewport Beach. The fee is $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available . (949) 631-2469. The Ca1alin• Ayer departs from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round-trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245. Hom~ otr.n WHbnd dlnnerd~ and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered service. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adv.mu,.. at SN Yacht Chart.,. offer cruises around Newport Harbor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast •If you stay within a guarded area. we can make sure we help you if you're in trouble." he said. • Highway, Newport Beach. $20, includes cruise, parking, cookies and sodas. Reservations required. (949) 650-2412. ASHING Ashing daSMI leave Balboa Pavilion at I a.m . and return at 4 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays. $125. (949) 67~2810. Get to the Newport Pier Nrty to watch th• dory fishing fleet return with the fresh catch of the day. Fish are prepared for sale at Mcfadden Square, an open-air market. Ashing supplies and boat chart.n (open party and private) are available at Davey's lodcer, 400 Main St, Balboa (949) 673-1434; and Newport Landing Sportfishing, 309 Palms, Suite F. Newport Beach (949) 675-0550. Day and night fishing chart9n for groups or singles are availabfe at Bongos Sportfishing pn Balboa Peninsula. (949) 673-2810. KAYAKJNG/CANOmG/SCUBA lmua Outrigger Canoe aub invtt. adventure-minded adults to canoe Newport Harbor Hawaiian style. No experience required -they'll teach you all you need to know. Dreaa for the beach and bring a towel every Saturday at 10 a.m. at North Star Beach, 1 White Cliffs Drive, Newport Beach. For more information, call (714)432-1236. Daily A Pilot c:or.JWl9on News aulstant, (9491 674-4298 core/. wil.an•t.tlma.com PHOTOGRAPHERS Sean Hiiier, Don l.eactl, Kant Tnipcow Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Copyright No newa storiaa, lllustmione, editorial matter or advertisements herein cen ba reproduced without wrtu.n permlalon of copyright owner. VOL 97, NO. 150 Newt Edftiof'9 Gina Alexander, Lori Ander90n, Danief Hunt. Paul Saltowttz, Denlel Stevana NEWISTAff Crime~~ raport9f, (!M8)57~ d#l».bMrat11•1MJ,,,_oom Juna=r•Mle ~ rapo11er, (Mf) 574-4232 }ut».~ncJ.•t.tJ~ ...... Clmon ~but!,_ and environment raponer, (Mel~ l*JLdlnton.,.,,,.,,.QOIJ'I ............ Cotumniet. culeura ~. , .. ,a~ w..~,.,,,__oom ~ ....... C°"8 ---'9P0'tlr, IM)~, .,,.... . ....,,,.,..~ Qwktl•~ EdllOldon NPOfW, f .. l 57'-4B ..... oetrllO.~c:iom READERS HC1TUNE (949) Ml-6086 Record your commena about the Dally Pilot or newt tiJ>9. Addt.-• Our addr .. II 330 W. Bay St., eo.ta M .... CA 92627. Office hours are Monday -Friday, 8:30 •An. -6 p.m. Coml"91N• It la the Pllot'9 policy to promptly correct all anorw of eubstanca. Pluee c.11 (948) 794-<$324. FV1 The Newport 8eedVCoata M ... Delly "'lot (USPS-14WOOl la pubHthed delly. In N.wport Beadl and eo.ta Mata, eubacriptlone are available only by tubecriblng to The Tlmae 0ntnga County (IOO) 252.f1A1. In.,... °"'8ldll of Newport IMd'l a..cl c... MeN, eubacrttldona to the Daffy Plot era .,~only by flnlt ._ mall for ao pat l'tlOftth. IPrtcea lnctuCt9 elf ~ ..... and1oca1-.1 flOST'MAmR; Send~ ~to The Newpoft laedveo.ta Meae Oettv "'°" P.O. HOW TO REACH UI Chuledoll The Tim.~ County (800)m·•1A1 Mf•dt. a1, ,...,. , .. , M2-M71 .,......, , .. , M2-AS21 Edlloflll ,.... (9481612-19D ....... ...,PMm ,....,...., ...... ,10 ......... ,-.o110 l""'81:Gll#tJret•...,,,._oom Mllltca. ..... --CMll 142-4121 Bu1t11-"-<Mil G1-712t ~by"""' Communltf ,..., • dtvtelon of the Loe Angelee Tl""'. C300I TltMe CH. All rfeh_la , .... Wld. Oail'j Pi19t THE HARBOR COLUMN . .. ·, Time for changing of Narwhals guard Ahoy. answers. First and foremost, slow down the boat's : • •• speed There ls not This morning. our local U.S. Coast Guard cuner Narwhal, stationed in Newport Harbor. will have a new commanding officer. Lt. John IGdwell's two-year MIKE a set speed limit on the ocean. but the rules state that you must have your vessel under control 1hat means you must be able to identify, change course or stop to avoid a tour of duty is up. WHITEHEAD and he will ship off to San Diego to an end graduate school Kidwell is the first . commanding officer of the Narwhal, which was built to replace the aging cutter Polnl Stuart. Basically. his maiden voyage was from the shipyard in Louisiana through the Panama Canal and up to Newport Harbor. He arrived only days before the attaclcs on Sept. 11 . Kidwell will hand over his ship to Lt. James O'Mara in this morning's change of command ceremony. We wish John well in his studies. .RJNEGLOOM We are approaching the summer season, and along the coast, we are having the usual June gloom. The hot daily inland temperatures pull in the cooler marine air, creating the low lying clouds along the coast typically called the marine layer. It usually bums off by afternoon, but another byproduct of this weather condition is fog. Fog is a boater's nightmare. especially when you are trying lo enter an unf amlliar harbor while you are glued to the radar and the Global Positioning System. 1 regularly encounter fog on the Pacific while delivery yachts up and down the coast. The fog is so thick in San Francisco that on many voyages. I never see the Golden Gate Bridge when cruising underneath and looking up. San Francisco is more difficult to enter than Newport because of the ship traffic and the rougher waters. Boaters in the fog must be very careful trying to enter Newport or any other harbor and consider the options. I frequently make a pre-sunrise stop in Morro Bay for fuel on my voyages. and many times. I have opted to wait out.side the harbor entrance due to the thick fog. I would wait to enter when the sunrise gave us enough light to see the channel markers, or I would follow a commea:ial fisherman who has the local knowledge. When you encounter fog. what should you do? Just for fun, ask this question at one of the yacht clubs and count the wide arijly of collision, so set your speed accordingly. The newer boalS travel much faster these days, and a few neophytes will run at full throttle with limited visibility. I remember a couple of years ago. a powerboat club off Dana Point was holding a poker run in the fog with go-fast boalS going full throttle. 1 constantly remind those on my v~ls that not everything on the water will show up on the radar screen, so post a bow watch. There are whistle signals for boaters. Proper maritime nomenclature calls the vessel's horn a whistle and a honJc a blast. You may signal either a one-second ·short" blast or a four-to six-second ·prolonged~ blast as the onty two types of whistle blasts. 1 will touch on four restricted visibility whistle signals. but boaters should review all the signals. I always carry a cheat sheet. ln the fog, a vessel under power of an engine or motor may signal at least every two minutes one prolonged blast and listen for a response from a nearby vessel 1Wo prolonged bla.slS may be given by any vessel underway but not making way. hence engines not engaged are drifting. Vessels with limited o r restricted maneuverability such as sailboats or towboalS should signal one prolonged blast and two short blasts. If you are cruising near a commercial port. such as Long Beach or San Diego, you may hear four short blasts given by a pilot vessel waiting for a ship. That means there is a ship in the area. so maybe you won't hear the ship giving you the danger signal of five short blasts later. Again, there are many signals, so please review the lntemational versus Inland Waters regulations. Safe voyages. • laf WNTEHEAO ii the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and ltOfV suogestlon• by e-mail to Mlke§BoathouM TY.com or visit Boathoose TY.com. SURF AND SUN ,. WEATHER FORECAST Fog, low dou<M and drtz:zle will gtMt us this morning. though ... dNrupfot. moldvlUMf~ .. wlth hlgtw,..,., In~ Miiil lndthl IOWlr10l lnCOMal N9I JpcMt .... LOW9 wMI be in hi IOWlr .. n. "11llend Wll be .... 1houat'I • ted wermei. .......... WWW.IM&noe&QOV BOATING FOltECAIT The .... Wll blow 10..,. Olllelillnt1'91Mir ...... .-mooe-..-.HDG1.---............. , .... end ......... .,, .... The ..... bldW•lllt"'°"ll' ........ Oul ....... .. ncdt•I 2 ......... bloW .. ,, ......... ,....__,_ lnd1 ............ o1. .............. ol4flllll. Thi ............ IDcM .... SURF The IOUthweat l'Nefl continue. to drop today, tholtgh we'll still ... aome cheat-to ahouldef.hlghs. Standout apob may get lucty with IOme heed-hJgha ..... The aouthweat swell wftl pl<* up aome on s.turdly, but we ahould expect muct. of hi Mme. 8'.nct.y wlH be almller, Ind MOllCt.y loob • tad"'**· with_.._, ~-Nghe. :1 --....-. 1 WWW.tU~OfV TIDES TllM 10-.301.m. 2!.eep.m. t:17 p.m • 4tne.m. • .. • WATU TEllPUATURE i ' 12..... J Oaltt Pilot rriday, May 30, 2003 Al BEST BUYS Babystyle opens a new store in Newport B ~.a leading matemlty/baby lifestyle brand, opened Its second retail store at Faahlon l.ala.nd. Its · ft:agshJp atore ls In Manhattan Beach. The 3,300-aquare.foot store offers exclusive, high GREER WYLDER quality and at the same time affordable products. Babystyle started out in 1999 as an Internet business and then expanded to a catalog. Retail stores are Its newest venture. Babystyle offers an efficient, hassle-free and friendly shopping environmenL "We are very excited about Newport Beach as the next step in expanding Babystyle's retail presence,· said Laurie McCartney, founder and chief executive. It's a great community with a strong Babystyle foUowing and a significant number of growing families.". Babystyle-brand apparel and products, as weU as leading brand products.and hard-to-find specialty items, can be found here. So can maternity wear, baby gear, adorable clothes and toys for Infants and toddlers. Men:handise Is by high-end designers such as Lilly Pulitzer and Ralph Lauren. The store also has a gift regjstry. Open Judge upholds malice lawsuit against parent A Superior Court judge on Thursday denied a motion to dismiss a malicious prosecution lawsuit from Corona del Mar baseball coach John Emme against a parent who sued him because he said the coach ru- ined his son's chances of playing college ball, Emme's a1tomey. David Sho res said. · Shores said Marc Martinez s former attorney, Doug SmJth. asked that the court toss out Errune's claim. But that was de- nied. The lobbing of lawsuits back and forth between the Sea Kings coach and the disgruntled par- ent began in July 2001 when Martinez filed suit alleging that Errune hurt his son's chances for college recruitment after a dis- agreement over pitching counts. The complaint said the coach made J.O. Martinez pitch too many innings, damaging his arm. That lawsuit was thrown out in September, after which Martinez filed another lawsuit aUeging that J.D. Martinez was subjected to public humiliation and ridi- cule in a December 2001 story that was published in the Daily PiloL Martinez also accused the Pi- lot and Sports Edltor Richard Dunn -who was then a re- porter -of libel, saying that they published Emme's com· ments knowing that they were false. His claims against the pa- per and Dunn were also tossed out. Mart:inA huaaidhe.wilLap.· peal those derulons. Two freeway offramps will be closed today Access to the heart of Costa Mesa will be limited this morn- ing, as county transportation offictals plan to close two San Diego Freeway offramps. Bristol Street and Avenue of the Arts exits off the north- , bound San Diego Freeway will ' be cloeed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. while Caltrans crews pile-drive a apace for carpool lane col- umns. Oftldals suggest usin1 Fair- view Road, proceeding north to SUnfJower Avenue and turning right on Briltol Street. St John the Baptist hosts weekend carnival Fried 8ab won't the only glg • Crom 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; Crom 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m to 6 p.m. Sunday. Near Robinsons-May at Fashion Island In Newport Beach. (949) 759-1129. babystyls.com. BEACH PARTY April Cemell at Fashlon Island ls throwing a ~beach party" from June 5 to June 15. The store's friendly staff will model the new summer fashions. April ComeU offers women's fashions as weU as matching dresses for mother and daughters. The store also carries home decor and accessories, as well as gift items. Open.from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday; and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. ApriJ Cornea is across from Pottery Barn, between Macy's and Robinsons-May at Fashion lsland. (949) 72 1-9061. RAISE MONEY Susan Eaton of Newport Beach, a volunteer at UNA/UNICEF shop in Orange County, says those who want to support UNlCEF can attend its semiannual sale from May 31 to June 14. Jewelry, pottery, carved wood pieces, glassware, masks, jackets. toys, baskets, batiks and weavings from aU over the world are featured in the gift section. where supporting customers receive 25% off. UNICEF items include aU-occasion cards, mugs. books, teddy bears, candles, plates and wrapping paper. UNICEF Items are not discounted. All profits directly heJp alleviate poverty and health needs of children oven»eas. On June 21, the shop will hold a speclaJ Guatemalan weavers open house, with weavers demonstrating their art throughout the day. Refreshments will be served, too. Open from 10 a.m. to 4:30 Monday to Friday; and from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. Saturday. 2428 N. Grand Ave., Suite F (three blocks north or the Garden Grove Freeway in Grovemont Square) in Santa Ana. (714) 542-9743. WINE SOME MORE Great Lep Wine changes its winery or the week on Friday. This week's wine is from BurreU School, a family-owned winery near the Santa Cruz Mountains. Wine specials include Turnbull 1998 Merlot (regular price $24.95, special offer $17.95); Coastal Ridge Chardonnay ($6.95); Coastal Ridge Cabernet ($6.95); LeCARRE white ($7.95); and LeCARRE red ($7.95). Open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monddy to Wednesday; from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. niur'lday to Saturday; and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. 290 I W. Lo~t I lighway in Newport Heach. (949) 515-8466. AVOID RUST PatJo Outlet l>ells furniture made from rust free, lightweight aluminum, cast aluminum and teak with choic~ of table tops .. To avmd problems with uneven ground or patios. the tabl~ and chairs come with ad1w.table feet. Umbrellas are their ~t buy, starting at $200. They're custom made with weather-friendly Sunbrella fabrics and come with e1 three-year warranty Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 1741 Newport Blvd .. Costa Me'>a. (949) 548-2449. WATCH OUT Tourneau Watch Gear tam~ more than 30 brand!> of watche'> -the latest stylei> at affordable prices. Uke its upM:ale part-nt store, Tourneau, Tourncau Watch Gear offer.. a "budcle to buckJe" protection plan -all pans covered and on '>Ill' service and repa1rs. Pnct"> <1rc from $50 10 S.1,000. ll'thno Marine for divtng. Movado. Oakley, Oris and Versctc<' arc some of their popular brand., The TISSOI T-touch ($.1)50 to $600) with meteo lhammctm pressure), aJumeter (altitudt•), chrono, compa'>1>. alarm and lhermo touch '>Crecn' ,., um• ol their beM '>t'ller.. Open from Io a m. to 9 p.m. Monday 10 l·ml.1y: £rom I 0 a.m. to 7 p.111 011 Saturday. and from 110011 tu 6 p.m. Sunday. Level.!, :11 Sm11h Coast Pla7.a. 1714 l 41.! I ~9<1 www. wa1cl1gear 1 <1111. •BEST BUYS appedrs M<mc1c:1ys and Fndays Send inlo1mauon 10 Greer Wylder at greerwylder o yahoo cum. at 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mf'!.a CA 9262 / or by fax at 19491 646 4170 Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails For R<l'rv1ll1011J ( all (949) 646--y9414 H19S In inc A•c., < "''·' \I,, .. l.ha.,-,.~\to• \4111111 .... > W1 •f\.,·, ... • , 11 ...Qu~Hty Service• .. • • •Nigbdy Entertain.men~ .. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS in town this weekend. Beginning today. SL. John the Baptist Catholic Church will host its fourth annual three-day carnival, which reatures a talent show, karaoke, Irish dancer.,, live music, dancers and lots of food and sweets. Organizers said the event is designed to reflect the diversity or the city. The event runs from 5 to 10 p.m. today and fro m noon lo I 0 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at I 01 5 Baker St. Local artist wi II sell art to raise school money Trytng to raise money for various educational programs. local artist Michael Robles used his talents 10 create a rendering of Newporl Elementary School that will be sold a'> a limited edition prin l set. The sales of the authenLic print of the hiMoric school- house on the beach are aimed a t ramilies, friends and alumni. Robles will cJon,11e I)()'"{, of all sales to the c.chonl., foundauon. which manaRC' lina11t1al tnn t.nbutiom. for edut·a11<mal pro grams such a'> Art Ma.,ter'> and Beckman ~nentt· I raini n~ Robles hope" that he lan help enhann· tht' ... chool\ .1ta demlc environml'nt 1--or pun.:hac,e informatmn on this pro jct: I, \ 1<,1t www. wlu1/ro· fa Ii bra ry. comlroh/eJ/i ll(f I' x. I 11 m I or pick up an ordl•r rorm at Newport Hementary 314• COLDES MAPLE Of.'•!IE SOLID HARDWOOD PLUSH CARPET s4!!~ft. • lnslll.led with Pad s 1 69 • ~nimum 60 yards sq. ft. Travertine 18 .. :ii: 18 ....................... s4.23 -"· Ceramic Tiie .................. laAlt&U.4 ,...,. s4.9 ... "· Laminate Wood ••.•••.••..•• Uutallu ,,... s4.99 -"- Supplit'll and 7'oolll For "'" -0o II YOUN'11F_,_ All priC'tlfalproductll For a 11,,./ttt/ """· IHurd 0 11 u1H1lloblllt11. 1374 toian Ave., Suite F •COSTA MESA E1 (888) MESA-777 :--@If (6372) ltO'l.-nL tO.utteS ,.,. .-.p ....... SAt. 10 .ut t12 ,.,. (CLOSED SL'!roAYI ~ --- BUTERA NEWPORT BEACH FIRST ANNUAL TENT SALE 30 -70 o/o OFF SELE C TED I TEMS • J UN E 3 -7 1745 W ESTCLIFF D RI VE • N EwroRT B rAc 11 . CJ\LllORNIA 92660 MI L LIN G R OAD BY B A KER• H EN REOON A CQUI Sl l l ONS •R AL PH l AURFN H OMF BAR c UTE RA Ntw,.01tr aucH 949 650 as 10 • PAU Cnv 435 649 5540 I JUINITUltl llOOING IATH fAIUTO' fAHIC WAllCOVUIHC llCHTINC HOOICOVUING WWW.I U fllil"O'U CO l l l C fl O N .COM ••C l UtlVl D t ¥15 10Nt Of l•IC lA' l "fllA l "'C i C O Ul 'f llf 1 0 '"' t lAOe ' I• • A• Friday, M~ 30, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Wint S.br and Bristol strMts: A traffic accident invotving injuries was reported at 6:46 p.m . Tuesday. • CenW 81rMt: Annoying phone calls were reported In the 800 blodc at 5;40 p.m. Tuesday. • H-.nilton Street Possession of drugs was reported in the 600 blodc at 11 :50 p.m. Tuesday. • Pacific Avenue: A home burglary was reported in the 2100 blade at 4:02 p.m . Tuesday. • Peulartno Avenue: A hit-and-run wa.s reported in the 600 blodc at 12:32 p.m. Tuesday. • Pinec...ac Drive: A home burglary was reported in the 2800 blodc at 3:05 p.m. Tuesday. • South Coast Drive: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 900 blodc at 12:55 p.m. Tuesday. • Victoria Street: Graffiti was reported in the 1100 blodc at DISTRICTS Continued from Al The new districts will go into effect July 10 and will each con- tain 11,000 to 12,000 people. HThe only things that change for anyone are district bounda- ries and possibly your repre- CRAFT Continued from Al at ages 10 and JI , the students in the class got the chance to test their talents, explore the intricacies of acting and develop an appreciation for the arts. 6:29 p.m . Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH •Welt a.lbcMI Boulewrd: A hit·~nd-run was reported In the 1800 blade at 7:41 a.m . Wednesday. • Bitch StrMt: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 4200 blodc at 4:55 p.m . Wednesday. • Bison Avt1nue: A vehicle burglary was reported in the 1200 blodc at 8:23 a.m. Wednesday. • Main Street: Grand theft was reported in the 400 blodc at 1:48 p.m. Wednesday. • Newport Center Drive West Grand theft was reported in the 700 blodc at 5:25 p.m . Wednesday. •West ac..n Front Vandalism was reported in the 2100 blodc at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday. • San Miguel Drive: A hit-and-run was reported in the 300 blodc at 10:07 a.m. Wednesday. • University Drive: A commercial burglary was reported in the 2300 blodc at 8:40 a.m . Wedne.sday. sentative," Bromberg said. "We were very sensitive to the con- cerns of all the residents. 11lis was just the most equitable way to do it." •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beacti and John Wayne Airport. She may be reactied at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. 'Today, we're so focused on academics that we don't have time for all this enrichment," McGuire said. "We need to have this .... We need the arts." • CHRISTINE CARRIUD covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at christine.caffillo@latimes.com HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CrTY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sd'leafer and Chris Steel CrTY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Heffeman, Dic:k Nichols, Gary Proctor, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb NEWPORT·MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985·A Bear St., COsta Mesa, CA 9262&, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Cleric Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 708-FAIR Board: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez, Randy Smith, Emily Sanford, Peggy Haidl, James Barich, Deborah Carona, Leslie A. Ray and Frank Barbaro STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 904-5200; regional office in Long Beach,(310)590-5071 GOVERNOR Gray Davis (D), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .. Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: president@whitehouse.gov VICE PRESIDENT Didc Cheney (R), Capitol Building, Suite 212, Washington, D.C. 20500 E-mail: vice.president@whitehouse.gov §OLJ S I NVESTMENT GROUP Stock Muket's Up. Stock Market's Down. Arc you rired of the maaic. nt behavior ti~_..., If you anl'IWftd ;a• then come b~ ~n~ah · l?lic", lean\ tiiDlllf co ~Ult growth, with no riak to your ' Solt. it-a ~ 8-0cW Planner (CFP) with 17,an · uni~-~il'MbehM ~bis dienu in~ their money witdy fO Wbetu .., .............. -••• jl'CI Tune:~~~ Whtie lllaitQJtalil .:n9ia.uft ff&'Y, COM c:...::.:c.:r--·..,... PJ4iettl.W1"l' Mau by ailing @!LMi · Floral & Gifts 50% OFF Topiaries, Potted Ivy & Orchids ••• Home Decor• Furniture Ma.Ji'rl JM• W 10.5 • S-JM l'9 E. 17 .. Send I l l, C... Me.a• ('49) '4U745 (Aa'c>M from Ral ) l WETLANDS Continued from Al In the meantime, Vander- sloot and others h~ve pre- sented an environmental wish list for the adjacent Upper Bay- view .Landing park to city offi- cials. If the city agrees to the terms, the enviJonmental groups said they will support the city's project at the Coastal Commission. WI look at this as a complete breach of trust between the en- vironmental community and the citizens of this city," Brom- berg said. "What in the world are they thinldng to kill a senior housing project for nothing more than a tire track?" Of the three spots on the property designated as poten- tial wetlands, critics say one is just a tire rut with a little stag- nant rainwater in it. The two other depressions, Vandersloot said, have plants growing in them that indicate the area is naturally part wetlands. State and local laws restrict develop- ment of such wetland areas. In some cases, the Coastal Com- mission will permit develop- ment of wetlands areas if envi- rorunental improvements are made nearby to compensate. "By calling it a tire track, that's just a pejorative term they use to dismiss the fact that these are wetlands," Vander- sloot said. Vandersloot, along with Stop Polluting Our Newport and the Earth Resource Foundation, initially supported the project. Plans call for 150 units of senior affordable housing on low lands at Jamboree Road be- tween Coast Highway and Back Bay Drive, with a park on the bluff above, known as Upper Bayview Landing. Two things caused the envi- ronmentalists to rethink their support. At a Feb. 25 City Council FRY Continued from Al dition that brings the community together. H[This) is the only comrnunity- wide activity that we had and we'll soon have," said Chuck Cas- sity, the master of ceremonies. "It's like a reunion. There are many people who don't see each other at all except at the Fish Fry." The Fish Fry started in 1946 when Rollo McOellan and some of his buddies got together and started an event for the commu- nity. Little did they know it would last so long. "ll grew like topsy. It kept get- ting bigger and bigger," c.a&sity said. Eventually. a parade down Harbor Boulevard was added. The event attracted about 100,000 in its heyday in the early '90s, McOellan said. The parade ALLOWED Continued from Al final sip of my large coffee and glanced at my watch: It was 9:25 a.m. The parking lot was about 10 times more disorderly than the intersection, and I started to think I would never see the interior of this Oagship store. After two people stole parking places from me and I had unknowingly traveled down a dead-end aisle and was forced to get out of my car to mave the barricades -and receive a tongue-lashing from the security guard -1 found a spot Thankfully, the amusement park line, which bad earlier snaked around outside the entrance, had disappeared. At 10:05 a.m., I was inside. Thank goodness the bathroo~ are the first thing in the store. A short line had Conned for the escalator that ascended to the Mecca of Swedish furniture: The IXEA Showroom (dramatic muatc plays here). What followed was two hours of SWec:Uah sor.tie and lcnlclcbw:k sensory overload. Hutc:be8, tables, lamps and beds with funny names lined the Winding alale of the IKBA home KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT This property off Back Bay Drive and Jamboree Road is being eyed for a senior housing complex. meeting, a councilman and a parks commissioner suggested that the city consider adding turf grass to the Upper Bayview Landing Park.. But the idea seemed to fade as fast as it came up, and the City Council approved the housing plan without malcing any changes that would allow turf grass. The council did, however, send the matter bade to the parks commission for further consideration. Kround the same time, Vandersloot went to the spotted wetlands vegeta- tion on the site. Now the groups want assur- ances that the Upper Bayview Landing Park will be planted with native plants instead of turf grass. They also want the city to increase the size of a re- tention basin planned for the site and to change its plans for grading the high-lying area. ln all, the environmentalists' list of conditions comprises a dozen items on the park por- tion of the land and rwo more specific to the lowland area. In exchange. they say. they'll give letters of support to the Coastal Commission and re- frain from taking pan ln or en- couraging any litigation. Coastal Commission staff, who have conducted a survey of the site, have recommended that commissioners deny the city's request when they vote at their June 11 meeting. If the city doesn't get com- mission approval at the June meeting, the project will fall under state prevailing wage laws, which will cost the city about $500,000 more in la- 'I think the thing that's really funny about the Fish Fry is even people who don't like fish like our fish.' Mike Scheafer Fish Fry chairman was ultimately a victim of its own success and was canceled in 1999 because it became too difficult to shut down Harbor Boulevard. The event floundered after Ar- lene Wolff claimed chat she hurt her ankle at the 2000 Fish Fry when she stepped off a curb at Orange Coast College. The civil lawsuit was settled out of court for $30,000. The new Fish Fry is scaled- back. It will offer the basics - fish. a carnival. some community booths and entertainment For entertainment, Cassity has lined up Wanda's Dance Studio, which has performed at the Fish Fry for ~re than 20 years; the Slimtones, a blues, jump and swing band; and the Fabulous tour. Different models of kitchens. bedrooms, offices, dining rooms and bathrooms were on display, and each accessory-down to the magnet on the kitchen chalkboard -had a prloe tag. Adorning each piece of furniture was at least one of these: pails and buckets, tin t>oxes, storage containers, tea light lanterns, picture frames, decorative knobs, pulls and handles, fake plants, baskets. CD racks, dried Oowers, pottery and much, much more. If I had my own place, that Is what my kitchen would look· like. Oh, and I wish I could do that to the bathroom. I found myself cursing the fact that I had no right to rip out every cabinet and countertop in my small apartment a.p.d replace them with functional -and stylish - Swedish waies. The winding and extensive showroom tour ultimately dumped patrons in the downstairs warehouse, where you can finally get your hands on all the ttuff you've adm'tred for the put hour. ll WU prototype pandetnontum. u people ~ Muched for the Oppala Buy Olair they had IMO upstafn. Large .banners ~announced aupet-spectacular Nomads, Orange County's oldest surf band. There are some changes to the staple of the Fish Fry. though. Icelandic cod has been featured in all the previous Fish Frys. This year, the Lions Oub switched to Alaskan cod. "Wf!re trying to keep this all- American." said Mi.Ice Scheafer, chairman of the event. wit's actu- ally a lot cheaper." A snafu almost sidelined the secret baner that makes the fish sing with flavor. The group that had made it in the past shut down its kitchen, so the Lions Oub bad to find a quick replace- ment with a 60-quart mixer. The group's savior turned out to be the food services depart· sales, In which items were being sold at a fraction of their price. A particular wooden Oower box proved to be a popular Item. and a store employee was in the process of bringing out a cart load. "Are those the flower boxes?" one customer asked. Doi.ens of heads turned in the young mant direction. "Um. yes," the frightened employee said. He was lmmedJately surrounded by at least 15 people clamoring to get their hands on the half-priced Item. "Youcanjustcutthedeson the bundle and we will unload the cart for you/ one woman yelled from the back of the mob. The employee did just that. and within two minutes, the cart was empty. lbat waa my cue to leave. Plttingty, the exit of UCF.A is as massive as the entrance. From 28 cash lines. lighted arrows usher you out the door. People walked out with annloads of savings and carts full of boxed furniture. Q.astomers wtped their brows as they stepped out of the store and into the beaudful sunshine, pauatog (qr a moment to rest thelr ..-mt and admire their bootie. 'lbt'n they f)khd up their borers' wages. Bromberg has vowed that, if the Lower Bayview Landing senior housing project dies; he'll reverse a former position and push for senior housing behind the main branch library on Avocado Avenue. He had originally opposed the idea because development of the site would obstruct views. but now believes that a senior housing project that ob- structs views is better than no senior housing project at all. "There will be a senior hous- ing project built in Newport Beach," Bromberg said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. FYI The Fish Fry takes place at Lions. Partc from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 8 p .m . Sunday. ment at the Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School District. Scheafer said. While the event is all about fish, even those who don't like it have been known to enjoy It at · the Fish Fry, Scheafer added. "I think the thing that's really funny about the Fish Fry is even people who don't like fish like our fish," Scheafer said. The event raises money for schools and local organii.ations - such as the Boys and Girls Oub and Little League. In Its strongest years. the Fish · Fry raised $100,000. • OEJADRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reecned at (949) 5744221 or by e-mail at delrdre.newman@latimes.com. purchases and headed for the car, anxious to get home and break out the Allen wrench. • LOLITA HARPER writes columns • Mondays, Wedn89days and Frida)'1, and covers culture and the arts. She : may be reached at (949) 574-4275 or bye-mall at lolita.harper@latimes.com. - AROUND TOWN •fend AROUND TOWN hem• to the o.tly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St. Co.ta Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to mllctuwan.an latlmn.com; bV fax to (949) 646-4170; or by ~lling (949) 674-4298. Include the time, date end location of the 8Wnt, u well •• e contact phone n"tnber. A complete lilting le a~ileble et www.dallypilotcom: TOOAY St John the &.ptJst cathotlc pariah'• fourth annual carnival wfll be held on the church and ~ool groundl at 1016 W. Baker S\. through Sunday. Hours are 6 to; 10 p.m . today and noon to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. lnJormatlon: (714) 830-7204 or (714) 826--0520. SATURDAY The cultural tnditiona of Japan. France and Me>elco will be showcased at a two-day international festival at the Newport Beach <Alntral Library. Culture lovers of all ages are invited to the free events presented by the Newpon Beacti Sister City Assn. For more information, call (9491 717·3870. SUNDAY The 10th annual Belboa leland Parade, "Celebrate Balboa Island: will take place at 11 a.m along Marine Avenue. For information, call (9491723-4177. St. MIChael and All Anget1 Episcopal Church presents "Jazz Vespers for the Soul" at 5 p.m. It's the final free concen in the 2002-03 Friends of Music First Sundays at Five series. The ctiurch is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corona del Mar. For informatJon, call (9491 644-0463. AIDS Welk Ontnge County will hold its opening ceremonies at 9 a.m . and will begin at 9:30 a.m. at the UC Irvine Administration Loop and Chancellor's Rose Garden. Participants will walk to raise funds for HIV/AIDS prevention and suppon services. To form a walk team or support the event, call (9491 955-1400 or v isit www.sidswalk.orp/oc. Th• ProfMsJonal 0.nc:e N.twortc will host the founh annual "Celebrating Young Talent" at 5:30 p.m. in the Roben B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tic:hts are $10 for general admission and $26 for VIP seats. Free tidtets are available for select community-based organizations. For more information or tic:ttets, call (8001 323-0267. TN Rah ffY a.by eom..t will be hekf in Costa Mesa's Downtown CGmmunity CA!nter in lions Partc.. Judging begins at 1 p.m .. with stage announcements at 2 p m. Baby reglstra1ion and information form• are available at Cal's Camera and State Farm Insurance in Costa Mesa. Registration is $5. Forms muS1 be mailed by May 23 or faxed to (714) 435--0191. For more Information, call (714) 549-4961. TUESDAY P.K. Odle of the AmMkan F.ng Shui Institute will explain how elemental remedies are implemented to complement your dkor at a 7 p.m . seminar at Visions & Dreama in Costa Mesa. Reservations are required. For more Information, call (626) 288-1669. WEDNESDAY The fTtende of the Newport Beach Library will host a complimentary brunch and annual meeting for members at 10:30 a.m. in the Friendl Meeting Room at the Central Library. 1000 Avocado Ave. Local Nancy Robison, author of more than 70 boob, will be the speaker. Relefvatlons are required and must be made by May 28. Call (7~4) 696-6276. TIM N9wpoft BMc:h Junior qiamber of Commerce will present •How to Get the Best Out o(Youraetf," a pntaentation on how to reach one's goals, from 7 t0:9 p.m . at Coco's Fashion Island. Tl)• coct la S10 for nonmembers. lree to members. For more lnformlltlon, call Anne Lia.a Bleeon at (949) MS-9897. • I •• 9'tM......,IHM'tof ~ etranglng, ls the tubjed of •ti.-at Sherman Ubtlry and G•rdlnl In Coronl dll M.r at 9 a.m. o.lgn. .,. beeed on ~ thlll haw wotved OYW ~of JepeneM Nttory frOm ChlnlM end KorMn Oftgtne. ~•donle$46. ~·don .. ,.qufr9d. For _,..,,. lnfonnatlon, cell (Ml) 173-2291. open house and members ml>eer from 4 to 7 p.m. to ahow the public ha new fadllty et 330 West Bay St .• Suite 120 In Costa Mesa. The open house will fNture music performed by Diana D'ltri and Ridt Sherman. The public can make donations at the door and participale in an auction with several drawings for prizes from local businesses. Call (949) 650-3461 for more Information. JUNE& UC ll'Vine Ar1s8ridge prnenta World Dance Day. featuring Orange County elementary school students performing folk dances from Mexican. Vietnamese, European and Native American cultures. The noon event at Aldricti Park on the UCI campus is free. For information. call (949) 824-8942. JUNE 7 Macy's South Coast Plaza and Teen People magazine will host a Summer Surf and Swim Fashion Show featuring the latest looks from Roxy, Hurley, O'Neill, Billabong and more at 2 p.m. in Macy's South Coast Ptaza's women's store. For more information. call (714) 556-0611, ext. 4231. Someone Cares Soup Kitchen will celebrate its 17th anniversary m memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 to 9 p.m. at 720 W. 19th St. in Costa Mesa. The Flag Day dinner/auction will feature Chef Leon Mathews. Tic:kets cost $45. All proceeds w ill support the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen Hunger Relief and Tutoring Programs .. Make reservations by May 27. Call (949) 548-8861. For underwriting opportunities. call (714) 801-2354. Join Susan GokbUin, one of the authors of "Healthy Dining in Orange County; for a session about healthy cuisine at your favome restaurants in the Bloomingdale's Home Store in Newport Beacti from 11 :30 a.m . to 1 p.m . The $15 admission includes a signed copy of "Healthy Dining in Orange County:' Space is limited, and llc:kets must be purctiased by June 1. Call (949) 729-0854 for more information. The Adams School Country Fair will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m at 2850 Country Club Drive. The fair will have a silent auction. a 50-foot inflatable obstacle course, a 30-foot inflatable slide, a dunk tank, numerous games. prizes, food, drinks, a bake sale, a OJ, a guest band and more. Call (714) 424-7935 for more information. Become a rnernt>. of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the hvet of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer onentation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmedical needs, such as providing respite for the primary caregiver. readtng to patients, paying weekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more information. St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church will present a seminar that poses the question, ·0oes Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Ptight of the Hofy Land Chmtlana7" at 9 a.m . The ctiurdl la at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue In Corona del Mar. For more Information, call (949) 644 0463. JUNES The Orange County Women'• Chorus present ha 2003 apring program, "On thla Island; at Newport Harbor Lutheran Churcti. The concert of island-themed music begins at 7 p.m. and will Include the ctiorus directed by Eliza Rubenstein and •Men In Blaque; an ensemble directed by Joseph Huszti. Tic:kets are $12 and can be purchased in advance at (949) 451-8690. Lovera of live vocal mu9'c a,. invited to "The Summer Knows: a free musicale at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach <Alntral Ubrary. Mignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the library's musicale series, featuring tunes of Gershwin. Jobim and LeGrand. For more tnformation, call (949) 717·3816. . JUNE 11 Jeanne Alnt from the Alzheimer's Assn. will present "Focusing on Memory loss" from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m . at the Orange Coast Unitarian Univeraalist Churcti. 1259 Victoria St.. Costa Mesa. The presentation will address various causes of memory loss and diagnosis and treatment. For '"' more information, call (949) 646-4662. Yan Can Restaurant. 1500 Muna Ave. in Costa Mesa, will have its grand opening from 6 to 8 p.m ., featuring cooking by 1V chef Martin Yan. The restaurant will donate all of the pr~• from $10 admission tickets to Share Our Selves. a private nonprofit agency serving low-income • Orange County residents. For more information, call (949) 642·3451, ext. 262. The Belboa Bay Republican Women Federated will hold its "Scholarship Awards" winners luncheon at 11 a.m . at the Bahia Connth1an Club on Bayside Drive. For more info rmation, call (949) 515-8677. The Wildflower Walk will meet at 9 a.m. at El Moro for a five-mile htke at Crystal Cove. Parking costs $5. Wear boots and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more information. JUNE 13 Inventors F'Orum presents a seminar on "Intellectual Property law" by Edward Schlatter. patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m . m Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall Reg1strat1on and networking begin at 7 p.m . The cost is S5 for members. $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 540-2491 for information JUNE 14 Full SpectNm Yoga hu partnered with New Directions for Women to host "Celebrating Wholeness." a yoga and healing arts festival benefiting women and ctiildren served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission 1s free, and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 955-1965. Last Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75°/o OFF "We've Raided the Best Closets in Orange County." Quality Consignment Apparel CE . ~the style~ 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph's) M-F 10-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 ~ .......... "U-QUEPa .. .......... =-.,.,.· ... ,,...._ . ··e. ... o..M•• fnday, May 30. 2003 A! • Meat Choice• • (5) ~hot ...... (2) t/2 daw 1 rac:k (t3) ~ l1bs • • ~ ra 1 112 .. slced beef bolUt •Sides• B80ed beans. Cdesaw • Gat1lc "*'*' pQIP)eS. ~o salad • Dirty nee • homemade Chlll • CompJeta Deluxe Pak • Includes'. ( l ) grll iong.. ( 1 ) butlng brulh, (,) !di . (2) seMng '°'9 (2) spoons (t ) .... MMng an.. towels malChM, and aha*1g Ulenlib ,.,,_, fl UI albl. CMtcoal (Ouodde) ·····-···-··-··--_SJ .IO Trunk Show Saturday, May 31st, 1 lam-3pm Featu ring BROO K , the ~hor~ that ftt nght ~ Do n't mi~'> th1~ o ne day C\ r nt an<l J yo ur chance to speak \\ith BROOK •• !. Foor-W· SOLUTl9NS 1835 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa (c.nlef of IWIMw ' 1 ~ -Moytog) : 10°ic> Off : (949) 734-2020 Opet Mott-Sat. 10c.6pm I ANY PAIR OF BROOKS I I (vmb .id thru 05131/03) I NB Sister City Association presents International Festival May 31 & June 1, 2003 Experience , f 0 nd diversity ol ,o,o Of he ~e r Cl.J/f(J res NB Sister City Association's ot the 1st annua\ International Festival Sllarl artistic traditions of Newport Beach sister c1t1es l•l•Y a live performance with the Primavera Youth Orche5tro. Okazaki, Japan; Cobo Son Lucas, Mexico, and Antibes, Fronce. At Newport l1acll Ce•lr•I Lllararys May 31, Saturday 4:00-S:OOpm June 1, Sunday Noon-5:00pm . This afternoon Of f •• fer •II •1•1 will showcase Mexican, Japanese and Fnanch Ao., amJnging. herbs, bonaai, origami, korofle ·demonstration, orb, doncit and games. Programs ore Jr. and no ~ is requii9d. NIWPOII llACH PUILJC L111a1x 1000 Aw>cado Aca..,., Newport~ CA 92660 fOr inlarmalot-. cal ~211 .. 2158 , M FridfY, ~ 30, 2003 • . FORUM ) I • HOW10GETPUBUSHED -t......-.: Mail to Editoriel Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Deity Pilot 330W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • A11den Hotlne: Call (949) 6'2-8086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 f.tnel:Send to dailypilotlllat/tn8$.COm • All correspondence must indu&t full name, hometown and phone number (forverifk:atk>n purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for dartty and ~ MAILBAG No surprise when bad politics arise How ~ people act upset at Newport Beach City Councilman Diclc Nichols' statement ("Councilman's comments anger City Hall," Saturday). With bribes running ramped in cities all over Los Angeles and Orange County receody (don't they watch the news?). they should be looking into it Bribes ue, and have always been, part of bad politics. Ar. for questionable recent decisions by Newp0rt's Planning Commission. we need look no farther baclc than the Mormon church steeple height problem. Someone on our City Council, with the entire community involved crying foul, should have looked into that BRADSMmt Newport Beach A right to talk, but a responsibility, also FU: PHOTO I DAILY PILOT has bare spots because of the heavy use. The trees are being damaged. Soccer balls are frequently kk.ked on to the sidewalk and into the street These balls are often followed by , soccer players, who dart Into the very; busy street. Residents have complained about finding human waste ln the tot lot after the soccer ' • players leave. Now, as far as the letter writer's other vague Innuendoes about residents who are trying to improve · Costa Mesa, I would only say that his agenda seems pretty clear from the terms and words he has used. My . guess is that if the writer la for any sort of improvement, he will define the term to mean clean the alleys once a year, rather than making the very necessary changes in our city that will make this the best place to live in all of Orange County. JANICE DAVIDSON Costa Mesa A picture-perfect idea for Irvine Avenue It's interesting, although no1 very comforting, to see that Costa Mesa is not the onty repository of politicians who forget to engage their brains before they open their mouths. I refer, of course, to Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols' recent brain burp before the Planning Commission during which he reportedly implied that someone had been paid off r eouncilman's commen ts anger City Hall,· Saturday). Good grief! Former Corona del Mar football coach Dick Nichols is a Newport Beach city councilman. The consensus seems to be that speed is the most common factor in causing accid ents in the ·s· curves on Irvine Avenue. I don't favor installing speed bumps or additional signals to slow down traffic;. and I don't favor additional policing because of the numbers of people who exceed the speed lim it make it impractical to chase down every o ne, the danger to the policemen and the time it takes for the officers to spend in court when a ticket is contested. I would like to see investigated the practicality of combining traffic cameras with radar on portable trailers to photograph and send a huge bill to the owner of every vehicle caught speeding. I agree with other writers that Nichols, as a resident of Newport Beach, is en titled to speak on issues before the Planning Commission. However, his position on the City Council carries with it the responsibility of thfoJting before he speaks. , It's one thing to overhear those kinds of comments while sipping a cool one at a local bar -it goes with the turf -but for a sitting councilman to blurt out such innuendo in a public forum is an entirely different matter. Ii he truly believes what he said, then he should launch an investigation. If il was just unedited drivel running out of his head when he opened his mouth, then he should apologize and keep his ftngers crossed that no one sues him and the city. And the citizens of Newport Beach shouJd remember. GEOFF WEST Costa Mesa A sign of something completely different In Tuesday's paper, a teller ran that is full of errors and m isconceptions n mprovers improving Costa Mesa?"). I am familiar with the request to post a "no soccer playing" sign at a community park. However, the request was for a sign that not onJy prohibited soccer, but also all other sports that are inappropriate in the park in queslion, including baseball and field hockey -generally, thundering herd-type sports or those where balls are hit, thrown or kicked by learns. This park is a very small neighborhood park that is close to homes and streets. It is no way a sports field. The central fearure of the Orange County Track Club 6 TH cake C E 0 park is a tot lot. The park is also dotted with large mature trees. What has been happening is that soccer players are taking over the park and disrespecting the uses for which thjs park was intended and chas ing off citizens who do wan I to use the park as intended. The park has no Oat area of a size that is appropriate for soccer playing. The soccer players play around and among the trees and are in danger of running into the trees. TI1e turf in the parlc, which is not the proper turf for heavy use, is now turning brown and This might require a change in the . laws to provide that the owner of a vehicle is responsible for anyone caught speeding in his vehicle and would certainly require that the requirement that every vehicle have a clearly visible front Ucense plate be enforced. It would also be vt:ry unpopuJar. · KENNETH l . P£RRY Newport Beach THI S YEAR'S SUMMER RESOURCE GU ID E SUnday, June 1 8:00 a.m. Fairview Park, Costa Mesa 0 BenefltinCJ Estancia HlQh School Cross-Country fNTRY FORM R1>q1st"' onl1ne ~t il'!iVP com • Pr,n! lr'11hl, '" hl,ir ~ 1n~ Mdii entr 1 form & fee to OCTC PO Box 1307 Co\td Mt·\rl. CA 926.'"' CllECU Oll.Y, MAD( PAYAIU TO "OClt" 51( Rlct ' Brt.-flSt AfTER May 20 ADD $5 Kids' 1K Flin Run ' BrNkfast (Dots Not lncludt l-shirt) $ 20 $ 5 $ r; Breakf1st Only $ 5 Cln't run, but please accept my donltlon of $ Race. ~' Membership $ 50 mAL nu EJ1CL010 s. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IWI[ (i.t) First I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mw: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I cm: ~~ ~ so:_.. _, . AG(°" ltAC( a.l: LU HtltRT Silt Sii _II _l _JI.._ I I I 1-1 I I 1-1 I I I I I I I 1-1 I I 1-1 I I I I HOllC'"'*' WOMM>llC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OWL AllCllU$ ..wl' IO.Ull Of UAM.fTY: la CC llfJ FJllell tf .... of llf llltty te INt Miit, I .. ,..... M Mlllly tlle Or-. c...e, he* a. .. Is~ ... Cly" Celtol ..... c..... ""'~ -............ t'lllllly ........... . ........................... ~ ..... -.............. ., ............ ..n.11<1 it ...... ,,.... •• *'.,... .. ,... ............ ...,... ..... ~ .......... ,,,,,,. .... , . ..,......, ... ,...."~"'-.... ..,,.~--~ .. ~. ,,.. ..... ....................... ,,.... ....... ,...., .................. .,_,.,,. ...... ...... .,.... .... "• Weekend Activ ities • How to Get There and Where to Park • Summer Sports & Camps • Fourth of July Along the Coast • Dining Destinations • What's Happening & Where -All Summer Long • Art Festival s • Calendar of Events Don't miss this great opportunity to have your advertisement be seen "ALL " summer long by our readers from Sunset Beach to Laguna Beach! AREAS OF C IRCULATION INCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Friday. June 13. 2003 Newport Beach • Costa Mesa • Corona del Mar • Newport Coast HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday, June 19, 2003 Huntingt0n Beach • Huntington Harbour • Sunset Beach COAsnlNE PILOT -Friday, June 20, 2003 Laguna Beach Total distribution; 78,000 homes • . Daily.APilot 949-642-4321 LAOUliA I IA<'lt COASTLINE PILOT 949-494 4321 J OWIPiot GEmNG and stuffing envelopea, llt the Central Library, 1000 Avocado INVOLVED Ave. (949) 717-3890. • GETTINO INVOLVED run• NEWPORT BEACH RECrTAL. SERIES periodically In the Dally Pilot on a The Frienda of The Newport rotating basis. For lnfonnatlon on Beach Recital Seriea Guild.needs adding your organlzatlon to this volunteers to assist in fo1tering list. call (949) 574--4298. music appreciation so danlcal j()ZMT CWSICAL music will endure. (949) 6444208. ORCHESTRA NEWPORT BEACH Orange County'• only nonprorn THEATRE COMPANY resident chamber orchestra The company needs volunteers need• volunteer• for ticketing. to help with costume design, ulherlng, phones, malling and sewing, make-up application, set help with receptions. Nominees construction, technical help, are also being sought for the publicity, stage management arid board of directors. (949) badtstage supervision. (949) 830-2960. 759-1046 or LKSaf@aol.com. NEW DIRECTIONS NEWPORT HARBOR FOR WOMEN INC. NAUTICAL. MUSEUM The recovery center for women The Newport Harbor Nautical with alcohol or other chemical Museum offers a number of dependencies seeb volunteers. volunteer opportunities in the gift (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m . shop, as docents or receptionists, and 6 p.m .; or Joy, (949) 648-8754. with clerical wort and with fund-raising events. Training is NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST provided. (949) 675-8915, Ext. 107. The Upper Newport Bay Nature . Preaerve is looking for volunteers NEWPORT-MESA YMCA to assist with naturalist-led tours The YMCA needs a variety of 8(ld programs, special events and general volunteer help. (949) habitat restoration projects. The 642-9990. interpretive center is at 2301 , ~niverslty Drive, Newport Beach. NEWPORT-MESA 14) 973-6829. SCHOOL FOUNDATION The foundation is looking for NEWPORT BEACH volunteers to help with CONFERENCE AND VISrTORS fund-raising efforts, speaking BUREAU opportunities, public events and The bureau is dedicated to the occasional office work. (949) promotion of the city to potential 631-4143. visitors. Volunteers with extensive knowledge of Newport OASIS SENIOR CENTER 8eac:h are needed. (949) 722· 1611. M eals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY dishes to homebound seniors in LITERACY PROGRAM the Newport Beach area. The The program seeks volunteers to delivery time is between 11 :30 tutor adults who want to improve a.m and 1 p.rn. daily. The center their reading and writing skills. also needs volunteer nurses for Volunteers will be certified during rts semi-monthly blood pressure llainlng work.shops the Central screenings. The center offers this Library. (949) 717-3874. service between 9 and 11 a.m. the NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE first and third Tuesdays of the month. Volunteers should CINEMA GUILD commit two hours once a month The Newport Beach Premiere or volunteer on a substitute basis. Cinema Guild, which supports the The center is at 800 Marguente Newport Beactt Film Hlstival, is Ave., Corona del Mar (949) looking for new members. 644-3244. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic OPE.RA PACIFIC and cultural heritage in the The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, community and should have a a support group for Opera Pacific, love of cinema and a desire to has activities for volunteers. (714) 111ise awareness of the film 546-6000. festival. (949) 253-2880. OPERATION CLEAN SLATE NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC Operation Clean Slate, a Costa U8RARY FOUNDATION Mesa-based organization for .The library foundation needs graffiti prevention, needs extra hands to perform clencal volunteers to paint oot graffiti duties, such as filing, organizing and other duties. Mictiael (949) 929--6400 GIVE \'OUR DAD THE TIME OF DA¥, FATHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, JUNE 15'H . ISN'T IT TIME TO REMEMBER DAD? 't RO LEX BLACKMAN LTD. ':itt JEJnILBR5 ... . . . Howllrd, (714) 436-0745. occ NAUTICAL. LINtMY Orange Coast College'• SdlOOI of Saltlng and Seaman1hlp n99dl book donatlona for n. Nautical Library. Thouaand1 of volumea of boating-related titles are needed. The Sdlool of Sailing and Seamanship 11 at 1801 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 645-9412. ORANGE COAST INTERFAITii SHELTER The largest family shelter In the county needs volunteers for its ctiildren's programs. It especially desire• tutors and those who can take part In activities after 6 p.m. Tutors will wor1t with groups of ctiildren or Individually, helping ctiildren In their academic problem areas. Volunteers will also act as a big brother or big sister during the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCETY A volunteer group in Cost.a Mesa needs animal-loving volunteers for two hour shifts on Wt¥1kdays to walk dogs and help socialize them in order to help them get adopted. For more information, call (714) 640-2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers to wort with high-risk families and children. providing weekly emotional support to families, infants and first-time mothers in their homes. The center is asking for a three-hour weekly commitment (714) 543-4333. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNrTY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a vanety of functions. (714) 839-6199. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM Of ART Leam more about art and share with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleries and teadles about the museum's collections and exhibitions (949) 759-1122, ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docents are needed to lead tours of the Center, 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Learn aboU1 the history and the development of the Center and the wortings of the bad stage areas. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext.833 ORANGE COUNTY WORKS Participate In life management and employment traJning worbhopa u a auccesa coactt to fosterteens 16to 18yearaold. (949) 509-1451. ORGANIZATION FOR THE HUMANE CARE OF NIMALS Volunteers are needed to care for stray and lost animal• In the Newport Beac:tt, Costa Meaa and Corona del Marareas. (949) 722-1357. PACIFIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Orctiestra's Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs volunteers to assist ctilldren in a variety of hands-on musical activities. Volunteers spend a total of six Saturday mornings with the children. (7141 755-5788, ext. 244. MRfNT HElP USA Founded by mothers and others aQainst child abuse. Parent Help asb the public for help and volunteers to inform the community on vital issues affecting children and the family. For more information, call (949) 650-3461 or (949) 675· 5271. PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION PCRF. whicti raises money to support pediatric cancer researcti, needs needs volunteers for a variety of duties. (949) 859-6312. TliE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH INSTlTVTE The institute is looking for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more aboU1 the program, call (888) n44673. PRIME DYNAMICS Prime Dynamics, a Newport Beach nonprofit organization for the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. (949) 262·7300. PROJECT CUDDLE Project Cuddle, a nonprofit organization, serves the needs of abused, abandoned and drug-exposed ctiildren. In addition to office help and once-a-month, 12-hour hotltne shifts, volunteers are needed for an auxiliary group, fund-raising committees and to help distribute stidters to stop babies from being abandoned in trash bins. The organization also needs donated gift items for mothers and babies. (714) 432-9681. Friday, May 30, 2003 A7 NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA WBY NOT TRY ••• __ ............. , rr .... nu,,. .... , ..... . ................ , BEST llUSllLS Ill TDWll! '-wit::.~ ::.:: .. ..£.·~ ...... ,.. .. , NICK'S llSTllllTE IPllZDll OUTDOOR PATIO IN HARBOR CENTER Mon-Thurs. 11 am-9:30pm 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suite K-1 Fr1.-Sat 11am·10:30pm Costa Mesa CLOSED SUNDAYS (S4g) 722_ 7566 ClliDUftll rJ YIUI ......._----''-----'-------' THESE NEW FABRICS WILL APPEAL TO EVERYONE . EVEN HUSBANDS . ~ALDEN'S FllJ"'u"'lJlJ" hill• •1A ~1·.1,.,,1 · ..,. 1663 Plac~ti~. Cosu ~ 949~838 ·--..... -· ....... ---~- T~ soft foldi of V1enette' ~~r.ow come in three r'teW fabncs !Nt ippe•I LO~ Come see them tod.ty ''''' ,,,,, ..... ""' 2 2 n (1 An n u a I Corona del Mar Scenic Sk 2 Mile Fun Walk & 1 k Kids ' Dolphin Dash Saturday June 7, 2003 Event Sponsor P ~«t>C Gtoup. Inc Runner's Bib S-ponsor <ID 2 Mile Walk Sponsor II R.ElOB)iHS~ Resta u.r~.nt Row Sponsor I>ailyAPibt Media Sponsor Chip (&)Stasser Awards Sponsor Ware Dtsposat Entertainment Sponsor ..... ,,., ... Dof phln Dash SponJor .. pt ..... .,, c.. •• .,_a s .,c w ... ClllJlllfk ,, , ..... ,, a s .. 0 Registration Sk Run $22 2 Mlle Walk $22 1 k Kid 's Dolphin Dash S 1 2 Race Day Registration $30 fOotphin Dasn s 12) R~1srraoon 1nch1des a Mhlrt. gourmet t>rea1tfa11 tea1u11n9 tne lamou~ llest~•nt Row Pre-Registration prior to Wednesday May 28 MaJI completed c~ttatlOn to<m W1tll dl«t or crtclJt card' to ATTN CdMSk C11y or Newpon 86ch. 3300 Newpon Boulevard. Newport Buch CA 92663 Fax '°'"' wlttl credll card • 10 949-644-3 1 SS R~glster Onlf ne at www acrryc cgm \llatk-ln Registration & Packet Pick-up at U'le OASIS Sen.Of Center. 800 M.u9uer11e Aven~. COf'ona del M<tr June 4 Wednesday fl'om noon-7 oopm. June S Thonday trom noon-7 OOpm, June 6 Friday trom 9 OOam-7 OOpm Registration Form One Form p~ Entr•nl lform mar be photoce>pledl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ I I I I I I I Last Name First Name I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Addreu lllllllllllllllll l ll I Wllllll City Si.te Zip 11111111111111111111 11 1w111 11 e--m.it addrHJ UW WW lllll LLL.JLLL.Jlll So ~ on 8kttt O.t• Oayvrne l'hont ltice Olly LJ LJ LJ LJ ,.Mtfdpadng In 511 WOfMn°1 S~ Men's 2Mlle Wal~ Oolot'lfn DaSll Sll S22 S22 Stl Afl• ca~: n Mid watt ~1 l~I .~ ~ ~ ~J9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,\d •• 'd.l,L Age ca~ LJ" o.t1 J.SNn s1:re Mutt c... ~ 8 kl 9•10 y LJ y ~ y ~ 'r1 1 1 11111 1 111111111 Wl:U Ord ' (JIJI O.• ...... 01 Ulllaml'-•£1& .......... .::::::.'• ..... ""'~ t.-oelllOt t'O"'). .... If rs,_. aJDil'OILI ~ ® WCI l'O a '91 ..,.1119 .....,. • .., .aa: .... ..., ... ni..-...c..w.••--·ftlJN[.,.. 1ww ..... ,..... .. ,_. ..... .,,...,.. • '" .. __.._,.. .. ,.... .......... __ .._ ......... ......_ ............. _._ .. _.._.~ ........................ . ........... ~ .......... .-............................... .. -.------·-......-... $_,., ...... _._...., __ ................ °" ... ....... -~-.. -.............. ..._ ...... ..__. ...................................... " ....... QUOTE OF THE DAY "I'll do anything /or soccer." C....He*tck, Kaiser boys 5-6 coach M F~. Mly 30, 2003 Spot1I Ec11Dr Rtctwd Dunn: (949) 57~223 • SpOrtl Fu; (949) 650-0170 EYE OPENER • Daily~Pik>t • SpmU Hall ~Fauae ,~ ...... ·~·- JIN2honorff JERRY DEBUSK 4 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT The Sea Kings' No. 2 singles player, Wesley Miller, sets up to rip a backhand return in his first match Thursday as CdM defeated Peninsula, 144, in the CIF Division I semifinals. Corona del Mar rules semifinal . ... . Top-seeded and undefeated Sea Kings will play in CIF Division I title match after 14-4 trouncing of Peninsula. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -A return to Division I has brought out the best in the Corona deJ Mar High boys tennis team and at the most opportune time. • tions even began. Peninsula Coach Mike Hoeger's strategy of stacldng his singles field baclcfi:red. as c.dM senior Garrett Snyder and sophomore Wesley Miller each swept their three sets. Snyder won. 6-1, 6-1, 6-2, while Miller had victories of The undefeated Sea Kings (23-0) continued their stranglehold over every team they have encountered this Peninsula 4 6-4, 6-3, 6-3. CdM 14 ''Wesley was the key to vic- season, claiming a 14-4 victory over visiting Peninsula Thursday in a CIF Southern Secdon Division I semifinal. The win sets up a date in the Division I final with Santa Barbara on Wednesday at the Oaremont Oub at 11 a.m. Santa Barbara beat Los Alamitos. 11-7, Thurs- day. tory, he beat [Trevorl Dobson, 6-4, so that helped us out." Snyder said. Dobson, a sophomore who stands roughly 6-foot-3, played No. I singles Thursday, but struggled with his serve, which hurt his chances against the likes of Snyder, who remained undefeated in team matches this season. Snyder will attempt to add a CIF indi- vidual s ingles titJe to go with two dou- bles tides he has won the past two sea- sons when he plays in the Round of 16 today at Sea<liff Country Oub ln Hun- ..... Top-seeded c.dM, which spent the previous two seasons ln Division V. swept all six sets to open the match, 6-0, and led, 10-2, after the second round was complete, sealing Thursday's vic- tory before the third sequence of rota-See TENNIS, P•1• A9 CdM's Brennan Roberts smashes a volley at the net Thursday as partner Carsten Ball backs him up at the baseline. DAILY PILOT CUP BOYSS-6 Lewis. hunts down his second ·shutout .Lincoln scores four second-half goals to post its second pool-play win. ..,anleNeff DalyPllot COSTA MBSA -Uncoln'• fifth-and iaah-pade boyl aocoer team recorded ID eecond lhutout ln 11 many pmes, i:Wlednc Prtnce of Peace, 6-0, ;t'bUtlday In Pool Hof the Dally Pilot die Colta MeN Parm Complex. ·pMer Hunter Lewta made a ~NW ln the dotlna llllmd9I, s..pq up and dpptna the ... onr .. poet to MCUn rm Mc:ond ICGr 1°111 wnture. IAWtl tlniahed wtth ......... mi1t1 Why M'e In there," Uncoln COldl Pndertct Wllc:b ...... Ullcmn, Which .... Only ..... .axth 'inlilrlaaa tbec..m. drfntild • Mariners 2, 3-0. on Wednesday and will play Victoria in Its final pool-play game at 6:45 p.m. today at Colla Mesa High. 'fyter Kralng gave Uncoln a 1-i> lead early ln the match taking a give-and-go to the net for the acore. Minutes later, after fifth-grader Michael Clleater made a diving aave for Prince of Peace, Ryan Peyton drilled a &bot from outJlde the box over the head of Oaener for a 2..0 lead at the half. Maybe it WU Principal Barbara Rothman'a incentive of extra recne for the entire IChool lf the twn winl the tide that kept Uncoln on fire ln the aecond bait. ecortng four mon goala. Uncoln woa the thlrd-and fourtb-pw.cle dtviaon title two yean ..,. IWd Williama made It. 3·0, on a Iona blMt from the comer of the bOll ancf Nlct 'Dlonn!na followed a mlDute STM McCRN«/OM.Y Pl.OT A Lilcoln player takes a left.footed shot 91ainst Prince of Peace In a boys ~ and sixth-arade division contest Ttusdly afternoon In the Daty Pilot Cup at the F.-m Complex. Llncoln won the Pool H match, 6-0. later, malcing It 4·0. Oaetter WU kept bmy In the aOa1 for Prince of Peace. nd1na of efsht Nftl, but Uncoln'1 ol'enM WM toO much. Hantlon Roar. throulb a pirfect GIRLS 3-4 Cinnamon spice · for Kaiser team Kaiser scores two second-.. half goals to post first win. ' Melanie Neff OaiyPilot PHOTOS Y DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT flbove, CdM's lssei Sa1da runs down a forehand return in doubles pla.y wft!1 partner Bryan Warsaw, while CdM's No. 1 singles player, University ~f ~exas-bound senior Garrett Snyder, right, puts away voley to wm his first set against Peninsula. CdM won, 14-4, to advance to the CIF finals on Wednesday at 11 a.m. against Santa Barbara at the Claremont Club TENNIS Continued from Ai3 tington Beach at I p.m. When asked what is more imponant -a team or individual championship -Snyder was quick with a response. -rhe No. l goal is the team." he said. •That is. what high school tennis is all about.• Snyder said this year's team might be better than the 200 I group, which went 23-0 to claim the Division V crown. "Our closest match this year has been 12-6 and everyone is playing well," Snyder said. "Our doubles guys are winning close matches." CdM has defeated three opponents by 12·6 counts, including against Peninsula in March. All other matches have been by margins greater than that. The Sea Kings' doubles tandems again gave Coach Tim Mang reason to relax a bit after the <>econd sets. Sophomore Carsten Ball and junior Brennan Roberts won all three of their sets, 6-3, while seniors Bryan Warsaw and lssei Sruda swept, 6-4, 7-5, 6·4. Ball and Robens trailed, 3-1, lO Jason Dauer and Neel Patil in the second set before running off five straight games to close out the set. "We just had 10 keep going,· Ball sald SPORTS when asked what changed the mo men- tum in the set. "We knew we were going to play our best," Roberts added. Equally impressive for Mang was the performance of sophomore doubles teammates Alex Nguyen and Nicholas Gingold. The duo clinched a 6·3 victory over Patil and Dobson in the first set Thursday, breaking to go up, 5-3, on a forehand winner by Nguyen. Both Nguyen and Gingold were ac tive at the net, returning volleys both backhand and forehand to seal the wm "They finaJJy put it together," Mang said about Gingold and Nguyen. "They got aggressive the last few points and that was key. "(Peninsula! could haw won the last three sets (of the first roundl and this 1hing would have been nervou"> lime," Mang said. Jumping to a 6-0 lead '>t-alt.>d the fate fo r Peninsula (20·4), alTnrdtng to I loeger. "the suspense was all gom· with a 6-0 lead.· he said CdM sophomore Spentl'f Real/ won his opening set. 6-4, over \\'h11ney Reed, the only Pemnc;ula pla~cr tn I loeger·s singles' lineup rhur,day who competed in single!'> in the ll'am •,' regu- lar-se~on match. .. We '>lacked our doublt''> the fir'>t ttme and were fairly '>ucce'>i.ful, '>O we felt that if we didn't give [CdM I any '>lruggle Friday, May 30, 2003 M in single\, we were not going to win," I loeger \citd .. We o nly lost four ttmes this year. tw1Ce to C.dM and twice to Beverly 1 ltll'> LdM i\ the better team " CIF 01v1slon I Sem in• s CdM 14, PeninSYI• 4 Singles Snyder CdM I def Dobson. 6-1, def Reed 6 1, def Guice 6 2 Miller !CdMI won. 6 4. 6 3. 6·3. Reitz fCdMl lost 3 6, 2-6, w on, 6 4 Doubles Gingold Nguyen !CdM ) def Dauer Pa11I, 6 3, lost to Hsu·Fukugak1, 3 6, lost to subs (Bhagat Tsai>. 6 7, Ball Rob erts !CdMI won, 6 3, 6 3, def M1yawak1 Comstodl. 6 3, Warsaw·Sa1da !CdM J def subs Re1t Barua 6 4 won 6-4, 7 5 DAILY PILOT CUP BOYS 3"'.4 Less is Moore for Harbor Day Playing without one of their best players, Seahawks still have enough to defeat Eastbluff, 5-2. Steve Vlr1 en DaiyPdot COSTA MESA -It took a little more than 15 minutes in the second half, but the Harbor Day third-and fourth-grade boys soccer team eventually broke through Eastbluff's defense. The Harbor Day Seahawks scored three goals in the second half, mainly because they, "came together as a team,· co-coach Bob Gorab sald. Harbor Day's newfound team chemistry helped overcome the loss of one of its best players and led to a 5-2 Pool G victory over E.astbluff. Will.ie Moore nened a hat trick for the victorious Seahawks, who defeated Adams. HHJ, Wednesday. Colton Gyulay sco~ four goals in that win over Adams, but he had to play for his Little League baaeba1I game Thursday. EDter Moore. He scored once in the first half, and added Harbor Day's final two goals, as the Seahawb broke away from a 2-2 halftime tie. ·1n the second half, the wind was at our backs,• said Gorab, who coached Harbor Day along with Rob Case "I ju.st tbin.k..lnthe_ second half that our kids started to play together better." Eastbluff and Harbor Day played evenly in the first ha.If. tradlng goals throughout the first 25 minutes. Jack Gorab scored first for the Seahawb, heading In a comerklck from Moore. Then, five minutes later. Brett Thompson got Eastbtuff on the scoreboard. Blake Thompson answered for Harbor Day shortly alter Moore's comerklck to put the Seabawb back up. 2· l . However, just before the half ended Jack. Nowak scored for Bastbluft even though the Seahawb' goalie bad a hand on the ball. • P.astbhdr displayed solJd defense through 'OOFORD FOCUS SE V.-y dean. must .. 12861081 '9,976 'OOMAZDA 626 Auto. air, dean fl 323661 •10,976 '01 JEEP CHEROKEE Alt, auto. ~~ •15,976 STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT An Eastbluff player celebrates a goal against Harbor Day in boys 3-4 Daily Pilot Cup action Thursday. But the celebration was short~ived as the schools finished in a 1-1 tte. ~~~~,.~CORES Rea No. 1 9, Newport Elementary 1 MarinefS Christian No. 1 7. Lincoln No. 2 O Anderlen 4, Ree No. 2 0 Newport Cout 7. Devil 0 Kaiser No. 1 3. St. ..io.ctlim 1 Harbor Dey 5, Eastbluff 2 Mariners def. Marinan Christian No. 2 Adams 4, Pomona 0 most of the second half. Goalie Cluistian Ball, the younger brother of Cameron and C.arsten of C.Orona del Mar ffigb tennis notoriety. recorded l 0 saves in the sea>nd half for P.astbtuff. '01 FORD ESCORT ZX2 Spotty 9COno c:ar, C4Wtlfled 12152341 •10,976 ••• In other boys 3-4 action: • Rea No. 1 9, Newport Elementary l: Martin Quda scored four goals while Arturo Martina tallied two goals to lead Rea to the shutout In Pool A play at the Farm Complex. Gilberto Garcia. Marc:oe Rodrlgue"Z and Jonatbm Diego each scored one goal. •Newport CoMt 7, Dayta 0: Newport Coast won its first Pool D match as Chris Preelnan and Brandon llOCJYa' scored two goals each. A150\ teammates Connor Gu.I. Scott Youngman and Cole Gennrlch scored one each in the victory at the Farm Complex. '97 FORD AEIOSTAR XL T lwto. olc. loaded (A92058) lladt beauty, used, certtfled (117323) •16.976 S22,976 SEAN LER 1 DM.YPILOT A boys 3-4 d1V1s1on St. John's player, left, and a Kaiser player battle for control of the ball Wednesday in the P~ot Cup. 8289~- Q-1111111 ........ I JeepTCHRYSLER Cllta IBI ·-11111111-1111 Al praa ..:We.,_,_., '-and lam& ar.,. '-- preparatlOfl do and Oii)' -dw '96 FORD E150 H+gh top con..,..9'otl von IM3100I •11976 '0 1 TOYOTA COROLLA Auto, o/c cl.on IS..o670I 111.976 '01 FOltD F150XCAI XU low~ cnf aecl Ml~ '11.976 TU'( ~) rw~ 1111 r Atll ::;, ~o "A11so1 '()()MERCURY MOUNTAINEER V«ydeon l AIO Friday, May 30, 2003 SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL CdM battles Aztec Empire La Quinta brings an impressive 27-2 record into today's CIF Division IV quarterfinal B•rry F.ulkner Daily Pilot CORONA DEL MAR -Top· seeded La Quinta High, which visltJ Corona del Mar today for a CIF Southern Section Division N quarterftnal playoff game, isn't so much a baseball team as it ls a statistical anomaly. The Aztecs (27-2) have a pitcher with 37 victories in 39 varsity decisions, a hitter with a Southern Section-record 41 ca- reer home runs. and a coach with 642 victories. only 197 losses. 11 straight Garden Grove League titles and, perhaps, the best collection or talent he bas assembled in his 30 seasons at the helm. But CdM (19-8). champion of the Pacific Coast League and winner of five in a row and eight or its last nine, has more than momentum on Its side, heading into its first quarterfinal appear- ance since 1999. The Sea Kings also have f'airty recent history on their side, having upset then- top-seeded La Quinta, 12-1, in the CJF Division IV semifinals in 1999, en route to the program's second CIF title. La Quinta has been to at least the quarterfinals nine times in the last 10 years, including five title-game appearances· and back-to-back Division m crowns in 1994-95. The Aztecs lost in last year's Division rv title game, but have lost only one day this season, dropping a pair of tournament decisions April 16. The losses, to the top -ranked teams in Utah and Nevada, in- terrupted a 16-game winning streak. Since then, the Aztec Empire has won 11 straight, in- cluding consecutive playoff shutouts -a 5-0 first-round win over Arroyo and a 3-0 sec- ond-round defeat of Malibu. CdM trounced Hesperia. 19-3, in its playoff opener and held off Temple City, 4-3, Tues- UClnrinc • day. The Sea Klngs are led by seniors Keith Long and NJck ~.as well as juniors Josh Bradbury, Todd Macldln. Barrett Sprowl, Danny Marin-Finn, Nick Palchlkolf and sophomore Wess Presson. Bradbury, who earned the pitching victory Tuesday, is hit· ting .442 with 10 home runs and 28 RBis. ~ is bitting .380 with five homers and 22 RBis, while Long is hitting .368 with one homer and 19 RBis. Mario· rtno (.417 with 12 RBis), Palcbi· koff (.375 with 19 RBis), Sprowl (.365 with 15 RBis), Macklin (21 RBis with a 6-2 pitching record and a 1.71 ERA), and Presson (14 RBJs) are additional stal· warts. Macklin is today's scheduled starting pitcher, matching up against La Quinta senJor Ian Kennedy. with the aforemen- tioned' 37 -2 career record. Ken- nedy, out much of the season with a broken kneecap, is 6-0 with an 0.64 ERA. Commined to USC. he has 54 strikeouts and just three walks in 33 innings this spring. Kennedy also hits ninth in the order with a robust .381 average. USC-bound senior Ian Stew- art spearheads an exlosive of- fense with a .468 average, 15 ho- mers and 60 RBis. Cal State Fulerton-bound senior Cole Gamer hit his 10th homer Tuesday to up his career record total to 41 and he has 37 though be Is still only about 85~ due to the knee injury, •~ tained in the preseuon scrim· mqe. The Aztecs, whose pitchers include senior Brian Wuon (16-0 with the victory Tuesday),. began the year ranked No. 1 in the nadon by USA Tuday and are now ranked as high as sev· enth in one nadonal poll. "To be the best, you've got to beat the best," CdM Coach John Emme said. "We're looking for- ward to the opportunlty to see what we can do. It should be lots offun." Today's winner advances to Tuesday's semifinals, against either Cabrlllo (21-6) or Garden Grove (17-11). CdM, iflt can ad- vance, would be on the road against either semifinal oppo- nent HAPPY Blml>AY Celebratin the Daly Piot's Athlete o~ Week series I Ii i f i I TODAY 19 -Humberto Rojas Estancia Cross country, tradc. '01, '03 SCHEDULE RBis this spring. TODAY Senior Blake Crosby, signed 8-ebeM ·th BYU · hi · 487 'th 31 High school -La Quinta at Corona del WI • IS tung · WI M ar. CIF 01v1aion IV quarterfinals, RBis, while sophomore Brandon 3:1Sp.m. Laird is hitting .300 with seven Tennil homers and 29 RBis. High school boys -Corona del Mar's Senior Aaron Randall is hit. ,. Garrett Snyder at CIF individual ting .426 with five homers and singles c:hamplonsh1pt. Round of 16. 35 RBis. at SeaCliff Country Club, 1 p.m. T,_.endfietd The La Quinta lineup also in-High adlool boys and girls -Costa eludes junior Costa Mesa trans-Mesa's Sharon Day (high 1ump), fer Adam Jorgenson, a deslg-Corona del Mar's Anne St. Geme nated hitter who has just ( 1,600) and E1tancia's Zad! Novak emerged as a starter, hitting (high jump) and Humberto Ro1as ( 1,600) at CIF Matters Meet at .370. Cerritos College. 4:30 p.m. field Demarest believes Kennedy is events, 6 p.m. running events. among the best pitcher-hitters College men and women -UC Irvine in Orange ·County history, at NCAA West regionals at Stanford. ....... Athletics Corporate Sponsorships Available .,.,_......_ .. h:rs '1ram 111111 7 M 1 ..,,_can•_,., T&JL*t• • LJI •• h .... a ..... ';ua•h---?l11'• ... .... -·· 7 .............. Cll..,............. •1•11?1 ... ... ........ '1°11:1111 ......... ,..IJINl'3J ........ ..... • ..._.' ,,....,_.-, ....... .._...ua .... ' d' 11110..-..c..., ..................... ,,, .... -.1111•••••• .... 111 ••H~...._,,..._,talar .., ... 'rra .................. u· ... .... -· ( , .. _ .... ...,. Fl ''5 l)ldllF Courtsidc Signagc C1 Ht ...... la,..11~1-lrflar ...... 1 a ..... ld L1•....,•Wll• ... ,,, ........ , Cl "' ....... ., •• •TILLlllllll0 ... • • .. .. •• t .......... ( Baseball Scoreboard Sign age 8'& •• , ..... .._._ ...... I I .. ........... ,. ........ _ ... . ,.... ... _..... .. ... "' ail-.,. .,...._. --.. ••1t.' ........... .. , .................. .. ... a ..... DAILY PILOT CUP BOYS CQf1tinued from ,.P, . . out the scorlng with a abot up the middle. ' ••• in other boya 5-6 actJon: •St. Jo•c:hl:m 4, Dam No. 1 2: Jote Pabomeno scored both goals for Davis No. 1. which lost lta aecond Pool C contest. Davis Coach Deena Pranko, a sixth-grade teacher at Davis, said her team improved since the ftrat game. •Newport Helgbb No. I O, Kaleer No. 2 0: Kaiser goalie Scott Ward earned the shutout Kaiser, Newport Heights play to tie Schools muster strong defenses in scoreless deadlock. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -With players sliding. tripping and occasionally bumping one ano ther, scoring goals became a difficult task Thursday for Newport Heights Ele mentary and Kaiser No. 2 boys soccer teams. The schools tied. 0-0, in boys fifth. and sixth-grade Dally Pilot Cup action at Costa Mesa High in Pool F play. Each team had a half where it created more scoring chances and spent more time in the attacking zone. Kaiser spent more time in Newport Heights' zone In the first half. producing four corner kicks and one shot. Newport Heights had eight shots on goal in the second 25 minutes, but Kaiser goalkeeper Scott Ward proved up to the challenge, stopping seven of those attempts. "The p roblem was we put It to (Ward) every time,• Newport Heights Coach Tony Anish said. Kaiser had a golden scoring o pportunJty with four minutes remaining when Evan Walker crossed to Lucas Gagnon, who booted a shot stopped by Newport goalkeeper Andy Hayes, son of Orange Coast College men's soccer coach and NFL official, Laird Hayes, who was In attendance Thursday. "You guys had the best scoring chance," Anish told at the Parm Complex. • ... No. I I, Newport IUetDntaryO: BdprVep and Jorp OltYu each tall.led two goala with llodrtao Rub.Kaba. Bmtqae Ocampo, Geaaro Lopes and aatt.dan C.U. each netting aingle goala for the shutout ln Pool A action at the Parm Complex. Aran Antuna and Muto Cuamatz.J split time in goal for Rea No. 1. •Rea No. 2 1, Andenen 1: For the second consecutive game, Jesua Hernandez scored Rea's only goal. His latest goal came Thursday In a Pool E game at Costa Mesa High against Andersen. Hernandez. beaded off a BOYS 5-6 THURSDAY'S SCORES -• ,. •• "'c-.. Mia ,.,m ~ ~No. 3 .. Nlwpolt Helghel No. 2 0 Unqoln e. Prtnm of,_. 0 . ~ ""'*>fie 3, M9rifwl No. 2 , Ree No. 1 a. Nlwpolt a.n. IW( 0 TeWlnlde No. 1 2, bltbluf' 0 "'c-.. Meu High St. Joachim 4. Davie No. , 2 t: Kaller No. t 5, SL John 0 N9wpolt Heights o. l<ailer No. 2 0 Ree No. 2 1. AnderMt'l 1 corner kick to tie Andersen with fo ur mJnutes remalning. Hernandez scored the .~ lone goal for Rea Wednesday in a 1-1 tie against Harbor Day 1. srrvr McCAANJ< I DAIL y PILOT Harbor Day, left, and Eastbluff players jostle as they race for the ball in the boys 3-4 division Pilot Cup game Thursday. "I always play and it is something to do · instead of sitting at home." Canon Hedrick, Kaiser boys soccer coach Kaiser Co-Coach Carson Hedrick after the game as both shook hands at midfield. Anlsh coaches both Hedrick and Newport Heights assistant Travis Mayfield on the youth 16 Orange Coast United club soccer team. Hedrick and Mayfield are both freshman at Newport Harbo r High. Hedrick played goalkeeper on the freshman team while Mayfield was a sweeper on the junior varsity. Hedrick's assistant -Joel Walker -is a junior at Newport Ha rbo r a nd was a forward o n the varsity team last season. • 1 always play and it is something to do instead of sining at home," Hedrick sald of his inaugural Pilot Cup coaching experience. ·ru do a nyt hing fo r soccer.· Hedrick strolled up and down the sidelines, instructing his players to get to the pro per positio ns. Most of the action was in the middle or the field, wtlh each team having difficulty creating breakaways. "These are good players out here,· Anish said. Je remy Ani h and Josh Jacobs led Newport Heights' attacks while Shane Rocco slithered his way to get a foot on the ball regularly. Anish scored two goals and added an assist in Newport Heights' 3-2 win Wed nesday over Harbor Day No. I. HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD Masters Meet features local foursome : Estancia's Rojas, Novak, Mesa's Day and CdM's St. Geme will try to qualify for state meet. SteveVlr1•n Daily Pilot NORWALK -One could only wonder what Sharon Day could have done last week if ahe was not rushed whlle attempting to dear 6 feet. 2 inches ln the g1ds high jump. People can get a better Idea of Day without distraction.a today, when she competes ln the CF Masten Meet at Cenitot CoDep, where Estancia Hlgb eenlorr Humberto Roja and 1.ack Novak. u well u Corona del Mar frabman Anne St. Gelne wtD also perlbnn. The rt.adfum In Norwalk opens at 3:30 p.m. Novik, the OP Southern Section Dlvirioo m dwnpton. wtll be in the boyl higtt jump, which R.uU at 5:30 p.m., and O.y, the Colt.a Mela aeNor ltlndout. wtD follow ln the Pfa hlF Jump. St. Gmie wm be in 1be 1,800 at &.17 p.m. Ind Rojll, the aP DMllon m dma- p1on, wtl r8Ce ID the ~ 1,800 afterwitrd.. n.e eop he ll1lehen 1n ma ewmt Wll adw9nce co the ... meet II c.erm.. QJllliB ,.... f.7. Dly.cte.Ma-o .... -................ ....... ,..,, al'lllJll ....... tion division tide, this time in Di· cord of 6·-3. vision ID. In the process, she be· Novak. the Golden West came the division's record League champion In the boys holder. high jum p, will seek to surpasa This season. Day i8 No. I in the his personal record of 6-6, nation in the high jump with her achieved last week. He seems to mark of 6-2, which is the be gaining confidence each Southern Secdon and Orange weekend, but he will most llkety County record. She achieved 6-2 need LO clear 6·8 to have ' at the Trabuco Hills lnvitadonaJ chance to advance to the state April 5. meet. The Southern Section's top Having already cleared 6-2, mark was 6·8 last week, and Day, the defending state cbarn-Novak came close to clearing ft pion, ls confident she can do it in the boys and girls l,ooi again and that motivation bas races, personal-best timea mJgbl lntensl.fied since she will be con-not be achieved because ftnish~ centratlng on one event today. ing In the top five usually ~ Last week, ahe also competed precedence over peraonal re- in the 200 and 1,600 relay. Before cords. H~r. the Muterr her second attempt at 6-2, the ·Meet ta the site where RojU 1,600 relay began. She quJckty re-completed b1s storybook rllQ corded her eecond tty and then that provided a berth into thf lllpped on her ahoes to take her state meet last year. place u anchor for the MU&-Rojas, a Mastera Meet alter. Wlgl. But that won't be the case nate a )al ~ ftn1shed 1eCOft4 todal( in a tchool·record 4:14.71. 1- "'Ibat eecood jump (at 6-21 week. he broke that record .. WIS 1811 Nlbed, and I wanted to win the OF DMliof\ ID dtle ia go run (ln the 1,800 relay)," raid 4:14.28. {)sy, who WU named the Orange In the prlr l,8001 St. ~ O>unty FemlJe Aahlete of the allo completed a penonal ~ .. Year Tueadlly niChl by the last week. She ftnJrhed ~ connty'JAlhledc Dlreclor'1A8'0--5:00.JO, MWn aecondl dadon. •11 Wiii a aood jwnp. But, than her prevlcM.-belt. to bt'f It couJd haw been • better jump. come the only hlhmln to ~ I poMbly mukl haw tc:iemwd wnce to the MMMIJ MMt In t!!f 1-21.· l,IOO. ~ ,. =to_.,......... ~St.~-In dw Mele. Dllr wtll be bud ldd: and 111' .... IO do mom thin juiil IMild ~ ..... Iii.-GI ....., .................. 0., LEiii ~ .... cdil. lh9 GiMlia Wiii i...-dalm-lll~IMld IO bne pliDlr fll ... . .. ..... ...... ..... .... .., .......... ·--:• .. ., ..... 1~-.......... .. ...... .,.. ........ .., .. ' SPORTS r rlday, May 30. 2003 All DAILY PILOT CUP THURSDAY'S SCORES at Ca.ce ~ Ftum Comp/M KAtiler No. 1 4, Newport Cout 1 Devis 2. Sl Joachim No. 2 1 Newport Elementary No. 2 2, Kalter No.20 St John 4, Merinera Chr11nlan No. 2 o 1 Harbor v-3, California O Marinera No. 1 6, ffd 1 Anderaen No. 1 6, Ea1tblutf O Carden Hall 6, Andersen No. 2 O GIRLS Continued from A8 grade goalkeeper Kira Rajl:Shan- dary without any chance at a &ave. RajBhandary flnlshed the game with seven saves, keeping the score close despile Kaiser's offensive p ower. Sary, who just missed a free- klck opportunity wide, made up lor it minutes later. She put the game away when she took on sapJhandary in a one-on-one. After weaving through two de- m.den, Sary dumped the ball mao the comer out of the Raj8- *1dary's reach, giving Kaiser a t~lead. Sadie evans and Shannon Wag- ner combined for two saves for l(al5er, whk:b woo the fifth. and slxth-gJ"ade tide mt year. Xaiser will play Our Lady Queen ol Mgeb at 5:45 p.m. today at the Costa Mesa Pann Complex. STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT A player from Our Lady Queen of Angels, left, and another from TeWinkle, right, race for a loose ball in girls~ action. ••• ln other girls 3-4 action; • Davia 2. St. )oKh1in l: Kayla ~scored both goals for Davis (1-1 In Pilot Cup) in a Pool E match. St Joachim scored on a penalty k:idc at the Farm Complex. • St. John 4, Marlnen Olrl&- dan 0: Megan Croelon scored tlutt goals and J..auren Neiger scored one for St.. John. Croswn had four goals in opener. St.. iohn is 2-0 and will advance to the quarterfinal'> Saturday at I p.m. GIRLS 5-6 Baldoni, Jones tee it up in big victory Melanie Neff Dally Pilot COSTA MESA -Our Lady Queen of Angels fifth-and sixth-grade girls soccer team scored three goals in the first I 0 mJnutes of the match and went on to defeat TeWIJ1Jde, 7 ·O, Thursday in Pool D of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Coltta Mesa Farm Complex. TeWinkle was outmanned from the beginning. with no reserve players on the bench, while Queen of Angel~ had 11 reserves making for plenuful substitutions. Coach John CarvelJJ substituted freely. five gir~ al a time. keeping the team fresh The squad. wtuch is spbt evenly becween fifth and s1Xth graderl>. has only two memben. who haven't played organized soccer before. The rest of the team has played AYSO or club soccer, and it shCJ'Ned, in crisp outlet pw.ses and crol>SeS in front of the box. On the other side of the field, TeWmlde had several playerl> who didn't have clea~ and were forced to wear l>neakers, leading 10 many of them slipping and falling during the game. But they refused to give up. de-,pite THURSDAY'S SCORES at Costa Mssa F11rm Comp/tu• Our LadV Queen Of Angels 7 TeW lnkleO Andersen 4, Newport Heights No 3 0 Manners 3, Prince o f Peace 0 Harbor Dav 8, Kaiser No 3 O Harbor View No 2 4, Davis No 1 2 at Kaiser Ketter No 1 7, Mariners Chrosttan 0 Carden Hall 10. Kaiser No 2 O Sl Joachim 6. Eastblutf O obvious fatigue al the end of lht' match. Kate Baldoni and Mackerli'ie Jone!> led the dominant otfen~1vc attack for Queen of Angel'>. t'ach sconng two goals and adding an a.-.. .. i.s1. Mana Tena. Megan Otterbein and VaJen laylor aJ-.o '>Wred. Queen uf Angeb. which went to the final four last year, led 5·0 at the half. Goalkeepers Stephanie Nealey and Victoria Kent didn't have to make a save in the game. as the Queen of Angels' defen'e wai. \lellar. Jack.le Sm 11h. Marianne Jone!>, Sarah CarveUi and Valer w raylor Jed tht> defense. ••• In other girl'> 'i-6 anion •Carden Hall I 2, ~ No. 2 0: A total ul l 1 d1fkn·nt player'> !>cored fur CAtdt•n I IJll .sl tht' f-arm Complex.., lt-d b) KUaltt' Oalre Oayton, who \l Ort'd two goab a fter lOmmg out ol L.ht: goal Carden I tall won tl' opt!ner over IJnc.:oln, .!. U. and improved 111 2-0 m the Ptlol Lup Carden I lcill wall play '><!tun.lay 1n Lhl• 4uarterfind!i. at 4 p.m. agatll'>I an undetemune<l '>PP()IH:nt • Marlnen 3, Prince or Peace 0: Lauren Crites, Lauren Grupe and Coleen Mead \< rm•d unt· Ulld'>'>l.,tl•d goc:l.11.'Jl h (() lt'Jd Manner., to the 1'0111 I 1.i1 tor) fhl' Mar1nt'r'> Brittany \iadvig providt'd .. uhd dt>lt•n't .... 111Jt Pia Enevoldsen, J nuJlleldt·r ... 1·t llJI '>e"er.tl '>tcirm~ uppcir1u1111w., .... 11h lwr pJ.\'>ln~ KIInmy Ramser .i.ho ton1rrh111t·d \>\Ith hl'r t'flort J.\ .i 111tdltddt·r l1Jt Manner'> Ualre Ram~r ot !\tanner'> iil.,o plJyt>d -.1rcm~ .st midfield. •Harbor View No. 2 4, ()avls No. I 2: Dana Gentling '>t ored two ~rnnd h,t.lf .:oal., for l>.iw •. hu1 11 wa.., n111 t·11uugh J.ga1ri-.r I !arbor Vtt' .... 111 l'uol (, plJ\> .11 the f-arm Lon1plcx.. Ashley Rendon rri.1dt• 1h11·1• .,,tVt'!> rn goiil tor J)J\1'. wllll ti won ii' garrw \\1•rl11t',lli1\ 1' IJ llplNotica 2640 legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices M l.eiJal Nooces 2640 Legal Notices Rc91. ..... ... s....... fh,. follow1n11 pef\on' •• • doon11 bu'°nes~ a\ •) HCVt:N MANUr AC TUfllNC COMPANY b) El[V[N Mr C CO Mll9 Pa~ ... u Ct Cost• Meu C1lll01ni• 9767/ 8• .. n Joseph lalbetl ?689 P•l.t MtH Ct Costa McH C4f1t0fn11 !l2627 Nic holas Andr tw flawhOUUlf , 17• Wot Simmons Ave . Anah•1m Calif Of n11 9?80? Neil Al•n Wr11ht 41~ l •rwtn A•• Cyp1ns. Cl< 90630 lh" bu,..11eu r\ lun du(ted by • 1ttn~,.1 parlnef\hop H.ove you st•• led do1n11 bus1nen yei' Yu 04/22/2003 Nici< Rawhouser This sl•l•menl wa' !tied with t,,e County t lttk of Or•nc~ County on <Y.>/07/0l 200SHOIOS Daily P1lol May 9 16 lJ )(), ?003 I lf>') . '>•ll ymu Car • In Clan U'f«tl I s...... .. " t , .. , .... . AdltM9 ..... ... The lollow1n1 ptrson h•s •b•ndoned the .nt uf the f ochloous Bus• nen Name The Haun of At I 168 Hanover Costa Mn• CA 92626 Tht r oct1Uous 8us1nns n•mt rtlttrtd lo •bove ••S loltd in Or •n&t County on 3 12 07. rtl [ NO ?00?6119!>'> 17 St'ephanit S tuller ?166? Broo~huf\I St Hunlin11ton Beach CA 92646 M1~htlle C Bennett ?68 Hanov"' Or to\la Meu. CA 92676 I hi\ bu,lnt\\ " con ducted by an unm~or p oi •ltd •Hull.tl1u11 other ltt•n • par lno:f\11111 Stepha nit Stoller / Michell& Benn~ll I h" st•lemenl was flied with the County Cle11< of Or•n11« Cuunly on 05/1'/03 2eoHU46U Daily Pilot May JO June 6 ll 20 ?003 f ~ RdltimW.U .... s...... r he foflow1nc persons ., t do1n11 bustneu " Curona Del Mu Re•lty ?71 I [ Cont HWY •104 Curuna 0..1 M.11 CA 9767'> Chai In W M•sltr ~ JR ?620 l 1gnthuu\e lane Corona Der Mar CA 9262'!. M•"• Elena f uster 2620 t rlfhthou~ I aM Corona Der Mar c A 926?'J lh•\. bu~tnf'\\ '' 1 on '1uc led by an md1v1dual Hav• you \l•rl~d du111£ bu\oness ytt' Ye\ 4 ( j OJ Chat le\ W Ma,1•1' IH lh1s ,ratemenl w•' hied .,.1th tht County Cl"1 k ul Otani• Cu uni y on 0'>/07103 20036943110 Oa1ly Polo! M•y 9 16 2) JO 7003 I 366 s...... .. " , .... Use .. Rdltimlllilm ... I ht tollowon11 per son h.1\ ab1ndoned th~ U\t ol the F oclot!Q&ls Bu~1 nus Name. Co1on• Del M•• Rully //II £ Cod\t HWY 11°'1 lo ron• Del M .. , r A '1162'!. I ht I ll ltll"u' llu''"'" n4mf" ,,.,,.,,,..d "' •b'>¥• WH loltd on Or4n~t rounly on '> 11 ~ f 111 NU 1999619)106 Dull\ Baile f M•••• ~ 140 f "' nle•I Av<' lorun• U~t M•r I.A 9767'> fhl\ \IAfPlllPrtl ha\ betn e'P' ured purw•nl tu \edmn 1191'.I vi th~ Bu\ont-\\ and Pr.1le "un\ Cude th1\ bO\lnt'\\ I\ con d11< trd by .tn 1nd1v1du•I l.hMlf'\ W Mhlf'r< fR 1111\ 't•ltmN1f wd• ltfed with lh• tuunly (;l•r~ of O••nflf' (;ounly on 0'>101 0 I 2003690779 0~1ly 1'1lol MAV 9 lb 1J IO, 1003 I '36/ SUUOleS IOTA<DI .uMCW) NOllCI 10 Olf IN DANI (AVl\tl A AlU\• do> BENJAMIN YU£N ti .ti YOU AHi Ill IN<: SUI 0 llY Pl AIN llf f (A Ud r, Ml• dem•nd ando) I It U IUM f'llAN You have JO CAlEN CITY OF COSTA MESA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC SERVICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, CONTRACT NO. 03-13 Se•led pr090~ah 101 lhe w0<k shown on the pl4n. enlolled CfTY Of COSTA MESA. VKTO•&A STIUT AT MAl'U nun llAFFIC SIGNAl INSlAUAllON CITY PIOJICT NO. 03-I l , DAR DAYS •'"' th1\ \ummun' t$ '\Ptvrd <Jn you tu ftle a typewnlten rnponu •I lhn. <uurl A letter 01 phun• 1 ~fl will nor pr ute< I Y"U your lypf'wrtll•n r,. \pUn\f' mu\I bt n prupf'r lf'&•I t<Hm 11 yuu , .. nt lht <Uu1t tu he•• f UUf l.4 \f: If YOU dO nuf l1ff! YOlll rt\,pOO\f" un t1mt you m.oy '"'" Ille c •~ •nil tuur w•.i~~ muo~y And property m.oy ~. l•~en wotlwut tu1 ther w•r non& hum lhe luurl fht'•P art urhro teK•I 1equ11•mtnls You may want tu <all an allur ney 111tht ~w•y If you do, nul know .. n allurnty yriu m1y 'all an dlfornry .,ftrr al \('f YI( t QI • l~&•I Aid ofl1ce (I"'"' in lhf' phtJOf' bfffJ~ I 01!\pue\ df' qur Ir tnlrre,uen ~,.l• t1ldtto11 rudoto•I u\ltd Ilene un pfa10 d~ 10 DIAS CAI r NOARIOS 11ar 1 prnen I or una r e\puesh " .r•U a m1quin• •n e'I• lOdf' Un• \.•rlci1 v un.t ll•m•d• lt>lf'fonK • riu le u tff'tf'"r• protec.t.•<.tn \u rr•pue~h esuol• a maquona l 1•nt quP FlDllAl PIOJICT NOS. SlPLH-5312 (0 4 1) wolf be r-oved et the Ott1u of the Ctty Cler~ of lhf! Coty of Costa Men II I air Ortv~ l'u\I• M~\• t A 911>11> until 10 00 AM on JON[ 9. 2003 al w111ch time tlMy will bf' publicly opened and re.ad P1opuul IOflll$ fOf this wOfh Mt included 1n a sepa1 •le buol< enlolt.d <:!TY Of COSTA MISA, DIPAJlTMflfT Of PUIUC SllVIClS, PIOPOSAl AND CONTIACT JOI TIAfflC SIGNAL INST ALI.AT ION AT VKTOtUA STillU AND MAJ>ll STIIHT. Publlc ServlcH Prefect Ne. OJ ll, Fe4etol Prefect No. STPlH S312 (041) Cent11I wort. dncroptlon· fhe work includes 1nslallat1on of traffic \t&n•• p1nt~ctoon And .. 1111ntmenl of ut1ltl1~\. tr•fflt cont1ol, clea11n1 and 11rubbm1. removals. eHavahon. on\lallahon ,,f conu~t~ 1111p1ov~m,.nh tr,f11c \l11pp111g "nrl ms1kon11' and 1n\t.llaHon of lr8H1c loop\ Tho\ protect hu w &Oii of 10 IHll 'ent douc:lvanla&~d busone\> ent.-r p1 "" I DBf I P•• llt.•P•llvrt ~Pf• constJucOon meelinc wlll be ~chedvfed to ta~e pleu une day after the award ol lht cuntr.l<I THIS PIOJIC1 IS SUIJICT TO THI •1uY AMlaKA• PIOVtSIONS Of THl SUIJACl TIANSPOITATION ASSISTANCl ACT Of 1912 AS AMINDID IY THI INTllMODAl SUIUAU flANSPOllATtON lFFICllNCY ACT Of 1991. NOTICE INVITING BIDS flC[. IS H(f!(BY GIVE N that llM City of Costa Me~. acttne by and lhroufh •h Govrrn1n1 Board here1n.1lttr r''"'"" lo n the Coty will receive up to. but not later than 10:00 •·•· ef the '-Y • MONDAY JUNf 16, 2003, l'rnf'!• t No Ol 11 w.i.ct bKI' for lurn~h1n111ll labof. materials. tQ\Hpment. t11n$p()fllhon and su'h other fec1ht1•• •\ mo1y bt requ1r~d tor QAlfK SMOMA.l IMSTAUATIOM AT VKTO•tA STRUT AND MAPU STRUT CITY Of COSTA MIU NOJICT NO. OJ-11, UDllAl PlOJlCT NO. STPlH SJ 12 (041) 8icb will be received by lhe City of Costa Mesa •I the Office ot the Coty Cler~ P 0 Boa llOO 1' r •ir Dmt Cu~I• Meu CaHfoulta 92628. al or befOfe the time 1nd dale slated above. at who<.h rime lhe1 will be optotd pubhcly •nd rud aloud tn the Councll Chamb«' at 'aid acldreu tech sear.cl bid must confOfm and be re~ns.ve to •II pethnent 810d1n11 and Contr.td Oo~umenh f u1 the1n>ore tne bod' &mill btar tlle title of the wOfk and nam. of the bidder but no other d•s1tn11uosh1na mark\ Any bid recervtd after the ~duled dotm1 tune for tlM r~ -at tmis ~1111 be returned to btdder un09ened rt ~'"" l>t th• sole rewon~obollly of the bidder lo s.e th1t hos btd os received Ill Pf'GPW tune A s.t of Bid Oocumenu m1y be obl.atned et the Office of lhe City Entmte1 77 f111 Dron Co\ta Mesa Calol0<no1 upon -•'-4hiWe ~ ef $2S.OO • ._ ~ cti.r,. et $20.00 must bt included 1f h•ndled bf m•1I Bid Documenh and other co11trecl documenh may also bt uamoned at tlM 01110 of lht City Clerk of the Coty ot Co\11 Meu Bid 00<.um•nls wm not be matted unless ltl9 a6d1lional S20 00 cl'IMp ts included with payment lach bid shall be'"* on the Proponl for·m provided 1n the contract documenh BKls ere requwtd fOf the entire worl< dn<rtbed Ileum Thii proieet ii a fedetally funded prorecl and will be under ltderal recutatoon~ which include the Davos Bacon Act and ,elated acts. The w•&• deletmmalton woll be under the Davis Bacon Act and related •cts and the Department ol lnduslrn•I elatloru •. St1te of CallfOfnla (ll'le ContrectOf and Subcont,.cton shalr pey not len than lht hl&het wa11• nit) The City has obta1n1d from the Dltec:tOf of the Department of lndust111I Ret11ton\ th• 1eneraf preva1hn1 rate of per dttm w.,u and th• 11neul """Ii"' ret. for hohday and overtime work 1n th• locale 1n which th• work " to be performed fOf HCh c11ll claulflc:atton Of type ol worh nee4ed to utcute the conlract Holtday rates shall be paid u $pectf1ed m tlM collec.tiv• bM1ainln11 •areemtnl applicable to each parllcut1< cult, clnirflcaloon or type of wOfk employed on Ill• proiecl This conltacl 11 1ubject to stet• contract nondiscrimination •nd compliance iequorementa pursuant lo Covetnment Code. ~lion 12990 ·· 'fht City ot Co1ta Mesa hereby notifies all bidde11 that 1t will 3fhrmAhvely •nsure th1t In any contract entered into wwint to this 1dvetllstment, disadv•nt•aed business 1nt11p111es will be 1lf0<dtd lull 09po1tun1ty to subnut bids In t~MI to thlt invitation 'UrAiant lo Section 1773 of tilt Labor Code. the 11ene1al prevalhn& wa11.e 11tts m the county. u1 countlu 111 which the ~k b to be clone have bffn detwmlned by the Ottecto1 of the Cahlornoa Department of lndusto•I Relahons. Thew waaes ' M.I forllt fn the Centfal '"vaihn1 Wep Rites fOf UM proJtcl, av•llabfe at City of Costa Mua addtns and 1v11labfe trom the Caltfornla Department of lnduJtrill Relations' Internet web site al hllp //www do u .eov fhe f eder •I minimum _.., rates for ttus project n ptedetermtnecl by tht Untied States Secretary of lebof .,, s•I f0<th 1n the boob issued for bNclfnc purpons .-.tllled ?rotHIAI end ContrKt: •nd In c09oes ot this booll that may be eumin•d •t the ofhc:es described wow. wMI• p111Mt plaM, 19Klll provialona, end PfopoHI I01ms may be sun AckHnda lo modify tlM ftclefal minimum w•&• retu . 11 necu111r . wlll be iu11tcl to holders of ·Proposal and Cont1act" boob Futura tlftch•• 1•neral pren1lm1 .... 11tea wflkll haft been predetwmfned 1nd Mt on hie with the California Dep11tment ot lndust11al Rclatlotts .,. rt .. tMed but not Pfinted In the 11-11 prevailln& ••&e retn ~ltAlfttlon Is clltected to the FedefeJ tnlnlmvm w11• rate requirements In the boob enhtled "Propoul and ConltacL • If • Is a difference t>etwMO tlle minimum we .. ralff prldetwmtned by the Secret11y of L1bof and the 1entuf pttnlltnc ....,. relet cletettn#led by tM DlrectOt of the C111f0fn1a Department of lndli'ltuel flelatlOfts fOf s•mlllr clauohcettons of llMf ttie ContrectOf end wlM;ontreclor-s WI ,., not less tMn the hlclMf wep rate The Oepartmenl will nol 11«'91 lo..; Cute "Ill r•tn not '4)Klflc1l1 lnclu4td In IM fedtral minimum wqe determinations fll1t include• "tw"*" (OI odMr cla,trflcallofls ba.Md on houri of upefief!U) °' 1ny other cles11flcahon not ap9ea•1111 In 11• hdtttl w•1• determ111•Uons WMte Fedefll "'" cle1Mrnln1tlons do not cont1l11 tht Stat• ••I• rate detefm1n1tton olllerwlH av•1lab+e fOt u~• by tlle ConlttetOI end a1111eontr1Cl0ft, tllt Conltect0t Alld Milleontrecton wP pay not less than Ille F•d•nl mlnttnvm wap rate wtlkll -i doMly 1ppro•l-tn the dulln of the •"1Cll01M'S '"question TM us e>eoartment of TrtntpO<tJlt!Ofl (DOT) provide a tolt·frM "holltne• UfVICI to report bid rtaln& Kl1¥1llM 81d ri.. •ctMtJes e.i1 lie r9jl(lrted Moncl•rt ttwO\llfl Frid•>'&. betwMO 8 00 am ancl S 00 pm , .. •tern h-. f~ No ~4-9071. Any-wlttt ~nowle4C9 of poniille bid rlumc. bidder collu\lon, Of otllet fralfffulent ttetMU.s ~ u ... 1M "'lloth" to rt90't t11eM Kl1¥ltla. "llle "NttlM" It pett-' tlltt OOr1 conllnllint effort to "9ntlfy elHI lntetllpw lll&fltla, ~uctlotl cont11ct fr•\14 11141 eMttrl 1114 Is operated 11n4Nt tfle dlr•cUon of th• 001 lnlCl9(tor 0.-11. All lnforNtlOAI d • tr .. ted confM*ltill!Y tn4 c.._ ,,..~,., •Ill tie fflf9Clld. ~ti! KCOtdttM.t wlttl seetJoll l71J.2 of tM c.tifornltt ldiOt Codt. ttle Coiltractor Miii post • c:opy of \tie Mterm1fteliofl of " ....... tile Of ...... •l MCll ... .it.. A '911Nftl bolld and ,.,Of_• 11°"41 wMf bt ,.q,ui,14 ptlOt to tM uacutlon ol llM contract The 1M1M11t btill4 llfMI for-boft4 .tt.a bt In !tie fOttft •nd 11Mt111t Mt forth In tM cOfltract documtnla "' aceordellc• wllll "ovtslofls of ,llM!c COftttact COdt s.etiolt UlOO. 1ub1tltutlon of •liclble 1111d "'1l••ltnl teclKttln tcw tt"1 ll'Onils wltlllltld to en•• ,,.rf~• ullder lt!l1 cOlfttrlct wlfl bt f)tfmilltd •I the reqlllfl •1141 ••l*'IM ol tM . C.:::.C.., tlltll po-et tllt tlfM t'"9 cowtnc:t 19 1wwlkd 1 Cllat •c10-li«nM (Uttetrkal Contrect0t), ,_,lltftt t• ,,. ... CoftttKt Code S.Ctl..i "°°' n.. auc~lll MdW 11'111\t mllllteln Ille 11c ..... tllr~ tfll 4hOllofl of'"" COflbKt. fh ~ IMJ wltMrn Mt Md tort l*IM of tbtJ <•> 4-p 1ft• tfM dttt Mt for...,. ot*'ll!t IMreot, ;i119 ~1 C-.M •f *City of c..ta ..... ,...,._ tM fflt\t to ~l«t eny I/Id .it Wt w to "llR lrr ..... ltan ill •J fecllllRM .....-. .-... tie ..,...., to tt1e Offtc• of tM ~.,_. .... ...,. C1t1 of c:.-..... n , .. o.w. ~ ~ ........... (71•>7"'·1&1>. C 1'sreew ... cMflY .-.. ,_..,..,_ ti ..-.. 1770 to 17'0 !K...-.; of IN QetW• t ._ C.... 1t11 '• ............ .......-'' .. Direct• of tM 0..st...-t •f lfl4itetrill .......... S1etl of ~ ............. -~ .... Cit .. c:..u -..: ....... f9't.it ,...... II' , ... --· fW -· 1t1FC'I llDt Cllr .. c.111... .... ...... , ' <um1>hr '"" f•\ lurr,.dl 'J/708 •d•de\ lt1tate. •1J•u1Jld OA Tl: (fecho) fll I 0 da~ \I U\lf!d quotre 1u• 2003 I• 'ur ·~ ~~· Ul h• • u AlAN SLA Tl•. c1 •• 1i Ld\.• (Actuorlo), '>o u\l~d "" 11•~~•"'• i.y lLIZUlTH GAM .. u ,.,.._.putq.a d 11.,.mp• I 0 A , 0 • p u t y 1-uedr p~r der ~1 t """ f (O•legado) I• puedPn qu1l.t1 u Pubf• h•d Nt wpuot UldnO \U dlO~ff) r ulr d"\ tit •t.h C..u,ltt M ..... o.utr , O\.t\dt \U pr(l1>•eddd I l'olr,1 Mdy 7 J lO luM \Ill \VI\• dd1uondl ~·"' " I J /(JO J I !97 SJMffi'df'"t.ttufl,. f • •'\h:fl •1t10' rr•~Ui\i '"' lti•'" Putdt qu• U".>t fl"d 4UU"fd ll'-1m4H ~ UU •boe,ctdu 1umcd1 .• .td mentt 5t nu tvnolt-• un 11tH>lt \do purd,. lfdtnar d un \flf Vll.•o dt 1rft~rer1c1d d~ •l>u1t:•tdv\ o " una otu .. 1nd c.Jr .tyudd f~&,1:tl ~ Y~d f'I dH N ti 1t HI lelelon1<.lJ) CASl HUMHI: (Nurnero def Coto) OlCC03230 JUOGl fHOMAS IC. THIASHEI, SR. DlJ'l. Cl I I he namt and •ddi. "' tne court " rl I numbrf' y du f'Ct..ton d,. l.tt.orten) SUPfRIOR COURl Of l AUr ORNIA COUN I Y IJf ORAN CE CCNTR.-l AJSTIC£ C£ ~TCR 700 Civic Centeo Dove Wt 'of Sant• Ana I.A 9U0? The n.ome •ddr "' •nd tdtpho>n~ numb<t1 of pfi11nloll' •lluinry Of pl41nr1t1 '"'lhoul •n illlorn•y , •. ti I nomb,. ht duMc.1on y el numf"ru de tel•lono def abo&•do def demandanle o del dcm•ndanle ciue no r1ene •bu&4du e\I I RUONC. & ASSUCIA 1£ S Hoa Phu I 1 uong SBN 1':>6411 lei C/141 961 733'> 10?71 Sl•IP• Avenue Su ol~ 201 fountain V.Jllev CA ----- llOTKl TO ClfDfTotS Of IWW (SlU. • 104, • tos u.c.c.) ba ... lkmU4' No ht" I\ hf"r rhy l(tv ... n to 'I •dotu" ul lht-... 1th11• n.,1u~d \fllo•o ll1•l d !Jul~ '·"''' I\ .tbout tu ht' m .. uh· 11f Utt" d' t·l th· I ftbt'd ht1IC1'A" th,.. n.tm,., .ttid b1J'.1 ,., .. •. tddr .-v_.,., of th,. \•ll•I ,,, • WWl!t<CI INC A I Alt fr JHNIA c (JHPU RA 1101'1 '>I?'> Al ION PAHKWM •I lkVINt IA I ht-hH dt.On IM ( •h lorr11.1 uf r he L hid t , .,ur... 1ft1u ul the Hiier • SAM[ A'i ABO\/l '" h\lecl by th .... ,1~ • .JU Olhf'I bU\.fO~· \ n,Hnf"< •nd •ddrP\\~\ uvo by th• -rllei wofhon lhr~e Y"•' \ belGC.t lhr d•lt \U{ h h\I •lh \t•nl 111 dPhvrrt!d fJ lh• buyrl ,.,. NON( I hr n4m•~ .rnd bu\1 n•\\ ~ddrn~t\ of lhr l1uyrc 41P MYUNG Ill l\IM ANO PCTER HAN I J•OI ASH(.ROr I l. I LIUNU tOlll> CA 91109 lhr •\Sri\ tn I>• \ttld are dt\< rtbr'd •l'I aener al H All flitlURIS E QUfPMl NI Sf(}( I\ IN I RAO[ BU\I Nl SS ftAMC L[ASLiiOU> ll't fl Rl SI ANO GOOUWtll dfld ... ,. h.1l .tt .. d ,, '> $~':.i Al ION PAkKWA• •1 IRVtNf c A lhf' bU\.lt1,.,\ n '"'" U\t'.'d b)' lt1r • ,..lh f Jt th•I h.1(.ttl•un '' (l1t.. .. 11 I A II kY Hu· .. 1,h ,,,.1~\'1 O•I"' ,t th .. t..ul~ '•'~ •\ "'"' 11 Conlro<I No JSS9 s 190,000 Alternate" A" S21&,000 ._.,.,. .. at ...... Engineer .. hti<nol~ Appro.,ed by /S/St•phen G l odum. l'ublfc Wort.• Ofr•clor h I I XXH •t tht ott1~ '° ut "'dt ••ll'-' c;R11v1 I( I \1.l<UW 1.111(1' Ill '. llllNIJI' ;,I ANAtH IM (A 'USO'> lh1 bul ~ •I• 1\ •.ut.,t• I t u toltfvrrud Un1tutni C.omnurt1111I l.u<:h -1t"l.-hu11 b106 I (,~1u '"' A ( 1 t, • I 1 If •.u .. ubttCI th .. ndmt-! I tl ,.,,.t' ,.,. tU•H 1 t 1 tt11 HH1 dddr"'""._ u t '"" pr 'ti'"~' ptt·.un w tlh w h111rt fur twtt"' 1d u t t 1. la1m-.. ntdy bt f11f·d 1•. I ltHfl 1 dlt !lit ,, u•1d , MARION (;tiAM8£1l!i r II f'• 'I" I [J. • r.' " C..HOvr II l SCHOW f.IJkl' : • J4'J f,.1'1. I 111 111 •, llllNUI'> '.>I ANAi ltlM C fl 97!!0'> ~" •4/f.8~ OY rnd 111• tdC..t datfl' fut hl11lit • l~1m• ,h,111 Ii• lune I h /()(H whtt h 1\ lhf' l.llJ'.iOf"\\ Ody 1>elut• lh• •.•It <l•I• JJ~f.. lflf'd 1ibf11/I> Hf"' diHJ"'I~ tJ 1 , 11,. _.. • o .. ttO M~lfl 4 IOOJ MAlfh,on '•"'11, l1u I /S/ MYUNG 11 llM Iii~'! M•fl<" , 11., • /S/ PlTH HAN 1 "''A M"• A 1 1.;I, Publo,htd "''"'II"' I Mith.. I M •• r11 Buch C:"\ta Me~• O••ly lru,ter or M '''"•n P1lul M•Y lO 2003 I f .tmilv Tru'.I I II '>'~ 19'.1 116'.lq .... nnr • • ..... cm Of,._ HlQI Lu, la Mr'a (A 4 ~/I .. ftf"Vlll IMA Mu h~ll,.. A M~ 1f , llOOOINITll69S lru,t.r v i '-"•"" • St•ltd btd\ mo b• I 1m1ty lru,r 17 I 1tu1 .. d ar thl' oflt<r ul 1699 Min""• l'I• • th• Coty Ut!r~ HOU Cu,I• Meu r A '4, t.,. N•wpo1! Bc.ulpv;aro p O II•• bu tnH\ \ ,ur Ko, 11611 N•w!Jvr 1 dudrd by I •Hr 1 1111• ! 8Pd• h l A 9/ib~ 891 '> U~w,. vmt Io 1 .. d I ltf._ unltl 10 00 4 m .JO tht" bu•.1or• • ,~1' ,... IY 11 lh day ul lun,. 2U()j Ol 0 i •I which llm~ ...uth bod· M1<h••·l I Mdllh"' \hctll bf! opt:-nt:d 4nd ,,.cs ltu -.t 1t•·m .. 11t ,. 1 f(Jt ftlf"J With lh• I lillh 2002 2003 CllYWIOf l.l•o~ •JI llo ,,,,.,. ' ""'• S!:_UUY PR~M-;~~4~~l I Daily Pilot MAv •t I•· 21 30 lfJIJI It;,•; fh .. tnll1•w1n" P"''' Ht-dUIO&! bu 111t '-' I A""' 7 S1·ll liuv• • Af'ld ~eller, Ht 111., h. 119f>' Sto.y f' ... ~ LU.I• •C t•.in~ l A '17f.l4 au,,.,, .,.,,,, , .. 11 .. ,. Rnll, Inc (l A I 11'.fl,/ Sto.vpAr ~ Cud• •• llwinP CA 91"14 lt'U~ bU'\tfle~\ I\ IJU dultf'd bv • '-"'l'tJft4f,ou H•Y~ yo"!...11!!.I•~ d•Hl'j. .. ... t. ,, I I• l , 2001044691 I I M .. 1 I ,,,, i. w ' 111 .. "O'J 14 UJ 20036944111 I , t ~ M ,., f , NOTICE Of' APPUCA TlOf'j TO SEU. M.COHOUC 8EVEl'IAGES D.lte ~ FH1Q ADO' car.on ~r i ~ 2003 l o wrw:,m 11 ~,. CQOX~rt r,..., ,. .. n.e••· ' ITM! ""°"""l~ISI IS/Ale WEST COAST ~ 'f NO ONE NC "!wt aP!)CtGants 1o1neo aoov11 ""' 3'>PIY1no ro rhll Department of AICO- hOloc Btiver119"' C"'11ro1 to &e'll alOOhOlic t>evet· qs ~c 290t w COAST HWY STE 280 NEWPORT BEACH CA 926(.J Type of loce<MI( 1 .AoP1«1 1or 4 7 ON S.Al.f GENERAl EAT ING~CE ~nia AN Newi>Ol'i 8ead•·C09ta ~De.I., C~7t~tV.Mlly 2110.J'IJlf'BlOOJ ''" ~""' ( "' lrl ( lOP•tfird ' A12 Friday, Ma'i 30, 200_3 ----......... •t.1111 --.......... .. l.1111 .... .. l.1111.... -l.1111 .... .. ........ -.......... .......... ... s...... The followlna pel"$0ns •r• dolna business as· Newport Beach Surflna Auoclatlon. 3419 YI• Lido, Ne111porl Buch, CA 92663 Bernardo BarnaohH Jr .. 3419 Via Lido, 1159, ~Ori Buch. CA Jeffrey Ran4•1 Mot1•n. 2020 Fullerton Ave .. Cost1 Mesi, CA 92627 This bualnen 11 con dueled by· •n unlncor· por1t1d 1uoclat1on olti.I than a parlrtefship Have yov stllfted doina bus1nes~ yet? No Jeffrey Moraan lhls 1t1tement wu filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 05/23/03 200J H4S701 Dally Pilot May 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2003 f"°2 MIM .... ... s...... The followina persons .,, doina business u J.K D. S.les West LLC. 1301 Dove St.. Surle 380, Newport Buch, CA 92660 J.K.D. Sales West LLC (CA). 1301 Dove St., Su1t1 380, Newport Beach, CA 92660 This busme.n is con dueled by. Limited L11bt1ity Co. tt1111 )'OU sl,lrlld do411a buslnu1 yetl No J K 0 S.1411 West LLC, Pamele Miiier, M1n11tr This slatemtnt was filed 111llh the County Clerk of Oren11 County on05/?3/03 200M94SH7 Daily Pilot May 30, June 6, 13, 20. 2003 f 403 ......... ... s...... lhe follow1n1 persons e•• doin1 business u : Crum City S upply Company, 169 Send· ceslle, AltS4 Viejo, CA 92656 Oouclas C Helchard, 169 Sandcastle, Aliso V1110. CA 926~ Clenn Venerac 1on, 25021 Costeau, Laauna Hills, CA 92653 Thia business Is con- ducted by co-partners Have you star led doioa business yet? Yu, Sil/ 03 Oouclu Hatchard This statement was filed w1lh the County Cle1k of Orana• County on <Y.1178/03 200JH0164 Deily Piiot May 30. June 6. 13.20,2003 f410 flcttlM .... •s..... rhe follOWln& perS4RS are doma business u · Alhson Olmstead Pubhc R1!11!ons, 270 Kook Policy P!Ke, com ...... CA 92627 s.11., Pechnp.u1h, 250l Unlveralty Or., ~ort Buch, CA Allison Dlmst11d, 270 Knox Place, Costa Mesa, CA92627 This b11alnus Is co11· ducted b.,: • pnertl parlnenhlp Have you started dolns business .,.n Yu, 2/03 s.11., Peckenpauafl This stateme:nt was flied with the County Clerk of Oren1• Count., on05/23/03 200*694SHS 011ly Pilot Mey 30, June 6, 13.20.2003 r404 ........... ... s...... The fottowln1 persons are dolna business 11. a) The Coj>lef Solutions, b) Amerlce n Home Loins, c) Callforn11 Morta•&• lenders, 537 Newport Centtf Or Ste S46, Newport BHch, CA 92660 Clm1 M Kaminski. 30 Palatine 017, Irvine, CA 92612 This business 11 con· ducted by: 1n lndlvlduel Have you started dolna business yet? Yu, Jan. 2003 Gin• Kaminski This stelement was filed with the County Cler• of 0rlfll'I Covrlty on0&/02i03 ,..~ ...... , Deily Pilot Mty 30, June 6, 13, 20, 2003 F409 ........ ......... Th4 lolloWll per.ona art doln1 bu1IOIS4 u : Rellebl• Movlna Co., 2035 PIKentle Ave IC·l, Costa ...... CA 92626 f'aul Eua-tt1rrlm.n, l059l Gosha-' Lene, Huntin.ton Bead!, CA 92M6·5525 Thts business " con· ducted by: 1n indMduel Hive you started doln1 buslneu yet? Yes. 6/15/93 Paul Eu1•n• Herriman This stetement was filed with the County Clerk of Oran1• County on05/14/03 IOOJH.U71 Published Newport BNch·Cosle Mesa Deily Pilot Mey 16, 23. 30. June 6. 2003 f383 ......... ... s...... The followin1 persons ere do1n1 business es: Automotive Marketlna Experts, 2727 Newport Blvd t203, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Best Results Inc. (CA). 2727 Newport Blvd 1230, Newport Buch, CA 92663 ThiS bvsjons is con· ducted bJ: I COfpotltioll H.ve )'OU slatted doinl b11slne1S yttf Y11, 5/12/2003 Brit Results Inc., Robert Whetzel, President This stetement was filed with the County Cl«ll ot Or1n1• County 01105/13/03 JOOM944S2' Publlslled Newport Beech-Cost• Mesa Daily Pilot M11 . 16, 23, 30, JuM 6, 2003 F381 IOllCI Of AIPW• 10 SllM(C*lllKllWIMIS ........ t 1 ii Afrlt• To Whom It Mey Concern: The Nemt(s) of the Appllcant(s) bl .,,; WILO OATS MAR· KETS IHC The appllcenls listed ebove .,. •PPl)'lnc to the Oepertment of Alcoho lic Bnueae Control lo M il alcoholic bnereau el 3030 HARBOR BLVD STE 0 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 Type of hcenn(s) Applied lo<. 2 1 · OH· SAUCENERAL Published Newpor I BNch·Cosla Meaa Dally Pilot May 16, 23, 30, 2003 f385 .......... ......... The foilowlM person• If'• 111o1na builness as: Sal!Mldo, 665 Peulerlno Ave., Costa MeH, CA 92626 Mltsuw• Corporation (CA), 1115 W. 213th SI. Suite 235, Torr1nco, CA 90501 This business II con· ducted by. • COJporatlon Kave 104I alerted 6oir1c buslflou yet? No Mltsuw1 Cofl)Olatlon, Kuuhillo Hori, Sec;retary Thlt statement wes ftltd wlth the County Cler• of Orence County on05/06/03 200M'4SSIO 01ily Pilot Mey 9, 16, 23,30,2003 F371 .......... ......... The followtn1 per sons •rt dolna bvslnoss es: •) Clob1Jm11lca, b) Llfupen Cruudus Home Cer1 Services, 1057 Tulere Or., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 lhend• J. Powery, 1057 Tulare Or , Costa Mesa. CA 92.626 This business Is con· dueled by: en Individual Hen you started dolna business yet? Ho Brenda J. Po111•1 This st1te0Mnt wes lilod with the County Cler11 of Orl!!le County How to Place A Oft 06/2"°3 ......... " Dally Plot May 30, Juna •• 13, 20. 2003 f400 .......... ......... Th4 fOllowlnl persons .,. clOilll buSJMu .. : •S FUllOinc. 131 B 47Ut Sti-11t, Hewoort had!, CA92&63 .ltlvl Fred«lcll Saun· ders. 131 B 47tb SlrMI, Newport Buell, CA 92663 This bu_slnesa II COii. cluctecl lly: en indMdu1I Heve XO\! a tar led dolna business yet? Ho John Saunders This st1tem1nl wn filed with the County Clerk of Or•na• County on04/29/03 200*6942101 01Uy f>llot May 23, 30. June 6, 13, 2003 F397 ......... .......... The followina persons .,. dolna bllliMA ••. Aq11Kenttic, 2203 8•1· bo• Bvld., Newport Beech, CA 92663 Jlnlc• l . La111son, 919 81yslde Or. IH-6, New· port Beach, CA 92660 This business ls con· ducted by: an individual Have you stertld dolnc buslneu yet? No Janice L. Lawson This s l•l•OMnt WH filed wjth tbt Countx Clerk of Oran .. Co41nty 0005/21/03 ltOM9U4to Dally Pilot May 30, J11nt 6, l!,20,2003 F.07 .......... .......... Thit followln1 l)lf1on1 .,. doln1 busl-ts: lll\IM Beech Acter's Studio, 220 Cljoll Street, Lapnt 811cll, CA 92'51 JOhn MkhHI LKey, 220 Ca.Ion St., LJicun• Saldi, CA 92651 This bvsinns Is c:on· dllctecl by: en lnclMdvef tteVI )'OU slatted dolnl business yett No John Leet)' This 1t1tet1tenl was l~d with the County Clel'll of Or1n1e County on 05/06/03 200MMJSN Daily Pilot May 9, 16, 23,30,2003 f3'1 .......... ...s...... The followina l>lflOllS we clolns business as: So Cal SjMcltlbts, t 108 Buckln&flam Or Apt • 0, Costa Meu, CA 92626 JtmH Brain Griswold, 1108 Buckln1hem Or. Apt 0, Coste Mesa, CA 92626 This business .. co11· ducted by: en Individual Have you started dolna busln~ yet? Yu, 01/ 13/03 Jt!JllS Brtjn Crit'«md This stattmeflt WH flled with the C01.111ty Clenl of Oun1• Count., on 05/16/03 ... *' .. "'" D•lly "lot May !IO, June 6, 13, 20, 2003 F40ll .......... .......... The followlnl .,.,..,.s ere do"1I tiuslMu as: Thi House of Art, II fllr Dive, Coste Mesa. CA92'26 Derid f'elrd S.nnelt, 261 Henonr Orin, Cotta Mesa, CA 92626 This bualne.ss Is eon· dueled b.,. an 1ndMdu1I tteve you sllwt•d dolnt business yet7 Yu. S·ll· 03 Oevld P. Bennett Tiils st1ltm1nl wu flied with the County Cler• ol Or •n1• County on05/l4/03 200.1•'4•••• Oalty f'llol Ma., JO, June 6, 13, 20. 2003 f 406 Re-.. .... ... ....... Tht followln1 persons .,, doina business es· Jolln's transport, 2177 HMbor, Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 John Dodson, 2 117 Harbor. Coat• Mou, CA 92627 This business Is c:on· ducted by: en lndMclual Have yov started dotna bys!nn• yell No John Oo6'4>fl This statement w•s flltd with the County Clerk of Or1n1• Cotftlty on 05/06/03 .. ...... ,. Dilly Piiot M•y 9, 1&, 23,30.2003 F!'JO ........... ... s...... The followlna p11~s "• doina bl/Vne~• n . Hulthy Bod)' I Sowl, lilO ...... St., h iM, CA 92614 Edith Taman Reid, 171 2lfd Street. Unit B. Costa Mesa, CA 92&27 This buslnns is con· duc ted by: an lndMdual Heve you started doina business yelf lfo Edith Tamlf• Reid · This statement wes filed with the County Clerk of Oren1• .county on<Y.i/23/03 200HtU700 Olllly Pllot May 30, Julte 6. 13. 20. 2003 F~I • Co'lltt•IO 1t11ull tltm rqclr jobs u own4tlldo.111 ut tllt Ct.11iflff Stnkt Dlrttto'1 ,,,,,, .. /1#, rtu.bll/u --Deadlines---... Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advenisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which It may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first iruertion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... 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"'~ ... _Esll'8_Sa_1es __ 1a&_ AKT/ PACIFlC VIEW .. fri & S...1617 p•WTlftGS -~ SIMptow4s all colors , all \IZIS for adoption to quahhed homes www.prescue.or1 OI 714-773-5915. fOIGIT THI STOCI M.Aalln l ~ ,_. needs only one around level partner on truly prom11ln1 product Imes Sky's the hmlt Serious c 1ll 9 49 295 5824 mHlfnc eppolntment Bay • 1ew Terr ace lot 1r edewwlds ln, Yll'llafle NIU I 3060 I 370, private party Rllttln fi.sn, !<XX>~ $7000/obo 714-772-3441 Slwts Nedltm & Hl?ncl>ap =~ 1160 ~ti. 1489 TOf' SS 4 HC~S nc -cms.c.. Ek. 5(h & Ill'\ .8L MW, spot, hbe lnlJS Mille 949 645 -7505 fQUM llOU5ll6 OPPOIMITY All real estate advftf · tl1ln1 on this newspaper Is sub,ect to the federal Faw Housin1 Act of 1968 ai emended which melles 11 1lle1al to •dver11se ·any pref.r ence , llm1t at1on 01 drSCrtmlnation based on rec•. color, reflaton. sea, handica1>, fam1hat status cw nahon<1I or•ain. or an intention to make any s uch pt'eference. hm1ta- lion or d1scrim1nahon • This newspapet will not know1naly accept eny edvert1sement for rul estate Whtch 1s In violation of the law Our readera are hereby informed that all dwtll lnp advertised in thos new~aper ere nailable on In equal opportunity bHIS To co""''"" of drs-criln111et100, c .. HUO toll free at l 800 424-8590 .. CAIHMID .. ---·---9UY ISTATD .~ ...... - orJs1riw.1r rn~ ..... ......., s.i ... ,. colectlbla., '5porq .-. furn, lrqe, dryer. Ire.ad ITlll, etc 11' ~ S-ple S•• Set 6/SI 9am 4pm Ari kits. wea.,bles. premium items• 410 37nd Street. Newport Bcfl. (badl lier) .. , ... l lvff•" Nel.W--i...t!Sale Set. Msy J14_J,... lastloMf Dr & ......_, C..W.wlht e..w-1 ........ SELL your stuff through classified! lost 1505 lOST Cockaliel •ff1, Whibl, yellow. ortnp cheells, d .....,lift Name Sklttln Rew.trd 949·?32-5999 LOST DfAMOMD IPIG @ Hoa1 Hosp1111 fundrelser @ Edwards lhHther In womens rost1oom REWNI> ge. &nl103 f'Hll DtU f'AIN11NGS All Newport Harbor icenes. 30 X 40 011. 16 X 24 w/c, 10 X 13 w/c lll!"C' ~•MEQIJS 1-too-aU..fllS ~ only JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 3460 MERaWIDISE ....... .......... 3155 Rlllf:ltlel c-tc.t.N_. Old Coins! Gold. silver. ,ewery, w1tdlts, 111~ coUecllbles 949 642·9448 J-STm IU&HHIS Servlca 4258 2813() WU $8,900, Mil A I 4• 0w Mew Sl.890 36x48 wn OMc. ......_., $14,900, a.II $5.950 AIUISTIONG 48~ 100 wn $26,900, PtlOfaTllS Clll 3610 1111$12,900 C1ll Now1 1470 ............ Ste 200 --------Tom 800-392·7806 ~ hedl, c... loo+ lm08.,,,.,, CATS. DOCS phob orHine www.a•1•111booi11.or1 Adaptioos. F mtlDn llllrld ~ DAY 161.. TH GlWW{I'£[ 9fU44.'lZ/9 l'MI WAY Im momme Cllt/ .,,. .. ~~II t4t-71MMO Olcllbt... - .CM/~ 13xl6sf, 1500 l*Jdl of ........ Blvd. Sl95mo. ~ TTT1 o.ri and~ Lodi IAYJaGNT IXICUTIVI otfice suite 2 offices. -rece~phon I slor•a•. Loe -T_--.. -.,-... .---,.,,-,-=-~-10 COM 949 718-9500 .. c.. ~ IClCts, SD+ mo potential. low CM111ud. offered .. S25K 714-414-6642 1515 Liit 1515 PERDIDO-Por F•vor •yudenos encrontar nuestro peno de Familia. Penllclo 4119'03. Hay premlo de $400.00 para lnfonMdon.,. nos ayude enc:ontr•r Nuesbo .,o ..... IUlllW Mt 142:1453 . LoitlPlew help UI find cu lost family ft'Mtfllber. LOlt on 4111183. Thent 11 • $400.00 reward for lnfot nlitlon ludlng to Still Missing/I ..., ....... lllOUts. HELP/ I Please call AM1E11••ar1••aro11 949-842-.6453 ( lllWSIO ..... ,50 Cann del Mir ..... u.,.. !i8r plu!. bonus rm .. S4>Yons tlll Custom pool. sp1 & Gaz.ebo to the 11 ~ deck on the UllC* ...,. ~ C\temNe U5e of ~.vte marl* & lob of love $1 .950.000 Judy Kolar. ~ 949 376 5576 JASMINE CltEI sine ste><y 2br l b1 den Roters Gardener lendsuped Handicapped ready Very low mainl Assoe w/lennts. pool C1ll for 1119t By Owner 949-6'0·8777 on .. UT-SWI 1-4 7 1S AVO<AOO AVI Well to COM Viltt .. kachts, F tshlon Island Price Renee $395,000 to $425,000 714-394-9661 ••<OM ... SOOM• • c.w...c-.. _ C I I J ~llMTY ..... ,, ... .,, "'-..... Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week R>r Only $32 per week (4week minim um) C. Lorraine at (949) S74-424S • b..,t.tt• c..-.,. ""Best of[~ .. ""' ~ er 2 5ea W/a W1ne cebr, library and PlftDl'amtC ~ lrom Im bluff lop home YOU mu s t s ee this one .S2,79'J.CXX> "Ill . Joan 9'9-/07-4440 NIW OH TME MMlfn 0,.-Set 2-S 0-,_.,It!. , v ... , ... Or 5br Sb1. 2c ai r. Sl.795,000 By Owner 71 4 357 54~ _.....,. !i8r 2Ba. cul de sac lot1hon w/pool P11nc1p1k only plea~ 167511. L usllold Oouc Buley, .., ~720-1~ .................... rest S.tle As Isl Bui Olftr OVtf $880,000 949 290-8128 AetfOwner l lAC" G4AlfT TIUSHI SAU 4H -SUt,toO AGINT t 4t-21t -2SSt IRCOUIT H ST IUYll 4Br 3.5B1 Twm. 3400 '1. $895,000 •ct. Oold Prine• 949 718 1520 ~c.t Of'IN SUN 1-S live ebove the clouds, ocean views I level home 2br. + dell, Gated comm SI St...000 f'lATIMIM ...WCITllS Stefenit Meur• .. ,., ',_,,,. !J<each ':::!ir. __ ., winnin1 rookfteld home. built In 2000 3bf + oft1u Approx 3700sf $1,7tt,OOO ll'UTIHUM NOrlHllS Stefanie Meuref 949 715 3156 Of'IHU T 1-S 23 Fenand 2' lw .,.0 .., oarm\ ob or 3 • o«a. 'Allwl al ~ .. d:y .. ~al l4W"8ll& NlllUl .... lti SWll*Muw •m.3156 RESORT/ VACATION PROPERTY RIRMLE ---"""" -YUUrA tAll ~I mq double wide ~ home Cal enyUme 151!1< K-1 ~ 7'J1 .21133 llSCWNIEOUS RBfTALS CM-OAUGI STOU4i ONlYl$100/-. 94t-64S~'241 AESIOENTllll.. RENTIU ORMGE 1• COtllTY : !J(ea der.r i~ap~rl 23ea ch, Corona <fef~, c.JleaJporl Goa.sf, G la !l!Cesa. ul on /his ~'Jle'J:Jf t 1 b11llHns, wd, ffplc. p1rt11na. 11 ''°'-''' loft No peVsmll. SlJnV ·e:-~ f ......... ,.,......,.,_,..,.. 3llr ltil condo 8ay ¥WW, ~to bdl, 2c pr, ~ Blu, M!MOO<M71 A Cwt AMo..1 ._...... 1800sf. 2 Mstrs, 2 1/2 baths, FR. 4 patios. Pvt ' at. W/D, Pool, Spa tl)llls S2600 949. 723 1741«310-•n -7930 a-super clean furn 2tw Zba (2 n15lr des ~ detb) town hou5e ~.)!ks hm bdl. ~ 1111 ,.e no smrN. I car fl' $V!111n aXJ IWtm&G 1..-.,,s1..-n 1ar11llt Jlr 2 .s1. <HouM, newly ••modeled. ~~· whirlpool tub. • '/rno 949-463·&361 :cm._ UOO YU. Y LIA$( 81U CRUNOY RlAl TORS t4t-47S-4161 "-'-''-" Penmsula Studto Apart menu nail Act $750 $950949 673 7800 ............. lb< year ly rentals •&t $1400- 1950/mo. 949 673 7800 949 673 7800 U•1 I Al 1f1P I ............ K1c1Wt / 81111 I ,._.. Mlba~ ..SS~-.&?!1115 Ci:' I ., .w ......... en•• lllllt·IM, CroWfl ...... 1oe1. L Mt-1'0t-5142 ....... ,,. ... h•tlll11ff 3br 2bl townltome, 2 c 11r, comm pool Aat UJOO '4t-67*-1IOO llAalN MY /MY ~ upstns 2br I 501 Ip, ~-·-_ wd hll11p yr be $2ti00/mo 949 673 8411 ..................... 3M home. Z.-c:1r aar. Pfiv pfto, c:omm ~ Yr "" 1815....,row~ U4. 0.. Ti.. Weter 3Br 28• a•r •\pa w/d, built ms sm pet ok • Hu11 d"k l1cin1 the channel Poss •hp 6mo lease I yr $J200m a1t Slletry @Cannery. 949 723 SSJ0/888 969 9667 LWe ~ tondo 2l!t Elepnt iWld Immaculate, ~ W/ipprwed Oecit, n/peb SJ,900/mo )'fly. Owntr/"&1 949 118-2/ll ~'lpil(.IOO:ib ?ha, • dedl, f R, lndr y rm. 2c p , ~ I>" 1N5e Av.-6/l!> 949-650 ?166 ~ ht New,.rtl Beyond U\lrnq 48r • c»n llla. -cellaw. ta-raa!d lll'dcm •1-mntmo Jt1y ct. o....i Prwa 949 'i'lS.1520 Renllls WINld 7UO ............ •llfw• feanele n-4• ,.,., .. In COSTA MfSA, HI, Ml'I IH llAHAVlAOOG. s 10001•0. un. CUOl 94t-S74-4241 .. c--coleea If lid, Zl liel!ks rlJlbl M'S.I aw.'lbllloa r rorn ~ !i to Sept I~ ~~1 t1h~@erol\ com Te SMre Dr+ ...._., (limo. 7) 11/smkr. PfOM al Pf M.. Ml Cd Dan 114-567-7537 ~ 8500 ....._..,/a...ir(T nortproil Oii "'*"' ...,ill alb &S6t. ~ '-·~ mn..-and orpt'll'JlllJOnal ...._ c...i lanMA.e ilbl ....... ,_ ~ Oatabne m111Mtpme<il e.\jWWICI! • It.al /Cf pt/d but not -11w1 r ., resume M1d 'WiMy re ~~l32'li S-.r J.,\, o~tkhand E1p on h\h1n1 r•<hf\ Based'" Newpofl Buth Fu.•-ID 968-~ PAIT-• ra.uumw Perm1M11t and SutnnMr PoSllt0n1 In lilt LOftt Buch~u Up lo $300 per Wffk (depends°" •-p.) Wwtu M ... -Jtiwa, 4,__..,... ' S4't, ·--• ..... Will t,.on friendly r1 spon11bie persons to contac:I polenhal cus tomers over the phone end provide 1nf0fmatiotl about frff servk:n that our 1rowln1 mMI&•&• comp•n; has lo olltt EnJOyable, "° prnsure position w/arut Hl<1ry, bonui.es,andlulure l'U-SCHOOl TUCHH needed lo work In well established pre school Applicant need 12 units of F.CC and a clor underst1ndon1 of child development r 1pe• req Creal tum uf tuchen to work with 949 673 8233 c .... 1oct1 Clwlaty l'rejecl Cee,.U11e1 ... / ~ Ateht F /T CA non Pfofll ore r-i.. c aecutJYe level admen '1\\1\I W/bad\&Jound lf1 prnieci coordination Must h311t! alnt 00tr4>Uler OtPlnllD IJONI Mld multi laskwie lkth. (aper 11 Word, heel. Puwer Puoot and ACT ii plu\ Bu~•nt!'.s c:-...1 '"°'" MYIOOn ... nl ,_ beedl potenbal tu tdec.ommute or WOf ti lrom home w1I M Con\ldered f aa resume .od wt.Jr y history ta 949 673 2356 Pubhst11n11 l'aOMOTIONS, Ofl'UTMINT Community ne~\ 111 Oranite County ~.i; F uM fime pet50n lo l'llOIY- lnd write slorM!'\. part11' pate •1 con•murlffy l!lleflf\ create and ~le ~ Ind SllCtlons f a~nt C01111111.nC.1bon VJlll., WOtli wel with the po.tblit Know AP Style, Qu.wUPt~~ PhotMhop flUll M Cu ator Profiaent on MN' and PC CCI dn1an eapt11.-nc .. prdP11.-d Prooh~ t~t Drlll i.a--.t~"' lf<IUll'ed £()[ [ atel~nl bcnelot ~ Im•~ rMtmlt! ""tMR ~WC>IM llfld s.111fy requlfement• to t.111o1.ptmoo(a'Jlll~wm alTM WIS. Tll<ldy Jl ~ slln 11 1...,.... '-1> G lnl: f<x ... """ lfVlll. 8ntb ....... gn <lMl'«XD t..• JU) m !f>lb TW-Rll'S AHi. Setten $900.$-1&50 elJl'll turfy• CCllTWT>' booula Pd ~ n PT (•1'6 pref'd flt t.rl!'\ ...mned 25 ~ UI HB t\Jne5I, °'""" &. L¥motte r ,_ Ol'llTIOOI Cal 1 m II>! «Ul • ~4!:.1!00 Everyday is a great day in Classified! Be a pan of it, place your ad today! (949) 642-5678 IMW S2S1'90 Cold, few •lies, runs 111•1! r uNy loaded '9JX> OllO~Ull7 l'MllllPS AU10 91 1MW32JI (llnY, feather 111l6fl0f ~auty1 <19!.,l) Sl8'Bl 00.MW M ._.,_, <.onv l>tad< w w ey Pf\'mtum '"""'·b 11!1388) $28.!8> fS MIZ SLSOO -..Iver "cy ie.ther Pfml .. httb ( l!IJ90) $27.'Bl 01 l'ondte fflrl>o Tip only 1811 n11. HR( J>e< for man< r wllttls <19'\94) INQUIRI I 999/IC_,, .., •• .,, w ll IM k Only ll!K M• vf'fy cle.on I I <;4 IJ l S!>5 'Bl 9a IMW T"11 Hdan llO<' o-kM al New Pofl SedM1 27e<tl '"'"'"' tlvomed whb ( 19340) S22.98l 00 J..-XJ(I S!IYM w /Bia< j\ I ?k m1 -f~ct '193811 $4';,98> 91 Leiws GS 300 t twonw whb low mile,. WflfO<lf '19418) S23 98) 01 Fwtl , -a1rt1 Only 496mt~ ( 19384C) SJ) 9fl) 00 '--S-Type 12'1 ~ w ... ,u- Mll muorw1,.,f 119Jl41 S25.980 f1' MIZ CUC310 blot< h w1blil~k IU1t. I 111 Ulllt'd Wheels (19~/) $16 9tl) 949.574.7777 l'*"5 AllTO ,.....,._.< ... ... ld'96C ... tvry I owner rlolh "°•h pWY 'lab ~ -ws only ~ miles' $4~ 714 ';57 6187 ~C...-o...9e' .. <;:I. low "" Siva w 'bl! top. 2 a llhr lllt. • Wit cood SJ/Cb 949-'>48-0l?'J Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH FUZZ\' THINKINt; Both vuloerubk:. North lkah NORTH nu~ of upcrlef' s major as 1 f>ibWltl 1wiJ ~1"'' 11 hand that COIJW!l) 11 k<L'I luu1 11\lmpo. ~ inv1tm.1u1\Jl val 114-.,. With a pct1ectly .....wiJ opener. Sooth prucc.:dcd to ~· • 0109 K 11>52 KQ 109 •J2 WFST F'.Ab'T WC">t led Ull: ~og o( dub.. lllld, .11111:.ous to ha\c p.inncr ~h•ft to• dw mood. r~ wnuihulell the ~ lloldmg the t.rn oJ dlJb,,. ho-\cr, W~ ~oukl ._ no l\Jm1 m rnnunumg with the queen. wh1<-h held d.\ l'!til fol!M-cd with t.hc lour. Now Wei.t fihlftcd IO the d1nmood. but it was too lato: Ea.~1 \ nee wa' I.he lhird and la.\! tnck ror ~ tk'feni.e. • J 87 J 87651 • 6 53 2 IU-' • K 0 10 6 A •A874J SOUTH •AK4 •AQJ9 7 ,J 43 • 9 5 The btddmg. NORTif P.A'-T ,_ ,_ !>C H n1 w•xr >,, happen~ all 1uu oru:n. tho: dcfcn-.c went on I.he rail~ a.1 the \'Cl)' fir.I tnt k. U\I Cll/I !Ott thal a dla· mund rulT will hlcly dcfClll four hcan>. '"th.: tkfcndcr must mcrtllkc I.he l1nl? vi club\ with the ...:c. Cbtl I.he .... .: ot d1.uuiJlld., .llld rcwm a duh P~r "''"' w11h the queen and n.-~o:rh m J d1.1mond. illld F JL\I rufh for ih;; -..:11111v ind. I ,_ l .._ .a .... ,_ ,._ {)pen1111( lcJd KH11( of • When you cnwunig.c "' d1"wr 11gt on p;&IUler'< op:nan~ lclaJ. 11 I\ nuc 11 wmlllJJld m pannt:r he ..., enutl1:d tu U.'IC hi' JU\lglll<:HI. &r don'1 be: ~urpoM:d if partner wrneurne' gel\ 11 wmng In \llmt1ard ntcthnd' Nonh', iump Wh;it 11 Wc~t "'"'' loolmp for u du!> run ht.1ldmv K '-· and n<M K Q" Mml unlild} ht'.re The b1ddmp marl.' Wt'\I with .u IOO\I a \tngleton ho:.irt, '" there " no rea'UI\ Iv po: wnic pdl'lncr" '"'on in dub-; a\ well l'ffllllf'S AUTO "IMWJ1:Jl (Any t U tlw l'llllflOf A be<iuty (19.u.lli $18.9111 OOIMWM._.tw BIM:t. w 'iir ay P' tnl<Om wheels Cl 9388) S28.9M 91' """"" ~ Bt.ck thrurrlC' wl!C'el\, talfA 'lie.In I 19397 I S<'S.<8J 0 I l'ondte r url.o Tip Onlf 1811 Mt l~f PM f0t n•.,1< ~ whttl\ 119 )94 I INQUll!f ,, l'ondte 911 SC...,.. JllM k/1 le.Mi tan nlll, luN rec0tm. "''" hnd ( 19288) $11 98l 'lll>IMW TfOI s.clon I owrlC'r 1«.11 NeWJ>(I< I ~dan. ife.tl reuJtds 1 hr<>med wh~h. 11'1 j4()) w '.8) 00 Jogt#W XICI StlVM WlblMk 1]11. n ...... ~fr<I ll<lllll1 l4'>98l Ht. • .,. GS 400 Pre<ntUm wllttt. CO \l«tt..._ •.untuut 119286> $If! 'Bl 011.-J r..w only 496 mtles II 9J84C I $JJ ~ oo Jop#W s r~ I ?I< nu tthr nlO()n rnol <191141 S2S.98J 99 MIZ QJ(J20 bt.\<" .,. bl.l< ~ "'"''"" llwcw....., whttk I 19n> I S.?9 9'Jl 949.574.7777 l'ffaU'S AllTO ,....._....._ 9004 Automotive NEW2002 MINI COOPER SUNROOF, PRfMIUM PKG 16' ALLOYS, CO ~l~,~~J IAITltSPRU (lCE181 • OTH£RAT SIMILAR SAVINGS' • LITS MOTOR' rrs FUN ** * * * * 1r 1r S5 rR[[WAY @ ux,m S.WA AM AUTO MALL {Ill) IU-9808 Cadillac '02 DeVllle ~~d•n 191o. 1111 .. 1111• .... 1n1ul llhr r 0 Q,, 1.11 •• IJ794 l Sl!i 99'\ , .... $2QI. Ion & ... ,,.nl~ ••~•I Bkr 94'1 '>HI> 1111111 www.ocpohl.com Jogvor '90 lUf> Wlilte/ blu .. lth1 throme #hi\ bt'dUI Uffi cond. fuU SY(, oppre<1•le lf#752491 SJ99S Bkr 949 S86 1888 --~-·­Jeep'9S~a-..a- llJI d<k1 ,.., V8 al ..._. It~ tow pl\&. ro MHJl S//UJ 9"9 244-4162 Jeep w ...... "00 4.0 Spao't ll<!d 4 wl• <t. •I f;l) h.Jrd lop SOii It.Ip 5811 no Sl'l.!m 949646 IHl2 lond Rover '91 01•- ' •••~• y l I 4/k nu 4yr 11t.1ff "'Vdtl drlt. ml'talhc ~·•en l•n llhr ll~•l~d e.tl\ du•I mnrf brau l1tul Utti t..iJOd $'df•~ttd non • .. mi..1 mu\I ,.,.t> t<J •P1>•r.t1.tle v•9'>8l4 I SI! 'Hl ll~r 949 '>Hf> 1888 www.ocpoJ.c ... lUUS JOOSC •97 f "' .,, rtrren Un lthr ... df• LO Sunroof •II r•wr ln•ded •Int • ond S<I 400 ntJr, 949-/? I '>049 Mo1do~'"9Mi oto r unv 4~~ mo auto \llv~r Ian lop pw pl A f CO. \Uperb hh new ronlt v• 119741 S71 m I '"'"'h rnv. & warranty ••••I Bkr 949 ~ 1888 _w_ocpot.l.c- Mer<edH '9f> C210 11• •ul1lu1 blaclo. <itJm lullf l<J,1d~d ~llowroom .. ""' S1o<m n4-r..1 2464 MlRCfOlS 300<0 'IS Rdrt' Coupe Blu~ n•tu r 11 l11uk\ ond run\ i,:rut• $4'>00 obo 9-19 SI!'> 5882 FORD AfROSTAR '9 S Merced.. •oo f320 di .,, ., r••\\ 'l'lk "" ll:r~ ........ "" lull 'i•lr•~-Al tomdl ll'l<lll I t1 l1n1 ,. • ., turquoise 949 122 8291 t lue •lmtal lthr I muon,,..,,t ro chtnm~ ferd '6 5 MY•la"91whl\ """ rtf the lowe•I Con•l'rltblt ""~"'"' '"''~ M•r~tde~ ul thf' owner solid <M $1'199'> 1,.., 11 C•hf ••557291 ub<i 949 719 294 I S.?9 'J''1 hn~nc•n& ~·~•I ,.,,._ S-Type 4.2 VI 'Ol, I 5k m1 whot~ natmeal llhr <d • "'°""' ..._ f>-~ 8U10 S.tt ISK. $J9.99S VIII ef.l59'h 949 58£>-J 888 Btu B~ r 949 586 1888 --.ec,...a. .• - Merc ..... 4sosa '7S Yve: c~ at ac. 11m Im '°"'°"I. bl<ldl I'll, S?200 CllOP'~M<I S«XD ) good cond 9'9-689-8432 ~ERVICE /a L._._! , ' I~ I· 1 •TH I h ', ( .~I I I l ' I I• , I 1 I 8 0 I) '1 '•I/ / ' ••• I your stuff bcqh ctasslfledl UC..-<Olft'UCTOI ,.. ............. ,....,,_..,,.., ............. fnday, May 30. 2003 AU TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE Mercedes 'U S60 SL whole/Ian 1mm•c nQA. """ lf9lt ·-d Q>, ctranm. St4Jll) n .. 151 ;w,. MOCURYGr-4 Mor...,I• ·91 1 Int cond llhr 14711 n11 •II pwr ~uper rtlt•blr New brakeslllrH battery $1CY.iO·obo 949 1'19 1517 l'Hllllf'S AUTO fllMWJ131- llh< "''"'°' beauty! 949-574-7777 ~AUTO ............ TOY01A 2002 SCQIJOIA l1m1ted 4X4 ~•Iver. fully loaded. 9600 "''· perl cond. U/JID ~-1i85 v ...-·001-tt. 281< mo sp11lihn1 blacti/ o•lmul 1ulo. moonrl, CD pw pl alloy whls. ltl\e new ••4700!)5 SI 3 49!> fin & warranty eve1I. Bkr 949 586· 1888 ---~-<- ........ HST MOVDSSSS/Mr. ~ M Olas. m&lrecl rt6..1144 ~~2'378 lZJ.U>-9971 ail vw G.tf '90 !>·Sl>Md ~tJCI\. ereat tampor 41Jon, many utrasr Sl!Dl/ul» 714 473 5626 AUTOMOBl.£S, llSC8lMB)US WRlll 9045 ,...., o,.-.1 ... 0-«> ,_-s expl ,.. pey • vsy bor p.-iot lor 'fO.I ts VIII Of Ind l*d b Of not_ Cal Od Rey @ Tom.lo Auto ~ 71l 431-1931 Of 714-328-3228 CASH 10. CAllS WI MllO YCMM CU l'AIO FOii 0. MOT ~AUTO AH FOii llAlCOlM t4t-S74-7777 BOATS Pows Bolts 9515 'QO '... °"""' D.doic bcM1t I -. dcOf!d by 8al>oe Island Must ~ SI 7 .IXXllobo. 949-706 2063 ti l 13 ISO NEW & llSUI IOATS 0-l'olnt IOAT SHOW • .., 29-.i-t 1 Toi Fr-" 146-374 2621 Sailboats 9520 • SION£Y SUOT • CO•l'LETf S7S0/090 714-606 2195 H...t.o. 20 U1 New E lee tr'<~ 1n• ' Sil 000 obo 949-23l-77SJ BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHlNG/ STORAGE 9680 Un SUI' AVAJlAIU IH M(WPOltf llACH $2SOOLIASI 949-SC»-1005 IOAT Sl9'S Nt1W AVM Cll lor wa. ~ - dd.at> Walts .-ld P'- n..bled ~7~7 M..ak I'_. & S,.. Svc. Wttkly Ser11~e C QUiii ment Repa•~-Insured c..l '49-292-717' ~ . .LINCOLN - ..... p ............... .., fiMnoe c:harsa. MY dotJa' ~ pn:peratlon chatJe. and any "miu100 1csun1 c:twie. REBATI! IN LIEU 01' SPEClAL LOW RATI! FINANCING. 2 At This Net Cost (J:M890) (J24440) Plwp-,_el ...... wy 0.- cJwaet. eny deaJ« ~-pttpanlioa c:twic. Md WI)' emiMlon 1ct11n1 c"-ie. Rf!.BAlC IN IJl:!U ()I' a., 11NAN<.:rNO ON APf'ROVW CRJ-.DrT 2 At T his Savings (J02772) (J07807) .... P•-,_ _. -.; _, r,,_ dlw9ca, mny c1ea1cir doc:umenl prepwaom chArae. and ... ,, emu.Ion ladna char&c Rl!BATE lN 1 .. 11,u OP ()% FlNANCINO QN APPROVl•D CRl!DrT 1 At This Net Cost <6nm1 MERCURY ,.._,. dlqle, lftY dealer "'--- ptqJa1111ion charp. and eny emission te'lllng ctwie R£BA1l' IN u 1•u Of· SPECIAl . LOW RATE 1'1NAN(.1N<J 1 At This Net Cost (Jl0209) 1 At This Net Cost (607862) &.a ~ Illy .... ~ preparaoon C~. and M)' C'.11'11nloll tatma c.,_,. RJoDATh rN IJhU Of' Sl'tiCIAL LOW RATI I 1NANC:IN<J l At This Net Cost (b6640()) 96 FORD CROWN VIC LX .(209621) Xlnt Condition, Full Power 97 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED 4X4 (3WV~762) 42 K Mile, Leather, Moonroof, Loaded 01 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 2WD (4MOX821) Only 20K Mile, Clean, One Owner, Auto, CD, Full Power . . 02 FORD MUSTANG CONVT. (179515) Auto, Leather, CD, Full Power, Showroom Fresh 02 DODGE DAKOTA QUAD CAB (S25539) VS, Auto, Full Power 00 LINCOLN TOWNCAR (903336) 32K Mlle, Mint Condition, Moon roof, Chromes, Loaded 01 LINCOLN LS (601455) Sport Pkg, Moon Roof, CD, Loaded 02 LINCOLN SIG TOWN CAR (665897) Leather, CD Stacker, Showroom Fresh 00 LINCOLN NAVIGATOR 2WD (J2448l) Certified, One owner, Low Miies, CD, Chromes, Sharp ' ' • • • .. • • . • .. It •