HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-03 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2003 PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW DAILY !'•LOT Though drffenng 1n style, Hayley Palmaer, 11, left, and Shaye Bastien. 12. show a bit of flair m attacking the giant slide at DARE Fair. A fair dare Celebration of the end of Newport-Mesa's Drug Abuse Resistance Education brings together about 1,000 students. Christine Carrillo Daily Piiot A bout 1.000 fifth-and sixth-grade student!> celebrated their graduation from the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program Tuesday by running around in mazes. being hurled in the au by the force of a bungee cord, bouncmg around on inflatable contraptions of all sorts and visiting with SWAT and K-9 officers. The students, who came from about 25 schools in Newport Reach and CoMa Mesa. had successfully completed their 17-week course and were given a day to revel in their achievements. -The entire program is geared toward teaching kids how to stay away from drugs and violence, - c;aid Costa Mesa Police Officer Jeff I lorn, who has taught ll'.RE for two years and helped organize the event. -1 really do be!Jeve (the program! is beneficial and really do think we have an impact un (the Newport Beach Police Officer Michelle Shean cradles a five-week· See FAJR, Paee M old prt bull puppy being put up for adoption at the OARE Fair. Closure of eatery leaves its patrons uneasy The popular Costa Mesa restaurant that popular. I "I was open to any kind of ne-"We come here all the time." Orne ette Parlor has served up its egg dishes gotiations,· Adkins said. "They said Rico Andino. zs. who came for 20-y-ear-S,.-but will close later this-A.m~oc.a.n .... t ...... h ...... __ d_o~n~·•_wan~t me here." for a meal with his girlfriend Jane Vons 1s ownedl)y SareWay me::-l>ailCer, 21. "l blow the menu like the publicly owned grocer based the back of my hand. -Paul Clinton Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -After 20 years of frying omelets, burgers and other hearty food, proprietors of the Omelette Parlor will lay down their spatulas. ing bar. Adkins claims she was re- buffed when she cried to nego- tiate a new lease with landlord. The Vons Companies lnc., which owns the shopping center on 17th Street. in Pleasanton. Safeway officials Richard Meredith, 53. strug- did not return calls on Monday. gted to verballre his sadness Customers at the Omelette about the news. With tears well- Parlor say they'll miss ordering ing in his eyes, Meredith said he up a burger or breakfast item would miss his favorite place to from a menu that used local order an omelet names for its food. "It's such a big part of Costa Omelets such as Mrs. Bee-Mesa." Meredith said. "It's the cher's Delight. Estancia Redis-best thing I've known since I :..-. Police seek two wanted in shooting Su nday night incident injures o ne man on the Westside. It is the city's second gang-related violent attack in two months. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot CO!-. fA Ml-~A Police are look.ing for two men in connection with a gang-related '>hoot· ing that happened Sunday night on the cny\ \\.est'>1dc. ofiit 1ah !Mild lne \1tllm, d lO year old Co-.ta \.1e<.a re<.1 dent, took d huller in hJ'> back. but hi'> m1ury \\llit not hfe thredtenmg. Lt Dale Btmey said B1rne; 'wltd the VICllm and another man \\ere '>tdndmg 111 an alley behind the 800 block of Center ">trt:et when they were approached See SHOOTING, Paee A4 COSTA MESA Crackdown on shopping carts begins Counc il a pproves plan to curb abandonment with fines , but some argue that the burden should rest with cart owners. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COS IA ~11 \A -( .1ry ledders finall} crad.ed down on the uns1ghtJ} problem of abandonl!'d .. hopping caru. but ~me residents charged the; did not go far enough Monddy. the Ctry Counetl approved a mod erate law that call<, for all stores using \hop ping can'> to e<.tahh'>h an effecove contam ment '>}"tern to keep the cans on their propert1c'> See CARTS, Paee M They'll close the popular eat- ery later thls month, following owner Susan Adlcins' inability to reach a deal to extend the lease. Adkins says she will also dose Clester Drawers, a folksy adjoin- Adkins, who has been renting nearly 7,000 square feet of space between the bar and restaurant, said Vons representatives have not renewed her lease that ex- pires June 30. The Omelette Par- lor will close about a week before covered and the Perfonning Arts came here." DON LEACH / DM.Y Pt.OT Center can be ordered up for a Corporate owner Grand CMner Susan Adkins talks to lonnt.mo patrons at the Omelette fairly inexpensive price, ooe of & .... '"" the reasons the place is still s.. CLOSURE, P1&• M Pat1or during a lunch break. The restaurant wlfl close this month. THE VERDICT Old stable now just a memory not very successfully since she couldn't yet swim. A few more years. and the stable on the bluff would be my daughter's home away from home. If you bad ubd Central c.ud.ng to eeod you an ~you couldn't do any better than Mr. Hardi. who had the ~balled. hawk-noted look ol the BnllWi peenp. lllhoulh he may~ come out oltJmeholm (or d I~ ROBERT GARDNER He hid qUltean .....,..t mere 1n COt'OM dll Mar-• JUDber o1 blrOI, a lqe ridlr-s rinS IDd I don't~ S.ww:T,'*llM Daily Pilot ATAGLMCE lt'N be lflOCher eunny one once the Jwte gk>ofn IUblldee.. SMPlpA2. ONTO THE ARTS At ... JpartlMd\,..wllng Celmml•IDl• ..... to maw to JoehUI ""9e llD focl'9 on .. lft. ....... Al ' SALUTING DADS Search for local gr~d's murderer continues AZ Tuesday, Nie 3, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK Things to count on The Daily Pilot went to Killybrooke Elementary School in Costa Mesa to ask kindergartners, 'What is your favorite thing to count?' "I like to count money because I have a bunch of it" GURPREET SEEWAT,6 Costa Mesa "I love counting fish because they just swim around when I point at them and they Oip [their tails)." AMANDA MOORE,6 Costa Mesa "Ilike counting money so I can get $30." RACHEL KEANE,5 Costa Mesa "I like counting how fast an animal can run, like a cheetah." JAKE WINTERS,5 Costa Mesa "I like counting skateboards because they're cool . . . you can jump off ramps or ride them." DANIEL MOYA.6 Costa Mesa r ~ I I' ~ '4a . ' . .. '.•II .,. -lntervkws and photos compiled by Oirlsttne C.arrlllo ON CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pt.OT Kindergarten teacher Tina Reinemann helps student Ivan Gonzalez with his math lesson at Killybrooke Elementary School on Monday. All in the numbers Christine Carrillo Daily Pilot T hey counted buttons and put them on shirts. They counted dried pasta and placed them on dinner plates, and they counted fish and released them into the ocean among seaweed and coral. It was all part of work on independent math assignments. About 10 lcindergartners at Killybrooke Elementary School in Costa Mesa spent Monday morning testing their mathematical talents with counting games. "This is making it concrete for them and teaching them about the number sentences they need 10 write," said Tina Reinemann, who has taught kindergarten for more Kindergartners at Killybrooke Elementary learn a lesson they can count on. than 39 years. ·nus makes it quite real for them." Using tangible items to figure out the answer to various math.i:maticaJ equations, like two plus three or four plus one, these lcindergartners could more easily rely on their counting skills to help them get the answer. "I like to count buttons," said 6-year-old James Rydjeski, who can count up to 109. "You can put them away easily and they're fun.· While the students don't focus on what they're learning from these different hands-on activities, they nevertheless are learning. Mlt's very hands on and gives math meaning for them," said Kathy Sanchez., the principal al Killybrooke. ·w e have really high expectations for our lcindergartners." The idea behind using such activities is to introduce the young students to various mathematical concepts such as number combinations and number sentences, which are requirements of the state standards. l'cying to teach those concepts to 5-and 6-year-old children, however, presents a number of challenges that teachers have had to adjust to. "We are finding Interesting ways to make sure the students learn and 'We are finding interesting ways to make sure the students learn and are reaching the state standards.' Tina Reinemann Kindergarten teacher are reaching the state standards," Heinemann said. "It's a daunting task and they need to be met ... but it's still lcindergarten." • IN THE CLASSROOM is e weekly feature in which Deily Pilot education writer Christine Cerrillo visits e campus in the Newport-Mesa area end writes about her experience. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU wa.sDAY Vegeterien hHlth aendwfch or chlc:bn tenders with dipping Huce, baby carrots whh ranch dip, nacho cheese chips, choice of fruit, choice of milk MONDAY Muncheble Lundi Salad or dMdder ~ queudllla, green beens, choice of fruit. gntwn <ndtert, choice of milt The N9wport-Meu Unified School Dlstrk:t oflerl "*"' .... w:lt dey at ...,,..rtery ICftoola. ...... "'8Y c:hooee a vegMaMn entree If delired. n. .... Cll011,,... and mey be either a ...... llldMc:h or hol erilieie. School lurldieil -. S2 eedt. ....... what'• being tetved this week: TODAY MundMlble Lunch S... whh fruit yogurt or two mini .......... arm-rotll end mew, t.aa.aend .......... Ol wet, dlOice of milt nutSDAY "Munc:Nble llinifi-saled or hOt dog on• bUn, potato wedges, beMna. choice of ma FRID«( Munc:hable Lunch Slilld Of,..~ mariNn aauce end rneetbell. fNlh bllDld wt'°'9 gr9ln roat. otep green aal8Ct with,.,,.,. dlu1lng, p.ctiee, choice of mllk The~ lunctl Siled COl ... tallid ....... dwTy '°"'**" a8dlilr'aend pr'Ollin ......... dw, IUf'llcMW ... frullyogurt endhal19t1N U 1 ~ (.,_.,.bl'91ron...._.~ No dtlld I• di«:rfmlnar.d _,,,,,,,_,i.e.. al,.._ HK, col«, MtioMI origin, ege"' #cr,,.,,, If II le b-'WwdedtlldhabNrt~....-., ~~tolMs.cnc.yOf~ ~.DC202tl0. Daily_ A Pilot ConlWhon Box 1660, Costa M .... CA 92626. SURF AND SUN Newt a•lstant, (949) 574-4298 Copyright No new1 1torie1, coral. wit.on •t•ti~.com illuttretions, editorial m.uer or PHOTOGRAPHERS edvertltemem. herein can be WEATHER FORECAST SURF Seen Hiller, Don Leectt. reproduced w1thout written Kent Trepow permi•ion of copyright owner. June gloom will be the norm The southwest swell VOL 97, NO. 154 READERS HOTLINE HOW TO REACH US thla week. with deering In the continues to beet down today, THOMAS H. JOHNSON NewlEdlllon (IM9) 642-«>88 Circui.tiOft Nrty afternoon and hight In with weiat-to c:t.t~ha. Publlshet Gina AJ&under, Lori Anderton. Record your comments about the The Times OmlQ• County the upper 70. today. Lowa will Weci leldly should be TONYDOOERO Denlel Hunt. Paul SeitoW1tz, Delly Piiot or new1 tlpe. (800) 262·9141 faff )ult thy of eo. almiler, with Wllltt-to Editor Denlel~ ~ ........... We'll be • tad oooter on c:t.t-hfgha. JOr/V OETT1NO NEWllTAff Our edd,_. le 330 W. Bay Sl, Colt.a a ulfted (949) 642-6678 Wedneedly and the rest of the ~~ cnme°:r~. MeN, CA 92827. Office houra 819 Dleptey (949) M2..:J21 The next touthw99t IWlft ~~y, 8:30 e.m. -!I p.m. &leotW wM, with highs In the •rrivee Thurldey, prcMdlng us Promotlon9 Director rM l 57 New9 mld-70.. c:t.t-to~ "-'»·bhM.rh•l«l,,,...com It Is the Piiot's policy to promptty (949) M2-eel0 ~with any day Int week, Fridrf and Saturday wilt IEDfT1NO ITAff --=·· con-.c:t eJI em>ra of sub9t1~. lpcwts (949) !174-4223 eJCpeCt Mrty momlng end i.te pr.ay much prcMde the eeme, 1..1.c.... Pl .... call (948) 7&M324.. ... ,_(Ml) &4&-4170 night fog. with ~-highs. N.wport repc>IW, "°"8 ,_ (949) 8e0-0170 Ma:L~· (Nt)57~ Wonnetlon! A letger _... lhould roll In (Mii }urw1.~•111t1,,,...oom m l....t: ~11yp11ot•t.r1,,,...oom a,J.4»1tn ,.,._,oom The Newport BMchlCoetl MeN MelllO.. www.nws.noee.gov Mrtynet .... ...... ~ Delly Piiot (USPS-144-800) le .... _ Ollee (949) 642""321 --Cllllllr. ....... .., Poltl:lcl, bulllr.-end environment BOATING FORECAST ~~ publlehed delly. In N.wport lleect. ..... ,_ (948) 831-712t ·www.~°'V reporter, , .. , 1IM330 end ea. Meee. eubectlpclot• n ""*',,,_.""""-oom pttCJl.dlnlon•llfllmAoom l't9ileble only bV Mlbeortblng 1IO The The wfndl wfl blow 10 kr'°'9 TIDES ....... .,.... ..... ...,. Tlmee 0ranee County (IOOI -In the Inner,.... this lpOlta~:; Cotumntll, cuftuN ~. 212·t141. In ..... ~ of •ftwnoofi. ~ 2-toot WW. ,...... ........ ~ • ...._oom , .. ,PM279 ~ 8MdlendC.. Mete. and. w.ll twell of I tllt. Not 8:31Lm, .o•-tow ..... .,, ..... ,,,,,,..,,.,,,.,.,.,,,,.oom 1Ubeoipdo11e lo the Daly "*" .,. much wll chlnOe ....,, 1:A7p.m. uo""""" M OINalor, ,._Delk °"9f, ........ "'*' ~only bV .. a.. rnel for flublleMd bV Timile Communfty Out ....... the wlncle wfl 4.-llp.m. 2.11 .... low Cl9tPMDI c.. ..... ,....,,..,, .., 11MU1 ...... month. (f'l'toee lndl* .. ....... • dMelon of the Loa Mgelee blow 10 llnota,.., 2-foot ft:2tp.m . IA2fM11"9h }a. _ ....... °""' .... lllCWlli ...... ........,,.~ apsit111i. .... end ---.) Tlmae. ~end ......... of Ito Cl ti:• IC--. POITMAITBt lend ......... ........ MA aldM repo111r, ... PM29 =:..nw.....,... 7 .... ,... wri'I. ...... WA111 Tl9lllA1Ull ,...,..... Mm~ Noc. fl!(). .. bloame "°'1hbbl 111 ~ M 4 ..... ,,...,. ......... .,.. ......,....,,.,,_MUI totfMt. " 'I .. .. . · ._ .. -. Commissioner moves on to a life in art Newport Beach's Shant Agajanian quits board after three years to move to Joshua Tree. June CHaarand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -He waJted almost lO years to serve on the Planning C.Ommission, but now Shant Agajanian has stepped down to pursue an art- ist's life at his new home in Joshua Tree. "It was time for a change,· Agajanian said. "I love Newpon Beach. I love the climate and the people. But it was time to shift gears and to begin a life that's even more satisfying than It was before." Agajanian. 55. resigned in mid-May and said he will con- tinue to work as an economic advisor, but that he will limit his hours to give himself more time to pursue furniture design. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Corona del Mar High will boast students' art · C.Orona del Mar High School will host a Senior Project Gallery Night to dlsplay the creativity of more than 35 of its seniors. The gallery will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. June 10. It will take place in the main 200 building/libr.uy location, which will allow for students, parents and the community to see the various displays that re- present the students' creativity, vision and dedication. The project will include black and white photography. inde· pendent films, ceramics. blown- gSass. handcrafted guitars, musj. cal performances. studio art· work.. mural and qwh designs. resorted auto and jet slc.i~. fash son designs and creative writing samples. painting and building the fil"llt of what be hopes will be several private residential artist retreats. Agajanlan is a native Arme· nian who was born in c.a.lro, Egypt, grew up in C.Ommerce. since the age of 6. and moved to Newpon Beach 18 years ago. He first put in an application to serve on the Planning C.Ommis· slon in 1990, but didn't land the appointment until 2000. "I have a PhD in planning, I consult in planning and I felt I had something to contribute to Newpon Beach." said Agajanian, who is divorced and has no chil· dren. But when he first iook his seat on the committee, he quickly got a lesson that even his graduate degrees from Cal Poly Pomona and the Unlver· LIGHTS OUT slty of Wisconsin at Madison couldn't teach him. "I've bad to deal with planning commissions a lot, and having so frequently been on the other side of the dais, it took a completely new sense of objectivity. I had to become more understanding of both sides. Trying to find this ob· jectivlty and this balance -this sort of measured response - was very new and eye opening for me." The biggest issue Agajanlan presided over. bands down, was the temple built by the Oiun:h or Jesus Christ or Latter-day Saints. "I saw so many people paclc the chambers," he said. "It turned out really weU. I thought Steve Bromberg came through lilce a champ to negotiate all of the outstanding points. When the church reduced it voluntarily, it really turned out happily ever after." He credits his council col· leagues with serUng a high standard for the city by working to ensure fairness for applicants while still tooling out for the city as a whole. ''I'm happy also that I was one or seven. I'm not sure I could play the Solomon act by myself." Agajanian said. "I learned a lot from my coUeagues. • The City C.Ouncil has already begun intervi~g applicants to serve out Agajanian's term, which ends ln 2004. C.Ouncil membe~ are ex- pected to announce their candi- date for several seau. on the commission and other bodie'> on June 10. Their final vote is ex- pected June 24. • 1 really do appreciate his serv- ice," Mayor Steve Bromberg ..a.id. "He was a nice add1uon to our Plarming Comms '>sion and brought a different per<>pectsve. We'U miss him and I wil.h him the very best." For more informauon. call the high school al (949) 5 15· 6000. Swim schedule set for Costa Mesa recreation PHOTOCOURTfSVOF CO lfHHMfl6 . With the wrecking ball days away at Kona Lanes, a crew came rn and dismantled the sign early Monday afternoon. The sign will be saved. Costa Mesa's Recreation niVl· sson has announced its summer swim schedule. Adult lap swim will be held from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m . and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday It will also be held Crom I 0 to 11 :30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. Open swim wiU be held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 12 lo 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Senior Aquatics will be held from 7 to 8 a.m. Tuesdayl> and Thur days. There will be five summer swim sessions between June 23 and Aug. 29. The first runs June 23 through July 3. The next fol- lows from July 7 to 18. Summer swim lessons will be held every half an hour at the Downtown Aquatics Center from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m. and from 3:30 to 6 p.m . and at Costa Mesa High School from 9:30 a.m. to noon and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. rhe fee for adult lap swim, opt•n swim and senior aquatics 1s SJ per 'iwim. Discount passes are avajJ. able. For more informatfon and regi\trdtion, call (714) 327-7564. LAB plans Saturday fund-raiser for youth The LAB Anti-Mall and Nlk.ao Youth Project will present a col- lection of hand-painted T-shirts from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday. Sales from the evening. which will feature disc jockeys. live music, catered food and beverages, will benefit the .55% Yield On Principal of Your 12 ~<>CI> FDIC INSUR.EI> FIDELITY INSURED DEPOSITS (949) 588-571. l. Accurate: as ofOS/30/2003 Penally tor 1-.artv W1thdra" Bank 1-cC) May Reduce Eaminp Not Offer To Sell ~'untJCl $10,000 l.1m11 2 65" AnnuaJ Percentage Yield on Bank'& I-DK lnrun:d New CO Phu Fidcliry Ca1h Payment At lnccptlon Annumc& also offcn:d · F1dehry and FEP, Family £&tare lnsunnce Scrvtee (l.1c#OCS049) NOi Member of Federal ·t Insurance tion. Give Us Your Child this Summer. AIMl .. 1t atw.,.. ...... t • r.u ec1lll1•k t...t 111....,. At Tutoring Oubs of AIMl1a, ~·re dedlca~ to ~ring your e:hlld SU«ftds. . (949) 64-M900 488 EaSt ,,m Strttt • Conl Mes. (com« of l~llM Awnut) MATH • AIAOING • wamNG • nuov llOW • SAT ,.., ,, youth project. The Nilcao Youth Pro1ect ss a nonprofit orgaru7..allon that helps underprivileged youth in urban communities through creative workshops and pro· grams. Auction items will remain o n display for two week.\ followrng the show. For more informa· ti on. call (714 l 966·6660 or VJSll www.nikaoyoutllprojt>et.org. Literacy volunteers needed in Newport Imagine not being able to vote, take a driving lest or fill out a job application because of an inabiJjty to read. Those who struggle with lit · eracy are in need of interested and dedicated people who want ~ IUJDr - You'll Find Incredible Values on Your Favorite Lexus! to gave back to the lOmmumty. Those intere!.ted sn helping adults with basic language -,lcills are invlled to volunteer ai, tu- tors for Newport Reach I 11eracy Services. Tutors provide one·on orw as!>istance to thO'>t' '>lru&Wing with language skill" and help a segment of the population re· gain control of their live' Volunteer ... need no previous experience and wiU be given a four-week traming '>t''>'>tOn. All mtere•.ted in volunteering are invited to attend an on enta- l1on from 2 IO 4 p.m. or 6 to 8 p.m. on June 24 at the Newport Beach Central Library. The Newport HeaLh Central library is at l 000 Avocado Ave. For additional information. call 949-717-3874. Ollwn. ........... ,...w -~ . ...£! ii§IM§Ui SOLAIUAN M"OOI.-...... SOUDllDWOD .... ....... .... PWSBCAIPIT • ....... N$189 ....... ...ft. ··--,. ·--~1 r~~i . -.. ,. '·• -I Tuesday, JIN J 2003 A3 4,.,~~~J Rt~s t a urant ~ . -----Estat>llshecl 1n 1gf;2------,) Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails .. "Quality Service• .. For R~srn·11tio111 Gill (949) 646-7944 H><JS l"inr Avt"., Co~la M<"u ... Nightly Eotenainmco~ .. • ._ ...... 4 ,,,. '--'-•19• .............. .. FIT FOR LIFE Join the University Athle tic C lub Enjoy Fitness as a Part of Your lifestyle lAH'il N W F1<,Hl TAAINING/CARD•O F1T"1[ Er.i• 0"1!1>.,' C1111.H•• 11..~!"lTARY F1rM~' Co.1•.~11 ·~c RAco11fftsAl -5•)>1A~H -H At.iDBAll BA·~U">AH JR. 0 11 .. ~l'll s-. ... IMM•"•f Poo' . R!. !Al MMJ I l <J r.( I CA11 roR A CoMPtJ..~LNTA1n· Gui '>T PA~'> AND TouH UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB (949) 752-7903 1 701 Quail Street, Newport Beach "Oller 50 Years of fott Qual1t1/' AJI Types of Window Treatments • Valances & Cornice Boxc~ • Roman Shades • Blinds • Verticah • Shutters • Bedspreads Complimtnt11ry Consultation ;,, Your Homt 20<X , * I .1h11r & \dn1nl 1.1hril' OFF 1111h1h1,J,!1,:Jun: l11d, :,,,,, ~~~~ DESIGN CENTER fartnn & "ih11wnx1m 19Y8 Harbor Bh d . l<1'-Lcl Ml -..i ~~r~ (949)642-8400 ,.;.:.~;'~ Celestino's quality M E /\TS Produce • Seafood • Deli Snvmx tlH Cnmun1iry for JO ."f<•n LEMON & GARI.JC FRUIT SALADS Yi CHICKENS TO-Go NEED SOME HELP PLANNING 1llE SPEOAL GllADUATION DINNF.ll OR GET TOGE'JlfER? OJI IU 0-wt wiJJ s/Nm some of""' hip Ulu.s! TRIED OUR STuFFE.o MA11l FLANK STEAKS? M""1ulNI a..., ... ~ 6 ttJtj/Jd ~ 6pa ... $622 tb. o;,.,.,,. ,,. • Jif!J! CELFsnNo's OVF.N ROASl'ED OoCKENS M Tuesday,~ 3, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTAIESA •AMhelm~A v.hlcle burglary WM reported In the 1800 blodl et 12.:18p.m. SuncMy. ............. Town Cerl'9r Dlhe: A commercial burglary wet reported at 2:57 p.m. Sunday. • MICDI 8trMI: Grand theft was reported In the 3300 blodc at 7:32 p.m. Sunday. • Cofona t..ne: Petty theft was reported In the 1100 blodc at 5:28 a.m. Sunday. • Newport BoWIWl'd: Petty theft was reported in the 1900 blodc at 7:21 a.m. Sunday. • w..t 11th StrMt: An auto theft was reported In the 600 blodc at 3:38 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bede Bey onv. and S.n Jo.quln Hill RNd: Battery was reported at 7:07 p.m. FAIR Continued from Al students). This is kind of their reward.· O\RE education embodies much more than drug-abuse awareness. lt also arms srudents with techniques and skills to help them deal with peer pressure, conflict. stress and anger. "They taught us about peer pressure and how to handJe that." said 11-year-old Lily Beirarrti, a sixth-grader at Mariners Elementary School in Newport Beach. "Even the troublemakers in our class actually listened." While Hom and other QAJlE instructors do teach students about the health-related consequences of dru.g abuse, they also focus a good portion of the education on the reasons people start taking drugs and resort to violence. The Qt\RE program "is fun and you wouldn't think it is because it's about drugs and stuff/ said 12-year-old Megan Frye, also a sixth-grader at Mariners. ·vou learn how bad CLOSURE Continued from Al American Fair opened the eatery, which · serves breakfast and lunch, in 1983 with a Western theme. The first Omelette Parlor in Santa Monica is a survivor. At the time of the opening, the company signed a 15-year lease with an option for five more Sunday. • w.t lelbM loullwrd: A vehJde burglary WU ttP0'1ed In the 900 blodl at 10'.38 a.m. Sunday. • EMta., .,.._A home butglery wes reported In the 200 blodl et 6:.29 p.m . Sunday. •w.tCwtt~. Vandalism WH reported In the 2700 bloct at 2 p.m. Sunday. • ltvtne ~:Vandalism was reported In the 600 blodl at 7:34 a.m. Sunday. • Mec:Arthur Boulwwd end Vllegio: Petty theft was reported at 1 :56 p.m. Sunday. • WMt OcMlt Fn>nt: A hlt-an<kun was reported in the 2300 blodc at 3:48 p.m. Sunday. • 22nd StrNt end West OclNn Front: A traffic aocident involving injuries was reported at 11:48 a.m. Sunday. they are for you.• Aside frorri being fun, the program is an education, students said. It ·was very educating and It teache5 you about illegaJ drugs and the consequences and risks." said 11-year-old Ryan Mesa. a fifth-grader at St John the Baptist Catholic School in Costa Mesa. The fair "is fun and you can see the officers working really bard to put it all together ... Parents and school officials also expressed their appreciation for what the QA.RE program bas brought to Newport-Mesa. ·ll\RE is a very valuable program to us. .. said Bonnie Swann,directorofdementary education for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. "It certainly deals with content that as a parent, as a principal and as a district employee, we want all of our children to have so they're powerful and can be resistant to all those tempting sources.H • citAlsTINE CARRILLO covers education and may be readled at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at c:hristine.carrillo@latimes.com. years. ln 1988, Adkins, who helped launch the restaurant, bought the restaurant from Grand American Fair. As the company dissolved in 1993, Ad- kins added the Olester Drawers bar to her holdings. • PAUL a.JNTON covers the environment. business and polita . He may be reached at (949) 7644330 or by &-mail at paul.clinton@latimes.com. OBITUARY Violet Clarissa WehinF Semces for former long- time c.o.ra Mma i'Mideot Violet am.a Wehqer wW be beid • u a.m. Fri- Come see Lhe new Ever\Yoocr CountrySlde bJlnds from Hunter Douglas. Overlapping 1lats create a beautiful board-on•board. design. And th~ 'SlCJ>'up' look adds depth. dimension and charaaer to any room. And f "4er~ couru')'Side wlU not warp. crack. peel or fade. E~ fn tumd ;weas Ot dkecl ~Come see thlse be&ltr.A blirds IOdly. ...... " ........ _ ...._._.__.., SHOOTING Continued from Al by "at least two other indJvidu· als." "There was an exchange or words," Birney said. "Then one of the two men pulled out a handgun and fired a round. striking the victim ln the back." He said poJice do not know bow many bullets were fired in the alley. The victim was hit by a single bullet. , Birney said it Is not clear which of the men belonged to gangg, but that police are sure that it Js a gang-related incident •Officers are at this point try- CARTS Continued from Al The approval represents the culmination of dty officials col- laborating with local businesses that use shopping carts to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution. While it is the first decisive step in meeting the city's objective of reducing abandoned grocery carts. some said that the burden should not be on the city. -The city should not be in the shopping cart retrieval business. .. said Beth Refra.kuf. "!The city) has more important things to do." ln August. city officials invited feedback from various store managers on the proposed law and two alternative -one of which called for a zero-tolerance policy. . The new law imposes a $150 fine for each cart the city re- trieves after the fifth one in any 12-month period. It aJso calls for the city to contract with a private VERDICT Continued from Al how many horses, and he ran the operation almost single-handed. My daughter was a typical child who couldn't pick up as much as a sock at home, but she would come home chattering excitedly about mucking out stalls or moving hay bales. Mr. Harris didn't need to hire stable hands when he had dozens of horse·crazy girls fighting for the opportunity to move manure around. He did have an assistant named Katrina. She was idolized almost as much as Mr. Harris around our house, an enthusiasm I could more easily share since she was a very attractive and buxom young SEARCH Continued from Al A former Newport Harbor High School champion wrestJer and a lifetime Costa Mesan, Man Large had mysteriously disap- peared after moving to Hunting- ton Beach in December 2001. days before his much-anticipated ultimate fighting match debut. Th.is February, detectives in the Nonhem California city of F.ureka found lage's skeletal re- mains buried in the sand across AROUND TOWN •Send AROUN> TOWN Items to thf Daity Pik1t, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by Hnail to mlke.swanBOntllatlma.oom; by fax to (949) 646--4170; or by catling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. n well as a contact phone number. A compfete llstlng is avallable at www.dallypllot.com. TODAY P.tC. Ocie of the Ameffcelt ,.,. Shul lnstfMe will expfaln how elementaC remediet ere Implemented to complement your decor at a 7 p.m. eemlnar at Visions 3t DrearM In Cocta Mesa. Relefvations are required. For more Information, cell (628) 288-1889. WEDNEIOAY The ,...,..°' .... Newpoft Beadl Ubrary wffl host a compMmentlty brunc:trend annuel meedttg for membera et 10'.30 e.m. In the Friend9 M..ctng Aoom It the<:entr111 llnry, 1000 Awoaldo /we. Locet Nancy Aobflon, euthot of more lt'8ft 10 boob, will be the ....... A.•rvdona _.. requiNd end muat be mede by Mey 28. Cati (7'4) 1518-6218. 1'9Nls.-..... ...., Chamberof Commefce Wiit ....,. •ttow '°Git the lelt Out ofYouneff;" • ~i191kw1 on hOw IO,..,_ onn gcieM, from 7 IO t p.m. Ill~ feeNon leMnd. n. ...... S10tor normembefl. he to~ Formott Wonndcwe,Oll--u. ....,,,.~........., 1Gang activity is like a roller coaster. Yes, wflve noticed an increase in graffiti and other activ ity over the last two months. But there has not been any radical activity, nothing out of proportion.' Tim Sc:hennunt Costa Me.sa Polee Gang lnt Sgt. ing to gather numerous reports in this case,• he saJd. Police do not have a descrip· lion of the alleged shooter, Jnr- ney said. This ls the city's second gang· related incident in about two months. On April 15, a 15-year- old boy was stabbed several times with a pair or scissors. The retrieval company for about $48,000 per year. Along with Monday's approval. the law has are two kinds of waiv- ers a store can receive so It won't have to pay fines for abandoned carts. The 6..rst is if the store agrees to participate in the city's Shopping Cart Nuisance Abate- ment Program, where the city contracts with a private company to have a truck search the city daily to pick up abandoned carts and return them. A store request- ing this waiver would contract with the city to pay S3 for each cart returned and the city would pay the balance of the cost. The second waiver, added at the request of the Callfornfa Gro- cers Assn., the group that re- presents the four major grocery stores in the city, would allow stores to gain certification from the city that they have an effec- tive cart retrieval program or their own. City officials would de- tennine the standards of effec- tiveness. A store could lose the waiver if the city's retrieval com - pany picks up more than 10 of a woman. These quaUtJes ~re lost on my daughter. Katrina bad a bulJwhip that she could crack. That was what impressed a little girl. Every Saturday morning, I drove off the island and to the stables, dropping my daughter off for her lesson. Riding around and around in a circle seemed like a stultifying occupation to me, but she was in heaven, and her excitement was even greater when she graduated to the Sunday rides. Every Sunday, Mr. llarri.s would lead a group of riders on some cross-country adventure. It's difficult to picture now in ow bUilt-up community, but at that time, all of what is now Irvine Terrace was either barns or horse pasture, and on the other side of Coast Highway, there was nothing but open the bay from a boat ramp where his truck was found. Matt's father, Tony Large. said he and one of his sons, visited Humboldt County last week to ·bring Matty back home. H "We had to wait for anthropo- logical tests to be completed ... he said Tony Large said those anend- ing the memorial should con- sider wearing casuaJ attire. "111 be there in my Hawaiian shirt." he said. "1bat's the way Matt would want it" The family, grieving the loss of their first-born. said they will of- I~ the.lepaMM llft of flower arranging, is the subject of a class at Sherman Library and Gardens In CoflOna del Mar at 9 a.m. Designs are based on concepts that have evolved over centuries of Japanese history from Chinese and Korean origins. Registration Is~. Pre-registration Is required. For more Information. call (949) 673-2261. THURSDAY Edelr flnellet 0.-. Hamltton will retum to the Newport Beadl Central Ubrary et 7 p.m. to preMnt "The Crime Novel as Cultunlf Study.· The best-selling authorwlll di8CUA •Sugar Skull: her new novet, and how her joumallam ~round led to writing fiction. Cati (9'9) 717-3816 fof more lnformldon. ...................... communldee of c.Mfomla while MJovtng the bMllly of the Envltonmental Nature Center. A frte, ON hour adutt oriented tour of the **"wHI be given et noon by founder~ Hoote. Bring. 19C:.tc lund\ '° lf*1V a c:atUll pknle ..., the'°""· No '9MtVltione .,.. neceeeery. Cloeed toed, tow hetled.,...,. acM89d. The cent9f It locfted et ,901 E• 181h St. In N4lwport 8Mdt. Fot more lnformetion, call (Ml) -14 .. ........ UIA-MM• open .... end membert mixer ft'Om 4to1 p.m. to ehow fie pubic .... ~••w. Bey 9'.. Wlil 120. c.a.. ~ n. open ....... --fMlln ""'*performed~~ 0'1lrt .,.. ,._ "'-"*'· pulllomn mlh cbliilll0t••.,..c1Dareftd boy recovered and police ar- rested one of his assailants, but a second one ls still at large. Costa Mesa Police Gang Unit Sgt. nm Schennum said the in· cidents do not lndJcate an up· ward tnmd ln gang violence. "Gang activity Ls like a roller coaster." he said. -Yes, we've no- ticed an increase in graffiti and stores cans in a week for a sec- ond time. The more severe ordinance the council considered included changing the law to add zero tol- erance of even one abandoned cart, eliminating both waiver' provisions, issuing ci'.(il fines to stores without effective contain, ment systems and not hiring a cart retrieval company. Some residents and Council- man Allan Mansoor supported this alternative. "I think. the burden needs to be on the store owner to keep carts contained.· Mansoor said. "Once they're out, it's hard to get them baclc.." But Man.soor could not muster the support of the majority of the council. The other alternative was to re- ject the passed ordinance and just contract with a retrieval company that coUects aban- doned carts to rerum them to the store owners. without any charge or contribution and with no other enforcement efforts. Mayor Gary Monahan's sup- space -no Fashion Island, no Newport Center, no Eastbluff. Nothing but miles of open space. Alternatively. he could head in the other direction, leading the riders along the bluff and then down to a Oat spit of Land called Shark Island where the horses couJd go swimming. Some years later. this spot of sand was dredged and reconfigured into Unda Isle. I always thought the lrvine Co. made a big m istake when they changed the name. Our daughter learned a lot more than riding al the stables. I can still remember my wife's horrified expression when Nancy regaled us one night at the dinner table abou! watching the vet stick his arm into a horse's rectum for some health reason. And then there was the fer a $5,000 reward for anyone who can come forward with in- formation that leads to McGuire's arrest. Huntington Beach Police are on the case, said Sgt. Gary Meza. "We don'! know where [McGuire! is,H he said. HBut we're actively looking for him. M Officials say they believe McGuire is anned and dangerous and is known to frequent Hum- boldt and Orange counties. He is also wanted on suspicion of pos- sessing explo ives. Man Large was last seen in an Orange County apartment occu- participate in an auction with IM!Veral drawings for prizes from local businesses. Call (949) 650-3461 for more Information. FRtOAY UC INtne Artdftdge prwenta World Dance Day, featuring Orange County elementary sdlool students performing folk dances from Mexican, Vietnamese, European and Native AmeHcan cultures. The noon event at Aldrictt Part on the ua campus .. m,e, For Information, call (949) 824-8942. SATURDAY The 22nd ennuel Corone .. Mer Scenic 6K race and two mile Fun Walk begins at 7:66 a.m. with the men's 5K race. The women's 5K start.fat 8:20 a.m. The fun walk follows at 8:45 a.m. The 1 K Kid's Dolphin Dnh startt at 9 a.m. Reglttrltlon f ... on rece day are $30 for the runlwllk and $12 for the Dofphln Dash. Reglltratlon wlll be held et 0..11 Senior c.n1er on V~doeedey. Thur9day end Friday prior to the race. s.p.mt **'for men and WO'l*l are limited to 1,600 Nnnefl. Caff (IM9) 844-31111 to reglstw. MlcV .. ~eo.t ......... Teen ~ rnagulne wlll hoet a Summer Surf end Swim F8lhlon Show '-turtng the i..... loob from Aolcy. Hurtey, O'NtMI, -~end more et 2 p..m. fn ~~COMCPtaz8'1 women'I *>re. For""" 1"formlldori, eel (714)-.oet1, md.4231. ·-•Clllill ........ wtl ···~-Ill 11th··"'--' • odler actMty aver the mt two mootht. But &here has not been any radical activity, nothing out of proportion.• Schennum aald &be def>art- ment Is m1Jaln8 the beneftta of nuget, a couJ\tywfde anti-gang tuk force. that was shut down eartJer this year because of lack of funds. That program pro· vided the department wtth a desJgnated dJstrict attorney, 1 probation omcer and a prosecu- tor speclally for gang-related cases. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety end courts. She may be readled et (949) 574-4226 or by &-mall at dHpa.bharath lat/mes.com. port or the moderate alternative did gamer a 3-2 victory with Mansoor and Councilman Chris Steel ~nting. While Monahan said he was ~pathedc to Maosoor's con· cems he urged the coundJ to ap- prove the moderate option be- cause so much time and collaboration bad been invested in the project. ·in 12 montlu. if we don't see significant improvement. then it didn't work and we will have to look at something tougher," said Monahan. Steel used the discussion or the sbopping cart options to air his common complaint that charity magnets on the Westside were re- sponsible. in response, Monahan directed his colleague to make a proposal to solve the problem he perceives instead of just complaining about it. • • OBl)RE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be readled at (949) 574-4221 or by &-m•il et deirdrt1. newman@latimes.com. time she gave a detailed account of a horse bein.g gelded. She also learned about death, arriving home practically hysterical when her favorite horse had 10 be put down for colic. Eventually, the land that Mr. Harris leased became too valuable for horses. The bulldozers came in and created Irvine Terrace, which was the first development around here to really shift the natural land shape to create more lots with views. Mr. Harris moved his operation to Fountain Valley where land was cheaper, and I have no Idea where little girls go today to learn to ride - cenainly not in Newport Beach. • ROBERT GARONER is a Corona del Mar resident and a former 1udge. His column runs Tuesdays. pied by McGuire and his 21-year- old son. Thlvis. who was a friend of l..arge's, pol.ice said. 1hlvis McGuire reportedly died last year of unknown medical complica- tions in UCLA Medical C.enter. Those with infonnation are asked to call Huntington Beach Police at (714) 536-5951 or e-mail an anonymous dp or infonna- tion to homidde@>bbpd.org. • ~ BHAAA1l4 covers public safety and coum. She may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath latimN.oom. In memory of Cpl. Jose Angel Garibay from 6 '° 9 p.m. at 720 West 19th St. In Costa Mesa. The Aag Day dinner/auction wfll feature Chef Leon Mathews. Tidtets cost $45. AH proceeds will support the Someone Canta Soup Kltchen Hunger Relief end Tutoring Programs. Make reservations by May 21 Cell (949) 548-8861. For underwriting opportunities, call (714) 801-2364. Jotn8uun ~.OM of the authors of •Healthy Olning in Ort1nu. County;"' for • sesaion about healthy cuisine at your favorite restaurants in the Btoomingdafe'1 Home Store In Newport Beedl from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The $16 admlalon Includes I ~ned copy of "Healthy Dining In Oninge Coumy:" Space ls limited, and tidtet. mutt be purd\ned by June 1. Call (949) 729-e864 for more lnfonndc>n. The Admne a.hoot C....ery ...... wtn run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. et 2860 Country Oub OrM. The fair wffl ~a.....,. IUCdon.. so.foot lnfletable otietacte couree, • 30-foot ~ ...... dul* ..... numeroue~prtae. food. drtr*a. •belle ..... • OJ. a Sl'*t bectd end more. Cal (714) 42 .. 7t31 for more lnfonNdot\. ...... ., .. , ... °' ... ...... ,. ..... wdOdce-.n Ind n-.. d .... lntt.e IWI of...,..,..,,."°'* end .. .................. ..... ,.n. ...... ......,. .... peaplatollllillpll iM .ndflm•11.-.......... hit!sddy June 3. 2003 A! FORUM . HOW TO Gf! PUBU~HED -Lett.n: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNden Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mail. Send to dsllypilot@latJmes.com •All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes) The Pilot reserves the nght to edit all subm1ss1ons tor cJanty and temJ1h COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Clarifying issues that could use more study A s the mayor of Newport Beach, I am expected to be the spokesman for the City . Council, and as such, I am out in front on many i!>'>ues and some of those is~uer., unfonunately, are dil.taMeful. Thil> is one of tho~e instance'>. of other "examples" 10 support his theory of unfair treatment and. quite frankly, the examples are totally unrelated to the v-Jriance before the Planning Commission or don't reflect the reaJ facts. Recently, one of my colleagues. Councilman Dick NV;hol!> wrote a STEVE BROMBERG community commentary {"Speaking up where challenges are needed," May 28). My colleague wrote this article 1n what appears to be a '>uggested defcn!>e to certain actions he 'took before the Newport Beach Planning Comm ission 011 May 22. Nichols spoke on behalf of a resident who had applied for a he iKht variance and did so a'> a Newport Beach City Councilman. It ha-. bt·er1 reported that when Nichol, recogni1ed the Plannmg C"omrn1<..sioner-. comment'> wt-re lea111ng wward .1 denial of the variance. ht-accu.,ed one or more l'IJnnmg Comm1-,-;1oncr" of taking a brihe Accordmg 10 rt-port'>. hr'> exact words were "It looh like you <tre taking money for this one." Nichol'> wrote in hi., commentary thdt he '>lated to the Plannmg Nichols states that our city government should treat all residents equuably, and suggests that we do not. WelJ, after being involved as a ( 0111m1.,.,iom•r\, "l he ineqUll} of our 1nnmg rc .. ull'>, look!. lo the cau .. al observer. like !>onwunt' '' gt•lltnK paid off" l'he proceedinK' wer{· 1aped. a 1ramcrip1 '' bt•tnK prepared. and \\t' will all know <,oo ner 1han lall'r 1•xactl}' what wa' !>a id. The purpo'>e of 1h1s art1clt• I'> 1101 to cha...,1ise Nilhol'i or to di'>n&'IS the 'uh-,tance of tht' project ahout wh1d1 Nichol!> '>poke. The <.11y Council must give the applicant and thl' community a fair hearmg on tht' \:lnanle Jpphca11on and 11 would bt' inappropriate for me or anyone else on the council to expre!>!> an opinion on the mailer befort' hearing all of rhe evidence or 10 Jr~e th{· mailer in the new<;paper and a'> '>Uch. I do nor intend to conduct the hearing in the new!>paper. 1.tkewi!te. it i'> nut appropriate for anyone al 1111., pomt m ttme. 10 iudge the conduc1 or Nichol., ..t\ d1rl'c1ion ha!> heen given 10 the city a11orney to review the tape of the proceeding and transcript relative to what ac1ion. if any, the City Council can or should take 1f N1d10ls did in fact accuse one or more Planning Com missioners of tak.rng a bribe and did so without any proof. My d1rec11on to the nty atrnrnry asked him to advi<;e the City Council what action we <;hould take, such a!> cenl.ure. if my colleague made un~ubstantiated aJlegat1ons. The direction lo the city attorney aJso included a reque!>I for information as to what actions the city council can lake to avoid such conduct io the future. So, if I am telling you why I am not writing this article, then of course you are asking why am I writing this article. Oearly, there is a learning curve for every new counciJ person and all assistance from fellow colleagues as well as city staff are available to new as well as experienced council members when issues arise. In this instan ce, my concern is that my colleague has made a number of comments in his community commentary that are simply not accurate, and, as the electorate, you deserve to know If an elected official's comments are accurate o r oot accurate. That Is why I am writing this article. Nichols' comments were inaccurate In many respecis but l want to focus on just a few iuues. First, the primary thrust of his commentary wu that the Planning Commission's deniaJ of the variance appUcallon was evidence of hls theory that the city treats people differently. However, a variance ls a request to be treated differently than your nelghbora beuu. e your property ls dlfrerent than theirs. Th deny a variance la to say the property owner bu not proved tba1 hls or her property ls dift'ertnt than the neighbon' property. To graot a variance, the Plannin(I Commlulon bu to 6nd that the propttrty II dilftrent than other parcels ln the oel&hborbood and that strict compliance wtth the zonloa lawa will be a hatdsh(p. Tu d4:1ly 1 vuit.nce imply means that the l>fOpet'ty owner wlU h9ft to abide by lhe llWI that an appUtable to every other pll'Clll ln \b&t llOM. Nk:bolt d• a •••btt communiry activist long before I became a member of the city coun cil and after s itting on the C1ry Council for 2 Yi years. I recognize 1hat we do treat our residents l'quitably and we do not engage in d1.,parate treatment. If you have had an issue before one of our boards. commission or the City council. and were not successful. you might disagree with the result. however, you will be hard pressed 1<> '>ilY 1ha1 you were no1 treated fairly or equi1ably. My colleague references that Ciry Council member!> actively part1c1pate 10 and head 1he ma1ority of our city's commlllees. I k cites as examples: The Aviation Commiuee (I do chair the Aviation Committee). fhe Harbor C ommillee We do no1 have a I !arbor Committee. The 1'..conom1c Commiuee. We do not have an I conomic Committee. 1-nvironmental Committee. We do 1101 have an l-nv1ronmental C.ommiuee. (;eneraJ Plan Update l.ornmillee. Thi'> is a council and nti1.ens comm111ee chaired by C.11un c1lman Gary Adam!> General Plan Advisory Committee. There a re no Ciry Council members on 1hi'> commillee. Nichols then states that no council member has yet bc•en assigned to the Planning <.omm1s-;1on In my opinion. Mr. Nichols has n'1 taken 1he time to truly learn the .. ystem of government that he repre-;ents or the laws that apply 10 everyone in thi!> city. His inaccuracies regarding the rnmm1ttees are unfortunate. With re'>pect to the Planning Comm1si.ion. we have !>even board'> and commi-;s1ons in this city. These are independent bodies, and they arc• not staffed by council members The'>e commissions/boards are the Hoard of Library Trustees. City Arts C:ommisswn, Civil Service Aoard. I !arbor Commi!>sion. Parki., Beaches and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission. In addition. we have I I City C:ouncil/citi1.ens ad hoc committees and citizen advisory committees. With the exception of 1he GeneraJ Plan Advisory Committee, these committees have two or three council representatives, and three of the 11 cort)mittees are chaired by council members. Most importantly. all of the committees and commissions arc staffed by volunteers. 154 of them. These are hard-working citizens who apply to serve on these committees and commissions and I can represent to you that the application process to serve is extremely thorough and the resumes of most of these applicants read like a who's who wlth respect to their given specialty. As council members In this wonderful ciry. we owe a very firm responsibility to not only these 154 volunteers, but to all o f you, to be sure that we run this city efficiently and e ffectively and that we do not engage in irresponsible activities that might cause one or more of these individuals to become damaged goods so to speak. We are expected to perform at the htghest of standards, and that expectation Is quite appropriate. At this point in time, the issue I referenced regarding the report requested from the city attorney will be addreMed at the City Council meeting on June 10. At that tJme, this matter wOJ be on the agenda, and It wtll be open to pubUc d1tcU ton. >.. I have said in the put. part of my responslbillcy in servtna you It to be sure you are In a position to bue your dedslons and concluslons on city luuet and the performance of the City Council and our rMny boanb aod commlalons. on the facts, and not on Lht basis or aUepllon or ~tfon. • lftVI W r • ll'IG II th• mevor of N•~ltOlthedl. MAILBAG The pres1dent1al suite at new Balboa Bay Club has a waterfront view of Newport Harbor Balboa Bay Club treats the public like king~ I la.'> the 8ay ( lub fulliUed II!> requirement of public acrl'\'>? Ab-.<ilutely! We .tre not memher<; uf thl' dub l~t week, uu1 fur our evening stroll, we walked 1hrough the ~ate, waJkt'd 111 the lro111 door. had a drink at the Duke\ bM, WJlched he..1u11ful yat111 .. ..ailing in the bay and were tn•ated like royalrv \\!hat could be mort· pubht" 1h,m thal' EDA.KINS Newpon Beach Centerline the wrong palh fo r Newport-Mesa I -,pent pan of the pa~t weekend readmg artide'>, eduoriah. uimmentane' and leners 10 1he editor in the l0t:al newspaper!>, including tJ1e Oa1Jy Pilot, on the subjec t of light rail in general and the Lenterl.ine project in particular. What I com e Jway with 1s that. wi1h almo'>t no e\ccpuun.,. hght ra1l 1s far from Jn euinorrncal and effective way lo meet the 1ran..pona1ion demands of mo'>t areJ\ 1n 1hi-. country ~uch pro1ecl!> haH· neH'r come cloc,e to the urigrnal co'>t l''>llmale\ to build them -'iOmetime'> exleeding orig111al es11mate~ by 400''<• or more. Nor have they come do.,t• 1<> the nder,h1p figure~ pro1ec1ed I hey have al~ays fallen !.hort of genera11ng enough rC"venue to mN't even the most mode'>t goal<, a ... far a<; a percentage ot operating co\I\ are concerned Ma<,-.1ve government sub<;idie-, are alwa~ required ju!>t to keep them runnrng. Apparently. even the most ardent advocatec; of such '>Y'>ICm!> agree that they don't m ake a dent on vehicular traffic, either The residents or Irvine will \Ole today to decide the fate of the CenterlJne proiect within their l ll) %ould 1hey \Ole to d1<.wntinue paruc1pa11on that will leave only ~an ta Ana and Costa Me\a as participants in this proiccl. All the other cille>'> who previou-.ly planned to par11c1pate bailed out long ago Not unexpectedly. Councilwoman Ubhy Cowan ha'> jumped on the pro·Centerlme bandwagon and j., beat mg her drum loudly. Th.ts i'> Jnother example -as was lhe taw ~ith 1he 1-.I loro Airport -ofwherl' '>he '>Upporl'> the view., of her l'mpluyer rather than what i!> good tor the re.,idents of Co\la Mesa. After reading aJI the pro and con po~1t1on!> on this i!>sue I fail to '>ee tht· benefit the CenlerUne project for anyone -except. perhaps. the Segerstrom'>. How many Costa Me'>a citi7.en!t are going to park. their cars at the South Coast Plua terminal and jump aboard a CenterUne'train for a quick trip to Santa Ana? Very few, I suspect, except 1hose wi!thing to V1'>1I the court room of fonner Mayor Karen Robinson. Even with the Irvine leg included, how many resident!> of that city or Newport Beach will park their BMW. Mercede!t or Lexu"' al 1he Larry Agran MemonaJ Station at UC Irvine for a lnp to South Coast Plal'a or the Santa Ana courthouse c.omplex? Perhaps more than 1ero - but not many more Regardless of how the good folk!. an Irvine vote on Tuesday. 1t '~ time to give up th1<; ill -advised boondoggle and find more responsible way!. to '>pend the e'it1ma1ed S 1.4 bilJion presently proiected to complete this project. OK. so we miss out on !>Orne available transportation funds. Pan of those fund<; are mine -I contributed tax dollars to them -and I don't want to spend my money. or your!>, on tht\ !..ind ol IHO)l"ll I d11n111,11 11•1 dump rny hard 1·arn1·u o1.,11,11, 111 1 1ran,porta11tJn h111111rnl1·, ... p1 Jll'•I 1 fun her 111na1c· rlw ,iln·.1ll1 , 111111111111 .. ego'> ot a ft:',, lot JI p11lt11t 1.111., II "1 mu'>I 'pend thJI 1-irH.J of 11111111 \ '" v.ould he ht:'ttl'r oll g1\111g ,.,, n 1111 of th<' prnJt'l It'd !. I 11w1 rid1·1 1 1 h)'brtd tar and ... 1111 li,1\ 1 11• 1111 b1ll1<111 ld1 oH·r 10 ti\ p11111 .. 1, ., • 1 ol hin• morl' lt'Jl hl'" pol11 ''"" 1 I firc· lightt:'r-.. If 1H· 111·1·.J ti .. 111 r 11 1ran .. portc11111n pan ot 1h.11 111 lJn bt• U'>t:d tu hu\ 1t11ir•· erw1ronment<1lh lrn ndl\ h11", which hl'>lllrtlalh 0111 I" 1l•1r1 11~1 rail a .. people mu\ 1·r' Ii\ .1 11111 • milrg1n II'> tame for tht• t 111/t'll'> 111 I ti community to 'IH'.1k up .111d ti• 11.o11 d di-.cu1111nuanu· 11l 1h1' pr111• 1 1 \11.J i1\ llm<' fur { Cl\hllt 10 1 limit d'l\\I from the bandv.Jgon '' t' ~ 111 .. , ,, 11 .. you work for GEOFF WEST ( "'1.1 \It~' A thank to a ~ounc:Ilm.111 fo r ~peaking out As pomted our h\ an dlWlh1·r commen1ary. < ou1111lnM11 I >u ~ N1chob frequent!\ rui.. 111111 '' <1rth what I am thank.Ill).;. hut d11 11111 It.I\, tht.o forum 10 he hl•.ard II \111111.11•· ever \\atched tht' lt'lt•\j,,·d 1••1111111 meeting'>, 11 ~ obvmu' th.ii '\11 lt11l .. h~ two very obv10u' Jt·1ra11111, 1ti.11 frequenrly weigh rn on ht'> n1·n word. Now lhey havt 'nm1·1l1111..: r11rir1 than prm.t:'dun· 10 rompl..1111 .tl1•1111 :\'o apolo~1t'' '1thol.., '"u .irt d mng ~hat we du 11111 haH 1h1• intc'>lln.il for111ud1· 111 Jo 1111 n111h over tJ1e rod' and l 1·1·p1nr.: 1h 11g' 111 the '>unltgh1 for Jll 111 '>t't" I h.111 1.., RICHARD HOUGHTON 't'\\ p111 I Iii ,11 h LEITER TO THE EDITOR Signaling an end to Irvine Avenue dan ge r r he primary objective regarding safety improvements for the dangerous S·curve area of Irvine Avenue must be •safety first." with a minimum delay in the movement of traffic. The Ideal but unrealistic solution would be to have all vehicles proceed at the posted speed llnUt in that hazardous area. Initially, a more practical and economical way to correct the problem would be Lo have a three-way stop at Irvine Avenue and 23rd StreeL I suggest a better plan would be 10 install traffic signals at Irvine Avenue and 23rd Street. During rush-hour periods. in order to expedite traffic and avoid congestion, the signals could be phased to djsplay flashing yeUow ·caution" for Irvine Avenue and flashing red ·slop· for 23rd Street. During off-peak h ours., especially early morning and nights. the light facing all three directions could be pashed to flash red •stop.• This would be a very effective method of traffic control during hours when the mo t serious accident'> ha' eon um•d Thi'> method would also ;1ddri>'' ano1her importanl '>afety prnhlt-111 lor traffic entering ll'Vlne Avenue fmm 23rd Street. a very dangerou' maneuver due to the speed ot c rthli traffic and the ~llt"d view ol oncoming Irvine Avenue vl'h1dt•' JOHN P. OWENS BaJt>o.1 lc;;land • EDfTOA'S NOTE: John P Owens •• retired from the Los Angeles Sheriff ' Department HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY Of COSTA MESA Cot1a Mesa aty Hall, n Feir Drtw. ~,._,CA 92621. (714) 764-6223 Ml¥ot: Gary Mon•hen COUMll: Libby Cowet\, Allen Mansoor, Mh ~and Ctwit 51"1 art 01 ... 0RTIUCtt ,_'POfl '-" °'¥ Hiii .. DIG fMwpoft 8Mf... ..... ~ CA..a.; (.M) ..... ~ .......... , C1 I • Oefy Mimi. John.......,, Dim ...... Gery flr'odof, Tod Aid91 .. ,,~DonW... .. on.-. bG ED ICHOOl D9JNCT '*-tol Ofllc9: 2m-A ... a."°"" MeN, CA 92628, (714) 424-6000 8'+wli• .... lt Robet1 e.t>ot IOMd; ~ ManN Auot. Vk;e President Dene 8lect. O.t s.r.n. Stot.es. David Broob.. Tom Egan, Judy Fnnco ~Linda Sneen COSTA.._ SNl'TMV •IMCT P.O. 8olc 1200. Coela MIN. CA ~1100, (71417M eoa .... P\Midlfl&Ment ~Jim ~ M fl9ny, Gnig'Noadlldl and °"" Woftt*~ ArM 5. C.0-. Mela. Newport BNdt ORAMiE COUNTY BOARD Of 5'ftJMSORS H.a of Adminilfr1tlon, 10 Ovic: Cent• Piela. Seni. Ane, CA 92701 • Jim Sifva. 2nd °"'1tct (co.ti ,...... ~ Beiid\), (714) 83W220 • Thomea Whon. 54tl D*rict (Newpott Coeltl. (71.4) ne..:ao GUia COUNTY FMt •..., Dft¥e. eoiica M-. CA 82828. (7Mt709-MIA .... P\wktinl IMaeft/4. &Ni\. VtCI ,_.,....~~YI' q~~ .... fmly ....... ...., ...... .--91ftd\ DiWth ~ Ullle ................. M T~day, June 3, 2003 THIS YEAR'S SU MM ER RESOURCE GUIDE . f ' ~ -.. . -' ~ ··~· • . I •1 . . ~ •1 • Weekend Activities • How to Get There and Where to Park • Summer Sports & Camps • Fourth of July Along the Coast • Dining Destinations • What's Happening & Where -All Summer Long· • Art Festivals • Calendar of Events Don't miss this great opportunity to have your advertisement be seen "ALL " summer long by our readers from Sunset Beach to Laguna Beach! AREAS OF C IRCULKrIO I NCLUDE: DAILY PILOT -Friday, June 13. 2003 "cwporr Beach • Costa Mesa • Corona <.lei f\lar • Newport Coasc HUNTINGTON BEACH INDEPENDENT -Thursday. June 19, 2003 I luncingcon Beach • Huntington Harbour • Sun!)CC Beach COASTLINE PILOT -Friday. June 20. 2003 I ' ~I \ II Laguna Beach Total distribution : 78.000 homes DailyL Pilot 949-642-4321 I ~l·l '<\ 81AC It INDEPEN DENT COASTLINE PILOT 949-494-432 1 949-642-4321 "City cf tk Jt rts" TOWN Continued from AA needs, auch ea providing respite for the primary caregiver. reading to patients, paying~ social visitl and nmnlng errands. Volunteers are also needed to alSiat with offioe duties. Call (714) 980.o900 for more Information. St. Mk:Mel Md Al Angele Eplecopal Church will present a seminar that poses the queat1on, •0oet Biblical Interpretation Contribute to the Plight of the Holy Land Christians?" at 9 a.m. The church Is at the comer of Pacific View Drive and Marguerite Avenue in Corotia del Mar. For m ore Information. call (949) 644-0463. SUNDAY Lown of he vocal mulk are invited to "The Sommer Knows," a free musicale-at 3 p.m. at the Newport Beach Central library. Mignonne Profant and a guest pianist will present the final program of the library's musicale series, featuring tunes of Gershwin, Joblm and LeGrand. For more information, call (949) 717-3816. TM Orange County Worn.n's Chorus present its 2003 spring program, ·on this Island," at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The concert of island-themed music begins at 7 p.m. and will include the chorus directed by Eliza Rubenstein and "Men in Blaque." an ensemble directed by Joseph Huszti. Tictets are $12 and can be purchased in advance at (949) 451-8590. JUNE 11 JNnne Aint from the Atzheimer'a Assn. will present "Focusing on M emory Loss" from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria St.. Costa Mesa. The presentation will addreu vanous causes of memory loss and diagnosis and treatment For more information, call (949) 646-4652. Yan Can Restaunint. 1500 Adema Ave. in Costa Mesa. will have its grand opening from 6 to 8 p.m .• featuring cooking by TV chef Martin Yan. The restaurant will donate all of the proceeds from $10 admission tidcets to Share Our Setves, a private nonprofit agency serving low-income Orange County residents. For more information, call (949) 642-3451, ext. 262. The a... 11-v Republcen Women Federated will hold its •Scholarship Awards" wfnnera luncheon at 11 a.m . at the Bahia Corinthian Club on Beyskte Drive. For more Information, call (949) 61~ The Wldflou1er v.ll wlll meet llt 9 a.m. at El Moro for a fiv•mlle hike at Crystal Cove. Parking costs $5. Wear boots and bring water. Call (949) 497-7647 for more Information. JUNE 12 A free bone density screening will be offered from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. at Mother's Market, 226 East 17th Street, Costa M esa. For more Information, call (949) 631-4741. JUNE 13 Inventors Fotum presents a seminar on "Intellectual Property Law" by Edward Schlatter, patent attorney, at 7:30 p.m . in Orange Coast College's Science Lecture Hall. Registration and networking begin at 7 p.m . The cost is S5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. Call (714) 540-2491 for information. JUNE 14 Fu" 5pec:tnlm 'tbga has partnefed with New Directions for Women to hoat "Celebrating Wholeness,· a yoga and healing arts festival benefiting women and children served by the nonprofit New Directions for Women. Admission is free, and donations are accepted. The full-day event will be at Full Spectrum Yoga in Newport Beach. For more information, call (949) 955-1965. Crystal Cov• s~ Perle wtn offer a badtcountry hike at 9 a.m., a historic district walk at 10 a.m. and a sunset/moonlight walk at 7:30 p.m .• which requires reservations. For reservations or more information. call (949) 497-7647. Mother's Marbt win hold a •spring Cleaning" aearance Sale from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Taste demos will be offered from 11 a.m . to 3 p.m . For m ore information. call (949) 631-4741. JUNE 17 "Fenil Shul for• H .. llng Home; 1s a free seminar held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Mother's Market, 225 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. To make reservations, call (800) 595-6667. JUNE 18 Phil Bdgandl. Orange County art:hivist, will discoss what is in the art:hives as they relate to Daily Piiot Costa Meta'• history at 7 p.m. at the Coate Meta Historical Society, 1870 Anaheim Ave., Coate Meu. For more lnformetlon, call (949) 631-5918 or.-mall cmhlatory@lanset.com. TM N9wport ~Irvine Interfaith CounclJ pteMntl a round table dl9cu1Sion at Orange Coeat Unitarian Unlversallat Churt:h on human relations featuring an Introduction by Rusty Kennedy of the Orange County Human • Relatlont Council. "With the County of Orange Budget cutl, where Is the Human Relations Council now?" it as,ks. The program goes from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m. and costs $7.60 per person, including lunch, or $10 without a reservation. The reception is at 11:45 a.m., and the luncheon at noon. For reservations. call (949) 600-8665. ext 3, by 5 p.m. June 17. JUNE 19 The Netional Mutdple Sdet'otJa Society will present an Internet educational program called "El Cuidado Oinico de la Esderosla Multiple7 a Spanish-speaking broadcast on clinical care of multiple sclerosis, at 6:30 p.m . To connect. go to www.natJonalmssociety.org. select ·uving with MS" and then select "Webcasts and Conferences:' JUNE 21 Bec:ioma a member of the Hospice Preferred Choice team and make a difference in the lives of terminally ill people and their families at a volunteer orientation. The team is seeking caring people to assist patients and families with nonmed1cal needs. such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, reading to patients, paying w eekly social visits and running errands. Volunteers are also needed to assist with office duties. Call (714) 980-0900 for more information "Divorce: A New Beginning" 1s a workshop for men and 'NOmen 1n the process of d1vorcmg or reoentty divorced from 10 am. to 12:30 p.m st 1~ Newport Center Dr For more information. call 644-6436 JUNE 23 Children 5 end older ere invited to register for a variety of summer aquatic camps ottered by Newport Beach Recreation Services. The camps run through August, with numerous morning and afternoon options available, from ·sailing and Tennis Camp• to "Surf Camp.· Call (949) 644-3151 for more information, or register online al www.c1ty.newport-be11di ca.us I JUNE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesdays Networtcers luncheon Leeds Group 11 45 a m 1 pm Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course 011ve. CM Tuesday, June 3 1700 Adams Ave .. Ste. 101 , Coslj! Mes~~ 92626 • (71 4} 885-9090 •fax (?1~.L.~85-9094 • www.costame_!achamber.com Legislative Committee Noon. Chamber office APRIL NEW MEMBERS Allay Chiropractic Scott & N1l ole Gillespie lU 1 3 Nrwport Blvd . Cost.l MC'.,,1, CA 92627 Y4Y/5 15-4441 voice <J4Y/515-03 JO ft1x Back Bay Cent~r Of11cea Retail 1 Steve Wise 2651-2675 Irvine Ave Costa Mesa, CA 92627 714/969-0969 voice 714/969-2780 fax APRIL RENEWALS 44 years!!!/! )outhC'rn C1 l1fornia Edison Mesa Consolidated Water DistnC1 40 years!!!! Orange CoJst Oodgc 37 years/II! Bl"tht>I Towers of Costa Mesa 34 yeart1!11! Yoga Center of California 23 year1111/ Vanguard University 19 years// Wyndham I i otPI 18 years// Costa ME>Sa Lock & Key 17years// Barbeques Galore Ganahl Lumber Company 16 years/I McCormick, Kidman & Behr{'n~ 15 years/I Ayres Self Storage 14yars/I PrintMaster of Costa Mesa 13yHnll PhToc Im rnational II yeortll Connell Chcvroh!t/CEO 10 years! Harbor Townhouse Apartments 9yearsl Dunn-Edwards Paints Corporate Real Estalc Advisors Golden Touch Productions Canon Business Solutions Cooksey, Toolen, GagP, Duffy I & Woog -Attorneys 7yearsl Costa Mesa Library Mesa Verde Library 6yearsl Catalina Passenger Service Syea,./ Gift Baskets by Rekha Talent Tree California Overnight 4yH,./ M New Storage Carr America Realty Skosh Monahan's 3yitt1nl California Industrial Security CR&R, Inc. Whittier law School Z'Tejas 1,mrsl Regal R~ts Camden Sea Palms Apartments l&l Hawallan Batbec:ue April's .. 90-Mi.nute Breakfast Boost" at Costa Mesa Country Club From left Breakfast emcee Dick Seaholm of Rich Mar Shirts & Signs, Speaker A lexandria K. Brown, "The E-zmt' QuC't.'n", and Sponsor Will Bo~r of Borders, Book'>, Music & Cafe. Breakfast Raffle Prize Donations A Second look, Catalina Passenger Service, Newport Rib Company, Wyndham Hotel, The Toll Roads, Orange Coast College, Borders Books Music & Cafe and Waddell & Reed. Inc. Breakfast Raffle Donation opportunities are available by calling Ambas!.ador Sandy Kasler, Kasler Ventures -949/631-0855 PAGE PRIVATE SCHOOL 657 V.doria Street; CM LR Narlman Hadhoud of ~ Ribbon Cutting• Asiemblyman Ken Madcbt't ~Ind Amil 1111 !bl chalrpenon Rownn.i Sumr•ll "Waddell Ir Real, JnC. ~" '• Priv• SchOOI dlt1!'<10r, 8«h C~IM and former Cott.a Mesa M.~ Karen Roblnson the April 26th offtclal openfng caemcwty fOr thefr btand new <1111 OOtli and adml~ butfdint. Tuesday, June 10 Executive Committee 7 30 a m . Chamber office Tuesday, June 10 Alnbessador Committee Noon Chamber office Thursday, June 12 Board of Directors lunch -DARK Thursday, June 19 S.Minute Bre1kf1st Boost 7 -8 45 a m . Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Orrve CM Fnday, June 20 Public Safety Awards Luncheon 11 45 a m • Holiday Inn 3131 Bnstol Street. CM Wednesday. June 25 After Hours BulinHI Mixer 5:30 -7.30 pm Mimi's Caf~. Courtyards Shopping Center. Harbor Blvd. at Newport Blvd. CM '--~~~~~~~~~~ .. After-Hours Business Boost" at Z'Tejaa Fun. networlct.ng and great food were fn abwu1an.ce. Thank you ZTfdas for hosting our mOO!r. From left: Ambassadofs Gil Acosta (l ) of Intuit Payroll Services and Ivan Avendano (R)of()ffice Depot flank first time guest Usa Sanchez of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation From left: Z'Tejas Man418er, Tom Rummel, Ambassadors and Mixer "Master" Michael Donohoe of Colden Touch EnteNlnment ind Ambusadors Chairperson, Rosanna Svmrall o( Waddell & Reed, Inc. Mhtet Riffle Ptlie Donations FISH Harbor Aru, Mimi's, CaUlllna P1swn~ Servtce, Amblanoe Floral, Comer Bakery, Newport Rib Company, Plum's Ca~ & Catering. Ma~ fherlPy by Marisol Ortll Call fvln A~, ~ Depoe BWness 5tC1or to get ~r Nll'M In thit tee1'onl 562/49C)..9lOS. QUOTE OF THE DAY "Pm 52 years old and haven't had to work a day in my life." Mike Gerakos, former UCI baseball coach HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL Bradbury selected PCLMVP Junior standout among eight CdM players chosen a11:1eague by coaches. Corona del Mar High JunJor Josh • Bradbury, who helped lead the Sea Kings to the outright Pacific Coast League base· ball championship and a berth ln the CIF Southern Section Division rv quarter- finals. has been named Most Valuable Player by league coaches. Bradbury. whose .442 batting average. 10 home runs and 28 RBis ~ere all team bests. was also 4-2 with a 3.41 ERA a., a pitcher. Bradbury. a ~ond·team all league choice as a sophomore. is 1oined on the first team by senior teammate Keith Long. as weU as C..dM junior. Nick PaJ. chikoff and Todd Mack.Jin. Senior Nick Ka~ heads a four- player CdM contmgent on the AU-P(,L second team. The second team abo in · dud~ juniors Barrett Sprowl and Danny Marin-Finn, a' welJ ~ '>Opho- more Wess PresM>n. Long. a shortstop bcinK recruited by Long Beach State. Anwna State and USC. hit .368 with one homer and 13 RBis, while providlng leaders hip as a four-year varsity performer. I le hit lead- off. helplng set the table for Bradbury. who hit Ln the No. 2 'lpoc PalchlkofT. a left fielder. hit .375 Wlth four homers and 19 RBis 10 help Coach John Emrne's squad rebound from a 1-2 league start to win 11 of its last 12 Jeague games and cruise to the outnght crown. Macklin. who emerged as the ceam·s No. I pitcher and also played center field, compiled a 6·2 record with a 2.03 ERA on the mound. He also hJt .297 with four homers and his 21 RBI !> were third-most on the team. ~.a first-team AU PCI ~elecuon as a junior. hit .380 Wlth five homers and 22 RBls. A designated hitte r, he was also credited with strong leadership. helplng the Sea Kings po'>l a 19-9 re· cord. Marin-Finn hit .41 7 with 12 RBis. while providing solid defense behind the plate. Presson. the right fielder. hit .274 with three homers and 14 RBis. whiJe Sprowl hit .365 with 15 RBis and provided con- sistently strong defense at first base. Junior Brian Deloach was named Most Valuable Pitcher. He was joined on the first team by feUow Timberwolves Tim Carrier. Andrew Morrison and Kyle Harper. Sports Editor Rlchlrd Dwwt: 19491574-4223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 Above, Jorge Ohvas. left. of Rea No. 1 battles a player from Kaiser No. 1 for a loose ball during boys 5-6 final of the Daily Pilot Cup at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex Sunday. Below, Rea No. 1 Coach Gannon Burks 1s doused with water after his team wins the 5-6 crown for third year in a row. For Pilot Cup rosters, see Page /:lB . PHOTOS BY KENT TR£PTOW I DAll.Y PILOT CATCHING UP WITH EYEOPENER • Daily~Pikx • Sporu Hal olfame '~ i.-"' ... ......,_ June 9 honof ff HUGH FOSTER Tuesday, June 3, 2003 A7 HIGH SCHOOL SOFTBALL 5 locals All-PCL CdM 's Zoelle, Tyson are first-team honorees. Corona del Mar I hgtl • ~ruor.. ~ 7 .. oeDe and Amy Tyson. who led the Sea King> 10 a thud place fini'>h and a berth in the Cll· '>oulhem Sec tion Divi.~ion rv -.ofthall playoffs. have been named fir'>l team All P''f'ilk (,oa<,t League by the circuit\ coaches. CdM, which won d thud-plan• playoff to make Lhc po<>U.Ca.!>on for a thud straight year. L" repl'l:!'.'>ented on the <iecond team by Seruor Lauren l.oe, Junior Sarah Stem and 1>0phomore I leather 1..ohml<ln. ZoelJe, bound for f..re<.no ~le, Ill a four-tilne fir.t team ctlJ lcagut--.elt.'Cl1on She hn .474 m lc4,'\Jl' and wa.<, the ll'am'' primary pitcher Tyson. a L~ILher. lut 4~4 m lcc:!b'LIC <Jic was ~ond-1eam all le..ti:,'Uc a.<, d 1uruor Loe, a ~on-s1op, L' another four-tlmt' all-league honon.'t' She wa.., d fir.t team choice la.!.t year. after 1wice earning '>t'C ond -1eam honor.. Stem wao; a '>(.'(ond 1eam p1dt la.!.1 spnng. whJle Lohmian. hit S7'; 111 lea~ this season. Northwood ~rnor Alh'M>n I .<'WI'> L'> tht' Most Valuahle Playt>r COLLEGE GOLF Anteaters honored Coburn, Lavery earn laurels for 2002-03. UC lrvme c;emor men's golfer Jeff < .o bum. the Big ~e<.t Con ference Player of the Year, has bttn named PLNG All-Paa.fie Region for 2002-03. Coburn. who had fiw top I 0 firush~ this season, led UU wilh a 72.08 stroke average. I le wru. alc;o a fir.1 team AD · Big West selection. Senior Mike Lavery. a p">ychology and social behavior maior, W<l.l> named to the Oeveland Golf AIJ-Amenca Scholar team. Lavery. who won tht<o year'!> Big West individual utJe. hcid lour top-I 0 fin. ishes and a 72.47 avcr..t~e m 200'.l-OS. Lavery. who al<o0 wa.' a fir<.t team AD Big West select1on, wa.' named to the 2003 Veri7..on Acaderrut All·Dtstnct Vlll at-large thud team th1' 'ipnng Mike Gerakos · Former UCI baseball coach pleased with direction of program, as well as his f>lace at University High. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot H e earns a paycheck just like many of us do, but he hardly looks at the labor involved ln obWn.lng that piece of paper u wort. ·rm 52 )Ul'S old and haven't bad to wort a day ln my life. from playing professional buebaD. to coaching at the Dtvtsion I level. to teaching at University tiW' ... I'W been {om.mate,. Mike GerUoe llJd ThW3day In bis omce at Untvastty Hilb-where be hu ipml the pat 11 ~ ... phyak:al educ&doo tadler and Uliitant football and beleball coach. The man who c::ootiolled the ran. ol the UC ltvine t.eblll lelll\ fUr l2 ,.... from 1980-92. ICMll hk CUfta1( jab. ....... _ ... llDWllClt .. ..., ... Pti;. plly ., ..... ... ...,.. Nk*.•Cl'*Mt.cllnd .................... ....... ... ~ ... to .... tM••t ofAriT~na • [Universityl Coach Ouis Conlin gave me leeway to wort with the pitchers and I then tiSil.t oo varsity •• Gerakos said. -nus past sea.90n was a little frustrating because it rn.ubd the first time in eight yean we didn"t mike the playoftS. But we will go bid and regroup. .. GerUos hid to do a k>t of repouping following UO'I 1992 M!lllOllt the 1ut one before the propam WU disbanded due tO budid alts. 00 buebeD rtitumed for the 2002 R&SOn ln grand fabion with the open'!1g ol Anteater Ballpark and a newfouOd enthulium from lt\ldentl, fai'ulty, ltaf(. coachea, players and ram. "We hid • atadlum. biut Dod\ing lib it .. now.· Genikot laid. -~ ,.,.. have a c-r cwt... owa ... -•atllllliJVa' I 1" <1eie'N renw••• •day In ...,, ................ ,...... ....u.-. .. . \ Al Tuesdey, June 3, 2003 SPORTS ~ DAILY PILOT CUP ROSTERS IOYSM Anthony Arellano ~TedBul ~· Coec:hte.: Deena Franko, ~Chris Gael, AMNo.1 Christlen Pami D.ve Gennrk:h, Chriltlen Celia Joseph Krum- MusGercie DevlaNo.2 Joel Gonzeles Jimmy Flores HetborVlew Juen Gonzales Kevin Diaz Wllllem Ayoub Jose Hemendez Lula GuerTero Travis Barrett Oacer Hemendez Derek Selgedo Bryce Bestltin Jonathan lrheta. Abrahem Labrade Drew Blumenthel Genero Lopez Devon Vogt Jeremy Bowintcet Christopher Medine James Meurer Connor Cole Enrique Ocempo Kevin Whitaker Evan Dean Jorge Olivas Luis Gomez David Fenner Rodrigo Rubacabe Eduardo Remlrez Grant Hodgkins Edgar Vega Fernando Huicochea GredyHowe Mario Cuamatzl Henry De La Torre Cheyne Kelley Kevin Madriaga Sentlgo NavarTete Luke Kopeakie Aran Antunez Matthew Gravis Remy Lamon• CoedMe: Kurt Suhr, Tedmund Nguyen Chrlttien l..etto Gannon Burks. eo.c:h: Lynn Vogt Connor Morrill Jenny Bulb ~Mute.ire HwborDey Alex Murray KaiMrNo.1 Merrett Scott Coedl: Mike Morrill Wes Shaw Kevin Cox Matt Mello DrewBrahs Ade"'9 Dane Sequeira Brad Jones Oerel Andrews Daniel Netzer Danny Miller Carlos Berrios Simon Hedridt Bailey Smith Jose Caldoron David Jung AndyMorTOw Brett Donohue Bobby Otcvist Wilson Knapp Cory Frino Corey Bell-Wheelan• Nldc Freeman KENT TREPTOW I DALY PILOT ErldcGilea Jake Manning Chase Ross Our Lady Queen of Angels' Nick Potter, left, carries ball as defensive pressure Jacob Knapp Jay Ordaz J.D. Stroud is applied by Mariners Christian in Daily Pilot Cup boys 3-4 title game Sunday. Guillenno Madrigal Merlo Agueroa Eric Hansen Rene Ovando Danny Ingalls Michael Bear Jared Payzant Will Munoz Jim Nelson Alex Trancoso Scott Agueroa Mike McKenna Jonathan Keedy Sophie Molinari Brynn Johnson Ezequiel Villegas CoachM: Leisha Mello, Michael Hay Marlasa Morrill . Claire Eadlngton eo.ches: Zina Payzant, Chris Ingalls Michael Borchard GIRLSM Jullet Murdoch Jennifer Knapp, Alex Swigert Champion Betsy Mumiy Martn.n Christian Harbor View Zade Martin Carden HaH Lill Otto Avery Amlea OurUldy Tommy Bangert AndyMutari Lauren Draganza Anneka Pakvasa Lindsay Anderson au... of Anpla Maggie Bemay Sevannah Perkins Brooke Bowles James Cunningham Kevin Baran-Maguire Sean Donovan Mariners Claire Clayton Nikki Reed Danielle Dennen Tommy Bubonic Alison Deverian Joe key Gavin Arblaster Caroline Hardenberg eo.dt: Drew Smits Anthony Franciaco Jamie Heinidce Brian Baca Christina O'Tousa Katie Deverian Michael Haeri Peter Inouye Grant Bissell Kelly Matthews Harbor View No. 2 Korrine Kommann Christopher Hauser Michael Katz Derek Boler Kimberly Condino Sheye Bastien Brittany Langdon M itchell Meleski Miles Kellennan Canon Call Sidney Sweeney Lauren Belove Ashley Mitchell Collin McNemey Jamie McKeman Cameron Chase Gillian Hogan Kylie Edwards ReneMycon-Patrldc Pearson Dean Murdoch Myc.hael Clark Julie Hassen Kailey Ellis Sarah Mull Nldc Potter Dillon Norton Sean Davis Shelby Williams Nikki Ann Kelty O'Conner Jadt Presson Misha Pakvasa Ric.herd De St. Jean Julie Kepelke Karen Ishii Kylie Sheppard Parker Reuter Kendall Pidc Harrison Faigen Kristi Jacobs Malayna Kelley KaetyTumey Jadt Schloemer • Pierce Stemler Cley Friend Cait Williemson Elizabeth Kopaslc.ie Coach: Jon Deverian Kent Smith Reid Wallace Easton Giedt Jennifer Calmbaugh Arielle Lysacek Brecht Van't Hof Paul Zubotov Gabe Gomez Lauren Wiibur Michelle Marshall BOVSM Jonathan Walsh Coach: Alexander B.J.Hill eo.c:h: Julia Bemay Lauren Smits Champion Eric Zamucen Zubotov Spencer Joyce Aulatant Mike Bemay Sophie Solow Mariners Christian Coach•: Keren Potter, RotyKew Bayli Stefl Connor Cruse Jessica Potter OurUldy Eridcson Klein OurUldy Lindsay Zotovic.h TimmyRoot Queen of Angela Darren Leggett Queen of Angel• Coach: Drew Smits Daniel Gills Devla Wesley Baker Ric.hie Lowery Sarah Carvelli Steven Miller Oscar Torres Chris Burke Zade Moghaddam Marta Tena O.Via Andrew Boehm Roger Morales Yousseff Farfan Ailey Nance Gabriela Tena Emily Wasilewsk.i Sam Barkley Moises Arias Nassim Francisco Tony Nasca MacKenzie Jones Yereli Orosco Drew Diller Luis Huepaya Jade Gerdau Peter Nguyen Ketie Gronendyke Sammy lo Derek Dellinger Julio Espinoza Ryan Giadyc.h Cody Parole Stephanie Nealey Eliana Zamampa Clark Cashion P.J. Maloney David Guibord Aaron Rentz Taylor Best Claudia Gonzalez Daniel Toberty Gilbert Quinones D.J. Hauser Shawn Shahidi Camille Krahe Michelle Reyes Connor Cooper Hector Orozco Bunk Hooper Amin Tavakoli Haley Willard UAnne Serlsuk eo.c:h: Phil Miller Ricardo Martinez Nidc KJeln John Paul Turnbull Valerie Avila Teresa Gomez Aamt.nta: Doug Root, David Pena Cotlln Krahe Randy Villalta Valen Tayk>r Karen Montano Steve Gills Arturo Gonzales Evan McNemey Alex Weddle Victoria Kent Erica Senchez Thomas Aguilar Chartie Normandin Kevin Wright Lauren Rule Julia McCool Newport Coast Christian Garcia Jake Pellegrini Coach: Mark Arbfaater Jecqueline Urbanus Karen Vlllaiba Michae! Doering Chris Ellis Nldc Pellegrini A.asitbnts: Chris Weddle, Merianne Jones Ana Tadeo David Moore Jesua Estrada Matt Ruiz Geno Vrtale-Sansosti Jadcle Smith Nlcofe Ground Cole Gennric.h Daniel Mondragon Coach: Steve Pellegrini Kasey DeYoung Melissa McGuire Aaron Schott Roberto Remirez Harbor Dey Kate Baldoni Melanie Selazar Carlos Laube Kenny Sanchez DlvtaNo.1 Blake Thomsen Bridget Fox Coach: Lynn Vogt Michael Bui Coech: Doug Ko"8k Marco Armenta Will Moore Annalise Moore Zachary Melmet Jairo Rincon Colton Gyulay Erica Penunuri HatborDey Hunter Molnar Unc:oln No. 2 Jorge Hernandez SamCubiero Megan Otterbein Kelsey Valley Connor Gaal Kip Kallal Tony Cisneros Will Morrow eo.c:h: John Carvelli Laura Bilder William Saunders Shane Corwin Jordan Briand Natharu Wagner Aaistants: Pepe Tena, Rebecca Bever Tony McCoy Matthew kencinl Hector Solis Chris Robertson Scott Jones Alexandra Magliarditi Brandon Hoover Calden Stark Willie LeValley Josh Harrison Kate Rendle Scott Youngman Conner Maloney Roland Wood JadtGorab Harbor View No. 1 Kate Alvarado Chris Freeman Blake Zlmring Eridc Puente Mason Case Madcenzie Constantinoy Anl'}ie Refferty RonAvzin Charlie Howarth Omar Rangel Ford Hanour Rachel Crittenden Taylor Kawakami Jae Eddy Carter Keddington Jose Faboreno Chris Barwidc Kelsey Davis Serah Folks Zadceriah Iqbal AndrewDoka Elijah Talley Gianni Multari Allegra Margolis JadcJe Dk>n Malcom Bailey Eli Kiani Jose Ochoa Matt Larson Madison McCoy Melissa Hanooctc Colin Krum Ann Kallal Alan Ramos Hutton McKenna Britney Mcintosh Brooke Nelson EfeAlti Coach: Alex kancini NEW 2004 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO YOUJH-SOCCER 8289:-:..- r CdM, Newport squads victorious Both Corona del Mar and Newport Beach boys under-10 select soccer teams won recent games. CdM ls on Its way to the semifinals of the South Orange County League following a 2-0 victory over South Irvine in the division playoffs. Nick Gooding scored both of CdM's goals as Bme.ry Molnar, Jack Nowak and Brandon Hoo· wr secured the mJdfield with strong ball-handling sk:Uls. Nick R.lc:b and Mlcbael U... man created several 8COl'i.qg op- portunities at forward. Spencer Chrlstotr and Andrew McCor- meck anchored the defense. Kerin Gordon.ler and Ala Tumey each made several saves in goal to preserve the shutout. Cd.M defeated San aemente, 2-1, in the quarterfinals, with Nowak and Molnar scoring goals. Newport came from behind against South Irvine to stake a 2-1 victory. Stevie Miier and 11mmy Boot each tc0red a goal ln the fourth period to aecure the win. Newport then beat Santa Margarita on Mother's Day, 1-0 , with John Barton scoring early ln the first period. Qumor cOoper, MJaha Pak- vua. Ouitdan Ochoa. Root and Miller all aided the offense while IYllll Becerra. Dnw DOier and Seu Regan controlled the derense. . Taylor WUdman and goal- keeper Lopn Newett prevented any Santa Margarita attackers from acortng. $3995 Cooling 8,.tem IUI .. rvlce Oat/ Piiot GERAKOS Continued from A7 I.he program was on the chopping block. 'IJ lost irtop recruJt to the Untverslty of Arizona and another kid signed with San Jose State," Geiakos said. "Some players asked me ii I thought they should leave and I would give them the release because I didn't thJnk it was fair what the university was doing to the program. "It was lib someone pulled the plug from the life support system. Some kids went to different colleges and played at Division I programs. My assistants landed on their feet ll happened for a reason and everything worked out fine." Gerakos led the Anteaters to three 30-win seasons -ln l 98 l, '88 and '90. The '87 team finished second ln the Big West Conference and narrolwy missed a bid to the NCAA playoffs. For his efforts that year, Gera.kos was honored as the conference Co-Coach of the Year. ua finished 21-35 this season, its second year back from the 10-year hiatus, but Gerakos sees continued progress.. WI think (the program! is in very good hands with Coach Uohnl Savage," Gerakos saJd. WHe did a great job putting UCI back on the map. They struggled some this year with some injuries that impacted a new team more than some people realized. They brought it back the right way. from the facilities to the i.taff. • Gerakos h as no desire, at this point, to return to coUegiate coaching. I le instead assists In coordinating UCl's aJumnj game, which coincidentally is one of his fondest memories of the university. WThe alumni game two years ago, when we brought back 60 players ... that was memorable.· he sald. "The relationships with the players are the fond memories." These days. Gerakos maintains that relationship as a counselor in the Mark C~ Baseball School, which has sum.mer camps ln many Southland cities. During his tenure at UCI. Gerakos coached the Liberal Bee-Jays. a summer league pro team, which finished ln second place in 1984. Gerak.os played two seasons at UCLA as a third baseman. gaining captain status in 1972 and earning Academic All-American accolades in 1971. His .337 career baning average still ranks as one of the best in UCLA history. He was drafted by the Oakland Athletics in 1970 and then by the M innesota l\vins in 1972. The Whittier native spent two-and-a-half years with the l\vins' slngle-A club. Ml was living a childhood dream,~ Gerakos said about his professional baseball experience. Judging by the way he Lalks about his life, he has a comfortable place on 'Ooud 9.' HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebr~ Oat; Pilot's Athlete · Weelc se<JeS' TODAY 20 -David Stodderd &tend• Foot.bell, 2000 MONDAY 21 -Nedla Veughan Corona del Mer Glrta tennll, 1996-97 21 -Undlay Allen °'8nge Cotst Women'I tredc. CfOM country, 2001 21 -Kathy Lavold Newpott Harbor Glri1 YOl!eybetl, 1991 ~ .. , 1 .# • •• ... ~ • ~I :·: •• • •• • ... .. • • • ... • • • • ., 'l I • s •• •• .. I • • • • • • • .. • • • ,. ... • ' ' I I • I I • •• f I • I .. I I • . • • .. .. .. -.. ------ ' -:· \ r t ' • -.. -.... .. , ... .. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-iiiiiiiii~~~~-~ Upl.... 2141 l.1111 .... llS A1¥11'1'1Sf19lfOlllS A 11W"d•lo17 P1• Bid wbjed to condttlofl• Pffferlb•d bJ the u"dert11n•d SHl•d bids tor • Subject to conditions Conlwence ltld m•nd• hl!IP Sum Cot!llKI 11e lnv1ttd fOI the lollowl"t Worli. presc111Ntd by the un· I017 Pre Biel )ob W•• S1UMNT MIAlTN <INTH HISMK IMHOVIMINTS d1111aned. M1ltd bids will be conducted on NOJICTHO.tt12tl IOI a Lump Sum Con· WlDNISDAY, .MIMI II, UNNllStTY Of CAUFOIUttA,, taVIHI lr•ct .,, invited lot the 2 0 0 S • b 'CI n n I 11 I •VIHI CAllfOllNIA t26t7 follow Ina WOif\ promptly •t ttOO A.M. DIS<WTIOM Of WCMll1 ' INJIASTIUC1UU Participants shill mtel fhe ptopoud projttc;t con11sts of the seismic retrofit of the Student HOJl(T I •t. UCI MtOICAI. CEN Httlth Centtr bulldln1 •"d all 1"c1dent•I worll 10 11110 •cten to lh• Wotk MUlTl-Jf'ICWTY TER, 101 The City D1ive, ., .. l provl6tn1 nec~MllY protec:ho"'· •nd llSI01ln1 WOfk illftH end surn llMODll Butldirtl !>3, Audltouum. fllll1ne1 to pl't·txlshna conditions to th• uttsfaclton 01 the Untventl 'llOJICT NO. t .. J10-01tn1•. CA 92.868·3?911. 19'tM11'9tlvu. The WOfk tnta1ls Iha follow inc Y llD 'AClAGl • 4 (949) BZ•6630 • Conslluc:t MW sl•. two-bay, concrelt In 1111 h holuete1 w•ll~ UNIVERSITY Of Map •nilablt upon • Provkle MW fo1tndetlons at two lout.on, CAllfOflHIA. IRVIH£ ":~~.uKI AT THI • ProvhM MW txltflOf steel colleclo" and out of ptine w.tll ancho s MEDICAL ClNTER et the hlltl roof of the lobby 11u ' COIJHlY Of ORANG£ 'll-lto COMfHfNCI • P1ovldt MW Interior out of plane steel br.tctni lor Ut\lmo conntte CAl.lfOflHIA AND '11-llD JOI end masonry walb elon1 fou• cridh"e. • 'llOJICT DHCllll'TIONs WAUC K MANOATOltY , I .. _ '-Th FOii AU '1tlMI CO*-• rov -1111..,us •cc:eu1bty 1mpf0vemenh indudinc uew h•ttdtcap •~ proJtcl will 1en· TtlACT~. THI •in- concret• 1•mc>. 1u1rdruls, fteesland1na .tnd mounted h•ndtlap \t•naie ovate 5, 941 A Sf tn &NG Will ClOSI A end p11•ln1 at.tis slripon1 • P1v1l1on Ill (Bulldlna 29) T ... t t f le d t.OS A.M. ANY CON-• ,..,, t1nen o a and ubestos that is encounlet~d durtna ,nn~trutlH>n to treale two suites. one TaACTOIS AlllVING lncldent•I WOfk Includes required demolition .ind pattlnne: and fe\lonna fOf u1ology u1111ces and conltnll •nd •rchltectural lmlshe\ to thetr on~m•I condtloons 11 alw on• to; m1dteal ~Sura1cel ~'Jl11~Mt:Jc!:t. W~ Includes t•1n4!Yin1 •nd replaclna. or reloLllltn& rnethat11Lal .mo eleclttcal spec1a lies lhe ura.e1y 'UTICIPATI IN THI duclll, conduit& and systems u requtred to ea111 •tte'I~ and pcrlorm ~nd Med1c•I Specialties llD 'IOCHS AS A worli. •nd to the Httsf•ct•on of th• Univerllty r epr~\lnl•lrves ClllllL~ lh<1I currently PllMI CONTUCTOI. The bllm•l•d Conslf uc:tion Cost of "'" PIO/II<, is s SJ?7 000 00 ,. occupy lht spi ce will BIOOER QUAllflCATIOHS· Pflmt B1dde" who do nol mut the Quahfoc.attont •l~o bt .,commod1ted Only bidders who In the ConlrK t Documents m•y not be eh&tblt 1, 1 award Pnme Bidder• w1lh1n the renovated partlc11>1le in both the -~•II submit the'-Qual 1~ t h • ..... 8 lh-renou•tion Pra Bid Cotrference and an " 1 ~• '°"' on I e loom provided b~ the Untversrl •,.n ~ • H •n ettKllment lo the Bid fOfm Y will in•p• o ve space the Prorect site v1s1t tn B' .. d1n1 Oocu-·n•-It b I bl B •lf1•1en• • •nd will lheor entuety will be rv .. _ L> w1 e n.at a e lo 1dder \ un ,., .. d0y Jun 3 • • •' • 200S •nd will be 1nued et CONSOi IOAll o Rl l'RIJCRAl'lllCS INC iia2 tndude 1pproa1m1lely •flowed lo b•d on the PuUm•n Slrfft,CostaMeu CA 9?fi26.Phone •(ll411~11680 "' new pru,edure PfOjeC:I n pnme con A m1nd•t01y Pre·B1d Conf11ence and m•nd•lory Pre Otd Job Woll~ wtll 1oom\, 1pprol1metely 30 tru ton for further .. _ conducted on We..._· .i-J 1 1 200 •••m room• sp•c-for •nfOfm•lion. cont•cl UCI "'" -•-,., -e , 3, be111nn1na promptly •I ' • ~ C O 4M P.M. PMtlclpants shall meet et DESICH & CON'\TRUCTI01'4 SERVICES cltn1c•I .rnd admmrstra ontracts •P•rtment UnlvetSftr of C11flornl•, l1v1ne, 5201 c~hlorni;; A•~nue. Suite 250 Sulhv•r; hve ~pporl tlaft. ind within Desian & Con· 6 Wrl&tlt Conference Room, l1v1ne. Caltlorru.i 926CJ7 24')() w•ltln11 dnd re,eplion s I' uc I ton Ser vtt es (COfntf of Clllifornla Avenue 1nd B"on Avenue) uen Wurk will include Zoomy Nauyen •I (949) ATIINDANCI AT THI "1-110 COHflllUl(I ANO "1-llO JOI WAUC demohltun, cMpentry, 824 4775 ij MANDATOIY. THI MllTtNO Will ClOSI AT 4r0S , M ANY h.111rd ou< malrrtal Tht su"Hsful Bidder CONTIAClOflS AUMNO AfTlll THIS TIM( WIU NOT II lllOtill TO abatemtnl eleclrtcal. and ti\ Subtontt•ctors 'AITKWATI tN THI llO f'aOCESS AS A ,.IM[ CONTRACTOI. HVAC In• •l•rm Lele will bt requ11ed to follow Only bidden who partte1p•lt in both lhe Ccmler~tt<t .111d lht l<A.1 W•lk I> hone d •I a • n d the nond11c11mtn1lton tn thelf tllbrety, will be allowed to b•d on the P101e.i A\ prrmP 'onlr.Jcturs plumbtnl,l upflt•des new oequ11ement1 ~•I forth r~ fu ... '"-· 1rtf~m1•·--t t <-. Mo ~•l.twork •nd m1llwor• In lht B1ddin1 Ooc:u -• u... ~ ""''· con at ~011 ullon lontr ~' t~ AnAl~\t Otsion A d I • Construction .. __ ~ u f ' • P•l•h1na •nd n-w m ents an ° P•Y • .-.v~es. nive,.1ty o l.1ltlflrn1.) It v111r .ii lrl•phon4' • • 0 ~ number (94'!l_824·1!>U l1nl\hc ~ rnclud1ne prevailln& wae• ••In at • _ _. _ _.. '"' II t t.. d f arou•l•~·I <••lino• theloe1t10nofthe WOfk _. ., w -occe,1• o te" 2:00 ,.M., MONDAY, JUNE ~ ' •• Th f B 2s 200., ., B d B F tt•1l1•nt Uoo11no car~I t success ul 1dde1 , •• 1 • oa. tont twnttr On11111 & Cu11~lrud1on ~rv1te\ • ~ " .-I Unlvt1S1ly of Cahfornia. Irvine 5101 C1hlmn1" Annue Su•ll' /50 Irvin< •nd paml w1 I bt requ11ed to have C.liform• 92697·24SO lSTIMATlD the lollowma St.le of • _ _. _ _.. I'-"-,.. ... d CONSTaUCTION COST·. Callfor"1a Contr•clot s -""'w... .,_. 01 2:0S ,.M., MONDAY, JUNE 23, 200S, I .t1 Oesltn 6 Construction Servttrn, U111ve"''Y ol 1 .. ,1o1,,,,.. .. Irvine ~?OI S 1,0SS,000.00 icen\t current •t the Cetlfotnla Avenue. Suite 2SO. Sulllvan & w11"ht I or1l••~nn ko•m• Irvine Noter '''"'• lldden lrme 01 \ubmrs.ron of C1tlf01nl1 92697 Z4SO. (949) 824 66 "lO who do not meet the lht Bid Bkl Securilr on the <1mount of 10'1. ol th~ Lumµ Surn R•"t Hid e>dutlonll zuullflcotlon• 111 the 1ltttnaln, sh•ll 1tcomp1ny each Bid The !>ur ~ty ,.,"'"'~ tho t;id Bnn<l lddln9 Oocume"h sh1tf be. on the Did Oeadhne an admtll•d llrtly "'·'"., 1 ·• o1elintd ,11 moy net i.e ell9ti.le for the C•hforn11 Code of Crvtl Procrdu• • 'iN toM 'l'>'> I IOI owOfd. fhe w ccessfuf 81dder ind •t~ Sub1onh.tc '°'"will tH tt-rlu•r .. '1 ''' lnllrtw H1dc11nw Ootume:nl~ will Ille nond1Kt1mon•l10n requlttrntol\ . .i ''''"' on tho· Rut1J,.,~ It "u'"' "'' 1•~ av~•l.tbl• "" TUIS- 1nd to P•Y piev•1hnt1 w•11e ral~s 41 lht' lo<•too11 ,1 lh• w ... ~ DAY, June 3, 2003, Tht s.ucce,sfuf B•ddet Wiii b~ rt't~Ulf~d lv ft.t\ff lt1f l•1H ...... 1r1,• o>t ,,, ol Hid 'Nill tu· 1'\.\.ltd ,.t 1hf0<n1• Conlr•clor s licen"' cutt~nt ~I llto 11111, .,1 "'"""' "'" uf 11,. DC .ICl't & CIJNSTRUC BKI I 101'1 <,£ RVll £ 'i Umvet UCINSI ClASSlflCATION: UCEHSE COOE(S): Cene. 11 Bu1ld1n11 Con tr at lur I· THC REGE NTS Of JH[ UNIVERStH Of c Al If 111m1A Published Hew Oii Buch Costa Mt'\.1 ll.111 f'olol '""" l Ill •r)IJ 1 IA"< ,'IJ(ll 114'• .......... ... s....... Tht follow1n1 persons a1e doln1 busmn' as UHUMlllD Cir IS 1640 Htwport Blvd I ol « Coste Meu CA 9?6?/ Cyntht• )un Sehr 1c~ e1 1640 Newpofl Blvd lol 44 Custa Mes.o CA 91621 lh11 bu$1nen IS con dueled by an tnd1v1du•I H•ve you started do1na busmen yet' No Cynth11 hl•n Sch11cker Thr• sl•lement wn !tied with the County CIHk of O•ance County on ~!(Y.)/03 200SHOSIO Da~y Pilot M•y ll June 3. 2003 fldltiM~s "-eS...... the fo1to .. 1n1 Prr '""~ atf d oing bu\lrlfl'\, d~ f •try Sn111 Crnv• l "11 Yorba I ind• Blvd • 7'>4 r ulle•ton <A 9?1111 Jennrler M BrrtMll 3301 Y•Jtb.t l •nc:ld Blvd •254 full~rlon I A 92831 lht\ bU'\10.f'\\ 1• lUO ducted by •n inc;hvuhiitl Hne JOU \I Ar ltd tlu111~ bu~1nr\s v•t' Nu Jer1n1lt1 M Brunell Thi\ s t•l•m•nt ,.. ltled with lhr C:nuntv Cler~ ol Or1ngt I 1111nty on 04/? 110) 2003'941794 Daily P1tol MAy lune 3 10 200'l Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 ,1ty 1.f f JftfflHlt.t ltYIOt' ..,IOI I thf,HtH.t AYPOUP ~uut,. '',() lnnnr f:A 'llb'll }4'10 19491 8}4 lit. 1() Hot line: (949) 824 81" f h1tL k•. Im d non · ref.,"doble fee will be r •qu11 .. d 1n 111.-~mount .. 1 S7'• r11J ,,., \Pl of fiJ•1tt•n,. (Ju• ttment.,. f tu·1 "' •" lo b~ made I 114f•llJI• lu "llof' Re&t'nh .,f tltr IJ111vo 1\1ly ul ( Ahtotfh.i ,. .. ,,.,, f4u14 tllf'llt nut h"' t rp!Pd •flPI 2:00 I , M., JlllDAY, JUNE 20, 1 2003. B•d •,, ( Uf it 'I '" thf' •muunt vi IO •JI th• I umi1 \um ftd\"' BuJ "'J'tut11ntt alt,.tndl~\ \ll~ll •ll tllllP"llf t•Lh llrtl lho 'iu,.ly t\Wtni 1111 But Sund 'hdll b~ un lht-Bid Or1tdhne u1 u111111t•<1 ·.111•tv 1n\urer l 11·. df"ffn,.r1 tn thf' f ahto,,114 Cod• nl t1v1I P1u• t du•t' Sr• l ion 'Hl 1101 UCIHSI ClASS'lflCATION1 Cener al Bu1ld1ne Contr1clor LICENSE CODl: B Other Pro11ttl Spe"ftts lldder O•allflcatl-• ~oled f.,. I• lte •""-mltte4 st 11 ... e ef ltld lltCludt, ...,, .... _, -CffHrlly ll ... 1te4 te: I I ht Cont• 1<1or shall hav~ bt~n tn bu\1ne\\ und., th• \am4' n•mf' •nd c. al1lo1 nta Ctlnlr u tur ~ L1c~n\t lor 4 minimum of 5 c•,nltnu ou~ year\ ptoor to the b•d •1penona dal• for this Ptofl!CI lhe hcen\t' used to \allsfy lhl\ lfQU"' mtnl \h•ll be ol lht ume lypf' teQutrt'd by tht cunlr •<I l The Cunlrutor ""•" p1 •J,.•d~ • m1n1mum of l ttll't4'ntt\ lor 1>•nfl!cls !.1m1lar tn \tQpe and '"e tu lh1\ Pru1tcl whi.h ha Vt' b~t'll SUCl nsfully r nmplt'ltd 1n the P••I 3 Y .. " IHl RI CfNI\ Uf 111£ UNIVf RSll Y Of CM I f URNIA May 2003 Publ1\h"d H•wPOI I Bnl h Co\I• Mr\• Daily 1'1101 lunt l 10 20()] 1144 AMltlE llR fOl95 Subject to tOfld<llOnt PftlCrtbed by the Un· d«fsllfl'd, wai.ct bids fOf • Lump Sum Con lr•ct .,, Invited fCM the tollowlna Work llPlAU DUCTWOll, SCllMCl laltAllY nOJIClNO.s SOI 1264 COMTUCTN0.1 ff710S UNIVllSITY Of CALWOl!elA, laVNH •wt1, CA.UfO&HtA 92H7 nOJICT DIS<l•TION: Wo1k 1nctuda, but I• not llmtled to the follow1n11 Demolition end repl•ce ment of the u111tn& duc twork and duc t Siiencers on roof ol Scttnce library fSTIMATIO COHSTIUCTION COST1 SJS0,000 Nolt Pttme Bidders who do not meet th" q111h f1ulions 1n the Contru t Documents m•y nol be eht11ble for •ward 81dd1111 Documents will be available to Btdde" on TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2003 •nd will be issued at Fac1ht1e5 Man•ae ment. Unrvet srly of Cahfornt• Irvine. 201 lntet1m Office Bu1ld1n& (ma1f1nr address) 191 72 l•mboree Bo ulevMd (physical addt•HI Irvine. CA 92697 !>444 (949) 824 1404 ,AaTKtPATI IN THI llD ,.CKIH AS A HUH (ONTUClOll. OnlJ btdde" wllo Pllft1Cipat1 m both the Pre Bid Conference •nd the lob Walll 1n the11 enh1ety will be •llowed lo bid on the Proiect as prime conlr•CIOI\ for further 1nlor met1on contact r ICtlrllts M1n•t1•ment Contr•cts Deputmenl Attn Brend• R Hocllenhulf 11 (949) 8Z4 1404 The succesilut B•ddrr and ih SubconlractOf\ wlll be <1qu11ed to follow the nond1ut1m1n1tion requlfeme"h set forth 1n the B1ddin& Docu men!\ •n d lo P•Y p11va1hn11 w•&• rates 11 the location of the WOfk fh" suttuslul Bidder will be reQuored to h1Ve lh~ follow1111 SUie of C1lllorn1• Co nit •clor's l1te11se turr ent at the tome ot wbmtuion of the 81d lKlNSl CLASSlfKATION: W1trn A1t Hutona Venltl•hn& and All Con d11tunm& Contu clOf UCINSICODI c <'() Ott.er l'tefecr s,..m .. , ltdde1 Ouollf"otleft• cofle4 .... , ..... u11. "'ltled at time of bid Include, but ore not neceuorlly llmlted lo: I lh4' Con tr at lor ,hall have been 1n bU\tnl'n undtr lhe same name •nd Ca1tto1111• Cun tr u lur \ l1ttn\t l•Jt • m1n11num of '> < onlrnu Checks for a --ref""4aM. fH .. 111 be requ11ed 1n lhe amount of $25.00 Pet \et ''' B1ddtn1l Document• nu\ Yt••\ p1101 to the Checks are to be m•d• bid Opf'n1n& d• I• ,.,, this payablt lo .The Reaent' l'roiect lhe l1ten« used of the Un1vers1ly ol tu ~lt\I~ lhos •eQutre C•lll0tnia • ment •h•ll be ul the Sealed Bids will not b• s•me lyp<. requtted by accepted atte1 12:00 lht' <Onlrdt l NOON on WIDNUOAY, 1 lht Concral tor \hall JUNE 11, 2003 prov1d• a n11n1mum of j Bid Securtty "' lhr '•ltrtn<•\ lor proieds •mount of 10,. ul tht \lm1l4r "' stupt' and \ll• Lump Sum Bilse Bod Ir, lhl\ Pro1e<I whtth •• c ludtne all"nates h•vt heen >ull e~slully 1hall accompany ••ch c ... m1111:trd '" "'" Sidi• Btd Thp Surety ·~su1n& ol r .1,,,,, Old du•'"~ 111~ the Bid Bond shall bt 11a>I J year" on the Bid Oudhne an lttl RE Cl NI'> llf I HI admitted \Urtly insurer UNfVCRSITY 01 r All (as defined on l ht l fORNIA Calttorn1• Code of C1v11 M•y ?fYJ I Procedur • Sellton l'ubll\htll N•wp rl 99'1 l?OI ti••• ti r '"'• "°'"" D•·•1 A mandatory Pr4' Bid 1'01"' M•y 71 "'""' I Co11lerence •nd Pr• Bid ?00 1 1140 Job Wilk will be COii IS( 1.--113 -duclt'd on WIDNES-'* DAY, JUNE •• 200S NOOOOfmmoll bet11nn1ng promptly •I TO ADlllSTB IO:JO AM P1ttoc1panl\ shall meet at f ac•hl•t' ESlAn Of: M•n•&rment lnlt'rtm PAIJlLHUllUl Ollrct Buoldon& Cunle1 ence Room 128 Uni tbPAlllUIHUIUlfl vet\lly of C.ohforn1a CASlNO.lll6Sll l1V1nt (8u1ldtnfl • 9? on North Campu~ Map1 19172 Jamboree Boult v11 d Ir vont. CA 9?697 ~. (949) 824 1404 ATTlNOAMCI AT THl nE-110 CONUlllN<t ANO PU-llD JOI WAUC IS MANDATOaY JOa AU 'lllMl CON- TllACTOllS. THI MllT- ING WIU ClOSI AT t0:3S AM ANY CON- TUCTOllS Aa•IVING Ano THIS TIMI Will NOT ll lUGl8LI TO In <111 h~1ts beo•fo t.1.1er1t-~ ufld1tor\ (.on ltn&•nl crrd1tot\ and persons .,hu m1v oltl tr WISt' b• tnlert'\led 1n lh• will or e\lato. ot both nf PAUi I llUMMl I •~• PAUi 111 HUMMf l A Pl 11 llON ~OR PRU BAT( ho Leen l1itd by DORE M RHYME tn the Supe11or Court of Calt torn•• County ot OR AN Cl IHl Ho'v to Place A CLASSIFIEAD By Fax (\4916\1-6.\9-1 l'ltwn:t.lt,....,,. ..Sr"t ... llllll'a11'1 ~ lu.~ .. ..., ..... . By Phone llJ:i9t ~2-~67!! --,, Por All Your Home and Business Needs -~II ,.. ..... _. "'-PAdl ~For Only Sl2 Pf' Wttl. (4~ttk llWlllllUDI) • W ..... tt "4'1 S74-424S 1483 Olct.r Style Fumltln PIANOSi~ ·~·~ ·-·-·~--S$CA8"PAK>S$ ... """'° ............. 3460 Pet Adoptions JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c ... tce1 .. Ne•"• Germ-S...,..e,... all rt)lors 111 Siles for i1dopt1on to Quahf1ed homcn WWW preSCUe Of& Old Cotn~I Cold. ,11ver. iewa •• watches. ant~ MISCEl.lANEQlJS col1Kt1b1M 949 642 ~ 3610 MERCHANDISE -Nm> A 0COMl'UT'lltt B9d etedrt? Bankruptcy Oii No er edit dleck Cu• 9Rt.d appiou c ec 1n1 ot savonfii K tou"t requ4rtd /16 low M $)f) 00 • .... I 800 318 0621 www p c4 ,urt com (~~ By Mail/In Per!'Oon : rl<l ~(',1 Ba) Strct1 - C11\ta MN. CA 92617 /\1 N('"Apor1 Hhd & Ba\ St I lours: T (' IC'p/loo(' I< 10am ~ iXlpm \fond.t~ Fnda) \li.tll In l< l(lJm ~~ \fondi\ fnda~ A• NfSnl Chocolate ,,,......~ V~ Rout" flNI locations ~ wl\llf they Int E •c:*lt Pt of rt polentlaf tnwstmenl required S9K and under Toi flee (Z4/7) 8333 CA,,UCCINO ITAUAN CO"U Comp•ny •• pand1n1 01,trobutors Watlled HCfl proflt po ~ AllyOtte can do ltftl c lp<l!UO rt:ai6il c.e 800-81~ ~ _________ r_~_sday.JIMJ,2003 Al 2MI Uplllabl 2MI Pfto8AT[ ttqua.h ()()fl[ M RHYME be ~pointed as perwnal repi .. enl• live to adm1n1,111 the tsl•I• of tile deudent IHC P{ llll()H requHIS the d•ttdenl'l Will ind codrc1I• 11 •"Y be adncolled tu probate The Will and •ny 'od1cll~ •1• •••liable f0t e um1n1 tlon tn the hie -•Pl by the court ISCI IJl 11 llOlKhf Whf IUl NOftln II Pl¥ An SMI C..U-217'21 ....... <-1 .. ~-.. C....,tfOUl&l ............ btlte .. FUICISW~ THC PC TITIOH teQutsh 1uthot1ty lo •dm1nl\tef the est•tc undff th• Hullo r> ht:••by 11vrn Independent Adm1n1> llt•I Ill« under\r&ocd will lf1lion ol hl•lu Act wn 11 p11vale ulc If> ( lh1i A.utllouty wtll •llow Iha h•ahe~• .ond best the p<1rson•I repre\en bidder \Ubl'!<I I« tun t•llve tu t1~e m•ny l11m.otoon ol u1d .up• .clions wtlhoul ubl•11t root Court on "' .;ft•t '"I (QUI l '""' ...... lh~ 9th d•v <Jf lullf' Befort Uk1n1 cert.01n <'OUJ al ti•• olltt• "' C very 1mporl•nl •<l1un\ AvNy C1a11 Ml SERVr however. th~ llto"onil MUMl'l fl & HU<.ttf S rt'preunt.ttvft will bt l 1 P 188HI Vm• K<1tn>•n ieqwred lo ~1v• outu,. Av,. .H11t,. 1 ',00 h Vint tu inter n ted ll•• \Ot"· C.A 92t l 7 •II rn~ "Kiii unless they h .. t w•tved htlt <1lld 111lt•hl .,1 ··••d nobc.e ur <.On\enttd to "1Jn-."' v•l~t' m 111nd 111 .u the pH1p(>\ed '"""'" ! lilt Ctrl<111 •t•I j>ll•l«lly lhe 1ndepend1n1 •d \Jlu•t•d 111 thr lily ot m1n1~tt.1lwn .-uthhfltf LOStA Mf !.A 1 huu•y ''' wtll be ti:r•nttd uni.\\ <ikANGI '>l•t• .t C'h an rnle•~\lrd IJU\fJ1t l1.1rna• lJdrl1t11Jl•rl1 Ille\ 1n Obi<'<l•m I·• llu d~>•trl>~ct a\ lull W\ peltlrO<• 1nd \hu.,\ K""'l 'rJT l~ flf lf<At': I l!IAIS cau~e why lrtr '""'' AS PC!< MAP Rf.GOk(J£0 \houlc:t 1101 ~··111 lh• IN lill(JI\ 'H l'AC,l •'.1 4 1 authority 44 Ill Ml~,r I 1 l ANI (JIJ', A HEARIN(, 011 th,. Mf\f"'> IN IHI !ff I I! I peltlt(lll will b~ h~ll) 1on I Ill IHI UIUNIY kl JUNf. 19 ;>001 ti I 4•, 1 IJIWl k IH .AIU pm tn O•j.t C I I< '"''"''' tolated .it J41 fht 11., M,,, .. '•tfT'1tTl·•nl1 lrfu 1A<r1 D11ve South u,.nv.• 1 A •·· //',/ r l1RNI 11 lll'IVI 92868 I IJ\ I A Ml '>A If YOU OB.H.Cl tu .,,.,_ r ... , 11' ,f u,,. ..,,.1, ,,,. ar~nt101 uf lhfl' ~ 1+t11" .... h lh l••ful mmu' Jf you \.hou'd •PP" u •• u,.. '""" Ju•tf"J ~t•l"'\ u11 he:arine: ~nd \I .th f' "' nt•frth1h••'l ut ".i.•lt ,, Obttct111n' ''' t 11.,. ""'~tt .. n ;:a.tr I A~h ctnd IJ.itlAm t- Obtf!<hOO\. w1lh rt1r "'' •r..•1Jfl U(I ,,.,," .,. ... be tot t tht h"""".: , 11'' • '' d ri 11\ J• ,... .. ,,, ttll,. .IC)pf"ar~nrf" "'"'f t,1 111 1. tht ~-=-' ,4 •di r\'p, .. pt!r~1>n uf ''"' ., ,1,, , 1f,.,t1v• •Horney i/ lj M lu r .... ''t'"fl'.11,.d I If 'YOIJ Aki A I kl 111 N•llt l•td E!o•J "' 1111~1 \ IOH Of , '>n l in~·· 11 1 t 1 t1•· 1n 1Nt1l1t11r; .,,,tJ wtll c.tedttrJfuflht·d"'''"'''t hf' , ...... ,v,.d 'dt th• you mu\t felt" tUUf t l .. Hll 1'"' "'-... uj ritfit ,. ,lt •Hy w•th ltte court .Hu' th.til •1mt-,.,ft'"' ,,, .. ftt\f ct 4..0Py t(t th• "' ,. 11 ,1 l 1l1'4ldht1n hr-rrof 11t1i rrµrf'~f'nlAhvt .1~1pwhlt cl IJt 1 •1r-""'tt 1t .. ,,. by thf" 1 wJrt w 1tt1in f 1,, Doted: Mery 14'1, ?003 month\ lruno thr ,t 1t• t David Cotvlft Gogerty, lh~ ftt•,I 1 \u..tm. f Per'lonof Repret.eftto ltller. J 11, •!II• d Irv• of the hfate Prvb.tlt 1 uh • !it Attorney(•) a t low. 9100 lh• lotto• I r •11t1, ( Avery Crory, hq claim\ will n• t r•ptt• MESlRVE MUM,lll & b~lrorr 10111 "'''""'" 11 '" HUGHES ll, I th~ n••1111r ''"'~ 1,. .. 1 1888 I VOH KAIMAN abuvr AVE., SUIT ( I SOO, fUU MAY I ~AMl"'I 11, 1111/INl , CA 92612 ftil"' kPpt t;y Ou· .. 11d If f•ut t1 .r .. d N,.w1>11rl you dff .t J,Jt·t~m• 11 fi,.,., h / t1•1tt Mr·~d Ud•lv ft"r f"\t~d "' ft., ,.~,t ,,,. f',l1.1t Mdy t7 Junt I J yuu m•v Iii• ....... Hu zrw. ( IMl4/ 1..UUfl d ftt" )U"' t 1 •t Spet.ldf Nut •t.. I• 1 ,,1 (JI IS41 I "" "'"'~ ,I Ah 1n,n·nl ,, ; 11 J .. , vr" ,1 rJf t• .l,lt I , I\ I any p,.1ttw1 r • unt "' prnvu1 .. <1 ,, p, t> ,,,. Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! I ' I ......... ... s....... T lie follow1n1 Pl"Orl> •re do1n1 busl"4!u "' SuldOI arid Comciany 183S Newport Blvd Suite Alto 191. Co~I• Mese Caltf0tm.a 'YX>77 K •tto Brrt111n U!Jti Newport Blvd Suri• Al90 193 Cost• Meu C•hf0< n1a 92627 Kt"I B111t11n lltewpotl Bl•d Al90 193 Co!.ta ( •ltf01 t11• 92611 18.l!i Sur le Meu lh1> busrneu I'> <On du< t•d by husll•nd •11d ..... H•vr yuu sl•fled dt>ttl1 bU'>ltle~\ yeti "'o l<ent 8t1!111n lho\ •l•lement ,.., ltl4'd with the Cou11ty C.lrrh ul Or•nae Cuuot1 1)11 O'.o 09101 200JHUIS6 D•tly P11<11 M•1 13 IQ 11 lunr J lOOJ TI t1 CUSS/PIED It 's the solution you 're searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation! Cod• r tt • I !'>Ii A Rt-QUt>'\I ,,., 'i~11 I •I Noh•t lurm t~ AV-'11-tMt:: hnm th,. l nutf. ,,.,~ AUornPv lor ~· .. t1t1•1n .. , Joi... A. Dunc...,, A,C SIN 3S428 I 33s c11y llvd. w •• ,, I Ste. 1420, Or...,9•. CA 92868-2992 Publt h•d 1'4 ~WjltJI I B~d<~ I'" tJ M• 4 IM•lf 1'1lnl M'v 71 lunr • l In ClASSIFIED l (949)642-5678 i ..._ _ __, ?OIH IMl4l --------Poli<·,·------ Rate, and J eJdline' are \UhJect to than~e w11hou1 notu;e The: publt,hc:r re\CI" e' lhe nghl lu cen,or. rn l.t"1h rc:v1..e or rej<'(t an} cla'"fu:d .id1.ert1,ement PleJ'e rc:pon .i.nv error 1hc11 m.t~ be tn your d.i'"f1ed ad 1mmed1c1td) The O.ul) Pilot accepc' no ltatnlll) for .tn) ('rrur in an ad' en1..c:mc:n1 for which 11 ma> be rc,pon\lhlc e 'lC:J'lt tor lhe lll'I o f tht' 'fl3CC .tCIUaJI} OCCUptl'd by the: error Credll L.tn onl)' he: a.llOYr('d tor th.: ftN m<,c.•rtJon . Deadlines ----- \ln11<JJ, Tu.-... 1.1, Wc-Jne'(l.i' Thur.J.i\ I nJ.1\ 'i CIC'rm \l unJ.s' 'i llOpm fu-•....i..\ < (lllpm \\C'\lrl<:...t.I\ ' flllpm I n•IJ' ... JIUr<IJ\ "u11ol.1\ ........ c.r...-f ~ 1 •------· loulln•i on tile ii~' RURAL PROPERTY Jbr detl.-wotllout r """' ull.a la lr.rlrm w rp t< FOR SALE pie auar<lt<I poob -' --------' tenM S799.tn> M11 Ra_.._£-1 fl.olar Btu 949 J76 !676 IM-• .. llMf l'hut..JI\ ~ c•lpm I nJ.n l Oflpm I nJ.I' < 00rn - R(.<"l[lfll.'TIAI fT•ll f... S ORANGE COUMTY 7400 BITBITMIBT Cllll*al WIE llUY QTATU ._.....in.dy __ Al1IJI" L•t• 1•rden w11on. doa house, double strolte• 949 Sl5·931Z rtc(d. (~ -scNI) e • COMING SOON e • AVON [nl ttprerteur C-_C.-._._ C1 ' It •• 20 AClll UHCHlS S9'J'X) ~ eoonw. [I pll\(I '•us s~ down S99 mnnthly ()0' ?16 montlK I R!\lfd\ wr.t~ rree ~l)«'lln'I Hu QUMrtyonc Cf•t 1outson e•celent t.Tq Sumat ~ I ·ll» 3'.3 94"4 <CAI. •SCAN> Balboa YIM. y lBi • dlrl 2.S8a 'l< .. _,., ,...., home I door to it. bead> A'lllMllt IW7W S3«lOlmo ~Rally ~ &.Ill 1310 IQllM-- OffOITlllY All IHI ••l•tt tdver- ti-'nt In this newspapw It subject to tlle Ftd«el F.., Housl111 Act of 1968 u l flltnd1d which lllOH It 1111111 to IMIWftlM -•n7 prefer· •nee, lhnlt•tlon or tllacr lfflflletlon ti.Md on I Ke, co6of l relialoft, MI, lltnllk111. tam.llTel 1t1tua °' "•tloA•I «tclfl, or •n lnt.ntlon to mab •t1y IUClt prtfer•11t•. 11m11 .. tlon or dllCt lmln11Jo11." Thlt "'Wtpllj)tr Wiii nol lttt0wln1l1 eccept 1111 ffVtf'tiMIMlll '°' reel est•l• wlllch It In vto6ttloll of 1.1141 lew Our ruden .,. "~:I. ........ !Mt ... . flltaMw1i.111111Ml ........... -......... ......... ...,.,....., ...... ,. ,.......,. of•· .,......._,, .. HUD..._ lf••tl~ c~rJSIGN~~NTSl • I I ' 100. llSC1'ID ICITT1N5. CAIS, ocx;s pltob 00..-. -9Wllllrietworll °" Adap4ba. r ..,_ bllrld ~ DAY l€Al Tli CUAAAH1'EE ~lZJ9 Im WAY b rrama CIA/ .... ~~11 l S-STIU IUllDlttGS Up lo 70'1 ofll 40•60. 50• IOO, 58• 120 Best Offtfl Cert Oehver I Roy (IOO) 499 2760 PERDIDO-Por Favor ayuden0s enaontar nuesbo peno • Familia. Perdldo 4119'03 .... , premlo • MOO.GO pira lnformaclon ... nos ayude enc:ontr• Nuestro lll'O ""'*'Lllmlr M•l4Z=MSJ ..-_, ~ be .... to Co.uTUHI ttUlTY wort......,._ Yll" ..... be ~ own boS5 and t4t-7S9..0t17 tlf1toY unnted ~ Com Mia Lee'' Tell (888) ~ 40)3 --------(CAl -srM) .... , ...... OMl••M' ,........ ......... CIOH to f11n lOllt £!P•""151 ..... c.. ..... C:. ;;:. !).s': C: c..... .... " ................. ............ ..... a..... ... ................. ..... ....... .. ..... ... .. , ... 1asTAns 'ATIKIC TINOfll NATlOMwtol USA t4t-tH-t70S WWW g1trkklln0f't COm ........... SOUTMllN SllHA'S LAND '-e-M· 20 .ter6 $49,900 PrQld lar ~ s* E rot!llent toutlOn -· .-horw -.mry t 1C81et11 opporbnty. don t mM out! f~ ..... ~ Owns t-B-02 ~ CAI. -SCAN) H~. t ... w• te ei.dt, bar, qu1tl. 1•r patio. " snvpet SZlOOm yrtJ. 9e263-l!l!D. pM ~ .. 34 Pfldro a l'lonorilic 37 Tattto 311 t Windy tools 41 Anadword 43 Carves 46 Wtmrc>e< 411 Onch I deal SI Blee< 53 Ctu9ly roll SS Orecll letter 57 Te11m !>II V8'8'1toe archcf 'J<each 42, 000 b9 In ce111 60 S1oncti 61 Cape l own CU"rency !\.'\ OuctleliS' IOOU'° 64 Bladt Cll. ssi::= eecar>d 66 Aylctoyd « Aallw 'l<eaders 1n ewpf!r l 7Jeach, Corona def ffrar, Xewporl Coasf, Cos/a ']/(esa. 1.· 'lJon '/miss oul on /his chance lo p_ro!1J.ole._yqqr e.\perlise in /his field / Our 71.)JJiny dhollJcase '?u£/icah'on l>a!e: ~une 2J, 2()()J ':?Pace Deadline: Jlune Ii!, 2003 7/d(ler/onal l)eadhne: /lune 16, 2(1(.JJ Daily.A)Pilot A "'"'IF (J4J) 574-4)4 .. Bridge 8y CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH WESr •KJ 7S~ "'Q95 Q 9J • K85 SOUTH •A JO J 7 A.KJ c AKJ S •AQ4 The bid<lin(I: TEST YOUR PLAY Which du you bike? The problem is tiuil. WI l.h I normal S.3 SJ*1c break. you will not have the chance to try bc1'h fi.llHSd. since lodoa eidlcl will be the liCttlllJ Irick.. ~ than aucss which fjl\cqc to t•lc. you can improve the odd ~hghtly by liN ctihing the llCe llOd kins o( hearts and. i r thc queen doeS nQt drop. then rclyina on the club fi nesse. One &lance at the diagram shows that thb approach 'doeS ooc wotk. Indeed, it results i.n an extra undmtick! However. you can do belier. SOlffR WF.~ NOR'nf EA~'T Suppose s~dct are S-3 and the le~th is wuh WC$t, a.\ i.eerm Ukely (mm lhe opening lead Allow East lO win the tin;t crick. take the spade nine continuation with the ace, then cash the uce and king of diamonds and ace or beans. NeKI. ex.it with the ten ot spades. giving West the lead. We.~ can win md ca.Ji two more .pade tricks. Yoo come down IO one heart and 1wo cards in each miOOf i.n dwmn} and K J of ticaru. any dia- mond and A Q of club<i in hand. As the ... -ards lie. West m uM lead a heart or a club. giving you your ninth tnck.. 2• .,_. 2v ,._ JNT PMS Pa. ~ Opemni lead: Hvc of • To tcSI your dummy play. cover up 1hc: Eu)t·W~1 canh llOd dcciJc how )OU would play three no trump after the lead of w five o{ ~p.'ldc\. l:.a~t producin.: the queen South\ opem ng bid Wlh Jrt1fic:1al and \lrong. and N<>nh ·~ rc"pon...c w~' WtUUng The Jump to tlwc oo trump prumi~ I baJllllCCd 25-27 point!>, and Nonh had nothing to add. We..,t lead~ lhe liv~ of '~· and )OO can coonl eight ll'K:U The ninth l:llll come from e11her a fi~'IC for the: quc:cn of hc:iiru or the l.ing ot club<.. Whnt if Wh l C:M e.Ail w1lh a dia- mond" Win m dummy. ca.<Ji I.he e_ood dilUllOnd and di~ cilhcr the JICk of hearts Of" queen of clubs. and hope ~ou ~sed well~ to which fincs.<.c 1~ mon: likely to~ Our money would be on the hcan fine~ StDCC Ea!.t b clearly lunger 1n !hat sulL Huntington Beldl Funt._. ~ on ~ p ted condo. pool, NS secu ity. COWi ed p;v"'1& $16!i0 no pet 114-900-!Ja>7 Oce;wilt lbl lba condo llellt I 113 Pw. comm POOi. spa, wd 11 unit. undllrwd ~ ~sum 9&61J.nm Newport Beach UDO YIARL Y llASI Bill GRUNDY Rf Ill !ORS 949-67S-616 I Newport h o<h Penm~ul1 Stud1u Apart menls av•1I Act S1!>0 $950 949 673 7800 "'' '9nln• .. io 7br yuo ly ienl.ills •el $1400 19!>0 mo 949 613 1800 949 673 1800 HAU Off ht MO lllNf f ot move 11 JUflr I w/l2 mo le<JW Nrw r ~..nodel C4C)e Cod slyte comm. w1ntw d1\hwa\he1 ' ref11&e•alor ca•JH!I ' r.et.tn'Nt tie Wlt5het/(iyet lf1Wt @> "'' 18' s 1005 2Br s1as CaHOI• <949> 646 2224 or 714 6l3 7592 ,.. Ctesl lwl1twn patio • c.orrrn Lb I .!it» PiJ(IO. pMI 'P'! nu paont. '-1<1p 'l c p aet Sll'.AJ!M9-~I IAYVllW HllGHTS 20101 Cyps ess St 2bt. ok . 2bd. ~w kil. w/<I. S22SOln .iii Ch11sty 949 500 J648 lostbluff 3br l ba townhome, 'l c. g.ilr. comm pool Agl S'lJOO Ut-673 7800 llEACON IAY /UY AIONf upsta11s 21>< 1 Sba Ip 11ar wd hkup yr I~ S?600/mo 949 613 8411 View ..... Creal ~hood 48' '81 fR LR w/f p. ,_ Weenbell $335Qil ll8L -~ 5011 l.. SR 48r. de11. Jbil llleW, pool, la yllrd $4300/mo Barbar• S4n rt-pet. Rttr 9'9 644 0195 Rentals Wanled 7880 llff..-tlltle, Motvre ·-··· ....... ,.,., .. ,,. COSTA MlSA, HI, N" IH llAHAVlADOO. s 1000/MO. ans. CAROL 949-574-4241 Renblls Wanted 7880 WANTID room rental w/prfVil:ees tor ~ ~ ITli1lll With refer --. SG11 96Qi().J6S2 Employment 8500 .. ANNOUNCMlNT•• H111n11 l0t 2003/Poslal po\1IM>n\ Federal hl(t Sl4 80 J36 00+/ht I ull b-hb/p.itd tra1r11111t and vauhoos No f'lP II@<. I 877 329 5268 ... 131 (CAL "SCAN) ............ &Ac-..rlng S01pport position. OC airport area Pr aedlum or PT lie a llOUf~ Musi know Qudtbouks well. Rt">Ume to fa• 949-442 7349 Ot cal 949442 7nl I.,.... S-.--' &/rtt m~naeed • busmus. cco sedls you .. & .,..,.,.. ID ~ IUl bu::. 714-al&JJZ DlllvtllS WANTfD Newport ' HunlqlOfl 8<.11 Set your own schedule' P••I or lull tome •uolable U S•/d•Y full lime Call 888 DOI WORK a ~ @ -.(){).loom Wr-....tt4'Jtem .. "'Y ..,, Plac•. Clesslf!H" t*yl ('4t)'42-S671 Ortvers S WI F T TRANSPORTATION Is hirme experienced & onupe11enced drovers and 0/0 COL Traonina available We pay IM u penence, 11reat bene· his and consistent miles. l 866 333 -8 80 1 (CAL •SCAN) DlllVDtS COMl'ANY & llASL..All roads lead to ~ at Central Re fr~ated Sen,.c;es! Solos, f earM & COi. Cr.00..tes welcome Great P•Y· benefits. lease jM.r chase ~727·58fl> (CAL •SCAN) .............. ,....~ seelt$ r l9lcl ln!lpect«\ •• California to corrc>let• a V-l//llrly ol llSUlllOCe MIO re.al ntale res1denl1•I l)foerty surv•~ Apply Ql*'e II WWW .ilfswftl com (CAL "SCAif) s ......... r Jot. Deckhand C •P on l1sh1na yarhl~ Ba~ 111 Newport Beac.h f 8J, 119.1111! lo 9'1!MB).CJ5(1j PAIT-1111 TRWIUTll6 Permanent and Summer po-;1hons on lhe I nn1 AothArta Up lo SlOO per week (depends on up ) Worlr: M...,-flwrs, 4pm-lpno & Sot, 9om-1 pm. Will tr am fr>Mdiy re sponsoble persons lo t.onl~d polenloal cu\ lom.,, s over the phone ~nd pr ovide onlormaloon •boul tree nr vtcr• that our erowong mnr•1•11• company ha, lo offer lnjoyable. nn P''""'' po\thon w/arut salary bonuses •nd lulur e Clti ltJIMN RESCUUS @ H!66 262 8l44 ~ FAX RESlM: TO 7(8.671 IQJ HOME, HEALTH AND SUSINESS ........... ERVICE f'lll-KNOOl TIACNll llffd•d lo WOfk In Wiii tsl1blfshed Pfl•Sth<M'I. Appllc1n1 nMd 12 units ol · ECE and • clear unwstand•nt ol child d•v11oprntnt E _,., r tq ClrHI t11m of IHChlfl to wofk will! 949 673- 8233 (1Mec11 Clirlaty Publnhlna PtlOMOTMNH OIPAaTMINT ~":::'~.: Title Pl'Wfl to inw- llld writs &l«MIS. l*'Ucl pall fl community -ts. cr•l• llld Plllnall P..-and ..c:bons bcehot communlcabon likil&. wen wel with the public. Know N' Style, Qu~ras, f'hoto51lop, Multi Ad Cr• 11ot, Proficient on MAC end PC, CCI deslan operlence prelerred. Proofrllldff\& test Onljl sa-*w/phylical rtquhd. EOE. EAeellent benefit padlaee. Em<lil resume. wotltla ~ and $91Ny r 1quirem1 n h l o lilnl.johnson@lltrnes com EM WIS. Tr!lldy ~ doltq "°'' ~ l.a&urlill ~ Is ..... for l'*5 and "9't-Bdts IMi. ffll Q.MfUD fa. 310-371{16}6 Automobiles 9000 Automotive 9004 IMW SlSI '90 Cold. low mll••. run' 111u11 fully luad~d Sli(DI 000 9411 PKl 111!7 IMW Z3 ''7 •°""· Uk M.lu.tl "" 'J 'I~ In<~• diwk bk... "&flt ltlfl "'' tw>;iuMul c.o w oonwr lled luod S14.99'> vai/S't/41 949 576 11888 8lu lvlck '96 Centvry I uwn~r c lnth voth 1•wt' ~dll & WlfldoMo •Jfllf ?'!lo m1i.-,1 S4500 /14 'l>l 1>181 c...Ax c-p. 0-.' .. '>.t. lnw n• S..-w ~ top 7 dr llhr •flt ... ~, """' $.l M 949-~Mi"> Codlllo< '02 OeVllle S•d~n 1911 m1 whol• oalmtlll llho ( U On•tAo v, I 1194 l $?4 9'1~ •~n Si'Oll l1n & w•11 •nly Avail Alu 949 !>1!6 ISIU! www.ocpobl.<orn FOH AIROSTAll '9S al au !> Pl' 'l!>h mo t•ha•. fl I u>nd' Sl'lOO 949 777 8l97 ferd '6S M vston9 Conver l 1ble 01 •e•n•I owner \Ohd ur Sl9 99!> obo !M9 119 ?943 Jep-s.r.,.,.. 4.2 va '03, I 51l m• wh1lt- 01~.ll ltllf 'd <lwumt- wheet. 6 ~ ... tu S4"1!: I~ SJ9 99!> v111 nfffl;Jb ~5116-11188 Biil -.. w....;. '00 4..0 s,.t Rlld. 4 ""' ct .t ID hard IDp ·.oft top ':i8o. rnSI!>~ ~ UlUS JOOS( 'ti fOfnt cr11n, tan lthr seats, CO, Sunroof. all pwr. IOl4ed &Int cond S9,900 obo 94g..721.5049 ...... •99 ••• ,. Conv 4Sk m1. auto. 11l11er. Ian 109, pw, pl. A/C, CO, suparb like new cond. vtll9743 Sll.995 ltn1ncin1 I warr1nty 1v•lt Bkr 949-586·1888 -. ...-...<- MUCIDU 300<D 'ts Rare Coupe. Blue/nelu rel looks 1nd runs rre11t1 $4500/obo 949-515-5882 MercadH '00 1320 16k actua l mt, tu.II t1ctory warr. turquoise blue/oatmeal lthr, moonrool, CD. chroQle whl1, one ot the lowest mile Mercedes ol the yeer m Calif v•557291 S29,995 fmancina av11I Bkr 949 586 -1888 www.ecpalt.c- Mercedea '18 S60 SL white/tan, 1mmac ~ Ml .,..... ,_ d qi. dY01'1lll, S14,Clll 714-J!>J~ MlllCUllYGrencl Mor.,ts '92 •lnl cond, llhr, 14/K mt, •II pwr. 1uper rt-119ble New br akes/111 u /b• llery Sl950/obo 949 729 1517 PHIUJPS AUfO 9alMWJ2JI Conv, Luther 111ter101, A bt"aoty ( 19JJOI) Sl8,98J 00 IMW M /tootlstw Black w/era1 prttmoum wheels ( I !1388) $28, !8l ,, Uncoln Navigator Black chrome wf-ls, Hllddlllln (19397) S28.98J 01 ,oru:lte ,,,,,. ,. Only 1811 Mo. HR£ Per tox rrl.ln< e wheel~ (19194 , IHQUlRl e6 Pondte 92• sc_,.. f!ta..i. t lr-.tn Ian ntv lu• lernrtJ< ,.., .. hnd c 191881 SI I 98J 91 IMW 740# ~ I UWl"'1 local N<-wpurt ~n erul ltc.Ufds. l IV 11rn1.-d Whl't'I> Cl 9 340 l S22 98J OOJor-Xlta "'"'"' w b~" ~ I ?II m•~ PHt"11 ti 91'! II S.C'> 'BJ 9a t.a111 GS .00 Pr~n1•1m """"'" CO .. ,fM.k ~Ur1frttlf I J 'llf!I> I $ 18 9fll 02 lord T llNI only4'lb m~ 11 'J J84(: I U l 'HJ 00 Joir-S Type 1211 mo, 11111 moon root Cl'J.3141 $25 'Ml HMllOXJ20 lil<OClo. * bl.kh io>dlhet 1.l1tomt-dw.....,h. C 19l0?1 Sl'9 980 949.574.7777 f'HR1.PS MITO .....,._.._ ycu-needs ... Service Dlrldofy Accounting quwn lh•I contr•r Ion l1h101 !Ob' lhal total $!iOO or n10te (l•bor °' mat111•l\l be IK.en~t'd by lhe Contractors Sl•le l1Cen~e Bo•rd Still! lilw al'° 1 equ11 es 1'1•1 conlr,1clnr• onclud' the11 hc~n\e number on all ildvet """i You i;an check lh~ sl•lu• ol yllur ltcenud con l r~r lu r a l WWW c 'lb Ca I OV Or 800 321 CSI A Unit· cennd contractors hklnt job s l h•I total less lh1n $500 musl Uale In their 1dve1 llsements that they are not hc•nsed by the Con tr •cl ors Slate licens. Board - A -l HANDYMAN Install, rel1t1 c1bln1'5 ~ ~ Oq n4 546 72511 •Wal Uttlte • Cu1tom 8 uMt·ln1, Crown Moldln1t, 8•1' Boards l•577982 949 709-5642 c.,.e ,..,..,,..... 0-<MPIT•<MPIT~ fl9911'n, 1"1tchl111, tn1t•ll Courteon •111 1ltt lot". Wl!oi.tti.I 94!1 4~ !>m ' Corpet • Furniture f~ Cleoning t Mounted ~ Guorarlllld IMured FIEE ESTIMATE 23 YEARS EXP. BROTHERS CARPET SERVICE 800-SS9-7181 Computer Setvlces COMP SQUAD INC. ,, yoor romrum ii-! }UJI Ilk \'Oil! UI, 11\ty nttd lune ups Wt l\'J virus >nttmtt duir~r • hxk · spy -..urm UOfan and all J.rnu dean all dn>U ~ rft;O\otl dau. Wt can in.nJtr dau 10 you1 new. computer, ~ It! up nm.orl.J big and •mall fuewalli • C-...abk/DSIJDul up Mockrm C-..omr!m smell bw1M9ttMCa ~ ,,. ,... "' """ "'" b.f r&;'U;=IS NOY rust 150.00 949-394-2905 11(' INOC ( COMPUTER HELP! • ,.__. Cl'Olt '*"' .. ,.. ...... •llC•llC ..... VO!t*G •W.f19si..w•• .~ ....... ·Ob~ • Dlllll 'MID."-... •US~l'Udm._, ~~,:- 714--612-2786 eona.a.._., trtd1 lledi S9-TIM Concma, Pabo. °'1YewlJ Fwepk, BBQ Rtl's. 25Yrs Eap Terry 114 557 7594 ~ • a p um er p11nte1 handyman or ~ny ol lhf' areal vr vocn h\led here tn QIJr 'llVICI d11tcloryJ THESE LOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! Drywall Services •• t l rcensed Electric1I Contr •clor Small jObs 1tartln1 at S7t.H&-.. Specrahdnt ln R1moc1tlln1 & Ill home wiflnl needs, Comlll/lndust/ltes 1...._.97-IOOI l • UCINSIO COWTUCTGa Ho ~too Im ,. -w.i Repalt, ttmo<ltl, fem, ,,., ,.. lll'C 9otl!Hoe5-36M RoortntTHt Lav TattH l-4sc.,.• WflllAJy INW1t. tree lm1ITlr1! & rnstellahon 25 Yrs up lie/Insured 949·!">48 4363 ,.., ... ·--, Gil your yard looklna Its bm for the U1'WTW Y•d~~ U.-14)S lllld ~ w•end & IW quotes Xtra H-4 S.rvlc .. 714-427.-0 GFJD.U. lflAll la IWN'l'f1WD ·~·OmMdll 0 Jolt Jbo S'""'1 .,.,,. .......... '49-SJWJ92 u., •• Clrpentry • Plofl'lb1111 Drywall • Stucco P1t111Una. Hit a. more 20-+-Y e111& Experience! JI 714-f .. ·577' , .... .,.iw-·. H-1.,.1, S,.Clelf•t Interior & E.aterlor Repairs 714-501-6466 w IOllNSON COM,ANY Kildws. Wiiis, e.hoans Mark 949 650-9525 THl MiiiOYiiiii An work 1111renttld f'\irrtq. Dnbl. Docn. finllh twp lie. --- ~~ Fftlll~ :::r-.... •ldowMt:lota. .... .... tmdl & l.J*Oto. s... cllcOlrll .. ..-.OllJdtt ,,.,..ans .MMTOTMDWIPlll 71 41&8-lllZ AVAILAILE TOOA'fl M9e73 55M ._...,. c-t.I o-w.g CitOlftt'• ..... 'll'fD t!1fl M. Ou*y Housadun4oa Great Pr>ee• Guarentffd O C 24V" Rel\ 949 work I'" .st l •375602 548 0054 949 63/ 4113 114 Sl8 1~34 7 J<J0.294~ * JIG MASONIY * Any Typa, 8Ht Pnees, =~ Ok, Qu•hly Work ... 716-531-1643 Mowlnt•Stuf1fl HST MOVHS $SS/Hr. s.vq M c.tJes. tnsu'ed Tl&Jll44 0-246 2378 32UJ).997 l cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Celif Public UUllll11 Comm111lon requlrts th•t 111 us.d household 1oo d1 mov1r1 r""' their P U.C. C1 T number, limos end ch1uff•urs print their l C P numb11 In 111 •dVlf· liw1111t1ts. H you have any queallons about th• l•1•llh of • mover, ltmo o r ch1uffeur. call· PUIUC uramu COM•tsSMNe .,, .... , ASl'MAlT ,AVING, SEAL COATING, STll.,INO, Qu•lll)'-11.hemlimllll c & c ~ 714-8D-O!B "'"'*" •PttS1ttl11• A•llAl AllOll KllP Yvut' Dogt I Cltl In Thar Own Home (949) 831 ·5n1 ~ .... I .. ........ - ,.....,AUTO ..... w,,. 'tom, 19iither lnwmr bMutyl (19330)) $llllm ... w ...... con11. ~ wl•l't jlfemium wt.lb (193811) '28.980 01,,..,.. , ....... only ISK ml, tlR£ rw· f«lfm&llCI wflleb ( 19394) INQOIRE I ""' ,_ SW. W/8ildl Only ISK Ml. very clean (19413) $55.980 ,. UAW T<fOI Se"- one ownor, locll New por1 Sedan. put reoorcts chromed wilts (19340) $22,980 OOJ..-XU Sll\let w/Oladl 12" ""· periecl (19381) $6,980 ta Le..,. GS JOO chrome wills, low imles. soorool (19418) SZJ.980 02'-"'~ Only496 ~ ( 19384C) $33.980 OOJ..-S-Type 121\~w~~ ont, moonrool ( 19314) V-1.980 ff Mil QJtJ20 bladl w/bl.ck ttlv chromed wheeh (I !002) $26.980 949-574-7777 f'tm.LPS AUTO ,,.,..._,, •• < .... PHIUIPS AUTO 9•1MWJ;"c- lltw 111lef101 t>uul.,t' 949-S74-7777 f'ttaLPS AUTO ~··- Suborv '99 IMpre&o 2 !>RS bluk buuly mded nn1 al RS~ SIO !>ClO /14 1'>1 24&4 ICIYOIA ?00? SCQUOIA l omot .. d 4X4. s1lv.., fully luad~d 9600 mo 1>etf cond f:fl tDJ 949-6.V fib ¥ ........... .... 2lk ml, .,tt\Mnt ~ 0tfm .. 1, auto, l'llOOnt" co • ., •• pl, aMoy wMI,; 1•1 new. vl1114700!il $12,99!1 IHI & wttr•!'!Y 1veil. 8kr 949-516-18" w-. ...w.- w..-.i • ,....~ I o-«> ,_... eqit wl *' • ...., ,. price lot 'If»' c. VIII or t'udl j*I fol or nol Cll C.. ~ mi Tonwlo h.Jlo Sl6ll. 7~ 431 1931 or 714-328-3221 CASH FOi CAIS WI NHD YOUI CAI PAID fOI OI NOT 'lfflllf'S AUTO ASIC fOll MALCOU. Ht-5711-7777 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS/ ACCESSORIES/ SERVICES lolftl 1221 HOIU MOU$AOI LOAMS lowest m.at r •tes Al credit type. Ho pr~prii-~ aerv1ee m the sut1, C.llforne. OAC E~NI\ F undq. Cal now ax>-TJt>. &19 (CAL•= BOATS Power Bolls 9515 '00 1 •~ Duffy lladrtc bolt I o-. doc:l<ed b7 B•tboa l5lllnd MIAt $111 SI 7 ,CXX!(obo. 949 700 2063 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERmS BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9681 93 fT SUP AVAll.UU IN IUWPOIT HACH $2SOOUASI 94t-500-1005 IOAT Sl'5 tflYW AVA& Col lor -loaborl ... Cletalh. W.illtt and -rlClJdld 949-67~7 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot C lass1f1ed section to find services from electronic.s and plumbers. to landscapers and p ainters Daily Pilot Lee IOM:MOnol "48fJllitngen S£WER .tEmNc l.f.CTR~IC SI AA LE Ai< OCTCCTION r nendly Service 949-675 -9)04 M9MkP..aas,.sw. WMtlly Stnlce, Equip· mtftl Repaws, Insured <.el t49·t9!-7I1J ........... 1 J